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what is the reit ? | a reit or real estate investment trust is a listed company or group of companies which enables private investors to gain exposure to a portfolio of income producing properties | |
what is the reserves ? | reserves are the liquid assets set aside for future use by an individual central bank or business usually they are in the form of currency or a commodity such as gold for traders reserves will usually be kept as cash that can be accessed quickly | |
what is the resistance level ? | a resistance level is the point on a price chart at which an upward price trajectory is impeded by an overwhelming inclination to sell the asset if a market price is nearing a resistance level a trader may opt to close their position and take the profit rather than risk the price falling back | |
what is the retail distribution review rdr ? | the retail distribution review rdr is a financial conduct authority fca initiative that aims to provide greater clarity about different types of financial services available it also seeks to improve transparency around the costs and fees associated with financial advice | |
what is the return of capital ? | companies sometimes return a portion of capital or value to their capital owners this means an investor like a shareholder will receive back a portion of their original investment | |
what is the return on equity roe ? | return on equity roe is a measure of a company s profitability against its equity expressed as a percentage in other words it is how much income the company is generating relative to the amount of capital received from shareholder investments | |
what is the reversal ? | a reversal is a turnaround in the price movement of an asset when an upward trend or a rally becomes a downward one a correction or vice versa they can also often be referred to as trend reversals | |
what is the rho ? | rho is a term used in options trading to refer to how sensitive an option s price is to any changes in interest rate levels rho can be either positive or negative depending on whether the position is long or short and whether the option is a call or a put | |
what is the rights issue ? | a rights issue is when a company offers its existing shareholders the chance to buy additional shares for a reduced price usually the discounted price will stand for a specified time frame after which it is returned to normal | |
what is the risk management ? | risk management is the process of identifying potential risks in your investment portfolio and taking steps to mitigate accordingly | |
what is the risks ? | in trading risks are the ways in which an investment can end up losing you money | |
what is the regulatory news service or rns ? | the regulatory news service or rns is responsible for disseminating regulatory and non regulatory information on behalf of uk businesses and publicly listed companies operating as part of the london stock exchange lse the rns provides businesses with information that can help them to comply with their disclosure obligations | |
what is the return on capital employed or roce ? | return on capital employed or roce is a long term profitability ratio that measures how effectively a company uses its capital the metric tells you the profit generated by each dollar or other unit of currency employed | |
what is the rollover ? | in trading a rollover is the process of keeping a position open beyond its expiry | |
what is the retail price index rpi ? | the retail price index rpi is a measure of inflation which in turn is the rate at which prices for goods and services are rising | |
what is the rsi ? | rsi stands for the relative strength index it is a key tool used in technical analysis assessing the momentum of assets to gauge whether they are in overbought or oversold territory | |
what is the run on the pound ? | a run on the pound is a situation of increased nervousness towards the value of sterling and sterling linked assets including uk government bonds | |
what is the scalp ? | a scalp in trading is the act of opening and then closing a position very quickly in the hope of profiting from small price movements | |
what is the stock exchange automated quotation system seaq ? | stock exchange automated quotation system seaq is a computer system that shows the most recent prices of shares in small and mid cap companies on the london stock exchange lse | |
what is the sec ? | the sec stands for the us securities and exchange commission it is a government agency set up to regulate markets and protect investors in the united states as well as overseeing any mergers and acquisitions | |
what is the sectors ? | sectors are divisions within an economy or market useful for analysing performance or comparing companies with similar outputs and characteristics | |
what is the secured overnight financing rate sofr ? | the secured overnight financing rate sofr is the overnight interest rate for us dollar denominated loans and derivatives | |
what is the securities ? | financial securities are tradeable financial assets including stocks and bonds traditionally they are divided into debt and equity securities debt securities include corporate and sovereign bonds while equity securities include common and preferred shares there are also hybrid securities which share some characteristics of debt and equity securities including preference shares convertible bonds and equity warrants | |
