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Gord | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Gord | "Defeat...Ovan!!!" — Gord — Gord (ゴード) is an ex-member of the Twilight Brigade. He is obsessed with surpassing Ovan and since leaving the guild has become a PKer of great skill. Gord is a young purple haired man with tanned skin dressed in tight gray pants, and a white sleeveless shirt. He accents his outfit by wearing a strap across his chest, and by wearing blue wristguards on his arms. His hair is kept in a ponytail, and his bangs are parted so they partially cover his face. His wave tattoos | |
Kaya Frebe | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Kaya_Frebe | Kaya Frebe (カヤ・フレーベ) was the late wife of Ryuuji Sogabe as well relative of Lillie Weiss. Kaya was a tall, blonde girl with blue eyes and long hair. Kaya was severely afflicted by neurological problems. Due to this, she barely got out of her house, causing her problems to socialize. Kaya is of German ethnicity, with light blonde hair and blue eyes. She is slender. She has an adventurous and amicable demeanor with a traditionally feminine style of behavior. She is friendly and approachable, trait | |
Sophora | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Sophora | "This is my message... nose to the grindstone!" — Sophora — Sophora (槐, Enju, lit. "Pagoda Tree") is the Captain of Moon Tree's Sixth Division, the Healing Corps. Moon Tree's Division Six Captain is a tall character with a nearly androgynous appearance. Sophora has a ninja-like appearance fitting of the twin blade class, and is covered by a thief-like black and blue outfit, with a belt of beads around the waist. Sophora almost always wears a large face-covering black hat. Underneath the hat, Sop | |
Atoli | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Atoli | Atoli (アトリ, Atori, lit. "Brambling") is a female Harvest Cleric and a member of the guild called Moon Tree. She is also an Epitaph User, and is the host for the Second Phase Innis, the Mirage of Deceit. Atoli is almost an identical twin to Shino, due to sharing the same character model, the only differences being her hair color, and the lack of a teardrop shaped mark, along with a more colorful outfit. Her appearance is that of a young blonde woman. She wears a small green dress, a short white w | |
Inlid | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Inlid | ||
Lot 9 Hunter | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Lot_9_Hunter | ||
Nanai | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Nanai | ||
Yata | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Yata | Yata (八咫, Yata) is a male Macabre Dancer and System Administrator dispatched to solve the problems plaguing The World R:2. He is also the Epitaph User titled "The Prophet" and has the ability to call forth Avatar Fidchell. Yata appears as a dark-skinned and powerfully built man. He is dressed in an extravagant outfit, most notably his Buddhist kasaya like robe, which leaves his lower legs and most of his chest bare. Most of his body, including his face is decorated with various wave tattoos and | |
Yoshida (26) | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Yoshida_(26) | Yoshida (26) is a character from the drama CD "Innocent Call". He is the AIDA council chairman. Yoshida (26) is calm and collected for an AIDA. While most of the other council members were willing to eliminate Haseo without batting an eye, he kept his cool and sought for a more civilized approach. Even so, he´s still distrustful of humans and AIDA associated to humans. | |
Zelkova | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Zelkova | Zelkova (欅, Keyaki, lit. "Moon Tree") is a male Flick Reaper. He is the Guildmaster and also the captain of the first division of Moon Tree, a guild in The World R:2 which consists of over 1000 pacifists and peace promoters. He is also the master of Net Slum. Zelkova has the appearance of a young boy in white Japanese-styled clothing, with silver hair and golden eyes. He wears a blue obi, and carries an oversized fan as part of his outfit. When engaging in battle, Zelkova takes the fan off, unfo | |
G.U. Novels | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/G.U._Novels | The .hack//G.U. novels retell the tale of an Adept Rogue named Haseo, known infamously as "The Terror of Death", and his hunt for the enigmatic PKer known as Tri-Edge, as the story was originally conceived. The novels present a version of .hack//G.U. similar to what was seen in the prototype trailer. The first volume, The Terror of Death, was released in Japan on April 1, 2007. The second volume, Borderline MMO, was released July 1. The third volume, Harald's Archetype, was released October 1. T | |
Avatar Skeith | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Avatar_Skeith | Skeith/Navigation Avatar Skeith is the Avatar of Haseo. Years after the Twilight Incident, Skeith's data was eventually discovered and salvaged by the genius programmer Jyotaro Amagi for use in the Salvage Plan. In order to control its power, Skeith's data was placed into an Epitaph PC. Sora was given as an example of someone who could control it, but since he was unable to be located, CC Corp was forced to find a different candidate. During the first test of the Epitaph PCs a strange error swep | |
Dr. Kurogai | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Dr._Kurogai | "After seeing the horror he faces myself, I have nothing but respect for him." — Taihaku — Taihaku (太白) is the guildmaster of Icolo, the arena champions guild. He is the Sage Palace champion. King Grunty is his Grunty. Taihaku appears as a dark-skinned old gentleman dressed in the clothing of a nobleman. His most distinctive feature is the long scar on his face. It appears he modeled his appearance on that of an experienced master swordsman. As the leader of Icolo, Taihaku values personal streng | |
Matsu | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Matsu | Matsu (松, Matsu, lit. "Pine") is a male Adept Rogue and the captain of Moon Tree's Seventh Division. He used to be a famous PK known as the "Flame Sword Demon" (赤鉄の鬼人, Akatetsu no Kijin, Red Iron Devil), before renouncing his ways and joining with Zelkova and Sakaki. Matsu's Job, Adept Rogue, is an uncommon class in which the player is allowed to choose multiple classes for their character. Matsu chose Steam Gunner and Edge Punisher. Since joining Moon Tree he has forbidden himself from using hi | |
