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Run three different cron jobs twice in hour. <p>I want to run three cron jobs commands twice per hour (once every half hour) and the interval between these command should be 1-2 minutes. How should I configure cron jobs from cpanel?</p>
Call forwarding. <p>I would like to forward all calls to my number on to the new predefined number automatically. Is it possible to forward incoming call ?</p> <p>Probably it is possible for Froyo at least. I found application called Easy Call Forwarding. <a href="http://www.appstorehq.com/easycallforwarding-android-189596/app" rel="noreferrer">http://www.appstorehq.com/easycallforwarding-android-189596/app</a> But many people reckon it doesn't work actually.</p> <p>We can notice forwarded call by <code>onCallForwardingIndicatorChanged()</code> from <code>PhoneStateListener</code> but I have no idea how to set forwarding mode.</p>
Bipartite clustering is NP-hard?. <blockquote> <p>Let $G = (A\cup B, E)$ be a bipartite graph with edge weights $w: E\to \mathbb{R}$. Find a partition $B_1, B_2$ of $B$ and a nonempty disjoint subsets $A_1, A_2$ of $A$ such that $w(A_1,B_1) + w(A_2, B_2)$ is maximum, where $w(A_i, B_i) := \sum\limits_{\{a,b\}\in (A\times B)\cap E}w(a,b)$. </p> </blockquote> <p>I think this problem is already known but I couldn't find any reference. Does anyone know any related problems? Or is this problem NP-hard? </p>
Buy from the App Store via Desktop browser and have app auto-install to my iOS device?. <p>How can I buy an iOS app from the App Store and have it downloaded to my iOS device, perhaps telling it?</p> <p>Anytime I attempt to go to the App Store website, it keeps trying to push me towards iTunes, which I don't have installed on all my computers (e.g. my work computer). I'd like to fire up a browser on my work or other machines, log into the App Store from the desktop browser, purchase and push the app directly to one of my AppleID linked devices, it's gotta be possible in this day of cloud and mobile computing. (like Android or Windows Phone 8/10).</p> <p>What am I missing here? Is there a different link? Different setting?</p>
NBC news can't spell.
Not receiving DMARC reports from major ESPs (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc). <p>I have recently set up a DMARC record for my domain. DMARC record looks like this, only domain name has been redacted:</p> <pre><code>v=DMARC1; p=none; fo=1; rua=mailto:[email protected]!10m; ruf=mailto:[email protected]!10m; sp=reject </code></pre> <p>I'm receiving DMARC aggregate reports from a few ESPs, mostly smaller European ones, and Comcast. However, I'm not receiving anything from Gmail, Yahoo, MSN, etc, and I'm not sure why. I know for a fact that I'm sending e-mails to those ESPs. All the DMARC syntax checkers and record checkers report that the record is correctly formed and live.</p> <p>Any insight?</p>
Problem while installing Fedora 20 on a system with Windows 7. <p>I am getting stuck at some point during a Fedora 20 installation from a live USB image. </p> <p>I have a drive with 133GB space that I am going to use as free space to install Fedora. Here are the details:</p> <p><img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/Hdz4V.png" alt="enter image description here"></p> <p>Check the blue and red lines.</p> <p>Once I deleted that existing partition to make it unallocated free space for Fedora, what is that red line area for? Same as free space even if I don't have any such drive?</p> <p>Here is the result after deleting:</p> <p><img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/OsjWj.png" alt="enter image description here"></p> <p>During the installation I get to the following step:</p> <p><img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/pLQDa.png" alt="enter image description here"></p> <p>Why is there 0B space even if I have 133GB of unallocated space? I don't understand this.</p> <p>You can check my installation steps here <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1jKNrWC6qzaWVVLcWIzWFBFWERZU0c0VVkzRDJNdnhiUVNV/edit?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noreferrer">in this document</a>.</p>
Show computer name on Windows desktop computer icon. <p>I know how to do this in Windows XP, as explained in <a href="https://superuser.com/a/298296/113526">this answer</a>, but it seems that <code>LocalizedString</code> in <code>HKLM\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}</code> is locked in Windows 7. Every time I try to edit it, I get the following error, <em>Cannot edit LocalizedString: Error writing the value's new contents</em></p> <p>Does anyone know how I can edit this to show the computer name on the desktop’s "Computer" icon?</p>
A 0-1 law of Brownian motion hitting time. <p>Define the first hitting time <span class="math-container">$\tau^x_A:=\inf\{t&gt;0, B^x\in A\}$</span>, B is a standard Brownian motion, my question is: if <span class="math-container">$P(\tau_A^x&lt;\infty)&gt;0$</span>, then <span class="math-container">$P(\tau_A^x&lt;\infty)=1$</span>? For 1, 2 dimensional Brownian motion, it is true. But what about dimension <span class="math-container">$\geq 3$</span>? </p>
β€˜We must sing’: Churches push back on California song, mask orders as coronavirus surges.
All closest pairs of points with minimum distance in a plane. <p>I have to find all closest pairs of points in a plane from a given set.</p> <p>I've successfully implemented a naive algorithm <code>O(nΒ²)</code> similar to this pseudocode function, where <code>set</code> is a list of all points on input, <code>count</code> is count of all points on input, which returns <code>dist</code> which is minimum distance found and <code>result</code> is list of all point-pairs with such distance.</p> <pre class="lang-javascript prettyprint-override"><code>function naive(Points[] set, int count) result = [] distance = INF for i=0 to count-1: for j=i+1 to count: newDistance = distance(set[i], set[j]) if newDistance &lt; distance: result = [] result.append({set[i], set[j]}) else if newDistance == distance: result.append({set[i], set[j]}) return (dist, result) </code></pre> <p>This solution works well, but is, thanks to high <code>O(nΒ²)</code> complexity, very slow for larger inputs. I want to find a faster, optimised solution, so I've implemented an <code>O(n logn)</code> solution using recursive divide-and-conquer algorithm based on <a href="https://www.tutorialspoint.com/Closest-Pair-of-Points-Problem" rel="nofollow noreferrer">this article</a>, which works well for most inputs, but since such approach does not iterate through all the points it fails on inputs like this one (order of pairs and order of points inside pairs does not matter):</p> <pre class="lang-bash prettyprint-override"><code>Input: {A[0,0], B[1,0], C[1,1] D[0,1]} Current (wrong) output: {A[0,0], D[0,1]}, {B[1,0], C[1,1]} Desired output: {A[0,0], B[0,1]}, {A[0,0], D[0,1]}, {C[1,1], B[1,0]}, {C[1,1], D[1,0]} </code></pre> <p>and also since it's recursive, stack overflows easily for larger inputs. What's a better way to solve this problem?</p> <p>Thank you</p>
Russia is backing a viral video company aimed at American millennials.
Solving a SDE with quadratic drift. <p>I am wondering whether the following SDE can be solved explicitly? </p> <p>$$ d X_t = X_t^2 d t + X_t d B_t $$</p> <p>where $B_t$ is a standard Brownian motion. If not, can we say some thing about the moments of the solution, i.e., $E(|X_t|^n)$?</p> <p>Thank you very much for any hints!</p> <p>Anand</p>
San Francisco hospital charges $18,000 after baby takes nap, bottle of formula: report.