what is the securities lending ? | securities lending is related to short selling and is usually conducted between brokers rather than individual investors an investor borrows securities with the view of selling them immediately and then buying the securities back at a lower price | |
what is the sets ? | sets stands for the stock exchange electronic trading service the london stock exchange s digital order book | |
what is the share buyback or share repurchase ? | share buyback or share repurchase is when a company buys back its own shares from investors it can be seen as an alternative tax efficient way to return money to shareholders once shares are repurchased they are considered cancelled but they can be kept for redistribution in the future | |
what is the share price or stock price ? | a share price or a stock price is the amount it would cost to buy one share in a company the price of a share is not fixed but fluctuates according to market conditions it will likely increase if the company is perceived to be doing well or fall if the company isn t meeting expectations | |
what is the shares ? | shares are the units of the ownership of a company usually traded on the stock market they are also known as stocks or equities | |
what is the shares trading ? | shares trading is the buying and selling of company stock or derivative products based on company stock in the hope of making a profit | |
what is the shariah compliant investments ? | shariah compliant investments must meet all the requirements of shariah law as well as other principles that have been set down to govern islamic finance | |
what is the short ? | in trading short describes a trade that will incur a profit if the asset being traded falls in price it is also often referred to as going short shorting or sometimes selling | |
what is the short exchange traded fund eft ? | a short exchange traded fund eft or inverse etf is a type of exchange traded fund which aims to rise in value if its benchmark falls in value | |
what is the short selling ? | short selling is the act of selling an asset that you do not currently own in the hope that it will decrease in value and you can close the trade for a profit it is also known as shorting | |
what is the shortfall risk ? | shortfall risk is the possibility that you may not reach the investment target that you initially set out to previous performance does not guarantee future returns so you may fall short of your original forecast | |
what is the slippage ? | when the price at which an order is executed does not match the price at which it was made it is referred to as slippage | |
what is the smart order router sor ? | a smart order router sor is an automated process used in online trading that follows a set of rules when looking for trading liquidity the goal of an sor is to find the best way of executing a trade | |
what is the snb ? | snb stands for swiss national bank the central bank for switzerland | |
what is the socially responsible investing ? | socially responsible investing is the process of selecting assets to buy based on their social impact as well as on their potential financial returns it is also known as sustainable investing socially conscious investing green investing and ethical investing socially responsible investing is closely linked to impact investing which seeks to make tangible positive change | |
what is the spot ? | in trading spot refers to the price of an asset for immediate delivery or the value of an asset at any exact given time it differs from an asset s futures price which is the price for delivery at some date in the future or its expected price | |
what is the spot price or spot rate ? | the spot price or spot rate is the current value of an underlying asset for which it can be bought or sold with the expectation of immediate delivery the term spot price is often used in commodities and forex markets | |
what is the spread betting ? | spread betting is a leveraged financial derivative when spread betting you are making a bet on the direction in which a market will move the accuracy of your bet determines the profit or loss when the position is closed | |
what is the spread ? | in finance the spread is the difference in price between the buy bid and sell offer prices quoted for an asset | |
what is the stamp duty reserve tax sdrt ? | when investors trade in electronic share transactions paperless they must pay stamp duty reserve tax sdrt this applies to those types of transactions dealing in shares in a uk company shares in a foreign company that has a uk share register options to buy shares rights arising from shares you already own and any interest in shares such as an interest in the money made from selling them | |
what is the sterling overnight interbank average rate sonia ? | the sterling overnight interbank average rate sonia is the effective overnight interest rate paid by banks for unsecured transactions in british sterling these are loans that are not backed by collateral it is the overnight funding charge for trades that occur in off market hours and represents the amount of overnight business in the marketplace | |
what is the stibor ? | stibor has a particular significance in relation to ig s platform here we define stibor in general investing and explain what it means to you when trading with ig | |
