Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB
textdata/thevault/Drakar och demoner [SV]/aventyr/DoD a_ventyr - Tvilling Bergen.pdf
NAME NAME BASE BASE TCH TCH FLT FLT TMP TMP AC DEX CON WIS STR CHA INT SPD ALIGN/RACE ALIGN/RACE FORT REF WILL ........................ ........................ Special/Notes VIS www.thegamemechanics.com ™ DELAY or READY UNCONSCIOUS ™ CLASS/LEVEL CLASS/LEVEL Attack (#) Bonus Type Damage HP ©2003 The Game Mechanics, Inc. THE GAME MECHANICS and The Game Mechanics Logo are trademarks of The Game Mechanics, Inc. INIT INIT ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ Skills GRAP NAME NAME BASE BASE TCH TCH FLT FLT TMP TMP AC DEX CON WIS STR CHA INT SPD ALIGN/RACE ALIGN/RACE FORT REF WILL ........................ ........................ Special/Notes VIS www.thegamemechanics.com ™ DELAY or READY UNCONSCIOUS ™ CLASS/LEVEL CLASS/LEVEL Attack (#) Bonus Type Damage HP ©2003 The Game Mechanics, Inc. THE GAME MECHANICS and The Game Mechanics Logo are trademarks of The Game Mechanics, Inc. INIT INIT ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ Skills GRAP NAME NAME BASE BASE TCH TCH FLT FLT TMP TMP AC DEX CON WIS STR CHA INT SPD ALIGN/RACE ALIGN/RACE FORT REF WILL ........................ ........................ Special/Notes VIS www.thegamemechanics.com ™ DELAY or READY UNCONSCIOUS ™ CLASS/LEVEL CLASS/LEVEL Attack (#) Bonus Type Damage HP ©2003 The Game Mechanics, Inc. THE GAME MECHANICS and The Game Mechanics Logo are trademarks of The Game Mechanics, Inc. INIT INIT ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ Skills GRAP ©2003 The Game Mechanics, Inc. THE GAME MECHANICS and The Game Mechanics Logo are trademarks of The Game Mechanics, Inc. End of Round Monster Cards/End of Round Permission granted to photocopy for personal use. Original found at http://www.thegamemechanics.com/
textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/Sheets & Lists/Sheets/TGM_EndOfRound_Card.pdf
GP Starting GP Lifestyle • Free standard upkeep for all TUs spent crafting - 1000 GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Skill Bonus (circumstance bonuses) (cumulative with previous ranks) • +2 to Craft (Alchemy) in urban centres of Zeif • +1 to Profession (Architect OR Engineer) and Craft checks for the purpose of generating income Any TWO of the following (circle two): • +1 to Disable Device on both mechanical and magical traps/devices • +1 to Knowledge (Planes) • +1 to Profession (Engineer) • +1 to Spellcraft when applied to magical constructs/traps/other mechanical devices Burdens (circumstance penalties) (cumulative with previous ranks) • No additional penalties Previous Zeif regional module, introductory module, or interactive: AR # ______ CURRENT XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 4 TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ACCESS GAINED FROM MEMBERSHIP ACCESS GAINED FROM MEMBERSHIP ACCESS GAINED FROM MEMBERSHIP ACCESS GAINED FROM MEMBERSHIP All items are Access: Regional (Zeif) All feats are Access: Any Cross off all access NOT gained � One Influence Point with the Mouqollad � Access to a spell library of all Core 4th level arcane spells of any 3 schools (must include all schools chosen at previous ranks). Schools chosen: o ________________________ o ________________________ o ________________________ � Access to any THREE of the following mundane equipment (circle three)(cumulative with access at previous ranks): o armour maintenance kit (AEG) o distillation kit (Ss) o collapsible grappling hook (AEG) o fast-donning straps (RS) o jeweler’s loupe (AEG) o spider poles (AEG) o superior hacksaw (AEG) � Access to any THREE additional types of alchemical gear from either the following list, or lists from previous ranks (circle three here or on previous ranks)(cumulative with access at previous ranks (9 total)): o Alchemist’s arrow (AEG) o Bladefire (AEG) o flash pellet (CV) o Lockslip Grease (CV) o Thundering arrow (AEG) Meta Play Record# 32 32 32 32 56 56 56 56 BH BH BH BH (59 (59 (59 (597777 CY) CY) CY) CY) O r d e r o f K w a l i s h L E V E L O F O r g a n i z a t i o n & Annual Costs (CIRCLE ONE) Rank Four Servant of Kwalish 4 TU per year 1000 gp per year (Special note: up to ½ of gold requirement may be spent on related Town Project investments) Requirements: • 6 months as Acolyte of Kwalish • Passed final examination Advancement to higher ranks: • 3 months as Servant of Kwalish • At least 40 ranks in various Knowledge and Craft skills (or Profession (Architect OR Engineer)) including at least 10 ranks in each of 3 Knowledge/Craft/Profession (Architect OR Engineer) skills • At least 3 metamagic/crafting feats (at least two of which must be crafting feats) This Record Certifies that This Record Certifies that This Record Certifies that This Record Certifies that ______________________________ Played by ____________________________ Player RPGA # Is A Servant of Kwalish Servant of Kwalish Servant of Kwalish Servant of Kwalish A Zeif Meta-game Organization Event: _____________ Date: ________ DM: Signature RPGA # Org Notes: � Gained rank AR # ___ � Paid Upkeep AR # ___ � Gp spent on TP AR # ___ � Left AR # ___ � Suspended AR # ___ � BANNED! AR# ___ ______________________ ______________________ Home Region Sultanate of Zeif This AR does not count when determining Access: Adventure. Items purchased through Org __________________ ________gp __________________ ________gp __________________ ________gp __________________ ________gp __________________ ________gp
textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Metaorg Material/Zeif/Order of Kwalish - Rank 4 - Servant Cert.pdf
NEW MAJOR GEOMANCIES BURROW 5th-level transmutation (Artificer, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: V, S, M (a groundworm or mole's claw) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour You become magically attuned to the earth and ground around you, enabling you to traverse it like a fish in water. Until the spell ends, you have tremorsense that extends out to 60 feet around you, you gain a burrowing speed of 60 feet, and you can hold your breath for 10 times the normal limit. While burrowing using this speii you can use an action on your turn to make a melee spell attack against another creature that is above the ground within 5 feet of you. On a hit, if the target doesn't have a burrowing speed, you pull the target's legs (or similar appendages) beneath the ground, causing them to become grappled (escape DC equal to your spell saving throw DC) and restrained while grappled, though it is not a magical effect, and they are grappled by the earth, not a creature or spell If this spell ends while you are still underground and you lack a burrowing speed, you become trapped underground until you are excavated or you manage some way out on your own. The effects are as if you had a living burial (new 7th level) spell cast on you to completion. BURROWING AND TREMORSENSE RULES A creature that has a burrowing speed can use that speed to move through sand, earth, mud, or ice. Most forms of burrowing (such as the burrow spell) don't allow you to burrow through solid rock. A creature's reach with melee attacks is not considered to extend into the floor, walls, ceiling, or other obstacles. Thus a creature who burrows into the ground will trigger opportunity attacks before it gains total cover from the ground. A creature with tremorsense can detect and pinpoint the origin of vibrations within a specific radius, provided that the creature and the source of the vibrations are in contact with the same ground or substance. Tremorsense can't be used to detect flying or incorporeal creatures. SEISMIC JAWS 6th-level transmutation (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S, M (a petrified jawbone) Duration: Instantaneous You cause the earth to tumble and churn until massive slabs of stone crash out of the ground and slam together in a 20-foot cube centered on a point on the ground within range that you choose. Each creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw. Flying creatures and Gargantuan creatures have advantage on this saving throw, and burrowing creatures have disadvantage on it. On a failed saving throw, a creature takes 4d10 nonmagical bludgeoning damage, is stunned until the start of your next turn, and is knocked prone. On a successful saving throw, a creature takes half damage and suffers no other effects. After casting the speli the ground within the area becomes difficult terrain until cleared Each 5-foot-square portion of the area requires at least 1 minute to clear by hand
textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/5th Edition (5e)/3rd Party/D&D Unleashed/Previews from The Elements & Beyond/D&D Unleashed -- Major Geomancies for Burrowing (1p0).pdf
1� Craftsmen )$� Craftsmen Which career should you play? If you want to create new high quality objects, then you should be a Craftsman. Craftsman: A skilled creator. An artisan. A master of a trade or manual art. An artificer. A craftsperson. A craftsophont. Craftsman is never a first career. CRAFTSMAN To Begin Automatic* Masterpiece Str C2 C3 Int Continue Craftsman x 2 *If TWO Skill-6+ and Craftsman-1+ SKILL ELIGIBILITY Per Term 4 skills Per Success 1 skill Per Success Craftsman-3 Per Failure Craftsman-1 MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS 1D Money Benefits 2 Low Psg Forbidden Knowle 3 Mid Psg Wafer Jack 4 High Psg C5 +1 5 Cr 15,000 Str +1 6 StarPass C2 +1 7 Cr 25,000 C3 +1 8 Cr 30,000 Int +1 9 Cr 35,000 Ship Share 10 Cr 40,000 TAS Fellow DM + Terms CAREER CHANGE OPTIONS Citizen, Scholar, Entertainer, Spacer, Soldier, Rogue, Noble, Marine, Functionary. subject to eligibility THE CRAFTSMAN’S PASSION The focus of a Craftsman’s activity is creating Masterpieces. The Controlling Characteristic governs creating the current Masterpiece (and cannot be used again until all of the others have been used as well). Master Points. In each Term, the Craftsman totals available Master Points which will be used toward the current Masterpiece. Roll 9D for Masterpiece Points or less for success in creation. If the Craftsman cannot show at least 40 Masterpiece points, he cannot attempt a Masterpiece (treat as failure). MASTER POINTS Controlling Characteristic Master Points = Craftsman Up to FIVE skills at Skill-6+ 9D < Master Points Masterpiece attempt not possible if Master Points <40. For example, the Craftsman has 45 Master Points when creating a Masterpiece; he must roll 45 or less (on 9D) for success. If The Creation Is Successful, A beautiful Masterpiece has been created. Name an object capable of being lifted or carried by the Character, and reasonably created using the Skills applied. Allocate the Masterpiece points to QREBS (for the ranges -5 to +5, -5 = 1 point; +5 = 11 points). If all QREBS values are set at the Maximum, excess Master Points can be allocated equally in excess of +5. A Perfect Masterpiece has 55 or more Master Points. If The Creation Fails, The Craftsman receives Craftsman +1 (it’s called learning from experience). The Value of a Masterpiece The Craftsman has spent most of three years conceiving and creating the Masterpiece. Simple living expenses and cost of labor (=Cr25 an hour for 6000 hours) puts the cost of the Masterpiece at Cr150,000. The Masterpiece can be sold at Cr150,000 plus Cr10,000 per Master Point over 39. A Perfect Masterpiece (=55 points) sells for Double (= Cr600,000). Vintage Masterpieces. A Masterpiece increases in value about 5% per year, but are subject to Flux when sold. CRAFTSMAN SKILLS 1 Personal 2 Academic 3 Travel 4 General 5 Business 6 Vocation 7 Avocation 1 C1 +1 Major* Seafarer Animals Comms One Art One Art 1 2 C2 +1 Major* Navigation Comms Bureaucrat One Trade One Science 2 3 C3 +1 Minor* Hostile Env Designer Diplomat One Trade One Trade 3 4 C4 +1 Minor* Flyer Computer Leader New Trade*** Athlete 4 5 C5 +1 One Trade Driver Designer Liaison New Trade*** Animals 5 6 C6** +1 One Trade Vacc Suit Designer Trader Naval Architect Gambler 6 *If the character does not have a Major/Minor this benefit is lost. **If the character has C6=Caste, this benefit is lost. ***Any Trade not already held; if all are already held; this benefit is lost.
