stringlengths 6
| return
stringlengths 3
| function
stringlengths 18
| category
stringclasses 5
values |
Export(fileName, exportType, exportSubtype) | Bool | Exports timeline to 'fileName' as per input exportType & exportSubtype formatRefer to section 'Looking up timeline exports properties' for information on the parameters | Timeline |
GetSetting(settingName) | String | Returns value of timeline setting (indicated by settingName : string). Check the section below for more information | Timeline |
SetSetting(settingName, settingValue) | Bool | Sets timeline setting (indicated by settingName : string) to the value (settingValue : string). Check the section below for more information | Timeline |
InsertGeneratorIntoTimeline(generatorName) | TimelineItem | Inserts a generator (indicated by generatorName : string) into the timeline | Timeline |
InsertFusionGeneratorIntoTimeline(generatorName) | TimelineItem | Inserts a Fusion generator (indicated by generatorName : string) into the timeline | Timeline |
InsertFusionCompositionIntoTimeline() | TimelineItem | Inserts a Fusion composition into the timeline | Timeline |
InsertOFXGeneratorIntoTimeline(generatorName) | TimelineItem | Inserts an OFX generator (indicated by generatorName : string) into the timeline | Timeline |
InsertTitleIntoTimeline(titleName) | TimelineItem | Inserts a title (indicated by titleName : string) into the timeline | Timeline |
InsertFusionTitleIntoTimeline(titleName) | TimelineItem | Inserts a Fusion title (indicated by titleName : string) into the timeline | Timeline |
GrabStill() | galleryStill | Grabs still from the current video clip. Returns a GalleryStill object | Timeline |
GrabAllStills(stillFrameSource) | [galleryStill] | Grabs stills from all the clips of the timeline at 'stillFrameSource' (1 - First frame, 2 - Middle frame). Returns the list of GalleryStill objects | Timeline |
GetUniqueId() | String | Returns a unique ID for the timeline | Timeline |
GetName() | string | Returns the item name | TimelineItem |
GetDuration() | Int | Returns the item duration | TimelineItem |
GetEnd() | Int | Returns the end frame position on the timeline | TimelineItem |
GetFusionCompCount() | Int | Returns number of Fusion compositions associated with the timeline item | TimelineItem |
GetFusionCompByIndex(compIndex) | fusionComp | Returns the Fusion composition object based on given index. 1 <= compIndex <= timelineItem.GetFusionCompCount() | TimelineItem |
GetFusionCompNameList() | [names...] | Returns a list of Fusion composition names associated with the timeline item | TimelineItem |
GetFusionCompByName(compName) | fusionComp | Returns the Fusion composition object based on given name | TimelineItem |
GetLeftOffset() | Int | Returns the maximum extension by frame for clip from left side | TimelineItem |
GetRightOffset() | Int | Returns the maximum extension by frame for clip from right side | TimelineItem |
GetStart() | Int | Returns the start frame position on the timeline | TimelineItem |
SetProperty(propertyKey, propertyValue) | Bool | Sets the value of property 'propertyKey' to value 'propertyValue'Refer to 'Looking up Timeline item properties' for more information | TimelineItem |
GetProperty(propertyKey) | Int / [key:value] | returns the value of the specified keyif no key is specified, the method returns a dictionary(python) or table(lua) for all supported keys | TimelineItem |
AddMarker(frameId, color, name, note, duration, customData) | Bool | Creates a new marker at given frameId position and with given marker information. 'customData' is optional and helps to attach user specific data to the marker | TimelineItem |
GetMarkers() | {markers...} | Returns a dict (frameId -> {information}) of all markers and dicts with their informationExample: a value of {96.0: {'color': 'Green', 'duration': 1.0, 'note': '', 'name': 'Marker 1', 'customData': ''}, ...} indicates a single green marker at clip offset 96 | TimelineItem |
GetMarkerByCustomData(customData) | {markers...} | Returns marker {information} for the first matching marker with specified customData | TimelineItem |
UpdateMarkerCustomData(frameId, customData) | Bool | Updates customData (string) for the marker at given frameId position. CustomData is not exposed via UI and is useful for scripting developer to attach any user specific data to markers | TimelineItem |
GetMarkerCustomData(frameId) | String | Returns customData string for the marker at given frameId position | TimelineItem |
DeleteMarkersByColor(color) | Bool | Delete all markers of the specified color from the timeline item. 'All' as argument deletes all color markers | TimelineItem |
DeleteMarkerAtFrame(frameNum) | Bool | Delete marker at frame number from the timeline item | TimelineItem |
DeleteMarkerByCustomData(customData) | Bool | Delete first matching marker with specified customData | TimelineItem |
AddFlag(color) | Bool | Adds a flag with given color (string) | TimelineItem |
GetFlagList() | [colors...] | Returns a list of flag colors assigned to the item | TimelineItem |
ClearFlags(color) | Bool | Clear flags of the specified color. An 'All' argument is supported to clear all flags | TimelineItem |
