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The context of the following conversation is Remy got a new job so he went and purchased a new car to get around.:
Remy says Check out my ride.
The friend responds Woah, new car man nice.
Remy responds Thanks, just got it today.
The friend responds It fits you.
Remy responds Got that new job I was talking about last week so it felt like I should celebrate a little.
The friend responds well you made a good choice.
The context of the following conversation is Remy got a new job so he went and purchased a new car to get around.:
Remy says I bought a new car yesterday..
The friend responds Nice, what kind of car did you buy?.
Remy responds I bought a blue Honda Accord..
The friend responds Blue is my favorite color..
Remy responds I purchased it since I got a new job and I'll use it to get around..
The friend responds I am so proud of you..
The context of the following conversation is Remy got a new job so he went and purchased a new car to get around.:
Remy says Now that I got a new job, I bought a car too..
The friend responds Is it a new car?.
Remy responds Yeah, I will be using it to drive to work..
The friend responds Oh wow. No more taking that bus..
Remy responds That took too long. With a car I have more freedom to work late but also leave later to get there..
The friend responds That sounds great! Good luck with it!.
The context of the following conversation is Remy got a new job so he went and purchased a new car to get around.:
Remy says I am overjoyed to have this new car!.
The friend responds You deserve it Remy, you work harder than anyone I know..
Remy responds I need this car to commute back and forth to work..
The friend responds I completely agree. It is a pretty cool car..
Remy responds Thanks! Can’t wait to show my co-workers tomorrow..
The friend responds Don’t make them jealous Remy..
The context of the following conversation is Ash knew that Jan was low on funds, so she lent her the money to pay for groceries.:
Jan says I am so grateful to Ash, he is a great friend..
The friend responds Is that the same Ash that lend you money last month?.
Jan responds Yes, he lent me money for groceries..
The friend responds He has a great hear..
Jan responds He does indeed, I didn't know what to do, I was out of food..
The friend responds Did you pay him back already?.
The context of the following conversation is Ash knew that Jan was low on funds, so she lent her the money to pay for groceries.:
Jan says I wish payday was sooner..
The friend responds You and me both..
Jan responds Last week Ash had to lend me some money for groceries since I was low on funds..
The friend responds Next time you can also borrow some money from me..
Jan responds That would be so helpful, thank you!.
The friend responds No problem..
The context of the following conversation is Ash knew that Jan was low on funds, so she lent her the money to pay for groceries.:
Jan says I borrowed money for groceries from Ash. I was low on funds..
The friend responds He always looks out for his friends..
Jan responds I would do the same for him if I had money..
The friend responds Yes, you would. Jan, you are a nice person..
Jan responds I wish I didn't have such a hard time now only because they cut my hours at work..
The friend responds That's tough..
The context of the following conversation is Ash knew that Jan was low on funds, so she lent her the money to pay for groceries.:
Jan says I really appreciate Ash lending me that money, I really needed groceries.
The friend responds I heard he did! Missing those days from work while you were sick must have drained all your savings.
Jan responds It did indeed. Ash was such are a life saver! .
The friend responds Well since you have all those groceries now, you can make him some lunch!.
Jan responds Ah that I can definitely do, thanks again for the suggestion.
The friend responds Of course, and say hello to Ash, he is indeed a great friend.
The context of the following conversation is Sydney was being mean to people, but she felt bad afterwards.:
Sydney says I feel really bad about something I did today.
The friend responds what did you do to feel bad?.
Sydney responds I was being really mean to people at work, I just felt angry.
The friend responds Why were you so angry?.
Sydney responds I am not sure, but I felt so bad afterwards.
The friend responds it's okay, maybe take some donuts to work tomorrow for everyone.
The context of the following conversation is Even though Sasha had stolen his most precious possessions, Jesse gave Sasha a chance for redemption.:
Jesse says I cannot believe Sasha stole my most cherished possessions!.
The friend responds I've heard he was on drugs at the time and needed money for a fix..
Jesse responds Well, he's clean and sober now and that's a very good thing!.
The friend responds He couldn't have done it without your help..
Jesse responds Good to hear. Now I want him to pay it forward and make up for that theft..
The friend responds I will manage to eventually. I heard he even volunteered down at the homeless shelter..
The context of the following conversation is Even though Sasha had stolen his most precious possessions, Jesse gave Sasha a chance for redemption.:
Jesse says I still can't believe Sasha broke into my safe and stole all those things!.
The friend responds That's crazy- did you call the police and press charges?.
Jesse responds I thought about it, but I've known Sasha forever and I feel like I should give him another chance..
The friend responds I dunno man- sounds like he's not very trustworthy..
Jesse responds It's going to take a long time before I can trust him again..
The friend responds Be careful- don't let him near anything valuable..
The context of the following conversation is Even though Sasha had stolen his most precious possessions, Jesse gave Sasha a chance for redemption.:
Jesse says I think everyone should have a chance to be forgiven.
The friend responds Are you thinking about Sasha when you say that?.
Jesse responds Yes! I gave her a chance for redemption..
The friend responds I can't remember what she did wrong..
Jesse responds She stole my most precious possession!.
The friend responds So bad of Sasha.
The context of the following conversation is Even though Sasha had stolen his most precious possessions, Jesse gave Sasha a chance for redemption.:
Jesse says I am praying that Sasha doesn't break my heart again with her actions..
The friend responds I can't believe you are giving her a job after she stole from you the last time..
Jesse responds Well I believe that everybody deserves redemption..
The friend responds Yeah but she has already proven who she is. She took your most precious possessions..
Jesse responds It's only material. Those things can be replaced..
The friend responds I won't say I told you so when she steals from you again..
