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101 | disability rights | Italian | Italy | E’ noto che molte aree, uffici e servizi risultino ancora oggi non accessibili alle persone con disabilità e a distanza di quasi 40 anni | It is well known that many areas, offices and services are still not accessible to people with disabilities, and nearly 40 years later | Blog post ANIEP | Associazione Nazionale per la promozione e la difesa dei diritti delle persone disabili (ANIEP) | civil society group | | [
] | [
] |
102 | disability rights | Italian | Italy | A tutto si aggiunge l’estrema pericolosità degli attraversamenti stradali, alcuni dei quali privi anche del semaforo sonoro. | Adding to everything is the extreme danger of road crossings, some of which lack even sound traffic lights. | Blog post ANIEP | Associazione Nazionale per la promozione e la difesa dei diritti delle persone disabili (ANIEP) | civil society group | | [
] | [
] |
103 | disability rights | Italian | Italy | Lo smantellamento dello stato sociale, i tagli selvaggi alla spesa pubblica, le privatizzazioni e, ancor di più, il trionfo dello spirito privatistico hanno avuto un impatto drammatico sulla condizione delle persone con disabilità. | The dismantling of the welfare state, savage cuts in public spending, privatization and, even more, the triumph of the private spirit have had a dramatic impact on the plight of people with disabilities. | Blog post ANIEP | Associazione Nazionale per la promozione e la difesa dei diritti delle persone disabili (ANIEP) | civil society group | | [
] | [
"pro support"
] |
104 | disability rights | Italian | Italy | Le leggi considerano e spesso tutelano sufficientemente il disabile e sulla carta garantiscono l’accessibilità, più di quanto non facciano coloro cui è demandato il compito per renderle davvero applicative. | Laws sufficiently consider and often sufficiently protect the disabled and on paper guarantee accessibility, more so than those entrusted with the task of making them truly enforceable. | Blog post ANIEP | Associazione Nazionale per la promozione e la difesa dei diritti delle persone disabili (ANIEP) | civil society group | | [
] | [
] |
105 | disability rights | Italian | Italy | Le persone con disabilità hanno diritto al rispetto della loro dignità e autonomia; a una piena partecipazione e inclusione nella società; | People with disabilities have the right to respect for their dignity and autonomy; to full participation and inclusion in society; | Disability: rights and support for families | Uppa | news agency | | [
] | [
] |
106 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Ağır engelli vatandaşlarımıza Evde Bakım Desteği olarak aylık verilmesini sağladık. | We provided monthly Home Care Support to our severely disabled citizens. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
] | [
] |
107 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Özürlü kavramının yerine “engelli” kavramının kullanılmasını mevzuatla düzenledik. | We regulated through legislation the use of the concept of "disabled" instead of the concept of defective. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
] | [
] |
108 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Engelli bireylerin ailelerine tanı sonrası yoğun eğitim desteği ve uzun vadeli aile danışmanlığı ve psikososyal destek hizmetlerini geliştireceğiz. | We will develop intensive educational support and long-term family counseling and psychosocial support services for the families of disabled individuals after diagnosis. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
] | [
] |
109 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Özel eğitim ve rehabilitasyon sürecini standart olarak vermeyecek, bireyin ihtiyaçları göz önünde bulundurularak bireye özel program hazırlayacağız. | We will not provide the special education and rehabilitation process as a standard, but will prepare a special program for the individual, taking into account the individual's needs. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
] | [
] |
110 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Özel eğitim ve rehabilitasyon merkezlerini ağır ve hafif engelli bireylere göre dizayn edeceğiz. | We will design special education and rehabilitation centers for severely and slightly disabled individuals. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
] | [
] |
111 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Okullarda, hastanelerde ve diğer devlet kurumlarında engellilere hizmet vermek için ergoterapistler istihdam edeceğiz. | We will employ occupational therapists to serve people with disabilities in schools, hospitals and other government institutions. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
] | [
] |
112 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Görme engelli bireylere kitapları seslendirilmiş halde teslim edeceğiz. | We will deliver the books with audio to visually impaired individuals. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
] | [
] |
113 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Engelli çocuklarda kaynaştırma eğitimini engel çeşitlerine ve oranlarına göre vereceğiz. | We will provide inclusive education for disabled children according to their disability types and degrees. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
] | [
] |
114 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Engelli öğrencilerimizi okullarına ücretsiz taşıyoruz. | We transport our disabled students to their schools free of charge. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
] | [
] |
115 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Engelli vatandaşlarımızın eğitim ve çalışma haklarını fırsat eşitliği ilkesi temelinde daha etkin şekilde koruyacağız. Yine engelli vatandaşlarımızın toplumsal yaşama katılmaları için yerel yönetimlerin daha aktif çalışmasını sağlamaya yönelik düzenlemeleri hayata geçireceğiz. | We will protect the education and employment rights of our disabled citizens more effectively on the basis of the principle of equal opportunity. We will also implement regulations to ensure that local governments work more actively so that our disabled citizens can participate in social life. | election manifesto of the current government 2023 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
