\section{Introduction}\label{sec:intro} Timed automata (TA)~\cite{Alur:TCS:1994} are a well-established model for real-time systems and form the basis for employing model-checking techniques. The most popular property that has been considered in these systems is control state reachability. Reachability in timed automata is a well-studied problem and was shown to be decidable (and PSPACE-complete) using the so-called region construction~\cite{Alur:TCS:1994}. This construction was primarily of theoretical interest, as the number of regions, which are collections of reachable configurations, explodes both in theory and in practice. On the other hand, timed automata have been implemented in several tools: UPPAAL~\cite{Larsen:1997:UPPAAL,BehrmannDLHPYH06}, KRONOS~\cite{KRONOS}, PAT~\cite{PAT}, RED~\cite{RED}, TChecker~\cite{TChecker}, Theta~\cite{Theta}, LTS-Min~\cite{LTSmin}, Symrob~\cite{RoussanalySM19}, MCTA~\cite{DBLP:conf/cav/KupferschmidWNP08}, etc. Most of these tools have a common underlying algorithm which is an explicit enumeration of reachable configurations stored as \emph{zones}~\cite{Bengtsson:LCPN:2003}. Since the late 90s, a substantial effort has been invested in improving zone enumeration techniques, the common challenge being how to get a sound and complete enumeration while exploring as few zones as possible. The more general model checking problem of whether the system represented by TA $\mathcal{A}$ satisfies the specification given by TA $\mathcal{B}$ reduces to the language inclusion problem $\mathcal{L}(\mathcal{A}) \subseteq \mathcal{L}(\mathcal{B})$. There are two challenges here: first, the inclusion problem is undecidable in its full generality, and second, having clocks, though excellent for timed implementations, are often less than ideal for modeling timed specifications. This has led to the introduction of event-clocks and the corresponding model of \emph{event-clock automaton (ECA)}~\cite{AlurFH99}. Event-clock automata make use of special clocks that track the time since the last occurrence of an event (history clocks) or the time until the next occurrence of an event (prophecy clocks). On one hand this makes writing timed specifications more natural. Indeed, the role of prophecy clocks is in the same spirit as future modalities in temporal logics. This has led to several extensions of temporal logics with event-clocks~\cite{abs-cs-0601096,AkshayBG13,RaskinS99}, which are often used as specification languages and can be converted into ECA. On the other hand, ECA can be determinized and hence complemented. Observe that model-checking event-clock specifications over TA models can be reduced to the reachability problem on the product of the TA with an ECA. This product contains usual clocks, history clocks and prophecy clocks. The usual clocks can be treated in the same way as history clocks for the zone analysis. Therefore, if we solve ECA reachability (with history and prophecy clocks) using zones, we can incorporate usual clocks into the procedure seamlessly. The bottomline is that the well-motivated problem of model-checking event-clock specifications over TA models can be reduced to an ECA reachability problem. Thus, in this paper, we focus on the core problem of building efficient, zone-based algorithms for reachability in ECA. This problem turns out to be significantly different compared to zone based reachability algorithms in usual TA, precisely due to prophecy clocks. Our goal is to align the zone-based reachability algorithms for ECA with recent approaches for TA that have shown significant gains. As mentioned earlier, the core of an efficient TA reachability algorithm is an enumeration of zones, where the central challenge is that na\"ive enumeration does not terminate. One approach to guarantee termination is to make use of an \emph{extrapolation} operation on zones: each new zone that is enumerated is extrapolated to a bigger zone. Any freshly enumerated zone that is contained in an existing zone is discarded. More recently, a new \emph{simulation} approach to zone enumeration has been designed, where enumerated zones are left unchanged. Instead, with each fresh zone it is checked whether the fresh zone is simulated by an already seen zone. If yes, the fresh zone is discarded. Otherwise, it is kept for further exploration. Different simulations have been considered: the $LU$-simulation~\cite{HerbreteauSW12} which is based on $LU$-bounds, or the $\mathcal{G}$-simulation~\cite{Gastin0S20}, which is based on a carefully-chosen set of constraints. Coarser simulations lead to fewer zones being enumerated. The $\mathcal{G}$-simulation is currently the coarsest-known simulation that can be efficiently applied in the simulation approach. The simulation based approach offers several gains over the extrapolation approach: (1) since concrete zones are maintained, one could use dynamic simulation parameters and dynamic simulations, starting from a coarse simulation and refining whenever necessary~\cite{DBLP:conf/cav/HerbreteauSW13}, (2) the simulation approach has been extended to richer models like timed automata with diagonal constraints~\cite{Gastin0S19,GastinMS18}, updatable timed automata~\cite{Gastin0S20}, weighted timed automata~\cite{DBLP:conf/cav/BouyerCM16} and pushdown timed automata~\cite{AkshayGP21}. In these richer models, extrapolation has either been shown to be impossible~\cite{Bouyer04} or is unknown. Surprisingly, for ECA, an arguably more basic and well-known model, it turns out that there are no existing simulation-based approaches. However, an extrapolation approach using maximal constants has been studied for ECA in~\cite{GeeraertsRS11,GeeraertsRS14}. In this work, the authors start by showing that prophecy clocks exhibit fundamental differences as compared to usual clocks. To begin with, it was shown that there is no finite time-abstract bisimulation for ECA in general. This is in stark contrast to TA where the region equivalence forms a finite time-abstract bisimulation. The correctness of extrapolation is strongly dependent on the region equivalence. Therefore, in order to get an algorithm, the authors define a weak semantics for ECA and a corresponding notion of weak regions which is a finite time-abstract bisimulation for the weak semantics and show that the weak semantics is sound for reachability. Building on this, they define an extrapolation operation for the zone enumeration. \medskip \noindent \textbf{Contributions.} Given the advantages of using simulations with respect to extrapolations in the TA setting described above, we extend the $\mathcal{G}$-simulation approach to ECA. Here are the technical contributions leading to the result. \begin{itemize} \item We start with a slightly modified presentation of zones in ECA and provide a clean algebra for manipulating weights in the graph representation for such ECA-zones. This simplifies the reasoning and allows us to adapt many ideas for simulation developed in the TA setting directly to the ECA setting. \item The $\mathcal{G}$-simulation is parameterized by a set of constraints at each state of the automaton. We adapt the constraint computation and the definition of the simulation to the context of ECA, the main challenge being the handling of prophecy clocks. \item We give a simulation test between two zones that runs in time quadratic in the number of clocks. This is an extension of the similar test that exists for timed automata, but now it incorporates new conditions that arise due to prophecy clocks. \item Finally, we show that the reachability algorithm using the $\mathcal{G}$-simulation terminates for ECA: for every sequence $Z_0, Z_1, \dots$ of zones that are \emph{reachable} during a zone enumeration of an ECA, there exist $i < j$ such that $Z_j$ is simulated by $Z_i$. This is a notable difference to the existing methods in TA, where finiteness is guaranteed for all zones, not only the reachable zones. In the ECA case, this is not true: we can construct an infinite sequence of zones which are incomparable with respect to the new $\mathcal{G}$-simulation. However, we show that finiteness does hold when restricting to reachable zones, and this is sufficient to prove termination of the zone enumeration algorithm. Our argument involves identifying some crucial invariants in reachable zones, specially, involving the prophecy clocks. \end{itemize} The fundamental differences in the behaviour of prophecy clocks as compared to usual clocks constitute the major challenge in developing efficient procedures for the analysis of ECAs. In our work, we have developed methods to incorporate prophecy clocks alongside the usual clocks. We prove a surprising property: in all \emph{reachable} ECA-zones, the constraints involving \emph{prophecy} clocks come from a finite set. A direct consequence of this observation is that the event zone graph of an ECA containing only prophecy clocks (known as Event-Predicting Automata EPA) is always finite. We wish to emphasize that, in this work, we are moving a step towards implementability, and at the same time towards more expressivity, since simulation approaches are amenable to extensions, e.g., with diagonal constraints. \medskip \noindent \textbf{Organization of the paper.} Section~\ref{sec:prelims} recalls ECA and describes a slightly modified presentation of the ECA semantics. Section~\ref{sec:event-zones} introduces event zones, event zone graph and the simulation based reachability framework. Section~\ref{sec:DBM} introduces the new algebra for representing event zones and describes some operations needed to build the zone graph. Section~\ref{sec:simulation} introduces the $\mathcal{G}$-simulation for event-clock automata and gives the simulation test. Section \ref{sec:termination} proves finiteness of the simulation when restricted to reachable zones. \section{Event Clock Automata and Valuations}\label{sec:prelims} Let $X$ be a finite set of variables called \emph{clocks}. Let $\Phi(X)$ denote a set of clock constraints generated by the following grammar: $\varphi ::= x \mathrel{\triangleleft} c \mid c \mathrel{\triangleleft} x \mid \varphi \land \varphi$ where $x \in X$, $c \in \overline{\mathbb{Z}}=\mathbb{Z}\cup\{-\infty,+\infty\}$ and ${\mathrel{\triangleleft}} \in \{<, \le\}$. The base constraints of the form $x \mathrel{\triangleleft} c$ and $c \mathrel{\triangleleft} x$ will be called \emph{atomic constraints}. Constraints $x< -\infty$ and $+\infty<x$ are equivalent to \emph{false} and constraints $-\infty\leq x$ and $x\leq +\infty$ are equivalent to \emph{true}. Given a finite alphabet $\Sigma$, we define a set $X_H = \{\ola{a} \mid a \in \Sigma\}$ of \emph{history clocks} and a set $X_P = \{\ora{a} \mid a \in \Sigma\}$ of \emph{prophecy clocks}. Together, history and prophecy clocks are called \emph{event clocks}. In this paper, all clocks will be event clocks, thus we set $X = X_H \cup X_P$. \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{5cm} \centering \gusepicture{event-clocks} \captionof{figure}{Valuations for event clocks.} \label{fig:event-clocks} \end{wrapfigure} \begin{definition}[Valuation] A valuation of event clocks is a function $v\colon X \mapsto \overline{\mathbb{R}}=\mathbb{R}\cup\{-\infty,+\infty\}$ which maps history clocks to $\RR_{\ge 0}\cup\{+\infty\}$ and prophecy clocks to $\RR_{\le 0} \cup \{-\infty\}$. We say a history clock $\ola{a}$, for some $a\in \Sigma$ is \emph{undefined} (resp.\ \emph{defined}) when $v(\ola{a}) = +\infty$ (resp.\ $v(\ola{a}) < +\infty$) and a prophecy clock $\ora{a}$ is undefined (resp.\ defined) when $v(\ora{a}) = -\infty$ (resp.\ $-\infty< v(\ora{a})$). We denote by $\mathbb{V}(X)$ or simply by $\mathbb{V}$ the set of valuations over $X$. \end{definition} We remark that the history clock and the prophecy clock of an event $a$ are symmetric notions. In the semantics that we introduce in this paper, history clock $\ola{a}$ stores the amount of time elapsed after seeing the last $a$, measuring how far ahead in the future we are w.r.t.\ the last occurrence of $a$. Before we see an $a$ for the first time, $\ola{a}$ is set to $+\infty$. The prophecy clock $\ora{a}$ stores the negative of the amount of time that needs to be elapsed before seeing the next $a$. In other words, $-\ora{a}$ tells us how far behind in the past we are w.r.t.\ the next occurrence of $a$. If no more $a$'s are going to be seen, then the prophecy clock of $a$ is set to $-\infty$, i.e., $\ora{a} = -\infty$. Notice that for history (resp.\ prophecy) clocks, \emph{useful} constraints use non-negative (resp.\ non-positive) constants. Also, $\ola{a}<0$ and $0<\ora{a}$ are equivalent to \emph{false} whereas $0 \le \ola{a}$, $\ola{a}\leq\infty$, $\ora{a} \le 0$ and $-\infty\leq\ora{a}$ are equivalent to \emph{true}. A constraint $c\mathrel{\triangleleft}\ola{a}$ does not imply that the history clock $\ola{a}$ is defined, whereas a constraint $\ola{a}\mathrel{\triangleleft} c$ with $(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)\neq(\leq,\infty)$ does. The same applies to prophecy clocks where a constraint $c\mathrel{\triangleleft}\ora{a}$ with $(c,\mathrel{\triangleleft})\neq(-\infty,\leq)$ implies that $\ora{a}$ is defined, whereas $\ora{a}\mathrel{\triangleleft} c$ does not; in fact, $\ora{a}\leq-\infty$ states that $\ora{a}$ is undefined. \begin{remark} In the earlier works on ECA~\cite{AlurFH99,GeeraertsRS14}, prophecy clocks assumed non-negative values and decreased along with time. This allowed to write guards on prophecy clocks with non-negative constants, e.g., $\ora{a} \le 5$ means that the next $a$ occurs in at most $5$ time units. In our convention, this would be written as $-5 \le \ora{a}$. Secondly, an undefined clock (history or prophecy) was assigned a special symbol $\bot$ in earlier works. We have changed this to use $-\infty$ and $+\infty$ for undefined prophecy and history clocks respectively. We adopt these new conventions as they allow to treat both history clocks and prophecy clocks in a symmetric fashion, and a clean integration of undefined values when we describe zones and simulations. \end{remark} We say that a valuation $v$ satisfies a constraint $\varphi$, denoted as $v \models \varphi$, if $\varphi$ evaluates to \emph{true}, when each variable $x$ in $\varphi$ is replaced by its value $v(x)$. We write $[\ola{a}]v$ to denote the valuation $v'$ obtained from $v$ by resetting the history clock $\ola{a}$ to $0$, keeping the value of other clocks unchanged. We denote by $[\ora{a}]v$ the \emph{set} of valuations $v'$ obtained from $v$ by setting the prophecy clock $\ora{a}$ non-deterministically to some value in $[-\infty,0]$, keeping the value of other clocks unchanged. We denote by $v + \d$ the valuation obtained by increasing the value of all clocks from the valuation $v$ by $\d \in \RR_{\ge 0}$. Not every time elapse may be possible from a valuation, since prophecy clocks need to stay at most $0$. For example, if there are two events $a,b$, then a valuation with $v(\ora{a}) = -3$ and $v(\ora{b}) = -2$ can elapse at most $2$ time units. \begin{definition}[Event-clock automata~\cite{AlurFH99}]\label{defn:eca} An \emph{event-clock automaton (ECA) } $\mathcal{A}$ is given by a tuple $(Q, \Sigma, X, T, q_0, F)$, where $Q$ is a finite set of states, $\Sigma$ is a finite alphabet of actions, $X$ is the set of event clocks for $\Sigma$, $q_0 \in Q$ is the initial state, $F \subseteq Q$ is the set of accepting states and $T \subseteq Q \times \Sigma \times \Phi(X) \times Q$ is a finite set of transitions. \noindent The semantics of an ECA $\mathcal{A}=(Q,\Sigma,X,T,q_0,F)$ is given by a transition system $S_{\mathcal{A}}$ whose states are \emph{configurations} $(q,v)$ of $\mathcal{A}$, where $q \in Q$ and $v$ is a valuation. A configuration $(q,v)$ is initial if $q=q_{0}$, $v(x)=\infty$ for all $x\in X_H$ and $-\infty \leq v(x) \leq 0$ for all $x \in X_P$. A configuration $(q,v)$ is accepting if $q\in F$, and $v(x)=-\infty$ for all $x\in X_P$ and $0 \leq v(x) \leq \infty$ for all $x \in X_H$. Transitions of $S_{\mathcal{A}}$ are of two forms: \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Delay transition}: $(q,v) \xra{\delta} (q, v + \delta)$, if $(v + \delta)(x) \leq 0$ for all $x \in X_P$. \item \textbf{Action transition}: $(q,v) \xra{t} (q',[\ola{a}]v')$ if $t=(q,a,g,q')$ is a transition in $\mathcal{A}$, $v(\ora{a})=0$, $v'\in[\ora{a}]v$ and $v'\models g$. A transition with action $a$ can be taken when the value of the prophecy clock $\ora{a}$ is $0$, then a new value in $[-\infty,0]$ for $\ora{a}$ is non-deterministically guessed so that the resulting valuation $v'$ satisfies the guard $g$, and finally, the history clock $\ola{a}$ is reset to $0$. \end{itemize} \end{definition} An ECA is called an event recording automaton (ERA) if it only contains history clocks and event predicting automaton (EPA) if it only contains prophecy clocks. A \emph{run} of an event-clock automaton is a finite sequence of transitions from an initial configuration of $S_{\mathcal{A}}$. A run is said to be \emph{accepting} if its last configuration is accepting. We are interested in the \emph{reachability problem} of an event clock automaton. Formally, \begin{definition}[Reachability problem for ECA]\label{defn:reach-problem} The reachability problem for an event-clock automaton $\mathcal{A}$ is to decide whether $\mathcal{A}$ has an accepting run. \end{definition} Different solutions based on regions and zones have been proposed in \cite{AlurFH99,GeeraertsRS11,GeeraertsRS14}. For ERA, the standard region and zone based algorithms for timed automata work directly. However, for EPA (and ECA), this is not the case. In fact,~\cite{GeeraertsRS11} show that the standard region abstraction is not possible, as there exists no finite bisimulation due to the behavior of prophecy clocks. Also, the standard definition of zones used for timed automata is not sufficient to handle valuations with undefined clocks. The papers \cite{GeeraertsRS11,GeeraertsRS14} make use of special symbols $\bot$ and $?$ for this purpose. In this work, we use a different formulation of zones by making use of $+\infty$ and $-\infty$. Instead of using $x=\bot$ (resp.\ $x\neq\bot$) to state that a clock is undefined (resp.\ defined) as in~\cite{GeeraertsRS11,GeeraertsRS14}, we write $+\infty\leq x$ or $x\leq-\infty$ or (resp.\ $x<+\infty$ or $-\infty<x$) depending on whether $x$ is a history clock or a prophecy clock. This distinction between being undefined for history and prophecy clocks plays an important role. \section{Event zones and simulation based reachability}\label{sec:event-zones} The most widely used approach for checking reachability in a timed automaton is based on reachability in a graph called the \emph{zone graph} of a timed automaton~\cite{Daws}. Roughly, \emph{zones}~\cite{Bengtsson:LCPN:2003} are sets of valuations that can be represented efficiently using difference constraints between clocks. In this section, we introduce an analogous notion for event-clock automata. We consider \emph{event zones}, which are sets of valuations of event-clock automata. \begin{definition}[\textbf{Event zones}]\label{defn:event-zones} An event zone is a set of valuations satisfying a conjunction of constraints of the form $c\mathrel{\triangleleft} x$, $x \mathrel{\triangleleft} c$ or $x - y \mathrel{\triangleleft} c$, where $x,y \in X$ and $c\in\overline{\mathbb{Z}}=\mathbb{Z}\cup\{-\infty,+\infty\}$. Constraints of the form $x-y\mathrel{\triangleleft} c$ are called diagonal constraints. To evaluate such constraints, we extend addition on real numbers with the convention that $(+\infty)+\alpha = +\infty$ for all $\alpha\in\overline{\mathbb{R}}$ and $(-\infty)+\beta = -\infty$, as long as $\beta\neq+\infty$. We simply write $v(x - y)$ for $v(x) - v(y)$. \end{definition} Let $W$ be a set of valuations and $q$ a state. For transition $t:= (q, a, g, q_1)$, we write $(q, W) \xra{t} (q_1, W_1)$ if $W_1 = \{ v_1 \mid (q, v) \xra{t} \xra{\delta} (q_1, v_1) \text{ for some } \delta \in \mathbb{R}_{\geq0} \}$. As is usual with timed automata, zones are closed under the time elapse operation. We will show in the next section that starting from an event zone $Z$, the successors are also event zones: $(q, Z) \xra{t} (q_1, Z_1)$ implies $Z_1$ is an event zone too. We use this feature to define an event zone graph. \begin{definition}[\textbf{Event zone graph}] Nodes are of the form $(q, Z)$ where $q$ is a state and $Z$ is an event zone. The initial node is $(q_0, Z_0)$ where $q_0$ is the initial state and $Z_0$ is given by $\bigwedge_{a \in \Sigma} (\infty\leq\ola{a}) \wedge (\ora{a} \leq 0)$. This is the set of all initial valuations, which is already closed under time elapse. For every node $(q, Z)$ and every transition $t := (q, a, g, q_1)$ there is a transition $(q, Z) \xra{t} (q_1, Z_1)$ in the event zone graph. A node $(q,Z)$ is accepting if $q\in F$ and $Z\cap Z_{f}$ is non-empty where the final zone $Z_{f}$ is defined by $\bigwedge_{a\in\Sigma} \ora{a}\leq-\infty$. \end{definition} Two examples of ECA and their event zone graphs are given in Figure~\ref{fig:eca-zone-graph-ex-1} and Figure~\ref{fig:eca-zone-graph-ex-2} below. \begin{figure}[!h] \centering \scalebox{0.8}{ \begin{subfigure}[b]{\textwidth} \centering \begin{tikzpicture} [state/.style={draw, thick, circle, inner sep=4pt}] \begin{scope}[xshift=4cm, yshift=0cm] \begin{scope}[every node/.style={state}] \node (q0) at (4, 3) {\scriptsize $q_0$}; \node (q1) at (6, 3) {\scriptsize $q_1$}; \node (q2) at (8, 3) {\scriptsize $q_2$}; \end{scope} \node at (6, 2) {\footnotesize $\mathcal{A}_1$}; \begin{scope}[->, >=stealth, thick] \draw (3.25, 3) to (q0); \draw (q0) to [out=120,in=60,looseness=8] (q0); \draw (q1) to [out=120,in=60,looseness=8] (q1); \draw (q0) to (q1); \draw (q1) to (q2); \draw (q2) to (8.75,3); \end{scope} \node at (4, 4.6) {\footnotesize $b$}; \node at (6, 4.6) {\footnotesize $b$}; \node at (5, 3.25) {\footnotesize $b$}; \node at (5, 2.75) {\scriptsize $\ora{a}=-1$}; \node at (7, 3.25) {\footnotesize $a$}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[xshift=-2cm, yshift=0cm] \begin{scope}[xshift=0cm, yshift=0cm, zone/.style={draw,rectangle,minimum width=3.2cm, minimum height=2.5cm, rounded corners}] \node [zone] (z0) at (0, 0) {}; \node [zone] (z1) at (0, 3.5) {}; \node [zone] (z2) at (5, 0) {}; \node [zone] (z3) at (5, 3.5) {}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[xshift=0cm, yshift=0cm, zone/.style={draw,rectangle,minimum width=3.2cm, minimum height=2.8cm, rounded corners}] \node [zone] (z4) at (9.5, 0) {}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[->, >=stealth, thick] \draw (z0) to (z1); \draw (z0) to (z2); \draw (z1) to (z2); \draw (z2) to (z3); \draw (z2) to (z4); \draw (z3) to (z4); \draw (z1) to [out=110,in=70,looseness=4] (z1); \draw (z3) to [out=110,in=70,looseness=4] (z3); \end{scope} \node at (0, 0.6) {\footnotesize $q_0$}; \node at (0, 0) {\scriptsize $\ora{a} \leq 0~~~~\ola{a} = \infty$}; \node at (0, -0.6) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} \leq 0~~~~\ola{b} = \infty$}; \node at (0, 4.5) {\footnotesize $q_0$}; \node at (0, 4) {\scriptsize $\ora{a} \leq 0~~~~\ola{a} = \infty$}; \node at (0, 3.5) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} \leq 0~~~~0 \leq \ola{b} < \infty$}; \node at (0, 3) {\scriptsize $\ora{a} - \ola{b} \leq 0$}; \node at (0, 2.5) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} - \ola{b} \leq 0$}; \node at (5, 1) {\footnotesize $q_1$}; \node at (5, 0.5) {\scriptsize $-1 \leq \ora{a} \leq 0~~~~\ola{a} = \infty$}; \node at (5, 0) {\scriptsize $~~\ora{b} \leq 0~~~~~0 \leq \ola{b} \leq 1$}; \node at (5, -0.5) {\scriptsize $\ola{b} - \ora{a} = 1$}; \node at (5, -1) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} - \ora{a} \leq 1~~~\ora{b} - \ola{b} \leq 0$}; \node at (5, 4.5) {\footnotesize $q_1$}; \node at (5, 4) {\scriptsize $-1 \leq \ora{a} \leq 0~~~~\ola{a} = \infty$}; \node at (5, 3.5) {\scriptsize $~~\ora{b} \leq 0~~~~~0 \leq \ola{b} \leq 1$}; \node at (5, 3) {\scriptsize $0 \leq \ola{b} - \ora{a} \leq 1$}; \node at (5, 2.5) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} - \ora{a} \leq 1~~~\ora{b} - \ola{b} \leq 0$}; \node at (9.5, 1) {\footnotesize $q_2$}; \node at (9.5, 0.5) {\scriptsize $\ora{a} \leq 0~~~~~~0 \leq \ola{a} < \infty$}; \node at (9.5, 0.1) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} \leq 0~~~~~~0 \leq \ola{b} < \infty$}; \node at (9.5, -0.3) {\scriptsize $0 \leq \ola{b} - \ola{a} \leq 1$}; \node at (9.5, -0.7) {\scriptsize $\ora{a} - \ola{a} \leq 0~~\ora{b} - \ola{a} \leq 0$}; \node at (9.5, -1.1) {\scriptsize $\ora{a} - \ola{b} \leq 0~~\ora{b} - \ola{b} \leq 0$}; \node at (-0.25, 1.75) {\footnotesize $b$}; \node at (0, 6) {\footnotesize $b$}; \node at (2.5, 0.25) {\footnotesize $b$}; \node at (2.5, -0.25) {\scriptsize $\ora{a}=-1$}; \node at (2.5, 1.5) {\footnotesize $b$}; \node at (3.2, 1.75) {\scriptsize $\ora{a}=-1$}; \node at (4.75, 1.75) {\footnotesize $b$}; \node at (5, 6) {\footnotesize $b$}; \node at (7.25, 1.5) {\footnotesize $a$}; \node at (7.25, 0.25) {\footnotesize $a$}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{subfigure} } \caption[Example of event zone graph]{An event-clock automaton and its event zone graph. Missing lower bounds are of the form $-\infty\leq x-y$ and missing upper bounds are of the form $x-y\leq\infty$ (including $y=0$).} \label{fig:eca-zone-graph-ex-1} \end{figure} In Figure~\ref{fig:eca-zone-graph-ex-1}, we give the event zone graph of the event-clock automaton $\mathcal{A}_1$ that recognizes the language $\{b^n a \mid n \ge 1 \}$ such that there exists some $b$ which occurs exactly one time unit before $a$. \begin{figure}[!h] \centering \begin{subfigure}[b]{\textwidth} \centering \begin{tikzpicture} [state/.style={draw, thick, circle, inner sep=4pt}] \begin{scope}[xshift=1cm, yshift=0cm] \begin{scope}[every node/.style={state}] \node (q0) at (4, 3) {\scriptsize $q_0$}; \node (q1) at (6, 3) {\scriptsize $q_1$}; \node (q2) at (8, 3) {\scriptsize $q_2$}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[->, >=stealth, thick] \draw (3.25, 3) to (q0); \draw (q0) to [out=120,in=60,looseness=8] (q0); \draw (q2) to [out=120,in=60,looseness=8] (q2); \draw (q0) to (q1); \draw (q1) to (q2); \draw (q2) to (8.75,3); \end{scope} \node at (6, 2) {\footnotesize $\mathcal{A}_2$}; \node at (4, 4.6) {\footnotesize $b$}; \node at (4, 4.25) {\scriptsize $\ora{b}=-1 \wedge \ora{a}<-1$}; \node at (5, 3.25) {\footnotesize $b$}; \node at (5, 2.75) {\scriptsize $\ora{a}=-1$}; \node at (7, 3.25) {\footnotesize $a$}; \node at (8, 4.25) {\footnotesize $d$}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[xshift=0cm, yshift=0cm, zone/.style={draw,rectangle,minimum width=2.3cm, minimum height=2cm, rounded corners}] \node [zone] (z0) at (1, 0) {}; \node [zone] (z1) at (1, 3) {}; \node [zone] (z2) at (4.5, 0) {}; \node [zone] (z3) at (8, 0) {}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[->, >=stealth, thick] \draw (z0) to (z1); \draw (z0) to (z2); \draw (z1) to (z2); \draw (z2) to (z3); \draw (z1) to [out=120,in=180,looseness=4] (z1); \draw (z3) to [out=15,in=-15,looseness=4] (z3); \end{scope} \node at (0.25, 0) {\footnotesize $q_0$}; \node at (1.2, 0.5) {\scriptsize $\ora{a} \leq 0$}; \node at (1.2, 0) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} \leq 0$}; \node at (1.2, -0.5) {\scriptsize $\ora{d} \leq 0$}; \node at (0.2, 3) {\footnotesize $q_0$}; \node at (1.2, 3.7) {\scriptsize $-1 \leq \ora{b} \leq 0$}; \node at (1.2, 3.2) {\scriptsize $\ora{a} - \ora{b} < 0$}; \node at (1.2, 2.7) {\scriptsize $\ora{d} - \ora{b} \leq 1$}; \node at (1.2, 2.2) {\scriptsize $\ora{a} < 0, ~ \ora{d} \leq 0 $}; \node at (3.6, 0) {\footnotesize $q_1$}; \node at (4.7, 0.75) {\scriptsize $-1 \leq \ora{a} \leq 0$}; \node at (4.7, 0.25) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} - \ora{a} \leq 1$}; \node at (4.7, -0.25) {\scriptsize $\ora{d} - \ora{a} \leq 1$}; \node at (4.7, -0.75) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} \leq 0, ~ \ora{d} \leq 0 $}; \node at (7.3, 0) {\footnotesize $q_2$}; \node at (8.2, 0.5) {\scriptsize $\ora{a} \leq 0$}; \node at (8.2, 0) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} \leq 0$}; \node at (8.2, -0.5) {\scriptsize $\ora{d} \leq 0$}; \node at (1.25, 1.5) {\footnotesize $b$}; \node at (0.2, 1.65) {\scriptsize $\ora{b}=-1~\wedge$}; \node at (0.2, 1.35) {\scriptsize $\ora{a}<-1$}; \node at (-1, 4.25) {\footnotesize $b$}; \node at (-1, 4.75) {\scriptsize $\ora{b}=-1 \wedge \ora{a}<-1$}; \node at (2.75, 0.25) {\footnotesize $b$}; \node at (2.75, -0.25) {\scriptsize $\ora{a}=-1$}; \node at (2.5, 1.5) {\footnotesize $b$}; \node at (3.2, 1.75) {\scriptsize $\ora{a}=-1$}; \node at (6.25, 0.25) {\footnotesize $a$}; \node at (10.1, 0) {\footnotesize $d$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{subfigure} \caption[]{Event \emph{predicting} automaton for which there exists no finite time abstract bisimulation and its event zone graph. Missing lower bounds are of the form $-\infty\leq x-y$ and missing upper bounds are of the form $x-y\leq\infty$ (including $y=0$).} \label{fig:eca-zone-graph-ex-2} \end{figure} Further, Geeraerts et al.~\cite{GeeraertsRS11,GeeraertsRS14} showed that there exists no finite time abstract bisimulation relation for the event predicting automaton (EPA) $\mathcal{A}_2$ given in Figure~\ref{fig:eca-zone-graph-ex-2}. Figure~\ref{fig:eca-zone-graph-ex-2} also depicts the event zone graph of $\mathcal{A}_2$. Note that, since this is an event \emph{predicting} automaton, there are no history clocks. It is easy to see that there are only finitely many distinct constraints involving the prophecy clocks. Similar to the case of timed automata, the event zone graph can be used to decide reachability. The next lemma follows by a straightforward adaptation of the corresponding proof~\cite{Daws} from timed automata. \begin{proposition} The event zone graph of an ECA is sound and complete for reachability. \end{proposition} However, as in the case of zone graphs for timed automata, the event zone graph for an ECA is also not guaranteed to be finite. We will now define what a simulation is and see how it can be used to get a finite truncation of the event zone graph, which is still sound and complete for reachability. \begin{definition}[\textbf{Simulation}] A simulation relation on the semantics of an ECA is a reflexive, transitive relation $(q, v) \preceq (q, v')$ relating configurations with the same control state and (1) for every $(q, v) \xra{\delta} (q, v+\delta)$, we have $(q, v') \xra{\delta} (q, v'+\delta)$ and $(q, v+\delta) \preceq (q, v'+ \delta)$, (2) for every transition $t$, if $(q, v) \xra{t} (q_1, v_1)$ for some valuation $v_{1}$, then $(q, v') \xra{t} (q_1, v'_1)$ for some valuation $v'_{1}$ with $(q_1, v_1) \preceq (q_1, v'_1)$. For two event zones $Z, Z'$, we say $(q, Z) \preceq (q, Z')$ if for every $v \in Z$ there exists $v' \in Z'$ such that $(q, v) \preceq (q, v')$. The simulation $\preceq$ is said to be finite if for every sequence $(q_{1}, Z_1), (q_{2}, Z_2), \dots$ of \emph{reachable} nodes, there exists $j > i$ such that $(q_{j}, Z_j) \preceq (q_{i}, Z_i)$. \end{definition} The reachability algorithm enumerates the nodes of the event zone graph and uses $\preceq$ to truncate nodes that are smaller with respect to the simulation. \begin{definition}[\textbf{Reachability algorithm.}] \label{def:reach-algo} Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an ECA and $\preceq$ a finite simulation for $\mathcal{A}$. Add the initial node of the event zone graph $(q_0, Z_0)$ to a Waiting list. Repeat the following until Waiting list is empty: \begin{itemize} \item Pop a node $(q, Z)$ from the Waiting list and add it to the Passed list. \item For every $(q, Z) \xra{t} (q_1, Z_1)$: if there exists a $(q_1, Z'_1)$ in the Passed or Waiting lists such that $(q_1, Z_1) \preceq (q_1, Z'_1)$, discard $(q_1, Z_1)$; else add $(q_1, Z_1)$ to the Waiting list. \end{itemize} If some accepting node is reached, the algorithm terminates and returns a Yes. Else, it continues until there are no further nodes to be explored and returns a No answer. \end{definition} The correctness of the reachability algorithm follows once again from the correctness of the simulation approach in timed automata~\cite{HerbreteauSW12}. Moreover, termination is guaranteed when the simulation used is finite. \begin{theorem} An ECA has an accepting run iff the reachability algorithm returns Yes. \end{theorem} We have now presented the framework for the simulation approach in its entirety. However, to make it functional, we will need the following. \begin{enumerate} \item An efficient representation for event zones and algorithms to compute successors. \item A concrete simulation relation $\preceq$ for ECA with an efficient simulation test $(q, Z) \preceq (q, Z')$. \item A proof that $\preceq$ is finite, to guarantee termination of the reachability algorithm. \end{enumerate} In the rest of the paper, we show how these can be achieved. To start with, for standard timed automata, zones are represented using Difference-Bound-Matrices (DBMs)~\cite{Dill89}. For such a representation to work on event zones, we will need to incorporate the fact that valuations can now take $+\infty$ and $-\infty$. In Section~\ref{sec:DBM}, we propose a way to merge $+\infty$ and $-\infty$ seamlessly into the DBM technology. In the subsequent Section~\ref{sec:simulation}, we define a simulation for ECA based on $\mathcal{G}$-simulation, develop some technical machinery and present an efficient simulation test. Finally, in Section~\ref{sec:termination}, we deal with the main problem of showing finiteness. For this, we prove some non-trivial invariants on the event zones that are reachable in ECA and use them to show a surprising property regarding prophecy clocks. More precisely, we show that constraints involving prophecy clocks in reachable event zones come from a finite set depending on the maximal constant of the ECA only. \section{Computing with event zones and distance graphs}\label{sec:DBM} We now show that event zones can be represented using Difference-Bound-Matrices (DBMs) and the operations required for the reachability algorithm can be implemented using DBMs. Each entry in a DBM encodes a constraint of the form $x - y \mathrel{\triangleleft} c$. For timed automata analysis, the entries are $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}, c)$ where $c \in \mathbb{R}$ and ${\mathrel{\triangleleft}} \in \{ <, \leq \}$, or $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}, c) = (<, \infty)$. In our case, we will need to deal with valuations having $+\infty$ or $-\infty$. For this purpose, we first extend weights to include $(\le, -\infty)$ and $(\le, \infty)$ and define an arithmetic that admits the new entries in a natural way. \begin{definition}[Weights] Let $\mathcal{C} = \{(\leq,-\infty)\} \cup \{(\mathrel{\triangleleft}, c) \mid c \in \mathbb{R}\cup\{\infty\} \text{ and } {\mathrel{\triangleleft}} \in \{\leq, <\}\}$, called the set of weights. \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Order.} Define $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c_1) < (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, c_2)$ when either (1) $c_1 < c_2$, or (2) $c_1 = c_2$ and $\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1$ is $<$ while $\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2$ is $\leq$. This is a total order, in particular $(\le, -\infty) < (\mathrel{\triangleleft}, c) < (<, \infty) < (\le, \infty)$ for all $c \in \mathbb{R}$. \item \textbf{Sum.} Let $\alpha, \beta, \gamma, (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c_1), (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, c_2) \in \mathcal{C}$ with $\beta\neq(\leq,\infty)$, $\gamma\notin\{(\leq,-\infty),(\leq,\infty)\}$ and $c_1, c_2 \in \mathbb{R}$. We define the operation of \emph{sum} on weights as follows. \smallskip\hfil $(\leq , \infty) + \alpha = (\leq , \infty) \qquad (\leq , -\infty) + \beta = (\leq , -\infty) \qquad (< , \infty) + \gamma = (< , \infty)$ \smallskip\hfil $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c_1) + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2,c_2) = (\mathrel{\triangleleft},c_1+c_2) \qquad \text{with } {\mathrel{\triangleleft}}={\leq} \text{ if } {\mathrel{\triangleleft}}_1 = {\mathrel{\triangleleft}}_2 = {\leq} \text{ and } {\mathrel{\triangleleft}}={<} \text{ otherwise.}$ \end{itemize} \end{definition} The intuition behind the above definition of order is that when $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}, c) < (\mathrel{\triangleleft}', c')$, the set of valuations that satisfies a constraint $x - y \mathrel{\triangleleft} c$ is contained in the solution set of $x - y \mathrel{\triangleleft}' c'$. For the sum, we have the following lemma which gives the idea behind our choice of definition. \begin{restatable}{lemma}{lemSumWeights} Let $v$ be a valuation, $x, y, z$ be event clocks and $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c_1), (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, c_2)\in\mathcal{C}$. If $v \models x - y \mathrel{\triangleleft}_1 c_1$ and $v \models y - z \mathrel{\triangleleft}_2 c_2$, then $v \models x - z \mathrel{\triangleleft} c$ where $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}, c) = (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c_1) + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, c_2)$. \end{restatable} \begin{proof} When $c_1, c_2 \in \mathbb{R}$, this is clear. When either $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c_1)$ or $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, c_2)$ is $(\le, \infty)$, we have $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}, c) = (\le, \infty)$. Every valuation satisfies $x - z \le \infty$ and hence we are done. Suppose $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c_1) = (\le, -\infty)$ and $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, c_2) \neq (\le, \infty)$. From $v(x - y) \le -\infty$, we infer that either $v(x) = -\infty$ or $v(y) = +\infty$. But, $v(y) = + \infty$ or $v(z) = -\infty$ would imply $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, c_2) = (\le, +\infty)$, a contradiction. Hence we conclude $v(x) = -\infty$, $v(z) \neq -\infty$ and therefore $v \models x - z \le -\infty$. Similar argument when $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c_1) \neq (\le, \infty)$ and $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, c_2) = (\le, -\infty)$. Finally, assume $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c_1) = (<, \infty)$ and $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, c_2) \notin \{ (\le, -\infty), (\le, \infty) \}$. We want to show that $v(x - z) < +\infty$, that is, neither $v(x)$ nor $-v(z)$ is $+\infty$. Indeed, if $v(x) = +\infty$ then $v(x - y) = +\infty$ contradicting $v(x - y) < \infty$; and if $v(z) = -\infty$, we have $v(y - z) = +\infty$, contradicting $v(y - z) \mathrel{\triangleleft}_2 c_2$. This shows that $v(x - z) < +\infty$. Similar argument when $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c_1) \notin \{ (\le, -\infty), (\le, \infty)\}$ and $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, c_2) = (<, \infty)$. \end{proof} Equipped with the weights and the arithmetic over it, we will work with a graph representation of zones (as so-called distance graphs), instead of matrices (i.e., DBMs), since this makes the analysis more convenient. We wish to highlight that our definition of weights, order and sum have been chosen to ensure that this notion of distance graphs remains identical to the one for usual TA. As a consequence, we are able to adapt many of the well-known properties about distance graphs for ECA. \begin{definition}[Distance graphs] A distance graph is a weighted directed graph, with vertices being $X_P \cup X_H \cup \{0\}$ where $0$ is a special vertex that plays the role of constant $0$. Edges are labeled with weights from $\mathcal{C}$. An edge $x \xra{\mathrel{\triangleleft}\,c} y$ represents the constraint $y - x \mathrel{\triangleleft} c$. For a graph $\mathbb{G}$, we define $\sem{\mathbb{G}} := \{ v \mid v \models y - x \mathrel{\triangleleft} c \text{ for all edges } x \xra{\mathrel{\triangleleft}\,c} y \text{ in } \mathbb{G} \}$. Further, \begin{itemize} \item The weight of a path in a distance graph $\mathbb{G}$ is the sum of the weight of its edges. A cycle in $\mathbb{G}$ is said to be negative if its weight is strictly less than $(\le, 0)$. \item A graph $\mathbb{G}$ is said to be in canonical form if it has no negative cycles and for each pair of vertices $x, y$, the weight of $x \to y$ is not greater than the weight of any path from $x$ to $y$. \item For two graphs $\mathbb{G}_1$, $\mathbb{G}_2$, we write $\min(\mathbb{G}_1, \mathbb{G}_2)$ for the distance graph obtained by setting the weight of each edge to the minimum of the corresponding weights in $\mathbb{G}_1$ and $\mathbb{G}_2$. \end{itemize} For an event zone $Z$, we write $\graph{Z}$ for the canonical distance graph that satisfies $\sem{\graph{Z}} = Z$. We denote by $Z_{xy}$ the weight of the edge $x \to y$ in $\graph{Z}$. \end{definition} We will make use of an important property, which has been shown when weights come from $\mathcal{C} \setminus \{ (\le, +\infty), (\le, -\infty)\}$, but continues to hold even with the new weights added. \begin{lemma} \label{lem:fixing-values-distance-graph} Let $\mathbb{G}$ be a canonical distance graph. Let $x \xra{\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{xy}~ c_{xy}} y$ and $y \xra{\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{yx}~ c_{yx}} x$ be edges in $\mathbb{G}$, and let $\alpha \in \mathbb{R} \cup \{-\infty, +\infty\}$ such that $(\le, 0) \le (\le, \alpha) + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{yx}, c_{yx})$ and $(\le, 0) \le (\le, -\alpha) + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{xy}, c_{xy})$. Then, replacing the weight of $x \to y$ with $(\le, \alpha)$ and the weight of $y \to x$ with $(\le, -\alpha)$ results in a distance graph with no negative cycles. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} We use the fact that sum of weights is monotone: $\alpha\leq\beta$ implies $\alpha+\gamma\leq\beta+\gamma$. Notice that $(\leq,-\infty)+(\leq,\infty)=(\leq,\infty)$ and when $\alpha$ is finite we have $(\leq,\alpha)+(\leq,-\alpha)=(\leq,0)$ which is the neutral element for sum. Consider the distance graph $\mathbb{G}'$ obtained by changing the weight of $x \to y$ to $(\le, \alpha)$ and the weight of $y \to x$ to $(\le, -\alpha)$. We will show that $\mathbb{G}'$ has no negative cycles. Let $x \to y$ and $y \to x$ be called new edges and the rest be called old edges. The cycle $x \to y \to x$ formed by the new edges has weight $(\leq,\infty)$ or $(\le, 0)$, hence not negative. A cycle with all old edges cannot be negative as $\mathbb{G}$ is in canonical form (and by our definition, such a graph has no negative cycles). We need to look for cycles containing at least one old edge and one new edge: $x \xra{(\le, \alpha)} y \cdots x$, or $x \cdots y \xra{(\le, -\alpha)} x$ where the dotted part contains only old edges. We show $x \xra{(\le, \alpha)} y \cdots x$ is non-negative. For the other cycle, the argument is similar. Suppose weight of $y \cdots x$ is $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}, c)$. We have $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{yx}, c_{yx}) \le (\mathrel{\triangleleft}, c)$ since $\mathbb{G}$ is in canonical form. Adding $(\le, \alpha)$ to this inequality, we get $(\le, 0) \le (\leq,\alpha)+(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{yx},c_{yx}) \leq (\le, \alpha) + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}, c)$. Hence $x \xra{(\le, \alpha)} y \cdots x$ cannot be a negative cycle. \end{proof} With this we are able to show that a classical and crucial property of distance graphs for timed automata also extends to event clock automata. \begin{restatable}{lemma}{lemEmptyNegativeCycle} \label{lem:empty-iff-negative-cycle} For every distance graph $\mathbb{G}$, we have $\sem{\mathbb{G}} = \emptyset$ iff $\mathbb{G}$ has a negative cycle. \end{restatable} \begin{proof} Suppose $\sem{\mathbb{G}}$ is non-empty. Let $v \in \sem{\mathbb{G}}$. Consider an arbitrary cycle $x_1 \to x_2 \to \cdots \to x_n \to x_{n+1}=x_1$ in $\mathbb{G}$. As $v \in \sem{\mathbb{G}}$, we have $v(x_{i+1} - x_i) \mathrel{\triangleleft}_i c_i$ where $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_i, c_i)$ is the weight of $x_i \to x_{i+1}$. That is, $(\le, v(x_{i+1} - x_i)) \le (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_i, c_i)$. Adding up the left hand sides gives $(\leq,\infty)$ or $(\le, 0)$, and as the cycle is negative, adding up the right hand sides gives a weight $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}, c) < (\le, 0)$, which is a contradiction. This shows there is no negative cycle. Suppose all cycles in $\mathbb{G}$ are non-negative. Canonicalizing $\mathbb{G}$ does not introduce negative cycles. Hence without loss of generality, we can assume that $\mathbb{G}$ is canonical. We will construct a valuation $v$ in $\sem{\mathbb{G}}$ by fixing values for each clock one by one. To start, pick some clock $x$ and consider the edges $0 \xra{\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{0x}~c_{0x}} x$ and $x \xra{\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{x0} ~c_{x0}} 0$. Since the cycle $0 \to x \to 0$ is non-negative, we have $0 \le c_{0x} + c_{x0}$, and if $c_{0x} + c_{x0} = 0$, then both $\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{0x}$ and $\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{x0}$ are $\le$. Notice that for every possible values for these weights, we can find a $\alpha \in \mathbb{R} \cup \{+\infty, -\infty\}$ such that $(\le, 0) \le (\le, \alpha) + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{x0}, c_{x0})$ and $(\le, 0) \le (\le, -\alpha) + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{0x}, c_{0x})$. Then from Lemma \ref{lem:fixing-values-distance-graph}, replacing $0 \to x$ and $x \to 0$ with $(\le, \alpha)$ and $(\le, -\alpha)$ respectively gives a graph $\mathbb{G}'$ with no negative cycles. For every $v \in \sem{\mathbb{G}'}$, we have $v(x) = \alpha$. Canonicalize $\mathbb{G}'$ and repeat the process with the new canonical graph to fix another variable, until all variables get fixed. \end{proof} \subparagraph{Successor computation} To implement the computation of transitions $(q, Z) \xra{t} (q_1, Z_1)$ in an event zone graph, we will make use of some operations on event zones that we define below. Using distance graphs, we show that these operations preserve event zones, that is, starting from an event zone and applying any of the operations leads to an event zone again. Thanks to the algebra over the new weights that we have defined, the arguments are very similar to the case of standard timed automata. \begin{definition}[\textbf{Operations on event zones}] Let $g$ be a guard and $Z$ an event zone. \begin{itemize} \item Guard intersection: $Z \wedge g := \{v \mid v \in Z \text{ and } v \models g\}$ \item Release: $[\ora{a}]Z= \bigcup_{v\in Z} [\ora{a}]v$ \item Reset: $[\ola{a}]Z=\{[\ola{a}]v\mid v\in Z\}$ \item Time elapse: $\elapse{Z} = \{v+\d \mid v\in Z, \d\in\RR_{\ge 0} \text{ s.t.\ } v+\d\models \bigwedge_{a\in\Sigma} \ora{a} \leq 0 \}$ \end{itemize} \end{definition} A guard $g$ can be seen as yet another event zone and hence guard intersection is just an intersection operation between two event zones. By definition, for a transition $t:=(q, a, g, q')$ and a node $(q,Z)$ the successor $(q, Z) \xra{t} (q',Z')$ can be computed in the following sequence: \begin{align*} Z_1 := Z \cap (0 \le \ora{a}) \qquad Z_2 := [\ora{a}]Z_1 \qquad Z_3 := Z_2 \cap g \qquad Z_4 := [\ola{a}]Z_3 \qquad Z' := \elapse{Z_4} \end{align*} As an example, in Figure~\ref{fig:succ-computation}, suppose an action $b$ with guard $\ora{a}=-1$ ($\ora{a}\leq -1 \wedge -1 \leq \ora{a}$) is fired from Zone $Z$ as depicted, applying the above sequence in order gives $Z_1,Z_2,Z_3,Z_4$ resulting in the successor zone $Z'$, as depicted in the figure. We will now translate the operations from event zones to distance graphs. \begin{definition}[\textbf{Operations on distance graphs}]\label{defn:dist-graph-ops} Let $\mathbb{G}$ be a distance graph in canonical form. Let $g$ be a guard. \begin{itemize} \item Guard intersection: a distance graph $\mathbb{G}_g$ is obtained from $\mathbb{G}$ as follows, \begin{itemize} \item for each atomic constraint $x \mathrel{\triangleleft} c$ in $g$, replace weight of edge $0 \to x$ with the minimum of its weight in $\mathbb{G}$ and $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}, c)$, \item for each atomic constraint $d \mathrel{\triangleleft} y$ in $g$, replace weight of edge $y \to 0$ with the minimum of its weight in $\mathbb{G}$ and $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}, -d)$, \item canonicalize the resulting graph. \end{itemize} \item Release: a distance graph $[\ora{a}]\mathbb{G}$ is obtained from $\mathbb{G}$ by \begin{itemize} \item removing all edges involving $\ora{a}$ and then \item adding the edges $0 \xra{(\leq,0)} \ora{a}$ and $\ora{a} \xra{(\leq,\infty)} 0$, and then \item canonicalizing the resulting graph. \end{itemize} \item Reset: a distance graph $[\ola{a}]\mathbb{G}$ is obtained from $\mathbb{G}$ by \begin{itemize} \item removing all edges involving $\ola{a}$ and then \item adding the edges $0 \xra{(\leq,0)} \ola{a}$ and $\ola{a} \xra{(\leq, 0)} 0$, and then \item canonicalizing the resulting graph. \end{itemize} \item Time elapse: the distance graph $\elapse{\mathbb{G}}$ is obtained by the following transformation: \begin{itemize} \item if $\ola{x}$ is defined, i.e., the weight of $0 \xra{} \ola{x}$ is not $(\leq,\infty)$, then replace it with $(<,\infty)$, \item if $\ora{x}$ is defined, i.e., the weight of $0 \xra{} \ora{x}$ is not $(\leq,-\infty)$, then replace it with $(\leq,0)$, \item canonicalize the resulting graph. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{definition} We prove below that the operations on distance graphs given in Definition~\ref{defn:dist-graph-ops} correspond to the operations on event zones: Lemma~\ref{lem:guard}, Lemma~\ref{lem:release}, Lemma~\ref{lem:reset} and Lemma~\ref{lem:time-elapse-prop}. Other than canonicalization, it can be easily checked that these operations can be computed in quadratic time. We discuss the canonicalization procedure in the stated lemmas. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:guard} Let $Z$ be an event zone defined by its distance graph $\graph{Z}$, and let $g$ be a guard. Then $\sem{\mathbb{G}_g} = Z\wedge g$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} According to the definition, we first replace edges of the form $0 \to x$ and $x \to 0$ depending on the guards present. It is easy to see that the set of valuations that satisfy the constraints given by this intermediate graph satisfy both $Z$ and $g$. The canonicalization process does not change the solution set. Since $g$ has only non-diagonal constraints and $\graph{Z}$ is canonical, we can check if there is a negative cycle of the form $x \to 0 \to y \to x$ in quadratic time. If not, one can first compute all shortest paths $x \to 0$ and $0 \to x$ and then taking $x \to y$ as the sum of the new $x \to 0$ and $0 \to y$ edges. The shortest path $x \to 0$ is obtained by taking $\min(x \to z + z \to 0)$ over all $z \to 0$ that comes from a guard. Similarly the shortest path $0 \to x$ is $\min(0 \to z + z \to x$ over all $0 \to x$ coming from a guard. \end{proof} \begin{lemma}\label{lem:release} Let $Z$ be an event zone and $\mathbb{G}$ be its distance graph in canonical form. Let $a\in\Sigma$. Then, $\sem{[\ora{a}]\mathbb{G}}=[\ora{a}]Z$. Then, the weight of the edges in $[\ora{a}]\mathbb{G}$ are given by \begin{itemize} \item $x \to y$ has weight $\mathbb{G}_{xy}$, if $x,y \neq \ora{a}$, \item $\ora{a} \to x$ has weight $(\leq,\infty)$ and $x \to \ora{a}$ has weight $\mathbb{G}_{x0}$ if $x\neq\ora{a}$. \end{itemize} \end{lemma} \begin{proof} The release of a prophecy clock $\ora{a}$ corresponds to removing all edges involving the node $\ora{a}$, and then setting it to unsure by adding the edges $0 \xra{(\leq,0)} \ora{a}$ and $\ora{a} \xra{(\leq,\infty)} 0$. Let $\mathbb{G}'$ be the distance graph thus obtained from $\mathbb{G}$. It is easy to see $[\ora{a}]Z \subseteq \sem{[\ora{a}\mathbb{G}]}$. Now, pick $v \in \sem{[\ora{a}]\mathbb{G}}$. We claim that there exists some $u \in \sem{\mathbb{G}}$ such that $u$ coincides with $v$ in all variables except $\ora{a}$. To see this, replace every $x \to y$ with $\min(\mathbb{G}_{xy}, (\le, v(y - x)))$ for all $x, y \neq \ora{a}$. But $\min(\mathbb{G}_{xy}, (\le, v(y - x))) = (\le, v(y - x)$ since the same edge is present in $\mathbb{G}'$ and $v$ satisfies the corresponding constraint there. So, in this graph, every edge involving $\ora{a}$ comes from $\mathbb{G}$ and the other edges come from $v$. Suppose there is a negative cycle in this graph. We can first reduce it to $\ora{a} \to x \to y \to \ora{a}$, with $\ora{a} \to x$ and $y \to \ora{a}$ coming from $\mathbb{G}$. This will imply that $v$ does not satisfy the $\mathbb{G}_{yx}$ constraint, but that is a contradiction. Then, $[\ora{a}]\mathbb{G}$ is obtained by canonicalization of $\mathbb{G}'$. Observe that the weight of no edge was decreased: $\mathbb{G}_{0\ora{a}}\leq(\leq,0)$ and $\mathbb{G}_{\ora{a}0}\leq(\leq,\infty)$. Therefore, this transformation does not lead to shorter paths: the edge $x \to y$ in $[\ora{a}]\mathbb{G}$ has weight $\mathbb{G}'_{xy}=\mathbb{G}_{xy}$ if $x\neq\ora{a}\neq y$. Now, non-trivial paths in $\mathbb{G}'$ starting from $\ora{a}$ start with weight $(\leq,\infty)$, hence $\mathbb{G}'_{\ora{a}x}=(\leq,\infty)$ if $x\neq\ora{a}$. Finally, a path in $\mathbb{G}'$ from $x\neq\ora{a}$ to $\ora{a}$ consists of a path from $x$ to $0$ in $\mathbb{G}$ followed by the edge $0\to\ora{a}$ in $\mathbb{G}'$. We deduce that the weight of the edge $x \to \ora{a}$ in $[\ora{a}]\mathbb{G}$ is equal to $\mathbb{G}_{x0}+(\leq,0)$. \end{proof} \begin{lemma}\label{lem:reset} Let $Z$ be an event zone and $\mathbb{G}$ be its distance graph in canonical form. Let $a\in\Sigma$. Then, $\sem{[\ola{a}]\mathbb{G}}=[\ola{a}]Z$. Then, the weight of the edges in $[\ola{a}]\mathbb{G}$ are given by \begin{itemize} \item $x \to y$ has weight $\mathbb{G}_{xy}$, if $x,y \neq \ola{a}$, \item $x \to \ola{a}$ has weight $\mathbb{G}_{x0}$ and $\ola{a} \to x$ has weight $\mathbb{G}_{0x}$ if $x\neq\ola{a}$ (including $x=0$). \end{itemize} \end{lemma} \begin{proof} The reset of a history clock $\ola{a}$ corresponds to removing all edges involving the node $\ola{a}$, and then setting its value to $0$ by adding the edges $0 \xra{(\leq,0)} \ola{a}$ and $\ola{a} \xra{(\leq, 0)} 0$. Let $\mathbb{G}'$ be the distance graph thus obtained from $\mathbb{G}$. Similar to timed automata it can be shown that $\sem{\mathbb{G}'} = [\ola{a}]Z$. Then, $[\ola{a}]\mathbb{G}$ is obtained by canonicalization of $\mathbb{G}'$. Canonicalization does not affect the weight of the edges $x\to y$ if $x,y\neq\ola{a}$ (as any path from $x$ to $y$ in $\mathbb{G}'$ using the new edges would involve a cycle $\ola{a}\to 0\to\ola{a}$ or $0\to\ola{a}\to 0$ of weight $0$). Thus, the weight of the edge $x \to y$ in $[\ola{a}]\mathbb{G}$ is equal to $\mathbb{G}_{xy}$ if $x,y \neq \ola{a}$. Now, paths in $\mathbb{G}'$ from $x\neq\ola{a}$ to $\ola{a}$ ends with the edge $0\to\ola{a}$ of weight $(\leq,0)$. So, for $x\neq\ola{a}$, we deduce that the weight of the edge $x \to \ola{a}$ in $[\ola{a}]\mathbb{G}$ is given by $\mathbb{G}'_{x\ola{a}}=\mathbb{G}_{x\ola{a}}$. Similarly, we can see that the weight of the edge $\ola{a} \to x$ in $[\ola{a}]\mathbb{G}$ is given by $\mathbb{G}'_{\ola{a}x}=\mathbb{G}_{\ola{a}x}$. \end{proof} \begin{lemma}\label{lem:time-elapse-prop} Let $Z$ be a non-empty event zone and $\mathbb{G}$ be its distance graph in canonical form. Then, $\sem{\elapse{\mathbb{G}}}=\elapse{Z}$. Then, the weight of the edges in $\elapse{\mathbb{G}}$ are given by \begin{itemize} \item $x \to y$ has weight $\mathbb{G}_{xy}$, if $x\neq 0$, \item $0 \to y$ is defined as : \begin{align*} \elapse{\mathbb{G}}_{0y} & ~=~ (\leq,\infty) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \text{if } G_{0y} = (\leq, \infty) \\ & ~=~ \displaystyle \min \{(<, \infty), \displaystyle \min_{\ora{x} \in X_{P}} \mathbb{G}_{\ora{x}y}\} ~~~~~~~\text{if $G_{0y} \neq (\leq, \infty)$ and $y$ is a history clock} \\ & ~=~ \displaystyle \min \{(\leq, 0), \displaystyle \min_{\ora{x} \in X_{P}} \mathbb{G}_{\ora{x}y}\} ~~~~~~~~\text{$y$ is a prophecy clock} \end{align*} In particular, $\mathbb{G}_{0y}\leq\elapse{\mathbb{G}}_{0y}$. \end{itemize} \end{lemma} \begin{proof} The time elapse operation corresponds to (1) replacing the weight of $0 \xra{} \ola{x}$ with $(<,\infty)$ if it is not $(\leq,\infty)$, and (2) replacing the weight of $0 \xra{} \ora{x}$ with $(\leq,0)$ if it is not $(\leq,-\infty)$ Let $\mathbb{G}'$ be the distance graph thus obtained from $\mathbb{G}$. Similar to timed automata it can be shown that $\sem{\mathbb{G}'} = \elapse{Z}$. Then, $\elapse{\mathbb{G}}$ is obtained by canonicalization of $\mathbb{G}'$. Observe that $\mathbb{G}'$ need not be canonical. The transformation from $\mathbb{G}$ to $\mathbb{G}'$ does not decrease the weight of edges, it may only increase the weight of edges from $0$ to $x$. Therefore, no shorter paths may be obtained by this transformation. We deduce that, for all clocks $y$, $\elapse{\mathbb{G}}_{xy}=\mathbb{G}'_{xy}=\mathbb{G}_{xy}$ if $x\neq0$ and $\mathbb{G}_{0y}\leq\elapse{\mathbb{G}}_{0y}\leq\mathbb{G}'_{0y}$. Let $\ora{x}$ be a prophecy clock s.t.\ the weight $\mathbb{G}_{\ora{x}y}$ is minimum. We show that weight of the edge $0 \to y$ in $\elapse{\mathbb{G}}$, given by the new shortest path in $\mathbb{G}'$ from $0$ to $y$ is $0 \xra{(\leq,0)} \ora{x} \xra{\mathbb{G}_{\ora{x}y}} y$. Suppose that there was a (shorter) path in $\mathbb{G}'$ of the form $0 \xra{(\leq,0)} \ora{z} \xra{(\triangleleft,d')} \ora{w} \xra{(\triangleleft,d)} y$. This implies that $(\triangleleft,d') + (\triangleleft,d) < \mathbb{G}_{\ora{x}y}$. However, since $\mathbb{G}$ is canonical, we have $\mathbb{G}_{\ora{z}x} \leq (\triangleleft,d') + (\triangleleft,d)< \mathbb{G}_{\ora{x}y}$. This contradicts our assumption that $\ora{x}$ was the prophecy clock s.t.\ the weight $G_{\ora{x}y}$ is minimum. \end{proof} We are now ready to state Theorem~\ref{thm:distance-graph-operations} that says that the operations on event zones translate easily to operations on distance graphs and that the successor of an event zone is an event zone. Note that, except for the release operation $[\ola{a}]$, the rest of the operations are standard in timed automata, but they do not use $(\le, +\infty), (\le, -\infty)$. We show that we can perform all these operations in the new algebra with quadratic complexity, as in timed automata without diagonal constraints~\cite{DBLP:journals/ipl/ZhaoLZ05}. \begin{restatable}{theorem}{thmDistanceGraphOperations} \label{thm:distance-graph-operations} Let $Z$ be an event zone and $\mathbb{G}$ be its canonical distance graph. Let $g$ be a guard. We can compute, in $\mathcal{O}(|X_P \cup X_H|^2)$ time, distance graphs $\mathbb{G}_g$, $[\ora a]\mathbb{G}$, $[\ola a]\mathbb{G}$ and $\elapse{\mathbb{G}}$ in canonical form, such that $Z \land g = \sem{\mathbb{G}_g}$, $[\ora a]Z = \sem{[\ora a]\mathbb{G}}$, $[\ola a]Z = \sem{[\ola a]\mathbb{G}}$, and $\elapse{Z} = \sem{\elapse{\mathbb{G}}}$. \end{restatable} \begin{figure} \centering \scalebox{0.8}{ \begin{tikzpicture} [state/.style={draw, thick, circle, inner sep=4pt}] \begin{scope}[xshift=-1cm, yshift=0cm] \begin{scope}[xshift=0cm, yshift=0cm, zone/.style={draw,rectangle,minimum width=2.1cm, minimum height=2.4cm, rounded corners}] \node [zone] (z0) at (0, 0) {}; \node [zone] (z1) at (3, 0) {}; \node [zone] (z2) at (6, 0) {}; \node [zone] (z3) at (9, 0) {}; \node [zone] (z4) at (12, 0) {}; \node [zone] (z5) at (15, 0) {}; \end{scope} \begin{scope}[->, >=stealth, thick] \draw (z0) to (z1); \draw (z1) to (z2); \draw (z2) to (z3); \draw (z3) to (z4); \draw (z4) to (z5); \end{scope} \node at (0, -1.6) {$Z$}; \node at (3, -1.6) {$Z_1$}; \node at (6, -1.6) {$Z_2$}; \node at (9, -1.6) {$Z_3$}; \node at (12, -1.6) {$Z_4$}; \node at (15, -1.6) {$Z'$}; \node at (0, 0.25) {\scriptsize $\ora{a} \leq 0~~\ola{a} = \infty$}; \node at (0, -0.25) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} \leq 0~~\ola{b} = \infty$}; \node at (3, 0.5) {\scriptsize $\ora{a} \leq 0~~\ola{a} = \infty$}; \node at (3, 0) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} = 0~~\ola{b} = \infty$}; \node at (3, -0.5) {\scriptsize $\ora{a} - \ora{b} \leq 0$}; \node at (6, 0.25) {\scriptsize $\ora{a} \leq 0~~\ola{a} = \infty$}; \node at (6, -0.25) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} \leq 0~~\ola{b} = \infty$}; \node at (9, 0.5) {\scriptsize $\ora{a}=-1~~\ola{a} = \infty$}; \node at (9, 0) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} \leq 0~~\ola{b} = \infty$}; \node at (9, -0.5) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} - \ora{a} \leq 1$}; \node at (12, 0.8) {\scriptsize $\ora{a}=-1~~\ola{a} = \infty$}; \node at (12, 0.4) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} \leq 0~~\ola{b} = 0$}; \node at (12, 0) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} - \ora{a} \leq 1$}; \node at (12, -0.4) {\scriptsize $\ola{b} - \ora{a} = 1$}; \node at (12, -0.8) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} - \ola{b} \leq 0$}; \node at (15, 1) {\scriptsize $-1 \leq \ora{a} \leq 0$}; \node at (15, 0.6) {\scriptsize $0 \leq \ola{b} \leq 1$}; \node at (15, 0.2) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} \leq 0~~\ola{a} = \infty$}; \node at (15, -0.2) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} - \ora{a} \leq 1$}; \node at (15, -0.6) {\scriptsize $\ola{b} - \ora{a} = 1$}; \node at (15, -1) {\scriptsize $\ora{b} - \ola{b} \leq 0$}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} } \caption[]{Successor computation from event zone $Z$ on an action $b$ with guard $\ora{a}=-1$} \label{fig:succ-computation} \end{figure} \section{A concrete simulation relation for ECAs}\label{sec:simulation} We fix an event-clock automaton $\mathcal{A}=(Q,\Sigma,X,T,q_0,F)$ for this section. We will define a simulation relation $\preceq_{\mathcal{A}}$ on the configurations of the ECA. We first define a map $\mathcal{G}$ from $Q$ to sets of atomic constraints. The map $\mathcal{G}$ is obtained as the least fixpoint of the set of equations: $$ \mathcal{G}(q) = \{\ora{b}\leq0, 0\leq\ora{b} \mid b\in\Sigma\} \cup \bigcup_{(q,a,g,q')\in T} \mathsf{split}(g) \cup \pre{a}{\mathcal{G}(q')} $$ where $\mathsf{split}(g)$ is the set of atomic constraints occurring in $g$ and, for a set of atomic constraints $G$, $\pre{a}{G}$ is defined as the set of constraints in $G$ except those on $\ora{a}$ or $\ola{a}$. Notice that constraints in $\mathcal{G}(q)$ use the constant $0$ and constants used in constraints of $\mathcal{A}$. Let $G$ be a set of atomic constraints. The preorder $\preceq_{G}$ is defined on valuations by $$ v\preceq_{G}v' \qquad \text { if } \forall\varphi\in G,~\forall\delta\geq0,\qquad v+\delta\models\varphi \implies v'+\delta\models\varphi \,. $$ Notice that in the condition above, we \emph{do not} restrict $\delta$ to those such that $v+\delta$ is a valuation: we may have $v(\ora{a})+\delta>0$ for some $a\in\Sigma$. This is crucial for the proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:simulation} below. It also allows to get a clean characterizations of the simulation (Lemma~\ref{lem:simulation-properties}) which in turn is useful for deriving the simulation test and in showing finiteness. Based on $\preceq_G$ and the $\mathcal{G}(q)$ computation, we can define a preorder $\preceq_{\mathcal{A}}$ between configurations of ECA $\mathcal{A}$ as $(q,v)\preceq_{\mathcal{A}}(q',v')$ if $q=q'$ and $v\preceq_{\mathcal{G}(q)}v'$. \begin{restatable}{theorem}{thmSimulation} \label{thm:simulation} The relation $\preceq_{\mathcal{A}}$ is a simulation on the transition system $S_{\mathcal{A}}$ of ECA $\mathcal{A}$. \end{restatable} \begin{proof} Assume that $(q,v_{1})\preceq_{\mathcal{A}}(q,v_{2})$, i.e., $v_{1}\preceq_{\mathcal{G}(q)}v_{2}$. \begin{description} \item[Delay transition] Assume that $(q,v_{1})\xra{\delta}(q,v_{1}+\delta)$ is a transition of $S_{\mathcal{A}}$. Then, $v_{1}+\delta\models\bigwedge_{x\in\Sigma}\ora{x}\leq0$. Since $\mathcal{G}(q)$ contains $\ora{x}\leq0$ for all $x\in\Sigma$ and $v_{1}\preceq_{\mathcal{G}(q)}v_{2}$, we deduce that $v_{2}+\delta\models\bigwedge_{x\in\Sigma}\ora{x}\leq0$. Therefore, $(q,v_{2})\xra{\delta}(q,v_{2}+\delta)$ is a transition in $S_{\mathcal{A}}$. It is easy to see that $v_{1}+\delta\preceq_{\mathcal{G}(q)}v_{2}+\delta$. \item[Action transition] Let $t=(q,g,a,q')$ be a transition in $\mathcal{A}$ and assume that $(q,v_{1})\xra{t}(q',v'_{1})$ is a transition in $S_{\mathcal{A}}$, i.e., $v_{1}\models 0\leq\ora{a}$ and for some $v''_{1}\in[\ora{a}]v_{1}$ we have $v''_{1}\models g$ and $v'_{1}=[\ola{a}]v''_{1}$. Since $\mathcal{G}(q)$ contains $0\leq\ora{a}$ and $v_{1}\preceq_{\mathcal{G}(q)}v_{2}$, we deduce that $v_{2}\models 0\leq\ora{a}$. We have $v''_{1}=v_{1}[\ora{a}\mapsto\alpha]$ for some $\alpha\in[-\infty,0]$ and $v'_{1}=v''_{1}[\ola{a}\mapsto 0]=v_{1}[\ola{a}\mapsto 0,\ora{a}\mapsto\alpha]$. Define $v''_{2}=v_{2}[\ora{a}\mapsto\alpha]\in[\ora{a}]v_{2}$ and $v'_{2}=v''_{2}[\ola{a}\mapsto 0]=v_{2}[\ola{a}\mapsto 0,\ora{a}\mapsto\alpha]$. From $v_{1}\preceq_{\mathcal{G}(q)}v_{2}$ and the definition of $v''_{2}$, we deduce that $v''_{1}\preceq_{\mathcal{G}(q)}v''_{2}$. Since $\mathcal{G}(q)$ contains $\mathsf{split}(g)$, and $v''_{1}\preceq_{\mathcal{G}(q)}v''_{2}$, we deduce that $v''_{2}\models g$. Therefore, $(q,v_{2})\xra{t}(q',v'_{2})$ is a transition in $S_{\mathcal{A}}$. Since $\mathcal{G}(q)$ contains $\pre{a}{\mathcal{G}(q')}$, we easily get from $v_{1}\preceq_{\mathcal{G}(q)}v_{2}$ and the definitions of $v'_{1},v'_{2}$ that $v'_{1}\preceq_{\mathcal{G}(q')}v'_{2}$. Note that, to get this, we crucially use the fact that in the definition of the simulation $\preceq_{G}$ we consider \emph{all} $\delta\geq0$ and not only those such that $v+\delta$ is a valuation. \qedhere \end{description} \end{proof} When $G=\{\varphi\}$ is a singleton, we simply write $\preceq_{\varphi}$ for $\preceq_{\{\varphi\}}$. The definition of the $\preceq_{G}$ simulation above in some sense declares what is expected out of the simulation. Below, we give a constructive characterization of the simulation in terms of the constants used and the valuations. For example, if $v(\ola{a}) = 3$ and $\ola{a} \le 5$ is a constraint in $G$, point $2$ below says that all $v'$ with $v'(\ola{a}) \le 3$ simulate $v$. The next lemma is a generalization of Lemma 8 from \cite{Gastin0S20} to our setting containing prophecy clocks and the undefined values $+\infty$ and $-\infty$. \begin{restatable}{lemma}{lemSimulationProperties} \label{lem:simulation-properties} Let $v,v'$ be valuations and $G$ a set of atomic constraints. We have \begin{enumerate} \item $v\preceq_{G}v'$ iff $v\preceq_{\varphi}v'$ for all $\varphi\in G$. \item $v\preceq_{x\mathrel{\triangleleft} c}v'$ iff $v(x)\not\mathrel{\triangleleft} c$ or $v'(x)\leq v(x)$ or $(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)=(\leq,\infty)$ or $(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)=(<,\infty)\wedge v'(x)<\infty$. \item $v\preceq_{c\mathrel{\triangleleft} x}v'$ iff $c\mathrel{\triangleleft} v'(x)$ or $v(x)\leq v'(x)$ or $(c,\mathrel{\triangleleft})=(\infty,<)$ or $(c,\mathrel{\triangleleft})=(\infty,\leq)\wedge v(x)<\infty$. \end{enumerate} \end{restatable} \begin{proof} \begin{enumerate} \item is clear. \item The right to left implication is easy. Notice for instance that if $(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)=(<,\infty)$ and $v'(x)<\infty$ then for all $\delta\geq0$ we have $v'+\delta\models x<\infty$. Conversely, assume that $v\preceq_{x\mathrel{\triangleleft} c}v'$ and $v(x)\mathrel{\triangleleft} c$ and $(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)\neq(\leq,\infty)$. If $(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)=(<,\infty)$ then, using $\delta=0$ and $v(x)\mathrel{\triangleleft} c$, we get $v'(x)<\infty$. If $(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)=(\leq,-\infty)$ then, using $\delta=0$ and $v(x)\mathrel{\triangleleft} c$, we get $v'(x)\leq-\infty=v(x)$. Otherwise, $c\in\mathbb{Z}$ and we have to show that $v'(x)\leq v(x)$. Assume that $v(x)<v'(x)$. Then, we find $\delta\geq0$ such that $v(x)+\delta\mathrel{\triangleleft} c <v'(x)+\delta$, a contradiction. \item Again, the right to left implication is easy. Notice that in the last two cases, $(c,\mathrel{\triangleleft})=(\infty,<)$ or $(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)=(\infty,\leq)\wedge v(x)<\infty$, then for all $\delta\geq0$ we have $v+\delta\not\models c\mathrel{\triangleleft} x$. Conversely, assume that $v\preceq_{c\mathrel{\triangleleft} x}v'$ and $c\not\mathrel{\triangleleft} v'(x)$ and $(c,\mathrel{\triangleleft})\neq(\infty,<)$. If $(c,\mathrel{\triangleleft})=(\infty,\leq)$ then, using $\delta=0$ and $c\not\mathrel{\triangleleft} v'(x)$, we get $c\not\mathrel{\triangleleft} v(x)$, i.e., $v(x)<\infty$. If $(c,\mathrel{\triangleleft})=(-\infty,<)$ then, using $\delta=0$ and $c\not\mathrel{\triangleleft} v'(x)$, we get $c\not\mathrel{\triangleleft} v(x)$, i.e., $v(x)=-\infty=v'(x)$. Otherwise, $c\in\mathbb{Z}$ and we have to show that $v(x)\leq v'(x)$. Assume that $v'(x)<v(x)$. Then, we find $\delta\geq0$ such that $c\mathrel{\triangleleft} v(x)+\delta$ but $c\not\mathrel{\triangleleft} v'(x)+\delta$, a contradiction. \qedhere \end{enumerate} \end{proof} We now state some useful properties that get derived from Lemma~\ref{lem:simulation-properties}. \begin{remark}\label{rem:simulation properties} Let $v,v'$ be valuations and $G$ a set of atomic constraints. \begin{enumerate} \item For all $a\in\Sigma$, if $\{0\leq\ora{a},\ora{a}\leq0\}\subseteq G$ and $v\preceq_{G}v'$ then $v(\ora{a})=v'(\ora{a})$. \item Let $x\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1} c_{1}$ and $x\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2} c_{2}$ be constraints with $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1},c_{1})\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2},c_{2})<(<,\infty)$ (we say that $x\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1} c_{1}$ is subsumed by $x\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2} c_{2}$). If $v\preceq_{x\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2} c_{2}}v'$ then $v\preceq_{x\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1} c_{1}}v'$. Indeed, from $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2},c_{2})<(<,\infty)$ and $v\preceq_{x\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2} c_{2}}v'$ we get $v'(x)\leq v(x)$ or $v(x)\not\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2} c_{2}$, which implies $v(x)\not\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1}c_{1}$ since $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1},c_{1})\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2},c_{2})$. \item Let $c_{1}\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1} x$ and $c_{2}\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2} x$ be constraints with $(c_{1},\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1})\leq(c_{2},\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2})<(\infty,\leq)$ (we say that $c_{1}\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1} x$ is subsumed by $c_{2}\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2} x$). If $v\preceq_{c_{2}\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2} x}v'$ then $v\preceq_{c_{1}\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1} x}v'$. Indeed, from $(c_{2},\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2})<(\infty,\leq)$ and $v\preceq_{c_{2}\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2} x}v'$ we get $v(x)\leq v'(x)$ or $c_{2}\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2} v'(x)$, which implies $c_{1}\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1} v'(x)$ since $(c_{1},\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1})\leq(c_{2},\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2})$. The ordering between \emph{lower weights} is defined by $(c_{1},\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1})<(c_{2},\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2})$ if $c_{1}<c_{2}$ or $c_{1}=c_{2}$, ${\mathrel{\triangleleft}}_{1}={\leq}$ and ${\mathrel{\triangleleft}}_{2}={<}$. We have $(c_{1},\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1})<(c_{2},\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2})$ iff $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2},-c_{2})<(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1},-c_{1})$. \end{enumerate} \end{remark} Before lifting the simulation to event zones, we present a central technical object that will be used from time to time in the next set of results. \subparagraph{Distance graph for valuations that simulate a valuation $v$.}\label{sec:distance graph for up G v} For a valuation $v$, we let ${\uparrow}_{G}v=\{v'\in\mathbb{V} \mid v\preceq_{G} v'\}$, i.e., the set of valuations $v'$ which simulate $v$. We will define a distance graph, denoted $\graphv{G}{v}$, such that $\sem{\graphv{G}{v}}={\uparrow}_{G}v$. We remark that $\sem{\graphv{G}{v}}$ is not really a zone since it may use constants that are not integers. We assume that $G$ contains $\{0\leq\ora{a},\ora{a}\leq0 \mid a\in\Sigma\}$ so that $v\preceq_{G}v'$ implies $v(\ora{a})=v'(\ora{a})$ for all prophecy clocks $\ora{a}$ with $a\in\Sigma$. We remove from $G$ constraints equivalent to true, such as $x\leq\infty$, $-3<\ola{a}$ or $0\leq\ola{a}$, or equivalent to false, such as $\ola{a}<0$ or $\infty<x$. Also, by Remark~\ref{rem:simulation properties}, we may remove from $G$ constraints that are subsumed by other constraints in $G$, while not changing the simulation relation. Hence, for history clocks, we have at most one upper-bound constraint $\ola{a}\mathrel{\triangleleft} c$ with $(\leq,0)\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)<(<,\infty)$, and at most one lower-bound constraint $c\mathrel{\triangleleft}\ola{a}$ with $(0,\leq)<(c,\mathrel{\triangleleft})<(\infty,\leq)$. From now on, we always assume that the sets $G$ of atomic constraints that we consider satisfy the above conditions. The definition of the distance graph $\graphv{G}{v}$ which defines ${\uparrow}_{G}v$ is based on Lemma~\ref{lem:simulation-properties}. \begin{itemize} \item For each prophecy clock $\ora{a}$, we have the edges $\ora{a}\xra{(\leq,-v(\ora{a}))}0$ and $0\xra{(\leq,v(\ora{a}))}\ora{a}$. \item For each history clock $\ola{a}$, we have the edge $0\to\ola{a}$ with weight \begin{itemize} \item $(\leq,v(\ola{a}))$ if $\ola{a}\mathrel{\triangleleft} c\in G$ with $(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)<(<,\infty)$ and $v(\ola{a})\mathrel{\triangleleft} c$, \item $(<,\infty)$ if we are not in the case above and $\ola{a}<\infty \in G$, $v(\ola{a})<\infty$, \item $(\leq,\infty)$ otherwise. \end{itemize} \item For each history clock $\ola{a}$, we have the edge $\ola{a}\to 0$ with weight \begin{itemize} \item $(\leq,-\infty)$ if $\infty\leq\ola{a} \in G$ and $v(\ola{a})=\infty$, and if we are not in this case: \item $(\mathrel{\triangleleft},-c)$ if $c\mathrel{\triangleleft}\ola{a}\in G$ with $(c,\mathrel{\triangleleft})<(\infty,\leq)$ and $c\mathrel{\triangleleft} v(\ola{a})$, \item $(\leq,-v(\ola{a}))$ if $c\mathrel{\triangleleft}\ola{a}\in G$ with $(c,\mathrel{\triangleleft})<(\infty,\leq)$ and $c\not\mathrel{\triangleleft} v(\ola{a})$, \item $(\leq,0)$ otherwise. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} With this definition, while $\graphv{G}{v}$ is not in canonical form, it has the desired property: \begin{lemma} We have $v\preceq_{G} v'$ iff $v'$ satisfies all the constraints of $\graphv{G}{v}$. \end{lemma} \subparagraph{Simulation for event zones and an effective algorithmic check.} Let $Z,Z'$ be two event zones and $G$ be a set of atomic constraints. We say that $Z$ is $G$-simulated by $Z'$, denoted $Z\preceq_{G}Z'$, if for all $v\in Z$ there exists $v'\in Z'$ such that $v\preceq_{G}v'$. Finally, we define $(q,Z)\preceq_\mathcal{A} (q',Z')$ if $q=q'$ and $Z\preceq_{\mathcal{G}(q)} Z'$. In the rest of this section, we show how to check this relation efficiently. We let ${\downarrow}_{G}Z=\{v\in\mathbb{V}\mid v\preceq_{G}v' \text{ for some } v'\in Z\}$. Notice that $Z\preceq_{G}Z'$ iff $Z\subseteq{\downarrow}_{G}Z'$ iff ${\downarrow}_{G}Z={\downarrow}_{G}Z'$. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:zone-non-simulation} For event zones $Z,Z'$, we have $Z \not \preceq_{G}Z'$ iff $\exists v\in Z$ with ${\uparrow}_{G}v \cap Z' = \emptyset$. \end{lemma} To check $Z \not \preceq_G Z'$, we require a valuation $v \in Z$ with a witness that ${\uparrow}_G{v} \cap Z'$ is empty. In the language of distance graphs, the witness will be a negative cycle in $\min({\uparrow}_G{v}, Z')$. We show that if ${\uparrow}_G{v} \cap Z'$ is empty, then there is a small witness, i.e., a negative cycle containing at most three edges, and belonging to one of three specific forms. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:negative-cycles-v-Z} Let $v$ be a valuation, $Z'$ a non-empty reachable event zone with canonical distance graph $\graph{Z'}$ and $G$ a set of atomic constraints. Then, ${\uparrow}_G v \cap Z'$ is empty iff there is a negative cycle in one of the following forms: \begin{enumerate} \item $0 \to x \to 0$ with $0\to x$ from $\graphv{G}{v}$ and $x \to 0$ from $\graph{Z'}$, \item $0 \to y \to 0$ with $0 \to y$ from $\graph{Z'}$ and $y \to 0$ from $\graphv{G}{v}$, and \item $0 \to x \to y \to 0$, with weight of $x \to y$ from $\graph{Z'}$ and the others from $\graphv{G}{v}$. Moreover, this negative cycle has finite weight. \end{enumerate} \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Since $Z'\neq\emptyset$, the distance graph $\graph{Z'}$ has no negative cycle. The same holds for $\graphv{G}{v}$ since $v\in{\uparrow}_{G}v\neq\emptyset$. We know that ${\uparrow}_{G}v\cap Z'=\emptyset$ iff there is a (simple) negative cycle using edges from $\graphv{G}{v}$ and from $\graph{Z'}$. Since $\graph{Z'}$ is in canonical form, we may restrict to negative cycles which do not use two consecutive edges from $\graph{Z'}$. Now all edges of $\graphv{G}{v}$ are adjacent to node $0$. Hence, if a simple cycle uses an edge from $\graph{Z'}$ which is adjacent to $0$, it consists of only two edges $0\to x\to 0$, one from $\graph{Z'}$ and one from $\graphv{G}{v}$. Otherwise, the simple cycle is of the form $0\to x\to y\to 0$ where the edge $x\to y$ is from $\graph{Z'}$ and the other two edges are from $\graphv{G}{v}$. It remains to show that the two clock negative cycle $0 \to x \to y \to 0$ can be considered to have finite weight, i.e., weight is not $(\le, -\infty)$. For the cycle to have weight $(\le, -\infty)$, one of the edges should have weight $(\le, -\infty)$ and the others should have a weight different from $(\le, \infty)$. We will show that for every such combination, there is a smaller negative cycle with a single clock and $0$. Hence we can ignore negative cycles of the form $0 \to x \to y \to 0$ with weight $(\le, -\infty)$. Suppose $Z'_{xy} = (\le, -\infty)$. Then, for every valuation in $u\in Z'$, we have $u(y) - u(x) \le -\infty$, which implies $u(y) = -\infty$ or $u(x) = +\infty$. If $u(x) = +\infty$ for some valuation $u \in Z'$, then the value of $x$ is $+\infty$ for every valuation in $Z'$. This follows from the successor computation: initially, history clocks are undefined, and then an action $a$ defines $\ola{a}$, and from that point onwards, $\ola{a}$ is always $< \infty$. Now, if $x$ is not an undefined history clock in $Z'$, then we need to have $u(y) = -\infty$ for all valuations of $Z'$. Therefore, either $x$ is a history clock that is undefined in $Z'$ or $y$ is a prophecy clock that is undefined in $Z'$. In the former case, $Z'_{x0} = (\le, -\infty)$ and in the latter case $Z'_{0y} = (\le, -\infty)$. This gives a smaller negative cycle $0 \to x \xra{Z'_{x0}} 0$ or $0 \xra{Z'_{0y}} y \to 0$ with the remaining edge $0 \to x$ or $y \to 0$ coming from $\graphv{G}{v}$, since by our hypothesis of a negative cycle, these edges have weight different from $(\le, \infty)$. Suppose the weight of $0 \to x$ is $(\le, -\infty)$. This can happen only when $x$ is a prophecy clock, $v(x) = -\infty$ and weight of $0 \to x$ is $(\le, v(x))$. Since $Z'_{xy} \neq (\le, \infty)$, we infer $Z'_{x0} \neq (\le, \infty)$ by $\dagger_1$ of Lemma~\ref{lem:dagger}. Hence $0 \xra{(\le, v(x))} x \xra{Z'_{x0}} 0$ is also a negative cycle. Suppose $y \to 0$ has weight $(\le, -\infty)$. This can happen only when $y$ is a history clock and $v(y)=+\infty$. Since $Z'_{xy} \neq (\le, \infty)$, we obtain $Z'_{0y} \neq (\le, \infty)$ and hence $0 \xra{Z'_{0y}} y \xra{(\le, -v(y))} 0$ is a negative cycle. \end{proof} We now have all the results required to state our inclusion test. Using the above lemma, and relying on a careful analysis we obtain the following theorem. \begin{restatable}{theorem}{thmSimulationCheck} \label{thm:simulation-check} Let $Z, Z'$ be non-empty reachable zones, and $G$ a set of atomic constraints containing $\ora{a} \le 0$ and $0 \le \ora{a}$ for every prophecy clock $\ora{a}$. Then, $Z \not \preceq_G Z'$ iff one of the following conditions holds: \begin{enumerate} \item $Z'_{x0} < Z_{x0}$ for some prophecy clock $x$, or for some history clock $x$ with \begin{itemize} \item $(x < \infty) \in G$ and $Z'_{x0} = (\le, -\infty)$, or \item $(x \mathrel{\triangleleft}_1 c) \in G$ for $c \in \mathbb{N}$ and $(\le, 0) \le Z_{x0} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c)$. \end{itemize} \item $Z'_{0y} < Z_{0y}$ for some prophecy clock $y$, or for some history clock $y$ with \begin{itemize} \item $(\infty \le y) \in G$ and $Z_{0y} = (\le, \infty)$, or \item $(d \mathrel{\triangleleft}_2 y) \in G$ for $d \in \mathbb{N}$ and $Z'_{0y} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d) < (\le, 0)$ \end{itemize} \item $Z'_{xy} < Z_{xy}$ and $Z'_{xy}$ is finite for two distinct (prophecy or history) clocks $x, y$ with $(x \mathrel{\triangleleft}_1 c), (d \mathrel{\triangleleft}_2 y) \in G$ for $c, d \in \mathbb{N}$ and $(\le, 0) \le Z_{x0} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c)$ and $Z'_{xy} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d) < Z_{x0}$. \end{enumerate} \end{restatable} \begin{proof} From Lemma~\ref{lem:zone-non-simulation}, $Z \not \preceq_G Z'$ iff there is a $v \in Z$ such that ${\uparrow}_G v \cap Z' = \emptyset$. Lemma~\ref{lem:negative-cycles-v-Z} gives three kinds of negative cycles that witness ${\uparrow}_G v \cap Z' = \emptyset$. We will show that the three conditions in the theorem respectively characterize the presence of the three kinds of negative cycles. \textbf{Case 1.} There is a negative cycle $0 \to x \to 0$ with $0 \to x$ from $\graphv{G}{v}$ and $x \to 0$ from $\graph{Z'}$ iff Item 1 above is true. ($\Rightarrow$). Suppose there is such a negative cycle $0 \to x \to 0$. Weight of $0 \to x$ is either $(\le, v(x))$ or $(<, \infty)$. \textit{When weight of $0\to x$ is $(\le,v(x))$}: We have $(\le, v(x)) + Z'_{x0} < (\le, 0)$. Now, since $v \in Z$, it satisfies all constraints of $Z$. Substituting $(\le, v(x))$ instead of $Z_{0x}$ in $\graph{Z}$ keeps all cycles positive: hence $(\le, 0) \le (\le, v(x)) + Z_{x0}$. Adding the two inequalities gives $Z'_{x0} < Z_{x0}$. Notice that the weight of $0 \to x$ is $(\le, v(x))$ when either $x$ is a prophecy clock or $x$ is a history clock with $(x \mathrel{\triangleleft}_1 c) \in G$ for $c \in \mathbb{N}$ and $v(x) \mathrel{\triangleleft}_1 c$. We can rewrite $v(x) \mathrel{\triangleleft}_1 c$ as $(\le, v(x)) \le (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c)$. Putting this in $(\le, 0) \le (\le, v(x)) + Z_{x0}$ gives $(\le, 0) \le (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c) + Z_{x0}$. \textit{When weight of $0 \to x$ is $(<, \infty)$}: This happens when $x$ is a history clock, $(x < \infty) \in G$ and $v(x) < \infty$ (and we are not in the case above). For the cycle to be negative, we require $Z'_{x0} = (\le, -\infty)$. From $v \in Z$ and $v(x) < \infty$, we get $Z_{x0} \neq (\le,-\infty)$. Hence $Z'_{x0} < Z_{x0}$. ($\Leftarrow$). Assume Item 1 is true. Consider the case when $x$ is a prophecy clock or a history clock with $x \mathrel{\triangleleft}_1 c$ in $G$ for $c \in \mathbb{N}$. Suppose $Z_{x0} = (\le, e)$. There is a valuation $v \in Z$ with $v(x) = -e$. Suppose $Z_{x0} = (<, e)$. There is a valuation $v \in Z$ with $v(x) = -e + \varepsilon$ for some $0 < \varepsilon < 1$. From $Z'_{x0} < Z_{x0}$, we can infer $(\le, v(x)) + Z'_{x0} < (\le, 0)$: to see this, suppose $Z'_{x0} = (\mathrel{\triangleleft}, f)$; either ($f < e$) or ($e = f$, $Z'_{x0} = (<, f)$, and $Z_{x0}= (\le, e)$). Both cases give $(\le, v(x)) + Z'_{x0} < (\le, 0)$. When $x$ is a prophecy clock, this gives the required negative cycle. When $x$ is a history clock we need to additionally show that $v(x) \mathrel{\triangleleft}_1 c$. From the condition $(\le, 0) \le Z_{x0} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c)$, we get that $e + c \ge 0$, and when $e + c = 0$, we have ${\mathrel{\triangleleft}}_1 = {\le}$ and $Z_{x0} = (\le, e)$. This shows that our choice of valuation $v$ satisfies $v(x) \mathrel{\triangleleft}_1 c$. Now, suppose there is a history clock $x$ with $(x < \infty) \in G$, $Z'_{x0} < Z_{x0}$ and $Z'_{x0} = (\le, -\infty)$. This first implies that $Z_{x0} \neq (\leq,-\infty)$. Hence, there is a valuation $v \in Z$ with $v(x) < \infty$. For this $v$, the weight of $0 \to x$ in ${\uparrow}_G v$ will be at most $(<, \infty)$. As $Z'_{x0} = (\le, -\infty)$, we get a negative cycle $0 \to x \to 0$ with $0 \to x$ from $\graphv{G}{v}$ and $x \to 0$ from $\graph{Z'}$. \textbf{Case 2.} There is a negative cycle $0 \to y \to 0$ with $0 \to y$ from $\graph{Z'}$ and $y \to 0$ from $\graphv{G}{v}$ iff the item 2 in the theorem statement is true. ($\Rightarrow$). Suppose there is such a negative cycle. \textit{When weight of $y \to 0$ is $(\le, -v(y))$.} This happens when $y$ is a prophecy clock or $y$ is a history clock with $(d \mathrel{\triangleleft}_2 y) \in G$ with $d \in \mathbb{N}$ and $d \not \mathrel{\triangleleft}_2 v(y)$. From the negative cycle, we have $Z'_{0y} + (\le, -v(y)) < (\le, 0)$. Since $v \in Z$, we have $(\le, 0) \le Z_{0y} + (\le, -v(y))$. Summing the two gives $Z'_{0y} < Z_{0y}$. In the case when $y$ is a history clock, we have $d \not \mathrel{\triangleleft}_2 v(y)$. Therefore, either $v(y) < d$ or $v(y) = d$ and ${\mathrel{\triangleleft}}_2 = {<}$. In both cases, $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d) \le (\le, -v(y))$. Hence $Z'_{0y} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d) < (\le, 0)$. \textit{When weight of $y \to 0$ is $(\le, -\infty)$}. This occurs when $y$ is a history clock, $\infty \le y$ is in $G$ and $v(y) = \infty$. As the cycle is negative we get $Z'_{0y} \neq (\le, \infty)$. Since $v \in Z$, we get $Z_{0y} = (\le, \infty)$. This gives $Z'_{0y} < Z_{0y}$. \textit{When weight of $y \to 0$ is $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d)$}. This is when $y$ is a history clock, we are not in the subcase above and there is $d \mathrel{\triangleleft}_2 y$ in $G$ with $d \in \mathbb{N}$ and $d \mathrel{\triangleleft}_2 v(y)$. The negative cycle gives $Z'_{0y} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d) < (\le, 0)$. From $d \mathrel{\triangleleft}_2 v(y)$, we can infer that $(\le, -v(y)) \le (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d)$. Therefore we also have $Z'_{0y} + (\le, -v(y)) < (\le, 0)$. As in the first subcase above, we get $Z'_{0y} < Z_{0y}$. The remaining case is when $y$ is a history clock and there is no lower bound constraint on $y$ in $G$. Then the weight of $y \to 0$ is $(\le, 0)$. However, we have $(\le, 0) \le Z'_{0y}$. Hence $0 \to y \to 0$ cannot be a negative cycle. So we can ignore this case. ($\Leftarrow$). Assume Item 2 is true. Let us start with the case when $y$ is a prophecy clock. We have $Z'_{0y} < Z_{0y}$. Take $v \in Z$ with $v(y) = e$ when $Z_{0y} = (\le, e)$ or $v(y) = e - \varepsilon$ with $0<\varepsilon<1$ when $Z_{0y} = (<, e)$. For this $v$ the weight of $y \to 0$ is $(\le, -v(y))$. As in the ($\Leftarrow$) proof of Case 1, we get $Z'_{0y}+(\leq,-v(y))<(\leq,0)$. Suppose $y$ is a history clock with $\infty \le y$ in $G$, and $Z_{0y} = (\le, \infty)$. For reachable zones, this implies that $Z_{y0}=(\leq,-\infty)$. Hence every valuation in $Z$ has $y$-value to be $\infty$. Pick an arbitrary $v \in Z$. We have $v(y) = \infty$. For this $v$, the value of $y \to 0$ in $\graphv{G}{v}$ is $(\le, -\infty)$. Now, since $Z'_{0y} < Z_{0y}$, the cycle $Z'_{0y} + (\le, -\infty)$ is negative. Finally, let $y$ be a history clock with $d \mathrel{\triangleleft}_2 y$ in $G$ for $d \in \mathbb{N}$ and $Z'_{0y} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d) < (\le, 0)$. Pick $v\in Z$ with $v(y) = e$ when $Z_{0y} = (\le, e)$ and $v(y) = e - \varepsilon$ with $0<\varepsilon<1$ when $Z_{0y} = (<, e)$. If $v(y) \not \mathrel{\triangleleft}_2 d$, then the weight of $y \to 0$ is at most $(\le, -v(y))$. Using $Z'_{0y} < Z_{0y}$ gives $0 \to y \to 0$ to be negative cycle. Suppose $d \mathrel{\triangleleft}_2 y$. Then weight of $y \to 0$ is at most $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d)$. But we already have $Z'_{0y} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d) < (\le, 0)$ in our hypothesis, which gives the required negative cycle. \textbf{Case 3.} There is a \emph{finite weight} negative cycle $0 \to x \to y \to 0$ with $0 \to x$ and $y \to 0$ from $\graphv{G}{v}$ and $x \to y$ from $\graph{Z'}$ iff the third condition of the theorem is true. ($\Rightarrow$). Suppose there is such a negative cycle. Since the weight of the cycle is finite, the weight of each edge is also finite. Hence, the weight of the edge $0\to x$ is $(\leq,v(x))$. We find $x\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1} c$ in $G$ with $c\in\mathbb{N}$ and $v(x)\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1 c$ (if $x$ is a prophecy clock then $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1},c)=(\leq,0)$). As in case 1 above, from $v\in Z$ we deduce that $(\leq,0)\leq Z_{x0}+(\leq,v(x))$ and from $v(x)\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1}c$ we get $(\leq,v(x))\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{1},c)$. We obtain $(\le,0) \le Z_{x0}+(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1,c)$. Now, since the weight of $y\to 0$ is finite, we find $d\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2}y$ in $G$ (if $y$ is a prophecy clock we take $(d,\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2})=(0,\leq)$). The weight of $y \to 0$ is $\max( (\le, -v(y)), (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d) )$. Therefore: $Z'_{xy} + (\le, v(x) - v(y)) < (\le, 0)$ and $(\le, v(x)) + Z'_{xy} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d) < (\le, 0)$. Since $v \in Z$, we have $(\le, 0) \le (\le, v(x) - v(y)) + Z_{xy}$. Using $Z'_{xy} + (\le, v(x) - v(y)) < (\le, 0)$ we get $Z'_{xy} < Z_{xy}$. Again, as $v \in Z$, we have $(\le, 0) \le (\le, v(x)) + Z_{x0}$. Adding this to $(\le, v(x)) + Z'_{xy} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d) < (\le, 0)$ gives $Z'_{xy} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d) < Z_{x0}$. ($\Leftarrow$). Suppose the third condition is true. Instead of explicitly constructing a $v$ as in the previous two cases, we will simply prove that there exists a valuation that forms the required negative cycle. We start by defining some new weights and observe some properties that will be used later. Define $w_1 = (<, -e')$ if $Z'_{xy} = (\le, e')$ and $w_1 = (\le, -e')$ if $Z'_{xy} = (<, e')$, and $w_2 = (\le, -e' + d)$ if either $Z'_{xy}$ or $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2,-d)$ has a strict inequality, and $w_2 = (<, -e' + d)$ otherwise. Notice that $w_1 + Z'_{xy} = (<, 0)$ and $w_2 + Z'_{xy} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d) = (<, 0)$ are negative. Using $Z'_{xy} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d) < Z_{x0}$, we get $(<,0)=w_{2}+Z'_{xy}+(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_{2},-d)<w_{2}+Z_{x0}$ and we obtain $(\leq,0)\leq w_{2}+Z_{x0}$. Similarly, using $Z'_{xy}<Z_{xy}$ we get $(<,0)=w_{1}+Z'_{xy}<w_{1}+Z_{xy}$ and $(\leq,0)\leq w_{1}+Z_{xy}$. Consider a distance graph $\mathbb{G}$ formed by taking $\graph{Z}$ and modifying two of its edges as follows: change $0 \to x$ to $\min(Z_{0x}, (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c), w_2)$; change $y \to x$ to $\min(Z_{yx}, w_1)$. We first claim that $\mathbb{G}$ has only non-negative cycles. It is sufficient to show that $0 \to x \to 0$ and $y \to x \to y$ are non-negative. From $(\le, 0) \le Z_{x0} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_1, c)$, $(\le, 0) \le w_2 + Z_{x0}$ and the fact that $\graph{Z}$ does not have negative cycles, we infer that $0 \to x \to 0$ is non-negative in $\mathbb{G}$. The weight of $y \to x \to y$ is either $Z_{yx} + Z_{xy}$ or $w_1 + Z_{xy}$. The former is non-negative as $Z$ is non-empty. We have shown above that $w_1 + Z_{xy}$ is non-negative. Hence $\mathbb{G}$ has no negative cycles, and its solution set is non-empty. Now, pick a $v$ that satisfies constraints of $\mathbb{G}$. Valuation $v$ is in $Z$, and additionally satisfies $v(x) \mathrel{\triangleleft}_1 c$, $(\le, v(x)) \le w_2$ and $(\le, v(x - y)) \le w_1$. Recall that $w_1 + Z'_{xy}=(<,0)$. Adding this to $(\le, v(x - y)) \le w_1$ gives $(\le, v(x - y)) + Z'_{xy} < (\le, 0)$. If $d \not \mathrel{\triangleleft}_2 v(y)$, then this corresponds to the weight of the cycle $0 \to x \to y \to 0$ which we have now shown to be negative. Otherwise, we have $d \mathrel{\triangleleft}_2 v(y)$ and the weight of edge $y \to 0$ is $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d)$. The weight of the cycle would be: $(\le, v(x)) + Z'_{xy} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d)$. But, $(\le, v(x)) \le w_2$ and $w_2 + Z'_{xy} + (\mathrel{\triangleleft}_2, -d) = (<,0)$. Hence the required cycle is negative. \end{proof} From Theorem~\ref{thm:simulation-check}, we can see that the inclusion test requires iteration over clocks $x, y$ and checking if the conditions are satisfied by the respective weights. \begin{corollary} Checking if $(q,Z) \preceq_\mathcal{A} (q',Z')$ can be done in time $\mathcal{O}(|X|^2)$ = $\mathcal{O}(|\Sigma|^2)$. \end{corollary} \section{Finiteness of the simulation relation}\label{sec:termination} In this section, we will show that the simulation relation $\preceq_{\mathcal{A}}$ defined in Section~\ref{sec:simulation} is finite, which implies that the reachability algorithm of Definition~\ref{def:reach-algo} terminates. Recall that given an event clock automaton $\mathcal{A}$, we have an associated map $\mathcal{G}$ from states of $\mathcal{A}$ to sets of atomic constraints. Let $M=\max\{|c| \mid c\in\mathbb{Z} \text{ is used in some constraint of } \mathcal{A}\}$, the maximal constant of $\mathcal{A}$. We have $M\in\mathbb{N}$ and constraints in the sets $\mathcal{G}(q)$ use constants in $\{-\infty,\infty\}\cup\{c\in\mathbb{Z}\mid|c|\leq M\}$. Recall that the simulation relation $\preceq_{\mathcal{A}}$ was defined on nodes of the event zone graph $\ensuremath{\mathsf{EZG}}(\mathcal{A})$ by $(q,Z)\preceq_{\mathcal{A}}(q',Z')$ if $q=q'$ and $Z\preceq_{\mathcal{G}(q)}Z'$. This simulation relation $\preceq_{\mathcal{A}}$ is \emph{finite} if for any infinite sequence $(q,Z_{0}),(q,Z_{1}),(q,Z_{2}),\ldots$ of \emph{reachable} nodes in $\ensuremath{\mathsf{EZG}}(\mathcal{A})$ we find $i<j$ with $(q,Z_{j})\preceq_{\mathcal{A}}(q,Z_{i})$, i.e., $Z_{j}\preceq_{\mathcal{G}(q)}Z_{i}$. Notice that we restrict to \emph{reachable} zones in the definition above. Our goal now is to prove that the relation $\preceq_{\mathcal{A}}$ is finite. The structure of the proof is as follows. \begin{enumerate} \item We prove in Lemma~\ref{lem:dagger} that for any \emph{reachable} node $(q,Z)$ of $\ensuremath{\mathsf{EZG}}(\mathcal{A})$, the distance graph $\graph{Z}$ in canonical form satisfies a set of $(\dagger)$ conditions which depend only on the maximal constant $M$ of $\mathcal{A}$. \item We introduce an equivalence relation $\sim_{M}$ of \emph{finite index} on valuations (depending on $M$ only) and show in Lemma~\ref{lem:sim_M main property} that, if $G$ is a set of atomic constraints using constants in $\{c\in\mathbb{Z}\mid|c|\leq M\}\cup \{-\infty,\infty\}$ and if $Z$ is a zone such that its distance graph $\graph{Z}$ in canonical form satisfies $(\dagger)$ conditions, then ${\downarrow}_{G}Z$ is a union of $\sim_{M}$ equivalence classes. \end{enumerate} We start with a lemma which highlights an important property of \emph{prophecy} clocks in reachable event zones. This property is essential for the proof of the $(\dagger)$ conditions. The proof follows from the observation that the property is true in the initial zone, and is invariant under the zone operations, namely, guard intersection, reset, release and time elapse. \begin{restatable}{lemma}{lemProphecyClocks} \label{lem:reachable-zones-prophecy-clocks} Let $Z$ be a reachable event zone. For every valuation $v \in Z$, and for every prophecy clock $\ora{x}$, if $-\infty < v(\ora{x}) < -M$, then $v[\ora{x}\mapsto\alpha] \in Z$ for every $-\infty < \alpha < -M$. \end{restatable} \begin{proof} The initial zone is $(\bigwedge_{\ola{x}} \ola{x} = \infty) \land (\bigwedge_{\ora{x}} -\infty \le \ora{x} \le 0)$. The property is true in this zone. We now show that the property is invariant under guard intersection, reset, release and time elapse. Assume $Z$ is a zone that satisfies the property. Let $v$ be an arbitrary valuation with $-\infty < v(\ora{x}) < -M$. For $-\infty<\alpha<-M$, we simply write $v_\alpha=v[\ora{x}\mapsto\alpha]$. \begin{description} \item[Guard intersection.] Let $g$ be a guard, which is in general a conjunction of atomic constraints. Suppose $g$ contains an atomic constraint on $\ora{x}$, either $c \mathrel{\triangleleft} \ora{x}$ or $\ora{x} \mathrel{\triangleleft} c$. The constant $c$ is either $-\infty$, or $-M \le c \le 0$. Therefore if $v$ satisfies the constraint, every $v_\alpha$ will satisfy the atomic constraint. Now, suppose $g$ contains $d \mathrel{\triangleleft} y$ or $y \mathrel{\triangleleft} d$ for some $y \neq \ora{x}$. Once again, notice that if $v$ satisfies this guard, every $v_\alpha$ will satisfy the guard since $v(y) = v_\alpha(y)$. Hence, if $v$ satisfies the guard, $v_\alpha$ satisfies the guard. The property is true in the zone $Z \land g$. \item[Release.] The release operation on $\ora{y}$ takes a valuation $u$ and adds a valuation $u[\ora{y}\mapsto\beta]$ for each $-\infty \le \beta \le 0$. Let $v \in [\ora{y}]Z$. Then, there is some valuation $u \in Z$ such that $v=u[\ora{y}\mapsto\beta]$ for some $-\infty \le \beta \le 0$. When $\ora{y} = \ora{x}$, associating $\alpha$ to $\ora{x}$ in the release operation starting from $u$ gives $v_\alpha$. When $\ora{y} \neq \ora{x}$, we use the induction hypothesis: valuation $u_\alpha \in Z$. Setting $\ora{y}$ to $\beta$ in the release operation starting from $u_\alpha$ gives $v_\alpha$. \item[Reset.] The reset operation takes every valuation in $Z$ and makes some history clock to $0$. This does not perturb the required property. \item[Time elapse.] Suppose $v + \delta \in \elapse{Z}$ for some $v \in Z$ and $\delta\geq0$. This means $(v+\delta)(\ora{y}) \le 0$ for every prophecy clock $\ora{y}$. We have to show that if $-\infty < (v + \delta)(\ora{x}) < -M$, then $(v + \delta)_\alpha \in \elapse{Z}$ for all $-\infty < \alpha < -M$. Since $-\infty < (v + \delta)(\ora{x}) < -M$, we also have $-\infty < v(\ora{x}) < -M$. For some given $\alpha$, let $\beta = \alpha - \delta$. We have $v_\beta \in Z$ by hypothesis. Notice that $(v+\delta)_{\alpha}=v_\beta + \delta $. Moreover, $v_\beta + \delta \in \elapse{Z}$: for each clock $\ora{y} \neq \ora{x}$, $(v_\beta + \delta)(\ora{y}) = (v + \delta)(\ora{y}) \le 0$ and $(v_\beta + \delta)(\ora{x}) = \alpha < -M \le 0$. \qedhere \end{description} \end{proof} There is no similar version of the above lemma for history clocks. A reset of a history clock makes its value exactly equal to $0$ in every valuation and creates non-trivial diagonal constraints with other clocks. Moreover repeated resets can generate arbitrarily large diagonal constraints, for e.g., a loop with guard $x = 1$ and reset $x$. This is why simulations are particularly needed to control history clocks. Notice that in our simulation $v \preceq_G v'$, we have $v(\ora{a}) = v'(\ora{a})$: there is no abstraction of the value of prophecy clocks and the simulation relation by itself does not have any means to show finiteness. However, as we show below, the reachable zones themselves take care of finiteness with respect to prophecy clocks. The challenge is then to combine this observation on prophecy clocks along with the non-trivial simulation happening for history clocks to prove that we still get a finite simulation. This is the purpose of the above mentioned item 2. Now, we give the $(\dagger)$ conditions and prove that they are satisfied by distance graphs of reachable zones. In particular, the $(\dagger)$ conditions imply that the weight of edges of the form $0 \to \ora{x}$, $\ora{x} \to 0$ and $\ora{x} \to \ora{y}$ belong to the finite set $\{(\leq,-\infty),(<,\infty),(\leq,\infty)\}\cup \{(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)\mid c\in\mathbb{Z} \wedge -M\leq c\leq M\}$. For an example, see Figure~\ref{fig:eca-zone-graph-ex-2}. Thus, we obtain as a corollary that, for EPA, we do not even need simulation to obtain finiteness. \begin{restatable}{lemma}{lemDagger} \label{lem:dagger} Let $(q,Z)$ be a \emph{reachable} node in $\ensuremath{\mathsf{EZG}}(\mathcal{A})$ with $Z\neq\emptyset$. Then, the distance graph $\graph{Z}$ in canonical form satisfies the $(\dagger)$ conditions: \begin{enumerate} \item[$\dagger_{1}$] If $Z_{\ora{x}0}=(\leq,\infty)$ then $Z_{\ora{x}y}=(\leq,\infty)$ for all $y\neq\ora{x}$. \item[$\dagger_{2}$] If $Z_{\ora{x}0}=(<,\infty)$ then for all $y\neq\ora{x}$, either $y$ is a prophecy clock which is undefined in $Z$ and $Z_{\ora{x}y}=Z_{0y}=(\leq,-\infty)$ or $Z_{\ora{x}y}\in\{(<,\infty),(\leq,\infty)\}$. \item[$\dagger_{3}$] If $Z_{\ora{x}0}<(<,\infty)$ then $(\leq,0)\leq Z_{\ora{x}0}\leq(\leq,M)$. \item[$\dagger_{4}$] If $Z_{\ora{x}\ola{y}}<(<,\infty)$ then $(\leq,0)\leq Z_{\ora{x}0}\leq(\leq,M)$. \item[$\dagger_{5}$] Either $Z_{0\ora{y}}=(\leq,-\infty)$ ($\ora{y}$ is undefined in $Z$), or $Z_{x0} + (<,-M) \leq Z_{x\ora{y}}$ for all $x\neq\ora{y}$ (including $x=0$). \item[$\dagger_{6}$] Either $Z_{0\ora{x}}=(\leq,-\infty)$ or $(<,-M)\leq Z_{0\ora{x}}\leq(\leq,0)$. \item[$\dagger_{7}$] Either $Z_{\ora{x}\ora{y}}\in\{(\leq,-\infty),(<,\infty),(\leq,\infty)\}$ or $(<,-M) \leq Z_{\ora{x}\ora{y}} \leq (\leq,M)$. \end{enumerate} \end{restatable} \begin{proof} \begin{enumerate} \item[$\dagger_1$] Since $Z_{\ora{x}0} = (\le, \infty)$, there is a valuation $v \in Z$ with $v(\ora{x}) = -\infty$. Therefore, for every clock $y\neq\ora{x}$, we have $v(y - \ora{x}) = +\infty$. Since $v \in Z$, it satisfies the constraint on $y - \ora{x}$ given by $Z_{\ora{x}y}$. This is possible only when $Z_{\ora{x}y} = (\le, \infty)$. \item[$\dagger_2$] Assume that $Z_{\ora{x}0}=(<,\infty)$ and let $y\neq\ora{x}$. Consider first the case $Z_{0y}=(\leq,-\infty)$, i.e., $y$ is a prophecy clock which is undefined in $Z$. Then, since $\graph{Z}$ is in canonical form, we have $Z_{\ora{x}y}\leq Z_{\ora{x}0}+Z_{0y}=(<,\infty)+(\leq,-\infty)=(\leq-\infty)$. The second case is when $Z_{0y}\neq(\leq,-\infty)$. This implies $Z_{\ora{x}y}\neq(\leq,-\infty)$ since otherwise we would get $Z_{0y}\leq Z_{0\ora{x}}+Z_{\ora{x}y}=(\leq,-\infty)$. We claim that there is a valuation $v\in Z$ with $-\infty<v(y)$ and $-\infty<v(\ora{x})<-M$. Consider the distance graph $\mathbb{G}'$ obtained from $\graph{Z}$ by setting the weight of edge $y\to 0$ to $\min(Z_{y0},(<,\infty))$ and of edge $0\to\ora{x}$ to $\min(Z_{0\ora{x}},(<,-M))$. We show that there are no negative cycles in this graph. Since $Z\neq\emptyset$, the candidates for being negative must use the new weight $(<,-M)$ of $0\to\ora{x}$ or the new weight $(<,\infty)$ of $y\to 0$ or both. This gives the cycle $0\to\ora{x}\to 0$ with weight $(<,-M)+Z_{\ora{x}0}=(<,\infty)$ since $Z_{\ora{x}0}=(<,\infty)$, the cycle $0 \to y \to 0$ with weight $Z_{0y}+(<,\infty)$ which is not negative since $Z_{0y}\neq(\leq,-\infty)$, and the cycle $y \to 0 \to \ora{x} \to y$ with weight $(<,\infty)+(<,-M)+Z_{\ora{x}y}$ which is not negative since $Z_{\ora{x}y}\neq(\le,-\infty)$. Since $\mathbb{G}'$ has no negative cycle, Lemma~\ref{lem:empty-iff-negative-cycle} implies $\sem{\mathbb{G}'}\neq\emptyset$. Note that $\sem{\mathbb{G}'}\subseteq\sem{\graph{Z}}=Z$. Finally, for all $v\in\mathbb{G}'$, we have $-\infty<v(y)$ and $-\infty<v(\ora{x})<-M$, which proves the claim. By Lemma~\ref{lem:reachable-zones-prophecy-clocks}, $v_{\alpha}=v[\ora{x}\mapsto\alpha]\in Z$ for all $-\infty<\alpha<-M$. Now, $v_{\alpha}(y-\ora{x})=v(y)-\alpha$ satisfies the constraint $Z_{\ora{x}y}$. We deduce that $Z_{\ora{x}y}$ is either $(<,\infty)$ or $(\le,\infty)$. \item[$\dagger_3$] Suppose $Z_{\ora{x}0} = (\mathrel{\triangleleft}, c)$ for some integer $c>M$. Then, there exists a valuation $v\in Z$ with $v(\ora{x})=-c$ or $v(\ora{x})=-c+\frac{1}{2}$ depending on whether $\mathrel{\triangleleft}$ is $\le$ or $<$. Since $c,M$ are integers, we get $-\infty<v(\ora{x})<-M$. By Lemma~\ref{lem:reachable-zones-prophecy-clocks}, $v[\ora{x}\mapsto\alpha]\in Z$ for all $-\infty < \alpha < -M$. In particular, $v'=v[\ora{x}\mapsto-c-1]\in Z$. For this valuation, we have $v'(\ora{x}) = -c - 1$. This violates $Z_{\ora{x}0}$ which says $0 - v'(\ora{x}) \mathrel{\triangleleft} c$, or seen differently, $-c \mathrel{\triangleleft} v'(\ora{x})$. \item[$\dagger_4$] Directly follows from $\dagger_{1},\dagger_{2},\dagger_{3}$. \item[$\dagger_5$] If $Z_{x0} = (\le, -\infty)$ the condition is trivially true. If $Z_{x0} \in \{(<, \infty), (\le, \infty) \}$ then $x$ is a prophecy clock and $\dagger_5$ follows from $\dagger_1, \dagger_2$. Therefore, we assume $Z_{x0} = (\mathrel{\triangleleft}, c)$ for $c \in \mathbb{Z}$. The left hand side of the condition is $Z_{x0} + (<, -M)=(<, c - M)$, with $c - M \in \mathbb{Z}$. Let $Z_{x \ora{y}} = (\mathrel{\triangleleft}', e)$ with $e \in \mathbb{Z} \cup \{-\infty, +\infty\}$. To show $\dagger_5$ it is now sufficient to show $c - M \le e$. Furthermore, if $Z_{0 \ora{y}} = (\le, -\infty)$ or $e=\infty$ the $\dagger_5$ condition is true. We assume the contrary below: $Z_{0\ora{y}}\neq(\leq,-\infty)$ and $e\neq\infty$. Note that $Z_{0x} \neq (\le, \infty)$ and $Z_{x\ora{y}} \neq (\le, -\infty)$. Indeed, in a reachable zone, we may have $Z_{0x}=(\leq,\infty)$ only when $x$ is a history clock which has not yet been reset. In this case we have $Z_{x0}=(\leq,-\infty)$. This contradicts our assumption $c\in\mathbb{Z}$. Next, if $Z_{x\ora{y}} = (\le, -\infty)$, then $Z_{0\ora{y}} \le Z_{0 x} + Z_{x \ora{y}}$ which is $(\le, -\infty)$ since $Z_{0x} \neq (\le, \infty)$. This again contradicts our assumption about $Z_{0\ora{y}}$. \begin{itemize} \item Suppose $Z_{x0} = (\le, c)$. We claim that we can pick a valuation $v$ in $Z$ with $v(x) = -c$ and $-\infty<v(\ora{y})$. Consider the distance graph $\mathbb{G}'$ obtained from the canonical graph $\graph{Z}$ by setting the weight of $0 \to x$ to $\min(Z_{0x}, (\le,-c))$, and the weight of $\ora{y}\to 0$ to $\min(Z_{\ora{y}0}, (<,\infty))$. We have $\sem{\mathbb{G}'}\subseteq\sem{\graph{Z}}=Z$. As in the proof of $\dagger_{2}$, we can show mutatis mutandis that the graph $\mathbb{G}'$ has no negative cycle. Hence, $\sem{\mathbb{G}'}\neq\emptyset$. For all valuations $v\in\sem{\mathbb{G}'}\subseteq Z$, we have $v(x)=-c$ and $-\infty<v(\ora{y})$, which proves the claim. Let $v\in\sem{\mathbb{G}'}$. Suppose $-M \le v(\ora{y})$. Then $c - M \le v(\ora{y} - x) \mathrel{\triangleleft}' e$. This shows $c - M \le e$. Suppose $-\infty < v(\ora{y}) < -M$. Then, from Lemma~\ref{lem:reachable-zones-prophecy-clocks}, we get $v_{\varepsilon}=v[\ora{y}\mapsto(-M-\varepsilon)]\in Z$ for all $\varepsilon>0$. We have $v_{\varepsilon}(\ora{y} - x) = -M - \varepsilon + c$. If $e < c - M$, we can find an $\varepsilon$ such that $v_{\varepsilon}$ does not satisfy the $Z_{x \ora{y}}$ constraint. This is a contradiction. Hence $c - M \le e$. \item Next, suppose $Z_{x0} = (<, c)$. Since $\graph{Z}$ has no negative cycles we get $(\leq,-c)<Z_{0x}$. Since $Z$ is a zone with integral or infinity weights, we infer we have $(<, -c + 1) \le Z_{0x}$. We proceed as above by considering a graph $\mathbb{G}'$ obtained from $\graph{Z}$ by setting the weight of $\ora{y}\to 0$ to $\min(Z_{\ora{y}0},(<,\infty))$ and the weight of $0\to x$ to $(<,-c+1)$. As before, we prove that $\mathbb{G}'$ has no negative cycle. We get $\emptyset\neq\sem{\mathbb{G}'}\subseteq Z$. Let $v\in\sem{\mathbb{G}'}\subseteq Z$. We have $-\infty<v(\ora{y})$ and $-c<v(x)<-c+1$. Again, we proceed as in the previous case. If $-M\leq v(\ora{y})$ we get $c-M-1\leq v(\ora{y})+c-1<v(\ora{y}-x)\mathrel{\triangleleft}' e$ which implies $c-M\leq e$ since $e\in\mathbb{Z}\cup\{-\infty\}$. If $v(\ora{y})<-M$ we have $v_{\varepsilon}=v[\ora{y}\mapsto(-M-\varepsilon)]\in Z$ for all $\varepsilon>0$. Since $c-1<-v(x)$ we can choose $\varepsilon>0$ such that $c-M-1<v_{\varepsilon}(\ora{y}-x)$ and we conclude as before. \end{itemize} \item[$\dagger_{6}$] Follows from $\dagger_5$ applied to clocks $0$ and $\ora{x}$. Indeed, either $Z_{0\ora{x}}=(\leq,-\infty)$ or $Z_{00}+(<,-M)\leq Z_{0\ora{x}}$, where $Z_{00} = (\le, 0)$. This implies $\dagger_{6}$. \item[$\dagger_{7}$] Assume that $Z_{\ora{x}\ora{y}}\notin\{(\leq,-\infty),(<,\infty),(\leq,\infty)\}$. Note that, by $\dagger_{1}$, $Z_{0 \ora{y}}=(\leq,-\infty)$ implies either $Z_{\ora{x}\ora{y}}=(\leq,\infty)$ (when $Z_{\ora{x}0}=(\leq,\infty)$) or $Z_{\ora{x}\ora{y}}\leq Z_{\ora{x}0}+(\leq,-\infty)=(\leq,-\infty)$ (when $Z_{\ora{x}0}\neq(\leq,\infty)$). Hence, $Z_{0 \ora{y}}\neq(\leq,-\infty)$. Applying $\dagger_5$, we deduce that $(<,-M)\leq Z_{\ora{x}0}+(<,-M)\leq Z_{\ora{x}\ora{y}}$. Also, since $Z_{0 \ora{y}}\neq(\leq,-\infty)$ and $Z_{\ora{x} \ora{y}}\notin\{(<,\infty),(\leq,\infty)\}$, by $\dagger_1, \dagger_2$ we deduce that $Z_{\ora{x} 0}\notin\{(<,\infty),(\leq,\infty)\}$. From $\dagger_{3}$ we get $Z_{\ora{x}0} \leq (\leq,M)$. Finally, $Z_{\ora{x} \ora{y}} \leq Z_{\ora{x} 0}+Z_{0 \ora{y}} \leq Z_{\ora{x} 0} \leq (\leq,M)$. \qedhere \end{enumerate} \end{proof} We turn to the second step of the proof and define an equivalence relation of finite index $\sim_{M}$ on valuations. First, we define $\sim_{M}$ on $\alpha,\beta\in\overline{\mathbb{R}}=\mathbb{R}\cup\{-\infty,\infty\}$ by $\alpha\sim_{M}\beta$ if $(\alpha\mathrel{\triangleleft} c \Longleftrightarrow \beta\mathrel{\triangleleft} c)$ for all $(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)$ with ${\mathrel{\triangleleft}}\in\{<,\leq\}$ and $c\in\{-\infty,\infty\}\cup\{d\in\mathbb{Z}\mid|d|\leq M\}$. In particular, if $\alpha\sim_{M}\beta$ then $(\alpha=-\infty \Longleftrightarrow \beta=-\infty)$ and $(\alpha=\infty \Longleftrightarrow \beta=\infty)$. Next, for valuations $v_{1},v_{2}\in\mathbb{V}$, we define $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ by two conditions: $v_{1}(x)\sim_{M}v_{2}(x)$ and $v_{1}(x)-v_{1}(y)\sim_{2M}v_{2}(x)-v_{2}(y)$ for all clocks $x,y\in X$. Notice that we use $2M$ for differences of values. Clearly, $\sim_{M}$ is an equivalence relation of finite index on valuations. The next result relates the equivalence relation $\sim_{M}$ and the simulation relation $\preceq_{G}$ when the finite constants used in the constraints are bounded by $M$. Recall from Section~\ref{sec:distance graph for up G v} the definition of the distance graph $\graphv{G}{v}$ for the set of valuations ${\uparrow}_{G}v$. \begin{restatable}{lemma}{lemSimM} \label{lem:sim_M and graphv} Let $v_{1},v_{2}\in\mathbb{V}$ be valuations with $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ and let $G$ be a set of atomic constraints using constants in $\{-\infty,\infty\}\cup\{c\in\mathbb{Z}\mid|c|\leq M\}$. By replacing the weights $(\leq,v_{1}(x))$ (resp.\ $(\leq,-v_{1}(x))$) by $(\leq,v_{2}(x))$ (resp.\ $(\leq,-v_{2}(x))$) in the graph $\graphv{G}{v_{1}}$ we obtain the graph $\graphv{G}{v_{2}}$. \end{restatable} \begin{proof} This is clear by definition for edges $\ora{x}\to 0$ and $0\to\ora{x}$ adjacent to a prophecy clock. We consider now edges adjacent to history clocks $\ola{x}$. \begin{itemize} \item Consider the edge $0\to\ola{x}$. \begin{itemize} \item If its weight is $(\leq,v_{1}(\ola{x}))$ in $\graphv{G}{v_{1}}$ then there is some $\ola{x}\mathrel{\triangleleft} c\in G$ with $(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)<(<,\infty)$ and $v_{1}(\ola{x})\mathrel{\triangleleft} c$. Since $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ we deduce that $v_{2}(\ola{x})\mathrel{\triangleleft} c$ and the edge $0\to\ola{x}$ has weight $(\leq,v_{2}(\ola{x}))$ in $\graphv{G}{v_{2}}$. \item If its weight is $(<,\infty)$ in $\graphv{G}{v_{1}}$ then we are not in the case above and $\ola{x}<\infty \in G$, $v_{1}(\ola{x})<\infty$. Since $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ we deduce that $v_{2}(\ola{x})<\infty$ and the edge $0\to\ola{x}$ has weight $(<,\infty)$ in $\graphv{G}{v_{2}}$. \item Otherwise, the weight is $(\leq,\infty)$ in both $\graphv{G}{v_{1}}$ and $\graphv{G}{v_{2}}$. \end{itemize} \item Consider the edge $\ola{x}\to 0$. \begin{itemize} \item If its weight is $(\leq,-\infty)$ in $\graphv{G}{v_{1}}$ then $\infty\leq\ola{x} \in G$ and $v_{1}(\ola{x})=\infty$. Since $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ we deduce that $v_{2}(\ola{x})=\infty$ and the edge $\ola{x}\to0$ has weight $(\leq,-\infty)$ in $\graphv{G}{v_{2}}$. \item If its weight is $(\mathrel{\triangleleft},-c)$ in $\graphv{G}{v_{1}}$ then we are not in the case above and there is some $c\mathrel{\triangleleft}\ola{x}\in G$ with $(c,\mathrel{\triangleleft})<(\infty,\leq)$ and $c\mathrel{\triangleleft} v_{1}(\ola{x})$. Since $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ we deduce that $c\mathrel{\triangleleft} v_{2}(\ola{x})$ and the edge $\ola{x}\to0$ has weight $(\mathrel{\triangleleft},-c)$ in $\graphv{G}{v_{2}}$. \item If its weight is $(\leq,-v_{1}(\ola{x}))$ in $\graphv{G}{v_{1}}$ then we are not in the cases above and there is some $c\mathrel{\triangleleft}\ola{x}\in G$ with $(c,\mathrel{\triangleleft})<(\infty,\leq)$ and $c\not\mathrel{\triangleleft} v(\ola{x})$, Since $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ we deduce that $c\not\mathrel{\triangleleft} v_{2}(\ola{x})$ and the edge $\ola{x}\to0$ has weight $(\leq,-v_{2}(\ola{x}))$ in $\graphv{G}{v_{2}}$. \item Otherwise, the weight is $(\leq,0)$ in both $\graphv{G}{v_{1}}$ and $\graphv{G}{v_{2}}$. \qedhere \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{proof} Next we state the central lemma that says that ${\downarrow}_{G}Z$ is a union of $\sim_{M}$ equivalence classes. \begin{restatable}{lemma}{lemSimMMain} \label{lem:sim_M main property} Let $v_{1},v_{2}\in\mathbb{V}$ be valuations with $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ and let $G$ be a set of atomic constraints using constants in $\{-\infty,\infty\}\cup\{c\in\mathbb{Z}\mid|c|\leq M\}$. Let $Z$ be a zone with a canonical distance graph $\graph{Z}$ satisfying $(\dagger)$. Then, $v_{1}\in{\downarrow}_{G}Z$ iff $v_{2}\in{\downarrow}_{G}Z$. \end{restatable} \begin{proof} Notice that $v\in{\downarrow}_{G}Z$ iff ${\uparrow}_{G}v\cap Z\neq\emptyset$. The proof is by contradiction. We assume that ${\uparrow}_{G}v_{1}\cap Z\neq\emptyset$ and ${\uparrow}_{G}v_{2}\cap Z=\emptyset$. By Lemma~\ref{lem:negative-cycles-v-Z} we find a negative cycle $C_{2}$ using one edge from $\graph{Z}$ and one or two edges from $\graphv{G}{v_{2}}$. By Lemma~\ref{lem:sim_M and graphv}, we have a corresponding cycle $C_{1}$ using the same edge from $\graph{Z}$ and the same one or two edges from $\graphv{G}{v_{1}}$. The cycle $C_{1}$ is not negative since ${\uparrow}_{G}v_{1}\cap Z\neq\emptyset$. Therefore, the negative cycle $C_{2}$ should use at least one edge labelled $(\leq,v_{2}(x))$ or $(\leq,-v_{2}(x))$. We consider the different cases. \begin{enumerate} \item Cycle $C_{2}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{2}(\ola{y}))} \ola{y} \xra{Z_{\ola{y}0}} 0$. We have $C_{1}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{1}(\ola{y}))} \ola{y} \xra{Z_{\ola{y}0}} 0$. Since we have the edge $0 \xra{(\leq,v_{1}(\ola{y}))} \ola{y}$ in $\graphv{G}{v_{1}}$, there is a constraint $\ola{y}\mathrel{\triangleleft}' c'$ in $G$ with $(\mathrel{\triangleleft}',c')<(<,\infty)$ and $v_{1}(\ola{y})\mathrel{\triangleleft}' c'$. We deduce that $0\leq v_{1}(\ola{y})\leq M$. Let $Z_{\ola{y}0}=(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)$. Since $C_{1}$ is not a negative cycle, we get $(\leq,0)\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c+v_{1}(\ola{y}))$, which is equivalent to $-c\leq v_{1}(\ola{y})$. Using $0\leq v_{1}(\ola{y})\leq M$ and $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ we deduce that $-c\leq v_{2}(\ola{y})$. This is equivalent to $(\leq,0)\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c+v_{2}(\ola{y}))$, a contradiction with $C_{2}$ being a negative cycle. \item Cycle $C_{2}=0 \xra{Z_{0\ola{y}}} \ola{y} \xra{(\leq,-v_{2}(\ola{y}))} 0$. We have $C_{1}=0 \xra{Z_{0\ola{y}}} \ola{y} \xra{(\leq,-v_{1}(\ola{y}))} 0$. Since we have the edge $\ola{y} \xra{(\leq,-v_{1}(\ola{y}))} 0$ in $\graphv{G}{v_{1}}$, there is a constraint $c'\mathrel{\triangleleft}'\ola{y}$ in $G$ with $(c',\mathrel{\triangleleft}')<(\infty,\leq)$ and $c'\not\mathrel{\triangleleft}' v_{1}(\ola{y})$. We deduce that $0\leq v_{1}(\ola{y})\leq M$. Let $Z_{0\ola{y}}=(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)$. Since $C_{1}$ is not a negative cycle, we get $(\leq,0)\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c-v_{1}(\ola{y}))$, which is equivalent to $v_{1}(\ola{y})\leq c$. Using $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ and $0\leq v_{1}(\ola{y})\leq M$, we deduce that $v_{2}(\ola{y})\leq c$. This is equivalent to $(\leq,0)\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c-v_{2}(\ola{y}))$, a contradiction with $C_{2}$ being a negative cycle. \item Cycle $C_{2}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{2}(\ora{x}))} \ora{x} \xra{Z_{\ora{x}0}} 0$. We have $C_{1}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{1}(\ora{x}))} \ora{x} \xra{Z_{\ora{x}0}} 0$. Let $Z_{\ora{x}0}=(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)$. Since $C_{2}$ is negative, we deduce that $c\neq\infty$. From $(\dagger_{3})$, we infer $Z_{\ora{x}0}\leq(\leq,M)$ and $0\leq c\leq M$. Since $C_{1}$ is not negative, we get $(\leq,0)\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c+v_{1}(\ora{x}))$, which is equivalent to $-c\leq v_{1}(\ora{x})$. Using $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ and $0\leq c\leq M$ we deduce that $-c\leq v_{2}(\ora{x})$. This is equivalent to $(\leq,0)\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c+v_{2}(\ora{x}))$, a contradiction with $C_{2}$ being a negative cycle. \item Cycle $C_{2}=0 \xra{Z_{0\ora{x}}} \ora{x} \xra{(\leq,-v_{2}(\ora{x}))} 0$. We have $C_{1}=0 \xra{Z_{0\ora{x}}} \ora{x} \xra{(\leq,-v_{1}(\ora{x}))} 0$. Let $Z_{0\ora{x}}=(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)$. Since $C_{2}$ is negative, we deduce that $-v_{2}(\ora{x})\neq\infty$. Using $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$, we infer $-v_{1}(\ora{x})\neq\infty$. Since $C_{1}$ is not negative, we get $Z_{0\ora{x}}\neq(\leq,-\infty)$. From $(\dagger_{6})$, we infer $(<,-M)\leq Z_{0\ora{x}}$ and $-M\leq c\leq 0$. Since $C_{1}$ is not a negative cycle, we get $(\leq,0)\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c-v_{1}(\ora{x}))$, which is equivalent to $v_{1}(\ora{x})\leq c$. Using $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ and $-M\leq c\leq 0$, we deduce that $v_{2}(\ora{x})\leq c$. This is equivalent to $(\leq,0)\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c-v_{2}(\ora{x}))$, a contradiction with $C_{2}$ being a negative cycle. \item Cycle $C_{2}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{2}(\ola{y}))} \ola{y} \xra{Z_{\ola{y}\ora{x}}} \ora{x} \xra{(\leq,-v_{2}(\ora{x}))} 0$. We have $C_{1}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{1}(\ola{y}))} \ola{y} \xra{Z_{\ola{y}\ora{x}}} \ora{x} \xra{(\leq,-v_{1}(\ora{x}))} 0$. Let $Z_{\ola{y}\ora{x}}=(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)$. As in case 1 above, we get $0 \leq v_{1}(\ola{y}) \leq M$. From the fact that the cycle $0 \xra{(\leq,v_{1}(\ola{y}))} \ola{y} \xra{Z_{\ola{y}0}} 0$ is not negative, we get $(\leq,-M)\leq Z_{\ola{y}0}$. Since $C_{2}$ is negative, we get $-v_{2}(\ora{x})\neq\infty$. Using $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$, we infer $-v_{1}(\ora{x})\neq\infty$. From the fact that the cycle $0 \xra{Z_{0\ora{x}}} \ora{x} \xra{(\leq,-v_{1}(\ora{x}))} 0$ is not negative, we deduce $Z_{0\ora{x}}\neq(\leq,-\infty)$. Using $(\dagger_{5})$ we obtain $$ (\leq,-M)+(<,-M)\leq Z_{\ola{y}0}+(<,-M) \leq Z_{\ola{y}\ora{x}} =(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c) $$ and we deduce that $-2M\leq c\leq 0$. Since $C_{1}$ is not a negative cycle, we get $(\leq,0)\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c+v_{1}(\ola{y})-v_{1}(\ora{x}))$, which is equivalent to $v_{1}(\ora{x})-v_{1}(\ola{y})\leq c$. Using $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ and $-2M\leq c\leq 0$ we deduce that $v_{2}(\ora{x})-v_{2}(\ola{y})\leq c$. We conclude as in the previous cases. \item Cycle $C_{2}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{2}(\ora{x}))} \ora{x} \xra{Z_{\ora{x}\ola{y}}} \ola{y} \xra{(\leq,-v_{2}(\ola{y}))} 0$. We have $C_{1}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{1}(\ora{x}))} \ora{x} \xra{Z_{\ora{x}\ola{y}}} \ola{y} \xra{(\leq,-v_{1}(\ola{y}))} 0$. Let $Z_{\ora{x}\ola{y}}=(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)$. Since $C_{2}$ is a negative cycle, we deduce that $c\neq\infty$. From $(\dagger_{4})$ we deduce that $Z_{\ora{x}0}\leq(\leq,M)$. Since $0 \xra{(\leq,v_{1}(\ora{x}))} \ora{x} \xra{Z_{\ora{x}0}} 0$ is not a negative cycle, we get $-M\leq v_{1}(\ora{x})$. As in case 2 above, we get $0\leq v_{1}(\ola{y})\leq M$. Finally, we obtain $0\leq v_{1}(\ola{y})-v_{1}(\ora{x})\leq 2M$. Since $C_{1}$ is not a negative cycle, we get $(\leq,0)\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c+v_{1}(\ora{x})-v_{1}(\ola{y}))$, which is equivalent to $v_{1}(\ola{y})-v_{1}(\ora{x})\leq c$. Using $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ and $0\leq v_{1}(\ola{y})-v_{1}(\ora{x})\leq 2M$, we deduce that $v_{2}(\ola{y})-v_{2}(\ora{x})\leq c$. We conclude as in the previous cases. \item Cycle $C_{2}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{2}(\ora{x}))} \ora{x} \xra{Z_{\ora{x}\ola{y}}} \ola{y} \xra{(\mathrel{\triangleleft}',-c')} 0$. We have $C_{1}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{1}(\ora{x}))} \ora{x} \xra{Z_{\ora{x}\ola{y}}} \ola{y} \xra{(\mathrel{\triangleleft}',-c')} 0$. Let $Z_{\ora{x}\ola{y}}=(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)$. Since $C_{2}$ is a negative cycle, we deduce that $c\neq\infty$. From $(\dagger_{4})$ we deduce that $Z_{\ora{x}0}\leq(\leq,M)$. As in case 6 above, we deduce that $-M\leq v_{1}(\ora{x})\leq 0$. Since $C_{1}$ is not a negative cycle, we get $0\leq c+v_{1}(\ora{x})-c'$, which is equivalent to $c'-c\leq v_{1}(\ora{x})$. Using $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ and $-M\leq v_{1}(x)\leq 0$, we deduce that $c'-c\leq v_{2}(\ora{x})$, which is equivalent to $0\leq c+v_{2}(\ora{x})-c'$, a contradiction with $C_{2}$ being a negative cycle. \item Cycle $C_{2}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{2}(\ora{x}))} \ora{x} \xra{Z_{\ora{x}\ora{y}}} \ora{y} \xra{(\leq,-v_{2}(\ora{y}))} 0$ with $x\neq y$. We have $C_{1}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{1}(\ora{x}))} \ora{x} \xra{Z_{\ora{x}\ora{y}}} \ora{y} \xra{(\leq,-v_{1}(\ora{y}))} 0$. Let $Z_{\ora{x}\ora{y}}=(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)$. Since $C_{2}$ is a negative cycle, we deduce that $c\neq\infty$ and $v_{2}(\ora{y})\neq-\infty$. Using $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ we deduce that $v_{1}(\ora{y})\neq-\infty$. Since $C_{1}$ is not negative, we get $c\neq-\infty$. From $(\dagger_{7})$ and $c\notin\{-\infty,\infty\}$, we deduce that $-M\leq c \leq M$. Since $C_{1}$ is not a negative cycle, we get $(\leq,0)\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c+v_{1}(\ora{x})-v_{1}(\ora{y}))$, which is equivalent to $v_{1}(\ora{y})-v_{1}(\ora{x})\leq c$. Using $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ and $-M\leq c \leq M$, we deduce that $v_{2}(\ora{y})-v_{2}(\ora{x})\leq c$. We conclude as in the previous cases. \item Cycle $C_{2}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{2}(\ola{x}))} \ola{x} \xra{Z_{\ola{x}\ola{y}}} \ola{y} \xra{(\leq,-v_{2}(\ola{y}))} 0$ with $x\neq y$. We have $C_{1}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{1}(\ola{x}))} \ola{x} \xra{Z_{\ola{x}\ola{y}}} \ola{y} \xra{(\leq,-v_{1}(\ola{y}))} 0$. As in case 1 above, we get $0\leq v_{1}(\ola{x})\leq M$. As in case 2 above, we get $0\leq v_{1}(\ola{y})\leq M$. We obtain $-M\leq v_{1}(\ola{y})-v_{1}(\ola{x}) \leq M$. Let $Z_{\ola{x}\ola{y}}=(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)$. Since $C_{1}$ is not negative, we get $(\leq,0)\leq(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c+v_{1}(\ola{x})-v_{1}(\ola{y}))$, which is equivalent to $v_{1}(\ola{y})-v_{1}(\ola{x})\leq c$. Using $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ and $-M\leq v_{1}(\ola{y})-v_{1}(\ola{x}) \leq M$, we deduce that $v_{2}(\ola{y})-v_{2}(\ola{x})\leq c$. We conclude as in the previous cases. \item Cycle $C_{2}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{2}(\ola{x}))} \ola{x} \xra{Z_{\ola{x}\ola{y}}} \ola{y} \xra{(\mathrel{\triangleleft}',-c')} 0$ with $x\neq y$. We have $C_{1}=0 \xra{(\leq,v_{1}(\ola{x}))} \ola{x} \xra{Z_{\ola{x}\ola{y}}} \ola{y} \xra{(\mathrel{\triangleleft}',-c')} 0$. As in case 1 above, we get $0\leq v_{1}(\ola{x})\leq M$. Let $Z_{\ola{x}\ola{y}}=(\mathrel{\triangleleft},c)$. Since $C_{1}$ is not negative, we get $0\leq c+v_{1}(\ola{x})-c'$, which is equivalent to $c'-c\leq v_{1}(\ola{x})$. Using $v_{1}\sim_{M}v_{2}$ and $0\leq v_{1}(\ola{x})\leq M$, we deduce that $c'-c\leq v_{2}(\ola{x})$, which is equivalent to $0\leq c+v_{2}(\ola{x})-c'$, a contradiction with $C_{2}$ being a negative cycle. \qedhere \end{enumerate} \end{proof} Finally, from Lemmas~\ref{lem:dagger} and \ref{lem:sim_M main property}, we obtain our main theorem of the section. \begin{theorem}\label{thm:simulation finite} The simulation relation $\preceq_{\mathcal{A}}$ is finite. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Let $(q,Z_{0}),(q,Z_{1}),(q,Z_{2}),\ldots$ be an infinite sequence of \emph{reachable} nodes in $\ensuremath{\mathsf{EZG}}(\mathcal{A})$. By Lemma~\ref{lem:dagger}, for all $i$, the distance graph $\graph{Z_{i}}$ in canonical form satisfies conditions $(\dagger)$. The atomic constraints in $G=\mathcal{G}(q)$ use constants in $\{-\infty,\infty\}\cup\{c\in\mathbb{Z}\mid|c|\leq M\}$. From Lemma~\ref{lem:sim_M main property} we deduce that for all $i$, ${\downarrow}_{G}Z_{i}$ is a union of $\sim_{M}$-classes. Since $\sim_{M}$ is of finite index, there are only finitely many unions of $\sim_{M}$-classes. Therefore, we find $i<j$ with ${\downarrow}_{G}Z_{i}={\downarrow}_{G}Z_{j}$, which implies $Z_{j}\preceq_{G}Z_{i}$. \end{proof} Note that the number of enumerated zones is bounded by $2^{r}$, where $r$ is the number of regions. This is similar to the exponential blow up that happens in normal timed automata. Indeed, despite this blow up the interest in zone algorithms is that, at least in the timed setting, they work significantly better in practice. We hope the above zone-based approach for ECA will also pave the way for fast implementations for ECA. \section{Conclusion} In this paper, we propose a simulation based approach for reachability in ECAs. The main difficulty and difference from timed automata is the use of prophecy clocks and undefined values. We believe that the crux of our work has been in identifying the new representation for prophecy clocks and undefined values. With this as the starting point, we have been able to adapt the zone graph computation and the $\mathcal{G}$-simulation technique to the ECA setting. This process required us to closely study the mechanics of prophecy clocks in the zone computations and we discovered this surprising property that prophecy clocks by themselves do not create a problem for finiteness. The final reachability algorithm looks almost identical to the timed automata counterpart and hence provides a mechanism to transfer timed automata technology to the ECA setting. The performance benefits observed for the $LU$ and $\mathcal{G}$-simulation-based reachability procedures for timed automata encourages us to believe that an implementation of our algorithm would also yield good results, thereby providing a way to efficiently check event-clock specifications on timed automata models. We also hope that our framework can be extended to other verification problems, like liveness and to extended models like ECA with diagonal constraints that have been studied in the context of timeline based planning~\cite{DBLP:conf/fsttcs/BozzelliMP19a, DBLP:journals/tcs/BozzelliMP22}.
Background ========== Electric fields can induce pore formation and other structural defects in lipid membranes, including cell membranes and skin \[[@B1],[@B2]\]. Electroporation is widely used in the laboratory for gene transfection, introduction of polar and charged molecules such as dyes, drugs, proteins and peptides and also has applications in drug delivery in cancer treatment \[[@B3]-[@B8]\]. Electropermeabilized vesicles are more prone to fuse with cells and can be loaded with a wide range of (drug) molecules \[[@B9]\]. Most of our experimental understanding of electroporation is derived from experiments on black lipid membranes \[[@B10],[@B11]\], and it is generally assumed that aqueous pores lined with phospholipid headgroups are created in the membrane \[[@B1],[@B12]\]. Although several models are available that predict aspects of the size and spatial distributions of pores, the molecular basis of pore formation remains poorly understood. We have recently shown that pore formation by mechanical stress and by electric fields can be studied by detailed computer simulations \[[@B13]\]. Here I propose a mechanism for the molecular basis of electroporation based on extensive computer simulations of dioleoylphosphatidyl-choline (DOPC) bilayers in which the formation of water-filled pores can be followed at atomic resolution, and of a simpler system that allows detailed numerical analyses of the interactions of water with the electric field. Such simulations use a realistic description of the interactions between lipid and water atoms and have become a very powerful technique to study lipids and membrane proteins \[[@B14]\]. The results show, surprisingly, that the initial steps of pore formation do not seem to depend on the nature of the lipid headgroups but are determined by the increased likelihood of water defects in the membrane interior with increasing applied electric field. Results ======= The main result of the simulations are the motions of all molecules involved during pore formation in phospholipid bilayers and in a water/octane system. In this section these primary results are described, while a more detailed numerical analysis of the same process is presented in the discussion. Figure [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"} shows the effect of a strong electric field (of 0.5 V/nm) on a bilayer with initial dimensions of ca. 26 × 29 × 8 nm. The starting structure is planar and undulations form in the first 1.5 ns of the simulation (Fig. [1A,1B](#F1){ref-type="fig"}), which has also been observed in an equilibrium simulation of a bilayer half this size \[[@B15]\]. At around 1.6 ns the first pore forms, which rapidly widens. After 2 ns a second pore opens close to the first, and the bilayer becomes strongly curved. Over the course of the next 1.5 ns four more pores form, involving a large fraction of the lipids in the bilayer. The final structure is highly curved and has significant patches of exposed lipid chains in the regions with the highest curvature. This is shown by sideviews of the system in Fig. [1G,1H,1I](#F1){ref-type="fig"}. An animation of this simulation is given in the supplementary material. Pore sizes grow up to a diameter of ca. 10 nm. ![Top view of lipid bilayer of initially ca. 25 × 29 nm (2304) lipids at six different times during the simulation: A) 1700 ps, onset of first pore formation B) 2040 ps, second pore forming, C) 2600 ps, D) 2800 ps, E) 2990 ps, F) 3600 ps. Sideviews, showing the increasing curvature of the bilayer: G) 0 ps, H) 1700 ps, I) 2040 ps, J) 3600 ps. The simulation cell is periodic, so that effectively an infinite stack of bilayers is simulated, but only the central simulation cell is actually simulated. The lipids are shown as spacefilling, with red for the headgroups and blue for the chains in the central simulation cell. For clarity, parts of the periodic images in the x, y plane are also shown, with the headgroups in yellow and the chains in green. The potential is positive at the top of snapshots G-J relative to the bottom. In the same reference frame, views of snapshots A-F are from the top. Water is not shown. Molecular graphics images were made with VMD \[37\]. Animations of this event and of the events in figures 2 are available as supplementary material. The time in each snapshot is only given as an indication of how fast defects develop; because the process is stochastic the exact values are not reproducible.](1471-2091-5-10-1){#F1} This bilayer is an excellent model for a membrane due to its size, which allows substantial curvature and multiple pores. It consists of over 420,000 atoms, however, and is too large for extensive simulations under different conditions because of current computational limitations. I therefore turned to a smaller bilayer (45,000 atoms) and a water/octane system (ca. 7,000 atoms) to investigate the mechanism of pore formation in more detail. Figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"} illustrates the process of pore formation in these two smaller systems. In both cases, water defects form at the interface between water and the hydrophobic part of the system. These defects grow in length, cross the full hydrophobic width either by themselves or by joining a similar defect from the opposite side, and rapidly expand into a water-filled pore. Animations of both processes are available as supplementary material. In the water/octane system pores form from small water defects at the interface. In the phospholipid bilayer pores also form from small water defects, but these defects occur more commonly near \'headgroup defects\', where the choline group of the lipid is located near the glycerol backbone region. Figure [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"} shows the pore formation process in more detail for the same phospholipid bilayer as in figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}, but from a viewpoint further away from the pore. In the first snapshot (5050 ps) there is no clear sign of headgroup defects or other irregularities at the site of pore formation, only a few hundred picoseconds later. Water molecules are occasionally found in the interior of the membrane (e.g. 5100 ps, 5150 ps), which is normally, in the absence of applied electric fields, a very rare occasion. Such water molecules may form hydrogen-bonded chains of several water molecules, which do not have to lead to pores. At 5200 ps, 5250 ps, a deformation of the headgroups is seen, with water defects forming at the same time. The water defects begin to span the bilayer, and headgroups start moving towards this pore (5300 -- 5400 ps). This pore then expands and become lined with lipid headgroups, although it takes some time before the headgroups are evenly distributed over the pore \'surface\'. Although in the final snapshot at 5700 ps water is still exposed to lipid chains, this is not unlike the distribution of head groups in an unperturbed bilayer. ![Snapshots of pore formation in the water/octane system (left): A) 0 ps, B) 327 ps, C) 341 ps, D) 344 ps, E) 350 ps, F) 368 ps. The octane molecules are shown in cyan as bonds, the water molecules in blue and white as spacefilling. The potential is positive on the left side of each octane/water snapshot. Snapshots of pore formation in the DOPC bilayer, with an applied field of 0.5 V/nm in the presence of 1 M NaCl (right): A) 5330 ps, B) 5450 ps, C) 5500 ps, D) 5700 ps. The lipid headgroups are shown in yellow, the chains in cyan, chloride ions spacefilling in green, sodium ions in cyan; water is shown as dark blue and white spacefilling in the interface region and the pore, as dark blue bonds elsewhere. The potential is positive at the top of each snapshot relative to the bottom.](1471-2091-5-10-2){#F2} ![A second series of snapshots of the same simulation as in Figure 2 (right), but viewed from further away so that the outside of the pore is visible rather than a cut through the pore. The series starts at 5050 ps, when there is no clear sign of pore formation yet. Ions and lipid chains are not shown for clarity. The lipid headgroups are divided in the choline part (green) and the phosphate/glycerol part (yellow). The potential is positive at the top of each snapshot relative to the bottom.](1471-2091-5-10-3){#F3} Discussion ========== The simulations give a graphical view of the pore formation process, but why do pores form in the first place? The water/octane system is simplest: the external field only interacts with the water molecules, as the model used for octane has no charges. In bulk water and in the absence of salt the applied field simply causes a small average orientation described by a Langevin function, with little effect on water properties, so we will focus on the octane/water interface. The water/octane interface is only a few tenths of a nm wide but because water molecules orient at this interface the charge density along the z-axis is not uniform, even in the absence of an applied field (Figure [4A](#F4){ref-type="fig"}). Interestingly, the features of the net charge distribution are very similar for water/octane, water/phospholipid and water/phospholipid/salt, despite the large difference in molecular structure of octane and lipid, and the potentially large effect of 1 M NaCl (Figure [4A](#F4){ref-type="fig"}). ![A) Charge density, B) electric field and C) electrostatic potential for water/octane at four different strengths of the applied field (left) and a lipid bilayer without salt for three different strengths of the applied field, and with salt at zero applied field (right). The properties in this figure and in figures 4 and 5 were calculated from simulations in which pores did not form, or else averaging as a function of the z-coordinate would not be possible.](1471-2091-5-10-4){#F4} For the purpose of interacting with electric fields water molecules can be approximated as a dipole. The force on a dipole is given by **F** = (**μ**•∇)**E** and is zero in a constant field. Of interest is the component of the force along the bilayer normal (the z-axis): ![](1471-2091-5-10-i1.gif). Here ![](1471-2091-5-10-i2.gif) is proportional to the charge density ρ(*z*), which can be calculated directly from the simulation. Figure [5A](#F5){ref-type="fig"} shows the gradient of the local electric field expressed as a force on a dipole oriented along the Z-axis with a magnitude of 1 D (the dipole moment of the SPC model used is 2.27 D). ![Interfacial properties of the water/octane (left) and water/phospholipid (right) interfaces as a function of applied external field. Shown are (A) the force on a hypothetical dipole with a strength of 1 D, pointing in the direction of the Z-axis, (B) the average orientation of water molecules along the Z-axis expressed as the magnitude of the dipole moment in Debye along the Z-axis, (C) the average force in the z-direction, calculated from the product of the average orientation and the field gradient, and (D) the density profile for the total density and the water or phospholipid components along the Z-axis. In the octane simulations, data shown have been averaged over the trajectory from 5 to 50 ns, with no pore formation occurring. In the phospholipid simulation data has been averaged over 0--20 ns for 0 M/0 V (which was already equilibrated under these conditions), 10--20 ns for 0 M/0.083 V, and 20--50 ns for 0 M/0.33 V.](1471-2091-5-10-5){#F5} This gradient depends on the strength of the applied field and on the left side increases as the applied field becomes stronger. Without applied field the local field rapidly changes direction at the interface with approximately equal magnitudes. In the presence of an applied external field, as in electroporation experiments, the local field gradient is no longer symmetric for both interfaces. On one side, the field gradient increases with a higher external potential, on the other side it decreases. To amplify the effect of the increased gradient at the positive potential side, water molecules become strongly oriented in the presence of an external field so that both the projected dipole moment in the Z-direction and the field gradient forcing these dipoles into the membrane become larger (Figure [5B](#F5){ref-type="fig"}), and depending on the exact location the average force due to the gradient of the field acting on water dipoles (Figure [5C](#F5){ref-type="fig"}). For orientation, the density profiles, showing the density of different parts in the system as a function of Z, are also shown (Figure [5D](#F5){ref-type="fig"}). Local fluctuations and hydrogen bonding facilitate the process of insertion; hydrogen bonding in a hydrophobic interior is stronger than in water, so that the probability of a defect growing is substantially larger than the probability of the initial formation of a defect. If the field gradient is the driving force for water defect formation it should be expected that defect formation from both sides is not equally likely because the field gradients are not symmetric. Indeed the formation of pores in the simple water/octane system has a much higher chance of initiating from the positive side. In 100 simulations of water/octane with an applied field of 0.8 V/nm, pore formation occurred over 90 times from positive side, while in the remaining cases substantial defects from both sides combined to form the initial single file water defect spanning the octane phase. This is consistent with the small force at the right side (high Z) of the 0.5 V/nm octane/water simulation. For the lipid bilayers the forces are more symmetric, and indeed in the small number of pore formation events observed water defects from both sides play a role. The effect of the external field on water orientation is similar in the bilayers compared to octane. On the positive side, the field causes a significant increase in water ordering, with the same direction as in water/octane despite the \'extra\' negative peak at ca. 3 nm. On the negative side, the external field orders water molecules in the opposite direction than the interface does, and the average degree of orientation decreases. In fact, in the region with a water density of less than 10% of the bulk density, the orientation of water is reversed at higher fields compared to zero field. A graph of the density of the different groups (lipid, water, ions, as well as groups of atoms within the lipids) shows that the peak-to-peak distance of the lipid density profile does not change, but the individual groups become broader and water penetrates somewhat further into the membrane (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). This is consistent with experimental data that shows that the capacitance of a bilayer does not significantly decrease in the presence of an external potential difference, indicating the bilayer does not become significantly thinner \[[@B1]\]. The broadening of the water distribution towards the interior of the membrane, even though the absolute density of water in the hydrocarbon interior remains very low, still shows a significantly decreased barrier for water penetration. This is consistent with a change in the potential of mean force for water moving to the hydrophobic interior. The averaged total force on water molecules F~ave~(z) is related to the potential of mean force for water moving from bulk water to the hydrophobic phase as minus the derivative of the potential of mean force \[[@B16]\]. The average total force becomes less negative at the positive side, so that the potential of mean force indeed becomes less steep with applied field. ![Density profile, comparing the distribution of water, lipids, and elements of the lipid head groups in a simulation without external field (solid lines, averaged over 0--20 ns) and with an external field of 0.33 V/nm (dashed lines, averaged over 20--50 ns). Black is the total density, green water density, red lipid density, yellow phosphate density, blue choline density, and brown glycerol density.](1471-2091-5-10-6){#F6} Although the main focus of this paper is to address the question why pores form, the simulations give interesting suggestions about several experimental observations and hypotheses. First, DNA can be transported into cells by electroporating their membranes. The molecular basis of this process is controversial; there currently appear to be two major hypotheses, without critical experiments to decide between them. In the first, DNA is transported through large stable pores that form without significant interaction with DNA and then reseal. A recent theoretical model supports this idea \[[@B17]\]. The second, more widely supported, hypothesis suggests that DNA is transported into cells by direct interaction with lipids and intermediates that involve a complex of lipid components and DNA. In this case, permeabilization by an electric field might cause a number of smaller pores that by themselves are not large enough to allow DNA transport but make the membrane amenable to structural modifications that allow translocation of DNA \[[@B4],[@B18],[@B19]\]. The simulation of the large bilayer gives holes that have a diameter of up to 10 nm, which would be sufficiently large to allow the transport of double-stranded DNA. This is not a definitive answer, however, because the electric field in the presence of pores might be higher than can be achieved in real cell experiments (see below), and it remains to be shown that pores of this size are reversible and will reseal when the electric field is removed. A recent molecular dynamics study by Leontiadou et al. investigated the stability of small pores in bilayers and established a minimum radius at which hydrophilic pores in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers could be stable \[[@B20]\], but the maximum radius to my knowledge is not known, although a recent model suggests it can be quite large \[[@B17]\]. The simulations also suggest an explanation of the experimental observations that lipid headgroup charge and ionic strength of the solution appear to have little effect on electroporation but that lipid tails, cholesterol and hydrophobic polymers do have a significant effect \[[@B21]-[@B23]\]. First, the simulations suggest that there is almost no salt effect because the contributions of these charges to the local field gradients at the interface practically cancel. Although no electroporation in bilayers with lipids with charged headgroups was simulated, this would be an interesting extension. The important contribution appears to be the added effect of the external field at the interface, regardless of the exact composition of the interface. Second, it can be expected that changes in the hydrophobic part of the membrane (e.g. changing lipid tails from palmitoyl-oleoyl to diphytanoyl or adding cholesterol) have a significant effect because the force required to move water into the hydrophobic interior will change. For lipids that are more densely packed the formation of water defects is likely to be less favourable. For longer lipids one might also expect that the formation of water defects spanning the bilayer is less likely. For lipid bilayers with structural defects, such as those caused by surfactants, electroporation would be expected to be easier because it is more favourable for water to penetrate. These hypotheses could be tested both experimentally and in further simulations. The simulations also suggest why coating the outside of bilayers with polymers can increase the resistance to pore formation: water defects would still form but the next stages in which lipid headgroups move in to form more stable headgroup lined pores is frustrated \[[@B24]\]. An interesting and experimentally useful observation is that electropermeabilized vesicles and cells are more prone to fusion \[[@B9]\]. The present simulations suggest a number of possible explanations for this, including higher curvature of these vesicles (analogous to the large bilayer), the metastable nature of the fusion pores, and increased hydrophobic surface area of electropermeabilized vesicles which would facilitate fusion. Fusion is difficult to study directly in full atomistic detail, but recently developed coarse-grained models of phospholipids have been used to investigate fusion between vesicles and could also be used to test these hypotheses \[[@B25],[@B26]\]. Although the simulations presented here give unprecedented atomistic detail of the pore-formation process, they suffer from several limitations. These include both relatively obvious limits on the size of the simulation system and the length of the simulations, but also more subtle questions on the comparison to experimental data. The largest bilayer simulated is initially ca. 25 × 29 nm in the plane of the membrane, but the z-dimension is much shorter, initially only 8 nm. As pores form, the bilayer deforms and \'folds\' (Fig. [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). This folding is influenced by the periodic boundary conditions, because these allow independent changes in x and y, the plane of the membrane. While this is the most realistic choice of boundary conditions, both the magnitude and shape of structural fluctuations is affected by the requirement that the curvature at the boundaries is continuous on each side of the box. It is also possible to scale x and y together. This would maintain the shape of the bilayer, and would make the extreme curving observed in the present simulation impossible, although it would allow curvature in the form of a \'dimple\'. An important question is to what type of experiments the simulations correspond to in terms of the incorporation of an electric field. The voltage in the simulations is maintained at a constant value of the box length times the applied field, regardless of whether a pore is present or not. The simulations assume that the potential everywhere in the system due to the applied constant field is the same as the potential caused by electrodes at a large distance from the membrane in a black lipid membrane experiment. Figure [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"} shows that this is reasonable for the case without pores, but the potential distribution inside the pores is too noisy to calculate accurately from the simulation for a detailed comparison with a continuum electrostatics model. Nonetheless, experiments under voltage clamp conditions measure the current as a function of time and show a jump in conductance as pores form, but are able to maintain the original voltage in the presence of pores until the membrane ruptures. Alternatively, measurements can be done under conditions of constant current, monitoring the voltage fluctuations. An interesting question that is outside the scope of this study is how planar lipid bilayer experiments relate to electroporation experiments on whole cells. A study by Hibino et al. showed that the membrane potential has a maximum value, presumably because large pores dissipate the transmembrane potential in whole-cell solutions \[[@B27]\]. Experimentally, the critical voltage that induces pore formation in a black lipid membrane is of the order of 0.25 -- 0.50 V. In the case of an applied field of 0.4 V/nm the total potential difference across the membrane is approximately 3 V, or 5--10 times as much. However, pore formation can be induced by much higher fields in the simulations, while still showing the same characteristics, although at a faster time scale. Experimentally, the lifetime of a black lipid membrane is shorter when a stronger voltage is applied, but individual pore properties do not depend on the applied voltage \[[@B11]\]. It is likely pore formation in the simulations at lower potential differences would be slower but would still occur. A critical voltage cannot be determined from this type of simulations. Exact correspondence in time scales between simulation and experiment cannot be expected because of the small size of the simulation membrane compared to experiment and the experimental time scales involved due to membrane capacitance and time resolution of the measurements \[[@B1]\]. It is also not possible to predict the distribution of pore sizes or their spatial distribution in a large membrane, although the simulation of the large bilayer shows that pores can be quite close to each other without affecting each other much, at least on a nanosecond time scale. Much more extensive simulations would be required to address the important issue of pore coalescence. The system would have to be so large and the simulations so long that this is probably not practical at the moment at this level of atomistic detail, although coarser lipid models could be used \[[@B28]\]. I am currently exploring this. Conclusions =========== Detailed computer simulations of lipid bilayers in the presence of an external electric field have given an atomistic description of the process of electroporation. Pore formation is promoted by an increased likelihood of transmembrane water defects in the presence of an external electric field. Pores form even in octane layers, suggesting the primary role of water dipoles. Water defects are caused by the interaction of water dipoles with the electric field gradient at the water/lipid or water/octane interface. The presence or absence of salt has little effect on the process of pore formation. Pores in the lipid bilayers are lined by phospholipid headgroups. These results provide a better understanding of this fundamental process and form a basis for future work to investigate conditions that experimentally change electroporation phenomenology and to study transport through bilayer pores. Methods ======= Bilayer simulations ------------------- A bilayer of 256 DOPC lipids and 11228 water molecules was simulated without salt with applied fields of 0 V/nm (20 ns), 0.33 V/nm (50 ns), 0.4 V/nm (20 ns, pore formation at 12--14 ns) and 0.5 V/nm (pore formation at ca. 3 ns). The same bilayer with 1 M NaCl (ions replacing water molecules, resulting in 10828 water molecules, 200 Na+ ions, and 200 Cl- ions) was simulated at 0 V/nm and 0.5 V/nm (pore formation after ca. 5 ns). In addition, a bilayer consisting of 2304 lipids and 101052 water molecules was simulated with an applied field of 0.5 V/nm (multiple pores form after ca. 2.5 ns). Octane simulations ------------------ Water/octane simulations used a system of 182 octane and 1802 water molecules, in a box with a flexible height (ca. 6.6 nm) and an interface kept fixed at 4 × 4 nm. Simulations were 50 ns each with applied fields of 0 V/nm, 0.33 V/nm, and 0.5 V/nm (no pore formation), and 100 simulations with a field of 0.8 V/nm each until pore formation occurred, typically somewhere between 50 ps and 2 ns. The final equilibrium structure of the water/octane systems is one in which the octane slab is rotated 90 degrees, with its normal now along either the x or the y axis; this arrangement is a consequence of trying to minimize both the water/octane interface perpendicular to the applied field and minimizing the water/octane interfacial area and depends on the geometry of the box. For the present purpose of investigating the structure of the interface before pore formation and the early events of pore formation, up to the point where phospholipid headgroups would move in to line the pore, only the initial part of the water/octane simulations are relevant. Phospholipid parameters were taken from the OPLS-based force field of Berger et al. \[[@B29]\] combined with GROMOS87 bonded parameters and parameters for the CH1 atoms in the double bonds. Parameter files are available from <http://moose.bio.ucalgary.ca>. Octane parameters were taken from the GROMOS96 force field 45a3 \[[@B30]\]. In both cases, methyl and methylene groups are treated as united atom, so that an octane molecule has 8 atoms and a DOPC lipid 54. In all simulations the temperature was set to 300 K using the weak coupling algorithm \[[@B31]\] with τ~T~= 0.1 ps, and pressure to 1 bar independently in each dimension with τ~p~= 1 ps (in z only for water/octane). This allows the dimensions of the system to change in normal fluctuations but also as a response to the applied electric field or pore formation. A 1 nm Coulomb cutoff combined with Particle-Mesh-Ewald was used for electrostatic interactions \[[@B32]\] with a 1 nm cutoff for Lennard-Jones interactions. In the case of a non-zero applied field the system has a net dipole moment, which results in a surface charge on the replicated systems. In vacuum this would require a correction, but because this surface charge is exactly balanced by the tin-foil boundaries used in the PME implementation this effect is zero. The time step was 2 fs except in the last 30 ns of the DOPC bilayer with no salt and a field of 0.33 V/nm, where it was 5 fs. This larger time step has no effect on the structure of a similar dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer as determined by 150 ns simulations in which only the time step was varied \[[@B33]\]. The water model used was the Simple Point Charge model \[[@B34]\]. All simulations were performed using the GROMACS set of programs \[[@B35],[@B36]\]. The charge density shown in Figure [4A](#F4){ref-type="fig"} and used to calculate the force on a dipole at the interface can be calculated directly from the simulation and is related to the potential through Poisson\'s equation which, averaged over the x, y plane, is: ![](1471-2091-5-10-i3.gif) where the second integration constant ψ(0) is chosen as 0 V in the middle of the water phase on the left side of the box at z = 0 and the first integration constant, the electric field E(0), is taken as 0 V/nm in the middle of water layer. Because of the applied field, the actual field in the middle of the water phase is not zero and the value E(0) could be taken as E~z~divided by the experimental dielectric constant of water or the dielectric constant of the SPC water model under the conditions simulated. This choice makes no difference for the field gradient and has an effect of only ca. 7 mV in the case of the strongest applied field of 0.8 V/nm in water/octane, within the accuracy of the quoted values for the transmembrane potentials. The average field is shown in Figure [4B](#F4){ref-type="fig"}. The calculated potential drop across each system is the applied field times the length of the simulation box in the z-dimension, validating this simple approach (Figure [4C](#F4){ref-type="fig"}). In the bilayers, an applied field of 0.33 V/nm corresponds to a transmembrane potential of ca. 2.6 V. In octane, a field of 0.33 V/nm corresponds to a \"transmembrane\" potential of ca. 2 V. This potential difference remains the same in the presence of pores. I make the assumption that the potential distribution in the system in this case is still realistic, although I have only shown this explicitly for the case without pores (figure [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}). All systems use periodic boundary conditions in three dimensions, so that effectively a multilamellar stack of bilayers (or octane slabs) with infinite dimensions in the x, y plane is simulated. Supplementary Material ====================== ###### Additional File 1 Animation of a large lipid bilayer of 2304 lipids, between t = 0 and t = 3680 ps. The simulation cell is shown in red (headgroups) and blue (chains); yellow and green lipids are periodic images shown for clarity only. Water is not shown. ###### Click here for file ###### Additional File 2 Pore formation in octane, with an applied field of 0.8 V/nm. The left side of the octane is positive with respect to the right side. Octane is shown as bonds, water in space-filled representation. The final state is one in which the electric field gradient in the z-direction is minimized. The potential is positive on the left side relative to the right side. ###### Click here for file ###### Additional File 3 Animation of pore formation in a DOPC bilayer with an applied field of 0.4 V/nm, corresponding to a transmembrane potential of ca. 3.2 V. The lipid chains have been omitted for clarity. Water in the interface and inside the membrane is shown as spacefilling, outside those zones in less detail in blue. The headgroups are shown as yellow sticks. The potential is positive at the top relative to the bottom. ###### Click here for file ###### Additional File 4 Animation of pore formation in a DOPC bilayer with an applied field of 0.5 V/nm, corresponding to a transmembrane potential of ca. 4 V. The representation is the same as in movie 3; the additional sodium is shown as spacefilling cyan spheres, chloride as green spheres. The potential is positive at the top relative to the bottom. ###### Click here for file Acknowledgements ================ DPT is a Scholar of the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research. This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. I thank the reviewers for their comments, as well as my group members and other colleagues for comments during the Biophysical Society annual meeting in 2004.
Background {#Sec1} ========== Schizophrenia is a common and often devastating psychiatric disorder that affects around 0.3--0.7% of people at some point in their life \[[@CR1]\]. A recent World Health Organization (WHO) report estimates about 21 millions of people affected by the disease worldwide \[[@CR2]\]. Schizophrenia has a major impact on the patient, namely on their ability to carry on day-to-day activities, on the informal caregiver and the wider society \[[@CR3]\]. Families constitute a main support for the patient, often providing economic maintenance, health assistance, and supervision of daily tasks \[[@CR4]\]. Family caregivers of adults with schizophrenia spend an average of 6--9 h per day providing care and attention \[[@CR5]\]. Even if caregiving can be a positive experience \[[@CR6]\], it is most often associated with negative consequences, including physical and mental overload, which may be related to psychological morbidity (e.g. anxiety, depression) \[[@CR7]\]. Negative consequences were described as "caregiver burden" more than half a century ago \[[@CR8]\]. Given their impact on both caregivers and patients, the interest in understanding and managing caregiver burden has grown exponentially, not only in schizophrenia \[[@CR9]\] but also in all other chronic health conditions \[[@CR10]\]. Caregiver burden includes objective and subjective components \[[@CR11]\]. Objective burden mostly concerns the tangible tasks caregivers usually perform to help the patient. Subjective burden mainly regards personal appraisals of objective burden, including emotional reactions to the caregiving experience \[[@CR12]\]. The Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and the Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire (IEQ) are amongst the most reputable instruments to assess caregiving consequences, although their characteristics differ. The ZBI was originally developed to assess the level of subjective burden in caregivers of people with dementia \[[@CR13]\]. It has been extensively validated in caregivers of frail old people with neuropsychiatric disorders \[[@CR14]\], having become a gold-standard in this field. Being arguably the most widely used measure of caregiver burden \[[@CR15]\], it has also been used in schizophrenia research to describe the experiences of caregivers \[[@CR16], [@CR17]\] and to assess the efficacy of family psychosocial interventions \[[@CR18]--[@CR21]\]. However, most research with the ZBI in schizophrenia has been conducted in the Hispanic or non-Western world \[[@CR17]--[@CR26]\] and the validity and reliability of the ZBI in schizophrenia remains to be established \[[@CR15], [@CR27]\]. This led to the recent issue of the Schizophrenia Caregiver Questionnaire (SCQ), adapting the ZBI to this specific clinical context \[[@CR15]\] and in different cultures \[[@CR28], [@CR29]\]. Overall, given its widespread - albeit sometimes unspecific - use across health conditions, the original ZBI has been considered a generic measure of burden \[[@CR29]--[@CR31]\]. The IEQ is amongst the leading scales to assess caregiving consequences in severe mental illness \[[@CR32]\]. It was cross-culturally validated in Europe in the EPSILON study \[[@CR33], [@CR34]\], used in longitudinal observational research \[[@CR35]\] and in very different cultures \[[@CR35]--[@CR40]\]. While also validated in affective \[[@CR41]\] or eating disorders \[[@CR42]\], it is mainly considered one of the standards for the evaluation of caregiving consequences in schizophrenia, together with the Family Problems Questionnaire \[[@CR43]\] or the Experience of Caregiving Inventory \[[@CR6]\]. Despite some contributions \[[@CR44]--[@CR46]\], sensitivity to change has been less explored. To our knowledge, concurrent use of the original ZBI (as a generic burden measure) and IEQ (as a specific assessment of caregiving consequences and burden in severe mental illness, including schizophrenia) has never been reported in caregivers of psychotic patients. In this study we aimed to evaluate and compare psychometric properties of the ZBI and the IEQ (reliability, validity, and sensitivity to change) in a large sample of caregivers of psychotic patients from two Southern European countries. By doing so, we were interested in further testing the usefulness of the ZBI as a generic burden measure, applicable to a range of clinical situations. Methods {#Sec2} ======= Research design and study population {#Sec3} ------------------------------------ This is a secondary analysis of data from the multicentre EDUCA-III study, a 16-week randomised controlled trial that assessed the efficacy of a group psychoeducational intervention on caregiver burden in schizophrenia (trial registration: ISRCTN32545295) \[[@CR47]\]. The intervention consisted of a cognitive-behavioural program designed to improve primary caregivers' education and skills regarding psychosis, aiming to promote stress management overall. The program was administered over 12 weekly group sessions, lasting 90--120 min each, as detailed elsewhere \[[@CR47]\]. Throughout these sessions, caregivers received information about schizophrenia (clinical issues, treatment) and were trained in e.g., caregiving and communication skills, how to address challenging behaviours, the ability to look for and enjoy pleasant events, to seek social support, to use relaxation techniques. The program required active participation (e.g. role playing) and focused on problem-solving, helping caregivers to challenge negative beliefs through positive reframing, and to develop more adaptive caregiving styles. The intervention materials are freely available in Spanish (<http://www.fundacion-iip.org/IIP/lineas-investigacion/sobrecarga-cuidador-educa-III.html>). Primary caregivers were eligible if they were (a) 18 years or older, (b) currently caring for a relative with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, (c) not paid and spending a minimum of 4 h/week caring for the patient. The patients (care receivers) should have been diagnosed at least 2 years before trial recruitment and receiving appropriate outpatient clinical care. Caregivers without time to attend the intervention, or currently receiving or having recently received any standardised psychoeducational intervention were excluded. A total of 223 caregivers were randomised to intervention or control condition, and assessed at baseline and at endpoint (\~4 months since baseline). Regarding the present study, these 223 caregivers were all included in the analysable sample. Rating scales {#Sec4} ------------- In order to meet the aims of this secondary analysis, we used the two main outcome measures of the EDUCA-III trial, i.e. those assessing caregiver consequences (ZBI and IEQ). To document their discriminative validity, two other EDUCA-III measures were also used as reference criteria to assess psychological distress (the General Health Questionnaire, 28 item version; GHQ-28) and depressive symptoms (the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; CES-D). ### Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) {#Sec5} The ZBI includes 22 items recorded in a 0--4 Likert scale (total score range 0 to 88). They refer to problems arising in several domains: health and well-being, personal and social life and finances. As the ZBI assesses the feelings/thoughts of informal caregivers on the impact of the disease on their lives, it is considered to focus on the subjective component of burden of care. Higher scores on the ZBI mean higher burden \[[@CR13]\]. Besides its total score, which is used most often, personal strain (12 items) and role strain (6 items) domains have been proposed in dementia \[[@CR48]\]. We used translations of the ZBI validated in Spain \[[@CR49]\] and Portugal \[[@CR50]\] in caregivers of people with dementia. In the present study, and although it is not a standard instruction, respondents were asked to focus on the previous 4 weeks to answer the items. ### Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire (IEQ) {#Sec6} The IEQ includes a 31-item core module questionnaire recorded in a 0--4 Likert scale, assessing the frequency of a broad array of consequences of caregiving (e.g. feelings, cognitions, behaviours) within the previous 4 weeks. Besides its total score, the IEQ includes four subscales: worrying (6 items), urging (8 items), tension (9 items) and supervision (6 items). *Tension* refers to the strained interpersonal atmosphere between patient and relatives, *supervision* to the caregiving tasks of ensuring and guarding related to e.g. patient's intake of medication or dangerous behaviours, *worrying* to painful cognitions and concerns about patient's safety or future, and *urging* to issues related to activating and motivating the patient. Higher scores mean higher levels of caregiver consequences \[[@CR34]\]. The IEQ was translated and validated in Spanish \[[@CR34]\] and Portuguese \[[@CR39]\]. ### General Health Questionnaire 28 items (GHQ-28) {#Sec7} The GHQ-28 includes 28 items. In the present study, items were scored according to the classical 0011 method, with a total score range of 0--28. Higher scores on the GHQ-28 mean higher levels of psychological distress \[[@CR51]\]. There are validated versions for Spanish \[[@CR52]\] and Portuguese \[[@CR53]\] populations. The GHQ-28 can also be used in epidemiological studies as a screening for minor psychiatric morbidity caseness (clinically significant anxiety and/or depression). The 4/5 and 5/6 cut-off values are often used \[[@CR51]\] and 4/5 is the modal value according to the GHQ Manual, but higher values have been reported \[[@CR54], [@CR55]\]. However, evidence of cut-off validity varies across populations. In Spain, 5/6 and 6/7 were proposed \[[@CR52]\], while no cut-off validation studies have been conducted in Portugal. ### Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) {#Sec8} The CES-D is a 20-item questionnaire that assesses depressive feelings and related behaviours during the past week. Items are rated on a 0--3 Likert scale, giving a total range from 0 to 60. Higher scores on the CES-D mean higher levels of depressive symptoms \[[@CR56]\]. There are Spanish \[[@CR57]\] and Portuguese Versions of CES-D \[[@CR58]\]. Adopting a 15/16 cut-off, the CES-D has also been used as a screening tool for depression, with good sensitivity and specificity, and high internal consistency across age ranges \[[@CR59]\]. This approach seems less contentious than the use of specific GHQ cut-offs. Statistical analysis {#Sec9} -------------------- Means and SDs describe continuous variables. Frequencies and percentages describe categorical variables. ### Reliability {#Sec10} Internal consistency of the burden scales was evaluated for the whole sample of caregivers at baseline by Cronbach's coefficient α. A value ≥ 0.80 was considered the minimum level to attain \[[@CR60]\]. ### Convergent validity {#Sec11} Convergent validity between the ZBI (total and domain scores) and the IEQ (total and subscale scores) was calculated for the whole sample of caregivers at baseline with the Pearson correlation coefficient, after checking linear association. ### Discriminative validity: receiver operator characteristic (ROC) and area under the curve (AUC) analyses {#Sec12} We used ROC and AUC analyses \[[@CR61]\] in the whole sample of caregivers at baseline to assess the ability of both burden scales to discriminate among levels of psychological distress, as reported by the GHQ-28 according to a range of possible cut-off values \[[@CR62]\], and CES-D (reference cut-off values 15/16) \[[@CR56]\]. The ROC curve plots the sensibility and specificity of the burden scales for every possible cut-off point against the reference criterion (in our case the GHQ-28 and CES-D scales) and gives the AUC as a summary performance index. The AUC is interpreted as the probability to correctly discriminate among subjects categorized by the cut-off values of the reference scales (GHQ-28 and CES-D). A value of 0.5 for the AUC implies that discrimination is not improved beyond chance (flipping a coin) whereas a value of 1 implies a perfect discrimination. We used the following AUC values to interpret the discriminative validity: \[0.50, 0.60), bad test; \[0.60, 0.75), ordinary or regular test; \[0.75, 0.90), good test; \[0.90, 0.97), very good test; \[0.97, 1.00\], excellent test. AUC values for both burden scales were compared with DeLong's test \[[@CR63]\]. ### Sensitivity to change or responsiveness {#Sec13} It was assessed by the ZBI and IEQ score changes for the intervention group between baseline and endpoint scores (\~ 4 months). We used the within-group standardised effect size \[[@CR64]\] that takes into account the non-independent difference between the baseline and endpoint scores. All analyses were performed with Stata v14 (StataCorp, College Station, TX, 2015) and/or R 3.2.3 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria, 2015) with the library *pROC* \[[@CR65]\]. Results {#Sec14} ======= Sample description {#Sec15} ------------------ The EDUCA-III trial recruited 223 caregivers (109 randomised to intervention and 114 to control) from 23 research sites under the aegis of Sisters Hospitallers, in Spain and Portugal. Caregivers were predominantly women (76%), married (62%), with a mean age of 60 years (SD = 11). They presented a mean caregiving exposure of 15 years (SD = 10), and a mean caregiving load of 5 h per week (SD = 1). The corresponding patients (care receivers) presented a diagnosis of schizophrenia (86%), or schizoaffective disorder (14%). A detailed sample description can be found elsewhere \[[@CR47]\]. Reliability {#Sec16} ----------- The internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) for the ZBI (*n* = 223) was 0.91 (95% confidence interval \[CI\]: 0.89, 0.94), whereas for the IEQ (*n* = 223) it was 0.86 (95% CI: 0.83, 0.89). Both values were above the minimum level established (0.80). Cronbach's alphas for ZBI subscales were 0.84 (95% CI: 0.81, 0.87) for personal strain and 0.86 (95% CI:0.83, 0.89) for role strain. Reliability for the IEQ subscales was 0.71 (95% CI:0.66, 0.77) for tension, 0.77 (95% CI:0.73, 0.82) for supervision, 0.77 (95% CI:0.73, 0.82) for worrying and 0.72 (95% CI:0.67, 0.76) for urging. Convergent validity {#Sec17} ------------------- Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"} shows the Pearson's correlation coefficients between ZBI total score and IEQ total and subscale scores. All correlations are linear (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}) and present at least a moderate level (*r* ≥ 0.40; all *p*-values \< 0.0001). The higher correlation (*r* = 0.69) was found between the ZBI and the tension subscale of the IEQ. Regarding correlations between the ZBI domains (personal and role strain), and IEQ total and subscale scores, the higher coefficient was found between ZBI personal strain and IEQ tension (*r* = 0.66; *p* \< 0.0001).Table 1Pearson's correlations between ZBI and IEQ scalesZBI (*n* = 223)\ *r* (95% CI)ZBI Personal Strain\ *r* (95% CI)ZBI Role Strain\ *r* (95% CI)IEQ0.63 (0.54, 0.70)0.51 (0.41, 0.60)0.55 (0.46, 0.64)IEQ-tension0.69 (0.61, 0.75)0.66 (0.57, 0.72)0.57 (0.48, 0.65)IEQ-supervision0.40 (0.28, 0.51)0.34 (0.21, 0.45)0.32 (0.20, 0.43)IEQ-worrying0.55 (0.45, 0.63)0.44 (0.32, 0.54)0.54 (0.44, 0.62)IEQ-urging0.43 (0.32, 0.53)0.29 (0.16, 0.40)0.38 (0.27, 0.49)*ZBI* Zarit Burden Interview, *r* Pearson's correlation coefficient, *CI* confidence interval, *IEQ* Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire Fig. 1Correlations between ZBI and IEQ scales Discriminative validity {#Sec18} ----------------------- Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type="table"} shows the ROC and AUC analyses of both ZBI and IEQ as compared to (i) a range of the GHQ-28 cut-off points (*n* = 222), and (ii) the CES-D at 15/16 cut-off point (*n* = 197). Figure [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"} shows the ROC and AUC analyses of both ZBI and IEQ as compared against the GHQ-28 at the most usual 4/5 cut-off point (130 \[59%\] subjects presented a GHQ-28 score ≤ 4; 92 \[41%\] subjects presented a GHQ-28 score ≥ 5). The AUC for the ZBI was 0.77 (95% CI: 0.71, 0.83), whereas for the IEQ was 0.72 (95% CI: 0.65, 0.78). These AUCs did not differ significantly (*p*-value = 0.25).Table 2Receiver Operating Curve (ROC) analysis of the ZBI and IEQ against the GHQ-28 and CES-DGHQ-28 cut-off pointsAUC -- ZBIAUC -- IEQ*p*-value ^1^3/40.7730.7250.2984/50.7710.7180.2535/60.7450.6990.3456/70.7440.7110.491CES-D cut-off point15/160.6960.6960.991^1^ *p*-value for the comparison of AUC's Fig. 2ROC and AUC analyses of ZBI and IEQ compared against the GHQ-28 at 4/5 cut-off point ROC and AUC analyses (*n* = 197) of both ZBI and IEQ as compared against the CES-D at 15/16 cut-off point show that 115 (58%) subjects presented a CES-D score ≤ 15 and 82 (42%) subjects presented a CES-D score ≥ 16. The AUC for the ZBI was 0.69 (95% CI: 0.63, 0.78), whereas for the IEQ was 0.69 (95% CI: 0.62, 0.77). These AUCs did not differ significantly (*p*-value = 0.99). Overall, both scales presented similar performance with values corresponding to a regular to good test when discriminating between levels of psychological distress (GHQ-28), or depressive symptoms (CES-D). Sensitivity to change {#Sec19} --------------------- Table [3](#Tab3){ref-type="table"} presents the results of the sensitivity to change (\~ 4 months) in subjects randomly allocated to the intervention (*n* = 109). Both scales' scores showed a significant decrease at endpoint (*p*-values \< 0.001) presenting a similar and moderate standardized effect size for change (-0.36 for the ZBI, -0.39 for the IEQ).Table 3Sensitivity to clinical change at 4 months since baselineZBI (*n* = 85)IEQ (*n* =86)Baseline mean score (SD)32.3 (16.0)31.1 (16.2)Endpoint mean score (SD)27.7 (13.4)26.6 (14.2)Mean change endpoint -- baseline scores (95% CI)4.6 (1.9, 7.3)\*4.5 (2.0, 7.0)\*Within-group effect size (95% CI)−0.36 (−0.58, −0.15)−0.39 (−0.60, −0.18)*ZBI* Zarit Burden Interview, *IEQ* Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire, *SD* standard deviation, *CI* confidence interval\* *P*-value \< 0.001 Discussion {#Sec20} ========== Main findings {#Sec21} ------------- The main aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the psychometric properties of the ZBI and the IEQ in a large sample of caregivers of psychotic patients from Spain and Portugal. The EDUCA III intervention study was a golden opportunity to conjointly assess aspects of the performance of both measures, including sensitivity to change. We found good internal consistency for both scales. Correlations between ZBI and IEQ total scores were moderate, demonstrating adequate convergent validity. As expected, only to a certain degree did their results converge, especially regarding information from IEQ domains. We found higher values on correlations between ZBI and IEQ *tension*, and ZBI and IEQ *worrying*, both being 'interpersonal' IEQ domains and the most related to subjective burden. Noteworthy, correlations between ZBI and IEQ total scores, and between ZBI total score and IEQ *tension* were similar. According to Schene et al. \[[@CR32]\], perhaps the integrated evaluation of caregivers tasks and problems is best represented by the tension domain. This is corroborated by the fact that the IEQ item on global burden (which reads similar to the ZBI one) contributes both to the IEQ total score and to the tension subscale \[[@CR32]\]. The AUC analysis showed an appropriate ability of the ZBI and the IEQ to discriminate between levels of psychological distress. Finally, both scales proved to be valid and reliable tools overall to longitudinally evaluate the impact of psychosis in this sample of caregivers. Sensitivity to change is one of the psychometric properties more difficult to document. In schizophrenia caregiving, even a robust measure such as the IEQ is no exception to this, albeit having been conceived to ensure adequate sensitivity to change \[[@CR32]\]. The ZBI, could be expected to perform less well in psychoses at this regard: some ZBI items relate to issues as guilt or stigma, which are less prone to change over time \[[@CR32]\], even by means of an effective family intervention. The choice of any caregiver outcome requires thoughtful consideration of the likely effects of the intervention \[[@CR14]\], and this was our concern during the design of the EDUCA III trial. We could not exclude, at the beginning, that the ZBI would be more sensitive to some aspects of the intervention package (e.g. therapist and peer-related emotional support), whereas the IEQ could be more sensitive to others (e.g. behavioural changes). It may also be that the specification of a 4-week time frame for the ZBI, overcoming the lack of a specific recall period, contributed to a better performance of this measure regarding sensitivity to change. Comparison with other studies using the ZBI in schizophrenia {#Sec22} ------------------------------------------------------------ While the ZBI has been used in schizophrenia caregiver related research in e.g. South American, Hispanic north-American, African, Eastern populations \[[@CR17]--[@CR26], [@CR47], [@CR66]\], only one study seemed to report internal consistency in the corresponding sample (Cronbach's alpha = 0.89) \[[@CR25]\]. Others reported some contributions to construct or factorial validity \[[@CR23], [@CR24]\], or evidence suggesting sensitivity to change \[[@CR18]--[@CR21], [@CR26]\]. Overall, these studies tended to support the ZBI as a measure of subjective burden in schizophrenia, able to discriminate between levels of strain and to assess the efficacy of interventions designed to reduce caregiver burden, even lacking schizophrenia-specificity. Our results add to this line of research by further detailing some psychometric properties of the ZBI in the field of psychoses, in an unprecedented way. The ZBI as a generic measure of subjective burden in a range of clinical context? {#Sec23} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were different reasons for our interest in testing the ZBI, which was never fully validated as a specific measure in psychosis caregiving, concurrently with the IEQ, a well-validated specific tool in the area. We had experience with the ZBI in dementia, in observational \[[@CR50]\] and intervention \[[@CR47], [@CR67]\] studies, and with the IEQ in psychosis, in observational \[[@CR68]\] and intervention research \[[@CR45]\]. Realizing that the ZBI would not be enough as primary outcome measure in a trial of persons with psychosis, we decided to use it conjointly with the IEQ. We hypothesized that ZBI and IEQ grasped different facets of caregiving in schizophrenia and related disorders. Strictly speaking, these measures are not 'psychological tests'; they cover constructs that are diffuse, and boundaries with each other and with other constructs may be less clear \[[@CR34]\]. On the whole, the ZBI could be seen as a general approach to a wide array of caregiving situations, and most related to subjective burden issues. The IEQ stands as a more specific approach to caregiving consequences in schizophrenia and other severe mental illnesses, also encompassing objective burden components. Besides its tentative previous use in schizophrenia, the ZBI is being used extensively in very different clinical contexts, including studies where different populations of caregivers are compared (e.g. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, acquired brain injury, palliative care) \[[@CR69], [@CR70]\]. Therefore, further documenting ZBI's psychometric properties in schizophrenia could help to bridge existing gaps in the design of comparison studies including schizophrenia caregivers. Despite that a specific measure will always be needed to fully evaluate caregiving consequences in a given field, the ZBI may perform well as a measure to be used across some conditions, provided its psychometric properties are documented. In sum, our findings allow for an elaboration on the ZBI as a generic burden measure, partly applicable to a range of clinical situations including schizophrenia and related disorders. Strengths and limitations of the study {#Sec24} -------------------------------------- This study was a secondary analysis of the psychometric properties of two important caregiver measures (ZBI and IEQ) concurrently used in a large multicentre trial in two south-European countries. The ZBI had never been tested comprehensively in caregivers of people with psychosis neither in Spain nor Portugal. Moreover, this exploration had never been systematically conducted, as far as we are aware of, in the Anglo-Saxon world or elsewhere. We did not replicate test-retest reliability studies for any of the two scales, as this would not be feasible in the context of the EDUCA III trial. Research implications {#Sec25} --------------------- At time of writing of our study, an adaptation of the original ZBI to specifically evaluate caregiver burden in psychoses was published \[[@CR15]\]. This revised version (the SCQ) modifies some expressions, introduces a recall period, and incorporates new items about aspects related with caregiver burden. It presents face and content validity \[[@CR15]\], and is now beginning to be tested in multicentre studies with promising results \[[@CR28]\]. We acknowledge this step forward regarding the evaluation of specific caregiving consequences in schizophrenia. However, even at the light of these developments, our results remain an important contribution to this field of research. The psychometric properties of the original ZBI were overall satisfactory in our EDUCA-III trial, as compared to a schizophrenia-specific and robust measure, i.e. the IEQ. This strongly supports the original ZBI as a valid option to complement more specific instruments, whenever the research aims call for including a measure with established validity in multiple clinical contexts, facilitating comparison studies across health conditions. Conclusions {#Sec26} =========== The ZBI and the IEQ are robust caregiver assessments, originally validated in different clinical fields (the former in dementia and frail old age populations, the latter in schizophrenia and severe mental illness in general). Both scales performed well regarding their psychometric properties (e.g. sensitivity to change) in this large sample of psychotic patients' caregivers. As the ZBI has been increasingly used across health conditions, our study provides further evidence-base to the ZBI as a generic subjective burden measure. This may be helpful in comparison studies including caregivers of persons with psychosis AUC : Area under the curve CES-D : Center for epidemiologic studies depression scale CI : Confidence interval GHQ-28 : General Health Questionnaire 28 items IEQ : Involvement evaluation questionnaire r : Pearson's correlation coefficient SCQ : Schizophrenia caregiver questionnaire SD : Standard deviation WHO : World Health Organization ZBI : Zarit burden interview BS was supported by the Post Doctoral Research Contract from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). JB thanks the support of the Research Grant GIU 14/27 from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Funding {#FPar1} ======= The study was entirely funded by a public research grant (FIS PI10/01049, Spain). Availability of data and materials {#FPar2} ================================== Data are unsuitable for public deposition due to ethical and legal restrictions and are therefore available upon request with the signature of a data privacy form. To request the data, the readers may contact Prof. Eduardo González-Fraile (email: iip\@fundacion-iip.org) Authors' contributions {#FPar3} ====================== MMC and MGP designed the study. ADP, PFC and PMH collected the data. JB and BSZ performed the statistical analysis. MGP, EGF, JB, and BSZ wrote the manuscript. MMC, ADP, PFC, and PMH, contributed to the discussion and reviewed and edited the manuscript. EGF is the guarantor of this work and as such, had full access to all of the data. EGF assumes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Competing interests {#FPar4} =================== The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Consent for publication {#FPar5} ======================= Not applicable. Ethics approval and consent to participate {#FPar6} ========================================== The trial protocol was approved by appropriate Institutional Review Boards of Spain and Portugal (Ethical and Scientific Research Committees of Navarra, Spain; and Sisters Hospitallers, Portugal). All participants (caregivers and patients) signed an informed consent form prior to randomization and trial inclusion. Publisher's Note {#FPar7} ================ Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Background {#Sec1} ========== *Shigella* is one of the most important etiological agents of diarrhea, in particular, dysentery commonly known as bacillary dysentery. It is a more severe form than gastroenteritis and is responsible for childhood morbidity and mortality, especially in developing countries \[[@CR1]--[@CR4]\]. Ingestion of even 100 microorganisms leads after 4--7 days to an acute diarrhea. Because of delay in humoral responses, complication and mortality rate due to shigellosis in children is higher than in other age groups \[[@CR5]\]. A literature review concluded that of the estimated 165 million cases of *Shigella* diarrhea that occur annually in the world, 99 % occur in the developing world and the remaining 1 % occurs in industrialized countries. In developing countries, 69 % of these episodes occur in children under 5 years of age. Moreover, of the 1.1 million deaths attributed to *Shigella* infections in developing countries, 60 % occur in the under 5 age group in children \[[@CR6]\]. The genus *Shigella* comprise of four different species which are referred to by a letter designation based on their serological antigen: serotype A-*Shigella dysenteriae*, Serotype B-*Shigella flexneri*, Serotype C-*Shigella boydii* and Serotype D-*Shigella sonnei*. The first three are common in developing countries while *S. sonnei* is common in developed countries and Iran \[[@CR7]\]. Shifts in the prevalent serogroups have been observed in many parts of the world and so is true for Nepal. Studies conducted during1999--2002 shows high incidence of *S. dysentriae* infection in Nepal \[[@CR8]\]. Studies conducted after 2002 showed prevalence of *S. flexneri* strains among *Shigella* isolates from all parts of Nepal \[[@CR9]--[@CR12]\]. According to WHO report, antimicrobial resistance pattern for *Shigella* varies in different parts of the world and with the time. Over the past decades, *Shigella* species have become progressively resistant to most widely used antimicrobials \[[@CR13], [@CR14]\]. Since the late 1990s, the fluoroquinolones, including ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, and ofloxacin, have been the drug of choice for multidrug-resistant *Shigella* infections. However, strains resistant to the first-line drugs commonly used in the treatment of shigellosis like ampicillin, cotrimoxazole, and nalidixic and even ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin has also been reported from various studies in Nepal and worldwide \[[@CR9]--[@CR12], [@CR15]\]. Ceftriaxone has been used as a reserved antibiotic for treatment of multidrug-resistant (MDR) *Shigella* infection \[[@CR16]\]. However, some studies have also reported emerging ceftriaxone resistance in *Shigella*. This increasing level of antimicrobial resistance in *Shigella* have limited the therapeutic options and complicated the treatment of shigellosis. The purpose of the present study is to determine the trend of change in *Shigella* species and their antimicrobial resistance patterns over a decade for the better management of shigellosis. Methods {#Sec2} ======= Surveillance sites {#Sec3} ------------------ Nepal is divided into five development regions. The study was carried out in 12 participating laboratories that are under Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance network. The study was conducted in three development regions: central, eastern, and western development regions and covered six districts. In the central development region, there were five surveillance sites in Kathmandu district (National Public Health Laboratory (NPHL), Bir Hospital, Sukraraj Tropical Hospital, Kanti Children Hospital, Teaching Hospital) and two in Lalitpur district (Patan Hospital and KIST hospital). In the western development region, Western Regional Hospital and Manipal Teaching Hospital fall in Kaski district whereas Lumbini Zonal Hospital falls in Rupandehi district and United Mission Hospital falls in Palpa district. Only one site BPKIHS falls in Morang district of the eastern development region (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}).Fig. 1Map of Nepal showing location of participating laboratories in various development regions Selection of surveillance sites {#Sec4} ------------------------------- Surveillance sites were selected preferring large private/government hospital laboratories from various development regions where the diagnostic facilities were adequate and the probability of patient inflow during outbreaks was higher. Sample population and data collection {#Sec5} ------------------------------------- Diarrheal samples were collected from individual patients referring to the private or governmental laboratories. A questionnaire for each subject was filled at respective laboratories mentioning basic details of the patient, age (months), sex, location of residence, and travel. A history from all patients was also recorded, including duration of illness prior to admission to hospital (days), fever (defined as a prolonged temperature \>37.5 °C), abdominal discomfort, vomiting, watery diarrhea (defined as three or more loose bowel movements during a 24-h period), bloody or mucoid diarrhea (defined as \>3 loose stools with obvious blood or mucus), estimated number of episodes of diarrhea before attending hospital, and if there was any known pretreatment with antimicrobials. Sources of *Shigellae* {#Sec6} ---------------------- Isolates recovered from all 12 sites of Antimicrobial Resistance surveillance network in Nepal during 2003--2015 were reported to NPHL and were included in the study. Laboratory methods {#Sec7} ------------------ Stool specimens received at respective laboratories were cultured for enteric pathogens, including *Shigella* spp. by standard methods \[[@CR17]\]. Sample was streaked onto MacConkey agar and a selective medium (either deoxycholate citrate agar or xylose lysine deoxycholate agar or *Salmonella*-*Shigella* agar) (all media by HiMedia, India) by the quadrant isolation technique \[[@CR18]\]. The plates were incubated at 37 °C for 24 h. Isolates were identified by Gram's staining, colony characteristics, and biochemical tests. After identification of isolates, they were subcultured onto nutrient agar slants in screw capped tube, incubated overnight and then transported to NPHL in a cold box. All reported isolates of *Shigella* were re-confirmed by serotyping using commercially available antisera from Denka Seiken, Japan, and were preserved in tryptic soy broth with 20 % glycerol at −75 °C for further use. Antibiotic susceptibility test was performed for all the identified *Shigella* isolates by Standard Kirby Bauer's disc diffusion technique. The antibiotics used for analysis were ampicillin (Amp-10 mcg), cotrimoxazole (Sxt-25 mcg), nalidixic acid (NA-30 mcg), ciprofloxacin (Cip-5 mcg), mecillinam (Mec), and ceftriaxone (CRO-5 mcg). Statistical methods {#Sec8} ------------------- Data obtained were analyzed using SPSS software for windows version 18. Data on variables like shigella serotypes, age group, and sex were calculated as percentages and compared using chi-square test. *P* \< 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Duplicate samples were counted as one during data entry. Results {#Sec9} ======= A total of 332 *Shigella* isolates were reported in a period of 2003--2015 from 12 participating laboratories of Antimicrobial Resistance surveillance network in Nepal. The highest number was reported in 2005. Peak isolation was seen in post monsoon season, i.e., September (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}).Fig. 2Region wise reported cases of total *Shigella* isolates (*n* = 232) *Shigella dysenteriae* was the prevalent species in Nepal in the years 2003--2004 but since 2005, *S. flexneri* replaced it and became the most prevalent species. A marked increase in the number of *S. sonnei* (*N* = 6) was noticed in the year 2005 which is highest reported till date. In contrast, no isolate of *S. boydii* was reported since 2009 till 2014 where one isolate was reported. Since 2008, few cases of unidentified *Shigella* isolates were also reported (Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}).Table 1Annual distribution of different serotypes of *Shigella* (2003--2015)Year*S. dysentriae N* (%)*S. flexneri N* (%)*S. sonnei N* (%)*S. boydii N* (%)Unidentified *Shigella* spp.Total200313 (52 %)7 (28 %)2 (8 %)3 (12 %)--25200428 (63.7 %)12 (27.3 %)2 (4.5 %)2 (4.5 %)--44200510 (19.6 %)31 (60.8 %)6 (11.8 %)4 (7.8 %)--5120066 (26.1 %)14 (60.9 %)2 (8.7 %)1 (4.3 %)--23200710 (27 %)22 (59.5 %)3 (8.1 %)2 (5.4 %)--3720082 (11.8 %)8 (47.2 %)1 (5.8 %)1 (5.8 %)5 (29.4 %)1720098 (40 %)5 (25 %)1 (5 %)1 (5 %)5 (25 %)2020105 (50 %)4 (40 %)----1 (10 %)1020112 (18.2 %)5 (45.4 %)2 (18.2 %)--2 (18.2 %)1120122 (18.2 %)6 (54.5 %)3 (27.3 %)----1120135 (16.1 %)21 (67.7 %)3 (9.7 %)--2 (6.5 %)3120141 (4 %)12 (48 %)5 (20 %)1 (4 %)6 (24 %)2520153 (11.1 %)19 (70.4 %)4 (14.8 %)--1 (3.7 %)27Total95 (28.6 %)166 (50 %)34 (10.2 %)15 (4.5 %)22 (6.6 %)332 Region wise distribution of reported isolates showed that 18 isolates of *Shigella* were reported from one laboratory in the eastern development region, 188 isolates were reported from seven participating laboratories in the central development region, and 126 were reported from four participating laboratories in the western development region (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}).Fig. 3Seasonal distribution of total reported cases (*n* = 232) Of the total, 24.5 % of cases were demonstrated in children below 10 years followed by 21--30 years age group (22.9 %) and 11--20 years age group (18.5 %). Significant difference was not noted (*p* = 0.059) in age wise distribution of cases over the years. *Shigella* infection was reported higher among male in age groups below 30 years and 71--80 years but higher cases were reported in females of age groups 31--70 years and 80+ years (Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}).Fig. 4Percentage of laboratory-confirmed *Shigella* infection reported to NPHL, by age group and sex (*n* = 196 with age and sex information reported) The antimicrobial susceptibility profile of *Shigella* isolates in the years 2003--2015 is shown in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type="table"}. Different serotypes of *Shigella* exhibited various resistance patterns. *S. dysentriae* showed varying resistance to ampicillin (80--100 %), co-trimoxazole (20--100 %), and nalidixic acid (20--100 %). Likewise, *S. flexneri* also exhibited varying resistance to ampicillin (80--100 %), co-trimoxazole (58--100 %), and nalidixic acid (0--100 %). Until 2003, only *S. dysentriae* strains exhibited resistance to ciprofloxacin; however, 50 % of the *S. flexneri* isolates were resistant to ciprofloxacin by 2004. By 2012, *S. dysentriae* strains were found susceptible to ciprofloxacin in contrast to *S. flexneri*, which exhibited highest resistance. Among *S. sonnei* and *S. boydii* serotypes, resistance to ampicillin, cotrimoxazole, and nalidixic acid kept varying. Only three *S. sonnei* isolates were found resistant to ciprofloxacin while no ciprofloxacin-resistant *S. boydii* was reported. All the serotypes of *Shigella* were 100 % resistant to mecillinam since 2007; so by 2010, mecillinam was no longer included in antimicrobial testing of *Shigella.* Among the serotypes, resistance to ceftriaxone was first reported in *S. flexneri* (10--33 %) followed by non-typable *Shigella* spp. with around 40 % resistance; 22.2% of the total isolates tested were resistant to all three antimicrobials. Figure [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"} demonstrates the cumulative antibiogram of various species of *Shigella*.Table 2Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of various species of *Shigella* (2003--2015)*N* (%) resistance toYearSpeciesNumber testedAmpicillinCiprofloxacinNalidixic acidCotrimoxazoleMecillinamCeftriaxone2003*S. dysentriae*1311 (85)8 (62)10 (77)9 (69)5 (38)0*S. flexneri*77 (100)006 (86)2/6 (33)^a^0*S. boydii*32 (66)01 (33)2 (66)2 (66)0*S. sonnei*21 (50)02 (100)2 (100)1 (50)02004*S. dysentriae*2825 (89)13 (46)14 (50)18 (64)20/27 (74)^a^0*S. flexneri*129 (75)6 (50)6 (50)8 (67)4 (33)0*S. boydii*21 (50)001 (50)00*S. sonnei*2002 (100)2 (100)002005*S.dysentriae*108 (80)6/9 (66)^a^7 (70)8 (80)2/8 (25)^a^0*S. flexneri*3118/30 (60)^a^017/28 (59)^a^21 (68)13 (42)0*S. boydii*64 (66)03 (50)04 (66)0*S. sonnei*41 (25)02 (50)2 (50)002006*S. dysentriae*64/5 (80)^a^04/5 (80)^a^2/5 (40)^a^4 (66)0*S. flexneri*148/13 (62)^a^3/12 (25)^a^4/10 (40)^a^7/12 (58)^a^14 (100)0*S. boydii*2000000*S. sonnei*1SRRSSS2007*S. dysentriae*105/6 (83)^a^4 (40)2 (20)2 (20)10 (100)0*S. flexneri*2217/21 (81)^a^12/21 (57)^a^21 (95)19/21 (90)^a^22 (100)2/20 (10)^a^*S. boydii*33 (100)0003 (100)0*S. sonnei*200002 (100)02008*S. dysentriae*202 (100)2 (100)02 (100)0*S. flexneri*88 (100)3/5 (60)^a^8 (100)4/5 (80)^a^8 (100)0*S. sonnei*22 (100)02 (100)02 (100)0*Shigella* spp.53 (60)1/4 (25)^a^2/4 (50)^a^3/4 (75)^a^5 (100)1/3 (33)^a^2009*S. dysentriae*88 (100)2 (25)7 (88)7 (88)8 (100)0*S. flexneri*64/5 (80)^a^6 (100)4/5 (80)^a^6 (100)6 (100)2 (33)*S. sonnei*1RSRSRS*Shigella* spp.53 (60)3 (60)4 (80)4 (80)5 (100)2 (40)2010*S. dysentriae*55 (100)1 (20)5 (100)5 (100)--0*S. flexneri*44 (100)1 (25)4 (100)4 (100)--0*Shigella* spp.1RSRR--S2011*S. dysentriae*22 (100)1 (50)1 (50)2 (100)--0*S. flexneri*53 (60)003/4 (75)^a^--0*S. sonnei*21 (50)02 (100)0--0*Shigella* spp.22 (100)02 (100)2 (100)--02012*S. dysentriae*44 (100)03 (75)3 (75)--0*S. flexneri*77 (100)4/6 (66)^a^3/4 (75)^a^4/6 (67)^a^--2/6 (33)^a^*S. sonnei*3001 (33)3 (100)--02013*S. dysentriae*55 (100)04 (80)3 (60)--0*S. flexneri*1915/16 (93)^a^12/17 (71)^a^16/18 (89)^a^14 (74)--5/18 (27)^a^*S. sonnei*33 (100)2 (66)2 (66)2 (66)--0*Shigella* spp.33 (100)03 (100)3 (100)--02014*S. dysentriae*1SRSS--S*S. flexneri*127/11 (64)^a^8 (66)11 (92)7 (58)--0*S. sonnei*53 (60)5 (100)5 (100)5 (100)--0*S. boydii*1SRRR--S*Shigella* spp.66 (100)1/5 (20)^a^3/4 (75)^a^3 (50)--02015*S. dysentriae*3003 (100)2 (75)--0*S. flexneri*1916/18 (88)^a^9 (47)15 (79)17 (89)--3 (16)*S. sonnei*43 (75)4 (100)4 (100)4 (100)--0*Shigella* spp.1RSRR--S^a^The number in which antibiotics were incorporated, if less than the total number of isolates Fig. 5Year wise distribution of MDR isolates (in number and percentage) The prevalence of multidrug-resistant (resistance to two or more classes of antibiotics) *Shigella* isolates is demonstrated in Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}. The prevalence of MDR increased significantly in 2010 as compared to 2003. On the basis of their pattern of antimicrobial resistance to the six antibiotics used in the study, the reported *Shigellae* were grouped into seven phenotypes (Table [3](#Tab3){ref-type="table"}). Among the *Shigella* serotypes, high prevalence of MDR was observed in *S. dysentriae* isolates occupying 52 % of the total isolates.Table 3Multidrug-resistant phenotypes of *Shigella*MDR phenotypeNumber (%) of isolates exhibiting resistance*S. dysentriaeS. flexneriS. boydiiS. sonneiShigella* spp.Amp/Cip or NA/Mec1 (1.9 %)3 (5.2 %)2 (50 %)----Amp/Mec/Ts5 (9.4 %)3 (5.2 %)------Mec/Cip or NA/Ts2 (3.8 %)3 (5.2 %)--1 (10 %)--Amp/NA or Cip/Ts25 (47.2 %)36 (62.1 %)1 (25 %)9 (90 %)3 (50 %)Amp/NA or Cip/Ts/Mec20 (37.7 %)5 (8.6 %)----3 (50 %)Amp/NA or Cip/Ts/Mec/CRO--1 (1.7 %)1 (25 %)----Amp/NA or Cip/Ts/CRO--7 (11.9 %)------Total number MDR (%)53 (55.8 %)58 (34.9 %)4 (26.6 %)10 (29.4 %)6 (27.3 %) Discussion {#Sec10} ========== Shigellosis still accounts for a significant proportion of mortality and morbidity, especially in developing countries \[[@CR19]\]. The present study, covering 13 years surveillance (2003--2015), demonstrates the changing serotype and trend of antimicrobial resistance of *Shigella* isolates in Nepal. An analysis of serotypes revealed that *S. dysenteriae* was the prevalent species in Nepal in the years 1999--2004 but a change in serotype in *Shigella* species was noticed during 2005. The changing patterns in the distribution of *Shigella* serogroups and serotypes have been reported from time to time \[[@CR20]--[@CR23]\]. In our study, *S. flexneri* remained the most prevalent serotype in Nepal since 2005 which is in accordance with many recent studies in Nepal and other developing countries \[[@CR9], [@CR15], [@CR17], [@CR24]--[@CR27]\] but dissimilar to some other studies \[[@CR28]--[@CR30]\]. It has been hypothesized that these changes may be due to varying behavourial and environmental factors such as reduction of overall malnutrition, use of safe drinking water instead from tubewells or pipes, and improved sanitary facilities for defecation \[[@CR31]\]. In our study, like in other studies, the seasonal tendency of shigellosis was summer-monsoon \[[@CR9], [@CR15]\]. This may be because during this period, there is a climatic variation due to which the sources of drinking water gets rapidly contaminated. Males were more commonly infected as compared to females as in other studies made by Khan et al. and Taneja \[[@CR15], [@CR32]\]. This male preponderance may be due to greater chances of exposure to male population who go out of the house much frequently than females for eating food from restaurants and street vendors. The susceptible age group in our study, like in other studies, was below 10 years \[[@CR12], [@CR15], [@CR25]\]. In our study, very few cases were reported from children below 5 years. This may be because the laboratories in the surveillance network are limited; many cases may be referred to private institutions which are not included in the surveillance network. Besides that, other factors like incomplete information on age (16 % missing) available from participating laboratories, inclusion of only one children's hospital in the surveillance and low *Shigella* isolation rate may have contributed to under reporting of true number of victims. Treatment of shigellosis depends on appropriate antimicrobial therapy. A variety of antibiotics are effective for treatment of shigellosis, although options are becoming limited due to globally emerging drug resistance. The present study also shows high resistance among all *Shigella* species to the first line low cost drugs commonly used in the treatment of shigellosis like Ampicillin, Cotrimoxazole and Nalidixic acid. Considering resistance pattern in different groups, *S. flexneri* and *S. dysentriae*, the two most common serotypes revealed similar pattern in resistance with slightly higher range in *S. flexneri*. However, the difference was not statistically significant. Similar studies conducted by Khan et al. reveals that *S. flexneri* exhibited increased resistance to ampicillin and nalidixic acid as compared to *S. dysentriae* whereas high resistance was observed against ciprofloxacin and cotrimoxazole in *S. flexneri* as compared to *S. dysentriae* \[[@CR15]\]*.* This finding however does not agree with some previous studies done by Wilson et al. and Kansakar et al. \[[@CR9], [@CR12]\] in Nepal which demonstrates high resistance in *S. dysentriae*. Among remaining serotypes, untypable *Shigella* spp. exhibited high resistance to all antimicrobials except ciprofloxacin as compared to *S. sonnei* and *S. boydii. S. boydii* exhibited least resistance to all antimicrobials tested. This finding is also in accordance to studies made by Khan et al. \[[@CR15]\] but contradictory to findings by Kansakar et al. \[[@CR9]\] which reveals *S. sonnei* as the most susceptible serotype. Emerging resistance to ceftriaxone in *S. dysentriae*, *S. flexneri*, and *Shigella* spp. is noted which raises concern for the use of third-generation cephalosporins as last therapy of treatment. This difference in antimicrobial resistance among various serotypes may be attributed to change in time period of the studies. Studies conducted during 2004/2005 showed contradictory result in terms of prevalent serotype and resistance profile among serotypes as compared to that of 2013/2014 which seems obvious. MDR (resistance to three or more than three antibiotics) was found in 46.1 % of total isolates, and the most common MDR profile was ampicillin, nalidixic acid, and cotrimoxazole. This finding is very low as compared to 90.2 % reported by Reema et al. However, the MDR profile is similar \[[@CR33]\]. Limitations {#Sec11} ----------- Data represented from our 12 surveillance sites may not be representative of the sick population at large in the community. Lack of total number of reported cases and inadequate data management systems also limited the results of our study. Conclusions {#Sec12} =========== With increasing resistance to first-line agents along with ciprofloxacin, only ceftriaxone remains the drug of choice; however, increasing MDR along with resistance to third-generation cephalosporins as last resort creates an alarming situation warranting proper usage of antimicrobial agents and its continuous monitoring. Amp : Ampicillin BPKIHS : B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences Cip : Ciprofloxacin CRO : Ceftriaxone KIST : KIST Medical College and Teaching Hospital MDR : Multidrug resistant Mec : Mecillinam NA : Nalidixic acid NPHL : National Public Health Laboratory Ts : Cotrimoxazole WHO : World Health Organization We acknowledge all the laboratory staffs of the participating laboratories for their contribution in laboratory diagnosis of *Shigella* in their respective units. We are thankful for their invaluable support. Funding {#FPar1} ======= Not applicable. Availability of data and materials {#FPar2} ================================== Please contact author for data requests. Authors' contributions {#FPar3} ====================== GS critically reviewed the manuscript and approved the final version of the manuscript. JA conceived and designed the research. SA analyzed and interpreted the data. NR finalized and drafted the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript. Competing interests {#FPar4} =================== The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Ethics approval and consent to participate {#FPar5} ========================================== At the time of enrollment, verbal consent was taken from the caregivers or guardians on behalf of the patients. Parents or guardians were assured about the non-disclosure of information collected from them and were also informed about the use of data for analysis and using the results for improving patient care activities as well as publication without disclosing the name or identity of their children. The consent to utilize the data was obtained from respective participating laboratories who reported the cases, and the laboratories have no objection in its publication. The ethical review board of NPHL has approved the publication of this data.
\section{Introduction and main results} In their classic 1985 paper \cite{bakry}, Bakry and \'{E}mery introduced the $\Gamma_2$ operator and showed that (assuming the Bakry--\'{E}mery condition) it could be used to prove results such as Poincar\'{e} and log-Sobolev inequalities. The books by Bakry, Gentil and Ledoux \cite{bakry2} and by Guionnet and Zegarlinski \cite{guionnet} review this theory. We give a brief overview in Section \ref{sec:contbakryemery}. Historically, this analysis was restricted to functions on continuous spaces such as $\re^d$, or more generally Riemannian manifolds. However, more recently it was extended to discrete spaces by Caputo, Dai Pra and Posta \cite{caputo}, by considering the evolution of a birth and death Markov chain. This analysis built on the work of Chen and others (see for example \cite{chen8}), who used properties of birth and death chains to bound the spectral gap. We use a version of these methods here; we fix probability mass function $V$ whose support is the whole of $\Z_+$ and fix the generator $L_V$ of a birth and death Markov chain with invariant measure $V$: \begin{definition} \label{def:lv} Given a fixed probability mass function $V$, write $L_V$ for the operator acting on functions, and $L_V^*$ for the adjoint with respect to counting measure by: \begin{eqnarray} L_V f(x) & := & \left( f(x+1) - f(x) \right) - \frac{V(x-1)}{V(x)} \left( f(x) - f(x-1) \right), \label{eq:lvdef} \\ L_V^* f(x) & := & f(x-1) - \left(1 + \frac{V(x-1)}{V(x)} \right) f(x) + \frac{ V(x)}{V(x+1)} f(x+1). \label{eq:lvadjdef} \end{eqnarray} In Equation \eqref{eq:lvdef} and throughout, we use the convention that $V(-1) = 0$. \end{definition} In Section \ref{sec:discretemc} we formally define the resulting operators $\GamV{1}$ and $\GamV{2}$ and discuss the resulting Bakry--\'{E}mery condition (we refer to this as the inegrated BE($c$) condition, Condition \ref{cond:dbec}). In contrast to the continuous case we require average control, rather than pointwise control of the relevant operators. However (see Remark \ref{rem:prodrule}), this $\GamV{1}$ operator does not satisfy a product rule, so classical proofs of log-Sobolev inequalities do not carry over. The continuous Bakry-\'{E}mery condition relates to log-concavity of the underlying reference measure, with the Gaussian playing a distinguished role (see Example \ref{ex:U2bound}). We use a similar condition here, which corresponds to Assumption A of \cite{caputo} (in the case where the upward jump rates of the birth and death chain are all equal to 1): \begin{definition} Given a probability mass function $V$, write \begin{equation} \label{eq:EEdef} \EE(x) := \frac{ V(x)^2 - V(x-1) V(x+1)}{V(x) V(x+1)} = \frac{V(x)}{V(x+1)} - \frac{V(x-1)}{V(x)}. \end{equation} \end{definition} \begin{condition}[$c$-log-concavity] \label{cond:clc} If $\EE(x) \geq c$ for all $x \in Z_+$, we say that $V$ is $c$-log-concave. \end{condition} In Proposition \ref{prop:clogcgivesdbec} we show the integrated BE($c$) condition is implied by $c$-log-concavity. \cite{caputo} showed that $c$-log-concavity follows from the ultra log-concavity (ULC) property of Liggett and Pemantle \cite{liggett,pemantle}. Hence integrated BE($c$) holds for parametric families of random variables including Poisson, binomial and Poisson-binomial (Bernoulli sums). For the Poisson mass function with mean $\lambda$ (we write $V = \Pi_{\lambda}$), the $\EE(x) \equiv 1/\lambda$, so $c$-log-concavity holds with $c = 1/\lambda$, which Lemma \ref{lem:cbound} shows is an extreme value. This helps us to understand $\EE(x)$ as a discrete curvature term, in the sense dicussed by Chafa\"{i} in \cite{chafai,chafai5}. For example, in \cite[Section 1.3]{chafai} it is remarked that the $M/M/\infty$ queue (corresponding to $V=\Pi_{\lambda}$) can be understood to have constant curvature. As in \cite{bakry} and \cite{caputo}, in Section \ref{sec:prooflsi} we prove a new (modified) log-Sobolev inequality, Theorem \ref{thm:lsi}, which is the main result of this paper. In the continuous case, the log-Sobolev inequality holds under the Bakry-\'{E}mery condition (see for example Theorem \ref{thm:contlsi}), whereas our result requires the (slightly stronger) $c$-log-concavity condition. To fix notation, we write $\Delta f(x) = f(x+1) -f(x)$ for the right difference operator, and $L f(x) = f(x+1) - 2 f(x) + f(x-1)$. Given a probability mass function $V$ and function $f$, we write $\var_V(f) = \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) (f(x) - \mu_{V,f})^2$, where $\mu_{V,f} = \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f(x)$. Similarly, we write $\Ent_V(f) = \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f(x) \log f(x) - \mu_{V,f} \log \mu_{V,f}$. We now state the main result of this paper. As discussed in more detail in Remark \ref{rem:compare} below, the form of this inequality is suggested by the fact that it holds for the case where $V$ is Poisson, as proved in \cite[Theorem 1.1]{wu} and \cite[Corollary 2.4]{chafai}. \begin{theorem}[New modified log-Sobolev inequality] \label{thm:lsi} Fix probability mass function $V$, whose support is the whole of the positive integers $\Z_+$ and which satisfies the $c$-log-concavity condition (Condition \ref{cond:clc}). For any function $f$ with positive values: \begin{equation} \label{eq:lsi} \Ent_V(f) \leq \frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f(x+1) \left( \log \left( \frac{ f(x+1)}{f(x)} \right) - 1 + \frac{f(x)}{f(x+1)} \right) . \end{equation} By the well-known bound $\log 1/u - 1 + u \geq 0$ for all $u > 0$, the RHS of \eqref{eq:lsi} is positive. \end{theorem} Previous work on different forms of log-Sobolev inequalities in discrete settings is discussed and summarised by Bobkov and Tetali \cite{bobkov11}. In particular, \cite[Proposition 3.6]{bobkov11} gives a hierarchy of different constants and discusses the implications between them. One particular form of interest is the more standard modified log-Sobolev inequality: \begin{equation} \label{eq:modlsi} \Ent_V(f) \leq C \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) (f(x+1) - f(x)) \left( \log f(x+1) - \log f(x) \right), \end{equation} also considered in \cite{boudou} and discussed in Remark \ref{rem:compare}.\ref{it:modlsi} below. \begin{remark} \label{rem:compare} We discuss Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} in detail, to put it in context: \begin{enumerate} \item Suppose $f(x) = p(x)/V(x)$, for probability mass function $p$. Using normalizing constant $K = \left( \sum_{x=0}^\infty p(x+1) V(x)/V(x+1) \right)^{-1}$, then $\psh(x) = K p(x+1) V(x)/V(x+1)$ is a probability mass function acting as a weighted version of $p$. Then \eqref{eq:lsi} means relative entropy $D( p \| q) := \sum_{x=0}^\infty p(x) \log( p(x)/q(x))$ is bounded by the sum of two positive terms, as \begin{equation} \label{eq:lsirestated} D( p \| V) \leq \frac{1}{c K} \left( D( \psh \| p) + \left( \log \frac{1}{K} - 1 + K \right) \right). \end{equation} \item If $V = \Pi_{\lambda}$ and $\lambda$ is the mean of $p$, then $\psh$ is the size-biased version of $p$ (see for example \cite{johnson24}), $c=1/\lambda$ and $K = 1$. We recover the fact that \begin{equation} \label{eq:wu} D( p \| V) \leq \lambda D( \psh \| p), \end{equation} which is a log-Sobolev inequality of Wu \cite[Theorem 1.1]{wu}, reproved more directly in \cite{yu2} (see also \cite[Corollary 2.4]{chafai}). The relationship between Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} and \eqref{eq:wu} is the same as between the Bakry-\'{E}mery log-Sobolev inequality (Theorem \ref{thm:contlsi}) and the original result of Gross \cite{gross}. \item The RHS of \eqref{eq:lsi} can be understood to be \begin{equation} \label{eq:chafai} \frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) A^{\Phi}( f(x), f(x+1)- f(x)), \end{equation} where $A^{\Phi}(u,v) = \Phi(u+v) - \Phi(u) - \Phi'(u) v$ is the $A$-transform of the function $\Phi(u) := u \log u$, as introduced by Chafa\"{i} in \cite{chafai}. This allows us to understand the fact that Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} reduces to \cite[Corollary 2.4]{chafai} in the case where $V = \Pi_{\lambda}$. \item Using the bound $ \log \left( f(x+1)/f(x) \right) \leq f(x+1)/f(x) - 1$ we deduce that if $V$ satisfies the $c$-log-concavity condition then: \begin{eqnarray} \Ent_{V}(f) & \leq & \frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \frac{(f(x+1)-f(x))^2}{f(x)}, \label{eq:bltype} \end{eqnarray} Hence taking $V = \Pi_\lambda$ and $c= 1/\lambda$ we see Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} generalizes and strengthens the log-Sobolev inequality of Bobkov and Ledoux \cite[Corollary 4]{bobkov3}. \item In the spirit of \cite{johnson11} the RHS of \eqref{eq:bltype} is a form of scaled Fisher information, equalling $$ \frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^\infty p(x) \left( \frac{ p(x+1) V(x)}{ p(x) V(x+1)} - 1 \right)^2 = \frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^\infty p(x) \left( \frac{ \psh(x)}{K p(x)} - 1 \right)^2,$$ where we may interpret the ratio $ \psh(x)/(K p(x))$ as a scaled score function. \item \label{it:sharp} Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} is sharp; equality is achieved in \eqref{eq:lsi} when $V = \Pi_{\lambda}$ for any value of $a$ in $f(x) = \exp(ax + b)$, or equivalently in \eqref{eq:lsirestated} for $p = \Pi_{\mu}$. To verify this, note that $p(x)/V(x) = \exp(\lambda - \mu) (\mu/\lambda)^x$, so the LHS of \eqref{eq:lsirestated} becomes $\lambda - \mu + \mu \log(\mu/\lambda)$. Further, $c = 1/\lambda$, $\psh = p$ and $K = \lambda/\mu$, the RHS of \eqref{eq:lsirestated} is $\mu ( \log(\mu/\lambda) - 1 + \lambda/\mu)$ and equality holds. \item \label{it:modlsi} Further, Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} strengthens the log-Sobolev inequality of Caputo et al \cite{caputo} who showed that (under the same condition) the modified log-Sobolev inequality in the sense of \cite{bobkov11} and Equation \eqref{eq:modlsi} holds: \begin{equation} \label{eq:lsicap} \Ent_V(f) \leq \frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) (f(x+1) - f(x)) \log \left( \frac{ f(x+1)}{f(x)} \right). \end{equation} The expression \eqref{eq:lsicap} is a symmetrized version of \eqref{eq:lsi}, with its RHS equal to the RHS of \eqref{eq:lsi} plus a similar-looking term (which is again positive, as before), namely \begin{equation} \label{eq:lsidiff} \frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f(x) \left( \log \left( \frac{ f(x)}{f(x+1)} \right) - 1 + \frac{f(x+1)}{f(x)} \right) . \end{equation} \item Again, to consider sharpness; \cite{caputo} shows \eqref{eq:lsicap} is sharp, in the weaker sense that the constant cannot be improved in general. However, equality only holds in \eqref{eq:lsicap} for $f(x) = \exp(a x + b)$ in the limit as $a \rightarrow \infty$ (the term \eqref{eq:lsidiff} vanishes in this limit). \item In the case $V = \Pi_{\lambda}$, the RHS of \eqref{eq:lsi} is strongly reminiscent of \cite[Corollary 7]{bobkov3}, though that result is expressed in terms of the modulus of differences of functions and their logarithms, and is only sharp for $f(x) = \exp(ax+ b)$ where $a \geq 0$. \end{enumerate} \end{remark} In Section \ref{sec:consequences} we discuss some consequences of Theorem \ref{thm:lsi}, including concentration of measure and hypercontractivity results The assumption that $V$ has support the whole of $\Z_+$ can be relaxed by a perturbation argument (see Remark \ref{rem:general} below). However, making this assumption simplifies the exposition of the paper. In a standard way, we consider $f = (1+\epsilon g)$, and let $\epsilon \rightarrow 0$ in \eqref{eq:lsi}. The LHS behaves like $(\epsilon^2/2) \var_V(g)$, and the RHS like $(\epsilon^2/2) (\frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \Delta g(x)^2)$, so that as expected, the log-Sobolev inequality Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} implies a Poincar\'{e} inequality \eqref{eq:poincare}. This Poincar\'{e} inequality can be proven independently, and is in fact equivalent to the slightly weaker integrated BE($c$) assumption, with the same constant (see Section \ref{sec:proofpoinc}). \begin{theorem}[Poincar\'{e} inequality] \label{thm:poincare} Fix probability mass function $V$, whose support is the whole of the positive integers $\Z_+$. Then for any function $f$: \begin{equation} \label{eq:poincare} \var_V(f) \leq \frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \Delta f(x)^2, \end{equation} if and only if $V$ satisfies the integrated BE($c$) condition (Condition \ref{cond:dbec}). \end{theorem} In the Poisson case where $V = \Pi_{\lambda}$, taking $c = 1/\lambda$ we recover the Poincar\'{e} inequality of Klaasen \cite{klaasen}. In general, as discussed in Section \ref{sec:proofpoinc}, Theorem \ref{thm:poincare} is comparable to a Poincar\'{e} inequality proved under similar conditions by very different methods in \cite{johnson24}. When $V$ has finite support, we may adapt the Markov chain, and choose a different $L_V$ with invariant distribution $V$. The correct statement of the Poincar\'{e} inequality in this context may be in the spirit of \cite{johnson29} (where we adapt the form of the derivative operator used). This remains a topic for future research. We briefly describe some related work in the literature. The proof of Theorem \ref{thm:poincare} mirrors the type of argument given for a range of discrete systems, including a class of Markov dynamics that includes Kawasaki dynamics, by Boudou, Caputo, Dai Pra and Posta \cite{boudou}. The work of Caputo, Dai Pra and Posta \cite{caputo} was developed by Fathi and Maas \cite{fathi}, building on a Markov chain-based construction of Ricci curvature on a discrete space introduced by Erbar and Maas \cite{erbar} (see also \cite{mielke}). In particular, \cite[Theorem 1.5]{erbar} showed that Poincar\'{e} and modified log-Sobolev inequalities (in the form of \eqref{eq:modlsi}) hold assuming a bound on their form of Ricci curvature. A form of the $c$-log-concavity condition was used by Joulin \cite{joulin} (along with another form of curvature condition), and was used to derive concentration of measure bounds in the context of birth and death processes. \section{Bakry--\'{E}mery calculus for continuous spaces} \label{sec:contbakryemery} We briefly discuss the classical Bakry-\'{E}mery calculus for continuous spaces -- see \cite{bakry2} for a clear and detailed review. Since Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} considers measures supported on $\Z_+$, we restrict our description to measures on $\re$, although this theory holds in considerably greater generality. The key is a second-order differential operator $L$, self-adjoint with respect to reference measure $d\mu$, which allows the creation of the so-called carr\'{e} du champ operator $\Gam{1}$, and the iterated operator $\Gam{2}$. \begin{definition} \label{def:gam1} For any functions $f$ and $g$, write \begin{eqnarray} \Gam{1}(f,g) &= & \frac{1}{2} \left[ L(f g) - f L g - g L f \right] \label{eq:gam1} \\ \Gam{2}(f,g) & = & \frac{1}{2} \left[ L \left( \Gam{1}(f , g) \right) - \Gam{1} (f, L g) - \Gam{1}(g, L f) \right] \label{eq:gam2} \end{eqnarray} \end{definition} The central definition in the theory is the following, which was introduced in \cite{bakry}. \begin{condition}[Bakry-\'{E}mery condition] \label{cond:be} We say that the Bakry-\'{E}mery condition holds with constant $c$ if for all functions $f$: \begin{equation} \label{eq:be} \Gam{2}(f,f) \geq c \Gam{1}(f,f).\end{equation} \end{condition} One key example is the following, which motivates the $c$-log-concavity property, Condition \ref{cond:clc}. It simplifies further if $U = c x^2/2$ and hence $\mu$ is Gaussian with variance $1/c$. \begin{example}[e.g. \cite{guionnet}, Exercise 4.18] \label{ex:U2bound} For function $U(x)$, take $d \mu(x) = \exp(-U(x)) dx/\ZZ$. Write $$L f(x) = f''(x) - U'(x) f'(x) = \exp(U(x)) \biggl( f'(x) \exp(-U(x)) \biggr)'.$$ It is simple to verify that (for well-behaved $U$, including those satisfying $U''(x) \geq c$, as assumed below), $L$ is self-adjoint with respect to $\mu$, that $\Gam{1}(f,g) = f' g'$, and \begin{equation} \label{eq:gamma2val} \Gam{2}(f,g) = f''(x) g''(x) + U''(x) f'(x) g'(x). \end{equation} If we assume that $U''(x) \geq c$ then $\Gam{2}(f,f) = f''(x)^2 + U''(x) f'(x)^2 \geq c f'(x)^2 = c \Gam{1}(f,f)$, and the Bakry-\'{E}mery condition \ref{cond:be} holds with constant $c$. \end{example} \begin{remark} As discussed in \cite{guionnet}, the $\Gamma_1$ operator satisfies a product rule of the form: \begin{equation} \label{eq:gamma1prodrule} \Gamma_1(f, gh) = \Gamma_1(f,g) h + \Gamma_1(f,h) g. \end{equation} As a result (see for example \cite[Lemma 4.12]{guionnet}), for any well-behaved function $v$, the $\Gamma_1$ operator satisfies a chain rule of the form \begin{equation} \label{eq:gamma1chainrule} \Gamma_1( v(f), g) = v'(f) \Gamma_1( f, g), \end{equation} which is a key reason that the Bakry-\'{E}mery theory applies in the continuous case. \end{remark} We state two results which arise from the Bakry--\'{E}mery calculus, as first described in \cite{bakry} and reviewed and extended since by a variety of authors. For example, taking $U(t) = t^2$ in \cite[Proposition 5]{bakry} we deduce (see also \cite[Proposition 4.8.1]{bakry2}): \begin{theorem} If the Bakry-\'{E}mery condition (Condition \ref{cond:be}) holds with constant $c$ then the Poincar\'{e} inequality holds with constant $1/c$; that is for any function $f$, $$ \var_\mu(f) \leq \frac{1}{c} \int \Gam{1}(f,f)(x) d\mu(x).$$ \end{theorem} Similarly \cite[Theorem 1]{bakry} (see also \cite[Proposition 5.7.1]{bakry2}) gives that: \begin{theorem} \label{thm:contlsi} If the Bakry-\'{E}mery condition (Condition \ref{cond:be}) holds with constant $c$ then the logarithmic Sobolev inequality holds with constant $1/c$; that is for any function $f$ with positive values: $$ \Ent_\mu(f) \leq \frac{1}{2c} \int \frac{\Gam{1}(f,f)(x)}{f(x)} d\mu(x).$$ \end{theorem} If $\mu$ is Gaussian with variance $\sigma^2$, since (as discussed in Example \ref{ex:U2bound}) we take $c=1/\sigma^2$, and the RHS becomes the standardized Fisher information $\int f'(x)^2/f(x) d\mu(x)$, we recover the original log-Sobolev inequality of Gross \cite{gross} (see also Stam \cite{stam}). \section{Birth and death Markov chain} \label{sec:discretemc} Fix a probability mass function $V$ supported on the whole of $\Z_+$. As in \cite{caputo}, we construct a birth and death Markov chain with invariant distribution $V$. In \cite{caputo} more general upwards jump rates are considered, but this construction is sufficient for our purposes. \begin{definition} \label{def:bdmc} Define the birth and death Markov chain with upward jumps rate equal to 1, and downward jump rate at $x$ equal to $V(x-1)/V(x)$. Equivalently, define the $Q$-matrix: \begin{equation} \label{eq:Qmatrix} Q := \left( \begin{array}{ccccc} -1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & \ldots \\ \frac{V(0)}{V(1)} & - \frac{V(0)}{V(1)} - 1 & 1 & 0 & \ldots \\ 0 & \frac{V(1)}{V(2)} & - \frac{V(1)}{V(2)} - 1 & 1 & \ldots \\ & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \\ \end{array} \right). \end{equation} We consider evolution of probability mass functions by $p_t := p \exp(t Q) $, so that for any $x$: \begin{equation} \label{eq:probevol} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} p_t(x) = p_t Q = p_t(x-1) - \left(1 + \frac{V(x-1)}{V(x)} \right) p_t(x) + \frac{ V(x)}{V(x+1)} p_t(x+1) = L_V^* p_t(x), \end{equation} using the notation of Definition \ref{def:lv}. \end{definition} \begin{example} \label{ex:vpoisson} If $V$ is Poisson $\Pi_{\lambda}$, then Equation \eqref{eq:probevol} becomes $$ \frac{\partial}{\partial t} p_t(x) = p_t Q = p_t(x-1) - \left(1 + \frac{x}{\lambda} \right) p_t(x) + \frac{ (x+1)}{\lambda} p_t(x+1),$$ as in \cite[Equation (14)]{johnson21}, giving the evolution of the $M/M/\infty$ queue. In \cite{johnson21}, the action of this Markov chain was used to prove the maximum entropy property of the Poisson distribution, under the ultra-log-concavity condition (Condition \ref{cond:ulc} below). \end{example} Writing vector $\vc{V} = (V(0), V(1), V(2), \ldots )$ the $\vc{V} Q = 0$, so $V$ is indeed the invariant distribution of this Markov chain. Indeed, the Markov chain satisfies the detailed balance condition, and hence is reversible. Further, since $V$ is supported on the whole of $\Z_+$, the Markov chain is irreducible, and we deduce that this invariant measure is unique, meaning that the probabilities $p_t(x) \rightarrow V(x)$ as $t \rightarrow \infty$. Since the rate of upward jumps is constant, the chain is non-explosive, since the expected time to reach $\infty$ is $\sum_{x=0}^\infty 1/Q_{x ; x+1} = \sum_{x=0}^\infty 1 = \infty$. In fact, here it is more useful to consider the evolution of functions. \begin{definition} Given a function $f$, consider the sequence of functions $f_t$ evolving as $\exp(t Q) f$, so that \begin{equation} \label{eq:funcevol} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} f_t(x) = Q f_t(x) = f_t(x+1) - f_t(x) - \frac{V(x-1)}{V(x)} (f(x) - f(x-1)) = L_V f_t(x), \end{equation} where $L_V$ is the operator defined in Definition \ref{def:lv}. \end{definition} Next we give a result which allows us to prove the equivalent of Example \ref{ex:U2bound} above. \begin{lemma} \label{lem:Laction} Observe that for any functions $f$ and $g$, rearrangement gives that $L_V$ is self-adjoint with respect to $V$ where, writing $\Delta f(x) = f(x+1) -f(x)$, \begin{equation} \label{eq:fgdiff} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f(x) L_V g(x) = \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) L_V f(x) g(x) = - \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \Delta f(x) \Delta g(x). \end{equation} \end{lemma} \begin{proof} This follows by adjusting the index of summation since \begin{eqnarray*} \lefteqn{ \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f(x) L_V g(x) } \\ & = & \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f(x) \left( g(x+1) - g(x) - \frac{V(x-1)}{V(x)} \left( g(x) - g(x-1) \right) \right) \\ & = & \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f(x) \left( g(x+1) - g(x) \right) - \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f(x+1) \left( g(x+1) - g(x) \right) , \end{eqnarray*} and the result follows. \end{proof} \section{Integrated Bakry-\'{E}mery condition} \label{sec:dbec} Given the operator $L_V$, we define the $\GamV{1}$ and $\GamV{2}$ operators induced by it in the standard way introduced by \cite{bakry}. \begin{definition} \label{def:gamv1} For any functions $f$ and $g$, write \begin{eqnarray} \GamV{1}(f,g) &= & \frac{1}{2} \left[ L_V(f g) - f L_V g - g L_V f \right] \label{eq:gamv1} \\ \GamV{2}(f,g) & = & \frac{1}{2} \left[ L_V \left( \GamV{1}(f , g) \right) - \GamV{1} (f, L_V g) - \GamV{1}(g, L_V f) \right] \label{eq:gamv2} \end{eqnarray} \end{definition} We next introduce the Integrated Bakry-\'{E}mery condition; note that in contrast to the classical Bakry-\'{E}mery condition (Condition \ref{cond:be}) we only require control of the average (with respect to $V$) of $\GamV{2}$ and $\GamV{1}$, not pointwise control. \begin{condition}[Integrated BE($c$)] \label{cond:dbec} We say that probability mass function $V$ satisfies the integrated BE($c$) condition if for all functions $f$: \begin{equation} \label{eq:dbec} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{2}(f,f)(x) \geq c \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{1}(f,f)(x) \end{equation} \end{condition} \begin{proposition} \label{prop:clogcgivesdbec} For any $f$ and $g$, writing $L f(x) = f(x+1) - 2 f(x) + f(x-1)$ we deduce: \begin{eqnarray} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{1}(f,g)(x) & = & \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) (f(x+1) - f(x))(g(x+1) - g(x)), \label{eq:gamv1sum} \\ \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{2}(f,g)(x) & = & \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) Lf(x+1) Lg(x+1) \nonumber \\ & & + \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \EE(x) (f(x+1) - f(x))(g(x+1) - g(x)) . \label{eq:gamv2sum} \end{eqnarray} Hence, if $V$ is $c$-log-concave (if $\EE(x) \geq c$ for all $x$) then the integrated BE($c$) condition holds. \end{proposition} \begin{proof} Observe that, the $\EE$ term naturally emerges here and defines a curvature term, since \eqref{eq:diffLV} expresses the difference between two adjacent derivatives: \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:diffLV} L_V f(x+1) - L_V f(x) & = & Lf(x+1) - Lf(x) \frac{V(x-1)}{V(x)} - \EE(x) (f(x+1) - f(x)).\;\; \end{eqnarray} Using Lemma \ref{lem:Laction}, since $\sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) L_V h(x) = 0$ for any function $h$, we know \begin{eqnarray} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{1}(f,g)(x) = - \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f(x) L_V g(x), \label{eq:usual} \end{eqnarray} and \eqref{eq:gamv1sum} follows by \eqref{eq:fgdiff}. Multiplying by $V(x)$ and summing, we recover \eqref{eq:gamv1sum} (as suggested by Lemma \ref{lem:Laction}). Using \eqref{eq:gamv1sum}, similarly we know that $\sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{2}(f,g)(x)$ equals \begin{eqnarray} \lefteqn{ - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{1}(f, L_V g)(x) - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{1}(L_V f, g)(x)} \label{eq:equalterms} \\ & = & - \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) (g(x+1) - g(x)) \left( L_V f(x+1) - L_V f(x) \right). \label{eq:tosubin} \\ & = & - \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) (g(x+1) - g(x)) Lf(x+1) + \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x-1) (g(x+1)-g(x)) Lf(x)\;\; \nonumber \\ & & \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \EE(x) (g(x+1) - g(x)) (f(x+1) - f(x)) \nonumber \\ & = & \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \left[ Lf(x+1) Lg(x+1) + \EE(x) (g(x+1) - g(x)) (f(x+1) - f(x)) \right] \label{eq:done} \end{eqnarray} where \eqref{eq:tosubin} follows by \eqref{eq:gamv1sum}, since the two terms in \eqref{eq:equalterms} are both equal (as \eqref{eq:usual} shows that as usual, they can both be expressed as $\frac{1}{2} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) L_V f(x) L_V g(x)$). The final result \eqref{eq:done} follows on relabelling, having substituted \eqref{eq:diffLV} in the second term of \eqref{eq:tosubin}. \end{proof} \begin{remark} \label{rem:prodrule} Using \eqref{eq:gamv1sum} we deduce that $\GamV{1}$ only satisfies a modified form of the product rule in \eqref{eq:gamma1prodrule}. That is since $g(x+1) h(x+1) - g(x) h(x) = h(x+1) (g(x+1) - g(x)) + g(x) (h(x+1)-h(x))$ we know that \begin{eqnarray*} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{1}(f,g h)(x) & = & \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) (f(x+1) - f(x)) (g(x+1) - g(x)) h(x+1) \\ & & + \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) (f(x+1) - f(x)) (h(x+1)-h(x)) g(x) \end{eqnarray*} \end{remark} \section{The $c$-log-concavity condition} \label{sec:dbeulc} The $c$-log-concavity property (Condition \ref{cond:clc}) corresponds to the bound $U''(x) \geq c$ discussed in Example \ref{ex:U2bound}. Condition \ref{cond:clc} was introduced as Assumption A in \cite{caputo}, who showed that it is implied by the ultra-log-concavity condition of Pemantle \cite{pemantle} and Liggett \cite{liggett}: \begin{condition}[ULC] \label{cond:ulc} If a probability mass function $V$ has the property that $V/\Pi_{\lambda}$ is a log-concave sequence, then we say that $V$ is ultra-log-concave (ULC). \end{condition} \begin{lemma}[\cite{caputo}, Section 3.2] \label{lem:ulcgivesclogc} If $V$ is ULC, then it is $c$-log-concave, with $c = V(0)/V(1)$. \end{lemma} Notice that if $U$ and $V$ are probability mass functions then $ \diy \frac{ (U \star V)(1)}{ (U \star V)(0)} = \frac{ U(1)}{U(0)} + \frac{ V(1)}{V(0)}, \eiy$ where $(U \star V)$ represents the convolution. In the light of Lemma \ref{lem:ulcgivesclogc} this suggests the conjecture that if $U$ and $V$ are $c$-log-concave with constants $c_U$ and $c_V$ respectively, then $(U \star V)$ is $c$-log-concave with constant $\geq (1/c_U + 1/c_V)^{-1}$. (Recall that Walkup \cite{walkup} proved a result which implies that if $U$ and $V$ are ULC, then so is $(U \star V)$.) We discuss probability mass functions $V$ for which Condition \ref{cond:clc} is satisfied. While Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} requires that $V$ has support the whole of $\Z_+$, it is still instructive to take $V$ with finite interval support (see Remark \ref{rem:general}). \begin{example} \label{ex:clogc} \mbox{ } \begin{enumerate} \item If $V = \Pi_\lambda$ is Poisson, then since $V(x)/V(x+1) = (x+1)/\lambda$, we know that $\EE(x) \equiv 1/\lambda$, so $V$ is $c$-log-concave (with equality), with $c = 1/\lambda$. \item By Lemma \ref{lem:ulcgivesclogc}, the probability mass function $V$ of the sum of independent Bernoulli variables with mean $p_i$, is $c$-log-concave with $c = \left( \sum_j p_j/(1-p_j) \right)^{-1}$. \item If $V(x) = \binom{n+x-1}{x} p^x (1-p)^n$ is negative binomial, then direct calculation gives $\diy \EE(x) = \frac{(n-1)}{p( n+x) (n+x-1)}, \eiy$ which tends to zero as $x \rightarrow \infty$. Hence $V(x)$ is only $c$-log-concave with $c = 0$. \end{enumerate} \end{example} One final remark is that no mass function with mean $\ep V$ can be $c$-log-concave for $c > 1/(\ep V)$. Hence the value $1/\lambda$ found for $\Pi_\lambda$ in Example \ref{ex:clogc} is an extreme one. \begin{lemma} \label{lem:cbound} If $V$ is $c$-log-concave, then $c \leq 1/(\ep V)$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Since $\EE$ is a finite difference, we sum the collapsing sum to obtain $$ \frac{V(x)}{V(x+1)} = \sum_{y=0}^{x} \left( \frac{V(y)}{V(y+1)} - \frac{V(y-1)}{V(y)} \right) \geq (x+1) c,$$ by assumption. Rearranging and summing we obtain that $$ 1 = \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \geq \sum_{x=0}^\infty (x+1) V(x+1) c = c (\ep V),$$ and the result follows. \end{proof} Note further that in some settings it may be natural to assume that $\EE(x)$ is increasing in $x$. Direct substitution shows that this is equivalent to the property that \begin{equation} \label{eq:increase} V(x)^2 V(x-1) - 2 V(x-1)^2 V(x+1) + V(x+1) V(x) V(x-2) \geq 0, \mbox{\;\;\;\; for all $x \geq 0$.} \end{equation} In \cite{johnson34}, this property (referred to there as `Property $C_1(k)$') is shown by induction to hold when $V$ is the probability mass function of the sum of independent Bernoulli variables, and it is natural to assume that \eqref{eq:increase} holds in a more general setting than this. \section{Proof of the log-Sobolev inequality, Theorem \ref{thm:lsi}} \label{sec:prooflsi} \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm:lsi}] Given a fixed probability mass fucntion $V(x)$ and a function $f$ with $\sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f(x) = \mu_{V,f}$, we consider function $f_t$ evolving as \eqref{eq:funcevol}, that is with $f_0 \equiv f$ and $$ \frac{\partial}{\partial t} f_t(x) = L_V f_t(x).$$ Note that, by ergodicity, $\lim_{t \rightarrow \infty} f_t(x) = \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f(x) = \mu_{V,f}$. We consider the function \begin{equation} \Theta(t) = \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f_t(x) \log f_t(x),\end{equation} and obtain that (as in \cite{caputo}): \begin{eqnarray} \Theta'(t) & = & \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) L_V f_t(x) \log f_t(x) + \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f_t(x) \frac{L_V f_t(x)}{f_t(x)} \nonumber \\ & = & - \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \left( f_t(x+1) - f_t(x) \right) \left( \log f_t(x+1) - \log f_t(x) \right). \label{eq:thetaprime} \end{eqnarray} This follows by cancellation, since $\sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) L_V h(x) = 0$ for any $h$, and by taking $f=f_t$ and $g =\log f_t$ in \eqref{eq:fgdiff}. Since both terms in brackets in \eqref{eq:thetaprime} have the same sign, we conclude that $\Theta'(t) = -\sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{1}(f_t, \log f_t)(x) \leq 0$ (this is the term arising in \eqref{eq:lsicap}). However the absence of a chain rule of the type \eqref{eq:gamma1chainrule} means that we cannot write it in a form where Condition \ref{cond:dbec} can be directly applied. However, we calculate a further derivative by hand. In fact, we consider the derivative of a related term, which we think of as only part of the expression for $\Theta'(t)$. That is, we write $$ \psi(t) = \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \left( f_t(x+1) \log \left( \frac{ f_t(x+1)}{f_t(x)} \right) - f_t(x+1) + f_t(x) \right).$$ Using the fact that for functions $g$ and $h$, $(g \log(g/h) - g)' = g' \log(g/h) - g h'/h$, by relabelling in the usual way we deduce that \begin{eqnarray} \psi'(t) & = & \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \left( L_V f_t(x+1) - L_V f_t(x) \right) \log \left( \frac{ f_t(x+1)}{f_t(x)} \right) \label{eq:term1} \\ & & + \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) L_V f_t(x) \left( \log \left( \frac{f_t(x+1)}{f_t(x)} \right) - \frac{f_t(x+1)}{f_t(x)} \right) \label{eq:term2} \end{eqnarray} By taking $g(x) = \log f_t(x)$ and $ f(x) = f_t(x)$ in \eqref{eq:tosubin}, we deal with \eqref{eq:term1}, and by taking $f (x)= f_t(x)$ and $ \diy g(x) = \log \left( \frac{f_t(x+1)}{f_t(x)} \right) - \frac{f_t(x+1)}{f_t(x)} \eiy$ in \eqref{eq:fgdiff}, we deal with \eqref{eq:term2}. Adding the results of these manipulations together, we deduce that \begin{eqnarray} \psi'(t) & = & - \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \EE(x) (f_t(x+1) - f_t(x) ) \log \left( \frac{ f_t(x+1)}{f_t(x)} \right) \label{eq:2ndder} \\ & & \;\;\; + \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f_t(x+1) w \left( \frac{f_t(x) f_t(x+2)}{f_t(x+1)^2} ; \frac{f_t(x)}{f_t(x+1)} \right), \label{eq:2ndder2} \end{eqnarray} where $w(U; s) = -(U/s - 1) \log U + (1-U)(1- 1/s)$. Lemma \ref{lem:tech} below gives that the term \eqref{eq:2ndder2} is negative. (Note that this term is zero if $f_t(x) = \exp(a x + b)$, which contributes to the sharpness result discussed in Remark \ref{rem:compare}). Further, by assumption, we bound \eqref{eq:2ndder} from above on replacing $\EE(x)$ by $c$. In other words, we deduce by comparison with \eqref{eq:thetaprime} that $\psi'(t) \leq c \Theta'(t)$, or that $\diy (-\Theta'(t)) \leq \frac{1}{c} (-\psi'(t)) \eiy$. We deduce \begin{eqnarray*} \Ent_V(f) = \Theta(0) - \Theta(\infty) & = & \int_{0}^{\infty} - \Theta'(t) dt \\ & \leq & \frac{1}{c} \int_0^\infty (-\psi'(t)) dt = \frac{1}{c} \psi(0) \end{eqnarray*} and the result follows. \end{proof} \begin{lemma} \label{lem:tech} The function $w(U; s) = -(U/s - 1) \log U + (1-U)(1- 1/s) \leq 0$ for all $s, U \geq 0$, with equality if and only if $U = 1$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} For fixed $s$, we observe that $w(1; s) = 0$, that $\diy \frac{\partial}{\partial U} w(U;s) \big|_{U=1} = 0 \eiy$ and $w(U; s)$ is a strictly concave function, since $ \diy \frac{\partial^2}{\partial U^2} w(U; s) = - \frac{s + U}{s U^2} \eiy$. \end{proof} \begin{remark} \label{rem:general} If $V$ has support on a finite interval, a version of Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} should still hold, at least for a class of functions $f$. In brief, define $V_\epsilon := V \star \Pi_{\epsilon}$ to be the convolution of $V$ with a Poisson mass function of mean $\epsilon$. If $V$ is $c$-log-concave, then for any given $\delta$, the $V_{\epsilon}$ will be $(c-\delta)$-log-concave for $\epsilon$ sufficiently small. Hence, we can apply Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} to $V_{\epsilon}$ (which is supported on the whole of $\Z_+$ as required) to obtain a bound on $\Ent_{V_\epsilon}(f)$. Further, by continuity arguments using dominated convergence $\Ent_{V_\epsilon}(f)$ will converge to $\Ent_V(f)$ for well-behaved $f$, and the resulting upper bound will also converge. However, we omit further discussion of this and the correct class of $f$ to use for the sake of brevity. \end{remark} \section{Proof of the Poincar\'{e} inequality, Theorem \ref{thm:poincare}} \label{sec:proofpoinc} We show that the Poincar\'{e} inequality is equivalent to the integrated BE($c$) condition, using a standard argument (see for example Proposition 4.8.3 of \cite{bakry2}). \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm:poincare}] First, we assume the integrated BE($c$) condition, and write $\Lambda(t) = \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f_t(x)^2$. By Lemma \ref{lem:Laction} and \eqref{eq:gamv1sum} \begin{eqnarray*} \Lambda'(t) = 2 \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f_t(x) L_V f_t(x) = - 2 \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) (\Delta f_t)(x)^2 = - 2 \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{1}(f_t, f_t) \end{eqnarray*} Similarly, since $\frac{\partial}{\partial t}$ commutes with $L_V$ by the form of the $Q$-matrix in Definition \ref{def:bdmc}, \begin{eqnarray*} \Lambda''(t) & = & 2 \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) L_V f_t(x) L_V f_t(x) + 2 \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f_t(x) L_V^2 f_t(x) \\ & = & 4 \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \left( L_V f_t(x) \right)^2 = 4 \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{2}(f_t, f_t). \end{eqnarray*} The integrated BE($c$) condition applied to the function $f_t$ tells us that $\Lambda''(t) \geq -2 c \Lambda'(t)$. This tells us that \begin{eqnarray*} \var_V(f) = \Lambda(0) - \Lambda(\infty) & = & \int_{0}^{\infty} - \Lambda'(t) dt \\ & \leq & \frac{1}{2c} \int_0^\infty \Lambda''(t) dt = \frac{1}{2c} \left( - \Lambda'(0) \right) = \frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) (\Delta f)(x)^2, \end{eqnarray*} and the result follows. Second, if the Poincar\'{e} inequality holds, we deduce the integrated BE($c$) condition, since without loss of generality we can consider for any $f$ with $\sum_x V(x) f(x) = 0$, for which \begin{eqnarray} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{1}(f,f)(x) & = & - \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f(x) L_V f(x) \label{eq:equiv1} \\ & \leq & \sqrt{ \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f(x)^2} \sqrt{ \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) L_V f(x)^2 } \label{eq:equiv2} \\ & \leq & \sqrt{ \frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{1}(f,f)(x) } \sqrt{ \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{2}(f,f)(x) }, \label{eq:equiv3} \end{eqnarray} where \eqref{eq:equiv1} follows by \eqref{eq:usual}, \eqref{eq:equiv2} follows by Cauchy--Schwarz, and \eqref{eq:equiv3} follows since by \eqref{eq:poincare} $\sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) f(x)^2 = \var_V(f) \leq \frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \Delta f(x)^2 = \frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \GamV{1}(f,f)(x)$. \end{proof} Theorem \ref{thm:poincare} shows that if $V$ satisfies the integrated BE($c$) condition, then the Poincar\'{e} constant of $V$ is $\leq 1/c$. In comparison \cite[Corollary 2.4]{johnson24}, which was proved using arguments based on stochastic ordering and size-biasing, shows that if $V$ is ULC then the Poincar\'{e} constant of $V$ is less than or equal to $\ep V$. Lemma \ref{lem:ulcgivesclogc} and Proposition \ref{prop:clogcgivesdbec} show ULC implies the integrated BE($c$) condition, hence the assumptions of the present paper are weaker than in \cite{johnson24}. However, Lemma \ref{lem:cbound} shows that $\ep V \leq 1/c$, so here we prove a weaker bound on the Poincar\'{e} constant. It would be of interest to know if the two approaches can be synthesised, or if the results are each optimal under their own assumptions. \section{Consequences of Theorem \ref{thm:lsi}} \label{sec:consequences} We briefly discuss some results which follow from Theorem \ref{thm:lsi}, including a concentration of measure inequality, decay of entropy and a form of hypercontractivity. \subsection{Concentration of measure} We prove a concentration of measure result by adapting the argument used to prove \cite[Proposition 10]{bobkov3}, and deduce the following bound: \begin{proposition} \label{prop:concmeas} Fix probability mass function $V$, and suppose that for all functions $f$ with positive values, Equation \eqref{eq:lsi} holds, that is: \begin{equation} \label{eq:lsi2} \Ent_V(f) \leq \frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^{\infty} V(x) f(x+1) \left( \log \left( \frac{ f(x+1)}{f(x)} \right) - 1 + \frac{f(x)}{f(x+1)} \right) . \end{equation} Then, writing $h(s) = (1+s) \log (1+s) - s$, for any function $g$ with $\sup_{x} |g( x+1) - g(x)| \leq 1$: \begin{equation} V \left( \left\{ g \geq \ep_V g + t \right\} \right) \leq \exp \left( - \frac{ h(c t)}{c} \right). \end{equation} \end{proposition} \begin{proof} Define the function $G(\tau) = \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) e^{ \tau g(x)}$, and the related function $H(\tau) = \left( \log G(\tau) \right)/\tau$. Taking $f(x) = e^{\tau g(x)}$ in \eqref{eq:lsi2} we deduce that: \begin{eqnarray} \tau^2 G(\tau) H'(\tau) & = & \tau G'(\tau) - G(\tau) \log G(\tau) \nonumber \\ & = & \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \tau g(x) e^{\tau g(x)} - G(\tau) \log G(\tau) \nonumber \\ & = & \Ent_V \left( e^{\tau g} \right) \nonumber \\ & \leq & \frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) \left[ \tau e^{\tau g(x+1)} (g(x+1) - g(x)) - e^{\tau g(x+1)} + e^{\tau g(x)} \right] \nonumber \\ & = & \frac{1}{c} \sum_{x=0}^\infty V(x) e^{\tau g(x)} \varphi \left( \tau \Delta g(x) \right), \label{eq:Htbounds} \end{eqnarray} where $\varphi(u) = u e^u - e^u + 1 \geq 0$ and $\Delta g(x) = g(x+1) - g(x)$. Since $\varphi'(u) = u e^u$, which has the same sign as $u$, we know that taking $\tau \geq 0$ and for $v \in (-\tau, \tau)$, the $\varphi( v) \leq \max \left( \varphi(\tau), \varphi(- \tau) \right) = \varphi(\tau)$, where this last inequality follows since $\varphi(v) - \varphi(-v)$ is increasing on $v \geq 0$, and hence is $\geq 0$. Using this, we can rewrite \eqref{eq:Htbounds} in the form $ \tau^2 G(\tau) H'(\tau) \leq \frac{\varphi(\tau)}{c} G(\tau)$, which we can integrate to deduce that for any $\sigma \geq 0$: \begin{equation} \label{eq:lsicompare} H(\sigma) - H(0) = \int_0^\sigma H'(\tau) d \tau \leq \frac{1}{c} \int_0^\sigma \frac{\varphi(\tau)}{\tau^2} d \tau = \frac{1}{c} \frac{ e^{\sigma} - \sigma - 1}{\sigma}. \end{equation} This can be rearranged to give an upper bound on $G(\sigma)$. As in \cite[Proposition 10]{bobkov3}, we can use a standard Chernoff bounding argument, based on the fact that $H(0) = \ep_V g$ and using Markov's inequality to deduce that for any $\sigma > 0$: \begin{eqnarray*} V \left( \left\{ g \geq \ep_V g + t \right\} \right) \leq \frac{ \ep_V e^{\sigma g}}{e^{\sigma (\ep_V g + t)}} = \frac{G(\sigma)}{e^{\sigma (\ep_V g + t)}} \leq \exp \left( \frac{ e^\sigma - \sigma - 1}{c} - \sigma t \right). \end{eqnarray*} We make the optimal choice of $\sigma$ here, that is $\sigma = \log(1+ c t)$, to deduce the result. \end{proof} Note this function $h$ commonly occurs in concentration of measure results in different settings, including Bennett's inequality (see for example \cite[Theorem 9]{raginsky}), work of Houdr\'{e} and co-authors based on the `covariance method' (see for example \cite[Eq. (1.6)]{houdre2}) and recent work on discrete random variables using a tail condition under coupling \cite[Theorem 3.3]{cook2}. \begin{remark} Proposition \ref{prop:concmeas} shows that Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} can provide practical improvements to results of the form \eqref{eq:bltype}. To be specific, \cite[Proposition 10]{bobkov3} shows that if \eqref{eq:bltype} holds, then, under the same condition on $\Delta g$: \begin{equation} \label{eq:tailboundsbl} V \left( \left\{ g \geq \ep_V g + t \right\} \right) \leq \exp \left( - \frac{ k(c t)}{c} \right), \end{equation} where $k(u) = u \log(1+u)/4$. Proposition \ref{prop:concmeas} therefore strengthens \eqref{eq:tailboundsbl} under the $c$-log-concavity condition, Condition \ref{cond:clc}, since $h(u) \geq 2 k(u)$ for all $u$. This strengthening comes from the fact that the expression of \eqref{eq:lsicompare} is significantly smaller than the bound of $\frac{1}{2c} (e^{2 \sigma} - 1)$ which follows by the argument of \cite[Proposition 10]{bobkov3}. Note that \eqref{eq:lsicompare} is sharp, in the sense that equality holds when taking $V = \Pi_\lambda$ and $g (x) = x$, as follows from the sharpness of Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} discussed in Remark \ref{rem:compare}.\ref{it:sharp}. \end{remark} \subsection{Decay of entropy and hypercontractivity } We briefly discuss how the log-Sobolev inequality, Theorem \ref{thm:lsi}, implies further results for related processes, in a standard way. Motivated by the paper \cite{yu2}, which considered pure thinning, we consider probability measures evolving as the `death' part of the birth and death process. That is, for fixed $V$, we consider probability distributions such that: \begin{eqnarray} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} V_t(x) & = & \alpha_t \left( V_t(x) - V_t(x-1) \right), \label{eq:vbeh} \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial t} p_t(x) & = & \alpha_t \left( \frac{V_t(x)}{V_t(x+1)} p_t(x+1) - \frac{V_t(x-1)}{V_t(x)} p_t(x) \right). \end{eqnarray} \begin{proposition} \label{prop:decay} If $V_t(x)$ satisfies $\EEt(x) \geq c_t$ for all $x$ then $$D( p_t \| V_t) \leq D(p \| V) \exp\left( - \int_0^t \alpha_s c_s ds \right).$$ \end{proposition} \begin{proof} Writing $K_t = \left( \sum_{x=0}^\infty p_t(x+1) V_t(x)/V_t(x+1) \right)^{-1}$ and $\psh_t(x) = K_t p_t(x+1) V_t(x)/V_t(x+1)$ relabelling gives: \begin{eqnarray*} \lefteqn{ \frac{\partial}{\partial t} D( p_t \| V_t) } \\ & = & \alpha_t \sum_{x=0}^\infty \left( \frac{V_t(x)}{V_t(x+1)} p_t(x+1) - \frac{V_t(x-1)}{V_t(x)} p_t(x) \right) \log \left( \frac{p_t(x)}{V_t(x)} \right) - \frac{V_t(x) - V_t(x-1)}{V_t(x)} p_t(x) \\ & = & \alpha_t \left( \sum_{x=0}^\infty \frac{ V_t(x) p_t(x+1)}{V_t(x+1)} \log \left( \frac{ p_t(x) V_t(x+1)}{V_t(x) p_t(x+1)} \right) - 1 + \frac{1}{K_t} \right) \\ & = & - \frac{\alpha_t}{K_t} \left( D( \psh_t \| p_t) + \log \frac{1}{K_t} - 1 + K_t \right) \\ & \leq & - \alpha_t c_t D(p_t \| V_t), \end{eqnarray*} where the last inequality follows using the form of the log-Sobolev inequality given by Equation \eqref{eq:lsirestated}. \end{proof} \begin{example} \label{ex:thin} Taking $V_t = \Pi_{\lambda(t)}$, a Poisson mass function with mean $\lambda(t) = \lambda e^{-t}$, then \eqref{eq:vbeh} holds with $\alpha_t = \lambda(t)$, and we know that $c_t = 1/\lambda(t)$. Hence, $P_t$ becomes the mass function $P$ thinned by $e^{-t}$ (see \cite{johnson24} for a discussion of this operation), and we can deduce that \begin{equation} \label{eq:thind} D( p_t \| V_t) \leq D(p \| V) e^{-t}. \end{equation} \end{example} We also illustrate Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} by using it to prove a form of hypercontractivity, using a standard argument (see for example \cite[Theorem 11]{bobkov11} and \cite[Page 246]{bakry2}). \begin{proposition} \label{prop:hyper} Consider a sequence of probability measures evolving as in \eqref{eq:vbeh} and a sequence of functions evolving in a related way: \begin{eqnarray} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} V_t(x) & = & \alpha_t \left( V_t(x) - V_t(x-1) \right), \nonumber \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial t} g_t(x) & = & \alpha_t \frac{V_t(x-1)}{V_t(x)} \left( g_t(x) - g_t(x-1) \right). \label{eq:funcevol2} \end{eqnarray} If $V_t$ satisfies the new modified log-Sobolev inequality, Equation \eqref{eq:lsi} with constant $c_t$ then writing $q(t) = p \exp\left( - \int_0^t \alpha_s c_s ds \right)$ and $ \| f \|_{U,p} = \left( \sum_{x=0}^\infty U(x) f(x)^p \right)^{1/p}$ then \begin{equation} \label{eq:hyper} \| \exp(g ) \|_{V,p} \leq \| \exp(g_t) \|_{V_t,q(t)}. \end{equation} (Note that $q(t) \leq p$). \end{proposition} \begin{proof} As in \cite{bakry2, bobkov11}, we consider the functional $ \Lambda(q,t) := \sum_{x=0}^\infty V_t(x) \exp( q g_t(x)).$ The key is to express \begin{eqnarray} \frac{\partial}{\partial q} \Lambda(q,t) & = & \sum_{x=0}^\infty V_t(x) \exp(q g_t(x)) g_t(x) \nonumber \\ & = & \frac{1}{q} \Ent_{V_t}( \exp(q g_t) ) + \frac{1}{q} \Lambda(q,t) \log \Lambda(q,t) \nonumber \end{eqnarray} and using \eqref{eq:vbeh} and \eqref{eq:funcevol2} to recognise that $\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \Lambda(q,t)$ equals $$ \alpha_t \left[ \sum_{x=0}^\infty V_t(x+1) \left( q \exp(q g_t(x+1)) \left( g_t(x+1) - g_t(x) \right) - \exp( q g_t(x+1)) + \exp(q g_t(x)) \right) \right].$$ Taking $f=\exp( q g_t)$ in \eqref{eq:lsi} we deduce that \begin{equation} \label{eq:logderivative} - \partial_q \log \Lambda(q,t) + \frac{1}{\alpha_t c_t q} \partial_t \log \Lambda(q,t) + \frac{1}{q} \log \Lambda(q,t) \geq 0. \end{equation} Using this, we can consider the behaviour of $u(t) := \log \Lambda( q(t), t)/q(t)$. Taking a derivative with respect to $t$, using the fact that $q'(t)/q(t) = - c_t \alpha_t$, we obtain that \begin{eqnarray*} u'(t) & = & \frac{ q'(t)}{q(t)} \partial_q \log \Lambda(q(t), t) + \frac{1}{q(t)} \partial_t \log \Lambda(q(t),t) - \frac{q'(t)}{q(t)^2} \log \Lambda(q(t),t) \\ & = & c_t \alpha_t \left( - \partial_q \log \Lambda(q(t), t) + \frac{1}{q(t) c_t \alpha_t} \partial_t \log \Lambda(q(t),t) + \frac{1}{q(t)} \log \Lambda(q(t),t) \right) \\ & \geq & 0, \end{eqnarray*} where the final inequality follows from \eqref{eq:logderivative}. Since $\exp( u(t)) = \| \exp(g_t) \|_{V_t,q(t)}$, we deduce that the $q$ norm is increasing as required. \end{proof} Note that the definition of $q(t)$ involves the same exponential expression as Proposition \ref{prop:decay}. \begin{example} As in Example \ref{ex:thin}, we can consider $V_t = \Pi_{\lambda(t)}$, a Poisson mass function with mean $\lambda(t) = \lambda e^{-t}$, and notice that \eqref{eq:funcevol2} is satisfied by the Poisson-Charlier polynomials $c_k(x; \lambda(t))$. Further, since $c_t \alpha_t = 1$, we take $q(t) = p \exp(-t)$. We deduce that Proposition \ref{prop:hyper} is sharp, taking $g_t = (x - \lambda(t))/\lambda(t)$ to be the Poisson--Charlier polynomial of degree 1. In this case \begin{eqnarray*} \Lambda(q(t), t) & = & \sum_{x=0}^\infty \frac{ \exp(-\lambda(t) \lambda(t)^x}{x!} \exp \left( \frac{ q(t) (x - \lambda(t))}{\lambda(t)} \right) \\ & = & \exp( - q(t) - \lambda(t) + \lambda(t) e^{q(t)/\lambda(t)} ) = \exp( - q(t) C), \end{eqnarray*} where $C = 1 + \lambda/p - \lambda/p e^{p/\lambda}$, using the fact that $\lambda(t)/q(t) \equiv \lambda/p$. Hence the $q(t)$ norm is constant, and Proposition \ref{prop:hyper} is sharp. (This sharpness corresponds to the sharpness of the new modified log-Sobolev inequality for functions of the form $f(x) = \exp(a x + b)$, as discussed in Remark \ref{rem:compare}.\ref{it:sharp}). \end{example} \section{Extension to random variables on $\Z_+^d$} It would be of considerable interest to extend this work to the more general setting of probability measures on graphs, where curvature and related issues are topics of active research. For example, \cite{ane2} uses the Bakry-\'{E}mery $\Gamma$-calculus to deduce log-Sobolev inequalities on the discrete cube, $\Z^d$ and general graphs of uniformly bounded degree. The paper \cite{klartag} defines curvature for discrete graphs, and shows that controlling this curvature allows results including Poincar\'{e} and log-Sobolev inequalities to be deduced. Lin and Yau \cite{lin} compare the two forms of curvature discussed by Joulin \cite{joulin}, in the context of graphs. We briefly describe how the $c$-log-concavity condition, Condition \ref{cond:clc}, extends to the setting of probability measures on $\Z_+^d$. We deduce an integrated Bakry-\'{E}mery condition, and hence a Poincar\'{e} inequality, and explain the issues with proving a modified log-Sobolev inequality in the form of Theorem \ref{thm:lsi}. Fix a reference measure $V(\vc{x})$ which is positive for all $\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d$, and write $\vc{e}_i$ for the $i$th unit vector. Further, for all $1 \leq i, j \leq d$ and for a given function $f$ we define \begin{eqnarray} \EEd{i}{j}(\vc{x}) & = & \frac{ V( \vc{x} + \vc{e}_j - \vc{e}_i)}{V( \vc{x} + \vc{e}_j)} - \frac{ V( \vc{x} - \vc{e}_i)}{V( \vc{x})}, \label{eq:eeij} \\ L_{ij} f(\vc{x}) & = & f(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_j) - f(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_j - \vc{e}_i) - f(\vc{x}) + f(\vc{x} - \vc{e}_i). \end{eqnarray} Notice that these quantities are not symmetric in $i$ and $j$, however for each $\vc{y}$ and each $c$ we can define a symmetric matrix by \begin{eqnarray} \EEsym{i}{j}(\vc{y}) & := & \frac{ V(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_i) V(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_j)}{V(\vc{y})} - V(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_i - \vc{e}_j) - c \II(i =j ) V(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_j). \label{eq:Edef} \\ & = & V( \vc{y} - \vc{e}_j) \left( \EEd{i}{j}(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_j) - c \II(i = j) \right) \nonumber \end{eqnarray} writing $\II(i = j)$ for the entries of the identity matrix. Consider a process which (for all $\vc{x}$ and all $i$) jumps from $\vc{x}$ to $\vc{x} + \vc{e}_i$ at rate 1 and from $\vc{x}$ to $\vc{x} - \vc{e}_i$ at rate $V(\vc{x} - \vc{e}_i)/V(\vc{x})$ (where by convention $V(\vc{y}) = 0$ if any component of $\vc{y}$ is $-1$). This corresponds to defining \begin{equation} \label{eq:lvd} L_V f(\vc{x}) = \sum_{i=1}^d \left( f( \vc{x} + \vc{e}_i) - f(\vc{x}) \right) - \frac{V(\vc{x} - \vc{e}_i)}{V(\vc{x})} \left( f(\vc{x}) - f(\vc{x} - \vc{e}_i) \right) \end{equation} The key is to observe that an analogue of \eqref{eq:diffLV} holds, that is direct calculation gives that for any $j$: \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:diffLVd} \lefteqn{L_V f( \vc{x}+ \vc{e}_j) - L_V f( \vc{x})} \nonumber \\ & = & \sum_{i=1}^d \left( L_{ij} f( \vc{x}+ \vc{e}_i) - L_{ij} f(\vc{x}) \frac{V( \vc{x}- \vc{e}_i)}{V(\vc{x})} - \EEd{i}{j}(\vc{x}) \left( f( \vc{x} + \vc{e}_j) - f(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_j - \vc{e}_i) \right) \right).\;\;\;\; \end{eqnarray} We deduce that: \begin{proposition} \label{prop:higherdim} If for some $c$, the matrix $\EEsym{ }{}(\vc{y})$ of Equation \eqref{eq:Edef} is positive definite for all $\vc{y}$, then for any function $f$: \begin{equation} \label{eq:dbecd} \sum_{\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{x}) \Gam{2}(f,f)(\vc{x}) \geq c \sum_{\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{x}) \Gam{1}(f,f)(\vc{x}). \end{equation} \end{proposition} \begin{proof} First we observe that (by relabelling) \begin{eqnarray} \sum_{\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{x}) \Gam{1}(f,g)(\vc{x}) & = & \sum_{\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{x}) \sum_{j=1}^d \left( f(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_j) - f(\vc{x}) \right) \left( g(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_j) - g(\vc{x}) \right) \nonumber \\ & = & \sum_{j=1}^d \sum_{\vc{y} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_j) \left( f(\vc{y}) - f(\vc{y}- \vc{e}_j) \right) \left( g(\vc{y}) - g(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_j) \right).\;\; \label{eq:gamma1} \end{eqnarray} Using this, we can deduce a $d$-dimensional version of \eqref{eq:done}, namely \begin{eqnarray} \lefteqn{ \sum_{\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{x}) \Gam{2}(f,g)(\vc{x}) } \nonumber \\ & = & - \sum_{\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{x}) \sum_{j=1}^d \left( L_V f(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_j) - L_V f(\vc{x}) \right) \left( g(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_j) - g(\vc{x}) \right) \nonumber \\ & = & \sum_{\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{x}) \sum_{i,j} L_{ij} f(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_i) L_{ij} g(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_i) \nonumber \\ & & + \sum_{\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{x}) \sum_{i=1}^d \sum_{j=1}^d \EEd{i}{j}(\vc{x}) ( f( \vc{x}+\vc{e}_j) - f(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_j - \vc{e}_i )) (g( \vc{x} + \vc{e}_j) - g(\vc{x}) ) \nonumber \\ & \geq & \sum_{i=1}^d \sum_{j=1}^d \sum_{\vc{y} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_j) \EEd{i}{j}(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_j) ( f( \vc{y}) - f(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_i )) (g( \vc{y}) - g(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_j) ), \label{eq:doned} \end{eqnarray} so taking subtracting $c$ times \eqref{eq:gamma1} from \eqref{eq:doned} and taking $f=g$ we obtain that \begin{eqnarray*} \lefteqn{ \sum_{\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{x}) \Gam{2}(f,f)(\vc{x}) - c \sum_{\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{x}) \Gam{1}(f,f)(\vc{x}) } \\ & \geq & \sum_{\vc{y} \in \Z_+^d} \left[ \sum_{i=1}^d \sum_{j=1}^d \EEsym{i}{j}(\vc{y}) (f( \vc{y}) - f(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_j) ) ( f( \vc{y}) - f(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_i )) \right], \end{eqnarray*} and the term in square brackets is positive for each $\vc{y}$, by positive-definiteness. \end{proof} \begin{remark} \label{rem:independent} If $V(\vc{x}) = \prod_{k=1}^d V_k(x_k)$ is formed as the product of independent measures in each coordinate, then $\EEsym{i}{j}(\vc{y}) \equiv 0$ for $i \neq j$. Further, if each $V_i$ is $c$-log-concave then each entry $\EEsym{i}{i}(\vc{y}) = V_i(y_i-1) \left( \EEval{V_i}(y_i-1) - c \right) \geq 0$, so the condition of Proposition \ref{prop:higherdim} is satisfied. This mirrors the tensorization result of \cite[Theorem 1.3]{erbar}, which was used to prove a sharp bound on the Ricci curvature for the hypercube $\{ 0,1 \}^d$. \end{remark} Hence, repeating the proof of Theorem \ref{thm:poincare}, we can deduce that the positive definiteness of $\EEsym{ }{ }(\vc{y})$ for all $\vc{y}$ is enough to imply that a $d$-dimensional Poincar\'{e} inequality holds with constant $ \leq 1/c$. A more detailed argument shows that many of the arguments used in Section \ref{sec:prooflsi} to prove the new modified log-Sobolev inequality Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} carry over. That is, we consider functions $f_t(\vc{x})$ evolving as $\frac{\partial}{\partial t} f_t(\vc{x}) = L_V f_t(\vc{x})$, for $L_V$ as defined in \eqref{eq:lvd}. Again, taking $ \Theta(t) := \sum_{\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{x}) f_t(\vc{x}) \log f_t(\vc{x})$, we obtain that \begin{eqnarray} \Theta'(t) & = & - \sum_{\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{x}) \sum_{j=1}^d \left( f_t( \vc{x}+ \vc{e}_j) - f_t(\vc{x}) \right) \left( \log f_t( \vc{x}+ \vc{e}_j) - \log f_t(\vc{x}) \right). \end{eqnarray} Similarly, writing \begin{eqnarray} \psi(t) & := & \sum_{\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{x}) \sum_{j=1}^d \left( f_t( \vc{x}+ \vc{e}_j) \log \left( \frac{ \log f_t( \vc{x}+ \vc{e}_j)}{ f_t(\vc{x}) } \right) - f_t(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_j) + f_t( \vc{x}) \right), \;\;\; \end{eqnarray} an involved analysis using the expressions above shows that \begin{eqnarray*} \psi'(t) & = & \sum_{\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{x}) \sum_{i,j=1}^d f(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_j) w \left( U_{ij}(\vc{x}), s_i(\vc{x}) \right) \\ & & - \sum_{\vc{x} \in \Z_+^d} V(\vc{x}) \sum_{i,j=1}^d \EEd{i}{j}(\vc{x}) \left( f_t( \vc{x}+ \vc{e}_j) - f_t(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_j - \vc{e}_i) \right) \left( \log f_t( \vc{x}+ \vc{e}_j) - \log f_t(\vc{x}) \right). \end{eqnarray*} where as before $w(U; s) = -(U/s - 1) \log U + (1-U)(1- 1/s) \geq 0$ and we write $U_{ij}(\vc{x}) = f(\vc{x}) f(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_i + \vc{e}_j)/(f(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_i) f(\vc{x} + \vc{e}_j))$ and $s_i(\vc{x}) = f(\vc{x})/f(\vc{x}+\vc{e}_i)$. We deduce that \begin{equation} c \Theta'(t) - \psi'(t) = \sum_{\vc{y} \in \Z_+^d} \left[ \sum_{i=1}^d \sum_{j=1}^d \EEsym{i}{j}(\vc{y}) (f_t( \vc{y}) - f_t(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_j) ) ( \log f_t( \vc{y}) - \log f_t(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_i )) \right]. \label{eq:logsobdiff} \end{equation} Unfortunately, positive definiteness of $\EEsym{ }{ }$ is not sufficient to guarantee the positivity of \eqref{eq:logsobdiff} required to deduce the log-Sobolev inequality. If (as in Remark \ref{rem:independent}) $V$ is the product of $c$-log-concave mass functions, then $\EEsym{}{}$ becomes diagonal with positive entries. The positivity of \eqref{eq:logsobdiff} follows from the fact that $\log$ is a monotone function, meaning that $(f_t( \vc{y}) - f_t(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_j) )$ and $( \log f_t( \vc{y}) - \log f_t(\vc{y} - \vc{e}_j ))$ have the same sign. It remains an interesting problem to characterize probability mass functions on $\Z_+^d$ (and indeed for general graph settings) for which some form of Theorem \ref{thm:lsi} holds. \section*{Acknowledgments} The author thanks the University of Bristol for funding to attend the conference `{\em When Dominique Bakry is 60}' at Universit\'{e} Paul Sabatier Toulouse in December 2014. He also thanks the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications for the invitation and funding to speak at the workshop `{\em Information Theory and Concentration Phenomena}' in Minneapolis in April 2015. Attending talks and having discussions with organisers and fellow participants at these meetings greatly helped in understanding the topics discussed here. Many calculations in this paper were first performed using Mathematica. The author thanks the anonymous referees of this paper for making numerous extremely helpful suggestions.