The context of the following conversation is After the large car accident, Cameron needed someone to talk to.:
Cameron says I'm so freaked out right now..
The friend responds I'm sorry, Cameron. What happened?.
Cameron responds I was in a car accident today. Six cars were involved. It was a mess..
The friend responds Oh my gosh! Are you okay? Are you in the hospital?.
Cameron responds I'm fine physically. My air bag was deployed and kept me from getting seriously injured. But emotionally I'm a wreck..
The friend responds I can imagine! I'm so glad that you're not hurt though. That's the important thing..
The context of the following conversation is After the large car accident, Cameron needed someone to talk to.:
Cameron says I just got in a huge car accident..
The friend responds Oh no, that's horrible!.
Cameron responds Yeah, I feel awful..
The friend responds I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to..
Cameron responds Thanks, yeah that would be nice..
The friend responds So, what happened?.
The context of the following conversation is After the large car accident, Cameron needed someone to talk to.:
Cameron says I need someone to talk to.
The friend responds what is it?.
Cameron responds I was involved in a large car accident and I'm going to the hospital now.
The friend responds what? are you injured?.
Cameron responds It's just a precaution, but I really need someone to talk to.
The friend responds I am on my way.
The context of the following conversation is Ash was jogging with their phone and tried to change the song that was playing. Ash dropped the phone and cracked the screen.:
Ash says I just cracked my phone screen..
The friend responds Oh, no. What happened?.
Ash responds I dropped it on the ground when I was jogging..
The friend responds Oh, no. Why didn't you just stop to use your phone?.
Ash responds I just wanted to change the song. I was in the zone..
The friend responds I am sure you can get it fixed..
The context of the following conversation is Ash was jogging with their phone and tried to change the song that was playing. Ash dropped the phone and cracked the screen.:
Ash says I was jogging yesterday, and when I went to change the music, I dropped my phone and cracked the screen..
The friend responds Oh no!! Is it just a small crack?.
Ash responds No, the whole screen is pretty much shattered..
The friend responds Do you have any type of warranty on it?.
Ash responds No, unfortunately I'll have to pay to have it fixed..
The friend responds Oh wow, I'm so sorry that happened to you..
The context of the following conversation is Austin drove their car on the highway and went to the Grandparent's house for the holidays.:
Austin says I just decided last minute I would drive to my grandparent's house to spend there the holidays..
The friend responds Where are they?.
Austin responds They live in the countryside a hundred miles from my home..
The friend responds That's a long drive..
Austin responds It wasn't bad. I stopped along the way to pick up food. I just want to spend time with my grandparents. They are getting so old..
The friend responds It's great to hang out with family..
The context of the following conversation is Skylar was speeding on a highway. They got a warning.:
Skylar says Sorry I'm late. I was stopped on the highway for speeding..
The friend responds Did you get a ticket?.
Skylar responds No. I only received a warning..
The friend responds I bet it was a local cop. A trooper would have given you a ticket..
Skylar responds Yeah, it was a local cop. He didn't even ask for my license. Just pulled me over, told me to watch it, and then left..
The friend responds You got lucky man. That would have been your third speeding ticket this year..
The context of the following conversation is Skylar was speeding on a highway. They got a warning.:
Skylar says You would not believe how I got out of a ticket for speeding on the highway.
The friend responds Oh please tell! I've never gotten out of a ticket.
Skylar responds Well to be fair I was just following the traffic, but I happened to be the last one. I ended up just crying when the officer came to my car!.
The friend responds Oh wow and that actually worked?.
Skylar responds Yes I feel a little bad for lying, but getting a warming is better than having to pay a fine.
The friend responds I definitely agree with that! I'm going to try that next time..
The context of the following conversation is Casey's pool was not kept up properly every year, so now it leaks water.:
Casey says I've learned that I haven't been on top of things recently..
The friend responds I know the feeling. That's when you keep putting things off and avoid starting on tasks..
Casey responds Exactly right, and I finally learned that the hard way. I had a swimming pool for years that I just took for granted..
The friend responds That's a nice luxury to have. It can be a great way to relax..
Casey responds Unfortunately, I haven't been maintaining it properly and it's started to leak water. I should have been more careful..
The friend responds That's a tough pill to swallow. I wonder if you could hire a contractor to check it out..
The context of the following conversation is Casey's pool was not kept up properly every year, so now it leaks water.:
Casey says I am going to have to fix the pool this year..
The friend responds Why? What happened to your pool?.
Casey responds I didn't take very good care of it and now it is leaking..
The friend responds That sucks! How much is that going to cost you?.
Casey responds I am not sure. I have to get some price quotes..
The friend responds I know a guy that works with pools, I can give you his number if you want..
The context of the following conversation is Quinn headed back to the hotel. Her dog cam wasn't working and it wasn't because of the app.:
Quinn says I can't seem to get this dog cam working. I wonder what is wrong with it..
The friend responds Hang on, let me help you..
Quinn responds I know that it is not the app, so it must be the camera..
The friend responds Okay, hand it to me. Let me see what I can do..
Quinn responds Okay, you take a look at that and I am going to head back to the hotel..
The friend responds Alright, I will see you in a bit after I take a look at this camera..
The context of the following conversation is Quinn headed back to the hotel. Her dog cam wasn't working and it wasn't because of the app.:
Quinn says Hey how's it going, my dog cam doesn't seem to be working..
The friend responds I've never used one, so wouldn't know how to help you there..
Quinn responds Perhaps, it's the batteries, I know it's not the app. I have to film this vlog soon, but need to head back to the hotel first..
The friend responds Yeah, check the batteries, it could be the reason..