] | [
] |
116 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Engellilere ödenen aylıkları, engel durumuna göre, yüzde 200 ile yüzde 300 oranlarında artırdık ve 18 yaşın altındaki engellilerin de yararlanmasını sağladık. | We increased the pensions paid to disabled people by 200 percent to 300 percent, depending on their disability, and ensured that disabled people under the age of 18 also benefited. | election manifesto of the current government 2015 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
] | [
] |
117 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | İlk defa devlet memuru olarak atanacak engelliler için ayrı ve merkezi bir sınav yapılması uygulamasını getirdik. | We introduced the practice of holding a separate and central examination for disabled people to be appointed as civil servants for the first time. | election manifesto of the current government 2015 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
] | [
] |
118 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Terör mağduru sivil vatandaşlardan terör eylemleri nedeniyle engelli hale gelenlere bir istihdam hakkı getirdik | We introduced an employment right to civilian victims of terrorism who became disabled due to terrorist acts. | election manifesto of the current government 2015 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
] | [
] |
119 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Engelli çocuğu olan annelere ilave (sigorta prim) gün hakkı verdik. | We gave additional (insurance premium) day rights to mothers with disabled children. | election manifesto of the current government 2015 | Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTİ) (en: Justice and Development Party (AK Party)) | political party | | [
] | [
] |
120 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Engellilerin Haklarına İlişkin Sözleşme ve öngördüğü yükümlülüklere ilişkin olarak engelli bireylere hizmet sunan profesyonellere yönelik interaktif bir eğitim materyali oluşturulacaktır. | An interactive training material will be created for professionals providing services to disabled individuals regarding the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its obligations. | Disability Rights National Action Plan 2023-2025 Ministry of Family and Social Services | Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı (en: Ministry of Family and Social Services) | government | | [
] | [
] |
121 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Bilgi ve hizmet sunumuna ilişkin yazılı ve görsel materyal ile yayınların farklı engel grupları için erişilebilir formatlarda ve uygun iletişim biçimlerinde hazırlanması sağlanacaktır. | Written and visual materials and publications regarding information and service delivery will be prepared in accessible formats and appropriate communication formats for different disability groups. | Disability Rights National Action Plan 2023-2025 Ministry of Family and Social Services | Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı (en: Ministry of Family and Social Services) | government | | [
] | [
] |
122 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Turizm ve seyahat olanaklarının engelli bireyler açısından çeşitlendirilmesi konusunda projeler ve iş birliği çalışmaları yürütülecektir. | Projects and cooperation efforts will be carried out to diversify tourism and travel opportunities for disabled individuals. | Disability Rights National Action Plan 2023-2025 Ministry of Family and Social Services | Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı (en: Ministry of Family and Social Services) | government | | [
] | [
] |
123 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Bakanlıkların ilgili birimleri ile erişilebilirlik konusunda bilgilendirme toplantıları gerçekleştirilecektir. | Information meetings on accessibility will be held with the relevant units of the ministries. | Disability Rights National Action Plan 2023-2025 Ministry of Family and Social Services | Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı (en: Ministry of Family and Social Services) | government | | [
] | [
] |
124 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Mevcut şehir içi toplu taşıma araçlarının erişilebilirliğinin sağlanması konusunda belediyelere eğitim verilecektir. | Training will be provided to municipalities on ensuring the accessibility of existing urban public transportation vehicles. | Disability Rights National Action Plan 2023-2025 Ministry of Family and Social Services | Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı (en: Ministry of Family and Social Services) | government | | [
] | [
] |
125 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Engelli öğrencilerin erişilebilir servis araçlarından faydalanmasını sağlamak üzere ücretsiz taşıma kapsamının genişletilmesine yönelik çalışma yapılacaktır. | Work will be carried out to expand the scope of free transportation to ensure that disabled students benefit from accessible shuttles. | Disability Rights National Action Plan 2023-2025 Ministry of Family and Social Services | Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı (en: Ministry of Family and Social Services) | government | | [
] | [
] |
126 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Bankacılık hizmetlerinin erişilebilirliğinin sağlanmasına yönelik mevzuatın uygulanma düzeyi belirlenecektir. | The level of implementation of the legislation to ensure accessibility of banking services will be determined. | Disability Rights National Action Plan 2023-2025 Ministry of Family and Social Services | Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı (en: Ministry of Family and Social Services) | government | | [
] | [
] |
127 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Hâkim ve savcılar başta olmak üzere adalet hizmetleri personelinin mesleki eğitim, hizmet öncesi eğitim ve hizmet içi eğitimlerinde engellilik ve engelli hakları konusuna yer verilmesine yönelik çalışmalar yapılacaktır. | Efforts will be made to include the subject of disability and disabled rights in the vocational training, pre-service training and in-service training of justice services personnel, especially judges and prosecutors. | Disability Rights National Action Plan 2023-2025 Ministry of Family and Social Services | Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı (en: Ministry of Family and Social Services) | government | | [
