int64 -9,223,368,172,101,277,000
stringlengths 23
stringlengths 1
float64 1
float64 1
⌀ | similarity
float64 0.24
stringlengths 1
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float32 0
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float32 1.1
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6,835,983,015,698,028,000 | Мужская костюм 10% шелк 70% шерсть высокого качества брендовая одежда с лето осень новейшая модель пальто дизайн брюки мужские костюмы для сва | 200 | 200 | 0.31457 | ru | 0.261881 | 0.001555 | Men's costume 10% silk 70% wool high quality brand clothing with summer autumn latest model coat design trousers | 5.524491 | 13,939 |
-3,054,850,045,162,581,000 | http://images.myshared.ru/4/316143/slide_1.jpg | Copyright © 2009 Magna Parks, Ph.D. Светская психология: заманчивый путь сатаны | 800 | 600 | 0.2736 | ru | 0.605573 | 0.874046 | Copyright © 2009 Magna Parks, Ph.D. Secular Psychology: The Tempting Way of Satan | 2.840011 | 3,795 |
-5,215,915,873,096,017,000 | Christmas Winter Fabric Panel - Santa at the Chapel | 350 | 283 | 0.289728 | fil | 0.068307 | 0.000259 | Christmas Winter Fabric Panel - Santa at the Chapel | 6.146992 | 16,689 |
-2,903,964,981,722,335,700 | La Vraie Et La Fausse église : vraie, fausse, église, Vraie, Fausse, Église, Dissertation, Camillemarchal | 210 | 272 | 0.272843 | fr | 0.498401 | 0.033561 | The True and the False Church: True, False, Church, True, False, Church, Dissertation, Camill | 3.177218 | 4,338 |
1,045,606,180,664,350,600 | 夏のドライブにもおすすめ!オランダ気分を体験できるひまわり畑「風車のひまわりガーデン」が千葉県佐倉市で開催! | 600 | 400 | 0.301852 | ja | 0.135381 | 0.000016 | It is also recommended to drive in the summer!The Dutch atmosphere can be experienced on the mountainous field “The | 6.159297 | 16,354 |
-5,047,044,922,759,800,000 | paisaje mediterraneo: pintura digital de la acuarela de Manarola. Manarola es un pequeño pueblo costero en la región italiana de Liguria, Cinque Terre. Provincia de La Spezia. Italia | 450 | 293 | 0.286162 | es | 0.27593 | 0.000001 | Mediterranean landscape: digital painting of the aquarelle of Manarola. Manarola is a small coastal village | 6.81071 | 18,900 |
2,814,535,559,877,536,300 | La marcha de Hugo Moyano: el auto que usó el sindicalista tiene multas por $ 21 mil | 767 | 431 | 0.321795 | es | 0.27312 | 0.002987 | Hugo Moyano's March: The car used by the unionist is fined $21,000 | 4.027242 | 7,922 |
-1,925,331,795,686,845,200 | Комплекс упражнений от Екатерины Миримановой | 300 | 300 | 0.269467 | ru | 0.251013 | 0.924138 | Complex of exercises from Ekaterina Mirimanova | 4.96086 | 11,126 |
5,840,320,858,160,611,000 | Ingrédients : 250 gr farine 150 gr beurre 100 gr sucre 1 pincée de sel citron râpée ou sucre vanille 1 œuf Préparation: Dans un saladier , mélanger la farine avec le beurre et le sucre. Ajouter une pincée de sel , l'œuf et le sucre vanille. Travailler bien la pâte. Avec un verre ou un emporte pièce couper des... | 236 | 338 | 0.268306 | fr | 0.259733 | 0.000014 | Ingredients: 250 gr flour 150 gr butter 100 gr sugar 1 pinch of ripped lemon salt or vanilla sugar | 5.191522 | 12,783 |
