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Supreme Commander 2 - Build Orders
What's your Supreme Commander 2 build order. I don't just want "6 mass extractors, 2 power and a factory". List of building and units out to the second or third factory, please.
Can I see how many mission items I've found during the current mission?
You can view how many bone shards, paintings and runes you've found when you are done with your mission. Can I view how much of the items I've already found while doing the mission?
Our city has 40 citizens. Our well has 114 water rations left. What gives?
Does that mean that if no one screws up and everybody gets his daily ration, our water sources will be depleted in 2.85 more days? (The city started existing less than a day ago at 23:36.) Even if we all took 1 water ration every 3 days (unlikely) that only is enough to last for 9 days -- not to forget that banished people also get to get their daily ration. Is this true? Could there be other sources of water in the map? Are we going to have to kill each other to survive?
How do I use rags to stop bleeding?
I have some clean rags that I found in a first aid kit, and I would like to use them as a bandage, but I can't figure out how. Clicking Consume on them does nothing.
Are there any gameplay relevant benefits of prestiging on COD:BO?
I know of the extra class slots and the various cosmetic stuff like face paints or crosshairs that are unlocked only when you prestige x times. I am not really into that. But I was wondering, if I would miss anything by not prestiging at all. If yes, how many times should I prestige for the maximum benefit?
What is the formula for experience points gained for killing monsters?
I've noticed that I don't gain any experience anymore for certain kinds of monsters, at least there appears no entry in the combat journal. I suspect that the XP formula is level-dependent, so that you don't gain any XP anymore for monsters far below your own level. Is there anything known about how the experience point system works in the Witcher 2?
How to get the emerald sword?
At the beggining of the game the Enchanting Shop says, if you don't have diamond sword: > **Enchanting Shop** > You can only enchant diamond and emerald sword, sorry :( Since the game is supposed to be complete, how can the Emerald Sword be found?
Will Sims 3 Windows-only DVD serial work on Mac?
I have one of the early Sims 3 DVD versions that apparently did not come with a Mac installer. If I could get ahold of a Mac DVD for installation, would it be possible to use my Windows CD-key? Or do I need to buy an entirely new copy to play on my Mac?
How do Terran hide SCVs within command centers?
I've seen terran put scvs into their command center and lift off, how do you put scvs into the command center?
Assault ships v. Interceptors
What are the benefits of an assault ship over an interceptor? I played some significant time ago, and was working towards an assault ship for my solo agent missions and general 0.6 ratting (NPC pirate hunting), but I've no idea if this is a good idea any more (or even then). So: a) What are the main uses of each b) Which would most benefit the style of play mentioned above?
How can I find a thief (ideally without Bukkit)?
We're trying to catch a thief on our server. Bukkit isn't a good option since it's a hosted server, so I'm hoping for advice that doesn't requires Bukkit plugins. In the worst case I could probably move the world files somewhere that Bukkit is an option. There are only 7 suspect players. INVEdit crashes when opening some players' inventories, presumably because we're running 1.7.4 and INVEdit hasn't been updated recently. So I used the trick of temporarily hijacking other players' `[username].dat`files, but the stolen items aren't in anyone's inventory. A note in case someone else doesn't know this technique: 1. Look in the world's `/players` directory. 2. Back up your own `[username].dat` file. 3. Copy a suspected player's `[username].dat` file, renaming it to your user name. 4. Launch the game and check the inventory as your own. 5. When you're done investigating, restore your own `[username.dat]` file. This probably means the stolen items are in a hidden chest, since the technique above lets you inspect players' inventories and Ender chests. Are there time-reasonable (i.e., not requiring hours of tedious work) techniques for finding thieves after the fact? And if not after the fact, are there ways to set up a trap that will help identify thieves in the future, again without requiring hours of work? For example, I've wondered whether naming items could somehow help to track down thieves if you could search through the World data file. Unfortunately, this related question hasn't turned up a solution yet for searching world data for a specific item or item type.
What do I do in the glass box in The Chase?
In _The Chase_ , I followed the black ghost thing through the level until I got to a point where the only path I can see leads to a glass box. When I walk into the box and turn around, I am surrounded by glass on all sides and I can see the ghost moving outside of the box. The ghost sighting seems to indicate I was supposed to go there, but once I am in the box I can't figure out what to do next. What am I supposed to do one I enter the glass box?