How to work with Connections. <p>I am currently reading a book which deals with complex manifolds. Since I am fairly new to the topic I don't know exactly the meaning of the followinig:</p> <p>Suppose we have a holomorphic vector bundle $V$ over the manifold $M$ with frames $s_\alpha$ over each trivialization $U_\alpha \subset M$ </p> <p>We can construct a Hermitian metric $h$ on $V$, and the author says this is given locally as </p> <p>$h_\alpha = (s_\alpha,s_\alpha) $.</p> <p>Then a connection 1 - form is defined locally by </p> <p>\begin{equation} \omega_\alpha = \partial h_\alpha h_\alpha^{-1} \end{equation} where \begin{equation} d = \partial + \bar{\partial} \end{equation} and \begin{equation} \partial(f) = \sum_j \frac{\partial f}{\partial z^j}dz^j \end{equation} (more generally $\partial \colon C^\infty(\Lambda^{p,q}) \to C^\infty(\Lambda^{p+1,q}) $. It is then shown in the book that these 1-forms patch together to form a connection $\triangledown_h$.</p> <p>Now comes the bit where I am struggeling with, to the extend that I can't read on without a bad feeling:</p> <p>From the definition, one should see that \begin{align} (\triangledown_h s_\alpha, s_\alpha) + (s_\alpha, \triangledown_h s_\alpha) &amp;= \omega_\alpha h_\alpha + h_\alpha \omega^*_\alpha \\ &amp;= \partial h _\alpha + \bar{\partial}h _\alpha = dh _\alpha \end{align}</p> <p>I am afraind I don't know enough about connections yet, in particular I don't really understand how to get from the first expression to the second. If anyone could fill in a little more details into the lines above that would be very helpful! </p>
Anyone played "Nothing Personal"?. Anyone had a chance to check this out? I saw it at my FLGS yesterday but I didn't see enough almost anywhere to make a impulse purchase in store. Components look awesome, but what about the gameplay?
Saint Laurent Paris Accessories.
Mermaid Queen by Alisha Harding, Relic Tattoo, Horsham, PA.
The best wiggle butt known to man :D.
How to do Photography Online Video Courses.
Attackers can abuse Yahoo developer feature to steal user emails, other data.
Use previous users already present in Linux Home directory. <p>I recently installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu 16.04.0 LTS on my server PC. I mounted my earlier <code>/home</code> directory to it. It consisted of multiple user accounts that were previously made. But after installation, none of that account showed on the login screen. Now, I recreated those account using same earlier information (i.e. Name, Username .etc), but now whenever they try to login from the login screen, they are unable to do so while when they use ssh for login, the following message is shown:</p> <p><a href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/J7V1Q.png" rel="nofollow noreferrer"><img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/J7V1Q.png" alt="Error message after login using ssh"></a></p> <p>Moreover, there are some directory ownership issues as well. Could somehow help in solving the problem.</p>
Background tabs loading incorrectly sized when Chrome starts up maximized. <p>I just switched from Firefox to Chrome and noticed certain pages display funny when they're loaded on startup. Specifically, their horizontal size does not fill the Chrome window, like they're stuck at a pre-set size. This only happens when Chrome starts maximized, and page resizes correctly <s>when I hit reload or</s> if I restore Chrome window size and then maximize it again.</p> <p>I also just noticed that if one of the problematic tabs has focus when Chrome starts, it does not have any issues loading. Only the background tabs cause problems.</p> <p>I can't distinguish what content could be causing some windows to work properly and some to not. For example, Gmail loads correctly but not Google Finance.</p> <p>Any ideas as to what is causing this?</p> <p>EDIT: As it turns out, reloading the page does <em>not</em> fix the issue. I have to restore and then re-maximize <strong>each broken tab</strong> each time I start Chrome.</p> <p>I've also confirmed that this is not due to any of the extensions I was using. </p> <p><img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/hNWy1.png" alt="Google Finance - One of the problematic pages in question"></p>
Is it safe to update postgres server to 9.5 with ubuntu automatic update. <p>Postgres 9.5 is out and Ubuntu has it in the update manager already. I'm wondering though, is it safe to update that way?</p> <p>Concerns/Questions: </p> <p>Does it install 9.5 in addition to my already running 9.4 or replace it?</p> <p>Does it migrate my data automatically?</p> <p>Will there be downtime during the process?</p> <p>Is it the same thing as running <code>pg_upgrade</code></p> <p>Am I missing anything else that I should be asking?</p>
Effects of a 4-hour erection.. You've seen all the commercials. But what really happens when you ask for help with an erection lasting more than 4 hours? I walked into a drug store and asked to talk to a male pharmacist. The woman I was talking to said that she was the only pharmacist, and since she and her sister were owners of the store, there were no male employees. She then asked if she could help me. I said that I would prefer to speak to a male pharmacist. The lady pharmacist assured me that she was completely professional and whatever it was that I needed to discuss, I could be confident that she would treat me with a high level of professionalism. I reluctantly agreed and began by saying, β€œ This is tough for me, as a shy man, to discuss, but I get erections every day that last more than four hours. It causes me a lot of problems and severe embarrassment, and I was wondering what you could give me for it.” The pharmacist said, "Just a minute. I'll talk to my sister." When she returned, she said, β€œ We discussed it at length and this is the absolute best we can do: ...1/3 ownership in the store, ...a company pickup truck, ...a king size bed and ...$3,000 a month in living expenses.
A unicode Trie in Go with threaded wildcard lookups and huffman coded child indexes.
[333x471] The Black Knight of Portugal - Marcelino da Mata, a Guinean-Portuguese Commando of the War of Ultramar, 1969. More details in the comments..
How do I uninstall MySQL?. <p>I installed MySQL using <code>sudo apt-get</code>. Now I need to remove it from my system.</p> <p>How can I do that?</p>
Syria conflict: Clown of Aleppo 'dies in air strike'.
How to understand or &quot;debug&quot; hanging / not starting `bash` from WSL?. <p>I installed <a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/wsl/about" rel="nofollow noreferrer">WSL</a> and was using <code>bash</code> via PowerShell in the last few days without any problems. Super nice. </p> <p>But now it doesn't start anymore, after typing <code>bash</code> it just hangs and does nothing. </p> <p><code>bash.exe</code> is listed in the "Details" tab of "Task Manager" as <code>00 CPU</code> and <code>708 K Memory</code> - no changes. This is matched in "Processes" where the "Microsoft Bash Launcher" is a subprocess of "Windows PowerShell" which all use 0% CPU and are doing nothing. </p> <p>I am running current Windows 10 with all updates:</p> <p><a href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/ewBxj.png" rel="nofollow noreferrer"><img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/ewBxj.png" alt="Windows 10 Pro, Version 1709, OS Build 16299.19"></a></p> <p>How can I debug the <code>bash</code> process to find out what is going wrong?</p> <hr> <p>(Previous questions with similar name are all for earlier iterations of WSL, now solved bugs or generally about error messages, not hanging processes) </p> <p>Unfortunately, <a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/troubleshooting#bash-is-hung" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Microsoft's troubleshooting instructions for "Bash is hung"</a> are pretty useless and don't make any sense. Besides it's for them debugging any hangs, not for the user to fix his problem (which of course is ok - but doesn't help me in my case here)</p>
HackTheBox - Olympus - DNS Zone Transfer & Port Knocking.
Punch me?.
Tutorials?. So I have no real idea what I'm doing, I have a little knowledge of HTML, CSS and Python, but other than that, I'm clueless. I'd like to learn how to hack, but I have no real clue where to start. Can anyone help me?
Integration of $\xi$ function over rectangle. <p>Hey simple question (I hope so), IΒ΄m reading <em>Introduction to Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory</em>, and I don't get this step.</p> <p>The author writes, this equation works by a "well known formula". But which is it, I donΒ΄t really get it?</p> <p><span class="math-container">$$ 2N(T) = \frac{1}{2\pi i } \int_R \frac{\xi^{\prime}(s)}{\xi(s)}\ ds = \frac{1}{2\pi} \Im\left(\int\limits_{R}\frac{\xi^{\prime}(s)}{\xi(s)}ds \right). $$</span></p> <p><span class="math-container">$\xi$</span> is the Riemann <span class="math-container">$\xi$</span>-function and R is a rectangle with vertices <span class="math-container">$2+iT,~2-iT,~-1-iT,~-1+iT$</span> and N(T) is the number of zeros of <span class="math-container">$\xi$</span> till <span class="math-container">$\Im(s) \leq T$</span></p>
What is the best artificial sweetener?. I've been doing keto now for almost 4 months. I was using Splenda for the first couple of weeks until I found out how bad it is for your health and insulin levels. Since then, I haven't had any sugar or artificial sweeteners at all but I'm dying inside! I've done some research on Stevia and as far as I learned there are certain brands that aren't too bad for you like Sweet Leaf Stevia. Any thoughts? I live in the south and drinking unsweetened tea is getting real old! I need something to sweeten my tea! BTW: Down 1 pound today! Only 10 pounds more to goal weight!
