stringlengths 3
| is_depression
int64 0
greaaat my lappy won t turn on wtffffff | 0 |
whykay it s lashing down here | 0 |
from all the anxiety and depression that i overcame here s the essential lesson that i got in the end i only got my back | 1 |
donniesbabe well it pishing here sun look like it want to break through hope it dows kid doing my head in | 0 |
septmourningm texas is far from phx lol what part | 0 |
robparsons too difficult who are these people no doubt the one who only ever see african a starving and helpless grrrrrr | 0 |
for the last year or so i have suffered with extreme tiredness an shortness of breath i ve been to hospital and had every test going and found nothing it also doe not affect my cardio i go to the gym regularly if anything this help it however when i am resting i literally feel like i m about to pas out i then try to breath more and hyperventilate i have control of this now and use an oximeter to reassure myself but it s incredibly tiring feeling like this drinking also help it not a good way to cope i know obviously i m taking all medical precaution but if anyone ha experienced similar it would be reassuring thankyou for taking your time to read this | 1 |
i tried to tell my boyfriend another family member and a few different friend how much i ve been struggling and have been completely ignored i can guarantee if it all got too much for me they d all be the first to ask why didn t she tell u | 1 |
my adhd make it impossible to stop thinking about what s giving me anxiety i try to breath focus my mind off thing but instantly it come right back cause i can t control my mind most of the time i m not even thinking about anything that is anxiety inducing but in the back of my mind something is happening that won t let it stop anyone have experience with anxiety and adhd | 1 |
so many channel yet so so boring lazy day again may have to find a hobby | 0 |
mizzzidc u deserve that depression truly | 1 |
i ll be 9 tomorrow and i ve been depressed on and off all my life i wa diagnosed at with mdd with manic episode i started a relationship with a wonderful woman last august before i moved across the country and i moved back for her this past december she ended up leaving me in the middle of january because of my mental illness this bout of depression ha hit me the hardest not only am i dealing with my mental illness but i m also dealing with heartbreak it s been over two month since she left me and i ve been stuck in bed pretty much ever since i m medicated and doing cbt but i find it isn t helping the way it should i m moving back in with my parent next month to get my shit in order before tackling life again any tip from this community to help me get better | 1 |
just a motivational quote | 1 |
is watching the hill and it making me sad | 0 |
i don t quite remember the dream part of it wa strange like all dream the place and the people who were with me changed and i don t know exactly who they were a bit like all dream but i remember that at one point i came to my room i saw a girl reading one of my book i sat next to her i gave her a kiss and she told me that she loved me i ve been awake for hour and i m still holding back the urge to cry | 1 |
craftysince 990 lol that s sweet i bought ticket last year amp amp my partnerincrime flaked so i didn t end up going but this for sure | 0 |
i want to sing but i m afraid of everything my voice is shaking when i speak and it make me cry even thinking about singing or practicing plus to that i wa in music school when i wa a child and my music teacher just stopped working with me said i am useless and should just be quit when others sing i really need to start singing it s killing me but i am afraid to go to school for anxiety and childhood memory of being shit at singing and i am afraid of practicing home because i think neighbor can hear me i can t cope anymore | 1 |
hope all is well this is my first time posting but would like to first take the time to say that i have been actively reading in this sub for the better half of a year since my generalized anxiety started to take over my life a little backstory i am m 0 lb and went to texas tech throughout college i wa on a pretty strong dose of add med 0mg vyvanse which if none of you have taken add med is like the pinnacle of add med at the highest dose i literally felt like god when i wa on them i say this because i would drink a lot on them do cocaine i wa in a frat vyvanse wa amazing because you literally could never get drunk also i wa incredibly fit even though i drank so much i would work out all the time but never wanted to eat but i wa shredded i wa also super social and had this crazy fucking sex drive not lying i could stay rock hard for easy two hour and would be told to stop because the girl wa too worn out not tryna to sound cool but i am trying to paint this picture of how powerful this drug wa but after about year of that i graduated back in may and everything went downhill i started to have severe panic attack a rapid heartbeat crazy high blood pressure which sent me to the hospital finally went to the doctor and she said first that ny old doctor should lose her license forever prescribing me that high of a dose and that since i had taken the vyvanse for so long and binge drinking i have completely drained my brain of any serotonin diagnosis severe generalized anxiety disorder initially wa put on lexapro but that shit gave me really scary suicidal ideation especially coming from someone that had never once