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regrets playing on a loop my kids are in their 20s now i divorced my second husband of 15 years a few years ago but lately all i can think of is how much i regret that relationship and all the damage it did my kids are from my first marriage they were 5 and 7 when i got together with my second husband who turned out to be abusive and controlling lately i have been in and out of these phases where i m crying over kids events i missed family fights drama and staying in that situation for way too long my kids do not want to talk about it when i try to apologize i can not look at old photos without weeping how can i make up for missing school events sports and other things i would have loved to attend but i missed how do i make up for the damage done by that relationship | regret |
music video i regret being in a music video and terrified someone my family know what show them or they will see it for themselves loll but what else can i do only in a 5 sec shot u can tell it is me if you know me or think its someone who loooks so similar to me oh wellllll | regret |
i deleted my snapchat account it sounds dumb but while going through a breakup recently i deleted the whole gosh darn shabang i miss some of the people i used to talk to and have no other way to contact deleted every other social as well and it just wouldnt be worth it to start a new one because all my shit was on that one you know i also miss feeling like a member of society its something essentially everyone else has it also helped me feel young helped me have the characteristics that a typical young person would have i am young but really dont feel it sometimes can anyone help me find a silver lining to this irreversible decision | regret |
fuck i feel so bad for once i put my happiness first and now i feel so fucking guilty because he said he wanted to throw himself in front of a car | guilt |
If I'm really so tired of being treated like shit, why do I keep letting it happen? Maybe deep down I know this is what I deserve. | guilt |
it's not like I can't form emotional attachments. i'm pretty damm sure i formed emotional attachments to my year 4 teacher and my year 11 physics teacher.
...so why can't this be the case with my actual family? | guilt |
partner is on fence but i am 90 sure he would regret being a father what to do my partner and i have broken upgotten back together so many times but the one issue that does not get resolved is his indecision on kids i m 38 he is 34 disclaimer that i m cf always have been he knew it from day one 4 years ago he said he was ok with it and after thinking about it did not know why he wanted kids anyway its come up again its a yearly thing he teeter totters between cf and one and done he struggles with regret of not having the typical who will care for me when i get old and diewhat if i m bored in old agewho will carry my legacy stuff mixed with i want to teach it how to do things like hockey and building stuff he says he can always find a way to make more money so does not need to think of the financial burden he also says his parents would be built in babysitters so does not worry about freedom he does not think of all the sleep he will lose of all the interruptions in his day of the routine a child requires that he very much lacks of the financial impact the freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want this is a guy who stays up late sleeps in has a dog he does not walk and has a job he can piss around at which his mom got him also a guy who struggles with depression and alcohol at times of stress and has not been reliable if you could go back what would you tell yourself to be ok with being cf or would you tell yourself having kids was worth it after the first crappy years were any of the concerns you struggled with real was it the nightmare you thought was it better than you thought what would you tell my partner as someone on the other side | regret |
Haven't eaten all day. Oops. | guilt |
i regret letting someone go away have you ever regretted letting someone go away it is 4 in the morning and i m all too consumed in regrets about pushing someone who genuinely loved me all because i was young and stupid and was in a bad place back then if you have ever deeply regretted this how did you move on god i m way overwhelmed right now thinking how much i took for granted such an amazing person he has a girlfriend now but boy it took two years for him to move on i know because we have the same circle of friends what if i never find anyone who will love me the same way again | regret |
skipping grades i regret skipping 10th 11th and 12th i have basically no friends right now and my 2 best friends from middle school are just getting into college now it hurts to see what i missed out on | regret |
big time regret got really drunk last night and went back to this girl s house with two girls one that lives there and her friend we are both in our late 20 s and i have not seen them in probably years i was so drunk that i started going on a rant about my effed up relationship with my familyparents and how i joined christianity and got really into it but left because i studied it really hard and came to a selfrealization that it is all bullshit then we sang karaoke and i woke up this morning feeling horrible and filled with regret and shame i just feel like a fuckin dumbass for unloading all that shit on these two girls that i have not seen in years and i probably looked like a crazed fucking maniac and yeah i really just needed to get that off my chest | regret |
When my library books were overdue and I did not have the money ÃÂá
to pay for them. | guilt |
oops i haven't responded to anyone's texts in like a week | guilt |
//csa and rape
Man I hate how sometimes I feel like. Idk. I hate how my trauma defines me so much. I've been trying lately to change myself to distance myself from it. I'm not the scared little girl who's being raped anymore. I'm a man, a strong man, who's trying to escape it but fuck it's hard. I've done so much to escape it and regain the control I felt I lost. I smoke because it's control, I get piercings because of control. But my rapist ruins everything for me. As long as he's alive I fear I'll never truly feel I have that control back | guilt |
