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hi all. long time suse user here. is there an ubuntu w/ kde version that can be run from a jumpdrive (usb drive)? to test?
hi... i have a 6.06 lts obtained from shipip. installing on my lap a second time it hangs at 76%, 1:35 remaining... is it a known bug? sorry for bothering...
i would say no ... but then i also don't know what it is doing at that stage
what is the best way to remotely back up a system, like using clonezilla remotely. can i install clonezilla and ssh on the remote machine
what should i use to format a disk i need to boot from usb and wipe the disk
hi, is there a way to tell where a package has installed its files?
dpkg -l package
does ubuntu 11.04 use wayland for graphics?
i don't think 11.10 will use it
has anyone gotten 'g' wireless to work at all?
sure, it works here.
in last time doky began to crash many times. may be someone knows the issue?
began to crash ... how did it crash? did it go funky? did you do something special? did you edit the config file?
hi, can someone help me, i have just installed lubuntu on my netbook. when i close the lid the notebook goes into standy, how can i turn this off, the notebook should be online all the time
system -> preferences -> power management
musik: how do i get the network manager to come back? it went away when i removed the card and put it back in...
alt+f2, nm-applet
what is the difference between the three sessiosn: gnome, gnome classic, gnome classic (no effects)? the only one that doesn't crash for me is the 'no effects' one
gnome is gnome-shell, gnome classic is gnome-panel with compiz, gnome classic (no effects) is gnome-panel with metacity
is it possible to have upstart scripts start in a custom order? seems to answer your question. see the 'start on' section
hey does ubuntu have a precanned way of enabling/disabling startup services? (want to disable apache2)
does the ubuntu server for freenode block crunchbang? i am trying to connect and every time it connects, xchat closes on me
i cant even imagine how it can tell what disrto you are using.. could be an irc client issue
hmm, anyone here know much about oss and alsa. if its possible to redirect oss (/dev/dsp) to alsa hw:0,1 ? so that oss based applications( wow , team speak) can be used while xmms is running on alsa etc?
wine 1.0.0 is in backports
do lower timings for ram help in linux?
by default, they are
anyone here familiar with xubuntu and knows how to not have to have the disc in to apt-get?
remove the cd from your sources.list
is there any image editing tool for ubuntu? not normal image editing tool, i mean photoshop type image editing tool
try gimp
where in the file system, does the mail program evolution normally live? 10.04 lts
run `which evolution` at a terminal prompt.
hey, after updating to feisty i can no longer see my ntfs partitions. i run 'sudo mount /media/hdd1' it tells me that /dev/hdd1 does not exist.
feisty uses a different driver and all drives are now sd instead of hd and/or sd
can someone tell me the release date of 5.10, im lookin foward to it and would like to know in advance.
breezy will have better everything
where do i find lndir?
doesn't appear in a package. i see the man page for lndir, for it and ja, but nothing else
gibbons has installed the ethernet and wireless as eth0 and eth1. how do i rename the wifi card as ath0?
see /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
hi all - what is the alt+f2 launcher command in ubuntu? (one terminal command)
the what?
ubuntu doesn't come with gcc by default?
sudo apt-get install build-essential
hi. im in the livecd, how do i mount my sda1?
and the same live cd will let you at the hard drive of a windows machine
why don't the icons on my new docky work.. they just bounce but will not open.
ask the makers of your dock.
just wondering if someone knew a site where you could get the ubuntu cd as a torrent?
downthemall add-on for firefox?
-- ok. i'll take a look at that. i've been downloading everythign from gwget, axel, aria2c, fatrat , jdownload, etc... nothing has meet my needs. thanks.
anyone know of a more kde-centric program like grip?
try 'kaudiocreator'
does anyone know why mplayer isn't available for me? i think i have my multiverse repositories enabled as well.
did you search for mozilla-mplayer
- how would you learn the keyboard model number for a laptop?
cat /var/lib/acpi-support/*-*
is there any way to reduce or eliminate lag in online flash apps or is it a known issue?
as far as i know, no, because i think hardware acceleration simply doesnt work in loinux flash for soom reason
how can use the 'find -name '*somefile*', that it ignores wether a letter is a capital or not?
use -iname instead of -name
anyone in here know a widely accepted usenet / newsgroup binary download client?
i like pan
how do you paste online from commandline ?
see what ubottu just wrote
without using kubuntu, how easy is it to switch from gnome to kde?
