16 values
2 values
2 values
2 values
2 values
yeah its bent alright but i posted because i think this is worryingly indicative of the general attitude both north and south of the boarder of the dick moves some of these firms are pulling more specifically some of the guys in that house ive been told are from the south and therefore are dependant on having somewhere close to their unis in ni to study and this guy is threatening to either beat them or turf them illegally so again its a bit bent so its more something i think we ought to all know about i mean im far from being a student any more but im still a young professional and if theyre treating both students and their parents in this way well if im moving in belfast again ill not being calling on these asshats thats for sure
drowning deep in doubt as it is it describes me perfectly leave out all the rest godspeed would be cool as a wally villain for a few eps i think he got the offer to be on chicago med i might be wrong but im pretty sure thats why he killed him because from what ive heard the original plan was to make him dark archer i guess i still think they happened too close to each other taking down the internet ill excuse it the rest of the episode was alright shitposting has begun i hope we are supposed to get a book about what happened between seasons 5 and 6 so itd be cool if they dropped something there i just miss the world feeling connected there were so many mini crossovers in season 1 of the flash and season 3 of arrow i miss that it seems like each year we get a little bit closer to that kind of connected world but were still not there yet
ryan reynolds incredibly handsome funny and canadian yum those pins are so cool! i have a little dp figurine by my pc reminds me to always stay spooky yeah where is the line drawn? current iteration of secret seems to be labelled as 30 which for me would mean ti5 secret is secret 20 god i want more streamers who play 70s80s90s music edit been recommended draskyl thrice seems like he is the man for me! not a good week for esports sponsors given the whole lcshtc debacle too im uk female 3k mmr what roles do you like playing? puppey said in an interview with kemal three months back that he enjoyed playing with arteezy artour has always said he did too so doesnt surprise me that hes come back it is worth noting that the eu does not have harmonised gambling laws currently ie each eu territory has its own different laws on gambling so an euwide approach is a long way off eg the uk gambling commission made a decision under uk law on loot boxes back in august and stated most are not
shiny lets be kenseis gti try not to but it seems i think more of the grand meaningless of everything more often than i should ive tried not to but i just dwell grand meaningless of everything? ive felt that before but it seems tme that yer in a bit of a paradoxyouve got death anxiety but you claim everythings meaningless if life in all its grandness is ultimately meaningless why all the anxiety over death? seems tme if you derive no meaning from existence then the absence of existence should be more or less the samethus yve got nuthin tbe worried or anxious about unless its the actual act of dying in which case i understand the anxiety dying sucks chrisjen avasarala might be indian in the books i cant say she definitely wears a sari in the show on multiple occasions just stating that shohreh aghdashloo is definitely iranian also her husband in the show is played by brian george who is a famous british actor of indian descent so shes definitely married to an indian man
because kansas city is americas warmer smellier siberia and the paycheck doesnt help the fact that its a fundamentally awful place for humans to live for the most batshit roads in michigan head south of sumpter and try to drive on stony creek road aka sad sacks beyond thunderdumb hip hop literally referred to performing a hopping motion with your pelvis aka sexual thrusting i would like to see a separate longform mode with 60 card decks and 7card opening hands but it seems unlikely and then you took your clothes off and started yelling hey dad whaddyoo think aboutcher son nnooooooww manager?! this is the greatest day of my life!!! joseph stalin gtisnt calling people autistic the new calling people nigger? i am approaching the core of the internet
any and every scene with peeves edit oh and also winky drinking copious amounts of butterbeer there wasnt an area for me to upload payment info on axs good luck today! i just got a job where i can afford tickets transportation and a hotel too so im very excitednervous about today this is awesome i feel like sometimes people will try to make all the windows symmetrical on each side when building im guilty of this but i feel like most houses dont actually look like that in real life soooo im a huge fan of the windows youve done an amazing job making the house seem realistic! when you need to cast emma stone as an asian american character then yeah id say asians are pretty underrepresented i think its more of an issue of being misrepresented as well
salty bastards didnt like that gt 6 how active are you on this sub? pretty active i guess gt 7 do you have any interesting ideas about how to do outreach both on and outside of this sub? perhaps some neat ideas for competitions weekly threads or anything else? feel free to pm me the answer to this question if youd like to keep this answer unique to yourself ill send that in the mail d gt 8 anything else youd like to add? building bridges! gt a a user insults you directly without realising youre a mod as part of a comment reply what if anything would you do? depends on the context did i call for that insult because of what i said previously or is the user just being a dick? if the latter id probably discuss that as a user not as a mod gt b a submission has been heavily
are they really called twochambered hearts in invertebrates? ive only heard that term associated with animals that have closed circulatory systems cyclostomates chondrichthyans and actinopterygians have two chambered hearts that pump true hemoglobinbased blood through true atria and ventricles or rather each individual has one of each gastropods have open circulatory systems that pump hemocyaninbased hemolymph around large open sinuses bathing their organs in the stuff there are some exceptions for these generalities it could well be too high for the irex to reach im sorry it was aeon flux 2005 biodome appears to have a metacritic rating of 1 thats impressive ive long been interested in closed ecological system experiments like biosphere 2 to which this movie appears to be a reference im surprised ive never heard of it before and that it could be so bad being based on such a cool idea the wikipedia page is well worth a readthrough
make that bot a reality! dont dead open inside bot! add in queensryche? ive only heard operation mindcrime oof cringe fest lots of legit posts but also a lot more nice guys tryna get revenge i put tissue on the area where my penis would be depending on the angles of how id need to sit i might just have tissue in the entire front half wasnt there an entire tiny house movement or something a few years back? surely theres even a tiny house sub meh depends on the survey and sample size golden ratio is a popular myth between 65 and 75 length and 5 to 55 around but then theres the fact that most men are around 5ish so no way it couldve been nature i get your joke but its literally the sub 1 half step no dribble tossed the ball no travel
well then you stop thinking about it like its clear and definite i mean im on the same side as you for me its pretty clear its over with the current state of the pot but op still has hope so it seems its necessary yup this is why people say mbti horoscopes bigger i dont know but just duringthe world cup seeing spain losing badly or brasil conceiding 7 goals was unexpected we put all our money in wine sorry try belgium how can you mess a corner that badly ? thats probably a copypasta lol you dont know any istj do you ? i wonder if we could pry that defense open when i learned what solipsism was i had trouble with it wanting to say sophism each time so no not really ? i think etymology is kind of fun and definetely interessting but i think most people think its boring as for character name i dont remember them but i do remember what they did etc in general it seems i keep tracks of whats happening more than average when consuming fiction ?