] | [
] |
128 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | İşverenler işyerlerinin erişilebilirliğine yönelik yaptıkları düzenlemeler için teşvik edilecek, İdari Para Cezaları Fonu’nun bu kapsamda kullanımına yönelik çalışma başlatılacaktır. | Employers will be encouraged to make arrangements for the accessibility of their workplaces, and work will be initiated to use the Administrative Fines Fund in this context. | Disability Rights National Action Plan 2023-2025 Ministry of Family and Social Services | Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı (en: Ministry of Family and Social Services) | government | | [
] | [
] |
129 | disability rights | Turkish | Turkey | Kamuda çalışan ve servis araçlarını kullanamayan engelli memurlara ulaşım desteği verilecektir | Transportation support will be provided to disabled civil servants who work in the public sector and cannot use service vehicles. | Disability Rights National Action Plan 2023-2025 Ministry of Family and Social Services | Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı (en: Ministry of Family and Social Services) | government | | [
] | [
] |
130 | immigration | English | UK | Changes to the shortage occupation list to significantly reduce the number of jobs where it will be possible to sponsor overseas workers below the baseline minimum salary (which is the main purpose of the list). | UK Parliament | Parliament, House of Commons | government | | [
"skilled-worker immigration"
] | [
"skilled-worker immigration"
"skilled-worker immigration"
"skilled-worker immigration"
] |
131 | immigration | English | UK | Social care workers will not be allowed to bring dependants (that is, partners and children) on their visa. | UK Parliament | Parliament, House of Commons | government | | [
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"legal compliance",
"restricrive right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restricrive right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
132 | immigration | English | UK | The minimum income normally required to sponsor someone for a spouse/partner visa will rise in stages from £18,600 to £29,000 and ultimately around £38,700. | UK Parliament | Parliament, House of Commons | government | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
133 | immigration | English | UK | Ministers believe that immigration is “far too high”. | UK Parliament | Parliament, House of Commons | government | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
134 | immigration | English | UK | The Home Office said in a press release that 300,000 of the people who moved to the UK last year would not have been able to come had these changes been in place then. | UK Parliament | Parliament, House of Commons | government | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
135 | immigration | English | UK | Of the potential 300,000 reduction, around 140,000 comes from changes to student dependant rules announced separately in May 2023 and in force since the start of 2024. | UK Parliament | Parliament, House of Commons | government | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
136 | immigration | English | UK | People applying for permanent residence (formally known as ‘settlement’ or ‘indefinite leave to remain’) after being on a spouse/partner visa are also required to meet the minimum income rule. | UK Parliament | Parliament, House of Commons | government | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
137 | immigration | English | UK | When applying for the initial visa from outside the UK, only the sponsor’s income can be counted towards the minimum income threshold. | UK Parliament | Parliament, House of Commons | government | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
138 | immigration | French | France | De même, le candidat à l’immigration doit savoir que venir vivre dans notre pays demande de respecter les règles et les valeurs fondamentales de la République française. | Likewise, the immigration candidate must know that coming to live in our country requires respecting the rules and fundamental values of the French Republic. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"legal compliance"
] | [
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
] |
139 | immigration | French | France | le renforcement du rayonnement de la France à l’international requiert une politique active et volontaire d’accueil des étudiants et des talents étrangers qui repose sur une action coordonnée de différents ministères. | strengthening France's international influence requires an active and voluntary policy of welcoming foreign students and talents which is based on coordinated action by different ministries. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"skilled-worker immigration"
] | [
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker immigration"
] |
140 | immigration | French | France | L’enjeu est d’adapter l’immigration régulière aux réalités économiques et sociales de notre pays et à la nécessité de renforcer son attractivité comme de veiller au respect des règles d’entrée et de séjour sur le territoire, avec l’appui de nos partenaires européens. | The challenge is to adapt regular immigration to the economic and social realities of our country and the need to strengthen its attractiveness as well as to ensure compliance with the rules of entry and stay in the territory, with the support of our European partners. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"legal compliance"
] | [
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
] |
141 | immigration | French | France | Parallèlement, l’accueil des étudiants étrangers, facteur essentiel pour assurer le rayonnement de l’enseignement supérieur et l’influence de la France à l’étranger, fait l’objet d’une réflexion attentive. | At the same time, the reception of foreign students, an essential factor in ensuring the influence of higher education and the influence of France abroad, is the subject of careful consideration. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"skilled-worker immigration"