Taihaku | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Taihaku | "After seeing the horror he faces myself, I have nothing but respect for him." — Taihaku — Taihaku (太白) is the guildmaster of Icolo, the arena champions guild. He is the Sage Palace champion. King Grunty is his Grunty. Taihaku appears as a dark-skinned old gentleman dressed in the clothing of a nobleman. His most distinctive feature is the long scar on his face. It appears he modeled his appearance on that of an experienced master swordsman. As the leader of Icolo, Taihaku values personal streng | |
Durga Fida Sharma | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Durga_Fida_Sharma | "'" — Genius — Genius (ジーニアス) is a character in .hack//Link. He is the president of CyberConnect Corporation Japan. Write article text here! Write article text here! Write article text here! Write article text here! Genius has a voice cameo in .hack//G.U. Trilogy. Write article text here! Write article text here! After the events of Link, he is accused of embezzlement for using his own funds to add specifications fo the Akashic Records. Before disappearing, he left a series of audios for Sogabe | |
Genius | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Genius | "'" — Genius — Genius (ジーニアス) is a character in .hack//Link. He is the president of CyberConnect Corporation Japan. Write article text here! Write article text here! Write article text here! Write article text here! Genius has a voice cameo in .hack//G.U. Trilogy. Write article text here! Write article text here! After the events of Link, he is accused of embezzlement for using his own funds to add specifications fo the Akashic Records. Before disappearing, he left a series of audios for Sogabe | |
IYOTEN | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/IYOTEN | "Face it. An idiot like you isn't qualified to play this game." — IYOTEN — IYOTEN is a member of Kestrel. He and Asta taught Haseo how to play The World R:2 and then PKed him. IYOTEN is a silver-haired man dressed in a tight sleeveless jacket. His hair always covers his eyes and when he fights, a very unsettling grin appears on his face. IYOTEN is a mid-level PKer in Kestrel. Partnered with his friend Asta, he moves throughout the system looking for easy targets to PK. Since he usually attacks n | |
Kazumi | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Kazumi | "What will I do with it? Whatever I want. It's the world that must follow!" — Kazumi — Kazumi (数見) is a character in .hack//G.U.+ and the user of the Dummy Morganna Factor. Kazumi's PC appears as a young green-haired man donning a wide-collared maroon and black cape over a white shirt and black tie, and sharp, pointed metallic gauntlets, connected to hinged, robot-like elbows. He wears headphones similar to the pair worn by the Commentator, and has line markings around his right eye, which is us | |
Minor PCs in the Games | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Minor_PCs_in_the_Games | This is a list of minor PCs in the .hack//Games. In the Games, there are a total of 56 characters that can be seen running around town, but they never join Kite's party. After meeting them, a Ryu Book entry would appear with their name, items they carried, and whether they were online or not. Male, Blademaster Has a crush on Cima. Lives with his mom. Seems to be a complete newbie. Has a cameo at the beginning of .hack//G.U. Rebirth playing a different character. Male, Wavemaster He finds it diff | |
AI Harald | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/AI_Harald | "Could it be... you know of Aura?" — Harald — AI Harald is the white haired man that appears in certain dungeons in The World. AI Harald usually speaks the same message repeatedly like a broken record. His first appearance is of an "old man floating upside down" though his voice betrays this, as well his avatar does not appear old at all, upon closer inspection of the "chair" it is a vague humanoid shaped creature, though as it does nothing it is probably just that, a chair. His second appearanc | |
Apeiron | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Apeiron | "Hey, I got my pride too! I don't want your stinkin' money. Just shut up and take it!" — Apeiron — Apeiron (アペイロン) is a Heavy Axeman that appeared briefly in one scene with Mistral and Kite. He is also another character for Lios Apeiron, King of Light is the preserver of order. Kite warps in to Dun Loireag to find Mistral trying to haggle an item off of Aperion. Apeiron keeps asking for a large amount of money (9999 GP), and Mistral runs off to get the money. Apeiron then tries to sell it to Kit | |
Bear | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Bear | "I fear now that avoiding conflict is not just a matter of turning off your terminal." — Bear — Bear (ベア) is a male Blademaster with an appearance similar to Orca. He is a caring player that likes to help out newbies in The World. Bear is a large, burly Blademaster. He wears relatively little armor, and most of his body and face is covered in blue wave tattoos. Fairly easy-going, Bear usually prefers to relax in The World. He acts as a sort of helper for newbies, and tries to give off an experie | |
Bob | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Bob | "You must be the friend that Orca was talking about, that's why you know about this field right?" — Bob — Bob (ボブ) is a friend of both Orca and Linda. Bob is a friend of Orca and Linda. Orca asked him to acquire a rare item, but Bob forgot where to meet him and posted a message on the BBS listing his current location. Kite saw the message and met with him instead. Bob was surprised to see him, but once Kite filled him in on the situation he agreed to help. He knew that Orca had been investigatin | |
Crim | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Crim | "If you desire to know the truth, you must also have the courage to accept it." — Crim — Crim (クリム, Kurimu) was one of the founders of the Crimson Knights. He is a Long Arm of tremendous skill and power. Crim is a male Long Arm with spiky blue hair. He wears a red jacket and flared red and yellow pants. He keeps his jacket open, revealing his bare chest which is marked with his wave symbol. Crim is a very happy-go-lucky player. He enjoys living on the edge and testing his skills against strong m | |
Cubia (R:1) | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Cubia_(R:1) | "When the Bracelet appeared in the world, Cubia was born as well. The Bracelet and Cubia are opposite sides of the same coin. Therefore... if you defeat Cubia, the Bracelet will be destroyed." — Aura — Cubia (クビア, Kubia), the "Hidden One", is a monster mentioned in the Epitaph of Twilight. He functions as the shadow to the light of Kite's Bracelet and is referred to as an "Anti-Existence." See Cubia (Epitaph) Cubia is the opposite of Kite's Bracelet, opposing the actions of Kite. Cubia first app | |