When your quarantine stash is running low.
Scottish independence has nearly 60 per cent support, poll finds following Brexit result.
Episode 5: The Aerospike Engine.
OPM Victims Moving Forward: 4-part series - Who, What, When, How, and Why of the OPM Breach and designed to raise awareness and provide insights to the victims of the OPM breach and their families..
Good horror TV series?. I really want to watch a good horror tv series. Here are some things I like: Twin Peaks (okay okay, not *really* horror but certainly has horror elements, right? Maybe I should make a post "is Twin peaks a horror series?") Twilight Zone tales from the crypt Goosebumps, are you afraid of the dark, eerie Indiana (guilty pleasures) American horror story Any other good horror series out there? i'd be nice if it was on Netflix, but not necessarily required. Thank you!!
Calling System.gc( ) explicitly?. <p>It is said that we cannot force the <strong><em><code>garbage collection</code></em></strong> process in java.<br> It's after all, a daemon thread. </p> <p>But still sometimes, why we call the <code>System.gc( );</code> function explicitly ?<br> Is it worth calling it ? Any Pro's and Con's ?<br> If not useful in many situations, why this method is not deprecated from Java ?</p> <p>PS : Explanation with an example will be useful</p>
What makes a good DJ set?.
Puppies' Synchronized Falling 10/10.
Wait for it..
Residue and Laurent Series, is this valid?. <p>something with the Laurent series is confusing me, first I'll give a background of what I think I know.</p> <p>If <span class="math-container">$z_0$</span> is an isolated singularity of a function <span class="math-container">$f$</span> we can find the <span class="math-container">$Res(f, z_0)$</span> by finding the coefficient of the <span class="math-container">$\frac{1}{z-z_0}$</span> of the laurent series expansion. So for example in <span class="math-container">$$f(z) = z + \frac{i}{z-1}$$</span> If we want to find <span class="math-container">$Res(f, 1)$</span> we can see that the residue is <span class="math-container">$i$</span> from the above definition.</p> <p>However, if instead we expand the series in <span class="math-container">$z_0 = 0$</span> we get a Taylor Series valid for <span class="math-container">$|z| &lt; 1$</span> that goes like <span class="math-container">$$f(z) = z - i\sum_{n=0}^\infty z^n$$</span> and a Laurent series expansion valid for <span class="math-container">$|z| &gt; 1$</span> which is <span class="math-container">$$f(z) = z + \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{i}{z^{n+1}}$$</span> and if I wanted I could just make <span class="math-container">$n = 0$</span> and I would get the same <span class="math-container">$i$</span>, which is the <span class="math-container">$Res(f, 1)$</span>, and it doesn't happen just on this exercise. Is this valid or to get the <span class="math-container">$Res(f, z_0)$</span> I do really need powers of <span class="math-container">$z-z_0$</span> and this is all just a coincidence? Everything I read says that to get the residue at <span class="math-container">$z_0$</span> I need to have powers of <span class="math-container">$z - z_0$</span>, however most of the times using a series of <span class="math-container">$z^n$</span> works as I get the same value, by using the expansion valid for <span class="math-container">$|z| &gt; z_0$</span> and it gives me the correct value of <span class="math-container">$Res(f, z_0)$</span>.</p> <p>Would appreciate clarification on this subject as I feel I'm missing something here. </p>
Dad, not in front of the teacher.
NSA faces questions after Baltimore ransomware attack used cyberweapons developed by the agency (x-post from /r/cyber).
Creating a UserManager outside of built in dependency injection system. <p>This is using asp.net core with identity and entity framework core. I working on a saas application where I have a separate admin web app where you can add new tenants to the system. After a tenant is creates the app creates a default database (database per tenant set up) for the new tenant. I want to add a default user to this new database but I'm struggling with creating user manager outside of the dependency injection system.</p> <p>The admin web app uses the usermanager that is created in the startup.cs (via the built in DI system) as the manager for the admin app. When I go to add the user to the new tenants database I am not using the DI system I just want to create a UserManager with the IdentityDbContext associated with the connection string for the new tenants database.</p> <p>I'm am using this after a new tenant is created in the admin app:</p> <pre><code>public class TenantDbInitializer { private Tenant tenant; private ApplicationDbContext context; private UserManager&lt;ApplicationUser&gt; userManager; public TenantDbInitializer(Tenant tenant) { this.tenant = tenant; } public void Init() { // tenant contains connection string context = new ApplicationDbContext(tenant); var userStore = new UserStore&lt;ApplicationUser&gt;(context); userManager = new UserManager&lt;ApplicationUser&gt;(......... } } </code></pre> <p>The UserManager construction parameters contain items that I can't find examples on what instances I should use. Some of the interfaces appear to have default implementations but I'm not sure if this is the way to proceed (or to pass null). The constructor is:</p> <pre><code> public UserManager(IUserStore&lt;TUser&gt; store, IOptions&lt;IdentityOptions&gt; optionsAccessor, IPasswordHasher&lt;TUser&gt; passwordHasher, IEnumerable&lt;IUserValidator&lt;TUser&gt;&gt; userValidators, IEnumerable&lt;IPasswordValidator&lt;TUser&gt;&gt; passwordValidators, ILookupNormalizer keyNormalizer, IdentityErrorDescriber errors, IServiceProvider services, ILogger&lt;UserManager&lt;TUser&gt;&gt; logger) </code></pre> <p>Looking at the identity source it appears that I can pass null in for some of these parameters but I want to make sure I understand what is going on here so I don't do anything incorrectly.</p> <p>The source for user manager is here: <a href="https://github.com/aspnet/Identity/blob/dev/src/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity/UserManager.cs" rel="noreferrer">https://github.com/aspnet/Identity/blob/dev/src/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity/UserManager.cs</a></p> <p>Thanks, Brian</p>
The Lottery is the Opposite of Thermonuclear War. Lottery: The only way to win is to play. Thermonuclear War: [The only way to win is to not play. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DGNZnfKYnU)
If $\Phi:G \rightarrow G$ is a group homomorphism, $\Phi(x)=ax^3a$ then what is $Ker \Phi, Im(\Phi)$. <p>If <span class="math-container">$\Phi:G \rightarrow G$</span> is a group homomorphism, <span class="math-container">$\Phi(x)=ax^3a$</span> where <span class="math-container">$a$</span> is a an element in <span class="math-container">$G$</span>, then what is <span class="math-container">$Ker \Phi, Im(\Phi)$</span></p> <p>The question asked to show that </p> <p><span class="math-container">$$Ker \Phi = \{x\in G | x^2 = e\}$$</span> <span class="math-container">$$Im \Phi = \{x^2 | x\in G \}$$</span></p> <p>I've tried calculating <span class="math-container">$a^2$</span> first and found it to be <span class="math-container">$a^2=e$</span>. So the kernel is</p> <p><span class="math-container">$$Ker \Phi = \{x\in G | ax^3 a = e\}$$</span> <span class="math-container">$$Ker \Phi = \{x\in G | x^3 = e\}$$</span></p> <p>However, I don't see how I can reduce this to proving <span class="math-container">$x^2=e$</span> ?</p> <p>For the image, I have </p> <p><span class="math-container">$$Im \Phi = \{y | \exists x\in G , \quad y=ax^3a \}$$</span> <span class="math-container">$$Im \Phi = \{y | \exists x\in G , \quad aya=x^3 \}$$</span> <span class="math-container">$$Im \Phi = \{y | \exists x\in G , \quad ay^3a=x^9 \}$$</span> <span class="math-container">$$Im \Phi = \{y | \exists x\in G , \quad \Phi(y)=x^9 \}$$</span></p> <p>But I don't see how to get it down to the form too. Any help?</p>
How do you create a border around the outside of a selection with GIMP?. <p>How do you create a border around the <strong>outside</strong> of a selection using GIMP?</p> <p>When I create a border using the Selection tool and the <code>Edit -&gt; Stroke Selection...</code> menu option, the border is centered on the selection.</p> <p>For example, if use <code>Stroke selection...</code> to draw around the perimeter of the selection a line that is 8 pixels wide, 4 of those pixels will be inside selection and 4 will be outside the selection.</p> <p>How do you create a border that only has pixels on the outside of the selection?</p>