i want an init.d script to ensure that another is run whenever it is started. is this possible using the init info section? i've tried things but it seems to be ignored
you could export a variable in first
i'm trying to edit a file in nano but i cannot figure out how to save the file or exit
ctrl + x
hello, does anybody know some utility for linux like a file explorer for bluetooth devices, like p2kcommander for win?
hi, is this printer supported by linux - hp laserjet pro m1212nf mfp ( ) ?
i suggest googling around
how can you check if a device is working
- if you want to see if the device is detected you can sudo lshw if you want to see if it causing errors you can dmesg
now, my second question is this: is there a 'prefered' way of adding new partitions to the /etc/fstab (like some graphical partition mounter) or can i just edit my /etc/fstab in vim?
attack it with vim, that's best in my experience
i accidentally did crazy stuff with my xorg.conf. how can i reset it?
if you have the open graphic drivers, then you can erase xorg.conf and restart.
how do you output the contents of the terminal to a log file?
'ls > filename.txt'
what's the equivalent of 'apt-get update' in the software center ui?
use update-manager
can anyone help me get firestarter to autostart after reboot, i'm using ubuntu 8.04?
you don't actually need firestarter running for the firewall to run, but in case you want to, just add 'firestarter' command to your autostart section
how do i monitor keypresses?
i'll write about my problem again so anyone can help me. i'm on a server-install and the terminal is not using the whole height of my screen. it only uses half, positioned in the middle. i was told to press 'e' at boot prompt and add 'vga=normal' but when clicking 'e' i'm given a list of choices first (root, kernel, initrd, savedefault, boot) what should i edit?
df -h
hi all, i am new to ubuntu and i am hoping someone can help me out.
hi,all. how can i combine some flv files to 1 file?
winff for ffmpeg
assume i have a set of packages installed. how can i find a 'minimum' set of packages to reproduce this set (through dependencies)?
is there a way i can make the title-bar of my windows smaller? is that done just by downloading a different theme?
system>prefs>appearance ?
object 'config' is unknown, try 'ip help'.
is a command set for you ip
how can i tell what ntfs driver im using
'mount' in a terminal window should tell
what's the minimum size for a / partition if all other mounts are on seperate devices?
for / like that i'd give / at least 5-10meg
hello! now i'm using ext4 file system (after reiserfs), and i noticed that each partition has a 'lost+found' folder. how can i removed or hide this?
well on nautilus, you can create a .hidden file and list it there
how do i search for a file using a text inside of it instead its name?
cat ./* | grep text
hi guys.. simple question, how can i get disable pcmcia for automatically starting up on my destkop on every boot - seeing as i dont need it?
apt-get remove --purge pcmcia-cs :-)
how do i check last-modified date with command line?
or ls -l
im having trouble installing jre, im following the steps in the java howto from the wiki but am getting the 'no matching plugin found' error when running make-jpkg, ive tried prefacing the command with deb_build_gnu_type=i386-linux as suggested there but i still get the same error
throuw out the -rpm.bin and download the correct .bin
i like chromium but i'm use to double clicking on the address line to retype for a new location.. chromium doesn't seem to do this easily.. any hints?
just press ctrl+l start typing new address
hi. i'm running intrepid desktop and want advice on the best/easiest ftp server i can install. just package name is fine, i'll google the rest.
sorry for that silly question, but im really confused.. does dvdshrink only compess dvds? or can it also burn them
i would leave dvd burning upt gnombaker or nerolinux
the drive. and it says 'can't find dev/sd1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab'
would that not be sda or sdb or sd1 or sdb1 not sd1?
good evening, how do i make dvd playback work on my new laptop, have installed libdvdcss2 but no luck
i think there's a new package now, libdvdread3, that replaces it. and depending on where you are, maybe regionset.
i manually started nm-applet and it appears to be working now. however, i get this in my terminal: ** (nm-applet:16454): warning **: couldn't communicate with gnome keyring daemon via dbus: the name org.gnome.keyring was not provided by any .service files
always had trouble with nm-applet and so forth; would you like a guide how to do it the command line way?
hi there, how can i tell if a running ubuntu installation is on 32 or 64bit? kernel packages are just called 'generic'...
uname -a
what is the command to use too see what processes are using what devices?