-2,918,888,342,946,140,700 | Plusieurs milliers de personnes, dont l'opposant Jean-Pierre Bemba, ont manifesté à Kinshasa, ce 13 juillet, avant que la marche, interdite par les autorités, ne soit dispersée. | 592 | 296 | 0.361302 | fr | 0.152946 | 0.000029 | Thousands of people, including opposition leader Jean-Pierre Bemba, demonstrated in Kinshasa on July 13 before the | 5.686613 | 14,639 |
117,393,767,574,439,780 | Пижама для девочки «Единорожка» арт. PG31601 | 370 | 480 | 0.263629 | ru | 0.157568 | 0.008766 | Pyjamas for girls Art. PG31601 | 4.227881 | 8,150 |
-5,194,558,022,198,118,000 | Alberto Cola vince il premio Urania 2009 | 350 | 220 | 0.273684 | it | 0.041905 | 0.001004 | Alberto Cola wins the Urania Prize 2009 | 3.916496 | 7,499 |
-7,559,813,804,868,197,000 | Photo pour view of a rocky desert landscape at dusk - image libre de droit | 450 | 300 | 0.333853 | fr | 0.159697 | 0.000015 | Photo for view of a rocky desert landscape at dusk | 6.500496 | 18,183 |
-2,094,055,750,578,678,800 | Miralles Tagliabue EMBT vince il concorso per la riqualificazione di Century Square a Shanghai | 561 | 312 | 0.303917 | it | 0.105261 | 0.000653 | Miralles Tagliabue EMBT wins the competition for the re-qualification of Century Square in Shanghai | 6.285915 | 17,040 |
5,354,924,237,451,302,000 | елки в мире Тайвань | 486 | 700 | 0.264294 | ru | 0.134534 | 0.000107 | World trees in Taiwan | 6.153026 | 16,075 |
-6,636,480,500,736,464,000 | http://www-x-schoolsj-x-cn.img.abc188.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/3-8.jpg | 舞蹈教室装修效果图3 | 800 | 621 | 0.271284 | zh | 0.362554 | 0.000216 | Dance Classroom Remodeling Effect 3 | 4.860596 | 11,080 |
-4,332,968,146,090,187,000 | https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/hunter-with-dog-picture-id612001934?k=6&m=612001934&s=612x612&w=0&h=QgMH5qmMHHteqGMa6FA-6eHZ4xbutEaWAYtYfYbEL0E= | chasseur avec chien - chasser photos et images de collection | 608 | 612 | 0.289958 | fr | 0.105912 | 0.000303 | hunter with dog - hunt photos and images collection | 6.335727 | 17,098 |
-862,950,817,770,864,400 | Morze Crimea Arkhip Kuindzhi | 800 | 592 | 0.28445 | zu | 0.186496 | 0.000011 | Morze Crimea Archipelago | 6.073009 | 16,033 |
8,528,443,374,777,210,000 | Maklári Tamás - Vidám történetek németül 1.<!--span style='font-size:10px;'>(G)</span--> | 108 | 154 | 0.263682 | hu | 0.220978 | 0.001411 | English language title: English language title: English language title: English language title: English language title: English language title: English language title: | 2.40322 | 1,286 |
5,669,312,953,302,731,000 | Zapatillas casual de hombre Air Huarache Run Premium Nike Gris oscuro | 300 | 300 | 0.269633 | gl | 0.326976 | 0.000141 | Men's casual shoes Air Huarache Run Premium Nike Dark Grey | 5.160517 | 12,460 |