what is the stock analysis ? | stock analysis is the method used by a trader or investor to examine and evaluate the stock market it is then used to make informed decisions about buying and selling shares stock analysis can also be referred to as market analysis or equity analysis | |
what is the stock exchange ? | a stock exchange is a centralised location where the shares of publicly traded companies are bought and sold stock exchanges differ from other exchanges because the tradable assets are limited to stocks bonds and exchange traded products etps | |
what is the stock index ? | a stock index is a group of shares that are used to give an indication of a sector exchange or economy usually a stock index is made up of a set number of the top shares from a given exchange | |
what is the stock market ? | the stock market or equity market is a series of exchanges where shares in public companies are issued bought and sold its role is to give private investors a way to own a stake in a listed company while providing the companies themselves with capital to reinvest in their business | |
what is the stock symbol ? | a stock symbol is an abbreviation used to identify publicly traded companies when a company decides to go public it will select the exchange to list on and then choose a unique stock symbol to differentiate itself from other companies on the exchange | |
what is the stockbroking ? | stockbroking is a service which gives retail and institutional investors the opportunity to trade shares | |
what is the stop orders ? | stop orders are types of order that instruct your broker to execute a trade when it reaches a particular level one which is less favourable than the current market price they can also be known as stop loss orders | |
what is the straddle ? | a straddle in trading is a type of options strategy which enables traders to speculate on whether a market is about to become volatile without having to predict a specific price movement it involves either buying or selling simultaneous call and put options with matching strike prices and expiration dates | |
what is the strike price ? | a strike price is the price at which an options contract can be exercised it is a fixed price that the underlying asset can be bought or sold at under the pre agreed contract | |
what is the super contango ? | super contango is when the spot price for a commodity is trading dramatically below the futures price super contango usually occurs when the inventory space to store the physical commodity is running out due to excess supply meaning that the cost of carry the cost of storing a physical commodity in a futures contract increases | |
what is the support levels ? | support levels tell traders when the best time might be to enter and exit the market enabling them to manage their risk by placing stops and limits | |
what is the synthetic replication ? | synthetic replication refers to a type of exchange traded fund etf that doesn t hold any of the underlying securities featured on its benchmark | |
what is the tangible assets ? | tangible assets are the assets on a company s balance sheet that have a physical form this includes machinery office equipment and property as well as materials that are used in production | |
what is the technical analysis ? | technical analysis is a means of examining and predicting price movements in the financial markets by using historical price charts and market statistics it is based on the idea that if a trader can identify previous market patterns they can form a fairly accurate prediction of future price trajectories | |
what is the stock ticker ? | a stock ticker is a record of the price of securities listed on a stock exchange continuously updated throughout a trading session stock prices will tick up and down throughout the day | |
what is the time value ? | time value is a term used in options trading to refer to the portion of an option s premium that is attributable to the amount of time left until the option expires an investor will pay more for an option with a longer time until expiry because this increases the time available for an option to expire in the money | |
what is the tom next ? | tom next is short for tomorrow next day which is a short term forex transaction that enables traders to simultaneously buy and sell a currency over two separate business days tomorrow and the next day | |
what is the total cost of ownership tco ? | total cost of ownership tco is a measure of the cost of investing in an exchange traded fund etf over a period of time it is viewed by some etf providers as a more comprehensive indicator of an etf s cost than its total expense ratio ter | |
what is the trading floor ? | a trading floor is where financial instruments such as stocks bonds and commodities are bought and sold trading floors are usually electronic and they can be found in major exchanges around the world including the ice futures exchange the new york stock exchange nyse and the london stock exchange lse | |
what is the trading plan ? | a trading plan is a strategy set by the individual trader in order to systemise evaluation of assets risk management types of trading and objective setting most trading plans will comprise two parts long term trading objectives and the route to achieving them | |
what is the trailing step ? | a market s volatility is its likelihood of making major unforeseen short term price movements at any given time | |
