3 values
3 values
Any Screener (Multiple)
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // โ•”โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•— // โ•‘ Author & Developer : ยฉ dg_factor [18.07.2023, Istanbul] โ•‘ // โ•šโ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• //@version=5 indicator("Any Screener (Multiple)", overlay=true) // โ•”โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•— // โ•‘ SECTION 1 : INDICATORS โ•‘ // โ•šโ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• //{ // โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Inputs โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ // Tooltips string tt_per = "When the percentage is 0.0,\n" + "OTT is disabled and the signals are generated by the crossing of the closing price and the selected moving average." string tt_osc = "This option disables sequential signals in the same direction.\n" + "ON : The Scanner shows how many bars have passed since the direction changed.\n" + "OFF : The Scanner shows how many bars have passed since the last signal." string tt_volt = "BANDWIDTH and REGRESSION have been normalized. (For all time chart)" // string gr_ott = "โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• OTT โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ" mov_type = input.string(title="Type", defval="VAR", options=["SMA", "EMA", "EVWMA", "HULL", "VAR"], group=gr_ott) ott_len ="Length ", defval=50, group=gr_ott) ott_per = input.float(title="Percent ", defval=2.5, group=gr_ott, tooltip=tt_per) ott_sign = input.bool(title="Show Signals", defval=false, group=gr_ott) string gr_sar = "โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• PSAR โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ" sar_start = input.float(title="Start ", defval=0.02, group=gr_sar) sar_inc = input.float(title="Increment ", defval=0.02, group=gr_sar) sar_max = input.float(title="Max", defval=0.2, group=gr_sar) sar_sign = input.bool(title="Show Signals", defval=false, group=gr_sar) string gr_osc = "โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• OSCILLATOR โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ" osc_type = input.string(title="Type", defval="MFI", options=["MFI", "RSI", "STOCH"], group=gr_osc) osc_len ="Length ", defval=14, group=gr_osc) osc_os ="Over Sold", defval=30, group=gr_osc) osc_ob ="Over Bought", defval=70, group=gr_osc) osc_pyr = input.bool(title="Avoid Pyramiding", defval=true, group=gr_osc, tooltip=tt_osc) osc_sign = input.bool(title="Show Signals", defval=false, group=gr_osc) string gr_volt = "โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• VOLATILITY & TREND โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ" volt_type = input.string(title="Type", defval="REG-N", options=["ADX", "BBW-N", "REG-N"], group=gr_volt, tooltip=tt_volt) volt_len ="Length ", defval=14, group=gr_volt) // // โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Functions โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ // Hull Moving Average [HULL] f_hull(series float x, series int y) => a = y == 1 ? 1 : y / 2 b = 2 * ta.wma(x, a) - ta.wma(x, y) r = ta.wma(b, math.round(math.sqrt(y))) // // Elastic Volume Weighted Moving Average [EVWMA] f_evwma(series float x, series int y) => a = ta.sma(x, y) b = math.sum(volume, y) r = 0.0, r := na(r[1]) ? a : nz(r[1]) * (b - volume) / b + volume * x / b // // Variable Index Dynamic Adaptive Moving Average [VAR] f_var(series float x, series int y) => a = ta.sma(x, y) b = math.abs(ta.change(x, 9)) c = math.sum(math.abs(ta.change(x)), 9) d = c != 0 ? b / c : 0 e = 2 / (y + 1) r = 0.0, r := na(r[1]) ? a : d * e * (x - nz(r[1])) + nz(r[1]) // // Moving Average f_mov(simple string x, series float y, simple int z) => x == "SMA" ? ta.sma(y, z) : x == "EMA" ? ta.ema(y, z) : x == "EVWMA" ? f_evwma(y, z) : x == "HULL" ? f_hull(y, z) : x == "VAR" ? f_var(y, z) : na // // Optimized Trend Tracker f_ott(series float x, series float y) => a = y / 100 b = x * a, c = x - b, d = x + b c := c > nz(c[1]) or x < nz(c[1]) ? c : nz(c[1]) d := d < nz(d[1]) or x > nz(d[1]) ? d : nz(d[1]) e = 0.0, e := x > nz(e[1]) ? c : x < nz(e[1]) ? d : nz(e[1]) f = 1 + a / 2 g = 1 - a / 2 h = x > e ? e * f : e * g r = nz(h[2]) // // Oscillator f_osc(simple string x, simple int y) => x == "MFI" ? ta.mfi(hlc3, y) : x == "RSI" ? ta.rsi(close, y) : x == "STOCH" ? ta.stoch(close, high, low, y) : na // // Volatility f_volt(simple string x, simple int y) => [_, _, a] = ta.dmi(y, y) b = ta.bbw(close, y, 2) c = math.sqrt(ta.sma(math.pow(close - ta.linreg(close, y, 0), 2), y)) r = x == "ADX" ? a : x == "BBW-N" ? (b - ta.min(b)) / (ta.max(b) - ta.min(b)) * 100 : x == "REG-N" ? (c - ta.min(c)) / (ta.max(c) - ta.min(c)) * 100 : na // // โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Out โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ // Return _sup = f_mov(mov_type, close, ott_len) _ott = f_ott(_sup, ott_per) _sar = ta.sar(sar_start, sar_inc, sar_max) _osc = f_osc(osc_type, osc_len) osc_l = ta.crossover(_osc, osc_os) osc_s = ta.crossunder(_osc, osc_ob) osc_bl = ta.barssince(osc_l) < ta.barssince(osc_s) osc_bs = ta.barssince(osc_l) > ta.barssince(osc_s) _volt = f_volt(volt_type, volt_len) // โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Data For Screener โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ // Long Conditions long_1 = ott_per != 0.0 ? ta.crossover(_sup, _ott) : ta.crossover(close, _sup) long_2 = ta.crossover(close, _sar) long_3 = not osc_pyr ? osc_l : ta.cum(osc_l ? 1 : na) == 1 or osc_bl and (osc_bs[1] or not osc_bl[1]) // Short Conditions short_1 = ott_per != 0.0 ? ta.crossunder(_sup, _ott) : ta.crossunder(close, _sup) short_2 = ta.crossunder(close, _sar) short_3 = not osc_pyr ? osc_s : ta.cum(osc_s ? 1 : na) == 1 or osc_bs and (osc_bl[1] or not osc_bs[1]) // Text Only text_only = _volt // Titles are required for the table string title_1 = ott_per != 0.0 ? "OTT" : mov_type string title_2 = "PSAR" string title_3 = osc_type string title_4 = volt_type // โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Plot Signals โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ sl = shape.triangleup, ss = shape.triangledown, ll = location.belowbar, ls = location.abovebar, sz = size.tiny, cl = #00bb00, cs = #bb0000 plotshape(ott_sign ? ott_per != 0.0 and long_1 : na, "OTT Long", sl, ll, cl, text="OTT\nLong", textcolor=cl, size=sz) plotshape(ott_sign ? ott_per != 0.0 and short_1 : na, "OTT Short", ss, ls, cs, text="OTT\nShort", textcolor=cs, size=sz) plotshape(ott_sign ? ott_per == 0.0 and long_1 : na, "MA Long", sl, ll, cl, text="MA\nLong", textcolor=cl, size=sz) plotshape(ott_sign ? ott_per == 0.0 and short_1 : na, "MA Short", ss, ls, cs, text="MA\nShort", textcolor=cs, size=sz) plotshape(sar_sign ? long_2 : na, "PSAR Long", sl, ll, cl, text="PSAR\nLong", textcolor=cl, size=sz) plotshape(sar_sign ? short_2 : na, "PSAR Short", ss, ls, cs, text="PSAR\nShort", textcolor=cs, size=sz) plotshape(osc_sign ? long_3 : na, "OSC Long", sl, ll, cl, text="OSC\nLong", textcolor=cl, size=sz) plotshape(osc_sign ? short_3 : na, "OSC Short", ss, ls, cs, text="OSC\nShort", textcolor=cs, size=sz) //} // โ•”โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•— // โ•‘ SECTION 2 : SCREENER โ•‘ // โ•šโ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• //{ // The "SCREENER" section has been prepared in a way that can adapt to the variables defined above. // Delete the Section 1 and code your own conditions and titles : // (long_1, short_1, long_2, short_2, long_3, short_3, text_only) & (title_1, title_2, title_3, title_4) // โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Inputs โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ string gr_sc = "โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• SCREENER โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ" tb_sh = input.bool(title="Show Table", defval=true, group=gr_sc) sh_pr = input.bool(title="Show Prefix", defval=false, group=gr_sc) tb_ps = input.string(title="Positionย ย ย ", options=["Left", "Right", "Center"], defval="Right", group=gr_sc, inline="p") tb_sz = input.string(title="Text Sizeย ", options=["Auto", "Small", "Normal", "Large"], defval="Normal", group=gr_sc, inline="s") col_s = input.color(title="Coloursย ย ย ", defval=#00a5ba, group=gr_sc, inline="c") // Symbol col_u = input.color(title="", defval=#00bb00, group=gr_sc, inline="c") // Up (Long) col_d = input.color(title="", defval=#bb0000, group=gr_sc, inline="c") // Down (Short) col_n = input.color(title="", defval=#686868, group=gr_sc, inline="c") // Neutral string gr_sy = "โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• SYMBOLS โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ" s01 = input.symbol(title="Symbol 01", inline="01", group=gr_sy, defval="BINANCE:BTCUSDT") s02 = input.symbol(title="Symbol 02", inline='02', group=gr_sy, defval='BINANCE:ETHUSDT') s03 = input.symbol(title="Symbol 03", inline="03", group=gr_sy, defval="BINANCE:BNBUSDT") s04 = input.symbol(title="Symbol 04", inline="04", group=gr_sy, defval="BINANCE:ADAUSDT") s05 = input.symbol(title="Symbol 05", inline="05", group=gr_sy, defval="BINANCE:AVAXUSDT") s06 = input.symbol(title="Symbol 06", inline="06", group=gr_sy, defval="BINANCE:CHZUSDT") s07 = input.symbol(title="Symbol 07", inline="07", group=gr_sy, defval="BINANCE:DOGEUSDT") s08 = input.symbol(title="Symbol 08", inline="08", group=gr_sy, defval="BINANCE:SOLUSDT") s09 = input.symbol(title="Symbol 09", inline="09", group=gr_sy, defval="BINANCE:TRXUSDT") s10 = input.symbol(title="Symbol 10", inline="10", group=gr_sy, defval="BINANCE:XRPUSDT") s11 = input.symbol(title="Symbol 11", inline='11', group=gr_sy, defval='NASDAQ:AAPL') s12 = input.symbol(title="Symbol 12", inline='12', group=gr_sy, defval='NASDAQ:TSLA') s13 = input.symbol(title="Symbol 13", inline='13', group=gr_sy, defval='NASDAQ:AMZN') s14 = input.symbol(title="Symbol 14", inline='14', group=gr_sy, defval='NASDAQ:GOOGL') s15 = input.symbol(title="Symbol 15", inline='15', group=gr_sy, defval='NASDAQ:NVDA') // You can obtain various time frame results by defining inputs equal to the number of symbols to be used in the security function. string x00 = timeframe.period // โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Functions โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ f_data(series bool x, series bool y) => r1 = 0, r1 := x ? 1 : y ? -1 : r1[1] // direction r2 = ta.barssince(r1 != nz(r1[1])) // barssince r3 = r1 == 1 ? col_u : r1 == -1 ? col_d : col_n // color [r1, r2, r3] // f_screener() => [x1, y1, z1] = f_data(long_1, short_1) [x2, y2, z2] = f_data(long_2, short_2) [x3, y3, z3] = f_data(long_3, short_3) t = text_only [x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, z1, z2, z3, t] // // Yรถn, Bar f_text(int x, int y) => r1 = " " r2 = str.tostring(y) r3 = x == 1 ? r1 + "โ–ฒ [" + r2 + "]" : x == -1 ? r1 + "โ–ผ [" + r2 + "]" : r1 + "โ–  [" + r2 + "]" // f_prefix(simple string x) => r = sh_pr ? x : str.substring(x, str.pos(x, ':') + 1) // f_size(simple string x) => x == "Small" ? size.small : x == "Normal" ? size.normal : x == "Large" ? size.large : // f_position(simple string x) => x == "Left" ? position.top_left : x == "Right" ? position.top_right : position.top_center // // โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Variables โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ [a01, b01, c01, d01, e01, f01, g01, h01, i01, j01] =, x00, f_screener()) [a02, b02, c02, d02, e02, f02, g02, h02, i02, j02] =, x00, f_screener()) [a03, b03, c03, d03, e03, f03, g03, h03, i03, j03] =, x00, f_screener()) [a04, b04, c04, d04, e04, f04, g04, h04, i04, j04] =, x00, f_screener()) [a05, b05, c05, d05, e05, f05, g05, h05, i05, j05] =, x00, f_screener()) [a06, b06, c06, d06, e06, f06, g06, h06, i06, j06] =, x00, f_screener()) [a07, b07, c07, d07, e07, f07, g07, h07, i07, j07] =, x00, f_screener()) [a08, b08, c08, d08, e08, f08, g08, h08, i08, j08] =, x00, f_screener()) [a09, b09, c09, d09, e09, f09, g09, h09, i09, j09] =, x00, f_screener()) [a10, b10, c10, d10, e10, f10, g10, h10, i10, j10] =, x00, f_screener()) [a11, b11, c11, d11, e11, f11, g11, h11, i11, j11] =, x00, f_screener()) [a12, b12, c12, d12, e12, f12, g12, h12, i12, j12] =, x00, f_screener()) [a13, b13, c13, d13, e13, f13, g13, h13, i13, j13] =, x00, f_screener()) [a14, b14, c14, d14, e14, f14, g14, h14, i14, j14] =, x00, f_screener()) [a15, b15, c15, d15, e15, f15, g15, h15, i15, j15] =, x00, f_screener()) // โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Return โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ i1_t01 = f_text(a01, d01), i2_t01 = f_text(b01, e01), i3_t01 = f_text(c01, f01), i4_t01 = str.tostring(j01, "#.##") i1_t02 = f_text(a02, d02), i2_t02 = f_text(b02, e02), i3_t02 = f_text(c02, f02), i4_t02 = str.tostring(j02, "#.##") i1_t03 = f_text(a03, d03), i2_t03 = f_text(b03, e03), i3_t03 = f_text(c03, f03), i4_t03 = str.tostring(j03, "#.##") i1_t04 = f_text(a04, d04), i2_t04 = f_text(b04, e04), i3_t04 = f_text(c04, f04), i4_t04 = str.tostring(j04, "#.##") i1_t05 = f_text(a05, d05), i2_t05 = f_text(b05, e05), i3_t05 = f_text(c05, f05), i4_t05 = str.tostring(j05, "#.##") i1_t06 = f_text(a06, d06), i2_t06 = f_text(b06, e06), i3_t06 = f_text(c06, f06), i4_t06 = str.tostring(j06, "#.##") i1_t07 = f_text(a07, d07), i2_t07 = f_text(b07, e07), i3_t07 = f_text(c07, f07), i4_t07 = str.tostring(j07, "#.##") i1_t08 = f_text(a08, d08), i2_t08 = f_text(b08, e08), i3_t08 = f_text(c08, f08), i4_t08 = str.tostring(j08, "#.##") i1_t09 = f_text(a09, d09), i2_t09 = f_text(b09, e09), i3_t09 = f_text(c09, f09), i4_t09 = str.tostring(j09, "#.##") i1_t10 = f_text(a10, d10), i2_t10 = f_text(b10, e10), i3_t10 = f_text(c10, f10), i4_t10 = str.tostring(j10, "#.##") i1_t11 = f_text(a11, d11), i2_t11 = f_text(b11, e11), i3_t11 = f_text(c11, f11), i4_t11 = str.tostring(j11, "#.##") i1_t12 = f_text(a12, d12), i2_t12 = f_text(b12, e12), i3_t12 = f_text(c12, f12), i4_t12 = str.tostring(j12, "#.##") i1_t13 = f_text(a13, d13), i2_t13 = f_text(b13, e13), i3_t13 = f_text(c13, f13), i4_t13 = str.tostring(j13, "#.##") i1_t14 = f_text(a14, d14), i2_t14 = f_text(b14, e14), i3_t14 = f_text(c14, f14), i4_t14 = str.tostring(j14, "#.##") i1_t15 = f_text(a15, d15), i2_t15 = f_text(b15, e15), i3_t15 = f_text(c15, f15), i4_t15 = str.tostring(j15, "#.##") // โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Info Panel โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ string sp = " " var table tb =, columns=6, rows=20) f_print(x, y, z, p, q) => table.cell(tb, x, y+1, q, text_color=z, text_halign=p == "" ? text.align_left : text.align_center, text_size=f_size(tb_sz)) if barstate.islast and tb_sh f_print(0, -1, col_s, "", ""), f_print(0, 0, col_s, "", "") f_print(1, -1, col_s, "", ""), f_print(1, 0, col_s, "c", sp + title_1) f_print(2, -1, col_s, "", ""), f_print(2, 0, col_s, "c", sp + title_2) f_print(3, -1, col_s, "", ""), f_print(3, 0, col_s, "c", sp + title_3) f_print(4, -1, col_s, "", ""), f_print(4, 0, col_s, "c", sp + title_4) f_print(0, 1, col_s, "", f_prefix(s01)), f_print(1, 1, g01, "", i1_t01) f_print(0, 2, col_s, "", f_prefix(s02)), f_print(1, 2, g02, "", i1_t02) f_print(0, 3, col_s, "", f_prefix(s03)), f_print(1, 3, g03, "", i1_t03) f_print(0, 4, col_s, "", f_prefix(s04)), f_print(1, 4, g04, "", i1_t04) f_print(0, 5, col_s, "", f_prefix(s05)), f_print(1, 5, g05, "", i1_t05) f_print(0, 6, col_s, "", f_prefix(s06)), f_print(1, 6, g06, "", i1_t06) f_print(0, 7, col_s, "", f_prefix(s07)), f_print(1, 7, g07, "", i1_t07) f_print(0, 8, col_s, "", f_prefix(s08)), f_print(1, 8, g08, "", i1_t08) f_print(0, 9, col_s, "", f_prefix(s09)), f_print(1, 9, g09, "", i1_t09) f_print(0, 10, col_s, "", f_prefix(s10)), f_print(1, 10, g10, "", i1_t10) f_print(0, 11, col_s, "", f_prefix(s11)), f_print(1, 11, g11, "", i1_t11) f_print(0, 12, col_s, "", f_prefix(s12)), f_print(1, 12, g12, "", i1_t12) f_print(0, 13, col_s, "", f_prefix(s13)), f_print(1, 13, g13, "", i1_t13) f_print(0, 14, col_s, "", f_prefix(s14)), f_print(1, 14, g14, "", i1_t14) f_print(0, 15, col_s, "", f_prefix(s15)), f_print(1, 15, g15, "", i1_t15) f_print(2, 1, h01, "", i2_t01), f_print(3, 1, i01, "", i3_t01), f_print(4, 1, col_n, "", sp + i4_t01) f_print(2, 2, h02, "", i2_t02), f_print(3, 2, i02, "", i3_t02), f_print(4, 2, col_n, "", sp + i4_t02) f_print(2, 3, h03, "", i2_t03), f_print(3, 3, i03, "", i3_t03), f_print(4, 3, col_n, "", sp + i4_t03) f_print(2, 4, h04, "", i2_t04), f_print(3, 4, i04, "", i3_t04), f_print(4, 4, col_n, "", sp + i4_t04) f_print(2, 5, h05, "", i2_t05), f_print(3, 5, i05, "", i3_t05), f_print(4, 5, col_n, "", sp + i4_t05) f_print(2, 6, h06, "", i2_t06), f_print(3, 6, i06, "", i3_t06), f_print(4, 6, col_n, "", sp + i4_t06) f_print(2, 7, h07, "", i2_t07), f_print(3, 7, i07, "", i3_t07), f_print(4, 7, col_n, "", sp + i4_t07) f_print(2, 8, h08, "", i2_t08), f_print(3, 8, i08, "", i3_t08), f_print(4, 8, col_n, "", sp + i4_t08) f_print(2, 9, h09, "", i2_t09), f_print(3, 9, i09, "", i3_t09), f_print(4, 9, col_n, "", sp + i4_t09) f_print(2, 10, h10, "", i2_t10), f_print(3, 10, i10, "", i3_t10), f_print(4, 10, col_n, "", sp + i4_t10) f_print(2, 11, h11, "", i2_t11), f_print(3, 11, i11, "", i3_t11), f_print(4, 11, col_n, "", sp + i4_t11) f_print(2, 12, h12, "", i2_t12), f_print(3, 12, i12, "", i3_t12), f_print(4, 12, col_n, "", sp + i4_t12) f_print(2, 13, h13, "", i2_t13), f_print(3, 13, i13, "", i3_t13), f_print(4, 13, col_n, "", sp + i4_t13) f_print(2, 14, h14, "", i2_t14), f_print(3, 14, i14, "", i3_t14), f_print(4, 14, col_n, "", sp + i4_t14) f_print(2, 15, h15, "", i2_t15), f_print(3, 15, i15, "", i3_t15), f_print(4, 15, col_n, "", sp + i4_t15) //} // โ• โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Bitti โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•ฃ plotshape(barstate.isfirst, "@ dg_factor", color=#13172200, editable=false)
Previous OHLC Levels [TradeMaster Lite]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // Copyright (c) 2023 trademasterindicator. All rights reserved. // The Pinescript source code ("Previous OHLC Levels [TradeMaster Lite]") is exclusively licensed to trademasterindicator TradingView account. No other use is permitted without written consent from trademasterindicator. // By accessing or using the script, you agree to the following terms: // Grant of License: You are granted a non-transferable license to use the script for personal, non-commercial purposes related to technical analysis and trading on TradingView. // Ownership and Intellectual Property: trademasterindicator retains all ownership and intellectual property rights to the script. You may not modify, reverse engineer, or distribute the script. // Disclaimer of Warranty: The source code is provided as-is, without warranties. trademasterindicator shall not be liable for any damages arising from its use. // Termination: This license is valid until terminated. //@version=5 indicator('Previous OHLC Levels [TradeMaster Lite]', 'Previous OHLC [TradeMaster Lite]', overlay = true) i_showPlot = input.bool (true , 'Historical data' , group = 'calculation', inline = 'display', display = display.none) i_showCurrent = input.bool (true , 'Current data' , group = 'calculation', inline = 'display', display = display.none) i_pOHLC_tf = input.timeframe('W' , '' , group = 'calculation', inline = 'display', display = display.all , tooltip = "These levels can provide critical information about the previous trading period, whether it's a day, hour, week, or any other timeframe depending on your setting.\n\nโ— Previous Open: shows the opening price of the previous period. It's the price at which the market first started trading in that period.\nโ— Previous High: represents the highest price reached during the previous period. It can act as a resistance level for the current period.\nโ— Previous Low: indicates the lowest price hit during the previous period. It can serve as a support level in the current period.\nโ— Previous Close: the last price at which the asset traded during the previous period. It's often considered the most accurate reflection of the market sentiment at the end of that period.\n\nThese values provide a summary of the previous trading period's price action, giving you a baseline for comparing current price movements. They can help in understanding the market's direction and identifying potential support and resistance levels.") i_offsetRight = (20 , 'Offset drawings right' , group = 'style' , display = display.none, tooltip = 'This setting lets you align drawings slightly to the right of their original position. It can be useful to prevent overlapping with price action or other indicators on the chart.') i_textSize = input.string (size.small , 'Text size on the Chart', group = 'style' , display = display.none, options = [size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge]) i_clrPOHLC = input.color (#3bd8ffb3, 'Color' , group = 'style') get_pOHLC(tf) =>, tf, array.from(high[1], low[1], open[1], close[1]), barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) convertTimeframe(string tf) => var tf_int = str.tonumber(tf) tf_int % 60 == 0 ? str.format("{0}h", tf_int / 60) : str.format("{0}{1}", tf, na(tf_int) or str.endswith(tf, 'D') or str.endswith(tf, 'W') or str.endswith(tf, 'M') ? '' : 'm') var pOHLCs =<float>(4) var lines =<line>() var labels =<label>() txts = array.from('high', 'low', 'open', 'close') pOHLCs := timeframe.change(i_pOHLC_tf) or barstate.isfirst ? get_pOHLC(i_pOHLC_tf) : pOHLCs if i_showCurrent for [i,e] in pOHLCs if barstate.isfirst lines .push( (na,na,na,na, xloc.bar_time, extend.none, i_clrPOHLC, i < 2 ? line.style_dotted : line.style_solid)) labels.push(,na,na , xloc.bar_time, yloc.price , #ffffff00, label.style_label_left, i_clrPOHLC, i_textSize, text_font_family = font.family_monospace)) if barstate.islast ln = lines .get(i) lbl = labels.get(i) ln.set_xy1 (time, e) ln.set_xy2 (time + i_offsetRight * timeframe.in_seconds() * 1000, e) lbl.set_xy (time + i_offsetRight * timeframe.in_seconds() * 1000, e) lbl.set_text (str.format('prev.{0} {1}', i_pOHLC_tf, txts.get(i))) lbl.set_tooltip(str.tostring(e)) plot_high = plot(i_showPlot ? pOHLCs.get(0) : na, 'prev. high' , na) plot_low = plot(i_showPlot ? pOHLCs.get(1) : na, 'prev. low' , na) plot_open = plot(i_showPlot ? pOHLCs.get(2) : na, 'prev. open' , na) plot_close = plot(i_showPlot ? pOHLCs.get(3) : na, 'prev. close', na) fill(plot_high, plot_low , pOHLCs.get(0) != pOHLCs.get(0)[1] ? na :,90)) fill(plot_open, plot_close, pOHLCs.get(2) != pOHLCs.get(2)[1] ? na :,80))
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ BOtrades //@version=5 indicator(title="Ticker", overlay=true) // On the last historical bar, make a label that shows the // instrument's symbol and exchange. var textbox = = position.top_left, columns = 2, rows = 3) // Color Customization textlight = input.color(, 0), title="Text Color") textdark = input.color(, 0), title="Subtext Color") cellbg = input.color(, 0), title="Subtext Color") // Ticker Customization ticker = str.replace_all(syminfo.ticker, "USD", "") // Symbol Customization symbol = syminfo.description arr = array.new_string(0) array.push(arr, " / United States Dollar") array.push(arr, " / U.S. Dollar") array.push(arr, " / U. S. Dollar") array.push(arr, " / U.S. dollar") array.push(arr, " / US Dollar") array.push(arr, " all time history index") array.push(arr, " (calculated by TradingView)") array.push(arr, " (CALCULATED BY TRADINGVIEW)") array.push(arr, " (CONTINUOUS: CURRENT CONTRACT IN FRONT)") array.push(arr, " INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE") for i = 0 to array.size(arr) - 1 symbol := str.replace_all(symbol, str.tostring(array.get(arr, i)), "") if barstate.islast table.cell(table_id = textbox, column = 0, row = 0, text_size=size.tiny, width = 3, height = 5) table.cell(table_id = textbox, column = 1, row = 1, text_size=size.huge, text = ticker, text_color = textlight) table.cell(table_id = textbox, column = 1, row = 2, text_size=size.small, text = symbol, text_color = textdark, bgcolor = cellbg)
EMA-Deviation-Corrected T3 [Loxx]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ loxx //@version=5 indicator("EMA-Deviation-Corrected T3 [Loxx]", overlay = true, timeframe="", timeframe_gaps = true) var color greencolor = #2DD204 var color redcolor = #D2042D import loxx/loxxexpandedsourcetypes/4 t3filter(float src, float per, float hot, string clean)=> float a = hot float _c1 = -a * a * a float _c2 = 3 * a * a + 3 * a * a * a float _c3 = -6 * a * a - 3 * a - 3 * a * a * a float _c4 = 1 + 3 * a + a * a * a + 3 * a * a float alpha = 0. if (clean == "T3 New") alpha := 2.0 / (2.0 + (per - 1.0) / 2.0) else alpha := 2.0 / (1.0 + per) float _t30 = src, _t31 = src float _t32 = src, _t33 = src float _t34 = src, _t35 = src _t30 := nz(_t30[1]) + alpha * (src - nz(_t30[1])) _t31 := nz(_t31[1]) + alpha * (_t30 - nz(_t31[1])) _t32 := nz(_t32[1]) + alpha * (_t31 - nz(_t32[1])) _t33 := nz(_t33[1]) + alpha * (_t32 - nz(_t33[1])) _t34 := nz(_t34[1]) + alpha * (_t33 - nz(_t34[1])) _t35 := nz(_t35[1]) + alpha * (_t34 - nz(_t35[1])) float out = _c1 * _t35 + _c2 * _t34 + _c3 * _t33 + _c4 * _t32 out corrMaEmaDev(float price, float avg, simple int period)=> float ema0 = 0.,float ema1 = 0., float corr = 0. float alpha = 2.0 / (1.0 + period) ema0 := ta.ema(price, period) ema1 := ta.ema(price*price, period) float _deviation = math.max(math.sqrt(period * (ema1 - ema0 * ema0) / math.max(period - 1, 1)), 0.0) float v1 = math.pow(_deviation, 2) float v2 = math.pow(nz(corr[1]) - avg, 2) float c = (v2 < v1 or v2 == 0) ? 0 : 1 - v1 / v2 corr := nz(corr[1]) + c * (avg - nz(corr[1])) corr smthtype = input.string("Kaufman", "Heikin-Ashi Better Caculation Type", options = ["AMA", "T3", "Kaufman"], group = "Source Settings") srcin = input.string("Close", "Source", group= "Source Settings", options = ["Close", "Open", "High", "Low", "Median", "Typical", "Weighted", "Average", "Average Median Body", "Trend Biased", "Trend Biased (Extreme)", "HA Close", "HA Open", "HA High", "HA Low", "HA Median", "HA Typical", "HA Weighted", "HA Average", "HA Average Median Body", "HA Trend Biased", "HA Trend Biased (Extreme)", "HAB Close", "HAB Open", "HAB High", "HAB Low", "HAB Median", "HAB Typical", "HAB Weighted", "HAB Average", "HAB Average Median Body", "HAB Trend Biased", "HAB Trend Biased (Extreme)"]) per =, "T3 Period", group= "T3 Settings") t3hot = input.float(.7, "T3 Hot", group= "T3 Settings") t3swt = input.string("T3 New", "T3 Type", options = ["T3 New", "T3 Original"], group = "T3 Settings") colorbars = input.bool(true, "Color bars?", group = "UI Options") bool showSigs = input.bool(false, "Show signals?", group = "UI Options") kfl=input.float(0.666, title="* Kaufman's Adaptive MA (KAMA) Only - Fast End", group = "Moving Average Inputs") ksl=input.float(0.0645, title="* Kaufman's Adaptive MA (KAMA) Only - Slow End", group = "Moving Average Inputs") amafl =, title="* Adaptive Moving Average (AMA) Only - Fast", group = "Moving Average Inputs") amasl =, title="* Adaptive Moving Average (AMA) Only - Slow", group = "Moving Average Inputs") haclose =, timeframe.period, close) haopen =, timeframe.period, open) hahigh =, timeframe.period, high) halow =, timeframe.period, low) hamedian =, timeframe.period, hl2) hatypical =, timeframe.period, hlc3) haweighted =, timeframe.period, hlcc4) haaverage =, timeframe.period, ohlc4) src = switch srcin "Close" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.rclose() "Open" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.ropen() "High" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.rhigh() "Low" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.rlow() "Median" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.rmedian() "Typical" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.rtypical() "Weighted" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.rweighted() "Average" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.raverage() "Average Median Body" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.ravemedbody() "Trend Biased" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.rtrendb() "Trend Biased (Extreme)" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.rtrendbext() "HA Close" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.haclose(haclose) "HA Open" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.haopen(haopen) "HA High" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.hahigh(hahigh) "HA Low" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.halow(halow) "HA Median" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.hamedian(hamedian) "HA Typical" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.hatypical(hatypical) "HA Weighted" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.haweighted(haweighted) "HA Average" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.haaverage(haaverage) "HA Average Median Body" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.haavemedbody(haclose, haopen) "HA Trend Biased" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.hatrendb(haclose, haopen, hahigh, halow) "HA Trend Biased (Extreme)" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.hatrendbext(haclose, haopen, hahigh, halow) "HAB Close" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.habclose(smthtype, amafl, amasl, kfl, ksl) "HAB Open" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.habopen(smthtype, amafl, amasl, kfl, ksl) "HAB High" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.habhigh(smthtype, amafl, amasl, kfl, ksl) "HAB Low" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.hablow(smthtype, amafl, amasl, kfl, ksl) "HAB Median" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.habmedian(smthtype, amafl, amasl, kfl, ksl) "HAB Typical" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.habtypical(smthtype, amafl, amasl, kfl, ksl) "HAB Weighted" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.habweighted(smthtype, amafl, amasl, kfl, ksl) "HAB Average" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.habaverage(smthtype, amafl, amasl, kfl, ksl) "HAB Average Median Body" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.habavemedbody(smthtype, amafl, amasl, kfl, ksl) "HAB Trend Biased" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.habtrendb(smthtype, amafl, amasl, kfl, ksl) "HAB Trend Biased (Extreme)" => loxxexpandedsourcetypes.habtrendbext(smthtype, amafl, amasl, kfl, ksl) => haclose t3 = t3filter(src, per, t3hot, t3swt) corrout = corrMaEmaDev(src, t3, per) colorout = t3 > corrout ? greencolor : redcolor barcolor(colorbars ? colorout : na) plot(t3, color = colorout, linewidth = 2) plot(corrout, color = color.yellow, linewidth = 1) goLong = ta.crossover(t3, corrout) goShort = ta.crossunder(t3, corrout) plotshape(showSigs and goLong, title = "Long", color = color.yellow, textcolor = color.yellow, text = "L", style = shape.triangleup, location = location.belowbar, size = size.small) plotshape(showSigs and goShort, title = "Short", color = color.fuchsia, textcolor = color.fuchsia, text = "S", style = shape.triangledown, location = location.abovebar, size = size.small) alertcondition(goLong, title="Long", message="EMA-Deviation-Corrected T3 [Loxx]: Long\nSymbol: {{ticker}}\nPrice: {{close}}") alertcondition(goShort, title="Short", message="EMA-Deviation-Corrected T3 [Loxx]: Short\nSymbol: {{ticker}}\nPrice: {{close}}")
Extrapolated Previous Trend [LuxAlgo]
// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) // ยฉ LuxAlgo //@version=5 indicator("Extrapolated Previous Trend [LuxAlgo]", "LuxAlgo - Extrapolated Previous Trend", overlay = true) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Settings //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ tf = input.timeframe('D', 'Timeframe') //Dashboard showDash = input(false, 'Show Dashboard', group = 'Dashboard') dashLoc = input.string('Top Right', 'Location', options = ['Top Right', 'Bottom Right', 'Bottom Left'], group = 'Dashboard') textSize = input.string('Small', 'Size' , options = ['Tiny', 'Small', 'Normal'] , group = 'Dashboard') //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} //Compute previous day trend //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ //Hold variables var y =<float>(0) var x =<int>(0) var float a = na var float b = na var color css = na var up_per = 0 var up_den = 0 var dn_per = 0 var dn_den = 0 n = bar_index dtf = timeframe.change(tf) //Test for timeframe change if dtf if y.size() > 0 //Calculate regression coefficients slope = x.covariance(y) / x.variance() up_per += slope > 0 and a > 0 ? 1 : 0 up_den += a > 0 ? 1 : 0 dn_per += slope < 0 and a < 0 ? 1 : 0 dn_den += a < 0 ? 1 : 0 a := slope b := y.avg() - a * x.avg() css := a > 0 ? #00897B : #FF5252 //Clear arrays and push data y.clear(), x.clear() y.push(close), x.push(n) else y.push(close) x.push(n) //output epdt = a * n + b //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} //Dashboard //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ var table_position = dashLoc == 'Bottom Left' ? position.bottom_left : dashLoc == 'Top Right' ? position.top_right : position.bottom_right var table_size = textSize == 'Tiny' ? size.tiny : textSize == 'Small' ? size.small : size.normal var tb =, 2, 3 , bgcolor = #1e222d , border_color = #373a46 , border_width = 1 , frame_color = #373a46 , frame_width = 1) if showDash if barstate.isfirst tb.cell(0, 0, 'Trend Persistence', text_color = color.white, text_size = table_size) tb.merge_cells(0,0,1,0) tb.cell(0, 1, 'Uptrend', text_color = #089981, text_size = table_size) tb.cell(1, 1, 'Downtrend', text_color = #f23645, text_size = table_size) if barstate.islast tb.cell(0, 2, str.tostring(up_per / up_den * 100, format.percent), text_color = #089981, text_size = table_size) tb.cell(1, 2, str.tostring(dn_per / dn_den * 100, format.percent), text_color = #f23645, text_size = table_size) //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} //Plots //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ plot(epdt, 'Extrapolated Previous Trend', dtf ? na : css) barcolor(a > 0 ? #00897b80 : #ff525280) bgcolor(dtf ? #787b8680 : na, title = 'Timeframe Change') //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
Gradient Money Flow Divergence Detector
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ JohannCoffee // Credit HALDRO for the Divergence and Pivot - Detector For Any Indicator //@version=5 indicator(title = "Gradient Money Flow Divergence Detector", shorttitle = "MF with Divs", overlay = false) //Moneyflow length =, title="Length", minval=1, group = "---- Money Flow ----") mfisrc = close typical_price = hlc3 money_flow = typical_price * volume positive_flow = math.sum(money_flow * (typical_price > typical_price[1] ? 1 : 0), length) negative_flow = math.sum(money_flow * (typical_price < typical_price[1] ? 1 : 0), length) money_flow_ratio = positive_flow / negative_flow mfi = 100 - (100 / (1 + money_flow_ratio)) // Plot Gradient red1 = 58, green1 = 80, blue1 = 107 // Color: 3a506b red2 = 111, green2 = 255, blue2 = 233 // Color: 6fffe9 max_mfi = ta.highest(mfi, length) // max value in the last "length" periods min_mfi = ta.lowest(mfi, length) // min value in the last "length" periods mfi_range = max_mfi - min_mfi mfi_normalized = (mfi - min_mfi) / mfi_range red = red1 + mfi_normalized * (red2 - red1) green = green1 + mfi_normalized * (green2 - green1) blue = blue1 + mfi_normalized * (blue2 - blue1) mfi_gradient_color =, math.floor(green), math.floor(blue)), transp=0) plotchar(mfi, 'Money Flow Line', location = location.bottom, color=mfi_gradient_color, size = size.large, char = '-') plot(mfi, 'Money Flow', color=mfi_gradient_color, linewidth=3) // Plotting additional lines hline(20, "Line 1", color=color.rgb(68,70,81), linewidth=1, linestyle=hline.style_dashed) hline(50, "Line 2", color=color.rgb(68,70,81), linewidth=1, linestyle=hline.style_solid) hline(80, "Line 3", color=color.rgb(68,70,81), linewidth=1, linestyle=hline.style_dashed) // div detector 1 - Micro Div // Inputs groupdiv = '---- Micro Div Lookback ----' pivR = 1 pivL = 21 lbR = 1 lbL = (5, ' ' , group = groupdiv, inline = '1') rangeUpper = 100 rangeLower = 6 plotBull = true plotBear = true //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHCond = ta.pivothigh(mfi, pivL, pivR), h3 = +1.1 PLCond = ta.pivotlow (mfi, pivL, pivR), l3 = -0.9 highestHighPoint = ta.highest(PHCond and mfi > 0 ? mfi : na, rangeUpper) lowestLowPoint = ta.lowest(PLCond and mfi < 0 ? mfi : na, rangeLower) // Divergence Detect: osc = mfi plFound = na(ta.pivotlow(mfi, lbL, lbR)) ? false : true phFound = na(ta.pivothigh(mfi, lbL, lbR)) ? false : true _inRange1(cond1) => bars = ta.barssince(cond1 == true) rangeLower <= bars and bars <= rangeUpper // Regular Bullish // Osc: Higher Low oscHL1 = osc[lbR] > ta.valuewhen(plFound, osc[lbR], 1) and _inRange1(plFound[1]) and mfi != close // Price: Lower Low priceLL1 = low[lbR] < ta.valuewhen(plFound, low[lbR], 1) bullCond = plotBull and priceLL1 and oscHL1 and plFound plot(plFound ? osc[lbR] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Micro Bullish Div', linewidth=1, color=bullCond ? color.rgb(0, 255, 8) : na) // Regular Bearish // Osc: Lower High oscLH1 = osc[lbR] < ta.valuewhen(phFound, osc[lbR], 1) and _inRange1(phFound[1]) and mfi != close // Price: Higher High priceHH = high[lbR] > ta.valuewhen(phFound, high[lbR], 1) bearCond = plotBear and priceHH and oscLH1 and phFound plot(phFound ? osc[lbR] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Micro Bearish Div', linewidth=1, color=bearCond ? color.rgb(255, 0, 0) : na) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // div detector 2 - Sub Mid Div // Inputs groupdiv2 = '---- Sub-Mid Div Lookback ----' pivR2 = 1 pivL2 = 21 lbR2 = 1 lbL2 = (15, ' ' , group = groupdiv2, inline = '1') rangeUpper2 = 100 rangeLower2 = 6 plotBull2 = true plotBear2 = true //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHCond2 = ta.pivothigh(mfi, pivL2, pivR2), h32 = +1.1 PLCond2 = ta.pivotlow (mfi, pivL2, pivR2), l32 = -0.9 highestHighPoint2 = ta.highest(PHCond2 and mfi > 0 ? mfi : na, rangeUpper2) lowestLowPoint2 = ta.lowest(PLCond2 and mfi < 0 ? mfi : na, rangeLower2) // Divergence Detect: osc2 = mfi plFound2 = na(ta.pivotlow(mfi, lbL2, lbR2)) ? false : true phFound2 = na(ta.pivothigh(mfi, lbL2, lbR2)) ? false : true _inRange2(cond2) => bars2 = ta.barssince(cond2 == true) rangeLower2 <= bars2 and bars2 <= rangeUpper2 // Regular Bullish // Osc: Higher Low oscHL2 = osc2[lbR2] > ta.valuewhen(plFound2, osc2[lbR2], 1) and _inRange2(plFound2[1]) and mfi != close // Price: Lower Low priceLL2 = low[lbR] < ta.valuewhen(plFound2, low[lbR2], 1) bullCond2 = plotBull2 and priceLL2 and oscHL2 and plFound2 plot(plFound2 ? osc[lbR2] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Sub-Mid Bullish Div', linewidth=1, color=bullCond2 ? color.rgb(0, 255, 8) : na) // Regular Bearish // Osc: Lower High oscLH2 = osc2[lbR2] < ta.valuewhen(phFound2, osc2[lbR2], 1) and _inRange2(phFound2[1]) and mfi != close // Price: Higher High priceHH2 = high[lbR2] > ta.valuewhen(phFound2, high[lbR2], 1) bearCond2 = plotBear2 and priceHH2 and oscLH2 and phFound2 plot(phFound2 ? osc2[lbR2] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Sub=Mid Bearish Div', linewidth=1, color=bearCond2 ? color.rgb(255, 0, 0) : na) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // div detector 3 - Mid Div // // Inputs groupdiv3 = '---- Mid Div Lookback ----' pivR3 = 1 pivL3 = 21 lbR3 = 1 lbL3 = (55, ' ' , group = groupdiv3, inline = '1') rangeUpper3 = 100 rangeLower3 = 6 plotBull3 = true plotBear3 = true //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHCond3 = ta.pivothigh(mfi, pivL3, pivR3), h33 = +1.1 PLCond3 = ta.pivotlow (mfi, pivL3, pivR3), l33 = -0.9 highestHighPoint3 = ta.highest(PHCond3 and mfi > 0 ? mfi : na, rangeUpper3) lowestLowPoint3 = ta.lowest(PLCond3 and mfi < 0 ? mfi : na, rangeLower3) // Divergence Detect: osc3 = mfi plFound3 = na(ta.pivotlow(mfi, lbL3, lbR3)) ? false : true phFound3 = na(ta.pivothigh(mfi, lbL3, lbR3)) ? false : true _inRange3(cond3) => bars3 = ta.barssince(cond3 == true) rangeLower3 <= bars3 and bars3 <= rangeUpper3 // Regular Bullish // Osc: Higher Low oscHL3 = osc[lbR3] > ta.valuewhen(plFound3, osc3[lbR3], 1) and _inRange3(plFound3[1]) and mfi != close // Price: Lower Low priceLL3 = low[lbR3] < ta.valuewhen(plFound3, low[lbR3], 1) bullCond3 = plotBull3 and priceLL3 and oscHL3 and plFound3 plot(plFound3 ? osc[lbR3] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Mid Bullish Div', linewidth=1, color=bullCond3 ? color.rgb(0, 255, 8) : na) // Regular Bearish // Osc: Lower High oscLH3 = osc3[lbR3] < ta.valuewhen(phFound3, osc3[lbR3], 1) and _inRange3(phFound3[1]) and mfi != close // Price: Higher High priceHH3 = high[lbR3] > ta.valuewhen(phFound3, high[lbR3], 1) bearCond3 = plotBear3 and priceHH3 and oscLH3 and phFound3 plot(phFound3 ? osc3[lbR3] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Mid Bearish Div', linewidth=1, color=bearCond3 ? color.rgb(255, 0, 0) : na) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // div detector 4 - Macro Div // Inputs groupdiv4 = '---- Macro Div Lookback ----' pivR4 = 1 pivL4 = 21 lbR4 = 1 lbL4 = (70, ' ' , group = groupdiv4, inline = '2') rangeUpper4 = 100 rangeLower4 = 6 plotBull4 = true plotBear4 = true //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHCond4 = ta.pivothigh(mfi, pivL4, pivR4), h44 = +1.1 PLCond4 = ta.pivotlow (mfi, pivL4, pivR4), l44 = -0.9 highestHighPoint4 = ta.highest(PHCond4 and mfi > 0 ? mfi : na, rangeUpper4) lowestLowPoint4 = ta.lowest(PLCond4 and mfi < 0 ? mfi : na, rangeLower4) // Divergence Detect: osc4 = mfi plFound4 = na(ta.pivotlow(mfi, lbL4, lbR4)) ? false : true phFound4 = na(ta.pivothigh(mfi, lbL4, lbR4)) ? false : true _inRange4(cond4) => bars4 = ta.barssince(cond4 == true) rangeLower4 <= bars4 and bars4 <= rangeUpper4 // Regular Bullish // Osc: Higher Low oscHL4 = osc[lbR4] > ta.valuewhen(plFound4, osc4[lbR4], 1) and _inRange4(plFound4[1]) and mfi != close // Price: Lower Low priceLL4 = low[lbR4] < ta.valuewhen(plFound4, low[lbR4], 1) bullCond4 = plotBull4 and priceLL4 and oscHL4 and plFound4 plot(plFound4 ? osc[lbR4] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Macro Bullish Div', linewidth=1, color=bullCond4 ? color.rgb(0, 255, 8) : na) // Regular Bearish // Osc: Lower High oscLH4 = osc4[lbR4] < ta.valuewhen(phFound4, osc4[lbR4], 1) and _inRange4(phFound4[1]) and mfi != close // Price: Higher High priceHH4 = high[lbR4] > ta.valuewhen(phFound4, high[lbR4], 1) bearCond4 = plotBear4 and priceHH4 and oscLH4 and phFound4 plot(phFound4 ? osc4[lbR4] : na, offset=-lbR, title='Macro Bearish Div', linewidth=1, color=bearCond4 ? color.rgb(255, 0, 0) : na) // Bearishdivalert = bearCond or bearCond2 or bearCond3 or bearCond4 Bullishdivalert = bullCond or bullCond2 or bullCond3 or bullCond4 alertcondition(Bearishdivalert, title = "Bearish Divergence Alert", message = "Bearish Divergence Detected") alertcondition(Bullishdivalert, title = "Bullish Divergence Alert", message = "Bullish Divergence Detected")
RedK Relative Strength Ribbon: RS Ribbon and RS Charts
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ RedKTrader //@version=5 indicator(title="RedK Relative Strength Ribbon v1.0", shorttitle="RedK RS_Ribbon v1.0", precision = 2, timeframe = "", timeframe_gaps = false) // to-do:s // add alerts for ribbon swining green/red - or a generic swing // add other MA types (done) // Support MTF (done) //============================================================================== // updated this version of LazyLine() to reflect a regular WMA for length < 5 // newest version, avoids warning about wma() inside the if block, code cleaned-up f_LazyLine(float _data, int _length) => LL1 = 0.0, LL2 = 0.0, _LL = 0.0 var float w = _length / 3 var int w2 = math.round(w) var int w1 = math.round((_length - w2) / 2) var int w3 = int((_length - w2) / 2) L1 = ta.wma(_data, w1) L2 = ta.wma(L1, w2) L3 = ta.wma(L2, w3) L4 = ta.wma(_data, _length) _LL := _length > 4 ? L3 : L4 //============================================================================== // ============================================================================= f_getMA(source, length, mtype) => mtype == "SMA" ? ta.sma(source, length) : mtype == "EMA" ? ta.ema(source, length) : mtype == "WMA" ? ta.wma(source, length) : mtype == "HMA" ? ta.hma(source, length) : mtype == "RMA" ? ta.rma(source, length) : f_LazyLine(source, length) // ============================================================================= MA1 = "MA1" MA2 = "MA2" grp_1 = "RS Ribbon" grp_2 = "New x-Weeks Hi/Lo RS (only 1D & 1W TFs)" base = input.symbol("SPY", "Base Symbol") show_RSBars = input.bool(true, "Show RS Candles?โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€ƒ", inline = 'RScandles') use_HA = input.bool(false, 'Use Heikin Ashi?', inline = 'RScandles') show_Ribbon = input.bool(true, "Show RS Ribbon?", group = grp_1) MA1_length =, "MA1 Length", minval = 1, inline = MA1, group = grp_1) MA1_type = input.string('WMA', title = 'Type', inline = MA1, group = grp_1, options = ['RSS_WMA', 'WMA', 'EMA', 'SMA', 'HMA', 'RMA'] ) MA2_length =, "MA2 Length", minval = 1, inline = MA2, group = grp_1) MA2_type = input.string('RSS_WMA', title = 'Type', inline = MA2, group = grp_1, options = ['RSS_WMA', 'WMA', 'EMA', 'SMA', 'HMA', 'RMA']) var string Rel_sym = ticker.standard(syminfo.tickerid) + ' / ' + ticker.standard(base) var string Current_TF = timeframe.period // note: Current_TF is not the chart's TF, it's the TF selected in the TF dropdown in indicator settings [o, h, l , rs] =, Current_TF, [100 * open, 100 * high, 100 * low, 100 * close]) // ==================================================================================================================== // Adding the option to show RS Candles - can be useful to do some TA on and check for patterns like VCP // good tip hee is to use log scale too for these "RS charts" // also added the ability to show the RS candles as HA Candles for any HA fans out there // note that RS will continue to calc using normal close values // ****** // HA bar construction from normal candles // Open = (open of previous bar + close of previous bar) divided by 2 // Close = (open + close + high + low of current bar) divided by 4 // High = the maximum value from the high, open, or close of the current period // Low = the minimum value from the low, open, or close of the current period float ca_o = o float ca_c = rs float ca_h = h float ca_l = l var float HA_o = o var float HA_c = rs var float HA_h = h var float HA_l = l HA_o := math.avg(o[1], rs[1]) HA_c := math.avg(o, rs, h, l) HA_h := math.max(h, o ,rs) HA_l := math.min(l, o, rs) if use_HA ca_o := HA_o, ca_c := HA_c ca_h := HA_h, ca_l := HA_l up_bar = ca_c > ca_o c_barup =, 60) c_bardn =, 60) c_barupb =, 15) c_bardnb =, 15) barcolor = up_bar ? c_barup : c_bardn borcolor = up_bar ? c_barupb : c_bardnb plotcandle(ca_o, ca_h, ca_l, ca_c, 'RS Candles', barcolor, borcolor, bordercolor = borcolor, display = show_RSBars ? display.pane : display.none) // ==================================================================================================================== RS_avg1 = f_getMA(rs, MA1_length, MA1_type) RS_avg2 = f_getMA(rs, MA2_length, MA2_type) green = #08440d80 red = #80192280 l_green = #1b5e20 l_red = #981919 c_avg1 =,50) c_avg2 = RS_avg1 >= RS_avg2 ? l_green : l_red c_ribbon = show_Ribbon ? (RS_avg1 > RS_avg2 ? green : red) : na A1 = plot(RS_avg1, color = c_avg1, title="RS Avg1", linewidth = 2, display = show_Ribbon ? display.pane + display.data_window : display.none) A2 = plot(RS_avg2, color = c_avg2, title="RS Avg2", linewidth = 3, display = show_Ribbon ? display.pane + display.data_window : display.none) fill(A1, A2, color = c_ribbon) // ==================================================================================================================== // New x Week Hi/Lo // ==================================================================================================================== show_xwksHL = input.bool(true, 'Show New x_weeks Hi/Lo RS Markers?', group = grp_2) num_wks = (13, "Num Weeks", minval = 1, group = grp_2) num_days = (5, "Adjust days per week (if needed)", minval = 1, group = grp_2) // ================================================================ // Get all-time Hi/Lo RS, will be used if there's less than x-weeks of data athi = ta.max(rs) atlo = ta.min(rs) // ============================================================================= CalcRS_HiLo (string _TF, int _Length) => _hi_tf =, _TF, ta.highest(close, _Length)) * 100 _lo_tf =, _TF, ta.lowest(close, _Length)) * 100 [_hi_tf, _lo_tf] // ============================================================================= var string RS_TF = "D" var int RS_Length = 1 if Current_TF == "D" RS_TF := "1D" RS_Length := num_days * num_wks else if Current_TF == "W" RS_TF := "1W" RS_Length := num_wks // this call will still calculate Hi/Lo on the current chart timeframe - but will do a daily calc // then we'll ignore the outcome later in the code - to avoid the issue with lower TF's missing points // which is actually a "visual inconsistency" rather than a bug, due to the use of "closing price" in RS calculation vs high or low [hi_tf, lo_tf] = CalcRS_HiLo(RS_TF, RS_Length) // if the security call returns NA, use all-time hi/lo values v_hi52WK = nz(hi_tf, athi) v_lo52WK = nz(lo_tf, atlo) plot(rs, title = "RS", color=#ffb74d) plotchar(athi, "All-time Hi", char = "", color = color.aqua, editable = false, display = display.data_window) plotchar(atlo, "All-time Lo", char = "", color = color.yellow, editable = false, display = display.data_window) plotchar(hi_tf, "Num Weeks' Hi", char = "", color = color.aqua, editable = false, display = display.data_window) plotchar(lo_tf, "Num Weeks' Lo", char = "", color = color.yellow, editable = false, display = display.data_window) float MaxHi = na float MaxLo = na if (Current_TF == "D" or Current_TF == "W") and show_xwksHL MaxHi := v_hi52WK MaxLo := v_lo52WK // if other TF's, we maintain na value for these variables. so do nothing here .... plotchar(0.0, "**********", char = "", color = color.aqua, editable = false, display = display.data_window) plotchar(MaxHi, "Final x_Wk Hi", char = "", color = color.aqua, editable = false, display = display.data_window) plotchar(MaxLo, "Final x_Wk Lo", char = "", color = color.yellow, editable = false, display = display.data_window) // set a flag if a new 52Wk Hi/Lo occurs N52HL = rs == MaxHi ? 1 : rs == MaxLo ? -1 : 0 // plot NewHL = N52HL == 0 ? na : rs c_NewHL = N52HL == 1 ? color.aqua : plot(NewHL, title = "New x_Wk Hi/Lo", color = c_NewHL, linewidth = 5, style = plot.style_circles, display = display.pane + display.data_window)
ScalpTrader RSI
// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) // ยฉScalpTradr //@version=5 // Defining the main indicator with a short title indicator(title='RSI [ScalpTradr]', shorttitle='ST RSI', overlay=false) // User input for RSI length and whether to show bands len = input(14) bands = input(true) // Function for calculating Hull Moving Average (HMA) f_hma(_src, _length) => // Calculating the weighted moving average and assigning it to _return _return = ta.wma(2 * ta.wma(_src, _length / 2) - ta.wma(_src, _length), math.round(math.sqrt(_length))) // Returning the result _return // Source data for the RSI calculation is closing price src = close // Up is the relative moving average of the upward changes up = ta.rma(math.max(ta.change(src), 0), len) // Down is the relative moving average of the downward changes down = ta.rma(-math.min(ta.change(src), 0), len) // RSI calculation rsi = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - 100 / (1 + up / down) // Plots the middle line (zero line) with gray color plotZero = plot(50,, 50), title='ZeroMiddle') // Determines fill color based on RSI value fillColor = rsi < 50 ? : // Fills the area between RSI plot and zero line with determined color fill(plot1=plot(rsi,, 0), linewidth=2), plot2=plotZero,, 50)) // Bollinger Bands var float upper = na var float lower = na if bands basis = ta.sma(rsi, len) dev = 2 * ta.stdev(rsi, len) upper := basis + dev lower := basis - dev // Determines RSI color based on its value and its position relative to the Bollinger Bands sma_color_rsi = rsi > upper ? : rsi < lower ? : // Plots RSI with determined color plot(rsi, color=sma_color_rsi, title='RSI', linewidth=3) plot(upper,, title='Bollinger Bands Top') plot(lower,, title='Bollinger Bands Bottom')
[R]2 - Reversion
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ zamansiz74 //@version=5 indicator("[R]2 - Version 2", overlay=false) // Input o1 = input.bool(defval = true, title = "-------------[R]eversion--------------" ) periods = = 5, title="Periods") length = = 10, title="Length") threshold = input.float(5.0, step=1,title="Threshold") multiplier = input.float(defval = 3.0, step=0.5, title="Multiplier") median = input.bool(defval = true, title = "Calculate with median") weighted = input.bool(defval = false, title = "Weighted average") signal_by_changing_direction = input.bool(defval = false, title = "Signal when changing direction") // PART 1 sum = 0.0 avg = 0.0 var float xyz = close var float multi = 1 var bool buySignal = false var float sumPrice = na var int count = 0 var float avgPrice = na var float distanceAvg = 0.0 var color clr = color.rgb(0,0,0,0) // User-defined function to calculate the median median(src, periods) => sorted = array.new_float(periods) for i = 0 to periods - 1 array.push(sorted, src[i]) array.sort(sorted) mid = int(periods / 2) periods % 2 == 0 ? (array.get(sorted, mid) + array.get(sorted, mid - 1)) / 2 : array.get(sorted, mid) // Loop for calculating the average... sum := ta.ema(close, periods) * periods //...or the meridian if (median == false) if(weighted==false) avg := sum / periods else avg := ta.wma(close,periods) else if(weighted==false) avg := median(ta.sma(close, periods), periods) else avg := median(ta.wma(close, periods), periods) // Check if the current bar is a multiple of Periods if bar_index % periods == 0 if na(xyz* multi) or math.abs(xyz - avg * multi) >= threshold xyz := avg * multi // if (close > xyz and xyz == xyz[1] and buySignal == false) buySignal := true multi := (100-multiplier)/100 xyz := avg * multi if (close < xyz and xyz == xyz[1] and buySignal == true) buySignal := false multi := (100+multiplier)/100 xyz := avg * multi // //---------------------------------------X if barstate.isfirst sumPrice := na count := 0 if buySignal != buySignal[1] // When the buySignal variable changes, save the average of the previous period. if count > 0 avgPrice := sumPrice / count // Reset the values to calculate the average for the new period sumPrice := close count := 1 else // Add the prices between the state changes sumPrice += close count += 1 // Calculate distance between close and avgPrice distance = ta.ema(close - avgPrice,length) distance2 = ta.ema(distance,length) if signal_by_changing_direction clr := distance - distance2< 0 ? color.rgb(255,0,0,80) : color.rgb(0,255,0,80) else clr := distance < 0 ? color.rgb(255,0,0,80) : color.rgb(0,255,0,80) // PLOT // Draw continuous line at 0 hline(0, title="Nulllinie", color=color.gray, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=3) // Hier setzen wir den Linienstil auf gepunktet (hline.style_dotted) hli = plot(0, title="Nulllinie",, linewidth = 0, display = display.none) // Linie zeichnen, um den Abstand darzustellen dis = plot(distance, title="", style=plot.style_histogram, color=clr, linewidth=1) fill(hli, dis,clr) // Alert! alertcondition((nz(clr) != nz(clr[1])), title="[R]2", message="{{ticker}}, change of direction!")
Support and Resistance Backtester [SS]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // /$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ // /$$__ $$ | $$ | $$ //| $$ \__//$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ //| $$$$$$|_ $$_/ /$$__ $$| $$ /$$//$$__ $$ /$$__ $$ /$$_____/|_ $$_/ /$$__ $$| $$ /$$//$$__ $$ /$$_____/ // \____ $$ | $$ | $$$$$$$$ \ $$/$$/| $$$$$$$$| $$ \__/| $$$$$$ | $$ | $$$$$$$$ \ $$/$$/| $$$$$$$$| $$$$$$ // /$$ \ $$ | $$ /$$| $$_____/ \ $$$/ | $$_____/| $$ \____ $$ | $$ /$$| $$_____/ \ $$$/ | $$_____/ \____ $$ //| $$$$$$/ | $$$$/| $$$$$$$ \ $/ | $$$$$$$| $$ /$$$$$$$/ | $$$$/| $$$$$$$ \ $/ | $$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$/ // \______/ \___/ \_______/ \_/ \_______/|__/ |_______/ \___/ \_______/ \_/ \_______/|_______/ // ___________________ // / \ // / _____ _____ \ // / / \ / \ \ // __/__/ \____/ \__\_____ //| ___________ ____| // \_________/ \_________/ // \ /////// / // \///////// // ยฉ Steversteves //@version=5 indicator("Support and Resistance Backtester [SS]", shorttitle = "S/R Backtester [SS]", overlay=true, max_labels_count = 500) // Groups // g1 = "Settings" g2 = "Support and Resistance Levels" g3 = "Backtest Parameters" // Tooltips // t1 = "This will plot the price labels beside the support and resistance levels" // labels t2 = "This will extend the support and resistance area to encompass the support and resistance zone +/- the threshold value inputted" // Threshold Plot t3 = "This will extend the support and resistance to a general 'area' in which you are comfortable holding. Suggested value is the value in which you are willing to let the stock extend past your support or resistance level before stopping out." t4 = "The number of candles you wish to lookback to test the support and resistance levels. Suggested values for optimization: \n Hourly: 300 \n Daily: 500" t5 = "Will plot labels on each of the support and resistance passes." t6 = "Will plot labels on each of the support and resistance fails." t7 = "Determines the source you wish to look at. Suggested value is close." // User inputs // pltsr = input.bool(true, "Plot Support and Resistance Levels", group = g1) pltlbl = input.bool(true, "Plot Labels", tooltip = t1, group=g1) pltthresh = input.bool(false, "Plot Threshold Limits", tooltip = t2, group = g1) chrt = input.bool(true, "Display Chart", group=g1) sr1 = input.float(100, "Support/Resistance 1", group = g2) sr2 = input.float(0, "Support/Resistance 2", group = g2) sr3 = input.float(0, "Support/Resistance 3", group = g2) sr4 = input.float(0, "Support/Resistance 4", group = g2) sr5 = input.float(0, "Support/Resistance 5", group = g2) src = input.source(close, "Source",tooltip = t7, group = g3) len =, "Lookback", tooltip = t4, group = g3) margin = input.float(0.50, "Threshold parameter", tooltip = t3, group = g3) pltpasses = input.bool(false, "Plot Passes", tooltip = t5) pltfails = input.bool(false, "Plot Fails", tooltip = t6) // Support and Resistance 1 bool sr1_support = src[3] > sr1 and src[2] >= sr1 - margin and src[2] <= sr1 + margin and src > sr1 + margin bool sr1_resistance = src[3] < sr1 and src[2] >= sr1 - margin and src[2] <= sr1 + margin and src < sr1 - margin bool sr1_resistance_fail = src[3] < sr1 and src[2] > sr1 and src[1] > sr1 and src > sr1 + margin bool sr1_support_fail = src[3] > sr1 and src[2] < sr1 and src[1] < sr1 and src < sr1 - margin bool sr1_touch = src >= sr1 - margin and src <= sr1 + margin // Support and Resistance 2 bool sr2_support = src[3] > sr2 and src[2] >= sr2 - margin and src[2] <= sr2 + margin and src > sr2 + margin bool sr2_resistance = src[3] < sr2 and src[2] >= sr2 - margin and src[2] <= sr2 + margin and src < sr2 - margin bool sr2_resistance_fail = src[3] < sr2 and src[2] > sr2 and src[1] > sr2 and src > sr2 + margin bool sr2_support_fail = src[3] > sr2 and src[2] < sr2 and src[1] < sr2 and src < sr2 - margin bool sr2_touch = src >= sr2 - margin and src <= sr2 + margin // Support and Resistance 3 bool sr3_support = src[3] > sr3 and src[2] >= sr3 - margin and src[2] <= sr3 + margin and src > sr3 + margin bool sr3_resistance = src[3] < sr3 and src[2] >= sr3 - margin and src[2] <= sr3 + margin and src < sr3 - margin bool sr3_resistance_fail = src[3] < sr3 and src[2] > sr3 and src[1] > sr3 and src > sr3 + margin bool sr3_support_fail = src[3] > sr3 and src[2] < sr3 and src[1] < sr3 and src < sr3 - margin bool sr3_touch = src >= sr3 - margin and src <= sr3 + margin // Support and Resistance 4 bool sr4_support = src[3] > sr4 and src[2] >= sr4 - margin and src[2] <= sr4 + margin and src > sr4 + margin bool sr4_resistance = src[3] < sr4 and src[2] >= sr4 - margin and src[2] <= sr4 + margin and src < sr4 - margin bool sr4_resistance_fail = src[3] < sr4 and src[2] > sr4 and src[1] > sr4 and src > sr4 + margin bool sr4_support_fail = src[3] > sr4 and src[2] < sr4 and src[1] < sr4 and src < sr4 - margin bool sr4_touch = src >= sr4 - margin and src <= sr4 + margin // Support and Resistance 5 bool sr5_support = src[3] > sr5 and src[2] >= sr5 - margin and src[2] <= sr5 + margin and src > sr5 + margin bool sr5_resistance = src[3] < sr5 and src[2] >= sr5 - margin and src[2] <= sr5 + margin and src < sr5 - margin bool sr5_resistance_fail = src[3] < sr5 and src[2] > sr5 and src[1] > sr5 and src > sr5 + margin bool sr5_support_fail = src[3] > sr5 and src[2] < sr5 and src[1] < sr5 and src < sr5 - margin bool sr5_touch = src >= sr5 - margin and src <= sr5 + margin int sr1_support_count = 0 int sr1_resistance_count = 0 int sr1_resistance_fail_count = 0 int sr1_support_fail_count = 0 int sr1_touch_count = 0 int sr2_support_count = 0 int sr2_resistance_count = 0 int sr2_resistance_fail_count = 0 int sr2_support_fail_count = 0 int sr2_touch_count = 0 int sr3_support_count = 0 int sr3_resistance_count = 0 int sr3_resistance_fail_count = 0 int sr3_support_fail_count = 0 int sr3_touch_count = 0 int sr4_support_count = 0 int sr4_resistance_count = 0 int sr4_resistance_fail_count = 0 int sr4_support_fail_count = 0 int sr4_touch_count = 0 int sr5_support_count = 0 int sr5_resistance_count = 0 int sr5_resistance_fail_count = 0 int sr5_support_fail_count = 0 int sr5_touch_count = 0 for i = 0 to len if sr1_support[i] and barstate.islast sr1_support_count := sr1_support_count + 1 if sr1_resistance[i] and barstate.islast sr1_resistance_count := sr1_resistance_count + 1 if sr1_resistance_fail[i] and barstate.islast sr1_resistance_fail_count := sr1_resistance_fail_count + 1 if sr1_support_fail[i] and barstate.islast sr1_support_fail_count := sr1_support_fail_count + 1 if sr1_touch[i] and barstate.islast sr1_touch_count := sr1_touch_count + 1 if sr2_support[i] and barstate.islast sr2_support_count := sr2_support_count + 1 if sr2_resistance[i] and barstate.islast sr2_resistance_count := sr2_resistance_count + 1 if sr2_resistance_fail[i] and barstate.islast sr2_resistance_fail_count := sr2_resistance_fail_count + 1 if sr2_support_fail[i] and barstate.islast sr2_support_fail_count := sr2_support_fail_count + 1 if sr2_touch[i] and barstate.islast sr2_touch_count := sr2_touch_count + 1 if sr3_support[i] and barstate.islast sr3_support_count := sr3_support_count + 1 if sr3_resistance[i] and barstate.islast sr3_resistance_count := sr3_resistance_count + 1 if sr3_resistance_fail[i] and barstate.islast sr3_resistance_fail_count := sr3_resistance_fail_count + 1 if sr3_support_fail[i] and barstate.islast sr3_support_fail_count := sr3_support_fail_count + 1 if sr3_touch[i] and barstate.islast sr3_touch_count := sr3_touch_count + 1 if sr4_support[i] and barstate.islast sr4_support_count := sr4_support_count + 1 if sr4_resistance[i] and barstate.islast sr4_resistance_count := sr4_resistance_count + 1 if sr4_resistance_fail[i] and barstate.islast sr4_resistance_fail_count := sr4_resistance_fail_count + 1 if sr4_support_fail[i] and barstate.islast sr4_support_fail_count := sr4_support_fail_count + 1 if sr4_touch[i] and barstate.islast sr4_touch_count := sr4_touch_count + 1 if sr5_support[i] and barstate.islast sr5_support_count := sr5_support_count + 1 if sr5_resistance[i] and barstate.islast sr5_resistance_count := sr5_resistance_count + 1 if sr5_resistance_fail[i] and barstate.islast sr5_resistance_fail_count := sr5_resistance_fail_count + 1 if sr5_support_fail[i] and barstate.islast sr5_support_fail_count := sr5_support_fail_count + 1 if sr5_touch[i] and barstate.islast sr5_touch_count := sr5_touch_count + 1 f_perc(support_pass, resistance_pass, support_fail, resistance_fail) => a = support_pass + resistance_pass b = support_fail + resistance_fail c = a / (a + b) * 100 f_success(input1, input2) => input1 / (input1 + input2) * 100 sr1_perc = f_perc(sr1_support_count, sr1_resistance_count, sr1_support_fail_count, sr1_resistance_fail_count) sr2_perc = f_perc(sr2_support_count, sr2_resistance_count, sr2_support_fail_count, sr2_resistance_fail_count) sr3_perc = f_perc(sr3_support_count, sr3_resistance_count, sr3_support_fail_count, sr3_resistance_fail_count) sr4_perc = f_perc(sr4_support_count, sr4_resistance_count, sr4_support_fail_count, sr4_resistance_fail_count) sr5_perc = f_perc(sr5_support_count, sr5_resistance_count, sr5_support_fail_count, sr5_resistance_fail_count) sr1_support_suc = f_success(sr1_support_count, sr1_support_fail_count) sr1_resistance_suc = f_success(sr1_resistance_count, sr1_resistance_fail_count) sr2_support_suc = f_success(sr2_support_count, sr2_support_fail_count) sr2_resistance_suc = f_success(sr2_resistance_count, sr2_resistance_fail_count) sr3_support_suc = f_success(sr3_support_count, sr3_support_fail_count) sr3_resistance_suc = f_success(sr3_resistance_count, sr3_resistance_fail_count) sr4_support_suc = f_success(sr4_support_count, sr4_support_fail_count) sr4_resistance_suc = f_success(sr4_resistance_count, sr4_resistance_fail_count) sr5_support_suc = f_success(sr5_support_count, sr5_support_fail_count) sr5_resistance_suc = f_success(sr5_resistance_count, sr5_resistance_fail_count) // Colours color black = color.rgb(0, 0, 0) color white = color.white color csr1 = color.aqua color csr1fill =, 75) color csr2 = color.purple color csr2fill =, 75) color csr3 = color.gray color csr3fill =, 75) color csr4 = color csr4fill =, 75) color csr5 = color.fuchsia color csr5fill =, 75) color transp =, 100) color green = color.lime color red = // Plot table var table datatable =, 10, 10, bgcolor=black, frame_color = white, frame_width = 1, border_color = white, border_width = 1) if chrt table.cell(datatable, 1, 1, text = "Support/ \n Resistance Level", bgcolor=black, text_color=white) if sr1 > 0 and chrt table.cell(datatable, 1, 2, text = str.tostring(sr1), bgcolor=csr1, text_color=white) if sr2 > 0 and chrt table.cell(datatable, 1, 3, text = str.tostring(sr2), bgcolor=csr2, text_color=white) if sr3 > 0 and chrt table.cell(datatable, 1, 4, text = str.tostring(sr3), bgcolor=csr3, text_color=white) if sr4 > 0 and chrt table.cell(datatable, 1, 5, text = str.tostring(sr4), bgcolor=csr4, text_color=white) if sr5 > 0 and chrt table.cell(datatable, 1, 6, text = str.tostring(sr5), bgcolor=csr5, text_color=white) if chrt table.cell(datatable, 2, 1, text = "Support Pass", bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 3, 1, text = "Support Fail", bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 4, 1, text = "% Support \n Success", bgcolor=black, text_color=white, tooltip = "The sum of total support passes divided by total passes and fails") table.cell(datatable, 5, 1, text = "Resistance Pass", bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 6, 1, text = "Resistance Fail", bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 7, 1, text = "% Resistance \n Success", bgcolor=black, text_color=white, tooltip = "The sum of total resistance passes divided by total passes and fails") table.cell(datatable, 8, 1, text = "# of Touches", bgcolor=black, text_color=white, tooltip = "The number of times the stock has reached a support area +/- the threshold value") table.cell(datatable, 9, 1, text = "Cumulative \n Success", bgcolor=black, text_color=white, tooltip = "Cumulates the Support and Resistance Passes over the Total Passes and Fails") // SR1 if sr1 > 0 and chrt table.cell(datatable, 2, 2, text = str.tostring(sr1_support_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 3, 2, text = str.tostring(sr1_support_fail_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 4, 2, text = str.tostring(math.round(sr1_support_suc,2)) + "%", bgcolor=black, text_color=sr1_support_suc > 51 ? green : red) table.cell(datatable, 5, 2, text = str.tostring(sr1_resistance_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 6, 2, text = str.tostring(sr1_resistance_fail_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 7, 2, text = str.tostring(math.round(sr1_resistance_suc,2)) + "%", bgcolor=black, text_color= sr1_resistance_suc > 51 ? green : red) table.cell(datatable, 8, 2, text = str.tostring(sr1_touch_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 9, 2, text = str.tostring(math.round(sr1_perc,2)) + "%", bgcolor=black, text_color=sr1_perc > 51 ? green : red) // SR2 if sr2 > 0 and chrt table.cell(datatable, 2, 3, text = str.tostring(sr2_support_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 3, 3, text = str.tostring(sr2_support_fail_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 4, 3, text = str.tostring(math.round(sr2_support_suc,2)) + "%", bgcolor=black, text_color=sr2_support_suc > 51 ? green : red) table.cell(datatable, 5, 3, text = str.tostring(sr2_resistance_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 6, 3, text = str.tostring(sr2_resistance_fail_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 7, 3, text = str.tostring(math.round(sr2_resistance_suc,2)) + "%", bgcolor=black, text_color=sr2_resistance_suc > 51 ? green : red) table.cell(datatable, 8, 3, text = str.tostring(sr2_touch_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 9, 3, text = str.tostring(math.round(sr2_perc,2)) + "%", bgcolor=black, text_color=sr2_perc > 51 ? green : red) // SR3 if sr3 > 0 and chrt table.cell(datatable, 2, 4, text = str.tostring(sr3_support_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 3, 4, text = str.tostring(sr3_support_fail_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 4, 4, text = str.tostring(math.round(sr3_support_suc,2)) + "%", bgcolor=black, text_color=sr3_support_suc > 51 ? green : red) table.cell(datatable, 5, 4, text = str.tostring(sr3_resistance_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 6, 4, text = str.tostring(sr3_resistance_fail_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 7, 4, text = str.tostring(math.round(sr3_resistance_suc,2)) + "%", bgcolor=black, text_color=sr3_resistance_suc > 51 ? green : red) table.cell(datatable, 8, 4, text = str.tostring(sr3_touch_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 9, 4, text = str.tostring(math.round(sr3_perc,2)) + "%", bgcolor=black, text_color= sr3_perc > 51 ? green : red) // SR4 if sr4 > 0 and chrt table.cell(datatable, 2, 5, text = str.tostring(sr4_support_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 3, 5, text = str.tostring(sr4_support_fail_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 4, 5, text = str.tostring(math.round(sr4_support_suc,2)) + "%", bgcolor=black, text_color=sr4_support_suc > 51 ? green : red) table.cell(datatable, 5, 5, text = str.tostring(sr4_resistance_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 6, 5, text = str.tostring(sr4_resistance_fail_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 7, 5, text = str.tostring(math.round(sr4_resistance_suc,2)) + "%", bgcolor=black, text_color=sr4_resistance_suc > 51 ? green : red) table.cell(datatable, 8, 5, text = str.tostring(sr4_touch_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 9, 5, text = str.tostring(math.round(sr4_perc,2)) + "%", bgcolor=black, text_color=sr4_perc > 51 ? green : red) // SR4 if sr5 > 0 and chrt table.cell(datatable, 2, 6, text = str.tostring(sr5_support_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 3, 6, text = str.tostring(sr5_support_fail_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 4, 6, text = str.tostring(math.round(sr5_support_suc,2)) + "%", bgcolor=black, text_color=sr5_support_suc > 51 ? green : red) table.cell(datatable, 5, 6, text = str.tostring(sr5_resistance_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 6, 6, text = str.tostring(sr5_resistance_fail_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 7, 6, text = str.tostring(math.round(sr5_resistance_suc,2)) + "%", bgcolor=black, text_color=sr5_resistance_suc > 51 ? green : red) table.cell(datatable, 8, 6, text = str.tostring(sr5_touch_count), bgcolor=black, text_color=white) table.cell(datatable, 9, 6, text = str.tostring(math.round(sr5_perc,2)) + "%", bgcolor=black, text_color=sr5_perc > 51 ? green : red) // Plots// plot(pltsr ? sr1 : na, "Support / Resistance #1", color = csr1, linewidth=3) a = plot(pltsr and pltthresh ? sr1 + margin : na, "SR1 Threshold", color=csr1) b = plot(pltsr and pltthresh ? sr1 - margin : na, "SR1 Threshold", color=csr1) fill(a, b, color=csr1fill) plot(pltsr ? sr2 : na, "Support / Resistance #2", color = csr2, linewidth=3) c = plot(pltsr and pltthresh ? sr2 + margin : na, "SR2 Threshold", color=csr2) d = plot(pltsr and pltthresh ? sr2 - margin : na, "SR2 Threshold", color=csr2) fill(c, d, color=csr2fill) plot(pltsr ? sr3 : na, "Support / Resistance #3", color = csr3, linewidth=3) e = plot(pltsr and pltthresh ? sr3 + margin : na, "SR3 Threshold", color=csr3) f = plot(pltsr and pltthresh ? sr3 - margin : na, "SR3 Threshold", color=csr3) fill(e, f, color=csr3fill) plot(pltsr ? sr4 : na, "Support / Resistance #4", color = csr4, linewidth=3) g = plot(pltsr and pltthresh ? sr4 + margin : na, "SR4 Threshold", color=csr4) h = plot(pltsr and pltthresh ? sr4 - margin : na, "SR4 Threshold", color=csr4) fill(g, h, color=csr4fill) plot(pltsr ? sr5 : na, "Support / Resistance #5", color = csr5, linewidth=3) i = plot(pltsr and pltthresh ? sr5 + margin : na, "SR5 Threshold", color=csr5) j = plot(pltsr and pltthresh ? sr5 - margin : na, "SR5 Threshold", color=csr5) fill(i, j, color=csr5fill) // Label plots // var label sr1_label = na var label sr2_label = na var label sr3_label = na var label sr4_label = na var label sr5_label = na if pltlbl label.delete(sr1_label) label.delete(sr2_label) label.delete(sr3_label) label.delete(sr4_label) label.delete(sr5_label) sr1_label := + 15, y=sr1, text = str.tostring(sr1), color = transp, style=label.style_label_right, textcolor = csr1, size = size.large) sr2_label := + 15, y=sr2, text = str.tostring(sr2), color = transp, style=label.style_label_right, textcolor = csr2, size = size.large) sr3_label := + 15, y=sr3, text = str.tostring(sr3), color = transp, style=label.style_label_right, textcolor = csr3, size = size.large) sr4_label := + 15, y=sr4, text = str.tostring(sr4), color = transp, style=label.style_label_right, textcolor = csr4, size = size.large) sr5_label := + 15, y=sr5, text = str.tostring(sr5), color = transp, style=label.style_label_right, textcolor = csr5, size = size.large) // Plotting Passes and Fails // if pltpasses and sr1_support, sr1, text = str.tostring(sr1) + "\n โœ”๏ธ \n Support Pass", color = csr1, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor = white) if pltpasses and sr1_resistance, sr1, text = str.tostring(sr1) + "\n โœ”๏ธ \n Resistance Pass", color = csr1, textcolor = white) if pltpasses and sr2_support, sr2, text = str.tostring(sr2) + "\n โœ”๏ธ \n Support Pass", color = csr2, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor = white) if pltpasses and sr2_resistance, sr2, text = str.tostring(sr2) + "\n โœ”๏ธ \n Resistance Pass", color = csr2, textcolor = white) if pltpasses and sr3_support, sr3, text = str.tostring(sr3) + "\n โœ”๏ธ \n Support Pass", color = csr3, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor = white) if pltpasses and sr3_resistance, sr3, text = str.tostring(sr3) + "\n โœ”๏ธ \n Resistance Pass", color = csr3, textcolor = white) if pltpasses and sr4_support, sr4, text = str.tostring(sr4) + "\n โœ”๏ธ \n Support Pass", color = csr4, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor = white) if pltpasses and sr4_resistance, sr4, text = str.tostring(sr4) + "\n โœ”๏ธ \n Resistance Pass", color = csr4, textcolor = white) if pltpasses and sr5_support, sr5, text = str.tostring(sr5) + "\n โœ”๏ธ \n Support Pass", color = csr5, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor = white) if pltpasses and sr5_resistance, sr5, text = str.tostring(sr5) + "\n โœ”๏ธ \n Resistance Pass", color = csr5, textcolor = white) if pltfails and sr1_support_fail, sr1, text = str.tostring(sr1) + "\n โŒ \n Support Fail", color = csr1, style=label.style_label_down, textcolor = white) if pltfails and sr1_resistance_fail, sr1, text = str.tostring(sr1) + "\n โŒ \n Resistance Fail", color = csr1, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor = white) if pltfails and sr2_support_fail, sr2, text = str.tostring(sr2) + "\n โŒ \n Support Fail", color = csr2, style=label.style_label_down, textcolor = white) if pltfails and sr2_resistance_fail, sr2, text = str.tostring(sr2) + "\n โŒ \n Resistance Fail", color = csr2, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor = white) if pltfails and sr3_support_fail, sr3, text = str.tostring(sr3) + "\n โŒ \n Support Fail", color = csr3, style=label.style_label_down, textcolor = white) if pltfails and sr3_resistance_fail, sr3, text = str.tostring(sr3) + "\n โŒ \n Resistance Fail", color = csr3, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor = white) if pltfails and sr4_support_fail, sr4, text = str.tostring(sr4) + "\n โŒ \n Support Fail", color = csr4, style=label.style_label_down, textcolor = white) if pltfails and sr4_resistance_fail, sr4, text = str.tostring(sr4) + "\n โŒ \n Resistance Fail", color = csr4, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor = white) if pltfails and sr5_support_fail, sr5, text = str.tostring(sr5) + "\n โŒ \n Support Fail", color = csr5, style=label.style_label_down, textcolor = white) if pltfails and sr5_resistance_fail, sr5, text = str.tostring(sr5) + "\n โŒ \n Resistance Fail", color = csr5, style=label.style_label_up, textcolor = white)
Multi-Timeframe EMA Tracker by Ox_kali
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ Ox_kali // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— // โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ• โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ•šโ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ // โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ• โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ• โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ // โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ // โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ• โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ•šโ•โ• โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ // โ•šโ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• โ•šโ•โ• โ•šโ•โ•โ•šโ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•šโ•โ• โ•šโ•โ•โ•šโ•โ• โ•šโ•โ•โ•šโ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•šโ•โ• โ•šโ•โ• โ•šโ•โ•โ•šโ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• โ•šโ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• โ•šโ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• โ•šโ•โ• โ•šโ•โ•โ•šโ•โ• โ•šโ•โ• โ•šโ•โ• โ•šโ•โ•โ•šโ•โ• โ•šโ•โ• // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //@version=5 // Indicator title and short title // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ indicator("Multi-Timeframe EMA Tracker by Ox_kali", shorttitle="MTEMA-Tracker by Ox_kali", overlay=false) // User trend color choice // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ color_up = input(color.rgb(50, 183, 105), title="Up Trend Color") color_down = input(color.rgb(151, 29, 29), title="Down Trend Color") // User choice to display or not UT trend. (Impact on AVG trend) // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ show_tf_1min = input(true, title="Show 1 Minute Trend") show_tf_2min = input(true, title="Show 2 Minute Trend") show_tf_3min = input(true, title="Show 3 Minute Trend") show_tf_5min = input(true, title="Show 5 Minute Trend") show_tf_10min = input(true, title="Show 10 Minute Trend") show_tf_15min = input(true, title="Show 15 Minute Trend") show_tf_30min = input(true, title="Show 30 Minute Trend") show_tf_1Hour = input(true, title="Show 1 Hour Trend") show_tf_2Hour = input(true, title="Show 2 Hour Trend") show_tf_4Hour = input(true, title="Show 4 Hour Trend") show_tf_6Hour = input(true, title="Show 6 Hour Trend") show_tf_12Hour = input(true, title="Show 12 Hour Trend") show_tf_1Day = input(true, title="Show 1 Day Trend") show_tf_1Week = input(true, title="Show 1 Week Trend") // Input for EMA lengths // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ shortTerm = input(50, title="Short Term EMA Length") longTerm = input(200, title="Long Term EMA Length") // Function to retrieve EMA values for a given timeframe // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ getEMAs(timeframe) => ema50 =, timeframe, ta.ema(close, shortTerm)) ema200 =, timeframe, ta.ema(close, longTerm)) [ema50, ema200] // UT Configuration // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ tf_1min = "1" tf_2min = "2" tf_3min = "3" tf_5min = "5" tf_10min = "10" tf_15min = "15" tf_30min = "30" tf_1Hour = "60" tf_2Hour = "120" tf_4Hour= "240" tf_6Hour = "360" tf_12Hour = "720" tf_1Day = "1440" tf_1Week = "1W" // Function to determine color based on EMA conditions // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ getColor(ema50, ema200) => if na(ema50) or na(ema200), 100) else ema50 > ema200 ? color_up : color_down // Using the function to retrieve EMA values // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [ema50_1, ema200_1] = getEMAs(tf_1min) [ema50_2, ema200_2] = getEMAs(tf_2min) [ema50_3, ema200_3] = getEMAs(tf_3min) [ema50_4, ema200_4] = getEMAs(tf_5min) [ema50_5, ema200_5] = getEMAs(tf_10min) [ema50_6, ema200_6] = getEMAs(tf_15min) [ema50_7, ema200_7] = getEMAs(tf_30min) [ema50_8, ema200_8] = getEMAs(tf_1Hour) [ema50_9, ema200_9] = getEMAs(tf_2Hour) [ema50_10, ema200_10] = getEMAs(tf_4Hour) [ema50_11, ema200_11] = getEMAs(tf_6Hour) [ema50_12, ema200_12] = getEMAs(tf_12Hour) [ema50_13, ema200_13] = getEMAs(tf_1Day) [ema50_14, ema200_14] = getEMAs(tf_1Week) // Plot lines for each timeframe // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ color1 = getColor(ema50_1, ema200_1) color2 = getColor(ema50_2, ema200_2) color3 = getColor(ema50_3, ema200_3) color4 = getColor(ema50_4, ema200_4) color5 = getColor(ema50_5, ema200_5) color6 = getColor(ema50_6, ema200_6) color7 = getColor(ema50_7, ema200_7) color8 = getColor(ema50_8, ema200_8) color9 = getColor(ema50_9, ema200_9) color10 = getColor(ema50_10, ema200_10) color11 = getColor(ema50_11, ema200_11) color12 = getColor(ema50_12, ema200_12) color13 = getColor(ema50_13, ema200_13) color14 = getColor(ema50_14, ema200_14) // Heights of the lines (these values may require adjustments) // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ var float y1 = 32000 var float y2 = 30000 var float y3 = 28000 var float y4 = 26000 var float y5 = 24000 var float y6 = 22000 var float y7 = 20000 var float y8 = 18000 var float y9 = 16000 var float y10 = 14000 var float y11 = 12000 var float y12 = 10000 var float y13 = 8000 var float y14 = 6000 // Plot the lines // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ plot(show_tf_1min ? y1 : na, color=color1, linewidth=5, style=plot.style_line, title="1Min") plot(show_tf_2min ? y2 : na, color=color2, linewidth=5, style=plot.style_line, title="2Min") plot(show_tf_3min ? y3 : na, color=color3, linewidth=5, style=plot.style_line, title="3Min") plot(show_tf_5min ? y4 : na, color=color4, linewidth=5, style=plot.style_line, title="5Min") plot(show_tf_10min ? y5 : na, color=color5, linewidth=5, style=plot.style_line, title="10Min") plot(show_tf_15min ? y6 : na, color=color6, linewidth=5, style=plot.style_line, title="15Min") plot(show_tf_30min ? y7 : na, color=color7, linewidth=5, style=plot.style_line, title="30Min") plot(show_tf_1Hour ? y8 : na, color=color8, linewidth=5, style=plot.style_line, title="1H") plot(show_tf_2Hour ? y9 : na, color=color9, linewidth=5, style=plot.style_line, title="2H") plot(show_tf_4Hour ? y10 : na, color=color10, linewidth=5, style=plot.style_line, title="4H") plot(show_tf_6Hour ? y11 : na, color=color11, linewidth=5, style=plot.style_line, title="6H") plot(show_tf_12Hour ? y12 : na, color=color12, linewidth=5, style=plot.style_line, title="12H") plot(show_tf_1Day ? y13 : na, color=color13, linewidth=5, style=plot.style_line, title="1D") plot(show_tf_1Week ? y14 : na, color=color14, linewidth=5, style=plot.style_line, title="1W") // Calculate the average trend // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ totalTrends = 0 greenCount = 0 // Add a condition to check if EMA50 and EMA200 are not NaN or "na" // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ if show_tf_1min and not na(ema50_1) and not na(ema200_1) greenCount := greenCount + (ema50_1 > ema200_1 ? 1 : 0) totalTrends := totalTrends + 1 if show_tf_2min and not na(ema50_2) and not na(ema200_2) greenCount := greenCount + (ema50_2 > ema200_2 ? 1 : 0) totalTrends := totalTrends + 1 if show_tf_3min and not na(ema50_3) and not na(ema200_3) greenCount := greenCount + (ema50_3 > ema200_3 ? 1 : 0) totalTrends := totalTrends + 1 if show_tf_5min and not na(ema50_4) and not na(ema200_4) greenCount := greenCount + (ema50_4 > ema200_4 ? 1 : 0) totalTrends := totalTrends + 1 if show_tf_10min and not na(ema50_5) and not na(ema200_5) greenCount := greenCount + (ema50_5 > ema200_5 ? 1 : 0) totalTrends := totalTrends + 1 if show_tf_15min and not na(ema50_6) and not na(ema200_6) greenCount := greenCount + (ema50_6 > ema200_6 ? 1 : 0) totalTrends := totalTrends + 1 if show_tf_30min and not na(ema50_7) and not na(ema200_7) greenCount := greenCount + (ema50_7 > ema200_7 ? 1 : 0) totalTrends := totalTrends + 1 if show_tf_1Hour and not na(ema50_8) and not na(ema200_8) greenCount := greenCount + (ema50_8 > ema200_8 ? 1 : 0) totalTrends := totalTrends + 1 if show_tf_2Hour and not na(ema50_9) and not na(ema200_9) greenCount := greenCount + (ema50_9 > ema200_9 ? 1 : 0) totalTrends := totalTrends + 1 if show_tf_4Hour and not na(ema50_10) and not na(ema200_10) greenCount := greenCount + (ema50_10 > ema200_10 ? 1 : 0) totalTrends := totalTrends + 1 if show_tf_6Hour and not na(ema50_11) and not na(ema200_11) greenCount := greenCount + (ema50_11 > ema200_11 ? 1 : 0) totalTrends := totalTrends + 1 if show_tf_12Hour and not na(ema50_12) and not na(ema200_12) greenCount := greenCount + (ema50_12 > ema200_12 ? 1 : 0) totalTrends := totalTrends + 1 if show_tf_1Day and not na(ema50_13) and not na(ema200_13) greenCount := greenCount + (ema50_13 > ema200_13 ? 1 : 0) totalTrends := totalTrends + 1 if show_tf_1Week and not na(ema50_14) and not na(ema200_14) greenCount := greenCount + (ema50_14 > ema200_14 ? 1 : 0) totalTrends := totalTrends + 1 // Calcul the average trend // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ averageTrendColor = greenCount / totalTrends > 0.5 ? color_up : color_down var float yAverage = 0 // Plot the average trend line // ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ plot(yAverage, color=averageTrendColor, linewidth=5, style=plot.style_line, title="Average Trend")
LBR-Volatility Breakout Bars
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at //@version=5 // //Original code @author LazyBear converted from version three // indicator('LBR-Volatility Breakout Bars', overlay=true, shorttitle='LBR-BARS') // // โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” // โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” Inputs โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” // โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” // _CB = input(false,'โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Color Bars โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•') _colBars = input(true, title='Color LBR Bars?') _colBarUL = input(true, title='Color LBR bars above/below Kelts?') _colorall = input(false, title='Color non LBR Bars?') _VL = input(false,'โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Volatility Lines โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•') _shoVL = input(false, title='Show Volatility Lines?') _lenHL = input(20, title='HL Length') _lenATR = input(50, title='ATR Length') _ATRmult = input.float(2.5, minval=.75, title='ATR Multiplier') _KA = input(false,'โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Keltner Area โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•') _shoKelt = input(false, title='Show Kelts Area') _lenKelt =, minval=1, title='Kelt Length') _multKelt = input(2.5, title='Kelt Multiplier') _useTR = input(true, title='Use True Range for Kelts') // // โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” // โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” Calcs โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” // โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” // calc_stdev(src, _useTR, len, mult) => mid = ta.ema(src, len) range_1 = _useTR ? : high - low rangemid = ta.ema(range_1, len) upper = mid + rangemid * _ATRmult lower = mid - rangemid * _ATRmult [upper, mid, lower] [u, b, l] = calc_stdev(close, _useTR, _lenKelt, _multKelt) // // โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” // โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” Keltner โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” // โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” // _8xa = input(false,'โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Keltner Colors โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•') color _col1 = input.color(color.rgb(125, 126, 129, 80), 'Kelts Bands') color _col2 = input.color(color.rgb(246, 132, 1), 'Kelt Mid') _upperKelt = plot(_shoKelt ? u : na, color=_col1, linewidth=1, title='KC Upper') _midKelt = plot(_shoKelt ? b : na, style=plot.style_circles, color=_col2, linewidth=1, title='KC Basis') _lowerKelt = plot(_shoKelt ? l : na, color=_col1, linewidth=1, title='KC Lower') fill(_upperKelt, _lowerKelt, _col1) _keltCol = _colBarUL ? close >= u or close <= l : false _atr = _ATRmult * ta.sma(ta.stdev(close, _lenATR), _lenATR) // // โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” // โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” Volatility Lines โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” // โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” // _volBandLo = ta.lowest(low, _lenHL) + _atr _volBandHi = ta.highest(high, _lenHL) - _atr _UpperVol = close > _volBandLo and close > _volBandHi _LowerVol = close < _volBandLo and close < _volBandHi _8xxx = input(false,'โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Volatility Colors โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•') color _col3 = input.color(color.rgb(157, 169, 156), title = 'Upper Vol') color _col4 = input.color(color.rgb(157, 169, 156), title = 'Lower Vol') _upVolBand = plot(_shoVL ? _volBandHi : na, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=1, color=_col3, title='Upper Vol') _loVolBand = plot(_shoVL ? _volBandLo : na, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=1, color=_col4, title='Lower Vol') // // โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” // โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” Bar Colors โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” // โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” // _bars = input(false,'โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Bar Colors โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•') color _col5 = input.color(color.rgb(130, 133, 130), 'Bar Color No Mans Land') //bar color #1 color _col6 = input.color(color.rgb(9, 249, 9), 'Bar Color (Above Volatility Lines)') //bar color #2 color _col7 = input.color(color.rgb(231, 12, 12), 'Bar Color (Below Volatility Lines)') //bar color #3 color _col8 = input.color(color.rgb(234, 168, 3), "Bar Color (Inside Volatility Lines) ") //bar color #4 color _col9 = input.color(color.rgb(17, 0, 255), 'N/A') //bar Color #5 bc = _colBars ? _keltCol ? _col5 : _UpperVol ? _col6 : _LowerVol ? _col7 : _colorall ? _col8 : na : not(_UpperVol or _LowerVol) and _colorall ? _col9 : na barcolor(bc)
The Strat with Continuity [starlord_xrp]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ starlord_xrp //@version=5 indicator("The Strat with Continuity", overlay=true) int candle_type = na bool bull = false bool green = false color bar_color = na var float entry = na var float target = na var float stoploss = na var bool open_long = false bool enter_long = false var bool open_short = false bool enter_short = false float profit_target = input(0.10, "min price target to enter")/100 int leverage = input(30, "Leverage Level - if no levearage put 1") float trading_fee = input(0.07, "Trading Fee")*leverage rsi = ta.rsi(close, 14) var float total_profit = na float profit = na daily_open =, "1D", open, barmerge.gaps_off) daily_close =, "1D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) twelve_open =, "720", open, barmerge.gaps_off) twelve_close =, "720", close, barmerge.gaps_off) one_open =, "60", open, barmerge.gaps_off) one_close =, "60", close, barmerge.gaps_off) color new_back = na long_continuity = daily_close>daily_open and twelve_close>twelve_open and one_close>one_open short_continuity = daily_close<daily_open and twelve_close<twelve_open and one_close<one_open if short_continuity new_back :=, 80) if long_continuity new_back :=, 80) bool longs = input(true, "Longs?") //and long_continuity bool shorts = input(true, "Shorts?") //and short_continuity //bool use_continuity = input(true, "Use continuity filter?") //if shorts and use_continuity and short_continuity // shorts := true //else if shorts and use_continuity==false // shorts := true //else // shorts := false //if longs and use_continuity and long_continuity // longs := true //else if longs and use_continuity==false // longs := true //else // longs := false if high>high[1] and low>=low[1] candle_type := 2 bull := true bar_color := color.lime if high<=high[1] and low<low[1] candle_type := 2 bull := false bar_color := if high<=high[1] and low>=low[1] candle_type := 1 bull := na bar_color := color.gray if high>high[1] and low<low[1] candle_type := 3 if close>open bull := true bar_color :=, 50) else bull := false bar_color :=, 50) plotshape(candle_type==1, "1", shape.square, location.belowbar, color.gray, 0, "1", color.gray, false, size = size.tiny) plotshape(candle_type==2 and bull, "2UP", shape.triangleup, location.belowbar, color.lime, 0, "2Up", color.lime, false, size = size.tiny) plotshape(candle_type==2 and bull==false, "2DN", shape.triangledown, location.belowbar,, 0, "2Dn",, false, size = size.tiny) plotshape(candle_type==3 and bull, "3", shape.square, location.belowbar,, 0, "3", color.white, false, size = size.tiny) plotshape(candle_type==3 and bull==false, "3", shape.square, location.belowbar,, 0, "3", color.white, false, size = size.tiny) barcolor(bar_color) color back = na ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var label label312 = na var label label22 = na var label label212 = na var label label122 = na var label label322 = na var label label1 = na var label label2 = na var label label3 = na var label label4 = na var line line1 = na var line line2 = na var line line3 = na var line line4 = na //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //2-1-2 watch if (candle_type[1]==2 and candle_type==1) if high[1] > high+(high*profit_target) line.delete(line3) line.delete(line4) label.delete(label3) label.delete(label4) line3 :=, high[1], bar_index+1, high[1],, style = line.style_dotted, width = 2) line4 :=, high, bar_index+1, high,, style = line.style_dashed, width = 2) label3 :=, high[1], str.tostring(high[1]), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) label4 :=, high, str.tostring(high), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) if low[1]<low-(low*profit_target) line.delete(line1) line.delete(line2) label.delete(label1) label.delete(label2) line1 :=, low[1], bar_index+1, low[1],, style = line.style_dotted, width = 2) line2 :=, low, bar_index+1, low,, style = line.style_dashed, width = 2) label1 :=, low[1], str.tostring(low[1]), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) label2 :=, low, str.tostring(low), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) //label.delete(label212) label212 :=, low[1], "2-1-2", color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_up) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //2-1-2 bull reversal //if ((candle_type[2]==2 and bull[2]==false) and (candle_type[1]==1) and (candle_type==2 and bull) and longs) // entry := high[1] // target := high[2] // stoploss := hl2[1] // if target > (entry+(entry*profit_target)) //, high[1], "2-1-2 Long Rev", color = color.white, style = label.style_label_right, size = size.tiny) //, target, bar_index+1, target) //, target, str.tostring(target), color =, style = label.style_label_left, size= size.tiny) // enter_long := true // open_long := true // else // back :=, 80) //2-1-2 bear reversal //if ((candle_type[2]==2 and bull[2]) and (candle_type[1]==1) and (candle_type==2 and bull==false) and shorts) // entry := low[1] // target := low[2] // stoploss := hl2[1] // if target<(entry-(entry*profit_target)) // enter_short := true // open_short := true //, low[1], "2-1-2 Short Rev", color = color.white, style = label.style_label_right, size = size.tiny) // else // back :=, 80) //2-1-2 bear continuation //if ((candle_type[2]==2 and bull[2]==false) and (candle_type[1]==1) and (candle_type==2 and bull==false) and shorts) // entry := low[1] // target := low[2] // stoploss := hl2[1] // if target<(entry-(entry*profit_target)) // enter_short := true // open_short := true //, low[1], "2-1-2 Short Cont", color = color.white, style = label.style_label_right, size = size.tiny) // else // back :=, 80) //2-1-2 bull continuation //if ((candle_type[2]==2 and bull[2]) and (candle_type[1]==1) and (candle_type==2 and bull) and longs) // entry := high[1] // target := high[2] // stoploss := hl2[1] // if target > (entry+(entry*profit_target)) //, high[1], "2-1-2 Long Cont", color = color.white, style = label.style_label_right, size = size.tiny) // enter_long := true // open_long := true // else // back :=, 80) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //3-1-2 watch if candle_type[1]==3 and candle_type==1 if bull[1] and low[1]<low-(low*profit_target) line.delete(line1) line.delete(line2) label.delete(label1) label.delete(label2) line1 :=, low[1], bar_index+1, low[1],, style = line.style_dotted, width = 2) line2 :=, low, bar_index+1, low,, style = line.style_dashed, width = 2) label1 :=, low[1], str.tostring(low[1]), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) label2 :=, low, str.tostring(low), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) if bull[1]==false and high[1]>high+(high*profit_target) line.delete(line3) line.delete(line4) label.delete(label3) label.delete(label4) line3 :=, high[1], bar_index+1, high[1],, style = line.style_dotted, width = 2) line4 :=, high, bar_index+1, high,, style = line.style_dashed, width = 2) label3 :=, high[1], str.tostring(high[1]), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) label4 :=, high, str.tostring(high), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) //label.delete(label312) label312 :=, low[1], "3-1-2", color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_up) //3-1-2 Bullish Reversal //if ((candle_type[2]==3 and bull[2]==false) and (candle_type[1]==1) and (candle_type==2 and bull) and longs) // entry := high[1] // target := high[2] // stoploss := hl2[1] // if target > (entry+(entry*profit_target)) //, high[1], "3-1-2 Long Rev", color = color.white, style = label.style_label_right, size = size.tiny) // enter_long := true // open_long := true // else // back :=, 80) //3-1-2 bear reversal //if ((candle_type[2]==3 and bull[2]) and (candle_type[1]==1) and (candle_type==2 and bull==false) and shorts) // entry := low[1] // target := low[2] // stoploss := hl2[1] // if target<(entry-(entry*profit_target)) // enter_short := true // open_short := true // //, low[1], "3-1-2 Short Rev", color = color.white, style = label.style_label_right, size = size.tiny) // else // back :=, 80) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //1-2-2 watch if candle_type[1]==1 and candle_type==2 if bull and low[1]<low-(low*profit_target) line.delete(line1) line.delete(line2) label.delete(label1) label.delete(label2) line1 :=, low[2], bar_index+1, low[2],, style = line.style_dotted, width = 2) line2 :=, low, bar_index+1, low,, style = line.style_dashed, width = 2) label1 :=, low[2], str.tostring(low[2]), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) label2 :=, low, str.tostring(low), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) if bull[1]==false and high[1]>high+(high*profit_target) line.delete(line3) line.delete(line4) label.delete(label3) label.delete(label4) line3 :=, high[2], bar_index+1, high[2],, style = line.style_dotted, width = 2) line4 :=, high, bar_index+1, high,, style = line.style_dashed, width = 2) label3 :=, high[2], str.tostring(high[2]), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) label4 :=, high, str.tostring(high), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) //label.delete(label122) label122 :=, low[1], "1-2-2", color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_up) //1-2-2 Bullish Reversal //if ((candle_type[2]==1) and (candle_type[1]==2 and bull[1]==false) and (candle_type==2 and bull) and longs) // entry := high[1] // target := high[3] // stoploss := hl2[1] // if target > (entry+(entry*profit_target)) // //, high[1], "1-2-2 Long Rev", color = color.white, style = label.style_label_right, size = size.tiny) // enter_long := true // open_long := true // else // back :=, 80) //1-2-2 bear reversal //if ((candle_type[2]==1) and (candle_type[1]==2 and bull[1]) and (candle_type==2 and bull==false) and shorts) // entry := low[1] // target := low[3] // stoploss := hl2[1] // if target<(entry-(entry*profit_target)) // enter_short := true // open_short := true // //, low[1], "1-2-2 Short Rev", color = color.white, style = label.style_label_right, size = size.tiny) // else // back :=, 80) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //3-2-2 watch if candle_type[1]==3 and candle_type==2 if bull and low[1]<low-(low*profit_target) line.delete(line1) line.delete(line2) label.delete(label1) label.delete(label2) line1 :=, low[1], bar_index+1, low[1],, style = line.style_dotted, width = 2) line2 :=, low, bar_index+1, low,, style = line.style_dashed, width = 2) label1 :=, low[1], str.tostring(low[1]), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) label2 :=, low, str.tostring(low), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) if bull==false and high[1]>high+(high*profit_target) line.delete(line3) line.delete(line4) label.delete(label3) label.delete(label4) line3 :=, high[1], bar_index+1, high[1],, style = line.style_dotted, width = 2) line4 :=, high, bar_index+1, high,, style = line.style_dashed, width = 2) label3 :=, high[1], str.tostring(high[1]), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) label4 :=, high, str.tostring(high), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) //label.delete(label322) label322 :=, low[1], "3-2-2", color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_up) //3-2-2 Bullish Reversal //if ((candle_type[2]==3 and bull[2]==false) and (candle_type[1]==2 and bull[1]) and (candle_type==2 and bull) and longs) // entry := high[1] // target := high[2] // stoploss := hl2[1] // if target > (entry+(entry*profit_target)) //, high[1], "3-2-2 Long Rev", color = color.white, style = label.style_label_right, size = size.tiny) // enter_long := true // open_long := true // else // back :=, 80) //3-2-2 bear reversal //if ((candle_type[2]==3 and bull[2]) and (candle_type[1]==2 and bull[1]==false) and (candle_type==2 and bull==false) and shorts) // entry := low[1] // target := low[2] // stoploss := hl2[1] // if target<(entry-(entry*profit_target)) // enter_short := true // open_short := true //, low[1], "3-2-2 Short Rev", color = color.white, style = label.style_label_right, size = size.tiny) // else // back :=, 80) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //2-2 watch if candle_type==2 if bull and low[1]<low-(low*profit_target) line.delete(line1) line.delete(line2) label.delete(label1) label.delete(label2) line1 :=, low[1], bar_index+1, low[1],, style = line.style_dotted, width = 2) line2 :=, low, bar_index+1, low,, style = line.style_dashed, width = 2) label1 :=, low[1], str.tostring(low[1]), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) label2 :=, low, str.tostring(low), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) if bull==false and high[1]>high+(high*profit_target) line.delete(line3) line.delete(line4) label.delete(label3) label.delete(label4) line3 :=, high[1], bar_index+1, high[1],, style = line.style_dotted, width = 2) line4 :=, high, bar_index+1, high,, style = line.style_dashed, width = 2) label3 :=, high[1], str.tostring(high[1]), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) label4 :=, high, str.tostring(high), color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_left) label.delete(label22) label22 :=, low[1], "2-2 rev", color =, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_label_up) //2-2 Bullish Reversal //if ((candle_type[1]==2 and bull[1]==false) and (candle_type==2 and bull) and longs) // entry := high[1] // target := high[2] // stoploss := hl2[1] // if target > (entry+(entry*profit_target)) //, high[1], "2-2 Long Rev", color = color.white, style = label.style_label_right, size = size.tiny) // enter_long := true // open_long := true // else // back :=, 80) //2-2 bear reversal //if ((candle_type[1]==2 and bull[1]) and (candle_type==2 and bull==false) and shorts) // entry := low[1] // target := low[2] // stoploss := hl2[1] // if target<(entry-(entry*profit_target)) // enter_short := true // open_short := true //, low[1], "2-2 Short Rev", color = color.white, style = label.style_label_right, size = size.tiny) // else // back :=, 80) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //if low[1]>low[2] and low[2]>low[3] and low[3]>low[4] and low[4]>low[5] and low[5]>low[6] // back :=, 80) //, low[1], bar_index+5, low[1], color = //, low[2], bar_index+5, low[2], color = color.yellow) //, low[3], bar_index+5, low[3], color = color.yellow) //, low[4], bar_index+5, low[4], color = color.yellow) //, low[5], bar_index+5, low[5], color = color.yellow) //if high[1]<high[2] and high[2]<high[3] and high[3]<high[4] and high[4]<high[5] and high[5]<high[6] // back :=, 80) //, high[1], bar_index+5, high[1], color = //, high[2], bar_index+5, high[2], color = color.yellow) //, high[3], bar_index+5, high[3], color = color.yellow) //, high[4], bar_index+5, high[4], color = color.yellow) //, high[5], bar_index+5, high[5], color = color.yellow) //line.delete(line1[1]) //line.delete(line2[1]) //line.delete(line3[1]) //line.delete(line4[1]) //label.delete(label1[1]) //label.delete(label2[1]) //label.delete(label3[1]) //label.delete(label4[1]) bgcolor(new_back) //bool just_bought = ta.barssince(enter_long)<1 or ta.barssince(enter_short)<1 //plot (entry, color = color.yellow) //plot (target, color = color.aqua) //plot (stoploss, color=color.white) //var int wins = 0 //var int losses = 0 //if open_short and close>=stoploss and just_bought==false //, stoploss, "Stoploss short", color =, style = label.style_label_left, size = size.tiny) // open_short := false // losses += 1 //if open_short and low<=target and just_bought==false //, target, "Money short", color = color.lime, style = label.style_label_left, size = size.tiny) //open_short := false // wins += 1 //if open_long and (high>=target or open>target) and just_bought==false //, target, "Money long", color = color.lime, style = label.style_label_left, size = size.tiny) // open_long := false // wins += 1 //if open_long and close<=stoploss and just_bought==false //, stoploss, "Stoplos long", color =, style = label.style_label_left, size = size.tiny) // open_long := false // losses +=1 //newday = ta.change(time_tradingday) //if newday //, low-(low*0.005), "Wins: " + str.tostring(wins) + " Losses: " + str.tostring(losses), color = color.teal, style = label.style_label_center, size = size.tiny) // wins := 0 //losses := 0 //longCondition = ta.crossover(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) //if (longCondition) // strategy.entry("My Long Entry Id", strategy.long) //shortCondition = ta.crossunder(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28)) //if (shortCondition) // strategy.entry("My Short Entry Id", strategy.short) //plotshape(enter_long, "enter long", shape.arrowup, location.belowbar,
High of Day Low of Day hourly timings: Statistics. Time of day %
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at //High of Day & Low of Day hourly timings. //This is best used on the hourly chart, since the minimum time chunks for categorizing timings are 1hr. Usage on timeframes > 1hr will give less precise stats. Usage on timeframes < 1hr will give less data history. //TODO: input user timezone (for hour() function) //TODO: Option to print vertical lines for the new day turnover time // ยฉ twingall //@version=5 indicator("High/Low of day Timings: backtesting data, hour of day", shorttitle= "HoD LoD timings", overlay = true, max_labels_count = 400) //user inputs _userTimezone = input.string("America/New_York", "input your timezone", options =["syminfo.timezone", "America/New_York", "UTC-10", "UTC-9", "UTC-8", "UTC-7", "UTC-6", "UTC-5", "UTC-4", "UTC-3", "UTC-2", "UTC-1","UTC", "UTC+1", "UTC+2", "UTC+3", "UTC+4","UTC+5","UTC+6","UTC+7","UTC+8","UTC+9","UTC+10","UTC+11","UTC+12","UTC+13"], tooltip = "NB: make sure this timezone is set the same as your chart's toggled timezone" ) userTimezone =_userTimezone=="syminfo.timezone"?syminfo.timezone:_userTimezone userInputStartHr = input.bool(false, "use custom input day start hour:", inline ='2') stHr =, "", inline ='2', tooltip = "Toggle this OFF to use the default Tradingview Day start time.\n\nThis input will likely not match your timeframe but it's not an issue: simply adjust input until vertical lines print at your preferred/correct hour\n\nThen you can trust that timing, and verify your using the 'show line/show label' toggles below, along with bar-replay, to ensure table is populating correctly") showVlines = input.bool(true, "show day-start lines", tooltip = "Just a visual aid:\n\nIncluded this for user to check and ensure timings are correct and avoid timezone confusion\n\nYou can also use this to along with bar replay to check your table is populating correctly", inline = '3') lstHoDlabel = input.bool(true, "show last HoD hour label", inline = '3') tablePos = input.string(position.bottom_right, "table position", options = [position.top_left, position.top_center, position.top_right, position.middle_left, position.middle_center, position.middle_right, position.bottom_left, position.bottom_center, position.bottom_right], group="~~~~ Table ~~~~", inline = '1') textCol = input.color(, "| Text", group="~~~~ Table ~~~~", inline = '1') textSize = input.string(size.normal, "| Size", options = [, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge], group="~~~~ Table ~~~~", inline = '1') showOnlyOnHourly = input.bool(false, "show only on hourly timeframe", group = "~~~~ Table ~~~~", tooltip = "This is best used on the hourly chart, since the minimum time chunks for categorizing timings are 1hr.\n\nUsage on timeframes > 1hr will give less precise stats.\n\nUsage on timeframes < 1hr will give less data history") useStartTime = input.bool(false, "use start date", inline = "1", group="~~~~ Start Date ~~~~", tooltip = "could be used along with bar replay function to study a particular HTF market state; \n\ni.e. compare results in consolidated mkts vs trending markets") startTime= input.time(timestamp("18 Jan 2023 00:00 +0300"), "Start Date", confirm = false, group="~~~~ Start Date ~~~~") startLineCol = input.color(, "start line color", inline = "2", group="~~~~ Start Date ~~~~", tooltip = "this line can be set manually in dialog box, or dragged across the chart to change") startLineWidth =, "width", options= [1,2,3,4,5], inline = "2", group="~~~~ Start Date ~~~~") startTimeCond = useStartTime? time>startTime:true newDayCond = userInputStartHr? hour == stHr and minute ==0:timeframe.change("D") var line lnStrt = na if barstate.islastconfirmedhistory and useStartTime, high, startTime, low, xloc = xloc.bar_time, color= startLineCol, extend = extend.both, width = startLineWidth) line.delete(lnStrt[1]) var array<int> hrArrHoD =<int>(24,0) var array<int> hrArrLoD =<int>(24,0) var int dayCount=0 var int hrH = na var int hrL = na var int count = na if timeframe.change(timeframe.period) and not newDayCond[1] count+=1 if newDayCond[1] count:=1 // if timeframe.change(timeframe.period) //, low, str.tostring(count), style = label.style_label_up, size = size.small, color =, 100)) _lowest = ta.lowest(low, count!=0?count:1) lastLoD = ta.valuewhen(low == _lowest, time, 0 ) _highest = ta.highest(high,count!=0?count:1) lastHoD = ta.valuewhen(high == _highest, time, 0) if newDayCond and barstate.isconfirmed and startTimeCond dayCount+=1 hrH:= hour(lastHoD, userTimezone) array.set(hrArrHoD,hrH, (array.get(hrArrHoD,hrH)+1)) hrL:= hour(lastLoD, userTimezone) array.set(hrArrLoD,hrL, (array.get(hrArrLoD,hrL)+1)) if lstHoDlabel, high, "HoD\nhour\n"+str.tostring(hrH), style = label.style_label_down,, 100), size = size.normal, textcolor = if showVlines, low, bar_index, low-1, extend=extend.right, style = line.style_dashed) pctFxn(array<int> _arr, int _ind)=> float result = (array.get(_arr, _ind)/array.sum(_arr))*100 var Table =, columns = 26, rows = 10, border_width = 1,border_color= table.cell(Table, 0, 1, "Days History = "+str.tostring(dayCount), bgcolor, 50), text_size = textSize, text_color =textCol, text_halign =text.align_center) table.merge_cells(Table, 1, 1, 24, 1), table.cell(Table, 1,1, "~~~~ High of Day & Low of Day hourly timings ~~~", bgcolor, 70), text_size = textSize, text_color = textCol, text_halign =text.align_center) table.cell(Table, 0, 2, "HOUR of day: ", bgcolor, 60), text_size = textSize, text_color = textCol, text_halign =text.align_center) table.cell(Table, 0, 3, "High of Day (freq): ", bgcolor, 60), text_size = textSize, text_color=textCol, text_halign =text.align_center) table.cell(Table, 0, 4, "High of Day %: ", bgcolor, 60), text_size = textSize, text_color=textCol, text_halign =text.align_center) table.cell(Table, 0, 5, "Low of Day (freq): ", bgcolor, 60), text_size = textSize, text_color=textCol, text_halign =text.align_center) table.cell(Table, 0, 6, "Low of Day %: ", bgcolor, 60), text_size = textSize, text_color=textCol, text_halign =text.align_center) table.cell(Table, 0, 7, "Combined %: ", bgcolor, 60), text_size = textSize, text_color=textCol, text_halign =text.align_center) //table cell fill functions: titleCellFill()=> for i=1 to 24 table.cell(Table, i, 2, str.tostring(i-1)+ " ", bgcolor, 70), text_size = textSize, text_color=textCol, text_halign =text.align_center) HoDCellFill()=> for i=1 to 24 table.cell(Table, i, 3, str.tostring(array.get(hrArrHoD, i-1)), bgcolor, 70), text_size = textSize, text_color=textCol, text_halign =text.align_center) HoDpctFill()=> for i=1 to 24 table.cell(Table, i, 4, str.tostring(pctFxn(hrArrHoD, i-1), '0.0')+ "%", bgcolor, 70), text_size = textSize, text_color=textCol, text_halign =text.align_center) LoDCellFill()=> for i=1 to 24 table.cell(Table, i, 5, str.tostring(array.get(hrArrLoD, i-1)), bgcolor, 70), text_size = textSize, text_color=textCol, text_halign =text.align_center) LoDpctFill()=> for i=1 to 24 table.cell(Table, i, 6, str.tostring(pctFxn(hrArrLoD, i-1), '0.0')+ "%", bgcolor, 70), text_size = textSize, text_color=textCol, text_halign =text.align_center) combinedPctFill()=> for i=1 to 24 table.cell(Table, i, 7, str.tostring( math.avg( pctFxn(hrArrLoD, i-1), pctFxn(hrArrHoD, i-1)), '0.0')+ "%", bgcolor, 70), text_size = textSize, text_color=textCol, text_halign =text.align_center) //populate the table titleCellFill() HoDCellFill() HoDpctFill() LoDCellFill() LoDpctFill() combinedPctFill()
Historic Volume/Market Profiles