\section{Introduction} \begin{table*}[t] \centering \caption{Observing log. Frames in the PAH-1 and PAH-2 filters were acquired on June 8$^{\rm }$, 2015. Frames in the Si-6 filter were acquired on September 15$^{\rm }$, 2015.} \label{Table_1} \begin{tabular}{c c c c c c c c c} \hline\hline Object & Start[UT]& End[UT] & Filter &On source [Sec] & PWV [mm] & Airmass & Seeing["]& Flux standard \\[0.4ex] \hline HD\,169414 & 03:35 & 03:46 & PAH-1 & 397 & 7.8 & 1.04 & 0.60& PSF standard star\\ HD\,179218 & 04:01 & 04:49 & PAH-1 & 1853 & 8.1 &1.06 & 0.42$\pm$0.03 & Science\\ HD\,187642 & 05:37 & 05:48 & PAH-1 & 397 & 7.6 &1.17 &0.55 & PSF standard star \\ \hline HD\,169414 & 03:47 & 03:57 &PAH-2 &417 & 7.7 & 1.06 & 0.51&PSF standard star \\ HD\,179218 & 04:51 & 05:33 & PAH-2&1807 & 8.1 &1.14 & 0.45$\pm$0.02 & Science \\ HD\,187642 & 05:48 & 05:58 & PAH-2 &417 & 7.0 &1.20 &0.58& PSF standard star \\ \hline HD\,169414 & 20:55 & 21:06 &Si-6 &397 & 8 & 1.03 & 1&PSF standard star \\ HD\,179218 & 21:40 & 22:28 & Si-6 &1853 & 7.7 &1.08 & 0.60$\pm$0.03 & Science \\ HD\,187642 & 22:34 & 22:44 & Si-6 &397 & 8.2 &1.11 &0.5& PSF standard star \\ \hline HD\,169414 & 00:38 & 00:49 &LR Spec. & 176 & 11.3 & 1.0 & 0.85 & Telluric standard \\ HD\,179218 & 01:13 & 02:11 & LR Spec. & 943 & 11.1 & 1.02 & 0.77 & Science \\ HD\,187642 & 02:32 & 02:43 & LR Spec. & 176 & 10 &1.06 &0.80& Telluric standard \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table*} Circumstellar disks around pre-main sequence stars constitute the reservoir of gas and dust out of which planetary systems may form. The study of their morphological structure and spectroscopic content, as well as of their temporal evolution provides important information used to constrain the models of planet formation. From the spectral shape of the infrared excess, \cite{Meeus2001} classify intermediate-mass Herbig stars as two groups based on the possible geometry of their dust disks. Group\,I objects exhibit a flared disk geometry while group\,II sources correspond to a flatter geometry of the circumstellar disk. Recently, a number of high-angular-resolution and high-sensitivity spectroscopic studies have provided evidence showing the complex spatial structure of disks in the form of (pre-)transitional or "gaped" disks eventually harboring spiral structures \citep{Calvet2002, Furlan2006, Espaillat2010, Graefe2011, Tatulli2011, Benisty2015}. A powerful tracer of the possible flared structure of the disk is found in the Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) mid-infrared emission bands found in a significant number of Herbig stars \citep{Acke2010}. When in the direct line-of-sight of the central star, PAH molecules on the surface of a flared disk can be electronically UV-excited by stellar photons even at large distances in the disk and cool down by re-emitting in the CH- or CC- stretching and bending modes at characteristic wavelengths (e.g., at 6.3, 8.6, or 11.3$\mu$m). High-spatial-resolution imaging and long-slit spectroscopy in the PAH bands has exploited these properties to investigate the outer disk structure in HD\,97048 \citep{Lagage2006}, or to trace possible gas flows through the disk's gaps (Maaskant et al. 2014). PAHs emission also trace the presence of very small grains mixed with the gas at high elevation above the midplane and have a significant influence on the structure of the disk by contributing to the gas heating \citep{Habart2004c}.\vspace{0.20cm} \newline In this paper we present CanariCam \citep{Telesco2003} high-angular-resolution mid-infrared imaging and spectroscopy data for HD\,179218, a Herbig star located at $\sim$290\,pc\footnote{New GAIA parallax, see Sect.~\ref{zdiskmodel}} with a B9 spectral type that harbors a circumstellar disk primarily revealed through its infrared excess. \cite{Meeus2001} classified HD\,179218 as a group-Ia source, which suggests a flared disk structure. A large amount of crystalline grains are found in this source, which points to significant dust processing \citep{Bouwman2001}. The latter two papers report the detection of PAHs at 8.6\,$\mu$m and at 11.3\,$\mu$m. These detections were later confirmed and quantified by \cite{Juhasz2010}. Regarding the spatial structure of HD\,179218's disk, \cite{Fedele2008} used MIDI/VLTI mid-infrared interferometry to show that HD\,179218 could be a pre-transitional disk. Furthermore, the authors noticed a lower visibility shortward of 9\,$\mu$m that may result from a larger size scale of the PAH emission with respect to the continuum, but the scenario remains speculative based on the quality of the MIDI data.\newline Here, we aim at resolving the disk emission in two PAH bands in order to constrain the global structure of the disk on the large scale \citep{Wolf2012} as we may assume that the PAH molecules remain co-spatial with the gas \citep{Woitke2016}. The paper is structured as follows: Section~2 summarizes the new observations conducted on the GTC. Section~3 presents the observational imaging and spectroscopic results and Section~4 focuses on the derivation of the emission characteristic size. Section~5 presents our modeling to investigate the origin of the resolved emission, while our results are discussed in Section~6. \section{Observations and data reduction}\label{sec:obs_red} We used CanariCam \citep{Telesco2003}, the mid-infrared (7.5 - 25 $\mu m$) imager with spectroscopic capabilities of the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS in La Palma, Spain. Although the GTC has an equivalent 10.4-m primary mirror, the diffraction limit achievable with CanariCam is set by a cold circular pupil stop equivalent to 9.4-m used to optimize the sensitivity. CanariCam holds a Raytheon 320x240 Si:As detector which covers a field of view of 26$^{\prime\prime}$$\times$19$^{\prime\prime}$. The detector plate scale is 0.08$^{\prime\prime}$/pixel\footnote{cf. http://www.gtc.iac.es/instruments/canaricam/canaricam.php}. \\ Images were taken in the PAH-1 (8.6\,$\mu$m, $\Delta\lambda$$\approx$0.43\,$\mu$m), PAH-2 (11.3\,$\mu$m, $\Delta\lambda$$\approx$0.60\,$\mu$m) and Si-6 (12.5\,$\mu$m, $\Delta\lambda$$\approx$0.7\,$\mu$m) filters. A standard chop-nod procedure with 8$^{\prime\prime}$ throw was used. Chopping is hence performed within the detector, which means that one central positive image of the source flanked by two negative images is obtained after data reduction. The observations of HD\,179218 have been obtained on June 8$^{\rm }$, 2015, and September 15$^{\rm }$, 2015. The observing log is detailed in Table~\ref{Table_1}. The observation sequence consisted in the observation of a PSF reference star, followed by the science object, followed again by a second and different PSF reference star. The positions in the sky of the calibrators were chosen to minimize the difference in the parallactic angles at the time of observation. This ensures a similar image quality for the science and calibration targets. \begin{figure}[b] \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{01frameselection.eps} \caption{Illustration of the frame selection on the PSF calibrators HD\,187642 (top) and HD\,169414 (bottom) for the PAH-1 filter. The full distribution is given by the filled\,+\,empty symbols. The filled squares correspond to the frames finally selected. The dashed line is the theoretical diffraction limit of the telescope at 8.6\,$\mu$m. The FWHM is estimated by fitting of a Lorentzian function.}\label{frameselection} \end{figure} We have performed this technique of observation for all three filters mentioned above. The average optical seeing extracted from the DIMM measurements was excellent during the June run, with values raging from 0.42$^{\prime\prime}$ to 0.6$^{\prime\prime}$. For the September run, the first calibrator suffered from poorer optical seeing ($\gtrsim$1$^{\prime\prime}$) in comparison to the following science target and second calibrator, which were observed in much better seeing conditions. The precipitable water vapor was measured between 7\,mm and 8\,mm, which is suitable for good-quality observations in the N band. Low-resolution spectroscopic observations were obtained on July 1,$^{}$ 2015, under good weather conditions with $\sim$0.8$^{\prime\prime}$ seeing and 10\,mm precipitable water vapor. The spectroscopic calibration was obtained by observing two different Cohen standard stars before and after the science target. The 0.36$^{\prime\prime}$ slit was used with a 6$^{\prime\prime}$ throw.\\ The IDL pipeline iDealCam \citep{2014ascl.soft11009L}, which was custom-designed to reduce imaging data of Canaricam, was used for the data reduction. After removal of the thermal background, the pipeline produces individual frames (or saveset) of $\sim$2\,s duration that can be combined in a long integration sequence. Savesets can be realigned along their centroid through two-dimensional Lorentzian\footnote{The FITPSF procedure from F. Varosi's IDL library was used.} fit of the PSF prior to the final shift-and-add stacking. This allows reducing centering and tip-tilt errors that may otherwise lead to unwanted broadening of the PSF. \begin{table*}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}[width=\columnwidth]{c r c r r} \hline\hline Object & On source [s]& \% of frame&FWHM$_L$ [$^{\prime\prime}$] & FWHM$_P$ [$^{\prime\prime}$]\\ & & selection & & \\ \hline HD\,169414 & 273 (PAH-1) & 69 &0.213$\pm$0.004 & 0.233$\pm$0.003\\ HD\,179218 & 1501 (PAH-1) & 81 &0.232$\pm$0.003 & 0.255$\pm$0.002 \\ HD\,187642 & 314 (PAH-1) & 79 & 0.217$\pm$0.004 & 0.234$\pm$0.003\\ \hline HD\,169414 & 287 (PAH-2) & 70 &0.267$\pm$0.002 & 0.282$\pm$0.002\\ HD\,179218 & 1651(PAH-2) & 91 &0.280$\pm$0.001 & 0.298$\pm$0.001\\ HD\,187642 & 382 (PAH-2)& 91 &0.268$\pm$0.002 & 0.285$\pm$0.002\\ \hline HD\,169414 & 397 (Si-6) & -- & -- & -- \\ HD\,179218 &1667 (Si-6) & 90 &0.293$\pm$0.001 & 0.313$\pm$0.002\\ HD\,187642 & 364 (Si-6) & 91 &0.294$\pm$0.002 & 0.311$\pm$0.003\\ \hline \\ \end{tabular} \caption{Measured mean FWHM and its resulting 3$\sigma $ uncertainty from the distribution of savesets. FWHM$_L$ is estimated through a Lorentzian fit of the saveset's PSF. The term $\sigma$ is here the error on the mean of the distribution, that is, the estimated root mean square divided by $\sqrt{N}$ with $N$ being the number of selected frames. FWHM$_P$ is estimated graphically from the PSF profile according to the definition of the FWHM. The reported 3$\sigma$ uncertainty is computed from the mean and error on the mean of the distribution of radial profile computed for each saveset. Therefore, the uncertainty obtained with both methods are comparable.}\label{tableFWHM} \end{table*} Despite observing in the mid-infrared range with a good $\sim$0.5--0.6$^{\prime\prime}$ average seeing, the atmospheric turbulence above a 10-m class telescope still degrades the image quality, resulting in a non-fully diffraction-limited PSF. Depending on the instantaneous strength of turbulence, the image quality of individual savesets can be significantly affected, which appears in the form of distorted and elongated PSFs. For all our targets, we visually inspected each saveset of the CanariCam dataset and discarded the most corrupted images, that is, where the PSF clearly departs from circular shape. We note that in order to avoid biases by selecting only the ``best'' images, we applied the same visual criterion for frame selection to both the PSF reference and the science targets. The saveset duration of $\sim$2\,s is the same for the science and reference targets, which also have similar fluxes in the N band. The resulting on-source integration time for the final stacked images is reported in Table~\ref{tableFWHM} together with the percentage of frame selection. The final stacked image is obtained after re-centering and co-addition of the ``positive'' and ``negative'' images resulting from the data reduction (see Sect.~\ref{profile}). Except for the first calibrator in the Si-6 filter for which the seeing conditions were not sufficiently good (see later), the procedure of frame selection resulted in discarding about 20\% of the frames. We inspected approximately 448 savesets for the science target and approximatively 96 savesets for both reference stars and for the three filters. The frame selection resulted in an effective on-source total integration time for HD\,178219 target of 1572\,s, 1653\,s and 1667\,s for, respectively, the PAH-1 PAH-2 and Si-6 filters. Figure~\ref{frameselection} illustrates the result of the process of frame selection on the FWHM distributions used in our analysis. The FWHM is estimated by fitting of a Lorentzian function. Points have been removed when they correspond to a visually distorted PSF. Some points lie below the theoretical diffraction limit of the telescope (dashed line) due to improper Lorentzian fit of the corresponding PSF and have been consequently removed for both the science and PSF calibrators. Importantly, we note that comparatively large values of the FWHM are not removed from the distributions as long as the visual inspection of the corresponding saveset is compatible with a circular PSF. In this way, we aim at limiting bias effects in the analysis of the FWHM distributions. \section{Observational results}\label{sec:results} \subsection{Statistics of the full width at half maximum}\label{sec:statistics} \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{02savesetsequence.eps} \caption{Distribution as a function of time of the measured FWHM for the individual savesets. The blue open circles correspond to the science target HD\,179218 and the red open squares correspond to the adjacent calibrators HD\,169414 and HD\,187642. The plots correspond, respectively from bottom to up, to the filters PAH-1, PAH-2 and Si-6. The integration time for the individual saveset for both the science and the calibrator is 2.1\,s (PAH-1), 2.5\,s (PAH-2) and 2.1\,s (Si-6). The horizontal dashed lines show the theoretical diffraction limit of the GTC, which is 0.19$^{\prime\prime}$, 0.25$^{\prime\prime}$ and 0.27$^{\prime\prime}$ at respectively 8.6\,$\mu$m, 11.3\,$\mu$m and 12.5\,$\mu$m, including the central obscuration. For the Si-6 filter, the vertical dotted line around frame \#100 shows the effect of poor seeing on the measured FWHM distribution for the first calibrator.}\label{savesetsequence} \end{figure} Similarly to \cite{Moerchen2007}, we have explored the statistical behavior of the PSF full width at half maximum (FWHM) distribution obtained after Lorentzian fitting of the individual selected savesets. By treating statistically individual 2s-short images and employing sub-pixel recentering for both the science and calibration targets, we minimize the influence of long-term biases (e.g., guiding errors, pupil rotation, and seeing fluctuations) that may result in the broadening of the final PSF when simply stacking the long sequence images. We extracted from the distribution of the FWHM data the mean and the error on the mean $\sigma$/$\sqrt{N}$, where $\sigma$ is the distribution standard deviation and $N$ is the number of savesets, respectively nodsets, in the distribution. Figure~\ref{savesetsequence} shows the distribution of FWHM values of the individual savesets for each sequence calibrator--science--calibrator in the three filters. It is already possible to visually discriminate the vertical positioning of the bulk of the distribution for the science (blue open circles) and the adjacent calibrators (red open squares). The plots provide evidence that, for the PAH filters at 8.6\,$\mu$m and 11.3\,$\mu$m, the FWHM of HD179218 is on average larger that the FWHM of the adjacent calibrators. For the filter Si-6 at 12.5\,$\mu$m, if we neglect the FWHM distribution of the first calibrator corrupted by poor seeing, the FWHM distribution for HD179218 does not exhibit any remarkable deviation from that of the calibrator.\newline \noindent In Table~\ref{tableFWHM} we report for the saveset distribution the estimated mean FWHM along with the corresponding 3$\sigma$ error for the science and the calibrators in the three different filters. For consistency, we compared the FWHM statistics obtained with Lorentzian fitting to the statistics obtained by the direct graphical reading of the FWHM according to its definition. We can see that the Lorentzian fit approach systematically gives an average FWHM lower by $\leq$ 10\% than the FWHM derived from a graphical reading. However, the relative trends between science and calibrators are reproducible. We observe that within the 99.7\% confidence level the measured FWHM of the science target is larger than the one of the adjacent calibrators for both PAH filters, while it is the same in the Si-6 filter at 12.5\,$\mu$m. \noindent We further assessed the resolved nature of HD\,179218's emission by applying the criterion of \cite{Moerchen2010}. Namely we compare the difference in FWHM between the science target and the calibrator star, that is, \begin{eqnarray} {\rm FWHM}_{\rm sci}-{\rm FWHM}_{\rm cal} ,\end{eqnarray} to the combined standard deviation (i.e., error) of the mean \begin{eqnarray} \sigma_{\rm tot} = \sqrt{\sigma^{2}_{\rm cal}+\sigma^{2}_{\rm sci}} .\end{eqnarray} \noindent With ${\rm FWHM}_{\rm sci}-{\rm FWHM}_{\rm cal}\geq 3\sigma_{\rm tot}$ the science source can be considered as spatially resolved. According to this criterion, we give in Table~\ref{fwhm} the result of this analysis and show that the circumstellar emission around HD\,179218 is resolved at $\geq$3\,$\sigma$ confidence level in the two PAH filters, but is unresolved at 12.5\,$\mu$m. \begin{table}[b] \centering \begin{tabular}[\columnwidth]{l c c c} \hline\hline Filter & FWHM$_{\rm sci}$\,-\,FWHM$_{\rm cal}$ & 3$\sigma_{\rm tot}$ & Resolved \\ \hline PAH-1 & 0.019/0.022 (Cal\,1) & 0.005/0.004 & Y \\ PAH-1 & 0.015/0.021 (Cal\,2)& 0.005/0.004 & Y \\ PAH-2& 0.013/0.016 (Cal\,1)& 0.002/0.002 & Y \\ PAH-2& 0.012/0.013 (Cal\,2)& 0.002/0.002 & Y \\ Si-6 & 0.001/0.002 (Cal\,2)& 0.002/0.004 & N \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Resolution criterion for HD\,179218 compared to the adjacent calibrators following \cite{Moerchen2010}. For columns (2) and (3), the first term corresponds to the Lorentzian fit method and the second term corresponds to the direct FWHM graphical read from the PSF profile.}\label{fwhm} \end{table} \subsection{Retrieval of the PSF profile}\label{profile} The final images are obtained after re-centering and stacking the individual savesets. Image re-centering has to be performed carefully to avoid a significant increase of the final FWHM typically observed in long observing sequences. A simple recentering step based on matching the individual image centroid induces an increase in the FWHM of the final stacked image by $\sim$15\% compared to a single saveset. To improve the centering step, we realigned each saveset by minimizing the quadratic difference between the image of each normalized PSF and the image of the first PSF of the sequence taken as a reference. This operation is implemented with a sampling accuracy of the image of one fifth of a pixel. Such an approach led to a sharper PSF. Figure~\ref{Fig:cumulative} gives the Lorentzian-fitted FWHM of the stacked image as a function of the number of coadded savesets. The plots shows, within the limits of the available frames, that the FWHM of the stacked image tends to the statistical value found in Table~\ref{tableFWHM}. \newline After recentering the individual savesets as described above, the radial profiles for the calibrator and science targets is built for the different available filters. To construct such a profile along with its associated error bars, we extracted the profile for each individual recentered saveset and computed the mean and the error on the mean for each radial pixel. The results for the three different filters are shown in Fig.~\ref{profiles} for the science and calibrator PSF. \begin{table}[t] \centering \begin{tabular}[width=\columnwidth]{ l c c c } \hline\hline Filter & Flux sci [Jy] & Cal & Flux cal [Jy]\\ \hline PAH-1 & 14.9$\pm$0.4 & HD\,169414 & 19.2 \\ PAH-1 & 15.3$\pm$0.4 & HD\,187642 & 43.3 \\ \hline PAH-2 & 22.4$\pm$0.6 & HD\,169414 & 12.2 \\ PAH-2 & 22.1$\pm$0.4 & HD\,187642 & 25.4\\ \hline Si-6 & 16.8$\pm$1.7 & HD\,169414 & 9.9 \\ Si-6 & 16.2$\pm$0.7 & HD\,187642 & 20.8 \\ \hline \\ \end{tabular} \caption{Photometric calibration of HD179218 in the CanariCam filters using the photometric standards reported in column\,(3). The reported errors are 3$\sigma$ uncertainties. The larger uncertainty obtained with HD169414 in the Si-6 filters is due to the initial poorer conditions of the night. We note that the uncertainties reflect only the photometric stability of our measurement. It is however known that many of the Cohen standards show some variability, which results in an absolute photometric accuracy of about 10\%.}\label{photometry} \end{table} \subsection{Photometry}\label{sec:photometry} We performed aperture photometric calibration of HD179218 using HD169414 and HD187642 as Cohen photometric standards. With the two reference stars observed before and after the science target, we can also probe the long term photometric stability of the night. The aperture radius was optimized to 4$\times$FWHM, or $\sim$1$^{\prime\prime}$. This size is close to the standard 5$\times$FWHM recommended by photometry manuals. The residual background was estimated in a surrounding ring with an inner and outer radius of $\sim$1.6$^{\prime\prime}$ (20 pixels) and $\sim$2.4$^{\prime\prime}$ (30 pixels), respectively. For each science and calibrator target the photometric accuracy is derived from the measurement of the standard deviation of the flux over the savesets time series. The values for the photometric standards in the CanariCam filters are taken from www.astro.ufl.edu/$\sim$dli/web/IDEALCAM$\_$files/iDealCam$\_$v2.0. zip. The results of the photometric calibration are shown in Table~\ref{photometry} and are consistent with Spitzer spectroscopy data by \cite{Fedele2008} and \cite{Juhasz2010}. \subsection{Spectroscopy}\label{spec} The spectrum of HD\,179218 was reduced with the RedCan pipeline \citep{Redcan2013} and is shown in Fig. 3. The reduced spectrum is found to overestimate the flux by $\sim$40\% in comparison to our photometric values, which may have different causes (e.g., presence of cirrus or imperfect background subtraction). As we wish to make a relative comparison of the shape of the CanariCam spectrum and the Spitzer spectrum, the former one has been rescaled to the measured photometric values reported in Table 4. After rescaling, the relative comparison with the Spitzer spectrum shows good agreement in the shape with the visible peaks at $\sim$8.6-8.7\,$\mu$m, 10.6\,$\mu$m, and $\sim$11.2-11.3\,$\mu$m. Qualitatively, the flux density is slightly larger in the PAH-1 filter for CanariCam than for Spitzer, while it is lower in the PAH-2 filter. \begin{figure}[b] \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{03spectrum_v2.eps} \caption{Low-resolution spectrum of HD179218 (open circles with error bars) scaled to the measured photometry at 11.3\,$\mu$m (green filled circles). The red dashed line is the corresponding Spitzer/IRS spectrum. The vertical dotted lines denote the bandwidth of the PAH-1, PAH-2, and Si-6 filters. The vertical dashed line indicates the region of the atmospheric ozone feature where proper spectroscopic calibration is cumbersome. }\label{spectrum} \end{figure} The spectral calibration in the 9.3--9.9\,$\mu$m region is strongly affected by the ozone atmospheric feature and residuals of the data reduction can be seen. We also remark that the flux measured by CanariCam between 9 and 9.2\,$\mu$m appears overestimated by 10 to 20\% in comparison to ISO and Spitzer. \section{Characteristic size of the emission}\label{characteristicsize} \subsection{Quadratic subtraction of FWHMs}\label{quadsub} For small differences in FWHM measurements, as in our case, PSF deconvolution is a delicate technique which strongly depends on assumptions made on the PSF and number of iterations. Similarly to \cite{Moerchen2010, Marinas2011}, an alternative to deconvolution is the estimate of the disk diameter from the quadratic subtraction of the science PSF and calibrator PSF derived in Sect.~\ref{sec:results} through $D^2_d$ = FWHM$^2_{sci}-$ FWHM$^2_{cal}$, where $D_d$ is the estimated disk diameter. The errors associated to $D_d$ are calculated following Eq.~2 in \cite{Marinas2011}. Our estimates are reported in Table~\ref{sizes}. Assuming a distance of 293\,pc (cf. Sect.~\ref{modeling}), we found in the two filters a comparable characteristic diameter of $\sim$24--30\,au. On average, the disk emission appears slightly more extended in the PAH-1 filter than in the PAH-2 filter. The disk emission is found to be unresolved in the Si-6 filter in the sense of the 3$\sigma_d$ criterion. \subsection{Gaussian disk} \begin{table}[t] \centering \begin{tabular}[width=\columnwidth]{l c c c} \hline\hline Calibrator & Filter & $D_{d,L}$\,[$^{\prime\prime}$] & $D_{d,PSF}$\,[$^{\prime\prime}$] \\ \hline HD\,169414 & PAH-1 & 0.092$\pm$0.004 & 0.103$\pm$0.003\\ HD\,187642 & PAH-1 & 0.082$\pm$0.005 & 0.101$\pm$0.003 \\ HD\,169414 & PAH-2 & 0.084$\pm$0.003 & 0.096$\pm$0.002 \\ HD\,187642 & PAH-2 & 0.081$\pm$0.002 & 0.087$\pm$0.002 \\ HD\,187642 & Si-6 & $\leq$0.024$\pm$0.009 & $\leq$0.035$\pm$0.011 \\ \hline \\ \end{tabular} \caption{Angular diameter of the circumstellar emission measured in the three different filters. The uncertainty refers to the 1$\sigma_d$ error as derived in \cite{Marinas2011}. The source is considered resolved if the deconvolved (in the sense of quadratic subtraction) diameter is larger than 3$\sigma_d$. The subscript $L$ and $P$ refer to the Lorentzian fit and to a direct measurement of the PSF profile, respectively.}\label{sizes} \end{table} We complemented the previous estimate with a simple approach to determine the characteristic size of the resolved emission. Namely, we model the emission as a two-dimensional face-on Gaussian disk convolved with the telescope PSF in the corresponding filters. This model only depends on the FWHM of the Gaussian function, though it might not be always sophisticated enough to reproduce the full shape of the PSF profile (core+wings). The characteristic size is estimated by visually matching the synthetic profile to the science profile within the experimental error bars. In this analysis we used the final images after recentering and stacking. \\ In the PAH-1 filter, a Gaussian disk with a FWHM of 95$\pm$6\,mas reproduces our science PSF profile, whereas a Gaussian disk with a FWHM\,$\leq$22$\pm$7\,mas would remain spatially unresolved. In the PAH-2 filter, the Gaussian disk model fitting our science profile has a FWHM of 101$\pm$7\,mas, and the unresolved disk would have a FHWM\,$\leq$25$\pm$7\,mas. Finally, in the Si-6 filter the Gaussian disk must have a FWHM\,$\leq$36$\pm$7\,mas so as not to exceed the FWHM of the science profile. This analysis confirms that the disk emission in HD179218 is resolved in the PAH filters and unresolved in the 12.5$\mu$m Si-6 filter. However, it is not possible to conclude within the error bars on a difference in the angular size of the emission in the PAH-1 and PAH-2 filters. \section{Modeling}\label{modeling} Our imaging results show that the circumstellar emission around HD\,179218 is spatially resolved in the two PAH filters whereas it remains unresolved at 12.5 $\mu$m. We attempt to identify the origin of the extended emission. A natural comparison arises with the case of HD96048 for which \cite{Lagage2006} resolve the emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at the surface of the flared disk in direct view of the central star. In order to test this possible configuration in the case of HD\,179218, we adopt the following strategy: we develop a radiative transfer model of a disk that simultaneously fits the SED and is spatially unresolved in the synthetic CanariCam image at 12.5\,$\mu$m. The idea is to constrain the disk's size in the 12.5\,$\mu$m band, which is dominated by the dust thermal emission and shows no significant presence of PAH emission \citep{Acke2010, Juhasz2010}. A PAH-free disk emission model with the same parameters is then produced at 8.6 and 11.3\,$\mu$m from which a synthetic observational profile can be extracted and compared to our observations. A similar strategy was successfully used by \cite{Honda2012} to model the gap's size of HD169142 in the Q band. In this approach, the modeling of the thermal emission at 12.5\,$\mu$m gives us an upper limit on the outer disk's dimension while the inner regions are unresolved with CanariCam. If the 8.6 and 11.3\,$\mu$m synthetic profiles are spatially unresolved, this would be a good indication that the observed resolved emission is not of thermal origin (in the sense of ``continuum'' origin). On the contrary, in case the 8.6 and 11.3\,$\mu$m synthetic profiles are found to be spatially resolved, further observational constraint needs to be added through, for instance, mid-infrared interferometric data to be conclusive on the nature of the resolved emission in the PAH bands.\\ \cite{Dominik2003} proposed a first radiative transfer model based on a single disk geometry with an outer radius of 30\,au and a positive power-law index $p$=2 of the surface density. In a statistical study of HAeBe's disks, \cite{Menu2015} used simple geometrical temperature gradient models in combination with mid-infrared interferometry data to infer a half-light radius of the disk of 7$\pm$1.2\,au at 254\,pc. Using nulling interferometry, \cite{Liu2007} derived a radius of 13.5$\pm$3\,au based on a ring-like disk model at a similar distance of 244\,pc. Moreover, \cite{Fedele2008} applied an achromatic geometrical disk model to VLTI/ MIDI data and proposed as their best solution a two-component pre-transitional disk structure with an inner disk extending from 0.3--3\,au and an outer component whose bulk mid-IR emission lies in a 13--22\,au region at 240\,pc. \subsection{Description of the disk model}\label{zdiskmodel} \begin{table}[t] \centering \begin{tabular}[width=\columnwidth]{c c c c c c } \hline\hline $L_{\ast}$\,[$L_{\odot}$] & $M_{\ast}$\,[$M_{\odot}$] & $T_{\ast}$\,[$K$] & $R_{\ast}$\,[$R_{\odot}$] & A$_V$ [mag] & $d$\,[pc] \\ \hline 180$^{(a)}$ & 3.66$^{(a)}$ & 9640$^{(a)}$ & 4.8$^{(a)}$ &0.63$^{(b)}$ & 293$^{(c)}$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Stellar parameters assumed in this study. ({\it a}): extracted from \cite{Alecian2013}; ({\it b}): fit of the optical photometry; ({\it c}): GAIA parallax.}\label{baseline} \end{table} We developed radiative transfer disk models for HD\,179218 aiming at constraining simultaneously the spectral energy distribution (SED) and the imaging data on the source. We used for this purpose the well-established Monte-Carlo code RADMC3D \citep{Dullemond2004} that permits one to synthesize disk images and SEDs. Assuming a disk in vertical hydrostatic equilibrium and perfect gas/dust coupling, the dust density in g.cm$^{-3}$ is modeled analytically according to \begin{eqnarray} \rho(r,z)&=&\frac{\Sigma(r)}{H(r)\sqrt{2\pi}}\exp\left [ -\frac{1}{2} \left ( \frac{z}{H(r)} \right )^2 \right ]\label{Eq3} ,\end{eqnarray} \noindent where $\rho(r,z)$ is described via the parametrized dust surface density $\Sigma(r)$=$\Sigma_{\rm out}(r/r_{\rm out})^p$ and dust scale height $H(r)$=$H_{\rm out}(r/r_{\rm out})^{(1+\beta)}$, and $p$ is the surface density exponent and $\beta$ the disk flaring exponent. The subscript {\it out} refers to the outer radius of each disk component considered.\\ A difference with respect to earlier models is that we assume more recent estimates of the stellar parameters and parallax, which naturally influences the radiative transfer calculation and the production of the synthetic images. We used for the central star the parameters from \cite{Alecian2013}, namely a luminosity $L_{\ast}$=180$L_{\odot}$, a radius $R_{\ast}$=4.8$R_{\odot}$, a mass $M_{\ast}$=3.66$M_{\odot}$ and an effective temperature $T_{\rm eff}$=9640\,K. A luminosity of 80--100$L_{\odot}$ was typically assumed in the earlier works. Based on a recent GAIA parallax measurement\footnote{http://gea.esac.esa.int/archive/} of 3.41$\pm$0.35\,mas, we assume a distance of 293\,pc rather than the 240\,pc found in the literature. The experimental SED of the system is taken from \cite{Acke2004} and contains photometric data from the literature as well as spectroscopic data from ISO. \\ The RT grid extends from the dust sublimation radius to 200 AU. The disk temperature distribution is computed through a first Monte Carlo run using 10$^6$ photon packets. Since isotropic scattering is considered in our modeling, the scattering source function is then computed at each wavelength through an additional Monte Carlo run using 3$\times$10$^5$ (resp. 5$\times$10$^4$) photon packets for the images (resp. for the SED). A ray tracing method is then applied to compute the synthetic SED and images (at 8.6, 11.3, and 12.5\,$\mu$m). In our RT modeling, we do not include PAHs, although they are clearly present, and model only the dust continuum. This is discussed later in the paper. \newline Following \cite{Fedele2008}, we assume as a starting baseline a passive irradiated pre-transitional disk structure consisting of an inner narrow ring, a low dust density gap region and a larger outer disk. The outer component is decomposed into a warm disk atmosphere component that will dominate the mid-IR emission, and a colder mid-plane component optically thick at 10\,$\mu$m that will dominate the far-IR and sub-mm emission. The outer disk warm atmosphere will mostly influence our data in the mid-infrared (see Sects.~\ref{sec53} and \ref{sec54}). \begin{table*}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}[width=\pagewidth]{l c c c c c c c c } \hline\hline & $r_{\rm in}$\,[au] & $r_{\rm out}$\,[au] & $H_{\rm out}/r_{\rm out}$ & $M_{\rm dust}$\,[$M_{\odot}$]$^{(\it c)}$& $p$ & $\beta$ & $i$\,[$^{\circ}$]$^{(\it d)}$ & P.A.\,[$^{\circ}$]$^{(\it d)}$ \\ \hline Inner Disk &1.1$^{(\it a)}$ & 3$^{(\it a)}$ & 0.02$^{(\it a)}$ & 1.46$\times$10$^{-5}$$^{(\it a)}$ & 0$^{(\it a)}$ &1/7 & 57 & 23\\ Gap & 3.1$^{(\it a)}$ & 9.9$^{(\it a)}$ & 0.1$^{(\it a)}$ & 1.83$\times$10$^{-13}$$^{(\it a)}$& 0$^{(\it a)}$ & 1/7 & 57 & 23 \\ Outer Disk & 10$^{(\it a+b)}$ & 80$^{(\it a+b)}$ & 0.12$^{(\it a)}$ & 1.46$\times$10$^{-4}$$^{(\it a)}$ & -1.5$^{(\it a+b)}$ & 1/7 & 57 & 23 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Best-model parameters resulting from the $\chi^2$ minimization. Superscript (a) denotes the parameters fitted from the SED. Superscript (b) denotes the parameters fitted from the 12.5\,$\mu$m PSF profile. The parameters $\beta$, $i$ and P.A. are not fitted. ({\it c}): the surface density $\Sigma_{\rm out}$ in Eq.~\ref{Eq3} is parametrized through the mass $M_{\rm dust}$. A gas-to-dust ratio of 100 is assumed. ({\it d}): from \cite{Fedele2008}. }\label{model} \end{table*} \subsection{The dust opacities} The continuum emission being entirely dominated by the dust, the grain composition and resulting opacity influences the shape and values of the SED from the near-IR to the sub-mm. As we do not aim at a detailed fit of the spectral feature already done elsewhere, our approach is to assume opacity laws detailed in the literature in order to place ourselves in a realistic case. For the outer disk, we assumed a composition of 90\% amorphous silicate grains and 10\% crystalline enstatite grains following the findings of \cite{Juhasz2010}. We assumed a size distribution $\propto$\,$a^{-3.5}$ \citep{Mathis1977} from 0.1\,$\mu$m to 100\,$\mu$m for the amorphous grain population and a fixed size of 2\,$\mu$m for the enstatite grain population. The midplane is populated with larger amorphous silicate grains to reflect dust sedimentation, with sizes ranging from 10\,$\mu$m to 1\,mm following a similar power-law size distribution to the one before. Finally, the inner disk/gap is populated with a mixture of amorphous silicate and highly refractory carbon grains at a ratio of approximately 9:1, respectively, in agreement with \cite{Dominik2003}. \subsection{Fitting procedure: SED and 12.5\,$\mu$m image}\label{sec53} The procedure consists in best-fitting the SED through a $\chi^2$ minimization and verifying a posteriori that the corresponding synthetic image is unresolved at 12.5\,$\mu$m. For a given radiative transfer model, we thus produced a synthetic SED to be compared to the observational SED, and a synthetic disk image at 12.5\,$\mu$m that we convolved with our PSF reference star in the Si-6 filter. A radial profile is then extracted to be compared with the observed profile at 12.5\,$\mu$m. \newline As a first step, we run our radiative transfer code to identify a reference baseline model (RBM) that provides a good visual fit to the SED without PAH. This model assumes the properties aforementioned (central star, mineralogy) as well as a pre-transitional disk structure (inner disk + gap + outer disk) \citep{Fedele2008}. A first exploration of the parameters shown in Table~\ref{model} (cf. caption) allows us to converge towards a possible solution for the RBM based on the SED fit. As a second step, on the basis of this RBM, we determined which parameters influence most significantly the mid-IR profiles and refine our search on these parameters by including the information on the 12.5\,$\mu$m PSF profile. In this way, we avoid varying all the parameters of the model to minimize degeneracy effects.\\ a) Inner disk: the inner radius is fixed at 1.1AU, which roughly fits the dust sublimation radius given our stellar parameters. We then tested the influence of the outer radius of the inner disk by varying it out to 5\,au and varying the exponent of the power law from $p$=-2 to $p$=2. This corresponds to a range of exponents typically found for disk models \citep{Dominik2003}. We observe a mild influence of these parameters on the SED in the 2--3\,$\mu$m near-IR region and no impact on the PSF profiles at 8.6, 11.3, and in particular at 12.5\,$\mu$m. The inner disk scale height and flaring index have also no measurable impact on the mid-infrared profiles. \\ b) Gap: this low-density region hosts a dust mass of $\sim$10$^{-13}$$M_\odot$ in the RBM. The power-law exponent of the surface density was varied from -2 to +2. This parameter did not impact the various PSF profiles either.\\ c) Outer disk: the inner and outer radii of the outer disk component, $R_{\rm i}$ and $R_{\rm o}$, along with the surface density power-law exponent were found to influence most significantly the PSF profiles at 12.5 um and the SED at mid-IR up to sub-mm wavelengths. We therefore concentrated on these three parameters in what follows. \subsection{Exploration of the outer disk's parameters $p$, $R_{\rm i}$ , and $R_{\rm o}$}\label{sec54} \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{04sed_total_v2.eps} \caption{Spectral energy distribution of HD\,178219 (blue open circles) and overplotted synthetic SED from radiative transfer modeling (red dotted line) with a resulting $\chi^2_r$=1.9. The line-of-sight extinction is $A_v$=0.63 and the distance $d$=293\,pc. The photometry error bars are conservatively assumed to be 10\%. The inset shows a view on the 3-25\,$\mu$m region of the SED. The black dashed line is the stellar photosphere. }\label{mysed} \end{figure} We have conducted a small parameter search by varying the power law $p$ in the range \{-2,+2\} in steps of 0.5, the inner radius of the outer disk $R_{\rm i}$ in the range \{8\,au,12\,au\} and the outer radius of the outer disk $R_{\rm o}$ in the range \{30\,au,150\,au\}. We have simultaneously compared our synthetic SED and 12.5-$\mu$m PSF profile to our observations. Table~\ref{tab:chi2} gives the value of the non-reduced $\chi^2$ for the SED fit as a function of ($p$, $R_{\rm i}$, $R_{\rm o}$) and highlights the models for which the PSF profile at 12.5\,$\mu$m is either spatially resolved or unresolved. The parameter $p$ in any model has the same value for the two components of the outer disk, that is, the disk surface and the midplane.\\ For $p\geq$0, that is, when most of the mass is located in the outer regions of the disk, the PSF profile at 12.5$\mu$m is systematically resolved (red-box values in Table~\ref{tab:chi2}). For a negative power law, we find that an overly small outer radius $R_{\rm o}$ does not produce a satisfactory fit of the SED. For large values of $R_{\rm o}$ (e.g., 150\,au) and a negative power law, the flux in the far-IR and sub-mm range tends to be underestimated. A best fit for the SED is found for $p$=-1.5, $R_{\rm o}$=80\,au, and $R_{\rm i}$=10\,au with a non-reduced $\chi^2$ value of 302 (or $\chi^2_r$=1.9 for $N$-$\nu$=157). This model, for which the 12.5\,$\mu$m PSF is unresolved, is then chosen as the reference baseline model for characterizing the PSF profiles in the PAH filters.\\ We highlight that the approach adopted to isolate a disk model for further analysis holds some limitation: For the outer disk, other parameters may influence the result, such as, for example, the flaring index $\beta$ not included in the minimization process. Nevertheless, during the search for a reference baseline model, we examined the influence of the flaring index and found that as soon as $\beta$ reaches 2/7, the infrared excess at 5\,$\mu$m is overestimated. \begin{figure*} \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{04bPSF-profile-PAH1-cal1-improved.eps} \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{04cPSF-profile-PAH1-cal2-improved.eps} \\ \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{04dPSF-profile-PAH2-cal1-improved.eps} \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{04ePSF-profile-PAH2-cal2-improved.eps} \includegraphics[width=0.7\columnwidth]{04fPSF-profile-Si6-cal2-improved.eps} \caption{ Overview of the science, calibrator, and model PSF profiles. In all views, the open red squares refer to the calibrator sources and the open black circles correspond to the science target. For each filter, PAH-1 and PHA-2, the left plot corresponds to the comparison between the science and the first calibrator PSF profiles, whereas the right plot compares the science and the second calibrator PSF profiles. The size of the error bar for each point is similar to the size of the corresponding symbol. The dashed blue line is the radial profile obtained after convolution of the corresponding PSF calibrator with the radiative transfer model derived in Sect.~\ref{modeling}. The vertical continuous lines show the difference in FWHM between the calibrator and the science for the values reported in Table~\ref{tableFWHM}.}\label{profiles} \end{figure*} This effect cannot be satisfactorily compensated by a reduction of the disk's mass, which would then result in an emission deficit in the mid-IR and sub-mm ranges. The value of $\beta$=1/7 remains conservative in comparison to values in the literature. Figure~\ref{mysed} presents the resulting SED overplotted with the observational one, which show very good agreement over the whole spectral range. \subsection{Analysis of the PSF profiles} The best-model parametrized in Table~\ref{model} is used to produce synthetic images at 8.6\,$\mu$m, 11.3\,$\mu$m, and 12.5\,$\mu$m that are then convolved with the GTC PSF, and for which profiles are compared to our observations. Figure~\ref{profiles} presents the result of the comparison in the three different filters. The size of each symbol corresponds to roughly the 3-$\sigma$ error on the mean of each radial point of the PSF. \\ We observe experimentally that the observed science PSF profile (black empty circles) is spatially resolved with respect to the calibrator PSF (red empty squares) between $\sim$0.1 and 0.3$^{\prime\prime}$. This is also clearly repeatable when using the two nearby calibrator stars (see caption). This is observed in the two PAH filters and the continuous vertical lines correspond to the FWHM values established in Table~\ref{tableFWHM} for the science and calibration targets. On the contrary, the observed profiles in the Si-6 filter at 12.5\,$\mu$m do not show a detectable difference in their FWHM, suggesting that the disk's extended emission is not resolved by CanariCam in the thermal continuum. We note that this comparison for the Si-6 filter is made only with the PSF calibrator second in time, as the first one suffered from poorer observing conditions. We also observe that the difference in FWHM between the science and the calibrator PSFs is more prominent in the PAH-1 filter than in the PAH-2 filter.\\ In order to better understand the spatial properties of the thermal emission in different bands, we compare the synthetic PSF profiles derived from the best-fit model of Table~\ref{model} with our observations (blue dash-line). We clearly see that this model of thermal emission has the same profile as the PSF calibrator and is likely unresolved in our three observing bands. It is possible that another source of emission needs to be invoked to explain our observations. \section{Discussion} \subsection{Spatially resolved PAH circumstellar emission} Our measurements show spatially resolved emission in the PAH-1 and PAH-2 filters centered on the infrared emission bands (IEBs) at 8.6 and 11.3\,$\mu$m. These correspond to the two most prominent PAH bands in the 8-13\,$\mu$m region of the spectrum of HD\,179218. The bulk of the emission detectable by our observations has a spatial extent of $\sim$12 to 15\,au in radius, assuming $d$=293\,pc. No disk emission is resolved in the 12.5\,$\mu$m filter, where the emission is dominated by the dust thermal continuum according to the spectrum \citep{Juhasz2010}. Advantageously, the angular diameter of the derived Gaussian disk model of HD\,179218 can be compared to other existing interferometric measurements using the same model. Our Gaussian FWHM of 95$\pm$6\,mas and 101$\pm$7\,mas in the PAH-1 and PAH-2 filters, respectively, is larger than the Gaussian FWHM of 80$\pm$3\,mas at 10.7\,$\mu$m ($\Delta\lambda$=1.45\,$\mu$m) measured for the disk's thermal continuum by \cite{Monnier2009} using aperture masking. Nulling interferometry measurements by \cite{Liu2007} revealed a Gaussian FWHM of 81$\pm$16\,mas at 10.6\,$\mu$m, although over a wide 50\% bandpass encompassing the whole N band. Finally, our upper limit measured in the Si-6 filter appears very coherent with the Gaussian FWHM of 0.034$^{\prime\prime}$$\pm$3\% estimated by \cite{Leinert2004} at 12.5\,$\mu$m using MIDI/VLTI. Previous single-aperture mid-infrared imaging observations did not resolve at 11.6\,$\mu$m ($\Delta\lambda$\,=\,1.1\,$\mu$m, \cite{Marinas2011}) and in the Q\,band \citep{Marinas2011,Honda2015}. These observations were however conducted with Gemini and Subaru, which deliver intrinsically poorer spatial resolution than the GTC by a factor $\sim$1.2 and were not done in the PAH filters.\\ In a second step, our radiative transfer modeling helped to investigate the nature of the resolved emission. Fitting both the SED data and our imaging data with a model containing a passive disk suggests that the dust thermal emission alone would not be resolved by our CanariCam observations. We suggest that the detected resolved emission is caused by PAH molecules UV-excited by the central star and located near the surface of the flared disk. An interesting comparison can be advanced here with HD\,97048, a notable Herbig star for which the PAH emission at 8.6 and 11.3\,$\mu$m is resolved out to several tens of astronomical units \citep{Lagage2006}. \cite{Doucet2007} estimated the disk diameter $D_d$ of HD\,97048 - in the sense of the quadratic subtraction used above - to be $\sim$40\,au at a distance of 180 pc, which is slightly larger than for HD\,179218. However, HD\,97048 being about two times closer, the disk is better resolved in its outer regions. Despite a relatively narrow science PSF core (about 1.2 times larger than the PSF calibrator core), a large amount of PAH emission is found in the wings of HD\,97048's PSF out to 380\,au in radius when comparing it with the emission in the immediate nearby continuum (SIV filter at 10.49\,$\mu$m, see Fig. 3 in \cite{Doucet2007}). \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width=0.49\columnwidth]{05model-profile-pah1-final.eps} \includegraphics[width=0.49\columnwidth]{06model-profile-pah2-final.eps} \caption{Modeling of the science PSF profile (blue filled large dots) in the PAH-1 (left) and PAH-2 (right) filter with our hybrid model based on a Gaussian disk (black dotted line) and on the uniform disk (continuous red line) models, respectively. The insets show a close view on the wings of the PSF.}\label{scaledmodel} \end{figure}\\ Similarly, in the case of HD\,179218, the analysis presented in Sect.~\ref{characteristicsize} may only provide the characteristic size of the disk's emission, but does not allow to constrain the true physical spatial extent of the PAH emission with respect to the continuum emission. For this purpose, it is necessary to account for the flux ratio between the PAH and continuum components in each filter. This can be estimated by subtracting from our photometric measurements in Table~\ref{photometry} the flux density of the PAH contribution at 8.6 and 11.3\,$\mu$m as estimated by Juh\'asz et al. (2010, Table~9). We derive a continuum flux density of 11.4\,Jy and 19.1\,Jy for a corresponding PAH flux density of 3.9\,Jy and 2.9\,Jy, respectively at 8.6 and 11.3\,$\mu$m. We then build a hybrid model based on the image of the HD\,179218's system in the continuum obtained by radiative transfer simulations (cf. Sect.~\ref{modeling}) to which we superimpose a geometrical model simulating the PAH brightness distribution. The relative flux density of each component is scaled accordingly. For the PAH emission component, we investigated a Gaussian model and uniform disk (UD) modified model with radius R$_{UD}$ modulated by a radial power law $r^p$. Using the former model, we are able to fit the core of the science PSF but we underestimate the emission in its wings in particular at 8.6\,$\mu$m, whereas the smoother radial profile of the latter UD model better reproduces the full science PSF profile: As presented in Fig.~\ref{scaledmodel}, we find that in both filters a classical UD model with $p$=0, R$_{UD}$=0.3$^{\prime\prime}$ (87\,au at 293\,pc) and scaled to the corresponding PAHs flux density successfully matches the science PSF profiles of HD\,179218. This result shows that, despite the small characteristic size -- in the sense of quadratic subtraction -- of HD\,179218's disk emission, the PAHs emission at 8.6 and 11.3$\mu$m extends comparatively out to larger radii, which suggests a spatial scenario of the disk's emission similar to HD\,97048. \subsection{Charge state of PAHs in HD\,179218} \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{07Maaskant2014.eps}\\ \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{08Seok2017.eps} \caption{PAHs emission (i.e., continuum-subtracted) models for IRS\,48 (top) and HD\,179218 (bottom) adapted from \cite{Maaskant2014} and \cite{Seok2017}, respectively. The spectra are normalized to the peak emission at 6.3\,$\mu$m. Top: the small-dotted line corresponds to the total PAH emission, the dashed line to the emission from ionized PAHs in optically thin environments like the gap, and the large-dotted line corresponds to the emission from neutral PAHs in the optically thick disk. Bottom: the model for the total PAH emission in HD\,179218 shows a prominent feature at 8.6\,$\mu$m and a weaker feature at 11.3\,$\mu$m.}\label{pah} \end{figure} Our results can be replaced in the larger context of the study of PAH emission in Herbig stars' disks. When looking at the question of PAHs spatial extent and charge state (ionized vs. neutral) in more detail, the recent studies by \cite{Maaskant2013,Maaskant2014} highlight more complex scenarios. It is found from four typical Herbig objects that the bulk of the PAH emission in (pre)transitional Herbig systems can originate either in the inner (optically thin) or the outer (optically thick) region of the protoplanetary disk. Observationally, this results in a PAH emission component with a smaller, comparable or larger characteristic size than the thermal continuum emission. Two representative cases of, respectively, compact and extended emission are seen in IRS\,48 \citep{Geers2007} and HD\,97048 \citep{Lagage2006}. Interestingly, \cite{Maaskant2014} suggests a correlation between a) the relative spatial extent of the PAH emission with respect to the thermal continuum and b) the charge state of the PAH molecules as classically traced by diagnostics such as the $I_{6.2}/I_{11.3}$ or $I_{3.3}/I_{7.7}$ feature ratios -- see Fig.~21 in \cite{Peeters2002} -- or the relative strength of the 7.7+8.6\,$\mu$m feature compared to the 11.3\,$\mu$m feature. In the archetypical case of HD\,97048, the PAH emission is found to be significantly more extended than the thermal continuum at both 8.6 and 11.3\,$\mu$m \citep{Lagage2006,Doucet2007,Maaskant2013}. At the same time, the object's mid-IR spectroscopy is indicative of an emission caused predominantly by neutral PAH molecules traced by the strong 3.3 and 11.3 features \citep{Seok2017, Maaskant2014}. The opposite case is found with IRS\,48 where the ionized state of PAHs, as suggested by a $I_{6.2}/I_{11.3}$ ratio larger than unity, goes together with the 11.3-$\mu$m PAH emission size being more compact than the continuum emission \citep{Maaskant2014}. \\ In HD\,179218, different works based on {\it ISO} and {\it Spitzer} spectroscopy have reported and confirmed the relatively stronger 8.6-$\mu$m PAH feature compared to the 11.3-$\mu$m one \citep{Meeus2001, Acke2010, Juhasz2010, Seok2017}. Looking at the continuum-subtracted spectrum of HD\,179218 modeled in \cite{Seok2017} and qualitatively comparing it to the one of IRS\,48 indicates similarities between the two spectra in terms of strength of the 6.2 and 7.7-$\mu$m features compared to the 11.3-$\mu$m feature (see Fig.~\ref{pah}). At first, this could point to a scenario for HD\,179218 similar to IRS\,48 with predominantly ionized PAHs located, for example, in the inner optically thin gap. However, our mid-IR imaging results and emission modeling suggest that the PAH contribution is not confined to the inner 10\,au region of HD\,179218, but may extend out to the outer disk regions, where a neutral charge state of the PAHs may be favored. A possible explanation to this scenario is that the stellar luminosity of HD\,179218 ($L$=180$L_{\odot}$, \cite{Alecian2013}) being significantly larger than for HD\,97048 ($L$$\sim$40$L_{\odot}$, \cite{Lagage2006,Maaskant2014}), HD\,169142 ($L$$\sim$10$L_{\odot}$, \cite{Alecian2013,Maaskant2014}) or for HD\,135344 ($L$$\sim$10--15$L_{\odot}$, \cite{Alecian2013,Maaskant2014}), the central star consequently produces a stronger UV radiation field capable of ionizing PAH molecules out to larger distances. A plausible hypothesis could also be that PAH ionization out to large distances results from a wide-angle wind impinging on the disk surface. In a different context, this scenario is observed in higher-mass evolved Wolf-Rayet stars \citep{Marchenko2017}. Ideally, the wind scenario could be investigated with IR interferometry by resolving the spatial size of the Br$\gamma$ emission line detected in HD\,179218 \citep{GarciaLopez2006} and comparing it to the size of the nearby continuum, similarly to the case of MWC297, whose Br$\gamma$ emission is driven by a disk-wind mechanism \citep{Malbet2007}. For example, in the case of HD\,97048, recent GRAVITY interferometric observations revealed a Br$\gamma$ emission more compact than the nearby continuum (K. Rousselet-Perraut, private communication) possibly indicative of a magnetospheric accretion process mechanism taking place in the very inner disk region \citep{Kraus2008}. Lacking a clear disk-wind mechanism could hence justify the survival and abundance of neutral PAH in that system. It is particularly interesting to note that, by tracing the ro-vibrational line of molecular H$_{\rm 2}$ at 2.12\,$\mu$m in HD\,97048's disk, \cite{Bary2008} conclude at a quiescent state of H$_{\rm 2}$ that is not shocked nor entrained in a fast-moving wind or outflow associated with this young source. \subsection{An alternative disk radiative transfer model} In this work, we also propose an alternative radiative transfer model to \cite{Dominik2003} for the disk of HD\,179218 by fitting simultaneously the SED and our imaging data. Dust thermal emission and isotropic scattering are considered in our radiative transfer model, but PAH emission is not included. Keeping in mind the uncertainty on the object's parallax, our best model implies a larger outer disk than D03 with $R_{\rm o}$=80\,au and, in particular, a negative power-law with $p$=-1.5 for the outer disk surface density. This is slightly lower than the $p$=-1 found for the outer disks of similar group Ia/b objects like HD\,100546 \citep{Tatulli2011} , HD\,139614 \citep{Matter2016} or AB\,Aur \citep{diFolco2009}. This is nonetheless opposite to the positive power-law ($p$=+2) derived by D03, and we find that any positive dust density law in which most of the mass is located in the outer regions of the disk would result in a surface brightness distribution that should be resolved by our observations at 12.5\,$\mu$m. \section{Conclusions} We conducted mid-infrared imaging and spectroscopic observations of the Herbig star HD\,179218 using CanariCam on the GTC and obtained the following results. \begin{itemize} \item Helped by good weather conditions and by the format of CanariCam images into cubes of short duration savesets, we were able to obtain close to diffraction limited images of HD\,179218, and among the sharpest N-band images obtained from the ground with a FWHMs of $\sim$210\,mas at 8\,$\mu$m. By re-centering and combining a large number of savesets, we reached 3$\sigma$ uncertainties of less than 5\,mas on the FWHM. With this potential, we resolve for the first time the circumstellar emission around HD\,179218 in the PAH bands at 8.6 and 11.3\,$\mu$m and found characteristic size of $\sim$100\,mas in diameter. \\ \item We performed photometry of the system at 8.6, 11.3 and 12.5\,$\mu$m and found values consistent with published flux densities and without noticeable variability within the measurement errors. The CanariCam low-resolution spectrum matches quite well the shape measured by {\it Spitzer}, except in the region of the Earth's ozone band where the spectral calibration is found to be unreliable.\\ \item Importantly, the combination of our imaging data with radiative transfer modeling suggests that the spatially resolved emission at 8.6 and 11.3\,$\mu$m is not of thermal equilibrium nature but may originate from UV-excited PAH molecules located at the surface of the flared disk. By taking into account the relative flux ratios between the PAH and thermal component, we find that our observations are best reproduced with a model of PAH "disk" extending out to the physical limits of the dust disk model.\\ \item We discuss the compatibility of such a spatial scenario with the spectroscopic evidence that a predominant fraction of the PAH molecules might be in an ionized charge state. We suggest that a particularly strong UV radiation field from the star or a disk wind may ionize the PAH molecules out to the largest radii. \\ \item In contrast to the disk model already proposed by \cite{Dominik2003}, our alternative radiative transfer model of HD\,179218 coupled to mid-infrared imaging at 12.5\,$\mu$m suggests a surface density with a p=-1.5 negative power-law index, with most of the dust mass located in the first 30\,au of the outer disk. Assuming that the gas and the PAH molecules are strongly coupled, the detection of an extended PAH emission would point to a flared structure of the disk in HD\,179218 and confirm earlier results. \end{itemize} \begin{acknowledgements} This work is fully supported by the University of Cologne, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Iraq (MoHERS), the Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy (BCGS) and the University of Baghdad. We are thankful to all members of the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) telescope for their support during the observations. We would also like to express our gratitude to the Sky Team of the IAC for providing us with the seeing data. We thank the anonymous referee for assessing the quality of this work. \end{acknowledgements} \bibliographystyle{bibtex/aa}
\section{Introduction} \label{sec:main:intro} In the theoretical development of density-functional theory (DFT) following the pioneering paper of \citet{Hohenberg-Kohn1964}, the works of \citet{Levy79} and \citet{Lieb1983} marked cornerstones on which practically all following investigations built. DFT has since been extended to many different settings, including lattice systems \cite{katriel1981mapping,englisch2,CCR1985,schonhammer1995density,xianlong2006,giesbertz2019-1RDM} that in practice mostly appear in the form of the Hubbard model \cite{carrascal2015hubbard,lima2003,ijas2010lattice,saubanere2014lattice}. The solidity of the theoretical investigations primarily established for continuum systems has led many to believe that the same statements automatically hold for fermionic lattice systems. First and foremost, this concerns the Hohenberg--Kohn (HK) theorem \cite{Hohenberg-Kohn1964} that states the existence of a unique mapping from ground-state densities back to the external potentials included in the Hamiltonian and that has only recently found a rigorous underpinning for continuum systems \cite{Garrigue2018}. This work is aimed at scrutinizing the foundations of DFT by studying finite, discrete systems, in their most general form represented by graphs. Such systems also find their special relevance in that they are currently the only ones that allow for an assuredly convergent formulation of the Kohn--Sham method \cite{penz2019guaranteed,penz2020erratum}. In the course of this work, we reveal some surprising and crucial differences to the continuum theory: While we find clear counterexamples to the HK theorem, a tremendous amount of insight into the structure of the (multi-valued) density-potential mapping can be gained. It turns out that the finite-dimensional setting is all but trivial and displays a pronounced mathematical richness. Several misconceptions about the state of the HK theorem for lattice systems can be found in the research literature, usually due to unjustified claims about non-vanishing components of the ground-state wave function, simply assumed to hold ``for all practical purposes'', e.g., by \citet{coe2015uniqueness}. That such vanishing components in the wave function are indeed possible and do not have to be rare is demonstrated here by explicit examples. Other works simply assume or state the validity of the lattice HK theorem \cite{dimitrov2016exact,xianlong2006}, where the system under study is a one-dimensional Hubbard chain. Incidentally, the linear chain is the only many-particle system for which we can actually prove a full HK theorem. A central concept introduced and used in this work is that of \emph{unique $v$-representability} (uv) of ground-state densities, a notion that merges $v$-representability with an assumed validity of the HK theorem for the given density. While $v$-representability alone was already thoroughly studied on lattices by \citet{CCR1985} and received a positive answer for ensemble densities that are neither 0 nor 1 on any vertex, the question if such a density also comes from a unique potential (modulo constants) was left unanswered: ``The HK theorem for fermions at zero temperature remains an open problem.'' \cite{CCR1985} We will here present an adaption of their ensemble-$v$-representability proof for the graph setting as well as a partial answer to the uniqueness problem. The main tool of our analysis is a matrix theorem by \citet{Odlyzko} that allows us to define classes of eigenstates that are uniquely $v$-representable. Now the question of uniqueness is transformed into determining which systems have ground states that fall into one of those classes. While for one-particle graph systems and many particles on a linear chain uniqueness can be guaranteed on the basis of the Perron--Frobenius theorem from linear algebra, just an ``almost all'' statement was found to hold for more general systems. This means that the set of problematic, non-uv densities is small when compared to the set of all densities and that a random sampling should usually yield a uv density. Complementary to this result, Rellich's theorem about the analyticity of eigenvalues and eigenstates under perturbations is used to given an argument that almost all potentials lead to uv ground-state densities. Yet, no general statement about the validity of the HK theorem could be found for finite lattice systems. If one moves beyond the requirement of ``uniqueness'', a great topological variety can still be analyzed. We will give a detailed characterization of the \emph{density-potential mapping}, the (multi-valued) map from the set of possible ground-state densities to the space of external potentials. Now, $v$-representability of all densities in the domain means that the mapping is ``well-defined'', i.e., a potential can be assigned to every density. If we even have \emph{unique} $v$-representability (uv) then there is only a unique way how to define the mapping (modulo constants). This then gives the density region where the Hohenberg--Kohn theorem is indeed valid. Due to possible degeneracy of the ground state the mapping might still be many-to-one. The outline of the paper is as follows: Section~\ref{sec:main:fermionic-HS} introduces the Hilbert space structure for fermions on graphs, a setting that is equivalent to finite lattice systems. Then in Section~\ref{sec:main:HK-violation} simple counterexamples show that the HK theorem will in general be violated for such systems, but we also give a detailed analysis of the situation based on Odlyzko's theorem and try to save as much as possible from the HK statement that still holds for \emph{almost all} densities. This analysis is then continued in Section~\ref{sec:main:Rellich} by invoking Rellich's theorem that allows us to shed some light on the topology of the density-potential mapping and includes the rectification of a result by \citet{KohnPRL} on the openness of the set of uv densities that come from non-degenerate states. Another powerful theorem, this time the Perron--Frobenius theorem from linear algebra employed in Section~\ref{sec:main:PF}, shows that non-interacting systems will always have purely positive ground-state densities and that the full HK theorem is valid for a linear chain. A large part on constrained-search functionals, Section~\ref{sec:main:CS-v-rep}, reflects on this other important ingredient of DFT that establishes an immensely valuable connection to convex analysis. Three examples in this section help to illustrate the results from the previous sections and also scrutinize and amend a proof by \citet{Lieb1983} about the non-convexity of the pure-state constrained-search functional: For the triangle graph we map out the complete density-potential mapping and derive the explicit form of the (convex) constrained-search functional, the complete graph demonstrates that Lieb's argument cannot hold in general, while the beautiful example of the cuboctahedron graph yields the desired counterexample to pure-state $v$-representability and indeed shows that the pure-state constrained-search functional is non-convex in general. Despite the large amount of results it seems these investigations into DFT on graphs merely opened up a Pandora's chest and we collect a number of open problems and further ideas in the concluding Section~\ref{sec:main:conclusions}. \section{Fermionic Hilbert space structures on graphs} \label{sec:main:fermionic-HS} \subsection{General definitions} We start by defining the general setting of our approach. This consists of a quantum system defined on a finite-dimensional Hilbert space $\H=\mathbb{C}^L$ with the standard Hermitian inner product (linear in the second component like usually in physics literature). For now, we make no assumptions on the nature of the quantum system, neither on the number or statistics of the particles involved, nor on the type of interactions or external potentials. We only assume for now that there are no time-dependent external fields present such that all properties of the system are fully described by the time-independent Schr\"odinger equation \begin{equation} H \Psi = E \Psi, \end{equation} where $H: \H \to \H$ is a linear, self-adjoint operator representing the Hamiltonian and $\Psi \in \H$ is consequently the eigenvector to eigenvalue $E$. When we make a choice for an orthonormal basis the Hamiltonian can be represented by a Hermitian matrix with coefficients $H_{ij} = H_{ji}^* \in \mathbb{C}$. For example, for a fermionic Hubbard system we can choose the basis functions to be the many-particle Slater determinants built out of any preferred set of orthonormal one-particle states. At this point, we introduce a central concept of our approach, the finite graph $G(H)$ associated to a Hamiltonian $H$. By graph we here always mean the following: \begin{definition} A graph $G$ consists of a vertex set $X=\{ 1, \ldots,M \}$ and an irreflexive, symmetric adjacency relation $\sim$ defined on $X \times X$. \end{definition} This means that for any pair of vertices $(i,j) \in X \times X$ we can say whether they are adjacent, written $i \sim j$, or non-adjacent, written $i \not\sim j$. Irreflexivity means that no vertex is adjacent to itself, i.e., $i \not\sim i$, and symmetry means that if $i \sim j$ then also $j \sim i$. A graph can naturally be displayed graphically by drawing the elements of the vertex set on a plane and connect two vertices $i$ and $j$ with a line whenever $i \sim j$. \begin{definition} A graph is called connected when for every two vertices $i$ and $j$ there exists a sequence of adjacent vertices starting with $i$ and terminating with $j$. Otherwise the graph is called disconnected. \end{definition} In other words, a graph is connected when there exists a path between any pair of vertices. In the next step we will associate a graph to a given Hermitian matrix, which in our case will always be the Hamiltonian matrix of our quantum system. \begin{definition}\label{def:H-graph} To any $M \times M$ Hermitian matrix $H$, i.e., the coefficients fulfil $H_{ij} = H_{ji}^*\in \mathbb{C}$, $i,j \in X=\{ 1, \ldots,M \}$, we associate a graph $G(H)$ by taking $X$ to be the vertex set and by defining the adjacency relation $i \sim j$ whenever $H_{ij} \neq 0$ for $i \neq j$, and $i \not \sim j$ otherwise. \end{definition} If $G(H)$ is disconnected then the Hamilton matrix blocks into submatrices corresponding to connected subgraphs. Some results in this work require the connectedness of the graph and we will explicitly indicate when this is the case. We use the following convention for enumerating indices throughout this work: $i,j \in X = \{1,\ldots,M\}$ for counting one-particle states that correspond to vertices in the original graph $G(h)$, $k,l \in \{1,\ldots,N\}$ for counting particles, and $I,J$ are multi-indices like introduced in the next section. A sum over any of those indices will always mean summation over the full index set if not otherwise stated. \subsection{Fermionic Hilbert space} So far, our discussion was very general, as we made no assumptions on the nature of the system. From now on our goal is to describe a system of $N$ fermions. We start by considering the Hamiltonian $h$ of a single particle defined on a one-particle Hilbert space $\H_1 = \mathbb{C}^M$ of dimension $M$. To this system corresponds a Hamiltonian graph $G(h)$ given by Definition~\ref{def:H-graph} in which the vertices $i$ label the one-particle states. In particular, we can consider the $M$ orthonormal vectors \begin{equation} e_i = (0, \ldots,1, \ldots,0) \in \mathbb{C}^M = \H_1, \end{equation} where the vector contains a $1$ on position $i$ and zeroes elsewhere. These vectors physically describe quantum states in which the particle is located at vertex $i$ with certainty. The physical nature of the states $e_i$ themselves depends on the initial basis choice that defines our Hamiltonian matrix and will be generally left completely open. However, for the purpose of illustration, we can always take the vertices as representing positions in space, in which case the vector $e_i$ is a quantum state that has the particle at position $i$ with certainty. The graph $G(h)$ of the Hamiltonian then has a spatial representation in which a particle can hop from position $i$ to $j$ if $i \sim j$ on the graph. In the next step, we put $N$ spinless fermions ($N\leq M$) on the graph $G(h)$ and allow for interactions between them. The Hilbert space of the many-particle system is then given by the anti-symmetric $N$-fold tensor product $\H_N = \Lambda^N \H_1$, which is the linear span of the $N$-fold wedge products \begin{equation} e_I = e_{i_1} \wedge \ldots \wedge e_{i_N} \label{e_I} \end{equation} that furnish an orthonormal basis of $\H_N$. Here we use the ordered multi-index $I = (i_1, \ldots,i_N) \in X^N$ with $i_1 < \ldots < i_N$ to label the many-particle basis states of $\H_N$. There are $L= \binom{ M }{ N }$ basis states of the form $\eqref{e_I}$ and the fermionic Hilbert space $\H_N$ is therefore $L$-dimensional. Since in the case $N=M$ the resulting fermionic Hilbert space is one-dimensional and thus trivial, we will generally assume $N<M$ in what follows. Physically, the $e_I$ are quantum states in which there is with certainty a particle at vertices $i\in I$ and zero particles at all the other vertices. For vectors $v_k\in\H_1$ the wedge product itself is defined as the anti-symmetrized tensor product \begin{equation} v_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge v_N = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N!}}\sum_{\sigma} (-1)^{|\sigma|} v_{\sigma(1)} \otimes \ldots \otimes v_{\sigma(N)}, \end{equation} where the sum is over all permutations of $N$ symbols and $|\sigma|$ is the sign of the permutation $\sigma$. The inner product in $\H_N$ is given by \begin{equation} \langle v_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge v_N, w_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge w_N \rangle = \det (\langle v_k, w_l \rangle )_{kl}, \end{equation} from which it follows that the basis vectors $e_I$ of $\H_N$ are orthogonal and normalized to 1 again. Since in quantum mechanics a probability interpretation is assigned only to such normalized states, we define the unit sphere in $\H_N$ \begin{equation} \mathcal{I}_N = \{ \Psi \in \H_N \mid \|\Psi\|=1 \} \end{equation} as the basic set of possible configurations. The corresponding set of density matrices (the set of all positive, semi-definite, Hermitian operators on $\H_N$ of trace one that represent ensemble states) is denoted as $\mathcal{D}_N$. To a multi-particle Hamiltonian $H$ corresponds a new graph $G(H)$ which we will refer to as the \emph{fermionic graph}. The labels of the vertices in this graph will consequently be indexed by the same multi-index $I$ as the many-particle basis $\{e_I\}_I$. The topology of $G(H)$ is by Definition~\ref{def:H-graph} determined by the Hamiltonian $H$ for the $N$ fermions for which in general we will take \begin{equation}\label{eq:def-H} H = h_1+ \ldots + h_N + W, \end{equation} where \begin{equation} h_k = 1 \otimes \ldots \otimes 1\otimes h \otimes 1 \otimes \ldots \otimes 1 \end{equation} with the $h$ appearing on position $k$ in the $N$-fold tensor product. The term $W$ is a general interaction that we do not further specify at the moment. Yet, its most important features must be that it is self-adjoint and leaves the Hamiltonian invariant under any permutation of the $N$ particles to ensure the fermionic nature of the particles. Often, it will be convenient to use second quantization to represent the Hamiltonian and other operators, which among other things will guarantee that the system has the right permutational symmetry. For this reason we define for $v,w_k \in \H_1$ \begin{align} \hat{a}_v^\dagger (w_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge w_N) &= v \wedge w_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge w_N \quad\quad\text{and}\\ \hat{a}_v (w_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge w_N) &= \sum_{k=1}^N (-1)^{k+1} \langle v ,w_k \rangle \, w_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge w_{k-1} \wedge w_{k+1} \wedge \ldots \wedge w_N. \end{align} These creation and annihilation operators are, as the notation suggests, each others adjoints and satisfy the anti-commutation relations \begin{equation} [ \hat{a}_v, \hat{a}_w ]_+ = [ \hat{a}^\dagger_v, \hat{a}^\dagger_w ]_+ = 0 \quad \quad \text{and} \quad \quad [ \hat{a}_v, \hat{a}^\dagger_w ]_+ = \langle v, w \rangle. \end{equation} In the special case that $v=e_i$ we write $\hat{a}_v=\hat{a}_i$ and $ \hat{a}^\dagger_v=\hat{a}_i^\dagger$, thus $ [ \hat{a}_i, \hat{a}^\dagger_j ]_+=\delta_{ij}$. In terms of these operators the Hamiltonian \eqref{eq:def-H} is then written in compact form as \begin{equation}\label{eq:many-particle-H} H = \sum_{i,j} h_{ij} \hat{a}^\dagger_i \hat{a}_j + W. \end{equation} The interaction term $W$ was not specified, but a very relevant case is that of a two-body interaction of the form \begin{equation} W= \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i,j} w_{ij} \, \hat{a}^\dagger_i \hat{a}^\dagger_j \hat{a}_j \hat{a}_i \end{equation} with $w_{ij}=w_{ji} \in \mathbb{R}$ which is diagonal in the $\{e_I\}_I$ basis. This interaction has a similar form as the familiar Coulomb interaction in continuum systems, which is also diagonal in position basis. The form \eqref{eq:many-particle-H} without an external potential $v$ will later be denoted as the internal part $H_0$ that typically contains the kinetic energy and the interaction $W$ (usually of the form of a two-body interaction like above). An external potential $v : X \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ (equivalent to $v\in\mathbb{R}^M$) alone acting on the many-particle wave function becomes \begin{equation} V = \sum_i v_i \hat{a}^\dagger_i \hat{a}_i. \end{equation} When particular attention is paid to the dependency of $H$ on the external potential $v$, we denote it as $H=H(v)=H_0+V$. A lemma about the connectedness of the fermionic graph concludes this section. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:ferm-graph-connected} Let $H$ be like in \eqref{eq:many-particle-H} including $W$ diagonal in the $\{e_I\}_I$ basis and $G(h)$ connected, then $G(H)$ is connected as well. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} We start by taking multi-indices $I=(i_1,\ldots,i_k,\ldots,i_N),I'=(i_1,\ldots,i'_k,\ldots,i_N)$ that just differ in one single entry. Then \begin{equation}\label{eq:H-matrix-el} \langle e_I,H e_{I'} \rangle = \sum_{i,j} h_{ij} \langle \hat{a}_i e_I, \hat{a}_j e_{I'} \rangle = h_{i_k i'_k}, \end{equation} so $I \sim I'$ on the fermionic graph if $i_k \sim i'_k$. Proving that $G(H)$ is connected can then be equivalently reformulated as a game-theoretical problem: Put $N$ pawns on the vertices $i\in I$ of $G(h)$, then each turn move one pawn along an edge where no vertex can be doubly occupied. Is it such possible to reach an arbitrary, different configuration $J=(j_1,\ldots,j_N)$? In showing this, we first reduce $G(h)$ to a spanning tree \cite[Prop.~1.5.6]{diestel-graph-theory-book} with less edges. First, we create the desired configuration inside the outermost branches and then move inward on the tree inductively. This way, no pawn will block the movement of another. The collection of all turns yields a path between $I$ and $J$ and thus shows that $G(H)$ is connected. \end{proof} Note that this lemma cannot make any general statement about a Hamiltonian with an interaction term that is not diagonal, since that might disconnect the fermionic graph by adding a further term in \eqref{eq:H-matrix-el}. \subsection{Densities and \texorpdfstring{$N$}{N}-representability} \label{sec:N-rep} We now turn our attention to the particle density that is the principal protagonist of DFT. We consider an $N$-particle fermionic system and let $\Psi\in \mathcal{I}_N$, which we can expand in the basis $\{e_I\}_I$ with coefficients $\{\Psi_I\}_I$ as \begin{equation} \Psi = \sum_I \Psi_I \, e_I, \label{Psi_expansion} \end{equation} in which we sum over all ordered multi-indices $I = (i_1, \ldots,i_N)$. Since the state $\Psi$ was assumed to be normalized we further have \begin{equation} 1 = \sum_I |\Psi_I |^2. \label{normalize} \end{equation} The particle density $\rho_i$ at vertex $i$ is now defined as \begin{equation} \rho_i = \sum_{I \ni i} |\Psi_I |^2, \label{rho_def} \end{equation} where we sum just over the multi-indices $I$ that include the given vertex $i\in X$. From this it immediately follows by estimation with \eqref{normalize} that $0 \leq \rho_i \leq 1$. More generally, we will denote by $\rho$ the mapping $\rho: X \to [0,1]$ that assigns $\rho_i$ to vertex $i$ and refer to this quantity as ``the density $\rho$''. The creation and annihilation operators can be used for the alternative expression \begin{equation}\label{eq:def-rho} \rho_i = \|\hat a_i \Psi\|^2 = \langle \hat a_i \Psi,\hat a_i \Psi \rangle = \langle \Psi,\hat a^\dagger_i \hat a_i \Psi \rangle, \end{equation} or with an ensemble state $\Gamma\in\mathcal{D}_N$ as $\rho_i = \mathop\mathrm{Tr} (\Gamma \hat a^\dagger_i \hat a_i)$. The quantity $\rho_i$ receives a physical interpretation as the probability to find a particle at vertex $i$ if we know the system to be in state $\Psi$ ($\Gamma$). Another property of the density that follows from our definitions is that \begin{equation} N = \sum_{i} \rho_i. \label{rho_sum} \end{equation} The fact that the probabilities do not sum up to one is not a contradiction, but is due to the fact that these probabilities are non-exclusive, i.e., the fact that we find a particle at vertex $i$ does not exclude the possibility of finding another particle at $j$. Indeed the state $e_I$ gives probability one for finding a particle at any vertex $i$ contained in $I$. Let the corresponding density be denoted by $E_I$, such that $E_{I,i}=1$ if $i \in I$ ($N$ times) and $0$ otherwise ($M-N$ times). An alternative definition using the annihilation operators is $E_I = (\|\hat a_i e_I\|)_i$, because $\|\hat a_i e_I\| = 1$ if $i\in I$ and $0$ otherwise. We collect all densities satisfying the above conditions in the set of physical densities, \begin{equation}\label{eq:def-P_N} \mathcal{P}_{M,N} = \left\{ \rho : X \to \mathbb{R} \;\middle|\; 0 \leq \rho_i \leq 1, \sum_{i=1}^M\rho_i = N \right\}. \end{equation} Note that the set $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ is a $(M-1)$-simplex with normalization $N$, cropped by the $\rho_i\leq 1$ conditions, resulting in an $(M-1)$-dimensional convex polytope that is known as $(M,N)$-hypersimplex \cite{convex-polytopes-book,Rispoli2008-hypersimplex}. This means the border points of $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ have either at least one $\rho_i=0$ and lie on the border of the simplex or have at least one $\rho_i=1$. Conversely, if for all $i\in X$ a density has $0<\rho_i<1$ it lies in the interior of $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$, a set later denoted as $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}^+$. The extreme points of $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ are then those densities that saturate all conditions, exactly the vectors $\{ E_I \}_I$, which lie at the corners and generate the convex polytope $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ \cite[§2.4]{convex-polytopes-book}. This insight will allow us to show that all densities in $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ are (pure-state) $N$-representable, i.e., for any density in $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ there is a state in $\mathcal{I}_N$ that yields exactly this density. \begin{proposition}\label{prop:N-rep} $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ is the maximal set of pure-state $N$-representable densities. \end{proposition} \begin{proof} Because of convexity any density in $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ can be written as $\rho_i = \sum_I \rho_I E_{I,i} = \sum_I \rho_I \|\hat a_i e_I\|$ with $\rho_I \in [0,1]$, $\sum_I\rho_I=1$. We rewrite $\rho_I = |\Psi_I|^2$ with arbitrary phase choice for $\Psi_I$ and substitute $\|\hat a_i e_I\|$ by $\|\hat a_i e_I\|^2$ which holds since it has a $(0,1)$-value anyway. Then \begin{equation} \rho_i = \sum_I |\Psi_I|^2 \|\hat a_i e_I\|^2 = \sum_{I,I'} \Psi_I^*\Psi_{I'} \langle \hat a_i e_I, \hat a_i e_{I'} \rangle = \left\langle \hat a_i \sum_{I} \Psi_I e_I, \hat a_i \sum_{I'} \Psi_{I'} e_{I'} \right\rangle = \langle \hat a_i \Psi, \hat a_i \Psi \rangle \end{equation} with $\Psi = \sum_I \Psi_I e_I$, where the extension to a double sum is possible since $\langle \hat a_i e_I, \hat a_i e_{I'} \rangle = 0$ if $I\neq I'$. That the given set is maximal is clear because no (physical) density can lie outside of $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$. \end{proof} This demonstrates pure-state $N$-representability for $\rho$ and of course automatically implies ensemble $N$-representability, although a simpler construction is feasible in this case by just forming the convex combination $\Gamma = \sum_I\rho_I\Gamma_I$ where $\Gamma_I$ are the projections on the the states $e_I$. Because of the proposition above it indeed makes sense to take $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ as the set of all possible physical densities. In the continuum setting a comparable construction is possible but way more complicated \cite{harriman1981orthonormal}. The much subtler matter of $v$-representability will be discussed in Section~\ref{sec:v-rep}. \subsection{Graph Laplacians} \label{sec:graph-Laplacian} In the previous discussions we left the specific form of $h$ open, but here we want to make a brief connection to the form of the Hamiltonian that appears, for example, in finite-difference approaches for discretizing the continuum Schr\"odinger operator. This requires the graph theoretical definition of the Laplace operator representing the kinetic energy. \begin{definition} For a graph $G$, let the degree $d(i)$ of a vertex $i$ be the number of vertices adjacent to $i$. Then the graph Laplacian $\Delta$ is defined here as \begin{equation}\label{eq:graph-laplacian} \Delta_{ij} = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} -d(i) \quad & \mbox{if $i=j$} \\ 1 & \mbox{if $i \sim j$} \\ 0 & \mbox{otherwise.} \end{array} \right. \end{equation} \end{definition} For a linear chain this definition is readily seen to agree with a standard finite-differencing formula for the second derivative. Note that in graph theory usually an opposite sign convention is employed and the graph Laplacian is $L=-\Delta$ \cite{spectral-graph-book,graph-eigenvectors-book}. We used the definition given here such that the negative graph Laplacian fulfills the same semi-positivity condition as the continuum Laplacian, \begin{equation} - \langle \psi, \Delta \psi \rangle = -\sum_{i,j} \psi_i^* \Delta_{ij} \psi_j = \sum_i d(i) |\psi_i|^2 - \sum_{i\sim j} \psi_i^*\psi_j = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i\sim j} |\psi_i-\psi_j|^2 \geq 0 \end{equation} for any $\psi \in \H_1$, which physically implies positivity of the kinetic energy. With this ingredient we now define the one-particle Hamiltonian on a graph in analogy to the usual Schrödinger equation, \begin{equation}\label{eq:h-with-v} h_{ij} = - \Delta_{ij} + v_i \delta_{ij}, \end{equation} where the first term represents the kinetic energy and the second term represents the external one-body potential. More precisely, we define the potential $v$ to be the mapping $v:X \to \mathbb{R}$ that assigns to every vertex $i$ the real number $v_i$. Note, however, that the results derived in the course of this paper do not depend on any special form of $h$, just on the local character of the external potential as in \eqref{eq:h-with-v}. Contrary to the kinetic energy operator it is not possible to straightforwardly define a momentum operator on a general graph. Being the generator of translations such an operator can only be specified on graphs with certain symmetries, such as circular graphs. \subsection{Simple graph examples} \label{sec:graph-examples} Two very simple graphs will be used to illustrate the above constructions, both of them also taking a role in providing counterexamples to the standard Hohenberg--Kohn statement formulated later in Section~\ref{sec:ex-non-unique}. The first is the situation of two fermions of the triangle graph, so $N=2$ and $M=3$. The corresponding graph Laplacian is \begin{equation} \Delta = \begin{pmatrix*}[r] -2 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & -2 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & -2 \end{pmatrix*}. \end{equation} The simplest multi-particle Hamiltonian is then $H=-\Delta\otimes 1 - 1 \otimes\Delta$, not including any interactions or an external potential. Its matrix representation in the resulting fermionic Hilbert-space basis $\{e_I\}_I = \{e_1 \wedge e_2 , e_1 \wedge e_3,e_2 \wedge e_3\}$ with $L=3$ elements is then \begin{equation} H = \begin{pmatrix*}[r] 4 & -1 & 1 \\ -1 & 4 & -1 \\ 1 & -1 & 4 \end{pmatrix*}, \end{equation} which can be calculated by applying $H$ on the basis elements as usual. For the first basis element this means \begin{equation}\begin{aligned} H(e_1\wedge e_2) &= -\Delta e_1\wedge e_2 - e_1 \wedge \Delta e_2 = -(-2e_1+e_2+e_3)\wedge e_2 - e_1 \wedge (e_1-2e_2+e_3) \\ &= 2e_1\wedge e_2 - e_3\wedge e_2 + 2e_1\wedge e_2 - e1\wedge e_3 = 4e_1\wedge e_2 - e_1\wedge e_3 + e_2\wedge e_3 \quad\text{etc.}, \end{aligned}\end{equation} where $e_i\wedge e_j = -e_j\wedge e_i$ and $e_i\wedge e_i=0$ have been used. This means the fermionic graph $G(H)$ is a complete graph as well, i.e., with edges between all vertices. The graphs $G(\Delta)$ and $G(H)$ are illustrated in Figure~\ref{fig:triangle-graph}. \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{subfigure}{.45\textwidth} \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.0] \coordinate (C1) at (-1,0); \coordinate (C2) at (0,{sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (C3) at (1,0); \foreach \m in {1,...,3} \node[graphnode] (N\m) at (C\m) {\m}; \draw (N1) -- (N2) -- (N3) -- (N1); \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Triangle graph} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}{.45\textwidth} \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.0] \coordinate (C1) at (-1,0); \coordinate (C2) at (0,{sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (C3) at (1,0); \foreach \m in {1,...,3} \node[graphnode] (N\m) at (C\m) {}; \node[left=5pt] at (C1) {$e_1\wedge e_2$}; \node[above=5pt] at (C2) {$e_1\wedge e_3$}; \node[right=5pt] at (C3) {$e_2\wedge e_3$}; \draw (N1) -- (N2) -- (N3) -- (N1); \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Fermionic triangle graph} \end{subfigure} \caption{Triangle graph example.} \label{fig:triangle-graph} \end{figure} The second example is two fermions on a square graph, so $N=2$ and $M=4$ with \begin{equation} \Delta = \begin{pmatrix*}[r] -2 & 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & -2 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & -2 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 & -2 \end{pmatrix*}, \end{equation} so no diagonal edges are included. The basis set for the fermionic Hilbert space then is $\{ e_I \}_I = \{ e_1 \wedge e_2, e_1 \wedge e_3, e_1 \wedge e_4, e_2 \wedge e_3, e_2 \wedge e_4 , e_3 \wedge e_4 \}$ and the same Hamiltonian $H=-\Delta\otimes 1 - 1 \otimes\Delta$ as before in this basis comes out as \begin{equation} H = \begin{pmatrix*}[r] 4 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ -1 & 4 & -1 & -1 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & -1 & 4 & 0 & -1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 & 0 & 4 & -1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & -1 & -1 & 4 & -1 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 4 \end{pmatrix*}. \end{equation} Here the fermionic graph, like the square graph itself, is not complete and some edges are missing, as illustrated in Figure~\ref{fig:square-graph}. The same example was used in \citet{tenHaaf1995MonteCarlo} to illustrate a method employing simplified, effective Hamiltonians in Green-function Monte Carlo calculations, where certain edges in the fermionic graph get cut, thus avoiding the ``sign problem''. \begin{figure}[ht] \begin{subfigure}{.45\textwidth} \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2] \coordinate (C1) at (-1,1); \coordinate (C2) at (1,1); \coordinate (C3) at (1,-1); \coordinate (C4) at (-1,-1); \foreach \m in {1,...,4} \node[graphnode] (N\m) at (C\m) {\m}; \draw (N1) -- (N2) -- (N3) -- (N4) -- (N1); \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Square graph} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}{.45\textwidth} \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2.0] \coordinate (C1) at (-1.25,0); \coordinate (C2) at (0,1); \coordinate (C3) at (1.25,0); \coordinate (C4) at (0.75,0); \coordinate (C5) at (0,-1); \coordinate (C6) at (-0.75,0); \foreach \m in {1,...,6} \node[graphnode] (N\m) at (C\m) {}; \node[left=5pt] at (C1) {$e_1\wedge e_2$}; \node[above=5pt] at (C2) {$e_1\wedge e_3$}; \node[right=5pt] at (C3) {$e_1\wedge e_4$}; \node[left=5pt] at (C4) {$e_2\wedge e_3$}; \node[below=5pt] at (C5) {$e_2\wedge e_4$}; \node[right=5pt] at (C6) {$e_3\wedge e_4$}; \draw (N1) -- (N2) -- (N3) -- (N5) -- (N1); \draw (N2) -- (N4) -- (N5) -- (N6) -- (N2); \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Fermionic square graph} \end{subfigure} \caption{Square graph example.} \label{fig:square-graph} \end{figure} \section{Violations of the Hohenberg--Kohn theorem} \label{sec:main:HK-violation} \subsection{Unique \texorpdfstring{$v$}{v}-representability} \label{sec:uv} The Hohenberg-Kohn (HK) theorem for continuum systems \cite{Hohenberg-Kohn1964} states that if two Hamiltonians $H(v)$ and $H (v')$ corresponding to two different external potentials $v$ and $v'$ share the same ground-state density then $v$ and $v'$ can only differ by a constant. This statement holds independently whether the ground state is degenerate or not. Following the proof in \citet{pino2007} the theorem can be split into two parts, where the first one is very general and holds in all settings where the external potential couples only to the density, so in particular in the usual continuum case and the graph setting discussed here. \begin{theorem}[HK part 1]\label{th:HK1} Assume that two Hamiltonians $H = H_0 + V,H' = H_0 + V'$ that differ only in their external potentials $v,v'$ share a common ground-state density $\rho$. Then an (ensemble) ground state $\Psi$ $(\Gamma)$ of $H$ with density $\rho$ is also an (ensemble) ground state of $H'$ and vice versa. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Let $\Psi,\Psi'$ be ground states of $H$ and $H'$ with ground-state energies $E,E'$, respectively, having the same density $\rho$. Then by the Rayleigh--Ritz variational principle \begin{align} \label{eq:HK-proof-1} &E = \langle \Psi, H \Psi \rangle \leq \langle \Psi', H \Psi' \rangle = \langle \Psi', H' \Psi' \rangle + \sum_i (v_i-v'_i)\rho_i \\ &\quad\Longrightarrow \langle \Psi, H \Psi \rangle - \sum_i (v_i-v'_i)\rho_i \leq \langle \Psi', H' \Psi' \rangle \quad\text{and thus}\nonumber \\ \label{eq:HK-proof-2} &E' = \langle \Psi', H' \Psi' \rangle \leq \langle \Psi, H' \Psi \rangle = \langle \Psi, H \Psi \rangle - \sum_i (v_i-v'_i)\rho_i \leq E'. \end{align} Hence $\langle \Psi, H' \Psi \rangle = E'$ and thus $\Psi$ is also a ground state of $H'$. The other direction and the proof for ensemble ground states works analogously. \end{proof} Since by this first part of the HK theorem it follows $H'\Psi = E'\Psi$, this together with $H\Psi=E\Psi$ leads to \begin{equation} (H-H')\Psi=(V-V')\Psi=(E-E')\Psi. \end{equation} The second part of the HK theorem for continuum systems then relies on the assumption that $\Psi\neq 0$ almost everywhere to be able to conclude $v-v'=\text{const}$. Recently this issue, and thereby the validity of the HK theorem for continuum systems, has been settled in the work of \citet{Garrigue2018} who used the proof structure of \citet{pino2007} and proved the necessary unique continuation property (UCP) for the many-particle Hamiltonians under consideration. In essence, the UCP assures that if a wave function $\Psi$ vanishes sufficiently quickly at one point and solves the Schr\"odinger equation then $\Psi=0$ almost everywhere. This then implies that an eigenfunction cannot vanish on a set of positive measure or else it would be identically zero \cite{FigueiredoGossez,Regbaoui}, a property that is crucially used in the proof of the HK theorem. The UCP or a comparable property does not hold on finite graphs \cite{Isozaki2014-Rellich-no-UCP,Peyerimhoff2019-no-UCP}, since graph Hamiltonian eigenstates can vanish at many adjacent vertices (see \eqref{eq:complete-graph:localized-phi} for an example). This also implies that, although the HK theorem is settled in the continuum case, it is not so in the discrete case. This can lead to situations where systems with different potentials (modulo constants) have the same ground state and consequently also the same ground-state density. On the other hand, because of the first part of the HK theorem, if two different potentials produce the same ground-state density, they must also share the same ground state. So the property of ``unique $v$-representability'' (or its negation) is always shared by states and their densities. For future use it is therefore possible and useful to introduce the following terminology: \begin{definition} If $\Psi$ ($\Gamma$) is the (ensemble) ground state of a Hamiltonian $H_0+V$ with external potential $v$ and if there is no other potential $v'$ differing more than a constant from $v$ such that $\Psi$ ($\Gamma$) is also the (ensemble) ground state of $H_0+V'$, we say that $\Psi$ ($\Gamma$) and its corresponding ground-state density $\rho$ are \emph{uniquely $v$-representable} (uv). \end{definition} The validity of the complete HK theorem is then equivalent to the statement that all densities of interest are uv-ground-state densities. In the next section we will establish sufficient conditions for unique $v$-representability, even for general eigenstates, which is in line with the continuum case in which the UCP applies to any eigenstate \cite{Garrigue2018}. It is readily seen that violations of unique $v$-representability and thus of the HK theorem occur in at least two cases, namely when the density $\rho_i$ on a vertex is either zero or one, i.e., the density lies on the boundary of $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$. In the case that the density is zero on vertex $i$ we can add an arbitrary repulsive potential $v_i$ at vertex $i$ without any effect on the potential energy $\sum_i v_i\rho_i$ and thus without changing the state $\Psi$ and its designation as a ground state. On the other hand, in the case $\rho_i=1$ the density is fully saturated at that vertex and by applying an additional attractive potential on vertex $i$ we can make sure that the state $\Psi$ is unchanged and still remains the ground state. These two situations can be ruled out if the ground-state wave function has enough non-zero coefficients in its expansion of the form \eqref{Psi_expansion}. To show this we first define \begin{equation} m= \binom{ M-1 }{ N-1}, \quad n= \binom{ M-1 }{ N }, \quad n+m= \binom{ M }{ N }, \label{nm} \end{equation} where $n+m=L$ is the dimension of the Hilbert space $\H_N$. If $\rho_i=0$ then according to \eqref{rho_def} at most $n$ coefficients, namely all possible ones not containing $i$ in a multi-index, can be non-zero. On the other hand when $\rho_i=1$ then all non-zero coefficients must contain $i$ in a multi-index and there are at most $m$ of such coefficients. If $M > 2N$ then $n > m$ which means that, in this case, the expansion (\ref{Psi_expansion}) must contain more than $n$ non-zero coefficients to avoid both zero or full occupancy on some vertex. On the other hand, if $M < 2N$ then $m > n$ and the expansion must contain more than $m$ non-zero coefficients to avoid the same situation. For the remaining case $M=2N$ we have $m=n=\binom{2N-1}{N}$ and we need more than this number of coefficients to avoid either zero or full occupancies. It is clearly conceivable that the HK theorem may be violated also in other cases than zero or full occupancy, i.e., inside the interior of $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$, and we will see that this is indeed the case by explicit example. In the next section we derive precisely how many coefficients in the expansion \eqref{Psi_expansion} need to be non-zero to guarantee the validity of the HK theorem. \subsection{Condition for unique \texorpdfstring{$v$}{v}-representability from Odlyzko's theorem} \label{sec:Odlyzko} In this section we give a sufficient condition for a state to be uniquely $v$-representable on graphs. In the HK theorem the focus is on the ground state but our reasoning applies to any eigenstate and so we will derive a condition to ensure that any eigenstate is produced by a unique potential (modulo constants). Let us assume that two potentials $V$ and $V'$ lead to the same eigenstate $\Psi$, then \begin{align} ( H_0 + V ) \Psi &= E \Psi \quad\quad \text{and} \\ ( H_0 + V' ) \Psi &= E' \Psi. \end{align} Then if we define $U= (V-E)- (V'-E')$ it follows from above that $U \Psi=0$. Written out more explicitly this gives for every coefficient from the expansion \eqref{Psi_expansion} that \begin{equation}\label{eq:u-condition} (u_{i_1} + \ldots + u_{i_N} ) \, \Psi_I = 0 \end{equation} with $u_i = v_i-v'_i - \tfrac{1}{N}(E-E')$ for all $i\in I=(i_1,\ldots,i_N)$ with $i_1<\ldots<i_N$, which represents a selection of $N$ distinct integers from the set of vertices $X=\{1,\ldots,M \}$. We would like to conclude that $u_i=0$ for all $i \in X$ which leads to the usual HK result that $v = v' + \tfrac{1}{N}(E-E')$. To ensure this conclusion we need enough multi-indices $I$ for which the wave-function coefficient $\Psi_I$ does not vanish. Let us denote the collection of all such multi-indices for $\Psi$ by $C[\Psi]$, so $\Psi_I \neq 0$ for $I \in C[\Psi]$. Note that there is a finite number of possibilities for such collections because every single one cannot include more than $L=\binom{M}{N}$ elements. Further, every state $\Psi \in I_N$ can be allocated to one of those classes, namely $C[\Psi]$, so they offer a finite classification of all states in terms of which coefficient are non-zero. We then have from \eqref{eq:u-condition} the set of equations \begin{equation} \sum_{i \in I} u_{i} = 0 \quad \quad \text{for all $I \in C[\Psi]$.} \label{u_zero} \end{equation} The key question is now how large the collection $C[\Psi]$ must be in order to guarantee that $u_i=0$ for all $i \in X$ is the only solution, which would give us the full HK theorem for states in this class. This can be translated into a question about the rank of certain types of matrices and can be best illustrated with an example that we will meet again in \eqref{Psi_A} below. If $M=4$ and $N=2$ and the wave-function coefficient $\Psi_I$ is non-vanishing for $I \in C[\Psi]=\{(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4)\}$ then the system of equations (\ref{u_zero}) is equivalent to the matrix equation \begin{equation}\label{eq:rank-3} \Upsilon[\Psi]\cdot u = \begin{pmatrix*} 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix*} \cdot \begin{pmatrix*} u_1 \\ u_2 \\ u_3 \\ u_4 \end{pmatrix*} = 0. \end{equation} The rows of the coefficient matrix $\Upsilon[\Psi]$ are thus formed by the non-zero coefficients $\Psi_I$ of $\Psi$. In each row just the entries that correspond to the two indices in $I$ are one, while all other entries remain zero. Equivalently, the rows of $\Upsilon[\Psi]$ are the extreme densities $E_I$ with $I\in C[\Psi]$. The rank of $\Upsilon[\Psi]$ in this example is $3$ which is less than the number of unknowns and consequently there is an infinite number of solutions, which in this case are of the form $u=(t,t,-t,-t)$ with $t \in \mathbb{R}$. If we would now take $\Psi_I$ also to be non-zero for $I=(3,4)$, we can add the row $(0,0,1,1)$ to the matrix above and we find that the rank of the matrix becomes $4$ in which case $u=0$ is the only solution. In the general problem \eqref{u_zero} the matrix $\Upsilon[\Psi]$ that we need to consider always contains only the elements $0$ and $1$, a so-called $(0,1)$-matrix, has $M$ columns, and its row sum is always $N$. To guarantee uniqueness, we can therefore ask how many different rows a $(0,1)$-matrix with $M$ columns and row sum $N$ needs to have in order to guarantee that its rank is $M$. This problem was addressed by \citet{Longstaff} and \citet{Odlyzko} in which the latter gave the complete answer that we repeat here as a theorem. \begin{theorem}[Odlyzko] The number $g(M,N)$, $1 \leq N < M$, defined by \begin{equation} g(M,N) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} \binom{M-1}{N} & \text{if $M > 2N$}\\ \\ 2 \, \binom{M-2}{N-1} & \text{if $M=2N$} \\ \\ \binom{M-1}{N-1} & \text{if $M < 2N$} \end{array} \right. \label{odlyzko} \end{equation} is the smallest integer so that every $(0,1)$-matrix with $M$ columns, row sum $N$, and strictly more than $g(M,N)$ different rows has rank $M$. \end{theorem} In our example we have $g(4,2)=4$ such that we need at least $g(4,2)+1=5$ distinct rows, and therefore $5$ non-vanishing coefficients $\Psi_I$ to guarantee the unique solution $u=0$. Note that Odlyzko's theorem still allows for the existence of rank $M$ matrices with a number of rows smaller or equal than $g(M,N)$, it just asserts that not \emph{every} matrix with that number of different rows will have rank $M$. For example, we can check for $M=4,N=2$ that a wave function with non-zero coefficients $\Psi_I$ with $I\in C[\Psi]=\{(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(3,4)\}$ corresponds to a $(0,1)$-matrix $\Upsilon[\Psi]$ of rank $4$ even if this matrix has only $4$ different rows. If we now apply the theorem of Odlyzko to the system of equations \eqref{u_zero} we conclude that $u=0$ is the only possible solution in case the number of coefficients $|C[\Psi]|$ for which $\Psi_I$ does not vanish is strictly larger than $g(M,N)$. We formulate this as the following corollary. \begin{corollary} \label{cor:HK-necessary} Let $\Psi$ be an $N$-particle eigenstate of $H_0+V$ on a graph with $M$ vertices. If the number of distinct multi-indices $I$ for which $\Psi_I$ in the expansion \eqref{Psi_expansion} does not vanish is strictly larger than the Odlyzko number $g(M,N)$ given by \eqref{odlyzko} then $\Psi$ is not an eigenvector of any other Hamiltonian $H_0+V'$ where $V'$ differs from $V$ by more than a constant. \end{corollary} Let us now give a discussion of these results. Referring back to $\eqref{nm}$ we see that for $M > 2N$ we have $g(M,N)=n$ and for $M < 2N$ we indeed have $g(M,N)=m$ such that the conditions in Corollary~\ref{cor:HK-necessary} for the case $M \neq 2N$ are equivalent to the conditions that exclude the $\rho_i=0$ and $\rho_i=1$ occupation cases that were discussed in the previous section. For the case $M=2N$ we have $m=n$ and $g(M,N)>m$ as can be checked by explicit calculation. In this case the Odlyzko condition is more strict than the one obtained from the reasoning in the previous section, which indicates the possibility of a violation of HK without zero or full occupancy as we will indeed find by explicit example in the next section. We stress, however, that this does not necessarily imply HK violation for states where the number of non-zero coefficients is smaller or equal than $g(M,N)$. \subsection{Examples for non-unique \texorpdfstring{$v$}{v}-representability} \label{sec:ex-non-unique} Here we present two explicit examples for non-unique $v$-representability by studying two systems of non-interacting fermions on graphs that are already familiar to us from Section~\ref{sec:graph-examples}. As a first example we again take two fermions on a triangle graph, i.e., we have the case $N=2$ and $M=3$ for which we get $g(3,2)=2$ and therefore we need at least three non-zero coefficients (which means all of them since $L=\binom{M}{N}=3$ too) to guarantee unique $v$-representability by Corollary~\ref{cor:HK-necessary}. For later reference we give the Hamiltonian for a general external potential $v$, although for the example it suffices to put the potential to zero on all but one vertex. The one-particle Hamiltonian $h$ is then given by \begin{equation} h(v) = 2 I + \begin{pmatrix*}[r] v_1 & -1 & -1 \\ -1 & v_2 & -1 \\ -1 & -1 & v_3 \end{pmatrix*}, \end{equation} where $I$ denotes the identity matrix here, while the two-particle Hamiltonian is given by \begin{equation} H(v) = 4 I + \begin{pmatrix*}[r] v_1+v_2 & -1 & 1 \\ -1 & v_1+v_3 & -1 \\ 1 & -1 & v_2+v_3 \end{pmatrix*} \label{eq:H-triangle} \end{equation} with respect to the basis $\{e_I\}_I = \{e_1 \wedge e_2 , e_1 \wedge e_3,e_2 \wedge e_3\}$. For the case $v_1=v_2=v_3=0$ the ground state is degenerate and the ground-state subspace is spanned by the two orthonormal states \begin{equation} \Psi_A = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (1,0,-1) \quad\quad \text{and} \quad\quad \Psi_B =\frac{1}{\sqrt{6}} (1,2,1) \label{PsiAB} \end{equation} with eigenvalue $E_A=E_B= 3$ and corresponding densities calculated from \eqref{rho_def}, \begin{equation} \rho_A = \tfrac{1}{2}( 1,2,1 ) \quad\quad \text{and} \quad\quad \rho_B = \tfrac{1}{6}( 5,2,5 ). \end{equation} We note that $\Psi_A$ has one zero coefficient which is responsible for the full occupancy on vertex $2$ in the density $\rho_A$ that consequently can be found at the boundary of $\mathcal{P}_{3,2}$. Through applying an attractive potential $(0,-t,0)$ with $t >0$ the state $\Psi_A$ thus remains unchanged while the state $\Psi_B$ is modified. The degeneracy is lifted with $E_A=3-t$ and $E_B= \tfrac{1}{2}(9-t-\sqrt{9-2t+t^2})$ such that $\Psi_A$ becomes a non-degenerate ground state which is insensitive to the value of $t$ as long as $t>0$. This is a clear counterexample to the HK theorem which finds its origin in a full occupation of one of the vertices. It is also a refutation of the statement of \citet{CCR1985} that ``no potential which is finite at a particular site can attract particles so strongly to that site that it always contains the maximum number of particles.'' As a second example we take $N=2$ fermions on a square graph with $M=4$ vertices for which $g(4,2)=4$ while $m=n=3$. We therefore need at least $4$ non-zero coefficients to avoid zero or full occupancy, while the Odlyzko condition implies that we need at least $5$ non-zero coefficients to guarantee unique $v$-representability. We shall see that for this example we can find a ground state with only $4$ non-zero coefficients and that HK is violated in the absence of full or zero occupancy. For the square graph we take the one-particle Hamiltonian \begin{align}\label{eq:square-h} h= 2 I + \begin{pmatrix*}[r] s+t & -1 & 0 & -1 \\ -1 & -s+t & -1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 & -s-t & -1 \\ -1 & 0 & -1 & s-t \end{pmatrix*} \end{align} in which we chose the external potential in a particular form with $s,t\in\mathbb{R}$. The system can be viewed as one in which we apply a combination of two potentials: a potential of the form $(s,-s,-s,s)$ with opposite values on the left and right side of the square and a 90° rotated one $(t,t,-t,-t)$ with opposite values on the top and bottom of the square. The two-particle Hamiltonian for this system is given by \begin{align} H = 4 I + \begin{pmatrix*}[r] 2t & -1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ -1 & 0 & -1 & -1 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & -1 & 2s & 0 & -1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 & 0 & -2s & -1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & -1 & -1 & 0 & -1 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & - 1 & - 2t \label{Ham_uv} \end{pmatrix*} \end{align} with respect to the basis \begin{equation} \{ e_I \}_I = \{ e_1 \wedge e_2, e_1 \wedge e_3, e_1 \wedge e_4, e_2 \wedge e_3, e_2 \wedge e_4 , e_3 \wedge e_4 \}. \end{equation} For all values $s,t\in\mathbb{R}$ the two normalized eigenstates and eigenvalues of $H$ corresponding to the two lowest energies are given by \begin{align} \Psi_A &= \frac{1}{1+\alpha^2 (s)}(0, \alpha (s), \alpha^2 (s), 1, \alpha (s),0 ) && \text{with}\quad E_A=4- 2\sqrt{1+s^2} \quad\text{and} \label{Psi_A} \\ \Psi_B &= \frac{1}{1+\alpha^2 (t)} (\alpha^2 (t), \alpha (t), 0,0,-\alpha(t), -1) && \text{with}\quad E_B= 4- 2\sqrt{1+t^2}, \label{Psi_B} \end{align} where we defined $\alpha(t) = -t + \sqrt{1+t^2}$, and the corresponding densities are \begin{align} \rho_A &= \frac{1}{1+\alpha^2 (s)} ( \alpha^2 (s),1,1,\alpha^2 (s) ) \quad\quad\text{and} \\ \rho_B &= \frac{1}{1+\alpha^2 (t)} ( \alpha^2 (t),\alpha^2 (t),1,1 ) . \end{align} The densities can be rewritten as \begin{align} \rho_A &= \beta (s) ( 0,1,1,0 ) + (1-\beta (s)) (1,0,0,1) \label{eq:rhoA}\quad\quad\text{and} \\ \rho_B &= \beta (t) (0,0,1,1) + (1-\beta(t)) ( 1,1,0,0 ), \label{eq:rhoB} \end{align} where we defined $\beta (t) = 1 /(1 + \alpha^2 (t)) \in (0,1)$. In this case they do \emph{not} lie on the boundary of the density domain because $\alpha (t)$ does not become zero but approaches four extreme points in the density domain $\mathcal{P}_{4,2}$ (an octahedron) arbitrarily close. The densities, parametrized by $s$ and $t$, form the diagonals in the middle plane of the octahedron, a situation displayed in Figure~\ref{fig:octahedron}. We further see that the densities $\rho_A,\rho_B$ clearly reflect the symmetry of the applied potentials. For example, for very large positive $s$ the function $\beta (s)$ approaches one and two particles localize on vertices $2$ and $3$ where the potential becomes large and negative, while for large negative $s$ the coefficient $\beta(s)$ approaches zero and the two particles localize on the opposite sites of the square. The states $\Psi_A$ and $\Psi_B$ have both $4$ non-zero coefficients so that we cannot have a zero or full occupancy on any vertex. However, the Odlyzko condition for these states is not satisfied, which opens up the possibility for a HK violation. Indeed, if $|s| > |t|$ then $\Psi_A$ is a non-degenerate ground state which is insensitive to the value of $t$ as long as $|t|$ is smaller than $|s|$. For $|s|=|t|$ the two states become degenerate and if $|s|<|t|$ then $\Psi_B$ becomes the ground state which is independent of $s$ as long as $|s|$ remains smaller than $|t|$. This again clearly demonstrates the absence of unique $v$-representability. Interestingly, this happens for a non-degenerate ground state and for a density that has neither zero nor full occupancy anywhere. It therefore presents a counterexample to a basic assumption in the work of \citet{KohnPRL} who stated that any non-constant perturbation of a non-degenerate state on a lattice will always change that state. It also constitutes a counterexample to the statement in \citet{ullrich2002} that ``the density of a non-degenerate ground state uniquely determines [the potential].'' \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2] \coordinate (C1) at (3.37,-0.13); \coordinate (C2) at (0.07,-3.12); \coordinate (C3) at (4.24,-2.32); \coordinate (C4) at (6.67,-3.65); \coordinate (C5) at (2.50,-4.42); \coordinate (C6) at (3.36,-6.61); \foreach \m in {1,...,6} \node[circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] (N\m) at (C\m) {}; \draw (N1) -- (N2); \draw[dashed] (N1) -- (N3); \draw (N1) -- (N4); \draw (N1) -- (N5); \draw[dashed] (N2) -- (N3); \draw[dashed] (N3) -- (N4); \draw (N2) -- (N5); \draw (N4) -- (N5); \draw (N2) -- (N6); \draw[dashed] (N3) -- (N6); \draw (N5) -- (N6); \draw (N4) -- (N6); \node [above] at (N1) {$(1,0,1,0)$}; \node [left] at (N2) {$(0,1,1,0)$}; \node [right] at (N4) {$(1,0,0,1)$}; \node [right] at (N3) {$(0,0,1,1)$}; \node [left] at (N5) {$(1,1,0,0)$}; \node [below] at (N6) {$(0,1,0,1)$}; \draw[-,color=red,line width=1pt] (N2) -- (N4); \draw[-,color=red,line width=1pt] (N3) -- (N5); \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Density domain $\mathcal{P}_{4,2}$ of the square-graph example with the non-uv densities $\rho_A,\rho_B$ from \eqref{eq:rhoA}-\eqref{eq:rhoB} in red.} \label{fig:octahedron} \end{figure} Note that there is a qualitative difference in the range of potentials that allow for HK violation. The collection of potentials in the triangle graph that keep the ground state unchanged corresponds to an unbounded domain in potential space since $t \in [0,\infty)$ in our example. On the other hand, in the square graph the corresponding domain in potential space is bounded, $t \in [-|s|, |s| \,]$ for a given $s$ in the example. As we will see, this is a general feature that we will prove as Corollary~\ref{cor:pot-bounded} later: If $0 < \rho_i <1$ then HK violation can only occur on a bounded domain in potential space. Not only that, the potentials that lead to HK violations are also `rare' as we will argue in Section~\ref{sec:degen-non-uv}. But first we will establish that also in the density domain, non-uv examples are rare. \subsection{Still almost all densities are uniquely \texorpdfstring{$v$}{v}-representable} \label{sec:almost-all-uv-dens} In Section \ref{sec:v-rep} we will prove that all densities with $0 < \rho_i < 1$ are ensemble $v$-representable. The question remains whether they are \emph{uniquely} $v$-representable. This is partially answered by the following theorem. \begin{theorem}\label{th:non-uv-dens-measure-zero} The set of non-uv densities is a subset of a finite union of linear subspaces of dimension $<M$ in $\mathbb{R}^M$ and thus has measure zero on the affine set of all physical densities $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ with $\sum_i\rho_i=N$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} First, let us recall the definition of the matrix $\Upsilon[\Psi]$ from Section~\ref{sec:Odlyzko}. We have $\Upsilon[\Psi]_{I,i} = 1$ if $i\in I$ and zero otherwise, where the row index $I \in C[\Psi]$, the set of multi-indices of all non-zero coefficients of $\Psi$ in the expansion \eqref{Psi_expansion}.\\ Now the density $\rho$ for a given (ensemble) state is a finite convex combination of pure states $\Psi_n$ with densities $\rho_n$ of the form \begin{equation} \rho = \sum_n \lambda_n \rho_n. \end{equation} The pure-state density $\rho_n$ is given by \begin{equation}\label{eq:rho-from-T} \rho_{n,i} = \sum_{I \ni i} |\Psi_{n,I} |^2 = \sum_{I} T[\Psi_n]_{i,I} |\Psi_{n,I} |^2, \end{equation} which we rewrote as the multiplication with matrices $T[\Psi_n]$ where $T[\Psi_n]_{i,I}=1$ if $i\in I \in C[\Psi_n]$ and zero otherwise. But this means that $T[\Psi_n]$ is exactly the transpose of $\Upsilon[\Psi_n]$, an observation that will become crucial in the course of this proof. If the given density $\rho$ is assumed non-uv then two different potentials $v$ and $v'$ differing by more than a constant give rise to the same density $\rho$, but also share the same (ensemble) ground state by the first part of the HK theorem (Theorem~\ref{th:HK1}). This means that all $\Psi_n$ in the ensemble are non-uv ground states of both $H(v)$ and $H(v')$ and fulfil \eqref{eq:u-condition} with the same non-zero $u=v-v'-\tfrac{1}{N}(E-E')$, which implies that the intersection $W=\bigcap_n \ker \Upsilon[\Psi_n]$ is non-zero and is a linear subspace of the kernel of each of the $\Upsilon [\Psi_n]$. Since the image of the transpose of a matrix is the orthogonal complement of its kernel (for a proof for general non-square matrices see \citet{prosalov-book}), it follows that the image of $T[\Psi_n]$ is orthogonal to $W \subseteq \ker{\Upsilon[\Psi_n]}$ and hence $\rho_n \in W^\perp$ for all $n$ by \eqref{eq:rho-from-T}. It therefore follows that also $\rho = \sum_n \lambda_n \rho_n \in W^\perp$ where $W^\perp$ has dimension of at most $M-1$ since $W$ has dimension of at least one. Every non-uv density matrix belongs to a class characterized by a finite collection of $\Upsilon[\Psi_n]$ matrices specified by the non-uv states in the ensemble and as there is only a finite number of such collections there exists only a finite number of subspaces of the type $W^\perp$ that we just discussed. Finally, we arrive at our conclusion by noticing that the intersection of all those linear subspaces of dimension $<M$ that include non-uv densities $\rho$ with the affine subspace $\{\rho \in \mathbb{R}^M \mid \sum_i \rho_i=N \}$ that contains $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ will always lead to a measure-zero set. \end{proof} We will illustrate this result with the examples from the previous section. For the triangle graph the non-uv state $\Psi_A$ has \begin{equation} \Upsilon[\Psi_A] = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 \end{array} \right) \end{equation} with rank 2 and we saw in the proof above that the non-uv density that can result from this state must be included in the image of the transpose of $\Upsilon[\Psi_A]$, \begin{equation}\label{eq:T-image-1} \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 \end{array} \right) \cdot \left( \begin{array}{c} |\Psi_{(1,2)}|^2 \\ |\Psi_{(2,3)}|^2 \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{c} \rho_1 \\ 1 \\ 1-\rho_1 \end{array} \right), \end{equation} where we used the normalization $|\Psi_{(1,2)}|^2+|\Psi_{(2,3)}|^2=1$ for states that have $\Psi_{(1,3)}=0$. The resulting density in \eqref{eq:T-image-1} has full occupancy $\rho_2=1$ and is thus on the border of $\mathcal{P}_{3,2}$, a set of measure zero. This makes it interesting to check the second example of the square graph as well, where the non-uv density did not contain any zero or full occupancy. There, \begin{equation} \Upsilon[\Psi_A] = \left( \begin{array}{cccc} 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right) \end{equation} with rank 3 and thus for the image, using the normalization $|\Psi_{(1,3)}|^2+|\Psi_{(1,4)}|^2+|\Psi_{(2,3)}|^2+|\Psi_{(2,4)}|^2 =1$, we find \begin{equation} \left( \begin{array}{cccc} 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right) \cdot \left( \begin{array}{c} |\Psi_{(1,3)}|^2 \\ |\Psi_{(1,4)}|^2 \\ |\Psi_{(2,3)}|^2 \\ |\Psi_{(2,4)}|^2 \end{array} \right) = \begin{pmatrix*} \rho_1 \\ 1-\rho_1 \\ \rho_3 \\ 1 -\rho_3 \end{pmatrix*}, \end{equation} which represents a 2-dimensional subset of the 3-dimensional affine space $\{\rho\in \mathbb{R}^4 \mid \rho_1+\rho_2 + \rho_3+\rho_4=2 \}$ that does not lie on the border of $\mathcal{P}_{4,2}$, except when $\rho_1$ or $\rho_3 \in \{0,1\}$. The case $\rho_1=1-\rho_3$ with $\rho_3 = \beta (s)$ is just the one that corresponds to the known non-uv density $\rho_A$ in \eqref{eq:rhoA}. \section{Positive results from the Rellich theorem} \label{sec:main:Rellich} \subsection{Openness of the set of non-degenerate, uniquely \texorpdfstring{$v$}{v}-representable ground-state densities} Rellich's theorem \cite{rellich1937} for the analytic dependency of eigenvalues and eigenvectors on small perturbations is the following (see also the book of \citet[Ch.~1, §1]{rellich-book} and other textbooks \cite{Kato-book,Baumgaertel-book}). \begin{theorem}[Rellich]\label{th:Rellich} Let $A_{mn} (\lambda)$, $\lambda \in \mathbb{R}$, be a Hermitian matrix whose components $A_{mn}(\lambda)$ are analytic in $\lambda$ in a neighborhood of $\lambda=0$. Then there exists a neighborhood of $\lambda=0$ in which the eigenvalues are analytic functions of $\lambda$ and in which we can furthermore choose an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors that are analytic in $\lambda$ as well. \end{theorem} The indicated ``choice'' refers to a few circumstances which are related to degeneracy and non-uniqueness. In the case that the eigenvectors at $\lambda=0$ are degenerate we cannot freely choose them at $\lambda=0$, but the requirement of analyticity picks out specific vectors from the unperturbed degenerate manifold (see \citet[Ch.~1, §1]{rellich-book} for an insightful discussion). The correct choice is obtained from the eigenvectors at finite $\lambda$ by letting $\lambda \rightarrow 0$. If the eigenvalue is non-degenerate the choice of eigenvector is unique up to a phase factor which we can choose to be any analytic function. Moreover, if we insist on ordering the states by their eigenvalues then due to possible eigenvalue crossings the eigenvalues as functions of $\lambda$ may display a non-differentiable kink and the eigenstates may jump discontinuously. The latter is illustrated by the states \eqref{Psi_A} and \eqref{Psi_B} in our square-graph example, which suddenly switch their role as ground states at $|s|=|t|$ where we take the parameter in Rellich's theorem to be $\lambda=t$ for a fixed value of $s$. However, since these crossings happen at points with a finite value of $\lambda$, an order-preserving analytic choice of eigenvalues is always possible for sufficiently small $\lambda$. Let us give an application of Rellich's theorem that serves the topological study of the density-potential mapping. We will establish that the set of uv-ground-state densities coming from a non-degenerate ground state forms an open set. The proof corrects and simplifies a proof by \citet{KohnPRL}, who incorrectly assumed that any non-degenerate ground state must be uniquely $v$-representable, a claim refuted in Section~\ref{sec:ex-non-unique} above by explicit example. \begin{theorem}\label{th:U-open} The set $\mathcal{U}_{M,N} \subseteq \mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ of uv densities from non-degenerate ground states is an open set, i.e., if $\rho \in \mathcal{U}_{M,N}$ then there is an $\varepsilon > 0$ such that $\rho' \in \mathcal{U}_{M,N}$ whenever $\| \rho' - \rho \| < \varepsilon$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} As always, we consider a graph with $M$ vertices. Since all potentials are only fixed up to an additive constant, we can always choose $v_M=0$, leaving $v_i$ for $i=1,\ldots,M-1$ as free variables. Furthermore, since $\rho_M=N- \sum_{i <M} \rho_i$, we only need to consider $\rho_i$ for $i=1, \ldots,M-1$ as well. We choose a density $\rho$ which belongs to a non-degenerate uv-ground state with eigenvalue $E_0$ of $H(v)$ and apply a small perturbation $\lambda u$ for a given non-zero potential $u$ with $u_M=0$ again, i.e., we consider the external potential $v+\lambda u$. According to Rellich's theorem (Theorem~\ref{th:Rellich}) we can choose the eigenstate $\Psi(\lambda)$ of the perturbed system in an analytic fashion such that it connects smoothly to a ground state of the unperturbed system at $\lambda=0$ (see the remarks after Theorem \ref{th:Rellich}). Since the ground state was presumed to be non-degenerate, this state is unique up to a phase factor and will yield the prescribed density $\rho$. Moreover, for small enough $\lambda$ there will be no eigenvalue crossing such that $\Psi (\lambda)$ remains a non-degenerate ground state itself. Our Hamiltonian is then given by \begin{equation} ( H_0 + V + \lambda U ) \Psi (\lambda) = E (\lambda) \Psi (\lambda) \label{H_lambda} \end{equation} and we set $\Psi_0=\Psi(0)$ and $E_0=E(0)$. The matrix $U$ (and similarly $V$) is diagonal in the $\{e_I\}_I$ basis with diagonal elements $U_I = \sum_{i \in I} u_i$. Now since $\Psi_0$ is a uv-state we cannot have $U\Psi_0=0$ since that would imply that $v$ as well as $v+u$ represent this state. Consequently, $U\Psi_0 \neq 0$ and by continuity from Rellich's theorem we also have \begin{equation} U \Psi (\lambda) \neq 0 \label{nonzero} \end{equation} for $\lambda$ small enough. For later reference we further define \begin{equation} \langle U\rangle (\lambda) = \langle \Psi (\lambda), U \Psi (\lambda) \rangle = \sum_{i=1}^{M-1} u_i \rho_i (v+\lambda u), \label{Udef} \end{equation} where $\rho(v+\lambda u)$ is the density corresponding to $\Psi(\lambda)$. From (\ref{H_lambda}) it follows by differentiation that \begin{equation} [ H - E_0 ] \frac{\d\Psi}{\d\lambda}\Big|_{\lambda=0} = \left[ \left.\frac{\d E}{\d \lambda}\right|_{\lambda=0} - U\right] \Psi_0 = U^\prime \Psi_0 \neq 0, \label{dPdl} \end{equation} where we defined $H=H(v)=H_0+V$ and furthermore $U'= c\, I -U$ or equivalently $u_i'=c/N-u_i$ with constant $c=\d E/\d\lambda|_{\lambda=0}$. The last inequality in \eqref{dPdl} follows since $\Psi_0$ is an uv-state and the only way for $U' \Psi_0$ to vanish is by the same argument as above that $u_i'=0$, which implies that $u_i=c/N$ is a constant. However, since we put $u_M=0$ this can only be the case of $u=0$ which contradicts our choice of a non-zero $u$.\\ Since the right hand side of \eqref{dPdl} does not vanish, it follows that $\d\Psi/\d\lambda|_{\lambda=0}$ cannot be a ground state of $H$. We now take the inner product with $\d\Psi/\d\lambda|_{\lambda=0}$ on the first equation of \eqref{dPdl} and then add the complex conjugate of the equation obtained. This yields \begin{align} 0 < 2 \left\langle \frac{\d\Psi}{\d\lambda}\Big|_{\lambda=0}, [ H - E_0 ] \frac{\d\Psi}{\d\lambda}\Big|_{\lambda=0} \right\rangle &= -\left\langle \frac{\d\Psi}{\d\lambda}\Big|_{\lambda=0} , U \Psi_0 \right\rangle - \left\langle \Psi_0 , U \frac{\d\Psi}{\d\lambda}\Big|_{\lambda=0} \right\rangle + \frac{\d E}{\d \lambda}\Big|_{\lambda=0} \cdot \frac{\d}{\d\lambda} \| \Psi (\lambda) \|^2 \Big|_{\lambda=0} , \end{align} where for the inequality we used the Rayleigh--Ritz principle and the fact that $\d\Psi/\d\lambda|_{\lambda=0}$ is not a ground state of $H$. Moreover, the last term on the right hand side vanishes since $\| \Psi (\lambda ) \| =1$ and we therefore find, using the definition (\ref{Udef}), that \begin{equation} \frac{\d\langle U\rangle}{\d\lambda} \Big|_{\lambda=0} = \left\langle \frac{\d\Psi}{\d\lambda} \Big|_{\lambda=0} , U \Psi_0 \right\rangle + \left\langle \Psi_0 , U \frac{\d\Psi}{\d\lambda} \Big|_{\lambda=0} \right\rangle < 0. \label{U_pos} \end{equation} On the other hand \begin{equation} \frac{\d\langle U\rangle}{\d\lambda}\Big|_{\lambda=0} = \sum_{i=1}^{M-1} u_i \frac{\d\rho_i }{\d\lambda} (v+\lambda u) \Big|_{\lambda=0}= \sum_{i,j=1}^{M-1} u_i \frac{\partial \rho_i}{\partial v_j} (v) u_j = \sum_{i,j=1}^{M-1} u_i J_{ij} u_j, \end{equation} where we defined $J_{ij} = \partial \rho_i/\partial v_j (v)$ to be the Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives of $\rho_i$ with respect to $v_j$ evaluated at $v$. Since \eqref{U_pos} establishes that this matrix is negative definite it follows that $\det(J) \neq 0$. The inverse function theorem then guarantees that in a small enough neighbourhood of $\rho$ the inverse one-to-one mapping from densities to potentials exists. This means that each density in this neighbourhood is uniquely $v$-representable and belongs to a non-degenerate ground state, which proves the theorem. \end{proof} The given examples suggest that the statement of openness could be extended to all uv densities, not only those coming from non-degenerate states. Since we have no strict proof for this at the moment, it should be left standing as a conjecture. \subsection{Degeneracy generates non-unique \texorpdfstring{$v$}{v}-representability} \label{sec:degen-non-uv} In this section we examine (non-)unique \texorpdfstring{$v$}{v}-representability from the side of the potentials. The questions put forward are if potentials that lead to non-uv densities (non-uv potentials) are rare as well and how those potentials are located within the space of all potentials. In this sense this section is complementary to Section~\ref{sec:almost-all-uv-dens}, where almost all densities were proven to be uv. Contrary to the other results in this work, the statements in this section will not have the character of hard theorems, but be more in the style of an explorative outlook. For this, we start from any potential $v_0$ that results in a uv ground state without any degeneracy, a situation that seems to be by far the most prevalent one, judging from the examples given in Section~\ref{sec:ex-non-unique}. Since the ground state for $v_0$ is uv, it has just the right coefficients in the usual expansion \eqref{Psi_expansion} non-zero to allow a unique zero solution for \eqref{u_zero}. Now if we follow an arbitrary path $v(\lambda)\in\mathbb{R}^M$ parametrized by $\lambda$ starting from $v(0)=v_0$, we know by invoking Rellich's theorem (Theorem~\ref{th:Rellich}) that the coefficients of the ground state can be chosen analytic in $\lambda$---as long as no level crossings occur, degeneracy arises, and a previously excited state takes over the role as the new ground state. But analyticity in $\lambda$ means that the coefficients cannot be zero over any $\lambda$-interval if they have been non-zero before, so the ground state for $v(\lambda)$ will be uv almost everywhere along the path, as long as we do not hit any degeneracy region. But if we do, a new ground state that is not uv can arise where the number of non-zero coefficients is below the Odlyzko condition. Then along a different path in potential space these coefficients can (analytically) stay equal to zero---until we hit another degeneracy region. So sets in potential space that lead to degeneracies form the boundaries of sets of possible non-uv potentials. Now the work of \citet{ullrich2002} includes the interesting observation that any potential manifold that leads to a $g$-fold degeneracy of the ground state must be of dimensionality $D_g=M-1-\tfrac{1}{2}(g-1)(g+2)$ (where the free additive constant for the potential has already been fixed). Now clearly the lowest possible degeneracy is $g=2$ and gives the highest possible dimension $D_2=M-3$. If the boundary of a set of non-uv potentials has dimension $M-3$ or less then this set itself can only have maximal dimension $D_2+1=M-2$. This tells us that in the space of all possible potentials with a fixed additive constant, that has dimension $M-1$ itself, the set of non-uv potentials actually has measure zero. This picture of regions of non-uv potentials emanating from potentials that have degenerate ground states will be illustrated with the examples from Section~\ref{sec:ex-non-unique}. In the triangle case we found the single potential $v=0$ to create a two-fold degeneracy of the ground state. Since $g=2$ and $M=3$ we have $D_g=0$, the dimensionality of a point. Then the potential set $\{(0,-t,0)\mid t>0\}$ of dimension $D_g+1=1$ was noted to lead to non-uv densities, by symmetry the same is true for $\{(-t,0,0)\mid t>0\}$ and $\{(0,0,-t)\mid t>0\}$. So in potential space we have three rays all originating in $v=0$, the point of degeneracy, as non-uv potentials. The corresponding three densities all lie on the border of the density domain $\mathcal{P}_{3,2}$ since they have full occupancy on one vertex. The situation will be discussed in much more detail in Section~\ref{sec:triangle-v-rep}. The other example was the square graph where we found the condition $|s|=|t|$ for the potential in \eqref{eq:square-h} that leads to degeneracy, again with multiplicity $g=2$. Since now $M=4$ we have $D_g=1$, the dimension of the two lines $s=t$ and $s=-t$ in potential space. For a fixed $s$ the range of potentials connecting two degeneracy points $t=\pm s$, parametrized by $t\in [-|s|,|s|]$, is then non-uv, while the same holds conversely for a fixed $t$. This situation is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:square-v-plot}. So the non-uv region in potential space indeed has dimension $D_g+1=2$ and is spanned by both parameters $s,t$, just the resulting non-uv density is not always the same and switches between $\rho_A$ for $|s|>|t|$ and $\rho_B$ for $|s|<|t|$ while both densities (and many more) are possible ground-state densities in the degeneracy case at $|s|=|t|$. Note that here the $\rho_A$ still depends on $s$ while being insensible to $t$, and $\rho_B$ reacts the other way around. For $s\to\infty$ the $\rho_A\to (0,1,1,0)$ and for $s\to -\infty$ the $\rho_A\to (1,0,0,1)$. On the other hand, for $t\to\infty$ the $\rho_B\to (0,0,1,1)$ and for $t\to -\infty$ the $\rho_B\to (1,1,0,0)$. So with a large potential on the square graph one approaches extreme points instead of instantly hitting the border of the density domain like in the triangle case. This situation already found a graphical representation in Figure~\ref{fig:octahedron}, where the $(s,t)$-plane in potential space gets mapped to the middle plane of the octahedron. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \resizebox{.5\textwidth}{!}{% \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={scale=2}] \draw[-{Latex[length=3mm]}] (-6,0) -- (6,0) node[below left] {$s$}; \draw[-{Latex[length=3mm]}] (0,-6) -- (0,6) node[below left] {$t$}; \draw[-] (-5.5,-5.5) -- (5.5,5.5) node[right] {$s=t$}; \draw[-] (-5.5,5.5) -- (5.5,-5.5) node[right] {$s=-t$}; \draw[pattern=north west lines, pattern color=blue, opacity=0.0, fill opacity=0.2] (0,0) -- (5,5) -- (5,-5) -- (0,0); \draw[pattern=north west lines, pattern color=blue, opacity=0.0, fill opacity=0.2] (0,0) -- (-5,5) -- (-5,-5) -- (0,0); \draw[pattern=north west lines, pattern color=red, opacity=0.0, fill opacity=0.2] (0,0) -- (5,5) -- (-5,5) -- (0,0); \draw[pattern=north west lines, pattern color=red, opacity=0.0, fill opacity=0.2] (0,0) -- (5,-5) -- (-5,-5) -- (0,0); \node[right,color=blue] at (2,0.5) {$|s|>|t|$}; \node[right,color=blue] at (2,-0.5) {$\Psi_A(s)$}; \node[left,color=red] at (-0.2,3) {$|s|<|t|$}; \node[right,color=red] at (0.2,3) {$\Psi_B(t)$}; \node[right] at (5.5,4.5) {$\{\Psi_A(s),\Psi_B(s)\}$}; \node[right] at (5.5,-6.5) {$\{\Psi_A(s),\Psi_B(-s)\}$}; \draw[-,color=blue,line width=2pt] (1.5,-1.5) -- (1.5,1.5); \node at (1.5,-1.5) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt,color=blue] {}; \node at (1.5,1.5) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt,color=blue] {}; \end{tikzpicture} } \caption{The potential space for the square graph example from \eqref{eq:square-h} in the $(s,t)$-parameter space. Along the diagonals 2-fold degeneracy arises, while the hatched regions do not have degeneracy but are non-uv. A non-uv potential set that gives a fixed density $\rho_A(s)$ is displayed as a blue line that links two degeneracy regions.} \label{fig:square-v-plot} \end{figure} In following the statement of \citet{ullrich2002} that potentials which create degeneracies are rare, we have argued in this section that also those that lead to non-uv ground states are uncommon. By consistently adapting their argument to the graph setting one should be able to make this statement more rigorous and give a full picture of the topology of the density-potential mapping. \section{Special results from the Perron--Frobenius theorem} \label{sec:main:PF} \subsection{Positivity of the non-interacting ground-state density} \label{sec:pos-dens} In Section~\ref{sec:uv} we noted that one cause of HK violation is the possibility of having zero density $\rho_i=0$ on a vertex. In this section we will show that this situation is excluded for the non-interacting case as well as small perturbations. These results are based on the Perron--Frobenius (PF) and Rellich theorems. Nevertheless, having a strictly positive density does not necessarily help with the HK theorem, as it does in the continuum case \cite{Lammert2018}, because still a critical number of wave-function components above the Odlyzko condition might be zero. We start by explaining the basic setting for the PF theorem. Therein one considers a real symmetric matrix $A_{ij}=A_{ji} \in \mathbb{R}$ with $A_{ij} \geq 0$. To this matrix we can assign a graph $G(A)$ by the adjacency relation $i \sim j$ whenever $A_{ij} \neq 0$ for $i \neq j$ and $i \not\sim j$ otherwise. If the graph is connected then for any choice of two vertices $i$ and $j$ there is a positive integer $n$ such that \begin{equation} (A^n)_{ij} > 0, \end{equation} which graphically means that there is a path of length $n$, i.e., having $n$ edges, connecting the vertices $i$ and $j$. A matrix with this property is called {\em irreducible}. For such matrices we have the following theorem about the eigenvector with maximal eigenvalue \cite{minc-book,meyer-book,prosalov-book} that has already been employed by \citet{englisch1983vrep-PF} and \citet{CCR1985} for the case of bosonic lattice systems. \begin{theorem}[Perron--Frobenius]\label{th:PF} Let a real, non-negative $M \times M$ matrix $A$ be symmetric and irreducible. Then the following statements hold: \begin{enumerate} \item $A$ has a non-degenerate, maximal eigenvalue $\lambda_{\mathrm{max}} \in \mathbb{R}$ such that all other eigenvalues are strictly smaller. \item The eigenspace belonging to $\lambda_{\mathrm{max}}$ is one-dimensional and the corresponding eigenvector $x=(x_1, \ldots,x_M)$ can be chosen in such a way that all its components are strictly positive, i.e., $x_j >0$ for $j=1, \ldots, M$. \item There are no other non-negative eigenvectors corresponding to the lower eigenvalues, i.e., all other eigenvectors must have at least one negative or complex component. \end{enumerate} \end{theorem} This theorem has an immediate application to graph Hamiltonians. We start by considering a real, one-particle Hamiltonian $h_{ij} = h_{ji} \in \mathbb{R}$ corresponding to a connected graph $G(h)$. If $h_{ij} \leq 0$ for $i \neq j$ (as it is the case for the negative graph Laplacian) then by a suitable shift of the diagonal of $h$ by adding $-c \,I$ with $c > 0$ we can assure that $A_{ij} = - h_{ij} + c\, \delta_{ij} \geq 0$ and $A$ thus satisfies the requirements of the PF theorem. The eigenvector with maximal eigenvalue of $A$ then exactly corresponds to the ground-state eigenvector of $h$ that has minimal energy. If we normalize this vector and call it $\phi_0$, we can guarantee $\phi_{0,i} > 0$ and thus have of course also a positive density for the one-particle ground state. The theorem can, however, not in general be applied to the $N$-particle Hamiltonians like in the examples of Section~\ref{sec:graph-examples}, because the corresponding Hamiltonians also include $+1$ in the off-diagonal entries. Yet, in the case of \emph{non-interacting} fermions on the graph $G(h)$ any $N$-particle ground state is of the form \begin{equation} \Psi= \phi_0 \wedge \phi_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge \phi_{N-1}, \end{equation} where $\phi_j$ for $j=1,\ldots, N-1$ are other orthonormal eigenstates of $h$ chosen according to the aufbau principle. If the highest excited state $\phi_{N-1}$ in $\Psi$ above belongs to a degenerate multiplet then the choice according to the aufbau principle is not unique and we also get degeneracy in the $N$-particle ground state. But every such choice always contains the non-degenerate, strictly positive state $\phi_0$ and therefore for any pure-state ground-state density $\rho$ we surely have \begin{equation}\label{eq:rho-from-Slater} \rho_i = \phi_{0,i}^2 + | \phi_{1,i} |^2+ \ldots + | \phi_{N-1,i} |^2 >0. \end{equation} We therefore conclude that any (ensemble) ground-state density for $N$ non-interacting electrons cannot vanish on any of the vertices as a consequence of the Perron--Frobenius theorem applied on the one-particle Hamiltonian. We collect our results in the following corollary. \begin{corollary}\label{cor:PF-one-particle-H} If $h$ is a real, symmetric one-particle Hamiltonian corresponding to a connected graph $G(h)$ and $h_{ij} \leq 0$ for $i \neq j$ then the ground state $\phi_0$ of $h$ is non-degenerate and can be chosen to be strictly positive on every vertex of $G(h)$, i.e., $\phi_{0,i} >0$ for all $i\in X$. Moreover, for any ground-state density $\rho$ of $N$ non-interacting fermions on the graph $G(h)$ we have $\rho_i >0$ for all $i \in X$. \end{corollary} Now Rellich's theorem (Theorem~\ref{th:Rellich}) can be used to slightly extend the result of Corollary~\ref{cor:PF-one-particle-H} to small perturbations of the non-interacting Hamiltonian, or to perturbations of any other Hamiltonian that has a non-zero ground-state density. \begin{corollary} Let $H$ be an $N$-particle Hamiltonian that has a non-zero density coming from a non-degenerate ground state. Then for any Hermitian matrix $W$ the perturbed Hamiltonian $H+\lambda W$ will also have a non-zero ground-state density for small enough $\lambda$. \end{corollary} \subsection{Unique \texorpdfstring{$v$}{v}-representability for a linear chain with interacting fermions} \label{sec:lin-chain} As we saw in Section~\ref{sec:Odlyzko} the validity of the HK theorem can be assured if the ground-state expansion in terms of the states $\{e_I\}_I$ contains a sufficient number of non-zero coefficients determined by the Odlyzko condition. In general it is a difficult task to ensure that the ground state has the required number of non-zero coefficients. However, if we restrict ourselves to a certain graph topology then more detailed results can be obtained. We will do precisely this for the case of a linear chain with a real Hamiltonian. For a linear chain we can label the vertices $1,\ldots , M$ from left to right along the chain. The chain is then represented by a one-particle Hamiltonian $h_{ij}$ that for $i\neq j$ is only non-zero when $j = i \pm 1$ (except at the start and the end of the chain where the connection is only in one direction) and we will assume that $h_{ij} <0$ in that case (like it would be for the negative graph Laplacian). We can further allow for any external potential already included in $h$ and an arbitrary interaction $W$, as long as it is diagonal in the $\{e_I\}_I$ basis, so the Hamiltonian that we consider is \begin{equation} H = \sum_j\sum_{i = j \pm 1} h_{ij} \, \hat{a}^\dagger_i \hat{a}_j + W. \label{Hamil2} \end{equation} \begin{theorem} Let the graph $G(h)$ of a real, one-particle Hamiltonian $h$ with $h_{ij} \leq 0$ for $i \neq j$ be a linear chain and thus consider the Hamiltonian \eqref{Hamil2} where $W$ is any interaction diagonal in the $\{e_I\}_I$ basis. Then the ground state $\Psi = \sum_I \Psi_I e_I$ is non-degenerate and can be chosen such that $\Psi_I >0$ for all $I$. In particular it follows that $\Psi$ is uniquely $v$-representable. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} We first demonstrate that the off-diagonal elements $H_{IJ}$ of $H$ in the $\{e_I\}_I$ basis are non-positive, i.e., $H_{IJ} \leq 0$ if $I \neq J$. Since $W$ by our choice only has diagonal elements we only need to consider the one-particle part of the Hamiltonian. We therefore act with $h_{ij} \hat{a}^\dagger_i \hat{a}_j $ on a basis vector $e_I$. If $j$ does not occur in the multi-index $I$ or when $i \neq j\pm 1$ then clearly $h_{ij} \hat{a}^\dagger_i \hat{a}_j e_I=0$, so let us assume $j \in I$ and $i = j \pm 1$. We can then write $I = ( \ldots, i', j, i'', \ldots )$ with $i'<j<i''$ and we find $h_{ij} \hat{a}^\dagger_i \hat{a}_j e_I= h_{ij} e_J$ where $J= ( \ldots, i', j\pm1, i'', \ldots )$. Now either $i''=j+1$ or $i'=j-1$, in which case $e_J=0$, or $i' < j\pm1 <i''$, in which case $e_J$ is one of the ordered basis vectors and gets a negative prefactor $h_{ij} <0$ for $i=j \pm1$. This proves our assertion.\\ Since we have established that $H_{IJ} \leq 0$ for $I \neq J$ and furthermore the corresponding fermionic graph is connected (Lemma~\ref{lem:ferm-graph-connected}), the PF theorem (Theorem~\ref{th:PF}) applies. We can thus conclude that the many-particle ground state $\Psi$ expanded in the $\{e_I\}_I$ basis is non-degenerate and can be chosen such that all coefficients have $\Psi_I >0$. By Corollary~\ref{cor:HK-necessary} this state is then uniquely $v$-representable. \end{proof} \section{Constrained-search functionals and \texorpdfstring{$v$}{v}-representability} \label{sec:main:CS-v-rep} \subsection{General notions} \label{sec:CS-functionals} The notion of $v$-representability is clearly a central concept to DFT: Determine the set of all densities for which a potential exists, such that the respective ground state yields just this density. It is such the precondition for a well-defined density-potential mapping. This can be generalized into allowing not only pure ground states, but also a ground-state ensemble, thus a mixture of degenerate ground states, that yields the respective density. This describes ``ensemble $v$-representability'' in comparison to ``pure-state $v$-representability''. A necessary condition for densities to be ensemble $v$-representable on an even infinitely large lattice has been given by \citet{CCR1985}. In Theorem~\ref{th:v-rep} below we give a simplified proof for the graph case. The sets of densities under consideration are the most general ones: Firstly, the physical densities $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ already defined in \eqref{eq:def-P_N} where only $0\leq\rho_i\leq 1$ and the proper normalization are taken into account and which are also all $N$-representable as demonstrated in Section~\ref{sec:N-rep}, and, secondly, the open set $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}^+$ with strict inequalities. \begin{align} &\mathcal{P}_{M,N} = \left\{ \rho : X \to \mathbb{R} \;\middle|\; 0 \leq \rho_i \leq 1, \sum_{i=1}^M\rho_i = N \right\}\\ &\mathcal{P}_{M,N}^+ = \left\{ \rho : X \to \mathbb{R} \;\middle|\; 0 < \rho_i < 1, \sum_{i=1}^M\rho_i = N \right\} \end{align} Note that both sets are convex and that the set of physical densities $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ is the closure of the open set $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}^+$. In the following we fix $H_0$ as the internal part of the Hamiltonian including possible interactions, while the external potential $v \in \mathbb{R}^M$ couples as usual to the density and acts as an operator $V$ on $\H_N$. From the Rayleigh--Ritz variational principle we get the ground state or ground-state ensemble for a given potential $v$ as the minimizers of the respective variational energy expressions \begin{align} &E(v) = \inf_{\Psi\in\mathcal{I}_N} \left\{ \langle \Psi, (H_0+V)\Psi \rangle \right\} = \inf_{\Psi\in\mathcal{I}_N} \left\{ \langle \Psi, H_0\Psi \rangle + \sum_i v_i\rho[\Psi]_i \right\} \quad\text{and}\\ &E(v) = \inf_{\Gamma\in\mathcal{D}_N} \left\{ \mathop\mathrm{Tr} (\Gamma (H_0+V)) \right\} = \inf_{\Gamma\in\mathcal{D}_N} \left\{ \mathop\mathrm{Tr} (\Gamma H_0) + \sum_i v_i\rho[\Gamma]_i \right\}, \end{align} where the variation goes over all normalized wave functions or density matrices. The variation can be split into two parts: First vary over all states yielding a fixed density $\rho$, denoted by $\Psi\mapsto\rho$ and $\Gamma\mapsto\rho$, and then over all possible physical densities in $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$. We then have \begin{align} \label{eq:E-inf-inf} &E(v) = \inf_{\rho\in\mathcal{P}_{M,N}} \left\{ \inf_{\Psi\in \mathcal{I}_N} \{ \langle \Psi, H_0\Psi \rangle \mid \Psi \mapsto \rho \} + \sum_i v_i\rho_i \right\} \quad\text{and}\\ \label{eq:E-inf-inf-Gamma} &E(v) = \inf_{\rho\in\mathcal{P}_{M,N}} \left\{ \inf_{\Gamma\in \mathcal{D}_N} \{ \mathop\mathrm{Tr} (\Gamma H_0) \mid \Gamma \mapsto \rho \} + \sum_i v_i\rho_i \right\}. \end{align} This variational form of the ground-state energy allows for an alternative and very direct proof of the first part of the HK theorem, stating that two Hamiltonians that differ only in their external potentials and share a common ground-state density $\rho$ also share a ground state with this density. \begin{proof}(Alternative proof for Theorem~\ref{th:HK1}\footnote{The idea for this proof is originally due to Paul E.\ Lammert, formulated at the YoungCAS workshop ``Do Electron Current Densities Determine All There Is to Know?'', held July 9-13, 2018, in Oslo, Norway.}) Let the common ground-state density be fixed as $\rho$, then the outer infimum in \eqref{eq:E-inf-inf} is void and we have \begin{equation} E(v) = \inf_{\Psi\in \mathcal{I}_N} \{ \langle \Psi, H_0\Psi \rangle \mid \Psi \mapsto \rho \} + \sum_i v_i\rho_i. \end{equation} But the remaining infimum is entirely independent of $v$ and will have the same value for all potentials. Consequently, the given density alone determines the ground state. Obviously, the proof is the same considering ensemble states. \end{proof} Realizing in the proof above that the universal, $v$-independent part in the expression for $E(v)$ fulfills an important function, the following definitions of the so-called constrained-search density functionals \cite{Levy79,Lieb1983} on an extended domain that is the full vector space $\mathbb{R}^M$ arise. \begin{align}\label{eq:tilde-F-def} &\tilde F(\rho) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \inf_{\Psi\in \mathcal{I}_N} \{ \langle \Psi, H_0\Psi \rangle \mid \Psi \mapsto \rho \} \quad &\rho \in \mathcal{P}_{M,N} \\ +\infty &\rho \in \mathbb{R}^M \setminus \mathcal{P}_{M,N} \end{array}\right. \\ \label{eq:F-def} &F(\rho) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \inf_{\Gamma\in \mathcal{D}_N} \{ \mathop\mathrm{Tr} (\Gamma H_0) \mid \Gamma \mapsto \rho \} \quad &\rho \in \mathcal{P}_{M,N} \\ +\infty &\rho \in \mathbb{R}^M \setminus \mathcal{P}_{M,N} \end{array}\right. \end{align} From the definition it is evident that $\tilde F(\rho) \geq F(\rho)$ for all $\rho$ because of the larger search space of the second. Next, observe that the ground-state energy functional $E(v)$ in \eqref{eq:E-inf-inf-Gamma} (or \eqref{eq:E-inf-inf}) is then given as the Legendre--Fenchel transform or convex conjugate \cite[§12]{rockafellar-book} of $F(\rho)$ (or equally of $\tilde F(\rho)$), where we use a slightly different convention than usual that is specifically adapted to DFT \cite{Kvaal2014}, \begin{equation}\label{eq:E-LF} E(v) = \inf_{\rho\in\mathbb{R}^M} \left\{ F(\rho) + \sum_i v_i\rho_i \right\}. \end{equation} With another Legendre--Fenchel transformation we can transform $E(v)$ back to $F(\rho)$, \begin{equation} F(\rho) = \sup_{v\in\mathbb{R}^M} \left\{ E(v) - \sum_i v_i\rho_i \right\}, \quad \rho \in \mathbb{R}^M. \label{eq:LF} \end{equation} For this to be possible, the functional $F$ has to fulfil several properties \cite[Cor.~12.2.1]{rockafellar-book} that do in fact hold: $F$ is proper because it is bounded below, closed because it is lower semi-continuous, and convex from the linearity of the trace in \eqref{eq:F-def} (see \citet{Lieb1983} for the last two properties). Since $\tilde F$ in general fails to be convex, as we will explicitly demonstrate later in Section~\ref{sec:cuboctahedron}, it is only $F$ that we get back from the described double Legendre--Fenchel transformation starting from either $\tilde F$ or $F$. \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \begin{tikzpicture} \matrix (m) [ matrix of math nodes, row sep = 0.2em, column sep = 2em ] { \tilde F & & \\ & E & F \\ F & & \\ }; \path (m-1-1) edge [->] node [above] {\scriptsize LF} (m-2-2) (m-3-1) edge [->] node [below] {\scriptsize LF} (m-2-2) (m-2-2) edge [->] node [above] {\scriptsize LF} (m-2-3); \end{tikzpicture} \end{aligned} \end{equation} But this means that $F$ is the convex hull of $\tilde F$. \begin{proposition}\label{prop:ch} $F = \mathrm{ch}\, \tilde F$. \end{proposition} \begin{proof} Any density matrix $\Gamma\mapsto\rho$ can be written as a convex combination $\Gamma = \sum_n \lambda_n\Gamma_n$, where the $\Gamma_n$ correspond to pure states. Thus from the definition, \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} F(\rho) &= \min_{\Gamma \in \mathcal{D}_N} \left\{ \sum_n\lambda_n\mathop\mathrm{Tr} (\Gamma_n H_0) \;\middle|\; \sum_n\lambda_n\Gamma_n \mapsto \rho, \lambda_n\in[0,1], \sum_n\lambda_n=1, \Gamma_n\;\text{pure} \right\} \\ &= \min_{\rho \in \mathcal{P}_{M,N}} \left\{ \sum_n\lambda_n \min_{\Gamma_n \in \mathcal{D}_N} \left\{ \mathop\mathrm{Tr} (\Gamma_n H_0) \;\middle|\; \Gamma_n \mapsto \rho_n, \Gamma_n\;\text{pure} \right\} \;\middle|\; \sum_n\lambda_n\rho_n \mapsto \rho, \lambda_n\in[0,1], \sum_n\lambda_n=1 \right\} \\ &= \min_{\rho \in \mathcal{P}_{M,N}} \left\{ \sum_n\lambda_n \tilde F(\rho_n) \;\middle|\; \sum_n\lambda_n\rho_n \mapsto \rho, \lambda_n\in[0,1], \sum_n\lambda_n=1 \right\}. \end{aligned} \end{equation} This is exactly the convex hull of $\tilde F$. \end{proof} The convexity of $F$ restricted to $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ has a notable consequence, since such functionals are automatically differentiable almost everywhere \cite[Th.~25.5]{rockafellar-book}. Further, differentiability of $F$ at a density point $\rho\in\mathcal{P}_{M,N}^+$ means that $F$ has a unique subgradient there \cite[Th.~25.1]{rockafellar-book}, $v=-\nabla F(\rho)$ (modulo a constant), which exactly gives the (unique) minimum in \eqref{eq:E-LF}, so $\rho$ is found to be uv. Consequently, almost all densities are uv, exactly the result we derived in Theorem~\ref{th:non-uv-dens-measure-zero}. The possible non-differentiability of $F$ in continuum DFT has been previously discussed in \citet{Lammert2007}. The proof of $v$-representability in \citet{englisch2} for finite-dimensional state spaces rests on finding continuous tangent functionals to $F$, a notion closely related to the subgradient, but we will instead present the approach of \citet{CCR1985} in the next section that avoids any reference to differentiability. \subsection{Results on \texorpdfstring{$v$}{v}-representability} \label{sec:v-rep} The $E(v)$ in the supremum of \eqref{eq:LF} is continuous in $v$ as a consequence of Rellich's theorem (Theorem~\ref{th:Rellich}), but the search space $\mathbb{R}^M$ is not compact, so at this point we cannot be sure that the supremum is always attained for $\rho\in\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$. But if we are able to show that the search space can equivalently be replaced by a compact set then any choice of $\rho$ leads to a corresponding potential $v$ and we just need to make sure that this $\rho$ also comes from a ground state of $H_0+V$ to have $v$-representability. This is the content of the following theorem adapted from \citet{CCR1985} that guarantees $v$-representability by ensembles for all $\rho \in \mathcal{P}_{M,N}^+$, yet not for the whole $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$. \begin{theorem}[ensemble $v$-representability]\label{th:v-rep} For all $\rho \in \mathcal{P}_{M,N}^+$ there is a $v \in \mathbb{R}^M$ such that the Hamiltonian $H_0+V$ has a ground-state ensemble $\Gamma \mapsto \rho$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} In order to prove ensemble $v$-representability we will show that for all $\rho \in \mathcal{P}_{M,N}^+$ the supremum in \eqref{eq:LF} is actually a maximum. This means there is a $v \in \mathbb{R}^M$ such that $F(\rho) = E(v) - \sum_i v_i\rho_i$. But rearranging this to $E(v) = F(\rho) + \sum_i v_i\rho_i$ it identically means that $\rho$ is a minimizer in \eqref{eq:E-LF} for the determined $v$. But since in \eqref{eq:F-def} a continuous function is varied over a compact set, for every $\rho\in\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ there is a $\Gamma \in \mathcal{D}_N$ that minimizes \eqref{eq:F-def} and this density matrix is then the required ground-state ensemble.\\ To start with, we note that by adding a constant shift to a potential $v$, the associated ground-state density does not change while $E(v)$ is shifted. So without loss of generality we always limit the $v$ under consideration to those that give $E(v)=0$.\\ Considering now an arbitrary $\rho \in \mathcal{P}_{M,N}^+$, the supremum in \eqref{eq:LF} means that for every $\varepsilon>0$ we can find a $v\in \mathbb{R}^M$ with $E(v)=0$ such that \begin{equation} F(\rho)-\varepsilon \leq - \sum_i v_i\rho_i. \end{equation} This estimate leads to \begin{equation}\label{eq:v-estimate-1} \sum_i v_i\rho_i = \sum_{\substack{i \\ v_i > 0 }} v_i\rho_i -\sum_{\substack{i \\ v_i < 0 }} |v_i|\rho_i = D^+ - D^- \leq -F(\rho)+\varepsilon \leq \|H_0\|+\varepsilon, \end{equation} where we separated the positive and negative contributions from the energy of the external potential, $D^+$ and $D^-$, and use the operator norm of $H_0$ to bound $|F(\rho)|$ from above. On the other hand, from \eqref{eq:E-LF} and \eqref{eq:F-def} we then have for all $\tilde\rho \in \mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ and $v\in\mathbb{R}^M$ with $E(v)=0$ that \begin{equation}\label{eq:v-rho-inequality} -\sum_i v_i\tilde\rho_i \leq F(\tilde\rho) \leq \|H_0\|. \end{equation} We now choose a density $\tilde\rho$ that has the value $p\rho_i$ for all $i\in X$ where $v_i \geq 0$ and $q\rho_i$ otherwise. Here $p,q$ are chosen with $0<p<1<q$ such that $\tilde\rho$ is still normalized to $N$ as required. This is clearly possible since $\rho_i<1$ everywhere and so there is room to raise the density by a factor $q>1$ where $v_i<0$ while lowering it with $p<1$ where $v_i>0$ and still having $q\rho_i \leq 1$ and keeping it normalized. The extreme cases where the potential is purely positive or negative will be considered afterwards. Now \eqref{eq:v-rho-inequality} is \begin{equation}\label{eq:v-estimate-2} -pD^+ + qD^- \leq F(\tilde\rho) \leq \|H_0\| \end{equation} and the combination of \eqref{eq:v-estimate-1} and \eqref{eq:v-estimate-2} gives \begin{align} &(q-p) D^+ \leq (1+q)\|H_0\| + q\varepsilon,\\ &(q-p) D^- \leq (1+p)\|H_0\| + p\varepsilon,\quad\text{and finally}\\ &D^+ + D^- = \sum_i |v_i|\rho_i \leq \frac{p+q+2}{q-p}\|H_0\| + \frac{p+q}{q-p}\varepsilon.\label{eq:v-estimate-3} \end{align} In the case $v_i\geq 0$ everywhere we simply have $D^- = 0$ and thus the stronger estimate $D^+ + D^- = D^+ - D^- \leq \|H_0\|+\varepsilon$ from \eqref{eq:v-estimate-1} holds. If $v_i<0$ everywhere then $D^+=0$ and we get $D^+ + D^- = -D^+ + D^- \leq \|H_0\|$ directly from \eqref{eq:v-rho-inequality} by just setting $\tilde\rho=\rho$. This means that in any case we can rely on the estimate \eqref{eq:v-estimate-3} when looking for potentials that yield a ground-state density $\rho$. Since we know $\min_i\rho_i > 0$ we even have the 1-norm bound \begin{equation}\label{eq:v-bound} \|v\|_1=\sum_i |v_i| \leq (\min_i\rho_i)^{-1} \left( \frac{p+q+2}{q-p}\|H_0\| + \frac{p+q}{q-p}\varepsilon \right) = R_\rho \end{equation} for the potential, where the r.h.s.\ just depends on the chosen $\rho$ since this also determines the parameters $q$ and $p$. Overall, we have concluded that in order to find the supremum in \eqref{eq:LF} we can limit the search to potentials inside the closed 1-norm ball with finite radius $R_\rho$ which clearly is compact. Since $E$ is known to be continuous, the extreme value theorem yields a definitive maximum for \eqref{eq:LF} inside this ball. \end{proof} Such ensemble $v$-representability was also demonstrated for a coarse-grained version of continuum DFT \cite{lammert2006coarse,lammert2010well}. On the other hand, it has been stated recently by \citet{RoesslerVerdozzi2018} that there are densities in $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}^+$ on simple lattice systems that are not ensemble $v$-representable, which would be in opposition to the theorem above. But the claim rests on a numerical reverse-engineering procedure for finding a suitable potential $v$ where uniqueness may have been assumed. Since their plot for the deviation from the reference density shows a kink at its minimum, this rather points to non-uniqueness than non-$v$-representability, like in our HK-violation examples (Section~\ref{sec:ex-non-unique}). The proof above suggests a simple corollary that limits the set of possible potentials yielding a given density. \begin{corollary}\label{cor:pot-bounded} The set of potentials (modulo a constant) that leads to any given $\rho \in \mathcal{P}_{M,N}^+$ as the ground-state density is a bounded set, as can be directly seen from the estimate \eqref{eq:v-bound}. \end{corollary} The above result tells us that ensemble representability in $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}^+$ is not only possible but even realized within bounded potential sets determined by the given density. This leaves open the question of \emph{pure-state} $v$-representability. The following proposition connects this problem with the value of the two constrained-search functionals. \begin{proposition}\label{prop:pure-state-v-rep} A density $\rho \in \mathcal{P}_{M,N}^+$ is pure-state $v$-representable if and only if $F(\rho)=\tilde F(\rho)$. \end{proposition} \begin{proof} We first show that from pure-state $v$-representability it follows $F(\rho)=\tilde F(\rho)$. The overall estimate $F \leq \tilde F$ is clear from the larger search space for the infimum in $F$. So we just need to show $\tilde F(\rho) \leq F(\rho)$ if $\rho$ is pure-state $v$-representable. In such a case there is a $\Psi \in \H_N$ that is a ground state of $H_0+V$ and has $\Psi \mapsto \rho$. Now take any $\Gamma \mapsto \rho$ to be $\Gamma = \sum_n \lambda_n \Gamma_n$ with $\sum_n\lambda_n=1$, $\lambda_n \in [0,1]$, and $\Gamma_n$ corresponding to a pure state $\Psi_n$. We also have from \eqref{eq:tilde-F-def} that $\tilde F(\rho) = \langle \Psi,H_0\Psi \rangle$ and so with the Rayleigh--Ritz variation principle \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} E(v)&=\tilde F(\rho) + \sum_i v_i \rho_i = \sum_n\lambda_n \langle \Psi,(H_0+V)\Psi \rangle \leq \sum_n\lambda_n \langle \Psi_n,(H_0+V)\Psi_n \rangle \\ &= \sum_n\lambda_n \mathop\mathrm{Tr}(\Gamma_n (H_0+V)) = \mathop\mathrm{Tr}(\Gamma H_0) + \sum_i v_i \rho_i. \end{aligned} \end{equation} This means we derived $\tilde F(\rho) \leq \mathop\mathrm{Tr}(\Gamma H_0)$ for arbitrary density matrices that have density $\rho$. Taking the infimum over all of these will result in $\tilde F(\rho) \leq F(\rho)$ and finishes the first part of the proof.\\ For the other implication, assume $F(\rho)=\tilde F(\rho)$. But this just means that instead of a density matrix one can choose a pure state to achieve the same minimum, thus $\rho$ is $v$-representable by this pure state. \end{proof} By finding a single counterexample for pure-state $v$-representability in $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}^+$ we would thus know that $\tilde F \neq F$ and consequently, since $F$ is the convex hull of $\tilde F$, the pure-state constrained-search function $\tilde F$ cannot be convex. The argument for non-pure-state $v$-representability of \citet[Sec.~V]{Levy1982} depends on at least 3-fold degeneracy and finding arbitrarily many equations that must be simultaneously fulfilled (by checking different positions in the continuum) and thus does not work on a graph. \citet[Th.\ 3.4(i)]{Lieb1983}, on the other hand, gives a group theoretical argument that also relies on at least 3-fold degeneracy but is invalid in the discrete setting discussed here as we will show in Section~\ref{sec:complete-graph}. To reconcile the results of non-pure-state $v$-representability with the graph setting, we give an explicit counterexample in Section~\ref{sec:cuboctahedron}. However, before that we discuss an example where actually every density is pure-state $v$-representable and thus $\tilde F = F$. \subsection{Triangle graph: full \texorpdfstring{$v$}{v}-representability and explicit constrained-search functional} \label{sec:triangle-v-rep} The two-particle Hamiltonian for the triangle graph with a general potential $v$ was already given in \eqref{eq:H-triangle} together with the 2-fold degenerate ground-state space for $v=0$ spanned by the two orthonormal states \begin{equation} \Psi_A = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (1,0,-1) \quad \text{and} \quad \Psi_B =\frac{1}{\sqrt{6}} (1,2,1). \end{equation} in the $\H_2$-basis $\{e_1\wedge e_2,e_1 \wedge e_3,e_2\wedge e_3\}$ with densities $\rho_A=\frac{1}{2}(1,2,1)$ and $\rho_B=\frac{1}{6}(5,2,5)$. This multiplicity disappears as soon as a non-constant potential is applied, symmetry is broken, and the degeneracy is lifted. That the Hamiltonian with a non-constant $v$ actually has no multiple eigenvalues can be checked by showing that the discriminant of the characteristic polynomial of $H(v)$ is non-zero for all $v$, which can be done explicitly in this case with some effort. This means the only densities that can come from ensemble states are the ground-state densities for $v=0$, collected in the set $\mathcal{C}$, all coming from the states $\Psi_A,\Psi_B$ above. So in order to test the possibility of full pure-state $v$-representability, just the mixtures of $\Psi_A$ and $\Psi_B$ have to be scrutinized. But any convex combination $\lambda_A\rho_A+\lambda_B\rho_B \in \mathcal{C}$ is also simply the density of the linear combination $\sqrt{\lambda_A}\Psi_A+\i\sqrt{\lambda_B}\Psi_B$ with the real $\Psi_A,\Psi_B$, so the two real dimensions of the complex plane that correspond to the double degeneracy save the day. It is thus straightforwardly shown that \emph{any} density in $\mathcal{P}_{3,2}^+$ is also pure-state $v$-representable and consequently $\tilde F=F$ on the triangle graph by Proposition~\ref{prop:pure-state-v-rep}. Since any convex combination of two densities from the set $\mathcal{C}$ of ensemble ground-state densities for $v=0$ is again in $\mathcal{C}$, this set is convex. Further, it is closed, because it is the image of a compact set $\{c_A\Psi_A+c_B\Psi_B \mid |c_A|^2+|c_B|^2=1\}$ under the continuous mapping $\Psi \mapsto \rho$. To get a graphical representation of the density-potential map we observe that the set $\mathcal{P}_{3,2}$ forms a triangle itself: The extreme points are the densities $(1,1,0)$, $(1,0,1)$, and $(0,1,1)$, all other elements of $\mathcal{P}_{3,2}$ are convex combinations of these three points and so it is natural to use barycentric coordinates for their representation in Figure~\ref{fig:triangle-mapping}. Then the uniform density $\bar\rho=\tfrac{2}{3}(1,1,1)=\tfrac{1}{2}\rho_A + \tfrac{1}{2}\rho_B$ coming from $1/\sqrt{2}\Psi_A + \i/\sqrt{2}\Psi_B$, that is clearly a ground-state solution to $v=0$ already due to symmetry, forms the center. The possible linear combinations $\Psi=c_A\Psi_A+c_B\Psi_B$ with $|c_A|^2+|c_B|^2=1$ that form the degenerate ground-state manifold for $v=0$ all fulfil a certain density constraint: Take without loss of generality $c_A=\alpha$ and $c_B=\beta \mathrm{e}^{\i\varphi}$ with $\alpha,\beta,\varphi\in\mathbb{R}$ and $\alpha^2+\beta^2=1$, then the density of $\Psi$ is \begin{equation} \rho = \frac{1}{6}(3\alpha^2+5\beta^2+2\sqrt{3}\alpha\beta\cos\varphi, 6\alpha^2+2\beta^2, 3\alpha^2+5\beta^2-2\sqrt{3}\alpha\beta\cos\varphi). \end{equation} We form the Euclidean distance to the center $\bar\rho$ and use $\alpha^2+\beta^2=1$ to get \begin{equation}\label{eq:incircle-condition} \|\rho-\bar\rho\| = \left( \sum_i (\rho_i-\bar\rho_i)^2 \right)^{\frac{1}{2}} = \left( \frac{1}{6}(1 - 2\alpha^2 + 2\alpha^4 + 2\alpha^2(1-\alpha^2)\cos(2\varphi)) \right)^{\frac{1}{2}} \leq \frac{1}{\sqrt{6}} \end{equation} if the cosine is estimated by 1. Independent of $\alpha,\beta$ the choice of $\varphi$ that maximizes the above expression will always yield $1/\sqrt{6}$. This means all the possible $\rho \in \mathcal{C}$ from the degenerate ground states for $v=0$ form a closed circular region of radius $1/\sqrt{6}$ around the center $\bar\rho$. But $1/\sqrt{6}$ is precisely the incircle radius of an equilateral triangle of side length $\|(1,1,0)-(1,0,1)\|=\sqrt{2}$, so the set $\mathcal{C}$ will be the incircle region of $\mathcal{P}_{3,2}$, touching the border of the triangle at three points. All this is displayed in Figure~\ref{fig:triangle-mapping} correspondingly, together with some details on the mapping back to potentials that will be discussed next. When plotting the associated potentials we will choose the gauge condition $\sum_i v_i=0$ which can always be achieved by subtracting the constant $\tfrac{1}{M}\sum_i v_i$ from a given potential. Already in Sections~\ref{sec:ex-non-unique} we noted that by applying an attractive potential from $\{(0,-t,0)\mid t>0\}$, or equivalently from $\{(t,-2t,t)\mid t>0\}$, the ground state $\Psi_A$ remains unchanged (because it has full density $\rho_{A,2}=1$ at vertex 2) while degeneracy is lifted and thus all those potentials yield the same exceptional ground-state density $\rho_A=(\tfrac{1}{2},1,\tfrac{1}{2})$ that formed the first counterexample to the HK theorem. By symmetry, the same is also true for the potentials $(-2t,t,t)$ and $(t,t,-2t)$, just with permuted exceptional densities $(1,\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2})$ and $(\tfrac{1}{2},\tfrac{1}{2},1)$. They occur exactly at those three points where the incircle touches the border of the equilateral density triangle, consequently they are in $\mathcal{P}_{3,2}$ but not in $\mathcal{P}_{3,2}^+$ (still they are $v$-representable, even by an infinite number of different potentials). These considerations display the topological richness of the density-potential mapping for this simplest, non-trivial example of a fermionic graph: While the whole incircle region $\mathcal{C}$ including its boundary with the exception of the three exceptional points is mapped many-to-one to the unique potential $v=0$ (as always modulo an additive constant) the three exceptional points are mapped one-to-many to three rays extending straight into infinity and dividing the whole two-dimensional potential space (after removing the additive constant) into three separate regions. The three remaining open regions in the spikes of the density triangle $\mathcal{S}_1,\mathcal{S}_2,$ and $\mathcal{S}_3$ were already shown to come from non-degenerate states that arise from non-constant potentials, also the density inside the spikes (not on the boundary) does not have zero or full occupancy at any vertex. One can thus argue in the triangle case that none of the coefficients of the corresponding wave function is zero, so by the Odlyzko condition (Corollary~\ref{cor:HK-necessary}) they are all uv-densities and therefore belong to a unique potential. Those densities are consequently mapped one-to-one to the potential space and form the open set $\mathcal{U}_{3,2} = \mathcal{S}_1\cup\mathcal{S}_2\cup\mathcal{S}_3$ of non-degenerate, uniquely $v$-representable ground-state densities from Theorem~\ref{th:U-open}. The remaining border of the density triangle, with the exception of the exceptional points, cannot be reached by any potential but only be approximated by very large potentials. The whole situation is summarized in Figure~\ref{fig:triangle-mapping}. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \resizebox{.85\textwidth}{!}{% \begin{tikzpicture} \def\ORX{0}; \def\ORY{-1}; \def\L{5}; \coordinate (R1) at (\ORX,{\ORY+\L*sqrt(3)/2-\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (R2) at ({\ORX-\L/2},{\ORY-\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (R3) at ({\ORX+\L/2},{\ORY-\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (RI) at ({\ORX-\L/4},{\ORY+\L*sqrt(3)/2/2-\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (RII) at ({\ORX+\L/4},{\ORY+\L*sqrt(3)/2/2-\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (RIII) at (\ORX,{\ORY-\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (RB) at ({\ORX-\L/4},{\ORY-\L/4/sqrt(3)}); \path[fill=yellow,opacity=0.75] (RI) -- (R1) -- (RII) -- (RI); \path[fill=green,opacity=0.6] (RII) -- (R3) -- (RIII) -- (RII); \path[fill=blue,opacity=0.5] (RIII) -- (R2) -- (RI) -- (RIII); \draw (R1) -- (R2) -- (R3) -- (R1); \node at (R1) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node at (R2) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node at (R3) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node[above] at (R1) {$(1,1,0)$}; \node[left] at (R2) {$(1,0,1)$}; \node[right] at (R3) {$(0,1,1)$}; \draw [red,fill=red] (\ORX,\ORY) circle ({\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \node [above left] at (RI) {}; \node at (RI) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node [above right] at (RII) {$\rho_{A}$}; \node at (RII) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node [below] at (RIII) {}; \node at (RIII) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node [below] at (\ORX,\ORY) {$\bar\rho$}; \node at (\ORX,\ORY) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node [above right] at (RB) {$\rho_B$}; \node at (RB) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node at ({(\ORX-\L/2)*0.7+\ORX*0.3},{(\ORY-\L/2/sqrt(3))*0.7+\ORY*0.3}) {$\mathcal{S}_1$}; \node at ({(\ORX+\L/2)*0.7+\ORX*0.3},{(\ORY-\L/2/sqrt(3))*0.7+\ORY*0.3}) {$\mathcal{S}_2$}; \node at ({\ORX*0.7+\ORX*0.3},{(\ORY+\L*sqrt(3)/2-\L/2/sqrt(3))*0.7+\ORY*0.3}) {$\mathcal{S}_3$}; \node at ({\ORX*0.2+\ORX*0.8},{(\ORY+\L*sqrt(3)/2-\L/2/sqrt(3))*0.2+\ORY*0.8}) {$\mathcal{C}$}; \draw [->, line width=.5mm] (3,{\ORY+\L*sqrt(3)/2/2-\L/2/sqrt(3)}) -- (4,{\ORY+\L*sqrt(3)/2/2-\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \def\OPX{7}; \def\OPY{0}; \def\L{2.5}; \coordinate (V1) at (\OPX,\OPY-2.4); \coordinate (V2) at ({\OPX-\L*sqrt(3)/2},{\OPY+\L/2}); \coordinate (V3) at ({\OPX+\L*sqrt(3)/2},{\OPY+\L/2}); \shade[bottom color=yellow!75,top color=white] (V2) -- (\OPX,\OPY) -- (V3) -- (V2); \shade[bottom color=green!60,top color=white,transform canvas={rotate around={240:(\OPX,\OPY)]}}] (V2) -- (\OPX,\OPY) -- (V3) -- (V2); \shade[bottom color=blue!50,top color=white,transform canvas={rotate around={120:(\OPX,\OPY)]}}] (V2) -- (\OPX,\OPY) -- (V3) -- (V2); \draw (\OPX,\OPY) -- (V1); \draw (\OPX,\OPY) -- (V2); \draw (\OPX,\OPY) -- (V3); \node [right] at (V1) {$v \in \{(t,t,-2t)\mid t>0\}$}; \node [above right] at (V2) {$v \in \{(-2t,t,t)\mid t>0\}$}; \node [above right] at (V3) {$v \in \{(t,-2t,t)\mid t>0\}$}; \node [below right] at (V3) {$=\rho^{-1}(\rho_A)$}; \node at (\OPX,\OPY) [circle,fill=red,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node [above] at (\OPX,\OPY) {$0$}; \end{tikzpicture} } \caption{Here the topological features of the (multivalued) density--potential mapping in the triangle graph example are displayed. We look upon the density domain $\mathcal{P}_{3,2}$ from the $(1,1,1)$ direction in $\mathbb{R}^3$ space, where it appears as an equilateral triangle. The red circle $\mathcal{C}$ corresponds to the origin $v=(0,0,0)$ in the plane of gauged potentials with $\sum_i v_i=0$. Further, the three exceptional densities, where the incircle touches the triangle, are mapped to the three displayed rays in the potential plane. Lastly, the three colored spikes of the triangle $\mathcal{S}_1,\mathcal{S}_2,\mathcal{S}_3$ are mapped to the three corresponding areas in the potential plane that are separated by the rays.} \label{fig:triangle-mapping} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{tildeF_2.pdf} \caption{Plot of the functional $F(\rho)=\tilde F(\rho)$ on the density domain $\mathcal{P}_{3,2}$ for the triangle graph example. The central, circular region that attains the minimum $F(\rho)=3$ comes from the two degenerate ground states as $\Psi = c_A\Psi_A + c_B\Psi_B \mapsto \rho$.} \label{fig:F-triangle} \end{figure} But we can go much further in this simplest, yet extremely vivid example. It is even possible to give a closed, analytical expression for the functional $\tilde F(\rho)$ by choosing a parametrization for the trial wave function and minimizing \eqref{eq:tilde-F-def}. Using the already introduced division of $\mathcal{P}_{3,2}^+$ including the three exceptional points into the closed circular region $\mathcal{C}$ and the three open spike regions $\mathcal{S}_1,\mathcal{S}_2,\mathcal{S}_3$ (bottom left, bottom right, and top), we get after a quite tedious calculation that is given in Appendix~\ref{sec:app} that \begin{equation}\label{eq:full-triangle-tildeF} \tilde{F}(\rho) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 3 & \rho\in\mathcal{C} \\[0.5em] 4 + 2 \left( \sqrt{(1-\rho_1) (1-\rho_3)} - \sqrt{(1-\rho_1) (1-\rho_2)} - \sqrt{(1-\rho_2) (1-\rho_3)} \right) & \rho \in \mathcal{S}_1 \\[0.5em] 4+2 \left(-\sqrt{(1-\rho_1) (1-\rho_3)} - \sqrt{(1-\rho_1) (1-\rho_2)} + \sqrt{(1-\rho_2) (1-\rho_3)} \right)\quad & \rho \in \mathcal{S}_2 \\[0.5em] 4+2\left( -\sqrt{(1-\rho_1) (1-\rho_3)} + \sqrt{(1-\rho_1) (1-\rho_2)} - \sqrt{(1-\rho_2) (1-\rho_3)} \right) & \rho \in \mathcal{S}_3 . \end{array} \right. \end{equation} The plot of the functional is displayed in Figure~\ref{fig:F-triangle}. It would be possible now to check that $\tilde F$ is convex directly and thus $F=\tilde F$, a result already obtained by arguing that any density in $\mathcal{P}_{3,2}^+$ is pure-state $v$-representable. The only other example for an explicit form of a functional $\tilde F$ in the literature that we are aware of is by \citet{schonhammer1987discontinuity}, but only for a 2-site model. Since we have obtained $F = \tilde{F}$ analytically, we can actually find the ground-state energy and density by direct minimization of the energy functional like in \eqref{eq:E-LF} without any reference to the wave function. We have \begin{equation} E(v) = \inf_\rho \left\{ \tilde F (\rho) + \rho_1 v_1 + \rho_2 v_2 + \rho_3 v_3 \right\} \end{equation} where the minimization is over all densities $0 \leq \rho_i \leq 1$ and $\rho_1+\rho_2+\rho_3=2$. Since we can always put $v_3=0$ by a constant shift of the potential we can write this as \begin{equation} E(v) = \inf_{\rho_1,\rho_2} \left\{ \tilde{F} (\rho_1,\rho_2,2-\rho_1-\rho_2) + \rho_1 v_1 + \rho_2 v_2 \right\}, \end{equation} where $v_1,v_2$ are specified. The minimizing equations from differentiation of the functional as already mentioned at the end of Section~\ref{sec:CS-functionals} are \begin{equation} v_j = -\frac{\partial \tilde{F} (\rho_1,\rho_2,2-\rho_1-\rho_2)}{\partial \rho_j} \quad \quad (j=1,2) \label{eq:Fderiv} \end{equation} which determines the density if we specify the potential. If the potential $v$ is such that $\rho \in \mathcal{S}_2$ we need to employ \begin{align} \tilde F (\rho_1,\rho_2,2-\rho_1- \rho_2) = 4+2 \left( \sqrt{(1-\rho_2)(\rho_1+\rho_2-1)} - \sqrt{(1-\rho_1)(\rho_1+\rho_2-1)}- \sqrt{(1-\rho_1)(1-\rho_2)} \right) \end{align} for which \eqref{eq:Fderiv} gives the equations \begin{align} v_1=&-\frac{\partial \tilde F (\rho_1,\rho_2,2-\rho_1-\rho_2)}{\partial \rho_1} = -\sqrt{ \frac{1-\rho_2}{\rho_1+\rho_2-1 } } - \sqrt{ \frac{\rho_1+\rho_2-1 }{1-\rho_1}} + \sqrt{ \frac{1-\rho_1}{\rho_1+\rho_2-1 } } - \sqrt{ \frac{1-\rho_2}{1-\rho_1 } }, \\ v_2=&-\frac{\partial \tilde F (\rho_1,\rho_2,2-\rho_1-\rho_2)}{\partial \rho_2} = -\sqrt{ \frac{1-\rho_2}{\rho_1+\rho_2-1 } } + \sqrt{ \frac{\rho_1+\rho_2-1 }{1-\rho_2}} + \sqrt{ \frac{1-\rho_1}{\rho_1+\rho_2-1 } } - \sqrt{ \frac{1-\rho_1}{1-\rho_2 } }. \end{align} Take, for example, $(v_1,v_2,v_3)=(2,1,0)$ then we find that these equations have the solution $(\rho_1,\rho_2,\rho_3)=(0.2121,0.8176,0.9704)$ which indeed lies inside the green density area $\mathcal{S}_2$ in Figure~\ref{fig:triangle-mapping} and gives $\tilde F(\rho)=3.0832$ and $E(v)=\tilde F(\rho)+ 2\rho_1 +\rho_2=4.3249$, which can be checked by direct diagonalization of $H(v)$ to be the ground-state eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian \eqref{eq:H-triangle} for our choice of potential. We have therefore shown by explicit example that it is possible to find the ground-state energy without diagonalizing the Hamiltonian if the analytic form of $F(\rho)$ is known and the functional is found to be differentiable (which it always is almost everywhere, as we remarked earlier). \subsection{Complete graph: counterexample to Lieb's non-convexity proof} \label{sec:complete-graph} A complete graph consists of $M$ vertices in which every vertex is connected to all other vertices. This is in a sense the opposite situation to the linear chain discussed in Section~\ref{sec:lin-chain} because it is maximally connected, whereas the linear chain is minimally connected. For example, the complete graph with $M=3$ is the triangle graph that we already studied in detail in the previous section. Taking the one-particle Hamiltonian $h$ from \eqref{eq:h-with-v} we have for a complete graph \begin{equation} h_{ii} = (M-1) + v_i, \quad \quad h_{ij} =-1 \quad ( i \neq j). \end{equation} By Corollary~\ref{cor:PF-one-particle-H} we can find a non-degenerate one-particle ground state \begin{equation} \phi_0 = (\phi_{0,1},\ldots, \phi_{0,M}) \in \H_1 \quad \text{with all} \quad \phi_{0,i} > 0. \end{equation} If $\phi_k\in\H_1$ for $k=1,\ldots, N-1$ are the lowest, orthonormal, excited one-particle eigenstates of $h$ then the non-interacting $N$-particle ground state (or one out of the ground state multiplet, in case of degeneracy) is given by \begin{equation} \Psi_0 = \phi_0 \wedge \phi_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge \phi_{N-1} \in \H_N. \end{equation} The density $\rho$ of the $N$-particle ground-state is the sum of one-particle densities evaluated at vertex $i$ like in \eqref{eq:rho-from-Slater} and we get \begin{equation} \rho_i = \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} | \phi_{k,i} |^2 \geq \phi_{0,i}^2 > 0 \end{equation} since $\phi_{0,i}$ was found to be strictly positive. This is not special to the complete graph but valid for all non-interacting $N$-particle states on a graph described by a graph Laplacian (or more generally when we can apply the Perron--Frobenius theorem to the one-particle Hamiltonian, as demonstrated in Section~\ref{sec:pos-dens}). For $v=0$ we define the uniform one-particle wave function \begin{equation} \phi_0 = \frac{1}{\sqrt{M}} (1,1,\ldots,1) \end{equation} for which we get $h\phi_0 = 0$ and this will turn out to be precisely the ground state. The excited states $\phi_k$ for $k=1,\ldots,M-1$ must be orthonormal to the eigenstate $\phi_0$, so they must be of the form \begin{equation} \phi = (c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_M), \quad \quad \langle \phi_0,\phi \rangle = \frac{1}{M}(c_1+c_2+\ldots + c_M)=0. \end{equation} This in turn already means that any such vector is an eigenvector of $h$ with eigenvalue $M$, since \begin{equation} (h\phi)_i = \sum_j h_{ij}c_j = h_{ii} c_i + \sum_{j \neq i} h_{ij} c_j = (M-1) c_i - \sum_{j \neq i} c_j = M c_i - \sum_{j} c_j = M c_i. \end{equation} So the excited states are $(M-1)$-fold degenerate with eigenvalue $M$. One possible choice for such an excited state would be the maximally localized \begin{equation}\label{eq:complete-graph:localized-phi} \phi = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (1,-1,0,\ldots,0) \end{equation} that such shows that a unique continuation property (UCP) for eigenstates of graph Hamiltonians is not achievable, since most coefficients are zero here. We can give an alternative construction for the excited states using the following basic relations for the $M$-th roots of unity: Let $\omega= \exp(2 \pi \i/M)$ and define the $M$ vectors $\phi_k$ with components \begin{equation}\label{eq:complete-graph:phi-k-excited} \phi_{k}= \frac{1}{\sqrt{M}} ( \omega^k, \omega^{2k}, \ldots, \omega^{Mk} ), \quad\quad k \in \{0,\ldots,M-1\}. \end{equation} These vectors correspond to plain waves in the discrete setting and are such the basis for the discrete Fourier space. Then, from a well-known relation for the roots of unity, we have \begin{equation} \langle \phi_k, \phi_l \rangle = \frac{1}{M} \sum_{j=1}^M \, \omega^{(l-k)j} = \delta_{k,l}, \end{equation} which establishes the fact that the orbitals $\phi_k$ define an orthonormal basis for $\H_1$ and are indeed the sought-after eigenstates of $h$. Interestingly, the density of all these orbitals is the same, \begin{equation} |\phi_k |^2 = \frac{1}{M} (1,1,\ldots,1), \end{equation} and we have therefore found an orthonormal basis of equal density, which is also an eigenbasis. Finally, it should be noted that this equidensity eigenbasis forms a clear contradiction to the suggested proof of non-convexity of $\tilde F$ in \citet[Theorem~3.4]{Lieb1983}\footnote{Note that the original reference also contains a typo in the formulation of the theorem, where it says $F$, which is always convex as noted here in Section~\ref{sec:CS-functionals}, but actually the pure-state constrained-search functional $\tilde F$ is meant.}. In Lieb's proof it is stated that for a Hamiltonian with a certain rotational symmetry, as we have here with full permutational symmetry in the complete graph when $v=0$, the density of a uniformly mixed state including all orthonormal, degenerate ground-state orbitals will also have the full symmetry. In our case we just take two particles, $N=2$, and the ground states $\Phi_k = \phi_0\wedge\phi_k$, $k=1,\ldots,M-1$. Further, it says that if $\Phi$ is any pure ground state, and hence a linear combination of the $\Phi_k$, then its density will \emph{not} have the same symmetry. But in our example all $\Phi_k$ have exactly the same fully symmetric density. This means that the described procedure to find a non-pure-state $v$-representable density cannot work in general. But we will rescue the argument right away in the next section with a more complex pure-state \texorpdfstring{$v$}{v}-representability counterexample. \subsection{Cuboctahedron graph: pure-state \texorpdfstring{$v$}{v}-representability counterexample} \label{sec:cuboctahedron} Here we give an example of a density $\rho \in \mathcal{P}_{M,N}^+$ which is \emph{not} pure-state $v$-representable. This issue was already addressed by \citet{Levy1982} and \citet{Lieb1983} who pointed out that any such example needs a system with at least three-fold degeneracy. Here, we only have to show that the chosen ground-state ensemble density cannot come from a pure ground state of the \emph{same} Hamiltonian, which obviously saves us a lot of work. This is because the first part of the HK theorem (Theorem~\ref{th:HK1}) states that if $H=H_0+V$ has a ground state $\Psi$ with a given density then $\Psi$ will also be the ground state for any other $H'=H_0+V'$ that allows the same ground-state density. So it is always enough to check for just one potential. The system under consideration is a graph with $M=12$ and the symmetry of a 3D structure that is known as the \emph{cuboctahedron}, see Figure~\ref{fig:gr12}. \citet{ullrich2002} used a very similar system in order to demonstrate that in general just very few potentials lead to degeneracy while there are many densities coming from degenerate states, a result that we already used in Section~\ref{sec:degen-non-uv} and that was also observed in the example of Section~\ref{sec:triangle-v-rep}. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \def\centerarc[#1](#2)(#3:#4:#5 { \draw[#1] ($(#2)+({#5*cos(#3)},{#5*sin(#3)})$) arc (#3:#4:#5);} \centerarc[black](0,0)(0:360:3); \coordinate (g7) at (3*cos{45},3*sin{45}) ; \coordinate (g6) at (3*cos{135},3*sin{135}) ; \coordinate (g5) at (3*cos{225},3*sin{225}) ; \coordinate (g8) at (3*cos{315},3*sin{315}) ; \coordinate (g9) at (3*cos{135},0); \coordinate (g10) at (0,3*sin{45}); \coordinate (g11) at (3*cos{45},0); \coordinate (g12) at (0,3*sin{315}); \coordinate (g1) at (-1.5*cos{45},- 1.5*cos{45}); \coordinate (g2) at (-1.5*cos{45},1.5*cos{45}); \coordinate (g3) at (1.5*cos{45},1.5*cos{45}); \coordinate (g4) at (1.5*cos{45},-1.5*cos{45}); \draw[black] (g5) -- (g6) -- (g7) -- (g8) -- (g5); \draw[black] (g1) -- (g2) -- (g3) -- (g4) -- (g1); \draw[black] (g9) -- (g10) -- (g11) -- (g12) -- (g9); \node[graphnode] at (g1) { 1 }; \node[graphnode] at (g2) { 2 }; \node[graphnode] at (g3) { 3 }; \node[graphnode] at (g4) { 4 }; \node[graphnode] at (g5) { 5 }; \node[graphnode] at (g6) { 6 }; \node[graphnode] at (g7) { 7 }; \node[graphnode] at (g8) { 8 }; \node[graphnode] at (g9) { 9 }; \node[graphnode] at (g10) { \scriptsize 10 }; \node[graphnode] at (g11) { \scriptsize 11 }; \node[graphnode] at (g12) { \scriptsize 12 }; \node[inner sep=0pt] at (5.5,0) {\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{Cuboctahedron.png}}; \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Cuboctahedron graph. The graph is regular, every vertex has 4 adjacent neighbours. Its shape as an Archimedean solid is also displayed.} \label{fig:gr12} \end{figure} Taking the corresponding graph Laplacian \eqref{eq:graph-laplacian} without any further potentials as the one-particle Hamiltonian $h=-\Delta$, we arrive at the energy eigenvalues $E_0=0$ (non-degenerate), $E_1 = 2$ (3-fold degenerate), $E_2 = 4$ (3-fold degenerate), and $E_3 = 6$ (5-fold degenerate). The ground state in the basis ordering displayed in Figure~\ref{fig:gr12} is given by \begin{equation} \phi_0 = \frac{1}{\sqrt{12}} (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1), \end{equation} and the first three degenerate excited states are given by \begin{align} \phi_1 &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{8}} (-1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0), \label{eigenstates1}\\ \phi_2 &= \frac{1}{4} ( 1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,1,0,-2,0,2), \quad\text{and}\\ \phi_3 &= \frac{1}{4} ( -1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,1,1,-2,0,2,0). \label{eigenstates3} \end{align} The densities corresponding to these eigenvectors are given by \begin{align} \rho_0 &= \frac{1}{12} (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1), \\ \rho_1 &= \frac{1}{8} (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0 ), \\ \rho_2 &= \frac{1}{16} (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,4,0,4), \quad\text{and}\\ \rho_3 &= \frac{1}{16} (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,0,4,0). \end{align} If now $N=2$ non-interacting particles are considered on this graph with $2$-particle Hamiltonian $H$, their ground state is \begin{equation}\label{eq:gr12-gs} \Psi = \sum_{n=1}^3 c_n \phi_0 \wedge \phi_n = \phi_0 \wedge \left(\sum_{n=1}^3 c_n\phi_n\right) \quad\text{with}\quad \sum_{n=1}^3 |c_n|^2=1 \end{equation} or any mixture of such states. From the above we see that in this case any pure ground state can be written as a single Slater determinant, unlike in the example of \citet{englisch2}, where they showed using an explicit system with 3 particles with 6-fold degeneracy that even in a non-interacting system not every pure ground state can be written as a single Slater determinant. We take the equally distributed ensemble made from the three $\phi_0\wedge\phi_n$ as our counterexample, leading to to the uniform density \begin{equation} \bar{\rho} = \rho_0 + \frac{1}{3} ( \rho_1 + \rho_2 + \rho_3 ) = \frac{1}{6} (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1). \end{equation} We will now demonstrate that this density cannot come from any pure state of the form \eqref{eq:gr12-gs}, which is, as we argued before, the most general form of a pure ground state of the Hamiltonian $H$. The density of \eqref{eq:gr12-gs} is \begin{equation} \rho_i = \rho_{0,i} + \left|\sum_{n=1}^3 c_n\phi_{n,i}\right|^2, \end{equation} so in order for this density to be equal to $\bar\rho$ we need to find coefficients $c_n$ that give \begin{equation} \left|\sum_{n=1}^3 c_n\phi_{n,i}\right|^2 = \frac{1}{12} \quad\text{for all}\;i \in \{1,\ldots,12\}. \end{equation} From those 12 equations some can be eliminated as duplicates and the following 6 remain, \begin{equation}\label{eq:cubo-c-equations} |\sqrt{2}c_1 + c_2 + c_3|^2 = |\sqrt{2}c_1 + c_2 - c_3|^2 = |\sqrt{2}c_1 - c_2 + c_3|^2 = |\sqrt{2}c_1 - c_2 - c_3|^2 = \tfrac{4}{3},\quad |c_2|^2=|c_3|^2=\tfrac{1}{3}. \end{equation} By adding the first two equations we get \begin{equation} |\sqrt{2}c_1 + c_2 + c_3|^2+|\sqrt{2}c_1 + c_2 - c_3|^2 = 2\left(|\sqrt{2}c_1 + c_2|^2 + |c_3|^2\right) = \tfrac{8}{3} \quad \Longrightarrow \quad |\sqrt{2}c_1 + c_2|^2=1 \end{equation} and similarly $|\sqrt{2}c_1 - c_2|^2 = |\sqrt{2}c_1 + c_3|^2 = |\sqrt{2}c_1 - c_3|^2=1$. Using the same trick again we arrive at \begin{equation} |\sqrt{2}c_1 + c_2|^2+|\sqrt{2}c_1 - c_2|^2 = 4|c_1|^2+2|c_2|^2 = 2 \quad \Longrightarrow \quad |c_1|^2 = |c_2|^2 = |c_3|^2 = \tfrac{1}{3}. \end{equation} However, the equations above also mean that $\sqrt{2}c_1$ has equal distance to $\pm c_2$ as well as to $\pm c_3$, so in the complex plane it must lie on a line orthogonal to the lines connecting $c_2$ and $-c_2$ as well as $c_3$ and $-c_3$. This can only be fulfilled if $c_1 = \i s c_2 = \i t c_3$ with $s,t \in \mathbb{R}$, found to be $|s|=|t|=1$ from $|c_1|^2 = |c_2|^2 = |c_3|^2$. This means $c_2=\pm c_3$ which is in contradiction to \eqref{eq:cubo-c-equations} where then $c_2$ and $c_3$ would always cancel in two of the equations and thus would not lead to the necessary result $\tfrac{4}{3}$. This shows that $\bar\rho$ cannot come from a pure ground state and thus is not pure-state $v$-representable. This in turn implies by Proposition~\ref{prop:pure-state-v-rep} that $\tilde F \neq F$, so since $F$ is known to be the convex hull of $\tilde F$ the pure-state constrained-search functional $\tilde F$ cannot be convex in general. \section{Conclusions and open questions} \label{sec:main:conclusions} The main objective of this work was to point towards the problem of possible HK violations in a lattice setting and to seek for possible remedies. One big relief is of course the result that almost all densities are uniquely $v$-representable (Theorem~\ref{th:non-uv-dens-measure-zero}). But this and the many other albeit positive results point to a much larger theoretical complex that promises interesting paths for future investigations, some of which are collected in the following listing: \begin{itemize} \item The considerations in Section~\ref{sec:degen-non-uv} point towards the intriguing possibility of a full \emph{geometrization} of the density-potential mapping. Therein, the potentials that lead to non-uv states are bounded by potentials that lead to degeneracy, while the corresponding degeneracy regions eventually touch the border of the density set or each other at the non-uv density points. The whole situation is such reduced to spheres (in different dimensionality) and lines (planes etc.), the basic elements of Euclidean geometry. A first demonstration has been given with the triangle example in Figure~\ref{fig:triangle-mapping}, a speculative depiction of how this might look in a more complex situation is given in Figure~\ref{fig:conjecture-mapping}. A corollary from this could be that almost all potentials lead to uv densities, a statement already put forward in Section~\ref{sec:degen-non-uv}. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \resizebox{.85\textwidth}{!}{% \begin{tikzpicture} \def\ORX{0}; \def\ORY{-1}; \def\L{5}; \def\mathbb{R}{0.915}; \coordinate (R1) at (\ORX,{\ORY+\L*sqrt(3)/2-\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (R2) at ({\ORX-\L/2},{\ORY-\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (R3) at ({\ORX+\L/2},{\ORY-\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (P1) at ({\ORX-\mathbb{R}/2},{\ORY+sqrt(3)/6*\mathbb{R}}); \coordinate (P2) at ({\ORX+\mathbb{R}/2},{\ORY+sqrt(3)/6*\mathbb{R}}); \coordinate (P3) at (\ORX,{\ORY-1/sqrt(3)*\mathbb{R}}); \coordinate (P4) at ({\ORX-(1+sqrt(3)/2)*\mathbb{R}},{\ORY-sqrt(3)/6*\L+3/2*\mathbb{R}}); \coordinate (P5) at ({\ORX+(1+sqrt(3)/2)*\mathbb{R}},{\ORY-sqrt(3)/6*\L+3/2*\mathbb{R}}); \coordinate (P6) at ({\ORX-sqrt(3)/2*\mathbb{R}},{\ORY+1/sqrt(3)*\L-3/2*\mathbb{R}}); \coordinate (P7) at ({\ORX+sqrt(3)/2*\mathbb{R}},{\ORY+1/sqrt(3)*\L-3/2*\mathbb{R}}); \coordinate (P8) at ({\ORX-\mathbb{R}},{\ORY-sqrt(3)/6*\L}); \coordinate (P9) at ({\ORX+\mathbb{R}},{\ORY-sqrt(3)/6*\L}); \coordinate (C1) at (\ORX,{\ORY+2/sqrt(3)*\mathbb{R})}); \coordinate (C2) at ({\ORX-\mathbb{R}},{\ORY-(sqrt(3)/6*\L-\mathbb{R})}); \coordinate (C3) at ({\ORX+\mathbb{R}},{\ORY-(sqrt(3)/6*\L-\mathbb{R})}); \path[fill=yellow,opacity=0.75] (R1) -- (P6) -- (P7) -- (R1); \path[fill=yellow,opacity=0.75] (R2) -- (P4) -- (P8) -- (R2); \path[fill=yellow,opacity=0.75] (R3) -- (P5) -- (P9) -- (R3); \path[fill=green,opacity=0.6] (P8) -- (P9) -- (P3) -- (P8); \path[fill=green,opacity=0.6] (P4) -- (P6) -- (P1) -- (P4); \path[fill=green,opacity=0.6] (P5) -- (P7) -- (P2) -- (P5); \path[fill=blue,opacity=0.5] (P1) -- (P2) -- (P3) -- (P1); \draw (R1) -- (R2) -- (R3) -- (R1); \draw [red,fill=red] (C1) circle (\mathbb{R}); \draw [red,fill=red] (C2) circle (\mathbb{R}); \draw [red,fill=red] (C3) circle (\mathbb{R}); \node at (C1) {$\mathcal{C}_1$}; \node at (C2) {$\mathcal{C}_2$}; \node at (C3) {$\mathcal{C}_3$}; \node at (P1) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node at (P2) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node at (P3) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node at (P4) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node at (P5) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node at (P6) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node at (P7) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node at (P8) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node at (P9) [circle,fill,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \draw [->, line width=.5mm] (3,{\ORY+\L*sqrt(3)/2/2-\L/2/sqrt(3)}) -- (4,{\ORY+\L*sqrt(3)/2/2-\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \def\OPX{7}; \def\OPY{0}; \def\L{2.5}; \coordinate (V1) at (\OPX,{\OPY+\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (V2) at ({\OPX-\L/2},{\OPY-\L*sqrt(3)/2+\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (V3) at ({\OPX+\L/2},{\OPY-\L*sqrt(3)/2+\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (V11) at ({\OPX-\L/4},{\OPY+\L/2/sqrt(3)+sqrt(3)/4*\L}); \coordinate (V12) at ({\OPX+\L/4},{\OPY+\L/2/sqrt(3)+sqrt(3)/4*\L}); \coordinate (V21) at ({\OPX-\L},{\OPY-\L*sqrt(3)/2+\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (V22) at ({\OPX-3*\L/4},{\OPY-\L*sqrt(3)/2+\L/2/sqrt(3)-sqrt(3)/4*\L}); \coordinate (V31) at ({\OPX+\L},{\OPY-\L*sqrt(3)/2+\L/2/sqrt(3)}); \coordinate (V32) at ({\OPX+3*\L/4},{\OPY-\L*sqrt(3)/2+\L/2/sqrt(3)-sqrt(3)/4*\L}); \path[fill=blue,opacity=0.5] (V1) -- (V2) -- (V3) -- (V1); \shade[bottom color=yellow!75,top color=white] (V1) -- (V11) -- (V12) -- (V1); \shade[bottom color=yellow!75,top color=white,transform canvas={rotate around={240:(\OPX,{\OPY-sqrt(3)/6*\L})}}] (V1) -- (V11) -- (V12) -- (V1); \shade[bottom color=yellow!75,top color=white,transform canvas={rotate around={120:(\OPX,{\OPY-sqrt(3)/6*\L})}}] (V1) -- (V11) -- (V12) -- (V1); \shade[top color=green!60,bottom color=white] (V22) -- (V2) -- (V3) -- (V32); \shade[top color=green!60,bottom color=white,transform canvas={rotate around={240:(\OPX,{\OPY-sqrt(3)/6*\L})]}}] (V22) -- (V2) -- (V3) -- (V32); \shade[top color=green!60,bottom color=white,transform canvas={rotate around={120:(\OPX,{\OPY-sqrt(3)/6*\L})]}}] (V22) -- (V2) -- (V3) -- (V32); \draw (V11) -- (V32); \draw (V12) -- (V22); \draw (V21) -- (V31); \node at (V1) [circle,fill=red,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node [left] at (V1) {$\rho^{-1}(\mathcal{C}_1)$}; \node at (V2) [circle,fill=red,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node [above left] at (V2) {$\rho^{-1}(\mathcal{C}_2)$}; \node at (V3) [circle,fill=red,inner sep=1.0pt] {}; \node [above right] at (V3) {$\rho^{-1}(\mathcal{C}_3)$}; \end{tikzpicture} } \caption{Symbolic depiction of a the possible topological structure of the density--potential mapping. The three red regions of densities from degenerate ground states $\mathcal{C}_1,\mathcal{C}_2,\mathcal{C}_3$ correspond to the three potential points in red. The single, marked density points are non-uv and get mapped to lines of potentials that extend to infinity when the density lies on the border of the density set. The graphs have to be understood as a 2D cut through the $(M-1)$-dimensional density and potential spaces.} \label{fig:conjecture-mapping} \end{figure} \item By presenting simple examples of graphs on which the HK theorem is violated (Section~\ref{sec:ex-non-unique}) and such where it still holds (Section~\ref{sec:lin-chain}) the following task appears naturally: Give a maximal classification of graph topologies, including the allowed interactions, such that the HK theorem indeed holds for all ground states or even all eigenstates by fulfilling the Odlyzko condition from Corollary~\ref{cor:HK-necessary}. From the examples it seems that it is beneficial if, for many-particle systems, they are not \emph{too connected}. This could be checked by studying regular graphs (where every vertex has equal degree, i.e., the same number of connections; in this aspect they are closer to the continuum setting with a flat geometry), trees (which do not contain any loops), or graphs with a certain degree limit. \item We noted that by Odlyzko's theorem the number of zeroes in the wave function is directly related to unique $v$-representability. A closely connected issue is how these zeroes are distributed on a fermionic graph. A similar question has been the focus of considerable research in connection with the Courant--Hilbert nodal domain theorem for graph Laplacians \cite{graph-eigenvectors-book}. A natural question to ask in our context is whether a similar theorem holds for fermionic Hamiltonians. A significant open problem related to this situation is the so-called nodal-domain conjecture \cite{ceperley1991,bajdich2005,mitas2006} which states that interacting spin-$\tfrac{1}{2}$ fermions can be described by a spatial wave function with two connected domains, one on which the wave function is positive and one on which it is negative, separated by a nodal boundary. The resolution of this issue has important applications with regard to the so-called sign problem in Quantum Monte Carlo methodology. \item At the core of practical DFT lie of course the various approximations to the exchange-correlation potential and it would be interesting to see what can be learnt about them and about possible exact conditions within the theory presented here. If they are of a non-local type (beyond local-density approximations) then they appear like stencils of a finite-difference method on the graphs. \item The omission of spin in this work comes as no restriction per se, since a spin degree of freedom can always be taken into account by adding more vertices. Yet, there will be usually no separate external potential acting on this internal coordinate and the graph will be disconnected into its separate spin components \cite{ullrich2005nonuniqueness-spin}. It will thus be necessary to extend the theory to such settings if open-shell situations, where orbitals cannot be simply double filled, are considered. \item In Section~\ref{sec:main:Rellich} we put forward the conjecture that the set of all uv densities in $\mathcal{P}_{M,N}$ is always open and the given examples seem to support this claim. Conversely, this would mean that the non-uv densities, that are known to have measure zero (Theorem~\ref{th:non-uv-dens-measure-zero}), also form a closed set. \item The field of graph theory has barely been touched in this work, so it is possible that some known results might prove useful for DFT of graphs. For example there is a theory about the spectra of signed graphs \cite{zaslavsky1982,belardo2019signed-graphs} that have a close connection to the fermionic Hamiltonians with $\pm 1$ entries in the off-diagonal appearing here. \item One further remaining question would be on how to achieve an appropriate continuum limit that also restores the full HK theorem. In accordance with \citet{lammert2010well} and contrary to \citet{ullrich2002} we do not believe that ``[t]he transition from a dense discrete lattice to a continuous variable does not appear to offer difficulties.'' \item Going beyond the ground-state situation there is the question whether some of the insights gained here can be used to study the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation for fermions on graphs. The discrete setting has been useful to study fundamental issues in time-dependent density functional theory \cite{li2008time,tokatly2011time,farzanehpour2012time}, and has important implications for quantum transport applications \cite{uimonen2011,stefanucci2015,jacob2020} or quantum dynamics of many-particle systems on lattices as in the Hubbard model \cite{karlsson2011} or in atomic traps \cite{kartsev2013}. In the mathematics literature there further exist many results on diffusion on graphs \cite{spectral-graph-book}. A significant advantage of the discrete setting is that path integrals become well-defined objects. \end{itemize} In order to explore some properties of fermionic systems on graphs numerically as well as display the graphs alongside their fermionic counterparts, we created a small Python script that is part of the public domain and can be found at \url{https://mage.uber.space/dokuwiki/material/fermion-graph}~. \begin{acknowledgments} M.~P.\ acknowledges helpful discussions with Alexander Steinicke, the hospitality provided by Aisha during the final stage of this work, and financial support by the Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship J 4107-N27 of the FWF (Austrian Science Fund). R.~v.~L.\ acknowledges the Academy of Finland for support under project no.\ 317139. \end{acknowledgments}
Introduction ============ Although energy drinks comprise only 1% of the total soft drink market, these products are becoming increasingly popular.[@b1-ijgm-5-187] The market leader, Red Bull^®^ Energy Drink is available in over 160 countries and, although some local sales restrictions may apply, energy drinks are not banned in any country. The most important functional ingredient of energy drinks is caffeine. [Table 1](#t1-ijgm-5-187){ref-type="table"} lists some of the well known energy drink brands, and their caffeine content. It is evident from [Table 1](#t1-ijgm-5-187){ref-type="table"} that popular energy drinks such as Red Bull (250 mL, 8.4 oz) contain a similar amount of caffeine (ie, 80 mg) to that present in one regular cup of coffee (240 mL, 8 oz).[@b2-ijgm-5-187],[@b3-ijgm-5-187] However, less popular brands may have a higher caffeine content. Caffeine does not have adverse effects for the general population of healthy adults if they limit caffeine intake to 400 mg per day.[@b4-ijgm-5-187] Various experimental studies have examined the behavioral effects of energy drinks when consumed alone. Most studies have shown that energy drink consumption can significantly improve cognitive and psychomotor functioning[@b5-ijgm-5-187]--[@b10-ijgm-5-187] and driving ability,[@b10-ijgm-5-187]--[@b12-ijgm-5-187] pre-exercise consumption can significantly improve endurance and physical performance,[@b7-ijgm-5-187],[@b13-ijgm-5-187]--[@b15-ijgm-5-187] and whilst some studies have reported small changes in heart rate or blood pressure, no clinically relevant adverse cardiovascular effects have been reported after normal use of energy drinks in healthy volunteers,[@b7-ijgm-5-187],[@b16-ijgm-5-187]--[@b21-ijgm-5-187] although there is currently a lack of long-term data. Health regulatory authorities across the world have concluded that energy drinks are safe to consume, although some authorities have expressed concerns about the potential health risks associated with mixing alcohol and caffeine. It should also be noted that there are anecdotal and case reports of acute adverse effects, including fatalities, in individuals consuming energy drinks combined with alcohol, but no confirmation of any causal relationship between the reported effects and the consumption of energy drinks.[@b22-ijgm-5-187] Research and media attention has recently been drawn to alcohol mixed with energy drinks (AmED). In this context, it has been suggested that AmED consumption may reduce the perception of alcohol intoxication or that coconsumption may lead to increased alcohol consumption. This paper aims to review and put into perspective the current scientific evidence on the combined use of energy drinks and alcohol. Methods ======= A literature search was performed (updated December 1, 2011) using the keywords "energy drink" and "Red Bull", consulting Medline/Pubmed, PsycINFO, and Embase for clinical trials and surveys examining the effects of energy drinks consumed together with alcohol. Cross-references were checked for additional research papers. This literature search yielded 23 research articles that were included in this review. Results ======= Most people consume energy drinks only occasionally (eg, less than 6% of college students consume energy drinks daily).[@b23-ijgm-5-187] Surveys among students reveal that they consume energy drinks to counteract sleepiness, to enhance energy and concentration,[@b24-ijgm-5-187] or because they simply like it.[@b25-ijgm-5-187] Reasons given for consuming energy drinks combined with alcohol include "during partying",[@b24-ijgm-5-187] to celebrate,[@b26-ijgm-5-187] because they like the taste,[@b26-ijgm-5-187] to hide the flavor of alcohol,[@b27-ijgm-5-187] or to get drunk.[@b26-ijgm-5-187] However, only 2% of all students (and 15% of those who combined alcohol with energy drinks) indicated they did so in an attempt to be able to drink more and not feel as drunk.[@b27-ijgm-5-187] Surveys among students have found that 6%--44% report consumption of AmED.[@b24-ijgm-5-187]--[@b32-ijgm-5-187] Price et al interviewed 72 regular consumers of energy drinks about their past week and lifetime energy drink and alcohol intake, applying the timeline follow-back approach.[@b33-ijgm-5-187] Thirteen percent of past-week alcohol consumption sessions involved the co-use of energy drinks. Analysis of survey data revealed that students who consume AmED were significantly more often young white males.[@b27-ijgm-5-187],[@b31-ijgm-5-187],[@b34-ijgm-5-187] Taken together, these surveys suggest that a relative minority of students occasionally consume AmED. Do energy drinks antagonize alcohol-induced performance impairment? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Seven studies examined the possible antagonizing effects of energy drinks on alcohol-induced performance impairment, including both recovery from physical exercise and cognitive testing.[@b16-ijgm-5-187],[@b35-ijgm-5-187]--[@b40-ijgm-5-187] The results of these studies are summarized in [Table 2](#t2-ijgm-5-187){ref-type="table"}. A significant limitation of two of these studies[@b36-ijgm-5-187],[@b37-ijgm-5-187] is that alcohol was not tested alone, so it cannot be determined if the effects caused by AmED are actually the same as when administering alcohol alone. Ferreira et al failed to find significant differences on a variety of physical performance and recovery parameters.[@b16-ijgm-5-187] The statistical analysis reported by Marczinski et al, based on significant changes from baseline, found that some aspects of cognitive performance were poorer for alcohol alone compared with the energy drink, placebo, or AmED groups, but not for all tests.[@b38-ijgm-5-187] In a second study, Marczinski et al did not find any significant difference between impairment on information processing and motor coordination tasks between AmED and alcohol only.[@b39-ijgm-5-187] Ferreira et al also failed to show differences between alcohol and AmED,[@b35-ijgm-5-187] whilst Alford et al showed improvement with AmED in one test, but not others, compared with alcohol.[@b40-ijgm-5-187] Therefore, there is mixed evidence that energy drink consumption antagonizes some performance effects caused by alcohol intoxication but not others. This suggests no consistent antagonism of alcohol-induced impairment by coconsumption of energy drinks. A recent double-blind, placebo-controlled study by Howland et al did not observe any significant differences on simulated driving, sustained attention, or reaction time between caffeinated and noncaffeinated beer (383 mg caffeine, peak breath alcohol concentration \[BrAC\] of 0.12%), suggesting no consistent antagonism of alcohol-induced impairment by coconsumption of caffeine.[@b41-ijgm-5-187] Do energy drinks change the drinker's perception of intoxication? ----------------------------------------------------------------- It has been claimed that people consume energy drinks because they presume it will counteract the impairing effects of alcohol. For example, O'Brien et al reported this for 15% of students who consumed AmED.[@b27-ijgm-5-187] Few experimental studies actually examined the perception of intoxication after consuming AmED. One of the most cited studies in this context was performed by Ferreira et al, who evaluated breath alcohol concentration (0.04%--0.1% BrAC), psychomotor functioning, and subjective intoxication after administration of an energy drink, alcohol (vodka, 0.6 or 1.0 g/kg), or AmED.[@b35-ijgm-5-187] Twenty-six subjects participated in this randomized, controlled trial. Coadministration of energy drink did not affect breath alcohol concentration. Symptoms during intoxication were scored using the Bond and Lader 13-item somatic symptoms scale,[@b42-ijgm-5-187],[@b43-ijgm-5-187] extended with five additional items, giving 18 items in all. The paper revealed that alcohol and AmED similarly impaired psychomotor performance. The results section reports that AmED reduced the perception of headache, dry mouth, and impairment of motor coordination compared with alcohol alone. However, the appropriateness of using these symptoms as a measure of intoxication should be questioned, especially because most other symptoms, of which several are related to feelings of intoxication (eg, dizziness, speech, tiredness, vision, walking, wellbeing), did not show a significant reduction for AmED compared with alcohol alone. Consequently, the interpretation of these results as showing a reduction in perceived intoxication after AmED compared with alcohol alone cannot be taken as consistent and reliable on the basis of this single study. Alford et al found participants felt significantly impaired after alcohol (0.05%--0.09% BrAC) and significantly impaired by the higher compared with lower alcohol dose (4/5 scales), but no overall difference between alcohol alone and energy drink combined with alcohol.[@b40-ijgm-5-187] Marczinski et al reported that alcohol alone (0.07--0.09 BrAC) significantly increased ratings of feeling the drink, liking the drink, impairment, and level of intoxication, whereas it reduced the rating of ability to drive.[@b38-ijgm-5-187] AmED showed no significant difference for these ratings. The abstract of this article implies that self-reported stimulation was increased for AmED compared with alcohol alone, and that this might contribute to a higher risk scenario. However, their data showed that subjective stimulation was significantly increased from baseline for both the alcohol and AmED groups. Unfortunately, in this paper, no direct statistical comparisons were made between the AmED and alcohol group. In a second study, Marczinski et al reported that consumption of AmED reduced mental fatigue and increased feelings of stimulation, when compared with consuming alcohol alone.[@b39-ijgm-5-187] No significant difference between AmED and alcohol alone was reported on subjective intoxication or ability to drive. Taken together, the results from these studies do not show a change in perceived intoxication on the majority of subjective scales, including intoxication and ability to drive, when alcohol is mixed with energy drink. Higher levels of alcohol have been compared with alcohol and caffeine in combination, though not using energy drinks. Howland et al investigated higher doses of alcohol comparing the effects of caffeinated beer versus noncaffeinated beer, and nonalcoholic beer in 127 nondependent, heavy episodic drinkers, aged 21--30 years.[@b41-ijgm-5-187] When a peak BrAC of 0.12% was achieved, there was no significant difference in estimated BrAC between caffeinated and noncaffeinated beer, indicating that caffeine (a total dose of 383 mg on average) did not mask the alcohol intoxication effects, and thereby supporting the majority of findings observed with energy drinks. Do energy drinks enhance alcohol consumption? --------------------------------------------- Given the stimulant effects of caffeine-containing energy drinks, it has been suggested that when consumed together with alcohol, energy drinks would increase alcohol ingestion. Although no experimental data are available, several surveys examined the coconsumption of energy drinks and alcohol. [@b27-ijgm-5-187]--[@b34-ijgm-5-187],[@b44-ijgm-5-187]--[@b48-ijgm-5-187] The design and results of these studies, which are nearly all from the US, are summarized in [Table 3](#t3-ijgm-5-187){ref-type="table"}. In addition to the conclusions drawn by the respective authors, [Table 3](#t3-ijgm-5-187){ref-type="table"} also includes our interpretation of the data in the comment column. Arria et al conducted a 3-year longitudinal study aiming to examine illicit drug use patterns among college students (the 2003 College Life Study).[@b49-ijgm-5-187] Annually, they interviewed 1063 college students. To ensure a sufficient number of eligible subjects, those with past experience of illicit and/or prescription drugs were oversampled. An exploratory analysis of the data was performed comparing those who consume energy drinks and those who do not.[@b28-ijgm-5-187] Since the study was not set up for this purpose, only two questions about energy drink consumption were asked. These questions were "What types of caffeinated products do you consume?" and "Estimate the typical, minimum, and maximum number of caffeinated drinks you consume during a typical week". Based on the first question, subjects were classified as energy drink users (n = 264) and those who do not consume energy drinks (n = 796). Energy drink consumers reported significantly more alcohol intake (both quantity and frequency). Illicit drug use was not significantly higher in energy drink consumers, nor was the use of medicinal drugs, except for prescription stimulants and analgesics. Subjects also completed the short form of the Zuckerman--Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire. Energy drink consumers scored significantly higher on the subscale of impulsive, sensation-seeking behavior. Unfortunately, the authors did not gather any specific data on whether energy drinks were mixed with alcohol or not. Also, prescription and illicit drug use was only measured using a binary (yes or no) scale. Recently, Arria et al published data from the fourth yearly interview of students participating in the 2003 College Life Study.[@b46-ijgm-5-187] In this interview, students estimated the types of energy drinks and the number of days and usual quantity of energy drinks they consumed during the previous 12 months. The statistical analysis showed an association between energy drink and alcohol consumption, and reported that those who "frequently" consume energy drinks (≥52 days per year, ie, ≥1 per week; representing 10.1% of the sample) significantly more often met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) criteria for alcohol dependence. However, the survey also failed to indicate whether or not energy drinks were consumed together with alcohol, or separately. In fact, in both studies, the authors do not rule out the possibility that energy drinks were consumed separately during the day, or the day after to compensate for alcohol-related hangover effects.[@b28-ijgm-5-187],[@b46-ijgm-5-187] A survey among 4271 college students by O'Brien et al showed that consumption of AmED was associated with increased heavy episodic drinking (6.4 days versus 3.4 days in the past 30 days) and weekly drunkenness (1.4 days/week versus 0.73 days/week), and experiencing negative alcohol-related consequences significantly more often.[@b27-ijgm-5-187] Again, this study also does not provide any evidence for a causal relationship, but does support the association that when people drink more alcohol they may also mix some of their alcohol with energy drinks. Price et al interviewed 10 regular energy drink users about their past week and lifetime energy drink and alcohol use.[@b33-ijgm-5-187] These 10 subjects consumed significantly more alcohol on the occasion that they also consumed energy drinks (8.4 versus 4.7 alcoholic consumptions, respectively). The authors acknowledge the small sample size and recommend additional research, but nevertheless conclude that using energy drinks is associated with increased alcohol consumption. Thombs et al examined energy drink and alcohol use in a naturalistic setting, ie, college bars, between 10.00 pm and 03.00 am.[@b29-ijgm-5-187] In a bar district, 802 subjects were interviewed about their alcohol use and energy drink consumption and performed a breath analysis test to estimate BrAC. Subjects also completed the shortened Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C), a measure of quantity/frequency of consumption, and were asked how likely it was that they would drive home by car at the end of their night out. Significant differences were observed between those who consumed alcohol only (n = 602) and those who mixed energy drinks with alcohol (n = 46); the differences included mean BrAC (0.08% versus 0.11%), alcohol consumed (95.3 g versus 152.2 g), and total hours of drinking (2.9 hours versus 3.9 hours) for these two groups, respectively. AUDIT-C scores did not significantly differ between the groups. Logistic regression analysis revealed that those who mixed alcohol and energy drinks were 3.32 times more likely to leave the bar intoxicated (BrAC ≥ 0.08%) and had a 4.26 times increased risk of intending to drive a car after leaving. The authors concluded that the latter suggests perception of alcohol-induced impairment is reduced when coconsumed with energy drinks. An alternative explanation may be that the groups already differed at baseline in alcohol consumption and risk perception. In a second study by Thombs et al, only 10 people reported consuming AmED.[@b45-ijgm-5-187] Therefore, the conclusions drawn based on the data from this small study should be interpreted with caution. Rossheim and Thombs then combined the data from both onpremise studies.[@b32-ijgm-5-187] Based on the combined data, they concluded that energy drink consumption was not associated with an increased risk of being intoxicated. Miller conducted a survey among 602 undergraduate students that indicated energy drink consumption was associated with problem behaviors, particularly among white students.[@b34-ijgm-5-187] Frequency of energy drink consumption was positively associated with marijuana use, smoking, drinking, alcohol problems, illicit drug use, and risk-taking behavior. In a second survey among 795 undergraduate students, Miller confirmed that levels of conformity to masculine norms, risk-taking behavior, and sport-related ("jock") identity significantly predicted the frequency of energy drink consumption.[@b44-ijgm-5-187] Berger et al reported ethnic and other differences between those who consume alcohol alone compared with energy drink users, or those who consume AmED.[@b31-ijgm-5-187] These differences were noted by the authors, who then suggest subgroup targeting for health information. However, they fail to point out that the observed increase in "hazardous drinking" for the AmED group may be accounted for by intergroup differences alone (eg, age, ethnicity), rather than to AmED consumption. A finding from several surveys has been that AmED consumption was associated with increased alcohol consumption.[@b27-ijgm-5-187],[@b28-ijgm-5-187],[@b46-ijgm-5-187] These surveys show that research comparing different groups (eg, those who combine alcohol with energy drinks and those who do not) is always difficult to interpret, and can yield potentially biased results because baseline and other characteristics of the groups have not been controlled for and may differ significantly. This potential bias can be prevented by conducting research using a within-subject design, ie, comparing drinking occasions in the same subjects with and without energy drink consumption and using an appropriate sample size. This design was applied in a recent survey by Woolsey et al among athletes.[@b48-ijgm-5-187] When comparing drinking habits of those who drink alcohol only (n = 165) and those who mixed alcohol with energy drinks (n = 150) these researchers showed that those who consumed AmED drank alcohol significantly more often, drank more alcohol on single occasions, reported more heavy drinking episodes, and had consumed twice the amount of alcohol during the past year when compared with the group that never mixed alcohol with energy drinks. However, when looking at the group that combined energy drinks with alcohol, it was shown that on occasions when they did mix alcohol and energy drinks they consumed significantly less alcohol (6.28 drinks) when compared with occasions when they consumed alcohol without energy drinks (8.60 drinks) a reduction of 27%. Also, when reporting on the greatest number of alcoholic drinks consumed on a single occasion during the past year, the combined group reported significantly less alcohol consumption (10.83 drinks) when combining alcohol with energy drinks compared with a session of alcohol without energy drinks (18.23 drinks), ie, a reduction of 41%. Also, no significant within subject differences were found on the major risk-taking items "taking risks", "being brave and daring", and "being likely to fight", whereas the statistically significant differences found for "acting aggressively" (2.46 versus 2.76) and "driving a motor vehicle" (1.57 versus 1.75) for alcohol versus AmED, respectively, reflect only small numerical differences and therefore have no clinical relevance. Unfortunately, the authors concluded their article with a discussion of the potential dangers of energy drinks and a call for action to protect the public, and disregarded their own findings showing that alcohol consumption within subjects was substantially reduced when mixing alcohol with energy drinks. Interestingly, recent onpremise studies reveal that the single focus on energy drinks as a mixer for alcohol may be unjustified and misplaced, because other caffeinated mixers such as cola beverages are more popular than energy drinks.[@b29-ijgm-5-187],[@b32-ijgm-5-187],[@b45-ijgm-5-187] They showed that mixing alcohol with caffeinated cola (22.5%) was much more popular than mixing with energy drinks (6%). Breathalyzer assessment on leaving the bar revealed that BrAC levels were similar in those who consumed alcohol mixed with cola (BrAC 0.108%) or consumed AmED (BrAC 0.106%), and somewhat higher than found in those who consumed alcohol only (BrAC 0.091%). A recent survey confirmed these findings among Dutch students, when reporting on their latest night out that caused a hangover.[@b47-ijgm-5-187] No difference in total alcohol consumption was found between those who consumed alcohol alone or AmED, whereas those who mixed alcohol with cola beverages consumed significantly more alcohol. In conclusion, the specific nature of the relationship between energy drink consumption and alcohol consumption, if any, cannot be established from these surveys. The fact that two things occur together (ie, the presented correlations in the surveys between energy drink and alcohol consumption) does not imply that one causes the other.[@b50-ijgm-5-187] More direct and reliable within-subject comparisons comparing occasions of alcohol intake both with and without energy drink consumption, such as performed by Woolsey et al,[@b48-ijgm-5-187] are necessary to establish if there is an actual difference, and to what extent energy drinks influence alcohol consumption, or not.[@b50-ijgm-5-187] Discussion ========== Excessive and irresponsible consumption of alcoholic drinks has adverse effects on human health and behavior, but it should be clear that this is due to the alcohol, and not the mixer. When presenting their data, several authors fail to acknowledge that correlations between energy drink and alcohol consumption do not provide any cause-and-effect relationship.[@b50-ijgm-5-187],[@b51-ijgm-5-187] Instead, they describe the "high" risk of combined use of energy drinks and alcohol[@b52-ijgm-5-187] as "a growing problem"[@b3-ijgm-5-187] or "a new hazard for adolescents",[@b53-ijgm-5-187] without providing supportive scientific evidence, or they simply copy the conclusions of other authors without having a closer look at the methodology of the surveys and the way the data were analyzed and presented.[@b54-ijgm-5-187] This way of presenting and interpreting scientific data may raise unsubstantiated concerns among consumers and parents about the use of energy drinks (alone or in combination with alcohol) and may actually trigger unjustified regulations in the absence of appropriate data. Some recent reviews have copied the conclusions of these authors, summarizing the data and its interpretation as offered by the authors that conducted these studies, draw unjustified conclusions, or present recommendations for legislation that are not supported by the available scientific data.[@b53-ijgm-5-187]--[@b55-ijgm-5-187] However, other authors have commented on the current energy drink debate and disputed the conclusions drawn in these reviews.[@b50-ijgm-5-187],[@b51-ijgm-5-187],[@b56-ijgm-5-187] Other criticism focuses on the methodology and setup of previous studies, some of which were underpowered or were not specifically designed to examine the association between energy drink consumption and alcohol consumption.[@b49-ijgm-5-187] Given the limitations of these studies (summarized in [Tables 2](#t2-ijgm-5-187){ref-type="table"} and [3](#t3-ijgm-5-187){ref-type="table"}), Skeen and Glenn[@b56-ijgm-5-187] concluded that there is an "imaginary link between alcoholism and energy drinks", and Verster and Alford[@b50-ijgm-5-187] concluded that the concerns about energy drinks are not justified by the currently available scientific data. But most importantly, when judging articles on energy drinks mixed with alcohol, it should be kept in mind that correlation does not mean causation.[@b51-ijgm-5-187] In fact, there are many alternative explanations. Several surveys compared groups of subjects who do and do not combine alcohol with energy drinks. As some surveys on energy drink consumption suggested, it is possible that the groups of subjects that were compared already differed at baseline regarding the level of risk-taking behavior and other personality traits.[@b28-ijgm-5-187],[@b34-ijgm-5-187],[@b44-ijgm-5-187],[@b46-ijgm-5-187],[@b48-ijgm-5-187] This may explain the observed differences in alcohol and drug use between the groups. People who are high risk-takers are more likely to exhibit life-style behaviors characterized by disinhibition and loss of moderation. These behaviors include increased frequency and amount of alcohol consumption, caffeine consumption, smoking, and recreational drug use, as well as gambling and engagement in risk-taking behavior.[@b57-ijgm-5-187],[@b58-ijgm-5-187] Being a high risk-taker may then be the cause of increased alcohol consumption. A significant association between levels of risk-taking behavior (measured as sensation-seeking, impulsivity, and related traits) has been reported for alcohol and drug use,[@b59-ijgm-5-187],[@b60-ijgm-5-187] as well as energy drinks.[@b28-ijgm-5-187],[@b34-ijgm-5-187],[@b44-ijgm-5-187],[@b46-ijgm-5-187],[@b48-ijgm-5-187] These surveys link the consumption of energy drinks with a risk-taking lifestyle that is already characterized by higher levels of alcohol consumption. In other words, a personality with higher levels of risk-taking behavior may be the primary reason for increased alcohol and drug abuse. The coconsumption of energy drinks is just one of the many expressions of such a lifestyle and personality. Given that energy drink companies often market their products by relating them to extreme sports and adventurous activities, it is understandable that individuals who are attracted to energy drinks more often have a higher risk-taking profile. Seven main conclusions can be drawn from the available scientific literature: - There are currently insufficient properly controlled studies to draw any firm conclusions regarding the effects of energy drinks mixed with alcohol - A relative minority of students occasionally mix energy drinks with alcohol, and there is no evidence that energy drinks are consumed more than other caffeinated drinks (eg, colas) combined with alcohol - There is some evidence that energy drinks may antagonize some, but not all, aspects of alcohol-induced performance impairment - There is no consistent evidence that energy drinks alter the perceived level of intoxication of people who mix energy drinks with alcohol - Whilst there are associations between the levels of alcohol and energy drink consumption, there is no evidence that coconsumption of energy drinks causes increased alcohol consumption - There is no direct evidence that coconsumption of alcohol and energy drinks initiates drug and alcohol dependence or abuse - A personality with higher levels of risk-taking behavior may be the primary reason for increased alcohol and drug abuse. The coconsumption of energy drinks may be one of the many expressions of their lifestyle and personality type. These conclusions are drawn from the limited evidence available at this time. Hence, more and better research is needed. Properly controlled clinical studies, surveys, and prospective studies are required before definite conclusions can be drawn. In order to define the effects of an energy drink, such clinical studies must include sessions of administration of both energy drink or placebo drink (ie, an energy drink without the active ingredients) as well as alcohol alone, and whenever possible applying a within-subject design. Such designs are more complex but essential if the focus is on the effects of energy drinks on alcohol consumption. Until these data are available, interventions with the primary goal of reducing alcohol consumption and related problems should focus on the availability and consumption of alcohol per se. **Disclosure** Over the last 3 years, Joris Verster has received research funding from Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Deenox, and Red Bull GmbH, and done consultancy work for Takeda, Sepracor, Sanofi Aventis, Deenox, Red Bull GmbH, CBD, Trimbos Institute, and Transcept. Chris Alford has received funding from the UK Ministry of Defence, Red Bull GmbH, and Sanofi-Aventis. Christoph Aufricht has received research funding from the Austrian Science Fund, the European Community, Fresenius Medical Care, Baxter Healthcare, and Zytoprotec. ###### Caffeine content of some well known energy drinks[@b2-ijgm-5-187],[@b3-ijgm-5-187] Bottle/can mL (oz) Caffeine mg/100 mL (mg/oz) Total caffeine mg (range) --------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- --------------------------- Red bull 250 (8.4) 32 (9.6) 80 Monster 473 (16) 34 (10) 160 Rockstar 473 (16) 34 (10) 160 Full throttle 473 (16) 30 (9) 144 No fear 473 (16) 37 (10.9) 174 Amp 250 (8.4) 30 (8.9) 75 SoBe 250 (8.4) 32 (9.5) 79 Tab energy 311 (10.5) 31 (9.1) 95 Cola 355 (12) 11 (3.3) 40 (30--60) Coffee 237 (8) 36 (10.6) 85 (65--120) Tea 237 (8) 17 (5) 40 (20--90) ###### Studies examining potential antagonizing effects of energy drinks on alcohol-induced performance impairment Reference Subjects and design Dosing Findings highlighted by authors Comment ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ferreira et al[@b16-ijgm-5-187] Double-blind crossover trial in 14 healthy volunteers Alcohol (1.0 g/kg), energy drink (3.57 mL/kg body weight), and their combination No significant difference on maximal effort test (cycle ergometer) or recovery for a number of physiological and biochemical parameters between alcohol alone, and alcohol administered in combination with energy drink No evidence of energy drink antagonizing effects of alcohol Ferreira et al[@b35-ijgm-5-187] 12 healthy volunteers received lower dose, 14 higher alcohol dose, both also receiving energy drink or water control, or alcohol + energy drink in a mixed, blind design with random allocation Alcohol (0.6 and 1.0 g/kg); energy drink, or same volume water (3.57 mL/kg body weight) Breath alcohol concentration, visual reaction time, and grooved peg-board reported as not showing differences between alcohol alone and AmED No evidence of energy drink antagonizing effects of alcohol Wiklund et al[@b37-ijgm-5-187] Double-blind, crossover trial to examine heart rate variability and ECG changes in 10 healthy volunteers 3 cans (750 mL) of energy drink alone or in combination with alcohol (vodka, 0.4 g/kg body weight) or no drink at all Subjects performed a maximal bicycle ergometer exercise for 30 minutes. Postexercise recovery in heart rate and heart rate variability was slower after energy drink and alcohol than after exercise alone. No clinically significant arrhythmias or ECG changes were observed Alcohol alone not tested, therefore no comparison can be made between alcohol and AmED Curry and Stasio[@b36-ijgm-5-187] Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 27 healthy females AmED (6% alcohol by volume), energy drink alone, and a noncaffeinated placebo drink AmED significantly impaired neuropsychological function (in particular visuospatial and language skills), whereas the energy drink alone nonsignificantly improved performance (in particular attention scores) Alcohol alone not tested, therefore no comparison can be made between alcohol and AmED Alford et al[@b40-ijgm-5-187] Double-blind, placebo-controlled study in two groups of 10 healthy volunteers Alcohol or AmED in a rising dose (0.046% and 0.087% BrAC) Reaction time and memory were impaired by both alcohol and AmED, although Stroop performance was improved for AmED compared with alcohol suggesting partial antagonism. No significant difference in breath alcohol concentration between alcohol and AmED Possible antagonism of alcohol seen in one out of three tests for AmED compared with alcohol alone Marczinski et al[@b38-ijgm-5-187] Double-blind, placebo-controlled, between subjects comparison in 56 healthy volunteers, divided into four groups Placebo, energy drink, alcohol (0.072%--0.089% BrAC), AmED (0.07%--0.08% BrAC) Compared with alcohol, coadministration of energy drink counteracted some but not all performance impairment. No significant difference in breath alcohol concentration between alcohol and AmED Possible antagonism of alcohol seen in three out of four performance tests for AmED compared with alcohol alone Marczinski et al[@b39-ijgm-5-187] Double-blind, placebo-controlled study in18 healthy volunteers Placebo, energy drink (3.57 g/kg), alcohol (0.65 g/kg), AmED Compared with alcohol, AmED did not significantly alter performance on tests of information processing and motor coordination No evidence of energy drink antagonizing effects of alcohol **Abbreviations:** BrAC, breath alcohol concentration; AmED, alcohol mixed with energy drink; ECG, electrocardiogram. ###### Surveys and on-premise studies that examined the relationship between alcohol and energy drink consumption ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference Subjects and design Findings highlighted by authors Authors' conclusion Comment --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miller[@b34-ijgm-5-187]\ 602 undergraduate students Frequency of energy drink consumption was positively associated with marijuana use, sexual risk-taking, fighting, not wearing a seat belt, risk-taking, smoking, drinking, alcohol problems, and illicit prescription drug use Energy drink consumption is closely associated with a problem behavior syndrome No information on quantity of energy drink consumption was providedNo information was provided on whether alcohol and drugs were consumed together with energy drink or aloneNo information was provided on whether alcohol-related consequences were experienced when alcohol was consumed together with energy drinks or aloneEnergy drink consumption explains only a small part of the variance of ten domains of problem behavior that were examined (R^2^ = 0.23 or less)The presented associations prove no causal relationship US Miller[@b44-ijgm-5-187]\ 795 undergraduate students Jock identity (mediated by masculine norms and risk-taking behavior) was positively related to energy drink consumption (without alcohol) Risk-taking behavior partly mediates the relationship between jock identity and AmED consumption No evidence of a causal relationship is provided US O'Brien et al[@b27-ijgm-5-187]\ 4271 college students; 697 AmED (16%); 2189 alcohol alone (52%); 1351 nondrinkers (32%); between-subject comparison AmED consumption was associated with significantly increased heavy episodic drinking, episodes of weekly drunkenness, and alcohol-related consequences With AmED consumption students are at increased risk for alcohol-related consequences (also after adjustment for the amount of alcohol consumed) The authors show that those who consume more alcohol experience more alcohol-related consequencesThe authors do not provide evidence that during the days of heavy episodic drinking or reported drunkenness alcohol was mixed with energy drinksNo evidence of a causal relationship between energy drink and alcohol consumption is providedOnly a relative minority (16%) mixed alcohol with energy drinks US Arria et al[@b28-ijgm-5-187]\ 1060 college students; 264 energy drink users; 796 nonusers; between-subject comparison Compared with nonusers of energy drinks, energy drink users had a heavier alcohol consumption pattern, and were more likely to have used other drugs. Year 2 energy drink consumption correlated significantly with year 3 nonmedical use of prescription stimulants and analgesics, but not other drugs Energy drink users tend to have greater involvement in alcohol and other drug use The study was designed for another purpose, and those with past experience of illicit and/or prescription drugs were oversampledThe difference between alcohol consumption of energy drink users and nonusers is statistically significant but of no clinical relevance (6.0 versus 4.7 drinks per drinking day); similarly for the past year count of drug use (1.5 versus 1.0 occasions)It is not determined whether energy drinks and alcohol were consumed together or alonePrescription and illicit drug use was measured using a binary (yes or no) scaleNo evidence of a causal relationship between energy drink and alcohol consumption is provided US Attila and Cakir[@b30-ijgm-5-187]\ 439 Turkish students; between-subject comparison Those who consume energy drinks are more likely to smoke and drink alcoholic beverages. 40% of current users report mixing energy drinks with alcohol Consumption of energy drinks is quite common among students. Their knowledge of ingredients and potential health hazards is low Only 15.2% of current users reported that the main reason to consume energy drinks is to mix with alcohol. Most students consumed energy drinks to feel energetic (24.2%), boost performance during exercise (21.4%), or because of its taste (17.0%) Turkey Price et al[@b33-ijgm-5-187]\ 72 subjects, of which 10 consumed AmED and alcohol alone during the past week; within-subject comparison Subjects (10) consumed significantly more alcohol when mixed with energy drinks (8.6 drinks) when compared with consuming alcohol alone (4.7 drinks) AmED consumption seems associated with increased alcohol ingestion Low sample size does not have sufficient power to draw any conclusionShort time-frame (one week) Canada Woolsey et al[@b48-ijgm-5-187]\ 401 student athletes: 165 alcohol only; 150 AmED; 194 energy drinks alone. Both within-group and between-subject comparison Combined users consumed significantly more alcohol and had riskier drinking habits than those who consume alcohol only, and experience more negative alcohol-related consequences Combined users consumed significantly more alcohol and had riskier drinking habits than those who consume alcohol only. The combined use of alcohol and energy drinks may increase alcohol consumption, risk-taking behavior, and the chance of experiencing negative alcohol-related consequences Within-subject comparisons show that combined users (AmED, n = 150) report drinking significantly less (27%) alcohol when mixing alcohol with energy drinks (and 41% less on the heaviest drinking day)Within-subject comparison provides much more reliable evidence than between-subject comparison. Nevertheless, authors do not discuss their within subject findingsNo significant within-subject differences were found on the major risk-taking items US Thombs et al[@b29-ijgm-5-187]\ 802 bar patrons (people who visit a bar and consume alcohol): 602 alcohol only, 45 AmED; onpremise study Patrons who consumed AmED were at three-fold increased risk of leaving the bar highly intoxicated (BrAC \> 0.08%), and a four-fold increased risk of intending to drive upon leaving the bar district Energy drink consumption by young adults at bars is a marker for elevated involvement in night-time risk-taking behavior It was not verified if they indeed drove a car (no actual risk-taking was determined, only the intention to do so)The quantity of energy drink consumption was not determinedNo significant difference in AUDIT-C (alcoholic drink consumption) score between AmED and alcohol aloneBrAC difference between AmED (0.1%) and alcohol alone (0.08%) was equivalent to just one alcoholic drink US Thombs et al[@b45-ijgm-5-187]\ 328 bar patrons: 180 alcohol only, n = 64 cola-caffeinated alcohol only, n = 10 AmED only; onpremise study Cola-caffeinated alcoholic beverages consumers and AmED consumers leave the bar significantly more intoxicated than those who consume alcohol alone Mixing alcohol with cola poses a similar level of risk for bar patrons to those associated with AmED consumption AmED group (n = 10) has insufficient power to draw reliable conclusions US Rossheim and Thombs[@b32-ijgm-5-187]\ 413 bar patrons For secondary analyses, see data references [@b29-ijgm-5-187] and [@b45-ijgm-5-187] Comparing n = 69 alcohol mixed with regular cola, n = 24 alcohol mixed with diet cola, n = 19 AmED, and n = 147 alcohol only, n = 129 noncaffeinated mixers and alcohol. Those who mix alcohol with diet-cola have a significantly higher BrAC when leaving the bar.\ Reported risks associated with on premise AmED drinking may be reduced by greater attention given to other types of mixers, particularly diet cola Mixing alcohol with caffeinated cola (22.5%) was more popular than mixing with energy drinks (6%)No significant difference was found between alcohol only and AmEDRelatively low power (AmED group, n = 19) limits conclusions US No significant difference between alcohol only and AmED was found Arria et al[@b46-ijgm-5-187]\ 1097 fourth-year college students, 975 entered analyses (338 nonusers, 518 low-frequent users 1--51 times/year), 119 high-frequent users (52+ times/year); between-subject comparison Energy drink consumers consumed more alcohol (both quantity and frequency) and a significant association was reported between high-frequency energy drink users and having a DSM-IV diagnosis of alcohol dependence Weekly or daily energy drink consumption is strongly associated with alcohol dependence The survey fails to indicate whether or not energy drinks were consumed with alcohol, or separately. Hence, the authors do not rule out the possibility that energy drinks were consumed during the day. For example, to compensate for alcohol-related hangover effectsThe authors show that those who consume more alcohol (quantity and frequency) also consume more energy drinks. The correlation reported does not imply a cause-and-effect relationshipThose who consume more alcohol are more likely to meet the criteria of alcohol dependenceOnly a minority of college students (10.1%) was classified as high-frequency energy drink consumers (52+ times/year) US Berger et al[@b31-ijgm-5-187]\ 946 adults aged 18--92 years; between-subject comparison Compared with nonconsumers, ED drinkers were predominantly male, non-Black, and young (18--29 years old), AmED drinkers white and young. Hazardous drinkers (AUDIT-C 4 or more) were four times more likely to consume energy drinks There are population differences between those who mixed alcohol with energy drinks and those who consume alcohol alone No information on amount of alcohol consumed or AUDIT-C scores was provided6% mixed energy drinks with alcohol during the past year US Penning et al[@b47-ijgm-5-187]\ 549 Dutch students, who reported on their latest hangover; between-subject comparison No significant difference was found in the number of alcoholic drinks consumed on the night before their latest hangover between those who consumed AmED and those who consumed alcohol alone Mixing with caffeinated beverages does not change overall alcohol consumption, nor does it affect next-day hangover severity The number of subjects who consumed energy drinks was low (n = 24) and this limits conclusionsThe data did not allow a within-subject comparisonA heavy drinking night that caused a hangover may not reflect a regular night of alcohol consumption The Netherlands ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Abbreviations:** AmED, alcohol mixed with energy drink; US, United States; BrAC, breath alcohol concentration; AUDIT-C, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, version C; DSM-IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition.
Introduction {#s1} ============ The diagnostic value of contrast-enhanced MR-angiography (CE MRA) for the evaluation of the lower extremity vasculature at 3 Tesla (3 T) is well-established in the literature [@pone.0099079-Kramer1], [@pone.0099079-Menke1]. Increasingly available high field MR systems operating at 3 T allow markedly shortened acquisition times without a corresponding loss in spatial resolution [@pone.0099079-Kramer1]. This is in part due to intrinsically higher SNR at these field strengths combined with the development of other innovations such as parallel imaging and multi-element coils [@pone.0099079-Kramer2],[@pone.0099079-Voth1]. In particular, CE MRA enables accurate gradation of disease stage in patients suffering from peripheral artery disease (PAD): comparisons with conventional angiography, the clinical gold standard, have demonstrated a high degree of overall diagnostic accuracy with CE MRA, with values of 80% for stenosis detection and 93.5% for the detection of high grade vessel stenosis [@pone.0099079-Attenberger1]. Evaluation of the relatively small caliber vasculature of the calf station is often impaired by venous overlay due to altered patient hemodynamics. This may result from soft tissue inflammation---a common finding in patients with advanced stages of PAD. Such limitations can be successfully avoided through implementation of time-resolved MRA sequences such as time-resolved imaging of contrast kinetics (TRICKS) [@pone.0099079-Korosec1] and time-resolved angiography with interleaved stochastic trajectories (TWIST). These sequences eliminate the need for a test-bolus and have been shown to provide arterial-phase imaging free of venous contamination in different vascular territories [@pone.0099079-Blackham1]. In peripheral MR-angiography applications, time-resolved MRA sequences have been proven to allow for an accurate assessment even in patients whose CE MRA images had been non-diagnostic due to venous contamination [@pone.0099079-Andreisek1], [@pone.0099079-Hansmann1]. Patients suffering from PAD also often present with multiple comorbidities including impaired renal function and are thus at an increased risk of developing nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF). The incidence of NSF is not only related to the molecular structure of the administered gadolinium chelate, with macrocyclic chelates being more stable than linear compounds, but also to the injected dose. Therefore, low-dose injection protocols or nonenhanced MRA [@pone.0099079-Lanzman1], [@pone.0099079-Miyazaki1] are preferred to minimize the risk of NSF in this particular patient group [@pone.0099079-Voth1], [@pone.0099079-Attenberger1]. The implementation of low-dose protocols together with the increased use of macrocyclic MR contrast agents has led to a significantly reduced risk for NSF in high-risk patients [@pone.0099079-Abujudeh1], [@pone.0099079-Wang1]. Among the macrocyclic chelates available, gadobutrol is unique in its availability at an 1.0 M formulation and its higher r^1^ relaxivity when compared to other contrast agents. We hypothesized that the latter factor should thus lead to improvements in signal to noise ratio (SNR), contrast to noise ratio (CNR) and image quality [@pone.0099079-Anzalone1], [@pone.0099079-Rohrer1]. The aim of the current investigation was therefore to compare equimolar doses of gadobutrol and gadoterate meglumine with respect to SNR, CNR and image quality in a time-resolved, low-dose MRA protocol of the calf region. Materials and Methods {#s2} ===================== Patients {#s2a} -------- Institutional review board approval was obtained for this study. The institutional review board (IRB name: Medizinische Ethikkommission II der Medizinischen Fakultaet Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Germany) waived the requirement for informed patient consent for this retrospective study. The information gathered on this retrospective patient population was performed in compliance with HIPAA guidelines. 100 consecutive patients with PAD (Fontaine stages II-IV) who underwent routine MRA of the peripheral vasculature at our institution between October 2008 and March 2011 were included for retrospective data analysis (32 men and 18 women; mean age 67 years in gadubutrol group and 34 men, 16 women for gadoterate meglumine, mean age 64 years in the gadoterate meglumine group). Either gadobutrol or gadoterate meglumine was utilized as the contrast agent, based upon the clinical necessities of the examination day (i.e. patient renal function, contrast agent utilized for previous examinations). MR-Protocol {#s2b} ----------- All MRA examinations were performed on a 3 T, 32-channel whole-body MR system (MAGNETOM Tim Trio \[102×32\], Siemens AG, Healthcare Sector, Erlangen, Germany). To cover the entire field of view (FoV) from the diaphragm to the calves, a dedicated 36-element peripheral angiography matrix coil, as well as 2 body 6-element matrix coils and 2 clusters of the inbuilt spine matrix coil were utilized. Patients were positioned supine feet-first in the MR bore. A 20 G cannula in the left or right antecubital vein was used for contrast agent administration, which was performed with an automated power injector (Medrad Spectris Solaris EP, Medrad Indianola, PA). Detailed scan parameters are summarized in [Table 1](#pone-0099079-t001){ref-type="table"}. 10.1371/journal.pone.0099079.t001 ###### Sequence parameters for TWIST MR Angiography. ![](pone.0099079.t001){#pone-0099079-t001-1} Parameter TWIST MRA ----------------------------- ------------- Parallel Imaging Grappa 2 Acquisition time (sec) 96 Spatial resolution (mm^3^) 1.1×1.1×1.1 Temporal resolution (sec) 5.49 Field of view (mm) 500×375 Repetition time (msec) 3.75 Echo time (msec) 1.12 Flip angle (degrees) 20 Matrix 448×336 Bandwidth (Hertz per pixel) 660 Contrast agents {#s2c} --------------- Two macrocyclic gadolinium based contrast agents were utilized for this study: gadobutrol (Gadovist, Bayer Healthcare AG, Berlin, Germany) formulated at 1.0 molar (M) and gadoterate meglumine (Dotarem, Guerbet, France) formulated at 0.5 M. The r^1^ relaxivity of gadobutrol versus gadoterate meglumine is 5.0±0.3 vs. 3.5±0.2 L\*mmol^−1^s^−1^ (in plasma, at 3 T and 37°C) [@pone.0099079-Rohrer1]. To allow for a more equal comparison between the two different contrast agents in terms of bolus geometry the 1 M gadobutrol was diluted 1∶1 with normal saline (0.9% NaCl). Thus, contrast agents administered to the patients were equimolar on a per bodyweight basis (0.03 mmol/kg BW) and were administered in equivalent concentrations (0.5 M). MR imaging {#s2d} ---------- 2D gradient echo sequence localizers were obtained in coronal and axial planes to allow for planning of the examination. After acquisition of continuous table movement-MRA (CTM-MRA) images, an additional 0.03 mmol/kg body weight of the respective contrast agent was administered at a rate of 1.5 ml/s followed by a 30 ml normal saline (0.9% NaCl) chaser at the same injection rate for time-resolved MRA with interleaved stochastic trajectories (TWIST) of the calf station. SNR/CNR evaluation {#s2e} ------------------ Image evaluation was performed offline utilizing a standard DICOM-viewer (OsiriX, The OsiriX Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland). Region-of-Interest (ROI) measurements were performed by a single reader for SNR and CNR measurements. The reader was blinded to the contrast agent administered. ROIs were placed in vessel segments in the anterior and posterior tibial as well as peroneal arteries on the pre-contrast scans. Noise calculations were performed by placing a ROI in an artifact-free background area of the subtracted coronal maximum intensity projection images. A ROI was placed in the corresponding vessel at consecutive time points and signal intensity then was measured at the time point of maximum vessel enhancement. The above ROIs were carefully placed in vessel segments displaying homogenous contrast enhancement while avoiding the vessel borders. SNR and CNR were calculated according to the following formulas [@pone.0099079-Reeder1]: Qualitative assessment {#s2f} ---------------------- For the qualitative assessment, two blinded readers assessed image quality on a scale of 1 to 4 (1 =  poor image quality and blurring of the arterial segment; 2 =  fair image quality, inadequate arterial enhancement for confident diagnosis; 3 =  good image quality and arterial enhancement, adequate for confident diagnosis; 4 =  excellent image quality and arterial enhancement, for highly confident diagnosis) within 4 arterial segments in the bilateral lower extremities (tibioperoneal trunk, anterior tibial, posterior tibial, and the peroneal arteries). Data from both limbs in the patients was pooled, resulting in possible evaluation of 96 (2×48) data points for each territory. Territories in a given patient were excluded if arterial occlusions within a segment led to no significant vascular enhancement, one of the limbs was amputated, or vascular evaluation was not possible secondary to patient motion. Statistical analysis {#s2g} -------------------- Statistical analysis was performed using JMP 9.0 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina, USA). Continuous variables are expressed as mean, standard deviation (± SD), and range (min--max). Continuous variables for SNR and CNR are expressed as mean and standard deviation. SNR and CNR values between the two groups were compared using a Student t-test after normally distribution of data was confirmed using the Shapiro--Wilk test. A 2-tailed p-value of \<0.05 was considered statistically significant. To assess qualitative differences in quality between scans performed with gadobutrol and gadoterate meglumine, median image quality for each reader in 4 arterial segments was computed. Image quality ratings for each reader were compared between images obtained with gadobutrol and gadoterate meglumine utilizing a Mann-Whitney U Test. Inter-reader variability was assessed via Cohen\'s Kappa statistics. Kappa values greater than 0.75 were taken to represent excellent agreement, values between 0.4-0.75 to represent good agreement, and values below 0.4 as poor agreement. Results {#s3} ======= SNR/CNR evaluation {#s3a} ------------------ All measurements were completed successfully, and no examinations were excluded due to inadequate image quality. SNR measurements for gadobutrol demonstrated a mean signal intensity of 83.0±46.7 for the peroneal artery, 92.9±58.9 for the posterior tibial artery, and 96.4±64.5 for the anterior tibial artery. Gadoterate meglumine SNR was 37.6±13.8 for the peroneal artery, 41.2±13.8 for the posterior tibial artery, and 45.3±16.4 for the anterior tibial artery. SNR measurements were statistically significantly different for all three vessel segments evaluated (peroneal artery p\<0.0001; posterior tibial artery p\<0.0001, anterior tibial artery p\<0.0001) ([Table 2](#pone-0099079-t002){ref-type="table"}). 10.1371/journal.pone.0099079.t002 ###### SNR/CNR. ![](pone.0099079.t002){#pone-0099079-t002-2} Contrast agent Anterior tibial artery Posterior tibial artery Peroneal artery -------------------------- ------------ ------------------------ ------------------------- ----------------- **Gadobutrol** *Mean SNR* 96.4±64.5 92.9±58.9 83.0±46.7 **Gadoterate meglumine** *Mean SNR* 45.3±16.4 41.2±13.8 37.6±13.8 *p-value* *\<0.0001* *\<0.0001* *\<0.0001* **Gadobutrol** *Mean CNR* 37.6±26.0 37.1±26.8 30.1±20.1 **Gadoterate meglumine** *Mean CNR* 18.6±16.4 16.9±9.2 14.9±8.0 *p-value* *\<0.0001* *\<0.0001* *\<0.0001* Note -- SNR  =  Signal to noise ratio; CNR  =  Contrast to noise ratio. CNR measurements for gadobutrol in the peroneal artery demonstrated a mean signal intensity of 30.1±20.1 for the peroneal artery, 37.1±26.8 for the posterior tibial artery, and 37.6±26.0 for the anterior tibial artery. Gadoterate meglumine exhibited CNR of 14.9±8.0 for the peroneal artery, 16.9±9.2 for the posterior tibial artery and 18.6±16.4 for the anterior tibial artery. CNR measurements were statistically significantly different for all three vessel segments evaluated (peroneal artery p\<0.0001; posterior tibial artery p\<0.0001, anterior tibial artery p\<0.0001) ([Table 2](#pone-0099079-t002){ref-type="table"}). Qualitative assessment {#s3b} ---------------------- For reader 1, qualitative assessments were possible for the gadobutrol scans in 91% (87/96) of cases for the anterior tibial artery, 81% (78/96) of cases for the posterior tibial artery, and 90% (86/96) of cases for the peroneal artery. For the gadoterate meglumine scans, these respective assessments were possible in 89% (85/96), (89%) 85/96, and 93% (89/96) of cases. For reader 2, qualitative assessments were possible for the gadobutrol scans in 91% (87/96) of cases for the anterior tibial artery, 80% (77/96) of cases for the posterior tibial artery, and 90% (86/96) of cases for the peroneal artery. For the gadoterate meglumine scans these respective assessments were possible in 90% (85/96), 90% (85/96), and 92% (88/96) of cases. Image quality ratings ranged from values of 1--4 for each reader. Median ratings of image quality are provided in [Table 3](#pone-0099079-t003){ref-type="table"}. Statistically significant differences in image quality were observed between gadobutrol and gadoterate meglumine in the peroneal arteries for both readers. Kappa values demonstrated excellent interobserver agreement for all qualitative assessments ([Table 3](#pone-0099079-t003){ref-type="table"}). An example of individual SNR and CNR values as well as the pertinent image quality ratings by both readers is provided in [figure 1](#pone-0099079-g001){ref-type="fig"}. ![Higher SNR and CNR in time resolved MR-Angiography does not translate into improved image quality.\ Gadobutrol was utilized as the contrast agent in a 80 year old female with SNR/CNR values of 93/65 for the anterior tibial artery, 125/101 for the posterior tibial artery and 90/62 for the peroneal artery. Gadoterate meglumine administered in a 61 year old female resulted in SNR/CNR values of 60/21 for the anterior tibial artery, 55/21 for the posterior tibial artery and 52/19 for the peroneal artery. Image quality was rated good to excellent by both readers in both cases.](pone.0099079.g001){#pone-0099079-g001} 10.1371/journal.pone.0099079.t003 ###### Image Quality. ![](pone.0099079.t003){#pone-0099079-t003-3} Median Rating ------------------------- ---------- --------------- ---------------------------------------- ------ Anterior Tibial Artery Reader 1 4, 4 0.29 0.88 Reader 2 4, 4 0.42 Posterior Tibial Artery Reader 1 4, 4 0.56 0.93 Reader 2 4, 4 0.68 Peroneal Artery Reader 1 4, 4 0.006[\*](#nt102){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.87 Reader 2 4, 4 0.04[\*](#nt102){ref-type="table-fn"} \*Statistically significantly better image quality with gadobutrol. \*\*All Kappa values are statistically significant. Gd-DOTA  =  gadoterate meglumine. Discussion {#s4} ========== The results of the present study demonstrate superior SNR and CNR for equimolar doses of gadobutrol versus gadoterate meglumine for time-resolved MRA of the calves at 3 T. Our results demonstrate a significant difference in SNR and CNR measurements in all three vessel segments evaluated, with gadobutrol achieving SNR and CNR values up to 100% higher than gadoterate meglumine. However, this did not translate into the expected degree of improved subjective image quality as gadobutrol scans were only rated to have statistically significantly better image quality in one of three assessed vascular segments. A previous study by Voth et al. showed equimolar doses of gadobutrol, also diluted to 0.5 M with saline, provided greater image quality for peripheral MRA in all vessel segments from the diaphragm to the calves versus gadoterate meglumine utilizing CTM-MRA. Both contrast agents were injected at a dose of 0.07 mmol/kg bw in this instance and at a constant injection rate of 1.5 ml/sec [@pone.0099079-Voth2]. A recent study performed by Haneder et al. compared SNR, CNR, and image quality on an intraindividual basis in 14 patients who underwent static, CTM-MRA using either gadobutrol or gadoterate meglumine [@pone.0099079-Haneder1]. Haneder et al. found that while SNR and CNR were statistically significantly greater for gadobutrol, gadoterate meglumine images were rated as superior in terms of image quality and diagnostic confidence. In distinction to that work, our study included a larger number of patients and focused solely on time-resolved imaging of the calves. The value of TWIST-MRA relative to static MRA is primarily due to its stability in conditions of altered flow, conditions often present in higher stages of PAD [@pone.0099079-Voth1]. Contrast agent comparisons for MR angiography applications often lead to controversial discussions focusing on study design and the fairness of comparisons between agents. Crucial considerations include injection dose, volume, and rate. The complexity of comparisons increases when comprehensive evaluations of contrast agents at non-equimolar formulations are performed. Considering these factors, the mixed conclusions of prior studies in this field are not surprising. Achenbach et al. found no significant differences in terms of image quality, diagnostic accuracy, signal intensity, SNR, and CNR between 0.5 M gadobenate dimeglumine and 1.0 M gadobutrol in 74 Patients at 1.5 T [@pone.0099079-Achenbach1]. Gadobenate dimeglumine is known to bind temporarily to serum proteins such as albumin, which in consequence leads to an increased r^1^-relaxation rate relative to non-protein binding agents like gadobutrol [@pone.0099079-Giesel1]. Szucs-Farkas et al. concluded that gadobutrol did not show significant differences in regards to SNR, CNR or image quality in CE-MRA performed at 1.5 Tesla compared to gadoterate meglumine. Szucs-Farkas et al. did not dilute gadoterate meglumine, but did inject the agents at equimolar doses per bodyweight. The major drawback of that study was the slow injection rates of 0.4 and 0.8 ml/sec for gadobutrol and gadoterate meglumine, respectively. This may have resulted in insufficient bolus definition, particularly in the peripheral vasculature of the calves. The authors concluded that further investigation was warranted to determine whether a higher injection rate would translate into better image quality [@pone.0099079-SzucsFarkas1]. Comparison of results obtained at 3 and 1.5 Tesla is even more difficult due to differences in relaxivity of contrast agents at different field strengths [@pone.0099079-Rohrer1] and different T1 relaxation times of the background tissue. Our study utilized an equimolar dose of the contrast agents, with dilution of the 1 M gadobutrol 1∶1 with normal saline (NaCl), thus allowing for an equivalent concentration and similar bolus geometry compared to the 0.5 M gadoterate meglumine. Dilution allowed for injection of the same volume of contrast material for both injection protocols, minimizing the potential for technologist error. Thus, using the same technical parameters, gadobutrol performed significantly better than gadoterate meglumine in terms of objective image quality. However, our initital hypothesis that the higher relaxivity of gadoterate would translate into improved diagnostic image quality did not hold true. This is in agreement with prior work by Fink et al. and Haneder et al. [@pone.0099079-Haneder1], [@pone.0099079-Fink1], who suggested that measurable differences in SNR and CNR are irrelevant for subjectively rated image quality. Several limitations of our study warrant further discussion. Neither age, gender, nor PAD stage was matched; however, both groups contain similar numbers of male and female patients of similar mean ages. Contrast agent was already present in the vessel segments evaluated on pre-contrast scans due to the prior CTM-MRA, however this possible confounder was equivalently present in both groups. In addition, intra-individual comparisons could not be performed due to the retrospective study design. By definition, retrospective studies are limited, and therefore larger scale prospective studies are required to validate our results. In conclusion, the significantly better enhancement as assessed by SNR and CNR provided by gadobutrol does not translate into improved image quality in an equimolar, low-dose, time-resolved MRA protocol. [^1]: **Competing Interests:**Ulrike I. Attenberger is a consultant for Bayer Healthcare, Berlin, Germany. Bayer Healthcare had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. All other authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Please also note that Ulrike I. Attenberger is a consultant for Bayer Healthcare, Berlin, Germany. This does not alter the authors\' adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials. [^2]: Conceived and designed the experiments: JH HJM SOS UIA. Performed the experiments: JH HJM AL SOS UIA. Analyzed the data: JH JNM AL HJM UIA. Wrote the paper: JH HJM JNM AL SOS UIA.