Culhwch | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Culhwch | The real fake or the fake real? Which is real?Culhwch Culhwch (クルフフ) is a Wandering AI and inhabitant of Net Slum. He is also a character in the Epitaph of the Twilight. Culhwch is the watchman of the Crystal Forest. Analysis says his name means "swine run", so he seems to be based on Culhwch from Welsh mythology. Culhwch wears silver and black striped prisoner's clothes, with a giant emoticon for a head, looking much like Dorin. Culhwch is one of the denizens of Net Slum and provides Kite with | |
Dorin | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Dorin | "Our dreams are very real." — Dorin — Dorin (ドリン) is a Wandering AI and inhabitant of Net Slum. He is also a character in the Epitaph of the Twilight. In the Epitaph of the Twilight, Dorin is a QiLin who sleeps under the "Great Tree of Light." Dorin wears pink and black striped prisoner's clothes, with a giant emoticon for a head, looking much like Culhwch. Dorin is one of the denizens of Net Slum. In QUARANTINE, he posts about a dream he has and leaves the keywords Ω Rotting Countless Sacrifice | |
Edajima | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Edajima | "I saw a player in the shape of a cat! Is it really possible to edit like that?" — Edajima — Edajima (エダジマ) is a character from the .hack//Games. He is a friend of Sieg and a contact of Wiseman. Edajima is a heavily armored Heavy Axeman. Edajima is a friendly person online; he is more than happy to help people out when they're in trouble and freely gives advice on how to solve problems. Nothing is known about Edajima offline. Edajima first appears alongside Sieg. Kite overhears him talking about | |
Jinn | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Jinn | "I have enough light. Water! Give me water!" — Jinn — Jinn (ジン) is a hacker who became a Wandering AI and inhabitant of Net Slum. He is also a character in the Epitaph of the Twilight. Jinn appears as a Samurai-type Heavy Blade with missing pieces. Jinn of the Desert is a solitary sprite who watches over the sprouting of the seeds of the World Tree. Jinn is a denizen of Net Slum. In QUARANTINE, he gives posts the keywords Ω Splendid Emerald Nobleman, where Kite is able to Data Drain one of the V | |
Ninja Knife | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Ninja_Knife | Ninja Knife is a user in "The World" in the original .hack games. He often posts information on the board, discussing random topics. | |
Plaird | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Plaird | "I don't know, I don't know!" — Plaird — Plaird (プレアド) is a hacker who became a Wandering AI and inhabitant of Net Slum. He is also a character in the Epitaph of the Twilight. In the Epitaph of the Twilight, Plaird is the youngest of a group of seven water sprite sisters. She gained a shadow from falling in love. Plaird appears as a Wavemaster with missing pieces. Kite meets Plaird in a corrupted dungeon, and Plaird tells Kite the keyword to access Net Slum. Lios then appears and deletes him, bu | |
Sconk | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Sconk | I don't know! I don't know! I really really don't know!Sconk Sconk (スコンク) is a Wandering AI and inhabitant of Net Slum. He is also a character in the Epitaph of the Twilight. In the Epitaph of the Twilight, Sconk is a cowardly monster. A jar of his tears, necessary for protection from Tartarga's guardian, Tortets, is acquired by the protagonists. Sconk appears as a rotating 2-dimensional sprite, resembling some sort of short Japanese zombie. Sconk is one of the denizens of Net Slum. In QUARANTIN | |
SIGN Phantoms | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/SIGN_Phantoms | The SIGN Phantoms are bits of data of the characters of .hack//SIGN that appear in .hack//Mutation, .hack//Outbreak and .hack//Quarantine. During the course of the game the player can visit Δ Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground and view flashbacks of scenes from .hack//SIGN. Simply visit Delta: Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground and walk inside the cathedral to witness a scene from Episode 4 of .hack//SIGN. After the flashback, you receive the items "M:Wavemaster" and "Golden Grunty" (The latter being an ite | |
Silver Knight | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Silver_Knight | "Those who stand above others must have noble ideals along with the most noble intentions. Anyone that cannot manage the will of the masses is not fit to serve as the leader of knights. You say you're punishing someone for standing up to you? That kind of justice is a lie." — Silver Knight — Silver Knight (銀漢, Ginkan) is the captain of the 13th Squadron of the Crimson Knights and serves as the defender of Subaru, the leader of the guild. As a captain, Silver Knight's PC is an edited version of t | |
Spiritas | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Spiritas | "Before seeking help from others, you must come up with an answer yourself." — Spiritas — Spiritas (スピリタス) is a Wandering AI and inhabitant of Net Slum. Spiritas appears as a red-clad robotic humanoid, with a cane and a missing leg. Spiritas is one of the denizens of Net Slum. He later appears in Fort Ouph and gives Kite some area words to locate one of Harald's Rooms. | |
Tartarga | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Tartarga | "The Epitaph of Twilight. To sum it up in a nut shell, it is a tale." — Tartarga — Tartarga (タルタルガ) is a Wandering AI and inhabitant of Net Slum. He is also a character in the Epitaph of the Twilight. He later becomes the giant, city-sized Vagrant AI Net Slum Tartarga. He appears as an other-worldy version of the Data Drain monster Long Lived. In the Epitaph of the Twilight, Tartarga is the name of a tortoise who lives in the True Underworld and possesses ancient knowledge. In the story of The W | |
Thea | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Thea | "We call it paradise." — Thea — Thea (シーア) is a Wandering AI and inhabitant of Net Slum. Thea wears tattered clothes and has a monitor for a head in which a human face is displayed. Thea is one of the denizens of Net Slum. | |