The context of the following conversation is Quinn headed back to the hotel. Her dog cam wasn't working and it wasn't because of the app.:
Quinn says Back at the hotel now - My dog cam isn't working. I was trying to get some shots of the city from a dog's perspective......
The friend responds Bummer, I've had problems with that dog cam too. We probably should have bought different ones!.
Quinn responds Did you send yours back to the manufacturer?.
The friend responds Not yet, but I think I should. It should have lasted more that 5 days..
Quinn responds Yeah, mine only worked for a week. I'm calling them now....
The friend responds Let me know how it goes. I think I should get my money back..
The context of the following conversation is Quinn headed back to the hotel. Her dog cam wasn't working and it wasn't because of the app.:
Quinn says I need to go back to the hotel..
The friend responds Why? We are having such fun here at the festival..
Quinn responds My dog cam isn't working. I'm afraid my dog did something..
The friend responds Maybe there's a glitch with the app..
Quinn responds No, the app is fine. There's no live feed. Something happened to the dog cam itself. It is showing it offline..
The friend responds Maybe your dog ate it. He got sick of being spied on constantly..
The context of the following conversation is Tracy was proofreading the document for the meeting. She found a word out of place and carefully selected it.:
Tracy says I need an assistant to help me proofread documents..
The friend responds That can be very tedious work..
Tracy responds Before the meeting today I spent an hour proofreading and only found one word out of place..
The friend responds That's a lot of effort to fix one little word..
Tracy responds It took about five seconds to select the out of place word but over an hour to find it..
The friend responds You should really look into getting an assistant to help you do that from now on..
The context of the following conversation is sydney got a new batch of prisoners to cook food, and she put the rest to work.:
Sydney says I'm happy I have a new crew of prisoners I get to show around the kitchen.
The friend responds the last bunch you had were stealing so many things out of there I couldn't believe it.
Sydney responds hopefully I can show them how to cook and put the rest to work somewhere else.
The friend responds I hope everything works out for you.
Sydney responds They seem like good people so I think it will.
The context of the following conversation is sydney got a new batch of prisoners to cook food, and she put the rest to work.:
Sydney says There are so many prisoners who are going to work with me to make food.
The friend responds You're right. Do you know who doesn't need to work and who does?.
Sydney responds I don't know. There are people in the prison who haven't cooked anything yet. I think I will grab them and put the rest to work.
The friend responds That is such a smart idea.
Sydney responds Yeah, it is. Thanks for helping me come up with a choice.
The friend responds Of course.
The context of the following conversation is sydney got a new batch of prisoners to cook food, and she put the rest to work.:
Sydney says I have new prisoners who will be cooking our meals..
The friend responds Hopefully they cook better than the old prisoners..
Sydney responds The old prisoners are now doing the cleaning and laundry..
The friend responds There is a lot of laundry to do for everyone..
Sydney responds I hope for once we get a good meal..
The friend responds I'm starving and so are the prisoners..
The context of the following conversation is sydney got a new batch of prisoners to cook food, and she put the rest to work.:
Sydney says I've been weak since last week..
The friend responds So how did you go with cooking and the other chores?.
Sydney responds I got a new batch of prisoners to cook food and put the rest to work..
The friend responds Hmm, that's better..
Sydney responds Yeah..
The friend responds Take care dear..
The context of the following conversation is austin did not know what to get sasha so he just gave her money for her birthday.:
Sasha says I got some money today!.
The friend responds why did you get money and from who?.
Sasha responds I got money for my birthday from Austin.
The friend responds I thought he was getting you a gift.
Sasha responds he told me he didn't know what to get me.
The friend responds I see, money is great too!.
The context of the following conversation is We indicated the clearly the topic after teaching the kids for an hour and a half.:
Lee says We taught the kids for an hour and a half yesterday..
The friend responds It took you an hour and a half to teach kids one topic?.
Lee responds Yes, but we were able to clearly indicate the topic..
The friend responds I guess that's great..
Lee responds It's amazing. The kids are catching on very fast..
The friend responds They'll be ready for the next grade..
The context of the following conversation is We indicated the clearly the topic after teaching the kids for an hour and a half.:
Lee says I am so impressed the kids have picked up the lesson so fast.
The friend responds They seem like pretty smart kids and I think you wont have any problems with them.
Lee responds I hope so. I have had a really bad week with some of the children falling behind in class..
The friend responds if you need some help with anything just let me know since i do not work this week.
Lee responds that would be amazing.
The context of the following conversation is We indicated the clearly the topic after teaching the kids for an hour and a half.:
Lee says The kids weren't really paying attention in class today..
The friend responds Why weren't they paying attention?.
Lee responds Some new video online or video game, I couldn't really tell. I went on for an hour and a half and one had the nerve to prove they weren't listening by asking the topic..
The friend responds Wow. Kids are easily distracted though, and those games are all they talk about..
Lee responds I felt like I wasted the whole day..
The friend responds And you will probably have to teach this topic again so that's another day..
The context of the following conversation is They were only apart for a few minutes, but Aubrey missed Sydney already.:
Aubrey says We've only been apart for a few minutes, but I misses Sydney so much I ended up crying!.
The friend responds It's ok. Tears aren't all bad..
Aubrey responds It's just so sad! Why do I always miss Sydney so much? It's just so sad we can't always be together!.
The friend responds It is sad. But it's part of life, too..
The context of the following conversation is Riley had a huge Minnie Mouse themed birthday party, because Riley was one year old.:
Riley says I like Minnie Mouse..
The friend responds You have a Minnie doll I see..
Riley responds I had a big birthday party with Minnie. When I turned one, that's what my parents told me.
The friend responds That must have been fun..