you want to write on why another one is wrong its bad form to pretend to be an expert and write a book thats basically just shit talking it and saying well its obviously wrong you should actually learn what the real arguments are so you can give real explanations where they fail dawkins didnt do this and acting like it doesnt matter that he didnt in terms of his writings merits is to basically lower the bar from intellectualism to angry ranting contrary to what teenagers want to think they arent the epitome of uncerstanding and a book that has about as much nuance and understanding of the topic as if any of them wrote it is really not something people should pretend is any kind of meaningful expertise
i think that mances life story would be pretty awesome to read as a novel if youre wanting one focused around a singular character rather than a large cast of them still all of the four youre listing above would be great to readwatch roberts rebellion as a show in particular would be cool the first few episodes could have the tensions rising before war breaks out with the battle of the trident in something like episode 8 tywin sacking kings landing in episode nine and ned finding lyanna robert being crowned and daenerys and viserys escaping to essos in the final episode as a side note it would be pretty funny for it to check up on stannis at storms end every few episodes with him and the garrison more disheveled and starved each time
damn reddit i was just warming up to you too maybe the hana kimi drama if for some reason you havent seen that already? s unfortunately reverse harem animes are really hard to come by and there arent a whole ton of schoolthemed ones for some reason theres also wallflower which although not a boy school the heroine lives with a bunch of guys youll have much better luck with manga i think theonetonwanton meant that they let robin william improvise instead of going from the script animated movies are usually pretty decently planned out with the animatics by the time it gets to voice acting you need to talk to him asap wake him up anything if you want to not totally crush him say that youre too young and youre not ready for this kind of thing id really advise you to dump him soon though otherwise youre digging yourself into a hole if youre nervous about being near him in class tell your prof to move you youre hurting him more by letting him think everything is ok also next time
this might be of interest to you influence the psychology of persuasion by robert cialdini is an excellent book on social psychology at best your dog is just experiencing some reactivity after not being around other dogs for a while it is possible your pitbull has genetically inherited dog aggression it usually doesnt show up til after adolescence its so unfortunate since theyre so sweet with humans management is going to be your best friend in dealing with this basically avoid surprise interactions with dogs trying to train this issue by yourself will be difficult unless you are wellversed in training the best route would be to contact a nonpunishment based trainer whom specializes in pitbulls or dog aggression here is a example to an training facility in los angeles what area of the country are you located in?
true but combined with freedoms higher number of raw recruits they are likely more reliant on large numbers of relatively inexperienced stalkers also duty has a nap w the military and was founded by military deserters so theyre probably more inviting to military deserters than freedom infps so many infps also a couple enfps intps intjs istps and a possible infj true my suggestion would be to hire on a bunch of mod developers from mods like coc ld and misery these people would make excellent auxiliary developers able to work on smaller details and refinements while the main studio makes the big changes great read but what exactly is the unas? what about a constitutional democracy? well oxxxy obviously kasta slava kpss and mars korzh are also good
happen to care about yeah and where did you get the idea that i am one of those people? or maybe youre not attacking me i dont know but thats what it feels like for me personally the motivation that drives me in being a selfproclaimed feminist is yes womens liberation but i also believe that every other kind of person however they identify would greatly benefit from a society that is no longer saturated with and controlled by a patriarchal capitalist system so even though what i am most passionate about in feminism is liberating women i am also excited about how things will change for other people im tired of defending and explaining myself now so thanks for the conversation and goodnight!
what does your wire look like? you qb situation is inconsistent so id suggest working the wire each week for matchups as for eli try and package him with jackson for a consistent wr to go alongside cruz a guy like miles austin would be my first choice a freemanpalme combination could be deadly i know youre not supposed to have so many qbs but when are you seriously going to start andrew hawkins or brandon gibson again? chandler is really a crapshoot at te rotate this door with whoevers playing the broncosredskinsother teams that ignore covering tes on a consistent basis youre going to have to hold onto charles mathews and peterson youll be hoping to get luck but the three of them combined should at least keep you competitive at rb and maybe rely on one of them to be your man winning you a week this is definitely a desperation situation but with smart play you might be able to do something
exactly i watched an episode once and the episode didnt even focus on the things being brought into the shop it focused on the scripted zany adventures of sam fat idiot named chumley i think thats because too many people would be angry if it wasnt i did experience quicksand as a child once wasnt nearly as bad as what the cartoons showed this is an opinion piece not news phew i saw it right im not schizophrenic sounds like sonic unleashed those slow wolf battle stages caused me go break the disc what is the point of adding the asterisk to nigger? does not having the i there really make a difference? why did you put brackets around your comment? that flag is dildos you cant prove that tyrion didnt do it
gti am wondering how those that hold the viewpoint that the bible doesnt condemn premarital sex get around this i hold the view that consummation is the fulfillment of the marriage covenant if a couple marries doesnt consummate and then divorces they arent divorced because they were never actually married or if a couple forgoes a marriage ceremony and still has sex they are married that being said culture and societal marriage laws play a part here if the culture and society in which a couple lives doesnt recognize the marriage as a valid covenant then the couple isnt married any sex outside of what that society deems as a marriage is extramarital sex im going to say this right out of the gate because i think its likely that it will be asked about in the us same sex marriages are legal this does not mean that i believe sex between two people within such a marriage is okay i believe that
i dont say much i usually cry welcome to the enlightened side yeah those moments can get to be pretty low each person is different in how they deal with such an occurrence but one way could be to undergo change a change in scenery in routine in anything really so long as its something new and fresh just a suggestion for the next time you or anybody you know find yourselfthemselves in such a funk i see my life as a video game with health objectives achievements everything sometimes even as a chapter book each chapter written out in the style of george r r martins books but all character perspectives are my own ive never been about casual dating since childhood when i looked someone i looked longterm like as far as marriage now that i think about it that could be why many girls ran the other way
its not a tiebreaker because it has caused the tie and if you play in that tournament you get the ticket for free its always on the bottom dw the slow is getting rescaled from 80 to 50607080 next patch yesterday i played few games and climbed from 5997 to 6249 just by playing support and i bought drums every game and how much if you include cosmetics which arent actual hats? yeah that requires you to actually get into the lb finals intentional am will also drain your mana if you backtrack the damage you forgot the sick apm actioncam where you do 1 rightclick every 2 seconds 6 they always keep their treads at agility always 7 they never get a bkb even after orchid buriza and mkb evenethough you should get it after orchid 8 instead of lasthitting they stay invis wait for something that they cant kill without farm same applies to riki
i played lol religiously since dude late 2010? whenever irelia was released immediately picked her up and mained her ive seen some flaming and trolling but nowhere near the amount other peeps must have seen despite that almost everyone supports the game buys skins wears merch and is generally passionate about the game i cant say that for many other games and its why i love league so much a higher number of points indicate community approvalagreement of a post or opinion for example rifts top post right now is a shitpost about the p2w state of the game at a whopping 70 points look at any other post on the subreddit and you barely see double digits at all active? sort of happier? lolno were all too busy fighting one another in game to support each other and be a community again this game is p2w! youre a freeloading whiner uninstall! is all i ever see along with elitism regarding paying peeps opinion of the f2pers
20 is 4 chisels per map but yeah to maintain a decent map pool at high levels you have to be willing to throw 10 chaos well scou really at maps fairly frequently man that shouldve been picked off nice focus by jackson to come down with it though his wrist got hurt in game 3 and you could tell it was killing him tonight he shouldnt have even played spurs knew he couldnt shoot and just ignored him assuming thats the newbie friendly ground slam marauder build i did the same exact thing i hadnt played the game until 10 was released last month slowly and painfully leveled to 45 or so with that build as my first character i could see the game had awesome potential but i just wasnt having that much fun every time i joined a party everybody else was so fast and smashed faces while i couldnt even contribute anything when i switched to the blender duelist build i started having way more fun and quickly zoomed up in levels even without having any good gear at all now at 77 and doing
all youre doing is taking atheism and calling it magic as dumb as everyone on there is plane security is actually all for show and theater it doesnt actually make anyone safer so let me get this explicitly clear and in writing someone who plays with dolls likes pink and wears dresses is a girl regardless of if they identify as a guy have male neurology are an ftm dude have a dick have a testosteronefilled body etc because their gender is female because they bought into norms and stereotypes that are associated with girls? thats pretty fucking sexist and transphobic if you ask me am i all of a sudden a man because i wear pants and enjoy video games and electronics? if i have short hair does that make me a man? wtf?