] | [
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker immigration"
] |
142 | immigration | French | France | Compte tenu de la conjoncture économique et de ses conséquences en termes d’emploi, l’immigration professionnelle doit être régulée. | Given the economic situation and its consequences in terms of employment, professional immigration must be regulated. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"skilled-worker immigration"
] | [
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker immigration"
] |
143 | immigration | French | France | L’objectif est d’assurer aux étudiants un parcours de réussite et d’excellence et, pour ceux qui le souhaitent, leur offrir la possibilité de poursuivre une activité professionnelle en France. | The objective is to ensure students a path of success and excellence and, for those who wish, to offer them the opportunity to pursue a professional activity in France. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"skilled-worker immigration"
] | [
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker immigration"
] |
144 | immigration | French | France | La lutte contre l’immigration irrégulière est indissociable de la politique d’immigration régulière. | The fight against irregular immigration is inseparable from regular immigration policy. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"legal compliance"
] | [
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
] |
145 | immigration | French | France | Chaque étranger qui vient dans notre pays sans respecter les règles d’entrée et de séjour sur le territoire doit savoir que la loi sera appliquée. | Every foreigner who comes to our country without respecting the rules of entry and stay in the territory must know that the law will be applied. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"legal compliance"
] | [
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
] |
146 | immigration | French | France | La priorité est néanmoins donnée à la lutte contre les filières d’immigration clandestine. | Priority is nevertheless given to the fight against illegal immigration networks. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"legal compliance"
] | [
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
] |
147 | immigration | French | France | La France veut donner leur place aux étrangers entrés de manière régulière sur son territoire ce qui implique la mise en œuvre d’une politique active d’intégration. | France wants to give their place to foreigners who have entered its territory regularly, which implies the implementation of an active integration policy. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
] | [
] |
148 | immigration | French | France | L’accès à la langue, à l’emploi et à une carrière professionnelle afin de disposer des revenus suffisants pour garantir une vie correcte pour soi et sa famille, l’accès à un logement décent et, pour les enfants, la réussite scolaire, constituent un ensemble de facteurs qui favorisent l’intégration dans notre société. | Access to language, employment and a professional career in order to have sufficient income to guarantee a decent life for oneself and one's family, access to decent housing and, for children, academic success, constitute a set of factors that promote integration in our society. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
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] |
149 | immigration | French | France | Après plusieurs années de vie en France, une intégration réussie doit pouvoir s’exprimer par l’acquisition de la nationalité française. | After several years of living in France, successful integration must be expressed through the acquisition of French nationality. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
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] |
150 | immigration | French | France | Les personnes immigrées bénéficient, pour l’essentiel, de droits économiques et sociaux identiques à ceux des Français. | Immigrants benefit, for the most part, from economic and social rights identical to those of the French. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
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151 | immigration | French | France | Par ce contrat, l’étranger s’engage à s’inscrire dans un processus qui doit notamment l’amener à une maîtrise suffisante de la langue et à la connaissance et au respect des valeurs de la République. | Through this contract, the foreigner undertakes to participate in a process which must notably lead him to sufficient mastery of the language and to knowledge and respect for the values of the Republic. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
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] |
152 | immigration | French | France | Cet axe de politique publique recouvre deux objectifs: améliorer les conditions d’accueil des immigrants en situation régulière et offrir les conditions propices à une intégration réussie. | This area of public policy covers two objectives: improving reception conditions for legal immigrants and providing conditions conducive to successful integration. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
] | [
] |
153 | immigration | French | France | Le droit d’asile est pour notre pays à la fois une exigence constitutionnelle et un engagement international. | The right to asylum is for our country both a constitutional requirement and an international commitment. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
154 | immigration | French | France | La France garantit un examen des demandes d’asile par un organisme indépendant. | France guarantees an examination of asylum applications by an independent body. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