textdata/thevault/Traveller/09 - Traveller5/Traveller5/T5 Underlying PDFs/T5=1134 Characters Chargen Craftsmen.pdf
Official Regional Certificate of the County of Urnst Soldier Certificate Character Name: Player Name: RPGA #: Brief Description The army, militia, marines, and mercenaries are tasked with defending our lands from invasion, raids, and marauding monsters. Enlistment is open to all persons loyal to the County of Urnst. PC’s start at Rank-1. The ranks detailed below, may be increased as the requirements are met, but may not advance faster than one rank per adventure. Name of the PC’s Fighting Unit: Initial DM Signature: RPGA # Date: RANK MINIMUM ADVANCEMENT REQUIREMENTS 1 Private Profession (soldier): 1 rank; plus two (2) unpaid TU’s at the end of an adventure for basic training 2 Sergeant Profession (soldier): 4 ranks; Knowledge (war) 1 rank; plus one (1) TU for training 3 Lieutenant Profession (soldier): 6 ranks; Leadership Feat; plus two (2) TU’s at the end of an adventure 4 Captain Warmaster or Warpriest Prestige class; plus three (3) TU’s at the end of an adventure 5 Colonel Warmaster or Warpriest level 3; plus four (4) TU’s at the end of an adventure 6 General Special appointment by the Countess A fighter, barbarian, paladin or ranger character may add their wisdom bonus to their Profession (soldier) skill score to determine actual Military Rank. Benefits According to the RUP-2 rules, “Benefits of Non-Adventuring Activity,” a PC can use the Profession (soldier) skill to earn money in the army/militia as follows: “Profession: You can practice your trade and make a decent living earning half your total check result (rounded down) in gold pieces when you spend 1 TU immediately after playing in a Regional Living Greyhawk adventure set in your current home region. You may only spend 1TU per adventure in this way. You may neither take 10 nor take 20 on this check.” The Warmaster adaptable prestige class is available upon reaching the rank of Sergeant. Benefits in regards to rank will be determined through role-playing. PC may use Influence Point certificates to reduce the cost of Upkeep by 12 g.p.’s per certificate. The player must abide by all limitations, updates and errata to this information as defined in the RUP-URC and RUP 1-3 documents. This official County of Urnst regional certificate has been downloaded from the County of Urnst website and printed by the player. THE PLAYER MUST HAVE A COPY OF ANY INFORMATION TO BE USED IN PLAY OR THE DM WILL DECLARE IT UNUSABLE. Prior Adventure Certificates may be referenced if necessary to confirm the benefits conferred by this certificate. All requirements must be met while playing within the borders of the Mountain States Region (Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, or Wyoming). This document is not tradable, has no cash value, is property of the RPGA and must be relinquished upon request by the RPGA staff. Limitations, updates, and errata must be observed and may be found at the County of Urnst website in the RUP-URC document at www.countyofurnst.com. Original Version: 2-22-02. Updated Version: April 7, 2002
textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Metaorg Material/County of Urnst/soldier.pdf
© 2019 James V. West — necroticgnome.com
textdata/thevault/Old-School Essentials BX Essentials/Old-School Essentials Character Sheets/Old-School Essentials Underground Character Sheet (Ascending AC Version).pdf
5� The Fantastic Drives 5 The Fantastic Drives The Fantastic Drives are uncommonly encountered interstellar drives available only as artifacts or at extremely high Tech Levels. DRIVE TONNAGE THE FANTASTIC DRIVES Drive Rating J H S Letter EP J-Drive H-Drive S-Drive A 100 10 1 10 B 200 15 2 20 C 300 20 3 30 D 400 25 4 40 E 500 30 5 50 F 600 35 6 60 G 700 40 7 70 H 800 45 8 80 J 900 50 9 90 K 1000 55 10 100 L 1100 60 11 110 M 1200 65 12 120 N 1300 70 13 130 P 1400 75 14 140 Q 1500 80 15 150 R 1600 85 16 160 S 1700 90 17 170 T 1800 95 18 180 U 1900 100 19 190 V 2000 105 20 200 W 2100 110 21 210 X 2200 115 22 220 Y 2300 120 23 230 Z 2400 125 24 240 N2 2600 140 26 260 P2 2800 150 28 280 Q2 3000 160 30 300 R2 3200 170 32 320 S2 3400 180 34 340 T2 3600 190 36 360 U2 3800 200 38 380 V2 4000 210 40 400 W2 4200 220 42 420 X2 4400 230 44 440 Y2 4600 240 46 460 Z2 4800 250 48 480 N N-Drive 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 540 570 600 630 660 690 720 750 780 810 840 870 900 930 960 990 1020 1050 1100 Any of the Drives shown here must be supported by a Power Plant with Drive Potential at least equal to this Drive’s Potential. Jump Drive (shown for comparison). Jumps are measured in parsecs; one Jump (regardless of distance) requires one week. The Mythical “Hop” Drive. Hops are measured in tens of parsecs; the ship Hops exactly that distance; one Hop takes about a day. Fuel usage is relatively small. The Rumored “Skip” Drive. Skips are measured in hundreds of parsecs, but the final distance is inexact. One Skip (regardless of distance) requires several hours. Fuel usage is negligible. A Skip contaminates Jump Space in its originating system, and is subject to SkipScatter. NAFAL. The Not As Fast As Light interstellar drive. The drive accelerates the ship perpendicular to a gravity source and decelerates the ship perpendicular to the destination gravity source. Acceleration is in Gs. FUEL REQUIREMENTS Drives require fuel to provide energy. Fuel is Hydrogen, stored under pressure and liquefied, fed from fuel tanks to the appropriate drive. Hop Drive (per Hop). A Hop Drive requires 1% of Hull Tonnage per Hop number (subject to PPlant Overclock) per use. A Hop Drive can perform ONLY a Hop equal to its Potential. Skip Drive (per Skip). A Skip Drive requires 1% of Hull Tonnage per Skip number (subject to PPlant Overclock) per use. A Skip Drive can perform ONLY a Skip equal to its Potential and is subject to Skip Scatter (1 parsec in a random direction from the destination hex). NAFAL (per month). A NAFAL Drive requires 1% of Hull Tonnage per G number (subject to PPlant Overclock). DRIVE TL TL J H S N TL J H S N 9 1 - - 1 | 21 - - - 7 10 1 - - - | 22 - - - - 11 2 - - 2 | 23 - 1 - 8 12 3 - - - | 24 - 2 - - 13 4 - - 3 | 25 - 3 - 9 14 5 - - - | 26 - 4 1 - 15 6 - - 4 | 27 - 5 2 - 16 6 - - - | 28 - 6 3 - 17 7 - - 5 | 29 - 7 4 - 18 7 - - - | 30 - 8 5 - 19 8 - - 6 | 31 - 9 6 - 20 8 - - - | 32 - - 7 - COSTS Drive MCr Jump 1.0 Hop 5.0 Skip 5.0 NAFAL 1.0 Per Ton STAGE EFFECTS Stage TL QREBS OC Tons Cost Ex Experimental* - 3 Full 50 x3 x10 Pr Prototype** - 2 3 of 5 80 x2 x3 Er Early - 1 1 of 5 90 x2 (Standard) +0 100 Im Improved +1 +1 of 5 110 Ad Advanced +2 +3 of 5 120 OC= Overclock (for Power Plants only; ignore Tons). OVERCLOCK Standard P-Plant tonnage is based on Overclock= 100. True P-Plant tons = Power Plant Tons / (OC/100) True Hop Fuel Required= Fuel / (OC/100) True Skip Fuel Required= Fuel / (OC/100)
textdata/thevault/Traveller/09 - Traveller5/Traveller5/T5 Underlying PDFs/T5=5320 Starship 20 The Fantastic Drives.pdf
5 Semita Errabunda Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre –1, Com –1, Str –1, Sta 0, Dex +3, Qik +2 Size: –1 Age: 20 Decrepitude: 0 Warping: 0 (0) Virtues and Flaws: Light Touch, Perfect Balance, Social Contacts (amongst thieves); Small Frame, Tainted with Evil, Weakness: Money Personality Traits: Vain +3, Avaricious +2, Principled –3 Reputations: none Combat: Dagger: Init +5, Attack +8, Defense +5, Damage +2 Fist: Init +3, Attack +5, Damage +4, Damage –1 Soak: +1 Fatigue Levels: OK, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5 (9–12), Incapacitated (13–16) Abilities: Area Lore 2 (alleys), Athletics 4 (climbing walls), Awareness 3 (authority figures), Bargain 1 (ill- gotten gains), Brawl 2 (dagger), Guile 3 (professing innocence), Intrigue 2 (townsfolk), Legerdemain 4 (slitting purses), Local Language 5 (vulgar speech), Profession: Mummer 1 (disguises), Stealth 4 (urban areas) Equipment: Half quilted armor, 3 daggers, rope. Encumbrance: 1 (1) Appearance: Credo is a small, wiry man, who is often mistaken for a teenager because of his small size. He takes a great deal of care in his image, despite being of low birth. He always keeps up with the latest fashions amongst the gentlefolk in clothing and hairstyle - most of the money he steals goes on his appearance. He has pinched features and beady eyes, and has both a broken nose and broken teeth, due to mistreatment by a merchant who caught him stealing. Credo gets his unusual name from his mother, who heard it at Mass and thought it would be a nice name for her unborn child. It is perhaps the most inappropriate name (meaning "I believe"), because Credo is the most underhand, distrusting and sneaky employee of the covenant. The key word here is "employee" - he can be trusted as long as the covenant pay him, and currently, they are the richest people he knows. Credo is useful for those tasks that cannot be given to most grogs; either because they require stealth, intelli- gence, or loose morals. The magi have not found a single task that Credo was unwilling to attempt, for the right price. Credo does not work well with others, but he can be relied upon to act independently, without supervision, and return at the end of his job for his pay. Despite the reli- gious origins of his name, Credo was never bap- tized, and so does not have even the basic defens- es against temptation and vice, and God-fearing folk are uncomfortable in his presence. Despite being especially fond of fine quality ostentatious jewelry, he never wears any of it in public; instead hiding it away in a secret place, putting it on when he thinks no-one is looking. He earns money as a mummer on holy days, but this is mainly a front while he and his cronies to fleece the onlookers. Credo by Mark Shirley