How can I get the Caveman2Cosmos mod working?
I downloaded and installed version 28 of the Caveman2Cosmos mod the other day, and am having trouble getting it to run. When I load the mod, Civilization closes down as normal, but never reappears. Eventually Windows tells me "Sid Meier's Civilization 4: Beyond the Sword has stopped working." **System information:** I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit and have over 4GB of RAM still available when the crash occurs. Here is the error text displayed when I show the problem details: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: Civ4BeyondSword.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 48317e8a Fault Module Name: CvGameCoreDLL.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 5105a233 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 000d50c2 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 8485 Additional Information 2: 84853502223d8164a31468861a7c3d71 Additional Information 3: 096e Additional Information 4: 096e1bd0f1dc1c0a0e6c1d8ecc5c1361 If any more information is needed to pin down the problem, I'll be more than happy to edit it in.
How does the Trophy System work?
I like playing as sniper, and this one seems more tempting to use than flashbang or smoke grenade. However, I can't figure out its use. The description says it can deflect up to two projectiles. I am equipped with Blind Eye and Assassin Pro, and I have the ghillie suit unlocked, so basically, I am invisible to anyone and anything at all times, as long as I don't move. What would be the tactical uses of the Trophy System, and how does it work? Also, once deployed, can I relocate it? If yes, how?
Does Dreamy Luigi get the benefits of boots worn by waking Luigi?
In _Mario & Luigi: Dream Team_ if I equip boots or a hammer with special effects on Luigi does Dreamy Luigi also get the benefits of the special effects?
Dungeon Defenders Local Split Screen
I recently purchased Dungeon Defenders from Steam to be able to play it with my friends locally. We have simply want to be able to do local split screen with several controllers and a keyboard. This morning I set up the controllers, and I started a split screen game, and it all worked just as expected, with one small exception - every hero we created was linked to one 'master' account. All mana gained, and all items picked up were all shared between the heroes. This simply won't work, so is there some way to get split-screen working properly with steam, or is there some way to gain an original copy of the game via my steam licence?
Advantages of filling up all occupations of a building
In Pixel People, you can assign a certain occupation to multiple buildings. For example, a mathematician can be assigned to a university or to a tech support center. This makes it impossible to 'fill up' all the buildings with the correct occupation unless you splice duplicates. Is there any advantage at all for filling up all the occupations of a building?
How can I view my profile?
In fantasica, whenever you try to recruit an ally or battle another player, you can see their personal, player stats. The problem that I am having is that I cannot find a way to view my own profile! Does any one know if this can be done and, if so, how?
What is the most expensive car when fully modified?
I'm wondering which car that you can find on the street can be sold for most money when it's fully customized. I know that the Futo and the Sultan goes for 100k+ when fully modded but are there any cars that are more expensive?
Can you make a clock as a placeable block?
In Minecraft can you make a clock and then place it? I want to have it as an "Alarm clock" for my mansion.
Why did all of my holiday stuff disappear from Tiny Death Star?
Why did my holiday stuff all disappear? I was using it earlier and then I opened up TDS and it was gone.
tiny death star holiday reset
Why has my holiday levels reset I was up too 22 levels Then the emperor cut scene came on and they all reset I dont want to do all this again if this keepa happe ing Is there any way I can get my level back without having too pay
Where do I have to go to find my promotional weapons?
I've gotten as far as the citadel, and I haven't found my promotional weapons from playing the Kingdom of Amalur demo. Where should I go to find my Chakram Launcher and Reckoner Knight armor? If they should have been automatically added, how do I link my 2 EA accounts? Just to round out the question, where is the other pre-order gear picked up from?
What does breach chance mean?
On FTL, some weapons have a breach chance. What does breach do? How important is it? Screenshot below: ![enter image description here](
When is the best moment to do Nashor?
Yesterday I was playing a normal game, and I suggested to do Nashor. One of my teammates said: Are you crazy? I was reading about that but I didn't get a clear answer, but I know it's a really good point for you team if you can kill it. So i dont know if I am crazy or not, but i want to know: When is the best minute to do Nashor at the game? (because it gains hp every minute right?) What factors affect to do it? It's good to use it to initiate a tf?
Pattern management in AC:NL?