Riley responds I had Minnie Mouse balloons and napkins and presents in the pictures..
The friend responds Sounds like your parents really worked hard to make your first birthday party special..
The context of the following conversation is Riley had a huge Minnie Mouse themed birthday party, because Riley was one year old.:
Riley says Have you ever had a themed birthday party?.
The friend responds No I have not.
Riley responds I had one when I was one year old..
The friend responds What as theme of he party?.
Riley responds It was Minnie House..
The friend responds That is amazing!!!!.
The context of the following conversation is Aubrey found Kendall after she had been missing. She shared the news with Kendall's friend.:
Aubrey says I have some great news for you..
The friend responds I hope it has to do with Kendall..
Aubrey responds It does, I found her..
The friend responds Oh my God I’m so relieved and happy..
Aubrey responds Everyone is feeling the same way that we have our friend back..
The friend responds I’m on my way to your house right now to see her..
The context of the following conversation is Cameron had picked vegetables out of their garden and used the fresh vegetables to make dinner.:
Cameron says So, what do you think?.
The friend responds The vegetables are really good..
Cameron responds I picked them fresh from our garden today..
The friend responds Well, thanks for inviting me to dinner--it's quite a treat having fresh food..
Cameron responds I thought you'd like it..
The friend responds You weren't wrong..
The context of the following conversation is Cameron had picked vegetables out of their garden and used the fresh vegetables to make dinner.:
Cameron says I just love the middle of summer when the vegetable get ripe..
The friend responds What did you pick today?.
Cameron responds Mostly salad ingredients: lettuce, cucumber, and tomato..
The friend responds Yum, will that be part of dinner?.
Cameron responds Yes, do you want to help me make the salad?.
The friend responds Sure, let me wash my hands..
The context of the following conversation is Cameron had picked vegetables out of their garden and used the fresh vegetables to make dinner.:
Cameron says These squash turned out great.
The friend responds wow they are so big.
Cameron responds yeah I'm going to try them out in this new recipe.
The friend responds for tonight?.
Cameron responds yeah, does it sound good to you?.
The friend responds it definitely does.
The context of the following conversation is Cameron had picked vegetables out of their garden and used the fresh vegetables to make dinner.:
Cameron says These are awesome vegetables.
The friend responds Yeah, they are truly great. What are you going to do with them?.
Cameron responds I plan on making a nice sort of soup with it.
The friend responds that sounds really tasty. I hope you have the best luck.
Cameron responds I most definitely will.
The friend responds for sure.
The context of the following conversation is Taylor's math test was that afternoon at school. Taylor tried very hard to pass it.:
Taylor says I think I'm going to pass that math test today.
The friend responds I know, you have been studying day and night.
Taylor responds I really want to try to do better but its just so confusing.
The friend responds yeah I don't really get it either.
Taylor responds I even went to Mr Smith after class for help.
The friend responds woah! how was that, he can be scary.
The context of the following conversation is Taylor's math test was that afternoon at school. Taylor tried very hard to pass it.:
Taylor says I don't think I did well on the math test..
The friend responds I am sure that you did fine!.
Taylor responds Well, I studied very hard, but it was much more difficult than I had thought..
The friend responds Honestly, the test is not worth too much in terms of your overall grade..
Taylor responds I know, I just tried so hard..
The friend responds We will have to just wait and see next week when the results come back..
The context of the following conversation is Taylor's math test was that afternoon at school. Taylor tried very hard to pass it.:
Taylor says I'm really worried about how I did on the math test I took this afternoon..
The friend responds Didn't you study for it?.
Taylor responds Not really. I tried to do all my studying at the last minute..
The friend responds So do you think you'll get a decent grade?.
Taylor responds I have no idea. I tried really hard to pass it..
The friend responds Well, considering you didn't really study for it, I'd have to disagree..
The context of the following conversation is Taylor's math test was that afternoon at school. Taylor tried very hard to pass it.:
Taylor says Well, today was the day..
The friend responds Yep. The big math test was this afternoon..
Taylor responds Do you think we did okay?.
The friend responds Come on! I know you've been up all night studying Taylor, what could have gone wrong?.
Taylor responds This test sure was hard..
The friend responds Don't worry too much Taylor. It's going to be okay..
The context of the following conversation is Taylor's math test was that afternoon at school. Taylor tried very hard to pass it.:
Taylor says I had the math exam today..
The friend responds How did you do?.
Taylor responds I don't know yet but I tried really hard studying this week..
The friend responds I am sure you will pass it..
Taylor responds I hope so; we find out next week..
The friend responds Good luck!.
The context of the following conversation is Riley had just moved to a new town and was excited for the upcoming adventure in store.:
Riley says I'm so happy I decided to move!.
The friend responds Yeah I miss you, but I'm really excited for you!.
Riley responds Yeah I'm a little nervous, but I am excited for the upcoming adventure in store.
The friend responds Well I'll be sure to visit you soon!.
Riley responds You know I would love that! The sooner the better.
The friend responds Okay I'll be sure to try and come soon.
The context of the following conversation is Riley had just moved to a new town and was excited for the upcoming adventure in store.:
Riley says I am looking forward to meeting new friends and having adventures in the new town..
The friend responds You just moved there right?.
Riley responds I got here a week ago. People are so friendly here..
The friend responds Have you made a lot of friends..
Riley responds Not a lot but a few. They want to do things with me..
The friend responds That's great. They'll show you around..
The context of the following conversation is Riley had just moved to a new town and was excited for the upcoming adventure in store.:
Riley says I'm really excited about my move. I think I'm going to have so many adventures as I explore..
The friend responds I'm jealous! It's such a great opportunity..