155 | immigration | French | France | Durant toute la durée de l’examen de leur dossier, elle assure aux demandeurs d’asile, sauf exceptions limitativement énumérées, un droit au séjour, avec pour corollaire un droit à l’hébergement et à une prise en charge sociale. | Throughout the duration of the examination of their file, it guarantees asylum seekers, except in restrictively listed exceptions, a right to stay, with the corollary a right to accommodation and social care. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
156 | immigration | French | France | L’effort est mis sur la réduction des délais d’instruction des demandes afin de permettre aux personnes de bonne foi qui sollicitent l’asile de notre pays de bénéficier d’une décision rapide pour pouvoir vivre sous la protection de l’État. | Efforts are being made to reduce processing times for applications in order to allow people in good faith who seek asylum in our country to benefit from a rapid decision to be able to live under the protection of the State. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
157 | immigration | French | France | Les personnes qui ne remplissent pas les conditions d’accès au statut de réfugié ou à la protection subsidiaire doivent retourner dans leur pays d’origine ou dans le pays tiers de leur choix qui accepte de les accueillir. | People who do not meet the conditions for access to refugee status or subsidiary protection must return to their country of origin or to the third country of their choice which agrees to welcome them. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
158 | immigration | French | France | La volonté de lutter contre les demandes abusives ne remet pas en cause la distinction fondamentale qui existe entre la politique d’immigration et la politique de l’asil | The desire to fight against abusive requests does not call into question the fundamental distinction that exists between immigration policy and asylum policy. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
159 | immigration | French | France | Cet axe de politique publique recouvre deux objectifs: réduire les délais de traitement des demandes d’asile et renforcer l’efficience de la prise en charge des demandeurs d’asile. | This area of public policy covers two objectives: reducing processing times for asylum applications and strengthening the efficiency of the treatment of asylum seekers. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
160 | immigration | French | France | L’accent est mis sur l’amélioration des contrôles, la lutte contre la fraude documentaire avec, par exemple, l’utilisation proportionnée de la biométrie, la lutte contre le détournement des procédures, le renforcement des contrôles aux frontières et la dynamisation de la politique d’éloignement. | The emphasis is placed on improving controls, combating document fraud with, for example, the proportionate use of biometrics, combating the misuse of procedures, strengthening border controls and boosting the removal policy. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"legal compliance",
"restrict right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restrict right to asylum"
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
161 | immigration | French | France | Les flux migratoires restent importants et leur maîtrise demeure un enjeu essentiel. | Migration flows remain significant and their control remains an essential issue. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
] | [
] |
162 | immigration | French | France | La lutte contre les filières qui exploitent la précarité et la fragilité des personnes souhaitant s’établir sur notre territoire, participant ainsi à la traite des êtres humains, est également prioritaire. | The fight against sectors which exploit the precariousness and fragility of people wishing to settle in our territory, thus participating in human trafficking, is also a priority. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"legal compliance"
] | [
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
] |
163 | immigration | French | France | Par ailleurs, il s’agit d’adapter l’immigration régulière aux réalités économique et sociale de notre pays, à la nécessité de renforcer son attractivité tant en faveur des étudiants internationaux que pour la recherche de profils hautement qualifié pour les secteurs innovants par exemple. | Furthermore, it is a question of adapting regular immigration to the economic and social realities of our country, to the need to strengthen its attractiveness both in favor of international students and for the search for highly qualified profiles for innovative sectors for example. . | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"skilled-worker immigration"
] | [
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker immigration"
] |
164 | immigration | French | France | La signature par l’étranger d’un contrat d’intégration républicaine (CIR) marque son engagement dans le parcours personnalisé d’intégration républicaine d’une durée de cinq ans. | The signing by the foreigner of a republican integration contract (CIR) marks its commitment to the personalized republican integration course lasting five years. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
"legal compliance"
] | [
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
] |
165 | immigration | French | France | Les actions conduites sur les territoires visent principalement l’apprentissage de la langue française, l’insertion sociale et professionnelle ainsi que l’accès aux droits, à la formation professionnelle et à l’emploi. | The actions carried out in the territories mainly aim at learning the French language, social and professional integration as well as access to rights, professional training and employment. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
] | [
] |
166 | immigration | French | France | L’importance de la dimension locale des politiques de l’intégration est également reconnue. | The importance of the local dimension of integration policies is also recognized. | French ministry of finance | Le ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique (en: Ministry of Economics and Finance) | government | | [
] | [
] |