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ SamRecio //@version=5 indicator(title = "Historic Volume/Market Profiles", shorttitle ="HVMP", overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500, max_bars_back = 5000) tf = input.timeframe("D", title = "Timeframe", inline = "0", group = "PROFILE SETTINGS") vap = input.float(70, title = "Value Area %", group = "PROFILE SETTINGS")/100 lb_days =, title = "# of Profiles", maxval = 20, minval = 1, tooltip = "Max: 20 \nLarge Display = Less Granular Profiles\nSmall Display = More Granular Profiles") mp = input.bool(false, title = "Calculate As Market Profile", group = "PROFILE SETTINGS", tooltip = "Calculations will distribue a 1 instead of the candle's volume.") disp_size =, minval = -500,maxval = 500,title = "Display Sizeย ย ย ", inline = "3", group = "DISPLAY SETTINGS", tooltip = "The entire range of your profile will scale to fit inside this range.\n When Positive, the profile will display from the start of the day. \n When Negative, the profile will display from the end of the day.\nNotes:\n-This value is # bars away from your profile's Axis.\n-The farther from 0 this value is, the more granular your (horizontal) view will be. This does not change the Profiles' value; because of this, sometimes the POC looks tied with other values widely different. The POC CAN be tied to values close to it, but if the value is far away it is likely to just be a visual constraint. \n AUTO SCALE - Fits the profile within the lookback period.") auto_size = input.bool(true, title = "Auto-Scale", inline = "3", group = "DISPLAY SETTINGS") hi_width =, maxval = 100, minval = 1,title = "[HVN] Analysis Width %ย ย ย โ€†ย ย โ†•", group = "High/Low Volume Nodes", tooltip = "[HVN] = High Volume Node\nAnalysis Width % = % of profile to take into account when determining what is a High Volume Node and what is Not.")*0.01 lo_width =, maxval = 100, minval = 1, title = "[LVN]ย  Analysis Width %ย ย ย โ€†ย ย โ†•", group = "High/Low Volume Nodes", tooltip = "[LVN] = Low Volume Node\nAnalysis Width % = % of profile to take into account when determining what is a Low Volume Node and what is Not.")*0.01 poc_color = input.color(#ff033e, title = "POC Color", group = "Colors") var_color = input.color(color.white, title = "Value High/Low Color", group = "Colors") vaz_color = input.color(,50), title = "Value Zone Color", group = "Colors") ov_color = input.color(#555555, title = "Profile Color", group = "Colors") lv_color = input.color(#801922, title = "Low Volume Color", group = "Colors") hv_color = input.color(#2295BF, title = "High Volume Color", group = "Colors") fix_z(_val) => _val>0?_val:1 round_to(_round,_to) => math.round(_round/_to)*_to vgroup_pull(_var,_array,_num1,_num2) => _var == 1 and _num1>=_num2?array.get(_array,_num1-_num2): _var == 2 and array.size(_array)-1 >= (_num1 + _num2)?array.get(_array,_num1+_num2) :0 prof_color(_num,_mv,_a1,_a2,_a3,_a4) => _num==0?na: _num==_mv?poc_color: (_num==_a3 or _num==_a4)?var_color: array.includes(_a1,_num) and array.includes(_a2,_num)?((_num>_a3 or _num<_a4)?ov_color:vaz_color): array.includes(_a2,_num)?lv_color: array.includes(_a1,_num)?hv_color: (_num>_a3 or _num<_a4)?ov_color: vaz_color var line_array = array.new_line(na) var box_array = array.new_box(na) kill_bar = ta.valuewhen(timeframe.change(tf),bar_index,lb_days+1)+1 if array.size(line_array) > 0 for i = array.size(line_array)-1 to 0 ln = array.get(line_array,i) lx = line.get_x1(ln) if lx <= kill_bar line.delete(ln) array.remove(line_array,i) if array.size(box_array) > 0 for i = array.size(box_array)-1 to 0 bx = array.get(box_array,i) bl = box.get_left(bx) if bl <= kill_bar or na(bl) box.delete(bx) array.remove(box_array,i) if array.size(label.all) > 0 for i = array.size(label.all)-1 to 0 lb = array.get(label.all,i) lx = label.get_x(lb) if lx <= kill_bar label.delete(lb) array.remove(label.all,i) get_prof(_mp,_tf) => new_calc = timeframe.change(_tf) last_new_calc = ta.valuewhen(new_calc,bar_index,1) index_num = math.floor(1000/lb_days)-1 start_time ="",_tf,ta.valuewhen(bar_index == last_bar_index-lb_days,time,0)) calc_bars = (bar_index - ta.valuewhen(new_calc,bar_index,0))[1]+1 base = ta.lowest(low,fix_z(calc_bars)+1)[1] roof = ta.highest(high,fix_z(calc_bars)+1)[1] tick_size = round_to(math.max(((roof - base)/index_num),syminfo.mintick),(syminfo.mintick/100)) c_hi = round_to(high,tick_size) c_lo = round_to(low,tick_size) candle_range = c_hi - c_lo candle_index = (candle_range/tick_size)+1 tick_vol = _mp?1:volume/candle_index main = array.new_float(na) hvn_points = array.new_int(na) lvn_points = array.new_int(na) if new_calc and time >= start_time for i = 0 to index_num index_price = base + (i*tick_size) if index_price >= roof break float index_sum = 0 for e = 1 to calc_bars if index_price <= c_hi[e] and index_price >= c_lo[e] index_sum := index_sum + tick_vol[e] array.push(main,index_sum) max_index = math.round(math.avg(array.indexof(main,array.max(main)),array.lastindexof(main,array.max(main)))) poc = base + (tick_size*max_index) max_vol = array.sum(main)*vap vol_count = max_index >=0?array.get(main, max_index):0.0 up_count = max_index down_count = max_index if array.size(main) > 0 for x = 0 to array.size(main)-1 if vol_count >= max_vol break uppervol = up_count<array.size(main)-1?array.get(main, up_count + 1):na lowervol = down_count>0?array.get(main, down_count - 1):na if ((uppervol >= lowervol) and not na(uppervol)) or na(lowervol) vol_count += uppervol up_count += 1 else vol_count += lowervol down_count -= 1 val = base + (tick_size*down_count) vah = base + (tick_size*up_count) uc = up_count dc = down_count /////////////////////////////// //Cluster ID for Volume Nodes// /////////////////////////////// if array.size(main) > 0 for i = 0 to array.size(main)-1 _val = array.get(main,i) ary = array.new_float(na) for e = 0 to int(array.size(main)*hi_width) array.push(ary,vgroup_pull(1,main,i,e)) array.push(ary,vgroup_pull(2,main,i,e)) max = array.max(ary) if _val >= math.avg(max,array.avg(ary)) array.push(hvn_points,i) if array.size(main) > 0 for i = 0 to array.size(main)-1 _val = array.get(main,i) ary = array.new_float(na) for e = 0 to int(array.size(main)*lo_width) array.push(ary,vgroup_pull(1,main,i,e)) array.push(ary,vgroup_pull(2,main,i,e)) min = array.min(ary) if _val <= math.avg(min,array.avg(ary)) array.push(lvn_points,i) ///_________________________________________ ///Cluster Merging ///โ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พโ€พ merge_per = 0.02 if array.size(hvn_points)>0 for i = 0 to array.size(hvn_points)-1 hi_found = false lo_found = false _val = array.get(hvn_points,i) for e = int(array.size(main)*merge_per) to 0 if array.includes(hvn_points,_val+e) hi_found := true if hi_found array.push(hvn_points,_val+e) if array.includes(hvn_points,_val-e) lo_found := true if lo_found array.push(hvn_points,_val-e) if array.size(lvn_points)>0 for i = 0 to array.size(lvn_points)-1 hi_found = false lo_found = false _val = array.get(lvn_points,i) for e = int(array.size(main)*merge_per) to 0 if array.includes(lvn_points,_val+e) hi_found := true if hi_found array.push(lvn_points,_val+e) if array.includes(lvn_points,_val-e) lo_found := true if lo_found array.push(lvn_points,_val-e) prof_axis = disp_size>0?last_new_calc:bar_index[1] display_size = auto_size and disp_size!=0?(disp_size/math.abs(disp_size))*(calc_bars-1):disp_size if array.size(main) > 0 for i = 0 to array.size(main) - 1 scale = display_size/array.max(main) scaled = math.round(array.get(main,i)*scale) if ((i>uc) or (i<dc)) and (array.size(line_array) <= 499) array.push(line_array,,base+(i*tick_size[1]),(prof_axis+scaled),base+(i*tick_size[1]), color = prof_color(i,max_index,hvn_points,lvn_points,uc,dc), style = (i<dc or i>uc?line.style_dotted:line.style_solid))) else if ((i<=uc) or (i>=dc)) and (array.size(box_array) <= 499) array.push(box_array,,base+(i*tick_size[1]),(prof_axis+scaled),base+(i*tick_size[1]), border_color = prof_color(i,max_index,hvn_points,lvn_points,uc,dc), border_style = (i<dc or i>uc?line.style_dotted:line.style_solid), border_width = 1)) else if (array.size(line_array) <= 499) array.push(line_array,,base+(i*tick_size[1]),(prof_axis+scaled),base+(i*tick_size[1]), color = prof_color(i,max_index,hvn_points,lvn_points,uc,dc), style = (i<dc or i>uc?line.style_dotted:line.style_solid))) else if (array.size(box_array) <= 499) array.push(box_array,,base+(i*tick_size[1]),(prof_axis+scaled),base+(i*tick_size[1]), border_color = prof_color(i,max_index,hvn_points,lvn_points,uc,dc), border_style = (i<dc or i>uc?line.style_dotted:line.style_solid), border_width = 1)) lab =,roof,size = size.small, text = (mp?"Mkt Profile [":"Vol Profile [") + tf + "] " + "\nLB [" + str.tostring(calc_bars) + " Bars]" + "\nGran: " + str.tostring(tick_size,"$#.##########"), style = (disp_size<0?label.style_label_lower_right:label.style_label_lower_left), color = color.rgb(0,0,0,100), textcolor = chart.fg_color, textalign = (disp_size<0?text.align_right:text.align_left), text_font_family = font.family_monospace) get_prof(mp,tf)
Flat & Trend MACD
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ Shuttle_Trader //@version=5 indicator(title='Flat & Trend MACD', shorttitle='Flat & Trend MACD', overlay=true) fast_length = input(title='Fast Length', defval=20) slow_length = input(title='Slow Length', defval=100) signal_length ='Signal Smoothing', minval=1, maxval=50, defval=10) show_flat = input.bool(true, title='Show flat zones') // Price channel hline = ta.highest(fast_length) lline = ta.lowest(fast_length) // MACD setup [macd, signal, hist] = ta.macd(close, fast_length, slow_length, signal_length) // MACD flat flat_value = math.max(ta.highest(hist,50), math.abs(ta.lowest(hist,50)))/2 // MACD trend buyzone = bool(na), sellzone = bool(na) buyzone := hist > 0 and math.abs(hist) > flat_value sellzone := hist < 0 and math.abs(hist) > flat_value if not buyzone and not sellzone buyzone := buyzone[1] sellzone := sellzone[1] MACD_trend = 0 MACD_trend := buyzone ? 1 : sellzone ? -1 : nz(MACD_trend[1]) // Plot colors trend_color = color(na) if show_flat trend_color := MACD_trend>0 and math.abs(hist) > flat_value ? color.rgb(12, 100, 14, 60) : MACD_trend>0 and math.abs(hist) < flat_value ? color.rgb(133, 153, 133, 80) : MACD_trend<0 and math.abs(hist) > flat_value ? color.rgb(138, 24, 24, 60) : MACD_trend<0 and math.abs(hist) < flat_value ? color.rgb(153, 134, 134, 80) : na if not show_flat trend_color := MACD_trend>0 ? color.rgb(12, 100, 14, 60) : MACD_trend<0 ? color.rgb(138, 24, 24, 60) : na hl = plot(hline, title='High-line', color=color.rgb(12, 100, 14, 30)) ll = plot(lline, title='Low-line', color=color.rgb(138, 24, 24, 30)) fill(hl, ll, color=trend_color, fillgaps=true) plotshape(MACD_trend>0 and MACD_trend[1]<=0, title='UP', style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=#08f108, text='', textcolor=#08f108, size=size.tiny) plotshape(MACD_trend<0 and MACD_trend[1]>=0, title='DN', style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=#ee0e3f, text='', textcolor=#ee0e3f, size=size.tiny) // Beginning flat flat_up = math.abs(hist)<flat_value and (math.abs(hist)>flat_value)[1] and MACD_trend>0 flat_dn = math.abs(hist)<flat_value and (math.abs(hist)>flat_value)[1] and MACD_trend<0 plotshape(show_flat ? flat_up : na, title='flat up', style=shape.square, location=location.belowbar, color=#cc6e16, text='', textcolor=#08f108, size=size.tiny) plotshape(show_flat ? flat_dn : na, title='flat dn', style=shape.square, location=location.belowbar, color=#cc6e16, text='', textcolor=#08f108, size=size.tiny) // Alerts if MACD_trend>0 and MACD_trend[1]<=0 alert('๐ŸŸข '+ syminfo.ticker + ' >> MACD UP-TREND',alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) if MACD_trend<0 and MACD_trend[1]>=0 alert('๐Ÿ”ด '+ syminfo.ticker + ' >> MACD DOWN-TREND',alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) if flat_up alert('โš ๏ธ '+ syminfo.ticker + ' >> MACD Flat zone in UP-TREND',alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) if flat_dn alert('โš ๏ธ '+ syminfo.ticker + ' >> MACD Flat zone in DOWN-TREND',alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) ST00 = '>>> Flat & Trend MACD <<<\n\n' + syminfo.tickerid + ' tf = ' + timeframe.period ST01 = 'MACD TREND : ' + (MACD_trend>0 ? 'LONG' : MACD_trend<0 ? 'SHORT' : '') + (math.abs(hist)<flat_value ? '\nโš ๏ธ Flat zone!' : '') var table state = = position.top_right, columns=1, rows=2, border_color =, 0), border_width = 1, frame_color =,0), frame_width = 2) table.cell(state, 0, 0, ST00,,0), text_size = size.normal, bgcolor =,0)) table.cell(state, 0, 1, ST01,,0), text_size = size.normal, bgcolor =,0))
HTF Liquidity Dashboard [TFO]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ tradeforopp //@version=5 indicator("HTF Liquidity Dashboard [TFO]", "HTF Liquidity Dashboard [TFO]", true, max_labels_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500) // ------------------------------ Inputs ------------------------------ var g_SET = "Settings" show_d = input.bool(true, "Daily", inline = "DWM", tooltip = "Select which timeframes should be displayed with their highs and lows", group = g_SET) show_w = input.bool(false, "Weekly", inline = "DWM", group = g_SET) show_m = input.bool(false, "Monthly", inline = "DWM", group = g_SET) labels = input.bool(false, "Show Sweep Labels", inline = "LBL", tooltip = "Show labels when any of the selected symbols sweep their previous highs and lows", group = g_SET) label_bg = input.color(, "", inline = "LBL", group = g_SET) label_text = input.color(color.white, "", inline = "LBL", group = g_SET) text_size = input.string("Normal", "Text Size", options = ['Auto', 'Tiny', 'Small', 'Normal', 'Large', 'Huge'], tooltip = "Label and table text size", group = g_SET) dash_text = input.string("Custom", "Dashboard Text", options = ['Custom', 'Levels'], tooltip = "Custom will show the strings below in the dashboard cells. Levels will show the actual numerical highs and lows", group = g_SET) exceed_str = input.string("โœ”", "Swept & Exceeded โ€", inline = "XC", tooltip = "When price takes a high and is currently trading above it, or takes a low and is currently trading below it", group = g_SET) failed_str = input.string("โŒ", "Swept & Reversed โ€ โ€", inline = "RV", tooltip = "When price takes a high but is currently trading back below it, or takes a low and is currently trading back above it", group = g_SET) exceed_color = input.color(, 30), "", inline = "XC", group = g_SET) failed_color = input.color(, 30), "", inline = "RV", group = g_SET) var g_CC = "Current Chart" show_c = input.bool(true, "Show Levels", tooltip = "Show previous highs and lows of the current chart symbol", group = g_CC) plimit =, "Session Limit", 1, tooltip = "This many highs and lows will be stored and shown on the current chart (per timeframe)", group = g_CC) before_color = input.color(#000000, "Colors Before / After Sweep", inline = "CCC", tooltip = "Levels will be drawn as the left color, but will change to the right color once price trades through them", group = g_CC) after_color = input.color(#f23645, "", inline = "CCC", group = g_CC) d_style = input.string('Dotted', "Daily โ€ โ€ โ€ โ€", options = ['Solid', 'Dashed', 'Dotted'], inline = "CCD", group = g_CC) d_width =, "", 0, inline = "CCD", group = g_CC) w_style = input.string('Dashed', "Weekly โ€", options = ['Solid', 'Dashed', 'Dotted'], inline = "CCW", group = g_CC) w_width =, "", 0, inline = "CCW", group = g_CC) m_style = input.string('Solid', "Monthly", options = ['Solid', 'Dashed', 'Dotted'], inline = "CCM", group = g_CC) m_width =, "", 0, inline = "CCM", group = g_CC) var g_SYM = "Symbols" use_s0 = input.bool(true, "", inline = "s0", group = g_SYM) use_s1 = input.bool(true, "", inline = "s1", group = g_SYM) use_s2 = input.bool(true, "", inline = "s2", group = g_SYM) use_s3 = input.bool(true, "", inline = "s3", group = g_SYM) use_s4 = input.bool(true, "", inline = "s4", group = g_SYM) use_s5 = input.bool(true, "", inline = "s5", group = g_SYM) use_s6 = input.bool(true, "", inline = "s6", group = g_SYM) use_s7 = input.bool(true, "", inline = "s7", group = g_SYM) use_s8 = input.bool(true, "", inline = "s8", group = g_SYM) s0 = input.symbol("ES1!", "", inline = "s0", group = g_SYM) s1 = input.symbol("NQ1!", "", inline = "s1", group = g_SYM) s2 = input.symbol("YM1!", "", inline = "s2", group = g_SYM) s3 = input.symbol("CL1!", "", inline = "s3", group = g_SYM) s4 = input.symbol("GC1!", "", inline = "s4", group = g_SYM) s5 = input.symbol("EURUSD", "", inline = "s5", group = g_SYM) s6 = input.symbol("GBPUSD", "", inline = "s6", group = g_SYM) s7 = input.symbol("USDJPY", "", inline = "s7", group = g_SYM) s8 = input.symbol("AUDUSD", "", inline = "s8", group = g_SYM) var g_TBL = "Table Style" table_position = input.string('Top Right', "Table Position", options = ['Bottom Center', 'Bottom Left', 'Bottom Right', 'Middle Center', 'Middle Left', 'Middle Right', 'Top Center', 'Top Left', 'Top Right'], group = g_TBL) tbl_bg = input.color(color.white, "Background Color", group = g_TBL) tbl_bd = input.color(, "Border Color", group = g_TBL) tbl_fr = input.color(, "Frame Color", group = g_TBL) tbl_fr_w =, "Frame Width", 1, group = g_TBL) tbl_bd_w =, "Border Width", 1, group = g_TBL) // ------------------------------ Inputs ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ Functions ------------------------------ get_name(x) => array.get(str.split(x, ":"), 1) get_size(x) => result = switch x 'Auto' => 'Tiny' => size.tiny 'Small' => size.small 'Normal' => size.normal 'Large' => size.large 'Huge' => size.huge get_line_style(x) => result = switch x 'Solid' => line.style_solid 'Dashed' => line.style_dashed 'Dotted' => line.style_dotted get_table_position(x) => result = switch x "Bottom Center" => position.bottom_center "Bottom Left" => position.bottom_left "Bottom Right" => position.bottom_right "Middle Center" => position.middle_center "Middle Left" => position.middle_left "Middle Right" => position.middle_right "Top Center" => position.top_center "Top Left" => position.top_left "Top Right" => position.top_right update_arrays(o, h_arr, l_arr, h, l) => if o != o[1] h_arr.unshift(h[1]) l_arr.unshift(l[1]) if h_arr.size() > 1 h_arr.pop() l_arr.pop() evaluate(ph, ch, pl, cl, cc) => color _hcolor = na string _hstring = (dash_text == 'Levels') ? str.tostring(ph) : "-" if ch > ph if cc > ph _hcolor := exceed_color if not (dash_text == 'Levels') _hstring := exceed_str else _hcolor := failed_color if not (dash_text == 'Levels') _hstring := failed_str color _lcolor = na string _lstring = (dash_text == 'Levels') ? str.tostring(pl) : "-" if cl < pl if cc < pl _lcolor := exceed_color if not (dash_text == 'Levels') _lstring := exceed_str else _lcolor := failed_color if not (dash_text == 'Levels') _lstring := failed_str [_hstring, _hcolor, _lstring, _lcolor] update_table(_table, _col, _row, _use, _name, _h, _l, _c, _highs, _lows) => if _use and _highs.size() > 0 _size = get_size(text_size) [_hstring, _hcolor, _lstring, _lcolor] = evaluate(_highs.get(0), _h, _lows.get(0), _l, _c) table.cell(_table, 0, _row, str.tostring(get_name(_name)), text_size = _size) table.cell(_table, _col, _row, _hstring, bgcolor = _hcolor, text_size = _size) table.cell(_table, _col + 1, _row, _lstring, bgcolor = _lcolor, text_size = _size) check_raids(_s, _use, _ph, _pl, _ch, _cl, _rah, _ral, _ri, _tf) => if _ph.size() > 0 and _use took_highs = _ch > _ph.get(0) took_lows = _cl < _pl.get(0) _name = get_name(_s) if took_highs and not _rah.get(_ri) _rah.set(_ri, true) _text = _name + " Took P" + _tf + "H" alert(_text, freq = alert.freq_once_per_bar) if labels, high, _text, style = label.style_label_down, color = label_bg, textcolor = label_text, size = get_size(text_size)) if took_lows and not _ral.get(_ri) _ral.set(_ri, true) _text = _name + " Took P" + _tf + "L" alert(_text, freq = alert.freq_once_per_bar) if labels, low, _text, style = label.style_label_up, color = label_bg, textcolor = label_text, size = get_size(text_size)) reset_raid(_d, _ah, _al) => result = false if _d != _d[1] for i = 0 to _ah.size() - 1 _ah.set(i, false) for i = 0 to _al.size() - 1 _al.set(i, false) chart_pivot(_open, _high, _low, _ph, _pl, _hline, _lline, _hlabel, _llabel, _tf, _style, _width) => if _ph.size() > 0 if _open != _open[1] _hline.unshift(, _ph.get(0), bar_index, _ph.get(0), color = before_color, width = _width, style = _style)) _lline.unshift(, _pl.get(0), bar_index, _pl.get(0), color = before_color, width = _width, style = _style)) _hlabel.set_xy(bar_index, _ph.get(0)) _llabel.set_xy(bar_index, _pl.get(0)) _hlabel.set_text("P" + _tf + "H") _llabel.set_text("P" + _tf + "L") _hlabel.set_textcolor(before_color) _llabel.set_textcolor(before_color) else _hline.get(0).set_x2(bar_index) _lline.get(0).set_x2(bar_index) _hlabel.set_x(bar_index) _llabel.set_x(bar_index) if _high > _hline.get(0).get_y1() _hline.get(0).set_color(after_color) _hlabel.set_textcolor(after_color) if _low < _lline.get(0).get_y1() _lline.get(0).set_color(after_color) _llabel.set_textcolor(after_color) if _hline.size() > plimit line.delete(_hline.pop()) line.delete(_lline.pop()) // ------------------------------ Functions ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ DWM Data ------------------------------ // chart timeframe [s0c_o, s0c_h, s0c_l, s0c_c] =, "", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s1c_o, s1c_h, s1c_l, s1c_c] =, "", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s2c_o, s2c_h, s2c_l, s2c_c] =, "", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s3c_o, s3c_h, s3c_l, s3c_c] =, "", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s4c_o, s4c_h, s4c_l, s4c_c] =, "", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s5c_o, s5c_h, s5c_l, s5c_c] =, "", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s6c_o, s6c_h, s6c_l, s6c_c] =, "", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s7c_o, s7c_h, s7c_l, s7c_c] =, "", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s8c_o, s8c_h, s8c_l, s8c_c] =, "", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) // daily timeframe [s0d_o, s0d_h, s0d_l, s0d_c] =, "D", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s1d_o, s1d_h, s1d_l, s1d_c] =, "D", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s2d_o, s2d_h, s2d_l, s2d_c] =, "D", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s3d_o, s3d_h, s3d_l, s3d_c] =, "D", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s4d_o, s4d_h, s4d_l, s4d_c] =, "D", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s5d_o, s5d_h, s5d_l, s5d_c] =, "D", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s6d_o, s6d_h, s6d_l, s6d_c] =, "D", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s7d_o, s7d_h, s7d_l, s7d_c] =, "D", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s8d_o, s8d_h, s8d_l, s8d_c] =, "D", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) // weekly timeframe [s0w_o, s0w_h, s0w_l, s0w_c] =, "W", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s1w_o, s1w_h, s1w_l, s1w_c] =, "W", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s2w_o, s2w_h, s2w_l, s2w_c] =, "W", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s3w_o, s3w_h, s3w_l, s3w_c] =, "W", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s4w_o, s4w_h, s4w_l, s4w_c] =, "W", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s5w_o, s5w_h, s5w_l, s5w_c] =, "W", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s6w_o, s6w_h, s6w_l, s6w_c] =, "W", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s7w_o, s7w_h, s7w_l, s7w_c] =, "W", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s8w_o, s8w_h, s8w_l, s8w_c] =, "W", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) // monthly timeframe [s0m_o, s0m_h, s0m_l, s0m_c] =, "M", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s1m_o, s1m_h, s1m_l, s1m_c] =, "M", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s2m_o, s2m_h, s2m_l, s2m_c] =, "M", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s3m_o, s3m_h, s3m_l, s3m_c] =, "M", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s4m_o, s4m_h, s4m_l, s4m_c] =, "M", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s5m_o, s5m_h, s5m_l, s5m_c] =, "M", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s6m_o, s6m_h, s6m_l, s6m_c] =, "M", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s7m_o, s7m_h, s7m_l, s7m_c] =, "M", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s8m_o, s8m_h, s8m_l, s8m_c] =, "M", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) // current chart symbol [s9c_o, s9c_h, s9c_l, s9c_c] =, "", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s9d_o, s9d_h, s9d_l, s9d_c] =, "D", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s9w_o, s9w_h, s9w_l, s9w_c] =, "W", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) [s9m_o, s9m_h, s9m_l, s9m_c] =, "M", [open, high, low, close], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) // ------------------------------ DWM Data ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ Arrays ------------------------------ // daily var s00d_highs = array.new_float() var s0d_highs = array.new_float() var s1d_highs = array.new_float() var s2d_highs = array.new_float() var s3d_highs = array.new_float() var s4d_highs = array.new_float() var s5d_highs = array.new_float() var s6d_highs = array.new_float() var s7d_highs = array.new_float() var s8d_highs = array.new_float() var s9d_highs = array.new_float() var s00d_lows = array.new_float() var s0d_lows = array.new_float() var s1d_lows = array.new_float() var s2d_lows = array.new_float() var s3d_lows = array.new_float() var s4d_lows = array.new_float() var s5d_lows = array.new_float() var s6d_lows = array.new_float() var s7d_lows = array.new_float() var s8d_lows = array.new_float() var s9d_lows = array.new_float() var s0d_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s1d_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s2d_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s3d_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s4d_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s5d_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s6d_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s7d_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s8d_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s9d_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s0d_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s1d_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s2d_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s3d_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s4d_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s5d_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s6d_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s7d_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s8d_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s9d_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) // weekly var s00w_highs = array.new_float() var s0w_highs = array.new_float() var s1w_highs = array.new_float() var s2w_highs = array.new_float() var s3w_highs = array.new_float() var s4w_highs = array.new_float() var s5w_highs = array.new_float() var s6w_highs = array.new_float() var s7w_highs = array.new_float() var s8w_highs = array.new_float() var s9w_highs = array.new_float() var s00w_lows = array.new_float() var s0w_lows = array.new_float() var s1w_lows = array.new_float() var s2w_lows = array.new_float() var s3w_lows = array.new_float() var s4w_lows = array.new_float() var s5w_lows = array.new_float() var s6w_lows = array.new_float() var s7w_lows = array.new_float() var s8w_lows = array.new_float() var s9w_lows = array.new_float() var s0w_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s1w_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s2w_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s3w_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s4w_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s5w_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s6w_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s7w_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s8w_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s9w_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s0w_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s1w_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s2w_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s3w_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s4w_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s5w_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s6w_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s7w_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s8w_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s9w_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) // monthly var s00m_highs = array.new_float() var s0m_highs = array.new_float() var s1m_highs = array.new_float() var s2m_highs = array.new_float() var s3m_highs = array.new_float() var s4m_highs = array.new_float() var s5m_highs = array.new_float() var s6m_highs = array.new_float() var s7m_highs = array.new_float() var s8m_highs = array.new_float() var s9m_highs = array.new_float() var s00m_lows = array.new_float() var s0m_lows = array.new_float() var s1m_lows = array.new_float() var s2m_lows = array.new_float() var s3m_lows = array.new_float() var s4m_lows = array.new_float() var s5m_lows = array.new_float() var s6m_lows = array.new_float() var s7m_lows = array.new_float() var s8m_lows = array.new_float() var s9m_lows = array.new_float() var s0m_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s1m_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s2m_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s3m_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s4m_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s5m_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s6m_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s7m_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s8m_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s9m_rh = array.new_bool(10, false) var s0m_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s1m_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s2m_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s3m_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s4m_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s5m_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s6m_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s7m_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s8m_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) var s9m_rl = array.new_bool(10, false) //current chart var pdh = array.new_line() var pwh = array.new_line() var pmh = array.new_line() var pdl = array.new_line() var pwl = array.new_line() var pml = array.new_line() var pdh_label =, na, style = label.style_label_left, color = #ffffff00, textcolor = before_color, size = get_size(text_size)) var pwh_label =, na, style = label.style_label_left, color = #ffffff00, textcolor = before_color, size = get_size(text_size)) var pmh_label =, na, style = label.style_label_left, color = #ffffff00, textcolor = before_color, size = get_size(text_size)) var pdl_label =, na, style = label.style_label_left, color = #ffffff00, textcolor = before_color, size = get_size(text_size)) var pwl_label =, na, style = label.style_label_left, color = #ffffff00, textcolor = before_color, size = get_size(text_size)) var pml_label =, na, style = label.style_label_left, color = #ffffff00, textcolor = before_color, size = get_size(text_size)) // ------------------------------ Arrays ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ Update Arrays ------------------------------ // daily update_arrays(s0d_o, s0d_highs, s0d_lows, s0d_h, s0d_l) update_arrays(s1d_o, s1d_highs, s1d_lows, s1d_h, s1d_l) update_arrays(s2d_o, s2d_highs, s2d_lows, s2d_h, s2d_l) update_arrays(s3d_o, s3d_highs, s3d_lows, s3d_h, s3d_l) update_arrays(s4d_o, s4d_highs, s4d_lows, s4d_h, s4d_l) update_arrays(s5d_o, s5d_highs, s5d_lows, s5d_h, s5d_l) update_arrays(s6d_o, s6d_highs, s6d_lows, s6d_h, s6d_l) update_arrays(s7d_o, s7d_highs, s7d_lows, s7d_h, s7d_l) update_arrays(s8d_o, s8d_highs, s8d_lows, s8d_h, s8d_l) update_arrays(s9d_o, s9d_highs, s9d_lows, s9d_h, s9d_l) // weekly update_arrays(s0w_o, s0w_highs, s0w_lows, s0w_h, s0w_l) update_arrays(s1w_o, s1w_highs, s1w_lows, s1w_h, s1w_l) update_arrays(s2w_o, s2w_highs, s2w_lows, s2w_h, s2w_l) update_arrays(s3w_o, s3w_highs, s3w_lows, s3w_h, s3w_l) update_arrays(s4w_o, s4w_highs, s4w_lows, s4w_h, s4w_l) update_arrays(s5w_o, s5w_highs, s5w_lows, s5w_h, s5w_l) update_arrays(s6w_o, s6w_highs, s6w_lows, s6w_h, s6w_l) update_arrays(s7w_o, s7w_highs, s7w_lows, s7w_h, s7w_l) update_arrays(s8w_o, s8w_highs, s8w_lows, s8w_h, s8w_l) update_arrays(s9w_o, s9w_highs, s9w_lows, s9w_h, s9w_l) // monthly update_arrays(s0m_o, s0m_highs, s0m_lows, s0m_h, s0m_l) update_arrays(s1m_o, s1m_highs, s1m_lows, s1m_h, s1m_l) update_arrays(s2m_o, s2m_highs, s2m_lows, s2m_h, s2m_l) update_arrays(s3m_o, s3m_highs, s3m_lows, s3m_h, s3m_l) update_arrays(s4m_o, s4m_highs, s4m_lows, s4m_h, s4m_l) update_arrays(s5m_o, s5m_highs, s5m_lows, s5m_h, s5m_l) update_arrays(s6m_o, s6m_highs, s6m_lows, s6m_h, s6m_l) update_arrays(s7m_o, s7m_highs, s7m_lows, s7m_h, s7m_l) update_arrays(s8m_o, s8m_highs, s8m_lows, s8m_h, s8m_l) update_arrays(s9m_o, s9m_highs, s9m_lows, s9m_h, s9m_l) // ------------------------------ Update Arrays ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ Reset Raids ------------------------------ // daily reset_raid(s0d_o, s0d_rh, s0d_rl) reset_raid(s1d_o, s1d_rh, s1d_rl) reset_raid(s2d_o, s2d_rh, s2d_rl) reset_raid(s3d_o, s3d_rh, s3d_rl) reset_raid(s4d_o, s4d_rh, s4d_rl) reset_raid(s5d_o, s5d_rh, s5d_rl) reset_raid(s6d_o, s6d_rh, s6d_rl) reset_raid(s7d_o, s7d_rh, s7d_rl) reset_raid(s8d_o, s8d_rh, s8d_rl) reset_raid(s9d_o, s9d_rh, s9d_rl) // weeks reset_raid(s0w_o, s0w_rh, s0w_rl) reset_raid(s1w_o, s1w_rh, s1w_rl) reset_raid(s2w_o, s2w_rh, s2w_rl) reset_raid(s3w_o, s3w_rh, s3w_rl) reset_raid(s4w_o, s4w_rh, s4w_rl) reset_raid(s5w_o, s5w_rh, s5w_rl) reset_raid(s6w_o, s6w_rh, s6w_rl) reset_raid(s7w_o, s7w_rh, s7w_rl) reset_raid(s8w_o, s8w_rh, s8w_rl) reset_raid(s9w_o, s9w_rh, s9w_rl) // monthly reset_raid(s0m_o, s0m_rh, s0m_rl) reset_raid(s1m_o, s1m_rh, s1m_rl) reset_raid(s2m_o, s2m_rh, s2m_rl) reset_raid(s3m_o, s3m_rh, s3m_rl) reset_raid(s4m_o, s4m_rh, s4m_rl) reset_raid(s5m_o, s5m_rh, s5m_rl) reset_raid(s6m_o, s6m_rh, s6m_rl) reset_raid(s7m_o, s7m_rh, s7m_rl) reset_raid(s8m_o, s8m_rh, s8m_rl) reset_raid(s9m_o, s9m_rh, s9m_rl) // ------------------------------ Reset Raids ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ Check Raids ------------------------------ // daily check_raids(s0, use_s0 and show_d, s0d_highs, s0d_lows, s0c_h, s0c_l, s0d_rh, s0d_rl, 0, "D") check_raids(s1, use_s1 and show_d, s1d_highs, s1d_lows, s1c_h, s1c_l, s1d_rh, s1d_rl, 1, "D") check_raids(s2, use_s2 and show_d, s2d_highs, s2d_lows, s2c_h, s2c_l, s2d_rh, s2d_rl, 2, "D") check_raids(s3, use_s3 and show_d, s3d_highs, s3d_lows, s3c_h, s3c_l, s3d_rh, s3d_rl, 3, "D") check_raids(s4, use_s4 and show_d, s4d_highs, s4d_lows, s4c_h, s4c_l, s4d_rh, s4d_rl, 4, "D") check_raids(s5, use_s5 and show_d, s5d_highs, s5d_lows, s5c_h, s5c_l, s5d_rh, s5d_rl, 5, "D") check_raids(s6, use_s6 and show_d, s6d_highs, s6d_lows, s6c_h, s6c_l, s6d_rh, s6d_rl, 6, "D") check_raids(s7, use_s7 and show_d, s7d_highs, s7d_lows, s7c_h, s7c_l, s7d_rh, s7d_rl, 7, "D") check_raids(s8, use_s8 and show_d, s8d_highs, s8d_lows, s8c_h, s8c_l, s8d_rh, s8d_rl, 8, "D") // weekly check_raids(s0, use_s0 and show_w, s0w_highs, s0w_lows, s0c_h, s0c_l, s0w_rh, s0w_rl, 0, "W") check_raids(s1, use_s1 and show_w, s1w_highs, s1w_lows, s1c_h, s1c_l, s1w_rh, s1w_rl, 1, "W") check_raids(s2, use_s2 and show_w, s2w_highs, s2w_lows, s2c_h, s2c_l, s2w_rh, s2w_rl, 2, "W") check_raids(s3, use_s3 and show_w, s3w_highs, s3w_lows, s3c_h, s3c_l, s3w_rh, s3w_rl, 3, "W") check_raids(s4, use_s4 and show_w, s4w_highs, s4w_lows, s4c_h, s4c_l, s4w_rh, s4w_rl, 4, "W") check_raids(s5, use_s5 and show_w, s5w_highs, s5w_lows, s5c_h, s5c_l, s5w_rh, s5w_rl, 5, "W") check_raids(s6, use_s6 and show_w, s6w_highs, s6w_lows, s6c_h, s6c_l, s6w_rh, s6w_rl, 6, "W") check_raids(s7, use_s7 and show_w, s7w_highs, s7w_lows, s7c_h, s7c_l, s7w_rh, s7w_rl, 7, "W") check_raids(s8, use_s8 and show_w, s8w_highs, s8w_lows, s8c_h, s8c_l, s8w_rh, s8w_rl, 8, "W") // monthly check_raids(s0, use_s0 and show_m, s0m_highs, s0m_lows, s0c_h, s0c_l, s0m_rh, s0m_rl, 0, "M") check_raids(s1, use_s1 and show_m, s1m_highs, s1m_lows, s1c_h, s1c_l, s1m_rh, s1m_rl, 1, "M") check_raids(s2, use_s2 and show_m, s2m_highs, s2m_lows, s2c_h, s2c_l, s2m_rh, s2m_rl, 2, "M") check_raids(s3, use_s3 and show_m, s3m_highs, s3m_lows, s3c_h, s3c_l, s3m_rh, s3m_rl, 3, "M") check_raids(s4, use_s4 and show_m, s4m_highs, s4m_lows, s4c_h, s4c_l, s4m_rh, s4m_rl, 4, "M") check_raids(s5, use_s5 and show_m, s5m_highs, s5m_lows, s5c_h, s5c_l, s5m_rh, s5m_rl, 5, "M") check_raids(s6, use_s6 and show_m, s6m_highs, s6m_lows, s6c_h, s6c_l, s6m_rh, s6m_rl, 6, "M") check_raids(s7, use_s7 and show_m, s7m_highs, s7m_lows, s7c_h, s7c_l, s7m_rh, s7m_rl, 7, "M") check_raids(s8, use_s8 and show_m, s8m_highs, s8m_lows, s8c_h, s8c_l, s8m_rh, s8m_rl, 8, "M") // ------------------------------ Check Raids ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ Current Chart ------------------------------ d_style := get_line_style(d_style) w_style := get_line_style(w_style) m_style := get_line_style(m_style) if show_c if show_d chart_pivot(s9d_o, s9d_h, s9d_l, s9d_highs, s9d_lows, pdh, pdl, pdh_label, pdl_label, "D", d_style, d_width) if show_w chart_pivot(s9w_o, s9w_h, s9w_l, s9w_highs, s9w_lows, pwh, pwl, pwh_label, pwl_label, "W", w_style, w_width) if show_m chart_pivot(s9m_o, s9m_h, s9m_l, s9m_highs, s9m_lows, pmh, pml, pmh_label, pml_label, "M", m_style, m_width) // ------------------------------ Current Chart ------------------------------ // ------------------------------ Dashboard ------------------------------ var stats =, 20, 20, tbl_bg, tbl_fr, tbl_fr_w, tbl_bd, tbl_bd_w) if barstate.islast _size = get_size(text_size) table.cell(stats, 0, 0, "Symbol", text_size = _size) if show_d table.cell(stats, 1, 0, "PDH", text_size = _size) table.cell(stats, 2, 0, "PDL", text_size = _size) update_table(stats, 1, 1, use_s0, s0, s0d_h, s0d_l, s0d_c, s0d_highs, s0d_lows) update_table(stats, 1, 2, use_s1, s1, s1d_h, s1d_l, s1d_c, s1d_highs, s1d_lows) update_table(stats, 1, 3, use_s2, s2, s2d_h, s2d_l, s2d_c, s2d_highs, s2d_lows) update_table(stats, 1, 4, use_s3, s3, s3d_h, s3d_l, s3d_c, s3d_highs, s3d_lows) update_table(stats, 1, 5, use_s4, s4, s4d_h, s4d_l, s4d_c, s4d_highs, s4d_lows) update_table(stats, 1, 6, use_s5, s5, s5d_h, s5d_l, s5d_c, s5d_highs, s5d_lows) update_table(stats, 1, 7, use_s6, s6, s6d_h, s6d_l, s6d_c, s6d_highs, s6d_lows) update_table(stats, 1, 8, use_s7, s7, s7d_h, s7d_l, s7d_c, s7d_highs, s7d_lows) update_table(stats, 1, 9, use_s8, s8, s8d_h, s8d_l, s8d_c, s8d_highs, s8d_lows) if show_w table.cell(stats, 3, 0, "PWH", text_size = _size) table.cell(stats, 4, 0, "PWL", text_size = _size) update_table(stats, 3, 1, use_s0, s0, s0w_h, s0w_l, s0w_c, s0w_highs, s0w_lows) update_table(stats, 3, 2, use_s1, s1, s1w_h, s1w_l, s1w_c, s1w_highs, s1w_lows) update_table(stats, 3, 3, use_s2, s2, s2w_h, s2w_l, s2w_c, s2w_highs, s2w_lows) update_table(stats, 3, 4, use_s3, s3, s3w_h, s3w_l, s3w_c, s3w_highs, s3w_lows) update_table(stats, 3, 5, use_s4, s4, s4w_h, s4w_l, s4w_c, s4w_highs, s4w_lows) update_table(stats, 3, 6, use_s5, s5, s5w_h, s5w_l, s5w_c, s5w_highs, s5w_lows) update_table(stats, 3, 7, use_s6, s6, s6w_h, s6w_l, s6w_c, s6w_highs, s6w_lows) update_table(stats, 3, 8, use_s7, s7, s7w_h, s7w_l, s7w_c, s7w_highs, s7w_lows) update_table(stats, 3, 9, use_s8, s8, s8w_h, s8w_l, s8w_c, s8w_highs, s8w_lows) if show_m table.cell(stats, 5, 0, "PMH", text_size = _size) table.cell(stats, 6, 0, "PML", text_size = _size) update_table(stats, 5, 1, use_s0, s0, s0m_h, s0m_l, s0m_c, s0m_highs, s0m_lows) update_table(stats, 5, 2, use_s1, s1, s1m_h, s1m_l, s1m_c, s1m_highs, s1m_lows) update_table(stats, 5, 3, use_s2, s2, s2m_h, s2m_l, s2m_c, s2m_highs, s2m_lows) update_table(stats, 5, 4, use_s3, s3, s3m_h, s3m_l, s3m_c, s3m_highs, s3m_lows) update_table(stats, 5, 5, use_s4, s4, s4m_h, s4m_l, s4m_c, s4m_highs, s4m_lows) update_table(stats, 5, 6, use_s5, s5, s5m_h, s5m_l, s5m_c, s5m_highs, s5m_lows) update_table(stats, 5, 7, use_s6, s6, s6m_h, s6m_l, s6m_c, s6m_highs, s6m_lows) update_table(stats, 5, 8, use_s7, s7, s7m_h, s7m_l, s7m_c, s7m_highs, s7m_lows) update_table(stats, 5, 9, use_s8, s8, s8m_h, s8m_l, s8m_c, s8m_highs, s8m_lows) // ------------------------------ Dashboard ------------------------------
ICT Daily Levels and Zones (fadi)
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ fadizeidan //@version=5 indicator("ICT Daily Levels and Zones (fadi)", overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500) //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- Types ---+// //+--- Types are data structures that allows us to hold multiple related values in a single instance ---+// //+-- Tradingview has some limitations so some workarounds are required. ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- Zone ---+// //+--- Used to capture the start, end, and levels (box) of a zone such as: ---+// //+-- Killzones, Open Range, and Open Range Gap ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// type Zone float o float h float l float c int o_time int h_time int l_time int c_time box b //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- ohlc ---+// //+--- ohlc is used to capture the daily relevant values and when they occured. ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// type ohlc float o float h float l float c float o_MN int o_MN_time float o_830 int o_830_time float o_930 int o_930_time int o_time int o_idx int h_time int l_time int c_time line o_line line h_line line l_line line c_line line s_line line o_MN_line line o_MN_thick line o_830_line line o_830_thick line o_930_line line o_930_thick string dow int dow_index //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- Candle ---+// //+--- The daily candle drawn based on midnight level ---+// //+--- This is similar to the MTF Candles indicator minus the time interval to map out the trace lines ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// type Candle float o float h float l float c string dow box body line wick_top line wick_bottom label lbl //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- Projection ---+// //+--- The projection level based on daily ADR range ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// type Projection box body_high box body_low line high_third label high_third_label line low_third label low_third_label line max label max_label line min label min_label //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- Settings ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// type Settings string hide_TF bool show_session bool show_open bool show_high bool show_low bool show_close bool show_MN bool show_830 bool show_930 int max_days color s_color string s_style int s_size bool show_dayofweek color dayofweek_color color o_MN_color string o_MN_style int o_MN_size color o_830_color string o_830_style int o_830_size color o_930_color string o_930_style int o_930_size bool show_asia color asia_background color asia_border string asia_border_style int asia_border_size int asia_o_hour int asia_o_min int asia_c_hour int asia_c_min bool show_london color london_background color london_border string london_border_style int london_border_size int london_o_hour int london_o_min int london_c_hour int london_c_min bool show_ny color ny_background color ny_border string ny_border_style int ny_border_size int ny_o_hour int ny_o_min int ny_c_hour int ny_c_min bool show_openrange color openrange_background color openrange_border string openrange_style int openrange_size bool openrange_extend int openrange_o_hour int openrange_o_min int openrange_c_hour int openrange_c_min bool show_openrangegap color openrangegap_background color openrangegap_border string openrangegap_style int openrangegap_size bool openrangegap_extend int openrangegap_o_hour int openrangegap_o_min int openrangegap_c_hour int openrangegap_c_min bool show_TOD_thick bool show_DC // Daily Candle color DC_bullish color DC_bearish color DC_wick int DC_buffer int DC_spacing int DC_count bool DC_ignore_saturday bool DC_ignore_sunday bool ADR_show int ADR_buffer color ADR_bullish color ADR_bearish bool ADR_Trace color ADR_Trace_color string ADR_Trace_style int ADR_Trace_size bool ADR_Trace_Label string ADR_Trace_Label_size color ADR_Trace_Label_color color ADR_Trace_Label_bgcolor bool ADR_Trace_Third //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- Variable declaration of the types ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// var ohlc[] OHLC =<ohlc>() var Candle[] DC =<Candle>() var Zone[] asia =<Zone>() var Zone[] london =<Zone>() var Zone[] ny =<Zone>() var Zone[] openrange =<Zone>() var Zone[] openrangegap =<Zone>() var Projection projection = Settings settings = //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- Prompt for the Settings ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// g_session = "Session" g_dailylevels = "Daily Levels" g_killzones = "Killzones" g_openranges = "Open Ranges" g_timeofday = "Time Of Day" g_DC = "Daily" g_weekdays = "Week Days" g_ADR = "Projection" settings.hide_TF := input.timeframe("15", "Hide above ", tooltip="Any value above 15 minute can result in wrong display. This is due to how Tradingview provides the data to the indicator.") max_days =, "Limit to last X days", minval = 1, maxval = 100) settings.max_days := max_days settings.show_session := input.bool(true, "Seperatorโ€‡โ€‡โ€‡", inline='1', group=g_session) settings.s_color := input.color(, 50), "", inline='1', group=g_session) settings.s_style := input.string('----', '', options = ['โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ', '----', 'ยทยทยทยท'], inline='1', group=g_session) settings.s_size :=, '', options = [1,2,3,4], inline='1', group=g_session) settings.show_dayofweek := input.bool(true, "Days of week", inline='2', group=g_session) settings.dayofweek_color := input.color(, 0), "", inline='2', group=g_session) settings.show_asia := input.bool(true, "Asiaโ€‡โ€‡", group=g_killzones, inline="0") settings.asia_background := input.color(, 90), "", group=g_killzones, inline = "0") settings.asia_border := input.color(, 0), "", group=g_killzones, inline = "0") settings.asia_border_size :=, "", options = [1,2,3,4], group=g_killzones, inline = "0") settings.asia_border_style := input.string('ยทยทยทยท', '', options = ['โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ', '----', 'ยทยทยทยท'], group=g_killzones, inline='0') settings.asia_o_hour :=, "โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡Open Hour", group=g_killzones, inline="1", minval = 0, maxval = 24) settings.asia_o_min :=, "Minute", group=g_killzones, inline="1", minval = 0, maxval = 59) settings.asia_c_hour :=, "โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡Close Hour", group=g_killzones, inline="2", minval = 1, maxval = 24) settings.asia_c_min :=, "Minute", group=g_killzones, inline="2", minval = 0, maxval = 59) settings.show_london := input.bool(true, "London", group=g_killzones, inline = "3") settings.london_background := input.color(, 90), "", group=g_killzones, inline = "3") settings.london_border := input.color(, 0), "", group=g_killzones, inline = "3") settings.london_border_size :=, "", options = [1,2,3,4], group=g_killzones, inline = "3") settings.london_border_style := input.string('ยทยทยทยท', '', options = ['โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ', '----', 'ยทยทยทยท'], group=g_killzones, inline='3') settings.london_o_hour :=, "โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡Open Hour", group=g_killzones, inline="4", minval = 1, maxval = 24) settings.london_o_min :=, "Minute", group=g_killzones, inline="4", minval = 0, maxval = 59) settings.london_c_hour :=, "โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡Close Hour", group=g_killzones, inline="5", minval = 1, maxval = 24) settings.london_c_min :=, "Minute", group=g_killzones, inline="5", minval = 0, maxval = 59) settings.show_ny := input.bool(true, "NYโ€‡โ€‡โ€‡", group=g_killzones, inline="6") settings.ny_background := input.color(, 90), "", group=g_killzones, inline = "6") settings.ny_border := input.color(, 0), "", group=g_killzones, inline = "6") settings.ny_border_size :=, "", options = [1,2,3,4], group=g_killzones, inline = "6") settings.ny_border_style := input.string('ยทยทยทยท', '', options = ['โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ', '----', 'ยทยทยทยท'], group=g_killzones, inline='6') settings.ny_o_hour :=, "โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡Open Hour", group=g_killzones, inline="7", minval = 1, maxval = 24) settings.ny_o_min :=, "Minute", group=g_killzones, inline="7", minval = 0, maxval = 59) settings.ny_c_hour :=, "โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡Close Hour", group=g_killzones, inline="8", minval = 1, maxval = 24) settings.ny_c_min :=, "Minute", group=g_killzones, inline="8", minval = 0, maxval = 59) settings.show_openrange := input.bool(false, "Open Rangeโ€‡โ€‡โ€‡", group=g_openranges, inline="6") settings.openrange_background := input.color(, 90), "", group=g_openranges, inline = "6") settings.openrange_border := input.color(, 0), "", group=g_openranges, inline = "6") settings.openrange_size :=, "", options = [1,2,3,4], group=g_openranges, inline = "6") settings.openrange_style := input.string('ยทยทยทยท', '', options = ['โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ', '----', 'ยทยทยทยท'], group=g_openranges, inline='6') settings.openrange_o_hour :=, "โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡Open Hour", group=g_openranges, inline="7", minval = 1, maxval = 24) settings.openrange_o_min :=, "Minute", group=g_openranges, inline="7", minval = 0, maxval = 59) settings.openrange_c_hour :=, "โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡Close Hour", group=g_openranges, inline="8", minval = 1, maxval = 24) settings.openrange_c_min :=, "Minute", group=g_openranges, inline="8", minval = 0, maxval = 59) settings.openrange_extend := input.bool(false, "Extend Zone", group=g_openranges, inline = "8.5") settings.show_openrangegap := input.bool(false, "Open Rangeโ€‡โ€‡โ€‡", group=g_openranges, inline="9") settings.openrangegap_background := input.color(, 90), "", group=g_openranges, inline = "9") settings.openrangegap_border := input.color(, 0), "", group=g_openranges, inline = "9") settings.openrangegap_size :=, "", options = [1,2,3,4], group=g_openranges, inline = "9") settings.openrangegap_style := input.string('ยทยทยทยท', '', options = ['โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ', '----', 'ยทยทยทยท'], group=g_openranges, inline='9') settings.openrangegap_o_hour :=, "โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡Open Hour", group=g_openranges, inline="10", minval = 1, maxval = 24) settings.openrangegap_o_min :=, "Minute", group=g_openranges, inline="10", minval = 0, maxval = 59) settings.openrangegap_c_hour :=, "โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡Close Hour", group=g_openranges, inline="10", minval = 1, maxval = 24) settings.openrangegap_c_min :=, "Minute", group=g_openranges, inline="10", minval = 0, maxval = 59) settings.openrangegap_extend := input.bool(false, "Extend Zone", group=g_openranges) settings.show_MN := input.bool(true, "Midnight Open", inline='1', group=g_timeofday) settings.o_MN_color := input.color(, 0), "", inline='1', group=g_timeofday) settings.o_MN_style := input.string('ยทยทยทยท', '', options = ['โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ', '----', 'ยทยทยทยท'], inline='1', group=g_timeofday) settings.o_MN_size :=, '', options = [1,2,3,4], inline='1', group=g_timeofday) settings.show_830 := input.bool(true, "8:30 Openโ€‡โ€‡โ€‡", inline='2', group=g_timeofday) settings.o_830_color := input.color(, 0), "", inline='2', group=g_timeofday) settings.o_830_style := input.string('ยทยทยทยท', '', options = ['โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ', '----', 'ยทยทยทยท'], inline='2', group=g_timeofday) settings.o_830_size :=, '', options = [1,2,3,4], inline='2', group=g_timeofday) settings.show_930 := input.bool(true, "9:30 Openโ€‡โ€‡โ€‡", inline='3', group=g_timeofday) settings.o_930_color := input.color(, 0), "", inline='3', group=g_timeofday) settings.o_930_style := input.string('ยทยทยทยท', '', options = ['โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ', '----', 'ยทยทยทยท'], inline='3', group=g_timeofday) settings.o_930_size :=, '', options = [1,2,3,4], inline='3', group=g_timeofday) settings.show_TOD_thick := input.bool(true, "Show thick end", group=g_timeofday) settings.show_DC := input.bool(true, "Daily Midnight Candle", group=g_DC, inline="1") settings.DC_bullish := input.color(, 0), "", inline='1', group=g_DC) settings.DC_bearish := input.color(, 0), "", inline='1', group=g_DC) settings.DC_wick := input.color(, 0), "", inline='1', group=g_DC) settings.DC_count :=, "Maximum number of days", group=g_DC, minval = 1) settings.DC_buffer :=, "Padding from current candle", group=g_DC, minval = 1) settings.DC_spacing :=, "Spacing between candles", group=g_DC, minval = 1) settings.DC_ignore_saturday := input.bool(true, "Ignore Saturday", group=g_DC) settings.DC_ignore_sunday := input.bool(true, "Ignore Sunday", group=g_DC) settings.ADR_show := input.bool(true, "Average Daily Range", group=g_ADR, inline = "1", tooltip="Project possible range to the top and bottom based on the average ADR.") settings.ADR_bullish := input.color(, 10), "", group = g_ADR, inline="1") settings.ADR_bearish := input.color(, 10), "", group = g_ADR, inline="1") settings.ADR_Trace := input.bool(true, "Trace Lines", group=g_ADR, inline="2") settings.ADR_Trace_color := input.color(, 10), "", group = g_ADR, inline="2") settings.ADR_Trace_style := input.string('ยทยทยทยท', '', options = ['โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ', '----', 'ยทยทยทยท'], inline='2', group=g_ADR) settings.ADR_Trace_size :=, '', options = [1,2,3,4], inline='2', group=g_ADR) settings.ADR_Trace_Label := input.bool(true, "Labelsโ€‡โ€‡โ€‡โ€‡", group=g_ADR, inline="3") settings.ADR_Trace_Label_color := input.color(, 10), "", group = g_ADR, inline="3") settings.ADR_Trace_Label_bgcolor := input.color(, 100), "", group = g_ADR, inline="3") settings.ADR_Trace_Label_size := input.string(size.small, "", [size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge], group = g_ADR, inline="3") settings.ADR_Trace_Third := input.bool(true, "Mark Midnight 30% ADR Level", group=g_ADR) settings.ADR_buffer :=, "Offset from current candle", minval=1, maxval=50, group = g_ADR) //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- Create time map for the Zones. The end result is in time(0000-0000) ---+// //+--- current time falls in that interval ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// tAsia = time("1", str.tostring(settings.asia_o_hour, "00")+str.tostring(settings.asia_o_min, "00") + "-" + str.tostring(settings.asia_c_hour, "00")+str.tostring(settings.asia_c_min, "00"), "America/New_York") tLondon = time("1", str.tostring(settings.london_o_hour, "00")+str.tostring(settings.london_o_min, "00") + "-" + str.tostring(settings.london_c_hour, "00")+str.tostring(settings.london_c_min, "00"), "America/New_York") tNY = time("1", str.tostring(settings.ny_o_hour, "00")+str.tostring(settings.ny_o_min, "00") + "-" + str.tostring(settings.ny_c_hour, "00")+str.tostring(settings.ny_c_min, "00"), "America/New_York") tOpenRange = time("1", str.tostring(settings.openrange_o_hour, "00")+str.tostring(settings.openrange_o_min, "00") + "-" + str.tostring(settings.openrange_c_hour, "00")+str.tostring(settings.openrange_c_min, "00"), "America/New_York") tOpenRangeGap = time("1", str.tostring(settings.openrangegap_o_hour, "00")+str.tostring(settings.openrangegap_o_min, "00") + "-" + str.tostring(settings.openrangegap_c_hour, "00")+str.tostring(settings.openrangegap_c_min, "00"), "America/New_York") color color_transparent = #ffffff00 //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- Global functions ---+// //+--- I need to convert these into Helper type but little lazy so will do it later ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// f_get_line_style(style) => out = switch style 'โŽฏโŽฏโŽฏ' => line.style_solid '----' => line.style_dashed 'ยทยทยทยท' => line.style_dotted f_get_dayofweek(index) => switch index 1 => "Sunday" 2 => "Monday" 3 => "Tuesday" 4 => "Wednesday" 5 => "Thursday" 6 => "Friday" 7 => "Saturday" na(index) => "" //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- f_get_day_offset ---+// // This function calculates the length of the day taking into account Weekends ---+// // This is mainly for Futures, I may need to come back and fix for forex and crypto ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// f_get_day_offset(index) => bar_length = time-time[1] switch index 1 => 10800000 / bar_length 6 => 32400000 / bar_length => 43200000 / bar_length f_Validtimeframe() => n1 = timeframe.in_seconds() n2 = timeframe.in_seconds(settings.hide_TF) n1 <= n2 //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- Main Methods ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- OHLC related methods ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// method new(ohlc[] OHLC) => ohlc newDay = newDay.o := open newDay.h := high newDay.l := low newDay.c := close newDay.o_time := time newDay.o_idx := bar_index newDay.h_time := time newDay.l_time := time newDay.c_time := time newDay.o_MN := open newDay.o_MN_time := time newDay.o_830_time := time+30600000 newDay.o_930_time := time+34200000 newDay.dow := f_get_dayofweek(dayofweek(time, "America/New_York")) newDay.dow_index := dayofweek(time, "America/New_York") OHLC.unshift(newDay) if OHLC.size() > settings.max_days for i = OHLC.size()-1 to settings.max_days ohlc del = OHLC.get(i) line.delete(del.o_line) line.delete(del.h_line) line.delete(del.l_line) line.delete(del.c_line) line.delete(del.s_line) line.delete(del.o_MN_line) line.delete(del.o_MN_thick) line.delete(del.o_830_line) line.delete(del.o_830_thick) line.delete(del.o_930_line) line.delete(del.o_930_thick) if OHLC.size() > 100 OHLC.pop() if OHLC.size() > 1 ohlc prev = OHLC.get(1) line.delete(prev.o_MN_thick) line.delete(prev.o_830_thick) line.delete(prev.o_930_thick) line.set_x2(prev.o_MN_line, prev.c_time + (time-time[1])) line.set_x2(prev.o_830_line, prev.c_time + (time-time[1])) line.set_x2(prev.o_930_line, prev.c_time + (time-time[1])) prev.c_time := time OHLC method update(ohlc[] OHLC) => if OHLC.size() > 0 ohlc last = OHLC.first() if high > last.h last.h := high last.h_time := time if low < last.l last.l := low last.l_time := time last.c := close last.c_time := time if time == last.o_830_time last.o_830 := open if time == last.o_930_time last.o_930 := open OHLC method drawADRRange(ohlc[] OHLC) => if settings.ADR_show if OHLC.size() > 7 float r = 0 float part = 0 for i = 1 to 7 d = OHLC.get(i) if d.dow != "Saturday" and d.dow != "Sunday" r += d.h - d.l r := r / 5 part := r*0.3 current = OHLC.first() idx = bar_index + settings.ADR_buffer idxb = idx+6 if na(projection.body_high) projection.body_high :=, current.l+r, idx+1, current.l, border_color = color_transparent, bgcolor=settings.ADR_bullish) if settings.ADR_Trace if settings.ADR_Trace_Third projection.high_third :=, current.o+part, idxb, current.o+part, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, settings.ADR_Trace_color, f_get_line_style(settings.ADR_Trace_style), settings.ADR_Trace_size) projection.max :=, current.l+r, idxb, current.o-part, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, settings.ADR_Trace_color, f_get_line_style(settings.ADR_Trace_style), settings.ADR_Trace_size) if settings.ADR_Trace_Label if settings.ADR_Trace_Third projection.high_third_label :=, current.o+part, "+0.3 ADR", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, settings.ADR_Trace_Label_bgcolor, label.style_label_left, settings.ADR_Trace_Label_color, settings.ADR_Trace_Label_size) projection.max_label :=, current.l+r, "+ADR", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, settings.ADR_Trace_Label_bgcolor, label.style_label_left, settings.ADR_Trace_Label_color, settings.ADR_Trace_Label_size) else if current.l+r > current.h box.set_lefttop(projection.body_high, idx, current.l+r) box.set_rightbottom(projection.body_high, idx+1, current.l) line.set_xy1(projection.max, current.o_idx, current.l+r) line.set_xy2(projection.max, idxb, current.l+r) label.set_xy(projection.high_third_label, idxb, current.l+r) label.set_xy(projection.max_label, idxb, current.l+r) else box.set_lefttop(projection.body_high, idx, box.get_top(projection.body_low)) box.set_rightbottom(projection.body_high, idx+1, box.get_bottom(projection.body_low)) line.set_xy1(projection.max, current.o_idx, box.get_top(projection.body_low)) line.set_xy2(projection.max, idxb, box.get_top(projection.body_low)) label.set_xy(projection.max_label, idxb, box.get_top(projection.body_low)) if settings.ADR_Trace line.set_xy1(projection.high_third, current.o_idx, current.o+part) line.set_xy2(projection.high_third, idxb, current.o+part) label.set_xy(projection.high_third_label, idxb, current.o+part) if na(projection.body_low) projection.body_low :=, current.h, idx+3, current.h-r, border_color = color_transparent, bgcolor=settings.ADR_bearish) if settings.ADR_Trace if settings.ADR_Trace_Third projection.low_third :=, current.o-part, idxb, current.o-part, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, settings.ADR_Trace_color, f_get_line_style(settings.ADR_Trace_style), settings.ADR_Trace_size) projection.min :=, current.h-r, idxb, current.o-part, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, settings.ADR_Trace_color, f_get_line_style(settings.ADR_Trace_style), settings.ADR_Trace_size) if settings.ADR_Trace_Label if settings.ADR_Trace_Third projection.low_third_label :=, current.o-part, "-0.3 ADR", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, settings.ADR_Trace_Label_bgcolor, label.style_label_left, settings.ADR_Trace_Label_color, settings.ADR_Trace_Label_size) projection.min_label :=, current.h-r, "-ADR", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, settings.ADR_Trace_Label_bgcolor, label.style_label_left, settings.ADR_Trace_Label_color, settings.ADR_Trace_Label_size) else if current.h-r < current.l box.set_lefttop(projection.body_low, idx+2, current.h) box.set_rightbottom(projection.body_low, idx+3, current.h-r) line.set_xy1(projection.min, current.o_idx, current.h-r) line.set_xy2(projection.min, idxb, current.h-r) label.set_xy(projection.min_label, idxb, current.h-r) else box.set_lefttop(projection.body_low, idx+2, box.get_top(projection.body_high)) box.set_rightbottom(projection.body_low, idx+3, box.get_bottom(projection.body_high)) line.set_xy1(projection.min, current.o_idx, box.get_bottom(projection.body_high)) line.set_xy2(projection.min, idxb, box.get_bottom(projection.body_high)) label.set_xy(projection.min_label, idxb, box.get_bottom(projection.body_high)) if settings.ADR_Trace line.set_xy1(projection.low_third, current.o_idx, current.o-part) line.set_xy2(projection.low_third, idxb, current.o-part) label.set_xy(projection.low_third_label, idxb, current.o-part) OHLC //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- New Day related methods ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// method newDC(Candle[] DC) => dow = f_get_dayofweek(dayofweek(time, "America/New_York")) Candle candle = candle.o := open candle.c := close candle.h := high candle.l := low candle.dow := str.substring(dow, 0, 1) DC.unshift(candle) if DC.size() > settings.DC_count Candle c = DC.pop() box.delete(c.body) line.delete(c.wick_top) line.delete(c.wick_bottom) label.delete(c.lbl) DC method updateDC(Candle[] DC) => if DC.size() > 0 Candle candle = DC.first() if high > candle.h candle.h := high if low < candle.l candle.l := low candle.c := close DC // Draw the daily candle method drawDC(Candle[] DC) => int count = DC.size() if count > 0 for i = 0 to count-1 Candle candle = DC.get(i) int position = bar_index+settings.DC_buffer +((count-i)*(settings.DC_spacing+2)) if settings.show_DC if na(candle.body) candle.body :=, candle.o > candle.c ? candle.o : candle.c, position+2, candle.o > candle.c ? candle.c : candle.o, settings.DC_wick, 1, line.style_solid, extend.none, xloc.bar_index, candle.c > candle.o ? settings.DC_bullish : settings.DC_bearish) else box.set_lefttop(candle.body, position, candle.o > candle.c ? candle.o : candle.c) box.set_rightbottom(candle.body, position+2, candle.o > candle.c ? candle.c : candle.o) box.set_bgcolor(candle.body, candle.c > candle.o ? settings.DC_bullish : settings.DC_bearish) if na(candle.wick_top) candle.wick_top :=, candle.h, position+1, candle.o > candle.c ? candle.o : candle.c, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, settings.DC_wick) else line.set_xy1(candle.wick_top, position+1, candle.h) line.set_xy2(candle.wick_top, position+1, candle.o > candle.c ? candle.o : candle.c) if na(candle.wick_bottom) candle.wick_bottom :=, candle.l, position+1, candle.o > candle.c ? candle.c : candle.o, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, settings.DC_wick) else line.set_xy1(candle.wick_bottom, position+1, candle.l) line.set_xy2(candle.wick_bottom, position+1, candle.o > candle.c ? candle.c : candle.o) if na(candle.lbl) candle.lbl :=, candle.h, candle.dow, textcolor=settings.DC_wick, color=color_transparent, style= label.style_label_down ) else label.set_xy(candle.lbl, position+1, candle.h) DC //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- Get Current Day ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// method current(ohlc[] OHLC) => OHLC.size() > 0 ? OHLC.get(0) : na //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- Create Session Seperator ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// method session_seperator(ohlc[] OHLC) => if OHLC.size() > 0 and settings.show_session ohlc step = OHLC.get(0) if na(step.s_line) step.s_line :=, step.o, step.o_time, step.o+1, xloc=xloc.bar_time, extend = extend.both, color=settings.s_color, style=f_get_line_style(settings.s_style), width = settings.s_size) method session_levels(ohlc[] OHLC) => if OHLC.size() > 0 ohlc step = OHLC.get(0) // We use time not bar_index because on lower timeframes, we may get too extended out and it errors // the way to calculate the time of each candle is to get the difference between two candles. this // resolves the issue with multi timeframe calculation. int candletime = (time-time[1]) if settings.show_MN step.o_line if settings.show_MN and not na(step.o_MN) if na(step.o_MN_line) step.o_MN_line :=, step.o_MN, time + (candletime*5), step.o_MN, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=settings.o_MN_color, style=f_get_line_style(settings.o_MN_style), width = settings.o_MN_size) if settings.show_TOD_thick step.o_MN_thick := + (candletime*5), step.o_MN, time + (candletime*10), step.o_MN, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=settings.o_MN_color, style=line.style_solid, width = 4) else line.set_x2(step.o_MN_line, time + (candletime*5)) if settings.show_TOD_thick line.set_x1(step.o_MN_thick, time + (candletime*5)) line.set_x2(step.o_MN_thick, time + (candletime*10)) if settings.show_830 and not na(step.o_830) if na(step.o_830_line) step.o_830_line :=, step.o_830, time + (candletime*5), step.o_830, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=settings.o_830_color, style=f_get_line_style(settings.o_830_style), width = settings.o_830_size) if settings.show_TOD_thick step.o_830_thick := + (candletime*5), step.o_830, time + (candletime*10), step.o_830, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=settings.o_830_color, style=line.style_solid, width = 4) else line.set_x2(step.o_830_line, time + (candletime*5)) if settings.show_TOD_thick line.set_x1(step.o_830_thick, time + (candletime*5)) line.set_x2(step.o_830_thick, time + (candletime*10)) if settings.show_930 and not na(step.o_930) if na(step.o_930_line) step.o_930_line :=, step.o_930, time + (candletime*5), step.o_930, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=settings.o_930_color, style=f_get_line_style(settings.o_930_style), width = settings.o_930_size) if settings.show_TOD_thick step.o_930_thick := + (candletime*5), step.o_930, time + (candletime*10), step.o_930, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=settings.o_930_color, style=line.style_solid, width = 4) else line.set_x2(step.o_930_line, time + (candletime*5)) if settings.show_TOD_thick line.set_x1(step.o_930_thick, time + (candletime*5)) line.set_x2(step.o_930_thick, time + (candletime*10)) OHLC //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- Zone related methods ---+// //+-- reused for the opening ranges ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// method start(Zone[] KZ) => Zone newZone = newZone.o := open newZone.h := high newZone.l := low newZone.c := close newZone.o_time := time newZone.h_time := time newZone.l_time := time newZone.c_time := time KZ.unshift(newZone) KZ method update(Zone[] KZ) => if KZ.size() > 0 Zone last = KZ.get(0) if high > last.h last.h := high last.h_time := time if low < last.l last.l := low last.l_time := time last.c := close last.c_time := time KZ method startGap(Zone[] KZ) => Zone newZone = newZone.o := open newZone.h := high newZone.l := low newZone.c := close newZone.o_time := time newZone.h_time := time newZone.l_time := time newZone.c_time := time KZ.unshift(newZone) KZ method closeGap(Zone[] KZ) => if KZ.size() > 0 Zone last = KZ.get(0) last.c := open last.c_time := time KZ method display(Zone[] KZ, int session) => var bool show = false var string style = na var int width = na var color bgcolor = na var color bcolor = na var bool extend = false if KZ.size() > 0 Zone step = KZ.first() switch session 1 => show := settings.show_asia width := settings.asia_border_size style := settings.asia_border_style bgcolor := settings.asia_background bcolor := settings.asia_border 2 => show := settings.show_london width := settings.london_border_size style := settings.london_border_style bgcolor := settings.london_background bcolor := settings.london_border 3 => show := settings.show_ny width := settings.ny_border_size style := settings.ny_border_style bgcolor := settings.ny_background bcolor := settings.ny_border 4 => show := settings.show_openrange width := settings.openrange_size style := settings.openrange_style bgcolor := settings.openrange_background bcolor := settings.openrange_border extend := settings.openrange_extend 5 => show := settings.show_openrangegap width := settings.openrangegap_size style := settings.openrangegap_style bgcolor := settings.openrangegap_background bcolor := settings.openrangegap_border extend := settings.openrangegap_extend if show and session < 5 if na(step.b) step.b :=, step.h, step.c_time, step.l, bcolor, width, f_get_line_style(style), extend.none, xloc.bar_time, bgcolor) else box.set_top(step.b, step.h) box.set_bottom(step.b, step.l) if extend box.set_right(step.b, time+(time-time[1])) else box.set_right(step.b, step.c_time) if show and session == 5 and step.o_time != step.c_time if na(step.b) step.b :=, step.c, step.c_time, step.o, bcolor, width, f_get_line_style(style), extend.none, xloc.bar_time, bgcolor) else box.set_top(step.b, step.c) box.set_right(step.b, step.c_time) if extend box.set_right(step.b, time+(time-time[1])) else box.set_right(step.b, step.c_time) KZ //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- Main logic that starts the process ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// // Did we start a new day? (Midnight) newDay = dayofweek(time, "America/New_York") != dayofweek(time-(time-time[1]), "America/New_York") // Do we have a valid timeframe? i.e. still under X timeframe valid = f_Validtimeframe() dow = f_get_dayofweek(dayofweek(time, "America/New_York")) if valid // If new day, start calculating new day metrics and drae seperators if enabled if newDay if (dow == "Saturday" and not settings.DC_ignore_saturday) or (dow == "Sunday" and not settings.DC_ignore_sunday) or (dow != "Saturday" and dow != "Sunday") DC.newDC() // If in Killzones // Asia is special because it starts before the day starts. So when we have // new asia session, we clear previous london and NY since they belong to // previous day if tLondon if not tLondon[1] london.start() if london.size() > settings.max_days l = london.pop() box.delete(l.b) london.update().display(2) if tNY if not tNY[1] ny.start() if ny.size() > settings.max_days n = ny.pop() box.delete(n.b) ny.update().display(3) if tAsia if not tAsia[1] asia.start() if asia.size() > settings.max_days Zone a = asia.pop() box.delete(a.b) asia.update().display(1) if tOpenRange if not tOpenRange[1] openrange.start() if openrange.size() > settings.max_days opr = openrange.pop() box.delete(opr.b) openrange.update() openrange.display(4) if tOpenRangeGap and not tOpenRangeGap[1] openrangegap.startGap() if tOpenRangeGap[1] and not tOpenRangeGap openrangegap.closeGap() if openrangegap.size() > settings.max_days oprg = openrangegap.pop() box.delete(oprg.b) openrangegap.display(5) OHLC.update().drawADRRange().session_levels() if (dow == "Saturday" and not settings.DC_ignore_saturday) or (dow == "Sunday" and not settings.DC_ignore_sunday) or (dow != "Saturday" and dow != "Sunday") DC.updateDC() DC.drawDC() //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// //+--- Weekdays. i wish there was better way of doing this ---+// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+// current = OHLC.current() day = na(current) ? "" : current.dow plotshape(settings.show_dayofweek ? newDay and day == "Monday" and valid : false, offset=na(current) ? 0 : f_get_day_offset(2)-1, style=shape.diamond, text="MON", color=color_transparent, location = location.bottom, textcolor=settings.dayofweek_color, plotshape(settings.show_dayofweek ? newDay and day == "Tuesday" and valid : false, offset=na(current) ? 0 : f_get_day_offset(3)-1, style=shape.diamond, text="TUE", color=color_transparent, location = location.bottom, textcolor=settings.dayofweek_color, plotshape(settings.show_dayofweek ? newDay and day == "Wednesday" and valid : false, offset=na(current) ? 0 : f_get_day_offset(4)-1, style=shape.diamond, text="WED", color=color_transparent, location = location.bottom, textcolor=settings.dayofweek_color, plotshape(settings.show_dayofweek ? newDay and day == "Thursday" and valid : false, offset=na(current) ? 0 : f_get_day_offset(5)-1, style=shape.diamond, text="THU", color=color_transparent, location = location.bottom, textcolor=settings.dayofweek_color, plotshape(settings.show_dayofweek ? newDay and day == "Friday" and valid : false, offset=na(current) ? 0 : f_get_day_offset(6)-1, style=shape.diamond, text="FRI", color=color_transparent, location = location.bottom, textcolor=settings.dayofweek_color, plotshape(settings.show_dayofweek ? newDay and day == "saturday" and valid : false, offset=na(current) ? 0 : f_get_day_offset(7), style=shape.diamond, text="SAT", color=color_transparent, location = location.bottom, textcolor=settings.dayofweek_color, plotshape(settings.show_dayofweek ? newDay and day == "Sunday" and valid : false, offset=na(current) ? 0 : f_get_day_offset(1), style=shape.diamond, text="SUN", color=color_transparent, location = location.bottom, textcolor=settings.dayofweek_color,
Concentration of CAA Totalized (CCAAT)
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ More-Than-Enough //@version=5 indicator("Concentration of CAA Totalized", "CCAAT") float KPAM = 0.0 float CCI = ta.cci(hlc3, 20) * 0.01 float RSI = ta.rsi(close, 14) Rsi = RSI * 0.1 - 5 float Stoch = ta.sma(ta.stoch(close, high, low, 14) * 0.1 - 5, 1) float Stoch_RSI = ta.sma(ta.stoch(Rsi, Rsi, Rsi, 14) * 0.1 - 5, 3) if Stoch_RSI >= 0 and Stoch >= 0 and Stoch_RSI >= Stoch KPAM := Stoch_RSI - ((Stoch_RSI - Stoch) / 2) if Stoch_RSI >= 0 and Stoch >= 0 and Stoch_RSI < Stoch KPAM := Stoch_RSI + ((Stoch - Stoch_RSI) / 2) if Stoch_RSI < 0 and Stoch < 0 and Stoch_RSI >= Stoch KPAM := Stoch_RSI + ((Stoch - Stoch_RSI) / 2) if Stoch_RSI < 0 and Stoch < 0 and Stoch_RSI < Stoch KPAM := Stoch_RSI - ((Stoch_RSI - Stoch) / 2) if Stoch_RSI >= 0 and Stoch < 0 KPAM := Stoch_RSI - ((Stoch_RSI - Stoch) / 2) if Stoch_RSI < 0 and Stoch >= 0 KPAM := Stoch_RSI + ((Stoch - Stoch_RSI) / 2) ///////////////// ///// Reach ///// ///////////////// Reach_Level = 0 if KPAM >= 0 and KPAM < 1 Reach_Level := 1 if KPAM >= 1 and KPAM < 2 Reach_Level := 2 if KPAM >= 2 and KPAM < 3 Reach_Level := 3 if KPAM >= 3 and KPAM < 4 Reach_Level := 4 if KPAM >= 4 Reach_Level := 5 if KPAM < 0 and KPAM > -1 Reach_Level := -1 if KPAM <= -1 and KPAM > -2 Reach_Level := -2 if KPAM <= -2 and KPAM > -3 Reach_Level := -3 if KPAM <= -3 and KPAM > -4 Reach_Level := -4 if KPAM <= -4 Reach_Level := -5 ////////////////// ///// Energy ///// ////////////////// Energy_Level = 0 if CCI >= 0 and CCI < 1 Energy_Level := 1 if CCI >= 1 and CCI < 2 Energy_Level := 2 if CCI >= 2 and CCI < 3 Energy_Level := 3 if CCI >= 3 and CCI < 4 Energy_Level := 4 if CCI >= 4 Energy_Level := 5 if CCI < 0 and CCI > -1 Energy_Level := -1 if CCI <= -1 and CCI > -2 Energy_Level := -2 if CCI <= -2 and CCI > -3 Energy_Level := -3 if CCI <= -3 and CCI > -4 Energy_Level := -4 if CCI <= -4 Energy_Level := -5 ///////////////// ///// Basis ///// ///////////////// Basis_Level = 0 if RSI >= 50 and RSI < 55 Basis_Level := 1 if RSI >= 55 and RSI < 60 Basis_Level := 2 if RSI >= 60 and RSI < 65 Basis_Level := 3 if RSI >= 65 and RSI < 70 Basis_Level := 4 if RSI >= 70 Basis_Level := 5 if RSI < 50 and RSI > 45 Basis_Level := -1 if RSI <= 45 and RSI > 40 Basis_Level := -2 if RSI <= 40 and RSI > 35 Basis_Level := -3 if RSI <= 35 and RSI > 30 Basis_Level := -4 if RSI <= 30 Basis_Level := -5 ///////////////////////////////// ///// Total & Concentration ///// ///////////////////////////////// Extra_Sensitive = input.bool(false, "Extra Sensitive") Sensitivity = 10 if Extra_Sensitive Sensitivity := 9 Total = Reach_Level + Energy_Level + Basis_Level color Total_Color = color.rgb(178, 235, 242) if (Total >= 5 and Total < Sensitivity) or (Total <= -5 and Total > (Sensitivity * -1)) Total_Color := color.rgb(38, 198, 218) if (Total >= Sensitivity and Total < 12) or (Total <= (Sensitivity * -1) and Total > -12) Total_Color := color.rgb(255, 249, 196) if Total >= 12 or Total <= -12 Total_Color := Length = input(20, "Length") Inner_Deviation = input.float(2.0, "Inner", step = 0.1) Outer_Deviation = input.float(3.0, "Outer", step = 0.1) Deviation_Base = ta.stdev(Total, Length) T_Line = 0 + (Deviation_Base * Outer_Deviation) H_Line = 0 + (Deviation_Base * Inner_Deviation) L_Line = 0 - (Deviation_Base * Inner_Deviation) B_Line = 0 - (Deviation_Base * Outer_Deviation) ///////////////// ///// Plots ///// ///////////////// plot(Total, "Total", Total_Color, 2, plot.style_columns) plot(T_Line, "Top",, 2) plot(H_Line, "High",, 2) plot(L_Line, "Low",, 2, display = display.all - display.status_line) plot(B_Line, "Bottom",, 2, display = display.all - display.status_line) hline( 15, "Lv 3",, 65), hline.style_dotted) hline( 10, "Lv 2",, 50), hline.style_dotted) hline( 5, "Lv 1",, 30), hline.style_dotted) hline( 0, "0", , 70), hline.style_solid, display = display.none) hline( -5, "Lv -1",, 30), hline.style_dotted) hline(-10, "Lv -2",, 50), hline.style_dotted) hline(-15, "Lv -3",, 65), hline.style_dotted)
RSI Supreme Multi-Method [JacobMagleby]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ JacobMagleby //@version=5 indicator(title = "RSI Supreme Multi-Method", overlay = false) // { <CONSTANTS> RSI_GROUP = "RSI Settings" VOLATILITY_GROUP = "Volatility Method Settings" SESSION_GROUP = "Session Method Settings" SMOOTHED_GROUP = "Smoothed Method Settings" DIVERGENCE_GROUP = "Divergence Settings" TRANSPARENT =, 100) // } <CONSTANTS> // { <INPUTS> rsiLength = title = "RSI Length", defval = 14, group = RSI_GROUP) rsiSrc = input.source( title = "RSI Source", defval = close, group = RSI_GROUP) rsiOB = input.float( title = "Overbought Value", defval = 70, group = RSI_GROUP) rsiOS = input.float( title = "Oversold Value", defval = 30, group = RSI_GROUP) rsiMethod = input.string( title = "RSI Type", defval = "Standard", options = ["Standard", "Volatility Manipulated", "Session Manipulated", "Smoothed"], group = RSI_GROUP) volatilityLen = title = "Length", defval = 50, group = VOLATILITY_GROUP) smoothedLength = title = "Length", defval = 5, group = SMOOTHED_GROUP) session1E = input.bool( title = "", defval = true, group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session1") session1 = input.session( title = "", defval = "0000-0759", group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session1") session1Mult = input.float( title = "Mult %", defval = 100, group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session1") session2E = input.bool( title = "", defval = true, group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session2") session2 = input.session( title = "", defval = "0800-1559", group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session2") session2Mult = input.float( title = "Mult %", defval = 100, group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session2") session3E = input.bool( title = "", defval = true, group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session3") session3 = input.session( title = "", defval = "1559-2359", group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session3") session3Mult = input.float( title = "Mult %", defval = 100, group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session3") session4E = input.bool( title = "", defval = false, group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session4") session4 = input.session( title = "", defval = "0000-0900", group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session4") session4Mult = input.float( title = "Mult %", defval = 100, group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session4") session5E = input.bool( title = "", defval = false, group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session5") session5 = input.session( title = "", defval = "0000-0900", group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session5") session5Mult = input.float( title = "Mult %", defval = 100, group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session5") session6E = input.bool( title = "", defval = false, group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session6") session6 = input.session( title = "", defval = "0000-0900", group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session6") session6Mult = input.float( title = "Mult %", defval = 100, group = SESSION_GROUP, inline = "session6") showDivs = input.bool( title = "Show Divergences", defval = true, group = DIVERGENCE_GROUP) pivotSens = title = "Sensitivity", defval = 5, group = DIVERGENCE_GROUP) divWidth = title = "Width", defval = 2, group = DIVERGENCE_GROUP) bullColor = input.color( title = "", defval =, group = DIVERGENCE_GROUP, inline = "div") bearColor = input.color( title = "", defval =, group = DIVERGENCE_GROUP, inline = "div") // } <INPUTS> // { <CALCULATIONS> vol = ta.stdev(close / close[1], volatilityLen, true) vol_percentile = 100 - ta.percentrank(vol, volatilityLen) var volumeArray = array.new_float() if barstate.isconfirmed if array.size(volumeArray) > 1000 array.shift(volumeArray) array.push(volumeArray, volume) maxVolume = array.max(volumeArray) minVolume = array.min(volumeArray) diff = maxVolume - minVolume offMin = volume - minVolume ratio = offMin / diff + 0.5 time1 = not na(time(timeframe.period, session1)) time2 = not na(time(timeframe.period, session2)) time3 = not na(time(timeframe.period, session3)) time4 = not na(time(timeframe.period, session4)) time5 = not na(time(timeframe.period, session5)) time6 = not na(time(timeframe.period, session6)) srcToUse = rsiMethod == "Standard" ? rsiSrc : rsiMethod == "Volatility Manipulated" ? rsiSrc * (vol_percentile / 100) : rsiMethod == "Session Manipulated" ? (time1 and session1E ? rsiSrc * (session1Mult / 100) : time2 and session2E ? rsiSrc * (session2Mult / 100) : time3 and session3E ? rsiSrc * (session3Mult / 100) : time4 and session4E ? rsiSrc * (session4Mult / 100) : time5 and session5E ? rsiSrc * (session5Mult / 100) : time6 and session6E ? rsiSrc * (session6Mult / 100) : na) : rsiSrc baseRsiValue = ta.rsi(srcToUse, rsiLength) prevRsiValue = baseRsiValue[1] smoothedRsi = ta.ema(baseRsiValue, smoothedLength) baseRsiValue := rsiMethod == "Smoothed" ? smoothedRsi : baseRsiValue startOverSold = ta.crossunder(baseRsiValue, rsiOS) startOverBought = ta.crossover(baseRsiValue, rsiOB) overSold = baseRsiValue < rsiOS overBought = baseRsiValue > rsiOB unOverBought = baseRsiValue < rsiOB and baseRsiValue[1] >= rsiOB unOverSold = baseRsiValue > rsiOS and baseRsiValue[1] <= rsiOS pHigh = ta.pivothigh(baseRsiValue, pivotSens, pivotSens) pLow = ta.pivotlow(baseRsiValue, pivotSens, pivotSens) lastPHigh = ta.valuewhen(not na(pHigh), pHigh, 1) lastPLow = ta.valuewhen(not na(pLow), pLow, 1) lastPHighP = ta.valuewhen(not na(pHigh), high[pivotSens], 1) lastPLowP = ta.valuewhen(not na(pLow), low[pivotSens], 1) lastPHighO = ta.valuewhen(not na(pHigh), baseRsiValue[pivotSens], 1) lastPLowO = ta.valuewhen(not na(pLow), baseRsiValue[pivotSens], 1) lastPHighI = ta.valuewhen(not na(pHigh), bar_index[pivotSens], 1) lastPLowI = ta.valuewhen(not na(pLow), bar_index[pivotSens], 1) nBearDiv = pHigh < lastPHigh and high[pivotSens] > lastPHighP nBullDiv = pLow > lastPLow and low[pivotSens] < lastPLowP // } <CALCULATIONS> // { <VISUALS> topTopValue = rsiOB + 12 topBotValue = rsiOB botTopValue = rsiOS botBotValue = rsiOS - 12 hline(50, "mid", color.gray, hline.style_dashed, 1) base = plot(baseRsiValue, "RSI", baseRsiValue > prevRsiValue ? :, 1, plot.style_line, false, 0.0, 0, false, true) trace = plot(prevRsiValue, "Prev RSI", TRANSPARENT, 2, plot.style_line, false, 0.0, 0, false, true) fill(base, trace, top_value = baseRsiValue > prevRsiValue ? baseRsiValue : prevRsiValue, bottom_value = baseRsiValue > prevRsiValue ? prevRsiValue : baseRsiValue, top_color = baseRsiValue > prevRsiValue ? : TRANSPARENT, bottom_color = baseRsiValue > prevRsiValue ? TRANSPARENT : t1 = plot(topBotValue, "top1", TRANSPARENT, 1, plot.style_line) t2 = plot(topTopValue, "top2", TRANSPARENT, 1, plot.style_line) b1 = plot(botTopValue, "bot1", TRANSPARENT, 1, plot.style_line) b2 = plot(botBotValue, "bot2", TRANSPARENT, 1, plot.style_line) fill(t1, t2, top_value = topTopValue, bottom_value = topBotValue, top_color =, 30), bottom_color =, 100)) fill(b1, b2, top_value = botTopValue, bottom_value = botBotValue, top_color =, 100), bottom_color =, 30)) plotshape( series = startOverBought ? rsiOB + 15 : na, title = "Start Overbought", style = shape.cross, location = location.absolute, color =, size = size.tiny) plotshape( series = overBought and overBought[1] ? rsiOB + 15 : na, title = "Overbought", style = shape.cross, location = location.absolute, color =, size = size.tiny) plotshape( series = startOverSold ? rsiOS - 15 : na, title = "Start Oversold", style = shape.cross, location = location.absolute, color =, size = size.tiny) plotshape( series = overSold and overSold[1] ? rsiOS - 15 : na, title = "Oversold", style = shape.cross, location = location.absolute, color =, size = size.tiny) plotshape( series = unOverBought ? rsiOB + 15 : na, title = "Un-Overbought", style = shape.cross, location = location.absolute, color =, size = size.tiny) plotshape( series = unOverSold ? rsiOS - 15 : na, title = "Un-Oversold", style = shape.cross, location = location.absolute, color =, size = size.tiny) if barstate.isconfirmed and showDivs if nBearDiv x1 = bar_index[pivotSens], y1 = baseRsiValue[pivotSens], x2 = lastPHighI, y2 = lastPHighO, xloc = xloc.bar_index, color = bearColor, width = divWidth) if nBullDiv x1 = bar_index[pivotSens], y1 = baseRsiValue[pivotSens], x2 = lastPLowI, y2 = lastPLowO, xloc = xloc.bar_index, color = bullColor, width = divWidth) // } <VISUALS> // { <ALERTS> alertcondition(startOverBought, title = "New Overbought") alertcondition(overBought, "Currently Overbought") alertcondition(unOverBought, "Un-Overbought") alertcondition(startOverSold, title = "New Oversold") alertcondition(overSold, "Currently Oversold") alertcondition(unOverSold, "Un-Oversold") alertcondition(nBearDiv, "Bearish Divergence") alertcondition(nBullDiv, "Bullish Divergence") // } <ALERTS>
EMA Power Bands
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ shncoskunn //@version=4 study(title="EMA Power Bands", shorttitle="EMA Power Bands", overlay=true) ATRlength = input(200, minval=1) ATRMult = input(2.272, minval=1) ATR = rma(tr(true), ATRlength) //EMA len = input(21, minval=1, title="EMA Length") src = input(close, title="Source") out = ema(src, len) plot(out, title="EMA", color=color.rgb(255, 115, 0),transp=85) //rsฤฑ Rsi_value=input(14,title="RSI UzunluฤŸu",step=1) hl=input(80,title="RSI AลŸฤฑrฤฑ Alฤฑm EลŸiฤŸi",step=1) ll=input(25,title="RSI AลŸฤฑrฤฑ Satฤฑm EลŸiฤŸi",step=1) rs=rsi(close,Rsi_value) //EMA Bands emaup = out+(ATR*ATRMult) emadw = out-(ATR*ATRMult) plot(emaup, title="EMAUP",, linewidth=3) plot(emadw, title="EMADW",, linewidth=3) //Conditions for Bullish and Bearish Flags plotshape(close > emaup, style=shape.arrowdown,location=location.abovebar,, size=size.small, text="๐Ÿ”จ") plotshape(close < emadw, style=shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar,, size=size.small, text="๐Ÿš€") //Buy/Sell Signals based on RSI buy_signal = rs < ll ? 1 : 0 sell_signal = rs > hl ? 1 : 0 plotshape(buy_signal, title="Buy Signal", style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar,, text="๐Ÿ”‹") plotshape(sell_signal, title="Sell Signal", style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar,, text="๐Ÿชซ")
RibboNN Machine Learning [ChartPrime]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ ChartPrime //@version=5 indicator("RibboNN Machine Learning [ChartPrime] ",shorttitle = "RibboNN [ChartPrime]" , overlay=true) string Core = "Core Settings" string visual = "Visual Settings" int ShortPriod = (26, 'Slow Period', 1,group=Core) int LongPriod = (14, 'Fast Period', 2,group=Core) int Neighbours = math.floor(math.sqrt( (250,'Neighbours Count', 5,group=Core))) float BarRange = high - low var array<float> feature1 = array.new_float(0) var array<float> feature2 = array.new_float(0) var array<int> directions = array.new_int(0) var array<float> data = array.new_float() var array<int> predictions = array.new_int(0) float max = input.float(5.0,"Long Sensitivity",tooltip = "The sensitivity level directly affects the number of class generated for uptrend",step = 0.1,maxval = 5.0,minval = 1.0) * 10 float max2 = input.float(9,"Short Sensitivity",tooltip = "The sensitivity level directly affects the number of class generated for uptrend",step = 0.1,maxval = 12.0,minval = 5.0) * 10 color Bull = input.color(#1f4037,title = "Bull",group=visual,inline = "005") color Bull1 = input.color(#99f2c8,title = "",group=visual,inline = "005") color bear = input.color(#FF416C,title = "Bear",group=visual,inline = "005") color Bear1 = input.color(#FF4B2B,title = "",group=visual,inline = "005") var int signal = 0 var float prediction = 0.0 var LLong = false var SShort = false Range_MA(period)=> // Calculate weighted ma weight = BarRange / math.sum(BarRange, period) TotalSum = math.sum(close * weight, period) TotalW= math.sum(weight, period) rwma = TotalSum / TotalW prediction_data(float src , int dir) => // RSI Data Calculation up = ta.rma(math.max(ta.change(src), 0), dir) down = ta.rma(-math.min(ta.change(src), 0), dir) _ISR = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down)) mf = ta.mfi(src, dir) _ISR_mfi = math.abs( _ISR + mf / 2 ) _ISR_mfi LongData = prediction_data(hlc3,LongPriod) ShortData = prediction_data(hlc3,ShortPriod) longcon = LongData < max shorton = ShortData > max2 int Class = shorton ? -1 : longcon ? 1 : 0 // Nearest Neighbor Calculation array.push(feature1, LongData) array.push(feature2, ShortData) array.push(directions, Class) int size = array.size(directions) float dust = -999.0 for i = 0 to size - 1 // Calculate the Manhattan distance of the current point to all historic points. float ManD = math.abs(LongData - array.get(feature1, i)) + math.abs(ShortData - array.get(feature2, i)) if ManD > dust dust := ManD if array.size(predictions) >= Neighbours array.shift(predictions) array.push(predictions, array.get(directions, i)) // Prediction and coloring Conditions prediction := array.sum(predictions) * 5 C = not (prediction > 0) and not (prediction < 0) signal := prediction > 0 ? 1 : prediction < 0 ? -1 : C ? 0 : nz(signal[1]) int changed = ta.change(signal) bool Uptrend = changed and signal==1 bool DownTrend = changed and signal==-1 if Uptrend //and close > Range_MA(10) LLong:= true SShort:= false if DownTrend //and close < Range_MA(10) LLong:= false SShort:= true _color = LLong ?,0,55,Bull,Bull1),30) : SShort ?,-55,-1,bear,Bear1),30) : na first = plot(Range_MA(10),color =,80),linewidth = 1,editable = false) plot(Range_MA(11),color =,80),linewidth = 1,editable = false) plot(Range_MA(12),color =,80),linewidth = 1,editable = false) plot(Range_MA(13),color =,80),linewidth = 1,editable = false) plot(Range_MA(14),color =,80),linewidth = 1,editable = false) plot(Range_MA(15),color =,80),linewidth = 1,editable = false) plot(Range_MA(16),color =,80),linewidth = 1,editable = false) plot(Range_MA(17),color =,80),linewidth = 1,editable = false) plot(Range_MA(18),color =,80),linewidth = 1,editable = false) last = plot(Range_MA(20),color =,80),linewidth = 1,editable = false) fill(first,last,color=,90))
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ joseph_toomarkhani //@version=5 // @description TODO: add library description here library("MyLibrary") export init(float value) => array.new_float(1, value) export set(float[] source, float value) => array.set(source, 0, value) export get(float[] source) => array.get(source, 0)
Daily Range Support & Resistance Levels [QuantVue]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ QuantVue //@version=5 indicator("Daily Range Support & Resistance Levels [QuantVue]", overlay = true, max_labels_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500) //-----------------------------------------------// //runtime errors //-----------------------------------------------// if timeframe.ismonthly or timeframe.isweekly runtime.error('Please switch to lower timeframe') else if (timeframe.in_seconds() / 60 < timeframe.in_seconds('3') / 60) and (syminfo.type == 'stock' or syminfo.type == 'fund' or syminfo.type == 'index') runtime.error('Please switch to 3 minute chart or higher') else if timeframe.in_seconds() / 60 <= timeframe.in_seconds('10') / 60 and (syminfo.type == 'crypto' or syminfo.type == 'forex') runtime.error('Please switch to 15 minute time frame or higher') else if timeframe.in_seconds() / 60 < timeframe.in_seconds('15') / 60 and syminfo.type == 'cfd' runtime.error('Please switch to 15 minute time frame or higher') //-----------------------------------------------// //inputs //-----------------------------------------------// showTable = input.bool(true, 'Show Stats on Daily Chart', inline = '1') yPos = input.string("Top", " ", options = ["Top", "Middle", "Bottom"], inline = '1') xPos = input.string("Right", " ", options = ["Right","Center", "Left"], inline = '1') statsBG = input.color(color.gray, 'Stats Table BG Color', inline = '2') statsText = input.color(color.white, 'Stats Table Text Color', inline = '2') averagingPerdiod =, 'Averaging Period', minval = 5, step = 5) multiplier = input.float(1.0, 'StDev Multiplier', minval = .25, maxval = 4, step = .25) sLineColor = input.color(, 'Support Color', inline = '3') rLineColor = input.color(color.rgb(255, 17, 0), 'Resistance Color', inline = '3') showFill = input.bool(true, 'Fill', inline = '3') showPrice = input.bool(true, 'Show Support / Resistance Prices', inline = '4') labelTextColor = input.color(color.white, ' ', inline = '4') showWO = input.bool(true, 'Show Daily Open Line', inline = '5') wOColor = input.color(color.fuchsia, ' ', inline = '5') r1Style = input.string('Solid', 'R1 Line Style', ['Solid', 'Dashed', 'Dotted'], inline = '6') r2Style = input.string('Solid', 'R2 Line Style', ['Solid', 'Dashed', 'Dotted'], inline = '6') s1Style = input.string('Solid', 'S1 Line Style', ['Solid', 'Dashed', 'Dotted'], inline = '7') s2Style = input.string('Solid', 'S2 Line Style', ['Solid', 'Dashed', 'Dotted'], inline = '7') showPrevious = input.bool(false, 'Show Previous Levls') //-----------------------------------------------// //methods //-----------------------------------------------// method switcher(string this) => switch this 'Solid' => line.style_solid 'Dashed' => line.style_dashed 'Dotted' => line.style_dotted //-----------------------------------------------// //variables //-----------------------------------------------// var table stats = + '_' + str.lower(xPos), 5, 4, border_color =,100), border_width = 2, frame_color =,100), frame_width = 2) var float[] upAvgArray =<float>() var float[] downAvgArray =<float>() var line r1Line = na, var line r2Line = na, var line s1Line = na, var line s2Line = na, var line WO = na var label r1Label = na, var label r2Label = na, var label s1Label = na, var label s2Label = na, var label WOLabel = na var box rFill = na, var box sFill = na var dayCount = 0, var closeAboveR1 = 0, var closeAboveR2 = 0, var closeBelowS1 = 0, var closeBelowS2 = 0 var touchR1 = 0, var touchR2 = 0, var touchS1 = 0, var touchS2 = 0 var R1 = 0.0, var R2 = 0.0, var S1 = 0.0, var S2 = 0.0 [dayOpen, dayHigh, dayLow, dayClose] =, 'D',[open,high,low,close], lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on) newDay = ta.change(time('D')) idxCount = ta.barssince(newDay) //-----------------------------------------------// //calculations //-----------------------------------------------// up = newDay ? 100 * ((dayHigh - dayOpen) / dayClose) : na down = newDay ? 100 * math.abs(((dayOpen - dayLow) / dayClose)) : na upStdev = ta.stdev(up, averagingPerdiod) * multiplier upSD = newDay ? upStdev[1] : na downStdev = ta.stdev(down, averagingPerdiod) * multiplier downSd = newDay ? downStdev[1] : na if newDay if upAvgArray.size() > averagingPerdiod upAvgArray.pop() upAvgArray.unshift(up) else upAvgArray.unshift(up) upAvg = upAvgArray.size() > 0 ? upAvgArray.avg() : na if newDay if downAvgArray.size() > averagingPerdiod downAvgArray.pop() downAvgArray.unshift(down) else downAvgArray.unshift(down) downAvg = downAvgArray.size() > 0 ? downAvgArray.avg() : na R1 := newDay ? dayOpen + (upAvg / 100) * dayOpen : R1[1] R2 := newDay ? dayOpen + ((upAvg + upSD) / 100) * dayOpen : R2[1] S1 := newDay ? dayOpen - (downAvg / 100) * dayOpen : S1[1] S2 := newDay ? dayOpen - ((downAvg + downSd) / 100) * dayOpen : S2[1] //-----------------------------------------------// //daily stats //-----------------------------------------------// dayCount := newDay ? dayCount + 1 : dayCount if dayClose > R1 closeAboveR1 += 1 if dayClose > R2 closeAboveR2 += 1 if dayClose < S1 closeBelowS1 += 1 if dayClose < S2 closeBelowS2 += 1 if dayHigh >= R1 touchR1 += 1 if dayHigh >= R2 touchR2 += 1 if dayLow <= S1 touchS1 += 1 if dayLow <= S2 touchS2 += 1 closeInsideAvg = dayCount - closeAboveR1 - closeBelowS1 closeInsideAvgPlus = dayCount - closeAboveR2 - closeBelowS2 //-----------------------------------------------// //daily stats table //-----------------------------------------------// if barstate.islast and showTable and timeframe.isdaily and yPos == 'Top' stats.cell(0,0, ' ') stats.cell(0, 1, 'Touch R1: ' + str.tostring(touchR1) + ' / ' + str.tostring((touchR1/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(1, 1, 'Close > R1: ' + str.tostring(closeAboveR1) + ' / ' + str.tostring((closeAboveR1/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(2, 1, 'Touch R2: ' + str.tostring(touchR2) + ' / ' + str.tostring((touchR2/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(3, 1, 'Close > R2: ' + str.tostring(closeAboveR2) + ' / ' + str.tostring((closeAboveR2/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(0, 2, 'Touch S1: ' + str.tostring(touchS1) + ' / ' + str.tostring((touchS1/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(1, 2, 'Close < S1: ' + str.tostring(closeBelowS1) + ' / ' + str.tostring((closeBelowS1/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(2, 2, 'Touch S2: ' + str.tostring(touchS2) + ' / ' + str.tostring((touchS2/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(3, 2, 'Close < S2: ' + str.tostring(closeBelowS2) + ' / ' + str.tostring((closeBelowS2/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(4, 3, 'Weeks Analyzed: ' + str.tostring(dayCount), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(4, 1, 'Total Closes Inside R1/S1: ' + str.tostring(closeInsideAvg) + ' / ' + str.tostring((closeInsideAvg/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(4, 2, 'Total Closes Inside R2/S2: ' + str.tostring(closeInsideAvgPlus) + ' / ' + str.tostring((closeInsideAvgPlus/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) else if barstate.islast and showTable and timeframe.isdaily stats.cell(0, 0, 'Touch R1: ' + str.tostring(touchR1) + ' / ' + str.tostring((touchR1/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(1, 0, 'Close > R1: ' + str.tostring(closeAboveR1) + ' / ' + str.tostring((closeAboveR1/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(2, 0, 'Touch R2: ' + str.tostring(touchR2) + ' / ' + str.tostring((touchR2/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(3, 0, 'Close > R2: ' + str.tostring(closeAboveR2) + ' / ' + str.tostring((closeAboveR2/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(0, 1, 'Touch S1: ' + str.tostring(touchS1) + ' / ' + str.tostring((touchS1/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(1, 1, 'Close < S1: ' + str.tostring(closeBelowS1) + ' / ' + str.tostring((closeBelowS1/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(2, 1, 'Touch S2: ' + str.tostring(touchS2) + ' / ' + str.tostring((touchS2/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(3, 1, 'Close < S2: ' + str.tostring(closeBelowS2) + ' / ' + str.tostring((closeBelowS2/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(0, 2, 'Weeks Analyzed: ' + str.tostring(dayCount), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(1, 2, 'Total Closes Inside R1/S1: ' + str.tostring(closeInsideAvg) + ' / ' + str.tostring((closeInsideAvg/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) stats.cell(2, 2, 'Total Closes Inside R2/S2: ' + str.tostring(closeInsideAvgPlus) + ' / ' + str.tostring((closeInsideAvgPlus/dayCount), '#.#%'), text_color = statsText, bgcolor = statsBG) //-----------------------------------------------// //support and resistance levels //-----------------------------------------------// if newDay and (syminfo.type == 'stock' or syminfo.type == 'fund' or syminfo.type == 'index') (r1Line[1]).delete(), (r2Line[1]).delete(), (s1Line[1]).delete(), (s2Line[1]).delete() (r1Label[1]).delete(), (r2Label[1]).delete(), (s1Label[1]).delete(), (s2Label[1]).delete() (WO[1]).delete() if showWO WO :=, dayOpen, timeframe.isdaily ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((390 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, dayOpen, color = wOColor, width = 3) r1Line :=, R1, timeframe.isdaily ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((390 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, R1, color = rLineColor, width = 2, style = r1Style.switcher()) r2Line :=, R2, timeframe.isdaily ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((390 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, R2, color = rLineColor, width = 2, style = r2Style.switcher()) s1Line :=, S1, timeframe.isdaily ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((390 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, S1, color = sLineColor, width = 2, style = s1Style.switcher()) s2Line :=, S2, timeframe.isdaily ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((390 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, S2, color = sLineColor, width = 2, style = s2Style.switcher()) if showPrice r1Label := ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((390 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, R1, 'R1 $' + str.tostring(R1, format.mintick), style = label.style_label_left, color =,100), textcolor = labelTextColor) r2Label := ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((390 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, R2, 'R2 $' + str.tostring(R2, format.mintick), style = label.style_label_left, color =,100), textcolor = labelTextColor) s1Label := ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((390 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, S1, 'S1 $' + str.tostring(S1, format.mintick), style = label.style_label_left, color =,100), textcolor = labelTextColor) s2Label := ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((390 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, S2, 'S2 $' + str.tostring(S2, format.mintick), style = label.style_label_left, color =,100), textcolor = labelTextColor) if showFill (sFill[1]).delete(), (rFill[1]).delete() sFill :=, S1, timeframe.isdaily ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((390 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, S2, border_width = 0, bgcolor =,80)) rFill :=, R1, timeframe.isdaily ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((390 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, R2, border_width = 0, bgcolor =,80)) else if newDay and (syminfo.type == 'crypto' or syminfo.type == 'forex' or syminfo.type == 'cfd') (r1Line[1]).delete(), (r2Line[1]).delete(), (s1Line[1]).delete(), (s2Line[1]).delete() (r1Label[1]).delete(), (r2Label[1]).delete(), (s1Label[1]).delete(), (s2Label[1]).delete() (WO[1]).delete() if showWO WO :=, dayOpen, timeframe.isdaily ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((1440 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, dayOpen, color = wOColor, width = 3) r1Line :=, R1, timeframe.isdaily ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((1440 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, R1, color = rLineColor, width = 2, style = r1Style.switcher()) r2Line :=, R2, timeframe.isdaily ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((1440 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, R2, color = rLineColor, width = 2, style = r2Style.switcher()) s1Line :=, S1, timeframe.isdaily ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((1440 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, S1, color = sLineColor, width = 2, style = s1Style.switcher()) s2Line :=, S2, timeframe.isdaily ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((1440 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, S2, color = sLineColor, width = 2, style = s2Style.switcher()) if showPrice r1Label := ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((1440 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, R1, 'R1 $' + str.tostring(R1, format.mintick), style = label.style_label_left, color =,100), textcolor = labelTextColor) r2Label := ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((1440 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, R2, 'R2 $' + str.tostring(R2, format.mintick), style = label.style_label_left, color =,100), textcolor = labelTextColor) s1Label := ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((1440 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, S1, 'S1 $' + str.tostring(S1, format.mintick), style = label.style_label_left, color =,100), textcolor = labelTextColor) s2Label := ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((1440 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, S2, 'S2 $' + str.tostring(S2, format.mintick), style = label.style_label_left, color =,100), textcolor = labelTextColor) if showFill (sFill[1]).delete(), (rFill[1]).delete() sFill :=, S1, timeframe.isdaily ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((1440 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, S2, border_width = 0, bgcolor =,80)) rFill :=, R1, timeframe.isdaily ? bar_index + 2 : timeframe.isminutes ? bar_index + int((1440 / (str.tonumber(timeframe.period)))) : bar_index + 2, R2, border_width = 0, bgcolor =,80)) if showPrevious and showFill sFill.set_left(bar_index), rFill.set_left(bar_index) //-----------------------------------------------// //show historical levels //-----------------------------------------------// fillColor =,100) r1Plot = plot(showPrevious ? R1 : na, color = color.rgb(253, 0, 0)) r2Plot = plot(showPrevious ? R2 : na, color = color.rgb(90, 0, 0)) s1Plot = plot(showPrevious ? S1 : na, color = color.rgb(0, 174, 255)) s2Plot = plot(showPrevious ? S2 : na, color = color.rgb(0, 86, 214)) woPlot = plot(showPrevious ? dayOpen : na, color = wOColor, style = plot.style_linebr) fill(r1Plot, r2Plot, color = showFill ?, 80) : fillColor) fill(s1Plot, s2Plot, color = showFill ?, 80) : fillColor) //-----------------------------------------------// //alert conditions //-----------------------------------------------// crossR1 = ta.crossover(close,R1) crossR2 = ta.crossover(close,R2) crossS1 = ta.crossunder(close,S1) crossS2 = ta.crossunder(close,S2) alertcondition(crossR1, 'Cross Above R1', 'Price crossing above R1') alertcondition(crossR2, 'Cross Above R2', 'Price crossing above R2') alertcondition(crossS1, 'Cross Below S1', 'Price crossing below S1') alertcondition(crossS2, 'Cross Below S2', 'Price crossing below S2')
