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US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2083 | (a) In general
There is established in the Treasury a fund, to be known as the "Capitol Preservation Fund"
(hereafter in this part referred to as the "fund"), which shall consist of (1) amounts deposited, and
interest and proceeds credited, under subsection (d), (2) obligations obtained under subsection (e),
and (3) all surcharges received by the Secretary of the Treasury from the sale of coins minted under
the Bicentennial of the United States Congress Commemorative Coin Act.
(b) Availability of fund
The fund shall be available to the Commission—
(1) for payment of transaction costs and similar expenses incurred under section 2082 of this
(2) subject to the approval of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives
and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate, for improvement and preservation projects
for the United States Capitol;
(3) for disbursement with respect to works of fine art and other property as provided in section
2082 of this title; and
(4) for such other payments as may be required to carry out section 2081 of this title or section
2082 of this title.
(c) Transaction costs and proportionality
In carrying out this section, the Commission shall, to the extent practicable, take such action as
may be necessary—
(1) to minimize disbursements under subsection (b)(1); and
(2) to equalize disbursements under subsection (b) between the Senate and the House of
(d) Deposits, credits, and disbursements
The Commission shall deposit in the fund gifts of money and proceeds of transactions under
section 2082 of this title. The Secretary of the Treasury shall credit to the fund the interest on, and
the proceeds from sale or redemption of, obligations held in the fund. Disbursements from the fund
shall be made on vouchers approved by the Commission and signed by the co-chairmen.
[Release Point 118-70]
(e) Investments
The Secretary of the Treasury shall invest any portion of the fund that, as determined by the
Commission, is not required to meet current withdrawals. Each investment shall be made in an
interest bearing obligation of the United States or an obligation guaranteed as to principal and
interest by the United States that, as determined by the Commission has a maturity suitable for the
fund. In carrying out this subsection, the Secretary may make such purchases, sales, and redemptions
of obligations as may be approved by the Commission.
(Pub. L. 100–696, title VIII, §803, Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4609; Pub. L. 101–302, title III, §312(b),
May 25, 1990, 104 Stat. 245.)
The Bicentennial of the United States Congress Commemorative Coin Act, referred to in subsec. (a), is Pub.
L. 100–673, Nov. 17, 1988, 102 Stat. 3992, which is set out as a note under section 5112 of Title 31, Money
and Finance.
Section was classified to section 188a–2 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
1990—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 101–302, §312(b)(1), struck out "subject to the approval, except for the
purchase of fine art and antiques, of the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and
Senate, respectively" after "The fund shall be available to the Commission".
Subsec. (b)(2). Pub. L. 101–302, §312(b)(2), inserted "subject to the approval of the Committee on
Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate," before
"For improvement".
Pub. L. 107–117, div. B, §913, Jan. 10, 2002, 115 Stat. 2324, provided that:
"(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the United States Capitol Preservation Commission
established under section 801 of the Arizona-Idaho Conservation Act of 1988 (40 U.S.C. 188a) [now 2 U.S.C.
2081] may transfer to the Architect of the Capitol amounts in the Capitol Preservation Fund established under
section 803 of such Act (40 U.S.C. 188a–2) [now 2 U.S.C. 2083] if the amounts are to be used by the
Architect for the planning, engineering, design, or construction of the Capitol Visitor Center.
"(b) Any amounts transferred pursuant to subsection (a) shall remain available for the use of the Architect
of the Capitol until expended.
"(c) This section shall apply with respect to fiscal year 2002 and each succeeding fiscal year." | §2083. Capitol Preservation Fund | 1990-05-25T00:00:00 | d066faa41a5b267f2a272d529c30c355e6e5e162db8e9b86383e111f98478fb1 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2084 | The Comptroller General shall conduct periodic audits of the transactions of the Commission,
which shall be conducted at least once every 3 years, unless the Chairman or the Ranking Member of
the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate or the Committee on House
Administration of the House of Representatives, the Secretary of the Senate, or the Clerk of the
House of Representatives requests that an audit be conducted at an earlier date, and shall report the
results of each audit to the Congress.
(Pub. L. 100–696, title VIII, §804, Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4610; Pub. L. 112–234, §2(a), Dec. 28,
2012, 126 Stat. 1624.)
[Release Point 118-70]
Section was classified to section 188a–3 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
2012—Pub. L. 112–234 substituted "periodic audits of the transactions of the Commission, which shall be
conducted at least once every 3 years, unless the Chairman or the Ranking Member of the Committee on
Rules and Administration of the Senate or the Committee on House Administration of the House of
Representatives, the Secretary of the Senate, or the Clerk of the House of Representatives requests that an
audit be conducted at an earlier date," for "annual audits of the transactions of the Commission". | §2084. Audits by the Comptroller General | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 4f922d22c6afdf3e2ce51752572c753015b36a33504cf9bd9d45eb5fd8feffd4 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2085 | The Commission may establish appropriate boards to provide advice and assistance to the
Commission and to further the purposes of the Commission. The boards shall be composed of
members (including chairmen) who shall be appointed by the Commission from public and private
life and shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission and each co-chairman of the Commission may
appoint one member to any such board. The members of boards under this section may be
reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of the duties of the boards,
at the discretion of the Commission.
(Pub. L. 100–696, title VIII, §805, Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4610.)
Section was classified to section 188a–4 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062. | §2085. Advisory boards | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 8c321f9f032d04fa5b6c74dfdb71e4af5bf68d2d81e2e8306f97e9471a39846b |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2086 | As used in this part, the term "Member of the House of Representatives" means a Representative
in, or a Delegate or Resident Commissioner to, the Congress.
(Pub. L. 100–696, title VIII, §806, Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4610.)
Section was classified to section 188a–5 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
PART B—SENATE COMMISSION ON ART | §2086. Definition | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 2c458fb3069eb57b6c05c3c20e407014ae6a9f26aab9a218df0a046e276e9923 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2101 | (a) Establishment
There is hereby established a Senate Commission on Art (hereinafter referred to as "the
Commission") consisting of the President pro tempore of the Senate, the chairman and ranking
minority member of the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate, and the majority and
[Release Point 118-70]
minority leaders of the Senate.
(b) Chairman and Vice Chairman; quorum; Executive Secretary
The Majority Leader and Minority Leader of the Senate shall be the chairman and vice chairman,
respectively, of the Commission. Three members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for
the transaction of business, except that the Commission may fix a lesser number which shall
constitute a quorum for the taking of testimony. The Secretary of the Senate shall be the Executive
Secretary of the Commission 1
(c) Appointment of Senate Curator; assignment of assistants
The Secretary of the Senate shall appoint a Senate Curator approved by the Senate Commission on
Art. The Senate Curator shall be an employee of the Secretary of the Senate assigned to assist the
Commission. The Secretary of the Senate shall assign additional employees to assist the
Commission, and provide such other assistance, as the Commission determines necessary.
(d) Hearings and meetings
The Commission shall be empowered to hold hearings, summon witnesses, administer oaths,
employ reporters, request the production of papers and records, take such testimony, and adopt such
rules for the conduct of its hearings and meetings, as it deems necessary.
(Pub. L. 100–696, title IX, §901(a), (b)(1), (3), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4610, 4611; Pub. L. 108–83,
title I, §3(d)(1), Sept. 30, 2003, 117 Stat. 1012.)
Section was classified to section 188b of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
Section is based on section 1 of Senate Resolution No. 382, Ninetieth Congress, Oct. 1, 1968, which was
enacted into permanent law and amended by Pub. L. 100–696.
2003—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 108–83, §3(d)(1)(A), substituted "The Majority Leader and Minority Leader of
the Senate shall be the chairman and vice chairman, respectively, of the Commission." for "The Commission
shall elect a Chairman and a Vice Chairman at the beginning of each Congress."
Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 108–83, §3(d)(1)(B), added subsec. (c) and struck out former subsec. (c) which read as
follows: "The Commission shall select a Curator of Art and Antiquities of the Senate who shall be appointed
by and be an employee of the Secretary of the Senate. The Curator shall serve at the pleasure of the
Commission, shall perform such duties as it may prescribe, and shall receive compensation at a gross rate, not
to exceed $22,089 per annum to be fixed by the Commission. At the request of the Commission the Secretary
of the Senate shall detail to the Commission such additional professional, clerical, and other assistants as,
from time to time, it deems necessary."
1988—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 100–696, §901(b)(3), substituted "Senate Commission on Art" for "Commission
on Art and Antiquities of the United States Senate".
Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 100–696, §901(b)(1), inserted "The Secretary of the Senate shall be the Executive
Secretary of the Commission".
Pub. L. 100–696, title IX, §901(d), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4611, provided that: "The provisions of this
section [enacting sections 2101 to 2106 of this title and amending sections 2101, 2102, and 2106 of this title]
are enacted by the Congress—
"(1) as an exercise of the rulemaking power of the Senate, and as such they shall be considered as part
of the rules of the Senate, and such rules shall supersede other rules only to the extent that they are
inconsistent therewith; and
"(2) with full recognition of the constitutional right of the Senate to change such rules at any time, in
[Release Point 118-70]
the same manner, and to the same extent as in the case of any other rule of the Senate."
Increases in compensation for officers and employees of the Senate under authority of the Federal Pay
Comparability Act of 1970 (Pub. L. 91–656), see Salary Directives of the President pro tempore of the Senate,
set out as notes under section 4571 of this title.
So in original. Probably should be followed by a period.
1 | §2101. Senate Commission on Art | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 97c2950e36ffae648f27a3abf4bf80155266944773276c2f44de94feaa30d559 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2102 | (a) In general
The Commission is hereby authorized and directed to supervise, hold, place, protect, and make
known all works of art, historical objects, and exhibits within the Senate wing of the United States
Capitol, any Senate Office Buildings, and in all rooms, spaces, and corridors thereof, which are the
property of the United States, and in its judgment to accept any works of art, historical objects, or
exhibits which may hereafter be offered, given, or devised to the Senate, its committees, and its
officers for placement and exhibition in the Senate wing of the Capitol, the Senate Office Buildings,
or in rooms, spaces, or corridors thereof.
(b) Issuance and publication of regulations
The Commission shall prescribe such regulations as it deems necessary for the care, protection,
and placement of such works of art, exhibits, and historical objects in the Senate wing of the Capitol
and the Senate Office Buildings, and for their acceptance on behalf of the Senate, its committees, and
officers. Such regulations shall be published in the Congressional Record at such time or times as the
Commission may deem necessary for the information of the Members of the Senate and the public.
(c) Consistency of regulations
Regulations authorized by the provisions of section 2183 of this title to be issued by the Sergeant
at Arms of the Senate for the protection of the Capitol, and any regulations issued, or activities
undertaken, by the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate, or the Architect of the
Capitol, in carrying out duties relating to the care, preservation, and protection of the Senate wing of
the Capitol and the Senate Office Buildings, shall be consistent with such rules and regulations as the
Commission may issue pursuant to subsection (b) of this section.
(d) Responsibilities of Committee on Rules and Administration of Senate
The Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate in consultation with the Architect of
the Capitol and consistent with regulations prescribed by the Commission under subsection (b) of
this section, shall have responsibility for the supervision, protection, and placement of all works of
art, historical objects, and exhibits which shall have been accepted on behalf of the Senate by the
Commission or acknowledged as United States property by inventory of the Commission, and which
may be lodged in the Senate wing of the Capitol or the Senate Office Buildings by the Commission.
(Pub. L. 100–696, title IX, §901(a), (b)(2), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4610, 4611.)
Section was classified to section 188b–1 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
Section is based on section 2 of Senate Resolution No. 382, Ninetieth Congress, Oct. 1, 1968, which was
enacted into permanent law and amended by Pub. L. 100–696.
1988—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 100–696, §901(b)(2), substituted "protect, and make known" for "and protect"
[Release Point 118-70]
and "Senate wing of the United States Capitol, any Senate Office Buildings" for "Senate wing of the Capitol". | §2102. Duties of Commission | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 149bb08d94a88c72d1836c5f5e3d2f79e89e16355442b6ffe403f53072de10e5 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2103 | The Commission shall have responsibility for the supervision and maintenance of the Old Senate
Chamber on the principal floor of the Senate wing of the Capitol and of the Old Supreme Court
Chamber insofar as each is to be preserved as a patriotic shrine in the Capitol for the benefit of the
people of the United States.
(Pub. L. 100–696, title IX, §901(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4610; Pub. L. 107–68, title I, §108(a),
Nov. 12, 2001, 115 Stat. 569.)
Section was classified to section 188b–2 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
Section is based on section 3 of Senate Resolution No. 382, Ninetieth Congress, Oct. 1, 1968, which was
enacted into permanent law by Pub. L. 100–696.
2001—Pub. L. 107–68 substituted "and of the Old Supreme Court Chamber insofar as each" for "insofar as
Pub. L. 107–68, title I, §108(c), Nov. 12, 2001, 115 Stat. 569, provided that: "The amendments made by
this section [amending this section and section 2105 of this title] shall apply to fiscal year 2002 and all
succeeding fiscal years." | §2103. Supervision and maintenance of Old Senate Chamber | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | fffd193881e85b2b75d49fd63d01f709c139549e15ddb674aabfce134d7c9f66 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2104 | The Commission shall, from time to time, but at least once every ten years, publish as a Senate
document a list of all works of art, historical objects, and exhibits currently within the Senate wing of
the Capitol and the Senate Office Buildings, together with their description, location, and with such
notes as may be pertinent to their history.
(Pub. L. 100–696, title IX, §901(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4610.)
Section was classified to section 188b–3 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
Section is based on section 4 of Senate Resolution No. 382, Ninetieth Congress, Oct. 1, 1968, which was
enacted into permanent law by Pub. L. 100–696. | §2104. Publication of list of works of art, historical objects, and exhibits | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 178f38253b12323909d25f8e496665ee1ef2325f34579c8b16ed24121e8e9ea3 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2105 | There is hereby authorized to be appropriated out of the contingent fund of the Senate for the
expenses of the Commission such amount as may be necessary each fiscal year, to be disbursed by
[Release Point 118-70]
the Secretary of the Senate on vouchers signed by the Executive Secretary of the Commission and
approved by the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate:
, That no payment
shall be made from such appropriation as salary.
(Pub. L. 100–696, title IX, §901(a), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4610; Pub. L. 107–68, title I, §108(b),
Nov. 12, 2001, 115 Stat. 569.)
Section was classified to section 188b–4 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
Section is based on section 5 of Senate Resolution No. 382, Ninetieth Congress, Oct. 1, 1968, which was
enacted into permanent law by Pub. L. 100–696.
2001—Pub. L. 107–68 substituted "such amount as may be necessary each fiscal year," for "the sum of
$15,000 each fiscal year," and "the Executive Secretary of the Commission and approved by the Committee
on Rules and Administration of the Senate" for "the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Commission".
Amendment by Pub. L. 107–68 applicable to fiscal year 2002 and all succeeding fiscal years, see section
108(c) of Pub. L. 107–68, set out as a note under section 2103 of this title. | §2105. Authorization of appropriations | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 68a10d6c2ed6879bb8c29e1cbc7d7d9cba0f84cd6aed2420ffa7a25ae14d3f84 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2107 | States Senate Collection
(a) Use of moneys in Senate contingent fund
Effective with the fiscal year ending September 30, 2006, and each fiscal year thereafter, subject
to the approval of the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate, any unexpended and unobligated
funds in the appropriation account for the "Secretary of the Senate" within the contingent fund of the
Senate which have not been withdrawn in accordance with section 4107 of this title, shall be
available for the expenses incurred, without regard to the fiscal year in which incurred, for the
purchase of art and historical objects for the United States Senate Collection, for exhibits and public
education relating to the United States Senate Collection, for administrative and transitional expenses
of the Senate Commission on Art, and for the conservation, restoration, and replication or
replacement, in whole or in part, of works of art, historical objects, documents, or material relating to
historical matters for placement or exhibition within the Senate wing of the United States Capitol,
any Senate Office Building, or any room, corridor, or other space therein. In the case of replication
or replacement of such works, objects, documents, or material, the funds available under this
subsection shall be available for any such works, objects, documents, or material previously
contained within the Senate wing of the Capitol, or a work, object, document, or material historically
[Release Point 118-70]
(b) United States Senate Collection
All such works, objects, documents, or materials referred to in subsection (a) may be known as the
"United States Senate Collection".
(c) Approval of disbursements by Chairman or Executive Secretary of Senate Commission on
Disbursements for expenses incurred for the purposes in subsection (a) shall be made upon
vouchers approved by the Chairman of the Senate Commission on Art or the Executive Secretary of
the Senate Commission on Art.
(Pub. L. 101–302, title III, §316, May 25, 1990, 104 Stat. 246; Pub. L. 101–520, title III, §323, Nov.
5, 1990, 104 Stat. 2285; Pub. L. 102–90, title III, §310, Aug. 14, 1991, 105 Stat. 467; Pub. L.
102–392, title III, §312, Oct. 6, 1992, 106 Stat. 1723; Pub. L. 103–69, title III, §314, Aug. 11, 1993,
107 Stat. 713; Pub. L. 103–283, title III, §309, July 22, 1994, 108 Stat. 1442; Pub. L. 104–53, title
III, §311, Nov. 19, 1995, 109 Stat. 538; Pub. L. 104–197, title III, §313, Sept. 16, 1996, 110 Stat.
2415; Pub. L. 105–55, title III, §309, Oct. 7, 1997, 111 Stat. 1198; Pub. L. 105–275, title III, §311,
Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2457; Pub. L. 106–57, title III, §309, Sept. 29, 1999, 113 Stat. 427; Pub. L.
106–554, §1(a)(2) [title I, §8, title III, §309], Dec. 21, 2000, 114 Stat. 2763, 2763A–98, 2763A–119;
Pub. L. 107–68, title III, §308, Nov. 12, 2001, 115 Stat. 592; Pub. L. 108–7, div. H, title II, §207,
Feb. 20, 2003, 117 Stat. 383; Pub. L. 108–83, title I, §§3(d)(2), 7, Sept. 30, 2003, 117 Stat. 1013;
Pub. L. 108–447, div. G, title I, §3, Dec. 8, 2004, 118 Stat. 3169; Pub. L. 109–55, title I, §3, Aug. 2,
2005, 119 Stat. 568.)
Section was classified to section 188b–6 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
2005—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 109–55 substituted "2006" for "2005" in first sentence.
2004—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 108–447 substituted "2005" for "2004" in first sentence.
2003—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 108–83, in first sentence, substituted "2004" for "2003" and inserted "for the
purchase of art and historical objects for the United States Senate Collection, for exhibits and public education
relating to the United States Senate Collection, for administrative and transitional expenses of the Senate
Commission on Art, and" after "in which incurred,".
Pub. L. 108–7 substituted "2003" for "2002" in first sentence.
2001—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 107–68 substituted "2002" for "2001" in first sentence.
2000—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 106–554, §1(a)(2) [title III, §309], substituted "2001" for "2000" in first
Pub. L. 106–554, §1(a)(2) [title I, §8(1), (2)], in first sentence, substituted "works of art, historical objects,
documents, or material relating to historical matters for placement or exhibition" for "items of art, fine art, and
historical items" and, in second sentence, substituted "such works, objects, documents, or material" for "such
items" in two places and "a work, object, document, or material" for "an item".
Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 106–554, §1(a)(2) [title I, §8(3)], substituted "such works, objects, documents, or
materials" for "such items of art" and "may" for "shall".
1999—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 106–57 substituted "2000" for "1999".
1998—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 105–275 substituted "1999" for "1998".
1997—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 105–55 substituted "1998" for "1997".
1996—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 104–197 substituted "1997" for "1996".
1995—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 104–53 substituted "1996" for "1995".
1994—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 103–283 substituted "1995" for "1994".
1993—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 103–69 substituted "1994" for "1993".
1992—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 102–392 substituted "1993" for "1992".
1991—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 102–90 substituted "1992" for "1991".
1990—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 101–520 substituted "1991" for "1990".
[Release Point 118-70] | §2107. Conservation, restoration, replication, or replacement of items in United | 1994-07-22T00:00:00 | b3e39de95426764d9d8e75b66b32d32342fa9ff1f0d0c133d73f721123e51f62 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2108 | (a) Authority to acquire and dispose
(1) In general
The Senate Commission on Art (referred to in this section as the "Commission") may—
(A) accept gifts of money; and
(B) acquire (by gift, purchase, or otherwise) any work of art, historical object, document, or
material relating to historical matters, or exhibit, for placement or exhibition in the Senate Wing
of the Capitol, the Senate Office Buildings, or in rooms, spaces, or corridors thereof.
(2) Accession or disposal
All works of art, historical objects, documents, or material related to historical matters, or
exhibits, acquired by the Commission may, as determined by the Commission and after
consultation with the Curatorial Advisory Board, be—
(A) retained for accession to the United States Senate Collection or other use; or
(B) disposed of by sale or other transaction.
(3) Omitted
(b) Advisory boards
(1) Curatorial Advisory Board
There is established a Board which shall be chaired by the Senate Curator. The Curatorial
Advisory Board shall provide advice and assistance to the Commission on the acquisition, care,
and disposition of items for or within the United States Senate Collection, and on such other
matters as the Commission determines appropriate.
(2) Additional advisory boards
(A) In general
The Commission, or the chairman and vice chairman acting jointly on behalf of the
Commission and after giving notice to the Commission, may establish 1 or more additional
advisory boards.
(B) Term
The term of existence for an additional advisory board—
(i) shall be specified by the Commission but no longer than 4 years; and
(ii) shall be renewable.
(C) Purpose
The purpose of an additional advisory board shall be to provide advice and assistance to the
Commission and to further the purposes of the Commission.
(3) Appointments
(A) In general
Subject to subparagraph (B), the Curatorial Advisory Board and other advisory boards
established by the Commission under paragraph (2) shall be composed of members appointed
by the Commission, or the chairman and vice chairman acting jointly on behalf of the
Commission and after giving notice to the Commission.
(B) Applicable rules
Members appointed under subparagraph (A)—
(i) shall be appointed from public and private life and shall serve at the pleasure of the
Commission; and
(ii) in the case of individuals appointed to the Curatorial Advisory Board, shall be experts
or have significant experience in the field of arts, historic preservation, or other appropriate
[Release Point 118-70]
Each member of the Commission may have appointed to an advisory board created by the
Commission at least 1 individual requested by that member.
(4) Members
A member of a board under this subsection—
(A) may, at the discretion of the Commission, be reimbursed for actual and necessary
expenses incurred in the performance of the official duties of the board from any funds
available to the Commission in accordance with applicable Senate regulations for such
expenses; and
(B) shall not, by virtue of such member's service on the board, be deemed to be an officer,
employee, or agent of the Senate and may not bind the Senate in any contract or obligation.
(5) Terms for additional advisory board members
Members appointed to the other advisory boards created under paragraph (2) shall serve for
terms as stated in their appointment, but no longer than a term of 4 years, except that any member
may be reappointed upon the expiration of their term.
(6) Regulations
The Commission, or the chairman and vice chairman acting jointly on behalf of the
Commission and after giving notice to the Commission, in consultation with the Committee on
Rules and Administration, may promulgate such regulations governing advisory boards
established under this subsection as are necessary to carry out the purposes of this subsection.
(7) Assistance
The Executive Secretary of the Commission shall provide assistance to an advisory board as
authorized by the Commission.
(c) Establishment of Senate Preservation Fund
(1) Establishment
There is established in the Treasury a fund, to be known as the "Senate Preservation Fund" (in
this section referred to as the "fund"), which shall consist of amounts deposited and credited under
paragraph (3).
(2) Payment of costs
The fund shall be available to the Commission for the payment of acquisition and transaction
costs incurred for acquisitions under subsection (a), for official activities of any advisory board
established under subsection (b), for any purposes for which funds from the contingent fund of the
Senate may be used under section 2107(a) of this title, and for expenditures, not to exceed $10,000
in any fiscal year, for meals and refreshments in Capitol facilities in connection with official
activities of the Commission or other authorized programs or activities.
(3) Deposits, credits, disbursements, and transfers
(A) Deposits
The Commission shall deposit in the fund amounts appropriated for use of the fund, gifts of
money, and proceeds of transactions under subsection (a).
(B) Credits
The Secretary of the Treasury shall credit to the fund the interest on, and the proceeds from
sale or redemption of, obligations held in the fund.
(C) Disbursements
Disbursements from the fund shall be made on vouchers approved by the Commission and
signed by the Executive Secretary of the Commission.
(D) Transfers
[Release Point 118-70]
(i) In general
The Commission may, for individual conservation or restoration projects estimated to cost
greater than $100,000, transfer amounts in the fund to the Architect of the Capitol for the cost
of conservation or restoration, in whole or in part, by the Architect of the Capitol of works of
art, historical objects, documents, or material relating to historical matters placed or
exhibited, or to be placed or exhibited, within the Senate wing of the United States Capitol or
any Senate Office Building.
(ii) Availability
Amounts transferred to the Architect of the Capitol under clause (i) and not subject to
return under clause (v) shall remain available until expended.
(iii) Approval and oversight of conservation or restoration
Before authorizing transfers under clause (i), in whole or in part, the Commission, or the
chairman and vice chairman acting jointly on behalf of the Commission and after giving
notice to the Commission, shall review and approve a conservation or restoration project for
which such amounts are intended (referred to in this section as the "Project"). The
Commission may require updated reports on the Project before any additional amounts are
transferred for the Project. No disbursements may be made from funds transferred under
clause (i) that are inconsistent with the Project approved by the Commission upon which the
relevant transfer is based.
(iv) Acceptance of donations
The Commission retains the discretion whether or not to approve the acceptance of any
donation to the fund regardless of whether the donation is intended for a conservation or
restoration Project under clause (i).
(v) Issuance of guidelines
The Commission may prescribe such guidelines as it deems necessary for the approval and
transfer of any amounts under clause (i) and the return of any undisbursed amounts.
(vi) Return of unused funds
The Commission may require the return of amounts transferred to the Architect of the
Capitol under clause (i) and not disbursed pursuant to an approved Project within five years
of the transfer. Such amounts will be returned to the fund for use or disposition as the
Commission shall determine appropriate. For purposes of this subsection, the Commission
may, at any time, specify a date of return greater than five years from the transfer.
(vii) Disbursement and audit responsibility
Once amounts are transferred pursuant to clause (i), disbursements from transferred funds
shall be made by the Architect of the Capitol upon review of vouchers by the Architect of the
Capitol and not subject to the audit provisions of clause (c)(6) of this section. Such
disbursements shall be limited to purposes for which funds may be disbursed pursuant to this
(viii) Termination
The authority to transfer amounts to the Architect of the Capitol under clause (i) shall
expire ten years after the date of its initial enactment. Any amounts transferred prior to the
termination of authority to transfer may continue to be expended in accordance with this
(4) Investments
(A) In general
The Secretary of the Treasury shall invest any portion of the fund that, as determined by the
Commission, is not required to meet current withdrawals.
[Release Point 118-70]
(B) Type of obligation
Each investment required by this paragraph shall be made in an interest bearing obligation of
the United States or an obligation guaranteed as to the principal and interest by the United
States that, as determined by the Commission, has a maturity suitable for the fund.
(C) Commission approval
In carrying out this subsection, the Secretary of the Treasury may make such purchases, sales,
and redemption of obligations as may be approved by the Commission.
(5) Services and support
The Library of Congress shall provide financial management and disbursing services and
support to the Commission as may be required and mutually agreed to by the Librarian of
Congress and the Executive Secretary of the Commission.
(6) Audits
The Comptroller General of the United States shall conduct periodic audits of the Senate
Preservation Fund, which shall be conducted at least once every 3 years, unless the Chairman or
the Ranking Member of the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate or the Secretary
of the Senate requests that an audit be conducted at an earlier date, and shall report the results of
each audit to the Commission.