I'm a gross human being | guilt |
i dislike my 10 week old why did i do this she does not sleep she just screams | regret |
One day I took my playmates to the river to swim and play. One ÃÂá
of them was epileptic so he drowned into the water. I felt guilty ÃÂá
because it was me who took them there. | regret |
I feel like I should tag this but idk how
Im?? Really dependent on ðÃÂÃÂàand ðÃÂÃÂè,,, hhhh I need to fucking back off tbh | guilt |
now i cannot stop crying i am so fucked up my head is so fucked up mom and dad i am sorry . | guilt |
im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry | guilt |
I was caught stealing a box of matches in the supermarket and had ÃÂá
to plead guilty. | guilt |
i regret being pregnant and choosing to continue pregnancy i found out i was pregnant in december my husband wanted to keep but supported an abortion if i wanted and i confided in my mom and her only responses were this is a good thing if you have a miscarriage you will just need to try again do not worry you will have more then hung up on me because i was not happy about the pregnancy i am currently nc with her now i went to a therapist who told me she would support whatever i did but she has never met a parent that regrets having their child and that i would make a great parent due to all these factors and outside influences i started to throw up out of fear of the abortion appointment and canceled my therapist then told me i chickened out and obviously want this child i ghosted the therapist for her unprofessionalismthe closer i get to my due date the more and more resentful i become towards all these people i even believe i missed out on a job opportunity because i am pregnant even though the whole work place wanted me to work there the hiring people knew i am pregnant i am getting even more scared to have this kid the closer i get my psychiatrist put me on more medication but honestly i just feel medicated and like i can not cry but i m just as sad i can not even fucking take care of myself i take depression naps all the time how the fuck am i supposed to care for this kid i wanted to do formula but due the shortages i do not even think that is possible my life is fucking ruined tl dr unplanned pregnancy i got scared of abortion due to outside influences and now i m resentful and angry and scared to give birth in the next month and half | regret |
i am embarrassed to start this but thank you for understanding and having changed my life even though you changed it i still am lost i mean i cannot get myself together i think it is because everything is pulling against my concentration everything one does or lives is impossible almost . | guilt |
I have chosen to put my son in a private school were the ÃÂá
examination marks are low. Every time that he gives me his term ÃÂá
results I am left with a sense of guilt. | guilt |
Sorry I haven't been on here since feb i had alot going on. But I'm back. Lifes still dead. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Yea | guilt |
pregnant and regretful the moment i 27f found out i was pregnant i cried for days in disappointment wondering how i could be so stupid my partner however cried tears of joy we have been married some time have a nice home and stable jobs so this just seemed like it would be the next step we had talked about it before and agreed we both wanted a kid at some stage i m now pregnant and i never thought i would be in a position where i would want an abortion but here i am i do not know if my relationship could survive an abortion as all we do is fight over the baby over money and just everything whereas before we had the perfect fun and carefree relationship i tell him that i feel like my life is over and i get told i m being hurtful and dramatic i lived a lifestyle before this and pre covid of travelling partying and spending my money on whatever i damned please we earn very good wages where we have the luxury to buy what we want and go out frequently but with a kid in the mix that will not be possible i will happily admit i have come to the conclusion i m too selfish for this i am so scared of becoming a regretful parent but i am more scared of the voice inside my head telling me to get the abortion and to lie and say i miscarried i find myself laying awake at night praying for a miscarriage but i know i m not that lucky i feel like it is not normal to be thinking like that but i m scared of taking this baby away from my husband who wants this so much | regret |
"you only say it when its convenient. you dont mean it". -her reply when i told her i love you. | guilt |
nudes and underage i sold nudes to this popular kid at school am just 13 years old and i do not know what happened to me when i agreed to do that it is the next day and i wont stop shaking in fear and shamefulness i asked him to delete them he luckily did but how can i stop feeling so guilty my family trusts me and i have disappointed them how can i stop feeling like bullshit | regret |
i really regret i regret looking at the bianca devins photos it fcked me up just seeing it i regret it | regret |
i regret hitting my dog when i was 11 when i was 11 my dog bit through one of my xbox controllers and i flipped out and threw a tantrum and gave my dog a hard cuff on the head im now 21 and my dog is getting near the end of her life and has been a constant reliable companion over the past decade and the regret associated with this memory has never left me i love you maggie and i m sorry | guilt |
I know... I'm sorry... | guilt |