Liquidation Ranges + Volume/OI Dots [Kioseff Trading]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ KioseffTrading //@version=5 indicator("Volume Dots", overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500) // import PineCoders/Time/4 as pct import HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/BinaryInsertionSort/1 as HeWho // action2 = input.bool (defval = true, title = "Show Liquidation Ranges", group = "Show Liquidation Ranges" , inline = "0") showValues = input.bool (defval = true, title = "Show VOL/OI Values in Grid", group = "Show Liquidation Ranges", inline = "0") action = input.string(defval = "Find As Many Vol/OI Extremities As Possible", title = "Volume/OI Dots Should: ", options = ["Find As Many Vol/OI Extremities As Possible", "Show Extremities For The Data On My Screen", "Show The Highest Vol./OI Per Bar", "Off"], group = "Volume/OI Dots Main Settings"), stringBool = "Find As Many Vol/OI Extremities As Possible" data = input.bool (defval = false, title = "Use OI Instead Of Volume For Dots?", group = "Use OI Instead") agg = 100 - input.float (minval = 0.01, title = "Aggressiveness", maxval = 10, defval = 0.01, group = 'If You Selected "Find As Many Vol/OI Extremities As Possible"', tooltip = "Corresponds To The Required Percent Rank For A Value To Be Distinguished. Sclaed 0.01-9.99 For Simplicity; However, Uses Percent Rank (100 Subtracted By Number In This Box) - Works Only For 'Find As Many Vol/OI Extremities As Possible'") nake = input.bool (defval = false, title = "Naked Levels Only?", group = "Naked Levels") actint = (defval = 20, title = 'If You Selected "Show Extremities For The Data On My Screen: How Many Levels Should Be Shown?', group = "Volume/OI Dots (Screen Only)", minval = 1, maxval = 500) ti = input.bool (defval = false, title = "Use Fixed Range", inline = "1", group = "Volume/OI Dots Misc Settings") ti2 = input.time (defval = timestamp("04 Apr 2022 00:00 +0300"), title = "Start", inline = "1", group = "Volume/OI Dots Misc Settings") dt = (defval = 15, title = "Levels In Table Shown", minval = 0, maxval = 99, group = "Volume/OI Dots Misc Settings" , inline = "Levels") showl = (defval = 10, title = "Lines Shown", minval = 0, maxval = 500, group = "Volume/OI Dots Misc Settings", inline = "Levels") linebool = input.bool (defval = false, title = "Only Show Lines Within a % of Price", group = "Volume/OI Dots Misc Settings", inline = "line" ) linedist = input.float (defval = 3, title = "%", minval = 0, group = "Volume/OI Dots Misc Settings", inline = "line") / 100 srcol = input.bool (defval = false, title = "Color Lines As Support/Resistance", group = "Volume/OI Dots Misc Settings"), atr = ta.atr(14) upcol = input.color (defval = color.lime, title = "Up Color Volโ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…", inline = "20", group = "Volume/OI Dots Misc Settings") dncol = input.color (defval = , title = "Down Color Volโ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…", inline = "20", group = "Volume/OI Dots Misc Settings") upcoloi = input.color (defval =, title = "OI Up + Price Upโ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€ƒ", inline = "21", group = "Volume/OI Dots Misc Settings") dncoloi = input.color (defval = , title = "OI Down + Price Down", inline = "21", group = "Volume/OI Dots Misc Settings") upcoloi2 = input.color (defval = color.yellow, title = "OI Up + Price Downโ€ƒ", inline = "21", group = "Volume/OI Dots Misc Settings") dncoloi2 = input.color (defval = color.purple , title = "OI Down + Price Upโ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…โ€…", inline = "21", group = "Volume/OI Dots Misc Settings") sort = input.string(defval = "Descending", title = "Sort Table Data", options = ["Occurrence", "Descending"], group = "Volume/OI Dots Misc Settings", inline = "Misc") siz = input.string(defval = "Normal", title = "Table Size", options = ["Auto", "Tiny", "Small", "Normal", "Large", "Huge"], inline = "Misc", group = "Volume/OI Dots Misc Settings") move = input.bool (defval = true, title = "Show OI Delta Lines", group = "Liquidation Range") showcir = input.bool (defval = true, title = "Show Violation Circles", group = "Liquidation Range") box2Line = input.bool (defval = false, title = "Change Liquidation Boxes to Lines", group = "Liquidation Range") minlevl = input.string(defval = "Auto", title = "Min Liquidation Level Shown", options = ["Auto", "10", "20", "30", "40", "50"], group = "Liquidation Range") userDefinedTime = input.bool (defval = false, title = "Fixed Range", group = "Liquidation Range") timtest = input.time (defval = timestamp("04 Apr 2023 00:00 +0300"), title = "Start Liquidation Range"), timtest2 = input.time (defval = timestamp("20 Apr 2023 00:00 +0300"), title = "End Liquidation Range") method equal (string id, value) => id == value method notEqual (string id, value) => id != value req() => cont = switch str.contains(syminfo.ticker, ".P") true => syminfo.ticker + "_OI" => str.endswith(syminfo.ticker, "USDT") ? syminfo.ticker + ".P_OI" : syminfo.ticker + "T.P_OI" switch syminfo.type "crypto" => cont => string(na) r3() => [R1, R2, R3, R4, R5] = switch syminfo.type "crypto" => [ close-close[1], high, low, open, close ] => [float(na), float(na), float(na), float(na), float(na)] // Thank you PineCoders float chartTfInMinutes = timeframe.in_seconds() / 60. int ONE_MIN = 1 int ONE_SEC = ONE_MIN / 60 int ONE_HOUR = ONE_MIN * 60 int ONE_DAY = ONE_HOUR * 24 int ONE_WEEK = ONE_DAY * 7 bool marketIs24Hours = syminfo.type == "crypto" or syminfo.type == "forex" ltfint = switch chartTfInMinutes <= ONE_MIN * 30 => "1" chartTfInMinutes <= ONE_HOUR => "3" chartTfInMinutes < ONE_HOUR * 2 => "5" chartTfInMinutes < ONE_HOUR * 4 => "15" chartTfInMinutes < ONE_HOUR * 6 => "30" chartTfInMinutes < ONE_HOUR * 12 => marketIs24Hours ? "60" : "30" chartTfInMinutes < ONE_DAY => marketIs24Hours ? "120" : "30" chartTfInMinutes < ONE_WEEK => marketIs24Hours ? "720" : "120" // Thank you PineCoders [oic, oih, oil, oio, trueOic ] = request.security_lower_tf(req(), ltfint, r3() ) timeframeDiff =, timeframe.period, close-close[1] ) [vol, clo, clo1, hi, lo, clocalc, ltf, volSign] = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, ltfint, [ volume, close, close[1], high, low, close - close[1], time, close >= open ? volume : volume * -1 ]) comparison(id, value, string ) => switch string ">" => id > value ">=" => id >= value "==" => id == value "<=" => id <= value "<" => id < value "!=" => id != value method floatGreatEqual (float id, value) => comparison(id, value, ">=") method floatEqual (float id, value) => comparison(id, value, "==") method floatLessEqual (float id, value) => comparison(id, value, "<=") method floatNotEqual (float id, value) => comparison(id, value, "!=") method intGreatEqual (int id, value) => comparison(id, value, ">=") method intEqual (int id, value) => comparison(id, value, "==") method intLessEqual (int id, value) => comparison(id, value, "<=") method intNotEqual (int id, value) => comparison(id, value, "!=") method HeWhoSort(float [] id, value, order) => HeWho.binary_insertion_sort(id, value, order) method determine (bool id, value, value2) => switch id true => value => value2 type timeValues float [] Difference float [] Close int [] Time type dotValues float [] Volume float [] Close float [] Difference float [] OI float [] OI2 int [] Time label [] Circle line [] Zone float [] Rank float [] perBar float [] volSignArr int Start type sortedMat float volM float oicM int timM float cloM float clcM float toiM color colM string valM var timeMat =, array.new_float(), array.new_int()) timeMat.Difference.unshift(timeframeDiff), timeMat.Close.unshift(close), timeMat.Time.unshift(time) var dotMat = array.new_float(), array.new_float(), array.new_float(), array.new_float(), array.new_float(), array.new_int (), array.new_label(), array.new_line (), array.new_float(), array.new_float(), array.new_float(), 0 ) obj = switch syminfo.type.equal("crypto") true => oic false => vol if action.notEqual("Off") conditionX = switch action "Find As Many Vol/OI Extremities As Possible" => last_bar_index - bar_index <= (4.5e6)/(timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe.period)) and not ti or time >= ti2 and ti and vol.size().intGreatEqual(1) "Show Extremities For The Data On My Screen" => time >= chart.left_visible_bar_time and time <= chart.right_visible_bar_time and not ti and vol.size().intGreatEqual(1) or time >= ti2 and ti and vol.size().intGreatEqual(1) => last_bar_index - bar_index <= 500 if conditionX if obj.size().intGreatEqual(1) if action.notEqual("Show The Highest Vol./OI Per Bar") if nake and dotMat.Volume.size().intGreatEqual(1) for i = 0 to dotMat.Volume.size() - 1 if not na(dotMat.Close.get(i)) if dotMat.Close.get(i).floatLessEqual(high) if dotMat.Close.get(i).floatGreatEqual(low) dotMat.Close.set(i, na) for i = math.min(obj.size() - 1, clo.size() - 1) to 0 // In Honor of Spunky - Rest Comfortably Sweet Princess. You'll be Loved and Cherished Forever & Always <3 dotMat.Volume .unshift(vol.get(i)) , dotMat.Close .unshift(clo.get(i)) dotMat.Difference .unshift(clocalc.get(i)) , dotMat.OI .unshift(math.abs(oic.get(i))) dotMat.Time .unshift(ltf.get(i)) , dotMat.OI2 .unshift(oic.get(i)), dotMat.volSignArr.unshift(volSign.get(i)) else for i = math.min(obj.size() - 1, clo.size() - 1) to 0 cond = switch data false => vol.get(i).floatEqual(vol.max()) => oic.get(i).floatEqual(math.max(oic.max(), math.abs(oic.min()))) if cond col = switch data false => ,, 33) => ( math.sign(clocalc.get(i)) .floatEqual(-1).determine ( dncoloi, dncoloi2), math.sign(clocalc.get(i)).floatEqual ( -1).determine(upcoloi2, upcoloi)), 33) OItxt = switch syminfo.type.equal("crypto") true => "\nOI: " + str.tostring(oic.get(i), format.mintick) => "" dotMat.Circle.unshift( time, clo.get(i), "โฌค", tooltip = "VOL: " + (math.sign(clocalc.get(i)).floatEqual(-1).determine("-" , "")) + str.tostring(vol.get(i), format.volume) + OItxt, xloc = xloc.bar_time, color = #000000, textcolor = col, size = size.tiny, style = label.style_text_outline )) dotMat.Zone.unshift(, clo.get(i), time, clo.get(i), color = col, xloc = xloc.bar_time )) dotMat.perBar.unshift(data.determine(vol.get(i) , oic.get(i))) if vol.size().intEqual(0) dotMat.Start := time var grid =<box>(5, 20) if barstate.islast and action.notEqual("Off") if action.notEqual("Show The Highest Vol./OI Per Bar") if dotMat.Circle.size().intGreatEqual(1) for i = 0 to dotMat.Circle.size() - 1 dotMat.Circle.shift().delete() if dotMat.Zone.size() .intGreatEqual(1) for i = 0 to dotMat.Zone.size() - 1 dotMat.Zone.shift().delete() if ti ti2, high, ti2, low, xloc = xloc.bar_time , extend = extend.both, color = chart.fg_color, width = 2 ) var count = 1, vcopy = dotMat.Volume.copy(), ocopy = dotMat.OI.copy(), var SM =<sortedMat>(8, 0), var tan3 = array.new_float() switch data false => vcopy.sort(order.descending) => ocopy.sort(order.descending) for i = 0 to 249 [bool1, bool2, index] = switch data false => [dotMat.Volume.includes(vcopy.get(i)), action.equal(stringBool).determine( vcopy.percentrank(i).floatGreatEqual(agg) , i.intLessEqual(actint - 2)), dotMat.Volume.indexof(vcopy.get(i))] => [dotMat.OI.includes(ocopy.get(i)) , action.equal(stringBool).determine( ocopy.percentrank(i).floatGreatEqual(agg) , i.intLessEqual(actint - 2)), dotMat.OI.indexof(ocopy.get(i))] if bool1 if bool2 if dotMat.Close.indexof(dotMat.Close.get(index)).intNotEqual(-1) append = switch data false => vcopy.get(i) true => ocopy.get(i) [coloR, strinG] = if not data switch math.sign(dotMat.Difference.get(index)) -1 => [dncol, "-"] => [upcol, "" ] else switch math.sign(dotMat.Difference.get(index)) -1 => [math.sign(dotMat.OI2.get(index)).floatEqual(-1).determine(dncoloi , upcoloi2) , "-"] => [math.sign(dotMat.OI2.get(index)).floatEqual(-1).determine(upcoloi , dncoloi2) , "" ] SM.add_col(SM.columns(), array.from( = dotMat.Volume .get(index)) , = dotMat.OI .get(index)) , = dotMat.Time .get(index)) , = dotMat.Close .get(index)) , = dotMat.Difference.get(index)) , = dotMat.OI2 .get(index)) , = coloR ) , = strinG ) )) count += 1, dotMat.Rank.push(append), tan3.push(sort.equal("Occurrence") .determine(dotMat.Time.get(index), data .determine(dotMat.OI.get(index) , dotMat.Volume.get(index) ))) else break var uniArr = array.from("โถ","โท","โธ","โน","โบ","โป","โผ","โฝ","โพ","โฟ","โ“ซ","โ“ฌ","โ“ญ","โ“ฎ","โ“ฏ","โ“ฐ","โ“ฑ","โ“ฒ","โ“ณ","โ“ด") colorr = array.new_color(), var tan2 = array.new_float(), var tan4 = array.new_int() for i = 0 to SM.columns() - 1 condition = switch action "Find As Many Vol/OI Extremities As Possible" => data.determine(ocopy.percentrank(i).floatGreatEqual(agg), vcopy.percentrank(i).floatGreatEqual (agg)) => i.intNotEqual(-1) if condition rank = dotMat.Rank.percentrank(i) SIZE = switch rank.floatNotEqual(-1) rank <= 10 => size.tiny rank <= 25 => size.small rank <= 50 => size.normal rank <= 75 => size.large => size.huge OItxt = switch syminfo.type.equal("crypto") true => "\nOI: " + str.tostring(SM.row(5).get(i).toiM, format.mintick) => "" dotMat.Circle.push(, SM.row(3).get(i).cloM, text = action.equal(stringBool) or i.intGreatEqual(uniArr.size() - 1) ? "โฌค" : uniArr.get(i), tooltip = "VOL: " + (math.sign(SM.row(4).get(i).clcM).floatEqual(-1).determine("-" , "")) + str.tostring(SM.row(0).get(i).volM, format.volume) + OItxt, xloc = xloc.bar_time, color = #000000, textcolor =, 33), size = action.equal(stringBool) ? SIZE : size.normal, style = label.style_text_outline )) colorr.push(, 33)), tan4.push(SM.row(2).get(i).timM) tan2.HeWhoSort(sort.equal("Occurrence").determine(SM.row(2).get(i).timM, data.determine(SM.row(1).get(i).oicM, SM.row(0).get(i).volM)), -1) if not nake if showl.intNotEqual(0) countLab = 0 for i = 0 to dotMat.Circle.size() - 1 if dotMat.Circle.get(i).get_x().intGreatEqual(tan4.max(math.min(showl, tan4.size()-1))) if linebool and dotMat.Circle.get(i).get_y().floatGreatEqual(close * (1 - linedist)) and dotMat.Circle.get(i).get_y().floatLessEqual (close * (1 + linedist)) or not linebool finCol = switch srcol true => dotMat.Circle.get(i).get_y().floatGreatEqual(close).determine(dncol , upcol) => colorr.get(i) dotMat.Zone.push( dotMat.Circle.get(i).get_x(), dotMat.Circle.get(i).get_y(), pct.timeFrom("close", 40, "chart"), dotMat.Circle.get(i).get_y(), color = finCol, xloc = xloc.bar_time )) countLab += 1 if countLab.intEqual(showl) break else if action.equal(stringBool) or action.equal("Show Extremities For The Data On My Screen") if dotMat.Circle.size().intGreatEqual(1) for i = 0 to dotMat.Circle.size() - 1 if linebool and dotMat.Circle.get(i).get_y().floatGreatEqual(close * (1 - linedist)) and dotMat.Circle.get(i).get_y().floatGreatEqual(close * (1 + linedist)) or not linebool dotMat.Zone.push( dotMat.Circle.get(i).get_x(), dotMat.Circle.get(i).get_y(), pct.timeFrom("bar", 40, "chart"), dotMat.Circle.get(i).get_y(), xloc = xloc.bar_time, color =, 33) )) sz = switch siz "Auto" => "Tiny" => size.tiny "Small" => size.small "Normal" => size.normal "Large" => size.large "Huge" => size.huge if float(dt).floatGreatEqual(1) var tab =, 4, dt+2, frame_width = 1, frame_color = color.white , border_width = 1, border_color = color.white), nakeCount = 0 for i = 0 to nake.determine(dotMat.Circle.size() - 1, math.min(dt - 1, SM.columns() - 1)) occCond = tan3.indexof(tan2.get(i)) if sort.equal("Occurrence") tan3.set(occCond, 0) if SM.row(0).get(i).volM.floatNotEqual(0) tab.cell(0, i + 1, text = SM.row(7).get(occCond).valM + str.tostring(SM.row(0).get(occCond).volM, format.volume), bgcolor =, 50), text_color = SM.row(6).get(occCond).colM, text_size = sz, text_font_family = font.family_monospace ) tab.cell(1, i + 1, text = str.tostring(SM.row(3).get(occCond).cloM, format.mintick), bgcolor =, 50), text_color = SM.row(6).get(occCond).colM, text_size = sz, text_font_family = font.family_monospace ) if not na(oic.sum()) and syminfo.type.equal("crypto") tab.cell(2, i + 1, text = str.tostring(SM.row(5).get(occCond).toiM, format.mintick), bgcolor =, 50), text_color = data.determine(SM.row(6).get(occCond).colM , math.sign(SM.row(5).get(occCond).toiM).floatEqual(-1).determine(dncol , upcol)), text_size = sz, text_font_family = font.family_monospace ) nakeCount += 1 if nakeCount.intEqual(dt) break tab.cell(0, 0, "Vol." , text_color = color.white, bgcolor =, 50), text_size = sz, text_font_family = font.family_monospace) tab.cell(1, 0, "Price", text_color = color.white, bgcolor =, 50), text_size = sz, text_font_family = font.family_monospace) if not na(oic.sum()) and syminfo.type.equal("crypto") tab.cell(2, 0, "OI", text_color = color.white, bgcolor =, 50), text_size = sz, text_font_family = font.family_monospace) if dotMat.Circle.size().intEqual(0) and nake tab.cell(0, 1, "No Naked Levels Detected", text_color = color.white, text_font_family = font.family_monospace, bgcolor = #000000) tab.merge_cells(0, 1, 2, 1) if action.notEqual(stringBool), high, dotMat.Start, low, extend = extend.both, color = color.white, width = 4, xloc = xloc.bar_time ), high * 1.01, style = label.style_label_right, color = #000000, xloc = xloc.bar_time, textcolor = color.white, size = size.small, text = "Earliest Start Date" ) else if dotMat.Circle.size().intGreatEqual(1) for i = 0 to dotMat.Circle.size() - 1 dotMat.perBar.set(i, math.abs(dotMat.perBar.get(i))) for i = 0 to dotMat.Circle.size() - 1 rank = dotMat.perBar.percentrank(i) SIZE = switch rank.floatNotEqual(-1) rank <= 10 => size.tiny rank <= 25 => size.small rank <= 50 => size.normal rank <= 75 => size.large => size.huge dotMat.Circle.get(i).set_size(SIZE) if i.intLessEqual(showl - 2) if linebool if dotMat.Circle.get(i).get_y().floatGreatEqual(close * (1 - linedist)) and dotMat.Circle.get(i).get_y().floatLessEqual (close * (1 + linedist)) dotMat.Zone.get(i).set_x2(pct.timeFrom("bar", 40, "chart")) else dotMat.Zone.get(i).set_x2 (pct.timeFrom("bar", 40, "chart")) switch srcol true => dotMat.Zone.get(i).set_color(dotMat.Circle.get(i).get_y(). floatGreatEqual(close).determine(dncol , upcol)) => continue // Start // Thank you Donovan Wall for the great range filter code!! Cond_EMA(x, cond, n)=> var val = array.new_float(0) var ema_val = array.new_float(1) if cond val.push(x) if val.size( )> 1 val.remove(0) if na(ema_val.get(0)) ema_val.fill(val.get(0)) ema_val.set(0, (val.get(0) - ema_val.get(0))*(2/(n + 1)) + ema_val.get(0)) EMA = ema_val.get(0) EMA rng_size(x, scale, qty, n)=> ATR = Cond_EMA(, 1, n) AC = Cond_EMA(math.abs(x - x[1]), 1, n) rng_size = qty*AC rng_filt(h, l, rng_, n, type, smooth, sn, av_rf, av_n)=> rng_smooth = Cond_EMA(rng_, 1, sn) r = smooth ? rng_smooth : rng_ var rfilt = array.new_float(2, (h + l)/2) rfilt.set(1, rfilt.get(0)) if h - r > rfilt.get(1) rfilt.set(0, h - r) if l + r < rfilt.get(1) rfilt.set(0, l + r) rng_filt1 = rfilt.get(0) hi_band1 = rng_filt1 + r, lo_band1 = rng_filt1 - r rng_filt2 = Cond_EMA(rng_filt1, rng_filt1 != rng_filt1[1], av_n) hi_band2 = Cond_EMA(hi_band1, rng_filt1 != rng_filt1[1], av_n) lo_band2 = Cond_EMA(lo_band1, rng_filt1 != rng_filt1[1], av_n) [rng_filt, hi_band, lo_band] = switch av_rf true => [rng_filt2, hi_band2, lo_band2] => [rng_filt1, hi_band1, lo_band1] [hi_band, lo_band, rng_filt] [h_band, l_band, filt] = rng_filt(close, close, rng_size((close + close)/2, "Average Change", 20.618, 500), 500, "Type 1", true, 500, 0,0) // Thank you Donovan Wall for great range filter code!! // End var int boxCount = 0 type liqValues matrix <float> Average matrix <int> Violations matrix <float> TickVol matrix <float> TickOI float [] Levels line [] boxLines line rightUp line rightDn line leftUp line leftDn line startU line startD var liquidation =<float>(5 , 0 ),<int> (2 , 11, 0),<float>(21, 1000),<float>(21, 1000 ), array.new_float(), array.new_line()), orientation =<float>(2, 5) method expCalc(array <float> id) => math.exp(id.avg()) method multiply(float id, string PM, float ) => switch PM "+" => id * (1 + ((1./( float )) + 0.004)) "-" => id * (1 - ((1./( float )) + 0.004)) method reduced(array <float> id, float , string ) => switch string "P" => id.expCalc().multiply("+", float ) "N" => id.expCalc().multiply("-", float ) method divSubtract(array<float> id, float, float2) => (id.reduced(float , "P") - id.reduced(float2, "N")) / 5 method double_binary_search_leftmost(array <float> id, column) => n = id.binary_search_leftmost (orientation.get(0, column)) n1 = id.binary_search_leftmost (orientation.get(1, column)) [n, n1] method finSetVol(matrix <float> id, int i, int row, int start, int end) => for x = start to end id.set (row, i, id.get(row, i) + liquidation.TickVol.get(i, x)) method finSetOI (matrix <float> id, int i, int row, int start, int end) => for x = start to end id.set (row, i, id.get(row, i) + liquidation.TickOI.get(i, x)) method tickSet(matrix<float> id, float value, int column, int loop, int calc) => id.set(math.max(boxCount, 0), column, nz(nz(id.get(math.max(boxCount, 0), column)) + (value / math.max(1, (calc))))) method netAdjust(array <float> id) => for i = 0 to id.size() - 1 if na(id.get(i)) id.set(i, 0) for i = id.size() - 2 to 0 id.set(i, id.get(i) + id.get(i + 1)) if id.size().intGreatEqual(201) for i = id.size() - 1 to 200 id.pop() if action2 and syminfo.type.equal("crypto") var oiclab =<label>(2) OIgrid = input.bool (defval = true , title = "Use OI For Grid Color (Instead of Volume) (Crypto Only)", group = "Grid Settings") heatmap = input.bool (defval = true , title = "Show Heatmap (Grid)", group = "Grid Settings") ext = input.bool (defval = false, title = "Extend Grid Boxes", group = "Grid Settings") gridWidth = (defval = 0, title = "Grid Width", group = "Grid Settings") gridCol = input.color(defval = color.white, title = "Border Color", group = "Grid Settings", inline = "Grid") gridUp = input.color(defval = color.lime, title = '"Up" Color', group = "Grid Settings", inline = "Grid") gridDn = input.color(defval =, title = '"Down" Color', group = "Grid Settings", inline = "Grid") var float div = 0 if action.equal("Off") and not userDefinedTime bx = box.all, la = label.all, li = line.all, lf = linefill.all if bx.size().intGreatEqual(1) row = grid.rows(), col = grid.columns() grid.reshape(grid.elements_count(), 1) for i = 0 to bx.size() - 1 if not grid.col(0).includes(bx.get(i)) bx.get(i).delete() grid.reshape(row, col) if la.size().intGreatEqual(1) for i = 0 to la.size() - 1 if not oiclab.row(0).includes(la.get(i)) and not oiclab.row(1).includes(la.get(i)) la.get(i).delete() if li.size().intGreatEqual(1) for i = 0 to li.size() - 1 li.get(i).delete() if lf.size().intGreatEqual(1) for i = 0 to lf.size() - 1 lf.shift().delete() var oicsum =<float> (2, 0) var int stime = 0, var int sbar = 0 if obj.size().intGreatEqual(1) and clocalc.size().intGreatEqual(1) if sbar.intEqual(0) sbar := bar_index, stime := time cond = switch userDefinedTime false => filt.floatGreatEqual(filt[1] - atr) and filt.floatLessEqual(filt[1] + atr) => time >= timtest and time <= timtest2 if cond liquidation.Average.add_col(0, array.from(high, low, math.log(close), close > open ? volume : volume * -1, time)) for i = 0 to math.min(obj.size(), clocalc.size()) - 1 if syminfo.type.equal("crypto") and OIgrid if math.sign(clocalc.get(i)).floatEqual(1) switch math.sign(oic.get(i)) 1 => oicsum.add_col(oicsum.columns(), array.from(oic.get(i), float(na))) -1 => oicsum.add_col(oicsum.columns(), array.from(float(na), oic.get(i))) else switch math.sign(oic.get(i)) -1 => oicsum.add_col(oicsum.columns(), array.from(oic.get(i), float(na))) 1 => oicsum.add_col(oicsum.columns(), array.from(float(na), oic.get(i))) else switch math.sign(clocalc.get(i)) 1 => oicsum.add_col(oicsum.columns(), array.from(vol.get(i), float(na))) -1 => oicsum.add_col(oicsum.columns(), array.from(float(na), vol.get(i))) if liquidation.Levels.size().intGreatEqual(1) for i = 0 to math.min(obj.size(), clocalc.size()) - 1 highest = liquidation.Levels.binary_search_leftmost (hi.get(i)) lowest = liquidation.Levels.binary_search_leftmost (lo.get(i)) for x = lowest to highest volx = switch math.sign(clocalc.get(i)) 1 => vol.get(i) => vol.get(i) * -1 liquidation.TickVol.tickSet(volx , x, i, highest - lowest) liquidation.TickOI .tickSet(obj.get(i), x, i, highest - lowest) for i = 0 to 19 if not barstate.islast con = div.floatGreatEqual(500) [index, pIndex, startIndex] = switch con true => [ time , time [1], stime] => [bar_index, bar_index[1], sbar] if index >= math.round(startIndex + (div * (i + 1))) and pIndex < math.round(startIndex + (div * (i + 1))) boxCount += 1 for z = 0 to 4 liquidation.TickVol.set(math.max(boxCount, 0), z, liquidation.TickVol.get(math.max(boxCount - 1, 0), z)) liquidation.TickOI .set(math.max(boxCount, 0), z, liquidation.TickOI .get(math.max(boxCount - 1, 0), z)) for x = 0 to 4 grid.set(x, boxCount, grid.get(x, boxCount - 1).get_right(), liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(100, "N") + (liquidation.Average.row(2).divSubtract(100, 100) * (x + 1)), math.round(index + div), liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(100, "N") + (liquidation.Average.row(2).divSubtract(100, 100) * (x)), xloc = div.floatGreatEqual(500).determine(xloc.bar_time, xloc.bar_index), border_color = gridCol, border_width = gridWidth, bgcolor = color.white )) break if oicsum.elements_count().intGreatEqual(90001) for i = 0 to 10000 oicsum.remove_col(i) else if filt < filt[1] - atr and not userDefinedTime or filt > filt[1] + atr and not userDefinedTime or userDefinedTime and time < timtest liquidation.TickVol.fill(0, 0, liquidation.TickVol.rows(), 0, liquidation.TickVol.columns()) liquidation.TickOI .fill(0, 0, liquidation.TickOI .rows(), 0, liquidation.TickOI .columns()) liquidation.Levels.clear() for i = 0 to grid.rows() - 1 for x = 0 to grid.columns() - 1 grid.get(i, x).delete() if oicsum.columns().intGreatEqual(1) for i = 0 to oicsum.columns() - 1 oicsum.remove_col() if oiclab.columns().intGreatEqual(1) for i = 0 to oiclab.columns() - 1 oiclab.get(0, i).delete() oiclab.get(1, i).delete() for i = 0 to oiclab.columns() - 1 oiclab.remove_col() stime := time, sbar := bar_index, div := switch (last_bar_index - sbar) / 20 >= 500 false => (last_bar_index - sbar) / 20 => (last_bar_time - stime) / 20 startIndex = div.floatGreatEqual(500).determine(time, bar_index) for x = 0 to 4 grid.set(x, 0, startIndex, liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(100, "N") + (liquidation.Average.row(2).divSubtract(100, 100) * (x + 1)), math.round(startIndex + div), liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(100, "N") + (liquidation.Average.row(2).divSubtract(100, 100) * (x)), xloc = div.floatGreatEqual(500).determine(xloc.bar_time, xloc.bar_index), border_color = gridCol, border_width = gridWidth, bgcolor = color.white )) if liquidation.Average.columns().intGreatEqual(1) for i = 0 to liquidation.Average.columns() - 1 liquidation.Average.remove_col() liquidation.Average.add_col(0 , array.from( high, low, math.log(close), close > open ? volume : volume * -1, time )) for i = 0 to 499 liquidation.Levels.HeWhoSort(close * (1 + (i/1000)), 1) liquidation.Levels.HeWhoSort(close * (1 - (i/1000)), 1) boxCount := 0 if barstate.islast and not userDefinedTime or time[1] < timtest2 and time >= timtest2 and userDefinedTime [endTime, endIndex] = switch userDefinedTime false => [last_bar_time, last_bar_index] true => [timtest2, bar_index ] if userDefinedTime x = timeMat.Time.get(timeMat.Time.indexof(timtest) + 1), high, x, low, xloc = xloc.bar_time, extend = extend.both, color =, 50) , width = 2), high, timtest2, low, xloc = xloc.bar_time, extend = extend.both, color =, 50), width = 2) posSum = oicsum.row(0).sum() negSum = oicsum.row(1).sum() minlvlu = 50, minlvld = 50, minlvl = 50, var corners =<liqValues>(6, 1) if minlevl.notEqual("Auto") minlvlu := int(str.tonumber(minlevl)) minlvld := int(str.tonumber(minlevl)) else for i = 50 to 20 by 10 if liquidation.Average.row(0).max().floatGreatEqual(liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(i, "P")) minlvlu := i + 10 if liquidation.Average.row(1).min().floatLessEqual (liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(i, "N")) minlvld := i - 10 minlvl := math.min(minlvlu, minlvld) if syminfo.type.equal("crypto") for i = 0 to liquidation.Average.columns() - 1 for x = 0 to 10 if liquidation.Average.get(0, i).floatGreatEqual(liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(x * 10, "P")) liquidation.Violations.set(0, x, nz(liquidation.Violations.get(0, x) + 1)) for i = 0 to liquidation.Average.columns() - 1 for x = 0 to 10 if liquidation.Average.get(1, i).floatLessEqual(liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(x * 10, "N")) liquidation.Violations.set(1, x, nz(liquidation.Violations.get(1, x) + 1)) if showcir uCalc = liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(100, "P") lCalc = liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(100, "N") for i = liquidation.Average.columns() - 1 to 1 if liquidation.Average.get(0, i - 1).floatGreatEqual(uCalc) and liquidation.Average.get(0, i) < uCalc oiclab.add_col(oiclab.columns()) oiclab.set(0, oiclab.columns() - 1,, i - 1)), liquidation.Average.get(0, i - 1) , "โฌค", textcolor =, 50), color = #000000, style = label.style_text_outline, xloc = xloc.bar_time, size = size.tiny )) if liquidation.Average.get(1, i - 1).floatLessEqual(lCalc) and liquidation.Average.get(1, i).floatGreatEqual(lCalc) oiclab.add_col(oiclab.columns()) oiclab.set(1, oiclab.columns() - 1,, i - 1)), liquidation.Average.get(1, i - 1) , "โฌค", textcolor =, 50), color = #000000, style = label.style_text_outline, xloc = xloc.bar_time, size = size.tiny )) for i = minlvl to 90 by 10 transp = array.from(45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90) txt = switch i.intNotEqual(90) true => str.tostring(i, "###x") => box2Line ? "90x" : "90 - 100x" switch box2Line false => stime, liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("-", i + 10), endTime, liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("-", i), xloc = xloc.bar_time, bgcolor = gridUp, transp.get((i - minlvl) / 10)), text_color = color.white, text = txt, border_color = gridUp, transp.get((i - minlvl) / 10)), text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = ), stime, liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("+", i + 10), endTime, liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("+", i), xloc = xloc.bar_time, bgcolor = gridDn, transp.get((i - minlvl) / 10)), text_color = color.white, text = txt, border_color = gridDn, transp.get((i - minlvl) / 10)), text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = ) => stime, liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("-", i), endTime + (time - time[3]), liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("-", i), xloc = xloc.bar_time, color = gridUp, transp.get((i - minlvl) / 10)) ), stime, liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("+", i), endTime + (time - time[3]), liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("+", i), xloc = xloc.bar_time, color = gridDn, transp.get((i - minlvl) / 10)) ) if box2Line + 7, liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("+", i), style = label.style_label_left, textcolor = gridDn, color = #00000000, text = txt ) + 7, liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("-", i), style = label.style_label_left, textcolor = gridUp, color = #00000000, text = txt ) if i.intEqual(90) stime, liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("-", i + 10), endTime + (time - time[3]), liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("-", i + 10), xloc = xloc.bar_time, color = gridUp, transp.get((i - minlvl) / 10)) ) stime, liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("+", i + 10), endTime + (time - time[3]), liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("+", i + 10), xloc = xloc.bar_time, color = gridDn, transp.get((i - minlvl) / 10)) ) + 7, liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("+", i + 10), style = label.style_label_left, textcolor = gridDn, text = str.tostring(i + 10, "###x"), color = #00000000 ) + 7, liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("-", i + 10), style = label.style_label_left, textcolor = gridUp, text = str.tostring(i + 10, "###x"), color = #00000000 ) y1 = (liquidation.Average.row(2).divSubtract(minlvl, 100) / ((90 - minlvl) / 10) * ((i - minlvl) / 10)) colarr = array.from(11, 11, 22, 22, 33, 33, 44, 44, 55, 66, 66) txtc = switch liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("+", i + 10).floatGreatEqual(liquidation.Average.row(0).max()) true => #ffffff50 =>, colarr.get((i - minlvl) / 10)) if not box2Line + 25, liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(minlvl, "P") - y1, "โ–ฐ", textcolor = txtc, size = size.tiny, color = #000000, style = label.style_text_outline ) txtc2 = switch liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc().multiply("-", i + 10).floatLessEqual(liquidation.Average.row(1).min()) true => #ffffff50 =>, colarr.get((i - minlvl) / 10)) if not box2Line + 25, liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(minlvl, "N") + y1, "โ–ฐ", textcolor = txtc2 , size = size.tiny, color = #000000, style = label.style_text_outline ) [mult, mult2, mult3] = switch minlvl 50 => [35 , 40, 30 ] 40 => [30 , 35, 25 ] 30 => [23 , 25.5, 20.5] 20 => [15 , 17, 13 ] 10 => [8 , 9 , 7 ] liqd = math.avg(liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(100, "N"), liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(minlvl, "N")) liqu = math.avg(liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(100, "P"), liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(minlvl, "P")) liqd2 = liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(mult, "N") liqu2 = liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(mult, "P") sbartime = timeMat.Time.indexof(stime) switchCond = syminfo.type.equal("crypto") [longText, shortText, totCalc] = switch switchCond true => [OIgrid.determine("\nNet Longs In Range", "\nBuying Vol. In Range" ), OIgrid.determine("\nNet Shorts In Range", "\nSelling Vol. In Range"), OIgrid.determine (posSum+negSum, posSum-negSum)] => ["\nBuying Vol. In Range", "\nSelling Vol. In Range", posSum-negSum] + 15, liquidation.Average.row(2).expCalc(), str.tostring(totCalc, "###,###,###,###.00"), color = color.white, textcolor = color.rgb(0, 0, 0), style = label.style_text_outline, size = size.small ) b = int( math.avg(stime, stime, endTime)), liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(mult2, "N"), int( math.avg(stime, endTime, endTime)), liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(mult3, "N"), bgcolor = #00000050, border_color = #ffffff, text = str.tostring(posSum, "###,###,###,###,###,###.00") + longText , text_color = color.white, text_size =, xloc = xloc.bar_time ) o = int( math.avg(stime, stime, endTime)), liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(mult2, "P"), int( math.avg(stime, endTime, endTime)), liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(mult3, "P"), bgcolor = #00000050, border_color = #ffffff, text = str.tostring(negSum, "###,###,###,###,###,###.00") + + shortText , text_color = color.white, text_size =, xloc = xloc.bar_time ) if switchCond liquidation.boxLines.push(, liqd, timeMat.Time.get(sbartime + 10), liqd, color = gridUp, style = line.style_dashed, xloc = xloc.bar_time )) corners.set(2, 0, leftUp = + 10), liqd2, timeMat.Time.get(sbartime + 10), liqd, color = gridUp, style = line.style_dashed, xloc = xloc.bar_time ))) liquidation.boxLines.push( + 10), liqd2, b.get_left(),liqd2, color = gridUp, style = line.style_dashed, xloc = xloc.bar_time )) corners.set(0, 0, rightUp = + 10, liqd2, endIndex + 10, liqd, color = gridUp, style = line.style_dashed ))) liquidation.boxLines.push(, endIndex, endIndex)), liqd2, endIndex + 10, liqd2, color = gridUp, style = line.style_dashed )) liquidation.boxLines.push(, liqd, endIndex + 10, liqd, color = gridUp, style = line.style_dashed )) liquidation.boxLines.push(, liqu, timeMat.Time.get(sbartime + 10), liqu, color = gridDn, style = line.style_dashed, xloc = xloc.bar_time )) corners.set(3, 0, leftDn = + 10), liqu, timeMat.Time.get(sbartime + 10), liqu2, color = gridDn, style = line.style_dashed, xloc = xloc.bar_time ))) liquidation.boxLines.push( + 10), liqu2, o.get_left(),liqu2, color = gridDn, style = line.style_dashed, xloc = xloc.bar_time )) corners.set(1, 0, rightDn = + 10, liqu, endIndex + 10, liqu2, color = gridDn, style = line.style_dashed ))) liquidation.boxLines.push( int( math.avg(sbar, endIndex, endIndex)), liqu2, endIndex + 10, liqu2, color = gridDn, style = line.style_dashed )) liquidation.boxLines.push(, liqu, endIndex + 10, liqu, color = gridDn, style = line.style_dashed )) var table liqtab = position.bottom_right, 20, 20, bgcolor = na, frame_color = color.white, border_color = color.white, frame_width = 1, border_width = 1 ) liqtab.cell(0, 0, "Violations", text_color = color.white), liqtab.cell(0, 1, "Positive", text_color = gridDn), liqtab.cell(2, 1, "Negative" , text_color = gridUp), liqtab.merge_cells(0, 0, 3, 0), liqtab.merge_cells(0, 1, 1, 1) liqtab.merge_cells(2, 1, 3, 1) strArr = array.from("100x: ", "90x: ", "80x: ", "70x: ", "60x: ", "50x: ", "40x: ", "30x: ", "20x: ", "10x: " ) strArr2 = array.from("100x: ", "90x: ", "80x: ", "70x: ", "60x: ", "50x: ", "40x: ", "30x: ", "20x: ", "10x: " ) intMat =<int>(0, 10) dnRow = liquidation.Violations.row(0), dnRow.reverse() upRow = liquidation.Violations.row(1), upRow.reverse() for i = 0 to strArr.size() - 1 strArr .set(i, strArr.get(i) + str.tostring(dnRow.get(i))) strArr2.set(i, strArr2.get(i) + str.tostring(upRow.get(i))) intMat.add_row(0, array.from(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)) intMat.add_row(1, array.from(2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3)) intMat.add_row(2, array.from(2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6)) for i = 0 to strArr.size() - 1 liqtab.cell(intMat.get(0, i), intMat.get(2, i), strArr.get (i), text_color = gridDn ) liqtab.cell(intMat.get(1, i), intMat.get(2, i), strArr2.get(i), text_color = gridUp) if move netLong = oicsum.row(0), netShort = oicsum.row(1) for i = bar_index - sbar to 0 if timeMat.Close.get(i).floatGreatEqual(timeMat.Close.get(i + 1)) switch math.sign(timeMat.Difference.get(i)).floatEqual(1) true => netLong .set(i, timeMat.Difference.get(i)), netShort.set(i, 0) => netLong .set(i, 0), netShort.set(i, timeMat.Difference.get(i)) else switch math.sign(timeMat.Difference.get(i)).floatEqual(1) true => netLong .set(i, 0), netShort.set(i, timeMat.Difference.get(i)) => netLong .set(i, timeMat.Difference.get(i)), netShort.set(i, 0) netLong.netAdjust(), netShort.netAdjust() b.set_top(liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(mult, "N")) o.set_top(liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(mult, "P")) if switchCond, 0).leftUp, corners.get(0, 0).rightUp, #00000050), 0).leftDn, corners.get(1, 0).rightDn, #00000050) avgN = (math.avg(liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(mult + 1, "N"), liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(minlvl - 1, "N"))) avgP = (math.avg(liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(mult + 1, "P"), liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(minlvl - 1, "P"))) for i = 1 to math.min(bar_index - sbar, netLong.size() - 1) netCalc = (liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(mult + 1, "N")) + ((liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(minlvl - 1, "N")) - (liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(mult + 1, "N" ))) * (netLong.get(i) - netLong.min()) / (netLong.range ()) snetCalc = (liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(minlvl - 1, "P")) - ((liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(minlvl - 1, "P")) - (liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(mult + 1, "P" ))) * (netShort.get(i) - netShort.min()) / (netShort.range ()) netCalc2 = (liquidation.Average.row(2) .reduced(mult + 1, "N")) + ((liquidation.Average.row(2) .reduced (minlvl - 1, "N")) - (liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(mult + 1, "N" ))) * (netLong.get(i - 1) - netLong.min()) / (netLong.range ()), snetCalc2 = (liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(minlvl-1, "P")) - ((liquidation.Average.row(2) .reduced(minlvl - 1, "P" )) - (liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(mult + 1, "P" ))) * (netShort.get(i - 1) - netShort.min()) / (netShort.range()) + 1), snetCalc, timeMat.Time.get(i), snetCalc2, color = gridDn, xloc = xloc.bar_time, width = 2 ) + 1), netCalc, timeMat.Time.get(i), netCalc2, color = gridUp, xloc = xloc.bar_time, width = 2 ) if not move and switchCond if liquidation.boxLines.size().intGreatEqual(1) for i = 0 to liquidation.boxLines.size() - 1 liquidation.boxLines.shift().delete() for i = 0 to 3 if not na(corners.get(i, 0)) switch i % 4 0 => corners.get(0, 0).rightUp.delete() 1 => corners.get(1, 0).rightDn.delete() 2 => corners.get(2, 0).leftUp .delete() 3 => corners.get(3, 0).leftDn .delete() if linefill.all.size().intGreatEqual(1) for i = 0 to linefill.all.size() - 1 linefill.all.shift().delete() if heatmap count = 0 for i = 0 to grid.rows() - 1 for x = 0 to grid.columns() - 1 grid.get(i, x).set_bottom(liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(100, "N") + (liquidation.Average.row(2).divSubtract(100, 100) * i)) grid.get(i, x).set_top (liquidation.Average.row(2).reduced(100, "N") + (liquidation.Average.row(2).divSubtract(100, 100) * (i + 1))) for i = 0 to 4 orientation.set(0, i, grid.get(i, 0).get_top ()) orientation.set(1, i, grid.get(i, 0).get_bottom()) [up1, dn1] = liquidation.Levels.double_binary_search_leftmost (0), [up2, dn2] = liquidation.Levels.double_binary_search_leftmost (1), [up3, dn3] = liquidation.Levels.double_binary_search_leftmost (2), [up4, dn4] = liquidation.Levels.double_binary_search_leftmost (3), [up5, dn5] = liquidation.Levels.double_binary_search_leftmost (4) var finTick =<float>(5, 1, 0), var finTick2 =<float>(5, 1, 0) for i = 0 to 20 finTick .finSetVol(i, 0, dn1, up1), finTick .finSetVol(i, 1, dn2, up2) finTick2.finSetOI (i, 0, dn1, up1), finTick2.finSetOI (i, 1, dn2, up2) finTick .finSetVol(i, 2, dn3, up3), finTick .finSetVol(i, 3, dn4, up4) finTick2.finSetOI (i, 2, dn3, up3), finTick2.finSetOI (i, 3, dn4, up4), finTick .finSetVol(i, 4, dn5, up5), finTick2.finSetOI (i, 4, dn5, up5) finTick .add_col(finTick .columns(), finTick .col(finTick .columns() - 1)) finTick2.add_col(finTick2.columns(), finTick2.col(finTick2.columns() - 1)) for i = 0 to grid.rows() - 1 for x = 0 to grid.columns() - 1 [datax, datamin, datamax] = switch OIgrid false => [finTick .get(i, x), finTick .min(), finTick .max()] true and syminfo.type.notEqual("crypto") => [finTick .get(i, x), finTick .min(), finTick .max()] => [finTick2.get(i, x), finTick2.min(), finTick2.max()] col = switch math.sign(datax) 0 =>, 80) 1 => color.from_gradient(datax, 0, datamax,, 90),, 50)) -1 => color.from_gradient(datax, datamin, 0,, 50),, 90)) grid.get(i, x).set_bgcolor(col) if showValues oiTxt = switch switchCond true => "\n\nOI: " + (finTick2.get(i, x).floatGreatEqual(0).determine("+" , "")) + str.tostring(finTick2.get(i, x), "###,###,###.##") => "" grid.get(i, x).set_text( "VOL: " + str.tostring(finTick.get(i, x), format.volume) + oiTxt) grid.get(i, x).set_text_color(color.white) if ext for i = 0 to grid.rows() - 1 for x = 1 to grid.columns() - 1 [dataCur, dataPrev] = switch OIgrid false => [finTick .get(i, x), finTick .get(i, x - 1)] true and syminfo.type.notEqual("crypto") => [finTick .get(i, x), finTick .get(i, x - 1)] => [finTick2.get(i, x), finTick2.get(i, x - 1)] if dataCur.floatEqual(dataPrev) grid.get(i, x).set_left(grid.get(i, x - 1).get_left()) grid.get(i, x - 1).delete() if not switchCond distanceTop = o.get_bottom() - o.get_top() distanceBot = b.get_top() - b.get_bottom() o.set_bottom(grid.get(4, 0) .get_top()) , o.set_top(o.get_bottom() + distanceTop) b.set_top (grid.get(0, 0) .get_bottom()), b.set_bottom(b.get_top() - distanceBot) else for i = 0 to grid.rows() - 1 for x = 0 to grid.columns() - 1 grid.get(i, x).delete()
Adaptive Moving Average with ATR bands
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ raminyazdanpanah - 2023 //@version=5 indicator(title = "Adaptive Moving Average with ATR bands", shorttitle="iMA", overlay=true) // Inputs length = = "Length", defval=8, minval = 0, confirm = true) fastLength = = "Fast EMA Length", defval = 5, minval = 0, confirm = true) slowLength = = "Slow EMA Length", defval = 14, minval = 0, confirm = true) atrPeriod = = "ATR period", defval=14, minval = 0, confirm = true) atrFactor = input.float(title = "ATR Factor", defval = 0.5, minval = 0, confirm = true) src = input.source(title="Source", defval=close) slAtr = = "X ATR stop loss", defval = 2, minval = 0, confirm = true) // Fast and slow constants for EMA's fastAlpha = 2 / (fastLength + 1) slowAlpha = 2 / (slowLength + 1) // Direction hh = ta.highest(length + 1) ll = ta.lowest(length + 1) // Efficiency Ratio mltp = hh - ll != 0 ? math.abs(2 * src - ll - hh) / (hh - ll) : 0 // Scalable Constant ssc = mltp * (fastAlpha - slowAlpha) + slowAlpha // adaptive moving average ama = 0.0 ama := nz(ama[1]) + math.pow(ssc, 2) * (src - nz(ama[1])) // ATR bands halfAtr = ta.atr(atrPeriod) * atrFactor upperBnad = ama + halfAtr lowerBand = ama - halfAtr // Stop loss sl = slAtr * ta.atr(atrPeriod) // ploting plot(ama, title="AMA", linewidth=2, color= color.yellow) plot(upperBnad, title = "Upper Band", linewidth = 2, color = plot(lowerBand, title = "Lower Band", linewidth = 2, color = plot(slAtr*ta.atr(atrPeriod), title = "X ATR stop loss", color =, display = display.status_line)
Lower timeframe chart
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ mickes //@version=5 indicator("Lower timeframe chart", overlay = true) var _intMax = 2147483647. var _intMin = -2147483648. _timeFrame = input.timeframe("15", "Lower time frame", group = "General") _slotSizeAtrFactor = input.float(0.1, "Slot size ATR factor", group = "General", tooltip = "Bars are divided into slots (rows), that are decided by this factor of the ATR (14 bars)") _bigRangeAtrMultiplier = input.float(0.5, "Big range ATR multiplier", group = "General", tooltip = "A bar is considered having a big range if it overgrows ATR (14 bars) times this factor") _calculateBigRange = input.bool(true, "Calculate big range", group = "General", tooltip = "Takes time to calculate, disable to make the script faster") _volumeMovingAverageLength =, "Volume SMA length", group = "General", tooltip = "Used for defining if a bar is concidered having 'big volume' (when the volume is higher than the SMA it's concidered having 'big volume')") _calculateBigVolume = input.bool(true, "Calculate big volume", group = "General", tooltip = "Takes time to calculate, disable to make the script faster") _superTrendBullPercent = input.float(80, "Supertrend bull %", group = "Trend detection", tooltip = "The percentage of bars that must have a bull super trend to be in a bullish trend") _showTrend = input.bool(true, "Show trend", group = "Trend detection", tooltip = "Shows the current lower timeframe trend (based on super trend), the percentage of bars in bull/bear trend, the bars in bull/bear trend ('/' the total number of bars) and the trend changes") type TrendType string TrendString = "" string Progress = "" type ChartType matrix<string> Matrix TrendType Trend type LowerTimeFrameBarType float High = -1 float Low = -1 float Atr = -1 int SuperTrend = -1 bool BigRange = false bool BigVolume = false bool Green = false float Slot = -1 createSlots(slots, min, max, slotSize) => i = 0 while true slot = min + (slotSize * i) array.push(slots, slot) if slot >= max break i += 1 giveSlots(slots, bars) => for [i, bar] in bars highLow2 = (bar.High + bar.Low) / 2 slotIndex = array.binary_search_leftmost(slots, highLow2) slot = array.get(slots, slotIndex) bar.Slot := slot getUsedSlots(bars) => usedSlots =<float>(), filledSlots = 0 for bar in bars exists = array.includes(usedSlots, bar.Slot) if not exists array.push(usedSlots, bar.Slot) filledSlots += 1 array.sort(usedSlots, order.descending) [usedSlots, filledSlots] getChartMatrix(bars, barsSize, usedSlots, filledSlots) => greenBar = "โ”ผ", greenBarWick = "โ”‚", redBar = "โ•‹", redBarWick = "โ”ƒ", greenBarBigVolume = "โ•ช", greenBarBigVolumeTail = "โ”‚", redBarBigVolume = "โ•ฌ", redBarBigVolumeTail = "โ•‘", noRange = "โ”€", noRangeBigVolume = "โ•" matrixRows = filledSlots + 2, matrixColumns = barsSize + 1, m =<string>(matrixRows, matrixColumns, "โ €") for [row, usedSlot] in usedSlots for [column, rowBar] in bars if rowBar.Slot == usedSlot if rowBar.BigVolume if rowBar.Green if rowBar.Low == rowBar.High matrix.set(m, row + 1, column, noRangeBigVolume) else matrix.set(m, row + 1, column, greenBarBigVolume) if rowBar.BigRange matrix.set(m, row, column, greenBarBigVolumeTail) else if rowBar.Low == rowBar.High matrix.set(m, row + 1, column, noRangeBigVolume) else matrix.set(m, row + 1, column, redBarBigVolume) if rowBar.BigRange matrix.set(m, row + 2, column, redBarBigVolumeTail) else if rowBar.Green if rowBar.Low == rowBar.High matrix.set(m, row + 1, column, noRange) else matrix.set(m, row + 1, column, greenBar) if rowBar.BigRange matrix.set(m, row, column, greenBarWick) else if rowBar.Low == rowBar.High matrix.set(m, row + 1, column, noRange) else matrix.set(m, row + 1, column, redBar) if rowBar.BigRange matrix.set(m, row + 2, column, redBarWick) [m, matrixRows, matrixColumns] getChartFromMatrix(m, matrixRows) => chart = "" for i = 0 to matrixRows - 1 matrixRow = matrix.row(m, i) rowString = array.join(matrixRow, "") if str.length(str.replace_all(rowString, "โ €", "")) == 0 continue // skip empty row if str.length(chart) == 0 chart += str.format("{0}", rowString) else chart += str.format("\n{0}", rowString) chart // taken from KivancOzbilgic script SuperTrend ( superTrend(atrLength, source, atrFactor) => atr = ta.atr(atrLength) up = source - (atrFactor * atr) up1 = nz(up[1], up) up := close[1] > up1 ? math.max(up, up1) : up dn = source + (atrFactor * atr) dn1 = nz(dn[1], dn) dn := close[1] < dn1 ? math.min(dn, dn1) : dn trend = 1 trend := nz(trend[1], trend) trend := trend == 0 and close > dn1 ? 1 : trend == 1 and close < up1 ? 0 : trend trend getSuperTrendString(superTrends, barsSize) => string superTrendString = na for i = 0 to barsSize - 1 superTrend = array.get(superTrends, i) currentSuperTrend = superTrend == 1 ? "๐Ÿ“ˆ" : "๐Ÿ“‰" if i > 0 previousSuperTrend = array.get(superTrends, i - 1) if previousSuperTrend != superTrend superTrendString += currentSuperTrend else if i == 0 superTrendString += currentSuperTrend superTrendString getTrend(superTrends, bars) => trend = trends = array.sum(superTrends) superTrendString = getSuperTrendString(superTrends, bars) supertrendMinimumBull = bars * (_superTrendBullPercent * 0.01) if trends >= supertrendMinimumBull trend.TrendString := "Bull" trend.Progress := str.format("{0,number,###.#}% ({1}/{2}) {3}", (trends / bars) * 100, trends, bars, superTrendString) else trend.TrendString := "Bear" trend.Progress := str.format("{0,number,###.#}% ({1}/{2}) {3}", ((bars - trends) / bars) * 100, bars - trends, bars, superTrendString) trend getLowerTimeFrameBar() => atr = ta.atr(14) superTrend = superTrend(10, hl2, 3) volumeMovingAverage = ta.sma(volume, _volumeMovingAverageLength) bigRange = _calculateBigRange ? ((high - low) / 2) > (atr * _bigRangeAtrMultiplier) : false bigVolume = _calculateBigVolume ? volume > volumeMovingAverage : false Green = close >= open ? true : false bar =, low, atr, superTrend, bigRange, bigVolume, Green) bar getLowerTimeFrameChart(lowerTimeFrameBars, lowerTimeFrameBarsSize) => lowerTimeFramechart = slotSize = 0., slots =<float>(), superTrends =<int>() for [i, bar] in lowerTimeFrameBars if i == lowerTimeFrameBarsSize - 1 slotSize := bar.Atr * _slotSizeAtrFactor // get last atr for slot size if _showTrend array.push(superTrends, bar.SuperTrend) bars = array.size(lowerTimeFrameBars) createSlots(slots, low, high, slotSize) giveSlots(slots, lowerTimeFrameBars) [usedSlots, filledSlots] = getUsedSlots(lowerTimeFrameBars) [m, matrixRows, matrixColumns] = getChartMatrix(lowerTimeFrameBars, bars, usedSlots, filledSlots) lowerTimeFramechart.Matrix := m if _showTrend lowerTimeFramechart.Trend := getTrend(superTrends, bars) lowerTimeFramechart drawChart(lowerTimeFramechart) => matrixRows = matrix.rows(lowerTimeFramechart.Matrix), matrixColumns = matrix.columns(lowerTimeFramechart.Matrix) chart = getChartFromMatrix(lowerTimeFramechart.Matrix, matrixRows) var lightTheme = color.r(chart.bg_color) == 255 var labelColor = lightTheme ?, 90) :, 90) var labelTextColor = lightTheme ? : color.white var l =, 0, "", style = label.style_label_lower_left, color = labelColor, textcolor = labelTextColor, text_font_family = font.family_monospace) txt = _showTrend ? str.format("{0}\n{1} ({2})", chart, lowerTimeFramechart.Trend.TrendString, lowerTimeFramechart.Trend.Progress) : chart label.set_text(l,txt) label.set_x(l, bar_index) label.set_y(l, high) alertIfTrendChange(trend) => var string originalTrend = na if not na(originalTrend) if trend != originalTrend alert(str.format("Lower time frame trend change (from {0} to {1})", str.lower(originalTrend), str.lower(trend)), alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) originalTrend := trend if na(originalTrend) originalTrend := trend lowerTimeFrameBars = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, _timeFrame, getLowerTimeFrameBar()) lowerTimeFrameBarsSize = array.size(lowerTimeFrameBars) if barstate.islast and lowerTimeFrameBarsSize > 0 lowerTimeFrameChart = getLowerTimeFrameChart(lowerTimeFrameBars, lowerTimeFrameBarsSize) if lowerTimeFrameBarsSize > 1 // only draw chart if more than one bar is available drawChart(lowerTimeFrameChart) if _showTrend alertIfTrendChange(lowerTimeFrameChart.Trend.TrendString)
Drawdown Dynamics Indicator
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at //@version=5 // Author ยฉ TradeAutomation indicator("Drawdown Dynamics Indicator") //Measures All Time High of Asset var float ATH = na ATH := if na(ATH[1]) high else math.max(high,ATH[1]) //Measures Drawdown Drawdown=100-(low/ATH)*100 //Measures Total Max Drawdown var float MaxDrawdown = Drawdown MaxDrawdown := if na(MaxDrawdown[1]) Drawdown else math.max(Drawdown,MaxDrawdown[1]) //Measures Rolling Period Max Drawdown RollingMDD = ta.highest(Drawdown,, "Length of Rolling Period Max Drawdown")) UseAllTime = input.bool(false, "Use All Time Max Drawdown Instead of Rolling Period?") //Visualizations plot(UseAllTime==false ? RollingMDD : MaxDrawdown, "Max Drawdown", color=color.gray,linewidth=2) plot(Drawdown, "Current Drawdown",,linewidth=1)
ICT Friday's Asian Rangeยฐ
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ toodegrees //@version=5 indicator("ICT Friday's Asian Range", shorttitle="Fri Asian Rangeยฐ", overlay=true, max_bars_back=500, max_boxes_count=500, max_lines_count=500, max_labels_count=500) if not(timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe.period) == timeframe.in_seconds("5") or timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe.period) == timeframe.in_seconds("15")) runtime.error("Go to the 5 Minute or 15 Minute Chart!") //#region[GLOBAL] tooUtils_lineStyle(string _style) => style = switch _style "Dashed" => line.style_dashed "Dotted" => line.style_dotted "Solid" => line.style_solid style noColor =,100) //#endregion //#region[USER INPUT] showLast = , title="Historical Sessions" , minval=0 , maxval=20) arBodyBoxColor = input.color(, 80), title="Box" , group="Asian Range (Body)", inline='B') arBodyLineColor = input.color(#000000 , title="Line" , group="Asian Range (Body)", inline='B') arBodyLineStyle = tooUtils_lineStyle(input.string("Dotted" , title="" , group="Asian Range (Body)", inline='B', options=["Dotted", "Dashed", "Solid"])) arBodyLineWidth = , title="" , group="Asian Range (Body)", inline='B', minval=1) arWickBoxColor = input.color(, 80), title="Box" , group="Asian Range (Wick)", inline='W') arWickLineColor = input.color(#388e3c , title="Line" , group="Asian Range (Wick)", inline='W') arWickLineStyle = tooUtils_lineStyle(input.string("Dotted" , title="" , group="Asian Range (Wick)", inline='W', options=["Dotted", "Dashed", "Solid"])) arWickLineWidth = , title="" , group="Asian Range (Wick)", inline='W', minval=1) arBodyAlert = input.bool(false , title="" , group="Alerts" , inline='b') arBodyAlertLine = input.string("3B" , title="+/- Stdev" , group="Alerts" , inline='b', options=["1B", "2B", "3B", "4B", "5B"]) arWickAlert = input.bool(false , title="" , group="Alerts" , inline='w') arWickAlertLine = input.string("3W" , title="+/- Stdev" , group="Alerts" , inline='w', options=["1W", "2W", "3W", "4W", "5W"]) //#endregion //#region[DECLARATIONS & FUNCTION] var asian_range = array.new_box(), var asian_stdev = array.new_line(), var asian_label = array.new_label() var int ar_start = na , var float ar_bodyHigh = na , var float ar_wickHigh = na var int ar_end = na , var float ar_bodyLow = na , var float ar_wickLow = na var alert_BodyUp = false , var float alert_level_BodyUp = na var alert_BodyDw = false , var float alert_level_BodyDw = na var alert_WickUp = false , var float alert_level_WickUp = na var alert_WickDw = false , var float alert_level_WickDw = na tooUtils_alertLine(string ID, string TYPE, float PRICE=na) => if na(PRICE) if ID+TYPE == arBodyAlertLine ar_start+(7*86400000) else if ID+TYPE == arWickAlertLine ar_start+(7*86400000) else ar_end else if ID+TYPE == arBodyAlertLine PRICE else if ID+TYPE == arWickAlertLine PRICE else na //#endregion //#region[LOGIC] range_time = time("1","1900-2359:5","America/New_York") if range_time if not(range_time[1]) ar_start := time ar_bodyHigh := math.max(open,close) ar_bodyLow := math.min(open,close) ar_wickHigh := high ar_wickLow := low ar_bodyHigh := math.max(math.max(open,close), ar_bodyHigh) ar_bodyLow := math.min(math.min(open,close), ar_bodyLow ) ar_wickHigh := math.max(high, ar_wickHigh) ar_wickLow := math.min(low , ar_wickLow ) //#endregion //#region[PLOT] else if range_time[1] alert_BodyUp := true alert_BodyDw := true alert_WickUp := true alert_WickDw := true ar_end := time body_Range = ar_bodyHigh-ar_bodyLow wick_Range = ar_wickHigh-ar_wickLow asian_range.unshift(, ar_bodyHigh, ar_end, ar_bodyLow, noColor, 0, xloc=xloc.bar_time, bgcolor=arBodyBoxColor)) asian_range.unshift(, ar_wickHigh, ar_end, ar_wickLow, noColor, 0, xloc=xloc.bar_time, bgcolor=arWickBoxColor)) for i=1 to 5 by 1 stdev_bodyUp = ar_bodyHigh+(i*body_Range) stdev_bodyDw = ar_bodyLow-(i*body_Range) stdev_wickUp = ar_wickHigh+(i*wick_Range) stdev_wickDw = ar_wickLow-(i*wick_Range) level_BodyUp = tooUtils_alertLine(str.tostring(i), "B", stdev_bodyUp) level_BodyDw = tooUtils_alertLine(str.tostring(i), "B", stdev_bodyDw) level_WickUp = tooUtils_alertLine(str.tostring(i), "W", stdev_wickUp) level_WickDw = tooUtils_alertLine(str.tostring(i), "W", stdev_wickDw) alert_level_BodyUp := na(level_BodyUp)?alert_level_BodyUp:level_BodyUp alert_level_BodyDw := na(level_BodyDw)?alert_level_BodyDw:level_BodyDw alert_level_WickUp := na(level_WickUp)?alert_level_WickUp:level_WickUp alert_level_WickDw := na(level_WickDw)?alert_level_WickDw:level_WickDw asian_stdev.unshift(, stdev_bodyUp, int(tooUtils_alertLine(str.tostring(i), "B")), stdev_bodyUp, color=arBodyLineColor, style=arBodyLineStyle, width=arBodyLineWidth, xloc=xloc.bar_time)) asian_stdev.unshift(, stdev_bodyDw, int(tooUtils_alertLine(str.tostring(i), "B")), stdev_bodyDw, color=arBodyLineColor, style=arBodyLineStyle, width=arBodyLineWidth, xloc=xloc.bar_time)) asian_stdev.unshift(, stdev_wickUp, int(tooUtils_alertLine(str.tostring(i), "W")), stdev_wickUp, color=arWickLineColor, style=arWickLineStyle, width=arWickLineWidth, xloc=xloc.bar_time)) asian_stdev.unshift(, stdev_wickDw, int(tooUtils_alertLine(str.tostring(i), "W")), stdev_wickDw, color=arWickLineColor, style=arWickLineStyle, width=arWickLineWidth, xloc=xloc.bar_time)) asian_label.unshift(, stdev_bodyUp, "+"+str.tostring(i)+"B", color=noColor, style=label.style_label_right, textcolor=arBodyLineColor, size=size.small, text_font_family=font.family_monospace, xloc=xloc.bar_time, tooltip=str.tostring(stdev_bodyUp))) asian_label.unshift(, stdev_bodyDw, "-"+str.tostring(i)+"B", color=noColor, style=label.style_label_right, textcolor=arBodyLineColor, size=size.small, text_font_family=font.family_monospace, xloc=xloc.bar_time, tooltip=str.tostring(stdev_bodyDw))) asian_label.unshift(, stdev_wickUp, "+"+str.tostring(i)+"W", color=noColor, style=label.style_label_right, textcolor=arWickLineColor, size=size.small, text_font_family=font.family_monospace, xloc=xloc.bar_time, tooltip=str.tostring(stdev_wickUp))) asian_label.unshift(, stdev_wickDw, "-"+str.tostring(i)+"W", color=noColor, style=label.style_label_right, textcolor=arWickLineColor, size=size.small, text_font_family=font.family_monospace, xloc=xloc.bar_time, tooltip=str.tostring(stdev_wickDw))) if asian_range.size() > (showLast+1)*2 for i=1 to 2 by 1 box.delete(asian_range.pop()) for i=1 to 20 by 1 line.delete(asian_stdev.pop()) label.delete(asian_label.pop()) //#endregion //#region[ALERTS] if arBodyAlert if high>alert_level_BodyUp and alert_BodyUp alert_BodyUp := false alert(ticker.standard(syminfo.ticker)+" Crossing Friday's Asian Range +"+arBodyAlertLine+" Standard Deviation @ "+str.tostring(alert_level_BodyUp), alert.freq_once_per_bar) if low<alert_level_BodyDw and alert_BodyDw alert_BodyDw := false alert(ticker.standard(syminfo.ticker)+" Crossing Friday's Asian Range -"+arBodyAlertLine+" Standard Deviation @ "+str.tostring(alert_level_BodyDw), alert.freq_once_per_bar) if arWickAlert if high>alert_level_WickUp and alert_WickUp alert_WickUp := false alert(ticker.standard(syminfo.ticker)+" Crossing Friday's Asian Range +"+arWickAlertLine+" Standard Deviation @ "+str.tostring(alert_level_WickUp), alert.freq_once_per_bar) if low<alert_level_WickDw and alert_WickDw alert_WickDw := false alert(ticker.standard(syminfo.ticker)+" Crossing Friday's Asian Range -"+arWickAlertLine+" Standard Deviation @ "+str.tostring(alert_level_WickDw), alert.freq_once_per_bar) //#endregion
AlexD Intraday market footprint
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ Aleksey Demchenko / AlexD //@version=5 indicator(title="AlexD Intraday market footprint", shorttitle="IMF", format=format.price, precision=2, max_bars_back=5000) //Init DaysN =, title="Number of days", minval=1, maxval=128) FilterK =, title="SMA filter period", minval=1, maxval=64) Smooth =, title="IMF smooth period", minval=1, maxval=64) SignalLine =, title="IMF predict period", minval=1, maxval=64) Preshift =, title="Skip N hours in days(optimisation)", minval=0, maxval=23) i = FilterK DaysChecked = 0 ReversalsFound = 0 IMF_Base = 0.0 IMF_Predict = 0.0 PrevDayBarIndex = 0 PrevDayIMF_Base = 0.0 PrevDayIMF_Predict = 0.0 //Levels hline(1.0, "Maximum level", color=color.gray) hline(0.9, "Linearity level", hline(0.5, "Middle level", color=color.gray) hline(0.33, "Reversal level", color=color.maroon) //Chart filter price_signal = ta.sma((high+low+close)/3, FilterK) if((timeframe.isminutes) and (timeframe.multiplier < 61)) //IMF calculation while( (DaysChecked < DaysN) and (i < 4999 - (FilterK+Smooth+Preshift)*(60/timeframe.multiplier)) ) i += 1 if( (hour == hour[i]) and (minute == minute[i]) ) if(DaysChecked == 0) PrevDayBarIndex := bar_index[i] DaysChecked += 1 if( ((price_signal[i-int(FilterK/2.0)] > price_signal[i-int(FilterK/2.0)+1]) and (price_signal[i-int(FilterK/2.0)+1] > price_signal[i-int(FilterK/2.0)+2])) or ((price_signal[i-int(FilterK/2.0)] < price_signal[i-int(FilterK/2.0)+1]) and (price_signal[i-int(FilterK/2.0)+1] < price_signal[i-int(FilterK/2.0)+2])) ) ReversalsFound += 1 i += int(60/timeframe.multiplier*Preshift) IMF_Base := ta.sma(ReversalsFound/DaysChecked, Smooth) //IMF Predict calculation IMF_Predict := IMF_Base i := 1 while i < SignalLine IMF_Predict *= IMF_Base[i] i += 1 //Drawing the first values according to the data of the previous day if(bar_index > last_bar_index-SignalLine-int(Smooth/2.0)) PrevDayIMF_Predict := IMF_Predict[bar_index-PrevDayBarIndex-SignalLine-int(Smooth/2.0)+1] if(bar_index > last_bar_index-int(Smooth/2.0)-1) PrevDayIMF_Base := IMF_Base[bar_index-PrevDayBarIndex-int(Smooth/2.0)] else PrevDayIMF_Base := na else PrevDayIMF_Predict := na PrevDayIMF_Base := na else if barstate.islastconfirmedhistory //TIMEFRAME ERROR, 0, style=label.style_label_right, size=size.normal,, textcolor=color.white, text="Invalid timeframe! Choose a chart from 1M to 1H.") //Indicator view plot(IMF_Base, title="IMF", color=color.silver, offset=-int(Smooth/2.0)) plot(IMF_Predict, title="IMF Predict", color=color.fuchsia, offset=-SignalLine-int(Smooth/2.0)+1) plot(PrevDayIMF_Base, title="Prev day IMF",, style=plot.style_line) plot(PrevDayIMF_Predict, title="Prev day IMF Predict",, style=plot.style_line)
Crunchster's Real Price
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ Crunchster1 //@version=5 indicator("Crunchster's Real Price", overlay = true, scale = scale.none) //Inputs src = input(close, "Source") length ="Lookback period for normalisation filter", defval=14, minval=2, tooltip='This adjusts the lookback period for the volatility filter used to transform the original price series.') roll ="Rolling window length", defval=365, minval=10, tooltip='This value will adjust the length of the rolling lookback period over which the normalised price is summated. This only affects the normalised price over a rolling period') // Calculation of normalised period returns returns = (src - src[1]) / ta.stdev((src - src[1]), length) // Convert the Normalised returns per period into a price series nReal = ta.cum(returns) nRolling = math.sum(returns, roll) plot(nReal, title = "Real Price",, 0)) plot(nRolling, title = "Normalised price series over rolling period",, 0), display=display.none)
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ jeesauce //Some of the formula here in the library are from //@version=5 library("JeeSauceScripts", overlay = true) //Get Up and Down Volume export getupdnvol() => float positivevol = 0.0 float negativevol = 0.0 switch // close > open => positivevol += volume close < open => negativevol -= volume // close > nz(close[1]) => positivevol += volume close < nz(close[1]) => negativevol -= volume // nz(positivevol[1]) > 0 => positivevol += volume nz(negativevol[1]) < 0 => negativevol -= volume [positivevol, negativevol] //Get Total Positive Volume export GetTotalUpVolume(float[] upvolume) => nz(array.sum(upvolume)) //Get Total Negative Volume export GetTotalDnVolume(float[] downvolume) => nz(array.sum(downvolume)) //Get Delta export GetDelta(float totalupvolume, float totaldownvolume) => totalupvolume + totaldownvolume //Get Max Positive Volume export GetMaxUpVolume(float[] upvolume) => nz(array.max(upvolume)) //Get Max Negative Volume export GetMaxDnVolume(float[] downvolume) => nz(array.min(downvolume)) //Get CVD export Getcvd() => var float cvd = 0.0 //Get CVD Open export Getcvdopen(float cvd) => cvd //Get CVD High export Getcvdhigh(float cvd, float maxvolumeup) => cvd + maxvolumeup //Get CVD Low export Getcvdlow(float cvd, float maxvolumedown) => cvd + maxvolumedown //Get CVD Close export Getcvdclose(float cvd, float delta) => cvd + delta //Add 6 numbers export CombineData(float data1, float data2, float data3, float data4, float data5, float data6) => data1 + data2 + data3 + data4 + data5 + data6 //Find a Certain Character export FindData(string data, string find) => str.contains(data, find)
EMA Envelope - Signal with Stoploss and Takeprofit Levels
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ hellomuthu23 //@version=5 indicator("EMA Envelope Indicator with Buy/Sell Signal with Stoploss and Takeprofit Levels","EMA Envelope Signal",true) // Input Parameters EMA_Length=input(title="EMA Length", defval=20) // Short-term Exponential Moving Average length EMA_LongTerm_Length = input(title = "Long Term EMA length",defval = 200) // Long-term Exponential Moving Average length TakeProfit_Ratio = input.float(title="Take Profit Ratio", defval = 2.0, minval = 0.1) // Take Profit ratio for calculating take-profit levels Filter_Signal_On_LongTerm_EMA = input(title="Filter Signal on Long Term EMA", defval = true) // Option to filter signals using long-term EMA Show_Only_Recent_Signals = input(title = "Show only recent signal", defval = false) // Option to show only recent buy/sell signals // Data Setup src = close // Source data for calculations e = ta.ema(close, EMA_Length) // Short-term Exponential Moving Average eu = ta.ema(high, EMA_Length) // Upper EMA (based on high prices) el = ta.ema(low, EMA_Length) // Lower EMA (based on low prices) LongTermEMA=ta.ema(close, EMA_LongTerm_Length) // Long-term Exponential Moving Average // Plotting EMAs plot(e, style=plot.style_circles, color=color.gray) plot1 = plot(eu, title="Upper EMA", color=color.lime, linewidth=2 ) plot2 = plot(el, title="Lower EMA", color=color.aqua, linewidth=2 ) fill(plot1=plot1, plot2=plot2, color=color.gray, transp=50) plot(LongTermEMA, title = "LongTerm EMA",, 30), linewidth=3) // Buy and Sell Signal Conditions longCond = low[0] > eu and low[1] < eu[1] if Filter_Signal_On_LongTerm_EMA longCond := longCond and close > LongTermEMA shortCond = high[0] < el and high[1] > el[1] if Filter_Signal_On_LongTerm_EMA shortCond := shortCond and close < LongTermEMA // Plot Buy and Sell Signals plotshape(series=longCond, title="Buy signal", show_last = Show_Only_Recent_Signals? 100: 10000, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar,, text="Buy", textcolor = color.lime, size=size.tiny) plotshape(series=shortCond, title="Sell signal",show_last = Show_Only_Recent_Signals? 100: 10000, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar,, text="Sell", textcolor =, size=size.tiny) // Calculate Stop-Loss and Take-Profit Levels longStopLoss = el // Long position stop-loss at the lower EMA longTakProfit = ((low - longStopLoss) * TakeProfit_Ratio) + low // Long position take-profit calculation if longCond == false // If not in a long position, set stop-loss and take-profit to 'na' (not available) longStopLoss := na longTakProfit := na shortStopLoss = eu // Short position stop-loss at the upper EMA shortTakProfit = high - (( shortStopLoss - high) * TakeProfit_Ratio) // Short position take-profit calculation if shortCond == false // If not in a short position, set stop-loss and take-profit to 'na' shortStopLoss := na shortTakProfit := na // Plot Stop-Loss and Take-Profit Levels plot(longTakProfit , "Long TP",, 3, plot.style_linebr, show_last = Show_Only_Recent_Signals? 100: 10000) plot(longStopLoss , "Long SL", color.purple, 5, plot.style_linebr, show_last = Show_Only_Recent_Signals? 100: 10000) plot(shortTakProfit , "Short TP",, 3, plot.style_linebr,show_last = Show_Only_Recent_Signals? 100: 10000 ) plot(shortStopLoss , "Short SL", color.purple, 5, plot.style_linebr, show_last = Show_Only_Recent_Signals? 100: 10000)
Retest Support Resistance Signals [ChartPrime]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ร‚ยฉ ChartPrime //@version=5 indicator(title = "Support/Resistance Re-test Finder [ChartPrime]", overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500) // { <CONSTANTS> MAIN_GROUP = "Main Settings" DELETE_GROUP = "Deletion Settings" COSMETIC_GROUP = "Cosmetic Settings" // } <CONSTANTS> // { <INPUTS> levelMethod = input.string( title = "Detection Method", defval = "Wick", options = ["Wick", "Body"], group = MAIN_GROUP) leftBars = title = "Left Bars", defval = 20, group = MAIN_GROUP, inline = "pivot") rightBars = title = "Right Bars", defval = 20, group = MAIN_GROUP, inline = "pivot") retestLogic = input.bool( title = "Retest Weaker", defval = false, tooltip = "Retest makes level weaker vs retest makes level stronger", group = MAIN_GROUP) definitionOfDelete = input.string( title = "Delete Definition", defval = "Stop Updating Level", options = ["Stop Updating Level", "Completely Delete Level", "Stop Updating Level & Turn Level Unique Color"], group = DELETE_GROUP) flipsUntilDeletion = title = "Breakouts Until Level Deletes", defval = 1, group = DELETE_GROUP) ageUntilDeletion = title = "Bars Until Level Deletes", defval = 300, group = DELETE_GROUP) supportColor = input.color( title = "Initial Support Re-Test Color", defval = color.rgb(76, 175, 79, 50), group = COSMETIC_GROUP) resistanceColor = input.color( title = "Initial Resistance Re-Test Color", defval = color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 50), group = COSMETIC_GROUP) uniqueDeleteColor = input.color( title = "Unique Deletion Color", defval = color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 50), group = COSMETIC_GROUP) changeColorMethod = input.string( title = "Change Color Method", defval = "Price Above/Below", options = ["Price Above/Below", "Fade Out Based On Age"], group = COSMETIC_GROUP) lineWidth = title = "Line Width", defval = 10, group = COSMETIC_GROUP) // } <INPUTS> // { <USER DEFINED TYPES> type flipLevelManager array<string> variation array<line> lineArray array<int> lineAge array<int> lineFlips array<int> linePhase // } <USER DEFINED TYPES> // { <CALCULATIONS> pivotHigh = ta.pivothigh( levelMethod == "Wick" ? high : close > open ? close : open, leftBars, rightBars) pivotLow = ta.pivotlow( levelMethod == "Wick" ? low : close < open ? close : open, leftBars, rightBars) newHigh = not na(pivotHigh) newLow = not na(pivotLow) newTestedSupport = false newTestedResistance = false supportBrokeDownside = false supportBrokeUpside = false resistanceBrokeDownside = false resistanceBrokeUpside = false var firstPhaseHigh = array.new_float() var firstPhaseHighI = array.new_int() var firstPhaseLow = array.new_float() var firstPhaseLowI = array.new_int() var secondPhaseHigh = array.new_float() var secondPhaseHighI = array.new_int() var secondPhaseLow = array.new_float() var secondPhaseLowI = array.new_int() var flipManager = array.new_string(), array.new_line(), array.new_int(), array.new_int(), array.new_int()) if barstate.isconfirmed if newHigh array.push(firstPhaseHigh, pivotHigh) array.push(firstPhaseHighI, bar_index[rightBars]) if newLow array.push(firstPhaseLow, pivotLow) array.push(firstPhaseLowI, bar_index[rightBars]) for i = array.size(secondPhaseHigh) > 0 ? array.size(secondPhaseHigh) - 1 : na to 0 price = array.get(secondPhaseHigh, i) index = array.get(secondPhaseHighI, i) if low <= price and close > price and close > open newLine = x1 = index, y1 = price, x2 = bar_index, y2 = price, xloc = xloc.bar_index, extend = extend.none, color = supportColor, width = lineWidth) array.push(flipManager.lineArray, newLine) array.push(flipManager.variation, "Support") array.push(flipManager.lineAge, 0) array.push(flipManager.lineFlips, 0) array.push(flipManager.linePhase, 1) array.remove(secondPhaseHigh, i) array.remove(secondPhaseHighI, i) newTestedSupport := true else if bar_index - index > 1000 or close < price array.remove(secondPhaseHigh, i) array.remove(secondPhaseHighI, i) for i = array.size(secondPhaseLow) > 0 ? array.size(secondPhaseLow) - 1 : na to 0 price = array.get(secondPhaseLow, i) index = array.get(secondPhaseLowI, i) if high >= price and close < price and close < open newLine = x1 = index, y1 = price, x2 = bar_index, y2 = price, xloc = xloc.bar_index, extend = extend.none, color = resistanceColor, width = lineWidth) array.push(flipManager.lineArray, newLine) array.push(flipManager.variation, "Resistance") array.push(flipManager.lineAge, 0) array.push(flipManager.lineFlips, 0) array.push(flipManager.linePhase, -1) array.remove(secondPhaseLow, i) array.remove(secondPhaseLowI, i) newTestedResistance := true else if bar_index - index > 1000 or close > price array.remove(secondPhaseLow, i) array.remove(secondPhaseLowI, i) for i = array.size(firstPhaseHigh) > 0 ? array.size(firstPhaseHigh) - 1 : na to 0 price = array.get(firstPhaseHigh, i) index = array.get(firstPhaseHighI, i) if low > price array.push(secondPhaseHigh, price) array.push(secondPhaseHighI, index) array.remove(firstPhaseHigh, i) array.remove(firstPhaseHighI, i) else if bar_index - index > 1000 array.remove(firstPhaseHigh, i) array.remove(firstPhaseHighI, i) for i = array.size(firstPhaseLow) > 0 ? array.size(firstPhaseLow) - 1 : na to 0 price = array.get(firstPhaseLow, i) index = array.get(firstPhaseLowI, i) if high < price array.push(secondPhaseLow, price) array.push(secondPhaseLowI, index) array.remove(firstPhaseLow, i) array.remove(firstPhaseLowI, i) else if bar_index - index > 1000 array.remove(firstPhaseLow, i) array.remove(firstPhaseLowI, i) for i = array.size(flipManager.lineArray) > 0 ? array.size(flipManager.lineArray) - 1 : na to 0 lineObject = array.get(flipManager.lineArray, i) lineAge = array.get(flipManager.lineAge, i) lineType = array.get(flipManager.variation, i) lineFlips = array.get(flipManager.lineFlips, i) linePhase = array.get(flipManager.linePhase, i) linePrice = line.get_y1(lineObject) line.set_x2(lineObject, bar_index + 1) lineColor = lineType == "Support" ? supportColor : resistanceColor gradientLineColor = color.from_gradient(lineAge, 0, ageUntilDeletion, lineColor,, 100)) newLineColor = changeColorMethod == "Fade Out Based On Age" ? gradientLineColor : close > linePrice ? supportColor : resistanceColor line.set_color(lineObject, newLineColor) array.set(flipManager.lineAge, i, lineAge + 1) if lineType == "Support" if linePhase == 1 and close < linePrice array.set(flipManager.lineFlips, i, lineFlips + 1) array.set(flipManager.linePhase, i, -1) supportBrokeDownside := true else if linePhase == -1 and close > linePrice array.set(flipManager.lineFlips, i, lineFlips + 1) array.set(flipManager.linePhase, i, 1) supportBrokeUpside := true if lineType == "Resistance" if linePhase == -1 and close > linePrice array.set(flipManager.lineFlips, i, lineFlips + 1) array.set(flipManager.linePhase, i, 1) resistanceBrokeUpside := true else if linePhase == 1 and close < linePrice array.set(flipManager.lineFlips, i, lineFlips + 1) array.set(flipManager.linePhase, i, -1) resistanceBrokeDownside := true lineFlips := array.get(flipManager.lineFlips, i) if lineFlips >= flipsUntilDeletion or lineAge >= ageUntilDeletion if definitionOfDelete == "Completely Delete Level" line.delete(lineObject) array.remove(flipManager.lineArray, i) array.remove(flipManager.lineAge, i) array.remove(flipManager.lineFlips, i) array.remove(flipManager.variation, i) array.remove(flipManager.linePhase, i) else if definitionOfDelete == "Stop Updating Level" array.remove(flipManager.lineArray, i) array.remove(flipManager.lineAge, i) array.remove(flipManager.lineFlips, i) array.remove(flipManager.variation, i) array.remove(flipManager.linePhase, i) else if definitionOfDelete == "Stop Updating Level & Turn Level Unique Color" line.set_color(lineObject, uniqueDeleteColor) array.remove(flipManager.lineArray, i) array.remove(flipManager.lineAge, i) array.remove(flipManager.lineFlips, i) array.remove(flipManager.variation, i) array.remove(flipManager.linePhase, i) // } <CALCULATIONS> // { <VISUALS> plotshape( series = newTestedSupport, title = "New Support Re-Test X", style = retestLogic ? shape.labeldown : shape.labelup, text = "R", textcolor = color.white, location = retestLogic ? location.abovebar : location.belowbar, color = retestLogic ?, size = size.tiny, show_last = 20000) plotshape( series = newTestedResistance, title = "New Resistance Re-Test X", style = retestLogic ? shape.labelup : shape.labeldown, text = "R", textcolor = color.white, location = retestLogic ? location.belowbar : location.abovebar, color = retestLogic ? :, size = size.tiny, show_last = 20000) // } <VISUALS> // { <ALERTS> alertcondition( condition = newTestedSupport, title = "New Support Re-Test") alertcondition( condition = newTestedResistance, title = "New Resistance Re-Test") alertcondition( condition = supportBrokeDownside, title = "Support Re-Test Downside Break") alertcondition( condition = supportBrokeUpside, title = "Support Re-Test Upside Break") alertcondition( condition = resistanceBrokeDownside, title = "Resistance Re-Test Downside Break") alertcondition( condition = resistanceBrokeUpside, title = "Resistance Re-Test Upside Break") alertcondition( condition = supportBrokeDownside or resistanceBrokeDownside, title = "Any Downside Break") alertcondition( condition = supportBrokeUpside or resistanceBrokeUpside, title = "Any Upside Break") // } <ALERTS>
InteliTrend StableFX
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // Originally developed for MT4 by Mario Jemic. (If you are still using Windows 95 that is the version for you!) // Recoded for the 21st century by d1g1talshad0w //@version=5 indicator("InteliTrend StableFX", overlay = false) // โ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰ก INPUTS & SETTINGS โ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰ก int cci_len =, "CCI Length", group = "Commodity Channel Index") cci_src = input(hlc3, "CCI Source", group = "Commodity Channel Index") // weighting and smoothing float c1 = input.float(0.5, title = "c1", group = "Weights & Smoothing") float c2 = input.float(0.5, title = "c2", group = "Weights & Smoothing") float c3 = input.float(0.5, title = "c3", group = "Weights & Smoothing") int p =, title = "Smoothing 'p'", group = "Weights & Smoothing") // moving averages int ma_len = input(61, title = "MA Length", group = "Moving Averages") string ma_type = input.string("SMA" , title = "MA Type" , options = ["SMA", "SMMA", "EMA", "HMA", "LVMA", "Alma"] , group = "Moving Averages") int lvma_wt = , title = "LVMA Weight" , group = "Moving Averages" , tooltip = "Only used if LVMA is selected") float alma_os = input.float(0.86 , title = "Alma Offset" , maxval = 1 , minval = 0 , group = "Moving Averages" , tooltip = "Only used if Alma is selected. Lower is smoother, higher is more responsive.") int alma_sig = , title = "Alma Sigma" , group = "Moving Averages" , tooltip = "Only used if Alma is selected. Higher is smoother, lower is more responsive.") // visual settings color sfx_css = input.color(defval =, 0) , title = "StableFX" , group = "Visuals" , inline = "color") color ma_css = input.color(defval =, 0) , title = "Moving Average" , group = "Visuals" , inline = "color") // โ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰ก FUNCTIONS โ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰ก // calculate linear weighted moving average get_lwma(src, period, weight) => price = src sub = weight / period - 1 float per = na float wt = na float sum = 0 float divider = 0 for i = 0 to period - 1 by 1 per := price[i] * (weight - i - sub) wt := weight - i - sub sum += per divider += wt divider sum / divider // select moving average type select_ma(src, len, ma_type) => switch ma_type "SMA" => ta.sma(src, len) "SMMA" => ta.rma(src, len) "EMA" => ta.ema(src, len) "HMA" => ta.hma(src, len) "LVMA" => get_lwma(src, len, lvma_wt) "Alma" => ta.alma(src, len, alma_os, alma_sig) // โ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰ก CALCULATIONS โ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰กโ‰ก // calculate commodity channel index float cci_val = ta.cci(cci_src, cci_len) // apply weights to the CCI and store to an array wts = array.new_float(0, p) for i = 0 to p - 1 a = cci_val[i] * c1 + cci_val[i] * c2 - cci_val[i] * c3 + cci_val[i] * c2 - cci_val[i] * c3 + cci_val[i] * c2 - cci_val[i] * c3 + cci_val[i] * c2 - cci_val[i] * c3 + cci_val[i] * c2 - cci_val[i] * c3 array.push(wts, a) // sum the max and min values in the array cci_wt = array.max(wts) + array.min(wts) // calculate the moving average ma = select_ma(cci_wt, ma_len, ma_type) plot(cci_wt, title = "StableFX", color = sfx_css, editable = false) plot(ma, title = "Moving Average", color = ma_css, editable = false)
ATRLevels 1.0.0
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ stupean //@version=5 indicator("ATRLevels 1.0.0", overlay = true) int atrLength = = 5, title = "Daily ATR length", minval = 1) color defaultColor100 = input.color(defval =, 20), title = "100% lines") color defaultColor50 = input.color(defval =, 50), title = "50% lines") color defaultColor25 = input.color(defval =, 80), title = "25% and 75% lines") type LevelOption float ratio color lvlColor string style = line.style_solid int width = 1 type Options array<LevelOption> levelOptions type Level line ln label lb type ATRLevels array<Level> levels Options options createDefaultLevelsOptions() => array.from(, defaultColor100),, defaultColor25),, defaultColor50),, defaultColor25),, defaultColor100),, defaultColor25),, defaultColor50),, defaultColor25),, defaultColor100)) enrichOptions(Options options) => options.levelOptions := na(options.levelOptions) ? createDefaultLevelsOptions() : options.levelOptions newInstance(Options options = na) => Options _options = na(options) ? : options enrichOptions(_options) array<Level> levels =<Level>() for i = 0 to _options.levelOptions.size() - 1 LevelOption lvlOption = _options.levelOptions.get(i) line ln =, open, bar_index, open, color = lvlOption.lvlColor) label lb =, open, str.format("{0,number,percent}", lvlOption.ratio), style = label.style_none, textcolor = lvlOption.lvlColor) Level lvl =, lb) levels.push(lvl) = levels, options = _options) method update(ATRLevels this, float atr) => float priceStep = atr / 4 for i = 0 to this.levels.size() - 1 Level lvl = this.levels.get(i) LevelOption lvlOption = this.options.levelOptions.get(i) line ln = lvl.ln label lb = ln.set_x2(bar_index + 300) if session.isfirstbar_regular float price = open + (lvlOption.ratio * atr) ln.set_x1(bar_index) ln.set_y1(price) ln.set_y2(price) lb.set_x(bar_index) lb.set_y(price) // main var Options options = = createDefaultLevelsOptions()) var ATRLevels atrLevels = newInstance(options) float atr =, "D", ta.atr(atrLength))[1] atrLevels.update(atr)
Price Deviation Indicator (PDI)
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ bashseo, development by "DimArt" company //@version=5 indicator(title="Price Deviation Indicator (PDI)", overlay=false) // Define the number of bars to calculate the average value length = input(20, title="Length") // Calculate the average price over the period avg_price = ta.sma(close, length) // Calculate the relative difference between the current price and the average value price_diff = ((close - avg_price) / avg_price) * 100 // Determine levels to change the histogram color histogram_color = price_diff > 5 ? : price_diff < -5 ? : // Draw a histogram of the price deviation from the average value plot(title="Price Deviation Indicator (PDI)", series=price_diff, color=histogram_color, style=plot.style_histogram)
Fair Value Gap Chart
// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) // ยฉ alexgrover //Some FVG's are dogs //@version=5 indicator("Fair Value Gap Chart", "Fair Value Gap Chart", overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500, max_boxes_count = 500) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Settings //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ showEma = input(false, 'Show EMA', inline = 'ema') length = input(20, '', inline = 'ema') //Style bull = input.color(color.teal, 'Bullish Candle', group = 'Style') bear = input.color(, 'Bearish Candle', group = 'Style') emaCSs = input.color(#2157f3, 'EMA Color', group = 'Style') showDates = input(true, 'Show Start/End Date') //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} //UDT //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ type fvg_candle float max float top_body float btm_body float min bool bullish int timestamp //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} //Detect and append FVG's to array //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ var candles =<fvg_candle>(0) //Bullish fvg if low > high[2] and close[1] > high[2] candles.unshift(, low, high[2], low[2], true, time)) //Bearish fvg if high < low[2] and close[1] < low[2] candles.unshift([2], low[2], high, low, false, time)) //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} //Display FVG chart //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ var float minval = na n = bar_index //Date labels var start =, na, na, color = color(na) , style = label.style_label_up , textcolor = chart.fg_color , size = size.small) var end =, na, na, color = color(na) , style = label.style_label_up , textcolor = chart.fg_color , size = size.small) //Delete displayed boxes/lines if candles.size() < 500 for l in line.all l.delete() for b in box.all b.delete() //Set candles/ema if barstate.islast size = math.min(candles.size()-1, 499) left = n - (size * 2) - 2 minval := candles.get(size).min //Initial ema values float ema = candles.get(size).top_body float prev_ema = na //Loop trough fvg's array and set candle for i = size to 0 get = candles.get(i) right = left + 2 //Candle body, get.top_body, right, get.btm_body, na , bgcolor = get.bullish ? bull : bear) //Candle wicks if not showEma - 1, get.max, right - 1, get.min , color = get.bullish ? bull : bear) minval := math.min(get.min, minval) //Compute ema value if showEma ema := ema + 2/(length+1) * ((get.bullish ? get.top_body : get.btm_body) - ema) - 1, prev_ema, right - 1, ema) prev_ema := ema left := right //Set labels if showDates start_t = candles.get(size).timestamp start.set_xy(n - (size * 2) - 2, minval) start.set_text(str.format('{0, number, #}-{1}-{2} {3}:{4}', year(start_t), month(start_t), dayofmonth(start_t), hour(start_t), minute(start_t))) end_t = candles.get(0).timestamp end.set_xy(n, minval) end.set_text(str.format('{0, number, #}-{1}-{2} {3}:{4}', year(end_t), month(end_t), dayofmonth(end_t), hour(end_t), minute(end_t))) //Horizontal line plot(showDates ? minval : na, 'X axis', chart.fg_color, trackprice = true) //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at //@Shuttle_Trader //@version=5 indicator(title="OnChart_RSI", overlay=true, shorttitle="OnChart_RSI") rsiLengthInput =, minval=1, title="RSI Length", group="==== RSI SETTINGS ====") rsiSourceInput = input.source(close, "Source", group="==== RSI SETTINGS ====") up_level =, title='UP', minval=51, maxval=99, inline='s3', group='==== RANGE FOR RSI ====') dn_level =, title='DN', minval=1, maxval=49, inline='s3', group='==== RANGE FOR RSI ====') show_trend = input.bool(true, title = 'Show TREND') use_take = input.bool(false, title='', inline='t1', group='==== TAKE CONTROL ====') take = input.float(1.0,minval=0,title='Take level controlโ€‰โ€Šโ€Š', inline='t1', group='==== TAKE CONTROL ====') maValue = ta.rma(ohlc4, rsiLengthInput) up = ta.rma(math.max(ta.change(rsiSourceInput), 0), rsiLengthInput) down = ta.rma(-math.min(ta.change(rsiSourceInput), 0), rsiLengthInput) rsi = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down)) up_lev_line = ta.rma(ta.highest(rsiLengthInput)[1], rsiLengthInput) dn_lev_line = ta.rma(ta.lowest(rsiLengthInput)[1], rsiLengthInput) rsi_range = (up_lev_line-dn_lev_line)/(up_level-dn_level)*100 rsi_line_chart = maValue+(rsi-50)/100*rsi_range plot(rsi_line_chart, "RSI", color=#e4c200, linewidth=2) rsiUpperBand = plot(up_lev_line, "RSI Upper Band", color=#ee0e3f) rsiLowerBand = plot(dn_lev_line, "RSI Lower Band", color=#08f108) buy = ta.crossover(rsi,dn_level) sell = ta.crossunder(rsi,up_level) l=0, l:=nz(l[1]) s=0, s:=nz(s[1]) var prev_buy = float(na) var prev_sell = float(na) if buy l+=1, s:=0 if sell l:=0, s+=1 plotshape(buy, title='UP', style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=#08f108, text='', textcolor=#08f108, size=size.tiny) plotshape(sell, title='DN', style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=#ee0e3f, text='', textcolor=#ee0e3f, size=size.tiny) ltake = float(na) stake = float(na) long_price = float(na), long_price := nz(long_price[1]) short_price = float(na), short_price := nz(short_price[1]) if buy and l==1 long_price := close prev_buy := close if buy and l>1 long_price := (long_price*(l-1)+close)/l prev_buy := close if sell and s==1 short_price := close prev_sell := close if sell and s>1 short_price := (short_price*(s-1)+close)/s prev_sell := close ltake := math.round_to_mintick(long_price*(1+take/100)) stake := math.round_to_mintick(short_price*(1-take/100)) plot(use_take and l>0 ? ltake : na, title='Long tp-line', style=plot.style_steplinebr) plot(use_take and s>0 ? stake : na, title='Short tp-line', style=plot.style_steplinebr) ltake_profit = high>=ltake and l>0 and use_take and not buy stake_profit = low<=stake and s>0 and use_take and not sell ltake_profit_add = l>0 and (high>=up_lev_line or high>=up_lev_line[1]) and ((high>=long_price and use_take) or not use_take) and not buy stake_profit_add = s>0 and (low<=dn_lev_line or low<=dn_lev_line[1]) and ((low<=short_price and use_take) or not use_take) and not sell plotshape(ltake_profit or ltake_profit_add, style=shape.square, location=location.abovebar, color=#005cf1, size=size.tiny, editable=false) plotshape(stake_profit or stake_profit_add, style=shape.square, location=location.belowbar, color=#005cf1, size=size.tiny, editable=false) if ltake_profit or ltake_profit_add l:=0 if stake_profit or stake_profit_add s:=0 UP = ta.crossover(close, up_lev_line) DN = ta.crossunder(close, dn_lev_line) rsi_channel_trend = 0 rsi_channel_trend := UP ? 1 : DN ? -1 : nz(rsi_channel_trend[1]) top_color1 = rsi>=up_level or (rsi>=up_level)[1] ? color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 40) : na bottom_color1 = color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 100) top_color2 = color.rgb(76, 175, 79, 100) bottom_color2 = rsi<=dn_level or (rsi<=dn_level)[1] ? color.rgb(76, 175, 79, 40) : na pp1_line = math.max(ohlc4,rsi_line_chart,rsi_line_chart[1]) pp2_line = math.min(ohlc4,rsi_line_chart,rsi_line_chart[1]) price = plot(ohlc4, display=display.none, editable=false) pp1 = plot(pp1_line, display=display.none, editable=false) pp2 = plot(pp2_line, display=display.none, editable=false) fill(pp1, rsiUpperBand, pp1_line, up_lev_line, top_color1, bottom_color1) fill(rsiLowerBand, pp2, dn_lev_line, pp2_line, top_color2, bottom_color2) fill(rsiUpperBand,rsiLowerBand,color=rsi_channel_trend>0?color.rgb(76, 175, 79, 80):rsi_channel_trend<0?color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 80):na,title='TREND') if buy alert('๐ŸŸข '+ syminfo.ticker + ' >> Good buying chance!\n\n RSI = ' + str.tostring(rsi),alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) if sell alert('๐Ÿ”ด '+ syminfo.ticker + ' >> Good selling chance!\n\n RSI = ' + str.tostring(rsi),alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) if UP alert('๐ŸŸข '+ syminfo.ticker + ' >> UP-TREND',alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) if DN alert('๐Ÿ”ด '+ syminfo.ticker + ' >> DOWN-TREND',alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) if ltake_profit or ltake_profit_add alert('๐ŸŸข '+ syminfo.ticker + ' >> Good point to take profit!\n\n RSI = ' + str.tostring(rsi),alert.freq_once_per_bar) if stake_profit or stake_profit_add alert('๐Ÿ”ด '+ syminfo.ticker + ' >> Good point to take profit!\n\n RSI = ' + str.tostring(rsi),alert.freq_once_per_bar)
Liquidity Voids (FVG) [LuxAlgo]
// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) // ยฉ LuxAlgo //@version=5 indicator("Liquidity Voids (FVG) [LuxAlgo]", "LuxAlgo - Liquidity Voids (FVG)", overlay = true, max_boxes_count = 500) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Settings //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ mdTT = 'The mode option controls the number of visual objects presented, where\n\n- Historical, takes into account all data available to the user\n- Present, takes into account only the last X bars specified in the \'# Bars\' option' mode = input.string('Historical', title = 'Mode', options =['Present', 'Historical'], inline = 'MOD') back = (360, 'ย # Bars', minval = 100, maxval = 5000, step = 10, inline = 'MOD', tooltip = mdTT) lqGR = 'Liquidity Detection' lqTT = 'Act as a filter while detecting the Liquidity Voids. When set to 0 means no filtering is applied, increasing the value causes the script to check the width of the void compared to a fixed-length ATR value' lqTH = input.float(.5, 'Liquidity Voids Threshold', minval = 0, step = .1, group = lqGR, tooltip = lqTT) lqBC = input.color(, 73), 'Bullish', inline = 'VD', group = lqGR) lqSC = input.color(, 73), 'Bearish', inline = 'VD', group = lqGR) lqTX = input.bool (false, 'Label', inline = 'VD', group = lqGR) lqFT = 'Toggles the visibility of the Filled Liquidity Voids' lqVF = input.bool (true, 'Filled Liquidity Voids', inline = 'FL', group = lqGR, tooltip = lqFT) lqFC = input.color(, 73), '', inline = 'FL', group = lqGR) //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} // User Defined Types //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ // @type bar properties with their values // // @field h (float) high price of the bar // @field l (float) low price of the bar // @field c (float) close price of the bar // @field i (int) index of the bar type bar float h = high float l = low float c = close int i = bar_index //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} // Variables //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ bar b = var lqV = array.new_box() //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} // Calculations //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ per = mode == 'Present' ? last_bar_index - b.i <= back : true atr = ta.atr(144) * lqTH if per bull = (b.l - b.h[2]) > atr and b.l > b.h[2] and b.c[1] > b.h[2] if bull l = 13 if bull[1] st = math.abs(b.l - b.l[1]) / l for i = 0 to l - 1 array.push(lqV, - 2, b.l[1] + (i + 1) * st, b.i, b.l[1] + i * st, na, bgcolor = lqBC )) else st = math.abs(b.l - b.h[2]) / l for i = 0 to l - 1 if lqTX and i == 0 array.push(lqV, - 2, b.h[2] + (i + 1) * st, b.i, b.h[2] + i * st, na, text = 'Liquidity Void ', text_size = size.tiny, text_halign = text.align_right, text_valign = text.align_bottom, text_color = na, bgcolor = lqBC )) else array.push(lqV, - 2, b.h[2] + (i + 1) * st, b.i, b.h[2] + i * st, na, bgcolor = lqBC )) bear = (b.l[2] - b.h) > atr and b.h < b.l[2] and b.c[1] < b.l[2] if bear l = 13 if bear[1] st = math.abs(b.h[1] - b.h) / l for i = 0 to l - 1 array.push(lqV, - 2, b.h + (i + 1) * st, b.i, b.h + i * st, na, bgcolor = lqSC )) else st = math.abs(b.l[2] - b.h) / l for i = 0 to l - 1 if lqTX and i == l - 1 array.push(lqV, - 2, b.h + (i + 1) * st, b.i, b.h + i * st, na, text = 'Liquidity Void ', text_size = size.tiny, text_halign = text.align_right, text_valign = text.align_top, text_color = na, bgcolor = lqSC )) else array.push(lqV, - 2, b.h + (i + 1) * st, b.i, b.h + i * st, na, bgcolor = lqSC )) if lqV.size() > 0 qt = lqV.size() for bn = qt - 1 to 0 if bn < lqV.size() cb = lqV.get(bn) tBX = cb.get_top() bBX = cb.get_bottom() if b.h > bBX and b.l < tBX if lqVF cb.set_bgcolor(lqFC) else cb.delete() lqV.remove(bn) else cb.set_right(b.i + 1) if b.i - cb.get_left() > 21 cb.set_text_color(chart.fg_color) if lqV.size() > 500 lqV.shift() //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ HTrade17 //@version=5 // @description : Custom library library("HiveLibrary") // @function RoundDown() rounds the specified number down to the given number // of decimal places. // @param number is the argument for rounding down & decimals is the number of digits after dot // @returns return is the rounded down value of the number export RoundDown(float number, float decimals) => factor=math.pow(10,decimals) math.floor(number*factor)/factor
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ HeWhoMustNotBeNamed // __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _______ __ __ __ // / | / | / | _ / |/ | / \ / | / | / \ / | / | / \ / \ / | / | // $$ | $$ | ______ $$ | / \ $$ |$$ |____ ______ $$ \ /$$ | __ __ _______ _$$ |_ $$ \ $$ | ______ _$$ |_ $$$$$$$ | ______ $$ \ $$ | ______ _____ ____ ______ ____$$ | // $$ |__$$ | / \ $$ |/$ \$$ |$$ \ / \ $$$ \ /$$$ |/ | / | / |/ $$ | $$$ \$$ | / \ / $$ | $$ |__$$ | / \ $$$ \$$ | / \ / \/ \ / \ / $$ | // $$ $$ |/$$$$$$ |$$ /$$$ $$ |$$$$$$$ |/$$$$$$ |$$$$ /$$$$ |$$ | $$ |/$$$$$$$/ $$$$$$/ $$$$ $$ |/$$$$$$ |$$$$$$/ $$ $$< /$$$$$$ |$$$$ $$ | $$$$$$ |$$$$$$ $$$$ |/$$$$$$ |/$$$$$$$ | // $$$$$$$$ |$$ $$ |$$ $$/$$ $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ $$ $$/$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ \ $$ | __ $$ $$ $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | __ $$$$$$$ |$$ $$ |$$ $$ $$ | / $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ $$ |$$ | $$ | // $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$$/ $$$$/ $$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ \__$$ |$$ |$$$/ $$ |$$ \__$$ | $$$$$$ | $$ |/ |$$ |$$$$ |$$ \__$$ | $$ |/ |$$ |__$$ |$$$$$$$$/ $$ |$$$$ |/$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$$/ $$ \__$$ | // $$ | $$ |$$ |$$$/ $$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ $$/ $$ | $/ $$ |$$ $$/ / $$/ $$ $$/ $$ | $$$ |$$ $$/ $$ $$/ $$ $$/ $$ |$$ | $$$ |$$ $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |$$ $$ | // $$/ $$/ $$$$$$$/ $$/ $$/ $$/ $$/ $$$$$$/ $$/ $$/ $$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/ $$$$/ $$/ $$/ $$$$$$/ $$$$/ $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/ $$/ $$/ $$$$$$$/ $$/ $$/ $$/ $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/ // // // //@version=5 // @description Implementation of functions related to data correlation calculations. Formulas have been transformed in such a way that we avoid running loops and instead make use of time series to gradually build the data we need to perform calculation. This allows the calculations to run on unbound series, and/or higher number of samples library("DataCorrelation") import HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/BinaryInsertionSort/1 as bis // @function Calculates chatterjee correlation between two series. Formula is - ฮพnโ‚“แตง = 1 - (3 * โˆ‘ |rแตขโ‚Šโ‚ - rแตข|)/ (nยฒ-1) // @param x First series for which correlation need to be calculated // @param y Second series for which correlation need to be calculated // @param sampleSize number of samples to be considered for calculattion of correlation. Default is 20000 // @param plotSize How many historical values need to be plotted on chart. // @returns float correlation - Chatterjee correlation value if falls within plotSize, else returns na export chatterjeeCorrelation(float x, float y, simple int sampleSize = 20000, simple int plotSize = 500) => float correlation = na if(bar_index > last_bar_index-sampleSize) [xArray, xSortedArray, xSortIndices] = bis.get_sorted_arrays(x) [yArray, ySortedArray, ySortIndices] = bis.get_sorted_arrays(y) if(bar_index >= last_bar_index-plotSize) coefficient = 0.0 n = array.size(xArray) index = array.get(xSortIndices, 0) for i=1 to n > 1? n -1 : na indexNext = array.get(xSortIndices, i) coefficient := coefficient + math.abs(array.get(ySortIndices, indexNext)-array.get(ySortIndices, index)) index := indexNext correlation := 1 - 3*coefficient/(math.pow(n,2)-1) correlation // @function Calculates spearman correlation between two series. Formula is - ฯ = 1 - (6โˆ‘dแตขยฒ/n(nยฒ-1)) // @param x First series for which correlation need to be calculated // @param y Second series for which correlation need to be calculated // @param sampleSize number of samples to be considered for calculattion of correlation. Default is 20000 // @param plotSize How many historical values need to be plotted on chart. // @returns float correlation - Spearman correlation value if falls within plotSize, else returns na export spearmanCorrelation(float x, float y, simple int sampleSize = 20000, simple int plotSize = 500) => float correlation = na if(bar_index > last_bar_index-sampleSize) [xArray, xSortedArray, xSortIndices] = bis.get_sorted_arrays(x) [yArray, ySortedArray, ySortIndices] = bis.get_sorted_arrays(y) if(bar_index >= last_bar_index-plotSize) n = array.size(xArray) dSquareSum = 0.0 for i=0 to n > 0? n -1 : na d = array.get(xSortIndices, i) - array.get(ySortIndices, i) dSquareSum += d*d correlation := 1 - (6*dSquareSum/(math.pow(n, 3)-n)) correlation // @function Calculates covariance between two series of unbound length. Formula is Covโ‚“แตง = โˆ‘ ((xแตข-xฬ„)(yแตข-yฬ„)) / (n-1) for sample and Covโ‚“แตง = โˆ‘ ((xแตข-xฬ„)(yแตข-yฬ„)) / n for population // @param x First series for which covariance need to be calculated // @param y Second series for which covariance need to be calculated // @param include boolean flag used for selectively including sample // @param biased boolean flag representing population covariance instead of sample covariance // @returns float covariance - covariance of selective samples of two series x, y export covariance(float x, float y, bool include=true, simple bool biased = true)=> var float xySum = 0.0 var float xSum = 0.0 var float ySum = 0.0 var n=0 var float covariance = na if(include) xy = x*y n+=1 xSum += x ySum += y xySum += xy xMean = xSum/n yMean = ySum/n covariance := (xySum + (n*xMean*yMean) - (yMean*xSum) - (xMean*ySum))/(n-(biased?0:1)) covariance // @function Calculates Standard Deviation of a series. Formula is ฯƒ = โˆš( โˆ‘(xแตข-xฬ„)ยฒ / n ) for sample and ฯƒ = โˆš( โˆ‘(xแตข-xฬ„)ยฒ / (n-1) ) for population // @param x Series for which Standard Deviation need to be calculated // @param include boolean flag used for selectively including sample // @param biased boolean flag representing population covariance instead of sample covariance // @returns float stddev - standard deviation of selective samples of series x export stddev(float x, bool include=true, simple bool biased = true)=> var float xSquareSum = 0.0 var float xSum = 0.0 var n=0 var float stddev = na if(include) n+=1 xSquareSum += x*x xSum += x xMean = xSum/n stddev := math.sqrt( (xSquareSum + n*xMean*xMean - 2*xMean*xSum)/(n-(biased?0:1)) ) stddev // @function Calculates pearson correlation between two series of unbound length. Formula is r = Covโ‚“แตง / ฯƒโ‚“ฯƒแตง // @param x First series for which correlation need to be calculated // @param y Second series for which correlation need to be calculated // @param include boolean flag used for selectively including sample // @returns float correlation - correlation between selective samples of two series x, y export correlation(float x, float y, bool include=true)=> covariance = covariance(x,y, include) sdX = stddev(x, include) sdY = stddev(y, include) covariance/(sdX * sdY)
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ HeWhoMustNotBeNamed // โ–‘โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–‘ โ–’ โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’ โ–’โ–’ // โ–“โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–’ โ–’ โ–‘โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–‘ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–‘โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–“โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–‘โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–“ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— // โ–“โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ•šโ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ• โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ•šโ•โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ• โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ• // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— // โ–’โ–’ โ–’ //@version=5 // @description Library with calculation logic for fib retracement, extension and ratios library("FibRatios") round(value, precision)=> precision < 0? math.round_to_mintick(value) : math.round(value, precision) // @function Calculates the retracement for points a, b with given ratio and scale // @param a Starting point a // @param b Second point b // @param ratio Ratio for which we need to calculate retracement c // @param logScale Flag to get calculations in log scale. Default is false // @param precision rounding precision. If set to netagive number, round_to_mintick is applied. Default is -1 // @returns retracement point c for points a,b with given ratio and scale export retracement(float a, float b, float ratio, bool logScale = false, int precision = -1) => round(logScale? b * math.pow(a/b, ratio) : b - (b-a)*ratio, precision) // @function Calculates the retracement ratio for points a, b, c with given scale // @param a Starting point a // @param b Second point b // @param c Retracement point. c should be placed between a and b // @param logScale Flag to get calculations in log scale. Default is false // @param precision rounding precision. If set to netagive number, round_to_mintick is applied. Default is 3 // @returns retracement ratio for points a,b,c on given scale export retracementRatio(float a, float b, float c, bool logScale = false, int precision = 3) => round(logScale? math.log(c/b)/math.log(a/b) : (b-c)/(b-a), precision) // @function Calculates the extensions for points a, b, c with given ratio and scale // @param a Starting point a // @param b Second point b // @param c Retracement point. c should be placed between a and b // @param ratio Ratio for which we need to calculate extension d // @param logScale Flag to get calculations in log scale. Default is false // @param precision rounding precision. If set to netagive number, round_to_mintick is applied. Default is -1 // @returns extensoin point d for points a,b,c with given ratio and scale export extension(float a, float b, float c, float ratio, bool logScale = false, int precision = -1) => round(logScale? c * math.pow(b/a, ratio) : c + (b-a)*ratio, precision) // @function Calculates the extension ratio for points a, b, c, d with given scale // @param a Starting point a // @param b Second point b // @param c Retracement point. c should be placed between a and b // @param d Extension point. d should be placed beyond a, c. But, can be with b,c or beyond b // @param logScale Flag to get calculations in log scale. Default is false // @param precision rounding precision. If set to netagive number, round_to_mintick is applied. Default is 3 // @returns extension ratio for points a,b,c,d on given scale export extensionRatio(float a, float b, float c, float d, bool logScale = false, int precision = 3) => round(logScale? math.log(d/c)/math.log(b/a) : (d-c)/(b-a), precision)
Visible Range Streaks of Unbroken Prior Highs/Lows [vnhilton]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ vnhilton // ADVICE: Put this indicator visually in front of the price chart, so plots are not hidden from behind //@version=5 indicator("Visible Range Streaks of Unbroken Prior Highs/Lows [vnhilton]", "VRSOUP H/L", true, max_lines_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500) //Parameters showLowPlot = input.bool(true, "", "These will override the other toggles", "Main Plot Settings", "Main Settings") showhighPlot = input.bool(true, "Show Low/High Plots?", inline = "Main Plot Settings", group = "Main Settings") minNumber =, "Minimum Number of Unbroken Prior Highs/Lows", 0, tooltip = "To start displaying streaks (streak breaks lower than this number will not be shown)", group = "Main Settings") showText = input.bool(true, "", inline = "Content Settings", group = "Toggle Settings") showNumbers = input.bool(true, "Show Text/Numbers?", inline = "Content Settings", group = "Toggle Settings") showBreakShape = input.bool(true, "Show Break Shape?", "This is the shape placed at the location where the prior high/low is broken", group = "Toggle Settings") showZigZag = input.bool(true, "Show Zig Zag?", "Draws lines between break shapes", group = "Toggle Settings") lineThickness =, "Zig Zag Line Width", 1, group = "Zig Zag Settings") lineStyle = input.string("Solid", "Zig Zag Line Style", ["Dashed", "Dotted", "Solid"], group = "Zig Zag Settings") sellSignalText = input.string("SELL", "Prior Low/High Break Text", inline = "Signal Settings", group = "Text Settings") buySignalText = input.string("BUY", "", inline = "Signal Settings", group = "Text Settings") labelSize = input.string("Auto", "Label/Break Shape Size", ["Auto", "Tiny", "Small", "Normal", "Large", "Huge"], inline = "Size Settings", group = "Label Settings") shapeSize = input.string("Auto", "", ["Auto", "Tiny", "Small", "Normal", "Large", "Huge"], inline = "Size Settings", group = "Label Settings") sellNumberLabel = input.string("Label Text Outline", "Low/High Numbers Label Type", ["None", "X-Cross", "Cross", "Triangle Up", "Triangle Down", "Flag", "Circle", "Arrow Up", "Arrow Down", "Label Up", "Label Down", "Label Left", "Label Right", "Label Lower Left", "Label Lower Right", "Label Upper Left", "Label Upper Right", "Label Center", "Label Square", "Label Diamond", "Label Text Outline"], inline = "Number Settings", group = "Label Settings") buyNumberLabel = input.string("Label Text Outline", "", ["None", "X-Cross", "Cross", "Triangle Up", "Triangle Down", "Flag", "Circle", "Arrow Up", "Arrow Down", "Label Up", "Label Down", "Label Left", "Label Right", "Label Lower Left", "Label Lower Right", "Label Upper Left", "Label Upper Right", "Label Center", "Label Square", "Label Diamond", "Label Text Outline"], inline = "Number Settings", group = "Label Settings") sellSignalLabel = input.string("Label Text Outline", "Low/High Streak Break Label Type", ["None", "X-Cross", "Cross", "Triangle Up", "Triangle Down", "Flag", "Circle", "Arrow Up", "Arrow Down", "Label Up", "Label Down", "Label Left", "Label Right", "Label Lower Left", "Label Lower Right", "Label Upper Left", "Label Upper Right", "Label Center", "Label Square", "Label Diamond", "Label Text Outline"], inline = "Break Settings", group = "Label Settings") buySignalLabel = input.string("Label Text Outline", "", ["None", "X-Cross", "Cross", "Triangle Up", "Triangle Down", "Flag", "Circle", "Arrow Up", "Arrow Down", "Label Up", "Label Down", "Label Left", "Label Right", "Label Lower Left", "Label Lower Right", "Label Upper Left", "Label Upper Right", "Label Center", "Label Square", "Label Diamond", "Label Text Outline"], inline = "Break Settings", group = "Label Settings") sellShapeLabel = input.string("Label Center", "Break Sell/Buy Shape Type", ["None", "X-Cross", "Cross", "Triangle Up", "Triangle Down", "Flag", "Circle", "Arrow Up", "Arrow Down", "Label Up", "Label Down", "Label Left", "Label Right", "Label Lower Left", "Label Lower Right", "Label Upper Left", "Label Upper Right", "Label Center", "Label Square", "Label Diamond"], inline = "Break Settings", group = "Label Settings") buyShapeLabel = input.string("Label Center", "", ["None", "X-Cross", "Cross", "Triangle Up", "Triangle Down", "Flag", "Circle", "Arrow Up", "Arrow Down", "Label Up", "Label Down", "Label Left", "Label Right", "Label Lower Left", "Label Lower Right", "Label Upper Left", "Label Upper Right", "Label Center", "Label Square", "Label Diamond"], inline = "Break Settings", group = "Label Settings") unbrokenLowColor = input.color(, "Unbroken Low/High Numbers Color", inline = "Number Color Settings", group = "Color Settings") unbrokenHighColor = input.color(, "", inline = "Number Color Settings", group = "Color Settings") sellSignalColor = input.color(, "Prior Low/High Break Text Color", inline = "Signal Color Settings", group = "Color Settings") buySignalColor = input.color(, "", inline = "Signal Color Settings", group = "Color Settings") labelLowColor = input.color(, 100), "Unbroken Low/High Label Color", inline = "Label Color Settings", group = "Color Settings") labelHighColor = input.color(, 100), "", inline = "Label Color Settings", group = "Color Settings") labelLowBrokeColor = input.color(, 100), "Broken Low/High Label Color", inline = "Label Broke Color Settings", group = "Color Settings") labelHighBrokeColor = input.color(, 100), "", inline = "Label Broke Color Settings", group = "Color Settings") sellShapeColor = input.color(, 50), "Prior Low/High Break Shape Color", inline = "Shape Color Settings", group = "Color Settings") buyShapeColor = input.color(, 50), "", inline = "Shape Color Settings", group = "Color Settings") upLineColor = input.color(, 50), "Up/Down Zig Zag Line Color", inline = "Line Color Settings", group = "Color Settings") downLineColor = input.color(, 50), "", inline = "Line Color Settings", group = "Color Settings") //Label Size Selection LabelSizing(choice) => switch choice == "Auto" => choice == "Tiny" => size.tiny choice == "Small" => size.small choice == "Normal" => size.normal choice == "Large" => size.large choice == "Huge" => size.huge chosenLabelSize = LabelSizing(labelSize) chosenShapeSize = LabelSizing(shapeSize) //Label Type Selection LabelType(choice) => switch choice == "None" => label.style_none choice == "X-Cross" => label.style_xcross choice == "Cross" => label.style_cross choice == "Triangle Up" => label.style_triangleup choice == "Triangle Down" => label.style_triangledown choice == "Flag" => label.style_flag choice == "Circle" => label.style_circle choice == "Arrow Up" => label.style_arrowup choice == "Arrow Down" => label.style_arrowdown choice == "Label Up" => label.style_label_up choice == "Label Down" => label.style_label_down choice == "Label Left" => label.style_label_left choice == "Label Right" => label.style_label_right choice == "Label Lower Left" => label.style_label_lower_left choice == "Label Lower Right" => label.style_label_lower_right choice == "Label Upper Left" => label.style_label_upper_left choice == "Label Upper Right" => label.style_label_upper_right choice == "Label Center" => label.style_label_center choice == "Label Square" => label.style_square choice == "Label Diamond" => label.style_diamond choice == "Label Text Outline" => label.style_text_outline chosenSellNumberLabel = LabelType(sellNumberLabel) chosenBuyNumberLabel = LabelType(buyNumberLabel) chosenSellSignalLabel = LabelType(sellSignalLabel) chosenBuySignalLabel = LabelType(buySignalLabel) chosenSellShapeLabel = LabelType(sellShapeLabel) chosenBuyShapeLabel = LabelType(buyShapeLabel) //Line Style Selection LineStyling(choice) => switch lineStyle "Dashed" => line.style_dashed "Dotted" => line.style_dotted "Solid" => line.style_solid chosenLineStyle = LineStyling(lineStyle) //Variables var int lows = 0 var int lastLows = 0 var float prevLow = na var int highs = 0 var int lastHighs = 0 var float prevHigh = na var float[] coords =<float>() //Visible Chart Times leftTime = chart.left_visible_bar_time rightTime = chart.right_visible_bar_time //Plots Function Plots(streak, prevStreak, prevValue, ylock) => if streak > 0 if streak >= minNumber and showNumbers and ((ylock == yloc.abovebar and showLowPlot) or (ylock == yloc.belowbar and showhighPlot)), na, str.tostring(streak), yloc = ylock, color = ylock == yloc.abovebar ? labelLowColor : labelHighColor, style = ylock == yloc.abovebar ? chosenSellNumberLabel : chosenBuyNumberLabel, textcolor = ylock == yloc.abovebar ? unbrokenLowColor : unbrokenHighColor, size = chosenLabelSize) else if prevStreak != 0 and prevStreak >= minNumber and ((ylock == yloc.abovebar and showLowPlot) or (ylock == yloc.belowbar and showhighPlot)) if showText, na, ylock == yloc.abovebar ? sellSignalText : buySignalText, yloc = ylock, color = ylock == yloc.abovebar ? labelLowBrokeColor : labelHighBrokeColor, style = ylock == yloc.abovebar ? chosenSellSignalLabel : chosenBuySignalLabel, textcolor = ylock == yloc.abovebar ? sellSignalColor : buySignalColor, size = chosenLabelSize) if showZigZag array.push(coords, float(bar_index)) array.push(coords, prevValue) if array.size(coords) == 4, 0)), array.get(coords, 1), int(array.get(coords, 2)), array.get(coords, 3), color = array.get(coords, 3) - array.get(coords, 1) >= 0 ? upLineColor : downLineColor, style = chosenLineStyle, width = lineThickness) array.set(coords, 0, array.get(coords, 2)) array.set(coords, 1, array.get(coords, 3)) array.remove(coords, 3) array.remove(coords, 2) if showBreakShape, prevValue, color = ylock == yloc.abovebar ? sellShapeColor : buyShapeColor, style = ylock == yloc.abovebar ? chosenSellShapeLabel : chosenBuyShapeLabel, size = chosenShapeSize) //Streak Logic if ((barstate.isconfirmed and timeframe.isintraday) or (not timeframe.isintraday and not barstate.isrealtime)) and time >= leftTime and time <= rightTime if bar_index != 0 if close >= prevLow lows += 1 else lastLows := lows lows := 0 Plots(lows, lastLows, prevLow, yloc.abovebar) if close <= prevHigh highs += 1 else lastHighs := highs highs := 0 Plots(highs, lastHighs, prevHigh, yloc.belowbar) prevLow := low prevHigh := high
Quarterly Earnings
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ finallynitin & ยฉ EquityCraze //The script builds upon the Volume Price and Fundamentals script by Mohit_Kakkar08: // //@version=5 indicator('Quarterly Earnings', overlay=true) //Table Options string GRP1 = "โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Modes โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•" toggleDarkColors = input(title="Dark Mode", defval=false, group = GRP1, tooltip = 'Select this if you use a dark color theme') toggleMiniMode = input(title="Mini Mode", defval=false, group = GRP1, tooltip = 'Select this to get the Mini mode where the values are replaced by traffic lights for a quick visual') datasize =, 'Long Mode ?', minval = 4, inline='line 3', group=GRP1, tooltip = 'Input the number of previous quarters to be displayed in the table') +5 string GRP2 = "โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Table Options โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•" string tablesize = input.string("small", "Size", inline = "21", group = GRP2, options = ["tiny", "small", "normal", "large", "huge", "auto"]) string tableposY = input.string("bottom", "โ†•", inline = "21", group = GRP2, options = ["top", "middle", "bottom"]) string tableposX = input.string("right", "โ†”", inline = "21", group = GRP2, options = ["left", "center", "right"]) string GRP3 = "โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• Inputs โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•" per = input.string('FQ', 'Period', options=['FQ', 'FY'], inline='line 3', group=GRP3, tooltip = 'Option to change the data from Quarterly (FQ) to Yearly (FY)') topleft = input.string('FF','Top-left cell displays', group = GRP3, options = ['FF', 'Mcap'], tooltip = 'Option to display either the Free Float (FF) or the Marketcap (Mcap) of the stock') FrameCol = toggleDarkColors ?, 50) : color.rgb(241, 241, 241) BorderCol = toggleDarkColors ?, 50) : color.rgb(241, 241, 241) TextColor = toggleDarkColors ?, 0):, 0) BGColor = toggleDarkColors ?, 100):, 100) HeadColor = toggleDarkColors ?, 100):, 100) BodyColor = toggleDarkColors ?, 100):, 100) UpColor = toggleDarkColors ?, 0) :, 12, 239, 16), 0) DownColor = toggleDarkColors ?, 0) :, 27, 182), 10) UnchangedColor = toggleDarkColors ?, 0) :, 30) // Creating ID for Financials financial01 = 'EPS' financial02 = 'Sales' financial01id = 'EARNINGS_PER_SHARE_DILUTED' financial02id = 'TOTAL_REVENUE', // Creating functions to fetch financial data from Tradingview getFinFQ(_id, _per) => _financials =, _id, _per, barmerge.gaps_on, ignore_invalid_symbol = true) if _id == financial02id _financials := math.round(_financials / 10.0, 2) _financials f_array(arrayId, val) => array.unshift(arrayId, val) array.pop(arrayId) finID1 = financial01 finID2 = financial02 get_finx(finID) => finx = switch finID financial02 => financial02id financial01 => financial01id finx // Reference if data is true rev =,'TOTAL_REVENUE',per,barmerge.gaps_on, ignore_invalid_symbol=true) // Calculating finx1 = get_finx(finID1) finx2 = get_finx(finID2) finData1 = getFinFQ(finx1, per) finData2 = getFinFQ(finx2, per) var date = array.new_int(datasize) // Date var arrayFinData1 = array.new_float(datasize) // EPS var arrayFinData2 = array.new_float(datasize) // Sales if rev f_array(date, time) f_array(arrayFinData1, finData1) f_array(arrayFinData2, finData2) ft(_table, _column, _row, _value) => table.cell(table_id = _table, column = _column, row = _row, text = _value, bgcolor = HeadColor, text_color = TextColor, text_size = tablesize) ftdate(_table, _column, _row, _value) => _new_value = str.contains(_value, "70") ? "" : _value table.cell(table_id = _table, column = _column, row = _row, text = _new_value, bgcolor = BodyColor, text_color = TextColor, text_size = tablesize, text_halign = text.align_left ) fcell(finID, _table, _column, _row, _value, _i) => divider = 0 divider := finID == 'EPS' ? 1 : 1000000 suffix = finID == 'EPS' or finID == financial02 ? '' : ' M' strFormat = finID == 'EPS' ? '#.#' : finID == financial02 ? '#,###.#' : '#,##0' val = array.get(_value, _i)/ divider table.cell(table_id = _table, column = _column, row = _row, text = na(val) ? "" : str.tostring(val, strFormat) +suffix, text_color = TextColor, text_size = tablesize) fyoy(_table, _column, _row, _value, _i, _cmpr) => sym = "" dif = 0.0 if na(_value) na else val1 = array.get(_value, _i) val2 = array.get(_value, _i+_cmpr) val1 := val1 == 0 ? 1 : val1 val2 := math.round(val2, 1) == 0 or math.round(val2, 1) == -0 ? 0.1 : val2 dif := math.round(((val1-val2) / math.abs(val2)) * 100) // Change to absolute value sym := na(dif) ? "" : dif > 0 ? '+'+str.tostring(dif)+'%' : str.tostring(dif)+'%' table.cell( table_id = _table, column = _column, row = _row, text = na(dif) ? "โ—" : toggleMiniMode ? "โ—" : sym,text_halign = text.align_right, text_color = na(dif) ? FrameCol : dif >0 ? UpColor : dif <0 ? DownColor : dif ==0 ? UnchangedColor : FrameCol,text_size = tablesize) // Free Float free_float = nz(, 'FLOAT_SHARES_OUTSTANDING', 'FY')) ff = na(ta.vwap) ? free_float / 10000000 : free_float * ta.vwap / 10000000 validated_ff = na(ff) or nz(ff) == 0 ? '' : str.tostring(math.round(ff)) + ' Cr' //Marketcap outstanding =, "TOTAL_SHARES_OUTSTANDING", "FQ") mc = outstanding*close / 10000000 validated_mc = na(mc) or nz(mc) == 0 ? '' : str.tostring(math.round(mc,0)) + ' Cr' // Creating the table with final outputs var table t = + "_" + tableposX, columns = 7, rows = datasize, bgcolor = BGColor, frame_color=FrameCol, frame_width=1,border_color=BorderCol, border_width=1) if barstate.islast and not toggleMiniMode ft(t,0,0, topleft == 'FF' ? validated_ff : topleft == 'Mcap' ? validated_mc : '') ft(t,1,0,finID1) ft(t,2,0, per == 'FY' ? 'YoY' : '%Chg') ft(t,3,0,finID2) ft(t,4,0, per == 'FY' ? 'YoY' : '%Chg') if barstate.islast if not toggleMiniMode for i = 0 to datasize-5 // Column #1 Date ftdate(t, 0, i+1, str.format('{0, date, MMM-yy}', array.get(date, i))) // Column #2 EPS Data fcell(finID=finID1, _table=t, _column=1, _row=i+1, _value=arrayFinData1, _i=i) // Column #3 EPS YoY fyoy(t, 2, i+1, arrayFinData1, i, per == 'FY' ? 1 : 4) // Column #4 Sales Data fcell(finID=finID2, _table=t, _column=3, _row=i+1, _value=arrayFinData2, _i=i) // Column #5 Sales YoY fyoy(t, 4, i+1, arrayFinData2, i, per == 'FY' ? 1 : 4) else if toggleMiniMode for i = 0 to datasize-5 // Column #1 Date ftdate(t, 0, i+1, str.format('{0, date, MMM-yy}', array.get(date, i))) // Column #2 EPS YoY fyoy(t, 2, i+1, arrayFinData1, i, per == 'FY' ? 1 : 4) // Column #3 Sales YoY fyoy(t, 4, i+1, arrayFinData2, i, per == 'FY' ? 1 : 4)