1,351,938,190,133,742,000 | http://astana.ekomok.kz/content/2018/20180303/u169274/images/201807/i20180722151532-kv-0043.jpeg | Базальтовый утеплитель для дома ТЕХНО ФАС (1200х600х100) плита Арт.:KV | 180 | 133 | 0.287868 | uk | 0.475482 | 0.00031 | Basalt insulation for the house TECHNO FAS (1200x600x100) plate Art.:KV | 3.18012 | 4,166 |
-1,868,376,544,160,293,400 | tag til marked i fjordby - DVD | 120 | 168 | 0.291267 | da | 1 | 0.000161 | Go to the Market in Fjordby - DVD | 2.350635 | 1,352 |
1,332,093,479,899,036,400 | badge | 214 | 218 | 0.26513 | ja | 0.215698 | 0.000511 | The badge | 5.02703 | 12,174 |
1,028,208,743,491,608,800 | Reise in Myanmar, historische Königsstadt Bagan mit über zweitausend erhaltenen Ziegelgebäuden | 410 | 308 | 0.318743 | de | 0.136819 | 0.000259 | Travel to Myanmar, historic royal city of Bagan with over 2,000 preserved brick buildings | 6.079714 | 16,586 |
-2,387,809,105,940,844,500 | DELSEY Businesstasche mit gepolstertem 14-Zoll Laptopfach, »Bellecour« in schwarz | 960 | 612 | 0.325525 | de | 0.116999 | 0.000057 | DELSEY business bag with padded 14-inch laptop box, "Bellecour" in black | 4.69353 | 10,672 |
-4,338,324,268,795,413,000 | Brushless Outrunner Motor ACK-4012CP 480KV (CW) | 200 | 150 | 0.290699 | no | 0.349369 | 0.000866 | Brushless Outrunner Motor ACK-4012CP 480KV (CW) | 4.782289 | 11,098 |
-2,525,313,311,044,666,400 | دمار الكنيسة اليونانية الأرثذوكسية في حلب (Open Doors) | 800 | 480 | 0.335715 | ar | 0.081996 | 0.000584 | Greek Orthodox Church in Aleppo (Open Doors) | 5.754577 | 15,209 |
3,296,877,012,740,656,000 | هكذا يقضي المغاربة فترة ما بعد الإفطار في رمضان | 1,100 | 600 | 0.261357 | ar | 0.224882 | 0.059333 | This is the time after breakfast in Ramadan. | 4.667709 | 10,070 |
2,604,147,360,288,664,600 | מערך אימון כדורסל | 261 | 464 | 0.27071 | yi | 0.09501 | 0.030406 | Baseball Training | 3.164291 | 3,893 |
-7,832,454,777,838,410,000 | Mom I'm Missing You (feat. Rodney Whittenberg & Derek Anthony Wilson) | 160 | 160 | 0.265286 | ru | 1 | 0.000063 | Mom I'm Missing You (feat. Rodney Whittenberg & Derek Anthony Wilson) | 3.855579 | 7,127 |
9,082,425,629,001,082,000 | 14 Karat Goldperle ca. 3mm leicht | 500 | 350 | 0.272062 | lb | 0.679711 | 0.000013 | 14 Karat Gold Pearl 3mm | 4.444251 | 9,156 |
7,793,394,971,590,296,000 | Cartel Publicitario Chat Noir | 1,000 | 1,000 | 0.294284 | fr | 0.047817 | 0.000007 | Posts Tagged black cat | 5.334321 | 13,833 |
7,413,573,809,775,404,000 | Naruto Uzumaki | 900 | 1,600 | 0.262156 | ja | 0.198997 | 0.000024 | by Naruto Uzumaki | 6.19851 | 16,054 |
-8,408,803,303,739,794,000 | Biscotti (Cantuccini di Prato) | 300 | 300 | 0.266797 | it | 0.276808 | 0.000657 | Biscotti (Cantuccini di Prato) | 5.880081 | 14,987 |