textdata/thevault/Ars Magica [multi]/5th edition/Semita Errabunda/Grog - Credo.pdf
23 legend pts Birthrights Weapons knacks Boons WillpoWer oooooooooo health oooooo oooooo virtues ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo legend eXperience –––––––––––––––––– a–––– l–––– B–––– arMor a–––– l–––– B–––– soak name player attriButes academics ooooo animal ken ooooo art ooooo ooooo athletics ooooo awareness ooooo Brawl ooooo command ooooo control ooooo ooooo calling nature pantheon role aBilities craft ooooo ooooo ooooo empathy ooooo fortitude ooooo integrity ooooo investigation ooooo larceny ooooo Marksmanship ooooo Medicine ooooo Melee ooooo occult ooooo politics ooooo presence ooooo science ooooo ooooo ooooo stealth ooooo survival ooooo thrown ooooo g o d s c i o n — g o d s c i o n — g o d physical strength oooooooooo dexterity oooooooooo stamina oooooooooo social charisma oooooooooo Manipulation oooooooooo appearance oooooooooo Mental perception oooooooooo intelligence oooooooooo Wits oooooooooo 0 –1 –1 –2 –2 –4 i
textdata/thevault/Scion (storyteller) [multi]/1st Edition/Character Sheets/Scion - Allies - CS - God.pdf
Semita Errabunda 16 Characteristics: Int +3, Per +1, Str +2, Sta 0, Prs –3 (2), Com –1, Dex +1, Qik +2 Size: 0 Age: 87 (64), Hermetic age 62 yrs past Gauntlet. Decrepitude: 0 Warping Score: 6 (17) Confidence Score: 1 (3) Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Magus; Puissant Art (Perdo) (free Virtue); Flawless Magic; Affinity with Perdo, Enduring Constitution, Fast Caster, Hermetic Prestige, Premonitions, Second Sight, Strong-Willed; Blatant Gift, Driven (Hunt Enemies of the Order), Enemies (Renounced Magus and his Lackeys); Disfigured (Facial Burns) Personality Traits: Brave +3, Dedicated to Cause +3, Efficient +3 Reputations: Dedicated Hoplite +3 (Hermetic magi) Combat: Fist: Init +2, Atk +5, Def +6, Dam +2 Kick: Init +1, Atk +4, Def +4, Dam +5 Long Spear: Init +5, Atk +9, Def +8, Dam +9 Soak: +0 Fatigue levels: OK, 0, 0, –2, –4, Unconscious Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10), –5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20) (* accumulated wound penal- ties reduce by 1 for Enduring Constitution) Abilities: Artes Liberales 4 (Grammar), Athletics 2 (Running), Awareness 3 (Alertness), Bargain 2 (Books), Bavaria Lore 2 (Geography), Brawl 3 (Punching), Chirurgy 2 (Bind Wounds), Civil and Canon Law 1 (Local Customs), Code of Hermes 3 (Wizards’ Marches), Concentration 3 (Spells), Dominion Lore 2 (Divine Creatures), Etiquette 2 (Merchants), Faerie Lore 2 (Faerie Forests), Finesse 4 (Precision), Folk Ken 2 (Peasants), German 5 (Merchant Slang), Great Weapon 4 (Long Spear), Guile 3 (Fast talk), Hunt 2 (Tracking), Infernal Lore 2 (Demons), Intrigue 3 (Plotting), Latin 4 (Hermetic), Leadership 3 (Intimidation), (Local Area) Lore 3 (Personalities), Magic Lore 2 (Creatures), Magic Theory 5 (Inventing Spells), Order of Hermes Lore 4 (Criminals), Parma Magica 5 (Corpus), Penetration 6 (Perdo), Philosophiae 2 (Moral Philosophy), Premonitions 3 (Enemy Magi), Profession - Scribe 2 (Speed), Second Sight 3 (Invisibility), Stealth 2 (Shadowing), Survival 2 (Forests), Swim 2 (Rough Water) Arts: Cr 10, In 6, Mu 4, Pe 18+3 (15), Re 9; An 5, Aq 6, Au 6, Co 15, He 6, Ig 6, Im 5, Me 6, Te 6 (4), Vi 8 Twilight Scars: The shadows in Darius’ hood are unusually deep, hiding his face; Nearby, non-magical items decay when Darius uses magic (as the Warped Magic Flaw). Equipment: Long Spear with haft enchanted as a tal- isman, instilled with the effect The Wound that Weeps (PeCo 15, penetration 0, 50 uses per day), attuned to a +4 bonus to spells that destroy at a dis- tance, Longevity Ritual: Lab Total 35, +7 aging bonus Encumbrance: 0 (4) Darius, filius Xerxes, follower of Flambeau by Niall Christie 17 Semita Errabunda Spells Known: Cripple the Howling Wolf (PeAn 25/+27*), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting) Parching Wind (PeAq 20/+28*), Mastery 1 (Penetration) Curse of the Desert (PeAq 25/+29*), Mastery 2 (Penetration, Magic Resistance) The Chirurgeon’s Healing Touch (CrCo 20/+26), Mastery 1 (Penetration) Whispers through the Black Gate (InCo (Me) 15/+13), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting) The Inexorable Search (InCo 20/+22), Mastery 1 (Penetration) Grip of the Choking Hand (PeCo 15/+37*), Mastery 1 (Penetration) The Wound that Weeps (PeCo 15/+37*), Mastery 1 (Penetration) Incantation of the Milky Eyes (PeCo 30/+37*), Mastery 1 (Penetration) Twist of the Tongue (PeCo 30/+37), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting) Clenching Grasp of the Crushed Heart (PeCo 40/+38*), Mastery 2 (Penetration, Magic Resistance) Gift of the Bear’s Fortitude (MuCo 25/+20), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting) Endurance of the Berserkers (ReCo 15/+25), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting) Lifting the Dangling Puppet (ReCo 15/+25), Mastery 1 (Penetration) Seven-League Stride (ReCo 35/+25), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting) The Leap of Homecoming (ReCo 35/+25), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting) The Great Rot (PeHe 25/+28*), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting) Soothe the Raging Flames (PeIg 20/+28), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting) Ward Against Heat and Flames (ReIg 25/+16), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting) Veil of Invisibility (PeIm 20/+28), Mastery 2 (Quiet Casting x 2) Tip of the Tongue (PeMe 5/+29), Mastery 2 (Fast Casting, Magic Resistance) Calm the Motion of the Heart (PeMe 15/+28), Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting) Loss of But a Moment’s Memory (PeMe 15/+29*), Mastery 3 (Quiet Casting x 2, Still Casting) Blessing of Childlike Bliss (PeMe 25/+30), Mastery 3 (Quiet Casting x 2, Still Casting) Rusted Decay of Ten-Score Years (PeTe 20*, Target increased to Group/+28*), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting) Demon’s Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 30/+30*), Mastery 1 (Fast Casting) Wind of Mundane Silence (PeVi 30/+30), Mastery 1 (Magic Resistance) (* if Darius is holding his Talisman, he has a +4 bonus to cast spells which “Destroy things at a distance”) Semita Errabunda 18 Appearance: Darius is a frightening indi- vidual. A bony figure swathed in a black, all-encompassing robe and carrying a black-hafted spear, he is reminiscent of medieval perceptions of the physical embodiment of death. This image is fur- ther emphasized if his hood falls away from his face, for Darius is bald, with a mass of scar tissue for a face and no eyes. Darius is content to cultivate his sinister image; he is a hoplite and an expert with Perdo magic, dedicated to the discovery and execution of traitors within the Order. However, it was not always thus; Uwe, the boy who would eventually become Darius, was born into a merchant family living in Bavaria. He enjoyed a comfortable life in a moderately prosper- ous household. However, shortly after Uwe reached puberty strange things began to happen. His books would fall apart, furniture he sat on would break, and the family cat died in his arms. His family became aware that there was something unsettling about the boy and were only too happy to see him taken away as an apprentice by the mysterious scholar who visited them soon after. Thus Uwe became the apprentice of the hoplite Xerxes, who indoctrinated his fil- ius to become a hunter of evils within the Order of Hermes. A lab accident early during apprenticeship burned away Uwe’s eyes and the flesh on his head, but Xerxes restored Uwe’s sight, although he refused to do anything about his filius’ appearance. Fifteen years later Uwe became a magus of the Order of Hermes named Darius and joined the ranks of the hoplites, its guardians. He has continued to maintain contact with his (aging) pater, but they only see each other on rare occasions when they can share infor- mation; Xerxes is now too frail to take part in combat. Darius travelled to the covenant to estab- lish a base from which he could seek out and destroy its enemies. He pursued this vocation with an enthusiasm that impressed his colleagues, and when the previous leader of the covenant recently passed into Final Twilight he accepted the position of head, seeing in this an opportunity to instill his values into the new, younger members swelling its ranks. Darius has been too busy to train an apprentice, but now he feels the need to pass on his legacy soon, as he suspects that he may have encountered his bane; he recently fought a powerful Renounced magus and his followers and was nearly killed, only “escaping” when a magical maelstrom sent him physically into Twilight. The traitor is still at large; Darius intends to kill him in the next confrontation and is even prepared to sacrifice himself to achieve this aim.