(Pub. L. 108–83, title I, §3, Sept. 30, 2003, 117 Stat. 1010; Pub. L. 109–55, title I, §4, Aug. 2, 2005,
119 Stat. 568; Pub. L. 112–234, §2(h), Dec. 28, 2012, 126 Stat. 1625; Pub. L. 115–31, div. I, title I, | §2108. Provisions relating to Senate Commission on Art | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 143cfb01cf05aaee9ec51e49039cf8d116fdbb6585a1c08f09db1b575b9378f6 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2121 | (a) Establishment and authority
[Release Point 118-70]
There is established in the House of Representatives a Fine Arts Board (hereafter in sections 2121
and 2122 of this title referred to as the "Board"), comprised of the House of Representatives
members of the Joint Committee on the Library. The chairman of the Committee on House
Oversight of the House of Representatives shall be the chairman of the Board. The Board, in
consultation with the House Office Building Commission, shall have authority over all works of fine
art, historical objects, and similar property that are the property of the Congress and are for display
or other use in the House of Representatives wing of the Capitol, the House of Representatives
Office Buildings, or any other location under the control of the House of Representatives.
(b) Clerk of the House of Representatives
Under the supervision and direction of the Board, the Clerk of the House of Representatives shall
be responsible for the administration, maintenance, and display of the works of fine art and other
property referred to in subsection (a).
(c) Architect of the Capitol
The Architect of the Capitol shall provide assistance to the Board and to the Clerk of the House of
Representatives in the carrying out of their responsibilities under sections 2121 and 2122 of this title.
(Pub. L. 100–696, title X, §1001, Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4611; Pub. L. 104–186, title II, §221(8),
Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1749.)
Section was classified to section 188c of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
1996—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 104–186 substituted "House Oversight" for "House Administration".
Committee on House Oversight of House of Representatives changed to Committee on House
Administration of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 6,
Certain functions of Clerk of House of Representatives transferred to Director of Non-legislative and
Financial Services by section 7 of House Resolution No. 423, One Hundred Second Congress, Apr. 9, 1992.
Director of Non-legislative and Financial Services replaced by Chief Administrative Officer of House of
Representatives by House Resolution No. 6, One Hundred Fourth Congress, Jan. 4, 1995. | §2121. House of Representatives Fine Arts Board | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 04100afc6b98a1a41e0f4dbd84adef9b12f2a788b6b10d890e8817c2988d97d8 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2122 | The Board is authorized to accept, on behalf of the House of Representatives, gifts of works of
fine art, historical objects, and similar property, including transfers from the United States Capitol
Preservation Commission under section 2082 of this title, for display or other use in the House of
Representatives wing of the Capitol, the House of Representatives Office Buildings, or any other
location under the control of the House of Representatives.
(Pub. L. 100–696, title X, §1002, Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4612.)
[Release Point 118-70]
Section was classified to section 188c–1 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
6, 2021
Pub. L. 117–103, div. I, title II, §214, Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 527, provided that:
.—It is the sense of Congress that the United States owes its deepest gratitude
to those officers of the United States Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of
Columbia, as well as officers from other Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies and protective
entities, who valiantly protected the United States Capitol, Members of Congress, and staff on January 6,
.—Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act [Mar. 15, 2022], the
Architect of the Capitol shall obtain an honorific plaque listing the names of all of the officers of the United
States Capitol Police, the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia, and other Federal,
State, and local law enforcement agencies and protective entities who responded to the violence that occurred
at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, and shall place the plaque at a permanent location on the
western front of the United States Capitol.
.—The Chairs and Ranking Members of the Committee on
House Administration of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Rules and Administration of the
Senate, and the Subcommittees on the Legislative Branch of the Committees on Appropriations of the
House of Representatives and Senate shall jointly compile and confirm a list of the officers of the United
States Capitol Police, the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia, and other Federal,
State, and local law enforcement agencies and protective entities whose names should be included on the
plaque under this section.
.—In compiling the list under paragraph (1),
the Chairs and Ranking Members of the Committees and Subcommittees described in such paragraph shall
include the names of the specific individuals described in paragraph (2) of section 215(c) of H. R. 4346,
One Hundred Seventeenth Congress, as passed by the House of Representatives on July 28, 2021." | §2122. Acceptance of gifts on behalf of the House of Representatives | 2021-07-28T00:00:00 | dd5c0786497f6b4df1d4b54779ddc44ad7eaf05206cfc77466c9dcfc7807263a |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2131 | Suitable structures and railings shall be erected in the old hall of Representatives for the reception
and protection of statuary, and the same shall be under the supervision and direction of the Architect
of the Capitol. And the President is authorized to invite all the States to provide and furnish statues,
in marble or bronze, not exceeding two in number for each State, of deceased persons who have been
citizens thereof, and illustrious for their historic renown or for distinguished civic or military
services, such as each State may deem to be worthy of this national commemoration; and when so
furnished, the same shall be placed in the old hall of the House of Representatives, in the Capitol of
the United States, which is set apart, or so much thereof as may be necessary, as a national statuary
hall for the purpose herein indicated.
(R.S. §1814; Aug. 15, 1876, ch. 287, 19 Stat. 147.)
Section was classified to section 187 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
[Release Point 118-70]
R.S. §1814 derived from act July 2, 1864, ch. 210, §2, 13 Stat. 347.
Section 2 of act July 2, 1864, gave the supervision and direction of the National Statuary Hall to the
Commissioner of Public Buildings.
Change of name of Architect of the Capitol, functions abolished, transferred, etc., by prior acts, see Prior
Provisions and Change of Name notes set out under former section 1801 of this title. | §2131. National Statuary Hall | 1864-07-02T00:00:00 | 3449ed6f22673cb6f6165ffedda1a2a74cc6d7036c1a4296e71201634ca70173 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2132 | (a) Request by State
(1) Any State may request the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress to approve the
replacement of a statue the State has provided for display in Statuary Hall in the Capitol of the
United States under section 2131 of this title.
[Release Point 118-70]
(2) A request shall be considered under paragraph (1) only if—
(A) the request has been approved by a resolution adopted by the legislature of the State and the
request has been approved by the Governor of the State, and
(B) the statue to be replaced has been displayed in the Capitol of the United States for at least
10 years as of the time the request is made, except that the Joint Committee may waive this
requirement for cause at the request of a State.
(b) Agreement upon approval
If the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress approves a request under subsection (a), the
Architect of the Capitol shall enter into an agreement with the State to carry out the replacement in
accordance with the request and any conditions the Joint Committee may require for its approval.
Such agreement shall provide that—
(1) the new statue shall be subject to the same conditions and restrictions as apply to any statue
provided by a State under section 2131 of this title, and
(2) the State shall pay any costs related to the replacement, including costs in connection with
the design, construction, transportation, and placement of the new statue, the removal and
transportation of the statue being replaced, and any unveiling ceremony.
(c) Limitation on number of State statues
Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to permit a State to have more than two statues on
display in the Capitol of the United States.
(d) Ownership of replaced statue; removal
(1) Subject to the approval of the Joint Committee on the Library, ownership of any statue
replaced under this section shall be transferred to the State.
(2) If any statue is removed from the Capitol of the United States as part of a transfer of ownership
under paragraph (1), then it may not be returned to the Capitol for display unless such display is
specifically authorized by Federal law.
(e) Relocation of statues
The Architect of the Capitol, upon the approval of the Joint Committee on the Library and with
the advice of the Commission of Fine Arts as requested, is authorized and directed to relocate within
the United States Capitol any of the statues received from the States under section 2131 of this title
prior to December 21, 2000, and to provide for the reception, location, and relocation of the statues
received on and after December 21, 2000, from the States under such section.
(Pub. L. 106–554, §1(a)(2) [title III, §311], Dec. 21, 2000, 114 Stat. 2763, 2763A–119.)
Section was classified to section 187a of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
House Concurrent Resolution 47, passed Feb. 24, 1933, 47 Stat. Part 2, 1784, provided: "That the Architect
of the Capitol, upon the approval of the Joint Committee on the Library, with the advice of the Commission of
Fine Arts, is hereby authorized and directed to relocate within the Capitol any of the statues already received
and placed in Statuary Hall, and to provide for the reception and location of the statues received hereafter
from the States." | §2132. Replacement of statue in Statuary Hall | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 1eb757bb92b337be875ff2823298ea47ed82d996284f8aeda41a61ae3dbf9e5f |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2133 | [Release Point 118-70]
The Joint Committee on the Library, whenever, in their judgment, it is expedient, are authorized to
accept any work of the fine arts, on behalf of Congress, which may be offered, and to assign the
same such place in the Capitol as they may deem suitable, and shall have the supervision of all works
of art that may be placed in the Capitol.
(R.S. §1831.)
Section was classified to section 188 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
R.S. §1831 derived from act June 10, 1872, ch. 415, §1, 17 Stat. 362.
The following provisions relate to works of art accepted or removed by the Joint Committee on the Library:
Pub. L. 117–326, Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4452.—Replacement of bust of Roger Brooke Taney with bust of
Thurgood Marshall.
Pub. L. 117–111, Apr. 13, 2022, 136 Stat. 1166.—Statues of Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader
Pub. L. 112–174, Sept. 20, 2012, 126 Stat. 1311.—Statue of Frederick Douglass.
Pub. L. 109–427, Dec. 20, 2006, 120 Stat. 2912.—Bust of Sojourner Truth. | §2133. Acceptance and supervision of works of fine arts | 1872-06-10T00:00:00 | 9d7b7d5b8b1e856c50d9e7482a0edf6198ebf955b9399d03c21b185b23a69c5b |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2134 | No work of art or manufacture other than the property of the United States shall be exhibited in
the National Statuary Hall, the Rotunda, Emancipation Hall of the Capitol Visitor Center, or the
corridors of the Capitol.
(R.S. §1815; Mar. 3, 1875, ch. 130, 18 Stat. 376; Mar. 3, 1879, ch. 182, 20 Stat. 391; Pub. L.
110–437, title I, §101(f)(2), Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4985.)
Section was classified to section 189 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
Section is based on act Mar. 3, 1879, popularly known as the "Sundry Civil Appropriation Act, fiscal year
R.S. §1815 derived from act July 20, 1868, ch. 176, §6, 15 Stat. 110.
2008—Pub. L. 110–437 inserted "Emancipation Hall of the Capitol Visitor Center," after "Rotunda,". | §2134. Art exhibits | 1868-07-20T00:00:00 | adf263e9ae4f4019da83f95614d1afaec5b08a05bdde422548bedec6151f1e7f |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2135 | No room in the Capitol shall be used for private studios or works of art, without permission from
the Joint Committee on the Library, given in writing; and it shall be the duty of the Architect of the
Capitol to carry this provision into effect.
(Mar. 3, 1875, ch. 130, 18 Stat. 376.)
[Release Point 118-70]
Section was classified to section 190 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
SUBCHAPTER VI—BOTANIC GARDEN AND NATIONAL GARDEN | §2135. Private studios and works of art | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 9d3891ec2a69966933b882b7ac71240b494fa31849af25460d6007c4c44f7a2e |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2141 | The supervision of the Capitol police shall extend over the Botanical Garden.
(R.S. §1826.)
Section was classified to section 215 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
R.S. §1826 derived from Res. July 15, 1870, No. 131, 16 Stat. 391. | §2141. Supervision of Botanic Garden | 1870-07-15T00:00:00 | 4efedb03ad76a1c9980220aabe1a14c6319fc4f4212ed80236f7607f71f6cc2a |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2142 | There shall be a superintendent and assistants in the Botanical Garden and greenhouses, who shall
be under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library.
(R.S. §1827.)
Section was classified to section 216 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
R.S. §1827 derived from act Mar. 3, 1873, ch. 226, §1, 17 Stat. 491. | §2142. Superintendent of Botanic Garden and greenhouses | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | bc9cebccb82136fa4a566c318907f9847dad8b27bd1697bac63a7ec4a874dc93 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2143 | operation of Botanic Garden
On and after December 27, 1974, with the approval of the Joint Committee on the Library, the
Architect of the Capitol may utilize personnel paid from appropriations under his control for
performance of administrative and clerical duties in connection with the maintenance and operation
of the United States Botanic Garden, to such extent as he may deem feasible.
(Pub. L. 93–554, title I, ch. III, Dec. 27, 1974, 88 Stat. 1777.)
Section was classified to section 216b of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062. | §2143. Utilization of personnel by Architect of the Capitol for maintenance and | 1974-12-27T00:00:00 | 154505559973636215a7a746575d897dc594e275c659b8bca98ee7a2aaf7259c |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2144 | [Release Point 118-70]
On and after November 5, 1990, all appropriations made on account of the Botanic Garden shall
be disbursed for that purpose in the same manner as other appropriations under the control of the
Architect of the Capitol.
(Pub. L. 101–520, title II, Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 2270.)
Section was classified to section 216d of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062. | §2144. Disbursement of appropriations for Botanic Garden | 1990-11-05T00:00:00 | 185e9d758bb941a1d8f254e5fd417dfba3756484ac489a8a62ee18873916456e |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2145 | On and after July 31, 1958, no part of any appropriation for the Botanic Garden shall be used for
the distribution, by congressional allotment, of trees, plants, shrubs, or other nursery stock.
(Pub. L. 85–570, July 31, 1958, 72 Stat. 450.)
Section was classified to section 216a of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062. | §2145. Restriction on use of appropriation for Botanic Garden | 1958-07-31T00:00:00 | d6f63520ebc399027724c839ecfa300fe1f13a432369352226b112fa34dac1f2 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2146 | (a) Establishment; gifts
The Architect of the Capitol, subject to the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library, is
authorized to—
(1) construct a National Garden demonstrating the diversity of plants, including the rose, our
national flower, to be located between Maryland and Independence Avenues, S.W., and extending
from the Botanic Garden Conservatory to Third Streets, S.W., in the District of Columbia; and
(2) solicit, receive, accept, and hold gifts, including money, plant material, and other property,
on behalf of the Botanic Garden, and to dispose of, utilize, obligate, expend, disburse, and
administer such gifts for the benefit of the Botanic Garden, including among other things, the
carrying out of any programs, duties, or functions of the Botanic Garden, and for constructing,
equipping, and maintaining the National Garden referred to in paragraph (1).
(b) Gifts and bequests of money; investment; appropriations
(1) Gifts or bequests of money under subsection (a)(2) shall, when received by the Architect, be
deposited with the Treasurer of the United States, who shall credit these deposits as offsetting
collections to an account entitled "Botanic Garden, Gifts and Donations". The gifts or bequests
described under subsection (a)(2) shall be accepted only in the total amount provided in
appropriations Acts.
(2) The Secretary of the Treasury shall invest any portion of the account designated in paragraph
(1) that, as determined by the Architect, is not required to meet current expenses. Each investment
shall be made in an interest-bearing obligation of the United States or an obligation guaranteed both
as to principal and interest by the United States that, as determined by the Architect, has a maturity
date suitable for the purposes of the account. The Secretary of the Treasury shall credit interest
earned on the obligations to the account.
(3) Receipts, obligations, and expenditures of funds under this section shall be included in annual
estimates submitted by the Architect for the operation and maintenance of the Botanic Garden and
such funds shall be expended by the Architect, without regard to section 6101 of title 41, for the
[Release Point 118-70]
purposes of this section after approval in appropriation Acts. All such sums shall remain available
until expended, without fiscal year limitation.
(c) Donations of personal services
(1) In carrying out this section and his duties, the Architect of the Capitol may accept personal
services, including educationally related work assignments for students in nonpay status, if the
service is to be rendered without compensation.
(2) No person shall be permitted to donate his or her personal services under this section unless
such person has first agreed, in writing, to waive any and all claims against the United States arising
out of or in connection with such services, other than a claim under the provisions of chapter 81 of
title 5.
(3) No person donating personal services under this section shall be considered an employee of the
United States for any purpose other than for purposes of chapter 81 of title 5.
(4) In no case shall the acceptance of personal services under this section result in the reduction of
pay or displacement of any employee of the Botanic Garden.
(d) Tax deductions
Any gift accepted by the Architect of the Capitol under this section shall be considered a gift to
the United States for purposes of income, estate, and gift tax laws of the United States.
(Pub. L. 100–458, title III, §307E, Oct. 1, 1988, 102 Stat. 2183; Pub. L. 102–229, title II, §209(a),
Dec. 12, 1991, 105 Stat. 1716; Pub. L. 104–53, title II, §201(b), Nov. 19, 1995, 109 Stat. 529; Pub.
L. 105–275, title II, §201, Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2445.)
In subsec. (b)(3), "section 6101 of title 41" substituted for "section 3709 of the Revised Statutes" on
authority of Pub. L. 111–350, §6(c), Jan. 4, 2011, 124 Stat. 3854, which Act enacted Title 41, Public
Section was classified to section 216c of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
1998—Subsec. (b)(2), (3). Pub. L. 105–275 added par. (2) and redesignated former par. (2) as (3).
1995—Subsec. (a)(1). Pub. L. 104–53 substituted "plants" for "plans".
1991—Pub. L. 102–229 amended section generally. Prior to amendment, section read as follows: "The
Architect of the Capitol, subject to the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library, is authorized to—
"(1) construct a National Garden demonstrating the diversity of plants, including the rose, our national
flower, to be located between Maryland and Independence Avenues, S.W., and extending from the United
States Botanic Garden Conservatory to Third Street, S.W., in the District of Columbia; and
"(2) accept gifts, including money, plants, volunteer time, planning, construction and installation
expenses, assistance and implements, and garden structures, on behalf of the United States Botanic Garden
for the purpose of constructing the National Garden described in paragraph (1)."
Pub. L. 102–392, title II, §201, Oct. 6, 1992, 106 Stat. 1716, as amended by Pub. L. 104–53, title II, | §2146. National Garden | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | e7c57a2f8c4267b21993fe2b62699d7cd811779b2a826ad56d0fcbaa4f15fe31 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2147 | On and after July 8, 1935, plant material exchanges may be made with botanic gardens,
institutions, municipal parks, and gardens.
(July 8, 1935, ch. 374, 49 Stat. 471.)
Section was classified to section 217a of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
Section is based on par. under heading "BOTANIC GARDEN" in act of July 8, 1935, known as the
"Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1936". | §2147. Plant material exchanges | 1935-07-08T00:00:00 | 63ddc409ca37c868d1ba8c11c6b52af1c55488c0ebb6f7323998b1dc0ee761e8 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2148 | (a) Cooperative agreements
The Architect of the Capitol, subject to the direction of the Joint Committee of Congress on the
Library, may enter into cooperative agreements with entities under such terms as the Architect
determines advisable, in order to support the United States Botanic Garden in carrying out its duties,
authorities, and mission.
(b) No-cost agreements
(1) The Architect of the Capitol may, subject to the direction of the Joint Committee of Congress
on the Library, enter into a no-cost agreement, through a contract, cooperative agreement, or
memorandum of understanding, with a qualified entity to conduct, or provide support for, an
educational exhibit, program, class, or outreach that benefits the educational mission of the United
States Botanic Garden.
(2) Any agreement under paragraph (1) may—
(A) allow the qualified entity to accept fees for any program or class described in paragraph (1)
in order to cover all or a portion of the entity's costs of any supplies, honoraria, or associated
expenses for the program or class; and
(B) subject to such terms as the Architect considers appropriate and necessary, grant temporary
concessions to the qualified entity, or allow the qualified entity to grant temporary concessions to
another person, in connection with an educational exhibit, program, class, or outreach described in
paragraph (1), including concessions for food and merchandise sales that are specifically related to
the educational mission involved.
(3) Section 5104(c) of title 40 shall not apply to any activity carried out under this subsection.
(4) In this subsection, the term "qualified entity" means—
(A) the National Fund for the United States Botanic Garden; and
(B) any other organization described in section 501(c) of title 26 and exempt from tax under
section 501(a) of such title that the Architect of the Capitol determines shares interests
[Release Point 118-70]
complementary to the educational mission of the United States Botanic Garden.
(c) Construction or improvement of real property
Any authority under subsection (a) or (b) shall not apply to any agreement providing for the
construction or improvement of real property.
(d) Applicability
This section shall apply with respect to fiscal year 2015 and each succeeding fiscal year.
(Pub. L. 113–235, div. H, title I, §1102, Dec. 16, 2014, 128 Stat. 2532.)
SUBCHAPTER VII—OTHER ENTITIES AND SERVICES | §2148. Administration of educational outreach and services | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 9d0c7eb0222e607fc1b13c64245eed10ed05d4bb7fb38dcbc74bef48685f2566 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2162 | (a) Designation
The heating, lighting, and power plant constructed under the terms of the Act approved April 28,
1904 (33 Stat. 479, chapter 1762) shall be known as the "Capitol Power Plant".
(b) Definition
In this section, the term "carbon dioxide energy efficiency" means the quantity of electricity used
to power equipment for carbon dioxide capture and storage or use.
(c) Feasibility study
The Architect of the Capitol shall conduct a feasibility study evaluating the available methods to
capture, store, and use carbon dioxide emitted from the Capitol Power Plant as a result of burning
fossil fuels. In carrying out the feasibility study, the Architect of the Capitol is encouraged to consult
with individuals with expertise in carbon capture and storage or use, including experts with the
Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, academic institutions, non-profit
organizations, and industry, as appropriate. The study shall consider—
(1) the availability of technologies to capture and store or use Capitol Power Plant carbon
dioxide emissions;
(2) strategies to conserve energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions at the Capitol Power
Plant; and
(3) other factors as determined by the Architect of the Capitol.
(d) Demonstration projects
(1) In general
If the feasibility study determines that a demonstration project to capture and store or use
Capitol Power Plant carbon dioxide emissions is technologically feasible and economically
justified (including direct and indirect economic and environmental benefits), the Architect of the
Capitol may conduct 1 or more demonstration projects to capture and store or use carbon dioxide
emitted from the Capitol Power Plant as a result of burning fossil fuels.
(2) Factors for consideration
[Release Point 118-70]
In carrying out such demonstration projects, the Architect of the Capitol shall consider—
(A) the amount of Capitol Power Plant carbon dioxide emissions to be captured and stored or
(B) whether the proposed project is able to reduce air pollutants other than carbon dioxide;
(C) the carbon dioxide energy efficiency of the proposed project;
(D) whether the proposed project is able to use carbon dioxide emissions;
(E) whether the proposed project could be expanded to significantly increase the amount of
Capitol Power Plant carbon dioxide emissions to be captured and stored or used;
(F) the potential environmental, energy, and educational benefits of demonstrating the
capture and storage or use of carbon dioxide at the U.S. Capitol; and
(G) other factors as determined by the Architect of the Capitol.
(3) Terms and conditions
A demonstration project funded under this section shall be subject to such terms and conditions
as the Architect of the Capitol may prescribe.
(e) Authorization of appropriations
There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out the feasibility study and demonstration project
$3,000,000. Such sums shall remain available until expended.
(Mar. 4, 1911, ch. 285, 36 Stat. 1414; Mar. 3, 1921, ch. 124, 41 Stat. 1291; Pub. L. 110–140, title V, | §2162. Capitol Power Plant | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 83cc46223dc095871baba55b4167d123a347eb6f27a77c37d612432825b8a99a |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2163 | Funds appropriated for any available account of the Architect of the Capitol after October 1, 1976,
shall be available for the purchase or rental, maintenance and operation of passenger motor vehicles
to provide shuttle service for Members and employees of Congress to and from the buildings in the
Legislative group.
(Pub. L. 94–440, title VI, Oct. 1, 1976, 90 Stat. 1453; Pub. L. 115–31, div. I, title I, §1206(a), May 5,
2017, 131 Stat. 582.)
Section was classified to section 223 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
2017—Pub. L. 115–31 substituted "appropriated for any available account of the Architect of the Capitol"
for "appropriated under this heading", which had been editorially changed to read "appropriated for the
Capitol Grounds" to reflect the heading appearing in the Act.
Pub. L. 115–31, div. I, title I, §1206(b), May 5, 2017, 131 Stat. 582, provided that: "The amendment made
by subsection (a) [amending this section] shall apply with respect to fiscal year 2017 and each succeeding
fiscal year." | §2163. Capitol Grounds shuttle service | 2017-05-05T00:00:00 | 0f296a033f70a921e097063891ddc48408f751f8ddf028c998dba1c9abb90c1e |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2164 | The passenger motor vehicles authorized by section 2163 of this title to provide a shuttle service
for Members and employees of Congress may be used for the transportation of House Pages to and
[Release Point 118-70]
from special events associated with their education when approved by the House of Representatives
Page Board:
, That the use of the said passenger motor vehicles for transportation of
Provided further
House Pages shall not interfere with the shuttle service for Members and employees of the Congress.
(Pub. L. 99–151, title I, Nov. 13, 1985, 99 Stat. 801.)
Section was classified to section 224 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062. | §2164. Transportation of House Pages by Capitol Grounds shuttle service | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 8563494eaf4c8cf4f3e02cea386b96ceb1bdaf19880c967ce3aac321e78dbcb6 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2167 | (a) Designation
The parcel of approximately 5 acres of land located on the Capitol Grounds and described in
subsection (b) shall be known and designated as the "Congressional Award Youth Park".
(b) Area included
(1) In general
The parcel of land described in subsection (a) is—
(A) bounded on the north by Constitution Avenue, N.W.;
[Release Point 118-70]
(B) bounded on the east by First Street, N.W.;
(C) bounded on the south by Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.; and
(D) bounded on the west by Third Street N.W.
(2) Extension
The park shall extend to the curbs of the streets described in paragraph (1).
(c) Design
(1) Competition
The Architect of the Capitol shall sponsor a competition for the design of the park, based on
specifications developed by the Architect.
(2) Specifications
(A) In general
Not later than June 30, 2002, the Architect, in consultation with the majority leader and the
minority leader of the Senate, and the Speaker and the minority leader of the House of
Representatives, shall develop the specifications for the park.
(B) Requirements
(i) In general
The specifications shall require an outdoor design that is accessible to the public.
(ii) Inclusions
To the maximum extent practicable, the specifications shall include requirements for—
(I) a fountain;
(II) extensive use of trees and flowering plants from each of the 50 States;
(III) large-scale replicas of the medals awarded under the Congressional Award
Program; and
(IV) the inscription of the names of all Congressional Award recipients.
(3) Selection
(A) In general
As soon as practicable after the competition is completed, the Architect shall forward at least
3 designs, with recommendations, to the United States Capitol Preservation Commission.
(B) Final selection
The United States Capitol Preservation Commission shall select and approve the final design
from among the 3 designs submitted under subparagraph (A).
(d) Funding
Funds otherwise made available to the Architect of the Capitol under this Act shall be available to
carry out this section.
(Pub. L. 107–68, title I, §134, Nov. 12, 2001, 115 Stat. 582.)
This Act, referred to in subsec. (d), is Pub. L. 107–68, Nov. 12, 2001, 115 Stat. 560, known as the
Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2002. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Tables.
Section was classified to section 217c of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
[Release Point 118-70] | §2167. Congressional Award Youth Park | 2002-06-30T00:00:00 | 9109b112cbc36eda61723838895bc44d1072ae067d141ef651872dea2c519bdb |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2168 | States Capitol telephone exchange for the House
(a) In general
The Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives and the Sergeant at Arms and
Doorkeeper of the Senate may enter into a memorandum of understanding under which the Sergeant
at Arms and Doorkeeper shall provide all services of the United States Capitol telephone exchange
for the House of Representatives, in accordance with such terms and conditions as may be provided
in the memorandum of understanding.
(b) Transfer of positions and personnel
For any period during which a memorandum of understanding is in effect pursuant to this
(1) all positions in the United States Capitol telephone exchange for which the employing
authority is the Chief Administrative Officer shall be transferred to the Sergeant at Arms and
(2) all employees in the United States Capitol telephone exchange for whom the employing
authority is the Chief Administrative Officer shall be transferred to, and appointed by, the
Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper; and
(3) the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper shall serve as the employing authority for all
personnel of the United States Capitol telephone exchange.
(c) Pay and leave accrual
In carrying out a memorandum of understanding pursuant to this section, the Sergeant at Arms and
Doorkeeper shall ensure that, with respect to any employee of the United States Capitol telephone
exchange whose employing authority prior to the effective date of the memorandum was the Chief
Administrative Officer—
(1) the rate of pay and leave accrual for the employee shall not be less than the employee's rate
of pay and leave accrual for the most recent pay period prior to such date, unless—
(A) the employee does not remain in the same position with the exchange; or
(B) the rate of pay or leave accrual is reduced for cause; and
(2) any leave accrued by the employee that remains unused as of such date shall be transferred
to the employee and made available for the employee to use under the same terms and conditions
that applied to the use of the leave prior to such date.