what is the trailing stop ? | a trailing stop is a type of stop loss that automatically follows positive market movements of an asset you are trading if your position moves favourably but then reverses a trailing stop can lock in your profits and close the position | |
what is the treasury stock ? | treasury stock is the portion of a company s shares that it keeps in reserve in other words the shares that are not available to the public and do not count towards the total amount of outstanding shares listed | |
what is the trend ? | when a market is making a clear sustained move upwards or downwards it is called a trend identifying the beginning and end of trends is a key part of market analysis trends can apply to individual assets sectors or even interest rates and bond yields | |
what is the trending share ? | a trending share is the term for when a company s stock is undergoing a significant move in comparison to its underlying index the trend can be either upwards or downwards | |
what is the unborrowable ? | unborrowable stock is the stock that no one is willing to lend out to short sellers when shares in a company become unborrowable the traditional means of short selling them is impossible | |
what is the unit ? | a unit in the financial world is a combination of assets or types of assets packaged together and sold as one for example a shareholder buying one unit of company stock may get preferred shares ordinary shares and even warrants in the unit and a unit trust offers investors a way of investing in a portfolio of assets like stocks and bonds by buying units of the portfolio | |
what is the unit trust ? | a unit trust manages portfolios of stocks bonds and other assets on behalf of investors | |
what is the value at risk ? | a market s volatility is its likelihood of making major unforeseen short term price movements at any given time | |
what is the variable cost ? | variable cost is a business expense which is subject to change when sales volumes change this could mean that variable costs either increase or decrease depending on a company s current output | |
what is the vega ? | vega in options trading measures how sensitive an option s price is to changes in the implied volatility of an underlying market it represents the extent to which an option s premium will change given a 1 change in an asset s implied volatility | |
what is the vix ? | vix is short for the chicago board options exchange volatility index it is a measure used to track volatility on the s p 500 index and is the most well known volatility index on the markets | |
what is the volatility ? | a market s volatility is its likelihood of making major unforeseen short term price movements at any given time | |
what is the volume ? | in trading volume is the amount of a particular asset that is being traded over a certain period of time it is often presented alongside price information as it offers an extra dimension when examining an asset s price history | |
what is the vwap ? | vwap is the abbreviation for volume weighted average price which is a technical analysis tool that shows the ratio of an asset s price to its total trade volume it provides traders and investors with a measure of the average price at which a stock is traded over a given period of time | |
what is the warrant ? | a warrant is a type of derivative that gives the holder the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an underlying security at a certain price before the warrant expires | |
what is the weekend trading ? | weekend trading is a service that enables you to speculate on several markets over the weekend | |
what is the wti ? | wti stands for west texas intermediate occasionally called texas light sweet an oil benchmark that is central to commodities trading it is one of the three major oil benchmarks used in trading the others being brent crude and dubai oman | |
what is the working order ? | a working order is a general term for either a stop or limit order to open it is used to advise your broker to execute a trade when an asset reaches a specific price | |
what is the yield ? | yield is the income earned from an investment most often in the form of interest or dividend payments yield is one of the ways in which investments can earn a trader money with the other being the eventual closing of a position for profit | |
what was the 0x zrx protocol | the 0x zero x protocol enabled the peer to peer exchange of assets on the ethereum blockchain it was launched in 2017 by zeroex labs an organization based in san francisco the protocol itself was not by the developer s definition a decentralized exchange it allowed for the creation of decentralized exchanges that can be used in broad applications however the commodities and futures trading commission disagreed it shut down the 0x protocol in september 2023 for operating as an unregistered exchange and its developers were fined 200 000 the history of 0x zrx protocol0x was founded by will warren and amir bandeali in 2017 who launched an initial coin offering in 2017 the ico was a success raising 24 million and another 85 million between two fundraising rounds between 2021 and 2022 1the secondary protocol was created on ethereum to act as a settlement layer for trading erc 20 tokens erc 20 tokens are fungible exchangeable tokens that follow the standards set by ethereum request for comment 20 in 