So yesterday, I spent some time laying down the roads in my village. It took a total of 9 patterns to get everything right (4 corners, 4 sides, and a middle). However, I now only have 1 pattern space left in my "pockets". I know that if I change a pattern or remove it, then every tile which now has that pattern on it will also change. Is there a way for me to manage this properly? Or am I doomed to have only 1 pattern (which is now used as my town flag)? Additionally, if I wish to change my patterns at a later date and replace them all with another road tile pattern, what would be the easiest way of doing this? Would simply replacing/copying over the old tiles do? Thanks!
Should I sell to Nook or Re-Tail?
I noticed that the nice people at Re-Tail buy my used goods/fish/bugs/misc. at a higher price than the Nook crime family will. In past games, however, you needed to have a combined buy/sell amount at Nook's (who is a seedy criminal) shop in order for the store to upgrade. Am I losing something or missing out if I buy from Nook's shop and sell to Re- Tail? Thanks!
Classrooms Full!
I keep getting complains about people that couldn't go to school. How could I fix this? I tried a lot of things (like multiple universities and school bus stops everywhere). Not sure how to fix this. All streets are `High Density Streetcar Avenue` * * * I builded **two** universities in the opposite sides of the city, and still have the problem while both got "Classroooms full" warnings at 7:15 am **Statistics:** * 3.566 of 4.400 Students enrolled * School bus stop in every place (all streets are green) * I have kids not enrolled living in the building NEXT to the university (literally in the same quarter!!) * First university: * 1600 of 4500 students in class today * 800/800 students in class today * 3 dormitories * Second university: * 1600 of 4500 students in class today * 800/800 students in class today **The layout of my city is more or less this:** _________________ |UrrrrrrrrrrrrrCCII| |rrrrrrrrrrrrrrCCII| |rrrrrrrrrrrrrrCCII| |rrrrrrrrrrrrrrCCII| |rrrrrrrrrrrrrrCCII| |rrrrrrrrrrrrrrCCII| |rrCrUrrrrrrrrrCCII| Here some Screen shots! ![First U]( ![Middle]( ![Second U](
What auction strategy can get me the item with the least rupees spent?
Auctioning in this game is weird. You have to mash A to fill up a bar that will let you bid. If you bid high enough, it looks like the other bidders are stunned for a time. Is the best strategy just to wait until there are 5 seconds left in the bid and stun everyone? Will that make you get the item for the cheapest amount of rupees? What is the ideal auction strategy?
Do different weapons have different base attack speeds?
I tried out a short bow ranger build in sPVP yesterday and noticed that it shoots faster than the longbow i usually use in PVE and WvWvW. Do different weapons have different base attack speeds?
Can you get missed weapon mods in New Game+?
When you begin New Game+ with your character, you import many things - weapons, armor, experience, and weapon mods. I wonder - when you plan NG+, during missions can you obtain same equipment as in normal game? For example, in normal game you obtain Shotgun Shredder Mod 3 (out of maximum level 5), and is it possible that during NG+ you obtain on missions other 2 levels? Or are these mods just cut out of mission?
Where can I safely store my stuff?
I'd like to find a place to store stuff while I'm out adventuring, without spending 5000 on a house (at least, until I can afford that...). Where can I safely store items without worrying about them disappearing? There are two possible places that come to mind, Gerdur's house (to which I have the key and was told I could stay), and the small bedroom given to me at the College of Winterhold (which I was told was mine, despite seeing J'zaro sitting in it later). Can I store items safely in either of these places?
Can you rebuy things from fences if they don't sell that item in skyrim?
I sold something to Mallus Maccius and I actually need it now, it was a peice of armor and he does't carry that, is there anyway i can get it back?
Is there a free beginner house in skyrim?
I'm looking for a beginner house to store unique items and other stuff, at level 1.
Can i get back my lost items?
> **Possible Duplicate:** > How can I find a lost item? If I already lost some items in a chest that was not mine in skyrim, is it possible to got those things back? I don't care about normal items, I want back my Daedra artifacts. I lost my things up on a ship named Dainty Sload, in a chest that its entering the ship and it's near Solitude.
Is it safe to leave my stuff in a random chest?