(d) Omitted
(e) Reimbursement of expenses by House
(1) A memorandum of understanding under this section may include a provision requiring the
reimbursement by the House of Representatives during a fiscal year (paid out of the applicable
accounts of the House) of the expenses incurred by the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper during the
fiscal year in carrying out the memorandum with respect to the employees of the United States
Capitol telephone exchange whose employing authority prior to the effective date of the
memorandum was the Chief Administrative Officer.
(2) Any reimbursement made pursuant to this subsection—
(A) in the case of a reimbursement for salaries or agency contributions and related expenses,
shall be deposited in the account under the heading "OFFICE OF THE SERGEANT AT ARMS
" or "
", under
the heading "
"; and
(B) in the case of a reimbursement for expenses, shall be deposited in the account under the
heading "
" under the heading "
(3) Any funds deposited under paragraph (2) shall be available in like manner and for the same
[Release Point 118-70]
purposes as are other funds in the account to which the funds were deposited.
(f) Effective date
This section and the amendment made by this section shall apply with respect to fiscal year 2005
and each succeeding fiscal year.
(Pub. L. 108–447, div. G, title II, §215, Dec. 8, 2004, 118 Stat. 3197.)
Section is comprised of section 215 of div. G of Pub. L. 108–447. Subsec. (d) of section 215 of div. G of
Pub. L. 108–447 amended section 293 of this title.
Section is from the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2005, which is div. G of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2005. | §2168. Memorandum of understanding for provision of services of the United | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | b23ac13011ba5f04959df5018d44adaaeac82b6fd4b21dacb62aa85aed5cb44e |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2169 | (a) Construction
The Architect of the Capitol may construct a fuel tank and pumping system for E–85 fuel at or
within close proximity to the Capitol Grounds Fuel Station.
(b) Use
The E–85 fuel tank and pumping system shall be available for use by all legislative branch
vehicles capable of operating with E–85 fuel, subject to such other legislative branch agencies
reimbursing the Architect of the Capitol for the costs of E–85 fuel used by such other legislative
branch vehicles.
(c) Authorization of appropriations
There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $640,000 for fiscal year 2008.
(Pub. L. 110–140, title V, §502, Dec. 19, 2007, 121 Stat. 1655.)
Section effective on the date that is 1 day after Dec. 19, 2007, see section 1601 of Pub. L. 110–140, set out
as a note under section 1824 of this title. | §2169. Capitol complex E–85 refueling station | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 7668dabacdb07e108072e679e3842c32cf0ac5a1c2c3329a4f5aec8df7d80224 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2170 | under the jurisdiction of the Senate at no net cost to the Federal
(a) Definition
In this section, the term "covered employee" means—
(1) an employee whose pay is disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate; or
(2) any other individual who is authorized to park in any parking area under the jurisdiction of
the Senate on Capitol Grounds.
(b) Authority
(1) In general
Subject to paragraph (3), funds appropriated to the Architect of the Capitol under the heading
"Capitol Power Plant" under the heading "ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL" in any fiscal year
are available to construct, operate, and maintain on a reimbursable basis battery recharging
[Release Point 118-70]
stations in parking areas under the jurisdiction of the Senate on Capitol Grounds for use by
privately owned vehicles used by Senators or covered employees.
(2) Vendors authorized
In carrying out paragraph (1), the Architect of the Capitol may use 1 or more vendors on a
commission basis.
(3) Approval of construction
The Architect of the Capitol may construct or direct the construction of battery recharging
stations described under paragraph (1) after—
(A) submission of written notice detailing the numbers and locations of the battery recharging
stations to the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate; and
(B) approval by that Committee.
(c) Fees and charges
(1) In general
Subject to paragraph (2), the Architect of the Capitol shall charge fees or charges for electricity
provided to Senators and covered employees sufficient to cover the costs to the Architect of the
Capitol to carry out this section, including costs to any vendors or other costs associated with
maintaining the battery recharging stations.
(2) Approval of fees or charges
The Architect of the Capitol may establish and adjust fees or charges under paragraph (1)
(A) submission of written notice detailing the amount of the fee or charge to be established or
adjusted to the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate; and
(B) approval by that Committee.
(d) Deposit and availability of fees, charges, and commissions
Any fees, charges, or commissions collected by the Architect of the Capitol under this section
shall be—
(1) deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the appropriations account described under
subsection (b); and
(2) available for obligation without further appropriation during—
(A) the fiscal year collected; and
(B) the fiscal year following the fiscal year collected.
(e) Reports
(1) In general
Not later than 30 days after the end of each fiscal year, the Architect of the Capitol shall submit
a report on the financial administration and cost recovery of activities under this section with
respect to that fiscal year to the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate.
(2) Avoiding subsidy
(A) Determination
Not later than 3 years after August 10, 2012, and every 3 years thereafter, the Architect of the
Capitol shall submit a report to the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate
determining whether Senators and covered employees using battery charging stations as
authorized by this section are receiving a subsidy from the taxpayers.
(B) Modification of rates and fees
If a determination is made under subparagraph (A) that a subsidy is being received, the
Architect of the Capitol shall submit a plan to the Committee on Rules and Administration of
the Senate on how to update the program to ensure no subsidy is being received. If the
committee does not act on the plan within 60 days, the Architect of the Capitol shall take
[Release Point 118-70]
appropriate steps to increase rates or fees to ensure reimbursement for the cost of the program
consistent with an appropriate schedule for amortization, to be charged to those using the
charging stations.
(f) Effective date
This section shall apply with respect to fiscal year 2011 and each fiscal year thereafter. | §2170. Battery recharging stations for privately owned vehicles in parking areas | 2012-08-10T00:00:00 | 8b3a1a5c897f0998242cc4c00ed5ea0b6ebda2a4ce3ac6edca51f76525f5b47c |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2171 | under the jurisdiction of the House of Representatives at no net cost to the
Federal Government
(a) Definition
In this section, the term "covered employee" means—
(1) an employee whose pay is disbursed by the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of
Representatives; or
(2) any other individual who is authorized to park in any parking area under the jurisdiction of
the House of Representatives on Capitol Grounds.
(b) Authority
(1) In general
Subject to paragraph (3), funds appropriated to the Architect of the Capitol under the heading
"Capitol Power Plant" under the heading "ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL" in any fiscal year
are available to construct, operate, and maintain on a reimbursable basis battery recharging
stations in parking areas under the jurisdiction of the House of Representatives on Capitol
Grounds for use by privately owned vehicles used by Members of the House of Representatives
(including the Delegates or Resident Commissioner to the Congress) or covered employees.
(2) Vendors authorized
In carrying out paragraph (1), the Architect of the Capitol may use 1 or more vendors on a
commission basis.
(3) Approval of construction
The Architect of the Capitol may construct or direct the construction of battery recharging
stations described under paragraph (1) after—
(A) submission of written notice detailing the numbers and locations of the battery recharging
stations to the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives; and
(B) approval by that Committee.
(c) Fees and charges
(1) In general
Subject to paragraph (2), the Architect of the Capitol shall charge fees or charges for electricity
provided to Members and covered employees sufficient to cover the costs to the Architect of the
Capitol to carry out this section, including costs to any vendors or other costs associated with
maintaining the battery recharging stations.
(2) Approval of fees or charges
The Architect of the Capitol may establish and adjust fees or charges under paragraph (1)
(A) submission of written notice detailing the amount of the fee or charge to be established or
adjusted to the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives; and
(B) approval by that Committee.
(d) Deposit and availability of fees, charges, and commissions
[Release Point 118-70]
Any fees, charges, or commissions collected by the Architect of the Capitol under this section
shall be—
(1) deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the appropriations account described under
subsection (b); and
(2) available for obligation without further appropriation during—
(A) the fiscal year collected; and
(B) the fiscal year following the fiscal year collected.
(e) Reports
(1) In general
Not later than 30 days after the end of each fiscal year, the Architect of the Capitol shall submit
a report on the financial administration and cost recovery of activities under this section with
respect to that fiscal year to the Committee on House Administration of the House of
(2) Avoiding subsidy
(A) Determination
Not later than 3 years after August 16, 2012, and every 3 years thereafter, the Architect of the
Capitol shall submit a report to the Committee on House Administration of the House of
Representatives determining whether Members (including any Delegate or Resident
Commissioner to Congress) and covered employees using battery charging stations as
authorized by this section are receiving a subsidy from the taxpayers.
(B) Modification of rates and fees
If a determination is made under subparagraph (A) that a subsidy is being received, the
Architect of the Capitol shall submit a plan to the Committee on House Administration of the
House of Representatives on how to update the program to ensure no subsidy is being received.
If the committee does not act on the plan within 60 days, the Architect of the Capitol shall take
appropriate steps to increase rates or fees to ensure reimbursement for the cost of the program
consistent with an appropriate schedule for amortization, to be charged to those using the
charging stations.
(f) Effective date
This section shall apply with respect to fiscal year 2011 and each fiscal year thereafter. | §2171. Battery recharging stations for privately owned vehicles in parking areas | 2012-08-16T00:00:00 | b3828db28789c864a5ba5f5fee526db5d21857210eed0687ff3c5e74185cbc81 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2172 | (a) Establishment of Office of Congressional Accessibility Services
(1) Establishment
There is established in the legislative branch the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services,
to be headed by the Director of Accessibility Services.
(2) Congressional Accessibility Services Board
(A) Establishment
There is established the Congressional Accessibility Services Board, which shall be
composed of—
(i) the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate;
(ii) the Secretary of the Senate;
(iii) the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives;
(iv) the Clerk of the House of Representatives; and
(v) the Architect of the Capitol.
(B) Direction of Board
The Office of Congressional Accessibility Services shall be subject to the direction of the
Congressional Accessibility Services Board.
(3) Mission and functions
(A) In general
The Office of Congressional Accessibility Services shall—
(i) provide and coordinate accessibility services for individuals with disabilities, including
Members of Congress, officers and employees of the House of Representatives and the
Senate, and visitors, in the United States Capitol Complex; and
(ii) provide information regarding accessibility for individuals with disabilities, as well as
related training and staff development, to Members of Congress and employees of the Senate
and the House of Representatives.
(B) United States Capitol Complex defined
In this paragraph, the term "United States Capitol Complex" means the Capitol buildings (as
defined in section 5101 of title 40) and the United States Capitol Grounds (as described in
section 5102 of such title).
(b) Director of Accessibility Services
(1) Appointment, pay, and removal
(A) Appointment and pay
The Director of Accessibility Services shall be appointed by the Congressional Accessibility
Services Board and shall be paid at a rate of pay determined by the Congressional Accessibility
Services Board.
(B) Removal
Upon removal of the Director of Accessibility Services, the Congressional Accessibility
Services Board shall immediately provide notice of the removal to the Committee on Rules and
[Release Point 118-70]
Administration of the Senate, the Committee on House Administration of the House of
Representatives, and the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and
Senate. The notice shall include the reasons for the removal.
(2) Personnel and other administrative functions
(A) Personnel, disbursements, and contracts
In carrying out the functions of the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services under
subsection (a), the Director of Accessibility Services shall have the authority to—
(i) appoint, hire, and fix the compensation of such personnel as may be necessary for
operations of the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services, except that no employee
may be paid at an annual rate in excess of the annual rate of pay for the Director of
Accessibility Services;
(ii) take appropriate disciplinary action, including, when circumstances warrant,
suspension from duty without pay, reduction in pay, demotion, or termination of employment
with the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services, against any employee;
(iii) disburse funds as may be necessary and available for the needs of the Office of
Congressional Accessibility Services; and
(iv) serve as contracting officer for the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services.
(B) Agreements with the Office of the Architect of the Capitol, with other legislative
branch agencies, and with offices of the Senate and House of Representatives
Subject to the approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate and the
Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives, the Director of
Accessibility Services may place orders and enter into agreements with the Office of the
Architect of the Capitol, with other legislative branch agencies, and with any office or other
entity of the Senate or House of Representatives for procuring goods and providing financial
and administrative services on behalf of the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services, or
to otherwise assist the Director in the administration and management of the Office of
Congressional Accessibility Services.
(3) Semiannual reports
The Director of Accessibility Services shall submit a report to the Committee on Rules and
Administration of the Senate and the Committee on House Administration of the House of
Representatives not later than 45 days following the close of each semiannual period ending on
March 31 or September 30 of each year on the financial and operational status during the period of
each function under the jurisdiction of the Director. Each such report shall include financial
statements and a description or explanation of current operations, the implementation of new
policies and procedures, and future plans for each function.
(Pub. L. 101–163, title III, §310, Nov. 21, 1989, 103 Stat. 1065; Pub. L. 104–53, title I, §112, Nov.
19, 1995, 109 Stat. 525; Pub. L. 110–437, title IV, §411(a), Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4993.)
Section was formerly classified to section 130e of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
Section is from the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1990.
2008—Pub. L. 110–437 amended section generally, substituting provisions relating to Office of
Congressional Accessibility Services for provisions relating to Special Services Office.
1995—Pub. L. 104–53 substituted "Sergeant at Arms" for "Clerk" after "comprised of the" and "Architect
of the Capitol" for "Librarian of Congress".
[Release Point 118-70]
For transfer of contracts, liabilities, records, property, appropriations, other assets and interests, and
employees of the Congressional Special Services Office of Capitol Guide Service to the Office of
Congressional Accessibility Services, see section 2252 of this title.
SUBCHAPTER VIII—MISCELLANEOUS | §2172. Office of Congressional Accessibility Services | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | ca18ca21769027f71a950549730bbe5421ee1c227b87ec6890374acd1f4a13dc |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2181 | committees, etc.
The President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall
cause a survey to be made of available space within the Capitol which could be utilized for joint
committee meetings, meetings of conference committees, and other meetings, requiring the
attendance of both Senators and Members of the House of Representatives; and shall recommend the
reassignment of such space to accommodate such meetings.
(Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, title II, §242, 60 Stat. 839.)
Section was classified to section 174d–1 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
Section effective Aug. 2, 1946, see section 245 of act Aug. 2, 1946, set out as a note under section 4301 of
this title. | §2181. Assignment of space for meetings of joint committees, conference | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | c230f0db7ea131a49bb545a99259358f69b7be33094e08292566769d146544fd |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2182 | The rooms and space recently occupied by the Library of Congress in the Capitol building shall be
divided into three stories, the third story of which shall be fitted up and used for a reference library
for the Senate and House of Representatives, and that portion of the other two stories north of a line
drawn east and west through the center of the Rotunda shall be used for such purpose as may be
designated by the Senate of the United States, and that portion of the first and second stories south of
said line shall be used for such purpose as may be designated by the House of Representatives.
(June 6, 1900, No. 33, 31 Stat. 719.)
Section was classified to section 190b of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062. | §2182. Use of space formerly occupied by Library of Congress | 1900-06-06T00:00:00 | adca75539b520c52a4bc8392c77ac9db4937daaea32fd3bfb7cc6d6731e8ad9b |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2183 | The Sergeants at Arms of the Senate and of the House of Representatives are authorized to make
[Release Point 118-70]
such regulations as they may deem necessary for preserving the peace and securing the Capitol from
defacement, and for the protection of the public property therein, and they shall have power to arrest
and detain any person violating such regulations, until such person can be brought before the proper
authorities for trial.
(R.S. §1820.)
Section was classified to section 193 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
R.S. §1820 derived from acts Mar. 30, 1867, ch. 20, §2, 15 Stat. 12; Apr. 29, 1876, ch. 86, 19 Stat. 41. | §2183. Protection of buildings and property | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | c5d1a82fa0635607c21918bc8e99de0f2a28dcf47a63dd3d29e75b83576c1f68 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2184 | No furniture or carpets for either House shall be purchased without the written order of the
chairman of the Committee on Rules and Administration, for the Senate, or without the written order
of the chairman of the Committee on House Oversight of the House of Representatives, for the
House of Representatives.
(R.S. §1816; Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, title I, §102, title II, §224, 60 Stat. 814, 838; Pub. L. 104–186,
title II, §221(2), Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1748.)
Section was classified to section 170 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
R.S. §1816 derived from Res. Apr. 16, 1862, No. 28, 12 Stat. 617; acts Mar. 30, 1867, ch. 24, §2, 15 Stat.
13; July 20, 1868, ch. 177, §1, 15 Stat. 115; Mar. 3, 1869, ch. 121, §1, 15 Stat. 283, 284; Mar. 3, 1871, ch.
114, §1, 16 Stat. 500; Aug. 15, 1876, ch. 287, 19 Stat. 147.
Provision of R.S. §1816 relating to repairs of Capitol is classified to section 1814 of this title.
1996—Pub. L. 104–186 substituted "House Oversight of the House of Representatives, for the House of
Representatives" for "Accounts of the House of Representatives, for the House".
1946—Act Aug. 2, 1946, substituted "Committee on Rules and Administration" for "Committee to Audit
and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate".
Committee on House Oversight of House of Representatives changed to Committee on House
Administration of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 6,
Act Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, title I, §142, 60 Stat. 834, provided that section 102 of that act shall take effect
on Jan. 2, 1947, and section 245 of title II of that act, 60 Stat. 839, provided that section 224 thereof shall
"take effect on the day on which the Eightieth Congress convenes". The Eightieth Congress convened on Jan.
3, 1947. | §2184. Purchase of furniture or carpets for House or Senate | 1868-07-20T00:00:00 | 13e98604e25ee691a449c13d0e9ee3d79e8e532ec6619b55e8eaf009b8da5567 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2185 | [Release Point 118-70]
Establishment and accounts.
Food service operations.
Gift Shop.
Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer.
General duties of Chief Executive Officer.
Appointment and supervision of Chief Executive Officer for Visitor Services.
Use of the Emancipation Hall of the Capitol Visitor Center.
Designation and naming within the Capitol Visitor Center.
Designation of facility as Capitol Visitor Center; purposes of facility; treatment of the
Capitol Visitor Center.
All changes and improvements in the Capitol grounds, including approaches to the Capitol, shall
be estimated for in detail, showing what modifications are proposed and the estimate cost of the
(Mar. 3, 1883, ch. 143, 22 Stat. 621.)
Section was classified to section 173 of former Title 40, prior to the enactment of Title 40, Public
Buildings, Property, and Works, by Pub. L. 107–217, §1, Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1062.
Section is based on act Mar. 3, 1883, popularly known as the "Sundry Civil Appropriation Act, fiscal year
Enlargement of the Capitol grounds by the acquisition of certain squares in the city of Washington,
provided by the following Sundry Civil Appropriation Acts for the fiscal years 1911, 1912, 1913, and 1914.
June 23, 1913, ch. 3, 38 Stat. 44.
Aug. 24, 1912, ch. 355, 37 Stat. 454.
Mar. 4, 1911, ch. 285, 36 Stat. 1414.
June 25, 1910, ch. 384, 36 Stat. 738. | §2185. Estimates for improvements in grounds | 1910-06-25T00:00:00 | 6cba752d109bb0058cfe82b0d73117e691d2668620b5e6405ef9ff4f2b5eaf17 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 30, §2186 | For fiscal year 2016 and each fiscal year thereafter, the Architect of the Capitol, in consultation
with the District of Columbia, is authorized to maintain and improve the landscape features,
excluding streets, in Square 580 up to the beginning of I–395.
(Pub. L. 114–113, div. I, title II, §206, Dec. 18, 2015, 129 Stat. 2672.)
Provisions similar to those in this section were contained in the following prior appropriation act:
Pub. L. 113–235, div. H, title II, §206, Dec. 16, 2014, 128 Stat. 2542. | §2186. Square 580 landscape maintenance | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 36bb7a9d41e757bade40f666f3799cbfef1e29c9c017ebef269ef6b74c81db7b |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2201 | treatment of the Capitol Visitor Center
(a) Designation
The facility authorized for construction under the heading "Capitol Visitor Center" under chapter 5
of title II of division B of the Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations
Act, 1999 (Public Law 105–277; 112 Stat. 2681–569) is designated as the Capitol Visitor Center and
is a part of the Capitol.
(b) Purposes of the facility
The Capitol Visitor Center shall be used—
(1) to provide enhanced security for persons working in or visiting the United States Capitol;
(2) to improve the visitor experience by providing a structure that will afford improved visitor
orientation and enhance the educational experience of those who have come to learn about the
Congress and the Capitol; and
(3) for other purposes as determined by Congress or the Committee on Rules and
Administration of the Senate and the Committee on House Administration of the House of
(c) Treatment of the Capitol Visitor Center
(1) Oversight
The Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate and the Committee on House
Administration of the House of Representatives shall have oversight of the Capitol Visitor Center.
(2) Treatment of expansion space of the Senate and House of Representatives in the Capitol
Visitor Center
(A) Senate
[Release Point 118-70]
The expansion space of the Senate described as unassigned space under the heading "Capitol
Visitor Center" under the heading "ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL" under title II of the Act
entitled "An Act making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2002, and for other purposes", approved November 12, 2001 (Public Law
107–68; 115 Stat. 588) shall be part of the Senate wing of the Capitol.
(B) House of Representatives
The expansion space of the House of Representatives described as unassigned space under
the heading "Capitol Visitor Center" under the heading "ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL"
under title II of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for
the fiscal year ending September 30, 2002, and for other purposes", approved November 12,
2001 (Public Law 107–68; 115 Stat. 588) shall be part of the House of Representatives wing of
the Capitol.
(d) Treatment of Congressional Auditorium and related adjacent areas
(1) In general
The Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate and the Committee on House
Administration of the House of Representatives shall jointly prescribe regulations for the
assignment of the space in the Capitol Visitor Center known as the Congressional Auditorium and
the related adjacent areas.
(2) Related adjacent areas
The regulations under paragraph (1) shall include a designation of the areas that are related
adjacent areas to the Congressional Auditorium.
(e) Omitted
(f) Exhibits for displays
(1) In general
(A) Loan agreements
Subject to subparagraph (B), the Architect of the Capitol may enter into loan agreements to
place historical objects for display in the Exhibition Hall of the Capitol Visitor Center.
(B) Consultation and approval
The Architect of the Capitol may exercise the authority under subparagraph (A) with respect
to each loan agreement—
(i) after consultation with—
(I) the Senate Commission on Art; and
(II) the House of Representatives Fine Arts Board; and
(ii) subject to the approval of—
(I) the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate; and
(II) the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives.
(C) Effective date
This paragraph shall take effect on December 3, 2008.
(2) Omitted
(3) Exceptions to exhibition prohibition
Section 2134 of this title shall not apply to any historical object placed within an exhibit in the
Exhibition Hall of the Capitol Visitor Center that—
(A)(i) is directly related to the purpose of the Capitol Visitor Center under subsection (b)(2);
(ii) is the subject of a loan agreement entered into by the Architect of the Capitol before
December 2, 2008; and
(iii) has been approved by the Capitol Preservation Commission; or
[Release Point 118-70]
(B) is the subject of a loan agreement described under paragraph (1)(A).
(4) Substitution of historical object
A loan agreement described under paragraph (3)(A)(ii) may provide for the removal of an
historical object from exhibition for preservation purposes and the substitution of that object with
another historical object having a comparable educational purpose.
(Pub. L. 110–437, title I, §101, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4984.)
Provisions under the heading "Capitol Visitor Center" in chapter 5 of title II of division B of Public Law
105–277, 112 Stat. 2681–569, referred to in subsec. (a), are not classified to the Code.
Provisions under the headings "Capitol Visitor Center" and "ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL" in title II
of Public Law 107–68, 115 Stat. 588, referred to in subsec. (c)(2)(A), are not classified to the Code.
Section is comprised of section 101 of Pub. L. 110–437. Subsec. (e) of section 101 of Pub. L. 110–437
repealed section 2165 of this title. Subsec. (f)(2) of section 101 of Pub. L. 110–437 amended section 2134 of
this title.
Pub. L. 110–437, §1(a), Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4983, provided that: "This Act [enacting this chapter,
amending sections 130e, 1301, 1331, 1341, and 2134 of this title and sections 2107 and 5379 of Title 5,
Government Organization and Employees, repealing sections 1806, 1807, 1825, 2165, and 2166 of this title,
enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 1301 and 1831 of this title, and amending provisions set
out as a note under section 1831 of this title] may be cited as the 'Capitol Visitor Center Act of 2008'." | §2201. Designation of facility as Capitol Visitor Center; purposes of facility; | 2008-12-02T00:00:00 | d39e4044e87644fbb2ff460bcbf83c3735a3e2f63a39b50fb5d4f0a3ca95776c |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2202 | (a) In general
Except as provided under subsection (b), no part of the Capitol Visitor Center may be designated
or named without the approval of—
(1) not less than ¾ of all members on the Capitol Preservation Commission who are members of
the Democratic party; and
(2) not less than ¾ of all members on the Capitol Preservation Commission who are members of
the Republican party.
(b) Exception
Subsection (a) shall not apply to any room or space under the jurisdiction of the Senate or the
House of Representatives. | §2202. Designation and naming within the Capitol Visitor Center | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | c87ba7b90290dde63b8a661c00a2f2d4830c70c3456346e08ff1161932d5a683 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2203 | The Emancipation Hall of the Capitol Visitor Center may not be used for any event, except upon
the passage of a resolution agreed to by both houses of Congress authorizing the use of the
Emancipation Hall for that event.
(Pub. L. 110–437, title I, §103, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4986.)
[Release Point 118-70]
SUBCHAPTER II—OFFICE OF THE CAPITOL VISITOR CENTER | §2203. Use of the Emancipation Hall of the Capitol Visitor Center | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | d098aa48d902f777cd2c67ab31f38d5abbbb22bb7673383eb004f4e62c7a7e75 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2211 | There is established within the Office of the Architect of the Capitol the Office of the Capitol
Visitor Center (in this chapter referred to as the "Office"), to be headed by the Chief Executive
Officer for Visitor Services (in this chapter referred to as the "Chief Executive Officer").
(Pub. L. 110–437, title II, §201, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4986.)
This chapter, referred to in text, was in the original "this Act", meaning Pub. L. 110–437, Oct. 20, 2008,
122 Stat. 4983, known as the Capitol Visitor Center Act of 2008, which is classified principally to this
chapter. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 2201 of
this title and Tables. | §2211. Establishment | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 4f3f8b1cfc6420db0d0d85f2cf5011250693ab46963e4b6b2f50c5156e80203d |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2212 | Services
(a) Appointment
The Chief Executive Officer shall be appointed by the Architect of the Capitol.
(b) Supervision and oversight
The Chief Executive Officer shall report directly to the Architect of the Capitol and shall be
subject to oversight by the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate and the Committee
on House Administration of the House of Representatives.
(c) Removal
Upon removal of the Chief Executive Officer, the Architect of the Capitol shall immediately
provide notice of the removal to the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate, the
Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives, and the Committees on
Appropriations of the House of Representatives and Senate. The notice shall include the reasons for
the removal.
(d) Compensation
The Chief Executive Officer shall be paid at an annual rate of pay equal to the annual rate of pay
of the Deputy Architect of the Capitol.
(e) Transition for current Chief Executive Officer for Visitor Services
(1) Appointment
The individual who serves as the Chief Executive Officer for Visitor Services under section
1806 of this title as of October 20, 2008, shall be the first Chief Executive Officer for Visitor
Services appointed by the Architect under this section.
(2) Omitted
(Pub. L. 110–437, title II, §202, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4986.)
Section 1806 of this title, referred to in subsec. (e)(1), was repealed by Pub. L. 110–437, title II, §202(e)(2),
[Release Point 118-70]
Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4987.
Section is comprised of section 202 of Pub. L. 110–437. Subsec. (e)(2) of section 202 of Pub. L. 110–437
repealed section 1806 of this title. | §2212. Appointment and supervision of Chief Executive Officer for Visitor | 2008-10-20T00:00:00 | c49b8614053933f3a021783ccbe20fbc8df64c48279c5406e3fd71da5c76ec4f |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2213 | (a) Administration of facilities, services, and activities
(1) In general
Except to the extent otherwise provided in this chapter, the Chief Executive Officer shall be
responsible for—
(A) the operation, management, and budget preparation and execution of the Capitol Visitor
Center, including all long term planning and daily operational services and activities provided
within the Capitol Visitor Center; and
(B) in accordance with sections 2241 and 2242 of this title, the management of guided tours
of the interior of the United States Capitol.
(2) Independent budget consideration
(A) In general
The Architect of the Capitol, upon recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer, shall
submit the proposed budget for the Office for a fiscal year in the proposed budget for that year
for the Office of the Architect of the Capitol (as submitted by the Architect of the Capitol to the
President). The proposed budget for the Office shall be considered independently from the other
components of the proposed budget for the Architect of the Capitol.