i witnessed child abuse and did nothing first off i would like to say i m only 15 at the time of this story i was on a trip to a skatepark with my friends filming them when a dad and his two daughters came to skate the daughter were about 8 and 4 years old the child that was being targeted was the 8 year old as i was filming my friends we started to notice how harsh the dad was being with his daughter yelling at her and calling her a chicken for not dropping in from a very high ramp she refused to do it out of fear and the dad began to become infuriated not letting her quit he made her stand in the 95 degree heat for nearly 25 minutes while cussing and making fun of her nearing the end he began to threaten her saying that d he get up there and shove you the fuck off my goddamn self his poor daughter has been in tears during all this and is clearly to afraid to do anything in the end he grabs her by her arm and pulls her down but she catches her self he takes her to his car and leaves i know that that child faces verbal and mental abuse at home and it absolutely kills me that i did not at least get a photo of that prick of a dad so i could show it to cps or the internet or something well that is it next time i will step in | guilt |
I've been such a hoe lately holy shit | guilt |
When I had to lie to my boyfriend so that he wouldn't suspect I'd ÃÂá
bought him a xmas present as expensive as I had. | guilt |
i regret not telling him my feelings 13 years ago hello good day i am 27 yo female just recently i reconnected with some of my highschool friends one of them was my first love we have been chatting and catching up while chatting he opened up about our highschool days we were mesmerizing until i decided to tell him that 13 years ago during our third year in high school i have feelings for him but i did not tell him at that time because i was afraid of rejection i remember him having crush with someone much much prettier than me that is why i never told him after telling him those revelations he told me that he also kind of like me that time but also did not tell me because he was also afraid of rejection i told him it was one of my greatest regrets that if i could turn back time i would have told him that time right now i am too late for that i admit i still have feelings for him after all these years i am still single and i do not think i could love another person he is now married to someone arranged by his parents and i would never have him even if i wanted to i was devastated upon hearing that news years ago it does not matter now in truth my motive for telling him about it was for me to have closure and to let go of my feelings i do not intend to shake him or bother him as part of my healing journey i told him that to let go i thought that after telling him this i would finally move on and move forward to finally give myself a chance to find my one true love | regret |
25 year old mother with a 2 year old son regret ever becoming a parent i had my son when i was 23 years old and i can honestly say it was the worst mistake of my life im not with his father anymore whilst he is a good dad and helps out as much as he can i can not help but feel feelings of regret whenever i think about my situation i do not have the typical motherly bond that you see plastered all over instagram and facebook and this makes me feel so guilty my mother and family help me out a lot and i honestly do not know where i would be without them but i just wanted to get this off my chest if your on the fence about wanting kids please think long and hard about any decision you make as this is permanent as hell the only time i m ever enjoying myself is when i m sleeping or away from my son i love him to death but more like a younger brother or family member | regret |
i regret having faith in humanity i regret having faith in your parents i regret not being good enough to save you i regret not dealing with your loss i regret me living and you not | regret |
5 years ago i stole someone s identity about 5 years ago i was living paycheck to paycheck and working at a car dealership in the days before identity theft was a big deal all of the credit records were in a database at the dealership i accessed the database and found a 10 year old record so it would not be traced back to the dealership it was a wellknown and wealthy individual in the community and i opened one credit account with a large online retailer and purchased roughly 2500 in merchandise to resell it was a shitty thing to do and i still feel like shit but the money kept me from getting evicted for 3 months and allowed me to survive until i got a better job i have never told this to anyone directly but i had checked his credit score about a year later and found that there was no damage done to his credit rating which i know is small consolation for doing such a shitty thing about 18 months ago i sent him 3000 in cashier s checks and a letter apologizing for what i did the statute of limitations is over on the crime so i no longer fear criminal reprisal but i now have relatively frequent interactions with this individual with my current job and it is really been eating me up about it and i had to tell someone because he really is a awesome person | guilt |
bad work history my last two jobs i quit without notice because of anxiety and worrying thoughts that suddenly no one there liked me i was at both places about 5 months and then stopped showing up the first job i ghosted completely and its been 2 years since then i had odd jobs in between the gaps doing gig work and reselling stuff and the second job i stopped showing up and texted my manager that i was having family issues i have so much regret that i have obliterated my reputation or any chance for a successful future because no matter what i do with my life now people i worked with know that i m a coward i also really want to call my last boss and apologize but its literally been 8 months so whats the point how do i hold my head up high and focus on life when i have acted so childish and ruined my reputation are my ex coworkers going to come for me if i become successful what if they see me at my new job and tell someone everyone knows this about me i fear all i can do is kill myself | regret |