2021 0x launched the 0x decentralized autonomous organization dao the organization that would allow participants to govern the progress of the project 2but in september 2023 the commodities and futures trading commission filed and settled charges against zeroex inc along with two other digital asset exchanges opyn inc and deridex charges included failing to register as a futures commission merchant failing to register as a swap execution facility and illegally offering leveraged and margined retail commodity transactions 3zeroex was ordered to pay 200 000 in fines and cease operating as an exchange as of june 26 2024 the project community was very small and the 0x project s reddit page had been abandoned 45as of this writing 0x the zrx token had a market cap of 307 6 million and a 24 hour trading volume of 10 5 million it had a circulating supply of 847 5 million zrx 6 | |
how the 0x zrx protocol worked | the protocol set up a system of makers takers and relayers makers were the users who placed orders on the exchange proxy and waited for a match providing liquidity takers placed orders that were immediately matched removing liquidity relayers were network participants who maintained the order book acting similarly to an exchange the 0x protocol s message format was composed of a set of data fields that carried vital information such as the digital asset or token to be traded the price value of the transaction the expiration time and the defined identities of the transacting parties 7smart contracts took care of the necessary business logic for generating sending receiving and processing the data linked to the trading activity zrx was 0x s native governance and staking token zrx owners had a say in how the protocol evolved and token holders could also stake their tokens to earn eth the ethereum token ether liquidity rewards the future of 0x zrk 0x s future is somewhat unclear as its market cap and price have continued a general downward trend since its introduction having been shut down by regulators in 2023 the protocol and its few remaining fans don t have many options unless it transitions from exchange services or registered with the cftc | |
what is the 0x protocol | 0x was a protocol for the ethereum blockchain it facilitated peer to peer exchanges of assets built using ethereum the project was shut down by the cftc for operating as an unregistered exchange and abandoned by its developers | |
what is a 0x exchange proxy | a 0x exchange proxy was an entity that allowed applications to be developed using the protocol | |
what is the price prediction for 0x protocol | although the project has been abandoned there is still zrx trading activity however as there is no active development zrx is likely to continue to decline in market value the bottom linethe 0z protocol allowed users to exchange assets using the ethereum blockchain in 2023 the cftc shut it down for operating as an unregistered exchange the comments opinions and analyses expressed on investopedia are for informational purposes only read our warranty and liability disclaimer for more info as of the date this article was written the author does not own zrx | |
what is 1 10 net 30 | the 1 10 net 30 calculation is a way of providing cash discounts on purchases it means that if the bill is paid within 10 days there is a 1 discount otherwise the total amount is due within 30 days understanding 1 10 net 30the 1 10 net 30 calculation represents the credit terms and payment requirements outlined by a seller the vendor may offer incentives to pay early to accelerate the inflow of cash this is particularly important for cash strapped businesses or companies with no revolving lines of credit companies with higher profit margins are more likely to offer cash discounts although the numbers are always interchangeable across vendors the standard structure for offering a payment discount is the same the first number will always be the percentage discount this figure will indicate the total percentage discount on the invoice prior to shipping or taxes that may be discounted upon early payment special considerationsdiscount terms like 1 10 net 30 are virtual short term loans this is because if the discount is not taken the buyer must pay the higher price as opposed to paying a reduced cost in effect the difference between these two prices reflects the discount lost which can be reported as a percentage this percentage is called the cost of credit | |
when the credit terms are 1 10 net 30 the net result becomes in essence an interest charge of 18 2 upon the failure to take the discount | companies with higher profit margins are more likely to offer cash discounts the accounting entry for a cash discount taken may be performed in two ways the gross method of purchase discounts assumes the discount will not be taken and will only input the discount upon actual receipt of payment within the discount period therefore the entire amount of receivable will be debited when payment is received the receivable will be credited in the amount of the payment and the difference will be a credit to discounts taken the alternative method is called the net method for a discount of 1 10 net 30 it is assumed that the 1 discount will be taken this results in a receivable being debited for 99 of the total cost example of 1 10 net 30for example if 1 000 1 10 net 30 is written on a bill the buyer can take a 1 discount 1 000 0 01 10 and make a payment of 990 within 10 days or pay the entire 1 000 within 30 days if the invoice is not paid within the discount period no price reduction occurs and the invoice must be paid within the stipulated number of days before late fees may be assessed the second number is always the number of days of the discount period in the example above the discount period is 10 days finally the third number always reflects the invoice due date | |