GetClipColor() | String | Returns the item color as a string | TimelineItem |
SetClipColor(colorName) | Bool | Sets the item color based on the colorName (string) | TimelineItem |
ClearClipColor() | Bool | Clears the item color | TimelineItem |
AddFusionComp() | fusionComp | Adds a new Fusion composition associated with the timeline item | TimelineItem |
ImportFusionComp(path) | fusionComp | Imports a Fusion composition from given file path by creating and adding a new composition for the item | TimelineItem |
ExportFusionComp(path, compIndex) | Bool | Exports the Fusion composition based on given index to the path provided | TimelineItem |
DeleteFusionCompByName(compName) | Bool | Deletes the named Fusion composition | TimelineItem |
LoadFusionCompByName(compName) | fusionComp | Loads the named Fusion composition as the active composition | TimelineItem |
RenameFusionCompByName(oldName, newName) | Bool | Renames the Fusion composition identified by oldName | TimelineItem |
AddVersion(versionName, versionType) | Bool | Adds a new color version for a video clip based on versionType (0 - local, 1 - remote) | TimelineItem |
GetCurrentVersion() | {versionName...} | Returns the current version of the video clip. The returned value will have the keys versionName and versionType(0 - local, 1 - remote) | TimelineItem |
DeleteVersionByName(versionName, versionType) | Bool | Deletes a color version by name and versionType (0 - local, 1 - remote) | TimelineItem |
LoadVersionByName(versionName, versionType) | Bool | Loads a named color version as the active version. versionType: 0 - local, 1 - remote | TimelineItem |
RenameVersionByName(oldName, newName, versionType) | Bool | Renames the color version identified by oldName and versionType (0 - local, 1 - remote) | TimelineItem |
GetVersionNameList(versionType) | [names...] | Returns a list of all color versions for the given versionType (0 - local, 1 - remote) | TimelineItem |
GetMediaPoolItem() | MediaPoolItem | Returns the media pool item corresponding to the timeline item if one exists | TimelineItem |
GetStereoConvergenceValues() | {keyframes...} | Returns a dict (offset -> value) of keyframe offsets and respective convergence values | TimelineItem |
GetStereoLeftFloatingWindowParams() | {keyframes...} | For the LEFT eye -> returns a dict (offset -> dict) of keyframe offsets and respective floating window params. Value at particular offset includes the left, right, top and bottom floating window values | TimelineItem |
GetStereoRightFloatingWindowParams() | {keyframes...} | For the RIGHT eye -> returns a dict (offset -> dict) of keyframe offsets and respective floating window params. Value at particular offset includes the left, right, top and bottom floating window values | TimelineItem |
GetNumNodes() | Int | Returns the number of nodes in the current graph for the timeline item | TimelineItem |
SetLUT(nodeIndex, lutPath) | Bool | Sets LUT on the node mapping the node index provided, 1 <= nodeIndex <= total number of nodesThe lutPath can be an absolute path, or a relative path (based off custom LUT paths or the master LUT path)The operation is successful for valid lut paths that Resolve has already discovered (see Project.RefreshLUTList) | TimelineItem |
GetLUT(nodeIndex) | String | Gets relative LUT path based on the node index provided, 1 <= nodeIndex <= total number of nodes | TimelineItem |
SetCDL([CDL map]) | Bool | Keys of map are: "NodeIndex", "Slope", "Offset", "Power", "Saturation", where 1 <= NodeIndex <= total number of nodes.<br/>Example python code - SetCDL({"NodeIndex" : "1", "Slope" : "0.5 0.4 0.2", "Offset" : "0.4 0.3 0.2", "Power" : "0.6 0.7 0.8", "Saturation" : "0.65"}) | TimelineItem |
AddTake(mediaPoolItem, startFrame, endFrame) | Bool | Adds mediaPoolItem as a new take. Initializes a take selector for the timeline item if needed. By default, the full clip extents is added. startFrame (int) and endFrame (int) are optional arguments used to specify the extents | TimelineItem |
GetSelectedTakeIndex() | Int | Returns the index of the currently selected take, or 0 if the clip is not a take selector | TimelineItem |
GetTakesCount() | Int | Returns the number of takes in take selector, or 0 if the clip is not a take selector | TimelineItem |
GetTakeByIndex(idx) | {takeInfo...} | Returns a dict (keys "startFrame", "endFrame" and "mediaPoolItem") with take info for specified index | TimelineItem |
DeleteTakeByIndex(idx) | Bool | Deletes a take by index, 1 <= idx <= number of takes | TimelineItem |
SelectTakeByIndex(idx) | Bool | Selects a take by index, 1 <= idx <= number of takes | TimelineItem |
FinalizeTake() | Bool | Finalizes take selection | TimelineItem |
CopyGrades([tgtTimelineItems]) | Bool | Copies the current grade to all the items in tgtTimelineItems list. Returns True on success and False if any error occurred | TimelineItem |
UpdateSidecar() | Bool | Updates sidecar file for BRAW clips or RMD file for R3D clips | TimelineItem |
GetUniqueId() | String | Returns a unique ID for the timeline item | TimelineItem |
Subsets and Splits