167 | immigration | French | France | Les travailleurs sans papiers exerçant dans des métiers en tension (BTP, aides à domicile, restauration..) pourront se voir délivrer à titre exceptionnel, comme aujourd’hui, une carte de séjour "travailleur temporaire" ou "salarié". | Undocumented workers working in professions in shortage (construction, home help, catering, etc.) may be issued exceptionally, as today, with a “temporary worker” or “employee” residence permit. | French government, vie publique | La direction de l'information légale et administrative (DILA) (en: the Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information) | government | | [
"legal compliance",
"skilled-worker immigration"
] | [
"legal compliance",
"skilled-worker immigration"
"legal compliance",
"skilled-worker immigration"
"legal compliance",
"skilled-worker immigration"
] |
168 | immigration | French | France | Pour répondre aux besoins de recrutement dans les hôpitaux et les établissements médico-sociaux, une nouvelle carte de séjour pluriannuelle "talent - profession médicale et de la pharmacie" de 4 ans est instituée au profit des médecins, dentistes, sages-femmes ou pharmaciens praticiens diplômés hors Union européenne (PADHUE). | To meet recruitment needs in hospitals and medico-social establishments, a new 4-year multi-year “talent – medical and pharmacy profession” residence permit has been introduced for the benefit of practicing doctors, dentists, midwives or pharmacists. graduates from outside the European Union (PADHUE). | French government, vie publique | La direction de l'information légale et administrative (DILA) (en: the Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information) | government | | [
"skilled-worker immigration"
] | [
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker immigration"
] |
169 | immigration | French | France | Les cartes de séjour "talent" destinées aux salariés qualifiés et aux porteurs de projets sont simplifiées. | “Talent” residence permits intended for qualified employees and project leaders are simplified. | French government, vie publique | La direction de l'information légale et administrative (DILA) (en: the Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information) | government | | [
"skilled-worker immigration"
] | [
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker immigration"
] |
170 | immigration | French | France | Les sanctions contre les entreprises employant des travailleurs irréguliers sont renforcées. | Sanctions against companies employing irregular workers are reinforced. | French government, vie publique | La direction de l'information légale et administrative (DILA) (en: the Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information) | government | | [
"legal compliance"
] | [
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
] |
171 | immigration | French | France | Par ailleurs, tous les étrangers qui demandent un document de séjour devront s’engager à respecter les principes de la République par la signature d’un nouveau contrat. | Furthermore, all foreigners who request a residence document must undertake to respect the principles of the Republic by signing a new contract. | French government, vie publique | La direction de l'information légale et administrative (DILA) (en: the Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information) | government | | [
"legal compliance"
] | [
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
] |
172 | immigration | French | France | La menace grave pour l'ordre public devient un motif de non-renouvellement ou de retrait de la carte de résident. | The serious threat to public order becomes a reason for non-renewal or withdrawal of the resident card. | French government, vie publique | La direction de l'information légale et administrative (DILA) (en: the Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information) | government | | [
"national security"
] | [
"national security"
"national security"
"national security"
] |
173 | immigration | French | France | La loi entend faciliter l'éloignement des étrangers qui représentent une menace grave pour l'ordre public. | The law is intended to facilitate the removal of foreigners who represent a serious threat to public order. | French government, vie publique | La direction de l'information légale et administrative (DILA) (en: the Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information) | government | | [
"national security"
] | [
"national security"
"national security"
"national security"
] |
174 | immigration | French | France | L'interdiction de placer en rétention administrative les mineurs étrangers est posée. | The ban on placing foreign minors in administrative detention is imposed. | French government, vie publique | La direction de l'information légale et administrative (DILA) (en: the Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information) | government | | [
"legal compliance",
"national security"
] | [
"legal compliance",
"national security"
"legal compliance",
"national security"
"legal compliance",
"national security"
] |
175 | immigration | French | France | Les demandeurs d’asile qui présentent un risque de fuite ou une menace à l’ordre public (sortants de prison, interpellés…) pourront être assignés à résidence ou placés en rétention, sous certaines conditions. | Asylum seekers who present a risk of flight or a threat to public order (leavers from prison, arrested, etc.) may be placed under house arrest or placed in detention, under certain conditions. | French government, vie publique | La direction de l'information légale et administrative (DILA) (en: the Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information) | government | | [
"national security",
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"national security",
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
"national security",
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
"national security",
"legal compliance",
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
176 | immigration | German | Germany | Wir haben es zu lange denen schwer gemacht zu kommen, die wir als fleißige Hände und kluge Köpfe brauchen. | For too long we have made it difficult for those we need to have hard-working hands and smart minds to come. | FDP party | Freie Demokraten (FDP) (en: Free Democratic Party) | political party | | [
"skilled-worker immigration"