Uchiyama | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Uchiyama | "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. 'I see' said the blind man." — Uchiyama — Uchiyama or Ucchi (ウッチー) of Bandai is a System Administrator that appears with Emi in front of Balmung in .hack//GIFT to inform him that the dungeon Balmung is exploring is experiencing technical difficulties. Uchiyama then spouts nonsense, confusing Balmung. Uchiyama is named after and voiced by .hack producer Daisuke Uchiyama. Uchiyamada@Bandai, who sends the clear flag emails in the Japanese version of the games | |
GnU | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/GnU | .hack//GnU is a sidestory of .hack//G.U. featured in .hack//G.U. The World about regular players in The World R:2. It features new characters who are members of the Moon Tree guild. The title is pronounced "Gu Nyuu." Raid, a newbie Edge Punisher in The World R:2 decides to sell all of his gear and items in order to buy a rare sword. Unfortunately the sword draws the attention of a group of PKers who decide to kill him and steal the sword for themselves. Dead, naked, and penniless it seems that i | |
Jinrai | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Jinrai | Tch, these big guys only drop little stuffJinrai Jinrai (神雷, Jinrai, lit. "Thunder God") is a member of Moon Tree and a former member of Kestrel. | |
Raid | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Raid | "Ahh... looks like I'm gonna die again" — Raid — Raid (レイド, Reido) is the main character of the GnU manga. Raid is a tall and lanky young man with light brown hair. He wears a lavishly decorated outfit colored in earthen tones. His outfit seems to be very similar to Kuhn's. Raid is a fairly laid back person, although he is regularly annoyed by the antics of his guildmates. He has a severe infatuation with Infini. He is a newbie in The World R:2 who sells all of his equipment to buy Broad Maiden, | |
Senpuu | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Senpuu | "This may be The World but balance is still important" — Senpuu — Senpuu (扇風, Senpū, lit. "Wind Fan") is a male Macabre Dancer and member of Moon Tree. | |
Chaotic PKs | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Chaotic_PKs | Chaotic PKs are the most notorious and skilled Player Killers in The World R:2. These PKers are placed on a special blacklist and other players can attempt to kill them for bounties. During his PK Tournament Sakaki recruited several of the Chaotic PKs and set them against Team Haseo in the first round. However Haseo was able to defeat them and continued on in the tournament. The numbers list what order they will show up in the blacklists. Anything other than a number shows that the PK shows up i | |
Minor PCs in the GU Games | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Minor_PCs_in_the_GU_Games | Is an "Outdoor Introvert," logging on from a netcafe. Plays The World on his coffee breaks. Is bothered by the cafe owner refilling his drink constantly; he overloads himself with water as a result. Is addicted to online games. Claims that he used to cook elaborate meals for himself, but now eats only junk food. Is overweight offline due to eating junk food. Often loses track of time when playing The World. Husband of Madame Insane. Is a bit ashamed that he is a coward offline and online. Moved | |
Antares | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Antares | Antares (大火, Taika) is a male Blade Brandier and the founder of Icolo, the arena champions guild. He considers Haseo his "apprentice." Antares is a red-skinned man dressed in loose white clothing. He wears a brown cloak on his back and his outfit is accented with robes wrapped around both of his arms. His most noticeable feature is the odd white bird mask he wears at all times. His mask, as well as his general appearance, is based on the Tengu, mythical Japanese creatures that reside in mountain | |
Avatar Corbenik | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Avatar_Corbenik | Avatar Corbenik is the Avatar of Ovan. Several years after its defeat at the hands of Kite, Corbenik's data was retrieved from the system by Jyotaro Amagi's Salvage Plan. Its data was sealed into an Epitaph PC and given to a Chosen One. Unfortunately the first test of the Epitaph PC's was a complete failure. In the confusion following the test Corbenik, still attached to its Epitaph PC, escaped into the system far beyond the reach of CC Corp. It eventually attached to a player named Ovan. After | |
Avatar Fidchell | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Avatar_Fidchell | Avatar Fidchell is the Avatar of Yata. Though Fidchell had been defeated, fragments of its data were still spread throughout the system. These fragments were retrieved by Jyotaro Amagi and sealed into an Epitaph PC for use in the R.A. Plan. However the first test of the Epitaph PC was a failure; shock waves from the test spread throughout The World damaging data in many places. In the confusion Fidchell, still attached to its Epitaph PC, was able to escape into the system. The Epitaph PC contain | |
Avatar Gorre | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Avatar_Gorre | Avatar Gorre is the Avatar of Sakubo. Following his defeat, the remnants of Gorre's data were lost deep inside the systems of The World. As part of Jyotaro Amagi's Salvage Plan, Gorre's data was recovered and stored in a specially created Epitaph PC. However, during the disastrous test of the Epitaph PCs, Gorre was able to flee into the system and escape CC Corp's control. The Avatar Gorre is controlled by Epitaph Users Sakubo. The avatar is awakened in Reminisce. While searching for Endrance, w | |
Avatar Innis | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Avatar_Innis | Avatar Innis is the Avatar of Atoli. Innis's data was retrieved from the system of The World through the Salvage Project designed by the genius programmer Jyotaro Amagi. The data was implanted into an Epitaph PC in the hopes that it could be controlled by CC Corp. The Innis Epitaph PC was given to an unknown player for a test run at CC Corp's headquarters in Japan. Unfortunately the test was a disaster, and in the aftermath of the chaos created by the test Innis's data was able to escape into th | |
Avatar Macha | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Avatar_Macha | Avatar Macha is the Avatar of Endrance. Endrance uses Macha to cheat in the Arena, defeating players in one blow. Haseo confronts him however, and is able to use Skeith to defeat him and take his title of Champion, destroying "Mia", an AIDA that was infecting him, in the process. In GU+, Macha is controlled by Endrance, a powerful fighter in the Arena. After watching him defeat Alkaid, Haseo realizes that Endrance is an Epitaph User. Endrance challenges Haseo to a fight but loses when Haseo summ | |