Iterated removal of singleton Pythagorean triples. <p>Consider the set of all Pythagorean triples (positive integers <span class="math-container">$a, b, c$</span> such that <span class="math-container">$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$</span>, not necessarily coprime). Then for each integer that appears in exactly one triple, remove that triple from the set and repeat this process an infinite number of times.</p> <p>For example, 3 is a member of only one triple (3, 4, 5), so that triple is removed. Afterwards, 5 is a member of only one triple (5, 12, 13), so that triple can also be removed, and so on.</p> <p>Call a triple <em>stable</em> if it is never removed by this process, and a positive integer stable if it is a member of at least one stable triple.</p> <p>For example, 15 is stable because taking each elementwise product of the triples (3, 4, 5) and (5, 12, 13) results in a "magic square" where each row and column is a Pythagorean triple. Since each element in the square is a member of two different triples including only other elements of the square, every row, column, and element of such a square is stable.</p> <p><span class="math-container">$\begin{matrix} 15 &amp; 36 &amp; 39\\ 20 &amp; 48 &amp; 52\\ 25 &amp; 60 &amp; 65 \end{matrix}$</span></p> <p>My questions are</p> <ol> <li>Is every stable integer connected to one or more cycles of stable triples as described above? Or are there stable integers which are stable merely because they are the root of an infinitely ascending tree of Pythagorean triples that can't be removed in a countable number of steps?</li> </ol> <p>and </p> <ol start="2"> <li>Is there a simple algorithm to determine whether an integer is stable?</li> </ol>
Check out this dude's sweet rolling skills: How To Roll A Joint Inside Out - Flambe Style.
How long does it take to receive your full wage after starting a new job?. Just got hired at McDonald's and we get paid bi-weekly on Thursdays. Last week, I had my 3 hour orientation and this week, I worked two shifts, each about three hours. On my paycheck today, I only got paid for three hours when I worked nine hours, so I was wondering if it will take longer for them to process the more recent shifts, or should I ask the manager where the rest of the money is? EDIT: Just so everyone knows, I get paid by direct deposit, so I don't know where to check to see the dates.
Install ADFS on SBS 2008?. <p>I have read that it is possible to install ADFS on a Domain Controller (although some do not recommend it). However, I cannot find much on installing on SBS 2008. Is it possible to install Active Directory Federated Services on a SBS 2008 Standard server?</p>
From positive definite function to F&#248;lner sequence ----- a question on amenability and nuclearity. <p>We know that amenability of countable discrete group $\Gamma$ has many equivalent characterizations. In particular, there are two: a) there is a sequence of finitely supported positive definite functions $\phi_i$ defined on $\Gamma$ such that $\lim_{i\to\infty}\phi(\gamma)=1$ for any $\gamma\in \Gamma$; b) $\Gamma$ satisies the FΓΈlner condition, i.e., there exists a sequence of $F_k\subset\Gamma$ such that $\lim_{k\to\infty}\frac{|F_k\cap sF_k|}{|F_k|}=1$ for any $s\in \Gamma$. Can somebody provide a proof of $a) \Rightarrow b)$? I have checked N. P. Brown and N. Ozawa's classical book "$C^\ast$-algebras and Finite-Dimensional Approximations", but no hint. It would be nice if somebody gives a hint or a reference. Thanks in advance.</p> <p>Let $\varphi$ be a positive definite function on $\Gamma$. Then $m_{\varphi}: \sum c_t\lambda_t \rightarrow \sum\varphi(t)c_t\lambda(t)$ extends to a completely positive map $\phi$ from $C^\ast_\lambda (\Gamma)$ into itself. My question is if it is possible to factor $m_{\varphi}$ through finite-dimensional matrix algebra $M_n(\mathbb{C})$ as Brown and Ozawa show in their Theorem 2.6.8. </p> <p>For convenience, I'd like to recall the construction there w.r.t. F{\o}lner condition. Given a sequence of F{\o}lner sets $F_k$, for each $k$, let $P_k\in B(l^2(\Gamma))$ be the orthogonal projection onto the finite-dimensional subspace spanned by $\{\delta_g:g\in F_k\}$. Identity $P_kB(l^2(\Gamma))P_k$ with the matrix algebra $M_{F_k}(\mathbb{C})$ and let $\{e_{p,q}\}_{p,q\in F_k}$ be the canonical matrix units of $M_{F_k}(\mathbb{C})$. One can chechk that for each $s\in \Gamma$ we have $e_{p,p}\lambda_se_{q,q}=0$ unless $sq=p$, and $e_{p,p}\lambda_se_{q,q}=e_{p,q}$ if $sq=p$. Since $P_k=\sum_{p\in F_k}e_{p,p}$, we have $P_k\lambda_sP_k=\sum_{p,q\in F_k}e_{p,p}\lambda_se_{q,q}=\sum_{p\in F_k\cap sF_k}e_{p,s^{-1}p}$. Let $\varphi_k:C^\ast_\lambda (\Gamma)\rightarrow M_{F_k}(\mathbb{C})$ be the u.c.p. map defined by $x\mapsto P_kxP_k$. Now define a map $\psi:M_{F_k}(\mathbb{C})\rightarrow C^\ast_\lambda (\Gamma)$ by sending $e_{p,q}\mapsto\frac{1}{|F_k|}\lambda_p\lambda_{q^{-1}}$. Evidently this map is unital; it is also completely positive. Since the linear span of $\{\lambda_s:s\in\Gamma\}$ is norm dense in $C^\ast_\lambda (\Gamma)$, it suffices to check that $\|\lambda_s-\psi_k\circ \varphi_k(\lambda_s)\|\rightarrow 0$ for all $s\in \Gamma$. This follows from the definition of F{\o}lner sets together with the following computation $\psi_k\circ \varphi_k(\lambda_s)=\psi_k(\sum_{p\in F_k\cap sF_k}e_{p,s^{-1}p})=\sum_{p\in F_k\cap sF_k}\frac{1}{|F_k|}\lambda_s=\frac{|F_k\cap sF_k|}{|F_k|}\lambda_s$.</p>
How to repair powerstate (intel_pstate) on Intel Haswell chips?. <p>I recently installed <code>tlp</code> on my Lenovo U430p laptop. After I runned it I noticed significant drop in my laptop's on bettery time. Now my laptop lasts on battery for 2 hours less than before. </p> <p>After that I read on arch wiki page not to use it with other programs such as <code>powertop</code> which I used before, because it may overwrite the powerstates, which it did. My powerstates now looks this way:</p> <pre><code>+++ Processor CPU Model = Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_driver = intel_pstate /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor = powersave /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq = 2080000 [kHz] /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq = 2080000 [kHz] /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_driver = intel_pstate /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor = powersave /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq = 800000 [kHz] /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq = 2600000 [kHz] /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_driver = intel_pstate /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_governor = powersave /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq = 800000 [kHz] /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq = 2600000 [kHz] /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_driver = intel_pstate /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_governor = powersave /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq = 800000 [kHz] /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq = 2600000 [kHz] /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo = 0 /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog = 0 </code></pre> <p>As you can see all scaling governors are renamed to powersave and I think that means my Haswell i5 4200U processor rus all the time at maximum frequency. </p> <p>So my question is: <strong>How can I repair it?</strong> I don't know how the states were named before.</p> <p>I also noticed that my dedicated graphic card runs even on battery (which it didn't while I was using powertop only).</p> <p>Your help is appreciated.</p>
How to use spot instance with amazon elastic beanstalk?. <p>I have one infra that use amazon elastic beanstalk to deploy my application. I need to scale my app adding some spot instances that EB do not support.</p> <p>So I create a second autoscaling from a launch configuration with spot instances. The autoscaling use the same load balancer created by beanstalk.</p> <p>To up instances with the last version of my app, I copy the user data from the original launch configuration (created with beanstalk) to the launch configuration with spot instances (created by me).</p> <p>This work fine, but:</p> <ol> <li><p>how to update spot instances that have come up from the second autoscaling when the beanstalk update instances managed by him with a new version of the app?</p> </li> <li><p>is there another way so easy as, and elegant, to use spot instances and enjoy the benefits of beanstalk?</p> </li> </ol> <p><strong>UPDATE</strong></p> <p>Elastic Beanstalk add support to spot instance since 2019... see: <a href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/relnotes/release-2019-11-25-spot.html" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/relnotes/release-2019-11-25-spot.html</a></p>
How to make nested Library in windows 7?. <blockquote> <p><strong>Possible Duplicate:</strong><br> <a href="https://superuser.com/questions/113037/is-it-possible-to-have-nested-libraries-in-windows-7">Is it possible to have nested libraries in Windows 7?</a> </p> </blockquote> <p>I want to make new "Songs" library inside "Music" Library.</p> <p>How to do that?</p> <p>How to make nested library in windows 7?</p> <p><strong>Edit:</strong> I know how to add folders to music library but i want to make new library inside music library. Is that possible?</p>
Kerr on whether Morey shouldn't be fired: "I would hope that you appreciate my right to not answer that question because all it does is create a headline".