disobey stop giving politicians and government legitimacy reject the monopoly money ignore the legal system undermine the system leak government documents support assange support independence and stop being reliant on the us system ready for a nostalgia bomb everyone? prontera theme ragnarok online this song is etched into my soul yea i meant classic temporal paradoxes the word paradox is used for a couple different things non time travel paradoxes are possible but arent really the same thing as time travel paradoxes dehkoo is the correct way of saying it the craptastic advanced controls yea theres a bunch of methods they use everything from punch cards to qr codes i like the qr system its clean easy and i can pass off my keychain when i dont needwant it anymore
leads philosophy going in circles we dont need to put in a suitcase all these functions qualia for example would be perception representation of the current state in the brain emotion valuation of expected future rewards its not something outside of the domain of science one final note when thinking about consciousness philosophers tend to focus on the mind and the brain and forget about the environment itself on the other hand reinforcement learning is an embodiment theory the agent is embodied in an external environment much of rl concerns with the algorithms of learning the dynamics of the environment and how to plan actions it is a mistake to forget about the environment the affordances and the needs of the body when considering consciousness because afterall consciousness is a mechanism that keeps itself alive at least biological consciousness is that a self replicator competing
is upset after all c likes to talk things through d will never get the space they need to process their emotions on their own im not sure if your problem can be solved but usually following the golden rule works better for everyone if you think about how you want to be treated not specifically what you want people to do when they interact with you if we go back to a and b they both like to be treated like they are special but in different ways c and d both like to process their emotions but they have different ways of doing it i dont think your views are wrong per se but i think that she clearly needed space and you kept pressing her when that happens you should probably just say okay please let me know if you need anything ill let you come to me if you want to talk about stuff otherwise
my family in the states has bidets in all their toilets seriously theyre the best most bathrooms in my country have them now and i really dont see why it wouldnt catch on in the statesi have never chaffed because of bidets you only want money spent on one sport? didnt you learn about reproduction in school? dan will be amys andrew when she inevitably runs for congress amy will become selina dont think so the only thing i see in common between molly and hermione is their strong desire to keep harry alive i hope youre a troll im not british but i find bob hilarious! i always have myself in stitches when hes on wilty i didnt necessarily mean you should tighten it since you need it widened do you mind trying to move the pampds a bit? just to see what it looks like wider and so the kerning is the same for all the letters?
i like to call it being out of sync i wouldnt know how to pace my walking or talking the worst is not knowing how to end a conversation im fine with close friends and those things are natural but other than that i feel like a robot who cant be natural nope i have taken ritalin once for about a month it made me feel high on the first day on the second day i think i might have had panic attacks the rest of it was mostly heightened anxiety ill talk with my psychologist about the anti anxiety medication no i just watch it whenever my brother watches haha totally the human brain is fascinating as well as helping those who are struggling mentally it was difficult to just fully eliminate all the doubt that i had there were many questions of mine that were unanswered reading about kierkegaards concept of a leap of faith was the starting point of fully believing this quote by thomas aquinas sums it up very well we cant have full knowledge all at once we must start by believing then
well i started out wanting to write a book about a civil war in this country which eventually grew into an entire planet and rewatching star wars made me expand the universe a ridiculous amount and suddenly have a ton of planets and systems to develop along with more races and tech which im still working on another thing really kicking it off was reading asoiaf and seeing how interesting and in depth the world was and wanting to replicate that its just a great hobby where i get to be god and use my imagination for something cool i aim to write something asoiafesque in my universe at some point so that should be fun as well i have an older subreddit called which is a smaller friendly discussion and relaxation place it never got big and my attempts to keep it going kinda failed but it would be great if youd subscribe to it i hope to revive it somehow its pretty much just sharing an experience you had or discussing different things
gave me goosebumps anyway does anyone know where the footage from 115 is from? i dont think ive seen that episode what about astralfoxy and wintermint? wait so now the doctor is the president of gallifrey? they want you to see spells better in teamfights i think a lot of people have recommended starting with the new 52 run ive read about 20 issues of it so far its the first comic book series that i read and i really like it unfortunately nothing its been few weeks since i last dreameddreamt? and i dont really remember what it was about yeah way more awesome than what i expected sadly the crowd disappeared before the last game yeah that series introduced me to sandersoncosmere ive read the excerpts of the first few chapters of the new bookssounds interesting
i like your attitude and your username folks have also posted some pics of norwegian fjords with houses visible in the photo didnt see any complaints there i just finished watching that 70s show in order from start to finish on netflix the feeeeeeeels i know right!! i did tell everyone about my new bra last year when i got into abtf haha didnt care about awkward i tried to convert my friends but none of them are willing to spend as much money as i have on the quest for the perfect bra and that is one of the many reasons why shipping real people is one of the worst ideas ever how could you tell? im not trying to argue i agree with you but thats definitely not something i noticed until i was more sexually experienced and had a better understanding of arousal and sexual interaction and also had learned some about the porn industry and such
its funny cause right now im playing through metro last light which is based off the book series xd so its kind of reverse what youre asking i think tomb raider could make a good book series though i went to a private school and i dress preppy o well i do like to wear tshirts too but i just have a lot of button ups and preppy pants d go hokies! awesome to see vt on the front page! well thats what tons of people work on new products if there is no benefit to doing that what are those people going to do? its not so much that thats my anxiety it seems to me that without some form of competition and reward then people will stop working altogether if the state provides me everything then why should i work?
gt how many people wont even criticize his voting record well i mean he voted for stricter mandatory minimums on marijuana a few years back and now thats his main policy so im not sure thats a reliable way to judge him either gtbecause his footinmouth disease is really what makes him a poor future pm in terms of international relations it definitely would do you want him making an idiotic comment in the face of the head of another country and pissing them off spoiling an important trade deal? one month ago you mean? trying to define feminism in a sentence is like trying to define political science in one sentence yeah you can give a vague idea but as soon as you get into the meat of the topic it starts to fall apart feminism has dozens of different schools of thought and there are tons of internal disagreements saying feminism believes that or feminists think is like saying political scientists all think x a liberal wont agree with a marxist wont agree with a machiavellian its not
hi! here is the bit you are looking for it is a springsteen bit used for horses that lay on and run through the bit and is more common in racehorses especially trotter standardbreds it can be extremely severe and only should be used be advanced riders the sides collapse and put pressurepinch on the jaw of the horse when rein pressure is applied it is useful for getting their heads up if used correctly from what i understand it isnt a bad bit but it is one you need to have very steady and gentle hands with the very end is amazing lol you can have that one! yes! it actually happens a lot rearing is dangerous stuff they get unbalanced quite easily with a horse trained to do it like this with a rider on his back it is less so though
ok cool thanks for the info i hope you dont mind if i run my idea past you and others here this is a matter of usability really you see im redgreen colorblind you know those threat indicators when you lock onto a hostile threat that appear near your aiming point? when the threat is hostile red and the background stars are also red its virtually impossible for me to see which way to swing my ship to face the enemy i can see a couple of fixes thicken the lines or even make them into a solid triangle or allow the user to modify the color of them white would work great thus allowing good visibility of the indicators you can even make all of this toggleable by the user what do you think?