Avatar Magus | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Avatar_Magus | Avatar Magus is the Avatar of Kuhn. In End of The World, Magus is mentioned as the first Phase retrieved by the Salvage Project created by Jyotaro Amagi and Jun Bansyoya. Following the disastrous test of the Epitaph User program, Magus was the only Phase that was able to be captured and sealed by CC Corp before it could escape into the system. Magus is the Avatar controlled by Kuhn, who always refers to it as "My Magus". Magus is the first Avatar encountered by Haseo after Kuhn uses it to save H | |
Avatar Tarvos | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Avatar_Tarvos | Avatar Tarvos is the Avatar of Pi. Though Tarvos had been defeated, fragments of its data still existed within The World. These fragments were gathered by the genius programmer Jyotaro Amagi and sealed into a special Epitaph PC created to control the Phase's powers. Frightened by Amagi's increasingly erratic behavior, Jun Bansyoya stole the Epitaph PC containing Tarvos and hid it on his own personal computer. However Amagi had expected this and had already prepared a dummy Epitaph PC as a backup | |
Axanthic | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Axanthic | Axanthic is a member of Hetero Team. Offline, Osamu Maekawa(前川修) is a middle school student in Kouchi Prefecture. His brothers Hajime and Sei also play The World R:2. Like his brothers Axanthic was infected by AIDA by Sakaki, in order to create the Hetero Trio. Later on, in the Sage Palace Finals, he was freed of AIDA for good, just like his brothers. Axanthic is used to describe a type of Albinism found mainly in reptiles and amphibians. Axanthic and Leucistic have PCs that look exactly alike, | |
Azure Balmung | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Azure_Balmung | Azure Balmung (蒼天のバルムンク, Sōten no Barumunku) is one of the Three Azure Knights. Azure Balmung appears as a feral version of Balmung of the Azure Sky, a legendary player from The World R:1. Unlike the original Balmung who had full, avian wings, Azure Balmung possesses broken, sticklike wings. He usually has a disturbed grin which in some cases constantly show his teeth and makes him appear more malevolent. When fighting he wields a wickedly curved sword, much different from the bright longsword f | |
Azure Flame God | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Azure_Flame_God | Azure Flame God (蒼炎の守護神) is the second form of Azure Flame Kite. It is similar to an Avatar. Azure Flame Kite appears at the end of Rebirth after Haseo locate Atoli within the room on the other side of Morrigu Barrow Wall. The room exists outside the areas created and observed by system administrators. After detecting system abnormalities nearby he prepares to resolves the situation. However, he is mistaken for Tri-Edge and Haseo, Pi, and Kuhn confront him. A battle arises leaving him damaged by | |
Azure Sea Orca | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Azure_Sea_Orca | Azure Orca (蒼海のオルカ, Sōkai no Oruka) is one of the Three Azure Knights. Azure Orca appears as a stitched-together version of Orca, with more armor. Azure Orca appears to have little to no personality. He goes about his job of defending the system, seemingly specializing in destroying AIDA. Azure Orca has no speaking lines, but speaks normally when using an Art. He also speaks (unvoiced) in corrupted text after receiving an item. Azure Orca is the only one of the Knights to say Haseo's name in his | |
Azure Sky Balmung | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Azure_Sky_Balmung | Azure Balmung (蒼天のバルムンク, Sōten no Barumunku) is one of the Three Azure Knights. Azure Balmung appears as a feral version of Balmung of the Azure Sky, a legendary player from The World R:1. Unlike the original Balmung who had full, avian wings, Azure Balmung possesses broken, sticklike wings. He usually has a disturbed grin which in some cases constantly show his teeth and makes him appear more malevolent. When fighting he wields a wickedly curved sword, much different from the bright longsword f | |
Cervantes | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Cervantes | "Your ass is grass the next time I see you!" — Cervantes — Cervantes (セルバンデス) is a Chaotic PK with the title Greedy Cervantes. Cervantes plays a PC of a young male dressed in mostly black and purple, save for his bright red scarf. He has a pompador, typical of Japanese gang members. He talks cool and tough when he encounters Haseo. An example of this would be found in Redemption where he pretended to have won the last time he and Haseo fought. He is actually quite cowardly, and avoids fights wit | |
Commentator | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Commentator | "Just look at them folks! Ready to rip the opponent in half! How will this fight end?" — The Commentator — The enigmatic Commentator (実況) is an eccentric individual who gives commentary for Arena battles in The World R:2. The Commentator is a tall, blue-haired man in a blue suit that seems to be a spinoff of the normal administrator uniform. He wears a headset and occasionally carries a microphone. Only seen in the Arena and Hy Brasail, it is unknown what class he is, or if he even has a class a | |
Cubia (R:2) | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Cubia_(R:2) | Cubia (クビア), the "Hidden One", is a monster mentioned in the Epitaph of Twilight. The incarnation of Cubia seen in The World R:2 functions as the shadow to the light of Haseo's Xth Form and is referred to as an "Anti-Existence." See Cubia (Epitaph) See Cubia (R:1) In one of his files, Jun Bansyoya refers to Cubia as an "anti-existence", a distortion in the system created by the power of Kite's Bracelet. He speculates that Project G.U. could spawn a new anti-existence, one even stronger than Cubi | |
Forum Posters in the GU Games | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Forum_Posters_in_the_GU_Games | This is a listing of players who post on the forums in the .hack//G.U. Games. Was PKed by Asta and IYOTEN His name is read Ohm Rice, not Butt Rice. Omuraisu (オムライス) is a common dish in Japan which combines fried rice with an omelet on top. Self-proclaimed "glasses maniac" Runs a Broken Full Moon deck in Crimson VS May be an error; this is either meant to be "Anonymous," or Anonymity enjoys talking to himself. At one point this was Piros the 3rd. In love with Kazubolo Is a member of Soulmates Is | |