textdata/thevault/Ars Magica [multi]/5th edition/Semita Errabunda/Wizard - Darius.pdf
Expanded Gifts Name:______________________________ Type:_____________________ Level:____ Book:_____________________ Page#____ Learned From:________________________ Description:__________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ System:_____________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Name:______________________________ Type:_____________________ Level:____ Book:_____________________ Page#____ Learned From:________________________ Description:__________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ System:_____________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Name:______________________________ Type:_____________________ Level:____ Book:_____________________ Page#____ Learned From:________________________ Description:__________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ System:_____________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Name:______________________________ Type:_____________________ Level:____ Book:_____________________ Page#____ Learned From:________________________ Description:__________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ System:_____________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Name:______________________________ Type:_____________________ Level:____ Book:_____________________ Page#____ Learned From:________________________ Description:__________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ System:_____________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Name:______________________________ Type:_____________________ Level:____ Book:_____________________ Page#____ Learned From:________________________ Description:__________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ System:_____________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
textdata/thevault/Storyteller [multi]/World of Darkness (WoD) [multi]/oWoD/Werewolf (c)/Character Sheets/Breed Sheets/WOD - Werewolf - The Apocalypse - Character Sheet - Ananasi (Expanded Gifts).pdf
Notes ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
textdata/thevault/Storyteller [multi]/World of Darkness (WoD) [multi]/oWoD/Werewolf (c)/Character Sheets/Breed Sheets/Bastet/WOD - Werewolf - The Apocalypse - Character Sheet - Ceilican (Expanded Rites).pdf
Notes ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
textdata/thevault/Storyteller [multi]/World of Darkness (WoD) [multi]/oWoD/Werewolf (c)/Character Sheets/Breed Sheets/Bastet/WOD - Werewolf - The Apocalypse - Character Sheet - Khan (Expanded Rites).pdf
L'Appel de Cthulhu 1900 - 1945 Acrobatie (DEX/2) ....... ❏ Anthropologie (01) ....... ❏ Archéologie (01) ....... ❏ Architecture (01) ....... ❏ Argot (10) ....... ❏ Art (EDU) ....... ❏ Artisanat (05) ....... ❏ ................................... ....... ❏ Astronomie (01) ....... ❏ Baratin (05) ....... ❏ Bibliothèque (25) ....... ❏ Bicyclette (30) ....... ❏ Biologie (10) ....... ❏ Bloquer (DEX x 2) ....... ❏ Chimie (01) ....... ❏ Chirurgie (01) ....... ❏ Cinéma (10) ....... ❏ Comptabilité (10) ....... ❏ Conduire attelage (25) ....... ❏ Conduire automobile (20) ....... ❏ Conduire engin lourd (01) ....... ❏ Conduire motocyclette (01) ....... ❏ Contrefaçons (01) ....... ❏ Courir (CON + POU) ....... ❏ Criminalistique (01) ....... ❏ Danser (05) ....... ❏ Déguisement (01) ....... ❏ Discrétion (10) ....... ❏ Dissimulation (15) ....... ❏ Droit (05) ....... ❏ Ecouter (25) ....... ❏ Equitation ( 05) ....... ❏ Electricité (10) ....... ❏ Esquive instinctive (POU) ....... ❏ Esquiver (DEX x2) ....... ❏ Gastronomie (20) ....... ❏ Géographie (15) ....... ❏ Géologie ( 01) ....... ❏ Grimper (40) ....... ❏ Histoire (20) ....... ❏ Hypnotisme (01) ....... ❏ Jeu (15) ....... ❏ Lancer (25) ....... ❏ Langue natale (EDU x5) ....... ❏ L/E/P ....... ❏ L/E/P ....... ❏ L/E/P ....... ❏ L/E/P ....... ❏ Linguistique (01) ....... ❏ Littérature / Poésie (10) ....... ❏ Mécanique (20) ....... ❏ Médecine (05) ....... ❏ Musique (10) ....... ❏ Mythe de Cthulhu (00) ....... ❏ Nager (25) ....... ❏ Navigation (10) ....... ❏ Occultisme (05) ....... ❏ Oenologie (10) ....... ❏ Persuasion (15) ....... ❏ Pharmacologie (00) ....... ❏ Photographie (15) ....... ❏ Physique (05) ....... ❏ Pickpocket (05) ....... ❏ Piloter aérostat (01) ....... ❏ Piloter avion (01) ....... ❏ Piloter dirigeable (01) ....... ❏ Premiers soins (30) ....... ❏ Psychanalyse (01) ....... ❏ Psychologie (01) ....... ❏ Religion (05) ....... ❏ Sauter (25) ....... ❏ Savoir vivre (EDU x2) ....... ❏ Serrurerie (01) ....... ❏ Ski (01) ....... ❏ Suivre une piste (10) ....... ❏ Trouver Objet Caché (25) ....... ❏ Voile (01) ....... ❏ Zoologie (01) ....... ❏ .................................... ....... ❏ .................................... ....... ❏ Coup de poing 1d3 (50) ....... ❏ Coup de pied 1d6 (25) ....... ❏ Coup de tête 1d4 (10) ....... ❏ Lutte (25) ....... ❏ Armes blanches (25) ....... ❏ Escrime (10) ....... ❏ Fusil de chasse (30) ....... ❏ Armes de poing (20) ....... ❏ Mitraillette (15) ....... ❏ Fusil (25) ....... ❏ Mitrailleuse (15) ....... ❏ ................................. ....... ❏ ARMES Armes Calibre Dégats Tir/R. Portée Pvi Cap. Rech. Enr. Dissimulation Munitions ___________________________ _________ _____ ______ _______ ____ ____ _____ ____ ___________ ___________________________ _________ _____ ______ _______ ____ ____ _____ ____ ___________ ___________________________ _________ _____ ______ _______ ____ ____ _____ ____ ___________ ___________________________ _________ _____ ______ _______ ____ ____ _____ ____ ___________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Points de santé mentale Points de vie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Points de magie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Compétences FOR CON TAI Bonus/pénalité aux dommages : DEX APP SAN INT POU EDU Idée Chance Connais. Nom : Prénom : Né(e) le : Age : Sexe : Nationalité : Lieu de résidence : Profession : Études / Dilpômes : Désordres psychologiques : Signes particuliers : Taille : Poids : Cheveux : Yeux : Main directrice : Copyright 2007 T.O.C. www.tentacules.net
textdata/thevault/Collections/Jeu de Role Trove/LAppel de Cthulhu/Divers/Aides de Jeu/AdC - Fiches de Perso/AdC - Fiche de Perso 1900-1945.pdf
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) - GP Lifestyle Costs GP Subtotal XXXXX GP Added GP Costs GP FINAL GP TOTAL XP Starting XP - XXXXXX XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XXXXXX XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 8 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING Benefits of Membership: • May claim sanctuary in any temple of Pelor in Veluna • A Father is considered to be Class 1 for determining cost and eligibility for spells from a temple or priest of Pelor in Veluna. • A Father gains a +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks with worshippers of Pelor. • A Father gains a +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks when dealing with citizens of Falsridge. • A Father gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy checks with Velunan NPCs with Commoner levels. • The above bonuses shall not apply if the Father is not wearing his holy vestments (his symbol of Pelor must be obvious). At the same time, this can cause negative reactions with opposed religions and is subject to modification per the module. • Access to purchase the following items at normal price: Double Mace (A&E), Focusing Candle (A&E), Frostwine (A&E), Ghostblight Capsule (CAd), Gravebane (A&E), Healer’s Balm (CAd), Quicksilver Capsule (CAd), Percolator (A&E), Priest’s Bullet (LM), Restful Candle (A&E), Sparker (A&E), Weapon Capsule Retainer (CAd) • Access to purchase the following items at a 20% discount: Antitoxin (PHB), Healer’s Kit (PHB) • Access to the following alternate class features: Deity's Favor (PH2), Divine Restoration (DS), Divine Spirit (DS), Pool of Healing (CC) • Each time a Father gains a level in the Healer class, he may choose one spell from the following list to add to his list of spells known (all SpC): close wounds, faith healing, fortunate fate, mass restoration, positive energy aura, stabilize • Free standard lifestyle upkeep while in region • PC may use the honorific “Father” or “Mother” • Fathers are considered to be sanctioned by the Church for the purpose of meeting the special requirement for access to the Sacred Exorcist prestige class. Adventure Record# 59 59 59 598888 CY CY CY CY OOOO R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N LLLL E V E L O F E V E L O F E V E L O F E V E L O F OOOO R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N & Annual Costs Acolyte Acolyte Acolyte Acolyte Brother Brother Brother Brother Father Father Father Father 8 TUs annually; 10% tithe on all earnings The Church of Pelor contains most followers of the Sky Father in Veluna. For the most part, this consists of priests and paladins of Pelor, though favored souls of Pelor and Pelor-worshiping healers have recently had membership in the church opened by Brother-Regent Solinaar Hallas. Brother-Regent Hallas has taken over leadership of the church at the request of High Matriarch Sarana, who has become inexplicably ill as of late. In contrast to Veluna’s more prominent faiths, which have increasingly focused on foreign dangers and rooting out internal threats, Brother Hallas has directed those who follow the Shining One to put of the bulk of church resources toward meeting the needs of the common people of the Vale. Wandering Pelorite priests have become an increasingly common sight outside the Diocese of Falsridge, prompting some concern from clergy of more established faiths. Requirements to become a Father: • Resident of Veluna • Alignment: Neutral good or lawful good • Must worship Pelor • At least 10 levels combined of Cleric, Favored Soul, Healer, Paladin, or Radiant Servant of Pelor • Skills: Heal 8 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 10 ranks • 8 Time Units per year (divided between service projects and ministry duties) • 1 Year service as a Brother • Must tithe 10% of all money earned in an adventure, either donating it to the church or giving it directly to those in need • Must uphold the tenets of Pelor at all times – especially kindness, mercy, and compassion. Gross violations of these tenets may result in expulsion from the church. This Record Certifies that ______________________________________________________ Played by ___________________________________________ Player RPGA # Is a Member of The Church of Pelor A Meta-Organization of Veluna Event: _________________________________ Date: ____________ DM: _______________________________________________________ Signature RPGA # Play Notes: � First Joined AR # ________________ � Renewed AR # ________________ � Promoted AR # ________________ � Left AR # ________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Home Region________________________ This AR does not count when determining Adventure, Regional, Metaregional, or Core access. NOTE: All bonuses granted by meta-orgs are considered Circumstance bonuses which do not stack with bonuses granted by other meta-orgs (unless otherwise specified). See the latest edition of the VMCS for additional rules regarding this and other meta-organizations.
textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Metaorg Material/Veluna/Church of Pelor/Church of Pelor Father.pdf
5� Inner System FillForm 5 Fillform Inner System Fillform Record the details of the Inner System on this FillForm. Mark worldnames on the map as necessary. Inner THE INNER SYSTEM LOCATION AND DETAILS Location (Sector and Hex) Mainworld Name Star Name and Spectral Mainworld Type (Planet or Satellite) If Satellite, Orbit Name HZ Variance MW Climate System GG System Belts Filled Orbits MAINWORLD StSAHPGL-T St Siz Atm Hyd Pop Gov Law - Tech Trade Classifications and Remarks Noble Alleg Bases Zone Ix { } Ex ( ) Cx [ ] Native Status OCCUPIED ORBITS
textdata/thevault/Traveller/09 - Traveller5/Traveller5/T5 Underlying PDFs/T5=4221 SystemGen Fillform Inner System.pdf
Fellreev Druids, v1.0 This Meta-Record Certifies that ______________________________ Played by ______________________________ Player RPGA # has joined The Fellreev Druids A Bandit Kingdoms Meta−organization http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FellreevDruids Org Notes: � First Joined AR # ____ � Promoted AR # ____ � Promoted AR # ____ � Left AR # ____ � __________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Meta-Record 597 CY Level of Organization & Annual Costs Home Region must be the Bandit Kingdoms Event: ________________ Date: ___________ DM:_______________________________ Bandit Kingdoms Judge Signature RPGA # Fealty to the Druidic Hierarchy: The character must submit to the authority of the Pack Leaders of the Fellreev Druids (the Fellreev Druids do not acknowledge the authority of the either the Old Faith Druids of the Northern Reaches or the elven druids of the Oaken Copse). As such, PCs may not belong to any other organization that requires Fealty. Residency: The Fellreev Druids call the entirety of the Fellreev Forest home. As such, the PC may not belong to any organization that requires residency outside of the Fellreev Forest. Feral Nature: Fellreev druids may never pay for Lifestyle. In addition, Fellreev druids receive a −4 Circumstance penalty to Diplomacy checks when dealing with anyone other than other Fellreev druids. However, Fellreev druids receive a +4 Circumstance bonus to Wild Empathy checks made in the Fellreev Forest. Requirements and One−Time Costs: Cub of the Fellreev: � Must have played at least one Bandit Kingdoms regional event. � As of January 1st, 2006, new members must be Flan humans. � 5+ ranks in Knowledge (nature) and Survival. � Must worship Obad−Hai. One−time cost: 1 TU spent exploring the Fellreev. Beast of the Fellreev: � Must have been a Cub for 6 months. � 8+ ranks in Knowledge (nature) and Survival. � Must be able to Wildshape. One−time cost: 1 TU spent exploring the Fellreev while Wildshaped. Dire Beast of the Fellreev: � Must have been a Beast for one year. � 12+ ranks in Knowledge (nature) and Survival. � Must be able to Wildshape into a Large creature. One−time cost: 1 TU spent exploring the Fellreev while Wildshaped into a large form. Cub 2 TUs; 0 gp Beast 3 TUs; 0 gp Dire Beast 4 TUs; 0 gp ACCESS GAINED FROM MEMBERSHIP All items are Access: Regional (Bandit Kingdoms) All feats, spells, and prestige classes are Access: Any Cub: � May take the feat Draconic Heritage (green only, CA). � May purchase the following mundane items: bark armor, holy text (Obad− hai), wood armor (all from A&EG), camouflage kit, blend cream, catstink, healer’s balm, nature’s draught, longstaff (all from CV), masterwork drums (PHB & CV), greatspear (CW), fur clothing (FB), blunt arrow (RW). � Gains one permanent Influence Point with the Fellreev Druids. Beast (all of the previous plus the following): � Once per year, the PC may subtract 1 TU from the cost of a Bandit Kingdoms regional even set in the Fellreev Forest. � May purchase the following mundane items: burrower’s saddle, flyer’s saddle (all from RS), forestwarden shroud, leafweave armor, wildwood armor (all from RW), hide shield (SS). � May learn the feat Sudden Silent (CA). � Gains one permanent Influence Point with the Fellreev Druids. Dire Beast (all of the previous plus the following): � Gains a +1 Renown bonus to Leadership score when attracting a Neutral fey, magical beast, monstrous humanoid or plant cohort. This does NOT provide access to a non−standard cohort. � Gains one permanent Influence Point with the Fellreev Druids. Lifestyle Benefits during Bandit Kingdoms Events Living Wild: The PC receives a Circumstance bonus to Survival checks made when “Living off the Wild” during Bandit Kingdoms regional events (based on rank, see below). � Cub: +2 � Beast: +3 � Dire Beast: +4 Skill Bonuses during Bandit Kingdoms Events Lay of the Land: The PC receives a Circumstance bonus to the following skill checks made when in the Fellreev Forest: Balance, Climb, Handle Animal, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (nature), Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival, and Swim (based on rank, see below). � Cub: +2 � Beast: +3 � Dire Beast: +4
textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Metaorg Material/Bandit Kingdoms/Bandit Kingdoms/Fellreev Druids.pdf
ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES Attack 0 Killing Touch Target One living creature within your reach Your fi nger blackens as you reach out to touch the target. Make a Will attack roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, you touch the target. Roll 3d6. If the total equals or exceeds the target’s Health, it dies. If not, the target becomes fatigued for 1 round. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC companion 36 ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES Utility 0 Protection from Death Target One living creature within your reach Duration 1 hour You touch the target and a leave a skull-shaped sigil that remains on the target’s body for the duration. During that time, the target makes challenge rolls to resist Death spells with 1 boon, and attack rolls for Death spells cast on the target are made with 1 bane. In addition, when the target makes fate rolls, it can roll twice and use the higher roll. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC companion 36 ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES Attack 1 Injure Target One living creature within short range T reads of dark energy gather around the target. Make a Will attack roll against its Strength. On a success, the target takes 2d6 + 3 damage. Attack Roll 20+ T e target takes 1d6 extra damage. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC companion 36 ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES Attack 1 Life Drain Target One living creature within short range You reach for the target to draw forth its life. Make a Will attack roll against its Strength. On a success, the target takes 1d6 + 3 damage and you heal an equal amount. Attack Roll 20+ T e target takes 1d6 extra damage, and you heal an equal amount. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC companion 36 ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES Utility 1 Stasis Target One willing and living creature within your reach Duration 8 hours You touch the target, and it falls prone and becomes defenseless for the duration. T e target appears to be dead to creatures other than you. While in this state, the target is immune to the diseased and poisoned affl ictions, cannot gain Insanity, and takes half damage. T e target cannot see, but it can hear and remains aware of time’s passage. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC companion 36 ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES Attack 2 Decay Target One creature that has a physical body or one object within your reach Make a Will attack roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, you touch the target, dealing it 2d6 damage and rendering it subject to decay. At the end of each round for as long as you concentrate, up to 1 minute, the target takes 1d6 damage. A creature incapacitated by this damage dies and dissolves into a puddle of black slime that dries af er 1d6 hours. Objects destroyed by the damage crumble to dust. Attack Roll 20+ T e target takes 1d6 extra damage. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC companion 36 ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES Attack 2 Poisonous Breath Area A cone, 5 yards long, originating from a point you can reach You exhale a cloud of stinking mist that spreads through the area, then dissipates. Each creature in the area must make a Strength challenge roll. On a failure, a creature takes 2d6 damage and becomes poisoned, but takes only 1d6 damage on a success. A creature poisoned in this way must get a success on a Strength challenge roll at the end of each round or take 1d6 damage. T e third success removes the affl iction. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC companion 36 ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES Attack 3 Feast of Souls Area A sphere with a 3-yard radius centered on a point within medium range Writhing tendrils of darkness spread through the area and dissipate. Each living creature in the area must make a Strength challenge roll. A creature takes 5d6 damage on a failure, or half that damage on a success. A creatures dies if incapacitated by this damage. If at least one creature dies from this spell, you gain a 2d6 bonus to Health that lasts for 1 hour. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC companion 36 ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES Utility 3 Leprous Touch Duration 1 minute You hand turns sickly green, and curls of noxious vapor rise from it for the duration. When you make an unarmed strike with your hand, you make the attack roll with 1 boon. On a success, this spell causes the target to become diseased. While diseased in this way, the target cannot heal damage. In addition, the creature must get a success on a Strength challenge roll at the end of each round or take 3d6 damage. T e third success removes the affl iction. Creatures diseased by this spell can spread it to others through physical contact. A creature subjected to such physical contact must make a Strength challenge roll. On a failure, it becomes diseased by this spell. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC companion 36 ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES Attack 4 Death Fog Area A cube resting on the ground, 8 yards on a side, extending from a point within long range Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute Sickly green fog spreads through the area and remains for the duration or until dispersed by wind. T e fog heavily obscures its area. Each time you concentrate on the eff ect, you can move the area up to 5 yards across the ground. When the fog appears, and at the end of each round thereaf er, each living creature in the area must make a Strength challenge roll. T e creature makes the challenge roll with 1 bane if it’s injured. A creature takes 3d6 damage and becomes poisoned for 1 round on a failure, but just takes half the damage on a success. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC companion 36 ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES ART AREA 2.5X3.5 INCHES LIVE AREA 2.25X3.25 INCHES Attack 5 Stop Heart Target One living creature within medium range T e target takes 30 damage. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC companion 36
textdata/thevault/Shadow of the Demon Lord/Cards/SotDL - Spell Cards - Death.pdf
Russian Infantry Division March, 1942 x 9 x 3 x 1 x 6 x 4 x 1 x 1 Artillery Regiment x 1 x 3 Recon Company x 2 Anti- Tank Battalion x 2 Engineer Battalion x 2 x 2 By Greg Moore gregpanzerblitz.com September 2013 The Russians had survived the first winter (just barely). Now, as they attempted to rebuild their shattered army, they began to reorganize their infantry divisions. Many of the changes were geared to- wards using less manpower while still retaining the same fighting strength. Though some elements are motorized, the PBI (poor bloody infantry) still walks unless they are lucky enough to be crowded into the cattle car of a train for a long move. Most of the Russian front is being held by divisions just like this one, though most are seriously understrength. x 1 x 1 Infantry Regiment x 3 x 1 x 3 x 2 Heavy Mortar Battalion x 2 x 2 Anti- Aircraft Battery x 2 x 1 or Improved Model 1942 45mm AT guns began to be issued very late in the year. Most infantry regiments will have the old guns until then.