> **Possible Duplicate:** > Where can I safely store my stuff? I don't have a house yet in Skyrim. If I leave my junk in a chest in a dungeon, will it remain there indefinitely? Will it disappear at some point?
How can I find a lost item?
I've lost Morekei, 100% magicka regen, and I have no idea how. I've been looping through all of the shopkeepers I might have somehow sold it to but no one seems to have it. I've got this game on PC. Is there any way I can gain information about where in the game world it is is? Conosle commands or looking through the game files? I can create another one (anyone know it's ID?), but I'd prefer not to do that.
I lost a Daedric Ebony Blade, how can I find it?
> **Possible Duplicate:** > How can I find a lost item? I have been searching for every rare weapon in skyrim Xbox 360 elite. I had the ebony blade (daedric) and either dropped it in my home, put it in one of my chests or put it on a weapon rack and it has now disappeared. Please help and if you know a way to get two either would help. It looks like a katana.
Storage / houses?
> **Possible Duplicate:** > Where can I safely store my stuff? Right now I'm level 7 and starting to get a lot of items and equipment (dragon bones & scales) that I don't want to sell to the merchants, but they're too heavy to be carried around. Can we buy or get a house to store the items like we do in Fallout 3?
Storage prior to house
Is it safe to store my weapons in the chest at High Hrothgar? Not for too long, though. Just long enough to sell off my Dragon Bones and Dragon Scales. I want to store my weapons there because with their weight added to the Bones and scales, I can't fast travel. And if you say a house is best, well, I'm selling the bones and scales so I can BUY a house later on. But please let me know of any safe places readily available until I can afford a house. Thank you.
How can I get my lost Vokun mask back?
I had the Vokun mask. I've even been back to make certain I didn't leave it on the mob etc, but now I can't find it. I can't remember if I sold it or just dumped it. I have all the other masks and wish to use them all to get the final one. I am entering the correct console command to get the item back, but it doesn't work. `additem 00061cc9 1` (I hope this is the id for the Vokun mask) Does anyone have any ideas how to get it back?
Can my items be stolen if I leave them somewhere?
I haven't bought a house, but I have my own quarters as: > the Archmage of Winterhold, after Savos Aren dies and I bring back the Staff > of Magnus. If I put some items in a chest by the bed, will they stay there permanently until I remove them, or could they be stolen by NPCs, disappear over time, etc.? On a related note, I've noticed that items remain until I come back when dropped arbitrarily across landscape, buildings, and caves. Has anyone experienced a case where this is _not_ true?
Living items in storage, will they stay there?
I just married Ysolda on Skyrim and now I am living in her place, if I store my items in the chests there will they stay there?
Can I get my Dragon Priest masks back?
I'm playing on xbox and I sold a few of my masks to Niranye. Usually when I sell important items to her, she keeps them even after restocking. Except she didn't keep those. Is there any way I can get them back? Please help if you can!
Is there any way to replace a lost Dragon Priest mask?
> **Possible Duplicate:** > How can I find a lost item? I found out about a spell I can get to summon a dragon priest and I need all 8 of the dragon priest masks. I know I have found them all but I think I may have dropped one by accident or put it in a chest somewhere not thinking I would need it. Mind you I probably did that close to the beginning of the game. Is there a way at all to find it again? Or am I surely out of luck. Any and all help would be much appreciated. I am on Xbox 360, so console commands wont help.
Is there a way to locate dropped items?
I'm playing Skyrim on the PS3, I stole these rings from the Arcaneum: Katarina's Ring Treoy's Ring Balwen's Ring Pithiken's Ring I thought they weren't good for anything so I dropped them god knows where, later on I found this journal under winterhold collage saying that I have to put the rings on the Deadric Relic (hand). So any idea how I can locate my rings? I cant load the game I'm way too far ahead of when I dropped them. and PS3 have no console , correct me if I'm wrong I don't remember where I dropped them , I might also possibly sold them would they still be at the vendor to buy them back if so? Please help , I'd really appreciate if I can find how do I get the rings back
How do I find my Staff of Magnus in Skyrim?
> **Possible Duplicate:** > How can I find a lost item? I've been asked to close a rupture and need my Staff of Magnus to do this. Thing is, I don't know where I've kept it. I've lived in the Dawnstar sanctuary and checked there, but its not there. I live in the College of Winterhold where I'm Arch Mage, and checked there. But it's not there either. I had this staff with me when I had to close that big thingy in the Hall. Now I don't remember where I stored it. Is there any way to find out where I left it? Some console command or something like that?