the pursuit special from mad max its a ford falcon gt xb 2 door its just the version with an ssd of course the the read and write speeds are going to be fast red orchestra 2rising storm its on sale youd only have to worry about a first payment in new haven since youll probably end up dead before the month is over anyway i was waiting for someone to make this connection is there a staples escapee on the bethesda designwriting team? i cant think of another reason for them to combine ron and otis into one person i figure the namer and designer are not responsible for the characters disposition microcenter is the place to get clearance gpus and the like theyre a retailer for this stuff and they have to clear out their shelves for the new stuff i hope everyone remembers the 204 980s when the 980ti came out you can price match microcenter elsewhere too but it usually comes down the manager digression
depending on where you work its going to happen i work med surg in a hospital i always find time to pee it only takes a minute but i rarely take an actual lunch break i eat at the nurses station while i chart technically a nono but if i take a half hour to go to the break room and eat ill be at work an extra half hour and i would rather not plus my phone will be ringing non stop while i eat because people need pain meds and other things i am often out within a half hour of my scheduled shift end time if i am working a 12 hour night shift many times i have to stay an hour or so late rarely i get out right on time but that is if it was a really slow night and dayshift isnt trying to chit chat during report if i work an 8 hour shift i usually stay 45 mins to an hour late to finish everything its not unusual for me to leave at 1am after a 311 shift worst shift ever do not take this shift as a new grad if you have a choice
gt its worthless and yet i was correct? how does that make sense? ever heard of bloodthirst? i swear the internet makes people thirst for tears the same way its probably not great for your mental health be careful is it too late to file a complaint against that officer? i mean i dont think you have a good case against the fine stop speeding please but thats fucking ridiculous transition can be a lot like parenting yourself thats the perspective i take im not literally twelve but some of my feelings and experiences are and will be adolescent raise yourself gently some numbskulls in my shop once shitcanned lost something like 250000 worth of milspec titanium doohickeys in an afternoon uncle sam just kinda shrugged it off
more likely they wont even comprehend our existence we might be too small for them to notice or too big or maybe they see time differently than we do backwards or all at the same time what if they only comprehend 1 or 2 dimensions what if they comprehend 4 or more? maybe they use a form of sensing different from the ones we have and their form of sensing cant notice us or we cant notice them or both what if they exist as energy? or in a state outside of solid liquid gas and plasma? there are way more other reasons for aliens not interacting with us in fact it would more less likely if there was an intelligent alien race out there to comprehend what we comprehend in a way that allows us to communicate and lets say that somehow they found us and we can actually notice one another they are still a different species they are hardwired to think differently than us what if they have a hivemind?
armageddonconspiracycouk pretty sure doing blackface is still really offensive trollololol do try to do some research today lol any form of islam sounds horrendous as does communism you sure do use blanket opinions for all postmodernists you sound like you want to silence your opponents maybe you should stay away from politics personally i prefer an atheist over any abrahamic followers they usually at least hold some scientific knowledge solomon the apostates effort to kill jehovah remains central to our evolution by researching my spiritual questions we need a 100 inheritance tax we can rid the world of wealthy family dynasties ever had to kill a problematic kangaroo? give back the child then eat them both
are you trying to validate low elo with the fact that you quit? im not trying to bash you or tell you that youre bad you should know that i know that about myself still my acc also one of my smurfs you shouldnt be so quick to defend your own opinions when you have nothing but atleast ten games to back them up with ten games means nothing when theory crafting and to be fair man you could get away with building anything as your first item and still win games at gold 4 in eune to me you very obv dont know what youre talking about mastery points have no correlation to how much you know a champion it just means you play that champion a lot the arguments you are making are mainly opinions and not factual if you want to get better buddy you probably should consider what the pros say
two issues 1 unlike drugs which are an item which your everyday person could get from a nice person who knows a guy who knows a less reputable guy who knows a hardened criminal through a long chain abortions are not an item they cant really be sold in school at the comfort of your own leisure without you ever being exposed to the hardened dealer sure they will still happen but the amount of people who would go to a doctor asking for something illegal and willingly get it even illegal having found one is not very great and the second part is that even if they did that with a reputable doctor it would not be funding gangs which is the issue with drugs the so called back alley abortions done by fake gangster doctors are kind of a myth in first world countries thats something that happens in
gt how do you do it? well i started off drawing stick figures and i kept going adding more details in and being persistent id draw what was in front of me and if it looked bad id say guess i need to work on this specific thing and try again later i kept doing this as a hobby for most of my life i could probably be a lot better if i sat down and took art more seriously what im saying is that if you want to get into art do it keep doing it dont give up simply because youre not impressed by something youve made the only real failure in life is giving up on something completely gt what is your favourite animal to draw? i like drawing cats i draw them a lot when im just doodling other than that i like to draw rabbits and im not actually sure why ill be doodling and then suddenly rabbit its weird gt do you take commissions? ive personally taken a strong no stance on this the biggest reason
this is exactly what i thought it was weird to me that mark saw so much value he is often few steps ahead this is absolution killswitch engage that song pumps me up! in reality they would impose me to come out to some mariachi song yo vivo en los eua y pues contrate sling por el verano para ver copa america y tambien la euro pero nadamas puedo verlos por univisiontdnunimas puedo ver azteca pero parece que cambian la programacion y al final de cuentas no pasan los partidos por azteca aqui prefiero ver los comentaristas de azteca who do we pray for now i grew up in mexico but lived in the upper valley for 6 years i didnt try el ultimo taco until 6 years of me hearing about it i was dissapointed
i have to say that i both agree and disagree with you there are certain times when its understandable to play that way for instance minecraft creative play thats designed so that you can build a castle of diamond blocks and virgin tears without having to go out and farm those things yourself on the other hand there are times when thats just not the way the game is meant to be played for instance if you brought your sleeveful of aces to a poker game youll likely leave without any friends i think that lots of people feel that games that dont give you the permission to cheat should be played without cheating and therefore feel resentment toward people who just cheated to get what they want because they feel the same as your poor poker friends cheated
im just wrapping up act ii nightmare and act ii trash caused me to dump a bunch of dps for vit and 2h for 1hshield i use cleave with the bonus fury per hit ground stomp with the rune to extend the range and pull people towards you overpower with the 10 crit for 6 seconds instead of revenge since i open with ground stomp and they are stunned revenge gets triggered very rarely hammer of the ancients with the smaller aoe and extra damage battle rage with the rune to increase it to 30 bonus damage and wrath of the berserker with the huge damage aoe and knockback on activation my passives are the 20 nonphysical resistance the lt20 hp halfdamage and powers cost no fury and weapon mastery i run around as aggressively as i can keeping battle rage up at all times gathering up or engaging large groups i open with the pull in ground stomp overpower and if its a bignasty group ill wrath of the berzerker
yeah many of the demons wouldnt really match the setting well unless it was some futureretro collapsed society that became wild west my retarded family specifically gets bottled water because they think its a health drink relative to normal water im pretty sure tons of people think this about this game dont let teenagers and neckbeards hear you say that theyll cry tears of impotent rage that we dont take their middle class white suffering at the hands of their mom seriously gtatheist christian is a really dumb oxymoron not really words are open ended theyre just used to explain ideas in the same way that buddhists who dont follow the cosmology of buddhism are a bit tedious but secular buddhism explains what those people are well enough this is the same idea
what he feels about things also it wont do you any good to expend a ton of energy over something that is no longer your decision as soon as you went and fucked another guy without telling him you lost all voice in the matter accept that or live a lie again he was fair to you in the situation return the favor its the least you could do gt theres much more to the story but i dont want to make this insanely long whatever else there is doesnt matter it really doesnt even if he fucked another girl and didnt tell you it seems like you chose to keep things going thats over and done with hypothetically so overall good job screwing up what could have been a good thing the bright side of it all is that you have the potential to learn how to handle things hint communication with the next decent guy in your life