(B) Exclusion of costs of general maintenance and repair of Visitor Center
In preparing the proposed budget for the Office under subparagraph (A), the Chief Executive
Officer shall exclude costs attributable to the activities and services described under section
2271(b) of this title (relating to continuing jurisdiction of the Architect of the Capitol for the
care and superintendence of the Capitol Visitor Center).
(b) Personnel, disbursements, and contracts
In carrying out this chapter, the Architect of the Capitol shall have the authority to, upon
recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer—
(1) appoint, hire, and fix the compensation of such personnel as may be necessary for operations
of the Office, except that no employee may be paid at an annual rate in excess of the maximum
rate payable for level 15 of the General Schedule;
(2) disburse funds as may be necessary and available for the needs of the Office (consistent with
the requirements of section 2233 of this title in the case of amounts in the Capitol Visitor Center
Revolving Fund); and
(3) designate an employee of the Office to serve as contracting officer for the Office, subject to
subsection (c).
(c) Requiring approval of certain contracts
The Architect of the Capitol may not enter into a contract for the operations of the Capitol Visitor
Center for which the amount involved exceeds $250,000 without the prior approval of the
Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate and the Committee on House Administration
of the House of Representatives.
(d) Semiannual reports
The Chief Executive Officer shall submit a report to the Committee on Rules and Administration
of the Senate and the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives not later
than 45 days following the close of each semiannual period ending on March 31 or September 30 of
[Release Point 118-70]
each year on the financial and operational status during the period of each function under the
jurisdiction of the Chief Executive Officer. Each such report shall include financial statements and a
description or explanation of current operations, the implementation of new policies and procedures,
and future plans for each function.
(Pub. L. 110–437, title II, §203, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4987.)
This chapter, referred to in subsecs. (a)(1) and (b), was in the original "this Act", meaning Pub. L. 110–437,
Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4983, known as the Capitol Visitor Center Act of 2008, which is classified principally
to this chapter. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section
2201 of this title and Tables.
The General Schedule, referred to in subsec. (b)(1), is set out under section 5332 of Title 5, Government
Organization and Employees. | §2213. General duties of Chief Executive Officer | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 646fe622040e1ca7fa9ca0a0e767ba6a27c22c204fda1443f766df3c549703ec |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2214 | (a) In general
The Architect of the Capitol shall—
(1) upon recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer, appoint an assistant who shall
perform the responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer during the absence or disability of the
Chief Executive Officer, or during a vacancy in the position of the Chief Executive Officer; and
(2) notwithstanding section 2213(b)(1) of this title, fix the rate of basic pay for the position of
the assistant appointed under subparagraph (A) at a rate not to exceed the highest total rate of
pay for the Senior Executive Service under subchapter VIII of chapter 53 of title 5 for the locality
(b) Transition for current Assistant Chief Executive Officer
(1) Appointment
The individual who serves as the assistant under section 1807 of this title as of October 20,
2008, shall be the first Assistant Chief Executive Officer for Visitor Services appointed by the
Architect under this section.
(2) Omitted
(Pub. L. 110–437, title II, §204, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4988.)
Section 1807 of this title, referred to in subsec. (b)(1), was repealed by Pub. L. 110–437, title II, §204(b)(2),
Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4988.
Section is comprised of section 204 of Pub. L. 110–437. Subsec. (b)(2) of section 204 of Pub. L. 110–437
repealed section 1807 of this title.
So in original. Probably should be a reference to paragraph (1).
1 | §2214. Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 3de949fc6d73f89e25fd8178d5b8fa873a1694b112574d2349fb033d5f20f97b |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2215 | (a) Establishment
[Release Point 118-70]
The Architect of the Capitol, acting through the Chief Executive Officer, shall establish a Capitol
Visitor Center Gift Shop within the Capitol Visitor Center for the purpose of providing for the sale of
gift items. All moneys received from sales and other services by the Capitol Visitor Center Gift Shop
shall be deposited in the Capitol Visitor Center Revolving Fund established under section 2231 of
this title and shall be available for purposes of this section.
(b) Exception to prohibition of sale or solicitation on Capitol grounds
Section 5104(c) of title 40 shall not apply to any activity carried out under this section. | §2215. Gift Shop | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | a436f733b7c2179375f1e8050f699f07c840bfe7b3cb5bdc8a329cc5346c7051 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2216 | (a) Restaurant, catering, and vending
The Architect of the Capitol, acting through the Chief Executive Officer, shall establish within the
Capitol Visitor Center a restaurant and other food service facilities, including catering services and
vending machines.
(b) Contract for food service operations
(1) In general
The Architect of the Capitol, acting through the Chief Executive Officer, may enter into a
contract for food service operations within the Capitol Visitor Center.
(2) Existing contract unaffected
Nothing in paragraph (1) shall be construed to affect any contract for food service operations
within the Capitol Visitor Center in effect on October 20, 2008.
(c) Deposits
All net profits from the food service operations within the Capitol Visitor Center and all
commissions received from the contractor for such food service operations shall be deposited in the
Capitol Visitor Center Revolving Fund established under section 2231 of this title.
(d) Exception to prohibition of sale or solicitation on Capitol grounds
Section 5104(c) of title 40 shall not apply to any activity carried out under this section.
(Pub. L. 110–437, title II, §206, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4988.)
SUBCHAPTER III—CAPITOL VISITOR CENTER REVOLVING FUND | §2216. Food service operations | 2008-10-20T00:00:00 | 054a64c1ba8af6a82bac922cb07a9943ee550fe2e1afa632692a1716d723c770 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2231 | There is established in the Treasury of the United States a revolving fund to be known as the
Capitol Visitor Center Revolving Fund (in this section referred to as the "Fund"), consisting of the
following individual accounts:
(1) The Gift Shop Account.
(2) The Miscellaneous Receipts Account. | §2231. Establishment and accounts | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | ed6cbb6cdac81a4094d41be1bf2e18e249df64dd695073af58c85cfc2861444d |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2232 | (a) Gift Shop Account
There shall be deposited in the Gift Shop Account all monies received from sales and other
[Release Point 118-70]
services by the gift shop established under section 2215 of this title, together with any interest
accrued on balances in the Account.
(b) Miscellaneous Receipts Account
There shall be deposited in the Miscellaneous Receipts Account each of the following (together
with any interest accrued on balances in the Account):
(1) Any amounts deposited under section 2216(c) of this title.
(2) Any other receipts received from the operation of the Capitol Visitor Center.
(3) Any amounts described under section 2273(d) of this title. | §2232. Deposits in the Fund | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | d9694299684fd67b2eb698b7f60f535525f62d44d5a6f8e03c4debfa8f5bed00 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2233 | (a) Gift Shop Account
(1) In general
All monies in the Gift Shop Account shall be available without fiscal year limitation for
disbursement by the Architect of the Capitol, upon recommendation of the Chief Executive
Officer, in connection with the operation of the gift shop under section 2215 of this title, including
supplies, inventories, equipment, and other expenses. In addition, such monies may be used by the
Architect of the Capitol, upon recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer, to reimburse any
applicable appropriations account for amounts used from such appropriations account to pay the
salaries of employees of the gift shops.
(2) Use of remaining funds
To the extent monies in the Gift Shop Account are available after disbursements and
reimbursements are made under paragraph (1), the Architect of the Capitol, upon recommendation
of the Chief Executive Officer, may disburse such monies for the operation of the Capitol Visitor
Center, after consultation with—
(A) the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate and the Committee on House
Administration of the House of Representatives; and
(B) the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and Senate.
(b) Miscellaneous Receipts Account
All monies in the Miscellaneous Receipts Account shall be available without fiscal year limitation
for disbursement by the Architect of the Capitol, upon recommendation of the Chief Executive
Officer, for the operations of the Capitol Visitor Center, after consultation with—
(1) the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate and the Committee on House
Administration of the House of Representatives; and
(2) the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and Senate. | §2233. Use of monies | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 3d4475215aa63fdf136b2942b471518a5912de7f2a6de72547f121317c429e72 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2234 | (a) Disbursements
Disbursements from the Fund may be made by the Architect of the Capitol, upon recommendation
of the Chief Executive Officer.
(b) Investment authority
The Secretary of the Treasury shall invest any portion of the Fund that, as determined by the
Architect of the Capitol, upon recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer, is not required to
meet current expenses. Each investment shall be made in an interest-bearing obligation of the United
States or an obligation guaranteed both as to principal and interest by the United States that, as
[Release Point 118-70]
determined by the Architect of the Capitol, upon recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer,
has a maturity date suitable for the purposes of the Fund. The Secretary of the Treasury shall credit
interest earned on the obligations to the Fund.
(c) Audit
The Fund shall be subject to audit by the Comptroller General at the discretion of the Comptroller
(Pub. L. 110–437, title III, §304, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4990.)
PART A—CAPITOL GUIDE SERVICE | §2234. Administration of Fund | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 5a3105406ce452b678239e0b1257aee3f0a175d8449fdbee349c0d7c3aaf6b64 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2241 | (a) Transfer of authorities and personnel to Office of the Capitol Visitor Center
In accordance with the provisions of this subchapter, effective on the transfer date—
(1) the Capitol Guide Service shall be an office within the Office;
(2) the contracts, liabilities, records, property, appropriations, and other assets and interests of
the Capitol Guide Service, established under section 2166 of this title, and the employees of the
Capitol Guide Service, are transferred to the Office, except that the transfer of any amounts
appropriated to the Capitol Guide Service that remain available as of the transfer date shall occur
only upon the approval of the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and
Senate; and
(3) the Capitol Guide Service shall be subject to the direction of the Architect of the Capitol,
upon recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer, in accordance with this part.
(b) Treatment of employees of Capitol Guide Service at time of transfer
(1) In general
Any individual who is an employee of the Capitol Guide Service on a non-temporary basis on
the transfer date who is transferred to the Office under subsection (a) shall be subject to the
authority of the Architect of the Capitol under section 2242(b) of this title, except that the
individual's grade, compensation, rate of leave, or other benefits that apply with respect to the
individual at the time of transfer shall not be reduced while such individual remains continuously
so employed in the same position within the Office, other than for cause.
(2) Eligibility for immediate retirement on basis of involuntary separation
For purposes of section 8336(d) and section 8414(b) of title 5, an individual described in
paragraph (1) who is separated from service with the Office shall be considered to have separated
from the service involuntarily if, at the time the individual is separated from service—
(A) the individual has completed 25 years of service under such title; or
(B) the individual has completed 20 years of service under such title and is 50 years of age or
(c) Exception for Congressional Special Services Office
This section does not apply with respect to any employees, contracts, liabilities, records, property,
appropriations, and other assets and interests of the Congressional Special Services Office of the
Capitol Guide Service that are transferred to the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services
[Release Point 118-70]
under part B.
(Pub. L. 110–437, title IV, §401, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4990.)
This subchapter, referred to in subsec. (a), was in the original "this title", meaning title IV of Pub. L.
110–437, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4990, which is classified principally to this subchapter. For complete
classification of title IV to the Code, see Tables.
Section 2166 of this title, referred to in subsec. (a)(2), was repealed by Pub. L. 110–437, title IV, §422(a),
Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4996. | §2241. Transfer of Capitol Guide Service | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | c93e6a93844a0788247d81861b7e2055573330c35743a4203f39b7716acff681 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2242 | (a) Provision of guided tours
(1) Tours
In accordance with this section, the Capitol Guide Service shall provide without charge guided
tours of the interior of the United States Capitol, including the Capitol Visitor Center, for the
education and enlightenment of the general public.
(2) Acceptance of fees prohibited
An employee of the Capitol Guide Service shall not charge or accept any fee, or accept any
gratuity, for or on account of the official services of that employee.
(3) Regulations of the Architect of the Capitol
All such tours shall be conducted in compliance with regulations approved by the Architect of
the Capitol, upon recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer.
(b) Authority of the Architect of the Capitol
In providing for the direction, supervision, and control of the Capitol Guide Service, the Architect
of the Capitol, upon recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer, is authorized to—
(1) subject to the availability of appropriations, establish and revise such number of positions of
Guide in the Capitol Guide Service as the Architect of the Capitol considers necessary to carry out
effectively the activities of the Capitol Guide Service;
(2) appoint, on a permanent basis without regard to political affiliation and solely on the basis of
fitness to perform their duties, a Chief Guide and such deputies as the Architect of the Capitol
considers appropriate for the effective administration of the Capitol Guide Service and, in
addition, such number of Guides as may be authorized;
(3) with the approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate and the
Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives, with respect to the
individuals appointed under paragraph (2)—
(A) prescribe the individual's duties and responsibilities; and
(B) fix, and adjust from time to time, respective rates of pay at single per annum (gross) rates;
(4) with respect to the individuals appointed under paragraph (2), take appropriate disciplinary
action, including, when circumstances warrant, suspension from duty without pay, reduction in
pay, demotion, or termination of employment with the Capitol Guide Service, against any
employee who violates any provision of this section or any regulation prescribed by the Architect
of the Capitol under paragraph (8);
(5) prescribe a uniform dress, including appropriate insignia, which shall be worn by personnel
of the Capitol Guide Service;
(6) from time to time and as may be necessary, procure and furnish such uniforms to such
personnel without charge to such personnel;
[Release Point 118-70]
(7) receive and consider advice and information from any private historical or educational
organization, association, or society with respect to those operations of the Capitol Guide Service
which involve the furnishing of historical and educational information to the general public; and
(8) with the approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate and the
Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives, prescribe such regulations
as the Architect of the Capitol considers necessary and appropriate for the operation of the Capitol
Guide Service, including regulations with respect to tour routes and hours of operation, number of
visitors per guide, staff-led tours, and non-law enforcement security and special event related
(c) Provision of accessible tours in coordination with Office of Congressional Accessibility
The Chief Executive Officer shall coordinate the provision of accessible tours for individuals with
disabilities with the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services established under part B.
(d) Detail of personnel
The Architect of the Capitol shall detail personnel of the Capitol Guide Service based on a request
from the Capitol Police Board to assist the United States Capitol Police by providing ushering and
informational services, and other services not directly involving law enforcement, in connection
(1) the inauguration of the President and Vice President of the United States;
(2) the official reception of representatives of foreign nations and other persons by the Senate or
House of Representatives; or
(3) other special or ceremonial occasions in the United States Capitol or on the United States
Capitol Grounds that—
(A) require the presence of additional Government personnel; and
(B) cause the temporary suspension of the performance of regular duties.
(e) Effective date
This section shall take effect on the transfer date.
(Pub. L. 110–437, title IV, §402, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4991.)
PART B—OFFICE OF CONGRESSIONAL ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES | §2242. Duties of employees of Capitol Guide Service | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | fb96b7fed17084f395db7a5b02d6c7bc2fc1c82248f6f0be4604476a68c3ef28 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2251 | (a) Omitted
(b) Specific functions
The Director of Accessibility Services shall submit to the Committee on Rules and Administration
of the Senate and the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives a list of
the specific functions that the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services will perform in
carrying out this part with the approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate
and the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives. The Director of
Accessibility Services shall submit the list not later than 30 days after the transfer date.
(c) Transition for current Director
The individual who serves as the head of the Congressional Special Services Office as of October
20, 2008, shall be the first Director of Accessibility Services appointed by the Congressional
Accessibility Services Board under section 2172 of this title.
(Pub. L. 110–437, title IV, §411, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4993.)
[Release Point 118-70]
Section is comprised of section 411 of Pub. L. 110–437. Subsec. (a) of section 411 of Pub. L. 110–437
amended section 2172 of this title. | §2251. Office of Congressional Accessibility Services | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | d6a82ae582ec3516e45947f61fc6b088301ab19cee12736c722375dc3f630e86 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2252 | (a) Transfer of authorities and personnel of Congressional Special Services Office of Capitol
Guide Service
In accordance with the provisions of this subchapter, effective on the transfer date—
(1) the contracts, liabilities, records, property, appropriations, and other assets and interests of
the Congressional Special Services Office of the Capitol Guide Service, and the employees of
such Office, are transferred to the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services established
under section 2172(a) of this title (as amended by section 2251 of this title), except that the
transfer of any amounts appropriated to the Congressional Special Services Office that remain
available as of the transfer date shall occur only upon the approval of the Committees on
Appropriations of the House of Representatives and Senate; and
(2) the employees of such Office shall be subject to the direction, supervision, and control of the
Director of Accessibility Services.
(b) Treatment of employees at time of transfer
(1) In general
Any individual who is an employee of the Congressional Special Services Office of the Capitol
Guide Service on a non-temporary basis on the transfer date who is transferred under subsection
(a) shall be subject to the authority of the Director of Accessibility Services under section 2172(b)
of this title (as amended by section 2251 of this title), except that the individual's grade,
compensation, rate of leave, or other benefits that apply with respect to the individual at the time
of transfer shall not be reduced while such individual remains continuously so employed in the
same position within the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services established under section
2172(a) of this title (as amended by section 2251 of this title), other than for cause.
(2) Eligibility for immediate retirement on basis of involuntary separation
For purposes of section 8336(d) and section 8414(b) of title 5, an individual described in
paragraph (1) who is separated from service with the Office of Congressional Accessibility
Services shall be considered to have separated from the service involuntarily if, at the time the
individual is separated from service—
(A) the individual has completed 25 years of service under such title; or
(B) the individual has completed 20 years of service under such title and is 50 years of age or
(3) Prohibiting imposition of probationary period
The Director of Accessibility Services may not impose a period of probation with respect to the
transfer of any individual who is transferred to the Office of Congressional Accessibility Services
under subsection (a).
(Pub. L. 110–437, title IV, §412, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4995.)
This subchapter, referred to in subsec. (a), was in the original "this title", meaning title IV of Pub. L.
110–437, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4990, which is classified principally to this subchapter. For complete
classification of title IV to the Code, see Tables.
[Release Point 118-70]
PART C—TRANSFER DATE | §2252. Transfer from Capitol Guide Service | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 009aa2e7581affed42cfe4521a781a89c9fb4c49b31d0bbfa4a755e025b02d11 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2261 | In this subchapter, the term "transfer date" means the date occurring on the first day of the first
pay period (applicable to employees transferred under section 2241 of this title) occurring on or after
30 days after October 20, 2008.
(Pub. L. 110–437, title IV, §421, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4996.)
This subchapter, referred to in text, was in the original "this title", meaning title IV of Pub. L. 110–437, Oct.
20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4990, which is classified principally to this subchapter. For complete classification of title
IV to the Code, see Tables.
SUBCHAPTER V—MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS | §2261. Transfer date | 2008-10-20T00:00:00 | fe674b7544e62050abf61ffd657ef0d9d74ad656b1312fda35e65b461c4f1ae5 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2271 | (a) Security jurisdiction unaffected
Nothing in this chapter granting any authority to the Architect of the Capitol or Chief Executive
Officer shall be construed to affect the exclusive jurisdiction of the Capitol Police, the Capitol Police
Board, the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, and the Sergeant at Arms of the House of
Representatives to provide security for the Capitol, including the Capitol Visitor Center.
(b) Architect of the Capitol jurisdiction unaffected
(1) In general
Nothing in this chapter granting any authority to the Chief Executive Officer shall be construed
to affect the exclusive jurisdiction of the Architect of the Capitol for the care and superintendence
of the Capitol Visitor Center. All maintenance services, groundskeeping services, improvements,
alterations, additions, and repairs for the Capitol Visitor Center shall be made under the direction
and supervision of the Architect, subject to the approval of the Committee on Rules and
Administration of the Senate and the House Office Building Commission as to matters of general
(2) Omitted
(Pub. L. 110–437, title V, §501, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4997.)
This chapter, referred to in text, was in the original "this Act", meaning Pub. L. 110–437, Oct. 20, 2008,
122 Stat. 4983, known as the Capitol Visitor Center Act of 2008, which is classified principally to this
chapter. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 2201 of
this title and Tables.
[Release Point 118-70]
Section is comprised of section 501 of Pub. L. 110–437. Subsec. (b)(2) of section 501 of Pub. L. 110–437
repealed section 1825 of this title. | §2271. Jurisdictions unaffected | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | d585ce8791b34731127f030a83407ce8b2806c145c89da9ee1f29476b89fcf25 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2272 | Notwithstanding section 1342 of title 31, the Architect of the Capitol, upon the recommendation
of the Chief Executive Officer, may accept and use voluntary and uncompensated services for the
Capitol Visitor Center as the Architect of the Capitol determines necessary. No person shall be
permitted to donate personal services under this section unless such person has first agreed, in
writing, to waive any and all claims against the United States arising out of or connection with such
services, other than a claim under the provisions of chapter 81 of title 5. No person donating personal
services under this section shall be considered an employee of the United States for any purpose
other than for purposes of chapter 81 of such title. In no case shall the acceptance of personal
services under this subsection result in the reduction of pay or displacement of any employee of the
Office of the Architect of the Capitol.
(Pub. L. 110–437, title V, §503, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4997.)
So in original. Probably should be "section".
1 | §2272. Acceptance of volunteer services | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 8532efdb45c393b4021dfe999fd7c7a72b650553cee60d68dec3bea83fc2181f |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2273 | (a) Definition
In this section, the term "covered grounds" means—
(1) the grounds described under section 5102 of title 40;
(2) the Capitol Buildings defined under section 5101 of title 40, including the Capitol Visitor
Center; and
(3) the Library of Congress buildings and grounds described under section 167j of this title.
(b) Treatment of coins
In the case of any coins in any fountains on covered grounds—
(1) such coins shall be treated as gifts to the United States; and
(2) the Architect of the Capitol shall—
(A) collect such coins at such times and in such manner as the Architect determines
appropriate; and
(B) except as provided under subsection (c), deposit the collected coins in accordance with
subsection (d).
(c) Cost reimbursement
Any amount collected under this section shall first be used to reimburse the Architect of the
Capitol for any costs incurred in the collection and processing of the coins, and maintaining
fountains under the jurisdiction of the Architect of the Capitol. The amount of any such
reimbursement is appropriated to the account from which such costs were paid and may be used for
any authorized purpose of that account.
(d) Deposit of coins
The Architect of the Capitol shall deposit coins collected under this section in the Miscellaneous
Receipts Account of the Capitol Visitor Center Revolving Fund established under section 2231 of
this title.
(e) Authorized use and availability
Amounts deposited in the Miscellaneous Receipts Account of the Capitol Visitor Center
Revolving Fund under this section shall be available as provided under section 2233(b) of this title.
[Release Point 118-70]
Deposit of fees for services by Office of Attending Physician; availability of amounts
Monies received by Attending Physician from sale of prescription drugs or other
sources; deposit of receipts.
Requirement for information sharing agreements.
Annual report by Comptroller General of the United States on cybersecurity and
surveillance threats to Congress.
Monuments to deceased Senators or House Members.
Detailed reports of receipts and expenditures by Secretary of Senate and Chief
Administrative Officer of House.
Semiannual statements of expenditures by Secretary of Senate and Chief Administrative
Officer of House.
Withdrawal of unexpended balances of appropriations.
Stationery rooms of House and Senate; specification of classes of articles purchasable.
Purchase of paper, envelopes, etc., for stationery rooms of Senate and House.
American goods to be preferred in purchases for Senate and House.
Contracts to furnish property, supplies, or services to Congress; terms varying from
those offered other entities of Federal Government.
Purchase of supplies for Senate and House.
Authority of officers of Congress over Congressional employees.
(Pub. L. 110–437, title V, §504, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4998; Pub. L. 117–103, div. I, title I, §131,
Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 516.)
2022—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 117–103 inserted ", and maintaining fountains under the jurisdiction of the
Architect of the Capitol" before period at end of first sentence.
SUBCHAPTER VI—AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS | §2273. Coins treated as gifts | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 6bfa87c4158f3d3a646eeb04c3c72acce95dfb54fed5b0a9aa87533a2999b660 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 31, §2281 | There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this chapter.
(Pub. L. 110–437, title VI, §601, Oct. 20, 2008, 122 Stat. 4999.)
This chapter, referred to in text, was in the original "this Act", meaning Pub. L. 110–437, Oct. 20, 2008,
122 Stat. 4983, known as the Capitol Visitor Center Act of 2008, which is classified principally to this
chapter. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 2201 of
this title and Tables. | §2281. Authorization of appropriations | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 041577c023009d52be4ad1e4342971e3be537c006dd4851ad7b2ba8929850709 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4101 | (a) Qualifications determinations; removal and discipline
Each officer of the Congress having responsibility for the supervision of employees, including
employees appointed upon recommendation of Members of Congress, shall have authority—
(1) to determine, before the appointment of any individual as an employee under the supervision
of that officer of the Congress, whether that individual possesses the qualifications necessary for
the satisfactory performance of the duties and responsibilities to be assigned to him; and
(2) to remove or otherwise discipline any employee under his supervision.
(b) "Officer of the Congress" defined
As used in this section, the term "officer of the Congress" means—
(1) an elected officer of the Senate or House of Representatives who is not a Member of the
Senate or House; and
(2) The Architect of the Capitol.
(Pub. L. 91–510, title IV, §431, Oct. 26, 1970, 84 Stat. 1190.)
Section was formerly classified to section 60–1 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
Section effective immediately prior to noon on Jan. 3, 1971, see section 601(1) of Pub. L. 91–510, set out as
an Effective Date of 1970 Amendment note under section 4301 of this title. | §4101. Authority of officers of Congress over Congressional employees | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 7e6a2e9bda77e47ce103726653d2260bda632ac9ad84f97f65652c7c201207d9 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4102 | Supplies for use of the Senate and the House of Representatives may be purchased in accordance
with the schedule of contract articles and prices of the Administrator of General Services.
(June 5, 1920, ch. 253, §1, 41 Stat. 1036; Ex. Ord. No. 6166, June 10, 1933, §1; June 30, 1949, ch.
288, title I, §102, 63 Stat. 380.)
Section was formerly classified to section 111 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering
as this section.
[Release Point 118-70]
Bureau of Federal Supply and its functions and duties transferred to Administrator of General Services by
act June 30, 1949.
Effective Jan. 1, 1947, Procurement Division of Treasury Department changed to Bureau of Federal Supply
by former regulation §5.7 of subpart A of Part 5 of Title 41, Public Contracts, 11 F.R. 13638, issued by the
Secretary of the Treasury.
Ex. Ord. No. 6166, abolished General Supply Committee of Treasury Department and vested it in
Procurement Division. Public Buildings Branch of Procurement Division was in turn changed to Public
Buildings Administration to be within Federal Works Agency by Reorg. Plan No. I, §§301, 303, eff. July 1,
1939, 4 F.R. 2729, 53 Stat. 1426, 1427. | §4102. Purchase of supplies for Senate and House | 1949-06-30T00:00:00 | 8300b0f25b410c019643b1f5b15842a236f2cd8ca176da4ee36c8737f7440971 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4103 | varying from those offered other entities of Federal Government
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in any contract which is entered into by any person
and either the Administrator of General Services or a contracting officer of any executive agency and
under which such person agrees to sell or lease to the Federal Government (or any one or more
entities thereof) any unit of property, supplies, or services at a specified price or under specified
terms and conditions (or both), such person may sell or lease to the Congress the same type of such
property, supplies, or services at a unit price or under terms and conditions (or both) which are
different from those specified in such contract; and any such sale or lease of any unit or units of such
property, supplies, or services to the Congress shall not be taken into account for the purpose of
determining the price at which, or the terms and conditions under which, such person is obligated
under such contract to sell or lease any unit of such property, supplies, or services to any entity of the
Federal Government other than the Congress. For purposes of the preceding sentence, any sale or
lease of property, supplies, or services to the Senate (or any office or instrumentality thereof) or to
the House of Representatives (or any office or instrumentality thereof) shall be deemed to be a sale
or lease of such property, supplies, or services to the Congress.
(Pub. L. 98–63, title I, §903(a), July 30, 1983, 97 Stat. 336.)
Section was formerly classified to section 111b of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
Section is from the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1983.
Pub. L. 98–63, title I, §903(b), July 30, 1983, 97 Stat. 336, provided that: "The provisions of this section
[enacting this section] shall take effect with respect to sales or leases of property, supplies, or services to the
Congress after the date of enactment of this section [July 30, 1983]."
