int64 1.48k
| intent
stringlengths 11
| rewritten_intent
stringlengths 4
⌀ | snippet
stringlengths 2
14,262,654 | Numpy: Get random set of rows from 2D array | create a new 2D array with 2 random rows from array `A` | A[(np.random.choice(A.shape[0], 2, replace=False)), :] |
14,262,654 | Numpy: Get random set of rows from 2D array | create a new 2 dimensional array containing two random rows from array `A` | A[(np.random.randint(A.shape[0], size=2)), :] |
17,438,906 | Combining rows in pandas | combining rows in pandas by adding their values | df.groupby(df.index).sum() |
14,853,243 | Parsing XML with namespace in Python via 'ElementTree' | find all `owl:Class` tags by parsing xml with namespace | root.findall('{}Class') |
1,957,273 | How do I generate a random string (of length X, a-z only) in Python? | generate a random string of length `x` containing lower cased ASCII letters | """""".join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for x in range(X)) |
24,722,212 | Python cant find module in the same folder | add a path `/path/to/2014_07_13_test` to system path | sys.path.append('/path/to/2014_07_13_test') |
31,818,050 | round number to nearest integer | round number `x` to nearest integer | int(round(x)) |
31,818,050 | round number to nearest integer | round number `h` to nearest integer | h = int(round(h)) |
31,818,050 | round number to nearest integer | round number 32.268907563 up to 3 decimal points | round(32.268907563, 3) |
31,818,050 | round number to nearest integer | round number `value` up to `significantDigit` decimal places | round(value, significantDigit) |
31,818,050 | round number to nearest integer | round number 1.0005 up to 3 decimal places | round(1.0005, 3) |
31,818,050 | round number to nearest integer | round number 2.0005 up to 3 decimal places | round(2.0005, 3) |
31,818,050 | round number to nearest integer | round number 3.0005 up to 3 decimal places | round(3.0005, 3) |
31,818,050 | round number to nearest integer | round number 4.0005 up to 3 decimal places | round(4.0005, 3) |
31,818,050 | round number to nearest integer | round number 8.005 up to 2 decimal places | round(8.005, 2) |
31,818,050 | round number to nearest integer | round number 7.005 up to 2 decimal places | round(7.005, 2) |
31,818,050 | round number to nearest integer | round number 6.005 up to 2 decimal places | round(6.005, 2) |
31,818,050 | round number to nearest integer | round number 1.005 up to 2 decimal places | round(1.005, 2) |
30,357,276 | Pandas - FillNa with another column | fill missing value in one column 'Cat1' with the value of another column 'Cat2' | df['Cat1'].fillna(df['Cat2']) |
12,843,099 | Python: Logging TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting | convert the argument `date` with string formatting in logging |'date=%s', date) |
12,843,099 | Python: Logging TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting | Log message of level 'info' with value of `date` in the message |'date={}'.format(date)) |
9,224,385 | In dictionary, converting the value from string to integer | convert values in dictionary `d` into integers | {k: int(v) for k, v in d.items()} |
11,280,536 | How can I add the corresponding elements of several lists of numbers? | sum elements at the same index of each list in list `lists` | map(sum, zip(*lists)) |
10,824,319 | Python: How to convert a string containing hex bytes to a hex string | Convert a string `s` containing hex bytes to a hex string | s.decode('hex') |
10,824,319 | Python: How to convert a string containing hex bytes to a hex string | convert a string `s` containing hex bytes to a hex string | binascii.a2b_hex(s) |
40,851,413 | MITM proxy over SSL hangs on wrap_socket with client | send data 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n' to socket `connection` | connection.send('HTTP/1.0 200 established\r\n\r\n') |
40,851,413 | MITM proxy over SSL hangs on wrap_socket with client | send data 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n' to socket `connection` | connection.send('HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n') |
13,842,088 | Set value for particular cell in pandas DataFrame | set the value of cell `['x']['C']` equal to 10 in dataframe `df` | df['x']['C'] = 10 |
18,524,112 | Norm along row in pandas | normalize the dataframe `df` along the rows | np.sqrt(np.square(df).sum(axis=1)) |
22,741,068 | How do I remove identical items from a list and sort it in Python? | remove identical items from list `my_list` and sort it alphabetically | sorted(set(my_list)) |
11,530,799 | Python Finding Index of Maximum in List | find the index of the element with the maximum value from a list 'a'. | max(enumerate(a), key=lambda x: x[1])[0] |
17,117,912 | Python Accessing Values in A List of Dictionaries | create a list where each element is a value of the key 'Name' for each dictionary `d` in the list `thisismylist` | [d['Name'] for d in thisismylist] |
17,117,912 | Python Accessing Values in A List of Dictionaries | create a list of tuples with the values of keys 'Name' and 'Age' from each dictionary `d` in the list `thisismylist` | [(d['Name'], d['Age']) for d in thisismylist] |