Top - Bottom Using MA
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ jadeja_rajdeep //@version=5 indicator("Top - Bottom From MA",precision = 3),"MA Length",20,252,1,group = "Inputs"),"Highest / Lowest Value Length",20,252,1,group = "Inputs") p_diff=input.float(0.15,"Diffrence Between High and Low point",0.10,0.50,0.01,group = "Inputs") sma=ta.sma(ohlc4,length) ratio=close/sma h=ta.highest(ratio,h_l_length) l=ta.lowest(ratio,h_l_length) m=math.avg(h,l) msma=ta.linreg(ratio,length,0) plot(ratio,color =(ratio > msma? : hl_color=((h-l) > p_diff ? color.gray : plot(h,color = hl_color) plot(msma,color = (msma > msma[1] and msma >= l ? : plot(m,color = hl_color) plot(l,color = hl_color)
Fair Value Gap [JacobMagleby]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ JacobMagleby //@version=5 indicator(title = "Fair Value Gap [JacobMagleby]", shorttitle = "Fair Value Gap [JacobMagleby] - Version 1.0.0", overlay = true) // { <CONSTANTS> COSMETIC_GROUP = "Cosmetic Settings" INVALIDATION_GROUP = "Invalidation Settings" // } <CONSTANTS> // { <INPUTS> invalidationOutcome = input.string( title = "Invalidation Outcome", defval = "Stop Updating Gap", options = ["Stop Updating Gap", "Delete Gap"], group = INVALIDATION_GROUP) invalidationMethod = input.string( title = "Invalidation Method", defval = "Gap Fill", options = ["Gap Fill", "Number Of Breakouts", "Age Of Gap"], group = INVALIDATION_GROUP) maximumBreaks = title = "Breakouts Until Invalidation(If Enabled)", defval = 1, group = INVALIDATION_GROUP) maximumAge = title = "Bars Until Invalidation(If Enabled)", defval = 50, group = INVALIDATION_GROUP) bullishBorderColor = input.color( title = "Bullish Border Color", defval =, group = COSMETIC_GROUP) bearishBorderColor = input.color( title = "Bearish Border Color", defval =, group = COSMETIC_GROUP) midLineColor = input.color( title = "Middle Line Color", defval =, group = COSMETIC_GROUP) bullishBackgroundColor = input.color( title = "Bullish Background Color", defval =, 50), group = COSMETIC_GROUP) bearishBackgroundColor = input.color( title = "Bearish Background Color", defval =, 50), group = COSMETIC_GROUP) borderLineWidth = title = "Border Line Width", defval = 2, group = COSMETIC_GROUP) midLineWidth = title = "Middle Line Width", defval = 2, group = COSMETIC_GROUP) // } <INPUTS> // { <USER DEFINED TYPES> type fairValueGap line topLine line botLine line midLine linefill bg float topPrice float botPrice float midPrice int phase string kind int age int flips // } <USER DEFINED TYPES> // { <CALCULATIONS> bullishGapFilled = false bearishGapFilled = false bullishGapPartiallyFilled = false bearishGapPartiallyFilled = false gapBreakoutUp = false gapBreakoutDown = false bullishGapInvalidated = false bearishGapInvalidated = false newBullishGap = false newBearishGap = false priceInsideBullishGap = false priceInsideBearishGap = false bullishGap = low > high[2] bearishGap = high < low[2] var fvgArray =<fairValueGap>() if barstate.isconfirmed if bullishGap newTopLine = x1 = bar_index[2], y1 = low, x2 = bar_index, y2 = low, color = bullishBorderColor, width = borderLineWidth) newBotLine = x1 = bar_index[2], y1 = high[2], x2 = bar_index, y2 = high[2], color = bullishBorderColor, width = borderLineWidth) midLine = x1 = bar_index[2], y1 = (low + high[2]) / 2, x2 = bar_index, y2 = (low + high[2]) / 2, style = line.style_dashed, color = midLineColor, width = midLineWidth) bg =, newBotLine, bullishBackgroundColor) fvg =, newBotLine, midLine, bg, low, high[2], (low + high[2]) / 2, 1, "Bullish", 0, 0) array.push(fvgArray, fvg) newBullishGap := true if bearishGap newTopLine = x1 = bar_index[2], y1 = low[2], x2 = bar_index, y2 = low[2], color = bearishBorderColor, width = borderLineWidth) newBotLine = x1 = bar_index[2], y1 = high, x2 = bar_index, y2 = high, color = bearishBorderColor, width = borderLineWidth) midLine = x1 = bar_index[2], y1 = (low[2] + high) / 2, x2 = bar_index, y2 = (low[2] + high) / 2, style = line.style_dashed, color = midLineColor, width = midLineWidth) bg =, newBotLine, bearishBackgroundColor) fvg =, newBotLine, midLine, bg, low[2], high, (low[2] + high) / 2, -1, "Bearish", 0, 0) array.push(fvgArray, fvg) newBearishGap := true for fvg in fvgArray i = array.indexof(fvgArray, fvg) line.set_x2(fvg.topLine, bar_index + 1) line.set_x2(fvg.botLine, bar_index + 1) line.set_x2(fvg.midLine, bar_index + 1) fvg.age += 1 if invalidationMethod == "Gap Fill" if fvg.kind == "Bullish" if low <= fvg.botPrice line.delete(fvg.topLine) line.delete(fvg.botLine) line.delete(fvg.midLine) linefill.delete( array.remove(fvgArray, i) bullishGapFilled := true bullishGapInvalidated := true else if low < fvg.topPrice fvg.topPrice := low line.set_y1(fvg.topLine, low) line.set_y2(fvg.topLine, low) fvg.midPrice := (low + fvg.botPrice) / 2 line.set_y1(fvg.midLine, fvg.midPrice) line.set_y2(fvg.midLine, fvg.midPrice) bullishGapPartiallyFilled := true else if fvg.kind == "Bearish" if high >= fvg.topPrice line.delete(fvg.topLine) line.delete(fvg.botLine) line.delete(fvg.midLine) linefill.delete( array.remove(fvgArray, i) bearishGapFilled := true bearishGapInvalidated := true else if high > fvg.botPrice fvg.botPrice := high line.set_y1(fvg.botLine, high) line.set_y2(fvg.botLine, high) fvg.midPrice := (high + fvg.topPrice) / 2 line.set_y1(fvg.midLine, fvg.midPrice) line.set_y2(fvg.midLine, fvg.midPrice) bearishGapPartiallyFilled := true else if invalidationMethod == "Number Of Breakouts" if fvg.phase == 1 if close < fvg.botPrice fvg.phase := -1 fvg.flips += 1 gapBreakoutDown := true else if fvg.phase == -1 if close > fvg.topPrice fvg.phase := 1 fvg.flips += 1 gapBreakoutUp := true if fvg.flips >= maximumBreaks if invalidationOutcome == "Delete Gap" line.delete(fvg.topLine) line.delete(fvg.botLine) line.delete(fvg.midLine) linefill.delete( array.remove(fvgArray, i) if fvg.kind == "Bullish" bullishGapInvalidated := true else bearishGapInvalidated := true else if invalidationMethod == "Age Of Gap" if fvg.age >= maximumAge if invalidationOutcome == "Delete Gap" line.delete(fvg.topLine) line.delete(fvg.botLine) line.delete(fvg.midLine) linefill.delete( array.remove(fvgArray, i) if fvg.kind == "Bullish" bullishGapInvalidated := true else bearishGapInvalidated := true priceInGap = close <= fvg.topPrice and close >= fvg.botPrice if fvg.kind == "Bullish" and priceInGap priceInsideBullishGap := true else if fvg.kind == "Bearish" and priceInGap priceInsideBearishGap := true // } <CALCULATIONS> // { <ALERTS> alertcondition( condition = newBullishGap, title = "New Bullish Gap") alertcondition( condition = newBearishGap, title = "New Bearish Gap") alertcondition( condition = bullishGapFilled, title = "Bullish Gap Completely Filled") alertcondition( condition = bearishGapFilled, title = "Bearish Gap Completely Filled") alertcondition( condition = bullishGapPartiallyFilled, title = "Bullish Gap Partially Filled") alertcondition( condition = bearishGapPartiallyFilled, title = "Bearish Gap Partially Filled") alertcondition( condition = gapBreakoutUp, title = "Upside Breakout") alertcondition( condition = gapBreakoutDown, title = "Downside Breakout") alertcondition( condition = bullishGapInvalidated, title = "Bullish Gap Invalidated") alertcondition( condition = bearishGapInvalidated, title = "Bearish Gap Invalidated") alertcondition( condition = priceInsideBullishGap, title = "Price Is Inside Bullish Gap") alertcondition( condition = priceInsideBearishGap, title = "Price Is Inside Bearish Gap") // } <ALERTS>
Earnings Yield Spread
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ All_Verklempt //@version=5 indicator("Earnings Yield Spread", overlay = false) // earnings yield caluclation EPS =, "EARNINGS_PER_SHARE", "TTM") EarningsYield = (EPS / close) * 100 // us10y & spread calculation US10Y ="US10Y", timeframe.period, close) Spread = EarningsYield - US10Y // plotting plot(Spread, "Spread", color =, linewidth = 3, editable = true) hline(0,"Zero Line", color = color.gray, linestyle = hline.style_dashed, linewidth = 1)
Previous Day Values
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ jjustingreyy //@version=5 indicator("Previous Day Values", overlay = true) //Previous Day Values // to highlight the session var line[] prevDayLines = array.new_line() prevDayOpen = na(nz(, "D", time[1]))) isNewDay = not(na(prevDayOpen)) and prevDayOpen !=, "D", time) if isNewDay and array.size(prevDayLines) > 0 for i = 0 to array.size(prevDayLines) - 1 line.delete(array.get(prevDayLines, i)) array.clear(prevDayLines) [dh,dl,dc, dv] =, "D", [high[1],low[1], close[1], ta.vwap[1]], lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on) // Function to create line and label f_line_and_label(_p, _color, _text) => if (not na(_p)) l =, y1=_p, x2=bar_index + 50, y2=_p, width = 1, color=_color, extend = extend.right) array.push(prevDayLines, l) var label lb = na if (na(lb)) lb :=, na, "", color = color.rgb(255, 255, 255), style = label.style_none, textcolor=color.rgb(255, 255, 255)) label.set_xy(lb, bar_index + 60, _p + syminfo.mintick*0.5) label.set_text(lb, _text + ": " + str.tostring(_p)) label.set_color(lb, _color) // Toggle for previous day levels show_prev_day_high = input(true, title="Show Previous Day High") show_prev_day_low = input(true, title="Show Previous Day Low") show_prev_day_vwap = input(true, title="Show Previous Day Vwap") show_prev_day_close = input(true, title="Show Previous Day Close") // Display Previous Day Values if toggle is on if show_prev_day_high f_line_and_label(dh, color.rgb(254, 101, 101), "Prev Day High") if show_prev_day_low f_line_and_label(dl, color.rgb(84, 232, 128), "Prev Day Low") if show_prev_day_close f_line_and_label(dc, color.rgb(97, 197, 255), "Prev Day Close") if show_prev_day_vwap f_line_and_label(dv, color.rgb(239, 204, 79), "Prev Day VWAP Close")
Variety Step RSI w/ Dynamic Zones [Loxx]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ loxx //@version=5 indicator("Variety Step RSI w/ Dynamic Zones [Loxx]") greencolor = #2DD204 redcolor = #D2042D import loxx/loxxvarietyrsi/1 fema(float src, simple int len)=> alpha = (2.0 / (2.0 + (len - 1.0) / 2.0)) out = 0. out := nz(out[1]) + alpha * (src - nz(out[1])) out variant(simple string typein, src, per)=> out = 0. if typein == "Exponential Moving Average - EMA" out := ta.ema(src, per) if typein == "Fast Exponential Moving Average - FEMA" out := fema(src, per) out stepMACalc(float rsi, simple int size)=> float smax = rsi + 2.0 * size float smin = rsi - 2.0 * size var trend = 0 float result = 0 if nz(trend[1]) <= 0 and rsi > nz(smax[1]) trend := 1 if nz(trend[1]) >= 0 and rsi < nz(smin[1]) trend := -1 if trend > 0 if smin < nz(smin[1]) smin := nz(smin[1]) result := smin + size else if smax > nz(smax[1]) smax := nz(smax[1]) result := smax - size result src = input.source(close, "Source", group = "Basic Settings") rsitype = input.string("Slow", "RSI Type", options = ["RSX", "Regular", "Slow", "Rapid", "Harris", "Cuttler", "Ehlers Smoothed"], group = "Basic Settings") rsiper =, "RSI Period", group = "Basic Settings") stpsize =, "Step Size", group = "Basic Settings") signal_length =, "Signal Period", group = "Signal/DSL Settings") sigmatype = input.string("Exponential Moving Average - EMA", "Signal/DSL Smoothing", options = ["Exponential Moving Average - EMA", "Fast Exponential Moving Average - FEMA"], group = "Signal/DSL Settings") bool colorbars = input.bool(true, "Color bars?", group = "UI Options") bool showSigs = input.bool(false, "Show signals?", group = "UI Options") rsimode = switch rsitype "RSX" => "rsi_rsx" "Regular" => "rsi_rsi" "Slow" => "rsi_slo" "Rapid" => "rsi_rap" "Harris" => "rsi_har" "Cuttler" => "rsi_cut" "Ehlers Smoothed" => "rsi_ehl" => "rsi_rsi" rsiout = loxxvarietyrsi.rsiVariety(rsimode, src, rsiper) sig = stepMACalc(rsiout, stpsize) levelu = 0., leveld = 0., mid = 0. tmp = variant(sigmatype, rsiout, signal_length) levelu := (rsiout > sig) ? tmp : nz(levelu[1]) leveld := (rsiout < sig) ? tmp: nz(leveld[1]) colorout = rsiout > levelu ? greencolor : rsiout < leveld ? redcolor : color.gray plot(rsiout, "RSI", color = colorout, linewidth = 2) plot(levelu, "Upper Level", color = greencolor) plot(leveld, "Lower Level", color = redcolor) barcolor(colorbars ? colorout : na) goLong = ta.crossover(rsiout, levelu) goShort = ta.crossunder(rsiout, leveld) plotshape(showSigs and goLong, title = "Long", color = color.yellow, textcolor = color.yellow, text = "L", style = shape.triangleup, location = location.bottom, size = plotshape(showSigs and goShort, title = "Short", color = color.fuchsia, textcolor = color.fuchsia, text = "S", style = shape.triangledown, location =, size = alertcondition(goLong, title="Long", message="Step RSI [Loxx]: Long\nSymbol: {{ticker}}\nPrice: {{close}}") alertcondition(goShort, title="Short", message="Step RSI [Loxx]: Short\nSymbol: {{ticker}}\nPrice: {{close}}")
Pseudo-Entropy Oscillator with Standard Deviation (modified)
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ jawauntb //@version=5 indicator(title="Pseudo-Entropy Oscillator with Standard Deviation", shorttitle="PEO_SD", overlay=false) entropyPeriod = input(3, title="Entropy Period") entropyMomentum = input(9, title="Entropy Momentum Length") entropyMALength = input(3, title="Entropy MA Length") fastPeriod = input(13, title="Fast Period") slowPeriod = input(33, title="Slow Period") // Calculate pseudo-entropy using standard deviation pseudoEntropy = ta.stdev(close, entropyPeriod) entropyDelta =, entropyMomentum) entropySMA = ta.sma(pseudoEntropy, entropyMALength) // Combine the pseudo entropy delta and SMA similar to RSI code pseudoEntropyCombined = entropyDelta + entropySMA // Calculate fast, medium and slow SMAs of combined pseudo-entropy fastSMA = ta.sma(pseudoEntropyCombined, fastPeriod) mediumSMA = ta.sma(pseudoEntropyCombined, entropyPeriod) slowSMA = ta.sma(pseudoEntropyCombined, slowPeriod) // Normalize the values to an unbounded oscillator using Z-score normalization fastSMA_norm = 50 + ((fastSMA - ta.sma(fastSMA, fastPeriod)) / ta.stdev(fastSMA, fastPeriod)) * 10 mediumSMA_norm = 50 + ((mediumSMA - ta.sma(mediumSMA, entropyPeriod)) / ta.stdev(mediumSMA, entropyPeriod)) * 10 slowSMA_norm = 50 + ((slowSMA - ta.sma(slowSMA, slowPeriod)) / ta.stdev(slowSMA, slowPeriod)) * 10 // Plot pseudo-entropy oscillator plot(fastSMA_norm, title="Fast Pseudo-Entropy", color=color.rgb(62, 159, 255)) plot(mediumSMA_norm, title="Medium Pseudo-Entropy", color=color.rgb(255, 255, 0)) plot(slowSMA_norm, title="Slow Pseudo-Entropy", color=color.rgb(243, 33, 68)) hline(50, title="Mid Line", color=color.gray) hline(20, title="Lower Bound", color=color.gray) hline(80, title="Upper Bound", color=color.gray)
QuantBot 3:Ultimate MA Crossover
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ TheQuantBot //@version=4 study("QuantBot 3:Ultimate MA Crossover",overlay = true) mav = input(title="Moving Average Type", defval="SMA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "HMA", "WMA", "TMA", "VAR", "WWMA", "ZLEMA", "TSF"],group = "Fast Moving Average",inline = "a") length =input(20, "Moving Average Length", minval=1,group = "Fast Moving Average") color_ = input(color.maroon,"",inline = "a",group = "Fast Moving Average") src = input(close,"source",group = "Fast Moving Average") mav2 = input(title="Moving Average Type", defval="SMA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "HMA", "WMA", "TMA", "VAR", "WWMA", "ZLEMA", "TSF"],group = "Slow Moving Average",inline = "b") length2 =input(50, "Moving Average Length", minval=1,group = "Slow Moving Average") color2_ = input(color.purple,"",inline = "b",group = "Slow Moving Average") src2 = input(close,"source",group = "Slow Moving Average") valpha=2/(length+1) vud1=src>src[1] ? src-src[1] : 0 vdd1=src<src[1] ? src[1]-src : 0 vUD=sum(vud1,9) vDD=sum(vdd1,9) vCMO=nz((vUD-vDD)/(vUD+vDD)) VAR=0.0 VAR:=nz(valpha*abs(vCMO)*src)+(1-valpha*abs(vCMO))*nz(VAR[1]) wwalpha = 1/ length WWMA = 0.0 WWMA := wwalpha*src + (1-wwalpha)*nz(WWMA[1]) zxLag = length/2==round(length/2) ? length/2 : (length - 1) / 2 zxEMAData = (src + (src - src[zxLag])) ZLEMA = ema(zxEMAData, length) lrc = linreg(src, length, 0) lrc1 = linreg(src,length,1) lrs = (lrc-lrc1) TSF = linreg(src, length, 0)+lrs getMA(src, length) => ma = 0.0 if mav == "SMA" ma := sma(src, length) ma if mav == "HMA" ma := hma(src, length) ma if mav == "EMA" ma := ema(src, length) ma if mav == "WMA" ma := wma(src, length) ma if mav == "TMA" ma := sma(sma(src, ceil(length / 2)), floor(length / 2) + 1) ma if mav == "VAR" ma := VAR ma if mav == "WWMA" ma := WWMA ma if mav == "ZLEMA" ma := ZLEMA ma if mav == "TSF" ma := TSF ma ma getMA2(src, length) => ma = 0.0 if mav2 == "SMA" ma := sma(src, length) ma if mav2 == "HMA" ma := hma(src, length) ma if mav2 == "EMA" ma := ema(src, length) ma if mav2 == "WMA" ma := wma(src, length) ma if mav2 == "TMA" ma := sma(sma(src, ceil(length / 2)), floor(length / 2) + 1) ma if mav2 == "VAR" ma := VAR ma if mav2 == "WWMA" ma := WWMA ma if mav2 == "ZLEMA" ma := ZLEMA ma if mav2 == "TSF" ma := TSF ma ma MAvg1=getMA(src, length) ma1 = plot(MAvg1,title = "Fast Moving Average",linewidth = 2,color = color_) MAvg2=getMA2(src2, length2) ma2 = plot(MAvg2,title = "Slow Moving Average",linewidth = 3,color = color2_) fillcolor = MAvg1>MAvg2? fill(ma1,ma2,color = fillcolor ,transp = 85) long = MAvg1 > MAvg2 and MAvg1[1] < MAvg2[1] short = MAvg1 < MAvg2 and MAvg1[1] > MAvg2[1] //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// buyline = 0.0 sellline = 0.0 strategy_position_avg_price = 0.0 strategy_position_size = 0 longtpline = 0.0 shorttpline = 0.0 broker = input("Angel Broking","Broker",options = ["Alice Blue","Angel Broking","Fyers","Profitmart","Upstox","Zerodha","Paper Trading"],inline = "l1",group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") segment = input("Equity","Segment",options = ["Equity","Futures","Options","Commodity"],inline = "l1",group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") exchange = syminfo.prefix strike = "Automatic"//,"Strike",options = ["Automatic","Manual"]) quantity = input(100,"Quantity (IMPORTANT: Enter no of Lots for Futures and options)",minval = 1,group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") pmd = input(false,"Pyramiding",group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |"),pyramid = pmd == false?"False":"True" ticker = syminfo.ticker ltp = tostring(close) action = strategy_position_size > strategy_position_size[1]?"Buy":strategy_position_size < strategy_position_size[1]?"Sell":"Default Value"//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- net_position = strategy_position_size > 0 ? "Long":strategy_position_size < 0? "Short":"Flat" validity = input("Day","Validity",options = ["Day","IOC"],inline = "l1",group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") variety = input("Regular","Order Type ----------------",options = ["Regular","Bracket","Cover","AMO"],inline = "op",group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") product_type = input("Intraday","",options = ["Intraday","Delivery"],inline = "op",group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") type = input("Market","", options = ["Market","Limit","Stop-market","Stop-limit"],inline = "op",group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") limit_price = input(0.0,"Limit Price ------(Only for Limit/SL order*)",inline = "lp",group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") stop_loss = input(0.0,"Stop Loss --(Only For BO,CO, SL-M and SL*)",inline = "sl",group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") take_profit = input(0.0,"Take Profit -------(Only For BO Order type*)",inline = "tp",group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") lpp = input(false,"Percentage (%)",inline = "lp",group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") limit_price_percentage = lpp?"True":"False" slp = input(false,"Percentage (%)",inline = "sl",group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") stop_loss_percentage = slp?"True":"False" tpp = input(false,"Percentage (%)",inline = "tp",group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") take_profit_percentage = tpp?"True":"False" near_by = input(100,"Minimum difference between two strike prices",group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") diff_atm = input(1,"Distance from ATM option",group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") option_side = input("Buy","Option Buy or sell",options = ["Buy","Sell"],group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") expiry = input("Current Week","Expiry",options = ["Current Week","Next Week", "Current Month", "Next Month"],group = "|--------- QuantBot Automation Settings --------| |============================================||=== Help +91 8016200637 (Whatsapp, Telegram) |") if long[1] strategy_position_size := quantity else if short[1] strategy_position_size := -quantity else if short[1] and false // only long Exit strategy_position_size := 0 else if long[1] and false // only short exit strategy_position_size := 0 else strategy_position_size := strategy_position_size[1] onlylong = long[1] and strategy_position_size[1] == 0 onlyshort = short[1] and strategy_position_size[1] == 0 onlylongexit = false onlyshortexit = false shortexitlong = long[1] and strategy_position_size[1] < 0 longexitshort = short[1] and strategy_position_size[1] > 0 // Automation alret handeling if onlylong strategy_position_avg_price := close[1] else if shortexitlong strategy_position_avg_price := close[1] else if onlyshort strategy_position_avg_price := close[1] else if longexitshort strategy_position_avg_price := close[1] else strategy_position_avg_price := strategy_position_avg_price[1] // plot(strategy_position_avg_price) if onlylong //Send alert for buy alert('{"broker":"'+broker+'","segment":"'+segment+'","exchange":"'+exchange +'","strike":"'+strike+'","quantity":'+tostring(quantity)+',"pyramid":"'+pyramid+'","ticker":"'+syminfo.ticker+'","ltp":'+tostring(close)+',"action":"'+"Buy"+'","net_position":"'+"Long"+'","validity":"'+validity+'","variety":"'+variety+'","product_type":"'+product_type+'","type":"'+type+'","limit_price_percentage":"'+limit_price_percentage+'","stop_loss_percentage":"'+stop_loss_percentage+'","take_profit_percentage":"'+take_profit_percentage+'","limit_price":'+tostring(limit_price)+',"stop_loss":'+tostring(stop_loss)+',"take_profit":'+tostring(take_profit)+',"option_side":"'+option_side+'","near_by":'+tostring(near_by)+',"diff_atm":'+tostring(diff_atm)+',"expiry":"'+ expiry +'"}') else if shortexitlong // send alert for short exit and make flat alert('{"broker":"'+broker+'","segment":"'+segment+'","exchange":"'+exchange +'","strike":"'+strike+'","quantity":'+tostring(2*quantity)+',"pyramid":"'+pyramid+'","ticker":"'+syminfo.ticker+'","ltp":'+tostring(close)+',"action":"'+"Buy"+'","net_position":"'+"Long"+'","validity":"'+validity+'","variety":"'+variety+'","product_type":"'+product_type+'","type":"'+type+'","limit_price_percentage":"'+limit_price_percentage+'","stop_loss_percentage":"'+stop_loss_percentage+'","take_profit_percentage":"'+take_profit_percentage+'","limit_price":'+tostring(limit_price)+',"stop_loss":'+tostring(stop_loss)+',"take_profit":'+tostring(take_profit)+',"option_side":"'+option_side+'","near_by":'+tostring(near_by)+',"diff_atm":'+tostring(diff_atm)+',"expiry":"'+ expiry +'"}') else if onlyshort //Send alert for sell alert('{"broker":"'+broker+'","segment":"'+segment+'","exchange":"'+exchange +'","strike":"'+strike+'","quantity":'+tostring(quantity)+',"pyramid":"'+pyramid+'","ticker":"'+syminfo.ticker+'","ltp":'+tostring(close)+',"action":"'+"Sell"+'","net_position":"'+"Short"+'","validity":"'+validity+'","variety":"'+variety+'","product_type":"'+product_type+'","type":"'+type+'","limit_price_percentage":"'+limit_price_percentage+'","stop_loss_percentage":"'+stop_loss_percentage+'","take_profit_percentage":"'+take_profit_percentage+'","limit_price":'+tostring(limit_price)+',"stop_loss":'+tostring(stop_loss)+',"take_profit":'+tostring(take_profit)+',"option_side":"'+option_side+'","near_by":'+tostring(near_by)+',"diff_atm":'+tostring(diff_atm)+',"expiry":"'+ expiry +'"}') else if longexitshort // send alert for long exit and make flat alert('{"broker":"'+broker+'","segment":"'+segment+'","exchange":"'+exchange +'","strike":"'+strike+'","quantity":'+tostring(2*quantity)+',"pyramid":"'+pyramid+'","ticker":"'+syminfo.ticker+'","ltp":'+tostring(close)+',"action":"'+"Sell"+'","net_position":"'+"Short"+'","validity":"'+validity+'","variety":"'+variety+'","product_type":"'+product_type+'","type":"'+type+'","limit_price_percentage":"'+limit_price_percentage+'","stop_loss_percentage":"'+stop_loss_percentage+'","take_profit_percentage":"'+take_profit_percentage+'","limit_price":'+tostring(limit_price)+',"stop_loss":'+tostring(stop_loss)+',"take_profit":'+tostring(take_profit)+',"option_side":"'+option_side+'","near_by":'+tostring(near_by)+',"diff_atm":'+tostring(diff_atm)+',"expiry":"'+ expiry +'"}') else if onlylongexit //Send alert for buy alert('{"broker":"'+broker+'","segment":"'+segment+'","exchange":"'+exchange +'","strike":"'+strike+'","quantity":'+tostring(quantity)+',"pyramid":"'+pyramid+'","ticker":"'+syminfo.ticker+'","ltp":'+tostring(close)+',"action":"'+"Sell"+'","net_position":"'+"Flat"+'","validity":"'+validity+'","variety":"'+variety+'","product_type":"'+product_type+'","type":"'+type+'","limit_price_percentage":"'+limit_price_percentage+'","stop_loss_percentage":"'+stop_loss_percentage+'","take_profit_percentage":"'+take_profit_percentage+'","limit_price":'+tostring(limit_price)+',"stop_loss":'+tostring(stop_loss)+',"take_profit":'+tostring(take_profit)+',"option_side":"'+option_side+'","near_by":'+tostring(near_by)+',"diff_atm":'+tostring(diff_atm)+',"expiry":"'+ expiry +'"}') else if onlyshortexit //Send alert for buy alert('{"broker":"'+broker+'","segment":"'+segment+'","exchange":"'+exchange +'","strike":"'+strike+'","quantity":'+tostring(quantity)+',"pyramid":"'+pyramid+'","ticker":"'+syminfo.ticker+'","ltp":'+tostring(close)+',"action":"'+"Buy"+'","net_position":"'+"Flat"+'","validity":"'+validity+'","variety":"'+variety+'","product_type":"'+product_type+'","type":"'+type+'","limit_price_percentage":"'+limit_price_percentage+'","stop_loss_percentage":"'+stop_loss_percentage+'","take_profit_percentage":"'+take_profit_percentage+'","limit_price":'+tostring(limit_price)+',"stop_loss":'+tostring(stop_loss)+',"take_profit":'+tostring(take_profit)+',"option_side":"'+option_side+'","near_by":'+tostring(near_by)+',"diff_atm":'+tostring(diff_atm)+',"expiry":"'+ expiry +'"}') plotshape(onlylong?close:na,title = "Long Entry",location = location.belowbar,color =,text = "Long Entry",textcolor = color.white,size = size.normal,style = shape.labelup) plotshape(shortexitlong?close:na,title = "Short Exit and Long Entry",location = location.belowbar,color =,text = "Short Exit and Long Entry",textcolor = color.white,size = size.normal,style = shape.labelup) plotshape(onlyshortexit?close:na,title = "Short Exit",location = location.belowbar,color =,text = "Short Exit",textcolor = color.white,size = size.normal,style = shape.labelup) plotshape(onlyshort ?close:na,title = "Short Entry",location = location.abovebar,color =,text = "Short Entry",textcolor = color.white,size = size.normal,style = shape.labeldown) plotshape(longexitshort?close:na,title = "Long Exit and Short Entry",location = location.abovebar,color =,text = "Long Exit and Short Entry",textcolor = color.white,size = size.normal,style = shape.labeldown) plotshape(onlylongexit?close:na,title = "Long Exit",location = location.abovebar,color =,text = "Long Exit",textcolor = color.white,size = size.normal,style = shape.labeldown)
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ HeWhoMustNotBeNamed // โ–‘โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–‘ โ–’ โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’ โ–’โ–’ // โ–“โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–’ โ–’ โ–‘โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–‘ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–‘โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–“โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–‘โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–“ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— 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array.set(startRange, index, start) array.set(endRange, index, end) returnval := true returnval getrange(float p1, float p2, simple float min1, simple float max1, float p3, float p4, simple float min2, simple float max2, bool[] pArray, float[] startRange, float[] endRange, simple int index, simple bool logScale)=> returnval = false if(array.get(pArray, index)) start1 = getadj(p1, p2, min1, logScale) end1 = getadj(p1, p2, max1, logScale) start2 = getadj(p3, p4, min2, logScale) end2 = getadj(p3, p4, max2, logScale) start = start1 > end1? math.min(start1, start2) : math.max(start1, start2) end = start1 > end1? math.max(end1, end2) : math.min(end1, end2) d1 = start1>end1? 1 : -1 d2 = start2>end2? 1 : -1 d = start>end? 1 : -1 if(d1 == d2 and d == d1 and (start > 0 or end > 0)) returnval := true array.set(startRange, index, start) array.set(endRange, index, end) else array.set(pArray, index, false) returnval getrange(float p1, float p2, simple float min1, simple float max1, float p3, float p4, simple float min2, simple float max2, simple float ep1, simple float ep2, simple float adjs, simple float adje, bool[] pArray, float[] startRange, float[] endRange, simple int index, bool logScale)=> returnval = false if(array.get(pArray, index)) eamin1 = (100 - (ep1+adjs)) / 100 eamax1 = (100 + ep1+adje) / 100 eamin2 = (100 - (ep2+adjs)) / 100 eamax2 = (100 + ep2+adje) / 100 start1 = getadj(p1, p2, min1*eamin1, logScale) end1 = getadj(p1, p2, max1*eamax1, logScale) start2 = getadj(p3, p4, min2*eamin2, logScale) end2 = getadj(p3, p4, max2*eamax2, logScale) start = start1 > end1? math.min(start1, start2) : math.max(start1, start2) end = start1 > end1? math.max(end1, end2) : math.min(end1, end2) d1 = start1>end1? 1 : -1 d2 = start2>end2? 1 : -1 d = start>end? 1 : -1 if(d1 == d2 and d == d1 and (start > 0 or end > 0)) returnval := true array.set(startRange, index, start) array.set(endRange, index, end) else array.set(pArray, index, false) returnval getNumberOfSupportedPatterns()=>25 evaluate(patternArray, index, ratio, min, max, err_min, err_max)=> if array.get(patternArray, index) array.set(patternArray, index, isInRange(ratio, min*err_min, max*err_max)) export getSupportedPatterns()=> patternLabelArray = array.new_string() array.push(patternLabelArray, "Gartley") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Crab") array.push(patternLabelArray, "DeepCrab") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Bat") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Butterfly") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Shark") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Cypher") array.push(patternLabelArray, "NenStar") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Anti NenStar") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Anti Shark") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Anti Cypher") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Anti Crab") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Anti Butterfly") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Anti Bat") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Anti Gartley") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Navarro200") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Five Zero") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Three Drives") array.push(patternLabelArray, "White Swan") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Black Swan") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Sea Pony") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Leonardo") array.push(patternLabelArray, "121") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Snorm") array.push(patternLabelArray, "Total") patternLabelArray scan_xab(float xabRatio, simple float err_min, simple float err_max, bool[] patternArray)=> if(array.includes(patternArray, true)) //Gartley evaluate(patternArray, 0, xabRatio, 0.618, 0.618, err_min, err_max) //Crab evaluate(patternArray, 1, xabRatio, 0.382, 0.618, err_min, err_max) //DeepCrab evaluate(patternArray, 2, xabRatio, 0.886, 0.886, err_min, err_max) //Bat evaluate(patternArray, 3, xabRatio, 0.382, 0.500, err_min, err_max) //Butterfly evaluate(patternArray, 4, xabRatio, 0.786, 0.786, err_min, err_max) //Shark evaluate(patternArray, 5, xabRatio, 0.446, 0.618, err_min, err_max) //Cypher evaluate(patternArray, 6, xabRatio, 0.382, 0.618, err_min, err_max) //NenStar evaluate(patternArray, 7, xabRatio, 0.382, 0.618, err_min, err_max) //Anti NenStar evaluate(patternArray, 8, xabRatio, 0.500, 0.786, err_min, err_max) //Anti Shark evaluate(patternArray, 9, xabRatio, 0.446, 0.618, err_min, err_max) //Anti Cypher evaluate(patternArray, 10, xabRatio, 0.500, 0.786, err_min, err_max) //Anti Crab evaluate(patternArray, 11, xabRatio, 0.276, 0.446, err_min, err_max) //Anti Butterfly evaluate(patternArray, 12, xabRatio, 0.382, 0.618, err_min, err_max) //Anti Bat evaluate(patternArray, 13, xabRatio, 0.382, 0.618, err_min, err_max) //Anti Gartley evaluate(patternArray, 14, xabRatio, 0.618, 0.786, err_min, err_max) //Navarro200 evaluate(patternArray, 15, xabRatio, 0.382, 0.786, err_min, err_max) //5-0 evaluate(patternArray, 16, xabRatio, 1.270, 1.618, err_min, err_max) //Three Drives evaluate(patternArray, 17, xabRatio, 0.618, 0.786, err_min, err_max) //White Swan evaluate(patternArray, 18, xabRatio, 0.382, 0.786, err_min, err_max) //Black Swan evaluate(patternArray, 19, xabRatio, 1.382, 2.618, err_min, err_max) //Sea Pony evaluate(patternArray, 20, xabRatio, 0.128, 3.618, err_min, err_max) //Leonardo evaluate(patternArray, 21, xabRatio, 0.500, 0.500, err_min, err_max) //121 evaluate(patternArray, 22, xabRatio, 0.500, 0.786, err_min, err_max) //Snorm evaluate(patternArray, 23, xabRatio, 0.900, 1.100, err_min, err_max) //Total evaluate(patternArray, 24, xabRatio, 0.236, 0.786, err_min, err_max) scan_abc_axc(float abcRatio, float axcRatio, simple float err_min, simple float err_max, bool[] patternArray)=> if(array.includes(patternArray, true)) //Gartley evaluate(patternArray, 0, abcRatio, 0.382, 0.886, err_min, err_max) //Crab evaluate(patternArray, 1, abcRatio, 0.382, 0.886, err_min, err_max) //DeepCrab evaluate(patternArray, 2, abcRatio, 0.382, 0.886, err_min, err_max) //Bat evaluate(patternArray, 3, abcRatio, 0.382, 0.886, err_min, err_max) //Butterfly evaluate(patternArray, 4, abcRatio, 0.382, 0.886, err_min, err_max) //Shark evaluate(patternArray, 5, abcRatio, 1.130, 1.618, err_min, err_max) //Cypher evaluate(patternArray, 6, axcRatio, 1.130, 1.414, err_min, err_max) //NenStar evaluate(patternArray, 7, abcRatio, 1.414, 2.140, err_min, err_max) //Anti NenStar evaluate(patternArray, 8, abcRatio, 0.467, 0.707, err_min, err_max) //Anti Shark evaluate(patternArray, 9, abcRatio, 0.618, 0.886, err_min, err_max) //Anti Cypher evaluate(patternArray, 10, abcRatio, 0.467, 0.707, err_min, err_max) //Anti Crab evaluate(patternArray, 11, abcRatio, 1.128, 2.618, err_min, err_max) //Anti Butterfly evaluate(patternArray, 12, abcRatio, 1.128, 2.618, err_min, err_max) //Anti Bat evaluate(patternArray, 13, abcRatio, 1.128, 2.618, err_min, err_max) //Anti Gartley evaluate(patternArray, 14, abcRatio, 1.128, 2.618, err_min, err_max) //Navarro200 evaluate(patternArray, 15, abcRatio, 0.886, 1.127, err_min, err_max) //5-0 evaluate(patternArray, 16, abcRatio, 1.168, 2.240, err_min, err_max) //Three Drives evaluate(patternArray, 17, abcRatio, 1.272, 1.618, err_min, err_max) //White Swan evaluate(patternArray, 18, abcRatio, 2.000, 4.237, err_min, err_max) //Black Swan evaluate(patternArray, 19, abcRatio, 0.236, 0.500, err_min, err_max) //Sea Pony evaluate(patternArray, 20, abcRatio, 0.382, 0.500, err_min, err_max) //Leonardo evaluate(patternArray, 21, abcRatio, 0.382, 0.886, err_min, err_max) //121 evaluate(patternArray, 22, abcRatio, 1.128, 3.618, err_min, err_max) //Snorm evaluate(patternArray, 23, abcRatio, 0.900, 1.100, err_min, err_max) //Total evaluate(patternArray, 24, abcRatio, 0.382, 2.618, err_min, err_max) scan_bcd(float bcdRatio, simple float err_min, simple float err_max, bool[] patternArray)=> if(array.includes(patternArray, true)) //Gartley evaluate(patternArray, 0, bcdRatio, 1.272, 1.618, err_min, err_max) //Crab evaluate(patternArray, 1, bcdRatio, 2.240, 3.618, err_min, err_max) //DeepCrab evaluate(patternArray, 2, bcdRatio, 2.000, 3.618, err_min, err_max) //Bat evaluate(patternArray, 3, bcdRatio, 1.618, 2.618, err_min, err_max) //Butterfly evaluate(patternArray, 4, bcdRatio, 1.618, 2.618, err_min, err_max) //Shark evaluate(patternArray, 5, bcdRatio, 1.618, 2.236, err_min, err_max) //Cypher // Not required //NenStar evaluate(patternArray, 7, bcdRatio, 1.272, 2.000, err_min, err_max) //Anti NenStar evaluate(patternArray, 8, bcdRatio, 1.618, 2.618, err_min, err_max) //Anti Shark evaluate(patternArray, 9, bcdRatio, 1.618, 2.618, err_min, err_max) //Anti Cypher evaluate(patternArray, 10, bcdRatio, 1.618, 2.618, err_min, err_max) //Anti Crab evaluate(patternArray, 11, bcdRatio, 1.618, 2.618, err_min, err_max) //Anti Butterfly evaluate(patternArray, 12, bcdRatio, 1.272, 1.272, err_min, err_max) //Anti Bat evaluate(patternArray, 13, bcdRatio, 2.000, 2.618, err_min, err_max) //Anti Gartley evaluate(patternArray, 14, bcdRatio, 1.618, 1.618, err_min, err_max) //Navarro200 evaluate(patternArray, 15, bcdRatio, 0.886, 3.618, err_min, err_max) //5-0 evaluate(patternArray, 16, bcdRatio, 0.500, 0.500, err_min, err_max) //Three Drives evaluate(patternArray, 17, bcdRatio, 0.618, 0.786, err_min, err_max) //White Swan evaluate(patternArray, 18, bcdRatio, 0.500, 0.886, err_min, err_max) //Black Swan evaluate(patternArray, 19, bcdRatio, 1.128, 2.000, err_min, err_max) //Sea Pony evaluate(patternArray, 20, bcdRatio, 1.618, 2.618, err_min, err_max) //Leonardo evaluate(patternArray, 21, bcdRatio, 1.128, 2.618, err_min, err_max) //121 evaluate(patternArray, 22, bcdRatio, 0.388, 0.786, err_min, err_max) //Snorm evaluate(patternArray, 23, bcdRatio, 0.900, 1.100, err_min, err_max) //Total evaluate(patternArray, 24, bcdRatio, 1.272, 4.236, err_min, err_max) scan_xad_xcd(float xadRatio, float xcdRatio, simple float err_min, simple float err_max, bool[] patternArray)=> if(array.includes(patternArray, true)) //Gartley evaluate(patternArray, 0, xadRatio, 0.786, 0.786, err_min, err_max) //Crab evaluate(patternArray, 1, xadRatio, 1.618, 1.618, err_min, err_max) //DeepCrab evaluate(patternArray, 2, xadRatio, 1.618, 1.618, err_min, err_max) //Bat evaluate(patternArray, 3, xadRatio, 0.886, 0.886, err_min, err_max) //Butterfly evaluate(patternArray, 4, xadRatio, 1.272, 1.618, 1, 1) //Shark evaluate(patternArray, 5, xadRatio, 0.886, 0.886, err_min, err_max) //Cypher evaluate(patternArray, 6, xcdRatio, 0.786, 0.786, err_min, err_max) //NenStar evaluate(patternArray, 7, xadRatio, 1.272, 1.272, err_min, err_max) //Anti NenStar evaluate(patternArray, 8, xadRatio, 0.786, 0.786, err_min, err_max) //Anti Shark evaluate(patternArray, 9, xadRatio, 1.130, 1.130, err_min, err_max) //Anti Cypher evaluate(patternArray, 10, xadRatio, 1.272, 1.272, err_min, err_max) //Anti Crab evaluate(patternArray, 11, xadRatio, 0.618, 0.618, err_min, err_max) //Anti Butterfly evaluate(patternArray, 12, xadRatio, 0.618, 0.786, err_min, err_max) //Anti Bat evaluate(patternArray, 13, xadRatio, 1.128, 1.128, err_min, err_max) //Anti Gartley evaluate(patternArray, 14, xadRatio, 1.272, 1.272, err_min, err_max) //Navarro200 evaluate(patternArray, 15, xadRatio, 0.886, 1.127, 1, 1) //5-0 evaluate(patternArray, 16, xadRatio, 0.886, 1.130, 1, 1) //Three Drives evaluate(patternArray, 17, xadRatio, 0.130, 0.886, 1, 1) //White Swan evaluate(patternArray, 18, xadRatio, 0.230, 0.886, 1, 1) //Black Swan evaluate(patternArray, 19, xadRatio, 1.128, 2.618, 1, 1) //Sea Pony evaluate(patternArray, 20, xadRatio, 0.618, 3.618, 1, 1) //Leonardo evaluate(patternArray, 21, xadRatio, 0.786, 0.786, err_min, err_max) //121 evaluate(patternArray, 22, xadRatio, 0.382, 0.786, 1, 1) //Snorm evaluate(patternArray, 23, xadRatio, 0.618, 1.618, 1, 1) //Total evaluate(patternArray, 24, xadRatio, 0.618, 1.618, 1, 1) // @function Provides PRZ range based on BCD and XAD ranges // @param x X coordinate value // @param a A coordinate value // @param b B coordinate value // @param c C coordinate value // @param patternArray Pattern flags for which PRZ range needs to be calculated // @param errorPercent Error threshold // @param start_adj - Adjustments for entry levels // @param end_adj - Adjustments for stop levels // @param logScale - calculate on log scale. Default is false // @returns [dStart, dEnd] Start and end of consolidated PRZ range export get_prz_range(float x, float a, float b, float c, bool[] patternArray, simple float errorPercent = 8, simple float start_adj=0, simple float end_adj=0, bool logScale=false)=> startRange = array.new_float(array.size(patternArray), na) endRange = array.new_float(array.size(patternArray), na) if(array.includes(patternArray, true)) //Gartley getrange(x, a, 0.786, 0.786, b, c, 1.272, 1.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 0, logScale) //Crab getrange(x, a, 1.618, 1.618, b, c, 2.240, 3.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 1, logScale) //DeepCrab getrange(x, a, 1.618, 1.618, b, c, 2.000, 3.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 2, logScale) //Bat getrange(x, a, 0.886, 0.886, b, c, 1.618, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 3, logScale) //Butterfly getrange(x, a, 1.272, 1.618, b, c, 1.618, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 4, logScale) //Shark getrange(x, a, 0.886, 0.886, b, c, 1.618, 2.236, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 5, logScale) //Cypher getrange(x, c, 0.786, 0.786, x, c, 0.786, 0.786, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 6, logScale) //NenStar getrange(x, a, 1.272, 1.272, b, c, 1.272, 2.000, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 7, logScale) //Anti NenStar getrange(x, a, 0.786, 0.786, b, c, 1.618, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 8, logScale) //Anti Shark getrange(x, a, 1.130, 1.130, b, c, 1.618, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 9, logScale) //Anti Cypher getrange(x, a, 1.272, 1.272, b, c, 1.618, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 10, logScale) //Anti Crab getrange(x, a, 0.618, 0.618, b, c, 1.618, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 11, logScale) //Anti Butterfly getrange(x, a, 0.618, 0.786, b, c, 1.272, 1.272, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 12, logScale) //Anti Bat getrange(x, a, 1.128, 1.128, b, c, 2.000, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 13, logScale) //Anti Gartley getrange(x, a, 1.272, 1.272, b, c, 1.618, 1.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 14, logScale) //Navarro200 getrange(x, a, 0.886, 1.127, b, c, 0.886, 3.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 15, logScale) //5-0 getrange(x, a, 0.886, 1.13, b, c, 0.5, 0.5, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 16, logScale) //Three Drives getrange(x, a, 0.13, 1.886, b, c, 0.618, 1.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 17, logScale) //White Swan getrange(x, a, 0.236, 0.886, b, c, 0.5, 0.886, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 18, logScale) //Black Swan getrange(x, a, 1.128, 2.618, b, c, 1.128, 2.0, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 19, logScale) //Sea Pony getrange(x, a, 0.618, 3.618, b, c, 1.618, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 20, logScale) //Leonardo getrange(x, a, 0.786, 0.786, b, c, 1.128, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 21, logScale) //121 getrange(x, a, 0.382, 0.786, b, c, 0.382, 0.786, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 22, logScale) //Snorm getrange(x, a, 0.618, 1.618, b, c, 0.9, 1.1, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 23, logScale) //Total getrange(x, a, 0.618, 1.618, b, c, 1.272, 4.236, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 24, logScale) dStart = b > c? array.min(startRange) : array.max(startRange) dEnd = b > c? array.max(endRange) : array.min(endRange) [dStart, dEnd] // @function Provides PRZ range based on XAD range only // @param x X coordinate value // @param a A coordinate value // @param b B coordinate value // @param c C coordinate value // @param patternArray Pattern flags for which PRZ range needs to be calculated // @param errorPercent Error threshold // @param start_adj - Adjustments for entry levels // @param end_adj - Adjustments for stop levels // @param logScale - calculate on log scale. Default is false // @returns [dStart, dEnd] Start and end of consolidated PRZ range export get_prz_range_xad(float x, float a, float b, float c, bool[] patternArray, simple float errorPercent = 8, simple float start_adj=0, simple float end_adj=0, bool logScale=false)=> startRange = array.new_float(array.size(patternArray), na) endRange = array.new_float(array.size(patternArray), na) if(array.includes(patternArray, true)) //Gartley getrange(x, a, 0.786, 0.786, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 0, logScale) //Crab getrange(x, a, 1.618, 1.618, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 1, logScale) //DeepCrab getrange(x, a, 1.618, 1.618, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 2, logScale) //Bat getrange(x, a, 0.886, 0.886, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 3, logScale) //Butterfly getrange(x, a, 1.272, 1.618, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 4, logScale) //Shark getrange(x, a, 0.886, 0.886, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 5, logScale) //Cypher getrange(x, c, 0.786, 0.786, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 6, logScale) //NenStar getrange(x, a, 1.272, 1.272, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 7, logScale) //Anti NenStar getrange(x, a, 0.786, 0.786, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 8, logScale) //Anti Shark getrange(x, a, 1.130, 1.130, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 9, logScale) //Anti Cypher getrange(x, a, 1.272, 1.272, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 10, logScale) //Anti Crab getrange(x, a, 0.618, 0.618, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 11, logScale) //Anti Butterfly getrange(x, a, 0.618, 0.786, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 12, logScale) //Anti Bat getrange(x, a, 1.128, 1.128, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 13, logScale) //Anti Gartley getrange(x, a, 1.272, 1.272, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 14, logScale) //Navarro200 getrange(x, a, 0.886, 1.127, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 15, logScale) //5-0 getrange(x, a, 0.886, 1.130, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 16, logScale) //Three Drives getrange(x, a, 0.130, 1.886, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 17, logScale) //White Swan getrange(x, a, 0.236, 0.886, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 18, logScale) //Black Swan getrange(x, a, 1.128, 2.618, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 19, logScale) //Sea Pony getrange(x, a, 0.618, 3.618, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 20, logScale) //Leonardo getrange(x, a, 0.786, 0.786, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 21, logScale) //121 getrange(x, a, 0.382, 0.786, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 22, logScale) //Snorm getrange(x, a, 0.618, 1.618, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 23, logScale) //Total getrange(x, a, 0.618, 1.618, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 24, logScale) dStart = b > c? array.min(startRange) : array.max(startRange) dEnd = b > c? array.max(endRange) : array.min(endRange) [dStart, dEnd] // @function Provides Projection range based on BCD and XAD ranges // @param x X coordinate value // @param a A coordinate value // @param b B coordinate value // @param c C coordinate value // @param patternArray Pattern flags for which PRZ range needs to be calculated // @param errorPercent Error threshold // @param start_adj - Adjustments for entry levels // @param end_adj - Adjustments for stop levels // @param logScale - calculate on log scale. Default is false // @returns [startRange, endRange] Array containing start and end ranges export get_projection_range(float x, float a, float b, float c, bool[] patternArray, simple float errorPercent = 8, simple float start_adj=0, simple float end_adj=0, bool logScale=false)=> startRange = array.new_float(array.size(patternArray), na) endRange = array.new_float(array.size(patternArray), na) if(array.includes(patternArray, true)) //Gartley getrange(x, a, 0.786, 0.786, b, c, 1.272, 1.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 0, logScale) //Crab getrange(x, a, 1.618, 1.618, b, c, 2.240, 3.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 1, logScale) //DeepCrab getrange(x, a, 1.618, 1.618, b, c, 2.000, 3.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 2, logScale) //Bat getrange(x, a, 0.886, 0.886, b, c, 1.618, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 3, logScale) //Butterfly getrange(x, a, 1.272, 1.618, b, c, 1.618, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 4, logScale) //Shark getrange(x, a, 0.886, 0.886, b, c, 1.618, 2.236, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 5, logScale) //Cypher getrange(x, c, 0.786, 0.786, x, c, 0.786, 0.786, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 6, logScale) //NenStar getrange(x, a, 1.272, 1.272, b, c, 1.272, 2.000, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 7, logScale) //Anti NenStar getrange(x, a, 0.786, 0.786, b, c, 1.618, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 8, logScale) //Anti Shark getrange(x, a, 1.130, 1.130, b, c, 1.618, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 9, logScale) //Anti Cypher getrange(x, a, 1.272, 1.272, b, c, 1.618, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 10, logScale) //Anti Crab getrange(x, a, 0.618, 0.618, b, c, 1.618, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 11, logScale) //Anti Butterfly getrange(x, a, 0.618, 0.786, b, c, 1.272, 1.272, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 12, logScale) //Anti Bat getrange(x, a, 1.128, 1.128, b, c, 2.000, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 13, logScale) //Anti Gartley getrange(x, a, 1.272, 1.272, b, c, 1.618, 1.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 14, logScale) //Navarro200 getrange(x, a, 0.886, 1.127, b, c, 0.886, 3.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 15, logScale) //5-0 getrange(x, a, 0.886, 1.13, b, c, 0.5, 0.5, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 16, logScale) //Three Drives getrange(x, a, 0.13, 1.886, b, c, 0.618, 1.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 17, logScale) //White Swan getrange(x, a, 0.236, 0.886, b, c, 0.5, 0.886, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 18, logScale) //Black Swan getrange(x, a, 1.128, 2.618, b, c, 1.128, 2.0, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 19, logScale) //Sea Pony getrange(x, a, 0.618, 3.618, b, c, 1.618, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 20, logScale) //Leonardo getrange(x, a, 0.786, 0.786, b, c, 1.128, 2.618, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 21, logScale) //121 getrange(x, a, 0.382, 0.786, b, c, 0.382, 0.786, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 22, logScale) //Snorm getrange(x, a, 0.618, 1.618, b, c, 0.9, 1.1, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 23, logScale) //Total getrange(x, a, 0.618, 1.618, b, c, 1.272, 4.236, errorPercent, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj, patternArray, startRange, endRange, 24, logScale) [startRange, endRange] // @function Checks for harmonic patterns // @param x X coordinate value // @param a A coordinate value // @param b B coordinate value // @param c C coordinate value // @param d D coordinate value // @param flags flags to check patterns. Send empty array to enable all // @param errorPercent Error threshold // @param logScale - calculate on log scale. Default is false // @returns [patternArray, patternLabelArray] Array of boolean values which says whether valid pattern exist and array of corresponding pattern names export isHarmonicPattern(float x, float a, float b, float c, float d, simple bool[] flags, simple bool defaultEnabled = true, simple int errorPercent = 8, bool logScale=false)=> numberOfPatterns = getNumberOfSupportedPatterns() err_min = (100 - errorPercent) / 100 err_max = (100 + errorPercent) / 100 xabRatio = fibs.retracementRatio(x,a,b,logScale) abcRatio = fibs.retracementRatio(a,b,c,logScale) axcRatio = fibs.retracementRatio(a,x,c,logScale) bcdRatio = fibs.retracementRatio(b,c,d,logScale) xadRatio = fibs.retracementRatio(x,a,d,logScale) xcdRatio = fibs.retracementRatio(x,c,d,logScale) patternArray = array.new_bool() for i=0 to numberOfPatterns-1 array.push(patternArray, array.size(flags)>i ? array.get(flags, i) : defaultEnabled) scan_xab(xabRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) scan_abc_axc(abcRatio, axcRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) scan_bcd(bcdRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) scan_xad_xcd(xadRatio, xcdRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) patternArray // @function Checks for harmonic pattern projection // @param x X coordinate value // @param a A coordinate value // @param b B coordinate value // @param c C coordinate value // @param flags flags to check patterns. Send empty array to enable all // @param errorPercent Error threshold // @param logScale - calculate on log scale. Default is false // @returns [patternArray, patternLabelArray] Array of boolean values which says whether valid pattern exist and array of corresponding pattern names. export isHarmonicProjection(float x, float a, float b, float c, simple bool[] flags, simple bool defaultEnabled = true, simple int errorPercent = 8, bool logScale=false)=> numberOfPatterns = getNumberOfSupportedPatterns() err_min = (100 - errorPercent) / 100 err_max = (100 + errorPercent) / 100 xabRatio = fibs.retracementRatio(x,a,b,logScale) abcRatio = fibs.retracementRatio(a,b,c,logScale) axcRatio = fibs.retracementRatio(a,x,c,logScale) patternArray = array.new_bool() for i=0 to numberOfPatterns-1 array.push(patternArray, array.size(flags)>i ? array.get(flags, i) : defaultEnabled) scan_xab(xabRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) scan_abc_axc(abcRatio, axcRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) patternArray
Reversion Zone Index
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ profitprotrading //@version=5 indicator(title='Reversion Zone Index', shorttitle='RZI', overlay=false, precision = 0) //CCI lengthX =, minval=1, group = "CCI") srcX = input(hlc3, title="Source", group = "CCI") maX = ta.sma(srcX, lengthX) cci = (srcX - maX) / (0.015 *, lengthX)) cci := cci/2 // Choppiness Index Calculation length = input(14, 'CI Length', group = "Choppiness Index") chopLength = input(14, 'Chop Length', group = "Choppiness Index") ci = 100 * math.log10(math.sum(ta.atr(1), chopLength) / (ta.highest(chopLength) - ta.lowest(chopLength))) / math.log10(chopLength) //BB% length1 =, minval=1) src = input(close, title="Source", group = "BB Percentile") mult = input.float(2.0, minval=0.001, maxval=50, title="StdDev", group = "BB Percentile") basis = ta.sma(src, length1) dev = mult * ta.stdev(src, length1) upper = basis + dev lower = basis - dev bbr = (src - lower)/(upper - lower) bbr := bbr*80 comb = (ci + bbr) / 2 comb := comb*3 comb2 = (ci + cci + bbr)/3 combX = ta.ema(comb2, 10) //Plotting col = color.from_gradient(combX, 7, 60, color.rgb(0, 200, 7), color.rgb(222, 0, 0)) up = 60 dn = 10 up1 = plot(up, "Overbought", color = color.rgb(255, 255, 255)) dn1 = plot(dn, "Oversold", color = color.white) mid = plot(33.5, display = display.none) combX1 = plot(combX, linewidth = 4, color = col, style = plot.style_line) plotshape(comb2 < -10, style = shape.triangleup, color = color.rgb(0, 235, 8), location = location.bottom, size = size.tiny) plotshape(comb2 > 70, style = shape.triangledown, color = color.rgb(255, 0, 0), location =, size = size.tiny) fill(combX1, mid, 75, 40, top_color =, 0), bottom_color =, 100), title = "Overbought Gradient Fill") fill(combX1, mid, 15, -5, top_color =, 100), bottom_color =, 0), title = "Overbought Gradient Fill")
Multi-Band Breakout Indicator
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ LeafAlgo //@version=5 indicator("Multi-Band Breakout Indicator", overlay=true) // Calculation Inputs length = input(14, "ATR Length") dLength = input(40, 'Donchian Length') multiplier = input(2.0, "Multiplier") malength = input(40, 'MA Length') // Calculate ATR atr = ta.atr(length) // Calculate Bands and Basis upperBand = ta.ema(ta.highest(high, length) + multiplier * atr, length) lowerBand = ta.ema(ta.lowest(low, length) - multiplier * atr, length) trend = (upperBand + lowerBand) / 2 trendMA = ta.ema(trend, malength) // Calculate Donchians hhigh = ta.highest(upperBand, dLength) llow = ta.lowest(lowerBand, dLength) // Breakouts //breakoutUp = trend > trendMA and close > trend and close > trendMA and high >= hhigh and high >= upperBand //breakoutDown = trend < trendMA and close < trend and close < trendMA and low <= llow and low <= lowerBand //breakoutUp2 = high > upperBand and upperBand >= hhigh[1] and close > trendMA and close[1] <= trendMA[1] and trend > trendMA //breakoutDown2 = low < lowerBand and lowerBand <= llow[1] and close < trendMA and close[1] >= trendMA[1] and trend < trendMA breakoutUp3 = ta.crossover(trend, trendMA) and upperBand >= hhigh[1] and close > trendMA breakoutDown3 = ta.crossunder(trend, trendMA) and lowerBand <= llow[1] and close < trendMA // Color tColor = trend > close and trendMA > close ? color.fuchsia : trend < close and trendMA < close ? color.lime : color.yellow maColor = trend > trendMA ?, 70) :, 70) barcolor(tColor) highColor = hhigh > upperBand ?, 90) :,90) lowColor = llow < lowerBand ?, 90) :, 90) // Plotting upperBandplot = plot(upperBand, color=color.lime, title="Upper", linewidth = 2) lowerBandplot = plot(lowerBand, color=color.fuchsia, title='Lower', linewidth=2) hhighplot = plot(hhigh, title='Highest Point in Last X Periods',, linewidth = 2) llowplot = plot(llow, title='Lowest Point in X Periods', linewidth = 2, trendplot = plot(trend, color=color.aqua, title='Basis', linewidth = 4) trendMAplot = plot(trendMA,, title='Trend MA', linewidth = 4) fill(plot1=trendplot, plot2=trendMAplot, color=maColor) fill(plot1=llowplot, plot2=lowerBandplot, color=lowColor) fill(plot1=hhighplot, plot2=upperBandplot, color=highColor) plotshape(breakoutUp3, "Long Entry", shape.triangleup, location.belowbar,, size=size.large) plotshape(breakoutDown3, "Short Entry", shape.triangledown, location.abovebar,, size=size.large)
Sessioned EMA - Frozen EMA in post market hours
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ MalibuKenny //@version=5 indicator("v1.0 Sessioned EMA", overlay = true, max_labels_count = 100) group0 = 'Session Volatility (Realtime)============' startDate = input.time(title='Start Date', defval=timestamp('6 Oct 1000 17:00 +0000'), tooltip='Date & time to begin analysis', group=group0) endDate = input.time(title='End Date', defval=timestamp('1 Jan 2099 12:00 +0000'), tooltip='Date & time to stop analysis', group=group0) ema9_sessioned = input.bool(title = "ema9_sessioned", defval = false) timeSession = input.string(defval = '0930-1600', group = group0) show_ema_final_difference = input.bool(title = "show_ema_final_difference", defval = false) // This function returns true if the current bar falls within the given time session (:1234567 is to include all weekdays) inSession(sess) => //custom function input sess na(time(timeframe.period, sess + ':1234567', 'GMT+8')) == false and time >= startDate and time <= endDate // Declaring Variable // Check if a new session has begun (not in ==> in) var withinSession = false if not inSession(timeSession)[1] and inSession(timeSession) withinSession := true if inSession(timeSession)[1] and not inSession(timeSession) withinSession := false //Change the background color for the in sessioin part (colorBG is a check box) bgcolor(inSession(timeSession) ?, 90) : na) pine_ema(source, length) => alpha = 2 / (length + 1) sum = 0.0 sum := na(sum[1]) ? ta.sma(source, length) : alpha * source + (1 - alpha) * nz(sum[1]) // EMA = (Close - EMA(previous day)) x multiplier + EMA(previous day) smoothing = 2 var ema9 = 0.0 var ema9b = 0.0 var ema25 = 0.0 var ema55 = 0.0 var ema100 = 0.0 var ema160 = 0.0 if inSession(timeSession) ema9b:= pine_ema(ohlc4, 9) ema25:= pine_ema(ohlc4, 25) ema55:= pine_ema(ohlc4, 55) ema100:= pine_ema(ohlc4, 100) ema160:= pine_ema(ohlc4, 160) else ema9b:= ema9b[1] ema25:= ema25[1] ema55:= ema55[1] ema100:= ema100[1] ema160:= ema160[1] ema3=ta.ema(ohlc4,3) if ema9_sessioned ema9:=ema9b else ema9:=ta.ema(ohlc4,9) plot(ema3, linewidth = 1, color =,0)) plot(ema9, linewidth = 3, color =,30)) plot(ema25, linewidth = 2, color =,0)) plot(ema55, linewidth = 2, color =,0)) plot(ema100, linewidth = 2, color =,0)) plot(ema160, linewidth = 2, color =,0)) max_ema= math.max(ema25, ema55, ema100, ema160) min_ema= math.min(ema25, ema55, ema100, ema160) delta_ema = max_ema -min_ema label_ema_diff =, y = max_ema, text = str.tostring(delta_ema, "#"), color =,70)) if withinSession label.delete(label_ema_diff) if delta_ema == delta_ema[1] label.delete(label_ema_diff[1])
MW Volume Impulse
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ MWRIGHT, INC // // Credit to @Ankit_1618 for the Cumulative Volume Delta indicator that served as the inspiration // //@version=5 indicator('MW Volume Impulse') i_period =, "Moving Average Period", maxval=3600, minval=1) i_dotSize =, "Dot Size", minval=1, step=1) i_dotTransparency =, "Dot Transparency", maxval=100, minval=0, step=10) i_ema = input(7,"EMA") ema = ta.sma(close,i_ema) upperWick = close > open ? high - close : high - open lowerWick = close > open ? open - low : close - low spread = high - low bodyLength = spread - (upperWick + lowerWick) percentUpperWick = upperWick / spread percentLowerWick = lowerWick / spread percentBodyLength = bodyLength / spread buyingVolume = close > open ? (percentBodyLength + (percentUpperWick + percentLowerWick) / 2) * volume : (percentUpperWick + percentLowerWick) / 2 * volume sellingVolume = close < open ? (percentBodyLength + (percentUpperWick + percentLowerWick) / 2) * volume : (percentUpperWick + percentLowerWick) / 2 * volume accumulationLength = input(14) cumulativeBuyingVolume = ta.ema(buyingVolume, accumulationLength) cumulativeSellingVolume = ta.ema(sellingVolume, accumulationLength) cumulativeVolumeDelta = cumulativeBuyingVolume - cumulativeSellingVolume // Functions flippedUp(_series,_period=1) => _series > 0 and _series[_period] < 0 flippedDown(_series,_period=1) => _series < 0 and _series[_period] > 0 cvdMaDifference = cumulativeVolumeDelta - ta.ema(cumulativeVolumeDelta,i_period) cvdMaDiffFlipUp = flippedUp(cvdMaDifference) cvdMaDiffFlipDown = flippedDown(cvdMaDifference) flipUpPlusMA = cvdMaDiffFlipUp and close > ta.ema(close,7) and (close > open[1] or close > open[2]) flipDownPlusMA = cvdMaDiffFlipDown and close < ta.ema(close,7) and (close < open[1] or close < open[2]) plot(cumulativeVolumeDelta, color = cumulativeVolumeDelta > 0 ? :, style=plot.style_columns) plot(flipUpPlusMA ? cvdMaDifference : na, color = flipUpPlusMA ?, i_dotTransparency) : na, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=i_dotSize) plot(flipDownPlusMA ? cvdMaDifference : na, color = flipDownPlusMA ?, i_dotTransparency) : na, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=i_dotSize) plot(flipUpPlusMA ? cvdMaDifference : na, color = flipUpPlusMA ?, i_dotTransparency) : na, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=i_dotSize/2) plot(flipDownPlusMA ? cvdMaDifference : na, color = flipDownPlusMA ?, i_dotTransparency) : na, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=i_dotSize/2) plot(ta.ema(cumulativeVolumeDelta,i_period),,0)) alertcondition(cvdMaDiffFlipUp, title="LONG! MW - CVD went above its MA", message="LONG: Cumulative Volume Delta just went above its Moving Average!\nPrice: {{close}}") alertcondition(cvdMaDiffFlipDown, title="SHORT! MW - CVD went below its MA", message="SHORT: Cumulative Volume Delta just went below its Moving Average!\nPrice: {{close}}") alertcondition(flipUpPlusMA, title="LONG! MW - CVD above its MA/Price in Zone", message="LONG: Cumulative Volume Delta just went above its Moving Average, and its in the green zone of the selected EMA and SMA!\nPrice: {{close}}") alertcondition(flipDownPlusMA, title="SHORT! MW - CVD below its MA/Price in Zone", message="SHORT: Cumulative Volume Delta just went below its Moving Average, and its in the red zone of the selected EMA and SMA!\nPrice: {{close}}")
Main Market Opener Breakout [RH]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ HasanRifat //@version=5 indicator("Main Market Opener Breakout [RH]", overlay=true, max_lines_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500) // New York main market settings newyorkShow = input.bool(defval = true, title = "", inline = "newyork") newyorkName = input.string(defval = "New York", title = "", inline = "newyork") newyorkTimeIn = input.session(defval = "0930-1600:23456", title = "", inline = "newyork", tooltip = "Timezone: America/New_York") newyorkColor = input.color(defval = color.rgb(4, 159, 9), title = "", inline = "newyork") // London main market settings londonShow = input.bool(defval = false, title = "", inline = "london") londonName = input.string(defval = "London", title = "", inline = "london") londonTimeIn = input.session(defval = "0800-1630:23456", title = "", inline = "london", tooltip = "Timezone: Europe/London") londonColor = input.color(defval = color.rgb(9, 101, 177), title = "", inline = "london") // Tokyo main market settings tokyoShow = input.bool(defval = false, title = "", inline = "tokyo") tokyoName = input.string(defval = "Tokyo", title = "", inline = "tokyo") tokyoTimeIn = input.session(defval = "0900-1500:23456", title = "", inline = "tokyo", tooltip = "Timezone: Japan") tokyoColor = input.color(defval = color.rgb(247, 154, 14), title = "", inline = "tokyo") // ATR settings length ="ATR Length", defval=14, minval=1) smoothing = input.string(title="ATR Smoothing", defval="RMA", options=["RMA", "SMA", "EMA", "WMA"]) // ATR value calculation ma_function(source, length) => switch smoothing "RMA" => ta.rma(source, length) "SMA" => ta.sma(source, length) "EMA" => ta.ema(source, length) => ta.wma(source, length) atrValue = ma_function(, length) newyorkTime = time(timeframe.period, newyorkTimeIn, "America/New_York") londonTime = time(timeframe.period, londonTimeIn, "Europe/London") tokyoTime = time(timeframe.period, tokyoTimeIn, "Japan") stocks = syminfo.type == "stock" notStocks = syminfo.type != "stock" // Get first candle's high, low, ATR-high, ATR-low of the session getValue(time1, sessionColor) => var int lineX = na var float line1Y = na var float line2Y = na var float atr1Y = na var float atr2Y = na if notStocks if time1 and not time1[1] lineX := bar_index line1Y := high line2Y := low atr1Y := high+atrValue atr2Y := low-atrValue if stocks if timeframe.change("D") lineX := bar_index line1Y := high line2Y := low atr1Y := high+atrValue atr2Y := low-atrValue [lineX, line1Y, line2Y, atr1Y, atr2Y] // Draw lines based on the user settings and candle value drawLine(lineDex, lineH, lineL, atrH, atrL, sessionColor) => var int indexPlus = na if notStocks indexPlus := 1440/timeframe.multiplier if stocks indexPlus := 360/timeframe.multiplier dexDif = (lineDex+(indexPlus-1)) - last_bar_index currDex = last_bar_index + 498, lineH, dexDif > 499 ? currDex : lineDex+(indexPlus-1), lineH, color = sessionColor), lineL, dexDif > 499 ? currDex : lineDex+(indexPlus-1), lineL, color = sessionColor), atrH, dexDif > 499 ? currDex : lineDex+(indexPlus-1), atrH, style = line.style_dashed, color = sessionColor), atrL, dexDif > 499 ? currDex : lineDex+(indexPlus-1), atrL, style = line.style_dashed, color = sessionColor) // Candle high, low, ATR-high, ATR-low value breakout finding breakAlert(valueH, valueL, cls, time1) => var bullBreakStatus = 0 var bearBreakStatus = 0 if bullBreakStatus == 0 if cls[1] > valueH bullBreakStatus := 1 if bearBreakStatus == 0 if cls[1] < valueL bearBreakStatus := -1 if notStocks if time1 and not time1[1] bullBreakStatus := 0 bearBreakStatus := 0 if stocks if timeframe.change("D") bullBreakStatus := 0 bearBreakStatus := 0 bullBreak = bullBreakStatus == 1 and bullBreakStatus[1] == 0 bearBreak = bearBreakStatus == -1 and bearBreakStatus[1] == 0 [bullBreak, bearBreak] [yorkX ,yorkH, yorkL, yorkatrH, yorkatrL] = getValue(newyorkTime, newyorkColor) [donX, donH, donL, donatrH, donatrL] = getValue(londonTime, londonColor) [toyX, toyH, toyL, toyatrH, toyatrL] = getValue(tokyoTime, tokyoColor) // Line plotting for tickers other than stocks if newyorkShow and notStocks and newyorkTime and not newyorkTime[1] drawLine(yorkX ,yorkH, yorkL, yorkatrH, yorkatrL, newyorkColor) if londonShow and notStocks and londonTime and not londonTime[1] drawLine(donX, donH, donL, donatrH, donatrL, londonColor) if tokyoShow and notStocks and tokyoTime and not tokyoTime[1] drawLine(toyX, toyH, toyL, toyatrH, toyatrL, tokyoColor) // Line plotting for stock tickers if (newyorkShow or londonShow or tokyoShow) and stocks and timeframe.change("D") drawLine(yorkX ,yorkH, yorkL, yorkatrH, yorkatrL, newyorkColor) [yorkBullBreak, yorkBearBreak] = breakAlert(yorkH, yorkL, close, newyorkTime) [donBullBreak, donBearBreak] = breakAlert(donH, donL, close, londonTime) [toyBullBreak, toyBearBreak] = breakAlert(toyH, toyL, close, tokyoTime) [yorkatrBullBreak, yorkatrBearBreak] = breakAlert(yorkatrH, yorkatrL, close, newyorkTime) [donatrBullBreak, donatrBearBreak] = breakAlert(donatrH, donatrL, close, londonTime) [toyatrBullBreak, toyatrBearBreak] = breakAlert(toyatrH, toyatrL, close, tokyoTime) // Shapes plotting for break-above and break-down of the candle high, low, ATR-high and ATR-low plotshape(newyorkShow ? yorkBullBreak : na, title = "New York Candle High Break", style = shape.triangleup, location = location.belowbar, color =, offset = -1, size = size.tiny) plotshape(newyorkShow ? yorkBearBreak : na, title = "New York Candle Low Break", style = shape.triangledown, location = location.abovebar, color =, offset = -1, size = size.tiny) plotshape(newyorkShow ? yorkatrBullBreak : na, title = "New York ATR High Break", style = shape.diamond, location = location.belowbar, color =, offset = -1, size = size.tiny) plotshape(newyorkShow ? yorkatrBearBreak : na, title = "New York ATR Low Break", style = shape.diamond, location = location.abovebar, color =, offset = -1, size = size.tiny) plotshape(londonShow ? donBullBreak : na, title = "London Candle High Break", style = shape.triangleup, location = location.belowbar, color =, offset = -1, size = size.tiny) plotshape(londonShow ? donBearBreak : na, title = "London Candle Low Break", style = shape.triangledown, location = location.abovebar, color =, offset = -1, size = size.tiny) plotshape(londonShow ? donatrBullBreak : na, title = "London ATR High Break", style = shape.diamond, location = location.belowbar, color =, offset = -1, size = size.tiny) plotshape(londonShow ? donatrBearBreak : na, title = "London ATR Low Break", style = shape.diamond, location = location.abovebar, color =, offset = -1, size = size.tiny) plotshape(tokyoShow ? toyBullBreak : na, title = "Tokyo Candle High Break", style = shape.triangleup, location = location.belowbar, color =, offset = -1, size = size.tiny) plotshape(tokyoShow ? toyBearBreak : na, title = "Tokyo Candle Low Break", style = shape.triangledown, location = location.abovebar, color =, offset = -1, size = size.tiny) plotshape(tokyoShow ? toyatrBullBreak : na, title = "Tokyo ATR High Break", style = shape.diamond, location = location.belowbar, color =, offset = -1, size = size.tiny) plotshape(tokyoShow ? toyatrBearBreak : na, title = "Tokyo ATR Low Break", style = shape.diamond, location = location.abovebar, color =, offset = -1, size = size.tiny) // Background coloring for different market sessions bgcolor(newyorkShow ? (newyorkTime ?, 90) : na) : na, title = "New York") bgcolor(londonShow ? (londonTime ?, 90) : na) : na, title = "London") bgcolor(tokyoShow ? (tokyoTime ?, 90) : na) : na, title = "Tokyo") // Alerts alertcondition(yorkBullBreak, title = "New York Candle High Break", message = "New York Candle High Break") alertcondition(yorkBearBreak, title = "New York Candle Low Break", message = "New York Candle Low Break") alertcondition(yorkatrBullBreak, title = "New York ATR High Break", message = "New York ATR High Break") alertcondition(yorkatrBearBreak, title = "New York ATR Low Break", message = "New York ATR Low Break") alertcondition(donBullBreak, title = "London Candle High Break", message = "London Candle High Break") alertcondition(donBearBreak, title = "London Candle Low Break", message = "London Candle Low Break") alertcondition(donatrBullBreak, title = "London ATR High Break", message = "London ATR High Break") alertcondition(donatrBearBreak, title = "London ATR Low Break", message = "London ATR Low Break") alertcondition(toyBullBreak, title = "Tokyo Candle High Break", message = "Tokyo Candle High Break") alertcondition(toyBearBreak, title = "Tokyo Candle Low Break", message = "Tokyo Candle Low Break") alertcondition(toyatrBullBreak, title = "Tokyo ATR High Break", message = "Tokyo ATR High Break") alertcondition(toyatrBearBreak, title = "Tokyo ATR Low Break", message = "Tokyo ATR Low Break")
20/200MAs+LTF+4HTF and HighLowBox+3HTF
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ nazo //@version=5 indicator(title="20/200MAs and HighLowBox HTF+RSI",shorttitle="220MAs+HLBox",overlay=true, max_boxes_count=500,max_labels_count=500, max_lines_count=500) // f_gt(x,y) => x>y?x:y f_lt(x,y) => x<y?x:y //*** //input options(except tf/ma) //*** l00="solid",l01="dashed",l02="dotted" f_linestyle (x) => x==l00?line.style_solid: x==l01?line.style_dashed: x==l02?line.style_dotted:na s00="auto",s01="huge",s02="large",s03="normal",s04="small",s05="tiny" f_textsize (x) => x==s00? x==s01?size.huge: x==s02?size.large: x==s03?size.normal: x==s04?size.small: x==s05?size.tiny:na p01="top_left",p02="top_center",p03="top_right",p04="middle_left",p05="middle_center",p06="middle_right",p07="bottom_left",p08="bottom_center",p09="bottom_right" f_position(x) => x==p01?position.top_left: x==p02?position.top_center: x==p03?position.top_right: x==p04?position.middle_left: x==p05?position.middle_center: x==p06?position.middle_right: x==p07?position.bottom_left: x==p08?position.bottom_center: x==p09?position.bottom_right:na ps00="steplinebr",ps01="line",ps02="linebr",ps03="stepline",ps04="stepline_diamond",ps05="histogram",ps06="areabr",ps07="cross",ps08="columns",ps09="circles" f_plotstyle(x) => x==ps00?plot.style_steplinebr: x==ps01?plot.style_line: x==ps02?plot.style_linebr: x==ps03?plot.style_stepline: x==ps04?plot.style_stepline_diamond: x==ps05?plot.style_histogram: x==ps06?plot.style_areabr: x==ps07?plot.style_cross: x==ps08?plot.style_columns: x==ps09?plot.style_circles:na //RSI span string //rsi01,rsi02,rsi03,rsi04,rsi05,rsi06,rsi07,rsi08,rsi09,rsi10,rsi11,rsi12,rsi13,rsi14,rsi15,rsi16,rsi17,rsi18,rsi19,rsi20,rsi21,rsi22,rsi23,rsi24,rsi25,rsi26,rsi27,rsi28,rsi29,rsi30 rsi01="โ‘ ",rsi02="โ‘ก",rsi03="โ‘ข",rsi04="โ‘ฃ",rsi05="โ‘ค",rsi06="โ‘ฅ",rsi07="โ‘ฆ",rsi08="โ‘ง",rsi09="โ‘จ",rsi10="โ‘ฉ", rsi11="โ‘ช",rsi12="โ‘ซ",rsi13="โ‘ฌ",rsi14="โ‘ญ",rsi15="โ‘ฎ",rsi16="โ‘ฏ",rsi17="โ‘ฐ",rsi18="โ‘ฑ",rsi19="โ‘ฒ",rsi20="โ‘ณ", rsi21="ใ‰‘",rsi22="ใ‰’",rsi23="ใ‰“",rsi24="โ‘ญ",rsi25="ใ‰•",rsi26="ใ‰–",rsi27="ใ‰—",rsi28="ใ‰˜",rsi29="ใ‰™",rsi30="ใ‰š" f_rsi_span2label(_i) => _i==1?rsi01: _i==2?rsi02: _i==3?rsi03: _i==4?rsi04: _i==5?rsi05: _i==6?rsi06: _i==7?rsi07: _i==8?rsi08: _i==9?rsi09: _i==10?rsi10: _i==11?rsi11: _i==12?rsi12: _i==13?rsi13: _i==14?rsi14: _i==15?rsi15: _i==16?rsi16: _i==17?rsi17: _i==18?rsi18: _i==19?rsi19: _i==20?rsi20: _i==21?rsi21: _i==22?rsi22: _i==23?rsi23: _i==24?rsi14: _i==25?rsi25: _i==26?rsi26: _i==27?rsi27: _i==28?rsi28: _i==29?rsi29: _i==30?rsi30:na rsi00="โ–ผ", rsi99="โ–ฒ" f_rsi_direc(_isup)=>_isup?rsi99:rsi00 //***** //end of input options //***** //***** //colors //*****,5),5),5),60),5),5),5) //minimap colors(exprimental) colorMinimap_middle_low=,20),60),40),20),20),60),40),20),5),5),5),5),5),5),5) //***** //end of colors //***** //***** //tf functions //**** idChart = syminfo.tickerid tfChart = timeframe.period // t00,t01,t02,t03,t04,t05,t06,t07,t08,t09,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15 t00="Chart", t01="1", t02="3", t03="5", t04="15", t05="30",t06="60",t07="120", t08="180",t09="240", t10="D", t11='W',t12="M",t13="3M", t14="6M",t15="Y" th1="higher1", th2="higher2", th3="higher3", th4="higher4" tl1="lower1", tl2="lower2", tl3="lower3", tl4="lower4" f_tfMultiplier(tf) => x= str.endswith(tf,"M")? str.length(tf)==1?"1":str.replace(tf,"M",""): str.endswith(tf,"W")? str.length(tf)==1?"1":str.replace(tf,"W",""): str.endswith(tf,"D")? str.length(tf)==1?"1":str.replace(tf,"D",""): str.endswith(tf,"S")? str.length(tf)==1?"1":str.replace(tf,"S",""): tf str.tonumber(x) f_tfUp (tf) => m = f_tfMultiplier(tf) x= str.endswith(tf,"M")? m<3?"3M": m<6?"6M": m<12?"12M":na: str.endswith(tf,"W")? "M": str.endswith(tf,"D")? "W": str.endswith(tf,"S")? "1": m<15?"15": m<60?"60": m<240?"240": m>=240?"D":na f_tfDn (tf) => m = f_tfMultiplier(tf) x= str.endswith(tf,"M")? m>6?"6M": m>3?"3M":"W": str.endswith(tf,"W")? "D": str.endswith(tf,"D")? "240": str.endswith(tf,"S")? na: m>240?"240": m>60?"60": m>15?"15": m>5?"5": m>3?"3":"1" string tfHigher1 = f_tfUp(tfChart) string tfHigher2 = f_tfUp(tfHigher1) string tfHigher3 = f_tfUp(tfHigher2) string tfHigher4 = f_tfUp(tfHigher3) string tfLower1 = f_tfDn(tfChart) string tfLower2 = f_tfDn(tfLower1) string tfLower3 = f_tfDn(tfLower2) string tfLower4 = f_tfDn(tfLower3) f_opt2tf(opt) => opt==t00?tfChart: opt==th1?tfHigher1: opt==th2?tfHigher2: opt==th3?tfHigher3: opt==th4?tfHigher4: opt==tl1?tfLower1: opt==tl2?tfLower2: opt==tl3?tfLower3: opt==tl4?tfLower4: opt f_time_ddHHmm (_t)=> _s=1000 _m=60*_s _h=60*_m _d=24*_h _sec = _t _day = int(_sec/_d) _mod = _sec%_d _hour= int(_mod/_h) _mod:= _mod%_h _min = int(_mod/_m) (_day>0?str.tostring(_day,"00")+"d":"")+str.tostring(_hour,"00")+"h"+str.tostring(_min,"00")+"m" b_tfgt(tfa,tfb) => timeframe.in_seconds(tfa)>timeframe.in_seconds(tfb) b_tflt(tfa,tfb) => timeframe.in_seconds(tfa)<timeframe.in_seconds(tfb) b_tfgtCur(tf) => timeframe.in_seconds(tf)>timeframe.in_seconds(tfChart) b_tfltCur(tf) => timeframe.in_seconds(tf)<timeframe.in_seconds(tfChart) f_getMtfLowerAvg(tf,x) => na(tf)?na:array.avg(request.security_lower_tf(idChart,tf,x)) f_getMtfLowerMax(tf,x) => na(tf)?na:array.avg(request.security_lower_tf(idChart,tf,x)) f_getMtf(tf,x) => na(tf)?na: tf==tfChart?x: b_tfgtCur(tf)?,tf,x, gaps=barmerge.gaps_off,lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_off):na //***** //end of tf functions //***** //***** //bb/fibo etc... //***** f_bb (center,std,sigma) => center + std*sigma f_bbsetup(center,std) => [ f_bb(center,std,4), f_bb(center,std,3), f_bb(center,std,2), f_bb(center,std,1), f_bb(center,std,-1), f_bb(center,std,-2), f_bb(center,std,-3), f_bb(center,std,-4) ] f_bb3sigma1side (val, center, std) => center<val?f_bb(center,std,3):f_bb(center,std,-3) f_madev(val, ma) => (val - ma) / ma * 100 s_madev(val, ma) => str.tostring(val-ma,"0.0000")+"("+str.tostring(math.round(f_madev(val,ma),2))+"%)" f_fibo(a,z) => diff = z-a [z-diff*3.618,z-diff*2.618,z-diff*1.618, a+diff*0.236,a+diff*0.382,a+diff*0.5,a+diff*0.618,a+diff*0.786, a+diff*1.618,a+diff*2.618,a+diff*3.618] f_fibo_range(a,z,x) => diff = z-a _rti=-1 _rbi=-1 listfibo = array.from(z-diff*3.618,z-diff*2.618,z-diff*1.618,a,a+diff*0.236,a+diff*0.382,a+diff*0.5,a+diff*0.618,a+diff*0.786,z,a+diff*1.618,a+diff*2.618,a+diff*3.618) s_listfibo = array.from("3.618fromT","2.618fromT","1.618fromT","____Bottom","0.236fromB","0.382fromB","____Center","0.382fromT","0.236fromT","_______Top","1.618fromB","2.618fromB","3.618fromB") for i = 0 to array.size(listfibo)-1 if x<array.get(listfibo,i) _rti:=i break for i = array.size(listfibo)-1 to 0 if x>array.get(listfibo,i) _rbi:=i break [_rti==-1?na:array.get(listfibo,_rti),_rti==-1?na:array.get(s_listfibo,_rti), _rbi==-1?na:array.get(listfibo,_rbi),_rbi==-1?na:array.get(s_listfibo,_rbi)] f_fibo_level(a,z,x) => diff = z-a level = x<=a+diff*0.5? x>a+diff*0.382?"ML": x>a+diff*0.236?"L": x>a?"L-": "BB": x<a+diff*0.618?"MH": x<a+diff*0.786?"H": x<z?"H+": "BT" f_fl_va(_fl) => switch _fl "ML" => text.align_center "L" => text.align_bottom "L-" => text.align_bottom "BB" => text.align_bottom "MH" => text.align_center "H" => text.align_top "H+" => text.align_top "BT" => text.align_top f_fl_c(_fl) => switch _fl "ML" => colorMinimap_middle_high "L" => colorMinimap_low "L-" => colorMinimap_low2 "BB" => colorMinimap_break_bottom "MH" => colorMinimap_middle_high "H" => colorMinimap_high "H+" => colorMinimap_high2 "BT" => colorMinimap_break_top //***** //end of bb/fibo etc... //***** //***** //MAs //***** ma00="sma",ma01="ema",ma02="rma",ma03="wma",ma04="vwma" f_ma(x,src,len) => switch x ma00 => ta.sma(src,len) ma01 => ta.ema(src,len) ma02 => ta.rma(src,len) ma03 => ta.wma(src,len) ma04 => ta.vwma(src,len) f_ma_label (_s,_offset,_tf,_span,_type,_color) => na(_s)?na:,y=_s, text=_tf+": "+str.tostring(_span)+_type+": "+s_madev(close,_s),style=label.style_none,textcolor=_color,textalign=text.align_left) //***** //end of MAs //***** //***** //renew high and low //***** //4 "var matrix" for high, return_high, low, return_low are needed f_renew_high(_last_renew,_high,_high_time,_m_high,_m_return_high,_m_low,_m_return_low) => _i_renew =0 _a_high = matrix.row(_m_high,0) _a_high_time = matrix.row(_m_high,1) _a_return_high = matrix.row(_m_return_high,0) _a_return_high_time = matrix.row(_m_return_high,1) _a_low = matrix.row(_m_low,0) _a_low_time = matrix.row(_m_low,1) _a_return_low = matrix.row(_m_return_low,0) _a_return_low_time = matrix.row(_m_return_low,1) if array.size(_a_return_high)>0 if array.last(_a_return_high)<_high while(array.size(_a_return_high)>0) if array.last(_a_return_high)<_high array.pop(_a_return_high) array.pop(_a_return_high_time) else break array.push(_a_return_high,_high) array.push(_a_return_high_time,_high_time) if array.last(_a_high)<array.last(_a_return_high) _i_renew:=1 if _i_renew==_last_renew array.pop(_a_high) array.pop(_a_high_time) array.push(_a_high,array.last(_a_return_high)) array.push(_a_high_time,array.last(_a_return_high_time)) array.push(_a_low,array.last(_a_return_low)) array.push(_a_low_time,array.last(_a_return_low_time)) o_m_high =<float>(2,array.size(_a_high),na)//0: price, 1:time matrix.add_row(o_m_high,0,_a_high) matrix.add_row(o_m_high,1,_a_high_time) o_m_return_high =<float>(2,array.size(_a_return_high),na)//0: price, 1:time matrix.add_row(o_m_return_high,0,_a_return_high) matrix.add_row(o_m_return_high,1,_a_return_high_time) o_m_low =<float>(2,array.size(_a_low),na)//0: price, 1:time matrix.add_row(o_m_low,0,_a_low) matrix.add_row(o_m_low,1,_a_low_time) o_m_return_low =<float>(2,array.size(_a_return_low),na)//0: price, 1:time matrix.add_row(o_m_return_low,0,_a_return_low) matrix.add_row(o_m_return_low,1,_a_return_low_time) [_i_renew,o_m_high,o_m_return_high,o_m_low,o_m_return_low] f_renew_low(_last_renew,_low,_low_time,_m_low,_m_return_low,_m_high,_m_return_high) => _i_renew =0 _a_high = matrix.row(_m_high,0) _a_high_time = matrix.row(_m_high,1) _a_return_high = matrix.row(_m_return_high,0) _a_return_high_time = matrix.row(_m_return_high,1) _a_low = matrix.row(_m_low,0) _a_low_time = matrix.row(_m_low,1) _a_return_low = matrix.row(_m_return_low,0) _a_return_low_time = matrix.row(_m_return_low,1) if array.size(_a_return_low)>0 if array.last(_a_return_low)>_low while(array.size(_a_return_low)>0) if array.last(_a_return_low)>_low array.pop(_a_return_low) array.pop(_a_return_low_time) else break array.push(_a_return_low,_low) array.push(_a_return_low_time,_low_time) if array.last(_a_low)>array.last(_a_return_low) _i_renew:=-1 if _i_renew==_last_renew array.pop(_a_low) array.pop(_a_low_time) array.push(_a_low,array.last(_a_return_low)) array.push(_a_low_time,array.last(_a_return_low_time)) array.push(_a_high,array.last(_a_return_high)) array.push(_a_high_time,array.last(_a_return_high_time)) o_m_high =<float>(2,array.size(_a_high),na)//0: price, 1:time matrix.add_row(o_m_high,0,_a_high) matrix.add_row(o_m_high,1,_a_high_time) o_m_return_high =<float>(2,array.size(_a_return_high),na)//0: price, 1:time matrix.add_row(o_m_return_high,0,_a_return_high) matrix.add_row(o_m_return_high,1,_a_return_high_time) o_m_low =<float>(2,array.size(_a_low),na)//0: price, 1:time matrix.add_row(o_m_low,0,_a_low) matrix.add_row(o_m_low,1,_a_low_time) o_m_return_low =<float>(2,array.size(_a_return_low),na)//0: price, 1:time matrix.add_row(o_m_return_low,0,_a_return_low) matrix.add_row(o_m_return_low,1,_a_return_low_time) [_i_renew,o_m_high,o_m_return_high,o_m_low,o_m_return_low] //***** //end of high and low //***** //***** //MAs //***** var spanS = 20 var spanL = 200 string limit200 = "3M" src = input.source(title="src",defval=hlc3,inline="MA params",group="MA params")//open,close,oc2,hl2,olc3,ohcc4,ohlc4 span1MA =,minval=1,maxval=200,title="SPAN1",inline="MA params",group="MA params") span2MA =,minval=1,maxval=200,title="SPAN2",inline="MA params",group="MA params") typeMAs = input.string(defval=ma00,options=[ma00,ma01,ma03,ma04],title="MAspan1",inline="MA params1",group="MA params") _cMAs1 = input.color(defval=colorSMA,title="",inline="MA params1",group="MA params") typeMAl1 = input.string(defval=ma00,options=[ma00,ma01,ma03,ma04],title="MAspan2 1st",inline="MA params2",group="MA params") _cMAl1 = input.color(defval=colorSMA,title="",inline="MA params2",group="MA params") typeMAl2 = input.string(defval=ma01,options=[ma00,ma01,ma03,ma04],title="2nd",inline="MA params2",group="MA params") _cMAl2 = input.color(defval=colorEMA,title="",inline="MA params2",group="MA params") b_MAlabel = input.bool(defval=true,title="show MA label",inline="MA",group="MA params") b_MAlimit = input.bool(defval=true,title="dont show SPAN2 MA if tf>",inline="MAlim",group="MA params") _limit200 = input.timeframe(defval=t13, title="", options=[t01,t02,t03,t04,t05,t06,t07,t08,t09,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15],inline="MAlim",group="MA params") limit200:=b_MAlimit?_limit200:"0S" b_VWAP = input.bool(defval=false, title="show vwap",inline="MA",group="MA params") _cVWAP = input.color(defval=colorVWAP,title="vwap",inline="MA",group="MA params") b_MA = input.bool(defval=true,title="show current TF",inline="MA",group="MA current TF") _transMA =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="transpar",inline="MA",group="MA current TF"),_transMA),_transMA),_transMA),_transMA) labeloffset =,minval=0,maxval=10,title="labeloffset",inline="MA",group="MA current TF") widthMAs =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="SPAN1:width",inline="MAs",group="MA current TF") _styleMAs = input.string(defval=ps01,options=[ps00,ps01,ps02,ps03,ps04,ps05,ps06,ps07,ps08,ps09],title="style",inline="MAs",group="MA current TF") styleMAs = f_plotstyle(_styleMAs) widthMAl =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="SPAN2:width",inline="MAl",group="MA current TF") _styleMAl = input.string(defval=ps01,options=[ps00,ps01,ps02,ps03,ps04,ps05,ps06,ps07,ps08,ps09],title="style",inline="MAl",group="MA current TF") styleMAl = f_plotstyle(_styleMAl) b_MA_1 = input.bool(defval=false,title="show LTF",inline="MA",group="MA lower TF") _tfMA_1 = input.timeframe(defval=tl1, title="", inline="MA", group="MA lower TF", options=[tl1,tl2,tl3,tl4,t01,t02,t03,t04,t05,t06,t07,t08,t09,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15]) tfMA_1 = f_opt2tf(_tfMA_1) _transMA_1 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="transpar",inline="MA",group="MA lower TF"),_transMA_1),_transMA_1),_transMA_1),_transMA_1) labeloffset_1 =,minval=0,maxval=10,title="labeloffset",inline="MA",group="MA lower TF") widthMA_1s =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="SPAN1:width",inline="MAs",group="MA lower TF") _styleMA_1s = input.string(defval=ps01,options=[ps00,ps01,ps02,ps03,ps04,ps05,ps06,ps07,ps08,ps09],title="style",inline="MAs",group="MA lower TF") styleMA_1s = f_plotstyle(_styleMA_1s) widthMA_1l =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="SPAN2:width",inline="MAl",group="MA lower TF") _styleMA_1l = input.string(defval=ps01,options=[ps00,ps01,ps02,ps03,ps04,ps05,ps06,ps07,ps08,ps09],title="style",inline="MAl",group="MA lower TF") styleMA_1l = f_plotstyle(_styleMA_1l) b_MA1 = input.bool(defval=true,title="show HTF1",inline="MA",group="MA higher TF1") _tfMA1 = input.timeframe(defval=th1, title="", inline="MA", group="MA higher TF1", options=[th1,th2,th3,th4,t01,t02,t03,t04,t05,t06,t07,t08,t09,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15]) tfMA1 = f_opt2tf(_tfMA1) _transMA1 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="transpar",inline="MA",group="MA higher TF1"),_transMA1),_transMA1),_transMA1),_transMA1) labeloffset1 =,minval=0,maxval=10,title="labeloffset",inline="MA",group="MA higher TF1") widthMA1s =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="SPAN1:width",inline="MAs",group="MA higher TF1") _styleMA1s = input.string(defval=ps01,options=[ps00,ps01,ps02,ps03,ps04,ps05,ps06,ps07,ps08,ps09],title="style",inline="MAs",group="MA higher TF1") styleMA1s = f_plotstyle(_styleMA1s) widthMA1l =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="SPAN2:width",inline="MAl",group="MA higher TF1") _styleMA1l = input.string(defval=ps01,options=[ps00,ps01,ps02,ps03,ps04,ps05,ps06,ps07,ps08,ps09],title="style",inline="MAl",group="MA higher TF1") styleMA1l = f_plotstyle(_styleMA1l) b_MA2 = input.bool(defval=true,title="show HTF2",inline="MA",group="MA higher TF2") _tfMA2 = input.timeframe(defval=th2, title="", inline="MA", group="MA higher TF2", options=[th1,th2,th3,th4,t01,t02,t03,t04,t05,t06,t07,t08,t09,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15]) tfMA2 = f_opt2tf(_tfMA2) _transMA2 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="transpar",inline="MA",group="MA higher TF2"),_transMA2),_transMA2),_transMA2),_transMA2) labeloffset2 =,minval=0,maxval=10,title="labeloffset",inline="MA",group="MA higher TF2") widthMA2s =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="SPAN1:width",inline="MAs",group="MA higher TF2") _styleMA2s = input.string(defval=ps01,options=[ps00,ps01,ps02,ps03,ps04,ps05,ps06,ps07,ps08,ps09],title="style",inline="MAs",group="MA higher TF2") styleMA2s = f_plotstyle(_styleMA2s) widthMA2l =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="SPAN2:width",inline="MAl",group="MA higher TF2") _styleMA2l = input.string(defval=ps01,options=[ps00,ps01,ps02,ps03,ps04,ps05,ps06,ps07,ps08,ps09],title="style",inline="MAl",group="MA higher TF2") styleMA2l = f_plotstyle(_styleMA2l) b_MA3 = input.bool(defval=true,title="show HTF3",inline="MA",group="MA higher TF3") _tfMA3 = input.timeframe(defval=th3, title="", inline="MA", group="MA higher TF3", options=[th1,th2,th3,th4,t01,t02,t03,t04,t05,t06,t07,t08,t09,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15]) tfMA3 = f_opt2tf(_tfMA3) _transMA3 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="transpar",inline="MA",group="MA higher TF3"),_transMA3),_transMA3),_transMA3),_transMA3) labeloffset3 =,minval=0,maxval=10,title="labeloffset",inline="MA",group="MA higher TF3") widthMA3s =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="SPAN1:width",inline="MAs",group="MA higher TF3") _styleMA3s = input.string(defval=ps07,options=[ps00,ps01,ps02,ps03,ps04,ps05,ps06,ps07,ps08,ps09],title="style",inline="MAs",group="MA higher TF3") styleMA3s = f_plotstyle(_styleMA3s) widthMA3l =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="SPAN2:width",inline="MAl",group="MA higher TF3") _styleMA3l = input.string(defval=ps07,options=[ps00,ps01,ps02,ps03,ps04,ps05,ps06,ps07,ps08,ps09],title="style",inline="MAl",group="MA higher TF3") styleMA3l = f_plotstyle(_styleMA3l) b_MA4 = input.bool(defval=true,title="show HTF4",inline="MA",group="MA higher TF4") _tfMA4 = input.timeframe(defval=th4, title="", inline="MA", group="MA higher TF4", options=[th1,th2,th3,th4,t01,t02,t03,t04,t05,t06,t07,t08,t09,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15]) tfMA4 = f_opt2tf(_tfMA4) _transMA4 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="transpar",inline="MA",group="MA higher TF4"),_transMA4),_transMA4),_transMA4),_transMA4) labeloffset4 =,minval=0,maxval=10,title="labeloffset",inline="MA",group="MA higher TF4") widthMA4s =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="SPAN1:width",inline="MAs",group="MA higher TF4") _styleMA4s = input.string(defval=ps09,options=[ps00,ps01,ps02,ps03,ps04,ps05,ps06,ps07,ps08,ps09],title="style",inline="MAs",group="MA higher TF4") styleMA4s = f_plotstyle(_styleMA4s) widthMA4l =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="SPAN2:width",inline="MAl",group="MA higher TF4") _styleMA4l = input.string(defval=ps09,options=[ps00,ps01,ps02,ps03,ps04,ps05,ps06,ps07,ps08,ps09],title="style",inline="MAl",group="MA higher TF4") styleMA4l = f_plotstyle(_styleMA4l) //200MA s_200SMA = b_MA and b_tfgt(limit200,tfChart)?f_ma(typeMAl1,src,span2MA):na s_200EMA = b_MA and b_tfgt(limit200,tfChart)?f_ma(typeMAl2,src,span2MA):na //20MA s_20SMA = b_MA?f_ma(typeMAs,src,span1MA):na //VWAP s_VWAP = b_MA and b_VWAP?ta.vwap(src):na //Lower s_200SMA_1 = b_MA_1 and b_tfgt(limit200,tfMA_1)?f_getMtfLowerAvg(tfMA_1,f_ma(typeMAl1,src,span2MA)):na s_200EMA_1 = b_MA_1 and b_tfgt(limit200,tfMA_1)?f_getMtfLowerAvg(tfMA_1,f_ma(typeMAl2,src,span2MA)):na s_20SMA_1 = b_MA_1?f_getMtfLowerAvg(tfMA_1,f_ma(typeMAs,src,span1MA)):na s_VWAP_1 = b_MA_1 and b_VWAP?f_getMtfLowerAvg(tfMA_1,ta.vwap(src)):na //Higher s_200SMA1 = b_MA1 and b_tfgt(limit200,tfMA1)?f_getMtf(tfMA1,f_ma(typeMAl1,src,span2MA)):na s_200EMA1 = b_MA1 and b_tfgt(limit200,tfMA1)?f_getMtf(tfMA1,f_ma(typeMAl2,src,span2MA)):na s_20SMA1 = b_MA1?f_getMtf(tfMA1,f_ma(typeMAs,src,span1MA)):na s_VWAP1 = b_MA1 and b_VWAP?f_getMtf(tfMA1,ta.vwap(src)):na s_200SMA2 = b_MA2 and b_tfgt(limit200,tfMA1)?f_getMtf(tfMA2,f_ma(typeMAl1,src,span2MA)):na s_200EMA2 = b_MA2 and b_tfgt(limit200,tfMA1)?f_getMtf(tfMA2,f_ma(typeMAl2,src,span2MA)):na s_20SMA2 = b_MA2?f_getMtf(tfMA2,f_ma(typeMAs,src,span1MA)):na s_VWAP2 = b_MA2 and b_VWAP?f_getMtf(tfMA2,ta.vwap(src)):na s_200SMA3 = b_MA3 and b_tfgt(limit200,tfMA3)?f_getMtf(tfMA3,f_ma(typeMAl1,src,span2MA)):na s_200EMA3 = b_MA3 and b_tfgt(limit200,tfMA3)?f_getMtf(tfMA3,f_ma(typeMAl2,src,span2MA)):na s_20SMA3 = b_MA3?f_getMtf(tfMA3,f_ma(typeMAs,src,span1MA)):na s_VWAP3 = b_MA3 and b_VWAP?f_getMtf(tfMA3,ta.vwap(src)):na s_200SMA4 = b_MA4 and b_tfgt(limit200,tfMA4)?f_getMtf(tfMA4,f_ma(typeMAl1,src,span2MA)):na s_200EMA4 = b_MA4 and b_tfgt(limit200,tfMA4)?f_getMtf(tfMA4,f_ma(typeMAl2,src,span2MA)):na s_20SMA4 = b_MA4?f_getMtf(tfMA4,f_ma(typeMAs,src,span1MA)):na s_VWAP4 = b_MA4 and b_VWAP?f_getMtf(tfMA4,ta.vwap(src)):na //plot MAs plot(s_20SMA,linewidth=widthMAs,style=styleMAs,color=cMAs1,title="MAspan1tf0") label_MAs = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_20SMA:na,labeloffset,tfChart,span1MA,typeMAs,cMAs1) label.delete(label_MAs[1]) plot(s_200SMA,linewidth=widthMAl,style=styleMAl,color=cMAl1,title="MAspan2-1tf0") plot(s_200EMA,linewidth=widthMAl,style=styleMAl,color=cMAl2,title="MAspan2-2tf0") label_MAl1 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_200SMA:na,labeloffset,tfChart,span2MA,typeMAl1,cMAl1) label_MAl2 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_200EMA:na,labeloffset,tfChart,span2MA,typeMAl2,cMAl2) label.delete(label_MAl1[1]) label.delete(label_MAl2[1]) plot(s_VWAP,linewidth=widthMAs,style=styleMAs,color=cVWAP,title="VWAPtf0") label_VWAP = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_VWAP:na,labeloffset,tfChart,"","vwap",cVWAP) label.delete(label_VWAP[1]) //plot lower plot(s_20SMA_1,linewidth=widthMA_1s,style=styleMA_1s,color=cMA_1s1,title="MAspan1tf-1") label_MA_1s = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_20SMA_1:na,labeloffset_1,tfMA_1,span1MA,typeMAs,cMA_1s1) label.delete(label_MA_1s[1]) plot(s_200SMA_1,linewidth=widthMA_1l,style=styleMA_1l,color=cMA_1l1,title="MAspan2-1tf-1") plot(s_200EMA_1,linewidth=widthMA_1l,style=styleMA_1l,color=cMA_1l2,title="MAspan2-2tf-1") label_MA_1l1 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_200SMA_1:na,labeloffset_1,tfMA_1,span2MA,typeMAl1,cMA_1l1) label_MA_1l2 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_200EMA_1:na,labeloffset_1,tfMA_1,span2MA,typeMAl2,cMA_1l2) label.delete(label_MA_1l1[1]) label.delete(label_MA_1l2[1]) plot(s_VWAP_1,linewidth=widthMA_1s,style=styleMA_1s,color=cVWAP_1,title="VWAPtf-1") label_VWAP_1 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_VWAP_1:na,labeloffset_1,tfMA_1,"","vwap",cVWAP_1) label.delete(label_VWAP_1[1]) //plot higher1 plot(s_20SMA1,linewidth=widthMA1s,style=styleMA1s,color=cMA1s1,title="MAspan1tf+1") label_MA1s = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_20SMA1:na,labeloffset1,tfMA1,span1MA,typeMAs,cMA1s1) label.delete(label_MA1s[1]) plot(s_200SMA1,linewidth=widthMA1l,style=styleMA1l,color=cMA1l1,title="MAspan2-1tf+1") plot(s_200EMA1,linewidth=widthMA1l,style=styleMA1l,color=cMA1l2,title="MAspan2-2tf+1") label_MA1l1 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_200SMA1:na,labeloffset1,tfMA1,span2MA,typeMAl1,cMA1l1) label_MA1l2 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_200EMA1:na,labeloffset1,tfMA1,span2MA,typeMAl2,cMA1l2) label.delete(label_MA1l1[1]) label.delete(label_MA1l2[1]) plot(s_VWAP1,linewidth=widthMA1s,style=styleMA1s,color=cVWAP1,title="VWAPtf+1") label_VWAP1 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_VWAP1:na,labeloffset1,tfMA1,"","vwap",cVWAP1) label.delete(label_VWAP1[1]) //plot higher2 plot(s_20SMA2,linewidth=widthMA2s,style=styleMA2s,color=cMA2s1,title="MAspan1tf+2") label_MA2s = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_20SMA2:na,labeloffset2,tfMA2,span1MA,typeMAs,cMA2s1) label.delete(label_MA2s[1]) plot(s_200SMA2,linewidth=widthMA2l,style=styleMA2l,color=cMA2l1,title="MAspan2-1tf+2") plot(s_200EMA2,linewidth=widthMA2l,style=styleMA2l,color=cMA2l2,title="MAspan2-2tf+2") label_MA2l1 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_200SMA2:na,labeloffset2,tfMA2,span2MA,typeMAl1,cMA2l1) label_MA2l2 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_200EMA2:na,labeloffset2,tfMA2,span2MA,typeMAl2,cMA2l2) label.delete(label_MA2l1[1]) label.delete(label_MA2l2[1]) plot(s_VWAP2,linewidth=widthMA2s,style=styleMA2s,color=cVWAP2,title="VWAPtf+2") label_VWAP2 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_VWAP2:na,labeloffset2,tfMA2,"","vwap",cVWAP2) label.delete(label_VWAP2[1]) //plot higher3 plot(s_20SMA3,linewidth=widthMA3s,style=styleMA3s,color=cMA3s1,title="MAspan1tf+3") label_MA3s = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_20SMA3:na,labeloffset3,tfMA3,span1MA,typeMAs,cMA3s1) label.delete(label_MA3s[1]) plot(s_200SMA3,linewidth=widthMA3l,style=styleMA3l,color=cMA3l1,title="MAspan2-1tf+3") plot(s_200EMA3,linewidth=widthMA3l,style=styleMA3l,color=cMA3l2,title="MAspan2-2tf+3") label_MA3l1 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_200SMA3:na,labeloffset3,tfMA3,span2MA,typeMAl1,cMA3l1) label_MA3l2 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_200EMA3:na,labeloffset3,tfMA3,span2MA,typeMAl2,cMA3l2) label.delete(label_MA3l1[1]) label.delete(label_MA3l2[1]) plot(s_VWAP3,linewidth=widthMA3s,style=styleMA3s,color=cVWAP3,title="VWAPtf+3") label_VWAP3 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_VWAP3:na,labeloffset3,tfMA3,"","vwap",cVWAP3) label.delete(label_VWAP3[1]) //plot higher4 plot(s_20SMA4,linewidth=widthMA4s,style=styleMA4s,color=cMA4s1,title="MAspan1tf+4") label_MA4s = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_20SMA4:na,labeloffset4,tfMA4,span1MA,typeMAs,cMA4s1) label.delete(label_MA4s[1]) plot(s_200SMA4,linewidth=widthMA4l,style=styleMA4l,color=cMA4l1,title="MAspan2-1tf+4") plot(s_200EMA4,linewidth=widthMA4l,style=styleMA4l,color=cMA4l2,title="MAspan2-2tf+4") label_MA4l1 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_200SMA4:na,labeloffset4,tfMA4,span2MA,typeMAl1,cMA4l1) label_MA4l2 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_200EMA4:na,labeloffset4,tfMA4,span2MA,typeMAl2,cMA4l2) label.delete(label_MA4l1[1]) label.delete(label_MA4l2[1]) plot(s_VWAP4,linewidth=widthMA4s,style=styleMA4s,color=cVWAP4,title="VWAPtf+4") label_VWAP4 = f_ma_label(b_MAlabel?s_VWAP4:na,labeloffset4,tfMA4,"","vwap",cVWAP4) label.delete(label_VWAP4[1]) //***** //end of MAs //***** //***** //HighLowBox //***** show0 = input.bool(defval=true,title="show current TF",inline="Box",group="HighLowBox") transBox =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="border transpar",inline="tfC",group="HighLowBox") cBoxU = input.color(defval=colorBoxU,title="newHigh",inline="tfC",group="HighLowBox") cBoxD = input.color(defval=colorBoxD,title="newLow",inline="tfC",group="HighLowBox"),transBox),transBox) widthBox =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="width",inline="tfC",group="HighLowBox") _styleBox = input.string(defval=l01,options=[l00,l01,l02],title="box style",inline="tfC",group="HighLowBox") styleBox = f_linestyle(_styleBox) b_fillBox = input.bool(defval=true,title="fill box",inline="tfCf",group="HighLowBox") transFill =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="fill transpar",inline="tfCf",group="HighLowBox") cBoxUf = input.color(defval=colorBoxU,title="newHigh",inline="tfCf",group="HighLowBox") cBoxDf = input.color(defval=colorBoxD,title="newLow",inline="tfCf",group="HighLowBox") cBoxUf:=b_fillBox?,transFill):na cBoxDf:=b_fillBox?,transFill):na b_fibo = input.bool(defval=true,title="show fibonacci scale",inline="tfCF",group="HighLowBox") b_info = input.bool(defval=true,title="range info",inline="tfCi",group="HighLowBox") _infoSize = input.string(defval=s04,options=[s01,s02,s03,s04,s05],title="info size",inline="tfCi",group="HighLowBox") infoSize = f_textsize(_infoSize) _cBoxT = input.color(defval=colorBoxT,title="info color",inline="tfCi",group="HighLowBox") transInfo =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="text transpar",inline="tfCi",group="HighLowBox") cBoxT =,transInfo) show1 = input.bool(defval=true,title="show TF1",group="HighLowBox") _tf1 = input.timeframe(defval=th1, title="", inline="tfH1",group="HighLowBox", options=[th1,th2,th3,th4,t01,t02,t03,t04,t05,t06,t07,t08,t09,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15]) tf1 = f_opt2tf(_tf1) transBox1 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="border transpar",inline="tfH1",group="HighLowBox") cBoxU1 = input.color(defval=colorBoxU,title="newHigh",inline="tfH1",group="HighLowBox") cBoxD1 = input.color(defval=colorBoxD,title="newLow",inline="tfH1",group="HighLowBox"),transBox1),transBox1) widthBox1 =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="width",inline="tfH1",group="HighLowBox") _styleBox1 = input.string(defval=l00,options=[l00,l01,l02],title="box style",inline="tfH1",group="HighLowBox") styleBox1 = f_linestyle(_styleBox1) b_fibo1 = input.bool(defval=true,title="show fibonacci level",inline="tfH1",group="HighLowBox") b_info1 = input.bool(defval=true,title="range info",inline="tfH1i",group="HighLowBox") _infoSize1 = input.string(defval=s04,options=[s01,s02,s03,s04,s05],title="info size",inline="tfH1i",group="HighLowBox") infoSize1 = f_textsize(_infoSize1) _cBoxT1 = input.color(defval=colorBoxT,title="info color",inline="tfH1i",group="HighLowBox") transInfo1 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="text transpar",inline="tfH1i",group="HighLowBox") cBoxT1 =,transInfo1) show2 = input.bool(defval=true,title="show TF2",group="HighLowBox") _tf2 = input.timeframe(defval=th2, title="", inline="tfH2",group="HighLowBox", options=[th1,th2,th3,th4,t01,t02,t03,t04,t05,t06,t07,t08,t09,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15]) tf2 = f_opt2tf(_tf2) transBox2 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="border transpar",inline="tfH2",group="HighLowBox") cBoxU2 = input.color(defval=colorBoxU,title="newHigh",inline="tfH2",group="HighLowBox") cBoxD2 = input.color(defval=colorBoxD,title="newLow",inline="tfH2",group="HighLowBox"),transBox2),transBox2) widthBox2 =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="width",inline="tfH2",group="HighLowBox") _styleBox2 = input.string(defval=l01,options=[l00,l01,l02],title="box style",inline="tfH2",group="HighLowBox") styleBox2 = f_linestyle(_styleBox2) b_fibo2 = input.bool(defval=true,title="show fibonacci level",inline="tfH2",group="HighLowBox") b_info2 = input.bool(defval=true,title="range info",inline="tfH2i",group="HighLowBox") _infoSize2 = input.string(defval=s04,options=[s01,s02,s03,s04,s05],title="info size",inline="tfH2i",group="HighLowBox") infoSize2 = f_textsize(_infoSize2) _cBoxT2 = input.color(defval=colorBoxT,title="info color",inline="tfH2i",group="HighLowBox") transInfo2 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="text transpar",inline="tfH2i",group="HighLowBox") cBoxT2 =,transInfo2) show3 = input.bool(defval=true,title="show TF3",group="HighLowBox") _tf3 = input.timeframe(defval=th3, title="", inline="tfH3",group="HighLowBox", options=[th1,th2,th3,th4,t01,t02,t03,t04,t05,t06,t07,t08,t09,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15]) tf3 = f_opt2tf(_tf3) transBox3 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="border transpar",inline="tfH3",group="HighLowBox") cBoxU3 = input.color(defval=colorBoxU,title="newHigh",inline="tfH3",group="HighLowBox") cBoxD3 = input.color(defval=colorBoxD,title="newLow",inline="tfH3",group="HighLowBox"),transBox3),transBox3) widthBox3 =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="width",inline="tfH3",group="HighLowBox") _styleBox3 = input.string(defval=l00,options=[l00,l01,l02],title="box style",inline="tfH3",group="HighLowBox") styleBox3 = f_linestyle(_styleBox3) b_fibo3 = input.bool(defval=true,title="show fibonacci level",inline="tfH3",group="HighLowBox") b_info3 = input.bool(defval=true,title="range info",inline="tfH3i",group="HighLowBox") _infoSize3 = input.string(defval=s04,options=[s01,s02,s03,s04,s05],title="info size",inline="tfH3i",group="HighLowBox") infoSize3 = f_textsize(_infoSize3) _cBoxT3 = input.color(defval=colorBoxT,title="info color",inline="tfH3i",group="HighLowBox") transInfo3 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="text transpar",inline="tfH3i",group="HighLowBox") cBoxT3 =,transInfo3) show4 = input.bool(defval=false,title="show TF4",group="HighLowBox") _tf4 = input.timeframe(defval=th4, title="", inline="tfH4",group="HighLowBox", options=[th1,th2,th3,th4,t01,t02,t03,t04,t05,t06,t07,t08,t09,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15]) tf4 = f_opt2tf(_tf4) transBox4 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="border transpar",inline="tfH4",group="HighLowBox") cBoxU4 = input.color(defval=colorBoxU,title="newHigh",inline="tfH4",group="HighLowBox") cBoxD4 = input.color(defval=colorBoxD,title="newLow",inline="tfH4",group="HighLowBox"),transBox4),transBox4) widthBox4 =,minval=1,maxval=4,title="width",inline="tfH4",group="HighLowBox") _styleBox4 = input.string(defval=l02,options=[l00,l01,l02],title="box style",inline="tfH4",group="HighLowBox") styleBox4 = f_linestyle(_styleBox4) b_fibo4 = input.bool(defval=true,title="show fibonacci level",inline="tfH4",group="HighLowBox") b_info4 = input.bool(defval=true,title="range info",inline="tfH4i",group="HighLowBox") _infoSize4 = input.string(defval=s04,options=[s01,s02,s03,s04,s05],title="info size",inline="tfH4i",group="HighLowBox") infoSize4 = f_textsize(_infoSize4) _cBoxT4 = input.color(defval=colorBoxT,title="info color",inline="tfH4i",group="HighLowBox") transInfo4 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="text transpar",inline="tfH4i",group="HighLowBox") cBoxT4 =,transInfo4) showMinimap = input.bool(defval=false,title="show minimap(experimental)",inline="tfM",group="HighLowBox") minimapHist =,minval=10,maxval=99,title="minimap hist",inline="tfM",group="HighLowBox") srcRSI = input.source(defval=hlc3,title="RSI src",group="RSI") spanRSI_1 =,minval=1,maxval=30,title="span1", inline="RSIspan", group="RSI") spanRSI_2 =,minval=1,maxval=30,title="span2", inline="RSIspan", group="RSI") _cRSIi = input.color(defval=colorRSIi,title="only span1>=70 or only span1<=30",inline="top",group="RSI >= 70") _cRSIt1 = input.color(defval=colorRSIt1,title="both>=70 and span1>span2",inline="top",group="RSI >= 70") _cRSIt2 = input.color(defval=colorRSIt2,title="both>=70 and span1<span2",inline="top",group="RSI >= 70") _cRSIt3 = input.color(defval=colorRSIt3,title="span1<70",inline="top",group="RSI >= 70") _cRSIb1 = input.color(defval=colorRSIb1,title="both<=30 and span1<span2",inline="top",group="RSI <= 30") _cRSIb2 = input.color(defval=colorRSIb2,title="both<=30 and span1>span2",inline="top",group="RSI <= 30") _cRSIb3 = input.color(defval=colorRSIb3,title="span1>30",inline="top",group="RSI <= 30") showRSI = input.bool(defval=true,title="use RSI in current TF",inline="tf",group="RSI") transRSI =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="border transpar",inline="tf",group="RSI"),transRSI),transRSI),transRSI),transRSI),transRSI),transRSI),transRSI) showRSI1 = input.bool(defval=true,title="use RSI in Higher TF1",inline="tf1",group="RSI") transRSI1 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="border transpar",inline="tf1",group="RSI"),transRSI1),transRSI1),transRSI1),transRSI1),transRSI1),transRSI1),transRSI1) showRSI2 = input.bool(defval=true,title="use RSI in Higher TF2",inline="tf2",group="RSI") transRSI2 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="border transpar",inline="tf2",group="RSI"),transRSI2),transRSI2),transRSI2),transRSI2),transRSI2),transRSI2),transRSI2) showRSI3 = input.bool(defval=true,title="use RSI in Higher TF3",inline="tf3",group="RSI") transRSI3 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="border transpar",inline="tf3",group="RSI"),transRSI3),transRSI3),transRSI3),transRSI3),transRSI3),transRSI3),transRSI3) showRSI4 = input.bool(defval=true,title="use RSI in Higher TF4",inline="tf4",group="RSI") transRSI4 =,minval=0,maxval=99,title="border transpar",inline="tf4",group="RSI"),transRSI4),transRSI4),transRSI4),transRSI4),transRSI4),transRSI4),transRSI4) // //high low box // var a_hist_top = array.new_float(0,na) var a_hist_bottom = array.new_float(0,na) var a_hist_time = array.new_int(0,na) var a_hist_tf = array.new_string(0,na) var a_hist_close = array.new_float(0,na) var a_hist_cbox = array.new_color(0,na) var m_high =<float>(2,1,hl2)//0: price, 1:time var m_return_high =<float>(2,1,time)//0: price, 1:time var m_low =<float>(2,1,hl2)//0: price, 1:time var m_return_low =<float>(2,1,time)//0: price, 1:time b_isLastUp=close[1]>open[1]?true:false b_isUp=close>open?true:false b_peak=b_isLastUp and not b_isUp b_bottom=not b_isLastUp and b_isUp i_renew=0 var i_last_renew=0 if b_peak or b_bottom if b_peak _high=close[1]>=open?close[1]:open _high_time=close[1]>=open?time_close[1]:time_close [_i_renew,o_m_high,o_m_return_high,o_m_low,o_m_return_low]= f_renew_high(i_last_renew,_high,_high_time,m_high,m_return_high,m_low,m_return_low) i_renew:=_i_renew m_high:= o_m_high m_return_high:=o_m_return_high m_low:= o_m_low m_return_low:= o_m_return_low else if b_bottom _low=close[1]<=open?close[1]:open _low_time=close[1]<=open?time_close[1]:time_close [_i_renew,o_m_high,o_m_return_high,o_m_low,o_m_return_low]= f_renew_low(i_last_renew,_low,_low_time,m_low,m_return_low,m_high,m_return_high) i_renew:=_i_renew m_high:= o_m_high m_return_high:= o_m_return_high m_low:= o_m_low m_return_low:= o_m_return_low else na else na // i_last_renew:=i_renew var,na,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,bgcolor=na,border_color=na) var,na,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time) var,na,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time) var,na,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time) var,na,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time) var,na,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time) var,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,style=label.style_none) var,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,style=label.style_none) var,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,style=label.style_none) var,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,style=label.style_none) var,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,style=label.style_none) var,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,style=label.style_none) var i_breakT=0 var i_breakf161=0 var i_breakf261=0 var i_breakB=0 var i_breakfm161=0 var i_breakfm261=0 top= matrix.get(m_high,0,matrix.columns(m_high)-1) top_time= matrix.get(m_high,1,matrix.columns(m_high)-1) bottom= matrix.get(m_low,0,matrix.columns(m_low)-1) bottom_time= matrix.get(m_low,1,matrix.columns(m_low)-1) c_box_bg=bottom_time<top_time?cBoxUf:cBoxDf c_box=bottom_time<top_time?cBoxU:cBoxD _h = array.from(int(top_time),int(bottom_time)) _v = array.from(top,bottom) _t = array.max(_v) _b = array.min(_v) _l = array.min(_h) [fm361,fm261,fm161,f23,f38,f50,f61,f78,f161,f261,f361] = f_fibo(_b,_t) if show0 and i_renew!