Genjyo | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Genjyo | "...You, who do you think you are? An idiot trying to become the hero? Or are you a groupie that wants to PK with me?" — Genjyo — Genjyo (玄浄) is a Chaotic PK with the title Genjyo the Fatal. Genjyo is dressed in mostly neutral tones such as browns grays and most brightly, steel blue. He has a blue cape and wears eye patches over both eyes. Due to this being a game, he can still see. Genjyo is a very quiet but extremely powerful PK that despises groupies and role-players. Keitarou Ishijima (石島啓太郎 | |
Gerango | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Gerango | "Strong one, tell me. What is it to live? What is it to die?" — Gerango — Wicked Gerango (邪骨兄弟ゲランゴ) is a Chaotic PK in The World R:2. Shinji Ogiso (小木曽伸次) is a fourteen-year-old middle school student in Shimane Prefecture. Ibaku is played by his older brother. See Gerango (LINK) | |
Goriki | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Goriki | "Strong hunter, I ask you. What is it to live? What is it to die? Tell me with your sword! Answer my questions!" — Goriki — Goriki (ゴーリキ) is a Chaotic PK with the title Immortal Goriki. Unlike the majority of other Chaotic PKs see in .hack//GU, Goriki doesn't appear to take any sadistic pleasure in harming other players. When first encountered as a field event, he asks Haseo, "Hunter. How do you live? How do you die? Answer me with your sword." During the Chaotic PK trials events, he asks Haseo | |
Guardian Deity of Azure Flames | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Guardian_Deity_of_Azure_Flames | Azure Flame God (蒼炎の守護神) is the second form of Azure Flame Kite. It is similar to an Avatar. Azure Flame Kite appears at the end of Rebirth after Haseo locate Atoli within the room on the other side of Morrigu Barrow Wall. The room exists outside the areas created and observed by system administrators. After detecting system abnormalities nearby he prepares to resolves the situation. However, he is mistaken for Tri-Edge and Haseo, Pi, and Kuhn confront him. A battle arises leaving him damaged by | |
Hetero | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Hetero | "Help me, please. Someone help me, please..." — Hetero — Hetero (ヘテロ, Hetero) is a male Flick Reaper and the leader of Hetero Team. Hetero is an imposing red-haired man dressed in a white trenchcoat. His eyes glow green, perhaps a sign of his AIDA infection. He has a rather futuristic look that is very different from most of PCs of the game. This appearance is due to AIDA, and is removed once he is freed from AIDA. Little is known about Hetero’s personality. It seems that he had never intentiona | |
Hideyo | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Hideyo | "I don't want somebody like that for a Daddy!" — Hideyo — Hideyo (英世) is a friend of Seisaku, a former member of Paw Pad Squadron and a co-founder of Medic Union. Hideyo appears as a small blue haired boy dressed in brown robes. When acting as part of Tabby's Medic Team, he adds a cat-eared hat with a yellow visor to his outfit. Hideyo's personality matches his appearance. He generally acts like a small child, affectionately calling other players "big brother" or "big sister". However, his stubb | |
Hiiragi | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Hiiragi | Hiiragi/Navigation "I really love nice guys, you know... But, of course, you should be careful! See, if you're too nice... It could be bad for your health!!" — Hiiragi — Hiiragi (柊, Hiiragi, lit. "Holly") is the Captain of Moon Tree's Fifth Division, and a passionate follower of Sakaki. Hiiragi's character is a young man sporting a Japanese-style yellow robe with a revealing top. He has medium length golden blonde hair with red streaked bangs. Hiiragi is often perceived as a male due to his char | |
Ibaku | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Ibaku | "Well now... And here I thought a hunter was someone with a decent level to back it up." — Ibaku — Wicked Ibaku(邪骨兄弟イバク) is a Chaotic PK in The World R:2. Kyouichi Ogiso (小木曽恭一) is a sixteen-year-old high school student in Shimane Prefecture. Gerango is played by his younger brother. See Ibaku (LINK) | |
Leucistic | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Leucistic | Leucistic is a member of Hetero Team. Offline, Sei Maekawa(前川静) is a highschool student in Kouchi Prefecture. His brothers Hajime and Osamu also play The World R:2. Leucistic is a term used to describe animals with Leucism (like Vitiligo for humans, they have reduced pigment in their skin causing either spots of white or all over "Albino" skin/fur/feathers) Axanthic and Leucistic PC models that are literally mirror images of each other. Their features are exactly the same, but flipped. | |
Michelle | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Michelle | "'" — Michelle — Michelle (ミッチェル) is a Chaotic PK with the nickname Garden Michelle. Eishi Tsuda (津田詠史) is an eighteen-year-old male high school student living in Fukushima Prefecture. | |
Nala | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Nala | "Let's just say I'm somebody with the same goals as you, Master Haseo." — Nala — Nala (楢, Nara, lit. "Oak") is the Captain of Moon Tree's Fourth Division. Nala has the appearance of an elderly man of good physical strength. His is dressed in a long green tunic with the typical Moon Tree diamonds symbol. His legs are partially covered in metal armor and his left arm has a long, segmented metal Vambrace/Rerebrace. His hair is white and partially grey and is combed back except for 2 spikes are the | |
Piros the 3rd | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Piros_the_3rd | Piros the 3rd (ぴろし3, Piroshi 3) is a character in the .hack//G.U. Games, and is also another PC made by the player behind Piros. Though he retains the heavily armored look his old avatar had, Piros the 3rd is clad in golden armor this time, and adds a red visor to boot, making him look even more ridiculous than his character in The World. Piros takes on an over the top superhero-like persona, always trying to keep his "true identity" a mystery, having a penchant for using flashy poses when speak | |
Salvador Aihara | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Salvador_Aihara | "Samba! Samba!" — Salvador Aihara — Salvador Aihara (サルバドル愛原), real name Carlos Aihara (カルロス・アイハラ) is the main character of Online Jack, the OVA that plays during certain intervals in .hack//G.U. Online Salvador plays a character named Kazubolo (カズボロー). He is guildmaster of a guild named Soulmates. Salvador has a very bizarre and often brash personality. He is also somewhat perverted, easily distracted by attractive women, sometimes breaking down and shouting things like "Samba! Samba!" Salvador | |