\section{Introduction} Let $X_1,\dots,X_n$ be i.i.d.~random variables with values in a finite alphabet $\ens{m}$ and with probability mass function given by $p_1,\dots,p_m$. For $i\in\ens{m}$ and $j\in \{0,\dots,n\}$, and with elements of the notation in \cite{HL, BH, DH1}, let $N^{i}_{j}=\sum_{l=1}^j \mathds{1}_{X_l=i}$ be the number of letters $i$ within the first $j$ letters, and for $t\in [0,1]$, let \begin{equation}\label{defB} \widetilde{B^n_i}(t)=\frac{N^{i}_{\lfloor tn \rfloor}-p_i \lfloor tn \rfloor}{\sigma_i\sqrt{n}}, \end{equation} where $\sigma_i=\sqrt{p_i(1-p_i)}$. Let $\Lambda=\{\lambda\in [0,1]^m : \lambda_1+\dots+\lambda_m=1\}$, and for $\lambda\in\Lambda$, let \begin{equation} \widetilde{V^{n}_i}(\lambda)=\sigma_i\left(\widetilde{B^n_i}(\lambda_1+\dots+\lambda_i)-\widetilde{B^n_i}(\lambda_1+\dots+\lambda_{i-1})\right), \end{equation} $i\in \{1, \dots, m\}$ with for $i=1$, the convention that $\widetilde{B^n_i}(\lambda_1+\dots+\lambda_{i-1}) = 0$. \noindent Hence, $LI_n$, the length of the longest increasing subsequences of $X_1\cdots X_n$ is given by: \begin{equation}\label{exprlcin} LI_n=\max_{0=k_0\leq k_1\leq \dots\leq k_m=n} \sum_{i=1}^m \left(N^i_{k_i}-N^i_{k_{i-1}}\right)=\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda_d}} \sum_{i=1}^m \left(n p_i\lambda_i+\sqrt{n}\widetilde{V^{n}_i}(\lambda)\right), \end{equation} where now $\Lambda_d:=\{\left({j_1}/{n},\dots,{j_m}/{n}\right):j_1,\dots,j_m\in \mathbb{N}, j_1+\dots+j_m=n\}$. \noindent For $\lambda\in\Lambda$ let, finally, \begin{equation}\label{defZ} Z_n(\lambda):=\sum_{i=1}^m \left(\sqrt{n} (p_i-p_{\max})\lambda_i+\widetilde{V^{n}_i}(\lambda)\right), \end{equation} \noindent where $p_{\max} = \max_{i=1, \dots, m}p_i$, so that \begin{equation}\label{exprlcinrec} \frac{LI_n-np_{\max}}{\sqrt{n}}=\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda_d}}Z_n(\lambda). \end{equation} It is known (see \cite{HL,BH, DH1} and the references therein) that the limiting distribution of \eqref{exprlcinrec} is the distribution of $\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda}}Z'_n(\lambda)$ where $Z'_n$ is defined as $Z_n$ but with $B^n_i$, a Brownian motion, instead of $\widetilde{B^n_i}$ (as stated more precisely in the sequel). Note that $Z'_n$ has the same distribution for all $n$, so that the limiting distribution above is well defined. Below, our main goal is to provide a rate of convergence for this result. To do so, the strategy is to use a KMT approximation to build a coupling: we will define on the same probability space $\widetilde{B}$ and $B$ that are very close. Then, when the letters are uniformly distributed, $Z_n(\lambda)$ simplifies to $Z_n(\lambda)= \sum_{i=1}^m \widetilde{V^{n}_i}(\lambda)$, and therefore it is straightforward to infer from the coupling the rate of convergence bound. This can also be done for the other lines of the RSK Young diagrams associated with the word. When the distribution is not uniform, the strategy is to first approximate $\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda_d}}Z_n(\lambda)$ by $\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda^\prime_d}}Z_n(\lambda)$, where $\Lambda^\prime_d=\{\lambda\in \Lambda_d : p_i\neq p_{\max}\implies \lambda_i=0\}$, because then for each $\lambda\in \Lambda^\prime_d$, $Z_n(\lambda)=\sum_{i=1}^m \widetilde{V^{n}_i}(\lambda)$, as previously. These approaches also give the convergence of moments. To finish, the case of two or more common and increasing subsequences is addressed. \section{A coupling via KMT and rates of convergence} To start with, we prove the following key coupling lemma: \begin{lem}\label{lemKMTsup} Let $\alpha\geq 1$. For every $m\geq 2$, every probability mass function $p_1,\dots,p_m$, and every $n\ge 2$, there exists a probability space with $X_1,\dots,X_n, \widetilde{B^n}$, as above, and $B^n$ an $m$-dimensional Brownian motion with covariance matrix $\Sigma:=\mathrm{Cov}\left((\mathds{1}_{X_1=i}/\sigma_i)_{1\leq i\leq m}\right)$, defined on it, such that \begin{equation}\label{KMTsup} \mathds{P}\left(\sup_{\substack{i \in\ens{m} \\ 0\leq t \leq 1}} \left| \sigma_i \widetilde{B^n_i}(t)-\sigma_i B^n_i(t)\right| \geq C\frac{\alpha(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}} \right)\leq \frac{2}{n^\alpha}, \end{equation} where $C$ is a universal constant. \end{lem} \begin{proof} By the KMT approximation \cite{komlos1975approximation} (see also \cite{shorack2009empirical} for further details and extensive references, in particular on Kiefer processes), there exist a probability space with $(U_i)_{i\geq1}$ i.i.d. uniform on $[0,1]$ random variables and a Kiefer process $(K(s,t))_{\substack{s\in[0,1] \\ t\in[0,\infty)}}$ such that for all $x>0$, \begin{equation} \mathds{P}\left(\sup_{\substack{0\leq s\leq 1 \\ l\in\ens{n}}} \left|\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} \sum_{k=1}^l \left(\mathds{1}_{U_k \leq s}-s\right) -\frac{K\left(s,l \right)}{\sqrt{n}} \right| \geq C_1\log n \frac{\log n + x}{\sqrt{n}} \right)\leq \mathrm{e}^{-x}, \end{equation} where $C_1$ is a universal constant (throughout, $C_2,C_3, \dots$ are universal constants). In particular, for $x=\alpha \log n$ one gets \begin{equation}\label{disc} \mathds{P}\left(\sup_{\substack{0\leq s\leq 1 \\ l\in\ens{n}}} \left|\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} \sum_{k=1}^l \left(\mathds{1}_{U_k \leq s}-s\right) -\frac{K\left(s,l \right)}{\sqrt{n}} \right| \geq 2 C_1 \alpha \frac{(\log n )^2}{\sqrt{n}} \right)\leq \frac{1}{n^\alpha}. \end{equation} \noindent To replace the discrete parameter $l\in\ens{n}$ by a continuous one $l'\in [0,n]$, note that \begin{align*} \mathds{P}\left(\sup_{\substack{0\leq s\leq 1 \\ l\in\ens{n}}} \sup_{l'\in[l-1,l]}\left|K\left(s,l \right)-K\left(s,l' \right) \right| \geq 2C_1 \alpha (\log n )^2 \right)& \leq \sum_{l=1}^n \mathds{P}\left(\sup_{\substack{0\leq s\leq 1 \\ l'\in[l-1,l] }}\left|K\left(s,l \right)-K\left(s,l' \right) \right| \geq 2C_1 \alpha (\log n )^2 \right)\\ &\leq n \mathds{P}\left(\sup_{\substack{0\leq s\leq 1 \\ 0\leq t \leq 1 }}\left|K\left(s,t \right) \right| \geq 2C_1 \alpha (\log n )^2 \right)\\ &\leq n \mathds{P}\left(2\sup_{\substack{0\leq s\leq 1 \\ 0\leq t \leq 1 }}\left|W\left(s,t \right) \right| \geq 2C_1 \alpha (\log n )^2 \right), \end{align*} where $W$ is a two-dimensional Brownian sheet (using the facts that $(s,t)\mapsto K(s,l)-K(s,l-t)$ and $(s,t)\mapsto W(s,t)-sW(1,t)$ are Kiefer processes on $[0,1]^2$). From \cite[Theorem 3]{goodman1976distribution}, and if $\Phi$ is the standard normal cumulative distribution function, \begin{equation}\label{thm3} \mathds{P}\left(\sup_{\substack{0\leq s\leq 1 \\ 0\leq t \leq 1 }}\left|W\left(s,t \right) \right| \geq C_1 \alpha (\log n )^2 \right)\leq 4 \Phi(-C_1 \alpha (\log n )^2). \end{equation} If $C_1$ is large enough, which can be assumed without loss of generality, for all $\alpha\geq 1$ and all $n\geq 2$, $4 \Phi(-C_1 \alpha (\log n )^2)\leq {1}/{n^{1+\alpha}}$. Therefore, \begin{equation}\nonumber \mathds{P}\left(\sup_{\substack{0\leq s\leq 1 \\ l\in\ens{n}}} \sup_{l'\in[l-1,l]}\left|K\left(s,l \right)-K\left(s,l' \right) \right| \geq 2C_1 \alpha (\log n )^2 \right)\leq \frac{n}{n^{1+\alpha}}=\frac{1}{n^\alpha}, \end{equation} and using \eqref{disc}, \begin{equation}\label{KMTsupbridge} \mathds{P}\left(\sup_{\substack{0\leq s\leq 1 \\ 0\leq t \leq 1}} \left|\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} \sum_{k=1}^{\lfloor tn \rfloor} \left(\mathds{1}_{U_k \leq s}-s\right) -\frac{K\left(s,tn \right)}{\sqrt{n}} \right| \geq 4C_1\alpha\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}} \right)\leq \frac{2}{n^\alpha}. \end{equation} For $i\in\ens{n}$, let $X_i:=\min_{k\in\ens{m}} \{k: U_i\leq p_1+\dots+p_k\}$. Clearly, the $X_i$ are i.i.d random variables with values in $\ens{m}$ and probability mass function $p_1,\dots,p_m$. So, with the notations above, \begin{equation}\nonumber \widetilde{B^n_i}(t)=\frac{N^{i}_{1,\lfloor tn \rfloor}-p_i \lfloor tn \rfloor}{\sigma_i\sqrt{n}}=\frac{\sum_{k=1}^{\lfloor tn \rfloor} \left(\mathds{1}_{U_k \leq p_1+\dots+p_i}-(p_1+\dots+p_i)-\mathds{1}_{U_k \leq p_1+\dots+p_{i-1}}+p_1+\dots+p_{i-1}\right)}{\sigma_i\sqrt{n}}. \end{equation} For $i\in\ens{m}$ and $t\in[0,1]$, then \begin{equation*} B^n_i(t):=\frac{K\left(p_1+\dots+p_i,tn \right)-K\left(p_1+\dots+p_{i-1},tn \right)}{\sigma_i\sqrt{n}}, \end{equation*} are Brownian motions with covariance matrix $\Sigma:=\mathrm{Cov}\left((\mathds{1}_{X_1=i}/\sigma_i)_{1\leq i\leq m}\right)$. Note that \begin{equation}\nonumber \sup_{\substack{i\in \ens{m} \\ 0\leq t\leq 1}} \left| \sigma_i \widetilde{B^n_i}(t)-\sigma_i B^n_i(t)\right|\leq 2\sup_{\substack{0\leq s\leq 1 \\ 0\leq t \leq 1}} \left|\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} \sum_{k=1}^{\lfloor tn \rfloor} \left(\mathds{1}_{U_k \leq s}-s\right) -\frac{K\left(s,tn \right)}{\sqrt{n}} \right|, \end{equation} and so from \eqref{KMTsupbridge} the following coupling inequality: \begin{equation}\nonumber \mathds{P}\left(\sup_{\substack{i\in \ens{m} \\ 0\leq t\leq 1}} \left| \sigma_i \widetilde{B^n_i}(t)-\sigma_i B^n_i(t)\right| \geq 8 C_1 \frac{\alpha(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}} \right)\leq \frac{2}{n^{\alpha}}, \end{equation} is valid and this gives the desired result (letting $C=8 C_1$). \end{proof} {\it From now on, our setting is the probability space introduced in Lemma~\ref{lemKMTsup} with its notation.} To start with, we address the case of uniformly distributed letters and study the rate of convergence, in Kolmogorov distance, for the cumulative shape of the RSK Young diagrams associated with the random word. Let $(R_k(n,m))_{1\le k \le n}$ be the shape of the RSK Young diagram associated with the random words $X_1\cdots X_n$ with uniformly distributed letters over $\{1, \dots, m\}$, and define for $1\leq k\leq m$, $V_k(n,m)=\sum_{l=1}^k R_l(n,m)$ (so that, for example, $V_1(n,m)=R_1(n,m)=LI_n$). From \cite[Corollary 3.1]{HL}, for properly defined $I_{k,m}$ (keeping the notations of \cite{HL}), $(V_k(n,m))_{1\le k \le n}$ is such that: \begin{equation}\label{firstlimitlaw} \left(\frac{V_{k}(n,m)-kn/m}{\sqrt{n/m}}\right)_{1\leq k\leq m}\xRightarrow[n\to \infty]{}\left(\max_{\mathbf{t}\in I_{k,m}}\sum_{j=1}^k\sum_{l=j}^{m-k+j}\sqrt{(m-1)/m}\left(B_l(t_{j,l})-B_l(t_{j,l-1})\right)\right)_{1\leq k\leq m}, \end{equation} where the convergence is in distribution, and $B$ is a $m$-dimensional Brownian motion with covariance matrix having diagonal terms equal to $1$ and off-diagonal terms equal to $-1/(m-1)$, i.e., the covariance matrix $\Sigma$ of Lemma~\ref{lemKMTsup}. Recall finally that the limiting law in \eqref{firstlimitlaw} is the spectra of a traceless $m\times m$ GUE matrix. To simplify notations, let further denote $\left(\max_{\mathbf{t}\in I_{k,m}}\sum_{j=1}^k\sum_{l=j}^{m-k+j}\sqrt{(m-1)/m}\left(B^n_l(t_{j,l})-B^n_l(t_{j,l-1})\right)\right)_{1\leq k\leq m}$ by $(J_{1,m},\dots,J_{m,m})$ and $\left(({V_{k}(n,m)-kn/m})/{\sqrt{n/m}}\right)_{1\leq k\leq m}$ by $(T_{1,m},\dots,T_{m,m})$. \begin{thm} For every $n,m\geq 2$ and $1\leq k \leq m$, $$\sup_{x\in\mathbb{R}}\left|\mathds{P}\left(T_{k,m}\geq x\right)-\mathds{P}\left(J_{k,m}\geq x\right)\right|\leq C(m)\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}},$$ where $C(m)$ is a constant only depending on $m$. \end{thm} \begin{proof} As shown in \cite[(3.7)]{HL}, \begin{equation} T_{k,m}=\max_{\mathbf{t}\in I_{k,m}}\sum_{j=1}^k\sum_{l=j}^{m-k+j}\sqrt{(m-1)/m}\left(\widetilde{B^n_l}(t_{j,l})-\widetilde{B^n_l}(t_{j,l-1})\right), \end{equation} so applying \eqref{KMTsup}, since $\left|T_{k,m}-J_{k,m}\right|\leq 2k(m-k+1)\sqrt{m} \sup_{\substack{i \in\ens{m} \\ 0\leq t \leq 1}} \left| \sigma_i \widetilde{B^n_i}(t)-\sigma_i B^n_i(t)\right|$, \begin{equation}\label{boundtkm} \mathds{P}\left(\left|T_{k,m}-J_{k,m}\right|\geq 2k(m-k+1)\sqrt{m}C\alpha\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\leq \frac{2}{n^{\alpha}}. \end{equation} Recall next that with $\Theta_k:\mathbb{R}^k \to \mathbb{R}^k $ given by $(\Theta_k(x))_j = \sum_{i=1}^jx_i$, $1 \le j \le k$, it follows that $\Theta_m^{-1}(J_{1,m},\dots,J_{m,m})$ has the same distribution as the ordered spectrum of an $m\times m$ traceless GUE matrix. Moreover, by a bound on the joint density of the eigenvalues (see (3.5) in \cite{HT}), there exists $D(m)>0$ bounding the supremum of the density of $J_{k,m}$ (for $1\leq k\leq m$). \noindent So, for any $x\in\mathbb{R}$, \begin{align*} \left|\mathds{P}\left(T_{k,m}\geq x\right)-\mathds{P}\left(J_{k,m}\geq x\right)\right| & \leq \mathds{P}\left(\left|T_{k,m}-J_{k,m}\right|\geq 2k(m-k+1)\sqrt{m}C\alpha\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\\ &\qquad \qquad\qquad + \mathds{P}\left(\left|J_{k,m}-x\right| \leq 2k(m-k+1)\sqrt{m}C\alpha\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\\ & \leq \frac{2}{n^{\alpha}}+D(m)2k(m-k+1)\sqrt{m}C\alpha\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}, \end{align*} \noindent so $\sup_{x\in\mathbb{R}}\left|\mathds{P}\left(T_{k,m}\geq x\right)-\mathds{P}\left(J_{k,m}\geq x\right)\right|$ is upper bounded as stated. \end{proof} As a corollary, we can also study the speed of convergence of $T_{.,m}=(T_{k,m})_{1\leq k\leq m}$ towards $J_{.,m}=(J_{k,m})_{1\leq k\leq m}$, in the Kolmogorov distance, rather than coordinate by coordinate. Just as before, we have \begin{equation} \mathds{P}\left(\left\|T_{.,m}-J_{.,m}\right\|_{\infty}:=\max_{1\leq k \leq m}|T_{.,m}-J_{.,m}|\geq 2m^{5/2}C\alpha\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\leq \frac{2}{n^{\alpha}}, \end{equation} \noindent and \begin{equation} \mathds{P}\left(\max_{1\leq k \leq m}\left|J_{k,m}-x\right| \leq 2m^{5/2}C\alpha\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\leq mD(m)2m^{5/2}C\alpha\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}, \end{equation} \noindent so for any $x_1,\dots,x_m\in\mathbb{R}$, \begin{eqnarray*} \left|\mathds{P}\left(\max_{1\leq k\leq m} T_{k,m}\geq x_k\right)-\mathds{P}\left(\max_{1\leq k \leq m} J_{k,m}\geq x_k\right)\right| \leq & \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\!\mathds{P}\left(\left\|T_{.,m}-J_{.,m}\right\|_{\infty}\geq 2m^{5/2}C\alpha\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\\ & + \mathds{P}\left(\max_{1\leq k\leq m}\left|J_{k,m}-x\right| \leq 2m^{5/2}C\alpha\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\\ & \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\! \!\!\! \le \frac{2}{n^{\alpha}} + mD(m)2m^{5/2}C\alpha\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}. \end{eqnarray*} As in \cite{BH2}, for $m$ no longer fixed, let us consider conditions on the sequences ($m(n))_{n\geq 1}$ (writing just $m$ for $m(n)$) under which for all $\varepsilon>0$, \begin{equation}\label{limitgoal} \mathds{P}\left(\left| \left(T_{1,m}-2\sqrt{m}\right)m^{1/6}-\left(J_{1,m}-2\sqrt{m}\right)m^{1/6}\right|\geq \varepsilon\right) \xrightarrow[n\to \infty]{} 0. \end{equation} Then, since $\left(J_{1,m}-2\sqrt{m}\right)m^{1/6}$ converges in distribution to the Tracy--Widom distribution $F_{TW}$, this implies that $\left(T_{1,m}-2\sqrt{m}\right)m^{1/6}$, that is, $\left(\left(LI_n-n/m\right)/\sqrt{n/m}-2\sqrt{m}\right)m^{1/6}$, converges to $F_{TW}$ as well. Applying \eqref{boundtkm} gives \begin{equation} \mathds{P}\left(\left| \left(T_{1,m}-2\sqrt{m}\right)m^{1/6}-\left(J_{1,m}-2\sqrt{m}\right)m^{1/6}\right|\geq Cm^{1/6}2k(m-k+1)\sqrt{m}\frac{\alpha(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\leq \frac{2}{n^{\alpha}}, \end{equation} so that if $m^{1/6}2k(m-k+1)\sqrt{m}C\alpha{(\log n)^2}/{\sqrt{n}}$ converges to zero, that is, if $m=o((n/(\log n)^4)^{3/10})$, then \eqref{limitgoal} follows, and therefore the convergence in distribution of the properly centered and scaled $LI_n$ to the Tracy-Widom distribution also follows. Beyond the uniform case, in order to evaluate the rate of convergence to the limiting law for arbitrary distributions, we first need to control how close $\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda_d}}Z_n(\lambda)$ is to $\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda^\prime_d}}Z_n(\lambda)$ where again,$$\Lambda^\prime_d:=\{\left({j_1}/{n},\dots,{j_m}/{n}\right):j_1+\dots+j_m=n\text{ and }p_i\neq p_{\max}\implies j_i=0\}.$$ \begin{lem}\label{lemnonuni} Let $n,m\geq 2, \alpha\geq 1, a=6+3\alpha$ and $\Delta=p_{\max}-p_{2nd}$, where $p_{2nd}$ is the second highest of the $p_i$'s. Let $a\log n\leq 2\sqrt{n}\Delta$. Then, $$\mathds{P}\left(\left| \frac{\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda_d}}Z_n(\lambda)}{\sqrt{p_{\max}}}-\frac{\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'_d}}Z_n(\lambda)}{\sqrt{p_{\max}}}\right|> \frac{(a\log n)^2}{4\Delta \sqrt{n p_{\max}}}+\frac{am\log n}{\sqrt{n p_{\max}}}\right)\leq \frac{2m}{n^\alpha}.$$ \end{lem} \begin{proof} Our analysis of this result rests upon estimating the variations of $\widetilde{B^n_i}$. To do so, let $A_n$ be the event: \begin{equation*} \forall i\in\ens{m}, \forall j \in \{0,\dots,n-1\}, \forall \ell\in\{1,\dots,n-j\}, \left\vert \frac{N^{i}_{j+\ell}-N^i_j-p^X_i \ell}{\sqrt{n}}\right\vert\leq \frac{\sigma_i \sqrt{\ell}+1}{\sqrt{n}}a\log{n}. \end{equation*} By Bernstein's inequality: \begin{equation}\label{azuma} 1-\mathds{P}\left(A_n\right)\leq 2m\frac{n(n+1)}{2} \exp\left(-\frac{\frac{1}{2}(\sigma_i \sqrt{\ell}+1)^2 (a\log n)^2}{\ell \sigma^2_i+\frac{1}{3}(\sigma_i \sqrt{\ell}+1)a\log{n}}\right) \end{equation} and since \begin{equation} \frac{\frac{1}{2}(\sigma_i \sqrt{\ell}+1)^2 (a\log n)^2}{\ell \sigma^2_i+\frac{1}{3}(\sigma_i \sqrt{\ell}+1)a\log{n}}\geq \frac{\frac{1}{2}(\sigma_i \sqrt{\ell}+1)^2 (a\log n)^2}{\frac{2}{3}(\sigma_i \sqrt{\ell}+1)a\log{n}+\frac{1}{3}(\sigma_i \sqrt{\ell}+1)a\log{n}}\wedge \frac{\frac{1}{2}(\sigma_i \sqrt{\ell}+1)^2 (a\log n)^2}{\ell \sigma^2_i+\frac{1}{2}\ell \sigma^2_i}\geq \frac{a}{3}\log{n}, \end{equation} it follows that \begin{equation*} 1-\mathds{P}\left(A_n\right) \leq 2mn^{2-\frac{a}{3}}\leq \frac{2m}{n^{\alpha}}. \end{equation*} If $A_n$ occurs, then for all $\lambda\in \Lambda_d$ and $i\in \ens{m}$, \begin{equation}\label{boundV} \widetilde{V^{n}_i}(\lambda)\leq a\log{n}\left(\sigma_i \sqrt{\lambda_i}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\right). \end{equation} Let $A_n$ occur. Let $\lambda\in \Lambda_d$. Let $s=\sum_{j: p_j\neq p_{\max}} \lambda_j$, let $i\in\ens{m}$ be such that $p_i=p_{\max}$ and let $\lambda'$ be defined as: $\lambda'_j=0$ for all $j$ such that $p_j\neq p_{\max}$, $\lambda'_i=\lambda_i+s$, and $\lambda'_j=\lambda_j$ elsewhere. So $\lambda^\prime\in\Lambda^\prime_d$ and from \eqref{boundV}, \begin{equation*} Z_n(\lambda')\geq Z_n(\lambda)+\sqrt{n}s\Delta - \left(\sigma_i\sqrt{s}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\right)a\log n - \sum_{j:p_j\neq p_{\max}}\left(\sigma_j\sqrt{\lambda_j}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}\right)a\log n, \end{equation*} which leads by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to \begin{equation*} Z_n(\lambda')\geq Z_n(\lambda)+\sqrt{n}s\Delta- \sqrt{s}a\log n-\frac{am\log n}{\sqrt{n}}. \end{equation*} Hence, since $a\log n\leq 2\sqrt{n}\Delta$, \begin{equation*} Z_n(\lambda')\geq Z_n(\lambda)-\frac{(a\log n)^2}{4\Delta \sqrt{n}}-\frac{am\log n}{\sqrt{n}}, \end{equation*} and finally \begin{equation} 0\leq \max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda_d}}Z_n(\lambda)-\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'_d}}Z_n(\lambda) \leq \frac{(a\log n)^2}{4\Delta \sqrt{n}}+\frac{am\log n}{\sqrt{n}}. \end{equation} Therefore, \begin{equation} \mathds{P}\left(\left| \frac{\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda_d}}Z_n(\lambda)}{\sqrt{p_{\max}}}-\frac{\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'_d}}Z_n(\lambda)}{\sqrt{p_{\max}}}\right|> \frac{(a\log n)^2}{4\Delta \sqrt{n p_{\max}}}+\frac{am\log n}{\sqrt{n p_{\max}}}\right)\leq 1-\mathds{P}\left(A_n\right)\leq \frac{2m}{n^{\alpha}}. \end{equation} \end{proof} We can now deduce our theorem, where below $J_k$ is defined as in \cite[Theorem 4.1]{HT} ($J_k$ has same law as $J_{1,k}+\sqrt{(1-kp_{\max})/k}Z$, where $Z\sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)$ is independent from the other variables) \begin{thm}\label{thm:newthm41} Let $n,m\geq 2$ and let $k$ be the multiplicity of $p_{\max}$, then, \begin{equation}\label{newthm41} \left|\mathds{P}\left(\frac{LI_n-np_{\max}}{\sqrt{n p_{\max}}}\geq x\right)-\mathds{P}\left(J_k\geq x\right)\right| \leq 2 D(k,p_{\max})\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n p_{\max}}}\left(\frac{21}{\Delta}+C_2 m\right), \end{equation} where $C_2$ is a universal constant, where $D(1,p_{\max}):=1/\sqrt{2\pi(1-p_{\max})}$, and where for $k\ge 2$, $D(k,p_{\max}):=\min\left\{\sqrt{{k}/{2\pi(1-kp_{\max})}}, k^{3k}(2\pi e^2)^{k/2}\sqrt{{e}/{\pi}} \right\}$. \end{thm} \begin{proof} We apply Lemma~\ref{lemKMTsup}, and for $\lambda\in \Lambda^\prime:=\{\lambda\in \Lambda: p_i\neq p_{\max}\implies \lambda_i=0\}$, let $Z'_n(\lambda)$ be defined as $Z_n(\lambda)$ but with $B^n_i$ instead of $\widetilde{B^n_i}$. For any $\lambda\in \Lambda'$, $\left|Z_n(\lambda)-Z'_n(\lambda)\right|\leq 2 m\sup_{\substack{i \in\ens{m} \\ 0\leq t \leq 1}} \left| \sigma_i \widetilde{B^n_i}(t)-\sigma_i B^n_i(t)\right|$, hence \begin{equation}\label{bound2} \mathds{P}\left(\left| \sup_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'}}Z_n(\lambda)-\sup_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'}}Z'_n(\lambda)\right|\geq \frac{2C\alpha m(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\leq \frac{2}{n^\alpha}. \end{equation} For all $\lambda\in\Lambda'$, $Z_n(\lambda)=\sum_{i=1}^m \widetilde{V^n_i}(\lambda)$, so $\sup_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'}}Z_n(\lambda)=\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'_d}}Z_n(\lambda)$. So \begin{equation} \mathds{P}\left(\left| \max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'_d}}Z_n(\lambda)-\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'}}Z'_n(\lambda)\right|\geq \frac{2C\alpha m(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\leq \frac{2}{n^\alpha}. \end{equation} \noindent For any $x\in\mathbb{R}$, $\alpha\geq 1$, and $a=6+3\alpha$, \begin{align*} \resizebox{0.4\hsize}{!}{$\left|\mathds{P}\left(\frac{\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda_d}}Z_n(\lambda)}{\sqrt{p_{\max}}}\geq x\right)-\mathds{P}\left(\frac{\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'}}Z'_n(\lambda)}{\sqrt{p_{\max}}}\geq x\right)\right|$} &\leq \mathds{P}\left(\left| \frac{\max_{\substack {\lambda_d \in \Lambda}}Z_n(\lambda)}{\sqrt{p_{\max}}}-\frac{\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'_d }}Z_n(\lambda)}{\sqrt{p_{\max}}}\right|> \frac{(a\log n)^2}{4\Delta \sqrt{n p_{\max}}}+\frac{am\log n}{\sqrt{n p_{\max}}}\right)\\ &+\mathds{P}\left(\left| \frac{\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'_d}}Z_n(\lambda)}{\sqrt{p_{\max}}}-\frac{\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'}}Z'_n(\lambda)}{\sqrt{p_{\max}}}\right| >\frac{2C\alpha m(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n p_{\max}}} \right)\\ & + \mathds{P}\left(\left|\frac{\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'}}Z'_n(\lambda)}{\sqrt{p_{\max}}}-x\right|\leq \frac{(a\log n)^2}{4\Delta \sqrt{n p_{\max}}}+\frac{am\log n}{\sqrt{n p_{\max}}}+\frac{2C\alpha m(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n p_{\max}}} \right). \end{align*} Now, with the notations of \cite[Theorem 4.1]{HT}, we see that $\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'}}Z^\prime_n(\lambda)/\sqrt{p_{\max}}$ has the same law as $J_k$. Indeed, one can check that in \cite{HT}, $\tilde{B}$ is an $(m-1)$-dimensional Brownian motion with the same covariance as \linebreak $\left(\!\left(\sigma_r B^n_r - \sigma_{r+1} B^n_{r+1}\right)\!/\!\sqrt{p_r+p_{r+1}-(p_r-p_{r+1})^2}\right)_{1\leq r\leq m}$, and rewriting $\tilde{B}$ that way gives exactly ${\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'}}Z'_n(\lambda)}/{\sqrt{p_{\max}}}$. Assuming $a\log n\leq 2\sqrt{n}\Delta$, from \ref{lemnonuni}, \cite[Proposition 3.1 (ii)]{HT} and the inequality $a=6+3\alpha\leq 9\alpha$, one gets \begin{align}\label{newthm41alpha} \left|\mathds{P}\left(\frac{LI_n-np_{\max}}{\sqrt{n p_{\max}}}\geq x\right)-\mathds{P}\left(J_k\geq x\right)\right| &\leq \frac{4m}{n^{\alpha}}+2D(k,p_{\max})\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n p_{\max}}}\left(\frac{21\alpha^2}{\Delta}+\left(2C+\frac{9}{\log 2}\right)\alpha m\right), \end{align} where we refer to \cite[Proposition 3.1]{HT} for a proof that $D(k,p_{\max})$ is a bound on the infinity norm of the density of the limiting distribution $\max_{\substack {\lambda\in \Lambda'}}Z'_n(\lambda)$. Taking $\alpha=1$ and using $D(k,p_{\max})\geq 1/\sqrt{2\pi}$, one gets, in particular, \eqref{newthm41}. Now if we no longer assume that $a\log n\leq 2\sqrt{n}\Delta$, the bound \eqref{newthm41alpha} (and therefore \eqref{newthm41}) above is still valid because its right-hand side is then greater than $1$. \end{proof} \section{Concluding remarks} \begin{enumerate}[label=(\roman*)] \item Theorem \ref{thm:newthm41} is slightly weaker than Theorem 4.1 in \cite{HT}, because of $(\log n)^2$ instead of $\log n$ and of the extra term ${21}/{\Delta}$. The supplementary $\log n$ comes from the different version of the KMT Theorem (strong embedding) that is used compared to the one in \cite{HT} (weak embedding for each coordinate). Moreover, the proof that they can be built on a same probability space with the right covariance has been in question. More precisely, in \cite{HT}, the authors use the KMT Theorem to get for each $i\in \ens{m}$ a probability space with a version of the random walk $\widetilde{B^n_i}$ and a Brownian motion approximating it, but it is not clear how this implies that on some probability space, there are versions of $\widetilde{B^n_1},\dots,\widetilde{B^n_m}$ satisfying the additional covariance requirement $\widetilde{B^n_1}+\dots+\widetilde{B^n_m}=0$. However, using Kiefer's version of the KMT approximation, we have a probability space with $(U_i)_{1\leq i\leq n}$ uniform on $[0,1]$ and with $\widetilde{B^n_1},\dots,\widetilde{B^n_m}$ well defined on it (and satisfying the right covariance relation) as shown in the proof of Lemma \ref{KMTsup}. Note that to the best of our knowledge, it is still an open problem to know whether or not the extra $\log n$ or $(\log n)^2$ factors in the strong embedding could be improved. Note, nevertheless, the rate $1/\sqrt{n}$ in the binary uniform case (see \cite[Theorem 5.1]{HT}). The extra term ${21}/{\Delta}$ is needed because if one picks $\Delta=p_{\max} - p_{2nd}$ very small, there is no hope, for any fixed $m$, to have a sequence $(A^m_n)_{n\geq 2}$ converging to zero such that for any distribution $p_1,\dots,p_m$, any $n\geq 2$ and $x\in \mathbb{R}$, \begin{equation} \left|\mathds{P}\left(\frac{LI_n-np_{\max}}{\sqrt{n p_{\max}}}\geq x\right)-\mathds{P}\left(J_k\geq x\right)\right| \leq A^m_n. \end{equation} Indeed, assume it is the case for, say, $m=2$. Let us apply this bound to \begin{itemize} \item Case a) $p_1=p_2=1/2$, and denote $\left(LI_n-np_{\max}\right)/\sqrt{n p_{\max}}$ by $Z_n$ \item Case b) $p_1=1/2+1/2^n,p_2=1/2-1/2^n$, and denote $\left(LI_n-np_{\max}\right)/\sqrt{n p_{\max}}$ by $Z'_n$. \end{itemize} We get \begin{equation*} \mathds{P}\left(Z_n\geq x\right)-\mathds{P}\left(J_2\geq x\right)-\mathds{P}\left(Z'_n\geq x\right)+\mathds{P}\left(J_1\geq x\right) \xrightarrow[n\to \infty]{} 0. \end{equation*} There is a coupling such that with high probability, the letters $X_1,\dots, Y_n$ in case a) are all equal to the letters in case b), hence \begin{equation*} \mathds{P}\left(Z_n\geq x\right)-\mathds{P}\left(Z'_n\geq x\right)\xrightarrow[n\to \infty]{} 0. \end{equation*} Furthermore, $J_1$ has distribution $\mathcal{N}\left(0,\frac{1}{4}-\frac{1}{2^{n+1}}\right)$ so \begin{equation*} \mathds{P}\left(J_1\geq x\right) \xrightarrow[n\to \infty]{} \mathds{P}\left(Z_{1/4}\geq x\right), \end{equation*} where $Z_{1/4}\sim \mathcal{N}\left(0,1/4\right)$. Putting together these three limits, we get \begin{equation*} \mathds{P}\left(J_2\geq x\right)=\mathds{P}\left(Z_{1/4}\geq x\right), \end{equation*} which means that the limiting law for the uniform binary case is normal. However, this is known to be false. So, $(A^m_n)_{n\ge 2}$ has to depend on the distribution. We can actually find a contradiction as soon as $\Delta =o\left(1/\sqrt{n}\right)$. Our bound \eqref{newthm41}, on the other hand, is not exposed to this kind of cases because if the right-hand side is less than $1$ then $\Delta\geq {\log n}/{\sqrt{n}}$. So Theorem 4.1 in \cite{HT} only holds for $n$ large enough, and not for all $n\geq 2$. \item As before, let us no longer consider $m,k$ and the distribution $p_1,\dots,p_m$ to be fixed. We assume that both $m$ and $k$ converge to infinity with $n$, and aim to find for which sequences we have for all $\varepsilon>0$, \begin{equation}\label{limitgoal2} \mathds{P}\left(\left| \left(\frac{LI_n-np_{\max}}{\sqrt{np_{\max}}}-2\sqrt{k}\right)k^{1/6}-\left(J_{k}-2\sqrt{k}\right)k^{1/6}\right|\geq \varepsilon\right) \xrightarrow[n\to \infty]{} 0. \end{equation} Then, since $\left(J_{k}-2\sqrt{k}\right)k^{1/6}$ has the same distribution as $\left(J_{1,k}-2\sqrt{k}\right)k^{1/6}+k^{1/6}\sqrt{\left(1-kp_{\max}\right)/k}Z$, it will converge in distribution to $F_{TW}$, implying that $\left(\left(LI_n-np_{\max}\right)/\sqrt{n p_{\max}}-2\sqrt{k}\right)k^{1/6}$ converges to $F_{TW}$ as well. Applying the Lemma \ref{lemnonuni} and the bound \eqref{bound2} lead to \begin{equation} \mathds{P}\left(\left| \left(\frac{LI_n-np_{\max}}{\sqrt{n p_{\max}}}-2\sqrt{k}\right)k^{1/6}-\left(J_{k}-2\sqrt{k}\right)k^{1/6}\right|\geq \frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n p_{\max}}}\left(\frac{21}{\Delta}+C_2 m\right)\right)\leq \frac{4m}{n^{\alpha}}. \end{equation} Taking $m=o((n/(\log n)^4)^{3/10})$ (as previously done in the uniform case) and $m=o(\sqrt{n p_{\max}}\Delta/(\log n)^2)$, then \eqref{limitgoal2} follows. Note that in particular, when the conditions of Theorem 6 in \cite{BH2} are satisfied, the condition \linebreak$m=o(\sqrt{n p_{\max}}\Delta/\log n)$ follows. This is not enough to conclude, first, we need $(\log n)^2$ instead of $\log n$, and more importantly, the first condition $m=o((n/(\log n)^4)^{3/10})$ is missing. This is an omission in \cite{BH2}, because as it is, there is no condition on $m$ and this leads to a counterexample. Indeed, let $k=n^{1/9}, p_{\max}=n^{-2/3}, m=2^n+k, p_{2nd}=\left(1-n^{5/9}\right)/2^n$, it is easy to check that the conditions of Theorem 6 there, hold true but its conclusion does not. The two conditions on $m$ we give above do fix this issue. \item To finish these notes, let us investigate the convergence of moments which, in particular, will provide a speed of convergence result in the distance $W_p$, $p\geq 1$, given by $$W_p(X,Y):=\inf_{\substack{X' \text{ has same law as } X\\Y' \text{ has same law as }Y}}\left(\mathds{E} \left|X'-Y'\right|^p\right)^{1/p}.$$ Let us start with the uniform case. We have seen that \begin{equation} \mathds{P}\left(\left|T_{k,m}-J_{k,m}\right|\geq 2k(m-k+1)\sqrt{m}C\frac{\alpha(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\leq \frac{2}{n^\alpha}. \end{equation} In particular, taking $\alpha=p$, and setting $\varepsilon_{n,m,k}:=2k(m-k+1)\sqrt{m}C{p(\log n)^2}/{\sqrt{n}}$, we have \begin{align*} \mathds{E} \left|T_{k,m}-J_{k,m}\right|^p & \leq \mathds{E}\left( \left|T_{k,m}-J_{k,m}\right|^p\mathds{1}_{\left|T_{k,m}-J_{k,m}\right|\leq \varepsilon(n,m,k)}+\left|T_{k,m}-J_{k,m}\right|^p\mathds{1}_{\varepsilon(n,m,k)<\left|T_{k,m}-J_{k,m}\right|<2m\sqrt{n}}\right.\\ &\hspace{35ex}\left.+\left|T_{k,m}-J_{k,m}\right|^p\mathds{1}_{2m\sqrt{n}\leq\left|T_{k,m}-J_{k,m}\right|}\right)\\ &\leq \varepsilon(n,m,k)^p+(2m\sqrt{n})^p\frac{2}{n^p}+\mathds{E}\left|2J_{k,m}\right|^p\mathds{1}_{m\sqrt{n}\leq\left|J_{k,m}\right|}, \end{align*} (since $\left|T_{k,m}\right|\leq \sqrt{n}\leq m\sqrt{n}$). Using, once more, \eqref{thm3} and an integration by parts, one gets for some constant $C(p)$ \begin{equation} \mathds{E}\left|2J_{k,m}\right|^p\mathds{1}_{m\sqrt{n}\leq\left|J_{k,m}\right|}\leq C(p)\left(\frac{m}{\sqrt{n}}\right)^p, \end{equation} and therefore, for some constant $C'(p)$, \begin{equation} W_p(T_{k,m},J_{k,m})\leq \mathds{E} \left|T_{k,m}-J_{k,m}\right|^p \leq C'(p)\varepsilon(m,n,k). \end{equation} \item Theorem \ref{thm:newthm41} can be generalized to longest common and increasing subsequences. We use the notations and framework in \cite{DH1}. Additionally, let $Z_n={\left(LCI_n-n e_{\max}\right)}/{\sqrt{n}}$ and let $Z$ be its limiting distribution, that is, either $Z^a$ or $Z^b$ depending on the distributions $p^X, p^Y$. The proof of Lemma 2.2 in \cite{DH1}, taking $\eta=1/12$, holds for the sequence $(\varepsilon_n)=C_1(m,p^X,p^Y)n^{-1/8}$, where $C_1(m,p^X,p^Y)$ is a constant depending on $m,p^X,p^Y$. To study the cases a) and b) under the same umbrella, let us define the function $L:\left(\mathbb{R}^m\right)^2\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ by: for all $(v^X,v^Y)\in \left(\mathbb{R}^m\right)^2$, in case a), $L(v^X,v^Y)=\sum_{i=1}^m v^X$, and in case b), $L(v^X,v^Y)=\mathfrak{m}(v^X,v^Y)$. It is not hard to see, from the expression of $\mathfrak{m}$ in Lemma 1.5 in \cite{DH1}, that in each case, there is a constant $C_2(m,p^X,p^Y)$ such that $L$ is $C_2(m,p^X,p^Y)$-Lipschitz for the $\ell^1$-distance on $\left(\mathbb{R}^m\right)^2$. Now, as a consequence of Lemma 2.2 there, it follows that if $B^{n,X}, B^{n,Y}$ are in $E_n^{1/12}$, then \begin{equation} \left| Z_n - \max_{\lambda\in U}L(V^{n,X},V^{n,Y})\right|\leq \frac{C_1(m,p^X,p^Y)}{n^{1/8}}, \end{equation} where $U=J$ in case a) and $U=K_{\Lambda^2}$ in case b). Therefore, \begin{equation}\label{firstbound} \mathds{P}\left(\left| Z_n - \max_{\lambda\in U}L(V^{n,X},V^{n,Y})\right|>\frac{C_1(m,p^X,p^Y)}{n^{1/8}}\right)\leq 1-\mathds{P}\left(A^{1/12}_n\right)\leq \frac{C(m)}{n}, \end{equation} where $C(m)$ is a constant (recalling (1.9) in \cite{DH1}). Furthermore, from the expression of the limiting distribution in Theorem 2.1, we see that in any case a) or b), the limiting distribution may be written as $L(B^X, B^Y)$. We construct, with our Lemma 2.1, two Brownian motions $\widehat{B^X_n}, \widehat{B^Y_n}$ "close" to $B^{n,X}, B^{n,Y}$, on the same probability space (this is possible by applying the lemma twice, and then taking the product space). Let $\widehat{Z_n}=\max_{\lambda\in U}L(\widehat{V^{n,X}},\widehat{V^{n,Y})}$, it has same distribution as the limiting distribution $Z$, and \begin{multline} \mathds{P}\left(\left|\max_{\lambda\in U}L(V^{n,X},V^{n,Y})-\widehat{Z_n}\right|> 2mC_2(m,p^X,p^Y)\varepsilon\right)\leq \mathds{P}\left(\sup_{\substack{i \in\ens{m} \\ 0\leq t \leq 1}} \left| \sigma_i \widehat{B^{n,X}_i}(t)-\sigma_i B^{n,X}_i(t)\right| \geq \varepsilon \right)\\ +\mathds{P}\left(\sup_{\substack{i \in\ens{m} \\ 0\leq t \leq 1}} \left| \sigma_i \widehat{B^{n,Y}_i}(t)-\sigma_i B^{n,Y}_i(t)\right| \geq \varepsilon \right), \end{multline} so in particular, applying Lemma 2.1, \begin{equation}\label{secondbound} \mathds{P}\left(\left|\max_{\lambda\in U}L(V^{n,X},V^{n,Y})-\widehat{Z_n}\right|> 2mC_2(m,p^X,p^Y)C\frac{\alpha(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\leq \frac{4}{n^\alpha}. \end{equation} Putting together \eqref{firstbound} and \eqref{secondbound}, with $\alpha=1$, gives \begin{equation}\label{thirdbound} \mathds{P}\left(\left| Z_n - \widehat{Z_n}\right|> \frac{C_1(m,p^X,p^Y)}{n^{1/8}}+2mC_2(m,p^X,p^Y)C\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\leq \frac{C(m)+4}{n}. \end{equation} If, just as in the single subsequence case, a bound $D(m,p^X,p^Y)$ on the density of $Z$ is possible, then we can conclude in the same way: For all $x\in \mathbb{R}$, \begin{align*} \left|\mathds{P}\left(Z_n\geq x\right)-\mathds{P}\left(Z\geq x\right)\right|&\leq \mathds{P}\left(\left| Z_n - \widehat{Z_n}\right|> \frac{C_1(m,p^X,p^Y)}{n^{1/8}}+2mC_2(m,p^X,p^Y)C\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\\ & +\mathds{P}\left(\left|\widehat{Z_n}-x\right|\leq \frac{C_1(m,p^X,p^Y)}{n^{1/8}}+2mC_2(m,p^X,p^Y)C\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\\ &\leq \frac{C(m)+4}{n}+D(m,p^X,p^Y)\left(\frac{C_1(m,p^X,p^Y)}{n^{1/8}}+2mC_2(m,p^X,p^Y)C\frac{(\log n)^2}{\sqrt{n}}\right)\\ &\leq \frac{C_3(m,p^X,p^Y)}{n^{1/8}}. \end{align*} Note that the exponent $-1/8$ can be improved taking a smaller $\eta$, but only up to $-1/4$. This is because in \cite{DH1}, the focus was to get convergence in distribution, rather than a tight bound. It might even be possible to get $(\log n)^2/\sqrt{n}$ instead. \end{enumerate} \noindent {\bf Acknowledgements:} Many thanks to Jon Wellner for his bibliographical help on KMT approximations, to Ryan O'Donnell and Boris Bukh for their inquiries on previous results, and to the ICTS in Bengaluru as well as the GESDA program at IHP in Paris for their hospitality and support while part of this research was carried out. \bibliographystyle{abbrv}
\section{Introduction} The phenomenon of pressure-induced softening---whereby the elastic stiffness of a material actually decreases on compression---is a counterintuitive mechanical response that is rarely observed in materials, at least over extended pressure ranges. The few known examples from experiment include silica glass,~\cite{Tsiok 1998} and two negative thermal expansion (NTE) framework materials ZrW$_2$O$_8$~\cite{Pantea 2006} and Zn(CN)$_2$.~\cite{Chapman 2007} We have recently predicted the existence of pressure-induced softening in a number of cubic zeolites, all of which shown NTE.~\cite{Fang zeolite} The intuition that materials should become stiffer under compression is grounded in the observation that shortening bonds increases the steepness of the corresponding potential energy surface. Thus there is a strong fundamental physics interest in understanding the apparent violation of this basic mechanical response. It is also likely that the existence of this counterintuitive response in materials that display the equally rare phenomenon of volume NTE is not coincidental.~\cite{Fang zeolite} That pressure-induced softening may signal the existence of a host of unusual thermodynamic responses (\emph{e.g.}\ NTE) with important technological applications acts as further motivation to understand both its microscopic origin and its implications for other material properties. In high-symmetry structures, elastic stiffness can be characterized by the bulk modulus, $B=-(\partial \ln V/\partial p)^{-1}_T$, where $V$ is the volume, $p$ is the pressure, and $T$ is the temperature.~\cite{Nye 1957} Typical values of $B_0=B(p=0)$ lie in the range 30--100\,GPa, with larger values corresponding to materials of increasing mechanical stiffness.~\cite{Newnham 2005} Experimentally, $B_0$ is usually measured by fitting the pressure dependence of the crystallographically-determined unit cell volume to an appropriate equation of state.~\cite{BM} The pressure dependence of the bulk modulus is characterized by the dimensionless parameter $B_0^\prime=(\partial B/\partial p)_T\mid_{p=0}$, which for many materials has a value in the vicinity of $+4$ at ambient temperature; indeed this is the value to which the widely-used second-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state corresponds.~\cite{BM} So, in other words, for most materials one expects an increase of 5--10\% in bulk modulus for each 1\,GPa increase in hydrostatic pressure. In this context, measured \textit{negative} values of $B_0^\prime = -17$ ($B_0=76$\,GPa)~\cite{Pantea 2006} for ZrW$_2$O$_8$, and $B_0^\prime = -6.0(7)$ ($B_0=34.19(21)$\,GPa)~\cite{Chapman 2007} or $B_0^\prime = -8.6(13)$ ($B_0=36.9(22)$\,GPa)~\cite{Collings 2013} for Zn(CN)$_2$ are strikingly anomalous. In both cases an applied pressure of 1\,GPa causes the material stiffness to \textit{decrease} by $\sim20$\%. Discussion of the origin of pressure-induced softening have been given in references~\onlinecite{Pantea 2006}, \onlinecite{He 2010} and \onlinecite{Walker 2007}, the first two corresponding in practice to a model that represents a two-dimensional idealization of Zn(CN)$_2$ (see Appendix~\ref{App_Pantea}). These works all associated the negative value of $B_0^\prime$ with dynamical effects associated with low-frequency phonon modes involving rotations of quasi-rigid polyhedral groups of atoms. What has not yet been seen at all is the dependence of pressure-induced softening on temperature in any material. In this paper we study this effect in Zn(CN)$_2$ using both molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and variable-$p/T$ neutron powder diffraction. Our MD simulations reveal a very strong temperature dependence to $B_0^\prime$, which even involves a change in sign. Based on an interpretation of the relevant fluctuations, we propose an empirical form for the $B_0^\prime(T)$ function. A simple single-particle Hamiltonian of a rigid-unit mode system similar to Zn(CN)$_2$ was analyzed in Ref.~\onlinecite{Pantea 2006}, but this gives a prediction for the temperature dependence of pressure-induced softening that differs from the results presented in this paper; we discuss this in Appendix~\ref{App_Pantea}. This paper begins with a brief discussion of the lattice dynamics of Zn(CN)$_2$, from which we predict qualitatively the form of the $B_0^\prime(T)$ function. We proceed to describe first the MD simulations we have performed, which establish the temperature-dependence of $B_0^\prime$ for this material, and second the neutron diffraction experiments that provide some confirmation of the MD results. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of our study for computational and experimental investigations of pressure-induced softening in related systems. \section{Lattice dynamics and a phenomenological model}\label{section:lattice_dynamics} From a lattice dynamics perspective, the key point of interest concerning zinc cyanide has always been its NTE behaviour:~\cite{Goodwin 2005} the volume of its cubic unit cell decreases on heating at a rate that is more than double that of longer-established NTE systems such as ZrW$_2$O$_8$.~\cite{Mary 1996} The crystal structure of Zn(CN)$_2$~\cite{Hoskins 1990} can be described as a network of zinc atoms connected via linear Zn--C--N--Zn linkages as shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:structure}. Each Zn centre is coordinated in a tetrahedral fashion by four C or N atoms.~\cite{Williams 1997} It is thought that, to a first approximation, these tetrahedral units are not readily deformed,~\cite{Goodwin 2005,Chapman 2005} so the dominant vibrational motion in zinc cyanide involves flexing of the Zn--C--N--Zn linkages as propagated in a family of low-energy transverse acoustic phonon modes with energies less than 1\,THz.~\cite{Chapman 2006,Zwanziger 2007,Mittal 2011,Fang 2013} \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=8 cm]{ZnCN2structure.png} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:structure} Crystal structure of Zn(CN)$_2$ showing the two sublattices where one is shown using photorealistic shading to represent the atoms and the other with the atoms represented by open spheres. The primary features are the tetrahedral coordination of the Zn atoms (larger spheres) to the CN molecular anions (smaller spheres connected by a short bond), and the linear Zn--cyanide--Zn connectivity.} \end{figure} In the case of amorphous silica, molecular dynamics simulations suggested a relation between the bulk compressibility and the extent of network flexibility as measured by the magnitude of fluctuations involving whole-body rotations of SiO$_4$ tetrahedra.~\cite{Walker 2007} We can propose a similar explanation for the case of Zn(CN)$_2$, where at some finite temperature the structure is buckled through rotations and translations of the Zn(C/N)$_4$ tetrahedra and cyanide bridges---the same fluctuations that are responsible for NTE. An initial application of negative pressure to expand the structure will first be accommodated through straightening of the Zn--C--N--Zn linkages and alignment of the Zn(C/N)$_4$ tetrahedra, which costs relatively little energy. This process will then be followed later by stretching of the Zn--C--N--Zn linkages which costs rather more energy. Thus the bulk modulus is expected to increase with negative pressure, which implies that $\partial B_0 / \partial p$ takes a negative value. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics{qualitative-curve2} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:qualcurve} Schematic curve showing the predicted variation of $B_0^\prime$ with temperature $T$ according to Eq.~\eqref{eq:qualitative}. This schematic defines the meanings of the parameters $\beta$, $T_0$ and $T_1$.} \end{figure} This explanation suggests that the magnitude of the pressure-induced softening should depend on temperature. At low temperature there will be no fluctuations to accommodate stretching of the structure, and we therefore expect a positive value of $B_0^\prime$. Indeed, without fluctuations, compression of the structure will also require compression of bonds. Thus we expect pressure-induced softening to occur only when there are thermal fluctuations, and we expect that on heating $B_0^\prime$ will initially have a positive value, which will reduce and become negative at some finite temperature. At higher temperatures we might expect not to see the transition between straightening the fluctuations and stretching of bonds, so that $B_0$ will become relatively constant with pressure and hence $B_0^\prime$ will tend towards zero from its negative value. We model the variation of $B_0^\prime$ with temperature $T$ in Zn(CN)$_2$ using the following phenomenological form: \begin{equation} \label{eq:qualitative} B_0^\prime = -\beta\left(\frac{T-T_0}{T_0}\right)\exp\left(-\frac{T}{T_1-T_0}\right), \end{equation} parameterised by the variables $\beta$, $T_0$, and $T_1$. This is illustrated in Fig.~\ref{fig:qualcurve}. We will find below that the temperature-dependence of $B_0^\prime$ in Zn(CN)$_2$ obtained from both molecular dynamics simulations and neutron powder diffraction experiments is described well by this phenomenological model. \section{Molecular Dynamics Simulations} \subsection{Method} Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed along isotherms of Zn(CN)$_2$ at selected temperatures with an interatomic potential model developed from \textit{ab initio} calculations.~\cite{Fang 2013} Atomic charges were obtained from a distributed multipole analysis.~\cite{DMA,camcasp} Morse potentials were used to describe the energies of chemical bonds, and bond angle terms were used to define the Zn(C/N)$_4$ tetrahedra. A linear three-body potential, $E_L = K(1-\cos \varphi)$, was used to describe the transverse vibrations of C and N in the linkages Zn--C(N)--N(C)--Zn. For these potentials, parameters were tuned by fitting to quantum mechanical calculations based on small clusters. The dispersion interactions between carbon and nitrogen atoms were modeled using the Buckingham potentials of reference \onlinecite{Williams}. Further details are given in the Supplementary Information and Ref.~\onlinecite{Fang 2013}; Ref.~\onlinecite{Fang 2013} also provides comparison of the performance of the model against experimental data. The MD simulations were performed using the DL\_POLY code,~\cite{Todorov 2006} using a sample described as a $10\times10\times10$ supercell containing $10,000$ atoms. Normal periodic-boundary conditions were used. A constant-stress and constant-temperature ensemble with a Nos\'{e}-Hoover thermostat~\cite{Hoover 1985} was used. The equations of motion were integrated using the leapfrog algorithm with a time step of $0.001$ ps. Each simulation was performed with an equilibration time of 20 ps followed by a run of 40 ps from which an average volume was calculated from writing the instantaneous volume at every 0.02 ps. Altogether we performed 242 MD simulations. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=8.5cm]{Mergeoverfit.pdf} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:overallfit} Simultaneous fit to: (a) the isotherm data sets (open squares) at (from up to down in the plot) 1, 10, 25, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500 and 600\,K from the MD; (b) the isotherm data sets (open squares) at (from up to down in the plot) 30, 50, 75, 150, 200, 250 and 300\,K from the neutron diffraction, using the third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state. $V_0(T)$ and $B_0(T)$ in the equation of state were expressed as quadratic polynomials. $B_0^{\prime}(T)$ was put into the phenomenological form of Eq.~\ref{eq:qualitative}.} \end{figure} \subsection{Equation of state from simulation data} Plots of sample volume as a function of pressure for the range of temperatures are given in Fig.~\ref{fig:overallfit}(a). Values of $B_0$ and its derivative $B_0^\prime$ for each temperature were obtained by fitting a third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state to the data, treating each temperature run separately, and shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:MD} and provided in Tab.~\ref{tab:results} for later comparison with experimental data. \begin{table}[t] \setlength{\tabcolsep}{4pt} \caption{Simulation (Sim.) and neutron powder diffraction (Exp.) values of $B_0$ (units of GPa) and $B_0^\prime$ obtained as described in the text. Most of the simulation results are obtained using the MD method; the exceptions are the values at 0\,K, which are taken from a separate simulation of the equation of state using the lattice energy code GULP.~\cite{Gale 1997}} \centering \begin{tabular}{c| c| c| c| c} \hline\hline $T$ (K) & $B_0$ (Sim.) & $B_0$ (Exp.) &$B_0^\prime$ (Sim.) &$B_0^\prime$ (Exp.) \\ [0.5ex] \hline 0 &46.37(17)& -- & $7.2(3)$ & -- \\ [0.5ex] 1 &45.54(2)& -- & $7.1(1)$ & -- \\ [0.5ex] 10 &45.15(17)& -- & $4.1(6)$ & -- \\ [0.5ex] 25 &44.15(29)& -- & $3(1)$ & -- \\ [0.5ex] 30 &44.07(16)& 39.1(7) &1(1) & $-2(7)$ \\ [0.5ex] 50 &43.5(4)& 38.5(9) & $-3(1)$ & $-3(6)$ \\ [0.5ex] 75 &42.0(5)& 38.8(10) & $-4(1)$ & $-8(5)$ \\ [0.5ex] 100&40.8(3)& -- & $-4.2(6)$ & -- \\ [0.5ex] 150&39.8(6)& 36.8(4)& $-6(1)$ & $-7(1)$ \\ [0.5ex] 200&38.2(4)& 36.1(3)& $-6.7(5)$ & $-8.1(8)$ \\ [0.5ex] 250&36.1(3)& 35.6(3)& $-5.3(5)$ & $-9.0(7)$ \\ [0.5ex] 300&34.5(3)& 33.4(3)& $-4.2(5)$ & $-4(1)$ \\ [0.5ex] 400&32.2(3)& -- & $-3.1(5)$ & -- \\ [0.5ex] 500&30.11(28)& -- & $-1.8(5)$ & -- \\ [0.5ex] 600&28.79(18)& -- & $-1.6(3)$ & -- \\ [0.5ex] \hline \end{tabular} \label{tab:results} \end{table} As a subsequent task, we refitted the data in Fig.~\ref{fig:overallfit}(a) by expressing $B_0^{\prime}$ by the phenomenological form of Eq.~\ref{eq:qualitative} and using quadratic polynomials to describe the zero-pressure volume $V_0(T)$ and the zero-pressure bulk modulus $B_0(T)$ as functions of temperature. In this case we performed an overall fit rather than fitting to each temperature data separately, adjusting the values of the parameters $\beta$, $T_0$ and $T_1$ in Eq.~\ref{eq:qualitative}, together with the parameters in the polynomials of volume and bulk modulus. Fig.~\ref{fig:overallfit}(a) and Fig.~\ref{fig:MD} show the good quality of the fit, and highlight the consistency of the phenomenological model with the MD data. \begin{table}[t] \setlength{\tabcolsep}{4pt} \caption{Comparison of the values of $\alpha$ (MK$^{-1}$), $\partial B_0 /\partial T$ (GPa/K) ($T=300$\,K) and $\partial \alpha/\partial p$ (MK$^{-1}$GPa$^{-1}$) ($T=300$\,K) from the MD and experimental studies.} \centering \begin{tabular}{c| c| c| c} \hline\hline & $\alpha$ & $\partial B_0/\partial T$ & $\partial \alpha/\partial p$ \\ [0.5ex] \hline & $-48.9$ to $-40.9$ [10 to 100 K] \cite{Fang 2013} & & \\[-1ex] \raisebox{1.5ex}{MD} & $-30.1(4)$ [300 K] & \raisebox{1.5ex}{$-0.027(2)$} & \raisebox{1.5ex}{$-23(2)$} \\ [0.5ex] \hline Exp. & $-47.7(7)$ [averaged over 30 to 300 K] & $-0.035(23)$ & $-31(21)$ \\ [1ex] \hline \end{tabular} \label{tab:comparison} \end{table} The fitted values of $\beta$, $T_0$ and $T_1$ in Eq.~\ref{eq:qualitative} are 5.4(4), 34(2)\,K and 168(8)\,K, respectively. From the simultaneous fit, we also obtained the coefficient of thermal expansion $\alpha = \partial \ln V_0 / \partial T$ and the derivative $\partial B_0 / \partial T$; values for $T=300$\,K are given in Tab.~\ref{tab:comparison} for later comparison with the experimental results (below). According to the thermodynamic expressions for $\alpha$ and $B$ combined with the Maxwell relation $\partial^2 V / (\partial T \partial p)_{p,T}= \partial^2 V / (\partial p \partial T)_{T,p}$, the variation of $\alpha$ with pressure can be calculated as \begin{equation} \label{eq:thermodynamic} \left( {\frac{{\partial \alpha }}{{\partial p}}} \right)_T = \frac{1}{{B^2 }}\left( {\frac{{\partial B}}{{\partial T}}} \right)_p \end{equation} \noindent The value of $\partial \alpha / \partial p$ at $p=0$ and $T=300$\,K is also given in Tab.~\ref{tab:comparison}. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=8cm]{mergemd.pdf} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:MD} Bulk modulus at zero pressure $B_0$ and its first derivative $B_0^\prime$ as functions of temperature, obtained from fitting the third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state to the simulated isotherms of Zn(CN)$_2$. Values at zero temperature calculated in harmonic lattice dynamics using GULP~\cite{Gale 1997} are also included in the plot (blue cross). Red curves show the calculated $B_0(T)$ and $B_0^{\prime}(T)$ using values of the parameters from the simultaneous fit, where $B_0(T)$ was described by a quadratic polynomial and $B_0^{\prime}(T)$ was expressed by Eq.~\ref{eq:qualitative}.} \end{figure} In the limit of the temperature decreasing to zero, the value of $B_0^\prime$ from the MD simulations becomes positive. The zero-temperature value given in Tab.~\ref{tab:results} and Fig.~\ref{fig:MD} has been computed from a lattice energy calculation using the GULP code.~\cite{Gale 1997} It is clear from Fig.~\ref{fig:MD} that the MD results are tending towards the zero-temperature lattice energy result. The ambient-temperature values of $B_0$ and $B_0^\prime$ calculated by MD are consistent with those reported in previous experimental studies cited in the Introduction.~\cite{Chapman 2007,Collings 2013} It is possible that the values of $B_0$ and $B_0^\prime$ obtained from fitting to the MD isotherms might not be directly comparable with experiment at low temperatures, because the MD simulations follow the classical equipartition of energy. However, for NTE materials such as Zn(CN)$_2$, most of the flexibility comes from vibrational modes that have low frequencies of the order of $\leq1$\,THz. These modes contribute most strongly to NTE through their large negative Gr\"{u}neisen parameters,~\cite{Fang 2013} which suggests that even at low temperatures such as $\sim 50$\,K, these modes remain populated and hence contribute to the dynamics of the material. This is born out from measurements of the variation of $\alpha$ with temperature,~\cite{Goodwin 2005} which show little sign of departure from the classical equipartition of energy down to very low temperatures. Another possible concern is that zero-point motion of the NTE modes is sufficient to allow a bond-bending deformation mechanism even in the limit $T\rightarrow0$\,K. Using harmonic lattice dynamics calculations performed using the GULP code~\cite{Gale 1997} we have estimated the zero-point contribution to $B_0^\prime$ at 0\,K to be $\simeq-0.1$ (as shown in Appendix~\ref{App_ZPM}), and hence a negligible correction to the values given in Fig.~\ref{fig:MD}. For these two reasons we do not anticipate much discrepancy between the classical MD results and the true quantum picture even at relatively low temperatures. \section{Neutron Powder Diffraction} \subsection{Method} In order to confirm the predicted variation of $B_0$ and $B_0^{\prime}$ with temperature, we carried out a neutron powder diffraction experiment using the GEM diffractometer at ISIS.~\cite{Hannon 2005} A polycrystalline Zn(CN)$_2$ sample was contained within a Ti-Zr alloy pressure cell, which produces a featureless background in the diffraction pattern; this was itself contained within a closed-cycle refrigerator, allowing us to control both temperature and pressure. Hydrostatic pressure applied to the sample was generated by an external pressure intensifier unit to an accuracy of 1\,bar. The sample temperature was controlled by a closed cycle refrigerator (CCR) that can operate within a temperature range of 4 to 325\,K. Diffraction data were collected at various pressures from 5\,bar to a value limited by the phase diagram of helium gas at temperatures of 30, 50, 75, 150, 200, 250 and 300\,K~\cite{SI}. Measurements at lower temperatures could not be carried out because the helium gas would readily have liquefied at low pressure, making the true sample pressure unknown. For the same reasons, the accessible pressure range is much lower for the very low temperature data points. This limitation has the unfortunate consequence of increasing the experimental uncertainty in the derived values of $B_0$ and $B_0^\prime$ for temperatures below 100\,K. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=8cm]{Rietvelt.pdf} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:Rietveld} A representative Rietveld fit to the neutron diffraction data collected using the GEM instrument at ISIS. These data correspond to a sample temperature of 300\,K and a hydrostatic pressure of 1.2\,kbar. Data points are shown as black crosses, the fit as a red line, the background function as a green line, and the residual (data$-$ fit) as a blue line.} \end{figure} Rietveld refinement of the neutron diffraction patterns using GSAS~\cite{Larson 2000} and EXPGUI~\cite{Toby 2001} yielded satisfactory fits, as shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:Rietveld}, and enabled determination of the unit cell volume to an accuracy of 0.001\,\AA$^3$. The structural model used was that described in Ref.~\onlinecite{Williams 1997}, which takes into account the head-to-tail disorder of the cyanide ions. The refined structural parameters were the position of the C/N atoms (constrained by the $Pn\bar{3}m$ crystal symmetry to a single parameter), the anisotropic atomic displacement parameters for the C/N atoms (constrained to be the same for C and N), and the Zn isotropic atomic displacement parameter. A table of refined structural parameters for all data sets is given in the Supplementary Information.~\cite{SI} \subsection{Equation of state from experimental data} Values of $B_0$ and $B_0^\prime$ were extracted from the experimental lattice parameter data using the same approach as in the analysis of the MD results, fitting each isotherm to a third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of states.~\cite{BM} The corresponding thermal evolution of derived values of $B_0$ and $B^\prime$ are shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:Exp}, and the numerical values of $B_0$ and $B_0^\prime$ are listed in Table~\ref{tab:results} for comparison with the results from the MD simulations. We consider that the agreement between the experimental and MD values is reasonable given the difficulties in the experiment and the fact that the intermolecular potential was not tuned against experimental data. We will comment more on the level of agreement below. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=8cm]{mergeexp2.pdf} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:Exp} Bulk modulus at zero pressure $B_0$ and its first derivative $B^\prime$ as functions of temperature, obtained from fitting the third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state to the experimental isotherms of Zn(CN)$_2$. Solid curves show the calculated $B_0(T)$ and $B_0^{\prime}(T)$ using values of the parameters from the simultaneous fit, where $B_0(T)$ was described by a quadratic polynomial and $B_0^{\prime}(T)$ was expressed by Eq.~\ref{eq:qualitative}. The relatively large deviation of the $B^\prime_0$ curve from the data points beyond 150 K is consistent with the relatively large fitting error for the corresponding isotherms in Fig.3(b). Dashed curves are the results from the MD for comparison (also seen in Table~\ref{tab:results}).} \end{figure} We further carried out a simultaneous fit to all the $p$--$V$ data sets as we did for the MD data. The quality of the fitting is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:overallfit}(b) and Fig.~\ref{fig:Exp}. The values of $\beta, T_0$ and $T_1$ in Eq.~\ref{eq:qualitative} obtained from this simultaneous fit are 4(5), 22(14)\,K and 145(29)\,K, respectively. These are in reasonable agreement with the values obtained by fitting to the MD data (Fig.~\ref{fig:MD}), albeit with rather larger values of the standard deviations on each parameter. The consistency between the MD and neutron diffraction results is highlighted by comparing the fitted curves for $B_0$ and $B_0^{\prime}(T)$ in Fig.~\ref{fig:Exp}. In the case of $B_0$, agreement is within $10\%$, although the curvature differs at low temperature. This may be a systematic error coming from the fact that at low temperature we had access to a much more restricted range of pressures. On the other hand, the agreement between the MD and neutron diffraction results for $B_0^{\prime}$ is much closer. Values of $\alpha$ and $\partial B_0 / \partial T$ at 300\,K extracted from our data are given in Tab.~\ref{tab:comparison}, together with the value of $\partial \alpha / \partial p$ obtained from Eq.~\ref{eq:thermodynamic}. The value of $\alpha$ we have determined from experiment is consistent with the results reported in other experiments.~\cite{Goodwin 2005,Chapman 2007} Altogether, the experimental values given in Tab.~\ref{tab:comparison} are in fair agreement with the results from the MD simulations, when account is taken of the relatively large errors for the experimental data. We note that the value of $\alpha$ from experiment agrees well with the values from MD in the temperature range of 10--100\,K, but the value of $\alpha$ from the MD simulations decreases faster on heating than in the experiment, suggesting an overestimate of anharmonicity in our model at high temperatures. Despite the different low-temperature curvatures of the fitted $B_0(T)$, the MD values of $\partial B_0 / \partial T$ and $\partial \alpha / \partial p$ at 300\,K agree to the experiment within the error as shown in Table~\ref{tab:comparison}. Whilst we have not been able to measure diffraction data at sufficiently low temperatures to observe a definitive transition from negative to positive values of $B_0^{\prime}$, so that Fig.~\ref{fig:Exp} cannot be said to confirm the detailed MD results exactly, the agreement between the fitted $B_0^{\prime}$ curve and the data points nevertheless demonstrates that our data remain consistent with the phenomenological model embodied by Eq.~\ref{eq:qualitative}. \section{Conclusions} We have proposed a phenomenological model of pressure-induced softening in zinc cyanide, based on the well-established difference in energy between vibrations that involve sideways buckling of the cyanide ions and those that involve bond stretching. The functional form of equation \ref{eq:qualitative}, chosen to illustrate this qualitative model, is consistent with both experimental and simulated data. In this model, the parameter $T_0$ represents the temperature above which $B_0^\prime$ becomes negative, and as such it is a measure of the temperature at which the structure starts to crumple. In other words, it corresponds to the temperature at which the vibrational modes responsible for negative thermal expansion begin to be substantially occupied. Encouragingly, these modes are known to have an energy less than 1\,THz $= k_\mathrm{B}\times48$\,K,~\cite{Chapman 2006,Zwanziger 2007,Mittal 2011,Fang 2013} which agrees with the values of $T_0$ obtained from fits to the experimental and MD data. The importance of revealing the temperature dependence of $B_0^\prime$ transcends the specific case of Zn(CN)$_2$, as important as this particular material is. We have suggested elsewhere~\cite{Fang zeolite} that a negative value of $B_0^\prime$ is a common feature of NTE materials, having shown through extensive simulations of many cubic zeolites that almost all exhibit both NTE and pressure-induced softening effects. Indeed the establishment here of a temperature dependence in which the parameter changes sign on cooling is crucial for the interpretation of simulation studies. We envisage that the striking prediction of negative values of $B_0^\prime$ in many NTE materials will stimulate a growing number of \textit{ab initio} studies, but we caution that without accounting for thermal fluctuations such calculations may predict incorrectly a positive value of $B_0^\prime$.
Key Points {#Sec1} ========== The challenges of accurately modelling the performance of elite cyclists in complex racing environments using the traditional reductionist approach become evident when the features and dimensions influencing race performance are collated.Cyclist performance is constrained by features related to the individual cyclist, tactical features emerging from the inter-personal dynamics between cyclists, strategic features related to the competition, and global features related to the organization of the sport.Sports performance researchers need to find methodologies and techniques that enable elements of performance to be considered in concert rather than in isolation, and for the complex interplay and interactions between dimensions and features of racing to be better understood. Introduction {#Sec2} ============ The focus of sports performance research is to provide coaches and athletes with information to inform better practice, yet the dimensions and features shaping the performances of elite athletes in actual competitions remain under-examined and under-theorised \[[@CR1], [@CR2]\]. In elite cycling, the factors related to achieving success have been investigated predominantly using the traditional reductionist paradigm, where components of performance are isolated and examined in laboratories or solo time trials in order to reduce the influence of confounding variables. The physiological, biomechanical, nutritional, aerodynamic and physical components of elite cycling performance have all been examined from this perspective \[[@CR3]--[@CR6]\]. These investigations have identified an extensive number of features governing the performance of individual cyclists, but the interplay between these features is not well understood, and there is still a limited understanding of how cyclists regulate their behaviour in competitive performance environments \[[@CR7]--[@CR10]\]. In elite cycling, which we define as competitions sanctioned by the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), the majority of competitions are race events, where opponents compete simultaneously to be first across the finish line. Characterised by the direct interaction permitted between opponents, race events can range from one-versus-one to mass-start contests and are found in most cycling disciplines (road, track, BMX, cyclo-cross and mountain biking). The proximity of opponents in racing contests results in behavioural dynamics not evident in solo performances, as riders constantly adapt to the actions of their opponents and the changing structure of the race environment \[[@CR11]--[@CR13]\]. The contextual, temporal, and spatial parameters shaping athlete behaviour must be better understood if we are to further our knowledge of the determinants of cycling performance in race events. In recent decades, there has been an increased recognition of the complex interplay between features regulating an athlete's competitive performance and a call for research that takes an integrated approach to the study of athlete behaviour \[[@CR14]--[@CR17]\]. Seifert and colleagues \[[@CR14]\] argued for the need to study athlete behaviour at different levels of analysis, recognising athletes as complex adaptive systems whose behaviour is governed by their interaction with opponents, teammates and the specific constraints of the performance context. The aim of the current project was to synthesise findings from existing academic literature to build an integrated understanding of the dimensions and features underpinning cyclists' behaviours and chances of success in elite racing. In the interest of reflexivity (transparency about the perspectives of the authors), the primary author worked within a national elite cycling program for close to a decade. Her experience of the limitations of the existing scientific literature in addressing the complex interrelatedness of elite performance helped shape the design of this study and elements of the interpretation. Professional experience and knowledge provide a valuable lens through which to examine the research \[[@CR18]\], and narrative synthesis enables a wide range of research to be systematically reviewed and synthesised \[[@CR19]\]. Her co-author has more than 20 years of experience with quantitative assessment of athletic performance. Methods {#Sec3} ======= Literature Search {#Sec4} ----------------- Four academic databases (PubMed, ScienceDirect, SPORTDiscus, Google Scholar) were searched for peer-reviewed articles related to the study of cycling performance in elite competition. Search terms initially included combinations of the following keywords: athlete, bicycling, competition, contest, elite cycling, performance, peloton, professional cycling, road racing and track cycling. Using the reference lists of these primary identified articles, an additional snowball search was undertaken, with further database searches conducted using additional search terms and highly relevant articles added \[[@CR20]\]. The terms added were as follows: BMX, cyclo-cross, Giro de Italia, Grand Tour, mountain-biking, road cycling, time-trial, Tour de France, world class and Vuelta a España. Following this widened search, the titles and abstracts of all articles were reviewed, duplicates removed, and 139 papers identified for potential inclusion. Inclusion Criteria {#Sec5} ------------------ Research articles had to meet the following criteria to be eligible for inclusion: analyses were of cyclists at the elite level (those who had performed in competitions sanctioned by the UCI), authors sought to identify and explain the determinants of performance in actual competitions, and articles were published in peer-reviewed journals or books in English with full text available. In total, 44 original research and 12 reviews met the inclusion criteria. Of the excluded publications, 41 articles did not examine performance in elite competition, seven were modelling or mathematics papers that were highly theoretical and focused only on the optimisation of time-trial performance, and a further 37 descriptive studies were excluded, as no links were made between the findings and race outcome or chances of success. The studies selected for final inclusion incorporated research with mathematical, physiological, psychological, sociological, management, economic and game theoretical approaches. Thirty-seven research articles focused on the performance of elite cyclists in professional road racing, with a further nine articles focused on track cycling, three on mountain biking, one on cyclo-cross and six articles examined a mix of cycling disciplines (see Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}). Fig. 1Flow diagram of the screening process. See 'Inclusion Criteria' section for the criteria defining the initial and modified searches Data Extraction and Study Interpretation {#Sec6} ---------------------------------------- A narrative synthesis approach was taken to systematically review the included articles, as this allowed synthesis of findings from multiple studies with considerable heterogeneity in their methods, participants, cycling discipline and theoretical underpinnings. In a preliminary synthesis, the key characteristics of all relevant articles were captured, including the following: author(s), date, title, discipline of cycling, methodology, competition level, sample size, aim of study, variables used, key findings and conclusions. The key findings from the selected studies were then grouped according to the setting or context of the investigation and according to the nature of the feature(s) being reported (see Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}). These groupings were used to construct a rubric that helped explain the determinants of cycling performance, as presented below. The relationships within and between these groupings were also explored. A standardised risk-of-bias assessment was unable to be conducted due to the heterogeneity in study designs across the included articles, but a critical review of methodological quality is addressed where necessary. Table 1Key characteristics of research articles investigating the performance of elite cyclists in competition, organised by level of analysis and highlighting the performance features focused on in each studyLevel of analysisCycling disciplineMethodSubjects and dataPerformance featuresThe individual dimension Lucia et al. \[[@CR21]\]Road (time-trial)Empirical analysis11 professional road cyclists, 3 Tour de France time trial performances over 2 years (1998/1999)Physiological features Padilla et al. \[[@CR22]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysis24 professional road cyclistsPhysiological and morphological features (*links to competition features*) Rodriguez-Marroyo et al. \[[@CR23]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysisWorkload demands on 30 professional road cyclists across 5-day, 8-day, and 21-day stage races (*n* = 10, 5 and 5 respectively) collected over 5 consecutive racing seasons.Links between: physiological and competition features (*links also to team dynamics*, *team hierarchy*) Impellizzeri et al. \[[@CR24]\]Mountain bikingEmpirical analysis12 internationally competitive cyclists, competing in one international level mountain bike racePhysiological features (*links to competition features*) Impellizzeri et al. \[[@CR25]\]Mountain bikingEmpirical analysis13 male regional, national and international U23 cross-country mountain bike cyclists competing in a national level cross-country competitionPhysiological and additional individual features ( *ability/experience level*) (*links to competition features*) Chidley et al. \[[@CR26]\]Mountain bikingMixed methodsMultiple study project. In study 3: 43 male cyclists ranging from junior, senior, master, expert and elite downhill mountain-biking categoriesPhysiological, cognitive, and additional individual features (*skill*, *self-confidence*) Svendsen et al. \[[@CR27]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysisRetrospective categorisation of 80 competitive male cyclists, including 9 World Tour cyclistsPhysiological and additional individual features (*training, race experience*) Moran and Pitsiladis \[[@CR28]\]Road cyclingReviewReview articleAdditional individual features (*genetics and performance*) Impellizzeri et al. \[[@CR29]\]Road cycling and mountain bikingEmpirical analysis27 professional female road cyclists and 12 elite female mountain bikers from eight different countriesMorphological and physiological features (*links to competition features*) Dorel et al. \[[@CR30]\]Track cyclingEmpirical analysis12 male elite cyclists competing at National and International level track racesPhysiological, morphological and additional individual features (*frontal surface area*, *optimal pedalling rate*) Haake et al. \[[@CR31]\]Track cycling and road cyclingEmpirical analysisWorld records for the 1-h distance from 1894 to 1996, and for the 4-km individual pursuit from 1964 to 1996Other individual features Spindler et al. \[[@CR32]\]Various cycling disciplinesReviewReview articleCognitive featuresThe tactical dimension Waldron et al. \[[@CR33]\]Track cyclingEmpirical analysis1 single race (24 riders) of international competitive cyclists (World Championship level)Drafting and interpersonal features Menaspà et al. \[[@CR34]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysisSingle-case study longitudinal design, retrospective analysis of one male professional road cyclist in the sprint finishes of 31 grand tour stages from 2008 to 2011Drafting features, inter-personal features, team dynamics, competition features Bossi et al. \[[@CR35]\]Cyclo-crossEmpirical analysis329 cyclists (men + women) competing in 5 editions of the UCI World Championships (2012--2016)Drafting features, competition features (weather) Hoenigman et al. \[[@CR36]\]Road cyclingAgent-based modellingThe model ran 1800 trials of various combinations of cyclist strength and best strategyDrafting and interpersonal features (*links to competition features*, *additional individual features*) Trenchard \[[@CR37]\]Road cyclingEconomic modellingTheoretical analysis---modelling estimates based on drafting data from prior researchDrafting and interpersonal features (*links to physiological features*) Trenchard \[[@CR38]\]Road cyclingEconomic modellingTwo test protocols run with various levels of cyclists and adjusted variablesDrafting and interpersonal features (*links to physiological features*) Scelles et al. \[[@CR39]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysis268 breakaways, over 76 stages, 4 Tour de France events. Results were also bootstrapped.Interpersonal and contextual features (*links to individual dimension*, *drafting and competition features*) Dilger and Geyer \[[@CR11]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysis49 sprint finals in which a small group of cyclists sprinted for the stage win. 26 duels, 13 three-ups, 10 finishes with between four and seven cyclists. 140 riders in total.Drafting and interpersonal features (*links to individual dimension*) Moffatt et al. \[[@CR40]\]Track cyclingLogistic regression models231 races at 4 UCI World Cup competitionsDrafting, interpersonal and contextual features Dwyer et al. \[[@CR41]\]Track cyclingMachine learning4 races from World Cup (3) and World Championship (1) events across 1 season, incl. 91 cyclists (66 unique)Drafting and contextual featuresThe strategic dimension Phillips and Hopkins \[[@CR42]\]Track cyclingEmpirical analysis336 UCI World Cup/World Championship and Olympic level cyclists (196 male, 140 female)Competition features (*links to individual and tactical dimensions*) Lucia et al. \[[@CR43]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysis13 professional road cyclists, 8 'climbers' and 6 'time trialists' who had a stage win in a UCI event in the prior 2 years.Link between competition features and individual dimension (physiological and morphological features) Ofoghi et al. \[[@CR44]\]Track cyclingMachine learning7 events, all cyclists, mix of 5 and 6 event omniumsCompetition features (*links to individual dimension*) Ofoghi et al. \[[@CR45]\]Track cyclingMachine learning193 male omnium records, 167 female omnium records across 5 and 6 event omniumsCompetition features: competition structure Ofoghi et al. \[[@CR46]\]Track cyclingEmpirical analysis96 data records (men) and 75 data records (women) from four competitions, encompassing elite and junior racing at World Championship and National Championship levelCompetition features (*links to individual dimension*) Filipas et al. \[[@CR47]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysis43 professional cyclists who achieved a top 10 pacing in a Grand Tour between 2010 and 2015Links between team hierarchy, competition features and competition calendar Larson and Maxcy \[[@CR48]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysisAll mass start stages of the three Grand Tours (1985--2010) *n* = 1436Contextual features (*links to authoritarian and interpersonal features*) Rodriquez-Gutierrez \[[@CR49]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysisAll professional cyclists belonging to the 18 UCI Pro teams in the year 2011. Sample equalled 448 cyclists.Team features: opportunity (*links to morphological features*, *additional individual features, competition calendar features*) Larson and Maxcy \[[@CR50]\] Road cyclingModellingExpansion of the model of Candelon and Dupuy \[[@CR51]\] to incorporate coaching and production functions.Team features, contextual features (*links to authoritarian features*, *economic features*, *reward mechanisms*) Cabaud et al. \[[@CR52]\]Road cyclingReviewMethod used on two 2014 Tour de France stagesObjectives and rewards, economic features, reward mechanisms and interpersonal featuresThe societal and organisational dimension Perneger \[[@CR53]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysis5th place Grand Tour finishers from 1990 to 2009Strategic dimension: competition features societal dimension: historical features (*links both to subversive behaviours*) Lippi et al. \[[@CR54]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysisWinners of Grand Tours since inceptionStrategic dimension: competition features societal dimension: historical features (*links both to subversive behaviours*) Rogge et al. \[[@CR55]\]Road cyclingData envelopment analysis31 cycling teams competing in the Tour de France over the period 2007--2011 (105 observations)Team features and reward mechanisms (*links to competition and individual features*) Rebeggiani and Tondani \[[@CR56]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysisOne season of Pro Tour racing data (2005)Authoritarian and economic features (*links to competition features and reward mechanisms*) Aubel et al. \[[@CR57]\]Road cyclingDiscrete time-logit modelData from 10,551 cyclists in the first three world divisions of cycling from 2005 to 2016, including 271 sanctioned cyclistsSubversive behaviours (*links to authoritarian, economic and reward mechanisms*) Zheng 2016 \[[@CR58]\]VariousInterviews and document analysis4 semi-structured interviews with lead Chinese staff + comprehensive document analysisAuthoritarian and economic features Lodewijkx and Brouwer \[[@CR59]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysisWinners of Grand Tours since World War 2Social mechanisms and subversive behaviours (*links to authoritarian, economic and inter-personal features*) Prinz and Wicker \[[@CR60]\]Road cyclingSocio-cultural analysisLongitudinal dataset from Tour de France from 2004 to 2013 (1542 observations from 598 different cyclists)Authoritarian features, team features (*links to individual features*) Mignot \[[@CR61]\]Road cyclingReviewTheoretical analysisHistory and prestige, economic and authoritarian features, competition calendar features Fink and Smith \[[@CR62]\]Road cyclingSocio-cultural analysisSocio-cultural examination of unofficial norms with examples given from previous editions of the Tour de FranceSocial mechanisms (*with links to authoritarian, economic and reward mechanisms*, *and subversive behaviours*) Schumacher et al. \[[@CR63]\]Road and track cyclingRetrospective analysisRace results of 4432 cyclists from 77 countries who had participated in major elite or junior elite cycling races from 1980 to 2004Authoritarian features (*links to individual features*) Larson and Maxcy \[[@CR48]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysisFinishing position and relative times for top-25 cyclists finishing all mass-start stages of the three Grand Tours from 1985 to 2010 (*n* = 1436)Authoritarian features (*with links to drafting, interpersonal and economic features*) Brewer \[[@CR64]\]Road cyclingReviewReview articleSubversive behaviour and authoritarian mechanisms, history and prestige (*links to economic features*)Multi-dimensional Albert \[[@CR65]\]Road cyclingEmpirical analysisVarious: personal experience from racing, formal interviews with US riders and officials, cycling press and video reports. Senior men's road racing in all instances.Tactical dimension: drafting, interpersonal and contextual featuresSocietal dimension: social mechanisms and authoritarian features (*all interlinked*) Van Reeth and Larson \[[@CR66]\]Road cyclingVarious levelsReview: comprehensive book with chapters exploring the various dimensions and features of professional road cycling---predominantly from an sports economics perspective.Individual dimension: physiological, morphological, cognitive and additional featuresTactical dimension: drafting, interpersonal and contextual featuresStrategic dimension: competition features, calendar effects, objectives, collusion and association, team features.Societal dimension: history and prestige, authoritarian, economic mechanisms, subversive behaviour (*various links*) Torgler \[[@CR67]\]Road cyclingOrdered probit and ordinary least squares modellingTour de France, full data---21 teams, 188 cyclists (147 finishers)Individual dimension: morphological features, experience effects, cultural background effectsTactical dimension: teammate effectsStrategic dimension: opportunity effects Mujika and Padilla \[[@CR68]\]Road cyclingReviewReview articleIndividual dimension: physiological, morphological featuresStrategic dimension: competition features Netland et al. \[[@CR69]\]Road cyclingSocio-cultural analysisSemi-structured interviews: 9 persons (6 athletes, 3 directors) of Norwegian continental cycling teams. Plus 1 director and 3 cyclists from a different professional team.Strategic dimension: team featuresSocietal dimension: authoritarian, reward and social mechanisms Lucia et al. \[[@CR70]\]Road cyclingReviewReview articleIndividual dimension: physiological, morphological and additional individual featuresStrategic dimension: competition features (*and links to physiological and drafting features*)Societal dimension: subversive behaviours *(and links to additional individual features)* Martin et al. \[[@CR71]\]Various disciplines (sprint finishes)ReviewReview articleIndividual dimension: physiological featuresTactical dimension: drafting features *(links to physiological features)* Craig and Norton \[[@CR5]\]Track cyclingReviewReview articleIndividual dimension: physiological and morphological featuresStrategic dimension: competition features (*links to physiological features*) Santalla et al. \[[@CR72]\]Road cyclingReviewReview articleIndividual features: physiological, morphological and additional individual featuresStrategic dimension: competition features (*links to physiological features*)Societal dimension: history and subversive behaviour features (*links to physiological features*) Castronovo et al. \[[@CR73]\]Road cyclingReviewReview articleIndividual dimension: physiological and cognitive featuresStrategic dimension: competition features (*links between these features*) Menaspa and Abbiss \[[@CR74]\]Road cyclingReviewReview articleIndividual dimension: physiological and morphological featuresStrategic dimension: competition features (*and the links between these*) Results and Discussion {#Sec7} ====================== The performances of elite cyclists in competitive elite racing are influenced by features related to the following four dimensions: the individual dimension and features related to the individual cyclist, the tactical dimension and features which emerged from the inter-personal dynamics between performers, the strategic dimension and features related to the competition format and environment, and the global dimension related to societal and organisational features of the sport. An overview of each dimension is presented below, identifying the key features and how these interact to shape cyclists' behaviours and chances of success in elite racing. The Individual Dimension {#Sec8} ------------------------ Various features have been shown to govern the performance of individual cyclists in elite competitions, including the cyclists' physiological and morphological features, cognitive skills, nationality, aptitude for risk, and physical attractiveness. Research in the field of sport and exercise science has tended to focus at this level of analysis \[[@CR75]\]. ### Physiological Features {#Sec9} An individual cyclist's performance has been attributed to their peak and functional power outputs, cardiovascular, pulmonary and other physiological capacities (see \[[@CR3]--[@CR6], [@CR26], [@CR68], [@CR70], [@CR72]\] for comprehensive reviews). In recent decades, the contribution of submaximal physiological variables, including cycling economy or efficiency, has also been highlighted \[[@CR76]--[@CR79]\]. Despite extensive study of cyclists' physiological features, the extent to which these predict competitive success in races at the elite level is limited, particularly in mass-start racing \[[@CR21], [@CR25], [@CR77], [@CR80]\]. Impellizzeri and colleagues \[[@CR24]\] found only 40% of the variance between international cross-country cyclists' finishing times was explained by differences in physiological characteristics. Chidley and colleagues \[[@CR26]\] found that most of the variance in finish times of downhill mountain bikers was explained by skill (*r*^2^ = − 0.76), with only a small proportion attributable to physiological variables (anaerobic capacity, *r*^2^ = 0.0; VO~2~max, *r*^2^ = − 0.3). Phillips and Hopkins \[[@CR42], [@CR81]\] demonstrated the tenuous links between an individual's physiological features and elite competitive performance, finding that factors determining consistent individual time-trial performance transferred minimally to performance in mass-start or one-versus-one racing. Cyclists must have high levels of physiological fitness to reach the elite level, but at this level there appear to be little differences in their physiological characteristics, and therefore other factors contribute to race outcomes \[[@CR25], [@CR80]\]. Contextual, temporal and spatial parameters are also known to alter the physiological demands on a cyclist and their association with success. For example, the format and structure of a cycling competition alter the technical skill requirements and physiological demands on a cyclist, predisposing individuals with particular physiological features to be better suited for certain competition formats or races \[[@CR22], [@CR41], [@CR43], [@CR47], [@CR78], [@CR82], [@CR83]\]. These links are highlighted further in 'Competition Features: Terrain, Environment and Competition Structure' section. ### Morphological Features {#Sec10} A cyclist's height, body weight, muscle size, and fibre composition have been shown to influence performance in specific types of races at the elite level \[[@CR29], [@CR30], [@CR61], [@CR67], [@CR84]\]. Furthermore, the morphological characteristics of elite cyclists vary between cycling disciplines \[[@CR5], [@CR23], [@CR29], [@CR72]\], consistent with cyclists specialising into particular disciplines or team roles based on their morphology \[[@CR85]\]. For example, road cyclists are frequently categorised according to their morphological characteristics as climbers, sprinters, or domestiques. As air resistance is one of the dominant forces a cyclist must contend with, certain morphological trade-offs occur. Having a greater muscle mass can enable a cyclist to better generate the energy and power required to overcome the drag caused from riding at high speeds on flat surfaces \[[@CR84]\] but can also lead to an increased frontal surface area, thereby increasing drag and negatively affecting performance \[[@CR30]\]. In the hill and mountain stages of professional road races, when speeds are low, overcoming gravity becomes more important than overcoming drag, and cyclists with low body mass tend to be more successful \[[@CR22], [@CR84]\]. These and other well-established links between a cyclist's morphology, competition features and chances of success, are detailed further in 'Competition Features: Terrain, Environment and Competition Structure' section. ### Emotional and Cognitive Features {#Sec11} The role of a cyclists' cognitive features in regulating their behaviour and competition performance was highlighted by Spindler and colleagues in a recent review of the psychology of elite cycling \[[@CR32]\]. A cyclist's mood, levels of anxiety, self-confidence, ability to manage pain, attentional focus and cognitive function were identified as influencing performance, although the authors noted that the differing aims and objectives of the studies reviewed made it difficult to establish strong support for any particular association. There was tentative evidence that anxiety impairs performance amongst elite male road riders, that implicit beliefs affect decision-making performance, and that pain management is important to achieve success in elite road cycling \[[@CR32]\]. There was also some evidence that the sex of a cyclist modified the effect of confidence on performance, and evidence of a difference in cognitive abilities between elite and sub-elite riders \[[@CR32]\], but whether these cognitive differences predict success at the elite level remains to be seen. The potential influence of stress, mental fatigue, personality, and an individual's implicit beliefs in regulating their behaviour and competition performance were also highlighted \[[@CR32]\]. Larson and Macxy \[[@CR80]\] provided further support for the importance of cognitive skills, explaining that cyclists must manage their energy expenditure, effort and pacing, optimise their aerodynamics in relation to their opponents, and make decisions not only in competition but also in training. Castronovo and colleagues \[[@CR73]\] explored how cognitive features influence a cyclist's perceived level of exertion and subsequent regulation of effort over the course of a race. Cyclists are known to subjectively distribute their energetic resources across the race to improve their performance, a strategy referred to as pacing \[[@CR5], [@CR86]\]. Cyclists adjust their pace according to their anticipated and accumulated levels of fatigue, terrain characteristics, race duration, elapsed distance, and competition structure \[[@CR23], [@CR35]\]. The pacing strategy a cyclist adopts is also known to be affected by the presence and behaviour of their opponents, and there is some evidence of a sex effect \[[@CR23], [@CR35], [@CR87]\]. For example, Bossi and colleagues \[[@CR35]\] found male and female cyclo-cross athletes distributed their efforts differently across the course of a race, but were unable to conclude whether this was due to differences in contextual features, such as race length, or psychological differences, such as differences in confidence and risk perception. These studies lend support to the arguments of Seifert et al \[[@CR14]\] and Noakes \[[@CR15]\] of athletes as complex adaptive systems whose behaviours are governed by the interplay between cognition and action, and who regulate their effort and energy expenditure according to the information available. As noted by Spindler and colleagues \[[@CR32]\], there is a need for further research into the psychological factors governing success in elite cycling to improve understanding of the interplay between cognitive function, athlete behaviour, and competition performance. ### Other Individual Features {#Sec12} The effects of nutrition and ergogenic aids on performance have received some attention in the literature \[[@CR73]\]. No studies appear to have been performed to establish the efficacy of these strategies in actual competitions. Performance improvements in solo time-trial events have been attributed to advances in bike technology and aerodynamic positioning \[[@CR31]\], but in races where competitors are able to draft, the benefits of technology are much more difficult to quantify. Lippi and colleagues \[[@CR54]\] analysed the average speed of Tour de France winners across the decades and attributed some of the improvement to major advances in bike technology from 1926 to 1970, as well as improvements in training, nutrition, and an increasing prevalence of doping across this period (see 'Subversive Behaviours: the Prevalence of Doping' section). The stabilisation of average speeds of Tour de France winners in recent decades is thought to be a result of reaching a ceiling in improvements in training and bike technology, as well as improvements in anti-doping measures. Notably, the improvements in cycling performance attributed (in part) to advances in bike technology by Haake \[[@CR31]\] and Lippe et al. \[[@CR54]\] occurred over several decades, whereas most athletes competing against each other in any particular race or competition are likely to have access to technological developments at roughly the same time. As such, differences in bike technology in races with multiple opponents are unlikely to be of a magnitude that differentiates between cyclists' chances of success within a particular race. Nationality or regional origin has been shown to influence performance and chances of success, with riders and teams seemingly more willing to take risks or expend effort when races hold some kind of national significance or are located closer to their country of origin \[[@CR67]\] (see also 'History and Prestige' section). In downhill mountain biking, skill level had a positive effect on a rider's self-confidence and their subsequent performance, but no significant relationship was found between performance and past experience, or performance and access to quality equipment \[[@CR26]\]. Similarly, in track and road cycling, increased elite competitive cycling experience did not correlate with better performance \[[@CR42], [@CR67]\], but increased competition exposure in the *developmental years* was more predictive of future success than physiological measures for road cyclists at World Tour level \[[@CR27]\]. There is also some evidence to suggest a male cyclist's physical attractiveness, masculinity and likeability is linked to performance and chances of success in professional road cycling \[[@CR80], [@CR88]\]. A cyclist's willingness to abide by the social norms that govern interactions between riders in the peloton can also influence their likelihood of success \[[@CR36]\] (see 'Social Mechanisms: Unofficial Norms and Peloton Sub-Culture' section). Finally, there is some evidence that an individual must have the right genetic make-up to succeed in elite cycling by responding appropriately to training stimuli \[[@CR28]\]. Lack of consistent findings across these features means these results are suggestive of an effect rather than conclusive, and more research is required to establish the robustness of these findings and the magnitudes of their effects on the performance of elite cyclists in race events. The Tactical Dimension {#Sec13} ---------------------- In competitions where opponents are able to interact, riders continually adapt to the actions of opponents and the changing race environment \[[@CR81], [@CR89]--[@CR91]\]. The tactical dimension refers to features arising from this interaction between competitors and the actions they take in response to what is occurring. Understanding the effects of inter-personal dynamics on cyclists' behavioural and tactical decisions is important if we are to make sense of their performances in events other than solo time trials. ### Drafting Features: Pacing, Positioning and the Emergence of Pelotons {#Sec14} In race events, the presence of other cyclists enables drafting to occur, whereby a cyclist can reduce the energy cost of maintaining a particular speed by riding in the slipstream of other cyclists \[[@CR37], [@CR71], [@CR92], [@CR93]\]. By working together and taking turns to ride in the lead position, the energetic benefits of drafting allow a group of cyclists to sustain a speed greater than a cyclist could sustain riding alone \[[@CR93]\]. The term *peloton* describes a group of cyclists who ride as a pack or bunch, a form of cooperative behaviour that emerges due to the energetic benefits provided by drafting \[[@CR85]\]. The drag experienced by cyclists in the mid to rear positions of large pelotons (\~ 120 riders) is \~ 5 to 10% of that experienced by an isolated cyclist riding at the same speed, and \~ 16% of that experienced by the cyclist leading the peloton (who experiences a reduction in drag due to the 'upstream' flow disturbance caused by the mass of riders following behind) \[[@CR94]\]. Positions towards the rear of the peloton provide greater energetic savings, but are tactically disadvantageous, as the risk of collisions increases and it is harder to manoeuvre past opponents when nearing the finish line, or to respond to or launch attacks (whereby riders attempt to break away from the front of the main peloton and ride in advance of their opponents despite the higher energetic cost) \[[@CR61], [@CR94]\]. Consequently, cyclists tend to compete for the drafting and positional resources available, and effective use of these two resources has been shown to affect a cyclist's chances of success in racing \[[@CR37]\]. In the elimination, a mass-start race in the track-cycling omnium, the most successful cyclists were shown to be those who rode towards the front of the peloton (tactically advantageous) and in positions lower on the track (energetically advantageous) throughout the race \[[@CR41]\]. Menaspà and colleagues \[[@CR34]\] presented a case study of a Tour de France rider who was able to improve his chances of success in the final sprint by spending less energy through effective positioning and drafting during the earlier stages of the race. In cyclo-cross, top-ranked cyclists expended more energy in the initial laps of a race in order to gain a positional advantage over their opponents, after which they settled into a more sustainable pace for the remaining laps \[[@CR35]\]. ### Interpersonal Features: 'Coopetition', Cooperation and Defection {#Sec15} While riding in a peloton reduces the overall energy cost of maintaining a certain speed, it can also narrow the gap between cyclists' physiological capacities \[[@CR37]\]. A weaker cyclist who optimises use of the drafting resource through effective positioning could theoretically beat a stronger opponent who did not position well or regulate their energy expenditure as effectively \[[@CR85]\]. As a result, a cyclist's best course of action during a race is dependent on their individual characteristics (see 'The Individual Dimension' section), opponent characteristics and actions, contextual features of the race and the options available to them \[[@CR39], [@CR61]\]. To gain a positional advantage over their opponent(s), some cyclists will launch an attack and attempt to ride in advance of their opponent(s) \[[@CR33], [@CR36], [@CR39]\]. Attacking cyclists often form into smaller groups termed 'breakaways', electing to share positional and drafting resources in order to reduce the energetic cost of staying ahead of the main peloton. The degree of cooperation displayed in a breakaway group appears to be influenced by the size and physiological heterogeneity of the riders in the group, with cooperation increasing as the breakaway group size decreases and the physiological disparity narrows amongst the riders \[[@CR37]\]. If a cyclist in the breakaway refuses to cooperate in sharing the drafting resource with their opponent(s), the likelihood of the other riders defecting (not sharing in the workload) also increases, and the breakaway is likely to fail \[[@CR36]\]. A number of researchers have used game theory to characterise the dilemma cyclists face between cooperating, attacking or defecting \[[@CR39], [@CR66], [@CR85]\]. Mignot \[[@CR85]\] characterised the dilemma as a zero-sum sequential-move game, where the optimal timing of an attack or breakaway attempt is the point at which delaying for any longer reduces the cyclist's chances of winning the race. The option to cooperate, attack, or defect has also been characterised as a prisoner's dilemma, where each cyclist has an incentive to be the first to defect \[[@CR39], [@CR66]\]. ### The Influence of Contextual Factors on Race Dynamics {#Sec16} Modelling work from a number of authors has highlighted how contextual features alter the best choice of action for a cyclist, breakaway group or peloton during a race and the influence of these features on the chances of a cyclist's or breakaway's success \[[@CR13], [@CR36]\]. For example, as the speed of the peloton increases and riders approach their maximal sustainable power, drafting becomes a more valuable resource. In contrast, when the finish line is approaching or the peloton encounters crosswinds (where the formation of echelons can cause splits in the field), increased value is placed on the more forward positions \[[@CR38]\]. Olds \[[@CR13]\] found that breakaway-group size, chase-group size, gradient, and remaining race distance all affected the velocity, time to exhaustion, and critical gap size a breakaway group needed to succeed. Agent-based modelling by Hoenigman and colleagues \[[@CR36]\] indicated that stronger cyclists seem to benefit from adopting a strategy of cooperation, while weaker cyclists appear to be better off defecting. On a practical level, the influence of contextual factors on a rider's best choice of action was demonstrated by the analyses of Moffatt and colleagues \[[@CR40]\], who showed that distance to finish, physiological differences, and relative rider positioning during a race influenced the likely outcome of head-to-head match sprints in track cycling. In a similar analysis of sprint finishes of Tour de France stages, cyclists' chances of winning were linked to the distance remaining, the number of teammates still riding in support, and the positioning of the cyclist in the final meters of the race \[[@CR11]\]. In stage races, the chances of a breakaway succeeding were also dependent on the threat it posed to the leader in the general classification (overall cumulative position) and whether the energy expenditure required to chase down the breakaway was deemed supportable by the cyclists in the main peloton \[[@CR39]\]. For example, if the next stage of the race was perceived to be tough, the riders often considered it more prudent to save their energy than catch the breakaway. ### Team Dynamics {#Sec17} In professional road cycling, a cyclist's overall performance is influenced by the skills and attributes of their teammates, as most riders work to improve their team leader's chances of success rather than their own \[[@CR56], [@CR61], [@CR67]\]. While an individual is awarded the win, their efforts are often aided by the work of teammates, who provide drafting and positional assistance to allow the team leader to conserve energy for the most crucial moments of the race \[[@CR56], [@CR61], [@CR67]\]. Torgler \[[@CR67]\] applied theories from labour economics to examine productivity in professional road cycling teams, finding that an individual cyclist's performance suffered if they were in a team of high performers, as that rider was expected to sacrifice their own chances of success in order to improve the chances of their teammate(s). For the team leader, the benefit of having teammates in support was also demonstrated by Menaspa and colleagues \[[@CR34]\], who found the chances of a cyclist winning a sprint stage of a Grand Tour increased when they had teammates providing a non-competitive drafting benefit during the last 60 s of the race. Features of team dynamics at the strategic level are explored in 'Team Hierarchy: Opportunity' section. The Strategic Dimension {#Sec18} ----------------------- Strategic features refer to elements of the competition or race environment that shape the decisions of a cyclist, team, or organisation before the competition begins and set their actions within a wider context \[[@CR95]\]. Cycling differs from most sporting competition in that the features and format of cycling races are heterogeneous, with competition structures, course distances, routes and terrain differing from race-to-race. The multiple-prize reward structure in professional road cycling adds further complexity to the race environment, leading to the emergence of efficiency, non-competitive behaviour, and occasionally, the formation of tacit alliances and collusion between riders. ### Competition Features: Terrain, Environment and Competition Structure {#Sec19} The format and structure of a cycling competition alters the technical-skill requirements and physiological characteristics associated with optimal performance, predisposing riders with particular characteristics to be better suited for certain competition formats or races \[[@CR22], [@CR41], [@CR43], [@CR47], [@CR78], [@CR82], [@CR83]\]. Cycling competitions may consist of a single race or be multi-race, single day or multi-day competitions; take a mass-start, one-versus-one, individual or team format; take place indoors, outdoors, in purpose built facilities, off-road, on road or on purpose built tracks; and run across a range of surfaces and terrain \[[@CR56]\]. Numerous studies have explored the attributes required for success across the various formats of cycling competition, demonstrating that each presents different metabolic, physical, physiological, technical and cognitive stressors on an individual \[[@CR5], [@CR21], [@CR24]--[@CR26], [@CR29], [@CR41], [@CR43], [@CR68], [@CR72]\]. In this sense, the attributes required for optimal performance in any particular cycling discipline, event, or race are highly dependent on the competition features. Cyclists therefore tend to specialise into particular disciplines that suit their characteristics and improve their likelihood of success, as detailed in 'Morphological Features' section. The structure of a competition has also been shown to alter the physiological characteristics associated with success \[[@CR46], [@CR74]\]. Rodriquez-Marroyo and colleagues \[[@CR23]\] demonstrated the impact of competition structure on performance, detailing the changes in the workload demands on professional cyclists across 5-, 8-, and 21-day stage races. Adjustments to the format of the omnium, a 2-day competition in track cycling, have also shown the effect of competition structure on performance, with the addition of the elimination event altering the type of rider likely to do well in the overall competition \[[@CR44]\]. Course route, commonly referred to as the *parcours* in road cycling*,* also influences cyclist performance. For example, race distance and difficulty and location of technical features (such as the inclusion of cobblestone sections, or position, gradient and number of hill climbs) all alter the physiological and technical demands on a rider \[[@CR22]\]. While the competition format and route are fixed in advance, environmental (e.g., weather) conditions can also alter performance and likelihood of success. Wind and rain in particular can alter the value of the drafting and positional resources, altering the perceived risk associated with particular racing strategies and the way cyclists elect to expend their energy \[K.E. Phillips, unpublished observations\]. ### Competition Calendar Effects: the Emergence of Efficiency and Non-Competitive Behaviour {#Sec20} Competition features have been shown not only to influence the *type* of cyclists likely to succeed, but the *way* cyclists compete, particularly in competitions consisting of a series of races, such as the Match Sprint, Keirin and Omnium tournaments in track cycling, and multi-day stage racing in road cycling. In multi-race or multi-stage contests, cyclists must balance their desired goals against the efforts required to achieve them, resulting in the emergence of strategies related to efficiency, whereby riders seek to optimise performance across a series of races to secure a larger objective \[[@CR52]\]. For example, road cyclists aiming to win the general classification in a multi-day stage race often adopt conservative racing strategies in the early stages, saving energy for the critical moments of the competition \[[@CR85]\]. The potential payoffs of using a strategy of efficiency have been shown in the track cycling Omnium, where a cyclist aiming for the overall title is able to finish as low as 6th place in one of the events and still be in contention for the overall title \[[@CR44]\]. The importance of efficiency in multi-stage cycling races can also lead to the emergence of non-competitive behaviour, where cyclists who are unlikely to win a race or secure a high ranking in the various classifications have a higher incentive to abandon the race, should it not go as they planned \[[@CR67]\]. Abandoning a race is a rational way for a cyclist to conserve energy, reducing the cost of the current effort to protect performance in future events \[[@CR67]\]. ### The Influence of Objectives: Incentives and Rewards {#Sec21} The diversity of racing objectives amongst cyclists presents a unique challenge for researchers seeking to understand the performance of individual cyclists in real-world competition, namely that numerous competitors may deliberately withhold their best efforts \[[@CR52]\]. Instead, riders may be motivated by objectives that have nothing to do with winning a particular race or stage \[[@CR52]\]. For example, elite track cyclists have discussed employing conservative racing strategies, taking less risks and seeking only to finish above a certain rank in order to secure a qualification spot for a more prestigious race, such as the Olympic Games (K.E. Phillips, unpublished observations). In professional road cycling, the multiple-prize structure of the competition shapes cyclists' goals and thereby influences their choice of action in any given race or stage \[[@CR85]\]. Cyclists may be focused on securing a classification title (e.g., general, mountain, points, young rider) or focused on gaining TV exposure for sponsors or their personal brand by being in the breakaway group at the front of the race \[[@CR52]\]. An individual's or team's *perception* of their chances of success in a competition is known to influence their selection of race objective, affecting their selection of racing strategy and willingness to expend effort. For example, professional road cycling teams have been shown to adjust their objectives depending on the characteristics of the riders in a given event, stage, or competition \[[@CR55]\]. A team may also elect to adjust their objective mid-competition, seeking a secondary prize (such as a stage win or other classification) owing to an early injury, change in leadership, crashes, or a change in their perceived chances of success \[[@CR52]\]. ### Collusion and Association {#Sec22} Race outcomes in cycling are sometimes influenced by collusion, when opponents deliberately cooperate, form tacit alliances, or swap monetary compensation in return for assistance in achieving a goal \[[@CR56], [@CR64]\]. The cooperation seen between opponents in cycling (as referred to in 'Competition Calendar Effects: the Emergence of Efficiency and Non-Competitive Behaviour' section) is an interesting case study for game theorists, as cooperation violates the implicit assumptions of the zero-sum game (one side wins, one side loses) that characterises most sporting competitions \[[@CR85]\]. In cycling, one competitor may 'carry' another competitor, even to the point of helping the other to win, with the goal of securing a larger objective \[[@CR65]\]. Unlike in many other sports, conflict and association exist together in cycling."On one hand, the theme of individualism reflects the unambiguous aspects of conflict, emphasizing individual or team effort that occurs within the framework of the basic rules and results in a win or loss. On the other hand, a theme of collectivism has emerged, reflecting some of the situational particularities of the sport that require an association between opponents, called 'drafting'. Albert \[[@CR65]\] p. 344" Riders have been known to collude or 'fix' the outcome of races, offering some compensation in return for the assistance of other riders \[[@CR61], [@CR64]\]. Mignot \[[@CR61]\] uses the example of Miguel Indurain and Claudio Chiappucci in the 13th stage of the 1991 Tour de France to illustrate fixing, where Indurain allowed Chiappucci to win the stage on the premise that he contributed to the workload of the breakaway group, helping ensure the group stayed clear of the main peloton and enabling Indurain to achieve his aim of securing a classification jersey. ### Team Hierarchy: Opportunity {#Sec23} Researchers seeking to examine the performance of cyclists in real-world competition must also understand that a rider's performance may depend on whether they are given the opportunity to race for the win. Professional road cyclists who are not team leaders often have two conflicting goals: seeking to contribute to their team success while on a secondary level aiming to contribute to their own personal success and career longevity \[[@CR49]\]. Professional road cycling teams may consist of up to 30 riders, with only eight or nine of these riders permitted to start in Grand Tours, and entries are also limited in other ProTour events. Team management will normally select a team and a 'lead' rider based on the characteristics of their riders relevant for the race features and importance \[[@CR47]\]. Team leaders are generally more successful than other cyclists across a racing season, but whether this is due to the team leader's superior individual characteristics or because they benefit from the work of their teammates is unclear \[[@CR49]\]. Cyclists riding in support of their team leader (termed 'domestiques') have little incentive to continue racing once they have fulfilled their expected duties. Domestiques are known to 'sit up' once they have executed their support task(s), no longer seeking to remain competitive and only seeking to finish the race within the time cut-off to ensure they are permitted to start the following stage \[K.E. Phillips, unpublished observations\]. The Global Dimension {#Sec24} -------------------- Elite cycling competitions take place within a complex social and organisational setting, where economic, socio-cultural and historical forces shape behaviour and decisions made by governing bodies, race organisers, cycling teams, and the cyclists themselves \[[@CR96]\]. Researchers in the fields of economics, management and sociology have provided some insight into how organisational changes and reforms, largely driven by attempts to improve the globalisation and professionalism of the sport, have impacted the performance of cyclists in recent decades \[[@CR49], [@CR51], [@CR64], [@CR66], [@CR69], [@CR96]\]. To date, authors have focused almost exclusively on male professional road cycling. ### Economic Features: Revenue Generation, TV Rights, Sponsorship {#Sec25} Various authors have explored the economic drivers of male professional road racing, detailing how the competing interests of multiple stakeholders shape the structure of professional racing and influence the competitive pressures on teams and riders \[[@CR64], [@CR66], [@CR96]\]. As the primary governing body, the UCI formulates (and adapts) the rules of racing, regulates the classification of races and points ranking systems, and issues racing licenses to teams and riders. Organisational changes and reforms over the decades, designed by the UCI to improve the globalisation and professionalism of the sport, have led to major changes in racing behaviour by cyclists and their teams (see 'Authoritarian Features: Governing Bodies and Race Organizers' section) \[[@CR96]\]. Race organisers also play a key role in shaping the structure of professional road racing, with many of the most prestigious events controlled by private corporations such as the Amaury Sports Organisation (ASO) \[[@CR96]\]. Race organisers are known to alter the design of a race route to ensure high competitive intensity between riders, with the aim of increasing spectator interest to generate revenue, attract sponsors, and secure interest in the purchasing of TV rights \[[@CR52], [@CR97], [@CR98]\]. External stakeholders, such as team sponsors and the media, also have a strong interest in ensuring the attractiveness of the contest, driven by a desire to increase TV viewership and ensure brand visibility \[[@CR52]\]. As professional race teams are funded almost entirely from sponsorship, team managers have a strong incentive to promote sponsors' visibility during a race and deliver race results, in order to ensure the ongoing financial viability of a team \[[@CR96]\]. For riders, professional race contracts are often short, and while riders can participate in races only as part of a team, there is also a strong incentive for individual cyclists to perform well in order to secure a contract \[[@CR50]\]. Aubel \[[@CR57]\] argues that there is a potential link between the economic position of a team or rider and doping, reporting sanctioned riders were 5.8 times more likely to have experienced career interruptions or 61% more likely to have had multiple team changes (see 'Subversive Behaviours: the Prevalence of Doping' section). Similar economic drivers of revenue generation via spectator engagement appear to be responsible for reforms made to other disciplines of cycling, namely BMX and track cycling (see 'Authoritarian Features: Governing Bodies and Race Organizers' section). For example, the removal of the solo time-trial events from the Olympic track-cycling program and introduction of the 2-day multi-race Omnium competition were seen as a reflection of the UCI and IOC's desire to deliver more engaging and tightly fought contests for spectators \[[@CR45]\]. ### Authoritarian Features: Governing Bodies and Race Organisers {#Sec26} Governing bodies and race organisers are known to implement changes to the regulations of cycling competitions in attempts to improve the competitive intensity of racing and thereby increase public interest in cycling \[[@CR52], [@CR61]\]. Reforms made to rules and racing regulations over the decades have allowed researchers to observe and analyse the subsequent changes in racing behaviour and performance \[[@CR48], [@CR58], [@CR96]\]. A particularly influential reform was the introduction of a ranking system by the UCI in 1984, which was designed in part to increase competition and reduce collusion amongst professional road racing riders and teams \[[@CR56]\]. UCI ranking points had a major influence on the way teams and riders prepared and raced \[[@CR52], [@CR56], [@CR64], [@CR96]\]. In races that had traditionally been fixed or used for training, teams became competitive, needing to accumulate ranking points across a wider number of races throughout the competitive season to gain entry to the more prestigious events \[[@CR64], [@CR96]\]. A secondary aim of the UCI was to globalise cycling, and the ranking system ensured teams competed in races outside of Europe, the traditional stronghold of the sport \[[@CR52]\]. Brewer \[[@CR64]\] described how the increase in competitiveness resulted in an effective lengthening of the competitive racing season and modified the pressures on teams and riders. For example, team managers were compelled to build a squad of cyclists capable of success across a wider range of races, rather than the more traditional method of structuring a team around the support of one key rider for the more prestigious event(s) \[[@CR64]\]. For the cyclists, a higher expectation to perform well in races across the full competitive season increased the pressure to remain in top physical condition, driving advances in training techniques and technology, as well as inadvertently encouraging subversive behaviours such as doping \[[@CR56], [@CR64]\] (see 'Subversive Behaviours: the Prevalence of Doping' section). Another influential reform was the introduction of a ban by the UCI on the use of radio technology in some professional road races from 2011 to 2015, which was also seen as an attempt to improve the competitive intensity of the sport and prevent racing from becoming too predictable \[[@CR48]\]. Larson and Maxcy \[[@CR48]\] found the change in information flow caused by the radio ban affected race structure and outcome, although they could not determine conclusively whether changes in the likelihood of breakaway success were due to absence of radio communications or changes in the cycling sub-culture across the period examined (see 'Social Mechanisms: Unofficial Norms and Peloton Sub-Culture' section). As a side note, the authors found the use of radio technology and likelihood of breakaway success were strongly modified by terrain variables (see 'Competition Features: Terrain, Environment, and Competition Structure' section). Within a particular country, the regulations of national governing bodies impact the development, recruitment, and performances of elite cyclists. For example, Zheng \[[@CR58]\] provided an interesting commentary on the relative underperformance of Chinese cyclists in Olympic and UCI ProTour cycling events, suggesting the under-representation of Chinese cyclists was due to organisational elements of the Chinese sporting system. In comparison, a strong talent development program within the Australian national system was apparently responsible for a 50% increase in the conversion rate of junior world championship athletes to success in the senior divisions \[[@CR63]\]. ### Reward Mechanisms: Multiple Prize Incentives {#Sec27} The introduction of secondary prizes in the Tour de France by the ASO is an example of reward mechanisms used to encourage cyclists to compete and create a dynamic spectacle that will draw public interest \[[@CR61], [@CR69]\]. Secondary prizes, such as time bonuses, intermediate sprints, and combative rider prizes, provide an incentive to cyclists who are not in contention for the overall win, by presenting them with opportunities to gain ranking points or media exposure while adding to spectator interest \[[@CR98]\]. As riders vying for the overall win in multi-day stage races are likely to adopt strategies of energy conservation and non-competitiveness in the early or flat stages, secondary prizes help maintain a level of competitive intensity by incentivising the other riders. Formal rules and regulations can also inadvertently provide a disincentive for teams and riders to compete. Rebeggiani and Tondani \[[@CR56]\] outlined how the UCI inadvertently encouraged non-competitive behaviour from professional teams across the racing season by restricting the total number of professional road teams in the UCI ProTour, thereby making it a closed league. Without the risk of relegation to a lower league, teams were concentrating their best efforts on races organised in their sponsors' home countries or on only a few other races each season. The authors argued the UCI would better achieve their aim of improving the competitive intensity of racing by opening the league and increasing the number of ProTour teams, thereby providing an incentive to compete in races teams may otherwise not target. The UCI has adopted a version of this recommendation in recent years \[[@CR99]\]. ### Social Mechanisms: Unofficial Norms and Peloton Sub-Culture {#Sec28} In addition to the formal rules governing the competition, a cyclist's behaviour and decisions are constrained by unofficial norms or social mechanisms that exist within the peloton \[[@CR65], [@CR69]\]. Unofficial norms emerge when it is beneficial for race participants to enforce a subset of social rules, driven by a collective desire to ensure the profitability of the sport \[[@CR62]\]. Unofficial norms dictate the shared expectations of how cyclists should behave within the peloton and individuals who do not abide by these social expectations are subjected to sanctions by other members of the peloton \[[@CR62], [@CR69]\]. For example, if a race favourite or race leader should suffer a mechanical issue, the unofficial norm dictates that the other cyclists should not make use of the opportunity to benefit themselves by making an attacking move \[[@CR62], [@CR85]\]. Cyclists who disobey this norm are often punished by the peloton, who collectively refuse to cooperate with the 'defector', denying them TV exposure (e.g., by chasing down any breakaway attempt), and in more extreme cases, by physically interfering with the defectors' ability to ride \[[@CR62]\]. Albert \[[@CR65]\] conducted a sociological examination of the peloton to explore the influence of social dynamics on the performance of cyclists in road races, seeking to understand why riders share the lead, why a peloton may allow a breakaway to form, and why some breakaways succeed when others fail. The author concluded that using formal rules to explain the constraints on cyclist behaviour is insufficient to capture the experienced reality of the sport, arguing that the informal social norms must be considered if we are to understand racing behaviour. Fink and Smith \[[@CR62]\] built on this work by examining the unofficial norms that govern behaviour in elite road cycling and by explaining how these norms affect the profitability of the Tour de France for race organisers and maintain the attractiveness of the event for spectators. ### Subversive Behaviours: the Prevalence of Doping {#Sec29} Cycling has been characterised by numerous doping scandals and the phenomenon of doping, and its effects on cycling have been examined from a number of angles \[[@CR53], [@CR54], [@CR57], [@CR59], [@CR64]\]. The influence of doping on the performance of elite cyclists is difficult to quantify because there is no accurate way of knowing who doped, to what extent, and when \[[@CR98]\]. To examine the potential influence of doping on race performance and assess the effectiveness of anti-doping measures, some researchers have used secondary measures of performance, such as changes in the average speed of Grand Tour winners across the decades \[[@CR53], [@CR54]\]. The decrease (or plateau) in average speed of Grand Tour winners since the early 2000's has been attributed to strengthened anti-doping measures \[[@CR54], [@CR100]\], but changes in the socio-cultural environment in which riders compete provide equally plausible explanations \[[@CR59], [@CR64]\]. Such changes include modification of team structure, sponsorship, inter-team dynamics and rider preparation \[[@CR59], [@CR64], [@CR96]\]. Fink and Smith \[[@CR62]\] outlined how the challenges associated with monitoring and preventing doping amongst cyclists at an organisational level resulted in specific social norms developing amongst teams and riders. As doping behaviours were not able to be observed directly, cyclists were uncertain who was doping, so the 'clean' cyclists could not collectively monitor and punish those using illicit substances \[[@CR64]\]. Instead, a social norm known within the sport as the *omerta* developed, where organisers and riders both accepted doping was prevalent, but the established social norm was not to discuss it publicly, in order to protect the sport and the revenue it generated \[[@CR62], [@CR64]\]. Economists have used game theory to explain how teams and riders rationalised doping, where the economic and financial benefits of improved performance, along with prohibitively high sanctioning costs, resulted in a Nash equilibrium in which it was most profitable for all cyclists to dope \[[@CR62], [@CR98]\]. Brewer \[[@CR64]\] drew links between authoritarian, reward, and social mechanisms and the increasing incentive to dope, particularly for teams at risk of losing sponsorship or for riders at risk of not securing an ongoing professional contract. Aubel et al. \[[@CR57]\] found a higher risk of doping amongst cyclists who began their professional careers before 2005, but noted the reasons for the declining number of sanctioned riders since 2005 were ambiguous. The reduction could be due to improved anti-doping measures, including the introduction of the biological passport in 2008, changes to the structure of the World Tour, changes to the socio-cultural norms of the peloton, or 'improvements' in the doping practices of teams and athletes making the use of banned performance enhancing substances harder to detect. ### History and Prestige {#Sec30} Brewer \[[@CR64]\] and Mignot \[[@CR61]\] provided thorough overviews of the history of professional road cycling and explored how changes in global mechanisms across the decades have led to changes in rider performance. As outlined in 'Economic Features: Revenue Generation, TV Rights, Sponsorship' and 'Subversive Behaviours: the Prevalence of Doping' sections, changes made by governing bodies aimed at increasing the commercialisation and globalisation of the sport altered the pressures on team managers and riders, leading to changes in team organisation and rider preparation, fostering changes in the social dynamics of the sport and inadvertently resulting in the rationalisation of doping practices. The growth of commercial sponsors led to increased professionalism, enabling riders to increasingly specialise as the racing calendar gradually increased in length and intensity \[[@CR64]\]. Furthermore, the roster of team riders shifted from being organised around the support of a single team leader to an organisation of sub-teams that trained for peak performance in specific races or Grand Tours \[[@CR61]\]. Team managers started selecting and organising sub-groups of riders from their team roster for success in particular races, targeting either a Grand Tour*,* the Classics (Milan-San Remo, Tour of Flanders, Paris-Roubaix, Liège-Bastogne-Liège and Tour of Lombardy) or races with regional or national significance \[[@CR61]\]. Top cyclists and their support riders then adjust their training and periodisation to peak for these particular events \[[@CR56], [@CR97]\]. While evidence of improvements in cyclist performance due to race prestige remains predominantly anecdotal, teams certainly appear to place increased importance on performance in particular races and tours \[[@CR61], [@CR64]\]. In professional road cycling, the Tour de France remains the most prestigious competition, while in other cycling disciplines the World Championships are considered the most prestigious event in non-Olympic years \[[@CR61]\]. ### Other Societal and Organisational Features {#Sec31} The preceding sections of this review have dealt with performance of individual cyclists. There are only a few cycling disciplines where team performance is of interest, and in professional road cycling there has been only one publication addressing the determinants of team performance. Prinz and Wicker \[[@CR60]\] applied concepts from management research and labour markets to assess the effect of team composition on the performance of professional road cycling teams in the Tour de France. Having a diverse range of tenure (length of time in team) was positively associated with team performance, which the authors suggested was due to internal competition for selection between team riders raising performance standards or preventing stagnation in those with longer careers. Age diversity of team riders had a positive (albeit non-significant) effect on performance, while diversity in nationality and language had little effect. Another explanation for these relationships is that early-career riders will join any team, but as their performance improves, they are likely to move to teams where they have more opportunities. Prinz and Wicker also found that a wide range of body mass index (BMI) scores was linked to poorer team performance, likely due to overall performance indices favouring hill climbers, who generally have lower BMI. Previous Tour de France participation and previous stage wins were not significantly related to team performance, but the number of riders finishing the Tour de France did matter, which likely reflects the sharing of workload between team members. The authors concluded that team managers seeking team success needed to consider the composition of their teams, selecting riders capable of finishing the race and with a diverse range of tenure \[[@CR60]\]. Limitations {#Sec32} ----------- As outlined in 'Inclusion Criteria' section, a narrative-synthesis approach was used to systematically review the selected articles and formulate dimensions and features. Of the articles that met the inclusion criteria, a majority analysed the competition performances of road cyclists, and in particular, male professional road cyclists. Consequently, some of the dimensions and features identified in this article are based on research in a single cycling discipline (see Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"} for detail). There may also be factors affecting the performance of cyclists that are being used in competition but that have not been the subject of published research; for example, teams who have developed new ergogenic aids or improvements in technology are unlikely to publish their findings. Finally, several features known to enhance cyclists' performance in non-competition settings have received limited attention in this review because the extent of their implementation and effects in actual competitions are unknown. Conclusions {#Sec33} =========== The aim of the current study was to improve our understanding of how performance emerges in elite cycling competitions, with a particular focus on the effects of contextual factors, presence of and interaction with opponents, environmental conditions, competition structure, and socio-cultural, economic and authoritarian mechanisms. The challenges associated with modelling the performance of cyclists in the complex environments that define cycling racing become evident when the features and dimensions influencing race performance are collated. In particular, there are limitations in using a traditional reductionist approach to understanding the performance of cyclists in elite racing. Sports performance research needs to be \'holistic, idiographic and take a process-oriented approach\' that emphasises \'the analysis of emergent patterns of coordination and control underpinning performance\' \[[@CR9], [@CR16], [@CR101]--[@CR103]\]. Moving forward, the challenge is for sports performance researchers to find methodologies and techniques that enable elements of performance to be considered in concert rather than in isolation, and for the complex interplay and interactions between dimensions and features of racing to be better understood. We must search for data collection and analysis techniques that allow us to adequately account for and explain the interactions and mechanisms underpinning successful cycling performance in racing contests \[[@CR7]--[@CR10], [@CR100], [@CR104]\]. The breadth of scientific disciplines encompassed in the present review provides some insight into how combining approaches, by using mixed methods and/or interdisciplinary approaches, would enable 'multiple valid accounts of a phenomenon' by improving trustworthiness, dependability, confirmability, transferability and authenticity in research \[[@CR105]\]. There is a place for quantitative laboratory-based research that examines specific elements of performance, just as there is equally a place for qualitative investigations exploring the nuances and meanings that shape the decisions and actions of athletes in competition \[[@CR20]\]. To be competitive at the elite level, a cyclist needs a high level of physiological fitness, but team managers, coaches and athletes seeking to improve performance should give attention to features beyond those of the individual. Competitive performance is also constrained by tactical features emerging from the inter-personal dynamics between cyclists, strategic features related to the competition and global features related to the organisation of the sport. ASO : Amaury Sports Organisation BMI : Body mass index UCI : Union Cycliste Internationale **Publisher's Note** Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Thanks to Dr. Rob Corban for his thoughts and feedback on the manuscript prior to submission. Research design and concept were drafted by KEP and critically reviewed and refined by WGH. Literature search, study selection, synthesis of findings, initial conceptual framework development and initial draft manuscript all conducted by KEP. Subsequent refinements to conceptual framework, further manuscript development and finalised drafts done by KEP and WGH. No funding was received for this systematic review Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable The authors Kathryn E. Phillips and William G. Hopkins, declare that they have no competing interests.
\section{Introduction} The aim of this note is to extend in a natural way the classical Darboux-Weinstein theorem, which we now recall (see e.g. \cite{mcduff}): \begin{theorem} {\bf (Darboux-Weinstein)} \label{thm:DarbouxWeinstein} Let $M$ be a manifold and $\omega_0, \omega_1$ closed $2$-forms on $M$. Let $Q \subset M$ be a compact submanifold such that $\omega_0$ and $\omega_1$ are nondegenerate and equal on $T_qM$ for all $q \in Q$. Then there exist $\mathcal{N}_0, \mathcal{N}_1$ neighborhoods of $Q$ and $\varphi : \mathcal{N}_0 \to \mathcal{N}_1$ a diffeomorphism such that \[ \varphi^* \omega_1 = \omega_0 \ \ \text{and} \ \ \varphi_{|Q} = id. \] \end{theorem} We are interested in the more general context of locally conformally symplectic (briefly LCS) manifolds, a particular case of almost symplectic manifolds: \begin{definition} A manifold $M$ with a non-degenerate two-form $\omega$ is called LCS if there exists a closed one-form $\theta$ such that $d\omega = \theta \wedge \omega$. \end{definition} \medskip The notion first appears as such in \cite{lib}, it was later studied by J. Lefebvre \cite{lef} and especially I. Vaisman \cite{vaisman}. One can easily see that the name is justified, as the definition above is equivalent to the existence of an open cover $(U)_\alpha$ and a family of smooth functions $f_\alpha$ on each $U_\alpha$ such that $d (e^{-f_\alpha} \omega )= 0$ (see \cite{lee}). \medskip Our main result reads: \begin{theorem} \label{thm:DarbouxWeinsteinLCS} Let $M$ be a manifold, $\theta_0$ and $\theta_1$ closed $1$-forms and $\omega_0, \omega_1$ $2$-forms on $M$ such that $d_{\theta_i} \omega_i = 0$. Let $Q \subset M$ be a compact submanifold such that $\omega_0$ and $\omega_1$ are nondegenerate and equal on $T_qM$ for all $q \in Q$, and $\theta_{0|TQ} = \theta_{1|TQ}$. Then there exist $\mathcal{N}_0, \mathcal{N}_1$ neighborhoods of $Q$ and $\varphi : \mathcal{N}_0 \to \mathcal{N}_1$ a diffeomorphism such that \[ \varphi^* \omega_1 \sim \omega_0 \ \ \text{and} \ \ \varphi_{|Q} = id. \] where by $``\sim"$ we mean conformally equivalent. \end{theorem} \medskip We shall end with an application concerning the behavior of any LCS form near a Lagragian submanifold, thus extending a theorem due to Weinstein \cite{weinstein}. \section {Proof of the main theorem} We shall heavily rely in our own proof on the intricacies of the original Darboux-Weinstein argument, as presented in \cite[Lemma 3.14, pages 93-95]{mcduff}. One of the instruments of both proofs is the so-called Moser Trick, which we therefore explain briefly\footnote{The Moser Trick was extended to LCS geometry, \cite{bk}, but our proof uses the original symplectic version.}: \begin{theorem} \label{thm:MoserTrick} Let $M$ be a compact manifold and $(\omega_t)_{0 \le t \le 1}$ a smooth family of symplectic forms on $M$ satisfying \[ \frac{d}{dt} \omega_t = d\sigma_t \] for $\sigma_t$ varying smoothly. Then there is an isotopy $\varphi_t$ such that $\varphi_t^* \omega_t = \omega_0$ with $\varphi_0 = id$. \begin{proof}[\bf Proof] Choose the vector fields $Y_t$ uniquely satisfying \begin{equation} \label{eq:MoserFormula} i_{Y_t} \omega_t = - \sigma_t \end{equation} and its integral curves $\varphi_t$ (i.e. $\frac{d}{dt} \varphi_t = Y_t \circ \varphi_t$ and $\varphi_0 = id$), defined overall. What we get is \[ \frac{d}{dt}\varphi_t^* \omega_t = \varphi_t^* (\frac{d}{dt} \omega_t + \mathcal{L}_{Y_t} \omega_t) = \varphi_t^* (d\sigma_t + d i_{Y_t} \omega_t) = 0, \] hence $\varphi_t^* \omega_t = \omega_0$. \end{proof} \end{theorem} \begin{proof}[\bf Proof of \ref{thm:DarbouxWeinsteinLCS}] We begin by fixing a Riemannian metric on $M$, which we shall use to construct a tubular neighborhood of $Q$ in $M$, together with a family of diffeomorphisms representing a deformation retract onto $Q$. Take \[ U_\epsilon = \{ (q, v) \in Q \times TM \ | \ v \in (T_qQ)^\perp \ \text{and} \ \| v \| < \epsilon \}, \] where the norm is given by the fixed Riemannian metric. Since $Q$ is compact, for a sufficiently small $\epsilon$, the exponential is a diffeomorphism from $U_\epsilon$ to a neighborhood of $Q$ which we denote $\mathcal{M}_0$. We may define \[ \phi_t : \mathcal{M}_0 \to \mathcal{M}_0, \ \phi_t (\exp(q, v)) = \exp (q, tv), \ 0 \le t \le 1, \] which are diffeomorphisms onto their image, except for $\phi_0$, which collapses the tubular neighborhood onto $Q$. With that in mind, the vector fields \[ X_t = \frac{d}{dt} \phi_t \circ \phi_t^{-1} \] are correctly defined for $0 < t \le 1$ and their integral curves are $\phi_t$. Let $q \in Q$. We may find $V \supset \overline{U} \supset U \ni q$ small enough that $\omega_0$ and $\omega_1$ are nondegenerate, $\theta_0 = df_0$ and $\theta_1 = df_1$ on $V$; we choose $f_0$ and $f_1$ such that $f_0(q) = f_1(q)$. By our assumptions, \[ df_{0|TQ} = \theta_{0|TQ} = \theta_{1|TQ} = df_{1|TQ}, \] so $f_0 = f_1$ on $Q \cap V$. Consider the symplectic forms conformal to $\omega_0$ and $\omega_1$ on $V$: \begin{align*} \eta_0 &= e^{-f_0} \omega_0 \\ \eta_1 &= e^{-f_1} \omega_1. \end{align*} We can see from the above that $\eta_0$ and $\eta_1$ agree on $T_qM$ for every $q \in Q \cap V$. Let \[ W_\delta = \{ (q, v) \in (Q \cap U) \times TM \ | \ v \in (T_qQ)^\perp \ \text{and} \ \| v \| < \delta \}; \] for $\delta$ sufficiently small (and smaller than the $\epsilon$ determined previously for the entire $Q$), $\exp$ is a diffeomorphism from $W_\delta$ to its image, which we denote $\mathcal{N}$ (note that this is a neighborhood of $Q \cap U$, though not a tubular one, $\mathcal{N} \subset \mathcal{M}_0$ and $\phi_t(\mathcal{N}) \subset \mathcal{N}$). We may also assume, picking a smaller $\delta$ if necessary, that $\mathcal{N} \subset V$ (see the figure below). \begin{figure}[H] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{DarbouxWeinstein2.jpg} \end{figure} Denoting by $\tau := \eta_1 - \eta_0$, we have $\phi_0^* \tau = 0$ and obviously $\phi_1^* \tau = \tau$. Therefore \[ \tau = \int_0^1 \frac{d}{dt} \phi_t^* (\tau) dt = d \int_0^1 \phi_t^* (i_{X_t} \tau) dt; \] let $\rho_t := \phi_t^* (i_{X_t} \tau)$. Explicitly, \[ (\rho_t)_p (v) = \tau_{\phi_t(p)} (X_t (\phi_t(p)), \phi_{t*} (v) ) = \tau_{\phi_t(p)} (\frac{d}{dt} \phi_t(p), \phi_{t*} (v) ), \] which is correctly defined in $t = 0$. Observe that for $p = q \in Q$, since $\phi_t(q) = q$, we have $(\rho_t)_q = 0$. Taking \[ \sigma = \int_{0}^{1} \rho_t \ dt, \] we have obtained a one-form $\sigma$ on $\mathcal{N}$, null on $Q \cap U$, such that $\eta_1 - \eta_0 = d\sigma$. We now turn to the Moser Trick (\ref{thm:MoserTrick}) for the segment of forms $\eta_t = \eta_0 + t (\eta_1 - \eta_0)$, noticing that $\frac{d}{dt} \eta_t = d\sigma$. We may shrink the neighborhood and assume that $\omega_t$ are non-degenerate and that the integral curves obtained are defined on $[0,1]$. We thus get $\varphi : U_q \to U_q'$ (neighborhoods of $Q \cap U$) with $\varphi^* \eta_1 = \eta_0$ and $\varphi_{|Q \cap U} = id$. We conclude that \[ \omega_0 = e^{f_0} \eta_0 = e^{f_0} \varphi^* \eta_1 = e^{f_0 - f_1 \circ \varphi} \varphi^* \omega_1 \] on the neighborhood $U_q$ of $Q \cap U$. We have obtained the result we wanted locally on $Q$, by applying (essentially) the Darboux-Weinstein technique on patches of $Q$. Of course, we want the local diffeomorphisms that we have constructed, as well as the conformal factors, to agree on the intersections. This does not usually happen; however, in our case, having the benefit of having used a global instrument (namely, the metric on $M$), we will only need a brief overview of the facts to reach this conclusion. We can construct a cover $U_\alpha$ of $Q$ in $M$ such that: \begin{enumerate} \item $\theta_0 = df_0^\alpha$ and $\theta_1 = df_1^\alpha$ on $U_\alpha$; \item $f_0^\alpha = f_1^\alpha$ on $Q \cap U_\alpha$; \item We have the symplectic forms $\eta_0^\alpha = e^{-f_0^\alpha} \omega_0$ and $\eta_1^\alpha = e^{-f_1^\alpha} \omega_1$ on $U_\alpha$; \item There is a $1$-form $\sigma^\alpha$ on $U_\alpha$ with $d\sigma^\alpha = \eta_1^\alpha - \eta_0^\alpha$. More precisely, \[ \sigma^\alpha = \int_{0}^{1} \phi_t^* i_{X_t} (\eta_1^\alpha - \eta_0^\alpha) dt; \] \item The vector field $Y^\alpha_t$ on $U_\alpha$ is uniquely determined by the Moser Formula (\ref{eq:MoserFormula}): \begin{equation} \label{eq:Moser2} i_{Y^\alpha_t} \eta^\alpha_t = - \sigma^\alpha; \end{equation} where $\eta^\alpha_t = \eta^\alpha_0 + t (\eta^\alpha_1 - \eta^\alpha_0)$. \item Lastly, we have a diffeomorphism $\varphi^\alpha : U_\alpha \to U_\alpha'$ such that \begin{align*} \omega_0 &= e^{f_0^\alpha - f_1^\alpha \circ \varphi^\alpha} (\varphi^\alpha)^* \omega_1 \ \text{on} \ U_\alpha \\ \varphi^\alpha_{|U\alpha \cap Q} &= id, \end{align*} $\varphi^\alpha$ being the integral curve (at time $t = 1$) of $Y^\alpha_t$. \end{enumerate} Note that $\phi_t$ and $X_t$, being a byproduct of the chosen metric, \textbf{are independent of} $\mathbf{\alpha}$, varying only in domain in the above expressions. On $U_\alpha \cap U_\beta$, we have the following: firstly, since $df_0^\alpha = \theta_0 = df_0^\beta$, \[ f_0^\alpha = c_{\alpha \beta} + f_0^\beta. \] The same is true of the $f_1$-s: \[ f_1^\alpha = c'_{\alpha \beta} + f_1^\beta. \] However, since $f_0^\alpha = f_1^\alpha$ on $Q \cap U_\alpha$ and $f_0^\beta = f_1^\beta$ on $Q \cap U_\beta$, we conclude that $c_{\alpha \beta} = c'_{\alpha \beta}$. We then immediately get \begin{align*} \eta_0^\alpha &= e^{-c_{\alpha \beta}} \eta_0^\beta \\ \eta_1^\alpha &= e^{-c_{\alpha \beta}} \eta_1^\beta, \end{align*} so \[ \eta^\alpha_t = e^{-c_{\alpha \beta}} \eta^\beta_t \ \text{and} \ \sigma^\alpha = e^{-c_{\alpha \beta}} \sigma^\beta. \] We now see clearly from (\ref{eq:Moser2}) that, on $U_\alpha \cap U_\beta$, the vector fields $Y^\alpha_t$ and $Y^\beta_t$ satisfy the same formula, and must be equal. Then $\varphi^\alpha = \varphi^\beta$ on $U_\alpha \cap U_\beta$, and we can glue them to a global diffeomorphism \[ \varphi : \mathcal{N}_0 := \bigcup\limits_{\alpha} U_\alpha \to \mathcal{N}_1 := \bigcup\limits_{\alpha} U'_\alpha \] with $\varphi_{|Q} = id$ and \[ \omega_0 = e^{f_0^\alpha - f_1^\alpha \circ \varphi} \varphi^* \omega_1 \ \text{on} \ U_\alpha, \ \forall \alpha. \] However, it is clear now that the conformal factors are also equal on the intersections: \[ f_0^\alpha - f_1^\alpha \circ \varphi = c_{\alpha \beta} + f_0^\beta - (c_{\alpha \beta} + f_1^\beta) \circ \varphi = f_0^\beta - f_1^\beta \circ \varphi, \] and we have reached our conclusion. \end{proof} \medskip \begin{remark} \label{rem} The condition of equality on $T_qM$ of the two LCS forms might seem a bit restrictive. Nevertheless, there are a few cases where it may be lessened to equality on $TQ$, for instance if $Q$ is a point (where the conclusion is an easy consequence of the classical Darboux theorem) or if $Q$ is Lagragian for both $\omega_0$ and $\omega_1$. In the latter case, the proof in \cite[Theorem 8.4, pages 48-49]{daSilva} can be readily adapted to the LCS case, thus reducing the problem to \ref{thm:DarbouxWeinsteinLCS}. \end{remark} \section{An application} In the symplectic case, the last remark has as consequence the following theorem, describing any symplectic form around a Lagrangian submanifold in terms of the standard symplectic form on its cotangent bundle. We state the precise result below, due to Weinstein \cite[Theorem 6.1, pages 338-339]{weinstein}: \begin{theorem} \label{thm:WeinsteinTubular} Let $(M, \omega)$ be a symplectic manifold and $Q \subset M$ a compact Lagrangian submanifold. Then there exists a neighborhood $\mathcal{M}$ of $Q$, a neighborhood $\mathcal{N}$ of the zero section in $T^*Q$ and a diffeomorphism $\varphi: \mathcal{M} \to \mathcal{N}$ such that \[ \varphi^* \omega_0 = \omega, \] where $\omega_0$ is the standard symplectic form on $T^*Q$. \end{theorem} \medskip There is an analogue of this result in the LCS case, which uses the LCS structures of the cotangent bundle introduced by S. Haller and T. Rybicki in \cite{haller}: take $\theta$ a closed one-form on $Q$ and $\eta$ the Liouville form on $T^*Q$. Then it can be proven that \[ \omega_\theta = d \eta - \pi^* \theta \wedge \eta \] is LCS with the Lee form $\pi^* \theta$. It can also be easily seen that the zero section is then Lagrangian. Note that $\omega$ is globally conformally symplectic if and only if $\theta$ is exact. \medskip We can now state our extension of the previous theorem to LCS manifolds: \begin{theorem} \label{thm:WeinsteinTubularLCS} Let $(M, \omega)$ be an LCS manifold with Lee form $\theta$ and $Q \subset M$ a compact Lagrangian submanifold. Then there exists a neighborhood $\mathcal{M}$ of $Q$, a neighborhood $\mathcal{N}$ of the zero section in $T^*Q$ and a diffeomorphism $\varphi: \mathcal{M} \to \mathcal{N}$ such that \[ \varphi^* \omega_\theta = \omega, \] where $\omega_\theta$ is the LCS form described above. \end{theorem} \begin{proof}[\bf Proof] We first wish to transport the form $\omega_\theta$ from $T^*Q$ to a neighborhood of $Q$ in $M$. Fix a Riemannian metric on $M$; we then have a canonical isomorphism of vector bundles between $(TQ)^\perp$ and $T^*Q$, given by: \[ (TQ)^\perp \ni (q, v) \mapsto (q, w^*) \] \noindent where $w$ is uniquely found by $g(v, \cdot) = \omega (w, \cdot)$ and $w^* = g(w, \cdot)$ (the key point in this identification is the fact that $T_qQ$ is Lagrangian in $T_qM$ for each $q \in Q$). Furthermore, by means of the exponential map, a neighborhood of $Q$ in $M$ is diffeomorphic to a neighborhood of the zero section in $(TQ)^\perp$. Consequently, we can transport the form $\omega_\theta$ to a neighborhood $\mathcal{U}$ of $Q$. We need only remember that $Q$ is also Lagrangian for this new form and apply theorem \ref{thm:DarbouxWeinsteinLCS} in light of \ref{rem} to complete the proof. \end{proof}
\section{Introduction} In 1953 P.E. Rouse \cite{rouse1953} proposed a model to describe the dynamics of a polymer chain, which has become an important concept in polymer physics \cite{DoiEdwards,RubinsteinColby}. The Rouse model assumes the chain to be a sequence of Brownian beads. The beads are connected by entropic springs and immersed in a structureless medium which exerts on every bead two forces, a local random force and a local friction force. Both forces are linked by the fluctuation-dissipation theorem to ensure correct equilibrium properties \cite{DoiEdwards}. This bead-spring model thus considers only local interactions. Nonlocal interactions, such as hydrodynamic or excluded-volume forces between distant beads along the chain, are ignored. While this assumption is certainly not appropriate for dilute solution in good solvents, it may be valid in concentrated solutions or polymer melts, where both nonlocal interactions are expected to be screened \cite{DoiEdwards,RubinsteinColby}. In particular in polymer melts, the screening is supposed to extend down to the monomer level, implying that polymer conformations correspond to those of ideal random walks. Hence, it is generally believed that the Rouse theory provides, at long times and large length scales, a viable description of the conformational dynamics of polymer melts if entanglements with other chains, giving rise to reptation motion \cite{DoiEdwards,RubinsteinColby,McLeish_AdvPhys2002}, are not important. Experimental or computational scrutiny of the Rouse model has thus focused on the behavior of short chains in a melt (for review see e.g.\ \cite{McLeish_AdvPhys2002,PaulSmith_RPP2004}). These tests reveal that the Rouse model represents a good approximation, but quantitative agreement is hard to obtain. To explain the observed deviations there are, roughly speaking, two main ideas in the literature: additional intrachain contributions not accounted for by the theory (chain stiffness \cite{HarnauEtal:EPL1999,KrushevEtal_Macromolecules2002,BulacuGiessen:JCP2005}, local excluded volume effects \cite{KreerBaschnagel2001,MolinEtal:JPCM2006}, torsional transitions \cite{RichterMonkenbuschAllgeier1999,ArbeEtal:Macro2001,AllegraGanazzoli:Review1989}) and multi-chain effects which invalidate the phantom-chain-in-a-structureless-medium approach of the Rouse model \cite{PaulSmith_RPP2004}. In the present article, we provide further evidence for the latter point of view. However, there is one important respect in which the objective of our discussion is limited. The Rouse model is, in the first place, an attempt to describe dynamic features of polymer melts. Here we shall not be concerned with dynamics, but rather study, by theory and simulation, the initial (static) value of the correlation function of the Rouse modes. This initial value informs us about conformational properties of a chain in the melt, and clearly, an understanding of these equilibrium features is a prerequisite for an extension of the discussion to polymer dynamics. Our key point is that the conformational properties, even for very flexible chains, are more complex than commonly assumed because chains are not phantom chains, free of any interaction. In the melt, polymer segments of size $s$ ($s \gg 1$) experience an effective repulsion resulting from chain connectivity and incompressibility of the melt. This repulsion entails systematic deviations from `ideal' random-walk-like conformations and thus leads to a violation of the `Flory ideality hypothesis' \cite{flory2}, i.e.\ of a central concept of modern polymer physics. The consequences of these deviations have recently been explored in real (intrachain correlations \cite{WittmerEtal:PRL2004,WittmerEtal:PRE2007}) and reciprocal space (form factor \cite{WittmerEtal:EPL2007,BeckrichEtal:Macro2007}, collective structure factor \cite{SemenovObukhov:JPCM2005}). The purpose of the present work is to extend this discussion to the static Rouse modes. The outline of the article is as follows. We begin by presenting the simulation models and techniques used in this study (Section~\ref{sec:models}). Section~\ref{sec:rouse} compares predictions from phantom chain calculations to simulation results of polymer melts with full excluded volume interaction between the monomers. The comparison reveals systematic deviations between theory and simulation for the static correlation function of the Rouse modes. These deviations can be rationalized by a theory which accounts for corrections to chain ideality in polymer melts (Section~\ref{sec:fullexvol}). Section~\ref{sec:finiteoverlap} extends the previous discussion to the situation where the phantom chain limit is approached by gradually making the monomer-monomer interaction softer. Also this case can be understood by taking corrections to chain ideality into account. The final section (Section~\ref{sec:summary}) presents a brief synopsis of our results. \section{Simulation models and techniques} \label{sec:models} By computer simulations we examine polymer melts of two coarse-grained models \cite{BaschnagelWittmerMeyer:NIC_Review2004}, a bead-spring model and the bond fluctuation model. For both models we study a version which precludes monomer overlap (`hard monomers') and another one with finite energy penalty for monomer overlap (`soft monomers'). The latter version allows us to switch gradually from full monomer excluded volume interactions, the standard choice in simulations, to phantom chain behavior, the situation considered by the Rouse model. In the following we briefly describe the simulation models and techniques. Further details may be found in Refs. \cite{WittmerEtal:PRE2007,WittmerEtal:preprint2007}. \subsection{Bead-spring model} \subsubsection{Excluded volume chains} The bead-spring model (BSM) is derived from a model employed in simulations of polymer crystallization \cite{MeMu01,MeMu02,VettorelMeyer:JCTC2006,VettorelEtal:PRE2007}. It is characterized by two potentials: a harmonic bond potential, \begin{equation} U_\text{b}(r) = \frac{1}{2}k_\text{b} (r - \ensuremath{l}_\text{b})^2 \;, \label{eq:U_bond} \end{equation} where $k_\text{b} = 535.46 \, \ensuremath{k_\text{B}} T / \sigma_0^2$ and $\ensuremath{l}_\text{b} = 0.97234\, \sigma_0$, and a nonbonded 9--6 Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential \begin{equation} U_\text{nb}(r) = \left\{ \begin{matrix} \varepsilon_0 & \Big [\left(\frac{\sigma_0}{r}\right)^9 - \left(\frac{\sigma_0}{r}\right)^6 \Big] + C & & r \le r_\text{min} \;,\\ 0 & & & r > r_\text{min} \;, \\ \end{matrix} \right. \label{eq:U_mol} \end{equation} with $\varepsilon_0 = 1.511\ensuremath{k_\text{B}} T$. The LJ potential is truncated at its minimum, $r_\text{min} = (3/2)^{1/3} \, \sigma_0$, and shifted to zero by $C = 4 \varepsilon_0/27$. Intrachain and interchain interactions of nonbonded monomers are thus purely repulsive. The parameters of the bond potential are adjusted such that the average bond length $\ensuremath{l} \approx \ensuremath{l}_\text{b} = 0.97234\, \sigma_0$ at the monomer density $\rho = 0.84 \, \sigma_0^{-3}$ is very close to that of the standard Kremer-Grest model \cite{KremerGrest1990,AuhlEtal:2003}. In the following, we report all data in reduced units, that is, energies are measured in units of $\ensuremath{k_\text{B}} T$ (Boltzmann constant $\ensuremath{k_\text{B}} \equiv 1 $) and lengths in units of the monomer diameter $\sigma_0$. \subsubsection{From hard to soft monomers} \label{subsubsec:hard2soft} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics*[width=0.75\linewidth]{Unb_force_capping_sketch}\\[5mm] \includegraphics*[width=0.6\linewidth]{bfm_soft_monomers} \end{center} \caption{Illustration of the modeling of soft monomers for the BSM [panel (a)] and the BFM [panel (b)]. For the BSM a force capping with parameter $f_\text{c}=1.781$ is shown. This gives $r_\text{c} = 1.0535$ and an energy penalty for monomer overlap of $E=U_\text{nb}(r_\text{c}) + f_\text{c} r_\text{c} = 1.94$. For the BFM every doubly occupied lattice site is penalized by an energy cost of $E/8$ so that the energy penalty for full overlap of two monomers equals $E$.} \label{fig:sketch_softmonomers} \end{figure} Equations~\eqref{eq:U_bond} and \eqref{eq:U_mol} ensure that chains cannot cross each other and monomers are impenetrable (`hard monomers'). We `soften' these constraints by introducing a force capping through the following modification of the nonbonded interactions \begin{equation} U_\text{nb}^\text{fc}(r) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} U_\text{nb}(r_\text{c}) + f_\text{c} (r_\text{c} - r) & \quad 0\le r \le r_\text{c} \;,\\ U_\text{nb}(r) & \quad r > r_\text{c} \; . \end{array} \right. \label{eq:U_mol_fc} \end{equation} Here the `capping' distance $r_\text{c}$ is defined by the condition that the nonbonded force at $r_\text{c}$ has the prescribed value $f_\text{c}$, i.e.\ $-\ensuremath{\text{d}} U_\text{nb}(r)/\ensuremath{\text{d}} r |_{r=r_\text{c}} =f_\text{c}$. This definition implies that $r_\text{c}$ tends to 0 for $f_\text{c} \gg 1$ and to $r_\text{min}$ for $f_\text{c} \rightarrow 0$. (See \fref{fig:sketch_softmonomers}(a) for an illustration.) For distances smaller than $r_\text{c}$ \eref{eq:U_mol_fc} thus replaces the steep rise of $U_\text{nb}(r)$ by a much weaker linear increase, entailing a finite energy penalty $E=U_\text{nb}(r_\text{c}) + f_\text{c} r_\text{c}$ for two overlapping monomers ($r=0$). The smaller $f_\text{c}$, the softer the monomers. In particular, if $f_\text{c}=0$, we recover phantom chain behavior, i.e.\ $U_\text{nb}^\text{fc}(r) =0$, because $r_\text{c}$ then equals $r_\text{min}$ and $U_\text{nb}(r)$ vanishes for $r \geq r_\text{min}$. In this way, we also simulate two phantom chain models, a (generalized) freely-jointed chain (FJC) model characterized only by the bond potential of \eref{eq:U_bond}, and a (generalized) freely-rotating chain (FRC) model which, in addition to \eref{eq:U_bond}, also presents a potential for the bond angle $\theta$, \begin{equation} U_\text{ang}(\theta) = k_\theta \big [1 - \cos 2 (\theta - \theta_0) \big ] \;, \label{eq:U_angle} \end{equation} with $k_\theta = 10$ and $\theta_0 = 109^\circ$. For this potential we find that the average cosine of the bond angle is $\alpha = \langle \cos \theta \rangle = -0.320713 \approx \cos \theta_0 $. \subsubsection{Simulation aspects} With these models we perform molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at constant temperature $T=1$ (Langevin thermostat with friction constant $\gamma = 0.5$) and constant monomer density $\rho = 0.84$, the typical melt density of the Kremer-Grest model \cite{KremerGrest1990,AuhlEtal:2003}. The equations of motion are integrated by the Velocity-Verlet algorithm \cite{AllenTildesley}. For `hard' monomers we combine the MD with double-bridging Monte Carlo (MC) moves \cite{BaschnagelWittmerMeyer:NIC_Review2004,AuhlEtal:2003} to speed up the decorrelation of large-scale conformational features. As only few of these MC moves are accepted per unit time, this does not deteriorate the stability or accuracy of the MD. The MC moves, however, considerably improve the statistics for large chain lengths. For `soft' monomers only MD is used. We will discuss data for chain lengths (number of monomers per chain) $N=64$, 256, 512, and 1024, obtained from simulations of periodic systems of linear size $L \leq 62$. For $\rho=0.84$ these systems contain up to $196\,608$ monomers. \subsection{Bond fluctuation model} \subsubsection{Excluded volume chains} We also examine the three-dimensional bond fluctuation model (BFM) on a cubic lattice \cite{DeutschBinder:JCP1991,PaulEtal:JPII1991}. Each monomer occupies a cube of eight adjacent sites, the length of the bonds between connected monomers along a chain are allowed to fluctuate in the range from 2 to $\sqrt{10}$ lattice constants (the lattice constant will be the length unit in the following), and double occupancy of lattice sites is forbidden by a hard-core interaction between monomers. The system is athermal, the only control parameter being the monomer density $\rho$. Melt conditions are realized for $\rho = 0.5/8$, where half of the lattice sites are occupied \cite{PaulEtal:JPII1991}. We use periodic simulation boxes of linear dimension $L=256$ which contain $\rho L^3 \approx 10^6$ monomers. These large systems eliminate finite-size effects, even for the longest chain lengths studied ($256 \leq N \leq 8192$). The simulations are carried out by a mixture of local, slithering-snake, and double-bridging MC moves which allow us to equilibrate polymer melts with chain lengths up to $N=8192$ \cite{WittmerEtal:PRE2007}. \subsubsection{From hard to soft monomers} In analogy to the BSM we also study soft monomers by introducing a finite energy penalty $E/8$ for a doubly occupied lattice site (see \fref{fig:sketch_softmonomers}). This implies that full overlap between two monomers leads to an energy cost of $E$ (as for the BSM, cf.\ Section~\ref{subsubsec:hard2soft}). A local or slithering-snake move, leading to $N_\text{ov}$ double-occupancies, gives rise to a total energy $\ensuremath{{\cal H}} / \ensuremath{k_\text{B}} T = N_\text{ov} E/8$. With the energies of the final ($\ensuremath{{\cal H}}_\text{f}$) and initial configurations ($\ensuremath{{\cal H}}_\text{i}$) we accept the move according to the Metropolis criterion \cite{BaschnagelWittmerMeyer:NIC_Review2004,LandauBinder} with probability $\min ( 1, \exp[-(\ensuremath{{\cal H}}_\text{f} - \ensuremath{{\cal H}}_\text{i})/ \ensuremath{k_\text{B}} T])$. \section{Rouse model: predictions and observed deviations} \label{sec:rouse} The basic variables of the Rouse model are the Rouse modes $\vec{X}_p$. Here we introduce two definitions for $\vec{X}_p$, depending on whether we consider a discrete (simulation) model or a continuous (theoretical) model. For the discrete case let $\vec{r}_n$ be the position of monomer $n$ ($n=1,\ldots,N$). The Rouse modes are defined by \cite{Verdier1966} \begin{equation} \vec{X}_p = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=1}^N \vec{r}_n \cos\frac {(n-1/2)p\pi}{N} \label{eq:rousemodedis} \end{equation} with $p=0,\ldots,N-1$. In the continuum limit we will use the notation of Ref.~\cite{DoiEdwards} and write \begin{equation} \vec{X}_p = \frac{1}{N}\int_{0}^N \ensuremath{\text{d}} n\, \vec{r}(n) \cos\frac {np\pi}{N} \quad (p=0,1,2,\ldots) \; . \label{eq:rousemodecon} \end{equation} Here the monomer index $n$ is a continuous variable ranging from 0 to the total number of bonds $N$. Our analysis focuses on the static correlation functions of the Rouse modes $p$ and $q$. In the continuum limit these functions are given by \begin{eqnarray} \lefteqn{\ensuremath{C}_{pq} = \langle \vec{X}_p \cdot \vec{X}_q \rangle} \nonumber \\ & = & \frac{1}{N^2} \int_{0}^N \ensuremath{\text{d}} n \int_{0}^N \ensuremath{\text{d}} m \, \big \langle \vec{r}(n) \cdot \vec{r}(m) \big \rangle \cos\frac {np\pi}{N} \cos\frac {mq\pi}{N} \nonumber \\ & = & - \frac{1}{2N^2} \int_{0}^N \!\! \ensuremath{\text{d}} n \int_{0}^N \!\!\ensuremath{\text{d}} m \, \big \langle [\vec{r}(n) - \vec{r}(m) ]^2 \big \rangle \times \nonumber \\ & & \hspace*{45mm} \cos\frac {np\pi}{N} \cos\frac {mq\pi}{N} \;. \label{eq:rousecorr2} \end{eqnarray} In dense melts it is commonly assumed that intrachain and interchain excluded volume interactions compensate each other down to the scale of a monomer \cite{DoiEdwards} so that a mean-field picture should apply. Static equilibrium features can be obtained by treating the polymer liquid as an ensemble of independent chains displaying ideal random-walk-like conformations. If this was true, single-chain models, i.e.\ phantom chains, should suffice to fully describe chain conformations. For (some) phantom chain models, the correlation function of the discrete Rouse modes can be calculated. Therefore, it should be possible to predict, say, the $p$-dependence of the diagonal elements of the simulated Rouse mode matrix, $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$, from an appropriate phantom chain model. In the following we want to provide evidence against this expectation. The simplest phantom chain model is a freely-jointed chain (FJC) model. For the FJC model the result for $\ensuremath{C}_{pq}$, obtained with the discrete Rouse modes [\eref{eq:rousemodedis}], reads (see e.g.\ \cite{Verdier1966}) \begin{multline} \ensuremath{C}_{pq} = \delta_{pq}\, \frac{\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2}{8N}\left[\frac{1}{ \sin (p\pi/2N)}\right]^{2} \\ \xrightarrow{p/N \ll 1} \; \delta_{pq}\, \frac{1}{2\pi^2} \frac{N\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2}{p^2} \qquad (\mbox{for $p>0$}) \;. \label{eq:rousecorrRW} \end{multline} The limit $p/N \ll 1$ coincides with the result obtained for the continuum model \cite{DoiEdwards}. In \eref{eq:rousecorrRW} $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}$ denotes the effective bond length defined by $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2 = \ensuremath{R_\text{e}}^2/N$ from the end-to-end distance $\ensuremath{R_\text{e}}$ of asymptotically long chains \cite{DoiEdwards}. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics*[width=1.0\linewidth]{Cpp_BSM+BFM_allN} \end{center} \caption{Correlation function of the Rouse modes $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$ versus $p/N$ for the BSM (left ordinate) and the BFM (right ordinate). All simulation results shown refer to chains with full excluded volume between the monomers. Following \eref{eq:rousecorrRW} the ordinate is scaled by $8N/\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2$ (BSM: $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}=1.338$, BFM: $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}=3.244$ \cite{WittmerEtal:PRE2007}). The solid lines indicate the predictions of the FJC model [\eref{eq:rousecorrRW}].} \label{fig:BSM+BFM_rawdata} \end{figure} \Fref{fig:BSM+BFM_rawdata} compares \eref{eq:rousecorrRW} to simulation data for excluded volume chains of the BSM and the BFM. The data for all chain lengths collapse onto a common curve which appears to agree well with $[\sin(p\pi/2N) ]^{-2}$, if $p/N \lesssim 0.01$. (In fact, the agreement is not as good as it seems; we return to this point below.) For larger $p/N$, however, deviations occur. The FJC model overestimates the correlation, especially for $p/N \gtrsim 0.1$. In \cite{KreerBaschnagel2001} and more recently also in \cite{MolinEtal:JPCM2006} it was argued that these modes are dominated by the microstructure of the simulated chain model. For instance, $p/N \gtrsim 0.3$ corresponds to subunits of a trimer and smaller. On these local scales, the fact that the repulsive monomer interactions of the BSM and the BFM avoid immediate backfolding of the chain and thus confer some intrinsic stiffness to the polymer should be taken into account. The simplest way to achieve this consists in replacing the FJC by a (generalized) freely-rotating chain (FRC). One can introduce the bond angle as a further degree of freedom and still carry out the summation to determine $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$. For $N \gg 1$ the result reads \cite{KreerBaschnagel2001} \begin{multline} \frac{8N}{\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2} \ensuremath{C}_{pp} = \left[\frac{1}{\sin (p\pi/2N)}\right]^{2} + \\ \frac{4 \alpha}{1+2\alpha\cos(p\pi/N)+ \alpha^2} \; , \label{eq:rousecorrGFRC} \end{multline} where $\alpha = \langle \cos \theta \rangle$. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics*[width=0.9\linewidth]{Cpp_BSMphantom_N256+1024} \end{center} \caption{Correlation function of the Rouse modes $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$ versus $p/N$ for BSM phantom chains (FJCs and FRCs, cf.\ Section~\ref{subsubsec:hard2soft}) of lengths $N=256$ and $N=1024$. $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$ is scaled by $2(\pi p)^2/N$ so that the ordinate tends to $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2$ for $p/N \rightarrow 0$. The simulation results for FJCs and FRCs are compared to Eqs.~\eqref{eq:rousecorrRW} and \eqref{eq:rousecorrGFRC}, respectively. These comparisons utilize the following parameters: for FJCs, $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2 = 0.9532$ and for FRCs, $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2 = C_\infty \times 0.9532$, where the characteristic ratio is given by $C_\infty =(1-\alpha)/(1+ \alpha)$ (with $\alpha = -0.320713$). The values of $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}$ and $\alpha$ are determined in the simulation. } \label{fig:phantomchains} \end{figure} \Fref{fig:phantomchains} shows that Eqs.~\eqref{eq:rousecorrRW} and \eqref{eq:rousecorrGFRC} agree respectively with the simulation results for the corresponding phantom chain models. However, they do not for the full-excluded-volume chains in the melt. This is demonstrated in \fref{fig:BSM+BFM_rawdata} for the FJC model and in \fref{fig:BSMchains} for the FRC model. To emphasize the differences between the numerical results and FRC prediction the simulation data are divided by the asymptotic behavior expected (and found) for $p/N \ll 1$ [\eref{eq:rousecorrRW}]. With increasing $p/N$, the simulation data show a continuous depression, which is not reproduced by the FRC model. (The FJC model has not even a minimum; cf. \fref{fig:phantomchains}.) This depression is, however, compatible with a theory that accounts for the impact of residual excluded volume interactions in the melt. We will sketch this theory in the next section. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics*[width=0.9\linewidth]{CppBSM_scaled_by_asymptotic_vs_p_over_N} \includegraphics*[width=0.9\linewidth]{CppBFM_scaled_by_asymptotic_vs_p_over_N} \end{center} \caption{Upper panel: Correlation function of the Rouse modes $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$ versus $p/N$ for BSM excluded volume chains. $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$ is scaled by $2(\pi p)^2/N\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2$ so that the ordinate tends to $1$ for $p/N \rightarrow 0$ ($\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}=1.338$ \cite{WittmerEtal:PRE2007}). The solid line presents \eref{eq:rousecorr_long_range} with parameters from Table~\ref{tab:BSM}. The dashed line indicates the prediction of the FRC model, \eref{eq:rousecorrGFRC}, with $\alpha=-0.1948$ (measured in the simulation). Lower panel: Same as in the upper panel, but for BFM excluded volume chains with $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}=3.244$ (Table~\ref{tab:BSM}) and $\alpha=- 0.1055$ (measured in the simulation).} \label{fig:BSMchains} \end{figure} \section{Static Rouse mode correlations: corrections to chain ideality} \label{sec:fullexvol} By means of the random-phase approximation (RPA) Edwards derived the pair potential between two monomers in a dense, three-dimensional multi-chain system of asymptotically long chains \cite{DoiEdwards,Edwards_JPhysA1975}, \begin{equation} \widetilde{v}(r) = v \left (\delta(r) - \frac{\exp(-r/\xi)}{4\pi r \xi^2} \right ) \;. \label{eq:edwardspot} \end{equation} This potential consists of two terms. The first term represents the bare repulsive interaction between two monomers. It is of very short range and characterized by the excluded volume parameter $v$. The latter is related to the compressibility of the multi-chain system [see \eref{eq:fcap3}]. The second term in \eref{eq:edwardspot} results from the repulsion of all monomers in the system whose compound effect is to attenuate the bare interaction between the tagged monomer pair. It is of range $\xi$, where $\xi = b/ (12 \rho v)^{1/2}$ is the (Edwards) correlation length of collective density fluctuations, and $b$ denotes the effective bond length of an ideal polymer chain with all interactions switched off ($v=0$). In a dense (three-dimensional \cite{SemenovJohner2003}) system we expect both terms to nearly compensate each other and $\widetilde{v}(r)$ to be small. This suggests that a first-order perturbation calculation should be appropriate to explore the influence of $\widetilde{v}(r)$ on the conformational properties of a polymer melt. Following \eref{eq:rousecorr2} $\ensuremath{C}_{pq}$ can be obtained from the mean-square end-to-end distance between monomers $n$ and $m$, $\langle [\vec{r}_n - \vec{r}_m ]^2 \rangle$. For $\langle [\vec{r}_n - \vec{r}_m ]^2 \rangle$ the perturbation calculation has been carried out. The result for infinitely long chains reads ($s=n-m$) \cite{WittmerEtal:PRE2007} \begin{equation} \ensuremath{R_\text{e}}^2(s) = \ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2 \Big [|s| - \ensuremath{c_\text{e}} \sqrt{|s|}\Big ]\,, \quad \ensuremath{c_\text{e}} = \sqrt{\frac{24}{\pi^3}} \, \frac{1}{\rho \ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^3}\;. \label{eq:lr1} \end{equation} We see that $\widetilde{v}(r)$ corrects the result for ideal chains, $\ensuremath{R_\text{e}}^2(s) = b^2 s$, in two ways. It increases the effective bond length from $b$ to $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}$, as already predicted by Edwards \cite{DoiEdwards}, and leads to a swelling of the internal distance between two monomers due to the second term $ - \ensuremath{c_\text{e}}\sqrt{s}$. (We refer to $\ensuremath{c_\text{e}}$ as `swelling factor' in the following.) This swelling is responsable for the deviations of $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$ from the ideal behavior (cf.\ \fref{fig:BSMchains}), as we will demonstrate now. $\ensuremath{R_\text{e}}^2(s)$ depends only on the absolute value of the curvilinear distance $s$. Thus, we first rewrite \eref{eq:rousecorr2} as \begin{eqnarray} \lefteqn{\ensuremath{C}_{pq}} \nonumber \\ & = & - \frac{1}{2N^2} \int_{0}^N \ensuremath{\text{d}} n \int_{0}^N \ensuremath{\text{d}} m \, \ensuremath{R_\text{e}}^2(|n - m|) \cos\frac {np\pi}{N} \cos\frac {mq\pi}{N} \nonumber \\ & = & - \frac{1 + (-1)^{p+q}}{2N^2} \int_{0}^N \ensuremath{\text{d}} n \int_{0}^n \ensuremath{\text{d}} m \, \ensuremath{R_\text{e}}^2(n - m) \times \nonumber \\ & & \hspace*{45mm} \cos\frac {np\pi}{N} \cos\frac {mq\pi}{N} \;, \label{eq:lr2} \end{eqnarray} and then insert \eref{eq:lr1} into \eref{eq:lr2}. The first term of \eref{eq:lr1} will yield the result for ideal chains, i.e.\ \eref{eq:rousecorrRW} in the limit $p/N \ll 1$. The second term of \eref{eq:lr1} will modify \eref{eq:rousecorrRW} in two respects: (i) it provides a correction to ideal chain behavior (i.e.\ to the diagonal terms of $\ensuremath{C}_{pq}$), (ii) the Rouse modes are not diagonal any longer. To substantiate these expectations we have to calculate the integral: \begin{equation} I_{pq} = \int_{0}^N \ensuremath{\text{d}} n \int_{0}^n \ensuremath{\text{d}} m \, \sqrt{n-m} \cos\frac {np\pi}{N} \cos\frac {mq\pi}{N} \;. \label{eq:lr3} \end{equation} Substituting $s=n-m$ and integration by parts gives \begin{multline} I_{pq} = - \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}\pi} \bigg(\frac{N}{q}\bigg)^{3/2} \int_{0}^N \ensuremath{\text{d}} s \cos\frac {sp\pi}{N} \\ \bigg \{\cos\frac {sq\pi}{N} S\bigg(\sqrt{\frac {sq\pi}{N}}\bigg) - \sin\frac {sq\pi}{N} C\bigg(\sqrt{\frac {sq\pi}{N}}\bigg) \bigg \} \;, \label{eq:lr4} \end{multline} where $S(\sqrt{x})$ and $C(\sqrt{x})$ are the Fresnel integrals \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} S(\sqrt{x}) & = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int_0^x \ensuremath{\text{d}} y \, \frac{\sin y}{\sqrt{y}} \;, \\ C(\sqrt{x}) & = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int_0^x \ensuremath{\text{d}} y \, \frac{\cos y}{\sqrt{y}} \;. \end{aligned} \label{eq:lr5} \end{equation} For the term in curly braces in \eref{eq:lr4} we may use the expression \begin{multline} \cos\frac {sq\pi}{N} S\bigg(\sqrt{\frac {sq\pi}{N}}\bigg) - \sin\frac {sq\pi}{N} C\bigg(\sqrt{\frac {sq\pi}{N}}\bigg) =\\ \frac 12 \bigg [\cos\frac {sq\pi}{N} - \underline{\sin\frac {sq\pi}{N}} \bigg ] - \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}} \int_0^\infty \ensuremath{\text{d}} t \, \ensuremath{\operatorname{e}}^{-2 \sqrt{\frac{sq\pi}{N}}\,t} \cos t^2 \;. \label{eq:lr6} \end{multline} This expression is helpful because the underlined term vanishes upon integration over $s$, whereas the other two terms provide the expected corrections to ideal behavior: the cosine term amends the diagonal components and the third term of \eref{eq:lr6} makes the Rouse modes nondiagonal. Putting these results together we find (for $p,q > 0$) \begin{align} \ensuremath{C}_{pq} & = \frac{1}{2\pi^2} \frac{\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2}{N} \bigg (\frac{N}{p}\bigg)^2 \delta_{pq} \quad (\mbox{ideal}) \nonumber \\ & - \frac{1}{2\pi^2} \frac{\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2}{N} \, \frac{\pi \ensuremath{c_\text{e}}}{\sqrt{8}} \bigg (\frac{N}{q}\bigg)^{\frac{3}{2}} \bigg \{\delta_{pq} - \underline{\frac{[1 + (-1)^{p+q}] \sqrt{8}}{\pi^{3/2}p} \, \times} \nonumber \\ & \hspace*{5mm} \underline{\int_0^{p\pi} \ensuremath{\text{d}} x \cos x \int_0^\infty \ensuremath{\text{d}} t \, \ensuremath{\operatorname{e}}^{-2 \sqrt{\frac{q}{p}\,x} \, t} \cos t^2} \bigg \} \;. \label{eq:lr7} \end{align} If we now approximate the integral of the underlined term by replacing the upper bound $p\pi$ by $\infty$, we obtain \begin{multline} \int_0^{\infty} \ensuremath{\text{d}} x \cos x \int_0^\infty \ensuremath{\text{d}} t \, \ensuremath{\operatorname{e}}^{-2 \sqrt{\frac{q}{p}\,x} \, t} \cos t^2 \\ \begin{aligned} & = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{8}} \, \frac{q/p}{[(q/p) + 1][\sqrt{q/p} + 1]} \\ & = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{8}} \, q^{3/2}p \; \frac{p^{-1/2} - q^{-1/2} }{q^2-p^2} \;, \end{aligned} \label{eq:lr8} \end{multline} and the underlined term vanishes in the limit $p \rightarrow \infty$. This approximation suggests the Rouse modes to remain essentially diagonal despite of excluded volume interactions. Indeed, numerical analysis of the theoretical result and inspection of the simulation data reveal that the nondiagonal terms $\ensuremath{C}_{pq}$ are smaller than the self-correlation $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$ by at least two orders of magnitude. The small values of $\ensuremath{C}_{pq}$ make it difficult to separate signal from noise in the simulation. However, the results are still indicative of the parity property predicted by \eref{eq:lr7}: modes with `$p+q=$ odd' vanish, while those with `$p+q=$ even' are finite. This parity is a consequence of the translational invariance---$\ensuremath{R_\text{e}}$ depends only on $|s|$---of the chain which we assumed to be infinitely long in \eref{eq:lr1}. A more quantitative analysis of the cross correlations requires improvement of the numerical precision and perhaps refinement of the theory. Two refinements are envisageable: It is possible to relax the approximation `$p=\infty$' in the underlined integral of \eref{eq:lr7} and along with that, to also account for finite-$N$ effects (the latter has been done before in the discussion of the form factor \cite{BeckrichEtal:Macro2007}). We plan to work on both aspects---improvement of numerical precision in the simulation and refinement of the theory---in the future. Here we continue with the approximation `$p=\infty$' and examine its consequences. For the diagonal Rouse modes we find \begin{equation} \ensuremath{C}_{pp} = \frac{N\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2}{2(\pi p)^2} \bigg [ 1 - \frac{\pi}{\sqrt{8}} \, \ensuremath{c_\text{e}} \, \sqrt{\frac{p}{N}}\, \bigg ] \qquad (\mbox{for $p>0$}) \; . \label{eq:rousecorr_long_range} \end{equation} \begin{table} \caption{\label{tab:BSM}Survey of BSM and BFM parameters for systems with variable monomer overlap. $E$ is the energy penalty for full monomer overlap. $g$ and $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}(\ensuremath{g})$ denote respectively the number of monomers in the blob and the statistical segment length. $\ensuremath{c_1}$ is the empirical swelling factor discussed in \cite{WittmerEtal:PRE2007}. For the BSM we take $\ensuremath{c_1} = 1.3 \ensuremath{c_\text{e}}$ and for the BFM, $\ensuremath{c_1} = \ensuremath{c_\text{e}}$ [$\ensuremath{c_\text{e}}$ is defined in \eref{eq:lr1}].} \begin{center} {\scriptsize \begin{tabular}{cccc|cccc} \hline \hline\\[-2mm] \multicolumn{4}{c|}{BSM} & \multicolumn{4}{|c}{BFM} \\ \hline\\[-2mm] $E$ & $\ensuremath{g}$ & $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}(\ensuremath{g})$ & $\ensuremath{c_1}$ & $E$ & $\ensuremath{g}$ & $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}(\ensuremath{g})$ & $\ensuremath{c_1}$ \\[1mm] \hline \hline\\[-2mm] $\infty$ & 0.08 & 1.338 & 0.564 & $\infty$ & 0.246 & 3.244 & 0.412 \\ 4.68 & 0.23 & 1.306 & 0.607 & 3 & 0.85 & 3.213 & 0.424 \\ 1.94 & 0.51 & 1.274 & 0.654 & 0.5 & 4.43 & 3.055 & 0.494 \\ 0.5 & 1.83 & 1.208 & 0.767 & 0.1 & 20 & 2.917 & 0.567 \\ 0.1 & 9 & 1.129 & 0.939 & 0.01 & 200 & 2.795 & 0.645 \\ 0.02 & 45 & 1.073 & 1.094 & 0.001 & 2000 & 2.740 & 0.679 \\[1mm] \hline \hline \end{tabular} } \end{center} \end{table} This result is compared to the simulation data of the BSM and the BFM in \fref{fig:BSMchains}. For this comparison we used the empirical swelling factors $\ensuremath{c_1}$ determined earlier in an analysis of the segmental size distribution in polymer melts \cite{WittmerEtal:PRE2007}. This analysis revealed that $\ensuremath{c_1}$ agrees with the theoretical value $\ensuremath{c_\text{e}}$ for the BFM, while for the BFM, a slightly larger value had to be used, $\ensuremath{c_1} = 1.3 \ensuremath{c_\text{e}}$ (Table~\ref{tab:BSM}). Here we adopt these values so that the comparison between theory and simulation contains no further adjustable parameter. \Fref{fig:BSMchains} demonstrates that the theory can indeed account for the systematic depression of $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$ below the ideal asymptote, if $p/N \lesssim 0.1$. On the other hand, the behavior of $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$ for larger values of $p/N$ and in particular the upturn for $p \rightarrow N$ cannot be described because such large modes should be strongly influenced by the microstructure of the polymer model, which is not treated correctly by the present theory. \section{Chains with variable monomer overlap} \label{sec:finiteoverlap} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics*[width=1.\linewidth]{CppBSM_softmonomers_scaled_by_asymptotic_vs_p_over_N} \end{center} \caption{$\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$ versus $p/N$ for hard ($E=\infty$) and soft (finite values for $E$) monomers from BSM simulations for $N=256$. The smaller the value of the overlap energy $E$, the softer the monomers (see Sec.~\ref{sec:models}).} \label{fig:diag_rouse_forcecap_rawdata} \end{figure} In section~\ref{sec:rouse} we found that phantom chain models are not capable of describing conformational properties of flexible polymers in a melt by comparing simulation data for excluded volume chains to phantom chain calculations. The simulation provides a further means to support this conclusion. One can vary the strength of the repulsive interaction between two monomers. \Fref{fig:diag_rouse_forcecap_rawdata} exemplifies the results of such an analysis for the BSM. The figure depicts $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$ for chains with full excluded volume ($E=\infty$) and with finite energy penalty $E$ for monomer overlap. Obviously, the $p$-dependence of $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$ qualitatively changes with $E$. As the monomers become softer with decreasing $E$, the curvature of $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$ for $p/N \lesssim 0.1$, observed for the excluded volume chains, progressively vanishes. This clearly demonstrates that this feature is determined by the strength of monomer repulsion in the melt. It is possible to rationalize these findings by an extension of the perturbation theory of Section~\ref{sec:fullexvol} to soft monomers. \subsection{Internal distances for finite monomer overlap} To calculate $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$ we begin, as before, by determining $\ensuremath{R_\text{e}}^2(s)$ first. Quite generally, $\ensuremath{R_\text{e}}^2(s)$ is related to the bond correlation function \begin{equation} P_1(|n-m|) = \bigg \langle \frac{\partial \vec{r}(n)}{\partial n} \cdot \frac{\partial \vec{r}(m)}{\partial m} \bigg \rangle \; \label{eq:fcap0} \end{equation} by \begin{align} \ensuremath{R_\text{e}}^2(s) & = \int_0^s \ensuremath{\text{d}} n \int_0^s \ensuremath{\text{d}} m \, \bigg \langle \frac{\partial \vec{r}(n)}{\partial n} \cdot \frac{\partial \vec{r}(m)}{\partial m} \bigg \rangle \nonumber \\ & = 2 \ensuremath{l}^2 s \int_0^s \ensuremath{\text{d}} t \,\Big [ 1 - \frac{t}{s} \Big ] P_1(t) \;, \label{eq:fcap1} \end{align} where $\ensuremath{l}$ is the average bond length. For monomers with different degree of softness the expression for $P_1(s)$ has recently been obtained from first-order perturbation theory. It reads \cite{WittmerEtal:preprint2007} \begin{equation} P_1(x) = \frac{4 \sqrt{\pi} \ensuremath{c_\text{P}}(\ensuremath{g})}{\ensuremath{g}^{3/2}} \bigg [ \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi x}} - \sqrt{2} \ensuremath{\operatorname{e}}^{2x} \operatorname{erfc}\big( \sqrt{2x} \big) \bigg ] \;, \label{eq:fcap4} \end{equation} where \begin{equation} \ensuremath{c_\text{P}}(\ensuremath{g}) = \frac{1}{8} \, \ensuremath{c_\text{e}}(\ensuremath{g}) \, \bigg (\frac{\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}(\ensuremath{g})}{\ensuremath{l}(\ensuremath{g})} \bigg)^2 \;, \label{eq:fcap2a} \end{equation} $\ensuremath{c_\text{e}}(\ensuremath{g})$ is given by \eref{eq:lr1} with $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}=\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}(\ensuremath{g})$, `$\operatorname{erfc}$' is the complementary error function, $x=s/\ensuremath{g}$, and $\ensuremath{g}$ is the number of monomers in a blob. (We will comment on the blob after \eref{eq:fcap6}.) $\ensuremath{g}$ is related to the correlation length $\xi$ and the effective bond length $b$ of an unperturbed ideal chain via \cite{WittmerEtal:preprint2007} \begin{equation} \ensuremath{g} = 12 \bigg (\frac{\xi}{b} \bigg )^2 = \frac{1}{v\rho} = S(q\rightarrow 0) \; , \label{eq:fcap3} \end{equation} where $S(q)$ is the collective structure factor of the polymer melt. Inserting \eref{eq:fcap4} into \eref{eq:fcap1} we obtain \begin{eqnarray} \lefteqn{1 - \frac{\ensuremath{R_\text{e}}^2(s,g)}{\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2(g) s} =} \nonumber \\ & & \frac{\ensuremath{c_\text{e}}(\ensuremath{g})}{\sqrt{\ensuremath{g}}} \left [ \frac{1}{\sqrt{x}} - \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{8}}\, \frac{1}{x} \Big \{ 1- \ensuremath{\operatorname{e}}^{2x} \operatorname{erfc}\big( \sqrt{2x} \big) \Big \} \right ] \; . \label{eq:fcap5} \end{eqnarray} \Eref{eq:fcap5} has the following asymptotic behavior \begin{multline} \frac{\sqrt{\ensuremath{g}}}{\ensuremath{c_\text{e}}(\ensuremath{g})}\bigg [1- \frac{\ensuremath{R_\text{e}}^2(s,\ensuremath{g})}{\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2(\ensuremath{g})s} \bigg ]\\ \simeq \begin{cases} \sqrt{\frac{\displaystyle \pi}{\displaystyle 2}} \left (1 - \frac{\displaystyle 2^{5/2}}{\displaystyle 3\pi^{1/2}} \sqrt{x} \right) & \text{for $x \ll 1$} \;, \\[2mm] \frac{\displaystyle 1}{\displaystyle \sqrt{x}} & \text{for $x \gg 1$} \;. \end{cases} \label{eq:fcap6} \end{multline} Here we return to the comment mentioned above. Softening of the monomer repulsion introduces the blob size $\ensuremath{g}$ as a new parameter, and the situation becomes similar to that of semidilute solutions in good solvent. Inside the blob chain segments behave as if they were in dilute solution. They do not see their neighbors and are slightly swollen. Since the monomer-monomer repulsion is weak, we find for $x \ll 1$ that the swelling takes the form of a first-order Fixman expansion, familiar from the study of excluded volume effects in dilute solutions close to the theta point \cite{DoiEdwards,RubinsteinColby}. For large $x$---that is, for chain segments much bigger than the blob size---\eref{eq:fcap5} gives back \eref{eq:lr1}. On such large scales the polymer system behaves like a dense melt of blob chains which repel each other. Hence, the swelling of internal distances is the same as that of chains whose monomers have full excluded interaction. To compare simulation and theory we have to determine the swelling factor and the blob size. The blob size was obtained from the low-$q$ limit of $S(q)$ [cf.\ \eref{eq:fcap3}]. For large $E$ this limit can be read off reliably from the simulation data. For the weakest energy penalties, however, $S(q)$ does not reach a plateau for the smallest $q$-values studied. Here we determined $g$ by fitting $S(q)$ to the RPA formula $S(q)^{-1} = g^{-1} + \ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2(g) q^2/12$ \cite{DoiEdwards}. The resulting blob sizes have thus larger error bars than those for large $E$. The fit to the RPA formula also yields an estimate for $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}(g)$. This estimate can be crosschecked and optimized when determining the swelling factors. For the swelling factors we adopt the result found previously---that is, $\ensuremath{c_1}=\ensuremath{c_\text{e}}$ for the BFM and $\ensuremath{c_1}=1.3\ensuremath{c_\text{e}}$ for the BSM---but allow $\ensuremath{c_1}$ to depend on $\ensuremath{g}$ via $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}$. For small $\ensuremath{g}$, i.e.\ weak to vanishing monomer overlap, $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2(\ensuremath{g})$ may be obtained fairly reliably by fitting the asymptotic behavior for $x \gg 1$ to the simulation data for $\ensuremath{R_\text{e}}^2(s,\ensuremath{g})$ \cite{WittmerEtal:PRE2007}. For large $\ensuremath{g}$, this fitting procedure is more problematic because one has to choose the fit interval, and it is hard to find an extended regime (of intermediate $x$ values) where the simulation and theoretical curves have the same shape. The results for $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2(\ensuremath{g})$ were thus obtained by a two-step procedure: First, \eref{eq:fcap5} was fitted to $\ensuremath{R_\text{e}}^2(s,\ensuremath{g})$. Then, the fit result for $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2(\ensuremath{g})$ was optimized in such a way that it yields a good data collapse in \fref{fig:odfintra_and_r2s_N256_forcecap} and that the resulting master curve is close to the theoretical prediction, \eref{eq:fcap5}. The so-obtained values for $g$ and $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2(g)$ are collected in Table~\ref{tab:BSM}. In \fref{fig:odfintra_and_r2s_N256_forcecap} we compare Eqs.~\eqref{eq:fcap5} and \eqref{eq:fcap6} with the numerical results from the BSM and the BFM for various values of the energy penalty $E$. The figure demonstrates that there is good agreement between theory and simulation, perhaps with the exception of the smallest $E$-values. However, here the numerical uncertainties for $g$ and $\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}$ are largest. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics*[width=0.9\linewidth]{r2nBSM_softmonomers_scaled_vs_p_times_g} \includegraphics*[width=0.9\linewidth]{r2nBFM_softmonomers_scaled_vs_p_times_g} \end{center} \caption{Scaling plot of $\ensuremath{R_\text{e}}^2(s)$, as suggested by \eref{eq:fcap5}, for monomers of different softness. The upper panel depicts BSM data for $N=256$, the lower panel shows BFM data for $N=2048$. The dashed line indicates \eref{eq:fcap5}. The solid lines show the asymptotic behavior from \eref{eq:fcap6} for small and large $x=s/g$. The values used to scale the axes may be found in Table~\ref{tab:BSM}.} \label{fig:odfintra_and_r2s_N256_forcecap} \end{figure} \subsection{Rouse modes for finite monomer overlap} The result for the mean-square internal end-to-end distance may be inserted into \eref{eq:rousecorr2} to derive a scaling prediction for the correlation function of the Rouse modes. We find for the diagonal elements of the Rouse mode matrix the following expression (again in the limit $p \rightarrow \infty$, see approximation in \eref{eq:lr8} for comparison) \begin{multline} \frac{2(\pi p)^2}{N \ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2(\ensuremath{g})} \ensuremath{C}_{pp} - 1 = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2}}\, \frac{\ensuremath{c_\text{e}}(\ensuremath{g})}{\sqrt{\ensuremath{g}}} \, \bigg \{ \frac{1}{1 + 4/(\pi x)^2} \, \times \\ \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi x}} \bigg [ 1 - \sqrt{\pi x} + \frac \pi 2 \,x \bigg ] - \frac 12 \, \sqrt{\pi x} \bigg \} \; , \label{eq:fcap7} \end{multline} where $x=gp/N$. This equation has the following asymptotic behavior \begin{multline} \frac{\displaystyle \sqrt{\ensuremath{g}}}{\displaystyle \ensuremath{c_\text{e}}(\ensuremath{g})} \bigg [\frac{2(\pi p)^2}{N\ensuremath{b_\text{e}}^2(\ensuremath{g})} \ensuremath{C}_{pp} - 1 \bigg ]\\ \simeq \begin{cases} - \frac{\displaystyle \pi }{\displaystyle \sqrt{8}} \, \sqrt{x} & \text{for $x \ll 1$} \;, \\[4mm] \sqrt{\frac{\displaystyle \pi}{\displaystyle 2}} \, \Big [- 1 + 1/\sqrt{\pi x} \Big ] & \text{for $x \gg 1$} \;. \end{cases} \label{eq:fcap8} \end{multline} Equations~\eqref{eq:fcap7} and \eqref{eq:fcap8} are compared to BSM and BFM data in \fref{fig:diag_rouse_N256_forcecap}. The agreement between theory and simulation is of similar quality as in \fref{fig:odfintra_and_r2s_N256_forcecap}. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics*[width=0.9\linewidth]{CppBSM_softmonomers_scaled_vs_p_times_g} \includegraphics*[width=0.9\linewidth]{CppBFM_softmonomers_scaled_vs_p_times_g} \end{center} \caption{Scaling plot of $\ensuremath{C}_{pp}$, as suggested by \eref{eq:fcap7}, for monomers of different softness. The upper panel depicts BSM data for $N=256$, the lower panel shows BFM data for $N=2048$. The dashed line indicates \eref{eq:fcap7}. The solid lines show the asymptotic behavior from \eref{eq:fcap8} for small and large $x=gp/N$. The values to scale the axes are given in Table~\ref{tab:BSM}. } \label{fig:diag_rouse_N256_forcecap} \end{figure} \section{Summary} \label{sec:summary} The simulation models studied in this work have very flexible chains in common. As chain stiffness effects are reduced to a minimum---they only come in due to the avoidance of immediate chain backfolding---one should expect ideal chain behavior to appear clearly. We demonstrated that, even under these favorable circumstances, the assumption of chain ideality on all length scales down to the monomer size does not hold. The correlation function of the Rouse modes displays systematic deviations from the $(p/N)^{-2}$ scaling expected for ideal chains. Our analysis suggests that these deviations may be traced back to the fact that repulsive interactions between chain segments in the melt are not fully screened. For chain segments of size $s \gg 1$ there is an entropic penalty $\sim 1/\sqrt{s}$ for bringing two segments together \cite{WittmerEtal:PRE2007}. This penalty swells the segments and causes systematic deviations from Flory's ideality hypothesis. The picture of independent chains with random-walk-like conformations is thus not acceptable for polymer melts. Multi-chain effects reflecting the interplay of chain connectivity and melt incompressibility should be taken into account. In the present work we discussed the impact of these multi-chain effects on static chain properties. It is, however, natural to expect that they will also affect the polymer dynamics. An analysis of this influence is underway. \acknowledgement{ We are indebted to S. Obukhov for valuable discussions and to the IDRIS (Orsay) for a generous grant of computer time. Financial support by the IUF, the ESF STIPOMAT programme, and the DFG (grant number KR 2854/1--1) is gratefully acknowledged.}
\section{Introduction} \begin{definition} A surface $\mathcal{S}$ is a \textbf{Beauville surface} if \begin{itemize} \item the surface $\mathcal{S}$ is isogenous to a higher product, that is, $\mathcal{S}\cong(\mathcal{C}_1\times\mathcal{C}_2)/G$ where $\mathcal{C}_1$ and $\mathcal{C}_2$ are algebraic curves of genus at least 2 and $G$ is a finite group acting faithfully on $\mathcal{C}_1$ and $\mathcal{C}_2$ by holomorphic transformations in such a way that it acts freely on the product $\mathcal{C}_1\times\mathcal{C}_2$, and \item each $\mathcal{C}_i/G$ is isomorphic to the projective line $\mathbb{P}_1(\mathbb{C})$ and the covering map $\mathcal{C}_i\rightarrow\mathcal{C}_i/G$ is ramified over three points. \end{itemize} \end{definition} These surfaces were first defined by Catanese in \cite{C} and the first significant investigation of them was conducted by Bauer, Catanese and Grunewald in \cite{BCG}. They have numerous nice properties and are relatively easy to construct making them useful for producing counterexamples and testing conjectures. The following condition is also investigated in \cite{BCG}. \begin{definition} Let $\mathcal{S}$ be a complex surface. We say that $\mathcal{S}$ is \textbf{strongly real} if there exists a biholomorphism $\sigma\colon\mathcal{S}\rightarrow\overline{\mathcal{S}}$ such that $\sigma\circ\overline{\sigma}$ is the identity map. \end{definition} What makes these surfaces particularly easy to work with is that all of the above can be easily translated into group theoretic terms. \begin{definition}\label{MainDef} Let $G$ be a finite group. Let $x,y\in G$ and let \[ \Sigma(x, y) :=\bigcup_{i=1}^{|G|}\bigcup_{g\in G}\{(x^i)^g,(y^i)^g,((xy)^i)^g\}. \] A \textbf{Beauville structure} for the group $G$ is a set of pairs of elements $\{(x_1, y_1),(x_2,y_2)\}\subset G\times G$ with the property that $\langle x_1, y_1\rangle = \langle x_2, y_2\rangle=G$ such that \[ \Sigma(x_1, y_1)\cap \Sigma(x_2, y_2)=\{e\}. \] If $G$ has a Beauville structure we say that $G$ is a \textbf{Beauville group}. \end{definition} A group defines a Beauville surface if and only if it has a Beauville structure. Furthermore, the Beauville surface defined by a particular Beauville structure is strongly real if and only if the corresponding Beauville structure has the property of being strongly real that we define as follows. \begin{definition}\label{SRDef} Let $G$ be a Beauville group and let $X =\{(x_1, y_1),(x_2, y_2)\}$ be a Beauville structure for $G$. We say that $G$ and $X$ are \textbf{strongly real} if there exists an automorphism $\phi\in\mbox{Aut}(G)$ and elements $g_i\in G$ for $i = 1, 2$ such that \[ g_i\phi(x_i)g_i^{-1}=x_i^{-1}\mbox{ and }g_i\phi(y_i)g_i^{-1}=y_i^{-1}. \] \end{definition} Most of the Beauville structures appearing in the literature are either explicitly shown to be strongly real or the question of reality is never pursued. In many groups there are elements that can never be inverted by automorphisms meaning any Beauville structure defined using such elements cannot be strongly real, indeed groups typically have numerous Beauville structures some of which are strongly real, some of which are not. Here we are interested in the extreme cases and thus make the following definition. \begin{definition}\label{PureDef} A finite group $G$ is a \textbf{purely strongly real Beauville group} if $G$ is a Beauville group such that every Beauville structure of $G$ is strongly real. A finite group $G$ is a \textbf{purely non-strongly real Beauville group} if $G$ is a Beauville group such that none of its Beauville structures are strongly real. \end{definition} Throughout we shall follow the conventions that in a group $G$ and elements $g,h\in G$ we have that $g^h=hgh^{-1}$ and $[g,h]=ghg^{-1}h^{-1}$. This paper is organised as follows. In Section 2 we will give infinitely many examples of Beauville groups that have strongly real Beauville structures as well as Beauville structures that are not suggesting that groups typically lie in neither of the categories in Definition \ref{PureDef}. Despite this, we go on in Section 3 to give infinitely many examples of purely strongly real Beauville groups before in the final section giving infinitely many examples of purely non-strongly real Beauville groups. \section{Neither Case} We first prove results showing that Beauville groups typically fall into neither case with several different examples. \begin{lemma} If $n>5$, then the alternating group A$_n$ is neither a Purely strongly real Beauville group nor a non-strongly real Beauville group. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Strongly real Beauville structures for these groups were constructed by Fuertes and Gonz\'{a}lez-Diez in \cite{FG} so it is sufficient to construct non-strongly real Beauville structures for these groups. We consider the cases $n$ odd and $n$ even separately. Recall that in either case, if two permutations have different cycle type, then they cannot be conjugate. First suppose that $n\geq7$ is odd. Let \[ x_1:=(1,2,4)\mbox{ and }y_1:=(1,2,3,4,\ldots,n). \] We have that their product is the $n$-cycle $x_1y_1=(1,3,4,2,5,\ldots,n)$ by direct calculation. By considering the subgroup generated by the elements $x_1^{y_1^i}$ we have that the subgroup these elements generate is 2-transitive and therefore primitive. Since this subgroup contains the 3-cycle $x_1$ it follows that these elements generate the whole of the alternating group. It is easy to see that no automorphism simultaneously inverts both of these elements so any permutations that can be used to extend this to a Beauville structure gives a non-strongly real Beauville structure. Consider the permutations \[ x_2:=(5,4,3,2,1)\mbox{ and }y_2:=(3,4,5,6,\ldots,n). \] We have that their product is the $(n-2)$-cycle $x_2y_2=(1,6,\ldots,n,3,2)$ by direct calculation. By considering the subgroup generated by the elements $x_2^{y_2^i}$ we have that the subgroup these elements generate is 2-transitive and therefore primitive. Since this subgroup contains the double-transposition $[x_2,y_2]=(1,5)(3,n)$ it follows that these elements generate the whole of the alternating group. We therefore have a non-strongly real Beauville group. Next, suppose $n\geq8$ is even. Let \[ x_1:=(1,2)(3,4)\mbox{ and }y_1:=(2,3,4,\ldots,n). \] We have that their product is the $(n-1)$-cycle $x_1y_1=(1,3,5,\ldots,n,2)$ by direct calculation. By considering the subgroup generated by the elements $x_1^{y_1^i}$ we have that the subgroup these elements generate is 2-transitive and therefore primitive. Since this subgroup contains the double-transposition $x_1$ it follows that these elements generate the whole of the alternating group. It is easy to see that no automorphism simultaneously inverts both of these elements so any permutations that can be used to extend this to a Beauville structure gives a non-strongly real Beauville structure Finally, let \[ x_2:=(1,2,3)(4,5,\ldots,n)\mbox{ and }y_2:=(5,4,3,2,1). \] We have that their product is the $(n-3)$-cycle $x_2y_2=(3,5,\ldots,n)$. By considering the subgroup generated by the elements $y_2^{x_2^i}$ we have that the subgroup these elements generate is 2-transitive and therefore primitive. Since this subgroup contains the double transposition $[x_2,y_2^2]=(2,5)(3,n)$ it follows that these elements generate the whole of the alternating group. We therefore have a non-strongly real Beauville group. The case of $A_6$ is complicated by the existence of exceptional outer automorphisms but despite this can easily be handled separately. \end{proof} Further examples are given by the following. \begin{lemma} None of the Suzuki groups $^2B_2(2^{2n+1})$ are purely (non-)strongly real Beauville groups. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} The Beauville structures constructed by Fuertes and Jones in \cite[Theorem 6.2]{FJ} are non-strongly real since they take $y_1$ as having order 4 and no automorphism maps such elements to their inverses in these groups. Strongly real Beauville structures for these groups were constructed by the author in \cite{F2}. \end{proof} \begin{lemma} Aside from the Mathieu groups M$_{11}$ and M$_{23}$ none of the sporadic simple groups are purely (non-)strongly real Beauville groups. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Aside from M$_{11}$ and M$_{23}$, strongly real Beauville structures for these groups were constructed by the author in \cite{F1}. Non-strongly real Beauville structures are easily obtained computationally and with character theory, the more difficult cases being easily dealt with thanks to the existence of elements that cannot be sent to their inverses by any automorphism at all such as elements of order 71 in the monster group $\mathbb{M}$ and elements of order 47 in the baby monster group $\mathbb{B}$. \end{proof} We will return to the cases of M$_{11}$ and M$_{23}$ in Section \ref{NonSec} since they are genuine exceptions to the above. It is clear that numerous further examples can be constructed from the above using direct products. \section{Purely Strongly Real Beauville Groups} Firstly, the following observation has been made elsewhere in the literature many times and provides infinitely many purely strongly real Beauville groups. \begin{lemma}\label{AbelianProof} A finite abelian group is a strongly real Beauville group if and only if it is a purely strongly real Beaville group. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} In any abelian group the homomorphism $x\mapsto-x$ inverts every element. \end{proof} Abelian Beauville groups were first constructed by Catanese in \cite{C} and classified by Bauer, Catanese and Grunewald in \cite{BCG}. For non-soluble examples, we have the following infinite supply. \begin{prop}\label{PruityL2(q)} Let $q>2$ be a power of 2 and let $k$ be a positive integer. If $(q,k)\not=(4,1)$, then the characteristically simple group $L_2(q)^k$ is a purely strongly real Beaville group whenever it is 2-generated. \end{prop} \begin{proof} In \cite{MacB} MacBeath observed that any generating pair for the groups $L_2(q)$ can be inverted by an inner automorphism when $q$ is even and since these groups have only one class of involutions, the only elements of even order. \end{proof} We remark that the exception $(q,k)=(4,1)$ is a genuine exception thanks to the isomorphism A$_5\cong\mbox{L}_2(4)$ and this group is well known to not be a Beauville group. For each prime $p\geq5$ we can also construct infinitely many (new) non-abelian nilpotent examples as follows. \begin{prop}\label{ExtraSpecProp} If $p\geq5$ is a prime and $n\geq r\geq1$ are integers, then the group \[ G:=\langle x,y,z\,|\,x^{p^n},\,y^{p^n},z^{p^r}\,[x,y]=z,\,[x,z],\,[y,z]\rangle \] is a purely strongly real Beauville group. \end{prop} \begin{proof} Let $\{(x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2)\}$ be a Beauville structure of $G$. We first note that Aut($G$) acts transitively on the non-central elements of $G$ of a given order and a generating pairs must consist of two element of order $p^n$, so without loss we may assume that $x_1=x$. Similarly $C_{\mbox{Aut}(G)}(x)$ acts transitively the elements $x$ can generate with so without loss we may also assume that $y_1=y$ and that $\phi\in$Aut($G$) acts by $x^\phi=x^{-1}$ and $y^{\phi}=y^{-1}$ (so we can take the element $g_1$ of Definition \ref{SRDef} to be trivial). Observe the following. For any element $g\in G\setminus\Phi(G)$ we have that its conjugates are $g^G=\{gz^i\,|\,i=0,\ldots,p^r-1\}$. Every element of this group can be written in the form $x^iy^jz^k$ for some $0\leq i,j\leq p^n-1$ and $0\leq k\leq p^r-1$, so we have that $x_2=x^{i_1}y^{j_1}z^{k_1}$ and $y_2=x^{i_2}y^{j_2}z^{k_2}$ for some $1\leq i_1,i_2,j_1,j_2\leq p^n-1$ and $0\leq k_1,k_2\leq p^r-1$. Notice that if these are chosen so that $i_1\not=j_1$, $i_2\not= j_2$, $i_1+i_2\not=j_1+j_2$ and $o(x_2)=o(y_2)=p^n$, then these elements provide a Beauville structure and since $p\geq5$ finding such integers is straightforward. Moreover \[ (x^iy^jz^k)^{\phi}=x^{-i}y^{-j}z^k\mbox{ and }(x^iy^jz^k)^{-1}=x^{-i}y^{-j}z^{-k-ij} \] We also have that for any $0\leq a,b\leq p^n-1$ \[ (x^{-i}y^{-j}z^k)^{x^ay^b}=x^{-i}y^{-j}z^{k+bi-aj}. \] It follows that to have $(x_2^{\phi})^{x^ay^b}=x_2^{-1}$ and $(y_2^{\phi})^{x^ay^b}=y_2^{-1}$ we must have that \[ bi_1-aj_1\equiv-2k_1-ij\mbox{ (mod }p^r)\mbox{ and }bi_2-aj_2\equiv-2k_2-ij\mbox{ (mod }p^r). \] If the values of $i_1, i_2, j_1, j_2, k_1$ and $k_2$ are chosen so $x_2$ and $y_2$ generate the group and the conjugacy condition is satisfied, then values of $a$ and $b$ satisfying these equations can be found if $j_2i_1\not\equiv j_1i_2$ (mod $p$). We claim that if $j_2i_1\equiv j_1i_2$ (mod $p$), then $x_2$ and $y_2$ do not generate the group. Note that under this condition we have that \[ (x^{i_1}y^{j_1})^{i_2}=x^{i_1i_2}y^{j_1i_2}z^k=x^{i_1i_2}y^{j_2i_1}z^k \] for some $k$ but we also have that \[ (x^{i_2}y^{j_2})^{i_1}=x^{i_1i_2}y^{j_2i_1}z^{k'} \] for some $k'$ in other words $y_2\in\langle x_2,z\rangle$ which is a proper subgroup. \end{proof} We remark that strongly real Beauville $p$-groups have proved somewhat difficult to construct the only previously known examples being given in \cite{F3,F4,Gul1,Gul2}. The above provides infinitely many further new examples and does so for each prime $p\geq5$. Clearly Proposition \ref{PruityL2(q)}, Lemma \ref{AbelianProof} and Proposition \ref{ExtraSpecProp} can be combined to produce infinitely many other examples like L$_2(8)\times C_5^2$ but it is not clear what other examples can arise. \begin{problem} Find other examples of purely strongly real Beauville groups. \end{problem} In particular, we have the following question. \begin{question} Do there exist purely strongly real Beauville 2-groups and 3-groups. \end{question} In the opinion of the author it seems likely that 2-generated 2-groups are more likely to be purely strongly real Beauville groups: there is a general philosophy in the study of $p$-groups that `the automorphism group of a $p$-group is typically a $p$-group' thanks to the results of Helleloid and Martin \cite{HM}. In particular, if $p$ is odd, then typically no automorphism like the $\phi$ in of Definition \ref{SRDef} exists since such an automorphism must necessarily have even order. On the other side of the coin however, most of their results give examples with large numbers of generators and examples that are 2-generated seem difficult to construct. \section{Purely non-strongly Beauville groups}\label{NonSec} What about purely non-strongly real Beauville groups? In \cite[Lemma 2.2]{F1} the author shows, in the terminology defined here, that the Mathieu groups M$_{11}$ and M$_{23}$ are purely non-strongly real Beauville groups, indeed the real content of \cite[Conjecture 1]{F2} is that among the non-abelian finite simple groups these are really the only ones. For an infinite supply of examples we have the following. \begin{prop}\label{nonSR} If $G$ and $H$ are Beauville groups of coprime order, such that $G$ is a purely non-strongly real Beauville group, then $G\times H$ is a purely non-strongly real Beauville group. \end{prop} \begin{proof} Let $\{(x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2)\}$ be a Beauville structure for $G$ and let $\{(u_1,v_1),(u_2,v_2)\}$ be a Beauville structure for $H$. Since $|G|$ and $|H|$ are coprime it follows that \[ \{((x_1,u_1),(y_1,v_1)),((x_2,u_2),(y_2,v_2))\} \] is a Beauville structure for $G\times H$. Since $|G|$ is coprime to $|H|$ it follows that $G$ and $H$ are not isomorphic and so Aut($G\times H$)=Aut($G)\times$Aut($H$). Since elements of Aut($G$) cannot be used to provide a strongly real Beauville structure, it follows that none of the Beauville structures of $G\times H$ are strongly real. \end{proof} \begin{cor} There exist infinitely many purely non-strongly real Beauville groups. \end{cor} \begin{proof} As noted above, $M_{11}$ is a purely non-strongly real Beauville group. In Proposition \ref{nonSR} we can therefore take $G$ to be M$_{11}$. Since $|\mbox{M}_{11}|=11\times5\times3^2\times2^4$ we can take $H$ to be any Beauville group has order coprime to 11, 5, 3 and 2. Infinitely many examples of such groups are constructed in \cite{BBF,F4,Gul1,Gul2,SV} as well as in Proposition \ref{ExtraSpecProp}. \end{proof} The next example shows that Proposition \ref{nonSR} is far from being the best possible. \begin{example} The group $M_{11}\times A_5$ is easily seen to be a Beauville group as the elements \[ x_1:=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)(12,13,14,15,16), \] \[ y_1:=(1,5,3,4,10,2,8,9,11,6,7)(12,14,15,13,16) \] along with \[ x_2:=(1,2,9,10,6)(3,11,5,4,7)(12,13,14,15,16), \] \[ y_2:=(1,4,8,11,3)(2,9,7,5,6)(12,14,15,13,16) \] provide a Beauville structure of type ((55,55,55),(5,5,5)). The lack of automorphisms that make $M_{11}$ a purely non-strongly real Beauville group clearly also make $M_{11}\times A_5$ a purely non-strongly real Beauville group. Note that every prime dividing the order $A_5$ also divides the order of $M_{11}$ and that $A_5$ not even a Beauville group. \end{example} \begin{question} What is the most general form of Proposition \ref{nonSR}? \end{question} The author is not aware of any nilpotent or even soluble examples. As previously mentioned `the automorphism group of a $p$-group is typically a $p$-group'. Among the groups of order $p^n$ for small $n$ few examples of 2-generated groups with an automorphism group of odd order exist and the few that do appear to not be Beauville groups, suggesting that such examples are actually quite difficult to construct. \begin{question} Do there exist any nilpotent or soluble purely non-strongly real Beauville groups? \end{question} This would be immediately answered by combining Proposition \ref{nonSR} with an answer to the following. \begin{question} Do there exist Beauville $p$-groups whose automorphism groups have odd order? \end{question}
\section{Introduction}\label{sec:1} Thermodynamics successfully describes equilibrium properties of macroscopic objects coupled to a heat bath. In the standard theory, the system-bath interaction is assumed to be small and is therefore neglected. This is a well-justified assumption when the coupling energy is small compared to the thermal energy of the system \cite{kub68}. However, at low temperatures, quantum effects come into play and the interaction energy cannot be discarded anymore \cite{han05}. This is particularly relevant for solid-state nanodevices, such as nanomechanical oscillators, which may be strongly coupled to their environment \cite{cle02,rou01,reg08,kno03}. In the limit of vanishingly small coupling, the damped quantum system asymptotically relaxes to the correct thermal Gibbs state \cite{ben81}. However, for any finite interaction strength, the stationary state of the quantum system deviates from a Gibbs state, in contrast to the prediction of thermodynamics. It has, for example, been shown that, at zero temperature, the coupled oscillator is in an excited, mixed state and not in its pure ground state \cite{lin84,li95,for06}. In addition, it is worth noticing that the deviation from a Gibbs state leads to the interesting possibility of entangling two noninteracting coherent states via the indirect coupling to a common reservoir \cite{paz08}. A useful quantity to describe classical systems that are strongly coupled to their environment is the so-called potential of mean force \cite{tuc10}. It was first introduced by Kirkwood in his study of the average structure of liquids \cite{kir35}. It has since proved to be an invaluable tool in chemistry \cite{hil56}, where it is commonly employed in the investigation of implicit solvent models \cite{roux99} and of protein-ligand binding \cite{rod08}, to name a few examples. A quantum extension in the form of the Hamiltonian of mean force (HMF), see \eq{Eq:2} below, has recently been proposed in Ref.~\cite{cam09}. Potential and Hamiltonian of mean force are instrumental in characterizing the deviations from standard thermodynamics that occur in the strong coupling regime. However, they are difficult to evaluate explicitly in the general case. Here, we use the quantum HMF to quantify the deviation from the thermal Gibbs state for a damped quantum harmonic oscillator, for which we obtain exact analytical results. We further derive approximate expressions for arbitrary systems in the strong damping regime. We additionally relate the HMF to the thermodynamic change of energy and entropy associated with the initial coupling between system and bath. The present article is organized as follows. In Section \ref{sec:2}, we introduce the concept of the quantum HMF and show how it can be used to characterize the deviation from a thermal Gibbs state. In Section \ref{sec:3}, we determine the exact expression for this deviation for the case of the analytically solvable damped quantum harmonic oscillator. In Section \ref{sec:4}, we provide useful approximations in the limit of high and low temperatures, weak and strong coupling. Furthermore in the semiclassical limit, we employ the quantum Smoluchowski equation to evaluate the deviation from the Gibbs state for any damped quantum system. In Section \ref{sec:5}, we finally give a physical interpretation of the HMF by establishing a relationship with the initial system-bath coupling. \section{Hamiltonian of mean force}\label{sec:2} We consider the total Hamiltonian, \begin{align} H = H_S+H_B+H_{SB}\label{Eq:1}\ , \end{align} which describes a quantum system $S$ coupled to a heat bath $B$ via the interaction $SB$. The equilibrium state of the total system is given by the Gibbs state, \begin{align} \rho=\frac{\exp{(-\beta H)}}{Z}\ , \end{align} where $Z=\tr{\exp(-\beta H)}$ is the total partition function and $\beta=1/(k T)$ the inverse temperature of the bath. When the interaction energy is negligible, $H \simeq H_S+H_B$, the reduced density operator of the system, $\rho_S=\mbox{tr}_B\{\rho\}$, is also of the Gibbs form, \begin{align} \rho_S= \frac{\exp{(-\beta H_S)}}{Z_S}\ ,\label{Eq:d} \end{align} with $Z_S=\mbox{tr}_S\{\exp(-\beta H_S)\}$. However, for finite coupling, the interaction term cannot be neglected, and the reduced density operator is no longer of the Gibbs form. It can generically be written as, \begin{align} \rho_S= \frac{\exp{(-\beta H^*_S)}}{Z^*}\label{Eq:2a} \ , \end{align} where the quantum HMF is defined as the effective Hamiltonian \cite{cam09}, \begin{align} H^*_S= -\frac{1}{\beta} \ln \frac{\mbox{tr}_B\{\exp(-\beta H)\}}{ \mbox{tr}_B\{ \exp(-\beta H_B)\}}\ .\label{Eq:2} \end{align} The corresponding partition function is given by $Z^*=\mbox{tr}_S\{\exp(-\beta H^*_S)\}$. The HMF reduces to the Hamiltonian of the system, $H^*_S\simeq H_S$, in the limit of vanishing coupling. It is thus convenient to introduce the difference, \begin{align} \Delta H_S =H^*_S - H_S\label{Eq:3}\ . \end{align} The latter quantifies the deviation from a thermal Gibbs state. In the following, we evaluate the deviation $\Delta H_S$ explicitly for the damped quantum harmonic oscillator. \section{Microscopic system-reservoir model}\label{sec:3} The standard model for a damped quantum harmonic oscillator is given by Hamiltonian (\ref{Eq:1}) \cite{wei99}, where \begin{align} H_S=\frac{p^2}{2M}+ \frac M 2 \omega^2 q^2 \end{align} is the Hamiltonian of the harmonic oscillator with mass $M$ and frequency $\omega$, \begin{align} H_B=\sum_{j=1}^N\left[\frac{p_j^2}{2 m_j} +\frac{m_j\omega_j^2}{2}x_j^2\right] \end{align} describes the bath of $N$ harmonic oscillators, and \begin{align} H_{SB} =\sum_{j=1}^N \left[-C_j q x_j+\frac{C_j^2}{2m_j\omega_j^2}q^2\right]\label{Eq:4}\ . \end{align} is the coupling term linear in the position of the system. The frequencies of the reservoir modes are taken to be equidistant, that is $\omega_j = j \Delta$. The coupling constants $C_j$ are chosen to obey a Drude-Ullersma spectrum \cite{wei99}, \begin{align} C_j=\sqrt{\frac{2 \gamma m_j M \omega_j^2 \Delta}{\pi}\frac{\omega_D^2}{\omega_D^2+\omega_j^2}}\,,\label{Eq:5} \end{align} with damping coefficient $\gamma$ and cutoff frequency $\omega_D$. In the continuous limit $N\rightarrow\infty$ ($\Delta\rightarrow 0$), the bath is characterized by the Ohmic spectral density function \cite{wei99}, \begin{align} J(\nu)=\frac{\pi}{2}\sum_j \frac{C_j^2}{m_j \omega_j}\,\delta(\nu-\omega_j)= \frac{\gamma \nu M \omega_D^2}{\nu^2+\omega_D^2}\ .\label{Eq:6} \end{align} Due to the linearity of the model, the dynamics of the reduced quantum system is exactly solvable. Its stationary state is conveniently described in phase space using the Wigner function \cite{sch01}, \begin{align} W(q,p,t)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty \frac{d \xi}{2\pi\hbar}\,\exp{\left[-\frac{\mbox{i}}{\hbar}p\xi\right]}\rho_S\left(q+\frac\xi 2,q-\frac\xi 2,t\right)\ , \end{align} where $\rho_S(x,x',t)=\<x|\rho_S(t)|x'\>$ is the position representation of the reduced density operator. The Wigner function of a damped harmonic oscillator is found to satisfy the exact quantum master equation \cite{hu92}, \begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} W(q,p,t)=-\frac{p}{M}\frac{\partial}{\partial q}W+\frac{\partial}{\partial p}[(\gamma p + M \omega^2 q )W] \nonumber \\ + D_{pp}(t)\frac{\partial^2}{\partial p^2}W + D_{qp}(t)\frac{\partial^2}{\partial q \partial p}W .\label{Eq:7} \end{align} The detailed expressions for the diffusion coefficients $D_{pp}$ and $D_{qp}$ can be found in Ref.~\cite{hu92}. The reduced stationary phase space distribution for the Ohmic model is given by the Gaussian Wigner function, \begin{align} W(q,p) = \frac{1}{2\pi\sqrt{\langle q^2\rangle\langle p^2\rangle}} \exp\left[-\frac{q^2}{2\langle q^2\rangle}-\frac{p^2}{2\langle p^2\rangle}\right]\,,\label{Eq:8} \end{align} with exact position and momentum dispersions \cite{gra84}, \begin{align} \< q^2\> &= \frac{\hbar}{M\pi} \sum_{j=1}^3 \left[\frac{(\lambda_j-\omega_D) \, \psi\left(1+\frac{\beta\hbar\lambda_j}{2\pi}\right)} {(\lambda_{j+1}-\lambda_j)(\lambda_{j-1}-\lambda_j)}\right] \notag\\ &+ \frac{1}{M \beta \omega^2} \ ,\label{Eq:9}\\ \< p^2\> &=\frac{\hbar M\gamma\omega_D}{\pi} \sum_{j=1}^3 \left[\frac{\lambda_j \, \psi\left(1+\frac{\beta\hbar\lambda_j}{2\pi}\right)} {(\lambda_{j+1}-\lambda_j)(\lambda_{j-1}-\lambda_j)}\right] \notag\\ &+ M^2\omega^2\ew{q^2} (\eta, M)\label{Eq:10} \ . \end{align} The parameters $\lambda_i$ are the characteristic frequencies of the damped oscillator and $\psi$ is the digamma function. In the limit of large cutoff frequencies, $\omega_D\gg \gamma, \omega$, the characteristic frequencies can be approximated by \cite{gra84}, \begin{align} \lambda_{1,2} &\simeq \frac{\gamma}{2}\pm \sqrt{ \frac{\gamma^2}{ 4}-\omega^2} \ ,\nonumber\\ \lambda_3&= \omega_D-\gamma\label{Eq:11}\ . \end{align} A direct consequence of \eq{Eq:10} is that equipartition is in general violated, $M\omega^2 \<q^2\> < \<p^2\>/M$, and $\rho_S$ is not of the Gibbs form. This can be understood by noting that due to the form of the coupling \eq{Eq:4}, the bath can be seen as continuously measuring the position of the system \cite{wei99}. As a result, the variance of the position is reduced. The momentum dispersion then increases following the Heisenberg uncertainty relation. For a vanishingly coupled oscillator, the variances reduce to \begin{align} M\omega^2\< q^2\>_{\gamma=0} =\frac{ \< p^2\>_{\gamma=0}}{M}=\frac{\hbar\omega}{2} \coth\left(\frac{\beta \hbar \omega}{2}\right)\ . \end{align} Equipartition therefore holds and the reduced stationary state is Gibbsian. The position representation of the reduced density operator is further given by \cite{wei99}, \begin{align} \rho_S(q,q')=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\<q^2\>}}\exp{\left[-\frac{(q+q')^2}{8\<q^2\>}-\frac{(q-q')^2}{2\hbar^2/\<p^2\>}\right]}\ .\label{Eq:a} \end{align} \section{HMF for damped quantum oscillator}\label{sec:4} The exact expression for the quantum HMF \eqref{Eq:2} for the damped oscillator can be obtained in the following way \cite{gra84}. Since the stationary state \eq{Eq:8} is a Gaussian, it can be regarded as the equilibrium Wigner function of an effective harmonic oscillator with Hamiltonian, \begin{align} H^*_S =\frac{p^2}{2M^*} + \frac{1}{2}M^*{\omega^*}^2q^2\label{Eq:12} \ , \end{align} with mass $M^*$ and frequency $\omega^*$. The latter reads \cite{gre87}, \begin{align} W(q,p) &= \frac{\tanh \left({\beta\hbar \omega^* }/{2} \right)}{\pi \hbar} \exp{\left[\frac{2 H_S^*}{ \hbar \omega^*\coth \left(\beta\hbar\omega^*/2\right)}\right]}\ .\label{Eq:13} \end{align} By comparing the two Wigner functions \eq{Eq:8} and \eq{Eq:13}, one can identify the effective mass, \begin{align} M^* & = \sqrt{\frac{\langle p^2\rangle}{\langle q^2\rangle}} \frac{\beta \hbar}{2} \frac{1}{\arcoth \left( 2 v \right)}\label{Eq:14} \ , \end{align} and the effective frequency, \begin{align} \omega^* & = \frac{2}{\beta \hbar} \arcoth \left( 2 \nu \right)\label{Eq:15}\ . \end{align} Here $v = \sqrt{\langle p^2\rangle \langle q^2\rangle}/\hbar$ is the phase space volume. In order to estimate the effect of the finite coupling on the reduced state of the system, we now determine the deviation $\Delta H_S$ given by \eq{Eq:3}. Combining Eqs.~(\ref{Eq:12}), (\ref{Eq:14}) and (\ref{Eq:15}) for the quantum HMF, we arrive at \begin{align} \Delta H_S=A \frac{p^2}{2}+B\frac{q^2}{2}\label{Eq:16} \ , \end{align} where we have introduced the two coefficients \begin{align} A&=\sqrt{\frac{\<q^2\>}{\<p^2\>}}\frac{2}{\beta\hbar}\arcoth(2v)-\frac1M\ ,\label{Eq:17}\\ B&=\sqrt{\frac{\<p^2\>}{\<q^2\>}}\frac{2}{\beta\hbar}\arcoth(2v)-M\omega^2\label{Eq:18}\ . \end{align} Equation \eqref{Eq:16} gives the exact expression for deviation $\Delta H_S$ for the damped quantum oscillator. The coefficients $A$ and $B$ are divergent for $2v=1$, since $\arcoth x$ is not defined at $x=1$. This happens for an undamped harmonic oscillator ($\gamma=0$) in its ground state ($T=0$). However, in this case $A=B=0$, as the system relaxes to a Gibbs state. \begin{figure} \centering \subfigure[]{ \includegraphics[width=1\columnwidth]{fig1.png} \label{f1}} \subfigure[]{ \includegraphics[width=.9\columnwidth]{fig2.pdf} \label{f1b} } \caption{(Color online) (a) Coefficient $MA$, \eq{Eq:17}, as a function of the dimensionless parameters $kT/(\hbar \omega)$ and $\gamma/\omega$. $A$ increases monotonically to zero with temperature and inverse coupling strength. The deviation from a Gibbs state in momentum is thus maximal in the strong-coupling, low-temperature limit. (b) Cross sections of the $(T,\gamma)$-curve for $kT/(\hbar\omega)= 0.5$ (red lower line), $ 3$ (blue line), $15$ (green upper line). In the limit of high damping, $A$ coincides with the semiclassical expression given by the quantum Smoluchowski equation (black dashed line for $kT/(\hbar\omega)= 3$), \eq{Eq:33}. Parameters are $\omega_D = 1000$, $\omega = 1$, $M = 1$.}\label{f1} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \centering \subfigure[]{ \includegraphics[width=1\columnwidth]{fig3} \label{f2} } \subfigure[]{ \includegraphics[width=.9\columnwidth]{fig4} \label{f3} } \caption{(Color online) (a) Coefficient $B/(M\omega^2)$, \eq{Eq:18}, as a function of the dimensionless parameters $kT/(\hbar\omega)$ and $\gamma/\omega$. $B$ increases monotonically to zero with temperature. However, it exhibits a minimum as a function of the coupling strength. (b) Cross sections of the $(T,\gamma)$-curve for $kT/(\hbar\omega)= 0.1$ (red lower line), $ 0.5$ (blue line), $1$ (green upper line). For increasing temperatures, the dip gets less pronounced and eventually disappears. In the limit of high-damping, $B$ coincides with the semiclassical expression given by the quantum Smoluchowski equation (black dashed line for $kT/(\hbar\omega)= 0.1$), \eq{Eq:Smolu}. Same parameters as in Fig.~\ref{f1}.} \end{figure} Figure~\ref{f1} shows the coefficient $A$, \eq{Eq:17}, as a function of temperature and coupling strength. $A$ is always negative, since $-1\leq M A\leq0$. We observe that $A$ decreases monotonically with the coupling and the inverse temperature. The maximum deviation from the Gibbs state is thus achieved in the low-temperature, strong coupling limit. Moreover, for weak coupling, $A$ vanishes rapidly with growing temperature, whereas it decays much more slowly in the limit of strong coupling, indicating that the deviation from a Gibbs state persists at much higher temperatures in the latter. The coefficient $B$, \eq{Eq:18}, is plotted in Fig.~\ref{f2} as a function of temperature and coupling strength. It is also negative with $-1\leq B/(M\omega^2)\leq0$. While $B$ shows a similar temperature dependence as the coefficient $A$, its dependence on the coupling strength differs significantly. The three lines highlighted in Fig.~\ref{f2}, and reproduced for clarity in Fig.~\ref{f3}, show that $B$ possesses a minimum. Hence, the deviation of the Gibbs state in position increases up to a certain value of $\gamma$ before decreasing even though the coupling becomes larger. The presence of a minimum can be understood by noting that $\<q^2\>$ decreases with increasing coupling constant, while $\<p^2\>$ increases \cite{wei99}. As a result, the ratio $\<p^2\>/\<q^2\>$ increases faster than the product $\<p^2\>\<q^2\>$. The hyperbolic arccotangent of the phase space volume in \eq{Eq:18}, therefore, decreases for growing coupling constants. Its product with the increasing square root in front thus displays a minimum (see Fig.~\ref{f3b}). Figure \ref{f3} additionally indicates that the minimum gets less pronounced for higher temperatures and eventually disappears in the classical limit. Finally, in Fig.~\ref{f4}, we show the average relative deviation $\<\Delta H_S\>/\<H_S\>$, which vanishes in the high-temperature limit. It is worth noticing that this behavior is peculiar to the linear coupling model that we consider here. For the case of nonlinear system-bath coupling, the deviation exists even in the classical limit \cite{gel09}. Since $A\<p^2\>$ is in general much larger than $B\<q^2\>$ (see below), the effect we have observed for $B$ is suppressed, and the deviation decreases monotonically with increasing coupling strength. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=.9\columnwidth]{fig5} \caption{(Color online) Function $\arcoth(2v)$ (red continuous) and $\sqrt{\<p^2\>/\<q^2\>}$ (blue dashed) appearing in the definition of the coefficient $B$, \eq{Eq:18}, as a function of the dimensionless parameter $\gamma/\omega$. Their different behaviors lead to a minimum for their product (green dotted line). Same parameters as in Fig.~\ref{f1} and $kT/\hbar\omega=0.1$.}\label{f3b} \end{figure} In the following, we derive analytic expressions for the coefficients $A$ and $B$ in various limits of interest, including the limits of low and high temperatures, weak and strong couplings. In all cases, we assume the cutoff frequency $\omega_D$ to be large. \subsection{High-temperature limit} In the high-temperature limit, $\hbar\omega \ll kT$, the position and momentum quadratures \eqref{Eq:9} and \eqref{Eq:10} can be expanded to lowest order to yield \cite{gra84}, \begin{align} \<q^2\>&\simeq \frac{k T}{M\omega^2}\left[1+\frac{1}{12}\left(\frac{\hbar\omega}{k T}\right)^2\right] \ ,\label{Eq:23}\\ \<p^2\>& \simeq M k T\left[1+\frac{1}{12}\frac{\hbar^2(\omega^2+\gamma\omega_D)}{(kT)^2}\right]\label{Eq:24}\ , \end{align} where we have made use of the series expansion of the digamma function \eq{Eq:20}. We note that the coupling constant $\gamma$ only appears in second order in $(\hbar\omega/kT)$. The two variances Eqs.~(\ref{Eq:23}) and (\ref{Eq:24}), hence, become damping independent in the classical limit, and equipartition holds, $\<p^2\>/M=M\omega^2\<q^2\>=kT$. For high temperatures, the phase space volume $v$ is large and the $\arcoth$ in the coefficients $A$ and $B$, Eqs.~(\ref{Eq:17}) and (\ref{Eq:18}), can be approximated with the help of \eq{Eq:21}. We obtain, \begin{align} A&\simeq-\frac{1}{12 M}\frac{\hbar^2(\omega^2+\gamma\omega_D)}{(kT)^2}\label{Eq:25}\ ,\\ B& \simeq-\frac{M \omega^2}{12}\left(\frac{\hbar\omega}{kT}\right)^2 \label{Eq:26}\ . \end{align} Both coefficients approach zero quickly as $-1/T^2$, see Figs.~\ref{f1} and \ref{f2}. However, unlike $B$, the coefficient $A$ depends explicitly on $\gamma$ and $\omega_D$. This feature follows from the Ohmic nature of the damping, as seen from \eq{Eq:24} for $\<p^2\>$. In the limit of high cutoff frequency, $A$ is much larger than $B$. Combining Eqs.~(\ref{Eq:23})-(\ref{Eq:26}), we find that the total deviation $\Delta H_S\sim -1/T^2$ in the classical limit, see Fig.~\ref{f4}. In this regime, the stationary state of the system reduces to a classical Gibbs distribution, $W(q,p)={\mathcal N}\exp[-(M \omega^2q^2+p^2/M)/(2kT)]$. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=1\columnwidth]{fig6} \caption{(Color online) Relative mean deviation $\<\Delta H_S\>/\<H_S\>$, \eq{Eq:16}, showing the departure from a Gibbs state as a function of dimensionless temperature and coupling strength. The maximum deviation is observed in the low-temperature, strong-coupling regime. Same parameters as in Fig.~\ref{f1}.}\label{f4} \end{figure} \subsection{Low-temperature limit} For low temperatures, $kT\ll \hbar\omega$, we can approximate the digamma function in Eqs.~(\ref{Eq:9}) and (\ref{Eq:10}) with the help of \eq{Eq:19}. To proceed further, it is important to distinguish between weak and strong coupling limit. For weak coupling, $kT\ll\hbar\gamma\ll \hbar\omega$, an expansion up to second order in $kT/\hbar\omega$ and first order in $\gamma/\omega$ yields \cite{gra84}, \begin{align} \<q^2\>&\simeq\frac{\hbar\omega}{2M\omega^2}\left[1-\frac{\gamma}{\omega}\left(\frac{1}{ \pi}-\frac{2\pi}{3}\left(\frac{kT}{\hbar\omega}\right)^2\right)\right] \ , \label{Eq:27}\\ \<p^2\>&\simeq\frac{\hbar\omega M}{2}\left[1-\frac\gamma\omega\left(\frac{1}{\pi}-\frac 2\pi\ln\frac{\omega_D}{\omega}\right)\right]\label{Eq:28} \ . \end{align} For $\gamma=0$, Eqs.~\eqref{Eq:27} and \eqref{Eq:28} lead to the correct ground state mean energy of an undamped harmonic oscillator, $\<H_S\>=\<p^2\>/2M+M\omega^2\<q^2\>/2=\hbar\omega/2$. At the same time, the phase space volume can be approximated by $v= 1/2(1+C)$, where $C=\gamma(\ln(\omega_D/\omega)-1)/(\omega\pi)$. Therefore, making use of \eq{Eq:22}, we find the coefficients, \begin{align} A&\simeq-\frac 1M\left[\frac{k T}{\hbar \omega}(1-Y)\ln (C/2)+1\right]\label{Eq:29} \ ,\\ B&\simeq-M\omega^2\left[\frac{kT}{\hbar \omega}(1+Y)\ln (C/2)+1\right]\label{Eq:30} \ , \end{align} with $Y=\gamma\ln(\omega_D/\omega)/(\omega\pi)$. Here, in contrast to the high-temperature limit, both $A$ and $B$ increase with $T$. As a result, the deviation from the Gibbs state decreases with increasing temperature, see Figs.~\ref{f1} and \ref{f2}. At zero temperature, the coefficients $A$ and $B$ attain their minimum values, $A=-1/M$ and $B=-M\omega^2$, that correspond to the maximum deviation from the Gibbs state. In the opposite limit of strong damping, $kT\ll \hbar\omega\ll\hbar\gamma$, a lowest order expansion of the variances, Eqs.~(\ref{Eq:9}) and (\ref{Eq:10}) leads to \cite{gra84}, \begin{align} \ew{q^2}&=\frac{2 \hbar}{\pi M\gamma}\ln\frac{\gamma}{\omega} +\frac{\pi\hbar\gamma}{3 M \omega^2} \, \left(\frac{kT}{\hbar\omega}\right)^2 \ ,\label{Eq:31}\\ \ew{p^2}&=\frac{\hbar M \gamma}{\pi}\ln\frac{\omega_D}{\gamma} \ ,\label{Eq:32} \end{align} In this regime, the phase space volume $v$ is large and the $\arcoth$ in $A$ and $B$, Eqs.~(\ref{Eq:17}) and (\ref{Eq:18}), can therefore be approximated by \eq{Eq:21}. We then obtain in first order, \begin{align} A&=\frac 1M\left[\frac{k T}{\hbar\omega}\frac{\omega}{\gamma}\frac{\pi}{\ln(\omega_D/\gamma)}-1\right]\label{Eq:33}\\ B&=M \omega^2\left[\frac\gamma\omega\frac{kT}{\hbar\omega}\frac{\pi}{2\ln(\gamma/\omega)}-1\right]\label{Eq:34} \ . \end{align} Again the two coefficients increase linearly with $T$, see Figs. \ref{f1} and \ref{f2}. \section{Semiclassical limit} In the overdamped regime, the dynamics of the quantum particle simplifies considerably. In the limit $\gamma/\omega^2\gg (\hbar \beta, 1/\gamma)$, the off-diagonal matrix elements of the reduced density operator of the system in the coordinate representation are strongly suppressed, and a semiclassical description becomes possible. On the coarsed-grained time scale, $t\gg 1/\gamma$, the diffusion coefficients in the master equation \eqref{Eq:7} simplify to \cite{paz09,dil09}, \begin{align} D_{qp}&=V''(q)\ew{q^2}-\frac{\ew{p^2}}{M}\label{Eq:Dqp}\ ,\\ D_{pp}&=\gamma\ew{p^2}\label{Eq:Dpp}\ . \end{align} The position and momentum variances for the harmonic oscillator are given in this limit by \cite{ank01}, \begin{align} \ew{q^2}&=\frac{1}{\beta M\omega^2}+\lambda\label{Eq:qSmolu}\ ,\\ \ew{p^2}&=\frac{\hbar M\gamma}{\pi}\ln\frac{\omega_D}{\gamma}=\Omega\label{Eq:pSmolu}\ , \end{align} where $\lambda=\hbar\log\left[\hbar\beta\gamma/(2\pi)\right]/(\pi M\gamma)$ measures the strength of quantum fluctuations. The master equation \eqref{Eq:7} hence reduces to, \begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} W(q,t)=-\frac{p}{M}\frac{\partial}{\partial q}W+\frac{\partial}{\partial q}\left[V'(q,t)+\gamma p\right]W\nonumber\\ +\gamma\ew{p^2} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial p^2}+\frac{\partial^2}{\partial p\partial q}\left[\frac{D(q)}{\beta}-\frac{\ew{p^2}}{M}\right]W\ ,\label{Eq35} \end{align} with $D(q)= 1+\beta\lambda V''(q)$. As discussed in Refs. \cite{mac04,luc05}, the effective diffusion coefficient $D(q)$ should be regarded, for thermodynamic consistency, as the first order expansion of $D(q)=(1-\beta\lambda V''(q))^{-1}$. Equation \eqref{Eq35} has been derived for arbitrary potentials $V(q)$ in Ref.~\cite{ank03} (note the presence of the incorrect effective potential $V_\text{eff}$ in the latter \cite{ank01}). The stationary solution of \eq{Eq35} reads, \begin{align} W(q,p) = N \exp{\left[-\beta V(q)+\frac{\lambda\beta^2}{2}V'(q)^2-\frac{p^2}{2\Omega}\right]}\ .\label{Eq:36} \end{align} For the special case of a harmonic potential, $V(q)=M\omega^2q^2/2$, we can immediately identify the coefficient, \begin{align} B=-\frac{M^2\omega^4}{kT}\lambda\ ,\label{Eq:Smolu} \end{align} where we made use of \eq{Eq:16}. It is important to realize that the semiclassical equation \eqref{Eq35} is valid both in the high-temperature, $kT \gg \hbar \gamma$, and low-temperature, $kT \ll \hbar \gamma$, regimes. In the high-temperature limit $\lambda= \hbar^2/(12MkT)$ and Eq.~(\ref{Eq:qSmolu}) reduces to Eq.~(\ref{Eq:23}). For general potentials $V(q)$, the deviation from the Gibbs state takes the form, \begin{align} \Delta H_S= A \frac{p^2}{2}+ \frac{\lambda\beta}{2}V'(q)^2 \ , \end{align} where the coefficient A is given by, \begin{align} A&=\frac{1}{\beta\Omega}-\frac1M\label{Eq33} \ , \end{align} and is independent of the system. In the semiclassical strong-coupling domain, the deviation from the Gibbs state can thus be determined for arbitrary potentials and not only for the harmonic oscillator. We mention that in the high-temperature limit, the semiclassical Hamiltonian of mean force has been examined for a free particle and a harmonic dumbbell up to order $\hbar^2$ in Ref.~\cite{gel09}. We note, moreover, that the deviation in position can be directly obtained from the simpler quantum Smoluchowski equation which follows from the the semiclassical phase-space master equation \eqref{Eq35} \cite{dil09,ank01,ank03,cof07}, \begin{align} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} W(q,t)=\frac{1}{\gamma M}\frac{\partial}{\partial q}\left[V'(q,t)+\frac 1\gamma D(q)\right]W(q,t)\ ,\label{Eq:35} \end{align} where we have introduced the distribution, \begin{align} W(q,t)= \rho_S(q,q,t)=\int d p W(q,p,t)\ , \end{align} The corresponding stationary solution is \begin{align} W(q)= N_q \exp{\left[-\beta V(q)+\frac{\lambda\beta^2}{2}V'(q)^2\right]}\ ,\label{Eq:36a} \end{align} \section{Physical interpretation of $\Delta H_S$}\label{sec:5} A physical interpretation of the difference $\Delta H_S$ between the quantum HMF and the system Hamiltonian can be given by considering the initial coupling between system and bath. By treating the latter process as a thermodynamic transformation, both the change of energy and entropy of the quantum system during the coupling can be determined \cite{hil11}. We assume that system and bath are initially decoupled, and each in thermal equilibrium at temperature $T$. The total density operator is thus given by the direct product, \begin{align} \rho=\frac{\exp{(-\beta H_S)}}{Z_S}\otimes\frac{\exp{(-\beta H_B)}}{Z_B}\ . \end{align} If the system-bath interaction is switched on quasistatically, the entropy of the system changes by $\Delta S$ and an amount $Q$ of heat is exchanged with the heat bath. Both can be evaluated by writing the reduced density operator of the system \eq{Eq:2a} in the form, \begin{align} \rho_S=\exp{[-\beta (H_S+\Delta H_S-F)]}\ , \end{align} where $F=-(1/\beta) \,\ln Z^*$ is the free energy of the system. The von Neumann entropy of the coupled system, $S=-k\mbox{tr}_S\{\rho_S\ln\rho_S\}$, is then, \begin{align} TS= (U-F+\< \Delta H_S\>)\ , \end{align} where $U=\<H_S\> =\mbox{tr}_S\{\rho_S H_S\}$ is the internal energy of the coupled system. According to the first law, the heat exchanged with the bath during the coupling process is $Q=\Delta U-W$, where the work is equal to the free energy difference between uncoupled and uncoupled system $W=\Delta F$ \cite{for06}. We, therefore, have, \begin{align} Q= kT \Delta S-\< \Delta H_S\> \ , \end{align} where we have made use of the fact that, before the coupling ($\gamma=0$), $U_{0}=kT S_{0}-F_{0}$. The above result, valid for any quantum dissipative system, shows that the average difference between the HMF and the bare Hamiltonian of the system is just the difference between $kT \Delta S$ and the heat exchange $Q$ during the coupling process. For vanishingly small coupling, we find $Q=kT\Delta S$, in agreement with standard thermodynamics. % \section{Conclusion}\label{sec:6} For a damped quantum system deviations from standard thermodynamics occur in the finite coupling regime. With the help of the quantum HMF, we have derived an exact expression for the deviation from a thermal Gibbs state for a damped quantum harmonic oscillator coupled to an Ohmic heat bath. We have obtained useful approximations in the limit of high and low temperature, and of weak and strong coupling. In the semiclassical regime, we have, moreover, used the quantum Smoluchowski equation to derive an approximate formula for the HMF valid for any quantum system. Finally, we have established a connection between the deviation from a Gibbs state and the thermodynamic change of the system that occur during the initial coupling process. Our findings emphasize the importance of the HMF in the thermodynamic analysis of strong damped quantum systems. This work was supported by the Emmy Noether Program of the DFG (contract No LU1382/1-1) and the cluster of excellence Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM).
\section{Introduction} Several years ago a model for a varying gravitational coupling was introduced by Brans and Dicke \cite{BD}. The model consisted of a massless scalar field whose inverse was associated with the gravitational coupling. Such a field evolved dynamically in the presence of matter and led to cosmological predictions differing from Einstein Gravity (EG) in that one generally obtained a power-law dependence on time for the gravitational coupling. In order to reduce such a strong time dependence in a cosmological setting, while retaining the Brans-Dicke results in the weak field limit, several years ago a simple model for induced gravity \cite{CV,TV} involving a scalar field $\sigma$ and a quartic $\lambda\sigma^{4}/4$ potential was introduced. This model was globally scale invariant (that is did not include any dimensional parameter) and the spontaneous breaking of scale invariance in such a context led to both the gravitational constant and inflation, through a non-zero cosmological constant \cite{Zee}. The cosmological consequences of introducing matter as a perturbation were studied leading to a time dependence for the scalar field and consistent results. Since the present observational status is compatible with an accelerating universe dominated by dark energy (DE) we feel that the model should be studied in more detail. \\ In an EG framework quadratic or quartic potentials for canonical scalar fields are consistent with DE only with an extremely fine tuning in the initial conditions leading to slow-roll evolution until the present time. Indeed, a massive or a self-interacting scalar field in EG, respectively behave as dust or radiation during the coherent oscillation regime. In contrast with this, induced gravity with a self-interacting $\lambda\sigma^4/4$ potential has as attractor EG plus a cosmological constant on breaking scale invariance. The simple model we consider illustrates how non-trivial and non perturbative dynamics can be obtained in the context of induced gravity DE, and more generally within scalar-tensor DE. \section{The Original Model}\label{one} Let us consider a system described by the Lagrangian \begin{equation} {\cal L} = {1\over 2}\sqrt{-g}\left(-g^{\mu\nu}\partial_{\mu}\sigma\partial_{\nu}\sigma+\gamma\sigma^2R- {\lambda\over 2}\sigma^4\right)+ \sum\limits_{j=R,M} {\cal L}_{j} \label{original} \end{equation} where $\gamma$, $\lambda$ are dimensionless, positive definite parameters and the ${\cal L}_i$'s are the contributions of cosmological fluids behaving as dust and radiation. If we consider the homogeneous mode for the scalar field evolving on a spatially flat Robertson-Walker background \begin{equation} ds^2 = g_{\mu \nu} dx^{\mu} dx^{\nu}=- dt^2+a^2(t) d\vec{x}^2 \end{equation} from the above Lagrangian one obtains the following set of independent equations \begin{equation}\label{indepeqs} \left\{\begin{array}{lll} H^2=\sum\limits_{j=R,M}\frac{\rho_j}{3\gamma\sigma^2} +\frac{1}{6\gamma}\frac{\dot \sigma^2}{\sigma^2}-2H\frac{\dot \sigma}{\sigma} +\frac{\lambda}{12 \gamma}\sigma^2\\ \\ \frac{d}{dt}\left(a^3\sigma\dot\sigma\right)=a^3\sum\limits_{j=R,M}\frac{\left(\rho_j-3 P_j\right)}{\left(1+6\gamma\right)}\\ \\ \dot \rho_j=-3 H\left(\rho_j+P_j\right)\phantom{\frac{A}{B}} \end{array} \right. \end{equation} where $P_j=w_j\rho_j$, $w_R=1/3$, $w_M=0$, the dot denotes differentiation with respect to the cosmic time $t$ and $H\equiv\dot a/a$. Note that the system (\ref{indepeqs}) of equations are respectively the Friedmann, the Klein-Gordon and the continuity equations. In the above context, the critical densities for radiation, matter and $\sigma$ can be taken to be: \begin{equation}\label{cridens} \begin{array}{ccc} &\tilde\Omega_R = \frac{\rho_R}{3 \gamma \sigma^2 H^2} \,,\quad \tilde\Omega_M = \frac{\rho_M}{3 \gamma \sigma^2 H^2} \,,&\\ &&\\ &\tilde\Omega_\sigma = \frac{(\dot \sigma^2 - 12 H \dot \sigma \sigma +\frac{ \lambda \sigma^4}{2})}{(6 \gamma \sigma^2 H^2)}\,,& \end{array} \end{equation} where $\tilde\Omega_M + \tilde\Omega_R + \tilde\Omega_\sigma =1$.\\ On using the equations of motion one finds that the curvature scalar is given by \begin{equation} R=\frac{1}{\gamma\sigma^2}\left(\lambda \sigma^4-\dot\sigma^2+\sum\limits_{j=R,M}\frac{\rho_j-3P_j}{1+6\gamma}\right). \label{ricci} \end{equation} Even in the absence of the fluids $\rho_j$, the quantity (\ref{ricci}) has a undefined sign, implying that the $\sigma$ potential has one or two minima depending the phase space trajectory of $\sigma$.\\ We also observe that the above model (\ref{original}) corresponds to an interacting Brans-Dicke field $\phi$. Indeed on redefining $\phi=\sigma^2$ one has \begin{equation} {\cal L} = - \frac{\omega}{2 \phi} g^{\mu\nu}\partial_{\mu}\phi\partial_{\nu}\phi - \frac{\lambda}{4 \gamma^2} \phi^2 + \frac{\phi}{2} \, R \, + \, \sum_i L_i \label{bdlike} \end{equation} where $\omega = (4 \gamma)^{-1}$. The above model (\ref{original}) also admits a transformation in the Einstein frame in which the potential for the redefined field is just a cosmological constant ($= 16 \pi^2 G^2 \lambda/\gamma^2$) and dark matter and the redefined (free) scalar field are coupled (by $(\gamma^2 \sigma^4)^{-1}$). \subsection{Super-acceleration} Let us note that scalar-tensor theories admit naturally super-acceleration, i.e. $\dot H > 0$ (see \cite{BEPS} for a generalization of the model in \cite{CV,TV}). From the Friedmann equation and expression (\ref{ricci}) one finds \begin{eqnarray}\label{suacc} \dot H=-\frac{1}{\gamma\sigma^2}\left[\sum\limits_{j=R,M} \frac{\left(1+8\gamma+w_j\right)}{2\left(1+6\gamma\right)}\rho_j + \frac{\dot \sigma^2}{2} - 4\gamma H\sigma\dot \sigma\right]. \end{eqnarray} The possibility of super-acceleration is due to the $\gamma H \sigma \dot \sigma $ contribution in the brackets. Let us note that $\gamma$ should be large enough in order to have a super-accelerated phase which can be distinguished from a de Sitter phase. This cannot be accomplished in EG with a scalar field having a standard kinetic term. \subsection{Scalar Field plus Radiation} \begin{figure}[t!] \centering \epsfig{file=PSart.eps, width=8 cm} \caption{{\it Phase space plot of equation (\ref{phspeq}); on the horizontal axis the field $\varphi$ is represented while on the vertical we plot its derivative $\frac{d\varphi}{d N}$ with $\gamma=2\cdot 10^{-1}$, $\lambda=10^{-1}$, $c_{0}=1$ and $r_{0}=0$ (dotted trajectories) or $r_{0}=5\cdot 10^{-1}$ (dashed trajectories). The solid lines are the boundaries of the accessible region of the phase space while the dotted-dashed line represents all the possible solutions with $\dot \sigma=0$. The shaded area is the portion of phase space where the scalar field has a double well potential.}\label{phasespaceplot}} \end{figure} When pressureless dust can be neglected with respect to radiation ($\rho_R\gg\rho_M$) a phase space analysis can be performed for the system. In this case, the Klein-Gordon equation in (\ref{indepeqs}) can be integrated and leads to \begin{equation}\label{kg2} H^2=\frac{c_0}{a^8 \sigma^2 \sigma'^2} \end{equation} where a prime denotes a derivative with respect to $N\equiv\ln a$ and $c_0$ is an integration constant. The Friedmann-like equation can then be cast in the form of an autonomous equation describing the possible solutions for the rescaled field $\varphi\equiv a\,\sigma$: \begin{eqnarray}\label{phspeq} &\gamma\, c_0^2 \left[ \varphi^2-\frac{1}{6\gamma}\left(\varphi'-\varphi\right)^2+ 2 \varphi \left(\varphi'-\varphi\right) \right] =&\nonumber\\ &=\frac{\varphi^{4}}{3} \left(\frac{\rho_{R \,, 0}}{\varphi^2}+\frac{\lambda}{4}\varphi^2\right)\, \left(\varphi'-\varphi\right)^2& \end{eqnarray} where we set $\rho_{R \,, 0}=\left.\rho_R\right|_{a=1}$ (similarly we shall set $\rho_{M \,, 0}=\left.\rho_M\right|_{a=1}$). The right hand side of eq. (\ref{phspeq}) is a semi-positive definite quantity and thus its left hand side must satisfy the inequality \begin{equation}\label{betadef} \varphi^2\beta\equiv\varphi^2-\frac{1}{6\gamma}\left(\varphi'-\varphi\right)^2+ 2 \varphi \left(\varphi'-\varphi\right)\ge 0 \end{equation} which determines the allowed region of phase space.\\ Once $\gamma$ and $\lambda$ are fixed, one must choose the initial conditions encoded in $c_0$ and $\rho_{R \,, 0}$ in order to determine completely a phase space trajectory. Note that if $\gamma=0$ or $c_0=0$ there is only one possible trajectory given by $\varphi'=\varphi$ corresponding to the GR limit $\dot \sigma=0$. \section{Numerical Analysis} If a realistic cosmological evolution is considered without any approximations, the system (\ref{indepeqs}) can only be solved numerically. On defining a rescaled Hubble parameter $\mathcal{H}=\lambda^{-1/4}H$ and introducing the dynamical variable $x=\lambda^{1/2}\sigma^2$ the relevant equations can be rewritten as \begin{equation}\label{rescsys} \left\{ \begin{array}{lll} \mathcal{H}^2 x''+\left[2\mathcal{H}^2+\frac{1}{2}\left(\mathcal{H}^2\right)'\right]x'=\frac{2\rho_M}{6\gamma+1}&&\\ &&\\ \mathcal{H}^2\left[1-\frac{1}{24\gamma}\left(\frac{x'}{x}\right)^2+\frac{x'}{x}\right]=\frac{\rho_M+\rho_R}{3\gamma x}+\frac{x}{12\gamma}&& \end{array} \right. \end{equation} with $\rho_R=\rho_{R \,, 0}/a^4$ and $\rho_M=\rho_{M \,, 0}/a^3$. In this form the $\lambda$ dependence simplifies and one can find numerical solutions with a high precision even when $\lambda$ is extremely small which is the case (note that this is crucial since in the $\lambda \rightarrow 0$ limit one would otherwise just recover the Brans-Dicke theory).\\ The initial kinetic energy-density of the $\sigma$ field is rapidly dissipated during early stages when radiation dominates over dust, as can be deduced from phase space analysis and is confirmed by Fig. (\ref{phasespaceplot}). \begin{figure}[t!] \centering \epsfig{file=fig1_induced.eps, width=8 cm} \caption{{\it Plots of $\Omega_R \,, \Omega_M \,, \Omega_{\rm DE}$ for the sets of parameters and initial conditions 1 and 2 of Table I.} \label{densityevo}} \end{figure} Consideration of high values for the time derivative of the scalar field (when it dominates the energy-density of the universe, see Fig. \ref{densityevo}) lead to a ``stiff'' universe. If it existed, such an epoch should have occurred well before nucleosynthesis in order not to spoil the observed abundances of the light elements. Indeed this could be the case for very high densities arising from fermions (quarks) interacting with vector mesons (gauge fields) \cite{CV}.\\ The value for $\sigma$ remains constant until the onset of the matter dominated era and then its variation is well approximated by \begin{equation}\label{varsigma2} \frac{d \sigma^2}{d N} \simeq \frac{4 \, \gamma \, \sigma_0^2}{1 + 6\gamma} \,, \end{equation} where we use $\sigma_{0}=\left.\sigma\right|_{z=0}$, and then it approaches the constant value finally leading to the de Sitter stage. The above relation (\ref{varsigma2}) is obtained by assuming a matter (dust) dominated universe and is as expected within the context of induced gravity theories \cite{CV,BD}. From here on, we shall consider different choices of parameters and initial conditions for our analysis (see table (\ref{tab1})). In the first two cases in table (\ref{tab1}) $\gamma$ has been taken to be its maximum value allowed by solar system constraints \cite{Bertotti:2003rm,Eubanks,gdotref}, while initial conditions for $\sigma$ describe two extreme situations: $\beta_{ini,1}\simeq 0$ and $\beta_{ini,2}\simeq 1$. The early stages of the evolution, when the matter contribution is negligible, are well approximated by the plots in figure (\ref{phasespaceplot}). As expected, the field $\sigma$ rapidly evolves toward the shaded region where $\beta\simeq 1$ (see Fig. (\ref{betaevo})). Since $\gamma<<1$, when $\beta\simeq 0$ the Hubble parameter scales as $a^{-3}$.\\ Let us end this section by noting that one should not evolve the scalar field equations backwards in time - i.e. with redshift - since the correct physical trajectory on which the scalar field evolves can not be identified. \begin{figure}[t!] \centering \epsfig{file=betaevoart.eps, width=8 cm} \caption{{\it Evolution of $\beta$ defined in (\ref{betadef}) plotted for the sets of initial conditions and parameters 1 and 2 of Table I. Note that the solid and the dotted curves are indistiguishable between $N\sim-8$ and $N\sim 0$} \label{betaevo}}. \end{figure} \subsection{Solar system Newtonian constraints} The parameters of a scalar-tensor theory can be constrained though solar system observations which test classical general relativity \cite{weinberg}. Since our model coincides with the Brans-Dicke case in the weak field limit \cite{CV,TV}, one has \cite{weinberg,Gannouji} $\beta_{PN}-1=0$ and \begin{equation}\label{gammaPN} \gamma_{PN}-1=-\frac{4\gamma}{1+8\gamma}\,. \end{equation} Therefore, since our $\gamma$ is positive and $\gamma_{PN}-1=(2.1\pm 2.3)\cdot 10^{-5}$ \cite{Bertotti:2003rm,Eubanks}, we shall take an upper bound for $\gamma$ given by $\gamma_{M}=5\cdot 10^{-7}$ which we shall use. Let us note however that for other values of $\gamma_{PN}$ reported in the body of Ref. \cite{Bertotti:2003rm} the resulting $\gamma_{M}$ would be 5 to 10 times larger.\\ In scalar-tensor gravity the effective Newtonian constant, namely the gravitational coupling measured in Cavendish like experiments, is \begin{equation}\label{Newton} G_{{\rm eff},0}= \frac{1}{8\pi\,\gamma\, \sigma_0^2} \frac{8\gamma+1}{6\gamma+1} \,. \end{equation} Possible variations of the effective Newtonian constant $G_{\rm eff,0}$, are allowed in the interval $-7\cdot 10^{-14}\,y^{-1} < \dot G_{\rm eff,0}/G_{\rm eff,0} < 3\cdot 10^{-14}\,y^{-1}$ \cite{gdotref}. The value $G_{N}$ of Newton's constant is known with a precision of $\sim10^{-3}$ \cite{Gillies:1997ff}; we shall thus restrict our analysis to a set of initial conditions for $\sigma$ leading to values of $G_{{\rm eff},0}$ within the bounds given by the above experimental uncertainty on the measurement of $G_{N}$. \begin{widetext} \begin{table}[t!] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c||ccc|cc|c||} \hline \#&$\;\gamma/\gamma_M\;$ & $\quad x_{i}\quad$ & $\quad x'_{i}\quad$&$\quad w_{{\rm DE} \, 0}+1\quad$&$\;\chi^{2}_{snIa}\;$ &$\;(d_{{\rm L}}^{{\rm LSS}}-d_{{\rm L}\,\Lambda}^{{\rm LSS}})/d_{{\rm L}\,\Lambda}^{{\rm LSS}}\;$ \\ \hline 1& $1$ & $1.10\cdot 10^{-5}$ &$3.83\cdot 10^{-8}$&$- 10^{-6}$& $186$ & $+8.2 \cdot 10^{-6}$\\ 2& $1$ & $1.12\cdot 10^{-5}$ &$3.90\cdot 10^{-13}$&$-10^{-6}$& $186$ & $-6.6 \cdot 10^{-7}$\\ 3& $2^{-3}\cdot10^{2}$ & $1.056\cdot 10^{-5}$ &$1.30\cdot 10^{-7}$&$- 10^{-5}$& $186$ & $-1.1 \cdot 10^{-5}$\\ 4& $2^{-3}\cdot10^{2}$ & $1.112\cdot 10^{-5}$ &$1.38\cdot 10^{-11}$&$-10^{-5}$& $186$ & $-1.4 \cdot 10^{-5}$\\ 5& $2 \cdot 10^{2}$ & $1.12 \cdot 10^{-5}$ &$0$&$-2\cdot 10^{-4}$&$186$&$-1.8 \cdot 10^{-4}$\\ 6& $2^{-3}\cdot10^{4}$ & $2.01 \cdot 10^{-5}$ &$-2.32 \cdot 10^{-6}$&$-10^{-3}$& $188$ & $-1.0 \cdot 10^{-3}$\\ 7& $2 \cdot 10^{3}$ & $1.09 \cdot 10^{-5}$ &$0$&$-2\cdot 10^{-3}$& $189$&$-2.0\cdot 10^{-3}$\\ 8& $2 \cdot 10^{4}$ & $8.32 \cdot 10^{-6}$ &$0$&$-0.02$&$234$&$-1.7 \cdot 10^{-2}$\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Parameters, initial conditions and results for different cases. All these cases have $\Omega_M \simeq 0.27 \,, \Omega_{\rm DE} \simeq 0.73$, $H_0 = 73 \, {\rm km}\, {\rm s}^{-1} {\rm Mpc}^{-1} \,, \gamma \sigma_0^2 \simeq (8 \pi G)^{-1} \,, \gamma_M =5 \cdot10^{-7}$. Note that the solar system bound on $\gamma$ is relaxed for $\#$ 3 to 8; nonetheless $\#$ 3 to 7 of the model are still satisfactory on comparing with cosmological data coming from SNIa and first Doppler peak of CMBR anisotropies. The smaller the value of $\gamma$ the closer is our model to $\Lambda$CDM.} \label{tab1} \end{table} \end{widetext} \section{Comparison with Einstein Gravity} In order to compare a scalar-tensor theory with dynamical scalar field models in EG (also dubbed quintessence \cite{CDS}), we first identify DE energy-density and pressure. A consistent definition of such quantities can be given \cite{Gannouji} if one identifies the effective energy-density and pressure in the set of equations (\ref{indepeqs}) in an EG framework with $8\pi G_{N}\equiv\gamma\sigma_0^2$: \begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{array}{lll} &&\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\rho_{\rm DE} = 3 \gamma \sigma_0^2 H^2 -\sum\limits_{j=R,M} \rho_j \\ &&\\ &&\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\rho_{\rm DE} + p_{\rm DE} =- 2 \gamma \sigma_0^2 \dot H - \sum\limits_{j=R,M} (\rho_j + p_j) \end{array} \right. \,. \end{equation} Such an identification mantains the continuity equation for DE and leads explicitly to \begin{equation}\label{rhopfake} \left\{ \begin{array}{lll} &&\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\rho_{\rm DE} \equiv \frac{\sigma_0^2}{\sigma^2} \left( \frac{\dot \sigma^2}{2}-6 \gamma H \dot \sigma \sigma + \frac{\lambda}{4}\sigma^4 \right) + \sum\limits_{j=R,M} \rho_j \left( \frac{\sigma_0^2}{\sigma^2} - 1\right)\\ &&\\ &&\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!p_{\rm DE} \equiv \frac{\sigma_0^2}{\sigma^2} \left[ \frac{\dot \sigma^2}{2}-2 \gamma H \dot \sigma \sigma - \frac{\lambda}{4}\sigma^4 + \sum\limits_{j=R,M} \frac{2\gamma\rho_j+p_{j}}{1+6\gamma} \right] -p_{R} \end{array} \right. \end{equation} We can as well identify the relative densities for the fluids involved in the evolution \begin{equation}\label{densities} \Omega_R = \frac{\rho_R }{3 \gamma \sigma^2_0H^{2}},\,\, \Omega_M =\frac{ \rho_M }{3 \gamma \sigma^2_0H^{2}},\,\, \Omega_{\rm DE} =\frac{ \rho_{\rm DE}}{3 \gamma \sigma^2_0 H^{2}} \end{equation} where $\Omega_M + \Omega_R + \Omega_{\rm DE} =1$. We stress that these critical densities based on this fictitious EG model differ from the previous ones (\ref{cridens}) wherein the gravitational coupling varies. For $\gamma\ll 1$ differences between the two definitions are negligible. The matter and DE critical densities are plotted in Fig. (\ref{omegas}). The state parameter $w_{\rm DE}$ defined in Eq. (\ref{rhopfake}) is displayed in Fig. (\ref{ws}) for $\gamma = 5\times 10^{-7}\,, 10^{-4} \,, 10^{-2} $ (cases \# 1, 5, 8 in Table (\ref{tab1})). Note that interpreting this self-interacting induced gravity as an EG model, the parameter of state of DE is $1/3$ during the radiation era, is positive during the matter dominated stage (with a non negligible bump for $\gamma = 10^{-2}$) before setting to $-1+{\cal O}(\gamma)$ at present, as can be seen in Table I, where we have reported few examples of the simulations we have performed. Let us also note how the EG model is not completely dominated by matter, in particular for $\gamma \sim 10^{-2}$.\\ Since the state parameter at present differs only slightly from $-1$ it is therefore appropriate to compare this self-interacting induced gravity model with a $\Lambda$CDM model with $\Omega_{\rm DE \,, 0}$ as the fractional energy-density stored in the cosmological constant. The relative deviation of such an Einstein $\Lambda$CDM model from the original model for the comoving distance \begin{equation} d_L(z) = (1+z) \, \int_0^{z} \, \frac{d z'}{H(z')} \label{luminositydistance} \, , \end{equation} evaluated at the last scattering surface ($z = 1089$) is shown in the last column of Tab. (\ref{tab1}). The comoving distance to the last scattering surface enters in the acoustic scale, which is related to the characteristic angular scale of the peaks of the CMB angular power spectrum. The current uncertainty on the acoustic scale is of the order of one percent; on the basis of the numbers reported in Table (\ref{tab1}), this implies that models with $\gamma \lesssim {\cal O} (10^{-2})$ may be constrained by the position of the peaks of the CMB angular power spectrum. We now compare the model with data from Supernovae Ia, which constrain the evolution of the scale factor for $0< z< 2$, as done in other works studying scalar-tensor DE \cite{NP}. The supernova data we use are the "gold" set of 182 SNe Ia by Riess et al. \cite{riess}. In scalar-tensor theories, since the Chandrasekhar mass ($\sim x^{3/2}$) varies with redshift, the modulus-redshift relation is: \begin{equation}\label{magred} \mu(z)=5\log_{10}\frac{d_{L}(z)}{10\,{\rm pc} }+\frac{15}{4}\log_{10}\frac{x_{0}}{x(z)} \,. \end{equation} In table (\ref{tab1}) the $\chi^{2}$ values are listed showing that $\gamma \sim 10^{-2}$ is strongly disfavoured by SNe Ia. An accurate statistical analysis is clearly beyond the scope of this work, but we expect that SNe Ia may constrain $\gamma \sim {\cal O} (10^{-3})$. \begin{figure}[t!] \centering \epsfig{file=matDE.eps, width=8 cm} \caption{Evolution of $\Omega_{\rm M}$ and $\Omega_{\rm DE}$ as defined in (\ref{rhopfake}) for different choices of $\gamma$.\label{omegas}}. \label{omegas} \end{figure} \section{Conclusions} We have shown how a simple model of self-interacting induced gravity \cite{CV,TV} is a viable DE model, for tiny values of the self-coupling ($\lambda \sim {\cal O}(10^{-128})$). The model has a stable attractor towards EG plus $\Lambda$ and can be very similar to the $\Lambda$CDM model for the homogeneous mode, on taking into account the Solar system constraints quoted in \cite{Bertotti:2003rm,Eubanks,gdotref}. At the cosmological level, in the presence of radiation and dust, it is interesting that for such a simple potential (quartic for induced gravity or interacting for the equivalent Brans-Dicke model) the model has an attractor towards EG plus $\Lambda$, very differently from the case of a massless scalar - i.e. $\lambda = 0$ -, for which there is no mechanism of attraction towards EG. The attractor mechanism towards GR and the onset to acceleration are both inevitably triggered by the same mechanism, i.e. scale symmetry breaking in this induced gravity model. \begin{figure}[t!!] \centering \epsfig{file=ws_phi4.eps, width=8.5 cm} \caption{Evolution of $w_{\rm DE}$ as defined in (\ref{rhopfake}) for different choices of $\gamma$.\label{ws}}. \end{figure} In contrast with EG, the choice of a runaway potential \cite{PR} for quintessence is not mandatory (see however \cite{others} for a study of these potential in the context of scalar-tensor theories). If the final attractor is an accelerated universe, the only constraints on parameters and initial conditions come from observations. We have shown that late time cosmology - after recombination, for instance - is mostly insensitive with respect to the initial time derivative of $\sigma$. For this reason, the full set of parameters and initial conditions of the model are fully specified on taking the observed values for $G, H_0, \Omega_\Lambda$.\\ We have discussed in detail such model in the context of Einstein gravity, i.e. keeping the Newton constant (approximately) fixed at its actual value. The model predicts an equation of state of the equivalent Einstein model with $w_{DE}$ slightly less than $-1$ at present and homogeneous cosmology by itself seems able to constrain $\gamma \lesssim {\cal O}(10^{-3})$, although a full statistical analysis is clearly beyond the scope of this work.\\ It is interesting to also study also what other potentials, besides the simple potential $\lambda \sigma^4/4$ employed in this paper, will also be compatible with the observed evolution of the universe.\\ \\ {\bf Acknowledgment.} We wish to thank the Referee for helpful and constructive criticism.