=0,na,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,border_width=widthBox,text_halign=text.align_center,text_size=infoSize, border_color=c_box,text_color=cBoxT,bgcolor=c_box_bg,border_style=styleBox) array.push(a_hist_time,_l) array.push(a_hist_tf,tfChart) array.push(a_hist_top,_t) array.push(a_hist_bottom,_b) array.push(a_hist_close,close) array.push(a_hist_cbox,c_box) if b_fibo,f23,na,f23,xloc.bar_time,extend.none,c_box,line.style_dashed,1),f38,na,f38,xloc.bar_time,extend.none,c_box,line.style_dashed,1),f50,na,f50,xloc.bar_time,extend.none,c_box,line.style_solid,1),f61,na,f61,xloc.bar_time,extend.none,c_box,line.style_dashed,1),f78,na,f78,xloc.bar_time,extend.none,c_box,line.style_dashed,1),f161,"___1.618:"+str.tostring(f161,"#.0000")+"___",xloc.bar_time,yloc.price,c_box_bg,label.style_none,c_box,infoSize),f261,"___2.618:"+str.tostring(f261,"#.0000")+"___",xloc.bar_time,yloc.price,c_box_bg,label.style_none,c_box,infoSize),f361,"___3.618:"+str.tostring(f361,"#.0000")+"___",xloc.bar_time,yloc.price,c_box_bg,label.style_none,c_box,infoSize),fm161,"___1.618:"+str.tostring(fm161,"#.0000")+"___",xloc.bar_time,yloc.price,c_box_bg,label.style_none,c_box,infoSize),fm261,"___2.618:"+str.tostring(fm261,"#.0000")+"___",xloc.bar_time,yloc.price,c_box_bg,label.style_none,c_box,infoSize),fm361,"___3.618:"+str.tostring(fm361,"#.0000")+"___",xloc.bar_time,yloc.price,c_box_bg,label.style_none,c_box,infoSize) else label.delete(myfibo161),label.delete(myfibo261),label.delete(myfibo361) label.delete(myfibom161),label.delete(myfibom261),label.delete(myfibo361) i_breakT:=0 i_breakB:=0 i_breakf161:=0 i_breakf261:=0 i_breakfm161:=0 i_breakfm261:=0 i_breakT+=high>_t?1:0 i_breakB+=low<_t?1:0 i_breakf161:=high>f161?1:0 i_breakf261:=high>f261?1:0 i_breakfm161:=low<fm161?1:0 i_breakfm261:=low<fm261?1:0 if show0 box.set_right(mybox,time_close) box.set_bottom(mybox,_b) box.set_top(mybox,_t) box.set_text(mybox, b_info? "TF="+tfChart+":"+f_time_ddHHmm(box.get_right(mybox)-box.get_left(mybox))+":"+ str.tostring(math.abs(box.get_top(mybox)-box.get_bottom(mybox))):na) if array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tfChart)!=-1 array.set(a_hist_top,array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tfChart),_t) array.set(a_hist_bottom,array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tfChart),_b) array.set(a_hist_close,array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tfChart),close) line.set_x2(myfibo23,time_close) line.set_x2(myfibo38,time_close) line.set_x2(myfibo50,time_close) line.set_x2(myfibo61,time_close) line.set_x2(myfibo78,time_close) if i_breakT>0 label.set_xy(myfibo161,(_l+time_close)/2,f161) if i_breakf161>0 label.set_xy(myfibo261,(_l+time_close)/2,f261) if i_breakf261>0 label.set_xy(myfibo361,(_l+time_close)/2,f361) if i_breakB>0 label.set_xy(myfibom161,(_l+time_close)/2,fm161) if i_breakfm161>0 label.set_xy(myfibom261,(_l+time_close)/2,fm261) if i_breakfm261>0 label.set_xy(myfibom361,(_l+time_close)/2,fm361) //box H1 close1=f_getMtf(tf1,close) open1=f_getMtf(tf1,open) time1=f_getMtf(tf1,time) time_close1=f_getMtf(tf1,time_close) var m_high1 =<float>(2,1,hl2)//0: price, 1:time var m_return_high1 =<float>(2,1,time)//0: price, 1:time var m_low1 =<float>(2,1,hl2)//0: price, 1:time var m_return_low1 =<float>(2,1,time)//0: price, 1:time b_isLastUp1=close1[1]>open1[1]?true:false b_isUp1=close1>open1?true:false b_peak1=b_isLastUp1 and not b_isUp1 b_bottom1=not b_isLastUp1 and b_isUp1 i_renew1=0 var i_last_renew1=0//laststate if b_peak1 or b_bottom1 if b_peak1 _high=close1[1]>=open1?close1[1]:open1 _high_time=close1[1]>=open1?time_close1[1]:time_close1 [_i_renew,o_m_high,o_m_return_high,o_m_low,o_m_return_low]= f_renew_high(i_last_renew1,_high,_high_time,m_high1,m_return_high1,m_low1,m_return_low1) i_renew1:=_i_renew m_high1:= o_m_high m_return_high1:=o_m_return_high m_low1:= o_m_low m_return_low1:= o_m_return_low else if b_bottom1 _low=close1[1]<=open1?close1[1]:open1 _low_time=close1[1]<=open1?time_close1[1]:time_close1 [_i_renew,o_m_high,o_m_return_high,o_m_low,o_m_return_low]= f_renew_low(i_last_renew1,_low,_low_time,m_low1,m_return_low1,m_high1,m_return_high1) i_renew1:=_i_renew m_high1:= o_m_high m_return_high1:= o_m_return_high m_low1:= o_m_low m_return_low1:= o_m_return_low else na else na // i_last_renew1:=i_renew1 var,na,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,bgcolor=na,border_color=na) top1= matrix.get(m_high1,0,matrix.columns(m_high1)-1) top_time1= matrix.get(m_high1,1,matrix.columns(m_high1)-1) bottom1= matrix.get(m_low1,0,matrix.columns(m_low1)-1) bottom_time1= matrix.get(m_low1,1,matrix.columns(m_low1)-1) c_box1=bottom_time1<top_time1?cBoxU1:cBoxD1 va1=bottom_time1<top_time1?text.align_top:text.align_bottom _h1 = array.from(int(top_time1),int(bottom_time1)) _v1 = array.from(top1,bottom1) _t1 = array.max(_v1) _b1 = array.min(_v1) _l1 = array.min(_h1) if show1 and i_renew1!=0,na,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,bgcolor=na,border_width=widthBox1,border_style=styleBox1, text_halign=text.align_right,text_valign=va1,text_size=infoSize1,border_color=c_box1,text_color=cBoxT1) array.push(a_hist_time,_l1) array.push(a_hist_tf,tf1) array.push(a_hist_top,_t1) array.push(a_hist_bottom,_b1) array.push(a_hist_close,close) array.push(a_hist_cbox,c_box) if show1 box.set_right(mybox1,time_close1) box.set_bottom(mybox1,_b1) box.set_top(mybox1,_t1) box.set_text(mybox1,b_info1?"TFโžŠ="+tf1+"\n"+ f_time_ddHHmm(box.get_right(mybox1)-box.get_left(mybox1))+"\n"+ str.tostring(math.abs(box.get_top(mybox1)-box.get_bottom(mybox1))):na) if array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf1)!=-1 array.set(a_hist_top,array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf1),_t1) array.set(a_hist_bottom,array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf1),_b1) array.set(a_hist_close,array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf1),close1) //box H2 close2=f_getMtf(tf2,close) open2=f_getMtf(tf2,open) time2=f_getMtf(tf2,time) time_close2=f_getMtf(tf2,time_close) var m_high2 =<float>(2,1,hl2)//0: price, 1:time var m_return_high2 =<float>(2,1,time)//0: price, 1:time var m_low2 =<float>(2,1,hl2)//0: price, 1:time var m_return_low2 =<float>(2,1,time)//0: price, 1:time b_isLastUp2=close2[1]>open2[1]?true:false b_isUp2=close2>open2?true:false b_peak2=b_isLastUp2 and not b_isUp2 b_bottom2=not b_isLastUp2 and b_isUp2 i_renew2=0 var i_last_renew2=0//laststate if b_peak2 or b_bottom2 if b_peak2 _high=close2[1]>=open2?close2[1]:open2 _high_time=close2[1]>=open2?time_close2[1]:time_close2 [_i_renew,o_m_high,o_m_return_high,o_m_low,o_m_return_low]= f_renew_high(i_last_renew2,_high,_high_time,m_high2,m_return_high2,m_low2,m_return_low2) i_renew2:=_i_renew m_high2:= o_m_high m_return_high2:=o_m_return_high m_low2:= o_m_low m_return_low2:= o_m_return_low else if b_bottom2 _low=close2[1]<=open2?close2[1]:open2 _low_time=close2[1]<=open2?time_close2[1]:time_close2 [_i_renew,o_m_high,o_m_return_high,o_m_low,o_m_return_low]= f_renew_low(i_last_renew2,_low,_low_time,m_low2,m_return_low2,m_high2,m_return_high2) i_renew2:=_i_renew m_high2:= o_m_high m_return_high2:= o_m_return_high m_low2:= o_m_low m_return_low2:= o_m_return_low else na else na // i_last_renew2:=i_renew2 var,na,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,bgcolor=na,border_color=na) top2= matrix.get(m_high2,0,matrix.columns(m_high2)-1) top_time2= matrix.get(m_high2,1,matrix.columns(m_high2)-1) bottom2= matrix.get(m_low2,0,matrix.columns(m_low2)-1) bottom_time2= matrix.get(m_low2,1,matrix.columns(m_low2)-1) c_box2=bottom_time2<top_time2?cBoxU2:cBoxD2 va2=bottom_time2<top_time2?text.align_top:text.align_bottom _h2 = array.from(int(top_time2),int(bottom_time2)) _v2 = array.from(top2,bottom2) _t2 = array.max(_v2) _b2 = array.min(_v2) _l2 = array.min(_h2) if show2 and i_renew2!=0,na,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,bgcolor=na,border_width=widthBox2,border_style=styleBox2, text_halign=text.align_right,text_valign=va2,text_size=infoSize2,border_color=c_box2,text_color=cBoxT2) array.push(a_hist_time,_l2) array.push(a_hist_tf,tf2) array.push(a_hist_top,_t2) array.push(a_hist_bottom,_b2) array.push(a_hist_close,close) array.push(a_hist_cbox,c_box) if show2 box.set_right(mybox2,time_close2) box.set_bottom(mybox2,_b2) box.set_top(mybox2,_t2) box.set_text(mybox2,b_info2?"TFโž‹="+tf2+"\n"+ f_time_ddHHmm(box.get_right(mybox2)-box.get_left(mybox2))+"\n"+ str.tostring(math.abs(box.get_top(mybox2)-box.get_bottom(mybox2))):na) if array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf2)!=-1 array.set(a_hist_top,array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf2),_t2) array.set(a_hist_bottom,array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf2),_b2) array.set(a_hist_close,array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf2),close2) //box H3 close3=f_getMtf(tf3,close) open3=f_getMtf(tf3,open) time3=f_getMtf(tf3,time) time_close3=f_getMtf(tf3,time_close) var m_high3 =<float>(2,1,hl2)//0: price, 1:time var m_return_high3 =<float>(2,1,time)//0: price, 1:time var m_low3 =<float>(2,1,hl2)//0: price, 1:time var m_return_low3 =<float>(2,1,time)//0: price, 1:time b_isLastUp3=close3[1]>open3[1]?true:false b_isUp3=close3>open3?true:false b_peak3=b_isLastUp3 and not b_isUp3 b_bottom3=not b_isLastUp3 and b_isUp3 i_renew3=0 var i_last_renew3=0 if b_peak3 or b_bottom3 if b_peak3 _high=close3[1]>=open3?close3[1]:open3 _high_time=close3[1]>=open3?time_close3[1]:time_close3 [_i_renew,o_m_high,o_m_return_high,o_m_low,o_m_return_low]= f_renew_high(i_last_renew3,_high,_high_time,m_high3,m_return_high3,m_low3,m_return_low3) i_renew3:=_i_renew m_high3:= o_m_high m_return_high3:=o_m_return_high m_low3:= o_m_low m_return_low3:= o_m_return_low else if b_bottom3 _low=close3[1]<=open3?close3[1]:open3 _low_time=close3[1]<=open3?time_close3[1]:time_close3 [_i_renew,o_m_high,o_m_return_high,o_m_low,o_m_return_low]= f_renew_low(i_last_renew3,_low,_low_time,m_low3,m_return_low3,m_high3,m_return_high3) i_renew3:=_i_renew m_high3:= o_m_high m_return_high3:= o_m_return_high m_low3:= o_m_low m_return_low3:= o_m_return_low else na else na // i_last_renew3:=i_renew3 var,na,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,bgcolor=na,border_color=na) top3= matrix.get(m_high3,0,matrix.columns(m_high3)-1) top_time3= matrix.get(m_high3,1,matrix.columns(m_high3)-1) bottom3= matrix.get(m_low3,0,matrix.columns(m_low3)-1) bottom_time3= matrix.get(m_low3,1,matrix.columns(m_low3)-1) c_box3=bottom_time3<top_time3?cBoxU3:cBoxD3 va3=bottom_time3<top_time3?text.align_top:text.align_bottom _h3 = array.from(int(top_time3),int(bottom_time3)) _v3 = array.from(top3,bottom3) _t3 = array.max(_v3) _b3 = array.min(_v3) _l3 = array.min(_h3) if show3 and i_renew3!=0,na,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,bgcolor=na,border_width=widthBox3,border_style=styleBox3, text_halign=text.align_right,text_valign=va3,text_size=infoSize3,border_color=c_box3,text_color=cBoxT3) array.push(a_hist_time,_l3) array.push(a_hist_tf,tf3) array.push(a_hist_top,_t3) array.push(a_hist_bottom,_b3) array.push(a_hist_close,close) array.push(a_hist_cbox,c_box) if show3 box.set_right(mybox3,time_close3) box.set_bottom(mybox3,_b3) box.set_top(mybox3,_t3) box.set_text(mybox3,b_info3?"TFโžŒ="+tf3+"\n"+ f_time_ddHHmm(box.get_right(mybox3)-box.get_left(mybox3))+"\n"+ str.tostring(math.abs(box.get_top(mybox3)-box.get_bottom(mybox3))):na) if array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf3)!=-1 array.set(a_hist_top,array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf3),_t3) array.set(a_hist_bottom,array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf3),_b3) array.set(a_hist_close,array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf3),close3) //box H4 close4=f_getMtf(tf4,close) open4=f_getMtf(tf4,open) time4=f_getMtf(tf4,time) time_close4=f_getMtf(tf4,time_close) var m_high4 =<float>(2,1,hl2)//0: price, 1:time var m_return_high4 =<float>(2,1,time)//0: price, 1:time var m_low4 =<float>(2,1,hl2)//0: price, 1:time var m_return_low4 =<float>(2,1,time)//0: price, 1:time b_isLastUp4=close4[1]>open4[1]?true:false b_isUp4=close4>open4?true:false b_peak4=b_isLastUp4 and not b_isUp4 b_bottom4=not b_isLastUp4 and b_isUp4 i_renew4=0 var i_last_renew4=0 if b_peak4 or b_bottom4 if b_peak4 _high=close4[1]>=open4?close4[1]:open4 _high_time=close4[1]>=open4?time_close4[1]:time_close4 [_i_renew,o_m_high,o_m_return_high,o_m_low,o_m_return_low]= f_renew_high(i_last_renew4,_high,_high_time,m_high4,m_return_high4,m_low4,m_return_low4) i_renew4:=_i_renew m_high4:= o_m_high m_return_high4:=o_m_return_high m_low4:= o_m_low m_return_low4:= o_m_return_low else if b_bottom4 _low=close4[1]<=open4?close4[1]:open4 _low_time=close4[1]<=open4?time_close4[1]:time_close4 [_i_renew,o_m_high,o_m_return_high,o_m_low,o_m_return_low]= f_renew_low(i_last_renew4,_low,_low_time,m_low4,m_return_low4,m_high4,m_return_high4) i_renew4:=_i_renew m_high4:= o_m_high m_return_high4:= o_m_return_high m_low4:= o_m_low m_return_low4:= o_m_return_low else na else na // i_last_renew4:=i_renew4 var,na,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,bgcolor=na,border_color=na) top4= matrix.get(m_high4,0,matrix.columns(m_high4)-1) top_time4= matrix.get(m_high4,1,matrix.columns(m_high4)-1) bottom4= matrix.get(m_low4,0,matrix.columns(m_low4)-1) bottom_time4= matrix.get(m_low4,1,matrix.columns(m_low4)-1) c_box4=bottom_time4<top_time4?cBoxU4:cBoxD4 va4=bottom_time4<top_time4?text.align_top:text.align_bottom _h4 = array.from(int(top_time4),int(bottom_time4)) _v4 = array.from(top4,bottom4) _t4 = array.max(_v4) _b4 = array.min(_v4) _l4 = array.min(_h4) if show4 and i_renew4!=0,na,na,na,xloc=xloc.bar_time,bgcolor=na,border_width=widthBox4,border_style=styleBox4, text_halign=text.align_right,text_valign=va4,text_size=infoSize4,border_color=c_box4,text_color=cBoxT4) array.push(a_hist_time,_l4) array.push(a_hist_tf,tf4) array.push(a_hist_top,_t4) array.push(a_hist_bottom,_b4) array.push(a_hist_close,close) array.push(a_hist_cbox,c_box) if show4 box.set_right(mybox4,time_close4) box.set_bottom(mybox4,_b4) box.set_top(mybox4,_t4) box.set_text(mybox4,b_info4?"TFโž="+tf4+"\n"+ f_time_ddHHmm(box.get_right(mybox4)-box.get_left(mybox4))+"\n"+ str.tostring(math.abs(box.get_top(mybox4)-box.get_bottom(mybox4))):na) if array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf4)!=-1 array.set(a_hist_top,array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf4),_t4) array.set(a_hist_bottom,array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf4),_b4) array.set(a_hist_close,array.lastindexof(a_hist_tf,tf4),close4) // //fibonacci levels of higher boxes // var,na,na,xloc.bar_time,yloc.price,na,label.style_none,na,infoSize1,text.align_left) var,na,na,xloc.bar_time,yloc.price,na,label.style_none,na,infoSize1,text.align_left) var,na,na,xloc.bar_time,yloc.price,na,label.style_none,na,infoSize2,text.align_left) var,na,na,xloc.bar_time,yloc.price,na,label.style_none,na,infoSize2,text.align_left) var,na,na,xloc.bar_time,yloc.price,na,label.style_none,na,infoSize3,text.align_left) var,na,na,xloc.bar_time,yloc.price,na,label.style_none,na,infoSize3,text.align_left) var,na,na,xloc.bar_time,yloc.price,na,label.style_none,na,infoSize3,text.align_left) var,na,na,xloc.bar_time,yloc.price,na,label.style_none,na,infoSize3,text.align_left) if show1 and b_fibo1 [_top,_tops,_bottom,_bottoms] = f_fibo_range(box.get_bottom(mybox1),box.get_top(mybox1),close) label.set_xy(l_mybox1_rt,box.get_right(mybox1),_top) label.set_textcolor(l_mybox1_rt,c_box1) label.set_text(l_mybox1_rt,"_____"+_tops+":"+str.tostring(_top,"#.0000")+"@โžŠ"+tf1) label.set_xy(l_mybox1_rb,box.get_right(mybox1),_bottom) label.set_textcolor(l_mybox1_rb,c_box1) label.set_text(l_mybox1_rb,"_____"+_bottoms+":"+str.tostring(_bottom,"#.0000")+"@โžŠ"+tf1) if show2 and b_fibo2 [_top,_tops,_bottom,_bottoms] = f_fibo_range(box.get_bottom(mybox2),box.get_top(mybox2),close) label.set_xy(l_mybox2_rt,box.get_right(mybox2),_top) label.set_textcolor(l_mybox2_rt,c_box2) label.set_text(l_mybox2_rt,"_____"+_tops+":"+str.tostring(_top,"#.0000")+"@โž‹"+tf2) label.set_xy(l_mybox2_rb,box.get_right(mybox2),_bottom) label.set_textcolor(l_mybox2_rb,c_box2) label.set_text(l_mybox2_rb,"_____"+_bottoms+":"+str.tostring(_bottom,"#.0000")+"@โž‹"+tf2) if show3 and b_fibo3 [_top,_tops,_bottom,_bottoms] = f_fibo_range(box.get_bottom(mybox3),box.get_top(mybox3),close) label.set_xy(l_mybox3_rt,box.get_right(mybox3),_top) label.set_textcolor(l_mybox3_rt,c_box3) label.set_text(l_mybox3_rt,"_____"+_tops+":"+str.tostring(_top,"#.0000")+"@โžŒ"+tf3) label.set_xy(l_mybox3_rb,box.get_right(mybox3),_bottom) label.set_textcolor(l_mybox3_rb,c_box3) label.set_text(l_mybox3_rb,"_____"+_bottoms+":"+str.tostring(_bottom,"#.0000")+"@โžŒ"+tf3) if show4 and b_fibo4 [_top,_tops,_bottom,_bottoms] = f_fibo_range(box.get_bottom(mybox4),box.get_top(mybox4),close) label.set_xy(l_mybox4_rt,box.get_right(mybox4),_top) label.set_textcolor(l_mybox4_rt,c_box4) label.set_text(l_mybox4_rt,"_____"+_tops+":"+str.tostring(_top,"#.0000")+"@โž"+tf4) label.set_xy(l_mybox4_rb,box.get_right(mybox4),_bottom) label.set_textcolor(l_mybox4_rb,c_box4) label.set_text(l_mybox4_rb,"_____"+_bottoms+":"+str.tostring(_bottom,"#.0000")+"@โž"+tf4) var max=minimapHist a_hist_top_mm=array.new_float(0,na) a_hist_bottom_mm=array.new_float(0,na) a_hist_time_mm=array.new_int(0,na) a_hist_tf_mm=array.new_string(0,na) a_hist_close_mm=array.new_float(0,na) a_hist_cbox_mm=array.new_color(0,na) a_hist_top_mm :=array.size(a_hist_top)>max?array.slice(a_hist_top,array.size(a_hist_top)-max,array.size(a_hist_top)-1):a_hist_top a_hist_bottom_mm :=array.size(a_hist_bottom)>max?array.slice(a_hist_bottom,array.size(a_hist_bottom)-max,array.size(a_hist_bottom)-1):a_hist_bottom a_hist_time_mm :=array.size(a_hist_time)>max?array.slice(a_hist_time,array.size(a_hist_time)-max,array.size(a_hist_time)-1):a_hist_time a_hist_tf_mm :=array.size(a_hist_tf)>max?array.slice(a_hist_tf,array.size(a_hist_tf)-max,array.size(a_hist_tf)-1):a_hist_tf a_hist_close_mm :=array.size(a_hist_close)>max?array.slice(a_hist_close,array.size(a_hist_close)-max,array.size(a_hist_close)-1):a_hist_close a_hist_cbox_mm :=array.size(a_hist_cbox)>max?array.slice(a_hist_cbox,array.size(a_hist_cbox)-max,array.size(a_hist_cbox)-1):a_hist_cbox hist_top = array.max(a_hist_top_mm) hist_bottom = array.min(a_hist_bottom_mm) f_cellpos(_top,_bottom,_rt,_rb) => _p0 = 10 _p100 = 50 _diff = _top-_bottom _rtdiff = _top-_rt _rbdiff = _top-_rb _topp = int(10 - (_p0-_p100)*_rtdiff/_diff) _bottomp =int(10 - (_p0-_p100)*_rbdiff/_diff) [_topp,_bottomp] if showMinimap minimap =,100,100,,90),frame_color=color.white,frame_width=1,border_color=na,border_width=1) if array.size(a_hist_time_mm)>0 table.cell(minimap,0,0,text="minimap from "+f_time_ddHHmm(array.last(a_hist_time_mm)-array.get(a_hist_time_mm,0))+" ago",text_color=color.white,text_size=size.small,text_halign=text.align_left) table.merge_cells(minimap,0,0,10,0) table.cell(minimap,0,1,text=str.tostring(hist_top),text_color=color.white,text_size=size.small,text_halign=text.align_left) table.merge_cells(minimap,0,1,10,1) table.cell(minimap,0,99,text=str.tostring(hist_bottom),text_color=color.white,text_size=size.small,text_halign=text.align_left) table.merge_cells(minimap,0,99,10,99) if array.size(a_hist_top_mm)>0 for i = 0 to array.size(a_hist_top_mm)-1 [_top,_bottom]=f_cellpos(hist_top,hist_bottom,array.get(a_hist_top_mm,i),array.get(a_hist_bottom_mm,i)) if array.get(a_hist_tf_mm,i) == tfChart _fl = f_fibo_level(array.get(a_hist_bottom_mm,i),array.get(a_hist_top_mm,i),array.get(a_hist_close_mm,i)) table.cell(minimap,i,_top,_fl,text_color=f_fl_c(_fl),bgcolor=array.get(a_hist_cbox_mm,i),text_size=size.tiny,text_valign=f_fl_va(_fl)) table.merge_cells(minimap,i,_top,i,_bottom) else table.cell(minimap,i,_top-1,"โ–ผ",text_color=array.get(a_hist_cbox_mm,i),text_size=size.tiny,bgcolor=na) table.cell(minimap,i,_top,array.get(a_hist_tf_mm,i),text_color=color.white,bgcolor=array.get(a_hist_cbox_mm,i),text_size=size.tiny) table.merge_cells(minimap,i,_top,i,_bottom) table.cell(minimap,i,_bottom+1,"โ–ฒ",text_color=array.get(a_hist_cbox_mm,i),text_size=size.tiny,bgcolor=na) na //***** //end of HighLowBox //***** // //RSI // var int RSIt =70 var int RSIb =30 s_RSI_1= show0 and showRSI?ta.rsi(srcRSI,spanRSI_1):na s_RSI_2= show0 and showRSI?ta.rsi(srcRSI,spanRSI_2):na b_RSI_70 = s_RSI_1>=RSIt or s_RSI_2>=RSIt b_RSI_30 = s_RSI_1<=RSIb or s_RSI_2<=RSIb cRSI= s_RSI_1==s_RSI_1[1] and s_RSI_2==s_RSI_2[1]?na: b_RSI_70? s_RSI_1>s_RSI_2? s_RSI_2<RSIt?cRSIi: cRSIt1: s_RSI_1<RSIt?cRSIt3: cRSIt2: b_RSI_30? s_RSI_1<s_RSI_2? s_RSI_2>RSIb?cRSIi: cRSIb1: s_RSI_1>RSIb?cRSIb3: cRSIb2:na RSIy=b_RSI_70? box.get_top(mybox): b_RSI_30?box.get_bottom(mybox):na plotshape(RSIy,"SIG_RSI",,location=location.absolute,color=cRSI,text=na,textcolor=na,size=size.normal) //โžŠโž‹โžŒโžโžŽโžโžโž‘โž’โž“โถโทโธโนโบโปโผโฝโพโฟ //H1 s_RSI1_1= show1 and showRSI1?f_getMtf(tf1,ta.rsi(srcRSI,spanRSI_1)):na s_RSI1_2= show1 and showRSI1?f_getMtf(tf1,ta.rsi(srcRSI,spanRSI_2)):na b_RSI1_70 = s_RSI1_1>=RSIt or s_RSI1_2>=RSIt b_RSI1_30 = s_RSI1_1<=RSIb or s_RSI1_2<=RSIb cRSI1= s_RSI1_1==s_RSI1_1[1] and s_RSI1_2==s_RSI1_2[1]?na: b_RSI1_70? s_RSI1_1>s_RSI1_2? s_RSI1_2<RSIt?cRSI1i: cRSI1t1: s_RSI1_1<RSIt?cRSI1t3: cRSI1t2: b_RSI1_30? s_RSI1_1<s_RSI1_2? s_RSI1_2>RSIb?cRSI1i: cRSI1b1: s_RSI1_1>RSIb?cRSI1b3: cRSI1b2:na RSI1y=b_RSI1_70? box.get_top(mybox1): b_RSI1_30?box.get_bottom(mybox1):na plotchar(RSI1y,"SIG_RSI1",char="โžŠ",location=location.absolute,color=cRSI1,textcolor=na,size=size.small) //H2 s_RSI2_1= show2 and showRSI2?f_getMtf(tf2,ta.rsi(srcRSI,spanRSI_1)):na s_RSI2_2= show2 and showRSI2?f_getMtf(tf2,ta.rsi(srcRSI,spanRSI_2)):na b_RSI2_70 = s_RSI2_1>=RSIt or s_RSI2_2>=RSIt b_RSI2_30 = s_RSI2_1<=RSIb or s_RSI2_2<=RSIb cRSI2= s_RSI2_1==s_RSI2_1[1] and s_RSI2_2==s_RSI2_2[1]?na: b_RSI2_70? s_RSI2_1>s_RSI2_2? s_RSI2_2<RSIt?cRSI2i: cRSI2t1: s_RSI2_1<RSIt?cRSI2t3: cRSI2t2: b_RSI2_30? s_RSI2_1<s_RSI2_2? s_RSI2_2>RSIb?cRSI2i: cRSI2b1: s_RSI2_1>RSIb?cRSI2b3: cRSI2b2:na RSI2y=b_RSI2_70? box.get_top(mybox2): b_RSI2_30?box.get_bottom(mybox2):na plotchar(RSI2y,"SIG_RSI2",char="โž‹",location=location.absolute,color=cRSI2,textcolor=na,size=size.small) //H3 s_RSI3_1= show3 and showRSI3?f_getMtf(tf3,ta.rsi(srcRSI,spanRSI_1)):na s_RSI3_2= show3 and showRSI3?f_getMtf(tf3,ta.rsi(srcRSI,spanRSI_2)):na b_RSI3_70 = s_RSI3_1>=RSIt or s_RSI3_2>=RSIt b_RSI3_30 = s_RSI3_1<=RSIb or s_RSI3_2<=RSIb cRSI3= s_RSI3_1==s_RSI3_1[1] and s_RSI3_2==s_RSI3_2[1]?na: b_RSI3_70? s_RSI3_1>s_RSI3_2? s_RSI3_2<RSIt?cRSI3i: cRSI3t1: s_RSI3_1<RSIt?cRSI3t3: cRSI3t2: b_RSI3_30? s_RSI3_1<s_RSI3_2? s_RSI3_2>RSIb?cRSI3i: cRSI3b1: s_RSI3_1>RSIb?cRSI3b3: cRSI3b2:na RSI3y=b_RSI3_70? box.get_top(mybox3): b_RSI3_30?box.get_bottom(mybox3):na plotchar(RSI3y,"SIG_RSI3",char="โžŒ",location=location.absolute,color=cRSI3,textcolor=na,size=size.small) //H4 s_RSI4_1= show4 and showRSI4?f_getMtf(tf4,ta.rsi(srcRSI,spanRSI_1)):na s_RSI4_2= show4 and showRSI4?f_getMtf(tf4,ta.rsi(srcRSI,spanRSI_2)):na b_RSI4_70 = s_RSI4_1>=RSIt or s_RSI4_2>=RSIt b_RSI4_30 = s_RSI4_1<=RSIb or s_RSI4_2<=RSIb cRSI4= s_RSI4_1==s_RSI4_1[1] and s_RSI4_2==s_RSI4_2[1]?na: b_RSI4_70? s_RSI4_1>s_RSI4_2? s_RSI4_2<RSIt?cRSI4i: cRSI4t1: s_RSI4_1<RSIt?cRSI4t3: cRSI4t2: b_RSI4_30? s_RSI4_1<s_RSI4_2? s_RSI4_2>RSIb?cRSI4i: cRSI4b1: s_RSI4_1>RSIb?cRSI4b3: cRSI4b2:na RSI4y=b_RSI4_70? box.get_top(mybox4): b_RSI4_30?box.get_bottom(mybox4):na plotchar(RSI4y,"SIG_RSI4",char="โž",location=location.absolute,color=cRSI4,textcolor=na,size=size.small)
Oscillator Profile Indicator
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ gotbeatz26107 //@version=5 indicator("Oscillator Profile Indicator", shorttitle="OPI", overlay=false) // Input fields src = input(close, title = "Source", inline = 'l1') show_colors = input.bool(true, title = "Show colors?", inline = 'l1') percentile = input(70, title = "Value Area Percentile", inline = 'l2') lookback = input(100, title = "Lookback period", inline = 'l2') // Profiler function profiler(float src, simple float percentile, int lookback) => poc_val = 0.0 lower_boundary_val = 0.0 upper_boundary_val = 0.0 if lookback <= 100 poc_val := ta.percentile_linear_interpolation(src, lookback, 50) lower_boundary_val := ta.percentile_linear_interpolation(src, lookback, 100 - percentile) upper_boundary_val := ta.percentile_linear_interpolation(src, lookback, percentile) [poc_val, lower_boundary_val, upper_boundary_val] if lookback > 100 poc_val := ta.percentile_nearest_rank(src, lookback, 50) lower_boundary_val := ta.percentile_nearest_rank(src, lookback, 100 - percentile) upper_boundary_val := ta.percentile_nearest_rank(src, lookback, percentile) // [poc_val, lower_boundary_val, upper_boundary_val] // Extract values from the profiler [poc_val, lower_boundary_val, upper_boundary_val] = profiler(src, percentile, lookback) // Colors and their conditions fill_up = color.rgb(0, 137, 123, 80) fill_dn = color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 80) sig_up = color.rgb(0, 137, 123, 60) sig_dn = color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 60) line_up = color.teal line_dn = line_up_clr = src > poc_val ? line_up : line_dn line_dn_clr = src < poc_val ? line_dn : line_up fill_up_clr = src > poc_val ? fill_up : na fill_dn_clr = src < poc_val ? fill_dn : na fill_up_sig = src >= upper_boundary_val and poc_val >= poc_val[1] ? sig_up : na fill_dn_sig = src <= lower_boundary_val and poc_val <= poc_val[1] ? sig_dn : na // Plots and fills poc = plot(poc_val, color= show_colors ? color.white :, linewidth = 1) dn = plot(lower_boundary_val, color = show_colors ? line_dn_clr :, linewidth = 1) up = plot(upper_boundary_val, color = show_colors ? line_up_clr :, linewidth = 1) fill(dn, up, color = show_colors ? fill_up_clr : na) fill(dn, up, color = show_colors ? fill_dn_clr : na) fill(dn, up, color = show_colors ? fill_up_sig : na) fill(dn, up, color = show_colors ? fill_dn_sig : na)
Time Profile [QuantVue]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ QuantVue //@version=5 indicator("Time Profile [QuantVue]", overlay = true, max_bars_back = 4999) ///////////// // inputs // lowerTF = input.timeframe('15', 'Lower Time Frame Data') showTimeProfile = input.bool(true, 'Show Time Profile') maxColor = input.color(,70), 'Highest', inline = '2') mincolor = input.color(,70), 'Lowest', inline = '2') showVPOC = input.bool(true, 'Show Volume POC', inline = '3') pocColor = input.color(color.fuchsia, ' ', inline = '3', tooltip = 'The close of the highest volume lower time frame bar') showTime = input.bool(true, 'Time POC History', inline = '4') tpocCol = input.color(color.yellow, ' ', inline = '4', tooltip = 'Plots where the most smaller time frame closes occured for that bar') double = input.bool(true, 'Volume and Time POC Aligned', inline = '5') doubleCol = input.color(color.lime, ' ', inline = '5', tooltip = 'Highlight when the volume and time point of controls are aligned on the real time bar') //////////////// // variables // timeArr =<int>() box box1 = na, box box2 = na, box box3 = na, box box4 = na, box box5 = na box box6 = na, box box7 = na, box box8 = na, box box9 = na, box box10 = na up = close > close[1] down = close < close[1] //////////////// // functions // ltfVolData() => vol = not na(volume) ? volume : 0 [close, vol] proColor(bc) => color.from_gradient(bc, timeArr.get(9), timeArr.get(0), mincolor, maxColor) /////////////// // ltf Data // [ltfClose, ltfvol] = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.ticker, lowerTF, ltfVolData()) ///////////////// // volume POC // maxVol = ltfClose.size() > 0 ? ltfvol.max() : na idxofMax = ltfClose.size() > 0 ? ltfvol.indexof(maxVol) : na maxPrice = ltfClose.size() > 0 ? ltfClose.get(idxofMax) : na ////////////////// // Time Blocks // blocks = (high - low) / 10 block1 = low + (blocks * 1) block2 = low + (blocks * 2) block3 = low + (blocks * 3) block4 = low + (blocks * 4) block5 = low + (blocks * 5) block6 = low + (blocks * 6) block7 = low + (blocks * 7) block8 = low + (blocks * 8) block9 = low + (blocks * 9) block10 = low + (blocks * 10) /////////////////// // Block Counts // b1C = 0 b2C = 0 b3C = 0 b4C = 0 b5C = 0 b6C = 0 b7C = 0 b8C = 0 b9C = 0 b10C = 0 /////////////////////// // Count ltf Closes // for i = 0 to ltfClose.size() > 0 ? ltfClose.size() - 1 : na lastClose = ltfClose.get(i) if lastClose < block1 b1C += 1 else if lastClose > block1 and lastClose <= block2 b2C += 1 else if lastClose > block2 and lastClose <= block3 b3C += 1 else if lastClose > block3 and lastClose <= block4 b4C += 1 else if lastClose > block4 and lastClose <= block5 b5C += 1 else if lastClose > block5 and lastClose <= block6 b6C += 1 else if lastClose > block6 and lastClose <= block7 b7C += 1 else if lastClose > block7 and lastClose <= block8 b8C += 1 else if lastClose > block8 and lastClose <= block9 b9C += 1 else if lastClose > block9 and lastClose <= block10 b10C += 1 /////////////////// // Store Counts // timeArr.push(b1C) timeArr.push(b2C) timeArr.push(b3C) timeArr.push(b4C) timeArr.push(b5C) timeArr.push(b6C) timeArr.push(b7C) timeArr.push(b8C) timeArr.push(b9C) timeArr.push(b10C) //////////////////// // Highest Count // timeMax = timeArr.max() idxTime = timeArr.indexof(timeMax) timeArr.sort(order.descending) /////////////////////// // Color Background // bg1 = proColor(b1C) bg2 = proColor(b2C) bg3 = proColor(b3C) bg4 = proColor(b4C) bg5 = proColor(b5C) bg6 = proColor(b6C) bg7 = proColor(b7C) bg8 = proColor(b8C) bg9 = proColor(b9C) bg10 = proColor(b10C) /////////////////////////////////// // Placement of Historical Plot // priceBlock = idxTime == 0 ? block1 : idxTime == 1 ? block2 : idxTime == 2 ? block3 : idxTime == 3 ? block4 : idxTime == 4 ? block5 : idxTime == 5 ? block6 : idxTime == 6 ? block7 : idxTime == 7 ? block8 : idxTime == 8 ? block9 : block10 blockPos = priceBlock == block1 ? (low + block1) / 2 : priceBlock == block2 ? (block1 + block2) / 2 : priceBlock == block3 ? (block2 + block3) / 2 : priceBlock == block4 ? (block3 + block4) / 2 : priceBlock == block5 ? (block4 + block5) / 2 : priceBlock == block6 ? (block5 + block6) / 2 : priceBlock == block7 ? (block6 + block7) / 2 : priceBlock == block8 ? (block7 + block8) / 2 : priceBlock == block9 ? (block8 + block9) / 2 : (block9 + high) / 2 //////////// // Plots // if barstate.islast and showTimeProfile (box1[1]).delete(), (box2[1]).delete(), (box3[1]).delete(), (box4[1]).delete(), (box5[1]).delete() (box6[1]).delete(), (box7[1]).delete(), (box8[1]).delete(), (box9[1]).delete(), (box10[1]).delete() box1 :=, block1, bar_index + b1C, low, bgcolor = bg1, border_color = box2 :=, block2, bar_index + b2C, block1, bgcolor = bg2, border_color = box3 :=, block3, bar_index + b3C, block2, bgcolor = bg3, border_color = box4 :=, block4, bar_index + b4C, block3, bgcolor = bg4, border_color = box5 :=, block5, bar_index + b5C, block4, bgcolor = bg5, border_color = box6 :=, block6, bar_index + b6C, block5, bgcolor = bg6, border_color = box7 :=, block7, bar_index + b7C, block6, bgcolor = bg7, border_color = box8 :=, block8, bar_index + b8C, block7, bgcolor = bg8, border_color = box9 :=, block9, bar_index + b9C, block8, bgcolor = bg9, border_color = box10 :=, block10, bar_index + b10C, block9, bgcolor = bg10, border_color = plotshape(showVPOC ? maxPrice : na, 'vpoc',, location.absolute, pocColor, size = size.tiny) plotchar(showTime and barstate.ishistory ? blockPos : na, 'Time', '-', location.absolute, tpocCol, size = size.small) if maxPrice > box1.get_bottom() and maxPrice < box1.get_top() and b1C == timeMax and double box1.set_bgcolor(doubleCol) alert('VPOC & TPOC Aligned', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) else if maxPrice > box2.get_bottom() and maxPrice < box2.get_top() and b2C == timeMax and double box2.set_bgcolor(doubleCol) alert('VPOC & TPOC Aligned', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) else if maxPrice > box3.get_bottom() and maxPrice < box3.get_top() and b3C == timeMax and double box3.set_bgcolor(doubleCol) alert('VPOC & TPOC Aligned', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) else if maxPrice > box4.get_bottom() and maxPrice < box4.get_top() and b4C == timeMax and double box4.set_bgcolor(doubleCol) alert('VPOC & TPOC Aligned', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) else if maxPrice > box5.get_bottom() and maxPrice < box5.get_top() and b5C == timeMax and double box5.set_bgcolor(doubleCol) alert('VPOC & TPOC Aligned', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) else if maxPrice > box6.get_bottom() and maxPrice < box6.get_top() and b6C == timeMax and double box6.set_bgcolor(doubleCol) alert('VPOC & TPOC Aligned', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) else if maxPrice > box7.get_bottom() and maxPrice < box7.get_top() and b7C == timeMax and double box7.set_bgcolor(doubleCol) alert('VPOC & TPOC Aligned', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) else if maxPrice > box8.get_bottom() and maxPrice < box8.get_top() and b8C == timeMax and double box8.set_bgcolor(doubleCol) alert('VPOC & TPOC Aligned', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) else if maxPrice > box9.get_bottom() and maxPrice < box9.get_top() and b9C == timeMax and double box9.set_bgcolor(doubleCol) alert('VPOC & TPOC Aligned', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close) else if maxPrice > box10.get_bottom() and maxPrice < box10.get_top() and b10C == timeMax and double box10.set_bgcolor(doubleCol) alert('VPOC & TPOC Aligned', alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
Hide Active Candle [SteinG]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ SteinG //@version=5 //Hide Active Candle v1 // # ========================================================================= # // # | Hide Active Candle Indicator | // # ========================================================================= # indicator( title = "Hide Active Candle", shorttitle = "", overlay = true ) // # ========================================================================= # // # | Hide Active Candle Indicator | // # ========================================================================= # //----------------------- input ---------------------- secondForCandleVisible =, "Countdown seconds left", minval=0, step=1, tooltip="Current candle will be visible N seconds before bar being closed") bullColor = input(, 0), "Bull candle color") bearColor = input(, 0), "Bear candle color") equalColor = input(color.white, "Equal candle color") theme = input.string("Dark", "Theme", ["Dark", "Light"]) useCustomColor = input.bool(false, "Use custom hidden color", inline="custom") customHiddenCandleColor = input(, 0), "", tooltip="Custom color only applicable if 'Use custom hidden color' is set", inline="custom") //--------------------Calculation -------------------- normalBarColor = close > open ? bullColor : close == open ? equalColor : bearColor normalWickColor = close > open ? bullColor : close == open ? equalColor : bearColor hiddenColor = useCustomColor ? customHiddenCandleColor : theme == "Dark" ?, 0) :, 0) secondsLeft = barstate.isrealtime ? (time_close - timenow) / 1000 : na plotcandle(open, high, low, close, "History candle", editable = false, color = normalBarColor, wickcolor = normalWickColor, bordercolor = normalWickColor) plotcandle(open, high, low, close, editable = false, color = secondsLeft <= secondForCandleVisible ? normalBarColor : hiddenColor, wickcolor = secondsLeft <= secondForCandleVisible ? normalWickColor : hiddenColor, bordercolor = secondsLeft <= secondForCandleVisible ? normalWickColor : hiddenColor, show_last = 1)
StdDev Channels
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ jjustingreyy //@version=5 indicator("StdDev Channels" , overlay=true) price = input(close, "Source") deviations = input(2.0, "Deviation Count") fullRange = input(false, "Toggle Full Range (DefVal 500)") length = input(153, "Channel 1 Length") length2 = input(50, "Channel 2 Length") // Length for second channel uppercolor1 = input(color.rgb(236, 59, 59), "Channel 1 Upper Line") middlecolor1 = input(color.rgb(228, 228, 220), "Channel 1 Mid Line") lowercolor1 = input(color.rgb(61, 231, 97), "Channel 1 Lower Line") uppercolor2 = input(color.rgb(150, 150, 150), "Channel 2 Upper Line") middlecolor2 = input(color.rgb(188, 187, 187), "Channel 2 Mid Line") lowercolor2 = input(color.rgb(150, 150, 150), "Channel 2 Lower Line") // Additional inputs for line width and style width1 = input(1, "Channel 1 Line Width") width2 = input(1, "Channel 2 Line Width") style1 = input(line.style_solid, "Channel 1 Line Style") style2 = input(line.style_dashed, "Channel 2 Line Style") //-- change this variable to the maximum number of bars you want to cover. must be bigger then length --// //-- even if full range is off. max_bars_back=500 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// max_bars_back(price, max_bars_back) Sqr(x) => x*x newlength = fullRange ? max_bars_back : length newlength2 = fullRange ? max_bars_back : length2 // New length for second channel InertiaAll (y, n) => var x = 0 x := x + 1 a = (n * math.sum(x * y, n) - math.sum(x, n) * math.sum(y, n) ) / ( n * math.sum(Sqr(x), n) - Sqr(math.sum(x, n))) b = (math.sum(Sqr(x), n) * math.sum(y, n) - math.sum(x, n) * math.sum(x * y, n) ) / ( n * math.sum(Sqr(x), n) - Sqr(math.sum(x, n))) InertiaTS = a * x + b [InertiaTS, x, a, b] [regression, x1, a1, b1] = InertiaAll(price, newlength) stdDeviation = ta.stdev(price, newlength) [regression2, x2, a2, b2] = InertiaAll(price, newlength2) // Regression for second channel stdDeviation2 = ta.stdev(price, newlength2) // Standard deviation for second channel var UpperLine =, low, 0, low, color=uppercolor1, extend=extend.right, width=width1, style=style1) var MiddleLine =, low, 0, low, color=middlecolor1, extend=extend.right, width=width1, style=style1) var LowerLine =, low, 0, low, color=lowercolor1, extend=extend.right, width=width1, style=style1) var UpperLine2 =, low, 0, low, color=uppercolor2, extend=extend.right, width=width2, style=style2) var MiddleLine2 =, low, 0, low, color=middlecolor2, extend=extend.right, width=width2, style=style2) var LowerLine2 =, low, 0, low, color=lowercolor2, extend=extend.right, width=width2, style=style2) if barstate.islast line.set_xy1(UpperLine, last_bar_index - newlength + 1, a1*x1[newlength - 1] +b1 + deviations * stdDeviation) line.set_xy2(UpperLine, last_bar_index, a1*x1 +b1 + deviations * stdDeviation) line.set_xy1(MiddleLine, last_bar_index - newlength + 1, a1*x1[newlength - 1] +b1) line.set_xy2(MiddleLine, last_bar_index, a1*x1 +b1) line.set_xy1(LowerLine, last_bar_index - newlength + 1, a1*x1[newlength - 1] +b1 - deviations * stdDeviation) line.set_xy2(LowerLine, last_bar_index, a1*x1 +b1 - deviations * stdDeviation) line.set_xy1(UpperLine2, last_bar_index - newlength2 + 1, a2*x2[newlength2 - 1] +b2 + deviations * stdDeviation2) // Lines for second channel line.set_xy2(UpperLine2, last_bar_index, a2*x2 +b2 + deviations * stdDeviation2) line.set_xy1(MiddleLine2, last_bar_index - newlength2 + 1, a2*x2[newlength2 - 1] +b2) line.set_xy2(MiddleLine2, last_bar_index, a2*x2 +b2) line.set_xy1(LowerLine2, last_bar_index - newlength2 + 1, a2*x2[newlength2 - 1] +b2 - deviations * stdDeviation2) line.set_xy2(LowerLine2, last_bar_index, a2*x2 +b2 - deviations * stdDeviation2)
MACD Fake Filter [RH]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ HasanRifat //@version=5 indicator("MACD Fake Filter [RH]", max_labels_count = 500) // MACD inputs fastLength = input(defval=12, title="Fast Length") slowLength = input(defval=26, title="Slow Length") src = input(defval=close, title="Source") signalLength = = 9, title="Signal Smoothing", minval = 1, maxval = 50) smaSource = input.string(defval="EMA", title="Oscillator MA Type", options=["SMA", "EMA"]) smaSignal = input.string(defval="EMA", title="Signal Line MA Type", options=["SMA", "EMA"]) // MACD calculation fastMA = smaSource == "SMA" ? ta.sma(src, fastLength) : ta.ema(src, fastLength) slowMA = smaSource == "SMA" ? ta.sma(src, slowLength) : ta.ema(src, slowLength) macd = fastMA - slowMA signal = smaSignal == "SMA" ? ta.sma(macd, signalLength) : ta.ema(macd, signalLength) hist = macd - signal var positiveHeightArray = array.new_float() var poitiveHeightAvg = array.new_float() var negativeHeightArray = array.new_float() var negativeHeightAvg = array.new_float() var float positiveTop = na var float negatieTop = na var int activeWave = na // MACD average wave height calculation macdZeroCrossOver = macd > 0 and macd[1] < 0 macdZeroCrossUnder = macd < 0 and macd[1] > 0 if macdZeroCrossOver activeWave := 1 if macdZeroCrossUnder activeWave := -1 if activeWave == 1 negatieTop := array.min(negativeHeightArray) array.push(positiveHeightArray, macd) array.push(negativeHeightAvg, negatieTop) array.clear(negativeHeightArray) if activeWave == -1 positiveTop := array.max(positiveHeightArray) array.push(negativeHeightArray, macd) array.push(poitiveHeightAvg, positiveTop) array.clear(positiveHeightArray) positiveAverageHeight = array.avg(poitiveHeightAvg) negativeAverageHeight = array.avg(negativeHeightAvg) bearishCrossunder = ta.crossunder(macd, signal) bullishCrossover = ta.crossover(macd, signal) crossunderAboveAvg = bearishCrossunder and macd > positiveAverageHeight crossaboveBelowAvg = bullishCrossover and macd < negativeAverageHeight // Labels and plotting if crossunderAboveAvg, macd[1], text = "", color = if crossaboveBelowAvg, macd[1], text = "", color =, style = label.style_label_up) hline(0, "Zero Line",, 50)) plot(hist, title="Histogram", style=plot.style_histogram, color=(hist>=0 ? (hist[1] < hist ? #32cd32 : #008000) : (hist[1] < hist ? #800000 : #ff0000))) mdPlot = plot(macd, title="MACD", color=#2962FF, linewidth = 2) sgPlot = plot(signal, title="Signal", color=#FF6D00) psHeight = plot(positiveAverageHeight, color =, title = "Positive Avg Height") ngHeight = plot(negativeAverageHeight, color =, title = "Negative Avg Height") fill(plot1 = mdPlot, plot2 = psHeight, title = "Positive Wave", color = macd > positiveAverageHeight ? (macd[3] < macd ?, 60) :, 80)) : na) fill(plot1 = mdPlot, plot2 = ngHeight, title = "Negative Wave", color = macd < negativeAverageHeight ? (macd[3] < macd ?, 80) :, 60)) : na) // Alerts alertcondition(crossunderAboveAvg, title = "Crossunder Above Average", message = "Crossunder") alertcondition(crossaboveBelowAvg, title = "Crossover Below Average", message = "Crossover")
Earnings Yield & Dividend Yield (vs SP500, treasury, IG)
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ NatsukiKano //@version=5 // # What's this script? // Plot the following yields. // 1. Treasury constant maturity rate. default is 10Y(FRED:DGS10). // 2. Investment grade corporate bond yields by Moody's. // Grades from highest to lowest are represented by color bands. // - Moody's Seasoned Aaa Corporate bond yields.(FRED:AAA) // - Moody's Seasoned Baa Corporate bond yields.(FRED:DBAA) // 3. Investment grade bond yields by BofA. // Grades from highest to lowest are represented by color bands. // - BofA AAA US Corporate Index Effective Yield.(FRED:BAMLC0A1CAAAEY) // - BofA BBB US Corporate Index Effective Yield.(FRED:BAMLC0A4CBBBEY) // 3. Earnings Yield of S&P500. // Calculated using S&P 500 Earnings by Month provided by Nasdaq date link. // ( // 4. Dividend Yield of S&P500. // Calculated using S&P 500 Dividend by Month provided by Nasdaq date link. // ( // 5. Earnings Yield of the displayed symbol. // 6. Dividend Yield of the displayed symbol. // 2023/07/10 Changed from getting IG(BofA) data from Nasdaq date link to getting it from FRED ticker. indicator(title="Earnings Yield & Dividend Yield (vs SP500, treasury, IG)",shorttitle="Yields", precision=3, overlay=false) // ==================== // PRE // ==================== /// <import_statements> // -------------------- SymbolTreasury = input.symbol( "FRED:DGS10" ,"Treasury Constant Maturity Rate") Group1 ="Line Color" ColorTreasury = input(,10) , "Treasury" , group = Group1) ColorMoodys = input(color.rgb( 255, 165, 35, 10) , "Investment grade Corporate bond by Moody's" , group = Group1) ColorBofA = input(color.rgb( 98, 186, 108, 10) , "Investment grade Corporate bond by BofA" , group = Group1) TransCorpBond = input( 75, "Transparency of color bands for investment grade corporate bond", group = Group1) ColorSP500EY = input(color.rgb( 254, 82, 92, 10) , "S&P500 Earnings yield" , group = Group1) ColorSP500DY = input(color.rgb( 172, 77, 187, 10) , "S&P500 Dividends yield" , group = Group1) ColorSymbolEY = input(color.rgb( 0, 126, 244, 10) , "Symbol Earnings yeild" , group = Group1) ColorSymbolDY = input(color.rgb( 0, 198, 218, 10) , "Symbol Dividends yeild" , group = Group1) // <request> // -------------------- // ##1. Treasury Constant Maturity Rate Treasury = SymbolTreasury , timeframe.period, close) // ##2. Investment Grade Corporate Bond Yield Rates by Moody's Moodys_Aaa = "FRED:AAA" , timeframe.period, close) Moodys_Baa = "FRED:DBAA" , timeframe.period, close) // ##3. Investment Grade Corporate Bond Yield Rates by BofA BofA_AAA = "FRED:BAMLC0A1CAAAEY" , timeframe.period, close) BofA_BBB = "FRED:BAMLC0A4CBBBEY" , timeframe.period, close) // ##4. S&P 500 Earnings Yield. SP500 ="SP500", timeframe.period, close) EPS_SP500 = request.quandl("MULTPL/SP500_EARNINGS_MONTH", barmerge.gaps_off ) EarningsYield_SP500 = EPS_SP500 / SP500 * 100 // ##5. S&P 500 Dividend Yield. DPS_SP500 = request.quandl("MULTPL/SP500_DIV_MONTH", barmerge.gaps_off ) DividendYield_SP500 = DPS_SP500 / SP500 * 100 // ##6. Symbol Earnings Yield EPS_TTM = syminfo.tickerid , "EARNINGS_PER_SHARE" , "TTM" , barmerge.gaps_off , false , syminfo.currency) EPS_Y = syminfo.tickerid , "EARNINGS_PER_SHARE" , "FY" , barmerge.gaps_off , false , syminfo.currency) EPS_Symbol = EPS_TTM ? EPS_TTM : EPS_Y //Combine long term financial data and short term financial data EarningsYield_Symbol = EPS_Symbol/close*100 // ##7. Symbol Dividends Yield DPS_Symbol = syminfo.tickerid , "DPS_COMMON_STOCK_PRIM_ISSUE" , "FY" , barmerge.gaps_off , false , syminfo.currency) DividendYield_Symbol = DPS_Symbol/close*100 // ==================== // POST // ==================== lineTreasury = plot( Treasury , "Treasury" , ColorTreasury , linewidth = 2) lineMoodysAaa = plot( Moodys_Aaa ,"Moodys_Aaa",ColorMoodys, linewidth = 2) lineMoodysBaa = plot( Moodys_Baa ,"Moodys_Baa",ColorMoodys, linewidth = 1) lineBofA_AAA = plot( BofA_AAA,"BofA AAA",ColorBofA, linewidth = 2) lineBofA_BBB = plot( BofA_BBB,"BofA BBB",ColorBofA, linewidth = 1) fill( lineMoodysAaa , lineMoodysBaa , ColorMoodys , TransCorpBond ) ) fill( lineBofA_AAA , lineBofA_BBB , ColorBofA , TransCorpBond ) ) lineEarningsYield_SP500 = plot( EarningsYield_SP500 , "S&P500Earnings" , ColorSP500EY , linewidth = 2) lineEarningsYield_Symbol = plot( EarningsYield_Symbol , "SymbolEarnings" , ColorSymbolEY , linewidth = 2) lineDividendsYield_SP500 = plot( DividendYield_SP500 , "S&P500Dividend" , ColorSP500DY , linewidth = 2) lineDividendsYield_Symbol = plot( DividendYield_Symbol , "SymbolDividend" , ColorSymbolDY , linewidth = 2)
Zigzag Trend-based Color [SteinG]
// This source code is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) // Note: This indicator is forked from Recursive Zigzag [Trendoscope] // ยฉ SteinG //@version=5 //Zigzag Trend-based Color [SteinG] v5 // # ========================================================================= # // # | Zigzag Trend-based Color [SteinG] | // # ========================================================================= # indicator( title = "Zigzag Trend-based Color [SteinG]", shorttitle = "ZG Color", overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500 ) // # ========================================================================= # // # | Zigzag Trend-based Color [SteinG] | // # ========================================================================= # import HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2 as dr import HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingMethods/2 import ironpark/TableBuilder/3 as tb // @function get line style from text input and return as type // @param lineStyle (string) line style name // @returns type getLineStyle(string lineStyle) => switch str.lower(lineStyle) "solid" => line.style_solid "dashed" => line.style_dashed "dotted" => line.style_dotted => line.style_solid // @function Convert float to string format by mintick // @param _self float // @returns number string method tostring_mintick(float _self)=> numberFormat = "0." zeros = int(math.abs(math.log10(syminfo.mintick))) if zeros > 0 for i = 0 to zeros-1 numberFormat += "0" else numberFormat := "0" strFormat = '{0,number,'+numberFormat+'}' strNumber = str.format(strFormat,_self) //#region ************************ Zigzag Types ************************ type PivotCandle float _high = high float _low = low int length = 5 int pHighBar int pLowBar float pHigh float pLow int index = bar_index type Pivot dr.Point point int dir int level = 0 int componentIndex = 0 int subComponents = 0 float ratio float extendRatio type ZigzagFlags bool newPivot = false bool doublePivot = false bool updateLastPivot = false type Zigzag int length = 5 int numberOfPivots = 20 int offset = 0 int level = 0 array<Pivot> zigzagPivots ZigzagFlags flags type ZigzagObject dr.Line zigzagLine dr.Label zigzagLabel type ZigzagProperties bool useSingleLineColor = false color lineColor = int lineWidth = 1 string lineStyle = line.style_solid bool showLabel = false color textColor = int maxObjects = 300 string xloc = xloc.bar_time type ZigzagDrawing Zigzag zigzag ZigzagProperties properties array<ZigzagObject> drawings //#endregion ************************ //#region ************************ Zigzag Methods ************************ //************************* TYPE PivotCandle *********************************************// //calculate highest and lowest price and bars only. method init(PivotCandle candle)=> candle.pHighBar := ta.highestbars(candle._high, candle.length) candle.pLowBar := ta.lowestbars(candle._low, candle.length) candle.pHigh := ta.highest(candle._high, candle.length) candle.pLow := ta.lowest(candle._low, candle.length) candle //************************* TYPE Pivot ***********************************************// method unshift(array<Pivot> arr, Pivot val, int maxItems)=> arr.unshift(val) if(arr.size() > maxItems) arr.pop() //************************* TYPE Zigzag **********************************************// //Prepare Pivot Object and ZigzagFlags Ojbect method init(Zigzag this)=> if(na(this.zigzagPivots)) this.zigzagPivots :=<Pivot>() this.flags := this method addnewpivot(Zigzag this, Pivot pivot)=> dir = math.sign(pivot.dir) if(this.zigzagPivots.size() >=1) lastPivot = this.zigzagPivots.get(0) lastValue = lastPivot.point.price pivot.subComponents := lastPivot.componentIndex - pivot.componentIndex if(math.sign(lastPivot.dir) == math.sign(dir)) runtime.error('Direction mismatch') if(this.zigzagPivots.size() >=2) llastPivot = this.zigzagPivots.get(1) value = pivot.point.price llastValue = llastPivot.point.price newDir = dir * value >= dir * llastValue ? dir * 2 : dir pivot.dir := int(newDir) pivot.ratio := math.round(math.abs(lastValue - value)/math.abs(llastValue - lastValue), 3) if(this.zigzagPivots.size() >=3) lllastPivot = this.zigzagPivots.get(2) lllastValue = lllastPivot.point.price pivot.extendRatio := math.round(math.abs(lastValue - value)/math.abs(lllastValue - llastValue), 3) this.zigzagPivots.unshift(pivot, this.numberOfPivots) this // @function Calculate zigzag based on input values and indicator values // @param this Zigzag object // @param ohlc Array containing OHLC values. Can also have custom values for which zigzag to be calculated // @returns current Zigzag object method calculate(Zigzag this, array<float> ohlc) => _ohlc = na(ohlc[this.offset])? ohlc : ohlc[this.offset] this.init() PivotCandle candle =, _ohlc.min(), this.length) candle.init() //init includes calculate the highest and lowest price and bars in specific length pDir = 1 Pivot lastPivot = na this.flags.updateLastPivot := false this.flags.newPivot := false this.flags.doublePivot := false newBar = bar_index-this.offset newbartime = time[this.offset] var counter = 0 var lastCounterBar = 0 doublePivot = candle.pHighBar == 0 and candle.pLowBar == 0 if(this.zigzagPivots.size() > 0) lastPivot := this.zigzagPivots.get(0) pDir := int(math.sign(lastPivot.dir)) if(this.zigzagPivots.size() > 1) llastPivot = this.zigzagPivots.get(1) llastDir = int(math.sign(llastPivot.dir)) //current bar is the highest high in uptrend or lowest low in downtrend and already have Pivots data //repaint lastest pivot if ((pDir == 1 and candle.pHighBar == 0) or (pDir == -1 and candle.pLowBar == 0)) and this.zigzagPivots.size()>=1 value = pDir == 1 ? candle.pHigh : candle.pLow ipivot = pDir == 1? candle.pLow : candle.pHigh removeOld = value * lastPivot.dir > lastPivot.point.price * lastPivot.dir if(removeOld and not doublePivot) this.flags.updateLastPivot := true this.flags.newPivot := true this.zigzagPivots.shift() //delete last Pivot newPivotObject =, newBar, newbartime), pDir) //create new Pivot as updated Pivot this.addnewpivot(newPivotObject) //current bar is the highest high in uptrend or lowest low in downtrend, //but the price value not greater than the previous pivot in uptrend, //or not smaller than the previous pivot in downtrend, //add an inverse pivot from the current highest / lowest bar according to zigzag length else if(not removeOld and not doublePivot) ipivotbar = pDir == 1? newBar+candle.pLowBar : newBar+candle.pHighBar ipivottime = time[newBar-ipivotbar+this.offset] iCandle = candle[newBar-ipivotbar] newPivotObject =, ipivotbar, ipivottime), -pDir) this.addnewpivot(newPivotObject) this.flags.newPivot := true //current bar is both the highest high and lowest low at the same time else if (doublePivot) if (pDir == 1 and close > open) or (pDir == -1 and close < open) newPivotObject =, newBar, newbartime), -pDir) this.addnewpivot(newPivotObject) newPivotObject :=, newBar, newbartime), pDir) this.addnewpivot(newPivotObject) this.flags.doublePivot := true this.flags.newPivot := true else if (pDir == 1 and close < open) or (pDir == -1 and close > open) if (removeOld) this.flags.updateLastPivot := true this.zigzagPivots.shift() //delete last Pivot newPivotObject =, newBar, newbartime), pDir) this.addnewpivot(newPivotObject) newPivotObject :=, newBar, newbartime), -pDir) this.addnewpivot(newPivotObject) this.flags.doublePivot := true this.flags.newPivot := true //current bar is the lowest low in uptrend or highest high in downtrend //directly add pviot point //doublePivot excluded if (not doublePivot) and ((pDir == 1 and candle.pLowBar == 0) or (pDir == -1 and candle.pHighBar == 0)) and (not this.flags.newPivot) value = pDir == 1 ? candle.pLow : candle.pHigh newPivotObject =, newBar, newbartime), -pDir) this.addnewpivot(newPivotObject) this.flags.newPivot := true this // @function Calculate zigzag based on properties embedded within Zigzag object // @param this Zigzag object // @returns current Zigzag object method calculate(Zigzag this)=> this.calculate(array.from(high,low)) //************************* TYPE ZigzagObject ****************************************// method push(array<ZigzagObject> arr, val, maxItems)=> arr.push(val) if(arr.size() > maxItems) ZigzagObject lastObject = arr.shift() lastObject.zigzagLine.delete() lastObject.zigzagLabel.delete() method pop(array<ZigzagObject> arr)=> ZigzagObject lastObject = arr.pop() lastObject.zigzagLine.delete() lastObject.zigzagLabel.delete() //************************* TYPE ZigzagDrawing ***************************************// method init(ZigzagDrawing this)=> if(na(this.drawings)) this.drawings :=<ZigzagObject>() if(na(this.zigzag)) this.zigzag := this.zigzag.init() if(na( := this method clear(ZigzagDrawing this)=> for zigzagObject in this.drawings zigzagObject.zigzagLine.delete() zigzagObject.zigzagLabel.delete() this.drawings.clear() // @function Clears zigzag drawings array // @param this array<ZigzagDrawing> // @returns void method clear(array<ZigzagDrawing> this)=> for drawing in this drawing.clear() this.clear() // @function draws fresh zigzag based on properties embedded in ZigzagDrawing object without trying to calculate // @param this ZigzagDrawing object // @returns ZigzagDrawing object method drawplain(ZigzagDrawing this)=> this.init() this.clear() if(barstate.islast or barstate.islastconfirmedhistory) for i=0 to this.zigzag.zigzagPivots.size()>1? this.zigzag.zigzagPivots.size()-2 : na lastPivot = this.zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i) llastPivot = this.zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i+1) dir = lastPivot.dir y1 = lastPivot.point.price y2 = llastPivot.point.price x1 = == xloc.bar_index? : lastPivot.point.bartime x2 = == xloc.bar_index? : llastPivot.point.bartime //Line //Point Start startPrice = lastPivot.point.price startBar = startBarTime = lastPivot.point.bartime dr.Point startPoint =, startBar, startBarTime) //Point End endPrice = llastPivot.point.price endBar = endBarTime = llastPivot.point.bartime dr.Point endPoint =, endBar, endBarTime) //Line Properties lineColor = if not lineColor := switch dir 1 => 2 => -1 => color.lime -2 => => color.silver dr.LineProperties lineprops =, extend.none, lineColor,, ) dr.Line zline = startPoint.createLine(endPoint, lineprops) zline.draw() level = lastPivot.level //Label dr.Label zlabel = if( labelText = 'Pivot : ' + lastPivot.point.price.tostring_mintick() + '\nRetraced Ratio : '+str.tostring(lastPivot.ratio) + '\nExtend Ratio : '+str.tostring(lastPivot.extendRatio) //Label Properties labelColor = switch dir 1 => 2 => -1 => color.lime -2 => => color.silver dr.LabelProperties labelprops =, yloc.price, labelColor, dir > 0? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up,, size.small ) zlabel := startPoint.createLabel(labelText, properties=labelprops) zlabel.draw() this.drawings.push(, zlabel)) this //#endregion ************************ //#region ************************ main() ************************ zigzagLength =, step=1, minval=2, title='Length', group='Zigzag', tooltip='Zigzag length') depth =, "Depth", step=25, maxval=500, group='Zigzag', tooltip='Zigzag depth refers to max number of pivots to show on chart') useOCPrices = input.bool(false, 'Use Open Close Prices', group='Zigzag', tooltip='Use open close prices for calculating pivots instead of high/low.') lineWidth =, "Line Width", group="Line Style", inline="l") input_lineStyle = input.string("Solid", "Line Style", options=["Solid", "Dashed", "Dotted"], group="Line Style", inline="l") useSingleLineColor = input.bool(defval = false, title = "Use Single Color", inline = "Color", group = 'Line Style') lineColor = input.color(defval =, title='', inline = 'Color', group = 'Line Style', tooltip='Only applicable when "Use Single Color" is set to "true"') showLabel = input.bool(true, 'Show Label', group='Label') ZG_showStats = input.bool(true, 'Show Table', group='Info Table', inline='Info') ZGtblPosition = input.string(position.top_right, '', group='Info Table', options=[position.top_right, position.bottom_right, position.top_center, position.top_left, position.bottom_left], inline='Info') ZG_infotbl_textSize = input.string(size.small, '', group='Info Table', options=[size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge], inline='Info') lineStyle = getLineStyle(input_lineStyle) float bodyTop = math.max(open,close) float bodyBottom = math.min(open,close) highSource = useOCPrices? bodyTop : high lowSource = useOCPrices? bodyBottom : low ohlc = array.from(highSource, lowSource) var Zigzag zigzag =, depth) zigzag.calculate(ohlc) var ZigzagProperties props =, lineColor, lineWidth, lineStyle, showLabel=showLabel, maxObjects = depth) var ZigzagDrawing drawing =, props) if(barstate.islast) drawing.drawplain() //Zigzag Info Table ZG_info_title_color = color.maroon ZG_info_title_txt_color = color.white ZG_info_no_color = #8BE8FF ZG_info_id_color = #12B7E9 ZG_info_cell_txt_color = if(barstate.islast and ZG_showStats) var tblstyle = =, frame_color =, frame_width = 1, border_color =, border_width = 1 ) var ZG_infoTbl =, 8, 21, tblstyle) header = ZG_infoTbl.R(0).TextColor(ZG_info_title_txt_color).TextSize(ZG_infotbl_textSize) header.Text("No.","BAR ID","DIST","DATETIME","PIVOT VALUE","DIRECTION","RETRACED RATIO","EXTEND RATIO").Bg(ZG_info_title_color) if array.size(zigzag.zigzagPivots) > 0 and array.size(zigzag.zigzagPivots) <= 20 for i = 0 to array.size(zigzag.zigzagPivots) - 1 _str_no = str.tostring(i+1) _str_barID = str.tostring(zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i) _str_dist = str.tostring(bar_index - zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i) _str_time = str.format_time(zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i).point.bartime, "Y/M/d HH:mm", syminfo.timezone) _str_pivot = zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i).point.price.tostring_mintick() _str_direction = switch zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i).dir 1 => "โ†‘ (1)" 2 => "โ‡ˆ (2)" -1 => "โ†“ (-1)" -2 => "โ‡Š (-2)" => "โ–ฃ" _str_ratio = str.format("{0,number,0.000}",zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i).ratio) _str_extendRatio = str.format("{0,number,0.000}",zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i).extendRatio) ZG_info_cell_color = switch zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i).dir 1 => 2 => -1 => color.lime -2 => => color.silver ZG_infoTbl.R(i+1).TextColor(ZG_info_cell_txt_color).TextSize(ZG_infotbl_textSize).Text(_str_no, _str_barID, _str_dist, _str_time, _str_pivot, _str_direction, _str_ratio, _str_extendRatio).Bg(ZG_info_cell_color) ZG_infoTbl.R(i+1).C(0).Bg(ZG_info_no_color) ZG_infoTbl.R(i+1).C(1).Bg(ZG_info_id_color) ZG_infoTbl.R(i+1).C(2).Bg(ZG_info_no_color) else if array.size(zigzag.zigzagPivots) > 0 for i = 0 to array.size(zigzag.zigzagPivots) - 1 if i >= 20 break _str_no = str.tostring(i+1) _str_barID = str.tostring(zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i) _str_dist = str.tostring(bar_index - zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i) _str_time = str.format_time(zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i).point.bartime, "Y/M/d HH:mm", syminfo.timezone) _str_pivot = zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i).point.price.tostring_mintick() _str_direction = switch zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i).dir 1 => "โ†‘ (1)" 2 => "โ‡ˆ (2)" -1 => "โ†“ (-1)" -2 => "โ‡Š (-2)" => "โ–ฃ" _str_ratio = str.format("{0,number,0.000}",zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i).ratio) _str_extendRatio = str.format("{0,number,0.000}",zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i).extendRatio) ZG_info_cell_color = switch zigzag.zigzagPivots.get(i).dir 1 => 2 => -1 => color.lime -2 => => color.silver ZG_infoTbl.R(i+1).TextColor(ZG_info_cell_txt_color).TextSize(ZG_infotbl_textSize).Text(_str_no, _str_barID, _str_dist, _str_time, _str_pivot, _str_direction, _str_ratio, _str_extendRatio).Bg(ZG_info_cell_color) ZG_infoTbl.R(i+1).C(0).Bg(ZG_info_no_color) ZG_infoTbl.R(i+1).C(1).Bg(ZG_info_id_color) ZG_infoTbl.R(i+1).C(2).Bg(ZG_info_no_color) //#endregion ************************
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ jdehorty //@version=5 // @description A set of extension methods for a novel implementation of a Approximate Nearest Neighbors (ANN) algorithm in Lorentzian space. library("MLExtensions") // ========================== // ==== Helper Functions ==== // ========================== // @function Returns the smoothed hyperbolic tangent of the input series. // @param src <series float> The input series (i.e., the first-order derivative for price). // @param quadraticMeanLength <int> The length of the quadratic mean (RMS). // @returns nDeriv <series float> The normalized derivative of the input series. export normalizeDeriv(series float src, int quadraticMeanLength) => // Calculate the derivative of the input series. float deriv = src - src[2] // Calculate the quadratic mean of the derivative. quadraticMean = math.sqrt(nz(math.sum(math.pow(deriv, 2), quadraticMeanLength) / quadraticMeanLength)) // Return the normalized derivative. nDeriv = deriv / quadraticMean nDeriv // @function Rescales a source value with an unbounded range to a target range. // @param src <series float> The input series // @param min <float> The minimum value of the unbounded range // @param max <float> The maximum value of the unbounded range // @returns <series float> The normalized series export normalize(series float src, float min, float max) => var _historicMin = 10e10 var _historicMax = -10e10 _historicMin := math.min(nz(src, _historicMin), _historicMin) _historicMax := math.max(nz(src, _historicMax), _historicMax) min + (max - min) * (src - _historicMin) / math.max(_historicMax - _historicMin, 10e-10) // @function Rescales a source value with a bounded range to anther bounded range // @param src <series float> The input series // @param oldMin <float> The minimum value of the range to rescale from // @param oldMax <float> The maximum value of the range to rescale from // @param newMin <float> The minimum value of the range to rescale to // @param newMax <float> The maximum value of the range to rescale to // @returns <series float> The rescaled series export rescale(series float src, float oldMin, float oldMax, float newMin, float newMax) => newMin + (newMax - newMin) * (src - oldMin) / math.max(oldMax - oldMin, 10e-10) // ================ // ==== Colors ==== // ================ // @function Creates an array of colors with varying shades of the input color // @param color <color> The color to create shades of // @returns <array color> An array of colors with varying shades of the input color export getColorShades(color color) => float r = color.r(color) float g = color.g(color) float b = color.b(color) int[] intensity = array.new_int(0) array.push(intensity, 25) array.push(intensity, 50) array.push(intensity, 75) array.push(intensity, 100) color[] shades = array.new_color(0) for i = 0 to array.size(intensity) - 1 float shadeR = r * array.get(intensity, i) / 100 float shadeG = g * array.get(intensity, i) / 100 float shadeB = b * array.get(intensity, i) / 100 color shadeColor = color.rgb(shadeR, shadeG, shadeB) array.push(shades, shadeColor) shades // @function Determines the color shade based on prediction percentile // @param prediction <float> Value of the prediction // @param neighborsCount <int> The number of neighbors used in a nearest neighbors classification // @param shadesArr <array color> An array of colors with varying shades of the input color // @returns shade <color> Color shade based on prediction percentile export getPredictionColor(float prediction, int neighborsCount, array<color> shadesArr) => float percentile = prediction / neighborsCount * 100 color shade = na switch percentile >= 75 => shade := array.get(shadesArr, 3) // most intense shade percentile >= 50 => shade := array.get(shadesArr, 2) percentile >= 25 => shade := array.get(shadesArr, 1) percentile >= 0 => shade := array.get(shadesArr, 0) // least intense shade shade // @function Assigns varying shades of the color green based on the KNN classification // @param prediction Value (int|float) of the prediction // @returns color <color> export color_green(float prediction) => switch prediction >= 9 => #15FF00 prediction >= 8 => #15FF00E5 prediction >= 7 => #09FF00CC prediction >= 6 => #09FF00B2 prediction >= 5 => #09FF0099 prediction >= 4 => #15FF007F prediction >= 3 => #00FF0066 prediction >= 2 => #09FF004C prediction >= 1 => #09FF0033 => #15FF0019 // @function Assigns varying shades of the color red based on the KNN classification // @param prediction Value of the prediction // @returns color export color_red(float prediction) => switch prediction >= 9 => #CC3311 prediction >= 8 => #CC3311E5 prediction >= 7 => #B23111CC prediction >= 6 => #B23111B2 prediction >= 5 => #B2311199 prediction >= 4 => #CC33117F prediction >= 3 => #CC331166 prediction >= 2 => #CC33114C prediction >= 1 => #CC331133 => #CC331119 // @function Returns the the hyperbolic tangent of the input series. The sigmoid-like hyperbolic tangent function is used to compress the input to a value between -1 and 1. // @param src <series float> The input series (i.e., the normalized derivative). // @returns tanh <series float> The hyperbolic tangent of the input series. export tanh(series float src) => tanh = -1 + 2/(1 + math.exp(-2*src)) tanh // @function Returns the smoothed hyperbolic tangent of the input series. //@param src <series float> The input series (i.e., the hyperbolic tangent). //@param lookback <int> The lookback window for the smoothing. //@returns filter <series float> The smoothed hyperbolic tangent of the input series. export dualPoleFilter(series float src, int lookback) => float omega = -99 * math.pi / (70 * lookback) float alpha = math.exp(omega) float beta = -math.pow(alpha, 2) float gamma = math.cos(omega) * 2 * alpha float delta = 1 - gamma - beta float slidingAvg = 0.5 * (src + nz(src[1], src)) float filter = na filter := (delta*slidingAvg) + gamma*nz(filter[1]) + beta*nz(filter[2]) filter // @function Returns the tanh transform of the input series. // @param src <series float> The input series (i.e., the result of the tanh calculation). // @param lookback <int> The lookback window for the smoothing. // @returns signal <series float> The smoothed hyperbolic tangent transform of the input series. export tanhTransform(series float src, int smoothingFrequency, int quadraticMeanLength) => signal = dualPoleFilter(tanh(normalizeDeriv(src, quadraticMeanLength)), smoothingFrequency) signal // @function Returns the normalized RSI ideal for use in ML algorithms. // @param src <series float> The input series (i.e., the result of the RSI calculation). // @param n1 <int> The length of the RSI. // @param n2 <int> The smoothing length of the RSI. // @returns signal <series float> The normalized RSI. export n_rsi(series float src, simple int n1, simple int n2) => rescale(ta.ema(ta.rsi(src, n1), n2), 0, 100, 0, 1) // @function Returns the normalized CCI ideal for use in ML algorithms. // @param src <series float> The input series (i.e., the result of the CCI calculation). // @param n1 <int> The length of the CCI. // @param n2 <int> The smoothing length of the CCI. // @returns signal <series float> The normalized CCI. export n_cci(series float src, simple int n1, simple int n2) => normalize(ta.ema(ta.cci(src, n1), n2), 0, 1) // @function Returns the normalized WaveTrend Classic series ideal for use in ML algorithms. // @param src <series float> The input series (i.e., the result of the WaveTrend Classic calculation). // @param paramA <int> The first smoothing length for WaveTrend Classic. // @param paramB <int> The second smoothing length for the WaveTrend Classic. // @param transformLength <int> The length of the transform. // @returns signal <series float> The normalized WaveTrend Classic series. export n_wt(series float src, simple int n1=10, simple int n2=11) => ema1 = ta.ema(src, n1) ema2 = ta.ema(math.abs(src - ema1), n1) ci = (src - ema1) / (0.015 * ema2) wt1 = ta.ema(ci, n2) // tci wt2 = ta.sma(wt1, 4) normalize(wt1 - wt2, 0, 1) // @function Returns the normalized ADX ideal for use in ML algorithms. // @param highSrc <series float> The input series for the high price. // @param lowSrc <series float> The input series for the low price. // @param closeSrc <series float> The input series for the close price. // @param n1 <int> The length of the ADX. export n_adx(series float highSrc, series float lowSrc, series float closeSrc, simple int n1) => length = n1 th = 20 tr = math.max(math.max(highSrc - lowSrc, math.abs(highSrc - nz(closeSrc[1]))), math.abs(lowSrc - nz(closeSrc[1]))) directionalMovementPlus = highSrc - nz(highSrc[1]) > nz(lowSrc[1]) - lowSrc ? math.max(highSrc - nz(highSrc[1]), 0) : 0 negMovement = nz(lowSrc[1]) - lowSrc > highSrc - nz(highSrc[1]) ? math.max(nz(lowSrc[1]) - lowSrc, 0) : 0 trSmooth = 0.0 trSmooth := nz(trSmooth[1]) - nz(trSmooth[1]) / length + tr smoothDirectionalMovementPlus = 0.0 smoothDirectionalMovementPlus := nz(smoothDirectionalMovementPlus[1]) - nz(smoothDirectionalMovementPlus[1]) / length + directionalMovementPlus smoothnegMovement = 0.0 smoothnegMovement := nz(smoothnegMovement[1]) - nz(smoothnegMovement[1]) / length + negMovement diPositive = smoothDirectionalMovementPlus / trSmooth * 100 diNegative = smoothnegMovement / trSmooth * 100 dx = math.abs(diPositive - diNegative) / (diPositive + diNegative) * 100 adx = ta.rma(dx, length) rescale(adx, 0, 100, 0, 1) // ================= // ==== Filters ==== // ================= // # @regime_filter // # @param src <series float> The source series. // # @param threshold <float> The threshold. // # @param useRegimeFilter <bool> Whether to use the regime filter. // # @returns <bool> Boolean indicating whether or not to let the signal pass through the filter. export regime_filter(series float src=ohlc4, float threshold, bool useRegimeFilter) => // Calculate the slope of the curve. value1 = 0.0 value2 = 0.0 klmf = 0.0 value1 := 0.2 * (src - src[1]) + 0.8 * nz(value1[1]) value2 := 0.1 * (high - low) + 0.8 * nz(value2[1]) omega = math.abs(value1 / value2) alpha = (-math.pow(omega,2) + math.sqrt(math.pow(omega, 4) + 16 * math.pow(omega,2))) / 8 klmf := alpha * src + (1 - alpha) * nz(klmf[1]) absCurveSlope = math.abs(klmf - klmf[1]) exponentialAverageAbsCurveSlope = 1.0 * ta.ema(absCurveSlope, 200) normalized_slope_decline = (absCurveSlope - exponentialAverageAbsCurveSlope) / exponentialAverageAbsCurveSlope // Calculate the slope of the curve. useRegimeFilter ? normalized_slope_decline >= threshold : true // @function filter_adx // @param src <series float> The source series. // @param length <int> The length of the ADX. // @param adxThreshold <int> The ADX threshold. // @param useAdxFilter <bool> Whether to use the ADX filter. // @returns <series float> The ADX. export filter_adx(series float src=close, simple int length=14, int adxThreshold, bool useAdxFilter) => tr = math.max(math.max(high - low, math.abs(high - nz(src[1]))), math.abs(low - nz(src[1]))) directionalMovementPlus = high - nz(high[1]) > nz(low[1]) - low ? math.max(high - nz(high[1]), 0) : 0 negMovement = nz(low[1]) - low > high - nz(high[1]) ? math.max(nz(low[1]) - low, 0) : 0 trSmooth = 0.0 trSmooth := nz(trSmooth[1]) - nz(trSmooth[1]) / length + tr smoothDirectionalMovementPlus = 0.0 smoothDirectionalMovementPlus := nz(smoothDirectionalMovementPlus[1]) - nz(smoothDirectionalMovementPlus[1]) / length + directionalMovementPlus smoothnegMovement = 0.0 smoothnegMovement := nz(smoothnegMovement[1]) - nz(smoothnegMovement[1]) / length + negMovement diPositive = smoothDirectionalMovementPlus / trSmooth * 100 diNegative = smoothnegMovement / trSmooth * 100 dx = math.abs(diPositive - diNegative) / (diPositive + diNegative) * 100 adx = ta.rma(dx, length) useAdxFilter ? adx > adxThreshold : true // @function filter_volatility // @param minLength <int> The minimum length of the ATR. // @param maxLength <int> The maximum length of the ATR. // @param useVolatilityFilter <bool> Whether to use the volatility filter. // @returns <bool> Boolean indicating whether or not to let the signal pass through the filter. export filter_volatility(simple int minLength=1, simple int maxLength=10, bool useVolatilityFilter) => recentAtr = ta.atr(minLength) historicalAtr = ta.atr(maxLength) useVolatilityFilter ? recentAtr > historicalAtr : true // ===================== // ==== Backtesting ==== // ===================== // @function Performs a basic backtest using the specified parameters and conditions. // @param high <series float> The input series for the high price. // @param low <series float> The input series for the low price. // @param open <series float> The input series for the open price. // @param startLongTrade <series bool> The series of conditions that indicate the start of a long trade. // @param endLongTrade <series bool> The series of conditions that indicate the end of a long trade. // @param startShortTrade <series bool> The series of conditions that indicate the start of a short trade. // @param endShortTrade <series bool> The series of conditions that indicate the end of a short trade. // @param isEarlySignalFlip <bool> Whether or not the signal flip is early. // @param maxBarsBackIndex <int> The maximum number of bars to go back in the backtest. // @param thisBarIndex <int> The current bar index. // @param src <series float> The source series. // @param useWorstCase <bool> Whether to use the worst case scenario for the backtest. // @returns <tuple strings> A tuple containing backtest values export backtest(series float high, series float low, series float open, series bool startLongTrade, series bool endLongTrade, series bool startShortTrade, series bool endShortTrade, series bool isEarlySignalFlip, int maxBarsBackIndex, int thisBarIndex, series float src, bool useWorstCase) => marketPrice = useWorstCase ? src : (high + low + open + open)/4 var float start_long_trade = marketPrice var float start_short_trade = marketPrice var float total_short_profit = 0. var float total_long_profit = 0. var int wins = 0 var int losses = 0 var int trade_count = 0 var int early_signal_flip_count = 0 var bool tookProfit = false lot_size = 1 if thisBarIndex > maxBarsBackIndex trade_count := 0 wins := 0 losses := 0 early_signal_flip_count := 0 if startLongTrade start_short_trade := 0. early_signal_flip_count := isEarlySignalFlip ? 1 : 0 start_long_trade := marketPrice trade_count := 1 if endLongTrade delta = marketPrice - start_long_trade wins := delta > 0 ? 1 : 0 losses := delta < 0 ? 1 : 0 total_long_profit := delta * lot_size if startShortTrade start_long_trade := 0. start_short_trade := marketPrice trade_count := 1 if endShortTrade early_signal_flip_count := isEarlySignalFlip ? 1 : 0 delta = start_short_trade - marketPrice wins := delta > 0 ? 1 : 0 losses := delta < 0 ? 1 : 0 total_short_profit := delta * lot_size tradeStatsHeader = '๐Ÿ“ˆ Trade Stats' longProfit = ta.cum(total_long_profit) shortProfit = ta.cum(total_short_profit) longShortProfit = longProfit + shortProfit totalEarlySignalFlips = ta.cum(early_signal_flip_count) totalWins = ta.cum(wins) totalLosses = ta.cum(losses) totalTrades = ta.cum(wins+losses) winLossRatio = totalWins / totalTrades winRate = totalWins / (totalWins + totalLosses) [totalWins, totalLosses, totalEarlySignalFlips, totalTrades, tradeStatsHeader, winLossRatio, winRate] // @function init_table() // @returns tbl <series table> The backtest results. export init_table() => c_transparent =, 100), columns=2, rows=7, frame_color=c_transparent, frame_width=1, border_width=1, border_color=c_transparent) // @function update_table(tbl, tradeStats) // @param tbl <series table> The backtest results table. // @param tradeStatsHeader <string> The trade stats header. // @param totalTrades <float> The total number of trades. // @param totalWins <float> The total number of wins. // @param totalLosses <float> The total number of losses. // @param winLossRatio <float> The win loss ratio. // @param winrate <float> The winrate. // @param earlySignalFlips <float> The total number of early signal flips. // @returns <void> Updated backtest results table. export update_table(series table tbl, string tradeStatsHeader, float totalTrades, float totalWins, float totalLosses, float winLossRatio, float winrate, float earlySignalFlips) => c_transparent =, 100) table.cell(tbl, 0, 0, tradeStatsHeader, text_halign=text.align_center, text_color=color.gray, text_size=size.normal) table.cell(tbl, 0, 1, 'Winrate', text_halign=text.align_center, bgcolor=c_transparent, text_color=color.gray, text_size=size.normal) table.cell(tbl, 1, 1, str.tostring(winrate, '#.#') + '%', text_halign=text.align_center, bgcolor=c_transparent, text_color=color.gray, text_size=size.normal) table.cell(tbl, 0, 2, 'Trades', text_halign=text.align_center, bgcolor=c_transparent, text_color=color.gray, text_size=size.normal) table.cell(tbl, 1, 2, str.tostring(totalTrades, '#') + ' (' + str.tostring(totalWins, '#') + '|' + str.tostring(totalLosses, '#') + ')', text_halign=text.align_center, bgcolor=c_transparent, text_color=color.gray, text_size=size.normal) table.cell(tbl, 0, 5, 'WL Ratio', text_halign=text.align_center, bgcolor=c_transparent, text_color=color.gray, text_size=size.normal) table.cell(tbl, 1, 5, str.tostring(winLossRatio, '#.#'), text_halign=text.align_center, bgcolor=c_transparent, text_color=color.gray, text_size=size.normal) table.cell(tbl, 0, 6, 'Early Signal Flip Count', text_halign=text.align_center, bgcolor=c_transparent, text_color=color.gray, text_size=size.normal) table.cell(tbl, 1, 6, str.tostring(earlySignalFlips, '#'), text_halign=text.align_center, bgcolor=c_transparent, text_color=color.gray, text_size=size.normal)
Wick-to-Body Ratio Trend Forecast | Flux Charts
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ fluxchart // //@version=5 indicator("Wick to Body Ratio Trend Forecast | Flux Charts", "WBR Forecast | Flux Charts", overlay = true, max_bars_back = 1000, max_lines_count = 500) max_bars_back(time, 1000) // inputs int loopback =, "Loop Back Period", 35, 700, 10 ,"Number of candles to look back at." , group = "Algorithm Settings") int forecast =, "Forcast Line Length" , 5, 32, 1, "Bar length of forcasted lines", group = "Algorithm Settings") string ratio_type = input.string("General Ratio", "Ratio Type", [ "General Ratio", "Top Wick", "Bottom Wick","Body Ratio"], "The Type of ratio used to calculate the forcast", group = "Algorithm Settings") bool direction_bias = input.bool(true, "Directional candles", "The algorithim will only use ratios of candles that have the same direction. ex: If the candle is bullish it will only find bullish candles with the same ratio.", group = "Algorithm Settings") string default_acceptable_range = input.string("Medium", "Default Accuracy", [ "High", "Medium", "Low"], "Effects maximum inaccuracy that the script will allow for a ratio to be considered matched.", group = "Algorithm Settings") // Forcast Lines color line_color = input(color.white, "Line Color", "The color of the forcasted line.", group = "Forcast Lines") bool pattern_lines = input.bool(false, "Previous trends", "Display the idividual trend lines", "lines" , "Forcast Lines") bool regressed_pattern_lines = input.bool(false, "Best Fit Previous trends", "Display the idividual regressed trend lines", "lines" , "Forcast Lines") // Past Trend bool trend_square = input.bool(true, "Square Trends", "Display a square around the candles following the candle with a similar ratio.", group="Past Trends") bool trend_square_labels = input.bool(true, "Label Ratios", "Display the candles ratios that are being used.", group="Past Trends") color deviation_high = input(, "High | Confidence Color", "The color of the forcasted line." , "The color to use when the indicator is high confidence.") color deviation_low = input(, "Low | Confidence Color", "The color of the forcasted line." , "The color to use when the indicator is high confidence.") // Other bool display_logs = input.bool(true, "Display Warning Messages", "Display warning messages", group = "Other") //Declarations varip float accuracy = .02 varip bool ratio_not_findable = false var log_table =, 5, 2, candle_forcast_matrix =<float>() length = 14 var square_labels =<label>() var trend_boxes =<box>() label ratio_label = na int last_bar = 0 //clean up //wick ratios general_ratio() => ((math.abs(low - high) - math.abs(close - open)) / math.abs(close - open)) * ((close - open)/ math.abs(close - open)) top_wick() => ((math.max(close, open) - high) / math.abs(close - open)) * ((close - open)/ math.abs(close - open)) bottom_wick() => ((math.min(close, open) - low) / math.abs(close - open)) * ((close - open)/ math.abs(close - open)) body_ratio() => (math.abs(close - open) / math.abs(high - low)) * ((close - open)/ math.abs(close - open)) float ratio = ratio_type == "General Ratio" ? general_ratio() : ratio_type == "Top Wick" ? top_wick() : ratio_type == "Bottom Wick" ? bottom_wick() : body_ratio() //regressions linear_regression(y, price) => xy = 0.0 x_summation = 0.0 x_squared_summation = 0.0 array_close = array.new_float(forecast) for i = 1 to array.size(y) array.set(array_close, i-1, array.get(y, i-1) + price) xy += (i * array.get(array_close, i-1)) x_summation += i x_squared_summation += math.pow(i, 2) x_squared_sum_mean = x_squared_summation/ array.size(y) _x = x_summation/array.size(y) _y = array.avg(array_close) _xy = xy/array.size(y) x_squared_mean = x_squared_summation/array.size(y) m = ((_x*_y) - _xy)/(math.pow(_x,2) - x_squared_sum_mean) b = _y - (m *_x) [m, b] // logic if barstate.islast if trend_square_labels ratio_label :=[1], na, text = "Ratio: " + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(ratio[1])) + "x", yloc = yloc.abovebar,, textcolor = color.white) while(true) for i = forecast + last_bar to (loopback + forecast) float bars_difference = (math.abs(math.abs(ratio[i]) - math.abs(ratio[1]))) bool ratio_direction_match = (ratio[i] / math.abs(ratio[i])) == (ratio[1] / math.abs(ratio[1])) if i < (forecast+last_bar) na else if (bars_difference <= accuracy and ratio_direction_match) or (bars_difference <= accuracy and not direction_bias) candles = array.new_float(forecast) highs = array.new_float(forecast) lows = array.new_float(forecast) for y = 0 to forecast - 1 array.set(candles,y, close[i - y - 1] - close[i]) array.set(highs, y, high[i - y]) array.set(lows, y, low[i - y]) matrix.add_row(candle_forcast_matrix, matrix.rows(candle_forcast_matrix), candles) top = highs.max() bottom = lows.min() trend_color = ratio if(trend_square_labels) color direction_color = ratio[i] > 0 ? : //square_labels.push([i], na, text = "Match: " + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(ratio[i])) + "x" , yloc = yloc.abovebar, color=direction_color, textcolor=color.white)) square_label =[i], na, text = "Match: " + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(ratio[i])) + "x" , yloc = yloc.abovebar, color=direction_color, textcolor=color.white) array.push(square_labels, square_label) if(trend_square) trend_box =[i], top, bar_index[i - forecast], bottom, border_color = color.gray, bgcolor =, 60)) array.push(trend_boxes, trend_box) // box.delete(trend_box[1]) last_bar := i int matrix_rows = matrix.rows(candle_forcast_matrix) if accuracy > .05 and matrix_rows == 0 if display_logs table.cell(log_table, 0, 0, "Warning") table.cell(log_table, 0, 1, "No bars with acceptable range raise loopback") ratio_not_findable := true break else if accuracy > .05 and matrix_rows < 5 if display_logs table.cell(log_table, 0, 0, "Warning") table.cell(log_table, 0, 1, "Too Few refrences raise loopback") break else if accuracy <= 0 and matrix_rows > 15 if display_logs table.cell(log_table, 0, 0, "Warning") table.cell(log_table, 0, 1, "Too much data lower loopback") ratio_not_findable := true break else if matrix_rows < 5 accuracy := accuracy + .01 else if matrix_rows > 15 accuracy := accuracy - .005 else ratio_not_findable := false break if ratio_not_findable == false if regressed_pattern_lines or pattern_lines for i = 0 to (matrix.rows(candle_forcast_matrix) -1) [m, b] = linear_regression(matrix.row(candle_forcast_matrix, i), close[1]) if regressed_pattern_lines, b, bar_index + forecast, close + (m * (forecast))) if pattern_lines for y = 0 to (matrix.columns(candle_forcast_matrix) - 2) + y , close + matrix.get(candle_forcast_matrix, i, y), bar_index + y + 1 , close + matrix.get(candle_forcast_matrix, i, y +1), color=line_color) for i = 0 to (matrix.columns(candle_forcast_matrix) -2) matrix.col(candle_forcast_matrix, i) deviation = (matrix.max(candle_forcast_matrix) - matrix.min(candle_forcast_matrix))/2 color avg_line_color = color.from_gradient(array.stdev(matrix.col(candle_forcast_matrix, i)), 0, deviation, deviation_high, deviation_low) + i + 1, close + array.avg(matrix.col(candle_forcast_matrix, i)), bar_index + i + 2, close + array.avg(matrix.col(candle_forcast_matrix, i + 1)), color = avg_line_color, style = line.style_arrow_right, width = 2) int array_size = array.size(square_labels) if array_size[1] > 0 //, na, str.tostring(array_size[1]), yloc = yloc.belowbar) for i = 0 to array_size[1] - 1 label.delete(array.get(square_labels, i)) box.delete(array.get(trend_boxes, i)) label.delete(ratio_label[1])
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ DrNon //@version=4 study("DrNon_NASDAQ10", shorttitle="NASDAQ10", overlay=false) // Define the individual securities in the index security1 = security("NASDAQ:AAPL", timeframe.period, close) security2 = security("NASDAQ:MSFT", timeframe.period, close) security3 = security("NASDAQ:GOOG", timeframe.period, close) security4 = security("NASDAQ:AMZN", timeframe.period, close) security5 = security("NASDAQ:NVDA", timeframe.period, close) security6 = security("NASDAQ:TSLA", timeframe.period, close) security7 = security("NASDAQ:META", timeframe.period, close) security8 = security("NASDAQ:AVGO", timeframe.period, close) security9 = security("NASDAQ:PEP", timeframe.period, close) security10 = security("NASDAQ:COST", timeframe.period, close) // Calculate the index value indexValue = security1 + security2 + security3 + security4 + security5 + security6 + security7 + security8 + security9 + security10 // Plotting the index value plot(indexValue, title="Custom Index",, linewidth=2)
Candle Range Widget
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ caasimdas //@version=5 indicator("Candle Range Widget", overlay=true) prevdiff = high[1]- low[1] diff = high-low var srtable = = position.top_right, columns = 2, rows= 3, frame_width = 1, frame_color = color.gray, border_width = 1, border_color = color.gray) table.cell(srtable, column = 0, row =0, text ="High Low Difference", text_color = color.rgb(0, 0, 0), bgcolor = color.yellow) table.merge_cells(srtable, 0, 0,1,0) table.cell(srtable, column = 0, row =1, text = "Last Candle" , text_color = color.rgb(0, 0, 0), bgcolor = color.rgb(248, 248, 245)) table.cell(srtable, column = 0, row =2, text = "Previous Candle" , text_color = color.rgb(0, 0, 0), bgcolor = color.rgb(248, 248, 245)) table.cell(srtable, column = 1, row =1, text = str.tostring(diff) , text_color = color.rgb(0, 0, 0), bgcolor = color.rgb(248, 248, 245)) table.cell(srtable, column = 1, row =2, text = str.tostring(prevdiff) , text_color = color.rgb(0, 0, 0), bgcolor = color.rgb(248, 248, 245))
Market Smith Indicators
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ adaml735 //@version=5 // This script's goal is to closely replicate the tools utilized in market smith // Included in this script is: // 21, 50, 200 day moving averages // RS line and indicator // High and Low pivot indicators // An inportant note is that the moving averages and RS Line will only be visible in the day view // Huge thank you to the following coders who I took inspiration from their open source code // Fred6724, RaviYendru // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global variables and indicators indicator("Market Smith Indicators", overlay=true, max_labels_count=500, max_bars_back = 253) isDaily = timeframe.isdaily // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // High and low pivot point indicators lengthGroupTitle = "LENGTH LEFT / RIGHT" colorGroupTitle = "Text Color / Label Color" leftLenH = 10 rightLenH = 10 textColorH = color.rgb(103, 255, 154) leftLenL = 10 rightLenL = 10 textColorL = color.rgb(255, 153, 153) ph = ta.pivothigh(leftLenH, rightLenH) pl = ta.pivotlow(leftLenL, rightLenL) drawLabel(_offset, _pivot, _style, _color, _textColor) => if not na(_pivot)[_offset], _pivot, str.tostring(_pivot, format.mintick), style=_style, color=_color, textcolor=_textColor) drawLabel(rightLenH, ph, label.style_label_down, color.rgb(0,0,0,100), textColorH) drawLabel(rightLenL, pl, label.style_label_up, color.rgb(0,0,0,100), textColorL) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 21, 50, 200 moving day averages // Define variables ma1 = ta.sma(close, 21) ma2 = ta.sma(close, 50) ma3 = ta.sma(close, 200) sym1 = "21 Day MA" sym2 = "50 Day MA" sym3 = "200 Day MA" color1 =, 0) color2 =, 0) color3 =, 0) // Plot moving averages maPlot1 = plot(ma1, color=color1, title=sym1) maPlot2 = plot(ma2, color=color2, title=sym2) maPlot3 = plot(ma3, color=color3, title=sym3) // Plot labels to the right of the moving averages var l1 = isDaily ?, ma1, sym1, color = color.rgb(0,0,0,100), size=size.normal, textcolor=color1, style=label.style_label_left, textalign=text.align_left, yloc=yloc.price) : na var l2 = isDaily ?, ma2, sym2, color = color.rgb(0,0,0,100), size=size.normal, textcolor=color2, style=label.style_label_left, textalign=text.align_left, yloc=yloc.price) : na var l3 = isDaily ?, ma3, sym3, color = color.rgb(0,0,0,100), size=size.normal, textcolor=color3, style=label.style_label_left, textalign=text.align_left, yloc=yloc.price) : na // set up new xy params to labels on new bar label.set_xy(l1, bar_index, ma1) label.set_xy(l2, bar_index, ma2) label.set_xy(l3, bar_index, ma3) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Simplified RS Line and RS Rating // Thank you to ยฉFred6724 // Inputs hideRSRat = false // seedetail = input(false, title="Display the 3 results", group = "Parameters", inline="0") src = close comparativeTickerId = "SP:SPX" SpxValue = 3900//input(4140, title="Value of Comparative Symbol", group = "RS Line", tooltip = "Used to display the RS Line under the price. If you modify the ticker, please report its value in this box.") colorRS = color.rgb(120, 150, 255,0) offset = 80 plotNewHigh = false rsNewHigh = "RS New Highs" blueDotCol = color.rgb(38, 198, 218,60) lookback = 40 plotNewLow = false rsNewLow = "RS New Lows" redDotCol = color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 60) lookback2 = 40 // Constants for calculation of RS Rating // SMA method W1Ma = 40 W2Ma = 20 W3Ma = 20 W4Ma = 20 //Classic perf method W1P = 40 W2P = 20 W3P = 20 W4P = 20 //Spx spxW1Ma = 40 spxW2Ma = 20 spxW3Ma = 20 spxW4Ma = 20 // Final w1 = 2 w2 = 1 w3 = 1 // Using bar index in case of IPO for avoiding NaN results // Added max_bars_max = 253 to improve display speed n63 = bar_index < 63 ? bar_index:63 n126 = bar_index < 126 ? bar_index:126 n189 = bar_index < 189 ? bar_index:189 n252 = bar_index < 252 ? bar_index:252 // Comparative Ticker for RS Line comparativeSymbol =, timeframe.period, close) // RS Line but multiplied by a little bit less than the constant value of the comparative ticker for correct display rsCurve = (src/comparativeSymbol) rsRatio = timeframe.isweekly ? SpxValue*(offset-10)/100:SpxValue*offset/100 // 70 We - 80 Da rs = rsCurve*rsRatio prevlookback = lookback prevlookback2 = lookback2 // for new low lookback := math.min(lookback - 1, bar_index) rsPlot = plot(rs, title="RS Line", style=plot.style_line, linewidth=1, color=colorRS) // Historical New Highs & New Highs Before Price histNH = ta.highest(rs , prevlookback) histCl = ta.highest(high, prevlookback) // Historical RS New High if(rsNewHigh == "Historical RS New Highs" and plotNewHigh and rs == histNH) = bar_index, y = rs, color = blueDotCol, style = label.style_circle, size = size.tiny) // Historical RS New High Before Price if(rsNewHigh == "Historical RS New Highs Before Price" and plotNewHigh and rs == histNH and high < histCl) = bar_index, y = rs, color = blueDotCol, style = label.style_circle, size = size.tiny) // RS New High if(barstate.islast and rsNewHigh == "RS New Highs" and plotNewHigh and rs == histNH) = bar_index, y = rs, color = blueDotCol, style = label.style_circle, size = size.tiny) // RS New High Before Price if(barstate.islast and rsNewHigh == "RS New Highs Before Price" and plotNewHigh and rs == histNH and high < histCl) = bar_index, y = rs, color = blueDotCol, style = label.style_circle, size = size.tiny) // Historical New Lows & New Lows Before Price histNL = ta.lowest(rs , prevlookback2) histClL = ta.lowest(low, prevlookback2) // Historical RS New Low if(rsNewLow == "Historical RS New Lows" and plotNewLow and rs == histNL) = bar_index, y = rs, color = redDotCol, style = label.style_circle, size = size.tiny) // Historical RS New Low Before Price if(rsNewLow == "Historical RS New Lows Before Price" and plotNewLow and rs == histNL and low > histClL) = bar_index, y = rs, color = redDotCol, style = label.style_circle, size = size.tiny) // RS New Low if(barstate.islast and rsNewLow == "RS New Lows" and plotNewLow and rs == histNL) labelNL = = bar_index, y = rs, color = redDotCol, style = label.style_circle, size = size.tiny) // RS New Low Before Price if(barstate.islast and rsNewLow == "RS New Lows Before Price" and plotNewLow and rs == histNL and low > histClL) labelNLBP = = bar_index, y = rs, color = redDotCol, style = label.style_circle, size = size.tiny) // 1ST METHOD // Tickers I will use // MMTH - %Stock > 200 Da SMA // MMOF - %Stock > 150 Da SMA // MMOH - %Stock > 100 Da SMA // MMFI - %Stock > 50 Da SMA // MMTW - %Stock > 20 Da SMA // MMFD - %Stock > 5 Da SMA (more or less only noise, I won't use the 5 Daily SMA) // |Formula | Here I use this code to limite 75% up and 25% down regarding number of stock above SMA X limitDown = 25 // | This limitation will allow me to calculate a theorical max & min to limit the result to 99 & 1 limitUp = 75 perStockAbove200 ="MMTH", 'D', close) > limitUp ?"MMTH", 'D', close) < limitDown ?"MMTH", 'D', close) perStockAbove150 ="MMOF", 'D', close) > limitUp ?"MMOF", 'D', close) < limitDown ?"MMOF", 'D', close) perStockAbove100 ="MMOH", 'D', close) > limitUp ?"MMOH", 'D', close) < limitDown ?"MMOH", 'D', close) perStockAbove50 ="MMFI", 'D', close) > limitUp ?"MMFI", 'D', close) < limitDown ?"MMFI", 'D', close) perStockAbove20 ="MMTW", 'D', close) > limitUp ?"MMTW", 'D', close) < limitDown ?"MMTW", 'D', close) // The goal is to gather as much data as possible as we can't compare the score relatively to every other ticker. We do an approximation based on SMA and % of stock above them at X moment. closeDa =, 'D', close) // SMA Declaration based on SMA Daily on the ticker we're watching sma200 =, 'D', ta.sma(closeDa,200)) sma150 =, 'D', ta.sma(closeDa,150)) sma100 =, 'D', ta.sma(closeDa,100)) sma50 =, 'D', ta.sma(closeDa,50)) sma20 =, 'D', ta.sma(closeDa,20)) // Daily Close SPX500 spxCloseDa =, 'D', close) // We save if we were above dedicated moving averages in a boolean variable // Reference point ticker bCloseAbove200 = closeDa > sma200 ? 1:0 bCloseAbove150 = closeDa > sma150 ? 1:0 bCloseAbove100 = closeDa > sma100 ? 1:0 bCloseAbove50 = closeDa > sma50 ? 1:0 bCloseAbove20 = closeDa > sma20 ? 1:0 // Refence 63 days back (3 months) bClose63Above200 = closeDa[n63] > sma200[n63] ? 1:0 bClose63Above150 = closeDa[n63] > sma150[n63] ? 1:0 bClose63Above100 = closeDa[n63] > sma100[n63] ? 1:0 bClose63Above50 = closeDa[n63] > sma50[n63] ? 1:0 bClose63Above20 = closeDa[n63] > sma20[n63] ? 1:0 // Refence 126 days back (6 months) bClose126Above200 = closeDa[n126] > sma200[n126] ? 1:0 bClose126Above150 = closeDa[n126] > sma150[n126] ? 1:0 bClose126Above100 = closeDa[n126] > sma100[n126] ? 1:0 bClose126Above50 = closeDa[n126] > sma50[n126] ? 1:0 bClose126Above20 = closeDa[n126] > sma20[n126] ? 1:0 // Refence 189 days back (9 months) bClose189Above200 = closeDa[n189] > sma200[n189] ? 1:0 bClose189Above150 = closeDa[n189] > sma150[n189] ? 1:0 bClose189Above100 = closeDa[n189] > sma100[n189] ? 1:0 bClose189Above50 = closeDa[n189] > sma50[n189] ? 1:0 bClose189Above20 = closeDa[n189] > sma20[n189] ? 1:0 // Refence 252 days back (12 months) bClose252Above200 = closeDa[n252] > sma200[n252] ? 1:0 bClose252Above150 = closeDa[n252] > sma150[n252] ? 1:0 bClose252Above100 = closeDa[n252] > sma100[n252] ? 1:0 bClose252Above50 = closeDa[n252] > sma50[n252] ? 1:0 bClose252Above20 = closeDa[n252] > sma20[n252] ? 1:0 // Calculation based on the formula: RS Score = 40% * P3 + 20% * P6 + 20% * P9 + 20% * P12 // I choosed to calculate like this: if we were above this moving average when only 20% of stock were above, we get 1/0.20 = higher score because it is more noticeable. // The same when we are below the moving average whereas 80% of stocks are above, we loose the same amont with the formula 1/(1-0.8) // 0 MONTHS RS zeroMonthSma200Weight = bCloseAbove200 ? 100/(perStockAbove200):-100/(100-perStockAbove200) zeroMonthSma150Weight = bCloseAbove150 ? 100/(perStockAbove150):-100/(100-perStockAbove150) zeroMonthSma100Weight = bCloseAbove100 ? 100/(perStockAbove100):-100/(100-perStockAbove100) zeroMonthSma50Weight = bCloseAbove50 ? 100/(perStockAbove50 ):-100/(100-perStockAbove50 ) zeroMonthSma20Weight = bCloseAbove20 ? 100/(perStockAbove20 ):-100/(100-perStockAbove20 ) zeroMonthWeight = zeroMonthSma200Weight + zeroMonthSma150Weight + zeroMonthSma100Weight + zeroMonthSma50Weight + zeroMonthSma20Weight // 3 MONTHS RS threeMonthSma200Weight = bClose63Above200 ? 100/(perStockAbove200[n63]):-100/(100-perStockAbove200[n63]) threeMonthSma150Weight = bClose63Above150 ? 100/(perStockAbove150[n63]):-100/(100-perStockAbove150[n63]) threeMonthSma100Weight = bClose63Above100 ? 100/(perStockAbove100[n63]):-100/(100-perStockAbove100[n63]) threeMonthSma50Weight = bClose63Above50 ? 100/(perStockAbove50[n63] ):-100/(100-perStockAbove50[n63] ) threeMonthSma20Weight = bClose63Above20 ? 100/(perStockAbove20[n63] ):-100/(100-perStockAbove20[n63] ) threeMonthWeight = threeMonthSma200Weight + threeMonthSma150Weight + threeMonthSma100Weight + threeMonthSma50Weight + threeMonthSma20Weight // 6 MONTHS RS sixMonthSma200Weight = bClose126Above200 ? 100/(perStockAbove200[n126]):-100/(100-perStockAbove200[n126]) sixMonthSma150Weight = bClose126Above150 ? 100/(perStockAbove150[n126]):-100/(100-perStockAbove150[n126]) sixMonthSma100Weight = bClose126Above100 ? 100/(perStockAbove100[n126]):-100/(100-perStockAbove100[n126]) sixMonthSma50Weight = bClose126Above50 ? 100/(perStockAbove50[n126] ):-100/(100-perStockAbove50[n126] ) sixMonthSma20Weight = bClose126Above20 ? 100/(perStockAbove20[n126] ):-100/(100-perStockAbove20[n126] ) sixMonthWeight = sixMonthSma200Weight + sixMonthSma150Weight + sixMonthSma100Weight + sixMonthSma50Weight + sixMonthSma20Weight // 9 MONTH RS nineMonthSma200Weight = bClose189Above200 ? 100/(perStockAbove200[n189]):-100/(100-perStockAbove200[n189]) nineMonthSma150Weight = bClose189Above150 ? 100/(perStockAbove150[n189]):-100/(100-perStockAbove150[n189]) nineMonthSma100Weight = bClose189Above100 ? 100/(perStockAbove100[n189]):-100/(100-perStockAbove100[n189]) nineMonthSma50Weight = bClose189Above50 ? 100/(perStockAbove50[n189] ):-100/(100-perStockAbove50[n189] ) nineMonthSma20Weight = bClose189Above20 ? 100/(perStockAbove20[n189] ):-100/(100-perStockAbove20[n189] ) nineMonthWeight = nineMonthSma200Weight + nineMonthSma150Weight + nineMonthSma100Weight + nineMonthSma50Weight + nineMonthSma20Weight // 12 MONTH RS twelveMonthSma200Weight = bClose252Above200 ? 100/(perStockAbove200[n252]):-100/(100-perStockAbove200[n252]) twelveMonthSma150Weight = bClose252Above150 ? 100/(perStockAbove150[n252]):-100/(100-perStockAbove150[n252]) twelveMonthSma100Weight = bClose252Above100 ? 100/(perStockAbove100[n252]):-100/(100-perStockAbove100[n252]) twelveMonthSma50Weight = bClose252Above50 ? 100/(perStockAbove50[n252] ):-100/(100-perStockAbove50[n252] ) twelveMonthSma20Weight = bClose252Above20 ? 100/(perStockAbove20[n252] ):-100/(100-perStockAbove20[n252] ) twelveMonthWeight = twelveMonthSma200Weight + twelveMonthSma150Weight + twelveMonthSma100Weight + twelveMonthSma50Weight + twelveMonthSma20Weight // IBD's Formula for score without border (used to apply the cross product) scoreWithoutBorder = W1Ma * (zeroMonthWeight + threeMonthWeight) + W2Ma * sixMonthWeight + W3Ma * nineMonthWeight + W4Ma * twelveMonthWeight // Calculation of theorical max and min scores (Truncated because results are very very arround 50-60 otherwise) // (The real formula of maxScore should be maxScore = W1Ma * (5*2*100/limitDown) + P2ma * (5*3*100/limitDown) ) maxScore = W1Ma * (2*100/limitDown) + W2Ma * (100/limitDown) + W3Ma * (100/limitDown) + W4Ma * (100/limitDown) minScore = -(W1Ma * (2*100/(100-limitUp)) + W2Ma * (100/(100-limitUp)) + W3Ma * (100/(100-limitUp)) + W4Ma * (100/(100-limitUp)) ) // Formula for score without border adjusted (for the min value to be equals 1) adjustedScoreWithoutBorder = scoreWithoutBorder - minScore + 1 adjustedMaxScore = maxScore - minScore +1 adjustedMinScore = minScore - minScore +1 // Formula for score with border (cross product) - Result should not be greater than 99 and lower than 1 to this point rsRating1 = math.round((adjustedScoreWithoutBorder)*99/(adjustedMaxScore-adjustedMinScore)) // Rendering the result (results are mainly distributed at the middle so to get a better result I try to get a wider range by adding to good and removing to bad one) // Again results are distributed arround 1 to 75 so to get something linear I add to the score proportionally with their distance with 50 (only for better scores) if(rsRating1>=50) truncate = (rsRating1-50)/2 rsRating1 := math.round(rsRating1 + truncate) if(rsRating1>99) rsRating1 := 99 if(rsRating1<1) rsRating1 := 1 // 2nd METHOD - No modification except limitation to 100% to master the limit and fix it further to 99 and 1 (and also because -100 is the max) // Relative strength IBD style -> Initial Calculation against itslef limitPerf = 2 // +/- 100% limitation ThreeMthRS = (closeDa/closeDa[n63]) if(closeDa < closeDa[n63]) ThreeMthRS := -(1/ThreeMthRS) // to remove the same score than if this is a positive move if(ThreeMthRS > limitPerf) ThreeMthRS := limitPerf if(ThreeMthRS < -limitPerf) ThreeMthRS := -limitPerf SixMthRS = (closeDa/closeDa[n126]) if(closeDa < closeDa[n126]) SixMthRS := -(1/SixMthRS) if(SixMthRS > limitPerf) SixMthRS := limitPerf if(SixMthRS < -limitPerf) SixMthRS := -limitPerf NineMthRS = (closeDa/closeDa[n189]) if(closeDa < closeDa[n189]) NineMthRS := -(1/NineMthRS) if(NineMthRS > limitPerf) NineMthRS := limitPerf if(NineMthRS < -limitPerf) NineMthRS := -limitPerf TwelveMthRS = (closeDa/closeDa[n252]) if(closeDa < closeDa[n252]) TwelveMthRS := -(1/TwelveMthRS) if(TwelveMthRS > limitPerf) TwelveMthRS := limitPerf if(TwelveMthRS < -limitPerf) TwelveMthRS := -limitPerf // Calculation of theorical max and min scores maxScore2 = limitPerf*W1P + limitPerf*W2P + limitPerf*W3P + limitPerf*W4P minScore2 = -limitPerf*W1P - limitPerf*W2P - limitPerf*W3P - limitPerf*W4P // Calulation of Score RSraw = W1P * ThreeMthRS + W2P * SixMthRS + W3P * NineMthRS + W4P * TwelveMthRS // Adjustment (used to apply the cross product) adjustedPerfScoreWithoutBorder = RSraw - minScore2 + 1 adjustedPerfMaxScore = maxScore2 - minScore2 + 1 adjustedPerfMinScore = minScore2 - minScore2 + 1 // Formula for score with border (cross product) rsRating2 = math.round((adjustedPerfScoreWithoutBorder)*99/(adjustedPerfMaxScore-adjustedPerfMinScore)) // Rendering the result if(rsRating2>=50) truncate = (rsRating2-50)/2 rsRating2 := math.round(rsRating2 + truncate) if(rsRating2>99) rsRating2 := 99 if(rsRating2<1) rsRating2 := 1 // 3RD METHOD // I was running the average of both precedent results and... I found it was actually not that bad! // But something was missing, a score for relative strenght against the SPX500. // Let's do it // Here I wanted to compare perf of ticker vs perf of spx500 // Limited at 100% of original calculation (I use a limit to determine maxscore and minscore and not go above 99 or under 1) perfTicker63 = closeDa/closeDa[n63] perfComp63 = spxCloseDa/spxCloseDa[n63] perfTicker126 = closeDa/closeDa[n126] perfComp126 = spxCloseDa/spxCloseDa[n126] perfTicker189 = closeDa/closeDa[n189] perfComp189 = spxCloseDa/spxCloseDa[n189] perfTicker252 = closeDa/closeDa[n252] perfComp252 = spxCloseDa/spxCloseDa[n252] // Calculation of relative/comparative performance limiteComp = 2 // +/- 100% limitation spxThreeMthRS = ( perfTicker63/perfComp63 ) if(perfTicker63 < perfComp63) spxThreeMthRS := -(1/spxThreeMthRS) if(spxThreeMthRS > limiteComp) spxThreeMthRS := limiteComp if(spxThreeMthRS < -limiteComp) spxThreeMthRS := -limiteComp spxSixMthRS = ( perfTicker126/perfComp126 ) if(perfTicker126 < perfComp126) spxSixMthRS := -(1/spxSixMthRS) if(spxSixMthRS > limiteComp) spxSixMthRS := limiteComp if(spxSixMthRS < -limiteComp) spxSixMthRS := -limiteComp spxNineMthRS = (perfTicker189/perfComp189) if(perfTicker189 < perfComp189) spxNineMthRS := -(1/spxNineMthRS) if(spxNineMthRS > limiteComp) spxNineMthRS := limiteComp if(spxNineMthRS < -limiteComp) spxNineMthRS := -limiteComp spxTwelveMthRS = ( perfTicker252/perfComp252 ) if(perfTicker252 < perfComp252) spxTwelveMthRS := -(1/spxTwelveMthRS) if(spxTwelveMthRS > limiteComp) spxTwelveMthRS := limiteComp if(spxTwelveMthRS < -limiteComp) spxTwelveMthRS := -limiteComp // Calculation of theorical max and min scores spxMaxScore2 = limiteComp*spxW1Ma + limiteComp*spxW2Ma + limiteComp*spxW3Ma + limiteComp*spxW4Ma spxMinScore2 = -limiteComp*spxW1Ma - limiteComp*spxW2Ma - limiteComp*spxW3Ma - limiteComp*spxW4Ma // Calulation of Score spxRSraw = spxW1Ma * spxThreeMthRS + spxW2Ma * spxSixMthRS + spxW3Ma * spxNineMthRS + spxW4Ma * spxTwelveMthRS // Adjustment (used to apply the cross product) spxAdjustedPerfScoreWithoutBorder = spxRSraw - spxMinScore2 + 1 spxAdjustedPerfMaxScore = spxMaxScore2 - spxMinScore2 + 1 spxAdjustedPerfMinScore = spxMinScore2 - spxMinScore2 + 1 // Formula for score with border (cross product) rsRating3 = math.round((spxAdjustedPerfScoreWithoutBorder)*99/(spxAdjustedPerfMaxScore-spxAdjustedPerfMinScore)) // Rendering the result if(rsRating3>99) rsRating3 := 99 if(rsRating3<1) rsRating3 := 1 // Combination of both systems (w1, w2, are weight to give to the 3 methods) float totalRsRating = math.round((w1 * rsRating1 + w2 * rsRating2 + w3 * rsRating3) / (w1 + w2 + w3)) // Combining the 3 methods // Score adjustment based on observation among vast amount of examples against IBD's ranking // This is handiwork, if you want to work on improving the code you should remove this part if(rsRating3<45 and rsRating3<rsRating1 and rsRating3<rsRating2) // When we have a great historic score, a great performance but a poor relative strenght, most of the time the rating decrease totalRsRating := math.round((w2 * rsRating2 + w3 * rsRating3) / (w2 + w3)) if(rsRating2>80 and rsRating1<70 and rsRating3>=68)// Many time when the stock is beaten down but have a huge momentum, this rating is down 20-30 points. totalRsRating := rsRating2-1 // so we modify the score in this case to take into consideration only the RS Score which is usually not that bad alone at this moment if(rsRating2>=59 and rsRating1<=30 and rsRating3>=50)// Many time when the stock is beaten down but have a huge/correct momentum, this rating is down 20-30 points. totalRsRating := rsRating2-1 // And very often the RsRating is the closer to the final result if(rsRating1>=80 and rsRating2>=49 and rsRating2<=65 and rsRating3<=45 and rsRating3>=33 and rsRating2-rsRating3>=6) // Sometimes when rsRating 2 & 3 are in between a given range, results seems OK. Exception here totalRsRating := math.round((w1 * rsRating1 + w2 * rsRating2 + w3 * rsRating3) / (w1 + w2 + w3)) // due to the first adjustment but still the first enhances and the second too if(rsRating1 <= 5) totalRsRating := math.round((w2 * rsRating2 + w3 * rsRating3) / (w2 + w3)) // Display the RS Rating // Results are only acceptable in Daily TimeFrame labelText1 = "RS Rating" if(isDaily == false) labelText1 := "" labelText2 = "\n\n"+str.tostring(totalRsRating,"#0") if(isDaily) labelText2 := "\n\n"+str.tostring(totalRsRating,"#0") else labelText2 := "" label1 = (hideRSRat == false) and barstate.islast ?, rs, text=labelText1 , color = color.rgb(0,0,0,100), size=size.normal, textcolor=colorRS, style=label.style_label_left, textalign=text.align_left, yloc=yloc.price) : na label2 = (hideRSRat == false) and barstate.islast ?, rs, text=labelText2 , color = color.rgb(0,0,0,100), size=size.large, textcolor=colorRS, style=label.style_label_left, textalign=text.align_left, yloc=yloc.price) : na // Delete previous Labels (When new candle opens or when replay mode, the labels were piling on) label.delete(label1[1]) label.delete(label2[1])
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ Rthompson2548 //@version=5 // @description: Library that contains my functions for using within strategies and indicators library("MyLibrary") // @function isHammer: Checks if current bar is hammer doji // @param float fib: Fibonacci retracement value // @returns boolean: True if current bar is a hammer doji, and false if it is not export isHammer(float fib=0.382) => //TODO : add function body and return value here bullishFib = (low - high) * fib + high lowestBody = close < open ? close : open lowestBody >= bullishFib and (close > open) // @function isShootingStar: Checks if current bar is shooting star doji // @param float fib: Fibonacci retracement value // @returns boolean: True if current bar is a shooting star doji, and false if it is not export isShootingStar(float fib=0.382) => bearishFib = (high - low) * fib + low highestBody = close > open ? close : open highestBody <= bearishFib and (close < open) // @function isBullishEngulfing: Checks if bullish engulfing candle pattern is present // @returns boolean: True if previous candle is red, current candle is green, candle closes above previous open, and opens at/lower than previous close export isBullishEngulfing() => prevCandleRed = close[1] < open[1] greenCandle = close > open openAtBelowPrevClose = open <= close[1] closeAbovePrevOpen = close > open[1] prevCandleRed and greenCandle and openAtBelowPrevClose and closeAbovePrevOpen // @function isBearishEngulfing: Checks if bearish engulfing candle pattern is present // @returns boolean: True if previous candle is green, current candle is red, candle closes below previous open, and opens at/above previous close export isBearishEngulfing() => prevCandleGreen = close[1] > open[1] redCandle = close < open openAtAbovePrevClose = open >= close[1] closeBelowPrevOpen = close < open[1] prevCandleGreen and redCandle and openAtAbovePrevClose and closeBelowPrevOpen // VWAP data variables [vwap, upperSD1, lowerSD1] = ta.vwap(open, timeframe.change("1D"), 1) [vwap2, upperSD2, lowerSD2] = ta.vwap(open, timeframe.change("1D"), 2) [vwap3, upperSD3, lowerSD3] = ta.vwap(open, timeframe.change("1D"), 3) // @function isAtUpperVWAPSD: Checks if current candle is touching the 2nd or 3rd upper VWAP standard deviation lines // @returns boolean: True if current candle is touching the 2nd or 3rd upper VWAP standard deviation lines export isAtUpperVWAPSD() => isAtUpperSD2 = high >= upperSD2 and low <= upperSD2 isAtUpperSD3 = high >= upperSD3 and low <= upperSD3 isAtUpperSD2 or isAtUpperSD3 // @function isAtLowerVWAPSD: Checks if current candle is touching the 2nd or 3rd lower VWAP standard deviation lines // @returns boolean: True if current candle is touching the 2nd or 3rd lower VWAP standard deviation lines export isAtLowerVWAPSD() => isAtLowerSD2 = high >= lowerSD2 and low <= lowerSD2 isAtLowerSD3 = high >= lowerSD3 and low <= lowerSD3 isAtLowerSD2 or isAtLowerSD3 // @function isAtVWAP: Checks if current candle is touching the VWAP // @returns boolean: True if current candle is touching the VWAP export isAtVWAP() => isAtVWAP = high >= vwap and low <= vwap isAtVWAP // RSI variables rsi = ta.rsi(close, 14) export rsiOversold() => rsi < 30 export rsiOverbought() => rsi > 70