Barrels in College of Winterhold were reset, I lost tons of items
> **Possible Duplicate:** > Where can I safely store my stuff? > How can I find a lost item? I thought that the College dorm room was a "safe stash" area. I put all of my spare potions and ingredients in the right most barrel in the cluster of three barrels in the back of the room. Not only that but the entire room was reset and everything I took was replaced. I've read that barrels and rooms may be reset if you don't return frequently, but that was not the case for me. I'd only been away from my dorm room for two (in game) days.Is there a way to get my stashed items back now? If not, how the HELL do I prevent this from happening again aside from entering my room once per day? Thanks!
Can I store stuff in my rented room?
> **Possible Duplicate:** > Where can I safely store my stuff? If I store things in a chest in a room I have rented, will it safely stay there like it would in a house I own or will it vanish after a few days?
Can I get back an item I lost?
I placed Auriel's Bow in a chest at Nightcaller Temple. When I came back it was gone, what do I do? I'm playing on XBox, not PC.
I've lost otar and can't find it.
I have lost my dragon mask Otar and I can't find it anywhere. I've gone to all my houses and can't seem to find or remember where I kept it. I've gone back to Ragnvald to see if I might have just never picked it up and all the bodies are gone. And I might add too that the skull keys were still in the coffin where the dragon priest was held. This is the ps3 version. Is there any possible way to find it?
AOE 2 Windows recorded game on Mac?
I owned a PC during my college days and have a whole collection of recorded games (around 1000 games) played during that period. Now I own a mac and would really like to watch those games again, since they bring back happy memories of great times ! Is there a MAC software which allows me to run recorded games of AOE 2 ? I searched all over the internet and it seems windows recorded AOE 2 games wont run on a MAC. Is there no way ? :(
How do you turn on the fast walking ability on Smart Moving Mod?
I tried to do "O" and "I" but they made only me slower. I'm trying to find out how to go _faster_ not slower.
Can the player create Potions of Ultimate x?
Most player-created potions grant a finite amount of resource restoration. At higher levels, is there some way to create a "Potion of Ultimate _x_ ", such as those that can occasionally be found in the wild or bought, which will restore the user's resource completely?
Can you take over a NPC's home in Skyrim?
A dragon came into town and a NPC was killed in the fight. I was able to looted his body and I found the key to his home (He seems to have no wife). So my question is, did I just gain a free home? Or is some long lost relative going to show up while I'm off questing and take over the house?
How did the players between the group to group rounds get allocated in the Homestory Cup IV?
I was watching the Homestory Cup IV yesterday, and I caught some of the "reseeding" between the Ro32 (8 groups of 4) and Ro16 (4 of 4) group stages and didn't really know what was going on. Players seemed to be suggesting different group matchups, but I don't know if they were just throwing out ideas then having people agree on it, or if was somehow ordered. They were saying "(Player X) can switch (player Y) into group Z", which makes me think the latter, but I don't know of any common rules for such an event. Liquipedia just says "The Top 4 players, based on map score, from Group Stage #1 will be able to switch their groups in Group Stage #2", do they just give #1 first choice and on down?
Are the new weapons available as random drops?
It's been awhile since the last weapons-including update, and I cannot recall if new weapons are immediately added to the randomly dropped weapons the game gives out during play. Are the 5 new weapons from the 'love-themed' TF2 update all available as randomly dropped weapons? Similar and unrelated - Are non-strange versions of the Bread weapons also available for random drops?
How do you bind a console command to a key?
I would like to bind `pushactoraway 00000014 1` to a key on my keyboard. Can I create a batch file to do this?
Do the Doom Bots of Doom have Hidden Bonuses?
So the new Coop-vs-AI Modus Doom Bots of Doom lets you play against "Unfair" Bots. All of them have enhanced abilities and after the second difficulty they also have Weird Passives (Seriously who the hell thinks that Swain ultimate makes a good passive??). Now while most of the Additional Spells are shown in-game or at least in the patch notes (Additional champion abilities, Passives and Dragon-Teleport) I sometimes feel like the bots Have some extra Bonuses. The 2 main things that come to my mind are: Better Scalings and More gold. I'm not 100% sure and I don't really have a source on this but I feel like the bots scale better with AP/AD and I also feel like they get more gold than the players (The bots farm is pretty crappy but they still manage to keep up in items somehow). Are there any things like more damage, more gold or more resistance that aren't described in-game or in the patch notes that apply to these Bots?