Sale or lease of property, supplies, or services to the Congressional Budget Office deemed a sale or lease of
such property, supplies, or services to the Congress, see section 605 of this title.
[Release Point 118-70] | §4103. Contracts to furnish property, supplies, or services to Congress; terms | 1983-07-30T00:00:00 | eb0b9a53abef794e6d6f1cc050b8cb6e44a0a07da177bcfd3d9263ce71c1b5ab |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4104 | The Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives
shall, in disbursing the public moneys for the use of the two Houses, respectively, purchase only
articles the growth and manufacture of the United States, provided the articles required can be
procured of such growth and manufacture upon as good terms as to quality and price as are
demanded for like articles of foreign growth and manufacture.
(R.S. §69; Pub. L. 104–186, title II, §204(57), Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1738.)
Section was formerly classified to section 109 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering
as this section.
R.S. §69 derived from act June 17, 1844, ch. 105, §1, 5 Stat. 681.
1996—Pub. L. 104–186 substituted "Chief Administrative Officer" for "Clerk". | §4104. American goods to be preferred in purchases for Senate and House | 1844-06-17T00:00:00 | 1164e2e893830dcc6b81147617c9dccf10202914769fb89f950b54342fad9921 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4105 | House
Paper, envelopes, and blank books required by the stationery rooms of the Senate and House of
Representatives for sale to Senators and Members for official use may be purchased from the
Director of the Government Publishing Office at actual cost thereof and payment therefor shall be
made before delivery.
(June 5, 1920, ch. 253, §1, 41 Stat. 1036; Pub. L. 113–235, div. H, title I, §1301(d), Dec. 16, 2014,
128 Stat. 2537.)
Section was formerly classified to section 110 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering
as this section.
Stationery room of House of Representatives redesignated Office Supply Service.
"Director of the Government Publishing Office" substituted for "Public Printer" in text on authority of
section 1301(d) of Pub. L. 113–235, set out as a note under section 301 of Title 44, Public Printing and
Documents. | §4105. Purchase of paper, envelopes, etc., for stationery rooms of Senate and | 1920-06-05T00:00:00 | a55bcf18b9870a2c2b9936473450d81026985cb55ce45dadfa6069379ca02364 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4106 | purchasable
The Committee on House Oversight of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Rules
and Administration of the Senate, respectively, shall make and issue regulations specifying the
classes of articles which may be purchased by or through the stationery rooms of the House and
[Release Point 118-70]
(May 13, 1926, ch. 294, §2, 44 Stat. 552; Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, title I, §102, 60 Stat. 814; Pub. L.
104–186, title II, §204(65), Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1739.)
Section was formerly classified to section 119 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering
as this section.
1996—Pub. L. 104–186 substituted "Committee on House Oversight" for "Committee on Accounts".
1946—Act Aug. 2, 1946, substituted "Committee on Rules and Administration" for "Committee to Audit
and Control the Contingent Expenses".
Committee on House Oversight of House of Representatives changed to Committee on House
Administration of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 6,
Stationery room of House of Representatives redesignated Office Supply Service.
Act Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, title I, §142, 60 Stat. 834, provided that the amendment made by that act is
effective Jan. 2, 1947. | §4106. Stationery rooms of House and Senate; specification of classes of articles | 1926-05-13T00:00:00 | 67e936abfdc4be34df31f7796ad644b6e18dc4cfd3e3c912e8b0cb723c14c549 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4107 | Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, the unexpended balances of appropriations for
the fiscal year 1955 and succeeding fiscal years which are subject to disbursement by the Secretary
of the Senate or the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives shall be withdrawn
as of June 30 of the second fiscal year following the year for which provided, except that the
unexpended balances of such appropriations for the period commencing on July 1, 1976, and ending
on September 30, 1976, and for each fiscal year beginning on or after October 1, 1976, shall be
withdrawn as of September 30 of the second fiscal year following the period or year for which
provided. Unpaid obligations chargeable to any of the balances so withdrawn or appropriations for
prior years shall be liquidated from any appropriations for the same general purpose, which, at the
time of payment, are available for disbursement.
(Pub. L. 85–58, ch. XI, June 21, 1957, 71 Stat. 190; Pub. L. 94–303, title I, §118(a), June 1, 1976, 90
Stat. 615; Pub. L. 104–186, title II, §204(53), Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1737.)
Section was formerly classified to section 102a of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
1996—Pub. L. 104–186 substituted "Chief Administrative Officer" for "Clerk".
1976—Pub. L. 94–303 provided that unexpended balances for period commencing July 1, 1976, and ending
Sept. 30, 1976, and for each fiscal year beginning on or after Oct. 1, 1976, be withdrawn as of Sept. 30 of
second fiscal year following period or year for which provided.
[Release Point 118-70] | §4107. Withdrawal of unexpended balances of appropriations | 1976-07-01T00:00:00 | 1f98f4fdd37753a9b2fb6562f1823e4818c92a9c8aa3beca5b598269f2f48bcd |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4108 | Administrative Officer of House
(1) Commencing with the semiannual period beginning on July 1, 1964, and ending on December
31, 1964, and for each semiannual period thereafter, the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief
Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives shall compile, and, not later than sixty days
following the close of the semiannual period, submit to the Senate and House of Representatives,
respectively, and make available to the public, in lieu of the reports and information required by
sections 102, 103, and 104 of this title, and S. Res. 139, Eighty-sixth Congress, a report containing
a detailed statement, by items, of the manner in which appropriations and other funds available for
disbursement by the Secretary of the Senate or the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of
Representatives, as the case may be, have been expended during the semiannual period covered by
the report, including (1) the name of every person to whom any part of such appropriation has been
paid, (2) if for anything furnished, the quantity and price thereof, (3) if for services rendered, the
nature of the services, the time employed, and the name, title, and specific amount paid to each
person, and (4) a complete statement of all amounts appropriated, received, or expended, and any
unexpended balances. Such reports shall include the information contained in statements of
accountability and supporting vouchers submitted to the Government Accountability Office pursuant
to the provisions of section 3523(a) of title 31. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this
section, in any case in which the voucher or vouchers covering payment to any person for attendance
as a witness before any committee of the Senate or House of Representatives, or any subcommittee
thereof, during any semiannual period, indicate that all appearances of such person covered by such
voucher or vouchers were as a witness in executive session of the committee or subcommittee,
information regarding such payment, except for date of payment, voucher number, and amount paid,
shall not be included in the report compiled pursuant to this section for such semiannual period. Any
information excluded from a report for any semiannual period by reason of the foregoing sentence
shall be included in the report compiled pursuant to this section for the succeeding semiannual
period. Reports required to be submitted to the Senate and the House of Representatives under this
section may be printed as Senate and House documents, respectively.
(2) The report by the Secretary of the Senate under paragraph (1) for the semiannual period
beginning on January 1, 1976, shall include the period beginning on July 1, 1976, and ending on
September 30, 1976, and such semiannual period shall be treated as closing on September 30, 1976.
Thereafter, the report by the Secretary of the Senate under paragraph (1) shall be for the semiannual
periods beginning on October 1 and ending on March 31 and beginning on April 1 and ending on
September 30 of each year.
(3) The report requirement relating to quantity, as contained in subparagraph (2) of paragraph (1),
does not apply with respect to the Senate.
(4) Each report by the Secretary of the Senate required by paragraph (1) shall contain a separate
summary of Senate accounts statement for each office of the Senate authorized to obligate
appropriated funds, including each Senator's office, each officer of the Senate, and each committee
of the Senate. The summary of Senate accounts statement shall include—
(A) the total amount of appropriations made available or allocated to the office;
(B) any supplemental appropriation, transfer of funds, or rescission and the effect of such action
on the appropriation or allocation to the office;
(C) total expenses incurred for salary and office expenses; and
(D) the unexpended balance.
(5)(A) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (1) relating to the level of detail of
statement and itemization, each report by the Secretary of the Senate required under such paragraph
shall be compiled at a summary level for each office of the Senate authorized to obligate
appropriated funds.
(B) Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to the reporting of expenditures relating to personnel
compensation, travel and transportation of persons, other contractual services, and acquisition of
[Release Point 118-70]
(C) In carrying out this paragraph the Secretary of the Senate shall apply the Standard Federal
Object Classification of Expenses as the Secretary determines appropriate.
(6) Beginning with the report covering the first full semiannual period of the 112th Congress, the
Secretary of the Senate—
(1) shall publicly post on-line on the website of the Senate each report in a searchable, itemized
format as required under this section;
(2) shall issue each report required under this section in electronic form; and
(3) may issue each report required under this section in other forms at the discretion of the
Secretary of the Senate.
(Pub. L. 88–454, §105(a), Aug. 20, 1964, 78 Stat. 550; Pub. L. 88–656, Oct. 13, 1964, 78 Stat. 1088;
Pub. L. 94–303, title I, §118(b)(1), June 1, 1976, 90 Stat. 615; Pub. L. 102–392, title I, §6, Oct. 6,
1992, 106 Stat. 1707; Pub. L. 103–283, title I, §3(a), July 22, 1994, 108 Stat. 1426; Pub. L. 104–186,
title II, §204(54), Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1738; Pub. L. 106–554, §1(a)(2) [title I, §1(a)], Dec. 21,
2000, 114 Stat. 2763, 2763A–95; Pub. L. 108–271, §8(b), July 7, 2004, 118 Stat. 814; Pub. L.
111–68, div. A, title I, §2, Oct. 1, 2009, 123 Stat. 2026.)
Section 102 of this title, referred to in par. (1), was repealed by Pub. L. 104–186, title II, §204(52), Aug. 20,
1996, 110 Stat. 1737.
Sections 103 and 104 of this title, referred to in par. (1), were omitted from the Code.
Section was formerly classified to section 104a of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
In par. (1), "section 3523(a) of title 31" substituted for "section 117(a) of the Budget and Accounting
Procedures Act of 1950 (31 U.S.C. 67(a))" on authority of Pub. L. 97–258, §4(b), Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat.
1067, the first section of which enacted Title 31, Money and Finance.
Section is based on the first paragraph of section 105(a) of Pub. L. 88–454. Remainder of section 105(a)
was classified to section 67 of former Title 31, which was repealed by Pub. L. 97–258, §5(b), Sept. 13, 1982,
96 Stat. 1068, and reenacted as section 3523 of Title 31, Money and Finance.
2009—Par. (1). Pub. L. 111–68, §2(1), substituted "may" for "shall" in last sentence.
Par. (6). Pub. L. 111–68, §2(2), added par. (6).
2004—Par. (1). Pub. L. 108–271 substituted "Government Accountability Office" for "General Accounting
2000—Par. (5). Pub. L. 106–554 added par. (5).
1996—Par. (1). Pub. L. 104–186 substituted "Chief Administrative Officer" for "Clerk" in two places.
1994—Par. (4). Pub. L. 103–283 added par. (4).
1992—Par. (3). Pub. L. 102–392 added par. (3).
1976—Pub. L. 94–303 designated existing provisions as par. (1) and added par. (2).
1964—Pub. L. 88–656 provided that information regarding persons paid by voucher for appearances as a
witness before any committee of Congress in executive session shall not be included in semiannual report
except for date of payment, voucher number, and amount paid, however, any information so excluded shall be
included in next succeeding semiannual period.
Pub. L. 106–554, §1(a)(2) [title I, §1(b)], Dec. 21, 2000, 114 Stat. 2763, 2763A–96, provided that:
.—Subject to paragraph (2), the amendment made by this section [amending this
section] shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 21, 2000].
[Release Point 118-70]
.—The Secretary of the Senate may elect to compile and
submit the report for the semiannual period during which the date of enactment of this section occurs, as if the
amendment made by this section had not been enacted."
Amendment by Pub. L. 103–283 effective with respect to reports and statements covering periods
beginning on and after Oct. 1, 1994, and appropriations made and obligations incurred on and after such date,
see section 3(c) of Pub. L. 103–283, set out as a note under section 504 of this title.
For termination, effective May 15, 2000, of provisions of law requiring submittal to Congress of any
annual, semiannual, or other regular periodic report listed in House Document No. 103–7 (in which the report
required by this section is listed on page 1), see section 3003 of Pub. L. 104–66, as amended, set out as a note
under section 1113 of Title 31, Money and Finance.
Provisions of this section requiring submission and printing of statements and reports not applicable to the
House of Representatives, see section 5535(e) of this title.
See Inapplicability of Section to House of Representatives note below.
See References in Text note below.
2 | §4108. Semiannual statements of expenditures by Secretary of Senate and Chief | 2000-05-15T00:00:00 | fd5f4aa05c58dab8817f11afd523aeff534e271b4c68fe1b03f6fcb2a3f366f1 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4109 | Chief Administrative Officer of House
The Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives,
respectively, shall report to Congress on the first day of each regular session, and at the expiration of
their terms of service, a full and complete statement of all their receipts and expenditures as such
officers, showing in detail the items of expense, classifying them under the proper appropriations,
and also showing the aggregate thereof, and exhibiting in a clear and concise manner the exact
condition of all public moneys by them received, paid out, and remaining in their possession as such
(R.S. §70; Pub. L. 104–186, title II, §204(60), Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1738.)
Section was formerly classified to section 113 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering
as this section.
R.S. §70 derived from act July 15, 1870, ch. 302, §1, 16 Stat. 365.
1996—Pub. L. 104–186 substituted "Chief Administrative Officer" for "Clerk". | §4109. Detailed reports of receipts and expenditures by Secretary of Senate and | 1870-07-15T00:00:00 | f3470a8e23a71acada820e27ddf555bbd89c27a31f67e78ae64156e2b208fc50 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4110 | Whenever any deceased Senator or Member of the House of Representatives shall be actually
interred in the Congressional Cemetery, so-called, it shall be the duty of the Sergeant at Arms of the
Senate, in the case of a Senator, and of the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives, in the
case of a Member of the House, to have a monument erected, of granite, with suitable inscriptions,
and the cost of the same shall be a charge upon and paid out either from the contingent funds of the
[Release Point 118-70]
Senate or of the House of Representatives, to whichever the deceased may have belonged, and any
existing omissions of monuments or inscriptions, as aforesaid, are directed and authorized to be
supplied in like manner.
(May 23, 1876, ch. 103, 19 Stat. 54.)
Section was formerly classified to section 51 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering
as this section.
Pub. L. 105–275, title II, §209, Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2448, provided that:
.—In order to
assist in the perpetual care and maintenance of the historic Congressional Cemetery, the Architect of the
Capitol shall make a grant to the National Trust for Historic Preservation (hereafter in this section referred to
as the 'National Trust') in accordance with an agreement entered into by the Architect of the Capitol with the
National Trust and the Association for the Preservation of Historic Congressional Cemetery (hereafter in this
section referred to as the 'Association') which contains the terms and conditions described in subsection (b)
and such other provisions as the Architect may deem necessary or desirable for the implementation of this
section or for the protection of the interests of the Federal Government.
.—The terms and conditions described in this
subsection are as follows:
"(1) Upon receipt of the amounts provided under the grant made under subsection (a), the National
Trust shall deposit the amounts in a permanently restricted account in its endowment and shall administer,
invest, and manage such grant funds in the same manner as other National Trust endowment funds.
"(2) The National Trust shall make distributions to the Association from the amounts deposited in the
endowment pursuant to paragraph (1), in accordance with its regularly established spending rate, for the
care and maintenance of the Cemetery (other than the cost of personnel), except that the National Trust may
only make such distributions incrementally and proportionately upon receipt by the National Trust of
contributions from the Association which incrementally match the amounts provided under the grant made
under subsection (a) and which are to be added to the permanently restricted account described in paragraph
"(3) The Association shall use such distributions from the endowment and the match for the care and
maintenance of Congressional Cemetery, except that the Association may not use such distributions for
nonroutine restoration or capital projects.
"(4) The Association, or any successor thereto, shall maintain adequate records and accounts of all
financial transactions and operations carried out with such distributions, and such records shall be available
at all times for audit and investigation by the Architect of the Capitol and the Comptroller General.
.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to vest title to the
Congressional Cemetery in the United States."
Pub. L. 97–245, Aug. 26, 1982, 96 Stat. 313, provided: "That the Congress finds and declares that—
"(1) sections of the Congressional Cemetery in the District of Columbia are of national historic
significance, including those areas in which John Philip Sousa, Matthew Brady, J. Edgar Hoover, several
former Members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives, and many other persons of
historical importance and interest are buried; and
"(2) the physical condition of these areas and related portions of the cemetery has deteriorated to the
extent that restoration is necessary to protect and preserve the historical values of these areas.
"SEC. 2. In order to assist in the restoration and preservation of the historic values of the Congressional
Cemetery, the Architect of the Capitol is authorized and directed to make grants to the Association for the
Preservation of Historic Congressional Cemetery, Washington, District of Columbia, to be used for a program
[Release Point 118-70]
of restoration and preservation (but not routine maintenance) of the cemetery to be carried out under terms and
conditions to be prescribed by the Architect of the Capitol. The Association shall maintain adequate records
and accounts of all financial transactions and operations carried out under such program, and such records
shall be available at all times for audit and investigation by the Architect or the Comptroller General of the
United States. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to vest title to the Congressional Cemetery in the United
3. There is authorized to be appropriated $300,000 for grants to be made under section 2 of this Act,
such sums to remain available until expended.
4. No authority under this Act to make payments shall be effective except to the extent and in such
amounts as provided in advance in appropriations Acts." | §4110. Monuments to deceased Senators or House Members | 1876-05-23T00:00:00 | 375e21aa7766753c2c9214e9d6705af3e520f56c81f28187d4d132c63a84dfab |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4111 | cybersecurity and surveillance threats to Congress
(a) Annual report required
Not later than 180 days after December 20, 2019, and not less frequently than once each year
thereafter, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the congressional intelligence
committees a report on cybersecurity and surveillance threats to Congress.
(b) Statistics
Each report submitted under subsection (a) shall include statistics on cyber attacks and other
incidents of espionage or surveillance targeted against Senators or the immediate families or staff of
the Senators, and Representatives, Delegates, and the Resident Commissioner, or the immediate
families or staff of the Representatives, Delegates, and the Resident Commissioner, in which the
nonpublic communications and other private information of such targeted individuals were lost,
stolen, or otherwise subject to unauthorized access.
(c) Consultation
In preparing a report to be submitted under subsection (a), the Comptroller General shall consult
with the Director of National Intelligence, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Sergeant at Arms
of the House of Representatives, and the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate.
(d) Form
The report under subsection (a), including the contents of the report in subsection (b), shall be
submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex to protect sources and methods
and any appropriate redactions of personally identifiable information.
(Pub. L. 116–92, div. E, title LVII, §5710, Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 2170.)
For definition of "congressional intelligence committees" as used in this section, see section 5003 of div. E
of Pub. L. 116–92, set out as a note under section 3003 of Title 50, War and National Defense. | §4111. Annual report by Comptroller General of the United States on | 2019-12-20T00:00:00 | 41c947f986eaf5f64b6599b53f63beaa777124ee0f231032a0b7b91d56a470fb |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4112 | (a) Short title
This section may be cited as the "Intragovernmental Cybersecurity and Counterintelligence
Information Sharing Act".
(b) Findings
Congress finds the following:
(1) The legislative branch, as a separate and equal branch of the United States Government, is a
[Release Point 118-70]
target of adversary cyber actors and intelligence services.
(2) The legislative branch relies on the executive branch to provide timely and urgent tactical
and operational information to ensure that Congress can protect the constitutional officers,
personnel, and facilities of Congress and the institution of Congress more broadly.
(3) The legislative branch currently is not receiving this information in a timely manner nor as a
matter of course.
(c) Definitions
In this section—
(1) the term "congressional leadership" means—
(A) the Majority and Minority Leader of the Senate with respect to an agreement with the
Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate or the Secretary of the Senate; and
(B) the Speaker and Minority Leader of the House of Representatives with respect to an
agreement with the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives or the
Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives; and
(2) the terms "cybersecurity threat" and "security vulnerability" have the meanings given those
terms in section 650 of title 6, as added by section 5171 of this division.
(d) Requirement
(1) Designation
(A) In general
Not later than 30 days after December 23, 2022, the President shall designate—
(i) an individual appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate, to serve as a single point of contact to the legislative branch on matters related to
tactical and operational cybersecurity threats and security vulnerabilities; and
(ii) an individual appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate, to serve as a single point of contact to the legislative branch on matters related to
tactical and operational counterintelligence.
(B) Coordination
The individuals designated by the President under subparagraph (A) shall coordinate with
appropriate Executive agencies (as defined in section 105 of title 5, including the Executive
Office of the President) and appropriate officers in the executive branch in entering any
agreement described in paragraph (2).
(2) Information sharing agreements
(A) In general
Not later than 90 days after December 23, 2022, the individuals designated by the President
under paragraph (1)(A) shall enter into 1 or more information sharing agreements with—
(i) the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate with respect to cybersecurity
information sharing, subject to the approval of congressional leadership and in consultation
with the chairman and the ranking minority member of the Committee on Rules and
Administration of the Senate;
(ii) the Secretary of the Senate with respect to counterintelligence information sharing,
subject to the approval of congressional leadership and in consultation with the chairman and
ranking minority member of the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate;
(iii) the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives with respect to
cybersecurity information sharing, subject to the approval of the chair of the Committee on
House Administration of the House of Representatives and in consultation with the ranking
minority member of the committee and congressional leadership; and
(iv) the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives with respect to
counterintelligence information sharing, subject to the approval of the chair of the Committee
[Release Point 118-70]
on House Administration of the House of Representatives and in consultation with the
ranking minority member of the committee and congressional leadership.
(B) Purpose
The agreements described in subparagraph (A) shall establish procedures for timely sharing
of tactical and operational cybersecurity threat and security vulnerability information and
planned or ongoing counterintelligence operations or targeted collection efforts with the
legislative branch.
(3) Implementation
Not less frequently than semiannually during the 3-year period beginning on December 23,
2022, the individuals designated by the President under paragraph (1)(A) shall meet with the
officers referenced in clauses (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) of paragraph (2)(A), the chairman and ranking
minority member of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the
Senate, with respect to an agreement with the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, and
the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House
of Representatives, with respect to an agreement with the Chief Administrative Officer of the
House of Representatives or the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives, to ensure the
agreements with such officers are being implemented in a manner consistent with applicable laws,
including this Act.
(e) Elements
(1) In general
The parties to an information sharing agreement under subsection (d)(2) shall jointly develop
such elements of the agreement as the parties find appropriate, which—
(A) with respect to an agreement covered by subsection (d)(2)(A)(i) or (ii), shall, at a
minimum, include the applicable elements specified in paragraph (2); and
(B) with respect to an agreement covered by subsection (d)(2)(A)(iii) or (iv), may include the
applicable elements specified in paragraph (2).
(2) Elements specified
The elements specified in this paragraph are—
(A) direct and timely sharing of technical indicators and contextual information on cyber
threats and security vulnerabilities, and the means for such sharing;
(B) direct and timely sharing of counterintelligence threats and vulnerabilities, including
trends of counterintelligence activity, and the means for such sharing;
(C) identification, by position, of the officials at the operational and tactical level responsible
for daily management of the agreement;
(D) the ability to seat cybersecurity personnel of the Office of the Sergeant at Arms and
Doorkeeper of the Senate or the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of
Representatives at cybersecurity operations centers within the executive branch; and
(E) any other elements the parties find appropriate.
(Pub. L. 117–263, div. G, title LXXII, §7201, Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3665.)
Section 5171 of this division, referred to in subsec. (c)(2), probably should be a reference to section
7143(b)(1) of div. G of Pub. L. 117–263, which added section 650 of Title 6, Domestic Security.
Committee on Oversight and Reform of House of Representatives changed to Committee on Oversight and
[Release Point 118-70]
Accountability of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Eighteenth Congress,
Jan. 9, 2023.
See References in Text note below.
Pub. L. 118–31, div. A, title V, §502, Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 240, provided that: "The present incumbent
Attending Physician at the United States Capitol shall be continued on active duty until six years after the date
of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 22, 2023]." | §4112. Requirement for information sharing agreements | 2022-12-23T00:00:00 | 03fccd927f17c4c20c836bbba90456de30cf8fd7d55b45ad994882c24c78f398 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4121 | or other sources; deposit of receipts
On November 21, 1989, the Office of the Attending Physician Revolving Fund established by the
first undesignated paragraph under the center heading "OFFICE OF THE ATTENDING
" in title III of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1976
(89 Stat. 283) is abolished and all monies in the Fund on such date or subsequently received by the
Attending Physician from the sale of prescription drugs or from any other source shall be deposited
in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts.
(Pub. L. 101–163, title I, Nov. 21, 1989, 103 Stat. 1051.)
The first undesignated paragraph under the center heading "OFFICE OF THE ATTENDING PHYSICIAN
" in title III of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1976 [Pub. L. 94–59], referred
to in text, is not classified to the Code.
Section was formerly classified to section 117g of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
Section is from the Congressional Operations Appropriations Act, 1990, which is title I of the Legislative
Branch Appropriations Act, 1990. | §4121. Monies received by Attending Physician from sale of prescription drugs | 1989-11-21T00:00:00 | 8af76d5a6b20da64b10e5ee2f0dc8e4df5b3f1ab8d0400e3da3761c077fc8c24 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4122 | of amounts deposited
(a) There is established a subaccount in the appropriation account for salaries and expenses of the
House of Representatives for the deposit of fees received from Members and officers of the House of
Representatives for services provided to such Members and officers by the Office of the Attending
Physician. The amounts so deposited shall be available, subject to appropriation, for the operations
of the Office of the Attending Physician.
(b) This section shall take effect at the beginning of the first month after October 1992.
(Pub. L. 102–392, title I, §104, Oct. 6, 1992, 106 Stat. 1710.)
[Release Point 118-70]
Section was formerly classified to section 117h of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
Section is from the Congressional Operations Appropriations Act, 1993, which is title I of the Legislative
Branch Appropriations Act, 1993. | §4122. Deposit of fees for services by Office of Attending Physician; availability | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | aad539dff30f4dd239c1c4a5da3a38020fe9d92085fbd47171ff324c48f42703 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4123 | public health emergencies at Capitol
(a) In general
The Attending Physician to Congress shall have the authority and responsibility for overseeing
and coordinating the use of medical assets in response to a bioterrorism event and other medical
contingencies or public health emergencies occurring within the Capitol Buildings or the United
States Capitol Grounds. This shall include the authority to enact quarantine and to declare death.
These actions will be carried out in close cooperation and communication with the Commissioner of
Public Health, Chief Medical Examiner, and other Public Health Officials of the District of
Columbia government.
(b) Definitions
In this section—
(1) the term "Capitol Buildings" has the meaning given such term in section 5101 of title 40;
(2) the term "United States Capitol Grounds" has the meaning given such term in section
5102(a) of title 40.
(c) Effective date
Subsection (a) shall take effect on January 23, 2004, and shall apply during any fiscal year
occurring on or after January 23, 2004.
(Pub. L. 108–199, div. H, §151, Jan. 23, 2004, 118 Stat. 448.)
Section was formerly classified to section 121g of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
SUBCHAPTER III—RECORDING AND PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIOS | §4123. Authority of Attending Physician in response to medical contingencies or | 2004-01-23T00:00:00 | 959d8f9bd0c5c176819ce98f2a8fc6d503798ff3aabfca2d18987239f32ca3d5 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4131 | Photographic Studio
(a) Establishment
There is established the House Recording Studio, the Senate Recording Studio, and the Senate
Photographic Studio.
(b) Assistance in making disk, film, and tape recordings; exclusiveness of use
The House Recording Studio shall assist Members of the House of Representatives in making
disk, film, and tape recordings, and in performing such other functions and duties in connection with
the making of such recordings as may be necessary. The Senate Recording Studio and the Senate
[Release Point 118-70]
Photographic Studio shall assist Members of the Senate and committees of the Senate in making
disk, film, and tape recordings, and in performing such other functions and duties in connection with
the making of such recordings as may be necessary. The House Recording Studio shall be for the
exclusive use of Members of the House of Representatives (including the Delegates and the Resident
Commissioner from Puerto Rico); the Senate Recording Studio and the Senate Photographic Studio
shall be for the exclusive use of Members of the Senate, the Vice President, committees of the
Senate, the Secretary of the Senate, and the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate.