9,354,127 | How to grab one random item from a database in Django/postgreSQL? | grab one random item from a database `model` in django/postgresql | model.objects.all().order_by('?')[0] |
3,781,851 | Run a python script from another python script, passing in args | run python script '' from another python script, passing in 1 as an argument | os.system(' 1') |
8,383,213 | Python Regex for hyphenated words | python regex for hyphenated words in `text` | re.findall('\\w+(?:-\\w+)+', text) |
27,146,262 | Create variable key/value pairs with argparse (python) | create variable key/value pairs with argparse | parser.add_argument('--conf', nargs=2, action='append') |
6,494,508 | How do you pick "x" number of unique numbers from a list in Python? | Get `3` unique items from a list | random.sample(list(range(1, 16)), 3) |
1,082,413 | Sort a list of strings based on regular expression match or something similar | sort list `strings` in alphabetical order based on the letter after percent character `%` in each element | strings.sort(key=lambda str: re.sub('.*%(.).*', '\\1', str)) |
1,082,413 | Sort a list of strings based on regular expression match or something similar | sort a list of strings `strings` based on regex match | strings.sort(key=lambda str: re.sub('.*%', '', str)) |
7,745,562 | Appending to 2D lists in Python | Create list `listy` containing 3 empty lists | listy = [[] for i in range(3)] |
12,496,531 | Sort NumPy float array column by column | sort numpy float array `A` column by column | A = np.array(sorted(A, key=tuple)) |
18,649,884 | Python list comprehension for loops | Get a list from two strings `12345` and `ab` with values as each character concatenated | [(x + y) for x in '12345' for y in 'ab'] |
761,804 | Trimming a string | trim string " Hello " | ' Hello '.strip() |
761,804 | Trimming a string | trim string `myString ` | myString.strip() |
761,804 | Trimming a string | Trimming a string " Hello " | ' Hello '.strip() |
761,804 | Trimming a string | Trimming a string " Hello" | ' Hello'.strip() |
761,804 | Trimming a string | Trimming a string "Bob has a cat" | 'Bob has a cat'.strip() |
761,804 | Trimming a string | Trimming a string " Hello " | ' Hello '.strip() |
761,804 | Trimming a string | Trimming a string `str` | str.strip() |
761,804 | Trimming a string | Trimming "\n" from string `myString` | myString.strip('\n') |
761,804 | Trimming a string | left trimming "\n\r" from string `myString` | myString.lstrip('\n\r') |
761,804 | Trimming a string | right trimming "\n\t" from string `myString` | myString.rstrip('\n\t') |
761,804 | Trimming a string | Trimming a string " Hello\n" by space | ' Hello\n'.strip(' ') |
9,376,384 | Sort a list of tuples depending on two elements | sort a list of tuples 'unsorted' based on two elements, second and third | sorted(unsorted, key=lambda element: (element[1], element[2])) |
17,577,727 | Python, Encoding output to UTF-8 | decode string `content` to UTF-8 code | print(content.decode('utf8')) |
31,767,173 | How do I vectorize this loop in numpy? | find the index of the maximum value in the array `arr` where the boolean condition in array `cond` is true |, 2).reshape(2, 3), mask=~cond).argmax(axis=1) |
42,100,344 | How to convert efficiently a dataframe column of string type into datetime in Python? | convert a dataframe `df`'s column `ID` into datetime, after removing the first and last 3 letters | pd.to_datetime(df.ID.str[1:-3]) |
30,190,459 | How to gracefully fallback to `NaN` value while reading integers from a CSV with Pandas? | read CSV file 'my.csv' into a dataframe `df` with datatype of float for column 'my_column' considering character 'n/a' as NaN value | df = pd.read_csv('my.csv', dtype={'my_column': np.float64}, na_values=['n/a']) |
30,190,459 | How to gracefully fallback to `NaN` value while reading integers from a CSV with Pandas? | convert nan values to ‘n/a’ while reading rows from a csv `read_csv` with pandas | df = pd.read_csv('my.csv', na_values=['n/a']) |
798,854 | All combinations of a list of lists | create a list containing all cartesian products of elements in list `a` | list(itertools.product(*a)) |
15,886,340 | How to extract all UPPER from a string? Python | remove uppercased characters in string `s` | re.sub('[^A-Z]', '', s) |
5,882,405 | Get date from ISO week number in Python | convert string '2011221' into a DateTime object using format '%Y%W%w' | datetime.strptime('2011221', '%Y%W%w') |
16,883,447 | How to read a "C source, ISO-8859 text" | read file 'myfile' using encoding 'iso-8859-1' |'myfile', 'r', 'iso-8859-1').read() |
1,222,677 | List Comprehensions in Python : efficient selection in a list | create a list containing elements from list `list` that are predicate to function `f` | [f(x) for x in list] |
41,807,864 | Regex matching 5-digit substrings not enclosed with digits | regex matching 5-digit substrings not enclosed with digits in `s` | re.findall('(?<!\\d)\\d{5}(?!\\d)', s) |
2,655,956 | filtering elements from list of lists in Python? | create a list containing elements of list `a` if the sum of the element is greater than 10 | [item for item in a if sum(item) > 10] |