Riley responds It is. I'm so glad I accepted the job. I'm going to miss everyone back home, but I really think I'll like it..
The friend responds If you keep a good attitude and are open to new experiences, you definitely will..
Riley responds That's my goal. I'm going to make sure to really take advantage of the move..
The friend responds I can't wait to come visit you..
The context of the following conversation is Alex wipe Remy's eye with a tissue because she had been crying about the death of her friend.:
Alex says Today I wiped Remy's eye with a tissue..
The friend responds Oh no, what happened to Remy.
Alex responds She was crying about your friend dying..
The friend responds Oh, sorry to hear that, poor Remy..
Alex responds I'll make sure to be there for her whenever she needs me..
The friend responds That's sweet of you Alex. It's nice to have a friend like you..
The context of the following conversation is Alex wipe Remy's eye with a tissue because she had been crying about the death of her friend.:
Alex says I am very sorry for Remy's loss..
The friend responds What happened?.
Alex responds I had to give her some comfort as one of her friends died..
The friend responds That sounds horrible, poor Remy..
Alex responds Yeah, I wiped her tears away, and tried to do something fun..
The friend responds That's nice of you Alex. .
The context of the following conversation is Alex wipe Remy's eye with a tissue because she had been crying about the death of her friend.:
Alex says I hate to see Remy cry!.
The friend responds Why was Remy crying?.
Alex responds She had been crying about the death of her friend..
The friend responds Ohhh! that is so sad!.
Alex responds I had to wipe her eye with a tissue..
The friend responds I'm so sorry about her loss..
The context of the following conversation is Ash wasn't just being reprimanded by the parents for being so reckless, Sydney also gave Ash hell.:
Sydney says I cannot believe Ash's got away with it, his parents were so angry with him!.
The friend responds Yeah, that was bad. Not only could he has gotten hurt, but also his sister!.
Sydney responds I also had to tell ash what he did was wrong..
The friend responds That's because you care for him and so do his parents..
Sydney responds Ash just don't understand me at all..
The friend responds You've been friend for some time Sydney, he will understand you and care. Please believe that..
The context of the following conversation is Ash wasn't just being reprimanded by the parents for being so reckless, Sydney also gave Ash hell.:
Sydney says Ash deserved to get reprimanded by the parents for being reckless..
The friend responds Was what he did really that bad?.
Sydney responds He took the kids in class to an R-rated movie without permission..
The friend responds I'm sure kids see worst things on the internet..
Sydney responds Doesn't matter. I gave him hell for it too since he could have gotten sued..
The friend responds I'm sure the kids don't hate him for it..
The context of the following conversation is Sasha had a busy lifestyle and although they didn't have a lot of spare time, Sasha did a lot in their spare time.:
Sasha says I try to cramp in as much as I could when I have a free minutes. I don't get many of those..
The friend responds You need to take a break once in a while..
Sasha responds I am finishing up school and working two jobs to support myself. There really isn't a free minute most days..
The friend responds It's like you want to slow down but can't..
Sasha responds Exactly. When I put my head down on my pillow every night, I feel so relieved..
The friend responds You can rest..
The context of the following conversation is Kai recommended a a therapist to help Lee called Taylor. After their first session, Lee thanked Kai for Taylor's support.:
Lee says I had my first session with Taylor, the therapist Kai recommended to me..
The friend responds How was it, did you like him?.
Lee responds I did, we talked about how I am having trouble grieving for my mom..
The friend responds I hope they can help you find some peace, I know how upset you have been..
Lee responds I hope they can too. I need to give Kai a call to thank her for the recommendation..
The friend responds I am sure she will appreciate knowing that it was a positive experience for you..
The context of the following conversation is Kai recommended a a therapist to help Lee called Taylor. After their first session, Lee thanked Kai for Taylor's support.:
Lee says Hey, I'm so impressed for how Kai helped me out with a great therapist named Taylor..
The friend responds I bet you were grateful for the help..
Lee responds Yes I was. I totally thanked Kai for giving me Taylor's support..
The friend responds Kai has turned into an awesome friend, don't you think?.
Lee responds Absolutely. I really have to do something nice for her now..
The friend responds That's a good idea. We need to plan something we can do for her as a group. Maybe take her out or something.
The context of the following conversation is Sasha went higher. in the big house her friend.:
Sasha says Have you seen my glasses?.
The friend responds I thought I saw them upstairs, in the hallway bathroom..
Sasha responds I can't believe I have to climb that staircase again..
The friend responds I know. This house is so huge..
Sasha responds Climbing those stairs is like doing a morning workout..
The friend responds You should ask your friend to install an elevator Sasha..
The context of the following conversation is Addison failed out of college and after not finding work joined turned to a life of crime; she ended up serving a 17 year prison sentence.:
Addison says I spent some years in jail..
The friend responds Wait. You were in jail. What happened?.
Addison responds It's a long story. It has to do with my failure in college..
The friend responds You failed in college but it doesn't mean you had to go to jail..
Addison responds I could not find any job so I ended up committing crimes. As a result, I served 17 years jail term..
The friend responds I am sorry to hear that. I hope everything works out for you now..
The context of the following conversation is After Bailey saw the sad tv commercial from the international charity about the orphans affected by the disaster, Bailey got their wallet and picked up the phone.:
Bailey says I'm going to donate to that charity the television just showed..
The friend responds The one with the orphan kid after the hurricane? Yeah that was heart-breaking..
Bailey responds Yeah, I'm calling the number now..
The friend responds How do you know they're legitimate? It's risky to give out your credit card number over the phone..
Bailey responds Well what would you do?.
The friend responds I think you should do some online research about the organization first. If they are a good organization then donate through their website..