I work at a nursing home. Today a resident said this while I was cleaning her room..
Everyone is unhappy about Super Mario Run requiring a constant internet connection. From Nintendo's perspective, what would be your solution?. Here are things to keep in mind: * SMR is a higher-quality mobile game with higher production costs than average mobile games * SMR offers no in-app purchases or ads, and therefore 100% of their profit comes from the single intitial purchase of the game * iOS has upwards of 60% piracy rate (Android has 95%) * Because SMR is $10 (ten times more expensive than the average mobile game), logically it is far more likely to be pirated * Nintendo as a company has [likely] been greatly hurt by piracy in the past, specifically with regards to their portable platforms And one argument I hate seeing is how "people who pirated the game were never going to buy it anyway". That's straight-up speculation and very, very likely to be untrue. When I was younger, I absolutely pirated games that I would have otherwise purchased. Nintendo is in a very tough position, and while I don't agree that an always-on connection DRM is a great solution to their piracy problem, I honestly can't think of a great solution myself. One of the most popular solutions for mobile developers is to release a free game and have their monetization come entirely from in-app purchases, because it is a lot easier for the developer to verify the legitimacy of those purchases. I applaud Nintendo for deciding to make a game with no IAP, and hope to see more higher-quality, one-time-purchase games like SMR in the future. It's an excellent precedent a company like Nintendo is setting. (Not saying they're the first to set it, obviously.) But it ends up being far more risky for the company since they won't have a consistent revenue stream coming in the form on IAP, and all someone has to do is pirate the game once in order for them to potentially lose a sale. This is why I understand why they're requiring the always-connected DRM. I don't agree with it, but I feel far more angry at piracy in general than Nintendo for trying to protect their profits. In any case, what do you think would be a **realistic** solution for Nintendo, from their perspective?
Is there file locking in Rust?. <p>I cannot find anything resembling file locking like some programs use in Linux to prevent multiple instances from running. In Python, I'd use <a href="https://github.com/openstack/pylockfile" rel="nofollow noreferrer">pylockfile</a>.</p> <p>Am I overlooking similar functionality in Rust, or should I just implement it from scratch?</p> <p><sub>I'm not lazy, just trying to reinvent as few wheels as possible.</sub></p>
Why is my MacBook Pro constantly losing the wifi connection with my WRT150N router?. <p>My Macbook is constantly losing its wifi connection. Sometimes it has trouble connecting, other times it connects, but I obtain a server not found error. It seems to work reasonably well at work, but it can't obtain a connection at home even when I am extremely close to the router. Until recently, I used to only have wifi connection problems occasionally. My android phone seems to be able to connect to wifi without problem.</p>
Added 12v LED lighting to my new safe. Took longer, cost more than I originally expected, but turned out great..
Backbone.js render().el Usage. <p>I've got this piece of code from a Backbone.js tutorial from <a href="http://arturadib.com/hello-backbonejs/docs/4.html" rel="noreferrer">here</a>. The code is as follows:</p> <pre><code>(function($){ var Item = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { part1: 'Hello', part2: 'World' } }); var ItemList = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Item }); var ItemView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'li', initialize: function(){ _.bindAll(this, 'render'); }, render: function(){ $(this.el).html("&lt;span&gt;" + this.model.get('part1') + " " + this.model.get('part2') + "&lt;/span&gt;"); return this; } }); var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: $('body'), initialize: function(){ _.bindAll(this, 'render', 'addItem', 'appendItem'); this.collection = new ItemList(); this.collection.bind('add', this.appendItem) this.counter = 0; this.render(); }, events: { 'click button#add': 'addItem' }, addItem: function(){ var item = new Item(); item.set({ 'part2': item.get('part2') + this.counter++ }); this.collection.add(item); }, appendItem: function(item){ var itemView = new ItemView({ model: item }); $('#list', this.el).append(itemView.render().el); }, render: function(){ $(this.el).append("&lt;button id='add'&gt;Add Item&lt;/button&gt;"); $(this.el).append("&lt;ul id='list'&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;") }, }); var Tasker = new AppView(); })(jQuery); </code></pre> <p>There is one thing I could not understand from the above code. In the function <code>appendItem</code> there is this piece of code:</p> <pre><code>itemView.render().el </code></pre> <p>Could anybody explain me why the <code>render()</code> function is called with the <code>.el</code> part and why not just <code>itemView.render()</code>?</p> <p>Thank you for your time and help :-)</p>
Where to permanently put an &quot;ethtool -L eth0 combined 56&quot; cmd?. <p>We have Mellanox network cards on SLES12.3 servers and need to set the:</p> <p>ethtool -L eth0 combined 56</p> <p>to have good performance.</p> <p>But where to put this setting, to be permanent?</p> <p>Best is so far in an initscript, which runs at every boot (off: applying this setting causes 1 min network outage!).</p> <p>Previously we tried with &quot;vi /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-ethX&quot;:</p> <p>ETHTOOL_OPTIONS='ethtool -L eth0 combined 56'</p> <p>or:</p> <p>ETHTOOL_OPTIONS='set-channels combined 56'</p> <p>but they didn't applied the setting to the &quot;Current&quot; in &quot;ethtool -l ethX&quot;</p>
ITAP of the ice on the Chicago River. (hopefully for the last time this winter!).