i m too competitive everything is a competition for me i m ashamed of it it is gotten to the point where part of my motivation to work out is so i can beat my roommate at it so i can be better than her at it also so i can look better than her it is horrible i feel terrible about it my roommate is a great girl and actually quite a good friend of mine but i m obsessed with beating her in this made up competition i do not rub my wins in people s faces or anything like that the satisfaction of victory is a private matter for me i have been a pretty sore loser in the past though people do not know why i lashed out at them and i always realize right after that i should not have done that that it was not actually a competition that even if it was it is not alright to be sore loser and i apologize and make up for it i have never explained why i did it though i m trying to get better at losing i figure if i can be a good loser the competitive part of it all will start to lose importance and i will stop seeing everything as a competition i just needed to get this off my chest i really do not like that i m like this and i m trying to stop | guilt |
Last year I put off an exam for the autumn session without ÃÂá
knowing if there was a supplementary examination session. When I ÃÂá
came home with my exam unpassed I felt guilty before my parents ÃÂá
when I remembered how much they had done for me. | guilt |
I've been having dreams about being with other guys and loving them. In one of them I was aware I have a boyfriend. I don't want to leave him, but I feel too young to have decided on one person for the rest of my life. | guilt |
Wow I would love to call & check on you & make sure youre okay but I had a breakdown at work & ive been asleep since I got home I feel bad I'm not asking
But I'm literally too tired to listen to any one elses problems right now & im sorry | guilt |
what are the most common regrets in life let s share our experience for me i have 2 regrets and 1 was caused due to greed and another was caused due to fearstaying in comfort zone what was yours regrets i know not all are so comfortable telling about it publicly so you can just tell the reasons for regrets | regret |
ah well what kind of ungrateful child would i be if i didnt eat it and just let ants infest it :^/ | guilt |
listen, everyone. time, is not real. it's not. and there are no consequences for my actions whatsoever because i do not exist. | guilt |
When I have been overhastingly offending or hurting. | guilt |
i feel bad about my behavior i feel bad for the love bombing i did i even held myself sometimes i could ve even gone even more it was stronger than me my willpower was bad i m sorry | guilt |
the worst crime i can think of would be to rip people off by faking it and pretending as if i am having 100 fun . | guilt |
lol I told myself I wouldn't start drinking til 7 but it's 6:30 and I'm on my second tall boy also holy shit a bee just landed on my phone | guilt |
i did not help a woman this morning she got on the bus not realizing it would express downtown she begged the driver to let her off but he could n t until we got downtown she got off the bus downtown obviously distressed and i saw her on her phone crying as the bus pulled away i do not think she spoke english well and she obviously was lost i told myself i should get off and go help her call her an uber or something i did not no one on the bus offered assistance we all just ignored this obviously upset woman now i can not stop thinking about her and feeling so guilty i can just imagine if that was my mother lost downtown in a huge city i m sorry i did not help | guilt |
i found out my father is a closet homosexual when i was 12 my dad has a government job that takes him over the wold and for a lot of my childhood he d live in larger cities and retreat to where we lived on weekends occassionally on breaks from school like winter break spring break summer break ect my mom would send me up to spend the weekend at his apartment in these larger cities to give me something to do i was young at the time and experimenting with porn so when when i went to go erase the history on his pc i saw all these past links to these gay porn sites and escort services i was a 12 year old straight male and to find out my dad was a queer as the kids would say left me angered but to this day i m still angry at myself for being too much of a coward to inform my mother i did not want it to be revealed publically that my dad was gay because i was simply an immature kid in fear of being ridiculed for being the son of a fag 6 years later my relationship with my father has greatly deterioated and everytime i look at him i have nothing but disgust and hate for him not for being gay but for deceiving my mother into believing he was a faithful husband and basically living a lie at the same time i just do not get how she could n t have found out herself | regret |
and i do not know what to tell you other than i really am sorry but i know you wo not believe me . | guilt |
> 3:43 pm <
> no tags <
almost done with the last show!!! i hate to say it but i might miss it a little | guilt |
ðÃÂÃÂà| sm
"ryan do you wanna have a one night stand together with a woman" | guilt |
i hate everything about myself i have had low selfesteem for as long as i can remember most of it stemming from being ridiculed throughout middle and high school every day i look into the mirror and i see a face that is hideous and cry myself asleep at night because i have no friends and am always lonely i have made an effort to improve my appearance and put myself out there but no one responds and i find that i have little to nothing in common with others my social skills are also very poor and i find that i can not even hold a simple conversation with someone i recently started college and i was hoping to make some extreme improvements only to fall into my regular habits once again i have no personality no friends and i hate everything about my life my family cares for me but i tend to act like the biggest jerk to them and i hate myself for it i do not remember the last time i was ever happy | guilt |