Seisaku | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Seisaku | "It's not about what you can do, it's what you want to do." — Seisaku — Seisaku (清作) is a character in .hack//G.U. who has multiple PCs with the same name within the franchise. Seisaku is a tall man, with long silver hair that he keeps in a ponytail. Green tattoos decorate his face. While he played a Blade Brandier, his character wore a light blue fighting outfit. His Harvest Cleric has the same appearance, though the fighting outfit is replaced with a robe decorated in the same style. While on | |
Suzuki | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Suzuki | "Haseo?! The same Haseo who PKed Fiery Genie-Five?! ...Hmm... Someone as weak as you? ...I can't believe it. Still, if I crush you then it'll be proof that I'm stronger then Genie-Five. He he." — Suzuki — Suzuki of the 7 Seas(七つ海の鈴木) is a Chaotic PK in The World R:2. Shinichiro Suzuki (鈴木新一郎) is a 28-year-old man who works at a ramen shop in Hiroshima Prefecture. | |
TERU | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/TERU | "Yaay, it's a hunter! Lucky you, you get to be my 100th PK! Tum te tum! All right, time to kick your butt!" — TERU — TERU is a Chaotic PK with the title Silent TERU. TERU has silver armor on top of dark blue clothing. He wears a helmet with a pink visor. TERU is pretty laid back compared to other Chaotic PKs, calling things he believes to be easy (taking on a party of bounty hunters) pains, nonetheless. Teruhiko Sega (瀬賀照彦) is a 20-year-old college student in Miyagi prefecture. TERU's sycthe is | |
Three Azure Knights | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Three_Azure_Knights | The Three Azure Knights (三蒼騎士) is the official name given to the incarnations of Kite, Orca, and Balmung seen in G.U. Their goals are never specified outright, though they appear to be to guard and protect Aura along with neutralizing anyone who tries to approach the Key of The Twilight. The Knights briefly appear at the end of Roots. Neither Azure Balmung nor Azure Orca play much of a role in Roots, however Azure Kite makes numerous appearances. Their name is a reference to the titles of the De | |
Yokochi Taro | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Yokochi_Taro | "The 'Terror of Death'... Yes, I know that name. Hehehe... I hear your quite strong. You're definitely qualified....qualified to be killed by me, Yokochi Taro..." — Yokochi Taro — Yokochi Taro is a Chaotic PK, nicknamed Yokochi "Steel" Taro. Yokochi Taro's PC appears as a scantily clad man with gray skin littered with wave symbols. He has a long, gray beard and a similarly toned top-knot. Yokochi Taro is confident in his gaming abilities and is eager to fight even a so infamous player as the Ter | |
Daisuke | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Daisuke | Oh come on, no fair! That's cheating!Daisuke Daisuke (大輔, Daisuke) is one of the four hackers who acted as villains during the anime version of .hack//Legend of the Twilight. Daisuke appears as a young green haired boy wearing heavy yellow armor. Wave symbols decorate both his helmet and his gauntlets. The katars he wields mark him as a Twin Blade. Despite his childish appearance Daisuke is actually a very skilled hacker, and excels at making powerful Data Bugs. His specialty is making chimeras, | |
Hayato | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Hayato | "You guys are in the wrong place at the right time, heh heh heh." — Hayato — Hayato (隼人) is one of the four hackers responsible for the problems in The World during the Legend of the Twilight anime. Hayato appears as a boy with spiky red hair. His character is dressed in yellow armor, and his face is decorated with wave symbols. The large spear he carries on his back identifies him as a Long Arm. Despite his childish appearance, Hayato is actually a very skilled hacker. He has the ability to cre | |
Katsuyuki | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Katsuyuki | Katsuyuki (克幸) is one of the four hackers who acted as villains during the anime version of .hack//Legend of the Twilight. Katsuyuki is a Blademaster, he appears as a young long-haired boy wearing platemail. His wave symbol is composed of two small tattoos on his face. While he might look innocent, Katsuyuki is an accomplished hacker. He can be quite vicious and will not hesitate to destroy those who provoke him using one of the Data Bugs under his control. In the real world Katsuyuki is a young | |
Komiyan III | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Komiyan_III | Prince of Imperia, Defender of Truth, Knight of the Rose! But you can just call me "Your Majesty."Komiyan III Komiyan III is a classmate of Shugo and Rena's in real life. He is a rather pompous player with an odd obsession with Rena. Komiyan III is the perfect image of a snooty nobleman. He wears a suit of oversized armor, a large frilly scarf around his neck, and has a bulbous sneering face. Oddly enough, he also wears a pair of goggles on his forehead, though he rarely uses them. He is almost | |
Luke | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Luke | "The easier the better, that's what I say." — Luke — Luke (ルック) is a male Wavemaster who appeared in an extra chapter of the .hack//Legend of the Twilight manga. Luke takes the form of a male Wavemaster with a design similar to Tsukasa and Elk, except he has a wing like tattoo on his left cheek and, most notably, his hacked wings. Luke is an item hacker. Realizing that other players were interested in people who had rare items he learned how to hack his own, allowing him to make any item he want | |
Minor PCs in Legend of the Twilight | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Minor_PCs_in_Legend_of_the_Twilight | This is a list of the Minor PCs who played a role in .hack//Legend of the Twilight. Very few of them were given names, either in the series or in the infobooks, so there are only a few names listed below. For the more information, see Miss Collision. This Heavy Blade first appears in episode 1, and reappears several times throughout the series. She is part of a running gag in which a male character, usually Shugo accidentally runs into her large breasts. The end result is a powerful slap in the | |