even considered that an idea i have moved to celexa mg then 0mg then 0mg finally now 0mg which is what i have been at for month and it ha been amazing i am perfectly fine i had discussed initially with my doctor that eventually i would want to get back on add med because i do have pretty bad add and wa about to enter nursing school she told me that once we get the anxiety under control then we can get add med so about month ago i wa anxiety free some minor episode of just feeling anxious but no panic attack and she had given me 0 mg xanax for emergency use which kill those few and far between episode immediately month ago i wa finally prescribed focalin mg ir x a day and wellbutrin sr 0mg x daily right when i wake up so i currently take 0mg celexa day focalin mg ir day welbutrin sr 0mg day everything is perfect except for one problem now i can not finish sexually and it is hard to keep an erection like i don t even think about sex anymore which suck because i am good looking have no issue with woman tinder bumble hinge but this is a serious issue because i am normally overly sexual sorry for the long rant but i wanted you all to have the best understanding possible of what is going on and if anyone can relate i am meeting with my doctor next week to discus but am just sad because in the past week different woman have asked me why i can t stay hard finish which hand down the most embarrassing thing because they all think it is because of them i would also like to say that i regularly work out am very fit lean build and do like to drink when i am with these woman the drinking just make it so much more fun for me so idk if the drinking ha any effect on this issue i haven t tried not drinking which i will test tonight when i see one of them thank you again for reading this far tl dr sex issue on celexa wellbutrin and focalin i do drink when i am having these issue but drinking make the sex so much more enjoyable lol | 1 |
when to the shoe repair shop and the guy could not find my shoe so i have to go back and see if he can find them in a couple day | 0 |
just been the doc amp she give me some antibiotic for my throat no alcohol for a week | 0 |
think about it i cant do a single thing anymore and the fact that i just suck at everything is just totally fantastic sarcasm i just keep bottling up everything and everything i thought about running away and dieing alone but i don t know how brutal that is | 1 |
good morning i have crippling depression http t co wpedw lez | 1 |
again with the fucked sleep ive decided to go do homework instead | 0 |
marissamonotony why | 0 |
twxtd jordan i wish i could i have to keep my door open for other people that may need me | 0 |
is back at the cabbins ew | 0 |
je vais faire une d pression c tait mon jeu de pause bu et avant de dormir | 1 |
bleach on my hair for the third time in four day ho hummm got to go out later to post the gazillion thing ive sold too bad | 0 |
katebornstein which is pretty anti memorial tattoo but for all but the strictest there s no official ban just disapproving family | 0 |
going out with josh of course i broke up with will but wa it the right thing to do i feel so bad so confused | 0 |
ellelovexx haaaaa i want mac amp cheese toooooo hahahaha hey i still got the one u left here i guess im making that today oo lol | 0 |
i think i am meant to die in obscurity i ve been working here for almost year and learned everything from scratch this company is just a mess yet i ve got nowhere else to go last year we had a new guy start and he ended up being my best friend i trained him we literally know everything about each other and we ve gotten close but one thing that bothered me wa that he s gotten two promotion not just small promotion i m talking management business partner promotion within le than month here i am who know the service center and struggling to keep our employee happy and training new people yet i keep getting overshadowed i ve given up on everything now it s clear to me that i personally don t matter anywhere i have to die so i can be reborn or just never be born agai into this pathetic life i m too nice and i m short and dropped out of college i m happy for him because i m such a nice guy and i know his story so i know it s not nepotism and he would be a great fit but so would i not even a freaking interview just to be a temporary solution for a permanent manager so why set yourself up for failure and use somoene who ha not been in this role in over minths and avoid the one person who took everything on and learned everybing from scratch and literally got a pay increase a year after because they diddint fucking realize i had worked for over 0 ymfycmi g year kill me nowjillmekillemememememenediediedeidekillme | 1 |
i m not sure what i want anymore out of my life it all ha seemed to just blend into one recently and everything that i reach out to to find a sense of drive encouragement seems to be so far away it all feel like i m wandering about looking for something anything to give me a sense of meaning anymore but it just feel like i m just going in circle i just feel lonely at this point | 1 |
i wa wondering what to do somedays he is so down and feel so low all he want is stay home and never go out today we went for a walk and he said it wa nothing special but he thanked me for coming and said he had a good time i want to find something special and out of the ordinary to make him forget about all the pressure and all the thing he ha in mind that make him feel down depressed and so low any idea | 1 |
