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Two of the greasy brigands have their weapons pointed at him
Then BB-8 SPEEDS RIGHT PAST HIM, almost knocking him down -- Finn watches as BB-8 rolls over to the PILOT GETTING OUT OF THE BLACK-MARKED X-WING
WATTO’S JUNK SHOP – DAY QUI-GON, JAR JAR, PADME, and ARTOO enter the dingy junk shop and are greeted by WATTO, a pudgy blue alien who flies on short little wings like a hummingbird
HAN That’s two you owe me, junior
I must try to find the Crystal
Aliens carrying large flags move off the track
The Senate will never be able to approve the use of that army before the separatists attack
POE No, no, no
A deep breath and Rey continues her journey
HAN’S VOICE Hey down there, could you give us a hand with this? The stormtroopers enter the ship and a quick round of gunfire is heard
YODA And draw out the Queen’s attacker
Lando Calrissian and her top Generals around her
Rose draws her weapon and shoots at the enemy ships in midair
The general's signal flashes on, and the captain starts to return the fire
OBI-WAN (angrily) It didn’t work… we’ve stalled! And you almost got us killed! ANAKIN I think we’re still alive
THREEPIO Hey! Wait for us! 63
He is quite offended that I should suggest otherwise… Chewie barks angrily at Threepio
The officer exits as Montross rushes in
QUEEN JAMILLIA Do you see any way, through negotiations, to bring the separatists back into the Republic? PADMÉ Not if they feel threatened
SKYWALKER Were they able to analyze it? MONTROSS It never came within range, sir
He looks at PALPATINE nervously
They gaze out the view port as the Millennium Falcon pulls gracefully away
We're right above you
It should be easy to find, even for those droids in your archive to find
KI-ADI-MUNDI He is a political idealist, not a murderer
Han turns to Chewie who growls at his captain, HAN What’re you lookin’ at? I know what I’m doing
FINN What is it, buddy? INT
DARTH MAUL falls into the melting pit to his death
Don’t give up
They win this round
Puck lifts his sleeze and Zara injects him with a sleep serum
Chewbacca reaches down and HEAVES R2-D2’S SCORCHED SHELL UP ONTO HIS BACK
INT LIVING QUARTERS – CLOUD CITY – DAY – BESPIN Sunlight pours through the skylight in a large art-deco living area onto which four apartments open
You will turn to me or die
The Capitol hologram dissipates to make way for a new structure: THE JEDI TEMPLE, a familiar five-spired building
GEONOSIS, LANDING AREA – DAY 124 The canopy of Obi-Wan’s Starship is covered with SMALL CRAWLING CREATURES
A familiar ship enters frame in blazing pursuit
THEY disappear down an alleyway as the ALARMS are sounded INT
CHANCELLOR HUX (HOLOGRAM) (CONT'D) Though support for his cause has all but vanished, let this day remind us of the consequences for defying our Supreme Leader
OXUS What about A-2? Could we loboto- mize him and use his energy pack? SKYWALKER They're not compatible
Leia and Han follow quickly
The Prime Minister expects you
VADER I'm afraid I have no more time to deal with you
Suddenly, the massive door starts to rise with an ominous thumping and horrific metallic screech
TIE Fighters swarm around Chewie, ganging up
I'm glad you arrived
Please return to your station
HAN I never made a deal with Kanjiklub! BALA-TIK Tell that to Kanjiklub
Valor watches helplessly as A-2 is led into a waiting area
WE HOLD FOR A LONG TIME, looking down, as she recedes from us, toward the distant SALT FLATS below
They stand there, about fifty yards apart, sizing up each other
Luke is breathing hard but the mention of Ben has a curious effect on him
THREEPIO Lock the door, Artoo
Rey braces herself, re-calculates for lightspeed and MAKES THE JUMP INTO THE VOID
The officer in charge is a vicious looking warrior with a large scar across his face
TUSKEN RAIDER HUT – NIGHT 109 The lightsaber completes the hole in the wall
The cat-like creature reaches the top of the post and takes a swipe at PADMÉ
PALPATINE uses the Force to hurl pod after pod at YODA, who ducks and jumps from one flying pod to another
We should be safely inside Gordon within the day
This place can be a little rough
The Brutetrooper grabs a fallen blaster, puts a heavy foot on his chest, aims for Finn’s heart
Han and Luke switch on small lights in their gunbelts
The red dot that represents the Death Star moves ever closer to the system
SKYWALKER Their trail leads directly to the outpost
The COUNCIL MEMBERS look to one another
The BOY leans back to look at the vast blanket of stars in the sky
JUSTIN I said forget them, and hurry
MASSASSI INTERCOM VOICE The Death Star has cleared the planet
LUKE Do the Sith know the ways of the Force? BEN They use the Bogan Force
ANAKIN Move to the right so I can get a clear shot at them
PHANTOM HAWK - DAY Rose reverses their ship out of the hangar
Do you suppose something’s happened to them? ARTOO BEEPS and WHISTLES
DARTH SlDIOUS You will not stop me
But you must leave… The QUEEN turns to PADME and EIRTAE
JAR JAR In response to the direct threat to the Republic from the Confederacy of Independent Systems, I propose that the Senate gives immediate emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor
I've lost too much
OBI-WAN Just slow down! ZAM WESELL and the JEDI race through a line of cross-traffic made up of giant trucks
PALPATINE I need your help, son
The towering yellow oxide clouds pass, revealing the Royal City of Granicus
Just what
It doesn't make sense for you to risk yourself on my account
Moments later, the shirtless trapper emerges from the crawler with the princess held unconscious and half naked over his head
Ben moves around the Dark Lord and starts backing into the massive starship hangar
I am formally requesting you turn him over to me, now
Rey and Poe pull apart
HAN I think this whole plan is nuts
We’ll have no more of this Obi-Wan Kenobi jibberish… and don’t talk to me of your mission, either
A mercenary on a starship, he is simple, sentimental, and cocksure
Luke looks at his father, then reaches out and Vader’s lasersword leaps off the Dark Lord’s belt and into the young Jedi’s hand
It’s pretty beat up, but I’ll have it fixed up for you in no time, I promise
194 INT
TIE FIGHTER – COCKPIT The stars whip past behind the Imperial pilot as he adjusts his maneuvering joy stick
OBI-WAN All right, engage… and hurry
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Dataset Source

This dataset is derived from the Star Wars Scripts Database available on Kaggle.
Title: Star Wars Scripts Database
Creator: Oscar Yezfeijo
Source: Kaggle - Star Wars Scripts Database
License: Open Database (ODbL) for the database, Database Contents under Database Contents License. Check Kaggle Licensing Information for details.

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