what does 1 10 net 30 represent | the 1 10 net 30 calculation represents the credit terms and payment requirements outlined by a seller the vendor may offer incentives to pay early to accelerate the inflow of cash | |
is 1 10 net 30 a loan | yes discount terms like 1 10 net 30 are virtual short term loans if the discount is not taken the buyer must then pay the higher price as opposed to paying a reduced cost | |
what do the numbers in a 1 10 net 30 type calculation stand for | the first number is always the percentage of the discount the second number is always the number of days of the discount period the third number always reflects the invoice due date the bottom linethe 1 10 net 30 calculation provides cash discounts on purchases if the bill is paid within 10 days there is a 1 discount otherwise the total amount is due within 30 days | |
what is form 10 k | form 10 k is a comprehensive report filed annually by a publicly traded company about its financial performance and is required by the u s securities and exchange commission sec some of the information a company is required to document in the 10 k includes its history organizational structure financial statements earnings per share subsidiaries executive compensation and any other relevant data investopedia yurle villegasunderstanding form 10 kbecause of the depth and nature of the information they contain 10 ks are fairly long and tend to be complicated but investors need to understand that this is one of the most comprehensive and most important documents a public company can publish on a yearly basis the more information they can gather from the 10 k the more they can understand the company canadian companies will file sec form 40 f to provide this information the government requires companies to publish 10 k forms so investors have fundamental information about companies so they can make informed investment decisions this form gives a clearer picture of everything a company does and what kinds of risks it faces investors in the know are aware that 10 ks can also be retrieved by using the company search function through the sec s edgar database 1the 10 k includes five distinct sections a 10 k filing also includes signed letters from the company s chief executive officer and chief financial officer in it the executives swear under oath that the information included in the 10 k is accurate 3 these letters became a requirement after several high profile cases involving accounting fraud following the dot com bust 410 k filings and deadlinesnotably 10 k filings are public information and readily available through a number of sources in fact the vast majority of companies include them in the investor relations section of their website the information included in a 10 k can be difficult to move through but the more familiar investors become with the layout and the type of information included it will likely become easier to identify the most important details filing deadlines for the 10 k vary based on the size of the company according to the sec companies with a public float shares issued to the public that are available to trade of 700 million or more must file their 10 k within 60 days after the end of their fiscal year companies with a float between 75 million and 700 million have 75 days while companies with less than 75 million in their float have 90 days 5purpose of form 10 kthe primary purpose of filing a form 10 k is to provide comprehensive transparent information about how a company is doing because this information is useful to a variety of people the sec requires certain information to be presented in a certain way at a very high level it s fair to say form 10 k s purpose can be broken down into the following five categories which slightly overlap but are more high level than the five categories listed above form 10 k is prescribed by the 1934 securities exchange act 5who files form 10 kform 10 k is required to be filed by all publicly traded companies in the united states this requirement applies to companies listed on u s stock exchanges such as the new york stock exchange 6 the sec imposes this filing requirement to ensure transparency and accountability in the financial markets allowing investors and other stakeholders to access relevant information about the company s operations financial condition and performance 7the filing of form 10 k is not limited to large corporations it applies to companies of all sizes that meet the criteria for being publicly traded this includes both domestic and foreign companies whose securities are listed on u s exchanges or are registered with the sec additionally certain smaller reporting companies may file a streamlined version of the form 10 k known as form 10 ksb or form 10 kt 8 note that in order to file this alternative version a company has to meet some eligibility requirements penalties for form 10 k noncompliancethere are penalties for not filing a form 10 