-4,989,808,046,004,307,000 | самые красивые женщины планеты | 718 | 819 | 0.269618 | ru | 0.159252 | 0.993577 | The most beautiful women of the planet | 6.467619 | 17,172 |
4,545,130,551,691,131,400 | http://4.cd-tn.com/video/007/472/834/03-240x180.jpg | IcePorn - Hot darkhair stretchin... | 240 | 180 | 0.278698 | de | 0.433668 | 0.999986 | IcePorn - Hot darkhair stretch... | 3.350024 | 5,080 |
-2,454,450,692,133,485,000 | le Mont-Saint-Michel | 800 | 358 | 0.284545 | fr | 0.054771 | 0.000003 | The Mont-Saint Michel | 6.803824 | 19,318 |
-7,472,821,701,473,597,000 | Ei signaalia -teksti televisiossa. | 300 | 169 | 0.26648 | fi | 0.392403 | 0.00238 | No signals on TV. | 3.371032 | 5,361 |
-5,135,158,260,359,753,000 | http://item.shopping.c.yimg.jp/i/l/somagreen_soma682 | スナゴケ 盆栽用 小サイズ(容器サイズ95mm x 128mm) | 600 | 600 | 0.283287 | ja | 0.93724 | 0.000381 | Small sizes (container sizes 95 mm x 128 mm) | 3.888817 | 7,449 |
-8,141,453,654,365,929,000 | http://sutemeny.cdn.shoprenter.hu/custom/sutemeny/image/cache/w214h214q90/Hermit/leo_scorbin_a_lenormand_kartya_gyakorlata.JPG?lastmod=1559040169.1553692888 | Leo Scorbin A Lenormand-kártya gyakorlata | 214 | 214 | 0.292993 | ha | 0.048088 | 0.013041 | Leo Scorbin A Lenormand-card trainer | 2.379821 | 1,710 |
3,972,577,344,349,799,400 | фото Отделение бункеров вентилируемых ОБВ-160А (с бункерами БВ-40) | 106 | 150 | 0.265776 | ru | 0.547032 | 0.000001 | Ventilated bunkers OBV-160A (with bunkers BV-40) | 3.885742 | 7,141 |
6,650,888,223,525,702,000 | La Tissot PRX 40 205 à quartz dans sa version. cadran argenté brossé vertical | 900 | 640 | 0.276909 | fr | 0.217752 | 0.000493 | The Tissot PRX 40 205 quartz in its version. | 5.337904 | 13,600 |
-6,526,568,895,340,687,000 | My Little Pony - Pinkie Pie - Pluche Knuffel Zacht - 30cm | 890 | 820 | 0.31498 | pl | 0.160738 | 0.000336 | My Little Pony Pinkie Pie - Pluche Knuffel Zacht | 4.408674 | 9,491 |
3,182,957,781,514,586,600 | http://slideplayer.gr/slide/2869530/10/images/31/%CE%A0%CE%BF%CE%B9%CE%BF%CF%85+%CF%84%CF%8D%CF%80%CE%BF%CF%85+Rhesus+%CE%B1%CE%AF%CE%BC%CE%B1%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%82+%CE%B1%CF%83%CE%B8%CE%B5%CE%BD%CE%AE%CF%82+%CE%BC%CF%80%CE%BF%CF%81%CE%B5%CE%AF+%CE%BD%CE%B1+%CE%B4%CE%B5%CF%87%CE%B8%CE%B5%CE%AF+%CE%B1%CE%AF%CE%BC%CE%B1+%CE%B1%CF%80%CF%8C+%CE%94%CE%9F%CE%A4%CE%97+:.jpg | Ποιου τύπου Rhesus αίματος ασθενής μπορεί να δεχθεί αίμα από ΔΟΤΗ : | 960 | 720 | 0.286604 | el | 0.482537 | 0.000069 | What type of Rhesus blood can a patient receive from a donor: | 2.515526 | 2,657 |
8,869,787,693,808,400,000 | Bitwy pancerne Wehrmachtu | 250 | 250 | 0.312819 | de | 0.374655 | 0.001353 | Bitwy Pancerne Wehrmachtu | 2.253439 | 1,090 |
8,366,012,952,713,954,000 | Esterno dell'edificio della stazione dei vigili del fuoco con camion dei vigili del fuoco ed elicottero. facciata della casa dei vigili del fuoco | 626 | 364 | 0.304767 | it | 0.068552 | 0.000669 | External of the building of the fire station with fire truck and helicopter. facade of the fire house | 5.502655 | 13,985 |