&quot;Failed authorization procedure&quot; when trying to add SSL certificate to site. <p>When I ran this command in my digital ocean server:</p> <p><code>sudo certbot --authenticator webroot --webroot-path /home/james/postr --installer nginx -d &lt;sitename&gt;</code></p> <p>I get this error:</p> <pre><code>Failed authorization procedure The client lacks sufficient authorization :: Invalid response from http://www.&lt;sitename&gt;.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/oAVGa4eBNfQQ1Vrn_q- iKjV2T6ue3H5kOcxEWpztrHc IMPORTANT NOTES: - The following errors were reported by the server: Domain: www.venvor.com Type: unauthorized Detail: Invalid response from http://www.&lt;sitename&gt;.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/oAVGa4eBNfQQ1Vrn_q- iKjV2T6ue3H5kOcxEWpztrHc: "&lt;h1&gt;Not Found&lt;/h1&gt;&lt;p&gt;The requested URL /.well-known/acme-challenge/oAVGa4eBNfQQ1Vrn_q-iKjV2T6ue3H5kOcxEWpztrHc was not found on " </code></pre> <p>I already tried adding the url path to my urls file:</p> <pre><code>urlpatterns = [ url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls), url(r'^.well-known/acme-challenge/', admin.site.urls), ] </code></pre> <p>However it still doesn't work. Any idea what the problem is?</p> <p><strong>EDIT:</strong></p> <p><code>/etc/nginx/sites-available/postr</code></p> <pre><code>server { listen 80; server_name venvor.com www.venvor.com; location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; } location /static/ { root /home/james/postr; } location / { include proxy_params; proxy_pass http://unix:/home/james/postr/draft1.sock; } } </code></pre>
ELI5:WHY is the self-employment tax rate higher than the regular tax rate?.
Loading AssetImages with Flutter. <p>I'm trying to define some assets for my Flutter app.</p> <p>This is my directory structure:</p> <pre><code>- lib - assets - images β”” bg_login.png &lt;-- this one is 400x800px β”” 2.0x β”” bg_login.png &lt;-- this one is 800x1600px. - test - ios - android - build - pubspec.yaml </code></pre> <p>This is my pubspec file (indented with 2 whitespaces):</p> <pre><code>name: my_app description: My App dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter cupertino_icons: ^0.1.0 dev_dependencies: flutter_test: sdk: flutter flutter: uses-material-design: true assets: - assets/images/bg_login.png </code></pre> <p>I load the image like that:</p> <pre><code>new Positioned( top: 0.0, width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, child: Image.asset( "assets/images/bg_login.png", fit: BoxFit.fitWidth, ) ) </code></pre> <p>Sometimes the image loads, sometimes it fails with this error:</p> <pre><code>Launching lib\main.dart on Android SDK built for x86 in debug mode... Initializing gradle... Resolving dependencies... Running 'gradlew assembleDebug'... Built build\app\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug.apk. Installing build\app\outputs\apk\app.apk... Syncing files to device Android SDK built for x86... D/ ( 3460): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb099df40, tid 3479 D/EGL_emulation( 3460): eglMakeCurrent: 0xa325a620: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xb0983620) I/flutter ( 3460): ══║ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY IMAGE RESOURCE SERVICE β•žβ•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β• I/flutter ( 3460): The following assertion was thrown resolving an image codec: I/flutter ( 3460): Unable to load asset: assets/images/bg_login.png I/flutter ( 3460): I/flutter ( 3460): When the exception was thrown, this was the stack: I/flutter ( 3460): #0 PlatformAssetBundle.load (package:flutter/src/services/asset_bundle.dart:221:7) I/flutter ( 3460): &lt;asynchronous suspension&gt; I/flutter ( 3460): #1 AssetBundleImageProvider._loadAsync (package:flutter/src/painting/image_provider.dart:427:44) I/flutter ( 3460): &lt;asynchronous suspension&gt; I/flutter ( 3460): #2 AssetBundleImageProvider.load (package:flutter/src/painting/image_provider.dart:412:14) I/flutter ( 3460): #3 ImageProvider.resolve.&lt;anonymous closure&gt;.&lt;anonymous closure&gt; (package:flutter/src/painting/image_provider.dart:266:86) I/flutter ( 3460): #4 ImageCache.putIfAbsent (package:flutter/src/painting/image_cache.dart:143:20) I/flutter ( 3460): #5 ImageProvider.resolve.&lt;anonymous closure&gt; (package:flutter/src/painting/image_provider.dart:266:63) I/flutter ( 3460): (elided 8 frames from package dart:async) I/flutter ( 3460): I/flutter ( 3460): Image provider: AssetImage(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#267c3(), name: "assets/images/bg_login.png") I/flutter ( 3460): Image key: AssetBundleImageKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#267c3(), name: "assets/images/bg_login.png", I/flutter ( 3460): scale: 1.0) I/flutter ( 3460): ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ </code></pre> <p>It really happens randomly, sometimes it works, most of the time it throws that error. I also tried with <code>ImageAsset</code>, I got the same error.</p> <p>What's going on? Am I missing something on how to properly declare and load images?</p>
Xamarin remove app title. <p>I'm struggling with the dumbest thing (I guess I'm just not used to the Xamarin Designer).</p> <p>How can I remove the title of my app ? It keeps showing up but it is not in my Layout Source.</p> <p>I want to remove this whole part but can't figure out how.<br> In C# Winforms or WPF I would have selected the whole window or screen and then accessed the main window properties but in this case, I can only select the controls I added (buttons and labels) and not the whole screen or the title.</p> <blockquote> <p><img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/wy4Bf.png" alt="enter image description here"></p> </blockquote>
Decomposing $SU(4)$ into $SU(3) \times U(1)$. <p>I'm solving these problems concerning the <span class="math-container">$SU(4)$</span> group and I've reached the point where I have determined the Cartan matrix of <span class="math-container">$SU(4)$</span>, its inverse and the weight schemes for <span class="math-container">$(1 0 0)$</span> and <span class="math-container">$(0 1 0)$</span> highest weight states.</p> <p><a href="https://i.stack.imgur.com/4eQYd.png" rel="nofollow noreferrer"><img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/4eQYd.png" alt="enter image description here"></a></p> <p>How do I decompose the <span class="math-container">$(1 0 0)$</span> and <span class="math-container">$(0 1 0)$</span> into irreps of <span class="math-container">$SU(3) \times U(1)$</span> using the inverse of the Cartan matrix of <span class="math-container">$SU(4)$</span> and the weight scheme? </p>
Is anybody else excited for this new dungeon crawler coming out next week?.
Uploading sudoers.d file through ansible gives syntax error but opening and saving in vi fixes it. <p>Alright, I know the question title sucks, but it's the same with the situation itself.</p> <p>What I am trying to do is this:</p> <ol> <li>Create a file with sudoers configuration locally</li> <li>Use Ansible to ubload that file with the template module</li> <li>Use the validate feature of the template module to make sure the configuration works</li> </ol> <p>So far, so good. Now comes the weird part: The validation (<code>validate: 'visudo -cf %s'</code>) of that file throws an error. When I comment out the validation line the files gets uploaded, but a manual validation (<code>visudo -cf /etc/sudoers.d/foo_bar</code>) fails also. Opening the file using vi, saving it (<code>:wq</code>) without making any changes and running the validation again succeeds.</p> <p>My current working thesis: WTF?!</p> <p>But it's late and I am tired. If anyone has suggestions please let me know. I will update this question as soon as I have new information and I will clean it up once I zero in on a solution.</p>
Show Reddit: We built plantvillage.com as an open access, user-moderated platform for people helping people grow their own food. Let us know what you think!.
Wolf got himself a snack to go.
No steering wheel, no problem.
Isaac Asimov's Foundation series. Should I read them in chronological order or by order of publication?. After never really giving the genre much of a go, I have decided to try reading a number of the classic sci-fi books. Isaac Asimov is one odf the clsassics I have been told I need to read. But I don't know whether to start with Foundation and read them all in publication order or start with the two prequels first. I'm worried that information in the prequels will spoil my enjoyment of Foundation. Edit: Thanks for the advice everyone. FYI I have just ordered the first few books of the Robot Series and then plan on starting with Foundation once I've finished Robots and Empire.