k on time these penalties can vary depending on the severity of the violation and the circumstances surrounding the late filing in most cases companies pay a fee for non compliance 9failure to file required periodic reports can result in the loss of good standing with stock exchanges and other regulatory bodies this could lead to delisting from stock exchanges or temporary suspensions of 10 trading days 10 in addition the sec may take legal and regulatory actions against companies that repeatedly fail to meet filing deadlines or comply with disclosure requirements these actions can include enforcement proceedings investigations fines and sanctions against the company its officers directors or other responsible parties 11on the softer side of the consequences late or incomplete filings can erode investor confidence and trust in the company s management investors may perceive delayed filings as a red flag indicating potential financial problems lack of transparency or poor internal controls there s little reason for a form 10 k to be filed late and investors may and probably should be curious about the reasons behind any non compliance limitations of form 10 kwhile form 10 k reports a wealth of useful information it does have its downsides these limitations include but aren t necessarily limited to forms 10 q vs form 8 kalong with the 10 k the sec requires that public companies regularly file forms 10 q and 8 k form 10 q must be submitted to the sec on a quarterly basis this form is a comprehensive report of a company s performance and includes relevant information about its financial position unlike the 10 k the information in the 10 q is usually unaudited the company is only required to file it three times a year as the 10 k is filed in the fourth quarter 123the form 8 k though is required by the sec whenever companies announce major events of which shareholders must be made aware these events may include but aren t limited to sales acquisitions delistings departures and elections of executives as well as changes in a company s status or control bankruptcies information about operations assets and any other relevant news 13form 10 k vs annual reportthe form 10 k and the annual report serve distinct purposes and cater to different audiences the form 10 k is a regulatory filing mandated by the sec on the other hand the annual report represents a broader communication tool utilized by companies to engage with a wider range of stakeholders while it may include form 10 k as its core financial and regulatory component the annual report often incorporates additional elements such as narrative descriptions graphics photos and other visually appealing features these elements aim to provide a more reader friendly and engaging format for shareholders employees customers and other stakeholders for example companies may have high quality photographs or graphic designs as part of the introduction to their annual report the intention is to make the annual report visually attractive to entice readership form 10 k is not meant to look nearly as pretty unlike the form 10 k which is subject to specific regulatory requirements and accounting standards the annual report is not bound by such constraints instead it allows companies greater flexibility in crafting a narrative that aligns with their objectives and corporate identity through the annual report companies seek to showcase their accomplishments company values and vision to stakeholders in many ways it s fair to call an annual report a marketing and communication tool whereas the form 10 k is much more of a regulatory compliance document | |
what is form 10 k | form 10 k is a comprehensive annual report filed by publicly traded companies with the u s sec it provides a detailed summary of the company s financial performance this form is required by the sec to ensure transparency and provide investors with essential information to make informed decisions | |
when is form 10 k due | the due date for form 10 k depends on the size of the company large accelerated filers must file within 60 days after the end of their fiscal year other companies with smaller float may file within 75 days or 90 days after their fiscal year | |
where can i find a company s form 10 k | a company s form 10 k can be found on the sec s edgar electronic data gathering analysis and retrieval database which is accessible to the public online additionally companies often provide links to their 10 k filings on their investor relations websites | |
how do i read a form 10 k | reading a form 10 k involves understanding its structure and the significance of its various sections start with the business overview to get a sense of what the company does then review the risk factors to understand potential challenges move onto the md a for insights into management s perspective on financial results then review the actual financial numbers to understand actual company performance the bottom lineform 10 k is an annual comprehensive report filed by publicly traded companies with the sec detailing their financial performance and business operations it includes audited financial statements management s discussion and analysis risk factors and other important disclosures this document provides investors and stakeholders with crucial information to assess the company s financial health and is required by regulatory bodies |
Subsets and Splits