(c) Operation of studios
The House Recording Studio shall be operated by the Chief Administrative Officer of the House
of Representatives under the direction and control of a committee which is created (hereinafter
referred to as the committee) composed of three Members of the House. Two members of the
committee shall be from the majority party and one member shall be from the minority party, to be
appointed by the Speaker. The committee is authorized to issue such rules and regulations relating to
operation of the House Recording Studio as it may deem necessary.
The Senate Recording Studio and the Senate Photographic Studio shall be operated by the
Sergeant at Arms of the Senate under the direction and control of the Committee on Rules and
Administration of the Senate. The Committee on Rules and Administration is authorized to issue
such rules and regulations relating to operation of the Senate Recording Studio and the Senate
Photographic Studio as it may deem necessary.
(d) Prices of disk, film, and tape recordings; collection of moneys
The Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives shall, subject to the approval of
the committee, set the price of making disk, film, and tape recordings, and collect all moneys owed
the House Recording Studio. The Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate shall set the
price of making disk, film, and tape recordings and all moneys owed the Senate Recording Studio
and the Senate Photographic Studio shall be collected by the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate.
(e) Restrictions on expenditures
No moneys shall be expended or obligated for the House Recording Studio except as shall be
pursuant to such regulations as the committee may approve. No moneys shall be expended or
obligated by the Director of the Senate Recording Studio or the Director of the Senate Photographic
Studio until approval therefor has been obtained from the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate.
(f) Appointment of Director and other employees of House Recording Studio
The Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives is authorized, subject to the
approval of the committee, to appoint a Director of the House Recording Studio and such other
employees as are deemed necessary to the operation of the House Recording Studio.
(g) Revolving funds
There is established in the Treasury of the United States, a revolving fund for the House
Recording Studio for the purposes of administering the duties of that studio. There is also established
in the Treasury of the United States a revolving fund, within the contingent fund of the Senate, which
shall be known as the "Senate Photographic Studio Revolving Fund", for the purpose of
administering the duties of the Senate Photographic Studio; and there is established in the Treasury
of the United States, a revolving fund, within the contingent fund of the Senate, which shall be
known as the "Senate Recording Studio Revolving Fund", for the purpose of administering the duties
of the Senate Recording Studio.
(h) Deposits in funds; availability of funds
All moneys received by the House Recording Studio from Members of the House of
Representatives for disk, film, or tape recordings, or from any other source, shall be deposited by the
Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives in the revolving fund established for
the House Recording Studio by the preceding paragraph; moneys in such fund shall be available for
disbursement therefrom by the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives for the
care, maintenance, operation, and other expenses of the studio upon vouchers signed and approved in
[Release Point 118-70]
such manner as the committee shall prescribe. All moneys received by the Senate Recording Studio
shall be deposited in the Senate Recording Studio Revolving Fund established by subsection (g) and
all funds received by the Senate Photographic Studio shall be deposited in the Senate Photographic
Studio Revolving Fund established by such subsection; moneys in the Senate Recording Studio
Revolving Fund shall be available for disbursement therefrom upon vouchers signed by the Sergeant
at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate for the care, maintenance, operation, and other expenses of
the Senate Recording Studio, and moneys in the Senate Photographic Studio Revolving Fund shall
be available for disbursement therefrom upon vouchers signed by the Sergeant at Arms and
Doorkeeper of the Senate for the care, maintenance, operation, and other expenses of the Senate
Photographic Studio.
(i) Distribution of equity of Joint Senate and House Recording Facility Revolving Fund;
assignment of existing studio facilities, equipment, materials and supplies; transfer of
accounts; reserve fund; distribution of balance
(1) As soon as practicable after June 27, 1956, but no later than September 30, 1956, the equity of
the Joint Senate and House Recording Facility Revolving Fund shall be distributed equally to the
Senate and House of Representatives on the basis of an audit to be made by the General Accounting
(2) The Sergeant at Arms of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives shall,
subject to the approval of the committees mentioned in subsection (c) hereof, determine the
assignment of existing studio facilities to the Senate and the House of Representatives, and also the
existing equipment, materials and supplies to be transferred to the respective studios. The evaluation
of equipment, materials and supplies transferred to each studio shall be on the basis of market value.
Any other equipment, materials and supplies determined to be obsolete or not needed for the
operation of the respective studio shall be disposed of to the best interest of the Government and the
proceeds thereof deposited in the Joint Senate and House Recording Facility Revolving Fund.
(3) Accounts receivable, which on the effective date of liquidation, are due from Members and
committees of the Senate shall be transferred to the Senate Studio, and those due from Members and
committees of the House of Representatives shall be transferred to the House Studio.
(4) A sufficient reserve shall be set aside from the Joint Senate and House Recording Facility
Revolving Fund to liquidate any outstanding accounts payable.
(5) After appropriate adjustments for the value of assets assigned or transferred to the Senate and
House of Representatives, respectively, the balance in the Joint Senate and House Recording Facility
Revolving Fund shall be distributed equally to the Senate and House of Representatives for deposit
to the respective revolving funds authorized by this section.
(j) Availability of existing services and facilities
Pending acquisition of the stock, supplies, materials, and equipment necessary to properly equip
both studios, the present services and facilities shall be made available to both studios in order that
each studio may carry out its duty.
(k) Restrictions on employment
No person shall be an officer or employee of the House Recording Studio, Senate Recording
Studio, or Senate Photographic Studio while he is engaged in any other business, profession,
occupation, or employment which involves the performance of duties which are similar to those
which would be performed by him as such an officer or employee of such studio unless approved in
writing by the committee in the case of the House Recording Studio and the Senate Committee on
Rules and Administration in the case of the Senate Recording Studio and the Senate Photographic
(l) Abolition of Joint Recording Facility positions and salaries
The Joint Recording Facility positions and salaries established pursuant to the Legislative Branch
Appropriation Act, 1948, and all subsequent Acts are abolished.
(m) Repeals
[Release Point 118-70]
Effective with the completion of the transfer provided for by subsection (i) hereof the joint
resolution entitled "Joint resolution establishing in the Treasury of the United States a revolving fund
within the contingent fund of the House of Representatives", approved August 7, 1953, is repealed.
(n) Repealed. Pub. L. 92–310, title II, §220(j), June 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 205
(o) Authorization of appropriations
Such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section are authorized to be
(June 27, 1956, ch. 453, §105, 70 Stat. 370; Pub. L. 88–652, §16(a), Oct. 13, 1964, 78 Stat. 1084;
Pub. L. 92–310, title II, §220(j), June 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 205; Pub. L. 96–304, title I, §108(a), July 8,
1980, 94 Stat. 890; Pub. L. 97–257, title I, §102, Sept. 10, 1982, 96 Stat. 849; Pub. L. 101–520, title
I, §7(a), (c), (d), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 2258, 2259; Pub. L. 104–186, title II, §204(68), Aug. 20,
1996, 110 Stat. 1740.)
Section was formerly classified to section 123b of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
1996—Subsecs. (c), (d), (f). Pub. L. 104–186, §204(68)(A), substituted "Chief Administrative Officer" for
Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 104–186, §204(68)(B), struck out "within the contingent fund of the House of
Representatives" before "for the House Recording Studio".
Subsec. (h). Pub. L. 104–186, §204(68)(A), substituted "Chief Administrative Officer" for "Clerk" in two
1990—Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 101–520, §7(a), amended second sentence generally. Prior to amendment,
second sentence read as follows: "There is also established in the Treasury of the United States, a revolving
fund within the contingent fund of the Senate for the Senate Recording and Photographic Studios for the
purposes of administering the duties of that studio."
Subsec. (h). Pub. L. 101–520, §7(c), amended second sentence generally. Prior to amendment, second
sentence read as follows: "All moneys received by the Senate Recording and Photographic Studios for disk,
film, or tape recordings or from any other source, shall be deposited in the revolving fund established for the
Senate Recording and Photographic Studios by subsection (g) of this section; moneys in such fund shall be
available for disbursement therefrom upon vouchers signed and approved by the Sergeant at Arms for the
care, maintenance, operation, and other expenses of the Senate Recording and Photographic Studios."
1982—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 97–257 inserted reference to Secretary of Senate and Sergeant at Arms of
1972—Subsec. (n). Pub. L. 92–310 repealed subsec. (n) which required Directors of House and Senate
Recording Studios to give bonds in sum of $20,000 each.
1964—Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 88–652 struck out "and fix the compensation of" after "to appoint".
General Accounting Office redesignated Government Accountability Office by section 8 of Pub. L.
108–271, set out as a note under section 702 of Title 31, Money and Finance.
Pub. L. 101–520, title I, §7(b), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 2259, provided that: "The amendment made by
subsection (a) [amending this section] shall take effect on April 1, 1991, and, of the monies in the revolving
fund within the contingent fund of the Senate for the Recording and Photographic Studios, as such fund was in
existence immediately prior to the amendment made by subsection (a), $100,000 shall be deposited in the
Senate Photographic Studio Revolving Fund (as established by the amendment made by subsection (a)) and
the remainder shall be deposited into the Senate Recording Studio Revolving Fund (as so established)."
[Release Point 118-70]
Pub. L. 101–520, title I, §7(c), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 2259, provided that the amendment made by that
section is effective Apr. 1, 1991.
Amendment by Pub. L. 88–652 effective Jan. 1, 1965, see section 17 of Pub. L. 88–652, set out as an
Effective Date note under section 291 of this title.
References to Senate Recording Studio and Senate Photographic Studio substituted for "Senate Recording
and Photographic Studios" wherever appearing in text pursuant to section 108(a) of Pub. L. 96–304, as
amended by section 7(d) of Pub. L. 101–520, which is classified to section 4132(a) of this title, and which
abolished entity known as Senate Recording and Photographic Studios, established instead Senate Recording
Studio and Senate Photographic Studio, and made corresponding transfer of functions. Previously, "Senate
Recording and Photographic Studios" had been substituted in text for "Senate Recording Studio" pursuant to
section 108(a) of Pub. L. 96–304.
Pub. L. 104–53, title I, §107, Nov. 19, 1995, 109 Stat. 522, provided that:
"(a) Each fund and account specified in subsection (b) shall be available only to the extent provided in
appropriations Acts.
"(b) The funds and accounts referred to in subsection (a) are—
"(1) the revolving fund for the House Barber Shops, established by the paragraph under the heading '
' in the matter relating to the House of Representatives in
chapter III of title I of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1975 (Public Law 93–554; 88 Stat. 1776);
"(2) the revolving fund for the House Beauty Shop, established by the matter under the heading '
' in the matter relating to administrative provisions for the House of
Representatives in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1970 (Public Law 91–145; 83 Stat. 347);
"(3) the special deposit account established for the House of Representatives Restaurant by section 208
of the First Supplemental Civil Functions Appropriation Act, 1941 (40 U.S.C. 174k note) [former 40 U.S.C.
174k]; and
"(4) the revolving fund established for the House Recording Studio by section 105(g) of the
Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1957 (2 U.S.C. 123b(g)) [now 2 U.S.C. 4131(g)].
"(c) This section shall take effect on October 1, 1995, and shall apply with respect to fiscal years beginning
on or after that date." | §4131. House Recording Studio; Senate Recording Studio and Senate | 1995-10-01T00:00:00 | 225c0534d1b9226793903f4856c9bf0ddf868231e1d2ee5f39d84a696ba7a252 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 41, §4132 | Senate Recording and Photographic Studios; rules, regulations, and fees for
photographs and photographic services
(a) The entity, in the Senate, known (prior to April 1, 1991) as the "Senate Recording and
Photographic Studios" is abolished, and there is established in its stead the following two entities:
the "Senate Recording Studio", and the "Senate Photographic Studio"; and there are transferred, from
the entity known (prior to April 1, 1991) as the "Senate Recording and Photographic Studios" to the
Senate Recording Studio all personnel, equipment, supplies, and funds which are available for, relate
to, or are utilized in connection with, recording, and to the Senate Photographic Studio all personnel,
equipment, supplies, and funds which are available for, relate to, or are utilized in connection with,
(b)(1) The Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate shall, subject to the approval of the
majority and minority leaders, promulgate rules and regulations, and establish fees, for the provision
of photographs and photographic services to be furnished by the Photographic Studio.
(2) Omitted.
(Pub. L. 96–304, title I, §108, July 8, 1980, 94 Stat. 890; Pub. L. 101–520, title I, §7(d), Nov. 5,
1990, 104 Stat. 2259.)
[Release Point 118-70]
Expenses of committees payable from Senate contingent fund.
Assistance to Senators with committee memberships by employees in office of Senator.
Computation of compensation for stenographic assistance of committees payable from
Senate contingent fund.
Allowances for compensation of interns in House committee offices.
Overtime pay for FBI employees detailed to House Committee on Appropriations.
Limitation on allowance authority of Committee on House Oversight.
Adjustment of House of Representatives allowances by Committee on House Oversight.
Regulations governing availability of appropriations for House committee employees.
Approval of employment and compensation of committee employees by House
standing committees.
Preparation and contents of statement of appropriations.
Maximum annual rate of compensation of Chief of Staff of Joint Committee on
Committee staffs.
Section was formerly classified to section 123b–1 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
Words "prior to April 1, 1991", referred to in subsec. (a), were in the original "prior to this amendment"
which was translated as meaning prior to the effective date of section 7(d) of Pub. L. 101–520, which
amended subsec. (a) generally, to reflect the probable intent of Congress.
Subsec. (b)(2), which authorized the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate to appoint and fix the
compensation of not more than 15 employees to carry out the functions of the Photographic Studio and
provided that the Secretary of the Senate make payments of compensation, etc., of such personnel from certain
funds appropriated for the Senate, was omitted in view of section 6597 of this title which abolished all
statutory positions in the Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, with specified
exceptions, effective Oct. 1, 1981, and authorized the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate to
appoint and fix the compensation of such employees as appropriate.
1990—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 101–520 amended subsec. (a) generally. Prior to amendment, subsec. (a) read as
follows: "The Senate Recording Studio hereafter shall be known as the Senate Recording and Photographic
Studios. Subject to subsection (b) of this section, all references to the Senate Recording Studio (including the
revolving fund) in any law, resolution, or regulation shall be considered as referring to the Senate Recording
and Photographic Studios, and any provision of any law, resolution, or regulation which is applicable to the
Senate Recording Studio shall be deemed to apply to the Senate Recording and Photographic Studios."
Pub. L. 101–520, title I, §7(d), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 2259, provided that the amendment made by that
section is effective Apr. 1, 1991.
So in original. Probably should be "are".
1 | §4132. Senate Recording Studio and Senate Photographic Studio as successors to | 1991-04-01T00:00:00 | 77f95b4c1e742419698a2fa74c03faf16433a2a29165729b069c1374c95458fa |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4301 | (a) Appointment of professional members; number; qualifications; termination of employment
Each standing committee of the Senate (other than the Committee on Appropriations) is
authorized to appoint, by majority vote of the committee, not more than six professional staff
members in addition to the clerical staffs. Such professional staff members shall be assigned to the
chairman and the ranking minority member of such committee as the committee may deem
advisable, except that whenever a majority of the minority members of such committee so request,
two of such professional staff members may be selected for appointment by majority vote of the
minority members and the committee shall appoint any staff members so selected. A staff member or
members appointed pursuant to a request by the minority members of the committee shall be
assigned to such committee business as such minority members deem advisable. Services of
professional staff members appointed by majority vote of the committee may be terminated by a
majority vote of the committee and services of professional staff members appointed pursuant to a
request by the minority members of the committee shall be terminated by the committee when a
majority of such minority members so request. Professional staff members authorized by this
subsection shall be appointed on a permanent basis, without regard to political affiliation, and solely
on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of their respective positions. Such professional staff
members shall not engage in any work other than committee business and no other duties may be
assigned to them.
(b) Professional members for Committee on Appropriations; examinations of executive
agencies' operation
Subject to appropriations which it shall be in order to include in appropriation bills, the Committee
on Appropriations of each House is authorized to appoint such staff, in addition to the clerk thereof
and assistants for the minority, as each such committee, by a majority vote, shall determine to be
necessary, such personnel, other than the minority assistants, to possess such qualifications as the
committees respectively may prescribe, and the Committee on Appropriations of the House also is
authorized to conduct studies and examinations of the organization and operation of any executive
agency (including any agency the majority of the stock of which is owned by the Government of the
United States) as it may deem necessary to assist it in connection with the determination of matters
within its jurisdiction and in accordance with procedures authorized by the committee by a majority
vote, including the rights and powers conferred by House Resolution Numbered 50, adopted January
9, 1945.
(c) Clerical employees; appointment; number; duties; termination of employment
The clerical staff of each standing committee of the Senate (other than the Committee on
Appropriations), which shall be appointed by a majority vote of the committee, shall consist of not
more than six clerks to be attached to the office of the chairman, to the ranking minority member,
and to the professional staff, as the committee may deem advisable, except that whenever a majority
of the minority members of such committee so requests, one of the members of the clerical staff may
be selected for appointment by majority vote of such minority members and the committee shall
appoint any staff member so selected. The clerical staff shall handle committee correspondence and
[Release Point 118-70]
stenographic work, both for the committee staff and for the chairman and ranking minority member
on matters related to committee work, except that if a member of the clerical staff is appointed
pursuant to a request by the minority members of the committee, such clerical staff member shall
handle committee correspondence and stenographic work for the minority members of the committee
and for any members of the committee staff appointed under subsection (a) pursuant to request by
such minority members, on matters related to committee work. Services of clerical staff members
appointed by majority vote of the committee may be terminated by majority vote of the committee
and services of clerical staff members appointed pursuant to a request by the minority members of
the committee shall be terminated by the committee when a majority of such minority members so
(d) Recordation of committee hearings, data, etc.; access to records
All committee hearings, records, data, charts, and files shall be kept separate and distinct from the
congressional office records of the Member serving as chairman of the committee; and such records
shall be the property of the Congress and all members of the committee and the respective Houses
shall have access to such records. Each committee is authorized to have printed and bound such
testimony and other data presented at hearings held by the committee.
(e) Repealed. Pub. L. 91–510, title IV, §477(a)(3), Oct. 26, 1970, 84 Stat. 1195
(f) Limitations on appointment of professional members
No committee shall appoint to its staff any experts or other personnel detailed or assigned from
any department or agency of the Government, except with the written permission of the Committee
on Rules and Administration of the Senate or the Committee on House Oversight of the House of
Representatives, as the case may be.
(g) Appointments when no vacancy exists; payment from Senate contingent fund
In any case in which a request for the appointment of a minority staff member under subsection (a)
or subsection (c) is made at any time when no vacancy exists to which the appointment requested
may be made—
(1) the person appointed pursuant to such a request under subsection (a) may serve in addition
to any other professional staff members authorized by such subsection and may be paid from the
contingent fund of the Senate until such time as such a vacancy occurs, at which time such person
shall be considered to have been appointed to such vacancy; and
(2) the person appointed pursuant to such a request under subsection (c) may serve in addition
to any other clerical staff members authorized by such subsection and may be paid, until otherwise
provided, from the contingent fund of the Senate.
(h) Salary rates, assignment of facilities, and accessibility of committee records for minority
staff appointees
Staff members appointed pursuant to a request by minority members of a committee under
subsection (a) or subsection (c), and staff members appointed to assist minority members of
subcommittees pursuant to authority of Senate resolution, shall be accorded equitable treatment with
respect to the fixing of salary rates, the assignment of facilities, and the accessibility of committee
(i) Consultants for Senate and House standing committees; procurement of temporary or
intermittent services; contracts; advertisement requirements inapplicable; selection method;
qualifications report to Congressional committees
(1) Each standing committee of the Senate or House of Representatives is authorized, with the
approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration in the case of standing committees of the
Senate, or the Committee on House Oversight in the case of standing committees of the House of
Representatives, within the limits of funds made available from the contingent fund of the Senate or
the applicable accounts of the House of Representatives pursuant to resolutions which, in the case of
the Senate, shall specify the maximum amounts which may be used for such purpose, approved by
the appropriate House, to procure the temporary services (not in excess of one year) or intermittent
[Release Point 118-70]
services of individual consultants, or organizations thereof, to make studies or advise the committee
with respect to any matter within its jurisdiction or with respect to the administration of the affairs of
the committee.
(2) Such services in the case of individuals or organizations may be procured by contract as
independent contractors, or in the case of individuals by employment at daily rates of compensation
not in excess of the per diem equivalent of the highest gross rate of compensation which may be paid
to a regular employee of the committee. Such contracts shall not be subject to the provisions of
section 6101 of title 41 or any other provision of law requiring advertising.
(3) With respect to the standing committees of the Senate, any such consultant or organization
shall be selected by the chairman and ranking minority member of the committee, acting jointly.
With respect to the standing committees of the House of Representatives, the standing committee
concerned shall select any such consultant or organization. The committee shall submit to the
Committee on Rules and Administration in the case of standing committees of the Senate, and the
Committee on House Oversight in the case of standing committees of the House of Representatives,
information bearing on the qualifications of each consultant whose services are procured pursuant to
this subsection, including organizations, and such information shall be retained by that committee
and shall be made available for public inspection upon request.
(j) Specialized training for professional staffs of Senate and House standing committees, Senate
Appropriations Committee, Senate Majority and Minority Policy Committees, and joint
committees whose funding is disbursed by Secretary of Senate or Chief Administrative
Officer of House; assistance: pay, tuition, etc. while training; continued employment
agreement; service credit: retirement, life insurance and health insurance
(1) Each standing committee of the Senate or House of Representatives is authorized, with the
approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration in the case of standing committees of the
Senate, and the committee involved in the case of standing committees of the House of
Representatives, and within the limits of funds made available from the contingent fund of the
Senate or the applicable accounts of the House of Representatives pursuant to resolutions, which, in
the case of the Senate, shall specify the maximum amounts which may be used for such purpose,
approved by the appropriate House, to provide assistance for members of its professional staff in
obtaining specialized training, whenever that committee determines that such training will aid the
committee in the discharge of its responsibilities. Any joint committee of the Congress whose
expenses are paid out of funds disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate or by the Chief
Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Appropriations of the
Senate, and the Majority Policy Committee and Minority Policy Committee of the Senate are each
authorized to expend, for the purpose of providing assistance in accordance with paragraphs (2), (3),
and (4) of this subsection for members of its staff in obtaining such training, any part of amounts
appropriated to that committee.
(2) Such assistance may be in the form of continuance of pay during periods of training or grants
of funds to pay tuition, fees, or such other expenses of training, or both, as may be approved by the
Committee on Rules and Administration or the Committee on House Administration, as the case may
(3) A committee providing assistance under this subsection shall obtain from any employee
receiving such assistance such agreement with respect to continued employment with the committee
as the committee may deem necessary to assure that it will receive the benefits of such employee's
services upon completion of his training.
(4) During any period for which an employee is separated from employment with a committee for
the purpose of undergoing training under this subsection, such employee shall be considered to have
performed service (in nonpay status) as an employee of the committee at the rate of compensation
received immediately prior to commencing such training (including any increases in compensation
provided by law during the period of training) for the purposes of—
(A) subchapter III (relating to civil service retirement) of chapter 83 of title 5,
(B) chapter 87 (relating to Federal employees group life insurance) of title 5, and
(C) chapter 89 (relating to Federal employees group health insurance) of title 5.
[Release Point 118-70]
(Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, title II, §202, 60 Stat. 834; July 30, 1947, ch. 361, title I, §101, 61 Stat. 611;
Feb. 24, 1949, ch. 8, 63 Stat. 6; Aug. 5, 1955, ch. 568, §12, 69 Stat. 509; Pub. L. 85–462, §4(o), June
20, 1958, 72 Stat. 209; Pub. L. 88–426, title II, §202(j), Aug. 14, 1964, 78 Stat. 414; Pub. L. 91–510,
title III, §§301(a)–(c), 303, 304, title IV, §477(a)(3), Oct. 26, 1970, 84 Stat. 1175, 1176, 1179, 1180,
1195; Pub. L. 92–136, §5, Oct. 11, 1971, 85 Stat. 378; Pub. L. 100–458, title III, §312, Oct. 1, 1988,
102 Stat. 2184; Pub. L. 104–186, title II, §204(10), (11), Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1731; Pub. L.
105–55, title I, §105(a), Oct. 7, 1997, 111 Stat. 1184.)
Section was formerly classified to section 72a of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering
as this section.
In subsec. (i)(2), "section 6101 of title 41" substituted for "section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (41 U.S.C.
5)" on authority of Pub. L. 111–350, §6(c), Jan. 4, 2011, 124 Stat. 3854, which Act enacted Title 41, Public
A former subsec. (k) authorized additional professional staff members and clerical employees for specific
House committees. Committee staffs are now covered by the Rules of the House of Representatives. Former
subsec. (k) was based on the following House resolutions which were enacted into permanent law:
Subsec. (k)(1) was based on House Resolution No. 172 of the Eighty-first Congress, which was enacted
into permanent law by act June 22, 1949, ch. 235, §105, 63 Stat. 230, and House Resolution No. 464 of the
Eighty-first Congress, which was enacted into permanent law by act Oct. 11, 1951, ch. 485, §105, 65 Stat.
Subsec. (k)(2) was based on House Resolution No. 37 of the Eighty-second Congress, which was enacted
into permanent law by act Oct. 11, 1951, ch. 485, §105, 65 Stat. 403, House Resolution No. 393 of the
Eighty-eighth Congress, which was enacted into permanent law by Pub. L. 88–454, §103, Aug. 20, 1964, 78
Stat. 550, House Resolution No. 248 of the Eighty-ninth Congress, which was enacted into permanent law by
Pub. L. 89–90, §103, July 27, 1965, 79 Stat. 281, and House Resolution No. 640 of the Eighty-ninth Congress,
which was enacted into permanent law by Pub. L. 89–545, §103, Aug. 27, 1966, 80 Stat. 369.
Subsec. (k)(3) was based on House Resolution No. 554 of the Eighty-third Congress, which was enacted
into permanent law by act July 2, 1954, ch. 455, §103, 68 Stat. 409, House Resolution No. 468 of the
Eighty-fourth Congress, which was enacted into permanent law by act June 27, 1956, ch. 453, §103, 70 Stat.
370, House Resolution No. 126 of the Eighty-fifth Congress, which was enacted into permanent law by Pub.
L. 85–75, §103, July 1, 1957, 71 Stat. 256, House Resolution No. 525 of the Eighty-fifth Congress, which was
enacted into permanent law by Pub. L. 85–570, §103, July 31, 1958, 72 Stat. 453, and House Resolution No.
509 of the Eighty-seventh Congress, which was enacted into permanent law by Pub. L. 87–730, §103, Oct. 2,
1962, 76 Stat. 693.
Subsec. (k)(4) was based on House Resolution No. 28 of the Eighty-fifth Congress, which was enacted into
permanent law by Pub. L. 85–75, §103, July 1, 1957, 71 Stat. 256, and section 2 of House Resolution No. 348
of the Eighty-seventh Congress, which was enacted into permanent law by Pub. L. 87–730, §103, Oct. 2,
1962, 76 Stat. 693.
Subsec. (k)(5) was based on House Resolution No. 239 of the Eighty-fifth Congress, which was enacted
into permanent law by Pub. L. 85–570, §103, July 31, 1958, 72 Stat. 453, and House Resolution No. 225 of
the Eighty-eighth Congress, which was enacted into permanent law by Pub. L. 88–248, §103, Dec. 30, 1963,
77 Stat. 817.
1997—Subsec. (j)(1). Pub. L. 105–55 amended directory language of Pub. L. 104–186, §204(11). See 1996
Amendment note below.
1996—Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 104–186, §204(10)(A), substituted "House Oversight" for "House
Subsec. (i)(1). Pub. L. 104–186, §204(10), substituted "House Oversight" for "House Administration",
"contingent fund of the Senate or the applicable accounts of the House of Representatives pursuant to
resolutions which, in the case of the Senate," for "contingent funds of the respective Houses pursuant to
resolutions, which", and "the appropriate House" for "such respective Houses".
Subsec. (i)(3). Pub. L. 104–186, §204(10)(A), substituted "House Oversight" for "House Administration".