been on a date? ehh i dont know if you get me my favourite food im done so bring me to get sushi being sushi to me either way sorted nope what kind of expectations are we talking about? oo other but you guys gave me the most unexpected and most difficult gift to give you gave me back myself thank you fucking stinks tomorrow is a new day but christ if i didnt wish it wasnt coming just for a little bit grumposaurous at m on the second day i met him so yeah i didnt set out with people in mind to be friends with it just happened and i love every single one of them i dont want any of this to change i am so happy right now in life thank you every single one of you for accepting me and reciprocating my friendship im sure it may not seem like much but it genuinely means the world to me love you all
yellow carrots definitely exist i cant think what else it could be almost all my characters are tauren and i love them but honestly baine is too green to be warchief for now cairne would have made an excellent warchief though id love to see baine and the other minor racial leaders fleshed out more in the lore diagnosed aspergers here first thing i did was put my fingers on my nose and feel the shape change with different facial expressions i had a deathadder black and it was pretty bad love my taipan though the best weapon against hans volter is a pillar you can hide behind so you can los him when he uses his smgs and kite him around if he tries to melee you also if you hear or see gas run like your dick is on fire save all your grenades for the last phase after hes healed three times he will turn red and then heal throw all your grenades underneath him just as hes about to finish the heal as for the lifesteal grab he automatically does it three times as he goes through his different
gtthose all make a lot of sense to me the sexsegregated private school and moving a lot doesnt quite make as much sense wouldnt most people be able to overcome this by age 30? i honestly dont know if they would or not especially if the person in question is a male who has no sisters i think that without a decent amount of interaction with opposite sex peers a guy will have a much harder time getting to know women through dating means its likely worse if they are homeschooled too i recall a guy i went to college with whos social interactions always seemed just slightly off he was an only child whod previously been homeschooled his entire life by his mother father and a male tutor though there probably were some female peers in his life like cousins or neighbors it didnt sound like he had much experience talking to women at all we tried dating for a while but it only lasted about 3 weeks
wouldnt work the season cycle is variable in length sometimes winter and summer are only about a year long each this most recent summer was around 13 years long thats a different circumstance remember the vault is outside time entirely and atheon is just shunting you back into normal time the game journey by thatgamecompany if youve never played it and you have access to a ps34 do so i promise you wont regret the time spent maaaaybe it is mentioned the garden and the traveler are closely connected somehow so the nurse is a serial rapist gtif you arent kin get lost what if i am and just want to get lost anyway your blog is weird actually what more freaks me out is the triggerer was apologizing to this nutter in the replies
gt finally visited a counsellor today i told her about my social anxiety problems but absolutely nothing about the suicidal thoughts i have had lately its a counsellors job to earn your trust and unless theyre wildly incompetent they dont expect clients to open up to them completely right from the beginning you made a start good for you gt immediately after i was a dick to one of my only friends in a text message and now i fell like shit when were carrying a lot of pain sometimes it leaks out in spurts of bitterness that take us by surprise it happens to the best of us so this type of incident is part of the condition of being a normal human being whos hurting i know that doesnt change the situation with your friend but trust me that sort of thing happens to the best of us you already knew you had these kinds of issues thats why youre seeking professional help maybe framing it that way when you apologise to your friend might help? what do you think?
in the video i referenced the fact that i had written down notes of what i wanted to say but the way i communicated may have inadvertently given off a bad vibe i attribute this to my sense of humor there was a lot of sarcasm and cynicism in the first part of the video from which you got your idea im selfaware enough to know i may have done that but i went ahead anyway because im trying to create above my other priorities tldr if you were watching this to connect it may have not been the right video for you if you were watching to appreciate a creation thats another story there are more videos on the way so i hope you will keep an open mind maybe one of those will have a less offputting vibe
when it was explained to me it was simply a loophole in a complicated tax system that has been exploited by all who know about it are you sure its not tomorrow wow nice work press g to remove the grid for screenshots though next time russia would be another color because the did try they reverted the br changes obama had allowed the rise of putins russia to go basically unchecked the us should have had a much tougher stance on ukraine and should have made sure its own democratic process was untouchable when the russians demonstrated their ability to master social media in 2014 during the ukrainian crisis some countries have an agreement with the press on subjects that they are not allowed to report on the ukau have these agreements but i cant remember the names of them
i was raised catholic and to me he seems like every other pope just with better pr he hasnt changed catholic doctrine in any meaningful way that i know of hes just focused more on the love the sinners than the hate the sinners rhetoric and the media is gobbling it up its not like he doesnt know that the catholic healthcare directives exist or the issues that have been raised in the media about it if he cared he could have done something seeing as the laws are based on canonical doctrine my dog is a stubborn asshole sometimes but when it comes down to it he trusts me completely he hates car rides but will get in the car when i ask and just gives me sad eyes same with baths and when he knows im about to leave him in the bedroom while im gone he still comes although it might take a bit of convincing also i was teaching him to stand on his hind legs and he just decided to throw in a little spin for good measure
i dont think you deserve the downvotes but i guess the moral of this story is dont judge a queen until youve walked a mile in her size 415 lady peep patent leather nude louboutins criticizing milk for wearing a beard then having a beard challenge the next season gt what if your kid grows up and is lgbt? growing up in texas north carolina or kentucky could be detrimental to the kid this was so thoughtful and unexpected wellll most of them probably arent using it for purposes of historical accuracy sooo it keeps going back and forth first it looked like legalization would be blocked then it looked like just commerce would be blocked then it looked like decriminalization will be undone everything is in flux
there are also female mma fighters just sayin mma may not be your cup of tea but people of all persuasions enjoy competitive fighting sports martial arts boxing fencing and mma is not any different sure people can get hurt but any sport carries risk you are just the squeamish type for judo which requires a lot of grip strength we grab a belt sleeve or rope and practice pulling away down dragging objects each other etc take a rope and hang it so that you can pull yourself up use your hands to climb as high as you can take a rope and loop around a partner while you are both sitting using only your griphands pull them along the floor have a tug of war very simple but effective margos cargo my favouritebecause reggies got the rig
i derped i was thinking of joe thats probably an extreme way of putting it telling someone that youre less attracted to them for any reason can start up the alarm bells in their head if they were prone to anxiety issues before something like that will definitely push them over instead you could say hey ive noticed youve been gaining some weight have you noticed this too? and then start a dialogue if you say youre losing attraction shes more likely to panic and become defensivejitterycombative which is the opposite of what you want you should be able to talk about these kinds of things but you also have to not be a dick about it i dunno man i feel like infj also works for everything is connected
my parents are the beach type of alcoholic and theyre enabled by their friends who come over and drink on the beach with them and think its just a onetime party nope every day thosere a dime a dozen on but seriously how does she get her hair like that?! am i the only one who has absolutely no idea what is going on in this photo? an h80? i have the very same we found it in our attic i only keep 3 strings on it tuned dad and play power chords jazzfunk i want to go into academia so really im just looking for the major that best aligns with my interests and prepares me for graduate level writing and research in the humanities practice reading sheet music even though it doesnt explicitly name the notes it will get you in the habit of seeing different places to play the same notes and give you the conceptual understanding
still needs more jpeg i think pretty good over here man pretty dang good perfect for bicycle day super battle droid take em down! i just love how quickly rein got outta there one of those eliminations were not like the others im glad you got the joke i was worried it was a bit too obscure haha thats awesome were on opposite sides of the spectrum youve been watching for 6 years i havent even been for 6 months some say hes still shitting im pretty sure one of the kamino guys are on the council in the phantom menace too but never seen again i think because they were supposed to be unknown too? im assuming most of it is 18 19 and 20 though i truly appreciate your kind words are you threatening me master jedi