Boiling is one of the most efficient heat transfer mechanisms that allows a large amount of heat to be transferred over small surface areas due to the associated phase-change process. It has been widely used in industry[@b1], from cooling small electronics to large power plants. However, it is a complex phenomenon which involves multiple length scales present at the base of a bubble in the contact line region[@b2][@b3]. The three-phase contact line region ([Fig. 1a](#f1){ref-type="fig"}), where the liquid-vapor interface meets the solid surface, can be divided into three sub-regions of varying thicknesses: non-evaporating film region (of nanometer-scale thickness), evaporating film region (of micrometer-scale thickness), and bulk meniscus region (of micrometer- to millimeter-scale thickness)[@b4][@b5], with these regions constituting the microlayer. Contact line models[@b6][@b7], together with transient conduction[@b8] and microlayer evaporation[@b9][@b10], have been widely accepted as the basic heat-transfer mechanisms in boiling. The dynamics of contact line region and the microlayer dictate bubble growth and departure, and are of significant importance in understanding the fundamental behavior of the boiling phenomenon[@b11]. Visualization of the boiling process and the contact line region has recently been pursued[@b12][@b13][@b14][@b15][@b16][@b17] with tremendous impact in providing a realistic depiction of the boiling process; however, the unsteady nature and a short time-span of the bubble ebullition cycle has made *in-situ* imaging of a single bubble very challenging. The contact line region is incorporated into predictive boiling models through contact angle values[@b18][@b19][@b20]. The intricacies involving the shape of an interface and the behavior of the contact line are implicitly accounted for in the contact angle, thus making the bubble contact angle parameter of significant importance in boiling models. Methods that have been applied to determine the contact angle include the captive-bubble technique (involves an air-bubble)[@b21][@b22][@b23], the flotometric technique (involves solid particles interacting with a bubble)[@b24], and high-speed photography (involves visual approximation of the contact line region and angle)[@b25]. In addition, equilibrium or advancing contact angles of a liquid droplet on the surface at room temperature are often used boiling models[@b19][@b26], although it is difficult to relate the boiling process to the droplet wetting characteristics due to the highly transient conditions associated with liquid-vapor phase change[@b27][@b28][@b29]. Thus, the contact angle of a vapor bubble in pool boiling has yet to be measured in the early growth stages due to the dynamic nature of the bubble ebullition cycle; making it all the more necessary to image the contact line region to advance our understanding of boiling process and enhance boiling heat transfer efficiency. In this work, we create a steady-state vapor bubble in a pool of sub-cooled water by heating the surface with a femtosecond laser source. The bubble remains stationary for hours, allowing *in-situ* imaging of the microlayer and the contact line region, as well as measurements of the contact angle. A Ti:Sapphire ultrafast laser (pulse length ≈120 fs, repetition rate = 80 MHz, center wavelength *λ*~0~ = 800 nm) in conjunction with a second-harmonic generation (SHG) unit was used to generate high-power laser pulses at a free-space wavelength of *λ*~SHG~ = 400 nm. The laser pulses were passed through a 5× or 50× objective lens and focused on an absorbing 40 nm thick Au film that was sandwiched between a silica glass substrate (bottom-surface) and sputter-deposited 400 nm thick layer of SiO~2~ (top-surface). The focused laser beam creates a highly localized heating area corresponding to the beam-diameter ≈170 μm. To achieve boiling, a pool of water was created inside a 6 cm long and 1.4 cm inner diameter glass tube bonded to the SiO~2~ top-surface of the substrate. Although laser-initiated bubbles have been used in literature[@b30][@b31][@b32], fundamental characteristics of formation of such bubbles or their *in-situ* imaging to understand the boiling process have not been explored. Experiments were performed in both regular deionized (DI) water with dissolved air and degassed DI water. The latter was prepared by boiling regular DI water for one-hour, and filling it inside the glass-tube using a 220 nm filter syringe to remove any particulates. Based on the one-dimensional (1D) diffusion equation, it would take \>24 hours for the atmospheric air to diffuse to the bottom of the 6 cm long tube whereas each experimental measurements lasted for \<2 hours. Convection currents due to bubble formation can increase diffusion of air in water; however, experimental observations show that water remained degassed near the surface as the vapor bubble condensed when the laser was turned off ([video V1](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"} in the [supplementary material](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Using regular DI water, we tested hydrophilic SiO~2~ surfaces (where experiments were performed immediately after plasma cleaning) and normal SiO~2~ surfaces. Similarly, using degassed DI water, we tested both the normal SiO~2~ surface and a hydrophobic trideca[f]{.ul}luoro−1,1,2,2-tetrahydro[o]{.ul}ctyl-[t]{.ul}richloro[s]{.ul}ilane (FOTS) surface. In [Table 1](#t1){ref-type="table"}, we list the drop contact angle on these surfaces measured using a goniometer (drop images in [supplementary information](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). After a bubble is formed on the surface through heating with a laser pulse, we increase the average power of the laser by 20 mW for every subsequent reading of the bubble base, bubble diameter and contact angle. The measurements were stopped before the average laser power could reach the damage threshold of the SiO~2~ surface (corresponding to an average power ≈240 mW). The uncertainty in all the contact angle measurements are one standard deviation for repeated experimental measurements (five in total). Please refer to the [supplementary information](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"} for details on the experimental setup, sample fabrication and preparation. [Figure 2a--c](#f2){ref-type="fig"} show the bottom view, obtained using an inverted optical microscope, of a single bubble formed on hydrophilic SiO~2~, FOTS and normal SiO~2~ surfaces, respectively, with increasing laser heating power. The vapor bubble instantly achieves steady-state in degassed DI water as the heat transfer from the surface leads to continuous evaporation of water in the microlayer which is balanced by the continuous condensation of vapor at the liquid-vapor interface away from the surface due to the sub-cooled pool of water (temperature of water was ≈75 °C lower than the saturation temperature ≈100 °C). The bubble contact angle for the hydrophilic SiO~2~ surface was obtained by measuring the bubble base diameter, , and the height of bubble middle plane, , ([Fig. 2d1](#f2){ref-type="fig"}) and determined by the equation: ; whereas for the hydrophobic surface (FOTS), was obtained by the first-order derivative of the parabolic curve of the interface ([Fig. 2d2](#f2){ref-type="fig"}) and given by where the height of the bubble is . In these equations, the bubble base diameter, , was obtained directly from the calibrated optical images acquired using a CCD camera; while the *z* positions of the bubble middle plane (for hydrophilic and normal SiO~2~) or the bubble height (for the FOTS surface) were obtained by translating the focal plane of the objective to the appropriate *z* height and reading the *z*-offset from the controller of the motorized translation stage. [Figure 2e,f](#f2){ref-type="fig"} show the variation in the bubble base/bubble diameter and contact angle, respectively, with increasing laser power for the various cases studied. The bubble sizes were consistently smaller in degassed DI (D) water when compared to regular DI (R) water due to the contribution of dissolved air in the bubble growth phenomenon in regular water. This effect was further confirmed by turning the laser off; the bubble in degassed DI water disappeared in \< 20 seconds (due to condensation of vapor) while the bubble in regular DI water decreased slightly in diameter but stayed on the surface for days ([videos V1](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}, [V2](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"} and [V3](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"} in the [supplementary material](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Our results are also consistent with a recent study[@b33] where air nanobubbles were found to be stable for days due to the slow-rate of dissolution of air into an already saturated surrounding liquid. For the normal SiO~2~ surface with degassed water, the bubble contact angle decreased with increasing laser power (from 73.6° ± 3.9° at 120 mW to 45.3° ± 5.2° at 200 mW). In all the other cases, the bubble contact angle was found to be independent of the laser power studied. Average bubble contact angle in regular water was determined to be 31.9° ± 0.5° on normal SiO~2~ surface, which is similar to the drop contact angle ([Table 1](#t1){ref-type="table"}), and in good agreement[@b26] with the drop receding contact angle after boiling experiments (32.3° ± 0.4°). The average contact angle was 29.3° ± 0.4° on the hydrophilic SiO~2~ surface which is slightly smaller than the bubble contact angle on normal SiO~2~ surface. Contact angle of the bubble on FOTS surface was 96.8° ± 0.2° which is also similar to the measured drop contact angle. These variations in contact angle, especially between degassed and regular water on the same surface, depend on the dynamics of the microlayer and contact line region as studied and explained below. A stable bubble enables *in-situ* imaging of the contact line region present at the base of the bubble. Using femtosecond laser illumination through a 50× microscope objective, bubbles were formed on a normal SiO~2~ ([Fig. 3a](#f3){ref-type="fig"}) surface with regular water, a normal SiO~2~ surface with degassed water ([Fig. 3b](#f3){ref-type="fig"}), and a FOTS surface with degassed water ([Fig. 3c](#f3){ref-type="fig"}). The contact line region is imaged ([Fig. 3](#f3){ref-type="fig"}) using the inverted optical microscope under illumination from both a white halogen lamp source ([Fig. 3a1](#f3){ref-type="fig"}) and a 632 nm HeNe laser ([Fig. 3a2](#f3){ref-type="fig"}). The microlayer and the contact line region were identified based on the juxtaposition of these two sets of images. Under coherent HeNe laser illumination, two sets of fringes were observed in the images that are a result of thin-film interference associated with interaction between regions of different refractive index. The first set of fringes, F-1 (dark thick partial rings), have fringe-gaps decreasing in the outward radial direction and are associated with interference resulting from the top curved interface of the bubble (and not due to the contact line region). The second set of fringes, F-2, are relatively closely packed and the fringe-gap for these set of fringes increase in the outward radial direction. These fringes are a result of thin-film interference of incident light with the partially reflected light within the thin liquid microlayer present at the base of the bubble[@b14], with the increase in fringe-gap attributed to the increase in radius-of-curvature of the microlayer in the outward radial direction. The second set of fringes is clearly evident in degassed DI water ([Fig. 3b2](#f3){ref-type="fig"}) showing the presence of a liquid microlayer over the entire bubble base. However, in regular DI water ([Fig. 3a2](#f3){ref-type="fig"}), the fringes are absent from the center of the bubble base and are only present in the equivalent bright regions of [Fig. 3a1](#f3){ref-type="fig"}. This observation implies the presence of a dry-spot region at the center of the bubble base and the formation of the three-phase contact line region (liquid-vapor-solid) interfacing with the SiO~2~ surface, with a significantly reduced microlayer. The microlayer shape obtained for a bubble on normal SiO~2~ in regular water and degassed water, and on FOTS surface in degassed water is plotted in [Fig. 2a3](#f2){ref-type="fig"} respectively. As the interference of the monochromatic light source generates dark and bright fringes corresponding to constructive and destructive interference respectively, these fringes are separated by an optical path difference equal to effective half wavelength, *nλ*~0~/2, where *n* is the refractive of the medium, *λ*~0~ is the free-space wavelength of light. The position of these fringes is used to construct the shape of the microlayer, where the difference in local thickness at the adjacent bright/dark fringe location *t*~*m* + *1*~ and *t*~*m*~ is given by *t*~*m* + *1*~ -- *t*~*m*~ = *λ*~0~/2*n* cos(*θ*) for the light refracted at angle *θ* into the microlayer. The fringes observed in the contact line region are also used to explain the experimentally measured contact angle values. In the regular DI water on normal SiO~2~ surface, the larger size of the bubble (due to contribution of dissolved air) at low laser power creates a dry spot at the center causing the creation of a three-phase contact line; and hence, the bubble contact angle is similar to the drop contact angle (where a similar three-phase contact line is present). However, with degassed DI water on normal SiO~2~ surface, the microlayer covers the entire bubble base preventing the formation of the three-phase contact line, and the contact angle is governed by the microlayer curvature relative to the bubble curvature. Hence, the contact angle decreases with increasing laser power as the radius of curvature of the microlayer increases significantly faster compared to the radius of curvature of the bubble. Similarly in FOTS, the larger radius of curvature microlayer along with the parabolic bubble shape results in large contact angle values. The parabolic shape of bubble is attributed to the larger bubble base diameter as the reduced wettability of the hydrophobic surface requires a larger microlayer to remove the same amount of heat from the surface. However, for degassed DI water on both normal SiO~2~ and FOTS surfaces, it is expected that after a critical bubble size is reached -- the microlayer would reduce in thickness, form the three-phase contact line and the bubble contact angle would converge to that of the drop contact angle.Further, bubbles with the microlayer wetting the entire bubble base will not depart the surface as the capillary and disjoining suction force (due to reduced liquid pressure in microlayer) is estimated to be larger than the buoyancy force and capillary force at the top of the bubble (please refer to [supplementary information](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"} for detailed analysis). Maximum heat flux occurs in the thin evaporating region[@b10] and is of critical importance in bubble growth dynamics; however, knowledge of heat transfer coefficient and corresponding width of this region is currently lacking in literature. We use experimental data from *in-situ* imaging of the contact line region together with finite-element-method based numerical simulations to characterize the evaporating region in the microlayer. We first focus on the bubble formation in regular DI water on normal SiO~2~ surface to obtain experimental data. Interestingly, it was found that the bubble grew gradually at constant laser power. The source of bubble growth results from the air dissolved in the water, which is released into the bubble during the vaporization of water from the evaporating region of the microlayer. The bubble grew steadily ([Fig. 4a](#f4){ref-type="fig"}) at a volumetric rate of (5.60 ± 0.06) × 10^−3^ mm^3^/min (please refer to [supplementary information](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"} for bubble volume calculations) and the contact line region at the bubble base grew radially outward at a speed of (1.9 ± 0.1) μm/min during the initial 40 min, but stopped after it reached a diameter of ≈270 μm ([Fig. 4b](#f4){ref-type="fig"}); this limiting diameter approximately corresponds to the measured laser beam diameter (≈170 μm) with additional radial heat conduction in the Au layer. The uncertainty in the measurements of the bubble growth rate and bubble base are standard deviation of the fit parameter. Contact angle of the bubble ([Fig. 4c](#f4){ref-type="fig"}) decreased with time as the bubble base remained nearly constant while the bubble diameter grew uninhibited. Similar to [Fig. 3a1](#f3){ref-type="fig"}, the central dry spot diameter was identified from *in-situ* imaging of the contact line region. Based on these experimental data, the heat transfer rate *q* in the evaporating region, , is obtained from the air-water solubility mass balance calculation. Here, is the vaporization rate of water in evaporating region, is the mass flow rate of air into the vapor bubble from evaporating region, *S*~*a*~ is the solubility of air in water, and Δ*H* is the latent heat of vaporization. The heat transfer rate in the evaporating region *q* is also dependent on the overall heat transfer coefficient *h* and the area of the evaporating region through (please refer to [Supplementary Information](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}): where *D*~*bb*~ is the central dry spot diameter, *w* is the width of evaporating region, and Δ*T* is the temperature difference between the surface and the bulk fluid. Unknown parameters *h* and *w* characterize the evaporating region ([Fig. 4d](#f4){ref-type="fig"}), and we performed finite-element-method based simulations to determine the range of *h* and *w* for which the simulated release rate of air from the evaporating region agreed with that obtained through measured bubble geometry in the experiments ([Fig. 4a](#f4){ref-type="fig"}). An axi-symmetric domain was considered that included the glass substrate, 40 nm Au layer and 400 nm SiO~2~ layer ([Fig. 4d](#f4){ref-type="fig"}). A parametric study was performed where *h* and *w* were varied from 5000 Wm^−2^K^−1^ to 200,000 Wm^−2^K^−1^, and from 0.5 μm to 19.5 μm, respectively for a total of 3500 simulation cases. [Figure 3e](#f3){ref-type="fig"} shows the range of *h* and *w* for which simulation results were in good agreement with experiments within a standard uncertainty of 4.5%. The temperature profile of the surface is plotted for this range ([Fig. 4f](#f4){ref-type="fig"}). Interestingly, the surface temperature at *r *≈* *135 μm was ≈39 °C, which is the critical temperature when Marangoni flow inhibits fluid flow towards the contact line[@b34], thus equilibrating the incoming mass flow to the evaporation rate and causing the contact line to become stable at bubble base diameter of ≈270 μm. The temperature at the center of the bubble is calculated to be ≈82 °C, which is also in good agreement with experiments[@b35], where it has been shown that the formation of a bubble in pool boiling in sub-cooled water at room temperature occurs at ≈84 °C. The thermal boundary layer thickness prior to bubble nucleation is simulated to be ≈200 μm, and around the steady bubble is estimated to be ≈280 μm for *h* = 120 kW/m^2^K and *w* = 10 μm (please refer to [Supplementary Information](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). In summary, a steady-state vapor bubble is created in a pool of sub-cooled water by femtosecond laser heating which allows for *in-situ* imaging of the microlayer and the contact line region. The bubble can remain stable for hours as the evaporation of water at the surface is balanced by condensation of vapor at the liquid-vapor interface inside the bubble. Experiments are conducted on hydrophilic (SiO~2~) and hydrophobic (FOTS) surfaces in regular (with dissolved air) and degassed DI water. The contact angle of the vapor bubble is measured for various cases, and the microlayer and contact line region are imaged with white light and a coherent laser source. For the laser powers studied, it was found that the three-phase contact line readily forms in regular DI water, while the microlayer covers the entire bubble base in degassed DI water. The contact angle for the bubble is found to resemble the drop contact angle on the same surface if the three-phase contact line forms, otherwise the contact angle is dependent on the curvature of the microlayer and the bubble, and decreases with increasing laser power. The evaporating region in the contact line region is characterized by numerical simulations and experimental results, and permissible values of heat transfer coefficient and corresponding width are calculated, thus providing an estimate to the upper limit of the heat transfer coefficient attainable in nucleate boiling as well as thin-film evaporation. The work presented here will advance the design of nanostructures to enhance heat transfer by optimizing the width of microlayer and improve our understanding of boiling phenomenon, particularly in outer-space where lack of gravity causes the bubbles to stay stationary on a heated surface. *In-situ* imaging of the microlayer and contact line region in a steady state bubble is a powerful technique for understanding the physical dynamics of the bubble growth process. Additional Information ====================== **How to cite this article**: Zou, A. *et al*. Steady State Vapor Bubble in Pool Boiling. *Sci. Rep*. **6**, 20240; doi: 10.1038/srep20240 (2016). Supplementary Material {#S1} ====================== ###### Supplementary Information ###### Supplementary Movie S1 ###### Supplementary Movie S2 ###### Supplementary Movie S3 This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1445946. This work was performed in part at the Cornell NanoScale Facility, a member of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, which was supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant ECCS-15420819). A. A. acknowledges support under the Cooperative Research Agreement between the University of Maryland and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, Award\#70NANB10H193, through the University of Maryland. **Author Contributions** A.A. and S.C.M. conceived the ideas and directed the work. S.C.M., A.Z., A.C. and A.A. designed the study. A.Z., A.C. and S.C.M. carried out the experiments and analyzed the data with assistance from A.A. and P.C.W. A.Z. performed the numerical simulations with inputs from S.C.M., A.C., A.A., P.C.W. S.C.M., A.A., A.Z. and A.C. wrote the manuscript. ![Microlayer and three-phase contact line evolution during early stages of vapor bubble growth process.\ (**a**) 2D schematic of vapor bubble on a heated surface with a microlayer wetting the entire bubble base (three-phase contact line is not present). Cross-section of the base of the bubble depicting the microlayer. Increase in heating temperature and bubble size forms a three-phase contact line with reduced microlayer, *i.e*., from 1a to 1b.(**b**) Three-dimensional (3D) schematic of a vapor bubble on a heated surface in a pool of liquid depicting the presence of the three-phase contact line. Cross-sectional two-dimensional (2D) view of the three-phase contact line showing the non-evaporating region (R3), evaporating film region (R2), bulk meniscus region (R1) and the dry spot (R4); microlayer comprises of regions R1, R2 and R3.](srep20240-f1){#f1} ![Laser heated steady-state bubble under 5× magnification captured using an inverted optical microscope on:\ (**a**) normal SiO~2~ surface in degassed water, (**b**) FOTS surface in degassed water, and (**c**) normal SiO~2~ surface in regular water, as a function of increasing laser power: 120 mW (**a1,b1**), 140 mW (**c1**), 160 mW (**a2,b2**) and 200 mW (**a3,b3,c2**). The bubble is twice as large for regular water when compared to the degassed water due to contribution of dissolved air; scale bars in (**a--c**) are 50 μm. (**d**) Contact angle measurement depiction on (**d1**) SiO~2~ surface (θ = arctan(*d*~*bb*~/2*z*)) and (**d2**) hydrophobic FOTS surface (θ = *π* + arctan(−4*z*/*d*~*bb*~)). (**e**) Bubble base (BB) and bubble diameter (BD) measurements on normal SiO~2~ (Norm. SiO~2~) surface in degassed (D) and regular (R) water, hydrophilic SiO~2~ (Hydro. SiO~2~) in regular water, and hydrophobic FOTS in degassed water. (**f)** Contact angles for bubbles in (**f1**) regular water and (**f2**) degassed water with increasing laser power. Bubble contact angles in regular water were found to be independent of laser power and similar to drop contact angles (shown in inset in (**f1**)), but noticeably larger in degassed water on normal SiO~2~ while dropping significantly with increase in laser power. Uncertainties in (**e**) are based on standard deviation of five measurements for every experimental data point. Uncertainties in (**f1**,**f2**) are one standard deviation based on propagation of uncertainty from five individual measurements of bubble base and *z*~*1*~ or *z*~*2*~ position for each data point. Lines connecting the data points in (**e**), (**f1**,**f2**) are guides to the eye.](srep20240-f2){#f2} ![Optical images of the bubble with 50× magnification under white-light and HeNe laser illumination.\ (**a**) Bubble on normal SiO~2~ surface in regular water shows fringes (F-2) only in the corresponding white/bright region but absent at the center implying a central dry-spot and the narrow microlayer forming a three-phase contact line. (**b**) Bubble on normal SiO~2~ surface and (**c**) FOTS surface in degassed water, show the bubble base is completely covered with the microlayer in bubble base region and no three-phase interfacial line is formed yet. The formation of the three-phase line is expected to change the bubble contact angle to be similar to that of a drop. Secondary fringes F-1 (darker and thicker partial rings) are caused due to the interference of light with bubble curvature as light is incident from the top of the sample. The scale bar in all images is 50 μm. (**a3**,**b3**,**c3**) show the microlayer curvature (shape) obtained from the respective fringes using the thin-film interference equation. (**b3**,**c3**) do not have a dry spot and the microlayer thickness at *r *=* *0 has been assumed to emphasize this fact. Uncertainties in (**a3**,**b3**,**c3**) for radial distance *r* are determined from the smallest fringe width that can be measured based on the resolution of the camera.](srep20240-f3){#f3} ![Bubble growth on normal SiO~2~ surface in regular water at constant laser power and corresponding simulation results.\ (**a**) Bubble volume growth rate. (**b**) Bubble base (black) and bubble diameter (red) change with time during growth; for the bubble diameter, the upper and lower limits of the error bar are too close and they merge together. (**c**) Bubble contact angle change with time during growth. (**d**) Finite-element-method based simulation domain and boundary conditions. The heat conduction inside the sample was simulated with the 2D axial symmetry condition to estimate the bubble growth rate. A large enough domain (1 mm × 1 mm) was simulated so that the right side boundary condition could be set as thermally insulated. The heat source is the gold layer which absorbs the laser (beam radius ≈ 85 μm). The heat transfer coefficient *h* and width *w* of the evaporating layer were varied in the simulations, and results for the bubble growth were compared to experimental results, within an error of 4.5%, to estimate the range of *h* and *w*, as depicted in (**e**). (**f**) Temperature profile on solid surface from simulations depicting the temperature to be ≈39 °C at bubble base radius of ≈135 μm. Uncertainties in (**a**,**c**) are based on propagation of uncertainty from five individual measurements or readings of bubble diameter and contact angle, and bubble base and *z*~*1*~/*z*~*2*~ position, respectively, for every experimental data point. Uncertainties in (**b**) are based on one standard deviation of five measurements for each data point. Rectangular red colored bars in (**f**) depict the spread in surface temperature for a subset of simulations where bubble growth rate was calculated to be within an error of 0.2% from experimental results; average temperature values are also shown and connected as a guide to the eye.](srep20240-f4){#f4} ###### Sample surfaces and liquids used for the experiments along with the static droplet contact angle on these surfaces. Sample Surface Drop Contact Angle Liquid Tested ------------------------ -------------------- ----------------------------- Hydrophilic SiO~2~ 0° regular DI water Normal SiO~2~ 33.4^o^ ± 2.7° regular & degassed DI water Trichlorosilane (FOTS) 109.8^o^ ± 2.9° degassed DI water Hydrophilic SiO~2~ surface was created by oxygen plasma cleaning of normal SiO~2~ surface, and used in experiments immediately afterwards. The normal SiO~2~ surface was used approx. 3 to 4 days after oxygen plasma cleaning. Uncertainties in drop contact angle are one standard deviation based on propagation of uncertainty from five individual measurements.
Introduction {#sec1-0300060520945158} ============ The oculocardiac reflex (OCR) is evoked by parasympathetic stimulation induced by manipulation of the eye or extraocular muscles; thus, it typically occurs during strabismus surgery.^[@bibr1-0300060520945158]^ The afferent pathway of the OCR runs from the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve to the vagus nuclei, while the efferent pathway runs from the vagus nerve to the heart.^[@bibr2-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr3-0300060520945158]^ The OCR is defined as a 10% to 20% reduction in the heart rate (HR) from the baseline value or the development of dysrhythmia.^[@bibr1-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr2-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr4-0300060520945158]^ The incidence of the OCR ranges from 14% to 90% in previously published studies depending on the definition used.^[@bibr1-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr5-0300060520945158][@bibr6-0300060520945158]--[@bibr7-0300060520945158]^ In most cases, the OCR resolves without treatment, but some patients develop cardiac arrest and, in very rare cases, sudden death.^[@bibr8-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr9-0300060520945158]^ The OCR occurs more often in pediatric patients and in those undergoing surgery on the medial rectus (MR) muscle; however, it is less prevalent in pediatric patients when deeper anesthesia is induced.^[@bibr5-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr7-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr10-0300060520945158][@bibr11-0300060520945158]--[@bibr12-0300060520945158]^ The oculorespiratory reflex (ORR) manifests as shallow respiratory movement, bradypnea, and respiratory arrest caused by pressure in or manipulation of the eye.^[@bibr13-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr14-0300060520945158]^ The afferent pathway of the ORR is identical to that of the OCR, but the efferent pathway has not yet been fully elucidated.^[@bibr13-0300060520945158]^ Additionally, the exact definition of, incidence of, and risk factors for the ORR have not yet been clearly described. Because most strabismus surgeries are performed under general anesthesia with mechanical ventilation that requires neuromuscular blocking agents (e.g., rocuronium), very little clinical research has focused on the ORR. Most strabismus surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis. Therefore, anesthesia using a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) to maintain spontaneous respiration has been suggested in patients undergoing strabismus surgery.^[@bibr10-0300060520945158]^ However, few studies have focused on the OCR and ORR during strabismus surgery in relation to the depth of anesthesia, especially in terms of the specific extraocular muscle undergoing surgery.^[@bibr3-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr7-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr11-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr13-0300060520945158]^ Therefore, we designed this retrospective study primarily to elucidate the occurrence of the OCR and ORR according to the specific extraocular muscle being operated on in both pediatric and adult patients undergoing strabismus surgery with an LMA and maintenance of spontaneous respiration. The secondary aim was to determine whether the depth of anesthesia influences the occurrence of the OCR and ORR. Patients and methods {#sec2-0300060520945158} ==================== Study population and ethical approval {#sec3-0300060520945158} ------------------------------------- The Institutional Review Board of Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea approved this study (approval no. KC17RESI0365) and waived the requirement for obtaining informed consent because of the retrospective nature of the study. We reviewed the medical records of patients who underwent strabismus surgery at Seoul St. Mary's Hospital from January to December 2017. Data abstraction was performed using the hospital's electronic charting system. Patients were excluded if they had an American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status of \>III; underwent strabismus surgery on the superior/inferior rectus and oblique muscles; had bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sleep apnea, or heart disease; or had no OCR and ORR data. Data on sex, age, body weight, the specific muscles operated on, HR, tidal volume (TV), respiratory rate (RR), minute ventilation (MV), and muscle traction time were collected. Patients aged \<15 years were defined as children. Anesthetic management {#sec4-0300060520945158} --------------------- All patients scheduled to undergo strabismus surgery under general anesthesia at our hospital were routinely managed as follows. The patients were allowed to eat and drink until 8 hours before surgery. Intravenous access was established with a 20- to 24-gauge angiocatheter at the day surgery center (DSC). For pediatric patients who refused to enter the operating room alone, 0.05 to 0.10 mg of midazolam was intravenously administered at the DSC; otherwise, no premedication was administered. Basic monitoring, including electrocardiography, noninvasive sphygmomanometry, pulse oximetry, and measurement of the bispectral index (BIS), was performed in the operating room. For anesthetic induction, 1.5 to 2.0 mg/kg of propofol was administered, and an LMA (LMA® Flexible™ Airway; Teleflex, Westmeath, Ireland) fitted for age and weight was inserted when the patients were fully sedated. Anesthesia was maintained with sevoflurane at 2.0 to 2.5 vol%, 50% nitrous oxide, and 50% oxygen to maintain the BIS at 40 to 60. Spontaneous respiration was maintained with application of pressure support at 5 to 10 cmH~2~O, preventing the peak pressure from exceeding 20 cmH~2~O. At the end of surgery, the sevoflurane was discontinued and the LMA was removed. The patients were transferred to the post-anesthesia care unit and then to the DSC for discharge. Data collection and statistical analyses {#sec5-0300060520945158} ---------------------------------------- The ophthalmologist informed the anesthesiologist about the progress of the strabismus surgery, such as the extraocular muscle hooking and release, and the anesthesiologist recorded the cardiovascular and respiratory parameters at each point of the strabismus surgery. The lowest HR, TV, RR, and MV were recorded during hooking of the rectus muscle; all parameters were recorded at the moment of traction release. Changes in the HR, TV, RR, and MV were calculated as the lowest value during lateral rectus (LR) or MR muscle traction divided by the baseline value. The OCR was defined as a \>20% reduction in the HR from the baseline value. The baseline HR was defined as the HR before surgical incision. The ORR was defined as a \>20% reduction in the TV, RR, and MV from the baseline values. The baseline values of the respiratory parameters were defined as the values before surgical incision. All data were analyzed using SPSS software ver. 20.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). For demographic data, the χ^2^ test or Fisher's exact test and the t-test were used. The incidence rates of the OCR and ORR were compared between the LR and MR muscles using the χ^2^ test. Linear logistic regression was performed to analyze changes in the HR, TV, RR, and BIS during muscle traction. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation or number and percentage. A p-value of \<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results {#sec6-0300060520945158} ======= A total of 175 patients underwent strabismus surgery during the study period. The data of 141 patients (89 children and 52 adults) who met the inclusion criteria were analyzed. The pediatric patients underwent 69 LR and 58 MR operations, while the adult patients underwent 44 LR and 42 MR operations ([Figure 1](#fig1-0300060520945158){ref-type="fig"}). The mean muscle traction time was 161 ± 50.0 s in children and 156.1 ± 42.5 s in adults ([Table 1](#table1-0300060520945158){ref-type="table"}). ![Patient flow diagram.](10.1177_0300060520945158-fig1){#fig1-0300060520945158} ###### Patient characteristics. ![](10.1177_0300060520945158-table1) Pediatric Adult ------------------------------------------- -------------- -------------- Total 89 52 Sex, male/female 41/48 26/26 Age, years 6.6 ± 2.8 39.2 ± 16.6 Body weight, kg 26.6 ± 10.9 63.7 ± 7.7 Number of operated muscles, LR/MR 69/58 44/42 Baseline heart rate, beats/minute 97.7 ± 15.1 72.6 ± 11.6 Baseline tidal volume, mL/kg 4.0 ± 1.5 4.4 ± 1.2 Baseline respiratory rate, breaths/minute 24.3 ± 6.7 17.7 ± 7.1 Baseline minute ventilation, L/minute 2.6 ± 1.0 4.0 ± 1.5 Baseline BIS 82.3 ± 17.5 97.5 ± 1.0 Muscle traction time, s 161.0 ± 50.0 156.1 ± 42.5 Categorical variables are shown as number, and other variables are shown as mean ± standard deviation. LR, lateral rectus; MR, medial rectus; BIS, bispectral index. The incidence of the OCR during LR versus MR operations was not significantly different in either pediatric or adult patients (42.0% vs. 46.6% and 34.1% vs. 38.1%, respectively). The overall incidence of the ORR in terms of the TV was 12.2%. The incidence of the ORR in terms of the TV was significantly higher during MR surgery (29.3%) than during LR surgery (10.1%) in children (p \< 0.05); however, there was no significant difference in adult patients. The incidence of the ORR in terms of the RR and MV was not significantly different between LR and MR surgeries in either pediatric or adult patients ([Table 2](#table2-0300060520945158){ref-type="table"}). The overall incidence of the OCR was not significantly different between pediatric and adult patients. The incidence of the ORR in terms of the TV was significantly higher in pediatric patients than that in adult patients (18.9% vs. 2.3%, p \< 0.001), while there was no significant difference in the incidence of the ORR in terms of the RR and MV between pediatric and adult patients ([Table 3](#table3-0300060520945158){ref-type="table"}). ###### Incidence of OCR and ORR. ![](10.1177_0300060520945158-table2) LR muscle MR muscle p value ------------- ----------- ----------- --------- OCR  Total 44 (38.9) 43 (43.0) 0.737  Pediatrics 29 (42.0) 27 (46.6) 0.546  Adults 15 (34.1) 16 (38.1) 0.709 ORR  TV  Total 8 (7.1) 18 (18.0) 0.312  Pediatrics 7 (10.1) 17 (29.3) 0.008\*  Adults 1 (2.3) 1 (2.4) 0.722  RR  Total 1 (0.9) 2 (2.0) 0.192  Pediatrics 1 (1.4) 1 (1.7) 0.532  Adults 0 (0.0) 1 (2.4) 0.307  MV  Total 3 (2.7) 7 (7.0) 0.217  Pediatrics 2 (2.9) 6 (10.3) 0.106  Adults 1 (2.3) 1 (2.4) 0.722 Variables are shown as number (percentage). LR, lateral rectus; MR, medial rectus; OCR, oculocardiac reflex; ORR, oculorespiratory reflex; TV, tidal volume; RR, respiratory rate; MV, minute ventilation. \*p \< 0.05. ###### Comparison between pediatric and adult patients. ![](10.1177_0300060520945158-table3) Pediatric Adult p value ----- ----------- ----------- --------- OCR 56 (44.1) 31 (36.0) 0.259 ORR  TV 24 (18.9) 2 (2.3) 0.000\*  RR 2 (1.6) 1 (1.2) 1.000  MV 8 (6.3) 2 (2.3) 0.322 Variables are shown as number (percentage). OCR, oculocardiac reflex; ORR, oculorespiratory reflex; TV, tidal volume; RR, respiratory rate; MV, minute ventilation. \*p \< 0.05. The change in the HR during muscle traction and the BIS showed a negative correlation in pediatric patients, but this was not statistically significant ([Figure 2a](#fig2-0300060520945158){ref-type="fig"}). The change in the TV during muscle traction and the BIS were significantly correlated in both pediatric and adult patients (r^2^ = 0.034 and 0.058, respectively; p \< 0.05) ([Figures 2b](#fig2-0300060520945158){ref-type="fig"} and [3b](#fig3-0300060520945158){ref-type="fig"}), while the change in the RR during muscle traction and the BIS showed no significant correlation in either group ([Figures 2c](#fig2-0300060520945158){ref-type="fig"} and [3c](#fig3-0300060520945158){ref-type="fig"}). The change in the MV during muscle traction was correlated with the BIS in pediatric patients (r^2^ = 0.043, p \< 0.05), but not in adult patients ([Figures 2d](#fig2-0300060520945158){ref-type="fig"} and [3d](#fig3-0300060520945158){ref-type="fig"}). ![Relationship between BIS and changes in (a) HR, (b) TV, (c) RR, and (d) MV during muscle traction in pediatric patients. BIS, bispectral index; HR, heart rate; TV, tidal volume; RR, respiratory rate; MV, minute volume.](10.1177_0300060520945158-fig2){#fig2-0300060520945158} ![Relationship between BIS and changes in (a) HR, (b) TV, (c) RR, and (d) MV during muscle traction in adult patients. BIS, bispectral index; HR, heart rate; TV, tidal volume; RR, respiratory rate; MV, minute volume.](10.1177_0300060520945158-fig3){#fig3-0300060520945158} Discussion {#sec7-0300060520945158} ========== Strabismus surgery is one of the most common ophthalmologic surgeries performed under general anesthesia, especially in pediatric patients. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to compare the incidence rates of the OCR and ORR during LR and MR strabismus surgeries in patients undergoing general anesthesia using an LMA with spontaneous respiration; moreover, it is the first study to investigate the incidence rates of the OCR and ORR in relation to the depth of anesthesia. This study showed that the incidence of the OCR was not significantly different between LR and MR surgeries in either pediatric or adult patients; in addition, it was not correlated with the depth of anesthesia. In pediatric patients, the incidence of the ORR in terms of the TV was higher during MR surgery than during LR surgery. Changes in the TV during rectus muscle traction were correlated with the depth of anesthesia, while changes in the RR during rectus muscle traction were not correlated with the depth of anesthesia in either pediatric or adult patients. The OCR is an important phenomenon during strabismus surgery; thus, both anesthesiologists and ophthalmic surgeons closely monitor potential signs of the OCR to prevent its occurrence. Retrobulbar block, premedication with anticholinergics, and gentle tension during muscle traction have been suggested to reduce the incidence of the OCR.^[@bibr12-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr16-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr17-0300060520945158]^ Previous studies of the association between the OCR and operations on specific extraocular muscles have produced conflicting results. In some studies, the OCR occurred more frequently during MR surgery than during LR surgery because of the differences in the afferent pathways involved.^[@bibr3-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr4-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr7-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr18-0300060520945158]^ Other studies showed no relationship between the OCR and the specific extraocular muscle on which the operation was performed.^[@bibr1-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr6-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr19-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr20-0300060520945158]^ In our study, LR and MR surgeries showed no differences in the incidence of the OCR in either pediatric or adult patients; moreover, changes in the HR during muscle traction were not associated with the depth of anesthesia. Changes in the HR during muscle traction were negatively correlated with the depth of anesthesia in pediatric patients, as in previous studies; however, this correlation was not statistically significant. We presume that this discrepancy with previous results was due to the maintenance of spontaneous respiration during surgery in our study population. Notably, respiration modulates sympathetic nerve activity, and a more rapid RR is associated with a higher level of sympathetic activity.^[@bibr21-0300060520945158]^ Additionally, negative intrathoracic pressure during spontaneous inspiration causes a slight increase in the HR because of vagal withdrawal and lung hyperinflation, which may occur during mechanical ventilation and leads to bradycardia due to vagal overstimulation.^[@bibr22-0300060520945158]^ In contrast to the findings of previous studies involving general anesthesia with mechanical ventilation, the patients in our study maintained their spontaneous respiration; the resulting sympathetic stimulation offset the parasympathetic reflex that occurred during extraocular muscle manipulation. The ORR has not been well characterized for anesthesiologists or ophthalmologic surgeons because most studies to date have been experimental in nature. Although the efferent pathway of the ORR has not been clearly elucidated, it appears to be independent of the vagus nerve because intravenous atropine enhances the ORR; moreover, as in the OCR, the afferent pathway stimulates the pneumotaxic respiratory center to send a signal to the medullary respiratory area through the phrenic nerve and other respiratory nerves.^[@bibr13-0300060520945158]^ The ORR is prevented by retrobulbar block.^[@bibr15-0300060520945158]^ Allison et al.^[@bibr11-0300060520945158]^ reported that the ORR occurred in a manner that led to a reduced TV without significant declines in the RR in pediatric patients who underwent strabismus surgery with the use of an LMA to maintain spontaneous respiration; this result is identical to the result of our study. We used sevoflurane, the respiratory effect of which has not yet been fully elucidated,^[@bibr11-0300060520945158]^,^[@bibr23-0300060520945158][@bibr24-0300060520945158][@bibr25-0300060520945158]--[@bibr26-0300060520945158]^ and we found that the overall incidence of the ORR in terms of the TV was 12.2% in pediatric patients. The incidence rate was higher during MR surgery than during LR surgery, which might have been a result of the different afferent pathways involved.^[@bibr19-0300060520945158]^ However, the overall incidence rate of the ORR in terms of the RR and MV was \<5% and did not differ between the LR and MR surgeries. Based on these findings, the ORR may be defined as a change of in the TV during muscle traction. Meanwhile, maintenance of the MV during traction of the MR and LR muscles indicates that muscle traction does not interfere with spontaneous respiration in a comprehensive sense. Among the respiratory parameters, only the TV decreased with a greater depth of anesthesia in both pediatric and adult patients, although the correlations were marginal. In other words, the TV increased as the depth of anesthesia decreased (i.e., became lighter), which might be considered a result of stimulation of muscle hooking, such as pain. However, all patients were anesthetized deep enough to maintain a BIS of \<60 even without using rocuronium, which may lower the BIS regardless of the actual depth of anesthesia.^[@bibr27-0300060520945158]^ We consider that the higher incidence of the ORR in terms of the TV in pediatric than adult patients is the reason that the BIS and MV showed a significant correlation only in pediatric patients. One limitation of this study is that the OCR and ORR occurring during superior rectus, inferior rectus, and oblique muscle surgery were not analyzed because of the lower number of procedures performed on these muscles. Most strabismus surgeries are performed on the horizontal rectus extraocular muscles, such as the LR and MR muscles. Therefore, we only included patients who had undergone surgeries on two horizontal rectus muscles. Ha et al.^[@bibr6-0300060520945158]^ reported that the incidence of the OCR was significantly higher in the first operated muscle than in the second operated muscle in patients who underwent two muscle surgeries because of the adaptation to the subsequent stimulation. In the present study, we focused only on the effect of the MR and LR muscles on the OCR and ORR, including patients undergoing surgery on one or two muscles. We did not analyze whether the OCR or ORR differed according to the order of the operated muscles in our study. This might have influenced the results of this study by introducing bias. Nevertheless, this study is considered sufficiently meaningful as the first study to analyze the OCR and ORR depending on the specific muscle being operated on and the depth of anesthesia in patients undergoing strabismus surgery with an LMA to maintain spontaneous respiration. In summary, the OCR was not influenced by either the specific muscle being operated on or the depth of anesthesia. The ORR in terms of the TV occurred more frequently during MR surgery in pediatric patients and was positively correlated with the depth of anesthesia in both pediatric and adult patients. Thus, we propose that young age and MR surgery are risk factors for the ORR during strabismus surgery under general anesthesia with spontaneous respiration. Additionally, we do not advise deepening anesthesia to prevent the ORR when using an LMA with spontaneous respiration because the OCR is not correlated with the depth of anesthesia. However, further prospective observational studies should be performed to clarify the relationship between the ORR and the depth of anesthesia as well as to validate the risk factors for the ORR during strabismus surgery with the use of an LMA to maintain spontaneous respiration. Declaration of conflicting interest {#sec8-0300060520945158} =================================== The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. Funding {#sec9-0300060520945158} ======= This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. ORCID iD ======== Jin Joo <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4260-9397>
We describe a novel method for analyzing neural data that uses a combination of Markov transition matrices and Kullback-Leibler divergence to characterize spike history and spike patterns. For this method, the interspike intervals (ISIs) are divided into bins by quantiles, and a Markov transition matrix is computed for the ISI sequence. This Markov transition matrix is then compared to another Markov transition matrix constructed under the assumption of independent spiking. We then compute the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the distributions of ISI transition probabilities for each bin. The purpose of this method is to quantify the effects of spike history on neuron output and to help better characterize the flaws associated with assuming independent spiking. We test this method on both simulated data and experimental data from primary visual cortex of cats, publicly available through CRCNS \[[@B1]-[@B3]\]. Interspike intervals are simulated based on exponential and gamma distributions fit to the corresponding experimental ISI distributions. Artificial data is also constructed by randomly reshuffling the temporal order of the experimental ISI sequences. Figure [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"} shows a comparison between the experimental and simulated data for a typical neuron in the study. After comparison, we find that the Kullback-Leibler divergence for the experimental data is significantly greater than it is for the simulated data, but only for the bins at the extreme ends of the distribution. For spike time transitions after both the smallest and longest 10% of ISIs in the experimental data, the Kullback-Leibler divergence for these quantile groups is in many cases almost double the Kullback-Leibler divergence of the simulated data, and it can be more than an order of magnitude higher in some rarer cases. However, for transitions in the middle range, the Kullback-Leibler divergence is on average less than for the distribution tails, and the values for the experimental and numerical data are more similar. ![**Kullback-Leibler divergence estimates in bits for experimental and simulated ISI distributions broken up into 20 quantile bins**. Fifty spike trains of equal length were simulated for each category of artificial data. Averages and standard deviations for these simulated spike trains are shown for each quantile bin.](1471-2202-14-S1-P340-1){#F1} Conclusions =========== These results emphasize that the main shortcoming of simple spiking models, like the Poisson model, is a failure to account for spike history and spike patterns related to bursting and long periods of silence. This also suggests that neural systems can gain an advantage in computational efficiency by accounting for spike timing aspects of bursting and extended periods of silence within the neural code.
Introduction ============ Adult skeletal muscles represent a plastic organ endowed with a remarkable capacity to regenerate in response to injury [@B1]. The leading role in muscle growth and regeneration is played by satellite cells, which are anatomically positioned between the myofiber sarcolemma and basal lamina [@B2] in quiescent conditions, and are rapidly activated to form new myofibers in response to appropriate stimuli [@B3]. In normal skeletal muscle, regeneration is a coordinated process in which several factors are sequentially activated to maintain and preserve muscle structure and function. However, in some disease states, such as muscular dystrophy, this regenerative capacity is impaired [@B4], [@B5]. Dystrophies are hereditary skeletal muscle degenerative diseases caused by mutations in genes, most of which encode for proteins that are indispensable to the integrity of the muscle cell membrane and structure [@B6]. Their functional absence enhances muscle susceptibility to mechanical and biochemical injuries, with consequent membrane leakage and loss of muscle cells [@B7]. Dystrophic muscle is characterized by progressive myofiber loss, chronic local inflammation and fibrosis, which in severe forms lead to paralysis, respiratory and cardiac failure and, eventually, the death of the patient. Indeed, the chronic inflammatory response creates a hostile microenvironment that inhibits the regenerative capacity of the satellite stem cells responsible for exacerbating the deleterious processes [@B4]. Therefore, modulation of the inflammatory signals in the muscle microenvironment represents a critical topic for current investigations. Nutritional factors may target critical players involved in inflammation response, tissue regeneration and repair [@B8]. Previous studies have demonstrated that dietary flaxseed exerts an anti-inflammatory effect in animals [@B9] and humans [@B10] by reducing circulating inflammatory molecules. Flaxseed is one of the richest sources of n3-PUFA acid α-linolenic acid (ALA) [@B11]. Our previous studies have demonstrated that dietary supplementation with flaxseed prevents the fibrosis and derangement of skeletal and cardiac muscle structure and function in dystrophic hamsters, markedly extending the animals\' lifespan [@B12]-[@B14]. In this animal model, characterized by a deletion of the δ-sarcoglycan gene, muscle damage occurs early and peaks when the animal is 120-150 days old. This late phase of disease is characterized by increased plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF) [@B13]. TNF is a major pro-inflammatory cytokine that is expressed in damaged skeletal muscle; increased TNF levels have been found in the plasma and muscles of dystrophic animals and humans [@B15]. High TNF plasma levels (0.5-10 ng/ml) have been associated with myoblast and myocyte apoptosis, inhibition of myogenic differentiation and muscle wasting [@B16]-[@B19]. Dietary flaxseed has been shown to counteract the deleterious effects of TNF on cardiac muscle cell survival through a mechanism that regulates caveolin-3 expression and accumulation in caveolae and is likely due to the ALA content of flaxseed [@B13]. Caveolin-3 is a muscle-specific protein involved in cardiac and skeletal muscle protection [@B20]-[@B22] and is essential for myoblast fusion and myotube formation [@B23]. These findings suggest that flaxseed and its n3 fatty acid ALA may be able to counteract the harmful effects of TNF on myogenesis. Therefore, in the present study, we decided to investigate the possible beneficial effects of flaxseed and ALA in models of TNF-induced impaired myogenic differentiation. The *in vivo* model we adopted was the dystrophic hamster (Dystr/P), characterized by increased TNF plasma levels associated with skeletal muscle degeneration, which was fed with a flaxseed-enriched diet (FS diet) from weaning to death. Murine myoblasts treated with high concentrations of TNF and challenged with ALA represented the *in vitro* model. In addition, to identify the mechanisms and pathways underlying the effects of flaxseed and ALA on skeletal muscle, we carried out an *in silico*analysis. In view of the findings of previous studies that highlighted a possible epigenetic mechanism through which n-3 PUFAs regulate protein expression [@B24]-[@B26], we also performed an extensive literature search to identify putative microRNAs (miRNA) likely to underlie the effects of n-3 PUFAs on impaired myogenesis. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are 18-25 nucleotide non-coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression by stalling the translation of the cognate mRNA or by promoting its degradation [@B27]. MicroRNAs are emerging as prominent players in myogenic differentiation [@B28] and represent a level of molecular regulation through which hundreds of genes involved in different signaling pathways can be regulated simultaneously [@B29]. Therefore, miRNAs can be used as a tool to uncover the pathways and targets that underlie changes in skeletal muscle in different pathophysiological conditions and after specific treatments. To identify the miRNA targets and pathways that are shared by more than one miRNA, a computer program named SID1.0 (simple String IDentifier) was developed [@B30]. This string identification program has proven to be a very useful tool to predict new genes, miRNAs and related targets and pathways involved in different pathophysiological processes [@B30], [@B31]. In the present study, we performed the *in silico* analysis of the pathways shared by different miRNAs involved in the effects of n-3 PUFAs on myogenesis to support the experimental *in vivo* and *in vitro* observations. Materials and methods ===================== In Vivo ------- ### Animals and Dietary Treatment Syrian hamsters (strain UM-X7.1), in which a deletion of the δ-sarcoglycan gene (δ-SG) determines a hereditary dystrophy that reproduces the human LGMD2F [@B32] phenotype, were used in the present study. Dystrophic hamsters were randomly divided in 2 groups: the first group (Dystr/P group) was fed with standard pellet chow (Rieper SpA), the second group (Dystr/FS group) with a 30% flaxseed-supplemented diet (FS diet). Golden Syrian hamsters bred under the same conditions and fed with standard pellet chow (P) were used as healthy controls (Healthy group). All animals were allowed to consume food *ad libitum* from weaning to sacrifice. The FS diet consisted of whole brown flaxseed, apples and carrots (30:50:20 w/w), with flaxseed (FS) being the only source of fats. The diet composition analysis, which was previously reported [@B14], showed that all macro- and micro-nutrients were quantitatively adequate to maintain the animals healthy in both dietary regimens. This flaxseed diet has been recognized as source of n-3 PUFAs, with ALA representing 52% of the total lipids [@B11], [@B33] and is referred to throughout the paper as the FS diet. The average daily amount of flaxseed eaten by each animal was 2.1 g/day/100g body weight. The caloric power in 100 g of fresh Pellet or FS diet was 222.5±48 and 202.8±45 kcal, respectively. Every 7 days, animal weights were recorded to exclude possible decreases attributable to calorie restriction. All the observations were made on 150-day-old animals, i.e. an age when muscular dysfunction and degeneration is severe and clearly evident. ### Hamster Tissue Sampling The study protocol was preliminarily approved by the Animal Care Committee of the Tor Vergata University of Rome (Italy) and performed in accordance with the Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament. Hamsters were anesthetized with urethane (400 mg/kg ip) and sacrificed at 150 days of age. Blood was collected by ventricular puncture, centrifuged and the plasma was stored at -80 °C until use. Biceps femoris muscles were rapidly excised, washed in cold PBS, frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C until use. Alternatively, muscles were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and embedded in paraffin for microscopy analysis. At least 5 animals per group were considered for each analysis. ### Histological analysis Histological sections (4-μM) were cut from paraffin-embedded skeletal muscles, deparaffinized in xylene, rehydrated in ethanol and stained with H&E (Bio-Optica, Milan, Italy) according to standard procedures in order to quantify the morphological observation. The images were acquired by means of a Leica DMRB microscope coupled with a digital camera. To determine the percentage of myofibers with internalized nuclei, micrographs of H&E stained skeletal muscle sections were captured using a digital camera, and fibers with internalized nuclei were counted using NIH ImageJ software from five sections taken from each hamster (n=5 animals/group). ### Principal Component Analysis on histological section The images of H&E stained skeletal muscle sections (from six sections taken from each hamster, n=5 animals/group) were processed by ImageJ software (<http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/docs/intro.html>). All the commands related to statistical measurements on image data, profile and histogram plotting and plugins related to image analysis can be found in <http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/docs/guide/146-30.html#toc-Subsection-30.7>. The following morphometric parameters were selected as being the most representative of fiber shape in the skeletal muscle: **Area** (area of selection in square pixels); **Circ**: (calculate to display circularity), **AR** (aspect ratio, major axis/minor axis); **Round:** (roundness); **Solidity** (area/convex area). **Extracellular Area** represents the extension of extracellular matrix. **Circ, AR**and **Round** represent the shape descriptors. To detect any correlations between groups characterized by different morphologies, a principal components analysis (PCA) on the aforementioned morphometric parameters was carried out. The PCA is a procedure for analyzing multivariate data designed to reduce the dimensionality of the data and allow the visualization of a large number of variables on a two-dimensional plot [@B34]-[@B36]. Three groups were considered in the *in vivo* experiments, i.e. Healthy, Dystr/P and Dystr/FS, as well as six variables that correspond to the morphological parameters described above. A diagram of the values obtained from images for each group was plotted in bidimensional space, defined by the 1^st^ and 2^nd^ Principal component functions on the x-axis and y-axis, respectively (PC1 and PC2). The variables correlated with the two principal components can be identified by the highest score coefficients in absolute values. A multivariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to compare the groups with regard to the variables extracted from the image analysis. Moreover, a univariate ANOVA test was applied for each variable, followed by a multiple comparison between the three groups performed by means of the least significance difference (LSD) test. The significance level was set at alpha = 0.05. Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS 18.0. (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). For each PCA the variance explained by the model was evaluated [@B37]. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha plasma levels ----------------------------------------- Hamsters TNF plasma levels were measured using a specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (R&D Inc.), according to the manufacturer\'s instructions. Values were from 6 animals/group. ### Apoptosis quantification TUNEL assay was performed on paraffin hamster muscular sections using the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated in situ fluorescein-conjugated, dUTP nick end-labeling technique (In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, Fluorescein), according to the manufacturer\'s protocol (Roche Diagnostic Corp.). Briefly, muscle sections (biceps femoris) were deparaffinized in xylene, rehydrated and then treated with proteinase-K before proceeding with the assay. Sections were stained with a mouse monoclonal anti-α-sarcomeric-actin (Sigma-Aldrich) and then with anti-mouse Alexa 546 secondary antibodies (Molecular Probes). Nuclei were stained with DAPI. To determine the percentage of apoptotic cells, micrographs of skeletal muscle sections were captured using a Leica microscope (Leica Microsystems DMRB), and positive and negative TUNEL nuclei were counted using NIH ImageJ software from five sections taken from each hamster (n=5-6 animals/group). ### Immunofluorescence Paraffin-embedded muscle sections were deparaffinized in xylene, rehydrated, and then processed in 10 mM citric acid (pH 6.0) by microwave for antigen retrieval treatment. The sections were then incubated in 8% BSA in PBS and stained with anti CD45**,**monoclonal (Santa Cruz), anti-alpha sarcomeric Actin, Polyclonal, (Thermo Scientific Pierce), rabbit anti-Pax 3-7, goat Mab ( Santa Cruz Biotechnology); anti-myogenin, mouse Mab (BD Transduction), anti-α-MHC, mouse Mab (from Stefano Schiaffino), rabbit polyclonal anti caveolin-3 (Abcam) followed by an appropriate secondary antibody: anti-mouse 546 Alexa Fluor, anti-rabbit 546 Alexa Fluor, anti-rabbit 488 Alexa Fluor and anti-goat 488 Alexa Fluor, (Molecular Probes). To label the sarcolemma, TRITC-Wheat germ agglutinin (TRITC-WGA, Sigma-Aldrich) was dissolved in PBS and applied at a final concentration of 20 μg/ml for 1 h at room temperature, after slide incubation with the secondary antibody. After nucleus staining with DAPI (Sigma-Aldrich), skeletal muscle sections were analyzed by means of a fluorescence microscope (Leica Microsystems DMRB). All quantifications were performed using ImageJ software (<http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij>/). To determine the percentage of positive CD45 cells and positive Pax7 and myogenin nuclei, micrographs of skeletal muscle sections were captured and cells counted from six sections taken from each hamster, n=5 animals/group. To determine the fluorescence of α-MHC and caveolin-3 levels in skeletal muscle sections, the total cell fluorescence (CTCF) was calculated from digital images using the following formula [@B38]: CTCF = Integrated Density - (Area of selected cell X Mean fluorescence of background readings) Images were from six sections, taken from each hamster ( n=6 animals/group). ### Northern Blot Total RNA was extracted from frozen skeletal muscle samples using TRIZol Reagent (Sigma-Aldrich), according to the manufacturer\'s specifications, and an aliquot (20 μg) was electrophoresed on a 1.25% agarose gel containing 5% formaldehyde and transferred to Hybond N membrane (Amersham Corp., Arlington Heights, IL). Northern blot analysis of α-sarcomeric actin and myomesin was performed as previously described [@B14]; cDNA probes were kindly provided by Jean-Claude Perriard and Fabrizio Loreni. The Scion Image software was used to quantify band intensity. In vitro -------- ### Cell Cultures Murine C2C12 myoblasts (American Type Culture Collection) were cultured in growth media (**GM**) consisting of Dulbecco\'s modified Eagle\'s medium (DMEM) supplemented with 15% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) and 50 mg/ml gentamicin (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) and seeded at a density of 10^4^ cell/cm^2^onto multiwell plates or flasks. To induce differentiation, when at 70% confluence, cells were shifted to a differentiating medium (**DM**) consisting of DMEM supplemented with 2% fetal horse serum and 50 mg/ml gentamicin for 2 or 5 days. Cell cultures were treated with 10 ng/ml mouse recombinant TNF (Sigma-Aldrich) added to DM in order to mimic the *in vivo* inflammation environment for 2 or 5 days in the presence or absence of ALA. ALA was preliminarily complexed with fatty acid free bovine serum albumin (BSA fraction V, Sigma-Aldrich, fatty acid/BSA molar ratio 4:1) and added to DM at a concentration of 10 μM. ### Principal Component Analysis on cell culture The morphometric parameters derived from light microscope images of H&E stained C2C12 cells were elaborated with the image processing software (ImageJ), as previously described for *in vivo* studies. The following morphometric parameters were considered: **Area; StdDev** (standard deviation of the gray values used to generate the mean gray value); **X**and**Y**Centroid (the average of the x and y coordinates of all of the pixels in the image or selection which uses the X and Y headings)**; XM** and **YM** Center of Mass (the brightness-weighted average of the x and y coordinates all pixels in the image or selection which uses the XM and YM headings); **Perimeter** (perimeter, the length of the outside boundary of the selection); the shape descriptors: **AR; Round**; **Solidity; Circ**; **Num Nuclei** (the number of nuclei in each cell). The relationship between groups characterized by different morphologies was assessed by PCA. In *in vitro* experiments, four groups were considered: CTR/GM, CTR/DM, TNF and TNF ALA, together with the twelve variables that correspond to the morphological parameters described above. A diagram of the values obtained from images for each group was plotted in the bidimensional space, defined by the 1^st^ and 2^nd^ Principal components on the x-axis and y-axis, respectively (PC1 and PC2). The variables correlated with the two principal components can be identified by the highest score coefficients in absolute values. A multivariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to compare the groups with regard to the variables extracted from the image analysis. Moreover, a univariate ANOVA test was applied for each variable, followed by a multiple comparison between the three groups performed by using the least significance difference (LSD) test. The significance level was set at alpha = 0.05. Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS 18.0. (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The variance explained by the model was evaluated for each PCA. ### Apoptosis quantification To analyze apoptotic nuclei by TUNEL assay, C2C12 cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS, pH 7.4, and permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100 in 0.1% Na citrate. TUNEL assay was performed using the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated *in situ* fluorescein-conjugated, dUTP nick end-labeling technique (In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, Fluorescein), according to the manufacturer\'s protocol (Roche Diagnostic Corp.). To assess cell apoptosis, nuclei were analyzed from 10 random fields selected from 5 cell wells for each treatment using NIH ImageJ software. Apoptotic cell counts were expressed as the percentage of the total number of nuclei counted. ### Immunofluorescence Primary antibodies used for immunofluorescence were: monoclonal anti-myogenin mouse Mab (BD Transduction), MF20 monoclonal antibody (MAb) (Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank, University of Iowa) and mouse anti-caveolin-3 (BD Transduction Laboratories™). Cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100 for 2 min and then incubated with primary antibody for 1 h and subsequently with an appropriate secondary antibody (488 Alexa Fluor, Molecular Probes) for 1 h. After nucleus staining with 1 μg/ml DAPI (Sigma-Aldrich), cells were analyzed using a fluorescence microscope (Leica Microsystems, Mod. DMRB) equipped with a digital camera. All quantifications were performed using ImageJ software. (<http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij>/). To determine the percentage of positive myogenin nuclei above the total number of nuclei, and MHC and caveolin-3 positive cells above the total number of cells, micrographs were captured and cells counted from a minimum of six random fields selected from three slides. The fusion index of C2C12 myoblasts after specific treatment was calculated as the average number of nuclei in MHC positive cells containing at least three nuclei above the total number of nuclei. ### Statistical analysis Results are expressed as the mean ± SD. The analysis of variance was performed (ANOVA) for comparisons between more than two groups, whereas the two-tailed unpaired Student\'s *t*-test was used for comparisons of the mean differences between two groups. A suitable post-hoc test was used in combination with ANOVA to test for significant differences between groups. Differences were considered statistically significant when *P*\< 0.05. (SPSS for Windows, version 11.5; SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL). In silico --------- A literature search was performed using PubMed or ISI Web of knowledge Databases to identify miRNAs with experimental evidence of involvement in murine muscle differentiation and modulated by n-3 PUFAs or TNF (last accessed December 21 2014). The following key words were used: miRNAs and differentiation and C2C12 or TNF and miRNAs or n-3 PUFAs and miRNAs. Because a lack of data was found , regarding the influence of ALA on microRNA we extended PubMed searches to n-3 PUFAs. Moreover, we extended PubMed searches to humans miRNAs, because, (at the best of our knowledge) no literature on n-3 PUFAs modulation of miRNAs in murine cells was found as yet. Thus, the murine miRNAs, which are equivalent to humans microRNAs, were considered in the present research. To obtain the common pathways of specific miRNAs, the list IDs of KEGGs pathway and database DIANA-mirPath [@B39] were indexed using SID1.0. Since a visual inspection of the IDs would be unpractical due to their large number (thousands IDs), they have been automatically indexed using a simple Fortran written program (SID1.0; String IDentifier), developed by us [@B30], that looks for Refseq IDs shared by the predicted pathways of the different datasets. The database also allows to report the -ln(p-value) (the negative natural logarithm of the enrichment p-value calculated for the specific pathway). The p-value is a measure of the association between a selected gene from the list of pathways. In pathway analysis, generally p-values less than 0.05 indicate that the association is not statistically significant and the pathway could be rejected. Results ======= In Vivo ------- ### Flaxseed diet improves the skeletal muscle architecture in dystrophic hamsters Figure [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}A shows haematoxylin/eosin staining of tissue sections from the hamster biceps femoris muscles. The normal muscles display regular polygonal fibers, a homogeneous diameter and peripheral nuclei located directly below the sarcolemma. The Dystr/P muscle sections revealed fibers that were rounded in shape and of different sizes. In addition, an increased number of fibers with internalized nuclei were observed, as quantified in Figure [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"} B. Fibers under degeneration were also observed. The FS diet resulted in an increased myofiber size, a reduced variability of myofiber size, and markedly decreased numbers of fibers with internalized nuclei and of degenerated fibers (Fig. [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"} A, B). To quantify the effects of the FS diet on the morphology of the H&E staining skeletal muscle sections, the PCA [@B34] was performed. Six morphometric parameters were opportunely selected by ImageJ software, as reported in the Materials and Methods section (Fig. [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}C). The measurements of these parameters were used as variables to construct two Principal component functions. The diagram of the values (Fig.[1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}D) obtained from the morphometric parameters for each group (Healthy, Dystr/P and Dystr/FS) showed that the Principal component 1 (PC1) was strongly correlated with the Area, AR and solidity parameters; the Principal component 2 (PC2) was strongly correlated with the Circ, Round and Extracellular Area parameters identified by the highest score coefficients in absolute values (Fig. [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}C in the red box). Dystr/P (yellow dots) revealed a growing PC2 (y-axis value) compared with the Healthy group (blue dots) (the total variance explained by the PC1 and PC2 was 53.3 %) due to the round-shaped fibers and larger extracellular space (Fig. [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}D). Despite being more dispersed than the other groups, the Dystr/FS group (green dots) clearly falls between the Dystr/P and Healthy groups. It is noteworthy that the morphological parameters of the muscles of hamsters fed with flaxseed (Dystr/FS) restored the Circ, Round and Extracellular Area parameters (PC2), thereby bringing these values closer to those of healthy animals and demonstrating the occurrence of larger myofibers (Fig. [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}D). These results support the conclusion that the FS diet can significantly attenuate the histopathological features of dystrophy in hamster models of the disease. ### Flaxseed diet reduces inflammation and cell death In order to determine whether the altered morphology in dystrophic skeletal muscles was associated with an inflammatory status, the level of plasma TNF in 150-days-old hamsters was investigated by ELISA analysis. TNF levels were markedly increased in plasma of Dystr/P (3.2 fold) vs. healthy controls (Fig. [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}A). The FS diet induced a slight, non-significant decrease in the cytokine levels. Inflammation of hamster muscle tissue was also monitored by pan-leukocyte marker CD45 immunofluorescence, which demonstrated a marked increase in the number of inflammatory cells in the Dystr/P compared with the healthy muscle sections (Fig. [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}B). By contrast, in the skeletal muscles of Dystr/FS, the number of CD45 positive cells significantly decreased. Quantitative data are shown in Figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}C. The high level of inflammation was associated with a higher number of apoptotic cells in the skeletal muscle of dystrophic hamsters than in those of healthy controls, as detected by TUNEL assay. The majority of the TUNEL-positive cells were located between the sarcolemma and the basal lamina (Fig. [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}D). The FS diet significantly reduced the percentage of apoptotic cells in the Dystr/P to a level similar to that of healthy controls. The reduction in the number of inflammatory and apoptotic cells was associated with a general improvement in tissue texture, as demonstrated by co-staining with alpha-sarcomeric actin (Fig. [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}D). The quantitative analysis of the TUNEL assay is shown in Figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}E. ### Flaxseed diet improves myogenesis and differentiation In pellet-fed dystrophic vs. healthy hamster muscles, the aforementioned apoptosis was associated with a high expression of Pax7, a marker of satellite cells, as detected by immunofluorescence. Cells expressing Pax7, located between the sarcolemma and the basal lamina, were markedly reduced in flaxseed-fed when compared with pellet-fed dystrophic hamsters (Fig. [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}A). The quantification of the results is shown in Figure [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}B. Conversely, myogenin-positive nuclei were increased in Dystr/FS when compared with Dystr/P muscles. (Fig. [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}C). Quantitative data are shown in Figure [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}D. To better understand the effects of the FS diet on muscle regenerative processes, we also tested the markers of advanced muscle differentiation, such as α-MHC and caveolin-3. Figures [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}E and G show that α-MHC and caveolin-3 levels were up-regulated by the administration of flaxseed to dystrophic animals. The quantification of the expression of the α-MHC and caveolin-3 signals are reported in panels F and H of Figure [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}, respectively. In addition, caveolin-3 (co-localized with WGA) was decreased in the sarcolemma of Dystr/P compared with healthy muscles. Flaxseed administration induced the correct caveolin-3 localization within the sarcolemma in a fashion that was comparable to that of healthy hamster muscles (Fig. [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}G). In addition, Northern blot analysis revealed higher amounts of α-sarcomeric actin and M-band marker myomesin, which points to the formation of sarcomeres, in Dystr/FS than in Dystr/P muscles (Fig. [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}I). In Vitro -------- ### ALA preserves the morphology of differentiating myoblast C2C12 by attenuating the deleterious effects of TNF To test the effects of ALA on the inhibition induced by TNF on myogenesis, murine C2C12 myoblasts were used as an in vitro cell model to recapitulate myogenic differentiation. After 5 days in DM, TNF inhibited differentiation and myotube formation in C2C12 cells, as shown in the H&E stained image (Fig. [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}A), thus confirming previous observations [@B40]. The addition of ALA to the DM prevented the inhibitory effect of TNF on myogenesis, thereby allowing the formation of myotubes in C2C12 cells. (Fig. [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"} A). To quantify any morphological changes, the PCA analysis was elaborated from twelve morphometric parameters opportunely selected and measured by ImageJ software. The resulting diagram (Fig. [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}C) demonstrated that the Principal component 1 (PC1) was strongly associated with the Perim, AR, Circ, Num Nuclei, Area, Round and Solidity parameters, while the Principal component 2 (PC2) was strongly associated with StdDev, X, XM, Y and YM (red square in Fig. [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}B). The PC1 varied markedly in differentiating (CTR/DM, green dots) and ALA-treated cells (TNF ALA, purple dots) when compared with the other groups (Fig. [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}C). The total variance explained by the PC1 and PC2 was 64.6 %, which may be considered an excellent result. As shown in Figure [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}C, the PC1 varied markedly in untreated C2C12 cells grown in differentiating medium (CTR-DM, green dots) when compared with cells grown in GM (CTR-GM, blue dots). TNF in the DM (TNF, yellow dots) reduced the PC1, restoring morphological parameter values that approximated those of undifferentiated cells (CTR-GM). The addition of ALA in the medium (TNF ALA, purple dots) increased the PC1 and completely changed the morphological parameter values of the C2C12 phenotype, restoring the Area, Perim, AR, Num Nuclei, Circ, Round and Solidity parameter values (associated with PC1) that approximated those of the CTR-DM features. These results suggest that PCA analysis used for the quantification of morphological abnormalities in cellular and tissue of muscle disease models may be an excellent early predictor of such diseases. ### ALA reduces TNF-induced cell death and inhibition of differentiation on C2C12 cells To further investigate whether the ALA effects on myogenesis may be due to protection against myoblasts death, TUNEL analysis was carried out (Fig. [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}A). ALA reduced significantly the TNF-induced apoptosis in C2C12 cells, after 2 days in DM, as evidenced from the quantitative data reported in Fig. [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}B. To test expression of differentiation markers, immunofluorescence analysis was performed (Fig. [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). As expected, TNF inhibited C2C12 differentiation, after 5 days in DM, decreasing the number of positive myogenin nuclei and positive Myosin Heavy Chain (MHC) and caveolin-3 cells in respect to untreated cells (Fig. [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}, A, C, F). ALA addition to DM restored the expression of myogenin, MHC and caveolin-3 in C2C12 cells after 5 days of treatment. (Fig. [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}, A,C,F). In addition, ALA induced myoblast fusion that was significantly inhibited by TNF (Fig. [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"} E). Quantitative data are reported in Fig. [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}B, D, E and G. In Silico --------- ### Predicted pathways affected by n-3 PUFAs One explanation for the experimental *in vivo* and *in vitro* results was hypothesized to be the involvement of microRNAs. The following murine miRNAs associated with muscle differentiation were selected following a search in the literature: miR-23a, miR-24, miR-26a, miR-29a, miR-181a, miR-214 and miR-378, miR-1, miR-133 and miR-206 [@B41]-[@B52]. The search revealed that four of the aforementioned murine microRNAs, i.e miR-206, miR-181a, miR-29a and miR-26a, involved in murine C2C12 muscle differentiation are also modulated by n-3 PUFAs in human cells [@B25], [@B53]. These murine microRNAs, which are equivalent to human microRNAs, were therefore considered in the present research. In addition, the search in the literature highlighted that a further four miRNAs, i.e. miR-1, miR-133a, miR-133b and miR-206, involved in C2C12 cell differentiation are modulated by TNF in the same cells [@B54]. It is noteworthy that miR-206 is modulated by both n-3 PUFAs and TNF. Therefore, the search in the literature yielded the following seven miRNAs for the computational analysis: miR-206, miR-181a, miR-29a, miR-26a, miR-1, miR-133a and miR-133b. The web-based computational database DIANA-MicroT 3.0 was used to extract the KEGG pathway IDs potentially altered by the expression of these seven miRNAs. These pathways were then filtered using the SID1.0 program to detect the common pathways. The database selected 149 common pathways (p-value range between 0.05 and 32.36). Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"} shows all the common pathways with p values above 10 (13 common pathways). The common pathways selected included those related to the cell-cell and cell-ECM interaction, such as the FAK pathway and pathways related to communication between the external microenvironment and the interior of the cells (DNA), such as MAPK. Discussion ========== Dystrophy is a disease that is characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness with cycles of muscle necrosis and regeneration as its pathophysiological hallmarks [@B4], [@B5]. Although many therapeutic strategies have been proposed to counteract dystrophy, clinically effective treatments are not yet available [@B55]. The present investigation reveals that flaxseed exerts a significant protective effect against muscle damage induced by impaired tissue regeneration. Dystrophic hamsters, used in the present study as an in vivo model, displayed extensive muscle degeneration at 150 days of age, when high levels of TNF and extensive tissue inflammation were reported [@B12], [@B13]. The FS diet mitigated the histological features of dystrophic skeletal muscles by preserving the differentiated morphology of the myofibers. This finding was confirmed by the PCA analysis, a statistical tool used to predict the effectiveness of treatments, in both *in vivo* and *in vitro* experiments, by a direct and objective visualization of the morphological changes in a two-dimensional plot. Besides preserving the muscle tissue architecture, the FS diet restores the biochemical expression pattern of myogenesis in dystrophic muscle. At least two mechanisms may account for the protective effects displayed by the FS diet on myogenesis: *(i)* an anti-apoptotic action on differentiating skeletal muscle cells and *(ii)* the regulation of the expression of key proteins involved in differentiation. Our results show that, in dystrophic muscles, the FS diet reduces the number of apoptotic nuclei, particularly in interstitial cells, thus pointing to a possible protective effect on resident stem cells. Previous studies have reported that, although necrosis is probably the leading cause of myofiber degradation in many muscular dystrophies, apoptosis plays a paramount role in the depletion of satellite cells [@B56], [@B57]. Thus, the suppression of myoblast apoptosis may be an important mechanism underlying the protective effects of FS on dystrophic muscles. In addition, the FS diet reduces the number of Pax7 positive cells in the dystrophic skeletal muscles while enhancing the number of cells expressing myogenesis markers, such as myogenin, α-MHC and caveolin-3. The FS diet thus appears to lead stem cell progression towards a differentiating stage. The beneficial effects of the FS diet on dystrophic muscles are further supported by the observation that FS not only increases the quantity of caveolin-3, but also allows its retention at the sarcolemma. Caveolin-3, which is prerequisite for caveolae formation in striated muscles [@B58], plays a pivotal role in cardiac [@B59] and skeletal [@B22] muscle protection as well as in sarcolemma membrane repair [@B60]. In addition, it favors cell muscle differentiation through myoblast fusion and myotube formation [@B23]. Lastly, caveolin-3 binds to beta dystroglycan, thereby contributing to the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex, which in turn links the cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix [@B61]. The absence of the δ-sarcoglycan in dystrophic hamster muscles impairs the whole dystrophin-glycoprotein complex, which is indispensable to membrane integrity during muscle contraction, calcium homeostasis and survival signaling [@B7], [@B62]. Our previous studies have shown that the FS diet partly restores the expression pattern of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex membrane proteins in dystrophic skeletal muscles [@B12]. Therefore, restoration of the aberrant expression of caveolin-3 induced by the FS diet exerts a beneficial effect on the overall expression pattern of membrane signaling proteins in dystrophic muscles. These beneficial effects of FS diet may be due, at least in part, to the modulation of the inflammatory microenvironment of the dystrophic muscle, as demonstrated by the decreased number of CD45 cells. In keeping with this hypothesis, previous studies have reported an anti-inflammatory action of dietary flaxseed at the cellular and molecular levels that was attributed mainly to the ALA content of flaxseed [@B9], [@B10]. It is noteworthy that plasma ALA levels increase significantly after ingestion of flaxseed in both humans [@B10], [@B63] and animals [@B9], including dystrophic hamsters [@B13]. ALA levels in the muscular tissue are also high in dystrophic hamsters on a flaxseed diet [@B12], [@B13]. TNF plasma levels were not, however, significantly lowered by the FS diet in our study. Since TNF may induce a bimodal myogenic response in muscle cells depending on its concentration, ALA may be hypothesized to change TNF signaling. Indeed, in previous studies, pathological levels of TNF have been associated with skeletal muscle apoptosis and inhibition of differentiation [@B16], [@B17], [@B64], while cytokine physiological concentrations have been reported to activate myogenesis [@B65]. The in vitro experiments we performed unequivocally revealed a direct effect of ALA on differentiating myoblasts. ALA reduced apoptosis in differentiating myoblasts even in the presence of high concentrations of TNF. In addition, ALA prevented the TNF-induced inhibition of myogenesis, as demonstrated by the increased expression of myogenin, MHC and caveolin-3 in C2C12 cells, while promoting myotube fusion. Therefore, ALA may modulate the dichotomy of TNF signalling properties that favor myogenesis and the survival signal pathways as opposed to the apoptotic pathways. Taken together, our in vivo and in vitro results show that, besides reducing fibrosis and improving muscle structure of dystrophic hamsters [@B12], the FS diet enhances the survival of myoblasts and preserves their differentiation, probably owing to an ALA-mediated action. The FS diet consequently reverts the myocyte degeneration that is typical of dystrophic muscles. The upstream mechanisms of these effects may be due to: *(i)* the incorporation of ALA into the membrane and the subsequent alteration of the location of the TNF receptor domains in the caveolae/non-caveolae lipid regions of muscle cell membranes or *(ii)* an epigenetic effect on the transcription of genes for proteins involved in cell muscle protection and differentiation, such as caveolin-3. Since n-3 PUFAs may act through epigenetic mechanisms [@B25], [@B66] and miRNAs play an important role in myogenesis [@B28], it may be speculated that miRNA expression is modulated by n3 fatty acid ALA. An *in silico* analysis on a total of seven microRNAs, selected from a search in the literature, uncovered the possible altered signal pathways involved in the effects exerted by n-3 PUFAs on myogenesis. The *in silico* analysis suggests that the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) pathway that exhibits the highest p value (32.36) may play a central role in the regulation of myogenesis by ALA. The FAK pathway regulates cellular processes such as migration, growth, survival and differentiation [@B67]. In skeletal muscle, FAK signaling has been shown to regulate the expression of caveolin-3 and β1 integrin, two genes that are essential for myoblast fusion [@B68]. Therefore, ALA may indirectly regulate caveolin-3 expression through the FAK pathway. Since FAK is at the intersection of many signaling pathways, it is likely to regulate myogenesis by targeting multiple pathways. Pathways that are linked to communications between the external microenvironment and the interior of the cells (DNA), such as MAPK, may also be involved. Lastly, pathways, such as mTOR, which are involved in the balance between hypertrophy-atrophy/survival-death in skeletal muscle and mediate cellular responses to nutrients [@B69], may play an important role in orchestrating the beneficial effects of ALA on skeletal muscle. Indeed, the activation of both the p38 MAPK and PI3-kinase/Akt/mTOR pathways is required for proper caveolin-3 up-regulation during muscle differentiation [@B70]. Although each *in silico* prediction will need to be validated experimentally, these results provide a good starting point for future investigations into the role of n-3 PUFAs in the regulation of myogenesis. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that the pathological status of muscular dystrophy can be effectively mitigated by administering natural compounds contained in flaxseed that have a pleiotropic effect rather than by targeting a specific gene mutation as occurs in other therapeutic strategies [@B71]. Although the beneficial effects appear to be due above all to the ALA component of flaxseed, as is suggested by vitro experiments, the possible involvement of other flaxseed components that induce or enhance those effects, such as lignans and fibers, cannot be ruled out and warrant further investigation. Taken together, our findings suggest that flaxseed not only repairs the damage in the sarcolemma, which is the primary consequence of gene mutation, but also exerts a more extensive epigenetic action that stimulates multiple molecular pathways in dystrophic muscles. The prolonged exposure of dystrophic muscles (from weaning to death) to flaxseed components such as ALA would presumably allow a constant modulation of the muscle microenvironment that would, in turn, effectively alleviate muscle damage. Thus, administration of flaxseed and ALA to patients with muscular dystrophies may be beneficial in the clinical setting This work was funded by Fondazione San Raffaele, Ceglie Messapica Italy Research Project MERIT-RBNE08HM7T - Italian Ministry of Health and partially by ANR (no. 13-BSV1-0005), NIH (no. 5R01CA180057-02), AFM (no. 2012-0773), UPMC Emergence 2011, and IBPS 2015. The authors would like to thank Dott. Mauro Sansò, Chief Operating Officer at Fondazione San Raffaele for his excellent management of the MERIT \#RBNE08HM7T funds. n-3 PUFAs : n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids TNF : tumor necrosis factor-α ALA : α-linolenic acid FS : flaxseed-enriched diet miRNAs : microRNAs Dystr/P : dystrophic hamster fed with standard pellet Dystr/FS : dystrophic hamster fed with flaxseed PCA : Principal Component Analysis MHC : Myosin Heavy Chain TRITC-WGA : TRITC-Wheat germ agglutinin FAK : focal adhesion kinase. ![Flaxseed-enriched diet preserves dystrophic skeletal muscle morphology. For all *in vivo* observations, dystrophic hamsters were fed with a flaxseed-enriched diet (FS) from weaning to the age of 150 days (Dystr/FS) and compared with dystrophic (Dystr/P) and healthy hamsters (Healthy) fed with standard pellet (P).**(A)** Representative images of H&E-stained skeletal muscle sections. Scale bar: 50 μm. **(B)** Percentage of myofibers with internalized nuclei from H&E-stained skeletal muscle sections. \**P\<*0.05 vs. Healthy; § *P\<*0.05 vs. Dystr/P; n=5.**(C)** Component Score Coefficient Matrix. The coefficients by which variables are multiplied to obtain factor scores are shown. The variables are represented by the morphometric parameters derived from light microscope images of skeletal muscle (six sections from each of 5 animals/group). The values highlighted (red boxes) indicate the variables most closely associated with Principal Components 1 and 2. (**D**) Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Three series of data from of Healthy, Dystr/FS and Dystr/P hamsters were plotted in the bidimensional space defined by the 1st and 2nd PCA. FS diet (Dystr/FS, green dots) restored the morphological parameters of the dystrophic (Dystr/P, yellow dots) phenotype towards value closer to those of healthy (blue dots) skeletal muscles.](ijmsv13p0206g001){#F1} ![Flaxseed diet precludes inflammation and apoptosis in dystrophic skeletal muscle.**(A)** Hamster TNF plasma levels. \*P\<0.05 vs. Healthy, n (number of animals per group)=6. **(B)** CD45 immunofluorescence (red) of skeletal muscle sections hamsters. α-sarcomeric actin staining (green) highlights the skeletal fibers; nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue); Scale bar: 10 µm. **(C)** Percentage of CD45 positive cells vs. total number of cells in the hamster skeletal muscles. \*P\<0.05 vs. Healthy; § P\<0.001 vs. Dystr; n=5. **(D)** TUNEL assay of hamster skeletal muscle sections. Number of apoptotic nuclei (green) is higher in Dystr/P than in Healthy and Dystr/FS skeletal muscles. Muscle fibers are identified by α-sarcomeric actin expression (red); nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Scale bar: 30 µm. (**E**) Quantitative analysis of TUNEL-positive nuclei as a percentage of total DAPI-stained nuclei. \**P\<*0.05 vs. Healthy; § *P\<*0.05 vs. Dystr; n=5-6.](ijmsv13p0206g002){#F2} ![Flaxseed-enriched diet discontinues the negative degeneration/regeneration cycle in dystrophic skeletal muscle. **(A)** Pax7 immunofluorescence (green) of hamster skeletal muscle sections. Scale bar: 50 µm. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (Blue). (**B)** Bars represent the percentage of Pax7 positive cells of total DAPI-stained nuclei in hamster skeletal muscle sections. \**P\<*0.05 vs. Healthy; § *P\<*0.001 vs. Dystr/P; n=5. **(C)** Myogenin staining (red) in hamster skeletal muscle sections. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (Blue). Scale bar: 50 µm. **(D)** Histogram showing the percentage of myogenin-positive nuclei out of all DAPI-stained nuclei in hamster skeletal muscle sections. § *P\<*0.05 vs. Dystr/P; n=5. **(E)** α-MHC immunofluorescence (red) of hamster skeletal muscle sections. Scale bar: 50 µm. **(F)** Quantification of α-MHC immunofluorescence (fiber/Area). Bars represent the average of total fluorescence intensity from each digital image calculated by ImageJ software. The values are expressed as a percentage of the healthy. \**P\<*0.05 vs. Healthy; § *P\<*0.05 vs. Dystr/P; n=6. **(G)** Representative images of caveolin-3 (green) and WGA-TRITC (sarcolemma marker, red) co-staining of hamster skeletal muscle sections. Merged images show that caveolin-3 expression increased in Dystr/FS vs. Dystr/P. The protein was mainly located in sarcolemma (yellow) in Healthy and Dystr/FS hamsters and in the cytosol in the Dystr/P animals, Scale bar: 20 µm. **(H)** Quantification of caveolin-3 immunofluorescence (fiber/Area). Bars represent the average of the total green fluorescence intensity from each digital image calculated by ImageJ software. The values are expressed as a percentage of the healthy. \**P\<*0.05 vs. Healthy; § *P\<*0.001 vs. Dystr/P; n=6. **(I)** The mRNA expression of α-sarcomeric actin and M-band marker myomesin in hamster skeletal muscle samples. Gapdh was used as an internal control. Band intensities are expressed as fold increases compared to those of healthy animals.](ijmsv13p0206g003){#F3} ![ALA preserves TNF-induced alterations on C2C12 cell morphology during differentiation. Cells cultured in differentiating medium (DM) were untreated (CTR-DM) or treated with TNF in the absence (TNF) or presence of α-linolenic acid (TNF ALA) for 5 days. Cells cultured in growth medium (CTR-GM) served as negative controls.**(A)**Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining of C2C12 cells. Scale bar: 50 µm. **(B)**Component Score Coefficient Matrix. The coefficients by which variables are multiplied to obtain factor scores are shown. The variables are represented by the morphometric parameters derived from light microscope images of C2C12 cells. The values highlighted (red boxes) indicate the variables mostly closely associated with Principal Components 1 and 2. **(C)** Principal Component Analysis(PCA). The diagram shows the values from different experimental groups: CTR-GM, Blue dots; CTR-DM, green dots; TNF, yellow dots; TNF ALA, purple dots. The analysis indicates that the presence of ALA in the TNF-supplemented medium (TNF ALA) radically changed the morphological parameters of the C2C12 phenotype, restoring values that approximated those of differentiated cells (CTR-DM).](ijmsv13p0206g004){#F4} ![ALA precludes TNF-induced apoptosis in differentiating C2C12 cells. Cells cultured in differentiating medium (DM) were untreated (CTR-DM) or treated with TNF in the absence (TNF) or presence of α-linolenic acid (TNF ALA) for 2 days. **(A)** TUNEL analysis of C2C12 cells. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue) and apoptotic nuclei were decorated in green. Scale bar: 10 μm. **(B)** Quantitative analysis of TUNEL-positive nuclei presented as a percentage of total DAPI-stained nuclei. \* *P\<*0.05 vs. CTR; § *P\<*0.05 vs. TNF; n (number of cell wells with the same treatment)=5](ijmsv13p0206g005){#F5} ![ALA induces muscle differentiation marker expression in differentiating C2C12 cells in the presence of TNF. Cells cultured in differentiating medium (DM) were untreated (CTR-DM) or treated with TNF in the absence (TNF) or presence of α-linolenic acid (TNF ALA) for 5 days. **(A)** Immunofluorescence detection of myogenin (green) in C2C12 cells. Scale bar: 50 µm. **(B)** Percentage of myogenin positive nuclei out of all DAPI-stained nuclei. \**P\<*0.05 vs. CTR-DM; § *P\<*0.05 vs. TNF; n=5.**(C)**Immunofluorescence detection of MHC (green) in C2C12 cells. Scale bar: 50 µm. **(D)** Percentage of MHC positive C2C12 cells out of all DAPI-stained nuclei. \**P\<*0.05 vs. CTR-DM; §*P\<*0.001 vs. TNF; n=5. (**E**) Fusion Index calculated as the average number of nuclei in MHC positive C2C12 cells containing at least three nuclei above the total number of nuclei. \**P\<*0.05 vs. CTR-DM; § *P\<*0.05 vs. TNF; n=5.**(F)** Immunofluorescence detection of caveolin-3 (green) in C2C12 cells. Scale bar: 30 µm. **(G)**Percentage of caveolin-3 positive cells out of all DAPI-stained nuclei. \* *P\<*0.05 vs. CTR-DM; § *P\<*0.05 vs. TNF; n=5. In **A**, **C** and **F** nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue).](ijmsv13p0206g006){#F6} ###### Predict Pathways involved in the beneficial effects of n-3 PUFAs on the impaired myogenesis KEGG Pathway Pathway ID -ln(p-value) ---------------------------------- ------------ -------------- Focal adhesion mmu04510 32.36 Adherens junction mmu04520 15.1 ECM-receptor interaction mmu04512 14.96 Axon guidance mmu04360 14.43 MAPK signaling pathway mmu04010 13.9 Glioma mmu05214 13.78 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton mmu04810 13.23 GnRH signaling pathway mmu04912 12.65 Chronic myeloid leukemia mmu05220 12.49 Renal cell carcinoma mmu05211 11.09 Long-term potentiation mmu04720 11.09 TGF-beta signaling pathway mmu04350 10.1 mTOR signaling pathway mmu04150 10.08 Common Pathways (Kegg pathway ID) of seven murine miRNAs involved in murine skeletal muscle differentiation: miR-206 (n-3 PUFAs and TNF modulated), miR-181a, miR-29a and miR-26a (n-3 PUFAs modulated) and miR-1, miR-133a and miR-133b ( TNF modulated). [^1]: \*Visiting Researcher at FSN-TECFIS-DIM, ENEA [^2]: Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests
1. Introduction {#sec1-materials-11-00058} =============== Titanium (Ti) and its alloys are widely used in biomedical fields. Compared with other biomaterials such as stainless steels, cobalt-based alloys and tantalum (Ta), Ti and its alloys have excellent material characteristics such as low modulus and density, high specific strength, good fatigue strength, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility \[[@B1-materials-11-00058],[@B2-materials-11-00058]\]. However, the clinical application of titanium alloys for hard-tissue replacements and/or intensive wear applications is seriously limited due to their low hardness and poor wear resistance \[[@B3-materials-11-00058],[@B4-materials-11-00058]\]. In order to maintain excellent quality in titanium alloys and improve the tribological properties of their surface, various surface modification techniques are employed, such as plasma spraying \[[@B5-materials-11-00058],[@B6-materials-11-00058]\], micro-arc oxidation \[[@B7-materials-11-00058]\], physical vapor deposition (PVD) \[[@B8-materials-11-00058]\], electrochemical anodization \[[@B9-materials-11-00058]\] and laser cladding \[[@B10-materials-11-00058],[@B11-materials-11-00058]\]. For instances, Khanna et al. fabricated a thin layer of α-alumina with a thickness of 30 μm on a Ti6Al4V substrate by a methodology that included cold spraying, heat treatment and micro-arc oxidation, and the result showed that the micro-hardness of the layer was comparable to that of the monolithic alumina used on the femoral head \[[@B12-materials-11-00058]\]. Shtansky et al. reported that CaO- and ZrO~2~-doped TiCxNy coatings were fabricated by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, which had not only a low friction coefficient and high wear resistance, but also biocompatibility and non-toxicity \[[@B13-materials-11-00058]\]. Yusuf Kayali fabricated the TiN and TiAlN coatings by PVD, with the result that the wear resistance of the coatings were 6 and 15 times higher than that of uncoated substrates, respectively \[[@B14-materials-11-00058]\]. Compared with laser cladding, however, the coatings produced by plasma spraying and other surface modification techniques cause some problems such as thin, multiple cracks and poor adhesion between the coatings and substrates \[[@B15-materials-11-00058]\]. The bond strength between the coating layer and the metal substrate is crucial; separation of the coating layer from the implant during service in the human body means detached particles can be unfavorable to body health and surrounding tissue \[[@B16-materials-11-00058]\]. According to published reports, laser cladding is a promising and effective surface modification technology. Laser cladding is a hard-facing process that uses a high-power laser beam to melt the preplaced powder materials and a thin layer of the substrate to form a pore- and crack-free coating 50 μm--2 mm thick with low dilution that is perfectly metallurgically bonded to the substrate \[[@B17-materials-11-00058]\]. Some researchers have carried out relevant work on laser-cladding processes in the biomedical field. The typical hydroxyapatite (HA) coatings were fabricated on Ti alloy substrate by laser cladding \[[@B18-materials-11-00058],[@B19-materials-11-00058]\]. Liu et al. and Zheng et al. fabricated the calcium phosphate coatings with bioactivity on Ti6Al4V \[[@B20-materials-11-00058],[@B21-materials-11-00058]\]. Wang et al. fabricated the CaO--SiO~2~ coatings using wollastonite (CaSiO~3~) powder on Ti6Al4V \[[@B22-materials-11-00058]\]. Tsung-Yuan Kuo et al. reported that Al~2~O~3~ reinforced fluorapatite (FA) coatings were fabricated on Ti6Al4V by laser cladding and, as a result, the coatings exhibited excellent bioactivity and their hardness was significantly improved \[[@B23-materials-11-00058]\]. Although the bioactive coatings represented by HA was deposited on the metal alloy to assist the osseointegration of these implants with surrounding tissues \[[@B24-materials-11-00058]\], which could also improve the mechanical properties of the metal such as its load-bearing ability \[[@B25-materials-11-00058]\], this kind of coating was susceptible to fatigue failure, making it unsuitable for load-bearing and wear-resistant implants such as articular surfaces \[[@B26-materials-11-00058],[@B27-materials-11-00058]\]. However, it has rarely been reported that bioinert ceramic coatings with a better wear resistance can be prepared by laser cladding on Ti alloys. According to the published reports, alumina (Al~2~O~3~), zirconia (ZrO~2~), titaniumcarbide (TiC) and titaniumnitride (TiN) coatings triggered no adverse effects on cells in culture. Meanwhile, the fibroblasts showed a rapid and logarithmically stable growth curve on them \[[@B28-materials-11-00058],[@B29-materials-11-00058]\]. Combined with the previous reports, these are the promising materials for making wear-resistant coatings in biomedical applications such as orthopaedic implants. Among them, TiC has a high hardness, as well as a higher melting point and absorption of laser energy \[[@B30-materials-11-00058],[@B31-materials-11-00058]\]. These characteristics of TiC materials are beneficial for fabricating coatings by laser-cladding processes. Meanwhile, ZrO~2~ powder is introduced into TiC coatings to improve the mechanical properties of the coatings. Chien et al. fabricated fluorapatite (FA)/zirconia composite coatings by laser cladding using FA and 20 wt % yttria (3 mol %) stabilized zirconia (ZrO~2~, 3Y-TZP) \[[@B11-materials-11-00058]\]. Although the ZrO~2~ was completely decomposed during the cladding process, the properties of the coatings were still enhanced. Meanwhile, the hardness of this coatings was higher than the FA coatings fabricated by laser cladding using pure FA under similar laser source and cladding parameters \[[@B32-materials-11-00058]\], which was attributed to the addition of ZrO~2~ to the FA matrix. In addition, the appropriate additive of rare earth oxides can improve the mechanical properties of the coatings \[[@B33-materials-11-00058]\]. Therefore, in this work, wear-resistant coatings are fabricated by laser cladding using mixed TiC, ZrO~2~ and CeO~2~ powders. The effects of CeO~2~ on phase constitution, microstructure, micro-hardness and wear resistance of the laser-cladding coatings are investigated in detail. We expect that the selected materials and methods in the paper can be used for the manufacture of the load-bearing and wear-resistant surfaces of artificial joints in the future. 2. Experimental Procedures {#sec2-materials-11-00058} ========================== 2.1. Materials Used {#sec2dot1-materials-11-00058} ------------------- Ti6Al4V plate specimens (size: 30 mm × 35 mm × 6 mm) were used as the substrate material. The chemical composition (wt %) of the Ti6Al4V substrate was C 0.01, N 0.01, Fe 0.05, V 4.06, Al 6.37 and Ti 89.5. The substrate surfaces were first ground with 600 grit abrasive papers to remove oxidation layers and then ultrasonically cleaned with acetone prior to laser cladding. The preplaced powder contained TiC (≥99.5% purity, 50 nm), ZrO~2~ (≥99.5% purity, 30 nm), CeO~2~ (≥99.5% purity, 20 nm), whose ingredients (wt %) are shown in [Table 1](#materials-11-00058-t001){ref-type="table"}. The 20% (wt %) ZrO~2~ was added to the TiC matrix in order to further improve the mechanical properties of the coatings \[[@B11-materials-11-00058],[@B32-materials-11-00058]\]. According to the contents of CeO~2~ 0 wt %, 1 wt %, 3 wt %, 5 wt % and 7 wt %, the mixed powders were marked as 0Ce, 1Ce, 3Ce, 5Ce and 7Ce, respectively. The powder mixtures were mixed for 2 h at a rotational speed of 200 r/min in a horizontal ball miller. The mixed powders were pre-placed on to the surfaces of the substrates with organic binder at a thickness of approximately 0.4 mm. 2.2. Laser-Cladding Process {#sec2dot2-materials-11-00058} --------------------------- The laser-cladding experiments were carried out on the laser-cladding set-up designed and assembled by ourselves, as shown in [Figure 1](#materials-11-00058-f001){ref-type="fig"}. Core features of this laser-cladding system include the laser system, the motion-control system, the computer-control system and the auxiliary devices. The laser system consisted of two parts: the fiber laser system and the optical focusing system. The fiber laser system as a heat source was a RFL-C500 medium-power single mode CW fiber laser (Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies Co., Ltd., Wuhan, China) with a maximum output power of 500 W. The laser-cladding head (RayTools AG, Burgdorf, Switzerland) integrated a lens with a diameter of 75 mm and a focal length of 250 mm employed in the optical focusing system. A positive defocus was used to obtain the spot with a desired diameter. The fiber laser and the laser-cladding head were joined by a QBH standard connector. The motion table and laser-cladding parameters were controlled by a computer-control system. When laser-cladding experiments were conducted, the laser beam energy melted rapidly both the pre-placed powders and a thin layer of the substrates \[[@B34-materials-11-00058]\]. At the same time, as the motion table moved, the melted material solidified rapidly, and then a continuous cladding coating formed on the surface of the substrate. The selected process parameters of the laser-cladding experiments in this paper were as follows: laser output power 200 W, laser beam spot diameter 1 mm, laser beam scanning speed 5 mm/s, overlapping ratio 20%. In addition, Ar~2~ shielding gas of 10 L/min was used to protect the melt pool from oxidation. 2.3. Microanalysis of the Coatings {#sec2dot3-materials-11-00058} ---------------------------------- To obtain the cross-section morphologies and microstructures of the coatings, the samples were cut by an electro-sparking machining, and ground with SiC grit paper, then polished with 0.05 µm Al~2~O~3~ finish, and etched by Kroll's reagent (HF: 2%; HNO~3~: 5%; and water: balance) for 20 seconds. The cross-section morphologies and microstructures of the coatings were examined by a MIRA3 TESCAN scanning electron microscope (SEM, TESCAN Co., Brno, CZE) coupled with energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS, Oxford Inc., Oxford, UK). The phase compositions of the coatings were identified by a Rigaku D/max 2500 X-ray diffractor (XRD, Bruker, Berne, Switzerland) using 60 kV, 40 mA and Cu K~α~ radiation operated in a scanning range of 2θ from 20° to 80°. 2.4. Micro-Hardness and Wear Resistance {#sec2dot4-materials-11-00058} --------------------------------------- Micro-hardness distributions of the coatings were measured by an automatic micro-hardness tester (HVS-1000Z, Vegour, Shanghai, China) with a testing load of 200 g and dwelling time of 15 s. As shown in [Figure 2](#materials-11-00058-f002){ref-type="fig"}, the wear properties of the coatings and the substrate were tested on a ball-on-disk tribo-meter (HT-1000 tester, Zhongkekaihua science and technology Co., Ltd., Lanzhou, China) under simulated body fluid (SBF) lubrication conditions at an ambient environment against a φ4 mm Si~3~N~4~ ceramic ball. The test parameters are listed in [Table 2](#materials-11-00058-t002){ref-type="table"}. At least 3 duplicates of the wear test were run for each test condition. To investigate the wear mechanism, the worn morphologies of the samples were also observed by SEM. Before wear test, the test samples were ground with 120, 240, 600 and 1000\# SiC grit paper, respectively. The section profiles of wear track and wear areas area were measured by a digital microscope (VHX-5000, KEYENCE, Osaka, Japan). The wear volume loss (*V*) is calculated using Equation (1). $$V = 2\mathsf{\pi}r\cdot A$$ where *r* represents the radius of wear track, and *A* is the wear areas of the wear track. The wear rate is calculated using the following Equation (2). $$Wear\ rate = V/T$$ where *V* is total wear volume, and *T* is the wear time. 3. Results and Discussion {#sec3-materials-11-00058} ========================= 3.1. Phases of the Coatings Fabricated by Laser Cladding {#sec3dot1-materials-11-00058} -------------------------------------------------------- The phases of the TiC coatings fabricated by laser-cladding processes using the pre-placed powders with different contents of CeO~2~ additive are presented in [Figure 3](#materials-11-00058-f003){ref-type="fig"}. It can be seen that the coating fabricated by the pre-placed powders without CeO~2~ additive was mainly composed of TiC, α-Ti, TiO, VC, TiVC~2~, Al~3~Ti and Ti~2~ZrAl phases. With the increase of CeO~2~ additive in the pre-placed powders, the diffraction peaks of Ce~2~O~3~ appear in the diffraction patterns when 3 wt % and above CeO~2~ additive is added. However, the diffraction peaks of Ce~2~O~3~ do not appear in the coating with 1 wt % CeO~2~ additive. It should be noted in patricular that the diffraction peaks of ZrO~2~ and CeO~2~ are not detected in the coatings. During the laser-cladding process, the preplaced powders and the surface layer of the Ti6Al4V substrate simultaneously melt, and thus a large amount of Ti released from the substrate enters into the molten pool due to the dilution effect. Meanwhile, small amounts of the V element and Al element from the substrate also enter into the molten pool. Complex chemical reactions then occur in the molten pool, leading to the formation of the various phases mentioned above. There are two possible sources of the TiC phase: one is the unfused original TiC ceramic particles, the other is the second precipitated phase. Ther TiC has high hardness, which is beneficial to the mechanical properties of the coatings; therefore, it has been reported that TiC-reinforced metal matrix composite coatings offer significant progress in terms of average micro-hardness and wear resistance \[[@B35-materials-11-00058],[@B36-materials-11-00058]\]. It is noted that the original ZrO~2~ and CeO~2~ are not detected in the coatings, which should be attributed to a sufficient chemical reaction during the laser-cladding procedure. In fact, the following Equations (3)--(6) describe the different reactions between TiC and ZrO~2~, reported by V. M. Gropyanov \[[@B37-materials-11-00058],[@B38-materials-11-00058]\]:$$\left. {TiC} + 2{ZrO}_{2}\rightarrow{TiO} + 2{ZrO} + {CO}\uparrow \right.$$ $$\left. {TiC} + {ZrO}_{2}\rightarrow{Ti} + {ZrO} + {CO}\uparrow \right.$$ $$\left. {TiC} + {ZrO}_{2}\rightarrow{TiO} + {Zr} + {CO}\uparrow \right.$$ $$\left. 2{TiC} + {ZrO}_{2}\rightarrow 2{Ti} + {Zr} + 2{CO}\uparrow \right.$$ As a result, TiO, ZrO, Ti and Zr were generated in the molten pool. Among them, ZrO and Zr are in a liquid gas state, which accounted for low content of Zr element in the coatings. TiO and TiC have an isotypic lattice structure and the same lattice parameter, which leads to the formation of a continuous solid solution between them. These factors are beneficial to the mechanical properties of the coatings. In addition, it was proved that the coatings have the Ce element because the Ce~2~O~3~ phase was detected. The Ce~2~O~3~ phase appeared in the coatings because of chemical reactions between CeO~2~ and CO; namely, CeO~2~ is reduced by CO with strong reducibility. According to the report of Jesús Graciani \[[@B39-materials-11-00058]\], the chemical reaction is described as follows:$$\left. 4{CeO}_{2} + 2{CO}\rightarrow 2{Ce}_{2}O_{3} + 2{CO}_{2}\uparrow \right.$$ In addition, it has been reported that chemical reactions could occur between CeO~2~ and Ce atoms from partially decomposed CeO~2~/Ce~2~O~3~ at high temperatures \[[@B40-materials-11-00058]\]:$$\left. 3{CeO}_{2} + {Ce}\rightarrow 2{Ce}_{2}O_{3} \right.$$ On the other hand, the V element is a kind of strong carbide-forming element, and its carbide phases such as in situ synthesized VC are fine, so the movement of the grain boundary can be prevented and the microstructure of the coatings is fine \[[@B41-materials-11-00058]\]. Moreover, in situ synthesized VC can further react with TiC, forming TiVC~2~. It has also been previously reported that in situ synthesized VC and TiVC~2~-reinforced Fe-based coatings have been fabricated by laser cladding \[[@B42-materials-11-00058]\]. In summary, according to the results of XRD analysis, the phase types of the coatings fabricated by pre-placed powders with different content of CeO~2~ additive display no obvious change. The coatings are mainly composed of TiC, TiO, VC, TiVC~2~, α-Ti and a little in situ synthesized intermetallic compounds, which are propitious for the hardness and wear resistance of the coatings. 3.2. Microstructures of the Coatings {#sec3dot2-materials-11-00058} ------------------------------------ The cross-section macrostructure of the 3Ce coating is presented in [Figure 4](#materials-11-00058-f004){ref-type="fig"}a, which is typical for all the cladding coatings. The coating and substrate can be clearly observed, and the metallurgical bond is formed between them. In order to investigate the evolution of the microstructures of the coatings' top surface to its inside, cross-section morphologies of the coatings should be observed by SEM. Therefore, the cross-section of the coatings were divided into 3 regions from the top surface to inside: the top region (0--130 μm), the middle region (130--260 μm), and the bottom region (260--400 μm), as shown in [Figure 4](#materials-11-00058-f004){ref-type="fig"}b. The morphologies of the different cross-sectional regions of the coatings are shown in [Figure 5](#materials-11-00058-f005){ref-type="fig"}. [Figure 5](#materials-11-00058-f005){ref-type="fig"}a presents the cross-sectional morphologies of the coating fabricated by the pre-placed powders without CeO~2~ additive. From this figure, it can be seen that the microstructure of the 0Ce coating is mainly dendrites in the upper region, while granular crystals are in the bottom region. It has been reported that the solidification morphology in each region in a laser-cladding process mainly depends on the solid/liquid interface stability factor that is the ratio of the temperature gradient (*G*) to the solidification rate (*R*) \[[@B43-materials-11-00058],[@B44-materials-11-00058]\]. When the technological parameters of the laser-cladding process are not changed, the solidification rate (*R*) gradually reduces from the top surface to inside the laser molten pool, while the temperature gradient (*G*) reverses. Therefore, the ratio of the temperature gradient to the solidification rate (*G*/*R*) increases in the laser molten pool from the top surface to inside, which gives rise to change on the microstructures of the coatings; granular crystals in the bottom region gradually change to dendrites in the top region. The crystal transformation of the coating is clearly observed in the middle region from [Figure 5](#materials-11-00058-f005){ref-type="fig"}a. [Figure 5](#materials-11-00058-f005){ref-type="fig"}b--d show the cross-section morphologies of the coatings fabricated by the pre-placed powders with 1, 3, 5% CeO~2~ additives, respectively. Compared with the microstructure of 0Ce coating, the dendrites and granular crystals become more compact and finer with the increase of CeO~2~ additive in the pre-placed powders. Meanwhile, it can be seen that the size and distribution of dendrite microstructure on the 5Ce coating are more uniform, which is beneficial to the hardness and wear resistance of the coating. As shown in [Figure 5](#materials-11-00058-f005){ref-type="fig"}d,e, the microstructures of the 5Ce and 7Ce coatings in the bottom region become dendrites, which may be attributed to the reduced temperature gradient. Among them, the dendrites of the 7Ce coating are different from those of other coatings; it can be observed from the figure that the dendrites of the 7Ce coating are not compact, and secondary dendrite arm spacings increase significantly, which may be attributed to the fact that excessive CeO~2~ could result in an even lower temperature of the molten pool. According to relevant reports \[[@B45-materials-11-00058],[@B46-materials-11-00058]\], the crystalline grain-refinement effect might be related to the content of rare earth oxide, and excessive rare earth oxide would reduce the function of refinement. Therefore, only an appropriate amount of CeO~2~ additive in the pre-placed powders could refine the crystalline grain of the coatings. In addition, combined with the results of X-ray diffraction and EDS, the composition of typical microstructure on the coatings fabricated by pre-placed powders with different content of CeO~2~ additive was analyzed. The results showed that the compositions of typical microstructure on the different coatings are similar, so just the 1Ce coating is taken as an example. As shown in [Figure 5](#materials-11-00058-f005){ref-type="fig"}f, the dendrites and granular crystals are rich in Ti and C elements, and the atomic ratio between them are closer to 1:1, so the reinforced phase is considered as TiC (spectrum 1 and 2). Moreover the source of the TiC phase is identified as the second precipitated phase due to high laser-power density. According to the EDS result of spectrum 3, Al and V elements can be seen in the solid solution because partial Al and V element are diffused from the substrate into the coatings. 3.3. Micro-Hardness of the Coatings {#sec3dot3-materials-11-00058} ----------------------------------- The micro-hardness distributions along the depth direction of the coatings are shown in [Figure 6](#materials-11-00058-f006){ref-type="fig"}. Each point in this figure is the average micro-hardness value of the coating obtained from at least 5 indentations. It can be observed that all the coatings have similar micro-hardness distributions. The coatings exhibit higher micro-hardness compared with the Ti6Al4V substrate, and the micro-hardness of the coatings fabricated using the pre-placed powders with CeO~2~ additive is further improved. The average micro-hardness of the 0Ce coating is about 2.3 times higher than that of the Ti6Al4V substrate (336.8 HV~0.2~). With the increase of CeO~2~ additive in the pre-placed powders, the average micro-hardness of the 1Ce, 3Ce, 5Ce and 7Ce coatings are enhanced by about 2.6, 2.9, 3.2 and 2.7 times than that of the Ti6Al4V substrate, respectively. It was found that 5Ce coating had the highest micro-hardness due to the crystalline grain-refinement effect of the CeO~2~ additive. According to the traditional Hall--Petch relationship \[[@B47-materials-11-00058]\], finer crystalline grain size is beneficial to the improvement of strength and toughness so that the fine-grain strengthening effect is generated. However, the average micro-hardness of the 7Ce coating was lower than that of the 5Ce coating. As mentioned above, the excessive rare earth oxide would reduce the function of refinement. In addition, it has been reported that excessive rare earth oxide could lead to the loss by burning of TiC ceramic particles and restrain the precipitation of the secondary TiC phase, which caused the micro-hardness of the cladding coatings to decrease \[[@B46-materials-11-00058]\]. To sum up, the micro-hardness of the TiC coatings can be improved by appropriate CeO~2~ additive in the pre-placed powders. 3.4. Wear Resistance of the Coatings {#sec3dot4-materials-11-00058} ------------------------------------ The section profiles of the wear tracks of the Ti6Al4V substrate and the coatings fabricated by laser cladding are shown in [Figure 7](#materials-11-00058-f007){ref-type="fig"}a. It can be seen from the figure that the substrate appears deeper with a wider wear track than that of the coatings; that is, the substrate has the largest wear extent, indicating poor tribological properties. Meanwhile, the wear degree of the coatings in wear-track depths and area values have distinctly decreased, indicating that the cladding coatings exhibit much better wear resistance than the substrate. It can be clearly observed from [Figure 7](#materials-11-00058-f007){ref-type="fig"}a that the 5Ce coating has the minimum wear area; moreover, the wear areas of the 0Ce and 7Ce coatings are bigger than those of the 1Ce, 3Ce and 5Ce coatings. The wear-volume rates of the substrate and the TiC coatings are presented in [Figure 7](#materials-11-00058-f007){ref-type="fig"}b. The wear-volume rate of the Ti6Al4V substrate (165.47 × 10^−4^ mm^3^/min) is 4.04 times as big as that of 0Ce coating. When different contents of CeO~2~ were added in the pre-placed powders, the wear volume rates of the coatings appeared at different level underground falls compared with the 0Ce coating, which indicates that the CeO~2~ additive in the pre-placed powders was beneficial to wear resistance of the coatings. For the 1Ce, 3Ce, 5Ce and 7Ce coatings, the wear resistance was respectively increased by 1.48, 2.36, 6.08 and 1.25 times compared with that of the 0Ce coating. In other words, the 5Ce coating had the best wear resistance among these coatings, and its wear resistance was enhanced by 24.59 times that of the Ti6Al4V substrate. However, as the CeO~2~ additive content continued to increase, the wear resistance of the 7Ce coating declined significantly, which indicated that the excessive CeO~2~ in the pre-placed powders was not beneficial to the further improvement in wear resistance of the coatings. In summary, appropriate CeO~2~ additive in the pre-placed powders could enhance the wear resistance of the coatings. To understand the underlying wear mechanism of the coatings in simulated body fluid (SBF), the worn surfaces of the substrate and the coatings, as well as the worn surfaces of the corresponding Si~3~N~4~ ceramic balls, were respectively observed by SEM and digital microscope, as shown in [Figure 8](#materials-11-00058-f008){ref-type="fig"} and [Figure 9](#materials-11-00058-f009){ref-type="fig"}. It can be observed from [Figure 8](#materials-11-00058-f008){ref-type="fig"}a that the worn surface of the Ti6Al4V substrate has deep grooves and adhesive features, which indicates that the substrate suffered from severe abrasive and adhesive wear. During the wear test, it was easy for the hard asperities on the grinding ball to penetrate into the surface of the relatively soft titanium substrate, forming micro-cutting and deep grooves on the substrate surface. Moreover, the worn surface of the corresponding ceramic ball showed regular grooves and protuberances, as shown in [Figure 9](#materials-11-00058-f009){ref-type="fig"}a. This result further confirms the existence of abrasive and adhesive wear between the friction pair. In contrast, the worn morphologies of the coatings did not have obvious characteristics of micro-cutting or ploughing grooves; meanwhile, the worn surface of the corresponding ceramic ball appeared to have irregular grooves and spalling, which should be attributed to two major reasons: one was the micro-hardness of the coatings were so high that the ploughing effects of the ceramic ball on the coatings was weakened; the other was that the spalling features were observed on the worn surfaces of the coatings due to alternating stress from the grinding ball. As shown in [Figure 8](#materials-11-00058-f008){ref-type="fig"}b--d,f, the worn surfaces of the coatings appeared to have obvious spalling and slight grooves, which indicates that the wear mechanism of the coatings was adhesive wear and slight abrasive wear. It can be noted that the worn surfaces of 5Ce coating and the corresponding ceramic ball were the smoothest; the surface of the 5Ce coating had adhesive features and scarcely any ploughing grooves, indicating that adhesive wear played a major role in the 5Ce coating, as shown in [Figure 8](#materials-11-00058-f008){ref-type="fig"}e and [Figure 9](#materials-11-00058-f009){ref-type="fig"}e. 4. Conclusions {#sec4-materials-11-00058} ============== 1. TiC coatings on Ti6Al4V alloy substrates were fabricated by the laser-cladding process with TiC--ZrO~2~--CeO~2~ mixed powders. The coatings were mainly composed of TiC, α-Ti, TiO, VC, TiVC~2~, Al~3~Ti and Ti~2~ZrAl phases. 2. The cross-sectional microstructures of the coatings from the top surface to the inside gradually changed from dendrites to granular crystals. With the increase of CeO~2~ additive content in the pre-placed powders, the microstructures of the coatings became more compact and finer. Excessive CeO~2~ additive in the preplaced powders led to a reduction in the function of refinement, as in the 7Ce coating. 3. The effect of CeO~2~ additive in the pre-placed powders on the mechanical properties of the coatings was obvious. The micro-hardness and wear resistance of the coatings increased with the increase of CeO~2~ additive content, but excessive CeO~2~ additive reduced the strengthening effect. Compared with the substrate, the micro-hardness and wear resistance of the 5Ce coating were improved by 3.2 and 24.59 times, respectively. The authors are grateful to the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 51775559) for its support. Tao Chen and Defu Liu conceived and designed the experiments; Tao Chen performed the experiments; Tao Chen, Fan Wu and Haojun Wang analyzed the data and discussed the experiment; Tao Chen and Defu Liu wrote the paper. The manuscript was reviewed by all authors. The authors declare no conflict of interest. ![Schematic illustration of the laser-cladding system.](materials-11-00058-g001){#materials-11-00058-f001} ![Schematic diagram of friction and wear test.](materials-11-00058-g002){#materials-11-00058-f002} ![X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectrums of the coatings.](materials-11-00058-g003){#materials-11-00058-f003} ![(**a**) Typical macrostructure of the coating; (**b**) 3 regions of the coating.](materials-11-00058-g004){#materials-11-00058-f004} ![The cross-sectional morphologies of laser-cladding coatings (**a**) without CeO~2~; (**b**) 1% CeO~2~; (**c**) 3% CeO~2~; (**d**) 5% CeO~2~; (**e**) 7% CeO~2~; (**f**) corresponding energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) result of a coating with 1% CeO~2~.](materials-11-00058-g005){#materials-11-00058-f005} ![Micro-hardness distribution of the specimens.](materials-11-00058-g006){#materials-11-00058-f006} ![(**a**) The section profiles of a typical wear track; and (**b**) the wear volume rates of the substrate and the coatings.](materials-11-00058-g007){#materials-11-00058-f007} ![Typical worn surfaces of: (**a**) Ti6Al4V; (**b**) 0Ce; (**c**) 1Ce; (**d**) 3Ce; (**e**) 5Ce; (**f**) 7Ce coatings.](materials-11-00058-g008){#materials-11-00058-f008} ![The worn surfaces of the corresponding counterbody balls of: (**a**) TiAl4V; (**b**) 0Ce; (**c**) 1Ce; (**d**) 3Ce; (**e**) 5Ce; (**f**) 7Ce coatings.](materials-11-00058-g009){#materials-11-00058-f009} materials-11-00058-t001_Table 1 ###### The ingredients of the pre-placed powder. Powder Ingredient (wt %) Number Marked -------------------------- --------------- ----- ----- 80 20 0 0Ce 79 1 1Ce 77 3 3Ce 75 5 5Ce 73 7 7Ce materials-11-00058-t002_Table 2 ###### Experimental parameters of wear test. Parameter Value Unit ----------------- -------- --------- Load 10 N Temperature 25 ± 1 °C Wear time 30 min Rotation radius 5 mm Rotation speed 200 rad/min Solution SBF \-
\section{Introduction} Four-dimensional (4D) printing \cite{Ali,Momeni,Tibbits} entails the combination of additive manufacturing (3D printing) and active material technologies to create printed composites capable of morphing into different configurations in response to various environmental stimuli. First designs of such composites consist of active material components, such as piezoelectric ceramics, hydrogels or shape memory polymers \cite{Ding}, in the form of fibers integrated within a passive elastomeric matrix \cite{Ge}. These multi-material active composites were originally difficult to manufacture, owing to the fragility of the materials involved \cite{Liu}. However, with 3D printing techniques it is nowadays feasible to fabricate these active composites to a high degree of precision, resulting in so-called {\it printed active composites} (PACs) \cite{Maute}. For an overview of other 4D printing strategies besides PACs in the construction of smart materials allowing direct stimuli-responsive transformations, we refer to \cite{Yuan}. The shape shifting functionality of the active components enables the self-actuating and self-assembling potentials of PACs, allowing them to fold, bend, twist, expand and contract when a stimulus is applied, and return to their original configurations after the stimulus is removed. This property has led to the fabrication of intelligent active hinges and origami-like objects \cite{GeOrigami,Ge}, mesh structures \cite{Ding,Wang} and self-actuated deformable solids \cite{Sun} in the form of in the form of graspers and smart key-lock systems. We refer to the review article \cite{Momeni} and the references cited therein for more applications of 4D printing. The shape memory behaviour of the PACs can be programmed in a two-step cycle: The first (programming) step involves deforming the structure from its permanent shape to a metastable temporary shape, and the second (recovery) step involves applying an appropriate stimulus so that the structure regains its original shape. A typical stimulus is heat (in combination with light \cite{Kuksenok} or water \cite{Bakarich}), in which programmed PACs alter their shapes when the temperature rises above or drops below a critical value. With the advances in the state-of-the art 3D printing technologies, the designs of PACs need not be limited to the conventional fibre-matrix architectures first considered in \cite{Ge}. In particular, the distribution of active and passive materials in the designs can take on more complicated geometries to better fulfil the intended functionalities of the PACs. This opens up the possibility of a computational design approach guided by a structural topology optimisation framework. In the context of 3D printing, see, e.g., the review \cite{Jiang}, this framework has been applied to explore optimising support structures to overhang regions \cite{Allaire,Langelaar,Mirzendehdel}, as well as self-support designs respecting the overhang angle constraints \cite{Cacace,GLNS,Leray,Liu:over}. For active materials and active composites, \cite{Howard,Pajot} studied how to pattern thin-film layers within a multi-layer structure with the aim of generating large shape changes via spatially varying eigenstrains within the microstructures, while \cite{Maute} aimed to optimise the microstructures of PACs matching various target shapes after a thermomechanical training and activation cycle. Later works incorporated nonlinear thermoelasticity \cite{Geiss,Sun}, thermo-mechanical cycles of shape memory polymers \cite{Bhattacharyya}, reversible deformations \cite{Lumpe}, as well as multi-material designs \cite{Wei} within the topology optimisation framework. In many of the aforementioned contributions, the topology optimisation is implemented numerically with the level-set method or the solid isotropic material with penalisation (SIMP) approach. In this work we employ an alternative approach based on the phase field methodology \cite{Bourdin}, which allows a straightforward extension to the multiphase setting \cite{BGFS,WangZ04} involving multiple (possibly distinct) types of active materials within the design. In particular, this opens up the design to multiphase PACs that can memorise more than two shapes \cite{Ge:Mult,Li,Sun:Mult,Wan,Wu}. The phase field-based structural topology optimisation approach has been popularised in recent years by many authors, with applications in nonlinear elasticity \cite{Penzler}, stress constraints \cite{Burger}, compliance optimisation \cite{BlankGSSSV12,Take}, elastoplasticity \cite{Almi}, eigenfrequency maximisation \cite{GHK,Take}, graded-material design \cite{Carr}, shape optimisation in fluid flow \cite{GHechtNS,GHechtStokes,GHHKL} and more recently for 3D printing with overhang angle constraints \cite{GLNS}. Taking inspiration from the setting of Maute et al.~\cite{Maute}, we formulate a structural topology optimisation problem for a multiphase PAC with the objective of finding optimal distributions of active and passive materials so that the resulting composite matches targeted shapes as close as possible. An additional perimeter regularisation term, in the form of a multiphase Ginzburg--Landau functional, is added, and our contribution involves a mathematical analysis of the resulting multiphase structural topology optimisation problem with emphasis on the rigorous derivation of minimisers and optimality conditions. A sharp interface asymptotic analysis is performed to obtain a set of optimality conditions applicable in a level set-based shape optimisation framework. We perform numerical simulations in two and three spatial dimensions to show the optimal distributions of active and passive components in order to match with various target shapes for the PACs. The rest of this paper is organised as follows: in Section \ref{SEC:PROB} we formulate the phase field structural optimisation problem to be studied, and present several preliminary mathematical results. In Sections \ref{SEC:ANA} and \ref{SEC:OPT} we analyse the design optimisation problem and establish analytical results concerning minimisers and optimality conditions. The sharp interface limit is explored in Section \ref{SEC:Sharp} and, finally, in Section \ref{SEC:NUM} we present the numerical discretisation and several simulations of our approach. \section{Problem formulation}\label{SEC:PROB} Within a bounded domain $\Omega \subset \RRR^d$, $d \in \{2,3\}$, with Lipschitz boundary $\Gamma := \partial \Omega$, we assume there are $L$ types of linearly elastic materials, whose volume fractions are encoded with the help of a vectorial phase field variable ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} = (\varphi_1, \dots, \varphi_L) : \Omega \to \Delta^L$, where $\Delta^L$ denotes the Gibbs simplex in $\RRR^L$: \[ \Delta^L := \Big \{ \bm{x}=(x_1,...,x_L) \in \RRR^L \, : \, \sum_{i=1}^L x_i = 1, \, x_i \geq 0 \text{ for all } i \in \{1, \dots, L\} \Big \}. \] For our application to PACs, we take $\varphi_L$ as the volume fraction of the passive elastic material, and $\varphi_1, \dots, \varphi_{L-1}$ as the volume fractions of (possibly different) active elastic materials. Note that in the two-phase case $L = 2$, we simply have ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} = (\varphi_1, \varphi_2)$, and due to the relation $\varphi_1 + \varphi_2 = 1$ we may instead use the scalar difference function $\varphi := \varphi_1 - \varphi_2$ to encode ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}$ via the relation ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} = (\frac{1}{2}(1+\varphi), \frac{1}{2}(1-\varphi))$. This particular scenario will be employed later on, when dealing with the connection between the problem we are going to analyse and the corresponding sharp interface limit in Section \ref{SEC:Sharp}, as well as for the numerical simulations presented in Section \ref{SEC:NUM}. The shape shifting mechanism considered in \cite{Maute,Zhang} involves two levels of temperature and one set of external loads, with one temperature $T_H$ higher than a critical transition temperature $T_g$ of the active materials (e.g., the glass transition temperature for shape memory polymers), and the other temperature $T_L$ lower than the critical temperature. The printed composite is first heated to $T_H$, and the shape memory cycle starts at $T_H$ and proceeds as follows: First, external loads are applied to deform the printed composite while the temperature remains at $T_H$, with the new configuration being known as the {\it programming stage} (or Stage 1). Then, the temperature is decreased while the loads are maintained on the printed composite, which are then removed once the temperature reached $T_L$. The resulting shape at $T_L$ is the desired shape and we denote it as the {\it programmed stage} (or Stage 2). Increasing the temperature to $T_H$ enables the printed composite to recover its original shape, and this ends the shape memory cycle, see Figure~\ref{fig:Maute} for the thermo-mechanical processing steps involving the two stages. \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.38]{cycle} \caption{Schematics of the the shape memory cycle from \cite{Maute} involving a programming stage (Stage 1) and a programmed stage (Stage 2).} \label{fig:Maute} \end{figure} To capture the above behaviour, following \cite{Maute} we consider a model for each stage. In the programming stage (Stage 1), we consider an elastic displacement ${\overline{\uu}} : \Omega \to \RRR^{d}$ and decompose the domain boundary $\Gamma$ into a partition $\Gamma = {\rm cl}(\ov{\Gamma}_D) \cup {\rm cl}(\ov{\Gamma}_N)$ with relative open subsets $\ov{\Gamma}_D$ and $\ov{\Gamma}_N$ such that $\ov{\Gamma}_D \cap \ov{\Gamma}_N = \emptyset$ and $\ov{\Gamma}_D \neq \emptyset$, where ${\rm cl}(A)$ denotes the closure of a set $A$, and we assign a prescribed displacement $\overline{\bm{U}}$ on $\ov{\Gamma}_D$ and surface loads $\ov{\gg}$ on $\ov{\Gamma}_N$. Under a linearised elasticity setting, the balance of momentum yields the following system of equations for the displacement ${\overline{\uu}}$: \begin{subequations}\label{bu:sys} \begin{alignat}{2} \label{SYS:1} -\div \big (\ov{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) \big ) & = \ov{\FF} && \quad \text{ in } \Omega, \\ {\overline{\uu}} & = \overline{\bm{U}} && \quad \text{ on } \ov{\Gamma}_D, \\ \big (\ov{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) \big )\nn &= \ov{\gg} && \quad \text{ on } \ov{\Gamma}_N, \end{alignat} \end{subequations} with a phase-dependent elasticity tensor $\ov{\CCC}$, body force $\ov{\FF}$, outer unit normal $\nn$, and symmetrised gradient $\mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})$. One example of $\ov{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})$ is \[ \ov{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}(\bm{x})) = \sum_{i=1}^L \ov{\CCC}_i \varphi_i (\bm{x}) \quad \text{ for } {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}(\bm{x}) = (\varphi_1(\bm{x}), \dots, \varphi_L(\bm{x})) \in \Delta^L, \quad \bm{x} \in \Omega, \] with constant tensors $\ov{\CCC}_i$, $1 \leq i \leq L$. After the change in temperature from $T_H$ to $T_L$ and after the programming loads in Stage 1 have been removed, the PAC experiences deformations due to residual stresses generated during the thermomechanical processing steps. When the temperature falls below $T_g$, the active elastic materials undergo a phase transition from a soft rubbery state to a glassy state that has a higher Young's modulus. We introduce a new variable ${\widehat{\uu}} : \Omega \to \RRR^{d}$ to denote the displacement in the programmed stage (Stage 2), and as in \cite{Maute}, model the strains from the programming stage (Stage 1) as eigenstrains for ${\widehat{\uu}}$. These eigenstrains are present only in the regions of active elastic materials, which we model with a fixity function $\chi: \RRR^L \to [0,\infty)$. The shape fixity for a shape memory material is the ratio (expressed as a percentage) between the strain in the stress-free state after the programming step and the maximum strain \cite{Abdullah}. For example, if the deformation elongates the material, the fixity quantifies the ability of the material to hold the temporary elongated length when the stress is removed. It is clear from the definition that for a passive elastic material, the fixity is zero, and so we set that $\chi = 0$ in the region $\{\varphi_L = 1\}$ of the passive elastic material. Decomposing the domain boundary $\Gamma$ into a possibly different partition $\Gamma = {\rm cl}(\hat{\Gamma}_D) \cup {\rm cl}(\hat{\Gamma}_N)$ with relative open subsets $\hat{\Gamma}_D$ and $\hat{\Gamma}_N$ such that $\hat{\Gamma}_D \cap \hat{\Gamma}_N = \emptyset$ and $\hat{\Gamma}_D \neq \emptyset$, where we assign a prescribed displacement $\widehat{\bm{U}}$ on $\hat{\Gamma}_D$ and surface loads $\hat{\gg}$ on $\hat{\Gamma}_N$, the equations for the programmed stage (Stage 2) read as \begin{subequations}\label{hu:sys} \begin{alignat}{2} \label{SYS:2} -\div \big (\hat{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) (\mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}) - \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})) \big )& = \hat{\FF} && \text{ in } \Omega, \\ {\widehat{\uu}} & = \widehat{\bm{U}} && \text{ on } \hat{\Gamma}_D, \\ \big ( \hat{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) (\mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}) - \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}))\big ) \nn & = \hat{\gg} && \text{ on } \hat{\Gamma}_N, \end{alignat} \end{subequations} with a phase-dependent elasticity tensor $\hat{\CCC}$ and body force $\hat{\FF}$. In the above, the change in the elasticity tensor from $\ov{\CCC}$ in Stage 1 to $\hat{\CCC}$ in Stage 2 encodes the change in the elastic properties of the PAC when the temperature changes from $T_H$ to $T_L$. Similarly to \cite{Maute}, here we have neglected the strains arising from thermal expansion in \eqref{bu:sys} and \eqref{hu:sys}. In the next section, under a suitable functional framework, we demonstrate that \eqref{bu:sys} and \eqref{hu:sys} are uniquely solvable, with the solution depending continuously on ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}$. Since ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}$ controls the distribution of the passive and active elastic materials, it is natural to ask for specific material distributions that optimise certain cost functionals related to the design of PACs. Motivated from \cite{Maute}, we primarily focus on the following cost functional \begin{align}\label{cost} J({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\widehat{\uu}}) := \frac{1}{2} \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} \Big (W({\widehat{\uu}} - \bm{u}^{\rm tar}) \Big ) \cdot ({\widehat{\uu}} - \bm{u}^{\rm tar}) \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} + \gamma \iO{ \varepsilon |\nabla {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}|^2 + \frac{1}{\varepsilon} \Psi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})}, \end{align} where $\gamma > 0$ is a weighting factor, ${\widehat{\uu}}$ is a solution to \eqref{hu:sys} depending on ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}$ (and also on ${\overline{\uu}}$, a solution to \eqref{bu:sys}), $W \in \RRR^{d \times d}$ is a fixed weighting matrix, $\Gamma^{\rm tar}$ is a subset of the boundary $\hat{\Gamma}_N$, $\varepsilon > 0$ is a fixed constant related to the thickness of the interfacial regions $\{0 < \varphi_i <1\}$, $i\in\{1,...,L\}$, $\mathcal{H}^{d-1}$ indicates the standard $(d-1)$-dimensional Hausdorff measure, and $\Psi : \RRR^L \to \RRR$ is a non-negative multi-well potential that attains its minimum at the corners $\{\bm{e}_1, \dots, \bm{e}_L\}$ (the unit vectors in $\RRR^L$) of the Gibbs simplex $\Delta^L$. The first term in \eqref{cost} consists of a target shape matching term, where we like to match the displacement ${\widehat{\uu}}$ in Stage 2 with a prescribed deformation $\uu^{\rm tar}$ over the surface $\Gamma^{\rm tar} \subset \hat{\Gamma}_N$ by minimising the squared difference weighted by a matrix $W$. The second term is the well-known Ginzburg--Landau functional in the multiphase setting that serves as a form of perimeter regularisation. It provides some form of regularity to our design solutions and penalises designs that have large interfaces between the different phases of elastic materials. For our problem we introduce the design space \[ \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad} = \Big \{ {\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in H^1(\Omega, \RRR^L) \, : \, {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}(\bm{x}) \in \Delta^L \text{ for a.e.~} \bm{x} \in \Omega \Big \}, \] and our design problem can be formulated as the following \begin{align*} {\bf (P)} \quad & \min_{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}} J({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\widehat{\uu}}) \text{ subject to } ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}},{\widehat{\uu}}) \text{ is a solution to } \eqref{bu:sys}-\eqref{hu:sys}. \end{align*} \begin{remark} For the existence theory for optimal designs to $(\bf P)$, it is also possible to consider a more general form of the cost functional: \begin{align*} J({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}}, {\widehat{\uu}}) & = \iO{h_\Omega(\bm{x}, {\overline{\uu}}, {\widehat{\uu}})} + \int_{\ov{\Gamma}_N} \ov{h}({\bm s}, {\overline{\uu}}) \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} + \int_{\hat{\Gamma}_N} \hat{h}(\bm{s}, {\widehat{\uu}}) \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \\ & \quad + \gamma \iO{\varepsilon |\nabla {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}|^2 + \frac{1}{\varepsilon} { \Psi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})}}, \end{align*} with Carath\'eodory functions $h_\Omega$, $\ov{h}$ and $\hat{h}$ satisfying (see \cite[Remark 5]{BGHR}) \begin{alignat*}{2} |h_\Omega(\bm{x}, \bm{v}, \bm{w})| & \leq a_1(\bm{x}) + b_1(\bm{x}) |\bm{v}|^p + b_2(\bm{x}) |\bm{w}|^p \quad &&\text{ for all } \bm{v}, \bm{w} \in \RRR^d, \text{ a.e.~} \bm{x} \in \Omega, \\ |\ov{h}(\bm{s}, \bm{v})| & \leq a_2(\bm{s}) + c_1(\bm{s}) |\bm{v}|^2 \quad && \text{ for all } \bm{v} \in \RRR^d,\text{ a.e.~} \bm{s} \in \ov{\Gamma}_N, \\ |\ov{h}(\bm{s}, \bm{w})| & \leq a_3(\bm{s}) + c_2(\bm{s}) |\bm{w}|^2 \quad && \text{ for all } \bm{w} \in \RRR^d, \text{ a.e.~} \bm{s} \in \hat{\Gamma}_N, \end{alignat*} for any $2 \leq p < \infty$ if $d = 2$ and $2 \leq p < 6$ if $d = 3$, with functions $a_1 \in L^1(\Omega)$, $b_1, b_2 \in L^\infty(\Omega)$, $a_2 \in L^1(\ov{\Gamma}_N)$, $a_3 \in L^1(\hat{\Gamma}_N)$, $c_1 \in L^\infty(\ov{\Gamma}_N)$ and $c_2 \in L^\infty(\hat{\Gamma}_N)$. In our current setting we have $h_\Omega = \ov{h} = 0$ and $\hat{h}(\bm{s}, {\widehat{\uu}}) = \frac{1}{2} \ensuremath{\mathrm{\mathcal{X}}}_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}}(\bm{s}) W({\widehat{\uu}} - \bm{u}^{\rm tar}) \cdot ({\widehat{\uu}} - \bm{u}^{\rm tar})$. \end{remark} \begin{remark} It is also possible to consider mass constraints for ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}$ of the form \begin{align*} \frac 1 {|\Omega|} \iO{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}} \leq \bm{\alpha} \quad \text{ or } \quad \frac 1 {|\Omega|} \iO{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}} \geq \bm{\beta} \quad \text{ or } \quad \bm{\beta} \leq \frac 1 {|\Omega|} \iO{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}} \leq \bm{\alpha}, \end{align*} for fixed vectors $\bm{\alpha}, \bm{\beta} \in \Delta^L$ (possibly also $\bm{\alpha}=\bm{\beta}$), where in the above the inequalities are taken component-wise. These are convex constraints and thus when included into the definition of $\mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$, the design space remains a closed and convex set. Then, in the corresponding necessary optimality condition, associated Lagrange multipliers will appear, see \cite{BGFS,BGHR} for more details. \end{remark} \paragraph{Notation.} For a Banach space $X$, we denote its topological dual by $X^*$, and the corresponding duality pairing by $\inn{\cdot,\cdot}_X$. For any $p \in [1,\infty]$ and $k >0$, the standard Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces over $\Omega$ are denoted by $L^p := L^p(\Omega)$ and $W^{k,p} := W^{k,p}(\Omega)$ with the corresponding norms $\no{\cdot}_{L^p(\Omega)}$ and $\no{\cdot}_{W^{k,p}(\Omega)}$. In the special case $p = 2$, these become Hilbert spaces and we employ the notation $H^k := H^k(\Omega) = W^{k,2}(\Omega)$ with the corresponding norm $\no{\cdot}_{H^k(\Omega)}$. For our subsequent analysis, we introduce the spaces \begin{align*} \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) : = \left \{ \vv \in H^1(\Omega, \RRR^d) : \vv = \bm{0} \quad \text{a.e. on $\ov \Gamma_D$} \right\}, \end{align*} and \begin{align*} \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) : = \left \{ \vv \in H^1(\Omega, \RRR^d) : \vv = \bm{0} \quad \text{a.e. on $\hat \Gamma_D$} \right\}. \end{align*} For brevity, the corresponding norms are denoted by the same symbol $\norma{\cdot}_{H^1(\Omega)}$ if no confusion may arise. Vectors, matrices, and vector- or matrix-valued functions will be denoted by bold symbols. Furthermore, for a subset $\Gamma_N \subset \Gamma$, we consider the function space \[ H^{1/2}_{00}(\Gamma_N, \RRR^d ) := \left\{ \vv \in H^{1/2}(\Gamma_N, \RRR^d): \widetilde\vv \in H^{1/2} (\Gamma, \RRR^d)\right\}, \] where $\widetilde \vv$ denotes the trivial extension of $\vv$ to $\Gamma$, and we endow it with the norm \begin{align*} \norma{\vv}_{H^{1/2}_{00}(\Gamma_N)} := \norma{\widetilde \vv}_{H^{1/2}(\Gamma)}, \quad \vv \in H^{1/2}_{00}(\Gamma_N, \RRR^d). \end{align*} We highlight that the above definition is not redundant as in general the trivial extension of a $H^{1/2}(\Gamma_N, \RRR^d)$ function does not belong to $H^{1/2}(\Gamma, \RRR^d)$. Besides, we remark that $H^{1/2}_{00}(\Gamma_N, \RRR^d)$ is a Hilbert space and \begin{align*} (H^{1/2}_{00}(\Gamma_N, \RRR^d), L^{2}(\Gamma_N, \RRR^d), H^{1/2}_{00}(\Gamma_N, \RRR^d)^*) \end{align*} forms a Hilbert triple (see, e.g., \cite{ML}). \medskip For the forthcoming analysis we make the following structural assumptions. \begin{enumerate}[label={(\bf A\arabic{*})}, ref={\bf(A\arabic{*})}] \item \label{ass:dom} The domain $\Omega \subset \RRR^d$, $d \in \{2,3\}$, is a bounded domain with $C^{1,1}$ or convex boundary $\Gamma = \partial \Omega$ that admits a partition $\Gamma = {\rm cl}(\ov\Gamma_D) \cup {\rm cl}(\ov\Gamma_N)$ with relative open subsets $\ov\Gamma_D$ and $\ov\Gamma_N$ such that $\ov \Gamma_D \cap \ov\Gamma_N = \emptyset$ and $\ov\Gamma_D \neq \emptyset$. Here, ${\rm cl}(A)$ denotes the closure of the set $A$. The same assumptions are made for $\hat \Gamma_D$ and $\hat \Gamma_N$. \item \label{ass:elasticity} The elasticity tensor ${\ov \CCC}$ is assumed to be a tensor-valued function \begin{align*} {\ov \CCC} : \RRR^L \to \RRR^{d\times d \times d \times d }, \end{align*} with ${\ov \CCC}_{ijkl} \in {C^{1,1}(\RRR^L,\RRR)}$, $i,j,k,l \in \{1, \dots, d\}$. Moreover, it fulfils the symmetry conditions \begin{align*} {\ov \CCC}_{ijkl} = {\ov \CCC}_{klij} = {\ov \CCC}_{ijlk}= {\ov \CCC}_{jikl} \quad \text{for all $i,j,k,l \in \{1, \dots, d\}$,} \end{align*} and there exist positive constants $C_0, C_1$, and $C_2$ such that, for all ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}},\hh \in \RRR^L$, \begin{alignat}{2} \label{ass:coerc} & C_0 |{\AA}|^2 \leq {\ov \CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) {\AA} : {\AA} \leq C_1 | {\AA}|^2 \qquad && \forall {\AA} \in \RRR^{d \times d}_{\rm sym}\setminus \{\bm{0}\}, \\ & |{\ov \CCC}'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})\hh \, \AA:\BB| \leq C_2 |\hh||\AA||\BB| \qquad && \forall {\AA,\BB} \in \RRR^{d \times d}_{\rm sym}\setminus \{\bm{0}\}, \end{alignat} where $\AA: \BB = \sum_{i,j=1}^n A_{ij}B_{ij}$, $|\AA| = \sqrt{\AA : \AA}$, and for every $\hh=(h_1,\dots,h_L) \in \RRR^L$, \begin{align*} [{\ov \CCC}'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh]_{ijkl} := \sum_{m=1}^L \partial_m {\ov \CCC}_{ijkl}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) h_m \quad \text{ for all } i,j,k,l\in\{1,\dots,d\}. \end{align*} The set $\RRR^{d\times d}_{\rm sym}$ consists of the symmetric $({d\times d})$-matrices. The same assumptions are made for $\hat \CCC$. \item \label{ass:potential} The multiwell potential $\Psi$ possesses the form \begin{align*} \Psi : \RRR^L \to \RRR \cup\{+\infty\}, \quad \Psi = \tilde{\Psi} + I_\Delta, \end{align*} where $\tilde{\Psi} \in {C^{1,1}(\RRR^L)}$ and the indicator function $I_\Delta$ of the simplex $\Delta^L$ is defined as \begin{align*} I_\Delta ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) = \begin{cases} 0 \quad & \text{if ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in \Delta^L$}, \\ +\infty \quad & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{align*} \item \label{ass:chi} The function $\chi :\RRR^L \to \RRR$ is ${C^{1,1}(\RRR^L)}$ and there exist a positive constant $\chi_0$ such that \begin{align*} 0 \leq \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \leq \chi_0 \qquad \text{ for all } {\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in \RRR^L. \end{align*} \item \label{ass:data} The data of the problems satisfy \begin{align*} \ov{\FF}, \hat{\FF} &\in L^2(\Omega, \RRR^d), \quad \ov \UU \in H^{1/2}(\ov \Gamma_D, \RRR^d), \quad \hat \UU\in H^{1/2}(\hat \Gamma_D, \RRR^d), \\ \ov{\gg} &\in H^{1/2}_{00}(\ov \Gamma_N,\RRR^d)^*, \quad \hat{\gg} \in H^{1/2}_{00}(\hat \Gamma_N,\RRR^d)^*. \end{align*} \item \label{ass:utar} The target displacement $\uu^{\rm tar} \in L^2(\Gamma^{\rm tar},\RRR^d)$, where $\Gamma^{\rm tar} \subset \hat \Gamma_N$. \end{enumerate} It is worth pointing out that condition \ref{ass:potential} entails that $\Psi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) = \tilde{\Psi}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) $ for every ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$. \section{Analysis of the design optimisation problem}\label{SEC:ANA} \subsection{Linear elasticity system with mixed boundary conditions} In this section we provide a preliminary well-posedness result for the following linear elasticity system with mixed boundary conditions \begin{subequations}\label{sys:abs} \begin{alignat}{2} \label{eq:abs:1} -\div \big(\CCC \mathcal{E} (\uu) + \FFF \big) & = \ff \qquad && \text{in $\Omega$}, \\ \label{eq:abs:2} \uu & = \bm{0}\qquad && \text{on $\Gamma_D$}, \\ \label{eq:abs:3} (\CCC \mathcal{E} (\uu) + \FFF) \nn & = \gg \qquad && \text{on $\Gamma_N$}. \end{alignat} \end{subequations} The well-posedness of the system \eqref{sys:abs} is formulated as follows. \begin{prop}\label{THM:EX:ABS} In addition to \ref{ass:dom}, suppose that $\CCC \in L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^{d \times d \times d \times d})$ fulfils the symmetry conditions \begin{alignat*}{2} \CCC_{ijkl} & = \CCC_{klij} = \CCC_{ijlk}= \CCC_{jikl} \quad & \text{for all $i,j,k,l \in \{1, \dots, d\}$,} \end{alignat*} and satisfies \begin{align} \label{ass:coerc:abs} \lambda |{\AA}|^2 \leq (\CCC {\AA}) : {\AA} \leq \Lambda | {\AA}|^2 \quad \text{ for all } \AA \in \RRR^{d \times d}_{\rm sym}\setminus \{\bm{0}\} \,\, \text{and a.e. in $\Omega$}, \end{align} for some positive constants $\lambda$ and $\Lambda$. Then, for every $\FFF \in L^2(\Omega, \RRR^{d \times d})$, $\ff \in L^2(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ and $\gg \in H^{1/2}_{00}(\Gamma_N,\RRR^d)^*$, there exists a unique weak solution $\uu \in H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) := \{ \bm{v} \in H^1(\Omega, \RRR^d) \, : \, \bm{v} = \bm{0} \text{ a.e.~in } \Gamma_D \}$ to the elasticity system \eqref{sys:abs} in the sense that \begin{align} \label{wf:abs} \int_\Omega \CCC \mathcal{E} (\uu) : \mathcal{E}(\vv) \, \mathrm{dx} = - \int_\Omega (\FFF : \mathcal{E}( \vv ) - \ff \cdot \vv) \, \mathrm{dx} + \<\gg,\vv>_{H^{1/2}_{00}(\Gamma_N)} \quad \forall \vv \in H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d), \end{align} and there exists a positive constant $C$ independent of $\uu$ such that \begin{align}\label{reg:abs} \norma{\uu}_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq C \left( \norma{\FFF}_{L^2(\Omega)} + \norma{\ff}_{L^2(\Omega)} + \norma{\gg}_{H^{1/2}_{00}(\Gamma_N)^*} \right). \end{align} \end{prop} Note that whenever $\gg \in L^{2}(\Gamma_N, \RRR^d) \subset H^{1/2}_{00}(\Gamma_N, \RRR^d)^*$, we can identify the duality product in \eqref{wf:abs} as the standard boundary integral, that is, \begin{align*} \<\gg,\vv>_{H^{1/2}_{00}(\Gamma_N)} = \int_{\Gamma_N} \gg \cdot \vv \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1}. \end{align*} \begin{proof}[Proof of Proposition~\ref{THM:EX:ABS}] The variational equality \eqref{wf:abs} admits a unique solution by a direct application of the Lax--Milgram theorem (cf., e.g., \cite{Alt}). In this direction, we set \begin{align*} & {\bf V} = H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) \\ & a(\cdot,\cdot): {\bf V} \times {\bf V} \to \RRR, \quad a(\uu,\vv): = \int_\Omega \CCC \mathcal{E}(\uu) : \mathcal{E}(\vv) \, \mathrm{dx} , \\ & \langle \FF, \vv \rangle := - \int_\Omega (\FFF: \mathcal{E}(\vv ) - \ff \cdot \vv )\, \mathrm{dx} + \<\gg,\vv>_{H^{1/2}_{00}(\Gamma_N)}. \end{align*} It is worth noticing that it readily follows from the assumptions on $\FFF$, $\ff$, and $\gg$ that $\FF \in \VV^*$. With the above notation, \eqref{wf:abs} can then be rewritten as the variational problem \begin{align*} a (\uu,\vv) = \<\FF, \vv> \quad \forall \vv \in {\bf V}. \end{align*} Thus, to apply the Lax--Milgram theorem, it is sufficient to show the bilinear form $a(\cdot, \cdot)$ is continuous and coercive in $\VV$. By \eqref{ass:coerc:abs} we have \begin{align*} |a(\uu,\vv)| \leq C \norma{\uu}_{H^1(\Omega)}\norma{\vv}_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq C \norma{\uu}_{{\bf V}}\norma{\vv}_{{\bf V}} \quad \forall \uu,\vv \in {{\bf V}}, \end{align*} while \eqref{ass:coerc:abs} and Korn's inequality yield the ${\bf V}$-coercivity: \begin{align*} |a(\vv,\vv)| \geq \lambda \norma{\mathcal{E}(\vv)}_{L^2(\Omega)}^2 \geq C(\lambda,{C_K}) \norma{\vv}_{{\bf V}}^2 \quad \forall \vv \in {{\bf V}}, \end{align*} with a constant ${C_K}$ arising from Korn's inequality. Thus, the existence and uniqueness of $\uu \in H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ solving \eqref{wf:abs}, as well as the estimate \eqref{reg:abs}, readily follow from the Lax--Milgram theorem. \end{proof} We end this section with another abstract result that will be useful for the subsequent analysis. Consider the following problem with inhomogeneous data on the Dirichlet boundary: \begin{equation}\label{Diri} \begin{alignedat}{2} -\div \big(\CCC \mathcal{E} (\uu) \big) & = \bm{0}\qquad && \text{ in } \Omega, \\ \uu & = {\cal U}\qquad && \text{ on } \Gamma_D, \\ \big (\CCC \mathcal{E} (\uu) \big) \nn & = \bm{0} \qquad && \text{ on } \Gamma_N. \end{alignedat} \end{equation} Well-known theory yields that, for every ${\cal U} \in H^{1/2} (\Gamma_D, \RRR^d)$, there exists a unique weak solution $\uu \in H^1(\Omega,\RRR^d)$. The proof follows similarly to the above as a direct consequence of the Lax--Milgram theorem. This allows us to introduce the associated solution operator, that we call the {\it extension operator} \begin{align} {\cal H} : H^{1/2}(\Gamma_D, \RRR^d) \to H^1(\Omega,\RRR^d), \quad {\cal H}: {\cal U} \mapsto \uu, \quad \label{harm:ext} \end{align} where $\uu$ is the unique weak solution to system \eqref{Diri}. \subsection{Well-posedness of the state systems} Similarly to \eqref{Diri} and \eqref{harm:ext}, we can introduce the extension operators $\ov {\cal H}$ and $\hat {\cal H}$ related to $\ov \CCC$, $\ov \Gamma_D$ and $\hat \CCC$, $\hat \Gamma_D$, respectively. Then defining the functions $\ov H := \ov{\cal H}(\overline{\bm{U}}), \hat H := \hat {\cal H}(\widehat{\bm{U}}) \in H^1(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ allows us to transform \eqref{bu:sys} and \eqref{hu:sys} into the equivalent problems \begin{equation}\label{bu:new:sys} \begin{alignedat}{2} -\div \big(\ov \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E} ({\overline{\uu}}^{\rm new} + {\ov H} ) \big) & = \ov{\FF} \qquad && \text{ in } \Omega, \\ {\overline{\uu}}^{\rm new} & = \bm{0} \qquad && \text{ on } \ov \Gamma_D, \\ \big( \ov \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E} ({\overline{\uu}}^{\rm new} + {\ov H})\big) \nn & = \ov{\gg} \qquad && \text{ on } \ov \Gamma_N, \end{alignedat} \end{equation} and \begin{equation}\label{hu:new:sys} \begin{alignedat}{2} -\div \big(\hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) ( \mathcal{E} ({\widehat{\uu}}^{\rm new} + {\hat H}) - \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}^{\rm new} + {\ov H})\big) & = \hat{\FF} \qquad && \text{ in } \Omega, \\ {\widehat{\uu}}^{\rm new} & = \bm{0} \qquad && \text{ on } \hat \Gamma_D, \\ \big(\hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) ( \mathcal{E} ({\widehat{\uu}}^{\rm new} + {\hat H})- \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}^{\rm new} + {\ov H}) \big) \nn & = \hat{\gg} \qquad && \text{ on } \hat \Gamma_N, \end{alignedat} \end{equation} where we set \[ {\overline{\uu}} = {\overline{\uu}}^{\rm new} + {\ov H}, \quad {\widehat{\uu}} = {\widehat{\uu}}^{\rm new} + {\hat H}. \] For a cleaner presentation, we abuse notation and use the same variables ${\overline{\uu}}$ and ${\widehat{\uu}}$ to denote ${\overline{\uu}}^{\rm new}$ and ${\widehat{\uu}}^{\rm new}$. Then, the well-posedness of \eqref{bu:sys} and \eqref{hu:sys} (equivalently \eqref{bu:new:sys} and \eqref{hu:new:sys}) are formulated as follows. \begin{thm}\label{THM:EX:STATE} Under \ref{ass:dom}--\ref{ass:data}, for every ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L)$, there exists a unique solution pair $({\overline{\uu}}, {\widehat{\uu}}) \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) \times \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ satisfying \begin{align} & \iO {\ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) : \mathcal{E}( \ov {\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} = \iO {\ov{\FF} \cdot \ov {\boldsymbol{\zeta}}} - \iO {\ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\ov H}) : \mathcal{E}( \ov {\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} \label{wf:sys:1} + \< \ov{\gg} ,\ov {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} >_{H^{1/2}_{00}(\ov \Gamma_N)}, \\ & \notag \iO {\hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}) : \mathcal{E}( \hat {\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} - \iO {\hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) :\mathcal{E}( \hat {\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} = \iO {\hat{\FF} \cdot \hat {\boldsymbol{\zeta}}} \\ \label{wf:sys:2} & \quad + \iO {\hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\hat H}) : \mathcal{E}( \hat {\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} - \iO {\hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\ov H}) :\mathcal{E}(\hat {\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} + \< \hat{\gg} ,\hat {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} >_{H^{1/2}_{00}(\hat \Gamma_N)} \end{align} for all $\ov {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ and $\hat {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$. Moreover, there exists a positive constant $C$, independent of ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}$, such that \begin{align}\label{reg:state} \norma{{\overline{\uu}}}_{H^1(\Omega)} +\norma{{\widehat{\uu}}}_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq C. \end{align} \end{thm} \begin{proof} For \eqref{wf:sys:1} we invoke Proposition \ref{THM:EX:ABS} with the specifications \begin{align*} & \uu = {\overline{\uu}}, \quad \CCC= \ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}), \quad \FFF= \ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\ov H}), \quad \ff= \ov{\FF}, \quad \gg = \ov{\gg}, \quad \Gamma_D = \ov \Gamma_D, \quad \Gamma_N = \ov \Gamma_N, \end{align*} and for \eqref{wf:sys:2} we consider \begin{align*} & \uu = {\widehat{\uu}}, \quad \CCC= \hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}), \quad \FFF= \hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})( \mathcal{E} ({\hat H})- \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}} + {\ov H} ) ), \quad \ff= \hat{\FF}, \quad \gg = \hat{\gg}, \\ & \Gamma_D = \hat \Gamma_D, \quad \Gamma_N = \hat \Gamma_N, \end{align*} to obtain the existence and uniqueness of solutions ${\overline{\uu}}$ and ${\widehat{\uu}}$. Lastly the estimate \eqref{reg:state} can be obtained from \eqref{reg:abs} and the uniform boundedness of the tensors $\ov{\CCC}$ and $\hat{\CCC}$ in \ref{ass:elasticity}. \end{proof} \begin{thm}\label{THM:CD} Under \ref{ass:dom}--\ref{ass:data}, for $i = 1,2$, let ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_i \in L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L) $ with $\norma{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_i}_{L^\infty(\Omega)} \leq R$, where $R> 0$ is fixed, and let $({\overline{\uu}}_i, {\widehat{\uu}}_i)$ denote the unique solutions to systems \eqref{bu:new:sys} and \eqref{hu:new:sys} corresponding to ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_i$, but with the same data ${\ov \FF}$, $\hat{\FF}$, $\ov{\gg}$, $\hat{\gg}$, ${\ov H}$ and ${\hat H}$. Then, there exists a positive constant $C$, independent of the differences, such that \begin{equation} \label{cd:est} \begin{aligned} \norma{{\overline{\uu}}_1-{\overline{\uu}}_2}_{H^1(\Omega)} & \leq C \norma{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_1- {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2}_{L^\infty(\Omega)}, \\ \norma{{\widehat{\uu}}_1-{\widehat{\uu}}_2}_{H^1(\Omega)} & \leq C \norma{\mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_1 - {\overline{\uu}}_2)}_{L^2(\Omega)} + C \norma{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_1- {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2}_{L^\infty(\Omega)}. \end{aligned} \end{equation} \end{thm} \begin{proof} To start, let us set \begin{align*} & {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}: = {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_1 - {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2, \quad {\overline{\uu}}:= {\overline{\uu}}_1-{\overline{\uu}}_2, \quad {\widehat{\uu}}:= {\widehat{\uu}}_1-{\widehat{\uu}}_2. \end{align*} Then, we consider the difference between the variational equalities \eqref{wf:sys:1}--\eqref{wf:sys:2} written for $({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_1,{\overline{\uu}}_1,{\widehat{\uu}}_1)$ and for $({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2,{\overline{\uu}}_2,{\widehat{\uu}}_2)$ to infer that \begin{align} & \iO {\big(\ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_1) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_1) - \ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_2)\big) : \mathcal{E}( \ov {\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} = 0, \label{wf:CD:1} \\ & \notag \iO {\big(\hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_1) \mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}_1) - \hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2) \mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}_2) \big): \mathcal{E}( \hat {\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} \\ \label{wf:CD:2} & \quad - \iO {\big(\hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_1) \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_1) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_1) - \hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2)\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_2)\big) :\mathcal{E}(\hat {\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} = 0, \end{align} for all $\ov {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ and $\hat {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d).$ Choosing $\ov {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} = {\overline{\uu}}$ and invoking condition \eqref{ass:coerc} yields \begin{equation}\label{cd:bu} \begin{aligned} C_0 \norma{\mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})}_{L^2(\Omega)}^2 & \leq - \iO{(\ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_1)-\ov\CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2)) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_2) : \mathcal{E}( {\overline{\uu}})} \\ & \leq \frac{C_0}{2} \norma{\mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})}_{L^2(\Omega)}^2 + C \norma{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}}_{L^\infty(\Omega)}^2. \end{aligned} \end{equation} By Korn's inequality we infer \begin{align}\label{cd:est:1} \norma{{\overline{\uu}}_1 - {\overline{\uu}}_2}_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq C \norma{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_1- {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2}_{L^\infty(\Omega)}. \end{align} Then, inserting $\hat {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} = {\widehat{\uu}}$ in \eqref{wf:CD:2}, and invoking the Lipschitz continuity of $\hat{\CCC}$ and $\chi$ from \ref{ass:elasticity} and \ref{ass:chi}, as well as \eqref{cd:est:1}, yields \begin{equation}\label{cd:hu} \begin{aligned} & C_0 \norma{\mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}})}_{L^2(\Omega)}^2 \\ & \quad \leq - \iO {(\hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_1)-\hat\CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2)) \mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}_2) : \mathcal{E}( {\widehat{\uu}}) + (\hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_1)-\hat\CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2)) \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_1) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_1) :\mathcal{E}( {\widehat{\uu}})}\\ & \qquad -\iO {\hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2)(\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_1) - \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2) ) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_1) :\mathcal{E}( {\widehat{\uu}})} - \iO {\hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2) \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) :\mathcal{E}( {\widehat{\uu}})} \\ & \quad \leq \frac{C_0}{2} \norma{\mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}})}_{L^2(\Omega)}^2 + C \Big ( \norma{\mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})}_{L^2(\Omega)}^2 + \norma{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}}_{L^\infty(\Omega)}^2 \Big ). \end{aligned} \end{equation} Applying Korn's inequality leads to \eqref{cd:est}. \end{proof} \begin{cor}\label{COR:cts} Suppose that \ref{ass:dom}--\ref{ass:data} hold. Let $R > 0$ and let $\{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n\}_{n \in \NNN}$ be a sequence of functions in $L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L)$ such that $\| {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n \|_{L^\infty(\Omega)} \leq R$ for all $n \in \NNN$ and ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n \to {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_*$ strongly in $L^1(\Omega, \RRR^L)$ as $n \to \infty$. Let $({\overline{\uu}}_n, {\widehat{\uu}}_n)$ denote the solutions to \eqref{wf:sys:1} and \eqref{wf:sys:2} corresponding to data ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n$, $\ov{\FF}$, $\hat{\FF}$, $\ov{\gg}$, $\hat{\gg}$, ${\ov H}$ and ${\hat H}$. Then, it holds that, as $n \to \infty$, \[ {\overline{\uu}}_n \to {\overline{\uu}}_* \text{ strongly in } \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d), \quad {\widehat{\uu}}_n \to {\widehat{\uu}}_* \text{ strongly in } \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d), \] where $({\overline{\uu}}_*, {\widehat{\uu}}_*) \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) \times \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ are the unique solutions to \eqref{wf:sys:1} and \eqref{wf:sys:2} corresponding to data ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_*$, $\ov{\FF}$, $\hat{\FF}$, $\ov{\gg}$, $\hat{\gg}$, ${\ov H}$ and ${\hat H}$. \end{cor} \begin{proof} From \eqref{reg:state} we infer that ${\overline{\uu}}_n$ and ${\widehat{\uu}}_n$ are bounded in $\ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ and $\hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$, respectively, and thus there exist limit functions $({\overline{\uu}}_*, {\widehat{\uu}}_*) \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) \times \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ such that, along a non-relabelled subsequence, ${\overline{\uu}}_n \rightharpoonup {\overline{\uu}}_*$ in $\ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ and ${\widehat{\uu}}_n \rightharpoonup {\widehat{\uu}}_*$ in $\hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$. To obtain strong convergence, in \eqref{wf:CD:1} and \eqref{wf:CD:2} we substitute ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_1 = {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n$, ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_2 = {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_*$, ${\overline{\uu}}_1 = {\overline{\uu}}_n$, ${\overline{\uu}}_2 = {\overline{\uu}}_*$, ${\overline{\uu}} = {\overline{\uu}}_n - {\overline{\uu}}_*$ and ${\widehat{\uu}} = {\widehat{\uu}}_n - {\widehat{\uu}}_*$. Then, by virtue of the dominated convergence theorem, we infer the strong convergence, as $n \to \infty$, \begin{align*} ({\ov \CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n) - {\ov \CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_*))\mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_*) \to \bm{0} \quad \text{ in } L^2(\Omega, \RRR^{d \times d}). \end{align*} Hence, in the analogue of the first inequality in \eqref{cd:bu} we see that the integral on the right-hand side converges to zero, which implies via Korn's inequality that \[ \norma{{\overline{\uu}}_n - {\overline{\uu}}_* }_{H^1(\Omega)} \to 0. \] By the generalised dominated convergence theorem, we have the strong convergences \begin{align*} \begin{cases} ({\hat \CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n) - {\hat \CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_*)) \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_n) & \to \bm{0} \\ {\hat \CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_*) (\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n) - \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_*)) \mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}_n) & \to \bm{0} \\ \hat{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_*) \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_*) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_n - {\overline{\uu}}_*) & \to \bm{0} \end{cases} \text{ in } L^2(\Omega, \RRR^{d \times d}), \end{align*} and thus, in the analogue of the first inequality in \eqref{cd:hu} we see that the integral on the right-hand side converges to zero, leading to the assertion \[ \norma{{\widehat{\uu}}_n - {\widehat{\uu}}_*}_{H^1(\Omega)} \to 0. \] Thus, by combining the weak convergences with the above norms convergence the claim follows. \end{proof} The above analysis for systems \eqref{bu:new:sys} and \eqref{hu:new:sys} allows us to define some solution operators. Namely, we introduce \begin{align}\label{controltostateoperator} \S : L^\infty(\Omega,\RRR^L) \to \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d), \quad \S: {\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \mapsto {\widehat{\uu}} = {\widehat{\uu}}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}), \end{align} as well as the intermediate operators: \begin{alignat*}{2} & \S_1: L^\infty(\Omega,\RRR^L) \to L^\infty(\Omega,\RRR^L) \times \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d), \quad && \S_1: {\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \mapsto (\S_1^1({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}),\S_1^2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})) = ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}},{{\overline{\uu}}}), \\ & \S_2: L^\infty(\Omega,\RRR^L) \times \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) \to \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d), \quad && \S_2: ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}},{\overline{\uu}}) \mapsto {\widehat{\uu}}, \end{alignat*} where ${\overline{\uu}} = {\overline{\uu}} ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})$ and ${\widehat{\uu}}= {\widehat{\uu}}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}},{\overline{\uu}})$ are the unique solutions obtained from Theorem \ref{THM:EX:STATE}. Then, the overall solution operator $\S$ in \eqref{controltostateoperator} is simply the composition of the intermediate mappings $\S_1$ and $\S_2$, i.e., $\S=\S_2 \circ \S_1$. In particular, we can define the {\it reduced cost functional} \[ J_{\rm red}: \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad} \to \RRR, \quad J_{\rm red}: {\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \mapsto J({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, \S({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})). \] \subsection{Existence of optimal designs} \begin{thm}\label{THM:EXOPT} Under \ref{ass:dom}--\ref{ass:utar}, the optimisation problem {\bf (P)} admits at least one solution. \end{thm} \begin{proof}As the proof is nowadays standard with the direct method of the calculus of variations, let us briefly outline the main points. Consider a minimising sequence $\{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n\}_{n \in \NNN} \subset \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$ for the reduced cost functional $J_{\rm red}$, which satisfies \begin{align*} \lim_{n\to \infty} J_{\rm red}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n) = \inf_{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}} J_{\rm red}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \geq 0. \end{align*} This yields that $\{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n\}_{n \in \NNN}$ is bounded in $H^1(\Omega,\RRR^L) \cap L^\infty(\Omega,\RRR^L)$. By standard compactness arguments, since $\mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$ is closed and convex, we obtain a limit function ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^* \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$ such that ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n \to {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*$ weakly* in $H^1(\Omega, \RRR^L) \cap L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L)$ along a non-relabelled subsequence. Consequently, by \eqref{reg:state} the sequence $\{{\widehat{\uu}}_n = \S({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n)\}_{n \in \NNN}$ is bounded in $\hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$, and on invoking Corollary \ref{COR:cts} there exists a limit function ${\widehat{\uu}}^* \in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ such that, along a non-relabelled subsequence, ${\widehat{\uu}}_n \to {\widehat{\uu}}^*$ strongly in $\hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ as $n \to \infty$. Continuity of the boundary trace operator gives ${\widehat{\uu}}_n \to {\widehat{\uu}}^*$ strongly in $L^2(\hat{\Gamma}_N, \RRR^d)$, and thus \[ \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}_n - \bm{u}^{\rm tar}) \cdot ({\widehat{\uu}}_n - \bm{u}^{\rm tar}) \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \to \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}}W({\widehat{\uu}}^* - \bm{u}^{\rm tar}) \cdot ({\widehat{\uu}}^* - \bm{u}^{\rm tar}) \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1}. \] By Fatou's lemma and the a.e.~convergence of ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n$ to ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*$, we have \begin{align*} \liminf_{n \to \infty} \| \Psi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n) \|_{L^1(\Omega)} \geq \| \Psi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) \|_{L^1(\Omega)}, \end{align*} and using also the weak lower semicontinuity of the $L^2$-norm, we infer that \[ J_{\rm red}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) \leq \lim_{n \to \infty} J_{\rm red}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_n) = \inf_{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}} J_{\rm red}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}). \] This shows that ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*$ is a solution to $(\bf P)$. \end{proof} \section{Optimality conditions} \label{SEC:OPT} To derive the first order necessary optimality conditions for ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*$, we first study the linearised system for the {\it linearised variables} introduced below, and use {\it adjoint variables} to provide a simplification of the optimality condition. \subsection{Linearised systems and Fr\'echet differentiability} Here, we analyse some differentiability properties of the solutions operators $\S_1$ and $\S_2$ introduced above. This will help us to formulate the first order optimality conditions of {\bf (P)}. \begin{thm}\label{THM:LIN:S1} The solution operator $\S_1$ is Fr\'echet differentiable at ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}$ as a mapping from $L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L)$ into $L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L) \times \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$. Moreover, it holds that \begin{align*} D \S_1 \in {\cal L}(L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L) , L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L) \times \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)), \end{align*} and its directional derivative at ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L)$ along a direction $\hh \in L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L)$ is given by \begin{align}\label{DS1} D \S_1 ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) (\hh) = (\hh,{\overline{\vv}}), \end{align} where ${\overline{\vv}} \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ is the unique weak solution to the following system: \begin{subequations}\label{sys:LIN} \begin{alignat}{2} \label{SYS:LIN:1} -\div \big(\ov \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})\hh \mathcal{E} ({\overline{\uu}}) + \ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})\mathcal{E} ({\overline{\vv}})\big) & = \bm{0} \qquad && \text{ in } \Omega, \\ \label{SYS:LIN:3} {\overline{\vv}} & = \bm{0} \qquad && \text{ on } \ov \Gamma_D, \\ \label{SYS:LIN:5} (\ov \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})\hh \mathcal{E} ({\overline{\uu}}) + \ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})\mathcal{E} ({\overline{\vv}})) \nn & = \bm{0} \qquad && \text{ on } \ov \Gamma_N, \end{alignat} \end{subequations} in the sense \begin{align}\label{wf:sys:LIN} \iO{ \ov{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\vv}}) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} + \iO{ \ov{\CCC}'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) } = 0 \end{align} for all ${\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$, where ${\overline{\uu}}$ is the unique solution to \eqref{wf:sys:1} associated to ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}$ obtained from Theorem~\ref{THM:EX:STATE}. \end{thm} \begin{proof} Firstly, the unique solvability of the linearised system \eqref{sys:LIN} follows directly from the application of Proposition \ref{THM:EX:ABS} upon choosing \begin{align*} & \uu = {\overline{\vv}}, \quad \CCC= \ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}), \quad \FFF= \ov \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}), \quad \ff=\gg = \bm{0}, \quad \Gamma_D = \ov \Gamma_D, \quad \Gamma_N = \ov \Gamma_N. \end{align*} Next, we take ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$ and $\hh \in L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L)$ such that ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^{\hh} := {\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$, and set ${\overline{\uu}}^\hh= \S_1^2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\hh)$, i.e., $({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\hh, {\overline{\uu}}^\hh)=\S_1({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\hh)$. Since the first component of $\S_1$ is just the identity in $L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L)$, we only need to investigate the Fr\'echet differentiability of the second component $\S_1^2$. In this direction, we denote \begin{align*} \ww : = {\overline{\uu}}^\hh - {\overline{\uu}} - {\overline{\vv}} \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) \end{align*} with ${\overline{\vv}}$ being the unique solution to the linearised system \eqref{sys:LIN} associated to ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}$ and $\hh$. Our aim is to show the existence of a positive constant $C$ such that \begin{align}\label{Fre:bu} \| \ww \|_{H^1(\Omega)} = \| \S_1^2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\hh) - \S_1^2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) - D\S_1^2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh \|_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq C \| \hh \|_{L^\infty(\Omega)}^2, \end{align} which would then imply the Fr\'echet differentiability of the operator $\S_1^2$. To this end, we subtract from \eqref{wf:sys:1} for ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\hh$ the sum of \eqref{wf:sys:1} for ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}$ and \eqref{wf:sys:LIN} for ${\overline{\vv}}$ to obtain \begin{align*} & \iO { \ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} ) \mathcal{E}(\ww): \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) } + \iO { (\ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} +\hh)- \ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) ) (\mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}^\hh) - \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) ) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} \\ & \quad + \iO {[\ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}+\hh) - \ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} ) - \ov \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh] \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} = 0 \quad \forall {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d). \end{align*} Choosing ${\boldsymbol{\zeta}} = \ww$ and using \eqref{ass:coerc} we infer that \begin{align*} C_0 \norma{\mathcal{E}(\ww)}^2_{L^2(\Omega)} &\leq - \iO { (\ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} +\hh)- \ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) ) (\mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}^\hh) - \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) ) : \mathcal{E}(\ww)} \\ & \quad - \iO {[\ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}+\hh) - \ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} ) - \ov \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh] \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) : \mathcal{E}(\ww)} . \end{align*} Lipschitz continuity of $\ov \CCC$ yields a positive constant $C_{\ov \CCC'} $ such that \begin{align}\label{TaylorC} |\ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}+\hh) - \ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} ) - \ov \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh | \leq |\hh| \int_0^1 |\ov \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + s \hh) - \ov \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})| \, \mathrm{d}s \leq C_{\ov \CCC'} |\hh|^2, \end{align} and keeping in mind the estimate obtained from Theorem \ref{THM:CD}: \begin{align}\label{cd:frechet:1} \norma{{\overline{\uu}}^\hh - {\overline{\uu}}}_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq C \norma{\hh}_{L^\infty(\Omega)}, \end{align} we find that \begin{align*} & \iO { (\ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} +\hh)- \ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) ) (\mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}^\hh) - \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) ) : \mathcal{E}(\ww)} \\ & \quad \leq C \norma{\hh}_{L^\infty(\Omega)} \norma{\mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}^\hh) - \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})}_{L^2(\Omega)} \norma{\mathcal{E}(\ww)}_{L^2(\Omega)} \leq \frac {C_0}4 \norma{\mathcal{E}(\ww)}_{L^2(\Omega)}^2 + C \norma{\hh}_{L^\infty(\Omega)}^4, \\ & \iO {[\ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}+\hh) - \ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} ) - \ov \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh] \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) : \mathcal{E}(\ww)} \\ & \quad \leq C\norma{\hh}_{L^\infty(\Omega)}^2\norma{\mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})}_{L^2(\Omega)}\norma{\mathcal{E}(\ww)}_{L^2(\Omega)} \leq \frac {C_0}4\norma{\mathcal{E}(\ww)}_{L^2(\Omega)}^2 + C \norma{\hh}_{L^\infty(\Omega)}^4. \end{align*} Then, by Korn's inequality we infer \eqref{Fre:bu}, and whence the claimed Frech\'et differentiability of $\S_1$. \end{proof} Before presenting the Fr\'echet differentiability of $\S_2$, let us provide a formal discussion. Recall that ${\widehat{\uu}} = \S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}})$ and thus the directional derivative $D \S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}})(\hh, \kk)$ of $\S_2$ at $({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}})$ along a direction $(\hh, \kk)$ will be given by \[ D \S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}})(\hh, \kk) = D_{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}} \S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}}) (\hh) + D_{{\overline{\uu}}} \S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}}) (\kk) \] where $D_{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}}$ and $D_{{\overline{\uu}}}$ represent the partial derivatives with respect to ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}$ and ${\overline{\uu}}$, respectively. Hence, we expect $\hat{\bm{\vartheta}} := D \S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}})(\hh, \kk)$ to be a sum of two functions ${\widehat{\vv}} := D_{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}} \S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}}) (\hh)$ and ${\widehat{\ww}} := D_{{\overline{\uu}}} \S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}}) (\kk)$, and the Fr\'echet differentiability of $\S_2$ can be established by demonstrating \begin{align}\label{Fre:2} \| \S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}+\hh, {\overline{\uu}}+\kk) - \S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}}) - \hat{\bm{\vartheta}} \|_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq C \| (\hh, \kk) \|_{L^\infty(\Omega) \times H^1(\Omega)}^2. \end{align} The result is formulated as follows. \begin{thm}\label{THM:LIN:S2} The solution operator $\S_2$ is Fr\'echet differentiable at $({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}})$ as a mapping from $L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L) \times \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ into $\hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$. Furthermore, \begin{align*} D\S_2 \in {\cal L}(L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L) \times \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d), \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)), \end{align*} and its directional derivative at $({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}}) \in L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L) \times \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ along a direction $(\hh, \kk) \in L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L)\times \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ is given by \begin{align*} \hat{\bm{\vartheta}} := D \S_2 ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}}) (\hh, \kk) =D_{\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \S_2 ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}}) (\hh) +D_{\overline{\uu}} \S_2 ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}}) (\kk) =: {\widehat{\vv}} + {\widehat{\ww}}, \end{align*} where $\hat \bm{\vartheta} \in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ is the unique weak solution to the following system: \begin{subequations}\label{sys:LIN:2} \begin{alignat}{2} \notag -\div \big(\hat \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh ( \mathcal{E} ({\widehat{\uu}})- \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})) \big) & && \label{SYS:LIN:sum:1} \\ \quad - \div\big(\hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) ( \mathcal{E} (\hat \bm{\vartheta})- \chi'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})- \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}( \kk))\big) & = \bm{0} \qquad && \text{ in } \Omega, \\ \label{SYS:LIN:sum:2} \hat \bm{\vartheta} & = \bm{0} \qquad && \text{ on } \hat \Gamma_D, \\ \notag \big(\hat \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh ( \mathcal{E} ({\widehat{\uu}})- \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})) \big) \nn & && \\ \label{SYS:LIN:sum:3} \quad + \big ( \hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) ( \mathcal{E} (\hat \bm{\vartheta})- \chi'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})- \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}( \kk)) \big) \nn & = \bm{0} \qquad && \text{ on } \hat \Gamma_N, \end{alignat} \end{subequations} in the sense that \begin{equation}\label{wf:sys:hthe} \begin{aligned} & \iO{ \hat{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})(\mathcal{E}(\hat{\bm{\vartheta}}) - \chi'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) - \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}(\kk)) :\mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} \\ & \quad + \iO{ \hat{\CCC}'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh (\mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}) - \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) } = 0 \end{aligned} \end{equation} for all ${\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$, where ${\overline{\uu}}$ is the unique solution to \eqref{wf:sys:1} associated to ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}$ and ${\widehat{\uu}}$ is the unique solution to \eqref{wf:sys:2} associated to $({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}})$. Moreover, ${\widehat{\vv}} \in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ and ${\widehat{\ww}} \in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ are the unique solutions to the following equations \begin{align} & \iO{ \hat{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) (\mathcal{E}({\widehat{\vv}}) - \chi'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})) :\mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) + \hat{\CCC}'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh (\mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}) - \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} = 0, \label{wf:sys:hv} \\ & \iO{\hat{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) (\mathcal{E}({\widehat{\ww}}) - \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}(\kk)) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) } = 0, \label{wf:sys:hw} \end{align} for all ${\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$. \end{thm} \begin{proof} Unique solvability of \eqref{wf:sys:hthe}, \eqref{wf:sys:hv} and \eqref{wf:sys:hw} are obtained by application of Theorem \ref{THM:EX:ABS}, and thus we focus on demonstrating the crucial estimate \eqref{Fre:2}. Let ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$, $\hh \in L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L)$ such that ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\hh = {\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$ and $\kk \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$. Setting \[ {\widehat{\uu}} = \S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}}), \quad {\widehat{\uu}}^{\kk} := \S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}}+\kk), \quad {\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh,\kk} := \S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}+\hh, {\overline{\uu}}+\kk), \] then, setting $\bm{\xi} := {\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh,\kk} - {\widehat{\uu}} - \hat{\bm{\vartheta}}$, \eqref{Fre:2} is equivalent to \[ \| \bm{\xi} \|_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq C \| (\hh, \kk) \|_{L^\infty(\Omega) \times H^1(\Omega)}^2. \] We observe that by subtracting from \eqref{wf:sys:2} for $({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}+\hh, {\overline{\uu}} + \kk, {\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh,\kk})$ the sum of \eqref{wf:sys:2} for $({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}}, {\widehat{\uu}})$ and \eqref{wf:sys:hthe} for $\hat{\bm{\vartheta}}$, we obtain \begin{equation}\label{Fre:hat:main} \begin{aligned} & \iO {\big( \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) ( \mathcal{E} ({\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh,\kk})- \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}} + \kk) \big) : \mathcal{E}( {\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} \\ & \quad - \iO {\hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} ) ( \mathcal{E} ({\widehat{\uu}})- \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})) : \mathcal{E}( {\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} \\ & \quad - \iO {\hat \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh ( \mathcal{E} ({\widehat{\uu}})- \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})): \mathcal{E}( {\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} \\ & \quad - \iO { \hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) ( \mathcal{E} (\hat \bm{\vartheta})- \chi'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})- \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}( \kk) ): \mathcal{E}( {\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} =0 \quad \forall {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d). \end{aligned} \end{equation} Before proceeding with some computations, let us point out the following identities: \begin{equation}\label{X1} \begin{aligned} & \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) \mathcal{E} ({\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh,\kk}) -\hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E} ({\widehat{\uu}}) - \hat \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh \mathcal{E} ({\widehat{\uu}}) - \hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E} (\hat \bm{\vartheta}) \\ & \quad = \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E} (\bm{\xi}) + (\hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) - \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} )) ( \mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh,\kk})- \mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}^\hh)) \\ & \qquad + (\hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) - \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} )) ( \mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh})- \mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}})) \\ & \qquad + [ \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) - \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} )- \hat \CCC' ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} )\hh] \mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}) =: \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E} (\bm{\xi}) + {\cal Y}_1 , \end{aligned} \end{equation} and \begin{equation}\label{X2} \begin{aligned} & - \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}+ \kk) + \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} ) \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) + \hat \CCC' ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} ) \hh \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) \\ & \qquad + \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} ) \chi'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) + \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} ) \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})\mathcal{E}( \kk) \\ & \quad = -[ \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) - \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} )- \hat \CCC' ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} )\hh] \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) \\ & \qquad - \hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) [\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) - \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) - \chi'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})\hh] \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) \\ & \qquad - (\hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) - \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} )) (\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}+ \hh)-\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) \\ & \qquad - (\hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) - \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} )) (\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}+ \hh)-\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})) \mathcal{E}(\kk) \\ & \qquad - \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} ) (\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}+ \hh)-\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})) \mathcal{E}(\kk) \\ & \qquad - (\hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) - \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} )) \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}(\kk) =: {\cal Y}_2. \end{aligned} \end{equation} Similar to \eqref{TaylorC}, we have, for positive constants $C_{\chi'}$ and $C_{\hat{\CCC}'}$, that \begin{equation}\label{Taylor} \begin{aligned} |\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}+\hh) - \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} ) - \chi'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh | & \leq |\hh| \int_0^1 |\chi'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + s \hh) - \chi'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})| \, \mathrm{d}s \leq C_{\chi'} |\hh|^2, \\ |\hat{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}+\hh) - \hat{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} ) - \hat{\CCC}'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \hh | & \leq |\hh| \int_0^1 |\hat{\CCC}'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + s \hh) - \hat{\CCC}'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})| \, \mathrm{d}s \leq C_{\hat{\CCC}'} |\hh|^2, \end{aligned} \end{equation} and upon choosing ${\boldsymbol{\zeta}} = \bm{\xi}$ in \eqref{Fre:hat:main}, we infer that \begin{align}\label{Fre:est:main} \norma{\mathcal{E}(\bm{\xi})}_{L^2(\Omega)} \leq C \| {\cal Y}_1 \|_{L^2(\Omega)} + C \| {\cal Y}_2 \|_{L^2(\Omega)}. \end{align} Then, employing the Young and H\"older inequalities, \eqref{cd:frechet:1}, as well as the stability estimates \[ \norma{{\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh,\kk} - {\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh}}_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq C \norma{\kk}_{H^1(\Omega)}, \quad \norma{{\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh} - {\widehat{\uu}}}_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq C \norma{\hh}_{L^\infty(\Omega)} \] deduced from \eqref{cd:est}, we find that \begin{align*} \| {\cal Y}_1\|_{L^2(\Omega)} & \leq C \| \hh \|_{L^\infty(\Omega)} \Big (\norma{{\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh,\kk} - {\widehat{\uu}}^\hh}_{H^1(\Omega)} + \norma{{\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh} - {\widehat{\uu}}}_{H^1(\Omega)} + \norma{\hh}_{L^\infty(\Omega)} \norma{\mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}})}_{L^2(\Omega)} \Big) \\ & \leq C \norma{(\hh,\kk)}_{L^\infty(\Omega) \times H^1(\Omega)}^2,\\ \| {\cal Y}_2\|_{L^2(\Omega)} & \leq C \| \hh \|_{L^\infty(\Omega)} \Big ( \| \hh \|_{L^\infty(\Omega)} \| \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) \|_{L^2(\Omega)} + \norma{\hh}_{L^\infty(\Omega)}\| \kk \|_{H^1(\Omega)} + \| \kk \|_{H^1(\Omega)} \Big ) \\ & \leq C \norma{(\hh,\kk)}_{L^\infty(\Omega) \times H^1(\Omega)}^2, \end{align*} and thus we obtain by Korn's inequality \[ \norma{\bm{\xi}}_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq C \norma{(\hh,\kk)}_{L^\infty(\Omega) \times H^1(\Omega)}^2, \] which verifies the Fr\'echet differentiability of $\S_2$. Furthermore, it is clear that by the uniqueness of the solutions, the sum ${\widehat{\vv}} + {\widehat{\ww}}$ is equal to $\hat{\bm{\vartheta}}$. To establish the identification of the partial derivatives $D_{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}} \S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}})(\hh) = {\widehat{\vv}}$ and $D_{{\overline{\uu}}}\S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}})(\kk) = {\widehat{\ww}}$, we argue as follows: Consider $\kk = \bm{0}$, so that from \eqref{wf:sys:hw} we obtain that ${\widehat{\ww}} = \bm{0}$ and $\hat{\bm{\vartheta}} = {\widehat{\vv}}$. Then, in \eqref{Fre:hat:main} with $\kk = \bm{0}$, we now have for $\bm{\xi} = {\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh} - {\widehat{\uu}} - {\widehat{\vv}}$ the estimate \eqref{Fre:est:main}, where \begin{align*} {\cal Y}_1 & = (\hat{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) - \hat{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}))(\mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh}) - \mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}})) + [ \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) - \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} )- \hat \CCC' ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} )\hh] \mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}), \\ {\cal Y}_2 & = -[ \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) - \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} )- \hat \CCC' ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} )\hh] \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) \\ & \quad - \hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) [\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) - \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) - \chi'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})\hh] \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) \\ & \quad - (\hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} + \hh) - \hat \CCC ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}} )) (\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}+ \hh)-\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}), \end{align*} where we made use of ${\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh,\bm{0}} = {\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh}$. A short calculation shows that \[ \|{\widehat{\uu}}^{\hh} - {\widehat{\uu}} - {\widehat{\vv}}\|_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq C \| \hh \|_{L^\infty(\Omega)}^2, \] which entails that $D_{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}} \S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}})(\hh) = {\widehat{\vv}}$. The other identification $D_{{\overline{\uu}}}\S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, {\overline{\uu}})(\kk) = {\widehat{\ww}}$ is in fact more straightforward as $\S_2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}, \cdot)$ is a linear operator. This completes the proof. \end{proof} \subsection{Adjoint systems} We now move to the investigation of some adjoint systems which, as typically happens in constrained minimisation problems, will allow us to simplify the formulation of the optimality conditions of $(\bf P)$. \begin{thm}\label{THM:EX:ADJ:1} Under \ref{ass:dom}--\ref{ass:utar}, for every ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in L^\infty(\Omega, \RRR^L)$, there exists a unique solution $\hat \qq \in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ to \begin{subequations}\label{adj:1} \begin{alignat}{2} \label{ADJ:SECOND:1} -\div \big(\hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}(\hat \qq)\big) & = \bm{0} \qquad && \text{ in } \Omega, \\ \label{ADJ:SECOND:2} \hat \qq & = \bm{0} \qquad && \text{ on } \hat \Gamma_D, \\ \label{ADJ:SECOND:3} (\hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}(\hat \qq)) \nn & = W({\widehat{\uu}}-\uu^{\rm tar}) \ensuremath{\mathrm{\mathcal{X}}}_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} \qquad && \text{ on } \hat \Gamma_N, \end{alignat} \end{subequations} in the sense \begin{align}\label{wf:adj:q} \iO{\hat{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}(\widehat{\bm{q}}) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) } = \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}-\uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \quad \forall {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d). \end{align} Moreover, there exists a unique solution $\ov \pp \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) $ to \begin{subequations}\label{adj:2} \begin{alignat}{2} \label{ADJ:FIRST:1} -\div \big(\ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})\mathcal{E} (\ov \pp) - \hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}(\hat \qq))\big) & = \bm{0} \qquad && \text{ in }\Omega, \\ \label{ADJ:FIRST:2} \ov \pp & = \bm{0} \qquad && \text{ on } \ov \Gamma_D, \\ \label{ADJ:FIRST:3} (\ov \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})\mathcal{E} (\ov \pp) - \hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}(\hat \qq)) \nn & = \bm{0} \qquad && \text{ on } \ov \Gamma_N, \end{alignat} \end{subequations} in the sense \begin{align}\label{wf:adj:p} \iO{\ov{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}(\overline{\bm{p}}) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) } = \iO{ \hat{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \mathcal{E}(\widehat{\bm{q}}) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) }\quad \forall {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d), \end{align} where $\hat \qq\in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ is the unique solution to \eqref{wf:adj:q}. \end{thm} As the proof of existence and uniqueness is simply an application of Theorem \ref{THM:EX:ABS}, we omit the details. \begin{remark} Notice that the adjoint variable $\overline{\bm{p}}$ to the Stage 1 deformation ${\overline{\uu}}$ is dependent on the adjoint variable $\widehat{\bm{q}}$ to the Stage 2 deformation ${\widehat{\uu}}$. This {\it backwards} dependence has some parallels with the adjoint systems associated to time-dependent state equations, which have to be solved backwards in time. \end{remark} \subsection{First order optimality conditions} \begin{thm} \label{THM:FOC:FINAL} Under \ref{ass:dom}--\ref{ass:utar}, let ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^* \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$ be a minimiser to $J_{\rm red}$ with corresponding states ${\overline{\uu}}^* = \S_1^2({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*)$, ${\widehat{\uu}}^* = \S({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*)$, and adjoint variables $(\overline{\bm{p}},\widehat{\bm{q}})$ as unique solutions to \eqref{wf:adj:q} and \eqref{wf:adj:p} corresponding to $({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*, {\overline{\uu}}^*, {\widehat{\uu}}^*)$. Then, it necessarily holds that \begin{align} \notag & - \int_\Omega \ov \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) (\bm{\phi}-{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*)\mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}^*) : \mathcal{E}(\ov \pp) \, \mathrm{dx} \\ & \quad \notag - \int_\Omega \hat \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) (\bm{\phi}-{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) ( \mathcal{E} ({\widehat{\uu}}^*)- \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}^*)): \mathcal{E} (\hat \qq) \, \mathrm{dx} \\ & \quad \notag + \int_\Omega \hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) \chi'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*)(\bm{\phi}-{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*)\mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}^*): \mathcal{E} (\hat \qq) \, \mathrm{dx} \\ & \quad + 2 \gamma \varepsilon \int_\Omega \nabla {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^* \cdot \nabla (\bm{\phi} - {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*)\, \mathrm{dx} + \frac \gamma \varepsilon \int_\Omega \tilde{\Psi}_{,{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}} ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) \cdot (\bm{\phi}- {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) \, \mathrm{dx} \geq 0 \quad \forall \bm{\phi} \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}, \label{foc:final} \end{align} where we set $\tilde{\Psi}_{,{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}}$ as the vector of partial derivatives of $\tilde{\Psi}$. \end{thm} \begin{proof} As $\mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$ is a non-empty, closed and convex set, standard results in optimal control and convex analysis yield that the first order necessary optimality condition for ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*$ is \begin{align*} \langle D J_{\rm red} ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*), \bm{\phi} - {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^* \rangle \geq 0 \quad \forall \bm{\phi} \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}, \end{align*} which reads, in view of Theorem \ref{THM:LIN:S1} and Theorem \ref{THM:LIN:S2}, as \begin{equation}\label{foc:first} \begin{aligned} & \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}^* - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot \hat{\bm{\vartheta}} \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \\ & \quad +2 \gamma \varepsilon \iO{ \nabla {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^* \cdot \nabla (\bm{\phi} - {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) } + \frac{\gamma}{\varepsilon} \iO{ \tilde\Psi_{,{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) \cdot (\bm{\phi} - {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*)} \geq 0 \quad \forall {\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}, \end{aligned} \end{equation} where $\hat{\bm{\vartheta}}$ is the unique solution to \eqref{wf:sys:hthe} with ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} = {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*$, ${\overline{\uu}} = {\overline{\uu}}^*$, ${\widehat{\uu}} = {\widehat{\uu}}^*$, $\hh = \bm{\phi} - {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*$ and $\kk = {\overline{\vv}}$ from \eqref{wf:sys:LIN} (also with $\hh = \bm{\phi} - {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*$). To simplify the above relation, the procedure is to compare the equalities obtained from \eqref{wf:sys:LIN} with ${\boldsymbol{\zeta}} = \overline{\bm{p}}$, \eqref{wf:sys:hthe} with $\kk = {\overline{\vv}}$ and ${\boldsymbol{\zeta}} = \widehat{\bm{q}}$, \eqref{wf:adj:q} with ${\boldsymbol{\zeta}} = \hat{\bm{\vartheta}}$ and \eqref{wf:adj:p} with ${\boldsymbol{\zeta}} = {\overline{\vv}}$. A short calculation then shows \begin{align*} \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}^* - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot \hat{\bm{\vartheta}} \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} & = -\int_\Omega \ov \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}-{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*)\mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}^*) : \mathcal{E}(\ov \pp) \, \mathrm{dx} \\ & \quad - \int_\Omega\hat \CCC'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}-{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) ( \mathcal{E} ({\widehat{\uu}}^*)- \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}^*)): \mathcal{E} (\hat \qq) \, \mathrm{dx} \\ & \quad + \int_\Omega \hat \CCC({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*) \chi'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*)({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}-{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^*)\mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}^*): \mathcal{E} (\hat \qq) \, \mathrm{dx}, \end{align*} which allows us to remove the dependence of $\hat \bm{\vartheta}$ from \eqref{foc:first} and leads to \eqref{foc:final}. \end{proof} \section{Sharp interface asymptotics}\label{SEC:Sharp} In this section we study the behaviour of solutions in the sharp interface limit $\varepsilon \to 0$. For $\varepsilon >0$, we denote \begin{align*} E_\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) & = \varepsilon \int_\Omega |\nabla {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}|^2 \, \mathrm{dx} + \frac{1}{\varepsilon} \int_\Omega \Psi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \, \mathrm{dx}, \\ G({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) & = \frac{1}{2} \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W (\S({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot (\S({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) - \uu^{\rm tar}) \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1}, \end{align*} where $\S$ is the solution operator defined in \eqref{controltostateoperator}, so that the corresponding reduced functional can be expressed as the sum $J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) = G({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) + \gamma E_\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})$. The asymptotic behaviour of solutions can be studied under the framework of $\Gamma$-convergence. In order to state the result some preparation is needed. A function ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in L^1(\Omega, \RRR^L)$ is termed a function of bounded variation in $\Omega$, written as ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in \mathrm{BV}(\Omega, \RRR^L)$ if there exists a matrix-valued measure $D {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}$ of dimension $L \times d$ on $\Omega$ such that \[ \sum_{j=1}^L \int_\Omega \varphi_j (\div {\bs \psi})_j \, \mathrm{dx} = - \sum_{j=1}^L \sum_{i=1}^d \int_\Omega \psi_i^j d D_i \varphi_j, \] for all $\bm{\psi} = (\psi_i^j)_{1 \leq i \leq d, 1 \leq j \leq L}$ where $\psi_i^j \in C^1_c(\Omega)$. Let $T = \{\bm{e}_1, \dots, \bm{e}_L\}$ where $\Psi^{-1}(0) = T$. For ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in \mathrm{BV}(\Omega, T)$ we set, for $i \in \{1,...,L\}$, \[ E_{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^i = \{ \bm{x} \in \Omega \, : \, {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}(\bm{x}) = \bm{e}_i \} \] and define the essential boundary $\partial^* E_{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}}^i$ as \[ \partial^* E_{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^i = \Big \{ \bm{x} \in \RRR^d \, : \, \lim_{ \rho \to 0^+} \frac{|E_{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^i \cap B_\rho(\bm{x})|}{|B_\rho(\bm{x})|} \notin \{0,1 \} \Big \} \] where, for any $\rho >0$, $B_\rho(\bm{x})$ is the $\rho$-ball in $\RRR^d$ centered in $\bm{x}$, i.e., $B_\rho(\bm{x})= \{ \bm{y} \in \RRR^d \, : \, |\bm{y}-\bm{x}| < \rho \}$. Consider the extended functionals \begin{align*} \EEE_\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) & := \begin{cases} E_\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) & \text{ if } {\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in H^1(\Omega, \RRR^L), \\ +\infty & \text{ elsewhere in } L^1(\Omega, \RRR^L), \end{cases} \\ \EEE_0({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) & := \begin{cases} \sum_{i,j=1, \, i < j}^L b_{ij} \mathcal{H}^{d-1} (\Omega \cap \partial^* E_{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}}^i \cap \partial^* E_{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}}^j) & \text{ if } {\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in \mathrm{BV}(\Omega, T), \\ +\infty & \text{ elsewhere in } L^1(\Omega, \RRR^L), \end{cases} \end{align*} with constants $b_{ij}$ defined as \[ b_{ij} = \inf \Big \{ \int_0^1 \Psi^{1/2}(\bm{\gamma}(t))|\bm{\gamma}'(t)| \, \mathrm{d}t \, : \, \bm{\gamma} \in C^1([0,1]; \Delta^L), \, \bm{\gamma}(0) = \bm{e}_i, \, \bm{\gamma}(1) = \bm{e}_j \Big \}. \] Then, the $\Gamma$-convergence of $\EEE_\varepsilon$ to $\EEE_0$ as $\varepsilon \to 0$ is expressed as the following assertions: \begin{itemize} \item {\bf Liminf property.} If $\{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon\}_{\varepsilon > 0}$ is a sequence such that $\liminf_{\varepsilon \to 0} \mathbb{E}_\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) < \infty$ and ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon \to {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^0$ in $L^1(\Omega, \RRR^L)$, then ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^0 \in \mathrm{BV}(\Omega, T)$ with $\mathbb{E}_0({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^0) \leq \liminf_{\varepsilon \to 0} \mathbb{E}_\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon)$. \item {\bf Limsup property.} For any ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^0 \in L^1(\Omega, T)$, there exists a sequence $\{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon\}_{\varepsilon > 0} \subset H^1(\Omega, \RRR^L)$, such that ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon \to {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^0$ in $L^1(\Omega, \RRR^L)$ and $\limsup_{\varepsilon \to 0} \EEE_\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) \leq \mathbb{E}_0({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^0)$. \item {\bf Compactness property.} Let $\{{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon\}_{\varepsilon > 0}$ be a sequence such that $\sup_\varepsilon \mathbb{E}_\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) < \infty$. Then, there exists a non-relabelled subsequence and a function ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^0 \in \mathrm{BV}(\Omega, T)$ such that ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon \to {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^0$ in $L^1(\Omega, \RRR^L)$. \end{itemize} For a proof we refer to \cite[Thm.~2.5 and Prop.~4.1]{Baldo}, see also \cite[Thm.~3.1 and Rmk.~3.3]{Bellettini} with the choice $f(z, X) = |X|^2$. \subsection{Convergences of minimisers} \begin{lem}\label{lem:SI:Gamma} For each $\varepsilon \in (0,1]$, let ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^{\varepsilon} \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$ denote a minimiser to the extended reduced cost functional $J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) = G({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) + \gamma \mathbb{E}_\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})$. Then, there exists a non-relabelled subsequence $\varepsilon \to 0$ and a limit function ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0 \in \mathrm{BV}(\Omega, T)$ such that ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon \to {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0$ strongly in $L^1(\Omega, \RRR^L)$, $\lim_{\varepsilon \to 0} J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) = J_{\rm red}^0({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0)$, where \begin{align*} J_{\rm red}^0({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) = G({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) +\gamma \mathbb{E}_0({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) \text{ for } {\boldsymbol{\varphi}} \in \mathrm{BV}(\Omega, T), \end{align*} and ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0$ is a minimiser to $J_{\rm red}^0$. \end{lem} \begin{proof} The proof relies on the $\Gamma$-convergence of the Ginzburg--Landau functional and the stability of $\Gamma$-convergence under continuous perturbations. By Corollary \ref{COR:cts}, and the continuity of the trace operator, we see that $G$ is continuous. For arbitrary $\bm{\psi} \in \mathrm{BV}(\Omega, T)$, we invoke the limsup property to find a sequence $\{\bm{\psi}^\varepsilon\}_{\varepsilon > 0}$ such that $\bm{\psi}^\varepsilon \to \bm{\psi}$ strongly in $L^1(\Omega, \RRR^L)$ and $\limsup_{\varepsilon \to 0} \EEE_\varepsilon(\bm{\psi}^\varepsilon) \leq \EEE_{0}(\bm{\psi}) < \infty$. Continuity of $G$ implies $G(\bm{\psi}^\varepsilon) \to G(\bm{\psi})$ as $\varepsilon \to 0$, leading to \[ \limsup_{\varepsilon \to 0} J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon(\bm{\psi}^\varepsilon) \leq J_{\rm red}^0(\bm{\psi}) < \infty. \] As ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon$ minimises $J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon$, we see that \[ \limsup_{\varepsilon \to 0} J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) \leq \limsup_{\varepsilon \to 0} J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon(\bm{\psi}^\varepsilon) \leq J_{\rm red}^0(\bm{\psi}) < \infty . \] By the non-negativity of $G$, the above estimate implies $\sup_{\varepsilon \in (0,1]} \EEE_\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) < \infty$, and by the compactness property we deduce that there exists a limit function ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0 \in \mathrm{BV}(\Omega,T)$ such that ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon \to {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0$ strongly in $L^1(\Omega, \RRR^L)$ along a non-relabelled subsequence. Continuity of $G$ then gives $G({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) \to G({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0)$ and invoking the liminf property we subsequently infer that \[ J_{\rm red}^0({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0) \leq \liminf_{\varepsilon \to 0} J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) \leq J_{\rm red}^0(\bm{\psi}). \] As $\bm{\psi}$ is arbitrary, this shows that ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0$ is a minimiser of $J_{\rm red}^0$. We now return to the beginning of the proof and consider using the limsup property to construct a sequence $\{\bm{\varphi}^\varepsilon\}_{\varepsilon > 0}$ that converges strongly to ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0$ in $L^1(\Omega, \RRR^d)$. Then, following a similar argument we arrive at \[ J_{\rm red}^0({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0) \leq \liminf_{\varepsilon \to 0} J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) \leq \limsup_{\varepsilon \to 0} J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) \leq J_{\rm red}^0({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0), \] which provides the claimed assertion $\lim_{\varepsilon \to 0} J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) = J_{\rm red}^0({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0)$. \end{proof} \subsection{Formally matched asymptotic expansions} We turn our attention towards the optimality condition \eqref{foc:final} and study its sharp interface limit $\varepsilon \to 0$ with the method of formally matched asymptotic expansions, where we assume the functions ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon$, ${\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon$, ${\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon$, $\ov{\pp}^\varepsilon$, and $\hat{\qq}^\varepsilon$ admit asymptotic expansions in powers of $\varepsilon$. From Lemma \ref{lem:SI:Gamma} we saw that ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon$ converges to a function ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0 \in \mathrm{BV}(\Omega, T)$ as $\varepsilon \to 0$, and thus for $0 < \varepsilon < 1$, we expect ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon$ to change its values rapidly on a length scale proportional to $\varepsilon$. This inspires us to consider two asymptotic expansions of $({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon, {\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon, {\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon, \ov{\pp}^\varepsilon, \hat{\qq}^\varepsilon)$ in the bulk and interfacial regions (to be defined below), and the procedure is to match these expansions in an intermediate region to deduce the expected equations in the sharp interface limit. We follow the ideas in \cite{BGFS} that treats a similar system of equations, and refer the reader to, e.g., \cite{Bronsard,Fife,GLNS,GNS} for more details regarding the methodology. Recalling $T = \Psi^{-1}(0) = \{ \bm{e}_1, \dots, \bm{e}_L\}$ as the set of corners of the Gibbs simplex $\Delta^L$, we partition the domain $\Omega$ into regions $\Omega^i$, $i = 1, \dots, L$, where $\Omega^i = \{\bm{x} \in \Omega \, : \, {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0(\bm{x}) = \bm{e}_i \}$. Then, we assume the functions ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon$, ${\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon$, ${\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon$, $\ov{\pp}^\varepsilon$, and $\hat{\qq}^\varepsilon$ are sufficiently smooth and admit the following asymptotic expansion in $\varepsilon$: \begin{align*} & {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon(\bm{x}) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \varepsilon^k {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_k(\bm{x}), \quad {\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon(\bm{x}) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \varepsilon^k {\overline{\uu}}_k(\bm{x}), \quad {\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon(\bm{x}) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \varepsilon^k {\widehat{\uu}}_k(\bm{x}), \\ & \ov{\pp}^\varepsilon(\bm{x}) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \varepsilon^k \ov{\pp}_k(\bm{x}), \quad \hat{\qq}^\varepsilon(\bm{x}) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \varepsilon^k \hat{\qq}_k(\bm{x}), \end{align*} for all points $\bm{x} \in \Omega$ away from the interfaces $\Gamma_{ij} = \partial \Omega_i \cap \partial \Omega_j$ for $i,j \in \{1, \dots, L\}$, $i \neq j$. This is known as the outer expansion. Furthermore, we assume that \[ {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_k(\bm{x}) \in T \Sigma^L := \Big \{ \bm{v} = (v_1, \dots, v_L) \in \RRR^L \, : \, \sum_{i=1}^L v_i = 0 \Big \}, \quad k \geq 1, \] where $T \Sigma^L$ is the tangent space of the affine hyperplane $\Sigma^L = \{ \bm{v} \in \RRR^L \, : \, \sum_{i=1}^L v_i = 1\}$, so that by the above construction ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon(\bm{x}) \in \Delta^L$ for $\varepsilon$ sufficiently small. We assume that there are constant elasticity tensors $\ov{\CCC}_i$ and $\hat{\CCC}_i$ for $i = 1, \dots, L$, satisfying the standard symmetric conditions and are positive definite. Then, for ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} = (\varphi_1, \dots, \varphi_L)$ such that ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}}(\bm{x}) \in \Delta^L$, we consider \[ \ov{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) = \sum_{i=1}^L \ov{\CCC}_i \varphi_i, \quad \hat{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}) = \sum_{i=1}^L \hat{\CCC}_i \varphi_i. \] Then, substituting the outer expansions into the state systems \eqref{bu:sys}, \eqref{hu:sys} and the adjoint systems \eqref{adj:1} and \eqref{adj:2}, to leading order we obtain the following equations for $i = 1, \dots, L$: \begin{equation}\label{outer:sys1} \begin{aligned} & \begin{cases} -\div \big(\ov{\CCC}_i \mathcal{E} ({\overline{\uu}}_0)\big) = \ov{\FF} & \text{ in } \Omega^i, \\ {\overline{\uu}}_0 = \overline{\bm{U}} & \text{ on } \ov \Gamma_D \cap \partial \Omega^i, \\ (\ov{\CCC}_i \mathcal{E} ({\overline{\uu}}_0)) \nn = \ov{\gg} & \text{ on } \ov \Gamma_N \cap \partial \Omega^i,\end{cases} \\ & \begin{cases} -\div \big(\hat{\CCC}_i ( \mathcal{E} ({\widehat{\uu}}_0)- \chi_i \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_0))\big) = \hat{\FF} & \text{ in } \Omega^i, \\ {\widehat{\uu}}_0 = \widehat{\bm{U}} & \text{ on } \hat \Gamma_D \cap \partial \Omega^i,\\ (\hat{\CCC}_i ( \mathcal{E} ({\widehat{\uu}}_0)- \chi_i \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_0))) \nn = \hat{\gg} & \text{ on } \hat \Gamma_N \cap \partial \Omega^i, \end{cases} \end{aligned} \end{equation} where $\chi_i := \chi(\bm{e}_i)$, and \begin{equation}\label{outer:sys2} \begin{aligned} & \begin{cases} -\div \big(\hat \CCC_i \mathcal{E}(\hat \qq_0)\big) = \bm{0} & \text{ in } \Omega^i, \\ \hat \qq_0= \bm{0} & \text{ on } \hat \Gamma_D \cap \partial \Omega^i, \\ (\hat \CCC_i\mathcal{E}(\hat \qq_0)) \nn = W({\widehat{\uu}}_0-\uu^{\rm tar}) \ensuremath{\mathrm{\mathcal{X}}}_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} & \text{ on } \hat \Gamma_N \cap \partial \Omega^i, \end{cases} \\ & \begin{cases} -\div \big(\ov{\CCC}_i \mathcal{E} (\ov \pp_0) - \hat{\CCC}_i \chi_i \mathcal{E}(\hat \qq_0))\big) = \bm{0} & \text{ in }\Omega^i, \\ \ov \pp_0 = \bm{0} & \text{ on } \ov \Gamma_D \cap \partial \Omega^i, \\ (\ov{\CCC}_i \mathcal{E} (\ov \pp_0) - \hat{\CCC}_i \chi_i \mathcal{E}(\hat \qq_0)) \nn = \bm{0} & \text{ on } \ov \Gamma_N \cap \partial \Omega^i. \end{cases} \end{aligned} \end{equation} It then remains to furnish the above with boundary conditions for $({\overline{\uu}}_0, {\widehat{\uu}}_0, \ov{\pp}_0, \hat{\qq}_0)$ on the interfaces $\Gamma_{ij}$ for $i,j \in \{1, \dots, L \}$, $i < j$, which we assume are smooth hypersurfaces that can be obtained in the limit $\varepsilon \to 0$. These boundary conditions can be inferred with the help of a corresponding inner expansion for $({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon,{\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon, {\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon, \ov{\pp}^\varepsilon, \hat{\qq}^\varepsilon)$ in the interfacial regions bordering two bulk regions $\Omega^i$ and $\Omega^j$. To this end, we focus on one particular interface $\Gamma_{ij}$ and introduce a change of coordinates with the help of a local parameterisation $\bm{\gamma}: U \subset \RRR^{d-1} \to \RRR^d$ of $\Gamma_{ij}$, where $U$ is a spatial parameter domain. Close to $\bm{\gamma}(U)$, consider the signed distance function $d$ such that $d(\bm{x}) > 0$ if $\bm{x} \in \Omega^j$ and $d(\bm{x}) <0$ if $\bm{x} \in \Omega^i$, so that the unit normal $\bm{\nu}$ to $\Gamma_{ij}$ points from $\Omega^i$ to $\Omega^j$. Introducing the rescaled signed distance $z = \frac{d}{\varepsilon}$, a local parameterization of $\bm{x} \in \RRR^d$ close to ${\bm \gamma}(U)$ can be given as \[ \bm{x} = {\cal G}^\varepsilon(\bm{s}, z) = \bm{\gamma}(\bm{s}) + \varepsilon z \bm{\nu}(\bm{s}), \quad \bm{s} \in U \subset \RRR^{d-1}, \, z \in \RRR. \] This representation allows us to infer the following expansions for gradients, divergences and Laplacians \cite{GStin}: \begin{align*} \nabla_{x} b & = \frac{1}{\varepsilon} \partial_z \hat b \bm{\nu} + \nabla_{\Gamma_{ij}} \hat b + \mathcal{O}(\varepsilon), \quad \div_{x} \bm{j} = \frac{1}{\varepsilon} \partial_z \hat{\bm{j}} \cdot \bm{\nu} + \div_{\Gamma_{ij}} \hat{\bm{j}} + \mathcal{O}(\varepsilon), \\ \nabla_{x} \bm{j} & = \frac{1}{\varepsilon} \partial_z \hat{\bm{j}} \otimes \bm{\nu} + \nabla_{\Gamma_{ij}} \hat{\bm{j}} + \mathcal{O}(\varepsilon), \quad \Delta_{x} b = \frac{1}{\varepsilon^2} \partial_{zz} \hat b - \frac{1}{\varepsilon} \kappa_{\Gamma_{ij}} \partial_z \hat b + \mathcal{O}(1), \end{align*} for scalar functions $b(\bm{x}) = \hat{b}(\bm{s}(\bm{x}), z(\bm{x}))$ and vector functions $\bm{j}(\bm{x}) =\hat{\bm{j}}(\bm{s}(\bm{x}), z(\bm{x}))$, along with the curvature $\kappa_{\Gamma_{ij}}$ of $\Gamma_{ij}$, the surface gradient operator $\nabla_{\Gamma_{ij}}$, and the surface divergence operator $\div_{\Gamma_{ij}}$ on $\Gamma_{ij}$. Then, for points close by $\Gamma_{ij}$, we assume an inner expansion of the form \begin{align*} & {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon(\bm{x}) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \varepsilon^k \bm{\Phi}_k(\bm{s},z), \quad {\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon(\bm{x}) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \varepsilon^k \overline{\bm{U}}_k(\bm{s},z), \quad {\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon(\bm{x}) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \varepsilon^k \widehat{\bm{U}}_k(\bm{s},z), \\ & \ov{\pp}^\varepsilon(\bm{x}) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \varepsilon^k \overline{\bm{P}}_k(\bm{s},z), \quad \hat{\qq}^\varepsilon(\bm{x}) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \varepsilon^k \widehat{\bm{Q}}_k(\bm{s},z). \end{align*} Lastly, we assume in a tubular neighborhood of $\Gamma_{ij}$ the outer expansions and the inner expansions hold simultaneously. Within this intermediate region certain matching conditions relating the outer expansions to the inner expansions must hold. For a scalar function $b(\bm{x})$ admitting an outer expansion $\sum_{k=0}^\infty \varepsilon^k b_k(\bm{x})$ and an inner expansion $\sum_{k=0}^\infty \varepsilon^k B_k(\bm{s},z)$, it holds that (see \cite[Appendix D]{GStin}) \begin{align*} B_0(\bm{s},z) & \to \begin{cases} \lim_{\delta \searrow 0} b_0(\bm{x} + \delta \bm{\nu}(\bm{x})) =: b_0^+(\bm{x}) & \text{ for } z \to +\infty, \\ \lim_{\delta \searrow 0} b_0(\bm{x} - \delta \bm{\nu}(\bm{x})) =: b_0^-(\bm{x}) & \text{ for } z \to -\infty, \end{cases} \\ \partial_z B_0(\bm{s},z) & \to 0 \text{ as } z \to \pm\infty, \\ \partial_z B_1(\bm{s},z) & \to \begin{cases} \lim_{\delta \searrow 0} (\nabla b_0)(\bm{x} + \delta \bm{\nu}(\bm{x})) \cdot \bm{\nu}(\bm{x}) =: \nabla b_0^+ \cdot \bm{\nu} & \text{ for } z \to +\infty, \\ \lim_{\delta \searrow 0} (\nabla b_0)(\bm{x} - \delta \bm{\nu}(\bm{x})) \cdot \bm{\nu}(\bm{x}) =: \nabla b_0^- \cdot \bm{\nu}& \text{ for } z \to -\infty, \end{cases} \end{align*} for $\bm{x} \in \Gamma_{ij}$. Consequently, we denote the jump of a quantity $b$ across $\Gamma_{ij}$ as \[ [b]_{-}^{+} := \lim_{\delta \searrow 0} b(\bm{x} + \delta \bm{\nu}(\bm{x})) - \lim_{\delta \searrow 0} b(\bm{x} - \delta \bm{\nu}(\bm{x}) ) \quad \text{ for } \bm{x} \in \Gamma_{ij}. \] Note that the above matching conditions also apply to vectorial functions. We introduce the orthogonal projection \[ \bm{P}_{T \Sigma} : \RRR^L \to T \Sigma^L, \quad \bm{P}_{T \Sigma} {\boldsymbol{\varphi}} = {\boldsymbol{\varphi}} - \Big ( \frac{1}{L} \sum_{i=1}^L \varphi_i \Big ) \bm{1} \] where $\bm{1} := (1, \dots, 1)^{\top}$, so that the optimality condition \eqref{foc:final} can be expressed in the following strong form \begin{equation}\label{Opt:strong} \begin{aligned} & - 2 \gamma \varepsilon \Delta {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon + \bm{P}_{T \Sigma} \Big ( \frac{\gamma}{\varepsilon}\tilde{\Psi}_{,{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}} ({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) + \hat{\CCC}({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) \chi'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon) : \mathcal{E}(\hat{\qq}^\varepsilon) \Big )\\ & \quad - \bm{P}_{T \Sigma} \Big ( \hat{\CCC}'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) (\mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon) - \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon)) : \mathcal{E}(\hat{\qq}^\varepsilon) + \ov{\CCC}'({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}^\varepsilon) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon): \mathcal{E}(\overline{\bm{p}}^\varepsilon) \Big )= \bm{0}. \end{aligned} \end{equation} We substitute the inner expansions into the equations \eqref{SYS:1}, \eqref{SYS:2}, \eqref{ADJ:SECOND:1}, \eqref{ADJ:FIRST:1}, and \eqref{Opt:strong} and collect terms of the same order. Then, we perform some computations to deduce the boundary conditions posed on $\Gamma_{ij}$. As the subsequent analysis is similar to that performed in \cite{BGFS,GLNS}, we omit most of the straightforward details. In the sequel we use the notation \[ (\bm{B})^{\mathrm{sym}} = \frac{1}{2}(\bm{B} + \bm{B}^{\top}), \quad \mathcal{E}_\XX := (\partial_z \XX_1 \otimes \bm{\nu} + \nabla_{\Gamma_{ij}} \XX_0)^{\mathrm{sym}}, \] for second order tensors $\bm{B}$ and for $\XX \in \{\overline{\bm{U}}, \widehat{\bm{U}}, \overline{\bm{P}}, \widehat{\bm{Q}}\}$. To leading order $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\varepsilon^2})$, equations \eqref{SYS:1} and \eqref{ADJ:SECOND:1} yield \[ \partial_z \Big (\ov{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) ( \partial_z \overline{\bm{U}}_0 \otimes \bm{\nu})^{\mathrm{sym}} \bm{\nu} \Big ) = \bm{0}, \quad \partial_z \Big (\hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) ( \partial_z \widehat{\bm{Q}}_0 \otimes \bm{\nu})^{\mathrm{sym}} \bm{\nu} \Big ) = \bm{0}. \] Multiplying by $\overline{\bm{U}}_0$ and $\widehat{\bm{Q}}_0$, respectively, integrating over $z \in \RRR$, integrating by parts and applying the matching conditions allow us to deduce that $\partial_z \overline{\bm{U}}_0 = \partial_z \widehat{\bm{Q}}_0 = \bm{0}$, and hence both $\overline{\bm{U}}_0$ and $\widehat{\bm{Q}}_0$ are constant in $z$. Applying matching conditions we infer that \[ [{\overline{\uu}}_0]_{i}^j = [\widehat{\bm{q}}_0]_{i}^j = \bm{0} \quad \text{ on } \Gamma_{ij}. \] Then, to leading order $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\varepsilon^2})$, equations \eqref{SYS:2} and \eqref{ADJ:FIRST:1} yield \[ \partial_z \Big (\hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) ( \partial_z \widehat{\bm{U}}_0 \otimes \bm{\nu})^{\mathrm{sym}} \bm{\nu} \Big ) = \bm{0}, \quad \partial_z \Big (\ov{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) ( \partial_z \overline{\bm{P}}_0 \otimes \bm{\nu})^{\mathrm{sym}} \bm{\nu} \Big ) = \bm{0}, \] on account of the fact that $\partial_z \overline{\bm{U}}_0 = \partial_z \widehat{\bm{Q}}_0 = \bm{0}$. Hence, we also obtain \[ [{\widehat{\uu}}_0]_{i}^j = [\overline{\bm{p}}_0]_{i}^j = \bm{0} \quad \text{ on } \Gamma_{ij}. \] To first order $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\varepsilon})$, we get from \eqref{SYS:1} and \eqref{ADJ:SECOND:1} that \begin{align}\label{SI:bUhQ} \partial_z \Big ( \ov{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{U}}} \bm{\nu} \Big ) = \bm{0}, \quad \partial_z \Big ( \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}}\bm{\nu} \Big ) = \bm{0}. \end{align} Integrating over $z \in \RRR$ and using the matching conditions yields \[ [\ov{\CCC} \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_0) \bm{\nu}]_{i}^j = \bm{0}, \quad [\hat{\CCC} \mathcal{E}(\widehat{\bm{q}}_0) \bm{\nu}]_i^j = \bm{0} \quad \text{ on } \Gamma_{ij}. \] Similarly, from equations \eqref{SYS:2} and \eqref{ADJ:FIRST:1}, we obtain to first order $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\varepsilon})$ that \begin{align}\label{SI:hUbP} \partial_z \Big ( \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) (\mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{U}}} - \chi(\bm{\Phi_0}) \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{U}}}) \bm{\nu} \Big ) = \bm{0}, \quad \partial_z \Big ( \ov{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{P}}} \bm{\nu} - \chi(\bm{\Phi}_0) \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}}\bm{\nu} \Big ) = \bm{0}. \end{align} Integrating over $z \in \RRR$ and applying the matching conditions, we obtain \[ [\hat{\CCC} (\mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}_0) - \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_0))]_{i}^j \bm{\nu} = \bm{0}, \quad [\ov{\CCC} \mathcal{E}(\overline{\bm{p}}_0) - \chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0) \hat{\CCC} \mathcal{E}(\widehat{\bm{q}}_0)]_i^j \bm{\nu} = \bm{0} \quad \text{ on } \Gamma_{ij}. \] Turning now to the optimality condition \eqref{Opt:strong}, we use the fact that $\partial_z \overline{\bm{U}}_0 = \partial_z \widehat{\bm{U}}_0 = \partial_z \overline{\bm{P}}_0 = \partial_z \widehat{\bm{Q}}_0 = \bm{0}$ to see that the elasticity terms do not contribute to leading order $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\varepsilon^2})$ and first order $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\varepsilon})$. Hence, to first order $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\varepsilon})$ we obtain from \eqref{Opt:strong} that \begin{align*} 2 \partial_{zz} \bm{\Phi}_0 - \bm{P}_{T \Sigma} \Big ( \tilde{\Psi}_{,{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}} (\bm{\Phi}_0) \Big ) = \bm{0}. \end{align*} Following \cite{Bronsard}, $\bm{\Phi}_0$ can be chosen independent of $s$ and as the solution to the above ordinary differential system such that $\lim_{z \to - \infty} \bm{\Phi}_0(z) = \bm{e}_i$ and $\lim_{z \to +\infty} \bm{\Phi}_0(z) = \bm{e}_j$. To the next order $\mathcal{O}(1)$, we obtain \begin{equation}\label{SI:Phi1} \begin{aligned} & - 2 \gamma \partial_{zz} \bm{\Phi}_1 + \gamma \bm{P}_{T \Sigma} \Big ( \tilde{\Psi}_{,{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}\bph}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \bm{\Phi}_1 \Big ) + 2 \gamma \kappa_{\Gamma_{ij}} \partial_z \bm{\Phi}_0 + \bm{P}_{T \Sigma} \Big ( \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \chi'(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{U}}}: \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} \Big ) \\ & \quad - \bm{P}_{T \Sigma} \Big ( \hat{\CCC}'(\bm{\Phi}_0) (\mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{U}}} -\chi(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{U}}}) : \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} + \ov{\CCC}'(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{U}}} : \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{P}}} \Big ) = \bm{0}, \end{aligned} \end{equation} where $\tilde\Psi_{,{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}\bph}$ denotes the Hessian matrix of $\tilde\Psi$, and we have used that $\partial_z \bm{\Phi}_0 \in T \Sigma^L$. Note that by the fact that $\partial_z \XX_0 = \bm{0}$ for $\XX \in \{\overline{\bm{U}}, \widehat{\bm{U}}, \overline{\bm{P}}, \widehat{\bm{Q}}\}$, and by the symmetry of the elasticity tensors $\CCC_{ijkl} = \CCC_{jikl}$, we have the relations \begin{align}\label{Identities:SI} \partial_z \mathcal{E}_\XX = (\partial_{zz} \XX_1 \otimes \bm{\nu})^{\mathrm{sym}}, \quad \CCC \mathcal{E}_\YY : \partial_z \mathcal{E}_\XX = (( \CCC \mathcal{E}_\YY) \bm{\nu}) \cdot \partial_{zz} \XX_1, \end{align} for any $\XX,\YY \in \{\overline{\bm{U}}, \widehat{\bm{U}}, \overline{\bm{P}}, \widehat{\bm{Q}}\}$. To obtain a solution $\bm{\Phi}_1$, a solvability condition has to hold, which can be derived by multiplying \eqref{SI:Phi1} with $\partial_z \bm{\Phi}_0$ and integrating over $z$. Using the relations $\bm{P}_{T \Sigma} (\partial_z \bm{\Phi}_0) = \partial_z \bm{\Phi}_0$, $\bm{P}_{T \Sigma}(\partial_z \bm{\Phi}_1) = \partial_z \bm{\Phi}_1$, after integrating by parts and applying the matching conditions, we obtain \begin{equation}\label{SI:Phi1:a} \begin{aligned} 0 & = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \gamma \underbrace{(-2 \partial_{zz} \bm{\Phi}_0 + \bm{P}_{T \Sigma} \Big ( \tilde{\Psi}_{,{\boldsymbol{\varphi}}}(\bm{\Phi}_0)) \Big )}_{=\bm{0}} \cdot \, \partial_z \bm{\Phi}_1 dz + 2\gamma \kappa_{\Gamma_{ij}} \int_{-\infty}^\infty |\partial_z \bm{\Phi}_0|^2 dz \\ & \quad + \int_{-\infty}^\infty \partial_z[ \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \chi(\bm{\Phi}_0)] \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{U}}} : \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} - \partial_z \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{U}}} : \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} - \partial_z \ov{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{U}}} : \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{P}}} \; dz. \end{aligned} \end{equation} We employ the identities obtained from \eqref{SI:bUhQ}, \eqref{SI:hUbP} and \eqref{Identities:SI} to obtain that \begin{align*} -\hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{U}}} : \partial_z \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} + \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{U}}} \bm{\nu} \cdot \partial_{zz} \widehat{\bm{Q}}_1 = \bm{0}, \quad \partial_z(\hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} \bm{\nu}) = \bm{0}, \end{align*} as well as $\partial_z \bm{\nu} = \bm{0}$ to see that \begin{align*} & - \partial_z \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{U}}} : \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} \\ & \quad = - \partial_z \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{U}}} : \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} - \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{U}}} : \partial_z \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} - \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} : \partial_z \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{U}}} \\ & \qquad + \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{U}}} \bm{\nu} \cdot \partial_{zz} \widehat{\bm{Q}}_1 + \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} \bm{\nu} \cdot \partial_{zz} \widehat{\bm{U}}_1\\ & \qquad + \partial_z \Big ( \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} \Big ) \bm{\nu} \cdot \partial_z \widehat{\bm{U}}_1 + \partial_z \Big (\hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) (\mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{U}}} - \chi(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{U}}}) \Big ) \bm{\nu} \cdot \partial_z \widehat{\bm{Q}}_1 \\ & \quad = - \partial_z \Big ( \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi_0}) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{U}}} : \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} - \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi_0}) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} \bm{\nu} \cdot \partial_z \widehat{\bm{U}}_1 - \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi_0}) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{U}}} \bm{\nu} \cdot \partial_z \widehat{\bm{Q}}_1 \big) \Big ) \\ & \qquad - \partial_z \Big ( \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \chi(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{U}}} \Big ) \bm{\nu} \cdot \partial_z \widehat{\bm{Q}}_1. \end{align*} Via a similar calculation we infer \begin{align*} & - \partial_z \ov{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{U}}} : \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{P}}}\\ & \quad = - \partial_z \Big ( \ov{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{U}}} : \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{P}}} - \ov{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{P}}} \bm{\nu} \cdot \partial_z \overline{\bm{U}}_1 - \ov{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{U}}} \bm{\nu} \cdot \partial_z \overline{\bm{P}}_1 \Big ) \\ & \qquad - \partial_z \Big ( \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \chi(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} \Big ) \bm{\nu} \cdot \partial_z \overline{\bm{U}}_1, \\ & \partial_z \big [ \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \chi(\bm{\Phi}_0) \big] \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{U}}} : \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} \\ & \quad = \partial_z \Big ( \chi(\bm{\Phi}_0) \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{U}}} : \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} \Big ) \\ & \qquad - \chi(\bm{\Phi}_0) \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\overline{\bm{U}}} \bm{\nu} \cdot \partial_{zz} \widehat{\bm{Q}}_1 - \chi(\bm{\Phi}_0) \hat{\CCC}(\bm{\Phi}_0) \mathcal{E}_{\widehat{\bm{Q}}} \bm{\nu} \cdot \partial_{zz} \overline{\bm{U}}_1, \end{align*} and thus, setting $b_{ij} := \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} 2|\partial_z \bm{\Phi}_0|^2 dz$, and applying matching conditions for $\mathcal{E}_\XX$ and $\partial_z \XX_1$ with $\XX \in \{\overline{\bm{U}}, \widehat{\bm{U}}, \overline{\bm{P}}, \widehat{\bm{Q}}\}$, we obtain from \eqref{SI:Phi1:a} the solvability condition \begin{equation}\label{SI:Phi1:b} \begin{aligned} 0 & = \gamma \kappa_{\Gamma_{ij}}b_{ij} + [\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0) \hat{\CCC} \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_0) : \mathcal{E}(\widehat{\bm{q}}_0)]_i^j - [\hat{\CCC}\mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}_0) : \mathcal{E}(\widehat{\bm{q}}_0)]_i^j - [\ov{\CCC} \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_0) : \mathcal{E}(\overline{\bm{p}}_0) ]_i^j \\ & \quad + [\hat{\CCC} \mathcal{E}(\widehat{\bm{q}}_0) \bm{\nu} \cdot (\nabla {\widehat{\uu}}_0) \bm{\nu} + \hat{\CCC} \mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}_0) \bm{\nu} \cdot (\nabla \widehat{\bm{q}}_0) \bm{\nu}]_i^j - [\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0)\hat{\CCC} \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_0) \bm{\nu} \cdot (\nabla \widehat{\bm{q}}_0) \bm{\nu}]_i^j \\ & \quad + [\ov{\CCC} \mathcal{E}(\overline{\bm{p}}_0) \bm{\nu} \cdot (\nabla {\overline{\uu}}_0) \bm{\nu} + \ov{\CCC} \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_0) \bm{\nu} \cdot (\nabla \overline{\bm{p}}_0) \bm{\nu}]_i^j - [\chi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}}_0) \hat{\CCC} \mathcal{E}(\widehat{\bm{q}}_0) \bm{\nu} \cdot (\nabla {\overline{\uu}}_0) \bm{\nu}]_i^j \end{aligned} \end{equation} that has to hold on $\Gamma_{ij}$. Thus, the sharp interface limit consists of the equations \eqref{outer:sys1} and \eqref{outer:sys2} posed in $\Omega^i$, $1 \leq i \leq L$, furnished by the boundary conditions \eqref{SI:Phi1:b} and \begin{align*} & [{\widehat{\uu}}_0]_i^j = \bm{0}, \quad [\overline{\bm{p}}_0]_i^j = \bm{0}, \quad [{\overline{\uu}}_0]_i^j = \bm{0}, \quad [\widehat{\bm{q}}_0]_i^j = \bm{0}, \\ & [\ov{\CCC} \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_0) \bm{\nu}]_{i}^j = \bm{0}, \quad [\hat{\CCC} \mathcal{E}(\widehat{\bm{q}}_0)) \bm{\nu}]_i^j = \bm{0}, \quad [\ov{\CCC} \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_0) \bm{\nu}]_{i}^j = \bm{0}, \quad [\hat{\CCC} \mathcal{E}(\widehat{\bm{q}}_0)) \bm{\nu}]_i^j = \bm{0} \end{align*} on $\Gamma_{ij}$, $1 \leq i < j \leq L$. \begin{remark} It is possible to consider the sharp interface limit near a triple junction where three regions meet. We refer to \cite{BGFS,Bronsard,Owen} for more details regarding the asymptotic analysis around a triple junction. \end{remark} \subsection{Rigorous convergence in the two-phase setting} In the two phase case $L = 2$, since ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} = (\varphi_1, \varphi_2) \in \Delta^2$, we may use the difference $\varphi := \varphi_2 - \varphi_1 \in [-1,1]$ to encode the vector ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} = (\frac{1}{2}(1-\varphi), \frac{1}{2}(1+\varphi))$, so that $|\nabla {\boldsymbol{\varphi}}|^2 = \frac{1}{2} |\nabla \varphi|^2$. Hence, the problem {\bf (P)} can be re-phrased in terms of the scalar function $\varphi$ ranging between $-1$ and $1$, and it suffices to consider the following \begin{align*} (\bm P^\varepsilon) \quad \min_{\varphi \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}} J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon(\varphi) & = \frac{1}{2}\int_{\Gamma^{\mathrm{tar}}} W(\S(\varphi) - \bm{u}^{\mathrm{tar}}) \cdot (\S(\varphi) - \uu^{\rm tar}) \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \\ & \quad + \gamma \int_\Omega \frac{\varepsilon}{2} |\nabla \varphi|^2 + \frac{1}{\varepsilon} \Psi(\varphi) \, \mathrm{dx}, \end{align*} where $\mathcal{U}_{\rm ad} = \{ f \in H^1(\Omega) \, : \, f \in [-1,1] \text{ a.e.~in } \Omega \}$, and, as no confusion can arise, we use the short-hand notations $\S(\varphi)$ and $\Psi(\varphi)$ for the functions $\S({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})$ and $\Psi({\boldsymbol{\varphi}})$ evaluated at ${\boldsymbol{\varphi}} = (\frac{1}{2}(1-\varphi), \frac{1}{2}(1+\varphi))$. On recalling \ref{ass:potential}, we hence assume that \begin{equation} \label{eq:obs} \Psi(s) = \widetilde\Psi(s) + I_{[-1,1]}(s) \text{ for } s \in \RRR, \end{equation} for a $\widetilde\Psi \in C^{1,1}(\RRR)$. To simplify the calculations, we consider $\overline{\bm{U}} = \widehat{\bm{U}} = \bm{0}$ (homogeneous Dirichlet data), $\ov{\FF}, \hat{\FF} \in H^1(\Omega,\RRR^d)$, $\ov{\gg} \in H^2(\ov \Gamma_N,\RRR^d)$ and $\hat{\gg} \in H^2(\hat \Gamma_N,\RRR^d)$. We now consider deriving an alternative set of optimal conditions for a minimiser $\varphi^* \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$ based on geometric variations. To this end, we consider the following admissible transformations and their corresponding velocity fields. \begin{defn} The space $\mathcal{V}_{\mathrm{ad}}$ of admissible velocity fields is defined as the set of all $\VV \in C^0([-\tau, \tau] \times \ov{\Omega}, \RRR^d)$, where $\tau > 0$ is a fixed small constant, such that it holds: \begin{itemize} \item $\VV(t,\cdot) \in C^2(\ov{\Omega}, \RRR^d)$, and $\exists C > 0$ such that $\| \VV(\cdot, \bm{y}) - \VV(\cdot, \bm{x}) \|_{C^0([-\tau,\tau], \RRR^d)} \leq C\|\bm{x}- \bm{y}\|$ for all $\bm{x}, \bm{y} \in \ov{\Omega}$; \item $\VV(t,\bm{x}) \cdot \nn(\bm{x}) = 0$ for all $\bm{x} \in \partial \Omega$; \item $\VV(t,\bm{x}) = \bm{0}$ for all $\bm{x} \in \ov{\Gamma}_D \cup \hat{\Gamma}_D$. \end{itemize} Then, the space $\mathcal{T}_{\mathrm{ad}}$ of admissible transformations is defined as the set of solutions to the ordinary differential equations \[ \partial_t T_t(\bm{x}) = \VV(t, T_t(\bm{x})), \quad T_0(\bm{x}) = \bm{x} \] with $\VV \in \mathcal{V}_{\mathrm{ad}}$. \end{defn} Notice that by the second property it holds $\ov{T_t(\Omega)} = \ov{\Omega}$ for all $t \in [-\tau, \tau]$. Let $\VV \in \mathcal{V}_{\mathrm{ad}}$ be an admissible velocity field with corresponding transformation $T \in \mathcal{T}_{\mathrm{ad}}$. For $\varphi \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$ we define $\varphi^t := \varphi \circ T_t^{-1}$, along with the unique solutions $({\overline{\uu}}^t, {\widehat{\uu}}^t) \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) \times \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$, where ${\overline{\uu}}^t = \S_1^2(\varphi^t)$ and ${\widehat{\uu}}^t = \S(\varphi^t)$. Setting $(\varphi_0, {\overline{\uu}}_0, {\widehat{\uu}}_0) = (\varphi, {\overline{\uu}}, {\widehat{\uu}})$, by following a similar proof to \cite[Lem.~25]{BGHR}, we define for $\tau_0 > 0$ sufficiently small the function ${\bm F}_1: (-\tau_0, \tau_0) \times \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) \to (\ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d))^*$ by \begin{align*} {\bm F}_1(t, \uu)[\vv] & = \iO { \big (\ov{\CCC}(\varphi) ( \nabla T_t^{-1} \nabla \uu )^{\rm sym} : ( \nabla T_t^{-1} \nabla \vv)^{\rm sym} - ((\ov{\FF} \circ T_t) \cdot \vv) \big ) \det (\nabla T_t) } \\ & \quad -\int_{\ov{\Gamma}_N} ((\ov{\gg} \circ T_t) \cdot \vv \det (\nabla T_t) \| \nabla T_t^{-\top} \nn \| \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1}. \end{align*} Using a change of variables $y = T_t(\bm{x})$, the relation \[ \nabla T_t^{-1} \nabla (\tilde{\uu} \circ T_t) = (\nabla \tilde{ \uu} ) \circ T_t \quad \text{ for } \tilde{\uu} : T_t(\Omega) \to \RRR^d, \] and also \cite[Prop.~2.47]{Soko} for the boundary transformation, we obtain \begin{align*} {\bm F}_1(t, \uu)[\vv] & = \int_{T_t(\Omega)} \ov{\CCC}(\varphi \circ T_t^{-1}) \mathcal{E}_y(\uu \circ T_t^{-1}) : \mathcal{E}_y(\vv \circ T_t^{-1}) \, \mathrm{d}y \\ & \quad - \int_{T_t(\Omega)} \ov{\FF} \cdot (\vv \circ T_t^{-1}) \, \mathrm{d}y - \int_{T_t(\ov{\Gamma}_N)} \ov{\gg} \cdot (\vv \circ T_t^{-1} )\, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1}_y, \end{align*} where $\mathcal{E}_y(\uu) = \frac{1}{2}(\nabla_y \uu + (\nabla_y \uu)^{\top})$ for $\uu : T_t(\Omega) \to \RRR^d$ and $\, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1}_y$ denotes the $(d-1)$-dimensional Hausdorff measure related to $\bm{y}$. From the properties of the mapping $T_t$, we find that $T_t(\ov{\Gamma}_N) = \ov{\Gamma}_N$ and $\tilde{\vv} := \vv \circ T_t^{-1} \in \ov{H}^1_D(T_t(\Omega), \RRR^d)$. Hence, from the above identity we observe that \[ {\bm F}_1(t, {\overline{\uu}}^t \circ T_t)[\vv] = \int_{\Omega} \ov{\CCC}(\varphi^t) \mathcal{E}_y({\overline{\uu}}^t) : \mathcal{E}_y(\tilde{\vv}) - \ov{\FF} \cdot \tilde{\vv} \, \mathrm{d}y - \int_{\ov{\Gamma}_N} \ov{\gg} \cdot \tilde{\vv} \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1}_y = 0 \] for all $\vv \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$. Denoting by $D_\uu {\bm F}_1$ as the partial derivative of ${\bm F}_1$ with respect to its second argument, we find that $D_\uu {\bm F}_1 (0, \uu) : \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) \to (\ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d))^*$ is given by \[ \Big (D_\uu {\bm F}_1(0,\uu)[\vv] \Big )[\ww] = \int_\Omega \ov{\CCC}(\varphi) \mathcal{E}(\vv) : \mathcal{E}(\ww) \, \mathrm{dx} \] for all $\vv, \ww \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$, where we have used the relation $\nabla T_t^{-1} \vert_{t=0} = \mathbb{I}$ the identity matrix. As $D_\uu {\bm F}_1(0,\uu)$ is an isomorphism by the Lax--Milgram theorem, the application of the implicit function theorem allows us to infer that the mapping \[ t \mapsto ({\overline{\uu}}^t \circ T_t) \] is differentiable at $t = 0$ with derivative $\dot{{\overline{\uu}}}[\VV] := \partial_t \vert_{t=0} ({\overline{\uu}}^t \circ T_t) \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ being the unique solution to the distributional equation \[ D_\uu {\bm F}_1(0, {\overline{\uu}}) \big [ \dot{{\overline{\uu}}}[\VV] \big ]= - \partial_t {\bm F}_1(0,{\overline{\uu}}) \text{ in } (\ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d))^*, \] which reads as \begin{equation}\label{bu:shape} \begin{aligned} & \int_\Omega \ov{\CCC}(\varphi) \mathcal{E}(\dot{{\overline{\uu}}}[\VV]) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) \, \mathrm{dx} = \int_\Omega \ov{\CCC}(\varphi) (\nabla \VV(0) \nabla {\overline{\uu}})^{\mathrm{sym}} : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) \, \mathrm{dx} \\ & \quad + \int_\Omega \ov{\CCC}(\varphi) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) : (\nabla \VV(0) \nabla {\boldsymbol{\zeta}})^{\mathrm{sym}} - \ov{\CCC}(\varphi) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) \div \VV(0) \, \mathrm{dx} \\ & \quad + \int_\Omega \Big ( \nabla \ov{\FF} \VV(0) + \ov{\FF} \div (\VV(0)) \Big ) \cdot {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \, \mathrm{dx} \\ & \quad + \int_{\ov{\Gamma}_N} \Big (\nabla \ov{\gg} \VV(0) + \ov{\gg} \Big ( \div(\VV(0)) - \nn \cdot \nabla \VV(0) \nn \Big ) \Big ) \cdot {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \end{aligned} \end{equation} for all ${\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$. In the above, we have made use of the following relations (see \cite[Lem.