Is there a way to activate the abort sequence from the keyboard?
Version 0.18 introduced action groups, including a dedicated abort group. This can be activated using the pop out button next to the altimeter, but I'm wondering if this can be done from the keyboard. Instead of searching for the UI button while my rocket is exploding below me, I'd rather just hit a keyboard hotkey. What is the hotkey?
How does sethbling "steal items from air" in this video?
Around 0:40, sethbling throws iron blocks at the huge villager statue, and they vanish. How does that work? And what version of Minecraft do I need to use to do this?
Do Toughness or Vitality help with surviving fall damage?
According to the GW2 wiki, Falling Damage: > Fall damage is proportional to the characters health: if a level 80 and a > level 1 fall the same height, the amount taken will be different, but the > percentage of health taken away will be the same. Does this mean that both Toughness and Vitality don't reduce fall damage? Or would Toughness help because it's a fixed damage reduction rather than an increase in HP?
Does the rate of fire skill affect shotguns?
The ROFUP1 skill states it increases number of bullets by 1.2x, does this only work with machine guns or does it affect shot guns too as it also has multiple bullets per shot?
Which equipment should I unlock first?
I've reached a level now where I am constantly unlocking new equipment, and while I sometimes get a demo of it in a particular level, more often it is just a growing list of items with unexplained capabilities. I understand the master categories of "distraction" and "lethal", but beyond that I never really know how valuable an item is until I buy it - and I have a limited amount of points at this point in the game, so I'd like to buy the most useful items first. To me I define most useful as: * Applicable to the most scenarios (ie not special case) * Makes enemy encounters as easy as possible * Allows me to progress more quickly
How do I extend landing gear?
I'm trying to test a lander, but it keeps smashing into the ground and exploding without the landing gear extending. The process is clearly not automatic, nor is it programmable as a stage. How do I extend the landing gear?
How do the melee weapons compare to each other in terms of swing arc and reach?
Another question already asked about weapon damage per second (DPS; damage per hit and 'reload time'). The accepted answer basically states that "they are different in terms of _reload time_ , however, they are **not** different in terms of _damage done per hit_." I'm curious about how melee weapons compare to each other in terms of _swing arc_ and _reach_ , as this is another significant factor in melee weapon choice, aside from 'reload time'. Is there a ranking of melee weapons in terms of _swing arc_ or _reach_? The Left 4 Dead Wiki doesn't seem to go into detail about this part of the melee weapons' stats.
When is Rapid Fire better than regular fire?
Assault soldiers can pick a perk that lets them fire their weapon twice at a -15 penalty to aim. When is it better to use this ability and when to use regular fire instead?
What are some key ways for someone new to FPS games to improve their game?
My question is aimed at death match games, such as Halo and Call of Duty. Assume a high degree of comfort with single-player FPSs, but no experience with multiplayer.
What causes Coup de Grace?
What causes Coup de Grace in Dragon Quest 9?
What disadvantages are there from being wet?
I've just started playing Magicka, and I'm constantly getting reminded of how to dry myself out using fire, without being told why. What disadvantages do I suffer as a result of being wet?
DEFCON strategies
I bought DEFCON thanks to the recent steam sale and am keen to hear good strategies. I find that I'm not playing well enough to see the depth in the game - usually I just dump my missiles in a oner and hope for the best. Keen to hear some of the tricks used by competent players...
Tropico 3 on Steam - need a activation code?
I just bought and downloaded Tropico 3 on Steam. It's now asking me for an activation code. Is this a bug? If not where can I find my code?
Which weapons count for "5 kills with stationary weapons" pin?
I've have had something like 12 kills in a round with VADS, still didn't get the pin. So which weapons do count for this pin?
When is a good time to slack off?
The farmer class has a skill that lets me slack off for 1 hour at the cost of 2 sp. What is the purpose of this skill and when should I use it?
Does Moment of Courage trigger on evaded attacks?