Mr. Grunty | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Mr._Grunty | "Horn!!" — Long Horn — "Mr. Grunty" (プチグソさん) is a Baby Grunty owned by Hotaru. It was found by her after its original owner abandoned it when it became sick. Shugo and Hotaru managed to find a cure for it, and as a result it became permanently attached to them. Mr. Grunty spends most of his time on Hotaru's head, and is known for his insatiable appetite. During the Legend of the Twilight Bracelet Manga in A.D. 2014 when Shugo finds himself hunted by Kamui and the Cobalt Knights, Zefie used her p | |
Oscar | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Oscar | Oscar (オスカル) is a Noble Grunty raised by Komiyan III. Komiyan rides him almost everywhere he goes, and is rarely seen without him. Though he serves as Komiyan's faithful steed, Oscar has a mind of his own and occasionally acts without orders from Komiyan, whose cowardly traits he shares. Oscar has occasionally appeared without Komiyan, and has been summoned a few times by Zefie to help her out. Oscar's laugh is the same laugh Komiyan uses. When Komiyan was accidently Data Drained by Shugo, Oscar | |
Reki | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Reki | "But... after all is said and done... I guess that makes me the bigger fool for following him." — Reki — Reki (レキ) is a system administrator in The World. He works as an assistant to Balmung during .hack//Legend of the Twilight. Reki is a young blonde man dressed in formal red robes. He can usually be seen carrying around a book that holds data, which apparently doubles as a weapon when he is attacked. His wave symbol consists of a small triangular tattoo below his left eye. As a system administ | |
Shugo | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Shugo | "The World doesn't need an ending." — Shugo — Shugo (シューゴ, Shūgo) is the player who was granted a Kite-type PC by the .hackers Character Contest, along with his younger twin sister Rena who won a BlackRose-type PC. In Legend of the Twilight, Shugo looks like a smaller version of the character Kite. Their outfits are nearly identical; the most noticeable difference is their bracelets. Shugo's bracelet is large and golden, while Kite's was invisible. Shugo also has noticeably looser clothing and h | |
Tom | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Tom | Upside down palm trees, illegal monsters, just what's happening to this game!?Tom Tom (トム) is a Blademaster and CyberConnect Corporation employee responsible for server maintenance who appears in the anime of .hack//Legend of the Twilight. He encounters a bugged field that was infected with a computer virus Apotheosis, created by a small group of hackers. Several altered monsters attack him and overwhelm him, causing him to lose consciousness in the real world and fall into a coma, as his charac | |
Ichiro Sato | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Ichiro_Sato | "Names are just symbols. Like Kyo and Kyoko Tohno and Sieg and Tomonari Kasumi. Though they are different, they all stand for the same thing." — Ichiro Sato — Ichiro Sato (佐藤一郎, Satō Ichirō) is the name used by Helba's assistant. His codename, Bith the Black, comes from the character in the Epitaph of Twilight who is the assistant of Helba, Queen of the Dark. While Ichiro is an experienced hacker, he does not possess a character in The World. He leaves all business inside the game to Helba, whil | |
Kaoru Asaba | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Kaoru_Asaba | "If their anxiety and fear pass the breaking point, mass panic will erupt." — Kaoru Asaba — Kaoru Asaba (浅羽薫, Asaba Kaoru) is the woman that helps Yuki Aihara escape from the malfunctioning Y-Port World Center. A rather strong and resourceful woman. Near the end of the episode, it is revealed that she is a friend of Yuki's sister-in-law Miho. Kaoru was listed as "Office Lady" in the cast credits of the English version, and simply as "Asaba", her family name, in the Japanese version. Her .hack//E | |
Kyoko Tohno | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Kyoko_Tohno | "They say strange things always happen if you delve deeply into the Epitaph of Twilight." — Kyoko Tohno — Kyoko Tohno (遠野京子, Tohno Kyōko) is a girl with knowledge of the Epitaph of Twilight. She is the main focus of the third Liminality episode. Kyoko's character in The World is named Kyo. She is close friends with both Sieg and Yuki-chin and plays with them regularly. Nothing else is known about her online. Kyoko is a high school student in the city of Hida-Takayama. Kyoko's mother is an editor | |
Masaya Makino | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Masaya_Makino | "It's impossible for someone to go into a coma over a silly game." — Masaya Makino — Masaya Makino (牧野雅弥, Makino Masaya) is a friend of Mai Minase and Tomonari Kasumi. He is a member of their school's gaming club with Tomonari. While he has a character in The World, the name of it is unknown. Masaya has a character in The World, and regularly adventures with Sieg. However no information about his character is known. Masaya's father is the supervising doctor for Tomonari Kasumi. Dr. Makino believ | |
Miho Aihara | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Miho_Aihara | Miho Aihara (相原美穂, Aihara Miho) is Yuki Aihara's sister-in-law. Miho married Yuki's brother and runs a flower shop with him in Yokohama. She is pregnant with their first child. Yuki lives with them, forcing Miho to take a motherly role. Unfortunately, the two have a strained relationship. Yuki is angry at Miho and her brother because she feels that they threw their lives away to get married. Despite this, Miho tries to do the best she can with Yuki. Contrary to some early speculation, Miho is no | |
Adamas (LINK) | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Adamas_(LINK) | Adamas (アダマス) is a character in .hack//Cell | |
AI Harald (LINK) | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/AI_Harald_(LINK) | Harald (ハロルド) is a character in .hack//Link. | |
Albireo (LINK) | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Albireo_(LINK) | Albireo (アルビレオ, Arubireo) is a character in .hack//Link. Albireo chooses a unique look for his character, with one blue eye and one golden eye, the colors of the binary star Albireo, from which he takes his name. His body is that of a tanned young man, with a wolfcut hairstyle. He practices the Earth Wave, as shown by the hexagon-shaped wave symbols on his upper arms, forehead, and armor. He wields a large spear with a strange design pattern on it. Kazushi Watarai (度会 一詩) was once leader of CC C | |
Antares (LINK) | .hack//Wiki | https://dothack.fandom.com/wiki/Antares_(LINK) | Antares (大火) is a character in .hack//Link. |
Subsets and Splits