~2.31, Prop.~2.36, Lem.~2.49]{Soko}) \begin{align*} \partial_t \nabla T_t \vert_{t=0} = \nabla \VV(0), \quad \partial_t \nabla T_t^{-1} \vert_{t=0} = - \nabla \VV(0), \\ \partial_t \det \nabla T_t \vert_{t=0} = \div \VV(0), \quad \partial_t (f \circ T_t) \vert_{t=0} = \nabla f \cdot \VV(0), \\ \partial_t (\det (\nabla T_t) \| (\nabla T_t)^{-1} \cdot \nn \|) \vert_{t=0} = \div \VV(0) - \nn \cdot \nabla \VV(0) \nn. \end{align*} Furthermore, substituting ${\boldsymbol{\zeta}} = \dot{{\overline{\uu}}}[\VV]$ into \eqref{bu:shape}, by means of Korn's inequality and the smoothness of $\VV(0)$, we obtain the estimate \begin{align}\label{bu:shape:est} \norma{\dot{{\overline{\uu}}}[\VV]}_{H^1(\Omega)} \leq C \Big ( \| {\overline{\uu}} \|_{H^1(\Omega)} + \| \ov{\FF} \|_{H^1(\Omega)} + \| \ov{\gg} \|_{H^2(\ov \Gamma_N)} \Big ). \end{align} Via a similar procedure, for a small $\tau_0>0$, we consider ${\bm F}_2: (-\tau_0, \tau_0) \times \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) \to (\hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d))^*$ defined as \begin{align*} {\bm F}_2(t,\uu )[\vv] & = \iO { \big (\hat{\CCC}(\varphi) ( \nabla T_t^{-1} \nabla \uu )^{\rm sym} : ( \nabla T_t^{-1} \nabla \vv)^{\rm sym} - ((\hat{\FF} \circ T_t) \cdot \vv) \big ) \det (\nabla T_t) } \\ & \quad -\int_{\hat{\Gamma}_N} ((\hat{\gg} \circ T_t) \cdot \vv \det (\nabla T_t) \| \nabla T_t^{-\top} \nn \| \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \\ & \quad - \iO {\chi(\varphi) \hat{\CCC}(\varphi) ( \nabla T_t^{-1} \nabla( {\overline{\uu}}^t \circ T_t) )^{\rm sym} : ( \nabla T_t^{-1} \nabla \vv)^{\rm sym} \det (\nabla T_t) }. \end{align*} Then, by a change of variables $\bm{y} = T_t(\bm{x})$, we find that \begin{align*} {\bm F}_2(t, {\widehat{\uu}}^t \circ T_t)[\vv] & = \int_{\Omega} \hat{\CCC}(\varphi^t) \mathcal{E}_y({\widehat{\uu}}^t) : \mathcal{E}_y(\tilde{\vv}) - \hat{\FF} \cdot \tilde{\vv} \, \mathrm{d}y - \int_{\hat{\Gamma}_N} \hat{\gg} \cdot \tilde{\vv} \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1}_y \\ & \quad - \int_\Omega \chi(\varphi^t) \hat{\CCC}(\varphi^t) \mathcal{E}_y({\overline{\uu}}^t) : \mathcal{E}_y(\tilde{\vv}) \, \mathrm{d}y = 0 \end{align*} where $\tilde{\vv} = \vv \circ T_t^{-1} \in \hat{H}^1_D(T_t(\Omega), \RRR^d)$. Since $D_\uu {\bm F}_2(0,\uu): \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) \to (\hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d))^*$ given by \[ \Big (D_\uu {\bm F}_2(0,\uu)[\vv] \Big )[\ww] = \int_\Omega \hat{\CCC}(\varphi) \mathcal{E}(\vv) : \mathcal{E}(\ww) \, \mathrm{dx} \quad \text{ for all } \vv,\ww \in \hat{H}_D^1(\Omega, \RRR^d) \] is an isomorphism, by the implicit function theorem we infer that the mapping \[ t \mapsto ({\widehat{\uu}}^t \circ T_t) \] is differentiable at $t = 0$ with derivative $\dot{{\widehat{\uu}}}[\VV] := \partial_t \vert_{t=0} ({\widehat{\uu}}^t \circ T_t) \in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ being the unique solution to the distributional equation \[ D_\uu {\bm F}_2(0, {\widehat{\uu}}) \big [ \dot{{\widehat{\uu}}}[\VV] \big ] = - \partial_t {\bm F}_2(0,{\widehat{\uu}}) \text{ in } (\hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d))^*, \] which reads as \begin{equation}\label{hu:shape} \begin{aligned} & \int_\Omega \hat{\CCC}(\varphi) \mathcal{E}(\dot{{\widehat{\uu}}}[\VV]) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) \, \mathrm{dx} = \int_\Omega \hat{\CCC}(\varphi) (\nabla \VV(0) \nabla {\widehat{\uu}} - \chi(\varphi) \nabla \VV(0) \nabla {\overline{\uu}})^{\mathrm{sym}} : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) \, \mathrm{dx} \\ & \quad + \int_\Omega \hat{\CCC}(\varphi) (\mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}) - \chi(\varphi) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})) : (\nabla \VV(0) \nabla {\boldsymbol{\zeta}})^{\mathrm{sym}} + \chi(\varphi) \hat{\CCC}(\varphi) \mathcal{E}(\dot{{\overline{\uu}}}[\VV]) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) \, \mathrm{dx} \\ & \quad -\int_\Omega \hat{\CCC}(\varphi) (\mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}) - \chi(\varphi) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}})): \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) \div \VV(0) \, \mathrm{dx} \\ & \quad + \int_\Omega \Big ( \nabla \hat{\FF} \VV(0) + \hat{\FF} \div (\VV(0)) \Big ) \cdot {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \, \mathrm{dx} \\ & \quad + \int_{\hat{\Gamma}_N} \Big (\nabla \hat{\gg} \VV(0) + \hat{\gg} \Big ( \div(\VV(0)) - \nn \cdot \nabla \VV(0) \nn \Big ) \Big ) \cdot {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \end{aligned} \end{equation} for all ${\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$. Substituting ${\boldsymbol{\zeta}} = \dot{{\widehat{\uu}}}[\VV]$ into \eqref{hu:shape}, then using \eqref{bu:shape:est} and Korn's inequality, we obtain the estimate \begin{equation}\label{hu:shape:est} \begin{aligned} \norma{\dot{{\widehat{\uu}}}[\VV]}_{H^1(\Omega)} & \leq C \Big ( \| {\widehat{\uu}} \|_{H^1(\Omega)} + \| {\overline{\uu}} \|_{H^1(\Omega)} \Big ) \\ & \quad + C \Big ( \| \ov{\FF} \|_{H^1(\Omega)} + \| \ov{\gg} \|_{H^2(\ov \Gamma_N)} + \| \hat{\FF} \|_{H^1(\Omega)} + \| \hat{\gg} \|_{H^2(\hat \Gamma_N)} \Big ). \end{aligned} \end{equation} The next result details an optimality condition for minimisers $\varphi^\varepsilon$ to $(\bm P^\varepsilon)$ obtained via geometric variations. \begin{thm}\label{thm:opt:variation} Assume \ref{ass:dom}--\ref{ass:utar}, and additionally suppose that $\ov{\FF}, \hat{\FF} \in H^1(\Omega, \RRR^d)$, $\overline{\bm{U}} = \widehat{\bm{U}} = \bm{0}, \ov{\gg} \in H^2(\ov \Gamma_N, \RRR^d)$, $\hat{\gg} \in H^2(\hat \Gamma_N, \RRR^d)$ and $\uu^{\rm tar} \in H^2(\Gamma^{\rm tar}, \RRR^d)$ hold. Let $\varphi^\varepsilon \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$ be a minimiser to $(\bm P^\varepsilon)$, with corresponding solutions ${\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon = \S_1^2(\varphi^\varepsilon)$ and ${\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon = \S(\varphi^\varepsilon)$. For every admissible velocity $\VV \in \mathcal{V}_{\mathrm{ad}}$, let $(\dot{{\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon}[\VV], \dot{{\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon}[\VV]) \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d) \times \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ denote the unique solutions to \eqref{bu:shape} and \eqref{hu:shape} with $(\varphi,{\overline{\uu}}, {\widehat{\uu}}) = (\varphi^\varepsilon, {\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon, {\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon)$. Then, for all $\VV \in \mathcal{V}_{\mathrm{ad}}$, it holds that \begin{equation}\label{opt:variation} \begin{aligned} 0 & = \frac{1}{2}\int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot ({\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon - \uu^{\rm tar}) \Big ( \div \VV(0) - \nn \cdot \nabla \VV(0) \nn \Big )\, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \\ & \quad + \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot (\dot{{\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon}[\VV] - (\nabla \uu^{\rm tar}) \VV(0)) \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \\ & \quad + \gamma \iO { \Big ( \frac{\varepsilon}{2} |\nabla \varphi^\varepsilon|^2 + \frac{1}{\varepsilon} \Psi(\varphi^\varepsilon) \Big ) \div \VV(0) - \varepsilon \nabla \varphi^\varepsilon \cdot \nabla \VV(0) \nabla \varphi^\varepsilon}. \end{aligned} \end{equation} \end{thm} \begin{remark} With more regularity, it is possible to relate \eqref{opt:variation} to the optimality condition \eqref{foc:final}, see \cite{BGHR,Hecht} for more details. \end{remark} \begin{proof} For any $\VV \in \mathcal{V}_{\mathrm{ad}}$, let $T \in \mathcal{T}_{\mathrm{ad}}$ be the associated transformation and consider the scalar function $g(t) := J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon(\varphi^\varepsilon \circ T_t^{-1})$ for $t \in (-\tau_0, \tau_0)$, where $\tau_0$ is sufficiently small. As $\varphi^\varepsilon$ is a minimiser of $J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon$, we have \[ g'(0) = \frac{d}{dt} J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon(\varphi^\varepsilon \circ T_t^{-1}) \vert_{t=0} = 0. \] The directional derivative \[ \frac{d}{dt} E_\varepsilon(\varphi^\varepsilon \circ T_t^{-1}) \vert_{t=0} = \iO { \Big ( \frac{\varepsilon}{2} |\nabla \varphi^\varepsilon|^2 + \frac{1}{\varepsilon} \Psi(\varphi^\varepsilon) \Big ) \div \VV(0) - \varepsilon \nabla \varphi^\varepsilon \cdot \nabla \VV(0) \nabla \varphi^\varepsilon} \] can be obtained as in \cite[Lem.~7.5]{Hecht}. Denoting by ${\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon(t) = \S(\varphi^\varepsilon \circ T_t^{-1})$, then the derivative of $G(\varphi^\varepsilon \circ T_t^{-1})$ can be obtained by a standard change of variables: \begin{align*} & \frac{d}{dt} G(\varphi^\varepsilon \circ T_t^{-1}) \\ &\quad = \frac{1}{2} \frac{d}{dt} \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W(({\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon(t) - \uu^{\rm tar}) \circ T_t) \cdot (({\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon(t) - \uu^{\rm tar}) \circ T_t) \det(\nabla T_t) \| \nabla T_t^{-\top} \nn \| \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \\ & \quad = \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}^{\varepsilon} - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot \frac{d}{dt} ({\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon(t) \circ T_t - \uu^{\rm tar} \circ T_t) \vert_{t=0} \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \\ & \qquad + \frac{1}{2} \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}^{\varepsilon} - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot ({\widehat{\uu}}^{\varepsilon} - \uu^{\rm tar}) \frac{d}{dt} (\det(\nabla T_t) \| \nabla T_t^{-\top} \nn \|) \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \\ & \quad = \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot (\dot{{\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon}[\VV] - (\nabla \uu^{\rm tar}) \VV(0)) \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \\ & \qquad + \frac{1}{2} \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot ({\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon - \uu^{\rm tar}) \Big ( \div \VV(0) - \nn \cdot \nabla \VV(0) \nn \Big )\, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \end{align*} leading to \eqref{opt:variation}. \end{proof} The convergence of \eqref{opt:variation} to the sharp interface limit $\varepsilon \to 0$ is formulated as follows. \begin{thm} Suppose the hypotheses of Theorem \ref{thm:opt:variation} hold, and let $\varphi^\varepsilon \in \mathcal{U}_{\rm ad}$ be a minimiser to $(\bf P^\varepsilon)$. For any $\VV \in \mathcal{V}_{\mathrm{ad}}$ with corresponding transformation $T \in \mathcal{T}_{\mathrm{ad}}$, there exists a non-relabelled subsequence $\varepsilon \to 0$ such that \begin{align*} \varphi^\varepsilon & \to \varphi_0 \text{ in } L^1(\Omega), \quad J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon(\varphi^\varepsilon) \to J_{\rm red}^0(\varphi_0) \text{ in } \RRR, \\ \dot{{\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon}[\VV] & \rightharpoonup \dot{{\overline{\uu}}}_0[\VV] \text{ in } \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d), \quad \dot{{\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon}[\VV] \rightharpoonup \dot{{\widehat{\uu}}}_0[\VV] \text{ in } \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d), \end{align*} where $\varphi_0 \in \mathrm{BV}(\Omega, \{-1,1\})$ is a minimiser to the reduced functional $J_{\rm red}^0(\varphi) = G(\varphi) + \gamma TV(\varphi)$, where the total variation $TV(\varphi)$ for $\varphi \in \mathrm{BV}(\Omega)$ is defined as \begin{align*} TV(\varphi) = \sup \Big \{ \int_\Omega \varphi \div \bm{\phi} \, \mathrm{dx} \text{ s.t. } \bm{\phi} \in C^1_0(\Omega, \RRR^d), \, \| \bm{\phi} \|_{L^\infty(\Omega)} \leq 1 \Big \}. \end{align*} Furthermore, $\dot{{\overline{\uu}}}_0[\VV]$ and $\dot{{\widehat{\uu}}}_0[\VV]$ satisfy \eqref{bu:shape} and \eqref{hu:shape}, respectively, with $(\varphi, {\overline{\uu}}, {\widehat{\uu}})$ replaced by $(\varphi_0, {\overline{\uu}}_0 = \S_1^2(\varphi_0), {\widehat{\uu}}_0 = \S_2(\varphi_0))$. Lastly, it holds that \begin{align}\label{opt:cond:conv} \frac{d}{dt} J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon(\varphi^\varepsilon \circ T_t^{-1}) \vert_{t=0} \to \frac{d}{dt} J_{\rm red}^0(\varphi_0 \circ T_t^{-1}) \vert_{t=0} \text{ in } \RRR, \end{align} where \begin{equation}\label{J0red:opt} \begin{aligned} & \frac{d}{dt} J_{\rm red}^0(\varphi_0 \circ T_t^{-1}) \vert_{t=0} \\ & \quad = \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}_0 - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot (\dot{{\widehat{\uu}}}_0[\VV] - (\nabla \uu^{\rm tar}) \VV(0)) \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \\ & \qquad + \frac{1}{2} \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}_0 - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot ({\widehat{\uu}}_0 - \uu^{\rm tar}) \Big ( \div \VV(0) - \nn \cdot \nabla \VV(0) \nn \Big )\, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \\ & \qquad +\gamma \int_\Omega \Big ( \div \VV(0) - \mu \cdot \nabla \VV(0) \mu \Big ) d | \mathrm{D} \ensuremath{\mathrm{\mathcal{X}}}_{\{ \varphi_0 = 1 \}}|, \end{aligned} \end{equation} with $\mu = \frac{\mathrm{D} \ensuremath{\mathrm{\mathcal{X}}}_{\{ \varphi_0 = 1 \}}}{|\mathrm{D} \ensuremath{\mathrm{\mathcal{X}}}_{\{ \varphi_0 = 1 \}}|}$ as the generalised unit normal on the set $\{\varphi_0 = 1\}$. \end{thm} \begin{remark} With more regularity, it is possible to relate \eqref{J0red:opt} with the solvability condition \eqref{SI:Phi1:b} in the two-phase setting, see \cite{BGHR,Hecht} for more details. \end{remark} \begin{proof} The first two assertions on the convergence of $\varphi^\varepsilon$ and $J_{\rm red}^\varepsilon(\varphi^\varepsilon)$ come from Lemma \ref{lem:SI:Gamma}. Consequently, by the calculations in the proof of \cite[Thm.~4.2]{Garcke} we infer the convergence, as $\varepsilon \to 0$, \begin{align*} & \iO{\Big ( \frac{\varepsilon}{2} |\nabla \varphi^\varepsilon|^2 + \frac{1}{\varepsilon} \Psi(\varphi^\varepsilon) \Big ) \div \VV(0) - \varepsilon \nabla \varphi^\varepsilon \cdot \nabla \VV(0) \nabla \varphi^\varepsilon} \\ & \quad \to \int_\Omega \Big ( \div \VV(0) - \mu \cdot \nabla \VV(0) \mu \Big ) d | \mathrm{D} \ensuremath{\mathrm{\mathcal{X}}}_{\{ \varphi_0 = 1 \}}|. \end{align*} Next, from \eqref{bu:shape} and \eqref{hu:shape}, we see that $\dot{{\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon}[\VV]$ and $\dot{{\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon}[\VV]$ satisfy \begin{align*} \iO { \ov{\CCC}(\varphi^\varepsilon) \mathcal{E}(\dot{{\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon}[\VV]) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) } = \mathcal{F}_{\varphi^\varepsilon, {\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}), \quad \iO{ \hat{\CCC}(\varphi^\varepsilon) \mathcal{E}(\dot{{\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon}[\VV]) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}})} = \mathcal{F}_{\varphi^\varepsilon, {\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon, {\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}), \end{align*} where $\mathcal{F}_{\varphi^\varepsilon, {\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}})$ and $\mathcal{F}_{\varphi^\varepsilon, {\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon, {\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}})$ denotes the right-hand sides of \eqref{bu:shape} and \eqref{hu:shape}, respectively. Thanks to Corollary \ref{COR:cts}, along a non-relabelled subsequence, ${\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon \to {\overline{\uu}}_0 \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ and ${\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon \to {\widehat{\uu}}_0 \in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ strongly as $\varepsilon \to 0$. Hence, together with the dominated convergence theorem, it is clear that, as $\varepsilon \to 0$, \[ \mathcal{F}_{\varphi^\varepsilon, {\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) \to \mathcal{F}_{\varphi_0, {\overline{\uu}}_0}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}), \quad \mathcal{F}_{\varphi^\varepsilon, {\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon, {\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) \to \mathcal{F}_{\varphi_0, {\overline{\uu}}_0, {\widehat{\uu}}_0}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}). \] On the other hand, we infer from \eqref{bu:shape:est} and \eqref{hu:shape:est} that $\dot{{\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon}[\VV]$ and $\dot{{\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon}[\VV]$ are uniformly bounded in $\ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ and $\hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$, which then implies the existence of limit functions $\dot{{\overline{\uu}}}_0[\VV] \in \ov H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$ and $\dot{{\widehat{\uu}}}_0[\VV] \in \hat H^1_D(\Omega, \RRR^d)$, where \begin{align*} \iO { \ov{\CCC}(\varphi^\varepsilon) \mathcal{E}(\dot{{\overline{\uu}}^\varepsilon}[\VV]) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) } & \to \iO{ \ov{\CCC}(\varphi_0) \mathcal{E}( \dot{{\overline{\uu}}}_0[\VV]) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) }, \\ \iO { \hat{\CCC}(\varphi^\varepsilon) \mathcal{E}(\dot{{\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon}[\VV]) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) } & \to \iO{ \hat{\CCC}(\varphi_0) \mathcal{E}( \dot{{\widehat{\uu}}}_0[\VV]) : \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) }. \end{align*} Lastly, using the compactness of the boundary-trace operator, we obtain, as $\varepsilon \to 0$, \begin{align*} &\int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot (\dot{{\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon}[\VV] - (\nabla \uu^{\rm tar}) \VV(0)) \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \\ & \qquad + \frac{1}{2} \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot ({\widehat{\uu}}^\varepsilon - \uu^{\rm tar}) \Big ( \div \VV(0) - \nn \cdot \nabla \VV(0) \nn \Big )\, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \\ & \quad \to \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}_0 - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot (\dot{{\widehat{\uu}}}_0[\VV] - (\nabla \uu^{\rm tar}) \VV(0)) \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \\ & \qquad + \frac{1}{2}\int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}}W({\widehat{\uu}}_0 - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot ({\widehat{\uu}}_0 - \uu^{\rm tar}) \Big ( \div \VV(0) - \nn \cdot \nabla \VV(0) \nn \Big )\, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1}. \end{align*} This shows \eqref{opt:cond:conv} and completes the proof. \end{proof} \section{Numerical simulations} \label{SEC:NUM} In this section we present the finite element discretisation and showcase several numerical simulations in two and three dimensions for the two-phase case. Namely, we have $L = 2$ and we consider the optimal distribution of a single type of active material within a passive material. \subsection{Finite element discretisation} We assume that $\Omega$ is a polyhedral domain and let $\mathcal{T}_{h}$ be a regular triangulation of $\Omega$ into disjoint open simplices. Associated with $\mathcal{T}_h$ are the piecewise linear finite element spaces \begin{align*} S^{h} = \left \{\zeta \in C^{0}(\overline\Omega) : \, \zeta_{\vert_{o}} \in P_{1}(o) \, \forall o \in \mathcal{T}_{h} \right \} \quad\text{and}\quad \SS^{h} =S^h \times \cdots \times S^h = [S^{h}]^d, \end{align*} where we denote by $P_{1}(o)$ the set of all affine linear functions on $o$, cf.\ \cite{Ciarlet78}. In addition we define \begin{equation} \label{eq:Khm} \mathcal{V}^h = \left\{ \zeta \in S^h : |\zeta| \leq 1 \text{ in } \overline\Omega \right\}, \end{equation} as well as \begin{equation*} \ov{\SS}^h_D = \left\{ \bm{\eta} \in \SS^h : \bm{\eta} = {\bf 0} \text{ on } \ov{\Gamma}_D \right\}, \quad \hat \SS^h_D = \left\{ \bm{\eta} \in \SS^h : \bm{\eta} = {\bf 0} \text{ on } \hat \Gamma_D \right\}. \end{equation*} We also let $(\cdot,\cdot)$ denote the $L^{2}$--inner product on $\Omega$, and let $(\cdot,\cdot)^{h}$ be the usual mass lumped $L^{2}$--inner product on $\Omega$ associated with $\mathcal{T}_{h}$. In addition, $\langle \AA,\BB \rangle_{\CCC} = (\CCC \AA,\BB)$ for any fourth order tensor $\CCC$ and any matrices $\AA$ and $\BB$. Finally, $\tau$ denotes a chosen uniform time step size. We now introduce finite element approximations of the state equations \eqref{wf:sys:1} and \eqref{wf:sys:2}, adjoint systems \eqref{wf:adj:q} and \eqref{wf:adj:p}, as well as the optimality conditions \eqref{foc:final} with a pseudo-time evolution based on an $L^2$-gradient flow approach. In particular, we consider the obstacle potential \eqref{eq:obs} with $\widetilde\Psi(s) = \frac{1}{2}(1-s^2)$, which leads to a variational inequality. The fully discrete numerical scheme is formulated as follows: Given $\varphi_h^{n-1} \in \mathcal{V}^h$, find $({\overline{\uu}}_h^n, {\widehat{\uu}}_h^n, \hat{\qq}_h^n, \overline{\bm{p}}_h^n,\varphi_h^n) \in \ov{\SS}^h_D \times \hat{\SS}^h_D \times \hat{\SS}^h_D \times \ov{\SS}^h_D\times \mathcal{V}^h$ such that \begin{subequations} \label{eq:FEA} \begin{align} & \langle \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_h^n), \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}})\rangle_{ \ov{\CCC}(\varphi_h^{n-1})} = \left ( \ov{\FF}, {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \right)^h + \int_{\ov{\Gamma}_N} \ov{\gg} \cdot {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \qquad \forall {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \ov{\SS}^h_D, \label{eq:FEAa}\\ & \langle \mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n) - \chi(\varphi_h^{n-1}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_h^n), \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}})\rangle_{ \hat{\CCC}(\varphi_h^{n-1})} = \big( \hat{\FF}, {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \big)^h + \int_{\hat{\Gamma}_N} \hat{\gg} \cdot {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \qquad \forall {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \hat{\SS}^h_D, \label{eq:FEAb}\\ & \langle \mathcal{E}(\hat{\qq}_h^n), \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}})\rangle_{ \hat{\CCC}(\varphi_h^{n-1})} = \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n - \uu^{\rm tar}) \cdot {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \qquad \forall {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \hat{\SS}^h_D, \label{eq:FEAc}\\ & \langle \mathcal{E}(\overline{\bm{p}}_h^n), \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}})\rangle_{ \ov{\CCC}(\varphi_h^{n-1})} = \langle \chi(\varphi_h^{n-1}) \mathcal{E}(\hat{\qq}_h^n), \mathcal{E}({\boldsymbol{\zeta}}) \rangle_{\hat{\CCC}(\varphi_h^{n-1})} \qquad \forall {\boldsymbol{\zeta}} \in \ov{\SS}^h_D, \label{eq:FEAd}\\ & \left( \tfrac{\varepsilon}{\tau} (\varphi_h^n - \varphi_h^{n-1}) - \tfrac{\gamma}{\varepsilon} \varphi_h^n, \zeta - \varphi_h^n \right)^h + \gamma \varepsilon (\nabla \varphi_h^n, \nabla(\zeta - \varphi_h^n)) \nonumber \\ & \qquad \quad + \langle \chi'(\varphi_h^{n-1}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_h^n), (\zeta - \varphi_h^n) \mathcal{E}(\hat{\qq}_h^n) \rangle_{\hat{\CCC}(\varphi_h^{n-1})} \nonumber \\ & \qquad \quad -\langle \mathcal{E}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n) - \chi(\varphi_h^{n-1}) \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_h^n), (\zeta - \varphi_h^n) \mathcal{E}(\hat{\qq}_h^n) \rangle_{ \hat{\CCC}'(\varphi_h^{n-1})} \nonumber \\ & \quad \qquad - \langle \mathcal{E}({\overline{\uu}}_h^n), (\zeta - \varphi_h^n) \mathcal{E}(\overline{\bm{p}}_h^n) \rangle_{\ov{\CCC}'(\varphi_h^{n-1})} \geq 0 \qquad \forall \zeta \in \mathcal{V}^h. \label{eq:FEAe} \end{align} \end{subequations} We implemented the scheme \eqref{eq:FEA} with the help of the finite element toolbox ALBERTA, see \cite{Alberta}. To increase computational efficiency, we employ adaptive meshes, which have a finer mesh size $h_{f}$ within the diffuse interfacial regions and a coarser mesh size $h_{c}$ away from them, see \cite{voids3d,voids} for a more detailed description. Clearly, we first solve the linear systems \eqref{eq:FEAa} in order to obtain ${\overline{\uu}}_h^n$, then \eqref{eq:FEAb} for ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n$, then \eqref{eq:FEAc} for $\hat{\qq}_h^n$, then \eqref{eq:FEAd} for $\overline{\bm{p}}_h^n$, and finally the variational inequality \eqref{eq:FEAe} for $\varphi_h^n$. In two space dimensions we employ the package LDL, see \cite{Davis05}, together with the sparse matrix ordering AMD, see \cite{AmestoyDD04}, in order to solve the linear systems \eqref{eq:FEAa}--\eqref{eq:FEAd}. In three space dimensions, on the other hand, we use a preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm, with a $W$-cycle multigrid step as preconditioner. In order to solve the variational inequality \eqref{eq:FEAe} we employ a nonlinear multigrid method similar to \cite{Kornhuber96}. For the computational domain we will choose $\overline\Omega = [0, L_1] \times [-\frac12,\frac12]$ in two dimensions, and $\overline\Omega = [0, L_1] \times [-\frac12 L_2, \frac12 L_2] \times [-\frac12,\frac12]$ in three dimensions with positive lengths $L_i$, $i \in \{1,2\}$, given below. For the physical parameters we loosely follow the settings in \cite{Maute}. In particular, for the forcings we choose $\ov{\FF} = \hat{\FF} = {\bf 0}$ throughout, as well as $\widehat{\bm{g}} = {\bf 0}$ and \begin{equation} \label{eq:barg} \overline{\bm{g}}(\bm{x}) = \begin{cases} g {\bm e}_1 & x_1 = L_1, \\ {\bf 0} & x_1 < L_1, \end{cases} \qquad \text{with} \quad g=0.1. \end{equation} For the interpolated elasticity tensors we choose $\overline{\CCC}(s) = \frac12 [ (1 + s) \overline{\CCC}_+ + (1 - s) \overline{\CCC}_-]$, where the two tensors $\overline{\CCC}_\pm$ are defined through the Young's moduli $\overline{E}_\pm$ and Poisson ratios $\overline\nu_\pm$ via \begin{equation} \label{eq:barEnu} \overline{E}_+ = 3,\ \overline{E}_- = 0.7,\quad \overline\nu_+ = \overline\nu_-=0.45. \end{equation} Similarly, $\widehat{\CCC}(s) = \frac12 [ (1 + s) \widehat{\CCC}_+ + (1 - s) \widehat{\CCC}_-]$, with the Young's moduli and Poisson ratios \begin{equation} \label{eq:hatEnu} \widehat{E}_+ = 13,\ \widehat{E}_- = 0.6,\quad \widehat\nu_+ = \widehat\nu_-=0.45. \end{equation} For the fixity function we choose \begin{equation} \label{eq:chi} \chi(s) = \tfrac25(1+s). \end{equation} For the visualisation of the progress of the discrete gradient flow computations, we define the discrete cost functional \begin{align} \label{eq:J} J^h(\varphi_h^h, {\widehat{\uu}}_h^n) & = \gamma \left(\frac{\varepsilon}2 |\nabla \varphi_h^n|^2 + \frac1{\varepsilon} \psi(\varphi_h^n) , 1 \right) + {\frac12} \int_{\Gamma^{\rm tar}} W({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n - \bm{u}^{\rm tar}) \cdot ({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n - \bm{u}^{\rm tar}) \, \mathrm{d}\mathcal{H}^{d-1} \nonumber \\ & =: \gamma \mathcal{E}^h(\varphi_h^n) + \mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n). \end{align} As the initial data $\varphi_h^0$ we choose a random mixture with mean zero. Choosing other initial data, including random mixtures with positive or negative mean had no visible influence on the obtained optimal shapes. \subsection{Numerical simulations in two dimensions} For the target shapes we consider the parabolic profile \begin{subequations} \label{eq:utarget2d} \begin{equation} \label{eq:utarget} \bm{u}^{\rm tar}(x_1,x_2) = u^{\rm tar}(x_1) {\bm e}_2,\quad u^{\rm tar}(x_1) = c^{\rm tar} (x_1)^2 , \end{equation} with $c^{\rm tar} > 0$, and the cosine profile \begin{equation} \label{eq:utarget2} \bm{u}^{\rm tar}(x_1,x_2) = u^{\rm tar}(x_1) {\bm e}_2,\quad u^{\rm tar}(x_1) = c^{\rm tar} \Big (1- \cos \frac{k^{\rm tar}\pi x_1}{L_1} \Big ) \end{equation} \end{subequations} with $c^{\rm tar}>0$ and $k^{\rm tar}>0$. In Figure~\ref{fig:utarget12kickp} we plot two examples for the profiles in \eqref{eq:utarget2d} for the domain length $L_1 = 12$. In each of the Figures~\ref{fig:2d8pi_61kick_g001_Wid}, \ref{fig:2d8pi_cos61_g001_187}, \ref{fig:2d8pi_121kick_g001_Wid} and \ref{fig:2d8pi_cos121kickp15t_g001_Wid}, we provide visualisations of the numerical solution $\varphi_h^n$ at various pseudo-times (black denotes the passive material $\{\varphi_h^n = -1\}$ and grey denotes the active material $\{\varphi_h^n = 1\}$), and the corresponding displacements ${\overline{\uu}}_h^n$ (in red) and ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n$ (in green). As mentioned before, each time the gradient flow is started from a random mixture $\varphi_h^0$ with zero mean. We also provide pseudo-time plots of the cost functional $J^h(\varphi_h^n, {\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$, the proportion of the elastic $\mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$ and interfacial $\gamma \mathcal{E}^h(\varphi_h^n)$ energies, as well as log-plots of the elastic energies. The parameter details are summarised in the Table~\ref{tbl:1}. \begin{table}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}{c|c|c|c|c|c|c} Figure & Profile & Domain & $W$ & $\Gamma^{\rm tar}$ & $c^{\rm tar}$ & $ k^{\rm tar}$ \\ \hline \ref{fig:2d8pi_61kick_g001_Wid} & Parabolic \eqref{eq:utarget} & $[0,6] \times [-\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{2}]$ & $\mathrm{Id}$ & $\partial \Omega$ & $0.075$ & - \\[1ex] \ref{fig:2d8pi_cos61_g001_187} & Cosine \eqref{eq:utarget2} & $[0,6] \times [-\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}]$ & $\bm{e}_2 \otimes \bm{e}_2$ & $\partial \Omega$ & $0.25$ & $2$ \\[1ex] \ref{fig:2d8pi_121kick_g001_Wid} & Parabolic \eqref{eq:utarget} & $[0,12] \times [-\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{2}]$ & $\mathrm{Id}$ & $\partial \Omega$ & $0.02$ & - \\[1ex] \ref{fig:2d8pi_cos121kickp15t_g001_Wid} & Cosine \eqref{eq:utarget2} & $[0,12] \times [-\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}]$ & $\mathrm{Id}$ & $\partial_{\rm top} \Omega$ & $1$ & $1.5$ \end{tabular} \caption{Parameter details for numerical simulations in 2D.} \label{tbl:1} \end{table} For all the presented simulations we choose the parameters $\varepsilon = \frac{1}{8\pi}$ and $\gamma = 0.01$. In each case the cost functional decreases monotonically, but the proportions of the two energies (elastic vs interfacial) differ from case to case. The first experiment in Figure~\ref{fig:2d8pi_61kick_g001_Wid} is for the parabolic profile on the domain $[0,6] \times [-\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{2}]$. We observe that in the optimal distribution of material, the active phase occupies most of the lower domain. This ensures that in the programmed stage, the printed active composite is able to attain the desired target shape. \begin{figure} \center \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.4\textwidth]{utarget12ac002} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.4\textwidth]{utarget12bc1k15} \caption{Plots of the function $u^{\rm tar}$ in \eqref{eq:utarget}, with $c^{\rm tar} = 0.02$, (left) and \eqref{eq:utarget2}, with $c^{\rm tar} = 1$ and $k^{\rm tar}=1.5$, (right), when $L_1 = 12$. } \label{fig:utarget12kickp} \end{figure}% Not surprisingly, a very different distribution of material is obtained when changing the target shape functional to enforce a cosine profile at the programmed stage. As can be seen from Figure~\ref{fig:2d8pi_61kick_g001_Wid}, the optimal distribution of the active material is now given by an elongated region that connects the lower left of the domain with the upper right. \begin{figure} \center \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_61k_g001_Wid_0001} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_61k_g001_Wid_0005} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_61k_g001_Wid_0010} \\[1ex] \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_61k_g001_Wid_e} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_61k_g001_Wid_re} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_61k_g001_Wid_ele} \caption{% Computation on $\overline\Omega = [0,6] \times [-\tfrac12, \tfrac12]$ for the target shape \eqref{eq:utarget} with $c^{\rm tar} = 0.075$ and $W = \mathrm{Id}$ and $\Gamma^{\rm tar} = \partial\Omega$, with $\varepsilon=\frac1{8\pi}$ and $\gamma=0.01$. We display $\varphi_h^n$ and the displacements ${\overline{\uu}}_h^n$ (red) and ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n$ (green) at pseudo-times $t=0.1,\,0.5,\,1$. Below we show plots of the cost functional $J^h(\varphi_h^n, {\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$, the proportion in it of the elastic energy $\mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$ (solid blue) and the interfacial energy $\gamma \mathcal{E}^h(\varphi_h^n)$ (dashed red), as well as of $\log_{10} \mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$. } \label{fig:2d8pi_61kick_g001_Wid} \end{figure}% It turns out that on longer (or thinner) domains, far less active material is needed to achieve significant deformations at the programmed state. For example, in Figure~\ref{fig:2d8pi_cos61_g001_187} a miniscule amount of active material, spread in several connected components arranged at the bottom of the domain, is sufficient to result in the desired parabolic target shape. \begin{figure} \center \mbox{ \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_cos61_187_g001_0001} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_cos61_187_g001_0002} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_cos61_187_g001_0005} } \\[1ex] \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_cos61_187_g001_e} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_cos61_187_g001_re} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_cos61_187_g001_ele} \caption{% Computation on $\overline\Omega = [0,6] \times [-\tfrac12, \tfrac12]$ for the target shape \eqref{eq:utarget2} with $c^{\rm tar} = 0.25$, $k^{\rm tar} = 2$ and $W = \bm{e}_2 \otimes \bm{e}_2$ and $\Gamma^{\rm tar} = \partial\Omega$, with $\varepsilon=\frac1{8\pi}$ and $\gamma=0.01$. We display $\varphi_h^n$ and the displacements ${\overline{\uu}}_h^n$ (red) and ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n$ (green) at pseudo-times $t=1,\,2,\,5$. Below we show plots of the cost functional $J^h(\varphi_h^n, {\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$, the proportion in it of the elastic energy $\mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$ (solid blue) and the interfacial energy $\gamma \mathcal{E}^h(\varphi_h^n)$ (dashed red), as well as of $\log_{10} \mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$. } \label{fig:2d8pi_cos61_g001_187} \end{figure}% Similarly, we observe in Figure~\ref{fig:2d8pi_121kick_g001_Wid} that three strategically placed small amounts of active material guarantee a cosine profile at the programmed stage for the printed active composite. \begin{figure} \center \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_121k_g001_Wid_0005} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_121k_g001_Wid_0010} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_121k_g001_Wid_0020} \\[1ex] \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_121k_g001_Wid_e} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_121k_g001_Wid_re} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_121k_g001_Wid_ele} \caption{% Computation on $\overline\Omega = [0,12] \times [-\tfrac12, \tfrac12]$ for the target shape \eqref{eq:utarget} with $c^{\rm tar} = 0.02$ and $W = \mathrm{Id}$ and $\Gamma^{\rm tar} = \partial\Omega$, with $\varepsilon=\frac1{8\pi}$ and $\gamma=0.01$. We display $\varphi_h^n$ and the displacements ${\overline{\uu}}_h^n$ (red) and ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n$ (green) at pseudo-times $t=0.5,\,1,\,2$. Below we show plots of the cost functional $J^h(\varphi_h^n, {\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$, the proportion in it of the elastic energy $\mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$ (solid blue) and the interfacial energy $\gamma \mathcal{E}^h(\varphi_h^n)$ (dashed red), as well as of $\log_{10} \mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$. } \label{fig:2d8pi_121kick_g001_Wid} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \center \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_cos121kp15t_g001_Wid_0001} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_cos121kp15t_g001_Wid_0005} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_cos121kp15t_g001_Wid_0010} \\[1ex] \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_cos121kp15t_g001_Wid_e} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_cos121kp15t_g001_Wid_re} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{2d8pi_cos121kp15t_g001_Wid_ele} \caption{ Computation on $\overline\Omega = [0,12] \times [-\tfrac12, \tfrac12]$ for the target shape \eqref{eq:utarget2} with $c^{\rm tar} = 1$, $k^{\rm tar} = 1.5$ and $W = \mathrm{Id}$ and $\Gamma^{\rm tar} = \partial_{\rm top}\Omega$, with $\varepsilon=\frac1{8\pi}$ and $\gamma=0.01$. We display $\varphi_h^n$ and the displacements ${\overline{\uu}}_h^n$ (red) and ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n$ (green) at pseudo-times $t=0.1,\,0.5,\,1$. Below we show plots of the cost functional $J^h(\varphi_h^n, {\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$, the proportion in it of the elastic energy $\mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$ (solid blue) and the interfacial energy $\gamma \mathcal{E}^h(\varphi_h^n)$ (dashed red), as well as of $\log_{10} \mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$. } \label{fig:2d8pi_cos121kickp15t_g001_Wid} \end{figure}% \subsection{Numerical simulations in three dimensions} For the target shapes we consider a function of the form \[ \bm{u}^{\rm tar}(x_1,x_2,x_3) = u^{\rm tar}(x_1,x_2) {\bm e}_3 \] and choose $u^{\rm tar}$ from one of the following: \begin{equation} \label{eq:3dutarget} u^{\rm tar}(x_1,x_2) = c^{\rm tar} (x_1)^2. \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{eq:3dutarget2} u^{\rm tar}(x_1,x_2) = c^{\rm tar} \Big (1- \cos \frac{k^{\rm tar}\pi x_1}{L_1} \Big ) . \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{eq:3dutarget1} u^{\rm tar}(x_1,x_2) = c^{\rm tar} x_1 x_2 . \end{equation} Notice that \eqref{eq:3dutarget} and \eqref{eq:3dutarget2} are simply the three dimensional analogues of the parabolic profile \eqref{eq:utarget} and the cosine profile \eqref{eq:utarget2}, respectively. On the other hand, \eqref{eq:3dutarget1} yields a linear profile in $x_1$ with a twisting in the $x_2$-direction. In each of the Figures~\ref{fig:3d4pi_61kicktop_g001_Wid}, \ref{fig:3d4pi_cos1231f1top_g01}, and \ref{fig:3d4pi_cos121kick_g001t_Wid}, \ref{fig:3d2pi_linear661_g002twist} we provide visualisations of the numerical solution $\varphi_h^n$ at various pseudo-times (black denotes the passive material $\{\varphi_h^n = -1\}$ and grey denotes the active material $\{\varphi_h^n = 1\}$), and the corresponding displacements ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n$ (darker colours indicating lower values of ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n \cdot \bm{e}_3$ and lighter colours indicating higher values of ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n \cdot \bm{e}_3$). We also provide pseudo-time plots of the energy functionals, similarly to the 2D simulations in the previous subsection. The parameter details are summarised in the Table~\ref{tbl:2}. \begin{table}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}{c|c|c|c|c|c|c} Figure & Profile & Domain & $W$ & $\Gamma^{\rm tar}$ & $c^{\rm tar}$ & $ k^{\rm tar}$ \\ \hline \ref{fig:3d4pi_61kicktop_g001_Wid} &\eqref{eq:3dutarget} & $[0,6] \times [-\frac{3}{2}, \frac{3}{2}] \times [0,1]$ & $\mathrm{Id}$ & $\partial_{\rm top} \Omega$ & $0.075$ & - \\[1ex] \ref{fig:3d4pi_cos1231f1top_g01} & \eqref{eq:3dutarget2} & $[0,12] \times [-\frac{3}{2}, \frac{3}{2}] \times [0,1]$ & $\bm{e}_3 \otimes \bm{e}_3$ & $\partial_{\rm top} \Omega$ & 1 & 2 \\[1ex] \ref{fig:3d4pi_cos121kick_g001t_Wid} & \eqref{eq:3dutarget2} & $[0,12] \times [-\frac{3}{2}, \frac{3}{2}] \times [0,1]$ & $\mathrm{Id}$ & $\partial_{\rm top} \Omega$ & $1$ & $2$ \\[1ex] \ref{fig:3d2pi_linear661_g002twist} & \eqref{eq:3dutarget1} & $[0,6] \times [-3,3] \times [0,1]$ & $\bm{e}_3 \otimes \bm{e}_3$ & $\partial_{\rm right} \Omega$ & $0.1$ & - \end{tabular} \caption{Parameter details for numerical simulations in 3D.} \label{tbl:2} \end{table} In the first three figures we take $\varepsilon = \frac{1}{4\pi}$ and for $\gamma$ choose either $0.1$ or $0.01$. In each simulation the cost functional decreases monotonically, but the proportions of the two energies (elastic vs interfacial) differ from case to case. The first simulation is a direct 3D analogue for the computation previously shown in Figure~\ref{fig:2d8pi_61kick_g001_Wid}, the only difference being that here we restrict the set $\Gamma^{\rm tar}$ to the upper part of the boundary $\partial\Omega$. As expected, the observed results are very close to the ones seen previously in the 2D setting. In particular, the active phase occupies the lower half of the domain, with a dip towards the right end of the domain. \begin{figure} \center \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_61kt_g001_Wid_0010} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_61kt_g001_Wid_0020} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_61kt_g001_Wid_0050} \\[1ex] \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_61kt_g001_Wid_e} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_61kt_g001_Wid_re} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_61kt_g001_Wid_ele} \caption{ Computation on $\overline\Omega = [0,6] \times [-\tfrac32, \tfrac32] \times [0,1]$ for the target shape \eqref{eq:3dutarget} with $c^{\rm tar} = 0.075$ and $W = \mathrm{Id}$ and $\Gamma^{\rm tar} = \partial_{\rm top}\Omega$, with $\varepsilon=\frac1{4\pi}$ and $\gamma=0.01$. We display $\varphi_h^n$ (side view and bottom view) and the displacement ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n$ (with colour coding for ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n \cdot \bm{e}_3$) at pseudo-times $t=1,\,2,\,5$. Below we show plots of the cost functional $J^h(\varphi_h^n, {\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$, the proportion in it of the elastic energy $\mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$ (solid blue) and the interfacial energy $\gamma \mathcal{E}^h(\varphi_h^n)$ (dashed red), as well as of $\log_{10} \mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$. } \label{fig:3d4pi_61kicktop_g001_Wid} \end{figure}% On more elongated domains we once again observe that relatively little active material can result in large deformations at the programmed stage. For example, the strategic placement of the active component seen in Figure~\ref{fig:3d4pi_cos1231f1top_g01} yields a large cosine profile deformation. \begin{figure} \center \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_cos1231f1t_g01_0001} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_cos1231f1t_g01_0002} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_cos1231f1t_g01_0010} \\[1ex] \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_cos1231f1t_g01_e} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_cos1231f1t_g01_re} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_cos1231f1t_g01_ele} \caption{% Computation on $\overline\Omega = [0,12] \times [-\tfrac32, \tfrac32] \times [0,1]$ for the target shape \eqref{eq:3dutarget2} with $c^{\rm tar} = 1$, $k^{\rm tar} = 2$ and $W = \bm{e}_3 \otimes \bm{e}_3$ and $\Gamma^{\rm tar} = \partial_{\rm top}\Omega$, with $\varepsilon=\frac1{4\pi}$ and $\gamma=0.1$. We display $\varphi_h^n$ (side view and bottom view) and the displacement ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n$ (with colour coding for ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n \cdot \bm{e}_3$) at pseudo-times $t=1,\,2,\,10$. Below we show plots of the cost functional $J^h(\varphi_h^n, {\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$, the proportion in it of the elastic energy $\mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$ (solid blue) and the interfacial energy $\gamma \mathcal{E}^h(\varphi_h^n)$ (dashed red), as well as of $\log_{10} \mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$. } \label{fig:3d4pi_cos1231f1top_g01} \end{figure}% It is interesting to note that by simply changing the weighting matrix $W$ in the target energy functional, we obtain a completely different optimal distribution of active material. This can be seen in Figure~\ref{fig:3d4pi_cos121kick_g001t_Wid}, where the only change to the previous simulation is $W = \mathrm{Id}$, rather than $W = \bm{e}_3 \otimes \bm{e}_3$. Now there are just two connected components for the active phase, one at the lower left part of the domain, and one at the middle of the top of the domain. Yet the obtained deformations at the programmed stage are very similar. \begin{figure} \center \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_cos121k_g001t_Wid_0001} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_cos121k_g001t_Wid_0005} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_cos121k_g001t_Wid_0010} \\[1ex] \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_cos121k_g001t_Wid_e} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_cos121k_g001t_Wid_re} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d4pi_cos121k_g001t_Wid_ele} \caption{ Computation on $\overline\Omega = [0,12] \times [-\tfrac32, \tfrac32] \times [0,1]$ for the target shape \eqref{eq:3dutarget2} with $c^{\rm tar} = 1$, $k^{\rm tar}=2$ and $W = \mathrm{Id}$ and $\Gamma^{\rm tar} = \partial_{\rm top}\Omega$, with $\varepsilon=\frac1{4\pi}$ and $\gamma=0.01$. We display $\varphi_h^n$ (side view and bottom view) and the displacement ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n$ (with colour coding for ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n \cdot \bm{e}_3$) at pseudo-times $t=0.1,\,0.5,\,1$. Below we show plots of the cost functional $J^h(\varphi_h^n, {\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$, the proportion in it of the elastic energy $\mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$ (solid blue) and the interfacial energy $\gamma \mathcal{E}^h(\varphi_h^n)$ (dashed red), as well as of $\log_{10} \mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$. } \label{fig:3d4pi_cos121kick_g001t_Wid} \end{figure}% Our final numerical simulation is for a twisted target shape. In particular, we use the target function \eqref{eq:3dutarget1} with $c^{\rm tar} = 0.1$ on the domain $\overline\Omega = [0,6] \times [-3, 3] \times [0,1]$, with $W = \bm{e}_3 \otimes \bm{e}_3$ and $\Gamma^{\rm tar} = \partial_{\rm right}\Omega$. In Figure~\ref{fig:3d2pi_linear661_g002twist} we provide visualisations of the numerical solution $\varphi_h^n$ at various pseudo-times, and the corresponding displacements ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n$ (here darker colours indicate lower values of $|{\widehat{\uu}}_h^n|$ and lighter colours indicate higher values of $|{\widehat{\uu}}_h^n|$). For this computation we take $\varepsilon=\frac{1}{2\pi}$ and $\gamma=0.02$. At the optimal configuration we observe an elaborate distribution of the active material, which yields a twisted shape of the component at the programmed stage. \begin{figure} \center \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d2pi_linear661_g002twist_0001} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d2pi_linear661_g002twist_0010} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d2pi_linear661_g002twist_0020} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d2pi_linear661_g002twist_e} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d2pi_linear661_g002twist_re} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d2pi_linear661_g002twist_ele} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d2pi_linear661_g002twist_v_0001} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d2pi_linear661_g002twist_v_0010} \includegraphics[angle=-0,width=0.3\textwidth]{3d2pi_linear661_g002twist_v_0020} \caption{% Computation on $\overline\Omega = [0,6] \times [-3, 3] \times [0,1]$ for the target shape \eqref{eq:3dutarget1}(b) with $c^{\rm tar} = 0.1$ and $W = \bm{e}_3 \otimes \bm{e}_3$ and $\Gamma^{\rm tar} = \partial_{\rm right}\Omega$, with $\varepsilon=\frac1{2\pi}$ and $\gamma=0.02$. We display $\varphi_h^n$ and the displacement ${\widehat{\uu}}_h^n$ (with colour coding for $|{\widehat{\uu}}_h^n|$) at pseudo-times $t=0.1,\ 1,\,2$. In the middle we show plots of the cost functional $J^h(\varphi_h^n, {\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$, the proportion in it of the elastic energy $\mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$ (solid blue) and the interfacial energy $\gamma \mathcal{E}^h(\varphi_h^n)$ (dashed red), as well as of $\log_{10} \mathcal{E}^{\rm h,tar}({\widehat{\uu}}_h^n)$. In the bottom we show a backward view of the first row of plots. } \label{fig:3d2pi_linear661_g002twist} \end{figure}% \section*{Acknowledgments} \noindent The authors HG and AS gratefully acknowledge the support by the Graduiertenkolleg 2339 IntComSin of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) -- Project-ID 321821685. The work of KFL is supported by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China [Project No.: HKBU 14302218 and HKBU 12300321]. \footnotesize \bibliographystyle{plain}
Treatment strategy for Crohn\'s disease ======================================= Crohn's Disease (CD), which is one type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), is an immune-mediated disorder that mainly affects any part of gastrointestinal tract. Asia is witnessing a rapid rise in occurrence of CD with time. In China, the recent incidence and prevalence rates are 0.848/10(5) and 2.29/10(5) person/year, respectively (Ng et al., 2013\[[@R60]\]; Zheng et al., 2010\[[@R86]\]). The pathogenesis of CD mainly involves genetic, environmental and immunological factors (Kaser et al., 2010\[[@R45]\]). The disease has a chronic relapsing course with the period of acute exacerbation, remission or less active status and can finally lead to disability, surgeries, long-term hospitalization, poor quality of life and even death (Cosnes et al., 2011\[[@R13]\]). Current treatment, comprised of medical and surgical procedures, is largely directed at symptom relief rather than modifying or reversing the underlying pathogenic mechanism. The goal of treatment includes inducing remission (active treatment of acute disease) and maintaining remission (treatment of preventing relapse) (Mayberry et al., 2013\[[@R55]\]). During the past decade, the development of biologic therapies for CD has brought hope to patients and also led to an argument between step-up therapy and top-down therapy. Many trials of biologic therapies (including the combination of immunomodulators) are still in progress, but other than anti-TNF therapies, very few are likely to reach the clinic in the near future (De Vroey and Colombel, 2011\[[@R23]\]). Step-up therapy is a traditional therapeutic approach which has still been recommended by current guidelines (Mayberry et al., 2013\[[@R55]\]; Dignass et al., 2010\[[@R27]\]). It has focus on induction of a clinical remission using a progressive intensification of treatment as the disease severity. 5-Aminosalicylates (5-ASA), corticosteroids, immunosuppressive drugs (e.g., Thiopurines) and biological agents (e.g., Infliximab, IFX) were used sequentially to treat mild-to-severe CD (Bar-Meir, 2009\[[@R2]\]). But this strategy cannot positively induce mucosal healing and alter the natural history of CD (Lin et al., 2010\[[@R52]\]). Therefore, mounting preliminary studies have showed that reversing the treatment paradigm from step-up approach to top down approach may remedy the defect (Lin et al., 2010\[[@R52]\]; D\'Haens et al., 2008\[[@R25]\]; Present et al., 1999\[[@R69]\]; Colombel et al., 2007\[[@R12]\]; Ford et al., 2011\[[@R32]\]). Top-down therapy refers to aggressive and early use of biological agents and immune modulators in order to avoid complications or surgery, decrease hospitalization and improving quality of life (Fascì Spurio et al., 2012\[[@R31]\]; Blonski et al., 2011\[[@R7]\]).Though this strategy is associated with better clinical outcomes, these drugs have rare but potentially serious side effects (Lin et al., 2010\[[@R52]\]; D\'Haens et al., 2008\[[@R25]\]; Present et al., 1999\[[@R69]\]; Colombel et al., 2007\[[@R12]\]; Ford et al., 2011\[[@R32]\]). For the treatment of CD, there is no "one size fits all". What gastroenterologists can do is to select a suitable treatment strategy for every patient. So new questions occurred: What is the rationale for selecting step-up therapy or top-down therapy? What benefit/risk can be expected from the two strategies? Is top down approach a good idea for all CD patients? At what points in the natural history of CD should one be started and ended? Is early therapy in CD only biologics and immunomodulators? However, we are trying to answer these questions. Which one is better? Step-up versus top-down therapy ==================================================== Step-up therapy is done first with less effective and limited systemic toxicity drugs, such as 5-ASA, antibiotics or glucocorticosteroids, mainly to suppress the symptoms of the disease. Then it moved to next step in non-responders by using more aggressive but higher toxicity immunosuppressive agents (azathioprine, mercaptopurine and methotrexate) and biologic agents (antitumor necrosis factor antibody, anti-TNF antibody, including infliximab, adalimumab, certolizumab pegol; monoclonal antibodies directed against the ‬α4-integrin, natalizumab; monoclonal antibodies targets the ‬α4ß7-integrin, vedolizumab;etc.) in order to both induce and maintain remission (Mayberry et al., 2013\[[@R55]\]; Bar-Meir, 2009\[[@R2]\]; D\'Haens, 2010\[[@R26]\]; Gionchetti et al., 2011\[[@R37]\]). Although this strategy is usually effective for symptom control with less adverse events and can avoid overtreatment of low-risk patients. The failure to optimize conventional therapy can lead to patients' being not receiving the optimal initial therapy before experiencing complications (structuring or penetrating) and intestinal resections at final and being unnecessarily exposed to potentially toxic and/or expensive biologic drugs, which is seriously impact their quality-of-lives (QOL) patients (Domènech et al., 2009\[[@R28]\]; Taylor and Irving, 2011\[[@R80]\]). The top-down strategy has been adopted for managing rheumatoid arthritis where there is a focus on treat-to-target to achieve early remission (Knevel et al., 2010\[[@R47]\]). Lessons from rheumatoid arthritis can be translated to Crohn\'s disease. Recently many trials (Mayberry et al., 2013\[[@R55]\]; Lin et al., 2010\[[@R52]\]; Kim et al., 2011\[[@R46]\]; Yang et al., 2012\[[@R85]\]; Xiao et al.\[[@R83]\], 2012; Orlando et al., 2012\[[@R63]\]) (Supplementary Table 1) have shown that patients who were administrated of immunosuppressive or biologic agents in the earlier phases of CD achieved less clinical relapse, less steroid use, better mucosal healing, fewer hospitalizations, fewer complications and surgeries than those with the same disease that were further given those drugs. These findings have stimulated efforts in the field of CD towards to intensive and early top-down approach. However, the evidence of wide use is still not strong enough, because the studies (Supplementary Table 1) are somewhat susceptible to several methodological criticisms: lack of large scale and multi-center trails;often being open label studies;not always giving sufficient consideration of maintenance therapy especially in step-up group; andalways being short follow-up term. Several arguments exist against the top-down approach in CD. First, Lin et al. (2010\[[@R52]\]) and Kim et al. (2011\[[@R46]\]) reported that approximately 30 % of patients might have been over treated by applying this therapy. Second, infliximab was found to be associated with 3-fold increase in malignancy and 2-fold increase in serious infection in treatment of in rheumatoid arthritis (Bongartz et al., 2006\[[@R8]\]). Therefore, future therapies of CD will be individualized and targeted to optimize treatment outcomes and to reduce the disadvantages related to the two strategies. What are the long-term considerations for patient with CD? ========================================================== CD is a chronic and life-time of recurrent disease with flare-ups and remission, so we cannot just consider the short-term induction therapy. Long-term efficacy, safety and cost are main concerns of risk/benefit assessment of different treatment strategies (Supplementary Figure 1). In step-up approach, infections associated with corticosteroids and lymphoma caused by azathioprine are commonly seen adverse events. In top-down approach, serious infections, lymphoma and malignancies are side effects of anti-TNF agents and immunosuppressives. In a more than 5 years of follow-up study, 36.273 patients (3.420 infliximab and 2.853 other-treatments-only) have been enrolled into the TREAT registry, mortality was similar for infliximab and other-treatments only patients (0.58 vs. 0.59/100 patient-years of follow-up), an increased risk of serious infection with infliximab was observed (HR=1.43), and severity of CD at baseline (HR=2.24) and use of narcotic analgesics (HR=1.98) or prednisone (HR=1.57) carried higher risks for serious infection (Lichtenstein et al., 2012\[[@R51]\]). In a cohort study (1996--2009), data showed that use of anti-TNF with thiopurine and current use of thiopurine alone were associated with increased risk of lymphoma, including diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (44 %), follicular lymphoma (14 %), and Hodgkin\'s disease (12 %) (Herrinton et al., 2011\[[@R42]\]). In addition, the economic burden of patients with CD is very high not only in China but also in developed countries. Because patients must spend a lot of money on medicine, especially biologics, which most of them do not belong to the scope of medical insurance medicine. Meanwhile, some of patients with CD would experience disability, loss of work productivity, surgery and hospitalization (Ordás et al., 2011\[[@R62]\]). Therefore, it is important to offset the high cost by selecting a suitable treatment strategy to maintain long-term remission and prevent poor outcomes of CD. In conclusion, many studies have shown the direction of administrating biologics and immunomodulators, which offer an important clinical benefit for patients with severe CD. But the risk-benefit ratio and cost-effectiveness should be carefully taken into account by clinicians when treatment strategies are established. Which is the tailored therapy for specific subgroup of patients with CD? Age section, biological markers or location of disease =============================================================================================================================== CD is a disease affecting all age groups, but there is a bimodal peak in incidence rates by age group with the first peak occurring between the second and third decades of life (teenagers and young adults) and a second peak occurring between 55-59 years (Day et al., 2012\[[@R20]\]; Quezada et al., 2011\[[@R71]\]). In addition, we should accurately distinct elderly-onset CD and elderly people with disease starting at a younger age. A population-based study showed that 1/20 incident cases of elderly-onset CD occurred in people \> 60 years of age (Charpentier et al., 2014\[[@R10]\]). The heterogeneity of manifestations, a potentially insidious onset, the presence of overlapping features, extraintestinal symptoms and different features of every age stage can make the diagnosis and treatment of CD difficult (Charpentier et al., 2014\[[@R10]\]; Dretzke et al., 2011\[[@R29]\]). So we should take specific consideration to children, adolescents, adults, and elderly when determining a treatment strategy (Supplementary Table 2) (Day et al., 2012\[[@R20]\]; Krupoves et al., 2011\[[@R48]\]; Sherlock and Griffiths, 2012\[[@R77]\]; Day and Burgess, 2013\[[@R19]\]; Sprakes et al., 2012\[[@R78]\]; Assa et al., 2013\[[@R1]\]). For children and adolescents, optimizing nutritional status and growth, minimizing psychological concerns and possible side effects of treatment are critical considerations of selecting a suitable treatment strategy (Mayberry et al., 2013\[[@R55]\]; Day et al., 2012\[[@R20]\]; Charpentier et al., 2014\[[@R11]\]; Krupoves et al., 2011\[[@R48]\]; Sherlock and Griffiths, 2012\[[@R77]\]; Day and Burgess, 2013\[[@R19]\]; Sprakes et al., 2012\[[@R78]\]; Assa et al., 2012\[[@R1]\]; Beaugerie et al., 2009\[[@R3]\]; Setshedi et al., 2012\[[@R76]\]; Cottone et al., 2011\[[@R15]\]). For adults, optimizing conventional "step-up" therapy is still the recommendation, and the benefit of combination therapy has been demonstrated by many studies. But new "top-down" therapy is appropriate in moderate-to-severe CD and more data supporting the efficacy and safety are needed before combination therapy becomes the first choice treatment. To persuade the patient to quit smoking is also effective for treatment (Lakatos et al., 2013\[[@R50]\]; Pithadia and Jain, 2011\[[@R67]\]; Danese, 2012\[[@R17]\]; Melmed et al., 2010\[[@R56]\]). For the elderly, especially those\>65 years, anti-TNF therapy would be a dangerous choice and improving quality of care should be taken (Charpentier et al., 2014\[[@R10]\]; Beaugerie et al., 2009\[[@R3]\]; Setshedi et al., 2012\[[@R76]\]; Cottone et al., 2011\[[@R15]\]). In addition, the medical managements of pregnancy and post operation in CD require careful discussions with individual patients. During pregnancy, it is necessary to optimize disease control by treating aggressively to prevent adverse outcomes (Mowat et al., 2011\[[@R58]\]).The conventional me-dicine (5-ASA) is safe in pregnancy and breast feeding (Selinger et al., 2012\[[@R75]\]). Metronidazole is considered safe after the first trimester (Mowat et al., 2011\[[@R58]\]). In a recent population-based study, children born to mothers with CD got an increased risk of congenital abnormalities in women exposed to both corticosteroids and acetazolamide (Norgard et al., 2007\[[@R61]\]). Methotrexate is strictly contraindicated because of the serious side effects of teratogenicity (Selinger et al., 2012\[[@R75]\]). Infliximab and Adalimumab are rated as a second line medicine for pregnancy, which considered probably safe during the first two trimesters (Vermeire et al., 2012\[[@R81]\]). There are need more evidence of the use of these during breast feeding. Approximately 80 % of patients with CD would finally accept operation, of whom 70 % will require a further surgery (De Cruz et al., 2013\[[@R22]\]). Therefore, it is necessary to select appropriate treatment strategies to prevent postoperative recurrence. In a cohort study, step-up approach consisted of antibiotics, 5-ASA, thiopurine and methotrexate has been recommended (De Cruz et al., 2013\[[@R22]\]). Lakatos and Lakatos (2010\[[@R49]\]) demonstrated that anti-TNF agents may be appropriate for postoperative prevention and therapy in most severe cases. Savarino et al. (2012\[[@R74]\]) further reported a case series of six patients who were given Adalimumab at the dose of 160/80/40mg every 2 weeks after resection for an ileocecal stricture caused by CD have been disease-free for about 3 years after surgery on clinical, radiological, and endoscopic/histological grounds (Crohn\'s Disease Activity Index = 110 in all occasions). Such therapeutic benefits of strategies remain to be proven by further large controlled studies. There is accumulating evidence that current treatment strategy is guided by the disease location, severity, associated complications and concurrent therapy taken by patients (Lin et al., 2010\[[@R52]\]). Patient with CD involved of terminal ileum are strongly associated with an increased risk of stricture or penetrating behavior (Louis et al., 2010\[[@R54]\]). Patients with rectal disease (92 %), colonic disease (41 %) and ileal disease (12 %) are associated with perianal disease (Hellers et al., 1980\[[@R41]\]). They both lead to an increased risk of surgical resection (Lin et al., 2010\[[@R52]\], Hellers et al., 1980\[[@R41]\]). In Loly's study (Loly et al., 2008\[[@R53]\]), the multivariate analysis showed that selected ileocolonic location needed steroids to treat the first flare. Costantino et al. (2012\[[@R14]\]) indicated that administration of thiopurines among disease- and patient-related parameters a shorter disease duration, female gender and ileal disease in Crohn\'s patients had resulted in better response. Although clinical parameters have some predictive value for prognosis and guiding treatment strategies in CD, their application still have some unsolved problems. The search for genetic polymorphisms and cytokine profiles in CD has led to direction of potential predictors of prognosis and thus of identifying patients who should be treated more aggressively early on (top-down). Genome-wide association studies have identified approximately 71 CD-associated gene susceptibility loci and some of these have been studied their relation to CD phenotype and disease course (Franke et al., 2010\[[@R33]\]). The nucleotide oligomerization domain 2 (NOD2) or caspase-activating recruitment domain 15 (CARD15) is known as a major susceptibility gene associated with worse CD prognosis and more likely to require surgical resection (Tamboli et al., 2011\[[@R79]\]). Recently, Plantinga et al. (2011\[[@R68]\]) indicated that variation in the autophagy gene ATG16L1 had been another major genetic susceptibility factor for CD and the risk variant of ATG16L1 is associated with an impaired induction of autophagy specifically after NOD2 engagement. And it is relevant to IL-1ß, IL-6 and TNF-a production in CD (Plantinga et al., 2011\[[@R68]\]). These findings suggest that patient's genetic profile can assess risk of complicated disease which contributes to patient stratification and individualized care. Prieto-Pérez et al. (2013\[[@R70]\]) demonstrated that gene polymorphisms can predict response to anti-TNF therapy in patients with immune disease, such as psoriasis (Ps), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and CD. Gutiérrez et al. (2013\[[@R39]\]) further confirmed that intensified anti-TNF therapy is more frequent in patients with mutated NOD2/ ATG16L1-combined genotypes. Current data have shown that genetic mutations could lead to alteration in the expression of some serological predictors, such as antibodies to microbial antigens (Tamboli et al., 2011\[[@R79]\]). These antibodies include anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody (ASCA, glycan antibody), antibodies to the Escherichia coli outer-membrane point C (OmpC), the Pseudomonas fluorescens CD-related protein \[anti-CD related bacterial sequence (I2)\] and the CBir1 flagellin, which are mostly associated with early disease onset CD, CD with earlier complications and relapsing CD (Beaugerie et al., 2012\[[@R3]\]). So these can also be used as predictors of CD course to guide the selection of treatment strategy. In conclusion, age stratification, special patients, disease location and extension, genetic and serologic testing all have potential to predict disease progression and complication, and thus response to medical therapies, particularly biologic agents. In future, the combination of these would significantly contribute to a personalized treatment approach in CD. When to introduce biologics and where is the ending point? ========================================================== The key to step-up therapy and top-down therapy is whether earlier administrated with biologics or immunosuppressive agents. Population-based studies have shown that it is crucial to relate treatment instructions to the natural course of the disease for newly diagnosed CD. For the reason that the heterogeneous clinical course associated with high risk of disease progression is a guide to identify the beginning point of early intervention with highly effective treatment strategies (Ordás et al., 2011\[[@R62]\]). Recently, a definition of early CD has been proposed to select an algorithm for treatment of moderate-to-severe CD with a suitable strategy (Supplementary Figure 2) (Ordás et al., 2011\[[@R62]\]; Peyrin-Biroulet 2009\[[@R66]\]; Burger and Travis, 2011\[[@R9]\]; Yang et al., 2011\[[@R84]\]). It is defined as disease duration \< 2 years and no previous use of immunosuppressive or TNF antagonists. And early surgical resection is another common choice for serious patients (Ordás et al., 2011\[[@R62]\]; Burger and Travis, 2011\[[@R9]\]; Yang et al., 2011\[[@R84]\]). CD therapy is based on the primary goals of achieving every remission endpoint and ultimate goal of altering the long-term disease history course. The primary goals should include: eliminate all symptoms related to a patient's CD;induction and maintenance of mucosal healing;maintenance of normal gastrointestinal function;avoidance of cumulative bowel damage;prevention of disability and surgery; andimproving patients' QOL and reducing hospitalization (Ordás et al., 2011\[[@R62]\]; Devlin and Panaccione, 2010\[[@R24]\]). Nowadays, many studies confirmed that mucosal healing is becoming a valuable end point for accessing therapeutic efficacy in CD (Fascì Spurio et al., 2012\[[@R31]\]; Blonski et al., 2011\[[@R7]\]; Domènech et al., 2009\[[@R28]\]). It has been widely used in clinical trials and basic researches to assess the severity of CD (Fascì Spurio et al., 2012\[[@R31]\]; Blonski et al., 2011\[[@R7]\]; Domènech et al., 2009\[[@R28]\]; Hébuterne et al., 2013\[[@R40]\]; Danese and Peyrin-Biroulet, 2012\[[@R18]\]). Mucosal healing is considered to be the first step towards clinical symptom and to guide treatment strategies. Because it could measure changes in the disease, including predicting the risk of clinical relapse, occurrence of complications, require for surgical resection or re-operations and potential for cancer and mortality (Reenaers et al., 2012\[[@R73]\]). However, mucosal healing could only reflect the external closure of fistulous tracts and not correspond to complete healing of the penetrating bowel disease. Therefore, gastroenterologists are considering finding another end point of measuring the cumulative bowel damage. The International Program to develop New Indexes in Crohn\'s disease (IPNIC) group has conducted a new instrument, called the Crohn\'s Disease Digestive Damage Score (the Lémann score), to take into account damage location, severity, extent, progression, and reversibility by using computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging enterography, and colonoscopy. The Lémann score could be used as a more reliable endpoint to assess efficiency of various treatment strategies on the progression of bowel damage (Pariente et al., 2011\[[@R64]\], \[[@R65]\]). Hommes et al. (2012\[[@R43]\]) suggest that we should change Crohn\'s disease management by applying new goals and indices, such as the Lémann score, to prevent disability and patient's QOL. In conclusion, though gastroenterologists have proposed an algorithm for treatment of early CD, there are still some modifications to every individual patient. Even if mucosal healing has been widely used to date, the Lémann score, which assesses the extent and severity of bowel damage at a specific time-point and over time, and is a new disability index for patients with CD, will be considered as a new endpoint for future studies of treatment strategies. Is early therapy in CD only biologics and immunomodulators? =========================================================== Though biologics and immunomodulators have shared the main part of CD treatment, and led to an argument between step-up therapy and top-down therapy. There are many other effective therapeutic approaches, such as surgery, vaccine, Leukocytapheresis (LCAP) therapy and stem cell therapy. The long term need of surgery in patients with CD could be decreased in the era of biologics (Jones and Finlayson 2010\[[@R44]\]). In a population-based study, the surgery rate of patients newly diagnosed with CD in Cardiff between 1986 and 2003 at 5 years decreased significantly from 59 % (1986-91) to 25 % (1998-2003) by induction of infliximab (Jones and Finlayson, 2010\[[@R44]\]). But surgery may still be a valid option in respect to a refractory CD with complications or failure of the medical therapy. Different disease location and extension also appear to influence the need for surgery (Bernstein et al., 2012\[[@R5]\]). In future, the minimally invasive surgery, which aims at further reducing hospitalization and improving the cosmetic outcomes, will become standard clinical practice (Gardenbroek et al., 2012\[[@R36]\]). Patients with CD are at increased risk of infection, partially due to the disease itself, but mostly because of treatment with immunosuppressive drugs (Gisbert et al., 2013\[[@R38]\]). Because vaccine can prevent many of infections, some clinical trials have been carried out to examine vaccine strategies for CD treatment (de Bruyn et al., 2012\[[@R21]\]). Live vaccines are contraindicated in immunocompromised individuals, but inactivated vaccines can be safely to patients under immunotherapy (Rahier, 2013\[[@R72]\]). But vaccination status should be checked and updated upon diagnosis of CD (Gisbert et al., 2013\[[@R38]\]). LCAP is a recent modality for treatment of patients with CD, especially those refractory to conventional therapies (including steroids) (Fukunaga and Matsumoto, 2012\[[@R35]\]).The removal of circulating leukocytes to suppress immunological response is primary aim of LCAP (Mitsuyama and Sata, 2009\[[@R57]\]). In Japan, it has been accepted by authority government organizations. In a preliminary clinical trial of LCAP for CD patients, significant clinical efficacy together with recovering peripheral immune response has been reported (Fukunaga ans Matsumoto, 2012\[[@R35]\]). It is predicted that unique non-pharmacological and non-surgical strategy of LCAP has both effective and safety. And future strategies to optimize processing conditions and with or without combining biologics should now be studied (Muratov et al., 2012\[[@R59]\]). Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are the focus of intensive efforts worldwide by developing cell-based therapies for a diverse range of disease, including graft-versus-host disease, Crohn\'s disease, myocardial infarction, and etc. Many basic and early clinical trails of MSCs therapy in CD have proven to be beneficial effects on mucosal healing and no result of toxicity or ectopic tissue growth (Duijvestein et al., 2010\[[@R30]\]; Dalal et al., 2012\[[@R16]\]). Local injection of MSCs is a novel and promising therapeutic strategy for refractory and fistulizing CD, offering hope to patients who have this notoriously difficult to treat and disabling manifestation of CD (Wood, 2011\[[@R82]\]; Ciccocioppo et al., 2011\[[@R11]\]). MSCs have the potentials of homing to injured gut tissues, actively participate in tissue repair, and regulating immune and inflammatory responses (Frenette et al., 2013\[[@R34]\]). So MSCs may serve as a candidate therapy for patients who have failed to respond to biological therapy. Currently, scholars are making great efforts to translate the science of MSCs into medicine (Bianco et al., 2013\[[@R6]\]). In conclusion, the development of novel therapeutic strategies is leading to another thinking about what should they be putted in the conditional pyramid. Conclusions and Future Directions ================================= CD which is a global epidemic disease with rapidly progressive course and disabling complications attracted more attention to gastroenterologists all over the world. Conventional step-up approach with sequence use of low-toxicity drugs and novel top-down approach with early use of biologicals are both effective to inducing remission in the short term, but the latter one is more effective to maintain remission, decrease the rate of relapse, reduce administration of corticosteroids, prevent occurrence of complications and minimize operation in the long term. Due to the heterogeneity of CD, it is necessary to select a suitable treatment strategy for different patient. Current data have shown that age stratification, special patients, disease location and extension, genetic and serologic markers could be used as predictors of disease course. But little clinical trials are associated them with the two treatment strategies. In future, the management strategies to CD will be based on these predictors to evaluate therapeutic efficacies. The proposition of early CD provides a cue to determine when to start anti-TNF therapy or combination with immunosuppressives. This need more evidence to support. Furthermore, Lémann score (a tissue damage score) should be considered for a further study and be putted into widely use in CD to assess adequately the ability of treatment strategies to change natural history. Despite use of a traditional step-up therapy may has better the risk-benefit and cost-effectiveness ratio in the short term, most CD patients eventually require surgery at some time in their disease course. But new top-down therapy has remarkably achieving a long time efficacies. Therefore, further studies should pay more attention to the long-term benefits. Medical therapy is not the only treatment in CD, surgery, vaccine, LCAP and stem cell therapy are all effective therapeutic approaches which some of them are understudy. This lead to a further direction of changing the two classic paradigms: Optimizing the traditional step-up approach by combination with vaccine.Changing the top-down approach by early use of LCAP and stem cell therapy and re-evaluation of surgical timing. Acknowlegements =============== The first author would like to acknowledge professor Wan for giving instructions of designing and associate professor Yan for profiting language. This article is supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 81050027. Supplementary Material ====================== ###### Supplementary materials
1. Introduction {#sec1} =============== Registration of histological sections to magnetic resonance (MR) images is an important step in quantitative analysis and cross-modality comparison of brain histology and MR data. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) and histological examination are two complementary modalities that considerably differ in their scope of application and scale of analysis. MRI of the brain became an indispensable method in clinical evaluation of central nervous system (CNS) diseases and in brain research. MRI is extensively used for in vivo characterization of intracranial lesions and tumors, for longitudinal studies of neurodegenerative effects, and so forth. Postmortem MRI of isolated formalin-fixed brain specimens is also becoming a promising method for the investigation of the pathology of a brain disease \[[@B1]\], where it can serve as a high-throughput screening tool detecting regions with abnormal signal contrast. Unfortunately, in the near future, the spatial resolution of MRI is not likely to improve beyond an intermediate, mesoscopic scale of 0.1 mm, contrary to histology that has long been operating on a microscopic, cellular scale. In addition, MRI contrast mechanisms have complex origins that make exact relationships between MRI-detected abnormal regions and pathological characteristics unclear; correlates of MRI findings have to be studied and validated. Histological examination remains a gold standard for precise characterization of neuropathology. However, histology has its own share of shortcomings: it is a low-throughput, inherently two-dimensional (2D), time-consuming process, which is invasive, irreversible to the specimen, and destructive to gross morphological features. Consequently, there is a great value in bringing these two modalities together, to complement each other and bridge the scales of mesoscopic and microscopic examination. In doing so, it is important to establish the best possible spatial correspondence between the two, which can be achieved by the design of a specialized brain slicer \[[@B2]\] or, more generally, by the registration approach (e.g., see \[[@B3]\]). Registration may become a key technology bridging these two modalities. Specifically, the registration of individual histological slices from sparse section sets directly to three-dimensional (3D) MR images (*slice-to-volume* registration) constitutes an important unsolved problem. Apart from neuropathological investigations, histology-to-MRI registration plays an important role in quantitative analysis of brain structure and, more specifically, in architectonic mapping of the brain. Cyto- or myeloarchitectonic mapping of the brain cortex has long since relied on examination of histological specimens, but the spatial location of delineated areas was traditionally sketched only roughly, as exemplified by renowned Brodmann maps. In modern development, architectonic mapping features observer-independent quantitative analysis of histology and is brought into a standard anatomical spatial reference system by reconstruction and stereotaxic alignment of a histological volume. Schormann and Zilles \[[@B4]\] describe reconstruction of histology volume from serial sections, which at one point involves registration to MRI. It should be noted that the methodology involved in reconstruction of a histology volume, which has become a well-established procedure, relies on coregistration of serial histological sections, and is not directly applicable to registration of individual slices from sparse sections. Advances in high-resolution MRI make an alternative approach to architectonic parcellation of the cortex feasible: homogeneous areas can be delineated directly from MR images, potentially in vivo. However, as in the case of neuropathological investigation, correlation of MRI findings to the gold standard of histological examination must be studied and validated. Our present work in histology-to-MRI registration is primarily motivated by the search for a ground truth reference to validate neocortical parcellation results obtained by Kruggel et al. \[[@B5], [@B6]\]. Previous studies have demonstrated a striking qualitative similarity of optical profiles in myelin-stained tissue with intensity profiles of high-resolution MRI in a fixated brain \[[@B5], [@B6]\]. Profiles of histological specimens stained for myelin and cell bodies were quantitatively compared to in vivo T1 and postmortem T2 MRI by Eickhoff et al. in \[[@B7]\], focusing on two architectonic regions only: a striate and an extrastriate cortex. It was found that MR intensity profiles were best fitted by a weighted sum of both myeloarchitectonic and cytoarchitectonic profiles, with a significantly larger contribution from the former. There, an approximate correspondence of histological and MRI slices was established manually, and only two image modalities were originating from the same brain specimen. Our study is seeking to establish a reference for quantitative comparison of histological and MRI intensity profiles, where correspondence of section images is optimized by a nonrigid registration procedure. The registration of histological images is challenging because of three main issues: (1) a "deformation problem": a brain sample is subject to complex deformations in the process of preparation and histological sectioning; in case of sparse histological slices (2) a "search problem": an inherent one-to-many correspondence of the underlying 2D-to-3D mapping; (3) a "statistical consistency" problem: the reliance of a similarity measure on small sampling size of an input 2D image. Nonlinear and nonuniform global and local distortions pertinent to different stages of histological sectioning procedure are described in \[[@B8]\]. A brain sample undergoes global shrinking during fixation in formalin, and each slice is experiencing local uncorrelated nonlinear distortions when sectioned. In addition, nonelastic deformations such as folds and rips may be introduced when a section is transferred to the object slide for scanning. Schormann et al. \[[@B9]\] list nine sources of deformations induced by histological processing and present a theoretical analysis of the statistics of deformations, emphasizing that local deformations impede exact registration of MRI with histological sections. Only a limited number of papers have been published on the particular topic of histology-to-MRI registration (see \[[@B8]\] for a review), most of them dealing with reconstruction of histology volume from serial sections. When contiguous data for serial sections are available, the issue of a 2D-to-3D mapping may be bypassed, and the registration can proceed in two stages: first, sequential slices are 2D aligned into a 3D histology volume and second, the reconstructed histology volume is 3D registered with an MRI or a positron emission tomography (PET) image. This way, each stage can benefit from a vast body of research and algorithms developed for 2D and 3D, intra- and intermodal, rigid and nonrigid registration. For example, Ourselin et al. \[[@B8]\] applied a block matching algorithm to 2D align histological sections into a reconstructed volume, which was further registered to MRI data using a 3D version of the same algorithm. If available, optical images of a block face, for example, photos of the cryomacrotome cut view with external landmarks, can be used as intermediate data, facilitating the stage of 2D alignment in histology volume reconstruction. Mega et al. \[[@B10]\] reconstructed a cryovolume from optical data, adapted a 3D elastic warping/surface matching approach to a single 2D slice for warping of each stained section image to a corresponding optical image, and applied a 3D rigid registration to align the cryovolume with PET. Similarly, Schormann and Zilles \[[@B4]\] reconstructed a histology volume by 2D alignment with optical data, 3D aligned it to MRI, and applied full multigrid elastic registration with MRI to refine the histology volume reconstruction. Intermediate optical images may also serve as a reference in case histological sections are not contiguous, for example, see \[[@B11]\]. When histology data are sparse, and no intermediate optical data are available, coregistration with MRI is posed as a 2D-to-3D registration problem. The 2D-to-3D medical image registration has received considerable attention in the context of projective registration in intraoperative imaging modalities, for example, X-ray fluoroscopy with CT images. Projective registration is seeking to find a correspondence between reference 2D image and a projection of a volume to a plane. On the contrary, there are relatively few publications on the topic of slice-to-volume registration, which is seeking to find correspondence between reference 2D image and a cross-section of a volume by a plane or a warped surface. Different approaches to rigid slice-to-volume registration are described in \[[@B12]--[@B14]\]. In prostate imaging, Fei et al. \[[@B12]\] registered interventional MRI (iMRI) slices to preoperative high-resolution MRI volume, using multiresolution approach with two cost functions and automatic restarting to avoid local minima. Chandler et al. \[[@B13]\] evaluated slice-to-volume registration in connection to the planning of MR scans, registering single thick brain MR slice, and applying information-based criterion on vector-valued probabilistic images of tissue classification. Birkfellner et al. \[[@B14]\] studied registration of single slices from FluoroCT, CineMR, or iMRI to 3D volumes, and used cross-correlation with repeated application of local optimization algorithms. All authors in \[[@B12]--[@B14]\] note that slice-to-volume registration raises several challenges in cost function selection, convergence behavior, and optimization strategy, which require special considerations. We will return to a more detailed discussion in [Section 2](#sec2){ref-type="sec"}. Slice-to-volume registration of histology to MRI was studied by few research groups. Jacobs et al. \[[@B15]\] registered rodent brain histology to MRI in two steps: first by rigid alignment of a histological slice with an MR image based on a surface matching algorithm, followed by a 2D warping of a planar section of the MRI volume onto a histological image. Here, the 2D warping step used thin-plate splines with matching control points automatically selected along both sets of contours. Similarly, Gefen et al. \[[@B16]\] registered sections of a mouse brain to a 3D atlas by first matching them to a corresponding atlas plane with a global affine transformation, and then by warping in 2D. However, modeling the sectioning surface as a plane may not correctly reflect global and local deformations of a brain sample; generally, such a cross-section is better modeled as a warped surface. In a study of the pathology of disease, Kim et al. \[[@B3]\] registered postmortem human brain histology images to premortem MRI reference volume. Warped cross-sections of MRI volume were modeled by polynomial functions of second or third order, recursively derived and matched to postmortem slices. A polynomial model allows to compensate for global distortions between premortem and postmortem images, but does not account for local deformations. We present a flexible framework for intensity-based slice-to-volume nonrigid registration algorithms with geometric transformation that combines a rigid alignment with a 3D deformation field parametrized by various classes of spline functions: thin-plate splines (TPS) \[[@B17]\], Gaussian elastic body splines (GEBS) \[[@B18]\], or cubic B-splines \[[@B19]\]. We apply algorithms to cross-modality registration of histological and MR images of the human brain and evaluate registration performance across a range of optimization algorithms and intensity-based cost functions. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In [Section 2](#sec2){ref-type="sec"}, we present the building blocks of the algorithmic framework: geometric transformations, cost functions with similarity measures, and optimization strategies. In [Section 3](#sec3){ref-type="sec"}, we describe our computational experiments and discuss their results, comparing registration performance across spline models, similarity measures, and optimization algorithms. The last section discusses the key features, various algorithmic details, and future developments. 2. Algorithms {#sec2} ============= In our framework, an intensity-based registration algorithm consists of three main building blocks: (1) a geometric transformation with a deformation model, (2) a cost function with a similarity measure, and (3) an optimization scheme. In this section, we describe three implementations of (1) with a 3D deformation field parametrized by TPS, GEBS, or B-splines, several implementations of (2) with various similarity measures, and several optimizers and optimization schemes implementing (3). 2.1. Problem Formulation and General Notation {#sec2.1} --------------------------------------------- Slice-to-volume nonrigid registration takes as an input a 2D image (called target or floating image) and finds a corresponding warped cross-section slice (called registered image, 2D) in a 3D volume (called source or reference image). Let *I* ~*d*~(*i*, *j*) and *V* ~*d*~(*i*, *j*, *k*) denote a 2D histological image and a 3D MR discrete grey-scale image, respectively. Let *I*((*x*, *y*) ∈ *Ω*) ∈ ℝ and *V*((*x*, *y*, *z*) ∈ Φ) ∈ ℝ denote the real-valued intensity function of a continuous version of a 2D and a 3D image with domain *Ω* ⊂ ℝ^2^ and Φ ⊂ ℝ^3^, respectively. Continuous images are obtained from discrete images *I* ~*d*~ and *V* ~*d*~ by a chosen interpolation model, for example by trilinear or spline interpolation. A geometric transformation *𝒯* is defined as a mapping *𝒯* : *Ω* ↦ Ψ, Ψ ⊂ Φ; the mapping defines the domain of a warped slice Ψ ⊂ ℝ^3^. Then a registered image *I* ~*R*~ is defined as the following intensity function: $I_{R}(V,{\,\,}\mathcal{T}) = \{ i_{R} = V(\overrightarrow{r}),{\,\,}\overrightarrow{r} \in \Psi\}$. Let *S* ~sim⁡  ~(*I* ~1~, *I* ~2~) denote an intensity-based similarity measure between two images *I* ~1~, *I* ~2~, such that closer similarity of images results in higher value. A cost function is defined as: *C*(*I*, *V*, *𝒯*) = −*S* ~sim~(*I*, *I* ~*R*~) + *βE*(*𝒯*(*Ω*)), where *E*(*𝒯*(*Ω*)) is the deformation energy of the geometric transformation, and *β* is the weight parameter at the energy penalty term. Image registration seeks the optimal transformation *𝒯* = arg⁡min⁡⁡(*C*(*I*, *V*, *𝒯*)) that minimizes the cost function. 2.2. Geometric Transformation {#sec2.2} ----------------------------- The slice-to-volume geometric transformation *𝒯* is composed of two parts: alignment and deformation, *𝒯* = *𝒯* ~aln~∘*𝒯* ~*def*⁡~. The flat 2D slice is deformed in 3D, and the resulting warped surface is rotated, translated, and scaled within bounds of a 3D volume; the registered image is obtained at the cross-section of the volume by the warped surface. ### 2.2.1. Alignment {#sec2.2.1} Alignment *𝒯* ~aln⁡~ is modeled by a 3D linear operator $\mathcal{T}_{\text{aln}}{\lbrack\overrightarrow{x}\rbrack} = \mathbf{A}{({\overrightarrow{\alpha},{\,\,}\overrightarrow{\kappa}})}\overrightarrow{x} + \overrightarrow{\tau}$, where $\overrightarrow{x}$ denotes 3D coordinates of a transformed point, **A** is a 3 × 3 rotation/scaling matrix, $\overrightarrow{\alpha}$ is a vector with three rotation angles, ${\,\,}\overrightarrow{\kappa}$ is a vector with three scaling factors, and $\overrightarrow{\tau}$ is a translation 3D vector. With scaling factors, *𝒯* ~aln~ is called Procrustes transformation and has nine degrees of freedom (DOF). If scaling is omitted, *𝒯* ~aln~ corresponds to rigid transformation with six DOFs. ### 2.2.2. Thin-Plate Spline Deformation Field {#sec2.2.2} Thin-plate spline (TPS) is a solution of an interpolation problem that minimizes a certain smoothness energy function based on local curvature \[[@B17]\]. TPS interpolation function is defined as $$\begin{aligned} {T\left( {x,{\,\,}y,{\,\,}\mathbf{\theta}} \right)} & {= a_{0} + a_{1}x + a_{2}y} \\ & {\quad + \sum_{({x_{i},{\,\,}y_{i}}) \in \mathbf{\theta}}c_{i}U\left( \left. ||{\left( {x_{i},{\,\,}y_{i}} \right) - \left( {x,{\,\,}y} \right)} \right.|| \right),} \\ \end{aligned}{\,\,}$$ where *U*(*r*) = *r* ^2^log⁡⁡*r* is a radial basis function (RBF), ***θ*** = {(*x* ~*i*~, *y* ~*i*~)} are control points (where RBFs are centered), {*c* ~*i*~} are RBF weights, and {*a* ~0~, *a* ~1~, *a* ~2~} are affine coefficients. Given a set of interpolation conditions *T*(*x* ~*i*~, *y* ~*i*~) = *t* ~*i*~{(*x* ~*i*~, *y* ~*i*~) ∈ ***θ***}, there exists a closed form solution for TPS coefficients \[[@B20]\]. TPS interpolation minimizes the following functional, called TPS bending energy: $$E_{T} = \iint_{{\mathbb{R}}^{2}}\left\lbrack {T_{xx}^{2} + 2T_{xy}^{2} + T_{yy}^{2}} \right\rbrack dx\, dy.$$ TPSs are typically used in a 2D nonrigid registration based on point-landmark matching \[[@B15], [@B21]\]: point-landmarks in a target image serve as control points, and the displacement (*u*, *v*) of a 2D warp is modeled by two independent TPS functions. Matched landmarks in a source image define displacements at the control points, from which TPS weights can be computed by solving a system of linear equations \[[@B17]\]. Our slice-to-volume registration does not use landmarks. Instead, TPSs are used in a novel way to parametrize a smooth 3D deformation of a 2D surface: control points are placed in a regular grid on the 2D image domain *Ω*, and a 3D warp is modeled by three independent TPS functions *u*(*x*, *y*, ***θ***), *v*(*x*, *y*, ***θ***), and *w*(*x*, *y*, ***θ***): *𝒯* ~*def*⁡~ : (*x*, *y*)↦(*x* + *u*, *y* + *v*, *w*). The displacements (*u* ~*i*~, *v* ~*i*~, *w* ~*i*~) at the control points serve as DOFs and thus "steer" the deformation; TPS coefficients are computed from these displacements. The smoothness energy of such a deformation field is the sum of three individual TPS bending energies *E* ~*𝒯*~ = *E* ~*u*~ + *E* ~*v*~ + *E* ~*w*~, which can easily be computed from TPS weights \[[@B20]\]. ### 2.2.3. Gaussian Elastic Body Spline Deformation Field {#sec2.2.3} Gaussian elastic body splines (GEBS) \[[@B18]\] model 3D deformations of elastic homogeneous isotropic media under the influence of forces that are applied at control points and are decreasing with distance as Gaussian functions. The deformation is defined as: $$\begin{matrix} {\overrightarrow{T}\left( \overrightarrow{x} \right) = \overrightarrow{x} + \sum\limits_{{\overrightarrow{p}}_{i} \in \mathbf{\theta}}\mathbf{G}\left( {\overrightarrow{x} - {\overrightarrow{p}}_{i}} \right){\overrightarrow{c}}_{i},{\,\,}} \\ \end{matrix}$$ where $\mathbf{G}(\overrightarrow{x})$ is a 3 × 3 matrix of basis functions, and $\mathbf{\theta} = \{{\overrightarrow{p}}_{i}\}$ are control points in 3D. For given interpolation/approximation conditions, the coefficients ${\overrightarrow{c}}_{i}$ are determined from a linear system of equations (see \[[@B18], [@B22]\]). As with TPS, we define control points ***θ*** on a regular 2D grid. The 3D displacements of control points serve as DOFs and specify an interpolating/approximating GEBS deformation. We characterize the smoothness of GEBS deformation by the same energy functional *E* ~*T*~ (TPS bending energy), which is commonly used in registration \[[@B19], [@B23]\]. An analytic expression for *E* ~*T*~ is not readily available; therefore, we compute it numerically, approximating partial derivatives by finite difference schemes. ### 2.2.4. B-Spline Free-Form Deformation Field {#sec2.2.4} Free-form deformation (FFD) using 3D tensor product of cubic B-splines is described in \[[@B19]\] and is generalized in \[[@B24]\]. We define a 3D FFD of a 2D domain as $$\begin{matrix} {\overrightarrow{T}\left( x,{\,\,}y,{\,\,}\mathbf{\theta} \right) = \left( {x,{\,\,}y,{\,\,}0} \right)^{\prime} + \sum\limits_{i = 0}^{L - 1}\,\sum\limits_{j = 0}^{M - 1}\beta_{3}\left( \frac{x}{h} - i \right)\beta_{3}\left( \frac{y}{h} - j \right){\overrightarrow{c}}_{i,{\,\,}j},{\,\,}} \\ \end{matrix}$$ where $\mathbf{\theta} = \{{\overrightarrow{c}}_{i,{\,\,}j}\}$ variables are 3D displacements of control points in a 2D *L* × *M* grid that has regular spacing *h* and *β* ~3~ denotes the cubic B-spline basis function \[[@B25]\]. Four main distinctions of a B-spline FFD are noted below: (1) in contrast to TPS or GEBS, where each control point contributes globally, FFD is locally controlled, that is, each control point affects only its local neighborhood of 16 grid tiles; (2) FFD does not require solving a linear system for computing weights from displacements; (3) for B-splines, control points must be placed in a regular grid, and must enclose the domain boundaries ("closed grid"), whereas for TPS or GEBS control points can, in principle, be arbitrarily placed inside the domain, and a grid can have open boundaries ("open grid"); consequently, for the same domain size and grid spacing, FFD will have a larger number of control points and DOFs; (4) unlike TPS and interpolating GEBS, a surface warped by FFD does not necessarily pass through the displaced control points (see properties of *β* ~3~ in \[[@B25]\]). We regularize B-spline FFD with the same TPS bending energy functional, which can be efficiently computed from analytical expression, because B-spline derivatives have local support. 2.3. Cost Function Similarity Measures {#sec2.3} -------------------------------------- Our registration framework provides a flexible selection of cost function similarity measure: $$\begin{aligned} \text{SSD} & {:S_{\text{SSD}}\left( {I_{1},{\,\,}I_{2}} \right) = - \frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{i}\left( {I_{1}\left( i \right) - I_{2}\left( i \right)} \right)^{2},{\,\,}} \\ \text{CC} & {:S_{\text{CC}}\left( {I_{1},{\,\,}I_{2}} \right) = \frac{\sum_{i}\left( I_{1}\left( i \right) - \left\langle I_{1} \right\rangle \right)\left( I_{2}\left( i \right) - \left\langle I_{2} \right\rangle \right)}{\sqrt{\sum_{i}\left( {I_{1}\left( i \right) - \left\langle I_{1} \right\rangle} \right)^{2}\sum_{i}\left( {I_{2}\left( i \right) - \left\langle I_{2} \right\rangle} \right)^{2}}},{\,\,}} \\ \text{MI} & {:S_{\text{MI}}\left( {I_{1},{\,\,}I_{2}} \right) = H\left( I_{1} \right) + H\left( I_{2} \right) - H\left( {I_{1},{\,\,}I_{2}} \right),{\,\,}} \\ \text{NMI} & {:S_{\text{NMI}}\left( {I_{1},{\,\,}I_{2}} \right) = \frac{2S_{\text{MI}}}{H\left( I_{1} \right) + H\left( I_{2} \right)},{\,\,}} \\ {\text{NM}\text{I}_{1}} & {:S_{\text{NM}\text{I}_{1}}\left( {I_{1},{\,\,}I_{2}} \right) = \frac{H\left( I_{1} \right) + H\left( I_{2} \right)}{H\left( I_{1},{\,\,}I_{2} \right)},{\,\,}} \\ \text{LC} & {:S_{\text{LC}}\left( {I_{1},{\,\,}I_{2}} \right)} \\ & {= \frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{j}\frac{\left( {\sum_{i \in n(j)}\left( {I_{1}\left( i \right) - \left\langle I_{1} \right\rangle_{j}} \right)\left( {I_{2}\left( i \right) - \left\langle I_{2} \right\rangle_{j}} \right)} \right)^{2}}{\sum_{i \in n(j)}\left( {I_{1}\left( i \right) - \left\langle I_{1} \right\rangle_{j}} \right)^{2}\sum_{i \in n(j)}\left( {I_{2}\left( i \right) - \left\langle I_{2} \right\rangle_{j}} \right)^{2}},{\,\,}} \\ \text{RC} & {:S_{\text{RC}}\left( {I_{1},{\,\,}I_{2}} \right) = S_{CC}\left( {{\text{Rank}}\left( I_{1} \right),{\,\,}{\text{Rank}}\left( I_{2} \right)} \right),{\,\,}} \\ \text{CR} & {:S_{\text{CR}}\left( {I_{1}\, \mid \, I_{2}} \right) = \frac{{Var}\left( {E\left( {I_{1}\, \mid \, I_{2}} \right)} \right){\,\,}}{{Var}\left( I_{1} \right)},{\,\,}} \\ \end{aligned}$$ where *N* is the number of pixels in *Ω*, *H*(*X*) and *H*(*X*, *Y*) correspond to the entropy and joint entropy, *E*(*X* \| *Y*) is the conditional expectation of *X* in terms of *Y*, *n*(*j*) is the local neighborhood of *j*th voxel, and brackets 〈〉 denote averaging. The listed similarity measures are: sum of squared differences (SSD) \[[@B26]\], Pearson\'s correlation coefficient (CC) \[[@B27]\], mutual information (MI) and normalized MI (NMI) \[[@B28]\], overlap-invariant NMI (NMI~1~) \[[@B29]\], local correlation (LC) \[[@B30]\], Spearman\'s rank correlation coefficient (RC) \[[@B31]\], and correlation ratio (CR) \[[@B32]\]. The similarity measures can be ordered with respect to assumed optimal relationship between image intensities, from more restrictive to less restrictive assumption: SSD (additive Gaussian noise), CC (globally linear relationship), LC (linear transfer functions for small patches), RC (some monotonic relationship), CR (some functional dependence), and MI-NMI (statistical dependence). The choice of a similarity measure for a particular registration application depends not only on relationship between imaging modalities, but also on other factors, like robustness with respect to outliers/image defects, computational cost, sensitivity, statistical consistency (adequate sampling size), presence of local maxima, and availability of analytical derivatives for derivative-based optimization. 2.4. Optimization {#sec2.4} ----------------- The optimal transformation is sought by numerical multidimensional nonlinear optimization. For our geometric transformations, the total number of optimization variables is *N* ~opt~ = *N* ~aln~ + 3*N* ~cp~, where *N* ~aln~ is equal to nine or six for Procrustes or rigid transformation, respectively, and *N* ~cp~ is the number of the control points in a 2D grid that defines a spline deformation model. Our registration framework provides modular selection of optimization algorithms. The following derivative-free optimizers are included: New Unconstrained Optimization Algorithm (NEWUOA) \[[@B33]\], Powell\'s Direction Set (PDS) method \[[@B31]\], Nelder-Mead\'s Downhill Simplex \[[@B31]\], Genetic \[[@B34]\], and Differential Evolution (DE) \[[@B35]\] algorithm (see \[[@B36]--[@B39]\] for more details on some of these algorithms in medical image registration). For the SSD similarity measure and B-spline deformation field combination only, two derivative-based optimizers are implemented: Conjugate Gradient (CG) \[[@B31]\] and Levenberg-Marquardt-(LM-) type \[[@B31]\] algorithm (see \[[@B24], [@B37], [@B40]\] for more details on LM in registration applications). The registration framework also allows for an evaluation of different optimization strategies: multiresolution and/or multistage optimization schemes. A multiresolution scheme \[[@B36]\] proceeds through several stages, from coarser to finer resolution, for example, on a Gaussian pyramid of input images. A multistage scheme partitions the optimization into several sequential stages, each stage being focused on a particular aspect of the problem such as initialization, a subset of optimization variables, a particular cost function, or a certain optimizer. For example, a two-stage scheme can combine global optimization of rigid alignment by DE and local optimization of deformation DOFs by PDS or NEWUOA. 3. Experiments and Result Discussion {#sec3} ==================================== 3.1. Data and Preprocessing {#sec3.1} --------------------------- High-resolution MR images of an isolated left brain hemisphere fixated in 4% paraformaldehyde were acquired postmortem on a Bruker 3T Medspec 100 system equipped with a bird cage quadrature coil, using *T* ~1~-weighted 3D MDEFT protocol (FOV 179.2 × 89.6 × 179.2 mm, matrix 512 × 256 × 256, voxel size 0.35 × 0.35 × 0.7 mm^3^, scanning time 12 h). The white-grey matter contrast of the MR images is inverted due to fixation in formalin, which makes it similar to the contrast in histological images (see [Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}). After MRI scanning, the brain sample was cut on a macrotome into ten coronal blocks, each approx. 1.5 cm thick in sagittal direction. Blocks were frozen to −80°C, and up to five sections were cut from the face of each block using cryomicrotome. The 50 *μ*m-thick slices were washed in 30% sucrose in sodium phosphate buffer (PBS), glass-mounted, stained for myelin with Sudan Black B, and scanned on a flat-bed scanner at 2000dpi resolution (12.7 *μ*m/pix). The MR image was preprocessed to correct for intensity inhomogeneities, and converted to the isotropic resolution of 0.35 mm^3^. Histological images were converted to an 8-bit grey-scale intensity range (0 to 255), and resampled to match MRI spatial resolution; the bright background was suppressed by setting intensities above 240 to zero. A continuous model of the discrete MR image was built with the fourth degree B-spline interpolation \[[@B25]\]. Registration experiments were applied to histological slices from eight distinct blocks of the brain sample. Because both histology and MR images originated from a formalin-fixated brain, there was no global shrinkage/swelling to account for, therefore a rigid transformation was used in the alignment part *𝒯* ~aln~ (scaling was disabled). The software was developed in C++ in a Linux environment; running times are reported on a 2.4 GHz Athlon-64 CPU with 2 GB RAM. 3.2. Initialization and Choice of Parameters {#sec3.2} -------------------------------------------- This subsection explains how initial conditions and parameter values were chosen. Initial conditions specify the starting vector of optimization variables. Initial values for translation $\overrightarrow{\tau}$ and rotation $\overrightarrow{\alpha}$ were first determined approximately by a human observer, and were further refined by a sequence of fast rigid registrations sampling the diagonals of the $\overrightarrow{\tau}$, $\overrightarrow{\alpha}$ DOF space; they were also confirmed by global optimization with DE algorithm. The deformation field was always initialized to zero displacements of the control points, that is, no deformation. The right choice of deformation energy penalty weight *β* ([Section 2.1](#sec2.1){ref-type="sec"}) is very important for high-quality nonrigid registration results. If *β* is too low, the deformation is not penalized, and a higher value of intensity similarity measure can be reached at the expense of unrealistic deformations, producing clearly visible artifacts and distortions in the registered image. If *β* is too large, then deformation is suppressed, and registration approaches the rigid alignment. A suitable value of *β* has been established experimentally: the similarity measure and bending energy of registered images were plotted as a function of *β*,  and the value of *β* was picked from an interval that was preceding a sharp rise in bending energy, and where the similarity measure was flat. The value of *β* = 0.1 has been chosen for our experiments reported below. Control point grid spacing influences both the spatial scale of control over deformation, and the dimensionality *N* ~opt~ of the optimization problem. A coarser grid does not model local deformations at a smaller scale, but is easier for the optimizer. Finer grids allow fine-tuning of deformation, but may be very difficult for optimization. As an empirical trade-off between an increase in registration time and an improvement of similarity measure, the grid spacing of 15 and 20 pixels has been chosen for histological image area below and above 40,000 square pixels, respectively. 3.3. Metaoptimization {#sec3.3} --------------------- Choosing the right similarity measure for intensity-based registration can be challenging. Although some arguments in favor of a certain similarity measure can be based solely on image modalities (e.g., SSD or NMI is a typical choice in intra- or intermodal registration, resp.), the best cost function has to be determined experimentally. We test different cost functions and evaluate registration results by computing (post registration) the *cumulative similarity measure* SM as a sum of seven coefficients: CC, LC, RC, CR, NMI, NMI~1~, and Dice\'s coefficient (DC) on segmented cortical ribbon (intensity thresholds of 185 and 150 were chosen to segment the grey matter ribbon in histological and registered MR slices, resp.). A comparison on any single similarity measure may be biased towards the underlying assumption of functional/statistical relationship. We argue that the cumulative measure represents a "consensus vote" if, on average, all individual similarity measures are consistent, that is, they may disagree on quantity but do not contradict each other qualitatively. Such cumulative similarity measure is aimed at "unbiased" and "smoothed" comparison of cost function performances, when the ground truth evaluation, either based on reliable landmarks or on prior knowledge, is not feasible. For a particular slice-to-volume nonrigid registration task, it is not clear a priori what is the best: (1) optimization strategy, (2) cost function, (3) deformation model, and more practically, (4) what is the best combination of the above three? These questions are left open to experimental confirmation. Therefore, the goal of *"metaoptimization"* is to find the best combination of *"metadimensions"* (a cost function, a deformation model, and an optimization strategy) within our framework. Our framework has open building blocks that may be freely combined and tested. Since it is not practical to exhaustively test all possible combinations of implemented models and algorithms, the combination is optimized in a series of "line searches" along one metadimension at a time. For example, first, performance of optimization algorithms is compared using TPS-and CC-based cost function, next performance of cost functions with various similarity measures is compared using the best optimizer from the first step and keeping TPS, then different deformation models are compared using the best cost function and optimizer, and finally, multiresolution/multistage schemes are evaluated for the best performing combinations. 3.4. Comparison of Optimizers {#sec3.4} ----------------------------- The first series of experiments addresses the following question: which optimization algorithms are robust and perform well in nonrigid and/or rigid registration? The goal is to identify candidates for further use in multistage/multiresolution optimization schemes and for sampling along the remaining metadimensions (cost functions, deformation models). Rigid registration is the easiest test for an optimizer, while nonrigid registration (full resolution, single-stage) is the hardest test. Rigid and nonrigid registrations were performed on our data using six optimization algorithms: NEWUOA, PDS, Simplex, Genetic, DE, and CG. All cases used CC cost function and TPS (N/A to rigid case), except for CG, which is implemented only for SSD and B-Splines. The results of rigid and nonrigid registrations are compared across optimization algorithms in [Table 1](#tab1){ref-type="table"}. The registration quality is evaluated by three criteria listed in order of priority: (1) the cumulative similarity SM, (2) the bending energy *E* ~*T*~ (N/A to rigid case), and (3) the running time. Best results should have maximal SM with constrained bending energy and a reasonably low running time. In the easiest optimization task, rigid registration, two optimizers stand out as winners: NEWUOA (total SM 39.099) and DE (total SM 39.245), but DE runs much longer (total time 125.9 min versus 1.1 min). In the hardest test, single-stage nonrigid registration, some optimizers fail to find a plausible solution: Simplex optimization does not finish in more than two days, while Genetic and DE evolutionary algorithms fail to converge to an optimum (note large bending energy at low SM values). Two algorithms, NEWUOA and PDS, manage to find a solution that is better than rigid registration, and NEWUOA results are clearly the best in terms of all three criteria. Based on these findings, NEWUOA is identified as the top performer for our slice-to-volume nonrigid registration task. As evident from the table, different optimizers do not find the same solution. The slice-to-volume registration problem is underdetermined; despite a deformation model regularization and a smoothness constraint, there are multiple locally optimal solutions that are close to each other. Also, the results are not uniform across input slices (see columns with block \# 1--8): registration of some slices takes considerably longer time. For this reason, the table includes detailed results for each block, instead of just the summary column. The results are so different not only because of differences in the size of images and control point grids, but also because of different image content. A cost function multidimensional landscape is unique in each case of a histological image; some cases are more difficult to optimize because of many local minima due to noise and local matches. In order to simplify the nonrigid optimization task, it was divided into stages optimizing alignment and deformation DOFs separately. Each stage in a two-stage scheme employs the NEWUOA. Better results are obtained if the second stage is also allowed to optimize the translation $\overrightarrow{\tau}$ variables (it should be intuitively expected because the position of the deformed surface in 3D is fine-tuned in a second stage). A two-stage scheme works better (total SM 46.109 in [Table 2](#tab2){ref-type="table"} versus 45.233 in [Table 1](#tab1){ref-type="table"}) and faster (total time 69.2 versus 139.4 min). We conclude that the NEWUOA optimizer provides a clear advantage in our problem for both rigid and nonrigid cases; two-stage scheme provides a further improvement. 3.5. Evaluation of Cost Functions {#sec3.5} --------------------------------- The second series of experiments addresses the question: which cost function\' similarity measure performs best in the nonrigid registration exemplified by TPS deformation and the two-stage NEWUOA optimization scheme? Experiments were performed on our data using six cost functions with the following similarity measures: CC, CR, LC, RC, NMI, and SSD. The results of cost function evaluation are presented in [Table 2](#tab2){ref-type="table"}. Two cost functions, CC and SSD, stand out as top performers, with SSD being slightly better in cumulative similarity but running slower on average. Even though SSD is computationally less expensive than CC, the number of cost function evaluations is typically larger with SSD compared to CC (total sum 48940 versus 38351), which indicates that SSD is a more difficult task for the optimizer. In our data, both imaging modalities have similar trimodal histograms that are closely matched by linear histogram expansion (see [Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}); this could explain in part why CC performs well. While in theory SSD is not optimal for different imaging modalities, in practice, SSD produces good results; this justifies using analytically simple SSD expression in derivative-based optimizers, as implemented in our CG and LM. NMI does not yield the best results, which may seem surprising in the light of NMI\'s popularity in cross-modality registration. This may be in part due to the "complexity" of its optimization landscape, which exhibits many "noisy" local minima and a narrower optimum (see \[[@B14]\]). Traditionally, these problems are rectified by a multiresolution approach, therefore the NMI cost function is revisited in [Section 3.7](#sec3.7){ref-type="sec"}. Another plausible explanation refers to problems with statistical consistency of NMI (see \[[@B41]\]), given small sample size of the 2D image. NMI becomes less reliable and loses statistical consistency if used with images of small size, because it estimates the joint distribution of intensity values from a 2D histogram, and for small images, the number of samples may be insufficient for a robust estimate. Consequently, the number of bins in the histogram becomes an important parameter. Our implementation of NMI can have 256, 128, or 64 bins in the histogram; coarser binning has shown better performance, which agrees with the statistical consistency issue. CR, LC, and RC cost functions return good results that, however, are not superior to CC nor SSD. In case of LC and RC, the running time is significantly longer, as expected due to their computational cost. Based on these findings, we choose the "speedy" CC cost function for further tests with NEWUOA. 3.6. Comparison of Deformation Models {#sec3.6} ------------------------------------- The next series of experiments addresses the question: which model of the deformation field ensures the optimal performance? The three deformation models in our framework are all built with smooth splines on a regular grid of control points, but they differ in underlying "physical" properties, computational costs, and (for B-splines) optimization dimensionalities. All three deformation models have been tested on our data in the context of CC cost function and NEWUOA two-stage optimization scheme. The results are shown in [Table 3](#tab3){ref-type="table"}, where rigid registration results are also included for baseline reference. The SM and *E* ~*T*~ results show a close tie between all three models, with B-Spline FFD quality being slightly better (higher similarity and lower energy) on all eight data blocks. As for the running speed, registration with TPS model is clearly the fastest (see [Section 4](#sec4){ref-type="sec"} for discussion). 3.7. Multiresolution Optimization {#sec3.7} --------------------------------- The final round of experiments addresses the following questions: can a multiresolution scheme further improve the so far identified best performing combination NEWUOA/TPS/CC? Are there any other "overlooked" combinations whose performances peak in multiresolution setting? Multiresolution schemes are evaluated for four specific combinations: (1) NEWUOA with TPS and CC, (2) NEWUOA with TPS and NMI, (3) NEWUOA with B-splines and SSD, and (4) LM with B-splines and SSD. Each multiresolution scheme consists of four stages: rigid alignment at coarse resolution using NEWUOA (even in LM case), followed by three stages of nonrigid registration at progressive levels of a Gaussian pyramid (progressive smoothing with the 2D or 3D Gaussian kernel, size = 7 and *σ* = 2.0), from coarse to full resolution, with rotational DOFs being disabled (tests showed that performance was worse if rotational DOFs were enabled). The results are presented in [Table 4](#tab4){ref-type="table"}. The scheme with NEWUOA, TPS, and CC returns slightly better similarity value compared to the two-stage case (refer to [Table 2](#tab2){ref-type="table"}), but on average runs twice as slow. The NEWUOA/TPS/NMI scheme, which was tested with the expectation that it would rectify the NMI optimization landscape, does improve the result, yet not quite reaching the level attained by CC cost function, but on average runs almost three times slower. The third scheme NEWUOA/B-spline/SSD, which was included as a reference for the LM-based entry, reaches highest values of SM, but does it very slowly in most cases. The number of cost function evaluations was almost ten times higher than in the first case (total sum 623772 versus 68772). This is explained by larger number of control points and DOFs required for B-spline FFD, as was already mentioned in [Section 2.2.4](#sec2.2.4){ref-type="sec"}. The last entry in the table, the LM/B-spline/SSD scheme, performs certainly better than the single-stage full resolution LM, which failed to converge in our tests, and better than the two-stage LM (not listed in the tables; total SM 44.649, total running time 67.5 min), but its running time is much longer. While it runs faster than NEWUOA/B-spline/SSD (total time 365.6 versus 1987.1 min), it is slower than the first scheme, NEWUOA/TPS/CC (total time 135.2 min). In terms of cost function and gradient/Hessian evaluations (total sums 3446 and 898, resp.), LM scheme seems to converge in fewer iterations than NEWUOA/TPS/CC (total sum 68772), but evaluations of gradient and Hessian are much more costly. To summarize the results for our data, the best combination of image similarity (subject to deformation constraint) and registration speed is obtained with two-stage NEWUOA optimization scheme, TPS deformation model, and CC cost function. In some cases, for example, for slices in blocks 1, 6, and 8, a minor improvement can be achieved by a multiresolution scheme, without incurring a significant extra running time. 3.8. Registered Images {#sec3.8} ---------------------- Examples of eight histological slices and registered MR images are given in Figures [3](#fig3){ref-type="fig"} and [4](#fig4){ref-type="fig"}. Images in the middle column correspond to rigid registration with NEWUOA and CC cost function. Images in the right column are from nonrigid registration with two-stage NEWUOA, TPS, and CC cost function. Rigid registration results look rather similar to histological images on the left---clearly a pay-off from refining the initial conditions (see [Section 3.2](#sec3.2){ref-type="sec"}) and choosing a good optimizer (see [Table 1](#tab1){ref-type="table"}), since our earlier results were not quite as good. A visual inspection shows that in all slices, nonrigidly registered images have some small regions that more closely resemble histological sections. While rigid registration, which runs much faster, may seem sufficient at the level of gross morphology or white matter regions, nonrigid registration may become essential at the small detail level, for example when matching of cortical ribbons is desired. We evaluate where and how nonrigid registration was important with the help of difference images. Although difference images are not strictly applicable to cross-modality registration, a large difference of intensities is very likely to pin-point a registration error, if intensity distributions are reasonably close. The cross-modality difference images in Figures [5](#fig5){ref-type="fig"} and [6](#fig6){ref-type="fig"} show the absolute difference between histological and registered MR images, where intensities of the latter are scaled by the factor of 1.22 to match the dynamic range of the former. The same-modality difference images in the right column show the absolute difference between rigidly and nonrigidly registered MR images, without any intensity scaling. Please recall from [Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"} that intensity peaks of grey matter (GM) and white matter (WM) on histological images stand apart by more than approximately 100 units. Therefore, if a difference image scores a pixel with value more than 100, such a pixel is very likely to correspond to GM/WM mismatch. We computed the percentage of mismatch area on difference images thresholded above 100. [Table 5](#tab5){ref-type="table"} compares rigid and nonrigid registrations in terms of this measure. For all slices, the mismatch area is smaller in the case of nonrigid registration. 4. Discussion {#sec4} ============= The proposed algorithmic framework has the following advantages. (a) It allows registration of individual, sparsely spaced histological sections. (b) It models nonplanar cross-sections by a smooth surface warped in 3D space. (c) It combines 3D aligning and warping transformation in a flexible optimization scheme. While the framework appears to have a component structure that is pretty general for image registration, it is specialized for the slice-to-volume registration because (1) it offers deformation models particularly suitable for a 2D-to-3D transformation and (2) it has an emphasis on flexible selection of cost functions and optimization strategies, for which slice-to-volume registration problems are known to be particularly demanding \[[@B12]--[@B14]\]. TPS and GEBS are well-known techniques in point-landmark registration, but here they are used in a novel way for parametrization of a free form (smooth) deformation in a completely different context of intensity-based registration. While the reconstruction of a histology volume from serial sections is a well-established procedure, it requires expertise and specialized equipment and is costly and time-consuming. Individual, sparsely spaced histological sections may be more readily available from a nonspecialized histology lab; therefore, the registration method enables a wider range of histological-to-MRI evaluation and validation experiments, that otherwise could not afford a full-scale serial sectioning procedure. Proper histological protocols and careful handling of specimen are very important to minimize the slice deformation, and in some cases rigid registration may be sufficient, for example, when matching gross-morphology or regions of white matter. In most cases, however, it is desirable to recover deformations of complex local and global nature, so the modeling of nonplanar cross-sections is sought. Kim et al. \[[@B3]\] applied a polynomial deformation model, which captures global deformation in 3D. In their study, MRI of the brain was performed before autopsy and fixation. Global deformations occur when the brain sample is extracted, and fixation in formalin causes global shrinkage of the specimen, therefore a global deformation model is well justified. In our framework, we also implemented a second- and a third-order polynomial models similar to those in \[[@B3]\], but they did not yield any improvement over rigid registration, because in our data the postmortem MRI was performed after autopsy and fixation. Our deformation model goes a step further to account for local displacements, but it may also be easily combined with a polynomial model of global deformation, if needed. In general, registration approaches must be tailored to a specific problem at hand: there is no single registration algorithm that suits all needs. Likewise, we cannot declare our registration problem as "solved" and "closed," and future applications are likely to require modifications of the algorithms. In this light, flexible optimization schemes constitute an advantage of our framework, since different strategies and combinations can be tested and compared. This seems to be particularly important for slice-to-volume registration, whose performance shows greater dependence on the input images, compared to typical 3D-to-3D MRI registration. Our finding that correlation coefficient cost function works better than other similarity measures may seem surprising and contradictory to the mainstream. After all, CC use is traditionally restricted to intramodal registration, and NMI is usually preferred in intermodal registration (although there is no proof that NMI is in any way optimal \[[@B42]\]). Here, we reiterate possible explanations of why CC works better in our case: (1) although registered images originate from different modalities, the correlation coefficient-based cost function may be efficiently used in cases where histograms are similar (see [Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}); (2) the use of a NMI-based cost function with small input images suffers from statistical inconsistency; (3) CC cost function has a \"smoother\" optimization landscape, which is less demanding on the optimizer. The SSD cost function works well for similar reasons. The fact that registration with TPS model is the fastest, may also appear counterintuitive. The computational cost of TPS is usually considered to be high and prohibitive for practical applications with large number of landmarks or control points \[[@B19]\]. However, some aspects of the computational cost may be efficiently handled by trading memory space for computation time: by iteratively reusing the decomposition of the linear system, and by tabulating RBFs at all pixel positions. This way, a speedup of factor 24 is achieved. In our experiments, TPSs are computed on grids of 100--200 control points. The computational cost may be further reduced by using approximating TPS \[[@B20]\], but in that case there is no closed form expression for the bending energy. An efficient computation of the TPS bending energy is one computational advantage of TPS versus GEBS, where the bending energy integral has to be computed numerically. In the case of GEBS, the basis functions can also be precomputed, therefore more complex expressions do not translate to extra running time, but we found that the TPS linear system has better numerical stability properties compared to GEBS. LU-decomposition of the linear system was used for TPS, whereas we chose to use singular value decomposition (SVD) for solving GEBS linear system (see \[[@B31]\]). LU-decomposition is typically faster than SVD; this also explains why registration with TPS model is faster than GEBS. These arguments do not apply to the explanation of why B-spline model works slower, since it does not require solving any linear system, and the bending energy integral can be efficiently computed with locally supported derivatives of B-spline functions. In the case of B-spline deformation model, slower performance is mainly due to the larger dimensionality of the optimization task. It may be argued that, instead of control point displacements, the TPS or GEBS weight coefficients themselves could be used as DOFs/optimization variables: this would eliminate the need to solve a linear system for weight coefficients, and thus reduce the computational cost. Although it is equivalent to a linear transformation of the search space, nonlinear optimization problems are not invariant under such transformations. We verified experimentally with both TPS and GEBS that it would result in a much higher optimization cost and convergence issues. Multiresolution LM optimization strategy proved to be very successful in cross-modality affine registration of 3D volumes \[[@B37]\], where a cost function naturally does not have any bending energy term. The combination of multiresolution approach with an LM-type optimization and cosine basis function deformation field is also known to work well in SPM toolkit nonrigid registration of smoothed MR images \[[@B40]\]. There, SSD-based cost function does not include bending energy penalty; instead, the deformation is regularized by Maximum a Posteriory (MAP) estimation with an ad hoc model assuming multinormal distribution of parameters. In our case, explicit bending energy term not only makes the programming of gradient and Hessian routines a tedious and time-consuming task, but also adds to the computational cost of each update iteration in LM. We recognize the fact that performance and running times of an optimization algorithm may be heavily dependent on implementation; therefore, proven state-of-the-art implementations were used in our framework whenever possible. In-house implementation of some algorithms, for example, LM and CG, might be less efficient, which could affect the running times. At the same time, the necessity of a custom implementation of these algorithms for a particular cost function and deformation model argues against them and makes the comparison fair. The validation of registration results is problematic in the absence of a ground truth reference and reliable landmarks. Manual selection of landmarks is difficult and imprecise, especially in the case of mixed 2D and 3D images. Complementary to evaluation by a range of intensity-based similarity measures, we attempted to evaluate registration accuracy by 3D matching of automatically detected sulcal landmarks. Sulcal lines of maximal depth (*sulcal fundi* or *sulcal bottom lines*) were automatically extracted in 3D by the procedure described in \[[@B43]\]. A similar procedure was developed in 2D, extracting *sulcal bottom points*. The position of each bottom point was transformed in 3D according to the geometric transformation (alignment and deformation) recovered by our registration algorithm, and a 3D distance to the bottom lines was computed. For each registered slice, the maximal, the minimal, and the average distances with the standard deviation were computed. We compared these average distances for rigid and nonrigid registrations but did not find any statistically significant difference. Since there is a clear visual distinction between rigid and nonrigid registration results, confirmed by similarity measures, one possibility is that the bottom line/bottom point landmark detection and matching method is not sensitive enough to detect it. Another possibility is that main differences are outside of sulcal fundi, which are well matched, and gyral contour or edge landmarks should be tried instead. Validation of our registration results by automatic landmark detection remains an open topic. The described method has useful potential for various applications in mapping of brain histology to 3D imaging. Applications include (a) compiling computerized 2D-3D atlases of rodent and human brains, (b) comparing histology with MRI for a better characterization of MRI-detectable (and potentially, MRI-invisible) pathological signs, and (c) seeking for a ground truth reference to validate our neocortical parcellation results \[[@B5], [@B6]\]. This approach narrows the gap between the macroscopic scale in MRI and the microscopic scale of histological examination. With further improvement of performance, the slice-to-volume registration framework may also find useful applications beyond histology: in areas where rigid registration is used for speed, up to this point, but where a nonrigid registration may be beneficial, for example, in planning of MR scans, or in intraoperative registration of single slices from FluoroCT, CineMR, or iMRI to 3D preoperative scans. In current implementation, nonrigid registration of a single slice takes on the order of several minutes and is likely to be too slow for intraoperative applications, but the rigid registration scheme with NEWUOA is robust and sufficiently fast, and we believe that it deserves the attention of research in the medical field. The authors would like to thank professors Th. Arendt and M. K. Brückner (Paul-Flechsig-Institut für Hirnforschung, Leipzig) for providing the specimen and professor C. J. Wiggins (MPI für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, Leipzig) for MRI acquisition, under project C15 supported by a grant from the Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Klinische Forschung (IZKF), University of Leipzig. The authors gratefully acknowledge three anonymous reviewers for their critiques and helpful suggestions, which have led to substantial improvement of the paper. ![Histological section (a) and MR image (b).](ARI2011-287860.001){#fig1} ![Density of intensity distribution (solid line: histology, dashed line: MRI).](ARI2011-287860.002){#fig2} ![Example of registered images (block 1--4, top to bottom) (images not to scale).](ARI2011-287860.003){#fig3} ![Example of registered images (block 5--8, top to bottom) (images not to scale).](ARI2011-287860.004){#fig4} ![Difference images (block 1--4, top to bottom) (images not to scale).](ARI2011-287860.005){#fig5} ![Difference images (block 1--8, top to bottom) (images not to scale).](ARI2011-287860.006){#fig6} ###### Single-stage full resolution registration results for six optimizers (NEWUOA, Powell\'s Direction Set, Simplex, Genetic, Differential Evolution, and Conjugate Gradient). Rigid and nonrigid registration results are given in successive rows. Each registration result is presented by the cumulative similarity measure SM, the bending energy *E* ~*T*~ (nonrigid only), and the running time *T* in minutes. Columns 1--8 are for eight slices from eight distinct blocks of the brain sample. The last column is the sum of 1--8. Values referenced in the text are in boldface. Optimizer Reg Var∖Blk\# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $\Sigma_{1}^{8}$ ----------- ------- ----------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------- ------------ ------------------ NEWUOA Rigid SM 5.321 5.583 5.265 4.613 4.234 4.188 4.980 4.917 **39.099** *T* (min) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 **1.1** TPS SM 6.031 6.129 5.345 5.764 5.330 5.244 5.708 5.682 **45.233** *E*~*T*~ 4.4 2.5 15.3 9.6 8.1 11.8 4.2 5.0 60.9 *T* (min) 0.66 7.83 40 14.3 25 25 23 3.6 **139.4** PDS Rigid SM 4.336 4.431 3.944 3.457 3.533 4.177 4.100 4.055 32.034 *T* (min) 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.2 3.3 TPS SM 6.026 5.867 5.628 5.218 4.984 5.414 5.253 5.425 **43.814** *E*~*T*~ 4 5.6 11.1 22.0 14.6 9.4 12.2 6.4 85.4 *T* (min) 15.5 164.3 486.7 363 473 490.5 334.5 82.8 2410.3 Simplex Rigid SM 4.705 4.389 4.223 3.358 3.552 4.134 3.800 4.432 32.592 *T* (min) 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 2.2 TPS SM 5.740 --- --- --- --- --- --- 5.138 10.877 *E*~*T*~ 9.3 --- --- --- --- --- --- 7.3 16.6 *T* (min) 95.3 3000+ 3000+ 3000+ 3000+ 3000+ 3000+ 1977 20000+ Genetic Rigid SM 3.926 3.492 3.104 3.370 3.372 4.146 4.099 4.397 29.907 *T* (min) 3.5 8.5 12.6 15.9 17.5 19.3 17.8 6.4 101.4 TPS SM 3.904 3.268 2.847 3.350 2.729 3.029 3.266 3.188 25.581 *E*~*T*~ 141.8 1019.9 2396.0 649.5 908.2 913.8 670.3 579.2 7278.7 *T* (min) 6.7 28.3 51.1 55 64 64.5 55.7 18.3 343.6 DE Rigid SM 5.320 5.580 5.266 4.616 4.233 4.189 4.980 5.061 **39.245** *T* (min) 4.2 10.5 15.0 19.9 22.6 23.1 22.0 8.6 **125.9** TPS SM 2.318 1.733 2.353 2.581 2.610 2.605 2.724 2.318 19.241 *E*~*T*~ 859.4 4104.2 7101.0 2522.9 3006.5 2909.6 2429.8 2628.8 25562.0 *T* (min) 8.7 35.6 64.5 64.5 82 83 71.3 24.3 433.9 CG Rigid SM 3.587 4.259 4.523 3.451 3.774 4.163 4.117 3.990 31.863 *T* (min) 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.9 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.2 2.2 B-SPL SM 4.042 4.181 4.520 3.417 3.799 4.201 4.136 4.067 32.363 *E*~*T*~ 2.7 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.4 3.9 *T* (min) 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.6 3.3 ###### Two-stage NEWUOA registration results for six cost functions (correlation coefficient, correlation ratio, local correlation, rank correlation, Maes\' normalized mutual information with 64 bins, and sum of squared differences). Each registration result is presented by the cumulative similarity measure SM, the bending energy *E* ~*T*~, and the running time *T* in minutes. Columns 1--8 are for eight slices from eight distinct blocks of the brain sample. The last column is the sum of 1--8. Values referenced in the text are in boldface. CostFunc Var*∖*Blk no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $\Sigma_{1}^{8}$ ----------- --------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---------- ------------------ CC SM 6.056 6.124 5.941 5.814 5.349 5.261 5.688 5.876 **46.109** *E*~*T*~ 3.1 2.3 2.4 9.5 6.7 12.2 3.5 4.7 44.3 *T* (min) 0.7 4.5 12.1 9.0 10.4 22.0 6.9 3.5 **69.2** CR SM 6.029 6.125 5.941 5.421 5.397 5.249 5.773 5.871 45.808 *E*~*T*~ 4.3 2.3 4.4 18.7 11.6 24.2 8.9 9.2 83.6 *T* (min) 0.5 5.5 15.9 21.8 11.2 22.1 15.8 3.3 96.1 LC SM 5.215 6.150 5.250 5.806 5.306 5.217 5.713 5.681 44.338 *E*~*T*~ 23.6 3.9 19.7 10.5 6.6 14.8 5.1 6.3 90.5 *T* (min) 3.6 16.4 69.4 43.2 56.0 60.7 47.4 10.9 307.6 RC SM 5.958 6.064 5.379 5.806 5.389 5.221 5.687 5.71 45.215 *E*~*T*~ 3.3 4.2 12.7 8.1 7.4 11.4 3.4 6.5 56.9 *T* (min) 0.3 9.7 42.8 14.0 24.2 30.1 31.4 3.3 155.8 NMI SM 5.570 5.778 5.810 5.304 4.938 4.540 5.544 5.418 **42.901** *E*~*T*~ 6.9 5.7 7.1 8.6 6.7 5.5 6.0 5.1 51.7 *T* (min) 0.3 4.6 19.3 10.8 15.9 14.2 15.9 2.4 83.4 SSD SM 6.075 6.079 5.925 5.882 5.392 5.309 5.778 5.712 **46.152** *E*~*T*~ 4.1 6.2 4.3 12.2 10.6 19.7 7.7 10.3 75.1 *T* (min) 0.8 6.8 13.5 16.9 15.3 24.0S 16.6 2.6 **96.5** ###### Two-stage NEWUOA registration results for three deformation models (thin plate splines, Gaussian elastic body splines, and cubic B-splines). Rigid registration is also given for the reference. Each registration result is presented by the cumulative similarity measure SM, the bending energy *E* ~*T*~ (nonrigid only), and the running time *T* in minutes. Columns 1--8 are for eight slices from eight distinct blocks of the brain sample. The last column is the sum of 1--8. Values referenced in the text are in boldface. Transform Var⁡∖Blk no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $\Sigma_{1}^{8}$ ----------- -------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----------- ------------------ TPS SM 6.056 6.124 5.941 5.814 5.349 5.261 5.688 5.876 **46.109** *E*~*T*~ 3.1 2.3 2.4 9.5 6.7 12.2 3.5 4.7 44.3 *T*(min) 0.7 4.5 12.1 9.0 10.4 22.0 6.9 3.5 **69.2** GEBS SM 6.040 6.133 5.917 5.843 5.357 5.225 5.713 5.746 45.976 *E*~*T*~ 3.6 2.7 3.5 9.9 8.3 14.1 4.2 4.0 50.2 *T*(min) 1.3 9.3 26.0 46.6 45.9 70.3 27.8 1.7 228.8 B-SPL SM 6.073 6.145 5.953 5.866 5.422 5.278 5.761 5.894 **46.392** *E*~*T*~ 2.9 2.3 2.1 9.1 7.5 12.2 4.6 3.9 44.5 *T*(min) 13.3 31.0 306.7 189.3 99.1 133.1 166.5 23.5 **962.5** Rigid SM 5.321 5.581 5.265 4.613 4.234 4.188 4.979 4.917 39.098 *T*(min) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 1.2 ###### Registration results for four multiresolution schemes (see text for details; NEWUOA is abbreviated by NWA). Each registration result is presented by the cumulative similarity measure SM, the bending energy *E* ~*T*~ (nonrigid only), and the running time *T* in minutes. Columns 1--8 are for eight slices from eight distinct blocks of the brain sample. The last column is the sum of 1--8. Values referenced in the text are in boldface. Multires optim Var⁡∖Blk no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $\Sigma_{1}^{8}$ ---------------- -------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------------ NWA/TPS/CC SM 6.058 6.122 5.899 5.849 5.390 5.408 5.769 5.878 **46.373** *E*~*T*~ 2.7 2.0 2.2 8.9 7.0 9.5 5.6 4.7 42.5 *T* (min) 1.8 6.9 20.1 19.2 31.9 31.2 18.7 5.4 **135.2** NWA/TPS/NMI SM 5.992 6.113 5.863 5.400 5.031 4.755 5.622 5.471 44.248 *E*~*T*~ 6.2 5.4 5.3 6.5 6.1 5.3 5.3 4.7 44.9 *T* (min) 1.9 19.9 66.2 31.1 41.1 32.2 32.6 8.4 233.5 NWA/B-SPL/SSD SM 6.099 6.147 5.980 5.904 5.456 5.491 5.817 5.856 **46.750** *E*~*T*~ 4.3 3.2 4.0 11.7 9.7 15.8 7.9 10.7 67.3 *T* (min) 18.8 160.1 254.3 322.0 317.7 533.8 284.5 95.9 **1987.1** LM/B-SPL/SSD SM 6.095 6.145 5.948 5.902 5.201 5.468 5.814 5.783 **46.355** *E*~*T*~ 4.3 3.1 4.4 11.6 11.7 14.9 7.8 12.6 70.4 *T* (min) 3.8 20.8 91.5 57.1 26.1 95.0 57.2 14.3 **365.6** ###### Comparison of rigid and nonrigid TPS registration by mismatch area (%) computed on difference images thresholded above 100. Reg∖Blk\# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ----------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Rigid 0.073 0.049 0.053 0.096 0.106 0.136 0.077 0.106 TPS 0.009 0.011 0.018 0.024 0.035 0.063 0.037 0.035 [^1]: Academic Editor: Feng C. Zhou
Introduction ============ Rationale --------- The CAncer Risk and INsulin analoGues (CARING) project aims to assess the possible carcinogenic effect of insulin. As part of this project evaluation of the background risk of developing cancer in diabetes patients was performed in this systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetes Mellitus is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Diabetes is the 8^th^ leading cause of mortality in high-income countries; whereas colorectal and breast cancer are the 7^th^ and 10^th^ leading causes, respectively \[[@r1]\]. Associations between diabetes and cancer have already been established for specific cancer sites in several meta-analyses \[[@r2]-[@r23]\], however it is not known whether the observed associations were due to diabetes per sé or caused by competing risks. Associations between diabetes and cancer have been established by several meta-analyses including only studies of an observational design (case control and/or cohort). All meta-analyses reporting a significant increased risk among diabetes patients for pancreatic cancer between 1.8 to 2.1 \[[@r2]-[@r4]\] and liver cancer between 1.8 to 3.6 \[[@r5]-[@r8], [@r24]\]. Subgroup analyses stratified by gender or statistical adjustment for Body Mass Index (BMI), smoking and alcohol did not influence the risk for pancreatic cancer \[[@r2]\]. However, results were conflicting on whether a duration of diabetes of 10 years was associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer \[[@r2], [@r3]\], while duration of diabetes appeared not to influence risk of liver cancer \[[@r5]\]. Furthermore, diabetes treatment modulated the risk of liver cancer with greater risk estimates for insulin or sulfonylurea users than for metformin users \[[@r5]\]. Several observational studies have examined the relationship between diabetes and gastrointestinal cancers. Results were conflicting in the meta-analyses on gastric cancer \[[@r15],[@r16]\], while an increased risk of esophageal cancer was reported \[[@r13]\]. In addition, diabetes has been associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer \[[@r17]-[@r19], [@r21]-[@r23]\] after adjustment for BMI and smoking \[[@r20]\]. Both endometrial cancer \[[@r7]\] and breast cancer \[[@r25]-[@r28]\] were reported to be increased in diabetes, while prostate cancer was found to be decreased in men with diabetes by 10% \[[@r9],[@r10]\]. The association with prostate cancer was independent of BMI \[[@r10]\]. Diabetes was also associated with increased risk of kidney cancer \[[@r11]\] and bladder cancer \[[@r12]\]; however this last association was not significant when using estimates adjusted for BMI due to wider confidence intervals. Last of all an increased risk among diabetes patients for non-Hodgkin lymphoma and leukemia but not multiple myeloma has also been reported in a meta-analysis \[[@r14]\]. It is uncertain whether the relationship between diabetes and cancer is direct (e.g., due to hyperglycemia), whether diabetes is a marker of underlying biologic factors that alter cancer risk (e.g., insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia), or whether the association between diabetes and cancer is indirect and due to common risk factors such as obesity. Duration of diabetes has been found to be of importance in the development of cancer among insulin using type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients \[[@r29]\]; however whether cancer risk was influenced by the duration of diabetes is a critical and complex issue and may be complicated further by the multidrug therapy often necessary for diabetes treatment. The incidence of cancer increases with age, and as age increases with duration of diabetes, this may confound the association between diabetes and cancer. However, an association between diabetes and cancer was present for several cancer sites. Few studies take into account duration of diabetes, medication use or age of the participants. Furthermore, a meta-analysis reported an association between obesity and several cancer types including colorectal, kidney, breast and endometrial cancer, and also an independent association between obesity and T2D \[[@r30]\]. Therefore, it is important both to take obesity into account and to distinguish between type 1 diabetes (T1D) and T2D, which have not been done in previous reports. Except from Ge *et al.* \[[@r16]\] (using three databases), none of the meta-analyses described in the introduction have used more than two databases in their search (Medline at PubMed and Embase/ Medline at PubMed and Cochrane database of systematic reviews), and many only used Medline at PubMed leaving them with a possible publication bias. Objectives ---------- In an attempt to evaluate the risk of cancer in diabetes patients and taking possible determinants into account this thorough systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted. The primary objective was to study the effects of diabetes per sé, by collating observational studies that compared diabetes patients to non-diabetes. A secondary objective was to examine the effects that type of diabetes, body weight, metabolic control, diet as well as study design had on the risk of cancer. Methods ======= Protocol and Registration ------------------------- The systematic review and meta-analysis was developed according to the Cochrane Collaboration (http://www.cochr ane.org/training/cochrane-handbook), and PRISMA guidelines \[[@r31]\] (<http://www.prisma-statement.org/>) and was registered on PROSPERO (<http://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/>) with the registration number: CRD42012002310. Eligibility Criteria -------------------- The eligibility criteria for the studies were those studies that evaluated the association between diabetes and cancer (incidence, odds or prevalence) as the outcomes. Studies evaluating solely cancer mortality were excluded. The studies needed to compare diabetes patients with a non-diabetes reference group. All types of observational study designs (e.g. case control, cohort and cross-sectional studies) were included. Studies assessing the effect of a specific intervention compared to no intervention were excluded. Studies only published as conference abstracts were excluded. Studies were not excluded due to language or publication year. Information Sources ------------------- The systematic literature search included 7 databases: Medline at PubMed, Embase, Cinahl, Bibliotek.dk, Cochrane library, Web of Science, and SveMed+. The first search was performed 11^th^ of January 2012, and updated with the last search on the 9^th^ November 2012. Additional studies were added after assessment of the reference list in meta-analyses and reviews found in the search. Furthermore, studies were retrieved from the literature search of a systematic review of insulin use and cancer risk also performed by the CARING project group (PROSPERO registration number: CRD42012002428). Search ------ The search terms included: "Diabetes mellitus", "diabetes", "Neoplasms", "cancer", "Prospective study", "statistics", "cancer statistics", and "Risk of cancer". Other search terms such as statistics and cancer statistics were also used but gave to few results and were not used as the final result. The search was performed using the thesaurus if available in the respective databases. Limitations were used to refine the search if available in the databases ("biochemistry", "cancer", "physiology and endocrinology", "cochrane review", "controlled clinical trial", "systematic review", "clinical trial", "randomized controlled trial", "review", "meta-analysis"), qualifiers ("analysis", "blood", "classification", "epidemiology", "statistics and numerical data"), categories ("endocrinology metabolism", "oncology") and research areas ("endocrinology metabolism", "oncology", "biochemistry molecular biology"). Search terms, limitations, qualifiers, categories and research areas used differently by database dependent on the functions available at the database. The search from Embase is listed below. The results from \#9 in the Embase search were used in this study. Search from the 09^th^ of November 2012 No. No. Query Results \#1 'Diabetes Mellitus'/exp 526,730 \#2 'Neoplasm'/exp 3,165,370 \#3 \#1 AND \#2 34,949 \#4 \#1 AND \#2 (\[biochemistry\]/lim 15,064 OR \[cancer\]/lim OR \[physiology and endocrinology\]/lim) \#5 'Cancer statistics'/exp 2,034 \#6 \#4 AND \#5 7 \#7 'Cancer statistics'/exp 272,379 \#8 \#4 AND \#5 36 \#9 \#1 AND \#2(\[biochemistry\]/lim 634 OR \[cancer\]/lim OR \[physiology and endocrinology\]/lim) AND (\[cochrane review\]/lim OR \[controlled clinical trial\]/lim OR \[systematic review\]/lim)) Study Selection and Data Collection Process ------------------------------------------- Studies were assessed for eligibility using the criteria above. Reviewer one (JSL) performed the literature search in collaboration with a research librarian. Reviewer one and reviewer two (ØK) added additional studies from the insulin and cancer literature search, and studies were added from other meta-analyses and reviews by reviewer one. Reviewer one and reviewer two examined all studies by screening title and abstract. Studies passing this round were retrieved in full text and independently assessed for eligibility by reviewer one and two. Records for which both reviewers agreed on were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. Disagreement were settled by discussion or if necessary by reviewer three (PV). No supplementary data were collected from the authors of the studies. Data Items ---------- From each study information was extracted on cancer risk (prevalence ratio, risk ratio, odds ratio, incidence ratio, standardized incidence ratio, hazard ratio), cancer site, patient characteristics including type of diabetes mellitus (type 1, type 2 or unspecified), age (mean/median/not reported), duration of diabetes (mean/median/not reported), HbA1c level (mean/median/not reported), BMI (mean/median/not reported), follow up years (mean/median/not reported), and on study design (case control/cohort/cross-sectional), population (population based/hospital based), confounders used to adjust for, and specific comorbidities. Data was extracted by reviewer one and validated by reviewer two. Any disagreement was solved by discussion. Studies that used the same study population as other studies were excluded by reviewer one and reviewer two to secure that no duplicate estimates were used in the meta-analysis. Risk of Bias in Individual Studies ---------------------------------- The risk of bias in individual studies was assessed using the Newcastle Ottawa Scale (NOS) \[[@r32]\]. The user-defined items required in the NOS score were defined as follows: age was the most important adjustment factor; the exposed patients in cohorts should be representative of the average "diabetic population", minimum follow up time as 5 years, and loss to follow-up less than 10%. A scale modified for cross-sectional studies were produced for the quality score of these studies (the NOS are available in the Supplementary Material 1). Reviewer one and reviewer two scored the studies based on the NOS. If the reviewers scored differently it was solved by discussion and if this was not possible reviewer three decided the score. Summary Measures and Synthesis of Results ----------------------------------------- Prevalence ratios, risk ratios (RR), odds ratios, incidence ratios, standardized incidence ratios (in general standardized by age and sex using a reference population from same cancer registry, same district or the entire population of a country) and hazard ratios including 95% CI comparing the risk of cancer in diabetes patients compared to a non-diabetes group were the summary measures. A random effects model, Der Simonian and Laird, was used in all analyses \[[@r33]\]. The random effects model considers both in study and between study variability. As all the measures are common effect estimates the pooled result can be interpreted as a risk ratio. Only estimates based on two or more populations were included in the meta-analysis. χ^2^ tests were used to test for heterogeneity across studies. All analyses were performed in STATA 8 (StataCorp. 2003. *Stata Statistical Software: Release 8*. College Station, TX: StataCorp LP). Risk of Bias Across Studies --------------------------- Risk of publication bias across studies was assessed using Egger's regression analysis \[[@r34]\] in STATA 8. Additional Analyses ------------------- Subgroup analyses were performed for cancer sites, study design and gender. Meta-regression analyses were performed to assess whether any of the extracted characteristics were determinants of cancer risk. For the meta-regression the covariates were coded as follows: gender (0 = female, 1 = male), diabetes type (0 = unspecified, 1 = T1D, 2 = T2D), study design (0= case control, 1 = cohort, 2 = cross-sectional), source (1=population, 2=hospital, 3=other), adjustment factor (0= no age adjustment, 1= age + other, 2= BMI / obesity / waist hip ratio + other, 3 = Age, BMI +other, 4= Age, Sex, BMI, Smoking + other) 5= Age, BMI and duration of diabetes), diabetes ascertainment (1 = registry, 2 = questionnaire / interview, 3 = biochemical analysis or criteria, 4 = other), cancer ascertainment (1 = registry with confirmation, 2 = questionnaire / interview, 3 = pathology / histology/ imaging / criteria, 4=other) and NOS (0-9). Other covers mixed ascertainments and other types of ascertainment. Age (years) was calculated as the difference of the age between cases and controls in case control studies and between diabetes cohort and non-diabetes cohort in cohort studies. The same applied for BMI (kg/m^2^). Sub analysis for age and BMI were performed by study design. For age, BMI and follow up years only mean or median estimates were used in the meta-regression. Age BMI and follow up years where treated as numerical outcomes in the meta-regression, whereas other variables were treated as categorical outcomes. Only analyses with the use of three or more populations were included in the meta-regression. HbA1c and duration of diabetes were extracted from the records, but too few values (two studies report on mean HbA1c and 4 studies report mean duration of diabetes) were available to perform a meaningful analysis. Results ======= Study Selection --------------- The selection process is depicted in [Fig. (**1**)](#F1){ref-type="fig"}. 1,849 records were identified from the database search. An additional 172 records were identified from the reference list in meta-analyses and reviews identified in the search, and from the systematic literature search (PROSPERO registration number: CRD42012002428) on insulin and cancer also performed by the CARING group. In total 2,021 records were identified. The RefWorks (RefWorks, RefWorks-COS, ProQuest RefWorks 2.0, 2010) functions exact duplicates and close duplicates were used to remove duplicates. In total 1,785 unique records were retrieved. Screening by title and abstract by reviewer one and two excluded 1,534 records, thus 251 records remained. Of these records, 193 records (106 cohort studies, 80 case-control studies, 6 cross-sectional studies and 1 combined case-control and cross-sectional study \[[@r35]\]) were included in the systematic review, while 66 records were excluded after assessing for full text eligibility (21 were excluded due to duplicate data with other studies, 3 were excluded due to lack of data, 11 were excluded because diabetes was not the exposure, 4 were excluded because they did not compare to a non-diabetes reference, 1 record was excluded due to interventional study design and 16 studies were excluded because the outcome was not incident or prevalent cancer). 190 records were included in the meta-analysis. Two studies were excluded from this analysis due to lack of information on the outcome to an extent that made analysis impossible \[[@r36], [@r37]\]. One study was the only to report on head and neck cancer \[[@r38]\] and was not included in the meta-analysis. Study Characteristics and Risk of Bias within Studies ----------------------------------------------------- Tables **[1](#T1){ref-type="table"}-[3](#T3){ref-type="table"}** present the study characteristics and NOS score of the included studies in the systematic review for cohort and cross-sectional studies and case-control studies, respectively. Additional study information is available in the electronic Supplementary Material 2. The study quality ranged from as low as 3 to the highest score of 9, although most of studies (84%) were of fair quality (NOS 6-9). NOS is part of the meta-regression presented below. Results of Individual Studies ----------------------------- The results of the individual studies are presented in the electronic Supplementary Material 3. Stott-Miller *et al.* \[[@r38]\] was the only study specifically addressing head and neck cancer, and they presented an odds ratio of 1.09 (0.95-1.24) for head and neck cancer for diabetes patients compared to a non-diabetes reference. Thus it was not used in the included in the meta-analysis. Synthesis of Results -------------------- Table **[4](#T4){ref-type="table"}** presents the pooled analysis of the studies and the pooled results are depicted in [Fig. (**2**)](#F2){ref-type="fig"}. All available cancer types were included. Diabetes patients have a significant increased risk of any cancer, biliary and gallbladder cancer, bladder cancer, bone cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, colorectal cancer, rectal cancer, esophagus cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, pancreas cancer, kidney cancer, small intestine cancer, stomach cancer and thyroid cancer. Female diabetes patients were also at increased risk for breast, cervix, endometrial and ovary cancer. However; diabetes patients have a lower risk of prostate cancer and skin cancer than non-diabetic subjects. In these analyses, only bone and thyroid cancer did not display significant heterogeneity by chi square testing. For the remaining cancer types (testes cancer, myeloma, melanoma, lung, larynx, bone cancer and nervous system cancers) no significantly in- or decreased association between diabetes patients and non-diabetes was observed. Subgroup analyses were performed on study design (cohort/case control) and gender (male/female). [Figs. (**3**](#F3){ref-type="fig"}**-**[**6**](#F6){ref-type="fig"}) illustrates the results of the analyses. Cohort studies found among diabetes patients an increased risk of any, biliary, breast, cervix, colon, colorectal, endometrial, kidney, liver, ovary, pancreas, rectum, small intestine, stomach, and thyroid cancer, as well as leukemia, all lymphomas, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, while the risks of prostate, and skin cancer were decreased. Case control studies show similar results as cohort studies including an increased risk of larynx cancer; however the pooled estimates for cervix-, kidney-, leukemia-, non Hodgkin lymphoma-, prostate-, stomach-, and thyroid cancer were without significance. Males with diabetes were at an increased risk of all cancers combined, biliary, colon, colorectal, kidney, liver, pancreas, rectum, small intestine, and thyroid cancer and leukemia, while the risk of prostate cancer was decreased. Females with diabetes were at an increased risk of any, breast, cervix, colon, colorectal, endometrial, kidney, leukemia, liver, ovary, and pancreas cancer. Risk of Bias Across Studies --------------------------- Egger's regression test revealed significant publication bias for any cancer (p=0.048), colorectal cancer (p=0.024), esophagus cancer (p=0.022), larynx cancer (p=0.041), lymphoma (p=0.041) and lung cancer (p=0.015). The graphical depictions of the bias test for these cancer types are available in the electronic Supplementary Material 5. All these publication biases have a positive intercept value indicating higher effect size in smaller studies. None of the other cancer types displayed publication bias. Meta-Regression --------------- Table **[5](#T5){ref-type="table"}** present results from the meta-analysis. These results reflect the effect modification of the variables on the measured cancer risk in the studies. A positive determinant increases the risk ratio for cancer among diabetes patients, whereas a negative determinant decreases the risk ratio for cancer among diabetes patients. The coefficient is the beta-coefficient from the regression. Not all variables were available for all of the specific cancer analyses. In the following only specific parts will be highlighted. Male gender was a significant negative determinant of the risk of leukemia in (β = -1.52) and reduces the risk of leukemia among diabetes patients. Age difference may both be a significantly positive, negative and no determinant depending on cancer type. BMI differences was no determinant of breast-, colorectal-, endometrial-, kidney-, liver-, pancreas-, and prostate-cancer risk, however it was a negative determinant (β = -0.08) for lung cancer. Diabetes type was only a significantly negative determinant in colon Age and BMI are provided by means if nothing else is specified. Follow up years are provided by means, medians or follow up period. \*Comobidity in the population examined. Body mass index (BMI), diabetes mellitus (DM), digital rectal examination (DRE), general practicioner (GP), hepatitis C virus (HCV),. Total: For the whole group or the complete study period. Age and BMI are provided by means if nothing else is specified. Follow up years are provided by means, medians or follow up period. \*Comobidity in the population examined. Body mass index (BMI), diabetes mellitus (DM), digital rectal examination (DRE), general practicioner (GP), Total: For the whole group or the complete study period. Age and BMI are provided by means if nothing else is specified. Follow up years are provided by means, medians or follow up period. \*Comobidity in the population examined. Body mass index (BMI), diabetes mellitus (DM), digital rectal examination (DRE), general practicioner (GP), hepatitis C virus (HCV),. Total: For the whole group or the complete study period. Non Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), Nervous system (Brain), RR (risk ratio) Non Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), Nervous system (Brain), RR (Risk ratio) Non Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), RR (Risk ratio) Non Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), RR (Risk ratio) Non Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), Nervous system (Brain), RR (Risk ratio) Discussion ========== Summary of Evidence ------------------- This systematic review and meta-analysis confirms the previous findings of an increased cancer risk among diabetes patients. The addition of several databases to the literature search compared to previous meta-analyses did not change the associations previously found. Diabetes patients were especially susceptible to liver cancer (RR= 2.13; 95% CI 1.81-2.50), pancreas cancer (RR= 2.21; 95%CI 1.93-2.54), and endometrial cancer (RR= 1.81; 95% CI 1.63-2.01). In addition, new cancer sites have been investigated: risks of cervix (RR=1.34; 95% CI 1.10-1.63)), ovary cancer (RR= 1.20; 95% CI 1.03-1.40), and small intestinal cancer was reported (RR=1.47; 95% CI 1.03-2.11) were also slightly increased in diabetes patients. In addition female diabetes patients were at increased risk of breast (RR= 1.13 95% CI 1.07-1.18). Thus females with diabetes were at increased risk of gender specific and hormone related cancers compared to their non-diabetic counterparts. However, male diabetes patients seem to be have a reduced risk of prostate cancer (RR= 0.85; 95% CI 0.80-0.91), which support the previous findings \[[@r9],[@r10]\]. Furthermore, our findings support an increased risk of gastric and stomach cancer (RR=1.13; 95% CI 1.02-1.24), whereas former reports have been conflicting \[[@r15],[@r16]\]. An elevation in thyroid cancer (RR=1.27; 95% CI 1.12-1.43) was also present among diabetes patients. A single study reported on head and neck cancer, which found that cancer risk, was not significantly increased among diabetes patients \[[@r38]\]. Neither study design nor gender appears to modulate the overall increase in cancer risk among diabetes patients. Duration of diabetes was not available for analyses, which may influence results. The increased risk of pancreas cancer in diabetes may be due to cancer diagnosis in the following years after diabetes diagnosis, where the risk especially was increased \[[@r207]\]. Normalization of the cancer risk occurs10 years after diabetes diagnosis \[[@r207]\], and may be a result of detection bias or indicate that diabetes diagnosis was a symptom of pancreatic cancer. Johnson *et al.* \[[@r131]\] investigated time dependent factors in cancer risk and diabetes and conclude that the increased cancer risk may be due to increased ascertainment after diabetes diagnosis. Obesity may be a confounder when assessing cancer risk in diabetes patients \[[@r30]\]. This was not supported by the meta-regression conducted. BMI was a negative determinant for risk of lung cancer, while no other cancer risk was determined by BMI; hence effect modification was only apparent when looking at lung cancer. When looking at the adjustment performed by the studies in the meta-analysis; adjustment by BMI and age were positive determinants of cancer risk in comparison to adjustment for age alone. These results indicate that obesity among diabetes patients was not an effect modifier on the risk of cancer in diabetes, and obesity may not be the explanation for the increased cancer risk for the types rectum, thyroid, biliary tract and gallbladder, ovary, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, myeloma and cervix cancer (adjustment by BMI and age was a positive determinant for these cancer types). Unsurprisingly, age differences may also affect the outcome (Table **[5](#T5){ref-type="table"}**). The limited analyses on follow up time were inconclusive. Male gender was a significantly negative determinant of risk of leukemia, which was in accordance with the fact that risk of leukemia was increased in female diabetes patients (RR= 1.45, 95% CI 1.06-1.99) and only slightly increased in male diabetes patients (RR= 1.12, 95% CI 1.00-1.26). From the present literature, it was impossible to distinguish the cancer risk between T1D and T2D. Only a single study report of T1D \[[@r39]\], whereas some studies report of T2D. Some of the studies classified as diabetes unspecified in Table **[1](#T1){ref-type="table"}-[3](#T3){ref-type="table"}** claim to report only of T2D, however exclude T1D by age at diagnosis: excluding diabetes diagnosed at younger age than 18 \[[@r45]\], 20 \[[@r97]\], 21 \[[@r56]\], 25 \[[@r65]\] or 30 \[[@r68],[@r71],[@r115],[@r139]\]. Nevertheless, the investigated population may consist of both T1D and T2D. Diabetes ascertainment and cancer ascertainment (available in the electronic Supplementary Material 2) varied between studies and may, based on the meta-regression, be a determinant of the study outcome. Whether the study was hospital or population based may also affect the outcome (Table **[5](#T5){ref-type="table"}**). These methodological differences, which may bias the results, raise the question of the necessity of uniform standards to reduce bias. In general the study quality did not determine the outcome of the pooled analysis (Table **[5](#T5){ref-type="table"}**), however study quality based on NOS score was a significantly negative determinant risk of lung cancer and a significantly positive determinant of prostate cancer; meaning that the risk ratios drew closer towards 1 for both cancers. Adjustment for the NOS score only changed the outcome little. Some publication bias was present, with an underreporting of non-significant results from small studies. This may also affect the outcomes. Also only published data as age and BMI were collected, whereas not all studies reported these factors. This may affect the results of the meta-regression. These restrictions and limitations may affect the results, but it is implausible to be the explanation of the increased risk of cancer among diabetes patients. Conclusion ========== The present systematic review and meta-analysis confirms the previous findings of an increased cancer risk in diabetes and extends these findings to additional cancer types. The results indicate that the risk was not modified by obesity and was thus either due to diabetes per se or other confounders. Unfortunately, important covariates as HbA1c and duration of diabetes were not available in a sufficient number of studies. It is thus difficult to determine whether the increased cancer risk was due to diabetes per se or other prognostic factors like anti-diabetic treatment. Nevertheless, the clinical implications of this and previous studies are of importance. It is recommendable that physicians in contact with patients with diabetes are attentive to the increased cancer risk associated with diabetes. Whether the awareness should be aimed at a diabetes group receiving a specific treatment is unknown and the future results of the CARING project are awaited. Patient consent =============== Declared none. The research leading to the results of this study has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP-7) under grant agreement number 282526, the CARING project. The funding source had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation or writing of the report. Research librarian Ms. Edith Clausen is acknowledged for great help during the searches. Without her help, the work would not have been possible. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL ====================== ###### Supplementary material is available on the publisher's web site along with the published article. CONFLICT OF INTEREST ==================== Frank de Vries and Anthonius de Boer are employed by Utrecht University and are conducting research under the umbrella of the Centre for Research Methods. This Centre has received unrestricted funding from the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMW), the Dutch Health Care Insurance Board (CVZ), the Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association (KNMP), the private-public funded Top Institute Pharma ([www.tipharma.nl](http://www.tipharma.nl), includes co-funding from universities, government, and industry), the EU Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), the EU 7th Framework Program (FP7), the Dutch Ministry of Health and industry (including GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, and others). ML De Bruin is employed by Utrecht University and is conducting research under the umbrella of the WHO Collaborating Centre for pharmaceutical policy and regulation. This Centre receives no direct funding or donations from private parties, including pharma industry. Research funding from public-private partnerships, e.g. IMI, TI Pharma ([www.tipharma.nl](http://www.tipharma.nl)) is accepted under the condition that no company-specific product or company related study is conducted. The Centre has received unrestricted research funding from public sources, e.g. Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMW), the Dutch Health Care Insurance Board (CVZ), EU 7th Framework Program (FP7), Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB), and Dutch Ministry of Health. None of the abovementioned companies was involved in the preparation of this manuscript. Other authors had no conflicts of interest ![PRISMA flow diagram.](CDS-8-296_F1){#F1} ![Plot of the pooled analysis of all populations of the risk of cancer among diabetes patients compared to a non-diabetes population.](CDS-8-296_F2){#F2} ![Plot of the pooled analysis of all cohort populations of the risk of cancer among diabetes patients compared to a non-diabetes population.](CDS-8-296_F3){#F3} ![Plot of the pooled analysis of all case control populations of the risk of cancer among diabetes patients compared to a non-diabetes population.](CDS-8-296_F4){#F4} ![Plot of the pooled analysis of all populations only consisting of males of the risk of cancer among diabetes patients compared to a non-diabetes population.](CDS-8-296_F5){#F5} ![Plot of the pooled analysis of all populations only consisting of females of the risk of cancer among diabetes patients compared to a non-diabetes population.](CDS-8-296_F6){#F6} ###### Study Table of Included Cohort Studies Divided by Diabetes Type -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Authors** **Data Source** **Cancer Site** **Follow Up Years** **Source** **DM (n)** **Age** **BMI** **Non- DM (n)** **Age** **BMI** **Co Morbidity** **NOS-Score (0-9)** ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------- ------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------- Type 1 diabetes Zendehdel 2003 Sweden \[[@r39]\] Swedish inpatient registry Several 14.4 Population 29,187 17.1 \- External standard population \- \- \- 8 Type 2 diabetes Kao 2012 Taiwan \[[@r40]\] NHIRD All 2001-2009 Population 22,910 56.5 \- 91,636 56.5 \- \- 8 Bowker 2011 Canada \[[@r41]\] BCLHD (1996-2006) Breast 4.4 Population 84,506 61.8 \- 84,506 61.8 \- \- 6 Michels 2003 US \[[@r42]\] Nurses health study (1976-1998) Breast 22 (total) Nurses 6,120 59.1 30.7 110,368 52.1 25.0 6 Campbell 2010 \[[@r43]\] Cancer prevention study II Nutrition cohort Colorectal 1992-2007 Population 11,335 63 \- 143,640 64 \- \- 7 Ren 2009 China \[[@r44]\] Nan-Hu district Colorectal \- Population 7,938 61.1 23.6 External standard population \- \- \- 6 Lai 2006 Taiwan \[[@r45]\] KCIS (1999-2003) Liver 2.78 Population 5,732 \- \- 49,184 \- \- \- 5 Wang 2009 Taiwan \[[@r46]\] A-Lein Township Liver 8 (total) Viral hepatitis screened. 352 \- \- 5,377 53.9 (total) \- \- 9 Joh 2011 US \[[@r47]\] Nurses Health study Kidney 1976-2008 Nurses 6,424 57,0 30,5 107,714 56.8 25,5 6 Hemminiki 2010 Sweden \[[@r48]\] Nationwide hospital discharge 1964-2007 Several 13 median Population 125,126 \- \- External standard population \- \- \- 9 Hense 2011 Germany \[[@r49]\] SHI 2003-2008 Several 3.5 median Disease management programme 26,742 64 ♂ 29.7\ External standard population \- \- \- 6 ♀ 31.0 Lee 2012 Taiwan \[[@r50]\] NHI programme (1999-2009) Several 11 (total) Population 104,343 \- \- 985,815 (Total) \- \- \- 9 Ogunleye 2009 UK \[[@r51]\] Tayside Several 3.9 Population\ 9,577 \- \- 19,154 62 (total) \- \- 6 (RISCH primary care) Diabetes type unspecified Fillenbaum 2000 US \[[@r52]\] EPESE Any 6 (total) Population 4034 total 73.4 5 Larsson 2008 Sweden \[[@r53]\] COSM Bladder 9.3 Population 2,835 64.5 27.4 43,071 60.1 25.7 \- 8 Tripathi 2002 US \[[@r54]\] IWHS Bladder 13 (total) Population 6% \- \- 37,459 (total) \- \- \- 7 Bosco 2012 US \[[@r55]\] Black women's health study Breast 10.5 Population 1,900 49,172 (total) 6 Chlebowski 2012 US \[[@r56]\] WHI Breast 11.8 Postmenopausal\ 3,401 62.6 \- 64,618 64.0 \- \- 7 Population based sample De Waard 1974 (36) GP Netherlands Breast 5,4 Population 7,259 women 4 Goodman 1997 Japan \[[@r57]\] LSS Cohort Breast 8.31 Population (atomic bomb survivors) \- \- \- 22,200 (total) \- \- \- 6 Lipscombe 2006 \[[@r58]\] Canada Ontario 1995-2002 Breast 4.5 median Population 73,796 66.2 \- 391,714 64.9 \- \- 7 Mink 2002 US \[[@r59]\] ARIC Breast 7.1 Population \- \- \- 7,894 (total) \- \- \- 8 Reeves 2012 US \[[@r60]\] SOF Breast 14,4 Population 607 7,772 7 Sellers 1994 US \[[@r61]\] IWHS Breast 5 (total) Population \- \- \- 36,603(total) \- \- \- 5 Weiderpass 1997 Sweden \[[@r62]\] Swedish in patient registry Breast, endometrial 6.7 Population ♂ 63,988\ ♂ 59.2\ \- External standard population \- \- \- 6 ♀ 70,110 ♀ 64.2 Lambe 2011 Sweden \[[@r63]\] AMORIS Breast, endometrial, ovarian 11.7 Population 5,615 58.5 26.7 225,122 46.6 23.9 \- 7 Bowers 2006 Finland \[[@r64]\] Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention\ Colorectal 14.1 median Population 1,226 \- \- 27,757 \- \- \- 7 Study Flood 2010 UK \[[@r65]\] BCDDP Colorectal 8.4 Individuals with breast affection and matched healthy individuals (gives no statement on how these were determined). \- 64.3 28.0 43,078 61.8 24.5 \- 6 Hartz 2012 US \[[@r66]\] WHI Colorectal 8 median Postmenopausal\ 4.5% of total \- \- 150,912\ 63.11\ \- \- 7 Population based sample (total) (Total) He 2010 US \[[@r67]\] Multiethnic cohort Colorectal 1993-2006 Population ♂15,060\ \- \- ♂74,418\ ♂60.2\ \- \- 7 ♀ 16,271 ♀93,393 ♀ 59.7 Hu 1999 US \[[@r68]\] NHS Colorectal 18 (total) Nurses 7,069 45 28 111,003 42 24 \- 5 Khaw 2004 UK \[[@r69]\] Norfolk Colorectal 6 Population \- \- \- 25,623 (total) 45-79 \- \- 7 Larsson 2005 \[[@r70]\] Sweden COSM Colorectal 6.2 Population 45,550 men (total) 6 Limburg 2005 US \[[@r71]\] IWHS Colorectal 14 (total) Population 1,900 62.3 30.6 33,072 61.5 26.8 \- 7 Nilsen 2001, Norway \[[@r72]\] Nord-trøndelag Colorectal 10.8 median Population \- \- \- 75,219 (total) ♂48.5\ \- \- 7 ♀49.8 Schoen 1999 US \[[@r73]\] CHS 1989-1990 Colorectal 6.6 Population \- \- \- 5,201 72.8\ \- \- 6 (without cancer) Seow 2006 Singapore \[[@r74]\] Singapore Chinese health study Colorectal 7.1 Population 5,469 60 24.1 55,851 56.0 23 \- 7 Sturmer 2006 US \[[@r75]\] The Physicians' Health Study Colorectal 19 median physicians 9% \- \- 22,701 54 \- \- 6 Will 1998 US \[[@r76]\] Cancer prevention study Colorectal 1959-1972 25 states 15,487 ♂57.4\ ♂25.4\ 850,946 ♂52.9\ ♂25.2\ \- 6 ♀57.8 ♀26.2 ♀51.7 ♀24.2 Anderson 2001 US \[[@r77]\] IWHS Endometrial 1986-1997 Population 1,325 62.6 30.5 23,150 61.8 26.8 \- 7 Friberg 2007 Sweden \[[@r78]\] Uppsala Endometrial 7 Population 1,628 66.5 27.5 35,145 61.7 24.9 \- 8 Lindemann 2008 Norway \[[@r79]\] HUNT study Endometrial 15.7 Population 1,010 \- \- 35,751 49 (total) \- \- 7 Lin 2011 US \[[@r80]\] NIH-AARP study Esophagus, gastric 7.96 Population 41,388 62.81 29.83 428,060 61.90 26.83 \- 8 Chuma 2008 Japan \[[@r81]\] Hokkaido University hospital Liver 10.2 Hospital 19 104 (total) 50.5 (median) Chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis. Hepatitis C virus positive 7 Di constanzo 2008 Italy \[[@r82]\] Naples (1994-2004) Liver 7 median Hospital 41 \- \- 138 (total) 63.3 \- Hepatitis C virus cirrhosis 4 El-Serag 2004 US \[[@r83]\] PTF 1985-1990 Liver 8.6 Hospital (Veteran Affairs (VA)) 173,643 61.7 \- 650,620 54.5 \- \- 6 Hung 2011 Taiwan \[[@r84]\] Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Liver 4.4 Hospital 253 (T2D) 56 median 25 median 1,217 52 median 24 median Inteferon therapy for hepatitis c 7 Ionnau 2007 US \[[@r85]\] VA 1994-2005 Liver 3.6 Veterans 452 \- \- 1,668 \- \- Cirrhosis 6 Kavamura 2010 Japan \[[@r86]\] Toronamon hospital, Tokyo Liver 6.7 median Hospital 104 \- \- 1,954 50 (total) \- Inteferon therapy for hepatitis c 7 N'kontchou2006 France \[[@r87]\] \- Liver 4.2 Screened for HCC 231 \- \- 540 61.4 total 25.4 total alcoholic or viral C cirrhosis 6 Ohata 2003 Japan \[[@r88]\] Nagasaki university hospital Liver 6.4 Hospital 26 \- \- 161 (total) 53 22.7\ Chronic HCV infection 7 0.24 Ohki 2008 Japan \[[@r89]\] University of Tokyo Hospital 1994-2004 Liver 6.1 Hospital \- \- \- 1,431 60.1 \- Chronic HCV infection 7 Tazawa 2002 Japan \[[@r90]\] Tsuchiura Kyodo General Hospital Liver 5.4 Hospital 23 \- \- 279 (all) 49.4 \- Hepatitis C infection 5 Veldt 2008 Europe and Canada \[[@r91]\] Hepatology Units Liver 4.0 Hospital 85 51 (median) 27 (median) 456 49 median 25 (median) Hepatitis C and fibrosis or cirrhosis 6 Adami 1996 Sweden \[[@r92]\] Swedish in patient register Liver and biliary tract 6.7 Hospital 153,852 ♂60.5\ \- External standard population \- \- \- 8 ♀65.2 Chen 2010 Taiwan \[[@r93]\] NHI Liver and biliary tract 6.9 median Population 615,532 60.1 \- 614,871 60.0 \- \- 9 Ehrlich 2010 US \[[@r94]\] Kaiser Permanente\ Lung 1996- 2005 Medical Care Program 70,645 60 median 29.80 51,241 51 median 26.06 \- 7 Medical Care Program Northern California Hall 2005 UK \[[@r95]\] GPRD Lung 3.95 Population (primary care) 66,848 60.8 \- 267,272 60.7 \- \- 8 Lai 2012 Taiwan \[[@r96]\] NHI Taiwan 1 million random sample cohort Lung 2000-2008 Population 19624 56.4 78,496 56.5 8 Luo 2012 US \[[@r97]\] WHI Lung 11 Postmenopausal\ 8,154 64.3 32.1 137,611 63.0 27.7 \- 7 Population Cerhan 1997 US \[[@r98]\] IWHS NHL 1986-1992 Population \- \- \- 37, 934 (total) 61.5 (total) \- \- 6 Erber 2009 US \[[@r99]\] Multiethnic cohort (MEC) study NHL 10 median Population 13% \- \- ♂87,078\ \- \- \- 6 ♀105,972\ (total) Khan 2008 Europe \[[@r100]\] EPIC NHL and multiple myeloma 8.5 Population ♂5,111\ ♂58%\ \- ♂134,320\ ♂51.9%\ \- \- 7 ♀6,028 ♀56.8% ♀248,018 ♀50.1% Gapstur 2012 US \[[@r101]\] Cancer Prevention\ Ovary 1992-2007 Population 3,577 63.6 \- 59,863 62.2 \- \- 7 Study-II Nutrition Cohort Chen 2011 Taiwan \[[@r102]\] NHI Pancreas 6.9 median Population 615,532 60.1 \- 614,871 60.0 \- \- 9 Chow 1995 Sweden \[[@r103]\] Swedish in patient register Pancreas 6.8 Hospital ♂63,987\ \- \- External standard population \- \- \- 5 ♀70,109 Gupta 2006 US \[[@r104]\] Veterans Health Administration Pancreas 1999-2004 Veterans (developed diabetes) 36,631 61.8 \- 1,385,163 63.6 \- \- 7 Larsson 2005 Sweden \[[@r105]\] COSM and SMC Pancreas 1997-2004 Population \- \- \- ♀37,147\ ♀62\ ♀25 ♂25.8\ \- 8 ♂ 45,906\ ♂ 60\ (total) (total) (total) Liao 2012 Taiwan \[[@r106]\] NHI Pancreas 1998-2007 Population 49,803 55.92 \- 199,212 55.92 \- \- 8 Shibata 1994 US \[[@r107]\] Laguna Hills Pancreas 9 (total) Retirement community \- \- \- 13,976 (total) 74 \- \- 6 Stevens 2009 UK \[[@r108]\] Breast cancer screening Pancreas 7.2 Population 2,7% \- \- 1,290,000 55.9 26.2 \- 7 Stolzenberg-Solomon 2002 Finland \[[@r109]\] ATBC Pancreas 10.2 median Population \- \- \- 29,048 57 26.0 Smokers 8 Yun 2006 Korea \[[@r110]\] NHIC Pancreas 10 (total) Population \- \- \- 446407 \- \- \- 8 Jamal 2009 US \[[@r111]\] VA Pancreas and gallbladder 1990-2000 Hospital 278,761 (diabetes patients) 65.8 \- 836,283 (non diabetes patients) 64.8 \- \- 7 Giovannuci 1998 US \[[@r112]\] Health professionals follow up study Prostate 1986-1994 Health professionals 2,551 \- \- 45,230 \- \- \- 6 Leitzmann 2008 US \[[@r113]\] PLCO Prostate 8.9 (total) From a randomized controlled trial, where participants were randomized to cancer screening. 3,024 64.0 28.7 30,064 62.0 26.8 \- 7 Li 2010 Japan \[[@r114]\] Ohsaki Cohort Prostate 1995-2003 Population 1,645 62.41 23.74 20,813 59.07 23.32 7 Rodriguez 2005 US \[[@r115]\] Cancer prevention study II nutrition cohort Prostate 1992-2001 Population 10,053 62,617 7 Thompson 1989 US \[[@r116]\] Rancho bernardo Prostate 14 (total) Population \- \- \- 1,776 (all) 65.9 25.62 \- 7 Velicer 2007 US \[[@r117]\] VITAL Prostate 2000-2004 Population (mailing list) 2,878 64.3 30.5 32,361 61.5 27.4 \- 6 Waters 2009 US \[[@r118]\] The Multiethnic Cohort Prostate 1993-2005 Population 10,825 \- \- 86,303 total 59.9 \- \- 7 Weiderpass 2002 Sweden \[[@r119]\] Swedish In-Patient Register Prostate 5.6 Population 135,950 61.7 \- External standard population \- \- \- 6 Will 1999 US \[[@r120]\] 25 states\ Prostate 13 (total) Population 6,086 \- \- 298,979 \- \- \- 5 1959-1972 Nicodemus 2004 US \[[@r121]\] IWHS 1986-2000 Kidney 15 total Population (drivers license list) \- \- \- 34,637 (total) \- \- \- 6 Adami 1991 Sweden \[[@r122]\] Uppsala In patient registry Several 1965-1984 Hospital 51,008 \- \- Expected \- \- \- 5 Atchison 2010, US \[[@r123]\] VA hospitals Several 10.5 (median) Veterans (male) 594,815 57.5 \- 3,906,763 51.5 \- \- 7 Carstensen 2012 Denmark \[[@r124]\] Central personal register Several 1995-2009 The entire Danish Population \- \- \- \- \- \- \- 7 Chodick 2010 Israel \[[@r125]\] Maccabi\ Several 8 Population 16,721 61.6 \- 83,874 61.6 \- \- 8 Healthcare Services Dankner 2007 Israel \[[@r126]\] Population registry Several 20 (total) Population 437 57.6 \- 1,740 51.9 \- \- 8 Folsom 2008 \[[@r127]\] ARIC 1987-1989 Several 1987-2000 Population \- \- \- 13,117 (total) \- \- \- 8 Hjalgrim 1997 Denmark \[[@r128]\] All men born1949-1964 with DM before age 20 Several 1968-1992 Population 1,659 \- \- External standard population \- \- \- 3 Hjalgrim 1997 Denmark \[[@r128]\] funen county Several 1973-1992 Population 1,499 \- \- External standard population \- \- \- 4 Inoue 2006 Japan \[[@r129]\] Japan Public Health Center--Based Prospective\ Several 10.7 Population ♂3,097♀ 1,571 ♂54\ \- ♂43,451\ ♂51.2\ \- \- 7 Study ♀ 56 ♀ 49,652 ♀ 51.6 Jee 2005 Korea \[[@r130]\] NHIC Several 10 total government employees, teachers and dependents (10.7% of total population) ♂5.1%\ \- \- ♂829,770\ ♂45.3\ ♂23.2\ \- 7 ♀4.5% ♀468,615\ ♀49.6 ♀23.2 (total) Johnson 2011 \[[@r131]\] Canada BCLHD Several 4,3 Population 185,100 60.7 185,100 60.7 8 Joshu 2012 US \[[@r132]\] ARIC (1990-2006) Several 15 median Population ♀ 626\ ♀ 58.5\ ♀ 31.5\ 11,667 \- \- \- 6 ♂ 499 ♂ 58.8 ♂ 30.0 Khan 2006 Japan \[[@r133]\] JACC Several 1988-1997 Population 3,307 40-79 \- 53,574 40-79 \- \- 7 Ragozzino 1982 US \[[@r134]\] Rochester, Minnesota Several \- Population 1,135 \- \- External standard population \- \- \- 4 Rapp 2006 Austria \[[@r135]\] VHM&PP Several 8.4 Population 3.4% \- \- 140,813 43 \- \- 8 Steenland 1995 US \[[@r136]\] NHANES I Several 7.7 Civilian population \- \- \- 14,407 60 (cases) 48 (non-cases) \- \- 7 Swerdlow 2005 UK \[[@r137]\] The diabetes uk cohort Several 1972-2003 Population 29,701 0-49 \- External standard population \- \- \- 6 Wideroff 1997 \[[@r138]\] Denmark Danish Central Hospital\ Several 1977-1993 Hospital 109, 581 ♂ 64\ \- External standard population \- \- \- 6 Discharge Register ♀69\ median Wotton 2011 UK \[[@r139]\] ORLS 1 Several 1963-1998 Hospital 15,898 \- \- 275,564 \- \- \- 7 Wotton 2011 UK \[[@r139]\] ORLS 2 Several 1999-2008 Hospital 7,771 \- \- 185,123 \- \- \- 7 Yeh 2012 US \[[@r140]\] CLUE II Several 1989-2006 Population 599 61.8 29.5 17,681 51.5 26.3 \- 7 Aschebrook-kilfoy 2011 US \[[@r141]\] NIH-AARP study Thyroid 10 Population 44,693 62.9 29.9 451,855 61.9 26.8 \- 7 Kitahara 2012 US \[[@r142]\] Pooled analysis of 5 cohort studies Thyroid 10.5 median Previous studies 8% \- \- 674,491 (total) 59.8 \- \- 7 Meinhold 2010 US \[[@r143]\] US Radiologic Technologists\ Thyroid 15.8 Radiologic technologists \- \- \- ♀69,50\ ♂43.3 ♀39.3 \- \- 6 Study 6\ ♂21,207 (total) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###### Study Table of Cross-Sectional Studies by Diabetes Type ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Authors** **Data Source** **Cancer Site** **Follow Up Years** **Source** **DM (n)** **Age** **BMI** **Non- DM (n)** **Age** **BMI** **Co Morbidity** **NOS-Score (0-9)** ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------ ------------------ --------------------- Type 2 diabetes Baur 2011 Germany \[[@r144]\] DETECT study Any \- Population 1,308 70.4(with cancer)\ 28.3\ 6,211 65.5\ 26.7\ \- 7 66.6(without cancer) (with cancer)\ (with cancer)\ (with cancer)\ 29.8 (without cancer) 55.5 (without cancer) 26.6\ (without cancer) Diabetes type unspecified Lawlor 2004 UK \[[@r145]\] The British Women's Heart and Health Study Breast \- Randomly from GP 147 women with cancer 68.5 28.1 3,890 women without cancer 68.9 27.6 \- 6 Sandhu 2001 UK \[[@r146]\] Norfolk Colorectal \- Population (GP lists) 561 45-74 \- 28,782 45-74 \- \- 6 Tung 2010 Taiwan \[[@r35]\] Tainan Liver Population 72 68.4 \- 56,193 \- \- \- 6 Moreira 2011 US \[[@r147]\] Durham VA Prostate \- Hospital (performed prostate biopsy, high risk patient population (referred for biopsy because of elevated PSA or Abnomral DRE))) 284 64 30,4 714 63 27,7 \- 5 Moses 2012 US \[[@r148]\] Hospital\ Prostate Hospital 1,045 \- \- 1,265 \- \- \- 5 (high risk population (referred to biopsy for elevated PSA or abnormal DRE)) Li 2011US \[[@r149]\] BRFSS Several \- Population \- \- \- 397,783 total 46.8 \- \- 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###### Study Table of Case Control Studies by Diabetes Type ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Authors** **Data Source** **Cancer Site** **Source** **Cases (n)** **Age** **BMI** **Controls (n)** **Age** **BMI** **Co Morbidity\*** **NOS-Score (0-9)** -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------- --------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- Type 2 diabetes Khachatryan 2011 Armenia \[[@r150]\] \- Breast Population 150 55.79 29.03 152 51.11 27.67 \- 6 Rollison 20078US \[[@r151]\] 4 corners breast cancer study Breast Population 2,324 \- \- 2,523 56 \- \- 6 Li 2012 China \[[@r152]\] \- Liver Hospital 1,105 53.8 \- 5,170 44.9 \- Chronic hepatitis B 6 Diabetes type unspecified Grainge 2009 UK \[[@r153]\] GPRD 1987-2002 Biliary tract Population 611 71.3\ \- 5,760 \- \- \- 8 (at diagnosis) Khan 1999 US \[[@r154]\] CPMC 1980-1994 Biliary tract Hospital 69 \- \- 138 \- \- \- 6 Shaib 2007 US \[[@r155]\] M.D.\ Biliary tract Hospital 83 ICC\ ICC 59.8\ \- 236 58.1 \- \- 5 Anderson Cancer Center 163 ECC ECC 61.1 Shebl 2010 China Shanghai, China Biliary tract Population 627 \- \- 959 \- \- \- 7 Tao 2010 China \[[@r156]\] PUMCH Biliary tract Hospital 190(total)\ 58.6 ECC\ 380 59.7 5 61 ICC\ 58.7 ICC 129 ECC Welzel 2007 US \[[@r157]\] SEER Biliary tract Population ECC 549\ ECC 78.7\ \- 102,782 77.1 \- \- 7 ICC 535 ICC 79 Kantor 1984 US \[[@r158]\] SEER Bladder Population 2,982 \- \- 5,782 \- \- \- 6 Kravchick 2001, Israel \[[@r159]\] Bladder Hospital 252 ♂71.5\ \- 549 \- \- \- 4 ♀ 73 Mackenzie 2012 US \[[@r160]\] New England Bladder Population 331 62 28.0 263 60 27,0 \- 6 Ng 2003 UK \[[@r161]\] Bedford General Hospital Bladder Hospital 125 \- \- 80 \- \- \- 5 Risch 1988 Canada \[[@r162]\] Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, and Kingston Bladder Population 835 35-79 \- 792 \- \- \- 6 Baron 2001 US \[[@r163]\] Wisconsin and New Hampshire Breast Population 5,659 65.3 \- 5,928 64.1 \- \- 6 Beji 2007 Turkey \[[@r164]\] Breast Hospital 405 \- \- 1050 \- \- \- 3 Cleveland 2012 US \[[@r165]\] Long Island Breast Cancer study project Breast Population 1,495 63.6 30.9 1,543 57.4 26.1 6 Garmendia 2007 Chile \[[@r166]\] Breast Hospital (mammography service) 170 56.5 28.59 170 55.18 29.23 \- 5 Jordan 2009 Thailand \[[@r167]\] Thai Cohort Breast University students 43 39 median \- 860 \- \- \- 4 Weiss 1999 US \[[@r168]\] New Jersey, Atlanta, Seattle Breast Population 2,173 \- \- 1,990 \- \- \- 5 Wu 2007 US \[[@r169]\] Los Angeles\ Breast Population 1,248 \- \- 1,148 \- \- \- 6 County Cancer Surveillance Program Kune 1988 Australia \[[@r170]\] Melbourne 1980-1981 Colorectal Population 715 65 \- 727 65 \- \- 6 Le Marchand 1997 US \[[@r171]\] Colorectal Population 1,192 ♂67 ♀65 (median) \- 1,192 ♂65 ♀65 (median) \- \- 7 Rinaldi 2008 European countries \[[@r172]\] EPIC (8 countries) Colorectal Population 1,026 59.1 (CC) 58.2 (RC) 27.3 (CC) 27.0 (RC) 1,026 59.1 (Control CC) 58.2 (control RC) 26.9 (Control CC) 26.6 (control RC) 8 Safaee 2009 Iran \[[@r173]\] Shahid Beheshti University of\ Colorectal Population (cases: cancer registry. Controls: health survey) 862 \- \- 862 \- \- \- 4 Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Vinikoor 2009 US \[[@r174]\] NCCCS1 Colorectal Population 637 63.69 1,044 66.06 6 Vinikoor 2009 US \[[@r174]\] NCCCS2 Colorectal Population 1,007 61.88 988 63.86 6 Yang 2005 UK \[[@r175]\] GPRD Colorectal Population 10,447 \- \- 104,429 \- \- \- 8 Fortuny 2009 US \[[@r176]\] EDGE study Endometrial Population 469 61.7 \- 467 63.6 (all) \- \- 6 Inoue 1994 Japan \[[@r177]\] Osaka University Medical School Endometrial Hospital 143 53.6 \- 143 53.2 \- \- 5 Saltzman 2008 US \[[@r178]\] Washington State Endometrial Population 1,303 1,779 7 Yamazawa 2003 Japan \[[@r179]\] Chiba University\ Endometrial Hospital 41 \- \- 123 \- \- \- 5 Hospital Neale 2009 Australia \[[@r180]\] Queensland 2001-2005 Esophagus Population 1,102 \- \- 1,580 \- \- \- 6 Reavis 2004 US \[[@r181]\] Portland VA Medical Center Esophagus Hospital (and dental clinic) 63 69.6 \- 50 +\ 63.7\ \- \- 5 50 +\ 64.7\ 56 58.9 Rubenstein 2005 US \[[@r182]\] Veterans database 1995-2003 Esophagus and gastric cardia Veterans 311 71.2 median \- 10,154 66.3 median \- GERD 7 Vineis 2000 Italy \[[@r183]\] 11 Italian areas Haemapoietic Population 2,669 56.1 \- 1,718 54.9 \- \- 6 Stott-Miller 2012 (38) Pooled analysis Head and neck Mixed 6.448 \- \- 13.747 \- \- \- 4 Davila 2005 US \[[@r184]\] Surveillance Epidemiology and End-Results Program (SEER) Liver Population 2,061 76.1 \- 6,183 76.4 \- \- 8 El-Serag 2001 US \[[@r185]\] 1997-1999 VA Liver Hospital (veterans) 823 62 \- 3,459 60 \- \- 4 Hassan 2002 US \[[@r186]\] MD Anderson Cancer center 1994-1995 Liver Hospital 115 59.5 \- 230 59.1 \- \- 7 Hassan 2010 US \[[@r187]\] MD Anderson Cancer center 2000-2008 Liver Hospital 420 63 \- 1,104 60 \- \- 7 Matsuo 2003 Japan \[[@r188]\] Kyushu Liver Population 222 ♂63.6.\ 222 ♂ 63.5.\ 6 ♀ 64.3 ♀ 64.1 Tung 2010 Taiwan \[[@r35]\] Tainan Liver Population 72 68.4 \- 144 68.2 \- \- 7 Tung 2010 Taiwan \[[@r35]\] Tainan Liver Population 72 68.4 \- 144 67.7 \- Hepatitis C infection 7 Yuan 2004 US \[[@r189]\] Los Angeles county 1984-2001 Liver Population 295 60.6 \- 435 60.1 \- \- 5 Fortuny 2005 Spain \[[@r190]\] Lymphoma Hospital 565 \- \- 601 59 (total) \- \- 6 Cartwright 1988 UK \[[@r191]\] 1979-1984 Yorkshire NHL Hospital 437 \- \- 724 \- \- \- 4 Cerhan 2005 US \[[@r192]\] Detroit, LA, Seattle 1998-2000 NHL Population 759 56.6 27.7 589 56.9 27.7 \- 6 Lin 2007 Taiwan \[[@r193]\] CGMH NHL Population 242 59 median at diagnosis \- 71,379 \- \- \- 6 Smedby 2006 Denmark, Sweden \[[@r194]\] SCALE NHL Population 3,055 60 median \- 3,187 59 median \- \- 6 Bonelli 2003 Italy \[[@r195]\] Northern Italy 1992-1996 Pancreas Hospital 202 \- \- 404 \- \- \- 6 Bueno de mesquita 1992 Netherlands \[[@r196]\] 1984-1987 Pancreas Population 174 35-79 487 35-79 6 Cuzick 1989 UK \[[@r197]\] Leeds, London, Oxford (1983-1986) Pancreas Hospital 216 \- \- 279 \- \- \- 7 Ekoe 1992 Canada \[[@r198]\] Quebec Pancreas Population 179 63,9 239 62,1 7 Friedman 1993 US \[[@r199]\] Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program Pancreas Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program (inpatient and outpatient) 450 54.6 \- 2,687 54.4 \- \- 6 Frye 2000 New Zeeland \[[@r200]\] Canterbury Health case mix database Pancreas Hospital 116 70.1 \- 116 70.2 \- Controls: Fracture of femur neck 6 Grote 2011 \[[@r201]\] EPIC (10 countries) Pancreas Population 466 58 26.6 466 58 25.9 5 Gullo 1994 Italy \[[@r202]\] 14 Italian university and community hospitals (1987-1989) pancreas Hospital 720 62.6 \- 720 \- \- \- 6 Hassan 2007 US \[[@r203]\] Pancreas Hospital 808 61.9 \- 808 60.2 \- \- 7 Hiatt 1988 US \[[@r204]\] KPMPC (1960-1984) Pancreas Member of medical care program 49 67.6 \- 12,104 \- \- \- 6 Jain 1991 Canada \[[@r205]\] Toronto 1983-1986 Pancreas Population 249 64.6 \- 505 64.8 \- \- 6 Kalapothaki 1993 Greece \[[@r206]\] Athens 1991-1992 Pancreas Population 181 \- \- 181; 818\ \- \- \- 5 (2 control groups) Li 2011 US \[[@r207]\] Three previous studies- pooled analysis Pancreas Population 2,192 63 5,113 63 7 Maisonnueve 2010 Australia, Canada, Poland \[[@r208]\] Netherlands Multicenter (pooled analysis) Pancreas Population 823 \- \- 1,679 \- \- \- 5 Matsubayashi 2011 Japan \[[@r209]\] Shizuoka Cancer center Pancreas Hospital 577 64.9 577 64.9 5 Mizuno 1992 Japan \[[@r210]\] Japanese university hospitals Pancreas Hospital 124 \- \- 124 \- \- \- 6 Baradaran 2009 Iran \[[@r211]\] Multicenter Prostate Hospital 194 71.06 26.3 317 66.5 26.8 \- 4 Coker 2004 US \[[@r212]\] South Carolina\ Prostate Population 407 65-79 \- 393 65-79 \- \- 6 Central Cancer Registry (SCCCR) (1999-2001) Gong 2006 \[[@r213]\] PCPT Prostate Previous study 1,936 63.7 27.6 8,322 62.6 27.7 7 Gonzales-Perez 2005 UK \[[@r214]\] GPRD 1995-2001 Prostate Population 2,183 72 median \- 10,000 72 median \- \- 8 Lightfoot 2004 Canada \[[@r215]\] Ontario 1995-1999 Prostate Population 760 \- \- 1,632 \- \- \- 5 Rosenberg 2002 US \[[@r216]\] University\ Prostate Hospital 320 69.6 \- 189 68.1 \- \- 6 Medical Center in New York City Tavani 2002 Italy and Greece \[[@r217]\] Milan Pordenone\ Prostate hospital 608 \- \- 1,008 \- \- \- 6 and Athens, Greece Turner 2011 UK \[[@r218]\] Protect study Prostate Population 1,291 62.2 26.7 6,479 62.0 26.9 \- 7 Zhu 2004 US \[[@r219]\] US Physicians' Health Study Prostate Physicians 1,110 **-** 24.9 1,110 \- 24.9 \- 6 Attner 2012 Sweden \[[@r220]\] Swedish cancer registry (2003-2007) Several Population 19,756 45-84 \- 147,324 45-84 \- \- 7 Bosetti 2011 Italy and Switzerland \[[@r221]\] 1991-2009 Several Hospital 230- 2390 depending on cancer type 56-66 depending on cancer type 12,060 56-65 depending on cancer type 7 Jorgensen 2012 Denmark \[[@r222]\] Funen county Several Population 6,325 78 median \- 25,299 78 Median \- \- 7 Kuriki 2007 Japan \[[@r223]\] HERPACC 1989-2000 Several Hospital ♂5,341\ ♂65.3\ ♂22.7\ ♂14,199\ ♂60.6\ ♂23.0\ \- 6 ♀6,331 ♀60.6 ♀22.4 ♀ 33,569 ♀57.0 ♀22.1 La Vecchia 1994 Italy \[[@r224]\] Milan 1983-1992 Several Hospital 9,991 \- \- 7,834 \- \- \- 5 O Mara 1985\ Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) (1957-1965) Several Hospital 14,910 \- \- 4,838 \- \- \- 3 US(37) Rousseau 2006 Canada \[[@r225]\] Montreal 1979-1985 Several Population 3,107 \- \- 509 59.6 58.2%\ \- 6 BMI\>25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (β =-0.23) and colorectal (β =-0.23) cancer and otherwise not a determinant like follow up years was not a determinant. Compared to adjustment of age, adjustment of both age and BMI was a significantly positive determinant in the risk of biliary tract and gallbladder cancer (β =0.79), cervix cancer (β =0.37), myeloma (β =0.49), non Hodgkin lymphoma (β =0.39), ovary-(β =0.52), prostate cancer (β =0.11), rectum cancer (β =0.40) and thyroid cancer (β =0.47), while it was a significantly negative determinant of larynx cancer (β =-0.23). In addition adjustment of age, diabetes and smoking was a positive determinant of risk ratio in colorectal- (β =0.11), ovary-(β =0.51), and skin cancer (β =0.69) compared to adjustment by age. Furthermore some specific cancer risks may be determined by diabetes ascertainment, cancer ascertainment, and data source. In the electronic Supplementary Material 4 the results of the meta-regression are available. ###### Results of the Pooled Analysis by Random Effects Model for All Included Studies on Any Cancer and Specific Cancer Sites **Cancer Site** **RR (95% Confidence Interval)** **Number of Populations** **Test for Heterogeneity** -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------- **Any** 1.15 (1.06-1.25) 42 P \< 0.001 **Biliary tract and gall bladder\*** 1.69 (1.41-2.03) 26 P \< 0.001 **Bladder** 1.14 (1.05-1.22) 35 P \< 0.001 Bone 1.00 (0.69-1.45) 7 P = 0.895 **Breast** 1.14 (1.08-1.19) 62 P \< 0.001 **Cervix** 1.34 (1.10-1.63) 19 P \< 0.001 **Colon** 1.29 (1.21-1.36) 41 P \< 0.001 **Colorectal** 1.27 (1.21-1.34) 51 P \< 0.001 **Endometrial** 1.81 (1.63-2.01) 29 P \< 0.001 **Esophagus** 1.20 (1.02-1.41) 29 P \< 0.001 **Kidney** 1.37 (1.18-1.59) 33 P \< 0.001 Larynx 1.10 (0.84-1.43) 11 P \< 0.001 **Leukemia** 1.25 (1.08-1.45) 20 P \< 0.001 **Liver** 2.13 (1.81-2.50) 61 P \< 0.001 Lung 1.07 (0.97-1.17) 44 P \< 0.001 **Lymphoma\*\*** 1.39 (1.17-1.64) 18 P \< 0.001 Melanoma 1.00 (0.91-1.10) 18 P = 0.002 Myeloma 1.11 (0.92-1.34) 11 P \< 0.001 Nervous system 1.19 (0.97-1.46) 19 P \< 0.001 **Non-Hodgkin lymfoma** 1.19 (1.05-1.36) 28 P \< 0.001 **Ovary** 1.20 (1.03-1.40) 21 P \< 0.001 **Pancreas** 2.21 (1.93-2.54) 65 P \< 0.001 **Prostate** 0.85 (0.80-0.91) 27 P \< 0.001 **Rectum** 1.17 (1.08-1.27) 37 P \< 0.001 **Skin\*\*\*** 0.91 (0.83-0.99) 18 P \< 0.001 **Small intestine** 1.47 (1.03-2.11) 6 P = 0.005 **Stomach** 1.13 (1.02-1.24) 37 P \< 0.001 Testes 0.88 (0.71-1.09) 6 P = 0.924 **Thyroid** 1.27 (1.12-1.43) 21 P = 0.076 Significance is indicated by **bold**. Number of populations covers the number of populations used in the pooled analysis, this may not be the same as the number of records used in the analysis, thus some records have multiple populations. RR: Risk ratio, CI: Confidence interval. \* In this category studies estimating the risk of biliary tract extra- and intra hepatic, gallbladder cancer and cholangiocarcinoma were pooled \*\* In this category estimates of lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and combined estimates of lymphoma including Non-Hodgkin lymphoma were pooled. \*\*\* Some estimates used in skin cancer cover both non-melanoma skin cancer and melanoma. ###### Results of the Meta-Regression on the Specific Cancer Types **Cancer Site** **Gender\*** **Age (Years)\*** **BMI (kg/m^2^)\*** **Diabetes Type\*** **Follow Up (Years) \*** **Source^£^** **Adjustment (Adjustment for Age *vs* Adjustment for Age and BMI)^£^** **Diabetes Ascertainment^£^** **Cancer Ascertainment^£^** **NOS\*** -------------------------------- -------------- ------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------- Any 0 (5) \- (5) 0 (42) 0 (42) 0 (42) 0 (42) \- (5) Biliary tract and gall bladder 0 (7) 0 (7) \- (25) \+ (25) 0 (25) 0 (25) 0 (7) Bladder 0 (5) \- (5) 0 (33) 0 (33) 0 (33) 0 (33) 0 (5) Bone 0 (4) 0 (7) 0 (7) 0 (4) Breast 0 (7) 0 (7) 0 (7) 0 (60) 0 (60) 0 (60) 0 (60) 0 (7) Cervix 0 (6) 0 (6) 0 (17) \+ (17) 0 (17) 0 (17) 0 (6) Colon 0 (13) 0 (13) \- (13) 0 (40) 0 (40) 0 (40) 0 (40) 0 (13) Colorectal 0 (7) 0 (7) 0 (7) \- (9)\*\* 0 (47) 0 (47) 0 (47) 0 (47) 0 (7) Endometrial 0 (5)\*\* 0 (4) 0 (5)\*\* 0 (26) 0 (26) 0 (26) 0 (26) 0 (5)\*\* Esophagus 0 (5) \- (5) C 0 (27) 0 (27) 0 (27) 0 (27) \- (5) Kidney 0 (5) 0 (5) 0 (4) 0 (31) 0 (31) \+ (31) 0 (31) 0 (5) Larynx 0 (6) 0 (10) \- (10) \+ (10) 0 (10) 0 (6) Leukemia \- (5) 0 (5) 0 (18) 0 (18) 0 (18) 0 (18) 0 (5) Liver 0 (7)\*\* \- (10)\*\*CC 0 (4) 0 (58) 0 (58) 0 (58) 0 (58) 0 (7)\*\* Lung 0 (6)\*\* 0 (6)\*\* \- (5) 0 (42) 0 (42) 0 (42) 0 (42) \- (6)\*\* Lymphoma 0 (9) \- (18) 0 (18) 0 (18) 0 (18) 0 (9) Melanoma 0 (12) 0 (16) 0 (16) 0 (16) 0 (12) Myeloma 0 (6) \- (11) \+ (11) 0(11) 0 (11) 0 (6) Nervous system 0 (12) 0 (17) 0 (17) 0 (17) 0 (17) 0 (12) NHL 0 (13) \- (26) \+ (26) 0 (26) 0 (26) 0 (13) Ovary 0 (7) 0 (19) \+ (19) 0 (19) \- (19) 0 (7) Pancreas 0 (7)\*\* 0 (7)\*\* 0 (4) 0 (63) 0 (63) 0 (63) 0 (63) 0 (7)\*\* Prostate \+ (5)\*\*\*0 0 (5)\*\*\* 0 (12) 0 (26) \+ (26) 0 (26) \- (26) \+ (5)\*\*\* Rectum 0 (11)\*\* 0 (11)\*\* 0 (3) 0 (11)\*\* 0 (35) \+ (35) 0 (35) 0 (35) 0 (11)\*\* Skin 0 (10) 0 (18) 0 (18) 0 (18) 0 (18) \- (10) Small intestine 0 (5) \- (6) 0 (6) 0 (5) Stomach 0 (7) \- (7) C 0 (6) 0 (35) 0 (35) 0 (35) 0 (35) 0 (7) Testes 0 (6) Thyroid 0 (6) 0 (6) 0 (5) 0 (20) \+ (20) 0 (20) 0 (20) 0 (6) +: statistically significant positive determinant, -: statistically significant negative determinant, 0: no statistical significance, blank: could not be performed and not included in the meta-regression). The () marks how many populations were available for the regression results. Number of populations covers the number of populations used in the pooled analysis, this may not be the same as the number of records used in the analysis, thus some records have multiple populations. Some estimates used in skin cancer cover both non melanoma skin cancer and melanoma. Gender, diabetes type, source, diabetes ascertainment, cancer ascertainment, adjustment and NOS were all coded as categorical values, \* regression analysis included age, gender, NOS and BMI if available. ^£^ regression analyses included study design, source, diabetes ascertainment, adjustment factors and cancer ascertainment. \*\* Regression performed without BMI. \*\*\* Regression performed without diabetes type. BMI: Body Mass Index, NHL: Non Hodgkin lymphoma, NOS: Newcastle Ottawa Scale score. C: significance only applies to cohort studies not case control studies. CC: significance only apply to case control studies. Variables were entered in the categories as described in the methods section.
The tenth author, Cecile Goujard, was incorrectly omitted from the byline in the online version of the article. Dr. Goujard is affiliated with institution number 1, INSERM, U1018, Epidemiology of HIV and STI; University Paris-Sud 11, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France, and institution number 7, Department of Internal Medicine, Bicêtre Hospital, AP-HP, University Paris-Sud 11, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France. Dr. Goujard\'s contributions to the article are correctly indicated in both the online and PDF versions of the article. **Competing Interests:**No competing interests declared.
The second author\'s name was spelled incorrectly. The correct name is: Jaap A. Wagenaar. The correct citation is: Bosman AB, Wagenaar JA, Stegeman A, Vernooij H, Mevius D (2012) Quantifying Antimicrobial Resistance at Veal Calf Farms. PLoS ONE 7(9): e44831. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044831 There is also an error in the Materials and Methods section. In Statistical Analysis, the first sentence of the third paragraph of \"Logistic regression analysis\" should read: The estimated variance values of the random effects in the best fitting model were used to examine the variation (proportion from total) in antimicrobial resistance on farm-level, pen-level and sample-level, with the variance of a standard logistic density fixed at π2/3 \[26\]. **Competing Interests:**No competing interests declared.
1. Introduction {#sec1} =============== One of the main causes of neonatal death and neurological deficits in children is an insufficient oxygen supply during birth, known as perinatal asphyxia (PA). The central nervous system (CNS), particularly the brain, is damaged as a result of the combination of hypoxia, blood flow reduction (ischemia), and reoxygenation \[[@B1]\]. This pathology is associated with an increase in the levels of glutamate \[[@B2]\] and the consequent release of nitric oxide (NO) \[[@B3], [@B4]\]. Moreover, an increase of the superoxide anion radical (O2-·) which can rapidly react with NO to form peroxynitrite anions (ONOO-) has been described \[[@B5]\]. The excess of these molecules and the unspecific damage to various biomolecules have been described as oxidative stress in the 80th and have been linked to cell death, inflammation and might even explain the high mortality risk. Nowadays, the definition of oxidative stress has been paraphrased, acknowledging the function of different reactive species in physiological signaling cascades as well as their dysregulation in pathological conditions \[[@B6]\]. Redox signaling is regulated by proteins of the thioredoxin (Trx) family such as Trxs, glutaredoxins (Grxs) and peroxiredoxins (Prxs), that use thiol groups of cysteinyl residues within their active site motifs to catalyze for example thiol-disulfide exchange reactions \[[@B7], [@B8]\] (for an overview, see \[[@B6]\]). These redox proteins show tissue- and cell type-specific distributions. For instance, our work demonstrates specific differences in terms of protein abundance and distribution in the murine CNS \[[@B9], [@B10]\]. Trx family proteins possess the representative common structural motif, known as the Trx fold \[[@B11]\]. Trxs and Grxs are small oxidoreductases that contain the characteristic and highly conserved dithiol Cys-X-X-Cys motif in their active site that is essential for the reduction of specific disulfide bonds via the dithiol mechanism. Moreover, Trxs can catalyze the de-/nitrosylation of substrates and Grxs can catalyze the de-/glutathionylation of target proteins via the monothiol mechanism (reviewed in \[[@B12]\]). Trxs and Grxs can reduce Prxs, which are not only highly abundant peroxidases but rather regulators of the levels of the second messenger hydrogen peroxide and therefore essential for redox signaling \[[@B6], [@B12]\]. Interestingly, these proteins were shown to be altered in terms of expression, cellular distribution, and/or activity in various disorders. Also in diseases linked to hypoxia/ischemia, Trxs, Grxs, and Prxs and thereby cellular signaling within distinct cell types and tissues are significantly altered (for an overview, see \[[@B6]\]). Following cerebral ischemia induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion, Trx1 was reduced in ischemic areas and increased in perifocal ischemic regions \[[@B13]\]. Trx1 was induced in hippocampal glial cells during reperfusion following a transient cerebral ischemia in gerbils \[[@B14]\]. Transgenic mice overexpressing human Trx1 showed attenuated ischemic neuronal injury and significantly smaller infarct sizes when subjected to focal cerebral ischemia \[[@B15]\]. Moreover, Trx1 overexpression was shown to protect mice from neuronal apoptosis following mild focal ischemia \[[@B16]\]. In accordance with this evidence, the knock-down of Trx1 led to more pronounced neurological dysfunction, brain infarct size, brain edema, and overall peroxidation \[[@B17]\], as well as exacerbated apoptosis of neurons, behavioral deficits, and mortality \[[@B18]\]. Interestingly, the overexpression of the mitochondrial Trx2 attenuated ROS-induced TNF-*α* expression and subsequent NF-*κ*B activation and apoptosis \[[@B19]\]. Additionally, the protein levels of the cytosolic Grx1 were diminished after middle cerebral artery occlusion, correlating with neuronal damage \[[@B20]\]. Moreover, the overexpression of Prx2 was shown to protect cortical neuronal cell cultures from oxidative and ischemic damage \[[@B21]\]. Furthermore, exogenous administration of human Trx1 was shown to be able to pass the blood-brain barrier and exert a positive effect on neurogenesis promotion and cognitive recovery following cerebral ischemia in adult mice \[[@B22]\]. We have recently shown an increase in the hippocampal protein levels of Trx1 and Grx2 following a neonatal hypoxic/ischemic event. The specific knock-down of these proteins in a neuron-like cell model allowed us to characterize the importance of these proteins in neuronal differentiation and maturation after a hypoxic/ischemic reperfusion event. Particularly, both Grx2 and Trx1 seem to protect neuronal cells from hypoxia-induced damage, while Trx1 knock-down decreases cellular proliferation and viability. Moreover, the absence of either Grx2 or Trx1 following hypoxia and reoxygenation triggers differentiation into a glial-like cell type \[[@B23]\]. Interestingly, it was shown before in zebra fish that the loss of glutaredoxin leads to neuronal apoptosis and loss of an axonal scaffold, making Grx an essential protein for embryonic brain development \[[@B24]\]. Several potential neuroprotective agents have been used in the past to ameliorate the hypoxia/ischemia-induced damage in the CNS; however, neither of them has shown to be effective against hypoxia/ischemia-induced damage in the CNS. Here, we demonstrate the neuroprotective effects of exogenously administered, recombinantly expressed Grx2 and Trx1 (particularly in the hippocampus) in an animal model of neonatal hypoxia/ischemia, implying potential new therapeutic strategies. 2. Experimental Procedures {#sec2} ========================== 2.1. Animals {#sec2.1} ------------ All experiments were conducted according to the principles of the guide for the care and use of laboratory animals (NIH publication no. 80-23, revised 1996) and approved by the institutional animal care and use committee at the University of Buenos Aires (School of Medicine). All efforts were made to reduce the number of animals used and to minimize suffering. Pregnant rats were obtained from the "School of Veterinary Sciences" central *vivarium* at the University of Buenos Aires. All animals were kept in a temperature (21 ± 2°C) and humidity (65 ± 5%) controlled environment on a 12 h light/dark cycle. Animals had ad libitum access to food (Purina chow) and tap water. 2.2. Model for Common Carotid Artery Ligation and Treatment {#sec2.2} ----------------------------------------------------------- The model for common carotid artery ligation used in this study has been previously developed and validated \[[@B23], [@B25]\]. P7 male Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized (40 mg/kg ketamine and 4 mg/kg xylazine) and placed on a heat plate to keep their body temperature at constant 37°C. The right common carotid artery (CCA) was exposed through an incision on the neck and was then isolated and permanently ligated with a 6-0 surgical silk thread (carotid group *n* = 27). Afterwards, the wound was closed and pups were returned to their dams for 4-5 h to recover. Subsequently, the animals were subjected to a 100% nitrogen environment at 37°C for 3 minutes to induce anoxia. Sham-operated rats (sham group *n* = 27) had their right CCA exposed but not ligated, and no nitrogen was applied. One hour after nitrogen exposure, animals were injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with either saline solution (vehicle group *n* = 9), 10 mg/kg of recombinantly expressed and purified human Grx2 (Grx2 group *n* = 9), or 10 mg/kg of recombinantly expressed and purified human Trx1 (Trx1 group *n* = 9). At 72 h postinjury (postnatal day 10 (P10)), animals were sacrificed and their blood plasma and brains were collected for further analysis. The cloning, recombinant expression, and purification of hGrx2 and hTrx1 are described in Lundberg et al. \[[@B26]\] and Godoy et al. \[[@B9]\] and were produced in Dr Lillig\'s laboratory. All human recombinant Grx2 and Trx1 were processed to exchange the original buffer for phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and increase protein concentration. Before injection, each concentrate was diluted (at least 10-fold) with sterile saline solution in order to reach a 10 mg/kg dosage. 2.3. Western Blotting {#sec2.3} --------------------- Western blot analysis was performed as previously described in Romero et al. \[[@B23]\]. Animals were euthanized by decapitation, and brains were dissected, homogenized in ice-cold lysis buffer (10 mM Tris/HCl, pH 7.4, 10 mM NaCl, 3 mM MgCl~2~, 0.1% NP-40, protease inhibitors), and fast frozen in liquid nitrogen. The tissues were then thawn on ice and centrifuged at 13000 rpm for 15 min at 4°C. The supernatants were analyzed for total protein concentration using Bradford solution (Biorad, Munich, Germany) in 96-well plates with bovine serum albumin (BSA) as standard. 10--20 *μ*g of total protein were diluted in sample buffer (0.3 M Tris/HCl, pH 7, 50% glycerol, 5% SDS, 1 mM EDTA, 0.1% bromphenol blue) and were treated with 100 mM DTT for 30 min at room temperature followed by 10 min at 94°C. Samples were subjected to SDS--PAGE using the Mini-Protean TGX stain-free 4--20% precast gels (Biorad) and were transferred to PVDF membranes according to the manufacturer\'s instructions. Membranes were blocked with 5% nonfat milk powder and 1% BSA in Tris-buffered saline containing 0.05% Tween 20 and incubated with specific primary antibodies at 4°C overnight. Antigen-antibody complexes were stained using horseradish peroxidase- (HRP-) coupled antibodies (Biorad, Richmond, CA, USA) and the enhanced chemiluminescence method. Luminescence was recorded using a gel documentation system (ChemiDoc™ XRS+ System). The total protein amount in each lane was quantified using the stain-free technology of Biorad and was used for normalization of the blotting data obtained from densitometric analysis \[[@B27], [@B28]\]. Antibodies detecting HSP70 (4873S, dil 1 : 1000) and PSD95 (ab18258, dil 1 : 1000) were purchased from Cell Signaling Technology (Danvers, USA) and Abcam (Cambridge, USA), respectively. 2.4. ELISA {#sec2.4} ---------- A specific sandwich ELISA kit (NS170, Chemicon International, USA-Canada) was used to quantify the heavy chain of phosphorylated neurofilaments (pNF-H) according to the manufacturer\'s instructions. Briefly, a 96-well immunoplate precoated with chicken anti-pNF-H polyclonal antibody was used to capture pNF-H in plasma samples, as well as specific standards with known pNF-H concentrations. Captured pNF-H was then detected by a rabbit anti-pNF-H polyclonal antibody (1 : 100) and followed by an alkaline phosphatase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit polyclonal antibody. After the addition of the substrate pNPP (p-nitrophenyl phosphatase), the amount of pNF-H was determined by absorbance at 405 nm. 2.5. Immunohistochemistry and Cell Counting {#sec2.5} ------------------------------------------- Immunohistochemistry was performed as previously described in Romero et al. \[[@B23]\]. Animals were anesthetized with 28% (*w*/*v*) chloral hydrate, 0.1 ml/100 g of body weight, and intracardially perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) freshly prepared in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Brains were dissected and postfixed in the same solution for 2 h. Coronal brain sections (4 *μ*m thick) were cut using a Leica sliding microtome and then recovered for light microscopy studies. Prior to the staining, sections were incubated in 3% hydrogen peroxide for 10 min to quench endogenous peroxidases. After three washing steps in PBS, nonspecific antibody binding sites were blocked with 10% goat serum (Invitrogen Corporation, Camarillo, CA, USA) in PBS and sections were incubated overnight with anti-GFAP rabbit polyclonal antibody (1 : 500, Z0334, Dako, Germany) at 4°C. Then, sections were washed three times with PBS and subsequently incubated with a goat anti-rabbit biotinylated secondary antibody (1 : 500, BA-1000, Vector Laboratories Inc., USA) for 60 min at room temperature. The streptavidin/HRP detection system (P0397, Dako, Germany) was used for antigen staining according to the manufacturer\'s recommendations. Sections were incubated with the substrate diaminobenzidine (11718096001, Roche Life Science, USA) for 5 min at room temperature. Finally, sections were dehydrated and were mounted with Canada balsam (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). Sections without incubation with the primary antibody were used as a control to verify the specificity of the secondary antibody. Samples were examined by light microscopy using a Leitz Laborlux S microscope (Heidelberg, Germany) equipped with a CCD video camera (Canon). Images were analyzed and compiled using Adobe Photoshop 11.0 CS4. Note that for protein staining, all samples (both sham and carotid groups) were processed together in the same batch, using the same antibody dilutions and the same time for DAB development. Cell counting analysis was carried out in 5 to 6 coronal sections obtained from −3.14 mm to −4.30 mm Bregma levels (dorsal hippocampus) \[[@B29]\], for a total of 4 animals per group. In every section, the number of GFAP positive cells was quantified in both hemispheres and averaged. A mean was calculated for each animal and used for subsequent statistical analysis. We determined the cell number per area using the "Cell Counter" Image J 1.38X plugin tool (NIH, USA). In sections stained with GFAP containing *Cornu Ammonis* 1 (CA1), we set 0.02 mm^2^ squares along the *Stratum pyramidale* (sp) of CA1 in such a manner that the whole area was represented. Subsequently, we manually determined the number of cells in each square and calculated the number of cells per mm^2^. All quantifications were performed in a blind approach. 2.6. Neurobehavioral Studies {#sec2.6} ---------------------------- Neurobehavioral development studies were carried out from the first day after hypoxia-ischemia induction (P8), till the last animal showed the appearance or disappearance of the analyzed reflex (\~P19). Animals were evaluated every day at the same time (10 a.m.) for approximately 3 hours each time. All scoring was performed blindly by two observers. In order to evaluate the possible effect of the treatment in the neurobehavioral development of the animals, pups were subjected to a series of tests previously described by Kiss et al. \[[@B30]\], Shahrokhi et al. \[[@B31]\], and Giriko et al. \[[@B32]\], which assess the manifestation of different reflexes such as surface righting reflex, negative geotaxis, crossed extensor reflex, ear and eyelid twitching, and auditory startle. Additionally, ear unfolding and eye opening were assessed as a measurement of physical development. 2.7. Statistical Analysis {#sec2.7} ------------------------- Band intensities obtained from Western blots were quantified using GelPro 3.1 and were expressed as percentage of the control levels (sham-operated rats injected with saline solution). Total protein amount, visualized using the stain-free technology of Biorad was quantified using the ImageLab 5.0 software (Biorad). Bar diagrams depict the mean of four independent quantifications for each experiment, consisting of sham-operated (sham-veh, *n* = 5; sham-Grx2, *n* = 5; and sham-Trx1, *n* = 5) and ischemic (carotid-veh, *n* = 5; carotid-Grx2, *n* = 5; and carotid-Trx1, *n* = 5) animals + SEM, correlated to total protein. Two-way ANOVA tests with condition (sham, carotid) and treatment (vehicle, Grx2, and Trx1) as between-subject factors, followed by Tukey\'s post hoc tests, were employed to analyze the biochemical parameters and protein levels. For the neurobehavioral analysis, bar diagrams depict the mean of the day of appearance of the assessed reflexes for each group, consisting of sham-operated (sham-veh, *n* = 10; sham-Grx2, *n* = 10; and sham-Trx1, *n* = 10) and ischemic (carotid-veh, *n* = 10; carotid-Grx2, *n* = 10; and carotid-Trx1, *n* = 10) animals + SEM. Kruskal-Wallis tests, followed by Mann--Whitney tests for pair-wise multiple comparisons, were employed to analyze neurodevelopmental parameters. In all cases, the level of significance was set up at 5%. All analyses were performed using SPSS 15.0 (Chicago, IL, USA). 3. Results {#sec3} ========== We have previously shown that Grx2 and Trx1 are induced in the hippocampus upon perinatal asphyxia \[[@B23]\]. Interestingly, Grx2 and Trx1 are essential for the neuronal integrity, since the knock-down of these redoxins in the neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y affected cell morphology and viability during hypoxia and reoxygenation \[[@B23]\]. Within this study, we investigated whether recombinant Grx2 and Trx1 can be used as therapeutics following perinatal asphyxia, using the well-established murine carotid ligation model. 3.1. Grx2 Administration Decreases Neuronal Damage after Neonatal Hypoxia/Ischemia {#sec3.1} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perinatal asphyxia was induced in rats by carotid ligation and 3 min nitrogen treatment. Following the treatment with recombinantly expressed and purified Grx2, Trx1, or saline solution 1 h after the hypoxic/ischemic event, animals were sacrificed and their brains analyzed. We observed that animals from the carotid ligation group that only received a saline injection displayed an approximately 3-fold higher immunoreactivity against the neuronal damage marker heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) than the sham group with the same treatment (*p* \< 0.01) ([Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}). The carotid ligation group treated with recombinant human Grx2 presented an approximately 3-fold lower immunoreactivity against HSP70 than the carotid ligation group with saline injection (*p* \< 0.01) and did not differ from both, the sham group treated with Grx2 nor the sham group treated with saline solution ([Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}). Treatment with recombinant human Trx1 did not affect the protein levels of HSP70 in both, sham (*p* \< 0.01) and carotid ligation animals (*p* \< 0.01). The carotid ligation group treated with Trx1 also presented a 3-fold higher immunoreactivity against HSP70, comparable to the sham carotid ligation group ([Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}). 3.2. Exogenous Administration of Grx2 or Trx1 Interferes with the Glutamate Excitotoxicity Pathway after Neonatal Hypoxia/Ischemia {#sec3.2} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To determine whether Grx2 or Trx1 treatments affect the excitotoxic effects of glutamate associated with PA, we analyzed the protein levels of the postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD95). High levels of PSD95 have been linked to increase glutamate excitotoxicity, while its reduction has been linked to a neuroprotective effect in neonatal models of hypoxia/ischemia \[[@B33]--[@B35]\]. Western blotting analysis showed that animals subjected to neonatal hypoxia/ischemia and injected with saline solution presented over 5-fold higher levels of PSD95 in comparison to the sham group with the same treatment (*p* \< 0.01) ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}). After injection of 10 mg/kg of Grx2 1 hour after the hypoxic/ischemic insult, the carotid ligation group displayed no differences compared to the sham group that was also treated with Grx2. Furthermore, neither the sham group nor the carotid group treated with Grx2 showed any significant differences when compared to the sham group that only received the saline injection ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}). The carotid ligation group treated with Grx2 presented an approximately 6-fold reduction in the levels of PSD95 compared with the saline-treated carotid ligation group (*p* \< 0.01) ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}). The carotid ligation group treated with Trx1 presented a 3-fold increase in PSD95 levels in comparison to both the sham group treated with Grx2 (*p* \< 0.05) and the sham group with saline injection (*p* \< 0.05). Nonetheless, Trx1 treatment significantly attenuated the increase in PSD95 levels in the carotid ligation group by 3-fold in comparison to the carotid group treated with saline solution (*p* \< 0.01) ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}). 3.3. Exogenous Administration of Grx2 or Trx1 Helps in Maintaining Structural Integrity after Neonatal Hypoxia/Ischemia {#sec3.3} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The structural integrity of axons was evaluated in hypoxic/ischemic animals 72 h after the hypoxia/ischemia event by analyzing the plasma levels of phosphorylated neurofilament heavy protein (pNF-H). In fact, animals of the CCA ligation group with the saline injection had a 50% increase in the levels of pNF-H in plasma in comparison to the sham group treated only with saline solution (*p* \< 0.05) ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type="fig"}). Animals subjected to an injection of 10 mg/kg of Grx2 one hour after the hypoxic/ischemic event did not show the increase in pNF-H levels in plasma normally associated with structural axon damage. Moreover, both the carotid ligation and sham groups treated with Grx2 did not display differences in the levels of pNF-H, compared to the sham group that only received a saline injection ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type="fig"}). Similarly, animals from the carotid ligation group treated with Trx1 did not present an increase in pNF-H plasma levels. Interestingly, the levels of pNF-H in plasma in the groups treated with Trx1 were still another 50% lower than those detected in the sham group that only received a saline injection (*p* \< 0.05) ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type="fig"}). 3.4. Exogenous Administration of Grx2 and Trx1 Avoids the Astrogliosis Caused by Neonatal Hypoxia/Ischemia {#sec3.4} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The effect of Grx2 and Trx1 treatment on astrogliosis development following the hypoxic/ischemic event was analyzed by glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunostaining in the *stratum radiatum* of the hippocampal CA1 area, which previously has been reported as a particularly susceptible area in neural plasticity and development of astrogliosis \[[@B36]--[@B38]\]. As expected, hypoxic/ischemic rats injected with saline solution presented an approximately 30% increase in the number of GFAP positive (GFAP+) astrocytes, in comparison to sham rats treated with saline solution (*p* \< 0.01) ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type="fig"}). Animals from the carotid ligated group treated with Grx2 did not present an increase in the number of GFAP+ cells when compared to the carotid ligated group treated with saline solution (*p* \< 0.05), while it did not show any differences in comparison with the sham group treated with Grx2 ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type="fig"}). Likewise, the carotid group treated with Trx1 did not show an increase in GFAP+ astrocytes in comparison to the carotid group that only received the saline solution injection (*p* \< 0.01). No significant difference was detected between the carotid ligation and sham groups treated with Trx1 ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type="fig"}). Moreover, all groups treated with either Grx2 or Trx1 did not show significant differences when compared with the sham group treated only with the saline solution ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type="fig"}), suggesting that the treatment with either Grx2 or Trx1 protects from the astrogliosis associated with the hypoxic/ischemic event during birth. 3.5. Grx2 and Trx1 Administration Reverts Some of the Early Developmental Alterations Associated with Neonatal Hypoxia/Ischemia {#sec3.5} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to assess both the effects of the hypoxic/ischemic event and the treatment with Grx2 or Trx1 on the neurodevelopment of pups, a series of reflexes and physical developmental parameters were measured from postnatal day 8 (P8) until \~P19. There were no significant differences between group conditions (sham or carotid) or between treatments (saline, Grx2, or Trx1 administration) for the tasks evaluating surface righting reflex, negative geotaxis, crossed extensor reflex, ear twitching, auditory startle, and ear unfolding (see Supplementary Figure 1 available online at <https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/4162465>). Nevertheless, carotid animals that only received a saline injection displayed a significant delay in eye opening and eyelid twitching in comparison with sham-operated animals (*p* \< 0.05 in both cases, see Figures [5(a)](#fig5){ref-type="fig"} and [5(b)](#fig5){ref-type="fig"}, resp.). Interestingly, Grx2 administration reverted the delayed eye opening observed in the carotid group treated with saline ([Figure 5(a)](#fig5){ref-type="fig"}). Trx1 administration had no effect on this developmental parameter. Interestingly, Grx2 had no effect on the delay in eyelid twitching observed after the injury, while Trx1 treatment reverted the delay in relation with the sham group ([Figure 5(b)](#fig5){ref-type="fig"}). 4. Discussion {#sec4} ============= Recently, we have analyzed the changes in the levels of 14 members of the Trx family in the brains of rats subjected to the carotid ligation model \[[@B23]\], showing that Grx2 and Trx1 are crucial for the recovery following hypoxia/ischemia and reoxygenation. In fact, silencing of these proteins in neuron-like cell cultures (SH-SY5Y) plays an important role in maintaining the neuronal phenotype of these cells \[[@B23]\]. These studies prompted us to investigate the effects of protein administration on the neuronal damage caused by PA. The results presented suggest that the administration of Grx2, and to some extent the administration of Trx1, has the potential to significantly attenuate the neuronal damage caused by PA, including the cellular damage response, glutamate excitotoxicity, axonal integrity, and astrogliosis. It is worth mentioning that the reoxygenation phase following a hypoxic/ischemic event comprises the early, acute phase that is induced by O~2~, O~2~−, and overall changes in cellular redox properties, and the late subacute phase that is rather induced by the overall immune response \[[@B39]\]. Here, we have focused on the short-term changes (72 h posthypoxic/ischemic event) induced by PA, because (i) the CNS is especially susceptible to oxidative damage due to its high metabolic rate, its oxygen consumption, and its low capacity for regeneration and (ii) these changes correlate with the mortality rate of patients \[[@B40]--[@B43]\]. Interestingly, Prxs, substrates for Trxs and Grxs, are significantly altered as a result of stroke-related insults \[[@B21], [@B44]--[@B46]\]. Overexpression of Prx6 decreased hypoxia-induced retinal ganglion cell death \[[@B47]\]. Prx3, which was shown to be reduced and regenerated by Grx2 \[[@B48]\], showed elevated protein levels in the hippocampus of gerbils following cerebral hypoxia/ischemia and reoxygenation and protected CA1 pyramidal neurons against the induced damage \[[@B49]\]. It is thus tempting to speculate that the protective mechanism of Grx2 could involve the reduction of Prxs and therefore the regulation of intracellular levels of peroxides and cellular signaling, as well as the molecular damage that can occur in the presence of high peroxide levels. Cellular damage derived from an ischemic insult induces the expression of heat shock proteins, one of the groups of proteins involved in the overall stress response \[[@B50]\]. HSP70 is constitutively expressed and is the most abundant heat shock protein present in the cell, and it is produced as a response to several stimuli, such as heat, heavy metals, toxins, and ischemia \[[@B51]\]. Increased HSP70 expression has been reported as a response to ischemic damage in neurons, astrocytes, and endothelial cells \[[@B52]\]. Interestingly, cerebral ischemia in rats induces HSP70 expression, mainly in the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex, correlating with the vulnerability of the CNS to ischemic damage \[[@B53]\]. Since carotid animals that were treated with Grx2 presented significantly lower levels of HSP70 compared to control animals that only received saline solution, it can be inferred that Grx2 can significantly reduce the immediate cellular response towards the hypoxic/ischemic event associated with the HSP70 response ([Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}). The protein-protein interactions, mediated by the PPDZ domain of the postsynaptic density 95 protein, are key elements in intracellular signaling \[[@B54]\]. The structural postsynaptic protein PSD95 binds simultaneously to the ionotropic glutamate receptor NMDA and the enzyme nNOS through its PDZ1 and PDZ2 domains \[[@B55]\]. The activation of the NMDA receptor causes the influx of intracellular Ca^2+^ which, in turn, produces the activation of nNOS with the consequent generation of NO \[[@B35]\], one of the most common promoters of glutamate excitotoxicity \[[@B56], [@B57]\]. Considering that PSD95 inhibition does not affect the overall ion flux \[[@B58]\] or the signaling pathways that favor survival \[[@B59]\], which are mediated by the NMDA receptor, it has been speculated that PSD95 could be a safe and efficient target for the treatment of cerebral ischemic damage \[[@B60]\]. Hence, neurons deficient for PSD95 or nNOS show a reduction in the vulnerability to glutamate excitotoxicity \[[@B61]\]. Previous studies have shown that the reduction of PSD95 expression is linked to a reduction of the damage associated with a neonatal hypoxic/ischemic event \[[@B33]--[@B35]\]. As expected, the levels of PSD95 were significantly elevated in the carotid group compared to the sham animal group (about 7-fold increase). Interestingly, no significant increase of PSD95 was detected in the carotid animals injected with Grx2 compared to the sham animal groups injected with saline solution or Grx2. Thus, Grx2 might not only counteract the HSP70 response but also the damage associated to glutamate excitotoxicity after the hypoxic/ischemic injury ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}). Even though Trx1 treatment did not show a significant effect on HSP70 protein levels following the hypoxia/ischemia ([Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}), a significant 3-fold decrease in the protein levels of PSD95 compared with the carotid group treated with saline solution was detected. However, Trx1 treatment was not as efficient as Grx2 in preventing or counteracting the induction of PSD95 ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}). The screening of specific components in tissues and biological fluids secreted upon pathological conditions is commonly used as a therapeutic and diagnostic tool \[[@B62]\]. Neurofilaments are highly abundant proteins in neurons and are found in the axons of all neurons. Their main function is the maintenance of the axonal gauge, which is essential for the morphological integrity and the conduction velocity of neuronal impulses \[[@B63]\]. Three types of neurofilaments (light neurofilaments (NF-L), medium neurofilaments (NF-M), and heavy neurofilaments (NF-H)) make up the nerve fibers and are eliminated to the extracellular space in considerable amounts following axonal damage or neuronal degeneration \[[@B64]--[@B66]\]. The perturbation of the axonal membrane expels neurofilaments to the interstitial space and eventually to the cerebrospinal fluid and the blood. In this manner, the levels of neurofilaments in the blood can be used for both the prediction and monitoring of the progress of a disease and the evaluation of the efficacy and/or toxicity of neuroprotective treatments \[[@B67]--[@B70]\]. The phosphorylated form of NF-H is axon-specific and is used as a specific marker for neuronal damage and degeneration \[[@B71]\]. pNF-H levels are, for instance, elevated following acute hypoxic/ischemic damage \[[@B72]\]. It has been further shown that the levels of pNF-H in serum and cerebrospinal fluid are increased after a variety of damages to the CNS, both in animal models and in humans \[[@B71]\]. Moreover, the increment of pNF-H levels in serum is a good indicator of the degree of the lesion in the white matter of the CNS \[[@B73]\]. In our model, we could confirm that acute hypoxia/ischemia leads to neuronal damage and elevated levels of pNF-H in serum compared to sham animals ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type="fig"}). Interestingly, when the carotid animals were treated with Grx2 or Trx1 following the hypoxic/ischemic event, no such increase was detectable via specific ELISA ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type="fig"}). It is worth to notice that in the case of Trx1 administration, pNF-H levels both in sham and carotid animals were well below those found in the sham group treated only with saline solution. This effect could be the consequence of a higher effect in axonal integrity produced by Trx1. In this regard, previous studies have linked Trx1 to a strong protection against axonal damage in a model of retinal nerve damage \[[@B74], [@B75]\], as well as to the regulation of axonal regeneration \[[@B76]\]. The excess of Trx1 in the system could thus contribute to lower the basal levels of pNF-H by tipping the balance toward axonal regeneration rather than disruption. Reactive gliosis can be triggered in response to several CNS pathologies, such as trauma, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases \[[@B77]\]. Following injury, astrocytes proliferate and their GFAP expression increases \[[@B78]\]. Experimental data suggest that reactive gliosis can be detrimental for neuroplasticity and regeneration of the CNS. Therefore, the prevention of reactive gliosis has become an essential issue in the development of therapeutic interventions \[[@B79]\]. Previous studies have shown that perinatal hypoxia/ischemia triggers reactive gliosis in neonatal rats \[[@B36], [@B80]\]. In this study, we have shown that hypoxia/ischemia induces the characteristic reactive gliosis. Sham-treated animals, as well as animals that were treated with either Grx2 or Trx1 one hour after the injury, did not develop astrogliosis ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type="fig"}). The rat postnatal development is characterized by the appearance of a series of reflexes and motor skills through the first three weeks of life \[[@B81]\]. During this period, different insults, such as a hypoxic/ischemic event, can affect the normal development of those reflexes and physical skills \[[@B30], [@B82]--[@B84]\]. Previous studies have shown that glutamate neurotoxicity plays a key role in the impairment of the development of neurological reflexes and motor skills \[[@B82], [@B85]\]. This excitotoxicity has shown to be most severe in the retina, in the cortex, and in the hippocampus \[[@B82], [@B85]--[@B88]\]. Moreover, glutamate excitotoxicity has also been previously linked to neurobehavioral delays \[[@B82], [@B85]\]. Interestingly, the biochemical findings of this study showed that both Grx2 and Trx1 acted in the biomarker reduction associated with the glutamate excitotoxicity pathway which was increased after hypoxia/ischemia ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}). In this regard, neurodevelopmental analyses have shown that Grx2 treatment was able to revert the developmental delay presented in the opening of the eye in carotid pups ([Figure 5(a)](#fig5){ref-type="fig"}), while Trx1 administration reverted the neurodevelopmental delay presented in the appearance of the eye twitching reflex ([Figure 5(b)](#fig5){ref-type="fig"}). Both of the thioredoxin family proteins investigated here, Grx2 and Trx1, have been characterized as crucial for cell survival under various conditions when expressed intracellularly (summarized, for instance in Holmgren et al. \[[@B89]\] and Hanschmann et al. \[[@B6]\]). Since Trx1 is known to be secreted by cells via an unconventional mechanism and to function, for instance, in the activation of immune cells (summarized in Nakamura \[[@B90]\]), Trx1 administration has been discussed as a potential therapeutic strategy against cellular damage \[[@B91]\]. In fact, the perfusion, but not the inhalation, of recombinant human Trx1 protected rat lungs from ischemia-reperfusion injury \[[@B92]\]. An intravitreous injection of recombinant Trx1 was also shown to attenuate the damage produced to the retina by ischemia and glaucoma, induced by N-methyl-D-aspartate, which stimulates glutamate receptors \[[@B93]\]. Both Grxs and Trxs have shown to protect from dopamine-induced neuronal damage in vitro \[[@B94], [@B95]\]. Recently, Tian and coworkers demonstrated that treatment with recombinant Trx1 can improve the neurogenesis via the regulation of the ERK signaling pathway in mice following global cerebral ischemia, improving spatial learning and memory \[[@B22]\]. In the present study, we have shown that even though Grx2 and Trx1 are both part of the thioredoxin family of proteins, they do not necessarily behave in the same manner. This can be exemplified by the differences observed in response to Grx2 and Trx1 treatments, regarding HSP70, PSD95, and pNF-H markers as well as the different outcomes in the neurodevelopmental evaluation after the treatments. These differences could be explained through the possible distinct mechanisms involved in each protein intervention. In this regard, it is known that Grx2, as part of the glutaredoxin subfamily, plays a key role in redox-dependent cellular processes \[[@B96]\]. Particularly, glutaredoxins (Grxs) are able to reduce both disulfides and mixed disulfides, while they can be restored by glutathione reductase which is directly coupled to the GSH/GSSG ratio (the main indicator of the cell redox state and its redox potential) \[[@B97], [@B98]\]. Grxs are also capable of catalyzing S-glutathionylation of proteins (a key regulatory mechanism of biological processes) \[[@B99], [@B100]\]. It is generally accepted that Grxs are a key component in response to an oxidative imbalance through the regulation of mix disulfides \[[@B101], [@B102]\]. In addition, due to the mitochondrial localization of Grx2, it has been proved that it prevents apoptosis by avoiding the leak of cytochrome c from mitochondria and cardiolipin oxidation \[[@B89], [@B103], [@B104]\]. By contrast, Trx1 shows no activity towards mixed disulfides and it is thought to have a more prominent role in redox regulation of cell signaling rather than direct participation in redox-dependent reactions as a consequence of its low levels in comparison with other endogenous antioxidants, and its multifunctional role as a cytosolic protein. In this compartment, Trx1 can function as a growth factor and enzyme cofactor and, under different stresses, can translocate to the nucleus and regulate several transcription factors \[[@B96], [@B105]--[@B109]\]. Taking this data into account, the observed differences in the measurements performed in the present study could be associated with the biological processes in which each redoxin is more important. One could hypothesize that those processes more related to an imbalance of the redox state could respond better to a Grx2 treatment, while Trx1 could be more prominent in processes where it functions as a regulator of transcription factors. 5. Conclusion {#sec5} ============= Taken together, the results presented in this study suggest that the delivery of recombinant Grx2, and to some extend of Trx1, has the potential to attenuate the severe neurological damage induced by PA. If not the delivery of these proteins themselves, a detailed understanding of the underlying redox regulated signaling pathways, may put in evidence the need for new therapeutic strategies to improve CNS recovery after PA and potentially other stroke associated pathologies. Supplementary Material {#supplementary-material-sec} ====================== ###### Supplementary figure 1: Neurobehavioral development after neonatal hypoxia/ischemia episode and administration of saline solution, Grx2 (10 mg/kg) or Trx1 (10 mg/kg) one hour post-injury. Neurodevelopmental development was evaluated from postnatal day 8 (P8) until \~P19. No statistical differences were detected between the different groups for a) negative geotaxis at P10 (H = 8.82, d.f. = 5, p = n.s.), b) negative geotaxis at P14 (H = 2.31, d.f. = 5, p = n.s.), c) crossed extensor reflex (H = 1.76, d.f. = 5, p = n.s.), d) ear unfolding (H = 3.82, d.f. = 5, p = n.s.), and e) auditory startle (H = 7.66, d.f. = 5, p = n.s.). All animals presented the surface righting reflex and ear twitching at P8 (data not shown). All statistical analyses were performed by Kruskal-Wallis tests. Bars depict the mean + SEM of 10 pups/group. Sham: pups subjected to sham-surgery at P7; Carotid: pups subjected to right common carotid artery ligation followed by 3 min exposure to 100 % nitrogen at P7; Grx2: mouse recombinant glutaredoxin 2 treatment (10 mg/kg) one hour post-injury; Trx1: human recombinant thioredoxin 1 treatment (10 mg/kg) one hour post-injury. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB593-N01, LI984/3-1, and GRK1947-A1) to Christopher Horst Lillig; the Federal Ministry for Science and Education (BMBF: 01DN13023-PAREDOX) and MINCYT to Christopher Horst Lillig and Francisco Capani; the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD and MINCYT (PROALAR program) to Christopher Horst Lillig and Francisco Capani; the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (PIP 11420100100159, CONICET, Argentina) to Francisco Capani; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad UE/ERDF grants PI16/01698 and Red de Trastornos Adictivos RD16/0017/0001, and Fundació "La Marató de TV3" (Grant no. 386/C/2011) to Fernando Rodríguez de Fonseca; and the University of Buenos Aires (UBACYT 20020090100118) to Francisco Capani. Juan Ignacio Romero, Mariana Inés Holubiec, Stéphanie Rivière, and Tamara Logica Tornatore are fellowship holders from the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET, Argentina). Francisco Capani and Pablo Galeano are researchers from the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET, Argentina). Eduardo Blanco is an associate professor of the Serra-Hunter Programme from the Catalan Government. Disclosure ========== The current address of Juan Ignacio Romero is Fundación Instituto Leloir, Av. Patricias Argentinas 435, C1405BWE, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Conflicts of Interest ===================== None of the authors have any conflict of interest to report related to this manuscript. ![Grx2 reduces neuronal damage following perinatal hypoxia/ischemia. Perinatal asphyxia was induced in rats by carotid ligation and 3 min nitrogen treatment. During 1 h postischemia, the animals were treated with recombinant Grx2 or Trx1. Hippocampi were isolated and analyzed for changes in the protein levels of the neuronal damage marker HSP70 by Western blot. The diagram depicts the relative protein levels compared to sham-operated rats that only received a saline solution (vehicle). Representative Western blots demonstrate the significant changes. Bars depict the mean + SEM of 5 rats per group. Two-way ANOVA test \[condition (sham, carotid): *F*~(1,\ 24)~ = 49.85, *p* \< 0.001; treatment (veh, Grx2, and Trx1): *F*~(2,\ 24)~ = 8.05, *p* \< 0.01; and interaction: *F*~(2,\ 24)~ = 8.39, *p* \< 0.01\] followed by Tukey\'s post hoc tests was employed to analyze the data. ^∗∗^*p* \< 0.01.](OMCL2017-4162465.001){#fig1} ![Grx2 and Trx1 interfere with the glutamate excitotoxicity pathway following neonatal hypoxia/ischemia. Perinatal asphyxia was induced in rats by carotid ligation and 3 min nitrogen treatment. During 1 h postischemia, the animals were treated with recombinant Grx2 or Trx1. Hippocampi were isolated and analyzed for changes in the protein levels of PSD95 by Western blot, as a reporter for the induction of glutamate exitotoxicity. The diagram depicts the relative protein levels compared to sham-operated rats that only received a saline solution (vehicle). Bars show the mean + SEM of 5 rats per group. Two-way ANOVA test \[condition (sham, carotid): *F*~(1,\ 24)~ = 29.07, *p* \< 0.001; treatment (veh, Grx2, and Trx1): *F*~(2,\ 24)~ = 58.36, *p* \< 0.05; and interaction: *F*~(2,\ 24)~ = 10.61, *p* \< 0.001\] followed by Tukey\'s post hoc tests was employed to analyze the data. ^∗^*p* \< 0.05, ^∗∗^*p* \< 0.01.](OMCL2017-4162465.002){#fig2} ![Grx2 and Trx1 help to maintain the structural integrity following neonatal hypoxia/ischemia. Plasma from 10-day-old rats that were subjected to a carotid ligation or sham operation and subsequent 3 min nitrogen treatment and received a treatment with either saline solution, Grx2, or Trx1 one hour postinjury, was screened for pNF-H as a measurement of structural damage to the axons. The levels of pNF-H were analyzed by a specific ELISA. Bars represent the mean + SEM of 5 rats per group. Two-way ANOVA test \[condition (sham, carotid): *F*~(1,\ 24)~ = 27.20, *p* \< 0.001; treatment (veh, Grx2, and Trx1): *F*~(2,\ 24)~ = 53.34, *p* \< 0.001; and interaction: *F*~(2,\ 24)~ = 7.47, *p* \< 0.01\] followed by Tukey post hoc tests was employed to analyze the data. ^∗^*p* \< 0.05, ^∗∗^*p* \< 0.01.](OMCL2017-4162465.003){#fig3} ![Grx2 and Trx1 prevent the characteristic astrogliosis that follows neonatal hypoxia/ischemia. (a) Representative immunostainings of GFAP in the CA1 area of the hippocampus. Insets show the morphological details of astrocytes. (b) Quantification of GFAP+ cells as number of positive cells by mm^2^ was used as a measurement of the reactive gliosis response. Bars represent the mean + SEM of 4 rats per group. Two-way ANOVA test \[condition (sham, carotid): *F*~(1,\ 18)~ = 17.52, *p* \< 0.001; treatment (veh, Grx2, and Trx1): *F*~(2,\ 18)~ = 7.42, *p* \< 0.001; and interaction: *F*~(2,\ 18)~ = 3.97, *p* \< 0.05\] followed by Tukey\'s post hoc tests was employed to analyze the data. ^∗∗^*p* \< 0.01. Scale bars 10 *μ*m.](OMCL2017-4162465.004){#fig4} ![Grx2 and Trx1 revert the delay in the appearance of eye neurodevelopment milestones present after neonatal hypoxia/ischemia. Pups were evaluated for the detection of variation in the appearance of different reflexes and motor skills. (a) Quantification of the eye opening in pups expressed as the day of the first appearance (both eyes presented completed separation of the eyelids). (b) Quantification of the eye twitching reflex in pups expressed as the day of the first appearance (day in which both eyelids twitch for the first time). Bars represent the mean + SEM of 10 rats per group. Kruskal-Wallis tests \[eye opening: *H* = 25.35, d.f. = 5, *p* \< 0.001; eye twitching: *H* = 15.72, d.f. = 5, *p* \< 0.01\], followed by post hoc Mann--Whitney tests were employed to analyze the data. ^∗^*p* \< 0.05, ^∗∗^*p* \< 0.01.](OMCL2017-4162465.005){#fig5} [^1]: Academic Editor: Reiko Matsui
INTRODUCTION {#sec1-1} ============ Unintended pregnancies are pregnancies that are either unwanted (i.e., they occur when no children or no more children are desired) or mistimed (i.e., they occur earlier than desired).[@ref1][@ref2] Unplanned pregnancy is a concept related to unintended pregnancy. It is said to occur either when a woman used a contraceptive method or when she did not desire to become pregnant but did not use a method.[@ref1] In contrast, pregnancies are described as intended if they are reported to have happened at the right time or later than desired (because of infertility or difficulties in conceiving).[@ref1][@ref3] Unintended pregnancy mainly results from lack of, inconsistent or incorrect use of effective contraceptive methods[@ref2] although pregnancy unintendedness is seen as a complex concept as pregnancy intentions are increasingly viewed as encompassing effective cognitive, cultural, and contextual dimensions.[@ref1][@ref4] The cost of unintended pregnancy is high because the woman has an option of either carrying the pregnancy to term and keep the baby, decide for an adoption, or have an induced abortion.[@ref5][@ref6] Nigeria has restrictive abortion laws and that can compound the problem of unintended pregnancies. Births that are unintended by the mother are at elevated risks of adverse social, economic, and health outcomes for the mother and the child.[@ref7][@ref8][@ref9][@ref10][@ref11][@ref12] According to the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey of 2013, total fertility rate is 5.5 children. Nearly one-quarter (23%) of adolescent women aged 15--19 years are already mothers. Young motherhood is highest in the Northwest Zone (36%). Maternal mortality is high at 576 deaths per 100,000 live births while contraceptive usage among married women was 15%.[@ref13] A community survey from northwest part of Nigeria showed that majority of young woman aged 15--20 years had given birth to at least one child, with 35% reported have had at least three or more children and 13% reported have had six children. Among women aged 21--24 years, 11% reported having given birth seven times.[@ref14] This suggested that closely spaced pregnancies are common possibly due to low contraceptive usage. Unintended pregnancies may therefore be common. Recent data from the United States showed that 49% of pregnancies are unintended.[@ref5] In a study among antenatal women in Dublin, Ireland, the second pregnancy was unplanned in 20.3% of them.[@ref15] A similar study among antenatal women in Scotland showed that 8.6% of them had unintended pregnancy.[@ref16] Findings from other parts of the world showed a very high rate of unintended pregnancy among antenatal women, ranging from 49.4% in Papua New guinea to 65% in Argentina and 65.2% in Thailand.[@ref17][@ref18][@ref19] In the Middle East and North Africa, between 15% and 58% of pregnancies were unintended.[@ref20] In other parts of Africa, unintended pregnancies among antenatal women ranged from 27.9% in Eastern Ethiopia to 45.5% in Central Kenyan Province.[@ref21][@ref22][@ref23] In Nigeria, there is a paucity of data on unintended pregnancies among antenatal women. Because of the high fertility rate, closely spaced pregnancies, and low contraceptive usage, there is a need to take a further look at unintended pregnancies. Abuja is cosmopolitan and also the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria. The population is a representation of the people of Nigeria, and therefore, there is the need to conduct this study in Abuja. MATERIALS AND METHODS {#sec1-2} ===================== This study is a descriptive, cross-sectional, questionnaire-based survey conducted among women attending antenatal clinic at the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Gwagwalada, Abuja. A sample size of 254 was arrived at using the formula, *n* = *z*^2^ *pq*/*d*^2^. Where *n* = desired sample size; *z* = standard normal deviation = 1.96 at 95% confidence interval; *P* = prevalence of unintended pregnancy among patients attending antenatal clinic which was 21% from study conducted in Lagos;[@ref24] *q* = *I*-- *P*; *d* = degree of accuracy desired = 0.05. Adding 10% attrition, it was rounded up to 300. Three hundred antenatal attendees were randomly recruited into the study between August 2014 and February 2015 after obtaining consent. Semi-structural pretested questionnaires containing both open- and close-ended questions were administered to them by interviewer method. The questionnaire contained questions on sociodemographic variables, knowledge and practice of contraceptive methods, and social habits such as smoking and taking of alcoholic beverages. Questions on pregnancy intention and history of intimate partner violence were also asked. Data obtained were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics for windows version 20 software, USA. Chi-square test was used for tests of associations for categorical variables, and the level of significance was set at *P* \< 0.05. RESULTS {#sec1-3} ======= Three hundred women responded to the questionnaire. [Table 1](#T1){ref-type="table"} shows the sociodemographic structure of the respondents. The age range was between 19 and 45 years, with the average of 30.3 ± 4.7 years. There were more respondents between the age range of 25--34 years (216, 72%). Literacy level was high as 100 (33.3%) and 175 (58.3%) had secondary and tertiary levels of education, respectively. [Table 1](#T1){ref-type="table"} also shows that majority of them (95, 31.7%) were into business as occupation while 82 (27.3%) were homemakers and had nothing else doing. Seventy-three (24.3%) were civil servants. One hundred and sixty-three (54.3%) were multipara while 17 (5.7%) were grand multipara. ###### Sociodemographic characteristic of the respondents (*n*=300) ![](NMJ-57-334-g001) All the respondents were married, and the average gestational age at booking was 20.4 ± 7.6 weeks. Two hundred and twelve (70.7%) were Christians while 88 (29.3%) were Muslims. [Table 2](#T2){ref-type="table"} shows that 259 (86.3%) of the respondents were aware of one form of contraception or the other while 41 (13.7%) were not. Despite this level of awareness, 192 (61.9%) had not used any form of contraceptives previously. Among those who had used contraceptives before, condoms (30, 9.7%), injectables (25, 8.1%), and combined oral contraceptive pills were the most common methods used. ###### Contraceptive awareness and previous usage (*n*=300) ![](NMJ-57-334-g002) [Table 3](#T3){ref-type="table"} shows the reasons for not using contraceptives among the 192 respondents. Out of them, 41 (21.3%, *n* = 192) had no knowledge of contraceptives, 100 (52.1%) did not give any specific reason for not having practiced contraception before while 7 (3.6%) cited husband\'s dislike for contraceptives as the reason. Five (2.6%) cited religious belief while 9 (4.7%) had preference for natural method. Some of the respondents (3, 1.6%) were afraid of side effects while another 3 (1.6%) did not know how to access them. ###### Reasons for not using contraceptives (*n*=192) ![](NMJ-57-334-g003) Pregnancy intention is shown in [Table 4](#T4){ref-type="table"}. At the time of conception, the pregnancy was desired in 212 (70.2%) of them. Thirty-five (11.7%) had desired the pregnancy earlier than the time it occurred while 34 (11.3%) had wanted it later. Fourteen (4.7%) never wanted the pregnancy at all while 5 (1.7%) were ambivalent in their response. Those who had desired it later (mistimed) and those who never wanted it at all constituted unintended pregnancy (48, 16%). ###### Pregnancy intention at the time of conception of current pregnancy (*n*=300) ![](NMJ-57-334-g004) Test of association using Chi-square showed significant association between age and unwanted pregnancy (*χ*^2^ = 68.56, *P* \< 0.001). There was no significant association between age and pregnancy desirability at the time of conception (*χ*^2^ = 24.46, *P* = 0.44). There was no significant association between educational status and unwanted pregnancy (*χ*^2^ = 4.20, *P* = 0.24). However, there was significant association between parity and unwanted pregnancy (*χ*^2^ = 39.92, *P* \< 0.001). DISCUSSION {#sec1-4} ========== Unintended pregnancy is often used as a proxy indicator of poor sexual health, and reducing it is a policy aim of many countries around the world.[@ref25] The unintended pregnancy rate of 16.0% found in this study is slightly lower than 21% reported from Lagos, Nigeria, in a similar study.[@ref24] It is also lower than 26% reported from Ethiopia.[@ref26] Much higher figures have been reported from Papua New Guinea (49.4%), Argentina (65%), and Thailand (65.2%).[@ref17][@ref18][@ref19] It is however higher than 8.6% found among antenatal women in Scotland.[@ref16] All these studies were carried out among antenatal women. The issue of unintended pregnancy is a challenge in many countries.[@ref18] It is also a social issue because of the adverse health outcomes and risk factors for poor health outcomes for both the baby and the mother.[@ref1][@ref2][@ref27] Assessing whether or not a pregnancy is unintended is a complex task. It involves well-known methodological problems.[@ref4][@ref28][@ref29][@ref30][@ref31] A woman\'s risk of unintended pregnancy depends on varying degrees of her socio-economic status and the community where she lives.[@ref20] Some of the risk factors include extremes of age, educational status, and marital status. Others are access to family planning services and her family\'s and community attitudes toward family size and contraceptive use.[@ref6][@ref20] Older women generally have at least one child, and many may have achieved their desired family size. They are therefore more likely than the younger ones to report the current pregnancy as unintended.[@ref20] In the Middle East and North African countries, younger married women have the highest pregnancy rates, and because they make up a large number of all married women of childbearing age, they have the largest number of intended pregnancies.[@ref20] A study from the northwestern part of Nigeria also showed marriage at young ages where about 93% of women aged 15--20 years had been pregnant, with almost 46% having been pregnant three to four times.[@ref14] Majority of the respondents in this study were between the age group of 25--34 years. The statistical analysis, however, showed a significant association between age and unintended pregnancy and also between parity and unintended pregnancy. Lower educational status has been associated with unintended pregnancy.[@ref6][@ref20] The test of association between educational status and unintended pregnancy in this study was not significant. This could be due to the fact that the educational level among the respondents was high, and hence, they were in a proper position to decide about pregnancy desirability. Despite the high awareness about contraceptives, majority of the respondents had never used any form of contraception. Low level of contraceptive use was also reported by Tayo *et al*. from Lagos.[@ref24] In Nigeria, contraceptive usage among married women is generally low (15%).[@ref13] In developing countries, the most important determinant of declining fertility is the effective use of contraceptives.[@ref32][@ref33] A large number of those who had not used contraceptives before did not give any specific reason. Others stated lack of awareness while a few sited husband\'s dislike, religious beliefs, fear of side effects, and nonaccess to contraceptives. In Egypt, infrequent sex, fear of side effects, and health concerns were the main reasons for not using contraceptives.[@ref34] In Argentina, reasons that have been adduced for nonuse of contraceptives among pregnant women include cost, attitudes of service providers, and lack of information.[@ref18] More than 40% of women whose pregnancies were unintended from a study in Argentina reported that they had not been using contraceptive methods because they were unaware that they needed contraception.[@ref18] CONCLUSION {#sec1-5} ========== In the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria, unintended pregnancy among married women is high. Despite the high awareness of contraceptives and high educational status, the utilization of contraceptive services is low. The reason why a good number of them do not utilize family planning services is not known. Effective use of contraceptives can prevent unintended pregnancies. There is, therefore, need to ensure women\'s access to quality family planning information and services. Adequate information, education, and communication materials for contraceptives could be provided during antenatal health talk and community advocacy. This will contribute to the reduction of unintended pregnancies among married women in our society. Financial support and sponsorship {#sec2-1} --------------------------------- Nil. Conflicts of interest {#sec2-2} --------------------- There are no conflicts of interest.