] | [
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker migration"
"skilled-worker migration"
] |
177 | immigration | German | Germany | Zugleich haben wir es zu lange denen leicht gemacht zu bleiben, die illegal in unseren Sozialstaat eingewandert sind. | At the same time, for too long we have made it easy for those who immigrated illegally to our welfare state to stay. | FDP party | Freie Demokraten (FDP) (en: Free Democratic Party) | political party | | [
"legal compliance"
] | [
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
] |
178 | immigration | German | Germany | Fakt ist, dass zu viele Menschen nach Deutschland kommen, die auf den Sozialstaat angewiesen sind. | The fact is that too many people come to Germany who are dependent on the welfare state. | FDP party | Freie Demokraten (FDP) (en: Free Democratic Party) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
179 | immigration | German | Germany | Diese irreguläre Migration müsse gestoppt werden, wenn wir uns als Staat nicht überheben und damit das Vertrauen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger riskieren wollen. | This irregular migration must be stopped if we as a state do not want to get ahead of ourselves and thereby risk the trust of our citizens. | FDP party | Freie Demokraten (FDP) (en: Free Democratic Party) | political party | | [
"legal compliance",
"national security"
] | [
"legal compliance",
"national security"
"legal compliance",
"national security"
"legal compliance",
"national security"
] |
180 | immigration | German | Germany | Irreguläre Migration wollen wir konsequent und wirksam bekämpfen. | We want to combat irregular migration consistently and effectively. | FDP party | Freie Demokraten (FDP) (en: Free Democratic Party) | political party | | [
"legal compliance"
] | [
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
"legal compliance"
] |
181 | immigration | German | Germany | Das Ziel der gemeinsamen EU-Asylpolitik ist es, offensichtlich unbegründet Schutzsuchenden bereits an der europäischen Außengrenze ihre abschlägigen Bescheide zu erteilen. | The aim of the common EU asylum policy is to issue negative decisions to those seeking protection at the European external border, which are obviously unfounded. | FDP party | Freie Demokraten (FDP) (en: Free Democratic Party) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
182 | immigration | German | Germany | Sinnvoller ist es aber, den Menschen gar nicht erst Geld in die Hand zu geben, sondern auf Sachleistungen und Bezahlkarten zu setzen. | However, it makes more sense not to give people money at all, but to rely on benefits in kind and payment cards. | FDP party | Freie Demokraten (FDP) (en: Free Democratic Party) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
183 | immigration | German | Germany | Unterschiede zwischen den Verhaltensroutinen der Herkunftsgesellschaften untereinander und zu unseren eigenen führen zu Konflikten, die in überschaubarer Zahl beherrschbar, aber in großer Zahl eine Belastung sind. | Differences between the behavioral routines of the societies of origin and our own lead to conflicts that can be controlled in manageable numbers, but are a burden in large numbers. | FDP party press release | Freie Demokraten (FDP) (en: Free Democratic Party) | political party | | [
] | [
] |
184 | immigration | German | Germany | Sicherheitsbehörden tragen höhere Lasten, da junge Männer eine höhere Delinquenz aufweisen als andere Teile der Bevölkerung und eben 72 Prozent der Asylerstantragsteller männlich sind. | Security authorities bear a higher burden because young men have a higher rate of delinquency than other parts of the population and 72 percent of first-time asylum applicants are male. | FDP party press release | Freie Demokraten (FDP) (en: Free Democratic Party) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum",
"national security"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum",
"national security"
"restrictive right to asylum",
"national security"
"restrictive right to asylum",
"national security"
] |
185 | immigration | German | Germany | Die steigenden Zahlen von Migranten ohne eigene Unterhaltsfähigkeit sind Wasser auf die Mühlen derjenigen, die das politische Spektrum immer weiter radikalisieren. | The increasing numbers of migrants without the ability to support themselves are grist for the mill of those who are increasingly radicalizing the political spectrum. | FDP party press release | Freie Demokraten (FDP) (en: Free Democratic Party) | political party | | [
"legal compliance",
"national security"
] | [
"legal compliance",
"national security"
"legal compliance",
"national security"
"legal compliance",
"national security"
] |
186 | immigration | German | Germany | Fast die Hälfe der Menschen, die aus anderen Drittstaaten als der Ukraine nach Deutschland als Flüchtlinge kommen, hat aber dazu kein Recht. | However, almost half of the people who come to Germany as refugees from third countries other than Ukraine have no right to do so. | FDP party press release | Freie Demokraten (FDP) (en: Free Democratic Party) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum",
"legal compliance"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum",
"legal compliance"
"restrictive right to asylum",
"legal compliance"
"restrictive right to asylum",
"legal compliance"
] |
187 | immigration | German | Germany | Die politische Linke vertritt regelmäßig den Standpunkt, dass Push-Faktoren allein für Migrationsbewegungen verantwortlich seien. | The political left regularly takes the position that push factors are solely responsible for migration movements. | FDP party press release | Freie Demokraten (FDP) (en: Free Democratic Party) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
188 | immigration | German | Germany | Wir wollen unseren Nachkommen ein Land hinterlassen, das noch als unser Deutschland erkennbar ist. | We want to leave our descendants a country that is still recognizable as our Germany. | Afd party position | Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) (en: Alternative for Germany) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