http twitpic com y i miss this | 0 |
essteeem depression be real | 1 |
the world ha been nothing short of a flaming corpse trash fire in these past few week there s no doubt about that but recently i can feel it around others when i m out in public no i don t have superpower lol i m just saying that i ve been getting this kind of collective i m so done with this shit vibe when i m out in public i don t know how else to explain it but everyone seems so exhausted and fed up it s like a butterfly effect since a lot of people have the same vibe right now i guess despite a lot of u being on the other side of the world it s certainly hard not to feel just how crazy these past few week have been it s like the pandemic already fucked people up for two year but now 0 just want to kick u while we re down with the current war it s neverending it s been hard for me a well i ve kind of been burying my head in the sand and focusing heavily on work and video game because holy shit is this world completely fucked up not to mention there s nothing i can really do about the situation and dwelling on it and obsessing over it isn t going to change the outcome even my friend on social medium have been talking a lot about how they ve been strangely depressed lately this situation is affecting everyone but with that said i really hope everyone pull through the rest of this month i m no military specialist so i m not even going to try and act like i know when all this will end but i hope the worst is over and that the war end soon there s a common saying thing will get worse before they get better i really hope that doesn t apply to the current situation the world need a break wishing everyone the best this week and stay encouraged | 1 |
christinastokes is sh working for you for me it say that the website is down | 0 |
i ve never hated anything this much in my entire life i m stressed out i m so stressed out i m constantly stressed out i m tired of cry every day over school i m tired of being left out by people i thought were my friend everything is so difficult and i want to die i genuinely want to die this is too much it s too much and i m only in freshman year i m only life is only going to get harder from here on and if i m already like this i don t even want to see what s in store for me life suck school suck i want to shove a knife into my head | 1 |
gon na graduate highschool in a couple month i have no future plan no job can t go to college because of financial problem everyday waking up i feel like a total piece of garbage that never taken out my friend ha their own future some of them already have job i don t have any skill i m an idiot i don t know nothing i only have a mom left my big bro paying the bill rn after i graduate highschool if i don t have a job when i reach 0 y o or something happened to my life i m gon na do it or should i i don t know anymore i m scared of my future i hope it ll be okay i hope | 1 |
funguyzz if you no find this guy dope and funny abeeg you never chop since yesterday or depression hook you plane just stop for air when no be say na magnito be pilot | 1 |
tommcfly hey saw u guy play pushover didn t get meet u tho cuz of th huge line i wa very upset lol a msg would make up it | 0 |
uh d why did the dentist hurt today holy crap i feel like my teeth are all about to fall out | 0 |
i have a hole in my favourite top i bought it in the sale before christmas so i can t even get an exchange might try fixing it later | 0 |
m i had extreme anxiety depression year of my short life i spent in a bedroom avoiding human contact at all cost didn t show up for family event had 0 friend cancelled every appointment someone else made for me to keep it short i seen no light at the end of the tunnel i realized the mental destruction wa all within myself it took me year of dark endless thought to realize that anyone in the same position please consider this if you are stuck in a bedroom move it will change you for the better go for walk get comfortable going to the grocery store get out the comfort zone you are in amp you will become a better person my dream seemed so far fetch but to others it wa normal life force yourself god ha a plan for everyone on this earth and that includes you | 1 |
chewie update ocd in left leg fixed but possible ocd in right leg a well and worse still hip dysplasia in both hip not good | 0 |
reannaremick doesnt work on my cell go to sleep p | 0 |
before taking sertraline i had many problem for instance i wa not even able to talk on the phone in front of my mom and my brother it wa very tough to make a phone call because my heart would start beating very fast also if i saw someone i did not like my heart would beat out of my mouth at the supermarket while paying at the counter my heart would beat fast and i wa thinking everybody is staring at me and judging me but for four month i take sertraline and most of my problem are solved i feel like i am moving in the right direction i even cracked interview for my internship and finally got one before sertraline even thinking about an interview would trigger a load of anxiety now overall my anxiety ha reduced from 0 to or which is a significant improvement but one thing which is still bothering me is the feeling that everybody is staring at me when i eat at a restaurant for instance i feel like the person sitting at the front table is staring at me when i eat currently i am on a dose of mg sertraline to those who are on sertraline did you ever lose this feeling of other people judging you or are looking at you if yes which dose are you at i appreciate your help | 1 |