Introduction {#s1} ============ Purkinje cells (PCs) are the final common collector of the whole neuronal activity generated in the granular and molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex (Eccles et al., [@B26]; Ramón y Cajal, [@B53]). A complex structural and functional organization allows PCs to elaborate the largest synaptic input of the brain, amounting to over 200,000 synapses in rodents (Korbo et al., [@B36]). PCs are characterized by active dendrites (Llinás and Sugimori, [@B37],[@B38]) endowed with different types of voltage-dependent channels. Several experiments and models have been developed with the aim to explain how PCs integrate synaptic inputs (De Schutter and Bower, [@B18],[@B19]; Rapp et al., [@B55]; Roth and Häusser, [@B57]; Brunel et al., [@B11]; Santamaria and Bower, [@B59]; Steuber et al., [@B62]; Masoli et al., [@B45]), but the role of voltage-dependent currents in local computation has not been fully clarified. PCs have recently been proposed to react to input bursts by generating a burst-pause response (BPR), which has been correlated with animal behavior (Cao et al., [@B12]; Herzfeld et al., [@B31]). While the intervention of inhibitory molecular layer interneurons (molecular layer interneurons; Barmack and Yakhnitsa, [@B7]; Bower, [@B10]; Grasselli et al., [@B29]) has been proposed to regulate the pause, the role played by dendritic properties in BPR generation remained unclear. BPRs are thought to reflect a stereotyped PC response to bursting granular layer inputs. The granule cells generate brief spike bursts *in vitro* (D'Angelo et al., [@B15]; Nieus et al., [@B48]) and *in vivo* (Chadderton et al., [@B13]; van Beugen et al., [@B67]; Powell et al., [@B51]) in response to bursts in the mossy fibers (Rancz et al., [@B54]). These granule cell bursts are finely regulated by GoC inhibition (Mapelli et al., [@B41]; Nieus et al., [@B49]) generating specific patterns in the number and timing of spikes (D'Angelo and De Zeeuw, [@B16]; Arleo et al., [@B4]). The granule cell bursts are then conveyed to molecular layer activating PCs and molecular layer interneurons, which in turn generate feed-forward inhibition on PCs (Santamaria et al., [@B58]; Rieubland et al., [@B56]; Zhang and Südhof, [@B72]). Therefore, granule cells and molecular layer interneuron set-up complex spatio-temporal patterns of activity generating PC responses that have been classified as type I, II and III (De Zeeuw et al., [@B20]) and are differentiated depending on Zebrin positive or negative (Z+ or Z−) PCs in different cerebellar areas (Zhou et al., [@B73], [@B74]). Since synaptic activity patterns impinging on PCs are not fully known and since monitoring the PC dendritic response is challenging, a first insight into the way PCs respond to their inputs can be obtained using *in silico* simulations. Here we have faced the issue by exploiting a detailed PC model (Masoli et al., [@B45]) that was extended with excitatory and inhibitory synapses. This model is auto-rhythmic and its electroresponsiveness has been validated against a large set of biological experiments providing an ideal substrate to explore how intrinsic electroresponsiveness is modulated by synaptic inputs. Simulations with this PC model allowed us to face a set of questions. Does the PC model generate BPR in response to synaptic inputs? Is BPR different in Z+ and Z− PC models? Is BPR affected by the specific location of inputs on dendritic branches, as in the case of ascending axons (aa) vs. parallel fiber inputs (Sims and Hartell, [@B60], [@B61]; Walter et al., [@B68])? Is BPR different when inputs are randomly distributed rather than concentrated in limited sub-regions? What is the impact on BPR of the number of spikes and of the intensity of inhibition in the input burst? What are the mechanisms of BPR (intrinsic electroresponsiveness or synaptic inhibition) and what is the role of voltage-dependent ionic channels? Can BPR be modulated by synaptic plasticity? Simulations can provide a coherent mechanistic hypothesis on this broad range of questions that would be otherwise be hard to achieve. The simulations showed that, for a broad set of activity regimens, PCs generate BPRs modulated by the excitatory/inhibitory balance and by synaptic plasticity. The underlying BPR mechanism reflects modulation of intrinsic pacemaking by Ca/KCa currents generated in the dendritic compartment and transmitted to the soma and axon initial segment (AIS) through the internal resistance. Therefore, BPR emerges as a relevant coding strategy for PCs that could be modulated by spatio-temporal granule cell spike patterns and synaptic inhibition and plasticity, generating the specific outputs to be transmitted to DCN. Materials and Methods {#s2} ===================== The present synaptic PC model is based on the recent PC model of intrinsic electroresponsiveness by Masoli et al. ([@B45]), which in turn derives its morphology from Rapp et al. ([@B55]). The present model updates in several respects the previous active model by De Schutter and Bower ([@B18],[@B19]) by incorporating a completely new set of ionic channels, by dislocating the action potential generation mechanism in the AIS and axon, by using dynamic synapses and by exploiting a wide set or recent experimental evidences for validation. The model by Masoli et al. ([@B45]) (available on ModelDB), which was built to reproduce PC responses to current injections *in vitro* and *in vivo*, is extended here by connecting excitatory and inhibitory synapses on the dendrites and by evaluating a large set of combinations in the input space. As a further update to account for recent *in vivo* data, the maximum conductance of some ionic channels (soma HCN1 = 0.001 mS/cm^2^; soma Kv3.4 = 0.0515 mS/cm^2^; AIS Nav1.6 = 0.8 mS/cm^2^) was adjusted to raise the average frequency from 35 Hz to 40 Hz in the Z+ PC model (Zhou et al., [@B73]). The Z− differed Z+ models only for the presence of TRPC channels. TRPC channels are cationic channels generating a tonic depolarizing current, which, once placed in Z− PCs, raised background frequency to around 90 Hz (dendrite TRPC = 4.18e^−6^ mS/cm^2^). All simulations were performed at 37° with fixed time step (0.025 ms) and were run using NEURON multisplit (Python 2.7; NEURON 7.5; Hines et al., [@B34], [@B33]) to exploit the eight-core processor of an AMD FX 8350 with 16 GB RAM and an AMD Ryzen 1800x 8 cores/16 threads with 32 GB RAM. The data were analyzed with custom python and MATLAB scripts. Synaptic Modeling {#s2-1} ----------------- ### Synaptic Distribution {#s2-1-1} PCs are endowed with hundred thousand spines (O'Brien and Unwin, [@B108]), each one receiving a single contact from an aa or a parallel fibers (pf) synapse (Walter et al., [@B68]). While spines may be critical to implement local biochemical processing during synaptic transmission, they have been suggested to generate linear attenuation with little impact on the overall synaptic excitation process (Ly et al., [@B40]). Therefore, spines were not reconstructed in the model and excitatory synapses were placed directly on the dendrites. The dendrites were divided into three orders of branching \[branch I, composed by 105 sections with diameters between 3.5 μm and 9 μm; branch II, composed by 1111 sections with diameters between 1.2 μm and 3.5 μm; branch III, composed by 383 sections with a diameter between 0 μm and 1.2 μm\] receiving specific synaptic inputs. Concerning excitatory synapses (Figure [1A](#F1){ref-type="fig"}), branch II received only pf synapses and branch III received only aa synapses (Santamaria et al., [@B58]; Lu et al., [@B106]; Bower, [@B10]). Branch I should have received a cf input (Kaneko et al., [@B104]; Zhang et al., [@B110]) but this was not used here (not shown). Concerning inhibitory synapses (Figure [1A](#F1){ref-type="fig"}), these were distributed only on branches I and II for a total of 221 sections, since branches III were experimentally reported not to have inhibitory synapses (Lu et al., [@B106]; Bower, [@B10]). Inhibitory synapses on branches I and II were made identical, although those on section I may have a different control (He et al., [@B101]). The inhibitory BC synapses on the soma and AIS (Iwakura et al., [@B103]; Blot and Barbour, [@B8]; Kole et al., [@B105]) were not used here (not shown). ![Synaptic activation of the Purkinje cell (PC) neuron model.**(A)** The localization of synapses on PC model dendrites. The dendritic tree receives 1111 excitatory AMPA-type synapses from parallel fibers (pfs; red dots) and 383 from ascending axons (aa; blue dots). The aa are locate on more distal dendritic branches than pf synapses. The GABA-A-type synapses from stellate cells (SCs) were distributed over 1332 dendrites (green dots). **(B)** Unitary EPSCs and IPSCs recorded from the soma. The bars (same colors as in **(A)** indicate the dendritic localization. The EPSPs recorded from the soma show increasing electrotonic filtering moving farther away from soma (Roth and Häusser, [@B57]). **(C)** Unitary EPSCs elicited in the dendrite using a random stimulation pattern (black ticks) and recorded from the PC model soma. The dotted line represents the experimental result (Dittman et al., [@B22]).](fncel-11-00278-g0001){#F1} ### Synaptic Mechanisms {#s2-1-2} The excitatory and inhibitory synapses were built according to Nieus et al. ([@B48], [@B49]) following a modified Tsodyks and Markram formalism (Tsodyks et al., [@B109]). Model EPSCs and IPSCs were adapted to reproduce unitary synaptic currents recorded from PCs at 37°. ### The pf/aa---PC Synapses {#s2-1-3} The glutamatergic AMPA receptor-mediated EPSC model was derived from granule cells and the maximum synaptic conductance was balanced to reproduce a single pf EPSC (Barbour, [@B5]; Isope and Barbour, [@B102]). Release probability was adapted to account for pair-pulse facilitation (Zhang et al., [@B110]). The aa synapses were made with identical physiological properties as the pf synapses (Walter et al., [@B68]). The AMPA synapse parameters were: release probability = 0.13, τ~REC~ = 35.1 ms, τ~facil~ = 54 ms, τ~I~ = 6 ms, *G*~max~ of 2800 pS, reversal potential = 0 mV. The model as a whole faithfully reproduced the response to random pf stimulations (Dittman et al., [@B22]). The number of synapses was adjusted to imitate experimental observations of pf bursts that elicited excitatory 250 Hz spike burst in the PC soma (Walter and Khodakhah, [@B69]). ### The Stellate Cell (SC)---PC GABA-A Synapses {#s2-1-4} The gabaergic GABA-A receptor-mediated synaptic mechanism was derived from granule cells and modified by maintaining the alpha1 subunit but deleting the alpha6 subunit (absent in PCs). The value for the fitting were taken from Zhang et al. ([@B110]) to account for *in vivo* recording from stellate cell (SC) in the range P35--P42 to better match the mature PC. The GABA-A synapse parameters were: release probability = 0.35, τ~REC~ = 15 ms, τ~facil~ = 4 ms, τ~I~ = 1 ms and a *G*~max~ = 1200 pS, reversal potential = −60 mV. The number of synapses was adjusted to imitate experimental observations of multiple SC that elicited background inhibitory activity at 1.5 Hz and single SC bursts up to 150 Hz (Zhang et al., [@B110]). Stimulation Protocols {#s2-2} --------------------- Several stimulation protocols were designed to reproduce the basic patterns used experimentally. ### Burst Stimulation {#s2-2-1} This protocol was constructed to investigate the BPR. The fundamental patterns were designed by combining a pf/aa bursts with a SC burst (De Zeeuw et al., [@B20]; van Beugen et al., [@B67]; Valera et al., [@B66]). In a first design, excitatory synapses were randomly distributed over 100 dendrites, both from aa or pf. This allowed to obtain a 250 Hz PC burst as in Walter et al. ([@B68]). The inhibitory burst was composed by three spikes with a 7 ms interspike interval (ISI). Inhibitory synapses were distributed over 25 dendrites and delayed by 4 ms with respect to the excitatory burst to account or synaptic delays along the afferent neuronal chain (granule cell to SC to PC; see also Ramakrishnan et al., [@B52]). Variants to this pattern were used to reproduce type I, II and III responses (De Zeeuw et al., [@B20]; Valera et al., [@B66]), to evaluate the impact of synaptic inhibition, to selectively activate aa rather than pf synapses, to change the intensity or frequency or duration of the bursts, to modify synaptic parameters like release probability and maximum conductance, to restrict pf/aa activity to specific dendritic sectors. Data Analysis {#s2-3} ------------- The model response was recorded either in voltage clamp or in current-clamp at the soma, and the voltage-dependent ionic conductances were modified in some cases to test their impact on BPR generation. The membrane voltage, the calcium concentration, the ionic currents from each model section were recorded and saved in a nested MATLAB file. The model response properties were analyzed using MATLAB routines (MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA) and custom made Python scripts, using data recorded during each simulations. Each simulation data file contained information about the membrane voltage, ionic channels and synaptic currents recorded in specific location throughout the models. Biophysical analysis of the model was carried out according to standard theory (Jack et al., [@B35]). The model electrotonic properties were analyzed using NEURON functions yielding the input impedance, *Z*~in~, for each model section and the corresponding signal attenuation between e.g., a dendritic sections and the soma, *A* = *V*~dend~/*V*~soma~. This allowed to determine the electrotonic distance *L* = ln(A). This definition coincided with the more classical one (*L* = anatomical distance/length constant) defined when a neuron can be reduced through the 3/2 power branching rule to an equivalent cylinder. The NEURON definition proves particularly useful since PCs do not follow the 3/2 power branching rule (Hines and Carnevale, [@B32]; Hines et al., [@B34], [@B33]). Since the PC was continuously pacing and input bursts were applied randomly with respect to ongoing spike discharge, repeated PC responses to the inputs differed one from each other. This behavior was represented using raster plots and peri-stimulus time histograms (PSTH), that were constructed using MATLAB routines and were subsequently analyzed to extract the average properties of PC responses. Results {#s3} ======= The impact of cortical input patterns, conveyed through pf, granule cell aa and stellate cells (SC), on PC spike firing was investigated using detailed PC models differentiated into Z+ and Z− types (Masoli et al., [@B45]). These models differ for the expression of depolarizing TRPC-like channels in the terminal dendrites, resulting in higher background SS activity in Z− than Z+ PCs (around 90 Hz vs. 45 Hz). Both models were endowed with excitatory and inhibitory synapses, which were located according to anatomical measurements. This, combined with the filtering properties of dendrites, caused the expected EPSP electrotonic decay from synapses to soma (Roth and Häusser, [@B57]). The synaptic models were endowed with dynamic mechanisms (Tsodyks and Markram, [@B65]; Nieus et al., [@B48], [@B49]; Figures [1A,B](#F1){ref-type="fig"}) allowing to adapt neurotransmission to arbitrary spike patterns (Dittman et al., [@B22]; Figure [1C](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). Burst/Pause Responses (BPRs) in PC Models {#s3-1} ----------------------------------------- A first question was whether the PC model was able to generate BPRs following activation of excitatory and inhibitory synapses (Cao et al., [@B12]; Herzfeld et al., [@B31]) and whether BPRs were different between Z+ and Z− PCs. The PC responses to input bursts generated by Granule cells (Rancz et al., [@B54]; van Beugen et al., [@B67]; Powell et al., [@B51]; Wilms and Häusser, [@B71]; Delvendahl and Hallermann, [@B21]) were tested in Z+ and Z− PC models in three stereotyped functional cases corresponding to the definitions of type I, type II and type III responses reported *in vivo* (De Zeeuw et al., [@B20]). Type I responses were driven by pure Granule cell excitatory inputs (100 synapses), type II responses were driven by both granule cell excitatory inputs (100 synapses) and SCs inhibitory inputs (25 synapses), type III responses were driven by SC inhibitory inputs only (25 synapses; Figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). In all cases, molecular layer interneuron inhibition was delayed by 4 ms to account for delays accumulated along the synaptic chain (Eccles et al., [@B26]; Ramakrishnan et al., [@B52]). In this set of simulations, a random distribution of active synapses was used and maintained the same with all the different stimulation patterns (Figure [2A](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). ![Burst/Pause responses (BPR) in the PC model**(A)** Distribution of the excitatory and inhibitory synapses used for the simulation. The synapses were distributed randomly in the specific dendritic branches. **(B)** Type I, II, III responses in the Z+ and Z− PC models. *Type I* responses were elicited by a 500 Hz---10 spikes burst in 100 pfs. This elicited a \~250 Hz burst, that was followed by a pause in Z+ but not in Z− PC models. *Type II* responses were elicited by a 500 Hz---10 spikes burst in 100 pfs followed by a 130 Hz---three spikes burst in 25 SCs. This elicited a \~250 Hz burst, that was followed by a pause in Z+ but not in Z− PC models. The pause occurred in the Z− model only when the number of SC synapses was increased to 100. *Type III* responses were elicited by a 130 Hz---three spikes burst in either 25 SCs. This elicited a pause in Z+ but not in Z− PC models. The pause occurred in the Z− model only when the number of SC synapses was increased from 25 to 100. The Z− behaved similarly to Z+ model when the Z− was equalized to Z+ basal firing rate with somatic injection of a constant negative current.**(C)** *Left*, Sensitivity of the burst to the number of inhibitory synapses. The interspike interval (ISI) for each spike is reported. Increasing the number of inhibitory synapses does not change the burst but generates progressively longer pauses with a sharper burst/pause transition. *Right*, using the example with 25 SC synapses for comparison, the impact of ascending axons (aa) stimulation is evaluated. When aa are made identical to pf synapses, there is no clear pause generation. However, this occurs when the aa synapses are potentiated by increasing their postsynaptic maximum conductance and presynaptic release probability (Sims and Hartell, [@B60], [@B61]) demonstrating "functional equivalence" with pf synapses (Walter et al., [@B68]) in BPR.](fncel-11-00278-g0002){#F2} ### *Z*+ Model (Figure [2B](#F2){ref-type="fig"}) {#s3-1-1} In Type I responses, a brief pf burst elicited a PC burst terminating in close coincidence with the stimuli (average frequency of 260 Hz) followed by a pause, configuring a typical BPR. The pause between the last spike of the burst and the first spikes when SS activity restarted showed an ISI of 50.46 ± 25.6 ms. Type II responses showed a similar BPR as type I, with the pause showing an average ISI of 48.2 ± 20.4 ms (Steuber et al., [@B62]). Type III responses showed just the pause, with an ISI of 27.4 ± 3.7 ms. Thus, with this stimulation pattern, BPRs were determined by intrinsic properties of Z+ PCs and were accentuated by molecular layer interneurons. ### *Z*− Model (Figure [2B](#F2){ref-type="fig"}) {#s3-1-2} In the Z− model, a 10-pulses/500 Hz pf burst generated a PC burst like in the Z+ model type I and type II responses. However, the Z− model was almost unable to generate any pauses, in either type I, II or III responses. This difference with the Z+ model was reduced by raising synaptic inhibition from 25 to 100 molecular layer interneuron synapses, which allowed pauses to emerge in the type I and type II responses (see Figure [2C](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). Therefore, the Z− PC model showed reduced ability to generate intrinsic BPR, in which the pauses were markedly dependent on the amount of molecular layer interneuron inhibition. It should be noted that the reduced ability of Z− PC models to generate intrinsic BPRs was likely to be related to the high basal firing rate, since Z− became similar to Z+ BPR when the basal firing rate was equalized with somatic injection of a constant negative current (Figure [2B](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). Modulation of BPR was investigated in detail in Z+ PC type II responses, in which BPR was the most pronounced. Increasing the strength of inhibition did not change the burst but prolonged the pause. Moreover, responses to aa synapses were differentiated by considering their specific location on distal dendrites. The aa generated weaker BPR than pf probably because of their longer electrotonic distance from soma (see also Figure [](#F3){ref-type="fig"}[](#F4){ref-type="fig"}[](#F5){ref-type="fig"}[6A](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). However, the aa and pf BPR became very similar when aa transmission strength was increase, reproducing the functional equivalence of transmission along these two transmission lines (Sims and Hartell, [@B60], [@B61]; Walter et al., [@B68]). ![General mechanisms of BPR. **(A)** The electrical circuit provides a schematic representation of the compartmentalization of the PC model, highlighting the axon initial segment (AIS), soma and dendrites. Membrane potential in the main nodes (*V*~AIS~, *V*~soma~, *V*~dend~) depends on current flow along the internal resistances (*R*~soma-AIS~, *R*~dend-soma~) and through the membrane of each compartment (including leakage resistances and voltage-dependent ionic channels). Traces on the *left* show the BPR (enhanced for the purpose of clarity by increasing KCa by 50%) along with the current flowing through the AIS membrane (the action potential current threshold is indicated) and the AIS Na channel states (open, closed, inactivated and blocked). Traces on the *bottom* show the current flowing through internal resistances from dendrites to soma and AIS. The action potential current threshold is indicated by dotted lines (see "Materials and Methods" Section for details). **(B)** Effect of ionic channel knock-out from the PC model on BPR. *Left*, voltage traces. *Right*, corresponding percent change of the ratio between pause and basal ISI in the different conditions.](fncel-11-00278-g0003){#F3} ![Sensitivity of PC responses to differences in input spike patterns.**(A)** Type I BPRs were elicited using different input frequencies and burst durations. *Left*, the relationship between output bursts length and the duration of input burst at 100 Hz, 200 Hz, 500 Hz. A linear fitting is superimposed (*R*^2^ = 0.996, *p*~(F)~ \< 10^−6^). *Right*, the relationship between the burst/pause ratio (duration of burst by duration of pause) and the duration of input burst at 100 Hz, 200 Hz, 500 Hz. A linear fitting is superimposed (*R*^2^ = 0.96, *p*~(F)~ \< 10^−4^). *Bottom*, PC burst transmission across the 8^th^ Ranvier node for input burst at 100 Hz, 200 Hz, 500 Hz. **(B)** Continuous spike frequency modulation was elicited using input spike trains with different frequencies and number of pf synapses.](fncel-11-00278-g0004){#F4} ![Sensitivity of BPR to synaptic parameters. **(A)** Type II BPRs were elicited by 500 Hz-10 spikes bursts using different release probabilities, *p*. By increasing *p*, the EPSCs trains changed progressively from facilitation to depression. The raster plots obtained over repeated trails reveal an increased precision of spike emission by increasing release probability, but this cannot be detected in the peri-stimulus time histograms (PSTH). **(B)** The CV of the ISI measured from raster plots shows a decrease both for the burst and pause by increasing *p*. Decaying exponential fitting is superimposed (bursts, *R*^2^ = 0.98, *p*~(F)~ \< 10^−6^; pause, *R*^2^ = 0.996, *p*~(F)~ \< 10^−6^). The histograms show the changes caused by a ±30% change in AMPA maximum conductance.](fncel-11-00278-g0005){#F5} ![Sensitivity of BPR to dendritic localization.**(A)** Type II BPRs were elicited by 500 Hz---10 spikes pf or aa bursts in four different dendritic sectors, labeled I to IV. SC synapses were activated by 130 Hz---three spikes trains and were located in the same sectors. In all cases the number of pf or aa and SC synapses was the same as in the case of random synapses distribution. *Left*, distribution of active pf synapses. The raster plots and PSTH reveal that BPRs are different in the four sectors, mostly due to a different duration of the pause. *Right*, effect of activation of aa synapses in the same sectors and with the same inhibitory synapses. Note that the raster plots and PSTH look similar to those of pf except for sector I, in which the pause is longer. **(B)** Different localization of inhibitory synapses has a marginal effect on BPRs elicited by pf synapse (almost the same happened for aa synapses, not shown).](fncel-11-00278-g0006){#F6} The Ionic Basis of BPR {#s3-2} ---------------------- The BPRs mechanism was analyzed by tracking transmembrane currents and intracellular axial currents in different cellular compartments using the Z+ PC type I model, in which the intrinsic ability to generate BPRs was evident (Figure [3A](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). In the PC model, APs arise from the AIS (Masoli et al., [@B45]) and, not surprisingly, the pause is characterized by a protracted decrease of the AIS transmembrane current (*I*~AIS~; Jack et al., [@B35]). In fact, this makes the pause appearing as an interruption of pacemaking. Pacemaking in PCs is sustained by the persistent Na currents generated mostly in AIS and by Ca currents generated mostly in the dendrites and transmitted to the AIS through the internal resistance (Llinás and Sugimori, [@B37],[@B38]), providing two candidate mechanisms for pause generation. Na currents in the AIS may be inactivated during the burst and then take time to recover, reducing the depolarizing drive. However, there was no remarkable inactivation of Na currents during the bursts that might prevent reactivation of the pacemaker. Therefore, this first mechanism could be excluded. Ca channel activation and the consequent Ca entry into the dendrites may activate KCa currents overtaking inward currents and generating a protracted repolarizing drive. Actually, the current transmitted from the dendrite to soma (*I*~dend-soma~) and from soma to AIS (*I*~soma-AIS~) was reduced during the pause compared to pacemaking regime. Therefore, reduced depolarizing current transmission from the somato-dendritic compartment to AIS appears as the main responsible of the pause. The ionic nature of the mechanism was confirmed by specific manipulations of the Ca/KCa ionic mechanisms. When either dendritic KCa conductances or Ca conductances were set to zero, the BPR was altered with a marginal reduction of burst duration (from 0% to −16.7%) but a much more dramatic reduction of the pause (from −20% to −80%) (Figure [3B](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). It should be noted that all Ca channels proved critical for BPR, especially Cav2.1 and Cav3.1 (Cav3.2 switch-off blocked pacemaking; Masoli et al., [@B45]) as well as all KCa channels, including KCa1.1, KCa2.2, KCa3.1. These observations show that making BPRs is an intrinsic property of the PC model, which depends on the generation of large KCa currents in the dendrites. In Z− PCs, the mechanism were the same as in Z+ PCs except that TRP channels injected a constant inward current through the dendrites counterbalancing KCa and making the pause more difficult to elicit (not shown). Dependence of BPR on Input Spike Trains {#s3-3} --------------------------------------- A central issue in cerebellar physiology is how PCs transform signals coming from granule cells into specific outputs. The spike patterns emitted by granule cells in response to punctuate stimulation consist of short bursts composed of spikes with variable number and ISI (Chadderton et al., [@B13]; Rancz et al., [@B54]; D'Angelo and De Zeeuw, [@B16]). We have therefore used the PC model to simulate the impact on BPR of stereotyped patterns composed by a fixed number of pulses at different frequencies. Concerning burst length, the PC model showed an almost linear input/output relationship at frequencies ranging from 100 Hz to 500 Hz (Figure [4A](#F4){ref-type="fig"}, left). The pause also showed a slight dependency on the length of the input burst and this eventually caused the burst/pause ratio to reliably report the duration of the input burst (Figure [4A](#F4){ref-type="fig"}, right). There are two additional noteworthy properties. First, the linearity of burst and burst/pause coding was maintained almost independently from the input frequency. Secondly, the Ranvier nodes in the PC axon filtered the highest frequencies (Masoli et al., [@B45]) so that the burst was more reliably transmitted at the lower input frequencies (Figure [4A](#F4){ref-type="fig"}, bottom). Another modality of granule cell response, largely investigated in the vestibulo-cerebellum, is to generate spike trains in response to prolonged mossy fiber inputs (Arenz et al., [@B3]). When such stimuli were used, the PC model followed the input frequency (Figure [4B](#F4){ref-type="fig"}, left), although the frequency dependence was rather weak (as also noted for the BPR in Figure [4A](#F4){ref-type="fig"}). However, there was a steep relationship between the output frequency and the number of active synapses (Figure [4B](#F4){ref-type="fig"}, right). Therefore, the PC model was more efficient in detecting the intensity of the granule cell input rather than the frequency at individual synapses. Dependence of Burst-Pause Precision on Synaptic Parameters {#s3-4} ---------------------------------------------------------- The recoding of input into output spike patterns in PCs is thought to depend on how long-term synaptic plasticity modifies PC synaptic responsiveness. While classical pf-PC LTD has postsynaptic expression and simply causes a scale-down of postsynaptic currents, a presynaptic change in release probability (*P*) would modify neurotransmission dynamics (Tsodyks and Markram, [@B65]; Nieus et al., [@B48]). These can shift from the typical short-term facilitation at low *P* to short-term depression at high *P*. These changes can therefore differentially affect the PC BPR. At different *P* values (range 0.1 and 0.9), the overall response pattern in PC output bursts did not change remarkably. In all cases, the output spikes followed the input spikes quite closely during the burst, then one or two extra spikes were generated and the pause occurred. However, at a closer inspection of raster plots, the precision of action potential emission changed. By increasing *P* (from *P* = 0.13 to *P* = 0.91) the PC model responses were characterized by a greater precision, with decreased variability in burst spike pattern and pause length (see also Figure [2C](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). Increased precision derived from the decreased paired pulse ratio (A2/A1, where A1 and A2 are the amplitudes of the first and second response in a pair). In this way, the first EPSP in the train became more precisely aligned with the input burst leading to a repeatable spike generation independent from the relative phase of background firing activity (see also Figure [](#F7){ref-type="fig"}[8](#F8){ref-type="fig"} below). Therefore, the highest precision was obtained when the pf-PC synapse expressed presynaptic pf-PC LTP. This suggests that release probability controls fine regulation of spike timing on millisecond scale. ![The mechanisms differentiating BPRs among dendritic sectors. In these simulations on a Z+ PC model, type II BPRs were elicited by 500 Hz---10 spikes pf bursts in dendritic sectors I and II and SC synapses were activated by 130 Hz---three spikes trains in the corresponding pf sectors (see Figure [6A](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). **(A)** Local generation of minimal EPSPs in one of the terminal compartments of dendritic sectors I (\~140 μm from soma) and II (\~270 μm from soma). Note the larger and faster EPSP in sector II than I. In the same dendritic compartments, Zin is about twice as large in sector II than I at 10, 100 and 500 Hz. Correspondingly, attenuation follows different profiles in sector I and II. **(B)** Local currents in one of the terminal compartments of sectors I and II. Note that, in sector 2, the EPSPs trigger a local Ca spike along with a strong activation of Ca currents (Cav3.1, Cav3.2, Cav3.3, Cav2.1) and KCa currents (KCa1.1, KCa 2.2, KCa3.1) and a large \[Ca^2+^\]~i~ increase. In sector I, the depolarization is too weak to activate the Ca spike so that ionic currents and \[Ca^2+^\]~i~ changes are correspondingly much smaller.](fncel-11-00278-g0007){#F7} ![Spatio-temporal evolution of BPRs in the dendrites. The figure extends the description of the simulations shown in Figures [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}, [7](#F7){ref-type="fig"}. For simplicity, only the currents showing the largest changes are shown (Cav3.3, Cav2.1, KCa 2.2) along with \[Ca^2+^\]~i~. Note the log scale (all parameters are made positive) to account for large variations on the ordinate. **(A)** Spatial profile of ionic currents and \[Ca^2+^\]~i~ changes. Note the larger extension of dendritic activation when stimuli are delivered to sector II than I. Synaptic stimuli are given either in sector I and II. The color scale shows relative values for Vm (−80; 40 mV), \[Ca^2+^\]~i~ (4.5\*10^−8^; 3\*10^−7^ M/l), I~Cav3.3~ (−1\*10^−9^; 0 mA/cm^2^), I~Cav2.1~ (−0.001; 0 mA/cm^2^), I~KCav2.2~ (0; 1\*10^−5^ mA/cm^2^). **(B)** Temporal profile of ionic currents and \[Ca^2+^\]~i~ changes taken from five different compartments indicated by colors (see the legend on top). Although the synaptic stimulus is given only in sector I or II, there is a progressive invasion of neighboring dendritic regions that can lead to full-blown Ca spikes and large ionic current activation outside the stimulated sector (e.g., arrows). These dynamic changes are more marked when stimuli are delivered to sector II than I.](fncel-11-00278-g0008){#F8} In the case of a postsynaptic change in synaptic conductance *G* (−30% to 30% with respect to control), the only remarkable effect was a reduction in burst spikes precision when *G* was reduced, while no appreciable changes were observe in pause precision. The spike precision decrease at low *G* was likely related to a greater influence of previous spikes on burst initiation. Therefore, in the present conditions, precision could be more effectively tuned by *P* than *G*. The Influence of Dendritic Sectors on PC Response Patterns {#s3-5} ---------------------------------------------------------- The PC shows complex branching (Nedelescu and Abdelhack, [@B47]) and active electroresponsiveness in the dendrites, so that the specific location of afferent synapses may influence the response pattern. The model was exploited to redirect to specific dendritic sectors (numbered I--IV) the same stimuli that were used before for synapses randomly distributed over the whole dendritic tree (see Figures [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}--[6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). The PC response was different depending on the stimulated sector (Figure [6A](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). When excitatory pf and inhibitory stimulations were delivered to dendritic sector I or IV, the PC BPRs were similar to those obtained using a random distribution of synapses. However, when excitatory stimulation was delivered to sector II or III, the pause was much longer than usual (over 250 ms in the Z+ model). When aa was substituted to pf stimulation, the responses were similar except for sector I, which showed a longer pause with aa then pf stimulation (the reason of this will be explained below). The difference between sectors was poorly sensitive to the location of inhibition, and BPRs did not change remarkably when inhibition was moved to sectors different from the one that was excited by pf synapses (Figure [6B](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). Similar response properties were observed in the Z− model, although pauses were shorter (data not shown). In order to understand the mechanism differentiating responses among dendritic sectors, we compared sector I to sector II, which showed a remarkably different pause lengths. The impact of dendritic structure was considered first (Figure [7A](#F7){ref-type="fig"}). The local currents generated by synaptic activation (that were identical in the two sectors) caused a stronger depolarization in sector II than sector I. This reflected the different *Z*~in~, that was about twice as large for sector II than sector I. Accordingly, this determined different voltage attenuation profiles, so that sector I depolarization started from a higher level and then decayed over a longer distance while approaching the soma. It should be noted that, in these simulations, we used single-synapse stimuli causing small depolarizations from a hyperpolarized membrane potential, so that voltage-dependent currents were not remarkably activated. Then we considered the activation of voltage-dependent currents in the dendrites (Anwar et al., [@B2]) by delivering the appropriate multisynaptic stimulation pattern to the PC model in pacemaking regime. The higher synaptic depolarization in sector II than in sector I resulted in a stronger voltage-dependent activation of Ca channels in the former than in the latter (Figure [7B](#F7){ref-type="fig"}). In sector II, LVA currents amplified the EPSPs leading membrane potential to raise enough to activate also the HVA currents, thus causing a regenerative calcium spike. Consequently, a large raise in intracellular calcium activated the KCa system. This effect eventually influenced the spike-generating mechanisms in the AIS and regulated the pause, that was longer in sector II than sector I. Threshold and Spread Effects of Dendritic Activity {#s3-6} -------------------------------------------------- The non-linear nature of voltage-dependent mechanisms of BPR and their topographical nature bear about two main consequences. ### "Spread" Effect (Figure [8A](#F8){ref-type="fig"}) {#s3-6-1} While sector I phenomena remained almost locally confined, the voltage-dependent effects initiated in sector II rapidly spread to neighboring sectors and eventually to the whole dendrite (Figure [8B](#F8){ref-type="fig"}). Full-blown calcium spikes appeared with some delay in a region close to sector II, involving LVA followed by HVA calcium channel activation causing a large \[Ca^2+^\]~i~ raise and eventually KCa activation and the pause. Therefore, also dendritic sectors that are not activated synaptically can generate a local \[Ca^2+^\]~i~ increase and take part to control the BPR pause. ### "Threshold" Effect {#s3-6-2} The analysis of Figures [7](#F7){ref-type="fig"}, [8](#F8){ref-type="fig"} shows that voltage-dependent channels in sector II (but not sector I) cross the activation threshold, so that a local Ca spike is activated bringing about a remarkable KCa channels activation and a long pause. In sector II, Ca spikes and threshold crossing could be prevented by down-tuning the synaptic input. Indeed, when the number of pf synapses was increased progressively from 50 to 100, a sharp threshold in Ca spike activation was observed around 70--80 synapses. Interestingly, with sub-threshold responses the BPR of sector II became almost the same as for sector I (Figure [9](#F9){ref-type="fig"}). ![Threshold effects in dendritic sectors. In these simulations on the Z+ PC model, type II BPRs were elicited by 500 Hz---10 spikes pf bursts in dendritic sectors II and SC synapses were activated by 130 Hz---three spikes trains in the same sector. The number of active pf synapse was increased from 50 to 100. Traces on the left show membrane potential in a compartment of sector II. The dendritic response remained sub-threshold until around 70 synapses and then jumped steeply over-threshold generating Ca spike at 80 synapses. The plot on the right shows the amplitude of the dendritic depolarization as a function of the number of activated synapses.](fncel-11-00278-g0009){#F9} Spatio-Temporal Integration in the PC Dendrite {#s3-7} ---------------------------------------------- A last question is how responses generated in different dendritic sectors can integrate to generate BPRs. ### Spatial Integration {#s3-7-1} When sector I and II were activated together, different behaviors appeared depending on the intensity of dendritic activation. Below Ca spike threshold, the conjoint BPR showed a burst enhancement but the pause was almost the same as in the two sectors alone (Figure [10](#F10){ref-type="fig"}). Conversely, when sector II Ca spike was supra-threshold, BPRs were dominated by the pause (Figure [10](#F10){ref-type="fig"}). The BPR burst became shorter and smaller and the pause longer and deeper than in any one of the two sectors activated alone. This was likely to reflect boosting of KCa current activation due to the conjoint action of the two sectors. ![Spatial integration in the dendrites. In these simulations on the Z+ PC model, type II BPRs were elicited by 500 Hz---10 spikes pf bursts in dendritic sectors I and II and SC synapses were activated by 130 Hz---three spikes trains in the same sectors. The number of active pf synapse was either 50 or 100. **(A)** The raster plots and PSTH show model responses when sectors I and II are activate alone or together. **(B)** The histograms show the amplitude of PSTH peak and the depth and duration of the pause in the different cases.](fncel-11-00278-g0010){#F10} ### Temporal Integration {#s3-7-2} When activation in sector I preceded sector II, or vice versa, the bursts were initially fused together but then separated generating characteristic response profiles (Figure [11](#F11){ref-type="fig"}). When sector II preceded sector I, the unified burst initially decreased and then approached the level of the burst in sector II before separating into two individual bursts. For longer delays, the second burst was reduced along the time course of the BPR pause and finally recovered to sector I burst amplitude. When sector I preceded sector II, the responses behaved similarly. Starting from a reduced conjoint burst, the burst amplitude increased toward that of the burst in sector I. For longer delays, the second burst was reduced along the time course of the BPR pause and finally recovered to sector II burst amplitude. ![Temporal integration in the dendrites. In these simulations on the Z+ PC model, type II BPRs were elicited by 500 Hz---10 spikes bursts to 100 pfs in dendritic sectors I and II and SC synapses were activated by 130 Hz---three spikes trains in the same sectors. Following activation of one sector, the other was delayed by 10--200 ms. **(A)** The raster plots and PSTH show model responses when sectors II precedes sector I (*left*) or when sectors I precedes sector II (*right*). **(B)** The plots show the amplitude of PSTH peaks in the different cases. The levels of isolated sector I and II responses are indicated by dashed lines.](fncel-11-00278-g0011){#F11} Discussion {#s4} ========== The present simulations allowed to investigate the foundations of PC responsiveness to synaptic bursts in a way that would not be possible with experiments only. Using the model, we could predetermine the composition of synaptic input patterns and analyze the neuron response mechanisms by independently monitoring several parameters (like membrane potential, ionic currents and calcium concentration) over multiple dendritic compartments. In response to pf and SC inputs, the PC model generated BPRs based on voltage-dependent activation of the dendritic Ca-KCa channel system. BPRs could reliably represent complex granular and molecular layer input patterns and depended on the specific sector of the dendritic tree that was stimulated, on the ionic channel complement, and on the excitatory/inhibitory synaptic pattern. These simulations suggest therefore that PCs exploit their intrinsic electroresponsiveness and the input pattern topography on the dendrites in order to generate a flexible BPR code (Herzfeld et al., [@B31]) to be relayed to DCN neurons. Calibration and Validation of PC Model Synaptic Responsiveness {#s4-1} -------------------------------------------------------------- This investigation was made possible by the use of an advanced model of the PC (Masoli et al., [@B45]), which was developed from earlier ones (De Schutter and Bower, [@B18],[@B19]; Rapp et al., [@B55]; Roth and Häusser, [@B57]; Steuber et al., [@B62]; Masoli et al., [@B45]) by including novel electrophysiological features and was validated against a large set of recent experimental data. The model was implemented with ionotropic synapses coming from granule cells (both aa and parallel fibers) and SCs. Additional synaptic mechanisms that may affect the response to specific input patterns (e.g., see Barbour et al., [@B6]; Takahashi et al., [@B64]; Tabata et al., [@B63]; Blot and Barbour, [@B8]) remain to be assessed. The pf synaptic transmission was calibrated to match responses evoked by random input patterns (Dittman et al., [@B22]), ensuring that pf synapses could precisely reproduce the temporal dynamics of short-term synaptic plasticity. The aa were made identical to pf synapses but were located on distal rather than proximal dendrites. A potentiation of the aa (Sims and Hartell, [@B60], [@B61]; Walter et al., [@B68]) was required to counterbalance the longer electronic distance (*L* = 1.4 vs. *L* = 0.4) from soma (Roth and Häusser, [@B57]), thus ensuring the reported functional equivalence of aa and pf synapses (Walter et al., [@B68]). It should be noted that in no case the model generated bistable switching between up-down states (Loewenstein et al., [@B39]), which may require additional mechanisms or specific modulation of receptors and ionic channels. Model Predictions on BPR Coding Properties {#s4-2} ------------------------------------------ Model simulations brought about a number of testable predictions. 1. The *bursts* in type I and type II PC responses (De Zeeuw et al., [@B20]) was similar, in agreement with the fact that inhibition arrives after the burst is terminated (typically 5--10 ms later, Ramakrishnan et al., [@B52]). Therefore, the granule cell output patterns could directly reflect onto the PC burst, supporting experimental observations (Cao et al., [@B12]; Herzfeld et al., [@B31]). 2. In the Z+ PC model, the *pause* was largely determined by intrinsic membrane properties and was accentuated by molecular layer interneuron inhibition, while in the Z− PC model, the pause was much more strictly dependent on SC inhibition. It is therefore possible that PCs in Z+ and Z− zones undergo different control schemes through the inhibitory interneuron network of the molecular layer. 3. In response to random synapse stimulation, the *burst*: (i) started precisely in coincidence with the arrival of synaptic inputs; (ii) had a duration faithfully reproducing that of synaptic inputs; (iii) had a frequency proportional to input intensity; but (iv) was poorly sensitive to input frequency. Moreover, (iv) the burst and pause length co-varied generating a linear relationship with the input burst length. Therefore, the timing and duration of granule cell discharge and the number of discharging granule cells would be the most critical parameters controlling the burst (Arleo et al., [@B4]; Galliano et al., [@B27]). 4. *Burst* and *pause* precision could be fine-tuned on the millisecond time-scale by pf release probability but much less so by receptor conductance, suggesting a specific role for presynaptic forms of plasticity at the pf-PC synapse in tuning transmission precision (Hansel et al., [@B30]; Gao et al., [@B28]). 5. The BPR demonstrated a remarkable sensitivity to synapse location that caused the modulation of *pause* length. Therefore, the geometrical arrangement of input patterns could be important to shape BPR (Bower, [@B10]; Abrams and Zhang, [@B1]; Wilms and Häusser, [@B71]; Valera et al., [@B66]), e.g., by differentiating responses to aa and pf synapses (Bower, [@B9]) or by exploiting prewired connections from granule cell clusters (Valera et al., [@B66]). 6. Different dendritic sectors could interfere one with each other in determining complex BPR combinations and sequences (Santamaria and Bower, [@B59]). The interference was determined by the generation of non-linear supra-threshold events driven by Ca spikes. Threshold crossing depended on a minimal number of active synapses and was enhanced by the high input conductance of terminal regions. As an important consequence, this would make the aa superior to pf synapses for generating dendritic Ca spikes and in controlling dendritic response patterns (Bower, [@B9]). These observations suggest that BPRs represents a flexible coding strategy accounting for the timing, duration and intensity of input granule cell spike patterns and that can be modulated by the spatiotemporal distribution of the input, by its intensity, by synaptic plasticity and by inhibitory interneuron activity. Model Predictions on Dendritic Processing {#s4-3} ----------------------------------------- Model simulations also helped hypothesizing how PC dendrites process incoming synaptic inputs through BPRs. Dendritic Ca channels, primed by pf or aa EPSPs, would generate a depolarizing current flowing through the dendrites and activate a spike burst in the AIS. The corresponding raise in \[Ca\]~i~ would activate KCa channels causing a protracted hyperpolarization, interrupting pacemaking and generating the pause. The whole process turned out to be very sensitive to the location of synaptic inputs on the dendrites. Actually, EPSPs amplitude was larger at longer electrotonic distances and this enhanced the *threshold* crossing for generating local Ca spikes, that could then *spread* around invading neighboring dendritic regions. Thus, the combined effect of dendritic structure and voltage-dependent ionic channels generated non-linear interactions sculpting the spatio-temporal profile of local \[Ca\]~i~ and BPRs. It is tempting to speculate that this would eventually extend the plastic and computational properties of PCs beyond the *linear perceptron* hypothesized previously (Brunel et al., [@B11]). A peculiarity of the PC dendrites is the enrichment in Ca channels (Llinás and Sugimori, [@B37],[@B38]), which include both HVA (Cav2.1) and multiple LVA (Cav3.1, Cav3.2, Cav3.3) subtypes (Ly et al., [@B40]). While Cav2.1 (the classical PC P-type channel) was known to regulate KCa1.1 (BK) channel activation and therefore the fast action potential AHP, the role of LVA channels remained uncertain. The present simulations show that LVA Ca channels (including at least cav3.1 and Cav3.3) are critical for BPR, since they are activated during the burst and then play a local but key role in activating the KCa2.2 (SK2) and KCa3.1 (SK4) channels, thereby regulating the pause. The relevant role of LVA calcium channels in EPSP generation by input bursts has recently been reported experimentally (Ly et al., [@B40]). It should be noted that, when simulating intrinsic electroresponsiveness with somatic recordings, LVA Ca channels and KCa channels proved either noncritical or subcritical (Masoli et al., [@B45]). Therefore, in light of the present simulations, the tuning procedures of maximum ionic conductances in neuronal models should be targeted toward features addressing synaptic response pattern (Marasco et al., [@B42]) rather than just responses generated by somatic current injection (Druckmann et al., [@B23], [@B24]; Masoli et al., [@B45], [@B44]). Since some of these channels are located in the spines (specifically Cav3.1), a future assessment of the impact of spines in the PC model is warranted. Conclusions: PC Coding Properties and Testable Model Predictions {#s5} ================================================================ In aggregate, these simulations showed that BPRs could fully exploit dendritic ionic channels (Llinás and Sugimori, [@B37],[@B38]) to generate voltage-dependent responses. However, this mechanism did not compromise the linearity of BPR input-output relationships supporting the predictions that PC may work as a linear perceptron (Brunel et al., [@B11]) and a perfect integrator (Phoka et al., [@B50]). Simulations supported the concept that BPRs represent a fundamental operating mode of PCs (Walter and Khodakhah, [@B69], [@B70]; Chen et al., [@B14]). First, BPRs could discriminate among different input patterns coming from the mossy fibers and expanded/recoded in the granular and molecular layer (Marr, [@B43]). Second, BPRs sensitivity on the millisecond scale would allow PCs to operate as precise temporal devices (Eccles, [@B25]). Third, BPRs could discriminate among synaptic locations, generating an exquisite sensitivity to the topography of input patterns (Migliore et al., [@B46]). Finally, BPRs could generate complex combinations and sequences (Santamaria and Bower, [@B59]). By expressing these properties, BPRs would effectively integrate the spatio-temporal activity patterns generated in the cerebellar cortex into salient engrams, a prediction warranted experimental testing through electrophysiological, imaging and optogenetic recordings. Author Contributions {#s6} ==================== SM wrote the model, carried out the simulation and took part to manuscript writing and discussion. ED coordinated the work and wrote the manuscript. Conflict of Interest Statement {#s7} ============================== The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. **Funding.** This work was supported by the European Union grant Human Brain Project (HBP-29 604102) to ED. [^1]: Edited by: Sergey M. Korogod, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Ukraine [^2]: Reviewed by: Thomas Launey, RIKEN Brain Science Institute (BSI), Japan; Fidel Santamaria, University of Texas at San Antonio, United States
\section{Introduction} Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) is an emerging concept for future wireless networks, where the previously competing sensing and communication operations are jointly optimized in the same hardware platform using a unified signal processing framework \cite{liu2020joint,HRIS,alexandropoulos2021hybrid_all,mishra2019toward,paul2016survey}. Recently, Full Duplex (FD) massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) communications have been considered a key enabler for ISAC applications due to their simultaneous UpLink (UL) and DownLink (DL) transmission capability within the entire frequency band \cite{B:Full-Duplex,alexandropoulos2020full,islam2021direction,Islam_2020_Sim_Multi}. Furthermore, FD massive MIMO ISAC applications at millimeter Wave (mmWave) frequencies have the potential to provide high capacity communication links while simultaneously achieving high-resolution sensing, e.g., Direction of Arrival (DoA), range, and relative speed of radar targets/scatterers. The performance of the FD ISAC systems relies on the in-band Self-Interference (SI) signal suppression capability that stems from the Transmitter (TX) to the Receiver (RX) side during FD operation. Recently in \cite{islam2021direction,xiao2017full_all,Vishwanath_2020,alexandropoulos2020full}, SI cancellation was achieved for the FD massive MIMO systems operating at mmWave, utilizing a combination of propagation domain isolation, analog domain suppression, and digital SI cancellation techniques. To alleviate the hardware cost in mmWave massive MIMO transceivers, hybrid Analog and Digital (A/D) beamformers are usually employed, where large-scale antenna arrays are usually connected to a small number of Radio Frequency (RF) chains via analog preprocessing networks comprised of phase shifters \cite{venkateswaran2010analog}. Such systems require appropriate beam selection for analog TX/RX beamformers, chosen from predefined codebooks, to maximize DL rate and sensing accuracy. Moreover, in the envisioned FD ISAC with massive MIMO radios, the transmit waveform will be utilized for both DL data transmission and sensing of the radar targets \cite{liu2020joint}. Therefore, a joint design of the A/D beamformers and SI cancellation along with sensing techniques is required for maximizing the performance of FD ISAC systems. Very recently in \cite{barneto2019full,liyanaarachchi2021optimized}, joint radar communication and sensing frameworks, leveraging FD operation, were considered for single-antenna systems, where both communication and radar waveforms were optimized for sensing performance. In \cite{barneto2020beamforming,liyanaarachchi2021joint}, the FD ISAC operation was proposed for mmWave frequency bands considering a massive MIMO FD Base Station (BS), where the signal power is maximized in the radar target direction, while maintaining a threshold DL rate performance. Although the considered FD ISAC approach estimated the DoA two radar targets, the range was only calculated for one target due to its disassociated DoA and range estimation technique. \begin{figure*}[!tpb] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{Figures/FD_ISAC.eps} \caption{The considered FD massive MIMO ISAC system: the FD hybrid A/D beamforming Base Station (BS) communicates in the downlink with a mobile single-antenna half-duplex User Equipment (UE), while its reflected transmitted signals from radar targets/scatterers in the environment are received via hybrid combining and processed for DoA, range, and relative velocity estimations of the radar targets/scatterers.} \label{fig: FD_ISAC} \end{center} \vspace{-4mm} \vspace{-1mm} \end{figure*} In this paper, we present a novel FD massive MIMO ISAC system operating at mmWave frequencies and realizing hybrid A/D beamforming, where Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) waveforms are utilized for both DL communication and radar target sensing. Unlike state-of-the-art works, we devise an ISAC optimization framework that is capable of estimating the DoA, range, and relative velocity of multiple radar targets, while maximizing the DL communication rate. Our numerical results, considering the fifth Generation (5G) New Radio (NR) OFDM waveform, verify the high sensing accuracy and the increased communication rate of the proposed optimization design. \section{System and Signal Models} We consider an FD ISAC system comprising of an FD mmWave massive MIMO Base Station (BS) node $b$ equipped with $N_b$ TX and $M_b$ RX antenna elements communicating in the DL direction with an RX User Equipment (UE) node $u$ with $M_u$ antenna elements, while the reflected DL signal is utilized to detect radar targets/scatterers randomly distributed within the communication/sensing environment at the RX of BS node $b$, as depicted in Fig. \ref{fig: FD_ISAC}. To reduce the number of RF chains and phase shifters, the BS node $b$ employs a partially-connected Hybrid BeamForming (HBF) structure with A/D TX and RX beamformers, where each of the $N_{b}^{\rm RF}$ and $M_{b}^{\rm RF}$ TX/RX RF chains is connected to a Uniform Linear Arrays (ULA) of $N_{b}^{\rm A}$ and $M_{b}^{\rm A}$ antenna elements, respectively, via phase shifters. Therefore, it holds $N_b = N_{b}^{\rm A}N_{b}^{\rm RF}$ and $M_b = M_{b}^{\rm A}M_{b}^{\rm RF}$ for total number of TX and RX antennas, respectively, at the BS node $b$. Since the size of the antenna array at the UE node $u$ is typically much smaller than at the FD massive MIMO BS $b$, we assume that the UE adopts a fully digital beamforming structure. It is assumed that BS node $b$ transmits mmWave OFDM waveforms in the DL direction containing $Q$ OFDM symbols with $P$ active subcarriers. In the BaseBand (BB), the unit power frequency-domain symbol vector $\mathbf{s}_{p,q}\in\mbox{$\mathbb{C}$}^{d_b\times1}$ at the $p$th subcarrier of $q$th OFDM symbol is precoded using digital beamforming matrix $\mathbf{V}_b^{\mathrm{BB}}\in\mbox{$\mathbb{C}$}^{N_{b}^{\rm RF}\times d_b}$, where $d_b\leq\min\{N_{b}^{\mathrm{RF}},M_u\}$. Following the BB precoder, the DL signal is processed by the analog beamformer $\mathbf{V}_b^{\mathrm{RF}}\in\mbox{$\mathbb{C}$}^{N_{b}\times N_{b}^{\rm RF}}$ containing the configurations of the phase shifters as follows: \begin{equation}\label{eq:TX_analog_precoder} \mathbf{V}_b^{\mathrm{RF}} \triangleq \left[ \begin{matrix} \mathbf{v}_1 & \mathbf{0}_{N_b^{{\rm A}}\times1} & \cdots & \mathbf{0}_{N_b^{{\rm A}}\times1} \\ \mathbf{0}_{N_b^{{\rm A}}\times1} & \mathbf{v}_2 & \cdots & \mathbf{0}_{N_b^{{\rm A}}\times1} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \mathbf{0}_{N_b^{{\rm A}}\times1} & \mathbf{0}_{N_b^{{\rm A}}\times1} & \cdots & \mathbf{v}_{N_b^{({\rm RF})}} \end{matrix} \right]. \end{equation} The elements of each $\v_i$ are assumed to have constant magnitude, i$.$e$.$, $|[\mathbf{v}_i]_{n}|^2=1/N_b^{{\rm A}}$ $\forall$$n=1,2,\ldots,N_b^{{\rm A}}$. We also assume that $\mathbf{v}_i\in\mathbb{F}_{\rm TX}$ $\forall$$i=1,2,\ldots,N_{b}^{\mathrm{RF}}$, which means that all analog TX precoding vectors belong in a predefined beam codebook $\mathbb{F}_{\rm TX}$ including ${\rm card}(\mathbb{F}_{\rm TX})$ distinct vectors (or analog beams). Applying both A/D beamforming, the TX frequency-domain symbols at the antenna elements are expressed as \begin{equation}\label{eq:TX_Signal} \mathbf{x}_{p,q} \triangleq \mathbf{V}_b^{\mathrm{RF}}\mathbf{V}_b^{\mathrm{BB}}\mathbf{s}_{p,q}, \end{equation} where $\mathbf{x}_{p,q}\in\mbox{$\mathbb{C}$}^{N_b\times 1}$. The signal transmissions at node $b$ is power limited according to $\mathbb{E}\{\|\mathbf{V}_b^{\mathrm{RF}}\mathbf{V}_b^{\mathrm{BB}}\mathbf{s}_{p,q}\|^2\}\leq {\rm P}_b$. \subsection{Radar Signal Reception Model} For sensing operation, we consider that a collection of $K$ radar targets/scatterers are randomly distributed within the communication/sensing environment and are to be detected by the BS node $b$. All the $K$ targets reflect DL signal back to the RX of the BS node, while only a subset of them ($L$ out of $K$) contributes to the DL communication scattering paths between the BS node $b$ and the RX UE node $u$. The purpose of the sensing operation is to estimate the DoA, range, and relative velocity of each radar targets. We consider that the DoAs of the $K$ targets are defined as $\Theta =[\theta_1,\theta_2,\cdots,\theta_{K}]$, while the distance and the relative speed of $k$th target correspond to a delay $\tau_k$ and a Doppler shift $f_{D,k}$, respectively. Enabled by FD, the received signal $\mathbf{y}_{p,q}\in\mathbb{C}^{M_{b}\times 1}$ at the RX of the BS node $b$ combining the SI and the reflected signal by the Radar targets is expressed as \begin{equation}\label{eq:Radar_Signal} \begin{split} \mathbf{y}_{p,q} \triangleq & \sum\limits_{k=1}^{K} \alpha_k e^{j2\pi(qT_s f_{D,k} - p\tau_k \Delta f)} \a_{M_b}(\theta_k)\a_{N_b}^{\rm H}(\theta_k) \mathbf{x}_{p,q}\\ &+ \H_{b,b} \mathbf{x}_{p,q} + \mathbf{n}_{p,q}, \end{split} \end{equation} where $\alpha_k\in\mbox{$\mathbb{C}$}$ and $\mathbf{n}_{p,q}\sim \mathcal{CN}(0,\sigma_b^2\mathbf{I}_{M_b})$ represent the reflection coefficient of the $k$th radar target and the receiver noise floor, respectively. Here, $\Delta f$ and $T_s \triangleq 1/\Delta f + T_{cp}$ denote the subcarrier spacing and the total OFDM symbol duration (including the cyclic prefix). The propagation delay causes the phase shift $e^{-j2\pi p\tau_k\Delta f}$ across subcarriers, while the Doppler shift contributes a row-wise oscillation across different OFDM symbols \cite{braun2010maximum}. Considering ULA, the steering vector $\a_{N_b}(\theta)$ for $N_b$ antenna elements and any DoA $\theta$ is formulated as \cite{gonzalez2018channel} \begin{equation} \begin{split} \a_{M_b}(\theta)\! \triangleq \! \frac{1}{\sqrt{N_b}} \big[1,e^{j\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}d \sin(\theta)},\ldots,e^{j\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}(N_b-1)d \sin(\theta)}]^{\rm T}, \end{split} \end{equation} where $\lambda$ is the propagation signal wavelength and $d$ denotes the distance between adjacent antenna elements. Here, $\mathbf{H}_{b,b}\in\mbox{$\mathbb{C}$}^{M_b \times N_b}$ is the SI channel path at the BS node $b$, which is modeled as a Rician fading mmWave channel as \cite[eq. (9)]{satyanarayana2018hybrid}. The received signal at the node $b$ RX is first processed by the RF combiner $\mathbf{W}_b^{\mathrm{RF}}\in\mbox{$\mathbb{C}$}^{M_b \times M_{b}^{\rm RF}}$, where the structure of the combiner is formulated similarly as \eqref{eq:TX_analog_precoder}. Here, the analog RX combining vectors belong in a predefined beam codebook $\mathbb{F}_{\rm RX}$ including ${\rm card}(\mathbb{F}_{\rm RX})$ distinct vectors. After RF combination and A/D SI cancellation, the received signal is expressed as \begin{align} \nonumber\widetilde{\mathbf{y}}_{p,q}\! \triangleq & ( \mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF})^{\rm H}\!\sum\limits_{k=1}^{K} \!\!\alpha_k e^{j2\pi(qT_s f_{D,k} - p\tau_k \Delta f)} \a_{M_b}\!(\theta_k)\a_{N_b}^{\rm H}\!(\theta_k) \mathbf{x}_{p,q}\\ &+ (\widetilde{\H}_{b,b} \!+\! \mathbf{C}_{b} \!+\! \mathbf{D}_{b})\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm BB}\mathbf{s}_{p,q}\! + \!(\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF})^{\rm H}\mathbf{n}_{p,q}, \end{align} where $\widetilde{\H}_{b,b}\triangleq(\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF})^{\rm H}\H_{b,b}\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF}$ is the effective SI channel after analog TX/RX beamforming. Here, $\mathbf{C}_{b}$ and $\mathbf{D}_{b}$ represent the analog and digital SI cancellation, respectively, that are designed following the structure presented in \cite{alexandropoulos2020full}. \subsection{DL Signal Reception Model} As mentioned above, $L$ out of $K$ scatterers contributes to the DL channel $\H_{u,b}\in\mbox{$\mathbb{C}$}^{M_u \times N_b}$. As the principal focus of the paper is to estimate Radar target parameters, we ignore the delay and Doppler shift parameters for the DL channel. Now, the received DL signal vector $\r_{p,q}\in\mbox{$\mathbb{C}$}^{M_u \times d_b}$ at the UE RX is expressed as \begin{equation} \begin{split} \r_{p,q} &\triangleq \mathbf{W}_{u}^{\rm H}\Big(\sum\limits_{\ell=1}^{L} \beta_{\ell} \mathbf{a}_{M_u}(\theta_{\ell})\mathbf{a}_{N_b}^{\rm H}(\theta_{\ell})\mathbf{x}_{p,q} + \mathbf{z}_{p,q}\Big)\\ &=\mathbf{W}_{u}^{\rm H}\Big(\mathbf{H}_{u,b}\mathbf{x}_{p,q} + \mathbf{z}_{p,q}\Big), \end{split} \end{equation} where $\beta_{\ell}\in\mbox{$\mathbb{C}$}$ and $\mathbf{z}_{p,q}\sim \mathcal{CN}(0,\sigma_u^2\mathbf{I}_{M_u})$ represent the complex reflection coefficient of $\ell$th scatter path and the noise floor at RX node $u$, respectively. The achievable DL rate of the FD ISAC system can be expressed as \begin{align} \nonumber\mathcal{R}_{\rm DL} \triangleq \log_2\Big({\rm det}\Big(&\mathbf{I}_{d_b}+\mathbf{W}_{u}^{\rm H}\mathbf{H}_{u,b}\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF}\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm BB} (\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF}\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm BB})^{\rm H}\\ &\times\mathbf{H}_{u,b}^{\rm H}\mathbf{W}_{u}(\mathbf{W}_{u}^{\rm H}\mathbf{W}_{u}\sigma_u^2)^{-1}\Big)\Big), \end{align} \section{DoA, Delay, and Doppler Shift Estimation} In this section, we present the estimations of the DoA, delay, and Doppler shift parameters of the Radar targets, which are realized by the BS's RX using the reflected signals. \subsection{Radar Target DoA Estimation} For DoA estimation, we deploy the MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm; other DoA estimation techniques can be used as well \cite{krim1996two}. First, we estimate the covariance matrix of the radar target reflected signal. Across all subcarriers and OFDM symbols of the communication slot, the covariance matrix $\mathbf{R}_{b}\in\mbox{$\mathbb{C}$}^{M_{b}^{\rm RF}\times M_{b}^{\rm RF}}$ can be estimated as \begin{equation}\label{eq: sampl_cov} \begin{split} {\mathbf{R}}_b\! \triangleq\!\mathbb{E}\{\widetilde{\mathbf{y}}_{p,q}\widetilde{\mathbf{y}}_{p,q}^{\rm H}\} ,\, \widehat{\mathbf{R}}_b\triangleq\frac{1}{PQ} \sum\limits_{q=0}^{Q-1}\sum\limits_{p=0}^{P-1}\widetilde{\mathbf{y}}_{p,q}\widetilde{\mathbf{y}}_{p,q}^{\rm H}. \end{split} \end{equation} By taking the eigenvalue decomposition of the estimated sample covariance matrix $\widehat{\mathbf{R}}_b$, it is deduced that: \begin{equation}\label{eq: cov_eig} \begin{split} \widehat{\mathbf{R}}_b \triangleq \mathbf{U} {\rm diag}\{\eta_1,\eta_2,\ldots,\eta_{M_b}\}\mathbf{U}^{\rm H}, \end{split} \end{equation} where $\eta_1\geq\eta_2\geq\ldots\geq\eta_{M_{b}^{\rm RF}}$ are the eigenvalues of $\widehat{\mathbf{R}}_b$ and $\mathbf{U}\in\mathbb{C}^{M_{b}^{\rm RF}\times M_{b}^{\rm RF}}$ contains their corresponding eigenvectors. Since we are interested in estimating the DoAs of $K$ radar targets, the matrix $\mathbf{U}$ can be partitioned as $\mathbf{U}=[\mathbf{U}_s|\mathbf{U}_n]$, where the columns in $\mathbf{U}_{n}\in\mathbb{C}^{M_{b}^{\rm RF}\times M_{b}^{\rm RF}-K}$ are the eigenvectors spanning the noise subspace and $\mathbf{U}_s\in\mathbb{C}^{M_{b}^{\rm RF}\times K}$ contains the signal space eigenvectors. The MUSIC spectrum for the considered HBF architecture can be thus formulated as: \begin{equation}\label{eq: spectral_peak} \begin{split} S(\theta) \triangleq \left(\a_{M_b}^{\rm H}(\theta)\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF}\mathbf{U}_{n}\mathbf{U}_{n}^{\rm H}(\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF})^{\rm H}\a_{M_b}(\theta)\right)^{-1}, \end{split} \end{equation} whose $K$ peaks correspond to the $K$ estimated DoAs $\widehat{\theta_k},\forall k$. \begin{algorithm}[!t] \caption{Delay and Doppler Shift Estimation} \label{alg:the_est} \begin{algorithmic}[1] \renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}} \renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{\textbf{Output:}} \REQUIRE $\mathbf{x}_{p,q}$, $\widetilde{\mathbf{y}}_{p,q}$,$\forall p,q$, $\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF}$, and $\widehat{\theta}_k\,\,\forall k$. \ENSURE $\widehat{\tau}_k, \widehat{f}_{D,k}$, $\forall k$. \STATE Set $n = 0,\cdots,P-1$ and $m=-\frac{Q}{2},\cdots,\frac{Q}{2}-1$. \FOR{$k= 1,2,\ldots,K$} \STATE Set $\mathbf{g}_{p,q} \triangleq \mathbf{a}_{M_b}(\widehat{\theta}_k)\mathbf{a}_{N_b}^{\rm H}(\widehat{\theta}_k)\mathbf{x}_{p,q}$. \STATE Set $z_{p,q} \triangleq \frac{1}{M_{b}}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{M_{b}}[\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF}\widetilde{\mathbf{y}}_{p,q}]_i/[\mathbf{g}_{p,q}]_i,$\,\,$\forall p,q$. \STATE Set $A(n,m) \triangleq \sum\limits_{p=0}^{P-1}\left(\sum\limits_{q=0}^{Q-1} z_{p,q} e^{-j2\pi\frac{qm}{Q}}\right)e^{j2\pi\frac{pn}{P}}$. \STATE Set $({n}^*,{m}^*) = \underset{n,m}{\text{arg max}}\quad |A(n,m)|^2$. \STATE Set the estimated delay $\widehat{\tau}_k = \frac{{n}^*}{P\Delta f}$. \STATE Set the Doppler frequency of $k$th target $\widehat{f}_{D,k} = \frac{{m}^*}{QT_s}$. \ENDFOR \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} \subsection{Delay and Doppler Shift Estimation} The next step is to estimate the delay and Doppler shift parameters associated with the $K$ estimated DoAs. Using the estimate DoA $\widehat{\theta}_k$ and the known transmit signal $\mathbf{x}_{p,q}$, we formulate a reference signal in the DoA direction as \begin{equation} \begin{split} \mathbf{g}_{p,q} \triangleq \mathbf{a}_{M_b}(\widehat{\theta}_k)\mathbf{a}_{N_b}^{\rm H}(\widehat{\theta}_k)\mathbf{x}_{p,q}. \end{split} \end{equation} Now, we utilize the received signal $\widetilde{\mathbf{y}}_{p,q}$ to derive the quotient averaged across all RX antennas that includes the effect of delay and Doppler shift in the direction of $\widehat{\theta}_k$ as \begin{equation} \begin{split} z_{p,q} \triangleq \frac{1}{M_{b}}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{M_{b}}[\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF}\widetilde{\mathbf{y}}_{p,q}]_i/[\mathbf{g}_{p,q}]_i,\,\,\forall p,q. \end{split} \end{equation} To estimate $\widehat{\tau}_k$ and $ \widehat{f}_{D,k}$, we formulate the likelihood function: \begin{equation} \begin{split} A(n,m) \triangleq \sum\limits_{p=0}^{P-1}\left(\sum\limits_{q=0}^{Q-1} z_{p,q} e^{-j2\pi\frac{qm}{Q}}\right)e^{j2\pi\frac{pn}{P}}, \end{split} \end{equation} where $n = 0,\cdots,P-1$ and $m=-Q/2,\cdots,Q/2-1$. Finally, we find the best quantized delay and Doppler shift that maximizes the likelihood function norm. The delay and Doppler shift estimation procedure is provided in Algorithm \ref{alg:the_est}. \section{Proposed ISAC Optimization Framework} In this section, we present a joint optimization framework deriving A/D beamformers and SI cancellation matrices with the objective to maximize the DL rate and the radar estimation accuracy. We consider a time division duplexing communication protocol, where the DoAs estimated in one communication time slot is utilized to derive the beamformers and SI cancellation matrices for the successive slot. To optimize the DL rate and radar target parameter estimation accuracy, we propose to maximize the SNR in both the DL and radar target direction. Given the estimated DoAs $\widehat{\theta}_k,\,\forall k$, the SNR in the direction of all radar targets can be written as \begin{equation} \begin{split} \widehat{ {\Gamma}}_{\rm Radar} \triangleq \Big\|(\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF})^{\rm H}\sum\limits_{k=1}^{K} \mathbf{a}_{M_b}(\widehat{\theta}_k)\mathbf{a}_{N_b}^{\rm H}(\widehat{\theta}_k)\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF}\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm BB}\Big\|^2 {\Sigma}_b^{-1}, \end{split} \end{equation} where $ {\Sigma}_b = \|(\widehat{\widetilde{\H}}_{b,b} + \mathbf{C}_{b}+\mathbf{D}_{b})\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm BB}\|^2 + \left\|\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF}\right\|^2\sigma_b^2$ is the interference plus noise covariance matrix at the RX of node $b$. Similarly, the estimated DL SNR is expressed as \begin{equation} \begin{split} \widehat{ {\Gamma}}_{\rm DL} = \Big\|\mathbf{W}_{u}^{\rm H}\sum\limits_{\ell=1}^{L} \mathbf{a}_{M_u}(\widehat{\theta}_{\ell})\mathbf{a}_{N_b}^{\rm H}(\widehat{\theta}_{\ell})\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF}\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm BB}\Big\|^2 {\Sigma}_u^{-1}, \end{split} \end{equation} where $ {\Sigma}_u = \left\|\mathbf{W}_{u}\right\|^2\sigma_u^2$ is the noise covariance matrix at the RX node $u$. The optimization problem to maximize the Radar target and DL SNR can be written as \begin{align}\label{eq: optimization_eq} \mathcal{OP}&:\nonumber\underset{\substack{\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF},\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm BB},\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF}\\ \mathbf{C}_b,\mathbf{D}_b,\mathbf{W}_{u}}}{\max} \quad \widehat{ {\Gamma}}_{\rm Radar} + \widehat{ {\Gamma}}_{\rm DL}\\ &\text{\text{s}.\text{t}.}\quad \left\|[(\widehat{\widetilde{\H}}_{b,b}\! +\! \mathbf{C}_{b})\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm BB}]_{(j,:)}\right\|^2 \!\!\!\leq \! \lambda_b , \!\forall\! j\! = 1, \ldots, M_{b}^{\rm RF},\nonumber\\ &\quad\quad\mathbb{E}\{\|\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF}\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm BB}\|^2\}\leq {\rm P}_b,\\ &\quad\quad\mathbf{w}_j\in\mathbb{F}_{\rm RX}\,\,\forall j\,\,{\rm and}\,\, \mathbf{v}_n\in\mathbb{F}_{\rm TX}\,\,\forall n=1,2,\ldots,N_b^{({\rm RF})}\nonumber \end{align} \begin{algorithm}[!t] \caption{FD ISAC Optimization} \label{alg:the_opt} \begin{algorithmic}[1] \renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}} \renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{\textbf{Output:}} \REQUIRE $\widehat{\H}_{b,b}$, $N$, ${\rm P}_b$ and $\widehat{\theta}_k\,\,\forall k$. \ENSURE $\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF},\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm BB}, \mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF},\mathbf{C}_b,\mathbf{D}_b$, and $\mathbf{W}_{u}$. \STATE Set $\widehat{\H}_{\rm R} \triangleq \sum\limits_{k=1}^{K} \mathbf{a}_{M_b}(\widehat{\theta}_k)\mathbf{a}_{N_b}^{\rm H}(\widehat{\theta}_k)$. \STATE Set $\widehat{\H}_{\rm u,b} \triangleq \sum\limits_{\ell=1}^{L} \mathbf{a}_{M_u}(\widehat{\theta}_{\ell})\mathbf{a}_{N_b}^{\rm H}(\widehat{\theta}_{\ell})$. \STATE Set $\mathbf{W}_{u}$ as the $d_b$ left-singular vectors of $\widehat{\H}_{\rm u,b}$ corresponding to the singular values in descending order. \STATE Set $\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF} \triangleq \underset{\v_j\in\mathbb{F}_{\rm TX}}{\text{arg max}}\quad \|\widehat{\H}_{\rm R} \mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF}\|^2$. \STATE Set $\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF} \triangleq \underset{\mathbf{w}_j\in\mathbb{F}_{\rm TX}}{\text{arg max}}\quad \frac{\|(\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF})^{\rm H}\widehat{\H}_{\rm R} \mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF}\|^2}{\|(\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF})^{\rm H}\widehat{\H}_{\rm b,b} \mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF}\|^2}$. \STATE Set $\widehat{\widetilde{\H}}_{b,b} = (\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF})^{\rm H}\widehat{\H}_{b,b}\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF}$ and $\widehat{\widetilde{\H}}_{u,b} = \widehat{\H}_{u,b}\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF}$. \STATE Set $\mathbf{C}_b = \begin{bmatrix}-[\widehat{\widetilde{\H}}_{b,b}]_{:,1:\frac{N}{{M}_{b}^{\rm RF}}} & \mathbf{0}_{:,({N}_{b}^{\rm RF}-\frac{N}{{M}_{b}^{\rm RF}}:{N}_{b}^{\rm RF})} \end{bmatrix}$ and $\mathbf{D}_b = -(\widehat{\widetilde{\H}}_{b,b}+C_b)$. \STATE Obtain $\mathbf{B}$ with the $N_b^{\rm RF}$ right-singular vectors of $(\widehat{\widetilde{\H}}_{b,b}+\mathbf{C}_b)$ corresponding to the singular values in descending order. \FOR{$\alpha={N}_{b}^{\rm RF},N_b^{\rm RF}-1,\ldots,2$} \STATE Set $\mathbf{F}=[\mathbf{B}]_{(:,N_b^{\rm RF}-\alpha+1:N_b^{\rm RF})}$. \STATE Set $\mathbf{G}$ as the optimum precoding for the effective DL MIMO channel $\widehat{\widetilde{\H}}_{u,b}\mathbf{F}$ given ${\rm P}_b$. \IF{$\left\|[(\widehat{\widetilde{\H}}_{b,b}\! +\! \mathbf{C}_{b})\mathbf{F}\mathbf{G}]_{(j,:)}\right\|^2 \!\!\!\leq \! \lambda_b , \!\forall\! j\! = 1, \ldots, M_{b}^{\rm RF}$,} \STATE Output $\mathbf{V}_b^{\mathrm{BB}}=\mathbf{F}\mathbf{G}$ and stop the algorithm. \ELSE \STATE Output that the $\mathbf{C}_b$ realization does not meet the residual SI constraint. \ENDIF \ENDFOR \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} The optimization problem in \eqref{eq: optimization_eq} is a non-convex problem with coupling variables, hence, quite difficult to tackle. In this work, we solve it suboptimally using alternating optimization, leaving other possibilities for future work. First, using the estimated DoAs, we formulate a virtual channel of in the radar target direction as $\widehat{\H}_{\rm R} \triangleq \sum\limits_{k=1}^{K} \mathbf{a}_{M_b}(\widehat{\theta}_k)\mathbf{a}_{N_b}^{\rm H}(\widehat{\theta}_k)$. Now to maximize the radar SNR, we find the TX analog beams solving the following suboptimization problem: \begin{align}\label{eq: sub_opt1} \mathcal{OP}1:&\quad\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF} \triangleq \underset{\v_j\in\mathbb{F}_{\rm TX}}{\operatornamewithlimits{argmax}}\quad \|\widehat{\H}_{\rm R} \mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF}\|^2 \end{align} The solution of $\mathcal{OP}1$ requires a simple search through the beam codebook $\mathbb{F}_{\rm TX}$. Using the TX analog beamformer $\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF}$, we derive the analog combiner solving the suboptimization problem $\mathcal{OP}1$, where we simultaneously maximize the radar SNR and suppress SI signal as follows: \begin{align}\label{eq: sub_opt2} \mathcal{OP}2:&\quad\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF} \triangleq \underset{\mathbf{w}_j\in\mathbb{F}_{\rm TX}}{\operatornamewithlimits{argmax}}\quad \frac{\|(\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF})^{\rm H}\widehat{\H}_{\rm R} \mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF}\|^2}{\|(\mathbf{W}_{b}^{\rm RF})^{\rm H}\widehat{\H}_{\rm b,b} \mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm RF}\|^2} \end{align} Similar to $\mathcal{OP}1$, the solution of $\mathcal{OP}2$ requires a simple search through the available beam codebook $\mathbb{F}_{\rm RX}$. Given the analog SI cancellation taps $N\leq {N}_{b}^{\rm RF}{M}_{b}^{\rm RF}$ and the analog TX/RX beamformer at the BS, we follow a similar procedure to \cite{alexandropoulos2020full}, aiming to find the digital beamforming matrix $\mathbf{V}_{b}^{\rm BB}$ and the SI cancellation matrices maximizing the DL rate and suppressing the SI signal power below the RF saturation level of $\lambda_b$. The latter will ensure proper reception of the Radar target reflected signal. Our solution for the optimization problem \eqref{eq: optimization_eq} is summarized in Algorithm \ref{alg:the_opt}. \begin{figure}[!tpb] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.86\linewidth]{Figures/Combined_30_Final.eps} \caption{Sensing parameter estimation performance for $6$ radar targets with $N_{b}^{\rm RF} = M_{b}^{\rm RF} = 8, N_{b}^{\rm A} = N_{b}^{\rm A} = 16$ and transmit power of $30$dBm. (a) DoA and range estimation, (b) Range and relative velocity estimation.}\vspace{-0.2cm} \label{fig: Fig2} \end{center} \end{figure} \section{Numerical Results} In this section, we present numerical results for the radar sensing and DL rate performance of the proposed FD massive MIMO ISAC system operating at mmWave frequencies. \subsection{Simulation Parameters}\label{ssec: Sim_param} We perform an extensive waveform simulation following the FD massive MIMO architecture illustrated in Fig.~\ref{fig: FD_ISAC} when operating at mmWave frequencies, where a $128\times 128$ FD massive MIMO node $b$ is communicating in the DL direction with $4$ antenna RX UE node $u$. The BS node $b$ employs $N_b^{\rm RF} = M_b^{\rm RF} = 8$ TX/RX RF chains with each of them connected to a ULA of $N_b^{\rm A} = M_b^{\rm A} = 16$ antenna elements via phase shifters. The communication is performed using mmWave frequency of $28$GHz and a 5G NR OFDM waveform with $100$MHz BandWidth (BW) and $\Delta f = 120$KHz subcarrier spacing. According to the 5G NR specifications, we have $66$ Physical Resource Blocks (PRBs) resulting in $P=792$ active subcarriers and $Q=14$ OFDM symbols in each communication slot. Total OFDM symbol duration is defined as $T_s = 8.92\mu$s. We have considered a radio subframe of $1$ms for DL communication. The RX noise floors at all nodes were assumed to be $-90$dBm for $100$MHz BW OFDM signal. To this end, the RXs have an effective dynamic range of $60$dB provided by $14$-bit Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC) for a Peak-to-Average-Power-Ratio (PAPR) of $10$ dB. Therefore, the residual SI power after analog SI cancellation at the input of each RX RF chain has to be below $-30$dBm to avoid signal saturation. The pathloss of the clustered DL channel is assumed to be $100$dB, whereas the SI channels are modeled as Rician fading channels with a $\kappa$-factor of $35$dB and pathloss $40$dB \cite{alexandropoulos2017joint}. For the BS analog TX/RX beamformer, we consider a $5$-bit beam codebook based on the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) matrix. We have used $1000$ independent Monte Carlo simulation runs to calculate the Radar sensing and DL rate performance. \vspace{-2mm} \subsection{Radar Target Parameters} We have considered $K=6$ radar targets randomly distributed in the sensing/communication environment with DoAs $\theta_k\in[-90^{\circ}\quad 90^{\circ}],\forall k$. For communication scatters, $L=2$ out of $K=6$ targets are chosen randomly. Each of the radar targets the range and relative velocity is selected randomly with a maximum range of $80$m and maximum velocity of $100$km/h. \begin{figure}[!tpb] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.84\linewidth]{Figures/Combined_10_final.eps} \caption{Sensing parameter estimation performance for $6$ radar targets with $N_{b}^{\rm RF} = M_{b}^{\rm RF} = 8, N_{b}^{\rm A} = N_{b}^{\rm A} = 16$ and DL transmit power of $10$dBm. (a) DoA and range estimation, (b) Range and relative velocity estimation.}\vspace{-0.2cm} \label{fig: Fig3} \end{center} \end{figure} \vspace{-2mm} \subsection{Radar Target Sensing performance} In Fig.~\ref{fig: Fig2}, We have depicted the sensing performance of the proposed FD ISAC system with a $128\times 128$ massive MIMO node transmitting DL signal with a transmit power of $30$dBm. The DoA and range estimation is plotted in contrast to the true target parameters in Fig.~\ref{fig: Fig2}(a), where it is evident that the proposed FD ISAC system can detect all $6$ targets successfully with high precision. Even for really close target ($10^{\circ}$ and $12^{\circ}$) with only $2^{\circ}$ angle and less than $5$m range difference, the estimation performance is highly accurate. The superior sensing performance is provided by the proposed associated delay estimation approach with high-resolution MUSIC DoA estimation unlike previous FD ISAC work in \cite{liyanaarachchi2021joint}, where range estimation for such close targets was not possible. In Fig.~\ref{fig: Fig2}(b), the relative velocity is plotted with respect to the range estimation for $30$dBm DL transmit power. The figure shows that the proposed FD ISAC system is capable of estimating the relative velocity of all $6$ targets with less than $1.5\%$ estimation error. In Fig.~\ref{fig: Fig3}, radar target sensing performance of the proposed FD ISAC system is presented for $10$dBm DL transmit power. It is evident from Fig.~\ref{fig: Fig3}(a) that the DoA estimation is almost accurate even at a low transmit power of $10$dBm. However, for the target at $3^{\circ}$, the estimated range is around $3$m away the actual value of $80$m. This is due to the low transmit power and higher path loss of the furthest target. In Fig.~\ref{fig: Fig3}(b), the relative velocity estimation is showcased, where the proposed approach achieved sensing performance with less than $5\%$ estimation error for a low transmit power of $10$dBm. \begin{figure}[!tpb] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.99\linewidth]{Figures/DL_rate.eps} \caption{DL rate with respect to transmit power in dBm for the $128\times 128$ massive MIMO FD BS communicating with a $4$ antenna UE RX node. }\vspace{-0.2cm} \label{fig: DL_rate} \end{center} \end{figure} The DL rate performance of the proposed FD ISAC system with a $128\times 128$ massive MIMO BS node transmitting to a $4$ antenna UE RX node is depicted in Fig.~\ref{fig: DL_rate} with respect to transmit power. It is evident from the figure that the proposed FD ISAC approach is capable of providing DL rate very close ($1.5$bps/Hz) to the ideal rate in addition to the high radar sensing performance at the RX of BS node for $N=16$ ($25\%$) analog SI cancellation taps at the FD massive MIMO node. For even smaller hardware complexity ($12.5\%$) taps, the DL rate performance is comparable up to $20$ dB transmit power. However, as transmit power increases the impact of SI signal worsens, for DL transmit power of $30$dBm, the FD ISAC system is capable of providing $75\%$ of the ideal DL rate with only $N=8$ SI cancellation taps. \vspace{-4mm} \section{Conclusion} In this paper, we presented an FD-based ISAC optimization framework, where an FD massive MIMO BS node is transmitting DL signals and concurrently performing radar target sensing utilizing the reflected signals. We devised a DoA, delay, and Doppler shift estimation algorithm for multiple radar target sensing considering hybrid A/D beamforming at the BS node. Adopting a limited complexity analog SI cancellation architecture, we presented a joint design of the A/D beamformer and SI cancellation that maximizes the DL rate together with the target sensing performance. Our performance results for a mmWave channel model demonstrated the high precision DoA, range, velocity estimation of multiple radar targets while providing maximized DL rate. In future work, the proposed FD ISAC approach will be considered for sensing and communication demanding practical applications, such as autonomous vehicles and flight control systems. \vspace{-1mm} \section*{Acknowledgments} \vspace{-1mm} This work was partially funded by the National Science Foundation CAREER award \#1620902. \vspace{-1mm} \vspace{-1mm} \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran}
\section{Introduction} This paper describes our approach and results for Task 2 of the CoNLL--SIGMORPHON 2018 shared task on universal morphological reinflection \cite{cotterell-conll-sigmorphon2018}. The task is to generate an inflected word form given its lemma and the context in which it occurs. Morphological (re)inflection from context is of particular relevance to the field of computational linguistics: it is compelling to estimate how well a machine-learned system can capture the morphosyntactic properties of a word given its context, and map those properties to the correct surface form for a given lemma. There are two tracks of Task 2 of CoNLL--SIGMORPHON 2018: in Track 1 the context is given in terms of word forms, lemmas and morphosyntactic descriptions (MSD); in Track 2 only word forms are available. See Table~\ref{tab:example} for an example. Task 2 is additionally split in three settings based on data size: high, medium and low, with high-resource datasets consisting of up to 70K instances per language, and low-resource datasets consisting of only about 1K instances. \begin{table*} \resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{ \begin{tabular}{ c c c c c c c c c c} { \sc word forms} & We & were & \color{cyan} $\Box$ & to & feel & very & welcome & . \\ \color{darkgray}{\sc lemmas} &\color{darkgray} we & \color{darkgray} be & make & \color{darkgray} to & \color{darkgray} feel & \color{darkgray} very & \color{darkgray} welcome & \color{darkgray} . \\ \color{darkgray}\sc MSD tags &\color{darkgray} PRO;NOM;PL;1 & \color{darkgray} AUX;IND;PST;FIN & \color{magenta} $\Box$ & & \color{darkgray} PART & \color{darkgray} V;NFIN & \color{darkgray} ADV & \color{darkgray} ADJ & \color{darkgray} PUNCT \\ \end{tabular} \label{tab:example} } \caption{Example input sentence. Context MSD tags and lemmas, marked in gray, are only available in Track 1. The cyan square marks the main objective of predicting the word form \textit{made}. The magenta square marks the auxiliary objective of predicting the MSD tag \textit{V;PST;V.PTCP;PASS}.} \end{table*} The baseline provided by the shared task organisers is a \textit{seq2seq} model with attention (similar to the winning system for reinflection in CoNLL--SIGMORPHON 2016, \citet{kann2016med}), which receives information about context through an embedding of the two words immediately adjacent to the target form. We use this baseline implementation as a starting point and achieve the best overall accuracy of 49.87 on Task 2 by introducing three augmentations to the provided baseline system: (1) We use an LSTM to encode the entire available context; (2) We employ a multi-task learning approach with the auxiliary objective of MSD prediction; and (3) We train the auxiliary component in a multilingual fashion, over sets of two to three languages. In analysing the performance of our system, we found that encoding the full context improves performance considerably for all languages: 11.15 percentage points on average, although it also highly increases the variance in results. Multi-task learning, paired with multilingual training and subsequent monolingual finetuning, scored highest for five out of seven languages, improving accuracy by another 9.86\% on average. \section{System Description} Our system is a modification of the provided CoNLL--SIGMORPHON 2018 baseline system, so we begin this section with a reiteration of the baseline system architecture, followed by a description of the three augmentations we introduce. \subsection{Baseline} The CoNLL--SIGMORPHON 2018 baseline\footnote{Code available at:\\ \url{https://github.com/sigmorphon/conll2018}} is described as follows: \begin{quote} The system is an encoder-decoder on character sequences. It takes a lemma as input and generates a word form. The process is conditioned on the context of the lemma [\ldots] The baseline treats the lemma, word form and MSD of the previous and following word as context in track 1. In track 2, the baseline only considers the word forms of the previous and next word. [\ldots] The baseline system concatenates embeddings for context word forms, lemmas and MSDs into a context vector. The baseline then computes character embeddings for each character in the input lemma. Each of these is concatenated with a copy of the context vector. The resulting sequence of vectors is encoded using an LSTM encoder. Subsequently, an LSTM decoder generates the characters in the output word form using encoder states and an attention mechanism. \end{quote} \begin{figure}[tb] \resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{ \includegraphics[]{sigmorphon.pdf} } \caption{Schematic representation of our approach. The focus here is on the prediction of the final character, \textit{e}, of the word form \textit{made}. The attention matrix indicates that this character should be based on the final state of the encoder, which contains information about the final character of the input form, and the past and future context. The input and output of the auxiliary decoder are marked in magenta.} \label{fig:architecture} \end{figure} To that we add a few details regarding model size and training schedule: \begin{itemize} \itemsep0em \item the number of LSTM layers is one; \item embedding size, LSTM layer size and attention layer size is 100; \item models are trained for 20 epochs; \item on every epoch, training data is subsampled at a rate of 0.3; \item LSTM dropout is applied at a rate 0.3; \item context word forms are randomly dropped at a rate of 0.1; \item the Adam optimiser is used, with a default learning rate of 0.001; and \item trained models are evaluated on the development data (the data for the shared task comes already split in train and dev sets). \end{itemize} \subsection{Our system} Here we compare and contrast our system\footnote{Code available at: \url{https://github.com/YovaKem/inflection_in_context}} to the baseline system. A diagram of our system is shown in Figure \ref{fig:architecture}. \subsubsection{Entire Context Encoded with LSTMs}\label{context_encoding} The idea behind this modification is to provide the encoder with access to all morpho-syntactic cues present in the sentence. In contrast to the baseline, which only encodes the immediately adjacent context of a target word, we encode the \textit{entire context}. All context word forms, lemmas, and MSD tags (in Track 1) are embedded in their respective high-dimensional spaces as before, and their embeddings are concatenated. However, we now reduce the entire past context to a fixed-size vector by encoding it with a forward LSTM, and we similarly represent the future context by encoding it with a backwards LSTM. \subsubsection{Auxiliary Task: MSD of the Target Form} We introduce an auxiliary objective that is meant to \textit{increase the morpho-syntactic awareness of the encoder} and to regularise the learning process---the task is to predict the MSD tag of the target form. MSD tag predictions are conditioned on the context encoding, as described in \ref{context_encoding}. Tags are generated with an LSTM one component at a time, e.g.\ the tag \textit{PRO;NOM;SG;1} is predicted as a sequence of four components, $\langle$PRO, NOM, SG, 1$\rangle$. For every training instance, we backpropagate the sum of the main loss and the auxiliary loss without any weighting. As MSD tags are only available in Track 1, this augmentation only applies to this track. \begin{table}[tb] \centering \begin{tabular}{llrr|rr} \toprule \multicolumn{2}{c}{}& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Track 1} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Track 2} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{base} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{our} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{base} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{our} \\ \midrule & \sc de & 64.51 & \textbf{72.40} & \textbf{65.72} & 64.81 \\ & \sc en & 72.91 & \textbf{77.84} & 70.39 & \textbf{71.90} \\ &\sc es & 53.44 & \textbf{56.24} & \textbf{51.05} & 48.95 \\ high & \sc fi & 49.05 & \textbf{55.27} & \textbf{34.82} & 32.40 \\ & \sc fr & 63.54 & \textbf{70.67} & 58.45 & \textbf{61.51} \\ & \sc ru & 71.18 & \textbf{77.91} & 46.89 & \textbf{49.00} \\ & \sc sv & 62.23 & \textbf{69.26} & 54.04 & \textbf{55.96} \\ \midrule & \sc de & 54.40 & \textbf{62.18} & 56.93 & \textbf{57.33} \\ & \sc en & 60.02 & \textbf{66.67} & 57.60 & \textbf{66.67} \\ & \sc es & 23.14 & \textbf{51.33} & 41.23 & \textbf{42.50} \\ med. & \sc fi & 28.21 & \textbf{35.71} & 19.19 & \textbf{22.24} \\ & \sc fr & 45.01 & \textbf{60.29} & 21.38 & \textbf{45.62} \\ & \sc ru & 50.30 & \textbf{63.05} & 30.52 & \textbf{35.94} \\ & \sc sv & 47.55 & \textbf{57.66} & 43.09 & \textbf{45.96} \\ \midrule & \sc de & 0.20 & \textbf{4.85} & 0.10 & \textbf{18.91} \\ & \sc en & 1.81 & \textbf{33.84} & 2.22 & \textbf{59.42} \\ & \sc es & 8.98 & \textbf{31.42} & 8.98 & \textbf{31.84} \\ low & \sc fi & 0.76 & \textbf{12.83} & 0.38 & \textbf{12.33} \\ & \sc fr & 0.00 & \textbf{34.42} & 0.00 & \textbf{29.53} \\ & \sc ru & 0.00 & \textbf{25.90} & 2.71 & \textbf{22.69} \\ & \sc sv & 1.17 & \textbf{27.55} & 0.96 & \textbf{30.96} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{Official shared task test set results.} \label{test_results} \end{table} \subsubsection{Multilinguality} The parameters of the entire MSD (auxiliary-task) decoder are shared across languages. Since a grouping of the languages based on language family would have left several languages in single-member groups (e.g.\ Russian is the sole representative of the Slavic family), we experiment with random \textit{groupings of two to three languages}. Multilingual training is performed by randomly alternating between languages for every new minibatch. We do not pass any information to the auxiliary decoder as to the source language of the signal it is receiving, as we assume abstract morpho-syntactic features are shared across languages. \paragraph{Finetuning} After 20 epochs of multilingual training, we perform 5 epochs of monolingual finetuning for each language. For this phase, we reduce the learning rate to a tenth of the original learning rate, i.e.\ 0.0001, to ensure that the models are indeed being finetuned rather than retrained. \subsubsection{Model Size and Training Schedule} We keep all hyperparameters the same as in the baseline. Training data is split 90:10 for training and validation. We train our models for 50 epochs, adding early stopping with a tolerance of five epochs of no improvement in the validation loss. We do not subsample from the training data. \subsubsection{Ensemble Prediction} We train models for 50 different random combinations of two to three languages in Track 1, and 50~monolingual models for each language in Track~2. Instead of picking the single model that performs best on the development set and thus risking to select a model that highly overfits that data, we use an ensemble of the five best models, and make the final prediction for a given target form with a majority vote over the five predictions. \section{Results and Discussion} Test results are listed in Table \ref{test_results}. Our system outperforms the baseline for all settings and languages in Track 1 and for almost all in Track 2---only in the high resource setting is our system not definitively superior to the baseline. Interestingly, our results in the low resource setting are often higher for Track 2 than for Track 1, even though contextual information is less explicit in the Track 2 data and the multilingual multi-tasking approach does not apply to this track. We interpret this finding as an indicator that a simpler model with fewer parameters works better in a setting of limited training data. Nevertheless, we focus on the low resource setting in the analysis below due to time limitations. As our Track 1 results are still substantially higher than the baseline results, we consider this analysis valid and insightful. \subsection{Ablation Study} \begin{figure*}[tb] \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{ \includegraphics[]{results.pdf} } \caption{Mean ($\bullet$) and standard deviation (error bars) over 100 models trained for each language and architecture, and average ($\times$) over the 5 best models. \textit{LSTM Enc} refers to a model that encodes the full context with an LSTM; \textit{Multi-task} builds on \textit{LSTM Enc} with an auxiliary objective of MSD prediction; \textit{Multilingual} refers to a model with an auxiliary component trained in a multilingual fashion; \textit{Finetuned} refers to a multilingual model topped with monolingual finetuning. } \label{fig:results} \end{figure*} We analyse the incremental effect of the different features in our system, focusing on the low-resource setting in Track 1 and using development data. \paragraph{Entire Context Encoded with LSTMs} Encoding the entire context with an LSTM highly increases the variance of the observed results. So we trained fifty models for each language and each architecture. Figure~\ref{fig:results} visualises the means and standard deviations over the trained models. In addition, we visualise the average accuracy for the five best models for each language and architecture, as these are the models we use in the final ensemble prediction. Below we refer to these numbers only. The results indicate that encoding the full context with an LSTM highly enhances the performance of the model, by 11.15\% on average. This observation explains the high results we obtain also for Track 2. \paragraph{Auxiliary Task: MSD of the Target Form} Adding the auxiliary objective of MSD prediction has a variable effect: for four languages ({\sc de}, {\sc en}, { \sc es}, and {\sc sv}) the effect is positive, while for the rest it is negative. We consider this to be an issue of insufficient data for the training of the auxiliary component in the low resource setting we are working with. \paragraph{Multilinguality} We indeed see results improving drastically with the introduction of multilingual training, with multilingual results being 7.96\% higher than monolingual ones on average. We studied the five best models for each language as emerging from the multilingual training (listed in Table~\ref{tab:5best}) and found no strong linguistic patterns. The {\sc en}--{\sc sv} pairing seems to yield good models for these languages, which could be explained in terms of their common language family and similar morphology. The other natural pairings, however, {\sc fr}--{\sc es}, and {\sc de}--{\sc sv}, are not so frequent among the best models for these pairs of languages. \begin{table}[tb] \resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{ \begin{tabular}{|l|lllll|} \toprule \sc de&\sc fi & \sc sv& \sc fi, \sc sv & \sc ru, \sc fr & \sc fr, \sc fi \\ \sc en&\sc ru, \sc sv & \sc ru, \sc fi & \sc ru,\sc fr & \sc sv, \sc es & \sc sv, \sc fr \\ \sc es& \sc de & \sc fi &\sc sv, \sc de & \sc sv,\sc en & \sc sv,\sc fr\\ \sc fi&\sc de & \sc es & \sc fr, \sc es & \sc en,\sc ru & \sc ru,\sc sv \\ \sc fr&\sc sv,\sc en & \sc en,\sc es& \sc de,\sc fi & \sc sv,\sc en & \sc en,\sc sv \\ \sc ru& \sc sv & \sc de,\sc fr & \sc en,\sc sv & \sc sv,\sc fr & \sc en,\sc fi \\ \sc sv&\sc en,\sc de &\sc fi,\sc en &\sc fr,\sc ru & \sc es,\sc en & \sc ru, \sc en \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \caption{\label{tab:5best}Five best multilingual models for each language.} \end{table} Finally, monolingual finetuning improves accuracy across the board, as one would expect, by 2.72\% on average. \paragraph{Overall} The final observation to be made based on this breakdown of results is that the multi-tasking approach paired with multilingual training and subsequent monolingual finetuning outperforms the other architectures for five out of seven languages: {\sc de}, {\sc en}, {\sc fr}, {\sc ru} and {\sc sv}. For the other two languages in the dataset, {\sc es} and {\sc fi}, the difference between this approach and the approach that emerged as best for them is less than~1\%. The overall improvement of the multilingual multi-tasking approach over the baseline is~18.30\%. \subsection{Error analysis} Here we study the errors produced by our system on the English test set to better understand the remaining shortcomings of the approach. A small portion of the wrong predictions point to an incorrect interpretation of the morpho-syntactic conditioning of the context, e.g.\ the system predicted \textit{plan} instead of \textit{plans} in the context \textit{Our \_ include raising private capital}. The majority of wrong predictions, however, are nonsensical, like \textit{bomb} for \textit{job}, \textit{fify} for \textit{fixing}, and \textit{gnderrate} for \textit{understand}. This observation suggests that generally the system did not learn to copy the characters of lemma into inflected form, which is all it needs to do in a large number of cases. This issue could be alleviated with simple data augmentation techniques that encourage autoencoding \citep[see, e.g.,][]{bergmanis2017training}. \subsection{MSD prediction} Figure~\ref{fig:results_msd} summarises the average MSD-prediction accuracy for the multi-tasking experiments discussed above.\footnote{As MSD tags are not available for target forms in the development data, the accuracy of MSD prediction is measured over all other nouns, adjectives and verbs in the dataset.} Accuracy here is generally higher than on the main task, with the multilingual finetuned setup for Spanish and the monolingual setup for French scoring best: 66.59\% and 65.35\%, respectively. This observation illustrates the added difficulty of generating the correct surface form even when the morphosyntactic description has been identified correctly. \begin{figure} \resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{ \includegraphics[]{results_msd.pdf} } \caption{Accuracy on the auxiliary task of MSD prediction with different models. See the caption of Figure~\ref{fig:results} for more details.} \label{fig:results_msd} \end{figure} We observe some correlation between these numbers and accuracy on the main task: for {\sc de, en, ru} and {\sc sv}, the brown, pink and blue bars here pattern in the same way as the corresponding $\times$'s in Figure~\ref{fig:results}. One notable exception to this pattern is {\sc fr} where inflection gains a lot from multilingual training, while MSD prediction suffers greatly. Notice that the magnitude of change is not always the same, however, even when the general direction matches: for {\sc ru}, for example, multilingual training benefits inflection much more than in benefits MSD prediction, even though the MSD decoder is the only component that is actually shared between languages. This observation illustrates the two-fold effect of multi-task training: an auxiliary task can either inform the main task through the parameters the two tasks share, or it can help the main task learning through its regularising effect. \section{Related Work} Our system is inspired by previous work on multi-task learning and multi-lingual learning, mainly building on two intuitions: (1)~jointly learning related tasks tends to be beneficial \cite{mtl,sogaard2016deep,plank:2016,bjerva:2016:semantic,bjerva:2017:mtl}; and (2)~jointly learning related languages in an MTL-inspired framework tends to be beneficial \citep{bjerva:phd,google:zeroshot,delhoneux:2018}. In the context of computational morphology, multi-lingual approaches have previously been employed for morphological reinflection \citep{bergmanis2017training} and for paradigm completion \citep{kann2017one}. In both of these cases, however, the available datasets covered more languages, 40 and~21, respectively, which allowed for linguistically-motivated language groupings and for parameter sharing directly on the level of characters. \Citet{delhoneux:2018} explore parameter sharing between related languages for dependency parsing, and find that sharing is more beneficial in the case of closely related languages. \section{Conclusions} In this paper we described our system for the CoNLL--SIGMORPHON 2018 shared task on Universal Morphological Reinflection, Task 2, which achieved the best performance out of all systems submitted, an overall accuracy of 49.87. We showed in an ablation study that this is due to three core innovations, which extend a character-based encoder-decoder model: (1)~a wide context window, encoding the entire available context; (2)~multi-task learning with the auxiliary task of MSD prediction, which acts as a regulariser; (3)~a multilingual approach, exploiting information across languages. In future work we aim to gain better understanding of the increase in variance of the results introduced by each of our modifications and the reasons for the varying effect of multi-task learning for different languages. \section*{Acknowledgements} We gratefully acknowledge the support of the NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of the Titan Xp GPU used for this research.
\section{Introduction} The centrality and system-size dependence of elliptic flow ($v_2$) provides direct information on the thermalization of the matter created in the collision. Ideal (non-viscous) hydrodynamics predicts that $v_2$ scales like the eccentricity, $\varepsilon$, of the initial distribution of matter in the transverse plane. Our predictions are based on this eccentricity scaling, together with a simple parameterization of deviations from hydrodynamics~\cite{Drescher:2007cd}: \begin{equation} \label{v2k} v_2=\frac{h\varepsilon}{1+K/0.7}, \end{equation} where the scale factor $h$ is independent of system size and centrality, but may depend on the collision energy; The Knudsen number $K$ can be expressed as \begin{equation} \label{knud} \frac{1}{K}=\frac{\sigma}{S}\frac{dN}{dy}\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}. \end{equation} It vanishes in the hydrodynamic limit. $dN/dy$ is the total (charged + neutral) multiplicity per unit rapidity, $S$ is the transverse overlap area between the two nuclei, and $\sigma$ is an effective (transport) partonic cross section. The model has two free parameters, the ``hydrodynamic limit'' $h$, and the partonic cross section $\sigma$. The other quantities, $\varepsilon$, $S$, $dN/dy$, must be obtained from a model for the initial condition. Here, we choose the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) approach, including the effect of fluctuations in the positions of participant nucleons, which increase $\varepsilon$~\cite{Drescher:2006ca}. The model provides a perfect fit to RHIC data for Au-Au and Cu-Cu collisions with $h=0.22$ and $\sigma=5.5$~mb~\cite{Drescher:2007cd}. We now briefly discuss the extrapolation to LHC. The hydrodynamic limit $h$ is likely to increase from RHIC to LHC, as the QGP phase will last longer; however, we do not have a quantitative prediction for $h$. We predict only the centrality dependence of $v_2$, not its absolute value. Figure 1 is drawn with $h=0.22$. The second parameter is $\sigma$, which parameterizes deviations from ideal hydrodynamics, i.e., viscous effects. We consider two possibilities: 1) $\sigma=5.5$~mb at LHC, as at RHIC. 2) $\sigma\sim1/T^2$ (on dimensional grounds, assuming that no non-perturbative scales arise), where the temperature $T\sim(dN/dy)^{1/3}$. This gives the value 3.3~mb in figure 1. \begin{figure} \centerline{\includegraphics*[width=0.7\linewidth]{lhc}} \caption{$v_2$ as a function of $N_{\rm part}$ at mid-rapidity for Pb-Pb collisions at LHC ($\sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.5$~TeV). \full and \dashddot: $\varepsilon$ scaling ($K=0$ in (\ref{v2k})); \dashed and \dotted: incl.\ incomplete thermalization, with two values of the partonic cross section. \fullsquare: PHOBOS data for Au-Au collisions at RHIC~\cite{Back:2004mh}. The vertical scale is arbitrary (see text). \label{fig:v2lhc}} \end{figure} The remaining quantities ($S$, $dN/dy$ and $\varepsilon$) are obtained by extrapolating the CGC from RHIC to LHC, either with fixed-coupling (fc) or running-coupling (rc) evolution of the saturation scale $Q_s$. The multiplicity per participant increases by a factor of~3 (resp.\ 2.4) with fc (resp. rc). The eccentricity $\varepsilon$ is 10\% larger with fc (solid curve in figure 1) than with rc (dash-dotted curve) evolution. Deviations from hydrodynamics (the $K$-dependent factor in Eq.~(\ref{v2k})) are somewhat smaller than at RHIC: $v_2$ is 90\% (resp. 80\%) of the hydrodynamic limit for central collisions if $\sigma=5.5$~mb (resp. 3.3~mb). Our predictions lie between the dashed and dotted curves, up to an overall normalization factor. The maximum value of $v_2$ occurs for $N_{\rm part}$ between 60 ($\sigma\approx$ const.) and 80 ($\sigma\sim1/T^2$). Elliptic flow will be a first-day observable at LHC. Both its absolute magnitude and its centrality dependence are sensitive probes of initial conditions, and will help to improve our understanding of high-density QCD.
"Autism" refers to a set of neurodevelopmental disorders that are characterized by impaired social interaction, restricted communication, and repetitive, stereotypic behaviors. The number of children reported as having autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has risen dramatically since the early 1990s. In the United States, some of this increase is attributable to changes in diagnosis and reporting, although this pattern is not uniform across all states ([@b59-ehp0115-001482]). Symptoms of classic autism do not typically become evident until early childhood, but current evidence is consistent with a pathogenic process originating during fetal development ([@b8-ehp0115-001482]; [@b34-ehp0115-001482]; [@b37-ehp0115-001482]; [@b46-ehp0115-001482]). Many of the hypotheses regarding ASD pathogenesis involve a functional deficit caused by alterations to specific brain structures occurring *in utero* during defined temporal windows of vulnerability ([@b50-ehp0115-001482]). The lesions in question might result from genetic factors, environmental insults, or a combination of the two. A variety of lesions could give rise to a "final common pathway" to autism; ASD as currently defined may well include multiple disorders that have not yet been successfully differentiated. A large number of widely used agricultural pesticides have known neurologic effects ([@b67-ehp0115-001482]), raising the possibility that gestational exposure to these compounds could play an etiologic role in ASD and related neurodevelopmental disorders. Most compounds are prone to "drift," and detectable levels in air samples are often measurable at locations beyond the site of application for extended periods afterwards ([@b36-ehp0115-001482]; [@b39-ehp0115-001482]). Elevated levels of agricultural pesticides in household dust and their metabolites in urine have been associated with residential proximity to treated fields ([@b41-ehp0115-001482]; [@b42-ehp0115-001482]; [@b61-ehp0115-001482]). Studies of pediatric diseases and their associations with residential proximity or parental occupational exposure to pesticides have been accumulating, most notably for cancer ([@b12-ehp0115-001482]; [@b21-ehp0115-001482]; [@b25-ehp0115-001482]; [@b27-ehp0115-001482]; [@b40-ehp0115-001482]; [@b45-ehp0115-001482]; [@b48-ehp0115-001482]; [@b52-ehp0115-001482]; [@b54-ehp0115-001482]; [@b58-ehp0115-001482]; [@b68-ehp0115-001482]) and, more recently, neurodevelopmental delay ([@b28-ehp0115-001482]). Many environmental toxicants are conveyed transplacentally, and the blood--brain barrier remains relatively permeable to many of these compounds until well into the first year of life ([@b7-ehp0115-001482]). In general, experimental and epidemiologic evidence regarding pesticides and pediatric neurodevelopment is strikingly lacking, despite considerable knowledge about pesticide toxicity (particularly neurotoxicity) ([@b35-ehp0115-001482]; [@b67-ehp0115-001482]). We evaluated a series of hypotheses regarding an association between *in utero* residential "exposure" to specific agricultural pesticides (that is, maternal residence in close proximity to sites of application) and the development of ASD by linking existing databases using a retrospective case--control design. This study was conducted as part of a demonstration project of the utility of environmental public health tracking, an initiative funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ([@b44-ehp0115-001482]) to generate clues for further etiologic study. Materials and Methods ===================== All data assembly and sampling protocols were approved by the California Department of Health Services Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects before the initiation of activities. Study subjects -------------- The study population included 269,746 singletons born between 1 January 1996 and 31 December 1998 to mothers residing in the 19 counties included in the Sacramento River Valley and San Joaquin River Valley air basins of California (known together as the Central Valley) (California Center for Health Statistics, Sacramento: Birth Statistical Master Files, unpublished data). Excluded from the study population were infant deaths and multiple births. Modestly elevated ASD risk has been noted among children born preterm ([@b38-ehp0115-001482]); in this exploratory study, we focused on ASD risk not mediated by this phenomenon and excluded those born at \< 37 weeks gestation or weighing \< 2,500 g. Children with ASD were identified from this study population through electronic files of the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) (California DDS, Sacramento, CA, Client Development Evaluation Reports, unpublished data), which operates a statewide system of regional centers and developmental centers that coordinate voluntary services for persons with autism, mental retardation, and other developmental disabilities. Children reported by DDS at any age as receiving services for autism or with an ASD diagnostic code (e.g., *Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders*, 4th ed., code 299.80) ([@b5-ehp0115-001482]) were included in the case group. DDS eligibility is determined and services are provided without regard to citizenship or financial status. Although the system is used widely across different socioeconomic levels and racial and ethnic groups, disparities in use may exist. Referrals come from pediatricians, other clinicians, the educational system, family members, and friends. DDS creates an archive file of client development evaluation reports (CDER) completed at the regional centers and developmental centers. A CDER is submitted when an individual has a diagnosed developmental disability and has met the eligibility requirements for active status in the DDS system. Children who qualify for services for conditions other than autism but who have comorbid ASD may have a diagnosis of ASD coded on their CDER under "Mental Disorder." Children with milder forms of developmental disabilities, including Asperger's Syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disability--Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS), may not meet eligibility requirements for active status. The CDER is updated periodically as client status changes. Linkage of case subjects to birth records ----------------------------------------- To identify DDS clients who were resident births and to obtain street address at birth and other demographic variables for analysis, DDS electronic files were linked to live birth vital records by staff of the California Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Research and Epidemiology (Richmond, CA). Matching algorithms were based on identifying variables including child's first name, last name, date of birth, sex, and mother's first name, last name, and date of birth. We estimate an incorrect matching rate of \< 0.2% using these procedures (Grether J, unpublished data). Control subjects ---------------- For each case, we selected 15 control births from the study population from among full-term, normal-weight live births who were not identified as cases using an incidence density sampling design with date of last menstrual period (LMP) as the time variable. This procedure permitted control for the time-varying prevalence of exposure that could, uncontrolled, result in confounding, and maximized the information obtained from the cohort for estimation of disease rate parameters. For the small number of records for which gestational age was missing, we imputed this number based on the date of birth and LMP. Records for which the (recorded or imputed) gestational age was incompatible with the recorded birth weight using an established algorithm ([@b4-ehp0115-001482]) were excluded before sample selection. Regional center as a covariate ------------------------------ DDS regional center (RC) catchment areas are geographically defined, and services are provided based on residence address. Six RCs serve the 19 counties included in this study; because of migration between birth and age of diagnosis, 19 RCs contributed diagnoses to cases in the study population. Statewide guidelines are provided for eligibility determination and provision of services, but RCs have flexibility in application of guidelines. To adjust for differences among RCs, we included a variable for cases indicating RC of enrollment when eligibility based on autism was established. For control subjects, RC assignments were simulated under the assumption that migratory patterns during the first few years of life would be identical between case and control populations. For each RC, we calculated out-and in-migration between birth and CDER diagnosis date for ASD cases, and then randomly selected an identical proportion of controls born in each RC catchment area and reassigned them accordingly. Later when choices had been made regarding the analytic model, we repeated the random assignment 100 times to assess the sensitivity of our findings to this process. Pesticide data -------------- We obtained records from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR 2000) describing agricultural pesticide applications within the study area occurring after 1 January 1995 (for the 4 years after this date, the total number of applications was 6,710,727). These data are submitted to DPR by county agriculture commissioners and are spatially referenced to public land survey sections (PLSS); we conducted cleaning and correction algorithms following the protocol of [@b31-ehp0115-001482]. Following the method of [@b55-ehp0115-001482], we spatially refined these data through the overlay of matched land-use survey field polygons provided by the [@b14-ehp0115-001482]. Briefly, we matched each DPR record to the land-use survey conducted closest in time to the application date (DWR surveys are conducted roughly every 5--7 years in each California county). Matching is based on location and crop type as specified in both the DPR and DWR records, with frequently rotated crops grouped together in a single category. Of the total applications recorded by the DPR spanning 1995--1998, 73.4% were successfully linked based on specific crop identifiers, whereas an additional 18.0% were linked under the "frequently rotated" category. For the remaining 8.5% of applications, no field polygon in the specified PLSS grid was identified with the appropriate crop identifier, so no spatial refinement was possible (percentages do not sum to 100 due to rounding). Data linkage ------------ Exposure assignment incorporated both spatial and temporal dimensions. Residence addresses at time of birth were standardized and verified using ZP4 (Semaphore Corporation, Pismo Beach, CA) and subsequently geocoded using ArcGIS version 9.0 (ESRI, Redlands, CA). Geocoded address coordinates were taken from the first successful match of the following four street centerline data sets (in order): Geographic Data Technology (GDT) Dynamap/2000 version 13 (TeleAtlas, Lebanon, NH), Navigation Technologies NAVSTREETS (NAVTEQ, Chicago, IL), TeleAtlas MultiNet streets (TeleAtlas), and the U.S. Census Bureau TIGER 2000 system (Washington, DC). For each street centerline data set, residences were geocoded by matching to street address attributes (e.g., prefix, number, name) and the ZIP code, or, if the ZIP code was unsuccessful, the city name. We determined temporal proximity by comparing dates of applications recorded in the DPR data set (which are believed to be accurate within a few days) to the stage of gestation (quantified as the number of days postfertilization) determined from LMP. Fertilization was assumed to occur 14 days following the LMP date and labeled day zero. LMP is therefore day --14, and the expected delivery date for a full-term pregnancy day 266. To assign exposure, we developed a custom Java (Sun Microsystems, Santa Clara, CA) application using the ArcSDE Java Application Program Interface version 9.0 (ESRI, Redlands, CA) and the GeoTools Java GIS Toolkit, version 2.0 (open source, <http://geotools.codehaus.org/>). We calculated the sums that combined the numbers of pounds of pesticides occurring during any temporal window (defined below) within the specified radius of a geocoded point, intersecting DWR land-use or PLSS polygons with the buffer, and assuming homogeneous distribution of pesticides within each of these polygons. Analytic strategy ----------------- The infrastructure developed for this project allowed us to simultaneously test large numbers of specific hypotheses. To avoid the pitfalls associated with multiple statistical comparisons, we constructed a multistage analytic strategy. First we selected pesticide compounds based on plausibility of biological connection to autism, physical characteristics, and community concerns. Then we operationalized the hypotheses of association between exposure and outcome based on known embryologic phenomena. We then conducted *a priori* data analysis with primary attention to the effects of multiple testing, followed by *a posteriori* data analysis for refinement of hypotheses and guidance of future work. ### Selection of pesticide compounds Input was obtained through a series of participatory meetings with representatives of community-based, local governmental, and nongovernmental organizations. Two complimentary and overlapping sets of criteria were developed to select pesticides of interest: *a*) compounds causing substantial community concern, and *b*) compounds most likely to have spatially and temporally resolvable health effects based on their toxicologic and physical properties. Community concerns included pesticides accounting for particularly large proportions of total agricultural applications in the state; pesticides associated with well-known involuntary exposures due to incidents of community poisonings; and fumigant pesticides, which are used in particularly large quantities during a single application. To address the second set of criteria, we assembled a list of 54 high-use pesticides known to be neurotoxicants, reproductive toxicants, developmental toxicants, and/or endocrine disruptors ([@b29-ehp0115-001482]). Following previously developed protocols ([@b10-ehp0115-001482]; [@b43-ehp0115-001482]), we ranked compounds from the list by a local exposure index, which is the environmental persistence weighted by the fraction of deposition expected to occur near to the application site. The resulting individual compounds and groups of compounds are shown in [Appendix 1](#app1-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="app"}. ### Operationalization of hypotheses We operationalized each single hypothesis as any unique combination of *a*) pesticide compounds or groups of compounds, *b*) maternal residential distance from application site, and *c*) temporal period during pregnancy. Spatial parameters were based on the assumption that substantial population exposure due to pesticide drift was unlikely at distances \> 1,000 m and may be restricted to distances smaller than a few hundred meters ([@b36-ehp0115-001482]). We tested hypotheses using distances of 250, 500, and 750 m for both individual and grouped compounds. For grouped compounds, we additionally tested hypotheses using a 1,000-m radius. Temporal parameters were chosen to reflect the hypotheses that the periods immediately before and during central nervous system (CNS) embryogenesis, neural tube closure, and entire gestation could represent critical windows for exposure. We defined these respective periods as follows: CNS: days --7 through 49; neural tube: days --4 through 24; and gestation: day --14 through date of birth. ### *A priori* analysis For each parameter combination, we considered only instances for which a minimum of five case or control subjects per quartile of nonzero exposure were available. We imposed the following standards for consideration of any associations between pesticide exposures and ASD as significant. The fourth nonzero quartile coefficient must be significantly greater than zero, with *p* ≤ α*~adj~* using the Holm algorithm ([@b2-ehp0115-001482]) and incorporating the formula by Dunn-Sidák ([@b47-ehp0115-001482]). Under this algorithm, the adjusted alpha becomes ![](ehp0115-001482e1.jpg) where α is 0.05 and *n* is the rank (1,2,3,...) in *p*-value, beginning with the smallest. Further, we graphically depicted the distribution of *p*-values, allowing the data themselves to suggest a logical cut point for the exclusion of associations likely to be attributable to multiple testing. For screening purposes, we employed a conditional logistic regression model (using LMP date to define strata for case--control matching) that controlled for maternal race/ethnicity, maternal education (classified as elementary, some high school, high school graduate, some college, and college graduate), and RC of diagnosis (actual for cases and imputed for controls). For exposure, the reference category was "none," with separate coefficients for each of the four nonzero quartiles of pesticides, in pounds. All variables in sthe model were considered categorical, meaning that no linearity of effects was assumed. ### *A posteriori* analysis Further analysis was restricted to *a priori* combinations of parameters demonstrating significant associations with risk of ASD using the above criteria. We adjusted temporal parameters by making them an 8-week moving window extending from 300 days before to 300 days after the estimated date of conception. This yielded an "optimal" parameter combination that we could use to assess model sensitivity and to characterize the dose--response relationship between pesticide applications and ASD risk. For the latter, we estimated a LOESS function of pesticide applications (in pounds) following the methods recommended by [@b26-ehp0115-001482]. Optimal span for the LOESS function was chosen as that which yielded the minimum value for Akaike's Information Criterion ([@b3-ehp0115-001482]). The dose--response analysis was conducted using the *gam* package developed by [@b32-ehp0115-001482] for use in the *R* programming language version 2.3.1 (R [@b51-ehp0115-001482]); all other analysis was conducted using SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Results ======= Of the original 269,746 singleton births, we were able to geocode 94.6%, with only negligible differences in this rate between case and control subgroups. A further 4.6% of these records were excluded because estimated gestational age was incompatible with birth weight. From the remaining births, we identified 465 ASD cases plus 6,975 matched controls. ASD cases were 85.2% male; for controls this proportion was 51.4% (further information on demographic characteristics is shown in [Table 1](#t1-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table"}). Eight cases and 100 controls had missing data for at least one covariate of interest; in nearly all instances this covariate was maternal education. For each regression model, only subjects with complete information for all necessary covariates were included. A priori *analysis.* -------------------- A total of 249 combinations of compounds, buffer radii, and temporal periods met the requirement of five exposed cases and controls per cell. The coefficients comparing the fourth nonzero quartile of exposure to the reference category are presented for the eight combinations where the *p*-value was \< 0.05 (the unadjusted α) in [Table 2](#t2-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table"}. Regardless of buffer radius, all fourth nonzero quartile coefficients meeting our numeric criterion for significance adjusted for multiple testing were for the category of organochlorine pesticides with applications occurring during the CNS period; furthermore, only regressions with this compound--temporal period combination yielded *p*-values that met this criterion. Generally, these coefficients had *p*-values an order of magnitude smaller than those for the next most significant coefficients. The *p*-values and fourth nonzero quartile coefficients are plotted in [Figure 1](#f1-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="fig"}. As expected because of multiple testing, most of these coefficients are randomly distributed around zero, with a few having *p*-values close to 0.05. The coefficients for organochlorine exposure during the CNS period, in contrast, have *p*-values substantially smaller than their nearest neighbors on the graph and are consistently positive. Organochlorine pesticides were found to be associated with ASD regardless of the buffer radius used. The effect becomes monotonically smaller as the radius gets larger; when the buffer radius is extended to 1,750 m, the fourth nonzero quartile odds ratio (OR) finally becomes nonsignificant (*p* \> 0.05; data not shown). For the *a posteriori* analysis, we selected the radius of 500 m, which was the smallest for which there was at least one case for each exposure category. A posteriori *analysis.* ------------------------ Only organochlorine compounds met the criteria for inclusion in *a posteriori* analyses Using a 500-m radius around residential locations, we allowed the 8-week temporal window to be centered anywhere between 300 days before and 300 days following estimated date of conception. Although significant coefficients (α = 0.05) were found for alternative time periods and among nonzero quartiles besides the fourth, these are dwarfed in magnitude and significance by those occurring during the first trimester of gestation among the highest quartile of exposure ([Figure 2](#f2-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="fig"}). Shifting the temporal window so that it starts just following neural tube closure (day 26) yielded the largest fourth nonzero quartile OR = 7.6 \[95% confidence interval (CI), 3.1--18.6\]. ORs from regression modeling using both *a priori* and *a posteriori* time periods for the organochlorine category of pesticides are presented in [Table 3](#t3-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table"}. In the study area, dicofol and endosulfan accounted for \> 98% (by poundage) of the organochlorines applied. During the temporal period identified through the *a posteriori* analysis (i.e., days 26--81), 88 subjects resided within 500 m of a dicofol application and 27 within 500 m of an endosulfan application. Because of these small numbers, a full set of ORs could not be calculated separately for each of the two compounds. Analysis using radii \> 500 m suggested magnitudes of association slightly higher for endosulfan than for dicofol; the association of each compound with ASD appeared to be largely independent of the other (data not shown). Our initial model controlled for maternal race and ethnicity, education, and RC of diagnosis (recorded or imputed). To assess model sensitivity, we employed the *a posteriori* time window and the 500-m buffer and investigated models using no covariates, our original covariates plus maternal age and child sex, and various combinations of these. ORs were not significantly altered under any model, although we did observe some attenuation of the association when sex was included in the model. Given the observed sex ratio among cases and our low exposure prevalence (1.5%), nearly all exposed cases were male, so this attenuation should not necessarily be construed as evidence for confounding or effect modification by sex. Inclusion of covariates besides sex nonsignificantly increased, rather than decreased, the observed association. Choice of the initial covariates plus sex in the model yielded a fourth nonzero quartile OR of 6.1 (95% CI, 2.4--15.3). Repetition of the simulated RC assignment for controls 100 times yielded a median estimate for this number of 6.1 (95% CI, 2.4--15.5), minimum 5.8 (95% CI, 2.3--14.6), and maximum 6.7 (95% CI, 2.6--17.2). Characterization of the dose--response relationship between organochlorine pesticide applications and ASD risk is shown in [Figure 3](#f3-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="fig"}. Risk appears to increase monotonically up to the application amount of approximately 22 lb during the 8-week period with the highest OR determined *a posteriori*. This poundage is equivalent to the 87th percentile for the nonzero applications in the sample; beyond this magnitude of application, data are too sparse to allow for the calculation of risk, as evidenced by the widening of CIs and the attenuation of the OR back to the null. Discussion ========== The objective of this study was to systematically explore the general hypothesis that residential proximity to agricultural pesticide applications during pregnancy could be associated with ASD in offspring. By separately considering the parameters identifying *a*) compounds and compound groupings, *b*) spatial proximity, and *c*) temporal windows, we tested 249 hypotheses that met our predetermined criteria. Application of *a priori* analytic standards to reduce the statistical problems associated with testing and interpreting this large number of hypotheses led us to dismiss nearly all of these hypotheses. Statistical approaches ([@b2-ehp0115-001482]; [@b47-ehp0115-001482]) and visual inspection concurred that the association between organochlorine pesticide applications immediately before and during the period of CNS embryogenesis and ASD risk merited further investigation. This association was strongest for residences closest to pesticide applications and was attenuated with increasing distance. *A posteriori* analysis indicated that the association was strongest, in these data, among those residing near the highest nonzero quartile of pesticide applied during the 8 weeks immediately following cranial neural tube closure. The magnitude of this association was substantially larger than any we could generate through additional testing using alternative time periods and/or quartiles of pesticide applications. We adopted as an *a posteriori* hypothesis that these 8 weeks reflect the period of actual maximum embryonic vulnerability to the organochlorine pesticides. Findings were insensitive to choices of covariates available for our exploratory model, although the inclusion of sex as a covariate attenuated the association slightly. Within the limits of our data, ASD risk increased monotonically with the amount of organochlorine applications during this *a posteriori* time period. Organochlorine pesticides ------------------------- Organochlorines include a chemically diverse group of halobenzene-derivative compounds used mostly as insecticides; in the study area, nearly all of the pesticide applied in this class was dicofol or endosulfan, both of which were used on cotton, fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts. In general, halobenzene derivatives are metabolized through the cytochrome P450 system in humans ([@b53-ehp0115-001482]). Dicofol is chemically similar to dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), the difference being that dicofol possesses a hydroxy moiety on one of its two aliphatic carbon atoms. Dicofol is not metabolized to dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), is cleared from the body more quickly, and bioaccumulates less than DDT ([@b65-ehp0115-001482]). Following oral dosage in studies with rats and mice, peak serum concentrations are reached within 24--48 hr, with most of the compound cleared from the body within 8 days ([@b23-ehp0115-001482]). Environmentally, dicofol's geographic and temporal distribution follows the patterns of its application because of its relative solubility, generally being detectable in field runoff only during seasons of field applications ([@b22-ehp0115-001482]). In rats, endosulfan is converted by the liver after oral administration to endosulfan sulfate and endosulfan diol; peak serum concentrations are reached within hours and elimination achieved within days ([@b1-ehp0115-001482]; [@b18-ehp0115-001482]; [@b19-ehp0115-001482]). In humans, the diol compound in particular has been detected in both placenta and neonatal cord blood ([@b16-ehp0115-001482]). Less soluble than dicofol, endosulfan breaks down in soil and water over periods of weeks to months ([@b24-ehp0115-001482]). ### Biological activities in humans Generally speaking, the brain has not been highlighted as the primary target organ for the toxicity of either dicofol or endosulfan. The latter compound has been noted to have estrogenic effects as well as some effects on the thyroid gland ([@b57-ehp0115-001482]; [@b62-ehp0115-001482]), which may be relevant to concerns about the role of the fetal hormonal milieu in ASD pathogenesis ([@b9-ehp0115-001482]). Sexual differentiation of brain structures in higher mammals occurs during the fetal period (weeks 9--38) ([@b64-ehp0115-001482]), and aromatase, the enzyme that converts androgens into estrogen, is expressed by nerve cells localized in specific brain structures during this period. Both dicofol and endosulfan noncompetitively bind gamma amino-butyric acid (GABA) receptor--mediated chloride ion channels in nerve cells ([@b63-ehp0115-001482]). GABA-mediated neurotransmission is known to play important roles in gestational brain development, and the theory that altered GABA metabolism could play a role in ASD has been advanced ([@b20-ehp0115-001482]). GABA is a neurotransmitter largely unique to interneurons, and GABA-mediated activity regulates cell migration, proliferation, synaptogenesis, and, by extension, the overall patterning of neural networks ([@b33-ehp0115-001482]). Mice with abnormal genes for glutamic acid decarboxylase, which is essential for GABA synthesis, develop epilepsy, abnormal neural activity, and increased anxiety-like behavior. Different forms of this enzyme appear sequentially throughout development, which is thought to imply the existence of multiple distinct functions for GABA as a neurotransmitter during different periods ([@b66-ehp0115-001482]). ### Implications for public health Because this is the first study to explore whether risk of ASD is associated with residential exposure to organochlorine pesticides at drift concentrations, our results require replication in further studies and should be treated with caution. In particular, we want to draw the reader's attention to the small numbers of subjects classified as "exposed" under our model that generated the largest magnitude of ASD risk (a 500-m distance between field and residence and the *a posteriori* temporal window). Using this model, a total of 113 case and control subjects were connected with pesticide applications within the spatial--temporal window, with 29 subjects (8 cases) in the fourth nonzero quartile of exposure. Among control subjects, the prevalence of our *a posteriori*--defined exposure was 14.3/1,000 births in the Central Valley region. Assuming a baseline risk for ASD of 6.5/1,000 births ([@b11-ehp0115-001482]; [@b17-ehp0115-001482]), the OR of 6.1 suggests a putative population attributable risk on the order of 7% for births to Central Valley residents. This calculation assumes that the relationship between exposure and outcome is causal and considers only exposure to drift from agricultural applications. Associations of ASD with exposure from other sources could not be considered using the present study design. To our knowledge, neither dicofol nor endosulfan are used in household products or are used in any quantities outside of the commercial agricultural setting. Residues of both compounds are commonly detected in a wide variety of foods, however ([@b30-ehp0115-001482]), as are those of persistent organochlorine compounds no longer in use as pesticides ([@b56-ehp0115-001482]). Both compounds have structural similarities with relatively common toxic contaminants such as hexachlorobenzene and polychlorinated biphenyls. Most chlorinated aromatic ring compounds are substantially more persistent in the environment and in human tissues than dicofol and endosulfan. The ability to detect associations between putative pesticide exposure due to agricultural drift and ASD risk in the present analysis may have been augmented by the presence of the compounds in relatively defined spatial and temporal windows. The availability of pesticide application data in California has provided an opportunity to detect a possible link, but replication of our results and further evaluation in laboratory studies are essential to determine whether these compounds could be etiologically related to the occurrence of ASDs in some children. In this context, it may be relevant to note that the total applied poundage of endosulfan and dicofol decreased in California by approximately one-half between 1998 and 1999 but appears to have remained steady since that time ([@b49-ehp0115-001482]). Study strengths and limitations ------------------------------- One strength of this study was the ability to locate pesticide applications with relatively high resolution in both space and time, which allowed us to operationalize hypotheses referring to specific temporal periods of vulnerability. We were able to use this and the large number of compounds for which we had data to characterize many associations, identifying those likely to arise through multiple testing and contrasting those with associations that appeared more compelling. We were able to meet many standards set for the epidemiologic study of neurodevelopmental effects of *in utero* chemical exposure ([@b6-ehp0115-001482]), particularly with regard to the methodical definition and testing of plausible hypotheses *a priori*. Another strength is that prior studies have demonstrated good diagnostic validity for children reported by DDS to have autism when electronic statewide records are compared with data in RC records (Grether J, personal communication) or results of standardized evaluations conducted for specific studies (e.g., using the Autism Diagnostic Interview--Revised and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale) ([@b34-ehp0115-001482]). Misclassification of exposure is the primary limitation of this study. It has been estimated that one in three women change addresses during pregnancy ([@b15-ehp0115-001482]). Furthermore, we were unable to assess time spent at home during the time periods in question or the influence of wind speed and direction on drift. Although it is impossible to assess, it is likely that this misclassification is nonsystematic in nature; further, the specificity of our exposure metric is likely to decrease as larger buffer distances between fields and residences are employed. Little information was available to us describing the mothers and children in the sample other than basic demographic characteristics, so we were unable to adjust for confounders potentially important to gestational neurodevelopment, such as the use of prenatal vitamins ([@b60-ehp0115-001482]). Anecdotal evidence suggests that mothers from a wide variety of socioeconomic backgrounds and occupations were represented in the "exposed" categories, but we cannot dismiss the possibility that these women may be disproportionately employed in agriculture and therefore subject to occupational exposures to pesticides beyond drift concentrations. ASD is relatively rare, and more mildly affected children may be less represented in our case group. The proportion of mothers in the sample living in proximity to pesticide applications during our specific time periods of interest was small. This limited the numbers of people classified as exposed at any particular level of pesticide compounds. As mentioned above, for example, only 29 subjects were classified in the fourth nonzero quartile of exposure to organochlorines using our *a posteriori* parameters. Of these, eight subjects had ASD; although this is significantly greater than the expected number (1.8), the need for replication of these findings in other, larger populations is clear. Conclusions =========== We evaluated the overarching hypothesis that maternal residence near agricultural pesticide applications in California's Central Valley during defined time periods of gestation could be associated with ASD among children. We employed a staged analytic strategy designed to exclude associations due to multiple testing using *a priori* criteria. Risk for ASD was consistently associated with residential proximity to organochlorine pesticide applications occurring around the period of CNS embryogenesis; this association appeared to increase with dose and was attenuated with increasing distance of residence from the field site. These findings suggest that the possibility of a connection between gestational exposure to organochlorine pesticides and ASD requires further study. This work was supported by grant U50/ CCU923293 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The following pesticide compounds and categories of compounds were selected from [@b13-ehp0115-001482] for hypothesis testing. Compounds in a single functional or chemical category were grouped together for hypothesis testing purposes; individual compounds were considered on their own regardless of whether they previously had been included in a group category. ***Functional and chemical categories.***[a](#tfn13-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"}Cholinesterase inhibitors (149 entries, including phosmet, malathion, ethephon, and thiobencarb)Copper-containing compounds (45 entries, including hydroxides, sulfates, ammonium carbonates, and oxide)Fumigants (37 entries, including chloropicrin, methyl bromide, 1,3-dichloropropene, metam-sodium, metam-potassium, and sulfuryl fluoride)Avermectins (4 entries, including avermectin, emamectin, benzoate, and fipronil)Halogenated organics[b](#tfn14-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} (43 entries, including methyl bromide and 1,3-dichloropropene)*N*-methyl carbamates (29 entries, including carbamyl, thiodicarb, carbofuran, methomyl, and aldicarb)Organochlorines[b](#tfn14-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} (40 entries, including dicofol, endosulfan, and dienochlor)Organophosphates (112 entries, including malathion, phosmet, chlorpyrifos, and ethephon)Pyrethroids (35 entries, including permethrin, cypermethrin, fenvalerate, cyfluthrin, esfenvalerate, and bifenthrin)Thiocarbamates \[12 entries, including molinate, thiobencarb, EPTC (ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate), and pebulate\]***Individual compounds.***1,3-DichloropropeneBromacil acidBifenthrinChloropicrinChlorpyrifosCopper sulfatesCypermethrinDazometDiuronFenarimolGlyphosateMetam-sodiumMethyl bromideMolinateMyclobutanilNorflurazonOxadiazonParaquatTrifluralin[^3][^4] ![Coefficients for ASD risk comparing the fourth nonzero quartile of exposure to no exposure among children born in selected California counties, 1996--1998. Only coefficients for which a minimum of 20 subjects had nonzero exposure are shown. Model controls for maternal education, maternal race/ethnicity, and RC of diagnosis (imputed for controls). Open circles represent coefficients for organochlorine pesticides applied during the CNS period; closed circles represent all others.](ehp0115-001482f1){#f1-ehp0115-001482} ![ORs (solid lines) and lower 95% confidence limits (dotted lines) for ASD comparing nonzero quartiles of organochlorine pesticide applications within 500 m to no applications for overlapping 8-week temporal windows. Models control for maternal education, maternal race/ ethnicity, and RC of diagnosis (imputed for controls). *x*-Axis is the date in the center of each temporal window relative to fertilization date; shading indicates clinical first trimester; gaps indicate no ASD cases occurred for that category.](ehp0115-001482f2){#f2-ehp0115-001482} ![Dose--response curve for ASD risk with organochlorine pesticides applied within 500 m of residence during *a posteriori* temporal period (26--81 days postfertilization), controlling for maternal education, maternal race/ethnicity, RC of diagnosis (imputed for controls), and sex of child. Plus signs indicate data points from which curves have been calculated. Solid line, OR estimate; dotted lines, 95% confidence limits.](ehp0115-001482f3){#f3-ehp0115-001482} ###### Demographic characteristics of ASD cases and controls born in California Central Valley counties, 1996--1998. Variable Percent of cases (*n* = 465) Percent of controls (*n* = 6,975) Chi-square *p*-value ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------------- ---------------------- Sex of child \< 0.0001  Male 85.2 51.4  Female 14.8 48.6 Maternal age (years) \< 0.0001  \< 20 8.4 14.5  20--24 24.1 26.6  25--29 25.6 27.2  30--34 23.4 20.2  35--39 15.9 9.3  ≥40 2.6 2.3 Maternal race/ethnicity 0.01  Non-Hispanic white 50.8 44.1  Non-Hispanic black 7.1 6.0  Native American 0.4 0.9  Asian 9.7 8.7  Hispanic 31.2 39.6  Other[a](#tfn1-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.9 0.7 Maternal education \< 0.0001  Elementary 4.3 13.0  Some high school 12.5 19.1  High school diploma 33.1 31.6  Some college 28.2 21.8  College degree 20.4 13.3 RC of diagnosis (imputed if control) 0.07  361/Golden Gate 0.9 0.5  362/San Diego 0.9 0.7  363/Far Northern 6.5 7.6  364/Alta California 25.8 25.8  365/San Andreas 0.2 0.3  367/Central Valley 16.3 21.2  369/Inland 0.2 0.4  371/North Bay 8.4 5.2  372/Kern 12.5 11.7  374/South Central LA 0.4 0.3  375/Harbor 1.1 0.5  377/Valley Mountain 25.2 23.7  999/Other[b](#tfn2-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} 1.7 2.2 Includes Pacific Islander and those recorded as other. Includes 360/Lanterman, 366/Tri-Counties, 370/Redwood Coast, 376/Westside, 378/North LA County, 379/San Gabriel/Pomona, 368/Orange County, and 380/East Bay. ###### Coefficients for ASD risk comparing the fourth nonzero quartile of exposure to no exposure[a](#tfn4-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} among children born in selected California counties, 1996--1998.[b](#tfn5-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} Temporal window Buffer radius (m) Coefficient *p*-Value Adjusted alpha[c](#tfn6-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} ------------------ ------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Bifenthrin  Gestation 250 1.570 0.0485 0.0047 Organochlorines  CNS 250 2.068 0.0011[\*](#tfn7-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.0500  CNS 500 1.452 0.0025[\*](#tfn7-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.0253  CNS 750 1.178 0.0062[\*](#tfn7-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.0170  CNS 1,000 1.031 0.0064[\*](#tfn7-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.0127  Gestation 500 0.692 0.0249 0.0085 Organophosphates  Gestation 250 0.462 0.0418 0.0057 Trifluralin  Gestation 750 −0.839 0.0459 0.0051 Only coefficients for which a minimum of 20 subjects had nonzero exposure and *p* ≤ 0.05 are shown. Controlling for maternal education, maternal race/ethnicity, and RC of diagnosis (imputed for controls). Four hundred sixty-five cases and 6,975 controls matched by LMP date, analyzed by conditional logistic regression. Using the Holm algorithm and the formula of Dunn-Sidák (see "*A priori* analysis" in "Results"). Indicates *p* ≤ adjusted alpha. ###### Adjusted ORs[a](#tfn9-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} (95% CIs) for ASD among children born in selected California counties during 1996--1998, by nonzero quartile of organochlorine pesticides applied within 500 m of residence during various periods of gestation.[b](#tfn10-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} Neural tube (4 days pre- to 24 days postfertilization) CNS (7 days pre- to 49 days postfertilization) Gestation (14 days pre- fertilization to DOB) *A posteriori* (26--81 days postfertilization) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Nonzero quartile[c](#tfn11-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} of pounds applied (reference = 0)  First 1.0 (0.1--7.8) 0.6 (0.1--4.3) 1.2 (0.6--2.5) 0.6 (0.1--4.3)  Second 1.2 (0.2--9.9) 1.6 (0.4--7.1) 0.8 (0.3--1.9) 0.8 (0.1--6.3)  Third 2.6 (0.6--11.9) 2.4 (0.7--8.2) 1.0 (0.5--2.2) 2.1 (0.6--7.3)  Fourth 3.5 (1.0--12.5) 4.2 (1.7--10.9)[\*](#tfn12-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} 1.8 (1.0--3.3) 7.6 (3.1--18.6)[\*](#tfn12-ehp0115-001482){ref-type="table-fn"} DOB, date of birth. Adjusted for maternal education, maternal race/ethnicity, and RC of diagnosis (imputed if control). 465 cases and 6,975 controls matched by LMP date, analyzed by conditional logistic regression. 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile cut points (in pounds) for neural tube period were 0.1, 1.6, and 5.2; for CNS, 0.3, 1.9, and 8.4; for gestation, 0.3, 2.9, and 12.0; for *a posteriori* 0.3, 1.8, 10.1, respectively. *p* ≤ 0.05; [^1]: The authors acknowledge M. Wong, of the Public Health Institute, and the Central Valley/South Coast Children's Environmental Health Tracking Advisory Group. [^2]: The authors declare they have no competing financial interests. [^3]: Categories may overlap and/or include compounds also tested individually. [^4]: Small chlorinated molecules (e.g., 1,3-dichloropropene) and chlorinated benzenes are included as halogenated organics; polycyclic chlorinated compounds are included as organochlorines.
**Dear Editor** The genus of *Flavivirus* contains important human pathogens, including dengue (DENV), yellow fever (YFV), West Nile (WNV), Japanese encephalitis (JEV), and tick-borne encephalitis (TBEV) viruses, which cause a number of serious human diseases throughout the world (Pierson TC, [@CR10]). Zika virus (ZIKV) is also an arthropod-borne flavivirus, which was initially isolated in 1947 from a febrile sentinel rhesus monkey in the Zika forest in Entebbe, Uganda. ZIKV is transmitted by multiple *Aedes* mosquitoes (Lazear and Diamond, [@CR6]). Historically, ZIKV infection typically caused a mild and self-limiting illness in human beings, accompanied by fever, headache, arthralgia, myalgia, and maculopapular rash (Ioos et al., [@CR5]). ZIKV caught global attention in April 2007, when it caused a large epidemic of Asian genotype ZIKV in Yap Island and Guam, Micronesia. From 2013 to 2014, the Asian genotype was found responsible for the epidemics among several Pacific Islands, including French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Cook Islands, Tahiti, and Easter Island (Lazear and Diamond, [@CR6]). In 2015, a rampant outbreak of ZIKV infection struck Brazil and other regions of the Americas, causing an estimated 1.3 million cases (Hennessey et al., [@CR4]; Mlakar et al., [@CR9]). Thereafter, ZIKV was found in fetal brain tissue, presumably accounting for the sharp increase of congenital microcephaly in the epidemic areas (Brasil et al., [@CR1]; Mlakar et al., [@CR9]; Rodrigues, [@CR11]). Recent studies have demonstrated the significant cellular death of neural stem cells once infected with ZIKV, which provides direct evidence for the inhibitory role of ZIKV on fetal brain development (Tang et al., [@CR13]). However, as there are currently no effective vaccines or therapies available to contain ZIKV infection, ZIKV remains a significant challenge to the public health of the Western Hemisphere as well as the whole world (Lazear and Diamond, [@CR6]). Similar to other flaviviruses, ZIKV contains a single-stranded, positive sense RNA genome of 10.7 kb. The genome is translated into a single large polypeptide, which undergoes proteolytic cleavage into 3 structural proteins (C, prM/M, and E), and 7 non-structural proteins (NS1, NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, and NS5) (Pierson TC, [@CR10]). The NS3 protein is a key component for viral polypeptide processing and genomic replication, with a protease domain at its N-terminus and a helicase domain at the C-terminus. Upon stimulation by RNA, the helicase domain exhibits intrinsic nucleoside triphosphatase activity, which then provides the chemical energy to unwind viral RNA replication intermediates to facilitate replication of the viral genome together with RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (NS5) (Lindenbach, [@CR7]). Given its essential role in genome replication, ZIKV helicase could be an attractive target for drug development against ZIKV. Here we report the crystal structure of ZIKV helicase at 1.8-Å resolution. The helicase structure revealed a conserved triphosphate pocket critical for nonspecific hydrolysis of nucleoside triphosphates across multiple flavivirus species. A positive-charged tunnel has been identified in the viral helicase, which is potentially responsible for accommodating the RNA. This crystal structure of ZIKV helicase provides an accurate model for rational drug design against ZIKV infection. We determined the crystal structure of ZIKV helicase at a resolution of 1.8 Å (Table S1) in the space group *P2*~*1*~. Distinct from the DENV-2 helicase, whose two crystal forms both contain two molecules per asymmetric unit (Xu et al., [@CR14]), ZIKV helicase has a solo protein molecule in an asymmetric unit in the crystals. No stable oligomer through crystallographic packing was identified in the crystals, consistent with the observation of a monomeric form of the ZIKV helicase in solution by size exclusion chromatography (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}A). This observation suggests that ZIKV helicase is able to function as a monomer. The refined model is complete and includes the residues 175--617 from ZIKV NS3. Although the overall structure is generally well ordered, the electron densities are less well defined for residues 193--202 and 249--255 with a higher B factor (\>50 compared with an overall average B factor of 27). This indicates that these are possible substrate/ligand binding regions due to the increased flexibility. The tertiary structure of ZIKV helicase reveals three domains, of around 130--160 amino acid residues each (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}B and [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}C). Domain I (residues 175--332) and domain II (residues 333--481) share a similar fold with an expanded six-stranded β-sheet stacked between a large number of loops and four helices, though there is little sequence identity between these two domains. Domain III (residues 482--617) is predominantly comprised of a four-α-helix bundle broadened by two antiparallel β strands partially exposed to the solvent. The three domains are well distinguished by clear clefts. Two α-helices from domain I interact with the approximately parallel α-helix bundle from domain III. Domain II associates with domain III via a long β-hairpin standing at the back of the molecule. The featured motifs of the superfamily 2 helicases (Caruthers and McKay, [@CR2]), functionally coupled with NTP hydrolysis and nucleic acid binding making them attractive drug targets, exist in domains I and II and map to interdomain clefts.Fig. 1The monomeric structure of ZIKV helicase. (A) Size-exclusion chromatograms of ZIKV helicase. The molecular masses of protein standards are indicated at the top. (B) The overall structure of ZIKV helicase with the three domains colored and labeled respectively. (C) A cartoon diagram illustrating of the overall fold with potential RNA binding site and NTPase active site labelled. (D) Structure-based phylogenetic tree of 8 viral helicase structures from the *Flaviviradae* family using the program SHP (Stuart et al., [@CR12]) and PHYLIP (Felsenstein, [@CR3]). The following structures with PDB ID in parentheses are included: DENV-2 (2BMF), DENV-4 (2JLQ), JEV (2Z83), KUNV (2QEQ), YFV (1YKS), MVEV (2V8O), HCV (1HEI) ZIKV helicase is evolutionarily close to those from Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV), DENV-4, DENV-2, YFV, JEV, Kunjin virus (KUNV), and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) from the *Flaviviradae* family, whose structures have already been solved. To gain further structural insight, we generated a structure-based phylogenetic tree for these homologous helicases (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}D), using the Structure Homology Program (Stuart et al., [@CR12]). Structural superposition of these 8 structures reveals that all of the flavivirus helicases, including the helicase of ZIKV, cluster into one large group (Group 1), while HCV helicase falls into a separate one (Group 2). In Group 1, ZIKV helicase is evolutionarily closer to those of MVEV, DENV-4 and DENV-2 (Group 1a) while the other members cluster into Group 1b. Clustering of viral helicases indicate that they share more structural features, suggesting it might be possible to design wide-spectrum inhibitors against all the group/subgroup members. The NTPase active site is located in the cleft between Domain I and II (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}A). In this cleft, Walker A and B motifs (motifs I and II, respectively) (Fig. S1) play an important role in recognizing NTP and cations (Mn^2+^ or Mg^2+^) (Caruthers and McKay, [@CR2]). A network of solvent molecules is also buried in this pocket. Since the structure of ZIKV helicase in complex with NTP and the cation is currently unavailable, the structure of AMPPNP-Mn^2+^ bound to DENV-4 helicase, which is a close homologue to ZIKV helicase, serves as a good model for analysis (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}B) (Luo et al., [@CR8]). Residues K200, T201, R202 (motif I, also called P-loop, Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}C), D285, E286 (motif II), Q455, R459, and R462 (motif VI) of ZIKV helicase superimposed well on their counterparts in DENV-4 helicase: K199, T200, K201 (P-loop), D284, E285 (motif II), Q456, R460, and R463 (motif VI) of DENV-4 helicase, respectively (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}D). Based on structural homology, these residues of ZIKV helicase are likely to play similar roles in NTP hydrolysis. For instance, the side chain of K200 could be responsible for interacting with the γ-phosphate of the nucleotide during transition state stabilization; the strictly conserved D285 and E286 residues could participate in coordinating the divalent cation. In the overlaid structures, the base and ribose groups of AMPPNP bulge out from the binding pocket, implying that ZIKV helicase would lack nucleotide specificity for its NTPase activity.Fig. 2Structural insight into ZIKV helicase. (A) Cartoon and surface representation of the overall fold with the three domains of ZIKV helicase, colored and labeled respectively; (B) The electrostatic surface representation showing the tunnel for potential RNA binding. Positive potentials are colored blue and the negative are colored red. The putative position of the nucleic acid is marked as semi-transparent sticks. The model was obtained by superposition with the DENV-4 helicase in complex with ssRNA (PDB code 2JLV). (C) A clear view of the NTPase active site. The positions of putative nucleotide substrate (as sticks) and Mn^2+^ (as sphere) are marked semi-transparently by superposition with the DENV-4 helicase bound to AMPPNP and Mn^2+^ (PDB code 2JLR). P-loop is shown in red. (D) Isolated  P-loops are shown by superimposing the structures of 7 flavivirus apo helicases. ZIKV helicase is in red ribbon and the others are shown in finer lines. The P-loop of DENV-4 helicase is colored green. The following structures of helicases with PDB ID in parentheses are included: DENV-2 (2BMF), DENV-4 (2JLQ), JEV (2Z83), KUNV (2QEQ), YFV (1YKS), MVEV (2V8O). (E) Interactions at NTPase active site by superposition of ZIKV helicase (solid) with DENV-4 helicase in complex with AMPPNP and Mn^2+^ (semitransparent, PDB code 2JLR). Conserved residues are shown as sticks and labeled It is worthwhile to note that the P-loop, which is critical for NTP binding and catalysis, has a variety of structural conformations among flavivirus helicases (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}C), even though the amino acid sequences are stringently conserved. This discrepancy highlights the high degree of intrinsic flexibility of the P-loop. Interestingly, the conformation of the P-loop in ZIKV helicase (apo form) is quite similar to that of DENV-4 helicase complexed with AMPPNP-Mn^2+^, which is however, distinct from the conformation in its own apo form. This implies that ZIKV helicase might not need to undergo as significant local rearrangement of the NTP binding pocket to transition into the active state as in DENV-4 helicase. In the structure of ZIKV helicase, a positively charged tunnel can be clearly identified along the domain boundary of Domain III, which directly interacts with Domain I and Domain II (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}E). The tunnel is lined with positively charged residues and remains wide enough to accommodate a single strand (ss) nucleic acid in an extended conformation running through Domain II to Domain I. The positively charged residues, most of which were contributed by Domain I and Domain II, presumably stabilize the sugar-phosphate backbone of the nucleic acid. Superposition of ZIKV helicase to DENV-4 helicase bound with a 12-mer ssRNA (PDB ID 2JLV) (Luo et al., [@CR8]) generated a model to analyze the potential pattern for nucleic acid binding. It seems that rearrangement of the three domains is required to build a non-clashing model of ZIKV helicase for RNA binding, which has been seen in DENV-4 helicase bound to RNA. Interestingly, P363, P233, D409, and T264, which contribute specificity of DENV-4 helicase for RNA, are entirely conserved in ZIKV helicase, thus implying that ZIKV helicase would prefer RNA to DNA. In summary, the recent outbreak of ZIKV and its association with fetal abnormalities have caused global public health emergency. Here we present a high-resolution structure of ZIKV helicase, which is an important drug target. The structure has revealed critical substrate-binding pockets for antiviral drug design. Pharmaceutical development of inhibitors targeting the RNA binding tunnel and the pivotal regulatory regions would be a plausible strategy for innovative anti-ZIKV therapies. FOOTNOTES {#Sec1} ========= We would like to thank Zuokun Lu for data collection at beamline BL18U1 of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF); Erin Weber and Lanfeng Wang for discussion and advice. This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program (973 Program) (Nos. 2015CB859800 and 2014CB542800) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 31528006). Haitao Yang and Hongliang Tian conceived and designed the experiments. Hongliang Tian, Xiaoyun Yang, Wei Xie, Heng Chi and Zhongyu Mu performed the experiments. Haitao Yang, Xiaoyun Ji, Cheng Chen, Chen Wu and Zefang Wang analyzed the data. Haitao Yang, Hongliang Tian, Xiaoyun Ji and Kailin Yang wrote the paper. Hongliang Tian, Xiaoyun Ji, Xiaoyun Yang, Wei Xie, Kailin Yang, Cheng Chen, Chen Wu, Heng Chi, Zhongyu Mu, Zefang Wang, and Haitao Yang declare that they have no conflict of interest. This article does not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by the any of the authors. Electronic supplementary material ================================= {#Sec2} Below is the link to the electronic supplementary material. Supplementary material 1 (PDF 1224 kb) Hongliang Tian, Xiaoyun Ji and Xiaoyun Yang have contributed equally to this work.
Human infection with ZIKV, an emerging mosquito-borne flavivirus (*Flaviviridae* family, *Flavivirus* genus) that is closely related to the Spondweni serocomplex, has reached pandemic levels in the Americas with at least 32 countries or territories reporting infection over the interval from May, 2015 through June, 2016 (<http://www.cdc.gov/zika/geo/index.html>). Previous outbreaks of ZIKV were largely sporadic across Southeast Asia and equatorial African belts, but later spread east resulting in an outbreak in Yap Island in 2007, followed by epidemics in French Polynesia, New Caledonia, the Cook Islands, and Easter Island in 2013 and 2014[@b1][@b2]. Until recently Zika viral illness was thought to be self-limiting and resembling that of dengue and chikungunya with clinical manifestations of fever, headache, arthralgia, myalgia and maculopapular rash. Perinatal transmission of ZIKV and Guillain-Barre syndrome associated with ZIKV were thought to be relatively limited based on incidence rates in the French Polynesia outbreak (2 and 73 instances respectively out of 28,000 cases)[@b1][@b3]. However, as ZIKV spread to the Americas (reaching 1.3 million autochthonous cases by December 2015), an approximate 20-fold increase in congenital cases of microcephaly with brain and ocular malformations was reported throughout northeast and southeast Brazil[@b4][@b5]. Although no other flavivirus is known to cause disseminated fetal neural malformations in humans, worldwide concern for latent viral disease was raised following several case reports demonstrating ZIKV RNA in the amniotic fluid, placenta, and fetal neural tissue weeks to months after initial maternal infection[@b3][@b4][@b5][@b6][@b7][@b8]. More recently, a prospective cohort of 88 symptomatic gravidae from Rio de Janeiro were followed throughout gestation[@b9]. In this preliminary report, 42 of the 72 symptomatic gravidae who tested positive for ZIKV underwent ultrasound examination, with 29% (12 of 42 ZIKV) demonstrating variable findings on ultrasound, ranging in presumptive severity from CNS lesions with microcephaly, to isolated findings suggestive of placental insufficiency such as fetal growth restriction, or abnormal umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry or amniotic fluid volumes[@b9]. To date, neither a reservoir permissive for ZIKV replication nor a potential portal establishing a causal route for evident fetal neurotropism or placental insufficiency has been well-established in humans. One obvious conduit would be the placenta itself, with the differentiated placental trophoblast cells (*i.e.,* cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts) potentially serving as reservoirs for viral infection and replication. The placenta consists of early differentiated and highly specialized epithelial cells (trophoblasts) and blood vessels in a branched network of supportive connective tissue (recently reviewed in ref. [@b10]). The essential building blocks of the placenta are the chorionic villi, whose formation occurs with differentiation of the multi-potent trophoblast progenitors, the cytotrophoblasts (CTB). CTB detach from the trophoblast basement membrane surrounding the chorionic villi, and fuse to form a continuous layer of terminally differentiated syncytiotrophoblasts covering the villous surface. These villi both float in maternal blood as villous syncytiotrophoblasts, and form columns of non-polarized cells (extravillous trophoblasts), some of which endovascularly invade the uterine wall to anchor the placenta to the uterus and divert maternal blood to the intervillous space[@b10]. This intimate maternal-placental-fetal connection enables exchange of nutrients and waste, alongside production of hormones and extracellular vesicles, the latter of which is reported to largely protect against vertical transmission of viruses[@b10][@b11][@b12]. Of interest to the current report, Bayer *et al*.[@b11] employed high passage ZIKV strains from remote outbreaks (African strain MR766 and Asian strain FSS13025) and attempted to infect primary human trophoblasts at term. They observed that these historic and non-contemporaneous strains could infect placental trophoblast cell lines, but not primary human trophoblasts. Of note, their measure of infectivity was the presence of the negative viral RNA strand at early times following infection (24 and 48 hours post infection), and all replication comparisons were relative to human brain microvascular endothelial cells[@b11]. They further observed that conditioned media from human trophoblasts infected with these serially passaged ZIKV from the African (Ugandan) and Asian (Cambodian) outbreaks presumptively contained Type III interferon (IFNλ1), which potentially enables downstream expression of interferon stimulated genes that could restrict virus replication[@b11]. A more recent study from Quicke *et al*. demonstrated that human placental macrophages, or Hofbauer cells, are susceptible to infection by a recent Puerto Rican strain of ZIKV (PR 2015)[@b12]. Moreover, in contrast to the observations of Bayer and colleagues, Quicke *et al*. reported that CTBs were capable of productive ZIKV replication when trophoblasts were propagated longer (72 to 96 hours) in culture. In addition, they did not detect the presence of IFNλ1 in their infected trophoblast cultures, and attributed the discordance between their study and that of Bayer *et al*. to differences in time points assessed and preferential use of contemporaneous rather than distal, high passage historical viral strains[@b12]. Despite the putative role of the placenta in modulating risk of fetal infection, not all viruses are inhibited in their passage through the placenta, and maternal to fetal vertical transmission is well documented[@b13][@b14]. However, viral infection and replication in placental cells themselves appears to be much less common. Among the *Flaviviridae*, only hepatitis C is known to undergo limited permissive replication in primary human term syncitialized cytotrophoblasts, but does not cause congenital malformations[@b13]. Cytomegalovirus (CMV; family *Herpesviridae*) demonstrates focal infection in the CTB progenitor cells of floating villi, with productive replication and cell-cell virus spread in interstitial invasive cytotrophoblasts[@b14]. CMV is the leading cause of congenital viral infections, and manifests clinically as microcephaly and fetal growth restriction with intracranial calcifications, accompanied by varying susceptibility and occurrence of seizures, developmental delay, and congenital retinitis and (most commonly) sensorineural hearing loss[@b14]. Generally, it is assumed that viral-mediated fetal microcephaly with malformations is a result of proliferative or maturational defects of neurons with death of cortical progenitor cells. Indeed, ZIKV has recently been observed to infect and to attenuate human neural progenitor cell (hNPC) growth and differentiation *in vitro*, and hNPC derived from induced pluripotent stem cells release ZIKV infectious particles[@b15]. In recent weeks, other investigators working in relevant murine models have reported initial findings related to the potential for ZIKV trans-placental passage and subsequent vertical transmission. In the first of two elegant experiments in mice, Miner *et al*.[@b16] infected fetal mice heterozygous for Type I interferon signaling defects (*Ifnar1*^+/−^) with ZIKV strain H/PF/2013 (French Polynesia, 2013) which had been serially passaged and propagated in Vero cells (African green monkey kidney epithelial cells). Fetal infectivity was achieved by inoculating dams (*Ifnar1*^−/−^) on embryonic days 6.5 or 7.5 (E6.5 or E7.5), and a high rate of pregnancy loss with fetal ocular and brain viral pathogenesis was subsequently observed. Of note, fetal loss was accompanied by a 1000-fold observed elevation in placental viral RNA quantification relative to maternal serum, alongside direct visualization of placental trophoblast and endothelial cell infection[@b16]. Similarly, Cugola *et al*.[@b17] utilized a more recent Americas strain (ZIKV^BR^, isolated from a viremic subject in northeastern Brazil in 2015. The strain was alternately propagated in *A. albopictus* mosquito cells (C6/36), but with limited passage and subculturing. In an equally elegant set of experiments, C57BL/6 or SJL pregnant mice were infected in mid-gestation (E10--13), and subsequent fetal growth restriction alongside brain and ocular malformations in the pups were observed. Accompanying these fetal malformations were abundant ZIKV^BR^ RNA particles in multiple fetal tissues, with highest recovery in the fetal brain, followed by the spleen, kidney, and liver; however, placental expression was not examined[@b17]. Taken together, these findings by other investigators provide direct evidence for genetically or immunologically manipulated murine placental trophoblasts being permissive for infection[@b16] or indirect evidence of transplacental passage[@b17] from mother to fetus. Study rationale =============== In the current study, we reasoned that the recent murine models[@b16][@b17], epidemiology[@b3][@b4][@b5] and clinical presentation[@b4][@b5][@b6][@b7][@b8][@b9] of ZIKV infection in pregnancy are most consistent with transfer of virus from mother to fetus during gestation, and that the temporal presentation of available cases suggests that the placenta may be a portal and permissive for infection and replication. In order to best recapitulate the current emerging pandemic, we aimed to determine if non-proliferating primary human trophoblasts (largely comprised of trophoblasts differentiated *in vitro* to syncitiotrophoblasts) isolated from a significant number (n = 20) non-infected, non-exposed, and unrelated subjects in the third trimester could be infected by a single passage recent epidemic ZIKV isolate from a viremic but non-pregnant human subject. Results ======= As recently described[@b18], ZIKV-FLR was isolated by inoculating *A. albopictus* C6/36 mosquito cells with serum from a non-pregnant subject infected over a short interval stay in Barranquilla, Colombia ([Supplementary Materials](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}; ref. [@b18]). The subject's serum was negative by qRT-PCR for dengue (DENV), Chikungunya (CHIKV), but positive for ZIKV RNA using previously described methods[@b18][@b19][@b20]. We used virus from only one cell culture passage as input for all infection experiments, to minimize cell culture adaptation, and to reflect a virus population that would be initially infecting maternal blood, with later spread to the fetus. We compared the replication of our FLR clinical isolate of Zika virus to that of a dengue serotype 2 strain virus (strain K0049, SE Asian genotype); DENV serotype 2 grows at very high rates in human target cells, but has not been shown to cause fetal malformations after billions of human infections around the globe[@b21][@b22]. The number of tissue culture infectious doses (TCID) applied to each trophoblast culture well, for both ZIKV and DENV viruses (ZIKV: 1 × 10^5^ RNA copies were equal to 10 TCIDs, DENV: 1 × 10^5^ RNA copies were equal to 100 TCIDs) were quantitated by inoculating Vero cells with limiting virus dilutions and testing for viral protein expression, utilizing a monoclonal antibody (via IFA)[@b18]. Phylogenetic trees were generated from all currently available complete ZIKV sequences (*n* of 77; [Fig. 1A](#f1){ref-type="fig"}). The resultant phylogenetic tree demonstrates that ZIKV strain FLR (GenBank accession KU820897) was most similar to other reported ZIKV strains from the recent Americas pandemic, with evident phylogenetic delineation noted between African strains and the current Americas and recent Asian strains ([Fig. 1A](#f1){ref-type="fig"})[@b23]. This strain-level clustering may be of potential importance, given both the absence of reports regarding perinatal infection and fetal malformations prior to the French Polynesian outbreak and the previous report of Bayer *et al*.[@b11]. Primary human trophoblasts were permissive to infection with single passage, non-culture adapted isolate ZIKV-FLR ([Fig. 1B, C](#f1){ref-type="fig"} and [Fig. 2](#f2){ref-type="fig"}). Qualitative evidence of both infection and active replication was obtained using immunofluorescence (IF) labeling. As shown in [Fig. 1B](#f1){ref-type="fig"} and C, first passage ZIKV was incubated for 1 hour with primary human trophoblasts seeded at 1 × 10^6^ placental cells/well on day 4 following isolation. For control, trophoblast cultures either mock or infected with UV inactivated (irradiated) ZIKV, at an equivalent initial input, were similarly subjected to IF. Detection of dsRNA virion replicative complexes was made with the J2 monoclonal antibody[@b25], and the E glycoprotein was detected by 4G2 monoclonal antibody labeling[@b26]. Following initial infection for 1 hour, the inoculum was then removed, and trophoblasts were gently washed with culture medium then continuously incubated at 37 °C and 5% CO2 over the experimental window (up to 5 days). Qualitative evidence consistent with active replicating virus, as detected by J2 labeling of dsRNA, was observed (red labeling, [Fig. 1B](#f1){ref-type="fig"}), as was the presence of E glycoprotein (green labeling, [Fig. 1C](#f1){ref-type="fig"}). By contrast, neither mock infected nor UV irradiated ZIKV demonstrated active replication in primary human trophoblasts (left panels, [Fig. 1B](#f1){ref-type="fig"} and C). Of note, and as stated above, neither the 4G2 monoclonal antibody nor J2 labeling is specific for ZIKV replication. Therefore, for quantitation of ZIKV-FLR replication in primary human trophoblasts, direct measures of ZIKV specific RNA transcript was performed. In the initial two experiments, first passage ZIKV at an input of 1 × 10^5^ RNA copies/ml (10 TCID) was incubated for 1 hour with primary human trophoblasts seeded at 1 × 10^6^ placental cells/well on day 5 (donor 1) or day 4 (donor 2) following isolation. On subsequent days post infection (dpi), ZIKV RNA expression was measured with observation of multi-log fold (from 1 × 10^5^ to 1 × 10^11^) increases in RNA copies/ml observed from 1 to 5 dpi ([Fig 2A](#f2){ref-type="fig"}). We thereafter repeated the experiment in a subsequent 18 unrelated placental donors using a later passage viral stock ([Table S2](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}), and found that the same viral RNA input of ZIKV and DENV led to very distinct growth curves, with dengue viral RNA decreasing rapidly over the course of 3 days, while that of Zika did not ([Fig. 2B](#f2){ref-type="fig"} and C; [Fig. S1](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). This was not secondary to slower decay of ZIKV, since UV irradiated ZIKV decayed rapidly with no RNA viral particles detected by 72 hours post infection ([Fig. 2D](#f2){ref-type="fig"}). We consistently observed that while the fold increase in ZIKV replication varied from one donor to the next, in all instances primary human trophoblasts were more permissive for ZIKV compared with that of DENV (where comparisons were made, *p* \< 0.0001; [Fig. 2B](#f2){ref-type="fig"}, [Fig. S1](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}), regardless of the numbers of days post trophoblast isolation or dpi ([Fig. 2C](#f2){ref-type="fig"}; day 2, 3, 4 or 5 post isolation serving as day of infection, with representative βhCG plateau data shown in [Fig. S2](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). ZIKV innoculation did not result in trophoblast dysfunction nor senescence nor death, as evidenced by ongoing elevations in βhCG production ([Fig. S2](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Consistent with the cultures containing a high purity population of placental trophoblasts, largely syncitialized and differentiated by day 3 in culture (as evidenced by plateaued βhCG production; [Fig. S2](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}), there was no evidence of peripheral mononuclear cells, lymphocytes, nor dendritic cells by either sequential flow cytometry analysis ([Fig. S3](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}) nor by inflammatory cytokine production after ZIKV inoculation ([Fig. S4](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). While multiple human surface proteins likely facilitate ZIKV entry into cells, the precise viral receptor(s) and mechanisms of entry remain unknown[@b14][@b15][@b16][@b17]. Several of these proteins are sufficient to support ZIKV entry into transfected HEK293 cells[@b17] with low infectivity, including DC-SIGN, TIM1, TYRO3, and AXL. Based on our observed permissiveness for ZIKV infection and replication, we hypothesized that uninfected human placental trophoblasts may express receptor transcript and protein during their process of differentiation to cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts. Consistent with viral entry and permissiveness for infection, we observed the presence of four of the putative ZIKV cell entry receptor transcripts in primary human trophoblasts differentiated in culture ([Fig. 3A](#f3){ref-type="fig"}), with cell surface membrane localization of AXL ([Fig. 3B](#f3){ref-type="fig"}) in a smaller subpopulation of trophoblasts by immunoflourescence. Taken together, these findings are further support that our observed permissiveness to ZIKV FLR infection in trophoblasts cannot be attributed to either low level mononuclear or dendritic cellular contamination, or to cytolysis of early inoculated cells. In order to visualize single molecules of ZIKV viral RNA for both the positive strand (+strand) and the actively synthesized negative strand (−strand) with cellular localization *in situ*, we developed and synthesized two sets of individually fluorophore-labeled probe sets (Stellaris™, LGC Biosearch Technologies) for use in single molecule RNA fluorescence *in situ* hybridization (FISH) coupled with deconvolution microscopy. The + strand probe set was generated against KU365780.1, nts 125--8011 (designed to detect the ZIKV positive polyprotein coding RNA strand *in situ*), spanning the consensus region. The --strand probe set was designed against the reverse complement of KU365780.1, nts c8011--125 (designed to detect the ZIKV negative replication template RNA strand *in situ*) spanning the complement of the consensus region as described in [Supplemental Methods](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. Each oligo to the positive strand was labeled with one Quasar^®^ 570 dye (a cyanine 3 analog) at the 3′ end; the negative viral strand probe set was 3′-labeled with ATTO 647 N, and further purified to remove unreacted dye. Optimization of probe and detection was performed with mock or ZIKV-FLR infected Vero African green monkey kidney cells (an established cell line susceptible to certain viral infections; [Fig. 4A](#f4){ref-type="fig"}), and comparison was thereafter made to DENV (data not shown) or ZIKV inoculated primary placental trophoblasts ([Fig. 4B](#f4){ref-type="fig"}). Subcellular localization was relative to DAPI (nuclear labeling), and cytoplasmic localization was appreciated using wide-field microscopy (60X/1.42 NA) and deconvolution ([Fig. 4](#f4){ref-type="fig"} and [Fig. S5](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Our minimal threshold level of detection of viral RNA by FISH in Vero cells was estimated to approximate 1 × 10^2^ viral RNA particles/ml, and our detection in trophoblasts met this level of detection ([Fig. S5](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). As anticipated, Vero cell monolayers labeled positive for cytoplasmic ZIKV on both the + and − strand following infection with the FLR strain for up to 5 days, but not with mock ([Fig. 4A](#f4){ref-type="fig"}; [Fig. S5](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}) nor DENV (data not shown). Although primary trophoblasts labeled positive for cytoplasmic ZIKV-FLR strain at 4 and 5 dpi, the accumulation of RNA detected +strand by FISH was markedly less ([Fig. 4B](#f4){ref-type="fig"}), and, interestingly, ZIKV was clearly detected in a small population of cells, reminiscent of AXL immunolabeling ([Fig. 3B](#f3){ref-type="fig"}). The − strand labeling by single molecule FISH could not be fully distinguished from autofluorescence, a common problem in primary cell immunofluorescence experiments ([Fig. S5](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Nevertheless, our qualitative and quantitative results for Zika viral replication are similar to that observed in primary human skin cells[@b14], and akin to that observed for hepatitis C in primary trophoblasts[@b13] and ZIKV FISH labeling in whole placenta using Affymetrix protocols with an *in vivo* murine model[@b16]. Although miRNA's primarily function by binding to the 3′-UTR of target mRNAs to achieve post-transcriptional regulation of gene-expression, some miRNA species, including miR-21, ligate the Toll-like immune regulatory receptors (TLRs) to induce inflammatory responses[@b27]. TLR7 and TLR8 have been recently identified as important sensors of ssRNA from the viral genomes of influenza, vesicular stomatitis virus, and the human and simian immunodeficiency viruses, HIV and SIV[@b28]. Of particular interest given the neuropathology associated with perinatal ZIKV infection, Yelamanchili *et al*. recently demonstrated that altered expression of miR-21 in extracellular vesicles leads to neurotoxicity via TLR7 signaling during SIV-induced neurological disease[@b28]. In humans, placental trophoblasts express a distinctive set of primate-specific microRNAs (miRNAs) inclusive of a large cluster on chromosome 19q13 (termed C19MC) as well as the TLR7/8 binding ligand miRNA, miR-21 (recently reviewed in ref. [@b29]). Located along the placental villous interface, the syncytiotrophoblast is reported by other investigators to potentially protect against a number of RNA and DNA perinatal-encountered viral pathogens (with the notable exception of CMV) via certain species of C19MC miRNAs packaged within trophoblast-derived exosomes[@b30][@b31]. Since C19MC miRNAs and miR-21 may modulate viral replication and inflammatory responses[@b29][@b30][@b31][@b32][@b33], we sought to characterize the expression of the miRNAs in primary human trophoblasts following ZIKV infection using qPCR. As shown in [Fig. 5](#f5){ref-type="fig"}, permissive replication of ZIKV (but not DENV, [Supplemental Table S3](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}) was accompanied by significant variation in miRNA transcript expression. Specifically, the mean miR-21 was significantly decreased in its expression when infected with ZIKV-FLR (*p* = 0.0014). By comparison, miRNA transcripts of the C19MC cluster (miR-512, miR-516b, miR-520, and miR-525) were unchanged ([Fig. 5](#f5){ref-type="fig"}). This variation in miRNA transcript expression was not observed with DENV inoculation of trophoblast cultures ([Supplemental Table S3](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Given the postulated role of miRNA species in modulating ZIKV placental infectivity through Type 1 and/or III interferons[@b11] we find our significant decrease the TLR binding miR-21 following ZIKV-FLR trophoblast infection of probable interest and likely relevance but acknowledge more studies are needed. Discussion ========== The results of our study indicate that primary human placental trophoblasts (generally assumed to be cytotrophoblasts largely differentiated in culture to non-proliferative syncytiotrophoblasts) are permissive for isolated low passage ZIKV replication, compared with that of DENV. Specifically, replication of ZIKV-FLR was observed both by production of ZIKV RNA, dsRNA and E glycoprotein expression, as well as cytoplasmic localization of virion by FISH. Viral replication did not interfere with syncytiotrophoblast functional differentiation, as evidenced by persistent rises in βhCG production. Moreover, placental trophoblasts express putative ZIKV receptors, and placental miRNAs known to be crucial for ssRNA-ligand sensing TLR7 primate neuropathogenesis (mir-21), are significantly and specifically down-modulated in trophoblasts infected with ZIKV. We speculate that these findings are of potential mechanistic interest to ZIKV pathogenesis in pregnancy[@b4][@b5][@b6][@b7][@b8][@b9][@b34][@b35]. Collectively, our data are of likely high significance and importance in deciphering both the clinical manifestations of Zika virus, as well as understanding the underlying biology of viral infectivity and resultant fetal malformations. Because both DENV and ZIKV are flaviviruses which share the same vector (*Aedes* spp), yet have markedly distinct associations with their potential for fetal malformations (ZIKV), or no evidence for fetal nor neonatal affect (DENV), their specific variation in trophoblast permissiveness for replication may be considered to mirror their clinical manifestations. When combined with recent evidence demonstrating fetal neurotrophism[@b15], an interesting potential scenario of infectivity emerges. Placental trophoblasts are evidently uniquely positioned to provide both an immunologic and mechanical defensive barrier restricting access of microbes and viruses to the fetus[@b10][@b11][@b12][@b13][@b14][@b29][@b30][@b31]. However, when placental microbes are either an inherent component of the placental microarchitecture[@b36], or actually infect and then replicate in the trophoblast (inclusive of cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblast), they are then capable of evading innate immune responses. In such an instance, the placenta may be seen as both a reservoir and portal of virus to the fetus. Because the fetus has a patent foramen ovale, the right and left atria in the fetal heart openly communicate and hence provide a conduit for umbilical venous blood directly to the fetal brain. In the case of Zika and other neurotrophic viruses capable of infecting and attenuating hNPC growth and differentiation *in vitro*, along with the release of ZIKV infectious particles[@b15], low-level replication of virus in the placental trophoblast and Hoffbauer cell populations[@b12][@b16][@b17] would explain the well-documented interval between maternal viremia with resolution in the first or second trimester, and delayed fetal manifestations until the third trimester[@b4][@b5][@b6][@b7][@b8][@b9][@b37][@b38]. Mlakar *et al*. thoroughly described a case following exposure in Brazil at 13 weeks gestation, without evidence of fetal microcephaly or brain abnormalities throughout the mid trimester until 29 weeks gestation; subsequent autopsy demonstrated concurrence of malformations with intracerebral Zika virus in the fetus[@b6]. More recently, Driggers *et al*. described a case of a pregnant woman and her fetus being infected at 11 weeks of gestation, with a gradually declining fetal head circumference (but not microcephaly *per se*) through the second trimester[@b37]. This decline in the fetal head circumference was accompanied by MRI and ultrasound detected brain malformations and persistent maternal viremia with serum positive for ZIKV RNA up until termination of pregnancy at 21 weeks gestation[@b37]. In this instance, at the time of the delivery the fetal neuronal tissue and the placenta were both positive for ZIKV RNA by PCR, although infectious virions were only isolated from fetal neuronal tissue[@b37]. Of note, the maternal blood, serum, saliva, urine, plasma, and PBMC were all negative for ZIKV RNA by 11 and 13 days following fetal and placental evacuation from the maternal uterus[@b37]. Given the rarity of continual fetal neuronal to maternal transmission, these observations are most consistent with the placenta serving as a reservoir and chronic source of detectable virus in the maternal blood and urine. The primary potential limitation to our study was the overall experimental and donor response variation; however, this has similarly been observed by Quicke *et al*.[@b12]. Our first two placental trophoblast infectivity experiments (donor 1 and donor 2) demonstrated log-fold viral proliferation (increasing from 1 × 10^5^ to 1 × 10^11^ RNA copies/ml; [Fig. 2A](#f2){ref-type="fig"}), a high level of fold increase not observed in the subsequent donor experiments. There may be multiple factors which led to this discrepancy in viral proliferation. First, the initial two donors were infected with our initial passage of ZIKV FLR strain directly from *A. albopictus* C6/36 cells. Second, there may be donor to donor variation in susceptibility of trophoblasts for ZIKV infectivity and degree of permissivity, as similarly observed by others[@b12]. Because we aimed to recapitulate the current epidemic, we utilized an experimental design for ZIKV exclusive of latter passages and adapted virus. Ergo, our findings likely reflect the clinical variability and range of both susceptibility and fetal disease[@b4][@b5][@b6][@b7][@b8][@b9][@b10][@b11][@b12], with recent retrospective data from the French Polynesia outbreak estimating the occurrence of microcephaly at 1 to 15 in 100 symptomatic gravidae and probable heightened susceptibility with first or early second trimester infection[@b35]. However, others have shown that a spectrum of perinatal morbidities ranging from fetal growth restriction with and without microcephaly to stillbirth to relatively mild abnormalities in utero-placental function (*e.g.,* shifts in umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry waveforms and oligohydramnios) can occur both proximal and distal to exposure at any gestational age in as great as 1/3 of tested symptomatic gravidae[@b5][@b6][@b7][@b8][@b9][@b37]. Taken together, these descriptions are consistent with the placenta potentially serving as a reservoir or conduit for later fetal infection, with varying and as yet unexplained susceptibility to clinically evident infections [@b9][@b34][@b35][@b36][@b37]. Our findings reported here provide crucial initial evidence that the primary human trophoblasts from uninfected term gestations in a non-endemic population are permissive to contemporary strain ZIKV replication. These observations imply that since the cytotrophoblast progenitor renews throughout the duration of pregnancy, there may be opportunity for persistent low-grade viral replication across gestation in the placenta, which would occur long after initial maternal exposure or viremia has resolved and prior to evidence of observable fetal disease. In such a manner, we surmise the placenta may serve as a relatively silent portal from mother to fetus. Future studies focused on finding *in situ* evidence of active Zika virus replication in the placenta distal from maternal infection, and carefully ascribing gestational age windows of susceptibility in both the placenta and the fetus, will fill in current crucial gaps in our understanding. Similarly, the potential role (or lack thereof) of the trophoblast in triggering an antiviral response following Zika infection *in vivo* needs to be further explored beyond our current miRNA studies reported herein. We further surmise that the capacity for ZIKV to infect placental cells, inclusive of both Hofbauer[@b12] and trophoblasts (as shown herein), may additionally explain the relative rapid and widely disseminated spread across the Americas witnessed in the last 15 months. Such spread has previously not been observed with other flaviviruses, and consideration of the role of the placenta and other perinatal portals and reservoirs in arboviral outbreaks deserves future contemplation from both a public health and epidemiologic standpoint. Despite the limitations to our study, we feel our findings are of likely global importance. It is estimated that the incidence of Zika virus in the general population can be as high as 73% (as occurred on the island of Yap)[@b38], rendering risk of primary infection rates in 2015 and 2016 well into the many millions (<http://www.cdc.gov/zika/transmission/index.html>). Even with a risk of microcephaly being as low as 1% among symptomatic gravidae, the burden to both individual families and society in the face of a burgeoning pandemic is staggering. Time is of the absolute essence as public health officials, scientists and clinicians alike work collaboratively and collectively to decipher the biology and unprecedented cumulative harm of congenital Zika virus infection. It is our hope that these findings, with their notable donor to donor variability but consistency of permissive patterning with a contemporary current strain, will provide avenues and direction for other investigations around the globe. Moreover, the mysteries unraveled by understanding the molecular epidemiology of Zika will undoubtedly enable both advancements in therapy and prevention for the current and future emerging viral epidemics that uniquely affect the developing fetus. Methods ======= Study design ------------ The intent of this translational study was to determine if primary human placental trophoblasts from uninfected, unexposed, and unrelated donors would be permissive to ZIKV infection. All methods were carried out in accordance with relevant IRB guidelines and regulations, and all experimental protocols were approved by the Baylor College of Medicine Institutional Review Board (IRB). All placental donor subjects were enrolled under Baylor College of Medicine IRB H-26364, and approval for this work was undertaken with IRB approval H-26589. Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects. As part of the consent process, we discussed with participants the potential risks of participation, including the physical risks associated with specimen collection, and the possibility that protected health information or de-identified project data stored in a public repository could be accidentally released. The protocol and consent form described precautions taken to reduce these risks. Additional protections for participants included coding genomic specimens and sequence data, using de-identified medical data, and making efforts to protect subject identification. If a participant withdrew consent after providing specimens, remaining specimens and extracted nucleic acids were to be destroyed; however, any data that were already published in open access databases could not be retracted. Placental donor subjects ------------------------ For comparisons of viral infection in this study, twenty subjects with high integrity placental tissue samples were recruited ([Table S2](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Inclusion criteria for subjects were term births (where term birth was defined as adequately documented gestational age \>37 weeks (by last menstrual period with \<20 week gestation sonogram, or by \<14 week sonogram with subsequent second trimester sonogram)), and no evidence of major maternal or fetal comorbidity nor anomaly. Subjects were recruited by trained study personnel who approach eligible gravidae at time of admission to labor and delivery. After consent was obtained, clinical metadata was extracted from the electronic medical record or by direct patient enquiry, and redacted data was reserved for future use. For this study, extracted and analyzed clinical metadata included the presence, type, and gestational age(s) of any travel history or risk of clinical infection, the presence or absence of *Streptococcus agalactiae* (Group B strep) on recto-vaginal swab or bacteriuria, and any concern for chorioamnionitis or viremia or active viral infection in the course of the pregnancy. Subjects were not excluded for a history of herpes simplex I or II seropositivity, but were excluded for any evidence of active lesions. All subjects were hepatitis B and C negative, syphilis negative, and HIV negative. The presence of non-infectious asymptomatic bacteriuria and bacterial vaginosis were noted, in addition to the subjects age, race/ethnicity, body-mass-index, diabetic status, and mode and gestational age at delivery. Specimen Processing and Trophoblast Isolation and Culture --------------------------------------------------------- ### Placental sample collection All placentae were rigorously collected under strict uniform protocol by perinatal and placental pathology-trained personnel and all were collected within 1 hour of delivery (mean 15 minutes of placental expulsion). ### Trophoblast isolation and culture Primary human trophoblasts were isolated from term placentae as previously described[@b39][@b40]. Briefly, several cotyledons were processed into half inch cubes and further diced with a razor blade. Tissue was digested with 0.25% trypsin and 0.2 mg/mL DNAse I in HBSS to release cells. Trophoblasts were isolated through Percoll gradient centrifugation[@b41]. Cells which settled in the middle of the gradient were isolated, washed and plated at a density of 2.5 × 10^6^ cells/ well in 24 well plates. Cells were maintained in DMEM/F-12 in 10% FBS with the following antibiotics (Penicillin (1,000 U/L), Streptomycin (0.001% w/v), Gentamycin (0.005% w/v)). Cell were incubated at 37 °C. Media was changed daily until infection and an aliquot of media was saved every 24 hours for βhCG quantification. Purity of the isolation was confirmed by flow cytometry from 3 separate donors by flow cytometry as previously described, and as shown in [Supplemental Figure S3](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}[@b42]. Ascertainment of trophoblast differentiation to syncytiotrophoblast with βhCG measures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cytotrophoblasts are the proliferating cells of the placenta, and further differentiate into villous and extravillous trophoblast cells. Villous trophoblasts will fuse to form multinucleated syncytiotrophoblasts[@b43][@b44]. These syncytiotrophoblasts line the placental villi and are the physical barrier between maternal and fetal circulation, and control uptake of maternal substances and efflux to the fetal circulation. *In vivo*, as is observed in culture, differentiation from trophoblasts to syncytiotrophoblasts is associated with an increase in secretion of βhCG[@b39][@b45]. Therefore, differentiation from trophoblasts to syncytiotrophoblasts can be monitored through an increase in βhCG production. Media samples were taken daily from infected and uninfected (mock) cultures from each donor. A commercially available ELISA kit was used to determine βhCG levels according to manufacturer's protocols (Sigma-Aldrich). A standard curve was determined for each assay using standards provided by the manufacturer. Levels are reported in milli-International Units per milliliter (mIU/mL). Ascertainment of trophoblast purity by flow cytometry and cytokine production of infected cultures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intracellular staining of cytokeratin and vimentin in isolated trophoblasts was performed with the BD Cytofix/Cytoperm kit in accordance to the manufacturer's protocol. Briefly, Fc receptors were blocked with normal goat serum (Jackson ImmunoResearch) diluted 1/20 in phosphate-buffed saline (PBS). The cells were washed in PBS, fixed and permeabilized with BD Fixation/Permeabilization solution for 20 min at 4 °C, and then washed twice with 1 × BD Perm/Wash buffer. The cells were then incubated with mouse anti-human cytokeratin (Sigma-Aldrich), mouse anti-human vimentin (Sigma-Aldrich) antibodies, or mouse IgG1 isotype control (ThermoFisher Scientific) (10 μg/ml) diluted in 1 × BD Perm/Wash buffer at room temperature for 1 h. After washing twice with 1 × BD Perm/Wash buffer, the cells were incubated in the dark with Alexa Fluor 488 goat anti-mouse IgG (Life Technologies) diluted 1/200 in 1 × BD Perm/Wash™ buffer for 30 min at room temperature. Finally, the cells were washed with twice with 1 × BD Perm/Wash™ buffer, and then analyzed by flow cytometry using the FACSCanto instrument (BD Biosciences) and FlowJo software (Tree Star, Ashland, OR, USA). Extracellular labeling was performed to trace any potential for contaminating hematopoietic cells in isolated trophoblasts ([Fig. S3](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). After blocking of the Fc receptors with normal goat serum (Jackson ImmunoResearch), cells were washed and incubated on ice for 20 min in the dark with indicated antibodies. Finally, the cells were washed twice with PBS and fixed in PBS containing 1% paraformaldehyde (PFA) for FACS analysis. The following antibodies were used: APC-anti human CD16 (B73.1), PerCP/Cy5.5-anti-human CD25 (M-A251) and PerCP/Cy5.5-anti-human CD56 (B159) was purchased from BD Bioscience. FITC-anti-human-CD15 (HI98), FITC-anti-human CD3 (OKT3), APC-anti-human CD19 (HIB19), and PE-anti-human CD14 (61D3) was obtained from BioLegend. Human peripheral bone marrow mononuclear cells (PBMC) were used as a positive control samples for extracellular labeling with anti-human hematopoietic marker antibodies. Isolation of ZIKV-FLR --------------------- We have recently described the detailed isolation and characterization of ZIKV FLR strain, including deep sequencing on the Illumina platform[@b18]. Briefly, under IRB approval, the strain was initially isolated from a 29-year-old nulliparous female who traveled to Barranquilla, Colombia in December 2015 (Baylor College of Medicine IRB H-38650). While symptomatic, testing by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) for dengue virus (DENV) serotypes 2 and 3[@b46], chikungunya virus[@b47], and Zika virus (ZIKV)[@b20] was performed. Tests for DENV and CHKV were negative, while ZIKV was positive. Details of the methods used to isolate and single passage the virus are provided in ref. [@b18]. Phylogenetic Trees Generation ----------------------------- All currently available (*n* = 77; June, 2016 accession) ZIKV complete genome and complete polyprotein CDS assemblies together with Spondweni virus strain SM-6 V-1 were downloaded from the NCBI Nucleotide database (Accessions: KU955595.1, KU955594.1, KU955593.1, KU955592.1, KU955591.1, KU681082.3, KU681081.3, KX247646.1, KX185891.1, KU866423.1, KX056898.1, KJ776791.1, KX280026.1, KX197192.1, KU744693.1, KX117076.1, KU509998.3, KU963796.1, KU321639.1, KU991811.1, KU870645.1, KU926310.1, KU926309.1, KU922960.1, KU922923.1, KU820898.1, KU740184.2, KU853013.1, KU853012.1, KU729217.2, KU729218.1, KU761564.1, KU720415.1, KU497555.1, KU707826.1, KU527068.1, NC_012532.1, KU647676.1, KU501217.1, KU501216.1, KU501215.1, KU365780.1, KU365779.1, KU365778.1, KU365777.1, KU312312.1, KF268950.1, KF268949.1, KF268948.1, LC002520.1, KF383119.1, KF383118.1, KF383117.1, KF383116.1, KF383115.1, AY632535.2, EU545988.1, KU758877.1, KX247632.1, KX262887.1, KX253996.1, KU820897.2, KX087101.2, KX198135.1, KX198134.1, KX156776.1, KX156775.1, KX156774.1, KU937936.1, KX087102.1, KX051563.1, KU955590.1, KU955589.1, KU963574.1, KU963573.1, KU820899.2, DQ859059.1, DQ859064.1). Sequences were aligned using MAFFT v7.0 (Katoh)[@b23] with the accurate (L-INS-i) setting. PAUP\* v4.0 (Swofford)[@b24] automated model selection was used to identify optimal likelihood parameters based on the best AICc (GTR + I + G; nst = 6 rclass = (abcdef) rmatrix = (1.0321439 6.5676849 1.547758 0.49119007 20.584045)basefreq = (0.27644007 0.23772344 0.28277434) rates = gamma shape = 1.8552617 pinv = 0.49424577). A Neighbor Joining tree was constructed and the tree was visualized using FigTree v1.4.2 (Rambaut; <http://tree.bio.ed.ac.uk/software/figtree/>). Leaf nodes were labelled as country_host_year of collection based on availability of this information at NCBI or in associated publications. ZIKV FLR Propagation and Quantification --------------------------------------- ### Propagation Zika strain FLR was propagated once in C6/36 cells (harvested day 14 post infection) and aliquots were stored in 30% FBS, at −70 °C. Dengue serotype 2 virus, strain K0049 was a stock that had been passaged 3 times. ### Real-time or quantitative viral RT-PCR Viral RNA was extracted from ZIKV C6/36 cell culture supernatants and DENV stocks by using TRIzol^®^ LS reagent according to the manufacturer's instructions (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The assay is based on the amplification of a ZIKV envelope gene region[@b20], and a DENV capsid region[@b46], using ZIKV and DENV-2 specific primers and probes, listed in [Table S1](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. The reactions were performed using the TaqMan^®^ Fast Virus 1-Step Master Mix kit (Applied Biosystems). The concentration of both ZIKV and DENV viral RNA (copies/milliliter) was estimated by using the standard curve generated from DENV2 transcripts[@b46]. This standard curve was later compared to ZIKV RNA measured by spectrophotometry, to confirm their direct correlation. ### ZIKV and DENV Infection of Primary Human Trophoblasts A total of 20 donors placental trophoblasts were tested for ZIKV FLR strain permissive replication, with 14 of these used for comparisons with dengue virus replication, and 2 for cytokine comparisons between Zika-infected and uninfected cells of the same donor. On day 0 of post isolation, purified primary trophoblasts were seeded onto each well of a 24 well-plate at either 1 × 10^5^ or 1 × 10^6^ cells. Medium was changed every day prior to infection. After 2 to 5 days of plating (post isolation days 2, 3, 4 or 5), medium was removed and cells were incubated/infected with 1 × 10^5^ RNA copies of ZIKV (10 TCID) and DENV (100 TCID) for 1 h at 37 °C. Inoculum was replaced with fresh F-12 (DMEM/F12) culture medium containing 10% FBS and antibiotics, and the cells were maintained at 37 °C and 5% CO~2~. Fifty μL of culture supernatant was taken from each of two wells (biological duplicates) at 24 hour interval times post infection (hours or days post-infection, dpi), and viral RNA was extracted and measured as described above employing qRT-PCR. ### Qualitative evidence of infection using immunofluorescent antibody labeling 1 × 10^5^ PHT cells were seeded onto chamber slides (Nunc, Lab-Tek II) 24 h before infection with ZIKV or UV inactivated ZIKV. At 5 days post infection, cells were fixed in ice-cold acetone for 20 min. Cells were washed with PBS and incubated with blocking solution (1%BSA in PBS-T) for 30 min at 37 °C, drained access amount of blocking solution and incubated with anti-Flavivirus monoclonal antibody 4G2 (EMD Millipore) or J2 anti-ds RNA monoclonal antibody for 2 h at 37 °C. Cells were washed with PBS-T and incubated for 1 h at 37 °C with Alexa flour-488 or Alexa flour-568 conjugated anti-mouse IgG antibodies (Life Technologies). Cells were washed with PBS or PBS-T three times and mounted with ProlongGold^®^ antifade reagent with DAPI (cell signaling). Images were analyzed under a fluorescence microscope ([Fig. 1](#f1){ref-type="fig"}). ### UV-inactivation of ZIKV ZIKV cell culture supernatants were exposed to 1.8 jules/cm^2^ of UV illumination according to manufacturer's instructions (Stratagene UV crosslinker) and used to infect primary human trophobalsts. ### Cytokine secretion assay Cytokine production by infected and uninfected trophoblasts were assessed via luminex assay, using kits to detect 12 human cytokines: IFNγ, IL-10, sCD40L, IL-1RA, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1, RANTES, TNFα, and VEGF. Supernatant samples (25 μL) were collected daily and stored at −70 C. Luminex assay was performed using the Milliplex Human Cytokine/Chemokine Magnetic Bead Panel (Millipore) per manufacturer's instructions. To improve assay sensitivity, samples were incubated with the magnetic beads overnight at 4 °C. Samples were run on a MAGPIX instrument and analyzed with xPONENT software. The results from two donors are shown in [Fig. S4](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. Statistical Analysis -------------------- Results were analyzed using GraphPad Prism (v. 7). Quantities of viral RNA produced by trophoblasts were compared by student's two-tailed t tests, with significances noted at *p =\>* 0.05 (\*), \>0.01 (\*\*), \>0.001 (\*\*\*), \>0.0001 (\*\*\*\*). Cytokine values were compared by student's t test with correction for multiple comparisons using the Holm-Sidak method. Single molecule RNA fluorescence *in situ* hybridization (FISH) --------------------------------------------------------------- Single molecule RNA FISH assays were carried out using a custom designed oligonucleotide probe set (Stellaris^®^, LGC Biosearch Technologies). The probe set was designed against the KU365780.1 nts 125--8011 (designed to detect the positive polyprotein ZIKV RNA strand *in situ*), spanning the consensus region. A negative strand probe set was also designed against reverse complement of KU365780.1, nts c8011--125, spanning a second consensus region. 47 (+strand) oligonucleotides or 48 (−strand) oligonucleotides were selected with minimal mismatch to the consensus of AY632535.2, DQ859059.1, EU545988.1, KF268948.1, KF268949.1, KF268950.1, KF383115.1, KF383116.1, KF383117.1, KF383118.1, KF383119.1, KJ776791.1, KU312312.1, KU321639.1, KU365777.1, KU365778.1, KU365779.1, KU365780.1, LC002520.1, and NC_012532.1. Each oligo to the positive strand was co-synthetically labeled with one Quasar^®^ 570 dye (a cyanine 3 analog) at the 3′- end; the negative viral strand probe set was post-synthetically 3′-labeled with ATTO 647 N, and further purified by HPLC to remove unreacted dye. Probes were concomitantly visualized with cell nuclei that were stained with the DNA intercalator 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). RNA FISH was carried using hybridization and wash buffers from LGC Biosearch Technologies as follows. 10^5^--10^6^ primary human trophoblasts or Vero cells were seeded on poly-L-lysine-coated coverslips, or on 24 well plates with optical plastic bottom (IBIDI). Cells were maintained in culture at 37 °C and 5% CO~2~ with (DMEM/F12, 5% FBS and 1% penicillin) for up to 5 days to syncytialize, and then were infected with 1 × 10^5^ RNA copies of ZIKV (10 TCID) for 1 h at 37 °C. The cells were then maintained in new media for up to 5 days post infection. Cells were fixed in 4% purified formaldehyde (Electron Microscopy Sciences) in RNase-free phosphate-buffered saline for 30 min on ice and then permeabilized with 70% ethanol in RNase-free water at 4 °C. At all points in the fixation and permeabilization steps, cells were monitored by phase microscopy. Cells were washed in 1 ml of wash buffer (2x SSC (Ambion) plus 10% formamide) followed by overnight hybridization at 37 °C with FISH probes in hybridization buffer (LGC Biosearch Technologies) followed by one change of wash buffer for 30 min at 37 °C, and then DNA staining with DAPI (1 μg/ml) for 10 min at 37 °C. Finally, cells were washed in 2x SCC buffer, and coverslips were mounted in Vectashield anti-fade (VectorLabs). Experiments in multiwell plates were maintained in 2x SSC buffer and immediately imaged. Imaging was performed on a GE Healthcare DV Live deconvolution microscope using an Olympus 60x/1.42 PlanApo objective. Z-stacks were collected (0.3 μm steps) for several fields per sample. To account for autofluorescence in the trophoblast samples, the FITC channel was collected for comparison to ensure true signal ([Fig. 4](#f4){ref-type="fig"} and S7). Image z-stacks were deconvolved using the restorative deconvolution algorithm in the SoftWoRx™ software and max-intensity projected. For reduction of autofluorecence, images were processed in Photoshop, subtracting the FITC channel image from the probe channel. Assessment of Putative ZIKV Viral Receptor Expression by RT-PCR and Immunofluorescence -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *RT PCR.* Trophoblasts were isolated from healthy donors as described above and cultured *in vitro* for 5 days with daily media changes of DMEM/F-12 (Gibco) with 10% FBS (Atlanta Biologicals). Cells were then washed with PBS and saved by scraping adherent cells in RNA*later* (ThermoFisher) and subsequently stored at −80 °C for later extraction. For control, cryopreserved human hepatocytes or healthy human whole liver were used, alongside freshly isolated human buffy coat cells (1 × 10^6^) or the cell line A549 cells. Isolated hepatocytes were purchased from CellzDirect (Life Technologies) and whole liver pieces were procured upon liver resections. Total RNA was then extracted from thawed cells using the Nucleospin RNA isolation kit (Macherey-Nagel, Duren, Germany) according to manufacturer's instructions. The quality and yield of the RNA isolation was assessed by Nanodrop, and 1 μg cDNA libraries were prepared using High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit (Applied Biosystems) according to instructions. Levels of putative receptors were then assessed by RT-PCR using GoTaq DNA Polymerase (Promega, Madison, WI) in 25 ng reactions at 57 °C for all primers. The primers for DC-SIGN, L-SIGN, TYRO3, Axl, and TIM-1 were designed against NCBI RefSeqs with the assistance of Primer3 software[@b48], and verified using UCSC Genome bowser *in silico* PCR (<http://genome.ucsc.edu>)[@b49]. To account for the many splice variants and sequence similarity of the highly homologous DC-SIGN and L-SIGN transcripts, primers were designed in regions common to the splice variants but unique to the respective transcripts with the assistance of SpliceCenter software (*In Silico* Solutions, Falls Church, VA)[@b50]. Major bands were found at 707 bp (DC-SIGN), and 229 bp (L-SIGN), and 166 bp (L-SIGN), corresponding to RefSeqs DC-SIGN (CD209) transcript variant 1, L-SIGN (CLEC4M) transcript variants 1, 8, 9 and 10, and L-SIGN (CLEC4M) transcript variants 7 and 11 respectively. These band sizes were therefore used to evaluate transcriptional changes of CD-SIGN and L-SIGN. For all primer sets, at least one primer was designed to span an exon junction to avoid genomic bands. Assessment of transcription was made by comparison against a previously validated GAPDH loading control[@b51]. Primer sequences are listed in [Table S1](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. ### Immunolabeling and imaging of cell surface receptors Putative viral receptors were assessed for expression by immunofluorescence. Monoclonal mouse antibodies against Human DC-SIGN/L-SIGN (clone 120612), TYRO3 (clone 96201), TIM-1 (clone 219211) and goat polyclonal antibody for human Axl were obtained from R&D Systems (Minneapolis, MN); Alexa Fluor^®^ 647 labeled secondary antibodies were from Thermo Fisher (Waltham, MA). As with FISH (above), 10^5^--10^6^ primary human trophoblasts were seeded on 24 well plates with optical plastic bottom (IBIDI), maintained for 5 days, and then infected with 1 × 10^5^ RNA copies of ZIKV (10 TCID) for 1 h at 37 °C. Cells were then fixed 5 days post infection with 4% formaldehyde for 30 minutes on ice. Wells were washed 1x with PBS, quenched with 0.1 M NH4Cl and permeabilized with triton X100. After 1 hr of blocking in blotto (5% milk in TBST), cells were incubated with primary antibodies (1:500) overnight at 4 °C. The cells were then washed 4x for 5 min in blotto, and incubated for 30 minutes at room temperature with 1:1000 dilution of the secondary antibodies. After 4x washes in TBST, cells were then counterstained with DAPI (1 μg/ml) for 2 min. Wells were kept in PBS and immediately imaged. Imaging was performed on a GE Healthcare DV Live deconvolution microscope using an Olympus 20x/0.75 UPlanApo objective in 0.7 μm z-stacks, deconvolved and max-intensity projected. miRNA Analysis -------------- ZIKV infected or mock trophoblast cells were collected following culture experiments in RNAlater (Ambion) and stored at −80 °C until extraction. Total RNA was extracted using mirVana miRNA Isolation Kit (Ambion) according to manufacturer instructions. Extracted RNA yield was assessed by Nanodrop (ThermoFIsher Scientific). Levels of specific miRNAs were quantified using TaqMan qPCR assay Kits (ThermoFIsher Scientific) for hsa-miR-21--5p, hsa-miR-512--3p, hsa-miR-516b-5p, hsa-miR-520a-5p, and hsa-miR-525--5p with U6 snRNA as an endogenous house-keeping control. Specific assay were 397, 1823, 1150, 1168, 1174, and 1973 for hsa-miR-21--5p, hsa-miR-512--3p, hsa-miR-516b-5p, hsa-miR-520a-5p, hsa-miR-525--5, and U6 respectively. Template was prepared from 20 ng extracted RNA using assay specific primers for each microRNA measured using TaqMan MicroRNA Reverse Transcription Kit (ThermoFisher Scientific). Quantitative real time PCR reactions were prepared using Universal PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems by Life Technologies) as per manufacturer's instructions, and miRNA levels assessed on using a StepOnePlus platform (Applied Biosystems). Changing levels were calculated by delta delta Ct method by first normalizing to an U6 endogenous control by subtraction, and then comparing to mock biological controls. Fold change was calculated from the delta delta Ct comparison. Differences were determined by paired t-tests to account for donor to donor variation. All statistics were performed with Prism software (GraphPad, v6.01, La Jolla, CA). Additional Information ====================== **How to cite this article**: Aagaard, K. M. *et al*. Primary Human Placental Trophoblasts are Permissive for Zika Virus (ZIKV) Replication. *Sci. Rep.* **7**, 41389; doi: 10.1038/srep41389 (2017). **Publisher\'s note:** Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Supplementary Material {#S1} ====================== ###### Supplementary Data The authors also thank the staff directly involved in clinical recruitment and specimen processing (Jia Chen and Michelle Moeller), and Maureen Mancini and Radhika D. Dandekar for crucial execution of single molecule RNA FISH experimentation. The authors are grateful to Drs. Janet Butel, Mary Estes, James Versalovic, Rodion Gorchakov, Antonio Frias and Margaret Petroff for critical review of the manuscript. We thank Dr. Hans Johansson at LGC Biosearch Technologies for final design and synthesis of the probe set, and for reagents for Stellaris™ RNA FISH. Microscopy for this project was supported by the Integrated Microscopy Core at Baylor College of Medicine with funding from the NIH (HD007495, DK56338, and CA125123), the Dan L. Duncan Cancer Center, and the John S. Dunn Gulf Coast Consortium for Chemical Genomics. The authors declare no competing financial interests. **Author Contributions** K.M.A. wrote the manuscript. Initial experimental outline was conceived of by K.M.A., M.A.S., and R.R.-H. R.R.-H., A.L., R.P.A. isolated and propagated F.L.R. Zika virus; K.M.A., A.L., M.A.S., R.P.A., M.D.S., M.B.V., M.H., F.S., M.A.M., R.A.H., M.K., C.S.P., and D.L. performed experiments and analyzed data; K.M.A., M.A.S., M.H., M.D.S., M.S., C.S.P., and D.L. recruited all gravid subjects, isolated and cultured trophoblasts, and/or performed crucial trophoblast validation and functional assays; K.M.A., M.A.S., F.S., and M.A.M. instigated design of ZIKV RNA probes and performed all FISH studies and analysis; R.A.H. and K.M.A. generated phylogenetic trees. Additional substantial contribution to the conception and design of the project were provided by M.D.S., M.A.S., C.E., M.R., and M.A.B. All listed authors participated in the drafting and/or revising of the manuscript and were critical for important intellectual content. All authors approved the final version of the manuscript prior to publication. ![Phylogenetic characterization of ZIKV-FLR and demonstration of its replication in primary human trophoblasts.\ (**A**) Phylogenetic tree of full genome nucleotide sequences of all 77 currently available ZIKV strain complete genome or polyprotein CDS assemblies (accessed June, 2016); ZIKV-FLR strain is shown bolded in blue and annotated as Colombia_H\_sapiens_2015_1. Sequences were aligned using MAFFT v7.0 (Katoh; ref. [@b23]) with the accurate (L-INS-i) setting. PAUP\* v4.0 (Swofford; ref. [@b24]) automated model selection was used to identify optimal likelihood parameters based on the best AICc. A Neighbor Joining tree was constructed and the tree was visualized using FigTree v1.4.2 (Rambaut; <http://tree.bio.ed.ac.uk/software/figtree/>). Leaf nodes were labelled as country_host_year of collection. Methods and accession numbers are provided in [Supplementary Materials](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. In panels B and C, primary human trophoblasts infected with ZIKV-FLR strain were analyzed at 5 days post-infection for the presence of viral replicative complexes (**B**) and envelope glycoprotein expression (**C**) by immunofluorescence, in three different unrelated placental donors. (**B**) Viral dsRNA was detected in primary human trophoblasts using the J2 monoclonal antibody and AF568-conjugated secondary anti-mouse IgG; the J2 antibody is not specific for ZIKV, but only detects viral replicative complex. Both mock-infected trophoblasts and those infected with UV-inactivated 1 × 10^5^ ZIKV (left two panels) failed to demonstrate evidence of dsRNA viral replicative complexes (red labeling). By contrast, presence of replicative viral complexes were observed in primary human trophoblast cultures on day 5 post infection among donors infected with 1 × 10^5^ RNA copies of ZIKV (red labeling on right three panels, with three separate unrelated donor trophoblasts). (**C**) Viral E-glycoprotein expression, using the 4G2 monoclonal antibody and FITC-conjugated secondary anti-mouse IgG (green labeling) in parallel cultures to panel B: mock-infected cells, UV-inactivated 1 × 10^5^ ZIKV, and 1 × 10^5^ ZIKV in three separate unrelated donor trophoblasts.](srep41389-f1){#f1} ![Quantitative data demonstrating primary human placental trophoblasts are permissive for ZIKV infection and replication, but not DENV infection nor replication.\ (**A**) In the initial two experiments, trophoblasts were isolated from two unrelated donors (donor 1, donor 2) and plated at 1 × 10^6^ cells/well. On day 5 (donor 1) or day 4 (donor 2) after isolation, now differentiated trophoblasts were infected with ZIKV FLR. (**B**) Zika and dengue virus growth curves in primary trophoblasts, after infection with 1 × 10^5^ RNA copies per virus. All wells contained 1 × 10^6^ cells, except for one donor, which contained 1 × 10^5^ cells. The average of 16 ZIKV and 12 DENV infections are projected (see [Fig. S1](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). (**C**) Zika and dengue viral growth curves, by day of trophoblast cell infection post isolation (i.e., *ex vivo* culture). No differences with ZIKV inoculated cultures were observed 3 days after trophoblast differentiation had occurred (comparing 3 (solid lines), 4 (dashed lines) or 5 (dotted lines) days post isolation). (**D**) ZIKV infection is dependent upon active viral replicons, as UV treated ZIKV RNA was not detectable 72 hours post infection (*p* \< 0.01, ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc).](srep41389-f2){#f2} ![Putative ZIKV cell entry receptors are expressed in syncytialized primary human trophoblasts.\ (**A**) Select viral receptor targets were measured on day 5 post isolation. Cultured primary trophoblasts exhibit *AXL, DC-SIGN, TYRO3* and *TIM-1*, but not *L-SIGN* transcription as assessed by RT-PCR detection of human transcript message. Isolated reverse transcribed mRNA was amplified using intron/exon junction spanning primers with a GAPDH as a loading control. For DC SIGN and L- SIGN, primers were designed to capture the multiple transcript variants. Discovered major bands are shown comprising RefSeq transcript variant 1 for DC-SIGN, and transcript variants 1, 8, 9 and 10 (larger band), and variants 7 and 11 (smaller band) for L-SIGN. Isolated buffy coat, A549 cells, isolated primary human hepatocytes and whole human liver were used as controls. (**B**) Immunofluorescence labeling for the expression and cellular localization of the Axl presumptive ZIKV entry receptor. Representative images of day 5 uninfected trophoblasts were imaged following antibody probing with goat polyclonal antibody and Alexa Fluor^®^ 647 labeled anti-goat secondary antibody for detection (i). Z-stacks of 20X immunofluorescence images were deconvolved and maximum projected. Areas were abstracted (ii-iii) to visualize cellular localization at the cell membrane. Panel iii is indicated by the boxed area.](srep41389-f3){#f3} ![Direct visualization of ZIKV viral RNA in primary human placental trophoblasts by single molecule RNA FISH.\ (**A**) Vero cells mock (left) or infected with 10^5^ RNA copies with ZIKV-FLR strain (right) were probed with specific fluorescently-labeled oligo panels to ZIKV RNA at 5 dpi to demonstrate the specificity of the RNA FISH probe set (red). (**B**) Primary human placental trophoblasts on post-isolation day 4 were also mock (left panels) or infected with ZIKV-FLR strain (right) at 1 × 10^5^ RNA copies, and were fixed at 5 dpi. Images on the right demonstrate the positive strand of ZIKV in infected cells compared to mock controls (left). Select images from six separate experiments captured at 60X/1.42 NA, deconvolved and maximum projected are shown. All staining in both Vero and trophoblast cultures is cytoplasmic, with appearance of overlay reflective of dimensionality.](srep41389-f4){#f4} ![Significant decrease in the level of the TLR7/8 ligand binding miR-21 miRNA, but not C19MC miRNA species following ZIKV infection in primary human trophoblasts.\ Exosomal RNA was isolated from primary trophoblasts of ten donors following ZIKV infection with 1 × 10^5^ viral copies, or mock infected controls. RNA was then isolated from trophoblast cultures 3--5 days post infection. TaqMan qPCR assays were employed for species-specific miRNA quantification. Significant differences in miRNAs were observed for miR-21 (decreased \~1.5 fold (0.68 ± 0.2 SD), *p* = 0.001), while transcripts of the C19 miRNA cluster were not significantly changed by ZIKV infection. Fold change in miRNA species were calculated by the delta delta Ct method, normalizing first to U6 and then mean delta Ct of mock infected controls. Data was filtered for outliers as designated by a Q of 0.01. Significance was determined using t-tests, with designation of significance annotated by c (c significance *p* = 0.001).](srep41389-f5){#f5}
\section{Introduction \& Main Results} The two-dimensional (2D) topological insulator (TI) realized in inverted HgTe quantum wells exhibits unusual electric-transport properties~\cite{Koenig2007Scien,Roth2009Scien,Brune2012NatPhys, Hart2015arXiv} that have attracted great interest~\cite{Qi2011RMP}. TI behavior is also found in other 2D~\cite{Liu2008PRLa,Knez2011PRL} and bulk~\cite{Qi2011RMP,Hasan2011AnnuRev} materials. The potential for interesting interplays between a TI's electronic and magnetic degrees of freedom, e.g., through hyperfine interaction with the material's nuclei~\cite{Lunde2013PRB}, or local exchange interaction with magnetic dopants~\cite{Novik2005PRB}, has been pointed out recently~\cite{Liu2008PRLb,Yu2010Scien}. These efforts have opened up new perspectives and extended previous work devoted to understanding spin effects~\cite{Simon2007PRL,Simon2008PRB} and magnetism~\cite{Dietl2010NatMat} in ordinary semiconductors. Our present theoretical study of the spin response in HgTe quantum wells reveals unconventional spin-related properties that distinguish this paradigmatic TI material from all other currently known 2D electronic systems. We thus provide alternative means for the experimental identification of the topological regime and extend current knowledge about the fundamentals of spin-response behavior in solids. The spin susceptibility contains comprehensive information about the magnetic properties of a material. In the simplest case of a spin-rotationally invariant noninteracting electron gas, the spin susceptibility is proportional to the charge-response (Lindhard) function~\cite{vignalebook}. Noticable deviations from that situation occur, e.g., in systems with strong spin-orbit coupling such as 2D hole gases~\cite{Kernreiter2013PRL}. For metals or degenerately doped semiconductors, the spin response of only the partially filled band is typically considered. This approach misses intrinsic contributions to many-particle response functions arising from virtual interband transitions that become important in narrow-gap and, especially gapless, electron systems. Examples for the latter are the 2D Dirac-like electron states on the surface of a bulk TI whose magnetic properties have been discussed in Refs.~\onlinecite{Liu2009PRL,Zhu2011PRL}. The HgTe quantum wells considered here present an ideal testing ground for exploring the importance and properties of intrinsic, or virtual-carrier, effects, as it is possible to tune the band gap in such systems with a single structural parameter (i.e., the quantum-well width $d$). Furthermore, deviations from the conical 2D-Dirac dispersion in the gapless case are well characterized within a continuum-model (BHZ) description~\cite{Bernevig2006} that also gives controlled access to the full range of, and interesting transitions between, Schr\"odinger-physics-dominated, chiral-Dirac-fermion-like, and topologically nontrivial phases. In particular, definite (i.e., cut-off-independent) results for the intrinsic response at long wavelengths are obtained even in the limit of vanishing band gap; unlike in the case of the previously considered 2D-Dirac models used to describe the surface states of bulk TIs~\cite{Liu2009PRL,Zhu2011PRL}. Before going into greater detail in the remainder of this Article, we briefly highlight four major advances and central new insights gained from our work. (i)~We find an analytical expression for the uniform static spin susceptibility of the intrinsic (undoped) system, \begin{equation}\label{eq:Intrinsicq0} \overline{\chi}^{(\text{int})}_{xx,zz}(\gamma; {\bm{\mathrm{q}}} = 0)= -\frac{\mathcal{C}^2_{x,z}(\gamma)}{16\pi |B|} \, \frac{1}{1+4\xi_{\text{M}}\Theta(\xi_{\text{M}})} \quad , \end{equation} where $\xi_{\text{M}}$ is proportional to the band gap and positive (negative) for the topologically trivial normal (topologically nontrivial inverted) regime, $\Theta$ denotes the Heaviside step function, $B$ is a band-structure parameter from the BHZ model introduced further below, and the constants $\mathcal{C}_{x,z}(\gamma)$ depend both on the valence-band mixing of quantum-well basis states and on the parameter $\gamma$ that characterises the relative coupling strength of the conduction-band and valence-band spin degree of freedom to the physical quantity of interest. While the intrinsic spin response is suppressed with increasing band gap in the normal regime ($\xi_M>0$), it becomes independent of gap size in the topological regime where $\xi_M \le 0$. This unexpected behavior is a special feature of the symmetry-protected topological phase of the bulk system associated with the existence of gapless edge states. \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width=0.8\columnwidth]{Fig1a} \includegraphics[width=0.8\columnwidth]{Fig1b} \caption{\label{fig:CT1} (a)~Mean-field critical temperature $T_\mathrm{C(i)}$ for virtual-carrier-mediated magnetism in a HgTe quantum well plotted as a function of the band-gap parameter $\xi_{\text{M}}$. Note the striking asymmetry between the topological ($\xi_M<0$) and normal ($\xi_M>0$) regimes. An explicit expression for $T_0$ is given in the text; it contains the local exchange coupling between magnetic-impurity orbitals and HgTe quantum-well basis states, which is roughly constant across the transition~\cite{Dobrowolski}. (b)~Critical temperature $T_\mathrm{C(d)}$ for the electron-doped HgTe quantum well plotted as a function of $\xi_{\text{M}}$ and for various charge-carrier densities (corresponding to indicated values for the Fermi wave vector $k_\mathrm{F}$; where $k_\mathrm{F} =q_0$ corresponds to a charge density $n_0\equiv q_0^2/(2\pi) = 4.25\times 10^{12}\,$cm$^{-2}$ for a typical structure~\cite{Rothe2010NJP}). We used $\xi_{\text{D}}=-0.7$ for the BHZ-model electron-hole-asymmetry parameter in both plots, and $\gamma=-2.22$ as relevant for the (Hg,Cd,Mn)Te system~\cite{Dobrowolski}.} \end{figure} (ii)~A physical consequence of the unusual spin response in the intrinsic system is the asymmetric variation of the critical (Curie) temperature for virtual-carrier-mediated magnetic order in a HgTe quantum well that has been doped magnetically but not electronically. See Fig.~\ref{fig:CT1}(a). A similarly striking asymmetry arises when charge carriers are present in the 2D conduction band; which is illustrated in Fig.~\ref{fig:CT1}(b). Furthermore, in this situation, a rather strong, and counter-intuitive, suppression of the Curie temperature with the density of itinerant charge carriers is revealed. This tendency arises from the unconventional character of conduction-band states in the topological regime. See Section~\ref{sec:dopedSR} for details. (iii)~We extract the effective \textit{g} factors for 2D conduction electrons in both the topological and normal regimes, which are directly accessible experimentally~\cite{Hart2015arXiv}. Their strong density and gap-parameter dependences reflect the band mixing and transition between regimes dominated by Schr\"odinger-type and Dirac-like dynamics of charge carriers. Full details can be found in Section~\ref{sec:2Dgfac}. These results are essential, e.g., to enable quantitative characterization of the transition between quantum spin-Hall and quantum anomalous Hall phases in magnetic 2D topological insulators~\cite{Liu2008PRLb}. (iv)~We predict the effective \textit{g} factors of the helical edge states that are present in the topological regime of the HgTe quantum well. For the out-of-plane magnetic-field direction, the \textit{g} factor assumes a constant value that is determined by band mixing in the quantum-well eigenstates. In contrast, the in-plane \textit{g} factor has a strong density dependence. See Section~\ref{sec:gfactEdge}. In the following, we discuss relevant details of our theoretical analysis and present complete results for the spin response in both intrinsic and electron-doped systems. \section{Quantum-well bandstructure\label{HgTeQW}} The electronic properties of HgTe quantum wells are adequately captured by an effective four-band (BHZ) Hamiltonian~\cite{Bernevig2006} that acts in the low-energy subspace spanned by basis states $|E_1+\rangle, |H_1+\rangle, |E_1-\rangle, |H_1-\rangle$ and explicitly reads \begin{eqnarray} \mathscr{H}_0= \begin{pmatrix} {\mathcal H}({\bm{\mathrm{k}}}) & 0 \\[2mm] 0& {\mathcal H}^*(-{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}) \end{pmatrix}~, \label{eq:BHZ} \end{eqnarray} with ${\mathcal H}({\bm{\mathrm{k}}})=h_\mu\sigma^\mu$, $h=(C-Dk^2,A k_x,A k_y, M-B k^2)$ and $\sigma^\mu =(\openone,{\bm{\mathrm{\sigma}}})$. The parameters $A, B, C, D, M$ are functions of the well width $d$, and their numerical values are typically obtained by a fitting procedure~\cite{Muehlbauer2014PRL}. The parameter $M$ opens a band gap, where (in the convention $B<0$) the system is in the topological (normal) regime when $M<0$ ($M>0$). The basis functions $|E_1\pm\rangle$ are a superposition of conduction-electron and light-hole (LH) basis functions with a given spin projection. The associated band $|L_1\pm\rangle$ has a much lower band-edge energy and can therefore be omitted. On the other hand, the heavy-hole (HH) states $|H_1\pm\rangle$ also belong to the set of low-energy excitations. In the following we set $C=0$, and employ a dimensionless description of Eq.~(\ref{eq:BHZ}) that is obtained by defining an energy scale $E_0\equiv A q_0$ and a scale for the wave vector $q_0\equiv A/|B|~$\cite{Juergens2014PRL,Juergens2014PRB}. (In a typical HgTe quantum-well structure~\cite{Rothe2010NJP}, $E_0=0.189$~eV and $q_0=0.517$~nm$^{-1}$.) By making use of the axial symmetry of the BHZ Hamiltonian (\ref{eq:BHZ}) we rotate to a real basis to obtain $\mathcal{H}'({\bm{\mathrm{k}}})=U^{(+)\dagger}_{\phi_{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}}\mathcal{H}({\bm{\mathrm{k}}})U^{(+)}_{\phi_{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}}=E_0 h'_\mu \sigma^\mu$, with $U^{(s)}_{\phi_{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}}={\text{diag}}(\ee^{i s\phi_{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}/2},\ee^{-i s\phi_{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}/2})$ and $h'=(-\xi_{\text{D}}\tilde k^2,\tilde k, 0, \xi_{\text{M}}+ \tilde k^2)$, where $\phi_{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}$ is the polar angle of the 2D wave vector ${\bm{\mathrm{k}}}$. We have defined the dimensionless parameters $\xi_{\text{M}} \equiv M/E_0$ and $\xi_{\text{D}}\equiv D/|B|$, which have typical values~\cite{Bernevig2006,Rothe2010NJP,Muehlbauer2014PRL} $|\xi_{\text{M}}|, |\xi_{\text{D}}| \lesssim 0.5$. The eigenvectors in the complex and real basis are related via $a^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}\alpha}=U^{(s)}_{\phi_{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}} ~a^{(s)}_{k\alpha}$, where $\alpha=\pm$ distinguishes the conduction and valence bands, which are doubly degenerate in the quantum number $s=\pm$ for spin projection along the growth direction and have the dispersions \begin{equation} E_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}\alpha}^{(s)}\equiv E_{k\alpha}^{(s)} =E_0[-\tilde k^2 \xi_{\text{D}}+\alpha\sqrt{(\xi_{\text{M}}+\tilde k^2)^2+\tilde k^2}] \,\, . \end{equation} \section{Effective spin susceptibility of the 2D system: Intrinsic \& doped cases} The spin susceptibility is used to characterize a system's response to spin-related external stimuli within the framework of linear-response theory~\cite{vignalebook}. In the static limit, and for quantum-well-confined electrons, it can be written as~\cite{Kernreiter2013PRL} \begin{eqnarray} && \chi_{ij}(\vek{R}, z; \vek{R}', z')= \lim_{\eta\to 0^+} \bigg\{ -\frac{i}{\hbar} \int_0^\infty d t \,\, \ee^{-\eta t} \nonumber \\ && \hspace{3cm} \times \langle[S_i(\vek{R},z; t)\, , \, S_j(\vek{R}',z';0)] \rangle \, \bigg\} \, , \quad \label{eq:Spinsus} \end{eqnarray} with $\vek{R}\equiv (x,y)$ and $z$ being coordinates in the 2D plane and perpendicular to it, respectively, and $ S_j(\vek{R}, z )=\Psi^\dagger(\vek{R}, z)~\hat{S}_j~ \Psi(\vek{R}, z)$ denoting the electron spin density measured in units of $\hbar$. For a homogeneous 2D electron system, the spin susceptibility is most straightforwardly obtained in terms of the spatially Fourier-transformed quantity $\chi_{ij}(\vek{q}; z, z')$ via \begin{equation} \chi_{ij}(\vek{R}, z; \vek{R}', z') = \int \frac{d^2 q}{(2\pi)^2} \,\, \ee^{i \vek{q} \cdot (\vek{R} - \vek{R}')} \,\, \chi_{ij}(\vek{q}; z, z') \, . \end{equation} The dependence of $\chi_{ij}(\vek{q}; z, z')$ on the coordinates $z$ and $z'$ encodes the spatial profile of the quantum-well bound states. Within the BHZ framework, the $z$-dependent part of electron wave functions is contained in the four basis functions $|E_1\pm\rangle, |H_1\pm\rangle$. The latter are spinors whose explicit form has been derived~\cite{Bernevig2006} within the six-band Kane-model description~\cite{Winkler2003Book} for the charge-carrier dynamics that includes the bands with $\Gamma_6$ and $\Gamma_8$ symmetry closest to the bulk-material's fundamental gap. As is generally the case in multi-band systems, the spin response of electrons in a HgTe quantum well is strongly influenced by both the in-plane dynamics described by the BHZ Hamiltonian and the nontrivial spinor structure of the BHZ-model basis states. We therefore need to express the spin susceptibility within the underlying six-band Kane model. The coupling between some physical stimulus represented by a field $\vek{\mathcal F}$ and the $\Gamma_6$ and $\Gamma_8$-band intrinsic angular-momentum degrees of freedom $\vek{\hat\sigma}$ and $\vek{\hat J}$ is most generally described by a term \begin{equation}\label{eq:intSpinHam} {\mathscr H}_{\vek{\mathcal F}} = \sum_i {\mathcal F}_i \left( b_{\Gamma_6}\,\frac{\hat\sigma_i}{2} \oplus 0_{4\times 4} + b_{\Gamma_8}\, 0_{2\times 2}\oplus\hat J_i \right) \end{equation} in the Kane-model Hamiltonian. See, e.g., Table~C.5 in Ref.~\onlinecite{Winkler2003Book}. Within this approach, the coefficients $b_{\Gamma_j}$ are intra-band coupling constants with appropriately renormalized values to take account of all field-induced band-coupling effects in the bulk material. To be able to discuss a wide range of spin-related phenomena, we define an effective (pseudo-)spin operator \begin{equation}\label{eq:effKaneSpin} \hat S_i (\gamma) = \frac{\hat\sigma_i}{2}\oplus (\gamma \hat J_i) \quad , \end{equation} such that ${\mathscr H}_{\vek{\mathcal F}} \equiv b_{\Gamma_6} \sum_i {\mathcal F}_i \, \hat S_i (b_{\Gamma_8}/b_{\Gamma_6})$. The actual value of the parameter $\gamma$ depends on the physical quantity or situation of interest~\footnote{For example, when discussing Pauli paramagnetism, the response function for $\hat S_i(\gamma)$ with $\gamma = -2\kappa/g_\ast$ is relevant, where $g_\ast$ and $\kappa$ are the respective $g$ factors for the $\Gamma_6$ and $\Gamma_8$ bands in the Kane-model band-structure description~\cite{Winkler2003Book}. In contrast, the intrinsic real-spin polarisation is associated with $\hat S_i(1/3)$. See, e.g., Eq.~(6.65) in Ref.~\onlinecite{Winkler2003Book}. To discuss carrier-mediated magnetism, the susceptibility with $\gamma = \beta/\alpha$ in the notation of Ref.~\onlinecite{Dobrowolski} needs to be considered. Finally, $\hat S_i(1)$ is the proper angular-momentum operator that generates spatial rotations.}. The system's response is then fully captured by the effective spin-susceptibility tensor \begin{subequations} \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:WavevecSpinSus} && \chi_{ij}(\gamma; \vek{q}; z, z') = \sum_{\alpha,\beta,s,s'} \int\frac{d^2 k}{(2\pi)^2} \,\, \mathscr{W}_{ij({\bm{\mathrm{k}}},{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}},\alpha,\beta)}^{(s,s')}(\gamma; z,z') \nonumber \\ &&\hspace{3cm} \times \frac{n_{\text F}(E^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}\alpha})-n_{\text F} (E^{(s')}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}}\beta})}{E^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}\alpha} -E^{(s')}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}}\beta}+i\hbar\eta}~, \end{eqnarray} where $n_{\text{F}}$ denotes the Fermi function, and \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:SpinOverlap} &&\mathscr{W}_{ij({\bm{\mathrm{k}}},{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}},\alpha,\beta)}^{(s,s')}(\gamma; z,z')= \left[ \psi^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}\alpha}(z)\right]^\dagger \cdot \Big[\hat{S}_i (\gamma) \, \psi^{(s')}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}}\beta}(z)\Big] \nonumber \\ && \hspace{2cm} \times \Big[\psi^{(s')}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}}\beta}(z')\Big]^\dagger \cdot \Big[ \hat{S}_j(\gamma) \, \psi^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}\alpha}(z')\Big]~, \end{eqnarray} \end{subequations} are matrix elements of the effective spin operator given in Eq.~(\ref{eq:effKaneSpin}). In the spirit of subband ${\bm{\mathrm{k}}}\cdot\vek{p}$ theory, the six-dimensional spinor wave functions $\psi^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}\alpha}(z)$ can be expressed in terms of the BHZ-model basis state spinors $\psi^{(s)}_{0i}(z)$ as \begin{equation}\label{eq:kdepspinors} \psi^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}\alpha}(z)= \sum^2_{i=1} \left(U^{(s)}_{\phi_{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}}\right)_{ii}a_{k\alpha, i}^{(s)}~\psi_{0i}^{(s)}(z)~, \end{equation} where the coefficients $a_{k\alpha, i}^{(s)}$ are the components of the corresponding eigenvectors of the BHZ Hamiltonian (see Sec.~\ref{HgTeQW}). The explicit form of the basis states was derived in Ref.~\onlinecite{Bernevig2006} by solving a confined-particle problem in the HgTe/CdTe hybrid system. For instance, $\psi^{(+)}_{01}(z)^T= (f_1(z),0,0,f_4(z),0,0)$, with the detailed form of the envelope function components $f_i(z)$ provided in the supplemental information of Ref.~\onlinecite{Bernevig2006}. In the following, we consider the growth-direction-averaged spin susceptibility of charge carriers in the HgTe quantum well, given by $\overline{\chi}_{ij}(\gamma;\vek{q}) = \int d z \int dz' ~ \chi_{ij} (\gamma; \vek{q}; z, z')$~\cite{Kernreiter2013PRL}, with $\chi_{ij}(\gamma; \vek{q}; z, z')$ calculated using the Kane-model-based BHZ approach as described above. Note that, by replacing the spin matrices in Eq.~(\ref{eq:SpinOverlap}) by the unit matrix and averaging over $z,z'$, we obtain the charge-response function studied in Refs.~\onlinecite{Juergens2014PRL,Juergens2014PRB}. From the axial symmetry of our Kane-model description, and the fact that the eigenstates have definite spin projection in the growth direction, it follows that the in-plane spin susceptibilities are the same, i.e., $\overline{\chi}_{xx}(\gamma;q)=\overline{\chi}_{yy}(\gamma;q)$, and only depend on the magnitude $q\equiv |{\bm{\mathrm{q}}}|$. This is an important difference to other semiconducting systems where HH-LH mixing occurs~\cite{Kernreiter2013PRL}. In the present situation, HH-LH mixing arises only from terms linear in ${\bm{\mathrm{k}}}$ (giving rise to Dirac-like excitations) which is a consequence of the envelope function components~\cite{Bernevig2006} behaving differently (even or odd) under the parity transformation $z\leftrightarrow -z$. \subsection{Spin response of the intrinsic system} \begin{figure}[b] \includegraphics[width=0.8\columnwidth]{Fig2} \caption{\label{fig:Ci} Prefactors $C_x^2$ and $C_y^2$ determining the magnitude of intrinsic in-plane and out-of-plane spin response, respectively [see Eq.~(\ref{eq:Intrinsicq0})], plotted as a function of the parameter $\gamma$ from the definition of the effective Kane-model spin operator (\ref{eq:effKaneSpin}).} \end{figure} In the insulating limit, the conduction band is empty and the Fermi level lies in the band gap, i.e., $|\mu|<E_0|\xi_{\text{M}}|$. In this situation, the spin susceptibility originates from virtual interband transitions across the band gap. In the following we will focus on the zero temperature limit. The analytical result for the intrinsic spin susceptibility obtained in the limit of zero momentum transfer $q\to 0$ is given in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Intrinsicq0}), where \begin{subequations}\label{eq:coeffCi} \begin{eqnarray} {\mathcal C}_x(\gamma) &=& 1 + (2 \gamma - 1)\, \mathcal{C}_{\text{LH}} \quad , \\ {\mathcal C}_z(\gamma) &=& 1-3\gamma + (\gamma - 1)\, \mathcal{C}_{\text{LH}} \quad , \end{eqnarray} \end{subequations} and $\mathcal{C}_{\text{LH}}\equiv \int dz |f_4(z)|^2$ ($\approx 0.4$) is the amount of LH admixture in the basis states $|E_1\pm\rangle$. (Details about the calculation of the intrinsic spin susceptibility are given in Appendix~\ref{sec:IntrinsicNum}. Results for $q\neq0$ can be calculated numerically. For completeness, some of these are also shown in Appendix~\ref{sec:IntrinsicNum}.) Equation~(\ref{eq:Intrinsicq0}) exhibits anomalous behavior in the inverted region ($\xi_{\text{M}}<0$) in that the uniform spin response is independent of the gap size and pinned to the value for the gapless case, even though it arises from virtual inter-band transitions. In the normal region ($\xi_{\text{M}}>0$), the expected decrease of the response functions with increasing band gap is found. The spin susceptibility (\ref{eq:Intrinsicq0}) is strongly anisotropic, generally exhibiting a dominant out-of-plane response except for a very small range of the parameter $\gamma$. See Fig.~\ref{fig:Ci}. A non-vanishing $\overline{\chi}^{(\text{int})}_{jj}(\gamma;0)$ seems to imply the counterintuitive phenomenon that an applied magnetic field could generate a magnetisation of the HgTe quantum-well system in the intrinsic limit where no charge carriers are present. Our more detailed analysis shows, however, that this is not the case. Direct calculation of the derivative of the free energy with respect to magnetic-field strength in a model based on the BHZ Hamiltonian (\ref{eq:BHZ}) augmented by a Zeeman term reveals that the total magnetisation is strictly zero \footnote{For instance, for a perpendicular magnetic field ${\vek{\mathcal B}}={\mathcal B}_z\, {\mathbf{\hat z}}$, the grand canonical potential is given by $J(T,{\mathcal B}_z,\mu)=-\frac{L^2}{\beta} \sum_\nu\int\frac{d^2k}{(2\pi)^2}\ln\left(1+ \ee^{-\beta[\varepsilon_\nu(k,{\mathcal B}_z)-\mu]}\right)$, where $\beta^{-1}=k_{\text{B}}T$ and $\varepsilon_\nu(k,{\mathcal B}_z)$ are the dispersions of the two spin-split bands ($\nu=1,2$) obtained from the effective Hamiltonian. In the limit $T=0$ (and $\mu=0$), we obtain $J({\mathcal B}_z)=\frac{L^2}{2\pi}\sum_\nu\int_0^\Lambda dk~k~\varepsilon_\nu(k,{\mathcal B}_z)$. The net-magnetisation of the bands is given by $\mathcal{M}_z=\frac{1}{L^2}\frac{\partial J({\mathcal B}_z)}{\partial {\mathcal B}_z}$. Numerically we find that $\frac{\partial J({\mathcal B}_z)}{\partial {\mathcal B}_z} \propto \sum_\nu c_\nu(\Lambda)=0$, since the numerical coefficients of the two spin-split bands are related as $c_1(\Lambda)=-c_2(\Lambda)$.}. This is due to the fact that intrinsic-spin and orbital contributions to the magnetization cancel, as expected in a spin-orbit-coupled system~\footnote{In other words, while the total \emph{magnetic\/} susceptibility of the HgTe quantum-well system is trivial (i.e., vanishes) in the intrinsic limit, the \emph{effective-spin\/} susceptibility is finite and exhibits interesting properties that affect observable physical phenomena, e.g., impurity-spin exchange and Zeeman splitting; as discussed in the following.}. This conclusion is further underpinned by the observation that $\overline{\chi}^{(\text{int})}_{jj}(\gamma;0)$ vanishes in the limit of zero HH-LH mixing~\footnote{The switching off of HH-LH mixing can be simulated by replacing $A\to\lambda A$ in Eq.~(\ref{eq:BHZ}) and letting $\lambda\to 0$ after integration}. As it is possible to engineer and study effective exchange interactions between impurity atoms~\cite{Zhou2010NP,Khajetoorians2012NP}, it is tempting to consider such interactions between two localized spins in a HgTe quantum well. Quite generally, the RKKY Hamiltonian is given by~\cite{yosidabook} \begin{equation}\label{eq:RKKYHam} \mathscr{H}^{\text{eff}}_{\vek{r},\vek{r}'}=G^2\sum_{i,j} ~I^{i}_{\vek{r}}~I^{j}_{\vek{r}'}~\chi_{ij}(\vek{r}, \vek{r}'). \end{equation} Here $\chi_{ij}(\vek{r},\vek{r}')$, the Fourier transform of (\ref{eq:WavevecSpinSus}), is the spin susceptibility in real space, $I^{i}_{\vek{r}}$ denotes the $i$th Cartesian component of an impurity spin located at position $\vek{r}=(\vek{R},z)$, and $G$ is the local exchange-coupling constant between the spin degree of freedom carried by band electrons and localized (e.g., impurity) spins. (The difference in exchange-coupling strengths for conduction-band and valence-band states is accounted for by the appropriate value of $\gamma$.) In Fig.~\ref{fig:IntchizzR}(a), we plot the growth-direction-averaged effective out-of-plane real-space spin susceptibility $\overline{\chi}_{zz} (R)$ as a function of the distance $R$ for various values of $\xi_{\text{M}}$ (and $\xi_{\text{D}}= -0.7$ corresponding to realistic situations~\cite{Muehlbauer2014PRL}). Figure~\ref{fig:IntchizzR} shows that the effective exchange interaction mediated by the intrinsic spin response of the HgTe quantum well for localized spins is of ferromagnetic (FM) type if $R q_0 \ll 1$, and that there is a cross-over to antiferromagnetic (AFM) coupling for $R q_0\gtrsim 1$ that sensitively depends on $\xi_{\text{M}}$. In particular, we find that this cross-over is shifted significantly to smaller impurity-spin separations in the case of the inverted regime as compared to the normal regime. Also, the magnitude of exchange interaction in the ferromagnetic regime for fixed distance $R$ markedly increases when enlarging the gap in the inverted system. In contrast, the exchange interactions in the normal regime have a very small magnitude. To further illustrate the parametric dependencies of the carrier-mediated exchange interaction, Fig.~\ref{fig:IntchizzR}(b) shows the various regions of preferential spin alignments as a function of $\xi_{\text{M}} < 0$. Interestingly, inbetween the two out-of-plane localized-spin alignments (FM${}_\perp$ and AFM${}_\perp$), we also find sizeable regions for the distance where it is energetically favorable for impurity spins to align ferromagnetically in-plane (FM${}_\parallel$). Moreover, for larger distances, we find the usual Bloembergen-Rowland~\cite{Bloembergen1955PRB} behavior for the intrinsic spin susceptibilities which is characterized by an exponential decay factor that depends on the band gap, approximately given by $\sim \exp{(-R/R_0)}/R^3$ where $R_0= (|\xi_{\text{M}}|q_0)^{-1}$ is the Compton wave length of the band electrons. More details are given in Appendix~\ref{sec:BloembergenRowland}. In the limit of zero gap ($\xi_{\text{M}}\to 0$), the $R^{-3}$ decay found previously in various Dirac systems~\cite{Stauber2003PRB,Liu2009PRL,Zhu2011PRL} is reproduced. \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[height=4cm]{Fig3a} \includegraphics[height=4cm]{Fig3b} \caption{\label{fig:IntchizzR} (a) Intrinsic real-space spin susceptibility $\overline\chi_{zz}(R)$ plotted as a function of $R\, q_0$ for several values of the gap parameter $\xi_{\text{M}}$, with fixed $\xi_{\text{D}}=-0.7$ and $\gamma=-2.22$. (b) Parameter domains of preferential alignments between localized Mn spins having a distance $R$, mediated by the intrinsic spin response of an HgTe quantum-well system. The blue (white) domain favours a ferromagnetic (anti-ferromagnetic) out-of-plane spin alignment. In the yellow region the two localized spins tend to align ferromagnetically in-plane.} \end{figure} Having considered the case of two localized impurity spins with exchange interactions mediated by virtual excitations, we now focus on a HgTe quantum well that is doped with a large number of homogeneously distributed magnetic impurities (eg, Mn ions), forming effectively a Hg${}_{1-x}$Mn${}_x$Te alloy~\cite{Bastard1979PRB}. The average distance between the spins is $R_{\text{NN}}\approx (3 a^3_0/16\pi x)^{1/3}$~\cite{Litvinov2001PRL}, with $a_0$ the HgTe lattice constant and $x$ the concentration of magnetic ions. We calculate the Curie temperature in the mean field limit, assuming $R_{\text{NN}}/R_0\ll1$ which is justified when $x\gg 2\times 10^{-3} |\xi_{\text{M}}|^3$, where we have used $q_0\lesssim 0.5$~nm${}^{-1}$. Since $|\xi_{\text{M}}|\lesssim 0.3$~\cite{Muehlbauer2014PRL}, this condition is practically always fulfilled. The Curie temperature for Ising-type ferromagnetic order with magnetization perpendicular to the quantum well growth direction is given by \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:TCMF} T_\mathrm{C(i)} = T_0~\frac{d_{\text{c}}/d(\xi_{\text{M}})}{1+4\xi_{\text{M}} \Theta(\xi_{\text{M}})}~, \end{eqnarray} where $T_0=\frac{I(I+1){\mathcal C}^2_z(\gamma)}{48\pi}\frac{G^2}{k_{\text{B}}|B|} \frac{n_I}{d_{\text{c}}}$, $I$ denotes the impurity-spin magnitude, $n_I$ is the 3D density of magnetic impurities, and $d_{\text{c}}\approx 6.3$~nm is the critical well width. For obtaining Eq.~(\ref{eq:TCMF}) we have used the approximation $\int_{-d/2}^{d/2} dz \int_{-d/2}^{d/2} dz' \chi^{(\text{int})}_{jj}(\gamma; 0,z,z')\approx \overline{\chi}^{(\text{int})}_{jj}(\gamma; 0)$. In Fig.~\ref{fig:CT1}(a), we show the Curie temperature as a function of $\xi_{\text{M}}$, where we set $A=0.375$~eV~nm and $B=-1.120$~eV~nm${}^2$~\cite{Muehlbauer2014PRL} as their dependence on $d$ is much weaker compared to $M$. We see that the behavior of the Curie temperature in its dependence on $\xi_{\text{M}}$, or equivalently $d$, provides a clear means to distinguish between topological and normal regions. Knowing the spin susceptibility as a function of the wave vector allows us to go beyond the mean field limit~\cite{Simon2007PRL,Simon2008PRB} and discuss the stability of the mean-field ground state with respect to thermally excited spin waves (magnons). In our present case of interest, the magnon dispersion for $q/q_0\ll1$ is given by $\omega_q=\omega_0+c_2q^2$, with a coefficient $c_2=\left. \frac{1}{2}\frac{\partial^2 \overline{\chi}^{(\text{int})}_{zz}(\gamma;q)}{\partial q^2} \right|_{q=0}$. Using Figure~\ref{fig:Spinsusq} in Appendix~\ref{sec:IntrinsicNum}, which shows results for the relevant set of parameters, we find $c_2\lesssim 0$. Thus the criterion~\cite{yosidabook,Simon2008PRB,Kernreiter2013PRL} $c_2>0$ needed to guarantee stability of the mean-field ground state is generally violated. It may be possible that electron-electron interactions and/or spin-orbit coupling help to stabilize ferromagnetic order, as has been shown to be the case for an ordinary 2D electron gas~\cite{Simon2007PRL,Simon2008PRB,Zak2012PRB}, but this question is beyond the scope of our present work. \subsection{Spin response of the electron-doped system\label{sec:dopedSR}} We consider now situations where the conduction band is occupied ($\mu>E_0|\xi_{\text{M}}|$). In the $q\to 0$ limit, an analytical expression for the extrinsic contribution to the spin susceptibility (arising from filled conduction-band states) is found as \begin{widetext} \begin{subequations}\label{eq:Chijjq0} \begin{eqnarray} \overline{\chi}_{xx}^{(\text{dop})}(\gamma;0)&=&\frac{\mathcal{C}^2_x(\gamma)}{16\pi|B|}\Biggl[\frac{2\pi \tilde N(0)}{f^2}\Big(\tilde k_{\text{F}}^2 - 2 f (\tilde k_{\text{F}}^2 +\xi_{\text{M}}) -\, 2 f^2\Big) + \frac{\tilde k_{\text{F}}^2 (1+ 2 \xi_{\text{M}}) + 2 \xi_{\text{M}}^2 - 2 f |\xi_{\text{M}}|)}{f(1 + 4 \xi_{\text{M}})}\Biggr]~,\\[2mm] \overline{\chi}_{zz}^{(\text{dop})}(\gamma;0)&=&\frac{\mathcal{C}^2_z(\gamma)}{16\pi|B|}\Biggl[\frac{2\pi \tilde N(0)}{f^2}\left(\frac{6 \gamma \mathcal{D}_z(\gamma)}{\mathcal{C}^2_z(\gamma)}\, \tilde k_{\text{F}}^2 - \frac{4 f^2 \{\mathcal{D}^2_z(\gamma)(\tilde k_{\text{F}}^2 +\xi_{\text{M}}+f)^4 + 9\gamma^2\tilde k_{\text{F}}^4\}}{\mathcal{C}^2_z(\gamma)[\tilde k_{\text{F}}^2+(\tilde k_{\text{F}}^2 +\xi_{\text{M}}+f)^2]^2}\right) +\frac{\tilde k_{\text{F}}^2 (1+ 2 \xi_{\text{M}}) + 2 \xi_{\text{M}}^2 - 2 f |\xi_{\text{M}}|)}{f(1 + 4 \xi_{\text{M}})}\Biggr]~, \nonumber \\ \end{eqnarray} \end{subequations} \end{widetext} where the first (second) term between the square brackets in the expression for $\overline{\chi}_{jj}^{(\text{dop})}(\gamma;0)$ is an intraband (interband) contribution. In Eqs.~(\ref{eq:Chijjq0}), we used the abbreviations $\mathcal{D}_z(\gamma)\equiv (1-\gamma)\,\mathcal{C}_{\text{LH}}-1$ and $f\equiv \sqrt{(\tilde k_{\text{F}}^2+\xi_{\text{M}})^2 +\tilde k_{\text{F}}^2}$. $\tilde N(0)$ is related to the density of states at the Fermi energy as $-\overline{\chi}_{0}(0)=N(0) = (2/|B|)~ \tilde N(0)$ (where $\overline{\chi}_{0}(q)$ is the static charge-response function), and reads $\tilde N(0)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\left|\frac{1+2\tilde k_{\text{F}}^2 +2\xi_{\text{M}}}{\sqrt{(\tilde k_{\text{F}}^2+\xi_{\text{M}})^2+\tilde k_{\text{F}}^2}}-2\xi_{\text{D}} \right|^{-1}$. For the general case with $q>0$, $\overline{\chi}_{jj}(\gamma;q)$ can be calculated numerically and its line shape is presented in Appendix~\ref{sec:DopedNum} for various examples. Due to the sharpness of the Fermi surface, we find for the corresponding real-space spin susceptibilities the expected $R^{-2}$ oscillatory decay expected from a 2D Fermi liquid~\cite{vignalebook}. Next we calculate the Curie temperature using the mean field approach under the premise $k_{\text{F}}R_{\text{NN}}\ll1$, which leads to the condition $x\gg 2\times 10^{-3}~\tilde k_{\text{F}}$. This condition is generally fulfilled since $k_{\text {F}}\lesssim 0.1$~nm${}^{-1}$ is the reliable range of the effective model~\cite{Muehlbauer2014PRL}. The Curie temperature is given by \begin{eqnarray} T_\mathrm{C(d)} = T_0~\frac{d_{\text{c}}}{d(\xi_{\text{M}})}~ \frac{16\pi|B|}{C^2_z(\gamma)} ~|\overline{\chi}_{zz}(\gamma;0)|~, \end{eqnarray} where $\overline{\chi}_{zz}(\gamma;0)=\overline{\chi}^{(\text{int})}_{zz}(\gamma;0)+ \overline{\chi}^{(\text{dop})}_{zz}(\gamma;0)$. Note that also in the doped case Ising type magnetism prevails. In Fig.~\ref{fig:CT1}(b), we show the Curie temperature as a function of $\xi_{\text{M}}$ for various values of the Fermi wave vector. For low doping, we see a strong dependence of the Curie temperature on $\xi_{\text{M}}$ in the topological regime, which becomes very weak in the normal regime. For large doping, on the other hand, the Curie temperature is not very sensitive to $\xi_{\text{M}}$ in its whole range. Furthermore, the Curie temperature is generally suppressed with increased doping, but this trend is much stronger in the topological regime. For the doped case, we find the magnon dispersion $\omega_q=\omega_0+\bar{c}_2q^2$ where $\bar{c}_2\equiv\frac{1}{2}\left.\frac{\partial^2 \overline{\chi}_{zz}(\gamma;q)}{\partial q^2}\right|_{q=0} >0$ always, in contrast to the intrinsic case. See Fig.~\ref{fig:SpinSusdop} in Appendix~\ref{sec:DopedNum}. Thus a necessary condition for the stability of the ferromagnetic groundstate is fulfilled~\cite{yosidabook,Simon2008PRB,Kernreiter2013PRL}. \section{Confinement dependence of the 2D-electron effective $\mathbf g$ factor\label{sec:2Dgfac}} The paramagnetic response of charge carriers in quantum-confined structures is usually interpreted in terms of the Pauli spin susceptibility and quantified by an effective single-particle $g$ factor~\cite{Tutuc2002PRL,Zhu2003PRL,Sashkin2006PRL}. However, any actually measured spin-related quantities correspond almost always to averaged collective responses of the, e.g., quasi-2D, electron system that can be crucially affected by nontrivial spin-related phenomena~\cite{Kernreiter2013PRL}. Here we consider the paramagnetic response of conduction-band electrons in HgTe quantum wells and show how their paramagnetic response is changed as a function of the band-gap parameter that drives the transition between the topological and normal regimes. To define an effective $g$-factor for our system of a HgTe quantum well, we introduce the bulk-material Zeeman term $\mathscr{H}_{\vek{\mathcal B}}=g_\ast\, \mu_{\text{B}}\sum_j {\mathcal B}_j\, \hat S_j (-2\kappa/g_\ast)$, where $\mu_{\text{B}}$ is the Bohr magneton and $g_\ast$ ($\kappa$) the $\Gamma_6$-band ($\Gamma_8$-band) $g$ factor~\cite{Winkler2003Book}. Linear-response theory enables us to determine the paramagnetic response to the magnetic field, which is given by $\overline{\chi}_{\text{P},j} = (g_\ast \mu_{\text{B}})^2 \, \overline{\chi}^{(\text{dop})}_{jj}(-2\kappa/ g_\ast; q)|_{q=0}$, where $\overline{\chi}_{jj}^{(\text{dop})}(-2\kappa/g_\ast;q)$ are the spin susceptibilities of the electron doped system for the in-plane and out-of-plane response involving $\hat S_j(-2\kappa/g_\ast)$, see Eq.~(\ref{eq:Chijjq0}) for $\gamma=-2\kappa/g_\ast$. We compare this with the Pauli susceptibility given by $\overline{\chi}_{\text{P},j} =(g_j \mu_{\text{B}} )^2~\overline{\chi}_{0}(0)/4$, with $\overline{\chi}_{0}(0)$ being (up to a minus sign) the density of states which is the zero-$q$ limit of the Lindhard function and $g_j$ is the Land\'e $g$-factor for the two directions. Thus, we can extract collective $g$ factors for the charge carriers as \begin{equation}\label{eq:gfactor} g_j = g_\ast \,\, \sqrt{\left. 4\,\, \frac{\overline{\chi}^{(\text{dop})}_{jj}(-2\kappa/g_\ast; q)}{\overline{\chi}_{0}(q)} \right|_{q=0}} \quad . \end{equation} Our approach to determine $g$ factors via the spin susceptibility complements previous work~\cite{Koenig2008JPSJ} where an effective Zeeman term was derived for the BHZ Hamiltonian. \begin{figure}[b] \includegraphics[width=0.8\columnwidth]{Fig4a} \includegraphics[width=0.8\columnwidth]{Fig4b} \caption{\label{fig:g-factor} Effective $g$-factors associated with (a) the in-plane and (b) the out-of-plane response of an electron-doped HgTe quantum well, plotted as a function of the gap parameter $\xi_{\text{M}}$ for various levels of doping and with $\xi_{\text{D}}=-0.7$, $2\kappa/g_\ast = -0.5$. (Note that $k_\mathrm{F}=q_0$ corresponds to a charge density $n_0\equiv q_0^2/(2\pi)= 4.25\times 10^{12} \,$cm$^{-2}$ for a typical structure~\cite{Rothe2010NJP}.)} \end{figure} For a narrow-gap semiconductor, the values for $g_\ast$ and $\kappa$ are dominated by band-coupling contributions. Using generic expressions resulting from Kane-model descriptions~\cite{Winkler2003Book}, we find \begin{equation}\label{eq:KaneGfact} \frac{2\kappa}{g_\ast} = -\frac{\xi_M + \xi_\Delta}{2\xi_\Delta} \quad , \end{equation} with $\xi_\Delta = \Delta_0\, |B|/A^2$ in terms of the spin-orbit-splitting gap $\Delta_0$ between the $\Gamma_8$ and $\Gamma_7$ band edges in the $8\times 8$ Kane model. As $\xi_\Delta \gg | \xi_M|$ for our situations of interest, we can set $2\kappa/g_\ast\to -0.5$ in the following. Hence, in Fig.~\ref{fig:g-factor}, we show the effective $g$-factors for in-plane and out-of-plane responses as a function of $\xi_{\text{M}}$ for various levels of electron doping obtained for $2\kappa/g_\ast = -0.5$. For very low densities, we see a vanishing in-plane response and a maximal $g_z = 6 \kappa$ HH-like out-of-plane response in the topological region $\xi_{\text{M}}<0$. This behavior arises because the conduction-band character is dominated by the HH basis states, which experience a ``frozen'' spin orientation perpendicular to the quantum well due to the confinement-induced HH-LH energy splitting~\cite{Winkler2008SST}. This can be easily verified from (\ref{eq:Chijjq0}) by taking the limit $k_{\text{F}}\to 0$. Departures from these results occur for larger doping levels (larger $k_{\text{F}}$) due to increased HH-LH mixing. In the normal region ($\xi_{\text{M}}>0$), we encounter the situation that the conduction band is dominantly composed of the electron basis states, rendering the \textit{g} factor to be sizable at any doping. The fact that the in-plane spin response is notably larger than the out-of-plane response for $\xi_{\text{M}}>0$ and low doping is due to the LH admixture in the conduction-band states. As the carrier density increases, the concomitantly increased HH-LH mixing results in significant modifications. More detailed exploration of parametric dependences exhibited by the collective \textit{g} factors obtained here will be useful to augment previous perturbative estimates~\cite{Koenig2008JPSJ} and aid the interpretation of recent measurements~\cite{Hart2015arXiv}. \section{Spin response of quasi-1D helical edge states in the topological regime\label{sec:gfactEdge}} We have also investigated the edge-state contributions to the spin susceptibility in the topological region, finding them to be negligible compared to the bulk contributions in almost all situations. The only exception occurs for the in-plane response function $\overline{\chi}_{xx}(\gamma;q)$ in the purely intrinsic situation where the Fermi level lies in the minigap of the edge-state dispersions that opens up in a finite-size sample~\cite{Zhou2008PRL,Qi2011RMP}. More details and full results pertaining to edge states are given in Appendices \ref{sec:compbulkedge} and \ref{sec:spinsusedge}. \begin{figure}[b] \includegraphics[width=0.8\columnwidth]{Fig5} \caption{\label{fig:g-factoredge} Effective $g$-factor characterising the response of helical edge states to an in-plane magnetic field.} \end{figure} Upto very small finite-size corrections, the paramagnetic response of helical edge states is captured by using the effective $g$-factors $g^{(\text{e})}_{x,z}$ given by \begin{subequations}\label{eq:gfactoredge} \begin{eqnarray} \frac{g^{(\text{e})}_x}{g_\ast} &=& \sqrt{\frac{\mathcal{C}^2_x(-2\kappa/g_\ast)}{4}\,\, \ln\left( \frac{\Lambda}{k_{\text{F}}}\right)} \,\,\stackrel{\frac{2\kappa}{g_\ast} = -\frac{1}{2}}{\longrightarrow} \,\, \frac{\sqrt{\ln\left(\frac{\Lambda}{k_{\text{F}}}\right)}}{2}~, \nonumber \\ \\ \frac{g^{(\text{e})}_z}{g_\ast} &=& -\frac{4\kappa}{g_\ast} + \frac{1 - {\mathcal C}_\mathrm{LH}}{2} \left( 1 + \frac{2\kappa}{g_\ast}\right) \,\,\stackrel{\frac{2\kappa}{g_\ast} = -\frac{1}{2}}{\longrightarrow} \,\, 1 + \frac{1 - {\mathcal C}_\mathrm{LH}}{4} \, . \nonumber \\ \end{eqnarray} \end{subequations} The results shown in Eqs.~(\ref{eq:gfactoredge}) were obtained using Eq.~(\ref{eq:gfactor}) together with Eqs.~(\ref{eq:susedgezz})-(\ref{eq:susedgexx}). The prediction of the edge-state \textit{g} factor is a major result of our work. In Fig.~\ref{fig:g-factoredge}, we plot the in-plane $g$-factor as a function of $k_{\text{F}}$ where we used the natural cut-off scale $\Lambda=\pi/a_0$. Interestingly, the in-plane $g$-factor of edge states decreases monotonically with increasing doping level. Such a behavior is in stark contrast to the bulk case shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:g-factor}(a) and to other 2D systems~\cite{Kernreiter2013PRL,Hatami2014PRB} where the in-plane response increases with increased doping. This behavior reflects the fact that the spin-quantisation axis of the edge states is perpendicular to the 2D plane, i.e., parallel to the $z$ direction, and their helical nature. \section{Conclusions} We present a detailed theoretical study of the spin response in HgTe quantum wells where virtual-carrier-related processes are particularly relevant and exactly tractable within the effective BHZ-model description. Anomalous properties of the spin susceptibility and carrier-mediated magnetism are found in the inverted regime, extending our current understanding of spin-related properties in topological materials. Most strikingly, the uniform static spin susceptibility in the intrinsic limit is constant, independent of the band gap, in the topological regime [see Eq.~(\ref{eq:Intrinsicq0})]. This results in a distinct asymmetry between normal and inverted systems illustrated, e.g., by the dependence of the critical temperature for virtual-carrier-mediated magnetic order in a system that is doped with magnetic ions. Important differences between the two regimes are also exhibited in the situation where the conduction band becomes filled (see Fig.~\ref{fig:CT1}). The stability of mean-field ferromagnetic ground states with respect to thermal excitations of magnons has been analysed. We find that the magnetic order is stable in the situation with finite doping. In the topological regime, quasi-1D helical edge states exist. We have investigated their spin-response properties, finding that their contribution to the spin susceptibility is thermodynamically suppressed compared to that arising from 2D quantum-well states, \emph{except\/} in the very special -- and probably physically hard-to-realise -- situation when the chemical potential is in the mini-gap opened by the hybridisation of states from opposite edges in a finite sample. We have used our results obtained for the spin susceptibility to define effective collective $g$ factors for states from the quasi-2D quantum-well subbands and also for the quasi-1D helical edge states. The different character of quasi-2D-subband states in the normal and topological (inverted) regimes is reflected in the values for the effective $g$ factor. Their strong dependence on charge-carrier density reveals the importance of interband mixing. The behavior of the $g$ factors found for the edge states reflects their helical nature and spin-quantization property. Our results are directly relevant for current and potential future experimental investigations of the spin-related properties of 2D topological insulators, in particular those realised in HgTe/HgCdTe and InAs/GaSb quantum wells. For example, recent observation of Josephson-junction interference patterns in an S-HgTe/HgCdTe-S hybrid system has enabled extraction of \textit{g} factors for the quantum-well charge carriers~\cite{Hart2015arXiv}. It would be interesting to use similar techniques~\cite{Hart2014NPhys,Pribiag2015NNano} to measure the edge-state \textit{g} factors and compare with our predictions. Furthermore, our results for the spin response in both the intrinsic and doped regimes are informative for the design of, and interpretation of measured quantities for, dilute magnetic phases in these systems~\cite{Novik2005PRB,Dietl2010NatMat}. It would be interesting to extend our formalism to study the spin response in 3D topological-insulator materials~\cite{Hasan2011AnnuRev}. In particular, as was the case in the 2D quantum-well-based TIs considered in this work, the interplay of charge-carrier dynamics and the spinor character of extended bulk states could be a source of rich variety in spin-related properties also in 3D, and the contributions of the conducting surfaces are currently not understood. \begin{acknowledgments} E.~M.~H.\ acknowledges financial support from German Science Foundation (DFG) Grant No.\ HA 5893/4-1 within SPP 1666 and from the ENB graduate school "Topological Insulators". This work was started while E.~M.~H.\ and U.~Z.\ visited the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Santa Barbara where their work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.\ NSF PHY11-25915. The authors thank R.\ Winkler for illuminating discussions about possible forms of relevant spin operators and useful comments that have improved the manuscript. \end{acknowledgments} \begin{appendix} \section{Intrinsic contribution to the spin susceptibility\label{sec:IntrinsicNum}} \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width=0.9\columnwidth]{FigA1a}\\[-1cm] \includegraphics[width=0.9\columnwidth]{FigA1b}\\[-0.5cm] \caption{\label{fig:Spinsusq} Intrinsic spin susceptibilities (a) $\overline{\chi}_{zz} (\gamma;q)$ and (b) $\overline{\chi}_{xx} (\gamma;q)$ as a function of $q/q_0$ for various values of $\xi_{\text{M}}=(-0.3, -0.2, -0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3)$ (from top to bottom) with $\xi_{\text{D}}=-0.7$, $\mathcal{C}_{\text{LH}}=0.4$ and $\gamma= -2.22$. The inset in (a) displays the normalized spin susceptibility $\overline{\chi}_{zz} (\gamma;q)/ \overline{\chi}_{zz} (\gamma;0)$ in the small $q/q_0$ region for $\xi_{\text{M}}=(0.1, 0.2,0.3)$, which shows more clearly that $\overline{\chi}_{zz} (\gamma;q)>\overline{\chi}_{zz} (\gamma;0)$ in the small-$q$ limit also in the normal regime.} \end{figure} The intrinsic contributions to the diagonal entries of the spin susceptibility (the only ones that are non-zero for the BHZ model) are calculated by \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:Intrinsic} \overline{\chi}_{jj}^{(\text{int})}(\gamma;{\bm{\mathrm{q}}}) &=& -\sum_{s,s'\atop \delta=\pm 1} \int\frac{d^2k}{(2\pi)^2} ~~\frac{\mathscr{W}_{jj({\bm{\mathrm{k}}},{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}},+,-)}^{(s,s')}(\gamma)~ n_{\text{F}} \big(E^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}} -}\big)}{E^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}} +} - E^{(s')}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}} -} +i\hbar\eta\delta}~, \nonumber \\ \end{eqnarray} where in the zero-temperature limit the valence band is fully occupied, i.e., $n_{\text{F}} \big(E^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}} -}\big)=1$. Here and in the following we consider the growth-direction-averaged case: $\overline{\chi}_{ij} (\gamma;\vek{q}) = \int d z \int dz' ~ \chi_{ij}(\gamma;\vek{q}; z, z') \Rightarrow\mathscr{W}_{jj({\bm{\mathrm{k}}},{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}},\alpha,\beta)}^{(s,s')}(\gamma)= \int dz~dz'~\mathscr{W}_{jj ({\bm{\mathrm{k}}},{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}},\alpha,\beta)}^{(s,s')}(\gamma;z,z')$. In Fig.~\ref{fig:Spinsusq}, we plot $\overline{\chi}_{zz} (\gamma;q)$ [$\overline{\chi}_{xx} (\gamma;q)$] in panel (a) [(b)] as a function of $q$ for various values of $\xi_{\text{M}}$. The inset in Fig.~\ref{fig:Spinsusq}(a) illustrates that $\left.\frac{\partial^2 \overline{\chi}^{(\text{int})}_{zz}(\gamma;q)}{\partial q^2}\right|_{q=0}<0$ for all of the values of $\xi_{\text{M}}$ considered, which implies that the mean-field ferromagnetic order for out-of-plane aligned magnetic impurity spins will generally be destroyed by spin-wave (magnon) excitations~\cite{Simon2008PRB}. \section{Bloembergen-Rowland behavior of the local intrinsic spin susceptibility \label{sec:BloembergenRowland}} \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width=0.8\columnwidth]{FigA2a}\\[0.5cm] \includegraphics[width=0.8\columnwidth]{FigA2b} \caption{\label{fig:BRchiR} Local intrinsic spin susceptibilities $\overline{\chi}_{zz} (R)$ (solid orange curve) as a function of $R q_0$ for (a) $\xi_{\text{M}}=0.1$ and (b) $\xi_{\text{M}}=-0.1$ with $\xi_{\text{D}}=-0.7$, $\mathcal{C}_{\text{LH}}=0.4$ and $\gamma=-2.22$. The dashed green curve shows the modelled behavior in Eq.~(\ref{eq:RKKYBRmodel}) with coefficients $c=1$ for (a) and $c=1.2$ for (b). For comparison we also show the $R^{-3}$ decay for a gapless Dirac system represented by the dot-dashed blue curve. The sharp drop of the orange curve in (a) is due to a sign change of $\overline{\chi}_{zz} (R)$ at about $Rq_0\approx 8$.} \end{figure} Bloembergen and Rowland~\cite{Bloembergen1955PRB} found that the local RKKY interaction of gapped systems becomes short-ranged, i.e., is exponentially suppressed by the band-gap. The functional dependence of the local spin susceptibility on the distance for the gapped Dirac system at hand can thus be modelled by \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:RKKYBRmodel} \overline{\chi}_{jj}(R)\sim \frac{\ee^{-c\frac{R}{\lambda_{\text{C}}}}}{R^3}~, \end{eqnarray} where $\lambda^{-1}_{\text{C}}\equiv|\xi_{\text{M}}|q_0$ is the inverse of the Compton wavelength of the system and $c\sim\mathcal{O}(1)$ is a numerical coefficient that can depend on the distance itself. To illustrate this behavior for the HgTe quantum well system, we plot $\overline{\chi}_{zz}(R)$ in Fig.~\ref{fig:BRchiR} as a function of $Rq_0$ for $\xi_{\text{M}}=0.1$ [$\xi_{\text{M}}=-0.1$] in panel (a) [(b)] together with both the line shape expected for 2D massless-Dirac particles and the Bloembergen-Rowland result. \begin{figure*}[t] \includegraphics[width=0.9\columnwidth]{FigA3a} \includegraphics[width=0.9\columnwidth]{FigA3b} \vskip-0.5cm \includegraphics[width=0.9\columnwidth]{FigA3c} \includegraphics[width=0.9\columnwidth]{FigA3d} \caption{\label{fig:SpinSusdop} Normalized spin susceptibilities $\overline{\chi}_{zz}(\gamma;q)$ (a,c) and $\overline{\chi}_{xx} (\gamma;q)$ (b,d) as a function of $q/(2k_{\text{F}})$ for various levels of doping. (a,b) are the results for $\xi_{\text{M}}=-0.2$ and (c,d) for $\xi_{\text{M}}=0.2$, with $\xi_{\text{D}}=-0.7$, $\mathcal{C}_{\text{LH}}=0.4$ and $\gamma=-2.22$. The insets of (a,c) show the quadratic $\tilde q=q/q_0$ dependence close to $q=0$.} \end{figure*} \section{Electron doped contribution to the spin susceptibility\label{sec:DopedNum}} For the case where the Fermi energy is above the conduction energy band edge, i.e., $\mu>|M|$, the spin susceptibility receives contributions due to electron doping given by \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:Eldopedgeneric} \overline{\chi}_{jj}^{(\text{dop})}(\gamma;{\bm{\mathrm{q}}}) &=& \sum_{s,s'\atop \delta=\pm 1} \int\frac{d^2k}{(2\pi)^2}~n_{\text{F}}\big(E^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}} +}\big) \nonumber \\[2mm] && \hspace{-1.3cm} \times\left[ \frac{\mathscr{W}_{jj({\bm{\mathrm{k}}},{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}},+,+)}^{(s,s')}(\gamma)}{E^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}} +}-E^{(s')}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}} +{\bm{\mathrm{q}}} +} +i\hbar\eta\delta}+\frac{\mathscr{W}_{jj({\bm{\mathrm{k}}},{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}},+,-)}^{(s,s')}(\gamma)}{E^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}} +} -E^{(s')}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}} -}+i\hbar\eta\delta}\right], \nonumber\\[2mm] \end{eqnarray} where for zero temperature $n_{\text{F}}\big(E^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}} +}\big)=\Theta\big(k_{\text{F}}-|{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}|\big)$, with $k_{\text{F}}$ being the Fermi wave vector associated with the conduction band. The complete spin susceptibility in the doped case is therefore given by \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:Elchi} \overline{\chi}_{jj}(\gamma;{\bm{\mathrm{q}}})=\overline{\chi}_{jj}^{(\text{int})}(\gamma;{\bm{\mathrm{q}}})+ \overline{\chi}_{jj}^{(\text{dop})}(\gamma;{\bm{\mathrm{q}}})~. \end{eqnarray} We show the line shape of $\overline{\chi}_{zz}(\gamma;q)$ and $\overline{\chi}_{xx}(\gamma;q)$ in Fig.~\ref{fig:SpinSusdop} for $\xi_{\text{M}}=\pm0.2$ and various choices of doping. The insets of Fig.~\ref{fig:SpinSusdop}(a,c) show the small $q$ dependence of $\overline{\chi}_{zz}(\gamma;q)$, indicating the stability of the out-of-plane Ising-type ferromagnetism with respect to Magnon excitations. \section{Combining bulk and edge contributions to the spin susceptibility\label{sec:compbulkedge}} In order to compare bulk and edge contributions to the spin susceptibility we begin by considering the real-space spin-response function \begin{equation} \chi_{ij}(\vek{r}, \vek{r^\prime}) = -\frac{i}{\hbar} \int_0^\infty d t \,\,\, \ee^{-\eta t}\,\, \langle\left[ S_i(\vek{r}, t)\, , \, S_j(\vek{r^\prime}, 0)\right]\rangle\,\, , \end{equation} where $S_i(\vek{r}) = \Psi^\dagger(\vek{r})\hat S_i \Psi(\vek{r})$ are spin-density operators. In our system of interest, electrons shall be confined to move freely in $d<3$ dimensions, with system size $L$ in all of these free directions. The position vector shall be split up into a part $\vek{R}$ comprising the coordinate directions in which the motion is free and a part $\vek{\varrho}$ in whose coordinates motion is confined; $\vek{r} = (\vek{R}, \vek{\varrho})$. The second-quantised electron operator in real-space representation can be written as \begin{equation} \Psi(\vek{r}) = \sum_{\vek{k},\alpha,s} \frac{\ee^{i\vek{k}\cdot\vek{R}}}{\sqrt{L^d}}\,\, \psi^{(s)}_{\vek{k}\alpha}(\vek{\varrho}) \,\, c^{(s)}_{\vek{k}\alpha} \end{equation} with normalized spinor bound-state wave functions $\xi_{n\vek{k}}(\vek{\varrho})$. A straightforward calculation yields \begin{subequations} \begin{equation} \chi_{ij}(\vek{r}, \vek{r^\prime}) = \frac{1}{L^d}\, \sum_\vek{q} \, \ee^{i\vek{q}\cdot(\vek{R} -\vek{R^\prime})}\,\, \chi_{ij}^{(d\text{D})}(\vek{q}; \vek{\varrho}, \vek{\varrho^\prime})\quad , \end{equation} with the $\vek{q}$-dependent spin susceptibility of the $d$-dimensional ($d$D) system given by \begin{eqnarray} \chi_{ij}^{(d\text{D})}(\vek{q}; \vek{\varrho}, \vek{\varrho^\prime}) &=& \sum_{\alpha,\beta,s,s'} \, \frac{1}{L^d}\, \sum_\vek{k}\mathscr{W}_{ij({\bm{\mathrm{k}}},{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}},\alpha,\beta)}^{(s,s')}(\vek{\varrho}, \vek{\varrho^\prime}) \nonumber \\ && \hspace{1cm} \times\, \frac{n_{\text F}(E^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}\alpha}) -n_{\text F}(E^{(s')}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}}\beta})}{E^{(s)}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}\alpha}-E^{(s')}_{{\bm{\mathrm{k}}}+{\bm{\mathrm{q}}}\beta} +i\hbar\eta} \, . \qquad \end{eqnarray} \end{subequations} We are now interested in the homogeneous part of the spin response defined as \begin{subequations} \begin{equation} \Upsilon_{ij} = \int d^3 r\,\, \int d^3 r^\prime \,\,\,\, \chi_{ij}(\vek{r}, \vek{r^\prime}) \equiv L^d\, \overline{\chi}_{ij}^{(d\text{D})}(\vek{q}=0) \quad , \end{equation} where \begin{equation} \overline{\chi}_{ij}^{(d\text{D})}(\vek{q}) = \int d^{3-d}\varrho \,\, \int d^{3-d}\varrho^\prime \,\,\,\, \chi_{ij}^{(d\text{D})}(\vek{q}; \vek{\varrho}, \vek{\varrho^\prime}) \quad . \end{equation} \end{subequations} In the situation where both 2D bulk and 1D edge states are present, we therefore find \begin{equation} \Upsilon_{ij} = L^2 \left[ \overline{\chi}_{ij}^{(\text{2D})}(\vek{q}=0) + \frac{1}{L}\, \overline{\chi}_{ij}^{(\text{1D})}(q=0) \right] \quad . \end{equation} Thus $L^{-2} \Upsilon$ is the well-defined quantity in the thermodynamic limit, and only those edge-related terms that scale with $L$ will contribute to it. \section{Spin susceptibility of edge states\label{sec:spinsusedge}} \subsection{Spin susceptibility of edge states: Omitting finite size effects} Following~\cite{Qi2011RMP} (see also~\cite{Zhou2008PRL}), the dispersions for the edge states, using open boundary conditions for a confinement along the $x$ direction and assuming $D=0$, is given by \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:edgedispersion} E^{(s)}_{k}=sA k~, \end{eqnarray} where $k\equiv k_y$. The associated spinor wave functions are \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:edgestatespinors} \eta^{(s)}(\vek{\varrho})&=&\sum_{l=1}^2\varphi^{(s)}_{0,l}(x)~\psi^{(s)}_{0l}(z)~, \end{eqnarray} where $\varphi^{(s)}_{0}(x)=C(\ee^{\lambda_1x}-\ee^{\lambda_2x})\phi_{-s}$, with $\phi_\pm^T=(1, \pm i)$ and $\lambda_{1,2}=-\frac{q_0}{2}(1\pm\sqrt{1-4|\xi_{\text{M}}}|)$, since $M<0$. To simplify matters, we have assumed particle-hole symmetry ($D=0$) and the system length $L\to \infty$, i.e., the gap in the dispersions of the edge states is negligible. Note that the spinors in Eq.~(\ref{eq:edgestatespinors}) are independent of the wave vector component along the $y$ direction. The spin susceptibility of the edge states is calculated by \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:spinsusedge} \chi^{\text{(edge)}}_{jj}(\gamma;q;\vek{\varrho},\vek{\varrho^\prime})&=&\sum_{s,s'}\int \frac{dk}{2\pi} ~\mathscr{W}_{jj}^{(s,s')}(\gamma;\vek{\varrho},\vek{\varrho^\prime})\nonumber\\[1mm] {}&&\times \frac{n_{\text{F}}[E^{(s)}_{k}]-n_{\text{F}}[E^{(s')}_{k+q}]}{E^{(s)}_{k}-E^{(s')}_{k+q}+i\hbar \eta}~, \end{eqnarray} where \begin{eqnarray} \mathscr{W}_{jj}^{(s,s')}(\gamma;\vek{\varrho},\vek{\varrho^\prime})&=&[\eta^{(s)}(\vek{\varrho}) ]^{\dagger} \cdot\hat S_j(\gamma) \cdot \eta^{(s')}(\vek{\varrho}) \nonumber\\[1mm] {}&& \times [\eta^{(s')}(\vek{\varrho^\prime})]^\dagger\cdot\hat S_j(\gamma) \cdot\eta^{(s)}(\vek{\varrho^\prime}). \end{eqnarray} With an averaging over the coordinates along the confined directions we have \begin{eqnarray} \int d\vek{\varrho}~d\vek{\varrho^\prime}~\mathscr{W}_{zz}^{(s,s')}(\gamma;\vek{\varrho}, \vek{\varrho^\prime})&=& \frac{\Xi^2_z(\gamma)}{16}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0\\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}~, \\[2mm] \int d\vek{\varrho}~d\vek{\varrho^\prime}~\mathscr{W}_{xx}^{(s,s')}(\gamma;\vek{\varrho}, \vek{\varrho^\prime})&=& \frac{\Xi^2_x(\gamma)}{16}\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}~, \end{eqnarray} with $\Xi_z(\gamma)=1+3\gamma+(\gamma-1)\mathcal{C}_{\text{LH}}$ and $\Xi_x (\gamma)=1+(2\gamma-1)\mathcal{C}_{\text{LH}}\equiv {\mathcal C}_x(\gamma)$. Thus $\chi^{(\text{edge})}_{zz}(\gamma;q)\propto\chi^{(\text{edge})}_{0}(q)$, where $\chi^{(\text{edge})}_{0}(q)$ is the Lindhard function associated with the edge states. Explicit calculation of (\ref{eq:spinsusedge}) yields \begin{subequations}\label{eq:susedgeelec} \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:susedgezz} \chi_{zz}^{(\text{edge})}(\gamma;q) &=& - \frac{\Xi^2_z(\gamma)}{16\pi A} \equiv \frac{\Xi^2_z (\gamma)}{16}\, \chi^{(\text{edge})}_{0}(q)~, \\ \label{eq:susedgexx} \chi_{xx}^{(\text{edge})}(\gamma;q)&=&\frac{\Xi^2_x(\gamma)}{32\pi A}\ln\left(\frac{|q^2 - 4 k^2_{\text{F}}|}{4\Lambda^2-q^2}\right)~, \end{eqnarray} \end{subequations} where $\Lambda$ is a large-wave-vector cut-off. Due to the special energy dispersion Eq.~(\ref{eq:edgedispersion}), $\chi_{zz}^{(\text{edge})}(\gamma;q)$ is a constant (independent of $k_{\text{F}}$ and $q$). Clearly, for the hole doped case ($\mu<0$), the same result as in Eq.~(\ref{eq:susedgeelec}) is obtained due to the assumed particle-hole symmetry. \subsection{Spin susceptibility of edge states: Finite size effects included} Following~\cite{Zhou2008PRL}, we now take into account the finite size of the system. As a result, edge states at the two sides that have the same spin can couple which results in a gapped spectrum of their energy dispersions.We assume the system size $L$ to be large and use an approximation of the wave functions in~\cite{Zhou2008PRL}. Taking into account the various degrees of freedom of both system sides, we modify the approach of~\cite{Qi2011RMP}, where the solutions for the wave functions read \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:Finitsizewavefun} \varphi^{(s)}_{\nu}(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{C}}\left(\ee^{\lambda_1(\frac{L}{2}-s\nu x)}-\ee^{\lambda_2 (\frac{L}{2}-s\nu x)}\right)\phi_{-s\nu}~,\nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray} where $C$ is a normalization constant and $\nu=\pm$ denotes the right- and left-mover. For non-zero wave vector $k$, we consider the matrix \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:RLmover} {\mathcal{H}_{\text{RL}}}= \begin{pmatrix} A k & \Delta \\[2mm] \Delta & -A k \end{pmatrix}~ \end{eqnarray}% in the basis of right- and left-mover, where $\Delta$ is the induced gap which is a function of the system parameters~\cite{Zhou2008PRL}. The energy dispersions of (\ref{eq:RLmover}) are \begin{equation} E^{(s)}_{k\tau}=\tau\sqrt{(A k)^2+\Delta^2}~, \end{equation} where $\tau=\pm$ labels the (spin-degenerate) conduction and valence bands, respectively. The associated eigenstates are \begin{equation} a^{(s)}_{k\tau}=\begin{pmatrix} \sqrt{\frac{E^{(s)}_{k\tau}+Ak}{2E^{(s)}_{k\tau}}} \\[3mm] \tau \sqrt{\frac{E^{(s)}_{k\tau}-Ak}{2E^{(s)}_{k\tau}}} \end{pmatrix}~. \end{equation} With this information, the spinors in Eq.~(\ref{eq:edgestatespinors}) are modified to \begin{eqnarray} \eta^{(s)}_{k\tau}(\vek{\varrho})&=&\sum_{l=1}^2\sum_{\nu}a^{(s)}_{k\tau,\nu}~\varphi^{(s)}_{\nu,l}(x)~ \psi^{(s)}_{0l}(z)~, \end{eqnarray} Thus, for the present case, the spin susceptibility of the edge states is \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:spinsusedgefinitsize} \chi^{\text{(edge)}}_{jj}(\gamma;q;\vek{\varrho},\vek{\varrho^\prime})&=& \sum_{\substack{s,s' \\ \tau,\tau'}} \int \frac{dk}{2\pi}~\mathscr{W}_{jj(k,k+q,\tau,\tau')}^{(s,s')}(\gamma;\vek{\varrho},\vek{\varrho^\prime}) \nonumber\\[1mm] {}&&\times\frac{n_{\text{F}}[E^{(s)}_{k\tau}]-n_{\text{F}}[E^{(s')}_{k+q \tau'}]}{E^{(s)}_{k\tau}-E^{(s')}_{k+q\tau'}+i\hbar\eta}~, \end{eqnarray} where \begin{eqnarray} \mathscr{W}_{jj(k,k+q,\tau,\tau')}^{(s,s')}&(\gamma;\vek{\varrho},\vek{\varrho^\prime})&=[\eta^{(s)}_{k \tau}(\vek{\varrho})]^\dagger\cdot\hat S_j(\gamma)\cdot \eta^{(s')}_{k+q\tau'}(\vek{\varrho})\nonumber \\[1mm]{}&& \times [\eta^{(s')}_{k+q\tau'}(\vek{\varrho^\prime})]^\dagger\cdot\hat S_j(\gamma)\cdot \eta^{(s)}_{k\tau}(\vek{\varrho^\prime})~.\nonumber\\[2mm] \end{eqnarray} Averaging over the coordinates along the confined directions, we obtain for the overlap factor of the Lindhard function \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:Overap0edge} &&\int d\vek{\varrho}~d\vek{\varrho^\prime}~\mathscr{W}_{0(k,k+q,\tau,\tau')}^{(s,s')}(\vek{\varrho}, \vek{\varrho^\prime})=\frac{\delta_{ss'}}{4}\nonumber\\ &&{}\times \begin{cases} (a_k a_{k+q}+b_k b_{k+q})^2 &\quad (\tau=\tau') \\[3mm] (a_k b_{k+q}-b_k a_{k+q})^2 &\quad (\tau\neq\tau') \end{cases} \end{eqnarray} where $a_k\equiv \sqrt{1-\frac{A k}{\sqrt{(A k)^2+\Delta^2}}}$, $b_k\equiv \sqrt{1+\frac{A k}{\sqrt{(A k)^2+\Delta^2}}}$. The result for the overlap factors of the spin susceptibilities is \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:Overap0edgezz} &&\int d\vek{\varrho}~d\vek{\varrho^\prime}~\mathscr{W}_{zz(k,k+q,\tau,\tau')}^{(s,s')}(\gamma; \vek{\varrho},\vek{\varrho^\prime})=\frac{\delta_{ss'}}{64}\nonumber\\[2mm] &&{}\times \begin{cases} [(a_k a_{k+q}+b_k b_{k+q})~\Xi_z(\gamma) &\quad (\tau=\tau')\\[1mm] +\tau (a_k b_{k+q}+b_k a_{k+q})~\mathcal{C}_z(\gamma)~N L \Delta]^2 \\[3mm] % [(b_k b_{k+q}-a_k a_{k+q})~\mathcal{C}_z(\gamma)~N L \Delta&\quad (\tau\neq\tau')\\[1mm] +\tau(a_k b_{k+q}-b_k a_{k+q})~\Xi_z(\gamma)]^2 \end{cases} \end{eqnarray} and \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:Overap0edgexx} &&\int d\vek{\varrho}~d\vek{\varrho^\prime}~\mathscr{W}_{xx(k,k+q,\tau,\tau')}^{(s,s')}(\gamma; \vek{\varrho},\vek{\varrho^\prime}) =\frac{\Xi^2_x(\gamma)}{64}(1-\delta_{ss'})\nonumber\\[2mm] &&{}\times \begin{cases} [a_k b_{k+q}+ b_k a_{k+q}&\quad (\tau=\tau')\\[1mm] +\tau(a_k a_{k+q}+ b_k b_{k+q}) N L \Delta ]^2\\[3mm] % [a_k a_{k+q}- b_k b_{k+q}&\quad (\tau\neq \tau')\\[1mm] -\tau(a_k b_{k+q}- b_k a_{k+q}) N L \Delta ]^2\\[3mm] \end{cases} \end{eqnarray} In obtaining (\ref{eq:Overap0edge})-(\ref{eq:Overap0edgexx}) we have used \begin{equation} \int~dx\prod_\nu \left(\ee^{\lambda_1(\frac{L}{2}-\nu x)}-\ee^{\lambda_2(\frac{L}{2}-\nu x)}\right) \approx L ~\ee^{\lambda_2 L}~, \end{equation} the functional $L$-dependence of $\Delta \approx F~ \text{exp}(\lambda_2 L)$~\cite{Zhou2008PRL}, where $F/E_0=4|\xi_{\text{M}}|/\sqrt{1-4|\xi_{\text{M}}|}$, and we have defined $N\equiv (F C)^{-1}$. \subsubsection{Intrinsic contribution to the spin susceptibilities of the edge states in the limit $q\to 0$} Calculating the intrinsic contribution to the spin susceptibilities of the edge states in the long-wavelength limit ($q\to 0$), we obtain \begin{subequations}\label{eq:intrinsicq0edge1} \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:intrinsicq0edge1zz} \chi^{(\text{int,e})}_{zz}(\gamma;0) =(N L \Delta)^2\frac{g_{\text{s}}\mathcal{C}^2_z(\gamma)}{16\pi A} \left[1-\ln\left(\frac{2\Lambda}{\tilde\Delta}\right)\right]~,\nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray} \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:intrinsicq0edge1xx} \chi^{(\text{int,e})}_{xx}(\gamma;0)=\frac{g_{\text{s}}\Xi^2_x(\gamma)}{16\pi A}\left[1-\ln \left(\frac{2\Lambda}{\tilde\Delta}\right)\right]~, \end{eqnarray} \end{subequations} where $\tilde\Delta\equiv \Delta/A$. We note that the intrinsic contribution to the Lindhard function vanishes in the limit $q\to 0$, which can be inferred from (\ref{eq:Overap0edge}). To compare this result with the one of the intrinsic bulk contribution, we divide (\ref{eq:intrinsicq0edge1zz}) and (\ref{eq:intrinsicq0edge1xx}) by the length $L$ and let $L$ go to infinity (see Sec.~\ref{sec:compbulkedge}). Thus, we obtain \begin{subequations}\label{eq:Edgeq0Intrinsic} \begin{eqnarray} \lim_{L\to \infty}\frac{\chi^{(\text{int,e})}_{zz}(\gamma;0)}{L}=0~, \end{eqnarray} \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:Edgeq0Intrinsicxx} \lim_{L\to \infty}\frac{\chi^{(\text{int,e})}_{xx}(\gamma;0)}{L}=-\frac{g_{\text{s}}\Xi^2_x(\gamma)}{32\pi |B|}\left(1-\sqrt{1-4|\xi_{\text{M}}|}\right)~.\nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray} \end{subequations} Therefore, the edge states give a contribution to the total susceptibility only for the in-plane component and its sign equals that of the bulk contribution. \subsubsection{Electron doped contribution to the spin susceptibilities of the edge states in the limit $q\to 0$} Next we include the contributions due to doping to the spin susceptibilities. The interband contributions read (for $A k_{\text{F}}\gg\Delta$) \begin{subequations}\label{eq:dopedq0edgeinter} \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:dopedq0edgeinterzz} \chi^{(\text{inter,e})}_{zz}(\gamma;0) =-(NL\Delta)^2\frac{g_{\text{s}}\mathcal{C}_z^2(\gamma)}{16\pi A}\left[1-\ln\left( \frac{2k_{\text{F}}}{\tilde\Delta}\right)\right],\nonumber\\ \end{eqnarray} \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:dopedq0edgeinterxx} \chi^{(\text{inter,e})}_{xx}(\gamma;0) =-\frac{g_{\text{s}}\Xi^2_x(\gamma)}{16\pi A}\left[1-\ln\left(\frac{2k_{\text{F}}}{\tilde\Delta}\right)\right], \end{eqnarray} \end{subequations} while the intraband contributions are \begin{subequations}\label{eq:dopedq0edgeintra} \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:dopedq0edgeintrazz} \chi^{(\text{intra,e})}_{zz}(\gamma;0) =-\frac{g_{\text{s}}\Xi^2_z(\gamma)}{16\pi A}~, \end{eqnarray} \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:dopedq0edgeintraxx} \chi^{(\text{intra,e})}_{xx}(\gamma;0)=-(NL\Delta)^2~\frac{g_{\text{s}}\Xi^2_x(\gamma)}{16\pi A}~, \end{eqnarray} \end{subequations} which is consistent with the finding that $\chi^{(\text{intra,e})}_{zz}(\gamma;q)$ [$\chi^{(\text{intra,e})}_{xx}(\gamma;q)$] are important [unimportant] for $\Delta\to 0$, whereas it is the other way around for the interband contributions. Considering \begin{subequations} \begin{eqnarray} \lim_{L\to \infty}&&\frac{[\chi^{(\text{intra,e})}_{zz}(\gamma;0)+ \chi^{(\text{inter,e})}_{zz}(\gamma;0)]}{L}=0~, \end{eqnarray} \begin{eqnarray} \lim_{L\to \infty}&&\frac{[\chi^{(\text{intra,e})}_{xx}(\gamma;0)+\chi^{(\text{inter,e})}_{xx} (\gamma;0)]}{L}=\nonumber\\[2mm] &&{}\hskip1.4cm\frac{g_{\text{s}}\Xi^2_x(\gamma)}{32\pi|B|} \left(1-\sqrt{1-4|\xi_{\text{M}}|}\right), \end{eqnarray} \end{subequations} we find that this is the same contribution as the intrinsic contribution, Eq.~(\ref{eq:Edgeq0Intrinsicxx}), which has however the opposite sign. Thus, the sum of doped and intrinsic contributions of the edge states vanishes in the large $L$ limit. As a consistency check, we verify for $q=0$ that the sum of Eqs.~(\ref{eq:intrinsicq0edge1}), (\ref{eq:dopedq0edgeinter}) and (\ref{eq:dopedq0edgeintra}) yields Eqs.~(\ref{eq:susedgezz}) and (\ref{eq:susedgexx}) (multiplied by $g_{\text{s}}$) in the limit $\Delta \to 0$. \section{Effects of structural inversion asymmetry} Here we demonstrate that the basic features of the intrinsic spin susceptibilities given in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Intrinsicq0}) are robust even when effects due to structural inversion asymmetry (SIA) are included. By taking into account the influence of a perpendicular electric field $\mathcal{E}_z$, it has been shown in Ref.~\cite{Rothe2010NJP} that the BHZ Hamiltonian is supplemented by entries that mix the spin-up and spin-down components of the BHZ basis states. The leading contribution due to SIA is linear in the wave vector and given by \begin{equation}\label{eq:effSIA} \mathscr{H}_{\text{R}}= \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & -i R_0k_- & 0 \\[2mm] 0& 0& 0 & 0 \\[2mm] i R_0k_+ & 0 & 0 & 0 \\[2mm] 0 & 0 & 0& 0 \end{pmatrix}~, \end{equation} where $k_\pm=k_x\pm i k_y$. The necessity to avoid dielectric breakdown provides an upper limit for the electric-field magnitude through the condition $|e\mathcal{E}_z| d < 2|M|$. Defining the SIA-related dimensionless parameter $\xi_{\text{R}} \equiv R_0/A$, this condition translates into $|\xi_{\text{R}}| < 16.1\, |\xi_{\text{M}}|/(d\, [\mbox{nm}])\approx 0.12$ for a typical heterostructure~\cite{Rothe2010NJP}. Thus $\xi_R$ is generally a small parameter, and a perturbative treatment for SIA effects is appropriate. To lowest order in $\xi_{\text{R}}$, the intrinsic spin susceptibility in the limit $q\to 0$ is found as \begin{widetext} \begin{subequations}\label{eq:Intrinsicjjq0R} \begin{eqnarray}\label{eq:Intrinsicxxq0R} \overline{\chi}^{(\text{int})}_{xx}(\gamma; {\bm{\mathrm{q}}} = 0) &=& -\frac{\mathcal{C}^2_{x}(\gamma)}{16\pi |B|} \frac{1}{1+4\xi_{\text{M}}\Theta(\xi_{\text{M}})} \, \left(1+\xi_{\text{R}}^2~\frac{8\xi_{\text{M}} \Theta(\xi_{\text{M}})}{3[1+4\xi_{\text{M}}\Theta(\xi_{\text{M}})]^2}\right)~, \\ \label{eq:Intrinsiczzq0R} \overline{\chi}^{(\text{int})}_{zz}(\gamma; {\bm{\mathrm{q}}} = 0) &=& -\frac{\mathcal{C}^2_{z}(\gamma)}{16\pi |B|} \frac{1}{1+4\xi_{\text{M}}\Theta(\xi_{\text{M}})}\, \left(1 +\xi_{\text{R}}^2~\frac{2\{9\gamma^2+2 \xi_{\text{M}} \Theta(\xi_{\text{M}})[\mathcal{C}^2_{z}(\gamma)+18\gamma^2]\}}{3\mathcal{C}^2_{z} (\gamma)[1+4\xi_{\text{M}}\Theta(\xi_{\text{M}})]^2}\right)~. \end{eqnarray} \end{subequations} \end{widetext} Thus the lowest-order SIA corrections to $\overline{\chi}^{(\text{int})}_{jj}(\gamma; {\bm{\mathrm{q}}} = 0)$ are quadratic in the small parameter $\xi_{\text{R}}$. This means that the result given in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Intrinsicjjq0R}) represents already an excellent approximation. Interestingly, $\overline{\chi}^{(\text{int})}_{xx}(\gamma; {\bm{\mathrm{q}}} = 0)$ turns out to not be modified by SIA contributions in the inverted regime. We find that this remains true even when higher-order corrections in $\xi_{\text{R}}$ are considered. In contrast, $\overline{\chi}^{(\text{int})}_{zz}(\gamma; {\bm{\mathrm{q}}} = 0)$ in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Intrinsiczzq0R}) has finite SIA corrections in the inverted regime given by $6\gamma^2 \xi_{\text{R}}^2/\mathcal{C}^2_z(\gamma)$. In our case where $\gamma=-2.22$ this amounts to a relative change that is about 1\%. Also in the normal regime, SIA contributions to $\overline{\chi}^{(\text{int})}_{jj}(\gamma; {\bm{\mathrm{q}}} = 0)$ are at most of relative magnitude 1\%. Thus we conclude that the spin susceptibilities in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Intrinsicq0}) generally receive only very small corrections when SIA terms are included in the BHZ Hamiltonian. \end{appendix}
J Am Heart Assoc. 2018;7:e010435 DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.118.010435. The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the editors or of the American Heart Association. Introduction {#jah33476-sec-0001} ============ Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is a comprehensive imaging modality that can be used to assess ventricular morphology, function, tissue characteristics, perfusion, flow, and scar. It offers a plethora of useful information for assessing both diagnosis and prognosis in patients with cardiomyopathies.[1](#jah33476-bib-0001){ref-type="ref"} However, it is less utilized worldwide than other cardiac imaging modalities, primarily because of its lack of availability in less developed countries. Even in the developed world, it is less available beyond academic centers and high‐volume practices. The length of the examination (up to an hour) is another potential drawback for its use in underdeveloped countries. Several approaches have been taken in recent years to overcome this. A major engineering push in CMR technique development is to make the image acquisition faster, primarily through methods of faster image reconstruction.[2](#jah33476-bib-0002){ref-type="ref"} Parallel imaging, which reconstructs images using data acquired from multiple surface coils, has been in use for over a decade, but the speedup factor for this is only 2‐ to 3‐fold. Compressed sensing hastens reconstruction by using fewer lines of data, expanding upon CMR image data that are "compressible." Compressed sensing remains in development and sequences are not yet used clinically. Other novel approaches include CMR multitasking, which in theory enables the acquisition of multiple types of data without electrocardiographic triggering or breath holds in one 15‐minute examination.[3](#jah33476-bib-0003){ref-type="ref"} The issue with the latter 2 approaches is that they require the latest scanner models with updated and advanced software packages. These are generally not available in the developing world and thus these solutions are really aimed only at the developed world at present. Abbreviated examinations have been piloted in the developing world. For example, an abbreviated examination for myocardial iron content using cine imaging and T2\* imaging has been applied in Thailand,[4](#jah33476-bib-0004){ref-type="ref"} but for a rather focused question only in iron overload states. There are other straightforward approaches to speeding up the examination for broader indications. One such approach is to give low doses of contrast before cine imaging.[5](#jah33476-bib-0005){ref-type="ref"} Endocardial definition is often high enough after contrast to perform accurate measurement of left ventricular mass and volumes. This is one of the ways the investigators in the present study in this issue of the *Journal of the American Heart Association* (*JAHA*) enabled a short CMR examination to be applied in Peru.[6](#jah33476-bib-0006){ref-type="ref"} Menacho and colleagues created a collaboration among investigators in 4 countries (United Kingdom, United States, Brazil, and Columbia). They developed a short (designed as 15 minutes) protocol for measurement of left ventricular volumes, function, and scar. After some training and mentoring, they applied it in 2 centers in Lima, Peru for 100 patients referred by local physicians. The protocol involved several localizing images followed by 2‐, 3‐, and 4‐chamber and aortic valve cine acquisitions. Gadolinium contrast was then given and short‐axis cine imaging was then performed as per the aforementioned study.[5](#jah33476-bib-0005){ref-type="ref"} Finally, late gadolinium‐enhanced imaging was done at the end of the protocol. Mean scan time was 18±7 minutes. This abbreviated CMR protocol could in theory be implemented with appropriate training and supervision in almost any MR scanner facility around the world. This would represent a major advance in the general utility of CMR worldwide. The investigators should be congratulated on this proof‐of‐principle study. The other important takeaway from the present study regards the clinical impact of the results of the studies. Within the first year after the CMR, the findings changed clinical management in 56% of the patients. A new diagnosis was made in 19%, medication was changed or added in 23%, and other actions taken such as surgery, angiography, biopsy, hospital admission, etc in 13%. This impact on clinical decision making is in the same range as prior published results of large registries[7](#jah33476-bib-0007){ref-type="ref"} as well as pooled centers[8](#jah33476-bib-0008){ref-type="ref"} and single centers.[9](#jah33476-bib-0009){ref-type="ref"} The latter study by Abbasi et al[9](#jah33476-bib-0009){ref-type="ref"} was specifically targeted at patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. This showed significant impact in 65% with a new diagnosis in 30% and change in management in 52%. Together, these studies demonstrate the important diagnostic information provided by CMR in patients with cardiomyopathies. Importantly, the present study demonstrates that similar information can be provided with an 18‐minute examination using only cine and late gadolinium enhanced imaging. The latter 2 sets of pulse sequences provide the most important diagnostic and prognostic information available in cardiomyopathies and thus the tailored examination is particularly appropriate here. An obvious question remains, namely, what pulse sequences are left out that might make a clinical impact in a longer examination? Certainly T1 mapping is 1 such sequence. Native T1 mapping is particularly useful in making the diagnosis of amyloidosis (high native T1)[10](#jah33476-bib-0010){ref-type="ref"} or Anderson‐Fabry disease (low native T1)[11](#jah33476-bib-0011){ref-type="ref"} without having to give gadolinium contrast. Furthermore, native T1 and postcontrast T1 can be used together to measure extracellular volume, and both native T1 and extracellular volume offer prognostic information in a number of cardiomyopathies.[12](#jah33476-bib-0012){ref-type="ref"}, [13](#jah33476-bib-0013){ref-type="ref"} However, these techniques require advanced software as well as require significant time to acquire data pre‐ and postcontrast and in multiple slices if desired. In addition, save for amyloidosis and Anderson‐Fabry disease, native T1 in and of itself is not diagnostic of different cardiomyopathies because of significant overlap amongst them. Although native T1 and extracellular volume offer prognostic information, they do not alter therapy at the present time. This may change in the future as additional research is performed. Perfusion imaging is also not part of this limited examination and thus stress testing cannot be included. Stress CMR has become an important part of the armamentarium of the cardiac imager as it has been shown to be more accurate than single photon emission computed tomography,[14](#jah33476-bib-0014){ref-type="ref"} compares favorably to fractional flow reserve in the cath lab,[15](#jah33476-bib-0015){ref-type="ref"} and offers excellent prognostic information.[16](#jah33476-bib-0016){ref-type="ref"} In evaluation of cardiomyopathies, it could be an important technique to be able to exclude coronary artery disease as the underlying cause. However, recent studies suggest that late gadolinium enhanced imaging may be enough to make the diagnosis most of the time.[17](#jah33476-bib-0017){ref-type="ref"} Thus, the limited examination suggested in the present study may be enough information to help differentiate underlying causes of cardiomyopathies. To make this proof‐of‐principle study a reality in much of the developing world, much work is ahead to train imagers at sites with appropriate scanner technology. Only in this way will an abbreviated protocol for evaluation of cardiomyopathies be implemented. This is an exciting time for the potential of broadening the impact of CMR throughout the developing world. Sources of Funding {#jah33476-sec-0002} ================== Dr Kramer is supported by U01HL117006‐01A1 from the NHLBI. Disclosures {#jah33476-sec-0003} =========== Dr Kramer has a research grant from Biotelemetry and is a consultant for Bayer.