189 | immigration | German | Germany | Im Verhältnis zu Europa oder Amerika stellt Afrika ein Armenhaus dar. | Compared to Europe or America, Africa represents a poor house. | Afd party position | Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) (en: Alternative for Germany) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
190 | immigration | German | Germany | Aus beiden Ursachen – dem Bevölkerungswachstum in Afrika und dem Wohlstandsgefälle zu Europa – entsteht ein gewaltiger Wanderungsdruck, der Dimensionen einer Völkerwanderung hat. | Both causes – population growth in Africa and the wealth gap with Europe – result in enormous migration pressure that has the dimensions of a mass migration. | Afd party position | Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) (en: Alternative for Germany) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
191 | immigration | German | Germany | Während die europäische Bevölkerung überaltert und schrumpft, explodiert die Bevölkerungszahl in Afrika und den arabisch-muslimischen Ländern. | While the European population is aging and shrinking, the population in Africa and Arab-Muslim countries is exploding. | Afd party position | Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) (en: Alternative for Germany) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
192 | immigration | German | Germany | Vor diesem Problemhintergrund ist offensichtlich, dass Wanderungsbewegungen von Afrika nach Europa im zu erwartenden Umfang unseren Kontinent in wenigen Jahren destabilisieren können. | Against this background of problems, it is obvious that migration movements from Africa to Europe on the expected scale could destabilize our continent in just a few years. | Afd party position | Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) (en: Alternative for Germany) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum",
"national security"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum",
"national security"
"restrictive right to asylum",
"national security"
"restrictive right to asylum",
"national security"
] |
193 | immigration | German | Germany | Das hohe Niveau der deutschen Sozialleistungen zieht sowohl aus anderen EU-Staaten als auch aus Drittstaaten zahlreiche Armutszuwanderer an. | The high level of German social benefits attracts numerous poor immigrants from both other EU states and third countries. | Afd party position | Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) (en: Alternative for Germany) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum",
"national security"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum",
"national security"
"restrictive right to asylum",
"national security"
"restrictive right to asylum",
"national security"
] |
194 | immigration | German | Germany | Hierbei werden die Freizügigkeit in der EU bzw. das Asylrecht missbraucht, um sich Zugang zum Sozialsystem zu verschaffen. | Freedom of movement in the EU and the right to asylum are abused in order to gain access to the social system. | Afd party position | Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) (en: Alternative for Germany) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
195 | immigration | German | Germany | Zuwanderung kann die Probleme der sozialen Sicherungssysteme nicht lösen, die in Deutschland durch den Geburtenrückgang entstanden sind und künftig verschärft in Erscheinung treten werden. | Immigration cannot solve the problems of the social security systems, which have arisen in Germany due to the decline in the birth rate and will become more pronounced in the future. | Afd party position | Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) (en: Alternative for Germany) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
196 | immigration | German | Germany | Die Grenzen müssen umgehend geschlossen werden, um die ungeregelte massenhafte Zuwanderung überwiegend beruflich Unqualifizierter in unser Land und seine Sozialsysteme sofort zu beenden. | The borders must be closed immediately in order to immediately end the unregulated mass immigration of predominantly professionally unqualified people into our country and its social systems. | Afd party position | Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) (en: Alternative for Germany) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
197 | immigration | German | Germany | Wir brauchen über mehrere Jahre eine Minuszuwanderung. | We need minus immigration for several years. | Afd party position | Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) (en: Alternative for Germany) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
198 | immigration | German | Germany | Vorrang vor Zuwanderung haben familien- und bevölkerungspolitische Maßnahmen, insbesondere eine „aktivierende Familienpolitik“, aber auch die Reduzierung der Abwanderung qualifizierter Arbeitskräfte aus Deutschland. | Family and population policy measures, in particular an “activating family policy”, but also reducing the emigration of qualified workers from Germany, have priority over immigration. | Afd party position | Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) (en: Alternative for Germany) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
199 | immigration | German | Germany | Die rechtliche und soziale Privilegierung türkischer Staatsangehöriger in Deutschland und teilweise ihrer Angehörigen in der Türkei ist zu beenden. | The legal and social privilege of Turkish citizens in Germany and, in some cases, their relatives in Turkey must be ended. | Afd party position | Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) (en: Alternative for Germany) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
] |
200 | immigration | German | Germany | Alle abgelehnten Asylbewerber sind umgehend in ihre Herkunftsländer zurückzuführen. | All rejected asylum seekers must immediately be returned to their countries of origin. | Afd party position | Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) (en: Alternative for Germany) | political party | | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
] | [
"restrictive right to asylum"
"restrictive right to asylum"
"immigration: restrictive right to asylum"
] |
Subsets and Splits