Does the Legion Commander passive Moment of Courage trigger on an evaded attack?
Bought call of the forsaken collectors edition, did not get items?
I bought/downloaded the call of the forsaken expansion. I can see I have the expansion, but I did not receive any of the collector's edition items. How do I get those?
Current players in a server
Is there a way to see the current players in a server from the client program?
How do you exploit the level/perk/experience glitch in "Run Goodsprings Run?"
OK, we've established prior that I'm not above using certain exploits (notably the caps exploit for weapon/armor shops) when I play. This, however, is an exploit I'm not sure I would use, because it (a) really seems like it'd make the game entirely too easy and probably less fun overall (since there'd be no real level progression, therefore no motivation to keep on truckin') and (b) feels a lot like grinding. And I hate grinding. That all said, I am curious. Over at The Vault, we have this interesting tidbit under bugs for "Run Goodsprings Run:" > Doing the above can grant the user extra free perks, before leaving the area > of Good Springs. You can essentially level your self up to level 30, and get > any perks after level 4 and keep them for the remainder of the game. In > order for the glitch to work you have to level up before you leave the area, > where it ask you to change your name, stats, before you continue. Once you > change your stats, everything gets resetted back to basic, but you keep the > perks you've picked before, and you get the full experience points you > gathered aswell. It's almost like having a perk every level like in Fallout > 3. The description is almost, but not quite, self-explanatory. How, exactly, does this work? I get the infinite experience glitch here. That part makes sense. What doesn't make sense is how an infinite experience glitch turns into something which is "almost like having a perk every level like in Fallout 3." So how does that part play out? (And again, I probably won't actually _do_ this. Well, maybe in a just-for- fun/exploration playthrough, but certainly not until I've legitimately -- by my definition -- done all four factions and as much of the rest of the wastes as I can.)
How does Bristleback's Quill Spray actually work?
What is the max bonus damage bristleback can deal with his "quill spray" and "bristleback" abilities?
Tips for Akilon Wastes map?
A bunch of the guys I work with have been playing Starcraft 2 - we are mostly Silver/Gold level players and are having a friendly competition of 1v1s. The rule is that in a best of 3 format the first game is always played on the Akilon Wastes map. Any tips on features specific to that map? * For example, as a Terran player it is difficult to sneak reapers in to the main base as the jump up point is quite close to the ramp.
Does the Venture actually exist?
In Wing Commander 1, the Claw Marks (PDF) (the official manual, written in- character) mentions a Terran corvette class called Venture. In the years I've played WC1, I have never encountered one in a single mission and it has thus become a great mystery to me and the people I played it with, whether the Venture actually exists in the game. Was it just a myth? Scrapped before release? Has anyone seen one and if so, in which mission? I guess the task was to defend it? Here is a mission tree of WC1 in case you want to refer to a mission specifically.
How do I screw my neighbor?
In the online multiplayer of the 2010 release of You Don't Know Jack, there is the ability to screw your neighbor, which forces them to have to answer the question right away. I may have missed something in a tutorial and skipped over it, or they don't say, but I haven't seen any indication of how to actually execute this and choose who to screw.
How to get Pet Toys in Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns
My girlfriend is playing Harvest Moon DS in my DS and she doesn't know how to get toys for their pets to play with. Does anyone know how to get/buy the pet toys?
What are skulls for?
I found a Blue Skull! It looks special! Whats it for? Are there others? In what Acts can I find each of any of the others? **Do not tell me where the skulls are beyond the Acts they are located in please, I like a good treasure hunt.**
How do I change playlists in Zombies Run 2?
I've just installed the update for Zombies Run 2 and it is still using my old playlist from the first version. I want to switch to a different playlist but there no longer seems to be that option in the settings menu. Would anyone know how to do this?
Where can I watch Starcraft/Starcraft 2 matches in South Korea live in person?
I am going to South Korea and would like to go to a taping or studio where they film Starcraft/Starcraft2 matches. Could someone give me some insight in where I could make this happen? I have googled it but havent had any luck. Cheers
Other than appearance, what is the difference between regular Pokemon and "shiny" Pokemon?
I am currently playing Pokemon LeafGreen (the GBA remake of Green). Earlier today, I caught a "shiny" or "golden" Rattata. I tried looking up what these golden Pokemon actually do other than look different and the only thing I can find in regards to it is just the fact that they are rare. So other than its appearance, are there any other noticeable difference?