textdata/thevault/Panzer Leader & Panzer Blitz/Summer of '42 on the Russian Front/InfDivMarch1942.pdf
Russian Infantry Division December, 1942 x 9 x 3 x 1 x 7 x 4 x 1 x 2 Artillery Regiment x 2 x 3 Recon Company x 2 Anti- Tank Battalion x 2 Engineer Battalion x 2 x 2 By Greg Moore gregpanzerblitz.com September 2013 There were now three different infantry division organizations being used (Dec 41, March 42, and July 42). The Russians decided it was time to standardize all existing infantry divisions. In Decem- ber, a new directive was issued and within two months, all infantry divisions were changed to this stan- dard. x 1 x 1 Infantry Regiment x 3 x 2 x 3 x 1 Anti- Aircraft Battery x 1 x 2 or x 1 x 1 Machine Gun Battalion x 3 x 3 Improved Model 1942 45mm AT guns began to be issued very late in the year. Most infantry regiments will have the old guns.
textdata/thevault/Panzer Leader & Panzer Blitz/Summer of '42 on the Russian Front/InfDivJDec1942.pdf
Goose Island Lincoln Park Zoo Douglas Park Cook County Jail South Branch Chicago River South Fork South Branch Chicago River Collater Channel Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal Dan Ryan Expy Stevenson Expy Stevenson Expy Dan Ryan Expy Dwight D. Eisenhower Expy Chicago Harbor Kennedy Expy Humboldt Park South Lawndale Illinois Medical District South Lake Shore Drive Monroe Harbor Burnham Harbor Northerly Island L A K E M I C H I G A N Navy Pier Jardine Water Filtration Plant North Branch Chicago River Outer Drive Bridge Chicago River Congress Parkway Bridge Metra Railroad Yard South Lagoon Lake View North Center Avondale Grand Crossing South Shore Chicago Skyway Oak Woods Cemetery Ogden Park Sherman Park Bronzeville Marquette Park Englewood New City Little Village Humboldt Park West Lawn Chicago Lawn West Side Loop Gage Park Douglas North Lawndale Lincoln Park Brighton Park Bridgeport West Town Logan Square West Loop Lower West Side University Village Little Italy Hyde Park Woodlawn Archer Heights Hermosa River North Kenwood Grand Boulevard Bucktown Mckinley Park West Elsdon Washington Park United Center Wicker Park Near South Side Old Town Oakland Jackson Park Streeterville Chinatown Ukrainian Village East Village Fuller Park Armour Square Museum Campus Grant Park Gold Coast Sheffield & DePaul Rush & Division Millenium Park Printers Row Greektown Magnificent Mile CHICAGO 0.5 0 0.5 Miles ¯
textdata/thevault/Powered by the Apocalypse/Urban Shadows/Supplements/Maps/Chicago/Urban Shadows Chicago_V2.pdf
iltharanos iltharanos Klingon D4-class Heavy Scout; Commissioned 2125 HULL DATA Structure: 20 [51 space] [0 space remaining] Size/Decks: 4/3 Length/Beam/Height: 100/80/24 Complement: 18 TACTICAL DATA Disruptors: K-GDM-1 (x2/B) [-6 space] Penetration: 3/2/2/0/0 Torpedo Launchers: KT-X (x1/B) [-6 space] Photon Penetration: 2/2/2/2/0 Deflector Shields: PFF 1 (A) [-14 space] Protection/Threshold: 12/1 PROPULSION DATA Impulse System: K-HEU-1 (.4c) (A) [-4 space] Warp System: STN-3 (3/4/6) (C) [-17 space] OPERATIONAL DATA Atmosphere Capable: Yes [-2 space] Cargo Units: 40 Life Support: Class 1 (B) [-3 space] Operations System: Class 1 (B) [-3 space] Sensor System: Class 1 (+1/B) [-1 space] Separation System: No Shuttlebay: No [0 space] Shuttlecraft: None Tractor Beams: 1 av [0 space] Transporters: 1 standard [0 space] MISCELLANEOUS DATA Maneuver Modifiers: 0C, +1H, 0T Traits: Vulnerable System (Sensors) [+5 space] iltharanos Klingon D5-class Cruiser; Commissioned 2120 HULL DATA Structure: 25 [65 space] [0 space remaining] Size/Decks: 5/8 Length/Beam/Height: 257/205/58 Complement: 20 TACTICAL DATA Disruptors: K-GDM-2 (x2/B) [-18 space] Penetration: 3/3/3/0/0 Torpedo Launchers: KT-X (x1/B) [-5 space] Photon Penetration: 2/2/2/2/0 Deflector Shields: PFF 1 (A) [-16 space] Protection/Threshold: 13/1 PROPULSION DATA Impulse System: K-HEU-1 (.4c) (A) [-4 space] Warp System: STN-3 (3/4/6) (C) [-21 space] OPERATIONAL DATA Atmosphere Capable: No [0 space] Cargo Units: 50 Life Support: Class 1 (B) [-3 space] Operations System: Class 1 (B) [-3 space] Sensor System: Class 1 (+1/B) [-1 space] Separation System: No Shuttlebay: 1a [-2 space] Shuttlecraft: 5 size worth Tractor Beams: 1 av [0 space] Transporters: 1 standard [0 space] MISCELLANEOUS DATA Maneuver Modifiers: +1C, 0H, +3T Traits: Vulnerable System (Sensors, Propulsion), [+8 space] Prototype (+1 Protection) iltharanos Klingon D5 Tanker Tanker; Commissioned 2130 HULL DATA Structure: 25 [65 space] [2 space remaining] Size/Decks: 5/8 Length/Beam/Height: 257/205/58 Complement: 20 TACTICAL DATA Disruptors: K-GDM-2 (x1/A) [-7 space] Penetration: 2/2/2/0/0 Deflector Shields: PFF 1 (A) [-14 space] Protection/Threshold: 12/1 PROPULSION DATA Impulse System: K-HEU-1 (.4c) (A) [-4 space] Warp System: STN-3 (3/4/6) (C) [-19 space] OPERATIONAL DATA Atmosphere Capable: No [0 space] Cargo Units: 70 [-20 space] Life Support: Class 1 (B) [-3 space] Operations System: Class 1 (B) [-3 space] Sensor System: Class 1 (+1/B) [-1 space] Separation System: No Shuttlebay: 1a [-2 space] Shuttlecraft: 5 size worth Tractor Beams: 1 av [0 space] Transporters: 1 standard [0 space] MISCELLANEOUS DATA Maneuver Modifiers: +1C, +1H, 0T Traits: Vulnerable System (Sensors, Propulsion), [+10 space]
textdata/thevault/Star Trek RPG/Decipher/Ships/22nd_century_Klingon_ships.pdf
Ape, M 1/2 12 3 2 2 -2 1 -2 2 19 13 30/30c Athletics +5, Perception +3 Multiattack: 2 �ist Fist: +5, 1d6+3b Rock: 25/50, +5, 1d6+3b Bandit Captain, M 2 15 2 3 2 2 0 2 2 65 10 30 Athletics +4, Deception +4 Multiattack: 2 scimitar, 1 dagger or 2 ranged dagger Scimitar: +5, 1d6+3s Dagger: 20/60, +5, 1d4+3p Parry (react): +2 AC vs melee Couatl, M 4 19 3 5 3 4 5 4 2 97 15 30/90f Truesight 120’, resist: radiant, immune: scrying, effect to sense emtions/thoughts/lo- cation, psychic, bps nonmagic Innate Spellcasting: See spell card* Bite: +8, 1d6+5p, DC 13 Con save or poisoned & unconscious 24 hours Constrict: 10’, +6, 2d6+3b & <L grappled & restrained, max 1 target, escape DC 15 Change Shape: Polymorph human/beast CR no higher than own Giant Ape, H 7 12 6 2 4 -2 1 -2 3 157 14 40/40c Athletics +9, Perception +4 Multiattack: 2 �ist Fist: 10’, +9, 3d10+6b Rock: 50/100, +9, 7d6+6b Giant Crocodile, H 5 14 5 -1 3 -4 0 -2 3 85 10 30/30s Stealth +5 Hold Breath: 30min Multiattack: 1 bite, 1 tail Bite: +8, 3d10+5p, grappled & restrained, can’t bite another target, escape DC 16 Tail: 10’, non-grappled target, +8, 2d8+5b, DC 16 Str save or prone Giant Constrictor Snake, H 2 12 4 2 1 -5 0 -4 2 60 12 30/30s Blindsight 10’, Perception +2 Bite: 10’, +6, 2d6+4p Constrict: +6, 2d8+4b, grappled & restrained, max 1 target, escape DC 16 Lizardfolk, M 1/2 15 2 0 1 -2 1 -2 2 22 13 30/30s Perception +3, Stealth +4, Survival +5 Hold Breath: 15min Multiattack: 2 different melee Bite: +4, 1d6+2p Heavy Club: +4, 1d6+2b Javelin: 30/120, +4, 1d6+2p Spiked Shield: +4, 1d6+2p Lizardfolk Gladiator, M 5 16 4 2 3 0 1 2 3 112 14 Athletics +10, Intimidation +5, Perception +4, Stealth +7, Survival +7 Brave: Adv on saves vs frightened Brute: Extra damage die melee weapons (included) Hold Breath: 15min Multiattack: 3 melee or 2 ranged Bite: +7, 2d6+4p Spear: 20/60, +7, 2d6+4p/2d8+4p 2-hands Spiked Shield Bash: +7, 2d4+4b, <L DC 15 Str save or prone Parry (react): +3 AC vs melee 30/30s
textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/5th Edition (5e)/3rd Party/Arcane Library/Fangs of Oatali/Oatali Combat Cards/Print Friendly/Oatali Monster Cards 1 Print Friendly.pdf
_________________ _________________ Name: Player: Chronicle: Attributes Strength___________ Dexterity__________ Stamina___________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Physical Charisma___________ Manipulation_________ Appearance__________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Social Perception___________ Intelligence__________ Wits______________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Mental Type: Breed: Host: Nature: Demeanor: Concept: Abilities Alertness___________ Athletics___________ Brawl______________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Talents Animal Ken_________ Crafts______________ Drive______________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Skills Computer___________ Enigmas____________ Investigation_________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Knowledges Dodge_____________ Empathy___________ Expression___________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Etiquette___________ Firearms___________ Leadership___________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Law______________ Linguistics__________ Medicine___________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Intimidation_________ Primal-Urge__________ Streetwise___________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Melee_____________ Performance__________ Stealth_____________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Occult_____________ Politics____________ Rituals_____________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Subterfuge___________ OOOOO Survival____________OOOOO Science_____________ OOOOO _________________ _________________ _________________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Backgrounds _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Powers _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Taints _________________ _________________ OOOOO OOOOO _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Advantages _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ OOOOO OOOOO Health Bruised Hurt Injured Wounded Mauled Crippled Incapacitated � � � � � � � - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 5 Autonomy O O O O O O O O O O � � � � � � � � � � Rage O O O O O O O O O O � � � � � � � � � � Willpower O O O O O O O O O O � � � � � � � � � � Gnosis O O O O O O O O O O � � � � � � � � � � Experience G G G G G G G G G Merits & Flaws Merit Type Cost __________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____ Flaw Type Bonus __________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____ __________________ __________ _____ Other Traits Weapon/ Attack Diff. Damage Range Rate Ammo Conceal Combat Maneuver Bite Body Tackle Claw Grapple Kick Punch Roll Dex + Brawl Dex + Brawl Dex + Brawl Dex + Brawl Dex + Brawl Dex + Brawl Diff 5 7 6 6 7 6 Damage Strength + 1/A Special/B Strength + 1/A Strength/B Strength + 1/B Strength/B Brawling Chart A=Aggravated Damage B=Bashing Damage Armor:_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO _________________ _________________ _________________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO _________________ _________________ _________________ OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO Powers/Taints Power:_______________________ Cost:___ System:_______________________________ ___________________________________ Taint:______________________ Bonus:___ System:_______________________________ ___________________________________ Power:_______________________ Cost:___ System:_______________________________ ___________________________________ Taint:______________________ Bonus:___ System:_______________________________ ___________________________________ Power:_______________________ Cost:___ System:_______________________________ ___________________________________ Taint:______________________ Bonus:___ System:_______________________________ ___________________________________ Power:_______________________ Cost:___ System:_______________________________ ___________________________________ Taint:______________________ Bonus:___ System:_______________________________ ___________________________________ Power:_______________________ Cost:___ System:_______________________________ ___________________________________ Taint:______________________ Bonus:___ System:_______________________________ ___________________________________ Power:_______________________ Cost:___ System:_______________________________ ___________________________________ Taint:______________________ Bonus:___ System:_______________________________ ___________________________________ Expanded Backgrounds Allies ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Fetish/Equipment ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Contacts ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Mentor ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Consecrated ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Symbiosis ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Cult ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Resources ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Other (_______________) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Other (_______________) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Possessions Gear(Carried) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Equipment(Owned) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Vehicles ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Misc ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Derangements ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Experience TOTAL: Gained From:__________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ TOTAL SPENT:_______________________ Spent On:_____________________________ ___________________________________ Languages ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ History ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Description Age:____________________ ___________________________________________________ Apparent Age:______________ ___________________________________________________ Date of Birth:_____________ ___________________________________________________ Hair:____________________ ___________________________________________________ Eyes:____________________ ___________________________________________________ Race:___________________ ___________________________________________________ Nationality:_______________ ___________________________________________________ Height:__________________ ___________________________________________________ Weight:__________________ ___________________________________________________ Sex:_____________________ ___________________________________________________ Visuals Group Chart Character Sketch
textdata/thevault/Storyteller [multi]/World of Darkness (WoD) [multi]/Vampire/Vampire (oWoD)/World of Darkness (WoD)/oWoD/Werewolf (c)/Character Sheets/WOD - Werewolf - The Apocalypse - Character Sheet - Possessed.pdf
BRADBURY CLASS CRUISER Heavy Cruiser – Commissioned, 2362 FEDERATION HULL DATA Structure 40 Size / Decks 8 / 20 Length / Height / Beam 600 / 84 / 210 Compliment 450 PROPULSION DATA Impulse System FIG-5 (.92 / D) Warp System LF-44 (6 / 9.5 / 9.7) (C) OPERATIONAL DATA Atmosphere Capable NO Transporters 4 standard, 3 emergency Cargo Units 90 Shuttlebay 2 av Shuttlecraft 16 size worth Tractor Beams 2 av, 1fv Separation System NO Cloaking Device NO Sensor System Class 4a (+4 / DD) Operations System Class 4R (EE) Life Support Class 4R (EE) TACTICAL DATA Phaser Arrays Type X (x12 / B) Penetration 4 / 3 / 3 / 0 / 0 Torpedoes Mk90 DF (x3 / A) Penetration 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 Deflector Shield FSQ-2 (CC) Protection / Threshold 14 / 1 MISCELLANEOUS DATA Maneuver Modifiers 0 C, +1 H, 0 T Traits Enhanced System (Missile Weapons), Hardened System (Warp Drive) STAR TREK ROLE PLAYING GAME
textdata/thevault/Star Trek RPG/Decipher/Ships/Starfleet_Bradbury.pdf
Core Rules TRAVELLER5 Science-Fiction Adventure In the Far Future
textdata/thevault/Traveller/09 - Traveller5/Traveller5/T5 Underlying PDFs/T5=0001 Title Page.pdf
Traveller. [ TRAV-uh-ler, TRAV-ler]. –noun. [Origin circa 1300, from the Middle English, travaillour, with connotations of toil, as in “to make a difficult journey”]. 1. One who travels, or who has traveled, or who will travel, as to distant places. 2. An adventurer. 3. The game of science-fiction adventure in the far future. Deraabelar. [der-AAB-el-ur, de-RAAB-e-lur]. –noun. [Origin circa -2200, loan word from the Anglic, but with connotations of distance because of its similarity to the Vilani rabelar rabelar, far away]. 1. One who goes far away, or has gone far away and returned. 2. A rogue. 3. A popular Terran role-playing game transplanted to the worlds of the First Imperium.
textdata/thevault/Traveller/09 - Traveller5/Traveller5/T5 Underlying PDFs/T5=0000a Flyleaf.pdf
German Infantry Division (8th Wave) May 10, 1940 x 9 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 Infantry Battalion x 3 x 1 Infantry Regiment x 3 x 6 x 2 x 8 Artillery Regiment x 3 x 3 Anti-Tank Company x 9 Engineer Battalion Recon Company x 3 Eighth Wave Divisions: 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299 Notes: 291 : Infantry Battalions have no 75IG, instead add 2 75IG and 2 wagons to regiment 295 : Infantry Battalions have no 75IG, instead add 2 75IG and 2 wagons to regiment 296 : Infantry Battalions have no 75IG, instead add 2 75IG and 2 wagons to regiment 297 : Infantry Battalions have no 75IG, instead add 2 75IG and 2 wagons to regiment 299 : Infantry Battalions have no 75IG, instead add 2 75IG and 2 wagons to regiment Consists of 3 infantry regiments of 3 battalions each, 1 artillery regiment, 1 engineer battalion, 1 anti-tank company, and 1 recon company. x 1 x 1 x 9
textdata/thevault/Panzer Leader & Panzer Blitz/Fall Gelb/GermanInfantry1940wave8.pdf
dungeon monsters: set one A series of paper miniatures designed for roleplaying and wargaming. Design and artwork © David Okum 2015 Figures are 30mm scale. To assemble simply cut the figures out, score along the red line, fold and glue figures front to back. Use scissors and a craft knife to carefully finish trimming and cutting out the figure, leaving a black outline. Cover the white edges carefully with a black permanent marker. Use fold-up bases or foamcore cut into 20mm squares, carefully cutting a slot for the figure. http://www.okumarts.com http://okumartsgames.proboards.com
textdata/thevault/Kid Friendly/1. Parent & GM Advice & Helpful Hints/In-Game Helpers/Paper Minis & Standees/Fantasy/Darkfast Minis/Darkfast Dungeon - Dungeon Monster Set 1.pdf
Advantages Abilities Attributes Strength_________________ Dexterity________________ Stamina_________________ Charisma_______________ Manipulation____________ Appearance_____________ Perception_______________ Intelligence______________ Wits_____________________ Alertness_________________ Athletics__________________ Brawl_____________________ Dodge___________________ Empathy_________________ Expression________________ Intimidation_______________ Primal-Urge_______________ Streetwise_________________ Subterfuge________________ Animal Ken_____________ Drive____________________ Etiquette_________________ Firearms_________________ Melee____________________ Leadership________________ Performance_______________ Repair_____________________ Stealth____________________ Survival____________________ Computer_______________ Enigmas________________ Investigation______________ Law______________________ Linguistics_________________ Medicine__________________ Occult____________________ Politics____________________ Rituals_____________________ Science____________________ ooooo ooooo ooooo Breed: Auspice: Camp: Pack Name: Pack Totem: Concept: ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo Physical Social Mental Talents ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo Skills Knowledge Backgrounds _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Attributes: 7/5/3 Abilities: 13/9/5 Gifts: 1 Level One from breed, auspice and tribe; Backgrounds: 5; Freebie Points: 15 (7/5/2/1) o o o o o o o o o o Renown Weakness Health Rank Gifts ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Gifts ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Bruised Hurt Injured Wounded Mauled Crippled Incapacitated -1 -1 -2 -2 -5 o o o o o o o o o o Glory o o o o o o o o o o Honor o o o o o o o o o o Wisdom Willpower Gnosis Rage TM Name: Player: Chronicle: -1 TO FRENZY DIFFICULTIES AGAINST MEN Crinos Lupus Hispo Other Traits Item: _______________ Dedicated Level ____ Gnosis ____ Power___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo Armor: Difficulty Roll Maneuver/Weapon Damage Clip Rate Range ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo Brawling Chart Maneuver Bite Body Slam Claw Grapple Kick Punch Roll Dex + Brawl Dex + Brawl Dex + Brawl Dex + Brawl Dex + Brawl Dex + Brawl Diff 5 7 6 6 7 6 Damage Strength + 1† Special Strength + 2† Strength Strength + 1 Strength Item: _______________ Dedicated Level ____ Gnosis ____ Power___________________________________________ Item: _______________ Dedicated Level ____ Gnosis ____ Power___________________________________________ Item: _______________ Dedicated Level ____ Gnosis ____ Power___________________________________________ † These maneuvers do aggravated damage. TM Homid Glabro Combat Rites Fetishes No Change Strength (+2)_______ Stamina (+2)_______ Appearance (-1)_____ Manipulation (-1)___ Difficulty: 7 Difficulty: 6 Strength (+4)______ Dexterity (+1)______ Stamina (+3)_______ Appearance 0 Manipulation (-3)___ Difficulty: 6 Strength (+1)______ Dexterity (+2)_____ Stamina (+2)______ Manipulation (-3)__ Difficulty: 6 Strength (+3)______ Dexterity (+2)_____ Stamina (+3)_______ Manipulation (-3)___ Difficulty: 7 Merits & Flaws Nature: Expanded Background ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Demeanor: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Allies Pure Breed Past Life Mentor Kinfolk Resources Pack Totem Contacts ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Possessions Sept Name _________________________________________ Caern Location ________________________________ Level ________ Type ____________________________ Totem ________________________________________ Leader_________________________________________ Gear (Carried) __________________________________ ______________________________________________ Equipment (Owned) ____________________________ _____________________________________________ Experience ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ TOTAL: Gained From: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ TOTAL SPENT: Spent On: TM Merit Type Cost Flaw Type Bonus Description History Visuals _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Prelude __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Age_____________________ Hair ____________________ Eyes_____________________ Race_____________________ Nationality_______________ Sex______________________ Homid Glabro Crinos Hispo Lupus Height Battle Scars Metis Deformity Character Sketch Pack Chart TM Weight