Showing $0 \le e^x \le 1$ for $x \in \mathbb{R}_{\le 0}$. <p>I find the exponential function extremely hard to grasp from a rigorous point of view. For example, I want to show that $0 \le e^x \le 1$ for $x \in \mathbb{R}_{\le 0}$.</p> <ol> <li><p>First, if $x = 0$, then $e^x = e^0 = \Sigma_{n=1}^\infty \frac{0^n}{n!}= 0 + \frac{0^2}{2} + \ldots = 0$.</p></li> <li><p>Otherwise if $x &lt; 0$ then we have </p></li> </ol> <p>$$e^x = \Sigma_{n=1}^\infty \frac{x^n}{n!}= x + \frac{x^2}{2} + \frac{x^3}{6} \ldots$$</p> <p>Now clearly the odd terms in this sequence are negative while the even terms of this sequence are positive. But it's not clear to me why this sequence will always be bounded by $1$. For example, if we took out the negative terms the sequence could certainly be larger than $1$ (so we can't bound $e^x$ by its positive terms).</p> <p>What then are then some useful bounds with the exponential function to solve problems like this and related problems? What if we fixed $t &gt; 0$ and considered for example $e^{tx}$?</p>
Are Linux commands interchangeable with Unix commands?. <p>I find that some commands, for example, <code>ls</code> and <code>pwd</code>, can be used on both Linux and Unix systems.</p> <ul> <li>Is it that all Linux commands can be used in the Unix systems, and all Unix commands can be used in Linux?</li> <li>Or just that all the Linux commands can run on Unix but not all Unix commands can run on Linux.</li> <li>Or that all Unix commands can run on Linux, but not all Linux commands can run on Unix?</li> <li>Or is there a reference to show me which commands can run on both Linux and Unix, and where both have their own unique command?</li> </ul>
Secret drawer.
How to prevent scale down of newly scaled up pod for specific period of time which was created by HPA in Kubernetes?. <p>I have a Kubernetes cluster set up in DigitalOcean. The cluster is configured to auto-scale using HPA(Horizontal Pod Autoscaler). I want to prevent termination of a pod that got scaled up in the last 1 hour to avoid thrashing and saving the bill. Following are the two reasons for the same:</p> <ol> <li>Due to unpredictable traffic, sometimes new pods scale up and down multiple times in an hour. Because of the nature of the application, 50-60 new users need a new pod to handle the traffic. </li> <li>DigitalOcean droplets are charged per hour. Even if the droplet was up for 15 minutes, They would charge it for an hour. So, sometimes we are paying for 5 droplets in an hour which could have been paid for just 1 droplet. </li> </ol> <p>From the <a href="https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/" rel="nofollow noreferrer">documentation</a>, I could not find anything related to this. Any hack for the same would be helpful. </p>
Muslims in Belgium call for coordinated response to ISIS activity. "We should answer [IS] ideology by ideology and [IS] education by education. We need to emphasize the good way of the religion, which is to build peace. ISIS exploits the verses of Koran in a wrong way and we need to tackle this ".
Prove that $f(x)$ is continuous over $\mathbb{R}.$. <h1>Problem</h1> <p>Let <span class="math-container">$f(x)$</span> be continuous at <span class="math-container">$x=0$</span> and satisfy that <span class="math-container">$f(0)=0$</span>, <span class="math-container">$$3f(x)-4f(4x)+f(16x)=3x ,\forall x \in \mathbb{R}.$$</span> Prove that <span class="math-container">$f(x)$</span> is continuous over <span class="math-container">$\mathbb{R}.$</span></p> <h1>Comment</h1> <p>Maybe, we can obtain <span class="math-container">$$3[f(x)-f(4x)]-[f(4x)-f(16x)]=3x.$$</span> Denote <span class="math-container">$$g(x):=f(x)-f(4x).$$</span> Then <span class="math-container">$$3g(x)-g(4x)=3x.$$</span> Can we apply the induction from here? I'm not sure.</p>
Algorithm for directly finding the leading eigenvector of an irreducible matrix. <p>According to the Perron-Frobenius theorem, a real matrix with only positive entries (or one with non-negative entries with a property called irreducibility) will have a unique eigenvector that contains only positive entries. Its corresponding eigenvalue will be real and positive, and will be the eigenvalue with greatest magnitude.</p> <p>I have a situation where I'm interested in such an eigenvector. I'm currently using numpy to find all the eigenvalues, then taking the eigenvector corresponding to the one with largest magnitude. The trouble is that for my problem, when the size of the matrix gets large, the results start to go crazy, e.g. the eigenvector found that way might not have all positive entries. I guess this is due to rounding errors.</p> <p>Because of this, I'm wondering if there's an algorithm that can give better results by making use of the facts that $(i)$ the matrix has non-negative entries and is irreducible, and $(ii)$ we're only looking for the eigenvector whose entries are positive. Since there are algorithms that can make use of other matrix properties (e.g. symmetry), it seems reasonable to think this might be possible.</p> <p>While writing this question it occurred to me that just iterating $\nu_{t+1} = \frac{A\nu_t}{|A\nu_t|}$ will work (starting with an initial $\nu_0$ with positive entries), but imagine with a large matrix the convergence will be very slow, so I guess I'm looking for a more efficient algorithm than this. (I'll try it though!)</p> <p>Of course, if the algorithm is easy to implement and/or has been implemented in a form that can easily be called from Python, that's a huge bonus.</p> <p>Incidentally, in case it makes any kind of difference, my problem is <a href="https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/661801/infinite-matrix-leading-eigenvalue-problem">this one</a>. I'm finding that as I increase the matrix size (finding the eigenvector using Numpy as described above) it looks like it's converging, but then suddenly starts to jump all over the place. This instability gets worse the smaller the value of $\lambda$.</p>
SSIS Package produces SQLDUMPER_ERRORLOG.log. <p>Failing intermittently but more frequently. Package just calls a couple stored procs and exports the results to two Excel spreadsheets.</p> <p>Where to go from here:</p> <pre><code>(D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Input parameters: 4 supplied (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Parameter 1: 1500 (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Parameter 2: 0 (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Parameter 3: 0:0 (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Parameter 4: 0011B568 (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Parsed parameters: (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ProcessID = 1500 (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ThreadId = 0 (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Flags = 0x0 (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDumpFlags = 0x0 (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, SqlInfoPtr = 0x0011B568 (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, DumpDir = &lt;NULL&gt; (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExceptionRecordPtr = 0x00000000 (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ContextPtr = 0x00000000 (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExtraFile = &lt;NULL&gt; (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, InstanceName = &lt;NULL&gt; (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ServiceName = &lt;NULL&gt; (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 11 not used (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:05:57, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 15 not used (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:06:00, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 7 not used (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:06:00, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDump completed: c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\ErrorDumps\SQLDmpr0047.mdmp (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:06:00, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Location of module 'dbghelp.dll' : 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\dbghelp.dll' (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:06:00, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, File version of module 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\dbghelp.dll' : '6.8:4.0' (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:06:00, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Product version of module 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\dbghelp.dll' : '6.8:4.0' (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:06:00, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Location of module 'sqldumper.exe' : 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\SQLDUMPER.EXE' (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:06:00, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, File version of module 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\SQLDUMPER.EXE' : '2009.100:1600.1' (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:06:00, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Product version of module 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\SQLDUMPER.EXE' : '10.50:1600.1' (D08:FC8) 09/05/13 14:06:00, ACTION, DTExec.exe, Watson Invoke: No </code></pre>