The context of the following conversation is Carson had been searching for employment since graduation. They recently began a new job.:
Carson says I can't believe how long it took me to find a job. I am so thankful..
The friend responds I know what you mean. When we were in school finding work seemed so easy..
Carson responds They lied. I interviewed daily and I'm just finding work..
The friend responds I happy you found a job in your field..
Carson responds I would have taken a job in any field..
The friend responds Well, we are blessed. New jobs in our field..
The context of the following conversation is Carson had been searching for employment since graduation. They recently began a new job.:
Carson says I am so glad I finally found a job..
The friend responds I told you not to lose hope..
Carson responds I was so desperate, searching for one for several months..
The friend responds Is it a good paying job?.
Carson responds Yes and it is my dream job.
The friend responds You better do your best to keep it..
The context of the following conversation is Sasha touched the food after being told not to. She could hardly wait to eat. Her mother watched her closely.:
Sasha says I was so hungry and my mom wouldn't let me get food..
The friend responds You only had to wait for everyone else..
Sasha responds I wanted first dibs..
The friend responds There was so much food, it's not like you were going to miss out on anything..
Sasha responds You don't know that..
The friend responds Okay..
The context of the following conversation is Sasha touched the food after being told not to. She could hardly wait to eat. Her mother watched her closely.:
Sasha says I touched the food.
The friend responds your mom told you not to.
Sasha responds I know I couldn't resist.
The friend responds you need to watch yourself.
Sasha responds I felt way too hungry.
The friend responds eat a snack earlier.
The context of the following conversation is Sasha touched the food after being told not to. She could hardly wait to eat. Her mother watched her closely.:
Sasha says I was so hungry after going to the dentist..
The friend responds You have to wait for the tooth to set before you eat..
Sasha responds That's what my Mom said. She watched me closely as I fiddled with my tooth..
The friend responds That's the worst thing you can do..
Sasha responds I know. My Mom said that..
The friend responds I see a pattern here..
The context of the following conversation is Alex was always the fixer of the group, as such she quickly remedied the situation.:
Alex says I am glad that I fixed this broken air conditioner..
The friend responds You are really resourceful!.
Alex responds Well, my dad was a mechanic and I learned a lot from him..
The friend responds That’s really attractive Alex, fixing things..
Alex responds Are you saying that you are attracted to me ?.
The friend responds No! Not at all..
The context of the following conversation is Alex was always the fixer of the group, as such she quickly remedied the situation.:
Alex says I feel like I’ve been doing a lot of fixing in the group lately.
The friend responds I love how you fixed these little issues that have been coming up in the group.
Alex responds I wonder why this is happening?.
The friend responds You are all venturing out into different parts of the world and doing different things..
Alex responds Do you think that is what’s causing the issues?.
The friend responds I think it’s a part of it..
The context of the following conversation is Seeing that Lee was in grave danger, Sydney saved Lee's skin.:
Lee says I had to thank Sydney for saving me from those robbers.
The friend responds I heard that you were in danger so Sydney helped you out.
Lee responds This is another reason Sydney and I are friends.
The friend responds Right, right. you are lucky he was able to call the police in time Lee.
Lee responds Yeah and the robbers heard them and fled the scene really fast.
The friend responds Yeah It was crazy to see their reaction too. I thought it was insane.
The context of the following conversation is Seeing that Lee was in grave danger, Sydney saved Lee's skin.:
Lee says I am so thankful that Sydney showed up when he did..
The friend responds What did Sydney have to do with it?.
Lee responds He was on the shoreline and saw me struggling in the waves..
The friend responds Wow. Was it just like in the movies. Sydney dragged you to shore and had to pump all the water out and get you breathing again?.
Lee responds I actually don't know. I must have passed out and came to at the hospital. I was told what happened..
The friend responds Thank God Sydney was there..
The context of the following conversation is Seeing that Lee was in grave danger, Sydney saved Lee's skin.:
Lee says I should thank Sydney for saving me!.
The friend responds Lee you're lucky, Sydney just barely saw that car coming in time.
Lee responds He was so brave to run and push me out of the way.
The friend responds That's what any good friend would do.
Lee responds Was Sydney ok? Any bruises or stuff like that.
The friend responds maybe a couple but he was ok.
The context of the following conversation is Seeing that Lee was in grave danger, Sydney saved Lee's skin.:
Lee says I needed Sydney's help today, my skin was burning..
The friend responds I heard he got you some aloe..
Lee responds Yeah, and even with that it still hurts so badly..
The friend responds Hold on one second, let me break off more aloe for you..
Lee responds Oh, that feels better..
The friend responds I am glad that the pain is not as bad now..
The context of the following conversation is Seeing that Lee was in grave danger, Sydney saved Lee's skin.:
Lee says I believe Sydney saved my life..
The friend responds By stopping you from going to the rally?.
Lee responds Yeah. Everybody is coming down with COVID now..
The friend responds That's awful..
Lee responds Yeah. Sydney saved me from that..
The friend responds Glad Sydney helped you Lee..
The context of the following conversation is Jesse and Remy were playing against each other in a tournament. They had to play one last game to determine the champion.:
Remy says Jesse is a hard one to beat.
The friend responds Did you play in the tournament?.
Remy responds Yeah we both had one last game to determine the champion.
The friend responds Who won?.
Remy responds no results yet.
The friend responds I hope it's you, Remy!.
The context of the following conversation is Jesse and Remy were playing against each other in a tournament. They had to play one last game to determine the champion.:
Remy says Jesse and I were tied for the championship, so we had to play one final game..
The friend responds That's tense! So what ended up happening?.