and in 2014 well find out that our translation algorithms had a fencepost error and its really 2015 players dont impart collision damage in battlefield any of them impact damage is only inflicted on players by hitting terrainvehicles vehicles will impart damage to each othe if i remember correctly this gif is from a video of intentional bugexploiting tomfoolery and the support being launched had laced the enemy tank with c4 a kind of youre so oblivious were going to kill you in a really stupid and funny way thing yeah the current scotus composition leads me to believe theyll go against this if its appealed higher i hesitate to label your insanity as anything out of respect for the rational people whod have to suffer the association
this image really is the best example ive seen of how intps view emotions its not a perfect metaphor but its still pretty good im not sure how much of a trekkie you are but data was an android trying to figure out how to and what it means to be human he knew emotion was part of it constantly explored peoples emotions whyhow they reacted tried to understand how to read emotions and even went on to experience emotions of his own obviously unlike data we actually experience emotions from the very beginning but we tend to approach our own emotions like we approach other peoples emotions we are very aware of emotions but dont really always know what to do with our what to do with others but emotions are something that are of great interest to us we love exploring them exploring others emotions looking at how we can piece them together with other thing to make stuff happen
shit and why hasnt mirai nikki had a third season yet either huh! no your gaining sanity back it looks like you are really interesting in grammar want to research a stigmatized mental disorder 1 of the population has that people call people with that disorder retarded even though they arent that there have been many studies leading to some them being super geniuses some of them being above average intellegence and the rest which actually live up to the stigmas but are extremely rare get what ever person it isbecause your grammar makes everything impossible to decipher a pack of mars bars a snake inside a watermelon a make america great again hat a furry suit and a pet spider to people say that theorizing is jumping to a conclusion if scott included a small tear on one poster a kid drew and put on the wall there would probably be a reddit post of people saying that it proves the kid was murdered and was stuffed into an animatronic suit
keep questioning youll work through it all with time restaurants this city is a gold mine for food if evidence is presented it is no longer supernatural but instead a natural phenomenon thats beautiful i love this regret is the aching desire to have acted differently character is what comes of realizing that theres no point in holding on to that desire and making the deal with yourself not to make that mistake again not quite remember you can make a trade with another player at any time so you may offer to accept title deeds to the renters other properties andor get out of jail free cards in lieu of a cash payment or in addition to a partial cash payment shared future rents are disallowed for 2 reasons 1 its considered shared ownership and only one player may own a property at any time 2 you may only trade with tangible assets on hand such as cash title deeds to undeveloped unmortgaged properties and get out of jail free cards futures are not tangible assets however reducing the
arggh! ive been trying to complete this since last night every other question is split right down the middle! when times get tough do you trust your instinct or proceed one step at a time? erryes? when its overwhelmingly tough i step back use my instinct to make the plan then i grind through the plan in little baby steps its excruciating but i do it! its like this for every question except for the ones that i accidently clicked through and i have no idea what they were asking can only do them once _ but dont mind my bitching ill update this when im done p edit here it is uhh i guess the theme is dont give me any more responsibility than i already have i dont want anymore everything else is kinda even imgur
i hope it gets betteri read about the dog in your neighbors backyard they sound like total dicks! i hate exercise gt lt mellow mushroom sounds like its been baked on pot since 1974 d it doesnt have to be from here random people can also donate but does it run 60 fps? haha yeah lac operon is why i thought it was a play on words p that was highly redundant actually the worlds shortest fps is call of duty heyooo cant link from mobile very hard bulldoze a wall the whole building might collapse i feel like this was supposed to be sarcasm but maybe im wrong we try and run but there are two russian soldiers thanks for gifting the sloth gods love you lt3 ill pass on the message lol delerium chiming in when she has nothing to say d
it can happen you basically have to unfriend or mute almost everyone in your feed leaving only the ones you are certain are sane theyre actually some of the better fire fighters in the department probably because they make so many calls they just like hanging out at the station the thing is that the likelihood of someone being a shithead or just a bad rider goes up with the larger the group this is part of the reason i dont ride with people i dont know unless someone i trust vouches for them the other issue is i just dont find big groups fun biggest i ever rode in was 6 but normally its 34 can confirm i grew up and until recently lived in york county its mostly just racism heard lots of racist shit from guys in my last union part of why i left
youve hardly demonstrated that its a poor excuse or line of logic and youve gone off on a tangent largely irrelevant to the original point its not up to 20th century that he wont produce the silmarillion tolkiens son refuses to sell the movie rights for it or anything besides the hobbit lotr which were sold when tolkien was still alive and needed the money yep thats why region you want to work in matters in school choice not saying you didnt consider it but now that you are at a school thats out of region from your target a bit of blindness is to be expected if what the other guys are saying is correct and youre at a top school but are trying to get into a janky smaller market most likely your grades will not be a problem if you are big law competitive your bigger challenge will be effectively convincing these guys that you actually want to move out to their city
if you like that then youll love this oh man i forgot all about scorched earth so many fun memories i just built a seekins lower with a palmetto lower build kit not an moe just a standard its perfect i bought the seekins from joeboboutfitterscom mainly because i knew theyd ship it quickly and needed it asap to replace an unusable nfa polymer lower so i paid the 17999 they were charging and got it 4 days later you can find lowers that are just as good for cheaper like palmettos but good luck finding them in stock its amazing how much better things work when you use quality parts so what were the divergent characteristics and how do those characteristics suggest divine intervention? yeah but if there was an undeniable clearcut case of a powerful deity straight up telling us that we were created to do a thing there wouldnt be faith or religion it would just be the way of things besides that whole situation would be a bit coercive dont you think? if we still had free will what happens
exactly how i feel some people think it comes across as arrogant but i dont think thats true i think everything should be tried in life thats why i think rock climbing is fun for me because im competing in a sport that has measurable progress is physically and somewhat intellectually stimulating and i can do it with other people hm its actually also really vague anyone with the test client want to test what these things actually mean? more specifically is timing for stackingpulling any different 5155 or so depending on the camp and pulling bot lane with direside ancients? veno es etc youre looking at it the wrong way they dont want you to pay for the privilege of using nonworking features they want you to donate because the money would be helpful your donations are rewarded with the ability to navigate the site better i dont understand the complaint here i see a lapse in logic when people complain about getting something back for their money as opposed to getting nothing back
your relationship with your boyfriend provided you both are serious about each other which sounds like you guys are is more important than your homophobic friends i would talk to him as this should be a conversation you have with him as for your parents i dont see how you coming out to them ruins their relationship you dont have to come out to your parents either in fact you only have to come out to people you are comfortable with why would that ruin it? thats on them if their relationship falls apart not you also your happiness is important just be you as a fellow bipansexual living in a trumpreligious conservative area its not easy finding local lgbt friendly people but you cant change those people only the people you surround yourself with
i agree with mcshay hes the quickest human being ive seen play i became a fins fan for about ten years and weve never had a game breaker like austin id love to trade back and pick him up we got the best d line coach in the country that was a gutsy throw im a huge fan of both the wvu receivers in the draft this year i still think its crazy steddy bailey had 25 tds this year the defense and tannehill sucking is not mutually exclusive its an app that allows users to post things like this anonymously kind of like post secret say something lupe rosier is worse than hot trash yeah but you lost london perrantes and his beautiful hair is memphis getting saved again? jakeem the dream im also really glad i didnt have anything to do today