'lsof' (lists open files, but devices are files too, mostly)
i am trying to remove apache2-mpm-prefork and it keeps failing saying invoke-rc.d cannot stop apache2 - it is not running, and i am unable to start it - how can i fix this?
you could modify the rc script to exit true when stop is invoked...
hi, i was wondering why ubuntu assigned the device /dev/sda to my hd instead of hda. i'm assuming it is emulating scsi, but i'm not sure. when i run hdparm, the settings look different than usual.. it seems performance is better if i don't emulate scsi
sudo hdparm -i /dev/sda
i'd like to export my home across campus. i'll mainly be using macs, but will want to access it from a pc on occasion. how can i decide between netatalk/samba, nfs/samba, or just samba? i've only briefly worked with nfs, and such sharing still seems to be a bit of black magic to me.
try not using netatalk and samba. try ssh, connect and get the files and you are in and out.
where is wimrc file by default located?
probably ~/.wimrc
is there a php4 package for ubuntu?
i mean, apt-get install php4
hello, i was uninstalling a program on windows xp home edition, when the system switched off and since then my computer have not been able to boot to windows, i have tried every tweak i found on the net and discussion forum but no success.. i was thinking this may be due to a corrupt registry or something that has to do with windows booting files.. can i please get a guide on how i tweak/edit either the registry or system file to get wi
boot from the xp installations cd and follow the instructions for 'repair!'
two boxes are connected to a router, how can i connect from one box to another one via ssh?
you have to install openssh-server
quick question... is it possible to set up raid-5 on ubuntu without touching command line? similiar to disk manager on windows?
i do not think that wqould work
gma950 + s-video... has anyone gotten this to work?
that card should work out of the box
found something ... how may i get into /home/.trash-root/ ? (it's a root directory)
try this -- gksudo nautilus /home/.trash-root
hey, is there a way to move the unity bar to the right side instead of the left?
i don't think so.
..nobody with sis? ;)
no problem here
can somebody tell me how i can stop the graphical ui like we used to do service gdm stop'
hi guys :) anyone have experience with ubuntu running in parallels 3?
have you tried system -> administration -> hardware ?
hi. how can i arrange all opened windows in gnome with a mouse click? is there something like 'arrange side by side' ?
i think there is nothing like that
so, what happened to the servers?
problem at the datacenter
hey. can someone please give me the syntax to unrar files into a specific directory? like if i want to unrar all archives in a folder i'd type: unrar e '*.rar' but what if i wanted the extracted files to go in /media/here for example?
unrar e *.rar /where/u/want/files
one of my fat32 drives goes read-only everytime i start my computer. i'm pretty sure there's an error on it. how can i fix the error without wiping everything on it?
check out for a software called spinrite
can someone tell me how to upgrade from hoary to breezy using the iso image without burning a cd-rom
i am looking to create some sort of front door security system which takes a snapshot of whoever is at the door when they press the buzzer. i already have the camera i need to use. and i guess i could wire the doorbell in as a key press or a mouse click. but i doubt there is any suitable software. i would probably have to graft something.any ideas?
why not a stock surviellance system that records when there is motion ?
is there still not any skype plug in for pidgin which can activate skype account without running skype at same time?
no - and i don't think it's possible to write one.
is there a virtual package to get gcc, autoconf, automake, etc ?
is alsa to oss, as pulse is to jack?
not really, pulse can do real time audio, but that is jackd's speciality
hm, i am trying to share a folder on my laptop using samba. i have given it a share-name and opened port 137-139 and 445 for incomming connection in my firewall. when i try to access the share on my stationary workstation (mount -t smbfs -o username=usr,password=psw //ip/share-name /media/net) i get 'connection refused'. what is wrong?
run smbpasswd from console to add a user for samba
is there something like defragmentation on linux?
nope theres no need for it the wat it writes to the disk. ntfs ans designded to be hard to recover data from thats why you have to defrag it
how do i access my trashcan through the command line?
it's under ~/.local/share/trash/
does anyone know where chrome's configuration files are? they aren't in /home/user/.chrome
check .config in your users home
hey, anyone know when hoary cd's are going to be shipped?
maybe you should check some of the developer's blogs
can someone explain to me how linux routes work?
they work the same way as ip routing anywhere... try man route for how to configure them.
is there a channel i can go to to help me out with commands in linux? or can i ask here? it is not only unix related.
find [thedirectory] > [the file]
how do i download a package from ubuntu repositories, i don't want to install it .. just download
you'll find it in /var/cache/apt/archives
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