Remy responds Jesse castled and sacrificed his bishop, and then I was able to get his king's rook with my queen..
The friend responds Haha! Jesse always castles too late in the game..
Remy responds Yep. One more move and I checkmated him with my queen and her knight..
The friend responds Jesse isn't nearly as good as he seems to think he is..
The context of the following conversation is Jesse and Remy were playing against each other in a tournament. They had to play one last game to determine the champion.:
Remy says Whoever wins I hope both me and Jesse just have a good game.
The friend responds you're just saying that because you know Jesse going to beat you.
Remy responds I wouldn't be say that, I have been practicing a lot lately.
The friend responds I guess we are about to find out aren't we.
Remy responds Yeah, I'm a bit nervous.
The context of the following conversation is Remy pushed herself really far. She had jogged a long way today.:
Remy says I pushed myself today!.
The friend responds What did you do?.
Remy responds I jogged the entire route today..
The friend responds You didn't walk?.
Remy responds No, not once!.
The friend responds wow, well done..
The context of the following conversation is Austin's plan proved a little difficult to carry out, so Austin abandoned the plan altogether.:
Austin says Here's my plan. We need to carry this cement from first floor up to 4th floor..
The friend responds Isn't it a little heavy for the 2 of us? Carrying 250 lbs of cement?.
Austin responds We will never know if do not try it first..
The friend responds This is impossible. We will never able to make it, Austin!.
Austin responds You are right,. Let's just abandon this cement here and leave..
The friend responds Let's go..
The context of the following conversation is Austin's plan proved a little difficult to carry out, so Austin abandoned the plan altogether.:
Austin says Remember me telling you I was finally going to get around to restoring that old car in the back?.
The friend responds Yes, did you do it?.
Austin responds Well I tried but I realized I didn't even have half of the tools or parts I would need.
The friend responds Can you get the things you need and then try again?.
Austin responds No it is going to be too expensive, I'll just sell the car as is and not do the restore on it.
The friend responds I guess that is a valid option, but I know you really like that car!.
The context of the following conversation is Austin's plan proved a little difficult to carry out, so Austin abandoned the plan altogether.:
Austin says I was so stupid that I thought I could win her love back..
The friend responds I told you that she had already moved on Austin, you have to let it go..
Austin responds The flowers, the candy, the money, none of it seemed to matter. I just abandoned the plan altogether..
The friend responds You can't win her back with that kind of stuff. You should have shown her affection and loved her, while you still had her..
Austin responds I know that now..
The context of the following conversation is After getting an inquiry from Kai's daughter, Sash showed Kai's daughter to the bathroom.:
Kai says My friend Sash welcomed my daughter for a visit..
The friend responds Is your daughter the blind girl?.
Kai responds Yes and my daughter wanted to know where the bathroom was located..
The friend responds Did Sash show her?.
Kai responds Sash graciously walked my daughter to the bathroom..
The friend responds Sash is a kind soul..
The context of the following conversation is Kai was in class near the girl he found cute. Kai moved closer to her.:
Kai says Psst. Pass this note to Sarah..
The friend responds You pass it..
Kai responds I tried. I moved my desk closer to her but I still can't reach her or make eye contact with her..
The friend responds Why can't you just talk to her after class?.
Kai responds Because I heard Fred is going to ask her to the dance right after class and I need to ask her first..
The friend responds Fine. Give me the note..
The context of the following conversation is Tracy took her son Austin to the beach. She used sunscreen to protect Austin's skin from the sun.:
Austin says My mom needs to apply sunscreen on me again. She does it a few times a day when we are out in the sun..
The friend responds She's protecting your sun from damage. You'll thank her when you get older..
Austin responds I am already in high school and still does that. It's not like I can't apply sunscreen on myself..
The friend responds Sometimes it's easier for someone else to rub it in..
Austin responds I get it. I get burnt so easily that I need to drench myself in sunscreen..
The friend responds Or not go out in the sun..
The context of the following conversation is Tracy took her son Austin to the beach. She used sunscreen to protect Austin's skin from the sun.:
Austin says My mom is so worried about me getting burned..
The friend responds Well you do have red hair and really fair skin, Austin..
Austin responds But it's a little embarrassing to have my mom yelling at me to put on sunscreen..
The friend responds Yeah, that would drive me crazy..
Austin responds I guess I'll keep putting in on every now and then so she'll leave me alone..
The friend responds Sounds like a good idea..
The context of the following conversation is Jan had been competing for first place in a competition, and it was left up to Aubrey to decide Jan's fate.:
Aubrey says I hate having to judge this singing competition.
The friend responds Yes, everybody is so good..
Aubrey responds It's not that; it's just that Jan is my friend..
The friend responds Well, you shouldn't be judging at all..
Aubrey responds I didn't know that Jan was in it when I volunteered, and I'm the only judge; everybody else dropped out. so I couldn't quit..
The friend responds Well, it's too late to pull out now. You'll just have to make a fair decision and hope everyone accepts it..
The context of the following conversation is Kendall decided to take the role on a television program that was just beginning in a week.:
Kendall says I really need to practice these lines so I can get to know my character.
The friend responds Do you need help practicing with someone?.
Kendall responds that would be amazing! Do you think you can help me?.
The friend responds sure, that's not a problem, lets get started.
The context of the following conversation is Kendall decided to take the role on a television program that was just beginning in a week.:
Kendall says Oh my god, I can't believe I only have a week to prepare! What am I gonna do?.
The friend responds Calm down, you're gonna be fine. Now's not a time to panic. You already prepared for the role, right?.
Kendall responds Yea but I forgot a lot of it since they turned me down the first time around. I'm gonna need you to help me this week with the role man..