technocracy means rule by experts ultimately for any given issue you would have a bunch of scientists and engineers for a particular profession weigh in on issues pertinent to their area and form policy that way so rather than a single elected congress you would have large sets of people who were rated with various kinds of expertise and each would essentially be a congress with respect to that area you would probably still need to have a senate like body that edits and approves laws to ensure compatibility between different lawmaking bodies some corollaries to making a democratic technocracy work would be that higher education would have to be state funded and available to anyone who can demonstrate the perseverance andor ability to acquire expertise for the most part there also wouldnt really be elections other than internally within political bodies to decide who is the speaker and
you shouldnt be allowed to assume intent however if youre white you can open carry in america and the intent is assumed as cognizant resitsnce imagine the second scenario with a group of black people aka violent extremists why would you drink through your nose? crazy atheists he has 2 quotes in it and he is a complete trump booster just look at that twitter you posted of course he lies to try to save his spot in the light all trump boosters end up lying to preserve their good graces so his claim holds no water in my eyes solomun girl slow down soul clap islands pt 2 feat greg paulus slow hands amp tanner ross remix gadi mizrahi ill set your house here are a few that i use each club had a cartel dealer or two near the bathrooms where you could openly buy whatever you wanted it was fucking wild usually standing right next to security
check out some of the science behind wellseasoned cast iron cookware ideally you want your wok to have a similar layer of seasoning lol i look like sexy jesus i have not ill have to check that out! i always used them on the pthumerian descendant bosses trade some blows rally what i can gtfo heal when i need repeat until dead havent rolled in them yet but hydrogen wheels have a reputation for being more durable than their 84a durometer rating suggests turning off autotargeting makes ride the lightning a whole lot more useful gt sexual orientation isnt a federally protected class yes it is depends on where you are i guess all i can find around here is isopropyl rubbing alcohol but yes youre right ethyl alcohol is bad for lcds ammonia is worse
the whole wolf of god thing didnt feel the least bit fulfilling that whole final scene while maybe decently acted by ethan and vanessa was still like what the hell is going on? draculas knocking everyone over for 510 minutes not keeping an eye on the one enemy who can stop him while ethan runs to the person hes destined to saveprotect if you dont kill dracula this season you gotta have ethan wound him so he regroups for next season and both lucifer and dracula mount attacks and maybe the stinkin mummy comes into play i recall angel bob telling the doctor that all the others were dead and had their throats slashed unless im misremembering old foe play on words? old republic foe? revan? alison hikari has a few pages but they dont appear to be very active
football and basketball are all in season and the venues are like 2 miles apart so if youre a sports nut this could be a life changing trip tires for her car installed for cheaper than anyplace else my new oven was 100 cheaper than anyplace else and had free installation costco also included additional warranties their gas is easily 15 cheaper than anyplace else they take anything back they treat their employees well hands down i wouldnt give it up pocket he pulls out the wallet and launches it into a high arc right out into the river by now she and the guy are holding him i couldnt hear very well but she said something like that was my wallet! into the river! why would you go that?! police are called guy is apparently arrested she somehow didnt beat him senseless in the meantime for being an asshole
poe has spawned its share of near invisible blink striking dregs n thrall so i think there is stress on the servers at the highest level theres alot goin in in 1 3435 where i ive experienced it voc and icebreaker pretty much clear every strike perfectly i do also use strikes to level my newest weapons stupid question but gorgon chest drops the hawkmoon and monte carlos though yeah? im a playstation user only needing the playstation exclusives sga n a crux on back of my previous gun progression comment adding in too now confirmed the primaries have a burn but is randomly assigned still not a raid weapon then vendor gt queens gt skolas gt skolas adept elemental gt too weapons gt 365 raid weapons
im an american driving an old land rover those two are spot on creativity is a key skill i like the arts cyclery series exactly!! im working on it on the side but havent had much spare time for it definitely dont share a unit maybe move her stuff to a second unit present her with a bill for services when paid give her the key and sign over the rental agreement to her gt i dream of boobs ftfm me all i heard was blah blah blah eggs basket there is a difference between actually taking the idea from you steal your laptopdrawings etc? and coming up with the same idea and bringing it to reality first just signed up this afternoon very professional site more trading options than i know what to do with
complete the live event and youll get more points towards tokens youre wrong but whatever you moronic bitch my dad got me into basketball hell for my i want to say 3rd birthday my mom got us matching blazer snapbacks i got a picture somewhere after that love action movie i doubt this would ever happen his weeknd reactions are the best portland or its over 55k but belmont station is cool mobb deep drop a gem on em2pac diss the realest fuck dreaftermath diss yukmouth breath the game diss yukmouth animal 50 cent diss da real gee money industry nba youngboy diss camron hate me now nas diss camron stan stan spit diss camron gotta love it jayz diss if so it was the longest troll ever since i was on the site for like 5 years and he was doing it the whole time
donald trump will build an america worthy of the great nation of texas yeah youre probably right better to stay home all of it but hed let the wood cuck his wife first aber no where near as hot or as seuss md would put it a pede is a pede is a pede indeed russians dont get offended they just discount your existence entirely send them back its the only way most current every attack against hillary clinton is unfounded and racist as hell in other news hillary clinton didnt take more than 5 naps today sobrave tbh not everybody is cut out for learning it a lot of people just plain suck romance languages and hebrew help but putting in the time is the only way to get good definitely not for the faint of heart
its more about the type of ethics internal to a world than it is whether you are fighting for one in general the normal law side wants a world where everyone is taken care of the normal chaos side wants a world where no one takes care of you and you die if you dont fight for survival someone who is chaos can still think it helps people to fight for the world of chaos and to do so to allow them the freedom implied in it since the selfishness implied by being dark aligned doesnt necessarily mean you literally wot do anything that benefits anyone else its more like ideological selfishness you think a good world is a world where people have to help themselves that being said law and chaos figures do what they do for different reasons as far as light chaos its hard to say since they
you should know that answermike brown its hard to tell tone on the internet i was on your side coming from javen terrible puns mcgee? thank you for sharing im glad my post was able to do something positive youve definitely been through hell and came out stronger! youre smart and clever for leveraging your situation for your benefit to get yourself in a position to better yourself and escape the bullshit what are you going to school for? are you getting treatment for your mental issues? dont let anyone tell you youre fucked up for not being like them people just love to be cyncial love yourself you deserve it ooo all sales final fair enough you made good points poor guy i bet that secretly kills your isfj
i think hisher point was that badminton was the club sport i dont think ulta even sells it but dont waste your time with mufes primer its fine for dry skin thats already nice just needs some moisture but otherwise is nothing more than pricey facial lotion especially ill suited for oily skin from my experience i purchased mine at sallys beauty supply also it does dry very quickly on par with the drying time of all of the others i mentioned psa for reddit if youre ever in any sort of unexpected scary or life threatening scenario involving drugs go to the fucking hospital seriously take your friend to the hospital if their in the same situation call an ambulance if youre wasted dont ever think that youll get in legal trouble for seeking medical attention you can show up to the er shooting up heroin and youre protected by hipaa so many underage drinkers do stupid shit like this and dont call medical help because theyre worried about being busted go to the fucking hospital guys
agreed i would love to know how you can patent a human genome considering each persons dna is unique i dont get it he says raising taxes and cutting spending is bad than calls for congress to come up with a solution to reduce the deficit that does not add up i personally think that cutting spending and raising taxes is the appropriate solution to fixing our budget except that you need a fair amount of cash each month to afford bloomberg terminalsince op is looking for tips on how to use data feeds and excel something tells me he cant afford bloomberg terminal so a cat doesnt owncontrolposses its own life? i expected satire was surprised it wasnt gtthe lawyers also argued that jailing violated the constitutional rights of moroun and stamper wait what????? what kind of basis did the attorneylawyer have to make this argument???