-5,237,426,316,730,053,000 | http://a4.pbase.com/t3/97/490897/4/93174679.6mCpU9H4.jpg | Old U.S. Lockheed T-33 | 160 | 120 | 0.296396 | et | 0.033772 | 0.000052 | The U.S. Lockheed T-33 | 4.488453 | 9,427 |
-8,404,583,749,424,135,000 | Бальзам-ополаскиватель Aussie Aussome Volume для тонких волос, 250 мл | 138 | 199 | 0.357029 | ru | 0.15428 | 0.000038 | Aussie Aussome Volume Balsam for thin hair, 250 ml | 3.986355 | 7,481 |
-3,357,955,432,339,943,400 | دهمین جلسه رسیدگی به اتهامات متهم امامی و دیگر متهمان صبح امروز به ریاست قاضی مسعودی مقام برگزار شد. | 733 | 489 | 0.284133 | fa | 0.405869 | 0.00002 | The tenth hearing on the charges of the accused and the other defendants was held this morning at the judge of the | 5.341586 | 12,910 |
8,221,883,002,205,710,000 | https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/r81b3YalxNAnfzJdhWzAIUXQP5BlGtgSyTrHbpM6K_5DhKEoV8ORIeDa0ITjXs1NqlT_JDxwFZoCXHtfpKQxXTjP=s500 | danger ahead by Rodrigo Layug - Landscapes Waterscapes ( nature, seascape ) | 332 | 500 | 0.29019 | fr | 0.273268 | 0.000416 | danger ahead by Rodrigo Layug - Landscapes Waterscapes | 6.116674 | 16,710 |
-8,353,779,900,880,263,000 | Zima w górach / Winter mountains | 236 | 236 | 0.282301 | pl | 0.223187 | 0.000042 | Winter Mountains / Winter Mountains | 5.81635 | 15,336 |
-125,733,480,938,550,200 | Shankar Gojare | 236 | 236 | 0.260445 | sv | 0.350048 | 0.000002 | by Shankar Gojare | 6.094172 | 16,164 |
-3,007,811,287,933,895,000 | Пирог с клубникой и черникой американского флага. 4 июля. день независимости сша | 626 | 417 | 0.347274 | ru | 0.078287 | 0.000007 | U.S. flag cake with strawberries and strawberries - July 4 - Independence Day | 5.793572 | 14,969 |
-6,035,835,994,130,953,000 | Heaven Express | 1,000 | 712 | 0.282546 | lb | 0.364943 | 0.000271 | The Heaven Express | 6.145448 | 16,135 |
1,328,670,515,372,848,000 | Suadiye'de Otobüs Durağı Ateşe verildi | 360 | 180 | 0.280002 | tr | 0.351721 | 0.00043 | Bus stop in Switzerland burned. | 2.665914 | 1,913 |
-4,526,340,852,836,901,400 | https://imgv2-2-f.scribdassets.com/img/document/224549720/149x198/70cf7245f4/1419796909?v=1 | Manual de Linux Para Tontos | 149 | 198 | 0.300663 | su | 0.41682 | 0.001757 | Manual of Linux | 3.148332 | 3,940 |
18,569,600,680,475,756 | http://storage.discovery.ee/source/gallery/282/1964/medium.jpg?_=734003405 | Зимний Петербург | 800 | 547 | 0.323235 | mn | 0.365956 | 0.000119 | Winter St. Petersburg | 6.180824 | 16,034 |
-5,393,827,152,053,339,000 | Un ritratto di un neonato e di una madre | 626 | 417 | 0.276042 | it | 0.279954 | 0.00033 | A portrait of a baby and a mother | 5.772342 | 15,091 |
1,592,980,059,142,208,800 | Libros de segunda mano: ESTILOS DE LA DECORACION DE BRIAN SEPTIMA EDICIÓN . Lote 29164994 | 230 | 230 | 0.324856 | es | 0.453198 | 0 | Second hand books: STYLE DECORATION OF BRIAN SEVENTH EDITION. lot 2916499 | 2.448568 | 1,836 |