The friend responds Oh I don't know how much help I would be these days Kendall. It's been many years since I walked the wooden planks of a Broadway stage. Those glaring lights and the sea of people feeling your every move..
Kendall responds Nonsense, it's a T.V program, you'll do fine. Just remember, this could be the gig that catapult's my career into superstardom, so we both need to be completely focused..
The friend responds Agreed. Thanks I needed that. We can rehearse at my cabin, it's a perfect spot in the middle of the woods. It's cozy and there'll be no interruptions..
The context of the following conversation is Kendall just got home from the hospital. Bailey brought her everything she needed.:
Bailey says I just got back from my friend's home where I went for a visit..
The friend responds Hope they are doing okay. What happened?.
Bailey responds My friend Kendall got home from the hospital after she got in a motor accident and fractured a couple of bones..
The friend responds Ouch! I'm sure Kendall was grateful for your support..
Bailey responds I brought some freshly baked scones and fresh fruit along with some Gatorade. I will do everything I can to help ease the pain..
The friend responds You are a true friend. All that you do for others is wonderful..
The context of the following conversation is Kendall just got home from the hospital. Bailey brought her everything she needed.:
Bailey says I've been busy buying supplies for Kendall since she just got home from the hospital..
The friend responds It's really nice that you're taking care of her..
Bailey responds I"m happy too. She would do the same for me..
The friend responds Do you want me to help you out with anything?.
Bailey responds Thanks. But I think I have everything Kendall needs..
The friend responds I hope she remembers all this around the holidays..
The context of the following conversation is Kendall just got home from the hospital. Bailey brought her everything she needed.:
Bailey says I just brought Kendall all the supplies she needed.
The friend responds I heard she just got home from the hospital?.
Bailey responds Yeah, she was in the maternity ward, just had a little daughter.
The friend responds Oh, that's great news.
The context of the following conversation is Even though they were not supposed to drink, Bailey got too drunk and Bailey made a spectacle of themself.:
Bailey says I feel so bad about my behaviour the other night at the party.
The friend responds What did you do?.
Bailey responds I was taking meds and wasn't supposed to drink but it was a party so I drank way too much!.
The friend responds Oh no, did you cause a scene?.
Bailey responds I think so, I was told I made a spectacle out myself but I don't even remember.
The friend responds I hope you apologized and learned your lesson!.
The context of the following conversation is Even though they were not supposed to drink, Bailey got too drunk and Bailey made a spectacle of themself.:
Bailey says I feel like absolute crap today. I shouldn't have been drinking last night..
The friend responds Did you have too much fun last night?.
Bailey responds I made a fool out of myself so I doubt I was having much fun..
The friend responds You didn't drive did you?.
Bailey responds No, I had way too much to drink to drive. Thankfully, someone brought me home..
The context of the following conversation is Austin observed the abuse everyday, and eventually stood up to their drunken father.:
Austin says Dad was on another drunken bender last night..
The friend responds OMG I'm so sorry to hear that. What happened?.
Austin responds He cursed and screamed at Mom as usual, but this time he actually slapped her..
The friend responds Oh my goodness! Bless your Mom. Is this the first time he's actually put his hands on her?.
Austin responds First and last! I took him down with one punch and screamed that he better never lay another finger on her or he'd have to deal with me!.
The friend responds Good for you standing up to him and for your Mom! You're a brave and good son..
The context of the following conversation is Austin observed the abuse everyday, and eventually stood up to their drunken father.:
Austin says I knew that this day would come..
The friend responds What day are you talking about?.
Austin responds The day that I stood up to my abusive father..
The friend responds I’m so sorry to hear about your father..
Austin responds Don’t be because that man has serious drinking issues..
The friend responds Austin, I really hope your father is not too abusive..
The context of the following conversation is Austin observed the abuse everyday, and eventually stood up to their drunken father.:
Austin says I stood up to my father yesterday after he's beating us up every day and punched him hard..
The friend responds You need to report this. It was self-defense..
Austin responds Do you think that it was the best thing to do, you know he was drunk as usual..
The friend responds Did you really hurt him?.
Austin responds He looked fine when I saw him this morning, only got a few bruises, hope he learnt the lesson and won't be abusive anymore..
The context of the following conversation is Since she did all of the planning ahead of time and it was all a surprise, Remy told her sister about their trip.:
Remy says I told my sister about our trip because everything was already planned out. It was supposed to be a surprise for my sister..
The friend responds Where are you going with your sister?.
Remy responds She has always wanted to go to France. I am doing well at work so I saved up for a trip for both of us..
The friend responds That's so nice of you. You guys will have an amazing time. I love France and its culture..
Remy responds I wanted her to know so she can plan out what she wants to do too. I know she's really into art and might want to go to the museums..
The friend responds There's so much to do and see there..
The context of the following conversation is Since she did all of the planning ahead of time and it was all a surprise, Remy told her sister about their trip.:
Remy says I have planned a trip to Vegas with my sister this weekend!!!.
The friend responds Oh, nice! When do you leave?.
Remy responds We leave on Friday and come back Monday. I have every detail planned..
The friend responds Was your sister happy?.
Remy responds She said I'm the best..
The friend responds I hope she'll buy you a drink at the club to thank you..
The context of the following conversation is Jan lost all of Kendall's money at the casino and they were already really low on money for rent.:
Jan says I have to talk to Kendall soon..
The friend responds That sounds ominous Jan, what happened?.
Jan responds I lost all of our money at the casino tonight..
The friend responds What!? You were already low on rent money..
Jan responds I'm so sorry..
The friend responds I don't even know what Kendall will say, she'll bee too shocked..
Subsets and Splits