\section*{} \vspace{-1cm} \footnotetext{\textit{$^{a}$~Address, Address, Town, Country. Fax: XX XXXX XXXX; Tel: XX XXXX XXXX; E-mail: [email protected]}} \footnotetext{\textit{$^{b}$~Address, Address, Town, Country. }} \footnotetext{\dag~Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) available: [details of any supplementary information available should be included here]. See DOI: 10.1039/b000000x/} \section{Introduction} \footnotetext{\textit{$^{a}$~National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 520 Edgemont Rd, Charlottesville, VA USA 22903. E-mail: [email protected]}} \footnotetext{\textit{$^{b}$~Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA USA 91125. }} \footnotetext{\textit{$^{c}$~Department of Physical Sciences, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK }} \footnotetext{\textit{$^{d}$~Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA USA 91125. E-mail: [email protected] }} \footnotetext{\textit{$^{e}$~Department of Chemistry, The Institute for Biophysical Dynamics, and the James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL USA 60637}} \footnotetext{\ddag~B.A.M. is a Jansky Fellow of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory} Cometary bombardment and meteoritic impacts have long been known to deliver substantial quantities of water and organic molecules to Earth, which may well have been the primordial prebiotic seeds of life.\cite{Chyba:1990yd} This raises the question: \emph{What is the ultimate origin of this material?} While some chemical evolution can certainly occur \emph{in situ} in these icy bodies, a substantial portion of the molecular material is inherited directly from the parent molecular cloud.\cite{Cleeves:2014ty} Thus, a thorough understanding of the primordial origins of our prebiotic molecular reservoir necessitates an examination of the genesis of this material in star- and planet-forming interstellar clouds.\cite{Belloche:2013eba} Generally, simple, unsaturated molecules, as well as a number of long-chain hydrocarbons and fullerene species, can efficiently form \emph{via} gas-phase ion-molecule reactions\cite{Herbst:2009go}. There is strong evidence, however, that more complex hydrogenated species, up to and including amino acids, are formed almost exclusively \emph{via} reactions on and within the icy surface of interstellar dust grains.\cite{Herbst:2009go,Garrod:2013id,Tielens:1982tb,Charnley:2001bt,Watanabe:2002od,Ioppolo:2008vi,Congiu:2012jw} For example, the presence and abundance of methyl formate, one of the most prevalent interstellar complex organic molecules, has been argued to be explainable only through formation \emph{via} radical-radical recombination reactions in these icy bodies.\cite{Laas:2011yd} Indeed, a recent laboratory study has shown that three abundant complex molecules -- methyl formate, glycolaldehyde, and ethylene glycol -- are efficiently formed in the solid phase through recombination of free radicals formed via H-atom addition and abstraction reactions that occur during the hydrogenation of CO ice at 15 K under dense molecular cloud conditions.\cite{Chuang:2015dl} Despite their origins in molecular ices, the most complex molecule yet detected in the condensed-phase of the interstellar medium (ISM) is CH$_3$OH.\cite{Boogert:2015fx} Indeed, only six species -- H$_2$O, CO, CO$_2$, CH$_3$OH, NH$_3$, and CH$_4$ -- have been securely identified observationally, although there is strong evidence for the additional presence of H$_2$CO, OCN$^-$, and OCS.\cite{Boogert:2015fx} Thus, while characterizing these ices is critical for understanding the genesis of complex prebiotic material, we are currently limited in our ability to constrain models of chemical evolution in these condensed-phase environments where it occurs. Much attention in the laboratory has been focused on the formation, destruction, and reaction of species within interstellar ice analogs, primarily using mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectroscopy.\cite{Linnartz:2015ec} These studies, while crucial, have difficulty unambiguously measuring a critical component of the equation: the physical structure of the ice, which can have profound effects on reactions within the bulk material.\cite{Garrod:2013id} Indeed, mid-IR spectroscopy is not the most powerful tool for examining this long-range structure, as, in general, the signals observed in the mid-IR only probe \emph{intra}-molecular modes which are characteristically perturbed by the surrounding ice structure. In the far-IR, or TeraHertz (THz, 0.1 -- 10 THz, 30 - 3000 $\mu$m), region of the spectrum, however, it is the softest degrees of freedom of the ice (i.e. \emph{inter}-molecular modes) that are probed.\cite{Profeta:2011cz} These \emph{inter}-molecular modes offer a unique probe of ice structure (i.e. crystalline vs. amorphous ice). The thermal history of the ice is revealed as well, since the change in ice from amorphous to crystalline phases is a non-reversible process that starts at $\sim$110 K for water ice under laboratory (ultra) high vacuum conditions.\cite{Allodi:2013ma,Ioppolo:2014fd,Palumbo:1997cm,Mastrapa:2009hb,Jenniskens:1996wu,Moore:1992ys} Recent observations of crystalline water ice have suggested this may be a powerful tool in studies of the evolution of planetary systems from the initial collapse phase through planet formation.\cite{McClure:2015kr} The extreme sensitivity of the THz region to these structural modes opens the door to the study of species less-abundant than water, that are just as critical to our understanding of both physical and chemical evolution within forming systems. The Far Infrared Field-Imaging Line Spectrometer (FIFI-LS) aboard the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) offers bandwidth that is well-matched to these THz modes, covering 51 -- 203 $\mu$m (1.5 -- 5.9 THz) across two spectral bands. The THz region of the spectrum has historically been challenging to access. Recent advances in generation and detection techniques for THz photons, however, have allowed us to construct a broadband, sensitive, and coherent spectrometer whose spectral resolution is ideally-matched to the modes arising from the bulk motion of interstellar ice analogs. We have previously reported on THz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) of pure, mixed, and layered ices of simple species (\ce{CO2}, \ce{H2O})\cite{Allodi:2013ma}, as well as more complex species (HCOOH, \ce{CH3COOH}, \ce{CH3CHO}, \ce{CH3OH}, and \ce{(CH3)2CO}).\cite{Ioppolo:2014fd} Here, we present a comprehensive study of \ce{CO2}--\ce{CH3OH} mixtures in crystalline ices. We examine the role of segregation within the ices on the spectra at various mixing ratios, and discuss the possible impacts on the utility of these spectra for comparisons to observations. \section{Experimental Methods} The underlying principles of the experiment, as well as the technical details of the instrument, have been described in detail elsewhere,\cite{Allodi:2013ma,Ioppolo:2014fd}; a schematic is shown in Figure \ref{schematic}. Briefly, a 35 fs, pulsed Ti:Sapphire regenerative amplifier at 800 nm drives an optical parametric amplifier (OPA) producing 1745 nm radiation in the idler beam. A portion of this radiation is co-linearly doubled in a beta-barium borate (BBO) crystal, and the two pulses are focused in a dry N$_2$ purge, sparking a two-color plasma which produces intense, broadband THz radiation.\cite{Clerici:2013hx} The THz light is then focused through the sample, recombined with a portion of the original 800 nm pulse in a gallium phosphide (GaP) crystal, and detected \emph{via} free-space electro-optic sampling.\cite{Wu:1995ec} In this arrangement, the spectrometer provides coverage from $\sim$0.3 -- 7.0 THz. Data were collected for 30 ps, producing an experimental resolution of $\sim$0.03 THz (1 cm$^{-1}$) when Fourier-transformed. A commercially-available Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer provides simultaneous coverage from $\sim$500 -- 4000 cm$^{-1}$, also at 1 cm$^{-1}$ resolution. \begin{figure*}[h!] \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{v2thztds.pdf} \caption{Schematic overview of the Caltech THz-TD spectrometer, and its application to the study of astrochemical ice analogs. The 800 nm output of the Legend oscillator is split, with a portion of the light passing through an optical parametric amplifier (OPA). This light is then doubled in a beta-barium borate (BBO) crystal and focused with an off-axis parabolic mirror (numbered optics) to spark a plasma. A high-density polyethylene (HDPE) beam block filters out the visible light, and after passing through the sample, the THz beam is recombined with the other 800 nm beam in an indium tin oxide (ITO) dichroic beamsplitter and focused onto a gallium phosphide (GaP) crystal for detection. The infrared spectrometer signal is detected by a mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) detector.} \label{schematic} \end{figure*} To prepare the ices, gas-phase samples of CH$_3$OH and CO$_2$ were first mixed in the desired ratios in a 1 L glass bulb attached to the dosing line. The pressures of each gas were monitored by a mass-independent pressure gauge. Gas-phase CH$_3$OH was obtained by allowing a liquid sample of $\geq99.9\%$ CH$_3$OH (Sigma-Aldrich), which had been subjected to several freeze-pump-thaw cycles, to volatilize. High-purity CO$_2$ from Air Liquide was used without further purification. Once prepared and mixed, the samples were introduced into the chamber \emph{via} an all-metal leak valve, typically at a rate of $\sim$3.5 mTorr s$^{-1}$, to the desired total pressure ($P_{tot}$), where they were frozen onto a high-resistivity Si substrate held at $T_{dep}$ = 80 K. In this high vacuum system, our ices are typically of order 10$^4$ monolayers (ML) thick. After deposition, the samples were immediately cooled to a substrate temperature of $T_{sub}$ = 10 K, and spectra collected at 10 K, 20 K, and 30 K, followed by annealing, typically for $\sim$5 minutes, to $T_{ann}$ = 90 K, 120 K, and 140 K. After each annealing, the samples were cooled to 10 K and spectra collected before the next annealing. A detailed list of experiments is given in Table \ref{experiments}. \begin{table}[h] \small \caption{Mixing ratios, total deposition pressure, deposition temperature, substrate temperatures, and annealing temperatures for ices described in this work.} \label{experiments} \begin{tabular*}{0.5\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}c c c c c} \hline CO$_2$:CH$_3$OH & $P_{tot}$ (Torr) & $T_{dep}$ (K) & $T_{sub}$ (K) & $T_{ann}$ (K) \\ \hline 1:3 & 5.7 & 80 & 10, 30, 60 & 90, 120, 140 \\ 1:10 & 5.4 & 80 & 10, 30, 60 & 90, 120, 140 \\ \\ 1:1 & 5.7 & 80 & 10, 30, 60 & 90, 120, 140 \\ \\ 3:1 & 5.7 & 80 & 10, 30, 60 & 90, 120, 140 \\ 10:1 & 5.7 & 80 & 10, 30, 60 & 90, 120, 140 \\ \\ CO$_2$ & 2.0 & 80 & 10, 30, 60 & 90, 120$^{\emph{a}}$, 140$^{\emph{a}}$ \\ CH$_3$OH & 4.0 & 80 & 10, 30, 60 & 90, 120, 140 \\ \hline \end{tabular*} $^{\emph{a}}$After annealing to 120 K, the majority of the CO$_2$ ice had sublimed. After the 140 K annealing, no CO$_2$ ice remained. \end{table} \section{Results} We have previously reported on the temperature-dependent spectra of pure end-member crystalline methanol (herafter $c$-CH$_3$OH), \cite{Ioppolo:2014fd} but have re-measured the spectra for this study under identical temperature and annealing conditions for consistency. Figure \ref{co2} shows that while $c$-CH$_3$OH ice is characterized by a series of sharper bands between 2 -- 6 THz, amorphous methanol ($a$-CH$_3$OH) is largely characterized by a broad feature around 4.3 THz, and the beginning of a second, broad signal around 6 THz. Like the $a$-CH$_3$OH shown in Figure \ref{co2}, the $a$-CH$_3$OH ice generated in this study \emph{via} deposition at 80 K displays only a single, broad absorption across the 0.5 - 7 THz window. An instrumental artifact around $\sim$2.1 THz is also seen in some scans. The sharper, characteristic signals from $c$-CH$_3$OH become evident after annealing at 140 K, when sufficient energy is available to enable crystallization. In a few cases, most prominently those where CH$_3$OH strongly dominates the CO$_2$, some $c$-CH$_3$OH features are seen at 120 K. Notably, there does appear to be some weak signal from $c$-CH$_3$OH after the 120 K annealing step in the most dilute (10:1) CO$_2$:CH$_3$OH mixture. Our first study of pure crystalline carbon dioxide ($c$-CO$_2$) was reported in \citet{Allodi:2013ma}, but a lack of sensitivity and resolution in these initial experiments showed no clear features, despite a reported prior observation of a feature at $\sim$3.3 THz in the literature.\cite{Moore:1994td} More recently, \citet{Giuliano:2014ip} reported an observation of the 3.3 THz feature, as well as an additional feature around 2.1 THz. However, they attribute these signals to amorphous carbon dioxide ($a$-CO$_2$) rather than $c$-CO$_2$. We have recently conducted a thorough investigation of $a$-CO$_2$ and $c$-CO$_2$ features in this frequency range. In brief, we find unambiguous evidence that these two features are due solely to $c$-CO$_2$, and that $a$-CO$_2$ shows no distinct features within the coverage of our spectrometer. For the purposes of this study, we have repeated the measurements of pure CO$_2$ under the same experimental conditions used for the mixtures. For comparison, we also present a spectrum of $a$-CO$_2$ from the forthcoming Ioppolo \emph{et al.} publication (Fig. \ref{co2}). We note that the sensitivity and resolution of the Caltech spectrometer has significantly improved in the two years since the publication of \citet{Allodi:2013ma} through a combination of instrumental upgrades. Spectra collected for this work are shown in Fig. \ref{spectra}. The reduction procedure has been described in detail previously \cite{Ioppolo:2014fd}. Briefly, a fast Fourier transform of the time-domain data is performed after applying an asymmetric Hann window to the data. This converts the spectra to the frequency domain. Baselines were then removed from the spectra by fitting the line-free regions to either a static offset or 1st-order linear fit, although the later was rarely required. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{a-co2.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{a-ch3oh.pdf} \caption{(Top) spectra of amorphous CO$_2$ ($a$-CO$_2$) deposited at 10 K (red) and crystalline CO$_2$ ($c$-CO$_2$) deposited at 80 K (black). Both spectra were acquired at 10 K, and have been vertically-offset for clarity. (Bottom) spectra of $a$-CH$_3$OH deposited at 10 K (red) and $c$-CH$_3$OH deposited at 140 K (black). Both spectra were taken at 10 K, and vertically-offset for clarity. } \label{co2} \end{figure} \begin{figure*} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.33\textwidth]{co2.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.33\textwidth]{ch3oh.pdf}\\ \includegraphics[width=0.33\textwidth]{10-1.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.33\textwidth]{1-10.pdf}\\ \includegraphics[width=0.33\textwidth]{3-1.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.33\textwidth]{1-3.pdf}\\ \includegraphics[width=0.33\textwidth]{1-1.pdf} \caption{THz-TDS spectra collected for this study. All ices were deposited at 80 K, and spectra were collected at the temperatures indicated in the caption (10 K, 30 K, and 60 K). In cases where the ices were annealed, the annealing temperature is indicated by $\nearrow$. Ice compositions are given in the upper right of each panel. Spectra are vertically-offset for clarity, and, when noted, are scaled to show detail. The positions of the $c$-CO$_2$ features are marked by asterisks (*) when present.} \label{spectra} \end{figure*} \subsection{CO$_2$-Dominated Mixtures} Signals from the 2.1 THz and 3.5 THz $c$-CO$_2$ modes are clearly seen in the 1:1, 3:1, and 10:1 mixtures until annealing at 140 K. In the case of pure $c$-CO$_2$, these features disappear after annealing at 120 K, unlike in the mixed cases. Signal from $c$-CH$_3$OH is clearly seen after annealing to 140 K in all three mixtures, at which point no $c$-CO$_2$ is apparent, although the near-coincidence of the $c$-CO$_2$ features with two $c$-CH$_3$OH features makes this determination somewhat ambiguous. For the 3:1 and 10:1 mixtures, features from $c$-CH$_3$OH, particularly at $\sim$5.2 THz and $\sim$2.6 THz, do begin to appear after annealing at 120 K. The same features are possibly present in the 1:1 mixture, but would be just above the noise floor (baseline noise) if real. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{co2widths.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{ftirwidths.pdf} \caption{(Top) Average FWHM values of the 2.1 THz and 3.5 THz $c$-CO$_2$ transitions observed in this work at 10 K, 30 K, and 60 K for pure CO$_2$ and the indicated mixing ratios. Values are normalized to the pure, 2.1 THz width. Error bars are 1$\sigma$ standard deviations in the averages. (Bottom) FWHM values of the 3599 cm$^{-1}$ and 3710 cm$^{-1}$ 2$\nu_2 + \nu_3$ and $\nu_1 + \nu_3$, respectively, CO$_2$ transitions at 10 K for pure CO$_2$ and the indicated mixing ratios.} \label{co2widths} \end{figure} Figure \ref{co2widths} (top) shows a quantitative analysis of the linewidths of the observed $c$-CO$_2$ transitions, as determined by a Gaussian fit to the features. Due to the relatively low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the lines, fits to the 10 K, 30 K, and 60 K signals were averaged to determine the linewidth, with the standard deviation of this average given as the error bars. While some broadening of the transitions was observed with temperature, this broadening was not linear over the entire range of mixing ratios. Instead, the linewidth appears to depend heavily on mixing ratio. The results show a significant increase in linewidth between pure CO$_2$ and mixed ices (Fig. \ref{co2widths}). For the pure ice, the 2.1 THz transition is substantially narrower than the 3.5 THz transition. The mixed ices, conversely, have a largely uniform linewidth regardless of mixing ratio (within the uncertainties). They are also all significantly broader than either transition in pure CO$_2$. The increase in linewidth between the pure and mixed 2.1 THz transitions, however, is markedly greater on average compared to the 3.5 THz transition: factors of 4.5 vs 2.0, respectively. Figure \ref{co2widths} (bottom) shows a quantitative analysis of the linewidths of the observed CO$_2$ transitions in the FTIR shown in Figure \ref{ftirsets} (middle), as determined by a Guassian fit to the features. Because of the much higher SNR, only the 10 K scan with no annealing was used for the determination, and the errors are purely due to uncertainty in the Gaussian fit. As in the THz, the mid-IR linewidths show a mixing ratio dependence. The magnitude of the change is about half that in the THz, and unlike the THz, seems to increase linearly for both transitions from pure CO$_2$ to the 3:1 mixture. Finally, while the linewidths for the 1:1 mixture in the THz remain similar to those of the 10:1 and 3:1 mixtures, in the FTIR the 1:1 and 1:3 mixtures are significantly narrower. \subsection{CH$_3$OH-Dominated Mixtures} The THz signatures of $c$-CO$_2$ appear to be strongly suppressed in both CH$_3$OH-dominated mixtures. A very weak indication of the 2.1 THz $c$-CO$_2$ may be visible in a handful of scans, but it is difficult to distinguish from both the weak artifact (introduced by the HDPE beam block) in this region, and the overlapping $c$-CH$_3$OH mode which begins to appear after crystallization starts at 120 K. Of the mixtures studied, only pure CH$_3$OH and the 3:1 CO$_2$ dominated mixture show a clear separation of the two $c$-CH$_3$OH transitions around 2.6 THz. The others show only a single blended peak in this region. \section{Discussion} After H$_2$O and CO, CO$_2$ is one of the most abundant ice species in the ISM, with abundances of nearly 20\% that of H$_2$O ice.\cite{Whittet:1998kd,Ehrenfreund:1999wp} In dense molecular clouds, CO$_2$ is formed in the solid phase primarily through the CO + OH reaction that has been experimentally found to be 10 times more efficient than the CO + O channel.\cite{Ioppolo:2013bh} Therefore, although CO is its parent molecule, CO$_2$ tends to reside primarily in polar ices (i.e. H$_2$O-rich rather than CO-rich), where OH radicals are more abundant and available for reaction with CO. Thus, mid-IR and THz spectroscopic studies of CO$_2$ in polar environments are important to our understanding of the origin and evolution of interstellar CO$_2$ ices.\cite{Pontoppidan:2008ew,Allodi:2013ma} Outside of mixtures with H$_2$O, CH$_3$OH is the most abundant polar ice constituent at $\sim$6--9\% of the abundance of H$_2$O, or $\sim$20--50\% of the abundance of CO$_2$.\cite{Boogert:2015fx} CO and CO$_2$ have been shown to be the products of UV and cosmic ray irradiation of CH$_3$OH-containing ices.\cite{Islam:2014kc} Therefore, in later stages of star formation, when ices are extensively exposed to heating, UV photons, and cosmic rays, CO$_2$ is thermally-processed and mixed with CH$_3$OH.\cite{Ioppolo:2013fg} As the segregation of CO$_2$ into ordered crystalline micro-domains is thought to be a powerful probe of thermal processing in astrophysical environments,\cite{Pontoppidan:2008ew,Kim:2012hz} it is interesting to explore that segregation in the laboratory, and its observational implications. \subsection{Structure and Segregation} The segregation of CO$_2$ ice upon deposition at warm temperatures has been previously reported in mixed CO$_2$--H$_2$O\cite{Hodyss:2008cg} and CO$_2$--H$_2$O--CH$_3$OH\cite{Ehrenfreund:1999wp} ices in studies with mid-IR spectroscopy. One of the many advantages of THz-TDS in studying ices, however, is that the features arising from these species in the THz regime result from the collective motion of many molecules (intra-molecular modes) and thus serve as a direct probe of the structure of the ice.\cite{Allodi:2013ma,Ioppolo:2014fd} This is in contrast to mid-IR spectroscopy, where the ice structure must be indirectly inferred from changes in the lineshape of intermolecular modes. This utility is immediately obvious from the observations of the linewidths of the $c$-CO$_2$ features within the various mixtures. While the features from pure $c$-CO$_2$ are relatively sharp, any amount of contamination from CH$_3$OH significantly broadens the transitions. This demonstrates how the THz transitions of CO$_2$ are useful as a probe of local structure. As these are solid-phase materials that do not have structural rearrangement happening of a timescale faster than our measurement, the broadening of the observed spectra features results from the different ice environments experienced by the CO$_2$ molecules, and can be correctly characterized as inhomogenously broadened. Even a 10\% CH$_3$OH contamination is apparently sufficient to create a variety of local environments within the ice, and inhomogeneously broaden these transitions. Since the spectral features at THz frequencies are inter-molecular in nature, the amount of inhomogenous broadening offers a direct measure of the number of unique structural environments present in the ice. While the inhomogenous broadening of intra-molecular modes provides insight into the number of different local environments of individual molecules, the inhomogenous broadening of inter-molecular modes can only happen when there are many different structural environments, leading to differences in the frequency of the collective motion of many molecules. Interestingly, there is a lack of a clearly increasing trend in linewidth in the THz observations, unlike those in the FTIR. If we assume that the linewidth from pure $c$-CO$_2$ represents the homogenous value, this suggests that the CO$_2$--CH$_3$OH interaction is somewhat uniform across mixing ratios. It is possible that the data show a trend of increasing linewidth with increasing CO$_2$ concentration within the ice, but this cannot be claimed definitively given the uncertainties in the measurements. Follow-up studies will examine this effect, as well as providing an in-depth examination of the degree of segregation and the size of the $c$-CO$_2$ domains under various conditions. Finally, the larger degree of broadening observed in the 2.1 THz transition, relatively to the 3.5 THz transition, may provide insight into the nature of these motions in the bulk ice. \citet{Hodyss:2008cg} observed that features of $c$-CO$_2$ in their CO$_2$--H$_2$O mixtures initially appear at 60 K, are distinct by 70 K, and gradually lessen as the ice is heated further to 80 K and disappear at 100 K as the CO$_2$ sublimates. In initially-amorphous CO$_2$--CH$_3$OH ices studied by \citet{Ehrenfreund:1999wp}, CO$_2$ persists in the mixture at temperatures as high as 125 K, and additional spectroscopic features emerge. These features are likely interactions between CO$_2$ which has crystallized to a degree at lower temperatures, and the CH$_3$OH, which does not begin to crystallize until $\sim$120 K. This is supported in our data, especially in the 3:1 mixture after annealing to 120 K, where strong $c$-CO$_2$ features remain visible while $c$-CH$_3$OH signal begins to emerge. Indeed, although the THz signals of $c$-CO$_2$ are obscured by those of $c$-CH$_3$OH, $c$-CO$_2$ is still present in the ice even after annealing to 140 K, as indicated by FTIR spectra recorded contemporaneously (Fig. \ref{ftir}). Interestingly, three sharp features are observed in the THz spectra of the 3:1 mixture around 2.2--2.8 THz, after the mixture has been annealed to 140 K. While these features might be present as broad shoulders in the pure CH$_3$OH ice after the same heating process, they are not nearly as distinct. Perhaps, as was the case with the CO$_2$ stretch at 2340 cm$^{-1}$ observed by \citet{Ehrenfreund:1999wp}, this is an indication of a coupling between the CO$_2$ and CH$_3$OH motions. In the CH$_3$OH-dominated mixtures, no clear signal from $c$-CO$_2$ is observed in any of the THz spectra, and while the bright $\nu_3$ band is always visible (and saturated) in the FTIR, the combination modes are heavily suppressed in the CH$_3$OH-dominated mixtures (Fig. \ref{ftirsets} middle and bottom). While the FTIR spectra can distinguish between crystalline and amorphous CO$_2$ under most circumstances (Fig. \ref{ftirsets} top), the THz spectra offer a more powerful probe of segregation within the ice. The presence of $c$-CO$_2$ features would unambiguously indicate the presence of significantly-sized micro-domains of ordered CO$_2$. The lack of any such features indicates that little to no aggregation of CO$_2$ domains from within the CH$_3$OH, beyond the initial segregation at deposition, has occurred. This agrees with the conclusion of \citet{Ehrenfreund:1999wp} that the CH$_3$OH-dominated ices are more thermally-stable, and less subject to reorganization with heating. Finally, the degree of inhomogeneous broadening of the $c$-CO$_2$, relative to a pure, bulk ice, is an indicator of the variety of size scales of the crystalline micro-domains within the bulk ice. As the segregated $c$-CO$_2$ approaches a uniform size, and nears the formation of a single bulk crystal, this broadening should reduce to the narrower profiles of the pure $c$-CO$_2$. A follow-up study could potentially monitor the change in broadening as a function of time while the ice is gently heated and CO$_2$ segregation occurs, offering a direct probe of migration and crystallization timescales and dynamics within the ice. Further, as the broadening for the 3.5 THz transition relative to the 2.1 THz transition does not appear to be unity, this ratio could be used in astronomical observations to probe the level of segregation, even without a baseline, purely $c$-CO$_2$ signature within the source to set the intrinsic width. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{ftir-co2states.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{ftir-co2series.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{ftir-co2series_b.pdf} \caption{(Top) FTIR spectra of the $\nu_1 + \nu_3$ and $2\nu_2 + \nu_3$ combination bands of $a$-CO$_2$ (black) and $c$-CO$_2$ (red) collected in our laboratory at 10 K. (Middle) The same modes collected during the 10 K experiment (no annealing) for each of the mixtures studied in this work. (Bottom) The $\nu_3$ band of CO$_2$ and $^{13}$CO$_2$ collected during the 10 K experiment (no annealing) for each of the mixtures studied in this work. Spectra are vertically-offset for clarity, and several additional features due to isotopologues are indicated.\cite{Lehmann:1977hr,Dartois:2009gw}} \label{ftirsets} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{ftir.pdf} \caption{FTIR spectra of pure $c$-CO$_2$ at 10 K (bottom), the 3:1 mixture at 10 K after annealing to 140 K (middle), and pure CH$_3$OH at 10 K after annealing to 140 K (top).} \label{ftir} \end{figure} \subsection{Mixture-Dependent Frequencies} As discussed above, the change in lineshape with mixing ratio in the THz spectra is the most obvious indicator of the effect of the bulk environment on the spectra. In the FTIR spectra, however, this effect is more readily apparent in the observed frequencies of the transitions. This is most clear in the case of CO$_2$. For example, the $\nu_3$ band of CO$_2$ shows a distinct blue-shift as the mixing ratio tends toward pure CO$_2$ (Figure \ref{ftirsets} bottom). While the $^{12}$CO$_2$ feature is too saturated due to the thickness required for this experiment for a quantitative analysis, the $^{13}$CO$_2$ peak presents a large, 8.7 cm$^{-1}$ shift from the 1:10 to pure $c$-CO$_2$ ices. An analogous shift has been previously observed for clusters of CO$_2$ in the gas phase. Here, the increasingly large clusters are essentially a shift toward the purely crystalline CO$_2$ domain, and even larger blue shifts ($\sim$21 cm$^{-1}$) are observed as the cluster grows from the monomer to $N = 13$.\cite{NoroozOliaee:2011hn} We also note the possibility that signals could arise in the FTIR spectra from combination bands of the long-range, inter-molecular modes in the THz region and the intra-molecular motions in the infrared. These modes would in theory be distinguishable from simple isotopically-shifted intra-molecular modes by their frequency shifts: such isotopic shifts would be to the red, while combination bands would lie primarily to the blue of the monomer features. Because our ices are by necessity so thick, and the resulting monomer features saturated, it is likely that the lowest-lying of the combination bands will be buried beneath the overly-wide monomer signal. Nevertheless, the relatively sharp transitions observed in the THz should have counterparts in the IR, although the frequencies will be shifted and the lineshapes altered due to the effects of vibrational excitation and different coupling to the bulk environment. Isotopic labeling, which would differentially affect the intra- vs inter-molecular modes and thus make combination bands distinct from monomer features, is a promising avenue to exploring this potential interaction. Such studies are beyond the scope of the current work, however. \subsection{Observational Implications} \label{observational} In terms of detectability, it seems likely that features of $c$-CO$_2$ will be present in astronomical observations, assuming it is sufficiently segregated both from smaller contaminant species, such as the CH$_3$OH studied here, and from the polar H$_2$O ices where it is formed. This segregation has already been observed astronomically.\cite{Pontoppidan:2008ew,Kim:2012hz,Escribano:2013gh} It follows that the THz signals of $c$-CO$_2$ would be excellent targets for interstellar observations, as they are unambiguous evidence of segregated, $c$-CO$_2$. Given the extensive broadening of the THz modes when the $c$-CO$_2$ is in a mixture, it is also possible that such a width could be used as an indicator of the degree of segregation within these interstellar ices. Further work will certainly be needed to determine whether this is truly a useful probe, especially at mixing ratios higher than those used in this initial study (i.e. $>10:1$). \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{ftir-co2-ann.pdf} \caption{FTIR of the 3:1 and 10:1 mixtures after annealing to 120 K showing the remaining CO$_2$ in the ice. The transitions are saturated in our spectrometer, and the spectra have been vertically-offset for clarity. A pure $c$-CO$_2$ spectrum at 10 K is provided for reference.} \label{ftirann} \end{figure} Interestingly, the THz features of CH$_3$OH are also distinct after annealing at 120 K, even in both mixtures (10:1 and 3:1) that clearly still contain substantial fractions of CO$_2$ (see Fig. \ref{ftirann}). Indeed, the $c$-CH$_3$OH features are far stronger than the $c$-CO$_2$, although broader. Their presence in an interstellar observation would therefore indicate the thermal history of the ices, while the peak positions of the features have already been shown to be dependent on the observed temperature of the ice.\cite{Allodi:2013ma,Ioppolo:2014fd} An important consideration is the role of dust grain size and composition underlying interstellar ices, and the impact these have on the ice structure and subsequently their spectra. Indeed, recent modeling work by \citet{Pauly:2016hw} has shown that while the chemical makeup of the ices does not greatly vary with grain size, there can be significant stratification in which size-class of grains is the dominant ice carrier. For example, during cloud collapse, they find that small grains dominate as ice carriers, resulting in ice thickness of $<$40 ML, versus those of order $\sim$10$^2$ if the model includes only a single grain size. This raises the important question: to what degree can species segregate within these ices, and how will that affect the spectra they present? Due to the sensitivity of the second-generation THz spectrometer presented here, we could only study thick laboratory ices (of order $\sim$10$^4$ ML). The current-generation spectrometer is now capable of studying ices of order $\sim$10$^3$ ML, and the next-generation instrument should push into the 10$^1$ -- 10$^2$ ML regime with the ability to directly measure the optical constants of the ices under investigation. This is because the electro-optic sampling technique employed here directly measures both the amplitude and phase of the THz pulse. This presents a experimental approach which is far simpler than complementary techniques with an FTIR that require an asymmetric configuration where the sample resides in an arm of the interferometer.\cite{Birch:1987vj} Combined with molecular dynamics simulations, radiative transfer, and scattering models over a realistic range in dust particle size, these optical constant measurements will allow for far more accurate modeling of observational spectra. Such models will in turn provide even more precise information on not just the ice composition and structure, but that of the underlying grain substrate. With the critical role that the size of icy grains has on the growth of macroscopic grains and gaps in protoplanetary disks,\cite{Zhang:2015id} this information will be essential for understanding physical evolution in star and planet formation. Indeed, factors such as composition, physical structure and segregation, temperature, and thermal history all play crucial roles in the evolution of molecular complexity both in molecular clouds and in evolving planetary systems.\cite{Garrod:2013id} Observations of ices in the THz regime offer the potential to shed light on these factors, and in the case of crystallinity and segregation, to do so unambiguously due to the nature of the THz modes. Molecular ices are the birthplace of the prebiotic complexity which will eventually be incorporated into nascent solar systems, and thus understanding the environments in which they form, and the mechanisms of formation, is critical to understanding the genesis of this primordial material. \section{Acknowledgements} The authors thank P. Carroll, I. Finneran, and M. Kelley for their assistance with spectrometer development. B.A.M. thanks A. Remijan for his support. The authors thank the anonymous referee for a detailed reading of the manuscript which significantly improved the quality of the work. S.I. acknowledges funding through a Marie Curie Fellowship (FP1-PEOPLE-2011-IOF-300957) and recent support by the Royal Society. M.A.A. acknowledges current support from a Yen Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Institute for Biophysical Dynamics at the University of Chicago. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. \footnotesize{
\section{Introduction} The limiting spectral behavior of products of random matrices has been the subject of a number of studies in random matrix theory and various results on the limiting spectral distribution of such products are by now known (e.g. \cite{MR2861673, MR2736204, MR2772389}). In general the spectra of such products will be complex, but in the event it is real, e.g., that of the product of two Hermitian matrices where one is non-negative definite (see for example \cite{MR2292918, MR1370408, MR2293813}), it makes sense to speak of the largest eigenvalue. There are strong limit laws known for these largest eigenvalues, but so far there are no results regarding the distribution of the fluctuations around the strong limit. The purpose of this paper is to investigate this limiting distribution in the setting the $\beta$-Laguerre ensembles. The $\beta$-Laguerre ensemble generalizes the classical Laguerre ensemble by allowing $\beta$ to vary over the positive reals in \begin{equation}c_{n,\kappa}^\beta\prod_{i<j}|\lambda_i-\lambda_j|^\beta\prod_{k=1}^n\lambda_k^{\frac\beta2(\kappa-n+1)-1}e^{-\frac\beta 2\lambda_k}, \end{equation} where without loss of generality $\kappa\geq n$ and $c_{n,\kappa}^\beta$ is a normalizing constant (see e.g$.$ \cite{MR2641363}). The above densities first arose in the study of certain quantum systems and orthogonal polynomials (see \cite{MR2641363} and references therein), however there were initially no known random matrices with these eigenvalue densities. Then in \cite{MR1936554} the authors constructed families of tridiagonal random matrices whos eigenvalue densities agreed with the above, and in \cite{MR2813333} the limiting distribution of the largest eigenvalues was determined, thus generalizing the classical Tracy-Widom laws for $\beta=1,2,4$ to a family of distributions indexed by $\beta>0$, denoted $TW_\beta$. In a first approach to the general problem of finding the limiting distribution of the largest eigenvalue of a product of random matrices, we are free to choose which matrix ensemble to work with and the $\beta$-ensembles along the methods employed in \cite{MR2813333} are particularly amenable to such a study (the reader may note that throughout this paper we make the slight abuse of language in referring to both the above density and the corresponding family of random matrices as the $\beta$-Laguerre ensemble). Our results are as follows:\begin{thm}Let $X_n^p$ and $X_n^q$ be two independent elements of the $\beta$-Laguerre ensemble, with $\kappa=p$ and $q$ respectively. Assume that $n\leq p\leq q$ and that $p=O(n)=q$. Then if $\lambda_{n,0}$ is the largest eigenvalue of $X_n^pX_n^q$, \[\frac{\lambda_{n,0}-\mu_n}{\sigma_n}\stackrel{d}\to TW_{\beta_0},\] where $TW_{\beta_0}$ denotes the Tracy-Widom Law with parameter $\beta_0$ and \[\beta_0=\lim_{n\to\infty}{C_n}\beta ,\quad \mu_n=(\sqrt n+\sqrt p)^2(\sqrt n+\sqrt q)^2,\quad \sigma_n=c_n\frac{(\sqrt n+\sqrt p)^\frac43(\sqrt n+\sqrt q)^\frac43}{(\sqrt{np})^\frac13(\sqrt{nq})^\frac13},\] the constants $C_n$ and $c_n$ being defined by (\ref{c_n}) and (\ref{C_n}) in section 2.4 below.\end{thm} We have written the scaling terms to ease comparison to the case of a single matrix (e.g$.$ \cite{MR2813333}, Theorem 1.4), noting that $c_n\to c\in \mathbb R$ by the hypothesis $p=O(q)$. It is worth noting that if both matrices are identically distributed, i.e$.$ $p=q$, then $C_n=2$, so even in the i.i.d$.$ case the parameter of the limiting Tracy-Widom law is different than that of the factors. In \cite{MR2813333} the authors show how elements of the $\beta$-Laguerre ensembles can be realized as finite difference approximations to a stochastic differential operator on $[0,\infty)$. Just as in the usual finite difference schemes, e.g., for the Laplacian on $[0,\infty)$, the lowest $k$ eigenvalues and eigenvectors converge to those of the limiting operator. This characterization of the limiting distributions is robust and we make full use of the results and techniques in \cite{MR2813333} below, in particular section 5 in that paper. We note here that although we assume in Theroem 1.1 that $n\leq p\leq q$, this is only to simplify the proof; one can relabel parameters without altering the arguments in any essential way. In the next section we outline the setup from \cite{MR2813333} and then proceed to the proof of Theorem 1.1. We end with some remarks and further questions in section 3. \section{Proof of Theorem 1.1} \subsection{Tridiagonal elements of the $\beta$-Laguerre ensemble} Here we briefly describe the tridiagonal matrix ensemble that realizes (1.1); for proofs and further discussion see \cite {MR1936554} and \cite{MR2641363}. Let $\chi_\alpha$ denote the random variable with density \[\chi_\alpha\sim\frac2{\Gamma\left(\frac\alpha2\right)}x^{\alpha-1}e^{-x^2},\] said to be a chi random variable with parameter $\alpha$. Let $B_n^\kappa$, $\kappa\geq n$ be the following matrix: \[B_n^\kappa=\begin{bmatrix}\tilde\chi_{\beta\kappa}\\\chi_{\beta(n-1)}&\tilde\chi_{\beta(k-1)}\\&\ddots&\ddots\\& &\chi_\beta&\tilde\chi_{\beta(\kappa-n+1)} \end{bmatrix},\] where $\tilde\chi_\alpha$ and $\chi_\alpha$ denote independent chi random variables. Then the eigenvalues of \[X_n^\kappa\equiv \left(B_n^\kappa\right)^*B_n^\kappa\] have density (1.1). Note that $X_n^\kappa$ has \[\tilde\chi_{\beta(\kappa-j+1)}^2+\chi_{\beta(n-j)}^2\] along the main diagonal, $j=1,\dots, n$, and \[\tilde\chi_{\beta(\kappa-j)}\chi_{\beta(n-j)}\] above and below the main diagonal. \subsection{Notation and Setup from \cite {MR2813333}} Unless specified otherwise, for vectors $v,u\in \mathbb R^n$, $\<v,u\>$ denotes the Euclidean inner product and likewise for $\|v\|$. Fix $\beta>0$ and let $X_n^i$, $i=p,q$, be as above. Define \[H^p_n\equiv\frac{\mu_{n,p}-X_n^p}{\sigma_{n,p}},\qquad H^q_n\equiv\frac{\mu_{n,q}-X_n^q}{\sigma_{n,q}},\] \[m_{n,i}\left(\frac{\sqrt{ni}}{\sqrt n+\sqrt i}\right)^\frac23=n^\frac13\left(\frac{\sqrt{\frac in}}{1+\sqrt{\frac in}}\right)^\frac23,\] \[\mu_{n,i}=(\sqrt n+\sqrt i)^2,\qquad \sigma_{n,i}=\frac{(\sqrt n+\sqrt i)^\frac43}{(\sqrt{ni})^\frac13}.\] Note here that the $X_n^i$, and hence the $H_n^i$, are independent, a fact we will use repeatedly below. Let $L^*$ be the following subspace of $L^2$,\[L^*=\{f\in L^2[0,\infty):\,f(0)=0,\,\|f\|_*^2<\infty\}\] where \[\|f\|_*^2=\int_0^\infty (f^\prime)^2+xf^2+f^2dx.\] Let $B$ be standard Brownian motion on $[0,\infty)$ and for $f\in L^*$ define \[H_\beta(f)=-\frac{d^2}{dx^2}f+xf+\frac2{\sqrt{\beta}} B^\prime f\] where $B^\prime f$ is the distribution given by \[\frac d{dt}\int_0^tf\,dB\] and where we denote the action of $H_\beta f$ on a test function $\phi\in C_c^\infty$ by \[(\phi,H_\beta f).\] Thus if $\phi$ is a test function, \[(B^\prime f,\phi)=-(f^\prime B,\phi)-(fB,\phi^\prime).\] In \cite{MR2813333} it is shown that $(g,H_\beta f)$ defines a continuous bilinear form on $L^*$ and if $\lambda$ denotes the smallest eigenvalue of $H_\beta$, given by \begin{equation}\label{eigenfunction definition}\lambda=\inf\{(f,H_\beta f),:\, f\in L^*,\,\|f\|_{L^2}=1\},\end{equation} then $-\lambda$ is distributed as $TW_\beta$: $-\lambda\sim TW_\beta$. Next let $L^*_{n,i}$ be the subspace of $L^2[0,\infty)$ consisting of step functions of the following form: \[f=\sum_{k=1}^nc_k\chi_{[\frac{k-1}{m_{n,i}},\frac k{m_{n,i}}]}.\] Let $P_n$ be the projection from $L^2$ onto this subspace. Then $L^*_{n,i}$ is isometric to $\mathbb R^n$ with the inner product \[m_{n,i}^{-1}\<v,u\>=m_{n,i}^{-1}\sum_{k=1}^nv_ku_k,\] \[\<f,g\>_{L^2}=\sum_{k=1}^nc_kd_km_{n,i}^{-1}=m_{n,i}^{-1}\<f,g\>_{\mathbb R^n}.\] We let $T_n$ denote the shift operator \[(T_nv)_k=v_{k+1},\] that is, the operator given by the $n\times n$ matrix with $1$'s below the main diagonal and zero's elsewhere. Then define the difference operator \[\Delta^i_nv_k=m_{n,i}(v_{k}-v_{k-1})=m_{n,i}(I-T_n^*)v_k,\]i.e., for $\phi\in C_c^\infty$ $\Delta^i_n\Delta_n^{i*}P_n\phi\to\phi''$ in $L^2$, and note $\|T_n\|=1$. Additionally, for two vectors $u,v\in\mathbb R^n$ we denote by $u_\times v$ the vector \[(u_1v_1,\dots,u_nv_n).\] $H_n^i$ now takes the following form: \[H_n^iv=-\Delta_n^i\Delta_n^{i*}v+\left(\Delta_n^iy_{n,1}^i\right)_\times v+\frac12\left(\Delta_n^iy_{n,2}^i\right)_\times T_nv+\frac12T^*_n\left(\Delta_n^iy_{n,2}^i\right)_\times v,\] \[\Delta_n^iy^i_{n,j}=\eta_{n,j}^i+\Delta_n^iw_{n,j}^i,\] \[(\eta_{n,1}^i)_k=\frac{m_{n,i}^2}{\sqrt{ni}}(n+i-\beta^{-1}\mathbb {E}[\tilde\chi^2_{\beta(i-k+1)}+\chi^2_{\beta(n-k)}])=\frac{m_{n,i}^2}{\sqrt{ni}}(2k-1)\] \[(\eta_{n,2}^i)_k=\frac{m_{n,i}^2}{\sqrt{ni}}2(\sqrt{ni}-\beta^{-1}\mathbb {E}[\chi_{\beta(n-k)}\tilde\chi_{\beta(i-k)}]),\] \[(w_{n,1}^i)_k=\frac{m_{n,i}}{\sqrt{ni}}\sum_{j=1}^k\left(n+i-\beta^{-1}(\chi_{n-j}^2+\tilde\chi_{i-j+1}^2)\right)-m_{n,i}^{-1}(\eta_{n,1}^i)_k\] \[(w^i_{n,2})_k=\frac{m_{n,i}}{\sqrt{ni}}2\sum_{j=1}^k\left(\sqrt{ni}-\beta^{-1}\chi_{\beta(n-j)}\tilde\chi_{\beta(i-j)}\right)-m_{n,i}^{-1}(\eta^i_{n,2})_k.\] We now collect some bounds we will need in the proof below. In \cite{MR2813333} it is shown that for each $i$ and any subsequence $H^i_{n_m}$ there exists a further subsequence and a probability space such that the statements below hold almost surely and from now on we will assume we are working with such a subsequence. First we have that for any $\epsilon>0$ there is a $c^{i}_\epsilon>0$ such that \begin{equation}|\Delta_n^iw^i_{n,j,k}|\leq m_{n,i}\sqrt{\epsilon\tilde\eta_{n,k}^i+c_\epsilon^i}\end{equation} where \[\tilde\eta_{n,k}^i=\frac k{m_{n,i}}.\] Next we have the following two bounds\begin{equation}\eta^i_{n,j,k}\leq2m_{n,i}^2,\qquad c^\eta_1\tilde\eta^i\leq\eta^i_{n,1,k}+\eta^i_{n,2,k}\leq c^\eta_2 \tilde\eta^i\end{equation} for some $c^\eta_i>0$. Finally (cf section 6 in \cite{MR2813333}), there exist independent Brownian motions $B^i$ and processes $y^i_{j}(x)$ such that \begin{equation}y^i_{n,j}(x)\equiv(y^i_{n,j})_{\lfloor xm_{n,q}\rfloor}\mathbf {1}_{xm_{n,q}\in[0,n]}\to y^i_j(x)\end{equation} and \[y^i_{n,1}(x)+y^i_{n,2}(x)\to \frac2{\sqrt{\beta}}B^i+\frac {x^2}2\] in the Skorokhod topology on $D[0,\infty)$. \subsection{Outline of the proof} Let $H_\beta^i$ denote the operator $H_\beta$ above with $B^i$ in place of $B$. In \cite{MR2813333} the authors show, for each subsequence restricted to a further subsequence such that the above bounds hold a.s$.$, that the smallest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector of $H^i_n$ converge to that of $H_\beta^i$ using three Lemmas, numbered $5.6-5.8$, the content of which is as follows: Lemma 5.6 states that there are positive constants $c^i_k$ independent of $n$ such that for all $v\in \mathbb R^n$ \[c^i_1\|v\|_{i,n*}^2-c^i_2m_{n,i}^{-1}\|v\|^2_2\leq m_{n,i}^{-1}\<H_n^iv,v\>_{\mathbb R^n} \leq c^i_3\|v\|_{n,i*}^2\] where \[\|v\|_{i,n*}^2= m_{n,i}^{-1}(\|\Delta^i_nv\|_{\mathbb R^n}^2+\|(\bar\eta^i_{n})_\times^\frac12v\|_{\mathbb R^n}^2+\|v\|_{\mathbb R^n}^2).\] This is a coercivity bound used to control the eigenvectors as $n\to\infty$. Lemma 5.7 establishes convergence in the sense of distributions, i.e., if $f_n\in L^*_{n,i}$ is such that $f_n\to f$ and $\Delta_n^if_n\to f'$ weakly in $L^2$ then for any $\phi\in C_c^\infty$ \[\<\phi,H_n^if_n\>_{L^2}\to(\phi,H_\beta^if).\] Lastly Lemma 5.8 ensures that the eigenvectors of $H_n^i$ contain a subsequence converging to those of $H^i$: If $f_n\in L_{n,i}^*$, $\|f\|_{n,i*}^2\leq c<\infty$, and $\|f\|_{L^2}^2=1$ then there exists a subsequence $f_{n_k}$ such that $f_{n_k}\to_{L^2} f\in L^*$ and $\<\phi,H_{n_k}^if_{n_k}\>_{L^2}\to(\phi,H_\beta^if)$ for all $\phi\in C^\infty_c$. We want to study the smallest eigenvalue of \begin{align}\notag H_n=\frac{\mu_{n,p}\mu_{n,q}I-X_n^pX_n^q}{\sigma_{n,p}^2\sigma_{n,q}^2}&=\frac{\mu_{n,p}I-X_n^p}{\sigma_{n,p}}\frac{X_n^q}{\sigma_{n,q}^2\sigma_{n,p}}+\frac{\mu_{n,p}}{\sigma_{n,p}^2\sigma_{n,q}}\frac{\mu_{n,q}I-X_n^q}{\sigma_{n,q}}\\\notag&= \frac{\mu_{n,q}}{\sigma_{n,q}^2\sigma_{n,p}}H_n^p(I-\frac{\sigma_{n,q}}{\mu_{n,q}} H_n^q)+\frac{\mu_{n,p}}{\sigma_{n,p}^2\sigma_{n,q}} H_n^q\\\notag&=a_n\bar H^p_n+b_n\bar H^q_n-\frac{m_{n,p}^2m_{n,q}^2}{m_n^4\sigma_{n,p}\sigma_{n,q}}\bar H_n^p\bar H_n^q \end{align} where \[\bar H_n^i=\frac{m^2_n}{m^2_{n,i}}H^i_n,\qquad m_n=\left(\frac{\left(\frac{\mu_q}{\sigma_{n,q}^2\sigma_{n,p}}m_{n,p}^2+\frac{\mu_p}{\sigma_{n,p}^2\sigma_{n,q}}m_{n,q}^2\right)m_{n,p}m_{n,q}}{\frac{\mu_q}{\sigma_{n,q}^2\sigma_{n,p}}m_{n,q}+\frac{\mu_p}{\sigma_{n,p}^2\sigma_{n,q}}m_{n,p}}\right)^\frac13\] and \[a_n=\frac{m^2_{n,p}\mu_{n,q}}{m_{n}^2\sigma_{n,q}^2\sigma_{n,p}},\qquad b_n=\frac{m_{n,q}^2\mu_{n,p}}{m_n^2\sigma_{n,p}^2\sigma_{n,q}}.\] This choice of $m_n$ ensures the proper scaling for the convergence we need below. In the next section we determine the limiting operator of $ H_n$ in the sense above. The product term $\bar H_n^p\bar H_n^q$ prevents us from directly applying Theorem 5.1 in \cite{MR2813333}, so instead we will follow the proof of that Theorem, stating and proving Lemmas analogous to those above. \subsection{Convergence} To begin we first establish analogous almost sure bounds to those above. We have \[\bar H^i_nv=-\Delta_n\Delta_n^*v+\left(\Delta_n\bar y^i_{n,1}\right)_\times v+\frac12\left(\Delta_n\bar y^i_{n,2}\right)_\times T_nv+\frac12T^*_n\left(\Delta_n\bar y^i_{n,2}\right)_\times v\] where \[\Delta_n=m_n(I-T_n^*),\] \[\Delta_n\bar y^i_{n,j}=\bar\eta^i_{n,j}+\Delta_n\bar w^i_{n,j},\] \[\bar \eta^i_{n,j}=\frac{m^2_n}{m^2_{n,i}}\eta^i_{n,j},\qquad\bar w^i_{n,j}=\frac{m_{n}}{m_{n,i}} w^i_{n,j},\]i.e., \[(\bar y^i_{n,j})_k=\frac1{m_n}\sum_{i=1}^k(\bar\eta^i_{n,j})_k+(\bar w^i_{n,j})_k= \frac{m_n}{m_{n,i}}(y^i_{n,j})_k.\] Noting that by hypothesis \[m_n=O(m_{n,p})=O(m_{n,q})=O(n^{1/3}),\]it follows easily from (2.2) and (2.3) that we can reduce to subsequences as above such that \begin{equation}\label{increment bound}|(\Delta_n \bar w^i_{n,j})_k|\leq m_n\sqrt{\epsilon\tilde\eta_{n,k}+c_\epsilon},\end{equation} \begin{equation}\label{eta bounds}\bar\eta^i_{n,j,k}\leq2m_{n}^2,\qquad c^\eta_1\tilde\eta\leq\bar\eta^i_{n,1,k}+\bar\eta^i_{n,2,k}\leq c^\eta_2 \tilde\eta,\end{equation} and the processes defined by \[\bar y^i_{n,j}(x)\equiv (\bar y^i_{n,j})_{\lfloor xm_{n}\rfloor}\mathbf {1}_{xm_{n}\in[0,n]}\] are convergent in the Skorokhod topology on $D[0,\infty)$, where $\tilde\eta_{n,k}= k/{m_n}$ and we reuse the notation for the constants from above, though they may be different here. With the bounds (2.5)--(2.6) in hand, the proofs of Lemmas 5.6--5.8 in \cite{MR2813333} apply without change to $\bar H^i_n$, a fact we will use below. If we now let $\bar y_{n,j}=\frac{a_n}{c_n}\bar y^p_{n,j}+\frac{b_n}{c_n}\bar y^q_{n,j}$ where \begin{equation}\label{c_n}c_n=a_n+b_n=\frac{(\sqrt{np}+\sqrt{nq})^2\left((\sqrt n +\sqrt q)^2\sqrt{np}+(\sqrt n+\sqrt p)^2\sqrt{nq}\right)}{(\sqrt n+\sqrt p)^4(\sqrt n+\sqrt q)^4},\end{equation} then by our choice of $m_n$ and using the independence of the $y^i$, it follows from \cite{MR2813333}, section 6, that there is a Brownian motion $B_x$ such that \[\bar y_{n,1}(x)+\bar y_{n,2}(x)\to\frac{x^2}{2}+\frac 2{\sqrt{C\beta}} B_x,\] \begin{equation}\label{C_n}C=\lim_{n\to\infty}\left(\frac{m_n^3}{m_{n,p}^3}\frac{a_n^2}{c_n^2}+\frac{m_n^3}{m_{n,q}^3}\frac{b_n^2}{c_n^2}\right)^{-1}=1+\lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{p(\sqrt n+\sqrt p)^2+q(\sqrt n+\sqrt q)^2}{\sqrt{pq}\left((\sqrt n+\sqrt p)^2+(\sqrt n+\sqrt q)^2\right)},\end{equation} in law with respect to the Skorokhod topology on $D[0,\infty).$ As already noted, we can reduce to a further subsequence such that this convergence holds almost surely on some probability space. We now have a candidate limiting operator: \[ H_n\to{c}\left(-\frac{d^2}{dx^2}+x+ \frac2{\sqrt{C\beta}}B_x^\prime\right)=cH_{\beta_0},\qquad\beta_0=C{\beta},\,c=\lim c_n,\] the idea being that $c_n^{-1}(a_n\bar H_n^p+b_n\bar H_n^q)\to H_{\beta_0}$ and the product term $\bar H_n^p\bar H_n^q$ vanishes in the limit. In the following Lemma we let $L_n^*$ be the analogue of the discrete spaces already defined above for our new scaling term, e.g., $L^*_n$ is the space of step functions of the form \[f=\sum_{k=1}^nc_k\chi_{[\frac{k-1}{m_{n}},\frac k{m_{n}}]}\] and $P_n$ denotes the projection from $L^2$ onto this space. \begin{lem} Let $f_n\in L^*_n$ be such that $f_n\to f$ and $\Delta_nf_n\to f'$ weakly in $L^2$. Then for all $\phi\in C_c^\infty$ \[\<\phi, H_nf_n\>_{L^2}=\<P_n\phi, H_nf_n\>_{L^2}\to(\phi, cH_{\beta_0}f).\] \end{lem} \begin{proof} The bounds (2.5)--(2.6) can be extended additively to $a_n\bar H_n^p+b_n\bar H_n^q$ and the proof of Lemma 5.7 in \cite{MR2813333} goes through without change to show that under the hypotheses above \begin{equation}\<\phi,(a_n\bar H_n^p+b_n\bar H_n^q)f_n\>_{L^2}\to(\phi,c H_{\beta_0}f).\end{equation} Next,\[\frac{m_{n,p}^2m_{n,q}^2}{m_n^4\sigma_{n,p}\sigma_{n,q}}=O(m_n^{-2}),\] so the proof of Lemma 2.1 reduces to showing \begin{equation}\notag m_n^{-2}\<\phi,\bar H_n^p\bar H_n^qf_n\>_{L^2}=m_n^{-2}\<\bar H_n^pP_n\phi,-\Delta_n\Delta_n^{*}f_n\>_{L^2}+m_n^{-2}\<\bar H_n^pP_n\phi,\bar H_n^qf_n+\Delta_n\Delta_n^{*}f_n\>_{L^2}\to0.\end{equation} First note that for $g\in L^2$, $T_ng\to g$ in $L^2$ and likewise for $T_n^*$. Then \[\<g,T_nf_n\>_{L^2}=\<T_n^*g,f_n\>_{L^2}\to\<g,f\>_{L^2}\] so $T_nf_n\to f$ weakly and likewise for $T_n^*f_n$. Similarly $T_nT_n^*f_n\to f$ weakly. Thus \[(T_n^*-I)(I-T_n)f_n\to0\] weakly. Next observe that\[\<g,\Delta_n(T_n^*-I)(I-T_n)f_n\>=\<g,(I-T_n^*)(T_n-I)\Delta_n^*f_n\>=\<(T_n^*-I)(I-T_n)g,\Delta_n^*f_n\>\] and $(T_n^*-I)(I-T_n)g\to0$ in $L^2$. We also have $\Delta_n^*f_n\to-f^\prime$ weakly. Thus \[\Delta_n(T_n^*-I)(I-T_n)f_n\to0\] weakly as well and Lemma 5.7 now implies \[m_n^{-2}\<\bar H_n^pP_n\phi,-\Delta_n\Delta_n^*f_n\>_{L^2}=\<\phi,\bar H_n^p(T_n^*-I)(I-T_n)f_n\>_{L^2}\to0.\] For the terms \[\<m_n^{-2}\bar H_n^pP_n\phi,\bar H_n^qf_n+\Delta_n\Delta_n^*f_n\>_{L^2}\] we note that from the proof of Lemma 5.7 in \cite{MR2813333} we have the following: If $g_n\in L_n^*$ is such that $g_n$ is bounded both uniformly independent of $n$, $g_n$ and $\Delta_ng_n$ both have supports that are contained in a finite interval $I$ for all $n$, and both are convergent in $L^2$ with \[g_n\stackrel{L^2}\to g\quad\mbox{and}\quad \Delta_ng_n\stackrel{L^2}\to g^\prime,\] then \[\<g_n,\bar H_n^qf_n+\Delta_n\Delta_n^*f_n\>_{L^2}\to( g,\bar H^qf+f^{''})\] for all $f_n$ as above. Thus if we show that $g_n=m_n^{-2}\bar H_n^pP_n\phi$ satisfies the above hypothesis and $g_n\to0$ the proof will be complete. The existence of $I$ comes from $\phi\in C_c^\infty$ and uniform boundedness follows easily from (\ref{increment bound}) and (\ref{eta bounds}) together with the compact support and uniform boundedness of $P_n\phi$. To control \[\Delta_nm_n^{-2}\bar H_n^pP_n\phi\] we first consider $\Delta_n(-m_n^{-2}\Delta_n\Delta_n^{*}P_n\phi)=(I-T_n^*)(T_n^*-I)\Delta_n^{*}P_n\phi.$ By the arguments above this converges to $0$ in $L^2$. For the potential term \begin{align}&\Delta_nm_n^{-2}\left(\left(\Delta_n\bar y_{n,1}^p\right)_\times P_n\phi+\frac12\left(\Delta_n\bar y_{n,2}^p\right)_\times T_nP_n\phi+\frac12T^*_n\left(\Delta_n\bar y_{n,2}^p\right)_\times P_n\phi\right)\\\notag&\quad=(I-T_n^*)\left(\left((I-T_n^*)\bar y_{n,1}^p\right)_\times P_n\phi+\frac12\left((I-T_n^*)\bar y_{n,2}^p\right)_\times T_nP_n\phi\right.\\\notag&\left.\qquad+\frac12T^*_n\left((I-T_n^*)\bar y_{n,2}^p\right)_\times P_n\phi\right),\end{align} we note that $\bar y^p_{n,j}(x)$ are locally bounded and convergent a.e. This combined with the compact support of $P_n\phi$ implies the $\bar y^p_{n,j}(x)$ converge locally in $L^2$, and by the arguments above regarding $T_n$ we find that the above converges to $0$ in $L^2$. That $m_n^{-2}\bar H_n^pP_n\phi\stackrel{L^2}\to0$ follows similarly. \end{proof} \begin{lem}Define the following norm on $\mathbb R^n$: \[\|v\|_{*n}^2=m_n^{-1}(\|\Delta_nv\|_{\mathbb R^n}^2+\|(\tilde\eta_{n})_\times^\frac12v\|_{\mathbb R^n}^2+\|v\|_{\mathbb R^n}^2).\] Then we have constants $C_k>0$ and $N>0$ such that for all $n>N$ \begin{equation} C_1\|v\|_{n*}^2-C_2m_n^{-\frac12}\|v\|_{\mathbb R^n}\sqrt{\|v\|_{n*}^2}-C_3m_n^{-1}\|v\|_{\mathbb R^n}^2\leq \< H_nv,v\>_{L^2}.\end{equation} \end{lem} \begin{proof} We have by definition \begin{align}\bar H_n^iv=-\Delta_n\Delta_n^{*}\notag v&+\left(\left(\bar\eta_{n,1}^i\right)_\times v+\frac12\left(\bar\eta_{n,2}^i\right)_\times T_nv+\frac12T_n^*\left(\bar\eta_{n,2}^i\right)_\times v\right)\\&\notag+\left(\left(\Delta_n\bar w_{n,1}^i\right)_\times v+\frac12\left(\Delta_n\bar w^i_{n,2}\right)_\times T_nv+\frac12T_n^*\left(\Delta_n\bar w^i_{n,2}\right)_\times v\right)\\&=A^iv+B^iv+C^iv\notag.\end{align} So letting \[d_n=\frac{m_{n,p}^2m_{n,q}^2}{m_n^4\sigma_{n,p}\sigma_{n,q}},\] we have \begin{align}\notag& a_n\<\bar H_n^pv,v\>+b_n\<\bar H_n^qv,v\>-\frac{m_{n,p}^2m_{n,q}^2}{m_n^4\sigma_{n,p}\sigma_{n,q}}\<\bar H_n^pv,\bar H_n^qv\>\\&=a_n(\<(A^p+B^p)(I-d_na_n^{-1}(A^q+B^q))v,v\>)+b_n\<(A^q+B^q)v,v\>\\&\quad+d_n\left(\<C^qv,(A^p+B^p)v\>+\<C^pv,(A^q+B^q)v\>+\<C^qv,C^pv\>\right)\\\notag&\qquad+a_n\<C^pv,v\>+b_n\<C^qv,v\>. \end{align} We first bound (2.13) and then (2.12). We have from (\ref{increment bound}) \begin{align}m_n^{-1}\|\Delta_n^i\bar w_{n,j,k}v_k\|\leq\|\sqrt{\epsilon\tilde\eta_{n,k}+c_\epsilon}v_k\|.\end{align} Then for $m_n^{-2}\<C^qv,C^pv\>$ we have \begin{align}\notag m_n^{-1}\|C^iv\|&\leq \|\sqrt{\epsilon\tilde\eta_{n,k}+c_\epsilon}v_k\|+\frac12\|\Delta_n^i\bar w_{n,2,k}^iT_nv_k\|+\frac12\|T_n^*\Delta_n^i\bar w_{n,2,k}^iv_k\|\\\notag&= \|\sqrt{\epsilon\tilde\eta_{n,k}+c_\epsilon}v_k\|+ \frac12\|\Delta_n^i\bar w_{n,2,k}^iv_{k+1}\|+\frac12\|T_n^*\Delta_n^i\bar w_{n,2,k}^iv_k\|\\\notag&\leq\|\sqrt{\epsilon\tilde\eta_{n,k}+c_\epsilon}v_k\|+ \frac12\|\sqrt{\epsilon\tilde\eta_{n,k}+c_\epsilon}v_{k+1}\|+\frac12\|T_n^*\Delta_n^i\bar w_{n,2,k}^iv_k\|\\\notag&\leq\|\sqrt{\epsilon\tilde\eta_{n,k}+c_\epsilon}v_k\|+ \frac12\|\sqrt{\epsilon\tilde\eta_{n,k+1}+c_\epsilon}v_{k+1}\|+\frac12\|\sqrt{\epsilon\tilde\eta_{n,k-1}+c_\epsilon}v_{k-1}\|\\\notag&\leq2\|\sqrt{\epsilon\tilde\eta_{n,k}+c_\epsilon}v_k\| \end{align} and so \begin{align}\notag|m_n^{-2}\<C^qv,C^pv\>|\leq4\|\sqrt{\epsilon\tilde\eta_{n,k}+c_\epsilon}v_k\|^2&=4\epsilon\|\sqrt{\tilde\eta_{n,k}}v_k\|^2+c_\epsilon\|v\|^2\\&\leq4\epsilon m_n\|v\|_{*n}^2+c_\epsilon\|v\|_{\mathbb R^n}^2.\end{align} For the $\<A,C\>$ terms, \[m_n^{-1}\|A^iv\|=c^i\|(I-T_n^*)\Delta_n^{*}v\|\leq2c^i\|\Delta_nv\|\] for constants $c^i>0$, so we have \[m_n^{-1}\|A^iv\|\leq c_A\|\Delta_nv\|\] for some $c_A>0$. Thus \begin{align}\notag m_n^{-2}|\<C^qv,A^pv\>|&\leq2\|\sqrt{\epsilon\tilde\eta_{n,k}+c_\epsilon}v_k\|c_A\|\Delta_nv\|\\\notag&\leq 2c_A(\sqrt{\epsilon m_n\|v\|_{n*}^2}+\sqrt{c_\epsilon}\|v\|)\sqrt{m_n\|v\|_{n*}^2}\\&=2c_A\left(\sqrt{\epsilon}m_n\|v\|_{n*}^2+\sqrt{c_\epsilon}\|v\|_{\mathbb R^n}\sqrt{m_n\|v\|_{n*}^2}\right), \end{align} and similarly for $m_n^{-2}\<A^qv,C^pv\>$. For the $\<B,C\>$ terms note that \[m_n^{-2}|(\Delta_nw^i_{n,j})_k|\leq m_n^{-1}\sqrt{\epsilon\tilde\eta+c_\epsilon}\leq\sqrt\epsilon\sqrt{m_n^{-2}\tilde\eta}+m_{m,q}^{-1}\sqrt{c_\epsilon}\leq c_1\sqrt\epsilon+m_{m,q}^{-1}\sqrt{c_\epsilon}.\] By Cauchy-Schwarz and (\ref{eta bounds}) we have \begin{align}\notag|m_n^{-2}\<C^qv,B^pv\>|&\leq c_2(c_1\sqrt\epsilon+m_n^{-1}\sqrt{c_\epsilon})\sum (\tilde\eta_{n})_kv_k^2\\&\leq c_3(c_1\sqrt\epsilon+m_n^{-1}\sqrt{c_\epsilon})m_n\|v\|_{n*}^2\end{align} and likewise for $m_n^{-2}\<C^pv,B^qv\>$. For the remaining noise terms, we have from the proof of Lemma 5.6 in \cite{MR2813333} that \[\<C^iv,v\>\geq -c_4\sqrt{\epsilon} m_n\|v\|_{n*}^2-c_5(\epsilon)\|v\|_{\mathbb R^n}^2.\] For (2.11), first we note that arguing as in \cite{MR2813333} using (\ref{eta bounds}) we have \[\<(A^p+B^p)v,v\>\geq0.\] After some algebra we find\[\frac{d_n}{a_n}=\frac{\sqrt{\frac qn}}{(1+\sqrt{\frac qn})^2}m_{n}^{-2}\leq\frac14m_n^{-2}.\] By definition, \begin{align}\notag m_n^{-2}\<(A^p+B^p)v,v\>&=\sum(m_n^{-2}(\bar\eta^p_{n,1})_k-2)v_k^2+m_n^{-2}(\bar\eta^p_{n,2})_k+2)v_{k}v_{k+1}\\\notag&\leq\sum (m_n^{-2}(\bar\eta^p_{n,2})_k+2)v_{k}v_{k+1}\\\notag&\leq 4\|v\|^2\end{align} using (\ref{eta bounds}) and Cauchy-Schwarz. Thus \[d_na_n^{-1}\<(A^p+B^p)v,v\>\leq\|v\|^2\] and so \[I-d_na_n^{-1}(A^p+B^p)\] is Hermitian with spectrum contained in $[0,1]$. Thus \[T\equiv(A^p+B^p)(I-d_na_n^{-1}(A^p+B^p)),\] being the product of two Hermitian, nonnegative matrices has only real, nonnegative eigenvalues (though it need not be normal). Then using standard results (see e.g$.$ \cite{ MR1091716}, chapter 1 and \cite{MR1616464}) on the numerical range of $T$, \[\{\<Tv,v\>:\|v\|=1\},\] we see that $\<Tv,v\>\geq-\|v\|^2$. Thus \begin{equation} \<(A^p+B^p)(I-d_na_n^{-1}(A^p+B^p))v,v\>\geq-\|v\|_{\mathbb R^n}^2.\end{equation} Lastly, from \cite{MR2813333}, Lemma 5.6, we know \[\<(A^q+B^q)v,v\>\geq c_6m_n\|v\|_{n*}^2-c_7\|v\|^2.\] Noting that $a_n$, $b_n$, and $d_n$ are convergent, we now have constants $c_8,c_9,c_{10}(\epsilon),c_{11}(\epsilon),c_{12}(\epsilon)>0$ such that \begin{align}&a_n\<\bar H_n^pv,v\>+b_n\<\bar H_n^qv,v\>-d_n\<\bar H_n^pv,\bar H_n^qv\>\\\notag&\qquad\geq (c_8-c_9O(\epsilon)-c_{10}(\epsilon)m_n^{-1})m_n\|v\|_{n*}^2-c_{11}(\epsilon)\|v\|\sqrt{m_n\|v\|_{n*}^2}-c_{12}(\epsilon)\|v\|^2\end{align} where $O(\epsilon)\to0$ as $\epsilon\to0$. Taking $\epsilon$ small and then $n$ large establishes the Lemma. \end{proof} \begin{lem} Suppose $f_n\in L^*_n$ with $\|f_n\|^2_{*n}\leq c<\infty$ and $\|f_n\|_{L^2}=1$. Then there exists $f\in L^*$ and a subsequence $f_{n_k}$ such that $f_{n_k}\stackrel{L^2}{\to}f$ and for all $\phi\in C_c^\infty$ we have \[\<\phi, H_{n_k}f_{n_k}\>_{L^2}\to(\phi,c H_{\beta_0}f).\] \end{lem} \begin{proof} The proof is that same as that of Lemma 5.8 in \cite{MR2813333} and we omit it. \end{proof} Let $\bar\lambda_{n,0}$ and $v_{n,0}$ be the smallest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector of $ H_n$ such that $\|v_{n,0}\|^2_{L^2}=m_n^{-1}\|v_{n,0}\|^2_{\mathbb R^n}=1$, and let $\Lambda_0$ and $f_0$ be the same for $ H_{\beta_0}$. To show that $\bar\lambda_{n,0}\to c\Lambda_0$ we can proceed exactly as in \cite{MR2813333}, repeating the arguments for completeness. Suppose $\liminf \bar\lambda_{n,0}<\infty$. Lemma 2.2 shows that $\bar\lambda_{n,0}$ is uniformly bounded below so there exists a subsequence such that $\bar\lambda_{n_k,0}\to\liminf\bar\lambda_{n,0}$. Lemma 2.2 now implies that $\|v_{n_k,0}\|_{n*}^2$ are uniformly bounded, Lemma 2.3 then implies that a further subsequence converges to some $f\in L^*$ as in Lemma 2.1, and so Lemma 2.1 implies that for this further subsequence \[\<P_n\phi, H_{n_k}v_{n_k,0}\>_{L^2}\to (\phi,c H_{\beta_0}f).\] Then it follows that \[\frac{(\phi, cH_{\beta_0}f)}{\<f,f\>_{L^2}}=\liminf\bar\lambda_{n,0}\frac{\<\phi,f\>_{L^2}}{\<f,f\>_{L^2}}\] for all $\phi\in C_c^\infty$. Thus \[\liminf\bar\lambda_{n,0}\geq c\Lambda_0.\] To see $\limsup\bar\lambda_{n,0}\leq c\Lambda_0$, let $f^\epsilon\in C_c^\infty$ be such that $\|f^\epsilon-f_0\|^2_{*}<\epsilon$. Then by the minmax principle and Lemma 2.1, \begin{align}\limsup\bar\lambda_{n,0}&\leq\limsup_{n\to\infty}\frac{\<P_nf^\epsilon, H_nP_nf^\epsilon\>_{L^2}}{\<P_nf^\epsilon,P_nf^\epsilon\>_{L^2}}\\\notag&=\frac{(f^\epsilon, cH_{\beta_0}f^\epsilon)}{\<f^\epsilon,f^\epsilon\>_{L^2}}.\end{align} Letting $\epsilon\to0$ we have \[\limsup\bar\lambda_{n,0}\leq\frac{(f_0,c H_{\beta_0}f_0)}{\<f_0,f_0\>_{L^2}}=c\Lambda_0.\] Noting that by definition \[-\bar\lambda_{n,0}=c_n\frac{\lambda_{n,0}-\mu_n}{\sigma_n},\] what we have then is that for every subsequence of $\{\lambda_{n,0}\}$ there exists a probability space and a further subsequence along which \[\frac{\lambda_{n,0}-\mu_n}{\sigma_n}\to -\Lambda_0\] almost surely. Recalling that $-\Lambda_0\sim TW_{\beta_0}$, Theorem 1.1 obtains. \section{Some remarks} The reader may note that contrary to the approach in the classical case, the framework in terms of a limiting operator allows us to avoid determining the eigenvalue densities for finite $n$, which, depending on one's point of view can be either an advantage or disadvantage to the approach. Although Theorem 1.1 does not tell us about the largest eigenvalue of the product of two independent Wishart matrices, it does suggest some interesting questions regarding the classical ensembles. For example, in \cite{MR2293813} the authors determine the limiting empirical spectral distribution for a product of independent Wisharts, the limit depending on the ratio of the two parameters in the product. The authors there conjecture that the limiting distribution of the largest eigenvalue of such a product is a Tracy-Widom law. One can then ask the following: If the limit does indeed follow a Tracy-Widom law $TW_\beta$, what is $\beta$, and does it depend on the parameters in a way similar to that in Theorem 1.1? Much is still unknown about the full family of $TW_\beta$ distributions and it would be of interest to see them arise for $\beta\neq 1,2,4$ in the context of the classical ensembles. \section{Acknowledgements} The author thanks his advisor, Harold Parks, for his time and encouragement, along with Yevgeniy Kovchegov and Mathew Titus for helpful discussions. \bibliographystyle{plain}
\section{Introduction} Despite their prevalent use, the effects of Batch Normalization (BN) \cite{ioffe2015batch} in Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) \citep{goodfellow2014generative} have not been examined carefully. Popularized by the influential DCGAN architecture \citep{radford2015unsupervised}, the use of BN in GANs is typically justified by its perceived training speedup and stability, but the generated samples often suffer from visual artifacts and limited variations (mode collapse). The lack of evidence that BN always improves GAN training is partly due to the unavailability of quality measures for GAN models. Being puzzled by this technique, we propose a methodical evaluation of GAN models and assess their abilities to generate large variations of samples (mode coverage). The idea is to hold out a portion of the dataset as a test dataset and try to find the latent code that generates the closest approximation to these test images. For each test image, we optimize for the latent code by gradient descent for a fixed number of iterations. The average squared Euclidean distance between the test samples and the reconstructed ones is used as a measure of the quality of GANs. Our experiments show that the reconstruction error correlates with the visual quality of the generated samples, and while still time consuming, this approach is more efficient than existing log-likelihood-based evaluation methods. Our evaluation technique is therefore convenient for monitoring the progress during training. We show that BN generally accelerates training in early stages, and can increase the success rate of GAN training for certain datasets and network structures where a model without any normalization could often fail. In many cases though, BN can cause the stability and generalization power of the model to decrease drastically. Following the work of Salimans and Kingma \citep{salimans2016weight} and Arpit \etal \citep{arpit2016normalization}, we introduce a modified Weight Normalization (WN) technique for GAN training. Using the same sets of experiments, we found that our WN approach can achieve faster and more stable training than BN, as well as generate equal or higher quality samples than GAN models without normalization. We believe that our proposed WN technique is superior than BN in the context of GANs. \section{Related Work} \paragraph{Batch Normalization.} Batch Normalization (BN) \citep{ioffe2015batch} is a technique to accelerate the training of deep neural networks and has been shown to be effective in various applications. In the context of GANs, it first appeared in LAPGAN by Denton \etal \citep{denton2015deep} (for generator only), and made popular by the influential DCGAN architecture by Radford \etal \citep{radford2015unsupervised} (for both generator and discriminator). It has since become a common practice, as listed in this overview of GAN techniques \citep{ganhack} and used in many GAN architectures (e.g. WGAN \citep{arjovsky2017wasserstein} and EBGAN \citep{zhao2016energy}). To summarize, BN takes a batch of samples $\{x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_m\}$ and computes the following: \begin{equation} y_i=\frac{x_i-\mu_{\mathcal{B}}}{\sigma_{\mathcal{B}}}\cdot\gamma+\beta \quad, \end{equation} where $\mu_{\mathcal{B}}$ and $\sigma_{\mathcal{B}}$ are the means and standard deviations of the input batch and $\gamma$ and $\beta$ are the learned parameters. As a result, the output will always have a mean $\beta$ and a standard deviation $\gamma$, regardless of the input distribution. Most importantly, the gradients must be back-propagated through the computation of $\mu_{\mathcal{B}}$ and $\sigma_{\mathcal{B}}$. \paragraph{Weight Normalization.} Weight Normalization (WN) is a more recent normalization technique proposed by Salimans and Kingma \citep{salimans2016weight}. For a linear layer \begin{equation} \label{eqn:weightnorm1} \mathbf{y}=\mathbf{W}^T\mathbf{x}+\mathbf{b}\quad, \end{equation} where $\mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{R}^n$, $\mathbf{y}\in\mathbb{R}^m$, $\mathbf{W}\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times m}$ and $\mathbf{b}\in\mathbb{R}^m$, weight normalization performs a reparameterization $\mathbf{W}$ with $\mathbf{V}\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times m}$ and $\mathbf{g}\in\mathbb{R}^m$: \begin{equation} \label{eqn:weightnorm2} \mathbf{w}_i=\frac{g_i}{||\mathbf{v}_i||_2}\cdot\mathbf{v}_i\quad, \end{equation} where $\mathbf{w}_i$ and $\mathbf{v}_i$ are the $i$-th column of $\mathbf{W}$ and $\mathbf{V}$, respectively. As with BN, the computation of $||\mathbf{v}_i||_2$ is taken into account when computing the gradient with respect to $\mathbf{V}$. Although presented as a reparameterization that modifies the curvature of the loss function, the main idea is to simply divide the weight vectors by their norms. A very similar idea has been proposed around the same time, under ``normalization propogation'' (NormProp) by Arpit \etal \citep{arpit2016normalization}. While the effectiveness of this technique has been illustrated on various experiments in \citep{salimans2016weight} and \citep{arpit2016normalization}, they did not investigate this acceleration approach for GANs. As detailed in Section \ref{sec:weightnorm}, we propose a modified version of Weight Normalization to improve the training of GAN models. \paragraph{GAN Evaluation.} In earlier GAN-related works, with a lack of quantitative measures, visual inspection has been a commonly used method. In addition to inspecting visual quality, this has also been used to show that the model did not overfit, by interpolation in latent space (e.g. \citep{denton2015deep}) and by finding closest training sample to generated samples and point out their difference (e.g. \citep{goodfellow2014generative}). Various quantitative measures has since been proposed. A commonly used one is estimating the log-likelihood of the training set in the generator's distribution, by generating a large amount of samples and fitting a Gaussian Parzen window (e.g. \citep{denton2015deep, makhzani2015adversarial}). As discussed by Theis \etal \citep{theis2015note}, this is not particularly effective, as the amount of samples that need to be generated for accurate log-likelihood estimation is intractable. Another measure is Inception score, proposed by Salimans \etal \citep{salimans2016improved}, based on the assumption that a good generative model should be able to generate meaningful objects. A limitation of this approach is that, the inception model is pretrained on another image classification task, usually for natural objects. Thus, it is only useful as a measure of GAN quality trained on images on similar objects. The quality of GANs has also been evaluated indirectly, e.g. by measuring the classification accuracy using features extracted by a GAN discriminator \citep{radford2015unsupervised}. Our proposed measure of reconstruction loss is most similar to that used by Metz \etal \citep{metz2016unrolled}. We discuss differences in section \ref{sec:evaluation}. \section{Weight Normalization for GAN Training} \label{sec:weightnorm} We propose a modified formulation of the weight normalization approach introduced by Salimans and Kingma \citep{salimans2016weight}. A notable deficiency of the original WN technique is that, in its simplest form, it does not normalize the mean value of the input. In \citep{salimans2016weight} this is solved by augmenting WN with a version of BN that only normalizes the mean of the input but not the variance. While their experiments showed an improved performance for the CIFAR-10 classification task compared to plain WN, it gave worse results for several of our experiments (See appendix \ref{sec:moremodels}). Hence, we chose to not include this augmentation in our approach. In \citep{arpit2016normalization}, the authors attempt to solve this problem by enforcing a zero-mean, unit-variance distribution throughout the network. In their method, the scale and bias are first fixed as $\mathbf{g}=\mathbf{1}$ and $\mathbf{b}=\mathbf{0}$, that is, \begin{equation} \label{eqn:strictweightnorm} y=\frac{\mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{x}}{||\mathbf{w}||_2}\quad. \end{equation} For simplicity, we consider here a single output neuron. The training data is normalized so that the input to the network has zero mean and unit variance. The mean and variance of the output of each nonlinear layer (ReLU in this case) is evaluated in closed form under the assumption that the input to the preceding linear layer is from a multivariate standard normal distribution. The mean and variance is then used to correct the distribution of the output: \begin{equation} \label{eqn:normprop0} y = \frac{1}{\sigma}\left[\mathrm{ReLU}\left(\frac{\mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{x}}{||\mathbf{w}||_2}\right)-\mu\right]\quad, \end{equation} where \begin{equation} \mu=\sqrt{\frac{1}{2\pi}} \quad \textrm{and} \quad \sigma=\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}\left(1-\frac{1}{\pi}\right)} \end{equation} are the mean and standard deviation of the distributions after ReLU when $\mathbf{x}$ is from a multivariate standard normal distribution. The output $y$ in equation \ref{eqn:normprop0} would also have zero mean and unit variance. Notice that this ad-hoc fix does not really achieve its goal. Firstly, as mentioned in~\citep{arpit2016normalization}, the closed form mean and variance is only an approximation since the correctness of this derivation requires the input to be normal distributed, which does not strictly hold beyond the first layer. More critically, after deriving equation \ref{eqn:normprop0} and fixing $\mu$ and $\sigma$, akin to Batch Normalization, they argue that an affine transformation needs to be learned after the weight-normalized linear layer and before the succeeding non-linear layer, in order to avoid decreasing the set of functions that can be represented by the network. The formulation then becomes: \begin{equation} \label{eqn:normprop1} y = \frac{1}{\sigma}\left[\mathrm{ReLU}\left(\frac{\gamma\left(\mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{x}\right)}{||\mathbf{w}||_2}+\beta\right)-\mu\right]\quad. \end{equation} Their derivation for $\mu$ and $\sigma$ is for the restricted case, when there is no learned affine transformation, i.e. when $\gamma=1$ and $\beta=0$. When this restriction is relaxed, the result would be invalid, even if the i.i.d. normal condition on $\mathbf{x}$ does hold. We could make $\mu$ and $\sigma$ functions of $\gamma$ and $\beta$ to fix this error, but the back-propagation computation would be overly complex, since these functions also need to be taken into account. As we cannot hope to strictly enforce a zero-mean unit-variance distribution, we propose to use a simpler approximation instead. Note that with ReLU-like nonlinearity (i.e. ReLU, leaky ReLU and parametric ReLU) we have $\mathrm{ReLU}(ax)=a\cdot\mathrm{ReLU}(x)$ when $a\ge 0$. In equation \ref{eqn:normprop1}, when $\gamma<0$, we can always invert the direction of $\mathbf{w}$ and take the negative of $\gamma$. Hence, without loss of generality, we can assume $\gamma\ge 0$. Then equivalently, equation \ref{eqn:normprop1} can be written as \begin{equation} \label{eqn:normprop2} y = \frac{\gamma}{\sigma}\left[\mathrm{ReLU}\left(\frac{\mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{x}}{||\mathbf{w}||_2}+\frac{\beta}{\gamma}\right)-\frac{\mu}{\gamma}\right]\quad. \end{equation} The purpose of $\mu$ and $\sigma$ is to cancel out the mean and variance introduced by ReLU and the affine transformation (i.e. $\beta$ and $\gamma$). Instead of deriving a complex formula, we simply set $\mu=\beta$ and $\sigma=\gamma$, and re-formulate the equation using $\alpha=-\frac{\beta}{\gamma}=-\frac{\mu}{\gamma}$. Equation \ref{eqn:normprop2} becomes: \begin{equation} \label{eqn:normprop3} y=\mathrm{ReLU}\left(\frac{\mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{x}}{||\mathbf{w}||_2}-\alpha\right)+\alpha\quad. \end{equation} Note that we can now separate out the restricted weight normalized layer from equation \ref{eqn:normprop3}. We call the remaining part ``Translated ReLU (TReLU)'': \begin{align} \mathrm{TReLU}_\alpha(x)=&\mathrm{ReLU}(x-\alpha)+\alpha\\ =&\begin{cases} x & (x\ge\alpha)\\ \alpha & (x<\alpha)\quad, \end{cases} \end{align} where $\alpha$ is a learned parameter. It is more commonly referred to as a ``threshold layer'', defined by $y=\max\{x,\alpha\}$, but here the threshold is learned. We chose this name to reflect the fact that other ReLU-like nonlinear functions can be used to give translated leaky and parametric ReLU layers. Here, we ``translate'' the data by $-\alpha$, apply the nonlinear function, then ``translate'' the data ``back'' (by $\alpha$). By using TReLU instead of adding bias to the previous layer, we prevent (to a certain degree) the introduction of a large mean into the distribution. This simplification effectively negates the learned affine transformation, which seemingly would reduce the set of functions that can be represented by the network. We argue, however, that allowing the learning of an affine transformation at the last weight-normalized layer recovers the expressiveness of the entire stack of layers (see appendix \ref{sec:equivalence} for proof). From now on, ``strict weight-normalized layers'' will refer to layers without affine transformations (Equation \ref{eqn:strictweightnorm}), while layers with a learned affine transformation \begin{equation} y=\frac{\mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{x}}{||\mathbf{w}||_2}\cdot\gamma+\beta \end{equation} are referred as ``affine weight-normalized layers''. These are collectively called ``weight-normalized layers''. \section{Evaluation Method} \label{sec:evaluation} For many generative models, the reconstruction error on the training set is often explicitly optimized in some form (e.g., Variational Autoencoders \citep{kingma2013auto}). Even when this is not the case as in GANs, it is natural to evaluate the model with a reconstruction loss (squared Euclidean distance) measured on a test set. In the case of GANs, given a generator $G$ and a set of test samples $X=\{x^{(1)},x^{(2)},\ldots,x^{(m)}\}$, the reconstruction loss of $G$ on $X$ is defined as \begin{equation} \mathcal{L}_\mathrm{rec}(G,X)=\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m\min_z||G(z)-x^{(i)}||_2^2\quad. \end{equation} In the case of images, we normalize for different image sizes by considering per pixel, per color channel reconstruction loss, thus we divide the loss by $3wh$ where $w$ and $h$ are the width and height of the training images. Since there is no way to directly infer the optimal $z$ from $x$, we use an alternative method: starting from an all-zero vector, we perform gradient descent on the latent code to find one that minimizes the squared Euclidean distance between the sample generated from the code and the target one. Because the code is optimized instead of computed from a feed-forward network, the evaluation process is time-consuming. Thus, we avoid performing this evaluation at every training iteration when monitoring the training process, and only use a reduced number of samples and gradient descent steps. Only for the final trained model, we perform an extensive evaluation on a larger test set, with a larger number of steps. This method is very similar to that proposed by Metz \etal \citep{metz2016unrolled}. There are two important differences: in \citep{metz2016unrolled} the samples used for reconstruction come from the training set, while we take the samples from a separate test set. Intuitively, in order to generate the test samples that are not in the training set, the generator must learn the distribution of the training samples, but not memorize and overfit on them. Such an effect would not be achieved if the test samples come from the training set. Furthermore, \citep{metz2016unrolled} uses L-BFGS for optimization on the latent code. L-BFGS is known to give good and fast optimization for problems that are not too high-dimension, which suits the setting of this problem well. However, its effectiveness is sensitive to many of its parameters. We were not able to find a combination of parameters that consistently work well under the various experiment settings. This also made it harder to justify the choice of parameters since for the different models we would like to compare the best parameters may be very different. Instead we use RMSProp. It may not be the fastest optimization method for this problem, but we found it to work well under our settings, and altering the parameters (learning rate and number of steps) generally affect the reconstruction result of different models in the same way, which makes comparison easier. \section{Experiments} \label{sec:experiments} We conducted experiments on image generation tasks, with quantitative analysis on DCGAN-based architecture on CelebA, LSUN bedroom and CIFAR-10 datasets, and qualitative results with a 21-layer ResNet on CelebA. The CelebA experiments are detailed here. Due to limited space, we only show some generated and reconstructed samples on LSUN and CIFAR-10 here, and discuss the settings, qualitative and quantitative results along with more samples in Appendices \ref{sec:cifar} and \ref{sec:lsun}. \subsection{DCGAN Setup} \label{sec:setup} For CelebA \citep{liu2015faceattributes}, we using central 160 $\times$ 160 patches. We compared three DCGAN-based models: (1) trained without any normalization as a reference (the non-normalized or ``vanilla'' model), (2) with Batch Normalization (``BN model''), and (3) with our formulation of Weight Normalization (``WN model''). The network is structured in the following way: for the discriminator, we use successive convolution layers with kernel size 4, stride 2, padding 1 and output features doubling that of the previous layer, starting from 64 features in the first layer. We add convolution layers until the spatial size of the feature map is sufficiently small (5$\times$5). We then add one final convolution layer with stride 1, zero padding and kernel size 5 (equaling the size of the last feature map). For the generator, we reverse this structure and use transposed convolution layers. As per common practice, Batch Normalization is not applied to the first layer of the discriminator, nor to the last layers of both the discriminator and generator. Weight normalization is used for every layer. For the last layer of both discriminator and generator, we use affine weight-normalized layers (AWNConv) while for every other layer we use strict weight-normalized layers (SWNConv). Parametric ReLU (PReLU) is used for vanilla and batch-normalized models and Translated Parametric ReLU (TPReLU) for weight-normalized models. Slope and bias parameters are learned per-channel. The length of the code is 256 for all models. The architectures are summarized in table \ref{tab:models}. Additional details regarding the implementation of weight normalized layers are discussed in appendix \ref{sec:detail}. \begin{table} \caption{\label{tab:models} Network structure for discriminators (top) and generators (bottom). First three columns: type of layers for vanilla, BN and WN models, respectively. Fourth column: kernel size, stride, padding and number of output channels of convolution layer.} \small \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{cccc}\hline vanilla & BN & WN & \\\hline Conv & Conv & SWNConv & 4, 2, 1, 64 \\ - & - & - & \\ PReLU & PReLU & TPReLU & \\ Conv & Conv & SWNConv & 4, 2, 1, 128 \\ - & BN & - & \\ PReLU & PReLU & TPReLU & \\ Conv & Conv & SWNConv & 4, 2, 1, 256 \\ - & BN & - & \\ PReLU & PReLU & TPReLU & \\ Conv & Conv & SWNConv & 4, 2, 1, 512 \\ - & BN & - & \\ PReLU & PReLU & TPReLU & \\ Conv & Conv & SWNConv & 4, 2, 1, 1024 \\ - & BN & - & \\ PReLU & PReLU & TPReLU & \\ Conv & Conv & AWNConv & 5, 1, 0, 1 \\ Sigmoid & Sigmoid & Sigmoid & \\\hline \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{cccc}\hline vanilla & BN & WN & \\\hline Conv & Conv & SWNConv & 5, 1, 0, 1024 \\ - & BN & - & \\ PReLU & PReLU & TPReLU & \\ Conv & Conv & SWNConv & 4, 2, 1, 512 \\ - & BN & - & \\ PReLU & PReLU & TPReLU & \\ Conv & Conv & SWNConv & 4, 2, 1, 256 \\ - & BN & - & \\ PReLU & PReLU & TPReLU & \\ Conv & Conv & SWNConv & 4, 2, 1, 128 \\ - & BN & - & \\ PReLU & PReLU & TPReLU & \\ Conv & Conv & SWNConv & 4, 2, 1, 64 \\ - & BN & - & \\ PReLU & PReLU & TPReLU & \\ Conv & Conv & AWNConv & 4, 2, 1, 3 \\ Sigmoid & Sigmoid & Sigmoid & \\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} All models are optimized with RMSProp \citep{tieleman2012lecture}, with a learning rate of $10^{-4}$, $\alpha=0.9$, $\varepsilon=10^{-6}$ and a batch size of 32. Specifically for the BN model, we use separate batches for true samples and generated samples when training the discriminator, as suggested by \citep{ganhack}. After each parameter update, we clip the learned slope of parametric ReLU layers to $[0,1]$. There are a total of 202,599 images in CelebA dataset. We randomly selected 2,000 images for evaluation and used the rest for training. During the training, we perform a ``running evaluation'' for every 500 training iterations, on a randomly selected and fixed subset of 200 test samples. The optimal code is found by performing gradient descent for 50 steps, starting from a zero vector. Again we use RMSProp, with a learning rate of 0.01. For each model, the best performing network during the training is saved and used for final evaluation. In the final evaluation, we use all 2,000 test samples and perform gradient descent for 2,000 steps. For BN model, we use its inference mode. In addition, we also use the ``converged'' model for evaluation, in case the model does converge but gives notably worse running reconstruction than the optimal recorded model. However, this did not occur in the main experiment. We consider that training has converged if both the running reconstruction loss and the generated samples stay stable for a sufficient amount of time. We observed mode collapse issues with both the vanilla and BN models. To reduce the possibility that these observations are caused by random factors, we repeat the training procedure for these models three times. We present the results from the best training instances and additional ones of the vanilla and BN models can be found in Appendix \ref{sec:moreinstances}. \subsection{Reconstruction} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/rec_plot.pdf} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:recloss} Running reconstruction loss during training.} \end{figure} \begin{table} \caption{\label{tab:recloss} Optimal reconstruction loss of the models} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{cccc}\hline Model & Optimal iteration & Running loss & Final loss \\\hline vanilla & 30,500 & 0.014509 & 0.006171 \\ BN & 30,500 & 0.017199 & 0.006355 \\ WN & 463,000 & 0.013010 & 0.005524 \\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} The running reconstruction loss of the three models is shown in Figure \ref{fig:recloss} for the first 150,000 iterations. The generated samples from both the vanilla and BN models have collapsed. The WN model was trained to 700,000 iterations and is considered to have converged (see Appendix \ref{sec:moresamples} for the prolonged training). The lowest running reconstruction loss recorded during training, the iteration at which this minimum loss is achieved, and the final reconstruction loss for each model is listed in table \ref{tab:recloss}. WN achieves about 10.5\% lower final reconstruction loss than the vanilla model, while for BN the loss is 3\% higher. We can also see from the loss curve that, until the vanilla model collapses, BN never achieved a better reconstruction loss. We also provide qualitative results of the reconstructions. Selected reconstructed samples are compared to the original test samples in figure \ref{fig:recsample}. These samples are selected such that all three models give reasonable results. Random samples can be found in Appendix \ref{sec:moresamples}. The WN model captures details (e.g. facial expression, texture of hair, subtle color variation) much more faithfully. Samples reconstructed by the BN model are significantly blurrier and affected by artifacts. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/rec_combine.jpg} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:recsample} Selected final reconstruction results. From left to right in each group: test sample, vanilla reconstruction, BN reconstruction, WN reconstruction. All images best viewed enlarged.} \end{figure} \subsection{Stability} As shown in Figure \ref{fig:recloss}, the reconstruction of vanilla and BN models started to get worse relatively early on during their training, after achieving their optimal reconstruction loss. For the vanilla model, the loss went up slowly, then in a relatively short time around iteration 135,000, the generator collapses and produces the same output, which caused the reconstruction loss to increase suddenly. For the BN model, at around 40,000 iterations, the loss started to show excessive fluctuation. Our WN model however, kept improving steadily until 300,000 iterations and then remained largely stable. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/stab_combine.jpg} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:stabilityvis} Evolution of samples during training. Top 3 rows: vanilla; Middle 3 rows: BN; Bottom 3 rows: WN. Columns: every 10,000 iterations from 10,000 to 150,000.} \end{figure} We can also visualize this (in)stability by checking samples generated from the same code at different iterations, as shown in Figure \ref{fig:stabilityvis}. The WN model is noticeably more stable as samples generated from the same code remain mostly constant across a time scale of 100,000 iterations, and the generated samples are slowly improving, while the other two models produce more random variations. Additional visual analysis and samples can be found in Appendix \ref{sec:moresamples}. \subsection{Training Speed} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/speed_combine.jpg} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:speedvis} Evolution of samples during early stage of training. Top 3 rows: vanilla; Middle 3 rows: BN; Bottom 3 rows: WN. Columns are samples from iterations 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000 and 5000.} \end{figure} We compare the training speed of the three models by assessing their generated samples during early stages of the training, as illustrated in Figure \ref{fig:speedvis}. It is evident that Batch Normalization does accelerate training and the effect of Weight Normalization is comparable. Notice that our WN model can already produce a human face in only 100 iterations. This accelerated training is mostly useful as a fast sanity check, when monitoring the training progress of deep neural networks. As shown in Figure, the visual quality of the samples generated by the three models are comparable at 10,000 iterations, and none of the models achieve a noticeably faster progression than the other. In addition, the ability to generate visually plausible samples earlier on does not necessarily translate into an overall faster improvement of the reconstruction. Notice that BN allows a higher learning rate. The training of the vanilla and WN models often fail with a learning rate of $0.0002$, while the BN model can still be trainable with a learning rate of $0.001$. However, we found that an increased learning rate did not accelerate the training of the BN model. Instead, it further harms the stability of the model. \subsection{Results on LSUN and CIFAR-10} Figures \ref{fig:cifar_samples_0} through \ref{fig:lsun_rec_0} show random generated and reconstructed samples of the three models on CIFAR-10 and LSUN bedroom datasets. The vanilla model failed to train on LSUN, so only results for the BN and WN models are shown. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/cifar_samples_0.jpg} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:cifar_samples_0} Random generated samples on CIFAR-10. Left to right: vanilla, BN, WN.} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/cifar_rec_comp_0.jpg} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:cifar_rec_0} Random reconstructions on CIFAR-10. In each group, left to right: test sample, vanilla, BN, WN.} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/lsun_samples_0.jpg} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:lsun_samples_0} Random generated samples on LSUN. Left: BN, right: WN.} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/lsun_rec_comp_0.jpg} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:lsun_rec_0} Random reconstructions on LSUN. In each group, left to right: test sample, BN, WN.} \end{figure} \subsection{ResNet Setup} Residual Networks \citep{he2016deep} are becoming increasingly popular for image classification. While it has been used in GANs, the setting is usually an image-to-image translation task, e.g. image super-resolution \citep{ledig2016photo}. Direct image generation from noise with ResNet has not been particularly successful. Here we test our method on a 21-layer residual network. Our block structure is as follows: we base our design on the basic blocks from \citep{he2016deep}. On the shortcut branch, we use an optional average pooling, present when the stride is 2, followed by an optional convolution with kernel size 1, present when the number of input features does not equal the number of output features. On the residue branch, we use Conv-BN-PReLU-Conv-BN structure for the BN model and remove batch normalization layers for the vanilla model. The two branches are then summed, then a final PReLU layer is applied to the result. In the WN model, all convolutions are replaced with the strict weight normalized version and PReLU layers are replaced with the translated version. There is some complication when summing the two branches in the WN model, see Appendex \ref{sec:detail} for more details. The first convolution on the residue branch has kernel size 3 or 4 when the stride is 1 or 2 respectively. the second convolution always have kernel size 3. The two convolutions always have padding 1. In the generator, all convolutions are replaced with transposed convolutions, and the average pooling on the shortcut branch is replaced with a nearest neighbour upscaling. The discriminator network consists of 5 levels, with each level consisting of a stride 2 block followed by a stride 1 block with the same number of output features, for a total of 10 residue blocks and thus 20 layers. Then a final convolution with kernel size 5 and no padding is added, as in the DCGAN models above, for a total of 21 layers. Since the network is much deeper, to save computation time, we reduced the number of features to (64, 128, 256, 384, 512) and dimension of the latent space to 128. Again, the generator is a mirror image of the discriminator. We also reduced the batch size to 16 and learning rate to $2\times 10^{-5}$. \subsection{ResNet Results} During 70,000 iterations of training, the vanilla model and the BN model were never able to generate more than a handful of different samples (random samples from iteration 70,000 shown in figure \ref{fig:resnet_samples}) and were extremely unstable (evolution of samples for every 10,000 iterations shown in figure \ref{fig:resnet_stability}). The WN model was trained to iteration 300,000 without major issues, and was able to generate samples with high quality and diversity. The best running reconstruction loss was 0.016906, achieved at iteration 195,000. Random samples from that iteration are shown in figure \ref{fig:resnet_samples_wn}. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/resnet_vanilla_bn_70000.jpg} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:resnet_samples} Random samples from vanilla and BN ResNet model, at iteration 70,000. Top 3 rows: vanilla; Bottom 3 rows: BN.} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/resnet_vanilla_bn_evolution.jpg} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:resnet_stability} Evolution of samples during ResNet training. Top 3 rows: vanilla; Middle 3 rows: BN; Bottom 3 rows: WN. Columns are samples from 10,000 to 70,000 iterations at intervals of 10,000 iterations. It is hardly recognizable but samples in the same row are indeed generated from the same code.} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{images/resnet_wn_195000.jpg} \end{center} \caption{\label{fig:resnet_samples_wn} Random samples from WN ResNet model, at iteration 195,000.} \end{figure} We do point out however, that with continued training after around iteration 200,000 we observe some degradation of sample quality in the weight normalized ResNet model, in similar ways as in the vanilla DCGAN model examined in Appendix \ref{sec:moresamples}. This indicates that Weight Normalization in itself may not be sufficient to guarantee the stability of the network. But it is not our goal to compete with other techniques and find a complete solution to the instability of GAN training. Rather, since our method does not propose different training loss (e.g. least squares in LSGAN \citep{mao2016least}) or protocol (e.g. batch discrimination) or favour a particular architecture (e.g. autoencoder-based, in EBGAN \citep{zhao2016energy}), our method is complementary to these existing GAN training improvement techniques, and can be combined with any of these to further improve the quality of GANs. Our method is not compatible with methods that operate on the weights, notably weight clipping in Wasserstein GAN \citep{arjovsky2017wasserstein}. But for this particular case, weight normalization provides an alternative way to weight clipping to enforce Lipschitz continuity, as discussed in Appendix \ref{sec:wgan}. \section{Conclusion} We introduced weight normalization for the training of GANs using an alternative formulation than the original work of \citep{salimans2016weight} and \citep{arpit2016normalization}, which achieves superior training performance. We also presented an evaluation method for GANs based on the mean squared Euclidean distance between the test samples and the closest generated ones, which are synthesized via gradient descent on a latent code. We trained and analyzed variants of DCGAN \citep{radford2015unsupervised} with different normalization methods for image generation on datasets of multiple scales. We found that batch-normalized models perform worse in reconstructing test samples and are less stable during training. In particular, both reconstruction errors and the visual quality can be deteriorated by BN. However, our formulation of weight normalization improves both reconstruction quality and training stability considerably. We further demonstrate the stabilizing power of weight normalization by successful training of a residual GAN that is considerably deeper. Based on our extensive evaluations, we believe that weight normalization should be used instead of batch normalization when training generative adversarial networks.
Introduction ============ Alzheimer disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease. One of the main etiological hallmarks of AD is excessive production of Aβ ([@B4]; [@B6]). Aβ peptides aggregate and deposit into soluble oligomers, fibrils, and senile plaques, which are closely associated with synaptic dysfunction and neuronal network perturbations, finally causing gross atrophy of the brain ([@B24]; [@B33]; [@B37]). Aβ is a 38∼43 amino acid peptide derived from the β-APP through sequential cleavage by β-secretase (BACE1) and γ-secretase ([@B1]; [@B39]; [@B3]). BACE1 is an aspartyl protease β-site APP cleaving enzyme1 that cleaves APP mainly at a unique site, whereas the γ-secretase complex cleaves the CTF at several sites, with preference for positions 40 and 42, forming the Aβ~1-40~ and Aβ~1-42~ peptides ([@B17]). Previous studies indicated that compared to other forms, such as Aβ~1-4~, Aβ~1-38~, Aβ~1-42~, and Aβ~3-40~ are more amyloidogenic ([@B7]). In particular, Aβ42, which is more prone to aggregate and form soluble oligomers that eventually form insoluble plaques, is more amyloidogenic ([@B18]; [@B9]). Clinical studies indicated that Aβ~1-42~ peptide showed a higher percentage concentration in AD patients ([@B5]; [@B21]). In the physiological condition, more than 90% of Aβ is a shorter form of Aβ40 and less than 5% of Aβ is a longer form of Aβ42 ([@B37]). Autosomal dominant FAD is a rare form of AD and usually presents before the age of 65 years in individuals with a positive family history in at least three generations ([@B43]). Currently, more than 185 mutations have been identified in PS1, 13 in presenilin 2 (PS2) and 33 in APP among FDA patients ([@B6]). PS1 is a *trans*-membrane protein that is an important component of the catalytic core of γ-secretase ([@B11]). γ-secretase, which is a multiprotein complex, is an unusual intramembranous cleaving aspartyl protease composed of presenilin, Nicastrin, Pen-2 and Aph-1 ([@B44]; [@B12]; [@B13]; [@B8]). PS1 is a highly conservative membrane protein, with nine TMDs. Large numbers of pathogenic mutations have been found throughout the coding sequence of PS1. Most of the PS1 mutations in FAD are located at TMDs ([@B41]), causing an increase in the Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio, either by decreasing the production of Aβ40 or increasing the production of Aβ42 ([@B4]; [@B34]; [@B23]). Other PS1 mutations in FAD, such as mutations at D257A and D385A are dominant negative, can lead to decreased Aβ peptide secretion and the accumulation of the C-terminal fragments of the precursor protein ([@B22]). Previous studies showed that through γ-secretase, βAPP-C-terminal fragment (β-CTF) is cleaved at the 𝜀-site, generating primarily long fragments. Meanwhile, Aβ48 and Aβ49 is followed by stepwise cleavage of every three amino acid residues at the C terminus ([@B30]). These findings led to the hypothesis that there are two Aβ product lines: Aβ40 and Aβ42. In this hypothesis, the Aβ40 product line represents the amino-terminal APP intracellular domain (AICD) 50--99 and Aβ49, Aβ46, Aβ43, Aβ40, and, the Aβ42 product line represents AICD 49--99 and Aβ48, Aβ45, Aβ42, Aβ38 ([@B14]). The PS1 gene has been widely studied since the discovery of FAD. While initial studies indicated the role of PS1 mutations in increased Aβ42 production in FAD, it has now become clear that a series of pathogenic mutations caused impairments in other PS activities as well, such as Aβ40, AICD, NICD and so on. Some researchers even proposed that pathogenic mutations in PS might play a role in the impaired γ-secretase-dependent and γ-secretase-independent activities through a dominant-negative mechanism. However, the molecular mechanisms remain elusive for FAD. Both D257A NTF and D385A CTF have been shown to abolish the γ-secretase activity in wild type or pathogenic PS1 mutants ([@B19]). Other mutations have also been shown to affect the Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio: eight mutants (I143T, E280A, P284L, Δexon9, G384A, F386S, S390I, L392P) were found to increase Aβ42, eleven (I143T, L166P, A246E, L250S, E280A, P284L, Δexon9, P377M, G384A, L392V) decrease Aβ40, and twelve (I143T, L166P, A246E, E280A, P284L, Δexon9, R377M, G384A, F386S, S390I, L392P, L392V) decrease Aβ38. These results show that decreased Aβ38 and Aβ40 and increased Aβ42 production are common phenotypes of PS1 mutations in FAD. Still more mutations were reported, but their exact role in FAD are still unclear ([@B16]; [@B28]; [@B40]; [@B20]). Given the important role the Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio played in AD, it is very important to understand the mechanism that leads to this change for the study of amyloidosis processing and AD onset ([@B21]). Here, we studied 13 different FAD PS1 mutations, plus one dominant negative mutation that affects the production of Aβ through APP processing. We also quantitatively analyzed the triple and tetra peptide produced by two distinct lines of long amyloid β cleavage processes with mass spectrometry. Our studies indicate that different mutations affect the Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio through different mechanisms. Some decrease the cleavage of Aβ42 to 38 (VVIA), while others decrease the cleavage of Aβ43 to Aβ40 (IAT). Such results can help us to better understand the underlying mechanism of PS mutations during the onset of AD. Materials and Methods {#s1} ===================== DNA Constructs and Mutagenesis ------------------------------ BACE1-myc-his, pcC99, pcC83, wild-type PS1 human cDNAs (PS1-WT) were obtained from Weihong Song lab (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada). Mutations in PSEN1, (namely, I143T, I143V, M146V, H163P, L166P, S170F, G217A, M233V, Q223R, E280A, L381V, G384A, D385A, and L392V) were generated by overlap extension PCR on the plasmid pcDNA4.1/PS1-WT using corresponding primers (Supplementary Table [S1](#SM1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). The PCR fragments were then digested using EcoRI /HindIII, and subcloned into pcDNA4.1. Cell Culture and Transfection ----------------------------- Human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK 293) cells, stably expressing "Swedish" mtAPP695 and BACE1 (2EB2 cell line), were cultured in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Media, which is a Nutrient Mixture F-12 (GIBCO, CA) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS; GIBCO) and 1% penicillin/streptomycin (GIBCO). Stable cell lines were selected using 200 cug/ml Zeocin and G418 (Invitrogen). Human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK 293) cells were cultured in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Media (GIBCO, CA) supplemented with 10% FBS (GIBCO) and 1% penicillin/streptomycin (GIBCO). The cDNA constructs were transiently transfected into the cells using the Lipofectamine 2000 reagent (Invitrogen), according to the manufacturer's instructions. Extraction of Tri-, Tetra-, and Pentapeptides from Living Cultured Cells ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2EB2 cells were transfected with PS1 or PS1 with various mutations. HEK293 cells co-transfected with pcC99 or pcC83 and PS1 or PS1 with various mutations were cultured to confluence in 10 cm dishes. Protease inhibitors (Protease inhibitor Cocktail Tablets, Roche, 04693132001) and 1 mM 4-(2-Aminoethyl) benzenesulfonyl fluoride hydrochloride (AEBSF, sigma, A8456) were added into the conditioned medium 44 h after transfection. The cells were washed rapidly with ice-cold PBS, and then, immediately boiled for 2 min. The boiled samples were sonicated for 3 min and centrifuged. The supernatant was then concentrated using a speed vacuum concentrator, and finally, subjected to an LC-MS/MS analysis of the tripeptide and tetrapeptide ([@B26]). Aβ ELISA -------- The conditioned medium was collected for an Aβ (Aβ40 and Aβ42, Invitrogen) level assay. Protease inhibitor and 4-(2-Aminoethyl) benzenesulfonyl fluoride hydrochloride were added to the conditioned medium 4 h before collection to prevent degradation of Aβ. The levels of Aβ species (Aβ40 and Aβ42) were measured by ELISA Kits according to the manufacturer's instructions. Identification and Quantification of Cleavage Peptides by LC-MS/MS ------------------------------------------------------------------ An electrospray ionization tandem quadruple mass spectrometer, (Agilent 6460, USA) accompanied by ultra-performance liquid chromatography (Agilent 1260), was used to identify and quantify the cleavage peptides. Samples were maintained at 4°C in the auto sampler. To quantify each peptide, a combination of precursor ion product ion pair was monitored using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) modes. MRM methods were measured by LC-MS/MS as described previously ([@B38]). The m/z values for these peptides were as follows: 502.7 and 199.2 for VVIAT; 425.7 and 261.2 for FLF; 345.8 and 215.1 for ITL; 329.8 and 185.2 for VIV; 303.7 and 185 for IAT; 331.8 and 185.1 for VIT; 331.8 and 173.1 for TVI; 401.2 and 171.1 for VVIA. Immunoblotting -------------- Cells were lysed 48 h after transfection in a RIPA Lysis Buffer with 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4), 150 mM NaCl, 1% NP-40, 0.1% SDS, Protease Inhibitor cocktail (Roche) and AEBSF. Sonication was done using an Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor (Sonics). The lysates were centrifuged at 14000 *g* for 10 min at 4°C. The protein levels were determined by the Quick Start^TM^ Bradford protein assay (Bio-Rad, 500-0201). Cell lysate was subjected to SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) with 16% Tris-tricine ([@B25]; [@B32]) or 10% Tris-glycine gels. The samples were then transferred to PVDF membranes (Millipore, 0.22 μm). For protein detection, membranes were blocked for 1 h with 5% milk, as well as incubated with the polyclonal C20 antibody against the last 20 C-terminus of human APP. The blots were developed using an ECL system and intensities of the bands were quantified with Image Lab^TM^ Software (Bio-Rad). Statistical Analysis -------------------- Quantifications were done from data generated during three independent experiments. Values represent mean ± standard error of the mean. Comparisons of more than two groups were carried out using one-way ANOVA and Dunnett's *post hoc* test using PS1 WT values as the control group ([@B11]). Statistical significance between the two groups was determined by an unpaired two-tailed *t*-test. *P* \< 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results ======= Human FAD PS1 Mutations Increase the Production of CTF ------------------------------------------------------ In order to better understand the mechanisms of FAD PS1 mutations, 14 different PS1 mutations were selected and transiently transfected into 2EB2 cells that stably overexpressed Swedish APP and BACE1 ([@B29]). PS1 has nine TMDs and harbors the catalytic site with two conserved aspartate residues located in TMD6 and TMD7 ([@B42]; [@B15]; [@B36]). It was reported that most PS1 mutations are located in TMD2, TMD3, TMD4, TMD5, TMD6, and TMD7. Among them, TMD1-6 and TMD8-9 are hydrophobic. TMD7 has a partial hydrophilic catalytic cavity and is very sensitive to mutations, which dramatically reduce its capability to insert into the cell membrane ([@B41]). TMD7 is part of the hydrophilic catalytic cavity, which is inserted in the hydrophobic core of the membrane, and probably protected by stable hydrophobic domains that include TMD1-6 and TMD8-9. TMD6 is also susceptible to changes in amino acid residues. Fourteen different FAD PS1 mutations that we selected are located in TMDs. Four are located in TMD2 (I143T/V, M146V, H163P); one in TMD3 (L166P, S170F); one in TMD4 (G217A), two in TMD5 (Q223R, M233V); one in H7 (E280A); and, three in TMD7 (L381V, L392V, G384A). One mutant (D385A) was also used as a negative control ([@B40]). Except for L381V and G384A that have been well-studied, the rest have rarely, if ever, before been studied. Vector alone, PS1 WT (wild type) or PS1 mutants, were transiently transfected into 2EB2 cells. Forty-eight hours after transfection, cells were collected, lysed, and a Western Blot was used to analyze the expression level of APP and CTFs, especially CTF99 expression. The levels of PS1 expression were used to verify the transfection efficiency. Compared with the vector alone (pcDNA4.1), both WT PS1 and PS1 with mutations could be transfected with high efficiency into the 2EB2 cell line. While the negative control mutation (D385A) did not affect the level of APP CTF expression, others, especially I143T, S170F, M233V, and L392V, increased the expression of APP CTF (**Figures [1A--C](#F1){ref-type="fig"}**). ![**Familial Alzheimer's disease PS1 mutations affect CTF level.** Expression levels of APP, CTF in 2EB2 cells expressing empty vector, PS1 WT, I143T, I143V, M146V, H163P, L166P, S170F, G217A, Q223R, M233V, E280A, L381V, G384A, D385A, L392V. **(A)** Cell lysates from human Swedish mutant APP695 and BACE1 double expression stable cell line 2EB2 were analyzed by Western Blot. APP, APP CTFs were detected with the C20 polyclonal antibody, PS1-NT was detected with the rat anti-presenilin-1 monoclonal antibody (Millipore, MAB1563). **(B)** Quantification of APP in 2EB2 cells in **(A)**. **(C)** Quantification of C99 in 2EB2 cells in **(A)**. ^∗^*P* \< 0.05; ^∗∗^*P* \< 0.01.](fnagi-08-00051-g001){#F1} Human FAD PS1 Mutations Influence APP Cleavage Process ------------------------------------------------------ To investigate the effect of human FAD PS1 on the APP cleavage process, empty vector (pcDNA4.1), PS1 WT or PS1 mutants were again transiently transfected into 2EB2 cells. Forty-eight hours after transfection, both the conditional medium and the cells were collected. ELISA was used to measure the levels of Aβ42 and Aβ40 in the conditional medium. Cells were lysed and the small peptides (tripeptide and tetrapeptide) were measured using LC-MS/MS (Agilent 6460, USA). ELISA results showed that compared to PS1 WT, the dominant negative mutation (D385A) did not affect the expression levels of Aβ42 and Aβ40, while most FAD PS1 mutants showed an increased Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio through different lines. For example, L166P increased the ratio of Aβ42/Aβ40 by lowering the level of Aβ40. I143V, M146V, G217A, E280A, L381V, and L392V increased the Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio through increased expression of Aβ42. The rest of the mutations increased the ratio of Aβ42/Aβ40 through both decreasing Aβ40 and increasing Aβ42 levels at the same time (**Figures [2A,B](#F2){ref-type="fig"}**). The amounts of tripeptide and tetrapeptide produced during the stepwise processing of longer form Aβ in living cells were then measured (**Figures [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}** and **[4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}**). The result indicated that neither the negative control nor any of the selected FAD PS1 mutations affected the selectivity of the γ-secretase cleavage of long form Aβ, judged by the total level of Aβ49-40 relative to that of total Aβ-related small peptides (**Figure [4A](#F4){ref-type="fig"}**). Compared to the PS1-WT, except for L166P and D385A mutations, most PS1 mutations were able to reduce the relative rate of Aβ42 cleavage into Aβ38. This reduction was concluded based upon the level of VVIA relative to that of total Aβ48-42 related small peptides (**Figure [4B](#F4){ref-type="fig"}**). Correspondingly, compared with PS1-WT, most FAD PS1 mutations (I143T, H163P, L166P, S170F, Q223R, M233V, E280A, and G384A) were able to decrease the relative rate of Aβ43 cleavage into Aβ40. This finding is based upon the level of IAT relative to that of the total Aβ49-40 related small peptides (**Figure [4C](#F4){ref-type="fig"}**). The LC-MS/MS results are consistent with the results from ELISA and Western Blot. ![**Effects of PS1 WT and PS1 Mutants on long Aβ Cleavage in 2EB2 cell line by ELISA (A,B).** Conditioned medium from 2EB2 cells expressing empty vector, PS1-WT or FAD PS1 mutants were analyzed for levels of secreted Aβ40 and Aβ42 using ELISA kit. **(A)** The levels of Aβ40 and Aβ42 are plotted in relative to PS1 WT. **(B)** The Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio. ^∗^*P* \< 0.05; ^∗∗^*P* \< 0.01.](fnagi-08-00051-g002){#F2} ![**Detection of related small peptide species of Aβ. (A)** The chromatographys of IAT standard peptides. **(B)** The Intensity of multiple reactions monitoring (MRM) ion chromatography of ITA. (1) Its transition is m/z = 303.7/185. Black, pCDNA4.1; Red, PS1; Blue, M233V. **(C)** The chromatographys of VVIA standard peptides. **(D)** The Intensity of multiple reactions monitoring (MRM) ion chromatography of VVIA. (2) Its transition is m/z = 401.2/171.1. Black, pCDNA4.1; Red, PS1; Blue, M233V. **(E)** Aβ species in lysates of 2EB2 cells in a 10 cm dish overexpressing PS1 WT.](fnagi-08-00051-g003){#F3} ![**Effects of PS-WT1 and PS1 Mutants on long Aβ Cleavage in 2EB2 cell line by LC-MS/MS. (A)** Fold changes of the relative rate of Aβ49-40/total Aβ production. **(B)** Fold changes of the relative VVIA levels in cell lysates of 2EB2 cell line. **(C)** Fold changes of the relative IAT levels in cell lysates of 2EB2 cells line. **(D)** Fold changes of the relative VIT, TVI, and VVIA levels in cell line expressing PS1 and PS1 FAD mutants. **(E)** Fold changes of the relative ITL, VIV, and IAT levels in cell line expressing PS1 and PS1 FAD mutants. ^∗^*P* \< 0.05; ^∗∗^*P* \< 0.01.](fnagi-08-00051-g004){#F4} Human FAD PS1 Mutations Differ in Their Effect on Aβ Generated by β-CTF Line ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amyloid precursor protein can be cleaved into α-CTF (CTF83) and β-CTF (CTF99) by α-secretase and β-secretase *in vivo*, respectively. Therefore, we want to examine whether CTF83 can affect the CTF99 cleavage with PS1 mutations. pzC99, which is the cDNA encoding CTF99, was inserted into the pcDNA4.1 vector. We co-transfected transiently pzC99 with the empty vector, PS1 WT or PS1 mutants, into HEK293 cells. Forty-eight hours after transfection, both the condition medium and the cells were collected. The levels of Aβ42 and Aβ40 in the culture medium were similar to the previous ELISA results (**Figures [2A,B](#F2){ref-type="fig"}**). Most FAD PS1 mutations also increased the ratio of Aβ42/Aβ40 as shown before: L166P increased the ratio of Aβ42/Aβ40 by reducing Aβ40 level; I143V, M146V, G217A, E280A, L381V, and G384 increased the ratio of Aβ42/Aβ40 by increasing Aβ42 level; and finally, the rest of the mutations increased the ratio of Aβ42/Aβ40 by both reducing Aβ40 and increasing Aβ42 levels (**Figures [5A,B](#F5){ref-type="fig"}**). Cells were then lysed and the tripeptide and tetrapeptide were measured using LC-MS/MS (**Figure [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}**). The results were in agreement with previous results in the Aβ48--Aβ38 line (**Figure [4D](#F4){ref-type="fig"}**). Compared with PS1-WT, some FAD PS1 mutations (I143T, I143V, M146V, H163P, S170F, G217A, Q223R, M233V, E280A, L381V, G384A, and L392V), showed elevated levels of Aβ42 as a result of lower VVIA, which was produced by the cleavage of Aβ42 into Aβ38, L166P and negative control had no effect on the VVIA level (**Figure [5C](#F5){ref-type="fig"}**). The results of Aβ49--Aβ40 line were slightly different (**Figure [4E](#F4){ref-type="fig"}**). Some FAD PS1 mutations (I143T, M146V, H163P, L166P, S170F, Q223R, M233V, E280A, L381V, and L392V) secreted lower levels of Aβ40, causing a lower level of IAT to be generated by the cleavage of Aβ43 into Aβ40. Others, such as I143V, G217A, and G384A, as well as the negative control, did not affect the IAT levels (**Figure [5D](#F5){ref-type="fig"}**). Among them, M146V, G384A, L381V, and L392V showed slightly different results from the previous data (**Figures [4B,C](#F4){ref-type="fig"}**). This could be due to CTF83 competing with CTF99 for cleavage by γ-secretase. ![**Effects of PS1-WT and PS1 Mutant on CTF99 Cleavage. (A,B)** Conditioned medium from HEK293 co-expressing pzC99-flag and PS1-WT or FAD PS1 mutations were analyzed for levels of secreted Aβ40 and Aβ42 species using ELISA kit. **(A)** The levels of Aβ40 and Aβ42 are plotted in relative to PS1 WT. **(B)** The Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio. **(C)** Fold changes of the relative VVIA levels in cell lysates of HEK293 transfected pzC99 and PS1/PS1 FAD mutations. **(D)** Fold changes of the relative IAT levels in cell lysates of HEK293 transfected pzC99 and PS1/PS1 FAD mutations. **(E)** Fold changes of the relative VIT, TVI, and VVIA levels in cell lysates of HEK293 transfected pzC99 and PS1/PS1 FAD mutations. **(F)** Fold changes of the relative ITL, VIV, and IAT levels in cell lysates of HEK293 transfected pzC99 and PS1/PS1 FAD mutations. ^∗^*P* \< 0.05; ^∗∗^*P* \< 0.01.](fnagi-08-00051-g005){#F5} Human FAD PS1 Mutations Differ in Their Effect on Aβ by α-CTF Line ------------------------------------------------------------------ The above results showed that FAD PS1 mutations differ in their effects on the Aβ generation line of APP and CTF99, especially in the Aβ49--Aβ40 line. APP could be cleaved by different secretase to generate α-CTF and β-CTF. Subsequently, they could be sequentially cleaved to produce Aβ fragments using γ-secretase. Both α-CTF and β-CTF can give rise to the tri- and tetra-peptides, but only β-CTF can eventually generate Aβ42. Thus, we further tested the hypothesis that the presence of CTF83 may affect the cleavage of CTF99. ELISA results showed that Aβ42 could not be detected in either PS1-WT or FAD PS1 mutations. The LC-MS/MS results showed that compared to PS-WT, some FAD PS1 mutations (I143T, I143V, H163P, S170F, L381V, and L392V) produced lower levels of VVIA (**Figure [6A](#F6){ref-type="fig"}**). Meanwhile, others (I143T, H163P, S170F, G217A, M233V, and G384A) produced lower levels of IAT (**Figure [6B](#F6){ref-type="fig"}**). Combined with the data of a specific peptide IAT cleaved from APP and a β-CTF cleavage using γ-secretase (**Figures [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}** and **[5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}**), we propose that the existenceof α-CTF may affect the β-CTF cleavage in certain, (i.e., M146V, L381V, G384A, and L392V) but not all, FAD PS1 mutations. Moreover, the presence of CTF83 may affect the cleavage of CTF99. ![**Effects of PS1-WT and PS1 Mutants on CTF83 Cleavage. (A)** Fold changes of the relative VVIA levels in cell lysates of HEK293 transfected pzC83 and PS1-WT or FAD PS1 mutations. **(B)** Fold changes of the relative IAT levels in cell lysates of HEK293 transfected pzC83 and PS1-WT or FAD PS1 mutations. ^∗^*P* \< 0.05; ^∗∗^*P* \< 0.01.](fnagi-08-00051-g006){#F6} Discussion ========== The PS1 mutation is known to be a key heredity factor of FAD. Mutation in PS1 can cause changes to γ-secretase activities, resulting in the alteration of the Aβ42/40 ratio. Recent research data show that Aβ can be generated by a series and continuous cleavage using γ-secretase ([@B38]; [@B26]; [@B27]). LC-MS/MS can be used to monitor the cleavage progress by following the tripeptides and tetrapeptides generated during the process. Based on the Aβ48--Aβ38 and Aβ49--Aβ40 cleavage lines, 14 PS1 mutations impacting the Aβ42/40 ratio via different lines of Aβ generated line were reported. Here, we discovered four significant findings. First, the PS1 negative control (D385A) showed no change in Aβ42, Aβ40 level, or Aβ42/40 ratio. This outcome is likely because they do not affect the cleavage of CTF83 and CTF99, especially the unique peptide VVIA and IAT. LC-MS/MS results indicated that they do not significantly affect the CTF83 and CTF99 cleavage line either. Second, six mutations (I143T, H163P, S170F, Q223R, M233V, and G384A) change the ratio of Aβ42/40 by decreasing the level of Aβ40 and increasing the level of Aβ42, respectively. Meanwhile, the cleavage of Aβ42 to Aβ38 and of Aβ43 to Aβ40 were both decreased. Such results indicate that those mutations affect the Aβ42/40 ratio through both the Aβ49-40 line and the Aβ48-42 line. Third, one mutation (L166P) affected the ratio of Aβ42/40 by decreasing the level of Aβ40 as a result of the decreased specific cleavage of Aβ43 to Aβ40, with no effect on Aβ42. This outcome indicates that L166P affects the Aβ42/40 ratio mainly through the Aβ49-40 line. Fourth, six mutations (I143V, M146V, G217A, E280A, L381V, and L392V) affected the ratio of Aβ42/40 by increasing the level of Aβ42, via specifically decreasing the cleavage of Aβ42 to Aβ38, with no effect on Aβ40. This outcome suggests that those mutations affect the Aβ42/40 ratio mainly through the Aβ48--Aβ40 line. To summarize, except for the negative control (D385A), which showed no effect on the Aβ42/40 ratio and the process of β-CTF cleavage, most of PS1 mutations could change the Aβ42/40 ratio through different long form Aβ cleavage lines (**Figure [7](#F7){ref-type="fig"}**). ![**Summarize the effects on specific peptides cleaved from long Aβ in different mutations.** The APP can be sequential cleavage by β-secretase (BACE1)/α-secretase and γ-secretase. APP-C-terminal fragment is cleaved at the 𝜀-site by γ-secretase, generating primarily long fragments, Aβ48 and Aβ49, followed by stepwise cleavage of every three amino acid residues at the C terminus, generating unique peptide. PS1 negative control, D385A, showed no change in unique peptide VVIA and IAT. Six mutations (I143T, H163P, S170F, Q223R, M233V, and G384A) change the ratio of Aβ42/40 by decreasing the cleavage of Aβ43-40 and Aβ42-38. L166P affect the ratio of Aβ42/40 by decreasing the cleavage of Aβ43-40. Six mutations (I143V, M146V, G217A, E280A, L381V, and L392V) affect the ratio of Aβ42/40 by decreasing the cleavage of Aβ42-38.](fnagi-08-00051-g007){#F7} Exactly how FAD mutations lead to the AD neuropathogenesis is still a mystery at present. One prevailing hypothesis is that PS mutations in mammalian systems cause the increase of the γ-secretase activity and enhance Aβ42 production ([@B35]). Conversely, some new studies suggest that some mutations in FAD PS1 mutations (i.e., V82L, C263R et al.) not only would not increase production of Aβ42, but also lead to a loss of its essential functions. Many studies showed that FAD PS1 mutations would increase the ratio of Aβ42/Aβ40. However, previous studies primarily focus on, the lowered production of Aβ40, rather than the increased production of Aβ42 ([@B34]). Our data seems to be in agreeing with the previous hypotheses. Here, we show that L166p impacts the Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio by decreasing the level of Aβ40, rather than increasing the level of Aβ42 corresponds with previous work. Three PS1 mutations (L133P, G183V, and insR352) were found to cause a lack of amyloid pathology ([@B31]; [@B2]; [@B10]) and an absence of Aβ accumulation. Such mutations are believed to be associated with Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) more than with FAD, despite the fact they can be found in both FAD and FTD patients. The data we collected leads us to believe that most FAD PS1 mutations lead to amyloid pathogenesis. This outcome maybe due to FAD PS1 mutations function in regulating the cleavage of Aβ42--Aβ38 and Aβ43--Aβ40. Interestingly, our results indicated that PS1 mutations have different effects on the β-CTF and APP processing of Aβ generation. It is known that APP can be cleaved by β-secretase and α-secretase, generating β-CTF and α-CTF. Subsequently, α-CTF and β-CTF may both be cleaved by γ-secretase. Additionally, α-CTF may remain the same peptide through the processing of γ-secretase cleavage. Here, we detected tri-peptides and tetra-peptides in the HEK293 cell linings co-transfected with the PS1 mutation and CTF83. We found that α-CTF is also processed by a series of continuous cleavages that produce the same tri-peptides and tetra-peptides as that of β-CTF. Moreover, the PS1 mutation could alter the cleavage process of α-CTF as well. Some mutations have different effects on the processing of α-CTF and β-CTF cleavages, suggesting that changes in the PS1 structure may decrease a β-CTF cleavage with no effect on α-CTF. Conclusion ========== Most mutations in PS1 accelerate the amyloid formation by affecting the Aβ generation process that results in a change of Aβ42/40 in FAD causing dementia. Author Contributions ==================== NL and YQ contributed to the cell culture and sample preparation. ZR contributed to the data analysis. KL contributed to the sample detection by LC-MS/MS. DR and YD contributed to the experimental design and discussion. NL and HQ contributed to study design and manuscript preparation. Conflict of Interest Statement ============================== The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. This study was funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81171206) and partially supported by the ministry of Science and Technology, China (No. 2013YQ03059514) and a grant from the Key Laboratory for Neurodegenerative Disease of Ministry of Education (No. 2015SJBX05, 2015SJZS01). Supplementary Material ====================== The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: <http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fnagi.2016.00051> ###### Click here for additional data file. Aβ : Amyloid β-peptide APP : amyloid precursor protein CTF : carboxy-terminal fragments FAD : Familial Alzheimer's disease PS1 : Presenilin1 TMD : transmembrane domains [^1]: Edited by: *Roxana Octavia Carare, University of Southampton, UK* [^2]: Reviewed by: *José M. Delgado-García, Pablo de Olavide University, Spain; Robert Petersen, Case Western Reserve University, USA*
Summary {#Sec1} ======= Over half of patients undergoing radiation are treated with palliative intent. This study aims to characterize use of palliative radiation therapy in patients with advanced cancer and identify factors associated with imminent mortality in this patient population. Background {#Sec2} ========== More than half of patients treated with radiotherapy (RT) are treated with palliative intent. RT has well-established utility for pain palliation from bone metastases, may be used to improve neurological function or prevent further neurological compromise in patients with brain or spinal cord metastases, and can be used to alleviate symptoms due to obstruction by tumor. While the response rate to RT in the treatment of bone metastases is high, at approximately 60% \[[@CR1]\], the time frame for symptomatic improvement is typically measured in weeks \[[@CR2]--[@CR4]\]. Palliative RT for brain metastases may result in stable or improved neurologic symptoms in about half of patients \[[@CR5]\], however is also associated with side effects \[[@CR6]\] and may not improve overall survival \[[@CR7]\]. Patients undergoing RT at the end of life may not experience symptomatic benefit and may spend a significant proportion of their remaining life expectancy receiving treatment \[[@CR8]\]. Time spent on treatment at the end of life may not align with patients' end of life goals, particularly in the United States where single fraction RT is less commonly utilized. Medicare data suggests that in the United States, almost 8% of patients dying of cancer will receive RT in their last month of life, and almost 20% of these patients will be treated in 10 or more fractions \[[@CR9], [@CR10]\]. The purpose of this study is to characterize use of palliative RT in patients with advanced cancer at a single institution and identify factors associated with RT within 30 days of death (D~30~RT). Methods {#Sec3} ======= Patient information {#Sec4} ------------------- We performed a retrospective single-institution review to identify patients who received external beam RT to a site of metastatic disease between 2012 and 2016. Patients treated with stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) for limited brain metastases were excluded from this analysis as this represents a highly select group of patients; at our institution, each case is reviewed at a weekly multidisciplinary SRS tumor board and the treatment decision takes into account factors such as patient performance status, control of extracranial disease, and potential systemic therapy options. As our patient list was generated using ICD codes for secondary malignant neoplasms (196--198, C78, and C79), we also excluded patients receiving potentially palliative RT to their primary tumor. Patient characteristics such as age, gender, primary diagnosis, prior chemotherapy or other systemic treatment, performance status at consult, use of hospice services, and radiation dose/fractionation were abstracted from the medical record. In addition to clinical variables used to calculate the TEACHH and Chow scores described below, we also recorded BMI, as weight loss has been shown to be a poor prognostic sign in patients with cancer \[[@CR11]\], and inpatient status at the time of consult \[[@CR10]\]. Vital status and date of death were confirmed with our institutional tumor registry. The institutional review board approved this retrospective review. Given the volume of individual patient data and ongoing work, this database has not been made publicly available however is available upon request from the corresponding author. Prognostic scores {#Sec5} ----------------- The TEACCH and Chow models have been described previously \[[@CR12], [@CR13]\]. The Chow model of risk factors grouping is simple to use and categorizes patients based on 3 risk factors: non-breast primary, non-bone metastases, and KPS ≤ 60. Group I includes patients with 0--1 risk factors, Group II with 2 risk factors, and group 3 with all three risk factors \[[@CR14]\]. The TEACHH model assigns points based on the following risk factors: non-breast or prostate primary, age \> 60, ECOG performance status 2--4, liver metastases, hospitalization within 3 months of palliative RT consult, and 2 or more prior palliative chemotherapy courses \[[@CR12]\]. Patients with 0--1 risk factors are categorized in group A, 2--4 risk factors in group B, and 5--6 risk factors in group C. Statistics {#Sec6} ---------- The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to evaluate normality of continuous variables. Mann-Whitney U and Chi-squared tests were used to compare patients who received RT within 30 days of death (D~30~RT) and those who did not. D~30~RT was calculated from the start of RT. Multivariate analysis was used to identify factors associated with D~30~RT. In our exploratory analysis of D~30~RT and inability to complete the prescribed RT course, 16 clinical variables were considered (Table [3](#Tab3){ref-type="table"}); as such we performed a Bonferroni correction and only 2-sided *p*-values less than 0.003 were considered statistically significant. Statistics were performed using IBM SPSS, version 25 (SPSS; Chicago, IL). Results {#Sec7} ======= Five hundred and-eighteen patients were included in this analysis. The median age at initial diagnosis was 60 years (interquartile range (IQR) 50--68 years) (Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}). The median age at final RT course was 63 years (IQR 54--71 years). The median survival time from diagnosis to final RT course was 28 months (IQR 11--53 months). Sixty-six percent of patients (340/518) were Caucasian, while 14% (74/518) were East Asian and 8.7% (45/518) African American. Forty-nine percent of patients (254/518) had metastatic disease at diagnosis. Forty-five percent of patients (231/511) had a KPS \> 70 at the time of final RT consult; KPS was not recorded at the time of consultation in 8 patients. Fifty eight percent of patients (289/500) were hospitalized within 3 months of RT consult.Table 1Patient characteristicsVariableMedian (IQR) or % (n, of 518)Age at diagnosis60 (50--68)Percent female46% (238)Race White66% (340) East Asian14% (74) African American8.7% (45) Southeast Asian3.7% (19) Asian NOS3.7% (19) Other (includes American Indian, Pacific Islander)4.1% (21)Percent Hispanic9.1% (47)Survival time since diagnosis (months)28 (11--53)Primary diagnosis Lung26% (137) Breast19% (97) Prostate9.7% (50) Renal cell5.8% (30) Colorectal5.8% (30) Hepatocellular3.8% (20) Head and Neck3.5% (18) Skin3.3% (17) Other^a^23% (119)Metastatic at diagnosis49% (254)Site of metastases Brain47% (244) Lung55% (284) Liver40% (208)Bone only17% (90)BMI last course24(21--27)KPS last consult60 (50--80) KPS \> 7045% (231/511)Hospitalization within 3 months of RT consult58% (289/500)TEACHH score^b^Median survival, months (IQR) 0--1 (Group A)6.2% (32/450)6 (2.8--11) 2--4 (Group B)68% (352/450)2.2 (1.0--5.0) 5--6 (Group C)13% (66/450)1.3 (0.5--2.3)CHOW group^b^ I18% (92/510)4.7 (2--11) II44% (227/510)2.5 (1.0--5.6) III37% (191/510)1.6 (0.7--2.7)Hospice involved Yes47% (245) No28% (147) Unknown24% (126)Place of death Inpatient, acute care23% (120) Home29% (151) Inpatient hospice, non-acute care10% (52) SNF (not hospice)1.5% (8) Unknown36% (187)^a^Includes primary cancer of the liver, bile ducts, esophagus, ovary, pancreas, meninges, endometrium, anus, lymph nodes, CNS, and pleura^b^Some patients had incomplete information and thus TEACHH or Chow groups could not be calculated (denominators 450 and 510 respectively). Performance status at RT consult was the most commonly missing information, but also hospitalizations within 3 months of RT consult and number of prior palliative chemotherapy courses The most common primary malignancies were lung (26%, 137/518), breast (19%, 97/518) and prostate (9.7%, 50/518). The most common treatment sites were bone (57%, 293/518) and brain (28%, 146/518) (Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type="table"}). The median number of palliative chemotherapy regimens prior to RT was 1, though the range was quite large (0--13 regimens) (IQR 0--3 regimens).Table 2Summary of RTCharacteristicMedian (IQR) or % (n, of 518)Palliative course \#1 (1--2)Age at RT63 (54--71)Prescribed fractions5 (4--10) 117% (89) 2--49.6% (50) 532% (167) 6--93.5% (18) 1034% (177)  \> 103.3% (17)Treatment site Bone57% (293) Brain28% (146) Lung2.9% (15) Node1.7% (9) Other^a^11% (55)Incomplete RT course12% (63)Time from start of last RT course to death (days)74 (33--174)^a^Includes soft tissue and visceral metastases The median time from the start of last RT course to death was 74 days (IQR 33--174 days). One hundred and twenty-five patients (24%) died within 30 days of RT. D~30~RT was associated with older median age at initial diagnosis (63 vs. 59 years, *p* = 0.002) shorter interval since diagnosis (14 vs. 31 months, *p* \< 0.001), lower median KPS at consultation (50 vs. 70, *p* \< 0.001), lower median BMI (22 vs. 24, *p* = 0.001), and inpatient status at consult (56% vs. 26%, *p* \< 0.001) (Tables [3](#Tab3){ref-type="table"} and [4](#Tab4){ref-type="table"}). D~30~RT was associated with higher Chow and TEACHH scores at the time of consult (*p* \< 0.001 for both). D~30~RT was associated with a greater likelihood of not completing the prescribed RT course compared to those who lived longer than 30 days following start of RT (42% vs. 6%, *p* \< 0.001). Despite poor outcomes, patients who died within 30 days of RT were less likely to have hospice involved in their care (44% vs. 71%, *p* = 0.001). The rate of D~30~RT was not significantly different in patients treated for brain metastases compared to bone metastases (42% vs. 29%, *p* = 0.27), or in patients who were older at the time of RT (*p* = 0.04). On multivariate logistic regression, D~30~RT was associated with older age at diagnosis (*p* \< 0.001), older age at RT (*p* \< 0.001), and longer interval since initial diagnosis (*p* \< 0.001).Table 3Characteristics of patients and treatment in those who died within 30-days of RT (D~30~RT) and those who did not (D~\>30~RT)D~30~RT (median (IQR) or % (proportion)^b^)D~\>30~RT (median (IQR) or % (proportion)^b^))Chi-squared or *p*-value°Age at diagnosis63 (52--70)59 (47--67)**0.002**Age at RT64 (55--73)62 (52--70)0.04Gender, % female42% (52/125)47% (184/393)0.35% Hispanic5.8% (7/119)11% (40/381)0.15Survival time (months, diagnosis to RT)14 (5--38)31 (14--59)**\< 0.001**KPS at RT consult50 (20--70)70 (50--80)**\< 0.001**BMI at RT consult22 (IQR 20--25)24 (21--27)**0.001**Primary diagnosis breast/prostate18% (22/125)32% (124/393)**0.003**Treatment site Bone53% (66/125)77% (227/393)0.35 Brain34% (43/125)26% (103/393)0.09 Lung4% (5/125)3% (10/393) Other^a^9%(11/125)13% (53/393)Hospitalization within 3 months of consult78% (97/125)51% (192/375)**\< 0.001**Metastatic at diagnosis50% (62/125)50% (191/388)0.94Sites of metastases Non-bone90% (112/125)80% (315/392)0.08 Brain51% (63/124)47% (181/387) Lung62% (78/125)53% (206/390) Liver50% (62/125)38% (146/386)Prescribed fractions^c^5 (3--10)5 (4--10)0.14TEACHH Group**\< 0.001** A1.6% (2/124)9% (30/326) B74% (92/124)80%(260/326) C24%(30/124)11%(36/326)Chow group**\< 0.001** I3% (5/124)23% (87/386) II41% (51/124)46% (176/386) III55% (68/124)32% (123/386)Inpatient consult56% (70/125)26% (103/393)**\< 0.001**Hospice involved44% (54/122)71% (191/270)**\< 0.001**°values in bold are statistically significant given our adjusted α of 0.003^a^Includes soft tissue and visceral metastases^b^Denominators reflect missing data and thus are not all 125 (D~30~RT) or 393 (D~\>30~RT)^c^Prescribed fractions was not considered in the Bonferroni correction, as this is a decision made by the treating radiation oncologist based on clinical variablesTable 4Risk of death within 30 days based on clinical variablesClinical variableRisk of death within 30 days, % (proportion)Age (years) at RT  \> 6026% (76/294)  \> 7030% (42/142)  \> 8030% (9/30)KPS \< 70 at RT33% (91/280)Treatment site Bone23% (67/294) Brain29% (42/145)Hospitalized within 3 months of RT consult34% (97/289)TEACHH group A6% (2/32) B26% (92/352) C45% (30/66)CHOW group I5%(5/92) II22% (51/227) III36% (68/191) Overall, 12% of patients (63/518) did not complete their final RT course. Patients who did not complete radiation were more likely to be inpatients at the time of RT consultation (19% vs. 9%, *p* = 0.001) or have been hospitalized within 3 months of RT (16% vs. 8%, *p* = 0.005). Patients who did not complete treatment were more likely to have a KPS \< 70 than those who completed treatment (84% vs. 51%, *p* \< 0.001). Patients with a BMI \< 25th percentile were less likely to complete RT than those with a BMI ≥ 25th percentile (62% vs. 76%, *p* = 0.02). Patients who did not complete RT were prescribed more fractions than those who completed RT (median 8 vs. 5 fractions, *p* = 0.001). Patients who did not complete RT had a shorter period from last RT to death compared to those who did complete treatment (median 18 vs. 73 days, *p* \< 0.001). Patients unable to complete their last RT course were more likely to be in TEACHH group C (24% vs. 11%, *p* \< 0.001) and Chow group III (55% vs. 32%, *p* \< 0.001). Inability to complete RT was not different in those receiving RT to brain vs. bone metastases (*p* = 0.08). On multivariate logistic regression, inability to complete RT was associated with lower KPS (*p* \< 0.001) and metastatic disease at diagnosis (*p* = 0.001). Increased hospice enrollment was associated with a longer interval since diagnosis (28 months vs. 21 months, *p* = 0.04). Hospice was less likely to be involved when inpatients were evaluated for RT compared to outpatients (31% vs. 42%, *p* = 0.02). There was no association between age at diagnosis, age at RT, TEACHH or Chow score, or KPS and hospice involvement. Patients enrolled in hospice were less likely to die in a hospital setting (6.2%) but rather at home (67%) or in a non-acute care inpatient setting (27%, inpatient hospice unit or skilled nursing facility) compared to those not enrolled in hospice (81% in a hospital, 13% at home, 6% non-acute care inpatient) (*p* \< 0.001). Discussion {#Sec8} ========== Radiotherapy can be very effective at palliating symptoms, however does not take effect immediately and can entail multiple clinic visits over the treatment course. As such, palliative RT should be used thoughtfully in patients with advanced cancer, with special attention to intent, fractionation pattern, and goals of care for each patient. This study applies validated, cancer-specific prognostic tools to patients undergoing palliative radiotherapy to sites of metastatic disease at a large academic institution, and characterizes patients who received radiation within 30 days of death. This study also highlights clinical factors associated with incomplete RT courses, which may be viewed as a quality indictor for selecting an appropriate dose and fractionation regimen in appropriate patients. Almost one-quarter of patients receiving palliative RT in our series were treated within their last 30 days of life, a rate higher than many published series \[[@CR8], [@CR9], [@CR15]--[@CR17]\]. This is likely in part due to the fact that our analysis was restricted to patients receiving palliative RT to metastases (i.e. no palliation of the primary tumor) and excluded patients treated with Gamma Knife radiosurgery, thereby selecting for patients with greater intracranial metastatic burden and/or poorer performance status. It has been shown that D~30~RT may be higher in patients with more advanced disease at diagnosis \[[@CR18]\] or with certain primary tumors, particularly lung. Kapadia et al. demonstrated that in patients with non-small cell lung cancer, those who were metastatic at diagnosis were twice as likely to undergo radiation at the end of life \[[@CR18]\]. Even among patients with metastatic disease, those with multiple metastases were 75% more likely to undergo radiation within 2 weeks of death than patients with a single site of metastatic disease. Murphy et al. demonstrated that patients with primary lung cancer had an odds ratio for death within 1 month of completing RT of 3.8 compared to patients with prostate cancer \[[@CR19]\]. Consistent with our data, the rate of D~30~RT may be high in patients receiving palliative RT to bone or brain metastases (26 and 23%, respectively) \[[@CR10]\] \[[@CR20]\]. However, a very low rate of D~30~RT is not necessarily ideal, as this may reflect treatment being withheld from patients who may otherwise benefit from palliative-directed RT. On the other end of the spectrum, a high D~30~RT may suggest overly aggressive treatment or selection of RT fractionation regimens that are too protracted in duration and misaligned with patient-specific needs. Forty-two percent of patients who received RT within 30 days of death in our cohort did not complete their planned RT course, consistent with the literature \[[@CR21]\]. This may be due, in part, to the fact that prognostication at the end of life is a difficult task and physicians are often overly optimistic \[[@CR22], [@CR23]\]. Several tools have been developed to assist in estimating life expectancy. The palliative prognostic index uses palliative performance status, which is strongly correlated with, and can be used interchangeably with, KPS, oral intake, and clinical symptoms such as dyspnea, delirium, and edema to estimate life expectancy in patients receiving palliative care \[[@CR24], [@CR25]\], and performs comparably to similar scores that also take into account white blood cell count, lymphocyte percentage, or delirium in cancer patients \[[@CR26]\]. A nomogram has also been created that includes time since diagnosis, performance status, albumin, lactate dehydrogenase, and lymphocyte count to predict 15, 30, and 60-day survival \[[@CR27]\]. These tools, however, do not evaluate prognosis using *cancer* specific characteristics. The TEACHH score and Chow model are two prognostic tools that have been developed to predict life expectancy in patients with advanced cancer \[[@CR12], [@CR13]\]. Both take into account KPS and primary diagnosis; the Chow model also incorporates non-bone metastases while the TEACHH score includes prior chemotherapy, recent hospitalizations, and specifically hepatic metastases. The TEACHH score categorizes patients into three groups (A, B, and C) with distinct survival times from the start of RT (19.9 months, 5 months, and 1.7 months, respectively) \[[@CR12]\]. The Chow "number of risk factors" model categorizes patients into three groups (I, II, and III) with median survival times of approximately 15, 6.5, and 2.5 months respectively \[[@CR13]\]. A recently published \"NEAT\" model is similar to the TEACHH score but also incorporates albumin levels to yield four prognostic groups with median survivals of 24.9, 14.8, 4.0, and 1.2 months \[[@CR14]\]. In our cohort, median survival was shorter than estimated across all TEACHH and Chow groups (Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}). This may reflect use of palliative RT earlier in the disease course among the TEACHH cohort, with a shorter time from diagnosis to RT consult (1.8 months, calculated as the sum of time from diagnosis to metastasis and from metastasis to RT consult), compared to 28 months in our cohort. Patients in our cohort were also more likely to have received prior palliative RT than patients in the TEACHH cohort (44% vs. 12.5%). Compared to the Chow training set, our cohort had a substantially lower percentage of patients with bone-only metastases (17% vs. 29%), which may translate into a more significant disease burden and thus poorer prognosis in our patients. As only 45% of patients (30/66) in TEACHH group C and 36% of patients (68/191) in Chow group III died within 30 days of RT, the integrated prognostic tools currently available do not appear sufficiently specific to identify patients at risk for imminent death at the time of RT consultation. In the United States, there is a tendency to prescribe more protracted treatment regimens in patients with longer anticipated survival \[[@CR28]\]. Initial concern regarding durability of control following short course RT may have stemmed from higher re-treatment rates seen following single-fraction RT in RTOG 9714 \[[@CR29]\], however the Dutch Bone Metastases Study showed that re-irradiation occurred at a higher rate among non-responders and at lower pain scores in the cohort that received single fraction RT compared to the cohort that received multi-fraction RT, despite similar overall response rates, time to, and duration of response \[[@CR3]\]. This suggests that higher retreatment rates after single fraction RT may be due to physician views on the safety of retreatment. A large body of evidence has demonstrated that single fraction RT courses are as effective as more protracted courses with regard to onset of symptomatic improvement, duration of relief, proportion of patients experiencing improvement, and subsequent quality of life in patients with bone metastases \[[@CR1], [@CR30], [@CR31]\]. Similarly, no overall survival benefit has been demonstrated with longer RT courses in the treatment of malignant cord compression or brain metastases \[[@CR7], [@CR32], [@CR33]\]. However, a survey of practicing members of the American Society of Radiation Oncology suggests the most common palliative fractionation pattern in the United States remains 30 Gy in 10 fractions; single-fraction treatment is more common among those practicing in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand \[[@CR34]\]. In a survey of radiation oncologists practicing within the Veterans Healthcare Administration, physicians who had been in practice for more than 10 years were less likely to offer single fraction RT compared to those with fewer years in practice (63% vs. 90%, *p* = 0.01) suggesting there may be shifts in practice patterns over time \[[@CR35]\]. Of note, this survey also found that those who had ever worked in private practice were less likely to offer single fraction RT (64% vs. 88%, *p* = 0.03), suggesting that practice patterns may be influenced by practice setting. Patients receiving RT at the end of life are increasingly receiving more advanced treatment modalities, with a decrease in the proportion receiving 2D RT from 75 to 33% from 2000 to 2009 \[[@CR36]\]. Use of 3D RT increased from 27 to 59%, and use of IMRT increased from 0 to 6.2% over the same period. As patients live longer with advanced cancer, and potentially receive more palliative RT courses, there may be indications for such techniques, including retreatment or treatment in close proximity to prior fields. However more advanced planning techniques require more planning and quality assurance time, which is already limited for patients with poor prognosis. When used appropriately, palliative RT in patients with advanced cancer may relieve symptoms and preserve quality of life. However radiotherapy remains a local treatment. Patients with advanced cancer suffer from a broad range of symptoms that RT may not be able to address, such as depression, anxiety, or anorexia/cachexia. Furthermore RT, depending on the treatment site, may cause symptoms that can, in turn, diminish quality of life, including fatigue, nausea, or xerostomia. As such, it is critical that patients receive palliative care services early in their disease course, in parallel with disease directed care. Palliative care should start with the primary interdisciplinary oncology team, with referrals to palliative care specialists if patient needs are complex; this approach is supported by the NCCN \[[@CR37]\], WHO \[[@CR38]\], and ASCO \[[@CR39]\]. There is level I evidence supporting early integration of palliative care with regard to patient reported quality of life \[[@CR40]\], as well as duration of life \[[@CR41]\]. Earlier integration of palliative care fits with a growing notion of primary palliative care---that is, a fundamental level of palliative care proficiency that should be expected of all clinicians, which can be augmented by palliative care specialists as needed \[[@CR42]\]. Indeed, given almost half of RT courses are palliative in nature, radiation oncologists should also consider themselves palliative care providers and co-manage symptoms with other providers. Furthermore, as palliative care needs vary substantially throughout a patient' disease course \[[@CR43]\], they should be reassessed at regular intervals in all cancer patients \[[@CR39]\]. This study is limited in that data was obtained retrospectively and may be incomplete, particularly for patients who were seen prior to the transition to electronic medical records or who received care at other institutions. In particular, data regarding prior chemotherapy was often incomplete; while we typically had records documenting the regimen, we often lacked the total number of cycles received. Documentation of the specific indication for palliative RT was inconsistent and highly heterogeneous, which made further analysis difficult. Furthermore, due to the retrospective nature of the data, our information regarding symptomatic improvement and quality of life in patients undergoing palliative radiation at the end of life is limited. Patients treated at our institution may have more advanced disease than those treated at other institutions, particularly patients enrolled in Phase I trials or seen in the inpatient setting. The exploratory nature of this analysis must also be emphasized. We have attempted to reduce the risk of Type I error using a Bonferroni correction, however it remains that these analysis were conducted without a specific predetermined hypothesis. Additionally, a significant proportion of patients not enrolled in hospice were being followed by palliative care services. We were unable to more thoroughly assess patterns of palliative care referrals or quantify use of palliative care services in this cohort due to changes in referral codes over time. However it is likely that end-of-life and goals-of-care discussions were occurring more often than it would seem solely based on the rate of hospice enrollment. Conclusion {#Sec9} ========== A substantial proportion of patients with advanced cancer undergo palliative RT within 30 days of death, suggesting that there remains a great deal of work to be done to improve the quality of care delivered at the end of life. Palliative RT must align with patient-directed goals of care, and offer maximal palliation while maintaining quality of remaining life. Prognostication for individual patients with advanced cancer continues to be is quite difficult, and the current tools available are not specific for patients at imminent risk of death. All patients with advanced cancer should receive multidisciplinary palliative care from their treating oncologists and, as needs become more complex, palliative care specialists are of great value. ASCO : American Society for Clinical Oncology BMI : Body mass index D~30~RT : Radiotherapy within 30 days of death Gy : Gray ICD : International Classification of Disease IQR : Interquartile range KPS : Karnofsky performance status NCCN : National Comprehensive Cancer Network RT : Radiotherapy RTOG : Radiation Therapy Oncology Group SRS : Stereotactic radiosurgery WHO : World Health Organization None Funding {#FPar1} ======= None Availability of data and materials {#FPar2} ================================== The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. SYW collected, analyzed and interpreted the data, and drafted the manuscript. LS contributed to the conception and design of the project, interpretation of data, and has been involved in revisions. LB assisted in analysis and interpretation of the data and has been involved in revisions. MAG contributed to the design of the project and assisted in interpretation of the data and revisions. SEF contributed to the design of the project and assisted in interpretation of the data and revisions. SEB contributed to the conception and design of the project, data collection, interpretation of data, and has been involved in revisions. All authors read and approved the final manuscript for publication. Ethics approval and consent to participate {#FPar3} ========================================== This retrospective review was approved by the UCSF institutional review board (CHR 15--17,608). Consent for publication {#FPar4} ======================= Not applicable Competing interests {#FPar5} =================== The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Publisher's Note {#FPar6} ================ Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
\section{Introduction \ifdraft(1 - 1.5p)\fi} \label{sec:intro} The emergence of sensors, networks, and mobile devices has generated a trend towards \emph{pushing} rather than \emph{pulling} of data in information processing. In the setting of \emph{stream processing}~\cite{BabuW01} studied by the database community, input tuples dynamically arrive at the processing systems in form of possibly infinite streams. To deal with unboundedness of data, such systems typically apply % \emph{window operators} to obtain snapshots of recent data. The user then runs \emph{continuous queries} which are either periodically driven by time or eagerly driven by the arrival of new input. The Continuous Query Language~(CQL)~\cite{ArasuBW06} is a well-known stream processing language. It has a syntax close to SQL and a clear operational semantics. Recently, the rise of \emph{smart applications} such as smart cities, smart home, smart grid, etc., has raised interest in the topic of \emph{stream reasoning}~\cite{VCHF09}, i.e., logical reasoning on streaming data. To illustrate our contributions on this topic, we use an example from the public transport domain. \begin{example} \label{ex:traffic-scenario} % To monitor a city's public transportation, the city traffic center receives sensor data at every stop regarding tram/bus appearances of the form~${\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(X,P)}$ and~${\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(X,P)}$ where~$X$,~$P$ hold the tram/bus and stop identifiers, respectively. On top of this streaming data tuples (or atoms), one may ask different queries, e.g., to monitor the status of the public transport system. % % % To keep things simple, we start with stream processing queries: % \begin{enumerate}[($q_1$)] % \item\label{q1} At stop~$P$, did a tram and a bus arrive within the last~$5$ min? % % \item\label{q2} At stop~$P$, did a tram and a bus arrive \emph{at the same time} within the last~$5$ min? % % % \end{enumerate} % Consider the scenario of Fig.~\ref{fig:traffic-scenario} which depicts arrival times of trams and buses. % The answer to query~($q_2$) is yes for stop~$p_2$ and all time points from~$2$ to~$7$. Query ($q_1$) also succeeds for~$p_1$ from~$11$ to~$13$. % % % As for stream reasoning, later we will additionally consider a more involved query, where we are interested in whether a bus always arrived within three minutes after the last two arrivals of trams. % \end{example} \begin{figure}[t] \centering \footnotesize \beginpgfgraphicnamed{traffic-scenario} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.55,node distance=0.4cm,>=stealth'] \node (tram_a_p1_2) at (2,1) {$\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(a,p_1)$}; \node (bus_c_p1_2) [above of=tram_a_p1_2] {$\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(c,p_1)$}; \node (tram_d_p2_8) at (8,1) {$\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)$}; \node (bus_e_p2_11) at (11,1) {$\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(e,p_2)$}; \draw [->] (0,0) -- (13,0); \foreach \i in {0,2,8,11} { \draw (\i cm,5pt) -- (\i cm,-5pt) node[anchor=north] {$\i$}; } \end{tikzpicture} \endpgfgraphicnamed \caption{Traffic scenario with arrivals of trams and buses} \label{fig:traffic-scenario} % \end{figure} Different communities have contributed to different aspects of this topic. \begin{inparaenum}[(i)] \item\label{sw-community} The Semantic Web community extends SPARQL to allow querying on streams of RDF triples. % Engines such as CQELS~\cite{PhuocDPH11} and~C-SPARQL~\cite{BarbieriBCVG10} also follow the snapshot semantics approach of~CQL. \item\label{krr-community} In Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR), first attempts towards expressive stream reasoning have been carried out by considering continuous data in Answer Set Programming (ASP)~\cite{DoLL11,GebserGKOSS2012} or extending Datalog to sequential logic programs~\cite{Zaniolo12}. \end{inparaenum} However, the state of the art in either field has several shortcomings. Approaches in~\eqref{sw-community} face difficulties with extensions of the formalism to incorporate the Closed World Assumption, nonmonotonicity, or non-determinism. Such features are important to deal with missing of incomplete data, which can temporarily happen due to unstable network connections or hardware failure. In this case, engines like \mbox{C-SPARQL} and CQELS remain idle, while some output based on default reasoning might be useful. Moreover, e.g., in the use case of dynamic planning on live data, multiple plans shall be generated based on previous choices and the availability of new data. This is not possible with current deterministic approaches. On the other hand, advanced reasoning has extensively been investigated in~\eqref{krr-community} but traditionally only on static data. First attempts towards stream reasoning reveal many problems to solve. The plain approach of~\cite{DoLL11} periodically calls the dlvhex solver~\cite{EiterIST06} but is not capable of incremental reasoning and thus fails under heavy load of data. \mbox{StreamLog}~\cite{Zaniolo12} is an extension of Datalog towards stream reasoning. It always computes a single model and does not consider windows. Time-decaying logic programs~\cite{GebserGKOSS2012} attempt to implement time-based windows in reactive ASP~\cite{GebserKKOST08} but the relation to other stream processing/reasoning approaches has not yet been explored. Moreover, as observed in~\cite{DindarTMHB13}, conceptually identical queries may produce different results in different engines. While such deviations may occur due to differences~(i.e., flaws) in implementations of a common % semantics, they might also arise from (correct implementations of) different semantics. For a user it is important to know the exact capabilities and the semantic behavior of a given approach. However, % there is a lack of theoretical underpinning % or a formal framework for stream reasoning % that allows to capture different (intended) semantics in precise terms. Investigations of specific languages, as well as comparisons between different approaches, % are confined to experimental analysis~\cite{ldpbef12}, or informal examination on specific examples. A systematic investigation, however, requires a formalism % to rigorously describe the expressivity and the properties of a language. \leanparagraph{Contributions} We present a first step towards a \emph{formal framework for stream reasoning} that~% \begin{inparaenum}[(i)] \item\label{contribs-1} provides a common ground to express concepts from different stream processing/reasoning formalisms and engines;~% \item\label{contribs-2} allows systematic analysis and comparison between existing stream processing/reasoning semantics; and~% \item\label{contribs-3} also provides a basis for extension towards more expressive stream reasoning. Moreover, we present~% \item\label{contribs-4} exemplary formalizations based on a running example, and~% \item\label{contribs-5} compare our approach to existing work. \end{inparaenum} Thereby, we aim at capturing idealized % stream reasoning semantics where % no information is dropped and semantics are characterized as providing an abstract view over the entire stream. % Second, we idealize with respect to implementations and do not consider processing time, delays or outages in the semantics itself. Moreover, we allow for a high degree of expressivity % regarding time reference: % We distinguish notions of truth of a formula~% \begin{inparaenum}[(i)] \item at specific time points,~% \item some time point within a window, or~% \item all time points in a window. Moreover, we allow~% \item for nested window operators, \end{inparaenum} which provide a means to reason over streams within the language itself (a formal counterpart to repeated runs of continuous queries). \section{Streams \ifdraft(1 - 1.5p)\fi} \label{sec:streams} In this section, we introduce a logic-oriented view of streams and formally define generalized versions of prominent window functions. \subsection{Streaming Data} A stream is usually seen as a sequence, set or bag of tuples with a timestamp. Here, we view streams as functions from a discrete time domain to sets of logical atoms and assume no fixed schema for tuples. We build upon mutually disjoint sets of predicates~$\ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{P}}}$, constants~$\ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{C}}}$, variables~$\ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{V}}}$ and time variables~$\ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{U}}}$. The set $\ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{T}}}$ of terms is given by ${\ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{C}}} \cup \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{V}}}}$ and the set~$\ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{A}}}$ of atoms is defined as ${\{p(t_1,\dots,t_n) \mid p \in \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{P}}},\, t_1,\dots,t_n \in \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{T}}}\}}$. The set $\ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{G}}}$ of \emph{ground atoms} contains all atoms~${p(t_1,\dots,t_n) \in \ensuremath{\mathcal{A}}}$ such that ${\{t_1,\dots,t_n\} \subseteq \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{C}}}}$. If~${i,j \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}$, the set~${[i,j] = \{ k\! \in\! \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}} \mid i \leq k \leq j\}}$ is called an \emph{interval}. % \begin{definition}[Stream]\label{def:stream} Let~$T$ be an interval and~${\intpr\colon \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}} \rightarrow 2^\ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{G}}}}$ an \emph{interpretation function} such that~${\intpr(t) = \emptyset}$ for all~${t \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}} \setminus T}$. Then, the pair~${S=(T,\intpr)}$ is called a \emph{stream}, and~$T$ is called the \emph{timeline} of~$S$. % % \end{definition} The elements of a timeline are called~\emph{time points} or~\emph{time\-stamps}. A stream~${S'=(T',\intpr')}$ is a \emph{substream} or \emph{window} of stream~${S=(T,\intpr)}$, denoted~${S' \subseteq S}$, if~${T' \subseteq T}$ and~${\intpr'(t') \subseteq \intpr(t')}$ for all~${t' \in T'}$. The~\emph{cardinality} of~$S$, denoted~$\card{S}$, is defined by~$\Sigma_{t\in T}|\intpr(t)|$. The \emph{restriction of~$S$ to~${T' \subseteq T}$}, denoted ${\restr{S}{T'}}$, is the stream~${(T',\restr{\intpr}{T'})}$, where~${\restr{\intpr}{T'}}$ is the usual domain restriction of function~$\intpr$. \begin{example}[cont'd] \label{ex:stream} The input for the scenario in Example~\ref{ex:traffic-scenario} can be modeled as a stream~$S=(T,\intpr)$ where~$T=[0,13]$ and % \[ \begin{array}{l@{~=~}l@{\qquad}l@{~=~}l} \intpr(2) & \{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(a,p_1),\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(c,p_1)\} & \intpr(11) & \{\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(e,p_2)\} \\ \intpr(8) & \{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)\} & \intpr(t) & \emptyset~~\text{otherwise.} \end{array} \] % The interpretation~$\intpr$ can be equally represented as the following set:\\ % \mbox{$\{2 \!\mapsto\! \{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(a,p_1),\!\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(c,p_1)\}, 8\!\mapsto\!\{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)\}, 11\!\mapsto\!\{\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(e,p_2)\}\!\}~$} % \end{example} \subsection{Windows} \label{sec:windows} An essential aspect of stream reasoning is to limit the considered data to so-called \emph{windows}, i.e., recent substreams, in order to limit the amount of data and forget outdated information. \begin{definition}[Window function]\label{def:window-function} A \emph{window function} maps from a stream~${S=(T,\intpr)}$ and a time point~${t \in T}$ to a window~${S' \subseteq S}$. \end{definition} The usual time-based window of size~$\ell$ \cite{ArasuBW06} contains only the tuples of the last~$\ell$ time units. We give a generalized definition where the window can also include the tuples of the future~$u$ time points. Based on query time~$t$ and a step size~$d$, we derive a \emph{pivot} point~$t'$ from which an interval~${[t_\ell,t_u]}$ is selected by looking backward (resp., forward)~$\ell$ (resp.,~$u$) time units from~$t'$, i.e.,~${t_\ell + \ell = t'}$ and~${t' + u = t_u}$. \begin{definition}[Time-based window]\label{def:time-based-window} Let~${S=(T,\intpr)}$ be a stream with timeline~${T=[t_{min},t_{max}]}$, let ${t \in T}$, and let ${d,\ell,u \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}$ such that~${d \leq \ell + u}$. % The \emph{time-based window with range~$(\ell,u)$ and step size~${d}$ of~$S$ at time~${t}$} is defined by \[w^{\ell,u}_d(S,t)=(T',\restr{\intpr}{T'}),\] where $T'= \lbrack t_\ell, t_u \rbrack$, ${t_\ell=\max \{t_{min},t'-\ell\}}$ with $t' = \lfloor \frac{t}{d} \rfloor \cdot d$, and~$t_u=\min\{t'+u,t_{max}\}$. \end{definition} For time-based windows that target only the past~$\ell$ time points, we abbreviate~$w^{\ell,0}_d$ with~$w^\ell_d$. For windows which target only the future, we write~$w^{+u}_d$ for~$w^{0,u}_d$. If the step size~$d$ is omitted, we take~${d=1}$. Thus, the standard sliding window with range~$\ell$ is denoted by~$w^\ell$. % The CQL~\cite{ArasuBW06} syntax for~$w^{\ell}_d$ is~\texttt{[Range l Slide d]} and~$w^\ell$ corresponds to~\texttt{[Range l]}. Moreover, the window~\texttt{[Now]} equals~\texttt{[Range 0]} and thus corresponds to~$w^0$. The entire past stream, selected by~\texttt{[Range Unbounded]} in CQL, is obtained by~$w^t$, where~$t$ is the query time. To consider the entire stream (including the future), we can use~$w^n$, where~${n=\max T}$. Furthermore, we obtain \emph{tumbling windows} by setting~${d=\ell + u}$. \begin{figure}[t] \centering \beginpgfgraphicnamed{generalized-time-based-windows} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8,node distance=0.4cm,>=stealth'] \draw [->] (0,0) -- (10,0); \foreach \i in {0,...,9} { \draw (\i cm,-5pt) -- (\i cm,5pt) node[anchor=south] {\scriptsize $\i$}; \draw [densely dotted] (\i,0) -- (\i,-4.1); } \foreach \xleft/\xright/\ytop/\ybot/\tprime in {0/1/-0.3/-1.1/0,1/4/-1.4/-2.2/3,4/7/-2.5/-3.3/6}{ \draw [densely dashed] (\xleft,\ytop) -- (\xright,\ytop) -- (\xright,\ybot) -- (\xleft,\ybot) -- cycle; \foreach \ystep in {0.2,0.4,0.6}{ \node at (\tprime,\ytop-\ystep) {\tiny $\times$}; } \foreach \xstep/\ystep in {0/0.2,1/0.4,2/0.6}{ \node at (\tprime+\xstep,\ytop-\ystep) {\tiny $\bullet$}; } } \draw [<->] (4,-3.9) -- node[anchor=south] {\scriptsize $\ell$} (6,-3.9); \draw [<->] (6,-3.9) -- node[anchor=south] {\scriptsize $u$} (7,-3.9); % \node at (2.7,-4.6) {\scriptsize $\bullet\colon$ query times $t$}; \node at (6.3,-4.6) {\scriptsize $\times\colon$ pivot points $t'$}; \end{tikzpicture} \endpgfgraphicnamed \caption{Time-based window $w_3^{2,1}$ with range~$(2,1)$ and step size~$3$} \label{fig:generalized-time-based-windows} % \end{figure} \begin{example}[cont'd] \label{ex:time-based-windows} % To formulate the monitoring over the stream~$S$ of Example~\ref{ex:stream}, one can use a time-based window~$w^5$ with a range of~$5$ minutes (to the past) and step size of~$1$ minute, i.e., the granularity of~$T$. The results of applying this window function at~${t=5,11}$ are % \begin{align*} w^5(S,5) & = ([0,5],\{2\mapsto\{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(a,p_1),\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(c,p_1)\}\})\text{, and}\ensuremath{\\[-0.7ex]} % w^5(S,11)& = ([6,11],\{8\mapsto\{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)\},11\mapsto\{\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(e,p_2)\}\}). \end{align*} % Moreover, consider a time-based (tumbling) window with range~$(2,1)$ and step size~$3$. % For~${t_1=5}$, we have~${t_1' = \lfloor \frac{5}{3} \rfloor \cdot 3=3}$, thus~${T'_1=[\max\{0,3-2\},\min\{3+1,13\}]=[1,4]}$. For~${t_2=11}$, we get~${t_2'=9}$ and~${T'_2=[7,10]}$. % The windows for~${t=5,11}$ are % \begin{align*} w^{2,1}_3(S,5) & = ([1,4],\{2\mapsto\{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(a,p_1),\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(c,p_1)\}\})\text{, and}\ensuremath{\\[-0.7ex]} % w^{2,1}_3(S,11)& = ([7,10],\{8\mapsto\{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2))\}\}). \end{align*} % Figure~\ref{fig:generalized-time-based-windows} illustrates the progression of this window with time. % \end{example} The goal of the standard tuple-based window with count~$n$ is to fetch the most recent~$n$ tuples. Again, we give a more general definition which may consider future tuples. That is, relative to a time point~${t \in T=[t_{min},t_{max}]}$, we want to obtain the most recent~$\ell$ tuples (of the past) and next~$u$ tuples in the future. Thus, we must return the stream restricted to the smallest interval~${T'=[t_\ell,t_u] \subseteq T}$, where~${t_\ell \leq t \leq t_u}$, such that~$S$ contains~$\ell$ tuples in the interval~${[t_\ell,t]}$ and~$u$ tuples in the interval~${[t+1,t_u]}$. In general, we have to discard tuples arbitrarily at time points~$t_\ell$ and~$t_u$ in order to receive \emph{exactly}~$\ell$ and~$u$ tuples, respectively. In extreme cases, where fewer than~$\ell$ tuples exist in~$[t_{min},t]$, respectively fewer than~$u$ tuples in~$[t+1,t_{max}]$, we return all tuples of the according intervals. Given~${t \in T}$ and the tuple counts~${\ell, u \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}$, we define the \emph{tuple time bounds}~$t_\ell$ and~$t_u$ as {\small \[ \begin{array}{l@{\,}l@{}l} t_\ell &= \max\, &\{t_{min}\} \cup \{ {t' \!\mid t_{min} \leq t' \leq t} \,\land\, {\card{(\restr{S}{[t',t]})}\! \geq\! \ell} \},~\text{and}\\ % t_u &= \,\min\, &\{t_{\max}\} \cup \{ {t' \!\mid t\! +\! 1 \leq t' \leq t_{\max}} \,\land\, {\card{(\restr{S}{[t+1,t']})}\! \geq\! u} \}.\\ \end{array} \] } \begin{definition}[Tuple-based window] \label{def:tuple-based-window} Let~${S=(T,\intpr)}$ be a stream and~${t \in T}$. Moreover, let~${\ell, u \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}$,~${T_\ell=[t_\ell,t]}$ and~${T_u=[t\!+\!1,t_u]}$, where~$t_\ell$ and~$t_u$ are the tuple time bounds. The \emph{tuple-based window with counts~$(\ell,u)$ of~$S$ at time~${t}$} is defined by \[ w^{\# \ell, u}(S,t)=(T',\restr{\intpr'}{T'}),~\text{where}~T'= [t_\ell,t_u],~\text{and} \] \[v'(t') = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} v(t') & \text{for all}~t' \in T' \setminus \{t_\ell,t_u\}\\ v(t') & \text{if}~t'=t_\ell~~\text{and}~~\card{(\restr{S}{T_\ell})}\leq \ell\\ X_\ell & \text{if}~t'=t_\ell~~\text{and}~~\card{(\restr{S}{T_\ell})}> \ell\\ v(t') & \text{if}~t'=t_u~~\text{and}~~\card{(\restr{S}{T_u})}\leq u\\ X_u & \text{if}~t'=t_u~~\text{and}~~\card{(\restr{S}{T_u})}> u \end{array} \right. \] where~${X_q \subseteq \intpr(t_q)}$,~${q \in \{\ell,u\}}$, such that~${\card{(T_q,\restr{\intpr'}{T_q})}=q}$. \end{definition} Note that the tuple-based window is unique only if for both~${q \in \{\ell,u\}}$,~${\intpr'(t_q)=\intpr(t_q)}$, i.e., if all atoms at the endpoints of the selected interval are retained. There are two natural possibilities to enforce the uniqueness of a tuple-based window. First, if there is a total order over all atoms, one can give a deterministic definition of the sets~$X_q$ in Def.~\ref{def:tuple-based-window}. Second, one may omit the requirement that \emph{exactly}~$\ell$ tuples of the past, resp.~$u$ tuples of the future are contained in the window, but instead demand the substream obtained by the smallest interval~$[t_\ell,t_u]$ containing \emph{at least}~$\ell$ past and~$u$ future tuples. Note that this approach would simplify the definition to~${w^{\# \ell, u}(S,t)=(T',\restr{\intpr}{T'})}$, requiring only to select~${T'=[t_\ell,t_u]}$. We abbreviate the usual tuple-based window operator~$w^{\# \ell,0}$, which looks only into the past, by~$w^{\# \ell}$. Similarly,~$w^{\# +u}$ stands for~$w^{\# 0,u}$. \begin{example}[cont'd] % To get the last~$3$ appearances of trams or buses from stream~$S$ in Example~\ref{ex:stream} at time point~$11$, we can apply a tuple-based window with counts~$(3,0)$. The application~$w^{\#3}(S,11)$ can lead to two possible windows~${(T',\intpr'_1)}$ and~${(T',\intpr'_2)}$, where~${T'=[2,11]}$, and % \begin{align*} \intpr'_1 & =\{2 \mapsto \{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(a,p_1)\}, 8 \mapsto \{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)\}, 11 \mapsto \{\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(e,p_2)\}\},\ensuremath{\\[-0.7ex]} % \intpr'_2 & =\{2 \mapsto \{\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(c,p_1)\}, 8 \mapsto \{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)\}, 11 \mapsto \{\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(e,p_2)\}\}. \end{align*} % The two interpretations differ at time point~$2$, where either~$\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(a,p_1)$ or~$\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(c,p_1)$ is picked to complete the collection of~$3$ tuples. % \end{example} The CQL syntax for the tuple-based window is~\texttt{[Rows n]}, which corresponds to~$w^{\# n}$. Note that in CQL a single stream contains tuples of a fixed schema. In the logic-oriented view, this would translate to having only one predicate. Thus, applying a tuple-based window on a stream in our sense would amount to counting tuples across different streams. To enable counting of different predicates in separation, we introduce a general form of partition-based windows. The partition-based window CQL applies a tuple-based window function on substreams which are determined by a sequence of attributes. The syntax~\mbox{\texttt{[Partition By A1,...,Ak Rows N]}} means that tuples are grouped into substreams by identical values~${a_1,\dots,a_k}$ of attributes~\texttt{A1},\dots,~\texttt{Ak}. From each substream, the~\texttt{N} tuples with the largest timestamps are returned. Here, we have no notion of attributes. Instead, we employ a general total \emph{index function}~${\idx : \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{G}}} \rightarrow I}$ from ground atoms to a finite \emph{index set}~${I \subseteq \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}$, where for each~${i \in I}$ we obtain from a stream~${S=(T,\intpr)}$ a substream~${\idx_i(S) =(T,\intpr_i)}$ by taking~${\intpr_i(t)=\{ a \in \intpr(t) \mid \idx(a) = i\}}$. Moreover, we allow for individual tuple counts~${n(i)=(\ell_i,u_i)}$ for each substream~$S_i$. % % % \begin{definition}[Partition-based window] \label{def:partitioned-based-window} % Let~${S=(T,\intpr)}$ be a stream, ${\idx: \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{G}}} \rightarrow I \subseteq \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}$, an index function, and for all~${i \in I}$ let~${n(i)=(\ell_i, u_i) \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}} \times \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}$ and~$S_i=\idx_i(S)$. Moreover, let~${t \in T}$ and~${w^{\# \ell_i,u_i}(S_i,t)=([t^\ell_i,t^u_i],\intpr'_i)}$ be the tuple-based window of counts~${(\ell_i,u_i)}$ of~${S_i}$ at time~$t$. % Then, the \emph{partition-based window of counts~$\{(\ell_i,u_i)\}_{i \in I}$ of~$S$ at time~$t$ relative to~$\idx$} is defined by % \[ w^{\#n}_{\idx}(S,t)=(T',\intpr'),~\text{where}~T'=[\min_{i \in I}{t^\ell_i}, \max_{i \in I} t^u_i], \] % and~${\intpr'(t')=\bigcup_{i \in I}\intpr'_i(t')}$ for all~${t' \in T'}$. % \end{definition} Note that, in contrast to schema-based streaming approaches, we have multiple kinds of tuples (predicates) in one stream. Whereas other approaches may use tuple-based windows of different counts on separate streams, we can have separate tuple-counts on the corresponding substreams of a partition-based window on a single stream. \begin{example}[cont'd]\label{ex:partition-based-window} % Suppose we are interested in the arrival times of the last~$2$ trams, but we are not interested in buses. To this end, we construct a partition-based window~${w^{\# n}_{\idx}}$ as follows. % We use index set~${I=\{1,2\}}$, and~${\idx(p(X,Y))=1}$ iff~${p=\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}}$. For the counts in the tuple-based windows of the substreams, we use~${n(1)=(2,0)}$ and~${n(2)=(0,0)}$. % We obtain the substreams % \begin{align*} S_1 & =([2,13],\{2\mapsto\{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(a,p_1)\},8\mapsto\{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)\}\}),~\text{and}\ensuremath{\\[-0.7ex]} S_2 & =([2,13],\{2\mapsto\{\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(c,p_1)\},11\mapsto\{\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(e,p_2)\}\}), \end{align*} % and the respective tuple-based windows % \begin{align*} w^{\#2}(S_1,13) &=([2,13],\{2\mapsto\!\{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(a,p_1)\},8\mapsto\!\{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)\}\}),~\text{and} \ensuremath{\\[-0.7ex]} w^{\#0}(S_2,13) &=([13,13],\emptyset). \end{align*} % Consequently, we get~${w_{\idx}^{\#n}(S,13)=([2,13],\intpr')}$, where~$\intpr'$ is % \[ \{ 2\mapsto\{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(a,p_1)\},8\mapsto\{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)\}. \] % \end{example} \section{Reasoning over Streams \ifdraft(1-1.5)\fi} \label{sec:stream-reasoning} We are now going to utilize the above definitions of streams and windows to formalize a semantics for stream reasoning. \subsection{Stream Semantics} Towards rich expressiveness, we provide different means to relate logical truth to time. Similarly as in modal logic, we will use operators~$\Box$ and~$\Diamond$ to test whether a tuple (atom) or a formula holds all the time, respectively sometime in a window. Moreover, we use an~\emph{exact operator}~$@$ to refer to specific time points. To obtain a window of the stream, we employ \emph{window operators}~$\ensuremath{\boxplus}_i$. \begin{definition}[Formulas $\ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{F}}}_k$]\label{def:formulas} The set $\ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{F}}}_k$ of \emph{formulas (for $k$ modalities)} is defined by the grammar \smallskip \centerline{$\alpha ::= a \mid \neg \alpha \mid \alpha \land \alpha \mid \alpha \lor \alpha \mid \alpha \rightarrow \alpha \mid \Diamond \alpha \mid \Box \alpha \mid @_t \alpha \mid \ensuremath{\boxplus}_i \alpha$} % \smallskip \noindent where $a$ is any atom in $\ensuremath{\mathcal{A}}$, $i \in\{1, \ldots k\}$, and $t \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}\,{\cup}\, \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{U}}}$. \end{definition} We say a formula~${\alpha}$ is \emph{ground}, if all its atoms are ground and for all occurrences of form~${@_t\beta}$ in~${\alpha}$ it holds that~${t \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}$. In the following semantics definition, we will consider the input stream (\emph{urstream}) which remains unchanged, as well as dynamic substreams thereof which are obtained by (possibly nested) applications of window functions. To this end, we define a \emph{stream choice} to be a function that returns a stream based on two input streams.% Two straightforward stream choices are~$ch_i$, for~${i \in \{1,2\}}$, defined by~${ch_i(S_1,S_2)=S_i}$. Given a stream choice~$ch$, we obtain for any window function~$w$ an \emph{extended window function}~$\ensuremath{\hat{w}}$ by~${\ensuremath{\hat{w}}(S_1,S_2,t)=w(ch(S_1,S_2),t)}$ for all~${t \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}$. We say~$\ensuremath{\hat{w}}$ is the \emph{extension of~$w$ (due to~$ch$)}. \begin{definition}[Structure]\label{def:structure} Let~$S_M=(T,\intpr)$ be a stream,~${I \subseteq \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}$ a finite index set and let~$\ensuremath{\hat{W}}$ be a function that maps every~${i \in I}$ to an extended window function. The triple~${M=\langle T,\intpr,\ensuremath{\hat{W}} \rangle}$ is called a \emph{structure} and~${S_M}$ is called the \emph{urstream} of~$M$. \end{definition} We now define when a ground formula holds in a structure. \begin{definition}[Entailment] % Let~${M=\langle T,\intpr,\ensuremath{\hat{W}} \rangle}$ be a structure. For a substream~${S=(T_\ensuremath{{\scriptscriptstyle S}},\intpr_\ensuremath{{\scriptscriptstyle S}})}$ of~$(T,\intpr)$, we define the \emph{entailment} relation~$\Vdash$ between~${(M,S,t)}$ and formulas. Let~${t \in T}$,~${a \in \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{G}}}}$, and~${\alpha, \beta \in \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{F}}}_k}$ be ground formulas and let~${\ensuremath{\hat{w}}_i=\ensuremath{\hat{W}}\!(i)}$. Then, % \[ \begin{array}{l@{\quad \text{iff}\quad}l} M,S,t \Vdash a & a \in \intpr_\ensuremath{{\scriptscriptstyle S}}(t)\,,\\%, \text{ for all } a \in \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{G}}}\\ M,S,t \Vdash \neg\alpha & M,S,t \nVdash \alpha,\,\\ M,S,t \Vdash \alpha \land \beta & M,S,t \Vdash \alpha~~\text{and}~~M,S,t \Vdash \beta,\,\\ M,S,t \Vdash \alpha \lor \beta & M,S,t \Vdash \alpha~~\text{or}~~M,S,t \Vdash \beta ,\,\\ M,S,t \Vdash \alpha \rightarrow \beta & M,S,t \nVdash \alpha~~\text{or}~~M,S,t \Vdash \beta,\,\\ M,S,t \Vdash \Diamond \alpha & M,S,t' \Vdash \alpha~~\text{for some}~~t'\! \in T_\ensuremath{{\scriptscriptstyle S}} ,\,\\ M,S,t \Vdash \Box \alpha & M,S,t' \Vdash \alpha~~\text{for all}~~t'\! \in T_\ensuremath{{\scriptscriptstyle S}}\,,\\ M,S,t \Vdash @_{t'} \alpha & M,S,t' \Vdash \alpha~~\text{and}~~t'\! \in T_\ensuremath{{\scriptscriptstyle S}}\,,\\ M,S,t \Vdash \ensuremath{\boxplus}_i \alpha & M,S',t \Vdash \alpha~~\text{where}~~S'=\ensuremath{\hat{w}}_i(S_M,S,t).\\ \end{array} \] % \end{definition} If~$M,S,t \Vdash \alpha$ holds, we say~$(M,S,t)$ \emph{entails}~$\alpha$. Intuitively,~$M$ contains the urstream~$S_M$ which remains unchanged and~$S$ is the currently considered window. An application of a window operator~$\ensuremath{\boxplus}_i$ utilizes the extended window~$\ensuremath{\hat{W}}\!(i)$ which can take into account both the urstream~$S_M$ and the current window~$S$ to obtain a new view, as we will discuss later. The operators~$\Diamond$ and~$\Box$ are used to evaluate whether a formula holds at some time point, respectively at all time points in the timeline~$T_\ensuremath{{\scriptscriptstyle S}}$ of~$S$. The operator~$@_t$ allows to evaluate whether a formula holds at a specific time point~$t$ in~$T_\ensuremath{{\scriptscriptstyle S}}$. \begin{example}[cont'd] \label{ex:entailment} % Let~${M=\langle T,\intpr,\ensuremath{\hat{W}}\rangle}$, where~${S_M=(T,\intpr)}$ is the stream~$S$ from Example~\ref{ex:stream} and~${\ensuremath{\hat{W}}\!(1)=\ensuremath{\hat{w}}^5}$, i.e., the extension of~$w^5$ of Example~\ref{ex:time-based-windows} due to~$ch_2$. Consider the following formula: % \[ \alpha=\ensuremath{\boxplus}_1(\Diamond\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)\land\Diamond\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(e,p_2)) \] % We verify that~${M,S_M,11 \Vdash \alpha}$ holds. % First, the window operator~$\ensuremath{\boxplus}_1$ selects the substream~${S'=(T_{\ensuremath{{\scriptscriptstyle S}}'},\intpr')}$, where~${T_{\ensuremath{{\scriptscriptstyle S}}'}=[6,11]}$ and~${\intpr'=\restr{\intpr}{T'}=\{8\mapsto\{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)\}, 11\mapsto\{\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(e,p_2)\}\}}$. Next, to see that~${(M,S',11)}$ entails~${\Diamond\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)\land\Diamond\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(e,p_2)}$, we have to find time points in the timeline~${T_{\ensuremath{{\scriptscriptstyle S}}'}}$ of the current window~$S'$, such that~${\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)}$ and~${\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(e,p_2)}$ hold, respectively. Indeed, for~$8$ and~$11$, we have~${M,S_1,8\Vdash\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)}$ and~${M,S_1,11\Vdash\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(e,p_2)}$.~ % \end{example} \subsection{Queries} \label{sec:queries} We are now going to define the semantics of queries over streams. \begin{definition}[Query] Let~${S=(T,\intpr)}$ be a stream,~${u \in T \cup \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{U}}}}$ and let~${\alpha}$ be a formula. Then~${\newquery{\alpha}{u}}$ denotes a~\emph{query (on~$S$)}. We say a query is \emph{ground}, if~$\alpha$ is ground and~$u \in T$, else \emph{non-ground}. \end{definition} For the evaluation of a ground query~$\alpha[t]$ we will use~$M,S_M,t \Vdash \alpha$. To define the semantics of non-ground queries, we need the notions of assignments and substitution. A \emph{variable assignment}~$\varAs$ is a mapping~${\ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{V}}}\rightarrow\ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{C}}}}$ from variables to constants. A \emph{time variable assignment}~$\timeAs$ is a mapping~${\ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{U}}}\rightarrow\ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}$ from time variables to time points. The pair~${(\varAs,\timeAs)}$ is called a \emph{query assignment}. Table~\ref{tab:substitution} defines the \emph{substitution}~$\querySubst$ based on query assignment~${(\varAs,\timeAs)}$, where ${\alpha,\beta\in\ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{F}}}_k}$. \begin{toptable} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{l@{~}l@{\quad}l} \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textsc{Definition}} & \textsc{Scope}\\[0.2ex] ${\querySubst(t)}$ & ${=~ t }$ & time points~${t \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}$\\ ${\querySubst(u)}$ & ${=~ \tau(u)}$ & time variables~${u \in \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{U}}}}$\\ ${\querySubst(c)}$ & ${=~ c}$ & constants~${c \in \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{C}}}}$\\ ${\querySubst(v)}$ & ${=~ \sigma(v)}$ & variables~${v \in \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{V}}}}$\\ % \multicolumn{2}{l}{${\querySubst(p(t_1,\dots,t_n)) =}$} & predicates~${p \in \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{P}}}}$ and terms~${t_i \in \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{T}}}}$ \\ \multicolumn{2}{l}{${~~~~~p(\querySubst(t_1),\dots,\querySubst(t_n))}$} & % \\ % ${\querySubst(\alpha\, \mb{b}\, \beta))}$ & ${=\querySubst(\alpha)\,\mb{b}\,\querySubst(\beta)}$ & ${\mb{b}\in\{\land,\lor,\rightarrow\}}$\\ ${\querySubst(\mb{u} \alpha)}$ & ${=\mb{u}\querySubst(\alpha)}$ & ${ \mb{u}\in\{\neg,\Diamond,\Box\}\cup\{\ensuremath{\boxplus}_i\}_{i \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}}$\\ ${\querySubst(@_u \alpha)}$ & ${=@_{t} \querySubst(\alpha)}$ & ${@_u \alpha}$;~~${t=\querySubst(u)}$\\ ${\querySubst(\newquery{\alpha}{u})}$ & ${=\newquery{\querySubst(\alpha)}{\querySubst(u)}}$ & queries~${\newquery{\alpha}{u}}$ \end{tabular} \caption{Definition of substitution~$\querySubst$ based on query assignment~$(\varAs,\timeAs)$} \label{tab:substitution} \end{center} \vspace{-0.9cm} % \end{toptable} Let~${q=\newquery{\alpha}{u}}$ be a query on~${S=(T,\intpr)}$. We say a substitution~$\querySubst$ \emph{grounds}~$q$, if~$\querySubst(q)$ is ground, i.e., if~$\querySubst$ maps all variables and time variables occurring in~$q$. If, in addition,~${\timeAs(x) \in T}$ for every time variable~${x \in \ensuremath{\ensuremath{\mathcal{U}}}}$ occurring in~$q$, we say~$\querySubst$ is~\emph{compatible} with~$q$. \begin{definition}[Answer] The \emph{answer}~${?q}$ to a query~${q=\newquery{\alpha}{t}}$ on~$S$ is defined as follows. % If~$q$ is ground, then~${?q=\ensuremath{\mathit{yes}}}$ if~${M,S_M,t \Vdash q}$ holds, and~${?q=\ensuremath{\mathit{no}}}$ otherwise. If~$q$ is non-ground, then \[ {?q = \{ (\varAs,\timeAs) \mid \querySubst~\text{is compatible with}~q~\text{and}~?\!\querySubst(q)=\ensuremath{\mathit{yes}} \}}. \] \end{definition} That is, the answer to a non-ground query is the set of query substitutions such that the obtained ground queries hold. \begin{example}[cont'd] \label{ex:non-ground} % We formalize the queries of Ex.~\ref{ex:traffic-scenario} as follows: % \begin{align*} q_1 & = \ensuremath{\boxplus}_1(\Diamond\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(X,P)\land\Diamond\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(Y,P))[u]\ensuremath{\\[-0.7ex]} q_2 & = \ensuremath{\boxplus}_1\Diamond(\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(X,P)\land\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(Y,P))[u] \end{align*} % % % The query~${q=\ensuremath{\boxplus}_1\Diamond(\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(a,p_1)\land\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(c,p_1))[t]}$ is ground iff~${t \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}$ and $?q=\ensuremath{\mathit{yes}}$ iff~${t \in [2,7]}$. % % % We evaluate~$q_1$ on structure~$M$ of Ex.~\ref{ex:entailment}: % \begin{align*} M,S_M,t &\Vdash\ensuremath{\boxplus}_1(\Diamond\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(a,p_1)\land\Diamond\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(c,p_1))~~\text{for all}~~{t\in [2,7]}\ensuremath{\\[-0.7ex]} M,S_M,t & \Vdash\ensuremath{\boxplus}_1(\Diamond\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)\land\Diamond\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(e,p_2))~~\text{for all}~~{t\in[11,13]} \end{align*} Thus, the following set of substitutions is the answer to~$q_1$ in~$M$: \vspace{-1.0ex} \begin{displaymath} \begin{array}{r@{~}l} ?q_1 = & \{(\{X\!\mapsto\! a,Y\!\mapsto\! c,P\!\mapsto\! p_1\},\{u\!\mapsto\! t\}) \mid t\in[2,7]\}\, \cup \\ & \{(\{X\!\mapsto\! d,Y\!\mapsto\! e,P\!\mapsto\! p_2\},\{u\!\mapsto\! t\}) \mid t\in[11,13]\} \end{array} \end{displaymath} \end{example} \leanparagraph{Exact time reference} With the operator~$@_t$ we can ask whether a formula holds at a specific time point~$t$. In its non-ground version, we can utilize this operator for the selection of time points. \begin{example}[cont'd] \label{ex:exact-time-reference} % Let~${\alpha = tram(X,P) \land \ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(Y,P)}$. For each of the queries ${@_U \alpha [13]}$ and~${\alpha[U]}$, the time assignments for~$U$ in the answers will map to time points when a tram and a bus arrived simultaneously at the same stop. In both cases, the single answer is~${ (\{X \mapsto a, Y \mapsto c, P \mapsto p_1\},\{U \mapsto 2\})}$. % Note that omitting~$@_U$ in the first query would give an empty answer, since the subformula~$\alpha$ does not hold at time point~$13$. \end{example} We observe that the operator~${@}$ allows to replay a historic query. At any time~${t'>t}$, we can ask~${@_t\alpha[t']}$ to simulate a previous query~${\alpha[t]}$. \leanparagraph{Nested windows} Typically, window functions are used exclusively to restrict the processing of streams to a recent subset of the input. In our % view, window functions provide a flexible means to reason over temporally local contexts within larger windows. For these nested windows we carry both~$M$ and~$S$ for the entailment relation. \begin{example}[cont'd] \label{ex:nested-windows} Consider the following additional query $(q_3)$: At which stops~$P$, for the last~$2$ two trams~$X$, did a bus~$Y$ arrive within~$3$ minutes? % % % % To answer $(q_3)$ at time point~$13$, we ask % % % % \begin{displaymath} q_3 = \ensuremath{\boxplus}_1\Box(\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(X,P)\rightarrow\ensuremath{\boxplus}_2\Diamond\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(Y,P))[13]. \end{displaymath} % % % For~$\ensuremath{\boxplus}_1$, we can use the extension~$\ensuremath{\hat{w}}^{\# n}_{\idx}$ of the partition-based window~$w^{\# n}_{\idx}$ of Example~\ref{ex:partition-based-window}. % % % Applying~${\ensuremath{\hat{W}}\!(1)}$ on the stream~${S=(T,\intpr)}$ in the previous examples yields~${S'=(T',\intpr')}$, where~${T'=[2,13]}$ and~${\intpr'=\{2 \mapsto \{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(a,p_1)\}, 8 \mapsto \{\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2)\}\}}$. % That is, after applying this window, the current window~$S'$ no longer contains information on buses. % Consequently, to check whether a bus came in both cases within~$3$ minutes, we must use the urstream~$S_M$. Thus, the second extended window~${\ensuremath{\hat{W}}\!(2)=\ensuremath{\hat{w}}^{+3}}$ is the extension of the time-based window~$w^{+3}$, which looks~$3$ minutes into the future, due to the stream choice~$ch_1$. Hence,~$\ensuremath{\hat{w}}^{+3}$ will create a window based on~$S_M$ and not on~$S'$. % The two time points in~$T'$ where a tram appears are~$2$ and~$8$, with~$P$ matching~$p_1$ and~$p_2$, respectively. Applying~$\ensuremath{\hat{W}}\!(2)$ there yields % the streams~${S''_2=(T''_2,\intpr''_2)}$ and~${S''_8=(T''_8,\intpr''_8)}$, where % \begin{align*} T''_2 &= [2,5], & \intpr''_2 &= \{ 2 \mapsto \{ \ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(a,p_1), \ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(c,p_1) \} \},~\text{and}\\ T''_8 &= [8,11], & \intpr''_8 &= \{ 8 \mapsto \{ \ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(d,p_2) \}, 11 \mapsto \{ \ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(e,p_2) \} \}. \end{align*} % In both streams, we find a time point with an atom~$\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(Y,p_j)$ with the same stop~$p_j$ as the tram. Thus, in both cases the subformula~${\Diamond\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(Y,P)}$ is satisfied and so the implication~${\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}(X,P)\rightarrow\ensuremath{\boxplus}_2\Diamond\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}(Y,P)}$ holds at every point in time of the stream selected by~$\ensuremath{\boxplus}_1$. Hence, the answer to the query is % \[ \begin{array}{r@{}l} ?q_3 = \{ & \{ (X\mapsto a, Y\mapsto c, P\mapsto p_1\},\emptyset)\}, \\ & \{ (X\mapsto d, Y\mapsto e, P\mapsto p_2\},\emptyset)\}\}. \end{array} \] % % \end{example} \section{Discussion and Related Work \ifdraft(1.5-1.75p)\fi} \label{sec:discussion} In this section we discuss the relationship of this ongoing work with existing approaches from different communities. \leanparagraph{Modal logic} The presented formalism employs operators~$\Diamond$ and~$\Box$ as in modal logic~\cite{Blackburn01}. Also, the definition of entailment uses a structure similar to Kripke models for multi-modal logics. However, instead of static accessibility relations, we use window functions which take into account not only the worlds (i.e., the time points) but also the interpretation function. To our best knowledge, window operators have been considered neither in modal logics nor temporal logics. \leanparagraph{CQL} By extending SQL to deal with input streams, CQL queries are evaluated based on three sets of operators: \begin{enumerate}[(i)] \item\label{cql-op-s2r} \emph{Stream-to-relation} operators apply window functions to the input stream to create a mapping from execution times to bags of valid tuples (w.r.t. the window) without timestamps. This mapping is called a relation. \item\label{cql-op-r2r} \emph{Relation-to-relation} operators allow for modification of relations similarly as in relational algebra, respectively SQL. \item\label{cql-op-r2s} \emph{Relation-to-stream} operators convert relations to streams by directly associating the timestamp of the execution with each tuple (RStream). The other operators IStream/DStream, which report inserted/deleted tuples, are derived from RStream. % \end{enumerate} The proposed semantics has means to capture these operators: \begin{enumerate}[(i)] \item\label{capture-cql-1} The window operators~$\ensuremath{\boxplus}_i$ keep the timestamps of the selected atoms, whereas the stream-to-relation operator discards them. The CQL query for tuple~$x$ thus corresponds to a query~$\Diamond x$ of the present setting. % A stream in CQL belongs to a fixed schema. As noted earlier, this corresponds to the special case with only one predicate. % % % % % % CQL's partition-based window is a generalization of the tuple-based window defined there. In turn, the presented partition-based window generalizes the one of CQL. % % % % % % % % % % % % \item\label{capture-cql-2} Some relational operators can essentially be captured by logical connectives, e.g., the join by conjunction. Some operators like projection will require an extension of the formalism towards rules. Moreover, we did not consider arithmetic operators and aggregation functions, which CQL inherits from SQL. % % % % \item\label{capture-cql-3} The answer to a non-ground query~$\alpha[u]$ is a set of query assignments~${(\varAs,\timeAs)}$. To capture the RStream of CQL, we can group these assignments by the time variable~$u$. \end{enumerate} \begin{example} \label{ex:capture-cql} % % Queries ($q_1$) and ($q_2$) from Example~\ref{ex:traffic-scenario} can be expressed in CQL. % We assume that both streams have the attributes~$X$ and~$P$, corresponding to the first, respectively second argument of predicates~$\ensuremath{\mathit{tr}}$ and~$\ensuremath{\mathit{bus}}$. % For~($q_1$), we can use: % \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM tr [RANGE 5], bus [RANGE 5] WHERE tr.P = bus.P \end{verbatim} % % % On the other hand,~($q_2$) needs two CQL queries. % \begin{verbatim} SELECT * AS tr_bus FROM tr [NOW], bus [NOW] WHERE tr.P = bus.P \end{verbatim} % \vspace{-12pt} % \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM tr_bus [RANGE 5] \end{verbatim} Here, the first query produces a new stream that contains only simultaneous tuples and the second one covers the range of~$5$ minutes. % % % % % % % \end{example} Traditionally, stream reasoning approaches use \emph{continuous queries}, i.e., repeated runs of queries with snapshot semantics to deal with changing information. In this work, we go a step further and enable reasoning over streams within the formalism itself by means of nested windows. One can only mimic this feature with CQL's snapshot semantics when timestamps are part of the schema and explicitly encoded. Likewise, queries to future time points can be emulated in this way, as the next example shows. \begin{example}[cont'd] % In Example~\ref{ex:nested-windows}, we considered bus arrivals within~$3$ minutes after the last~$2$ trams. % In CQL, such a query is not possible on the assumed schema. However, by adding a third attribute~\texttt{TS} that carries the timestamps to the schema, the following CQL query yields the same results. % \begin{verbatim} SELECT * FROM tr [ROWS 2], bus [RANGE UNBOUNDED] WHERE tr.P = bus.P AND bus.TS - tr.TS <= 3 \end{verbatim} % % Note that we need no partition-based window here, since trams and buses arrive from different input streams. Moreover, we must use the unbounded window for buses to cover nesting of windows in~($q_3$) because windows in CQL are applied at query time and not the time where a tram appearance is notified. % \end{example} Furthermore, nested CQL queries and aggregation inherited from SQL are promising to mimic the behavior of operator~$\Box$. With according rewriting, CQL eingines like STREAM~\cite{ArasuBBDIRW03} could be used to realize the proposed semantics. \leanparagraph{SECRET} In~\cite{DindarTMHB13} a model called SECRET is proposed to analyze the execution behavior of different stream processing engines (SPEs) from a practical point of view. The authors found that even the outcome of identical, simple queries vary significantly due to the different underlying processing models. There, the focus is on understanding, comparing and predicting the \emph{behaviour of engines}. In contrast, we want to provide means that allow for a similar analytical study for the \emph{semantics} of stream reasoning formalisms and engines. The two approaches are thus orthogonal and can be used together to compare stream reasoning engines based on different input feeding modes as well as different reasoning expressiveness. \leanparagraph{Reactive ASP} The most recent work related to expressive stream reasoning with rules~\cite{GebserGKOSS2012} is based on Reactive ASP~\cite{GebserGKS11}. This setting introduces logic programs that extend over time. Such programs have the following components. % Two components~$P$ and~$Q$ are parametrized with a natural number~$t$ for time points. In addition, a basic component~$B$ encodes background knowledge that is not time-dependent. Moreover, sequences of pairs of arbitrary logic programs~$(E_i,F_j)$, called \emph{online progression} are used. While~$P$ and~$E_i$ capture accumulated knowledge,~$Q$ and~$F_j$ are only valid at specific time points. Compared to reactive ASP, our semantics has no mechanism for accumulating programs, and we take only streams of atoms/facts, but no background theories. Therefore, a framework based on idealized semantics with extension to rules should be able to capture a fragment of reactive ASP where~$P$ and~$F_j$ are empty and~$E_i$ contains only facts. The foreseeable conversion can be as follows: convert rules in~$Q$ by applying an unbounded window on all body atoms of a rule, using~$@_t$ to query the truth value of the atoms at time point~$t$. Then, conclude the head to be true at~$t$ and feed facts from~$E_i$ to the input stream~$S$. \leanparagraph{StreamLog} Another logic-based approach towards stream reasoning is \mbox{StreamLog}~\cite{Zaniolo12}. It makes use of Datalog and introduces \emph{temporal predicates} whose first arguments are timestamps. By introducing \emph{sequential programs} which have syntactical restrictions on temporal rules, \mbox{StreamLog} defines \emph{non-blocking negation} (for which Closed World Assumption can be safely applied) that can be used in recursive rules in a stream setting. Since sequential programs are locally stratified, they have efficiently computable perfect (i.e., unique) models. Similar to capturing a fragment of Reactive ASP, we can capture \mbox{StreamLog} by converting temporal atoms~$p(t,x_1,\dots,x_n)$ to expressions~$@_t p(x_1,\dots,x_n)$ and employing safety conditions to rules to simulate non-blocking negation. Moreover, we plan for having weaker notions of negation that might block rules but just for a bounded number of time points to the future. \leanparagraph{ETALIS} The ETALIS system \cite{arfs2012} aims at adding expressiveness to Complex Event Processing (CEP). It provides a rule-based language for pattern matching over event streams with \emph{declarative monotonic semantics}. Simultaneous events are not allowed and windows are not regarded as first-class objects in the semantics, but they are available at the system implementation level. Tuple-based windows are also not directly supported. Furthermore, nesting of windows is not possible within the language, but it can be emulated with multiple rules as in CQL. On the other hand, ETALIS models complex events with time intervals and has operators to express temporal relationships between events. \section{Conclusion \ifdraft(0.25p)\fi} \label{sec:conclusion} We presented a first step towards a theoretical foundation for (idealistic) semantics of stream reasoning formalisms. % Analytical tools to characterize, study and compare logical aspects of stream engines % have been missing. To fill this gap, we provide a framework to reason over streaming data with a fine-grained control over relating the truth of tuples with their occurrences in time. It thus, e.g., allows to capture various kinds of window applications on data streams. We discussed the relationship of the proposed formalism with exsisting approaches, namely CQL, SECRET, Reactive ASP, StreamLog, and ETALIS. Next steps include extensions of the framework to formally capture fragments of existing approaches. Towards more advanced reasoning features like recursion and non-monotonicity, we aim at a rule-based semantics on top of the presented core. Furthermore, considering intervals of time as references is an interesting research issue. To improve practicality (as a tool for formal and experimental analysis) one might also develop an operational characterization of the framework. In a longer perspective, along the same lines with~\cite{Brewka13}, we aim at a formalism for stream reasoning in distributed settings across heterogeneous nodes having potentially different logical capabilities.%
\section{Motivation} I was invited to review secular evolution in disk galaxies. Rather than attempt a very superficial review of this vast topic, I here focus on dynamical friction. Several other possible topics could be included in a review of secular evolution, such as: scattering of disk stars, which I reviewed only recently (Sellwood 2008a); mixing and spreading of disks (\eg~Sellwood \& Binney 2002; Ro\u skar \etal\ 2008; Freeman, these proceedings); and the formation of pseudo-bulges (\eg\ Kormendy \& Kennicutt 2004; Binney, these proceedings). The current {$\Lambda$CDM}\ paradigm for galaxy formation (\eg~White, these proceedings) makes specific predictions for the dark matter (DM) densities in halos of galaxies. I first argue that halos of some barred galaxies are inconsistent with this prediction, and then consider whether DM halo densities could be lowered by internal galaxy evolution. \section{Inner Halo Density} Attempts to measure the halo density and its slope in the innermost parts of galaxies are beset by many observational and modeling issues (\eg~Rhee \etal\ 2004; Valenzuela \etal\ 2007), while the predictions from simulations in the same innermost region are still being revised, as shown earlier by White. It therefore makes sense to adopt a more robust measure of central density, such as that proposed by Alam, Bullock \& Weinberg (2002). Their parameter, $\Delta_{v/2}$, is a measure of the mean DM density, normalized by the cosmic closure density, interior to the radius at which the circular rotational speed due the DM alone rises to half its maximum value. For those more familiar with halo concentrations, it is useful to note that for the precise NFW (Navarro, Frenk \& White 1997) halo form, $\Delta_{v/2} = 672 c^3 /[\ln(1+c) - c/(1+c)]$, if $c$ is defined where the mean halo density is 200 times the cosmic closure value; thus $\Delta_{v/2} \simeq 10^{5.5}$ for a $c=9$ halo. However, a further advantage of $\Delta_{v/2}$ is that it is not tied to a specific density profile. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=10cm]{DeltaV2.ps} \caption{Figure reproduced from Macci\'o \etal\ (2008, with permission), to which I have added the large labeled points that are described in the text. The shaded regions show the $1-$ and $2-\sigma$ ranges of the predicted values of $\Delta_{v/2}$, while the lines show the means, as functions of the maximum circular speed from the DM halos. The small colored symbols show various estimates of these parameters for dwarf and LSB galaxies estimated by Macci\'o \etal\ from data in de Blok, McGaugh \& Rubin (2001), de Blok \& Bosma (2002), and Swaters \etal\ (2003).} \label{Delfig} \end{center} \end{figure} \subsection{Prediction} Figure ~\ref{Delfig}, reproduced from Macci\'o, Dutton \& van den Bosch (2008), shows the {$\Lambda$CDM}\ prediction (shaded) that results when the initial amplitude and spectrum of density fluctuations match the latest cosmic parameters, as determined by the WMAP team (Komatsu \etal\ 2008). I have added one further predicted point from the {\it Via Lactea\/} model (Diemand, Kuhlen \& Madau 2007), which is argued to resemble a typical halo that would host a galaxy such as the Milky Way. \subsection{Data from Galaxies} Macci\'o \etal\ plot the small colored triangles, squares and pentagons, which show estimates of $\Delta_{v/2}$ culled from the literature. The data are from dwarf and LSB galaxies, that are believed to be DM dominated and the large black circle indicates their mean in both coordinates, with the error bars indicating the ranges. The open circle with error bars shows a revised mean after subtracting a contribution to the central attraction by the estimated baryonic mass in these galaxies. These authors conclude that these data are consistent with the model predictions. The large cyan circles are estimates for large galaxies: both NGC~4123 (Weiner, Sellwood \& Williams 2001) and NGC~3095 (Weiner 2004) have well-estimated halos that are significantly below the predicted range. The inner density estimated for NGC~1365 (Zanm\'ar Sanch\'ez \etal\ 2008), on the other hand, is $\Delta_{v/2} \sim 5 \times 10^7$, which is off the top of this plot, though the total halo mass is quite modest; a large uncertainty in the inclination, a possible warp that is very hard to model, together with evidence of a inner disturbance that required us to fit to data only one side of the bar, all conspire to render the inner halo density of this Fornax cluster galaxy quite uncertain. I also plot two magenta points from different mass models for the Milky Way. The upper point is from Klypin, Zhao \& Somerville (2002) while the lower shows the upper bound on the inner halo density estimated by Binney \& Evans (2001). Their bound comes from trying to include enough foreground disk stars to match an old estimate (Popowski \etal\ 2001) of the micro-lensing optical depth to the red-clump stars of the Milky Way bulge; current estimates of this optical depth are somewhat lower (Popowski \etal\ 2005), suggesting a reanalysis will allow a higher halo density. It is important to realize that the creation of a disk through condensation, or inflow, of gas into the centers dark halos must deepen the gravitational potential and cause the halo to contract (\eg~Blumenthal \etal\ 1986; Sellwood \& McGaugh 2005). Thus, estimates of the current halo density should be reduced to take account of halo compression. Allowance for compression brings the point for NGC~1365 down by more than one order of magnitude. But making this correction for all the galaxies (which Macci\'o \etal\ did not do for their open circle point) will move all the data points down, including the well-estimated points for NGC~4123 \& NGC~3095 that are already uncomfortably low. The only real difficulties presented by the comparison with the predictions in Fig.~1 arise from two well-determined low points, which could simply turn out to be anomalous. Additional evidence suggesting uncomfortably low DM densities in real galaxies comes from other rotation curve data (\eg\ Kassin, de Jong \& Weiner 2006) and the difficulty of matching the observed zero point of the Tully-Fisher relation (\eg\ Dutton, van den Bosch \& Courteau 2008). However, an independent argument, based on the constraints from dynamical friction on bars, also suggests that the DM density in barred galaxies is generally lower than predicted. \subsection{Bar Slow Down} \label{slow} Bars in real galaxies are generally believed to be ``fast'', in that the radius of corotation is generally larger than the semi-major axis of the bar by only a small factor, $\cal R$. Indications that $1 \mathrel{\spose{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\mathchar"218$} {\cal R} \mathrel{\spose{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\mathchar"218$} 1.3$ come from (a) direct measurements in largely gas-free galaxies, summarized by Corsini (2008), (b) models of the gas flow (\eg~Weiner \etal\ 2001; Bissantz, Englmaier \& Gerhard 2003), and (c) indirect arguments about the location of dust lanes (\eg~Athanassoula 1992). Rautiainen, Salo \& Laurikainen (2008), and others, claim a few counter-examples from indirect evidence, although they concede that they try to match the morphology of the spiral patterns, which may rotate more slowly than the bar. After some considerable debate, a consensus seems to be emerging that strong bars in galaxies should experience fierce braking unless the halo density is low (Debattista \& Sellwood 1998, 2000; O'Neill \& Dubinski 2003; Holley-Bockelmann, Weinberg \& Katz 2005; Col\'\i n, Valenzeula \& Klypin 2006). The counter-example claimed by Valenzuela \& Klypin (2003) was shown by Sellwood \& Debattista (2006) to have resulted from a numerical artifact in their code. The claims of discrepancies by Athanassoula (2003) are merely that weak, or initially slow bars, are less strongly braked, while she also finds that strong, fast bars slow unacceptably in dense halos. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=10cm]{rplot.ps} \end{center} \caption{Bars in NFW halos. Above: The value of $\cal R$ at the time each simulation was stopped. Below: The number of disk rotations before the bar slowed to the point where ${\cal R}=1.4$.} \label{rplot} \end{figure} Thus there is little escape from the conclusion by Debattista \& Sellwood (2000), that the existence of fast bars in strongly barred galaxies requires a low density of DM in the inner halo. Our original constraint required near maximal disks, although the halo models in that paper were not at all realistic. Figure~\ref{rplot} summarizes the results from a new study of exponential disks embedded in NFW halos, computed using the code described in Sellwood (2003) that has greatly superior dynamic range. When scaled to the Milky Way, a rotation period at 3 disk scale lengths in these models is 270~Myr. In all cases, the bar becomes slow by the end of the experiment, although the number of disk rotations needed until ${\cal R} > 1.4$ increases as the concentration index, $c$, is reduced. Thus, friction in NFW halos causes bars to become unacceptably slow in a few disk rotations when $c \mathrel{\spose{\lower.5ex \hbox{$\mathchar"218$} 10$, but on a time scale $\mathrel{\spose{\lower.5ex \hbox{$\mathchar"218$} 7.5\;$Gyr when $c \mathrel{\spose{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\mathchar"218$} 6$ or when the uncompressed $\Delta_{v/2} \mathrel{\spose{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\mathchar"218$} 10^{5.1}$. This conservative bound would exclude well over half the predicted range of halo densities in Fig.~\ref{Delfig} for an uncompressed $V_{\rm max} = 10^{2.25} \simeq 180\;$km/s. In the context of this symposium, it would be nice to test Milky Way models for bar slow-down. The halo and disk in the model tested by Valenzuela \& Klypin (2003) were selected from the Klypin \etal\ (2002) models for the Milky Way. The simulations reveal that a very large bar with semi-major axis $\mathrel{\spose{\lower.5ex \hbox{$\mathchar"218$} 5\;$kpc forms quickly, which slows unacceptably within $\sim 5\;$Gyr. Unfortunately, the absence of a realistic bulge in these experiments crucially prevents these results from being regarded as a test of the Klypin \etal\ (2002) MW models, since a bulge should cause a much shorter and faster bar to form. \section{Can the DM Density Be Reduced?} The {$\Lambda$CDM}\ model would not be challenged if the present-day DM density in galaxies can be reduced by processes that are neglected in cosmic structure formation simulations, which generally follow the dynamics of collisionless collapse only. Four main ideas have been advanced that might achieve the desired density decrease. \subsection{Feedback} This first idea is not a secular effect, and therefore strictly falls outside my assigned topic. However, I discuss it briefly because it should not be omitted from any list of processes that might effect a density reduction. The basic idea, proposed by Navarro, Eke \& Frenk (1997), Binney, Gerhard \& Silk (2001), and others is that gas should first collect slowly in a disk at the center of the halo, thereby deepening the gravitational potential well and compressing the halo adiabatically. A burst of star formation would then release so much energy that most of the gas would be blasted back out of the galaxy at very high speed, resulting in a non-adiabatic decompression of the halo, which may possibly result in a net reduction in DM density. Gnedin \& Zhao (2002) present the definitive test of the idea. In their simulations, they slowly grew a disk inside the halo, causing it to compress adiabatically, and then they instantaneously removed the disk. With this artifice, they deliberately set aside all questions of precisely how the star burst could achieve the required outflow, in order simply to test the extreme maximum that any conceivable feedback process could achieve. They found that the final density of the halo was lower than the initial, confirming that the effect can work, and that mass blasted out from the very center of the potential has greatest effect, presumably because it produces the largest instantaneous change in the gravitational potential. However, density reductions by more than a factor of two required that the disk be unreasonably concentrated, and consequently the baryonic mass has to be blasted out from deep in the potential well. \subsection{Bar-Halo Friction} The same physical process that slows bars, discussed in \S\ref{slow}, can also reduce the density of the material that takes up the angular momentum, as first reported by Hernquist \& Weinberg (1992). This mechanism prompted Weinberg \& Katz (2002) to propose the following sequence of events as a means to reconcile {$\Lambda$CDM}\ halo predictions with bar pattern speed constraints and other data. They argued that a large bar in the gas at an early stage of galaxy formation could reduce the DM density through dynamical friction. The gas bar would then disperse as star formation proceeded, so that were a smaller stellar bar to form later it would not experience much friction. Their idea has been subjected to intensive scrutiny. Normal Chandrasekhar friction (\eg~Binney \& Tremaine 2008, \S8.1) is formally invalid in more realistic dynamical systems, such as quasi-spherical halos, because the background particles are bound to the system and will return to interact with the perturber repeatedly. Tremaine \& Weinberg (1984) showed that under these circumstances angular momentum exchange occurs at resonances between the motion of the perturber and that of the background particles. The $N$-body simulations mentioned in \S\ref{slow} generally did not produce a substantial reduction in halo density, despite the presence of strong friction. This could be because the bars were not strong enough, but Weinberg \& Katz (2007a,b) argue that the simulations were too crude and that delicate resonances would not be properly mimicked in simulations unless the number of particles exceeds between $10^7$ \& $10^9$, depending on the bar size and strength and the halo mass profile. Thus two major questions arise: (1) are results from simulations believable? and (2) can realistic bars cause a large density decrease? I addressed both these issues in a recent paper (Sellwood 2008b). While rigid, ellipsoidal bars are not terribly realistic, I used them deliberately in order to test the analysis and to compare with the simulations presented by Weinberg \& Katz. Dubinski (these proceedings) presents results of similar tests using fully self-consistent disks that form bars. \subsubsection{What $N$ Is Enough?} Simple convergence tests reveal that experiments with different numbers of particles converge to an invariant time evolution of both the pattern speed and halo density changes at quite modest numbers of halo particles. I report that $N=10^5$ seemed to be sufficient for a very large bar, while $N\sim 10^6$ was needed for a more realistic bar. I observed no change the results in either case as I increased to $N=10^8$, or when I employed a spectrum of particle masses in order to concentrate more into the crucial inner halo. I found results for different numbers of particles overlaid each other perfectly, with no evidence for the stochasticity that Weinberg \& Katz predicted should result if few particles were in resonance. I also demonstrated that my simulations did indeed capture resonant responses that converged for the same modest particle numbers. I measured the change in the density of particles $F(L_{\rm res})$, where $L_{\rm res}$ is an angular momentum-like variable that depends on orbit precession frequency. Using this variable, I was able to estimate that some 7\% -- 20\% of halo particles participated in resonant angular momentum exchanges with the bar during a short time interval. This fraction is vastly greater than Weinberg \& Katz predicted, because they neglected to take into account the broadening of resonances caused by the evolving bar perturbation, that both grows and slows on an orbital timescale. Athanassoula (2002) and Ceverino \& Klypin (2007) also demonstrated the existence of resonances in their simulations. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=12cm]{lengthbw.ps} \caption{Results from five different experiments with different bar lengths. The dashed line shows the initial profile, while the solid lines show estimates from the particles of the initial (cusped) and final (cored) density profiles from a series of runs with different bar semi-major axes. The final density lines from the lowest to the highest are for bar lengths, $a/r_s = 1$, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, \& 0.2.} \label{length} \end{center} \end{figure} \subsubsection{Density Reduction by Very Strong Bars} Figure~\ref{length} shows that a strong bar rotating in a halo within a density cusp ($\rho \propto 1/r$) can flatten the cusp to $\sim 1/3$ bar length. The rigid bar needed to accomplish this must have an axis ratio $a/b \mathrel{\spose{\lower.5ex \hbox{$\mathchar"218$} 3$, a mass $M_b \mathrel{\spose{\lower.5ex \hbox{$\mathchar"218$} 30\%$ of the halo mass inside $r = a$. While cusp flattening is a driven response caused by the slowing bar, it is also a collective effect. I find a much smaller change when I hold fixed the monopole terms of the halo self-gravity. Thus it is dangerous, when studying halo density changes, to include any rigid mass component. The only simulation I am aware of in which a self-consistent bar flattened the inner density cusp is that reported by Holley-Bockelmann \etal\ (2005). They report a significant density reduction that flattened the cusp to a radius $\sim a/5$. Note that in their model, the initial halo density was not compressed by the inclusion of the disk, since they rederived the halo distribution function that would be in equilibrium in the potential of an uncompressed NFW halo plus the disk. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=10cm]{ABW.ps} \caption{Fractional changes, $\mu$, to $\Delta_{v/2}$ in many experiments. The abscissae show the angular momentum given to the halo, expressed as the usual dimensionless spin parameter. Open circles mark results from experiments in which the density profile of the inner cusp was flattened, while squares indicate experiments where cusp flattening did not occur. Filled symbols show results from experiments in which the moment of inertia of the bar was increased by a factor 5 in all cases except the point at the upper right, where the MoI was increased 10-fold (for more details see Sellwood 2008). The changes to $\Delta_{v/2}$ make no allowance for halo compression.} \label{ABW} \end{center} \end{figure} \subsubsection{More Gradual Changes} A number of other simulations in the literature have revealed a modest density reduction caused by angular momentum exchange with a bar in the disk. \eg~Debattista \& Sellwood (2000) show a reduction in the halo contribution to the central attraction, and something similar can also be seen in Athanassoula's (2003) simulations. None of these models included very extensive halos. The inner halo density in fully self-consistent simulations with more extensive and cusped halos can actually rise as the model evolves (Sellwood 2003; Col\'\i n \etal\ 2006). This happens because angular momentum lost by the bar in the disk causes it to contract; the deepening potential of the disk causes further halo compression that overwhelms any density reduction resulting from the angular momentum transferred to the halo. \subsubsection{Angular Momentum Reservoir} A crucial consideration that limits the magnitude of halo density reduction by bar friction is the total angular momentum available in the baryonic disk. Tidal torques in the early universe lead to halos with a log-normal distribution of spin parameters with a mean $\lambda \sim 0.05$, where the dimensionless spin parameter is $\lambda = LE^{1/2}/GM^{5/2}$ as usual. Assuming that the baryons and dark matter are well mixed initially, the fraction of angular momentum in the baryons is equal to the baryonic mass fraction in the galaxy: some 5\% -- 15\%. Thus total angular momentum loss from the disk could increase the halo spin parameter by typically $\delta\lambda \sim 0.005$. Figure~\ref{ABW}, taken from Sellwood (2008b), shows the factor by which the halo density is reduced, $\mu = \Delta_{v/2,\rm fin} / \Delta_{v/2,\rm init}$ as the ordinate against the angular momentum gain of halo. A density reduction by a factor of 10 is possible, but the bar must be extreme, having a semi-major axis, $a$, approaching that of the break radius, $r_s$, of the NFW profile and a mass $>30\%$ halo interior to $r = a$. Furthermore, such a density reduction is achieved at the expense of removing a large fraction of the angular momentum of the baryons. It should also be noted that the density changes shown in Fig.~\ref{ABW} also do not take account of any halo compression that might have occurred as the bar and disk formed. \subsection{Baryonic Clumps} El-Zant, Shlosman \& Hoffman (2001) proposed that dynamical friction from the halo on moving clumps of dense gas will also transfer energy to the DM and lower its density. They envisaged that baryons would collect into clumps through the Jeans instability as galaxies are assembled and present somewhat simplified calculations of the consequences of energy loss to the halo. The idea was taken up by Mo \& Mao (2004), who saw this as a means to erase the cusps in small halos before they merge to make a main galaxy halo, and by Tonini, Lapi \& Salucci (2006). The proposed mechanism has a number of conceptual problems, however. The model assumes that the settling gas clumps maintain their coherence for many dynamical crossing times without colliding with other clumps or being disrupted by star formation, for example. In addition, calculations (\eg~Kaufmann \etal\ 2006) of the masses of condensing gas clumps suggest they range up to only $\sim 10^6\;M_\odot$, which is too small to experience strong friction. Larger clumps will probably gather in subhalos, which may get dragged in, but simulations with sub-clumps composed of particles (\eg~Ma \& Boylan-Kolchin 2004) indicate that the DM halos of the clumps will be stripped, which simply replaces any DM moved outwards in the halo. Debattista \etal\ (2008) suggest halo compression is an issue here also, but the essential idea suggested by El-Zant \etal\ is to displace the DM as the gas settles, which avoids halo compression. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=12cm]{collectbw.ps} \caption{The changes in density caused by the settling of $N_h$ heavy particles with total mass of $0.1M_{200}$, initially distributed at uniform density within a sphere of radius $4rs$ in an NFW halo. The solid line shows the density measured from the particles at the start while the broken lines show the density after 9 Gyr. Another dashed line shows the corresponding theoretical NFW curve.} \label{collect} \end{center} \end{figure} \subsubsection{A Direct Test} Setting all these difficulties to one side, Jardel \& Sellwood (2008) set out to test the mechanism with $N$-body simulations. As proposed by El-Zant \etal, we divided the entire mass of baryons into $N_h$ equal mass clumps, treated as softened point masses, to which we added isotropic random motion to make their distribution in rough dynamical equilibrium inside an NFW halo composed of $\sim 1\,$M self-gravitating particles. All particles, both light and heavy, experienced the attraction of all others. Figure~\ref{collect} shows results after $\sim 9\;$Gyr, when scaled to a $c=15$ halo -- the timescale would be even longer for less concentrated halos. We find that some density reduction does occur, but the rate at which the density is decreased is considerably slower than El-Zant \etal\ predict. We traced this discrepancy to their use of three times too large a Coulomb logarithm in their calculations. Fig.~\ref{collect} also shows that the rate of density reduction rises as the baryon mass is concentrated into fewer, more massive particles. Again our result is consistent with that of Ma \& Boylan-Kolchin (2004), who employed a mass spectrum of clumps, and who showed that a much smaller density reduction occurred in a separate simulation that omitted the three heaviest clumps. Thus, if this process is to work on an interesting time-scale, it requires a few gas clumps whose masses exceed $1\%$ of the entire halo. Mashchenko \etal\ (2006, 2007) argue that the energy input to the halo, mediated by the motion of the mass clumps, can be boosted if the gas is stirred by stellar winds and supernovae -- a less extreme form of feedback ({\it cf.}~\S3.1). Their simulations of the effect reveal a density reduction in dwarf galaxies. Peirani \etal\ (2008), on the other hand, propose AGN activity to accelerate gas clumps. They present simulations that show the cusp can be flattened to $\sim 0.1r_s$ with a clump having mass of $\sim1$\% of the galaxy mass, being driven outwards from the center to a distance of half the NFW break radius at a speed of 260 km/s. In both these models, it is unclear how the dense material can be accelerated to the required speed (\eg~MacLow \& Ferrara 1999). \subsection{Recoiling/Binary BHs} In any hierarchical structure-formation model, halos grow through a succession of mergers (\eg~Wechsler \etal\ 2002). If massive black holes (BHs) have formed in the centers of two galaxies that merge, then one expects both BHs to settle to the center of the merged halo and to form a binary pair of BHs in orbit about each other. The physics of the decay of the orbit is interestingly complicated (\eg~Merritt \& Milosavljevi\'c 2005). The star density in the centers of elliptical galaxies can be reduced by star scattering as the BH binary hardens, and also by the separate process of BH recoil if the binary encounters another massive object. Merritt \& Milosavljevi\'c (2005) point out that the star density can be significantly reduced only within the sphere of gravitational influence of the BHs, which extends to $r \sim r_h$, where $r_h = GM_\bullet/\sigma^2$, where $M_\bullet$ is the mass of the BH and $\sigma$ is the velocity dispersion of the stars. Generous values for disk galaxies might be $M_\bullet = 10^7 M_\odot$ and $\sigma = 100\;$km/s, yielding $r_h \simeq 4.4\;$pc. Since none of the processes that affect the star density in the center depend upon the masses of the individual stars, DM particles will be affected in a similar manner, and we must expect the DM density to be depleted also over the same volume. However, because black hole dynamics affects only the inner few parsecs, it can have essentially no effect on bar pattern speed constraints or values of parameters such as $\Delta_{v/2}$. \section{Conclusions} The inner densities of DM halos of galaxies today continue to challenge the {$\Lambda$CDM}\ model for galaxy formation. Both direct estimates in a few galaxies, and dynamical friction constraints from bar pattern speeds require inner densities lower than predicted in DM-only simulations by at least a factor of a few. Several processes that are omitted from DM only simulations can reduce the inner halo density. Feedback has a very slight effect unless a large mass of gas is blasted out from the deepest point in the peotential well. Bar friction requires an extreme bar and removes a large fraction of the angular momentum in the baryons. Dynamical friction on massive gas clumps is too slow, unless moving gas clumps exceed $\sim 1\%$ of total baryonic mass. Scattering by merging or recoiling BHs affects only very center. Thus any of the four suggested mechanism needs to be stretched if it is to cause a significant reduction. \acknowledgments I thank Victor Debattista for comments on the manuscript and the organizers of the conference for travel support. This work was supported by grants AST-0507323 from the NSF and NNG05GC29G from NASA. \section*{References} \smallskip \parindent=0pt \everypar{\hangindent 1.2cm} \footnotesize Alam, S. M. K., Bullock, J. S. \& Weinberg, D. H. 2002, {\it Ap.\ J.}, {\bf 572}, 34 Athanassoula, E. 1992, {\it MNRAS}, {\bf 259}, 345 Athanassoula, E. 2002, {\it Ap.\ J. Lett.}, {\bf 569}, L83 Athanassoula, E. 2003, {\it MNRAS}, {\bf 341}, 1179 Binney, J. J. \& Evans, N. 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\section{Introduction} Let $\mathbb{F}_q$ be the field with $q$ elements. For integers $e\geq d\geq 2$, define the {\it bilinear forms} graph $Bil_q(e\times d)$, whose vertices are all $(e\times d)$-matrices over $\mathbb{F}_q$ with two matrices being adjacent if and only if the rank of their difference is equal to $1$. It is well known that $Bil_q(e\times d)$ is a $Q$-polynomial distance-regular graph with diameter $d$. (For definitions and notations see Section \ref{SectDefinitions}.) \smallskip Much attention has been paid to the problem of classification of all $Q$-polynomial distance-regular graphs with large diameter, which was suggested in the fundamental monograph by Bannai and Ito \cite{BI}. One of the steps towards the solution of this problem is a characterization of the known $Q$-polynomial distance-regular graphs by their intersection arrays. (The current status of the project can be found in the survey paper \cite{SurveyDRG} by Van Dam, Koolen and Tanaka.) \smallskip As for the bilinear forms graphs, these graphs have been characterized, under some additional assumption (the so-called weak 4-vertex condition), for $e\geq 2d\geq 6$ and $q\geq 4$ by Huang \cite{Huang}, see also \cite{FuHuangUnified}, and for $e\geq 2d+2\geq 8$ and $q\geq 2$ by Cuypers \cite{Cuypers}, while the strongest result was obtained by Metsch in 1999 \cite{Metsch99}, who showed that the bilinear forms graph $Bil_q(e\times d)$, $d\geq 3$, can be uniquely determined as a distance-regular graph by its intersection array unless one of the following cases holds: \begin{itemize} \item[-] $q=2$ and $e\in \{d,d+1,d+2,d+3\}$, \item[-] $q\geq 3$ and $e\in \{d,d+1,d+2\}$. \end{itemize} In this work, we show that the graph of bilinear $(d\times d)$-forms, where $d\geq 3$, defined over the binary field is also characterized by its intersection array (see Theorem \ref{theo-main}). We remark that in the diameter two case there exist many non-isomorphic strongly regular graphs with the same parameters as $Bil_q(e\times 2)$. Indeed, the graph $Bil_q(e\times 2)$ has parameters \begin{equation}\label{pseudo-Latin-param} (v,k,\lambda,\mu)=(m^2,(m-1)t,m-2+(t-1)(t-2),t(t-1)), \end{equation} where $m=q^e$ and $t=q+1$. A strongly regular graph with parameters given by Eq. (\ref{pseudo-Latin-param}) is usually called a pseudo Latin square graph (see \cite[Ch.~9.1.12]{BH}). A strongly regular Latin square graph can be constructed from $t-2$ mutually orthogonal Latin $m\times m$-squares, and thus there exist exponentially many non-isomorphic strongly regular graphs with the same parameters given by Eq. (\ref{pseudo-Latin-param}), see \cite{CameronSRG} for the details. Let us also briefly recall an idea, which was exploited in Metsch's proof \cite{Metsch99}. An {\it incidence structure} is a triple $(P,L,I)$ where $P$ and $L$ are sets (whose elements are called {\it points} and {\it lines}, respectively) and $I\subseteq P\times L$ is the {\it incidence relation}. We also assume that every line is incident with at least two points. An incidence structure is called {\it semilinear} (or a {\it partial linear space}) if there exists at most one line through any two points. The {\it point} graph of the incidence structure $(P,L,I)$ is a graph defined on $P$ as the vertex set, with two points being adjacent if they belong to the same line. A semilinear incidence structure can be naturally derived from the bilinear forms graph $Bil_q(e\times d)$. For this purpose, we recall an alternative definition of $Bil_q(e\times d)$ \cite[Chapter~9.5.A]{BCN}. Let $V$ be a vector space of dimension $e+d$ over $\mathbb{F}_q$, $W$ be a fixed $e$-subspace of $V$. For an integer $i\in \{d-1,d\}$, define \[ \mathcal{A}_i = \{U\subseteq V \mid {\rm dim}(U)=i,~ {\rm dim}(U\cap W)=0\}. \] Then $(\mathcal{A}_d,\mathcal{A}_{d-1},\supseteq)$ is a semilinear incidence structure called the $(e,q,d)$-{\it attenuated space}, while its point graph is isomorphic to $Bil_q(e\times d)$. In other words, the vertices of $Bil_q(e\times d)$ are the subspaces of $\mathcal{A}_d$, with two subspaces from $\mathcal{A}_d$ adjacent if and only if their intersection has dimension $d-1$. Now it is easily seen that $Bil_q(e\times d)$ has two types of maximal cliques. The maximal cliques of the first type are the collections of subspaces of $\mathcal{A}_d$ containing a fixed subspace of dimension $d-1$, and each of them contains $\left[ \begin{matrix} e+1 \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q- \left[ \begin{matrix} e \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q =q^e$ vertices, while the maximal cliques of the other type are the collections of subspaces of $\mathcal{A}_d$ contained in a fixed subspace of dimension $d+1$, and each of them contains $\left[ \begin{matrix} d+1 \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q- \left[ \begin{matrix} d \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q =q^d$ vertices, where $\left[ \begin{matrix} n \\ m \end{matrix} \right]_q$ denotes the $q$-ary Gaussian binomial coefficient. Note that the maximal cliques of the first type correspond to the lines of the semilinear incidence structure $(\mathcal{A}_d,\mathcal{A}_{d-1},\supseteq)$. Suppose now that a graph $\Gamma$ is distance-regular with the same intersection array as $Bil_q(e\times d)$. A key idea of the works by Huang \cite{Huang} and Metsch \cite{Metsch99} was as follows. Under certain conditions on $e,d$, and $q$, it is possible to show that every edge of $\Gamma$ is contained in a unique clique of size $\sim q^e$, called a {\it grand} clique of $\Gamma$. Hence $(V(\Gamma),\mathcal{L},\in)$ is a semilinear incidence structure, where $\mathcal{L}$ is the set of all grand cliques of $\Gamma$. In order to show the existence of grand cliques, Huang used the so-called Bose-Laskar argument, which was valid for $e\geq 2d\geq 6$, and Metsch applied its improved version \cite{Metsch91}, which was valid under weaker assumptions on $e,q$, and $d$. One can then show that the semilinear incidence structure $(V(\Gamma),\mathcal{L},\in)$ satisfies some additional properties, and, in fact, it is a so-called $d$-net (see \cite{Huang}). Finally, the result by Sprague \cite{Sprague} shows, for an integer $d\geq 3$, every finite $d$-net is the $(e,q,d)$-attenuated space for some prime power $q$ and positive integer $e$, and therefore $\Gamma$ is isomorphic to $Bil_q(e\times d)$. For the cases remained open after the Metsch result, it seems that the Bose-Laskar type argument cannot be applied. Moreover, when $e=d$, the maximal cliques of both families have the same size $q^e=q^d$. Therefore, even if one can show that $\Gamma$ contains such cliques, every edge is contained in two grand cliques. Thus, one has to prove that it is still possible to select a family of grand cliques that form lines of a semilinear incidence structure (when $e\neq d$, we can easily distinguish between families of maximal cliques by their sizes). However, it is not possible in general, as for example, it is the case for the quotient of the Johnson graph $J(2d,d)$, which has two families of maximal cliques of the same size, not being the point graph of any semilinear incidence structure, see \cite[Proposition~2.7,~Remark~2.8]{Cuypers92}). \smallskip In the present work, we will make use of a completely different approach, exploiting the $Q$-polynomiality of the bilinear forms graph. Namely, suppose that $\Gamma$ is a $Q$-polynomial distance-regular graph with diameter $D\geq 3$. In 1993, Terwilliger (see 'Lecture note on Terwilliger algebra' edited by Suzuki, \cite{SN}) showed that, for $i=2,3,\ldots,D-1$, there exists a polynomial $T_i(\lambda)\in \mathbb{C}[\lambda]$ of degree $4$ such that for any $i$, any vertex $x\in \Gamma$, and any non-principal eigenvalue $\eta$ of the local graph $\Gamma(x)$, one has \begin{equation*} T_i(\eta)\geq 0. \end{equation*} We call $T_i(\lambda)$ the Terwilliger polynomial of $\Gamma$. In \cite{GavrKoolen}, the authors gave an explicit formula for this polynomial, and applied it to complete the classification of pseudo-partition graphs. The Terwilliger polynomial depends only on the intersection array of $\Gamma$ and its $Q$-polynomial ordering (note that the property 'being $Q$-polynomial' is determined by the intersection array). Thus, any two $Q$-polynomial distance-regular graphs with the same intersection array and $Q$-polynomial ordering have the same Terwilliger polynomial. \smallskip Using this fact, we first prove the following. \begin{res}\label{theo-localspec} Let $\Gamma$ be a distance-regular graph with the same intersection array as $Bil_q(e\times d)$, $e\geq d\geq 3$. Let $\eta$ be a non-principal eigenvalue of the local graph of a vertex $x\in \Gamma$. Then $\eta$ satisfies \[ -q-1\leq \eta\leq -1,\text{~or~} q^d-q-1\leq \eta\leq q^e-q-1. \] \end{res} For $q=2$ and $e=d$, we prove that this information is enough to show that the local graphs of $\Gamma$ are the $(2^{e}-1)\times (2^{e}-1)$-grids (see Lemma \ref{lemma-locev-q=2}). Thus, $\Gamma$ contains two families of maximal cliques of size $2^e$. By the remark above, we cannot immediately derive a semilinear incidence structure from $\Gamma$. Instead of this, applying a beautiful theorem by Munemasa and Shpectorov \cite{MunemasaShpectorov}, we prove a more general result (Theorem \ref{theo-main-1}), which requires distance-regularity of $\Gamma$ up to distance $2$ only. \begin{theo}\label{theo-main-1} Suppose that $\Gamma$ is a graph with diameter $d\geq 2$ and with the following intersection numbers well-defined: \[ b_0=nm,~b_1=(n-1)(m-1),~b_2=(n-3)(m-3),\text{~and~}c_2=6, \] for some integers $n,m$, $n\geq m\geq 3$, and such that, for every vertex $x\in \Gamma$, its local graph $\Gamma(x)$ is the $(n\times m)$-grid. Then $\Gamma$ is isomorphic to the graph of bilinear $(e\times d)$-forms over $\mathbb{F}_2$, where $(n,m)=(2^e-1,2^d-1)$. \end{theo} We recall that the problem of characterization of all locally grid graphs is the well known and rather difficult one, see \cite{BBlocally4by4}. In this context, we believe that Theorem \ref{theo-main-1} is of independent interest. Finally, combining Lemma \ref{lemma-locev-q=2} and Theorem \ref{theo-main-1} gives our main result. \begin{theo}\label{theo-main} Suppose that $\Gamma$ is a distance-regular graph with the same intersection array as $Bil_2(d\times d)$, $d\geq 3$. Then $\Gamma$ is isomorphic to $Bil_2(d\times d)$. \end{theo} \section{Definitions and preliminaries}\label{SectDefinitions} In this section we recall some basic theory of distance-regular graphs. For more comprehensive background on distance-regular graphs and association schemes, we refer the reader to \cite{BI}, \cite{BCN}, \cite{SurveyDRG}, and \cite{SubAlgPaper}. \subsection{Distance-regular graphs} All graphs considered in this paper are finite, undirected and simple. Suppose that $\Gamma$ is a connected graph with vertex set $V(\Gamma)$ and edge set $E(\Gamma)$, where $E(\Gamma)$ consists of unordered pairs of adjacent vertices. The distance $d(x,y):=d_{\Gamma}(x,y)$ between any two vertices $x,y$ of $\Gamma$ is the length of a shortest path connecting $x$ and $y$ in $\Gamma$. For a subset $X$ of the vertex set of $\Gamma$, we will also write $X$ for the subgraph of $\Gamma$ induced by $X$. For a vertex $x\in \Gamma$, define $\Gamma_i(x)$ to be the set of vertices that are at distance precisely $i$ from $x$ ($0\leq i\leq D$), where $D:={\rm max}\{d(x,y)\mid x,y\in \Gamma\}$ is the {\it diameter} of $\Gamma$. In addition, define $\Gamma_{-1}(x)=\Gamma_{D+1}(x)=\emptyset$. The subgraph induced by $\Gamma_1(x)$ is called the {\it neighborhood} or the {\it local graph} of a vertex $x$. We often write $\Gamma(x)$ instead of $\Gamma_1(x)$ for short, and we denote $x\sim_{\Gamma} y$ or simply $x\sim y$ if two vertices $x$ and $y$ are adjacent in $\Gamma$. For a set of vertices $\{x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_s\}$ of $\Gamma$, let $\Gamma(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_s)$ denote $\cap_{i=1}^s \Gamma(x_i)$. In particular, for a pair of vertices $x,y$ of $\Gamma$ with $d(x,y)=2$, the graph induced on $\Gamma(x,y)$ is called the $\mu$-{\it graph} (of $x$ and $y$). For a graph $\Delta$, a graph $\Gamma$ is called {\it locally} $\Delta$ graph if the local graph $\Gamma(x)$ is isomorphic to $\Delta$ for all $x\in \Gamma$. A graph $\Gamma$ is {\it regular} with valency $k$ if the local graph $\Gamma(x)$ contains precisely $k$ vertices for all $x\in \Gamma$. The {\it eigenvalues} of a graph $\Gamma$ are the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix. If, for some eigenvalue $\eta$ of $\Gamma$, its eigenspace contains a vector orthogonal to the all ones vector, we say the eigenvalue $\eta$ is {\it non-principal}. If $\Gamma$ is regular with valency $k$, then all its eigenvalues are non-principal unless the graph is connected and then the only eigenvalue that is principal is its valency $k$. Let $m_i$ denote the multiplicity of eigenvalue $\theta_i$, $0 \leq i\leq t$, of the adjacency matrix $A$ of a graph $\Gamma$, where $t$ is the number of distinct eigenvalues of $\Gamma$. Then, for a natural number $\ell$, \begin{equation}\label{trace} \sum_{i=0}^{t}m_i \theta_i^{\ell}= tr(A^{\ell}) = \mbox{~the~number~of~closed~walks~of~length~$\ell$~in~$\Gamma$} \end{equation} where $tr(A^{\ell})$ is the trace of matrix $A^{\ell}$. Let $\Gamma$ be a graph with diameter $D$. For a pair of vertices $x,y\in \Gamma$ at distance $i=d(x,y)$, define \[ c_i(x,y):=|\Gamma(y)\cap \Gamma_{i-1}(x)|,~~ a_i(x,y):=|\Gamma(y)\cap \Gamma_{i}(x)|,~~ b_i(x,y):=|\Gamma(y)\cap \Gamma_{i+1}(x)|, \] and we say that the {\it intersection numbers} $c_i$, $a_i$, or $b_i$ are {\it well-defined}, if $c_i(x,y)$, $a_i(x,y)$, or $b_i(x,y)$ respectively do not depend on the particular choice of vertices $x,y$ at distance $i$. A connected graph $\Gamma$ with diameter $D$ is called {\it distance-regular}, if the intersection numbers $c_{i}$, $a_i$, and $b_{i-1}$ are well-defined for all $1\leq i\leq D$. In particular, any distance-regular graph is regular with valency $k:=b_0=c_i+a_i+b_i$. We also define $k_i:=\frac{b_0\cdots b_{i-1}}{c_1\cdots c_i}$, $1\leq i\leq D$, and note that $k_i=|\Gamma_i(x)|$ for all $x\in \Gamma$ (so that $k=k_1$). The array $\{b_0,b_1,\ldots,b_{D-1};c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_D\}$ is called the {\it intersection array} of the distance-regular graph $\Gamma$. A graph $\Gamma$ is distance-regular if and only if, for all integers $h,i,j$ ($0\leq h,i,j\leq D$), and all vertices $x,y\in \Gamma$ with $d(x,y)=h$, the number \[ p^h_{ij}:=|\{z\in \Gamma\mid d(x,z)=i,~d(y,z)=j\}|=|\Gamma_i(x)\cap \Gamma_j(y)| \] does not depend on the choice of $x,y$. The numbers $p^h_{ij}$ are called the {\it intersection numbers} of $\Gamma$. Note that $k_i=p^0_{ii}$, $c_i=p^i_{1i-1}$, $a_i=p^i_{1i}$ ($1\leq i\leq D$), and $b_i=p^i_{1i+1}$ ($0\leq i\leq D-1$). Recall that the $q$-{\it ary Gaussian binomial coefficient} is defined by \[ \left[ \begin{matrix} n \\ m \end{matrix} \right]_q= \frac{(q^n-1)(q^{n-1}-1)\cdots (q^{n-m+1}-1)}{(q^m-1)(q^{m-1}-1)\cdots (q-1)}. \] With this notation, the following result holds, see \cite[Theorem~9.5.2]{BCN}. \begin{res}\label{res-bil-param} The bilinear forms graph $Bil_q(e\times d)$, $e\geq d$, is distance-regular with diameter $d$, $v=q^{de}$ vertices, and has intersection array given by (for $1\leq j \leq d$) \begin{equation}\label{eq-bj-bil} b_{j-1}=q^{2j-2}(q-1) \left[ \begin{matrix} d-j+1 \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q \left[ \begin{matrix} e-j+1 \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q, \end{equation} \begin{equation}\label{eq-cj-bil} c_j=q^{j-1} \left[ \begin{matrix} j \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q. \end{equation} \end{res} A distance-regular graph with diameter 2 is called a {\it strongly regular} graph. We say that a strongly regular graph $\Gamma$ has parameters $(v,k,\lambda,\mu)$, if $v=|V(\Gamma)|$, $k:=b_0$, $\lambda:=a_1$, and $\mu:=c_2$. It is well known that a strongly regular graph has the three distinct eigenvalues usually denoted by $k$ (the valency), and $r,s$, where $r>0>s$, and $r$ and $s$ are the solutions of the following quadratic equation: \[ x^2+(\mu-\lambda)x+(\mu-k)=0. \] An $s$-\emph{clique} $L$ of $\Gamma$ is a complete subgraph (i.e., every two vertices of $L$ are adjacent) of $\Gamma$ with exactly $s$ vertices. We say that $L$ is a clique if it is an $s$-clique for certain $s$. By the $(n\times m)$-{\it grid}, we mean the Cartesian product of two complete graphs on $n$ and $m$ vertices. The $(n\times n)$-grid is a strongly regular graph with parameters $(n^2,2(n-1),n-2,2)$. It is a well-known fact that the $(n\times n)$-grid has spectrum \[ [2(n-1)]^1, [n-2]^{2(n-1)}, [-2]^{(n-1)^2}, \] where $[\theta]^m$ denotes that eigenvalue $\theta$ has multiplicity $m$. Moreover, any graph with this spectrum is the $(n\times n)$-grid unless $n=4$, as the Shrikhande graph is strongly regular with the same parameters as the $(4\times 4)$-grid, see \cite{Shrikhande}. \subsection{The Bose-Mesner algebra} Let $\Gamma$ be a distance-regular graph with diameter $D$. For each integer $i$ ($0\leq i\leq D$), define the $i$th {\it distance matrix} $A_i$ of $\Gamma$ whose rows and columns are indexed by the vertex set of $\Gamma$, and, for any $x,y\in \Gamma$, \begin{equation*} (A_i)_{x,y} = \left \{ \begin{aligned} 1\text{~if~}d(x,y)=i,\\ 0\text{~if~}d(x,y)\ne i. \end{aligned}\right. \end{equation*} Then $A:=A_1$ is just the {\it adjacency matrix} of $\Gamma$, $A_0=I$ (the identity matrix), $A_i^{\top}=A_i$ ($0\leq i\leq D$), and \begin{equation*} A_iA_j=\sum_{h=0}^D p^h_{ij}A_h ~~~ (0\leq i,j\leq D), \end{equation*} in particular, \begin{equation*} AA_i=b_{i-1}A_{i-1}+a_{i}A_{i}+c_{i+1}A_{i+1} ~~~~ (1\leq i\leq D-1), \end{equation*} \begin{equation*} AA_D=b_{D-1}A_{D-1}+a_{D}A_{D}, \end{equation*} and this implies that $A_i=p_i(A)$ for certain polynomial $p_i$ of degree $i$. The {\it Bose-Mesner} algebra ${\cal M}$ of $\Gamma$ is a matrix algebra generated by $A$ over ${\mathbb R}$. It follows that ${\cal M}$ has dimension $D+1$, and it is spanned by the set of matrices $A_0=I,A_1,\ldots,A_D$, which form a basis of ${\cal M}$. Since the algebra ${\cal M}$ is semi-simple and commutative, ${\cal M}$ also has a basis of pairwise orthogonal idempotents $E_0:=\frac{1}{|V(\Gamma)|}J,E_1,\ldots,E_D$ (the so-called {\it primitive idempotents} of ${\cal M}$) satisfying: \begin{equation*} E_iE_j=\delta_{ij}E_i~~(0\leq i,j\leq D),~~E_i=E_i^{\top}~~(0\leq i\leq D), \end{equation*} \begin{equation*} E_0+E_1+\cdots+E_D=I, \end{equation*} where $J$ is the all ones matrix. We recall that a distance-regular graph with diameter $D$ has $D+1$ distinct eigenvalues exactly, which can be calculated from its intersection array, see \cite[Section 4.1.B]{BCN}. In fact, $E_j$ ($0\leq j\leq D$) is the matrix representing orthogonal projection onto the eigenspace of $A$ corresponding to some eigenvalue, say $\theta_j$, of $\Gamma$. In other words, one can write \begin{equation*} A=\sum_{j=0}^D \theta_jE_j, \end{equation*} where $\theta_j$ ($0\leq j\leq D$) are the real and pairwise distinct scalars, which are exactly the eigenvalues of $\Gamma$ as defined above. We say that the eigenvalues (and the corresponding idempotents $E_0,E_1,\ldots,E_D$) are in {\it natural} order if $b_0=\theta_0>\theta_1>\ldots>\theta_D$. The Bose-Mesner algebra ${\cal M}$ is also closed under entrywise (Hadamard or Schur) matrix multiplication, denoted by $\circ$. The matrices $A_0$, $A_1$, $\ldots$, $A_D$ are the primitive idempotents of ${\cal M}$ with respect to $\circ$, i.e., $A_i\circ A_j= \delta_{ij}A_i$, and $\sum_{i=0}^D A_i=J$. This implies that \[ E_i\circ E_j=\sum_{h=0}^{D} q_{ij}^h E_h ~~~ (0\leq i,j\leq D) \] holds for some real numbers $q_{ij}^h$, known as the {\it Krein parameters} of $\Gamma$. \subsection{$Q$-polynomial distance-regular graphs}\label{intro-Qpoly} Let $\Gamma$ be a distance-regular graph, and $E$ be one of the primitive idempotents of its Bose-Mesner algebra. The graph $\Gamma$ is called {\it $Q$-polynomial} with respect to $E$ (or with respect to an eigenvalue $\theta$ of $A$ corresponding to $E$) if there exist real numbers $c_i^*$, $a_i^*$, $b_{i-1}^*$ ($1\leq i\leq D$) and an ordering of primitive idempotents such that $E_0=\frac{1}{|V(\Gamma)|}J$ and $E_1=E$, and \[ E_1\circ E_i=b_{i-1}^*E_{i-1} + a_i^*E_i + c_{i+1}^*E_{i+1} ~~~ (1\leq i\leq D-1), \] \[ E_1\circ E_D=b_{D-1}^*E_{D-1} + a_D^*E_D. \] We call such an ordering of primitive idempotents (and the corresponding eigenvalues of $\Gamma$) $Q$-{\it polynomial}. Note that a $Q$-polynomial ordering of the eigenvalues/idempotents does not have to be the natural one. Further, the {\it dual eigenvalues} of $\Gamma$ {\it associated with} $E$ (or with its eigenvalue $\theta$) are the real scalars $\theta_i^*$ ($0\leq i\leq D$) defined by \begin{equation*} E=\frac{1}{|V(\Gamma)|}\sum_{i=0}^D \theta_i^* A_i. \end{equation*} The Leonard theorem (\cite[Theorem~5.1]{BI}, \cite[Theorem~2.1]{SubAlgPaper}) says that the intersection numbers of a $Q$-polynomial distance-regular graph have at least one of seven possible types: $1$, $1A$, $2$, $2A$, $2B$, $2C$, or $3$. We note that the bilinear forms graph $Bil_q(e\times d)$ is $Q$-polynomial (of type $1$) with respect to the natural ordering of idempotents. \subsection{Classical parameters}\label{intro-classicalparams} We say that a distance-regular graph $\Gamma$ has {\it classical parameters} $(D,b,\alpha,\beta)$ if the diameter of $\Gamma$ is $D$, and the intersection numbers of $\Gamma$ satisfy \begin{equation}\label{classparamc_i} c_i=\genfrac{[}{]}{0pt}{}{i}{1}\Big(1+\alpha\genfrac{[}{]}{0pt}{}{i-1}{1}\Big), \end{equation} so that, in particular, $c_2=(b+1)(\alpha+1)$, \begin{equation}\label{classparamb_i} b_i=\Big(\genfrac{[}{]}{0pt}{}{D}{1}-\genfrac{[}{]}{0pt}{}{i}{1}\Big)\Big(\beta-\alpha\genfrac{[}{]}{0pt}{}{i}{1}\Big), \end{equation} where $$\genfrac{[}{]}{0pt}{}{j}{1}:=1+b+b^2+\cdots+b^{j-1}.$$ Note that a distance-regular graph with classical parameters is $Q$-polynomial, see \cite[Corollary 8.4.2]{BCN}. By \cite[Table~6.1]{BCN}, we have the following result. \begin{res}\label{reslt-bilformclassparams} The bilinear forms graph $Bil_q(e\times d)$, $e\geq d$, has classical parameters \[ (D,b,\alpha,\beta) = (d,q,q-1,q^e-1). \] \end{res} \subsection{The Terwilliger polynomial}\label{Intr-terw} In this section, we briefly recall the concept of the Terwilliger polynomial, which was introduced in 1993 (see 'Lecture note on Terwilliger algebra' edited by Suzuki, \cite{SN}), and recently studied in our paper \cite{GavrKoolen}. We refer the reader to \cite{GavrKoolen} for further details. Let $\Gamma$ be a distance-regular graph. Let ${\mathbb V}={\mathbb R}^{V(\Gamma)}$ denote the vector space of columns, whose coordinates are indexed by the set $V(\Gamma)$, and endowed with the standard dot product $\langle,\rangle$, where \begin{equation*} \langle u,v \rangle = u^{\top}v~~~(u,v\in {\mathbb V}). \end{equation*} Fix any vertex $x\in \Gamma$. For each integer $i$ ($0\leq i\leq D$), let $E_i^*:=E_i^*(x)$ denote a diagonal matrix with rows and columns indexed by $V(\Gamma)$, and defined by \[ (E_i^*)_{y,y}=(A_i)_{x,y ~~~ (y\in \Gamma). \] Note that $E_i^*E_j^*=\delta_{ij}E_i^*$, $\sum_{i=0}^DE_i^*=I$. These matrices span the {\it dual Bose-Mesner} algebra ${\cal M}^* := {\cal M}^*(x)$ with respect to vertex $x$, which is called the {\it base} vertex. The {\it Terwilliger} (or {\it subconstituent}) algebra ${\cal T}:={\cal T}(x)$ with respect to $x$ is the matrix algebra generated by ${\cal M}$ and ${\cal M}^*(x)$, see \cite{SubAlgPaper}. (Note that ${\cal T}(x)$ may depend on the base vertex $x$, as for example it is the case for the twisted Grassmann graphs, see \cite{TwistG}.) That this algebra is semi-simple is a standard observation. Pick any 3-tuple $xyz$ of vertices of $\Gamma$ such that $y$ and $z$ are neighbours of $x$. We consider $x$ as a base vertex, and let ${\cal T}={\cal T}(x)$ denote the Terwilliger algebra with respect to $x$. Let $[\ell,m,n]:=[\ell,m,n]_{x,y,z}$ denote the number of vertices $u$ of $\Gamma$ such that $u$ is at distances $\ell$ from $x$, $m$ from $y$, and $n$ from $z$, respectively, i.e., $[\ell,m,n]$ denotes a {\it triple intersection number}. In general, $[\ell,m,n]$ depends on the choice of $x,y$, and $z$. It is known that vanishing of some of the Krein parameters often leads to non-trivial relations between triple intersection numbers, see, for example, \cite{JurisicCoolsaet,JurisicVidali,Urlep} and \cite[Section~6.3]{SurveyDRG}. Most of the Krein parameters vanish when $\Gamma$ is $Q$-polynomial. Assuming that $\Gamma$ has a $Q$-polynomial structure and its diameter $D$ is at least $3$, Terwilliger \cite{KiteFree} and Dickie \cite{Dickie} showed that $[i,i-1,i-1]$ (also called the number of {\it kites} of length $i$ and width $j=d(y,z)\in \{1,2\}$) can be expressed as a linear function in $[2,1,1]$ with some coefficients depending only on $i$, $j$, the dual eigenvalues and intersection numbers of $\Gamma$. In the same manner, it is possible to show (see \cite[Section~3]{GavrKoolen}) that $[i,i+1,i+1]$ can be expressed as a linear function in $[1,2,2]$ with coefficients depending only on $i$, $j$, the dual eigenvalues and intersection numbers of $\Gamma$. In terms of the Terwilliger algebra of $\Gamma$ with respect to the base vertex $x$, these results yield that $E_1^*A_{i-1}E_{i}^*A_{i-1}E_1^*$ and $E_1^*A_{i}E_{i-1}^*A_{i}E_1^*$ can be expressed as polynomials in $\widetilde{A}:=E_1^*A_1E_1^*$ and $\widetilde{J}:=E_1^*JE_1^*$, i.e., there exist polynomials $p_i^{\epsilon\delta}\in {\mathbb R}[\lambda]$, $\epsilon,\delta\in\{+,-\}$, which depend only on the intersection numbers of $\Gamma$ and its $Q$-polynomial ordering, such that \[ E_1^*A_{i\epsilon 1}E_i^*A_{i\delta 1}E_1^* = \alpha_{\epsilon\delta} {\widetilde{J}}+p_i^{\epsilon\delta}(\widetilde{A}) \] for some $\alpha_{\epsilon\delta}\in {\mathbb R}$ (we also define $\widetilde{A}^0:=E_1^*$), With an appropriate ordering of the vertices of $\Gamma$, one can see that $$ \widetilde{A}=\left( \begin{tabular}{ll} $N$ & $O$\\ $O$ & $O'$ \end{tabular} \right), $$ where the principal submatrix $N$ is, in fact, the adjacency matrix of $\Gamma(x)$, the local graph of the base vertex $x$, and $O$, $O'$ are the all zeros blocks. We now recall some facts about irreducible ${\cal T}$-modules, see \cite{SN}, cf. \cite{IH}. A ${\cal T}$-module is a subspace $W\subset {\mathbb V}$ such that $Tw\in W$ for any $T\in {\cal T}$, $w\in W$. A non-trivial ${\cal T}$-module is {\it irreducible} if it does not properly contain a non-zero ${\cal T}$-module. Since ${\cal T}$ is semi-simple, each ${\cal T}$-module is a direct sum of irreducible ${\cal T}$-modules, and $\mathbb{V}$ decomposes into an orthogonal direct sum of irreducible ${\cal T}$-modules. Let $W$ be an irreducible ${\cal T}$-module. We define the {\it endpoint} of $W$ by ${\rm min}\{i:~E_i^*W\ne 0\}$. An irreducible ${\cal T}$-module $W$ is called {\it thin} if ${\rm dim}(E_i^*W)\leq 1$ for all $i=0,1,\ldots,D$; the graph $\Gamma$ is called {\it thin} if, for any of its vertices $x$, each irreducible ${\cal T}(x)$-module is thin. There is a unique irreducible ${\cal T}$-module of endpoint $0$, called the {\it trivial} module; it is thin and has basis $\{E_i^*{\bf 1}\mid 0\leq i\leq D\}$, where ${\bf 1}$ is the all ones vector. Let $U_1^*$ be the subspace of $E_1^*\mathbb{V}$, which is orthogonal to ${\bf 1}$ (so that $w^{\top}\widetilde{J}w=0$ for any $w\in U_1^*$). Let $W$ be an irreducible ${\cal T}$-module of endpoint $1$. Then $E_1^*W$ is a one-dimensional subspace of $U_1^*$; in particular, any non-zero vector $w\in E_1^*W$ is an eigenvector of $\widetilde{A}$, and $W={\cal T}w$. Conversely, for an eigenvector $w\in U_1^*$ of $\widetilde{A}$, the subspace $W={\cal T}w$ is an irreducible ${\cal T}$-module of endpoint $1$. Let $a_0(W)$ denote the corresponding eigenvalue of $\widetilde{A}$. Note that $a_0(W)$ is a non-principal eigenvalue of the local graph of $x$. Further, for a vector $w\in E_1^*W$, we define \begin{equation}\label{wi} w_i^+=E_i^*A_{i-1}E_1^*w,~~w_i^-=E_i^*A_{i+1}E_1^*w~~(2\leq i\leq D-1). \end{equation} Consider the scalar product of $w_i^{\epsilon}$ and $w_i^{\delta}$, where $\epsilon,\delta\in\{+,-\}$: \[ \langle w_i^{\epsilon},w_i^{\delta}\rangle=w^{\top}E_1^*A_{i\epsilon 1}E_i^*E_i^*A_{i\delta 1}E_1^*w= w^{\top}E_1^*A_{i\epsilon 1}E_i^*A_{i\delta 1}E_1^*w, \] and hence \begin{equation}\label{inner-prod-wi} \langle w_i^{\epsilon},w_i^{\delta}\rangle = w^{\top}\big(\alpha_{\epsilon\delta} {\widetilde{J}}+p_i^{\epsilon\delta}(\widetilde{A})\big)w = \|w\|^2 p_i^{\epsilon\delta}(a_0(W)). \end{equation} The determinant of the Gram matrix of $w_i^+,w_i^-$ is non-negative: \begin{equation}\label{DetP} {\rm det}\left( \begin{tabular}{ll} $\langle w_i^+,w_i^+\rangle$ & $\langle w_i^+,w_i^-\rangle$\\ $\langle w_i^+,w_i^-\rangle$ & $\langle w_i^-,w_i^-\rangle$ \end{tabular} \right)\geq 0, \end{equation} and it follows from \cite[Lemma~63,~Lecture~34-4]{SN} that $W$ is thin if and only if $w_i^+,w_i^-$ are linearly dependent for every $i$, $2\leq i\leq D-1$. Define \begin{equation}\label{TerwPoly} T_i(\lambda):=p_i^{++}(\lambda)p_i^{--}(\lambda)-p_i^{+-}(\lambda)^2 \end{equation} so that, by Eq. (\ref{inner-prod-wi}), \begin{equation}\label{DetP2} {\rm det}\left( \begin{tabular}{ll} $\langle w_i^+,w_i^+\rangle$ & $\langle w_i^+,w_i^-\rangle$\\ $\langle w_i^+,w_i^-\rangle$ & $\langle w_i^-,w_i^-\rangle$ \end{tabular} \right)=\|w\|^4 T_i(a_0(W)). \end{equation} Combining Eqs. (\ref{DetP}) and (\ref{DetP2}) gives the following result \cite[Theorem~4.2]{GavrKoolen}. \begin{theo}\label{theo-terwpoly} Let $\Gamma$ be a $Q$-polynomial distance-regular graph with diameter $D\geq 3$. Then, for any $i=2,3,\ldots,D-1$, for any vertex $x\in \Gamma$ and any non-principal eigenvalue $\eta$ of the local graph of $x$, $T_i(\eta)\geq 0$ holds, with equality if and only if $W:={\cal T}(x)w$ is a thin irreducible ${\cal T}(x)$-module of endpoint $1$, where $w\in E_1^*\mathbb{V}$ is an eigenvector of $\widetilde{A}$ with eigenvalue $\eta=a_0(W)$. The polynomial $T_i(\lambda)$ defined by Eq. $(\ref{TerwPoly})$ depends only on the intersection numbers of $\Gamma$ and its $Q$-polynomial ordering. \end{theo} We will call the polynomial $T_i(\lambda)$ the {\it Terwilliger polynomial} of $\Gamma$. The following result (see \cite[Proposition~4.3]{GavrKoolen}) gives the roots of $T_i(\lambda)$ for distance-regular graphs with classical parameters. \begin{prop}\label{prop-roots} Let $\Gamma$ be a $Q$-polynomial distance-regular graph with classical parameters $(D,b,\alpha,\beta)$ and with diameter $D\geq 3$. Then the sign of the leading term coefficient of $T_i(\lambda)$ is equal to the sign of \[ -\big(2\genfrac{[}{]}{0pt}{}{i+1}{1}-(1+b^i)\big)\big(2\genfrac{[}{]}{0pt}{}{i}{1}-(1+b^{i-1})\big), \] and the four roots of $T_i(\lambda)$ (for all $i=2,3,\ldots,D-1$) are \[ \beta-\alpha-1,~~-1,~~-b-1,~~\alpha b\frac{b^{D-1}-1}{b-1}-1. \] \end{prop} \subsection{The Munemasa-Shpectorov theorem}\label{sect-step-cover} In this section, we recall the Munemasa-Shpectorov theorem (see Theorem \ref{theo-MS} below), which was shown in \cite[Section~7]{MunemasaShpectorov}. Let us recall some definitions from \cite{MunemasaShpectorov}. We define a {\it path} in a graph $\Gamma$ as a sequence of vertices $(x_0,x_1,\ldots,x_s)$ such that $x_i$ is adjacent to $x_{i+1}$ for $0\le i<s$, where $s$ is the length of the path. A subpath of the form $(y,x,y)$ is called a {\it return}. We do not distinguish paths, which can be obtained from each other by adding or removing returns. This gives an equivalence relation on the set of all paths of $\Gamma$. Equivalence classes of this relation are in a natural bijection with paths without returns. A {\it closed path} or a {\it cycle} is a path with $x_0=x_s$. For cycles, we also do not distinguish the starting vertex, i.e., two cycles obtained from one another by a cyclic permutation of vertices are considered as equivalent. Given two cycles $\hat{x}=(x_0,x_1,\ldots,x_s=x_0)$ and $\hat{y}=(y_0,y_1,\ldots,y_t=y_0)$ satisfying $x_0=y_0$, we define a cycle $\hat{x}\cdot \hat{y}=(x_0,x_1,\ldots,x_{s},y_1,\ldots,y_t)$. Iterating this process, we say that a cycle $\hat{x}$ can be {\it decomposed} into a product of cycles $\hat{x}_1,\hat{x}_2,\ldots,\hat{x}_{\ell}$, whenever there are cycles $\hat{x}'$ and $\hat{x}_1',\hat{x}_2',\ldots,\hat{x}_{\ell}'$, equivalent to $\hat{x}$ and $\hat{x}_1,\hat{x}_2,\ldots,\hat{x}_{\ell}$, respectively, such that $\hat{x}'=\hat{x}_1'\cdot \hat{x}_2'\cdot \ldots \cdot \hat{x}_{\ell}'$. A graph is called {\it triangulable}, if each of its cycles can be decomposed into a product of triangles (i.e., cycles of length $3$). The following lemma (see \cite[Lemma~6.2]{MunemasaShpectorov}) gives necessary conditions for a graph to be triangulable. \begin{lemma}\label{lemma-triangl-necess-cond} Let $\Gamma$ be a graph. Suppose that, for any vertex $x\in \Gamma$, and $y_1,y_2\in \Gamma_{j}(x)$, $j\geq 2$, the following holds. \begin{itemize} \item[(i)] The graph induced by $\Gamma_{j-1}(y_1)\cap \Gamma(x)$ is connected. \item[(ii)] If $y_1$ and $y_2$ are adjacent, then $\Gamma_{j-1}(y_1)\cap \Gamma_{j-1}(y_2)\cap \Gamma(x)\neq \emptyset$. \end{itemize} Then $\Gamma$ is triangulable. \end{lemma} We show in Section \ref{sect-triangul} that the bilinear forms graph $Bil_q(e\times d)$ satisfies the conditions of Lemma \ref{lemma-triangl-necess-cond}, i.e., $Bil_q(e\times d)$ is triangulable. Let $\Gamma$ and $\widetilde{\Gamma}$ be two graphs. Let $x$ and $\widetilde{x}$ be vertices of $\Gamma$ and $\widetilde{\Gamma}$, respectively. An isomorphism between the local graphs at $x$ and $\widetilde{x}$, say, \begin{equation}\label{eq-local-isomorph} \varphi:~~\{\widetilde{x}\}\cup \widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{x}) \rightarrow \{x\}\cup \Gamma(x) \end{equation} is called {\it extendable} if there is a bijection \[ \varphi':~~\{\widetilde{x}\}\cup \widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{x})\cup \widetilde{\Gamma}_2(\widetilde{x}) \rightarrow \{x\}\cup \Gamma(x)\cup \Gamma_2(x), \] mapping edges to edges, such that $\varphi'\mid_{\{\widetilde{x}\}\cup \widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{x})}=\varphi$. In this case, $\varphi'$ is called the {\it extension} of $\varphi$. We say that $\Gamma$ {\it has distinct $\mu$-graphs} if $\Gamma(x,y_1)=\Gamma(x,y_2)$ for $y_1,y_2\in \Gamma_2(x)$ implies that $y_1=y_2$. \begin{theo}\label{theo-MS} Let $\Gamma$ and $\widetilde{\Gamma}$ be two graphs. Assume that $\Gamma$ has distinct $\mu$-graphs and the following holds. \begin{itemize} \item[(i)] There exists a vertex $x$ of $\Gamma$ and a vertex $\widetilde{x}$ of $\widetilde{\Gamma}$, and an extendable isomorphism $\varphi$ defined by Eq. (\ref{eq-local-isomorph}). \item[(ii)] If $x,\widetilde{x}$ are vertices of $\Gamma$ and $\widetilde{\Gamma}$, respectively, $\varphi$ is an extendable isomorphism defined by Eq. (\ref{eq-local-isomorph}), $\varphi'$ its extension, and $\widetilde{y}\in \widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{x})$, then \[ \varphi'\mid_{\{\widetilde{y}\}\cup \widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{y})}:~~ \{\widetilde{y}\}\cup \widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{y}) \rightarrow \varphi(\{\widetilde{y}\})\cup \Gamma(\varphi(\widetilde{y})) \] is an extendable isomorphism. \item[(iii)] $\widetilde{\Gamma}$ is triangulable. \end{itemize} Then the graph $\Gamma$ is covered by $\widetilde{\Gamma}$. \end{theo} We will use Theorem \ref{theo-MS} in the proof of Theorem \ref{theo-main-1}. \subsection{Semi-partial geometries} In this section we briefly recall the notion of a semi-partial geometry and one characterization of a class of semi-partial geometries with certain parameters. For the details, we refer the reader to \cite{Debroey}. A {\it semi-partial geometry} with parameters $(s,t,\alpha,\mu)$ is a finite incidence structure $S=(P,B,I)$ for which the following properties hold: \begin{itemize} \item[(SPG1)] if $x$ and $y$ are two distinct points, then there exists at most one line incident with $x$ and $y$; \item[(SPG2)] any line is incident with $s+1$ points, $s\geq 1$; \item[(SPG3)] any point is incident with $t+1$ lines, $t\geq 1$; \item[(SPG4)] if a point $x$ and a line $L$ are not incident, then there exist $0$ or $\alpha$ (with $\alpha\geq 1$) points $x_i$, and, respectively, $0$ or $\alpha$ lines $L_i$ such that $(x,L_i)\in I$, $(x_i,L_i)\in I$, $(x_i,L)\in I$ for all $i=1,\ldots,\alpha$; \item[(SPG5)] if two points are not collinear, then there exist $\mu$ (with $\mu>0$) points collinear with both. \end{itemize} If two points $x$ and $y$ are collinear, then we write $x\sim y$. If $x$ and $y$ are two distinct collinear points of $S$, then $L_{x,y}$ denotes the line of $S$, which is incident with $x$ and $y$. A semi-partial geometry $S=(P,B,I)$ satisfies the {\it diagonal axiom} if and only if, for any elements $x,y,z,u\in P$, with $x\ne y$, $x\sim y$, and $L:=L_{x,y}$, the following implication holds: \[ \Big((z,L)\not\in I, (u,L)\not\in I, z\sim x, z\sim y, u\sim x, u\sim y\Big) \Rightarrow z\sim u. \] A semi-partial geometry is called {\it partial} if $\mu=(t+1)\alpha$ holds. In Section \ref{sect-locally-grid}, we will make use of the following result proven in \cite[Section~10]{Debroey}. \begin{theo}\label{theo-SPG} Let $S=(P,B,I)$ be a semi-partial geometry with parameters $(s,t,\alpha,\mu)$ with $\alpha>1$ and $\mu=\alpha(\alpha+1)$, which is not a partial geometry and which satisfies the diagonal axiom. Then $S$ is isomorphic to the structure formed by: \begin{itemize} \item[-] the lines of an $n$-dimensional projective space $PG(n,q)$, $n\geq 4$, that have no point in common with a given $(n-2)$-dimensional subspace $PG(n-2,q)$ of $PG(n,q)$, \item[-] the planes of $PG(n,q)$ that have exactly one point in common with $PG(n-2,q)$, \end{itemize} and the natural incidence relation, so that \[ s=q^2-1,~~t=\frac{q^{n-1}-1}{q-1}-1,~~\alpha=q,~~\mu=q(q+1). \] \end{theo} Recall that the bilinear forms graph $Bil_q(e\times d)$ can be defined (see \cite[Chapter~9.5.A]{BCN}) on the set of $d$-dimensional subspaces of the $(e+d)$-dimensional vector space over $\mathbb{F}_q$ that are skew to given $e$-dimensional subspace, with two such $d$-subspaces adjacent if their intersection has dimension $d-1$. Taking into account this definition, we obtain the following direct consequence of Theorem \ref{theo-SPG}. \begin{coro}\label{coro-SPG} Let $S=(P,B,I)$ be a semi-partial geometry with parameters $(s,t,\alpha,\mu)$ with $\alpha>1$ and $\mu=\alpha(\alpha+1)$, which is not a partial geometry and which satisfies the diagonal axiom. Then $t=\frac{q^{e}-1}{q-1}-1$ holds for some prime power $q$ and natural number $e\geq 3$, and the point graph of $S$ is isomorphic to the bilinear forms graph $Bil_q(e\times 2)$. \end{coro} \section{Locally grid graphs with hexagons as $\mu$-graphs}\label{sect-locally-grid} In this section, we prove Theorem \ref{theo-main-1}. For the rest of the section, we assume that $\Gamma$ is a graph satisfying Theorem \ref{theo-main-1}, i.e., $\Gamma$ has diameter $D\geq 2$ and the following intersection numbers are well-defined: \begin{equation}\label{eq-assum-Gamma} b_0=nm,~b_1=(n-1)(m-1),~b_2=(n-3)(m-3),\text{~and~}c_2=6, \end{equation} for some integers $n,m$, $n\geq m\geq 3$, and, for every vertex $x\in \Gamma$, the local graph $\Gamma(x)$ is the $(n\times m)$-grid. We first need the following simple lemma, which explains the title of this section. \begin{lemma}\label{lemma-hexmu} For every pair of vertices $y,z\in \Gamma$ with $d(y,z)=2$, the graph induced on $\Gamma(y,z)$ is a $6$-gon. \end{lemma} {\it Proof}.\ Let $y,z\in \Gamma$ be a pair of vertices at distance 2. Let $x\in \Gamma(y,z)$. As $\Delta:=\Gamma_1(x)$ is the $(n\times m)$-grid, we see that $\Delta(y,z)$ is a coclique of size 2. This means that $\Gamma(y,z)$ is a triangle-free graph with valency $2$, on $c_2=6$ vertices. Thus, $\Gamma(y,z)$ is a hexagon.\hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex \subsection{Embedding of the bilinear forms graphs of diameter $2$ into $\Gamma$}\label{sect-step-local2} Pick a vertex $x\in \Gamma$. According to the assumption of Theorem \ref{theo-main-1}, let $\{w_{ij}\}_{i=1,j=1}^{i=n,j=m}$ denote the vertex set of $\Gamma(x)$, where $w_{ij}\sim w_{i'j'}$ holds if and only if either $i=i'$ or $j=j'$. Denote by $L_i$ the maximal $m$-clique of $\Gamma(x)$ that contains the vertices $w_{ij}$ for $j=1,\ldots,m$, and by $L_j^{\top}$ the maximal $n$-clique of $\Gamma(x)$ that contains the vertices $w_{ij}$ for $i=1,\ldots,n$. Let $z\in \Gamma_2(x)$. Without loss of generality, we may assume that $\Gamma(x,z)\subset L_1\cup L_2\cup L_3$, say: \begin{equation}\label{eq-gammaxz} \Gamma(x,z)=\{w_{11},w_{12},w_{22},w_{23},w_{33},w_{31}\}\subset (\bigcup_{i=1}^3 L_i)\cap (\bigcup_{j=1}^3 L_j^{\top}). \end{equation} Define a subgraph $\Sigma$ of $\Gamma$ induced by the following set of vertices: \begin{equation}\label{eq-rank2} \{x\}\cup L_1\cup L_2\cup L_3\cup \{y\in \Gamma_2(x)\mid \Gamma(x,y)\subset L_1\cup L_2\cup L_3\}, \end{equation} so that $z\in \Sigma$, $\Sigma(x)=L_1\cup L_2\cup L_3$, and the local graph induced on $\Sigma(x)$ is the $(3\times m)$-grid. Similarly, one can define a subgraph $\Sigma^{\top}$ of $\Gamma$ induced on: \begin{equation}\label{eq-rank2-top} \{x\}\cup L_1^{\top}\cup L_2^{\top}\cup L_3^{\top}\cup \{y\in \Gamma_2(x)\mid \Gamma(x,y)\subset L_1^{\top}\cup L_2^{\top}\cup L_3^{\top}\}. \end{equation} The aim of this section is to show the following lemma. \begin{lemma}\label{lemma-bil2} There exist natural numbers $e\geq 2$ and $d\geq 2$ such that: \begin{itemize} \item[$(1)$] $m=2^d-1$ holds, and the graph $\Sigma$ is isomorphic to the bilinear forms graph $Bil_2(d\times 2)$, \item[$(2)$] $n=2^e-1$ holds, and the graph $\Sigma^{\top}$ is isomorphic to the bilinear forms graph $Bil_2(e\times 2)$. \end{itemize} \end{lemma} We only prove the first statement of Lemma \ref{lemma-bil2}, since exactly the same argument shows the second one. We first show some claims. \begin{claim}\label{claim-1} With vertices $x$ and $z$ chosen as above, the following holds: \begin{equation}\label{eq-gamma2z} \Gamma_2(z)\cap \Gamma(x)=\big(\bigcup_{i=1}^3 (L_i\cup L_i^{\top})\big)\setminus \Gamma(x,z), \end{equation} \begin{equation}\label{eq-gamma3z} \Gamma_3(z)\cap \Gamma(x)=\Gamma(x)\setminus \big(\bigcup_{i=1}^3 (L_i\cup L_i^{\top})\big). \end{equation} \end{claim} {\it Proof}.\ Clearly, we see that $\Gamma_3(z)\cap \Gamma(x)\subseteq \Gamma(x)\setminus \big(\bigcup_{i=1}^3 (L_i\cup L_i^{\top})\big)$. Now Eqs. (\ref{eq-gamma2z}) and (\ref{eq-gamma3z}) follow as $|\Gamma(x)\setminus \big(\bigcup_{i=1}^3 (L_i\cup L_i^{\top})\big)|=(n-3)(m-3)$, and $b_2=(n-3)(m-3)$ holds by Eq. (\ref{eq-assum-Gamma}) \hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex \medskip It is easily seen that each of the following sets of vertices: \begin{align} M_1&:=\{w_{11},w_{31}\}\cup \{y\in \Gamma(z)\cap \Gamma_2(x)\mid \{w_{11},w_{31}\}\subseteq \Gamma(x,y,z)\},\label{eq-cliquem1} \\ M_2&:=\{w_{12},w_{22}\}\cup \{y\in \Gamma(z)\cap \Gamma_2(x)\mid \{w_{12},w_{22}\}\subseteq \Gamma(x,y,z)\},\label{eq-cliquem2} \\ M_3&:=\{w_{23},w_{33}\}\cup \{y\in \Gamma(z)\cap \Gamma_2(x)\mid \{w_{23},w_{33}\}\subseteq \Gamma(x,y,z)\}\label{eq-cliquem3} \end{align} induces a maximal $m$-clique of $\Gamma(z)$. \begin{claim}\label{claim-2} Let $y$ be a vertex of $\Gamma(z)\cap \Gamma_2(x)$. Then $\Gamma(y,x)\subset L_1\cup L_2\cup L_3$ holds if and only if $y\in M_i\setminus \Gamma(x,z)$ for some $i\in \{1,2,3\}$. \end{claim} {\it Proof}.\ We first prove the ``if'' part. Suppose that $y$ is a vertex of $\Gamma(z)\cap \Gamma_2(x)$ such that, without loss of generality, $\{w_{11},w_{31}\}\subseteq \Gamma(x,y,z)$, i.e., $y\in M_1$ by Eq. (\ref{eq-cliquem1}). Note that the graph induced on $\Gamma(x,y,z)$ consists of an edge or of two disjoint edges. Suppose that $\Gamma(x,y,z)=\{w_{11},w_{31}\}$. Then $y\sim w_{1j}$ for some $j>1$ and $j\ne 2$. If $j>3$ then $\Gamma(x,y)\subset L_1\cup L_2\cup L_3$ holds by $\Gamma(x,y)\subset \Gamma(z)\cup \Gamma_2(z)$ and Eq. (\ref{eq-gamma3z}). If $j=3$ then $y\sim w_{i3}$ for some $i>3$, and, further, $y\sim w_{i2}$ and $y\sim w_{32}$. But then the subgraph induced by $\Gamma(y,w_{12})$ contains a 2-claw $\{w_{11}; z,w_{13}\}$ and an edge $\{w_{32},w_{i2}\}$, which is disjoint from the 2-claw. This contradicts the fact that $\Gamma(y,w_{12})$ induces a 6-gon by Lemma \ref{lemma-hexmu}. The case when $\Gamma(x,y,z)$ consists of two disjoint edges can be considered in the same manner. (In this case we also have $\Gamma(x,y)\subset (\bigcup_{i=1}^3 L_i)\cap (\bigcup_{i=1}^3 L_i^{\top})$.) Now the ``only if'' part is easily seen if we interchange $z$ and $x$, and assuming that $y\in \Gamma(x)\cap \Gamma_2(z)$. Then the assertion follows from Claim \ref{claim-1} and the argument proving the ``if'' part.\hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex \begin{claim}\label{claim-sigmaz} The graph induced on $\Sigma(z)$ is the $(3\times m)$-grid. \end{claim} {\it Proof}.\ It follows immediately from Claim \ref{claim-2}.\hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex \begin{claim}\label{lemma-muzw} The graph induced on $\Sigma(z,w)$ is a $6$-gon for all $w\in \Sigma(x)$ such that $w\not\sim z$. \end{claim} {\it Proof}.\ Suppose that $w\in L_i$ for some $i\in \{1,2,3\}$. Applying Claim \ref{claim-2} to the tuple $(w, z, x, L_i)$ in the role of $(y,x,z,M_i)$, we obtain that $\Gamma(w,z)\subset M_1\cup M_2\cup M_3=\Sigma(z)$, i.e., $\Gamma(w,z)=\Sigma(w,z)$, and the claim follows. \hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex \begin{claim}\label{claim-muyz} The graph induced on $\Sigma(y,z)$ is a $6$-gon for all $y\in \Sigma$, $y\not\sim z$. \end{claim} {\it Proof}.\ By Claim \ref{lemma-muzw}, we may assume that $y\in \Sigma_2(x)$ and $y\not\sim z$. Note that $\Gamma(x,y,z)$ consists of mutually non-adjacent vertices (as otherwise, for some vertex $w\in \Gamma(x,y,z)$, the subgraph induced by $\Gamma(w)$ contains a $3$-claw, which is impossible). Thus, $0\leq |\Gamma(x,y,z)|\leq 3$. If $|\Gamma(x,y,z)|=3$, then it easily seen that $\Gamma(z,y)\subset M_1\cup M_2\cup M_3=\Sigma(z)$, since $\Gamma(z,y)$ contains a vertex from each of cliques $M_1,M_2,M_3$. Suppose that $|\Gamma(x,y,z)|\in \{0,1,2\}$. Then there is an edge, say $\{w,w'\}\subset \Gamma(x,y)\setminus \Gamma(x,z)$ such that $w\in L_p$, $w'\in L_q$ for some distinct $p,q\in \{1,2,3\}$. It follows from Claim \ref{lemma-muzw} that \begin{equation*} \Gamma(z,w)=\Sigma(z,w)\subset M_1\cup M_2\cup M_3\text{~and~} \Gamma(z,w')=\Sigma(z,w')\subset M_1\cup M_2\cup M_3. \end{equation*} Let $N_1,N_2,N_3$ be three maximal and pairwise disjoint $m$-cliques of $\Gamma(w)$ such that $\Gamma(z,w)\subset N_1\cup N_2\cup N_3$ and, say, $N_p=L_p\cup \{x\}\setminus \{w\}$, where $L_p\ni w$. Applying Claim \ref{claim-2} to the tuple $(z,w,\{M_i\}_{i=1}^3,\{N_i\}_{i=1}^3,w')$ in the role of $(x,z,\{L_i\}_{i=1}^3,\{M_i\}_{i=1}^3,y)$ shows that $w'\in N_{\ell}$ for some $\ell\in \{1,2,3\}\setminus \{p\}$. As the local graphs of $\Gamma$ are the $(n\times m)$-grids, the vertex $w'$ belongs to two maximal cliques of sizes $n$ and $m$ of the local graph $\Gamma(w)$, one of which contains $y$, and the other one contains $x$ (and has size $n$). The latter is distinct from $N_p$, and it intersects $N_p$ in $x$. Hence the former is $N_{\ell}$, and thus $y\in N_{\ell}$. Now applying Claim \ref{claim-2} to the tuple $(z,w,\{M_i\}_{i=1}^3,\{N_i\}_{i=1}^3,y)$ in the role of $(x,z,\{L_i\}_{i=1}^3,\{M_i\}_{i=1}^3,y)$ shows that $\Gamma(y,z)\subset M_1\cup M_2\cup M_3$ and $\Gamma(z,y)=\Sigma(z,y)$. This proves the claim.\hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex {\it Proof of Lemma \ref{lemma-bil2}:} Claims \ref{claim-2}, \ref{claim-sigmaz}, \ref{lemma-muzw}, \ref{claim-muyz} show that $\Sigma$ is a geodetically closed subgraph of $\Gamma$ with diameter $2$, and $|\Sigma(y,z)|=6$ for every pair of non-adjacent vertices $y,z\in \Sigma$, and, for every vertex $z\in \Sigma$, the local graph $\Sigma(z)$ is the $(3\times m)$-grid. Therefore $|\Sigma(y,z)|=m+1$ for every pair of adjacent vertices $y,z\in \Sigma$. This yields that $\Sigma$ is a strongly regular graph with parameters $(k,\lambda,\mu)=(3m,m+1,6)$. If $m=3$, then $\Sigma$ has parameters $(16,9,4,6)$. There are only two graphs with this parameter set (see \cite{Shrikhande}), namely, the complement to the $(4\times 4)$-grid, and the complement to the Shrikhande graph. The latter one has $\mu$-graphs that are not hexagons. The former one is isomorphic to the bilinear forms graph $Bil_2(2\times 2)$. Hence, in this case, $\Sigma$ is isomorphic to $Bil_2(2\times 2)$. Further, we assume that $m>3$. Let $P$ denote the vertex set of $\Sigma$, $B$ denote the set of all maximal $4$-cliques of $\Sigma$. Then ${\cal G}=(P,B,\in)$ is a semi-partial geometry with parameters $(s,t,\alpha,\mu)=(3,m-1,2,6)$, which is not a partial geometry, as $m>3$. Moreover, one can see that ${\cal G}$ satisfies the diagonal axiom. Therefore, by Theorem \ref{theo-SPG} and Corollary \ref{coro-SPG}, we have that \[ s=q^2-1,~~t=\frac{q^{d}-1}{q-1}-1~~(\text{for some~}d\geq 3),~~\alpha=q,~~\mu=q(q+1), \] thus, $q=2$, and the point graph of ${\cal G}$, i.e., the graph $\Sigma$, is isomorphic to the bilinear forms graph $Bil_2(d\times 2)$. The lemma is proved.\hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex \medskip \subsection{Balls of radius $2$ in $\Gamma$}\label{sect-step3} In this section, we follow the notation from Section \ref{sect-step-local2}. Using Lemma \ref{lemma-bil2}, we shall show that any ball of radius $2$ in $\Gamma$ is isomorphic to a ball of radius $2$ in the bilinear forms graph $\widetilde{\Gamma}:=Bil_2(e\times d)$. \begin{lemma}\label{lemma-bil3} The graphs induced on $\{x\}\cup \Gamma(x)\cup \Gamma_2(x)$ and on $\{\widetilde{x}\}\cup \widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{x})\cup \widetilde{\Gamma}_2(\widetilde{x})$ are isomorphic, for any vertices $x\in \Gamma$ and $\widetilde{x}\in \widetilde{\Gamma}$. \end{lemma} We first prove some preliminary claims. By Lemma \ref{lemma-bil2}, we have that $m=2^d-1$ and $n=2^e-1$. As in Section \ref{sect-step-local2}, we pick a vertex $x\in \Gamma$, and let $\{L_i\}_{i=1}^{2^e-1}$, $\{L_j^{\top}\}_{j=1}^{2^d-1}$ be the sets of the maximal cliques of $\Gamma(x)$, and $\Gamma(x)=\{w_{ij}\}_{i=1,j=1}^{i=2^e-1,j=2^d-1}$, where $\{w_{ij}\}=L_i\cap L_j^{\top}$. Recall that, by Lemma \ref{lemma-hexmu}, for a vertex $y\in \Gamma_2(x)$, the subgraph induced by $\Gamma(x,y)$ is a 6-gon, say, $\Gamma(x,y)=\{w_{i_t,j_t}\mid t=1,2,\ldots,6\}$. Let $\mu_x(y)$ denote the set of pairs $(i,j)$ such that $\{w_{ij}\mid (i,j)\in \mu_x(y)\}=\Gamma(x,y)$. We shall show that the adjacency between vertices in $\Gamma_2(x)$ is determined by the intersection of their images under the mapping $\mu_{x}$. We further show that, for any vertex $x\in \Gamma$ and any vertex $\widetilde{x}\in \widetilde{\Gamma}$, the mappings $\mu_{x}$ and $\mu_{\widetilde{x}}$ can be chosen in such a way that the sets of their images coincide, which in turn implies Lemma \ref{lemma-bil3}. \begin{claim}\label{claim-ball-1} For $y,z\in \Gamma_2(x)$, $y\sim z$ holds if and only if \[ \Gamma(x,y,z):=\{w_{ij}\mid (i,j)\in \mu_{x}(y)\cap \mu_{x}(z)\} \] induces either an edge or two disjoint edges in $\Gamma(x)$. \end{claim} {\it Proof}.\ The claim follows from Claims \ref{claim-1}, \ref{claim-2}, and the fact that the adjacency between vertices of the set $\{w_{ij}\}_{i=1,j=1}^{i=n,j=m}$ is determined by their indices \hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex We call a triple of indices $\{i,j,\ell\}$ a {\it block} or a $\top$-{\it block} if there exists a vertex $z\in \Gamma_2(x)$ such that $\Gamma(x,z)\subset L_i\cup L_j\cup L_{\ell}$ or $\Gamma(x,z)\subset L_i^{\top}\cup L_j^{\top}\cup L_{\ell}^{\top}$, respectively. By ${\cal B}_{\Gamma,x}$ (${\cal B}^{\top}_{\Gamma,x}$, respectively) we denote the set of all ($\top$-)blocks. For a block $\{i,j,\ell\}$ and a $\top$-block $\{r,s,t\}$, by $H^{\{i,j,\ell\}}_{\{r,s,t\}}$ we denote the set of all sets $\sigma$ consisting of pairs $(i,j)$ such that the set $\{w_{ij}\mid (i,j)\in \sigma\}$ induces a 6-gon in the $(3\times 3)$-grid induced by $(L_i\cup L_j\cup L_{\ell})\cap (L_r^{\top}\cup L_s^{\top}\cup L_t^{\top})$. \begin{claim}\label{claim-ball-2} The following holds: \[ \{\mu_{x}(y)\mid y\in \Gamma_2(x)\} = \{H^{\{i,j,\ell\}}_{\{r,s,t\}} \mid \{i,j,\ell\}\in {\cal B}_{\Gamma,x}, \{r,s,t\}\in {\cal B}^{\top}_{\Gamma,x}\}. \] \end{claim} {\it Proof}.\ We note that the intersection $\Sigma':=\Sigma_1\cap \Sigma_2$ of the graphs induced by \[ \Sigma_1:=\{x\}\cup L_i\cup L_j\cup L_{\ell}\cup \{y\in \Gamma_2(x)\mid \Gamma(x,y)\subset L_i\cup L_j\cup L_{\ell}\} \] and \[ \Sigma_2:=\{x\}\cup L_r^{\top}\cup L_s^{\top}\cup L_t^{\top}\cup \{y\in \Gamma_2(x)\mid \Gamma(x,y)\subset L_r^{\top}\cup L_s^{\top}\cup L_t^{\top}\} \] is isomorphic to the bilinear forms graph $Bil_2(2\times 2)$, which has parameters $(16,9,4,6)$ and is locally the $(3\times 3)$-grid graph. The $(3\times 3)$-grid contains exactly six 6-gons, and there are exactly $16-9-1=6$ vertices of $\Sigma'$ at distance 2 from $x$. For a vertex $y\in \Sigma'$ at distance 2 from $x$, the set of common neighbours of $x$ and $y$ in $\Sigma'$ clearly coincides with $\Gamma(x,y)$ and therefore induces a 6-gon. On the other hand, the set $\mu_{x}(y)$ uniquely determines a block $\{i,j,\ell\}$ and a $\top$-block $\{r,s,t\}$ such that $\mu_{x}(y)\in H^{\{i,j,\ell\}}_{\{r,s,t\}}$. This shows the claim.\hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex \medskip We now pick a vertex $\widetilde{x}\in \widetilde{\Gamma}$, and let $\{\widetilde{L}_i\}_{i=1}^{2^e-1}$, $\{\widetilde{L}_j^{\top}\}_{j=1}^{2^d-1}$ be the sets of the maximal cliques of $\widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{x})$. As above, we define the sets ${\cal B}_{\widetilde{\Gamma},\widetilde{x}}$ and ${\cal B}_{\widetilde{\Gamma},\widetilde{x}}^{\top}$. \begin{claim}\label{claim-ball-3} There exist permutations $\pi$ acting on the set $\{1,2,\ldots,2^e-1\}$ and $\pi_{\top}$ acting on the set $\{1,2,\ldots,2^d-1\}$ such that \[ \pi({\cal B}_{\widetilde{\Gamma},\widetilde{x}})={\cal B}_{\Gamma,x},\text{~~and~~} \pi_{\top}({\cal B}_{\widetilde{\Gamma},\widetilde{x}}^{\top})={\cal B}_{\Gamma,x}^{\top}, \] where $\pi({\cal B}_{\bullet})=\{\pi(b)\mid b\in {\cal B}_{\bullet}\}$. \end{claim} {\it Proof}.\ Without loss of generality, we may assume that $\{1,2,3\}$ is an element of all four sets ${\cal B}_{\widetilde{\Gamma},\widetilde{x}}$, ${\cal B}_{\Gamma,x}$, ${\cal B}_{\widetilde{\Gamma},\widetilde{x}}^{\top}$, and ${\cal B}_{\Gamma,x}^{\top}$. By Lemma \ref{lemma-bil2}, the graphs induced by \[ \Sigma:=\{x\}\cup L_1\cup L_2\cup L_3\cup \{y\in \Gamma_2(x)\mid \Gamma(x,y)\subset L_1\cup L_2\cup L_3\} \] and \[ \widetilde{\Sigma}:=\{\widetilde{x}\}\cup \widetilde{L}_1\cup \widetilde{L}_2\cup \widetilde{L}_3\cup \{\widetilde{y} \in \widetilde{\Gamma}_2(\widetilde{x})\mid \widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{x},\widetilde{y})\subset \widetilde{L}_1\cup \widetilde{L}_2\cup \widetilde{L}_3\} \] are isomorphic. Since every subgraph induced on $\Gamma(x,y)$ for $y\in \Gamma_2(x)$ (or on $\widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{x},\widetilde{y})$ for $\widetilde{y}\in \widetilde{\Gamma}_2(\widetilde{x})$) uniquely determines a block and a $\top$-block, the isomorphism between $\Sigma$ and $\widetilde{\Sigma}$ defines the permutation $\pi_{\top}$. The same argument applied to $\{1,2,3\}$ as a $\top$-block shows the existence of $\pi$, and thus the claim follows.\hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex {\it Proof of Lemma \ref{lemma-bil3}:} By Claims \ref{claim-ball-3} and \ref{claim-ball-2}, we may assume that \begin{equation}\label{eq-iso} \{\mu_{x}(y)\mid y\in \Gamma_2(x)\} = \{\mu_{\widetilde{x}}(\widetilde{y})\mid \widetilde{y}\in \widetilde{\Gamma}_2(\widetilde{x})\} \end{equation} holds. The lemma now follows from Claim \ref{claim-ball-1}.\hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex Now we can precisely describe an extendable (in the sense of Section \ref{sect-step-cover}) isomorphism $\varphi$ between the local graphs at $x$ and $\widetilde{x}$: \[ \varphi:~~\{\widetilde{x}\}\cup \widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{x}) \rightarrow \{x\}\cup \Gamma(x) \] with its extension $\varphi'$, i.e., a bijection: \[ \varphi':~~\{\widetilde{x}\}\cup \widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{x})\cup \widetilde{\Gamma}_2(\widetilde{x}) \rightarrow \{x\}\cup \Gamma(x)\cup \Gamma_2(x), \] mapping edges to edges, such that $\varphi'\mid_{\{\widetilde{x}\}\cup \widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{x})}=\varphi$. In fact, it follows from Lemma \ref{lemma-bil3} that $\varphi'$ is an isomorphism. We may simply assume that $\varphi$ sends a unique vertex of $\widetilde{L}_i\cap \widetilde{L}_j$ to $w_{ij}$ (and, clearly, $\widetilde{x}$ to $x$). By Claims \ref{claim-ball-3} and \ref{claim-ball-2}, we may assume that Eq. (\ref{eq-iso}) holds. We then let $\varphi'$ send a vertex $\widetilde{y}\in \widetilde{\Gamma}_2(\widetilde{x})$ to a unique vertex $y\in \Gamma_2(x)$ such that $\mu_{x}(y)=\mu_{\widetilde{x}}(\widetilde{y})$. \subsection{Triangulability of the bilinear forms graphs}\label{sect-triangul} Our result in this section is the following proposition. \begin{prop}\label{prop-bilq-triangl} The bilinear forms graph $Bil_q(e\times d)$ is triangulable. \end{prop} {\it Proof}.\ We will make use of an alternative definition of $Bil_q(e\times d)$ \cite[Chapter~9.5.A]{BCN}. Let $V$ be a vector space of dimension $e+d$ over $\mathbb{F}_q$, $W$ be a fixed $e$-subspace of $V$. Then the vertices of $Bil_q(e\times d)$ are the $d$-dimensional subspaces of $V$ skew to $W$, with two such subspaces $X,Y$ adjacent if and only if ${\rm dim}(X\cap Y)=d-1$. Recall that the number of $m$-dimensional subspaces of a $k$-dimensional vector space over $\mathbb{F}_q$ that contain a given $\ell$-dimensional subspace is equal to \[ \left[ \begin{matrix} k-\ell \\ m-\ell \end{matrix} \right]_q. \] \begin{claim}\label{claim-triangulable-1} The graph $Bil_q(e\times d)$ satisfies (i) of Lemma \ref{lemma-triangl-necess-cond}. \end{claim} {\it Proof}.\ Let $X$ and $Y_1$ be two $d$-dimensional subspaces corresponding to vertices $x$ and $y_1$ at distance $j\geq 2$ of the bilinear forms graph $Bil_q(e\times d)$, i.e., ${\rm dim}(X\cap Y_1)=d-j$, ${\rm dim}(X\cap W)={\rm dim}(Y_1\cap W)=0$. We are interested in the subgraph of $Bil_q(e\times d)$ induced by the $d$-subspaces $U$ of $V$ satisfying \begin{equation}\label{eq-u-subspaces} {\rm dim}(U\cap X)=d-1,~~{\rm dim}(U\cap Y_1)=d-(j-1), \end{equation} and ${\rm dim}(U\cap W)=0$. Note that any $d$-subspace $U$ satisfying Eq. (\ref{eq-u-subspaces}) contains $X\cap Y_1$. Hence any such subspace can be formed by choosing $(j-1)$-dimensional subspace in $X/(X\cap Y_1)$ and $1$-dimensional subspace in $Y_1/(X\cap Y_1)$. Thus, the number of $d$-subspaces $U$ of $V$ satisfying Eq. (\ref{eq-u-subspaces}) (however, note that some of these subspaces may not satisfy ${\rm dim}(U\cap W)=0$) is equal to \[ \left[ \begin{matrix} d-(d-j) \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q \times \left[ \begin{matrix} d-(d-j) \\ j-1 \end{matrix} \right]_q= \left[ \begin{matrix} j \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q \times \left[ \begin{matrix} j \\ j-1 \end{matrix} \right]_q= \left[ \begin{matrix} j \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q \times \left[ \begin{matrix} j \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q. \] The graph $\Lambda$ induced by the set of $d$-subspaces satisfying Eq. (\ref{eq-u-subspaces}) with two such subspaces adjacent if their intersection has dimension $d-1$ is the $\Big(\left[ \begin{matrix} j \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q \times \left[ \begin{matrix} j \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q\Big)$-grid, whose maximal $\left[ \begin{matrix} j \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q$-cliques consist of all $d$-dimensional subspaces containing a given $(j-1)$-dimensional subspace from $X/(X\cap Y_1)$ or a given $1$-dimensional subspace from $Y_1/(X\cap Y_1)$. Now we need to exclude from our consideration $d$-subspaces satisfying Eq. (\ref{eq-u-subspaces}), but intersecting $W$ non-trivially, and then to show that the graph $\Lambda'$ obtained from $\Lambda$ by removing the corresponding vertices is still connected. Let $A$ be an $1$-dimensional subspace in $Y_1/(X\cap Y_1)$. Then the subspace $Y$ generated by $A$ and $X$ has dimension $d+1$, and thus $Y$ intersects $W$ in an $1$-dimensional subspace, say, $P$. Hence the number of $d$-subspaces of $Y$ satisfying Eq. (\ref{eq-u-subspaces}) (i.e., containing $X\cap Y_1$), containing $A$, and intersecting $W$ non-trivially (in $P$), is equal to \[ \left[ \begin{matrix} (d+1)-(d-j+2) \\ d-(d-j+2) \end{matrix} \right]_q= \left[ \begin{matrix} j-1 \\ j-2 \end{matrix} \right]_q= \left[ \begin{matrix} j-1 \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q. \] Therefore, from every maximal clique of $\Lambda$ we need to remove precisely $\left[ \begin{matrix} j-1 \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q$ vertices. Note that the number of vertices left in $\Lambda'$ equals \[ |\Lambda'|= \left[ \begin{matrix} j \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]^2_q - \left[ \begin{matrix} j \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q \left[ \begin{matrix} j-1 \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q= q^{j-1} \left[ \begin{matrix} j \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q=c_j, \] compare with Eq. (\ref{eq-cj-bil}). Suppose now that the graph $\Lambda'$ is disconnected. Let $z_1$ and $z_2$ be two vertices of $\Lambda$ belonging to different connected components of $\Lambda'$. Note that $\Lambda_1(z_1)$, the local graph of $z_1$ in $\Lambda$, is the disjoint union of two cliques, say $L_1$ and $L_2$, each of size $\left[ \begin{matrix} j \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q-1$. Denote by $L_i^-$, $i\in \{1,2\}$, the set of vertices from $\Lambda(z_1)\setminus \Lambda'_1(z_1)$ belonging to the clique $L_i\subset \Lambda_1(z_1)$, i.e., $|L_i^-|=\left[ \begin{matrix} j-1 \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q$. Then $z_2$ belongs to the subgraph of $\Lambda$ induced by \[ \{w\in \Lambda\mid \exists (w_1,w_2)\in L_1^-\times L_2^-\text{~and~}w\sim w_1\text{~and~}w\sim w_2\}, \] and, moreover, $\Lambda'$ does not contain vertices from any of the following sets: \[ \{w\in \Lambda\mid \exists (w_1,w_2)\in (\{z_1\}\cup L_1\setminus L_1^-)\times L_2^-\text{~and~}w\sim w_1\text{~and~}w\sim w_2\}, \] \[ \{w\in \Lambda\mid \exists (w_1,w_2)\in L_1^-\times (\{z_1\}\cup L_2\setminus L_2^-)\text{~and~}w\sim w_1\text{~and~}w\sim w_2\}, \] as otherwise there is a path in $\Lambda'$ from $z_2$ to $z_1$ through a vertex in one of these sets. This yields that \[ |\{z_1\}\cup (L_1\setminus L_1^-)|= \left[ \begin{matrix} j \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q -\left[ \begin{matrix} j-1 \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q \le \left[ \begin{matrix} j-1 \\ 1 \end{matrix} \right]_q, \] which is impossible. Thus, $\Lambda'$ is connected, and $Bil_q(e\times d)$ satisfies (i) of Lemma \ref{lemma-triangl-necess-cond}, which shows the claim.\hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex \begin{claim}\label{claim-triangulable-2} The graph $Bil_q(e\times d)$ satisfies (ii) of Lemma \ref{lemma-triangl-necess-cond}. \end{claim} {\it Proof}.\ Let $X$, $Y_1$, $Y_2$ be $d$-dimensional subspaces of $V$ corresponding to vertices $x$, $y_1$, $y_2$ of the bilinear forms graph $Bil_q(e\times d)$ and satisfying ${\rm dim}(X\cap Y_1)={\rm dim}(X\cap Y_2)=d-j$, where $j\geq 2$, ${\rm dim}(Y_1\cap Y_2)=d-1$, and ${\rm dim}(X\cap W)={\rm dim}(Y_1\cap W)={\rm dim}(Y_2\cap W)=0$. We shall show that there exists a $d$-subspace $U$ of $V$ satisfying \begin{equation}\label{eq-u-subspaces-2} {\rm dim}(U\cap X)=d-1,~~{\rm dim}(U\cap Y_1)={\rm dim}(U\cap Y_2)=d-(j-1),\text{~and~}{\rm dim}(U\cap W)=0. \end{equation} We first consider a partial case when $j=d$, the diameter of $Bil_q(e\times d)$. Let $A$ be an $1$-dimensional subspace of $Y_1\cap Y_2$. Then the subspace $Y$ generated by $A$ and $X$ has dimension $d+1$, and thus $Y$ intersects $W$ in an $1$-dimensional subspace, say, $P$. Further, the number of $d$-subspaces in $Y$ that contain $A$ is \[ \left[ \begin{matrix} d+1-1 \\ d-1 \end{matrix} \right]_q, \] while the number of $d$-subspaces in $Y$ that contain both $A$ and $P$ is \[ \left[ \begin{matrix} d+1-2 \\ d-2 \end{matrix} \right]_q= \left[ \begin{matrix} d-1 \\ d-2 \end{matrix} \right]_q. \] Thus, the number of $d$-subspaces $U$ of $Y$ that do not contain $P$, but contain $A$ (and hence $U$ satisfies Eq. (\ref{eq-u-subspaces-2})) is equal to \[ \left[ \begin{matrix} d \\ d-1 \end{matrix} \right]_q - \left[ \begin{matrix} d-1 \\ d-2 \end{matrix} \right]_q>0, \] which shows the claim in given partial case. We now turn to the general case. Note that if ${\rm dim}(X\cap Y_1\cap Y_2)=d-j$, then we may consider the bilinear forms graph $Bil_q(e\times j)$ defined on $V/(X\cap Y_1\cap Y_2)$, and the claim follows from the previous partial case $j=d$. Therefore we may assume that ${\rm dim}(X\cap Y_1\cap Y_2)=d-j-1$. Again, considering (if necessarily) the bilinear forms graph defined on $V/(X\cap Y_1\cap Y_2)$, we may assume that $j=d-1$, ${\rm dim}(X\cap Y_1\cap Y_2)=0$, and $A=X\cap Y_1$, $B=X\cap Y_2$ are 1-dimensional subspaces. Let $C$ be an $1$-dimensional subspace of $Y_1\cap Y_2$. Then the subspace $Y$ generated by $C$ and $X$ has dimension $d+1$, $A,B,C\subset Y$, and thus $Y$ intersects $W$ in an $1$-dimensional subspace, say, $P$. As above, we count the number of $d$-subspaces of $Y$ that contain $\langle A,B,C\rangle$, but do not contain $\langle A,B,C,P\rangle$ as \[ \left[ \begin{matrix} d+1-3 \\ d-3 \end{matrix} \right]_q - \left[ \begin{matrix} d+1-4 \\ d-4 \end{matrix} \right]_q>0, \] and it is the number of $d$-subspaces $U$ satisfying Eq. (\ref{eq-u-subspaces-2}). This shows the claim.\hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex Proposition \ref{prop-bilq-triangl} follows from Claims \ref{claim-triangulable-1}, \ref{claim-triangulable-2} and Lemma \ref{lemma-triangl-necess-cond}. \hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex \subsection{Proof of Theorem \ref{theo-main-1}} We are now in a position to prove Theorem \ref{theo-main-1}. In the notation of Theorem \ref{theo-MS}, we take the bilinear forms graph $Bil_q(e\times d)$, $e\geq d\geq 2$, as $\widetilde{\Gamma}$, and $\Gamma$ as a graph satisfying Theorem \ref{theo-main-1}, i.e., $\Gamma$ is locally the $(n\times m)$-grid, with diameter $D\geq 2$, and the intersection numbers given by Eq. (\ref{eq-assum-Gamma}) are well-defined. {\it Proof of Theorem \ref{theo-main-1}:} By Lemma \ref{lemma-bil3}, the graph $\Gamma$ has distinct $\mu$-graphs, and the graphs $\Gamma$ and $\widetilde{\Gamma}$ satisfy $(i)$ of Theorem \ref{theo-MS} with the extendable isomorphism $\varphi$ defined in Section \ref{sect-step3}. By Proposition \ref{prop-bilq-triangl}, the graph $\widetilde{\Gamma}$ satisfies $(iii)$ of Theorem \ref{theo-MS}. Thus, what is left is to show that the graphs $\Gamma$ and $\widetilde{\Gamma}$ satisfy $(ii)$ of Theorem \ref{theo-MS}. We will follow the notation of Section \ref{sect-step3}. Let $\widetilde{y}\in \widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{x})$. Our goal is to show that \[ \varphi'\mid_{\{\widetilde{y}\}\cup \widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{y})}:~~ \{\widetilde{y}\}\cup \widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{y}) \rightarrow \varphi(\{\widetilde{y}\})\cup \Gamma(\varphi(\widetilde{y})) \] is an extendable isomorphism. As in Section \ref{sect-step3}, we may similarly define the sets ${\cal B}_{\widetilde{\Gamma},\widetilde{y}}$ and ${\cal B}^{\top}_{\widetilde{\Gamma},\widetilde{y}}$ of all blocks and $\top$-blocks, respectively, of the $(n\times m)$-grid $\widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{y})$. Without loss of generality, we assume that $\{1,2,3\}\in {\cal B}_{\widetilde{\Gamma},\widetilde{x}}$, and $\{\widetilde{y}\}=\widetilde{L}_1\cap \widetilde{L}^{\top}_1$. Pick a $\top$-block $\{i,j,\ell\}\in {\cal B}^{\top}_{\widetilde{\Gamma},\widetilde{x}}$, and choose a vertex $\widetilde{z}\in \widetilde{\Gamma}_2(\widetilde{x})\cap \widetilde{\Gamma}_2(\widetilde{y})$ such that $\mu_{\widetilde{x}}(\widetilde{z})\in H^{\{1,2,3\}}_{\{i,j,\ell\}}$, i.e., $\widetilde{z}$ is at distance $2$ from $\widetilde{y}$, and $\widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{x},\widetilde{y},\widetilde{z})$ is a pair of vertices containing in $\widetilde{L}_1$. As the $\mu$-graphs in $\widetilde{\Gamma}$ are hexagons, this yields that $\widetilde{y}$ and $\widetilde{z}$ have four more common neighbours in $\widetilde{\Gamma}_2(\widetilde{x})$, and, in particular, these four common neighbours determine three maximal $n$-cliques of $\widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{y})$. Thus, the $\top$-block $\{i,j,\ell\}\in {\cal B}^{\top}_{\widetilde{\Gamma},\widetilde{x}}$ uniquely determines a $\top$-block of ${\cal B}^{\top}_{\widetilde{\Gamma},\widetilde{y}}$. In the same manner, it follows that each of blocks of ${\cal B}_{\widetilde{\Gamma},\widetilde{x}}$ uniquely determines a block of ${\cal B}_{\widetilde{\Gamma},\widetilde{y}}$. The same argument applied to the graph $\Gamma$, the vertex $x$ and the vertex $y=\varphi(\{\widetilde{y}\})$, and the proof of Lemma \ref{lemma-bil3} show that the isomorphism $\varphi'\mid_{\{\widetilde{y}\}\cup \widetilde{\Gamma}(\widetilde{y})}$ is extendable. The theorem is proved. \hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex \section{Main result} In this section we prove our main result, Theorem \ref{theo-main}. Let $\Gamma$ be a distance-regular graph with the same intersection array as $Bil_2(d\times d)$, $d\geq 3$. Using Theorem \ref{theo-terwpoly} and Proposition \ref{prop-roots}, in Section \ref{sect-step-local}, we show that $\Gamma$ has the same local graphs as $Bil_2(d\times d)$. Theorem \ref{theo-main} then follows from Theorem \ref{theo-main-1}. \subsection{Local graphs of $\Gamma$}\label{sect-step-local} In this section, we assume that $\Gamma$ is a distance-regular graph with the same intersection array as $Bil_q(e\times d)$, $e\geq d\geq 3$. Let $\Delta:= \Gamma_1(x)$ denote the local graph for a vertex $x\in \Gamma$, and let $\eta$ be a non-principal eigenvalue of $\Delta$. The following lemma shows Result \ref{theo-localspec}. \begin{lemma}\label{lemma-locev} The eigenvalue $\eta$ satisfies \[ -q-1\leq \eta\leq -1,\text{~or~} q^d-q-1\leq \eta\leq q^e-q-1. \] \end{lemma} {\it Proof}.\ The result follows immediately from Result \ref{reslt-bilformclassparams}, Theorem \ref{theo-terwpoly} and Proposition \ref{prop-roots}.\hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex Now we show that the spectrum of $\Delta$ is uniquely determined if $e=d$ and $q=2$. \begin{lemma}\label{lemma-locev-q=2} If $q=2$ and $e=d$, then $\Delta$ has spectrum \[ [2(2^d-2)]^1,~[2^d-3]^{2(2^d-2)},~[-2]^{(2^d-2)^2}, \] and $\Delta$ is the $(2^d-1)\times (2^d-1)$-grid. \end{lemma} {\it Proof}.\ We first need the following claim. \begin{claim} The graph $\Delta$ has integral non-principal eigenvalues only, i.e., $\eta\in \{-3,-2,-1,2^d-3\}$. \end{claim} {\it Proof}.\ Recall that the eigenvalues of a graph are algebraic integers and their product is an integer. Suppose that $\eta_1,\ldots,\eta_s$ are all non-integral (i.e., irrational) eigenvalues of $\Delta$. Then, by Lemma \ref{lemma-locev}, we see that $-3<\eta_i<-1$ holds for all $i=1,\ldots,s$, and $\prod_{i=1}^s\eta_i$ is an integer. Therefore $\prod_{i=1}^s(\eta_i+2)$ is an integer. As $-3<\eta_i<-1$ holds, it follows that $|\eta_i+2|<1$ and thus $\prod_{i=1}^s(\eta_i+2)=0$, which shows the claim.\hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex We may assume now that $\Delta$ has the following distinct eigenvalues \[ \eta_0=a_1=2(2^d-2),~\eta_1=2^d-3,~\eta_2=-1,~\eta_3=-2,~\eta_4=-3, \] and let $f_i$ denote the multiplicity of $\eta_i$, $i=0,\ldots,4$. Note that $\Delta$ is a connected graph, as otherwise $\eta_0$ must be a non-principal eigenvalue of $\Delta$, which contradicts Lemma \ref{lemma-locev}. Hence $f_0=1$. We now consider the system of linear equations with respect to unknowns $f_1,f_2,f_3,f_4$: \begin{align} f_1+f_2+f_3+f_4&=(2^d-1)^2-1,\label{eq-trace0} \\ (2^d-3)f_1-f_2-2f_3-3f_4&=-2(2^d-2), \\ (2^d-3)^2f_1+f_2+4f_3+9f_4&=2(2^d-2)(2^d-1)^2-4(2^d-2)^2, \end{align} following from Eq. (\ref{trace}) for $\ell=0,1,2$. Calculating the reduced row echelon form of this system gives: \begin{align} f_1+\frac{2}{(2^d-1)(2^d-2)}f_4&=2(2^d-2),\label{eq-redtrace0} \\ f_2-\frac{2^d}{2^d-2}f_4&=0,\label{eq-redtrace1} \\ f_3+\frac{2^{d+1}}{2^d-1}f_4&=(2^d-2)^2,\label{eq-redtrace2} \end{align} As all $f_i$'s are non-negative integers, one can see from Eq. (\ref{eq-redtrace0}) that if $f_4\ne 0$ then $f_4\geq (2^d-1)(2^d-2)/2$ and then $f_2\geq 2^d(2^d-1)/2$ follows from Eq. (\ref{eq-redtrace1}). Thus, $f_2+f_4\geq (2^d-1)^2$, and Eq. (\ref{eq-trace0}) yields $f_1+f_3\leq -1$, a contradiction. Therefore, $f_4=f_2=0$, and $\Delta$ has spectrum \[ [2(2^d-2)]^1,~[2^d-3]^{2(2^d-2)},~[-2]^{(2^d-2)^2}. \] This yields that $\Delta$ is strongly regular with the same parameters as the $(2^d-1)\times (2^d-1)$-grid. As $d\geq 3$ holds, and the $(m\times m)$-grid is uniquely determined by its parameters whenever $m\ne 4$ (see \cite{Shrikhande}), the lemma and Theorem \ref{theo-main} follow.\hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex \section{Concluding remarks} In this paper, we showed that the bilinear forms graph $Bil_q(e\times d)$, with $q=2$ and $e=d\geq 3$, is uniquely determined by its intersection array. Of course, the main challenge is to generalize this result for any prime power $q$ and $e\in \{d,d+1,d+2\}$ (and $e=d+3$ if $q=2$). An attempt to prove it in the same manner as we did would require to modify almost all steps of the proof of Theorem \ref{theo-main}, including the spectral characterization of the $(q-1)$-clique extensions of grids. The latter problem seems to be a highly non-trivial one even for $q=3$: in Yang et al. \cite{YAK} they showed that there exists a positive integer $T$ such that the $2$-clique extension of the $(t \times t)$-grid is characterized by its spectrum if $t \geq T$. We also wonder whether the characterization of the bilinear forms graphs (for all $q$, $e$ and $d$) in the spirit of Theorem \ref{theo-main-1} is possible, and, in particular, whether we really need to assume that the intersection number $b_2$ is well-defined. Note that the same assumption (that the intersection number $a_2$ is well-defined) was used in \cite{MunemasaPasechnikShpectorov} for local characterization of the graphs of alternating forms and the graphs of quadratic forms over $\mathbb{F}_2$, where the authors hoped that the condition would be shown superfluous in further research. We are aware of only one such attempt, see \cite{MakPad}, which requires that $a_2(x,y)$ does not exceed some number (equivalently, $b_2(x,y)$ is not less than some number), for any pair of vertices $x,y\in \Gamma$ at distance $2$. Finally, we would like to close our paper with one more result and an open problem. One may check that the intersection array \begin{equation}\label{eq-doubtarr} \{7(M-1),6(M-2),4(M-4);1,6,28\} \end{equation} is feasible (in the sense of \cite[Chapter~4.1.D]{BCN}) for all integers $M\ge 6$. The only known graphs with this array are the bilinear forms graphs $Bil_2(m\times 3)$, where $M=2^m$. By the result of Metsch, see \cite[Corollary~1.3(d)]{Metsch99}, if a distance-regular graph $\Gamma$ with intersection array given by Eq. (\ref{eq-doubtarr}) is not the bilinear forms graph, then $M\leq 133$. The case when $M=6$ was ruled out in \cite{JurisicVidali}, the proof was based on counting some triple intersection numbers. Here we present an alternative proof for this result. \begin{prop}\label{prop-JVarray} There exists no distance-regular graph with intersection array $\{35,24,8;1,6,28\}$. \end{prop} {\it Proof}.\ The graphs with intersection array given by Eq. (\ref{eq-doubtarr}) are $Q$-polynomial with diameter $D=3$ and classical parameters $(D,b,\alpha,\beta) = (3,2,1,M-1)$. Let $\Gamma$ be a graph with intersection array given by Eq. (\ref{eq-doubtarr}) with $M=6$, i.e., $\{35,24,8;1,6,28\}$. By Proposition \ref{prop-roots}, the Terwilliger polynomial of $\Gamma$ has the following four roots: \[ 3,~~-1,~~-3,~~5, \] while the sign of its leading term coefficient is negative. This yields that, for a vertex $x\in \Gamma$ and a non-principal eigenvalue $\eta$ of the local graph $\Delta:=\Gamma(x)$, one has: \[ -3\leq \eta \leq -1\text{~~or~~}3\leq \eta \leq 5. \] Moreover, by \cite[Theorem~4.4.3]{BCN}, we have that $\eta\leq -1-\frac{b_1}{\theta_D+1}$, where the smallest eigenvalue $\theta_D$ of $\Gamma$ is equal to $-7$. Thus, $\eta\leq 3$. Now, in the same manner, as in the proof of Lemma \ref{lemma-locev-q=2}, one can show that the local graph $\Delta$ may only have integer eigenvalues, i.e., $\eta\in \{3,-1,-2,-3\}$, including the principal eigenvalue equal to $a_1=10$, whose multiplicity $f_0$ equals $1$. We may assume that $\Delta$ has the following distinct eigenvalues \[ \eta_0=a_1=10,~\eta_1=3,~\eta_2=-1,~\eta_3=-2,~\eta_4=-3, \] and let $f_i$ denote the multiplicity of $\eta_i$, $i=0,\ldots,4$. Eq. (\ref{trace}) gives the following system of linear equations with respect to unknown multiplicities $f_1,f_2,f_3,f_4$: \begin{align} f_1+f_2+f_3+f_4&=34, \\ 3f_1-f_2-2f_3-3f_4&=-10, \\ 9f_1+f_2+4f_3+9f_4&=250, \end{align} which has the only solution in non-negative integers: $f_1=13$, $f_2=7$, $f_3=0$, $f_4=14$, and hence $\Delta$ has spectrum \[ [10]^1,~[3]^{13},~[-1]^{7},~[-3]^{14}. \] As the graph $\Delta$ is regular and has the four distinct eigenvalues, it follows that the number of triangles through a given its vertex $y$ is independent of $y$, and equals (see, for instance, \cite[Section~3.1]{vD95}) \[ \frac{1}{2\cdot 35}(10^3+13\cdot 3^3+7\cdot (-1)^3+14\cdot (-3)^3)=\frac{966}{70}, \] which is impossible. Therefore there exists no graph $\Delta$ with given spectrum, and the proposition follows. \hfill\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex Now let $\Gamma$ be a graph with intersection array given by Eq. (\ref{eq-doubtarr}) with $M=7$, i.e., $\{42,30,12;1,6,28\}$. Similarly to the proof of Proposition \ref{prop-JVarray}, one can show that, for a vertex $x\in \Gamma$, the local graph $\Delta:=\Gamma(x)$ of $x$ has spectrum \[ [11]^1,~[4]^{12},~[-1]^{14},~[-3]^{15}, \] however, this time the number of closed walks of length $\ell$ through a vertex of $\Delta$ given by: \[ \frac{1}{2\cdot 42}(11^l+12\cdot 4^l+14\cdot (-1)^l+15\cdot (-3)^l) \] is integer for all $\ell$. We challenge the reader to solve whether a distance-regular graph with intersection array $\{42,30,12;1,6,28\}$ does exist.