3,887,469 | python: how to convert currency to decimal? | convert currency string `dollars` to decimal `cents_int` | cents_int = int(round(float(dollars.strip('$')) * 100)) |
39,532,974 | Remove final characters from string recursively - What's the best way to do this? | remove letters from string `example_line` if the letter exist in list `bad_chars` | """""".join(dropwhile(lambda x: x in bad_chars, example_line[::-1]))[::-1] |
2,972,212 | Creating an empty list | Creating an empty list `l` | l = [] |
2,972,212 | Creating an empty list | Creating an empty list `l` | l = list() |
2,972,212 | Creating an empty list | Creating an empty list | list() |
2,972,212 | Creating an empty list | Creating an empty list | [] |
13,022,385 | How to properly quit a program in python | properly quit a program | sys.exit(0) |
5,254,445 | Add string in a certain position in Python | add string `-` in `4th` position of a string `s` | s[:4] + '-' + s[4:] |
11,219,949 | Python : how to append new elements in a list of list? | append 3 lists in one list | [[] for i in range(3)] |
11,219,949 | Python : how to append new elements in a list of list? | Initialize a list of empty lists `a` of size 3 | a = [[] for i in range(3)] |
20,837,786 | Changing the referrer URL in python requests | request URL `url` using http header `{'referer': my_referer}` | requests.get(url, headers={'referer': my_referer}) |
2,849,286 | Python, Matplotlib, subplot: How to set the axis range? | set the y axis range to `0, 1000` in subplot using pylab | pylab.ylim([0, 1000]) |
29,034,928 | Pandas convert a column of list to dummies | convert a column of list in series `s` to dummies | pd.get_dummies(s.apply(pd.Series).stack()).sum(level=0) |
3,428,769 | Finding the largest delta between two integers in a list in python | null | max(abs(x - y) for x, y in zip(values[1:], values[:-1])) |
2,636,755 | How to convert hex string to integer in Python? | convert a hex string `x` to string | y = str(int(x, 16)) |
354,038 | check if a string is a number (float) | check if string `a` is an integer | a.isdigit() |
354,038 | check if a string is a number | function to check if a string is a number | isdigit() |
354,038 | check if a string is a number | check if string `b` is a number | b.isdigit() |
18,366,797 | pandas.read_csv: how to skip comment lines | pandas read comma-separated CSV file `s` and skip commented lines starting with '#' | pd.read_csv(StringIO(s), sep=',', comment='#') |
12,604,909 | Pandas: how to change all the values of a column? | pandas: change all the values of a column 'Date' into "int(str(x)[-4:])" | df['Date'] = df['Date'].apply(lambda x: int(str(x)[-4:])) |
4,362,586 | sum a list of numbers in Python | sum a list of numbers `list_of_nums` | sum(list_of_nums) |
6,561,653 | how to get the index of dictionary with the highest value in a list of dictionary | Get an item from a list of dictionary `lst` which has maximum value in the key `score` using lambda function | max(lst, key=lambda x: x['score']) |
3,774,571 | Get data from the meta tags using BeautifulSoup | BeautifulSoup find all tags with attribute 'name' equal to 'description' | soup.findAll(attrs={'name': 'description'}) |
39,268,928 | Python: how to get rid of spaces in str(dict)? | remove all spaces from a string converted from dictionary `{'a': 1, 'b': 'as df'}` | str({'a': 1, 'b': 'as df'}).replace(': ', ':').replace(', ', ',') |
39,268,928 | Python: how to get rid of spaces in str(dict)? | convert dictionary `dict` into a string formatted object | '{' + ','.join('{0!r}:{1!r}'.format(*x) for x in list(dct.items())) + '}' |
13,655,392 | Python- insert a character into a string | concatenate items from list `parts` into a string starting from the second element | """""".join(parts[1:]) |
13,655,392 | Python- insert a character into a string | insert a character ',' into a string in front of '+' character in second part of the string | """,+""".join(c.rsplit('+', 1)) |
18,397,805 | How do I delete a row in a numpy array which contains a zero? | delete all rows in a numpy array `a` where any value in a row is zero `0` | a[np.all(a != 0, axis=1)] |
8,199,398 | Extracting only characters from a string in Python | extract only alphabetic characters from a string `your string` | """ """.join(re.split('[^a-zA-Z]*', 'your string')) |
8,199,398 | Extracting only characters from a string in Python | Extract only characters from a string as a list | re.split('[^a-zA-Z]*', 'your string') |
2,151,517 | Create Union of All Values Contained in Multiple Lists | get the union set from list of lists `results_list` | results_union = set().union(*results_list) |
2,151,517 | Create Union of All Values Contained in Multiple Lists | get the union of values in list of lists `result_list` | return list(set(itertools.chain(*result_list))) |
36,190,533 | python: check if an numpy array contains any element of another array | check if a numpy array `a1` contains any element of another array `a2` | np.any(np.in1d(a1, a2)) |
Subsets and Splits