How do I get HLDS to work over the internet?
I'm trying to make counter-strike 1.6 dedicated server. When I run `HLDS.exe`, I choose Internet but the server is only running on a local IP address. How do I get it to work over the internet, not just my local network?
Why does my double cart break apart here?
I have a double cart booster which I am attempting to set up. As you can see, the cart breaks into two on the return. A full view of the track, and a close up of the section missing from the video is here: ![Full view]( ![Problem section]( EDIT: The moment the split happens: ![Split occurring](
What's with the gas?
Some zombies appear to emit a greenish cloud of gas. When I'm in this cloud my screen changes color to show that something is happening to me. What is the gas doing to me?
Is there a way to quick load in the same way you can quick save?
When I am say... doing nefarious things, I often obsessively quick save, but then it is cumbersome, when my dirty deeds are discovered, that I have to open multiple menus to reload my save. Is there a faster way to streamline my evil plans?
What is the meaning of the number 54 in Blizzard's games?
In many places related to **StarCraft** and **World of Warcraft** there is a number "54". Is it really just a part of the decoration, or it has a special, secret meaning? ![Hilt of a sword with 54 on the end]( ![A blown up image of part of a Command Center \(Orbital Command\)](]( ![A cropped Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty screenshot]( ![A Bunker]( ![Recoilless Rocket Ripper X-54]( Below are a few links, mostly to discussions on the forums: **What does this number mean under my portrait?** **Factory 54** **54** **Bunker 54** **UPDATE:** modified the question to address Blizzard games in general
The new Lich King
What is the story behind the guy who is the new Lich King? I forget his name exactly, but he appeared to have been a good guy at some point?
Is there a way to ensure I'm told what item was sold?
Sometimes when I sell an item on the Galactic Market I get a message saying "Someone has purchased the item you put up for sale"; other times, it mentions the specific item that was sold. The former is useless if I'm trying to get a sense of how much I can get for particular items so I can maximize my profit. Why does this happen? Is there a way to ensure it tells me what items was sold?
What is the secret to the random pillars/monoliths scattered around in Fez?
In fez, there are several pillar/monoliths scattered about the world. When Gomez approaches them, dot will say things like "I wonder what this is" or "I forget what these are". So far they have been in all of the areas that still have questions marks for me. What do they do?
What is a Super Duper Demon Battle?
Sometimes when starting a boss fight (I saw it with the Phantom Thief and Bloomin' Mustard) the words "Super Duper Demon Battle" show up before the fight and Prinny responds "What the _hell_?" What does this message mean? It doesn't normally show up before bosses, just a rare few. I _have_ noticed the boss fights it shows up for are _even more_ extremely difficult but that's all.
Where have my scientists gone?
I've been playing the game for a few hours and I have 2 missions to high-five scientists... but I never see any! I just get tumbleweed where there used to be scientists. What am I doing wrong? Do I just need to travel further?
COD Elite: Does the heat map show where those have died, or where those have gotten kills from?
Here's a screenshot of the heat map for a match on Call of Duty Elite: ![cod heat map]( Now, I can't figure out if the heat markers represent where someone was killed, as opposed to where the kill shots originated. Which is it?
What effect does the state of the Council have on the game?
In Mass Effect 1, you get several options regarding the composition of the Citadel Council - you can either save them from a certain doom, or allow them to perish and form a new council (either one of all humans, or one with the existing races still included). You also get to name an Alliance member to the council. These didn't have much consequence in Mass Effect 2, but it seems like it may end up being more relevant this go around. What changes can be seen a result of these choices in Mass Effect 3?
In Civ5, is there any point to immediately annexing a city?
Following up to this answer, given that a newly conquered city will * spend a few turns of zero production ("rioting") * after that, will be hampered in production because of diminished population and destroyed buildings, so that building a courthouse will take very long _is there any point really to annex a newly conquered city immediately_? Doesn't it make much more sense to first puppet the city and then wait - say 10 turns - until things have evened out and only then annex the city to start the courthouse? EDIT: One aspect that I didn't ask for explicitly is whether you should _always_ leave the city as puppet until the rioting stops (typically 2-5 turns in my games so far)?
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