feeling guilty over my jealousy i was insanely jealous of my best friend s engagement until i accidentally found out that my boyfriend intends to propose to me quite soon i talked a lot about how my friend had n t known her nowfiance long enough to accept a proposal from him or about how her track record of fast commitment and turmoil in relationships was a warning sign that she should have said ask me again later instead of yes which i feel doubly bad about because i know i have made a lot of those same mistakes i honestly did not realize that all of my skepticism was coming from a place of pure jealousy until i learned that my boyfriend wants to ask me to marry him a few months from now now all i want to talk about with my friend is her wedding plans i feel that i should have had that attitude from the beginning a bad friend is me | guilt |
i am sorry for everything . | guilt |
my son will be 3 in october and still i regret not doing adoption for him i am thinking of trying to do adoption now even though it might be to late and maybe no one will want him i feel so bad i let others talk me out of doing adoption because now i have failed him and i have to send him away at this age i am so embarrassed and angry at myself | regret |
i may have missed my chance with the girl i love and i instantly regretted it i have known her for a few years now from college and she is one of the only people with whom i keep in touch her kindness saved me from myself new years eve we were out together all night laughing and drinking though i was not drinking too much as the driver three times she kissed my cheek and i was too scared of losing one my best friends to try and be more i was too scared of not being enough for her i do not know if i will ever have that chance again | regret |
i regret not making my own decisions looking back i feel like i spent so much time trying to make my parents happy and seek their approval on everything now that i m about to graduate with a degree i could care less about i realize how wrong that was it only goes to show how little my parents understand me especially when i do not even have the personality type for my major i guess the only caveat is that at least now i can control where i go within reason there is still the possibility by applying broadly i could end up on the opposite side of the us even though my friends are telling me that is crazy even though it is small in retrospect at least i have that choice | regret |
tonight i knowingly went to the guy i was hooking up with before i started dating my now boyfriend s house the first guy and i still talk like friends he has a girlfriend and i am so in love with my boyfriend he invited me over for some drinks just to hang out and not have sex it was clearly stated obviously after a few drinks he started to grope me we kissed a bit we laid in his bed and as soon is the touching began i sat up and then ran out of his apartment and drove home probably too drunk to drive as well fuck i have no intention of telling my boyfriend but i feel just awful i did not let it go too far so i do not think telling my boyfriend will do anything but hurt him and cause a fight | regret |
Having suffered a not very pretty sight, I reacted by uttering ÃÂá
some very cruel and sharp words. | guilt |
When I let a person assume a fault that I committed. | guilt |
i think i might be a bad person i m a female in my early twenties my first relationship began when i was 18 and lasted for 3 years it ended because i cheated on him with a guy we worked with not only that but i cheated on him with multiple guys throughout the whole 3 years which he does not know about since we are broken up and not talking i see no reason to tell him the first time i cheated was about 2 weeks into the relationship and i continued steadily through 3 years throughout the whole experience i rarely if ever had any guilt i could call him to say goodnight and go out with another guy right after hanging up the phone i never did it because i wanted sex or physical stuff i just had this overwhelming need to make sure every guy thought i was prettywanted to date me anyway we have been broken up for almost a year now and i now realize that we were never good for each other and that us breaking up was a good thing not that that excuses my cheating at all i m in a relationship now with a guy who i have never had the urge to cheat on and i really love him i m so ashamed of everything that i did to my first boyfriend that it makes my physically ill when i talk about it sometimes i just feel evil | regret |
wasting 14 years on worries pleasing instead of traveling festivals and being free today i m 32f i went on my first music festival when i was 30 it was amazing now covid made it impossible to do such things i m gon na be 33 when i go to the next festival also i just met a guy who i clicked amazingly with in bed finally enjoyed sex over hours and he cut it off since he thinks i care for others too much neglecting and not caring for my own needs i suddenly feel like this is a person i could have learned how to really be free with at first i thought he was a little antisocial but now i m thinking maybe he is one of the rare people who do not dance to societies music like a puppet on strings but he wants a woman who already knows how to be strong and super confident with her needs and freedom i m so sad that i was builtbrought up in a way such that i worried my twenties away no festivals no travels no sexual experimentation i know it is not too late but i simply regret the time lost when i was young and could ve done that easily | regret |