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ Adam-Szafranski //@version=5 indicator("RAINBOW AVERAGES - INDICATOR - (AS) - 1/3", overlay = true ,shorttitle = 'RB_AVGs-(AS)-INDICATOR') ///////////////FUNCTIONS AND TOOLTIPS///////////////////////////FUNCTIONS AND TOOLTIPS/////////////////////////////{ TT_00 = 'INFORMATION: \n-RAINBOW moving averages can be used in many different ways, this script is mainly destinded for trend analysis. \n -Indicator is build to be used on chart not below. but if you would like you can turn this off and change code from "overlay=true" to false. This will cause it to show below chart and will let user see how BG color variants are calculated(also turn of this switch if you prefer below chart). \n-This is First of 3 scripts i will publish using RAINBOW indicators. This one shows the averages on chart, second will utilize RAINBOW BANDS and OSCILLATOR. Third one will be a strategy combining everything' TT_01 = '-Here we choose SOURCE that is mainly used for calculation of first MA and Type of BGcolor we want to use. \n-BGCOLORS: there are 4 different types of bgc that can be used. \n1-CHANGE: Sums change of all 10 MAs and if its positive and not falling BG=green. If value is negative and not rising BG=red. \n2-RAINBW: simply gives green when all averages are in thier order(so MA1>MA2>MA3>MA4 etc...).Red is exactly the other way so MA1<MA2<MA3....<MA9.\n3-TSHOLD: This one calculates difference beetwen MA0 and MA9 then divided by MA9 and multiplies by 100, So = (100*((MA0-MA9)/MA0)).This way we get width of rainbow averages. We get green if width>treshold or red if width<-treshold.\n4-DIRECT: Checks how many MAs are blw/abv SOURCE and adds 1 or subtracts -1. If value (will be set later) is crossed it gives green when positive and red when negative.\nAnd ofc 0-NONE for no BGC at all ' TT_02 = '-Now we choose type and period of MA0 (it says MA1 but its MA0). From this MA all others will be calculated - meaning MA0 will have source that you choosed above but src of MA1 will be MA0 and MA1 will be source of MA2 and so on' TT_03 = '-smooth MA0? and length of this smoothing. \nfew things:\n-This will only smooth MA0 but as others are calculated based on it will be smthed as well.\n-To smooth script uses 3-pole super smoother.' TT_04 = '-We move to "MA2" i called it like that but this settings affect all MAs except MA0 (so M1-M9). \nLike previously we define type and length of MAs.\n MA1-9 use same type and length. but keep in mind that these values should be lower as for exaple if we set 55 this will mean that MA1 is average of picked type from 55periods of MA0. MA2 will be 55 periods of MA1 and so on.\n-(Check out RMA)' TT_05 = '-Moving on to defing some of the inputs for BG color: \nTSH=value of treshold when using 3-TSHOLD-BGC.Its a good idea to change chart to pane below so it will be easier to adjust. Defualt values are from EURUSD-5M.\nFinally we set value that must be crossed if using 4-DIRECT-BGC. There are 10 MAs so max is also 10. if u set for example 9 this will mean that at least 9 Mas must be below/above price for the script to detect trend. (higher values adviced as most of the time this indicator oscillates either around max or min ) ' TT_06 = '-Hope this will be usefull, if you have any ideas/feedback or maybe spotted error in the code - LET ME KNOW \n-Iam looking for ideas for intresting indicators and strategies that i could code, so if you do not know pinescript just message me and i would be glad to write it for you:)....for free obviously. \n-Stay tuned for two remaining scripts using skittles indicators and check out my other scripts \n----Until we meet again!' SSF3(SRC, LEN) => P = 2 * math.asin(1) X = P / LEN a = math.exp(-X) b = 2 * a * math.cos(1.738 * X) c = math.pow(a, 2) cf4 = math.pow(c, 2) cf3 = -(c + b * c) cf2 = b+c cf1 = 1-cf2-cf3-cf4 src1 = nz(SRC[1], SRC) src2 = nz(SRC[2], src1) src3 = nz(SRC[3], src2) SSF = 0.0 SSF := cf1 * SRC + cf2 * nz(SSF[1], src1) + cf3 * nz(SSF[2], src2) + cf4 * nz(SSF[3], src3) sinmov(SRC,LEN) => float result = 0.0 Pi = 2 * math.asin(1) sum = 0.0 weigS = 0.0 for i = 0 to LEN - 1 by 1 weig = math.sin((i + 1) * Pi / (LEN + 1)) sum += nz(SRC[i]) * weig weigS += weig weigS result := sum / weigS MA(MA_SRC,MA_LEN,MA_TYP) => switch MA_TYP "EMA" => ta.ema (MA_SRC, MA_LEN) "SMA" => ta.sma (MA_SRC, MA_LEN) "RMA" => ta.rma (MA_SRC, MA_LEN) "WMA" => ta.wma (MA_SRC, MA_LEN) 'SIN' => sinmov (MA_SRC, MA_LEN) CHANGE (MA,LEN) => ta.change(MA,LEN) DIRECT (MA,SRC) => MA<SRC?1:MA>SRC?-1:0 ///////////////FUNCTIONS AND TOOLTIPS///////////////////////////FUNCTIONS AND TOOLTIPS/////////////////////////////} ///////////////////////INPUTS///////////////////////INPUTS///////////////////////INPUTS///////////////////////INPUTS{ MA_PLT = input.bool (true ,inline='1', tooltip = TT_00,title = 'PLOT RAINBOW AVERAGE ? / !READ ME!-:)') BG_COL = input.string ('0-NONE','BGC?/SOURCE' ,inline='2', options = ['0-NONE','1-CHANGE','2-RAINBW','3-TSHOLD','4-DIRECT']) MA_SRC = input (hlcc4 ,'/' ,inline='2', tooltip = TT_01) MA1TYP = input.string ('EMA' ,'MA1: TYP/LEN' ,inline='3', options = ['EMA','SIN','RMA','SMA','WMA']) MA1LEN = (120 ,'/' ,inline='3', tooltip = TT_02) MA1SMT = input.bool (false ,'SMT RBW MA1?/SMTHLEN' ,inline='4') SM1LEN = (55 ,'/' ,inline='4', tooltip = TT_03) MA2TYP = input.string ('SMA' ,'MA2: TYP/LEN' ,inline='5', options = ['EMA','SIN','RMA','SMA','WMA']) MA2LEN = (31 ,'/' ,inline='5', tooltip = TT_04) TSHOLD = input.float (0.1 ,'BG:TSH/CH/DR' ,inline='6', step = 0.05) BG_DIR = (7 ,'/' ,inline='6', tooltip = TT_05) BYEBYE = input.bool (true ,'Last thing....' ,inline='7', tooltip = TT_06) //////////////INPUTS///////////////////////INPUTS///////////////////////INPUTS///////////////////////INPUTS//////////////} /////////////////////CALC////////////////////CALC////////////////////CALC////////////////////CALC////////////////////CALC{ SSF = SSF3 (MA_SRC,SM1LEN) ,MA0 = MA1SMT?MA(SSF,MA1LEN,MA1TYP) : MA(MA_SRC,MA1LEN,MA1TYP) MA1 = MA (MA0,MA2LEN,MA2TYP) ,MA2 = MA (MA1,MA2LEN,MA2TYP) ,MA3 = MA (MA2,MA2LEN,MA2TYP) MA4 = MA (MA3,MA2LEN,MA2TYP) ,MA5 = MA (MA4,MA2LEN,MA2TYP) ,MA6 = MA (MA5,MA2LEN,MA2TYP) MA7 = MA (MA6,MA2LEN,MA2TYP) ,MA8 = MA (MA7,MA2LEN,MA2TYP) ,MA9 = MA (MA8,MA2LEN,MA2TYP) c_MA0 = CHANGE(MA0,2) ,d_MA0 = DIRECT (MA0,MA_SRC) c_MA1 = CHANGE(MA1,2) ,d_MA1 = DIRECT (MA1,MA_SRC) c_MA2 = CHANGE(MA2,2) ,d_MA2 = DIRECT (MA2,MA_SRC) c_MA3 = CHANGE(MA3,2) ,d_MA3 = DIRECT (MA3,MA_SRC) c_MA4 = CHANGE(MA4,2) ,d_MA4 = DIRECT (MA4,MA_SRC) c_MA5 = CHANGE(MA5,2) ,d_MA5 = DIRECT (MA5,MA_SRC) c_MA6 = CHANGE(MA6,2) ,d_MA6 = DIRECT (MA6,MA_SRC) c_MA7 = CHANGE(MA7,2) ,d_MA7 = DIRECT (MA7,MA_SRC) c_MA8 = CHANGE(MA8,2) ,d_MA8 = DIRECT (MA8,MA_SRC) c_MA9 = CHANGE(MA9,2) ,d_MA9 = DIRECT (MA9,MA_SRC) DIRECT_RAINBW = (d_MA0+d_MA1+d_MA2+d_MA3+d_MA4+d_MA5+d_MA6+d_MA7+d_MA8+d_MA9) CHANGE_RAINBW = (c_MA0+c_MA1+c_MA2+c_MA3+c_MA4+c_MA5+c_MA6+c_MA7+c_MA8+c_MA9) RBW_UPP_ORDER = MA1>MA2 and MA2>MA3 and MA3>MA4 and MA4>MA5 and MA5>MA6 and MA7>MA8 and MA8>MA9 RBW_DWN_ORDER = MA1<MA2 and MA2<MA3 and MA3<MA4 and MA4<MA5 and MA5<MA6 and MA7<MA8 and MA8<MA9 RAINBOW_WIDTH = (100*((MA0-MA9)/MA0)) ZERO_OVF_LINE = 0 DIR_UP = DIRECT_RAINBW >= BG_DIR DIR_DN = DIRECT_RAINBW <=-BG_DIR TSH_UP = RAINBOW_WIDTH > TSHOLD and ta.rising (RAINBOW_WIDTH,3) TSH_DN = RAINBOW_WIDTH <-TSHOLD and ta.falling (RAINBOW_WIDTH,3) CHA_UP = CHANGE_RAINBW > 0 and not ta.falling (CHANGE_RAINBW,3) CHA_DN = CHANGE_RAINBW < 0 and not ta.rising (CHANGE_RAINBW,3) RBW_UP = RBW_UPP_ORDER RBW_DN = RBW_DWN_ORDER //////////////CALC////////////////////CALC////////////////////CALC////////////////////CALC////////////////////CALC////////////////////CALC} //////////////////////PLOTS//////////////////////PLOTS//////////////////////PLOTS//////////////////////PLOTS//////////////////////PLOTS{ p_MA0 = plot (MA_PLT ? MA0 : na , 'MA0' , color.rgb (255, 0 , 0 ),display = display.all ) p_MA1 = plot (MA_PLT ? MA1 : na , 'MA1' , color.rgb (255, 94 , 0 ),display = display.pane) p_MA2 = plot (MA_PLT ? MA2 : na , 'MA2' , color.rgb (255, 230, 0 ),display = display.pane) p_MA3 = plot (MA_PLT ? MA3 : na , 'MA3' , color.rgb (145, 255, 49 ),display = display.pane) p_MA4 = plot (MA_PLT ? MA4 : na , 'MA4' , color.rgb (59 , 211, 51 ),display = display.pane) p_MA5 = plot (MA_PLT ? MA5 : na , 'MA5' , color.rgb (28 , 120, 55 ),display = display.pane) p_MA6 = plot (MA_PLT ? MA6 : na , 'MA6' , color.rgb (58 , 252, 255 ),display = display.pane) p_MA7 = plot (MA_PLT ? MA7 : na , 'MA7' , color.rgb (54 , 90 , 237 ),display = display.pane) p_MA8 = plot (MA_PLT ? MA8 : na , 'MA8' , color.rgb (31 , 37 , 139 ),display = display.pane) p_MA9 = plot (MA_PLT ? MA9 : na , 'MA9' , color.rgb (151, 0 , 182 ),display = display.all ) CLR_LIN_GR = color.rgb(167, 170, 182, 18) ,CLR_FIL_MA = color.rgb(80, 136, 240 , 89) CLR_IND_UP = color.rgb(61, 202, 66 , 13) ,CLR_IND_DN = color.rgb(235 , 65, 13 , 9) CLR_BGC_UP = color.rgb(44, 216, 107 , 80) ,CLR_BGC_DN = color.rgb(205 , 24, 72 , 80) CLR_IND_DR = DIR_UP?CLR_IND_UP:DIR_DN?CLR_IND_DN:CLR_LIN_GR CLR_IND_TH = TSH_UP?CLR_IND_UP:TSH_DN?CLR_IND_DN:CLR_LIN_GR CLR_IND_CH = CHA_UP?CLR_IND_UP:CHA_DN?CLR_IND_DN:CLR_LIN_GR BGCLR1_CHA = CHA_UP?CLR_BGC_UP:CHA_DN?CLR_BGC_DN:na BGCLR2_RBW = RBW_UP?CLR_BGC_UP:RBW_DN?CLR_BGC_DN:na BGCLR3_TSH = TSH_UP?CLR_BGC_UP:TSH_DN?CLR_BGC_DN:na BGCLR4_DIR = DIR_UP?CLR_BGC_UP:DIR_DN?CLR_BGC_DN:na plot(not MA_PLT and BG_COL=='1-CHANGE'?CHANGE_RAINBW:na,'CHANGE_RBW' ,CLR_IND_CH,1,plot.style_area ) plot(not MA_PLT and BG_COL=='1-CHANGE'?ZERO_OVF_LINE:na,'ZERO_HLINE' ,CLR_LIN_GR,1,plot.style_linebr ) plot(not MA_PLT and BG_COL=='3-TSHOLD'?RAINBOW_WIDTH:na,'RAINBW_WID' ,CLR_IND_TH,1,plot.style_area ) plot(not MA_PLT and BG_COL=='3-TSHOLD'?TSHOLD :na,'TSHOLD_POS' ,CLR_LIN_GR,1,plot.style_linebr ) plot(not MA_PLT and BG_COL=='3-TSHOLD'?-TSHOLD :na,'TSHOLD_NEG' ,CLR_LIN_GR,1,plot.style_linebr ) plot(not MA_PLT and BG_COL=='4-DIRECT'?DIRECT_RAINBW:na,'DIRECT_RBW' ,CLR_IND_DR,1,plot.style_columns) BACKGROUND_COLOR = switch BG_COL '0-NOCOLR' => na '1-CHANGE' => BGCLR1_CHA '2-RAINBW' => BGCLR2_RBW '3-TSHOLD' => BGCLR3_TSH '4-DIRECT' => BGCLR4_DIR bgcolor(BACKGROUND_COLOR ,title = 'RAINBOW BGC TREND') fill(p_MA0,p_MA9,CLR_FIL_MA,title = 'Gentle fill for MAs') //////////////PLOTS//////////////////////PLOTS//////////////////////PLOTS//////////////////////PLOTS//////////////////////PLOTS}
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ kaigouthro //@version=5 //@description Theme Builder and Structure for live generative themes library("theme_engine",true) import kaigouthro/hsvColor/15 as h //======================================================= //#region Type declarations //======================================================= // @type Settings for a theme // @field h1 (float) Hue #1 for Template // @field h2 (float) Hue #2 for Template // @field h3 (float) Hue #3 for Template // @field h4 (float) Hue #4 for Template // @field sat (float) Saturation of theme // @field lum (float) Luminosity (light/dark) // @field vib (float) Vibrance (Contrast) // @field r (float) Hue of Red // @field o (float) Hue of Orange // @field y (float) Hue of Yellow // @field g (float) Hue of Green // @field a (float) Hue of Aqua // @field b (float) Hue of Blue // @field i (float) Hue of Indigo // @field v (float) Hue of Violet // @field satvals (settings) Array for use if desired to customize Saturation per color // @field lumvals (settings) Array for use if desired to customize Luminancce per color export type settings float h1 = 0 float h2 = 0 float h3 = 0 float h4 = 0 float sat = 1 float lum = 1 float vib = 1 float r = 0 float o = 30 float y = 60 float g = 120 float a = 210 float b = 240 float i = 270 float v = 330 settings satvals settings lumvals // @type Modifiers Item for Use if desired // @field val (float) // @field size (float) // @field depth (float) // @field hue (float) // @field sat (float) // @field alpha (float) // @field mix (float) // @field emit (float) // @field ch (float) // @field step (int) // @field dist (int) // @field holds (mods) // @field isin (mods) // @field track (color) export type mods float val = 1 float size = 1 float depth = 1 float hue = 0 float sat = 1 float alpha = 1 float mix = 1 float emit = 0 float ch = 0 int step = 1 int dist = 1 mods holds mods isin color track // @type Light/Dark/Custom Theme Varients // @field bg (color) Bacckground Color // @field fg (color) Foreground Color // @field accent (color) Accccent Color // @field secondary (color) Secondary Color // @field txt (color) Text Color export type varient color bg = na color fg = na color accent = na color secondary = na color txt = na // @type Theme Object // @field name (string) Theme name // @field dark (varient) Theme dark Varient // @field light (varient) Theme light Varient // @field red (color) Color for red // @field orange (color) Color for orange // @field yellow (color) Color for yellow // @field green (color) Color for green // @field aqua (color) Color for aqua // @field blue (color) Color for blue // @field purple (color) Color for purple // @field pink (color) Color for pink // @field tweaks (mods) Modifiers UDT to use for adjusters export type theme string name = '' varient dark = na varient light = na color red = color orange = color yellow = color.yellow color green = color aqua = color.aqua color blue = color purple = color.purple color pink = color.fuchsia mods tweaks // @type Multiple theme Container // @field names (string[]) Names of themes // @field themes (theme[]) Theme Items // @type export type themedict string[] names theme[] themes //#endregion ============================================ //#region Functions for themes //======================================================= //@function New theme object. //@param _name (string) opptional name //@returns a VAR theme (holds it's vals when updated if not overwritten) export init(string _name = 'New Theme') => var _red = var _orange = var _yellow = color.yellow var _green = var _aqua = color.aqua var _blue = var _purple = color.purple var _fuchsia = color.fuchsia var dark_bg = color(na), var dark_accent = color(na) var dark_fg = color(na), var dark_comment = color(na) var light_bg = color(na), var light_accent = color(na) var light_fg = color(na), var light_comment = color(na) var light_ttl = color(na), var dark_ttl = color(na) var dark = ,dark_fg, dark_accent, dark_comment,dark_ttl ) var light =,light_fg,light_accent,light_comment,light_ttl) var theme = , dark = dark , light = light , red = _red , orange = _orange , yellow = _yellow , green = _green , aqua = _aqua , blue = _blue , purple = _purple , pink = _fuchsia , tweaks = theme // @function helper to do brihgtness of globals brightness(n,c)=> math.pow(1 + c/2, 10 * (n/2) - 10) // @function Create light/dark theme globals // @param theme (theme) Theme to add theses to // @param _h1 (float) Hue #1 for Template // @param _h2 (float) Hue #2 for Template // @param _h3 (float) Hue #3 for Template // @param _h4 (float) Hue #4 for Template // @param _s (float) Saturation of theme // @param _val (float) Luminosity (light/dark) // @param _contrast (float) Contrast to apply // @returns Theme wwith adjusted colors export globals(theme theme,float _h1,float _h2,float _h3,float _h4,float _s,float _val,float _contrast)=> _v = math.max(0,math.min(1,_val )) _c = math.max(0,math.min(1,_contrast )) := h.hsv(_h1,_s/3 , brightness(_v , 1 -_c /10 ) , 1 ) , := h.hsv(_h1,_s/13 , brightness(_v , _c /10 ) ,1) theme.dark.accent := h.hsv(_h2,_s/3 , brightness(_v , 1 -_c / 3 ) , 1 ) , theme.light.accent := h.hsv(_h2,_s/5 , brightness(_v , _c / 3 ) ,1) theme.dark.secondary := h.hsv(_h3,_s/5 , brightness(_v , _c / 3 ) , 1 ) , theme.light.secondary := h.hsv(_h3,_s/3 , brightness(_v , 1 -_c / 3 ) ,1) theme.dark.fg := h.hsv(_h4,_s/13 , brightness(_v , _c /10 ) , 1 ) , theme.light.fg := h.hsv(_h4,_s/3 , brightness(_v , 1 -_c /10 ) ,1) theme.dark.txt := h.hsv(0 , 0 , 0.9 , 1 ) , theme.light.txt := h.hsv( 0, 0 , _v + _c ,1) theme // @function Apply a Settings object to a theme // @param theme Theme object to apply settings to. // @param setting settings to apply // @returns theme export setConfig (theme theme , settings setting) => _sat = setting.sat _bright = setting.vib bg = #000000 acc = #3f3f3f cmm = #7f7f7f fg = #bfbfbf ttl = #ffffff := h.hsv ( setting.r ,_sat, _bright , 1) := h.hsv ( setting.o ,_sat, _bright , 1) theme.yellow := h.hsv ( setting.y ,_sat, _bright , 1) := h.hsv ( setting.g ,_sat, _bright , 1) theme.aqua := h.hsv ( setting.a ,_sat, _bright , 1) := h.hsv ( setting.b ,_sat, _bright , 1) theme.purple := h.hsv ( setting.i ,_sat, _bright , 1) := h.hsv ( setting.v ,_sat, _bright , 1) theme.dark := ( bg ,acc , cmm ,fg) theme.light := ( fg ,cmm , acc ,bg) globals(theme, setting.h1 , setting.h2, setting.h3 , setting.h4,setting.sat , setting.lum, setting.vib ) //#endregion ============================================ //// demo // //demo testing inputs for settings obj // _count = input(10,'demo generate count') // g1 = input(1, 'Global hue 1', inline='gcol', group='Globals') // g2 = input(1, 'Global hue 2', inline='gcol', group='Globals') // g3 = input(1, 'Global hue 3', inline='gcol', group='Globals') // g4 = input(1, 'Global hue 4', inline='gcol', group='Globals') // gs = input.float(1,'sat' ,step=0.1, inline='hsv', group='Globals') // gv = input.float(1,'bright' ,step=0.1, inline='hsv', group='Globals') // gc = input.float(1,'contrast' ,step=0.1, inline='hsv', group='Globals') // _rBase = input( 0 ,'r',inline='sh',group='per-color') // _oBase = input( 30 ,'o',inline='sh',group='per-color') // _yBase = input( 60 ,'y',inline='sh',group='per-color') // _gBase = input( 120 ,'g',inline='sh',group='per-color') // _aBase = input( 210 ,'a',inline='sh',group='per-color') // _bBase = input( 240 ,'b',inline='sh',group='per-color') // _iBase = input( 270 ,'i',inline='sh',group='per-color') // _vBase = input( 330 ,'v',inline='sh',group='per-color') // // helpers for demo // addSomeRandom() => math.random(-5,5) // spc(x)=> // s = '' // for i = 0 to x // s+= // // create a multitheme dictionary to hold more than one theme // var dict =<string>(_count,''),<theme>(_count)) // // local function just to generate multiple themes // addshortcut(i,_count)=> // array.set(dict.names ,i,str.tostring(i)) // var _mult = 0. // _mult := i/_count // // theme = theme.copy(array.get(dict.themes,i)) // var theme = init() // theme := setConfig(theme, // ( // _mult * 360 + g1 , // _mult * 360 + g2 , // _mult * 360 + g3 , // _mult * 360 + g4 , // _mult * gs , // _mult + gv , // _mult + gc , // addSomeRandom() + _rBase , // addSomeRandom() + _oBase , // addSomeRandom() + _yBase , // addSomeRandom() + _gBase , // addSomeRandom() + _aBase , // addSomeRandom() + _bBase , // addSomeRandom() + _iBase , // addSomeRandom() + _vBase )) // theme // // for display purposes, local items // import kaigouthro/matrixautotable/14 as mtb // import kaigouthro/calc/5 // import kaigouthro/font/4 // // just to randomly shift the color values // shift(c,r)=> // [h,s,v,a] = h.rgbhsv(c) // h+= r // s+= r/50 // v-= r/50 // h.hsv(h,s,v,a) // testshift(theme)=> // := shift( ,addSomeRandom()) // := shift( ,addSomeRandom()) // theme.yellow := shift(theme.yellow ,addSomeRandom()) // := shift( ,addSomeRandom()) // theme.aqua := shift(theme.aqua ,addSomeRandom()) // := shift( ,addSomeRandom()) // theme.purple := shift(theme.purple ,addSomeRandom()) // := shift( ,addSomeRandom()) // theme // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ///////////////// // ///////////////// HERE // ///////////////// // // when creating and adding to an array, this is a pine limitation.. // if barstate.isfirst // for i = 0 to array.size(dict.themes) -1 // switch,'three ways',0,2) // 0 => // creates a new theme for each, then copies it, places copy // theme = addshortcut(i,array.size(dict.themes)) // array.set(dict.themes,i, theme.copy(theme)) // 1 => // only first makes it // var theme = addshortcut(i,array.size(dict.themes)) // array.set(dict.themes,i, theme) // 2 => // only last makes it // theme = addshortcut(i,array.size(dict.themes)) // array.set(dict.themes,i, theme) // ///////////////// // ///////////////// HERE // ///////////////// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // if barstate.islast // _out =<color> ( 0,16 ) // _st = array.copy ( dict.names ) // _fm = <float> ( _count,16,float(na) ) // _in =<color> ( _count,16 ) // _txin =<color> ( _count,16 ) // _smtx = <string> ( _count,16 ) // _tmtx = <string> ( _count,16 ) // for [_n,theme] in dict.themes // // adjuust colors without creating new theme // testshift(array.get(dict.themes,_n)) // matrix.fill(_tmtx,,_n,_n+1,0,16) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 00 , ) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 01 , theme.dark.accent ) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 02 , theme.dark.secondary ) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 03 , theme.dark.fg ) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 04 , ) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 05 , theme.light.accent ) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 06 , theme.light.secondary ) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 07 , theme.light.fg ) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 08 , ) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 09 , ) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 10 , theme.yellow ) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 11 , ) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 12 , theme.aqua ) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 13 , ) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 14 , theme.purple ) // matrix.set(_in , _n , 15 , ) // //testt that updating master updates theme // matrix.set(_txin,_n,00, theme.dark.fg ) // matrix.set(_txin,_n,01, theme.dark.txt ) // matrix.set(_txin,_n,02, theme.dark.txt ) // matrix.set(_txin,_n,03, ) // matrix.set(_txin,_n,04, theme.light.fg ) // matrix.set(_txin,_n,05, theme.light.txt ) // matrix.set(_txin,_n,06, theme.light.txt ) // matrix.set(_txin,_n,07, ) // matrix.set(_txin,_n,08, h.tripswitch( , 0.8, #ffffff,#000000 )) // matrix.set(_txin,_n,09, h.tripswitch( , 0.8, #ffffff,#000000 )) // matrix.set(_txin,_n,10, h.tripswitch(theme.yellow , 0.8, #ffffff,#000000 )) // matrix.set(_txin,_n,11, h.tripswitch( , 0.8, #ffffff,#000000 )) // matrix.set(_txin,_n,12, h.tripswitch(theme.aqua , 0.8, #ffffff,#000000 )) // matrix.set(_txin,_n,13, h.tripswitch( , 0.8, #ffffff,#000000 )) // matrix.set(_txin,_n,14, h.tripswitch(theme.purple , 0.8, #ffffff,#000000 )) // matrix.set(_txin,_n,15, h.tripswitch( , 0.8, #ffffff,#000000 )) // if input.bool(false,'show text') // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,00, font.uni((_n == _count-1?'dark bg \n text - fg' : 'text') ,15)) // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,01, font.uni((_n == _count-1?'dark accent \n text - txt' : 'text') ,15)) // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,02, font.uni((_n == _count-1?'dark secondary \n text - txt' : 'text') ,15)) // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,03, font.uni((_n == _count-1?'dark fg \n text - bg' : 'text') ,15)) // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,04, font.uni((_n == _count-1?'light bg \n text - fg' : 'text') ,15)) // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,05, font.uni((_n == _count-1?'light accent \n text - txt' : 'text') ,15)) // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,06, font.uni((_n == _count-1?'light secondary \n text - txt' : 'text') ,15)) // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,07, font.uni((_n == _count-1?'light fg \n text - bg' : 'text') ,15)) // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,08, font.uni(_n==_count-1?'red' : '' ,15)) // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,09, font.uni(_n==_count-1?'orange' : '' ,15)) // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,10, font.uni(_n==_count-1?'yellow' : '' ,15)) // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,11, font.uni(_n==_count-1?'green' : '' ,15)) // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,12, font.uni(_n==_count-1?'aqua' : '' ,15)) // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,13, font.uni(_n==_count-1?'blue' : '' ,15)) // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,14, font.uni(_n==_count-1?'purple' : '' ,15)) // matrix.set(_smtx,_n,15, font.uni(_n==_count-1?'pink' : '' ,15)) // // show the table // if input(false,'Rotate table 90 degrees') // _fm := matrix.transpose(_fm) // _txin := matrix.transpose(_txin) // _smtx := matrix.transpose(_smtx) // _in := matrix.transpose(_in) // _tbl = mtb.matrixtable(_fm, _smtx,_in,_txin,input(2,'textsize'), _fit=true) // mtb.border(_tbl,#00000000,input(true,'Borders')?1:0)
RSI Multi Timeframe Based on Moving Average By Alireza Phoenix
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at //@version=5 // ยฉ AlirezaPhoenix // โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• // //# * โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• //# * //# * Study : Relative Strength Index Multi Timeframe Based on Moving Average By Alireza Phoenix //# * Author : Alireza Phoenix //# * //# * Version : 1.1 indicator(title="Relative Strength Index Multi Timeframe Based on Moving Average By Alireza Phoenix", shorttitle="RSI Multi Timeframe Based on Moving Average By Alireza Phoenix", format=format.price, precision=2 ) len = input(14, title="Length") src = input(close, "Source") up = ta.rma(math.max(ta.change(src), 0), len) down = ta.rma(-math.min(ta.change(src), 0), len) rsi = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down)) offset = input(0 , "RSI Offset") offset1 = input(0 , "RSI Time1 Offset") offset2 = input(0 , "RSI Time2 Offset") plot(rsi, "RSI", color=#7E57C2 , offset = offset) band1 = hline(70, "Upper Band", color=#787B86) bandm = hline(50, "Middle Band",, 50)) band0 = hline(30, "Lower Band", color=#787B86) fill(band1, band0, color=color.rgb(126, 87, 194, 90), title="Background") i_res = input.timeframe('120', "Time 1 Resolution" ) s = , i_res, rsi) plot(s , 'RSI Time 1', color = , offset = offset1) i_res2 = input.timeframe('240', "Time 2 Resolution" ) s2 = , i_res2, rsi) plot(s2 , 'RSI Time 2', , offset = offset2) //RSI MA Setup length1 =, 'Fast SMA Length', minval=1) length2 =, 'Slow SMA Length', minval=1) offset3 =, 'Offset Fast SMA', minval=-500, maxval=500) offset4 =, 'Offset Slow SMA', minval=-500, maxval=500) RSIma1 = ta.wma(2 * ta.wma(s, length1 / 2) - ta.wma(s, length1), math.round(math.sqrt(length1))) RSIma2 = ta.wma(2 * ta.wma(s2, length2 / 2) - ta.wma(s2, length2), math.round(math.sqrt(length2))) plot(RSIma1, 'RSI SMA Fast', offset=offset3,, 0)) plot(RSIma2, 'RSI SMA Slow', offset=offset4,, 0), display=display.none)
// This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) // ยฉ Trendoscope Pty Ltd // โ–‘โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–‘ โ–’ โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’ โ–’โ–’ // โ–“โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–’ โ–’ โ–‘โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–‘ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–‘โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–“โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ // โ–‘โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–“ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— // โ–“โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ•šโ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ• โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ•šโ•โ•โ•โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ•โ• โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•โ• // โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•—โ•šโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•”โ•โ–ˆโ–ˆโ•‘ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ•— // โ–’โ–’ โ–’ //@version=5 // @description Methods associated with Pitchfork and Pitchfork Drawing. Depends on the library PitchforkTypes for Pitchfork/PitchforkDrawing objects which in turn use DrawingTypes for basic objects Point/Line/LineProperties. Also depends on DrawingMethods for related methods library("PitchforkMethods", overlay = true) import HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingTypes/2 as dr import HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/DrawingMethods/2 import HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/PitchforkTypes/2 as p method get(p.Fork this, string key)=>key== "ratio"? str.tostring(this.ratio) : key == "include"? str.tostring(this.include) : na // @function Converts PitchforkTypes/Fork object to string representation // @param this PitchforkTypes/Fork object // @returns string representation of PitchforkTypes/Fork export method tostring(p.Fork this)=> str = '' if(not na(this)) keys = array.from("ratio", "include") keyValues =<string>() for key in keys keyValues.push('"'+key+'":'+'"'+this.get(key)+'"') str := '{'+array.join(keyValues, ",")+'}' str // @function Converts Array of PitchforkTypes/Fork object to string representation // @param this Array of PitchforkTypes/Fork object // @returns string representation of PitchforkTypes/Fork array export method tostring(array<p.Fork> this)=> str = '' if(not na(this)) values =<string>() for fork in this values.push(fork.tostring()) str := '['+array.join(values, ",")+']' str method get(p.PitchforkProperties this, string key)=>key == "forks"? str.tostring(this.forks.tostring()) : key == "type"? this.type : key == "inside"? (this.inside? 'true': 'false'): na // @function Converts PitchforkTypes/PitchforkProperties object to string representation // @param this PitchforkTypes/PitchforkProperties object // @param sortKeys If set to true, string output is sorted by keys. // @param sortOrder Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys // @returns string representation of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkProperties export method tostring(p.PitchforkProperties this, bool sortKeys = false, int sortOrder = 1)=> str = '' if(not na(this)) keys = array.from("ratios", "type", "inside") keyValues =<string>() if(sortKeys and not na(sortOrder) and sortOrder!=0) keys.sort(sortOrder>0? order.ascending : order.descending) for key in keys keyValues.push('"'+key+'":'+'"'+this.get(key)+'"') str := '{'+array.join(keyValues, ",")+'}' str method get(p.PitchforkDrawingProperties this, string key)=>key == "extend"? (this.extend?'true':'false') : key == "fillTransparency"? str.tostring(this.fillTransparency) : key == "fill"? (this.fill? 'true': 'false'): na // @function Converts PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawingProperties object to string representation // @param this PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawingProperties object // @param sortKeys If set to true, string output is sorted by keys. // @param sortOrder Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys // @returns string representation of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawingProperties export method tostring(p.PitchforkDrawingProperties this, bool sortKeys = false, int sortOrder = 1)=> str = '' if(not na(this)) keys = array.from("extend", "fill", "fillTransparency") keyValues =<string>() if(sortKeys and not na(sortOrder) and sortOrder!=0) keys.sort(sortOrder>0? order.ascending : order.descending) for key in keys keyValues.push('"'+key+'":'+'"'+this.get(key)+'"') str := '{'+array.join(keyValues, ",")+'}' str method get(p.Pitchfork this, string key)=>key == "a"? this.a.tostring() : key == "b"? this.b.tostring() : key == "c"? this.c.tostring() : key == "properties"? key == "dProperties"? this.dProperties.tostring() : na // @function Converts PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object to string representation // @param this PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object // @param sortKeys If set to true, string output is sorted by keys. // @param sortOrder Applicable only if sortKeys is set to true. Positive number will sort them in ascending order whreas negative numer will sort them in descending order. Passing 0 will not sort the keys // @returns string representation of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork export method tostring(p.Pitchfork this, bool sortKeys = false, int sortOrder = 1)=> str = '' if(not na(this)) keys = array.from("a", "b", "c", "properties", "dProperties") keyValues =<string>() if(sortKeys and not na(sortOrder) and sortOrder!=0) keys.sort(sortOrder>0? order.ascending : order.descending) for key in keys keyValues.push('"'+key+'":'+'"'+this.get(key)+'"') str := '{'+array.join(keyValues, ",")+'}' str getParrallelPoint(p1Start, p1End, p2Start)=> priceDiff = p1Start.price-p2Start.price barDiff = - barTimeDiff = p1Start.bartime - p2Start.bartime,, p1End.bartime - barTimeDiff) // @function Creates PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing from PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object // @param this PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object // @returns PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object created export method createDrawing(p.Pitchfork this)=> this.lProperties := na(this.lProperties)? : this.lProperties := na( : this.dProperties := na(this.dProperties)? = this.lProperties.color) : this.dProperties if(na( :=<p.Fork>() if(, this.lProperties.color, true)), this.lProperties.color, true)) if(na(this.dProperties.commonColor)) this.dProperties.commonColor := this.lProperties.color dr.Point p1 = == "schiff"?,, this.a.bartime) : == "mschiff"?, int((, int((this.a.bartime+this.b.bartime)/2)): this.a dr.Point p2 = this.c :, int((, int((this.a.bartime+this.b.bartime)/2)) dr.Point p3 =*p2.price-p1.price, 2*, 2*p2.bartime-p1.bartime) baseLineProperties = dr.LineProperties.copy(this.lProperties) baseLineProperties.extend := this.dProperties.extend? extend.right : extend.none medianLine =, p2, this.lProperties) array<dr.Line> forkLines =<dr.Line>() array<dr.Linefill> fills =<dr.Linefill>() forkLines.push(, p3, baseLineProperties)) array<color> fillColors =<color>() for [i, fork] in if(fork.include) forkColor = na(fork.forkColor) or fork.forkColor == color(na) or this.dProperties.forceCommonColor? this.dProperties.commonColor : fork.forkColor diffPriceB = (this.b.price-p2.price)*fork.ratio diffBarB = int((*fork.ratio) diffBarTimeB = int((*fork.ratio) forkLineProperties = dr.LineProperties.copy(baseLineProperties) forkLineProperties.color := forkColor dr.Point p1Edgeb =,, p2.bartime+diffBarTimeB) dr.Point p2Edgeb = getParrallelPoint(p2, p3, p1Edgeb) dr.Line forkLineEdgeB =, p2Edgeb, forkLineProperties) forkLines.push(forkLineEdgeB) fillColors.push(forkColor) if(not dr.Point p1Edgec =,, p2.bartime-diffBarTimeB) dr.Point p2Edgec = getParrallelPoint(p2, p3, p1Edgec) dr.Line forkLineEdgeC =, p2Edgec, forkLineProperties) forkLines.unshift(forkLineEdgeC) fillColors.unshift(forkColor) if(this.dProperties.fill) for [index, forkColor] in fillColors fills.push(, forkLines.get(index+1), forkColor, this.dProperties.fillTransparency)) baseLine =, array.last(forkLines).start, this.lProperties) this.drawing :=, baseLine, forkLines, fills) this.drawing // @function Creates PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing array from PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork array of objects // @param this array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object // @returns array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object created export method createDrawing(array<p.Pitchfork> this)=> array<p.PitchforkDrawing> drawings =<p.PitchforkDrawing>() if(not na(this)) for pitchfork in this drawings.push(pitchfork.createDrawing()) drawings // @function draws from PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object // @param this PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object // @returns PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object drawn export method draw(p.PitchforkDrawing this)=> this.medianLine.draw() this.baseLine.draw() this.forkLines.draw() this.linefills.draw() this // @function deletes PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object // @param this PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object // @returns PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object deleted export method delete(p.PitchforkDrawing this)=> this.medianLine.delete() this.baseLine.delete() this.linefills.delete() this.forkLines.delete() this // @function deletes underlying drawing of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object // @param this PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object // @returns PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object deleted export method delete(p.Pitchfork this)=> if(not na(this)) this.drawing.delete() this // @function deletes array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing objects // @param this Array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object // @returns Array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object deleted export method delete(array<p.PitchforkDrawing> this)=> if not na(this) for drawing in this drawing.delete() this // @function deletes underlying drawing in array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork objects // @param this Array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object // @returns Array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork object deleted export method delete(array<p.Pitchfork> this)=> if not na(this) for pitchfork in this pitchfork.delete() this // @function deletes array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing objects and clears the array // @param this Array of PitchforkTypes/PitchforkDrawing object // @returns void export method clear(array<p.PitchforkDrawing> this)=> if not na(this) while(this.size()!=0) this.pop().delete() // @function deletes array of PitchforkTypes/Pitchfork objects and clears the array // @param this Array of Pitchfork/Pitchfork object // @returns void export method clear(array<p.Pitchfork> this)=> if(not na(this)) while(this.size()!=0) this.pop().delete() // ###################################################################### Tests ############################################################# // import HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/ZigzagTypes/1 as zg // import HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/ZigzagMethods/1 // import HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/utils/1 as ut // import HeWhoMustNotBeNamed/Logger/1 as l // var logger = = 'DEBUG') // logger.init() // theme = input.string('Dark', title='Theme', options=['Light', 'Dark'], group='Generic Settings', // tooltip='Chart theme settings. Line and label colors are generted based on the theme settings. If dark theme is selected, '+ // 'lighter colors are used and if light theme is selected, darker colors are used.') // zigzagLength =, step=5, minval=3, title='Length', group='Zigzag', tooltip='Zigzag length for level 0 zigzag') // depth =, "Depth", step=25, maxval=500, group='Zigzag', tooltip='Zigzag depth refers to max number of pivots to show on chart') // useRealTimeBars = input.bool(true, 'Use Real Time Bars', group='Zigzag', tooltip = 'If enabled real time bars are used for calculation. Otherwise, only confirmed bars are used') // typeTooltip = 'Handle Type' + // '\n\tregular - Pivot A' + // '\n\tschiff - X of Pivot A and y from median of Pivot A and B' + // '\n\tmschiff - X and Y are median of Pivot A and Pivot B' + // '\n\nNeck Type' + // '\n\tmedian - median of Pivot B and Pivot C' + // '\n\tinside - Pivot C' // pitchforkType = input.string("regular", "Type", ["regular", "schiff", "mschiff"], group="Pitchfork", inline="t") // neckType = input.string('median', '', ['median', 'inside'], group="Pitchfork", inline="t", tooltip=typeTooltip) // inside = neckType == 'inside' // ratioFrom = input.float(0.25, 'Ratio', minval=0.0, maxval=0.5, group='Pitchfork', inline='r') // ratioTo = input.float(1, '', minval=0.5, maxval=1.618, group='Pitchfork', inline='r', tooltip='Range of ratio for which drawing pitchfork is allowed') // useConfirmedPivot = input.bool(true, 'Use Confirmed Pivots', group="Pitchfork", tooltip="If set to true, uses last confirmed pivot and ignores the current moving pivot") // includeRatio1 = input.bool(false, '', inline='r1', group='Forks') // ratio1 = input.float(0.236, '', inline='r1', group='Forks') // color1 = input.color(#f77c80, '', inline='r1', group='Forks') // includeRatio2 = input.bool(false, '', inline='r1', group='Forks') // ratio2 = input.float(0.382, '', inline='r1', group='Forks') // color2 = input.color(#ffb74d, '', inline='r1', group='Forks') // includeRatio3 = input.bool(true, '', inline='r2', group='Forks') // ratio3 = input.float(0.500, '', inline='r2', group='Forks') // color3 = input.color(#fff176, '', inline='r2', group='Forks') // includeRatio4 = input.bool(false, '', inline='r2', group='Forks') // ratio4 = input.float(0.618, '', inline='r2', group='Forks') // color4 = input.color(#81c784, '', inline='r2', group='Forks') // includeRatio5 = input.bool(false, '', inline='r3', group='Forks') // ratio5 = input.float(0.786, '', inline='r3', group='Forks') // color5 = input.color(#42bda8, '', inline='r3', group='Forks') // includeRatio6 = input.bool(false, '', inline='r3', group='Forks') // ratio6 = input.float(0.886, '', inline='r3', group='Forks') // color6 = input.color(#4dd0e1, '', inline='r3', group='Forks') // includeRatio7 = input.bool(true, '', inline='r4', group='Forks') // ratio7 = input.float(1.000, '', inline='r4', group='Forks') // color7 = input.color(#5b9cf6, '', inline='r4', group='Forks') // includeRatio8 = input.bool(false, '', inline='r4', group='Forks') // ratio8 = input.float(1.130, '', inline='r4', group='Forks') // color8 = input.color(#9575cd, '', inline='r4', group='Forks') // includeRatio9 = input.bool(false, '', inline='r5', group='Forks') // ratio9 = input.float(1.272, '', inline='r5', group='Forks') // color9 = input.color(#ba68c8, '', inline='r5', group='Forks') // includeRatio10 = input.bool(false, '', inline='r5', group='Forks') // ratio10 = input.float(1.382, '', inline='r5', group='Forks') // color10 = input.color(#f06292, '', inline='r5', group='Forks') // includeRatio11 = input.bool(false, '', inline='r6', group='Forks') // ratio11 = input.float(1.618, '', inline='r6', group='Forks') // color11 = input.color(#faa1a4, '', inline='r6', group='Forks') // includeRatio12 = input.bool(false, '', inline='r6', group='Forks') // ratio12 = input.float(2.000, '', inline='r6', group='Forks') // color12 = input.color(#4caf50, '', inline='r6', group='Forks') // extend = input.bool(true, "Extend", group="Display", tooltip = "Extend fork lines to right") // fill = input.bool(true, "Fill", group="Display", inline='f') // transparency =, "Transparency", group="Display", inline='f', tooltip = "Fill Forkline with background color") // offset = useRealTimeBars? 0 : 1 // indicators =<float>() // indicatorNames =<string>() // themeColors = ut.getColors(theme) // var zg.Zigzag zigzag =, depth, offset) // zigzag.calculate(array.from(high, low), indicators, indicatorNames) // startIndex = useConfirmedPivot? 1:0 // includes = array.from(includeRatio1, includeRatio2, includeRatio3, includeRatio4, includeRatio5, includeRatio6, // includeRatio7, includeRatio8, includeRatio9, includeRatio10, includeRatio11, includeRatio12) // ratios = array.from(ratio1, ratio2, ratio3, ratio4, ratio5, ratio6, ratio7, ratio8, ratio9, ratio10, ratio11, ratio12) // colors = array.from(color1, color2, color3, color4, color5, color6, color7, color8, color9, color10, color11, color12) // array<p.Fork> forks =<p.Fork>() // for [i, include] in includes // if(include) // forks.push(, colors.get(i), include)) // p.PitchforkProperties properties =, pitchforkType, inside) // p.PitchforkDrawingProperties dProperties =, fill, transparency) // if(barstate.islast) // var array<p.Pitchfork> pitchforks =<p.Pitchfork>() // pitchforks.clear() // mlzigzag = zigzag // while(array.size(mlzigzag.zigzagPivots) >= 3+startIndex) // lineColor = themeColors.pop() // themeColors.unshift(lineColor) // p3 = array.get(mlzigzag.zigzagPivots, startIndex) // p3Point = p3.point // p2Point = array.get(mlzigzag.zigzagPivots, startIndex+1).point // p1Point = array.get(mlzigzag.zigzagPivots, startIndex+2).point // if (p3.ratio >= ratioFrom and p3.ratio <= ratioTo and - <500) // dr.LineProperties lProperties = // p.Pitchfork pitchFork =, p2Point, p3Point, properties, dProperties, lProperties) // drawing = pitchFork.createDrawing() // drawing.draw() // pitchforks.push(pitchFork) // mlzigzag := mlzigzag.nextlevel()
OI Volume Oscillator Cross Dynamics
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ Crypto_Moses //@version=5 indicator(title="Custom Open Interest and Volume Oscillator", shorttitle="OI_VO", overlay=false) // Open Interest Code Coin = input("BTC", title = "Coin") Margin = input("Tether", title = 'Margin') Exchange = 'BINANCE:' SelectCoin = Coin Code = (Margin == 'Tether') ? 'USDTPERP_OI' : 'PERP_OI' Altcoin = Exchange + SelectCoin + Code OpenInterest =, timeframe.period, close) plot(OpenInterest,, title="Open Interest", linewidth=2) // Volume Oscillator Code shortPeriod =, title="Short Period") longPeriod =, title="Long Period") volMultiplier = input.float(1000, title="Volume Oscillator Multiplier") shortMA = ta.sma(volume, shortPeriod) longMA = ta.sma(volume, longPeriod) volOsc = (shortMA - longMA) * volMultiplier plot(volOsc,, title="Volume Oscillator") // Crossover/Crossunder Conditions bullishCross = ta.crossover(volOsc, OpenInterest) bearishCross = ta.crossunder(volOsc, OpenInterest) // Plotting Shapes for Crossovers plotshape(series=bullishCross,, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, size=size.small, title="Bullish Cross") plotshape(series=bearishCross,, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, size=size.small, title="Bearish Cross")
Harmonic Pattern Table Inputs
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ RozaniGhani-RG //@version=5 indicator('Harmonic Pattern Table Inputs', 'HPTI', overlay = true) // 0. Initialize // 1. Inputs // 2. Variable // 3. Methods // 4. Constructs //#region โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” 0. Initialize // @type rng // @field min float value // @field max float value type rng float min = na float max = na // @type ratio // @field BXA rng value // @field CAB rng value // @field DBC rng value // @field DXA float value // @field SL float value type ratio rng BXA = na rng CAB = na rng DBC = na float DXA = na float SL = na //#endregion //#region โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” 1. Inputs TT = 'Small font size recommended for mobile app or multiple layout' GT0 = 'TABLE SETTINGS' i_s_font = input.string('normal', 'Font size', group = GT0, options = ['tiny', 'small', 'normal', 'large', 'huge'], tooltip = TT) i_s_Y = input.string('bottom', 'Position', group = GT0, inline = 'Table2', options = ['top', 'middle', 'bottom']) i_s_X = input.string( 'right', '', group = GT0, inline = 'Table2', options = ['left', 'center', 'right']) GT1 = 'SHOW / HIDE TITLE' i_b_title = input.bool( true, 'TITLE', group = GT1) i_b_NO = input.bool( true, 'NO', group = GT1) i_b_BXA = input.bool( true, 'POINT B', group = GT1) i_b_CAB = input.bool( true, 'POINT C', group = GT1) i_b_DBC = input.bool( true, 'LAYERING', group = GT1) i_b_DXA = input.bool( true, 'PRZ', group = GT1) i_b_SL = input.bool( true, 'STOP LOSS', group = GT1) GP = 'SHOW / HIDE PATTERN' i_b_aBat = input.bool( true, 'ALT BAT', group = GP) i_b_bat = input.bool( true, 'BAT', group = GP) i_b_crab = input.bool( true, 'CRAB', group = GP) i_b_gart = input.bool( true, 'GARTLEY', group = GP) i_b_bfly = input.bool( true, 'BUTTERFLY', group = GP) i_b_dCrab = input.bool( true, 'DEEP CRAB', group = GP) i_b_shark = input.bool( true, 'SHARK', group = GP) G0 = 'C = AB' cRet =, 'Retracement', group = G0, inline = 'R'), input.float(0.886, '', group = G0, inline = 'R')) cExt =, 'Extension', group = G0, inline = 'E'), input.float(1.618, '', group = G0, inline = 'E', tooltip = 'Shark only')) P0 = 'ALT BAT' aBat =, 'B = XA', group = P0, inline = 'B'), input.float(0.382, '', group = P0, inline = 'B')), cRet,, 'D = BC', group = P0, inline = 'D'), input.float(3.618, '', group = P0, inline = 'D')), input.float(1.130, 'D = XA', group = P0), input.float(1.270, 'SL', group = P0)) P1 = 'BAT' bat =, 'B = XA', group = P1, inline = 'B'), input.float(0.500, '', group = P1, inline = 'B')), cRet,, 'D = BC', group = P1, inline = 'D'), input.float(2.618, '', group = P1, inline = 'D')), input.float(0.886, 'D = XA', group = P1), input.float(1.130, 'SL', group = P1)) P2 = 'CRAB' crab =, 'B = XA', group = P2, inline = 'B'), input.float(0.618, '', group = P2, inline = 'B')), cRet,, 'D = BC', group = P2, inline = 'D'), input.float(3.618, '', group = P2, inline = 'D')), input.float(1.618, 'D = XA', group = P2), input.float(2.000, 'SL', group = P2)) P3 = 'GARTLEY' gart =, 'B = XA', group = P3, inline = 'B'), input.float(0.637, '', group = P3, inline = 'B')), cRet,, 'D = BC', group = P3, inline = 'D'), input.float(1.618, '', group = P3, inline = 'D')), input.float(0.786, 'D = XA', group = P3), input.float(1.000, 'SL', group = P3)) P4 = 'BUTTERFLY' bfly =, 'B = XA', group = P4, inline = 'B'), input.float(0.810, '', group = P4, inline = 'B')), cRet,, 'D = BC', group = P4, inline = 'D'), input.float(2.240, '', group = P4, inline = 'D')), input.float(1.270, 'D = XA', group = P4), input.float(1.414, 'SL', group = P4)) P5 = 'DEEP CRAB' dCrab =, 'B = XA', group = P5, inline = 'B'), input.float(0.930, '', group = P5, inline = 'B')), cRet,, 'D = BC', group = P5, inline = 'D'), input.float(3.618, '', group = P5, inline = 'D')), input.float(1.618, 'D = XA', group = P5), input.float(2.000, 'SL', group = P5)) P6 = 'SHARK' shark =, 'B = XA', group = P6, inline = 'B'), input.float(0.618, '', group = P6, inline = 'B')), cExt,, 'D = BC', group = P6, inline = 'D'), input.float(2.240, '', group = P6, inline = 'D')), input.float(0.886, 'D = XA', group = P6), input.float(1.270, 'SL', group = P6)) //#endregion //#region โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” 2. Variable var tbl = + '_' + i_s_X, 7, 9,, 100), chart.fg_color, 1, chart.fg_color, 1) //#endregion //#region โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” 3. Methods // @function createTitle // @param table_id table id // @param fontSize string value // @returns table.cell method createTitle(table table_id = na, string fontSize = na) => if i_b_title if i_b_NO table_id.cell(0, 0, 'NO', text_color = chart.fg_color, text_size = fontSize) table_id.cell( 1, 0, 'HARMONIC\nPATTERN', text_color = chart.fg_color, text_size = fontSize) if i_b_BXA table_id.cell(2, 0, 'B = XA', text_color = chart.fg_color, text_size = fontSize) if i_b_CAB table_id.cell(3, 0, 'C = AB\n(POINT C)', text_color = chart.fg_color, text_size = fontSize) if i_b_DBC table_id.cell(4, 0, 'D = BC\n(LAYERING)', text_color = chart.fg_color, text_size = fontSize) if i_b_DXA table_id.cell(5, 0, 'D = XA\n(PRZ)', text_color = chart.fg_color, text_size = fontSize) if i_b_SL table_id.cell(6, 0, 'SL = XA\n(STOP LOSS)', text_color = chart.fg_color, text_size = fontSize) // @function createRow // @param table_id table id // @param row int value // @param enable bool value // @param string str value // @param id ratio value // @param fontSize string value // @returns table.cell method createRow(table table_id = na, int row = na, bool enable = na, string str = na, ratio id = na, string fontSize = na) => if enable if i_b_NO table_id.cell(0, row, str.tostring(row), text_size = fontSize, text_color = id.DXA >= 1. ? : table_id.cell( 1, row, str, text_size = fontSize, text_color = id.DXA >= 1. ? : if i_b_BXA table_id.cell(2, row, str.tostring(id.BXA.min, '0.000') + ' ; ' + str.tostring(id.BXA.max, '0.000'), text_size = fontSize, text_color = id.BXA.min >= 1. ? : if i_b_CAB table_id.cell(3, row, str.tostring(id.CAB.min, '0.000') + ' ; ' + str.tostring(id.CAB.max, '0.000'), text_size = fontSize, text_color = id.CAB.min >= 1. ? : if i_b_DBC table_id.cell(4, row, str.tostring(id.DBC.min, '0.000') + ' ; ' + str.tostring(id.DBC.max, '0.000'), text_size = fontSize, text_color = id.DBC.min >= 1. ? : if i_b_DXA table_id.cell(5, row, str.tostring(id.DXA, '0.000'), text_size = fontSize, text_color = id.DXA >= 1. ? : if i_b_SL table_id.cell(6, row, str.tostring(id.SL, '0.000'), text_size = fontSize, text_color = id.SL >= 1. ? : //#endregion //#region โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” 4. Constructs if barstate.islast tbl.createTitle(i_s_font) tbl.createRow(1, i_b_aBat, 'ALT BAT', aBat, i_s_font) tbl.createRow(2, i_b_bat, 'BAT', bat, i_s_font) tbl.createRow(3, i_b_crab, 'CRAB', crab, i_s_font) tbl.createRow(4, i_b_gart, 'GARTLEY', gart, i_s_font) tbl.createRow(5, i_b_bfly, 'BUTTERFLY', bfly, i_s_font) tbl.createRow(6, i_b_dCrab,'DEEP CRAB', dCrab, i_s_font) tbl.createRow(7, i_b_shark, 'SHARK', shark, i_s_font) //#endregion
Market Performance Table
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ fyntrade // Version 1.0 - 6 Oct 2023 //@version=5 indicator(title="Market Performance", shorttitle = "MP", overlay=true) useT1 = input(true,"", inline = "1", group="Tickers") t1 = input.symbol("AMEX:SPY","", inline = "1", group="Tickers") useT2 = input(true,"", inline = "2", group="Tickers") t2 = input.symbol("NASDAQ:QQQ" , "", inline = "2", group="Tickers") useT3 = input(true,"", inline = "3", group="Tickers") t3 = input.symbol("AMEX:IWM", "", inline = "3", group="Tickers") useT4 = input(true,"", inline = "4", group="Tickers") t4 = input.symbol("AMEX:IWO", "", inline = "4", group="Tickers") useT5 = input(true,"", inline = "5", group="Tickers") t5 = input.symbol("AMEX:IWC", "", inline = "5", group="Tickers") dash_loc = input.string(defval = "Bottom Left", title = "Dashboard Location", options=["Top Left", "Top Center", "Top Right", "Middle Left", "Middle Center", "Middle Right", "Bottom Left", "Bottom Center", "Bottom Right"], group='Style Settings') text_size = input.string(defval = "Small", title = "Dashboard Size", options=["Tiny", "Small", "Normal", "Large"], group='Style Settings') var table_position = switch dash_loc "Top Left" => position.top_left "Top Center" => position.top_center "Top Right" => position.top_right "Middle Left" => position.middle_left "Middle Center" => position.middle_center "Middle Right" => position.middle_right "Bottom Left" => position.bottom_left "Bottom Center" => position.bottom_center "Bottom Right" => position.bottom_right var table_text_size = switch text_size "Tiny" => size.tiny "Small" => size.small "Normal" => size.normal "Large" => size.large cell_up = input(#4caf50,'Bullish Cell Color' ,group='Style Settings') cell_dn = input(#FF5252,'Bearish Cell Color' ,group='Style Settings') cell_neutral = input(#5d606b,'Neutral Cell Color' ,group='Style Settings') txt_col = input(color.silver,'Text/Frame Color' ,group='Style Settings') cell_transp =,'Transparency' ,minval=0 ,maxval=100 ,group='Style Settings') f_calc(ticker) => a_close =,'1D',close) a_text = array.get(str.split(ticker, ':'),1) roc = ta.roc(a_close,1)/100 sma200 = ta.sma(a_close,200) sma50 = ta.sma(a_close,50) sma20 = ta.sma(a_close,20) sma10 = ta.sma(a_close,10) ext50 = (a_close - sma50) / sma50 [a_text, a_close, roc, a_close > sma50, a_close > sma20, a_close > sma10, sma10 > sma20, sma20 > sma50, sma50 > sma200, ext50] var t =,11,6, frame_color=txt_col, frame_width=1, border_color=txt_col, border_width=1) [t1text, t1close, t1roc, t1sma50, t1sma20, t1sma10, t1sma10_20, t1sma20_50, t1sma50_200, t1ext50] = f_calc(t1) [t2text, t2close, t2roc, t2sma50, t2sma20, t2sma10, t2sma10_20, t2sma20_50, t2sma50_200, t2ext50] = f_calc(t2) [t3text, t3close, t3roc, t3sma50, t3sma20, t3sma10, t3sma10_20, t3sma20_50, t3sma50_200, t3ext50] = f_calc(t3) [t4text, t4close, t4roc, t4sma50, t4sma20, t4sma10, t4sma10_20, t4sma20_50, t4sma50_200, t4ext50] = f_calc(t4) [t5text, t5close, t5roc, t5sma50, t5sma20, t5sma10, t5sma10_20, t5sma20_50, t5sma50_200, t5ext50] = f_calc(t5) if barstate.islast table.cell(t,1,0, 'Symbol' ,text_color=color.white,text_size=table_text_size, table.cell(t,2,0, 'Price ($)' ,text_color=color.white,text_size=table_text_size, table.cell(t,3,0, '1D change (%)' ,text_color=color.white,text_size=table_text_size, table.cell(t,4,0, '>50SMA' ,text_color=color.white,text_size=table_text_size, table.cell(t,5,0, '>20SMA' ,text_color=color.white,text_size=table_text_size, table.cell(t,6,0, '>10SMA' ,text_color=color.white,text_size=table_text_size, table.cell(t,7,0, '10>20SMA' ,text_color=color.white,text_size=table_text_size, table.cell(t,8,0, '20>50SMA' ,text_color=color.white,text_size=table_text_size, table.cell(t,9,0, '50>200SMA' ,text_color=color.white,text_size=table_text_size, table.cell(t,10,0, 'Ext 50SMA' ,text_color=color.white,text_size=table_text_size, if useT1 table.cell(t,1,1, str.tostring(t1text) ,text_color=color.white,text_size=table_text_size, table.cell(t,2,1, str.tostring(t1close, '#.##'),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size,,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,3,1, str.tostring(t1roc, '#.##%'),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size,,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,4,1, str.tostring(t1sma50),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,5,1, str.tostring(t1sma20),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,6,1, str.tostring(t1sma10),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,7,1, str.tostring(t1sma10_20),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,8,1, str.tostring(t1sma20_50),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,9,1, str.tostring(t1sma50_200),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,10,1, str.tostring(t1ext50, '#.##%'),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size,,cell_transp)) if useT2 table.cell(t,1,2, str.tostring(t2text),text_color=color.white,text_size=table_text_size, table.cell(t,2,2, str.tostring(t2close, '#.##'),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size,,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,3,2, str.tostring(t2roc, '#.##%'),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size,,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,4,2, str.tostring(t2sma50),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,5,2, str.tostring(t2sma20),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,6,2, str.tostring(t2sma10),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,7,2, str.tostring(t2sma10_20),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,8,2, str.tostring(t2sma20_50),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,9,2, str.tostring(t2sma50_200),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,10,2, str.tostring(t2ext50, '#.##%'),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size,,cell_transp)) if useT3 table.cell(t,1,3, str.tostring(t3text),text_color=color.white,text_size=table_text_size, table.cell(t,2,3, str.tostring(t3close, '#.##'),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size,,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,3,3, str.tostring(t3roc, '#.##%'),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size,,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,4,3, str.tostring(t3sma50),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,5,3, str.tostring(t3sma20),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,6,3, str.tostring(t3sma10),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,7,3, str.tostring(t3sma10_20),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,8,3, str.tostring(t3sma20_50),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,9,3, str.tostring(t3sma50_200),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,10,3, str.tostring(t3ext50, '#.##%'),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size,,cell_transp)) if useT4 table.cell(t,1,4, str.tostring(t4text),text_color=color.white,text_size=table_text_size, table.cell(t,2,4, str.tostring(t4close, '#.##'),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size,,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,3,4, str.tostring(t4roc, '#.##%'),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size,,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,4,4, str.tostring(t4sma50),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,5,4, str.tostring(t4sma20),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,6,4, str.tostring(t4sma10),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,7,4, str.tostring(t4sma10_20),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,8,4, str.tostring(t4sma20_50),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,9,4, str.tostring(t4sma50_200),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,10,4, str.tostring(t4ext50, '#.##%'),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size,,cell_transp)) if useT5 table.cell(t,1,5, str.tostring(t5text),text_color=color.white,text_size=table_text_size, table.cell(t,2,5, str.tostring(t5close, '#.##'),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size,,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,3,5, str.tostring(t5roc, '#.##%'),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size,,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,4,5, str.tostring(t5sma50),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,5,5, str.tostring(t5sma20),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,6,5, str.tostring(t5sma10),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,7,5, str.tostring(t5sma10_20),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,8,5, str.tostring(t5sma20_50),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,9,5, str.tostring(t5sma50_200),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size, ? cell_up : cell_dn,cell_transp)) table.cell(t,10,5, str.tostring(t5ext50, '#.##%'),text_color=txt_col,text_size=table_text_size,,cell_transp))
SML Suite
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ kikfraben // Updated last on 25. Oct, 2023 //@version=5 indicator("SML Suite", overlay = false) // Define Moving Average Lengths len_ma1 = input(9, "Moving Average 1", group = "User Inputs") len_ma2 = input(22, "Moving Average 2", group = "User Inputs") len_ma3 = input(52, "Moving Average 3", group = "User Inputs") // Source src = input(close, "Moving Average Source", group = "User Inputs") // Define Standard Deviation Multiplier mult = input.float(1.0, "Standard Deviation Multiplier", group = "User Inputs") // Get Moving Averages val_ma1 = ta.sma(src, len_ma1) val_ma2 = ta.sma(src, len_ma2) val_ma3 = ta.sma(src, len_ma3) // Get Standard Deviations stdev_ma1 = ta.stdev(src, len_ma1) stdev_ma2 = ta.stdev(src, len_ma2) stdev_ma3 = ta.stdev(src, len_ma3) // Get Upper and Lower Bands u1 = val_ma1 + mult * stdev_ma1 l1 = val_ma1 - mult * stdev_ma1 u2 = val_ma2 + mult * stdev_ma2 l2 = val_ma2 - mult * stdev_ma2 u3 = val_ma3 + mult * stdev_ma3 l3 = val_ma3 - mult * stdev_ma3 // Get Binary Results b1 = (close > u1) ? 1 : (close < l1) ? -1 : 1 b2 = (close > u2) ? 1 : (close < l2) ? -1 : 1 b3 = (close > u3) ? 1 : (close < l3) ? -1 : 1 // SML Calculation sml = math.avg(b1, b2, b3) // Color Inputs col_up1 = #3fa8c9 col_up2 =, 55) col_down1 = #c93f3f col_down2 =, 55) // Determine the Color of the Bars hist_col = sml >= 0 ? (sml > sml[1] ? col_up1 : col_up2) : (sml < sml[1] ? col_down1 : col_down2) // Plot SML as Histogram plot(sml, style = plot.style_histogram, color = hist_col, linewidth = 3) // Table with Binary Results var bTable = = position.top_right, columns = 5, rows = 5, bgcolor =, 95), border_width = 1, frame_color =, 50), frame_width = 1, border_color =, 70)) table.merge_cells(bTable, 0, 0, 1, 0) table.cell(bTable, 0, 0, "SML Suite", text_color =, 50)) table.cell(bTable, 0, 1, "S", text_color =, 50)) table.cell(bTable, 0, 2, "M", text_color =, 50)) table.cell(bTable, 0, 3, "L", text_color =, 50)) table.cell(bTable, 0, 4, "SML", text_color =, 50)) table.cell(bTable, 1, 1, str.tostring(b1), text_color = b1 >= 0 ? col_up1 : col_down1) table.cell(bTable, 1, 2, str.tostring(b2), text_color = b2 >= 0 ? col_up1 : col_down1) table.cell(bTable, 1, 3, str.tostring(b3), text_color = b3 >= 0 ? col_up1 : col_down1) table.cell(bTable, 1, 4, str.tostring(sml), text_color = sml >= 0 ? col_up1 : col_down1)
@tk ยท spectral
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ gabrielrtakeda //@version=5 // <declaration_statement> indicator("@tk ยท spectral", overlay=true) // <import_statements> import gabrielrtakeda/tk/1 as tk // <constant_declarations> string DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE = size.normal string DEFAULT_POSITION = position.bottom_right string DEFAULT_PAIR_OPERATOR = 'USDT' color DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_COLOR = #434651 // hints string HINT_PAIR_QUOTE = 'e.g. BTCUSDT. Which BTC is the "base" and USDT is the "quote".' // <inputs> string GROUP_GENERAL = 'General' string textSizeInput = input.string(DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, 'Text Size', [size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large], group=GROUP_GENERAL) string positionInput = input.string(DEFAULT_POSITION, 'Position', [position.top_left, position.top_center, position.top_right, position.middle_left, position.middle_center, position.middle_right, position.bottom_left, position.bottom_center, position.bottom_right], group=GROUP_GENERAL) string pairQuoteInput = input.string(DEFAULT_PAIR_OPERATOR, 'Pair Quote', tooltip=HINT_PAIR_QUOTE, group=GROUP_GENERAL) color spectrumColorInput = input.color(DEFAULT_SPECTRUM_COLOR, 'Spectrum Color', group=GROUP_GENERAL) note = input.bool(true, 'v0.1.37') // <function_declarations> stripStarts(src, str) => strRegex = str.format('^{0}', str) strMatch = str.match(src, strRegex) strStripped = str.replace(src, strMatch, '') strStripped // <calculations> isCrypto = syminfo.type == 'crypto' hasPerpRoot = str.length(str.match(syminfo.root, '^[\\w]+\.[P|PERP]$')) > 0 hasPerpDesc = str.contains(syminfo.description, 'Perpetual') isFutures = hasPerpRoot or hasPerpDesc posUsdtPair = str.pos(syminfo.ticker, pairQuoteInput) // e.g. BTC(USDT.P) posInstrumentSep = str.pos(syminfo.ticker, ":") // e.g. (BINANCE:)BTCUSDT.P symbolSubstr = str.substring(syminfo.ticker, posInstrumentSep+1, posUsdtPair) symbolStripped = stripStarts(stripStarts(stripStarts(symbolSubstr, '100000'), '10000'), '1000') symbol = symbolStripped ticker = str.format('{0}{1}{2}', symbol, pairQuoteInput, isFutures ? '' : '.P') is100kMult = str.startswith(symbolSubstr, '100000') is10kMult = str.startswith(symbolSubstr, '10000') is1kMult = str.startswith(symbolSubstr, '1000') multplier = is100kMult ? 100000 : is10kMult ? 10000 : is1kMult ? 1000 : 1 otherMarketClose =, timeframe.period, close, gaps=barmerge.gaps_off) higherClose = math.max(close, otherMarketClose) priceDiff = (close - otherMarketClose) * -1 priceDiffNeg = priceDiff < 0 priceDiffPerc = math.abs(priceDiff) / higherClose * 100 / multplier priceDiffPercStr = str.format('{1}{0,number,0.00}%', priceDiffPerc, priceDiffNeg ? '-' : '+') // // plot spectrum bars // // TODO: refactor // Use gaps to only return data when the 1D timeframe completes, `na` otherwise. [o, h, l, c] =, timeframe.period, [open, high, low, close], gaps = barmerge.gaps_on) // Only plot candles on intraday timeframes, // and when non `na` values are returned by `` because a HTF has completed. plotcandle(timeframe.isintraday ? o : na, h, l, c, "Spectrum Candles", color=spectrumColorInput, wickcolor=spectrumColorInput, bordercolor=spectrumColorInput, display=display.pane) var line1 =, c, bar_index, c, extend=extend.both, color=spectrumColorInput, style=line.style_dotted, width=1) line.set_y1(line1, c) line.set_y2(line1, c) line.set_x1(line1, bar_index) line.set_x2(line1, bar_index+1) // line.set_xloc(line1, time, time + 60 * 60 * 24, xloc.bar_time) // <strategy_calls> // <visuals> hudInstance = tk.hudInit(positionInput, columns=2, bgcolor=chart.bg_color, textSize=textSizeInput, textColor=chart.fg_color) if tk.isHudReady() and barstate.isrealtime tk.hud(hudInstance, array.from(isFutures ? 'spot' : 'futures', str.tostring(priceDiffPercStr))) // <alerts>
Machine Learning: Support and Resistance [YinYangAlgorithms]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. @@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. @ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@, @ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@* @@@@@ @@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@% @@@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ %@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // ยฉ YinYangAlgorithms //@version=5 indicator("Machine Learning Support and Resistance [YinYangAlgorithms]", overlay=true) // ~~~~~~~~~~~ INPUTS ~~~~~~~~~~~ // source = input.source(close, "Source", tooltip="This source is the base for all our calculations") mlLength =, "Machine Learning Length", minval=2, tooltip="How much projection data are we storing and using to make calculations") smoothingLength =, "Smoothing Length", minval=1, tooltip="We need to smooth calculations such as RSI, EMA and VWMA. What length are we smoothing it with.") vwmaProjectionLength =, "VWMA ML Projection Length", minval=1, tooltip="How far into our Machine Learning data should we average for our VWMA. Please note the 'Smoothing Length' is still applied here after getting the Projection Average.") showLongTermMemory = input.string("Hard Line", "Long Term Memory", options=["Average", "Hard Line", "None"], tooltip="Long term memory has the same storage length but is only updated once per Machine Learning Length. For instance, if Machine Learning Length is 100, it will save the Average of our data once every 100 bars. This means its memory is an average of 10,000 bars of Machine Learning. 'Average' connects its values diagonally whereas 'Hard Line' holds its value until it changes.") useAverageLastDistance = input.bool(false, "Use Average Last Distance In Potential Movement", tooltip="This can help accuracy but generally also displaces the Support and Resistance by projecting it further") showCurrentProjection = input.bool(false, "Show Current Projection", tooltip="Projections occur for each bar, and our Machine Learning utilizes these projections by storing and evaluating them. This toggle will display the Current Projection Line which is used to create all our Projections.") // ~~~~~~~~~~~ FUNCTIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~ // //Calculate the current bars projection getCurrentProjection(_src, _rsi, _ma) => //Difference between source and MA dif = _src - _ma //Difference between last source and MA prev = _src[1] - _ma[1] //We need to know the direction the RSI is currently moving prevRSI = _rsi - _rsi[1] //The average over the last MM length so we know our relationship to it avg = 0. for i = 0 to mlLength - 1 avg += _src[i] - _ma[i] avg := avg / mlLength //get the absolute difference between our current values and the averages avgDif = math.abs(dif) - math.abs(avg) //calculate the average distance between our last 2 bars avgLastDistance = math.avg(dif, prev) //calculate our potential movement potentialMovement = useAverageLastDistance ? avgDif + math.avg(avg, avgLastDistance) : avgDif + avg //calculate our projection direction projDir = 1. if prev > 0 projDir += 0.05 else projDir -= 0.05 if dif > avgDif projDir += 0.05 else projDir -= 0.05 if prevRSI > 0 projDir += 0.05 else projDir -= 0.05 if (_rsi > 30 and _rsi[1] <= 30) projDir += 0.1 else if (_rsi < 70 and _rsi[1] >= 70) projDir -= 0.1 //calculate our projection mult projMult = 1. if (_rsi > 30 and _rsi[1] <= 30) or (_rsi < 70 and _rsi[1] >= 70) projMult += 0.1 if dif > prev projMult += 0.05 //apply mult to potential movement and create projection projection = 0. if projDir >= 1 projection := _src + (potentialMovement * projMult) else projection := _src - (potentialMovement * projMult) //return projection projection //Calculate the Machine Learning projection over a given length with possible sorting getProjection(_data, _length, _sorting) => //If specified, sort the data accordingly if _sorting == "Ascending" _data.sort(order.ascending) else if _sorting == "Descending" _data.sort(order.descending) //Compute the average of the KNN (if sorted) or most recent data over a specified length //If using sorting this allows it to compute its KNN over X length rather than a fixed KNN length avg = 0. for i = 0 to _length - 1 avg += array.get(_data, i) avg / _length // ~~~~~~~~~~~ CALCULATIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~ // //our current values used to create projections src = source[1] rsi = ta.rsi(src, smoothingLength) ma = ta.ema(src, smoothingLength) //our projection of this bar float projection = 0. projection := getCurrentProjection(src, rsi, ma) //save what the previous projections were data = array.new_float(mlLength) for i = 0 to mlLength - 1 data.set(i, projection[i]) //save long term memory longTermMemory = array.new_float(mlLength) if bar_index % mlLength == 0 longTermMemory.push(data.avg()) else if barstate.islast and showLongTermMemory == "Average" longTermMemory.set(longTermMemory.size() - 1, data.avg()) //calculate projections with varying lengths ltm = showLongTermMemory == "Average" ? longTermMemory.avg() : ta.sma(longTermMemory.avg(), 1) avg = data.avg() vwma = ta.vwma(getProjection(data, math.min(vwmaProjectionLength, mlLength), ""), smoothingLength) strongSupport = getProjection(data, 2, "Ascending") strongResistance = getProjection(data, 2, "Descending") support = getProjection(data, math.max(mlLength / 10, 2), "Ascending") resistance = getProjection(data, math.max(mlLength / 10, 2), "Descending") // ~~~~~~~~~~~ PLOTS ~~~~~~~~~~~ // plot(showCurrentProjection ? projection : na, color=color.white) ss = plot(strongSupport, sr = plot(strongResistance, s = plot(support,, 50)) r = plot(resistance,, 50)) a = plot(avg, color=color.purple) v = plot(vwma, plot(showLongTermMemory != "None" ? ltm : na, color=color.maroon) fill(ss, s,, 95)) fill(sr, r,, 95)) midColor = vwma > avg ? : fill(v, a,, 95)) // ~~~~~~~~~~~ END ~~~~~~~~~~~ //
Old Tradability by Kiersten & Haji
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ hajjiplays //This code is now available to the public. People may now copy and reuse the code in bigger projects. //However this script property of NoGoodLuck LLC, and may not be copied or redistributed without credit to Elhadji Ouedrago or NoGoodLuck. //@version=5 //VERY BEGINNING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VERY BEGINNING// //VERY BEGINNING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VERY BEGINNING// indicator("Old Tradability by Kiersten & Haji", overlay = false) //SETTINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SETTINGS// //SETTINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SETTINGS// device = input.string("Computer", "Device", ["Computer", "Mobile"], group = "Basic Settings") source = input.string("High / Low", "Source", ["High / Low", "Close"], group = "Basic Settings") areanumber =, "True Area Lookback Number", group = "Basic Settings") lookback = 100 timeframes=input.timeframe("15","Normalization Timeframe", group = "Basic Settings") takeprofit = input.string("Normalized Take Profit", "Take Profit Levels", ["Normalized Take Profit", "Kiersten Take Profit"], group = "Structure Settings") stoploss = input.string("Normalized Stop Loss", "Stop Loss Levels", ["Normalized Stop Loss", "Kiersten Stop Loss"], group = "Structure Settings") kierstenamount =, title = "Kiersten Dynamic Bar Amount", group = "Structure Settings") bias = input.string("Automatic", "Trend Direction", options = ["Automatic", "Bullish", "Bearish"], group = "Structure Settings") UsePatterns = input.bool(false, "Use Patterns In Alerts", group = "Patterns") patterns_short = input.timeframe('60', "Patterns Short Timeframe", group = "Patterns") patterns_long = input.timeframe('240', "Patterns Long Timeframe", group = "Patterns") useLongHeikinAshi = input.bool(true, "Use 4 Hour Heikin Ashi", group = "Considerations") useWilliamAlligator = input.bool(true, "Use William Alligator", group = "Considerations") useChandelierExit = input.bool(true, "Use Chandelier Exit", group = "Considerations") useShortHeikinAshi = input.bool(true, "Use 1 Hour Heikin Ashi", group = "Considerations") useMFI = input.bool(true, "Use MFI", group = "Considerations") useMACD = input.bool(true, "Use MacD", group = "Considerations") useEverything = input.bool(true, "Show Everything Crosses", group = "Considerations") trueareaalertvalue =, title = "True Area Score Alert Value", group = "Alerts") normalizedvalue =, "Normalization (Enter)", group = "Alerts") normalizedmode = input.string("Automatic", "Normalization Mode", ["Automatic", "Manual"]) normalizedvaluetakeprofit = input.float(50, "Normalization (Take Profit)", group = "Alerts") normalizedvaluestoploss = input.float(50, "Normalization (Stop Loss)", group = "Alerts") positionSize ="Position Size", defval=5, group = "Risk Management") maxrisk =, "Maximum Risk", group = "Risk Management") minreward =, "Minmum Reward", group = "Risk Management") minRRR =, "Minmum Risk Reward Ratio", group = "Risk Management") //END OF SETTINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------END OF SETTINGS// //END OF SETTINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------END OF SETTINGS// //SPEED CALCULATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPEED CALCULATIONS// //SPEED CALCULATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPEED CALCULATIONS// // Calculate the duration of a bar in seconds // Calculate the difference in price between the current and previous bar price1 =, "1", close[2]) price2 =, "1", close[1]) priceChange = math.abs(price1 - price2) // Convert the price change to pips priceChangeInPips = priceChange / syminfo.mintick // Calculate the speed of the stock in pips per second speed = priceChangeInPips //END SPEED CALCULATIONS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------END SPEED CALCULATIONS// //END SPEED CALCULATIONS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------END SPEED CALCULATIONS// //HEIKIN ASHI CALCULATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HEIKIN ASHI CALCULATIONS// //HEIKIN ASHI CALCULATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HEIKIN ASHI CALCULATIONS// ha_t = ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid) normal =, syminfo.tickerid) resS = 'S' ha_openS =, resS, open) ha_closeS =, resS, close) ha_difS = ha_openS - ha_closeS iff_S = ha_difS < 0 ? 2 : 3 ha_diffS = ha_difS > 0 ? 1 : iff_S res1 = '1' ha_open1 =, res1, open) ha_close1 =, res1, close) ha_dif1 = ha_open1 - ha_close1 iff_1 = ha_dif1 < 0 ? 2 : 3 ha_diff1 = ha_dif1 > 0 ? 1 : iff_1 res3 = '3' ha_open3 =, res3, open) ha_close3 =, res3, close) ha_dif3 = ha_open3 - ha_close3 iff_3 = ha_dif3 < 0 ? 2 : 3 ha_diff3 = ha_dif3 > 0 ? 1 : iff_3 res5 = '5' ha_open5 =, res5, open) ha_close5 =, res5, close) ha_dif5 = ha_open5 - ha_close5 iff_5 = ha_dif5 < 0 ? 2 : 3 ha_diff5 = ha_dif5 > 0 ? 1 : iff_5 res15 = '15' ha_open15 =, res15, open) ha_close15 =, res15, close) ha_dif15 = ha_open15 - ha_close15 iff_15 = ha_dif15 < 0 ? 2 : 3 ha_diff15 = ha_dif15 > 0 ? 1 : iff_15 res30 = '30' ha_open30 =, res30, open) ha_close30 =, res30, close) ha_dif30 = ha_open30 - ha_close30 iff_30 = ha_dif30 < 0 ? 2 : 3 ha_diff30 = ha_dif30 > 0 ? 1 : iff_30 res60 = '60' ha_open60 =, res60, open) ha_close60 =, res60, close) ha_dif60 = ha_open60 - ha_close60 iff_60 = ha_dif60 < 0 ? 2 : 3 ha_diff60 = ha_dif60 > 0 ? 1 : iff_60 res120 = '120' ha_open120 =, res120, open) ha_close120 =, res120, close) ha_dif120 = ha_open120 - ha_close120 iff_120 = ha_dif120 < 0 ? 2 : 3 ha_diff120 = ha_dif120 > 0 ? 1 : iff_120 res180 = '180' ha_open180 =, res180, open) ha_close180 =, res180, close) ha_dif180 = ha_open180 - ha_close180 iff_180 = ha_dif180 < 0 ? 2 : 3 ha_diff180 = ha_dif180 > 0 ? 1 : iff_180 res240 = '240' ha_open240 =, res240, open) ha_close240 =, res240, close) ha_dif240 = ha_open240 - ha_close240 iff_240 = ha_dif240 < 0 ? 2 : 3 ha_diff240 = ha_dif240 > 0 ? 1 : iff_240 resD = 'D' ha_openD =, resD, open) ha_closeD =, resD, close) ha_difD = ha_openD - ha_closeD iff_D = ha_difD < 0 ? 2 : 3 ha_diffD = ha_difD > 0 ? 1 : iff_D resshort = patterns_short ha_openshort =, resshort, open) ha_closeshort =, resshort, close) ha_difshort = ha_openshort - ha_closeshort iff_short = ha_difshort < 0 ? 2 : 3 ha_diffshort = ha_difshort > 0 ? 1 : iff_short reslong = patterns_long ha_openlong =, reslong, open) ha_closelong =, reslong, close) ha_diflong = ha_openlong - ha_closelong iff_long = ha_diflong < 0 ? 2 : 3 ha_difflong = ha_diflong > 0 ? 1 : iff_long //END OF HEIKIN ASHI CALCULATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------END OF HEIKIN ASHI CALCULATIONS// //END OF HEIKIN ASHI CALCULATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------END OF HEIKIN ASHI CALCULATIONS// //PATTERN DETECTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PATTERN DETECTION// //PATTERN DETECTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PATTERN DETECTION// trend = 'Consolidation' if ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong == 2 trend := 'Bullish' if ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong == 1 trend := 'Bearish' if ha_diffshort[2] == 1 and ha_diffshort[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong[2] == 2 and ha_difflong[1] == 2 and ha_difflong == 2 trend := 'Consolidation' if ha_diffshort[2] == 2 and ha_diffshort[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong[2] == 1 and ha_difflong[1] == 1 and ha_difflong == 1 trend := 'Consolidation' if ha_diffshort[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong[1] == 1 and ha_difflong == 2 trend := 'Double Up' if ha_diffshort[2] == 1 and ha_diffshort[1] == 2 and ha_difflong[2] == 1 and ha_difflong[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong == 2 trend := 'Double Up Confirmed' if ha_diffshort[2] == 1 and ha_diffshort[1] == 2 and ha_difflong[2] == 1 and ha_difflong[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong == 1 trend := 'Double Up Declined' if ha_diffshort[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong[1] == 2 and ha_difflong == 1 trend := 'Double Down' if ha_diffshort[2] == 2 and ha_diffshort[1] == 1 and ha_difflong[2] == 2 and ha_difflong[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong == 1 trend := 'Double Down Confirmed' if ha_diffshort[2] == 2 and ha_diffshort[1] == 1 and ha_difflong[2] == 2 and ha_difflong[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong == 2 trend := 'Double Down Declined' if ha_diffshort[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong[1] == 2 and ha_difflong == 2 trend := 'Bullish Continuation' if ha_diffshort[2] == 1 and ha_diffshort[1] == 2 and ha_difflong[2] == 2 and ha_difflong[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong == 2 trend := 'Bullish Continuation Confirmed' if ha_diffshort[2] == 1 and ha_diffshort[1] == 2 and ha_difflong[2] == 2 and ha_difflong[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong == 2 trend := 'Bullish Continuation Declined' if ha_diffshort[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong[1] == 1 and ha_difflong == 1 trend := 'Bearish Continuation' if ha_diffshort[2] == 2 and ha_diffshort[1] == 1 and ha_difflong[2] == 1 and ha_difflong[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong == 1 trend := 'Bearish Continuation Confirmed' if ha_diffshort[2] == 2 and ha_diffshort[1] == 1 and ha_difflong[2] == 1 and ha_difflong[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong == 1 trend := 'Bearish Continuation Declined' if ha_difflong[1] == 1 and ha_difflong == 2 and ha_diffshort[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort == 2 trend := 'Bullish Break' if ha_difflong[2] == 1 and ha_difflong[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort[2] == 2 and ha_diffshort[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong == 2 trend := 'Bullish Break Confirmed' if ha_difflong[2] == 1 and ha_difflong[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort[2] == 2 and ha_diffshort[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong == 2 trend := 'Bullish Break Declined' if ha_difflong[2] == 1 and ha_difflong[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort[2] == 2 and ha_diffshort[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong == 1 trend := 'Bullish Break Declined' if ha_difflong[1] == 2 and ha_difflong == 1 and ha_diffshort[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort == 1 trend := 'Bearish Break' if ha_difflong[2] == 2 and ha_difflong[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort[2] == 1 and ha_diffshort[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong == 1 trend := 'Bearish Break Confirmed' if ha_difflong[2] == 2 and ha_difflong[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort[2] == 1 and ha_diffshort[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong == 1 trend := 'Bearish Break Declined' if ha_difflong[2] == 2 and ha_difflong[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort[2] == 1 and ha_diffshort[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong == 2 trend := 'Bearish Break Declined' if ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong[1] == 2 and ha_difflong == 1 or ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong[2] == 2 and ha_difflong == 1 trend := 'Bullish Trend Swapping' if ha_diffshort[1] == 2 and ha_difflong[2] == 2 and ha_difflong[1] == 1 or ha_diffshort[1] == 2 and ha_difflong[3] == 2 and ha_difflong[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong == 2 trend := 'Bullish Trend Swapping Confirmed' if ha_diffshort[1] == 2 and ha_difflong[2] == 2 and ha_difflong[1] == 1 or ha_diffshort[1] == 2 and ha_difflong[3] == 2 and ha_difflong[1] == 1 and ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong == 1 trend := 'Bullish Trend Swapping Declined' if ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong[1] == 1 and ha_difflong == 2 or ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong[2] == 1 and ha_difflong == 2 trend := 'Bearish Trend Swapping' if ha_diffshort[1] == 1 and ha_difflong[2] == 1 and ha_difflong[1] == 2 or ha_diffshort[1] == 1 and ha_difflong[3] == 1 and ha_difflong[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong == 1 trend := 'Bearish Trend Swapping Confirmed' if ha_diffshort[1] == 1 and ha_difflong[2] == 1 and ha_difflong[1] == 2 or ha_diffshort[1] == 1 and ha_difflong[3] == 1 and ha_difflong[1] == 2 and ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong == 2 trend := 'Bearish Trend Swapping Declined' trendcolor = color.rgb(224, 224, 224) if ha_diffshort == 2 and ha_difflong == 2 trendcolor := if ha_diffshort == 1 and ha_difflong == 1 trendcolor := if trend == 'Double Up Declined' or trend == 'Bullish Continuation Declined' or trend == 'Bullish Break Declined' or trend == 'Bullish Trend Swapping Declined' trendcolor := if trend == 'Double Down Declined' or trend == 'Bearish Continuation Declined' or trend == 'Bearish Break Declined' or trend == 'Bearish Trend Swapping Declined' trendcolor := if trend == 'Bullish Trend Swapping' trendcolor := if trend == 'Bearish Trend Swapping' trendcolor := //END OF PATTERN DETECTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------END OF PATTERN DETECTION// //END OF PATTERN DETECTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------END OFPATTERN DETECTION// //PATTERN WIN RATE CALCULATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PATTERN WIN RATE CALCULATION// //PATTERN WIN RATE CALCULATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PATTERN WIN RATE CALCULATION// currentConversion = 0.0 backtracknumber = 3 arrownumber = 2 DoubleUpSuccess = 0.0 DoubleUpFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Double Up' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Double Up' if close[i - arrownumber] < close[i] DoubleUpSuccess := DoubleUpSuccess + 1 else DoubleUpFail := DoubleUpFail + 1 DoubleUpConversion = DoubleUpSuccess / (DoubleUpSuccess + DoubleUpFail) DoubleUpConfirmedSuccess = 0.0 DoubleUpConfirmedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Double Up Confirmed' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Double Up Confirmed' if close[i - arrownumber] < close[i] DoubleUpConfirmedSuccess := DoubleUpConfirmedSuccess + 1 else DoubleUpConfirmedFail := DoubleUpConfirmedFail + 1 DoubleUpConfirmedConversion = DoubleUpConfirmedSuccess / (DoubleUpConfirmedSuccess + DoubleUpConfirmedFail) DoubleDownDeclinedSuccess = 0.0 DoubleDownDeclinedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Double Down Declined' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Double Down Declined' if close[i - arrownumber] < close[i] DoubleDownDeclinedSuccess := DoubleDownDeclinedSuccess + 1 else DoubleDownDeclinedFail := DoubleDownDeclinedFail + 1 DoubleDownDeclinedConversion = DoubleDownDeclinedSuccess / (DoubleDownDeclinedSuccess + DoubleDownDeclinedFail) BullishContinuationSuccess = 0.0 BullishContinuationFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bullish Continuation' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bullish Continuation' if close[i - arrownumber] < close[i] BullishContinuationSuccess := BullishContinuationSuccess + 1 else BullishContinuationFail := BullishContinuationFail + 1 BullishContinuationConversion = BullishContinuationSuccess / (BullishContinuationSuccess + BullishContinuationFail) BullishContinuationConfirmedSuccess = 0.0 BullishContinuationConfirmedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bullish Continuation Confirmed' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bullish Continuation Confirmed' if close[i - arrownumber] < close[i] BullishContinuationConfirmedSuccess := BullishContinuationConfirmedSuccess + 1 else BullishContinuationConfirmedFail := BullishContinuationConfirmedFail + 1 BullishContinuationConfirmedConversion = BullishContinuationConfirmedSuccess / (BullishContinuationConfirmedSuccess + BullishContinuationConfirmedFail) BearishContinuationDeclinedSuccess = 0.0 BearishContinuationDeclinedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bearish Continuation Declined' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bearish Continuation Declined' if close[i - arrownumber] < close[i] BearishContinuationDeclinedSuccess := BearishContinuationDeclinedSuccess + 1 else BearishContinuationDeclinedFail := BearishContinuationDeclinedFail + 1 BearishContinuationDeclinedConversion = BearishContinuationDeclinedSuccess / (BearishContinuationDeclinedSuccess + BearishContinuationDeclinedFail) BullishBreakSuccess = 0.0 BullishBreakFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bullish Break' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bullish Break' if close[i - arrownumber] < close[i] BullishBreakSuccess := BullishBreakSuccess + 1 else BullishBreakFail := BullishBreakFail + 1 BullishBreakConversion = BullishBreakSuccess / (BullishBreakSuccess + BullishBreakFail) BullishBreakConfirmedSuccess = 0.0 BullishBreakConfirmedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bullish Break Confirmed' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bullish Break Confirmed' if close[i - arrownumber] < close[i] BullishBreakConfirmedSuccess := BullishBreakConfirmedSuccess + 1 else BullishBreakConfirmedFail := BullishBreakConfirmedFail + 1 BullishBreakConfirmedConversion = BullishBreakConfirmedSuccess / (BullishBreakConfirmedSuccess + BullishBreakConfirmedFail) BearishBreakDeclinedSuccess = 0.0 BearishBreakDeclinedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bearish Break Declined' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bearish Break Declined' if close[i - arrownumber] < close[i] BearishBreakDeclinedSuccess := BearishBreakDeclinedSuccess + 1 else BearishBreakDeclinedFail := BearishBreakDeclinedFail + 1 BearishBreakDeclinedConversion = BearishBreakDeclinedSuccess / (BearishBreakDeclinedSuccess + BearishBreakDeclinedFail) BullishTrendSwappingSuccess = 0.0 BullishTrendSwappingFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bullish Trend Swapping' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bullish Trend Swapping' if close[i - arrownumber] < close[i] BullishTrendSwappingSuccess := BullishTrendSwappingSuccess + 1 else BullishTrendSwappingFail := BullishTrendSwappingFail + 1 BullishTrendSwappingConversion = BullishTrendSwappingSuccess / (BullishTrendSwappingSuccess + BullishTrendSwappingFail) BullishTrendSwappingConfirmedSuccess = 0.0 BullishTrendSwappingConfirmedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bullish Trend Swapping Confirmed' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bullish Trend Swapping Confirmed' if close[i - arrownumber] < close[i] BullishTrendSwappingConfirmedSuccess := BullishTrendSwappingConfirmedSuccess + 1 else BullishTrendSwappingConfirmedFail := BullishTrendSwappingConfirmedFail + 1 BullishTrendSwappingConfirmedConversion = BullishTrendSwappingConfirmedSuccess / (BullishTrendSwappingConfirmedSuccess + BullishTrendSwappingConfirmedFail) BearishTrendSwappingDeclinedSuccess = 0.0 BearishTrendSwappingDeclinedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bearish Trend Swapping Declined' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bearish Trend Swapping Declined' if close[i - arrownumber] < close[i] BearishTrendSwappingDeclinedSuccess := BearishTrendSwappingDeclinedSuccess + 1 else BearishTrendSwappingDeclinedFail := BearishTrendSwappingDeclinedFail + 1 BearishTrendSwappingDeclinedConversion = BearishTrendSwappingDeclinedSuccess / (BearishTrendSwappingDeclinedSuccess + BearishTrendSwappingDeclinedFail) DoubleDownSuccess = 0.0 DoubleDownFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Double Down' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Double Down' if close[i - arrownumber] > close[i] DoubleDownSuccess := DoubleDownSuccess + 1 else DoubleDownFail := DoubleDownFail + 1 DoubleDownConversion = DoubleDownSuccess / (DoubleDownSuccess + DoubleDownFail) DoubleUpDeclinedSuccess = 0.0 DoubleUpDeclinedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Double Up Declined' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Double Up Declined' if close[i - arrownumber] < close[i] DoubleUpDeclinedSuccess := DoubleUpDeclinedSuccess + 1 else DoubleUpDeclinedFail := DoubleUpDeclinedFail + 1 DoubleUpDeclinedConversion = DoubleUpDeclinedSuccess / (DoubleUpDeclinedSuccess + DoubleUpDeclinedFail) DoubleDownConfirmedSuccess = 0.0 DoubleDownConfirmedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Double Down Confirmed' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Double Down Confirmed' if close[i - arrownumber] > close[i] DoubleDownConfirmedSuccess := DoubleDownConfirmedSuccess + 1 else DoubleDownConfirmedFail := DoubleDownConfirmedFail + 1 DoubleDownConfirmedConversion = DoubleDownConfirmedSuccess / (DoubleDownConfirmedSuccess + DoubleDownConfirmedFail) BearishContinuationSuccess = 0.0 BearishContinuationFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bearish Continuation' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bearish Continuation' if close[i - arrownumber] > close[i] BearishContinuationSuccess := BearishContinuationSuccess + 1 else BearishContinuationFail := BearishContinuationFail + 1 BearishContinuationConversion = BearishContinuationSuccess / (BearishContinuationSuccess + BearishContinuationFail) BearishContinuationConfirmedSuccess = 0.0 BearishContinuationConfirmedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bearish Continuation Confirmed' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bearish Continuation Confirmed' if close[i - arrownumber] > close[i] BearishContinuationConfirmedSuccess := BearishContinuationConfirmedSuccess + 1 else BearishContinuationConfirmedFail := BearishContinuationConfirmedFail + 1 BearishContinuationConfirmedConversion = BearishContinuationConfirmedSuccess / (BearishContinuationConfirmedSuccess + BearishContinuationConfirmedFail) BullishContinuationDeclinedSuccess = 0.0 BullishContinuationDeclinedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bullish Continuation Declined' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bullish Continuation Declined' if close[i - arrownumber] > close[i] BullishContinuationDeclinedSuccess := BullishContinuationDeclinedSuccess + 1 else BullishContinuationDeclinedFail := BullishContinuationDeclinedFail + 1 BullishContinuationDeclinedConversion = BullishContinuationDeclinedSuccess / (BullishContinuationDeclinedSuccess + BullishContinuationDeclinedFail) BearishBreakSuccess = 0.0 BearishBreakFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bearish Break' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bearish Break' if close[i - arrownumber] > close[i] BearishBreakSuccess := BearishBreakSuccess + 1 else BearishBreakFail := BearishBreakFail + 1 BearishBreakConversion = BearishBreakSuccess / (BearishBreakSuccess + BearishBreakFail) BearishBreakConfirmedSuccess = 0.0 BearishBreakConfirmedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bearish Break Confirmed' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bearish Break Confirmed' if close[i - arrownumber] > close[i] BearishBreakConfirmedSuccess := BearishBreakConfirmedSuccess + 1 else BearishBreakConfirmedFail := BearishBreakConfirmedFail + 1 BearishBreakConfirmedConversion = BearishBreakConfirmedSuccess / (BearishBreakConfirmedSuccess + BearishBreakConfirmedFail) BullishBreakDeclinedSuccess = 0.0 BullishBreakDeclinedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bullish Break Declined' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bullish Break Declined' if close[i - arrownumber] > close[i] BullishBreakDeclinedSuccess := BullishBreakDeclinedSuccess + 1 else BullishBreakDeclinedFail := BullishBreakDeclinedFail + 1 BullishBreakDeclinedConversion = BullishBreakDeclinedSuccess / (BullishBreakDeclinedSuccess + BullishBreakDeclinedFail) BearishTrendSwappingSuccess = 0.0 BearishTrendSwappingFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bearish Trend Swapping' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bearish Trend Swapping' if close[i - arrownumber] > close[i] BearishTrendSwappingSuccess := BearishTrendSwappingSuccess + 1 else BearishTrendSwappingFail := BearishTrendSwappingFail + 1 BearishTrendSwappingConversion = BearishTrendSwappingSuccess / (BearishTrendSwappingSuccess + BearishTrendSwappingFail) BearishTrendSwappingConfirmedSuccess = 0.0 BearishTrendSwappingConfirmedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bearish Trend Swapping Confirmed' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bearish Trend Swapping Confirmed' if close[i - arrownumber] > close[i] BearishTrendSwappingConfirmedSuccess := BearishTrendSwappingConfirmedSuccess + 1 else BearishTrendSwappingConfirmedFail := BearishTrendSwappingConfirmedFail + 1 BearishTrendSwappingConfirmedConversion = BearishTrendSwappingConfirmedSuccess / (BearishTrendSwappingConfirmedSuccess + BearishTrendSwappingConfirmedFail) BullishTrendSwappingDeclinedSuccess = 0.0 BullishTrendSwappingDeclinedFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bullish Trend Swapping Declined' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bullish Trend Swapping Declined' if close[i - arrownumber] > close[i] BullishTrendSwappingDeclinedSuccess := BullishTrendSwappingDeclinedSuccess + 1 else BullishTrendSwappingDeclinedFail := BullishTrendSwappingDeclinedFail + 1 BullishTrendSwappingDeclinedConversion = BullishTrendSwappingDeclinedSuccess / (BullishTrendSwappingDeclinedSuccess + BullishTrendSwappingDeclinedFail) BullishSuccess = 0.0 BullishFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bullish' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bullish' if close[i - arrownumber] > close[i] BullishSuccess := BullishSuccess + 1 else BullishFail := BullishFail + 1 BullishConversion = BullishSuccess / (BullishSuccess + BullishFail) BearishSuccess = 0.0 BearishFail = 0.0 if trend == 'Bearish' for i = arrownumber to backtracknumber if trend[i] == 'Bearish' if close[i - arrownumber] > close[i] BearishSuccess := BearishSuccess + 1 else BearishFail := BearishFail + 1 BearishConversion = BearishSuccess / (BearishSuccess + BearishFail) if trend == "Double Up" currentConversion := DoubleUpConversion if trend == "Double Up Confirmed" currentConversion := DoubleUpConfirmedConversion if trend == "Double Up Declined" currentConversion := DoubleUpDeclinedConversion if trend == "Double Down" currentConversion := DoubleDownConversion if trend == "Double Down Confirmed" currentConversion := DoubleDownConfirmedConversion if trend == "Double Down Declined" currentConversion := DoubleDownDeclinedConversion if trend == "Bullish Continuation" currentConversion := BullishContinuationConversion if trend == "Bullish Continuation Confirmed" currentConversion := BullishContinuationConfirmedConversion if trend == "Bullish Continuation Declined" currentConversion := BullishContinuationDeclinedConversion if trend == "Bearish Continuation" currentConversion := BearishContinuationConversion if trend == "Bearish Continuation Confirmed" currentConversion := BearishContinuationConfirmedConversion if trend == "Bearish Continuation Declined" currentConversion := BearishContinuationDeclinedConversion if trend == "Bullish Break" currentConversion := BullishBreakConversion if trend == "Bullish Break Confirmed" currentConversion := BullishBreakConfirmedConversion if trend == "Bullish Break Declined" currentConversion := BullishBreakDeclinedConversion if trend == "Bearish Break" currentConversion := BearishBreakConversion if trend == "Bearish Break Confirmed" currentConversion := BearishBreakConfirmedConversion if trend == "Bearish Break Declined" currentConversion := BearishBreakDeclinedConversion if trend == "Bullish Trend Swapping" currentConversion := BullishTrendSwappingConversion if trend == "Bullish Trend Swapping Confirmed" currentConversion := BullishBreakConfirmedConversion if trend == "Bullish Trend Swapping Declined" currentConversion := BullishBreakDeclinedConversion if trend == "Bearish Trend Swapping" currentConversion := BearishTrendSwappingConversion if trend == "Bearish Trend Swapping Confirmed" currentConversion := BearishBreakConfirmedConversion if trend == "Bearish Trend Swapping Declined" currentConversion := BearishBreakDeclinedConversion if trend == "Bullish" currentConversion := BullishConversion if trend == "Bearish" currentConversion := BearishConversion patterwinrate = (currentConversion * 1.5) * 100 //WILLIAMS ALLIGATOR CALCULATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WILLIAMS ALLIGATOR CALCULATIONS// //WILLIAMS ALLIGATOR CALCULATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WILLIAMS ALLIGATOR CALCULATIONS// smma(src, length) => smma = 0.0 smma := na(smma[1]) ? ta.sma(src, length) : (smma[1] * (length - 1) + src) / length smma jawLength = 13 teethLength = 8 lipsLength = 5 jawOffset = 8 teethOffset = 5 lipsOffset = 3 jaw = smma(, '15', hl2), jawLength) teeth = smma(, '15', hl2), teethLength) lips = smma(, '15', hl2), lipsLength) williamsalligator = " Williams Alligator is Mixed" if lips > teeth and lips > jaw and jaw < teeth williamsalligator := "Williams Alligator is Bullish โ†‘" if lips < teeth and lips < jaw and jaw > teeth williamsalligator := "Williams Alligator is Bearish โ†“" //END OF WILLIAMS ALLIGATOR CALCULATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------END OF WILLIAMS ALLIGATOR CALCULATIONS// //END OF WILLIAMS ALLIGATOR CALCULATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------END OF WILLIAMS ALLIGATOR CALCULATIONS// ////QUALITY CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//QUALITY CALCULATION// ////QUALITY CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//QUALITY CALCULATION// fifteenclose200 = (, timeframes, ta.sma(, timeframes, close), 200))) fifteenclose50 = (, timeframes, ta.sma(, timeframes, close), 50))) fifteenclose9 = (, timeframes, ta.sma(, timeframes, close), 9))) purequality = (((math.abs(close - fifteenclose200) * 8) + (math.abs(close - fifteenclose50) * 4) + (math.abs(close - fifteenclose9) * 2))) currentquality = purequality[0] rankedquality = 1 for i = 1 to 10 if purequality[i] > currentquality rankedquality := rankedquality + 1 quality = ((rankedquality - 1) * 100) / 1000 //END OF QUALITY CALCULATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF QUALITY CALCULATION// //END OF QUALITY CALCULATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF QUALITY CALCULATION// //CHANDLIERS EXIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//CHANDLIERS EXIT CALCULATION// //CHANDLIERS EXIT CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//CHANDLIERS EXIT CALCULATION// lengthce = 4 multce = 2.0 showLabels = true useClose = true highlightState = true atr = multce * ta.atr(lengthce) longStop = (useClose ? ta.highest(close, lengthce) : ta.highest(lengthce)) - atr longStopPrev = nz(longStop[1], longStop) longStop := close[1] > longStopPrev ? math.max(longStop, longStopPrev) : longStop shortStop = (useClose ? ta.lowest(close, lengthce) : ta.lowest(lengthce)) + atr shortStopPrev = nz(shortStop[1], shortStop) shortStop := close[1] < shortStopPrev ? math.min(shortStop, shortStopPrev) : shortStop var int dir = 1 dir := close > shortStopPrev ? 