-3,095,606,871,214,311,400 | Ramses vol.3: Batalia de la Kadesh 2 | 470 | 570 | 0.260488 | eo | 0.236145 | 0.034507 | Ramses 3: Battle of Kadesh 2 | 2.492349 | 1,322 |
2,023,777,293,700,433,700 | Pusta biała filiżanka kawy, spodek i łyżka na czerwonej bambusowej serwetce z czarnym tłem. widok z góry. | 626 | 417 | 0.283196 | pl | 0.2938 | 0.000759 | An empty white cup of coffee, a pillow and a tablespoon on a red bamboo towel with a black | 5.264439 | 13,589 |
6,914,488,247,646,786,000 | Academia Epsilon | 220 | 109 | 0.311119 | el | 0.200947 | 0.001811 | The Epsilon Academy | 2.360102 | 1,657 |
-888,972,630,591,645,800 | Belphegor | 160 | 160 | 0.304129 | nl | 0.090848 | 0.121711 | Belphegor | 2.080692 | 806 |
6,582,285,850,903,055,000 | サイレント・ワールド2011 地・球・氷・結 | 294 | 221 | 0.281234 | ja | 0.208047 | 0.000563 | Silent World 2011: Earth, Ice and Close | 5.948722 | 14,920 |
126,964,712,612,534,430 | #伙伴一起看日本# 日本设计考察分享(更新美秀美术馆)_DSC05836.JPG | 1,000 | 664 | 0.268177 | zh | 0.113627 | 0.002415 | #Partners to watch Japan #Japan Design Tour Sharing (Updated by the Art Gallery)_DSC058 | 5.109406 | 11,930 |
5,104,220,200,161,749,000 | Mondial Italy MO Bio Lana | 156 | 230 | 0.26718 | el | 0.091606 | 0.000009 | World Cup of Italy MO Bio Lana | 3.9617 | 7,293 |
4,224,512,686,385,163,000 | Title: Drohnen im Alltag. Systematische Potentialanalyse sowie Herleitung von Handlungsempfehlungen für Politik und Wirtschaft | 92 | 130 | 0.264497 | de | 0.3301 | 0.001037 | Title: Drones in everyday life: systematic potential analysis and action recommendations for politics and economics | 2.438614 | 1,480 |
1,719,153,887,125,832,400 | Frisur pánská košile světle šedá | 710 | 710 | 0.279139 | cs | 0.247462 | 0.000004 | Men's Shirt Light Grey | 5.157898 | 12,335 |
-1,893,663,025,442,531,300 | Villa en Marbella - Lujosa Villa en venta Nagueles, Marbella | 1,300 | 900 | 0.304156 | es | 0.033161 | 0.01004 | Villa in Marbella - Luxury Villa for sale Nagueles, Marbella | 5.694813 | 14,218 |
-6,087,799,547,115,565,000 | 9780413314901: Homo faber ein Bericht | 320 | 240 | 0.293373 | de | 0.136872 | 0.002192 | 9780413314901: Homo faber a report | 2.58971 | 2,767 |
3,044,107,826,850,383,000 | Como vai a sua estratégia financeira? | 1,024 | 1,024 | 0.277447 | pt | 0.231493 | 0.00029 | How is your financial strategy? | 5.513086 | 14,314 |
-1,103,759,556,818,682,900 | Dictionar Enciclopedic O - Q Volumul. V | 180 | 180 | 0.299777 | ca | 0.468877 | 0.00001 | Encyclopedic Dictionary O - Q Volumul. | 2.92906 | 3,037 |
-6,822,451,123,909,180,000 | Gib nicht den Weibern deine Kraft, noch deine Wege den Verderberinnen der Könige ( Spr 31,3 ) | 600 | 600 | 0.264353 | de | 0.24914 | 0.000015 | Do not give your strength to women, nor your ways to the destroyers of kings (Proverbs 31:3). | 3.76678 | 7,487 |