being a dumb bech around 15 i started noticing it felt a little more difficult than it needed to be to breathe with nose but i just thought this was normal or due to congestion or something then 16 onward i was basically always congested and stupidly switched to mouth breathing i was going to see a doctor but did not because i did not think it was that big of a deal i was really insecure and did not want to be seen lol so my straight nose i liked basically became crooked due to a deviated septum or something and developed a hump gradually getting worse i had a lot of thoughts something was off but never really fully paid attention because i was so distracted by a life crisis and family school problems and just thought i was always sick or something due to a poor diet or immune system weakened due to depression or something also i had a lot of trauma going through puberty so blamed that on every flaw that came about now im nineteen and probably need to get a septorhinoplasty in hopes of getting my old nose back but i m scared it will not be the same or be as straight or if i can ever actually breathe freely wish i listened to my intuition and focused on my health and improvement instead of being dragged down my everything going on and being silly it has really affected my confidence and i rarely want to be in photos anymore and i legit feel deformed lmao everyone around me looks the same with the same features just older but my face has completely changed for the worse feel like i have done hard dr gs or something to ruin my face but i legit do not think i did anything besides such small dumb wrong choices | regret |
ashamed of my past when i was 19 i lost myself i was extremely promiscuous and looked for love in people who were popular standoffish narcissistic i met a group of popular guys in college some were musicians some were basketball players some were models i will admit that most of the men were black not that this matters to me i always found black men attractive i did sleep with white guys too but i will be honest i think it was exciting for me at the time and it seemed to me that black men saw in me what white guys didnt i was curvier than most of my friends and had thick curly afro like hair i never thought of any consequences i craved the attention of people who were loved by others because i wanted to be loved as a teen i shyed away from sex but during this time it meant nothing to me it was just a tool i used to be the centre of a mans attention yes i had daddy issues i was searching for something love i m 25 now i have been in a relationship for three years and my partner is aware of some of the circumstances although i have not told him everything i m no longer promiscuous and am in therapy i also meditate and take yoga classes i feel like the same person i was when i was 16 before i lost myself only now i love myself my boyfriend is creative he writes music has a clothing line and is interested in building further businesses he is also black i love his soul and we connect on a deep level he says he does not want to be famous but i m terrified that this is where his career is leading if he does become famous rumours would probably start to pour out about me can anyone offer support or guidance i feel ashamed scared and like i m losing myself again i m doing everything i can to retain balance also the fact that these men were black means nothing to me i have slept with asian guys just as many white guys too but you know what society says about white women who sleep with a stereotype take kim kardashian for example | regret |
I was supposed to have done some things for my mother, but just ÃÂá
plain didn't get around to it. | guilt |
i have become a weak person today i had a pep rally at school i was wearing two bandannas and i was going to give one to my best friend this group of boys come up to me and ask if they can have it and since i dont know them i say no sorry and a few minutes later give it to my friend they proceed to ask me where i got it and i tell them i turn around and here them making fun of the way i speak then they tap me and as i was annoyed i answered what they then tapped my friend and they start arguing they proceed to yell profanities at her and i just say i want to move im leaving we were a group of 4 i dont think theres space on this side but theres some over there and i left and so did my friends i feel as though i let them walk over me and i feel so weak and i am literally 5ft and my tallest friend in the group is 5 3 as the guys stand over 5 8 i know it was smart to walk away because honestly it would have gotten worse but i feel so terrible for just leaving and not saying anything i tend to do this more because when i was younger a large group of guys would come up to me and yell homophobic slurs and again as im small all i could do was yell back and hope someone would listen as no one did ive tended to just walk away from these situations now but it truly feels just as terrible both ways i just hate that i can not stand up for myself because i know whatever happens there will be no positive solution if i do stand up | regret |
My friend just asked me out and I said no. I feel like I could have said yes but im not over N and I can't trust anyone like that again. Or at least not so soon. I also can't help but think she's lying to me when she says I'm cute. | guilt |
I was working as a secretary. My boss was to go to give a ÃÂá
lecture, and wanted me to give him the exact address of the ÃÂá
place. | guilt |
i think i failed myself and my parents and it breaks my heart my dad grew up being extremely poor now after decades of hard work he is a selfmade rich man growing up he always motivated me and my siblings to study i tried studying but since my childhood i had this deep rooted fear that i was not good enough which i carried in my adolescent and pretty much fucked up in the last year of highschool result could n t get into any top competitive programs i wanted to heck i never thought i was worthy of them to begin with now after years when i am 26 i look back and think about those times in my childhood when i was not brave or strong enough and used to consider myself to a an awful student the truth is i was always bright i just never believed in myself which ended up being a self fulfilling prophecy itself i am 26 and i am not where i wanted to be at 26 and it breaks my heart i breaks my heart when i listen to my parents saying how wonderful the children of their colleagues are doing in life i want to start over but the memories of the past seem to chain me down even when i do not want them to i wish i were braver and stronger | guilt |
i am dreading the next 12 months but bursting with anticipation of what lies ahead i m pretty sure i m going to divorce this crazy bitch i can not wait to get my life back i am so over it | regret |
I felt guilty when I learnt that some of friends found the ÃÂá