1 : close < longStopPrev ? -1 : dir //END OF CHANDLIERS EXIT CALCULATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF CHANDLIERS EXIT CALCULATION// //END OF CHANDLIERS EXIT CALCULATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF CHANDLIERS EXIT CALCULATION// //CUSTOM MACD CALCULATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//CUSTOM MACD CALCULATION// //CUSTOM MACD CALCULATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//CUSTOM MACD CALCULATION// [macd, signal, histo] = ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9) bigtime = '' mediumtime = '' smalltime = '' if histo > 0 bigtime := 'โฌ†' if histo < 0 bigtime := 'โฌ‡' [macdm, signalm, histom] =, '15', ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9)) if histom > 0 mediumtime := 'โฌ†' if histom < 0 mediumtime := 'โฌ‡' [macds, signals, histos] =, '5', ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9)) if histos > 0 smalltime := 'โฌ†' if histos < 0 smalltime := 'โฌ‡' //END OF CUSTOM MACD CALCULATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF CUSTOM MACD CALCULATION// //END OF CUSTOM MACD CALCULATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF CUSTOM MACD CALCULATION// //CUSTOM MFI CALCULATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//CUSTOM MFI CALCULATION// //CUSTOM MFI CALCULATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//CUSTOM MFI CALCULATION// five_minute_MFI =, '5', ta.mfi(hlc3, 14)) fifteen_minute_MFI =, '5', ta.mfi(hlc3, 14)) one_hour_MFI =, '60', ta.mfi(hlc3, 14)) if five_minute_MFI > 80 smalltime := 'โฌ‡' if five_minute_MFI < 20 smalltime := 'โฌ†' if fifteen_minute_MFI > 80 mediumtime := 'โฌ‡' if fifteen_minute_MFI < 20 mediumtime := 'โฌ†' if one_hour_MFI > 80 bigtime := 'โฌ‡' if one_hour_MFI < 20 bigtime := 'โฌ†' //END OF CUSTOM MFI CALCULATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF CUSTOM MFI CALCULATION// //END OF CUSTOM MFI CALCULATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF CUSTOM MFI CALCULATION// //TRUE AREA CALCULATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//TRUE AREA CALCULATION// //TRUE AREA CALCULATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//TRUE AREA CALCULATION// MACDTRADEBUY = smalltime == 'โฌ†' and bigtime == 'โฌ†' and mediumtime == 'โฌ†' and (useMACD) MACDTRADESELL = smalltime == 'โฌ‡' and bigtime == 'โฌ‡' and mediumtime == 'โฌ‡' and (useMACD) fourhourHeikinAshibuy = ha_diff240 == 2 and (useLongHeikinAshi) fourhourHeikinAshisell = ha_diff240 == 1 and (useLongHeikinAshi) WilliamsAlligatorBuy = williamsalligator == "Williams Alligator is Bullish โ†‘" and (useWilliamAlligator) WilliamsAlligatorSell = williamsalligator == "Williams Alligator is Bearish โ†“" and (useWilliamAlligator) ChandelierBuy = dir == 1 and (useChandelierExit) ChandelierSell = dir == -1 and (useChandelierExit) onehourHeikinAshiBuy = ha_diff60 == 2 and (useShortHeikinAshi) onehourHeikinAshiSell = ha_diff60 == 1 and (useShortHeikinAshi) MFIbuy = ta.mfi(close, 14)[2] <= 30 and (useMFI) MFIsell = ta.mfi(close, 14)[2] >= 70 and (useMFI) buyarea = 0.0 sellarea = 0.0 for i = 0 to areanumber if fourhourHeikinAshibuy[i] buyarea += 1 if fourhourHeikinAshisell[i] sellarea += 1 if WilliamsAlligatorBuy[i] buyarea += 1 if WilliamsAlligatorSell[i] sellarea += 1 if ChandelierBuy[i] buyarea += 1 if ChandelierSell[i] sellarea += 1 if onehourHeikinAshiBuy[i] buyarea += 1 if onehourHeikinAshiSell[i] sellarea += 1 if MFIbuy[i] buyarea += 1 if MFIsell[i] sellarea += 1 if MACDTRADEBUY[i] buyarea += 1 if MACDTRADESELL[i] sellarea += 1 truearea = (buyarea / ((areanumber + 1) * 6)) * 100 areatrend = 'โ†‘โ†‘โ†‘' if sellarea > buyarea truearea := (sellarea / ((areanumber + 1) * 6)) * 100 areatrend := 'โ†“โ†“โ†“' //END OF TRUE AREA CALCULATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF TRUE AREA CALCULATION// //END OF TRUE AREA CALCULATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF TRUE AREA CALCULATION// //TREND AREA BAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//TREND AREA BAR// //TREND AREA BAR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//TREND AREA BAR// BUY = buyarea > sellarea SELL = buyarea < sellarea if bias == "Bullish" BUY := true SELL := false if bias == "Bearish" SELL := true BUY := false barinnercolor_trueareabar = color.gray if buyarea > sellarea barinnercolor_trueareabar := color.rgb(76, 175, 79, 20) if buyarea < sellarea barinnercolor_trueareabar := color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 20) baroutercolor_trueareabar = color.gray if buyarea > sellarea baroutercolor_trueareabar := if buyarea < sellarea baroutercolor_trueareabar := defaultcolor = color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 100) trueareacolor1 = defaultcolor trueareacolor2 = defaultcolor trueareacolor3 = defaultcolor trueareacolor4 = defaultcolor trueareacolor5 = defaultcolor trueareacolor6 = defaultcolor trueareacolor7 = defaultcolor trueareacolor8 = defaultcolor trueareacolor9 = defaultcolor trueareacolor10 = defaultcolor trueareacolor11 = defaultcolor trueareacolor12 = defaultcolor trueareacolor13 = defaultcolor trueareacolor14 = defaultcolor trueareacolor15 = defaultcolor trueareacolor16 = defaultcolor trueareacolor17 = defaultcolor trueareacolor18 = defaultcolor trueareacolor19 = defaultcolor trueareacolor20 = defaultcolor trueareacolor21 = defaultcolor trueareacolor22 = defaultcolor trueareacolor23 = defaultcolor trueareacolor24 = defaultcolor trueareacolor25 = defaultcolor trueareacolor26 = defaultcolor trueareacolor27 = defaultcolor trueareacolor28 = defaultcolor trueareacolor29 = defaultcolor trueareacolor30 = defaultcolor trueareacolor31 = defaultcolor trueareacolor32 = defaultcolor trueareacolor33 = defaultcolor trueareacolor34 = defaultcolor trueareacolor35 = defaultcolor trueareacolor36 = defaultcolor trueareacolor37 = defaultcolor trueareacolor38 = defaultcolor trueareacolor39 = defaultcolor trueareacolor40 = defaultcolor trueareacolor41 = defaultcolor trueareacolor42 = defaultcolor trueareacolor43 = defaultcolor trueareacolor44 = defaultcolor trueareacolor45 = defaultcolor trueareacolor46 = defaultcolor trueareacolor47 = defaultcolor trueareacolor48 = defaultcolor trueareacolor49 = defaultcolor trueareacolor50 = defaultcolor trueareacolor51 = defaultcolor trueareacolor52 = defaultcolor trueareacolor53 = defaultcolor trueareacolor54 = defaultcolor trueareacolor55 = defaultcolor trueareacolor56 = defaultcolor trueareacolor57 = defaultcolor trueareacolor58 = defaultcolor trueareacolor59 = defaultcolor trueareacolor60 = defaultcolor trueareacolor61 = defaultcolor trueareacolor62 = defaultcolor trueareacolor63 = defaultcolor trueareacolor64 = defaultcolor trueareacolor65 = defaultcolor trueareacolor66 = defaultcolor trueareacolor67 = defaultcolor trueareacolor68 = defaultcolor trueareacolor69 = defaultcolor trueareacolor70 = defaultcolor trueareacolor71 = defaultcolor trueareacolor72 = defaultcolor trueareacolor73 = defaultcolor trueareacolor74 = defaultcolor trueareacolor75 = defaultcolor trueareacolor76 = defaultcolor trueareacolor77 = defaultcolor trueareacolor78 = defaultcolor trueareacolor79 = defaultcolor trueareacolor80 = defaultcolor trueareacolor81 = defaultcolor trueareacolor82 = defaultcolor trueareacolor83 = defaultcolor trueareacolor84 = defaultcolor trueareacolor85 = defaultcolor trueareacolor86 = defaultcolor trueareacolor87 = defaultcolor trueareacolor88 = defaultcolor trueareacolor89 = defaultcolor trueareacolor90 = defaultcolor trueareacolor91 = defaultcolor trueareacolor92 = defaultcolor trueareacolor93 = defaultcolor trueareacolor94 = defaultcolor trueareacolor95 = defaultcolor trueareacolor96 = defaultcolor trueareacolor97 = defaultcolor trueareacolor98 = defaultcolor trueareacolor99 = defaultcolor if truearea > 0 trueareacolor1 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 1 trueareacolor2 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 2 trueareacolor3 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 3 trueareacolor4 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 4 trueareacolor5 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 5 trueareacolor6 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 6 trueareacolor7 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 7 trueareacolor8 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 8 trueareacolor9 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 9 trueareacolor10 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 10 trueareacolor11 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 11 trueareacolor12 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 12 trueareacolor13 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 13 trueareacolor14 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 14 trueareacolor15 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 15 trueareacolor16 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 16 trueareacolor17 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 17 trueareacolor18 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 18 trueareacolor19 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 19 trueareacolor20 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 20 trueareacolor21 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 21 trueareacolor22 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 22 trueareacolor23 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 23 trueareacolor24 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 24 trueareacolor25 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 25 trueareacolor26 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 26 trueareacolor27 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 27 trueareacolor28 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 28 trueareacolor29 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 29 trueareacolor30 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 30 trueareacolor31 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 31 trueareacolor32 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 32 trueareacolor33 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 33 trueareacolor34 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 34 trueareacolor35 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 35 trueareacolor36 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 36 trueareacolor37 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 37 trueareacolor38 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 38 trueareacolor39 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 39 trueareacolor40 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 40 trueareacolor41 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 41 trueareacolor42 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 42 trueareacolor43 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 43 trueareacolor44 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 44 trueareacolor45 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 45 trueareacolor46 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 46 trueareacolor47 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 47 trueareacolor48 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 48 trueareacolor49 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 49 trueareacolor50 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 50 trueareacolor51 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 51 trueareacolor52 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 52 trueareacolor53 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 53 trueareacolor54 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 54 trueareacolor54 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 54 trueareacolor55 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 55 trueareacolor56 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 56 trueareacolor57 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 57 trueareacolor58 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 58 trueareacolor59 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 59 trueareacolor60 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 60 trueareacolor61 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 61 trueareacolor62 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 62 trueareacolor63 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 63 trueareacolor64 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 64 trueareacolor65 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 65 trueareacolor66 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 66 trueareacolor67 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 67 trueareacolor68 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 68 trueareacolor69 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 69 trueareacolor70 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 70 trueareacolor71 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 71 trueareacolor72 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 72 trueareacolor73 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 73 trueareacolor74 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 74 trueareacolor75 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 75 trueareacolor76 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 76 trueareacolor77 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 77 trueareacolor78 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 78 trueareacolor79 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 79 trueareacolor80 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 80 trueareacolor81 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 81 trueareacolor82 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 82 trueareacolor83 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 83 trueareacolor84 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 84 trueareacolor85 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 85 trueareacolor86 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 86 trueareacolor87 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 87 trueareacolor88 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 88 trueareacolor89 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 89 trueareacolor90 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 90 trueareacolor91 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 91 trueareacolor92 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 92 trueareacolor93 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 93 trueareacolor94 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 94 trueareacolor95 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 95 trueareacolor96 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 96 trueareacolor97 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 97 trueareacolor98 := barinnercolor_trueareabar if truearea > 98 trueareacolor99 := barinnercolor_trueareabar var trueareatable =, 101, 2, border_width = 0, border_color = baroutercolor_trueareabar, frame_color = baroutercolor_trueareabar, frame_width = 3) hi = 5 why = 0.5 if device == "Computer" table.cell(trueareatable, 20, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor20, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 21, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor21, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 22, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor22, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 22, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor22, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 24, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor24, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 25, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor25, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 26, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor26, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 27, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor27, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 28, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor28, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 29, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor29, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 30, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor40, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 30, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor30, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 31, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor31, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 32, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor32, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 33, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor33, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 34, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor34, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 35, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor35, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 36, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor36, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 37, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor37, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 38, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor38, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 39, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor39, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 40, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor40, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 41, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor41, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 42, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor42, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 43, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor43, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 44, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor44, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 45, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor45, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 46, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor46, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 47, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor47, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 48, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor48, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 49, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor49, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 50, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor50, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 51, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor51, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 52, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor52, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 53, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor53, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 54, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor54, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 55, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor55, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 56, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor56, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 57, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor57, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 58, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor58, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 59, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor59, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 60, 0, str.tostring(truearea, "#") + ' %', bgcolor=trueareacolor60, height=hi, width=why, text_color = color.white) table.cell(trueareatable, 61, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor61, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 62, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor62, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 63, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor63, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 64, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor64, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 65, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor65, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 66, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor66, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 67, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor67, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 68, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor68, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 69, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor69, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 70, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor70, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 71, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor71, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 72, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor72, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 73, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor73, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 74, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor74, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 75, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor75, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 76, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor76, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 77, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor77, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 78, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor78, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 79, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor79, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 80, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor80, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 81, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor81, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 82, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor82, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 83, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor83, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 84, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor84, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 85, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor85, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 86, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor86, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 87, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor87, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 89, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor89, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 90, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor90, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 91, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor91, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 92, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor92, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 93, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor93, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 94, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor94, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 95, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor95, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 96, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor96, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 97, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor97, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 98, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor98, height=hi, width=why) table.cell(trueareatable, 99, 0, ' ', bgcolor=trueareacolor99, height=hi, width=why) table.merge_cells(trueareatable, 60, 0, 61, 0) table.set_frame_color(trueareatable, baroutercolor_trueareabar) //END OF TREND AREA BAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF TREND AREA BAR// //END OF TREND AREA BAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF TREND AREA BAR// //MIN MAX NORMALIZATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//MIN MAX NORMALIZATION// //MIN MAX NORMALIZATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//MIN MAX NORMALIZATION// min_price = source == "High / Low" ?, timeframes, ta.lowest(low, lookback)) :, timeframes, ta.lowest(close, lookback)) max_price = source == "High / Low" ?, timeframes, ta.highest(high, lookback)) :, timeframes, ta.highest(close, lookback)) min_price_long = source == "High / Low" ?, "", ta.lowest(low, lookback)) :, "", ta.lowest(close, lookback)) max_price_long = source == "High / Low" ?, "", ta.highest(high, lookback)) :, "", ta.highest(close, lookback)) normalized_price = (close - min_price) / (max_price - min_price) minmax = (normalized_price * 100) space =, timeframes, ta.atr(5)) spacelong =, "", ta.atr(5)) takeprofitm = 0.0 stoplossm = 0.0 if BUY and (stoploss == "Kiersten Stop Loss") stoplossm := close - (space * kierstenamount) if SELL and (stoploss == "Kiersten Stop Loss") stoplossm := close + (space * kierstenamount) if BUY and (takeprofit == "Kiersten Take Profit") takeprofitm:= close + (space * kierstenamount) if SELL and (takeprofit == "Kiersten Take Profit") takeprofitm := close - (space * kierstenamount) if (takeprofit == "Normalized Take Profit") and normalizedmode == "Automatic" and BUY normalizedvaluetakeprofit := 90 if (takeprofit == "Normalized Take Profit") and normalizedmode == "Automatic" and SELL normalizedvaluetakeprofit := 10 if (stoploss == "Normalized Stop Loss") and normalizedmode == "Automatic" and BUY normalizedvaluestoploss := -10 if (stoploss == "Normalized Stop Loss") and normalizedmode == "Automatic" and SELL normalizedvaluestoploss := 110 if (takeprofit == "Normalized Take Profit") takeprofitm := ((normalizedvaluetakeprofit/100) * (max_price - min_price)) + min_price if (stoploss == "Normalized Stop Loss") stoplossm := ((normalizedvaluestoploss/100) * (max_price - min_price)) + min_price if stoploss == "Kiersten Stop Loss" normalizedvaluestoploss := ((stoplossm - min_price) / (max_price - min_price)) * 100 if takeprofit == "Kiersten Take Profit" normalizedvaluetakeprofit := ((takeprofitm - min_price) / (max_price - min_price)) * 100 minmaxbordercolor = color.gray if takeprofitm > stoplossm minmaxbordercolor := if takeprofitm < stoplossm minmaxbordercolor := barinnercolor_minmaxbar = color.rgb(51, 153, 255, 50) barinnercolor_minmaxbartakeprofit = color.rgb(76, 175, 79, 50) barinnercolor_minmaxbarstoploss = color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 50) defaultcolorminmax = color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 70) var minmax_table =, 1, 12, border_color = minmaxbordercolor, border_width = 1, frame_color = minmaxbordercolor, frame_width = 2) minmaxcolor00frequency = 0 minmaxcolor0frequency = 0 minmaxcolor1frequency = 0 minmaxcolor2frequency = 0 minmaxcolor3frequency = 0 minmaxcolor4frequency = 0 minmaxcolor5frequency = 0 minmaxcolor6frequency = 0 minmaxcolor7frequency = 0 minmaxcolor8frequency = 0 minmaxcolor9frequency = 0 minmaxcolor10frequency = 0 minmaxcolor11frequency = 0 minmaxcolor12frequency = 0 for i = 1 to 100 if minmax[i] <= 0 minmaxcolor0frequency += 1 if minmax[i] > 0 and minmax[i] < 10 minmaxcolor1frequency += 1 if minmax[i] >= 10 and minmax[i] < 20 minmaxcolor2frequency += 1 if minmax[i] >= 20 and minmax[i] < 30 minmaxcolor3frequency += 1 if minmax[i] >= 30 and minmax[i] < 40 minmaxcolor4frequency += 1 if minmax[i] >= 40 and minmax[i] < 50 minmaxcolor5frequency += 1 if minmax[i] >= 50 and minmax[i] < 60 minmaxcolor6frequency += 1 if minmax[i] >= 60 and minmax[i] < 70 minmaxcolor7frequency += 1 if minmax[i] >= 70 and minmax[i] < 80 minmaxcolor8frequency += 1 if minmax[i] >= 80 and minmax[i] < 90 minmaxcolor9frequency += 1 if minmax[i] >= 90 and minmax[i] < 100 minmaxcolor10frequency += 1 if minmax[i] >= 100 minmaxcolor11frequency += 1 minmaxcolor00 = defaultcolorminmax minmaxcolor0 = defaultcolorminmax minmaxcolor1 = defaultcolorminmax minmaxcolor2 = defaultcolorminmax minmaxcolor3 = defaultcolorminmax minmaxcolor4 = defaultcolorminmax minmaxcolor5 = defaultcolorminmax minmaxcolor6 = defaultcolorminmax minmaxcolor7 = defaultcolorminmax minmaxcolor8 = defaultcolorminmax minmaxcolor9 = defaultcolorminmax minmaxcolor10 = defaultcolorminmax minmaxcolor11 = defaultcolorminmax minmaxcolor12 = defaultcolorminmax if normalizedvaluetakeprofit <= 0 minmaxcolor0 := barinnercolor_minmaxbartakeprofit if normalizedvaluetakeprofit > 0 and normalizedvaluetakeprofit <= 10 minmaxcolor1 := barinnercolor_minmaxbartakeprofit if normalizedvaluetakeprofit > 10 and normalizedvaluetakeprofit <= 20 minmaxcolor2 := barinnercolor_minmaxbartakeprofit if normalizedvaluetakeprofit > 20 and normalizedvaluetakeprofit <= 30 minmaxcolor3 := barinnercolor_minmaxbartakeprofit if normalizedvaluetakeprofit > 30 and normalizedvaluetakeprofit <= 40 minmaxcolor4 := barinnercolor_minmaxbartakeprofit if normalizedvaluetakeprofit > 40 and normalizedvaluetakeprofit <= 50 minmaxcolor5 := barinnercolor_minmaxbartakeprofit if normalizedvaluetakeprofit > 50 and normalizedvaluetakeprofit < 60 minmaxcolor6 := barinnercolor_minmaxbartakeprofit if normalizedvaluetakeprofit >= 60 and normalizedvaluetakeprofit < 70 minmaxcolor7 := barinnercolor_minmaxbartakeprofit if normalizedvaluetakeprofit >= 70 and normalizedvaluetakeprofit < 80 minmaxcolor8 := barinnercolor_minmaxbartakeprofit if normalizedvaluetakeprofit >= 80 and normalizedvaluetakeprofit < 90 minmaxcolor9 := barinnercolor_minmaxbartakeprofit if normalizedvaluetakeprofit >= 90 and normalizedvaluetakeprofit < 100 minmaxcolor10 := barinnercolor_minmaxbartakeprofit if normalizedvaluetakeprofit >= 100 minmaxcolor11 := barinnercolor_minmaxbartakeprofit if normalizedvaluestoploss <= 0 minmaxcolor0 := barinnercolor_minmaxbarstoploss if normalizedvaluestoploss > 0 and normalizedvaluestoploss <= 10 minmaxcolor1 := barinnercolor_minmaxbarstoploss if normalizedvaluestoploss > 10 and normalizedvaluestoploss <= 20 minmaxcolor2 := barinnercolor_minmaxbarstoploss if normalizedvaluestoploss > 20 and normalizedvaluestoploss <= 30 minmaxcolor3 := barinnercolor_minmaxbarstoploss if normalizedvaluestoploss > 30 and normalizedvaluestoploss <= 40 minmaxcolor4 := barinnercolor_minmaxbarstoploss if normalizedvaluestoploss > 40 and normalizedvaluestoploss <= 50 minmaxcolor5 := barinnercolor_minmaxbarstoploss if normalizedvaluestoploss > 50 and normalizedvaluestoploss < 60 minmaxcolor6 := barinnercolor_minmaxbarstoploss if normalizedvaluestoploss >= 60 and normalizedvaluestoploss < 70 minmaxcolor7 := barinnercolor_minmaxbarstoploss if normalizedvaluestoploss >= 70 and normalizedvaluestoploss < 80 minmaxcolor8 := barinnercolor_minmaxbarstoploss if normalizedvaluestoploss >= 80 and normalizedvaluestoploss < 90 minmaxcolor9 := barinnercolor_minmaxbarstoploss if normalizedvaluestoploss >= 90 and normalizedvaluestoploss < 100 minmaxcolor10 := barinnercolor_minmaxbarstoploss if normalizedvaluestoploss >= 100 minmaxcolor11 := barinnercolor_minmaxbarstoploss if minmax <= 0 minmaxcolor0 := barinnercolor_minmaxbar if minmax > 0 and minmax <= 10 minmaxcolor1 := barinnercolor_minmaxbar if minmax > 10 and minmax <= 20 minmaxcolor2 := barinnercolor_minmaxbar if minmax > 20 and minmax <= 30 minmaxcolor3 := barinnercolor_minmaxbar if minmax > 30 and minmax <= 40 minmaxcolor4 := barinnercolor_minmaxbar if minmax > 40 and minmax <= 50 minmaxcolor5 := barinnercolor_minmaxbar if minmax > 50 and minmax < 60 minmaxcolor6 := barinnercolor_minmaxbar if minmax >= 60 and minmax < 70 minmaxcolor7 := barinnercolor_minmaxbar if minmax >= 70 and minmax < 80 minmaxcolor8 := barinnercolor_minmaxbar if minmax >= 80 and minmax < 90 minmaxcolor9 := barinnercolor_minmaxbar if minmax >= 90 and minmax < 100 minmaxcolor10 := barinnercolor_minmaxbar if minmax >= 100 minmaxcolor11 := barinnercolor_minmaxbar minmax_height = 5 minmax_width = 7.5 if device == "Computer" table.cell(minmax_table, 0, 0, ((minmax > 100 or normalizedvaluestoploss > 100 or normalizedvaluetakeprofit > 100) ? str.tostring(normalizedvaluetakeprofit > 100 ? normalizedvaluetakeprofit : normalizedvaluestoploss > 100 ? normalizedvaluestoploss : minmax > 100 ? minmax : na, "#.##") + " %" + "\n" +' โฌ† ' : ' โฌ† '), bgcolor=minmaxcolor11, height=minmax_height, width=minmax_width, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(minmax_table, 0, 1, 'Top 10%' + " ~ (" + str.tostring(minmaxcolor10frequency) + "%)", bgcolor=minmaxcolor10, height=minmax_height, width=minmax_width, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(minmax_table, 0, 2, 'Top 20%' + " ~ (" + str.tostring(minmaxcolor9frequency) + "%)", bgcolor=minmaxcolor9, height=minmax_height, width=minmax_width, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(minmax_table, 0, 3, 'Top 30%' + " ~ (" + str.tostring(minmaxcolor8frequency) + "%)", bgcolor=minmaxcolor8, height=minmax_height, width=minmax_width, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(minmax_table, 0, 4, 'Top 40%' + " ~ (" + str.tostring(minmaxcolor7frequency) + "%)", bgcolor=minmaxcolor7, height=minmax_height, width=minmax_width, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(minmax_table, 0, 5, 'Top 50%'+ " ~ (" + str.tostring(minmaxcolor6frequency) + "%)", bgcolor=minmaxcolor6, height=minmax_height, width=minmax_width, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(minmax_table, 0, 6, 'Bottom 50%'+ " ~ (" +str.tostring(minmaxcolor5frequency) + "%)", bgcolor=minmaxcolor5, height=minmax_height, width=minmax_width, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(minmax_table, 0, 7, 'Bottom 40%'+ " ~ (" + str.tostring(minmaxcolor4frequency) + "%)", bgcolor=minmaxcolor4, height=minmax_height, width=minmax_width, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(minmax_table, 0, 8, 'Bottom 30%'+ " ~ (" + str.tostring(minmaxcolor3frequency) + "%)", bgcolor=minmaxcolor3, height=minmax_height, width=minmax_width, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(minmax_table, 0, 9, 'Bottom 20%'+ " ~ (" + str.tostring(minmaxcolor2frequency) + "%)", bgcolor=minmaxcolor2, height=minmax_height, width=minmax_width, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(minmax_table, 0, 10, 'Bottom 10%'+ " ~ (" + str.tostring(minmaxcolor1frequency) + "%)", bgcolor=minmaxcolor1, height=minmax_height, width=minmax_width, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(minmax_table, 0, 11, ((minmax < 0 or normalizedvaluestoploss < 0 or normalizedvaluetakeprofit < 0) ? ' โฌ‡ ' + "\n" + str.tostring(normalizedvaluetakeprofit < 0 ? normalizedvaluetakeprofit : normalizedvaluestoploss < 0 ? normalizedvaluestoploss : minmax < 0 ? minmax : na, "#.##") + " %" : ' โฌ‡ '), bgcolor=minmaxcolor0, height=minmax_height, width=minmax_width, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.set_frame_color(minmax_table, minmaxbordercolor) table.set_border_color(minmax_table, minmaxbordercolor) //END OF MIN MAX NORMALIZATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF MIN MAX NORMALIZATION// //END OF MIN MAX NORMALIZATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF MIN MAX NORMALIZATION// //PATTERNS TABLE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//PATTERNS TABLE// //PATTERNS TABLE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//PATTERNS TABLE// ' โฌ‡ ' PatternTable =,2,22) if device == "Computer" for i = 2 to 13 table.cell(PatternTable, 1, i) table.cell(PatternTable,1, 1,bgcolor =[1], 80) ,height = 12, width =110, text = trend[1] + " ------- > " + trend,text_size = size.small,text_color =[1], 20)) //PATTERNS TABLE END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//PATTERNS TABLE END// //PATTERNS TABLE END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//PATTERNS TABLE END// max = 100 min = 1 overbought = 65 oversold = 35 src = close N = max-min+1 diff = nz(src - src[1]) var num = array.new_float(N,0) var den = array.new_float(N,0) //---- k = 0 overbuy = 0 oversell = 0 avg = 0. for i = min to max alpha = 1/i num_rma = alpha*diff + (1-alpha)*array.get(num,k) den_rma = alpha*math.abs(diff) + (1-alpha)*array.get(den,k) rsi = 50*num_rma/den_rma + 50 avg += rsi overbuy := rsi > overbought ? overbuy + 1 : overbuy oversell := rsi < oversold ? oversell + 1 : oversell array.set(num,k,num_rma) array.set(den,k,den_rma) k += 1 //---- //TRADABILITY BAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//TRADABILITY BAR// //TRADABILITY BAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//TRADABILITY BAR// barinnercolor = color.from_gradient(quality, 0, 100, color.rgb(58, 33, 243, 20), color.rgb(255, 235, 59, 20)) baroutercolor = color.from_gradient(quality, 0, 100,, color.yellow) NormalizedBuy = false NormalizedSell = false if minmax <= normalizedvalue NormalizedBuy := true if minmax >= (100 - normalizedvalue) NormalizedSell := true hi_ = 10 why_ = 20 reversalprobability = 0 reversalprobabilitybgcolor = color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 70) reversalprobabilitycolor = color.gray if BUY reversalprobability := (overbuy/N*100) reversalprobabilitybgcolor := color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 70) reversalprobabilitycolor := if SELL reversalprobability := (oversell/N*100) reversalprobabilitybgcolor := color.rgb(76, 175, 79, 70) reversalprobabilitycolor := // Define inputs entryPrice = close takeProfitPrice = takeprofitm stopLossPrice = stoplossm reward = BUY ? (positionSize * (takeProfitPrice - entryPrice) / syminfo.mintick) : (positionSize * (takeProfitPrice - entryPrice) / syminfo.mintick) * -1 risk = BUY ? (positionSize * (entryPrice - stopLossPrice) / syminfo.mintick) : (positionSize * (entryPrice - stopLossPrice) / syminfo.mintick) * -1 RRR = reward/risk BuySetting = (truearea >= trueareaalertvalue) and (BUY) and (NormalizedBuy) and (((UsePatterns == true and (trendcolor[1] == or (UsePatterns == false))) and (maxrisk >= risk) and (minreward <= reward) and (minRRR <= RRR) SellSetting = (truearea >= trueareaalertvalue) and (SELL) and (NormalizedSell) and (((UsePatterns == true and (trendcolor[1] == or (UsePatterns == false))) and (maxrisk >= risk) and (minreward <= reward) and (minRRR <= RRR) reversalprobabilitycolor := color.from_gradient(RRR, 0, 10, color.rgb(33, 149, 243, 50), color.rgb(255, 235, 59, 50)) mobilecolor = color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 50) framewide = 1 if BuySetting mobilecolor := framewide := 4 if SellSetting mobilecolor := framewide := 4 var statstable =, 6, 1, border_width = 1, border_color =, 90), frame_color = baroutercolor_trueareabar, frame_width = 2) table.set_border_color(statstable, mobilecolor) table.set_frame_color(statstable, mobilecolor) if device == "Computer" table.cell(statstable , 1, 0, "Take Profit: " + str.tostring(takeprofitm, "#.#####") + "$" + " (Reward " + str.tostring(reward, "#") + " $)", bgcolor= color.rgb(76, 175, 79, 70), height=hi_, width=why_, text_color =, text_size = size.small) table.cell(statstable , 2, 0, "Stop Loss: " + str.tostring(stoplossm, "#.#####") + "$" + " (Risk " + str.tostring(risk, "#") + " $)", bgcolor= color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 70), height=hi_, width=why_, text_color =, text_size = size.small) table.cell(statstable , 3, 0, "Risk Reward Ratio: " + str.tostring(RRR, "#.##") + "x", bgcolor= color.from_gradient(reward/risk, 0.1, 10, color.rgb(33, 149, 243, 50), color.rgb(255, 235, 59, 50)), height=hi_, width=why_, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.small) table.cell(statstable , 4, 0, "Likelihood of Reversal: " + str.tostring(reversalprobability, "#.##") + " %", bgcolor= reversalprobabilitybgcolor, height=hi_, width=why_, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.small) table.cell(statstable, 5, 0, text = (str.tostring(speed, '#.##') + ' Pips Per Minute'), bgcolor = color.from_gradient(speed, ta.lowest(speed, lookback),ta.highest(speed, lookback), color.rgb(33, 149, 243, 70), color.rgb(255, 235, 59, 70)), text_color = color.from_gradient(speed, ta.lowest(speed, lookback),ta.highest(speed, lookback),, color.yellow), width = why_, height = hi_, text_size = size.small) //END OF TRADABILITY BAR -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF TRADABILITY BAR// //END OF TRADABILITY BAR -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF TRADABILITY BAR// //PLOT COLORFUL LINES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//PLOT COLORFUL LINES// //PLOT COLORFUL LINES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//PLOT COLORFUL LINES// plot(0, color = useLongHeikinAshi ? color.gray : na, style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 3) plot(0, color = useLongHeikinAshi and fourhourHeikinAshibuy ? : na, style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 3) plot(0, color = useLongHeikinAshi and fourhourHeikinAshisell ? : na, style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 3) plot(1, color = useWilliamAlligator ? color.gray : na, style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 3) plot(1, color = useWilliamAlligator and WilliamsAlligatorBuy ? : na, style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 3) plot(1, color = useWilliamAlligator and WilliamsAlligatorSell ? : na, style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 3) plot(2, color = useChandelierExit ? color.gray : na, style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 3) plot(2, color = useChandelierExit and ChandelierBuy ? : na, style = plot.style_line) plot(2, color = useChandelierExit and ChandelierSell ? : na, style = plot.style_line) plot(3, color = useShortHeikinAshi ? color.gray : na, style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 3) plot(3, color = useShortHeikinAshi and onehourHeikinAshiBuy ? : na, style = plot.style_line) plot(3, color = useShortHeikinAshi and onehourHeikinAshiSell ? : na, style = plot.style_line) plot(4, color = useMFI ? color.gray : na, style = plot.style_cross) plot(4, color = useMFI and MFIbuy ? : na, style = plot.style_cross) plot(4, color = useMFI and MFIsell ? : na, style = plot.style_cross) plot(5, color = useMACD ? color.gray : na, style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 3) plot(5, color = useMACD and MACDTRADEBUY ? : na, style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 3) plot(5, color = useMACD and MACDTRADESELL ? : na, style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 3) plot(8.5, color = color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 100)) plot(-2, color = color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 100)) EVRYTHINGBUY = williamsalligator != "Williams Alligator is Bearish โ†“" and dir == 1 and ha_diff60 == 2 and ta.mfi(close, 14)[2] <= 70 and MACDTRADESELL == false EVRYTHINGSELL = williamsalligator != "Williams Alligator is Bullish โ†‘" and dir == -1 and ha_diff60 == 1 and ta.mfi(close, 14)[2] >= 30 and MACDTRADEBUY == false EVERYTHINGBUY = EVRYTHINGBUY[1] == false and EVRYTHINGBUY EVERYTHINGSELL = EVRYTHINGSELL[1] == false and EVRYTHINGSELL plot(5, color = useEverything and EVERYTHINGBUY == true ? color.rgb(36, 255, 43, 90) : na, style = plot.style_area, linewidth = 4) plot(6, color = useEverything and EVERYTHINGBUY == true ? color.rgb(45, 255, 52) : na, style = plot.style_cross, linewidth = 2) plot(5, color = useEverything and EVERYTHINGSELL == true ? color.rgb(175, 76, 76, 90) : na, style = plot.style_area, linewidth = 4) plot(6, color = useEverything and EVRYTHINGSELL == true ? color.rgb(175, 76, 76) : na, style = plot.style_cross, linewidth = 2) //END PLOT COLORFUL LINES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END PLOT COLORFUL LINES// //END PLOT COLORFUL LINES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/END PLOT COLORFUL LINES// //MOBILE VERSION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//MOBILE VERSION// //MOBILE VERSION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//MOBILE VERSION// plot(device == "Mobile" ? 100000 : na, color = color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 90)) var mobiletable =, 6, 13, border_width = 1, border_color = baroutercolor_trueareabar, frame_color = baroutercolor_trueareabar, frame_width = framewide) table.set_border_color(mobiletable,, 99)) table.set_frame_color(mobiletable, mobilecolor) table.set_frame_width(mobiletable, framewide) hi__ = 12 why__ = 16.5 speedcolor = color.from_gradient(speed, ta.lowest(speed, lookback),ta.highest(speed, lookback) / 2, color.rgb(33, 149, 243, 70), color.rgb(255, 235, 59, 70)) if device == "Mobile" table.cell(mobiletable, 0, 0, text = "Price: " + (str.tostring(close, '#.#####')) + " $", bgcolor = color.rgb(0, 0, 0), text_color = open > close ? :, width = why__ / 2, height = hi__ / 2, text_size = size.small) for i = 2 to 5 table.cell(mobiletable, 0, i) table.merge_cells(mobiletable, 0, 0, 5, 0) table.cell(mobiletable , 0, 1, bgcolor =, 80) ,height = hi__, width =why__, text = str.tostring(truearea[areanumber], "#") + " %" + "\n" + "\n" + " โ†“ " + "\n" + "\n" + str.tostring(truearea, "#") + " %",text_size = size.small,text_color = baroutercolor_trueareabar) for i = 2 to 5 table.cell(mobiletable, 2, i) table.merge_cells(mobiletable, 0, 1, 2, 1) table.cell(mobiletable , 3, 1, bgcolor =[1], 80) ,height = hi__, width =why__, text = trend[1] + "\n" + "\n" + " โ†“ " + "\n" + "\n" + trend,text_size = size.small,text_color =[1], 20)) table.merge_cells(mobiletable, 3, 1, 5, 1) table.cell(mobiletable, 0, 2, ((minmax > 100 or normalizedvaluestoploss > 100 or normalizedvaluetakeprofit > 100) ? str.tostring(normalizedvaluetakeprofit > 100 ? normalizedvaluetakeprofit : normalizedvaluestoploss > 100 ? normalizedvaluestoploss : minmax > 100 ? minmax : na, "#.##") + " %" + "\n" + "\n" +' < ' : ' < '), bgcolor=minmaxcolor11, height=hi__, width=why__, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(mobiletable, 1, 2, 'Top 10%' + "\n" + "( Frq " + str.tostring(minmaxcolor10frequency) + "% )", bgcolor=minmaxcolor10, height=hi__, width=why__, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(mobiletable, 2, 2, 'Top 20%' + "\n" + "( Frq " + str.tostring(minmaxcolor9frequency) + "% )", bgcolor=minmaxcolor9, height=hi__, width=why__, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(mobiletable, 3, 2, 'Top 30%' + "\n" + "( Frq " + str.tostring(minmaxcolor8frequency) + "% )", bgcolor=minmaxcolor8, height=hi__, width=why__, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(mobiletable, 4, 2, 'Top 40%' + "\n" + "( Frq " + str.tostring(minmaxcolor7frequency) + "% )", bgcolor=minmaxcolor7, height=hi__, width=why__, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(mobiletable, 5, 2, 'Top 50%' + "\n" + "( Frq " + str.tostring(minmaxcolor6frequency) + "% )", bgcolor=minmaxcolor6, height=hi__, width=why__, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(mobiletable, 0, 3, 'Bottom 50%' + "\n" + "( Frq " + str.tostring(minmaxcolor5frequency) + "% )", bgcolor=minmaxcolor5, height=hi__, width=why__, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(mobiletable, 1, 3, 'Bottom 40%'+ "\n" + "( Frq " + str.tostring(minmaxcolor4frequency) + "% )", bgcolor=minmaxcolor4, height=hi__, width=why__, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(mobiletable, 2, 3, 'Bottom 30%' + "\n" + "( Frq " + str.tostring(minmaxcolor3frequency) + "% )", bgcolor=minmaxcolor3, height=hi__ , width=why__, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(mobiletable, 3, 3, 'Bottom 20%' + "\n" + "( Frq " + str.tostring(minmaxcolor2frequency) + "% )", bgcolor=minmaxcolor2, height=hi__ , width=why__, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(mobiletable, 4, 3, 'Bottom 10%'+ "\n" + "( Frq " + str.tostring(minmaxcolor1frequency) + "% )", bgcolor=minmaxcolor1, height=hi__ , width=why__, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(mobiletable, 5, 3, ((minmax < 0 or normalizedvaluestoploss < 0 or normalizedvaluetakeprofit < 0) ? str.tostring(normalizedvaluetakeprofit < 0 ? normalizedvaluetakeprofit : normalizedvaluestoploss < 0 ? normalizedvaluestoploss : minmax < 0 ? minmax : na, "#.##") + " %" + "\n" + "\n" +' < ' : ' < '), bgcolor=minmaxcolor0, height=hi__ , width=why__, text_color = color.white, text_size = size.tiny) table.cell(mobiletable , 0, 4, "Top Frequency: " + str.tostring(minmaxcolor11frequency + minmaxcolor10frequency + minmaxcolor9frequency + minmaxcolor8frequency + minmaxcolor7frequency) + " %", bgcolor= color.rgb(76, 175, 79, 70), height=hi__ / 2, width=why__, text_color =, text_size = size.small) table.cell(mobiletable , 2, 4, "Middle Frequency: " + str.tostring(minmaxcolor5frequency + minmaxcolor6frequency) + " %", bgcolor= color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 70), height=hi__ / 2, width=why__, text_color = color.rgb(255, 255, 255), text_size = size.small) table.cell(mobiletable , 4, 4, "Bottom Frequency: " + str.tostring(minmaxcolor4frequency + minmaxcolor3frequency + minmaxcolor2frequency + minmaxcolor1frequency + minmaxcolor0frequency)+ " %", bgcolor= color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 70), height=hi__ / 2, width=why__, text_color =, text_size = size.small) table.merge_cells(mobiletable, 0, 4, 1, 4) table.merge_cells(mobiletable, 2, 4, 3, 4) table.merge_cells(mobiletable, 4, 4, 5, 4) table.cell(mobiletable , 0, 5, "Stop Loss: " + str.tostring(stoplossm, "#.#####") + " $" + "\n" + "\n" + " (Risk " + str.tostring(risk, "#") + " $)", bgcolor= color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 70), height=hi__, width=why__, text_color =, text_size = size.small) for i = 2 to 5 table.cell(mobiletable, i, 5) table.merge_cells(mobiletable, 0, 5, 2, 5) table.cell(mobiletable , 3, 5, "Take Profit: " + str.tostring(takeprofitm, "#.#####") + " $" + "\n" + "\n" + " (Reward " + str.tostring(reward, "#") + " $)", bgcolor= color.rgb(76, 175, 79, 70), height=hi__, width=why__, text_color =, text_size = size.small) table.merge_cells(mobiletable, 3, 5, 5, 5) table.cell(mobiletable , 0, 6, "Risk to Reward Ratio: " + str.tostring(RRR, "#.##") + " x" + "\n" + "\n" + "โ†“", bgcolor= reversalprobabilitycolor, height=hi__, width=why__, text_color = reversalprobabilitycolor, text_size = size.small) table.merge_cells(mobiletable, 0, 6, 5, 6) table.cell(mobiletable , 0, 7, "////////////////////////////////////////////", bgcolor= RRR > 0 ?, 60) : defaultcolor, height=hi__ / 4, width=why__, text_color = RRR > 0 ?, 80) : defaultcolor, text_size = size.huge) table.cell(mobiletable , 1, 7, "////////////////////////////////////////////", bgcolor= RRR > 2 ?, 60) : defaultcolor, height=hi__ / 4, width=why__, text_color = RRR > 2 ?, 80) : defaultcolor, text_size = size.huge) table.cell(mobiletable , 2, 7, "////////////////////////////////////////////", bgcolor= RRR > 4 ?, 60) : defaultcolor, height=hi__ / 4, width=why__, text_color = RRR > 4 ?, 80) : defaultcolor, text_size = size.huge) table.cell(mobiletable , 3, 7, "////////////////////////////////////////////", bgcolor= RRR > 6 ?, 60) : defaultcolor, height=hi__ / 4, width=why__, text_color = RRR > 6 ?, 80) : defaultcolor, text_size = size.huge) table.cell(mobiletable , 4, 7, "////////////////////////////////////////////", bgcolor= RRR > 8 ?, 60) : defaultcolor, height=hi__ / 4, width=why__, text_color = RRR > 8 ?, 80) : defaultcolor, text_size = size.huge) table.cell(mobiletable , 5, 7, "////////////////////////////////////////////", bgcolor= RRR > 10 ?, 60) : defaultcolor, height=hi__ / 4, width=why__, text_color = RRR > 10 ?, 80) : defaultcolor, text_size = size.huge) table.cell(mobiletable, 0, 8, text = "Speed: " + (str.tostring(speed, '#.##') + ' PPM') + "\n" + "\n" + (speed > 20 ? "๐Ÿ‡" : "๐Ÿข"), bgcolor = color.from_gradient(speed, ta.lowest(speed, lookback),ta.highest(speed, lookback) / 2, color.rgb(33, 149, 243, 70), color.rgb(255, 235, 59, 70)), text_color = color.from_gradient(speed, ta.lowest(speed, lookback),ta.highest(speed, lookback), color.rgb(34, 108, 255), color.rgb(251, 255, 0)), width = why__, height = hi__ * 1.5, text_size = size.normal) table.merge_cells(mobiletable, 0, 8, 5, 8) table.cell(mobiletable , 0, 9, "////////////////////////////////////////////", bgcolor= speed > 1 ?, 60) : defaultcolor, height=hi__ / 4, width=why__, text_color = speed > 1 ?, 80) : defaultcolor, text_size = size.huge) table.cell(mobiletable , 1, 9, "////////////////////////////////////////////", bgcolor= speed > 20 ?, 60) : defaultcolor, height=hi__ / 4, width=why__, text_color = speed > 20 ?, 80) : defaultcolor, text_size = size.huge) table.cell(mobiletable , 2, 9, "////////////////////////////////////////////", bgcolor= speed > 30 ?, 60) : defaultcolor, height=hi__ / 4, width=why__, text_color = speed > 30 ?, 80) : defaultcolor, text_size = size.huge) table.cell(mobiletable , 3, 9, "////////////////////////////////////////////", bgcolor= speed > 40 ?, 60) : defaultcolor, height=hi__ / 4, width=why__, text_color = speed > 40 ?, 80) : defaultcolor, text_size = size.huge) table.cell(mobiletable , 4, 9, "////////////////////////////////////////////", bgcolor= speed > 50 ?, 60) : defaultcolor, height=hi__ / 4, width=why__, text_color = speed > 50 ?, 80) : defaultcolor, text_size = size.huge) table.cell(mobiletable , 5, 9, "////////////////////////////////////////////", bgcolor= speed > 60 ?, 60) : defaultcolor, height=hi__ / 4, width=why__, text_color = speed > 60 ?, 80) : defaultcolor, text_size = size.huge) table.cell(mobiletable, 0, 10, text = "By Kiersten and Haji", bgcolor = color.rgb(0, 0, 0), text_color = color.rgb(255, 38, 150, 10), width = why__ / 6, height = hi__ / 6, text_size = size.tiny) table.merge_cells(mobiletable, 0, 10, 5, 10) hline(device == "Mobile" ? 8 : na, color = color.silver, linestyle = hline.style_solid, linewidth = device == "Mobile" ? 5 : 1) //ALERTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//ALERTS// //ALERTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//ALERTS// CloseBuy = false CloseSell = false if minmax <= normalizedvaluetakeprofit CloseSell := true if minmax >= normalizedvaluetakeprofit CloseBuy := true alertcondition(BuySetting or SellSetting, ".Trade", "TRADE {{ticker}}") alertcondition(CloseBuy, "I JUST BOUGHT", "GET OUT {{ticker}}") alertcondition(CloseSell, "I JUST SOLD", "GET OUT {{ticker}}") //END OF ALERTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF ALERTS// //END OF ALERTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//END OF ALERTS// //VERY END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VERY END// //VERY END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VERY END//
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ Cube_Lee //@version=5 // @description TODO: add library description here library("PerformanceTable") // Global Function tableTextSize = size.small truncate(number, decimals) => factor = math.pow(10, decimals) int(number * factor) / factor f_fillCell(_table, _column, _row, _title, _value, _bgcolor, _txtcolor) => _cellText = _title + "\n" + _value table.cell(_table, _column, _row, _cellText, bgcolor=_bgcolor, text_color=_txtcolor, text_size=tableTextSize) // Performance Table export PerformanceTable() => var bgcolor =,0) // Keep track of Wins/Losses streaks newWin = (strategy.wintrades > strategy.wintrades[1]) and (strategy.losstrades == strategy.losstrades[1]) and (strategy.eventrades == strategy.eventrades[1]) newLoss = (strategy.wintrades == strategy.wintrades[1]) and (strategy.losstrades > strategy.losstrades[1]) and (strategy.eventrades == strategy.eventrades[1]) varip int winRow = 0 varip int lossRow = 0 varip int maxWinRow = 0 varip int maxLossRow = 0 if newWin lossRow := 0 winRow := winRow + 1 if winRow > maxWinRow maxWinRow := winRow if newLoss winRow := 0 lossRow := lossRow + 1 if lossRow > maxLossRow maxLossRow := lossRow // Prepare stats table var table dashTable =, 2, 15, border_width=1) if barstate.islastconfirmedhistory // Update table _positionsize = truncate(strategy.position_size, 5) _coinvalue = truncate(math.abs(strategy.position_size*close), 2) _pnl = truncate(strategy.openprofit, 2) _ROE = truncate(strategy.openprofit / math.abs(strategy.position_size) / strategy.position_avg_price * 100, 2) _equity = truncate(strategy.equity, 2) _leverage = truncate(math.abs(strategy.position_size*open/strategy.equity), 2) dollarReturn = strategy.netprofit _end = strategy.position_size == 0 ? strategy.closedtrades.exit_time(strategy.closedtrades-1) : time _profit = (strategy.netprofit / strategy.initial_capital) * 100 _numOfDaysInStrategy = truncate((strategy.opentrades.entry_time(0) - strategy.closedtrades.entry_time(0)) / (1000 * 3600 * 24),2) _winRate = (strategy.wintrades / strategy.closedtrades ) * 100 _profitFactor = strategy.grossprofit / strategy.grossloss _maxdd = (strategy.max_drawdown / strategy.equity) * 100 f_fillCell(dashTable, 0, 0, "Total Trades:", str.tostring(strategy.closedtrades), bgcolor, color.white) f_fillCell(dashTable, 0, 1, "Max.Win / Max.Loss", str.tostring(maxWinRow) + " / " + str.tostring(maxLossRow) , bgcolor, color.white) f_fillCell(dashTable, 0, 2, "Equity:", str.tostring(_equity) , bgcolor, color.white) f_fillCell(dashTable, 0, 3, "Leverage:", str.tostring(_leverage) +"x", bgcolor, color.white) f_fillCell(dashTable, 0, 4, "Coin Value:", str.tostring(_coinvalue), bgcolor, color.white) f_fillCell(dashTable, 0, 5, "PnL: "+ str.tostring(_pnl), "(" + str.tostring(_ROE) + "%)" , _pnl > 0 ? color.rgb(56, 173, 59) : _pnl < 0 ? : bgcolor, color.white) f_fillCell(dashTable, 0, 6, "Position Size:", str.tostring(_positionsize) , _positionsize > 0 ? color.rgb(56, 173, 59) : _positionsize < 0 ? : bgcolor, color.white) f_fillCell(dashTable, 1, 0, "Start:", str.format("{0,date,y-MM-dd}", strategy.closedtrades.entry_time(0)) , bgcolor, color.white) // + str.format(" {0,time,HH:mm}", strategy.closedtrades.entry_time(0)) f_fillCell(dashTable, 1, 1, "End:", str.format("{0,date,y-MM-dd}", _end) , bgcolor, color.white) // + str.format(" {0,time,HH:mm}", strategy.opentrades.entry_time(0)) f_fillCell(dashTable, 1, 2, "Net Profit %:", str.tostring(_profit, '##.##') + "%", _profit > 0 ? color.teal : color.maroon, color.white) f_fillCell(dashTable, 1, 3, "% Per Day", str.tostring(_profit / _numOfDaysInStrategy, '################.##')+"%", _profit > 0 ? color.teal : color.maroon, color.white) f_fillCell(dashTable, 1, 4, "% Profitable:", str.tostring(_winRate, '##.##') + "%", _winRate < 50 ? color.maroon : _winRate < 75 ? #999900 : color.teal, color.white) f_fillCell(dashTable, 1, 5, "Profit Factor:", str.tostring(_profitFactor, '##.##'), strategy.grossprofit > strategy.grossloss ? color.teal : color.maroon, color.white) f_fillCell(dashTable, 1, 6, "MaxDD:", str.tostring(_maxdd, '###.##') + "%",, color.white) // Monthly Table export MonthlyTable() => new_month = month(time) != month(time[1]) new_year = year(time) != year(time[1]) eq = strategy.equity bar_pnl = eq / eq[1] - 1 cur_month_pnl = 0.0 cur_year_pnl = 0.0 // Current Monthly P&L cur_month_pnl := new_month ? 0.0 : (1 + cur_month_pnl[1]) * (1 + bar_pnl) - 1 // Current Yearly P&L cur_year_pnl := new_year ? 0.0 : (1 + cur_year_pnl[1]) * (1 + bar_pnl) - 1 // Arrays to store Yearly and Monthly P&Ls var month_pnl = array.new_float(0) var month_time = array.new_int(0) var year_pnl = array.new_float(0) var year_time = array.new_int(0) last_computed = false if (not na(cur_month_pnl[1]) and (new_month or barstate.islastconfirmedhistory)) if (last_computed[1]) array.pop(month_pnl) array.pop(month_time) array.push(month_pnl , cur_month_pnl[1]) array.push(month_time, time[1]) if (not na(cur_year_pnl[1]) and (new_year or barstate.islastconfirmedhistory)) if (last_computed[1]) array.pop(year_pnl) array.pop(year_time) array.push(year_pnl , cur_year_pnl[1]) array.push(year_time, time[1]) last_computed := barstate.islastconfirmedhistory ? true : nz(last_computed[1]) // Monthly P&L Table var monthly_table = table(na) if (barstate.islastconfirmedhistory) monthly_table :=, columns = 14, rows = array.size(year_pnl) + 1, border_width = 1) table.cell(monthly_table, 0, 0, "", bgcolor = #cccccc, text_size=tableTextSize) table.cell(monthly_table, 1, 0, "Jan", bgcolor = #cccccc, text_size=tableTextSize) table.cell(monthly_table, 2, 0, "Feb", bgcolor = #cccccc, text_size=tableTextSize) table.cell(monthly_table, 3, 0, "Mar", bgcolor = #cccccc, text_size=tableTextSize) table.cell(monthly_table, 4, 0, "Apr", bgcolor = #cccccc, text_size=tableTextSize) table.cell(monthly_table, 5, 0, "May", bgcolor = #cccccc, text_size=tableTextSize) table.cell(monthly_table, 6, 0, "Jun", bgcolor = #cccccc, text_size=tableTextSize) table.cell(monthly_table, 7, 0, "Jul", bgcolor = #cccccc, text_size=tableTextSize) table.cell(monthly_table, 8, 0, "Aug", bgcolor = #cccccc, text_size=tableTextSize) table.cell(monthly_table, 9, 0, "Sep", bgcolor = #cccccc, text_size=tableTextSize) table.cell(monthly_table, 10, 0, "Oct", bgcolor = #cccccc, text_size=tableTextSize) table.cell(monthly_table, 11, 0, "Nov", bgcolor = #cccccc, text_size=tableTextSize) table.cell(monthly_table, 12, 0, "Dec", bgcolor = #cccccc, text_size=tableTextSize) table.cell(monthly_table, 13, 0, "Year", bgcolor = #999999, text_size=tableTextSize) for yi = 0 to array.size(year_pnl) - 1 table.cell(monthly_table, 0, yi + 1, str.tostring(year(array.get(year_time, yi))), bgcolor = #cccccc, text_size=tableTextSize) y_color = array.get(year_pnl, yi) > 0 ?, transp = 40) :, transp = 40) table.cell(monthly_table, 13, yi + 1, str.tostring(math.round(array.get(year_pnl, yi) * 100, 2)), bgcolor = y_color,, 0),text_size=tableTextSize) for mi = 0 to array.size(month_time) - 1 m_row = year(array.get(month_time, mi)) - year(array.get(year_time, 0)) + 1 m_col = month(array.get(month_time, mi)) m_color = array.get(month_pnl, mi) > 0 ?, transp = 40) :, transp = 40) table.cell(monthly_table, m_col, m_row, str.tostring(math.round(array.get(month_pnl, mi) * 100, 2)), bgcolor = m_color,, 0), text_size=tableTextSize)
How To Input And Offset CSV Data
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ allanster //@version=5 indicator("How To Input And Offset CSV Data") bump = input(true, '', inline = '1') // Enable/Disable offset of origin bar. date = input.time(timestamp("19 Feb 2022 00:00 +0000"), "Shift Origin To", tooltip = 'When enabled use this offset for origin bar of data range.', inline = '1') // Example CSV ๐Ÿ‘‡ Normalized Data From Yahoo Finance BTCUSD Daily Close From February 19th, 2022 Thru January 1st, 2023. feed = input.text_area( '40122.15625, 38431.37891, 37075.28125, 38286.02734, 37296.57031, 38332.60938, 39214.21875, 39105.14844, 37709.78516, 43193.23438, 44354.63672, 43924.11719, 42451.78906,' + '39137.60547, 39400.58594, 38419.98438, 38062.03906, 38737.26953, 41982.92578, 39437.46094, 38794.97266, 38904.01172, 37849.66406, 39666.75391, 39338.78516, 41143.92969,' + '40951.37891, 41801.15625, 42190.65234, 41247.82422, 41077.99609, 42358.80859, 42892.95703, 43960.93359, 44348.73047, 44500.82813, 46820.49219, 47128.00391, 47465.73047,' + '47062.66406, 45538.67578, 46281.64453, 45868.94922, 46453.56641, 46622.67578, 45555.99219, 43206.73828, 43503.84766, 42287.66406, 42782.13672, 42207.67188, 39521.90234,' + '40127.18359, 41166.73047, 39935.51563, 40553.46484, 40424.48438, 39716.95313, 40826.21484, 41502.75000, 41374.37891, 40527.36328, 39740.32031, 39486.73047, 39469.29297,' + '40458.30859, 38117.46094, 39241.12109, 39773.82813, 38609.82422, 37714.87500, 38469.09375, 38529.32813, 37750.45313, 39698.37109, 36575.14063, 36040.92188, 35501.95313,' + '34059.26563, 30296.95313, 31022.90625, 28936.35547, 29047.75195, 29283.10352, 30101.26563, 31305.11328, 29862.91797, 30425.85742, 28720.27148, 30314.33398, 29200.74023,' + '29432.22656, 30323.72266, 29098.91016, 29655.58594, 29562.36133, 29267.22461, 28627.57422, 28814.90039, 29445.95703, 31726.39063, 31792.31055, 29799.08008, 30467.48828,' + '29704.39063, 29832.91406, 29906.66211, 31370.67188, 31155.47852, 30214.35547, 30111.99805, 29083.80469, 28360.81055, 26762.64844, 22487.38867, 22206.79297, 22572.83984,' + '20381.65039, 20471.48242, 19017.64258, 20553.27148, 20599.53711, 20710.59766, 19987.02930, 21085.87695, 21231.65625, 21502.33789, 21027.29492, 20735.47852, 20280.63477,' + '20104.02344, 19784.72656, 19269.36719, 19242.25586, 19297.07617, 20231.26172, 20190.11523, 20548.24609, 21637.58789, 21731.11719, 21592.20703, 20860.44922, 19970.55664,' + '19323.91406, 20212.07422, 20569.91992, 20836.32813, 21190.31641, 20779.34375, 22485.68945, 23389.43359, 23231.73242, 23164.62891, 22714.97852, 22465.47852, 22609.16406,' + '21361.70117, 21239.75391, 22930.54883, 23843.88672, 23804.63281, 23656.20703, 23336.89648, 23314.19922, 22978.11719, 22846.50781, 22630.95703, 23289.31445, 22961.27930,' + '23175.89063, 23809.48633, 23164.31836, 23947.64258, 23957.52930, 24402.81836, 24424.06836, 24319.33398, 24136.97266, 23883.29102, 23335.99805, 23212.73828, 20877.55273,' + '21166.06055, 21534.12109, 21398.90820, 21528.08789, 21395.01953, 21600.90430, 20260.01953, 20041.73828, 19616.81445, 20297.99414, 19796.80859, 20049.76367, 20127.14063,' + '19969.77148, 19832.08789, 19986.71289, 19812.37109, 18837.66797, 19290.32422, 19329.83398, 21381.15234, 21680.53906, 21769.25586, 22370.44922, 20296.70703, 20241.08984,' + '19701.21094, 19772.58398, 20127.57617, 19419.50586, 19544.12891, 18890.78906, 18547.40039, 19413.55078, 19297.63867, 18937.01172, 18802.09766, 19222.67188, 19110.54688,' + '19426.72070, 19573.05078, 19431.78906, 19312.09570, 19044.10742, 19623.58008, 20336.84375, 20160.71680, 19955.44336, 19546.84961, 19416.56836, 19446.42578, 19141.48438,' + '19051.41797, 19157.44531, 19382.90430, 19185.65625, 19067.63477, 19268.09375, 19550.75781, 19334.41602, 19139.53516, 19053.74023, 19172.46875, 19208.18945, 19567.00781,' + '19345.57227, 20095.85742, 20770.44141, 20285.83594, 20595.35156, 20818.47656, 20635.60352, 20495.77344, 20485.27344, 20159.50391, 20209.98828, 21147.23047, 21282.69141,' + '20926.48633, 20602.81641, 18541.27148, 15880.78027, 17586.77148, 17034.29297, 16799.18555, 16353.36523, 16618.19922, 16884.61328, 16669.43945, 16687.51758, 16697.77734,' + '16711.54688, 16291.83203, 15787.28418, 16189.76953, 16610.70703, 16604.46484, 16521.84180, 16464.28125, 16444.62695, 16217.32227, 16444.98242, 17168.56641, 16967.13281,' + '17088.66016, 16908.23633, 17130.48633, 16974.82617, 17089.50391, 16848.12695, 17233.47461, 17133.15234, 17128.72461, 17104.19336, 17206.43750, 17781.31836, 17815.65039,' + '17364.86523, 16647.48438, 16795.09180, 16757.97656, 16439.67969, 16906.30469, 16817.53516, 16830.34180, 16796.95313, 16847.75586, 16841.98633, 16919.80469, 16717.17383,' + '16552.57227, 16642.34180, 16602.58594, 16547.49609, 16625.08008', 'Feed', tooltip = 'Total characters cannot exceed 4096.') subs = str.split(feed, ',') // Split input text into an array of individual substrings. var data = array.new_float() // Create data array. indx = not bump ? 0 : ta.valuewhen(time == date, bar_index, 0) // Origin bar index. if bar_index == indx // If current bar is origin of data range populate the array. for i = 0 to array.size(subs) - 1 // Loop through individual substrings. array.push(data, str.tonumber(array.get(subs, i))) // Push float number equivalents of substrings into data array. array.reverse(data) // Reverse index the data so that pop may be used instead of shift. plot(array.size(data) < 1 ? na : array.pop(data), 'csv', #ffff00) // Plot and shrink dataset for bars within data range.
EMA 08:00
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ schroederjoa // Some traders prefer to start the charts at 8am in the morning. // This chart setting is not possible as of today, but the following script lets you calculate ema for a defined time range. // Right now it is set to include bars from 08:00 to 1959, meaning thatlate post market and early pre market 04:00 to 07:59 is left out. //@version=5 indicator("EMA 08:00", overlay=true) // input definitions for period and timeframe period =, minval = 1) timeframe = input.timeframe("5", "Timeframe") // define time range that should be used to calculate indicators t = time(timeframe.period, "0800-1959") // disregard close values outside of time range close_filtered = not na(t) ? close : na // define indicator function, feed filtered values // USE ALTERNATIVE FUNCTION HERE TO APPLY FOR DIFFERENT INDICATORS func = ta.ema(close_filtered, period) // create higher timeframe function and plot func_htf =, timeframe, func) plot(func_htf)
Flag Finder
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ Amphibiantrading //@version=5 indicator("Flag Finder", overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500) //inputs //user controlled settings for the indicator, separated into 4 different groups var g1 = 'Bull Flag Criteria' max_depth = input.float(7.5, 'Max Flag Depth', step = .25, minval = .25, group = g1, tooltip = 'Maximum pullback allowed from flag high to flag low') max_flag =, 'Max Flag Length', group = g1, tooltip = 'The maximum number of bars the flag can last') min_flag =, 'Min Flag Length', group = g1, tooltip = 'The minimum number of bars required for the flag') poleMin = input.float(20.0, 'Prior Uptrend Minimum', step = .50, minval = .25, group = g1, tooltip = 'The minimum percentage gain required before a flag forms') poleMaxLen =, 'Max Flag Pole Length', minval = 1, group = g1, tooltip = 'The maximum number of bars the flagpole can be') poleMinLen =, 'Min Flag Pole Length', minval = 1, group = g1, tooltip = 'The minimum number of bars required for the flag pole') var g2 = 'Bear Flag Criteria' max_rally = input.float(10, 'Max Flag Rally', step = .25, minval = .25, group = g2, tooltip = 'Maximum rally allowed from flag low to flag low') max_flagBear =, 'Max Flag Length', group = g2, tooltip = 'The maximum number of bars the flag can last') min_flagBear =, 'Min Flag Length', group = g2, tooltip = 'The minimum number of bars required for the flag') poleMinBear = input.float(15.0, 'Prior Downtrend Minimum', step = .50, minval = .25, group = g2, tooltip = 'The minimum percentage loss required before a flag forms') poleMaxLenBear =, 'Max Flag Pole Length', minval = 1, group = g2, tooltip = 'The maximum number of bars the flagpole can be') poleMinLenBear =, 'Min Flag Pole Length', minval = 1, group = g2, tooltip = 'The minimum number of bars required for the flag pole') var g3 = 'Bull Flag Display Options' showF = input.bool(true, 'Show Bull Flags', group = g3) showBO = input.bool(true,'Show Bull Flag Breakouts', group = g3) lineColor = input.color(, 'Bull Line Color', group = g3) lineWidth =, 'Bull Line Width', minval = 1, maxval = 5, group = g3) var g4 = 'Bear Flag Display Options' showBF = input.bool(true, 'Show Bear Flags', group = g4) showBD = input.bool(true,'Show Bear Flag Breakdowns', group = g4) lineColorBear = input.color(, 'Bear Flag Line Color', group = g4) lineWidthBear =, 'Bear Flag Line Width', minval = 1, maxval = 5, group = g4) //variables //declare starting variables used for identfying flags var baseHigh = high, var startIndex = 0, var flagLength = 0, var baseLow = low var lowIndex = 0, var flagBool = false, var poleLow = 0.0, var poleLowIndex = 0 var line flagHLine = na, var line flagLLine = na, var line flagPLine = na // bear flag variables var flagLowBear = high, var startIndexBear = 0, var flagLengthBear = 0, var flagHigh = low var highIndex = 0, var flagBoolBear = false, var poleHigh = 0.0, var polehighIndex = 0 var line flagBearHLine = na, var line flagBearLLine = na, var line flagBearPLine = na //find bull flag highs // check to see if the current bars price is higher than the previous base high or na and then sets the variables needed for flag detection if high > baseHigh or na(baseHigh) baseHigh := high startIndex := bar_index flagLength := 0 baseLow := low lowIndex := bar_index // check to see if the low of the current bar is lower than the base low, if it is set the base low to the low if high <= baseHigh and low < baseLow baseLow := low lowIndex := bar_index // moves the base low from the base high bar_index to prevent the high and low being the same bar if high <= baseHigh and lowIndex == startIndex baseLow := low lowIndex := bar_index //find bear flag lows // check to see if the current bars price is lower than the previous flag low or na and then sets the variables needed for flag detection if low < flagLowBear or na(flagLowBear) flagLowBear := low startIndexBear := bar_index flagLengthBear := 0 flagHigh := high highIndex := bar_index // check to see if the high of the current bar is higher than the flag high, if it is set the flag high to the high if low >= flagLowBear and high > flagHigh flagHigh := high highIndex := bar_index // moves the flag high from the flag low bar_index to prevent the high and low being the same bar if low >= flagLowBear and highIndex == startIndexBear flagHigh := high highIndex := bar_index //calulations bullish findDepth = math.abs(((baseLow / baseHigh) - 1) * 100) //calculate the depth of the flag poleDepth = ((baseHigh / poleLow)- 1) * 100 // calculate the low of the flag pole to the base high lower_close = close < close[1] // defines a lower close //calculations bearish findRally = math.abs(((flagHigh / flagLowBear) - 1) * 100) //calculate the rally of the flag poleDepthBear = ((flagLowBear / poleHigh)- 1) * 100 // calculate the high of the flag pole to the low high higher_close = close > close[1] // defines a higher close //start the counters // begins starting bars once a high is less than the flag high if high < baseHigh and findDepth <= max_depth or (high == baseHigh and lower_close) flagLength += 1 else flagLength := 0 // begins starting bars once a low is higher than the flag low if low > flagLowBear and findRally <= max_rally or (low == flagLowBear and higher_close) flagLengthBear += 1 else flagLengthBear := 0 // check for prior uptrend / downtrend to meet requirements // loops through all the bars from the minimum pole length to the maximum pole length to check if the prior uptrend requirements are met and sets the variables to their new values if high == baseHigh for i = poleMinLen to poleMaxLen if ((high / low[i]) - 1) * 100 >= poleMin flagBool := true poleLow := low[i] poleLowIndex := bar_index[i] break // loops through all the bars from the minimum pole length to the maximum pole length to check if the prior downtrend requirements are met and sets the variables to their new values if low == flagLowBear for i = poleMinLenBear to poleMaxLenBear if math.abs(((low / high[i]) - 1) * 100) >= poleMinBear flagBoolBear := true poleHigh := high[i] polehighIndex := bar_index[i] break // reset variables if criteria for a flag is broken // if the depth of the bull flag is greater than the maximum depth limit or the flag lasts longer than the maximum length everything is reset to beging looking for a new flag if findDepth >= max_depth or flagLength > max_flag flagBool := false flagLength := 0 baseHigh := na startIndex := na lowIndex := na baseLow := na // if the rally of the bear flag is greater than the maximum rally limit or the flag lasts longer than the maximum length everything is reset to beging looking for a new flag if findRally >= max_rally or flagLengthBear > max_flagBear flagBoolBear := false flagLengthBear := 0 flagLowBear := na startIndexBear := na highIndex := na flagHigh := na // reset the variables and begin looking for a new bull flag if price continues higher before the minimum flag length requirement is met if high > baseHigh[1] and flagLength < min_flag baseHigh := high flagLength := 0 startIndex := bar_index lowIndex := bar_index baseLow := low // reset the variables and begin looking for a new bear flag if price continues lower before the minimum bear flag length requirement is met if low < flagLowBear[1] and flagLengthBear < min_flagBear flagLowBear := low flagLengthBear := 0 startIndexBear := bar_index highIndex := bar_index flagHigh := high //define the flags // if all requirements are met a bull flag is true, flagBool is true, flag length is less than maximum set length and more than miminum required. The prior run up also meets the requirements for length and price flag = flagBool == true and flagLength < max_flag and findDepth < max_depth and flagLength >= min_flag and startIndex - poleLowIndex <= poleMaxLen // if all requirements are met a bear flag is true, flagBoolBear is true, flag length is less than maximum set length and more than miminum required. The prior downtrend also meets the requirements for length and price bearFlag = flagBoolBear == true and flagLengthBear < max_flagBear and findRally < max_rally and flagLengthBear >= min_flagBear and startIndexBear - polehighIndex <= poleMaxLen //define flags, breakouts, breadowns // a breakout is defined as the high going above the flag high and the length of the flag is greater than the minimum requirement. The flag boolean must also be true breakout = high > baseHigh[1] and flagLength >= min_flag and flagBool == true //a breakdown is defined as the depth of the flag being larger than user set parameter or the length of the flag exceeded the maximum flag length breakdown = findDepth >= max_depth or flagLength > max_flag // a separate variable to have breakouts only plot once using a plotshape plotBO = flag[1] and high > baseHigh[1] and flagLength[1] >= min_flag and flagBool == true // a bear flag breakout is defined as the low going below the flag low and the length of the flag is greater than the minimum requirement. The flag boolean must also be true breakoutBear = low < flagLowBear[1] and flagLengthBear >= min_flagBear and flagBoolBear == true //a breakdown is defined as the rally of the flag being larger than user set parameter or the length of the flag exceeded the maximum flag length breakdownBear = findRally >= max_rally or flagLengthBear > max_flagBear // a separate variable to have breakouts only plot once using a plotshape plotBD = bearFlag[1] and low < flagLowBear[1] and flagLengthBear[1] >= min_flagBear and flagBoolBear == true // if a bul flag is detected and the user has bull flags selected from the settings menu draw it on the chart if flag and showF //if a flag was detected on the previous bar, delete those lines and allow for new lines to be drawn if flag[1] line.delete(flagHLine[1]), line.delete(flagLLine[1]), line.delete(flagPLine[1]) //draw new lines flagHLine :=, baseHigh, bar_index, baseHigh, color=lineColor, width = lineWidth) flagLLine :=, baseLow, bar_index, baseLow, color=lineColor, width = lineWidth) flagPLine := +1, poleLow, startIndex , baseLow, color=lineColor, width = lineWidth) // if a bear flag is detected and the user has bear flags selected from the settings menu draw it on the chart if bearFlag and showBF //if a bear flag was detected on the previous bar, delete those lines and allow for new lines to be drawn if bearFlag[1] line.delete(flagBearHLine[1]), line.delete(flagBearLLine[1]), line.delete(flagBearPLine[1]) //draw new lines flagBearHLine :=, flagHigh, bar_index, flagHigh, color=lineColorBear, width = lineWidthBear) flagBearLLine :=, flagLowBear, bar_index, flagLowBear, color=lineColorBear, width = lineWidthBear) flagBearPLine := + 1, poleHigh, startIndexBear , flagHigh, color=lineColorBear, width = lineWidthBear) //reset variables if a breakout occurs if breakout // bull flag - high gets above flag high flagLength := 0 baseHigh := high startIndex := bar_index lowIndex := bar_index baseLow := low if breakoutBear // bear flag - low gets below flag low flagLengthBear := 0 flagLowBear := low startIndexBear := bar_index highIndex := bar_index flagHigh := high //reset the variables and highs from a failed bull flag. This allows stocks below previous highs to find new flags highest = ta.highest(high, 10) // built in variable that finds the highest high lookingback the past 10 bars if breakdown or flagLength == max_flag flagBool := false baseHigh := highest startIndex := bar_index lowIndex := bar_index baseLow := low //reset the variables and lows from a failed bear flag. This allows stocks above previous lows to find new flags lowest = ta.lowest(low, 10) // built in variable that finds the lowest low lookingback the past 10 bars if breakdownBear or flagLengthBear == max_flagBear flagBoolBear := false flagLowBear := lowest startIndexBear := bar_index highIndex := bar_index flagHigh := high // if a flag breakdowns remove the lines from the chart if (breakdown and flag[1]) line.delete(flagHLine) line.delete(flagLLine) line.delete(flagPLine) if (breakdownBear and bearFlag[1]) line.delete(flagBearHLine) line.delete(flagBearLLine) line.delete(flagBearPLine) //plot breakouts // use a plotshape to check if there is a breakout and the show breakout option is selected. If both requirements are met plot a shape at the breakout bar plotshape(plotBO and showBO and showF, 'Breakout', shape.triangleup, location.belowbar,, display = display.pane) // use a plotshape to check if there is a breakout and the show breakout option is selected. If both requirements are met plot a shape at the breakout bar plotshape(plotBD and showBD and showBF, 'Breakout', shape.triangledown, location.abovebar,, display = display.pane) //alerts // add alerts for two conditions, a breakout and when a new flag is formed meeting all requirements. alertcondition(plotBO, 'Bull Flag Breakout', '{{ticker}} Breaking Out from Bull Flag') alertcondition(flag, 'New Bull Flag', '{{ticker}} has formed a bull flag') alertcondition(plotBD, 'Bear Flag Breakout', '{{ticker}} Breaking Out from Bear Flag') alertcondition(bearFlag, 'New Bear Flag', '{{ticker}} has formed a bear flag')
Global Yield Spread
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ Celestial-Eye //@version=5 indicator("Global Yield Spread", overlay=true, scale = scale.left) // Define the bond yields for each country china_3my ="CN01Y", "D", close) china_2y ="CN02Y", "D", close) china_10y ="CN10Y", "D", close) china_30y ="CN30Y", "D", close) japan_3my ="JP03MY", "D", close) japan_2y ="JP02Y", "D", close) japan_10y ="JP10Y", "D", close) japan_30y ="JP30Y", "D", close) germany_3my ="DE03MY", "D", close) germany_2y ="DE02Y", "D", close) germany_10y ="DE10Y", "D", close) germany_30y ="DE30Y", "D", close) italy_3my ="IT03MY", "D", close) italy_2y ="IT02Y", "D", close) italy_10y ="IT10Y", "D", close) italy_30y ="IT30Y", "D", close) canada_3my ="CA03MY", "D", close) canada_2y ="CA02Y", "D", close) canada_10y ="CA10Y", "D", close) canada_30y ="CA30Y", "D", close) russia_3my ="RU03MY", "D", close) russia_2y ="RU02Y", "D", close) russia_10y ="RU10Y", "D", close) russia_30y ="RU20Y", "D", close) france_3my ="FR03MY", "D", close) france_2y ="FR02Y", "D", close) france_10y ="FR10Y", "D", close) france_30y ="FR30Y", "D", close) uk_3my ="GB03MY", "D", close) uk_2y ="GB02Y", "D", close) uk_10y ="GB10Y", "D", close) uk_30y ="GB30Y", "D", close) india_3my ="IN03MY", "D", close) india_2y ="IN02Y", "D", close) india_10y ="IN10Y", "D", close) india_30y ="IN30Y", "D", close) us_3my ="US03MY", "D", close) us_2y ="US02Y", "D", close) us_10y ="US10Y", "D", close) us_30y ="US30Y", "D", close) // Calculate yield spread china_yield_spread10to3m = china_10y - china_3my japan_yield_spread10to3m = japan_10y - japan_3my germany_yield_spread10to3m = germany_10y - germany_3my italy_yield_spread10to3m = italy_10y - italy_3my canada_yield_spread10to3m = canada_10y - canada_3my russia_yield_spread10to3m = russia_10y - russia_3my france_yield_spread10to3m = france_10y - france_3my uk_yield_spread10to3m = uk_10y - uk_3my india_yield_spread10to3m = india_10y - india_3my us_yield_spread10to3m = us_10y - us_3my china_yield_spread10to02 = china_10y - china_2y japan_yield_spread10to02 = japan_10y - japan_2y germany_yield_spread10to02 = germany_10y - germany_2y italy_yield_spread10to02 = italy_10y - italy_2y canada_yield_spread10to02 = canada_10y - canada_2y russia_yield_spread10to02 = russia_10y - russia_2y france_yield_spread10to02 = france_10y - france_2y uk_yield_spread10to02 = uk_10y - uk_2y india_yield_spread10to02 = india_10y - india_2y us_yield_spread10to02 = us_10y - us_2y china_yield_spread30to10 = china_30y - china_10y japan_yield_spread30to10 = japan_30y - japan_10y germany_yield_spread30to10 = germany_30y - germany_10y italy_yield_spread30to10 = italy_30y - italy_10y canada_yield_spread30to10 = canada_30y - canada_10y russia_yield_spread30to10 = russia_30y - russia_10y france_yield_spread30to10 = france_30y - france_10y uk_yield_spread30to10 = uk_30y - uk_10y india_yield_spread30to10 = india_30y - india_10y us_yield_spread30to10 = us_30y - us_10y showCN = input.bool(false, "Show CN Yield Spread") showJP = input.bool(false, "Show JP Yield Spread") showGE = input.bool(false, "Show GE Yield Spread") showIT = input.bool(false, "Show IT Yield Spread") showCA = input.bool(false, "Show CA Yield Spread") showRU = input.bool(false, "Show RU Yield Spread") showFR = input.bool(false, "Show FR Yield Spread") showGB = input.bool(false, "Show GB Yield Spread") showIN = input.bool(false, "Show IN Yield Spread") showUS = input.bool(false, "Show US Yield Spread") // Plot yield spread plot( showCN?china_yield_spread10to3m:na,, linewidth=2, title="China 10Y - 3M Yield Spread") plot( showJP?japan_yield_spread10to3m:na, color=, linewidth=2, title="Japan 10Y - 3M Yield Spread") plot( showGE?germany_yield_spread10to3m:na, color=, linewidth=2, title="Germany 10Y - 3M Yield Spread") plot( showIT?italy_yield_spread10to3m:na, color=, linewidth=2, title="Italy 10Y - 3M Yield Spread") plot( showCA?canada_yield_spread10to3m:na, color= color.purple, linewidth=2, title="Canada 10Y - 3M Yield Spread") plot( showRU?russia_yield_spread10to3m:na, color= color.yellow, linewidth=2, title="Russia 10Y - 3M Yield Spread") plot( showFR?france_yield_spread10to3m:na, color= color.teal, linewidth=2, title="France 10Y - 3M Yield Spread") plot( showGB?uk_yield_spread10to3m:na, color= color.gray, linewidth=2, title="UK 10Y - 3M Yield Spread") plot( showIN?india_yield_spread10to3m:na, color= color.maroon, linewidth=2, title="India 10Y - 3M Yield Spread") plot( showUS?us_yield_spread10to3m:na, color=, linewidth=2, title="US 10Y - 3M Yield Spread") plot( showCN?china_yield_spread10to02:na,, linewidth=2, title="China 10Y - 2Y Yield Spread") plot( showJP?japan_yield_spread10to02:na, color=, linewidth=2, title="Japan 10Y - 2Y Yield Spread") plot( showGE?germany_yield_spread10to02:na, color=, linewidth=2, title="Germany 10Y - 2Y Yield Spread") plot( showIT?italy_yield_spread10to02:na, color=, linewidth=2, title="Italy 10Y - 2Y Yield Spread") plot( showCA?canada_yield_spread10to02:na, color= color.purple, linewidth=2, title="Canada 10Y - 2Y Yield Spread") plot( showRU?russia_yield_spread10to02:na, color= color.yellow, linewidth=2, title="Russia 10Y - 2Y Yield Spread") plot( showFR?france_yield_spread10to02:na, color= color.teal, linewidth=2, title="France 10Y - 2Y Yield Spread") plot( showGB?uk_yield_spread10to02:na, color= color.gray, linewidth=2, title="UK 10Y - 2Y Yield Spread") plot( showIN?india_yield_spread10to02:na, color= color.maroon, linewidth=2, title="India 10Y - 2Y Yield Spread") plot( showUS?us_yield_spread10to02:na, color=, linewidth=2, title="US 10Y - 2Y Yield Spread") plot( showCN?china_yield_spread30to10:na,, linewidth=2, title="China 30Y - 10Y Yield Spread") plot( showJP?japan_yield_spread30to10:na, color=, linewidth=2, title="Japan 30Y - 10Y Yield Spread") plot( showGE?germany_yield_spread30to10:na, color=, linewidth=2, title="Germany 30Y - 10Y Yield Spread") plot( showIT?italy_yield_spread30to10:na, color=, linewidth=2, title="Italy 30Y - 10Y Yield Spread") plot( showCA?canada_yield_spread30to10:na, color= color.purple, linewidth=2, title="Canada 30Y - 10Y Yield Spread") plot( showRU?russia_yield_spread30to10:na, color= color.yellow, linewidth=2, title="Russia 30Y - 10Y Yield Spread") plot( showFR?france_yield_spread30to10:na, color= color.teal, linewidth=2, title="France 30Y - 10Y Yield Spread") plot( showGB?uk_yield_spread30to10:na, color= color.gray, linewidth=2, title="UK 30Y - 10Y Yield Spread") plot( showIN?india_yield_spread30to10:na, color= color.maroon, linewidth=2, title="India 30Y - 10Y Yield Spread") plot( showUS?us_yield_spread30to10:na, color=, linewidth=2, title="US 30Y - 10Y Yield Spread") // Calculate global yield spread global_yield_spread10to3m = (china_yield_spread10to3m + germany_yield_spread10to3m + canada_yield_spread10to3m + france_yield_spread10to3m + uk_yield_spread10to3m + india_yield_spread10to3m) / 6 global_yield_spread10to02 = (china_yield_spread10to02 + japan_yield_spread10to02+ germany_yield_spread10to02 + italy_yield_spread10to02 + canada_yield_spread10to02 + france_yield_spread10to02 + uk_yield_spread10to02 + india_yield_spread10to02) / 8 global_yield_spread30to10 = (china_yield_spread30to10 + japan_yield_spread30to10 + germany_yield_spread30to10 + italy_yield_spread30to10 + canada_yield_spread30to10 + france_yield_spread30to10 + uk_yield_spread30to10 + india_yield_spread30to10 + us_yield_spread30to10) / 9 avgGlobalYield = math.avg(global_yield_spread10to3m,global_yield_spread10to02,global_yield_spread30to10) show10to3m = input.bool(false, "Show Global 10Y - 3M Yield Spread") show10to02 = input.bool(false, "Show Global 10Y - 2Y Yield Spread") show30to10 = input.bool(false, "Show Global 30Y - 10Y Yield Spread") showavg = input.bool(false, "Show Average Global Yield Spread") GlobalYieldFill = input.bool(true, "Fill Yield Spread") // Plot yield spread plot(show10to3m?global_yield_spread10to3m:na, color=color.purple, linewidth=3, title="Global 10Y - 3M Yield Spread") plot(show10to02?global_yield_spread10to02:na, color=color.purple, linewidth=3, title="Global 10Y - 2Y Yield Spread") plot(show30to10?global_yield_spread30to10:na, color=color.purple, linewidth=3, title="Global 30Y - 10Y Yield Spread") plot(showavg?avgGlobalYield:na, color=color.purple, linewidth=3, title="Average Global Yield Spread") fill(plot(show10to3m?global_yield_spread10to3m:na,"", color=,100)),plot(show10to3m?0:na,"", color=,100)), color = GlobalYieldFill? global_yield_spread10to3m < 0?,40):,60):na) fill(plot(show10to02?global_yield_spread10to02:na,"", color=,100)),plot(show10to02?0:na,"", color=,100)), color = GlobalYieldFill? global_yield_spread10to02 < 0?,40):,60):na) fill(plot(show30to10?global_yield_spread30to10:na,"", color=,100)),plot(show30to10?0:na,"", color=,100)), color = GlobalYieldFill? global_yield_spread30to10 < 0?,40):,60):na) fill(plot(showavg?avgGlobalYield:na,"", color=,100)),plot(showavg?0:na,"", color=,100)), color = GlobalYieldFill? avgGlobalYield < 0?,40):,60):na) hline(0)
Volume accumulation on past range [TCS] | VTA
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ zendrer //@version=5 indicator(shorttitle='TCSโ€ขVOL ACC FIXED', title='TCS โ€ข VOLUME ACCUMULATION FIXED RANGE', precision=0, overlay =true, max_boxes_count = 500) //โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข //INPUT //โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข //---------------------------------------------------------------- //TIME PERIOD //---------------------------------------------------------------- endPeriodTime = input.time(timestamp('30 Jun 2023'), '', group = 'DATE RANGE', tooltip = "! It calculate from one bar after the dat7time choosed") x1 =, minval = 2, maxval = 100, step = 1, title = "VOLUME BARS LOOK-BACK", group = 'DATE RANGE', tooltip = "min : 2 - max : 100, From the date choosed") //---------------------------------------------------------------- //โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข //FUNCTION //โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข //VOL BUY-SELL //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol = high[1] == low[1] ? 0 : volume[1] * (close[1] - low[1]) / (high[1] - low[1]) sellVol = high[1] == low[1] ? 0 : volume[1] * (high[1] - close[1]) / (high[1] - low[1]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol2 = high[2] == low[2] ? 0 : volume[2] * (close[2] - low[2]) / (high[2] - low[2]) sellVol2 = high[2] == low[2] ? 0 : volume[2] * (high[2] - close[2]) / (high[2] - low[2]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol3 = high[3] == low[3] ? 0 : volume[3] * (close[3] - low[3]) / (high[3] - low[3]) sellVol3 = high[3] == low[3] ? 0 : volume[3] * (high[3] - close[3]) / (high[3] - low[3]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol4 = high[4] == low[4] ? 0 : volume[4] * (close[4] - low[4]) / (high[4] - low[4]) sellVol4 = high[4] == low[4] ? 0 : volume[4] * (high[4] - close[4]) / (high[4] - low[4]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol5 = high[5] == low[5] ? 0 : volume[5] * (close[5] - low[5]) / (high[5] - low[5]) sellVol5 = high[5] == low[5] ? 0 : volume[5] * (high[5] - close[5]) / (high[5] - low[5]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol6 = high[6] == low[6] ? 0 : volume[6] * (close[6] - low[6]) / (high[6] - low[6]) sellVol6 = high[6] == low[6] ? 0 : volume[6] * (high[6] - close[6]) / (high[6] - low[6]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol7 = high[7] == low[7] ? 0 : volume[7] * (close[7] - low[7]) / (high[7] - low[7]) sellVol7 = high[7] == low[7] ? 0 : volume[7] * (high[7] - close[7]) / (high[7] - low[7]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol8 = high[8] == low[8] ? 0 : volume[8] * (close[8] - low[8]) / (high[8] - low[8]) sellVol8 = high[8] == low[8] ? 0 : volume[8] * (high[8] - close[8]) / (high[8] - low[8]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol9 = high[9] == low[9] ? 0 : volume[9] * (close[9] - low[9]) / (high[9] - low[9]) sellVol9 = high[9] == low[9] ? 0 : volume[9] * (high[9] - close[9]) / (high[9] - low[9]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol10 = high[10] == low[10] ? 0 : volume[10] * (close[10] - low[10]) / (high[10] - low[10]) sellVol10 = high[10] == low[10] ? 0 : volume[10] * (high[10] - close[10]) / (high[10] - low[10]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol11 = high[11] == low[11] ? 0 : volume[11] * (close[11] - low[11]) / (high[11] - low[11]) sellVol11 = high[11] == low[11] ? 0 : volume[11] * (high[11] - close[11]) / (high[11] - low[11]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol12 = high[12] == low[12] ? 0 : volume[12] * (close[12] - low[12]) / (high[12] - low[12]) sellVol12 = high[12] == low[12] ? 0 : volume[12] * (high[12] - close[12]) / (high[12] - low[12]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol13 = high[13] == low[13] ? 0 : volume[13] * (close[13] - low[13]) / (high[13] - low[13]) sellVol13 = high[13] == low[13] ? 0 : volume[13] * (high[13] - close[13]) / (high[13] - low[13]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol14 = high[14] == low[14] ? 0 : volume[14] * (close[14] - low[14]) / (high[14] - low[14]) sellVol14 = high[14] == low[14] ? 0 : volume[14] * (high[14] - close[14]) / (high[14] - low[14]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol15 = high[15] == low[15] ? 0 : volume[15] * (close[15] - low[15]) / (high[15] - low[15]) sellVol15 = high[15] == low[15] ? 0 : volume[15] * (high[15] - close[15]) / (high[15] - low[15]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol16 = high[16] == low[16] ? 0 : volume[16] * (close[16] - low[16]) / (high[16] - low[16]) sellVol16 = high[16] == low[16] ? 0 : volume[16] * (high[16] - close[16]) / (high[16] - low[16]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol17 = high[17] == low[17] ? 0 : volume[17] * (close[17] - low[17]) / (high[17] - low[17]) sellVol17 = high[17] == low[17] ? 0 : volume[17] * (high[17] - close[17]) / (high[17] - low[17]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol18 = high[18] == low[18] ? 0 : volume[18] * (close[18] - low[18]) / (high[18] - low[18]) sellVol18 = high[18] == low[18] ? 0 : volume[18] * (high[18] - close[18]) / (high[18] - low[18]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol19 = high[19] == low[19] ? 0 : volume[19] * (close[19] - low[19]) / (high[19] - low[19]) sellVol19 = high[19] == low[19] ? 0 : volume[19] * (high[19] - close[19]) / (high[19] - low[19]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol20 = high[20] == low[20] ? 0 : volume[20] * (close[20] - low[20]) / (high[20] - low[20]) sellVol20 = high[20] == low[20] ? 0 : volume[20] * (high[20] - close[20]) / (high[20] - low[20]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol21 = high[21] == low[21] ? 0 : volume[21] * (close[21] - low[21]) / (high[21] - low[21]) sellVol21 = high[21] == low[21] ? 0 : volume[21] * (high[21] - close[21]) / (high[21] - low[21]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol22 = high[22] == low[22] ? 0 : volume[22] * (close[22] - low[22]) / (high[22] - low[22]) sellVol22 = high[22] == low[22] ? 0 : volume[22] * (high[22] - close[22]) / (high[22] - low[22]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol23 = high[23] == low[23] ? 0 : volume[23] * (close[23] - low[23]) / (high[23] - low[23]) sellVol23 = high[23] == low[23] ? 0 : volume[23] * (high[23] - close[23]) / (high[23] - low[23]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol24 = high[24] == low[24] ? 0 : volume[24] * (close[24] - low[24]) / (high[24] - low[24]) sellVol24 = high[24] == low[24] ? 0 : volume[24] * (high[24] - close[24]) / (high[24] - low[24]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol25 = high[25] == low[25] ? 0 : volume[25] * (close[25] - low[25]) / (high[25] - low[25]) sellVol25 = high[25] == low[25] ? 0 : volume[25] * (high[25] - close[25]) / (high[25] - low[25]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol26 = high[26] == low[26] ? 0 : volume[26] * (close[26] - low[26]) / (high[26] - low[26]) sellVol26 = high[26] == low[26] ? 0 : volume[26] * (high[26] - close[26]) / (high[26] - low[26]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol27 = high[27] == low[27] ? 0 : volume[27] * (close[27] - low[27]) / (high[27] - low[27]) sellVol27 = high[27] == low[27] ? 0 : volume[27] * (high[27] - close[27]) / (high[27] - low[27]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol28 = high[28] == low[28] ? 0 : volume[28] * (close[28] - low[28]) / (high[28] - low[28]) sellVol28 = high[28] == low[28] ? 0 : volume[28] * (high[28] - close[28]) / (high[28] - low[28]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol29 = high[29] == low[29] ? 0 : volume[29] * (close[29] - low[29]) / (high[29] - low[29]) sellVol29 = high[29] == low[29] ? 0 : volume[29] * (high[29] - close[29]) / (high[29] - low[29]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol30 = high[30] == low[30] ? 0 : volume[30] * (close[30] - low[30]) / (high[30] - low[30]) sellVol30 = high[30] == low[30] ? 0 : volume[30] * (high[30] - close[30]) / (high[30] - low[30]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol31 = high[31] == low[31] ? 0 : volume[31] * (close[31] - low[31]) / (high[31] - low[31]) sellVol31 = high[31] == low[31] ? 0 : volume[31] * (high[31] - close[31]) / (high[31] - low[31]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol32 = high[32] == low[32] ? 0 : volume[32] * (close[32] - low[32]) / (high[32] - low[32]) sellVol32 = high[32] == low[32] ? 0 : volume[32] * (high[32] - close[32]) / (high[32] - low[32]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol33 = high[33] == low[33] ? 0 : volume[33] * (close[33] - low[33]) / (high[33] - low[33]) sellVol33 = high[33] == low[33] ? 0 : volume[33] * (high[33] - close[33]) / (high[33] - low[33]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol34 = high[34] == low[34] ? 0 : volume[34] * (close[34] - low[34]) / (high[34] - low[34]) sellVol34 = high[34] == low[34] ? 0 : volume[34] * (high[34] - close[34]) / (high[34] - low[34]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol35 = high[35] == low[35] ? 0 : volume[35] * (close[35] - low[35]) / (high[35] - low[35]) sellVol35 = high[35] == low[35] ? 0 : volume[35] * (high[35] - close[35]) / (high[35] - low[35]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol36 = high[36] == low[36] ? 0 : volume[36] * (close[36] - low[36]) / (high[36] - low[36]) sellVol36 = high[36] == low[36] ? 0 : volume[36] * (high[36] - close[36]) / (high[36] - low[36]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol37 = high[37] == low[37] ? 0 : volume[37] * (close[37] - low[37]) / (high[37] - low[37]) sellVol37 = high[37] == low[37] ? 0 : volume[37] * (high[37] - close[37]) / (high[37] - low[37]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol38 = high[38] == low[38] ? 0 : volume[38] * (close[38] - low[38]) / (high[38] - low[38]) sellVol38 = high[38] == low[38] ? 0 : volume[38] * (high[38] - close[38]) / (high[38] - low[38]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol39 = high[39] == low[39] ? 0 : volume[39] * (close[39] - low[39]) / (high[39] - low[39]) sellVol39 = high[39] == low[39] ? 0 : volume[39] * (high[39] - close[39]) / (high[39] - low[39]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol40 = high[40] == low[40] ? 0 : volume[40] * (close[40] - low[40]) / (high[40] - low[40]) sellVol40 = high[40] == low[40] ? 0 : volume[40] * (high[40] - close[40]) / (high[40] - low[40]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol41 = high[41] == low[41] ? 0 : volume[41] * (close[41] - low[41]) / (high[41] - low[41]) sellVol41 = high[41] == low[41] ? 0 : volume[41] * (high[41] - close[41]) / (high[41] - low[41]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol42 = high[42] == low[42] ? 0 : volume[42] * (close[42] - low[42]) / (high[42] - low[42]) sellVol42 = high[42] == low[42] ? 0 : volume[42] * (high[42] - close[42]) / (high[42] - low[42]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol43 = high[43] == low[43] ? 0 : volume[43] * (close[43] - low[43]) / (high[43] - low[43]) sellVol43 = high[43] == low[43] ? 0 : volume[43] * (high[43] - close[43]) / (high[43] - low[43]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol44 = high[44] == low[44] ? 0 : volume[44] * (close[44] - low[44]) / (high[44] - low[44]) sellVol44 = high[44] == low[44] ? 0 : volume[44] * (high[44] - close[44]) / (high[44] - low[44]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol45 = high[45] == low[45] ? 0 : volume[45] * (close[45] - low[45]) / (high[45] - low[45]) sellVol45 = high[45] == low[45] ? 0 : volume[45] * (high[45] - close[45]) / (high[45] - low[45]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol46 = high[46] == low[46] ? 0 : volume[46] * (close[46] - low[46]) / (high[46] - low[46]) sellVol46 = high[46] == low[46] ? 0 : volume[46] * (high[46] - close[46]) / (high[46] - low[46]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol47 = high[47] == low[47] ? 0 : volume[47] * (close[47] - low[47]) / (high[47] - low[47]) sellVol47 = high[47] == low[47] ? 0 : volume[47] * (high[47] - close[47]) / (high[47] - low[47]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol48 = high[48] == low[48] ? 0 : volume[48] * (close[48] - low[48]) / (high[48] - low[48]) sellVol48 = high[48] == low[48] ? 0 : volume[48] * (high[48] - close[48]) / (high[48] - low[48]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol49 = high[49] == low[49] ? 0 : volume[49] * (close[49] - low[49]) / (high[49] - low[49]) sellVol49 = high[49] == low[49] ? 0 : volume[49] * (high[49] - close[49]) / (high[49] - low[49]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol50 = high[50] == low[50] ? 0 : volume[50] * (close[50] - low[50]) / (high[50] - low[50]) sellVol50 = high[50] == low[50] ? 0 : volume[50] * (high[50] - close[50]) / (high[50] - low[50]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol51 = high[51] == low[51] ? 0 : volume[51] * (close[51] - low[51]) / (high[51] - low[51]) sellVol51 = high[51] == low[51] ? 0 : volume[51] * (high[51] - close[51]) / (high[51] - low[51]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol52 = high[52] == low[52] ? 0 : volume[52] * (close[52] - low[52]) / (high[52] - low[52]) sellVol52 = high[52] == low[52] ? 0 : volume[52] * (high[52] - close[52]) / (high[52] - low[52]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol53 = high[53] == low[53] ? 0 : volume[53] * (close[53] - low[53]) / (high[53] - low[53]) sellVol53 = high[53] == low[53] ? 0 : volume[53] * (high[53] - close[53]) / (high[53] - low[53]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol54 = high[54] == low[54] ? 0 : volume[54] * (close[54] - low[54]) / (high[54] - low[54]) sellVol54 = high[54] == low[54] ? 0 : volume[54] * (high[54] - close[54]) / (high[54] - low[54]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol55 = high[55] == low[55] ? 0 : volume[55] * (close[55] - low[55]) / (high[55] - low[55]) sellVol55 = high[55] == low[55] ? 0 : volume[55] * (high[55] - close[55]) / (high[55] - low[55]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol56 = high[56] == low[56] ? 0 : volume[56] * (close[56] - low[56]) / (high[56] - low[56]) sellVol56 = high[56] == low[56] ? 0 : volume[56] * (high[56] - close[56]) / (high[56] - low[56]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol57 = high[57] == low[57] ? 0 : volume[57] * (close[57] - low[57]) / (high[57] - low[57]) sellVol57 = high[57] == low[57] ? 0 : volume[57] * (high[57] - close[57]) / (high[57] - low[57]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol58 = high[58] == low[58] ? 0 : volume[58] * (close[58] - low[58]) / (high[58] - low[58]) sellVol58 = high[58] == low[58] ? 0 : volume[58] * (high[58] - close[58]) / (high[58] - low[58]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol59 = high[59] == low[59] ? 0 : volume[59] * (close[59] - low[59]) / (high[59] - low[59]) sellVol59 = high[59] == low[59] ? 0 : volume[59] * (high[59] - close[59]) / (high[59] - low[59]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol60 = high[60] == low[60] ? 0 : volume[60] * (close[60] - low[60]) / (high[60] - low[60]) sellVol60 = high[60] == low[60] ? 0 : volume[60] * (high[60] - close[60]) / (high[60] - low[60]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol61 = high[61] == low[61] ? 0 : volume[61] * (close[61] - low[61]) / (high[61] - low[61]) sellVol61 = high[61] == low[61] ? 0 : volume[61] * (high[61] - close[61]) / (high[61] - low[61]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol62 = high[62] == low[62] ? 0 : volume[62] * (close[62] - low[62]) / (high[62] - low[62]) sellVol62 = high[62] == low[62] ? 0 : volume[62] * (high[62] - close[62]) / (high[62] - low[62]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol63 = high[63] == low[63] ? 0 : volume[63] * (close[63] - low[63]) / (high[63] - low[63]) sellVol63 = high[63] == low[63] ? 0 : volume[63] * (high[63] - close[63]) / (high[63] - low[63]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol64 = high[64] == low[64] ? 0 : volume[64] * (close[64] - low[64]) / (high[64] - low[64]) sellVol64 = high[64] == low[64] ? 0 : volume[64] * (high[64] - close[64]) / (high[64] - low[64]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol65 = high[65] == low[65] ? 0 : volume[65] * (close[65] - low[65]) / (high[65] - low[65]) sellVol65 = high[65] == low[65] ? 0 : volume[65] * (high[65] - close[65]) / (high[65] - low[65]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol66 = high[66] == low[66] ? 0 : volume[66] * (close[66] - low[66]) / (high[66] - low[66]) sellVol66 = high[66] == low[66] ? 0 : volume[66] * (high[66] - close[66]) / (high[66] - low[66]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol67 = high[67] == low[67] ? 0 : volume[67] * (close[67] - low[67]) / (high[67] - low[67]) sellVol67 = high[67] == low[67] ? 0 : volume[67] * (high[67] - close[67]) / (high[67] - low[67]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol68 = high[68] == low[68] ? 0 : volume[68] * (close[68] - low[68]) / (high[68] - low[68]) sellVol68 = high[68] == low[68] ? 0 : volume[68] * (high[68] - close[68]) / (high[68] - low[68]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol69 = high[69] == low[69] ? 0 : volume[69] * (close[69] - low[69]) / (high[69] - low[69]) sellVol69 = high[69] == low[69] ? 0 : volume[69] * (high[69] - close[69]) / (high[69] - low[69]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol70 = high[70] == low[70] ? 0 : volume[70] * (close[70] - low[70]) / (high[70] - low[70]) sellVol70 = high[70] == low[70] ? 0 : volume[70] * (high[70] - close[70]) / (high[70] - low[70]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol71 = high[71] == low[71] ? 0 : volume[71] * (close[71] - low[71]) / (high[71] - low[71]) sellVol71 = high[71] == low[71] ? 0 : volume[71] * (high[71] - close[71]) / (high[71] - low[71]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol72 = high[72] == low[72] ? 0 : volume[72] * (close[72] - low[72]) / (high[72] - low[72]) sellVol72 = high[72] == low[72] ? 0 : volume[72] * (high[72] - close[72]) / (high[72] - low[72]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol73 = high[73] == low[73] ? 0 : volume[73] * (close[73] - low[73]) / (high[73] - low[73]) sellVol73 = high[73] == low[73] ? 0 : volume[73] * (high[73] - close[73]) / (high[73] - low[73]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol74 = high[74] == low[74] ? 0 : volume[74] * (close[74] - low[74]) / (high[74] - low[74]) sellVol74 = high[74] == low[74] ? 0 : volume[74] * (high[74] - close[74]) / (high[74] - low[74]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol75 = high[75] == low[75] ? 0 : volume[75] * (close[75] - low[75]) / (high[75] - low[75]) sellVol75 = high[75] == low[75] ? 0 : volume[75] * (high[75] - close[75]) / (high[75] - low[75]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol76 = high[76] == low[76] ? 0 : volume[76] * (close[76] - low[76]) / (high[76] - low[76]) sellVol76 = high[76] == low[76] ? 0 : volume[76] * (high[76] - close[76]) / (high[76] - low[76]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol77 = high[77] == low[77] ? 0 : volume[77] * (close[77] - low[77]) / (high[77] - low[77]) sellVol77 = high[77] == low[77] ? 0 : volume[77] * (high[77] - close[77]) / (high[77] - low[77]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol78 = high[78] == low[78] ? 0 : volume[78] * (close[78] - low[78]) / (high[78] - low[78]) sellVol78 = high[78] == low[78] ? 0 : volume[78] * (high[78] - close[78]) / (high[78] - low[78]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol79 = high[79] == low[79] ? 0 : volume[79] * (close[79] - low[79]) / (high[79] - low[79]) sellVol79 = high[79] == low[79] ? 0 : volume[79] * (high[79] - close[79]) / (high[79] - low[79]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol80 = high[80] == low[80] ? 0 : volume[80] * (close[80] - low[80]) / (high[80] - low[80]) sellVol80 = high[80] == low[80] ? 0 : volume[80] * (high[80] - close[80]) / (high[80] - low[80]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol81 = high[81] == low[81] ? 0 : volume[81] * (close[81] - low[81]) / (high[81] - low[81]) sellVol81 = high[81] == low[81] ? 0 : volume[81] * (high[81] - close[81]) / (high[81] - low[81]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol82 = high[82] == low[82] ? 0 : volume[82] * (close[82] - low[82]) / (high[82] - low[82]) sellVol82 = high[82] == low[82] ? 0 : volume[82] * (high[82] - close[82]) / (high[82] - low[82]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol83 = high[83] == low[83] ? 0 : volume[83] * (close[83] - low[83]) / (high[83] - low[83]) sellVol83 = high[83] == low[83] ? 0 : volume[83] * (high[83] - close[83]) / (high[83] - low[83]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol84 = high[84] == low[84] ? 0 : volume[84] * (close[84] - low[84]) / (high[84] - low[84]) sellVol84 = high[84] == low[84] ? 0 : volume[84] * (high[84] - close[84]) / (high[84] - low[84]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol85 = high[85] == low[85] ? 0 : volume[85] * (close[85] - low[85]) / (high[85] - low[85]) sellVol85 = high[85] == low[85] ? 0 : volume[85] * (high[85] - close[85]) / (high[85] - low[85]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol86 = high[86] == low[86] ? 0 : volume[86] * (close[86] - low[86]) / (high[86] - low[86]) sellVol86 = high[86] == low[86] ? 0 : volume[86] * (high[86] - close[86]) / (high[86] - low[86]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol87 = high[87] == low[87] ? 0 : volume[87] * (close[87] - low[87]) / (high[87] - low[87]) sellVol87 = high[87] == low[87] ? 0 : volume[87] * (high[87] - close[87]) / (high[87] - low[87]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol88 = high[88] == low[88] ? 0 : volume[88] * (close[88] - low[88]) / (high[88] - low[88]) sellVol88 = high[88] == low[88] ? 0 : volume[88] * (high[88] - close[88]) / (high[88] - low[88]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol89 = high[89] == low[89] ? 0 : volume[89] * (close[89] - low[89]) / (high[89] - low[89]) sellVol89 = high[89] == low[89] ? 0 : volume[89] * (high[89] - close[89]) / (high[89] - low[89]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol90 = high[90] == low[90] ? 0 : volume[90] * (close[90] - low[90]) / (high[90] - low[90]) sellVol90 = high[90] == low[90] ? 0 : volume[90] * (high[90] - close[90]) / (high[90] - low[90]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol91 = high[91] == low[91] ? 0 : volume[91] * (close[91] - low[91]) / (high[91] - low[91]) sellVol91 = high[91] == low[91] ? 0 : volume[91] * (high[91] - close[91]) / (high[91] - low[91]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol92 = high[92] == low[92] ? 0 : volume[92] * (close[92] - low[92]) / (high[92] - low[92]) sellVol92 = high[92] == low[92] ? 0 : volume[92] * (high[92] - close[92]) / (high[92] - low[92]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol93 = high[93] == low[93] ? 0 : volume[93] * (close[93] - low[93]) / (high[93] - low[93]) sellVol93 = high[93] == low[93] ? 0 : volume[93] * (high[93] - close[93]) / (high[93] - low[93]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol94 = high[94] == low[94] ? 0 : volume[94] * (close[94] - low[94]) / (high[94] - low[94]) sellVol94 = high[94] == low[94] ? 0 : volume[94] * (high[94] - close[94]) / (high[94] - low[94]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol95 = high[95] == low[95] ? 0 : volume[95] * (close[95] - low[95]) / (high[95] - low[95]) sellVol95 = high[95] == low[95] ? 0 : volume[95] * (high[95] - close[95]) / (high[95] - low[95]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol96 = high[96] == low[96] ? 0 : volume[96] * (close[96] - low[96]) / (high[96] - low[96]) sellVol96 = high[96] == low[96] ? 0 : volume[96] * (high[96] - close[96]) / (high[96] - low[96]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol97 = high[97] == low[97] ? 0 : volume[97] * (close[97] - low[97]) / (high[97] - low[97]) sellVol97 = high[97] == low[97] ? 0 : volume[97] * (high[97] - close[97]) / (high[97] - low[97]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol98 = high[98] == low[98] ? 0 : volume[98] * (close[98] - low[98]) / (high[98] - low[98]) sellVol98 = high[98] == low[98] ? 0 : volume[98] * (high[98] - close[98]) / (high[98] - low[98]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol99 = high[99] == low[99] ? 0 : volume[99] * (close[99] - low[99]) / (high[99] - low[99]) sellVol99 = high[99] == low[99] ? 0 : volume[99] * (high[99] - close[99]) / (high[99] - low[99]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------- buyVol100 = high[100] == low[100] ? 0 : volume[100] * (close[100] - low[100]) / (high[100] - low[100]) sellVol100 = high[100] == low[100] ? 0 : volume[100] * (high[100] - close[100]) / (high[100] - low[100]) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //VOLUME LOOKBACK //---------------------------------------------------------------- vol1 = buyVol volm1 = sellVol vol2 = vol1 + buyVol2 volm2 = volm1 + sellVol2 vol3 = vol2 + buyVol3 volm3 = volm2 + sellVol3 vol4 = vol3 + buyVol4 volm4 = volm3 + sellVol4 vol5 = vol4 + buyVol5 volm5 = volm4 + sellVol5 vol6 = vol5 + buyVol6 volm6 = volm5 + sellVol6 vol7 = vol6 + buyVol7 volm7 = volm6 + sellVol7 vol8 = vol7 + buyVol8 volm8 = volm7 + sellVol8 vol9 = vol8 + buyVol9 volm9 = volm8 + sellVol9 vol10 = vol9 + buyVol10 volm10 = volm9 + sellVol10 vol11 = vol10 + buyVol11 volm11 = volm10 + sellVol11 vol12 = vol11+ buyVol12 volm12 = volm11 + sellVol12 vol13 = vol12+ buyVol13 volm13 = volm12 + sellVol13 vol14 = vol13 + buyVol14 volm14 = volm13 + sellVol14 vol15 = vol14 + buyVol15 volm15 = volm14 + sellVol15 vol16 = vol15 + buyVol16 volm16 = volm15 + sellVol16 vol17 = vol16 + buyVol17 volm17 = volm16 + sellVol17 vol18 = vol17 + buyVol18 volm18 = volm17 + sellVol18 vol19 = vol18 + buyVol19 volm19 = volm18 + sellVol19 vol20 = vol19 + buyVol20 volm20 = volm19 + sellVol20 vol21 = vol20 + buyVol21 volm21 = volm20 + sellVol21 vol22 = vol21 + buyVol22 volm22 = volm21 + sellVol22 vol23 = vol22 + buyVol23 volm23 = volm22 + sellVol23 vol24 = vol23 + buyVol24 volm24 = volm23 + sellVol24 vol25 = vol24 + buyVol25 volm25 = volm24 + sellVol25 vol26 = vol25 + buyVol26 volm26 = volm25 + sellVol26 vol27 = vol26 + buyVol27 volm27 = volm26 + sellVol27 vol28 = vol27 + buyVol28 volm28 = volm27 + sellVol28 vol29 = vol28 + buyVol29 volm29 = volm28 + sellVol29 vol30 = vol29 + buyVol30 volm30 = volm29 + sellVol30 vol31 = vol30 + buyVol31 volm31 = volm30 + sellVol31 vol32 = vol31 + buyVol32 volm32 = volm31 + sellVol32 vol33 = vol32 + buyVol33 volm33 = volm32 + sellVol33 vol34 = vol33 + buyVol34 volm34 = volm33 + sellVol34 vol35 = vol34 + buyVol35 volm35 = volm34 + sellVol35 vol36 = vol35 + buyVol36 volm36 = volm35 + sellVol36 vol37 = vol36 + buyVol37 volm37 = volm36 + sellVol37 vol38 = vol37 + buyVol38 volm38 = volm37 + sellVol38 vol39 = vol38 + buyVol39 volm39 = volm38 + sellVol39 vol40 = vol39 + buyVol40 volm40 = volm39 + sellVol40 vol41 = vol40+ buyVol41 volm41 = volm40 + sellVol41 vol42 = vol41 + buyVol42 volm42 = volm41 + sellVol42 vol43 = vol42 + buyVol43 volm43 = volm42 + sellVol43 vol44 = vol43 + buyVol44 volm44 = volm43 + sellVol44 vol45 = vol44 + buyVol45 volm45 = volm44 + sellVol45 vol46 = vol45 + buyVol46 volm46 = volm45 + sellVol46 vol47 = vol46 + buyVol47 volm47 = volm46 + sellVol47 vol48 = vol47 + buyVol48 volm48 = volm47 + sellVol48 vol49 = vol48 + buyVol49 volm49 = volm48 + sellVol49 vol50 = vol49 + buyVol50 volm50 = volm49 + sellVol50 vol51 = vol50 + buyVol51 volm51 = volm50 + sellVol51 vol52 = vol51 + buyVol52 volm52 = volm51 + sellVol52 vol53 = vol52 + buyVol53 volm53 = volm52 + sellVol53 vol54 = vol53 + buyVol54 volm54 = volm53 + sellVol54 vol55 = vol54 + buyVol55 volm55 = volm54 + sellVol55 vol56 = vol55 + buyVol56 volm56 = volm55 + sellVol56 vol57 = vol56 + buyVol57 volm57 = volm56 + sellVol57 vol58 = vol57 + buyVol58 volm58 = volm57 + sellVol58 vol59 = vol58 + buyVol59 volm59 = volm58 + sellVol59 vol60 = vol59 + buyVol60 volm60 = volm59 + sellVol60 vol61 = vol60 + buyVol61 volm61 = volm60 + sellVol61 vol62 = vol61 + buyVol62 volm62 = volm61 + sellVol62 vol63 = vol62 + buyVol63 volm63 = volm62 + sellVol63 vol64 = vol63 + buyVol64 volm64 = volm63 + sellVol64 vol65 = vol64 + buyVol65 volm65 = volm64 + sellVol65 vol66 = vol65 + buyVol66 volm66 = volm65 + sellVol66 vol67 = vol66 + buyVol67 volm67 = volm66 + sellVol67 vol68 = vol67 + buyVol68 volm68 = volm67 + sellVol68 vol69 = vol68 + buyVol69 volm69 = volm68 + sellVol69 vol70 = vol69 + buyVol70 volm70 = volm69 + sellVol70 vol71 = vol70 + buyVol71 volm71 = volm70 + sellVol71 vol72 = vol71 + buyVol72 volm72 = volm71 + sellVol72 vol73 = vol72 + buyVol73 volm73 = volm72 + sellVol73 vol74 = vol73 + buyVol74 volm74 = volm73 + sellVol74 vol75 = vol74 + buyVol75 volm75 = volm74 + sellVol75 vol76 = vol75 + buyVol76 volm76 = volm75 + sellVol76 vol77 = vol76 + buyVol77 volm77 = volm76 + sellVol77 vol78 = vol77 + buyVol78 volm78 = volm77 + sellVol78 vol79 = vol78 + buyVol79 volm79 = volm78 + sellVol79 vol80 = vol79 + buyVol80 volm80 = volm79 + sellVol80 vol81 = vol80 + buyVol81 volm81 = volm80 + sellVol81 vol82 = vol81 + buyVol82 volm82 = volm81 + sellVol82 vol83 = vol82 + buyVol83 volm83 = volm82 + sellVol83 vol84 = vol83 + buyVol84 volm84 = volm83 + sellVol84 vol85 = vol84 + buyVol85 volm85 = volm84 + sellVol85 vol86 = vol85 + buyVol86 volm86 = volm85 + sellVol86 vol87 = vol86 + buyVol87 volm87 = volm86 + sellVol87 vol88 = vol87 + buyVol88 volm88 = volm87 + sellVol88 vol89 = vol88 + buyVol89 volm89 = volm88 + sellVol89 vol90 = vol89 + buyVol90 volm90 = volm89 + sellVol90 vol91 = vol90 + buyVol91 volm91 = volm90 + sellVol91 vol92 = vol91 + buyVol92 volm92 = volm91 + sellVol92 vol93 = vol92 + buyVol93 volm93 = volm92 + sellVol93 vol94 = vol93 + buyVol94 volm94 = volm93 + sellVol94 vol95 = vol94 + buyVol95 volm95 = volm94 + sellVol95 vol96 = vol95 + buyVol96 volm96 = volm95 + sellVol96 vol97 = vol96 + buyVol97 volm97 = volm96 + sellVol97 vol98 = vol97 + buyVol98 volm98 = volm97 + sellVol98 vol99 = vol98 + buyVol99 volm99 = volm98 + sellVol99 vol100 = vol99 + buyVol100 volm100 = volm99 + sellVol100 //---------------------------------------------------------------- //VOLUME DEFINTION //---------------------------------------------------------------- voldefbull = (x1 == 1) ? vol1 : (x1 == 2) ? vol2 : (x1 == 3) ? vol3 : (x1 == 4) ? vol4 : (x1 == 5) ? vol5 : (x1 == 6) ? vol6 : (x1 == 7) ? vol7 : (x1 == 8) ? vol8 : (x1 == 9) ? vol9 : (x1 == 10) ? vol10 : (x1 == 11) ? vol11 : (x1 == 12) ? vol12 : (x1 == 13) ? vol13 : (x1 == 14) ? vol14 : (x1 == 15) ? vol15 : (x1 == 16) ? vol16 : (x1 == 17) ? vol17 : (x1 == 18) ? vol18 : (x1 == 19) ? vol19 : (x1 == 20) ? vol20 : (x1 == 21) ? vol21 : (x1 == 22) ? vol22 : (x1 == 23) ? vol23 : (x1 == 24) ? vol24 : (x1 == 25) ? vol25 : (x1 == 26) ? vol26 : (x1 == 27) ? vol27 : (x1 == 28) ? vol28 : (x1 == 29) ? vol29 : (x1 == 30) ? vol30 : (x1 == 31) ? vol31 : (x1 == 32) ? vol32 : (x1 == 33) ? vol33 : (x1 == 34) ? vol34 : (x1 == 35) ? vol35 : (x1 == 36) ? vol36 : (x1 == 37) ? vol37 : (x1 == 38) ? vol38 : (x1 == 39) ? vol39 : (x1 == 40) ? vol40 : (x1 == 41) ? vol41 : (x1 == 42) ? vol42 : (x1 == 43) ? vol43 : (x1 == 44) ? vol44 : (x1 == 45) ? vol45 : (x1 == 46) ? vol46 : (x1 == 47) ? vol47 : (x1 == 48) ? vol48 : (x1 == 49) ? vol49 : (x1 == 50) ? vol50 : (x1 == 51) ? vol51 : (x1 == 52) ? vol52 : (x1 == 53) ? vol53 : (x1 == 54) ? vol54 : (x1 == 55) ? vol55 : (x1 == 56) ? vol56 : (x1 == 57) ? vol57 : (x1 == 58) ? vol58 : (x1 == 59) ? vol59 : (x1 == 60) ? vol60 : (x1 == 61) ? vol61 : (x1 == 62) ? vol62 : (x1 == 63) ? vol63 : (x1 == 64) ? vol64 : (x1 == 65) ? vol65 : (x1 == 66) ? vol66 : (x1 == 67) ? vol67 : (x1 == 68) ? vol68 : (x1 == 69) ? vol69 : (x1 == 70) ? vol70 : (x1 == 71) ? vol71 : (x1 == 72) ? vol72 : (x1 == 73) ? vol73 : (x1 == 74) ? vol74 : (x1 == 75) ? vol75 : (x1 == 76) ? vol76 : (x1 == 77) ? vol77 : (x1 == 78) ? vol78 : (x1 == 79) ? vol79 : (x1 == 80) ? vol80 : (x1 == 81) ? vol81 : (x1 == 82) ? vol82 : (x1 == 83) ? vol83 : (x1 == 84) ? vol84 : (x1 == 85) ? vol85 : (x1 == 86) ? vol86 : (x1 == 87) ? vol87 : (x1 == 88) ? vol88 : (x1 == 89) ? vol89 : (x1 == 90) ? vol90 : (x1 == 91) ? vol91 : (x1 == 92) ? vol92 : (x1 == 93) ? vol93 : (x1 == 94) ? vol94 : (x1 == 95) ? vol95 : (x1 == 96) ? vol96 : (x1 == 97) ? vol97 : (x1 == 98) ? vol98 : (x1 == 99) ? vol99 : (x1 == 100) ? vol100 : na voldefbear = (x1 == 1) ? volm1 : (x1 == 2) ? volm2 : (x1 == 3) ? volm3 : (x1 == 4) ? volm4 : (x1 == 5) ? volm5 : (x1 == 6) ? volm6 : (x1 == 7) ? volm7 : (x1 == 8) ? volm8 : (x1 == 9) ? volm9 : (x1 == 10) ? volm10 : (x1 == 11) ? volm11 : (x1 == 12) ? volm12 : (x1 == 13) ? volm13 : (x1 == 14) ? volm14 : (x1 == 15) ? volm15 : (x1 == 16) ? volm16 : (x1 == 17) ? volm17 : (x1 == 18) ? volm18 : (x1 == 19) ? volm19 : (x1 == 20) ? volm20 : (x1 == 21) ? volm21 : (x1 == 22) ? volm22 : (x1 == 23) ? volm23 : (x1 == 24) ? volm24 : (x1 == 25) ? volm25 : (x1 == 26) ? volm26 : (x1 == 27) ? volm27 : (x1 == 28) ? volm28 : (x1 == 29) ? volm29 : (x1 == 30) ? volm30 : (x1 == 31) ? volm31 : (x1 == 32) ? volm32 : (x1 == 33) ? volm33 : (x1 == 34) ? volm34 : (x1 == 35) ? volm35 : (x1 == 36) ? volm36 : (x1 == 37) ? volm37 : (x1 == 38) ? volm38 : (x1 == 39) ? volm39 : (x1 == 40) ? volm40 : (x1 == 41) ? volm41 : (x1 == 42) ? volm42 : (x1 == 43) ? volm43 : (x1 == 44) ? volm44 : (x1 == 45) ? volm45 : (x1 == 46) ? volm46 : (x1 == 47) ? volm47 : (x1 == 48) ? volm48 : (x1 == 49) ? volm49 : (x1 == 50) ? volm50 : (x1 == 51) ? volm51 : (x1 == 52) ? volm52 : (x1 == 53) ? volm53 : (x1 == 54) ? volm54 : (x1 == 55) ? volm55 : (x1 == 56) ? volm56 : (x1 == 57) ? volm57 : (x1 == 58) ? volm58 : (x1 == 59) ? volm59 : (x1 == 60) ? volm60 : (x1 == 61) ? volm61 : (x1 == 62) ? volm62 : (x1 == 63) ? volm63 : (x1 == 64) ? volm64 : (x1 == 65) ? volm65 : (x1 == 66) ? volm66 : (x1 == 67) ? volm67 : (x1 == 68) ? volm68 : (x1 == 69) ? volm69 : (x1 == 70) ? volm70 : (x1 == 71) ? volm71 : (x1 == 72) ? volm72 : (x1 == 73) ? volm73 : (x1 == 74) ? volm74 : (x1 == 75) ? volm75 : (x1 == 76) ? volm76 : (x1 == 77) ? volm77 : (x1 == 78) ? volm78 : (x1 == 79) ? volm79 : (x1 == 80) ? volm80 : (x1 == 81) ? volm81 : (x1 == 82) ? volm82 : (x1 == 83) ? volm83 : (x1 == 84) ? volm84 : (x1 == 85) ? volm85 : (x1 == 86) ? volm86 : (x1 == 87) ? volm87 : (x1 == 88) ? volm88 : (x1 == 89) ? volm89 : (x1 == 90) ? volm90 : (x1 == 91) ? volm91 : (x1 == 92) ? volm92 : (x1 == 93) ? volm93 : (x1 == 94) ? volm94 : (x1 == 95) ? volm95 : (x1 == 96) ? volm96 : (x1 == 97) ? volm97 : (x1 == 98) ? volm98 : (x1 == 99) ? volm99 : (x1 == 100) ? volm100 : na //โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข //PLOT //โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข //VOLUME ON BACK RANGE //---------------------------------------------------------------- //SWAP FROM TIME TO BAR INDEX barindex = (time - endPeriodTime ) / (1000 * timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe.period)) //DEFINE LAST BAR end = bar_index - barindex //VARIABLES var sessionHighPrice = 0.0 var sessionLowPrice = 0.0 var sessionOpenPrice = 0.0 var ylbale = 0.0 var box sessionBox = na var label sessionLabel = na // SESSION DEFINITION start = end-(bar_index - bar_index[x1]) session = end > bar_index and bar_index > start sessioncount = end[1] < bar_index count = sessioncount and not sessioncount[1] // SESSION HIGHEST/LOWEST if session sessionHighPrice := high sessionLowPrice := low sessionHighPrice := math.max(sessionHighPrice, high) sessionLowPrice := math.min(sessionLowPrice, low) //LABEL POSTION ylbale := ta.highest(high, x1) // BOXES AND LABELS if session sessionBox :=, top=na, right=na, bottom=na, xloc = xloc.bar_index, border_width=0, bgcolor =,98)) box.set_top(sessionBox, sessionHighPrice) box.set_bottom(sessionBox, sessionLowPrice) box.set_right(sessionBox,end+1) if count sessionLabel :=, ylbale + 5, text = "BULLISH VOLUME | " + str.tostring((voldefbull),'#.##') + " | " + str.tostring(((voldefbull)*100/(voldefbull+voldefbear)),'#.##') + "%" + "\n BEARISH VOLUME | " + str.tostring((voldefbear),'#.##') + " | " + str.tostring(((voldefbear)*100/(voldefbull+voldefbear)),'#.##') + "%" + "\n BAR COUNT | " + str.tostring((x1),'#.##'), color = na, style = label.style_label_right, textcolor = color.white ) //---------------------------------------------------------------- //END
Inside Candle Viewer
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ Fab_Coin_ //@version=5 indicator("Inside Candle", overlay = true, timeframe = '') // HMI inputs // Vars var incount = 1 var inside = false var topinside = 0.0 var lowinside = 0.0 // Draw any insidebar InsideBAR = (high < high[1] and low > low[1]) ?, 0) : na barcolor(InsideBAR) // Locate and track inside bars if high < high[1] and low > low[1] and not inside inside := true topinside := high[1] lowinside := low[1] if inside and (close > high[incount] or close < low[incount]) incount := 1 inside := false topinside := 0 lowinside := 0 else if inside incount := incount + 1 // Plot stuff plot(topinside == 0 ? na : topinside, 'top value', ta.change(topinside) ? na :, 30), linewidth = 2) plot(lowinside == 0 ? na : lowinside, 'low value', ta.change(lowinside) ? na :, 30), linewidth = 2) // ...TheEnd...