Unit Ball of $\mathcal{l}_2$. <p>Let $B(\mathcal{l}_2) :=\{x \in \mathcal{l}_2 : \|x \| \leq 1 \}$ and $S(\mathcal{l}_2) :=\{x \in \mathcal{l}_2 : \|x \| = 1 \}$ be the unit ball and the unit sphere of $\mathcal{l}_2$, respectively.</p> <p>I'm trying to show that $B(\mathcal{l}_2)$ contains an infinite set $A$ such that, for every $x,y \in A$ with $x \neq y$, we have $\|x -y \| &gt; \sqrt{2}$.</p> <p>My intuition tells me that such a set $A$ should lie inside $S(\mathcal{l}_2)$. Next, I've tried to use a point $z$ such that $d(z,S(\mathcal{l}_2)) = \sqrt{2}$ to define $A$. I know that for such a $z$ there exists $w \in S(\mathcal{l}_2)$ such that $\|z - w \| = \sqrt{2}$, and for every $v \in S(\mathcal{l}_2),v \ne w$, we must have $\|z - v \| &gt; \sqrt{2}$.</p> <p>So, right now I'm confused about how to go ahead with the definition of $A$ in a way that the distance between any <strong>two distinct points in $A$</strong> is greater that $\sqrt{2}$. I get the feeling that I should be able to use what I've described in the previous paragraph, but I don't see how.</p> <p>Could somebody point me in the right way?</p>
vim unable to write to files even though sudo is used. <p>I find that with <code>vim</code>, if I try and edit a file which as a normal user I do not have write access with, even if I use <code>sudo</code>, I am unable to write to it, although if I use <code>nano</code> to edit the same file it works.</p> <p>So for instance if I do:</p> <pre><code>sudo vim /var/path/to/file.conf </code></pre> <p>I will get this in the file and not be able to edit that file:</p> <pre><code>"/var/path/to/file.conf" [readonly] </code></pre> <p>But if I instead do:</p> <pre><code>sudo nano /var/path/to/file.conf </code></pre> <p>It will be able to write to the file, why is this, why does <code>sudo</code> not give <code>vim</code> write access like it does with <code>nano</code>? Is this some sort of bug? Or is this just something which is meant to be? Because it is very annoying.</p> <hr> <h2>OS Information:</h2> <pre><code>Description: Ubuntu 15.04 Release: 15.04 </code></pre> <h2>Package Information:</h2> <pre><code>vim: Installed: 2:7.4.488-3ubuntu2 Candidate: 2:7.4.488-3ubuntu2 Version table: *** 2:7.4.488-3ubuntu2 0 500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ vivid/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status </code></pre>
blackletter1 and yfrak. <p>A follow-up to my earlier <a href="https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/196728/text-fraktur-at-8pt">question</a>. I have implemented <code>\textfraktone</code> using the <code>blackletter1</code> fonts and the T1 encoding, but I get different results to that from using the <code>\textfrak</code> from the <code>yfonts</code> package: specifically the final "s". I think <code>\textfraktone</code> is correct (as one should not use a "medial s" at the end of a word), is this a bug in <code>\textfrak</code>? A minimal example:</p> <pre><code>\documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{yfonts} \newcommand{\textfraktone}[1]{{\fontfamily{yfrak}\selectfont #1}} \begin{document} With \verb|\textfrak|: \textfrak{Greis}, with \verb|\textfraktone|: \textfraktone{Greis}. \end{document} </code></pre>
How to make Windows inserting a &quot;Ξ»&quot; after pressing Alt-Gr-l?. <p>In the same way as Alt-Gr-m inserts a Β΅ or Alt-Gr-e inserts a € I would like Alt-Gr-l to insert a Ξ». How can this be configured in Windows 7?</p>
How to use spot instance with amazon elastic beanstalk?. <p>I have one infra that use amazon elastic beanstalk to deploy my application. I need to scale my app adding some spot instances that EB do not support.</p> <p>So I create a second autoscaling from a launch configuration with spot instances. The autoscaling use the same load balancer created by beanstalk.</p> <p>To up instances with the last version of my app, I copy the user data from the original launch configuration (created with beanstalk) to the launch configuration with spot instances (created by me).</p> <p>This work fine, but:</p> <ol> <li><p>how to update spot instances that have come up from the second autoscaling when the beanstalk update instances managed by him with a new version of the app?</p> </li> <li><p>is there another way so easy as, and elegant, to use spot instances and enjoy the benefits of beanstalk?</p> </li> </ol> <p><strong>UPDATE</strong></p> <p>Elastic Beanstalk add support to spot instance since 2019... see: <a href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/relnotes/release-2019-11-25-spot.html" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/relnotes/release-2019-11-25-spot.html</a></p>
Cleanup make results. <p>I just executed <code>make xy</code> with the wrong user (root). If I try to execute <code>make xy</code> with the correct user (non-root) I get some errors: file z already exists etc. A <code>sudo make xy</code> has no effect. How can I "revert" a make to delete all these files and create a "innocent" field.</p>
Pumpkin grown inside a mold.
Structuring HSA/Roth/Traditional/Brokerage. I am fortunate enough to have worked up to a point where I'm pretty well through the Prime Directive. But now I have all of these different accounts, all with different advantages and disadvantages; Traditional IRA/401K, Roth 401K/IRA a brokerage account and an emergency savings account. (I included HSA in the title, but don't currently have access to a HDHP to utilize an HSA) I'm wondering about guidance as to what type of investments should be in each account. I have cash, short-term treasuries, long-term treasuries, individual stocks, US and International ETFs, REITs and Precious Metals. Some categories are self-explanatory (cash in my savings account), but should a Roth IRA have different investments than a traditional 401K? What should be in a brokerage as opposed to the Roth?
"What proof do we have that he's not!!!!????".
[Help Request] KitchenAid Ensemble Superba electric dryer - no power. Hi, I've a KitchenAid Ensemble Electric Dryer (model #YKEHS01PMT2). The last time I tried to turn it on, nothing happened, no lights or anything. I checked the vent outside the house and that was blocked up, so I cleaned it out and still nothing. I read about the thermal fuse blowing in instances like these, so I ordered and replaced the part---again nothing. I've pulled it away from the wall and checked the plug / outlet. I've a tiny volt sensor, and can detect power going to the machine. If it helps, I've found a pdf of the internals and "how to's", but I'm not sure what to try next--the webpage for it is here: https://www.scribd.com/document/258939241/4317356-KAL-5-KitchenAid-Ensemble-Front-Loading-Gas-and-Electric-Dryers Any help / suggestions before I call a repair person would be really helpful, especially since we're expecting our first in just under a month! Thanks!! **Edit:** Thanks to the help and suggestions those that posted, I took everything apart, dusted it off, couldn't find anything wrong, put it together, and somehow it worked. I'm cautiously optimistic, but it's lasted for 2 loads so far. Thanks again, all!
Android kotlin import synthetic if else. <p>Is there any way to import a synthetic layout like:</p> <p>If (App.layout1) import ...layout1 else layout2</p> <p>?</p> <p>I basically need this feature;) Thanks</p>
Linker Double Redirect (IAR EWARM). <p>I have an IAR STM32 project where I am need to wrap a library function with some custom logic. I do not have the ability to recompile the library itself, so what I would like to do is create a function <code>libfunction_shim</code> that calls into the original <code>libfunction</code>. Using the <code>--redirect</code> linker option (<code>--redirect libfunction=libfunction_shim</code>), I can redirect calls to the original function to the shim, including calls inside the library itself. However, I need to call the original function from the shim.</p> <p>If I add another redirect (<code>--redirect libfunction_original=libfunction</code>), it ends up redirecting <code>libfunction_original</code> to <code>libfunction_shim</code>, rather than the original <code>libfunction</code>. I've tried reordering the redirects, but it does the same thing regardless of order.</p> <p>The linker log demonstrates this:</p> <pre><code>Symbol Redirected to Reason ------------- ------ ------ ... libfunction libfunction_shim command line libfunction_original libfunction_shim command line </code></pre> <p>What I would like this:</p> <pre><code>Symbol Redirected to Reason ------------- ------ ------ ... libfunction libfunction_shim command line libfunction_original libfunction command line </code></pre> <p>Is it possible to do this using the linker?</p>
Latte Twerk [613x767].