is he still the iceman or has he officially changed it to the snowblower? yeah but newbs got it in only 2 months and it took g67 6 years to make it that man has an immune system like wolverines gt we did get the attention of the spooks and trolls at tmor what is the ratio of spookstrollsshillsbots around here? and is anyone elses oro check late this week? yeah show up in any city with a population under 15k in the southern us with a headscarf on crowing about how christianity is evil and see how long your day lasts the real cost of stick figures i will choose to believe gt i lost my job in my band buck wild roughly 3000 in expected future performance fees and ive lost three solo gigs already and thats all for voicing my opinion and yes it was harsh but it was just an opinion he said gt he added that the facebook post was taken out of context i really just meant that i would protect americas border at any cost thats what i should have said and now im completely screwed can we all
damn i was hoping for realistic working water what the fuck is up with all of these thinking types trying to tag the im such a robot joke to themselves? nt types are not robots if anything the istj types are robots xntj it is factual that we need the police xstj i am the police xstp fuck the police xntp fuck the police sometimes xsfj fuck me police xsfp oh shit its the police xnfp i hate the police but want to be the police xnfj what is the police? gtminion queen of delusion open world good combat role playing choose your own dialogue multiple endings multiple ways to do things doesnt feel too videogamey and character customization name jane doe point of origin midwest usa job shock and awe motto i am rocket man ability rocket jump favorite world war 2
to speak to the long end of healing i will explain my tubal i have a very physically demanding job and i also get hurt regularly at work i took a full 2 weeks off so i could be fully healed i was so glad i did i only took pain killers for 23 days after i could walk around fine but had to get out of chairs and bed slowly i also have a low pain tolerance i wore soft waistband pants or skirts for 3 weeks after surgery couldnt stand jeans i had lots of bruising in my abdomen hipsters and their offspring craft beer fuck the rest of you trying to enjoy your night out this is hilarious but if 6th grade me would have said that she wouldve sent me straight home to catch all hell from my parents
i mean i think he does the foreign heel role well but more and more theyve been willing to do foreign faces too cesaro recently early kofi in the not so distant past though mayhaps cold war tensions are too high to have a bulgarian bro? idk rusev plays his part well but if they wanted to i think they could get him over as a face im not sure about this on science fiction the daisy reference fades into 7 years 7 years 7 years i think this was always the album they were going to release in 2016 as a result as that wouldve been 7 years after daisy if i can learn how to do video no codingprogrammingetc experience at all so probably not happening i really want to run this scene through it bizarre recommendation but you should do a pillow design that just says jesse stay asleep in bed
before anyone forgets it handles more like a plane and less like a ufo you could pull 16g turns in the previous fm which regardless of its br needed to be reduced maybe not to these levels but at least meteor level wings how is having a lot of airports a bad thing? there are only 4 airports in anchorage and i think we need more the t3485d5t also has an armor hole above the gun manlet 20mm unsloped not showing up on the model but in the armor viewer youre taking my words out of context im talking about tier v exclusively which is a different beast entirely to the previous 4 tiers its pretty good to keep at least a card of kubs or buks so that you can pray to rngesus when they put atgm planes just outside your strelas
a lot of japanese commercials are like that theyll do a series that will tell a story check out the boss coffee ones for the story of an alien trying to fit in on earth the article? no im afraid she and many of her friends were soundly supporting it they were basically saying that the only reason why bernie is liked is because hes like trump and can say whatever he wants i tried to comment saying people like him because they trust him and hes not a criminal i will give updates on how they react cut off her head? or give her socks? psa vultures are your friends whoops hang on got that wording wrong psa all your friends are vultures secretly under the skin vultures all i actually agree that dust has some secret that we havent been told about we still have a huge vault under the emerald city with but one exhibit showcased
sorry the tow truck just came and theyre taking it away basically the front driver side bumper is touching the ground they said the oil is leaking aryaaria also sounds super close to or possibly is the name of i cant remember the youngest stark siblings name on game of thrones nah i dont think its creepy at all definitely cute! i wonder how much something like that is worth maybe he didnt want to disappoint you everyone has different preferences and perhaps he didnt want you to feel like he didnt want to spend time with you i understand that watching a movie may work better for you but maybe its different for him or maybe he just needed some time to himself or maybe he did say it and it went unnoticed?
ooc what thread did you find out that low dam has slaves in? one leak? from who breha? thats what im saying! confidentiality ooc dm as in direct message? youre gonna dm someone to play it? or do you mean gm? eru analyzed the man he was curious to the rodianbut he kept that all inside him knowing any little thought of complexity may show upon his faceand that could mean danger well be careful young buck! jalvere sipped yeah he did some bad things when you came back it didnt give me the best first impression of you maybe our relationship just started on the wrong foot he was bound by simple ropes ooc when is the voting time extended until? ooc i know cory says this to try to make some sort of friendly connection to amiera after interrupting
look i have no idea about the algorithm but i can say that is a pretty interesting combination to have and i would love to talk about it more if you may let me the sycamore in your wand says quite a bit about you especially if combined with the other things such as the phoenix feather core and how it is unbending it matches too well now on the outside you may or may not appear like a very inteligent person but you are sycamore is often said to be the wand of those who seek out new things excited to learn and very adventurous on the inside you may adapt easily or want to and you are deep down inside someone who is thirsty for knowledge on the world and questing for new things this is a quite beautiful thing on a person but it can also be quite dangerous when paired up with how sometimes distracted or a little too passionate you could get to be even if you dont know it this is even further reinforced by how you have a phoenix
register for a free trial and browse whats available it might be dated but its still relevant rather than trying to learn everything at once it doesnt hurt to work your way up through the examples especially considering not everyone out there has a 40 device does it have blockchain? if so anything is possible with programmable irony he worked as a taxi driver for 30 years going to be hard to change gt the standard of this season has been extremely high wut? just not the leader or anyone with influence within the group if its a few fringe dwellers no big deal but this is the public purse we are talking about the fuck we need a bonus point cunts! gt he knocked but you were not there to which i reply what time so i can check the tape nope no he didnt theyre all guilty of that one nobody was home its not a home its an office
the subreddits sidebar over heregt season ticket scarves but pax east scarves? move away or something? very clever very fake the point you were trying to get to is that the initial layer of the scam is intentionally blatant this weeds out people who would eventually figure it out before any resources have been spent scamming them a sort of game theory approach if you will bite is fast like realy fast gyrados is used for a reason delaying an episode has never been helpful to viewership no worries and i see that it looks like the fb account is for your painting services but it generally is considered bad reddiquette kind of a grey area in that case but it caught me off guard because they dont have access to the main control system that would allow this to occur
because its rejecting facts i will go back to my hand s j and maybe in p types wait let me get this correct you are angry at islam for blowing up mosques? are you angry at islam as a whole or the terrorists? while i did experience most of these im not super nostalgic over them i think op is trying to trick the mods into masturbating for a period of zero moderation you know how there is an infinite number of realities? well there is an infinite number of decimal numbers therefore in some of those realities your murderous intrusive thoughts came true just dont say nigger or just ignore them as you walk by if they confront you about it berate them for being impatient 2072 when its 2077 and im 75 im going to launch up fallout 4
happened early for me 17 and still in high school i had to get out of a shitty situation with my mom and as a result had to grow up and take on adult responsibilities served me well though it made the transition into college life a lot easier and at 19 i rented my first apartment with no outside help or advice and am currently doing very well financially as well as academically pretty much on my own but i am doing fine mmmm maybe i dont know what it would be your mom sounds awesome! really impressive! im glad she got herself out of that situation what the crap is a ring ding? i actually have a question about a behavior i have that might be a red flag i almost always obsessively measure my waist every day i feel like my waist measurement needs to be between 27 and 28 inches for me to feel good confident and sexy for the day if my measurement is over 28 inches i tend to hide in a sweatshirt or other loose clothing