RSI Momentum Trend Screener
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ TZack88 //@version=5 indicator(title="RSI Momentum Trend Screener", format=format.price, precision=2,overlay = true) // ** ---> Inputs ------------- { array<string> names = array.new_string(0) array<bool> USEbool = array.new_bool(0) array<bool> rsi_pos = array.new_bool(0) array<bool> rsi_neg = array.new_bool(0) string RSI_group = "RSI Settings" string mom_group = "Momentum Vales" string table_name = 'RSI Momentum Trend Screener' string table_Group = "Table" int Len2 = input(14,"RSI 1๏ธโƒฃ",inline = "rsi",group = RSI_group) int pmom = input(65," Positive above",inline = "rsi1",group =RSI_group ) int nmom = input(32,"Negative below",inline = "rsi1",group =RSI_group ) float rsi = ta.rsi(close, Len2) // Table data bool show_table = input.bool(true,title= "Show Table โ“",inline = "002",group = table_Group) string position = input.string("Top Right", options = ["Middle Right","Top Center","Top Right","Middle Left","Middle Center","Bottom Left","Bottom Center","Bottom Right"], title = 'Position', inline = "002", group = table_Group ) color textcolos = input.color(color.rgb(255, 186, 75),title = "Text Color",inline = "002",group = table_Group) table_position() => switch position "Middle Right" => position.middle_right "Top Center" => position.top_center "Top Right" => position.top_right "Middle Left" => position.middle_left "Middle Center" => position.middle_center "Bottom Left" => position.bottom_left "Bottom Center" => position.bottom_center "Bottom Right" => position.bottom_right var summary_table =, 15, 50, frame_color=color.rgb(241, 124, 8), frame_width=2,border_width = 2) change_color(con)=> con ? color.rgb(6, 104, 57) : color.rgb(153, 7, 7) table_cell(table,_row,in1,in2,coloz)=> text_color = show_table ? color.rgb(210, 210, 210) : table.cell(table, 0, _row, in1, text_color=text_color,bgcolor = color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 38)) table.cell(table, 1, _row, str.tostring(in2), text_color=text_color,bgcolor = change_color(coloz)) table_cell2(table,_row,in1,in2,coloz)=> text_color = show_table ? color.rgb(210, 210, 210) : table.cell(table, 3, _row, in1, text_color=text_color,bgcolor = color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 38)) table.cell(table, 4, _row, str.tostring(in2), text_color=text_color,bgcolor = change_color(coloz)) //------------------- } // Lets calculate our RSI MOM Trend and return it GetData(simple string pair) => var bool positive = false var bool negative = false Pinfo = rsi[1] < pmom and rsi > pmom and rsi > nmom and ta.change(ta.ema(close,5)) > 0 Ninfo = rsi < nmom and ta.change(ta.ema(close,5)) < 0 [ p_mom ,n_mom ] =,"",[Pinfo,Ninfo]) if p_mom positive:= true negative:= false if n_mom positive:= false negative:= true [ positive , negative ] // ** ---> Momentums ------------- { bool T01 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's01') bool T02 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's02') bool T03 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's03') bool T04 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's04') bool T05 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's05') bool T06 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's06') bool T07 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's07') bool T08 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's08') bool T09 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's09') bool T10 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's10') bool T11 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's11') bool T12 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's12') bool T13 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's13') bool T14 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's14') bool T15 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's15') bool T16 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's16') bool T17 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's17') bool T18 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's18') bool T19 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's19') bool T20 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's20') bool T21 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's21') bool T22 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's22') bool T23 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's23') bool T24 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's24') bool T25 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's25') bool T26 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's26') bool T27 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's27') bool T28 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's28') bool T29 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's29') bool T30 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's30') bool T31 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's31') bool T32 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's32') bool T33 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's33') bool T34 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's34') bool T35 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's35') bool T36 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's36') bool T37 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's37') bool T38 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's38') bool T39 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's39') bool T40 = input.bool(true, title = "", group = 'Symbols', inline = 's40') string s01 = input.symbol('XRPUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's01',title = "Symbol 1") string s02 = input.symbol('BTCUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's02',title = "Symbol 2") string s03 = input.symbol('DOGEUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's03',title = "Symbol 3") string s04 = input.symbol('BNBUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's04',title = "Symbol 4") string s05 = input.symbol('ETHUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's05',title = "Symbol 5") string s06 = input.symbol('ADAUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's06',title = "Symbol 6") string s07 = input.symbol('XRPBTC', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's07',title = "Symbol 7") string s08 = input.symbol('DOGEBTC', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's08',title = "Symbol 8") string s09 = input.symbol('TRXUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's09',title = "Symbol 9") string s10 = input.symbol('BTCBUSD', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's10',title = "Symbol 10") string s11 = input.symbol('ETHBUSD', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's11',title = "Symbol 11") string s12 = input.symbol('BNBBUSD', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's12',title = "Symbol 12") string s13 = input.symbol('VETUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's13',title = "Symbol 13") string s14 = input.symbol('ETHBTC', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's14',title = "Symbol 14") string s15 = input.symbol('BNBBTC', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's15',title = "Symbol 15") string s16 = input.symbol('EOSUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's16',title = "Symbol 16") string s17 = input.symbol('XLMUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's17',title = "Symbol 17") string s18 = input.symbol('LTCUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's18',title = "Symbol 18") string s19 = input.symbol('XRPBUSD', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's19',title = "Symbol 19") string s20 = input.symbol('WINUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's20',title = "Symbol 20") string s21 = input.symbol('DOTUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's21',title = "Symbol 21") string s22 = input.symbol('BTTUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's22',title = "Symbol 22") string s23 = input.symbol('BCHUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's23',title = "Symbol 23") string s24 = input.symbol('ADABTC', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's24',title = "Symbol 24") string s25 = input.symbol('IOSTUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's25',title = "Symbol 25") string s26 = input.symbol('CHZUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's26',title = "Symbol 26") string s27 = input.symbol('LINKUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's27',title = "Symbol 27") string s28 = input.symbol('TRXBTC', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's28',title = "Symbol 28") string s29 = input.symbol('DOGEBUSD', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's29',title = "Symbol 29") string s30 = input.symbol('BTCEUR', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's30',title = "Symbol 30") string s31 = input.symbol('FILUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's31',title = "Symbol 31") string s32 = input.symbol('HOTUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's32',title = "Symbol 32") string s33 = input.symbol('SXPUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's33',title = "Symbol 33") string s34 = input.symbol('ADABUSD', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's34',title = "Symbol 34") string s35 = input.symbol('RVNUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's35',title = "Symbol 35") string s36 = input.symbol('ATOMUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's36',title = "Symbol 36") string s37 = input.symbol('XRPBNB', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's37',title = "Symbol 37") string s38 = input.symbol('LTCBTC', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's38',title = "Symbol 38") string s39 = input.symbol('IOSTBTC', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's39',title = "Symbol 39") string s40 = input.symbol('GRTUSDT', group = 'Symbols', inline = 's40',title = "Symbol 40") [positive01 , negative01] = GetData(s01) , [positive02 , negative02] = GetData(s02) [positive03 , negative03] = GetData(s03) , [positive04 , negative04] = GetData(s04) [positive05 , negative05] = GetData(s05) , [positive06 , negative06] = GetData(s06) [positive07 , negative07] = GetData(s07) , [positive08 , negative08] = GetData(s08) [positive09 , negative09] = GetData(s09) , [positive10 , negative10] = GetData(s10) [positive11 , negative11] = GetData(s11) , [positive12 , negative12] = GetData(s12) [positive13 , negative13] = GetData(s13) , [positive14 , negative14] = GetData(s14) [positive15 , negative15] = GetData(s15) , [positive16 , negative16] = GetData(s16) [positive17 , negative17] = GetData(s17) , [positive18 , negative18] = GetData(s18) [positive19 , negative19] = GetData(s19) , [positive20 , negative20] = GetData(s20) [positive21 , negative21] = GetData(s21) , [positive22 , negative22] = GetData(s22) [positive23 , negative23] = GetData(s23) , [positive24 , negative24] = GetData(s24) [positive25 , negative25] = GetData(s25) , [positive26 , negative26] = GetData(s26) [positive27 , negative27] = GetData(s27) , [positive28 , negative28] = GetData(s28) [positive29 , negative29] = GetData(s29) , [positive30 , negative30] = GetData(s30) [positive31 , negative31] = GetData(s31) , [positive32 , negative32] = GetData(s32) [positive33 , negative33] = GetData(s33) , [positive34 , negative34] = GetData(s34) [positive35 , negative35] = GetData(s35) , [positive36 , negative36] = GetData(s36) [positive37 , negative37] = GetData(s37) , [positive38 , negative38] = GetData(s38) [positive39 , negative39] = GetData(s39) , [positive40 , negative40] = GetData(s40) // Lets add the symbols into array using array.form to write less close array<string> raw_names = array.from( s01,s02,s03,s04,s05,s06,s07,s08,s09,s10, s11,s12,s13,s14,s15,s16,s17,s18,s19,s20, s21,s22,s23,s24,s25,s26,s27,s28,s29,s30, s31,s32,s33,s34,s35,s36,s37,s38,s39,s40 ) for name in raw_names array.push(names, syminfo.ticker(name)) // Lets add the activation bool into array using array.form to write less close array<bool> raw_bools = array.from( T01,T02,T03,T04,T05,T06,T07,T08,T09,T10, T11,T12,T13,T14,T15,T16,T17,T18,T19,T20, T21,T22,T23,T24,T25,T26,T27,T28,T29,T30, T31,T32,T33,T34,T35,T36,T37,T38,T39,T40 ) for _bool in raw_bools array.push(USEbool, _bool) // Lets add the Positive signals into array using array.form to write less close array<bool> raw_positive = array.from( positive01,positive02,positive03,positive04,positive05, positive06,positive07,positive08,positive09,positive10, positive11,positive12,positive13,positive14,positive15, positive16,positive17,positive18,positive19,positive20, positive21,positive22,positive23,positive24,positive25, positive26,positive27,positive28,positive29,positive30, positive31,positive32,positive33,positive34,positive35, positive36,positive37,positive38,positive39,positive40 ) for _pos in raw_positive array.push(rsi_pos, _pos) // if the positive signal is false means we are in a Negative Trend .. So ! // We technically wouldn't require this negative signal. however, I included it for future purposes and potential utilization. // array<bool> raw_negative = array.from( negative01,negative02,negative03,negative04,negative05, negative06,negative07,negative08,negative09,negative10, negative11,negative12,negative13,negative14,negative15, negative16,negative17,negative18,negative19,negative20, negative21,negative22,negative23,negative24,negative25, negative26,negative27,negative28,negative29,negative30, negative31,negative32,negative33,negative34,negative35, negative36,negative37,negative38,negative39,negative40 ) for _neg in raw_negative array.push(rsi_neg, _neg) // lets have out table to show the signal . if barstate.islast if show_table text_color = show_table ? color.rgb(210, 210, 210) : table.cell(summary_table, 0, 0, table_name, bgcolor=color.from_gradient(close,low,high ,color.rgb(16, 194, 167), color.rgb(240, 141, 71))) table.cell(summary_table, 1, 0, "", bgcolor=color.from_gradient(close,low,high ,color.rgb(16, 194, 167), color.rgb(240, 141, 71)),text_halign = text.align_left) table.cell(summary_table, 2, 0, "", bgcolor=color.from_gradient(close,low,high ,color.rgb(16, 194, 167), color.rgb(240, 141, 71)),text_halign = text.align_left) table.cell(summary_table, 3, 0, "", bgcolor=color.from_gradient(close,low,high ,color.rgb(16, 194, 167), color.rgb(240, 141, 71)),text_halign = text.align_left) table.cell(summary_table, 4, 0, "", bgcolor=color.from_gradient(close,low,high ,color.rgb(16, 194, 167), color.rgb(240, 141, 71)),text_halign = text.align_left) table.merge_cells(summary_table, 0, 0, 4, 0) table.cell(summary_table, 0, 1, 'Symbol', bgcolor=color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 38),text_color = textcolos) table.cell(summary_table, 1, 1, 'Status', bgcolor=color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 38),text_color = textcolos) table.cell(summary_table, 3, 1, 'Symbol', bgcolor=color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 38),text_color = textcolos) table.cell(summary_table, 4, 1, 'Status', bgcolor=color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 38),text_color = textcolos) // first table for i = 0 to 19 if array.get(USEbool, i) table_cell(summary_table,(i+1)+ 1 , array.get(names, i),array.get(rsi_pos,i) ? "Positive" : "Negative",array.get(rsi_pos, i)) // 2nd table for i = 20 to 39 if array.get(USEbool, i) table_cell2(summary_table,(i-19) + 1 , array.get(names, i),array.get(rsi_pos,i) ? "Positive" : "Negative",array.get(rsi_pos, i)) // signal function signal()=> for i = 0 to 39 if array.get(rsi_pos, i) conditioin = true conditioin sig = signal() sig2 = not signal() // plotting -- plotshape(sig and not sig[1], style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.rgb(14, 232, 240), size=size.small,text = "P") plotshape(sig2 and not sig2[1], style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.rgb(250, 165, 7), size=size.small,text = "N")
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ dt440032 //@version=5 indicator("HILOCLOP Analysis", overlay = false) //Inputs-User Controllable len = input(100, "Sample Length") raw = input(true, 'Raw Up', tooltip="Shows the # of Higher 'High, Low, Open, Close' of the Sample") raw1 = input(true, 'Raw Dn', tooltip="Shows the # of Lower 'High, Low, Open, Close' of the Sample") hiclop = input(true, 'HICLOP', tooltip="HICLOP Analysis Color Scheme, Uncheck for Trend Analysis") analysis = input(false, 'Analysis Up V Dn', tooltip="Shows the # of Occurences of where a Higher or Lower 'High, Low, Open, Close' all occured at once in the Sample") analysis1 = input(false, 'Analysis High V Low', tooltip="Shows the # of Occurences of where there were more Higher Highs then Higher Lows in the Sample and Vice Versa") analysis2 = input(false, 'Analysis Open V Close', tooltip="Shows the # of Occurences of where there were more Higher Closes then Higher Opens in the Sample and Vice Versa") //Root Calculations high1 = high[1] low1 = low[1] open1 = open[1] close1 = close[1] uptrend = high1 < high uptrend1 = low1 < low uptrend2 = open1 < open uptrend3 = close1 < close dntrend = high1 > high dntrend1 = low1 > low dntrend2 = open1 > open dntrend3 = close1 > close //Raw Forms cnt = math.sum(uptrend ? 1 : 0, len) cnt1 = math.sum(uptrend1 ? 1 : 0, len) cnt2 = math.sum(uptrend2 ? 1 : 0, len) cnt3 = math.sum(uptrend3 ? 1 : 0, len) cnt4 = math.sum(dntrend ? 1 : 0, len) cnt5 = math.sum(dntrend1 ? 1 : 0, len) cnt6 = math.sum(dntrend2 ? 1 : 0, len) cnt7 = math.sum(dntrend3 ? 1 : 0, len) color1 = cnt > cnt[1] ? color2 = cnt1 > cnt1[1] ? color3 = cnt2 > cnt2[1] ? color4 = cnt3 > cnt3[1] ? color9= cnt4 > cnt4[1] ? color.rgb(0, 169, 31) color10 = cnt5 > cnt5[1] ? color.rgb(0, 169, 31) color11 = cnt6 > cnt6[1] ? color.rgb(0, 169, 31) color12 = cnt7 > cnt7[1] ? color.rgb(0, 169, 31) col1 = hiclop ? color1:color9 col2 = hiclop ? color2:color10 col3 = hiclop ? color3:color11 col4 = hiclop ? color4:color12 plot(raw? cnt:na, color = col1, title = "HighU") plot(raw? cnt1:na, color = col2, title = "LowU") plot(raw? cnt2:na, color = col3, title = "OpenU") plot(raw? cnt3:na, color = col4, title = "CloseU") color5= cnt4 > cnt4[1] ? color6 = cnt5 > cnt5[1] ? color7 = cnt6 > cnt6[1] ? color8 = cnt7 > cnt7[1] ? color13= cnt4 > cnt4[1] ? color.rgb(255, 0, 0) color14 = cnt5 > cnt5[1] ? color.rgb(255, 0, 0) color15 = cnt6 > cnt6[1] ? color.rgb(255, 0, 0) color16 = cnt7 > cnt7[1] ? color.rgb(255, 0, 0) col5 = hiclop ? color5:color13 col6 = hiclop ? color6:color14 col7 = hiclop ? color7:color15 col8 = hiclop ? color8:color16 plot(raw1? cnt4:na, color = col5, title = "HighD") plot(raw1? cnt5:na, color = col6, title = "LowD") plot(raw1? cnt6:na, color = col7, title = "OpenD") plot(raw1? cnt7:na, color = col8, title = "CloseD") //Analysis up = cnt > cnt[1] and cnt1 > cnt1[1] and cnt2 > cnt2[1] and cnt3 > cnt3[1] cnt8 = math.sum(up ? 1 : 0, len) dn = cnt4 > cnt4[1] and cnt5 > cnt5[1] and cnt6 > cnt6[1] and cnt7 > cnt7[1] cnt9 = math.sum(dn ? 1 : 0, len) up1 = cnt > cnt1 cnt10 = math.sum(up1 ? 1 : 0, len) dn1 = cnt < cnt1 cnt11 = math.sum(dn1 ? 1 : 0, len) up2 = cnt3 > cnt2 cnt12 = math.sum(up2 ? 1 : 0, len) dn2 = cnt3 < cnt2 cnt13 = math.sum(dn2 ? 1 : 0, len) plot(analysis? cnt8:na, color = cnt8 > cnt8[1] ? color.rgb(0, 255, 229):color.rgb(0, 0, 0, 100), title = "All Up", style= plot.style_circles, linewidth = 3) plot(analysis? cnt9:na, color = cnt9 > cnt9[1] ? color.rgb(255, 0, 72):color.rgb(0, 0, 0, 100), title = "All Dn", style= plot.style_circles, linewidth = 3) plot(analysis1? cnt10:na, color = cnt > cnt1 ? color.rgb(0, 255, 229):color.rgb(0, 0, 0, 100), title = "High Over Low", style= plot.style_circles, linewidth = 3) plot(analysis1? cnt11:na, color = cnt1 > cnt ? color.rgb(255, 0, 72):color.rgb(0, 0, 0, 100), title = "Low Over High", style= plot.style_circles, linewidth = 3) plot(analysis2? cnt12:na, color = cnt3 > cnt2 ? color.rgb(0, 255, 229):color.rgb(0, 0, 0, 100), title = "Close Over Open", style= plot.style_circles, linewidth = 3) plot(analysis2? cnt13:na, color = cnt2 > cnt3 ? color.rgb(255, 0, 72):color.rgb(0, 0, 0, 100), title = "Open Over Close", style= plot.style_circles, linewidth = 3)
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ morady0hamid //@version=5 indicator('ARSIX' , precision = 0, timeframe = '', timeframe_gaps = false, explicit_plot_zorder = true) // inputs len = input(14, title='Length') mom =, title='Momentum', minval=0) mom20 =, title='Momentum20', minval=0) ob = input(70, title='Overbought') os = input(30, title='Oversold') c = close docol = input(true, title='Change Color?') showemasignal = input(false, title='Show EMA Signal Line?') showcomposignal = input(false, title='Show Copmposite Signal Line?') smaLength = input(9, title='SMA Length') sigone = input(9, title='Signal One Length') sigtwo = input(33, title='Signal Two Length') dohist = input(true , title='Show Hist?') showrmi = input(false, title='Show RMI?') showrmi20 = input(true, title='Show RMI20?') showcomposite = input(false, title='Show Composite?') showrsi = input(true, title='Show RSI?') showrsiemas = input(false, title='Show RSI ENAs?') //calc upp = ta.ema(math.max(c - c[mom], 0), len) dnn = ta.ema(math.max(c[mom] - c, 0), len) rmi = dnn == 0 ? 0 : 100 - 100 / (1 + upp / dnn) up20 = ta.ema(math.max(c - c[mom20], 0), len) dn20 = ta.ema(math.max(c[mom20] - c, 0), len) rmi20 = dnn == 0 ? 0 : 100 - 100 / (1 + up20 / dn20) rmiema = ta.ema(rmi, smaLength) signalone = ta.ema(rmi, sigone) signaltwo = ta.ema(rmi, sigtwo) histogram = dohist ? rmi - rmiema : na histup = true ? histogram >= 0 : na histdown = true ? histogram < 0 : na plot(histup ? histogram : na, title='RMIs Histogram UP', color=color.rgb(0, 68, 0, 86), histbase=0, style=plot.style_histogram, linewidth=4) plot(histdown ? histogram : na, title='RMIs Histogram DOWN', color=color.rgb(107, 1, 168, 86), histbase=0, style=plot.style_histogram, linewidth=4) //plots //hline(ob) //hline(os) //plot( dohist?(rmi-rmisma)+50:na , color=color.rgb(0, 68, 89 , 58) ,histbase=50,style=plot.style_histogram ,linewidth=3 , title = "RMI's Histogram") //plot( histogram ? color.rgb(0,68,0,50) : color.rgb(255,0,0,50) ,histbase=50,style=plot.style_histogram ,linewidth=3 , title = "RMI's Histogram") plot(showemasignal ? signalone : na,, 0), title='RMI\'s EMA ONE line') plot(showemasignal ? signaltwo : na,, 0), title='RMI\'s EMA TWO line') col = docol ? rmi > rmi[1] ? color.rgb(73, 225, 252, 11) : color.rgb(255, 176, 73, 21) : #0094FF plot(showrmi ? rmi : na, color=col, linewidth=2, title='RMI line') plot(showrmi20 ? (rmi20/2)-25 : na, color=col, linewidth=2, title='RMI line') /////composite rsi_length = input(14, title='RSI Length') rsi_mom_length = input(9, title='RSI Momentum Length') rsi_ma_length = input(3, title='RSI MA Length') ma_length = input(3, title='SMA Length') fastLength = input(13) slowLength = input(33) r = ta.rsi(close, rsi_length) rsidelta =, rsi_mom_length) rsisma = ta.sma(ta.rsi(close, rsi_ma_length), ma_length) composit = rsidelta + rsisma compositline = composit / 2 + 25 greenline = ta.sma(composit, fastLength) / 2 + 25 redline = ta.sma(composit, slowLength) / 2 + 25 rsiemasignalone = ta.ema(r, 19) rsiemasignaltwo = ta.ema(r, 66) plot(showcomposignal ? greenline : na,, 0), title='Green Line') plot(showcomposignal ? redline : na,, 0), title='Red Line') plot(showcomposite ? (compositline)-175 : na, color=color.rgb(254, 0, 1), linewidth=2, title='Composite Line') plot(showrsi ? (r)-50 : na,, 0), linewidth=2, title='RSI line') plot(showrsiemas ? rsiemasignalone : na,, 0), linewidth=1, title='RSI EMA ONE') plot(showrsiemas ? rsiemasignaltwo : na,, 0), linewidth=1, title='RSI EMA TWO') //LINES // rmizeroline = hline(0, color=color.rgb(68,0,0,68) , title = "RMI 0 Level" ) rsi70 = hline(20, color=color.rgb(255, 174, 69, 67) , title = "RSI 60 Level" ) rsi60 = hline(10, color=color.rgb(250, 66, 66, 59) , title = "RSI 70 Level" ) rsi30 = hline(30, color=color.rgb(72, 210, 245, 66) , title = "RSI 30 Level" ) rsi50 = hline(50, color=color.rgb(70, 203, 255, 63) , title = "RSI 33.3 Level" ) rsimines35= hline(-35,color=color.rgb(255, 176, 73, 59) , title = "RSI 30 Level") rsimines20= hline(-20, color=color.rgb(253, 69, 69, 60) , title = "RSI 20 Level") rsimines50 = hline(-50, color=color.rgb(70, 203, 255, 54) , title = "RSI -50 Level" ) //rsi67 = hline(66.67, color=color.rgb(69, 252, 252, 60) , title = "RSI 66.67 Level" ) everex70 = hline(75, color=color.rgb(76, 219, 255) , title = "Everex 70 Level" ) //rsi80 = hline(35, color=color.rgb(71, 247, 106, 60), title = "RSI 80 Level" ) rsi85 = hline(40, color=color.rgb(74, 243, 130, 60) , title = "RSI 85 Level" ) // rmihanderedline = hline(100, color=color.rgb(68,0,0,68) , title = "RMI 100 Level" ) // fill(rsi85 , rsi80 , color=color.rgb(222, 219, 227 , 80) , title = "RSI MIDDLE Level") // fill(rsi70 , rsi67 , color=color.rgb(103, 151, 34 , 95) , title = "RSI MIDDLE Level") // fill(rsiMiddleDownLevel , rsiMiddleUpLevel, color=color.aqua , transp = 90, title = "RSI MIDDLE Level") // fill(rsi33 , rsi30, color=color.rgb(255, 87, 80 , 95) , title = "RSI MIDDLE Level") // fill(rsi20 , rsi15 , color=color.rgb(222, 219, 227 , 80) , title = "RSI MIDDLE Level") // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ RedKTrader - March 2023 //@version=5 // ****************************** // EVEREX v2.0 adds markers for key patterns based on nPrice:nVol ratios // starting with EoM and Compression - maybe add "Balanced" and "Mega" ?? // to-do list // inspecting the effort vs result concept by plotting volume vs. price change // this is like looking at distance versus fuel consumption - but comparing a normalized average of each // to help reveal areas of volume & price action anomalies, contraction & expansion //indicator('RedK Effort Versus Results Explorer v2.0', 'RedK EVEREX v2.0') // *********************************************************************************************************** // This function calcualtes a selectable average type GetAverage(_data, _len, MAOption) => value = switch MAOption 'SMA' => ta.sma(_data, _len) 'EMA' => ta.ema(_data, _len) 'HMA' => ta.hma(_data, _len) 'RMA' => ta.rma(_data, _len) => ta.wma(_data, _len) // *********************************************************************************************************** // ======================================================================================== // Normalization function - Normalizes values that are not restricted within a zero to 100 range // This technique provides a scale that is closer to a "human" estimation of value in "bands" // as in: low, below average, average, above average, high, super high // this also avoids the issue of extreme values when using the stoch() -based technique // these values are subjective, and can be changed - but slight changes here won't lead to major changes in outcome // since all is relative to the same data series. // Normalize(_Value, _Avg) => _X = _Value / _Avg _Nor = _X > 1.50 ? 1.00 : _X > 1.20 ? 0.90 : _X > 1.00 ? 0.80 : _X > 0.80 ? 0.70 : _X > 0.60 ? 0.60 : _X > 0.40 ? 0.50 : _X > 0.20 ? 0.25 : 0.1 // =================================================================================== // =========================================================================================================== // Inputs // =========================================================================================================== grp_1 = 'Rate of FLow (RoF)' grp_2 = 'Lookback Parameters' grp_3 = 'Bias / Sentiment' grp_4 = 'EVEREX Bands' length =, minval = 1, inline = 'ROF', group = grp_1) MA_Type = input.string(defval = 'WMA', title = 'MA type', options = ['WMA', 'EMA', 'SMA', 'HMA', 'RMA'], inline = 'ROF', group = grp_1) smooth = = 3, title = 'Smooth', minval = 1, inline = 'ROF', group = grp_1) //src = input.source(close, title = "Source (for 2-Bar Shift)", group = grp_1) sig_length =, 'Signal Length', minval = 1, inline = 'Signal', group = grp_1) S_Type = input.string(defval = 'WMA', title = 'Signal Type', options = ['WMA', 'EMA', 'SMA', 'HMA', 'RMA'], inline = 'Signal', group = grp_1) lookback = = 20, title = 'Length', minval = 1, inline = 'Lookback', group = grp_2) lkbk_Calc = input.string(defval = 'Simple', title = 'Averaging', options = ['Simple', 'Same as RRoF'], inline='Lookback', group = grp_2 ) showBias = input.bool(defval = false, title = 'Bias Plot ? -- ', inline = 'Bias', group = grp_3) B_Length = = 30, title = 'Length', minval = 1, inline = 'Bias', group = grp_3) B_Type = input.string(defval = 'WMA', title = 'MA type', options = ['WMA', 'EMA', 'SMA', 'HMA', 'RMA'], inline = 'Bias', group = grp_3) showEVEREX = input.bool(true, 'Show EVEREX Bands ? -- ', inline = 'EVEREX', group = grp_4) // a simple mechanism to control/change the strength band scale for improving visualization // applies only to the "bands" and the level hlines bandscale = str.tonumber(input.string("100", title = "Band Scale", options = ['100', '200', '400'], inline = 'EVEREX', group = grp_4)) DispBias = showBias ? display.pane : display.none DispBands = showEVEREX ? display.pane : display.none showhlines = showEVEREX ? display.all : display.none Disp_vals = display.status_line + display.data_window // =========================================================================================================== // Calculations // =========================================================================================================== // Volume "effort" Calculation -- will revert to no volume acceleration for instruments with no volume data v = na(volume) ? 1 : volume // this part ensures we're not hit with calc issues due to NaN's NoVol_Flag = na(volume) ? true : false // this is a flag to use later lkbk_MA_Type = lkbk_Calc == 'Simple' ? 'SMA' : MA_Type Vola = GetAverage(v, lookback, lkbk_MA_Type) Vola_n_pre = Normalize(v, Vola) * 100 //Now trap the case of no volume data - ensure final calculation not impacted Vola_n = NoVol_Flag ? 100 : Vola_n_pre //plot(Vola_n , "Volume Normalized", color = color.white, display = display.none) // =============================================================================================================== // Price "result" calculation // we'll consider "result" (strength or weakness) to be the outcome (average) of 6 elements: // Same (in-)Bar strength elements: // 1 - Bar Closing: the closing within the bar --> this will be a direct +100 / -100 value // 2 - Spread to range: the spread to range ratio (that's BoP formula) --> direct +100 / -100 value // 3 - Relative Spread: spread relative to average spread during lookback period --> normalized // 2-bar strength elements: // 4 - 2-bar closing: the closing within 2-bar range (that accomodates open gap effect) // 5 - 2-bar Closing Shift to Range: Change in close relative to the 2-bar range // 6 - 2-bar Relative Shift: the 2-bar Close (or source price) shift - relative to the average 2-bar shift during lookback period --> normalized BarSpread = close - open BarRange = high - low R2 = ta.highest(2) - ta.lowest(2) SrcShift = ta.change(close) //TR = sign_shift = math.sign(SrcShift) sign_spread = math.sign(BarSpread) // ========================================================================================================= // in-bar assessments // ========================================================================================================= // 1. Calculate closing within bar - should be max value at either ends of the bar range barclosing = 2 * (close - low) / BarRange * 100 - 100 //plot(barclosing, "Bar Closing %" , color=color.fuchsia, display = display.none) // 2. caluclate spread to range ratio s2r = BarSpread / BarRange * 100 //plot(s2r, "Spread:Range", color = color.lime, display = display.none) // 3. Calculate relative spread compared to average spread during lookback BarSpread_abs = math.abs(BarSpread) BarSpread_avg = GetAverage(BarSpread_abs, lookback, lkbk_MA_Type) BarSpread_ratio_n = Normalize(BarSpread_abs, BarSpread_avg) * 100 * sign_spread //plot(BarSpread_ratio_n, "Bar Spread Ratio",, display=display.none) // ========================================================================================================= // 2-bar assessments // ========================================================================================================= // 4. Calculate closing within 2 bar range - should be max value at either ends of the 2-bar range barclosing_2 = 2 * (close - ta.lowest(2)) / R2 * 100 - 100 //plot(barclosing_2, "2-Bar Closing %" ,, display = display.none) // 5. calculate 2-bar shift to range ratio Shift2Bar_toR2 = SrcShift / R2 * 100 //plot(Shift2Bar_toR2, "2-bar Shift vs 2R", color=color.yellow, display = display.none) // 6. Calculate 2-bar Relative Shift SrcShift_abs = math.abs(SrcShift) srcshift_avg = GetAverage(SrcShift_abs, lookback, lkbk_MA_Type) srcshift_ratio_n = Normalize(SrcShift_abs, srcshift_avg) * 100 * sign_shift //plot(srcshift_ratio_n, "2-bar Shift vs Avg", color=color.white, display = display.none) // =============================================================================== // ========================================================================================= // Relative Price Strength combining all strength elements Pricea_n = (barclosing + s2r + BarSpread_ratio_n + barclosing_2 + Shift2Bar_toR2 + srcshift_ratio_n) / 6 //plot(Pricea_n, "Price Normalized",, display = display.none) //Let's take Bar Flow as the combined price strength * the volume:avg ratio // this works in a similar way to a volume-weighted RSI bar_flow = Pricea_n * Vola_n / 100 //plot(bar_flow, 'bar_flow',, display = display.none) // calc avergae relative rate of flow, then smooth the resulting average // classic formula would be this //RROF = f_ma(bar_flow, length, MA_Type) // // or we can create a relative index by separating bulls from bears, like in an RSI - my preferred method // here we have an added benefit of plotting the (average) bulls vs bears separately - as an option bulls = math.max(bar_flow, 0) bears = -1 * math.min(bar_flow, 0) bulls_avg = GetAverage(bulls, length, MA_Type) bears_avg = GetAverage(bears, length, MA_Type) dx = bulls_avg / bears_avg RROF = 2 * (100 - 100 / (1 + dx)) - 100 RROF_s = ta.wma(RROF, smooth) Signal = GetAverage(RROF_s, sig_length, S_Type) // Calculate Bias / sentiment on longer length dx_b = GetAverage(bulls, B_Length, B_Type) / GetAverage(bears, B_Length, B_Type) RROF_b = 2 * (100 - 100 / (1 + dx_b)) - 100 RROF_bs = ta.wma(RROF_b, smooth) // =========================================================================================================== // Colors & plots // =========================================================================================================== c_zero =, 62) c_band =, 50) c_up = color.aqua c_dn = c_sup =, 70) c_sdn =, 70) up = RROF_s >= 0 s_up = RROF_bs >=0 // ==================================== Plots ========================================================== // // Display the ATR & VOl Ratio values only on the indicator status line & in the Data Window // plotchar(shift, title = "Shift", char = "", color = color.white, editable=false, display=display.status_line + display.data_window) // plotchar(lbk_tr, title = "Avg Shift", char = "", color = color.aqua, editable=false, display=display.status_line + display.data_window) // plotchar(vola/lbk_vola, title = "Vol Ratio", char = "", color = color.yellow, editable=false, display=display.status_line + display.data_window) hline(0, 'Zero Line', c_zero, linestyle = hline.style_solid) // plot the band scale guide lines -- these lines will show/hide along with the EVEREX "Equalizer Bands Plot" hline(0.25 * bandscale, title = '1/4 Level', color=c_band, linestyle = hline.style_dotted, display = showhlines) hline(0.50 * bandscale, title = '2/4 Level', color=c_band, linestyle = hline.style_dotted, display = showhlines) hline(0.75 * bandscale, title = '3/4 Level', color=c_band, linestyle = hline.style_dotted, display = showhlines) hline(bandscale, title = '4/4 Level', color=c_band, linestyle = hline.style_dotted, display = showhlines) // Plot Bulls & Bears - these are optional plots and hidden by default - adjust this section later plot(ta.wma(bulls_avg, smooth), "Bulls", color = #11ff20, linewidth = 2, display = display.none) plot(ta.wma(bears_avg, smooth), "Bears", color = #d5180b, linewidth = 2, display = display.none) // ============================================================================= // Plot Bias / Sentiment plot (RROF_bs, "Bias / Sentiment", style=plot.style_area, color = s_up ? c_sup : c_sdn, linewidth = 4, display = DispBias ) // ============================================================================= // Plot Price Strength & Relative Volume as stacked "equalizer bands" // adding visualization option to make the bands joint or separate at the mid-scale mark Eq_band_option = input.string("Joint", title = 'Band Option', options = ["Joint", "Separate"], group = grp_4) nPrice = math.max(math.min(Pricea_n, 100), -100) nVol = math.max(math.min(Vola_n, 100), -100) bar = bar_flow c_vol_grn =, 75) c_vol_red =, 75) cb_vol_grn =, 20) cb_vol_red =, 20) c_vol = bar > 0 ? c_vol_grn : c_vol_red cb_vol = bar > 0 ? cb_vol_grn : cb_vol_red vc_lo = 0 vc_hi = nVol * bandscale / 100 / 2 //plotcandle(vc_lo, vc_hi, vc_lo, vc_hi , "Volume Band", c_vol, c_vol, bordercolor = cb_vol, display = DispBands) c_pri_grn =, 75) c_pri_red =, 75) cb_pri_grn =, 20) cb_pri_red =, 20) c_pri = bar > 0 ? c_pri_grn : c_pri_red cb_pri = bar > 0 ? cb_pri_grn : cb_pri_red pc_lo_base = Eq_band_option == "Joint" ? vc_hi : 0.50 * bandscale pc_lo = pc_lo_base pc_hi = pc_lo_base + math.abs(nPrice) * bandscale / 100 / 2 //plotcandle(pc_lo, pc_hi, pc_lo ,pc_hi , "Price Band", c_pri, c_pri, bordercolor = cb_pri, display = DispBands) // print the normalized volume and price values - only on statys line and in the data window // these values are independant of the band scale or visualization options plotchar(nVol/2 + 75, "Normalized Vol", char = "", color = c_vol, editable = false, display = Disp_vals) plotchar(nPrice/2 + 75, "Normalized Price", char = "", color = c_pri, editable = false, display = Disp_vals) // ============================================================================= // ============================================================================= // Plot main plot, smoothed plot and signal line plot(RROF/2 + 75, 'RROF Raw',, 9), display=display.none) plot(RROF_s/2 + 75 , 'RROF Smooth', color =, 100), linewidth = 2) plot(Signal/2 + 75 , "Signal Line", up ? c_up : c_dn, 3) // =========================================================================================================== // basic alerts // =========================================================================================================== Alert_up = ta.crossover(RROF_s,0) Alert_dn = ta.crossunder(RROF_s,0) Alert_swing = ta.cross(RROF_s,0) // "." in alert title for the alerts to show in the right order up/down/swing alertcondition(Alert_up, ". RROF Crossing 0 Up", "RROF Up - Buying Action Detected!") alertcondition(Alert_dn, ".. RROF Crossing 0 Down", "RROF Down - Selling Action Detected!") alertcondition(Alert_swing, "... RROF Crossing 0", "RROF Swing - Possible Reversal") // =========================================================================================================== // v2.0 Adding Markers for Key Patterns // =========================================================================================================== // we can re-utilize the Normailize() function here too - but it's cleaner to have a separate ratio calc nPrice_abs = math.abs(nPrice) //EV_Ratio = 100 * Normalize(nPrice_abs, nVol) EV_Ratio = 100 * nPrice_abs / nVol // initial mapping of return ratios (to be revised) // ------------------------------------------------------- // Case (1): Price > Vol => ratio > 120 = Ease of Move (EoM) // Case (2): Price close to Vol => ratio between 80 - 120 = Reasonable Balance // Case (3): Price less than Vol but reasonable => ratio between 80 - 50 = Drift / "nothing much to see here" bar // Case (4): Price a lot less than Vol => 50 or less = Compression / Squat // we're most interested in cases 1 & 4 //plot (EV_Ratio) // for validation only is_positive = nPrice > 0 is_Compression = EV_Ratio <= 50 is_EoM = EV_Ratio >= 120 //Provide option to show/hide those EVEREX Markers - and an option for Compression bar // - some folks would prefer a cross, others may prefer a circle - can adjust based on feedback // no option for Ease of Move, guessing the triangle has the right significance var showMarkers = input.bool(true, 'Show EVEREX Markers ?') var Mshape = input.string("Circles", "Compression Marker", options = ['Circles','Crosses']) SetShape(_x) => switch _x 'Circles' => 'Crosses' => shape.cross //** Plot markers //plotshape(showMarkers and is_EoM and is_positive ? 0 : na, "EoM +ve", shape.triangleup,, //location=location.absolute,, editable = false, display = display.pane) //plotshape(showMarkers and is_EoM and not(is_positive) ? 0 : na, "EoM -ve", shape.triangledown,, //location=location.absolute,, editable = false, display = display.pane) //plotshape(showMarkers and is_Compression and is_positive ? 0 : na, "Compression +ve", style = SetShape(Mshape), //, location=location.absolute, size =, editable = false, display = display.pane) //plotshape(showMarkers and is_Compression and not(is_positive) ? 0 : na, "Compression -ve", style = SetShape(Mshape), //, location=location.absolute,, editable = false, display = display.pane)
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ miivanov //@version=5 // @description Helpers for color manipulations library("Colors") // @function Applies opacity to color // @param oldColor color // @param opacity opacity // @returns color with opacity export opacify(color oldColor, float opacity) => color.rgb(color.r(oldColor), color.g(oldColor), color.b(oldColor), opacity) // @function Gets two colors as parameters and number of colors you need. Returns range of colors between them // @param topColor color color // @param bottomColor color // @param numColors number of colors in range export getColorsRange(color topColor, color bottomColor, int numColors) => var result =<color>() for i = 1 to 6 array.push(result, color.from_gradient(i, 1, numColors, topColor, bottomColor)) result
Webby's Tight Indicator
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ Amphibiantrading //@version=5 indicator("Webby's Tight Indicator", shorttitle = 'Webby\'s Tight') //inputs upColor = input.color(, 'Positive Ratio Color') downColor = input.color(, 'Negative Ratio Color') showEma = input.bool(true, 'Show EMA') showHiLo = input.bool(false, 'Show Highest / Lowest Ratio') //short atrs short1 = ta.atr(3) short2 = ta.atr(5) short3 = ta.atr(8) shortAvg = (short1 + short2 + short3) / 3 //long atrs long1 = ta.atr(55) long2 = ta.atr(89) long3 = ta.atr(144) longAvg = (long1 + long2 + long3) / 3 // calculations ratio = (longAvg - shortAvg) / math.max(longAvg, shortAvg) ema = ta.ema(ratio, 5) //colors histCol = ratio > 0 ? upColor : downColor emaCol = ema > ema[1] ? : //plots plot(ratio, 'Ratio', color= histCol, style = plot.style_histogram) plot(showEma ? ema : na, 'Ema of Ratio', color = emaCol) //highest lowest var label hLab = na var label lLab = na highest = ta.highest(ratio,251) lowest = ta.lowest(ratio,251) if ratio == highest and showHiLo (hLab[1]).delete() hLab :=, ratio, style = label.style_xcross ,size = size.tiny, if ratio == lowest and showHiLo (lLab[1]).delete() lLab :=, ratio, style = label.style_xcross ,size = size.tiny,
CE - Market Performance Table
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ Celestial-Eye //@version=5 indicator("๐ŸŒŒ CE - ๐“œ๐“ช๐“ป๐“ด๐“ฎ๐“ฝ ๐“Ÿ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฏ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ถ๐“ช๐“ท๐“ฌ๐“ฎ ๐“ฃ๐“ช๐“ซ๐“ต๐“ฎ ๐ŸŒŒ") // Individual ticker symbols SPHD ="SPHD","D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) SPLV ="SPLV","D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) QUAL ="QUAL","D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) DEF ="DEF", "D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) IWF ="IWF", "D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) SPHB ="SPHB","D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) IYT ="IYT", "D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) IWN ="IWN", "D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) IWD ="IWD", "D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) IWM ="IWM", "D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) IWR ="IWR", "D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) MGK ="MGK", "D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) OEF ="OEF", "D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) MTUM ="MTUM","D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) IWB ="IWB", "D", close, barmerge.gaps_off) // // Plotting the close prices - for convenience // plot(SPHD,, title="SPHD") // plot(SPLV,, title="SPLV") // plot(QUAL,, title="QUAL") // plot(DEF,, title="DEF") // plot(IWF, color=color.purple, title="IWF") // plot(SPHB, color=color.yellow, title="SPHB") // plot(IYT, color=color.teal, title="IYT") // plot(IWN, color=color.maroon, title="IWN") // plot(IWD, color=color.fuchsia, title="IWD") // plot(IWM, color=color.gray, title="IWM") // plot(IWR, color=color.olive, title="IWR") // plot(MGK, color=color.aqua, title="MGK") // plot(OEF,, title="OEF") // plot(MTUM, color=color.lime, title="MTUM") // plot(IWB, color=color.silver, title="IWB") showCorrTab = input.bool(true, "Show Correlation Table", tooltip = "Plots the Correlation table", group = "๐ŸŒŒ Table Settings Correlation ๐ŸŒŒ") l = (14, "Correlation Length", tooltip = "Defines the time horizon for the Correlation Table", group = "๐ŸŒŒ Table Settings Correlation ๐ŸŒŒ") showPerfTab = input.bool(true, "Show Performance Table", tooltip = "Plots the Performance table", group = "๐ŸŒŒ Table Settings Performance ๐ŸŒŒ") rocPeriod = (14, "ROC Period", minval=1, tooltip = "Defines the time horizon for the Performance Table", group = "๐ŸŒŒ Table Settings Performance ๐ŸŒŒ") showCorr = input.bool(false, "Show Correlations?", group = "Visuals") showTrend = input.bool(false, "Show Trends?", tooltip = "Only shows Trend Values in Status Line... In case you want to export it to Sheets or something", group = "Visuals") showImplied = input.bool(false, "Show Implied Correlation?", tooltip = "Shows Implied Correlation on Chart, disable all other Visuals for best Experience", group = "Visuals") // Calculate correlation correlation_SPHD = ta.correlation(close, SPHD,l) correlation_SPLV = ta.correlation(close, SPLV,l) correlation_QUAL = ta.correlation(close, QUAL,l) correlation_DEF = ta.correlation(close, DEF,l) correlation_IWF = ta.correlation(close, IWF,l) correlation_SPHB = ta.correlation(close, SPHB,l) correlation_IYT = ta.correlation(close, IYT,l) correlation_IWN = ta.correlation(close, IWN,l) correlation_IWD = ta.correlation(close, IWD,l) correlation_IWM = ta.correlation(close, IWM,l) correlation_IWR = ta.correlation(close, IWR,l) correlation_MGK = ta.correlation(close, MGK,l) correlation_OEF = ta.correlation(close, OEF,l) correlation_MTUM = ta.correlation(close, MTUM,l) correlation_IWB = ta.correlation(close, IWB,l) plot(showCorr and barstate.isconfirmed ? correlation_SPHD :na, color=color.teal, title="CORR SPHD") plot(showCorr and barstate.isconfirmed ? correlation_SPLV :na, color=color.aqua, title="CORR SPLV") plot(showCorr and barstate.isconfirmed ? correlation_QUAL :na, color=color.gray, title="CORR QUAL") plot(showCorr and barstate.isconfirmed ? correlation_DEF :na, color=color.maroon, title="CORR DEF") plot(showCorr and barstate.isconfirmed ? correlation_IWF :na,, title="CORR IWF") plot(showCorr and barstate.isconfirmed ? correlation_SPHB :na, color=color.rgb(239, 136, 227), title="CORR SPHB") plot(showCorr and barstate.isconfirmed ? correlation_IYT :na, color=color.yellow, title="CORR IYT") plot(showCorr and barstate.isconfirmed ? correlation_IWN :na, color=color.yellow, title="CORR IWN") plot(showCorr and barstate.isconfirmed ? correlation_IWD :na, color=color.fuchsia, title="CORR IWD") plot(showCorr and barstate.isconfirmed ? correlation_IWM :na, color=color.purple, title="CORR IWM") plot(showCorr and barstate.isconfirmed ? correlation_IWR :na,, title="CORR IWR") plot(showCorr and barstate.isconfirmed ? correlation_MGK :na,, title="CORR MGK") plot(showCorr and barstate.isconfirmed ? correlation_OEF :na, color=color.olive, title="CORR OEF") plot(showCorr and barstate.isconfirmed ? correlation_MTUM :na, color=color.lime, title="CORR MTUM") plot(showCorr and barstate.isconfirmed ? correlation_IWB :na, color=color.silver, title="CORR IWB") //Calculate Trend Value for each Asset with Normalized KAMA Oscillator by IKKE OMAR // -> kama(asset) => // Define input parameters fast_period ='Fast Period', defval=7, minval=1, group = "Norm KAMA", tooltip = "Normalized KAMA Oscillator by IkkeOmar") slow_period ='Slow Period', defval=19, minval=1, group = "Norm KAMA") er_period ='Efficiency Ratio Period', defval=8, minval=1, group = "Norm KAMA") norm_period ='Normalization lookback', defval=10, minval=1, group = "Norm KAMA", tooltip = "Defines the time horizon for the Trend calculation of the ETF's - For longer term Trends over weeks or months a length of 50 is usually pretty accurate") // Calculate the efficiency ratio change = math.abs(asset - asset[er_period]) volatility = math.sum(math.abs(asset - asset[1]), er_period) er = change / volatility // Calculate the smoothing constant sc = er * (2 / (fast_period + 1) - 2 / (slow_period + 1)) + 2 / (slow_period + 1) // Calculate the KAMA kama = ta.ema(asset, fast_period) + sc * (asset - ta.ema(asset, fast_period)) // Normalize the Oscillator lowest = ta.lowest (kama, norm_period) highest = ta.highest(kama, norm_period) normalized = (kama - lowest) / (highest - lowest) - 0.5 normalized kamaSPHD = kama(SPHD) > 0? 1 : -1 kamaSPLV = kama(SPLV) > 0? 1 : -1 kamaQUAL = kama(QUAL) > 0? 1 : -1 kamaDEF = kama(DEF) > 0? 1 : -1 kamaIWF = kama(IWF) > 0? 1 : -1 kamaSPHB = kama(SPHB) > 0? 1 : -1 kamaIYT = kama(IYT) > 0? 1 : -1 kamaIWN = kama(IWN) > 0? 1 : -1 kamaIWD = kama(IWD) > 0? 1 : -1 kamaIWM = kama(IWM) > 0? 1 : -1 kamaIWR = kama(IWR) > 0? 1 : -1 kamaMGK = kama(MGK) > 0? 1 : -1 kamaOEF = kama(OEF) > 0? 1 : -1 kamaMTUM = kama(MTUM) > 0? 1 : -1 kamaIWB = kama(IWB) > 0? 1 : -1 plot(showTrend?kamaSPHD :na, color=color.teal, title="Trend SPHD", display = display.status_line) plot(showTrend?kamaSPLV :na, color=color.aqua, title="Trend SPLV", display = display.status_line) plot(showTrend?kamaQUAL :na, color=color.gray, title="Trend QUAL", display = display.status_line) plot(showTrend?kamaDEF :na, color=color.maroon, title="Trend DEF", display = display.status_line) plot(showTrend?kamaIWF :na,, title="Trend IWF", display = display.status_line) plot(showTrend?kamaSPHB :na, color=color.rgb(239, 136, 227), title="Trend SPHB", display = display.status_line) plot(showTrend?kamaIYT :na, color=color.yellow, title="Trend IYT", display = display.status_line) plot(showTrend?kamaIWN :na, color=color.yellow, title="Trend IWN", display = display.status_line) plot(showTrend?kamaIWD :na, color=color.fuchsia, title="Trend IWD", display = display.status_line) plot(showTrend?kamaIWM :na, color=color.purple, title="Trend IWM", display = display.status_line) plot(showTrend?kamaIWR :na,, title="Trend IWR", display = display.status_line) plot(showTrend?kamaMGK :na,, title="Trend MGK", display = display.status_line) plot(showTrend?kamaOEF :na, color=color.olive, title="Trend OEF", display = display.status_line) plot(showTrend?kamaMTUM :na, color=color.lime, title="Trend MTUM", display = display.status_line) plot(showTrend?kamaIWB :na, color=color.silver, title="Trend IWB", display = display.status_line) //Calculate Implied Correlation ImplCorrAvg = math.avg( math.round(correlation_SPHD* kamaSPHD, 2), math.round(correlation_SPLV* kamaSPLV, 2), math.round(correlation_QUAL* kamaQUAL, 2), math.round(correlation_DEF* kamaDEF, 2), math.round(correlation_IWF* kamaIWF, 2), math.round(correlation_SPHB* kamaSPHB, 2), math.round(correlation_IYT* kamaIYT, 2), math.round(correlation_IWN* kamaIWN, 2), math.round(correlation_IWD* kamaIWD, 2), math.round(correlation_IWM* kamaIWM, 2), math.round(correlation_IWR* kamaIWR, 2), math.round(correlation_MGK* kamaMGK, 2), math.round(correlation_OEF* kamaOEF, 2), math.round(correlation_MTUM* kamaMTUM, 2), math.round(correlation_IWB* kamaIWB, 2)) // Display correlation values var string G3 = "๐ŸŒŒ Table Settings Correlation ๐ŸŒŒ" string table0_y_pos = input.string(defval = "top", title = "Table Position", options = ["top", "middle", "bottom"], group = G3, inline = "1") string table0_x_pos = input.string(defval = "center", title = "", options = ["left", "center", "right"], group = G3, inline = "1") string i_text_size = input.string(defval=size.tiny, title='Text Size:', options=[size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge,], group = G3 ) var table table0 = + "_" + table0_x_pos, columns = 16, rows = 6, frame_color = color.white, frame_width = 1, border_color = color.white, border_width = 1) if showCorrTab table.merge_cells(table0, 0, 0, 15, 0) table.merge_cells(table0, 0, 4, 15, 4) if showCorrTab and barstate.islast table.cell(table0, 0, 0, "๐ŸŒŒ CE - MARKET CORRELATION "+str.tostring(l)+"D ๐ŸŒŒ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.purple) table.cell(table0, 0, 1, "Symbol:", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.white, bgcolor = table.cell(table0, 0, 2, "Correlation:", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.white, bgcolor = table.cell(table0, 0, 3, "Trend:", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.white, bgcolor = table.cell(table0, 0, 4, "Implied Trend to Chart "+str.tostring(l)+"D :", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.white, bgcolor = table.cell(table0, 0, 5, "Avg: " + str.tostring(math.round(ImplCorrAvg, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(ImplCorrAvg, 2) > 0 ? table.cell(table0, 1, 1, "SPHD", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.teal) table.cell(table0, 1, 2, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_SPHD, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = correlation_SPHD > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 1, 3, str.tostring(kamaSPHD), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = kamaSPHD > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 1, 5, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_SPHD*kamaSPHD, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(correlation_SPHD*kamaSPHD, 2) > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 2, 1, "SPLV", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.aqua) table.cell(table0, 2, 2, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_SPLV, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = correlation_SPLV > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 2, 3, str.tostring(kamaSPLV), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = kamaSPLV > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 2, 5, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_SPLV*kamaSPLV, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(correlation_SPLV*kamaSPLV, 2) > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 3, 1, "QUAL", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.gray) table.cell(table0, 3, 2, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_QUAL, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = correlation_QUAL > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 3, 3, str.tostring(kamaQUAL), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = kamaQUAL > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 3, 5, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_QUAL*kamaQUAL, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(correlation_SPLV*kamaSPLV, 2) > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 4, 1, "DEF", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.maroon) table.cell(table0, 4, 2, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_DEF, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = correlation_DEF > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 4, 3, str.tostring(kamaDEF), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = kamaDEF > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 4, 5, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_DEF*kamaDEF, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(correlation_DEF*kamaDEF, 2) > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 5, 1, "IWF", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = table.cell(table0, 5, 2, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_IWF, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = correlation_IWF > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 5, 3, str.tostring(kamaIWF), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = kamaIWF > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 5, 5, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_IWF*kamaIWF, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(correlation_IWF*kamaIWF, 2) > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 6, 1, "SPHB", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.rgb(239, 136, 227)) table.cell(table0, 6, 2, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_SPHB, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = correlation_SPHB > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 6, 3, str.tostring(kamaSPHB), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = kamaSPHB> 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 6, 5, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_SPHB*kamaSPHB, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(correlation_SPHB*kamaSPHB, 2) > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 7, 1, "IYT", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.yellow) table.cell(table0, 7, 2, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_IYT, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = correlation_IYT > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 7, 3, str.tostring(kamaIYT), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = kamaIYT > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 7, 5, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_IYT*kamaIYT, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(correlation_IYT*kamaIYT, 2) > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 8, 1, "IWN", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.yellow) table.cell(table0, 8, 2, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_IWN, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = correlation_IWN > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 8, 3, str.tostring(kamaIWN), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = kamaIWN > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 8, 5, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_IWN*kamaIWN, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(correlation_IWN*kamaIWN, 2) > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 9, 1, "IWD", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.fuchsia) table.cell(table0, 9, 2, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_IWD, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = correlation_IWD > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 9, 3, str.tostring(kamaIWD), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = kamaIWD > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 9, 5, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_IWD*kamaIWD, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(correlation_IWD*kamaIWD, 2) > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 10, 1, "IWM", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.purple) table.cell(table0, 10, 2, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_IWM, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = correlation_IWM > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 10, 3, str.tostring(kamaIWM), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = kamaIWM > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 10, 5, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_IWM*kamaIWM, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(correlation_IWM*kamaIWM, 2) > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 11, 1, "IWR", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = table.cell(table0, 11, 2, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_IWR, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = correlation_IWR > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 11, 3, str.tostring(kamaIWR), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = kamaIWR > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 11, 5, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_IWR*kamaIWR, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(correlation_IWR*kamaIWR, 2) > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 12, 1, "MGK", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = table.cell(table0, 12, 2, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_MGK, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = correlation_MGK > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 12, 3, str.tostring(kamaMGK), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = kamaMGK > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 12, 5, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_MGK*kamaMGK, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(correlation_MGK*kamaMGK, 2) > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 13, 1, "OEF", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.olive) table.cell(table0, 13, 2, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_OEF, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = correlation_OEF > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 13, 3, str.tostring(kamaOEF), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = kamaOEF > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 13, 5, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_OEF*kamaOEF, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(correlation_OEF*kamaOEF, 2) > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 14, 1, "MTUM", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.lime) table.cell(table0, 14, 2, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_MTUM, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = correlation_MTUM > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 14, 3, str.tostring(kamaMTUM), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = kamaMTUM > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 14, 5, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_MTUM*kamaMTUM, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(correlation_MTUM*kamaMTUM, 2) > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 15, 1, "IWB", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.silver) table.cell(table0, 15, 2, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_IWB, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = correlation_IWB > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 15, 3, str.tostring(kamaIWB), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = kamaIWB > 0 ? : table.cell(table0, 15, 5, str.tostring(math.round(correlation_IWB*kamaIWB, 2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = math.round(correlation_IWB*kamaIWB, 2) > 0 ? : plot(showImplied?ImplCorrAvg:na,"Implied Correlation Avg", ImplCorrAvg > 0.1 ? : ImplCorrAvg < -0.1 ? : color.gray, style = plot.style_columns) hline(showImplied? 0.1 : na, color =, linewidth = 2) hline(showImplied? 0 : na) hline(showImplied? -0.1 : na, color = , linewidth = 2) barcolor(ImplCorrAvg > 0.1 ? : ImplCorrAvg < -0.1 ? : color.gray) // Rate of Change (ROC) calculation showRoC = input.bool(false, "Show RoC?", group = "Visuals") // Calculate average ROC avgROC = (ta.roc(SPHD, rocPeriod) + ta.roc(SPLV, rocPeriod) + ta.roc(QUAL, rocPeriod) + ta.roc(DEF, rocPeriod) + ta.roc(IWF, rocPeriod) + ta.roc(SPHB, rocPeriod) + ta.roc(IYT, rocPeriod) + ta.roc(IWN, rocPeriod) + ta.roc(IWD, rocPeriod) + ta.roc(IWM, rocPeriod) + ta.roc(IWR, rocPeriod) + ta.roc(MGK, rocPeriod) + ta.roc(OEF, rocPeriod) + ta.roc(MTUM, rocPeriod) + ta.roc(IWB, rocPeriod)) / 15 // Calculate ROC relative to average ROC rocSPHD = ta.roc(SPHD, rocPeriod) - avgROC rocSPLV = ta.roc(SPLV, rocPeriod) - avgROC rocQUAL = ta.roc(QUAL, rocPeriod) - avgROC rocDEF = ta.roc(DEF, rocPeriod) - avgROC rocIWF = ta.roc(IWF, rocPeriod) - avgROC rocSPHB = ta.roc(SPHB, rocPeriod) - avgROC rocIYT = ta.roc(IYT, rocPeriod) - avgROC rocIWN = ta.roc(IWN, rocPeriod) - avgROC rocIWD = ta.roc(IWD, rocPeriod) - avgROC rocIWM = ta.roc(IWM, rocPeriod) - avgROC rocIWR = ta.roc(IWR, rocPeriod) - avgROC rocMGK = ta.roc(MGK, rocPeriod) - avgROC rocOEF = ta.roc(OEF, rocPeriod) - avgROC rocMTUM = ta.roc(MTUM, rocPeriod) - avgROC rocIWB = ta.roc(IWB, rocPeriod) - avgROC // Plotting the ROC values plot(showRoC?rocSPHD :na, color=color.teal, title="ROC SPHD") plot(showRoC?rocSPLV :na, color=color.aqua, title="ROC SPLV") plot(showRoC?rocQUAL :na, color=color.gray, title="ROC QUAL") plot(showRoC?rocDEF :na, color=color.maroon, title="ROC DEF") plot(showRoC?rocIWF :na,, title="ROC IWF") plot(showRoC?rocSPHB :na, color=color.rgb(239, 136, 227), title="ROC SPHB") plot(showRoC?rocIYT :na, color=color.yellow, title="ROC IYT") plot(showRoC?rocIWN :na, color=color.yellow, title="ROC IWN") plot(showRoC?rocIWD :na, color=color.fuchsia, title="ROC IWD") plot(showRoC?rocIWM :na, color=color.purple, title="ROC IWM") plot(showRoC?rocIWR :na,, title="ROC IWR") plot(showRoC?rocMGK :na,, title="ROC MGK") plot(showRoC?rocOEF :na, color=color.olive, title="ROC OEF") plot(showRoC?rocMTUM :na, color=color.lime, title="ROC MTUM") plot(showRoC?rocIWB :na, color=color.silver, title="ROC IWB") Goldilocks = (rocSPHB>0?+1:0) + (rocIWM>0?+1:0) + (rocMGK>0?+1:0) + (rocIYT>0?+1:0) +(rocIWN>0?+1:0) + (rocIWR>0?+1:0) + (rocSPLV<0?+1:0) + (rocDEF<0?+1:0) + (rocSPHD<0?+1:0) + (rocQUAL<0?+1:0) + (rocOEF<0?+1:0) Reflation = (rocSPHB>0?+1:0) + (rocIWM>0?+1:0) + (rocMGK>0?+1:0) + (rocIYT>0?+1:0) +(rocIWN>0?+1:0) + (rocMTUM>0?+1:0) + (rocSPLV<0?+1:0) + (rocDEF<0?+1:0) + (rocSPHD<0?+1:0) + (rocQUAL<0?+1:0) + (rocIWB<0?+1:0) Inflation = (rocSPLV>0?+1:0) + (rocDEF>0?+1:0) + (rocMGK>0?+1:0) + (rocSPHD>0?+1:0) +(rocQUAL>0?+1:0) + (rocSPHB<0?+1:0) + (rocIWM<0?+1:0) + (rocIYT<0?+1:0) + (rocIWN<0?+1:0) + (rocIWR<0?+1:0) + (rocIWD<0?+1:0) Deflation = (rocSPLV>0?+1:0) + (rocDEF>0?+1:0) + (rocMGK>0?+1:0) + (rocSPHD>0?+1:0) +(rocIWF>0?+1:0) + (rocSPHB<0?+1:0) + (rocIWM<0?+1:0) + (rocIYT<0?+1:0) + (rocIWN<0?+1:0) + (rocIWR<0?+1:0) + (rocIWD<0?+1:0) Denumerator = Goldilocks + Reflation + Inflation + Deflation Risk = (Goldilocks > Inflation or Goldilocks > Deflation or Reflation > Inflation or Reflation > Deflation) ? "RISK ON" : "RISK OFF" RiskCol = (Risk == "RISK ON"? : RiskBg = (Risk == "RISK ON"?, 40) :, 40)) var string G2 = "๐ŸŒŒ Table Settings Performance ๐ŸŒŒ" string table_y_pos = input.string(defval = "bottom", title = "Table Position", options = ["top", "middle", "bottom"], group = G2, inline = "1") string table_x_pos = input.string(defval = "center", title = "", options = ["left", "center", "right"], group = G2, inline = "1") color positive_color_input = color(, 0)) color negative_color_input = color(, 0)) var table table = + "_" + table_x_pos, columns = 10, rows = 17, frame_color = color.white, frame_width = 1, border_color = color.white, border_width = 1) if showPerfTab table.merge_cells(table, 0, 0, 7, 0) table.merge_cells(table, 0, 1, 1, 1) table.merge_cells(table, 2, 1, 3, 1) table.merge_cells(table, 4, 1, 5, 1) table.merge_cells(table, 6, 1, 7, 1) table.merge_cells(table, 0, 2, 7, 2) table.merge_cells(table, 0, 8, 7, 8) table.merge_cells(table, 0, 14, 7, 14) table.merge_cells(table, 0, 16, 7, 16) // Definitions if showPerfTab and barstate.islast table.cell(table, 0, 0, text = "๐ŸŒŒ CE - MARKET PERFORMANCE "+str.tostring(rocPeriod)+"D ๐ŸŒŒ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.purple) table.cell(table, 0, 2, text = "Top 5 Equity Style Factors ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = table.cell(table, 0, 8, text = "Bottom 5 Equity Style Factors ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = table.cell(table, 0, 14, text = "Risk Period: ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.white) table.cell(table, 0, 16, text = Risk, text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.white , bgcolor = RiskBg, text_font_family = font.family_monospace) table.cell(table, 0, 1,"GOLDILOCKS", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = // *10 is just for better visual purpose table.cell(table, 0, 3,"High Beta (SPHB) ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.rgb(239, 136, 227)) table.cell(table, 1, 3,str.tostring(math.round(rocSPHB,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocSPHB > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 0, 4,"Small Caps (IWM)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.purple) table.cell(table, 1, 4,str.tostring(math.round(rocIWM,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocIWM > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 0, 5,"Mega Cap Growth (MGK) ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = table.cell(table, 1, 5,str.tostring(math.round(rocMGK,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocMGK > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 0, 6,"Cyclicals (IYT, IWN) ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.yellow) table.cell(table, 1, 6,str.tostring(math.round(rocIYT,2)) + ", " + str.tostring(math.round(rocIWN,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocIYT > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 0, 7,"Mid Caps (IWR)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = table.cell(table, 1, 7,str.tostring(math.round(rocIWR,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocIWR > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 0, 9, text = "Low Beta (SPLV) ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.aqua) table.cell(table, 1, 9,str.tostring(math.round(rocSPLV,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocSPLV > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 0, 10, text = "Defensives (DEF) ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.maroon) table.cell(table, 1, 10,str.tostring(math.round(rocDEF,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocDEF > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 0, 11, text = "Dividends (SPHD)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.teal) table.cell(table, 1, 11,str.tostring(math.round(rocSPHD,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocSPHD > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 0, 12, text = "Quality (QUAL) ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.gray) table.cell(table, 1, 12,str.tostring(math.round(rocQUAL,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocQUAL > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 0, 13, text = "Size (OEF) ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.olive) table.cell(table, 1, 13,str.tostring(math.round(rocOEF,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocOEF > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 0, 15, text = "Goldilocks Probability: ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.white) table.cell(table, 1, 15,str.tostring(math.round(Goldilocks/Denumerator*100, 2))+"% | "+str.tostring(Goldilocks)+ " / 11", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = RiskCol) table.cell(table, 2, 1,"REFLATION", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.lime) table.cell(table, 2, 3,"High Beta (SPHB)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.rgb(239, 136, 227)) table.cell(table, 3, 3,str.tostring(math.round(rocSPHB,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocSPHB > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 2, 4,"Small Caps (IWM)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.purple) table.cell(table, 3, 4,str.tostring(math.round(rocIWM,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocIWM > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 2, 5,"Mega Cap Growth (MGK)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = table.cell(table, 3, 5,str.tostring(math.round(rocMGK,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocMGK > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 2, 6,"Cyclicals (IYT, IWN)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.yellow) table.cell(table, 3, 6,str.tostring(math.round(rocIYT,2)) + ", " + str.tostring(math.round(rocIWN,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocIYT > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 2, 7,"Momentum (MTUM)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.lime) table.cell(table, 3, 7,str.tostring(math.round(rocMTUM,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocMTUM > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 2, 9, text = "Low Beta (SPLV)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.aqua) table.cell(table, 3, 9,str.tostring(math.round(rocSPLV,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocSPLV > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 2, 10, text = "Defensives (DEF)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.maroon) table.cell(table, 3, 10,str.tostring(math.round(rocDEF,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocDEF > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 2, 11, text = "Dividends (SPHD)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.teal) table.cell(table, 3, 11,str.tostring(math.round(rocSPHD,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocSPHD > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 2, 12, text = "Quality (QUAL)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.gray) table.cell(table, 3, 12,str.tostring(math.round(rocQUAL,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocQUAL > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 2, 13, text = "Large Caps (IWB)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.silver) table.cell(table, 3, 13,str.tostring(math.round(rocIWB,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocIWB > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 2, 15, text = "Reflation Probability: ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.white) table.cell(table, 3, 15,str.tostring(math.round(Reflation/Denumerator*100, 2))+"% | "+str.tostring(Reflation)+ " / 11", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = RiskCol) table.cell(table, 4, 1,"INFLATION", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = table.cell(table, 4, 3,"Low Beta (SPLV)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.aqua) table.cell(table, 5, 3,str.tostring(math.round(rocSPLV,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocSPLV > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 4, 4,"Defensives (DEF)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.maroon) table.cell(table, 5, 4,str.tostring(math.round(rocDEF,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocDEF > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 4, 5,"Mega Cap Growth (MGK)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = table.cell(table, 5, 5,str.tostring(math.round(rocMGK,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocMGK > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 4, 6,"Dividends (SPHD) ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.teal) table.cell(table, 5, 6,str.tostring(math.round(rocSPHD,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocSPHD > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 4, 7,"Quality (QUAL) ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.gray) table.cell(table, 5, 7,str.tostring(math.round(rocQUAL,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocQUAL > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 4, 9, text = "High Beta (SPHB)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.rgb(239, 136, 227)) table.cell(table, 5, 9,str.tostring(math.round(rocSPHB,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocSPHB > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 4, 10, text = "Small Caps (IWM)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.purple) table.cell(table, 5, 10,str.tostring(math.round(rocIWM,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocIWM > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 4, 11, text = "Cyclicals (IYT, IWN)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.yellow) table.cell(table, 5, 11,str.tostring(math.round(rocIYT,2)) + ", " + str.tostring(math.round(rocIWN,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocIYT > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 4, 12, text = "Mid Caps (IWR)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = table.cell(table, 5, 12,str.tostring(math.round(rocIWR,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocIWR > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 4, 13, text = "Value (IWD)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.fuchsia) table.cell(table, 5, 13,str.tostring(math.round(rocIWD,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocIWD > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 4, 15, text = "Inflation Probability: ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.white) table.cell(table, 5, 15,str.tostring(math.round(Inflation/Denumerator*100, 2))+"% | "+str.tostring(Inflation)+ " / 11", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = RiskCol) table.cell(table, 6, 1,"DEFLATION", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = table.cell(table, 6, 3,"Low Beta (SPLV)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.aqua) table.cell(table, 7, 3,str.tostring(math.round(rocSPLV,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocSPLV > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 6, 4,"Defensives (DEF)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.maroon) table.cell(table, 7, 4,str.tostring(math.round(rocDEF,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocDEF > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 6, 5,"Mega Cap Growth (MGK)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = table.cell(table, 7, 5,str.tostring(math.round(rocMGK,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocMGK > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 6, 6,"Dividends (SPHD) ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.teal) table.cell(table, 7, 6,str.tostring(math.round(rocSPHD,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocSPHD > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 6, 7,"Growth (IWF)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = table.cell(table, 7, 7,str.tostring(math.round(rocIWF,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocIWF > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 6, 9, text = "High Beta (SPHB)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.rgb(239, 136, 227)) table.cell(table, 7, 9,str.tostring(math.round(rocSPHB,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocSPHB > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 6, 10, text = "Small Caps (IWM)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.purple) table.cell(table, 7, 10,str.tostring(math.round(rocIWM,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocIWM > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 6, 11, text = "Cyclicals (IYT, IWN)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.yellow) table.cell(table, 7, 11,str.tostring(math.round(rocIYT,2)) + ", " + str.tostring(math.round(rocIWN,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocIYT > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 6, 12, text = "Mid Caps (IWR)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = table.cell(table, 7, 12,str.tostring(math.round(rocIWR,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocIWR > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 6, 13, text = "Value (IWD)", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.fuchsia) table.cell(table, 7, 13,str.tostring(math.round(rocIWD,2)), text_size = i_text_size, text_color = rocIWD > 0 ? positive_color_input : negative_color_input) table.cell(table, 6, 15, text = "Deflation Probability: ", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = color.white) table.cell(table, 7, 15,str.tostring(math.round(Deflation/Denumerator*100, 2))+"% | "+str.tostring(Deflation)+ " / 11", text_size = i_text_size, text_color = RiskCol)
Inside Candle by Harshini
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // ยฉ Harshini_A_L //@version=5 indicator('Inside Candle by Harshini', overlay=true) fastAverage = ta.sma(close, 20) if (high < high[1] and low > low[1] ) var insidedescription = " Inside candle formation, you can buy/sell based on the next candle close", high + 10 , "INS", style=label.style_label_down, color=color.yellow, size = size.small, tooltip = insidedescription) inside_bar = high[1] < high[2] and low[1] > low[2] // Entry conditions long_condition = false if inside_bar and close > high[1] and (high > fastAverage) long_condition := true short_condition = false if inside_bar and close < low[1] and (low < fastAverage) short_condition := true // Plotting //plotshape(insidebar, title="Inside Bar", text="Inside Bar", style=shape.diamond, location=location.abovebar,, size=size.tiny) plotshape(long_condition, title="Buy Signal", text="Buy", style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar,, size=size.small) plotshape(short_condition, title="Sell Signal", text="Sell", style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar,, size=size.small)
Price & Volume Profile (Expo)
// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) // ยฉ Zeiierman //@version=5 indicator('Price & Volume Profile (Expo)', overlay=true, max_boxes_count=500) //~~} // ~~ Inputs { src = input.source(close,"Source") rows =,"Row Size",minval=5, maxval=500) disp = input.string("Counter","Display",["Counter","Volume"]) offset =,"Offset",step=25) poc = input.bool(true,"Point of Control") //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} // ~~ Variables & Array's { b = bar_index var start = int(na) var top = float(na) var bot = float(na) levels = array.new_float(rows+1) var boxes =<box>(rows+3) //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} // ~~ Coloring Function { Gradient(a,i)=> sort = a.copy() sort.sort() val = a.get(i) idx = sort.indexof(val) out = color.from_gradient(idx,0,a.size()-1,,color.lime) //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} // ~~ Code { //Check visible chart if time == chart.left_visible_bar_time start := b top := high bot := low else if time>chart.left_visible_bar_time top := math.max(high,top) bot := math.min(low,bot) //Set the levels step = (top-bot)/rows for i=0 to rows by 1 levels.set(i, bot + step * i) //Check levels if barstate.islast sum =<int>(rows,0) vol =<float>(rows,0.0) for i=0 to (b-start)-1 price = src[i] for x=0 to levels.size()-2 by 1 dn = levels.get(x) up = levels.get(x+1) if price>dn and price<up sum.set(x,sum.get(x)+1) vol.set(x,vol.get(x)+volume[x]) break //Plots the profile for [i,element] in sum boxes.get(i).delete() col = Gradient(sum,i) boxes.set(i,,levels.get(i+1),b+offset,levels.get(i), col,border_style=line.style_dotted,,50), text=disp=="Volume"?str.tostring(vol.get(i),format.volume):str.tostring(element),text_color=chart.fg_color)) if poc maxIdx = disp=="Volume"?vol.indexof(vol.max()):sum.indexof(sum.max()) boxes.get(boxes.size()-2).delete() boxes.set(boxes.size()-2,,levels.get(maxIdx),b+offset-sum.get(maxIdx),levels.get(maxIdx+1), #E0F2E9,border_style=line.style_dashed,,75), text="POC",text_color=chart.fg_color)) //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}
Enhanced WaveTrend Oscillator
// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) // ยฉ QuantiLuxe //@version=5 indicator("Enhanced WaveTrend Oscillator", "๐—˜๐—ป๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฐ๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐—ช๐—ง", false) f_ewave(src, chlen, avglen) => basis = ta.ema(src, chlen) dev = ta.stdev(src, chlen) wave = (src - basis) / dev * 100 ta.ema(wave, avglen) src = input.source(hlc3, "Source") chlen =, "Channel Length") avglen =, "Average Length") smooth =, "Signal Length") revshow = input.bool(true, "", inline = "0", group = "UI Options") revt =, "Reversion Threshold", options = [100, 125], inline = "0", group = "UI Options") colbar = input.string("None", "Bar Coloring", ["None", "Midline Cross", "Extremities", "Reversions", "Slope"], group = "UI Options") wt = f_ewave(src, chlen, avglen) sig = ta.sma(wt, smooth) hist = wt - sig col_up = #5996ff col_dn = #e864ff h_col = hist > 0 ? (hist > hist[1] ? #d9a8ff9a : #b68bd49a) : (hist > hist[1] ? #ffc9739a : #d8aa609a) hline(0, "Mid Line", #ffffff80, hline.style_solid) max = hline(150, display = display.none) hh = hline(125, display = display.none) lh = hline(100, display = display.none) fill(lh, hh, color = #ffc97325) fill(hh, max, color = #ffc97336) min = hline(-150, display = display.none) ll = hline(-125, display = display.none) hl = hline(-100, display = display.none) fill(ll, hl, color = #d9a8ff21) fill(ll, min, color = #d9a8ff34) plot(hist, "๐—›", h_col, 1, plot.style_area) w = plot(wt, "๐—ช๐—ง", wt > sig ? col_up : col_dn) s = plot(sig, display = display.none) fill(w, s, wt > sig ? #3179f579 : #aa47bc79) plotchar(revshow ? wt > revt and wt < sig and not (wt[1] < sig[1]) ? wt + 40 : na : na, "OB", "โšฌ", location.absolute, col_dn, size = size.tiny) plotchar(revshow ? wt < -revt and wt > sig and not (wt[1] > sig[1]) ? wt - 40 : na : na, "OS", "โšฌ", location.absolute, col_up, size = size.tiny) color col = switch colbar "None" => na "Midline Cross" => wt > 0 ? col_up : col_dn "Extremities" => wt > revt ? col_up : wt < -revt ? col_dn : #b3b3b3c2 "Reversions" => wt > revt and wt < wt[1] and not (wt[1] < wt[2]) ? col_dn : wt < -revt and wt > wt[1] and not (wt[1] > wt[2]) ? col_up : #b3b3b3c2 "Slope" => wt > sig ? col_up : col_dn barcolor(col)
ICT Silver Bullet [LuxAlgo]
// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) // ยฉLuxAlgo //@version=5 indicator("ICT Silver Bullet [LuxAlgo]", shorttitle='LuxAlgo - ICT Silver Bullet', max_lines_count=500, max_boxes_count=500, max_labels_count=500, overlay=true) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Settings //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ left = ( 5 , '' , minval=1, maxval=20, group='Swings settings (left)') showSB = input.bool ( true , 'Show SB session', inline='SB' , group='Silver Bullet session' ) col_SB = input.color(#b2b5be50, 'ย ย ย ย ย ' , inline='SB' , group='Silver Bullet session' ) choice = input.string('Super-Strict', '' , inline='fvg' , group='FVG' , options =['All FVG', 'Only FVG in the same direction of trend', 'Strict', 'Super-Strict'] ) superstrict = choice == 'Super-Strict' iTrend = choice != 'All FVG' strict = choice == 'Strict' stricty = superstrict or strict cBullFVG = input.color (#4dd0e160, '' , inline='fvg' , group='FVG' ) cBearFVG = input.color (#ffc1b160, '' , inline='fvg' , group='FVG' ) extend = input.bool ( true , 'extend' , inline='fvg' , group='FVG' ) opt = input.string('previous session (similar)','', inline='TG' , group='Targets ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย -ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Support/Resistance' , options =['previous session (any)', 'previous session (similar)'] ) prev = opt == 'previous session (any)' cSupLine = input.color (#b22833 , '' , inline='TG' , group='Targets ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย -ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Support/Resistance') cResLine = input.color (#3e89fa , '' , inline='TG' , group='Targets ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย -ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Support/Resistance') keep = input.bool (true , 'Keep lines (only in [super-]strict mode)', group='Targets ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย -ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Support/Resistance') showT = input.bool (false, title = 'MSS ~ session' , group='Show' ) showZZ = input.bool (false, title = 'Trend' , group='Show' ) //show_minFr= input.bool (false, title = 'Minimum Trade Framework' , group='Show' ) n = bar_index maxSize = 250 minT = syminfo.mintick //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //UDT's //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ type piv int b float p bool br type ZZ int [] d int [] x float [] y line [] l type FVG box box bool active bool current type actLine line ln bool active type aPiv piv []GN_swingH piv []GN_swingL float GN_mnPiv float GN_mxPiv line[]GN_targHi line[]GN_targLo piv []LN_swingH piv []LN_swingL float LN_mnPiv float LN_mxPiv line[]LN_targHi line[]LN_targLo piv []AM_swingH piv []AM_swingL float AM_mnPiv float AM_mxPiv line[]AM_targHi line[]AM_targLo piv []PM_swingH piv []PM_swingL float PM_mnPiv float PM_mxPiv line[]PM_targHi line[]PM_targLo //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} //Variables //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ var aPiv a = GN_swingH =<piv>(1,, na)) , GN_swingL =<piv>(1,, na)) , GN_mnPiv = 10e6 , GN_mxPiv = 0 , GN_targHi =<line>() , GN_targLo =<line>() , LN_swingH =<piv>(1,, na)) , LN_swingL =<piv>(1,, na)) , LN_mnPiv = 10e6 , LN_mxPiv = 0 , LN_targHi =<line>() , LN_targLo =<line>() , AM_swingH =<piv>(1,, na)) , AM_swingL =<piv>(1,, na)) , AM_mnPiv = 10e6 , AM_mxPiv = 0 , AM_targHi =<line>() , AM_targLo =<line>() , PM_swingH =<piv>(1,, na)) , PM_swingL =<piv>(1,, na)) , PM_mnPiv = 10e6 , PM_mxPiv = 0 , PM_targHi =<line>() , PM_targLo =<line>() ) var ZZ aZZ = < int >(maxSize, 0), < int >(maxSize, 0), < float >(maxSize, na), < line >(maxSize, na) ) var FVG[] bFVG_bull =<FVG>( 1, box =, na, na, na) , active = na ) ) var FVG[] bFVG_bear =<FVG>( 1, box =, na, na, na) , active = na ) ) var min = 10e6 var max = 0. //var minTrFr =, na, na, na, style=line.style_arrow_right, color=color.yellow ) //var maxTrFr =, na, na, na, style=line.style_arrow_left , color=color.fuchsia) var hilo = array.from(0, 10e6) var aTrend= array.from(0) var l_SB =< line>() var highs =<actLine>() var lows =<actLine>() var tab = = position.top_right, columns = 1, rows = 1, bgcolor = color(na), border_width = 1) //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} //General calculations //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ ph = ta.pivothigh(left, 1) pl = ta.pivotlow (left, 1) //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} //Methods/Functions //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ method type(string str) => ( syminfo.type == 'stock' and str == 'stock' ) or (syminfo.type == 'futures' and str == 'futures') or (syminfo.type == 'index' and str == 'index' ) or (syminfo.type == 'forex' and str == 'forex' ) or (syminfo.type == 'crypto' and str == 'crypto' ) or (syminfo.type == 'fund' and str == 'fund' ) method timeSess(string timezone, string session) => time(timeframe.period, session, timezone) //Silver Bullet Periods SB_LN_per = "America/New_York".timeSess("0300-0400") // period/session ~ The London Open Silver Bullet ( 3 AM โ€” 4 AM New York local time) 03:00 - 04:00 SB_AM_per = "America/New_York".timeSess("1000-1100") // period/session ~ The AM Session Silver Bullet (10 AM โ€” 11 AM New York local time) 10:00 - 11:00 SB_PM_per = "America/New_York".timeSess("1400-1500") // period/session ~ The PM Session Silver Bullet ( 2 PM โ€” 3 PM New York local time) 14:00 - 15:00 is_in_SB = SB_LN_per or SB_AM_per or SB_PM_per strSB = is_in_SB and not is_in_SB [1] strLN = SB_LN_per and not SB_LN_per[1] strAM = SB_AM_per and not SB_AM_per[1] strPM = SB_PM_per and not SB_PM_per[1] endSB = not is_in_SB and is_in_SB [1] endLN = not SB_LN_per and SB_LN_per[1] endAM = not SB_AM_per and SB_AM_per[1] endPM = not SB_PM_per and SB_PM_per[1] minimum_trade_framework = 'forex'.type () ? syminfo.mintick * 15 * 10 : 'index'.type () or 'futures'.type() ? syminfo.mintick * 40 : 0 method in_out(ZZ aZZ, int d, int x1, float y1, int x2, float y2) => aZZ.d.unshift(d), aZZ.x.unshift(x2), aZZ.y.unshift(y2), aZZ.d.pop(), aZZ.x.pop(), aZZ.y.pop() if showZZ aZZ.l.unshift(, y1, x2, y2, color=, 50))), aZZ.l.pop().delete() f_setTrend() => // MSS_dir = aTrend.get(0) iH = aZZ.d.get(2) == 1 ? 2 : 1 iL = aZZ.d.get(2) == -1 ? 2 : 1 // switch // MSS Bullish close > aZZ.y.get(iH) and aZZ.d.get(iH) == 1 and MSS_dir < 1 => aTrend.set(0, 1) // MSS Bearish close < aZZ.y.get(iL) and aZZ.d.get(iL) == -1 and MSS_dir > -1 => aTrend.set(0, -1) f_swings(start, end, str, col, min, max) => // max_bars_back(time, 1000) var int MSS_dir = aTrend.get(0) // x2 = n -1 piv[] swingH = na piv[] swingL = na float mnPiv = na float mxPiv = na line[]targHi = na line[]targLo = na bool active = na switch str 'GN' => swingH := a.GN_swingH swingL := a.GN_swingL mnPiv := a.GN_mnPiv mxPiv := a.GN_mxPiv targHi := a.GN_targHi targLo := a.GN_targLo active := is_in_SB 'LN' => swingH := a.LN_swingH swingL := a.LN_swingL mnPiv := a.LN_mnPiv mxPiv := a.LN_mxPiv targHi := a.LN_targHi targLo := a.LN_targLo active := SB_LN_per 'AM' => swingH := a.AM_swingH swingL := a.AM_swingL mnPiv := a.AM_mnPiv mxPiv := a.AM_mxPiv targHi := a.AM_targHi targLo := a.AM_targLo active := SB_AM_per 'PM' => swingH := a.PM_swingH swingL := a.PM_swingL mnPiv := a.PM_mnPiv mxPiv := a.PM_mxPiv targHi := a.PM_targHi targLo := a.PM_targLo active := SB_PM_per if start hilo.set(0, 0 ) hilo.set(1, 10e6) if stricty ? not keep : true while highs.size() > 0 get=highs.pop() get.ln.delete() while lows.size() > 0 get= lows.pop() get.ln.delete() while targHi.size() > 0 targHi.pop().delete() while targLo.size() > 0 targLo.pop().delete() while a.GN_targHi.size() > 0 a.GN_targHi.pop().delete() while a.LN_targHi.size() > 0 a.LN_targHi.pop().delete() while a.AM_targHi.size() > 0 a.AM_targHi.pop().delete() while a.PM_targHi.size() > 0 a.PM_targHi.pop().delete() while a.GN_targLo.size() > 0 a.GN_targLo.pop().delete() while a.LN_targLo.size() > 0 a.LN_targLo.pop().delete() while a.AM_targLo.size() > 0 a.AM_targLo.pop().delete() while a.PM_targLo.size() > 0 a.PM_targLo.pop().delete() if active hilo.set(0, math.max(hilo.get(0), high)) hilo.set(1, math.min(hilo.get(1), low )) if ph if ph > mxPiv mxPiv := ph if swingH.size() > 0 for i = swingH.size() -1 to 0 get = swingH.get(i) if ph >= get.p swingH.remove(i) swingH.unshift( -1, ph)) if str == 'GN' or str == 'LN' dir = aZZ.d.get (0) x1 = aZZ.x.get (0) y1 = aZZ.y.get (0) y2 = nz(high[1]) // if dir < 1 // if previous point was a pl, add, and change direction ( 1) aZZ.in_out( 1, x1, y1, x2, y2) else if dir == 1 and ph > y1 aZZ.x.set(0, x2), aZZ.y.set(0, y2) if showZZ aZZ.l.get(0).set_xy2 (x2 , y2) if pl if pl < mnPiv mnPiv := pl if swingL.size() > 0 for i = swingL.size() -1 to 0 get = swingL.get(i) if pl <= get.p swingL.remove(i) swingL.unshift( -1, pl)) // if str == 'GN' or str == 'LN' dir = aZZ.d.get (0) x1 = aZZ.x.get (0) y1 = aZZ.y.get (0) y2 = nz(low [1]) // if dir > -1 // if previous point was a ph, add, and change direction (-1) aZZ.in_out(-1, x1, y1, x2, y2) else if dir == -1 and pl < y1 aZZ.x.set(0, x2), aZZ.y.set(0, y2) if showZZ aZZ.l.get(0).set_xy2 (x2 , y2) // iH = aZZ.d.get(2) == 1 ? 2 : 1 iL = aZZ.d.get(2) == -1 ? 2 : 1 // switch // MSS Bullish close > aZZ.y.get(iH) and aZZ.d.get(iH) == 1 and MSS_dir < 1 => MSS_dir := 1 if active and showT, aZZ.y.get(iH), n, aZZ.y.get(iH), color=cResLine, width=2) // MSS Bearish close < aZZ.y.get(iL) and aZZ.d.get(iL) == -1 and MSS_dir > -1 => MSS_dir := -1 if active and showT, aZZ.y.get(iL), n, aZZ.y.get(iL), color=cSupLine, width=2) if end sz = swingH.size() if sz > 0 for i = 0 to sz -1 y = swingH.get(i).p if y > (stricty ? min : hilo.get(0)) targHi.unshift(, y, n, y, color=cResLine)) highs.unshift( n, y, n, y, color=cResLine), true)) sz := swingL.size() if sz > 0 for i = 0 to sz -1 y = swingL.get(i).p if y < (stricty ? max : hilo.get(1)) targLo.unshift(, y, n, y, color=cSupLine)) lows.unshift( n, y, n, y, color=cSupLine), true)) swingH.clear() swingL.clear() mnPiv := 10e6 mxPiv := 0 if showZZ if ph or pl aZZ.l.get(0).set_color(MSS_dir == 1 ? cResLine : cSupLine) aTrend.set(0, MSS_dir) //-------------------------------------------} //Execution //-------------------------------------------} f_setTrend() trend = aTrend.get(0) //Targets targetHi = false targetLo = false hSz = highs.size() if hSz > 200 highs.pop().ln.delete() hSz := highs.size() if hSz > 0 for i = 0 to hSz -1 get = highs.get(i) if get.ln.set_x2(n) if high > get.ln.get_y2() := false targetHi := true lSz = lows.size() if lSz > 200 lows.pop().ln.delete() lSz := lows.size() if lSz > 0 for i = 0 to lSz -1 get = lows.get(i) if get.ln.set_x2(n) if low < get.ln.get_y2() := false targetLo := true if l_SB.size() > 100 l_SB.pop().delete() // SB session vLines & 'lock' previous FVG boxes if strSB min := 10e6 max := 0. if showSB l_SB.unshift(, close, n, close + minT , color= col_SB, extend=extend.both)) for i = 0 to bFVG_bull.size ( ) -1 get = bFVG_bull.get (i) if n > ) -1 if get.current == true get.current := false for i = 0 to bFVG_bear.size ( ) -1 get = bFVG_bear.get (i) if n > ) -1 if get.current == true get.current := false //FVG's if is_in_SB trend := aTrend.get(0) if iTrend switch trend //bullish 1 => if low > high[2] bFVG_bull.unshift( box = n-2, low, n, high[2] ,border_color=color(na) ,bgcolor = cBullFVG) , active = false , current = true ) ) //bearish => if high < low [2] bFVG_bear.unshift( box = n-2, low[2], n, high ,border_color=color(na) ,bgcolor = cBearFVG) , active = false , current = true ) ) else if low > high[2] bFVG_bull.unshift( box = n , low, n, high[2] ,border_color=color(na) ,bgcolor = cBullFVG) , active = false , current = true ) ) if high < low [2] bFVG_bear.unshift( box = n , low[2], n, high ,border_color=color(na) ,bgcolor = cBearFVG) , active = false , current = true ) ) if endSB if showSB l_SB.unshift(, close, n, close + minT , color= col_SB, extend=extend.both)) if bFVG_bull.size() > 0 for i = 0 to bFVG_bull.size ( ) -1 get = bFVG_bull.get (i) bLeft = get. box.get_left ( ) bTop = get. box.get_top ( ) bBot = get. box.get_bottom( ) if n - bLeft < 1000 if get.current if is_in_SB if close < bBot if superstrict get.current := false, 100)) if superstrict or strict := false else if extend if //update right when extend //trigger retrace -> activated if not if low < bTop and close > bBot := true if extend //if last bar of session and no retrace or close < bottom -> FVG invisible if endSB if if strict if close < bBot // needs to be above box bottom := false if superstrict if close < bTop // needs to be above box top := false //All FVG's who are not retraced (activated) are made invisible if not, 100)) if min := math.min(min, bBot + minimum_trade_framework) if extend if endSB[1] := false //if show_minFr // minTrFr.set_xy1(n -1, min - minimum_trade_framework) // minTrFr.set_xy2(n -1, min ) if bFVG_bear.size() > 0 for i = 0 to bFVG_bear.size ( ) -1 get = bFVG_bear.get (i) bLeft = get_left ( ) bTop = get_top ( ) bBot = get_bottom( ) if n - bLeft < 1000 if get.current if is_in_SB if close > bTop if superstrict get.current := false, 100)) if superstrict or strict := false else // if close < bTop if extend if //update right when extend //trigger retrace -> activated if not if high > bBot and close < bTop := true if extend //if last bar of session and no retrace -> FVG invisible if endSB if if strict if close > bTop // needs to be below box top := false if superstrict if close > bBot // needs to be below box bottom := false //All FVG's who are not retraced (activated) are made invisible if not, 100)) if max := math.max(max, bTop - minimum_trade_framework) if extend if endSB[1] := false //if show_minFr // maxTrFr.set_xy1(n -1, max ) // maxTrFr.set_xy2(n -1, max + minimum_trade_framework) if prev f_swings(strSB, endSB, 'GN', col_SB, min, max) else f_swings(strLN, endLN, 'LN', col_SB, min, max) f_swings(strAM, endAM, 'AM', col_SB, min, max) f_swings(strPM, endPM, 'PM', col_SB, min, max) //-------------------------------------------} //Plotchar/table //-------------------------------------------} tfs = (60 / (timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe.period) / 60)) / 2 plotchar(not na(SB_LN_per) and na(SB_LN_per[1]) and showSB , title= '3-4 AM' ,, text= '3-4 AM\nNY', color=color(na) , textcolor=col_SB, offset= +tfs) plotchar(not na(SB_AM_per) and na(SB_AM_per[1]) and showSB , title='10-11 AM',, text='10-11 AM\nNY', color=color(na) , textcolor=col_SB, offset= +tfs) plotchar(not na(SB_PM_per) and na(SB_PM_per[1]) and showSB , title= '2-3 PM' ,, text= '2-3 PM\nNY', color=color(na) , textcolor=col_SB, offset= +tfs) plotchar(targetHi ? high : na, 'target high', 'โ€ข', location.abovebar, color=cResLine, size=size.small) plotchar(targetLo ? low : na, 'target low' , 'โ€ข', location.belowbar, color=cSupLine, size=size.small) if barstate.islast if timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe.period) > 15 * 60 table.cell(tab, 0, 0, text = 'Please use a timeframe <= 15 minutes', text_color=#FF0000) //-------------------------------------------}