finished at the Cafeteria because I took food which was more than ÃÂá
my share. | guilt |
My mom told me not to gamble, but I did anyway. Sometimes I would ÃÂá
even take some money from my parents and brother. She found out ÃÂá
and yelled at me. | guilt |
i do not want to understand my kid i do not want to understand my kid he is completely different than me this is not what i signed up for no one told me that being a parent would be this mentally exhausting everyone said that being a parent was the most wonderful thing in the world that it was so fulfilling that you love your kid no matter what they lied it is not that way at all i do not want to work this hard any more i just want him to go to college and get a job and go somewhere that i do not have to deal with him anymore | regret |
NAME NAME sorry for using your room for this thing . | guilt |
exhausted my biggest concern going into parenting was my mental health i have anxiety and have always been prone to a bit of depression so i knew i was not going to have kids until i got a handle on all my mental health issues you know being responsible and all of that well i did a lot of therapy and finally got to a place were i was happy and not anxious at all i was like this for a solid 4 years no panic attacks no medication nothing well since my new transformation i spoke to a therapist obgyn my husband my family and decided that i love to have one child i really planned everything out to a t 2 weeks before i m due covid happens i have a baby we both loose our jobs the house that i love that i had been fixing up for the past 4 years we had to sell and we also had to move across the country to a place i frankly do not want to live because it is the only place my husband can find a job my husband has a whole meltdown because he has spent the bulk of his adult life working up to a vp position to going back to a place that he could have gotten right when he got his masters 12 years ago so for some reason this becomes my fault and he becomes a giant asshole to the baby and me so i now live in a place that i hate in a house i hate with a husband that hates me we are on our third marriage counselor with no job and a baby i do not think my husband and me are going to make it through all this but i do not know how i m going to handle being a single parent i had income to support me but now i do not have a job and idk if i can support a kid in this area i have not had a nervous breakdown yet but i feel like that is coming soon my anxiety and depression levels are horrible from all the changes i kept trying to get into appointments with therapistspsychiatrists but everything everywhere is booked i worry about everything all the time it is gotten to the point where i am having a hard time just doing normal adult functioning because i use up all the energy i have to take care of my baby if i had a crystal ball into the situation i would be in when my baby was born i would not have had her she is a really sweet baby i do love her i just feel bad because she deserves better | regret |
it was mostly my fault please forgive me . | guilt |
Not keeping a promise of delivering materials of great importance ÃÂá
to the receiver. | guilt |
When a patient had died soon after I had told the guardian to ÃÂá
wait outside the ward. | guilt |
i 14y f regret not asking out my best friend 14y f sooner when i had the chance some background i met my best friend in first grade i was not the most talkative little kid so i did not have any friends anyways we were inseparable from first grade to third grade we would go to each other s house every day that was the best time of my life then she moved it was the darkest time of my life i was depressed without her and that left some scars that will never heal we talked via my dad s phone occasionally and it was amazing she has grandparents who live in my state so she comes to visit every year one time when we were talking she asked hey if i tell you something will you still be my friend and of course i said yes of course so she told me she was lesbian she told me she was afraid that i would not accept her three years pass and me and her are talking to each other via snapchat we were talking about moving in together in the future and all that and she goes yeah it will be fun maybe we could become something more and that is when my crush on her started she knew that i was bi at that point i thought about what she said for days i thought about it all the time the idea of me and her being something more and getting married amazed me i did not realize that that is what i needed i needed to be with her so so bad we flirted a lot but i did not have the guts to ask her out then she got a girlfriend i was happy and bitter at the same time it is been a while now but i still love her and i always will these feelings just will not go away i have dated many people but it does not feel the same i just want her i m not the best writer so excuse that please | regret |
I'm way past my bedtime.. Night peeps | guilt |
I was at a boarding school during my primary school days. I was ÃÂá
broken so I pretended I was very sick. My father came and he ÃÂá
picked me up. He spent a lot of money on medical expenses which ÃÂá
all proved to be negative. | guilt |