2,944,426,301,699,015,000 | 【自写自销】当代艺术家协会副主席王丞手绘 四尺斗方无题山水2112 | 280 | 276 | 0.264091 | zh | 0.483707 | 0.000002 | Contemporary Artists Association Vice Chairman Wang Yoshih Hand Painting Four Footprints No Theme Mountain 21 | 6.557261 | 18,216 |
-8,440,221,972,488,273,000 | HP sketch dump | 177 | 900 | 0.267563 | co | 0.674313 | 0.746848 | HP Sketch Dump | 3.662436 | 6,050 |
-3,574,475,763,976,642,600 | https://imgv2-1-f.scribdassets.com/img/document/242237426/149x198/ec39a0e804/1412733456?v=1 | 4ta Clase Estudio semiológico de los carrillos.pptx | 149 | 198 | 0.297635 | es | 0.397509 | 0.010924 | 4th Class semiological study of carts.pptx | 2.700771 | 1,922 |
8,410,502,853,212,415,000 | 1 maja odbędzie się Turniej Rycerski w Zambrowie. | 270 | 145 | 0.261363 | pl | 0.445192 | 0.001811 | On May 1, the Knights' Tournament will be held in Zambrovo. | 2.606591 | 2,300 |
8,513,543,997,011,204,000 | casa en venta - residencial arbolada - ceiba | 240 | 320 | 0.27687 | es | 0.208247 | 0.000005 | House for sale - wooded residential - ceiba | 4.732878 | 10,554 |
9,223,319,769,235,515,000 | miniLUEK Mathekompetenz 1 Klasse-1 | 126 | 104 | 0.303578 | hu | 1 | 0.706248 | Mathematical Competence 1 Class 1 | 3.134305 | 4,198 |
-4,148,996,695,895,810,600 | La France et la menace nazie : Renseignement et politique 1933-1939 | 100 | 160 | 0.341837 | fr | 0.218094 | 0.000106 | France and the Nazi Threat: Intelligence and Politics 1933-1939 | 3.365132 | 5,716 |
-3,442,096,787,357,351,000 | Велосипедный шлем GUB white | 640 | 426 | 0.301552 | ru | 0.986293 | 0.000135 | Bicycle helmet GUB white | 4.424144 | 9,300 |
878,296,033,617,067,300 | 女子洗面所盗撮 今度の2カメは若い子だらけ TK-127 洗面所 おまんこ動画流出 91画像 14 | 1,620 | 1,080 | 0.276599 | ja | 0.288382 | 0.180899 | The next two turtles are full of young boys TK-127 The next two turtles are full of young boys TK-127 The next two turtles are full of young boys TK-127 | 3.70703 | 6,183 |
-6,561,137,801,426,907,000 | AIM RaresNr1 | 209 | 209 | 0.307837 | hi | 0.622441 | 0.000208 | AIM RaresNr1 | 2.372416 | 1,196 |
-8,885,282,178,922,430,000 | Свадебная прическа с распущенными волосами — элегантная простота | 667 | 1,000 | 0.302149 | ru | 0.28235 | 0.524564 | Wedding hairstyle with loose hair - elegant simplicity | 6.210523 | 16,383 |
-9,137,087,903,355,978,000 | http://htn.su/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/%D0%A1%D0%A1%D0%A1%D0%A0220.jpg | СССР220 | 270 | 250 | 0.262202 | ru | 0.550073 | 0.626701 | The USSR 220 | 3.250614 | 5,004 |
-7,367,718,881,584,729,000 | The Potting Shed by Susan Elise Shiebler | 440 | 350 | 0.292575 | da | 0.117751 | 0.000001 | The Potting Shed by Susan Elise Shiebler | 6.356594 | 17,697 |
5,084,953,714,226,039,000 | http://www.boavistaplanejados.com/img/uploads/pg-dormitorio17.jpg | Dormitório | 1,440 | 600 | 0.262877 | pt | 0.044936 | 0.005302 | Dormitory | 6.19226 | 16,499 |
-5,019,794,389,705,168,000 | 12 mm round lapis beads | 190 | 190 | 0.316518 | sn | 0.25267 | 0.000004 | 12 mm round lapis beads | 4.259426 | 9,537 |