Subsec. (j)(1). Pub. L. 104–186, §204(11), as amended by Pub. L. 105–55, §105(a), substituted "committee
[Release Point 118-70]
involved in the case of standing committees of the House of Representatives, and within the limits of funds
made available from the contingent fund of the Senate or the applicable accounts of the House of
Representatives pursuant to resolutions, which, in the case of the Senate, shall specify the maximum amounts
which may be used for such purpose, approved by the appropriate House" for "Committee on House
Administration in the case of standing committees of the House of Representatives, and within the limits of
funds made available from the contingent funds of the respective Houses pursuant to resolutions, which shall
specify the maximum amounts which may be used for such purpose, approved by such respective Houses" and
"Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives" for "Clerk of the House".
1988—Subsec. (i)(1). Pub. L. 100–458 inserted "or with respect to the administration of the affairs of the
committee" before period at end.
1971—Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 92–136, §5(a), permitted a clerical staff member, appointed at the request of the
minority when no vacancy exists on the permanent staff, to continue to serve, in addition to any other clerical
staff members authorized, and until otherwise provided, to continue to be paid from the contingent fund of the
Senate, thereby eliminating the requirement, in the case of a clerical staff member, that this status continue
until such time as a vacancy occurs, at which time such person is considered to be appointed to such vacancy.
Subsec. (j)(1). Pub. L. 92–136, §5(b), authorized the same training opportunities for professional staff
members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the Senate Majority and Minority Policy Committees and
joint committees whose expenses are paid out of funds disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate or the Clerk of
the House, as are afforded to professional staff members of standing committees.
1970—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 91–510, §301(a), restricted the provisions to standing committees of the Senate,
deleting "and the House of Representatives" after "Senate", increased numerical limitation of professional
staff members from four to six, provided for appointment of two staff members by majority vote of minority
members of a committee whenever majority of minority members so request and assignment of such
appointees to such committee business as the minority members deem advisable, and substituted provision for
termination of services of staff members appointed by majority vote of the committee and services of
members appointed pursuant to request of minority members of the committee by the committee when
majority of such minority members so request for prior termination provision by majority vote of the
Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 91–510, §301(b), inserted "of the Senate (other than the Committee on
Appropriations)" after "each standing committee", provided for appointment of one clerical staff member by
majority vote of minority members of a committee whenever majority of minority members so request and
handling by such appointee of committee correspondence and stenographic work for minority members of the
committee and for any members of the committee staff appointed under subsec. (a) of this section pursuant to
request by the minority members, on matters related to committee work, and for termination of services of
clerical staff members appointed by majority vote of the committee and services of members appointed
pursuant to request of minority members of the committee by the committee when majority of such minority
members so request.
Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 91–510, §477(a)(3), repealed provisions prescribing basic annual compensation of
professional staff members and clerical staff members of standing committees and limiting such
compensation, together with additional compensation authorized by law, to maximum amount authorized by
Classification Act of 1949.
Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 91–510, §301(c), added subsec. (g).
Subsec. (h). Pub. L. 91–510, §301(c), added subsec. (h) and struck out former provisions which related to
employees of House and Senate Appropriation Committees through fiscal year 1947, all other committee
employees through Jan. 31, 1947, and appropriations for compensation of committee employees as contained
in Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1947, act July 1, 1946, ch. 530, 60 Stat. 386.
Subsec. (i). Pub. L. 91–510, §303, added subsec. (i).
Subsec. (j). Pub. L. 91–510, §304, added subsec. (j).
1964—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 88–426 increased maximum basic annual compensation to professional staff
members and clerical staff from $8,880 to highest amount which, together with additional compensation
authorized by law, will not exceed maximum rate authorized by Classification Act of 1949, as amended.
1958—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 85–462 substituted "$8,880" for "$8,820" in two places.
1955—Subsec. (e). Act Aug. 5, 1955, increased maximum basic annual compensation of professional staff
and clerical staff from $8,000 to $8,820.
1949—Subsec. (g). Act Feb. 24, 1949, struck out subsec. (g) which declared any individual employed as a
professional staff member of any committee as provided in this section ineligible for appointment to any
office or position in the executive branch for a period of one year after ceasing to be such a member.
1947—Subsec. (e). Act July 30, 1947, omitted figure $2,000 as lowest salary to be paid clerks.
[Release Point 118-70]
Committee on House Oversight of House of Representatives changed to Committee on House
Administration of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 6,
Pub. L. 105–55, title I, §105(b), Oct. 7, 1997, 111 Stat. 1184, provided that: "The amendment made by
subsection (a) [amending this section] shall take effect as of August 20, 1996."
Amendment by Pub. L. 92–136 effective as of noon on Jan. 3, 1971, see section 9(a) of Pub. L. 92–136, set
out as a note under section 190d of this title.
Pub. L. 91–510, title VI, §601, Oct. 26, 1970, 84 Stat. 1204, provided that:
"The foregoing provisions of this Act [see Tables for classification] shall take effect as follows:
"(1) Title I, title II (except part 2 thereof), title III (except section 203(d)(2), (d)(3), and (i) of the Legislative
Reorganization Act of 1946 [see Tables for classification], as amended by section 321 of this Act, and section
105(e) and (f) of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1968 [see Tables for classification], as amended
by section 305 of this Act), and title IV, of this Act shall become effective immediately prior to noon on
January 3, 1971.
"(2) Part 2 of title II shall be effective with respect to fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 1972.
"(3) Section 203(d)(2) and (3) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, as amended by section 321 of
this Act, shall become effective at the close of the first session of the Ninety-second Congress.
"(4) Section 203(i) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, as amended by section 321 of this Act,
shall be effective with respect to fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 1970.
"(5) Title V of this Act shall become effective on the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 26, 1970].
"(6) Section 105(e) and (f) of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1968, as amended by section 305
of this Act shall become effective on January 1, 1971."
Amendment by Pub. L. 88–426 effective first day of first pay period which begins on or after July 1, 1964,
except to the extent provided in section 501(c) of Pub. L. 88–426, see section 501 of Pub. L. 88–426.
Amendment by Pub. L. 85–462 effective first day of first pay period which began on or after January 1,
1958, see section 17(a) of Pub. L. 85–462.
Amendment by act Aug. 5, 1955, effective Aug. 1, 1955, see section 14 of that act.
Act Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, title II, §245, 60 Stat. 839, provided that: "This title [see Tables for
classification] shall take effect on the date of its enactment [Aug. 2, 1946]; except that sections 202(a), (b),
(c), (e), (f), and (h), 222, 223, 224, and 243 shall take effect on the day on which the Eightieth Congress
convenes [Jan. 3, 1947]."
Pub. L. 91–510, §1, Oct. 26, 1970, 84 Stat. 1140, provided that Pub. L. 91–510 [see Tables for
classification] may be cited as the "Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970."
Act Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, §1(a), 60 Stat. 812, provided that such Act [see Tables for classification] may be
cited as the "Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946."
Section 2(a) of S. Res. 274, Ninety-sixth Congress, Nov. 14, 1979, provided in part that, until otherwise
provided by law or resolution of the Senate, the provisions of subsections (a) through (h) of this section shall
[Release Point 118-70]
not apply to committees of the Senate.
Section 2(d) of Senate Resolution 281, Ninety-sixth Congress, approved March 11, 1980, provided that
effective February 28, 1981, the additional clerical staff positions established by subsection (g) of this section
(as in effect for committees of the Senate prior to November 14, 1979) are abolished.
Pub. L. 104–53, title I, §105, Nov. 19, 1995, 109 Stat. 521, provided that:
"(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, or any rule, regulation, or other authority, travel for
studies and examinations under section 202(b) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 (2 U.S.C.
72a(b)) [now 2 U.S.C. 4301(b)] shall be governed by applicable laws or regulations of the House of
Representatives or as promulgated from time to time by the Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations of
the House of Representatives.
"(b) Subsection (a) shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act [Nov. 19, 1995] and shall apply
to travel performed on or after that date."
Pub. L. 91–510, title III, §301(d), Oct. 26, 1970, 84 Stat. 1177, provided that: "Nothing in the amendments
made by subsections (a) and (b) of this section [amending this section] shall be construed—
"(1) to require a reduction in—
"(A) the number of staff members authorized, prior to January 1, 1971, to be employed by any
committee of the Senate, by statute or by annual or permanent resolution, or
"(B) the number of such staff members on such date assigned to, or authorized to be selected for
appointment by or with the approval of, the minority members of any such committee; or
"(2) to authorize the selection for appointment of staff members by the minority members of a
committee in any case in which two or more professional staff members or one or more clerical staff
members, as the case may be, who are satisfactory to a majority of such minority members, are otherwise
assigned to assist such minority members."
Pub. L. 91–510, title III, §301(e), Oct. 26, 1970, 84 Stat. 1177, provided that: "The additional professional
staff members authorized to be employed by a committee by the amendment made by subsection (a) of this
section [amending this section] shall be in addition to any other additional staff members authorized, prior to
January 1, 1971, to be employed by any such committee."
Increases in compensation for Senate and House officers and employees under authority of Federal Salary
Act of 1967 (Pub. L. 90–206), Federal Pay Comparability Act of 1970 (Pub. L. 91–656), and Legislative
Branch Appropriations Act, 1988 (Pub. L. 100–202), see sections 4531, 4532, and 4571 of this title, Salary
Directives of President pro tempore of the Senate set out as notes under section 4571 of this title, and Salary
Directives of Speaker of the House set out as notes under sections 4531 and 4532 of this title.
Act Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, title I, §§102, 121, 60 Stat. 814, 822, in amending Rule XXV of the Standing
Rules of the Senate, and Rules X and XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives, reorganized the
standing committees in the two Houses, and re-defined the jurisdiction of each such committee. The number
of standing committees of the Senate was reduced from 33 to 13, and the number of such committees in the
House of Representatives was reduced from 48 to 19. Section 142 of act Aug. 2, 1946, provided that sections
102 and 121 thereof should take effect on Jan. 2, 1947. For provisions of act Aug. 2, 1946, relating to
appointment and compensation of clerical staffs of the revised committees and other personnel thereof, and
retention of employees of existing committees, see this section and section 5101 of this title.
S. Res. 243, One Hundredth Congress, July 1, 1987, provided: "That (a) there is established, within the
Office of the Secretary of the Senate (hereinafter referred to as the 'Secretary'), the Office of Senate Security
(hereinafter referred to as the 'Office'), which shall be headed by a Director of Senate Security (hereinafter
referred to as the 'Director'). The Office shall be under the policy direction of the Majority and Minority
Leaders of the Senate, and shall be under the administrative direction and supervision of the Secretary.
[Release Point 118-70]
"(b)(1) The Director shall be appointed by the Secretary after consultation with the Majority and Minority
Leaders. The Secretary shall fix the compensation of the Director. Any appointment under this subsection
shall be made solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of the position and without regard to political
"(2) The Director, with the approval of the Secretary, and after consultation with the Chairman and Ranking
Member of the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate, may establish such policies and
procedures as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this resolution. Commencing one year from the
effective date of this resolution, the Director shall submit an annual report to the Majority and Minority
Leaders and the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Rules and Administration on the status
of security matters and the handling of classified information in the Senate, and the progress of the Office in
achieving the mandates of this resolution.
. 2. (a) The Secretary shall appoint and fix the compensation of such personnel as may be necessary to
carry out the provisions of this resolution. The Director, with the approval of the Secretary, shall prescribe the
duties and responsibilities of such personnel. If a Director is not appointed, the Office shall be headed by an
Acting Director. The Secretary shall appoint and fix the compensation of the Acting Director.
"(b) The Majority and Minority Leaders of the Senate may each designate a Majority staff assistant and a
Minority staff assistant to serve as their liaisons to the Office. Upon such designation, the Secretary shall
appoint and fix the compensation of the Majority and Minority liaison assistants.
. 3. (a) The Office is authorized, and shall have the responsibility, to develop, establish, and carry out
policies and procedures with respect to such matters as:
"(1) the receipt, control, transmission, storage, destruction or other handling of classified information
addressed to the United States Senate, the President of the Senate, or Members and employees of the
"(2) the processing of security clearance requests and renewals for officers and employees of the
"(3) establishing and maintaining a current and centralized record of security clearances held by
officers and employees of the Senate, and developing recommendations for reducing the number of
clearances held by such employees;
"(4) consulting and presenting briefings on security matters and the handling of classified information
for the benefit of Members and employees of the Senate;
"(5) maintaining an active liaison on behalf of the Senate, or any committee thereof, with all
departments and agencies of the United States on security matters; and
"(6) conducting periodic review of the practices and procedures employed by all offices of the Senate
for the handling of classified information.
"(b) Within 180 days after the Director takes office, he shall develop, after consultation with the Secretary,
a Senate Security Manual, to be printed and distributed to all Senate offices. The Senate Security Manual will
prescribe the policies and procedures of the Office, and set forth regulations for all other Senate offices for the
handling of classified information.
"(c) Within 90 days after taking office, the Director shall conduct a survey to determine the number of
officers and employees of the Senate that have security clearances and report the findings of the survey to the
Majority and Minority Leaders and Secretary of the Senate together with recommendations regarding the
feasibility of reducing the number of employees with such clearances.
"(d) The Office shall have authority—
"(1) to provide appropriate facilities in the United States Capitol for hearings of committees of the
Senate at which restricted data or other classified information is to be presented or discussed;
"(2) to establish and operate a central repository in the United States Capitol for the safeguarding of
classified information for which the Office is responsible; which shall include the classified records,
transcripts, and materials of all closed sessions of the Senate; and
"(3) to administer and maintain oaths of secrecy under paragraph (2) of rule XXIX of the Standing
Rules of the Senate and to establish such procedures as may be necessary to implement the provisions of
such paragraph.
. 4. Funds appropriated for the fiscal year 1987 which would be available to carry out the purposes of
the Interim Office of Senate Security but for the termination of such Office shall be available for the Office of
Senate Security.
. 5. (a) All records, documents, data, materials, rooms, and facilities in the custody of the Interim
Office of Senate Security at the time of its termination on July 10, 1987, are transferred to the Office
established by subsection (a) of the first section of this resolution.
"(b) This resolution shall take effect on July 11, 1987."
[Release Point 118-70]
S. Res. 229, One Hundredth Congress, June 5, 1987, established within the Office of the Secretary of the
Senate an Interim Office of Senate Security with the same duties, functions, personnel, rooms, and facilities as
the former Office of Classified National Security Information.
Act Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, title II, §244, 60 Stat. 839, provided in part: "All necessary funds required to
carry out the provisions of this Act [see Tables for classification], by the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk
of the House, are hereby authorized to be appropriated." | §4301. Committee staffs | 1987-06-05T00:00:00 | 63d24b8c19de9fa4d36afd8a7ae28aafe973e4a36d4858a8c25be287f31d8c1b |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4302 | Committee on Taxation
The maximum annual rate of compensation of the Chief of Staff of the Joint Committee on
Taxation shall not exceed the greater of $173,900 or the rate of pay in effect for such position under
an order issued by the Speaker of the House of Representatives pursuant to the authority of section
4532 of this title.
(Pub. L. 90–206, title II, §214(e), Dec. 16, 1967, 81 Stat. 636; Pub. L. 103–437, §2(a), Nov. 2, 1994,
108 Stat. 4581; Pub. L. 116–94, div. E, title II, §212(b)(4), Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 2778.)
Section was formerly classified to section 74a–2 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
2019—Pub. L. 116–94 substituted "The maximum annual rate of compensation of the Chief of Staff of the
Joint Committee on Taxation shall not exceed the greater of $173,900 or the rate of pay in effect for such
position under an order issued by the Speaker of the House of Representatives pursuant to the authority of
section 4532 of this title." for "The per annum rate of compensation of the Chief of Staff of the Joint
Committee on Taxation shall be the same as the per annum rate of compensation of the Legislative Counsel of
the House of Representatives."
1994—Pub. L. 103–437 substituted "Joint Committee on Taxation" for "Joint Committee on Internal
Revenue Taxation".
Amendment by Pub. L. 116–94 effective on the later of the first day of the first applicable pay period
beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2020, or the first day of the first applicable pay period beginning on or after Dec.
20, 2019, see section 212(c) of Pub. L. 116–94, set out as a note under section 282b of this title.
Section effective as of beginning of first pay period which begins on or after Oct. 1, 1967, see section
220(a)(2) of Pub. L. 90–206, set out as an Effective Date of 1967 Amendment note under section 5332 of Title
5, Government Organization and Employees.
Compensation of Legislative Counsel of House of Representatives, see section 282b of this title. | §4302. Maximum annual rate of compensation of Chief of Staff of Joint | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | d150cedd673cfd840d42a9459ee7cc40c5d065631b3b09f349bfc32f3ebdc350 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4303 | The statement of all appropriations made during each session of Congress shall be prepared under
the direction of the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives, and
said statement shall contain a chronological history of the regular appropriation bills passed during
[Release Point 118-70]
the session for which it is prepared. The statement shall indicate the amount of contracts authorized
by appropriation Acts in addition to appropriations made therein, and shall also contain specific
reference to all indefinite appropriations made each session and shall contain such additional
information concerning estimates and appropriations as the committees may deem necessary.
(Oct. 19, 1888, ch. 1210, §1, 25 Stat. 587; July 19, 1897, ch. 9, 30 Stat. 136; June 7, 1924, ch. 303, | §4303. Preparation and contents of statement of appropriations | 1924-06-07T00:00:00 | eb190010e73b5583803d8a18b9422012a4c3992ec1eaceaf8ee1b427ac74886b |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4311 | House standing committees
Standing committees of the House shall have authority to approve the employment and
compensation of committee employees (other than special and select committee employees) from the
effective date of the beginning of each Congress, or such subsequent date as their service
(Pub. L. 87–130, §103, Aug. 10, 1961, 75 Stat. 334.)
Section was formerly classified to section 72a–1b of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
Section is based on House Resolution No. 16, Eighty-seventh Congress, Jan. 3, 1961, which was enacted
into permanent law by Pub. L. 87–130.
Increases in compensation for House officers and employees under authority of Federal Salary Act of 1967
(Pub. L. 90–206), Federal Pay Comparability Act of 1970 (Pub. L. 91–656), and Legislative Branch
Appropriations Act, 1988 (Pub. L. 100–202), see sections 4531 and 4532 of this title, and Salary Directives of
Speaker of the House, set out as notes under those sections. | §4311. Approval of employment and compensation of committee employees by | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 9f9b04296ec41f64022566c47d362510649b97b45aa56abbdd1beaa6d30551ef |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4312 | employees
Appropriations for committee employees shall be available in such amounts and under such
regulations as may be approved by the Committee on House Oversight for compensation of
employees of the standing committees of the House of Representatives, except the Committee on
(July 17, 1947, ch. 262, 61 Stat. 367; Pub. L. 104–186, title II, §204(12), Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat.
[Release Point 118-70]
Section was formerly classified to section 72b of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering
as this section.
1996—Pub. L. 104–186 substituted "House Oversight" for "House Administration".
Committee on House Oversight of House of Representatives changed to Committee on House
Administration of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 6,
1999. | §4312. Regulations governing availability of appropriations for House committee | 1947-07-17T00:00:00 | 81bb804d44732adda272c819e5cb5df330fe991d3040157e4662585b7d23eb18 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4313 | House Oversight
(a) In general
Subject to the provision of law specified in subsection (b), the Committee on House Oversight of
the House of Representatives may, by order of the Committee, fix and adjust the amounts, terms, and
conditions of, and other matters relating to, allowances of the House of Representatives within the
following categories:
(1) For Members of the House of Representatives, the Members' Representational Allowance,
including all aspects of official mail within the jurisdiction of the Committee under section 503 of
this title.
(2) For committees, the Speaker, the Majority and Minority Leaders, the Clerk, the Sergeant at
Arms, and the Chief Administrative Officer, allowances for official mail (including all aspects of
official mail within the jurisdiction of the Committee under section 503 of this title), stationery,
and telephone and telegraph and other communications.
(b) Provision specified
The provision of law referred to in subsection (a) is section 4314 of this title.
(c) "Member of the House of Representatives" defined
As used in this section, the term "Member of the House of Representatives" means a
Representative in, or a Delegate or Resident Commissioner to, the Congress.
(Pub. L. 92–184, ch. IV, Dec. 15, 1971, 85 Stat. 636; Pub. L. 104–186, title I, §102, Aug. 20, 1996,
110 Stat. 1719; Pub. L. 106–57, title I, §103(a)(4)(A), Sept. 29, 1999, 113 Stat. 415.)
Section was formerly classified to section 57 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering
as this section.
Section is based on House Resolution No. 457, Ninety-second Congress, July 21, 1971, which was enacted
into permanent law by Pub. L. 92–184.
1999—Subsec. (a)(1), (2). Pub. L. 106–57 substituted "all aspects of official mail" for "all aspects of the
Official Mail Allowance".
1996—Pub. L. 104–186 amended section generally. Prior to amendment, section consisted of subsecs. (a)
[Release Point 118-70]
and (b) authorizing Committee on House Administration to adjust certain allowances for Members,
committees, and officers of House of Representatives.
Committee on House Oversight of House of Representatives changed to Committee on House
Administration of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 6,
Pub. L. 106–57, title I, §103(c), Sept. 29, 1999, 113 Stat. 416, provided that: "The amendments made by
this section [amending this section and sections 503 and 5321 of this title] shall apply with respect to the first
session of the One Hundred Sixth Congress and each succeeding session of Congress."
Pub. L. 101–520, title I, §104, Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 2262, effective for 102d Congress, increased
authorization for the Clerk Hire Allowance by $50,000. | §4313. Adjustment of House of Representatives allowances by Committee on | 1971-07-21T00:00:00 | c90adff817a55a96ac447432526bdd46f795aba38d74b1d16e40dff6675b0927 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4314 | (a) In general
An order under the provision of law specified in subsection (c) may fix or adjust the allowances of
the House of Representatives only by reason of—
(1) a change in the price of materials, services, or office space;
(2) a technological change or other improvement in office equipment; or
(3) an increase under section 5303 of title 5 in rates of pay under the General Schedule.
(b) Resolution requirement
In the case of reasons other than the reasons specified in paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of subsection
(a), the fixing and adjustment of the allowances of the House of Representatives in the categories
described in the provision of law specified in subsection (c) may be carried out only by resolution of
the House of Representatives.
(c) Provision specified
The provision of law referred to in subsections (a) and (b) is section 4313 of this title.
(Pub. L. 94–440, title II, §101, Oct. 1, 1976, 90 Stat. 1448; Pub. L. 104–186, title I, §103, Aug. 20,
1996, 110 Stat. 1720.)
The General Schedule, referred to in subsec. (a)(3), is set out under section 5332 of Title 5, Government
Organization and Employees.
Section was formerly classified to section 57a of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering
as this section.
Section is based on House Resolution No. 1372, §1, Ninety-fourth Congress, July 1, 1976, which was
enacted into permanent law by Pub. L. 94–440.
1996—Pub. L. 104–186 amended section generally. Prior to amendment, section consisted of subsecs. (a)
and (b) relating to limitations on authority of the Committee on House Administration to fix and adjust
[Release Point 118-70]
Committee on House Oversight of House of Representatives changed to Committee on House
Administration of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 6,
1999. | §4314. Limitation on allowance authority of Committee on House Oversight | 1976-07-01T00:00:00 | 71eeb3a96a2681e0c178e68544ce0504a8278c2a46c43872760266d558805286 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4315 | Appropriations
The Federal Bureau of Investigation, notwithstanding any other provision of law, may in any
fiscal year pay all administrative uncontrollable overtime accrued by its employees while on detail to
the Committee on Appropriations.
(Pub. L. 103–283, title I, July 22, 1994, 108 Stat. 1430.)
Section was formerly classified as a note under section 72a of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section. | §4315. Overtime pay for FBI employees detailed to House Committee on | 1994-07-22T00:00:00 | 3ee140d300b7eea94f9d6f16f15b7ccf1e1239c2e1d4ae25825a19ccd75b3f0b |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4316 | (a) Establishment of allowances
There are established for the House of Representatives the following allowances:
(1) An allowance which shall be available for the compensation of interns who serve in offices
of a standing, special, or select committee of the House (other than the Committee on
(2) An allowance which shall be available for the compensation of interns who serve in offices
of the Committee on Appropriations.
(b) Benefit exclusion
Section 5321(b) of this title shall apply with respect to an intern who is compensated under an
allowance under this section in the same manner as such section applies with respect to an intern
who is compensated under the Members' Representational Allowance.
(c) Definitions
In this section, the term "intern", with respect to a committee of the House, has the meaning given
such term with respect to a Member of the House of Representatives in section 5321(c)(2) of this
(d) Omitted
(e) Authorization of appropriations
There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section such sums as may be necessary
for fiscal year 2022 and each succeeding fiscal year.
(Pub. L. 117–103, div. I, title I, §113, Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 510.)
Section is comprised of section 113 of div. I of Pub. L. 117–103. Subsec. (d) of section 113 of div. I of Pub.
[Release Point 118-70]
L. 117–103 amended section 5507 of this title.
SUBCHAPTER III—SENATE | §4316. Allowances for compensation of interns in House committee offices | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | d9dae2ce31ca38d3d6e6d6603c8dece74b92e22d282688967bd6cfda03aca9d4 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4331 | payable from Senate contingent fund
Compensation for stenographic assistance of committees paid out of the items under "Contingent
Expenses of the Senate" on and after June 27, 1956 shall be computed at such rates and in
accordance with such regulations as may be prescribed by the Committee on Rules and
Administration, notwithstanding, and without regard to any other provision of law.
(June 27, 1956, ch. 453, 70 Stat. 360.)
Section was formerly classified to section 68c of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering
as this section. | §4331. Computation of compensation for stenographic assistance of committees | 1956-06-27T00:00:00 | d91f1c6ab00002d72fdc5f97f169508839c63b00e78af931b71842a0b12a1b22 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4332 | office of Senator
(1) Designation
A Senator may designate employees in his office to assist him in connection with his membership
on committees of the Senate. An employee may be designated with respect to only one committee.
(2) Certification; professional staff privileges
An employee designated by a Senator under this section shall be certified by him to the chairman
and ranking minority member of the committee with respect to which such designation is made.
Such employee shall be accorded all privileges of a professional staff member (whether permanent or
investigatory) of such committee including access to all committee sessions and files, except that any
such committee may restrict access to its sessions to one staff member per Senator at a time and
require, if classified material is being handled or discussed, that any staff member possess the
appropriate security clearance before being allowed access to such material or to discussion of it.
Nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed to prohibit a committee from adopting
policies and practices with respect to the application of this section which are similar to the policies
and practices adopted with respect to the application of section 705(c)(1) of Senate Resolution 4,
95th Congress, and section 72a–1d(c)(1) of this title.
(3) Termination
A Senator shall notify the chairman and ranking minority member of a committee whenever a
designation of an employee under this section with respect to such committee is terminated.
(Pub. L. 95–94, title I, §111(c), Aug. 5, 1977, 91 Stat. 662.)
Section 705(c)(1) of Senate Resolution 4, 95th Congress, referred to in par. (2), which was not classified to
the Code, was repealed by Pub. L. 95–94, title I, §111(e)(2), Aug. 5, 1977, 91 Stat. 663.
[Release Point 118-70]
Section 72a–1d(c)(1) of this title, referred to in par. (2), was repealed by Pub. L. 95–94, title I, §111(e)(1),
Aug. 5, 1977, 91 Stat. 663.
Section was formerly classified to section 72a–1e of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
Section is from the Congressional Operations Appropriation Act, 1978, which is title I of the Legislative
Branch Appropriation Act, 1978.
Pub. L. 95–94, title I, §111(f), Aug. 5, 1977, 91 Stat. 663, provided that: "This section, and the amendments
made by subsection (d) and the repeals made by subsection (e) [enacting this section, amending section 4575
of this title, enacting notes set out under section 4575 of this title, and repealing section 72a–1d and notes set
out under former section 72a–1d of this title], shall take effect on October 1, 1977."
See References in Text note below.
1 | §4332. Assistance to Senators with committee memberships by employees in | 1977-10-01T00:00:00 | e3a8a1bdfb9155b44dc4be56695c73d97ef1b67732a463dfc7029147b4dc6e76 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4333 | When any duty is imposed upon a committee involving expenses that are ordered to be paid out of
the contingent fund of the Senate, upon vouchers to be approved by the chairman of the committee
charged with such duty, the receipt of such chairman for any sum advanced to him or his order out of
said contingent fund by the Secretary of the Senate for committee expenses not involving personal
services shall be taken and passed by the accounting officers of the Government as a full and
sufficient voucher; but it shall be the duty of such chairman, as soon as practicable, to furnish to the
Secretary of the Senate vouchers in detail for the expenses so incurred.