from an external point of view i have the perfect life i have worked really hard my whole life i studied hard in school got scolarship for university in my late 0 making figure have a beautiful house and a caring partner but i have rarely felt happy in my life i don t remember the last time i wa genuinely happy since about year ago my mood started going really downhill and right now i am at a point where even eating or taking a shower is a chore i drag myself everyday to work and do bare minimum and now i am scared that i might lose my job but then again i can no longer force myself to do any work i feel like i have used up my energy and passion most of the night when i go to bed i fantasize about not waking up and how nice it seems i am completely empty of any feeling and feel nothing toward my partner i am taking medicine and working out at least time a week but no good i also fantasize about breaking up with my partner but i m afraid i am gon na regret it cause i will be completely alone i am so done with everything i just wan na feel some taste and color in my life again but i feel like it might never happen | 1 |
i just read this line somewhere the problem with silence is that it s usually not complete it got me thinking how i usually like to drown the noise around me by playing some music in the background the noise make me anxious or irritable at time but then i would probably not be able withstand complete silence a well because then i d be left alone with my thought which isn t exactly comforting and i sometimes get anxious if i completely cut off outside world because then i m anxious about not knowing what s happening out there damn it s frustrating any of you guy face this a well | 1 |
ha anyone been on this for anxiety im currently on 0mg of lamictal and my anxiety s been getting worse my psych prescribed hydroxyzine but im only able to take it at night a it either knock me out or lead to more physical feeling of anxiety tightness in my chest and headache his only other option he talked about wa an anti anxiety buspar taken everyday but i really want an a needed i take pill a day and ssri snris are not an option i also dont deal with anxiety daily but rather panic attack anxiety attack that occur randomly i guess im wondering how anyone here would describe hydroxyzine in comparison to benzos ha anyone been on both before and have an insight to which may be better i understand the risk i just want some honest info about your experience in what help thank you in advance | 1 |
i snickered for like twenty minute thinking that wa the awesomest name ever | 0 |
coke zero mobile site broken on iphone anyway http twitpic com y xp | 0 |
sentricmusic suffice to say their offer wa ignored then emi com launched and they all laughed rather a lot | 0 |
this will have to do i lost the password to the version without the | 0 |
i really need a place to vent right now so i kinda moved out for university i wa here for october and november then my school closed due to corona so i wa at home and school started one week ago i still have the opportunity to go home every weekend it a little pricey but still affordable for me so i am home every weekend and during the week i have my own apartment that i really really like but my mental health is so bad here i really dont understand why because im really not far away from my home town i have friend here and a really cute apartment and im so grateful that i can study and live here but i feel so fucking bad my anxiety is so bad i really cant do anything but worry all the time and i dont even know why i am worring it make it really hard for me to eat because i have a lot of problem with eating when im really anxious which make me just more anxious also i feel kinda bad because i am nineteen and so many people in my age can handle living alone so well i know that i shouldnt compare myself with others but i do i cant imagine living b my own at any age but i know that someday i have to and that i cant live with my mom forever idk if someone feel the same but i still feel like a kid most of the time im not ready for being an adult i really cant explain it to myself because i wa a really independent child and it wa always important for me being independent i never had problem with not being home for week but now i cant even be alone for day i know that in this community there are people who are a little older than me and have a little more experience did somebody felt the same way a i do now with moving out and doe it get better | 1 |
george mackie i dont sell very often on ebay | 0 |
and somehow i still end up in this place | 0 |
davidblue someone spoiled it for me last week | 0 |
quot who is your favorite vintage designer quot lucy quot topshop quot i miss cycle of britain s ntm | 0 |
body of missing northern calif girl found police have found the remains of a missing northern california girl http tr im imji | 0 |
i just wanted to put it out there for after the fact | 1 |
dear crimestoppers thankyou for your regular service of our burglar alarm i m most grateful for the new 00db ear deafening entry tone | 0 |
i get so confused sometimes i don t know whats real why i m being so dramatic if i can ever actually do this | 1 |
too many assignment | 0 |
kristencampisi is this it u it officially over me this go round | 0 |