textdata/thevault/Storyteller [multi]/Werewolf/Werewolf the Apocalypse (White Wolf)/Werewolf charactersheets/blackfur.pdf
17 The Gamemaster’s Allies and Adversaries Journal © 2016 Fat Goblin Games. All Rights Reserved. Guild/OrGanizaTiOn: Leader: Base of Operations: Members: Goals: Group Symbol Guild/OrGanizaTiOn: Leader: Base of Operations: Members: Goals: Group Symbol Guild/OrGanizaTiOn: Leader: Base of Operations: Members: Goals: Group Symbol
textdata/thevault/_GM Books/World Building & Game Design/Gamemaster's Allies & Adversaries Journal/Forms/08 NPCWebFormFill - Guilds.pdf
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) - GP Lifestyle Costs GP Subtotal XXXXX GP Added GP Costs GP FINAL GP TOTAL XP Starting XP - XXXXXX XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XXXXXX XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 5 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING Benefits of Membership: • A Wise Woman suffers a -1 penalty to Diplomacy and Gather Information checks when dealing with non-Rhennee inhabitants of Veluna, except with members of the Church of Rao (landfolk prejudice) • A Wise Woman gains a +4 bonus to Diplomacy, Gather Information and Intimidate checks when dealing with Rhennee on or around the Velverdyva River or Attloi in Veluna • Access to purchase the following items at normal price: Clearwater Tablet (CS), Float Bladder (Sto), Oilskin Suit (Sto), Sleeve Blade (CS), Smuggler's Boots (AE), Swimming Goggles (Sto) • Access to purchase the following vessels (all from Sto): Barge, Coracle, Keelboat, Launch, Pinnace • A Wise Woman may use the CAd rules for using bardic music with masterwork instruments for one of the following instruments (circle one): Fiddle, Lute, Mandolin • Access to the Vetha prestige class Adventure Record# 59 59 59 598888 CY CY CY CY OOOO R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N LLLL E V E L O F E V E L O F E V E L O F E V E L O F OOOO R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N & Annual Costs Bargema Bargema Bargema Bargemannnn Darkhagard Darkhagard Darkhagard Darkhagard Bargewright Bargewright Bargewright Bargewright Bargewench Bargewench Bargewench Bargewench Wise Woman Wise Woman Wise Woman Wise Woman 5 TUs annually The Rhennee are not native to Oerth; rather, they are accidental travelers from another plane or world, citizens of a lost homeland they call Rhop. Their legends say that they appeared first in the Great Kingdom, in or near the Adri Forest. Pursued monsters and hostile Aerdi, they fled west to the shores of the Lake of Unknown Depths, where they took to life on the water. They now expertly ply the great rivers that cross the Flanaess and migrate between the three great lakes. In Veluna, the bargefolk can be found along the length of the Velverdyva, and as far up the Fals River as Mitrik (although barges have been known to navigate the river at least as far as Thornward). Though generally unwelcome on the northern shores of the Velverdyva, people on the Veluna side of the river have slowly developed a tolerance for the Rhennee presence and culture; however, a degree of mutual distrust and antagonism persists, and keeps the Rhenn-folk relatively unmixed with other races. Requirements to become a Wise Woman: • Resident of Veluna • Race: Rhennee (female) • Skills: Bluff 3 ranks, Gather Information 3 ranks, Spellcraft 2 ranks, 1 rank in Craft (alchemy) OR Heal • Feats: Craft Wondrous Item • Language: Speak Rhopan • Spells: Able to cast arcane spells without preparation • Must earn coin after at least one adventure using the Craft (Alchemy) or Perform skills • 12 months as Bargewench • 5 Time Units per year (tending to the needs of the bargefolk) This Record Certifies that ______________________________________________________ Played by ___________________________________________ Player RPGA # Is a Member of the Rhennee A Meta-Organization of Veluna Event: _________________________________ Date: ____________ DM: _______________________________________________________ Signature RPGA # Play Notes: � First Joined AR # ________________ � Renewed AR # ________________ � Promoted AR # ________________ � Left AR # ________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Home Region________________________ This AR does not count when determining Adventure, Regional, Metaregional, or Core access. NOTE: All bonuses granted by meta-orgs are considered Circumstance bonuses which do not stack with bonuses granted by other meta-orgs (unless otherwise specified). See the latest edition of the VMCS for additional rules regarding this and other meta-organizations.
textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Metaorg Material/Veluna/Rhennee/Rhennee Wise Woman.pdf
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) - GP Lifestyle Costs GP Subtotal - 100 GP Added GP Costs GP FINAL GP TOTAL XP Starting XP - XXXXXX XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XXXXXX XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 5 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING Benefits of Membership: • If contact is made with NPC Champions of Luna’s Vale during an adventure, the PC may add a +2 bonus to any Gather Information checks, due to the camaraderie that members have amongst themselves. (Judge’s call on benefits and penalties can be assessed for overuse) • If contact is made with elves of the Asnath Copse during an adventure, the PC may add a +1 bonus to any Diplomacy checks made while dealing with the elves. • Swordsmen gain a +1 bonus to Diplomacy checks when dealing with the council of Asnath in return for the many favors asked of the Champions in the past (and the knowledge that they may ask for more in the future). • 10% Discount on items from table 7-5 under Simple and Martial Weapons in the PHB (not Exotic Weapons) • 10% Discount on items from table 7-6 in the PHB (Armors) • Access to purchase the following items at normal price: Armor Maintenance Kit (AE), Blunt Arrow (AE), Brigandine Armor (AE), Flight Arrow (AE), Lamellar Armor (AE), Leather Scale Armor (AE), Lucerne Hammer (AE), Ward Cestus (AE) • Access to the following alternate class features: Adrenaline Boost (PH2), Disruptive Attack (PH2), Distracting Attack (PH2), Elusive Attack (PH2) Adventure Record# 59 59 59 598888 CY CY CY CY OOOO R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N LLLL E V E L O F E V E L O F E V E L O F E V E L O F OOOO R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N R G A N I Z A T I O N & Annual Costs Swordsman Swordsman Swordsman Swordsman 5 TUs and 100 gp annually Myrmidon Myrmidon Myrmidon Myrmidon The Champions of Luna’s Vale came together from many other mercenary bands. Its members bring a variety of expertise to the warriors of Veluna. The one thing they agree upon is that life is better in Veluna than anywhere else on Oerth. The other that they agree upon is that they do not tolerate evil in their midst. If you can’t work well with others, then you won’t be able to learn much from these hearty warriors. The Champions of Luna’s Vale have a variety of training styles, teaching any from gladiators to those who prefer to attack their enemy from afar. Regardless, they use their knowledge and resources to help maintain a readiness unseen by most common warriors in other lands. They also believe that the right equipment in the right hands can make a fair warrior able to hold their own against a good one, thus raising his or her self esteem at the same time. Requirements to become a Swordsman: • Resident of Veluna • Alignment: Any nonevil • Base Attack Bonus: +2 • Must swear to defend Veluna in times of need • 5 Time Units per year (training and instruction) • 100 gp for purchase and maintenance of equipment This Record Certifies that ______________________________________________________ Played by ___________________________________________ Player RPGA # Is a Member of The Champions of Luna’s Vale A Meta-Organization of Veluna Event: _________________________________ Date: ____________ DM: _______________________________________________________ Signature RPGA # Play Notes: � First Joined AR # ________________ � Renewed AR # ________________ � Promoted AR # ________________ � Left AR # ________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Home Region________________________ This AR does not count when determining Adventure, Regional, Metaregional, or Core access. NOTE: All bonuses granted by meta-orgs are considered Circumstance bonuses which do not stack with bonuses granted by other meta-orgs (unless otherwise specified). See the latest edition of the VMCS for additional rules regarding this and other meta-organizations.
textdata/thevault/Living Greyhawk/Metaorg Material/Veluna/Champions of Luna's Vale/Champions_Swordsman.pdf
Random Shadowrun Table 2 Branson Hagerty (Blackjack's Shadowrun Page http://shadowrun.html.com/users/blackjack/) Posted January 20, 1997 11 Instigate 12 Intelligence 13 Jam 14 Kidnapping 15 Legal 16 Manipulate 21 Messenger 22 Passive 23 Please 24 Poisoning 25 Prank 26 Redirect 31 Raid 32 Recovery 33 Rescue 34 Robbery 35 Sabotage 36 Scout 41 Search 42 Shaft 43 Slam 44 Slap 45 Suicide 46 Support 51 Terror 52 Theft 53 Topple 54 Tracking 55 Transport 56 Vanishing 61 Weapons 62 Wipeout 63 Wait 64 Nothing 65 More Nothing 66 Absolutely Nothing
textdata/thevault/Shadowrun [multi]/EXTRAS/Random Tables/RANDshadowrun2.pdf
Babini Armored Brigade December, 1940 x 4 x 4 Artillery Regiment x 2 By Greg Moore gregpanzerblitz.com September 2008 x 2 Anti-Tank Battalion x 4 Tank Battalion x 11 x 6 tanks from III and V tank battalions x 9 Motorcycle Battalion x 2 x 12 x 1 Engineer Company x 3 x 3 Bersaglieri Regiment x 4 x 4 x 9 Infantry Battalion x 3 x 2 x 12 x 1 x 6
textdata/thevault/Panzer Leader & Panzer Blitz/1940-1943 North Africa/Operation Compass/BabiniBrigade.pdf
D4 © Bruno Van de Casteele [email protected]
textdata/thevault/Collections/Kid Friendly/1. Parent & GM Advice & Helpful Hints/In-Game Helpers/Paper Dice/D4_alt1.pdf
textdata/thevault/Dungeons & Dragons [multi]/DM's Guild/Class Character Sheets - The Bundle/456029-Character_Sheet_CASTER_A_EDITABLE.pdf
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textdata/thevault/Drakar och demoner [SV]/aventyr/DoD a_ventyr - Do_dens va_g.pdf
textdata/thevault/Pathfinder/Flip Mats/PZO30029 - Arena.pdf