(Mar. 3, 1879, ch. 183, 20 Stat. 419; June 10, 1921, ch. 18, title III, §304, 42 Stat. 24; June 22, 1949,
ch. 235, §101, 63 Stat. 218.)
Section was formerly classified to section 69 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering
as this section.
1949—Act June 22, 1949, inserted "for committee expenses not involving personal services" after
"Secretary of the Senate", and omitted the requirement that the Secretary of the Senate file the vouchers with
the General Accounting Office.
Act June 10, 1921, transferred powers and duties of Comptroller, six auditors, and certain other officers of
the Treasury to General Accounting Office. | §4333. Expenses of committees payable from Senate contingent fund | 1921-06-10T00:00:00 | 4f4081e86abecfe6fb197361a63c94e7def23a75868dce1737c20686a3905cfc |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4334 | Funds in the account, within the contingent fund of the Senate, available for the expenses of
inquiries and investigations shall be available for franked mail expenses incurred by committees of
the Senate the other expenses of which are paid from that account.
[Release Point 118-70]
(Pub. L. 105–55, title I, §6(b), Oct. 7, 1997, 111 Stat. 1181.)
Section was formerly classified to section 69–1 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
Section is from the Congressional Operations Appropriations Act, 1998, which is title I of the Legislative
Branch Appropriations Act, 1998.
Pub. L. 105–55, title I, §6(c), Oct. 7, 1997, 111 Stat. 1181, provided that: "This section [enacting this
section] is effective for fiscal years beginning on and after October 1, 1997." | §4334. Availability of funds for franked mail expenses | 1997-10-01T00:00:00 | f3283227f26bc5927c15ca810b3ccf378776908bcda148f1a95cbce7f085fc7a |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4335 | Senate Committee on Appropriations; restoration to former position
Whenever any person has left or leaves any civilian position in any department or agency in the
executive branch of the Government in order to accept employment by the Senate Committee on
Appropriations, he shall be carried on the rolls of such committee and shall be solely employed by
such committee, and responsible only to it; but he shall be entitled upon making application to the
Director of the Office of Personnel Management within thirty days after the termination of his
employment by such committee (unless such employment is terminated for cause) to be restored to a
position in the same or any other department or agency where an opening exists, comparable to the
position which, according to the records of the department or agency which he left to accept
employment by the Senate Committee on Appropriations or in the judgment of the Director of the
Office of Personnel Management, such person would be occupying if he had remained in the employ
of such department or agency during the time he was employed by such committee; and such person
shall be restored to such position with the same seniority, status, and pay as if he had remained in the
employ of the department or agency which he left, during such time. This section shall not be
construed to require any person to be restored to a position in any department or agency after the
expiration of the time for which he was appointed to the position which he left to accept employment
by such committee.
(June 13, 1945, ch. 189, §1, 59 Stat. 243; July 1, 1946, ch. 530, 60 Stat. 392; 1978 Reorg. Plan No. 2, | §4335. Employment of civilian employees of executive branch of Government by | 1946-07-01T00:00:00 | aee5f355c5217dd88bf3782df7ed362f218c45e655e00f5ebc88fbc5f3a0da40 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4336 | (a) In general
The Committee on Appropriations is authorized in its discretion—
(1) to hold hearings, report such hearings, and make investigations as authorized by paragraph 1
of rule XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Senate;
(2) to make expenditures from the contingent fund of the Senate;
(3) to employ personnel;
(4) with the prior consent of the Government department or agency concerned and the
Committee on Rules and Administration to use, on a reimbursable or nonreimbursable basis, the
services of personnel of any such department or agency;
(5) to procure the services of individual consultants, or organizations thereof (as authorized by
section 4301(i) of this title and Senate Resolution 140, agreed to May 14, 1975, except that any
approval (and related reporting requirement) shall not apply); and
(6) to provide for the training of the professional staff of such committee (under procedures
specified by section 4301(j) of this title).
(b) Omitted
(c) Effective date
This section shall be effective on and after October 1, 1998, or the date of enactment of this Act
[October 21, 1998], whichever is later.
(Pub. L. 105–275, title I, §10, Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2435; Pub. L. 109–55, title I, §6, Aug. 2,
2005, 119 Stat. 568.)
Senate Resolution 140, agreed to May 14, 1975, referred to in subsec. (a)(5), is Senate Resolution 140, 94th
Congress, which is not classified to the Code.
Section was formerly classified to section 72d of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering
as this section.
Section is comprised of section 10 of Pub. L. 105–275. Subsec. (b) of section 10 of Pub. L. 105–275
amended section 4 of Senate Resolution 54, 105th Congress, which is not classified to the Code.
Section is from the Congressional Operations Appropriations Act, 1999, which is title I of the Legislative
Branch Appropriations Act, 1999.
2005—Subsec. (a)(5). Pub. L. 109–55 inserted ", except that any approval (and related reporting
requirement) shall not apply" after "May 14, 1975". | §4336. Discretionary authority of Senate Committee on Appropriations | 1975-05-14T00:00:00 | 871e53be8102680e2383338299c91938804abd57d41f8bccef486b02e591fa1f |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4337 | (a) In general
(1) The Chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate may, during any fiscal year, at
his or her election transfer funds from the appropriation account for salaries for the Appropriations
Committee of the Senate, to the account, within the contingent fund of the Senate, from which
expenses are payable for such committee.
[Release Point 118-70]
(2) The Chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate may, during any fiscal year, at
his or her election transfer funds from the appropriation account for expenses, within the contingent
fund of the Senate, for the Appropriations Committee of the Senate, to the account from which
salaries are payable for such committee.
(b) Availability of funds; times of transfer
Any funds transferred under this section shall be—
(1) available for expenditure by such committee in like manner and for the same purposes as are
other moneys which are available for expenditure by such committee from the account to which
the funds were transferred; and
(2) made at such time or times as the Chairman shall specify in writing to the Senate Disbursing
(c) Effective date
This section shall take effect on October 1, 1998, and shall be effective with respect to fiscal years
beginning on or after that date.
(Pub. L. 105–275, title I, §11, Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2435.)
Section was formerly classified to section 72d–1 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
Section is from the Congressional Operations Appropriations Act, 1999, which is title I of the Legislative
Branch Appropriations Act, 1999. | §4337. Transfer of funds by Chairman of Senate Committee on Appropriations | 1998-10-01T00:00:00 | 2a537748d0e6ae45caa84a310e5d16beb47c362265dd1d43f72fa93d9ee49acd |
US House of Representatives | 2, 43, §4338 | Select Committee on Ethics of employee in office of that Senator to perform
part-time service for Committee; amount reimbursable; procedure
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, a Senator who is the Chairman or Vice Chairman of
the Senate Select Committee on Ethics may designate one employee employed in his Senate office to
perform part-time service for such Committee, and such Committee shall reimburse such Senator for
such employee's services for the Committee by transferring from the contingent fund of the Senate,
upon vouchers approved by the Chairman of such Committee, to such Senator's Administrative,
Clerical, and Legislative Assistance Allowance, with respect to each pay period of such employee,
an amount which bears the same ratio to such employee's salary (but not more than one-half of such
salary) for such period, as the portion of the time spent (or to be spent) by such employee in
performing services for such Committee during such period bears to the total time for which such
employee worked (or will work) during such period (as determined by the Chairman of such
Committee) for such Committee and in such Senator's office. Any funds transferred under authority
of the preceding sentence to a Senator's Administrative, Clerical, and Legislative Assistance shall
be available for the same purposes and in like manner as funds therein which were not transferred
thereto under such authority. For purposes of any law of the United States, a State, a territory, or a
political subdivision thereof, an employee designated by a Senator pursuant to this section shall be
considered to be an employee of such Senator's Senate office and not an employee of the Senate
Select Committee on Ethics.
(Pub. L. 98–367, title I, §10, July 17, 1984, 98 Stat. 476.)
[Release Point 118-70]
Gratuities for survivors of deceased House employees; computation.
Certificates to pay rolls of employees of House.
Day for paying salaries of the House of Representatives.
Reimbursement of residential telecommunications expenses for House Members,
officers, and employees.
Lump sum payment for accrued annual leave of House employees.
Student loan repayment program for House employees.
Saving provision.
Obsolete references in existing law to basic pay rates.
Single per annum gross rates of pay for employees.
Rates of compensation disbursed by Chief Administrative Officer of House;
adjustments by Speaker; "Member of the House of Representatives" defined.
House of Representatives pay adjustments; action by Chief Administrative Officer of
Withholding of charitable contributions from salaries paid by Secretary of Senate and
from employees of Architect of Capitol.
Deductions for delinquent indebtedness.
Deductions for withdrawal.
Mode of payment.
Longevity compensation not applicable to individuals paid by Secretary of Senate;
savings provision.
Longevity compensation for telephone operators on United States telephone exchange
and members of Capitol Police paid by Chief Administrative Officer of House.
Longevity compensation.
Death gratuity payments as gifts.
Voluntary separation incentive payments.
Nonpay status for Congressional employees studying under Congressional staff
Jury and witness service by Senate and House employees.
Appropriation of funds for compensation of Members of Congress and for
administrative expenses at levels authorized by law and recommended by the
President for Federal employees.
Compensation of Members of Congress.
Section was formerly classified to section 72a–1f of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
Section is from the Congressional Operations Appropriation Act, 1985, which is title I of the Legislative
Branch Appropriations Act, 1985.
So in original. Probably should be "Assistance Allowance".
1 | §4338. Designation by Senator who is Chairman or Vice Chairman of Senate | 1984-07-17T00:00:00 | 272c67604adc82d9c75ad59d23ef17fc3d5be498482a3a8d89506382823e0cff |
US House of Representatives | 2, 45, §4501 | (1) The annual rate of pay for—
(A) each Senator, Member of the House of Representatives, and Delegate to the House of
Representatives, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico,
(B) the President pro tempore of the Senate, the majority leader and the minority leader of the
Senate, and the majority leader and the minority leader of the House of Representatives, and
(C) the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
shall be the rate determined for such positions under chapter 11 of this title, as adjusted by
[Release Point 118-70]
paragraph (2) of this section.
(2)(A) Subject to subparagraph (B), effective at the beginning of the first applicable pay period
commencing on or after the first day of the month in which an adjustment takes effect under section
5303 of title 5 in the rates of pay under the General Schedule, each annual rate referred to in
paragraph (1) shall be adjusted by an amount, rounded to the nearest multiple of $100 (or if midway
between multiples of $100, to the next higher multiple of $100), equal to the percentage of such
annual rate which corresponds to the most recent percentage change in the ECI (relative to the date
described in the next sentence), as determined under section 704(a)(1) of the Ethics Reform Act of
1989. The appropriate date under this sentence is the first day of the fiscal year in which such
adjustment in the rates of pay under the General Schedule takes effect.
(B) In no event shall the percentage adjustment taking effect under subparagraph (A) in any
calendar year (before rounding), in any rate of pay, exceed the percentage adjustment taking effect in
such calendar year under section 5303 of title 5 in the rates of pay under the General Schedule.
(Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, title VI, §601(a), 60 Stat. 850; Jan. 19, 1949, ch. 2, §1(d), 63 Stat. 4; Mar. 2,
1955, ch. 9, §4(a), 69 Stat. 11; Pub. L. 88–426, title II, §204, Aug. 14, 1964, 78 Stat. 415; Pub. L.
89–301, §11(e), Oct. 29, 1965, 79 Stat. 1120; Pub. L. 91–67, §2, Sept. 15, 1969, 83 Stat. 107; Pub. L.
94–82, title II, §204(a), Aug. 9, 1975, 89 Stat. 421; Pub. L. 101–194, title VII, §704(a)(2)(B), Nov.
30, 1989, 103 Stat. 1769; Pub. L. 101–509, title V, §529 [title I, §101(b)(4)(D)], Nov. 5, 1990, 104
Stat. 1427, 1439; Pub. L. 103–356, title I, §101(1), Oct. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 3410.)
The General Schedule, referred to in par. (2), is set out under section 5332 of Title 5, Government
Organization and Employees.
Section 704(a)(1) of the Ethics Reform Act of 1989, referred to in par. (2)(A), is section 704(a)(1) of Pub.
L. 101–194, which is set out as a note under section 5318 of Title 5.
Section was formerly classified to section 31 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering
as this section.
1994—Par. (2). Pub. L. 103–356 designated existing provisions as subpar. (A), substituted "Subject to
subparagraph (B), effective" for "Effective", and added subpar. (B).
1990—Par. (2). Pub. L. 101–509 substituted "5303" for "5305".
1989—Par. (2). Pub. L. 101–194 substituted "the most recent percentage change in the ECI (relative to the
date described in the next sentence), as determined under section 704(a)(1) of the Ethics Reform Act of 1989.
The appropriate date under this sentence is the first day of the fiscal year in which such adjustment in the rates
of pay under the General Schedule takes effect" for "the overall average percentage (as set forth in the report
transmitted to the Congress under such section 5305) of the adjustment in the rates of pay under the General
1975—Pub. L. 94–82 designated existing provisions as par. (1), substituted provisions that rate of pay of
the specified parties shall be determined under section 351 et seq. of this title, as adjusted by par. (2) for
provisions setting rate of compensation at $42,500 for Senators, Representatives, Delegates, and Resident
Commissioner, $62,500 for Speaker, and $49,500 for President pro tempore of Senate and Majority and
Minority Leaders of House and Senate, and added par. (2).
1969—Pub. L. 91–67 increased compensation of Speaker from $43,000 to $62,500 per annum and
compensation of Majority and Minority Leaders of both Houses of Congress from $35,000 to $49,500 per
annum, and fixed compensation of President pro tempore of Senate at $49,500 per annum.
1965—Pub. L. 89–301 inserted provisions setting rate of compensation of Majority and Minority Leaders
of Senate and House of Representatives at $35,000 per annum each.
1964—Pub. L. 88–426 increased compensation of Senators, Representatives and Resident Commissioner
from $22,500 to $30,000 per annum and that of Speaker from $35,000 to $43,000 per annum, and eliminated
provisions which related to Delegates from the Territories.
1955—Act Mar. 2, 1955, increased salaries of Senators, Representatives, Delegates, and Resident
[Release Point 118-70]
Commissioner from $12,500 a year to $22,500 and compensation of Speaker from $30,000 to $35,000 a year.
1949—Act Jan. 19, 1949, increased Speaker's salary from $20,000 per year to $30,000.
Pub. L. 103–356, title I, §101, Oct. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 3410, provided that the amendment made by that
section is effective Dec. 31, 1994.
Amendment by Pub. L. 101–509 effective on such date as the President shall determine, but not earlier than
90 days, and not later than 180 days, after Nov. 5, 1990, see section 529 [title III, §305] of Pub. L. 101–509,
set out as a note under section 5301 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.
Amendment by Pub. L. 101–194 effective Jan. 1, 1991, see section 704(b) of Pub. L. 101–194, set out as a
note under section 5318 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.
Amendment by Pub. L. 91–67 effective Mar. 1, 1969, see section 3 of Pub. L. 91–67, set out as a note under
section 104 of Title 3, The President.
Amendment by Pub. L. 89–301 effective on first day of first pay period which begins on or after October 1,
1965, see section 17 of Pub. L. 89–301.
Amendment by Pub. L. 88–426 effective at noon, Jan. 3, 1965, see section 501(b) of Pub. L. 88–426.
Act Mar. 2, 1955, ch. 9, §5, 69 Stat. 11, provided that: "The provisions of this Act [amending this section,
section 104 of Title 3, The President, section 7443 of Title 26, Internal Revenue Code, sections 5, 44, 135,
173, 213, 252, and 508 of Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure, section 101 of Title 48, Territories and
Insular Possessions, and section 654 of Title 50, War and National Defense, and repealing section 31a of this
title] shall take effect Mar. 1, 1955."
Amendment by act Jan. 19, 1949, effective at noon, Jan. 20, 1949, see section 3 of act Jan. 19, 1949.
Act Aug. 2, 1946, ch. 753, title VI, §601(a), 60 Stat. 850, provided that the salary rates provided by such
section 601(a) are effective Jan. 3, 1947.
Pub. L. 117–10, §1, Apr. 23, 2021, 135 Stat. 259, provided that: "This Act [amending section 4576 of this
title and enacting provisions set out as a note under section 4576 of this title] may be cited as the 'Senate
Shared Employee Act'."
Pub. L. 113–3, §1, Feb. 4, 2013, 127 Stat. 51, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may
be cited as the 'No Budget, No Pay Act of 2013'."
Pub. L. 104–186, §1(a), Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1718, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for
classification] may be cited as the 'House of Representatives Administrative Reform Technical Corrections
Pub. L. 88–426, title II, §201, Aug. 14, 1964, 78 Stat. 413, provided that: "This title [see Tables for
classification] may be cited as the 'Federal Legislative Salary Act of 1964'."
[Release Point 118-70]
Pub. L. 113–3, §3, Feb. 4, 2013, 127 Stat. 51, provided that:
.—If by April 15, 2013, a House of Congress has not agreed to a concurrent
resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2014 pursuant to section 301 of the Congressional Budget Act of
1974 [2 U.S.C. 632], during the period described in paragraph (2) the payroll administrator of that House of
Congress shall deposit in an escrow account all payments otherwise required to be made during such period
for the compensation of Members of Congress who serve in that House of Congress, and shall release such
payments to such Members only upon the expiration of such period.
.—With respect to a House of Congress, the period described in this
paragraph is the period which begins on April 16, 2013, and ends on the earlier of—
"(A) the day on which the House of Congress agrees to a concurrent resolution on the budget for
fiscal year 2014 pursuant to section 301 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 [2 U.S.C. 632]; or
"(B) the last day of the One Hundred Thirteenth Congress.
.—The payroll administrator shall provide for the same withholding and remittance with respect
to a payment deposited in an escrow account under paragraph (1) that would apply to the payment if the
payment were not subject to paragraph (1).
.—In order to ensure that this section
is carried out in a manner that shall not vary the compensation of Senators or Representatives in violation of
the twenty-seventh article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the payroll administrator
of a House of Congress shall release for payments to Members of that House of Congress any amounts
remaining in any escrow account under this section on the last day of the One Hundred Thirteenth
.—The Secretary of the Treasury shall provide
the payroll administrators of the Houses of Congress with such assistance as may be necessary to enable the
payroll administrators to carry out this section.
.—In this section, the term 'Member' includes a
Delegate or Resident Commissioner to the Congress.
.—In this section, the 'payroll administrator' of a House of
Congress means—
"(1) in the case of the House of Representatives, the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of
Representatives, or an employee of the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer who is designated by the
Chief Administrative Officer to carry out this section; and
"(2) in the case of the Senate, the Secretary of the Senate, or an employee of the Office of the
Secretary of the Senate who is designated by the Secretary to carry out this section."
Pub. L. 118–47, §7, Mar. 23, 2024, 138 Stat. 461, provided that: "Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, no adjustment shall be made under section 601(a) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 (2
U.S.C. 4501) (relating to cost of living adjustments for Members of Congress) during fiscal year 2024."
Similar provisions were contained in the following prior acts:
Pub. L. 117–328, §6, Dec. 29, 2022, 136 Stat. 4462.
Pub. L. 117–103, §6, Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 52.
Pub. L. 116–260, §7, Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 1185.
Pub. L. 116–94, §7, Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 2536.
Pub. L. 115–244, div. B, title II, §212, Sept. 21, 2018, 132 Stat. 2946.
Pub. L. 115–141, §7(a), Mar. 23, 2018, 132 Stat. 351.
Pub. L. 114–223, div. C, §175, as added by Pub. L. 114–254, div. A, §101(3), Dec. 10, 2016, 130 Stat.
Pub. L. 114–113, §9, Dec. 18, 2015, 129 Stat. 2245.
Pub. L. 113–235, §8, Dec. 16, 2014, 128 Stat. 2133.
Pub. L. 113–46, div. A, §146, Oct. 17, 2013, 127 Stat. 565.
Pub. L. 112–240, title VIII, §802, Jan. 2, 2013, 126 Stat. 2369.
Pub. L. 111–165, §1, May 14, 2010, 124 Stat. 1185.
Pub. L. 111–8, div. J, §103, Mar. 11, 2009, 123 Stat. 988.
Pub. L. 109–289, div. B, title I, §115, as added by Pub. L. 110–5, §2, Feb. 15, 2007, 121 Stat. 12.
[Release Point 118-70]
Pub. L. 103–6, §7, Mar. 4, 1993, 107 Stat. 35.
Pub. L. 98–63, title I, §908(d), (f), July 30, 1983, 97 Stat. 338, which provided that, effective with respect to
service as a Member performed on or after July 1, 1983, and notwithstanding any other provision of law, in
the case of a Member serving in office or position of Senator, President pro tempore of Senate, Majority
Leader of Senate, or Minority Leader of Senate during a calendar year, the annual rate of pay paid to such
Member for such service would not be less than the annual rate of pay payable for such position on Dec. 17,
1982, increased by 15 percent and rounded in accordance with section 5318 of Title 5, was repealed by Pub.
L. 102–90, title I, §6(c), Aug. 14, 1991, 105 Stat. 451.
For prior year salary increases per the recommendation of the President, see Prior Salary Recommendations
notes under section 358 of this title.
For miscellaneous provisions dealing with adjustments of pay and limitations on use of funds to pay salaries
in prior years, see notes under section 5318 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.
For adjustment of pay rates under this section, see the executive order detailing the adjustment of certain
rates of pay set out as a note under section 5332 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. | §4501. Compensation of Members of Congress | 1983-07-01T00:00:00 | 8adfb898633f3b1cf87fb1c32996973494b40151b01cd73f557463228f727951 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 45, §4502 | administrative expenses at levels authorized by law and recommended by
the President for Federal employees
Effective beginning with fiscal year 1983, and continuing each year thereafter, such sums as
hereafter may be necessary for "Compensation of Members" (and administrative expenses related
thereto), as authorized by law and at such level recommended by the President for Federal
employees for that fiscal year are hereby appropriated from money in the Treasury not otherwise
appropriated. Such sums when paid shall be in lieu of any sums accrued in prior years but not paid.
For purposes of this subsection, the term "Member" means each Member of the Senate and the
House of Representatives, the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, the Delegates from the
District of Columbia, Guam, Virgin Islands, and American Samoa, and the Vice President.
(Pub. L. 97–51, §130(c), Oct. 1, 1981, 95 Stat. 966.)
Section was formerly classified as a note under section 31 of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section. | §4502. Appropriation of funds for compensation of Members of Congress and for | 2024-07-12T00:00:00 | 2dbc3960e235cad37605c267f72ddefda4513d6ea295cffd9bfde61888cd6e57 |
US House of Representatives | 2, 45, §4503 | (a) Definitions
For purposes of this section—
(1) "employee" means any individual whose pay is disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate or
the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives; and
(2) "court of the United States" has the meaning given it by section 451 of title 28 and includes
the United States District Court for the District of the Canal Zone, the District Court of Guam, and
the District Court of the Virgin Islands.
[Release Point 118-70]
(b) Service as juror or witness in connection with a judicial proceeding; prohibition against
reduction of pay
The pay of an employee shall not be reduced during a period of absence with respect to which the
employee is summoned (and permitted to respond to such summons by the appropriate authority of
the House of the Congress disbursing his pay), in connection with a judicial proceeding by a court or
authority responsible for the conduct of that proceeding, to serve—
(1) as a juror; or
(2) other than as provided in subsection (c) of this section, as a witness on behalf of any party in
connection with any judicial proceeding to which the United States, the District of Columbia, or a
State or local government is a party;
in the District of Columbia, a State, territory, or possession of the United States including the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Canal Zone, or the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. For
purposes of this subsection, "judicial proceeding" means any action, suit, or other judicial
proceeding, including any condemnation, preliminary, informational, or other proceeding of a
judicial nature, but does not include an administrative proceeding.
(c) Official duty
An employee is performing official duty during the period with respect to which he is summoned
(and is authorized to respond to such summons by the House of the Congress disbursing his pay), or
is assigned by such House, to—
(1) testify or produce official records on behalf of the United States or the District of Columbia;
(2) testify in his official capacity or produce official records on behalf of a party other than the
United States or the District of Columbia.
(d) Prohibition on receipt of jury or witness fees
(1) An employee may not receive fees for service—
(A) as juror in a court of the United States or the District of Columbia; or
(B) as a witness on behalf of the United States or the District of Columbia.
(2) If an employee receives an amount (other than travel expenses) for service as a juror or witness
during a period in which his pay may not be reduced under subsection (b) of this section, or for
which he is performing official duty under subsection (c) of this section, the employee shall remit
such amount to the officer who disburses the pay of the employee, which amount shall be covered
into the general fund of the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts.
(e) Travel expenses
(1) An employee summoned (and authorized to respond to such summons by the House of the
Congress disbursing his pay), or assigned by such House, to testify or produce official records on
behalf of the United States is entitled to travel expenses. If the case involves an activity in
connection with which he is employed, the travel expenses shall be paid from funds otherwise
available for the payment of travel expenses of such House in accordance with travel regulations of
that House. If the case does not involve such an activity, the department, agency, or independent
establishment of the United States on whose behalf he is so testifying or producing records shall pay
to the employee his travel expenses out of appropriations otherwise available, and in accordance with
regulation applicable, to that department, agency, or independent establishment for the payment of
travel expenses.
(2) An employee summoned (and permitted to respond to such summons by the House of the
Congress disbursing his pay), or assigned by such House, to testify in his official capacity or produce
official records on behalf of a party other than the United States, is entitled to travel expenses, unless
any travel expenses are paid to the employee for his appearance by the court, authority, or party
which caused him to be summoned.
(f) Rules and regulations
[Release Point 118-70]
The Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate and the Committee on House
Oversight of the House of Representatives are authorized to prescribe, for employees of their
respective Houses, such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this
(g) Congressional consent not conferred for production of official records or to testimony
concerning activities related to employment
No provision of this section shall be construed to confer the consent of either House of the
Congress to the production of official records of that House or to testimony by an employee of that
House concerning activities related to his employment.
(Pub. L. 91–563, §6, Dec. 19, 1970, 84 Stat. 1478; Pub. L. 94–310, §2, June 15, 1976, 90 Stat. 687;
Pub. L. 104–186, title II, §204(74), (75), Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1741.)
For definition of Canal Zone, referred to in subsec. (b), see section 3602(b) of Title 22, Foreign Relations
and Intercourse.
Section was formerly classified to section 130b of this title prior to editorial reclassification and
renumbering as this section.
1996—Subsec. (a)(1). Pub. L. 104–186, §204(74), substituted "Chief Administrative Officer" for "Clerk".
Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 104–186, §204(75), substituted "House Oversight" for "House Administration".
1976—Subsec. (b)(2). Pub. L. 94–310 substituted "other than as provided in subsection (c) of this section,
as a witness on behalf of any party in connection with any judicial proceeding to which the United States, the
District of Columbia, or a State or local government is a party" for "as a witness on behalf of a party other
than the United States, the District of Columbia, or a private party".
Committee on House Oversight of House of Representatives changed to Committee on House
Administration of House of Representatives by House Resolution No. 5, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 6,
Pub. L. 94–310, §4, June 15, 1976, 90 Stat. 687, provided that: "The amendments made by this Act
[amending this section and sections 6322 and 8906 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees] shall
take effect on October 1, 1976, or on the date of the enactment of this Act [June 15, 1976], whichever date is
For termination of the United States District Court for the District of the Canal Zone at end of the
"transition period", being the 30 month period beginning Oct. 1, 1979, and ending midnight Mar. 31, 1982,
see Paragraph 5 of Article XI of the Panama Canal Treaty of 1977 and sections 2101 and 2201 to 2203(a) of
Pub. L. 96–70, title II, Sept. 27, 1979, 93 Stat. 493, formerly classified to sections 3831 and 3841 to 3843,
respectively, of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse.
For termination of Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, see note set out preceding section 1681 of Title 48,
[Release Point 118-70]
Territories and Insular Possessions. | §4503. Jury and witness service by Senate and House employees | 1976-06-15T00:00:00 | a177c69757e89388dc36aa375ab2b67f92b761f1748c71f0cb614f2412663134 |
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