i m on sertraline for anxiety while it ha lowered it it ha increased background anxiety even when i m going nothing it suck and it ha caused me to have a floppy noodle male when having sex which suck even more for me and her | 1 |
i wish it wa just depression | 1 |
i m so scared of you these day i miss being happy | 1 |
mizzzidc la fisto healing from sneaker depression | 1 |
i ve been taking fluoxetine for two year now and my ability to orgasm i m a girl ha completely gone out the window in that time i finally felt secure enough to ask to switch medication to one that doesn t have such an impact on my sex life and i ve just been prescribed mirtazapine l d be so grateful if anyone could share their experience on mirtazapine both sexual and otherwise i ve seen online it seems to take a lot longer to start working week and i m nervous about feeling worse in that time too i am continuing to take fluoxetine whilst we increase the mirtazapine so i don t go without doe it feel different to ssri s did it help your sexual life did it make you feel worse before it made you feel better what are the side effect like | 1 |
so i got depression anxiety and the debilitating i can t do ish type i am currently procrastinating on an assignment i need to do fast help also do you guy feel like you have an almost physical pain due to all this stuff that you try to avoid facing | 1 |
friendlypharm too bad it s true for the most part | 0 |
in loveeee lt and it hurt | 0 |
my dog can t move anymore praying that he will be okay | 0 |
is tired of flowchart ken | 0 |
missing the fab five | 0 |
i have no one i m alone that s why abuser target me no one care about me if i had someone that wouldn t happen | 1 |
nightwyrm no not yet | 0 |
set my alarm to wake up wanted to speak to my si in africa on skype i miss her sooo much | 0 |
moony 9 huggggs i m glad you re here to help me through this he wa my favourite character the white house suck for stealing him | 0 |
speak to a therapist online via skype for anxiety and depression online mindfulness therapy via skype psychotherapy without drug the best option is to treat the underlying cause contact me to learn more see http t co a uafykh u | 1 |
lizdinkel lol i figured a much but you never know we don t talk anymore maybe you became easily offended | 0 |
just did km on the tready and want to die i m not built for running | 0 |
your language show your depression get well soon those who are using mask willingly or by compulsion will not support you even u may be right | 1 |
seriously need to finish these job application | 0 |
ok so hour into the self imposed shopping ban and i am already aching for a shoe fix this is going to be harder than i thought | 0 |
so i recently started my first customer service job and wa doing well until it came to order taking i wa making order before at the register inside i m not great but okay but the register at the drive through i seem to have worse anxiety while talking with people i don t know and can t see for some reason and on top of that everything that happens at the drive through is broadcasted to anyone wearing a headset and on top of that my medication wa screwing me up any time i missed even one dose i wa waning off but having trouble with the final drop off and i wa on the verge of a breakdown all day and the drive through wa what pushed it too far and i had to leave early to get my medication my medication still aren t stable and i m having a very anxious episode that s been happening since i started getting off the medication far worse than it wa before how have you managed to cope with this anxiety and perform necessary work interaction with stranger repeatedly | 1 |
who launch yearlong campaign to fight depression slogan is let s talk http t co v0nvzbxxzs | 1 |
had a long talk about my well being i have a history of suicidal thought for about year see my page for detail if you d like anyways they said that they re worried because i ve been literally drained for week work ha me tied have a weird as headache for a month nearly and i haven t been uppity like i usually am just tired of working to live and living to work i have no college history barely got through high school no ambition nothing i dont want to keep working job to job until i can retire 0 year down the road my folk said thats life you have to push cause thats how it always gon na be i just told them if thats seriously how it going to be struggling all my life id rather paint the ceiling with my fucking brain and walked off just man im tired guy so tired | 1 |
hide depression | 1 |
mum just called now my sister is in hospital | 0 |
i have never thought i d reach my 0 cuz since my early year i have been suicidal my life ha always been the worst i wa given the worst family my parent were when i wa born they were totally unable to raise a kid yet they decided to keep their pregnancy being a teen parent in a country where abortion is 00 legal since 9 is at least a huge stupidity i don t even have to say that my childhood and teenage year were creepy i went still do through need i had the worst and cheapest toy basic clothes the cheapest cell phone etc people are like forget about the past and focus on the present how do y all think it s easy to forget about poverty no it s not i can t forget all the humiliation abuse and privation i had to go through i m now totally hopeless still suicidal and i m pretty sure death is the only thing that can take my pain away and sooner or later i ll end up a a suicidal person i ve already tried to wait and see if thing get better but nothing changed thing get easier for a short period of time and then get unbearable again i just hope i die soon and all my pain fade | 1 |