8,478,342,106,834,634,000 | Specna Arms SA-A06 gépkarabély | 550 | 550 | 0.292408 | sk | 0.855526 | 0.000168 | Specna Arms SA-A06 | 4.427444 | 9,622 |
6,107,059,014,762,639,000 | http://www.iphonecaptain.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/IMG_0872-236x420.jpg | BatteryFullAlert Cydia Tweak Screenshot | 236 | 420 | 0.304319 | eu | 0.313089 | 0.000168 | BatteryFullAlert Cydia Tweak Screenshot | 3.705398 | 6,342 |
-5,378,026,512,567,618,000 | Александр Скичко стал продюсером нового развлекательного проекта | 620 | 408 | 0.260573 | ru | 0.247278 | 0.00083 | Alexander Skitschko became the producer of a new entertainment project | 6.069196 | 16,400 |
-2,590,161,280,971,714,000 | Młodzi kontra COVID – bez pracy i perspektyw? | 300 | 175 | 0.264627 | pl | 0.106034 | 0.001612 | Youth vs COVID – without work and prospects? | 5.765063 | 15,060 |
-4,579,747,184,319,357,400 | Титульный лист Договоры в сфере предпринимательской деятельности : проблемы оптимизации правового воздействия | 581 | 800 | 0.263856 | ru | 0.482995 | 0.005212 | Contracts in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity : problems of optimization of legal impact | 3.395227 | 5,567 |
7,739,373,044,866,952,000 | Ida Lupino, c.1935 Photo | 366 | 488 | 0.290342 | sn | 0.182554 | 0.004054 | Ida Lupino, c.1935 Photo | 6.208763 | 16,284 |
-8,269,245,892,745,034,000 | http://t12.deviantart.net/WgVJso6kyOGCucaFEbgTRM69Xhw=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre13/6db0/th/pre/f/2013/337/7/3/kitten_of_the_lord_by_darkangel1236-d6wnjug.png | Kitten of the lord by darkangel1236 | 267 | 200 | 0.291293 | fy | 0.260308 | 0.001982 | Kitten of the lord by darkangel1236 | 4.399866 | 9,199 |
1,403,544,237,159,581,700 | https://imgv2-2-f.scribdassets.com/img/document/240850542/149x198/49861209c9/1411585975?v=1 | Carta Del Jefe Seattle Al Presidente de Los Estados Unidos | 149 | 198 | 0.26164 | es | 0.550308 | 0.008961 | Chief Seattle's Letter to the President of the United States | 2.605573 | 2,215 |
8,216,519,337,477,588,000 | Stille II, Anita Voigt | 278 | 320 | 0.264194 | de | 0.250955 | 0.000007 | Silence II by Anita Voigt | 6.036806 | 16,092 |
-8,514,124,456,853,252,000 | http://ih0.redbubble.net/image.6812440.7788/flat,135x135,075,t.jpg | Three Turtles by kellimays | 135 | 135 | 0.31444 | af | 0.104382 | 0.000923 | Three Turtles by Kellimays | 4.47386 | 8,917 |
-2,821,177,001,307,685,400 | Ermitaż san telmo na szczycie klifu plaży itzurun w zumaia, kraj basków. | 225 | 338 | 0.270657 | pl | 0.053254 | 0.000133 | The ermitage of San Telmo on the top of the cliff of the beach in Zumaia, the Basque country. | 6.779838 | 19,177 |
4,059,417,619,044,937,700 | Vol.7《快挙達成!飯伏、新日本のど真ん中へ‼︎ の巻》 | 100 | 100 | 0.268075 | ru | 0.147271 | 0.945011 | Vol.7 快挙達成!飯伏、新日本のど真ん中へ!!︎ の巻 | 4.299691 | 9,568 |
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