he still loves me this guy and i were elementary school sweethearts we got married under the slide at recess he would pick dandelions for me and put them on my desk every day and he would always save a spot for me at the computer so we could play oregon trail together in middle school and high school we dated off and on he was my first everything boyfriend kiss lover his family and mine all thought that we would end up together and for the longest time so did i i loved him and he claims he loved me but he was manipulative and i let him do it to me he knew exactly what to say to make me do anything and i let him do it to me he was living with his girlfriend at the time i was going through some really hard times as my mom was dying of breast cancer i was emotionally exhausted and him and i drank ourselves silly as his girlfriend was sleeping in the other room he convinced me to take my clothes off we fucked on the couch with his girlfriend in the other room that is not me and i hate myself when i think about it but he told me he loved me he told me its not cheating when its with me he told me he would help me be happy again and i fucking believed him then he ignores me for a week no calls texts or anything i finally get in touch with him his girlfriend is pregnant she wants to keep it i had sex with this guy who i thought i loved while his girlfriend was in the other room and she was fucking pregnant i was appalled at myself and at him and i decided i had enough i cut off all contact with him it is one thing to be a whore and ruin their relationship but it is another entirely to be a homewrecker they had their daughter about a year ago and now they are getting married he wants me to go to their wedding but i can not stand the thought of seeing him his fiance and their daughter knowing what i did he still sends me drunk texts every few months telling me that he still loves me and that he wishes it was me that had his child and i can not fucking handle it | regret |
I kinda realized that i need to stop what IâÃÂÃÂm doing because i feel like itâÃÂÃÂs too much | guilt |
My son doesn't understand why mommy doesn't wanna to get up some times , or play make believe how we used too ... | guilt |
tired of my husbands parenting we are trying to potty train an almost 3yr hes been at it for a month and had a huge regression basically peeing his pants and barely using the potty the last few days my hus insisted that we wait this long even though my hus is into gentle parenting hes never around i ask him to give our son a talk about potty training and tell him that hes been peeing his pants all day and his response is to tell him good job and talk in a really silly voice i wanted him to say you are almost 3 yo you arent a baby anymore and you need to start using the potty etc my husband is always making excuses for our son which really bothers me hes like oh hes better at potty training than when he started and honestly based on the number of accidents thats not true i hope our son doesnt become a mass murder bc i imagine my hus buying him guns and them making excuses our son looked up to hus so much and hes travels for work and is never around i hate that our parentong style is so different i feel like all i do for our son counts for nothing when compared to dad | regret |
I've been so good lately that I totally missed that one of my best friends is so not and I feel horrible... | guilt |
not trying i regret not trying in school and seeing my real potential now i work in construction and do not get me wrong i make good money | regret |
Stood my friend up because my anxiety is too much and told her that I am sick :x | guilt |
I feel so bad about taking cupcakes that Im crying | guilt |
I got into a bad fight in a bar and my friend received a bad cut ÃÂá
above his left eye while trying to separate us. | guilt |
regret not taking a position that is no longer available posting this because i can not seem to get over it i declined a position that i really wanted but just did not have the extra time for as a graduate student i also may have other opportunities in the future better ones perhaps any suggestions on how to move on please someone say something to make me feel better and less depressed about declining that offer | regret |
i regret not buying bitcoin when it was 10k i had the money but was trying to save more to buy a bigger car for my family if i had bought bitcoin like i really wanted to i would have enough money for that car now instead i still can not afford a car because by the time i saved up enough the prices increased 2k and the price of bitcoin went up 8k i could buy bitcoin now but i m afraid it is going to drop back down | regret |
i regret ever trying to dig myself out of a hole to be successful and i regret that i never met my person before i m considered old i just want to be happy and i feel like i will never achieve it i m 32 f i finished my phd and embarked on what i thought was going to be an awesome career it is been full of false starts then i got smacked in the face with a cancer diagnosis and the worst part is that i am surrounded by people who consider me damaged goods now i never thought 32 was old and i really would be ok with not having kids of my own although i m open to dating a man with kids at my age everyone i know is basically married with a family i did not meet my soul mate in grad school and honestly the men i have dated have not been good partners i could n t predict the future but i dated some guys who were functioning alcoholics or just downright abusive i am tired i work fucking hard i did everything right and it is never enough my needs in a partner are what i would consider pretty basic standards i m not hideous i just want to be fing happy and i want to find someone because it is lonely af being single for everything when you re in your 30s and the only person without a spouse and kids i feel angry and sad i wake up every day wishing i was never born because i feel trapped on a hamster wheel that is my life always running in a circle | regret |
I do not like myself and I do not think anyone will ever love me and I deserve nothing I have :) | guilt |
Getting a D in a class last semester and knowing it was because I ÃÂá
didn't study. | guilt |
regret saying i fake feeling bad for my dad this just happened and i m sitting in my room wondering what to do i think i can hear my mother talking do my dad so i turned to this as a way to express this my parents have been wondering if i have autism and i have a appointment with the doctor in september i only regret saying what i said due to the possible arguments to come with my father and not the statement with me having little care for many people but my parents have not paid much notice to that i have been asked to apologise though i have been unsure of how or if i want to do it i do not want advice and i know you may hate me i just wanted to express | regret |
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