i need therapy and i finally fully acknowledge it i am an unemployment year old student in lebanon middle east not the u my parent are some old school arab folk that would never entertain the idea of me going to therapy and the fact that i could never share the real reason behind it only make thing harder and the possibility of them cooperating even more impossible thankfully i can figure out how to sneak to therapy behind their back and although i have it really hard money wise i could afford a mid to low budget therapist a long a it will get me anywhere it would be the absolute biggest financial burden ever but i guess i got ta heal my problem among a couple lesser one i am what would be best described a in my own word casually suicidal i have been for so long just wanting to die and although i have no intention to act on it it weighs a lot on you to be jealous out of all thing from people that die around you i am scared that talking about it to a therapist might make her have to break confidentiality another thing that i am worried about is that any therapist i d go to might not be okay with me because of my belief i am pretty certain that my nihilistic philosophy backed by my lack of religious belief would have to be talked about problem is that i live in a muslim community and in these community my perspective on religion isnt taken lightly what is your take your opinion and all of that sorry if the text is messy and all over the place i just wanted to journal and thought that i might use this opportunity to take someone s opinion a well | 1 |
i ve thought of ending my life so many time but i never end up doing it i just wish there wa a peaceful purposeful way to go out that would be a benefit to others but i suppose life isn t that kind so the next best thing is to donate a body to science right or i hope so ive been thinking that it would benefit my mother with financial trouble she said i m just getting in the way so i think insurance should give her some money i think right now that s my only plausible solution but i just am too chicken | 1 |
emilthedk zebragrun so ist e auf dem gymnasium meiner jung auch zwei m dchen ritzen sich eine mit depression momentan in der klinik zwei jung nicht mehr beschulbar klassenstufen 9 und ef und da wa wir mitbekommen ist sicher nur die spitze de eisbergs e ist furchtbar | 1 |
so i ve tried almost every ssri med except a few every single one i ve been on seems to give me horrible intrusive or suicidal thought i don t actually want to hurt myself but these thought are scaring me ha anyone else had this experience with ssri med | 1 |
so yesterday i had plan to go skating with a friend and we drive there everything is good and we re sitting in the car waiting to go in all of the sudden the overwhelming urge to cry just come over me and i start sobbing two second prior i wa laughing totally fine it took me a half an hour to be able to go inside luckily my friend is amazing and super understanding but what should i do in that situation any tip at all on how to control myself would be much appreciated | 1 |
so first of all i know that this is all fucking messed up it is the way it is though i ve been depressed and suicidal for a while now and my ex know that aswell i promised him that i would never kill myself which i really regret but whatever i asked them a couple of time but they didn t want me to break my promise and they also said if i did they d commit suicide aswell however now my ex told me that if i told my younger brother i wa gon na do it how and why it would be okay to break the promise i just i can t i can t go to my younger brother tell him hey i m gon na km bc life suck and i m just gon na hang myself i know commiting suicide will hurt ppl around me but they will be fine except maybe my younger brother that s what i m scared for however it s so much worse though if i tell him i m gon na end my life before i do it he will feel so much more guilt and i just don t know what to do and everything hurt so much physically and mentally | 1 |
last week i went on a spring break trip it wa fun but triggered a lot of anxiety in me i took a 0 mg edible gummy when i returned home from spring break i m new to the gummy world so it somehow hit me way harder than any other time i ve taken them the next day i still felt high which i ve noticed ha been normal for me when i take the gummies i felt off though like i had been drugged or something i slept the rest of the day to try and get it to wear off the next day i wa concerned i wasn t back to normal i felt like i wa dreaming i kept telling my boyfriend and family something wasn t right with my head and something wa wrong with my mind it wa scary for me i already get bad thought occasionally so i wa worried i would do something bad i couldn t feel anything taste anything or smell anything i literally slept the entire day and the next day i m only just now feeling more myself but i will go into these zone where i lose track of time am having trouble forming word and can t think clearly i skipped school on monday because i started to panic and cry my dad wa going to take me to a doctor on monday and i started cry and told him to call my boyfriend to bring me back home i went to see my doctor yesterday and am talking with a psychiatrist it s really scary can anyone who s experienced talk to me about this | 1 |
Subsets and Splits