\subsection{The MIR-Vehicle} The motor control module takes care of the low-level motor control tasks such as counting a motor encoder’s signal pulses and sending motor driving Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signals. The laptop does all the high-level computational service, reads the data from sensor packages using ROS nodes, and runs all algorithms created for testing on the platform. A schematic diagram of the architecture of the MIR Vehicle platform is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig-mir-vehicle-architecture}. This research platform supports hierarchical, modular, and scalable design. Each component is discussed in the following sections in more details. The platform is based on ROS compatible packages using Python. The ROS provides a distributed computing environment by which all communication between components in the system is seamlessly possible. The MIR Vehicle platform offers capabilities to develop perception and control algorithms and deploy them to a vehicle model. Sensor packages are connected via a USB port to a laptop computer in which perception and control algorithms execute. The laptop computer hosts the ROS core that is a meta package to aggregate the packages required to use publish and subscribe services. A ROS node runs in the motor control module to receive control messages from the main computer and send the information of encoders to the ROS nodes in the laptop computer. More details will be given in the Software Design Overview section. The motor control unit takes care of motor driving and feedback of the motors using the encoders. Two motor controllers are used to handle two DC motors. Also, two microcontrollers are deployed to the unit to count motor revolutions. One of them is used to execute a ROS node that sends encoder values to and receives commands from the laptop computer. \input{fig/mir-vehicle-architecture.tex} \subsection{Car Platform} Several considerations were made in the car platform selection. First, the ride-on-car must be large enough to hold a GPU enabled laptop computer with sensors and small enough to be easily carried. Second, steering and driving must be able to be controlled by PWM signals. Third, there must be enough space where encoders can be installed to measure both the angles of the steering wheel and the speed of the driving motor. Our choice of car is the electric ride-on-car from \citet{bmw-z4-roadster_bmw_2009}. The product dimension is 1.11 x 0.57 x 0.47 meters. The weight is 14.15 kg. The wheel’s diameter is 0.2 meters. The maximum speed is 1.12 m/s. The maximum load is 30 kg. The driving motor is DC 6 V, 25 Watt. The original battery is 6 V and 7 Ah. We replaced the battery with two separate batteries: a 9 V, 2000 mAh battery for the driving motor and a 9 V 600 mAh battery for the steering wheel motor to separate power source for each motor. Using two separate batteries are beneficial since they are lighter than the original battery and easier to recharge. \subsection{Mechatronics Design} The transformation process of the ride-on-car into an autonomous ROS based platform requires both mechanical and electrical adjustments. \subsubsection{Mechanical Design} We designed a windshield replacement that is used to hold sensors and wiring harness. Additional electric wires from motors to the two motor drivers must be connected. The rigid acrylic fixtures are used to hold sensors as well as the motor control box. The laptop computer holder is also necessary to have a stable position for the laptop computer. See Fig.~\ref{fig-rigid-acrylic-fixtures} for more details. \input{fig/rigid-acrylic-fixtures.tex} Both driving and steering gearboxes are required to be modified. We examined each of the gearboxes and modified them to properly read the motor rotations. A 17 teeth spur gear was attached to each shaft of the encoders. The exact position of the spur gear in the encoder shaft is as follows. For the steering, the spur gear must be affixed with a 7 mm gap from the encoder outer casing. The spur gear is mounted, for the driving encoder, with no gap from the casing. See Fig.~\ref{fig-spur-gear-assembled} for more details. \input{fig/spur-gear-assembled.tex} \paragraph{Gearbox Modification}: The modified gearboxes are shown in Fig.~\ref{fig-gearbox-open}. These two gearboxes are in different positions in the vehicle. Due to the limitation of space, the position of the encoder gear’s teeth must be carefully chosen. The following sections have the details of it. \input{fig/gearbox-open.tex} The steering motor gearbox modification is relatively simple for the steering motor gearbox since there is enough room around the steering wheel shaft. We made a hole in the top center of the gearbox to affix the encoder to the largest gear in the gearbox. See Fig.~\ref{fig-gearbox-steering-modification} for more details. \input{fig/gearbox-steering-modification.tex} The driving motor gearbox needed a support structure. Due to the close distance between the driving wheel and gearbox, there was no space to place the encoder. A support fixture was designed and attached to the gearbox as shown in Fig.~\ref{fig-gearbox-drive-modification} and Fig.~\ref{fig-gearbox-drive-support-fixture}. A rear wheel is affixed to the hole via a shaft, and this blocks most of the gearbox. Not enough space is available to affix the motor encoder in the driving motor gearbox. Thus, we designed a fixture to hold the encoder that can be affixed to a gear inside the gearbox. \input{fig/gearbox-drive-motification.tex} \input{fig/gearbox-drive-support-fixture.tex} \subsubsection{Electrical Design} \paragraph{Encoders}: The ride-on-car is equipped with two electrical brushed motors. One motor is attached to the rear-left wheel and controls vehicle speed (Fig.~\ref{fig-encoder-drive-attached}), and the other attached to the steering wheel controls the direction of the vehicle (Fig.~\ref{fig-encoder-steering-attached}). To read the current speed and the direction of the car, two incremental encoders are attached to each of the motors. We used an incremental rotary encoder with a 6 mm shaft that has 600 pulses per revolution \citep{hn3806-ab-600n_hn3806-ab-600n_2016}. The size of the encoder is 38 x 35.5 mm and its shaft size is 6 x 13 mm. The size is small enough to be located in the gearbox of the driving motor and the shaft length is long enough to reach to the gears in the original gearbox. We implemented a quadrature decoder to convert the encoder signals into the direction and count. \input{fig/encoder-steering-attached.tex} \input{fig/encoder-drive-attached.tex} \paragraph{Microcontroller}: Instead of using a high-performance microcontroller, we chose to use two Arduino Uno’s since it has a broad user community and simplicity of the use. Each of the microcontrollers is responsible for reading pulses from the incremental encoder since one microcontroller has only two interrupt pins that read Phase A and B signals from one encoder. These two microcontrollers are coupled via Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) in which the master/slave configuration is used. One I2C slave reads the encoder for the driving motor, and the other I2C master is responsible for not only reading the encoder for the steering wheel motor but also for sending PWM signals to control the speed and direction of the motors. For more details, see Fig.~\ref{fig-wiring-motors}. \paragraph{Motors and Motor Controllers}: This ride-on-car is equipped with two DC brushed motors (DC 6 V 25 W); one specified for controlling the platform steering angle and the other for controlling the speed of the platform. Two H-bridge motor controllers (MegaMoto Shield \citep{}) are used to deliver a continuous current (13 A). This motor controller is selected for its desirable characteristics of linear relationship between PWM signals and the output DC voltage. This linearity makes it easier to control the motors. \paragraph{Power and Wiring}: The original vehicle has a control board to actuate motors. The wires from the motors must be connected to the MIR Vehicle’s motor control unit. The electric wiring diagram of motors and batteries are shown in Fig.~\ref{fig-wiring-motors}. \input{fig/wiring-motors.tex} Two MegaMoto H-bridge motor controllers are used to drive the DC brushed motors in both forward and reverse motions. We use a 9 V rechargeable battery for the steering motor and a 9.6 V (2 Ah) rechargeable battery for the driving motor. Each of the motor controllers is responsible for a specific motor. The jumpers on each board must be properly set. The details of the jumper settings are shown in Fig.~\ref{fig-motor-controller-jumpers}. Two motor encoders are used to read the driving motor speed and steering motor angle based on the motor revolution. One microcontroller is used to handle one motor encoder signals. So two microcontrollers are used and connected each other through the I2C interface to handle the two encoders. See Fig.~\ref{fig-wiring-encoders} for the details. The USB connector communicates with the laptop computer to send and receive data. \input{fig/motor-controller-jumpers.tex} \input{fig/wiring-encoders.tex} \subsection{Sensor Suite Design} We tested two different RGB cameras and one RGBD camera for vision sensors. Two options of LIDAR sensors were analyzed and one was tested with the platform. An IMU is also an essential part of the vehicle to measure the vehicle platform’s movement and direction. We tested one 9 Degree of Freedom (DOF) IMU. All sensors we tested are integrated with the ROS. \subsubsection{Camera Sensor} Two USB cameras are used for evaluation purpose of the proposed system. More cameras can be attached to have rear views and/or side views. Our choice for a front view camera is Logitech C922X pro \citep{c922-specifications_c922_2016}. This camera has a high frame rate (60 fps in 720p) and wide horizontal and vertical Field of Views (FOV) (70.42 degrees and 43.3 degrees, respectively). The primary purpose of this front camera is to detect lane markings and other floor markings so that the proposed platform can be used to train a deep artificial neural network to clone a driver’s behavior. The second camera is Logitech C310 \citep{logitech-c310-hd-webcam_logitech_2019}. This camera was used to take videos from the car’s first-person perspective camera view. \subsubsection{RGBD Camera} RGB with Depth (RGBD) cameras can be a viable option. We shortlisted RealSense depth cameras \citep{pruitt_choosing_2018}, D415 and D435. The major between the two is related to their specifications of the FOV and resolution. The D415 has a FOV or degrees with 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution, while the D435 has a FOV of 90 degrees with 1280 x 800 pixels resolution. \subsubsection{LIDAR} LIDAR is one popular way to detect obstacles for ADAS and autonomous driving. We propose to use the Neato XV series laser distance sensor. There is no official vendor to sell this product since this sensor is being used for a robot vacuum cleaner. But this small 2D laser scanner is popular due to the affordability and ROS community supports compared to other small scale LIDAR products. The Neato XV laser can give five Hz in scanning with a range of five meters. Another viable option is to use YDLIDAR X4 \citep{ydlidar-x4_ydlidar_2016}. This gives the proposed platform enough scanning speed and range since it is used in indoor environment at low driving speed. YDLIDAR can scan in 6 ~ 12 Hz with up to around 10 meters range. \subsubsection{IMU} Razor 9 DOF IMU is a module with multiple sensors packed in one package \citep{sparkfun-9dof-razor-imu_sparkfun_2018}. The IMU is used to provide the platform with a sense of its linear acceleration, angular velocity, and magnetic field vectors. To calibrate the IMU module, each sensor (the accelerometer, magnetometer, and gyroscope) needs to be calibrated separately. The difference between the standard and the extended magnetometer is that the standard compensates only for the hard iron errors while the extended one compensates for hard and soft iron errors. The hard iron is created by the objects generating a magnetic field while the soft is the alterations in the existing magnetic field. To carry out the calibration process, Processing \citep{reas_environment_2001}, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the electronic and visual design, is needed. It is recommended to mount the sensor on your platform to accommodate any magnetic field noise. For calibrating the extended magnetometer you may need to download a Processing library named EJML. These instructions are available at the beginning of the processing script \citep{razor_imu_9dof_razor_imu_9dof_2018}. \subsection{Software Design} \subsubsection{Environment} We use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS since the ROS Kinetic officially supports only Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. The ROS is not an operating system even if the name implies. It is middleware on top of an operating system (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS). The ROS provides device drivers, libraries, message-passing, and package management so that developers can create robot applications easily. Autonomous vehicles are basically intelligent robots that happen to have four wheels and steering. \subsubsection{Install ROS Packages} The ROS packages for the sensors previously mentioned can be installed with the following commands. \begin{verbatim} $ sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-usb_cam $ sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-xv_11_laser_driver $ sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-razor-imu-9dof $ sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-joystick-drivers \end{verbatim} Some of the packages are not part of ROS Kinetic. For example, \verb|realsense2_cam| ROS package must be used for RealSense D415 and D435. The package, however, is not released with ROS Kinetic. The installation process is as follows. Clone the git repository from \citet{ros-wrapper-intel-realsense-devices_intelr_2019}, and copy the \verb|realsense-2.x.x| folder to \verb|mir_vehicle/src| to make it as a ROS package of the MIR-Vehicle workspace. To build this package, Intel RealSense SDK 2.0 must be installed. The details of the SDK installation can be found at \citet{intel-realsense-sdk-2.0_librealsense/distribution_linux.md_2019}. Two libraries (\verb|librealsense2-dkms| and \verb|librealsense2-utils|) must be installed, and one additional library, \verb|librealsense2-dev| must be installed to build the \verb|realsense2_cam| ROS package. An available ROS package for the IMU is part of ROS Kinetic. If you use this package, there is no need to translate the coordinates. When you need to use the IMU in ROS with your own implementation, it is better to convert the roll, pitch, and yaw angles generated by the IMU to quaternions as to be in \verb|geometry_msgs/Quaternion| ROS message format \citep{quaternion_message_geometry_msgs/quaternion_2010}. The reason behind using quaternions is that two coordinates out of x, y, and z can be aligned. This is called gimbal lock that may occur and interfere with your readings. According to REP-103 \citep{rep-103_rep_2010}, ROS is using a right-handed coordinate system that uses x-axis for pointing forward and y-axis for pointing to left and z-axis for pointing up. Razor IMU, however, uses x-axis for pointing forward and y-axis pointing to right and z-axis pointing down. Therefore, necessary action needs to be taken to translate correctly the coordinate frames in your ROS node. \paragraph{Troubleshootings}: Laser sensors are considered as a ttyACM or ttyUSB device. When you have the access denial error from the device, what you can do is as follows. Note that in case of \verb|ttyUSB|, use verb|ttyUSB| instead. \begin{verbatim} $ sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM<port_number> \end{verbatim} What this does is to add read and write permission to the specified device. \subsubsection{3D Vehicle Model} We also created a Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) \citep{urdf_urdf_2019} model of the vehicle and sensor packages. This allows us to use the MIR Vehicle platform in a simulated environment. Fig.~\ref{fig-urdf-model-gazebo} shows that the MIR Vehicle is placed on a simulated environment. \input{fig/urdf-model-gazebo.tex} \subsubsection{Microcontroller} Two microcontrollers are used in the control unit. Each microcontroller supports up to two interrupt pins that are needed to read two channels from one encoder. One is for reading the driving motor encoder, and the other is not only for reading the steering motor encoder but runs a ROS node to communicate with the laptop. These two microcontrollers are connected via I2C interface. The ROS node is shown as \verb|serial_node| that publishes the \verb|encoder_pulse| topic and subscribes to the \verb|vehicle_control| topic. The \verb|joy2vehicle| node translates joystick control commands to the \verb|vehicle_control| topic that actuates the physical platform. The source code can be found at the \verb|arduino_driver| folder at \citet{kwon_mir_2019}. \subsubsection{Laptop Computer} A GPU powered laptop computer is the main computing source that runs the ROS core and complex perception and control algorithms based on Deep Learning libraries. Our recommendation for the GPU is GTX 1060 6 GB GDDR5 or above in terms of performance and GPU memory size. \paragraph{Remote Control}: A 2.4 GHz wireless controller is used to send joystick commands that are translated to the vehicle control signals. We implemented a ROS node named joy2vehicle that can be found at the \verb|src/joy_control| folder at \citet{kwon_mir_2019}. \paragraph{Data acquisition}: To develop autonomous vehicle applications, the vehicle platform must allow the users to collect data from sensors and the information from actuators. The MIR Vehicle platform offers the \verb|data_acquisition| package by which the users can collect images from cameras, distance measurements from a LIDAR, orientation and position from an IMU, and the speed and steering angles of the vehicle from motor encoders. The collected data location can be configured through \verb|rosparam|. We prepared a YAML file to configure that can be found at the \verb|src/data_acquisition/launch/| folder at \citet{kwon_mir_2019}. \subsubsection{Communication} The motor control unit communicates with the laptop through \verb|rosserial|\citep{ros-serial_rosserial_2018} that is for interfacing with various microcontrollers through serial communication. Note that the ROS node inside the microcontroller is shown as \verb|/serial_node|. The ROS Master that is a computing platform running the ROS core is in the laptop computer where all other ROS nodes run. The ROS offers distributed computing architecture so no assumptions are made about the location of nodes and how they communicate with each other. \subsubsection{Set up ROS on the MIR-Vehicle} An additional remote Git repository is prepared to install the ROS Kinetic with dependent packages \citep{kwon_ros_2019} for the proposed research platform. Fig.~\ref{fig-node-graph-data-acquistion} shows the data acquisition node tree. Joystick commands are sent through the \verb|/joy| topic to the \verb|joy2vehicle| node. Then, the \verb|joy2vehicle| node translates the joystick commands to the MIR Vehicle’s control commands as a ROS topic named \verb|vehicle_control|. The \verb|/serial_node| subscribes to the \verb|/vehicle_control| topic and publishes the \verb|encoder_pulse| topic. With the ROS graph (\verb|rqt_graph|), we can visualize how the nodes are communicating through ROS topics. \input{fig/node-graph-data-acquisition.tex} \section{Introduction} \input{main/introduction.tex} \section{Related Works} \input{main/related-works.tex} \section{Methods} \input{main/methods.tex} \section{Results} \input{main/results.tex} \section{Conclusion} \input{main/conclusions.tex} \section{Appendix} \input{end/appendix.tex} \section*{Acknowledgment} \input{end/acknowledgment.tex} \input{end/references.tex} \end{document}
Introduction {#Sec1} ============ Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is a complex pathological feature found in over 85% of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients involving deposition of amyloid β-protein (Aβ) in blood vessels and other vascular abnormalities \[[@CR5], [@CR78]\]. Recent reports implicate cerebral vascular dysfunctions as early and pivotal contributors to the development of AD and CAA as a reliable predictor of cognitive decline \[[@CR14], [@CR73]\]. Moreover, studies of brains from AD patients and animal models have described an accelerated degeneration of pericytes \[[@CR36]\], vascular cells that regulate blood flow in capillaries \[[@CR63]\], and permeability of the blood--brain barrier (BBB), which affected cerebral Aβ accumulation \[[@CR55], [@CR81]\]. In addition, brain vascular and perivascular Aβ deposits have also been associated with reduced blood and lymphatic flow \[[@CR8], [@CR54]\], impaired gliovascular unit \[[@CR43]\], as well as altered vessel diameter and accessibility of peripheral immune cells \[[@CR49]\]. These combined processes may lead to reduced Aβ clearance rate, heightened inflammation, and eventually neurodegeneration. Amyloidosis in cerebral vessel walls predominately consists of Aβ~40~ alloforms \[[@CR34]\], which have been implicated in vascular cell toxicity \[[@CR27]\]. Along with Aβ~40~, Aβ~42~ alloforms exist in cerebrovascular amyloid deposits of AD patients and in pericytes \[[@CR34], [@CR55]\], presumably triggering pericyte loss and thereby affecting these key components of the neurovascular unit. In addition, drainage of Aβ~40~ and Aβ~42~ through the BBB was demonstrated to be one of the primary clearance mechanisms of cerebral Aβ \[[@CR9]\]. Removal of Aβ~40~ via the BBB was shown to be mediated by a scavenger receptor LDL receptor-related protein-1 (LRP-1) in mouse models \[[@CR69]\]. Importantly, pericyte degeneration as well as LRP-1 downregulation were collectively identified as predominant mechanisms compromising the BBB in AD patients and AD animal models \[[@CR67], [@CR70]\]. In fact, pericyte loss, as assessed by pericyte marker platelet-derived growth factor receptor-β (PDGFRβ) in BBB, was tightly associated with functional breakdown of this barrier \[[@CR61]\]. This cell surface receptor is also expressed by vascular smooth muscle cells (vSMCs), which are present in all types of blood vessels except for capillaries and pericytic venules \[[@CR71]\]. Further, studies in rodents have shown that the loss of PDGFRβ expression alone leads to a decrease in pericyte and vSMC numbers \[[@CR38]\] and damaged brain vasculature \[[@CR61]\]. Growing evidence shows that AD is not confined within the brain but also affects the retina, a central nervous system (CNS) organ and a developmental outgrowth of the diencephalon \[[@CR29]\], which is readily accessible for direct, non-invasive, non-ionizing imaging at high spatial resolution. The neurosensory retina shares many similarities with the brain: both are connected by blood vessels and neuronal axon projections, and contain a large population of neurons, wide-range macro- and micro-glial subtypes, neural fibers, and similar blood barriers comprised of endothelial cells, astrocyte end-feet and pericytes \[[@CR64]\]. Evidence from histological examination and noninvasive retinal imaging in living patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD reveals that the retina is vastly affected by AD processes. Among key findings were severe optic nerve and retinal ganglion cell (RGC) degeneration, thinning of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), glial stress, altered electroretinography responses, and vascular abnormalities \[[@CR26], [@CR32], [@CR37], [@CR47], [@CR76]\]. Notably, the pathological hallmarks of AD---Aβ plaques and tauopathy---were further identified in the retina of AD patients, including early-stage cases \[[@CR25], [@CR46], [@CR47], [@CR50]\]. Noninvasive high-resolution retinal imaging technologies such as fundus imaging, optical coherence tomography (OCT), as well as recently developed OCT angiography \[[@CR42], [@CR62], [@CR72]\], retinal amyloid imaging \[[@CR46]--[@CR48]\], and retinal hyperspectral imaging \[[@CR35], [@CR59]\] incentivize the use of feasible and inexpensive retinal imaging in the clinical setting to improve AD screening and monitoring. With regard to retinal vascular changes, a wide range of abnormalities were detected in AD patients \[[@CR16], [@CR19], [@CR32], [@CR33], [@CR62]\] including narrowed veins, reduction of blood flow, vascular attenuation, increased width variation, reduction of branching complexity and optimality, reduced arterial fractal dimensions, and increased tortuosity \[[@CR1], [@CR12], [@CR32]\]. Moreover, recent studies using OCT and OCT angiography demonstrated that certain retinal vascular abnormalities, both in asymptomatic and clinical AD patients, predicted cognitive impairment \[[@CR7], [@CR16], [@CR22]\]. Yet, the cause for these retinal vascular structural changes is still unknown. Interestingly, in histology, it was shown that pathogenic forms of Aβ deposits were often associated with retinal blood vessels and accumulated within and along retinal vasculature \[[@CR47], [@CR50]\]. This finding could shed light onto the pathophysiological mechanisms of retinal vascular abnormalities in the AD retina that may involve blood--retina barrier (BRB) disruptions and increased microvascular permeability, possibly leading to neuronal damage. To identify the cellular and molecular components that may be involved in retinal vascular abnormalities in MCI and AD, we conducted an in-depth exploration of retinal vascular amyloidosis and further investigated one of the key components of the BRB---pericytes/PDGFRβ---in relation to cerebral pathology and cognitive status. Here, we combined fluorescent immunostaining of isolated human retinal vasculature after elastase-based enzymatic digestion of non-vascular tissue to evaluate retinal vascular Aβ deposition and pericyte loss in AD as compared to cognitively normal (CN) controls. We further analyzed a larger cohort (*n* = 56) of postmortem retinal cross-sections and freshly collected retinas from patients with MCI and AD, and compared with age- and sex-matched CN controls. We assessed AD-related pathology in blood vessels across central and peripheral geometrical subregions and layers in pre-defined retinal quadrants. Quantitative analyses were conducted for retinal vascular PDGFRβ expression in pericytes/vSMCs, vascular Aβ~42~ burden, abluminal and vascular Aβ~40~ burden, apoptotic cell markers in pericytes, and retinal LRP-1 expression. Importantly, we compared these retinal parameters with the respective brain pathology and cognitive status. Our findings indicate that along with the substantial increase in retinal vascular amyloidosis in postmortem retinas from AD patients, there was an early and progressive loss of retinal vascular PDGFRβ in pericytes and vSMCs that associated with AD pathology in the brain. Materials and methods {#Sec2} ===================== Human eye and brain donors {#Sec3} -------------------------- Donor eyes were obtained from two sources: (1) Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) Neuropathology Core at the Department of Pathology in the University of Southern California (USC, Los Angeles, CA; IRB protocol HS-042071) and (2) National Disease Research Interchange (NDRI, Philadelphia, PA; IRB exempt protocol EX-1055). Both USC-ADRC and NDRI maintain human tissue collection protocols approved by a managerial committee and subject to National Institutes of Health oversight. For a subset of patients and controls we also obtained brain specimens from USC-ADRC. The histological work at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center was performed under IRB protocols Pro00053412 and Pro00019393. Sixty-two postmortem retinas were collected from 29 clinically and neuropathologically confirmed AD patients (age mean ± SD: 81.38 ± 13.79; range 40--98 years; 20 females and 9 males with different disease severities), 11 age- and gender-matched MCI patients (age mean ± SD: 86.45 ± 6.87; range 80--93 years; 5 females and 6 males with different disease severities), and 22 CN individuals (age mean ± SD: 78.18 ± 8.86; range 58--95 years; 13 females and 9 males showing neither clinical cognitive impairment/dementia nor brain pathology). The entire human cohort information is listed in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}. The groups had no significant differences in age, sex, or post-mortem interval (PMI) hours. All samples were deidentified and could not be traced back to tissue donors.Table 1Demographic data for all human eye donors(*N* = 62)CNMCIAD*Fp*Subject size221129---- Females (%), males13F (59%), 9 M5F (45%), 6 M20F (69%), 9 MAge ± SD (years)78.18 ± 8.8686.45 ± 4.8781.38 ± 13.792.10.1Race (%)17C (77.3%)9C (81.8%)18C (62.1%)----1B (4.5%)1H (9.1%)1B (3.4%)4 N/A (18.2%)1B (9.1%)5A (17.2%)3H (10.3%)2 N/A (6.9%)PMI (h)7.1 ± 2.28.9 ± 5.27.4 ±*CN* cognitively normal, *MCI* mild cognitive impairment, *AD* Alzheimer's disease, *F* female, *M* male, *SD* standard deviation, *C* Caucasian, *B* Black, *H* Hispanic, *A* Asian, *N/A* not available, *PMI* post-mortem interval, Values are presented as mean ± SD. *F* and *p* values were determined by one-way ANOVA with Sidak's multiple comparison test Clinical and neuropathological assessments {#Sec4} ------------------------------------------ The clinical and neuropathological reports provided by the USC ADRC Clinical Core included subjects' neurological examinations, neuropsychological and cognitive tests, family history, and medication list; psychometric testing was performed by a trained psychometrist under the supervision of a licensed clinical neuropsychologist, following standard-of-care cognitive screening evaluations of patients in their respective neurology clinics, as previously described \[[@CR21], [@CR47]\]. NDRI reports provided the medical history of each subject. Most cognitive evaluations were performed annually, and, in most cases, less than 1 year prior to death. Cognitive testing scores from evaluations obtained closest to subjects' death were used for this analysis. Two global indicators of cognitive status were used for clinical assessment: the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR; 0 = Normal; 0.5 = Very Mild Dementia; 1 = Mild Dementia; 2 = Moderate Dementia; 3 = Severe Dementia) \[[@CR60]\] and the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE; normal cognitio*n = *24--30, mild dementia = 20--23, moderate dementia = 10--19, severe dementia ≤ 9) \[[@CR31]\]. In this study, the clinical diagnostic groups (AD, MCI, and CN) were determined by the source clinicians, based on a comprehensive battery of tests, including neurological examinations, neuropsychological evaluations, and the above-mentioned cognitive tests. For final diagnosis based on the neuropathological reports, the modified Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease \[[@CR65]\] was used as outlined in the National Institute on Aging (NIA)/Regan protocols with revision by the NIA and Alzheimer's Association \[[@CR39]\]. Aβ burden (diffuse, immature, or mature plaques), amyloid angiopathy, neuritic plaques, NFTs, neuropil threads, granulovacuolar degeneration, Lewy bodies, Hirano bodies, Pick bodies, balloon cells, neuronal loss, microvascular changes and gliosis pathology were assessed in multiple brain areas: hippocampus (CA1 and CA4), entorhinal cortex, frontal cortex, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe (primary visual cortex, area 17; visual association cortex, area 18), basal ganglia, brainstem (pons, midbrain), cerebellum and substantia nigra. Amyloid plaques and tangles in the brain were evaluated using anti β-amyloid mAb clone 4G8, Thioflavin-S (ThioS), and Gallyas silver stain in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues. Two neuropathologists provided scores based on independent observations of β-amyloid, NFT burden, and/or neuropil threads (0 = none; 1 = sparse 0--5; 3 = moderate 6--20; 5 = abundant/frequent 21--30 or above; N/A = not applicable), and an average of two readings was assigned to each individual. Final diagnosis included AD neuropathologic change (ADNC). Aβ plaque score was modified from Tal et al. (A0 = no Aβ or amyloid plaques; A1 = Thai phase 1 or 2; A2 = Thai phase 3; A3 = Thai phase 4 or 5) \[[@CR74]\]. NFT stage was modified from Braak for silver-based histochemistry or p-tau IHC (B0 = No NFTs; B1 = Braak stage I or II; B2 = Braak stage III or IV; B3 = Braak stage V or VI) \[[@CR15]\]. Neuritic plaque score was modified from CERAD (C0 = no neuritic plaques; C1 = CERAD score sparse; C2 = CERAD score moderate; C3 = CERAD score frequent) \[[@CR58]\]. Neuronal loss, gliosis, granulovacuolar degeneration, Hirano bodies, Lewy bodies, Pick bodies, and balloon cells were evaluated (0 = absent; 1 = present) in multiple brain areas using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. Amyloid angiopathy was graded as follows: Grade I = amyloid restricted to a rim around normal/atrophic SMCs of vessels; Grade II = media replaced by amyloid and thicker than normal, but no evidence of blood leakage; Grade III = extensive amyloid deposition with focal vessel wall fragmentation and at least one focus of perivascular leakage; Grade IV = extensive amyloid deposition and fibrinoid necrosis, micro aneurysms, mural thrombi, lumen inflammation, and perivascular neuritis. For the correlation analyses against retinal parameters, we used the following CAA scoring system: no amyloid angiopathy was assigned '0'; grade I was assigned as '1', grade I--II as '1.5', grade II as '2', and grade II--III as '2.5'. Collection and processing of eyes and cortical tissues {#Sec5} ------------------------------------------------------ Donor eyes were collected within 7 h, on average, from time of death and were either preserved in Optisol-GS media (Bausch & Lomb, 50,006-OPT) and stored at 4 °C for less than 24 h, fresh frozen (snap; stored at − 80 °C), or punctured once and fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF) or 2.5% Paraformaldehyde (PFA) and stored at 4 °C. Brain tissues (hippocampus; occipital lobe -- primary visual cortex, area-17, and frontal cortex, area-9) from the same donors were snap frozen and stored at − 80 °C. Parts from the fresh-frozen brain tissues were fixed in 4% PFA for 16 h following dehydration in 30% sucrose/PBS. Brain tissues were cryosectioned (30 μm thick) and placed in phosphate-buffered saline 1x (PBS) with 0.01% sodium azide (Sigma-Aldrich) at 4 °C. Irrespective of the human donor eye source, USC-ADRC or NDRI, the same tissue collection and processing methods were applied. Preparation of retinal flatmounts and strips {#Sec6} -------------------------------------------- Fresh-frozen eyes and eyes preserved in Optisol-GS were dissected with anterior chambers removed to create eyecups. Vitreous humor was thoroughly removed manually. Retinas were dissected out, detached from the choroid, and flatmounts were prepared \[[@CR47]\]. By identifying the macula, optic disc, and blood vessels, the geometrical regions of the four retinal quadrants were defined with regard to the left and the right eye. Flatmount strips (2--3 mm in width) were dissected along the retinal quadrant margins to create four strips: superior-temporal---ST, inferior-temporal---TI; inferior-nasal---IN, and superior-nasal---NS, and were fixed in 2.5% PFA for cross-sectioning. In a subset of human eye donors, a second set of strips was prepared (5 mm in width) and stored at − 80 °C for protein analysis. Each strip was approximately 2--2.5 cm long from the optic disc to the ora serrata and included the central, mid, and far retinal areas. All the above stages were performed in cold PBS with 1 × Protease Inhibitor cocktail set I (Calbiochem 539,131). Eyes that were initially fixed in 10% NBF or 2.5% PFA were dissected to create eyecups, and the retinas were dissected free. Vitreous humor was thoroughly removed and flatmounts were prepared. As described above, a set of flatmount strips (ST, TI, IN, and NS) was dissected (2--3 mm in width), washed in PBS, and processed for retinal cross-sectioning. Retinal cross-sections {#Sec7} ---------------------- Flatmount strips were initially embedded in paraffin using standard techniques, then rotated 90° horizontally and embedded in paraffin. The retinal strips were sectioned (7--10 µm thick) and placed on microscope slides that were treated with 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APES, Sigma A3648). Before immunohistochemistry, the sections were deparaffinized with 100% xylene twice (for 10 min each), rehydrated with decreasing concentrations of ethanol (100--70%), and then washed with distilled water followed by PBS. Retinal vascular isolation and immunofluorescent staining {#Sec8} --------------------------------------------------------- We modified the retinal vascular isolation method to use on human retinal tissues and immuno-fluorescently label pericytes and amyloidosis (illustrated in Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}a). This trypsin-induced retinal digestion and vascular network isolation technique was originally developed in 1993 \[[@CR51]\] and subsequently modified by replacing trypsin with commercially available elastase \[[@CR77]\]. Our modified protocol is as follows: retinal strips from human donors or mouse whole retinas preserved in PFA were first washed in lukewarm running distilled water overnight, then digested in 40 U/ml elastase solution (Merck Millipore, Burlington, MA) for 2 h at 37 °C. After digestion, tissues were incubated in activation solution (Tris buffer at pH 8.5) overnight for extensive digestion. The next day, retinas were transferred to superfrost microscope slides with 1 × PBS, then carefully cleaned with rat whisker to remove unwanted tissues under a dissecting microscope. After cleaning non-vascular tissues, 1 × PBS was applied three times to wash the isolated vascular tissues. When we were able to observe clean vascular tree on slides under dissecting microscope, tissues were mounted on slides carefully without dehydration, then incubated in blocking buffer (Dako \#X0909) for 1 h at room temperature (RT). Primary antibodies were applied to the tissue after blocking, then incubated at 4 °C overnight as listed (antibody information provided in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type="table"}): 4G8/lectin/PDGFRβ, 6E10/lectin/PDGFRβ, 11A50-B10/lectin/PDGFRβ, 12F4/lectin/PDGFRβ. Tissues were then washed three times by PBS and incubated with secondary antibodies against each species (information provided in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type="table"}) for 2 h at RT. After rinsing with PBS three times, vascular trees were mounted by Prolog Gold antifade reagent with DAPI (Invitrogen \#P36935). For quantification purposes, images were taken on a Carl Zeiss Axio Imager Z1 fluorescence microscope (Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Inc.) equipped with ApoTome, AxioCam MRm, and AxioCam HRc cameras (for more details see "Stereological quantification" below). For representative images, Z-stack images were repeatedly captured at same tissue thickness using a Carl Zeiss 780 Confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Inc.). Routine controls were processed using identical protocols while omitting the primary antibody to assess nonspecific labeling. Representative images of all negative controls are shown in Supplementary Fig. 1, online resource.Fig. 1Microvascular network from postmortem retinas of AD patients exhibit pericyte loss along with Aβ accumulation in blood vessels and pericytes. **a** Schema of modified retinal vascular network isolation and immunofluorescent staining. Whole retinas were isolated from donor eyes and 7 mm wide strips were prepared from the temporal retinal hemisphere spanning from the ora serrata to the optic disk. Following fixation, washing, and elastase digestion, vascular network is mounted onto slides without dehydration. Immunofluorescent staining was applied on isolated retinal vascular network to detect Aβ (6E10, 4G8, 12F4 and 11A50), pericytes (PDGFRβ), and blood vessels (lectin). **b**, **c** Representative fluorescent images of isolated retinal microvasculature stained for Aβ~42~ (12F4, red), blood vessels (lectin, green), and nuclei (DAPI, blue) in age- and sex-matched human donors with AD (*n* = 5) and cognitively normal (CN, *n* = 5). Arrows indicate microvascular Aβ~42~ deposits in capillaries on panel **b** \[a zoomed-in image of AD donor retina (lower image) shows co-localization of Aβ~42~ and retinal vascular wall; yellow spot\], or pericytes on panel **c**; **d**, **e** Representative fluorescent images of isolated retinal microvasculature stained for Aβ (11A50-B10, 6E10 or 4G8, red), pericytes (PDGFRβ, white), blood vessels (lectin, green), and nuclei (DAPI, blue) in age- and sex-matched AD and CN human donors. Arrows indicate pericytes. **f** Representative fluorescent images of isolated retinal microvasculature stained for pericytes (PDGFRβ, red), blood vessels (lectin, green), and nuclei (DAPI, blue). Arrows indicate pericytes. **g**--**i** Quantitative analyses of **g** mean number of retinal pericytes in each microscopic visual field (1.8 × 10^4^ µm^2^ area), **h** ratio of retinal vascular Aβ immunoreactive (IR) area to lectin IR area from each microscopic visual field (1.8 × 10^4^ µm^2^ area), and **i** Aβ IR area within pericytes, in the same cohort of AD (*n* = 5) and CN (*n* = 5) human donors. Scale bars = 10 μm. Data from individual subjects as well as group mean ± SEM are shown. Fold and percent changes are shown in red. \**p* \< 0.05, \*\**p* \< 0.01, determined by unpaired two tailed Student's *t* testTable 2List of antibodies used in the studyAntigen and cloneSource speciesDilutionCommercial sourceCatalog. \#*Primary antibody*PDGFRβ pAbGoat1:200R&D SystemsAF385Aβ~40~ (11A50-B10) mAbMouse1:250 DABBiolegend8054011:200 FLJRF/cAβ~40/28~ \# 8152 mAbMouse1:2500 DABJanssen PharmaceuticaN/A1:2000 FLCD31 pAbRabbit1:50Abcamab28364Aβ~42~ (12F4) mAbMouse1:200Biolegend8055014G8 mAbMouse1:200Biolegend8007016E10 mAbMouse1:200Biolegend803001Caspase-3 pAbRabbit1:500Abcamab13847Cleaved Caspase-3 pAbRabbit1:200Cell Signaling9661LRP-1 mAbRabbit1:200Abcamab92544Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated tomato lectinLycopersicon esculentum1:200DylightDL-1174*Secondary antibody*Cy3 (anti-rabbit, anti-goat)Donkey1:200Jackson ImmunoResearch LaboratoriesCy5 (anti-mouse, anti-rabbit)Donkey1:200Jackson ImmunoResearch LaboratoriesAlexa 647 (anti-goat)Donkey1:200Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories*IHC* immunohistochemistry, *ICC* immunocytochemistry, *pAb* polyclonal antibody, *mAb* monoclonal antibody, *DAB* peroxidase-based immunohistochemistry visualized with DAB substrate; *FL* fluorescence-based immunohistochemistry. If not marked otherwise, antibody dilution is indicated for immunofluorescent essay Mice {#Sec9} ---- The double-transgenic B6.Cg-Tg (APP~SWE~/PS1~∆E9~)85Dbo/Mmjax hemizygous (ADTg) mice strain (MMRRC stock \#34832-JAX\|APP/PS1) and their non-Tg littermates (as WT control non-AD) were used for retinal vascular isolation experiments. All mice are on the genetic background of B6. Mice were purchased from MMRRC and later bred and maintained at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. The mouse experiments were conducted in accordance with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) guidelines under an approved protocol. We used a total of nine 8.5-month-old mice (all males) divided into three groups: perfused WT (*n* = 3), perfused ADTg (*n* = 3), and non-perfused ADTg (*n* = 3) mice. Animals were deeply anesthetized under Ketamine/Xylazine (40--50 mg/kg) before being euthanized either by transcardial perfusion (0.9% ice-cold sodium chloride supplemented with 0.5 mM EDTA) or cervical dislocation (non-perfused group). Eyes were dissected and the retinas were immediately isolated. Using a 25-gauge needle, a hole is poked in the cornea and an incision is made along the ora serrata to remove the lens and cornea-iris. Next, a small incision is made in the sclera-choroid layers toward the optic nerve and using fine forceps, sclera and choroid is gently separated from the retina, which is cleanly snipped at its base from the optic nerve. Care is taken to isolate whole retina undamaged to preserve vasculature network. Following isolation, retinas were fixed in 4% PFA for 7 days. Retinas were then processed for retinal vascular isolation and immunofluorescent staining as described above. Biochemical determination of Aβ~1--40~ levels by sandwich ELISA {#Sec10} --------------------------------------------------------------- Frozen human retinal flatmount strips from the temporal hemisphere (ST, TI) were weighed and placed in a tube with cold homogenization buffer \[Tris/EDTA buffer pH 9 (DAKO, S2368), 1% Triton X-100 (Sigma, T8787), 0.1% NaN~3~ (Sigma, 438456) and 1 × Protease Inhibitor cocktail set I (Calbiochem 539131)\], then homogenized by sonication (Qsonica Sonicator M-Tip, Amplitude 4, 6 W, for 90 s; sonication pulse was stopped every 15 s to allow the cell suspension to cool down for 10 s). The ultrasonic probe positioned inside the tube was placed in ice water. Next, retinal strip homogenates were incubated for 1 h at 98 °C in a water bath. After determination of the protein concentration (Thermo Fisher Scientific), retinal Aβ~1--40~ was determined using an anti-human Aβ~1--40~ end-specific sandwich ELISA kit (Thermo Fisher, KHB3481). Immunofluorescent staining of retinal cross-sections {#Sec11} ---------------------------------------------------- After deparaffinization, retinal cross-sections were treated with antigen retrieval solution at 98 °C for 1 h (PH 6.1; Dako \#S1699) and washed in PBS. Retinal sections were then incubated in blocking buffer (Dako \#X0909), followed by primary antibody incubation (information provided in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type="table"}) overnight in 4 °C with the following combinations: PDGFRβ (1:200)/lectin (1:200)/11A50-B10 (1:200), PDGFRβ (1:200)/lectin (1:200)/12F4 (1:200), CD31 (1:50)/JRF/cAβ 40/28 \#8152 (1:2000), LRP-1 (1:200)/PDGFRβ (1:200)/lectin (1:200), cleaved caspase-3 (1:200)/PDGFRβ (1:200)/lectin (1:200). Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated tomato lectin was used to visualize blood vessel cells. Retinal sections were then washed three times by PBS and incubated with secondary antibodies against each species (1:200, information provided in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type="table"}) for 2 h at RT. After rinsing with PBS for three times, sections were mounted with Prolong Gold antifade reagent with DAPI (Thermo Fisher \#P36935). Images were repeatedly captured at the same focal planes with the same exposure time using a Carl Zeiss Axio Imager Z1 fluorescence microscope (Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Inc.) equipped with ApoTome, AxioCam MRm, and AxioCam HRc cameras. Images were captured at 20 ×, 40 ×, and 63 × objectives for different purposes (for more details see "Stereological quantification" below). Routine controls were processed using identical protocols while omitting the primary antibody to assess nonspecific labeling. Representative images of negative controls are shown in Supplementary Fig. 1, online resource. Peroxidase-based immunostaining of Aβ {#Sec12} ------------------------------------- Fixed brain sections and retinal cross-sections after deparaffinization were treated with target retrieval solution (pH 6.1; S1699, DAKO) at 98 °C for 1 h and washed with PBS. In addition, treatment with 70% formic acid (ACROS) for 10 min at RT was performed on brain sections and retinal cross-sections before staining for Aβ. Peroxidase-based immunostaining was performed. For antibodies' list and dilutions, see Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type="table"}. Prior to peroxidase-based immunostaining, the tissues were treated with 3% H~2~O~2~ for 10 min, and two staining protocols were used: (1) Vectastain Elite ABC HRP kit (Vector, PK-6102, Peroxidase Mouse IgG) according to manufacturer's instructions or (2) All Dako reagents protocol. Following the treatment with formic acid, the tissues were washed with wash buffer (Dako S3006) for 1 h, then treated with H~2~O~2~ and rinsed with wash buffer. Primary antibody (Ab) was diluted with background reducing components (Dako S3022) and incubated with the tissues for 1 h at 37 °C for JRF/cAβ 40/28 \# 8152, or overnight at 4 °C for 11A50--B10 (Aβ~40~) mAbs. Tissues were rinsed twice with wash buffer on a shaker and incubated for 30 min at 37 °C with secondary Ab (goat anti mouse ab HRP conjugated, DAKO Envision K4000), then were rinsed again with wash buffer. For both protocols, diaminobenzidine (DAB) substrate was used (DAKO K3468). Counterstaining with hematoxylin was performed followed by mounting with Faramount aqueous mounting medium (Dako, S3025). Routine controls were processed using identical protocols while omitting the primary antibodies to assess nonspecific labeling. Representative images of negative controls are shown in Supplementary Fig. 1, online resource. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis {#Sec13} ----------------------------------------------- Analyses of a retinal whole mount from an AD donor retina that was pre-stained with anti-Aβ~42~ mAb (12F4) and a high-sensitivity immunoperoxidase-based system with 3,3′ Diaminobenzidine (DAB) substrate chromogen were performed using transmission electron microscopy. Stained tissues were processed for electron microscopic imaging; the samples were dehydrated in serially graded ethanol and then infiltrated in Eponate 12 (Ted Pella, Inc. Redding, CA, USA) prior to embedding between two acetate sheets. Ultrathin sections of retina were cut into cross sections at a thickness of 70 nm, examined on a JEOL JEM 2100 (JEOL USA, Peabody, MA, USA), and photographed with the Orius SC1000B digital camera (Gatan, Pleasanton, CA, USA). Images were processed and colorized using Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Adobe Inc., San Jose, CA, USA). TUNEL assay for detection of apoptotic retinal pericytes {#Sec14} -------------------------------------------------------- Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded retinal cross-sections after deparaffinization were washed with PBS and then incubated with Proteinase-K (Recombinant PCR grade, 15 µg/ml in 10 mM Tris/HCL pH 7.6; Roche Diagnostics GmbH; 03115836001) at 37 °C for 20 min. Next, slides were washed with PBS and incubated with TUNEL reaction mixture (50 µl on each slide; Roche Diagnostics GmbH; 11684795910) at 37 °C for 60 min, in a humidified chamber in dark (the samples were covered with parafilm to ensure a homogeneous spread of TUNEL reaction and to avoid evaporation loss). Afterward, slides were washed with PBS and fluorescent-based immunostaining was performed using blocking solution (DAKO X0909) for 45 min at RT. The tissues were incubated with primary antibody, goat anti PDGFRβ, overnight at 4 °C, then the secondary antibody, donkey anti goat Alexa 647, was applied for 1 h at RT. Then, the samples were washed with PBS and covered with ProLong™ Gold antifade mounting media with DAPI (Molecular Probes; \#P36935). Negative and positive controls were included (see Supplementary Fig. 1, online resource) in this experimental setup: for TUNEL negative control the retinal tissues were incubated with only 50 µl of TUNEL label solution (without the TUNEL Enzyme solution-terminal transferase) instead of TUNEL reaction mixture. For TUNEL positive control the retinal tissues were incubated with DNase I (1000 U/ml in 50 mM Tris--HCL, pH 7.5; Worthington Biochemical Corp. Code D) to induce DNA strand breaks, prior to labeling procedure. The retinal tissue sections were then evaluated under fluorescent microscope. Stereological quantification {#Sec15} ---------------------------- For Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"} of isolated retinal blood vessels, quantification was performed from 5 AD donors and 5 age- and sex-matched CN controls. The fluorescence of specific signals was captured using the same setting and exposure time for each image and human donor, with a Z-stack of 10 µm thickness using Axio Imager Z1 microscope (with motorized Z-drive) with AxioCam MRm monochrome camera ver. 3.0 (at a resolution of 1388 × 1040 pixels, 6.45 µm × 6.45 µm pixel size, dynamic range of \> 1:2200 that delivers low-noise images due to Peltier-cooled sensor). Images were captured at 40 × objective, at respective resolution of 0.25 µm. Fifteen images were taken randomly from each region of central, mid-, and far-peripheral retina (five from each region) per subject. Acquired images were converted to grayscale and standardized to baseline using a histogram-based threshold in the NIH ImageJ software (version 1.52o). For each biomarker, total area of immunoreactivity was determined using the same threshold percentage from the baseline in ImageJ (with same percentage threshold setting for all diagnostic groups). The images were then subjected to particle analysis for lectin and Aβ to determine IR area. Pericyte number was based on 15 images, averaging the number in each microscopic visual field (covering 1.8 × 10^4^ µm^2^ area), per human donor. We used the grid mode in ImageJ to manually count the number of pericytes. The ratio of Aβ to lectin was calculated by dividing Aβ IR area by lectin IR area in each of the 15 images (described above) and averaging the values per human donor. The sum of Aβ IR area from an identical number of randomly selected pericytes (*n* = 10) from each human donor was used to calculate Aβ in pericytes. An identical region of interest was used for the standardized histogram-based threshold technique and subjected to particle analysis. For Figs. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}, [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}, [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}, [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}, and [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"} with analysis of retinal cross-sections and quantifications of PDGFRβ, vascular Aβ~42~, vascular Aβ~40~, Aβ~40~, LRP-1, cleaved caspase-3 and TUNEL, images were also acquired at the same setting and exposure time for each experiment, using the Axio Imager Z1 microscope, as described above. Images were captured at either 20 × or 40 × objectives, at respective resolutions of 0.5 and 0.25 µm. Three images were taken from central and far-peripheral retina and four images were taken from mid-peripheral retina (as shown in Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}a, b). For each biomarker, the total area of immunoreactivity was determined using the same threshold percentage from the baseline in ImageJ (with same percentage threshold setting for all images), then subjected to particle analysis for each biomarker to determine their area or area percentage. For vascular PDGFRβ, vascular Aβ~42~ and Aβ~40~, and vascular LRP-1, area of blood vessels was chosen to acquire positive immunoreactive (IR) area percentage. For total retinal Aβ~40~ and total LRP-1 area, we chose the whole retina and documented total IR area of each biomarkers. Quantification of cleaved caspase-3^+^ and TUNEL^+^ pericytes was performed by randomly choosing 10--15 pericytes from each human donor, followed by manually counting using the grid in ImageJ. Then a percentage of cleaved caspase-3^+^ or TUNEL^+^ pericytes was calculated.Fig. 2Early and progressive loss of retinal vascular PDGFRβ in MCI and AD. **a**, **b** Schematic diagram of donor eye dissection, isolation of neurosensory retina (yellow), and retinal processing for histological analysis. Anatomically defined strips from all four quadrants, superior-temporal---ST, temporal-inferior---TI, inferior-nasal---IN, and nasal-superior---NS, were prepared and analyzed in pre-determined geometrical regions: central (C), mid- (M) and far- (F) periphery. **c**, **d** Representative fluorescent images of paraffin-embedded retinal cross-sections stained for PDGFRβ (red), with blood vessels (lectin, green) and nuclei (DAPI, blue) in age- and sex-matched human donors with AD, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and cognitively normal (CN; *yrs*years, *F* female, *C* Caucasian). **c** Longitudinal (L) blood vessels (\~ 10 µm in diameter); **d** Zoomed-in PDGFRβ^+^ vascular cells are shown from selected regions (dashed white rectangle in **c**). Scale bars = 10 μm. **e** Quantitative analysis of percent PDGFRβ IR area in vertical (V) blood vessels in the retinas of donors with AD (*n* = 21), MCI (*n* = 7), and CN (*n* = 10). **f** Pearson's coefficient (*r*) correlation between percent retinal PDGFRβ IR area in sum of V and L blood vessels against CAA scores in a subset of AD (*n* = 11) and MCI (*n* = 3) human donors. **g--j** Quantitative analysis of percent PDGFRβ immunoreactive (IR) area in V vessels from each retinal quadrant separately: **g** NS, **h** IN, **i** ST, **j** TI, in the same human cohort as in (**e**). **k--l** Heat-map illustrating Pearson's correlations between percent retinal PDGFRβ IR area and brain pathology, including neuritic plaques (NP), diffuse plaques (DP), immature plaques (IP), and neuropil threads (NT), in AD (*n* = 14), MCI (*n* = 5) and CN (*n* = 1) human subjects (*n* = 20 total). Pseudo-color **k** red for (*r*) values and **l** blue for (*P*) values demonstrate the strength of each correlation parameter; Total---all brain regions averaged, Hipp---hippocampus, Ent---entorhinal cortex, Frontal---frontal cortex, Temporal---temporal cortex, Parietal---parietal cortex, A-17---primary visual cortex, and A-18---visual association cortex. **m** Correlation between percent retinal PDGFRβ IR area of all (mean of four quadrants; gray dots) or superior retinal hemisphere (mean of ST and NS; red dots) against the mini-mental state examination (MMSE) cognitive scores (*n* = 10). Data from individual subjects as well as group mean ± SEM are shown. Percent changes are shown in red. \**p* \< 0.05, \*\**p* \< 0.01, \*\*\**p* \< 0.001, \*\*\*\**p* \< 0.0001, by one-way ANOVA with Sidak's post-hoc multiple comparison testFig. 3Increased vascular Aβ~42~ including in pericytes is tightly associated with PDGFRβ loss in postmortem retinas of MCI and AD patients. **a**, **b** Representative fluorescent images of paraffin-embedded retinal cross-sections isolated from human donors with AD, MCI, or cognitively normal (CN) stained for Aβ~42~ (12F4, red), blood vessels (lectin, green), and nuclei (DAPI, blue). **a** Vertical (V) and **b** longitudinal (L) vessels are shown (*yrs* years; *F* female; *C* Caucasian); geometric shapes in white dashed lines indicate pre-defined areas of analysis. Scale bars = 10 μm. **c**, **d** Quantitative analysis of percent 12F4 immunoreactive (IR) area in retinal **c** V or **d** L blood vessels in age- and sex-matched human donors with AD (*n* = 10), MCI (*n* = 11) and CN (*n* = 10). **e**, **f** Pearson's coefficient (*r*) correlation between retinal 12F4^+^Aβ~42~ burden in average of V and L blood vessels against **e** neuritic Aβ plaques either in whole brain (gray dots) or entorhinal cortex (EC; red dots) and **f** percent retinal vascular PDGFRβ IR area within a subset of human donors with AD, MCI and CN (*n* = 8, *n* = 10, and *n* = 18, respectively). **g** Representative fluorescent images of retinal vertical vessels from human eye donors with AD, MCI, or CN, stained for Aβ~42~ (12F4, white), PDGFRβ (red), blood vessels (lectin, green), and DAPI for nuclei (blue). Scale bars = 10 μm. **h** A microscopic image of longitudinal vessel from MCI retina showing vascular Aβ~42~ immunoreactivity (green) co-localized with PDGFRβ^+^ cells (red, arrows). Scale bars = 10 μm. **i**, **j** Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of retinal vertical-sections from an AD human donor; retina was pre-stained with anti-Aβ~42~ mAb (12F4) and an immunoperoxidase-based DAB. TEM analysis reveals the location and ultrastructure of retinal vascular-associated Aβ deposits (demarcated by yellow shapes). **i** Left, retinal Aβ~42~ deposit in the outer vascular surface adjacent to pericytes (P, green), with a clean blood vessel lumen (L). Right, retinal Aβ~42~ deposited inside a blood vessel lumen attached to an endothelial cell (EC, pink) surface. **j** Retinal Aβ~42~ deposits within pericytes, detected in the cytoplasm and adjacent to mitochondria, as well as on vessel outer surface external to the pericytes. Scale bars = 0.5 µm. Data from individual human donors as well as group mean ± SEM are shown. Fold changes are shown in red. \**p* \< 0.05, \*\**p* \< 0.01, \*\*\**p* \< 0.001, \*\*\*\**p* \< 0.0001, by one-way ANOVA with Sidak's post-hoc multiple comparison testFig. 4Retinal vascular Aβ~40~ burden in AD retina correlates with both retinal vascular Aβ~42~ deposits and PDGFRβ loss and can predict disease status. **a--c** Representative images of retinal and brain sections immunostained against Aβ~40~ (JRF/cAβ~40/28~; \#8152) with DAB labeling and hematoxylin counterstain in cohorts of AD, MCI, and cognitively normal (CN) controls. **c** Arrows indicate vascular Aβ~40~ staining in tunica media, adventitia, or intima; right image is an enlargement of area indicated by arrow from the middle image. Scale bars = 20 µm. **d**, **e** Representative fluorescent images of paraffin-embedded retinal cross-sections isolated from human donors with AD, MCI, or CN (*yrs* years old, *F* female, *C* Caucasian, *A* Asian) and stained for Aβ~40~ (11A50--B10, red), blood vessels (lectin, green), and nuclei (DAPI, blue) in **d** vertical (V) and **e** longitudinal (L) retinal blood vessels. Dashed geometric white shapes indicate pre-defined areas of analysis. Scale bars = 10 µm. **f** Representative microscopic images showing V vessels labeled against endothelial cells (CD31, red), Aβ~40~ (JRF/cAβ~40/28~, green), and nuclei (DAPI, blue) in retinas from AD, MCI, and CN human donors. Scale bars = 10 µm. **g**, **h** Quantitative analysis of percent 11A50-B10^+^Aβ~40~ immunoreactive (IR) area in retinal **g** V and **h** L blood vessels from AD (*n* = 13), MCI (*n* = 5) and CN controls (*n* = 10). **i**, **j**. Pearson's coefficient (*r*) correlation between retinal Aβ~40~ burden (mean of both V and L vessels) against **i** percent retinal PDGFRβ IR area (*n* = 24 human donors) or **j** percent retinal vascular 12F4^+^Aβ~42~ burden (*n* = 20 human donors). **k**, **l** Heat-map illustrating correlations between percent retinal vascular Aβ~40~ IR area (average of V and L blood vessels) against brain pathology, including neuritic plaques (NP), diffuse plaques (DP), immature plaques (IP), and neuropil threads (NT), in AD (*n = *8), MCI (*n = *3), and CN (*n = *1) human donors (*n = *12 total). Pseudo-color **k** red (*r*) values and **l** blue (*P*) values demonstrate the strength of each correlation parameter; total---average of all brain regions, Hipp---hippocampus, Ent---entorhinal cortex, Frontal---frontal cortex, Temporal---temporal cortex, Parietal---parietal cortex, A-17---primary visual cortex, and A-18---visual association cortex. **m--o** Analysis of retinal parameters when samples are stratified per two diagnostic groups, MCI/AD and CN. **m** Retinal vascular PDGFRβ (*n = *20 MCI/AD and *n = *10 CN). **n** Retinal vascular Aβ~40~ (*n = *16 MCI/AD and *n = *10 CN). **o** Retinal vascular Aβ~42~ (*n = *14 MCI/AD and *n = *9 CN). Dotted lines display the suggested values to separate between control and disease groups. Males in filled circles and Females in clear circles. Data from individual human subjects as well as group mean ± SEM are shown. Fold and percent changes are shown in red. \*\**p* \< 0.01, \*\*\**p* \< 0.001, \*\*\*\**p* \< 0.0001, by one-way ANOVA with Sidak's post-hoc multiple comparison testFig. 5Mapping of retinal Aβ~40~ burden and distribution in predefined geometrical regions and layers. **a** Retinal Aβ~1--40~ concentrations determined by ELISA assay in protein homogenates from postmortem retinas freshly collected from AD patients (*n = *6) and cognitively normal controls (CN, *n = *5). **b** Quantitative analysis of 11A50--B10^+^Aβ~40~ immunoreactive (IR) area normalized to retinal thickness in cross-sections from a cohort of AD (*n = *17), MCI (*n = *8), and CN controls (*n = *11). **c** Schematic diagram for the region of interest (ROI) analyzed with separate assessments for inner (from inner limiting membrane = ILM to inner nuclear layer = INL) and outer neural retina (from outer plexiform layer = OPL to outer limiting membrane = OLM). **d** Quantitative analysis of Aβ~40~ IR area in outer (O) vs. inner (I) retina of AD (*n = *17), MCI (*n = *8), and CN (*n = *11) human donors. **e** Quantitative analysis of Aβ~40~ IR area in central (C), mid-peripheral (M), and far-peripheral (F) retina from the same human cohort. **f** Mapping of Aβ~40~ in four quadrants, C/M/F, and inner vs. outer retina. Strength of magenta pseudo-color represents the density of retinal Aβ~40~ burden in each geographic region. **g** Analysis of retinal parameters when samples are stratified per two diagnostic groups, MCI/AD and CN for total retinal Aβ~40~ (*n = *22 MCI/AD and *n = *10 CN). Dotted lines display the suggested values to separate between control and disease groups. Males in filled circles and Females in clear circles. **h--j** Pearson's coefficient (*r*) correlation between retinal Aβ~40~ IR area against **h** neuritic Aβ plaques in whole brain (gray dots) and entorhinal cortex (EC, red dots), **i** CAA scores, and **j** mini-mental state examination (MMSE) cognitive scores (gray dots---all retina, red dots---temporal retina = mean of ST and TI quadrants) in different subsets of AD, MCI, and CN human donors (*n = *20, *n = *17 or *n = *10, respectively). Data from individual human subjects as well as group mean ± SEM are shown. Fold and percent changes are shown in red. \**p* \< 0.05, \*\**p* \< 0.01, \*\*\**p* \< 0.001, \*\*\*\**p* \< 0.0001, by one-way or two-way ANOVA with Sidak's post-hoc multiple comparison test (Red \* in **e** indicates AD vs. CN group, blue \* in **e** indicates AD vs. MCI group). Two group statistical analysis of ELISA was done by unpaired 2-tailed Student's t testFig. 6Decreased retinal LRP-1 in AD and increased apoptotic pericytes in MCI and AD retina. **a**, **b** Representative fluorescent images of paraffin-embedded retinal cross-sections isolated from **a** cognitively normal (CN) and **b** AD subjects, stained for LRP-1 (red), PDGFRβ (green), blood vessels (lectin, white), and nuclei (DAPI, blue). **c**, **d** Representative fluorescent images from AD and CN subjects focusing on retinal vascular LRP-1 region. **e** Quantitative analysis of total LRP-1 immunoreactive (IR) area in postmortem retinas from patients with AD (*n = *6), MCI (*n = *6), and from CN controls (*n = *6). **f** Quantitative analysis of percent LRP-1 IR area in retinal blood vessels from the same cohort. **g**, **h** Pearson's coefficient (*r*) correlation between percent retinal LRP-1 IR area in the vasculature against **g** percent retinal vascular PDGFRβ IR area, and **h** total retinal 11A50--B10^+^Aβ~40~ area in a subset of human cohorts (*n = *13 and *n = *12, respectively). **i--l** Representative fluorescent images of paraffin-embedded retinal cross-sections isolated from **i** CN, **j** MCI, or **k**, **l** AD human eye donors, stained for cleaved caspase-3 (red), PDGFRβ (green), blood vessels (lectin, white), and nuclei (DAPI, blue). Arrows indicate positive signal of cleaved caspase-3 in pericytes. **i\'**, **k'** show zoomed-in pericytes from the original image. **m** Quantitative analysis of percent cleaved caspase-3^+^ pericyte number out of 10--15 pericytes counted from each human donor: AD (*n = *6), MCI (*n = *6), and CN (*n = *6). Dashed line represents 100% reference point. **n**, **o** Pearson's coefficient (*r*) correlation between percent cleaved caspase-3^+^ pericytes against **n** retinal vascular percent PDGFRβ IR area or **o** total retinal 11A50-B10^+^Aβ~40~ IR area in a subset of human donors (*n = *11). **p--t** Representative fluorescent images of paraffin-embedded retinal cross-sections isolated from human donors either **p**, **q** CN, **r** MCI, or **s**, **t** AD, stained for PDGFRβ (red), TUNEL (green) and nuclei (DAPI, blue). **r'**, **s'** show zoomed-in retinal TUNEL^+^ pericytes from the original images of MCI and AD donors. **u** Quantitative analysis of percent retinal TUNEL^+^ pericytes in 10--15 pericytes counted from each donor from the same human cohort. **v** Pearson's coefficient (*r*) correlation between percent TUNEL^+^ pericytes and percent vascular PDGFRβ IR area in postmortem retinas from a subset of human donors (*n = *12). All scale bars = 10 µm. Data from individual human donors as well as group mean ± SEM are shown. Fold and percentage changes are shown in red. \**p* \< 0.05, \*\*\*\**p* \< 0.0001, *NS* not significant, by one-way ANOVA with Sidak's post-hoc multiple comparison test. \**p* \< 0.05 in parenthesis = unpaired 2-tailed Student's *t* test For vascular markers of Aβ~42~, Aβ~40~, and PDGFRβ, analysis was performed separately for longitudinal blood vessels and vertical blood vessels. Retinal cross-sections in this study were cut sagittally from flatmount strips, hence blood vessels were categorized by the shape of lectin stain: either as vertical blood vessels (≥ 10 µm in diameter) or longitudinal blood vessels (\~ 10 µm in diameter). Note: for vertical blood vessels, the vascular wall area (determined by lectin) was selected for analysis, while excluding the blood vessel lumen. For longitudinal blood vessels, the total blood vessel including lumen and wall were selected for quantitative analysis. Dotted eclipse or rectangle frames were added to the representative images to highlight the area of quantification for both vertical blood vessels and longitudinal blood vessels. Statistical analysis {#Sec16} -------------------- GraphPad Prism 8.1.2 (GraphPad Software) was used for analyses. A comparison of three or more groups was performed using one-way ANOVA followed by Sidak's multiple comparison post-hoc test of paired groups. Groups with two independent variables/factors were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by Sidak's multiple comparison test to further understand interaction between the two independent variables. Two-group comparisons were analyzed using a two-tailed unpaired Student *t* test. The statistical association between two or more variables was determined by Pearson's correlation coefficient (*r*) test (Gaussian-distributed variables; GraphPad Prism). Pearson's *r* indicates direction and strength of the linear relationship between two variables. Required sample sizes for two group (differential mean) comparisons were calculated using the nQUERY *t* test model, assuming a two-sided *α* level of 0.05, 80% power, and unequal variances, with the means and common standard deviations for the different parameters. Results are expressed as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). *P* value less than 0.05 is considered significant. Results {#Sec17} ======= Retinal pericyte loss along with vascular Aβ deposits including within pericytes in isolated microvasculature from postmortem retina of AD patients {#Sec18} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To exclusively investigate the extent of retinal microvascular amyloidosis and possible pericyte degeneration in AD without interference from other retinal tissues, we enzymatically digested retinas, preserved solely the vascular network \[[@CR51], [@CR77]\], and subsequently conducted fluorescent immunostaining for blood vessels (lectin), PDGFRβ, and different types of Aβ (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}; extended data in Supplementary Fig. 2, online resource). Our modified method for human retinal vascular isolation and immunofluorescence is illustrated in Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}a. This approach was performed on postmortem retinas isolated from a cohort of age- and sex-matched human subjects with AD diagnosis (avg. age 79.20 ± 10.9 years, 3 females/2 males, CAA score 1.7 ± 0.27) and CN controls (avg. age 75.60 ± 5.63 years, 2 females/3 males, no known CAA). Intense deposits of Aβ~42~ were visible in AD retinal microvasculature including colocalization with lectin, as compared to CN retina (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}b). Vascular Aβ~42~ accumulation was also detected inside retinal pericytes in AD but not in CN (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}c). This is further supported by immunostaining with other antibodies against Aβ, including 11A50--B10 (Aβ~40~), 6E10, and 4G8 (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}d, e, Supplementary Fig. 2a--d, online resource). In addition, a substantial decrease in PDGFRβ expression was observed in retinal microvasculature from AD as compared to CN controls (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}f; see lectin/PDGFRβ co-labeling in yellow). A quantitative analysis of retinal microvascular pericyte count per microscopic visual field (1.8 × 10^4^ µm^2^) revealed a significant 37% pericyte loss in AD compared to controls (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}g). By quantification of Aβ-immunoreactive area normalized for the lectin-positive vascular area, a significant 5.6-fold increase of Aβ deposition in retinal microvasculature was measured in AD vs. CN (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}h). Moreover, a substantial 8.7-fold increase of Aβ-immunoreactive area within retinal pericytes was detected (Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}i). Further, Aβ deposits were identified inside degenerated, acellular retinal capillaries that appear to lose lectin expression (Supplementary Fig. 2c, online resource). Next, we validated the presence of Aβ deposition in isolated retinal blood vessel walls in double-transgenic murine models of AD (ADTg). Performing the blood perfusion procedure prior to retinal vascular extraction allowed us to exclude the contribution of circulating Aβ in the blood. A comparison between perfused and non-perfused ADTg mice and their non-transgenic littermates (WT) revealed that regardless of blood perfusion, there were substantial amounts of retinal vascular Aβ deposits in ADTg mice (Supplementary Fig. 3, online resource). Early and progressive loss of retinal vascular PDGFRβ is associated with CAA and brain amyloid plaque pathology {#Sec19} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retinal vascular pathology was further investigated in cross-sections prepared and analyzed from a larger cohort of 46 human eye donors with pre-mortem diagnosis of AD (*n* = 21), MCI (*n* = 11), or CN (*n* = 14). There were no significant differences in mean age, sex, or PMI between the three diagnostic groups (for more details see Supplementary Tables 1--2, online resource). Histological samples from this cohort were prepared through dissection of retinal strips (2 mm) from four quadrants (superior-temporal---ST, inferior-temporal---TI, inferior-nasal---IN, and superior-nasal---NS) spanning from the optic disc to the ora serrata, processed into paraffin-embedded cross-sections, and immunostained (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}a, b). Initially, we assessed retinal vascular PDGFRβ expression by fluorescent immunostaining in lectin^+^ blood vessels. We classified and analyzed two types of blood vessels by shape and size: longitudinal (\~ 10 µm in diameter) and vertical (≥ 10 µm in diameter). The examination of small-size longitudinal vessels allowed for analysis of PDGFRβ^+^ pericytes that exist in capillaries and pericytic venules, while excluding vSMCs in larger-size vessels. The separate analysis of vertical vessels covered both PDGFRβ-expressing pericytes and vSMCs. We observed a notable decrease of PDGFRβ signal in both retinal longitudinal and vertical blood vessels in MCI, which was further exacerbated in AD (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}c, d, Supplementary Fig. 4a, b, online resource). Stereological analysis of percent retinal PDGFRβ area in retinal cross-sections is shown in a subset of age- and sex-matched AD, MCI, and CN subjects (*n* = 38, avg. age ± SD: AD = 81.2 ± 15.3, MCI = 86.3 ± 6.2 and C*N = *78.1 ± 10.4). Data indicate a significant (38%) early loss of retinal PDGFRβ in vertical vessels of MCI as compared to CN controls, whereas a more profound reduction (72%) of vertical vascular PDGFRβ was detected in AD retina (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}e). To evaluate the relationship between retinal PDGFRβ and CAA scores, we applied Pearson's correlation coefficient (*r*) analysis between the two parameters in a cohort of cognitively impaired individuals. We found a significant inverse relationship between retinal PDGFRβ levels and brain CAA score in MCI and AD (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}f), suggesting that retinal vascular changes in the form of PDGFRβ loss may predict amyloid angiopathy severity in the brains of these patients. To measure changes in retinal PDGFRβ distribution across the four retinal quadrants, we analyzed PDGFRβ area coverage in human subjects that were stratified by their clinical diagnosis and for each quadrant separately (vertical vessels in Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}g**--**j, longitudinal vessels in Supplementary Fig. 5a--e, online resource; for comparisons between the four quadrants see Supplementary Fig. 5g, online resource). Our analysis indicated that the temporal hemiretina (ST and TI) had early substantial decreases in vertical vascular PDGFRβ in MCI (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}i, j), whereas the percentage of PDGFRβ area loss was only significant at later disease stages in the nasal hemiretinal quadrants (NS and IN), as seen in AD (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}g, h). Consistent with the vascular impairment seen in vertical vessels, early and progressive loss of PDGFRβ^+^ pericytes residing along longitudinal capillaries and post-capillary venules was detected in MCI and AD (Supplementary Fig. 5a--e, online resource). A significant inverse association with neuropathological CAA scores was also identified among individuals with MCI and AD (Supplementary Fig. 5f, online resource). Moreover, in subjects with neuropathological reports (*n* = 20), retinal PDGFRβ loss inversely correlated with brain Aβ plaques (NP, DP, IP) and NTs, as summarized in Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}k, l heat-map (extended data on Pearson's *r* correlations for pre-defined brain regions in Supplementary Table 3, online resource). In particular, significant correlations between retinal vascular PDGFRβ and brain neuritic plaques were detected for overall brain severity score, as well as separately for the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, and visual association cortex (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}k, l). In a subset of subjects where MMSE scores were available, we identified a significant correlation between retinal PDGFRβ loss and cognitive impairment (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}m). While PDGFRβ in most of retinal quadrants significantly correlated with MMSE scores, the most significant correlation was found with the superior retina (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}m; extended data on Pearson's *r* correlations between MMSE scores against retinal PDGFRβ, per each retinal subregion, are provided in Supplementary Table 5, online resource). Accumulation of retinal Aβ~42~ in blood vessels and pericytes in MCI and AD {#Sec20} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Given that our group and others have demonstrated the existence of retinal Aβ deposits in AD patients \[[@CR3], [@CR25], [@CR46], [@CR47], [@CR50]\], our next question was whether vascular PDGFRβ loss is associated with increased vascular Aβ deposition in postmortem retinas from MCI and AD patients. To this end, we studied retinal vascular Aβ~42~ pathology in a cohort of age- and sex-matched human eye donors (*n* = 31, avg. ± SD age: AD = 82.8 ± 18.4, MCI = 87.8 ± 5.5, CN = 78.8 ± 10.3; Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}). We analyzed percent 12F4^+^Aβ~42~-IR area separately for vertical and longitudinal retinal vessels (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}a--d); the two types of blood vessels were classified as detailed above. The AD retina displays substantially more vascular Aβ~42~ as compared to both MCI and CN retinas (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}a--b; additional image panels in Supplementary Fig. 6a, b, online resource). In our quantitative IHC analyses, to avoid signal from circulating blood Aβ, in the vertical vessel analyses we quantify the immunoreactive area by selecting the vascular wall region and excluding the lumen area (see example of dotted eclipse frames in Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}a). Analysis of vertical vascular Aβ~42~ confirmed a significant increase in the retina of MCI and AD compared to CN controls (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}c). Analysis of retinal longitudinal vessels also indicated a significant increase in Aβ~42~ burden in AD compared to MCI and CN controls (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}d), representing accumulation of both circulating and vascular Aβ~42~. Next, investigation of the potential association between retinal vascular Aβ~42~ burden and respective CAA scores suggested a significant correlation, albeit in a limited cohort (Supplementary Fig. 6c, online resource). Additionally, retinal vascular Aβ~42~ load had a significant correlation with cerebral Aβ plaque burden (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}e), and moreover, a strong, inverse correlation with retinal PDGFRβ (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}f). Figure [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}g demonstrates the gradual PDGFRβ loss concomitant with increased Aβ~42~ burden in retinas isolated from MCI and AD patients relative to CN controls (for extended representative images see Supplementary Fig. 7a--f, online resource**)**. Higher magnification fluorescent images show Aβ~42~ deposits inside residual retinal vascular PDGFRβ^+^ cells, with increased co-localization in MCI vs. AD (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}h; extended representative images in Supplementary Fig. 6d, e, online resource). TEM analysis in retinal vertical sections from AD patients reveals Aβ~42~ deposits in multiple locations near blood vessels and within pericytes (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}i, j). Retinal Aβ~42~ deposits were found perivascular in close proximity to pericytes (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}i, left), in the lumen adjacent to an endothelial cell (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}i, right), and inside pericytes (Fig. [3](#Fig3){ref-type="fig"}j). Substantial accumulation of vascular Aβ~40~ in AD retina {#Sec21} -------------------------------------------------------- Since Aβ~40~ is the major alloform type deposited in cerebral blood vessels \[[@CR34]\], we further studied its distribution in retinal blood vessels in a cohort of eye donors from age- and gender-matched individuals with diagnosis of AD, MCI, or CN (*n* = 36, avg. age ± SD: AD = 81.8 ± 14.8, MCI = 86.3 ± 6.2 and C*N = *78.1 ± 10.4; see Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"} and extended data in Supplementary Figs. 8, 9, online resource). Initial analysis of vascular Aβ~40~ burden in paired retinas and brains utilizing peroxidase-based DAB staining with a specific antibody recognizing the C-terminal amino acid sequence of Aβ~40~ (JRF/cAβ40/28; courtesy of Janssen Pharmaceutica) revealed an increase in retinal vascular Aβ~40~ deposition in MCI and AD compared to CN controls (Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}a--c). This was in agreement with our findings following application of a commercially available antibody (11A50--B10) recognizing the C-terminal sequence of Aβ~40~ (Supplementary Fig. 8a, online resource). Intriguingly, strong signal of Aβ~40~ was observed in the tunica media (Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}c and Supplementary Fig. 8a, online resource), although deposits were also detected in tunica adventitia and intima (Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}b, c and Supplementary Fig. 8a, online resource, see arrows). Immunofluorescent staining using 11A50-B10 and JRF/cAβ40/28 antibodies demonstrated an extensive retinal vascular Aβ~40~ burden in both vertical and longitudinal vessels in AD (Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}d--f; extended representative images in Supplementary Figs. 8b and 9a, b, online resource). Quantitative analysis of vascular 11A50--B10^+^Aβ~40~ immunoreactivity indicated substantial 7- to 12-fold increases in retinal vertical (vessel wall with lumen area excluded) and longitudinal vessels (representing both Aβ in circulating blood and vessel walls) in AD compared to CN (Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}g, h). A non-significant trend was noted in MCI vs. CN controls and between MCI and AD groups. In an additional subset of human donors, analysis of retinal vascular Aβ~40~ using JRF/cAβ40/28 antibody verified significant increases in retinas from MCI and AD compared to CN controls (*n* = 14; Supplementary Fig. 6c, online resource). Similar to retinal vascular Aβ~42~, retinal vascular Aβ~40~ burden significantly and inversely correlated with retinal PDGFRβ (Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}i) and also tightly and directly correlated with retinal vascular Aβ~42~ burden (Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}j). Moreover, retinal vascular Aβ~40~ was associated with entorhinal cortex parenchymal CAA in a subset of human donors where CAA scores are available (Supplementary Fig. 8d, online resource). Notably, increased retinal vascular Aβ~40~ burden positively correlated with elevated brain neuritic plaques (NPs), especially in the entorhinal cortex (Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}k, l; for more details see Supplementary Table 4, online resource). The strongest correlation was observed with NTs in the visual association cortex (A-18). In addition, immature plaques in the primary visual cortex significantly associated with retinal vascular Aβ~40~ (Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}k, l; Supplementary Table 4, online resource). Similar to vascular Aβ~42~, vascular Aβ~40~ was also detected in PDGFRβ^+^ cells (Supplementary Fig. 8e, online resource). Stratification of human subjects based on clinical AD/MCI vs. CN diagnosis revealed a significantly lower PDGFRβ and significantly higher Aβ~40~ and Aβ~42~ levels in AD/MCI retinal vessels (Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}m**--**o). These findings highlight the potential to distinguish between the diagnostic groups using retinal vascular parameters, and especially vascular PDGFRβ and Aβ~40~ (Fig. [4](#Fig4){ref-type="fig"}n). Mapping retinal Aβ~40~ spatial and layer distribution in AD shows high burden in inner retinal layers from central regions {#Sec22} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To evaluate the overall retinal Aβ~40~ burden, including abluminal deposits outside blood vessels, we quantified Aβ~40~ levels and mapped Aβ~40~-IR area in all four quadrants (ST, TI, IN, NS), central/mid/far (C/M/F) geometrical subregions, and inner vs. outer cellular layers of the neurosensory retina (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}). We initially measured retinal Aβ~1--40~ peptide levels in protein homogenates isolated from fresh-frozen donor eyes in an additional cohort of age- and gender-matched subjects (*n* = 11; 6 AD human eye donors: avg. ± SD age = 79.33 ± 17.6 years, 4 females and 2 males, and 5 CN controls: avg. age 75.4 ± 4.93 years, 3 females and 2 males). Quantitative ELISA revealed a significant increase in retinal Aβ~1--40~ concentrations in AD compared to CN (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}a). Immunofluorescence staining in a larger cohort (*n* = 36) using 11A50--B10 antibody confirmed a substantial elevation of retinal Aβ~40~ load in AD compared to MCI and CN (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}b, data were normalized per retinal thickness; for raw data see Supplementary Fig. 10f, online resource). Separate analyses of retinal Aβ~40~ burden per quadrant indicated consistently higher Aβ~40~ load in AD compared to MCI and CN, especially in TI quadrant (Supplementary Fig. 10a--d, online resource, for normalized data per retinal thickness; Supplementary Fig. 10 g**--**j, online resource, for raw data). As expected, a significant positive correlation was noted between total Aβ~40~ and vascular Aβ~40~ in the human retina (Supplementary Fig. 10e, online resource). Our current observation of Aβ~40~ distribution predominantly in the inner retina and previous studies describing inner retinal pathology in AD, including thinning or RGC degeneration \[[@CR6], [@CR13], [@CR18]\], prompt our analysis of Aβ~40~ burden in inner vs. outer retinal layers. To this end, we separated the inner retina (from inner limiting membrane to inner nuclear layer) and the outer retina (from outer plexiform layer to outer limiting membrane), as illustrated in Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}c. This analysis revealed that the vast majority of retinal Aβ~40~ deposition (\> 90%) is found in the inner as compared to the outer layers across all diagnostic groups (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}d), with evidence for propagation to the outer retina (\~ 5%) in AD (for extended data on Aβ~40~ mapping in inner vs. outer retina with a separate analysis for each retinal quadrant see Supplementary Fig. 11a**--**j, online resource). Further evaluation of Aβ~40~ immunoreactivity in retinal C/M/F subregions indicated a significantly elevated burden in the central- vs. far-peripheral retina of AD, with similar but non-significant trends of increase in MCI (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}e; see comparative analysis of the four quadrants in Supplementary Fig. 11 k, online resource). A summary of retinal Aβ~40~ burden analyzed in four quadrants, three geometrical subregions, and inner vs. outer layers is illustrated by a color-coded pie graph (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}f). The feasibility to separate between the MCI/AD and CN clinical groups by total retinal Aβ~40~ burden was further assessed. This analysis showed some overlap between the populations but indicated a significantly greater than fivefold increase in the retina of AD/MCI vs. CN controls (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}g). Finally, to examine possible associations between total retinal Aβ~40~ burden and other retinal and brain parameters, Pearson's (*r*) correlations were calculated (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}h**--**j; Supplementary Fig. 11l, online resource). These analyses demonstrated a significant inverse correlation with retinal vascular PDGFRβ and non-significant correlations with brain NP (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}h), CAA scores (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}i), and cognitive status by MMSE (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}j; for correlations with different retinal quadrants see Supplementary Table 6, online resource). Nonetheless, a significant association was detected between retinal Aβ~40~ burden and NP in the entorhinal cortex (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}h). Vascular LRP-1 downregulation in AD retina and retinal pericyte apoptosis in MCI and AD {#Sec23} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In murine models of AD, vascular LRP-1 was shown to be expressed by pericytes, mediate the clearance of brain-parenchymal Aβ via blood vessels, and affect cerebral amyloid deposition \[[@CR69]\]. To evaluate LRP-1 and vascular LRP-1 expression in the human retina, we analyzed retinal cross-sections from a cohort of 18 subjects with AD, MCI, and CN (*n* = 6 subjects per each diagnostic group). Representative microscopic images demonstrated reduced vascular LRP-1 expression along with marked vascular PDGFRβ loss in postmortem retinas from AD as compared with CN control (Fig. [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}a--d; extended images for separate channels in Supplementary Fig. 12a, b, online resource). A quantitative IHC analysis indicated a non-significant trend of decreased total retinal LRP-1 immunoreactivity in AD compared to CN controls (Fig. [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}e), with no difference between levels of LRP-1 in MCI vs. CN controls. Evaluation of vascular LRP-1 expression revealed a significant 32% decrease in AD compared to CN (Fig. [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}f). Retinal vascular LRP-1 significantly correlated with retinal vascular PDGFRβ in this cohort (Fig. [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}g), yet showed a non-significant trend of association with retinal Aβ~40~ burden (Fig. [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}h). To investigate whether the findings of retinal PDGFRβ and pericyte loss in MCI and AD are due to apoptotic cell death, we evaluated two markers of apoptotic cells in this cohort. First, we immunolabelled cleaved caspase-3 and investigated apoptosis of pericytes in small blood vessels (Fig. [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}i**--**o). Representative microscopic images show a frequent occurrence of cleaved caspase-3^+^ in pericyte nuclei in postmortem retinas from MCI and AD patients as compared to CN controls (Fig. [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}j**--**l vs. i; extended images for separate channels in Supplementary Fig. 13a--d, online resource). Quantification of cleaved caspase-3^+^ pericyte number confirmed an early retinal pericyte apoptosis in MCI, which was on average higher in AD (Fig. [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}m). Cleaved caspase-3 in retinal pericytes inversely and strongly correlated with retinal PDGFRβ and positively with retinal Aβ~40~ burden (Fig. [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}n, o). To further validate apoptosis of retinal pericytes during AD progression, fluorescent TUNEL assay was utilized on the same cohort (representative microscopic images in Fig. [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}p**--**t; extended images for separate channels in Supplementary Fig. 14a--d, online resource**)**. Analysis of TUNEL^+^ pericyte count indicated increased apoptosis of retinal pericytes in MCI and more significantly in AD (Fig. [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}u), and a significant inverse correlation with retinal PDGFRβ (Fig. [6](#Fig6){ref-type="fig"}v). Discussion {#Sec24} ========== In this study, we identified cellular and molecular changes involved in retinal vascular pathology in AD. Elastase-based enzymatic digestion, isolation, and clearance of retinal vascular network was applied to prevent possible interference of abluminal retinal tissue. This approach revealed the localization of retinal Aβ deposits within blood vessels, measured their accumulation including within pericytes, and established retinal pericyte loss in postmortem retinas of AD patients. Using murine models of AD and comparing between isolated retinal blood vessels from perfused and non-perfused animals, we demonstrated accumulation of Aβ in blood vessels, regardless of circulating Aβ in the blood. In a larger cohort of human eye donors, we mapped and quantitatively assessed various AD-related vascular parameters, such as PDGFRβ expression and Aβ burden, in anatomically pre-defined retinal subregions and layers. In the analysis of vertical blood vessels, by avoiding Aβ signal in the lumen, which may have originated from blood circulation, we were able to detect increased retinal vascular Aβ~40~ and Aβ~42~ burden in AD. We also demonstrated the existence of retinal Aβ accumulation in three layers of blood vessel walls. In this study, we identified early and progressive loss of pericytes and vascular PDGFRβ expression in postmortem retinas from MCI and AD patients. Deficient PDGFRβ expression in the AD retina was tightly linked with increased retinal vascular Aβ~40~ and Aβ~42~ burden, and, importantly, was associated with CAA severity scores, brain Aβ plaques, and cognitive status. Along with elevated vascular amyloid deposits, retinal blood vessel cells had reduced LRP-1 expression and retinal pericytes showed elevated apoptotic biomarkers (cleaved caspase-3 and TUNEL), suggesting that vascular retinal pericytes undergo apoptosis and may have impaired LRP-1-mediated Aβ clearance in the AD retina. Our findings of early and extensive Aβ-associated retinal vascular PDGFRβ^+^ pericyte degeneration in MCI and AD mirror a prominent feature of brain AD pathology \[[@CR11]\]. This feature was implicated in progressive BBB abnormalities, including insufficient Aβ clearance and neuronal damage \[[@CR23], [@CR28]\]. Together with previous identification of Aβ deposits and p-tau in the retina of AD patients \[[@CR3], [@CR25], [@CR37], [@CR46]--[@CR48], [@CR50], [@CR63]\], these novel retinal vascular findings further establish the retina as a tissue affected by AD. Given that the neurosensory retina is an extension of the brain and far more accessible for visualization via noninvasive imaging at sub-cellular resolution \[[@CR2], [@CR52]\], the current study is expected to contribute to the understanding of retinal vascular pathophysiology of AD and guide developments of next-generation retinal biomarker imaging for AD. In our cohort, an early increase of retinal Aβ~42~ deposits in vertical vessel walls (with lumen exclusion) was detected in MCI as compared to CN controls. This result, together with vascular Aβ~42~ levels already notable in CN individuals, suggests early retinal vascular Aβ~42~ deposits in the AD continuum and perhaps less efficient clearance compared to retinal Aβ~40~. Although both Aβ alloforms exhibit increased trends in retinal blood vessels of MCI when compared to CN, the fold changes in vascular Aβ~40~ between AD vs. CN controls were substantially higher than the respective increases for vascular Aβ~42~. These data suggest that during AD pathogenesis, Aβ~40~ is more prominently elevated in retinal blood vessels than Aβ~42~. Future studies should evaluate which alloform, Aβ~40~ or Aβ~42~ in blood vessels, accumulates earlier in the retina and may affect vascular abnormalities related to AD. Importantly, the correlations between both vascular Aβ alloforms and PDGFRβ loss were significant, with a stronger correlation to Aβ~42~, possibly due to increased Aβ~42~ toxicity to pericytes. In murine models of AD, brain Aβ~42~ was detected within pericytes and was associated with pericyte loss \[[@CR55], [@CR66]\]. Further supporting this idea is our observation that retinal Aβ~42~ in MCI and AD is found inside residual punctate-stained PDGFRβ^+^ pericytes. A similar phenomenon was described in cerebral pericytes which were involved in Aβ~42~ clearance \[[@CR55]\]. Other evidence for deposition of Aβ in retinal pericytes was provided in this study from quantification of Aβ in pericytes of isolated retinal blood vessels and by utilizing TEM analysis on retinal vertical sections. These findings suggest that similar to the brain, retinal pericytes may be susceptible to Aβ~42~ toxicity and play a role in its clearance in the retina. Nonetheless, these phenomena with possible implications to retinal Aβ~40~ and Aβ~42~ clearance mechanisms are poorly understood and warrant future investigations. Our results have shown early and intense apoptosis of pericytes, as well as a decrease in PDGFRβ expression in pericytes and vSMCs. Brain pericytes and vSMCs are critical in regulating blood flow and BBB integrity \[[@CR71]\]. Since PDGFRβ is expressed by both pericytes and vSMCs \[[@CR38], [@CR71], [@CR79]\], and its signaling pathway is crucial for regulating pericyte recruitment \[[@CR10], [@CR17]\], our results of PDGFRβ loss in postmortem retina from MCI patients suggest an early compromised vascular integrity during the AD continuum, similar to that found in the brain \[[@CR11], [@CR24], [@CR81]\]. Previously, brain pericyte loss and BBB breakdown were reported in AD patients \[[@CR66], [@CR83]\]. Additionally, in PDGFRβ^F7/F7^ mice, PDGFRβ deficiency led to brain pericyte reduction, resulting in both microvascular disruption and loss \[[@CR80]\]. While vSMC actin was found to be reduced in AD brains \[[@CR30]\], another report demonstrated disrupted PDGFRβ signaling and pericyte loss in PDGFRβ^F7/F7^ mice with no vSMC loss \[[@CR61]\]. In the current study, we noted loss of retinal PDGFRβ staining in both vertical and longitudinal blood vessels, suggesting that both pericytes and vSMCs are affected in AD. Based on the separate analysis of small-size longitudinal capillaries and post-capillary venules \[[@CR71]\], our data indicate substantial retinal PDGFRβ losses in pericytes from MCI and AD. The analysis of vertical vessels suggested significant retinal PDGFRβ losses in both pericytes and vSMCs. Future studies should identify which type of retinal vascular cells, pericytes or vSMCs, are more susceptible to injury due to AD, assess their connection with cerebral vascular abnormalities, and evaluate their impact on blood--retinal barrier integrity. Previous studies identified a LRP-1-dependent mechanism of cerebral Aβ~42~ clearance in both brain vSMCs \[[@CR30]\] and pericytes \[[@CR55]\]. Cerebral LRP-1-mediated Aβ~40~ and Aβ~42~ clearance through apolipoprotein E isoforms-specific mechanism was further identified for PDGFRβ^+^ pericytes \[[@CR55], [@CR66]\]. In addition, a reduction in LRP-1 levels was reported in AD brains along with significant decreases in cortical neurons and vascular structures \[[@CR41], [@CR70]\]. In our study, a significant decrease (32%) of vascular LRP-1 expression was detected in postmortem retinas from AD patients. Together with this significant decrease, the trend of correlation between retinal vascular LRP-1 reduction and retinal Aβ~40~ accumulation may implicate a compromised retinal LRP-1-mediated Aβ~40~ clearance. These findings warrant future exploration of whether LRP-1 loss occurs later in disease progression, as a result of Aβ deposition, pericyte degeneration, or other earlier vascular abnormalities in the AD retina. In this study, we found that retinal vascular amyloid burden consists of Aβ~42~ and Aβ~40~ alloforms, which is comparable to CAA composition in AD and MCI patients. Although both Aβ~42~ and Aβ~40~ are involved in CAA development \[[@CR40], [@CR56]\], Aβ~40~ has long been known to be the main alloform \[[@CR57]\], and its accumulation associates with CAA progression \[[@CR4]\]. Hence, due to its primary involvement in vascular amyloidosis and its distribution in various retinal layers, we quantified and mapped the spatial and layer distribution of total retinal Aβ~40~ burden. Importantly, the existence of retinal Aβ~1--40~ peptide was validated by a highly sensitive and specific sandwich ELISA and its significant accumulation in the temporal hemiretina of AD versus CN controls was demonstrated. Moreover, elevated Aβ~40~ burden in blood vessels from AD donors was further confirmed by commercial and proprietary (JRF/cAβ~40/28~) monoclonal antibodies specific to the C-terminal amino acid sequence of Aβ~40~ peptides, detected by both fluorescent and non-fluorescent labeling methods. Our results in postmortem retinas from MCI and AD patients show that Aβ~40~ deposition is detected in three layers of the vessel wall: tunica intima, media, and adventitia. Overall, the increased retinal Aβ~40~ burden may suggest Aβ-mediated toxicity to vascular cells that could lead to complications similar to CAA, including vessel wall fragmentation and blood leakage. Future studies should address this possibility. Here, we observed a sevenfold increase in total Aβ~40~ burden in postmortem retinas of AD patients as compared to CN individuals, which was comparable with the increase in vascular Aβ~40~ burden. The significant correlation between the two parameters suggests that retinal vascular Aβ~40~ burden may be an outcome of total retinal Aβ~40~ accumulation. The abundance of apoptotic cell markers, TUNEL and cleaved caspase-3, in the nuclei of retinal pericytes of both MCI and AD, and the correlations with PDGFRβ loss and Aβ~40~ burden, may indicate that some aspects of retinal vascular abnormality are linked with increased total Aβ~40~ burden in the retina. All four retinal quadrants exhibited significantly higher total retinal Aβ~40~ burden in the AD group compared to both MCI and CN groups, with the highest 9.7-fold increase observed in the TI quadrant. Further, levels of Aβ~40~ in central retinal subregions were significantly higher compared to those measured in retinal far-periphery of AD. Importantly, over 90% of Aβ~40~ burden was concentrated in the inner retina compared to the outer retina, with signs of propagation from inner to outer retina during disease progression. These data corroborate previous observations of frequent Aβ deposits in inner retinal layers of AD and may explain excessive degeneration seen in RGCs and RNFL, as detected by histology and OCT \[[@CR6], [@CR26], [@CR47], [@CR50], [@CR72], [@CR82]\]. The buildup of Aβ~40~ in the central and inner retinal layers follows the pattern of highly dense retinal blood vessels in these regions and strengthens the possible link between Aβ accumulation, toxicity, and blood vessel disruptions \[[@CR44], [@CR45]\]. In addition, the substantial loss of PDGFRβ, especially in the ST and TI quadrants that colocalized with retinal vascular amyloidosis, and previous corroborating data indicating significant abnormalities in the ST and TI regions, imply that inner cellular layers in the central temporal hemiretina are more susceptible to AD pathological processes \[[@CR6], [@CR26], [@CR47], [@CR50], [@CR82]\]. Retinal vascular Aβ~40~, vascular Aβ~42~, and total Aβ~40~ parameters appeared to correlate significantly with retinal PDGFRβ loss, suggesting their independent role in pericyte/vSMC toxicity and that the loss of these vascular cells may have direct effects on Aβ clearance and its vascular accumulation. Unexpectedly, retinal vascular Aβ~42~ correlated significantly with CAA scores, whereas retinal vascular and total Aβ~40~ only showed trends of significance with CAA severity. The limitation of these correlations is that the neuropathological reports with CAA scores were available for a smaller subset of human donors. Nevertheless, these findings possibly point to shared mechanisms of retinal and cerebral vascular Aβ~42~ accumulation, but independent mechanisms of vascular Aβ~40~ accumulation in the retina. It is intriguing that both vascular alloforms significantly correlated with Aβ plaque burden in the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, and visual cortex---brain regions highly impacted by AD. Further, our data indicated retinal vascular PDGFRβ and Aβ~40~ burden as leading parameters to distinguish between MCI/AD and CN diagnostic groups, suggesting they may predict AD status. Given the morphological and physiological similarities between the BRB and BBB \[[@CR64], [@CR75]\], the loss of PDGFRβ^+^ pericytes along with Aβ deposits in retinal microvasculature and the associations with CAA and cognitive status point to the connection between retinal and brain pathology in AD. To summarize, this study identifies early and progressive pericyte loss, compromised PDGFRβ expression, and vascular Aβ accumulation in postmortem retina of MCI and AD patients along with their significant correlation to cerebral pathology and cognitive decline. These results extensively impact our knowledge on early signs of retinal vascular AD pathology and the potential implications of disease progression. Damaged BRB-mediated ocular metabolism and subsequent vascular leakage are pivotal pathogenic activities implicated in multiple retinal microvascular diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and age-mediated macular degeneration \[[@CR20], [@CR53]\]. Our data suggest that traditional retinal vascular disease-related BRB pathologies may also be vastly involved in the AD retina. The discovery of pathogenic Aβ deposits and early pericyte loss in retinal blood vessels of MCI and AD could shed light onto the pathophysiological mechanisms of vascular disruption, increased BRB permeability, insufficient blood supply, disrupted immune responses, and neuronal degeneration. In light of the recent advances in live imaging of retinal blood microvessels (OCT angiography) \[[@CR26], [@CR42], [@CR62], [@CR82]\], pericyte imaging using adaptive optics \[[@CR68]\], and retinal amyloid imaging \[[@CR35], [@CR47]\], these results should lead to future development of noninvasive retinal vascular amyloid and pericyte imaging technologies to facilitate early screening and monitoring of AD. Electronic supplementary material ================================= {#Sec25} Below is the link to the electronic supplementary material. Supplementary file1 (PDF 71261 kb) **Publisher\'s Note** Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. We thank Mia Oviatt and Kamlesh Asotra for help with manuscript editing and Janssen Pharmaceutica for providing antibody JRF/cAβ 40/28 \# 8152 to detect c-terminus-specific Aβ~40~ alloforms. We thank Samuel Fuchs for Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}a illustration. The authors dedicate the manuscript to the memory of Salomon Moni Hamaoui and Lillian Jones Black, who died of Alzheimer's disease. HS performed experiments, data collection and analysis, and wrote and edited the manuscript. YK performed experiments, collected data, and wrote the manuscript. AR performed experiments and analyzed data. JS and DF performed experiments. GCR and NM helped with figure illustrations and data analysis. KLB and OMD assisted with data interpretation and manuscript editing. CAM collected donor eyes and brains, performed brain pathology assessments, and provided extensive neuropathological reports. AVL and AAK provided donor eyes and clinical reports and edited the manuscript. DRH, EB, and ARR performed TEM experiments. MKH was responsible for study conception and design, data analysis and interpretation, study supervision, and manuscript writing and editing. All authors have read and approved of this manuscript. National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health R01 AG055865 and R01 AG056478 (M.K.H.), R01 EY13431 (A.V.L.), The Saban and The Marciano Private Foundations (M.K.H.). The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, upon reasonable request. YK, MKH, and KLB are co-founders and stockholders of NeuroVision Imaging, Inc., 1395 Garden Highway, Suite 250, Sacramento, CA 95833, USA. AVL and KLB are stockholders and/or officers of Arrogene Nanotechnology, Inc., 8560 West Sunset Boulevard, Suite 424, Los Angeles, CA 90069, USA.
\section{Introduction} Disclosure avoidance (DA) systems are methods used to protect confidentiality while still enabling data analyses and dissemination. These techniques are used in various fields, such as economics, public health, social science, and data science, and have a long history in censuses and other data collection efforts. For example, the US Census Bureau has leveraged various traditional DA techniques from the 1930 decennial release on. These include suppressing certain tables based on the number of people or households in a given area and swapping data in records with similar characteristics. While traditional confidentiality measures, such as suppression \citep{kelly1992cell}, swapping \citep{dalenius1982data}, and k-anonymity \citep{sweeney2002k} are important for protecting against accidental or intentional disclosure, they lack formal guarantees that quantify the privacy risks that individuals incur upon data releases. This is important as it restricts the ability of participants to assess the impact of these protections on published data. In contrast, differential privacy (DP) \citep{Dwork:06} is a \emph{relatively newer} DA that provides a rigorous definition of privacy and allows for quantifiable privacy guarantees. In differential privacy, the privacy of an individual is preserved by adding noise to their data in a controlled way. Such a process ensures that the participation of an individual in a dataset does not significantly affect the results of subsequent queries. Marking a significant shift towards more rigorous privacy protections, the US Census has recently adopted differential privacy for the 2020 Census release. However, it is worth noting that many other data agencies and organizations still rely on traditional disclosure avoidance systems to protect the confidentiality of their data. While these approaches can be effective at protecting against accidental or intentional disclosures, it is unclear what privacy guarantees they provide when compared to differential privacy. On the other hand, while differential privacy can provide stronger privacy guarantees than traditional disclosure avoidance systems, it may come with a cost in terms of accuracy and fairness \citep{kuppam2019fair,Fioretto:IJCAIa,Fioretto:IJCAI22a}, a topic of considerable debate recently. Given that these DA are used to release data products that inform decisions with significant societal and economic consequences, it is essential to conduct a rigorous comparison of traditional DA and differential privacy in terms of privacy, bias, and fairness. However, one of the challenges faced in this comparison is the absence of a standardized framework for evaluating privacy protections. Differential privacy offers a rigorous definition of privacy and enables quantifiable privacy guarantees. On the other hand, traditional disclosure avoidance techniques may not have a distinct set of privacy metrics, making it challenging to directly compare the level of privacy protection they offer. \begin{figure*}[!t] \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{scheme3.pdf} \caption{\label{fig:scheme} Illustration of the various traditional DA mechanisms.} \end{figure*} \paragraph{Contributions} This paper aims at addressing this challenge: it proposes a framework for comparing traditional DA to differential privacy and makes four distinct contributions. (1) It first proposes {\em carefully randomized} versions of three widely adopted {\em traditional} DA: suppression, swapping, and k-anonymity. The resulting randomized mechanisms can then be analyzed rigorously. In particular, the paper derives $(\epsilon,\delta)$-differential privacy bounds for these new mechanisms and demonstrates that they are close to their traditional counterparts in terms of accuracy. (2) The paper then derives bounds for the bias of the new DA mechanisms, allowing for a direct comparison with classical differential privacy techniques for which such bounds exist. (3) Next, the paper analyzes the fairness impact induced by the considered DA systems and shows that the fairness violations incurred by the randomized DA algorithms are close to those of their traditional counterparts. (4) Finally, it provides an extensive empirical analysis of the performance of the new DA mechanisms and a comparison with two classical differentially private algorithms on data release and classification tasks. {\em From a broader perspective, the paper demonstrates that, contrary to popular belief, classical differential privacy mechanisms may be superior to traditional disclosure avoidance systems in important data release and learning tasks in terms of accuracy and fairness for the same privacy levels}. As a consequence, the results of this study have the potential to impact the way in which data agencies and organizations approach disclosure avoidance: indeed, it provides the first framework for comparing the relative strengths and limitations of traditional DA and differential privacy. \section{Problem Setting} The paper considers datasets of $m$ records with $d$ attributes, $A_1,\dots,A_d$. Each record is a $d$-dimensional tuple of attributes associated with a unique individual from a data universe $\mathcal{X}\coloneqq \prod_{i=1}^d \dom{A_i}$, where $\dom{A}$ represents the collection of all the possible values for the attribute $A$. For convenience, assume that $\mathcal{X} = \{\bm{a}_1, \ldots, \bm{a}_n\}$, with $n$ being the size of the data universe $\mathcal{X}$, and consider the \emph{histogram} $\bm{x}(D) \in \mathbb{N}^n_+$ of dataset $D$, whose $i^{th}$ entry $x_i(D)$ represents the count of the individual records with the combination of attributes $\bm{a}_i$. When there is no ambiguity, the dataset $D$ is omitted in the expression $\bm{x}(D)$ for simplicity. Additionally, and without loss of generality, the histogram $\bm{x}$ is assumed to be sorted in some increasing order, i.e., $x_i\leq x_j$, for any $i<j$. Finally, each entry of the histogram $\bm{x}$ is assumed to be bounded by a value $B > 0$, i.e., $\bm{x}\in [B]^n$. Consider, for example, the illustration in Figure \ref{fig:scheme}(a); The dataset $D$ contains records with three attributes: (geographic) ``Block'', ``Gender'', and ``Voting Age''. The associated histogram is illustrated in Figure \ref{fig:scheme}(b). In this instance, the attribute ``Gender'', when combined with external information like ``Zip code'', can become personally identifying information and thus is known as a \emph{quasi-identifier} (QI) while the remaining attributes are referred to as \emph{non-quasi-identifiers}. Throughout the paper, the sets of quasi-identifiers and non-quasi-identifiers are denoted by $Q$ and $N$, respectively. Given a record $\bm{a}$ and a set $S$ of attributes, $\bm{a}[S]$ is the vector of values for attributes $S$ in $\bm{a}$. The goal of the paper is to analyze the privacy, utility, and fairness properties of traditional disclosure avoidance systems (reviewed in the next section) on the task of releasing a privacy-preserving version $\tilde{\bm{x}}(D)$ of the histogram $\bm{x}(D)$. The notion of privacy considered in this paper is that of differential privacy, which is reviewed in the next section. The notions of utility and fairness central to the analysis rely on the concept of (statistical) \emph{bias}. For any entry $i\in [n]$, the bias associated with a mechanism $\mathcal{M}$ is \[ \mathcal{B}(\mathcal{M})_{i}=\EE{}{\mathcal{M}(D)_i}-x_i(D)\,, \] where the expectation is taken over the randomness of the mechanism, and \( \bias{\mathcal{M}}=\left[ \begin{matrix} \biasi{\mathcal{M}}{1}&\dots&\biasi{\mathcal{M}}{n} \end{matrix} \right]. \) Fairness is defined as the maximal difference in biases across the histogram entries. \begin{definition}[$\alpha$-fairness \citep{ijcai2022p559}]\label{def:a-fair} A mechanism $\mathcal{M}$ is said to be $\alpha$-fair if the maximum difference among the biases is bounded by $\alpha$, i.e., \begin{equation*} \lVert\bias{\mathcal{M}}\rVert_{\rightleftharpoons} = \max_{i\in[n]}~\biasi{\mathcal{M}}{i}-\min_{i\in[n]}~\biasi{\mathcal{M}}{i}\leq \alpha. \end{equation*} \end{definition} \section{DA for Private Data Release} \label{sec:das} This section provides an overview of the prevalent DA methods utilized by data agencies to safeguard sensitive information within datasets. To comply with space limitations, the paper reports the proofs of all theorems in the appendix. \paragraph{Differential Privacy.} Differential privacy (DP) \citep{Dwork:06} is a strong privacy notion used to quantify and bound the privacy loss of an individual participation to a computation. Informally, it states that the probability of any output does not change much when a record is changed from a dataset, limiting the amount of information that the output reveals about any individual. The action of changing a record from a dataset $D$, resulting in a new dataset $D'$, defines the notion of \emph{adjacency}, denoted $D \sim D'$. \begin{definition} \label{dp-def} A mechanism $\mathcal{M} \!:\! \mathcal{D} \!\to\! \mathcal{R}$ with domain $\mathcal{D}$ and range $\mathcal{R}$ is $(\epsilon, \delta)$-differentially private, if, for any two inputs $D \sim D' \!\in\! \mathcal{D}$, and any subset of output responses $R \subseteq \mathcal{R}$: \[ \Pr[\mathcal{M}(D) \in R ] \leq e^{\epsilon} \Pr[\mathcal{M}(D') \in R ] + \delta. \] \end{definition} \noindent Parameter $\epsilon > 0$ describes the \emph{privacy loss} of the algorithm, with values close to $0$ denoting strong privacy, while parameter $\delta \in [0,1)$ captures the probability of failure of the algorithm to satisfy $\epsilon$-DP. In particular, the \emph{Laplace mechanism} for histogram data release, defined by \( \mathcal{M}_{\text{Lap}}(\bm{x}) = \bm{x} + \text{Lap}(\nicefrac{2}{\epsilon}), \) \noindent where $\text{Lap}(\eta)$ is the Laplace distribution centered at 0 and with scaling factor $\eta$, satisfies $(\epsilon, 0)$-DP. Additionally, the \emph{discrete Gaussian mechanism} \citep{canonne2020discrete}, defined by \( \mathcal{M}_{\text{Gaus}}(\bm{x}) = \bm{x} + \mathcal{N}_{\mathbb{Z}}(0, \nicefrac{4}{\epsilon^2}), \) where $\mathcal{N}_\mathbb{Z}(0, \sigma)$ is the discrete Gaussian distribution with $0$ mean and standard deviation $\sigma$, satisfies $(\frac{1}{2}\epsilon^2 + \epsilon \sqrt{2 \log(\nicefrac{1}{\delta})}, \delta)$-DP. We next discuss three predominant traditional DA systems which, in contrast to differential privacy, do not provide formal bounds on privacy leakage. \paragraph{Cell suppression.} The cell suppression technique \citep{kelly1992cell}, frequently employed by statistical agencies (e.g., \citep{mog}), aims at concealing the low-frequency counts in histograms before data dissemination. \begin{definition} Given a histogram $\bm{x}$ and a threshold value $k$, cell suppression returns a private histogram $\tilde{\bm{x}}$ with entries \begin{equation}\label{eq:cell_suppression} \tilde{\bm{x}}_i = \max\left\{\bm{x}_i, \nicefrac{k}{2}\right\}. \end{equation} \end{definition} \noindent Figure~\ref{fig:scheme}(c) illustrates the application of cell suppression with threshold value $k=2$ to the histogram of Figure~\ref{fig:scheme}(b). The affected row counts are highlighted in red. A significant limitation of this approach is that it only protects sensitive attributes with a low number of records while neglecting others. \paragraph{Swapping.} Swapping \citep{dalenius1982data} is a mechanism that swaps the values of a set of sensitive attributes (the quasi-identifiers) in a record with those of another record. Informally speaking, the basic steps of the algorithms can be summarized as follows: \begin{enumerate}[leftmargin=*, parsep=0pt, itemsep=0pt, topsep=2pt] \item Select multiple pairs of records in the histogram with probability proportional to their discrepancies; \item Swap the values of the quasi-identifiers attributes for each selected pair of records. \end{enumerate} \noindent Like cell suppression, swapping produces a privacy-preserving histogram $\tilde{\bm{x}}$. However, contrary to cell suppression (and differential privacy mechanisms), swapping requires a piece of additional information: the quasi-identifier attributes of the dataset. Figure~\ref{fig:scheme}(d) illustrates the application of swapping where two rows are swapped, using ``Gender'' as the quasi-identifier attribute (see figure (a)). The affected row counts are highlighted in red. While swapping has been commonly used, for example by the US Census Bureau, to swap similar individuals within close geographies, it is not immune to reconstruction attacks \citep{garfinkel2019understanding}. \paragraph{$k$-anonymity.\!\!\!\!} Next, $k$-anonymity protects sensitive data in a dataset by ensuring that each record in the dataset is indistinguishable from at least $k-1$ other records. \begin{definition}[$k$-Anonymity \citep{sweeney2002k}]\label{def:k-anonymity} A dataset satisfies $k$-anonymity, relative to a set of the quasi-identifiers, if and only if when the dataset is projected to include only quasi-identifiers, every record appears at least $k$ times. \end{definition} The basic idea behind $k$-anonymity is to generalize certain identifying attributes of individuals in the dataset such that each group of individuals with similar characteristics contains at least $k$ individuals. An outline of the algorithm is provided below (a formal description is given in Appendix~\ref{app:sec:DA_alg}): \begin{enumerate}[leftmargin=*, parsep=0pt, itemsep=0pt, topsep=2pt] \item define a \emph{hierarchy} $H$ for each quasi-identifier; \item constructs a histogram that lists the number of records for each combination of quasi-identifiers; \item suppress the combinations in the generalization histogram that have fewer than $k$ instances. \item release the resulting histogram $\tilde{\bm{x}}(D, H)$. \end{enumerate} An important observation is that, contrary to the previous methods reviewed, $k$-anonymity produces a privacy-preserving histogram $\tilde{\bm{x}}(D,H)$ in a different space than $\mathcal{X}$. This important observation will be relevant in the error analysis. It additionally requires access to quasi-identifier attributes as well as a generalization histogram. Figure~\ref{fig:scheme}(e) illustrates the application of $k$-anonymity with $k\!=\!2$ to the histogram of Figure~\ref{fig:scheme}(b), using a generalization hierarchy grouping Males and Females into a single attribute. Despite being widely adopted to publish statistics and medical data, k-anonymity does not prevent re-identification attacks that exploit external public data \citep{li2011provably}. \section{DA Analysis Roadmap} \label{sec:roadmap} This section outlines the methodology followed in the rest of the paper. Section~\ref{sec:privacy_analysis} presents DP counterparts to traditional DA systems, including cell suppression, swapping, and k-anonymity. It aims to show that these DP counterparts preserve the main characteristics of the original mechanisms and provide an analysis of their privacy and errors under a unified privacy setting of histogram data release $\tilde{\bm{x}}(D)$. It is important to note that classical DP algorithms (e.g., Laplace mechanism) and cell suppression, make no assumptions about data attributes. In contrast, swapping relies on the use of quasi-identifiers, and $k$-anonymity further requires a generalization hierarchy This hierarchy forces k-anonymity to produce a histogram $\tilde{\bm{x}}(D,H)$ in a different space than that of $\tilde{\bm{x}}(D)$. While this does not affect the privacy analysis, which allows for a meaningful comparison across all mechanisms, it challenges the evaluation of the performance of these techniques. The paper addresses this challenge by also presenting a unified empirical framework for comparing the errors and biases of the various techniques in terms of the original data space $\mathcal{X}$. This necessitates a reconstruction step for k-anonymity, which is outlined in Appendix~\ref{app:dp_kanonimity}. It is important to recognize that, while the DP DA mechanisms share many characteristics with their traditional DA counterparts, {\em they should not be considered as ``noisy'' versions of them}. As a result, the analytical and experimental results presented may not necessarily show a decrease in error as the privacy budget increases. In fact, they may even be more precise than the traditional mechanisms for some privacy budgets. Next, we present the DP versions of the traditional DA systems and their privacy analyses. These analyses specify the value of the $\delta$ parameter for a given value of $\epsilon$. Section~\ref{sec:fairness} analyzes the fairness results. Finally, Section~\ref{sec:experiments} presents an experimental evaluation on an extract of the American Community Survey (ACS) data \citep{SDNist}. \section{Privacy and Errors Analysis} \label{sec:privacy_analysis} This section presents the first main contribution of the paper. It introduces differentially private counterparts to the DA presented earlier and analyzes their privacy guarantees and errors. The section starts with a technical lemma that specifies a sufficient condition for $(\epsilon,\delta)$-DP. The lemma is a critical tool to derive the privacy guarantees of the randomized versions of the DA discussed next. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:dp_cond} Let $D$, $D'$ be datasets such that $D\sim D'$, let $S$ be defined as \begin{equation*} S\coloneqq\left\{\bm{o}~\middle\vert~ \frac{\pr{\mathcal{M}(D)=\bm{o}}}{\pr{\mathcal{M}(D')=\bm{o}}}\leq\exp(\epsilon) \right\}\, \end{equation*} and let $S^\complement$ denote the complement set of $S$. If \begin{equation*} \pr{\mathcal{M}(D)\in S^\complement}\leq \delta\,, \end{equation*} then mechanism $\mathcal{M}$ is $(\epsilon,\delta)$-differentially private. \end{lemma} \subsection{Differentially Private Cell Suppression} \label{sec:cell_suppression} While cell suppression protects the privacy of the minorities of the dataset, it neglects the privacy protection of the majorities and thus does not satisfy the requirements of differential privacy. Indeed, the deterministic nature of this mechanism prevents it from generating different outputs for two neighboring datasets. An extended discussion is deferred to Appendix~\ref{app:sec:DA_alg}. To address this issue, the paper introduces a randomized version of cell suppression, referred to as \emph{DP cell suppression}. This mechanism, denoted by $\cM_{\text{CS}}$, releases a private count for every $i \in [n]$ as follows: \begin{equation} \label{eq:DPsuppression} \cM_{\text{CS}}(D)_i = \hat{x}_i = \begin{cases} x_i & \text{if } x_i+\eta_i \geq k, \\ \nicefrac{k}{2} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}, \end{equation} where $\eta_i \sim \lap{2/\epsilon}$ is an additive noise variable drawn from a 0-centered Laplace distribution with factor $\nicefrac{2}{\epsilon}$ and $k$ is the cell suppression threshold. Mechanism $\cM_{\text{CS}}$ has similarities with the \textsl{Sparse Vector Technique} (SVT) \citep{dwork2014algorithmic} which, given a sequence of queries and a real-valued threshold, outputs a vector indicating whether each (noisy) query answer is above or below the corresponding (noisy) threshold. However, there are three fundamental differences: (1) $\cM_{\text{CS}}$, does not perturb the threshold value $k$; (2) it generates numeric outputs in contrast to binary outputs of \textsl{SVT}; and (3) it reports true counts rather than noisy counts, as long as the noisy counts are above the threshold (first condition of Equation~\eqref{eq:DPsuppression}). Figure~\ref{fig:error}(left) reports the empirical errors of $\cM_{\text{CS}}$ for several threshold values $k$ ($x$-axis) and $\epsilon$ parameters. The errors are given for the ACS Massachusetts dataset \citep{SDNist} (described in details in Appendix~\ref{app:datasets}): they report the $\ell_1$ distances $\| \tilde{\bm{x}} - \bm{x}\|_1$ between the histograms of the cell suppression and its DP counterpart. Notice how close the errors incurred by $\cM_{\text{CS}}$ are with respect to the original mechanism. This is important as it enables a meaningful comparison of $\cM_{\text{CS}}$ and other DP mechanisms, since $\cM_{\text{CS}}$ has a similar bias as the traditional cell suppression that is currently widely adopted by statistical agencies and organizations. \paragraph{Privacy Analysis.} The next theorem reports the privacy guarantee provided by $\cM_{\text{CS}}$. \begin{figure*}[!t] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{MA_DP_Suppression_Utility_Errors_Decimal.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.37 \textwidth]{swap_comparison.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{MA_kAnonymity_Utility_Errors_Decimal.pdf} \caption{MA ACS dataset: Errors $\Vert \tilde{\bm{x}}- \bm{x}\Vert_1$ for cell suppression (left), swapping (center) and $k$-anonymity (right) and their differentially private counterparts (average of 200 repetitions).} \label{fig:error} \end{figure*} \begin{theorem}\label{thm:sup_dp_param} Given a value $\epsilon > 0$ and a threshold $k<B$, mechanism $\cM_{\text{CS}}$ is $(\epsilon,\delta)$-differentially private with \[ \delta= 1-\frac{1}{4}\exp\left(-\epsilon(B-k)\right)\,, \] where $B$ is a bound on the histogram entries. \end{theorem} \paragraph{Error Analysis.} Having examined privacy, the paper shows how close the histograms $\tilde{\bm{x}}$ returned by $\cM_{\text{CS}}$ are to the original histogram $\bm{x}$. The error analysis focuses on the statistical bias which, for each entry $i\in[n]$, can be expressed as \begin{equation*} \resizebox{.99\linewidth}{!}{$ \displaystyle \biasi{\cM_{\text{CS}}}{i} =\EE{}{\cM_{\text{CS}}(D)_i}-x_i =\left(\frac{k}{2}-x_i\right)\cdot \pr{x_i+\eta_i<k}. $} \end{equation*}% \noindent Observe that the error merely takes place when the noisy count is below the threshold $k$ and is quantified as the difference between half of the threshold and the true count. Therefore, the following theorem relates the errors associated with $\cM_{\text{CS}}$ with the probabilities of noisy counts being below the threshold, and the differences between half of the threshold and the counts of the original histogram. \begin{theorem}\label{prop:sup_bias_bound} The statistical bias of the DP cell suppression mechanism $\cM_{\text{CS}}$ can be bounded as follows, \begin{equation*} \lVert \bias{\cM_{\text{CS}}}\rVert_1\leq \left\lVert \nicefrac{k}{2}\cdot \bm{1}_n - \bm{x}\right\rVert_2 \cdot \left\Vert \bm{p}\right\rVert_2\,, \end{equation*} where $\bm{p}$ is a shorthand for the vector \begin{equation}\label{eq:p_vector} \bm{p}\coloneqq\left[ \begin{matrix} \pr{x_1+\eta_1<k}&\dots&\pr{x_n+\eta_n<k} \end{matrix} \right]. \end{equation} \end{theorem} \noindent \subsection{Differentially Private Swapping}\label{subsec:dpswap} Despite its randomized nature, the swapping mechanism fails to meet the requirements of differential privacy. To illustrate its failure, let us take a look at an instance of two neighboring datasets $D$ and $D'$. Suppose that $D'$ has a record, say $\bm{a}_1$, which does not match any record in $D$ for any attribute $A\in Q$. No matter how swapping is performed, it cannot generate a record $\bm{a}_1$ from the input dataset $D$. To obtain a DP counterpart to swapping, {\em it is thus critical to reason about the universe of quasi-identifiers, not simply the set of quasi-identifiers present in the database.} Let $\cX_{\qi} = \{\bm{q}_1,\dots,\bm{q}_{\qiattrs}\}$ denote the data universe of quasi-identifiers. Instead of swapping quasi-identifiers, the mechanism will randomly choose some quasi-identifiers from $\cX_{\qi}$. The mechanism, referred to as DP swapping and denoted by $\mathcal{M}_{\text{SW}}$, works as follows: for every $\bm{a}_i \in \mathcal{X}$, consider the pair $(\bm{a}_i, x_i)$ denoting the tuple and its associated count in the histogram $\bm{x}$. $\mathcal{M}_{\text{SW}}$ defines $\tilde{\bm{a}}_i[N] = \bm{a}_i[N]$ and \begin{equation} \label{eq:dp_swap_def} \tilde{\bm{a}}_i[Q] = \begin{cases} \bm{a}_i[Q] & \text{w.p. } \gamma = \frac{\exp(\epsilon)}{\exp(\epsilon)+n_Q-1}, \\ \text{Uniform}(\cX_{\qi}\setminus \bm{a}_i[Q]) & \text{w.p. } 1 - \gamma \end{cases} \end{equation} where $\text{Uniform}(C)$ denotes the uniform probability over the event space $C$. The result of the step above may create multiple entries $(\tilde{\bm{a}}_i, x_i)$ and $(\tilde{\bm{a}}_j, x_j)$ with $\tilde{\bm{a}}_i = \tilde{\bm{a}}_j$. The procedure collapses all such tuples by summing the various $x_i$ and $x_j$. The induced sub-histogram is then extended to a histogram $\tilde{\bm{x}}$. Notice that $\mathcal{M}_{\text{SW}}$ only modifies quasi-identifiers and produces a private histogram $\tilde{\bm{x}}(\tilde{D})$, similarly to what done by the original swapping algorithm. Figure~\ref{fig:error} (center) compares the $\ell_1$ distances $\| \tilde{\bm{x}} - \bm{x}\|_1$ between the histograms generated by $\cM_{\text{SW}}$ and its traditional counterpart for various amounts of rows swapped (in \%) and parameters $\epsilon$. Once again, observe how close the errors of the two mechanisms are. \paragraph{Privacy analysis.} Recall that differential privacy protects the disclosure of any individual user participating in the dataset. On the other hand, DP swapping operates at the level of a histogram count and it does so in way which impedes an analysis relying on pure $(\epsilon, 0)$-DP. The privacy analysis of $\mathcal{M}_{\text{SW}}$ is reported in the following theorem. \begin{theorem}\label{thm:new_pram_dp_param} For a given $\epsilon > 0$, the $\mathcal{M}_{\text{SW}}$ algorithm is $\left(\epsilon,\delta\right)$-DP with $\delta$ given by \begin{equation*} 1-\frac{1-\gamma^2}{\qiattrs-1}-\left(\frac{1-\gamma}{\qiattrs-1}\right)^2, \end{equation*} with $\gamma$ defined in Equation \eqref{eq:dp_swap_def} and $\qiattrs=\vert\cX_{\qi}\vert$, \end{theorem} \paragraph{Error analysis.\!\!} Next we discuss how close the errors of the histograms returned by swapping and its DP counterparts are. \begin{proposition}\label{prop:pram_bias_exp} The bias associated with each element $i\in[n]$ of the DP swapping histogram can be expressed as \begin{equation*} \biasi{\cM_{\text{SW}}}{i}=\frac{\sum_{j\in \mathcal{I}_i} x_{j} - \qiattrs\cdot x_{i}}{\exp(\epsilon)+\qiattrs-1}, \end{equation*} with the index set $\mathcal{I}_i$ collecting all the elements of the data universe $\mathcal{X}=\left\{\bm{a}_j\mid j\in [n]\right\}$, which share the same non-quasi-identifiers $N$ with $\bm{a}_i$, i.e., \begin{equation}\label{eq:index_set} \mathcal{I}_i \coloneqq\left\{j\in[n]~\middle\vert~ \bm{a}_j[N]=\bm{a}_i[N]\right\}. \end{equation} \end{proposition} \begin{theorem} The statistical bias of the DP swapping mechanism $\cM_{\text{SW}}$ can be expressed as follows, \begin{equation*} \norm{\bias{\cM_{\text{SW}}}}_1=\frac{\qiattrs}{\exp(\epsilon)+\qiattrs-1}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\mad{\bm{x}_{\mathcal{I}_i}}, \end{equation*} where $\mathcal{I}_i$ is an index set defined in Equation \eqref{eq:index_set} and $\bm{x}_{\mathcal{I}_i}$ is the reduced histogram consisting of the count $x_j$ for any $j\in\mathcal{I}_i$. Additionally, $\mad{\bm{x}_{\mathcal{I}_i}}$ is the mean absolute deviation of the histogram $\bm{x}_{\mathcal{I}_i}$, i.e., \begin{equation*} \mad{\bm{x}_{\mathcal{I}_i}}\coloneqq\frac{1}{\qiattrs}\sum_{j\in \mathcal{I}_i} \left\vert x_{j} - \frac{\sum_{l\in\mathcal{I}_i} x_{l}}{\qiattrs}\right\vert. \end{equation*} \end{theorem} \subsection{Differentially Private $k$-anonymity} Like cell suppression, $k$-anonymity is a deterministic algorithm, which cannot produce outputs satisfying DP. In recent years, however, there were several attempts to integrate $k$-anonymity and differential privacy. In particular, \citet{li2011provably} proposed a mechanism that applies the generalization histogram and cell suppression with parameter $k$ to a subsampled version of the original dataset. This paper proposes a generalization of this mechanism. \begin{figure*}[!t] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{MA_DP_Suppression_Fairness_Errors_Decimal.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.343\textwidth]{MA_Swapping_Fairness_Errors_Decimal.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{MA_kAnonymity_Fairness_Errors_Decimal.pdf} \caption{MA ACS dataset: Fairness values $\alpha$ for cell suppression (left), swapping (center) and $k$-anonymity (right) and their differentially private counterparts (average of 200 repetitions).} \label{fig:fairness} \end{figure*} \paragraph{DP $k$-anonymity algorithm.} The paper proposes a simple modification to the $k$-anonymity algorithm presented in the previous section. The mechanism, called DP-$k$-anonymity and denoted by $\mathcal{M}_{\text{KA}}$, operates in two steps: \begin{enumerate}[leftmargin=*, parsep=2pt, itemsep=0pt, topsep=2pt] \item Produce a subsampled version $D_\beta$ of the dataset $D$ in which each row is retained with probability $\beta \!\in\! (0,1)$. \item Apply the classical $k$-anonymity algorithm on $D_\beta$. \end{enumerate} \noindent Contrary to \citep{li2011provably}, $\mathcal{M}_{\text{KA}}$ makes it possible to use a generalization hierarchy for merging cells, like in its deterministic counterpart. Figure~\ref{fig:error} (right) reports the empirical errors of $\mathcal{M}_{\text{KA}}$ for several values $k$ (x-axis); The values of $\beta$ are implied by the choice of the privacy parameter $\epsilon$ (see Theorem~\ref{thm:beta_dp_param}). The figure reports the $\ell_1$ distances between the histograms (in the original space $\mathcal{X}$) reconstructed from the generalized DP k-anonymized and the original histogram $\bm{x}(D)$ as well as those derived via its deterministic counterpart. A description of the reconstruction step adopted is provided in Appendix~\ref{app:sec:DA_alg}. Once again, notice that the errors incurred by the DP and deterministic $k$-anonymity counterparts are very close to each other: in fact, the DP versions improve upon the deterministic mechanism for small values of $\epsilon$ as an artifact of the sampling procedure which considers fewer records. \paragraph{Privacy Analysis.} The next result generalizes \citep{li2011provably} and reports the privacy guarantees provided by $\mathcal{M}_{\text{KA}}$. \begin{theorem}\label{thm:beta_dp_param} For a given $k\!>\!0$ and sampling probability $\beta \!\in\! (0,1)$, $\mathcal{M}_{\text{KA}}$ satisfies $(\epsilon,\delta)$-DP for $\delta \!=\! d(k, \beta, \epsilon)$, where the function $d$ is defined as \begin{equation}\label{eq:beta_mech_delta_def} d(k, \beta, \epsilon)= 1-\min_{w\in [B]}~ \left(\sum_{j=0}^{\nu}f(j;w,\beta)\right)^2\,, \end{equation} $\nu$ is a shorthand for $\lfloor(1-\exp(-\epsilon))w\rfloor$ and $f$ represents the probability mass function of the binomial random variable, \begin{equation}\label{eq:binom_pmf} f(j;w,\beta)=\binom{w}{j}\beta^w(1-\beta)^{w-j}\,,\quad \forall~j\in [w], \end{equation} \end{theorem} \paragraph{Error Analysis.\!\!} The goal of the analysis is again to show that the DP version of $k$-anonymity is close, in errors, to its deterministic counterpart. Recall that, contrary to cell suppression and swapping, $k$-anonymity does not return a histogram in the same space of the attribute universe, due to its application of the generalization hierarchy. As a consequence, the output of $k$-anonymity consists of the counts of individual records with respect to the data universe $\mathcal{X}_H$ of the generalization hierarchy. Because of this critical difference, the rest of this section analyzes the mechanism errors by bounding whether a count of the histogram $\bm{x}(D_\beta)$ (produced in step 1) is merged by the $k$-anonymization step (step~2). \noindent Let $\cM_{\text{KA}}^{\beta}$ denote the binary vector \begin{equation*} \cM_{\text{KA}}^{\beta}\left(D_\beta\right)\coloneqq \left[ \begin{matrix} \bm{1}\left\{x_1\left(D_\beta\right)<k\right\}&\dots&\bm{1}\left\{x_n\left(D_\beta\right)<k\right\} \end{matrix} \right]. \end{equation*} The error analysis focuses on statistical bias regarding whether a count would be merged by the generalization hierarchy, i.e., the difference between $\cM_{\text{KA}}^{\beta}\left(D_\beta\right)$ and $\cM_{\text{KA}}^{\beta}(D)$: \begin{align*} \bias{\cM_{\text{KA}}^{\beta}} &=\EE{}{\cM_{\text{KA}}^{\beta}\left(D_\beta\right)}-\cM_{\text{KA}}^{\beta}(D)\\ &=\left[ \begin{matrix} \mathbb{E}\left[\bm{1}\left\{x_1\left(D_\beta\right)<k\right\}\right] -\bm{1}\left\{x_1<k\right\}\\ \vdots\\ \mathbb{E}\left[\bm{1}\left\{x_n\left(D_\beta\right)<k\right\}\right]-\bm{1}\left\{x_n<k\right\} \end{matrix} \right]^\top. \end{align*} \noindent Next, we establish the equivalence between the count $x_i(D_\beta)$ and a binomial random variable $B(x_i, \beta)$ and presents the mathematical expressions characterizing the bias. \begin{theorem} The statistical bias associated of the DP $k$-anonymity mechanism $\cM_{\text{KA}}^{\beta}$ ca be expressed as, each $i\in[n]$, \begin{align*} &\biasi{\cM_{\text{KA}}^{\beta}}{i}=\EE{}{\bm{1}\left\{x_i\left(D_{\beta}\right)<k\right\}}-\bm{1}\left\{x_i <k\right\}\\ =~&\begin{cases} \sum_{j=x_i-k+1}^{x_i} \binom{x_i}{j} \beta^{x_i-j}(1-\beta)^j\,, &x_i\geq k,\\ 0, &\mathrm{otherwise.} \end{cases} \end{align*} \end{theorem} \section{Fairness analysis } \label{sec:fairness} The second main contribution of this paper is an analysis of the fairness of various differentially private DA algorithms, compared to traditional differential privacy. The definition of fairness used in this paper (Definition~\ref{def:a-fair}) is the maximum difference in biases in the privacy-preserving histograms. It should be noted that the bias of the DP $k$-anonymity algorithm, which utilizes a generalization histogram, is examined in a different context than the one of the other mechanisms. Thus, the paper specifically focuses on an analytical comparison of the fairness of the DP $k$-anonymity algorithm. The next result quantifies the unfairness of the DP cell suppression and swapping, along with the Laplace mechanism. \begin{theorem}[$\alpha$-fairness for $\mathcal{M}_{\text{CS}}$]\label{prop:sup_fair_bound} The DP cell suppression algorithm is $\alpha_{\text{CS}}$-fair with $\alpha_{\text{CS}}$ given by \begin{equation*} \left(x_n-x_1\right)p_1+\max\left\{\left\vert\frac{k}{2}-x_1\right\vert,\left\vert\frac{k}{2}-x_n\right\vert\right\}(p_1-p_n), \end{equation*} where $p_1$ and $p_n$ are the first and last entries of $\bm{p}$ defined in Equation \eqref{eq:p_vector} respectively. \end{theorem} \begin{theorem}[$\alpha$-fairness for $\mathcal{M}_{\text{SW}}$] \label{prop:pram_fair_bound} The DP swapping algorithm $\mathcal{M}_{\text{SW}}$ is $\alpha_{\text{SW}}$-fair with $\alpha_{\text{SW}}$ given by \begin{equation*} \frac{2\qiattrs\norm{\bm{x}}_{\rightleftharpoons}}{\exp(\epsilon)+\qiattrs-1}= \frac{2\qiattrs}{\exp(\epsilon)+\qiattrs-1}(x_n-x_1). \end{equation*} \end{theorem} \begin{theorem}[$\alpha$-fairness for $\mathcal{M}_{\text{Lap}}$] \label{prop:lap_fair_bound} The Laplace mechanism $\mathcal{M}_{\text{Lap}}$ is $\alpha_{\text{Lap}}$-fair with $\alpha_{\text{Lap}}$ given by \begin{equation*} \frac{\exp\left(-\epsilon x_1/2\right)}{2}\norm{\bm{x}}_{\rightleftharpoons}= \frac{\exp\left(-\epsilon x_1/2\right)}{2}\left(x_n-x_1\right). \end{equation*} \end{theorem} Figure~\ref{fig:fairness} illustrates the fairness violations values, represented by the value of $\alpha$, for cell suppression, swapping, and $k$-anonymity, as well as their differentially private counterparts, for various privacy parameters $\epsilon$ and values of $k$ (for cell suppression and $k$-anonymity) or percentage of rows swapped (for swapping). It can be observed that the fairness violations of the differentially private mechanisms are comparable (or better) to those of their traditional counterparts. This is particularly noteworthy as the privacy parameter $\epsilon$ increases. As previously mentioned, it is important to remember that the differentially private mechanisms are not ``noisy'' versions of their traditional counterparts; rather they are conceptually similar mechanisms. Consequently, they may exhibit lower fairness violations compared to their traditional counterparts, as seen for DP $k$-anonymity. The following theorem is the third key result of this paper. {\em It proves the superiority of the Laplace mechanism over DP cell suppression and swapping in terms of fairness errors.} \begin{theorem}\label{thm:fair-comp} Suppose that the minimum count of the original histogram $\bm{x}(D)$ is between $2$ and the threshold $k$, i.e., $2\leq x_1\leq k$. Then, the fairness error associated with the Laplace mechanism is not greater than that of the DP cell suppression or DP swapping mechanism, namely, \begin{equation*} \alpha_{\text{Lap}}\leq \alpha_{\text{CS}}\quad\text{and}\quad\alpha_{\text{Lap}}\leq \alpha_{\text{SW}}. \end{equation*} \end{theorem} It is worth noting that $k$-anonymity operates in a different space from the original histogram space, thus a theoretical comparison between the Laplace mechanism and DP $k$-anonymity is not feasible. However, the paper next presents empirical evidence that the Laplace mechanism has a significant advantage over DP $k$-anonymity as well. \section{Experimental Evaluation} \label{sec:experiments} This study assesses the performance of the DP variants of traditional DA mechanisms and compares them with two key DP mechanisms, the Laplace and the Discrete Gaussian Mechanisms, reviewed in Section~\ref{sec:das}. The experiments use the ACS 2019 IPUMS datasets for Massachusetts, Texas, and Outlier \citep{SDNist}. All the experiments report the average of 200 repetitions. Results for the latter two datasets are included in the appendix as their trends are similar to the former. The appendix also includes a more extensive description of the dataset and experimental settings. This section focuses on evaluating the mechanisms in two settings: data release and classification. \begin{table}[t] \small \centering \resizebox{0.95\linewidth}{!} { \begin{tabular}{c|l|r|r|r} \toprule $\epsilon$ & Mechanism & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\delta$} & Bias ($\ell_1$ norm) & $\alpha$-fairness \\ \midrule \multirow{5}[2]{*}{0.5} & Laplace & \textbf{0} & \textbf{763.775} & \textbf{3.655} \\ & Discrete Gaussian & 0.363 & 980.81 & 4.945 \\ & DP Suppression & 0.999 & 935.525 & 4.345 \\ & DP Swapping & 0.868 & 10906.79 & 469.015 \\ & DP $k$-anonymity & 0.878 & 2337.8 & 22.65 \\ \midrule \multirow{5}[2]{*}{1} & Laplace & \textbf{0} & \textbf{342.885} & \textbf{1.845} \\ & Discrete Gaussian & 0.132 & 659.215 & 3.065 \\ & DP Suppression & 0.999 & 1003.035 & 4.5 \\ & DP Swapping & 0.874 & 9859.26 & 425.335 \\ & DP $k$-anonymity & 0.906 & 3297.4 & 32.1\\ \midrule \multirow{5}[2]{*}{2} & Laplace & \textbf{0} & \textbf{154.78} & \textbf{0.905} \\ & Discrete Gaussian & 0.017 & 436.925 & 2.2 \\ & DP Suppression & 0.999 & 1018.335 & 4.72 \\ & DP Swapping & 0.899 & 6841.19 & 282.73 \\ & DP $k$-anonymity & 0.981 & 4175.5 & 37.65 \\ \midrule \multirow{5}[2]{*}{4} & Laplace & \textbf{0} & \textbf{67.34} & \textbf{0.465} \\ & Discrete Gaussian & 3E-4 & 290.715 & 1.495 \\ & DP Suppression & 0.999 & 1014.63 & 4.92 \\ & DP Swapping & 0.969 & 1664.63 & 101.645 \\ & DP $k$-anonymity & 0.999 & 4590.7 & 40.75 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular}% } \caption{MA dataset data release: Comparison of DP mechanisms in terms of $\delta$, $\ell_1$ norm of the empirical bias and $\alpha$-fairness. \label{tab:compareDPmethods}} \end{table}% \paragraph{Data Release.} The first task compares datasets reconstructed from histograms generated by the various DP mechanisms studied. Readers are referred to Appendix~\ref{app:sec:DA_alg} for details on the reconstruction algorithms. Table~\ref{tab:compareDPmethods} assesses the performance of the DP variants of the traditional DA mechanisms and the Laplace and the discrete Gaussian mechanisms in terms of errors and fairness violations. In mechanisms that may produce negative counts, a simple post-processing projection into the non-negative orthant is applied. These results are particularly significant: contrary to commonly held beliefs, they demonstrate that classical DP algorithms not only provide strong privacy guarantees (see the $\delta$ values), but also produce histograms that improve over traditional DA mechanisms in terms of both accuracy (see the bias column) and fairness metrics (see $\alpha$-fairness column). {\em As a consequence, when agencies desire to release data sets, it is advisable they consider traditional DP mechanisms.} \begin{figure}[!t] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{lr_accu.pdf} \caption{MA dataset: Results for Logistic Regression.} \label{fig:Log_errors} \end{figure} \paragraph{Classification.} It is also important to compare the performance of all the DP mechanisms in a classification task. The setting employs the private datasets obtained through a data-release query in order to train a logistic regression classifier. The task is to predict whether an individual earns more than \$50,000 per year, and the results in Figure~\ref{fig:Log_errors} are presented in terms of accuracy on the original, non-private dataset. Observe how the Laplace and discrete Gaussian mechanisms lead to classifiers with much higher accuracies than classifiers trained over data produced by other traditional DA mechanisms. Notably, the classification accuracy of Laplace and discrete Gaussian is much closer to that of the baseline method (trained on non-private datasets) than any other method. Again, this is significant: {\em despite their simplicity, these tasks are the basis for numerous statistical analyses performed routinely by data agencies and organizations.} \section{Conclusion} This paper presented a framework for comparing traditional disclosure avoidance systems (DA) to differential privacy. It proposed carefully randomized versions of three widely adopted traditional DA methods, i.e., suppression, swapping, and k-anonymity, and derived $(\epsilon,\delta)$-DP bounds for these mechanisms. The paper also analyzed these DP algorithms empirically and showed that they are close to their traditional counterparts both in terms of accuracy and fairness. The DP DA mechanisms were then compared experimentally with traditional DP mechanisms (i.e., the Laplace or the discrete Gaussian mechanisms) on data release and classification tasks. Contrary to popular belief, the experimental evaluation showed that classical DP mechanisms may be superior to traditional DA in terms of accuracy and fairness for the same privacy levels. This study has the potential to impact the way in which data agencies and organizations approach disclosure avoidance in the future as it provides a framework that enables a comparison of the strengths and limitations of traditional DA and differential privacy. \newpage \section*{Ethical Statement} From an ethical standpoint, the study's purpose is not to condone the release of data by agencies that have not fully considered the privacy implications of their actions. The study should not be taken as a means to discredit traditional DA methods. Furthermore, the empirical analysis presented should be understood as specific to the mechanisms and datasets discussed in the study. It is also important to consider the potential benefits of the study, such as improved accuracy and fairness in data release which may be gained with the adoption of traditional differentially private tools. Additionally, the study has the potential to advance the development of more effective privacy-preserving technologies. \section*{Acknowledgments} This research is partially supported by NSF grant 2133169, AI institute 2112533, and NSF CAREER Award 2143706. Fioretto is also supported by a Google Research Scholar Award and an Amazon Research Award. Its views and conclusions are those of the authors only. The authors would also like to thank Matt Williams for the helpful discussions on swapping and other traditional DA techniques. \bibliographystyle{named}
1. Introduction {#sec1} =============== Prostate cancer (ICD-O3 code C61.9 and ICD-10 code C61) (CaP) is one of the most common cancers worldwide. The worldwide incidence of CaP varies greatly between different geographical regions and/or ethnic groups, with men of African descent living out of Africa having some of the highest incidence rates (African American men 234.6 per 100 000) \[[@B1], [@B2]\]. Compared to Caucasian Americans, African Americans are disproportionately and more frequently diagnosed with CaP at an earlier age of onset, have higher tumour volume, more advanced (aggressive) tumour stage, higher Gleason score, and higher prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels \[[@B3], [@B4]\]. Indeed, there are differences in CaP mortality across men of different population groups; the mortality rate among African Americans (62.3 per 100 000) is 2.4 times the rate of Caucasian Americans (25.6 per 100 000) \[[@B1]\]. By contrast the incidence of CaP is low in several Asian countries \[[@B5]\]. The reasons for these differences are still unclear but may be related to differences in testing, referral patterns, access to care, differences in biology of the disease, inherited susceptibility, treatment options, reporting, and diagnosis; these could all influence disparities between different racial, ethnic, and geographic backgrounds \[[@B2], [@B6], [@B7]\]. Data from Africa on CaP is relatively sparse \[[@B2], [@B8]\]. The International Agency for Research on Cancer GLOBOCAN estimated 28 000 CaP deaths occurring in Africa in 2008 and predicted this number to double to 57 000 by 2030. There is belief of an underestimation of CaP in Africa as there may be a high degree of under diagnosis due to poor access to testing and diagnostic facilities \[[@B7], [@B9]\]. Globally, the incidence of CaP is increasing due to longer life spans, fewer deaths due to communicable diseases, increased PSA testing in the absence of symptoms, and as yet unknown aspects of westernization of lifestyle \[[@B10]\]. A better understanding of CaP rates in sub-Saharan Africa might provide valuable insight into the aetiology of CaP. The aim of this publication is to summarize data on CaP in South African (SA) men. Knowledge of cancer incidence is vital to inform health policy and effective service provision. 2. Methods {#sec2} ========== The primary source for the data was from the SA pathology based National Cancer Registry (NCR) reports from 1986 to 2006, from which the information on CaP was summarised by population group \[[@B11], [@B12]\]. The population groups are black, white, coloured (mixed ancestry), and Asian/Indian and reflect those used by the census data collected by the SA Government \[[@B13], [@B14]\]. The 2011 census indicated that 79.2% of the SA population were black, 8.9% white, 8.9% coloured, and 2.5% Asian/Indian. More detail was sourced directly from the NCR database and included a breakdown of the CaP subtypes seen through the years of 1999--2006 and the reported ages at diagnosis, allowing for calculation of mean ages of CaP cases reported to the NCR by population group. No information on stage or grade was available. The NCR has been operating as a pathology based Cancer Registry with laboratory (microscopically, haematology, histology, and cytology) verified cases being reported and captured since 1986, with 2006 data being the latest year released \[[@B11], [@B12]\]. The NCR receives pathology reports from all pathology laboratories throughout the country with 84 countrywide laboratories reporting 80 000 confirmed cancer cases in 2010 \[[@B15]\]. New SA legislation (National Health Act-Regulations relating to cancer registration, 2011 Act No. 61 of 2006 No. R. 380) is now shifting the registry to a population based surveillance system \[[@B16]\]. Data submitted is coded according to the International Classification for Oncology, third edition (ICD-O3), by trained staff \[[@B15], [@B17], [@B18]\]. It is now common practice for the NCR to receive full pathology reports, including clinical details, which makes for more accurate cancer coding and database completeness. When possible, past NCR data are constantly updated with newly developed and improved quality control measures, such as the conversion of data from other coding formats to ICD-O, as well as checking for incorrect/improbable coding \[[@B18]\]. Reporting is done in ICD-10 coding to allow for comparison with global registry reports. The use of age standardised rates (ASR) is necessary when comparing several populations that have different age compositions. Age standardisation for NCR by population group was done using mid-year estimates for the SA population from Dorrington et al. \[[@B19]\] to provide crude estimates and the 1960 world standard population \[[@B20]\] to per 100 000. In addition, data from Statistics SA on mortality by malignancy for the SA population (1997--2009) was made available \[[@B21], [@B22]\]. From this data age standardised mortality rates were calculated using the direct method with the same mid-year populations used for the NCR \[[@B19], [@B20]\]. Statistics SA reports mortality on a national level \[[@B21]\] and not by population group but, on request from NCR, reporting of cancer mortality by population group was made available for the year 2009 only. 3. Results {#sec3} ========== 3.1. Incidence {#sec3.1} -------------- In 1995, 2504 new cases of CaP were reported and 10 years later, in 2006, there were 4631 new cases ([Table 1](#tab1){ref-type="table"}). Over the 20-year time period, 1986 to 2006, 63 886 CaP were reported to NCR. Each year the white population group had the highest number of cases reported. Both the coloured and Asian/Indian population groups have relatively small numbers, with less than a hundred cases reported each year for the Asian/Indian population. Both the black and white population groups have fairly consistent numbers being reported through the years, in particular for the last 5 years of reporting. There is a trend for a steady increase in the number of CaP cases reported in each population group through the years. The calculated year-on-year percentage change (data not shown) in CaP cases showed that in the period 1986 to 1995 there was quite a large variation in the different population groups (from +129.6% to minus 39.5%) although for all groups combined it ranged from +19% to minus 4.5%. The most dramatic increase occurred between 1996 and 1999 ([Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}). In the period 1996-97 there was a substantial increase (+12% to +33%). This increase was the largest in the Asian/Indian and white/coloured populations but also occurred in the black group. After 1999 the annual percentage change in CaP numbers decreased to low levels (+6.6% to minus 7.5%). Nearly all (96%) of the CaPs reported to the NCR from 1999 to 2006 were adenocarcinoma, followed by unspecified carcinomas (3%). CaP was ranked as the number one cancer in SA men since 1996 (excluding basal cell carcinoma). Prior to this CaP was either second to oesophageal cancer in the black population (1990--1995) or lung cancer in the coloured population (1988 and 1989). CaP occurs in men over the age of 45 years and rates steadily increase with age ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}). The mean age of men with CaP reported to the NCR in 2006 was 68 years (standard deviation (SD) 9.6); for black men it was 68 years (SD 10.5), for white men it was 67 years (SD 9.0), for coloured men it was 67 years (SD 9.2), and for Asian/Indian men it was 66 years (SD 10.1). From 1986 to 2006 3.6% of men with CaP were younger than 50 years of age and 37.6% were younger than 65. The ASR for CaP in SA was 17 per 100 000 in 1986, increasing steadily and by 2006 was 27 per 100 000 ([Table 2](#tab2){ref-type="table"}). The black population had the lowest ASR of 12 per 100 000 compared to 52 per 100 000 in white men ([Table 2](#tab2){ref-type="table"} and [Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type="fig"}). 3.2. Mortality {#sec3.2} -------------- CaP accounted for 1670 deaths in SA in 1999, 1954 deaths in 2004, and 2331 deaths in 2009 indicating a steady increase ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type="table"}). In SA men from 1997 to 2005, CaP was the third leading cause of death through a malignancy (10%). In 2004 the most frequent cause of death through a malignancy in SA men was lung cancer (17.7%) followed by oesophageal cancer (12.6%). In 2006 CaP (12% of deaths by a malignancy) overtook oesophageal cancer (10.7%) to become the second most common cause of death through a malignancy. In 2009 lung cancer was still the most common cause of death by a malignancy in men (19%), followed by CaP (13%) and then oesophageal cancer (11%). The mean age of men who died from CaP in 2009 was 74 years (SD 10.6); for black men it was 73 years (SD 10.8), for white men it was 72 years (SD 10.4), for coloured men it was 76 years (SD 10.1), and for Asian/Indian men it was 76 years (SD 9.1). Thirteen percent of malignancy deaths in men were due to CaP, with 78% being older than 65 years. In SA the age standardised mortality rate in 2009 for CaP was 16.7 per 100 000 and in 1997 it was 12.3 ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type="table"}). By population group the age standardised mortality rate was 11.4 for black men, 6.8 for white men, 51.9 for coloured men, and 6.3 for Asian/Indian men ([Table 4](#tab4){ref-type="table"}). 3.3. Incidence and Mortality {#sec3.3} ---------------------------- The proportion of the reported male cancers attributed to CaP increased from 7% in 1986 to 17% in 2006 ([Table 2](#tab2){ref-type="table"}). Almost half of the reported CaP cases were from the white population ([Table 1](#tab1){ref-type="table"}) who represent 9% of the SA population \[[@B13]\]. Of the 2331 reported deaths from CaP in 2009, 971 (42%) were black, 529 (23%) were from unknown population group, 546 (22%) were coloured, 251 (11%) were white, and 34 (2%) were Asian/Indian. White men represent a higher proportion of cases in the NCR (49%) but a smaller proportion of deaths from CaP (14% versus 49%, resp.), compared to black men who represent 37% of CaP yet 54% of the deaths from CaP ([Table 4](#tab4){ref-type="table"}). The age standardised rates for incidence (1986--2006) and mortality (1997--2009) have been increasing through the years ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type="fig"}). 4. Discussion {#sec4} ============= The first published NCR report was in 1986 with a total of 35 569 cancers reported in a total population of just under 29.3 million. In 2006, 55 241 new cancer cases were reported to the NCR in a total population under 47.5 million people. Since 1986 the cancer burden increased by 64% while the population increased by 62%, a minor increase in cancer. As SA has a pathology based registry, CaP cases that were diagnosed without a biopsy but with a digital rectal examination (DRE) and PSA \[[@B7]\] would not be captured \[[@B24]\]. Thus, the true rate of CaP in SA men is higher than the data indicates. A rural/regional population based registry (PROMEC) based in the Eastern Cape Province of SA reported an ASR of 4.4 per 100 000 for CaP in 1998--2002 \[[@B25]\], versus the 17 per 100 000 from the NCR data for the SA black population. This could be a reflection of poor access to services in the Eastern Cape but it may also reflect different environmental exposures in this rural setting and may be a consequence of low prevalence rather than failure to diagnose and register cases \[[@B7]\]. However, the Eastern Cape has a large migratory population and men in particular may relocate to larger cities seeking work. These men may ultimately be diagnosed and treated in urban areas and would not reflect in the PROMEC registry \[[@B26]\]. Compared to other sub-Saharan African countries, our data does report a lower rate of CaP for the black population ([Figure 5](#fig5){ref-type="fig"}). For example in Zimbabwe, a neighbouring country with a population based registry, the ASR is 38.1 per 100 000 (1998--2002) \[[@B5]\]. It is highly likely that there is an underestimation of incidence from NCR data. As cancer and in particular CaP is a disease of age we must consider the age distribution of the population with a number of competing causes of mortality in the various SA population groups. It also needs to be noted that there is a massive age structure difference between the SA population groups. SA has an intermediate aged population with an average age of 25 years: 21 years for the black population, 26 years for the coloured population, 32 years for the Asian/Indian population, and 38 years for the white population \[[@B13]\]. In 2004 the life expectancy at birth was 51.4 years for the total SA population, for black men it was 47.8 years whereas for white men it was 61.7 years \[[@B27]\]. By 2011 the life expectancy at birth for SA men increased to 54.9 years \[[@B28]\]. Despite this, there is little variation in age at diagnosis between the different population groups, all being in the region of 68 years old at diagnosis and 74 years old at death. However, the cancer stage at presentation is unknown, and therefore we cannot determine if any possible lead time bias occurred in any particular population group. From 1986 to 2006, 3.6% were younger than 50 years of age and 37.6% were younger than 65 ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}); this is far more than the reported percentage of \<0.1% of all patients and about 85% being diagnosed after the age of 65 \[[@B23]\]. In the UK 12% of malignancy deaths in men were due to CaP, with 93% older than 65 years \[[@B29]\]. This may however, again, reflect the age structure of the SA population. Some points to consider about NCR reports are only pathology based cases reported; the 1990-1991 NCR report has summarised data reported for the two years as one. The 1993 to 1995 NCR report is similar, with summarised data reported for all 3 years as one, but the numbers of observed cases are given per year. The 1996-1997 NCR report has the coloured and white population groups pooled together; however the NCR was able to provide the reported numbers reported for each group separately. Since 1996 the observed numbers of cases were adjusted to take into consideration the unknowns (cases reported with no age or undetermined population). From 1998 there were positive changes in the NCR data coding, capturing protocols, and the detection of duplicates, improving the quality of data. The incidence of CaP is influenced largely by testing and, where testing is common practice with subsequent biopsy, CaP rates are likely to increase. As a result, countries that implemented PSA testing, many in the 1990s, saw an increase of CaP after the introduction, followed by a decrease and then stabilisation of CaP numbers a few years later \[[@B10]\]. Globally, several trials to determine effectiveness of PSA testing have been done with no conclusive resolution of effectiveness and the cost benefit in asymptomatic men \[[@B30], [@B31]\]. There is concern around PSA testing in that it may result in over diagnosis \[[@B10]\]. PSA testing does have value in diagnosing symptomatic early stage CaP and for monitoring treatment response \[[@B23]\]. However, a test capable of determining the risk of having CaP with rapid progression is lacking and there is a need to identify life-threatening CaP and potential progression of disease. In SA, the period of introduction and the frequency of testing with PSA are unclear. But in the mid-90s PSA testing did become more popular and was more frequently used in diagnosis of CaP (personal communication). The NCR data does indicate that there was a sudden increase in the number of CaP cases across all population groups ([Table 1](#tab1){ref-type="table"} and [Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}) and this increase in the mid-90s was not seen with other cancers in the NCR reports. It is highly probable that the introduction of PSA testing was responsible for the increase of CaP cases being diagnosed from 1996 to 1999 ([Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}). PSA testing in asymptomatic men can be considered not to be readily available in the SA public health care sector and most men will present with symptoms before being tested \[[@B34]\]. However, it may be more readily available in the SA private health care sector. Having medical aid cover allows for access to private healthcare facilities. In 2011, 69.7% of the white population belonged to a medical scheme, with 41.1% of the Asian/Indian population, 20.3% of the coloured population, and 8.9% of the black population \[[@B35]\]. This may explain the incidence versus mortality rate seen in white men ([Table 4](#tab4){ref-type="table"}); as they are likely to belong to a medical aid scheme they have access to a private health care facility that will, possibly, more readily provide PSA testing. These men may get diagnosed earlier and receive life-saving treatment or potentially unnecessary treatment. In the UK, where the health care system is free and has less variation in quality of care by socioeconomic status, a study comparing black men with white men found, apart from early age of onset in black men, that there was no evidence of differences in disease characteristics at the time of CaP diagnosis or of under-investigation or under treatment in UK black men compared to UK white \[[@B9]\]. It may be that in SA differential detection by population group is due to differences in socioeconomic characteristics such as access to and use of health care facilities \[[@B14], [@B23]\]; this is one of many possible factors. Heyns et al. in the Western Cape Province of SA looked at PSA use in their public health care centre. They found a significant problem in getting men with an elevated serum PSA (\>4 ng/mL) to undergo a prostate biopsy, with uptake ranging from 19% to 47% in the different population groups, black and coloured, respectively \[[@B24]\]. Although an earlier, unpublished study by the same centre experienced uptake (when biopsy was indicated) between 53% and 87%, for black and white / mixed ancestry, respectively \[[@B24]\]. This is one center\'s experience and the ages of the nonbiopsied were not provided (older men may not have wanted to be biopsied due to quality of life concerns). However, if the situation is similar throughout SA, it could also contribute to underestimation of CaP when a pathology based registry is in operation. Further studies are required to determine to what extent uptake for a biopsy after an elevated PSA is detected, why it is occurring, and how uptake for a biopsy could be improved. The 2011 census indicated that 79.2% of the SA population were black, 8.9% white, 8.9% coloured, and 2.5% Asian/Indian. The incidence and mortality rates do not appear to reflect the demographics of the country ([Table 4](#tab4){ref-type="table"}). Additional research is required to identify these issues and develop interventions that will minimize these effects. Compared to incidence, mortality is less often affected by diagnostic and screening practices but reflect differences in CaP treatment worldwide, as well as underlying risk \[[@B10]\]. GLOBOCAN (2008) reported an overall mortality rate for Southern Africa as 19.3 (per 100 000), 9.9 for N. America and 12 for Europe \[[@B37]\]. In SA the age standardised mortality rate in 2008 for CaP was 15.7 per 100 000; in 1997 it was 12.3 ([Table 3](#tab3){ref-type="table"}). By population group the age standardised mortality rate was 11.4 for black men, 6.8 for white men, 51.9 for coloured men, and 6.3 for Asian/Indian men ([Table 4](#tab4){ref-type="table"}). Coloured SA men have the highest mortality rate. Awareness campaigns on men\'s health, such as Movember \[[@B38]\] and other similar campaigns should be further developed, testing drives and improved education around men\'s health; CaP and improved follow-up of potential patients that have increased PSA levels are all required. Other risk factors such as healthcare access, lifestyle, medical care beliefs/practices, environmental exposures, or biological (including genetic) mechanisms may also be influencing the disparities between the populations and need to be further investigated. In addition the influence of HIV and its management on risk of CaP is also still unknown and needs to be explored \[[@B36]\]. 5. Conclusion {#sec5} ============= CaP is a growing problem in SA and globally; it is the most common cancer in men and the second most common malignancy causing death for men. We acknowledge that SA NCR CaP incidence rates are an underestimate of the total burden of this cancer in the country, due to the fact that the NCR records only microscopically verified cases and that not all geographic areas and sociodemographic groups have equal access to all tiers of health services. In spite of these limitations the NCR data, combined with the national cancer-specific mortality data, do provide insight into the demographics of CaP in SA as they give minimum incidence and rates. The results give an indication of the bare minimum numbers of CaP cases that have been diagnosed and which need to be accommodated in the SA health care system. As well as possible genetic influences, lifestyle and health care access will account for some of the differences between population groups and it is possibly an indication that reporting and diagnostics for CaP are not adequate in SA. It is also anticipated that there will be an increase of CaP in SA as lifestyles change and the SA population advances in age with the life expectance rising. A better understanding of the burden of CaP in SA, as well as studies to determine the appropriate care programs required, ensuring adequate and appropriate diagnosis and treatment in all sectors are needed. The data presented here is the only consolidated data available for SA. Despite the limitations of the data it provides information for researchers, clinicians, policy makers, NGOs, and other stakeholders working with men\'s health and CaP. There is a need for improvements in awareness, diagnosis, and treatment of CaP. Future expansion of the SA NCR to include hospital and population based components will assist in tracking changes. A better understanding of the aetiology and underlying biological mechanisms to modifiable risk factors of CaP across all populations can potentially improve the care of all CaP patients everywhere and could have implications for selective testing, prevention, and treatment options, ensuring valuable resources are appropriately utilized. The authors are grateful to Statistics SA for providing data on mortality. They acknowledge the NCR for their tireless work. The NHLS/MRC Cancer Epidemiology Research Group at the National Health Laboratory Services (NHLS) is currently funded by the South African Medical Research Council (MRC) and the South African NHLS. Dr Babb has Project A funding from CANSA (Cancer Association of South Africa) for research into genetic susceptibility to CaP in black SA men. Conflict of Interests ===================== The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. ![Number of prostate cancer cases reported to the South African pathology based National Cancer Registry (NCR) from 1986 to 2006 by the population groups; white, black, coloured, and Asian/Indian. ^\#^1996 and 1997 coloured and whites were pooled together in the published report but NCR provided the number of cases per year. \*Years 1990-1991 were combined and reflect the average number of reported cases over the two years.](PC2014-419801.001){#fig1} ![South African pathology based National Cancer Registry age specific incidence rate (ASIR) per 100 000 for prostate cancer, 2006, by population group.](PC2014-419801.002){#fig2} ![South African pathology based National Cancer Registry reported incidence of prostate cancer, 1988--2006. Columns: number of cases. Line: age standardised incidence rate (ASR). (a) All population groups; (b) black; (c) white; (d) coloured. ^∧^1993--1995 data was combined and the ASR is for the 3-year period. ^\#^1996 and 1997 coloured and whites were pooled together and cannot be reported separately. \*Years 1990-1991 were combined and reflect the average number of reported cases over the two years. Asian/Indian population had less than 100 cases so not included here.](PC2014-419801.003){#fig3} ![Prostate cancer in South Africa, age standardised incidence rate (1986--2006) from the pathology based National Cancer Registry and age standardised mortality (1997--2009) rate from Statistics SA mortality data, per 100 000.](PC2014-419801.004){#fig4} ![Comparison of age standardised rates (ASR) per 100 000 for prostate cancer from Curado et al. 1998--2002 \[[@B5]\], Parkin et al. 2002 (\#) \[[@B39]\], and South African pathology based National Cancer Registry 2006 (∗).](PC2014-419801.005){#fig5} ###### The number of prostate cancer cases reported to the South African pathology based National Cancer Registry, years 1986--2006, by population group.   All Black White Coloured Asian ----------- ------ ------- --------- ---------- ------- 1986 1401 559 689 126 27 1987 1522 627 782 86 27 1988 1800 698 863 163 13 1989 2046 762 1028 166 27 1990-1991 2434 941 1213 183 62 1992 2424 816 1108 174 43 1993 2736 873 1241 124 33 1994 2622 532 1353 75 34 1995 2504 532 1226 60 28 1996\* 2802 1074 1468^∧^ 209^∧^ 52 1997\* 3715 1265 2115^∧^ 241^∧^ 93 1998\* 4171 1432 2277 396 64 1999\* 3860 1220 2169 410 59 2000\* 3958 1339 2051 497 72 2001\* 4118 1325 2173 537 83 2002\* 4318 1432 2263 541 83 2003\* 4178 1310 2271 525 79 2004\* 4301 1367 2255 588 94 2005\* 4346 1480 2244 530 92 2006\* 4631 1707 2253 577 93 Years 1986--1995 reported observed numbers and years \*1996--2006 reported adjusted numbers. ^∧^In 1996 and 1997 whites and coloureds were reported together; NCR provided the individual figures that are not in the printed report. ###### South African pathology based National Cancer Registry summary statistics for prostate cancer years 1986--2005 by population group.   Life time risk (0--74) (LR)   Age standardised rates (ASR)   Proportion (%) -------------- ----------------------------- --------- ------------------------------ --------- ---------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 1986 NR NR NR NR NR   16.8 10.7 30.6 19.9 15.9   7.37 8.15 6.56 9.43 8.82 1987 NR NR NR NR NR   18.2 12.0 34.4 13.1 17.3   9.18 10.07 8.47 8.99 12.98 1988 1 in 44 1 in 52 1 in 32 1 in 38 1 in 173   19.1 14.4 27.1 23.0 6.5   7.68 8.00 7.11 9.12 4.56 1989 1 in 39 1 in 64 1 in 21 1 in 40 1 in 52   22.3 13.0 43.3 22.8 14.3   8.14 8.21 8.26 9.51 7.34 1990-1991\* 1 in 32 1 in 49 1 in 19 1 in 29 1 in 60   24.8 15.4 43.3 26.8 13.5   8.68 8.80 8.46 11.23 4.21 1992 1 in 33 1 in 58 1 in 20 1 in 35 1 in 67   24.1 12.9 39.3 25.6 11.7   9.36 9.00 8.97 12.11 10.02 1993--1995\* 1 in 31 1 in 61 1 in 14 1 in 50 1 in 47   25.5 13.0 58.0 15.8 17.6   10.91 10.43 10.86 12.23 8.23 1996^†^ 1 in 31 1 in 50 1 in 18 1 in 39   27.1 17.2 45.7 18.9   11.10 11.48 10.97 8.86 1997^†^ 1 in 24 1 in 47 1 in 23 1 in 29   34.6 19.1 37.9 32.4   12.59 12.49 7.91 12.99 1998 1 in 22 1 in 42 1 in 10 1 in 17 1 in 46   37.6 20.6 78.5 47.1 20.4   14.14 13.41 14.59 15.88 11.09 1999 1 in 24 1 in 39 1 in 19 1 in 50 1 in 39   34.1 18.3 48.0 17.2 18.3   13.12 10.85 14.66 12.42 10.85 2000 1 in 24 1 in 47 1 in 11 1 in 15 1 in 38   33.5 17.6 70.4 54.4 23.0   14.01 14.45 13.62 14.96 12.01 2001 1 in 23 1 in 48 1 in 11 1 in 14 1 in 34   34.3 17.2 73.4 56.1 22.9   13.80 13.97 13.41 15.17 13.27 2002 1 in 23 1 in 46 1 in 11 1 in 15 1 in 44   35.3 18.5 74.7 55.1 22.2   15.35 15.70 14.85 16.98 14.30 2003 1 in 24 1 in 49 1 in 11 1 in 17 1 in 42   33.4 16.7 73.5 50.4 18.2   14.87 15.44 14.48 15.83 12.82 2004 1 in 23 1 in 48 1 in 10 1 in 13 1 in 34   34.4 16.6 77.1 60.9 23.2   15.63 16.04 15.10 17.03 15.28 2005 1 in 24 1 in 48 1 in 14 1 in 16 1 in 35   33.7 18.2 70.5 48.4 23.0   16.84 17.12 16.92 16.70 15.46 2006 1 in 27 1 in 52 1 in 12 1 in 18 1 in 43   30.8 17.6 65.4 45.5 18.8   17.28 17.87 16.94 17.61 13.81 \*Summary statistics for the years 1990-1991 (2 years) together, 1993--1995 (3 years) together, and ^†^white and coloured population groups were pooled. NR: not reported. Asian is the Asian/Indian population group. ###### Summary information for statistics South Africa mortality, from 1997 to 2009, ICD-10 code C61, prostate cancer. Year Number of reported deaths from Prostate Cancer Proportion (%) of all reported male deaths by a malignancy Crude rate for men Age standardised mortality rate for men ------ ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- ----------------------------------------- 1997 1498 9.38 7.23 12.29 1998 1553 9.26 7.37 12.59 1999 1670 9.71 7.80 13.27 2000 1752 10.18 8.06 13.71 2001 1779 10.38 8.07 13.71 2002 1819 10.21 8.15 13.95 2003 1914 10.56 8.48 14.53 2004 1954 10.57 8.58 14.65 2005 2005 11.09 8.72 14.90 2006 2160 12.00 9.26 14.94 2007 2216 11.95 9.40 14.71 2008 2317 12.67 9.88 15.60 2009 2331 13.30 9.77 16.67 ###### Prostate cancer in South Africa, comparison of 2009 mortality data by population group (when population group was known) to 2006 cancer incidence of reported cases to the pathology based National Cancer Registry (latest report available).   2009 mortality 2006 cancer incidence ---------- ---------------- ----------------------- ------ ------ ----- ------ All 2331 --- 16.7 4631 --- 30.8 Black 970 54 11.4 1707 37 17.6 White 251 14 6.8 2253 49 65.4 Coloured 546 30 51.9 577 12 45.5 Asian 34 2 6.2 93 2 18.8 [^1]: Academic Editor: Judd Moul
Sir, We read the letter "asthma-COPD overlap syndrome: Is prediction feasible?"\[[@ref1]\] with keen interest and thank the authors for raising certain very pertinent issues with regard to our paper.\[[@ref2]\] We agree that the diagnostic criteria for asthma-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) overlap syndrome (ACOS), or as it is simply referred to as asthma-COPD overlap (ACO), in our study group were limited to a single criteria: significant bronchodilator reversibility (change in postbronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 s \[FEV1\] or forced vital capacity \[FVC\] by 12% and 200 ml) in the background of persistent postbronchodilator airflow limitation (FEV~1~/FVC \<70%). We have also mentioned that more exhaustive criteria have been used by other studies in the opening paragraph of the discussion in our paper. We agree that this is a limitation in our study, as discussed in the closing paragraph of our discussion. However, we would like to bring to attention to the authors on our concluding statement in our discussion: in spite of a single diagnostic criteria being applied to identify the ACOS group in our study population, we found that features attributed to the ACOS group in our study population have been identified to be similar to those identified in patients diagnosed with ACOS with more exhaustive diagnostic criteria in other studies. Whether a single diagnostic criterion alone can suffice to identify this group of patients probably requires further research. Second, the authors have identified that in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type="table"}, there is a record of postbronchodilator drop (or minus values) in spirometric indices in some patients in the non-ACOS group in the percentage reversibility (up to −22%) and volume reversibility (up to −270 ml). The ATS/ERS Task Force on standardization of lung function testing published in 2005 has summarized that inter-maneuver variability of up to 150 ml is accepted in FVC and FEV1, and values greater than that may be due to incomplete inhalations before the FVC maneuver.\[[@ref3]\] In these patients of our study group, up to a maximum of eight maneuvers were attempted, and hence, we had to take the best three maneuver recordings in spite of not completely meeting the acceptability criteria of inter-maneuver variability. ###### Distribution of study population with respect to ankle edema ![](LI-35-541-g001) Third, the authors have brought to notice on the nonreproducibility of results with respect to the findings on ankle edema and number of ER visits. We used STATA statistical analysis software (Manufacturer StataCorp) and calculated significance with Pearson\'s Chi-square test for ankle edema \[Tables [1](#T1){ref-type="table"} and [2](#T2){ref-type="table"}\] and number of ER visits \[Tables [3](#T3){ref-type="table"} and [4](#T4){ref-type="table"}\] as shown in the tables which have been reproduced from our STATA output file. ###### Statistical analysis output data with respect to ankle edema ![](LI-35-541-g002) ###### Distribution of study population with respect to ER visits ![](LI-35-541-g003) ###### Statistical analysis output data with respect to ER visits ![](LI-35-541-g004) As it can be seen from the \[Tables [1](#T1){ref-type="table"}--[4](#T4){ref-type="table"}\], we did find significance in both the parameters. We once again would like to thank the authors for their interest in our paper. Financial support and sponsorship {#sec2-1} ================================= Nil. Conflicts of interest {#sec2-2} ===================== There are no conflicts of interest.
1.. Introduction {#s1} ================ Many prey choose to live, forage and reproduce in groups---this is one of the most readily observed phenomena in biology. A common adaptive explanation for grouping behaviour is that it aids in anti-predatory defence. For instance, starlings (*Sturnus vulgaris*) are well known to forage in flocks in the presence of predators \[[@RSOS150135C1]\]. Shoaling fish, e.g. the eastern mosquitofish (*Gambusia holbrooki*), have been documented to identify predators more accurately in larger groups \[[@RSOS150135C2]\]. Ostriches (*Struthio camelus*) have been reported to experience anti-predatory benefits when foraging in groups \[[@RSOS150135C3]\]. Even when there is a correlation between grouping behaviour and protection from predators, however, it is difficult to pin down what benefits actually select for the evolution of grouping behaviour. Several such fitness benefits have been proposed. For example, grouping can improve group vigilance \[[@RSOS150135C4]--[@RSOS150135C7]\], reduce the chance of being encountered by predators \[[@RSOS150135C5],[@RSOS150135C8]\], dilute an individual\'s risk of being attacked \[[@RSOS150135C9]--[@RSOS150135C14]\], enable an active defence against predators \[[@RSOS150135C15]\] or reduce predator attack efficiency by confusing the predator \[[@RSOS150135C16]--[@RSOS150135C20]\]. Other possible benefits not involving predation include improved mating success \[[@RSOS150135C21]\], increased foraging efficiency \[[@RSOS150135C22]\] and the ability for the group to solve problems that would be impossible to solve individually \[[@RSOS150135C23]\], for example through the division of labour \[[@RSOS150135C24]\]. With all of these interdependent factors potentially affecting the evolution of grouping, it is difficult to study the independent effects of each benefit in biological systems, let alone explore how they unfold over evolutionary time scales. However, recent research has shown that it is possible to explore the potential independent effects of each benefit by modelling them with digital models of evolution \[[@RSOS150135C25]\]. In previous work, we created several models to explore the predator confusion \[[@RSOS150135C20]\] and selfish herd \[[@RSOS150135C13],[@RSOS150135C14]\] hypotheses to find when these benefits do (and do not) independently select for grouping behaviour. One advantage of these models is that once the independent effects of the various grouping benefits are understood, we can then combine the benefits into a single model to study their relative importance and separate the adaptive benefits (that select for the evolution of grouping) from the incidental side effects of grouping. Here, we focus on anti-predator vigilance (i.e. the many eyes hypothesis) as a possible selective mechanism for the evolution of gregarious foraging behaviour, and control for the influence of the other benefits described above. First proposed using a mathematical model \[[@RSOS150135C4]\] and explored experimentally a year later \[[@RSOS150135C1]\], the many eyes hypothesis makes two key predictions, both of which arise from the assumption that vigilance is costly, because it imposes a trade-off with foraging efficiency: (i) individual prey vigilance will decline as group size increases and (ii) because prey can more equitably divide the task of watching for predators in large groups, they will experience a fitness benefit from foraging more. Therefore, there will be a selective advantage for prey that forage in groups up to a certain group size. In the 40 years since its inception, these predictions have been examined in numerous species across hundreds of independent studies \[[@RSOS150135C2],[@RSOS150135C3],[@RSOS150135C26]--[@RSOS150135C28]\]. Furthermore, several game theoretical models have been applied to refine the predictions of when collective vigilance in foraging groups should evolve \[[@RSOS150135C29]\], and subsequently matched to experimental data \[[@RSOS150135C30]\]. These previous studies focus on the potential fitness consequences of vigilance in groups of animals, but they do not address the circumstances under which vigilance, and the advantages of being in a group with many watchful eyes, provides a sufficient selection pressure to favour group living, independent of other pressures. When considering the evolution of grouping behaviour, it is vital to take into account both the benefits *and* costs imposed by the behaviour \[[@RSOS150135C31]\]. To satisfy this requirement, several researchers have recently turned to digital models to study the evolution of animal behaviour \[[@RSOS150135C32]--[@RSOS150135C34]\]. These researchers use a digital model of evolution to evolve the behaviour of a population of locally interacting animats, enabling them to explore the evolution of behaviour in complex environments that are beyond the means of mathematical models \[[@RSOS150135C35],[@RSOS150135C25]\]. Additionally, these evolutionary model systems allow researchers to explicitly control for complicating factors, such as the dilution effect \[[@RSOS150135C27]\] and food density \[[@RSOS150135C36]\], that are commonly confounded with collective vigilance as factors benefiting group-living organisms. In this study, we extend these digital evolution models to explore the conditions under which collective vigilance favours the evolution of gregarious foraging behaviour. We assume that vigilance has benefits (e.g. communicating the presence of a predator via alarm signals) but also costs (e.g. reduced foraging rates by watching for the predator). Under the many eyes hypothesis, grouping is beneficial because it reduces the cost of vigilance by sharing the cost of vigilance among the group, but it may have additional costs that must be considered, e.g. increased predation rates on larger groups \[[@RSOS150135C37]\]. Furthermore, this benefit would be diluted if some individuals can freeload on the vigilance of others (as in heterogeneous groups), but magnified if the group members are highly related. The benefits and costs would also be affected by the life history of the prey, in particular whether their reproduction is iteroparous (i.e. repeated) or semelparous (i.e. all at once): vigilance may be more beneficial in semelparous prey because a predation event can completely prevent them from reproducing, whereas iteroparous prey are more likely to have reproduced at least once prior to experiencing a predation event. To explore these issues, we manipulate the genetic relatedness and reproductive strategy of groups of prey that are under predation and observe the resulting behaviour after thousands of generations of digital evolution have taken place. A preliminary investigation of this work was published in the ALIFE 14 conference \[[@RSOS150135C38]\], which we expand significantly here. 2.. Methods {#s2} ===========  [Figure 1](#RSOS150135F1){ref-type="fig"} depicts our model of predator--prey interactions in a disembodied model of artificial animals ('animats'), wherein prey must balance the trade-offs between foraging and vigilance \[[@RSOS150135C33]\]. In an embodied model, every animat is situated in the world, perceives the world via its sensors and can act on the world via behavioural or other responses \[[@RSOS150135C39]\]. While embodied models offer more detail and can capture potentially important aspects of the real world, they are also sensitive to implementation-specific details of the sensors and actuators, which can skew the results. We therefore focus on a disembodied model^[1](#FN1){ref-type="fn"}^ for the remainder of this study, which enables us to explore several factors affecting the evolution of group vigilance in isolation. Figure 1.Depiction of the disembodied simulation. Prey seek to forage as much as possible while avoiding being captured by the predator. If none of the prey in the group are vigilant, the target prey is captured 100% of the time. In this model, prey fitness is directly related to the amount of time it spends foraging, where a single round of foraging increases prey fitness by 1.0. However, prey vigilance determines whether a predator\'s attack on the prey is successful. These two options (foraging and vigilance) are assumed to be mutually exclusive. Thus, prey must evolve to maximize their food intake while remaining vigilant enough to survive the entire simulation, which is akin to the maximum possible lifespan of the prey. 2.1. Simulation of predators and prey {#s2a} ------------------------------------- We designed this model to capture certain features of natural predators and to control for potentially complicating factors. First, to ensure that predator attacks are not trivially predictable we simulate predators that attack at intervals that are normally distributed around a specific attack rate. Thus, predator attacks are randomly distributed throughout the 2000-time-step duration of the simulation. To model the observation that larger groups of prey often attract more attacks from predators---a realistic cost of group living known as the *attraction effect* \[[@RSOS150135C37]\]---we scale this attack rate with the group size, such that the group experiences approximately five predator attacks for every prey initially in the group over the course of the simulation. This scaling factor also allows us to control for the *dilution effect*, which has been suggested to allow prey to survive with lower vigilance levels in larger groups only because they are less likely to be the target of a predator\'s attack \[[@RSOS150135C27],[@RSOS150135C40],[@RSOS150135C41]\]. Each time a predator appears, we randomly select a target prey from the surviving prey of previous attacks. This is followed by a 10 time-step delay between the appearance of the predator in the simulation and the actual attack, representing the time it takes for a predator to close the distance to the prey. It is during this time that prey vigilance becomes important. If the target prey is vigilant at any time during this interval, then it spots the predator and the attack only has a 10% chance of success. If the target prey is not vigilant but one or more other prey in the group are vigilant, then the other prey communicate the presence of the predator via an alarm signal or other behavioural indicator and the predator will capture the target prey 30% of the time. These probabilities are chosen based on analytical models of group vigilance \[[@RSOS150135C33]\] such that group vigilance is not as effective as individual vigilance, and models the imperfect communication between members of the group \[[@RSOS150135C42]\]. Finally, if no members of the group are vigilant while the predator is closing the distance to its target, then the entire group is unaware of the predator and the attack will succeed 100% of the time. In all cases of a successful attack, the target prey is removed from the simulation and can no longer forage to increase its fitness. Each individual prey makes the decision to forage or be vigilant every simulation time step. This decision-making process is modelled with a *Markov network* (MN), which is an 'artificial brain' that can stochastically make decisions based on sensory input, memory and previous actions \[[@RSOS150135C20],[@RSOS150135C43],[@RSOS150135C44]\]. Every prey MN is encoded by a list of numbers known as its genotype, such that changes to the genotype can result in changes in the function of the MN. Because we do not provide any sensory input to the prey in this simulation, we are effectively modelling the probability of a prey taking an action (e.g. be vigilant or forage) every simulation time step. More information on MNs---including details on their genetic encoding, mutational operators and functionality---is available in \[[@RSOS150135C14]\]. 2.2. Evolutionary process {#s2b} ------------------------- At the beginning of every experiment, we create a population of 100 individuals with random MNs. We repeat the evaluation procedure described above until all 100 individuals in the genetic algorithm (GA) population have been assigned a fitness (see \[[@RSOS150135C45]\] for a full description of GAs). Once all individuals have been assigned a fitness, we use fitness-proportional selection according to a Moran process \[[@RSOS150135C46]\] to produce the next generation\'s population of prey. Fitness-proportional selection ensures that prey with higher fitness values generally produce more offspring. The selected prey reproduce asexually, with a small probability of mutations (0.5% per site) affecting their offspring\'s genotype. We repeat this evaluation--selection--reproduction process for 2500 generations to ensure that the GA has reached an evolutionarily stable strategy \[[@RSOS150135C47]\] and replicate the experiments 100 times for each treatment---each with a distinct random number generator seed---to verify that we are capturing evolutionary trends rather than outlier scenarios. 2.3. Group size {#s2c} --------------- Since the many eyes hypothesis predicts an inverse relationship between individual vigilance and group size \[[@RSOS150135C4],[@RSOS150135C1]\], we study prey populations across a range of group sizes: 5, 10, 25 and 50. In our first set of experiments, we observe the equilibrium vigilance levels when prey are forced to group. In our second set of experiments, we relax this assumption and allow the prey to choose to group (or not) every time step. In the latter case, we report the group size as the maximum initial group size. To provide a baseline for the optional grouping experiment, we compare its equilibrium vigilance levels to that of experiments where prey are forced to group and experiments where prey are forced to forage individually. 2.4. Genetic relatedness {#s2d} ------------------------ For all of the above experiments, we study the effect of genetic relatedness on group vigilance behaviour. Given that genetically related organisms are more likely to cooperate with each other than genetically unrelated organisms \[[@RSOS150135C48]\], we expect that genetic relatedness within the group will play a critical role in the evolution of group vigilance behaviour. To explore the two extremes of genetic relatedness, we form groups in two different ways. In *homogeneous groups*, each individual in the GA population is evaluated separately. During an individual\'s fitness evaluation, we fill the group in the simulation with exact copies of the individual, and the fitness for that individual is the average fitness of all of its copies at the end of the simulation. Thus, for a GA with a population size of 100 individuals, we run 100 simulations every generation to acquire the fitness for each individual. In *heterogeneous groups*, we use a subset of the GA population (which contains many prey with different genes) to study how the prey fare in direct competition (or cooperation) with each other. When forming a heterogeneous group, we randomly sample individuals from the GA population without replacement until we reach the desired group size for the current treatment. This group is then evaluated in the simulation, where each individual has only one copy and is assigned the fitness of that copy. Once the simulation finishes, we flag the evaluated individuals so they are not evaluated again in that generation. Since the desired group sizes (5, 10, 25 and 50) are always smaller than the GA population size (100), this procedure is repeated until all individuals have been evaluated. For example, if the desired group size is 25 and the GA population is composed of 100 individuals, then the randomly group-and-evaluate procedure is repeated four times. Thus, by following this procedure, all individuals in the GA population are evaluated only once per generation in a randomly assigned group. Since vigilance indirectly benefits the vigilant individual in homogeneous groups by aiding its kin, we expect that group vigilance will be highly beneficial in homogeneous groups. By contrast, because the vigilance of one prey can potentially aid a rival prey in heterogeneous groups, we expect to observe lower levels of vigilance in heterogeneous groups. 2.5. Reproductive strategy {#s2e} -------------------------- The benefits of making the right decision in this simulated environment are straightforward: the prey must maximize food intake by surviving the longest while minimizing the time spent being vigilant. But the cost of making the wrong decision can also depend on the life history of the prey. For example, two different reproductive strategies---semelparity and iteroparity---should incur different costs. Semelparous organisms sit on one end of the reproductive spectrum and are characterized by a single reproductive event prior to death. On the other end of the reproductive spectrum, iteroparous organisms continually reproduce throughout their lifetime. We explore these two extremes by simulating semelparous and iteroparous prey in separate treatments. When simulating *semelparous* prey in our model, we assume that their reproductive event occurs at the end of the simulation. Therefore, if a semelparous prey is consumed by the predator before the end of the simulation, all of its gathered food counts for nothing: it will leave no offspring. When simulating *iteroparous* prey in our model, we assume that the prey are constantly reproducing throughout their lifetime. Therefore, when a predator consumes an iteroparous prey, the prey can no longer increase its fitness via foraging, but any food it gathered prior to its death counts towards its fitness. We hypothesize that the increased risk of genetic death introduced by the semelparous treatment will provide an evolutionary incentive for prey to invest in vigilance, whereas prey in the iteroparous treatment will be more likely to engage in risky, non-cooperative behaviour, because their demise does not necessarily doom their genetic lineage \[[@RSOS150135C49]\]. We note that these are highly simplified implementations of reproductive strategies and are meant to capture one key variable: the probability of reproduction occurring prior to a predation event. Our implementations of semelparity and iteroparity vary slightly from their typical use in life-history theory---which focuses on how an organism should allocate resources to growth versus reproduction---whereas here we use 'semelparity' and 'iteroparity' as shorthand for a manipulation of when the fitness consequences of predation are experienced during a life cycle. Some readers may also find our implementations of semelparity and iteroparity akin to capital and income breeding \[[@RSOS150135C50]\], respectively, which is also a viable interpretation of the reproductive strategies in our model. 2.6. Explicit cost of grouping {#s2f} ------------------------------ The model described so far includes a cost of vigilance (insofar as prey cannot forage at the same time that they are vigilant), but there is no explicit cost to choosing to group aside from the possibility of aiding a competing individual. In our final set of experiments, we implement such a grouping penalty in order to model the realistic constraints of limited resources and the resulting scramble competition for food \[[@RSOS150135C30],[@RSOS150135C36],[@RSOS150135C40],[@RSOS150135C51]\]. This grouping penalty is only assessed on prey who choose to forage in the group, and decreases the amount of food they receive in that simulation time step in proportion to the number of prey in the group. The group foraging penalty is imposed according to the following equation: $${Food} = \frac{1.0}{M \times G},$$where *G* is the number of prey in the group and *M* is the penalty multiplier that allows us to experimentally control the severity of the penalty. Given this penalty, prey foraging in larger groups receive less food every time they forage, but potentially enjoy the benefits of group vigilance. 3.. Results {#s3} =========== We evolve the vigilance behaviour of prey by subjecting them to predation under a variety of treatments that vary reproductive strategy and group composition. Vigilance is measured as the per cent chance that a prey will be vigilant at a given moment in time, averaged across all of the prey in the population. These treatments are repeated across a wide range of group sizes, allowing us to study not only whether the selection for vigilance can be generalized to groups of varying sizes, but also whether we can observe the inverse relationship between group size and vigilance predicted by the many eyes hypothesis. In our first experiment, all prey in the simulation are forced to forage in the same group, and the only trait that is evolving is the prey decision to be vigilant or not at every time step. Under these conditions, we find that prey living in homogeneous groups consistently evolve higher levels of vigilance than their counterparts living in heterogeneous groups ([figure 2](#RSOS150135F2){ref-type="fig"}). This finding suggests that organisms living in groups with high genetic relatedness are more likely to evolve cooperative strategies. Thus, in our model as in many natural systems, gregarious foraging is most favourable when genetic interests are aligned. Figure 2.Treatment comparison when prey are forced to forage in groups. Both group homogeneity and a semelparous reproductive strategy select for high levels of vigilance. However, only homogeneous groups experience an increase in fitness as group size increases. By contrast, vigilance behaviour breaks down in larger, heterogeneous groups of semelparous prey. Error bars indicate bootstrapped 95% CIs over 100 replicates; some error bars are too small to be visible.  [Figure 2](#RSOS150135F2){ref-type="fig"} also shows that semelparous prey are more likely to evolve vigilant strategies than iteroparous prey. This is because semelparity selects more strongly than iteroparity for successful evasion of predator attacks, since prey death negates all previous foraging efforts in semelparous prey. This effect is seen across both homogeneous and heterogeneous groups, indicating that semelparity is a strong enough selective pressure to act independently of group genetic composition. Importantly, prey vigilance does not evolve at all in the absence of predation (electronic supplementary material, figure S1), and gradually reducing the predation rate leads to a correspondingly gradual decrease in prey vigilance levels (electronic supplementary material, figure S2). Therefore, we know that the selection pressure imposed by predation is the primary driving force behind this evolved vigilance behaviour. All three treatments that evolve any level of vigilance also see the prevalence of vigilance decrease as group size increases. This pattern is important because it matches the pattern predicted by the many eyes hypothesis: as group size increases, individuals are able to rely more on collective rather than individual vigilance and can in turn devote more of their own time to foraging. Since we use a relative attack rate that scales the predator\'s attack frequency with group size, this phenomenon must be caused by group vigilance and not the dilution effect (i.e. fewer attacks per individual in larger groups) cited in other studies. We note that vigilance in the heterogeneous/semelparous treatment appears to evolve away almost entirely in a group size of 50. To explain why this trend might be due to something other than collective vigilance, we can instead look at trends in the fitness of the populations. We observe several interesting trends when we look at the influence of group size on average group fitness. In both homogeneous treatments, there is a steady increase in fitness with increasing group size, suggesting that gregarious foraging behaviour is under positive selection. We see no significant fitness increase with group size in the heterogeneous/iteroparous populations, where the populations do not evolve vigilance behaviour (Wilcoxon rank-sum *p*=0.79 between group size 5 and 50). Unlike the other treatments, the heterogeneous/semelparous populations actually experience a significant *decrease* in fitness with increasing group size (Wilcoxon rank-sum *p*=2.77×10^−6^ between group size 5 and 50), which suggests that cooperative behaviour is not evolutionarily stable in larger heterogeneous groups. Accordingly, these findings suggest that heterogeneous populations are much more susceptible to non-vigilant, 'cheating' prey strategies that sweep the population and reduce the overall population fitness. 3.1. Optional grouping {#s3a} ---------------------- So far we have shown that prey appear to take advantage of collective vigilance to increase their fitness when they are forced to group. We might expect from this (and the many eyes hypothesis predicts) that grouping provides a selective advantage. To test this expectation explicitly, we relax the constraints of the previous experiment by allowing the prey to evolve whether to group or not at every simulation time step. Since there is no direct fitness trade-off for grouping in this model yet (as there was for foraging and vigilance), this allows us to study whether the evolutionary advantages of grouping are favourable enough for vigilance and grouping to co-evolve.  [Figure 3](#RSOS150135F3){ref-type="fig"} shows that when we allow prey to choose to group, we find nearly the same results as before. This suggests that collective vigilance provides enough of a selective advantage to favour the evolution of grouping. It is not surprising that the homogeneous treatments evolve to group nearly 100% of the time, given that the population is genetically identical and any 'altruistic' action indirectly benefits the altruist as well. As in the forced grouping experiment, we observe a decline in fitness in the heterogeneous/semelparous populations as group size increases, to the point that the population is nearly driven extinct. The inability of the heterogeneous/semelparous populations to evolve consistently high levels of vigilance further supports the hypothesis that evolution is favouring selfish behaviour in heterogeneous populations. This phenomenon is commonly known as the tragedy of the commons \[[@RSOS150135C52],[@RSOS150135C53]\], where selfish actions that provide individuals short-term benefits lead to a decrease in overall group fitness. Figure 3.Treatment comparison when prey can choose to forage in groups. Allowing prey to decide whether they wish to be in the group produces very similar results compared to when they are forced to group. In homogeneous groups, prey choose to spend most of their time in the group. However, grouping breaks down (alongside vigilance) in heterogeneous groups of semelparous prey. This occurs despite there being no direct penalty assessed for choosing to group. Error bars indicate bootstrapped 95% CIs over 100 replicates; some error bars are too small to be visible. 3.2. Tragedy of the commons in heterogeneous groups {#s3b} --------------------------------------------------- To explore this apparent tragedy of the commons scenario further, we directly compare vigilance and fitness values from the forced and optional grouping experiments alongside a third experiment where we force the population to forage and survive as individuals. [Figure 4](#RSOS150135F4){ref-type="fig"} shows that when given the choice to group in the homogeneous treatments, prey behaviour closely mirrors the behaviour observed when forced to forage in a group. This observation confirms the previous suggestion that collective vigilance in homogeneous groups provides a fitness benefit that positively selects for gregarious foraging behaviours. Figure 4.Vigilance in prey with and without the option to forage in groups. In homogeneous groups, prey with forced and optional grouping evolve similar vigilance behaviours. By contrast, individualistic (non-grouping) prey evolve vigilance behaviours that maximize individual fitness. Meanwhile, individuals in heterogeneous/semelparous populations with the option to group evolve to be less vigilant than either of the other two treatments. Error bars indicate bootstrapped 95% CIs over 100 replicates; some error bars are too small to be visible. (*a*) Heterogeneous, iteroparous; (*b*) heterogeneous, semelparous; (*c*) homogeneous, iteroparous; and (*d*) homogeneous, semelparous. In contrast to the homogeneous populations, heterogeneous populations are much less likely to evolve gregarious foraging behaviours. Heterogeneous/iteroparous populations never evolve vigilance behaviour regardless of whether the prey are forced to group or not ([figure 4](#RSOS150135F4){ref-type="fig"}). Similarly, heterogeneous/semelparous populations only evolve vigilance behaviour in smaller groups, whereas the advantage of collective vigilance is lost in larger groups. At larger group sizes, prey with the ability to choose whether or not to forage in heterogeneous/semelparous groups instead evolve lower levels of vigilance than required to protect the group ([figure 4](#RSOS150135F4){ref-type="fig"}), which results in a decrease in overall group fitness relative to prey that always forage in groups ([figure 5](#RSOS150135F5){ref-type="fig"}). Figure 5.Fitness for prey with and without the option to forage in groups. In heterogeneous/semelparous groups, prey with the option to group have lower fitness than prey that are forced to group. Error bars indicate bootstrapped 95% CIs over 100 replicates; some error bars are too small to be visible. 3.3. Explicit cost of grouping {#s3c} ------------------------------ In our final treatment, we investigate the impact of assessing a direct cost of foraging in a group (e.g. competition for food). [Figure 6](#RSOS150135F6){ref-type="fig"} shows that except in the homogeneous/semelparous treatment, an explicit grouping cost selects against gregarious foraging behaviour even when the grouping penalty is small (*M*=1.0). Conversely, prey in the homogeneous/semelparous treatment maintain some level of gregarious foraging behaviour even when the penalty for foraging in groups is extreme (*M*=1000). Therefore, we conclude that in the presence of even a small penalty for foraging in a group and the absence of additional selection pressures that favour gregarious foraging (e.g. improved social status for sentinels), only the combination of high genetic relatedness within the group and a semelparous reproductive strategy select strongly enough for gregarious foraging behaviour to evolve in our model. Figure 6.Grouping behaviours in prey experiencing grouping penalties. Even with a small grouping penalty (*M*=1.0), all treatments except homogeneous/semelparous no longer evolve grouping behaviour. Prey in the homogeneous/semelparous treatment only evolve slightly lower levels of grouping behaviour, even with extreme penalties to foraging in a group (*M*=1000). Error bars indicate bootstrapped 95% CIs over 100 replicates; some error bars are too small to be visible. (*a*) Heterogeneous, iteroparous; (*b*) heterogeneous, semelparous; (*c*) homogeneous, iteroparous; and (*d*) homogeneous, semelparous. 4.. Discussion {#s4} ============== We found that gregarious foraging behaviour can emerge under a variety of conditions when there is a benefit of vigilance and the spreading of information about predators. Prey that forage in homogeneous groups are more likely to evolve gregarious foraging behaviours compared to those in heterogeneous groups. The same is true for semelparous organisms (who reproduce only once before death) compared to their iteroparous counterparts (who reproduce continually), but group homogeneity selects much more strongly for gregarious foraging behaviour. Clearly, there are numerous challenges to evolving any form of cooperative behaviour in a population with unconstrained genetic relatedness. However, we have shown here that when there is strong selection for survival (as in the heterogeneous/semelparous treatment), the benefit of information sharing via being vigilant and making alarm signals is sufficient to select for cooperative behaviour in heterogeneous groups. This finding demonstrates that kinship is not necessary for cooperative behaviour to evolve as long as there is some benefit to information sharing within the group, e.g. reducing predator attack efficiency. Further, our results point to a heretofore unsuspected cost of gregarious foraging that is unique to heterogeneous groups. We call this the 'twofold cost of vigilance'. In our model, vigilance behaviour in heterogeneous groups is more than a trade-off with foraging on the individual level. By choosing to be vigilant, prey also risk aiding in the survival of rival prey, which then puts the vigilant prey at a fitness disadvantage because it sacrificed a round of foraging to aid the rival prey. Together, these costs could explain why prey in heterogeneous groups evolve to be less vigilant than those in homogeneous groups. At the same time, it is also possible that there are some evolutionary advantages unique to heterogeneous groups that we have not yet addressed. For example, our model does not currently allow for any kind of specialization in roles between individuals, which could explain the presence of multi-species groups in nature \[[@RSOS150135C54],[@RSOS150135C55]\]. If the prey could evolve to preferentially pay attention to certain 'sentinel' members of the population (who, in turn, choose to be vigilant nearly always in order to receive some form of rewards, e.g. food or increased social status) then perhaps an evolutionarily stable form of gregarious foraging could be found in heterogeneous groups of all sizes. It is even possible that such a complex social structure could out-perform the relatively primitive cooperation in our homogeneous groups. Alongside genetic relatedness, another positive selective pressure for the evolution of vigilance is a semelparous reproductive strategy. When prey must survive any and all predator attacks in order to reproduce, the impetus to be vigilant is much greater. Semelparous organisms are known to be more risk-averse than similar, iteroparous organisms \[[@RSOS150135C56]\], and the decision to forage instead of being vigilant is an example of one such risky behaviour. Thus, rather than spending most of their time foraging (as iteroparous prey evolve to do in our model), semelparous prey in our model tend to devote most of their time to watching for predators. When given the opportunity to group with other prey and take advantage of collective vigilance, semelparous prey are actually able to spend less time being vigilant. Thus, when semelparous prey evolve lower levels of vigilance in larger groups, we are observing the effect of collective vigilance. Given that many animals who rely on vigilance for survival are iteroparous, our result that vigilance is less likely to evolve in iteroparous populations may seem to be contradicted by evidence. In our experiments, we explore the two extremes of reproductive behaviour: semelparous strategies where the prey reproduce only once at the end of their lifetime, and iteroparous strategies where the prey constantly reproduce throughout their lifetime. It is plausible that an intermediate strategy---where prey reproduce within a few breeding episodes throughout their lifetime---could select for vigilance behaviour while at the same time offering the benefits of a more reliable iteroparous reproductive strategy. Even though such an intermediate strategy is not explored in this work, it would make an interesting focus for future work to explore the continuum between the two reproductive strategies. Although our results suggest that the risk-averseness of semelparity induces semelparous prey to evolve to take advantage of collective vigilance, this selective pressure does not appear to be as strong as the pressure we observed in homogeneous groups. Proof of this observation can be found in the heterogeneous/semelparous treatment, where most group members attempt to cheat their way into collective vigilance by evolving lower levels of vigilance behaviour than is observed in populations where prey are forced to forage in the group ([figure 4](#RSOS150135F4){ref-type="fig"}). Ultimately, this selfish behaviour results in lower fitness than the fitness of prey that are forced to forage in groups ([figure 5](#RSOS150135F5){ref-type="fig"}), but the tendency for selfish strategies to outcompete cooperative strategies prevents a cooperative vigilance strategy from taking hold in the population. The breakdown of cooperation in the heterogeneous/semelparous populations suggests that the populations are succumbing to a tragedy of the commons \[[@RSOS150135C52],[@RSOS150135C53]\]. In our experiments, all prey are competing against each other to forage as much food as possible without being captured by the predator. However, because there is an unlimited amount of food, the only depletable group resource is vigilance, which protects the entire group from the predator. As the resulting non-cooperative behaviour in the heterogeneous/iteroparous populations demonstrates, absent any major selective pressures for collective vigilance, prey will evolve to selfishly forage 100% of the time. Therefore, group homogeneity and semelparity correspond to two previously established mechanisms for preventing a tragedy of the commons, namely kin selection and punishment for non-cooperative behaviours, respectively \[[@RSOS150135C52]\]. The relative efficacy of these mechanisms to prevent cheating merits further investigation; for example, does group homogeneity play a larger role than reproductive strategy in the evolution of collective vigilance? In the presence of even a small penalty for foraging in groups, we observe that only prey in homogeneous groups with a semelparous reproductive strategy are capable of evolving gregarious foraging behaviour ([figure 6](#RSOS150135F6){ref-type="fig"}). This finding suggests that, in the absence of unlimited food resources or extreme predation rates, collective vigilance (i.e. the many eyes hypothesis) is insufficient to select for gregarious foraging. However, there may be important aspects of natural systems that select for gregarious foraging that we did not model here. For example, predators have been observed to preferentially attack non-vigilant prey in groups \[[@RSOS150135C57]\], which would require prey to be vigilant even without the benefit of collective vigilance. Thus, it would be informative in future work to model such a preference for non-vigilant prey and observe the evolution of gregarious foraging under those conditions. The experimental platform presented here enables a plethora of hypotheses to be studied in future work. Given that there is considerable evidence suggesting that foraging and vigilance behaviours are not mutually exclusive in some species \[[@RSOS150135C58]--[@RSOS150135C60]\], it would be instructive to relax that assumption in this model and make foraging only a 'reduced vigilance' state. Furthermore, we assume here that prey cannot detect the size of their group; a useful extension would be to allow prey to detect their group\'s size and study collective vigilance in prey that evolved in varying group sizes. We also assume here that prey always communicate the presence of the predator to their group members. Given that it may not always be evolutionarily advantageous to aid other group members, another informative extension would be to allow prey to optionally make their alarm signals upon detection of the predator. Finally, there are several hypotheses other than the many-eyes hypothesis that could be explored with a model similar to the one presented here, such as the predator confusion hypothesis \[[@RSOS150135C20]\] and the selfish herd hypothesis \[[@RSOS150135C13],[@RSOS150135C14]\]. Once all of these hypotheses have been studied in isolation, we can then combine them into a single model to study their relative importance and separate the adaptive benefits (those that select for the evolution of grouping) from the chance side effects of grouping. Such experiments will further sharpen our understanding of the factors favouring grouping behaviour. Supplementary Material ====================== ###### Supporting data and figures We thank Art Covert and the Freshman Research Initiative at The University of Texas at Austin for their support through the development of this project. This research has been supported by Michigan State University through computational resources provided by the Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research. Model code: <https://github.com/phaley/eos/tree/non-embodied>. Data accessibility {#s5} ================== All data are reproducible from the open source code provided at <https://github.com/phaley/eos/tree/non-embodied>. Instructions are provided to ensure accurate replication of the experiments presented in this paper. Author\' contributions {#s6} ====================== R.S.O. conceived and designed the experiments, analysed the data, wrote the paper, prepared figures and/or tables and reviewed drafts of the paper. P.B.H. designed and performed the experiments, analysed the data, wrote the paper, prepared figures and/or tables and reviewed drafts of the paper. F.C.D. designed the experiments, wrote the paper, and reviewed drafts of the paper. C.A. designed the experiments, wrote the paper, and reviewed drafts of the paper. Competing interests {#s7} =================== The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Funding {#s8} ======= All the authors were supported by the National Science Foundation BEACON Center under Cooperative Agreement DBI-0939454. [^1]: These authors contributed equally to this study.
AChR : acetylcholine receptor CHO cells : Chinese hamster ovary cells CT : cytoplasmic tail DOPC : dioleoylphosphatidylcholine DOPS : dioleoylphosphatidylserine ECD : extracellular domain GPCR : G-protein-coupled receptor HER3 : human epidermal growth factor receptor-3 IgM : immunoglobulin M mAbs : monoclonal protein antibodies MBP : maltose binding protein NT : neurotensin PSMA : prostate-specific membrane antigen SELEX : systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment
As mortality from breast cancer has been decreasing ([Peto *et al*, 2000](#bib24){ref-type="other"}), delayed complications of therapy for breast cancer are becoming more apparent. In particular, osteoporosis is of substantial concern in breast cancer survivors, especially in those diagnosed while still premenopausal. Chemotherapy may induce ovarian failure in up to 70% of women ([Petrek *et al*, 2006](#bib25){ref-type="other"}; [Stearns *et al*, 2006](#bib34){ref-type="other"}), and the resulting oestrogen depletion can lead to bone loss ([Saarto *et al*, 1997](#bib29){ref-type="other"}). In addition, chemotherapy can have direct detrimental effects on bone density through an inhibition of bone proliferation ([Lester *et al*, 2005](#bib20){ref-type="other"}). It is well recognised that endocrine therapies for breast cancer can have variable effects on bone mineral density (BMD), depending on the pharmaceutical agent and the patient population ([Chien and Goss, 2006](#bib3){ref-type="other"}; [Perez *et al*, 2006](#bib23){ref-type="other"}; [Coleman *et al*, 2007](#bib4){ref-type="other"}; [Eastell *et al*, 2008](#bib7){ref-type="other"}). Tamoxifen, a selective oestrogen receptor modulator (SERM), has been the standard adjuvant hormonal treatment for early-stage hormone receptor-positive breast cancer for more than two decades ([Osborne, 1998](#bib22){ref-type="other"}). It has antagonistic effects on breast tissue, thereby inhibiting the growth of hormone-responsive tumours. Classically, tamoxifen has been considered to have oestrogenic effects on bone, and postmenopausal women typically experience an increase in BMD with tamoxifen therapy ([Love *et al*, 1992](#bib21){ref-type="other"}; [Kristensen *et al*, 1994](#bib19){ref-type="other"}; [Powles *et al*, 1996](#bib26){ref-type="other"}). Conversely, tamoxifen therapy results in decreased BMD in premenopausal women, although the reason for this difference remains unclear ([Powles *et al*, 1996](#bib26){ref-type="other"}; [Sverrisdottir *et al*, 2004](#bib37){ref-type="other"}). One hypothesis is that tamoxifen exerts an effect more as an anti-oestrogen in bone in the premenopausal population because of the greater amount of circulating oestrogens compared with postmenopausal women ([Powles *et al*, 1996](#bib26){ref-type="other"}). Tamoxifen, a pro-drug, is converted into more active metabolites by cytochrome (CYP) P450 enzymes, primarily by CYP2D6 ([Jin *et al*, 2005](#bib17){ref-type="other"}). *CYP2D6* is a highly polymorphic gene. Indeed, more than 80 different alleles have been identified, many of which confer a decreased or absent CYP2D6 activity. As has been previously shown in the cohort of patients described in this report, there is an association between decreased CYP2D6 activity and decreased serum concentrations of endoxifen, one of the main active metabolites of tamoxifen ([Jin *et al*, 2005](#bib17){ref-type="other"}). Data suggest that women with the CYP2D6 poor metaboliser phenotype have worse breast cancer outcomes, and may have different tamoxifen-related toxicity profiles compared with women with a normal CYP2D6 activity ([Goetz *et al*, 2005](#bib11){ref-type="other"}; [Desta and Flockhart, 2007](#bib5){ref-type="other"}). Tamoxifen acts via modulation of oestrogen receptors (ER). Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified in both *ESR1* and *ESR2*, the genes that encode for ER-*α* and ER-*β*, respectively. These SNPs have been shown to be associated with breast cancer risk and breast cancer survival, as well as with serum lipid concentrations in healthy women ([Herrington *et al*, 2002](#bib15){ref-type="other"}; [Gold *et al*, 2004](#bib12){ref-type="other"}; [Boyapati *et al*, 2005](#bib2){ref-type="other"}). In contrast, numerous studies have evaluated associations between BMD and ER genotypes in non-breast cancer patients ([Willing *et al*, 1998](#bib40){ref-type="other"}; [Ioannidis *et al*, 2004](#bib16){ref-type="other"}; [Sowers *et al*, 2004](#bib33){ref-type="other"}; [Gennari *et al*, 2007](#bib10){ref-type="other"}), but these results have been inconsistent. Few results have been reported that associate ER polymorphisms with a change in BMD in women treated with SERMs ([Yoneda *et al*, 2002](#bib41){ref-type="other"}; [Heilberg *et al*, 2005](#bib13){ref-type="other"}). To further analyse the associations between genetic variants in *ESR1*, *ESR2*, and *CYP2D6* on BMD, we initiated a prospective study to evaluate the changes in BMD in both pre- and postmenopausal women who were recommended tamoxifen either as adjuvant therapy for newly diagnosed breast cancer or for chemoprevention. Baseline BMD and change in BMD with 1 year of therapy were tested for associations with polymorphisms in *ESR1, ESR2,* and *CYP2D6*. Materials and methods ===================== Subjects -------- Eligible patients were recruited into a prospective, observational, open-labelled, multicentre registry study conducted by the Consortium on Breast Cancer Pharmacogenomics (COBRA) from 2000 to 2006. Participating COBRA institutions included the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC; the Indiana University Cancer Center, Indianapolis, Indiana; and the Breast Oncology Program at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The analysis presented in this report is a secondary aim of the main study, and was specifically designed to test relationships between polymorphisms in the genes that encode ER and CYP2D6 and change in BMD after 1 year of tamoxifen therapy. Results from this cohort regarding other genotypes and phenotypes have been previously reported ([Jin *et al*, 2005](#bib17){ref-type="other"}, [2008](#bib18){ref-type="other"}; [Borges *et al*, 2006](#bib1){ref-type="other"}; [Henry *et al*, 2009](#bib14){ref-type="other"}). The study design for this trial has already been described in detail ([Jin *et al*, 2005](#bib17){ref-type="other"}) and is listed on [www.ClinicalTrials.gov](http://www.ClinicalTrials.gov) (NCT0022893). Pre- and postmenopausal women 18 years or older, who had oestrogen and/or progesterone receptor-positive breast cancer, were starting adjuvant treatment with tamoxifen, had a history of ductal carcinoma *in situ*, or were at high risk for breast cancer and starting tamoxifen for chemoprevention were eligible for the study. Women were ineligible if they were treated with hormone therapy other than tamoxifen or if they started tamoxifen therapy concurrently with either radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Other exclusion criteria included use of concomitant clonidine, bellergal, megestrol acetate, or chronic corticosteroids (previous intermittent use of steroids during adjuvant chemotherapy was permitted). Patients were excluded if they were pregnant or lactating. No restrictions were placed on the use of bisphosphonates for trial enrolment, although subjects taking bisphosphonates were excluded from the BMD analyses, as described below. Use of supplemental calcium and vitamin D was encouraged. The protocol was approved by the institutional review boards of all three participating study sites. All enrolled patients provided written informed consent. Study design ------------ Participants with invasive breast cancer or ductal carcinoma *in situ* were enrolled in the trial after completion of primary surgical resection of breast cancer, and after any indicated adjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. Before starting tamoxifen, a complete medical history, comprehensive list of medications, physical examination, and baseline laboratory studies were obtained from each patient. Menopausal status was determined on the basis of self-reported menstrual history. Women who were 60 years or older, who were amenorrhoeic for 12 months before enrolment, or had undergone previous bilateral oophorectomy were considered postmenopausal. Women with regular menses before adjuvant chemotherapy or tamoxifen were considered premenopausal. All other patients were considered perimenopausal. Patients were followed up in the outpatient clinic 1, 4, 8, and 12 months after the initiation of treatment with tamoxifen at 20 mg per day. During each follow-up visit, changes in medical history and medication use were reviewed. Blood samples (∼10 ml) were collected at baseline in heparinised Vacutainer tubes (Becton-Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA) for plasma isolation and genomic DNA extraction for genotyping analysis. Plasma was separated within 1 h of blood collection by centrifugation at 2060 **g**. All samples (plasma and whole blood) were then transferred to cryogenic vials (Corning, Cambridge, MA, USA) and stored at −80 °C pending analysis. Standard dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans were performed to measure BMD immediately before initiation of tamoxifen and at the completion of 1 year of therapy. The BMD values (calculated in grams per square centimetre) of the left femoral neck (hip) and total lumbar spine were measured at the University of Michigan using a Lunar DPX-L bone densitometer (Madison, WI, USA) and at Indiana University and Georgetown University using Hologic 4500 bone densitometers (Bedford, MA, USA). Baseline and 12-month DXA assessments were performed on the same bone densitometer for all but 17% of subjects at a single study site (14% of the total population). The BMD data set can be found on <http://www.pharmgkb.org> with the accession [ID PS207749](ID PS207749). Genotyping analysis ------------------- Genotyping for two ER-α (*ESR1*) SNPs (*Xba*I=rs 9340799 and *Pvu*II=rs 2234693) and two ER-*β* (*ESR2*) SNPs (ESR2_01=rs 1256049 and ESR2_02=rs 4986938) was performed in duplicate by Taqman assays as previously described by the NCI CGAP project ([snp500cancer.nci.nih.gov](http://snp500cancer.nci.nih.gov)). Amplification and analysis were performed using the iCycler real-time thermocycler (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). Genotyping for *CYP2D6* variants was performed as previously described ([Borges *et al*, 2006](#bib1){ref-type="other"}). Genotyping data can be found on the Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base website (<http://www.pharmgkb.org>) with accession IDs *ESR1* ([PS204992](PS204992) and [PS204997](PS204997)), *ESR2* ([PS205000](PS205000) and [PS203537](PS203537), [PS203538](PS203538) and [PS204999](PS204999)), and *CYP2D6* ([PS204849](PS204849), [PS204850](PS204850), [PS204858](PS204858), [PS204859](PS204859), [PS204873](PS204873), [PS204874](PS204874), [PS204875](PS204875), [PS204901](PS204901), [PS204991](PS204991), and [PS204996](PS204996)). Statistical analysis -------------------- The primary end point for this study was to test the association between menopausal status, previous chemotherapy, genotype, and mean percentage change in BMD over 12 months. Because of similarities in bone biology in peri- and postmenopausal women, data from peri- and postmenopausal patients were combined and compared with data from premenopausal patients in this analysis ([Steinberg *et al*, 1989](#bib35){ref-type="other"}; [Slemenda *et al*, 1996](#bib32){ref-type="other"}; [Finkelstein *et al*, 2008](#bib8){ref-type="other"}). Analyses were performed on the basis of intention-to-treat, regardless of compliance with the study drug. Univariate analysis was conducted for all BMD outcomes (hip and lumbar spine BMD at baseline and the percentage change in BMD from months 0 to 12) to obtain descriptive statistics of variables and study their underlying distributions. Association between menopausal status, previous chemotherapy, and other categorical variables with BMD outcomes was examined using *t*-tests or ANOVA with *post hoc* pairwise comparisons. A general linear model was used to adjust for age and centre and to assess the interactions between menopausal status and previous chemotherapy, and was performed using the SAS program (Cary, NC, USA) (PROC GLM, SAS v9.1.3). Differences in each BMD outcome among genotypes, including age- and centre-adjusted analysis, were also examined using a general linear model. For *post hoc* comparisons, we compared the adjusted means between all pairs of three genotypes while controlling for overall alpha using the Tukey--Kramer method. For all analyses, a *P*-value of \<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Our data suggest that the lumbar BMD percentage change from baseline to 1 year after tamoxifen has an s.d. of 0.06; and 218 samples provide us with 88% power to detect the 1.3% observed lumbar BMD change. However, we only have 30% power to detect the 0.4% observed hip BMD change, which has an s.d. of 0.04. The type I error is set at the 5% level for each test, and they are based on a one-sample *t*-test. This pharmacogenetics substudy, which was a secondary aim of the overall study, was designed to test the associations between polymorphisms in candidate genes and change in BMD with 1 year of tamoxifen therapy. Because this analysis was not the primary aim, however, the power to detect our observed genetic effect on BMD changes in tamoxifen-treated patients was \<20%. The *ESR1* haplotypes were constructed from *ESR1 Pvu*II and *ESR1 Xba*I SNPs using the PHASE2 online software (<http://www.stat.washington.edu/stephens/software.html>). The *ESR2* haplotypes were also constructed but were few because of the low frequency of *ESR2_01* variants. Haplotype associations with baseline BMD and percentage change in BMD were tested with a generalised estimating equation approach through its online implementation (<http://www.mayo.edu/statgene>) ([Schaid *et al*, 2002](#bib30){ref-type="other"}). Results ======= Subjects -------- Of the 297 patients who enrolled in the clinical trial, 21 were excluded from BMD analyses because of concomitant bisphosphonate use during the 1-year study duration (*n*=17, 5.7%), significantly outlying values of percentage BMD change (*n*=2), use of raloxifene at the time of study enrolment (*n*=1), and failure to initiate protocol-directed treatment (*n*=1) (for CONSORT diagram see Supplementary Figure 1). All 276 remaining patients were included in the baseline BMD analyses. Of these 276 patients, 11 did not have any baseline DXA measurements, 3 did not have baseline lumbar spine DXA measurements, and 9 did not have baseline hip DXA measurements. Therefore, 95% of analysed subjects had baseline lumbar spine DXA measurements, and 93% had baseline hip DXA measurements. Baseline characteristics of the analysed cohort are described in [Table 1](#tbl1){ref-type="table"}. Characteristics of the 21 excluded patients were similar to those of the analysed cohort, except for the fact that they were significantly older (mean age 63.2, *P*\<0.0001) and all were postmenopausal. In total, 58 patients did not have matched baseline and 12-month DXA assessments for the following reasons: missing baseline and/or 12-month measurements at either the hip or the spine (*n*=17), premature discontinuation of study participation for disease progression (*n*=1), toxicity (*n*=18), a switch to aromatase inhibitor (*n*=2), relocation (*n*=2), non-compliance or withdrawal of consent (*n*=8), and unknown (*n*=10). Data on hip BMD were missing on seven patients at one or both time points either because of machine malfunction or previous bilateral hip replacement. Thus, a total of 211 patients (76% of analysed cohort) had both baseline and 12-month DXA assessment at the hip, and 218 patients (79% of analysed cohort) had both DXA assessments at the lumbar spine. These subjects are included in the analyses evaluating percentage change in BMD with 1 year of tamoxifen therapy. There were no differences between the baseline characteristics of patients with and without 12-month DXA assessments. Polymorphisms in genes encoding ER-*α* (*ESR1 Pvu*II and *Xba*I) and ER-*β* (*ESR2*\_01 and \_02) were determined for 260 patients ([Table 2](#tbl2){ref-type="table"}). No genotypes were determined for 16 patients because of lack of sufficient samples for analysis. A minority of samples were unable to be genotyped for every gene, as indicated in [Table 2](#tbl2){ref-type="table"}. All genotypes were in Hardy--Weinberg equilibrium. We observed three possible *ESR1* haplotypes on the basis of the *ESR1 Pvu*II and *Xba*I genotype: C-A 14.2%, C-G 35.0%, and T-A 50.8%. The three *ESR2* haplotypes based on *ESR2*\_01 and \_02 genotypes were A-G 3.8%, G-A 35.5%, and G-G 60.8%. Baseline BMD ------------ Mean baseline BMD for all patients eligible for analysis divided by their menopausal and chemotherapy status is listed in [Table 3,](#tbl3){ref-type="table"} and the mean T scores are provided in [Supplementary Table 1](#sup1){ref-type="other"}. Lumbar spine but not hip BMD was statistically significantly greater in premenopausal compared with postmenopausal women (*P*=0.032). Similar results were noted for the baseline T score at the lumbar spine (premenopausal +0.3, postmenopausal −0.3; *P*=0.003). No statistically significant differences in either the BMD or T score were noted between subjects treated and not treated with chemotherapy. Percentage change in BMD with 1 year of tamoxifen ------------------------------------------------- The percentage change in BMD was calculated for each patient with matched baseline and 12-month BMD determinations. The percentage change in hip and lumbar spine BMD for all patients in aggregate, as well as for patients divided by chemotherapy and/or menopausal status, is presented in [Tables 3](#tbl3){ref-type="table"} and [4](#tbl4){ref-type="table"}, respectively. The average change in T score between baseline and 12 months for patients divided by chemotherapy or menopausal status is given in [Supplementary Table 1](#sup1){ref-type="other"}. Similar to previously reported results, postmenopausal women had an increase in BMD at the hip (+0.8%) and stability of BMD at the lumbar spine (−0.1%) with 1 year of tamoxifen therapy ([Love *et al*, 1992](#bib21){ref-type="other"}; [Kristensen *et al*, 1994](#bib19){ref-type="other"}; [Powles *et al*, 1996](#bib26){ref-type="other"}). Consistent with earlier reports, BMD decreased at both the hip (−0.5%) and lumbar spine (−2.4%) in premenopausal women ([Powles *et al*, 1996](#bib26){ref-type="other"}; [Sverrisdottir *et al*, 2004](#bib37){ref-type="other"}). The percentage change in BMD at the lumbar spine was statistically significantly different in premenopausal compared with postmenopausal women (*P*=0.002), but only a trend was noted at the hip (*P*=0.065). Patients who had received chemotherapy before initiation of tamoxifen therapy had an increase in both lumbar spine (+0.5%) and hip (+1.3%) BMD, whereas those who did not receive chemotherapy had a decrease in BMD at both sites (−2.2 and −0.5%, respectively), differences that were statistically significant (lumbar spine: *P*\<0.001, hip: *P*=0.007). The difference in the percentage change in BMD between chemotherapy-treated and -untreated subjects remained when patients were subdivided by menopausal status ([Table 4](#tbl4){ref-type="table"}). Differences were statistically significant for postmenopausal women at both the lumbar spine (+1.4 *vs* −1.5% *P*\<0.001) and hip (+1.8 *vs* −0.1% *P*=0.025), and for premenopausal women at the hip (−1.1 *vs* −3.6% *P*=0.030) but not at the lumbar spine. Effect of ER polymorphisms on baseline BMD ------------------------------------------ We evaluated the associations between two *ESR1* (*Pvu*II and *Xba*I) and two *ESR2* (*ESR2*\_01 and *ESR2*\_02) polymorphisms and baseline BMD. No association was noted between baseline BMD in the overall patient cohort or in any patient subgroup for the four polymorphisms studied ([Supplementary Tables 2--5](#sup1){ref-type="other"}). Effect of ER polymorphisms on percentage change in BMD ------------------------------------------------------ The same *ESR1* and *ESR2* polymorphisms were evaluated for association with percentage change in BMD at the lumbar spine and hip. No statistically significant associations were noted between percentage change in BMD and single genotypes in any of the patient subgroups ([Supplementary Tables 6--9](#sup1){ref-type="other"}). Similarly, no statistically significant association was observed between *ESR1* haplotypes and percentage change in BMD. Effect of CYP2D6 genotype on BMD -------------------------------- Because we previously showed that serum concentrations of endoxifen, a key active metabolite of tamoxifen, are lower in patients with *CYP2D6* variants associated with decreased or absent CYP2D6 activity ([Jin *et al*, 2005](#bib17){ref-type="other"}; [Borges *et al*, 2006](#bib1){ref-type="other"}), we evaluated whether there was an association between the *CYP2D6* genotype and percentage change in BMD with 1 year of tamoxifen therapy. We did not observe a statistically significant association between the *CYP2D6* genotype and either baseline BMD or percentage change in BMD in tamoxifen-treated patients (data not shown). Discussion ========== In this prospective clinical trial of pre- and postmenopausal women initiating therapy with tamoxifen, the subjects underwent BMD assessment at baseline and at 1 year to determine the effects of tamoxifen therapy on change in BMD. Approximately half of the patients in this trial had previously received chemotherapy, which was fairly evenly divided between the menopausal groups. Our data regarding the general effects of tamoxifen as a SERM are consistent with previously reported results in which premenopausal women have a decrease in BMD with tamoxifen therapy that is greater at the lumbar spine than at the hip ([Powles *et al*, 1996](#bib26){ref-type="other"}; [Sverrisdottir *et al*, 2004](#bib37){ref-type="other"}), whereas postmenopausal women experience an increase in BMD that is greater at the hip than at the lumbar spine ([Love *et al*, 1992](#bib21){ref-type="other"}; [Powles *et al*, 1996](#bib26){ref-type="other"}). In this study, baseline BMD was similar for patients treated with or without chemotherapy. However, when evaluating the change with tamoxifen therapy, our data suggest that tamoxifen caused a greater increase in BMD in women who received previous chemotherapy compared with those who did not receive chemotherapy, regardless of menopausal status. This effect does not seem to have been previously reported in literature. Although we do not have an explanation for this finding, one possible hypothesis is that chemotherapy-induced alterations in either bone metabolism or ovarian function lead to augmentation of the oestrogenic effects of tamoxifen on bone. Premenopausal women who develop chemotherapy-induced amenorrhoea have been shown to have rapid bone loss compared with those who retain menstrual function ([Saarto *et al*, 1997](#bib29){ref-type="other"}; [Shapiro *et al*, 2001](#bib31){ref-type="other"}; [Fuleihan Gel *et al*, 2005](#bib9){ref-type="other"}). Some reports have shown no effect of post-chemotherapy tamoxifen on BMD ([Shapiro *et al*, 2001](#bib31){ref-type="other"}). In contrast, others have shown that premenopausal women treated with chemotherapy, followed by tamoxifen, who continued to menstruate 3 years after chemotherapy, have increased bone loss during tamoxifen therapy compared with controls; in contrast, those who develop chemotherapy-induced amenorrhoea have less bone loss during tamoxifen therapy ([Vehmanen *et al*, 2006](#bib39){ref-type="other"}). Studies in men of a different SERM, raloxifene, also found an association between increased bone resorption and higher serum oestrogen levels, and suppressed bone turnover and lower oestrogen levels ([Doran *et al*, 2001](#bib6){ref-type="other"}; [Uebelhart *et al*, 2004](#bib38){ref-type="other"}). Therefore, only a subset of data in literature supports our hypothesis. In our patient cohort, we do not have information regarding recovery of ovarian function and we lack sufficient serum samples for measurement of oestradiol concentrations to assess menopausal status. However, the increase in BMD in chemotherapy-treated patients was noted in both pre- and postmenopausal women, suggesting that ovarian function recovery was not the primary cause of the differential effect of tamoxifen on BMD in chemotherapy-treated *vs* untreated patients. It is possible that these findings are an artefact of the small sample size, although the high level of statistical significance for the overall population suggests that the effect may be clinically significant. Given these potential confounding factors, a confirmation of these findings in another sample set is warranted. In postmenopausal women who did not receive chemotherapy, we did not find as great an increase in BMD with tamoxifen therapy as has previously been reported ([Powles *et al*, 1996](#bib26){ref-type="other"}). One possible explanation for this discrepancy is differences in the earlier usage of hormone replacement therapy, although we cannot confirm this hypothesis because these data were not collected in our patient cohort. Another potential confounder is the substantially higher body mass index in our patient cohort (28.8 kg m^−2^) compared with that reported by [Powles *et al* (1996](#bib26){ref-type="other"})(25.2 kg m^−2^). Finally, a third potential source of bias is the replacement of a DXA machine at one institution during the conduct of this study. However, the effect of this change on the outcome of the study is likely to be minimal, as all subjects at that institution had their baseline DXA scans performed on the same machine, and only 17% had their baseline and 12-month DXA assessments performed on different machines. In addition, this may more closely reflect standard clinical practice, in which patients are unlikely to undergo serial bone density assessment on the same machine. Although bone turnover markers could be assessed to confirm the changes noted on DXA scanning, we unfortunately do not have sufficient remaining serum or urine samples for this evaluation. The main objective of this analysis was to correlate the influence of inherited polymorphisms in the genes that encode for ER (*ESR1* and *ESR2*) on baseline BMD and change in BMD with tamoxifen therapy. However, no associations were detected between any of the four polymorphisms evaluated and either baseline BMD or change in BMD with tamoxifen therapy, or within *ESR1* or *ESR2* haplotypes. This finding is consistent with an earlier report of tamoxifen therapy in postmenopausal Japanese women, in whom no association was noted between change in BMD and either of the two *ESR1* genotypes ([Yoneda *et al*, 2002](#bib41){ref-type="other"}). We also found no association between percentage change in BMD and genotype variants in CYP2D6, a key enzyme responsible for the conversion of tamoxifen into an active metabolite. The paucity of statistically significant associations between ER genotypes and change in BMD with tamoxifen therapy in this study may reflect a true lack of association, or may be because of the heterogeneity and small sample size of the cohort. More than 1000 SNPs have been identified in *ESR1*, but the functional consequence of each SNP has not been characterised. Therefore, we chose to analyse the effects of SNPs that were previously extensively evaluated and were shown to have functional importance. However, as only four genotypes were evaluated in this analysis, a real effect may have been missed. Additional SNPs in the genes encoding ER, including those identified in recent genome-wide association studies ([Richards *et al*, 2008](#bib27){ref-type="other"}; [Styrkarsdottir *et al*, 2008](#bib36){ref-type="other"}), will be evaluated in the future when more data are available regarding the clinical effect of these mutations. In addition, an evaluation of associations between SNPs in genes encoding ER co-activators and corepressors and change in BMD is currently underway ([Richter *et al*, 2007](#bib28){ref-type="other"}). Although we did not observe any statistically significant associations between genetic variability and change in BMD, our power to detect small associations was quite low (\<20%). Thus, it is possible that small single gene effects are present, but were not detected. In addition, because of the complexity of gene--gene interactions, it is possible that no single genotype--phenotype association is sufficiently strong to be evident, but rather a combination of genotypes may be required for a meaningful effect. Given the difficulties with multiple gene comparisons, a cohort of this size would be insufficient to arrive at meaningful conclusions if the effect sizes are small. Although it is possible that a comprehensive haplotype-tagging approach may engender useful associations, it is clear that no large effect due to these germline variants, which have previously been shown to influence BMD, is evident in this study. It is possible that a pathway approach involving an examination of genetic variants in genes that code for other elements within the oestrogen signalling pathways may reveal valuable mechanistic and predictive data, and that a genome-wide variant analysis might also be useful, but such examinations are beyond the scope of this study. In summary, our data are consistent with previously reported data on the change in BMD with tamoxifen therapy in pre- and postmenopausal women. No inherited gene variants were found to be statistically significantly associated with baseline or change in BMD during tamoxifen therapy. The finding that previous chemotherapy may influence BMD response to tamoxifen is provocative and worthy of further study. Supplementary Material {#sup1} ====================== ###### Supplementary Information Supported in part by a Pharmacogenetics Research Network Grant U-01 GM61373 (DAF), which supports the Consortium on Breast Cancer Pharmacogenomics (COBRA), a Clinical Pharmacology training Grant T32-GM08425 (DAF) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, K24RR020815 (DAF), an ASCO Foundation Young Investigator Award (NLH), a Damon Runyon-Lilly Clinical Investigator award CI-3 from the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (VS), and Fashion Footwear Charitable Foundation of New York/QVC Presents Shoes-on-Sale (DFH). This publication was made possible by Grant Numbers M01-RR000042 (University of Michigan), M01-RR020359 (Georgetown University), and M01-RR00750 (Indiana University) from the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NCRR or NIH. **Conflict of interest** NLH has received research funding from AstraZeneca and Eli Lilly, and serves on the scientific advisory board for Otsuka Pharmaceuticals. TS has received speaking honoraria for Roche Diagnostics. AMS is a member of the speaker\'s bureau and receives research funding from Glaxo-Smith Kline and is a consultant to Eli Lilly and Company. DAF is on the Scientific Advisory Board of Labcorp, Inc and Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, is a consultant to Roche Molecular Diagnostics, and has received research funding from Pfizer and Novartis. DFH has received research funding from AstraZeneca, Glaxo-Smith Kline, Pfizer, and Novartis. VS has served as a consultant to Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Concert Pharmaceuticals, and JDS Pharmaceuticals, serves on the scientific advisory board for Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, and has received research funding from Glaxo-Smith Kline, Pfizer, and Novartis. [Supplementary Information](#sup1){ref-type="other"} accompanies the paper on British Journal of Cancer website (<http://www.nature.com/bjc>) ###### Demographic information of 276 patients included in BMD analyses **Characteristic** **All subjects^a^ (*n*=276)** **Premenopausal (*n*=94)** **Postmenopausal (*n*=180)** --------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ Mean age (s.d.) 51.9 (10.0) 43.7 (6.5) 56.2 (8.7)         *Menopausal status* (%)   94 (34.3) 180 (65.7)  Perimenopausal (%)     37 (13.5)  Postmenopausal (%)     143 (52.2)         Weight in kg (s.d.) 76.1 (16.5) 73.5 (17.4) 77.5 (15.9) Body mass index^b^ (s.d.) 28.2 (6.3) 27.1 (6.5) 28.8 (6.2)         *Chemotherapy*^c^  Yes (%) 132 (48) 44 (16.1) 88 (32.1)  No (%) 143 (52) 50 (18.2) 92 (33.6) Abbreviation: BMD=bone mineral density. Menopausal data missing for two patients. Height missing for 37 patients. Data missing for one patient. ###### Characteristics of the analysed SNPs in *ESR1* and *ESR2* for subjects included in this analysis **SNP** **dbSNP** **Location within gene** **% Allele frequency** **Genotype frequency** **Subjects from this analysis** ------------------- ------------ -------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ---------------------------------       C 0.52 CC 0.245 CC 0.233 (*n*=60) *ESR1* *Pvu*II^a^ rs 2234693 [IVS1-397T\>C]{.ul} T 0.48 CT 0.549 CT 0.512 (*n*=132)         TT 0.206 TT 0.256 (*n*=66)                   A 0.64 AA 0.462 AA 0.430 (*n*=110) *ESR1* *Xba*I^b^ rs 9340799 [IVS1-351A\>G]{.ul} G 0.36 AG 0.355 AG 0.453 (*n*=116)         GG 0.183 GG 0.117 (*n*=30)                   A 0.108 AA 0.020 AA 0.008 (*n*=2) *ESR2*\_01^c^ rs 1256049 [Ex6+32G\>A]{.ul} G 0.892 AG 0.176 AG 0.062 (*n*=16)         GG 0.804 GG 0.931 (*n*=242)             *ESR2*\_02^d^ rs 4986938 [38 bp 3′]{.ul} [of STP A\>G]{.ul} (3′UTR) A 0.260 AA 0.088 AA 0.136 (*n*=35)       G 0.740 AG 0.343 AG 0.440 (*n*=113)         GG 0.569 GG 0.424 (*n*=109) Abbreviation: dbSNP=single-nucleotide polymorphism database. Allele and genotype frequency data from SNP500Cancer controls (<http://snp500cancer.nci.nih.gov/home_1.cfm>). Data missing for 18 patients. Data missing for 20 patients. Data missing for 16 patients. Data missing for 19 patients. ###### Baseline BMD and change in BMD with 12-month tamoxifen therapy **Time point** **All patients** **Premenopausal** **Postmenopausal** **Previous chemotherapy** **No chemotherapy** ---------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ --------------------------- ----------------------- *Lumbar spine*  Baseline (g cm^−2^) 1.14 (1.12 to 1.16) 1.17 (1.14 to 1.21)^a^ 1.13 (1.10 to 1.15)^a^ 1.14 (1.11 to 1.16) 1.15 (1.12 to 1.18)   *n*=262 *n*=91 *n*=171 *n*=123 *n*=139  % Change at 12 months after tamoxifen −0.9 (−1.6 to −0.2) −2.4 (−3.6 to −1.2)^b^ −0.1 (−1.0 to 0.7)^b^ +0.5 (−0.5 to 1.5)^d^ −2.2 (−3.2 to−1.3)^d^   *n*=218 *n*=77 *n*=141 *n*=105 *n*=113             *Hip*  Baseline (g cm^−2^) 0.99 (0.97 to 1.01) 1.00 (0.97 to 1.03) 0.98 (0.96 to 1.01) 0.98 (0.96 to 1.00) 1.00 (0.97 to 1.02)   *n*=256 *n*=90 *n*=166 *n*=120 *n*=136  % Change at 12 months after tamoxifen 0.4 (−0.3 to 1.0) −0.5 (−1.5 to 0.6)^c^ +0.9 (0.0 to 1.7)^c^ +1.3 (0.4 to 2.2)^e^ −0.5 (−1.5 to 0.4)^e^   *n*=211 *n*=78 *n*=133 *n*=103 *n*=108 Abbreviation: BMD=bone mineral density. For baseline DXA measurements, the 95% confidence interval of mean BMD is given for all patients in each subgroup. For percentage change at 12 months, 95% confidence interval of mean percentage change is given for those patients in each subgroup with both baseline and 12-month measurements. *P*-values signify comparisons between two means with the same letter. ^a^*P*=0.032. ^b,d,e^*P*\<0.01. ^c^*P*=0.065. ###### Baseline and percentage change in BMD by menopausal and chemotherapy status   **Lumbar spine** **Hip** ----------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------ -------------------------- *Baseline* (*g* *cm*^−*2*^)  Yes 1.166 (1.124 to 1.208) 1.119 (1.083 to 1.156) 1.001 (0.966 to 1.035) 0.968 (0.938 to 0.998)   *n*=43 *n*=80 *n*=42 *n*=78  No 1.181 (1.129 to 1.235) 1.134 (1.0978 to 1.170) 1.002 (0.954 to 1.050) 0.996 (0.966 to 1.023)   *n*=48 *n*=91 *n*=48 *n*=88           *Percentage change*  Yes −1.1 (−2.9 to 0.6)^\*^ +1.4 (0.2 to 2.5)^\*^ +0.4 (−1.2 to 2.1) +1.8 (0.7 to 3.0)^\*\*^   *n*=38 *n*=67 *n*=38 *n*=65  No −3.6 (−5.2 to −2.0)^\*^ −1.5 (−2.7 to −0.3)^\*^ −1.3 (−2.7 to 0.1) −0.1 (−1.3 to 1.2)^\*\*^   *n*=39 *n*=74 *n*=40 *n*=68 Abbreviation: BMD=bone mineral density. For baseline DXA measurements, 95% confidence interval of mean BMD is given for all patients in each subgroup. For percentage change at 12 months, 95% confidence interval of mean percentage change is given for those patients in each subgroup with both baseline and 12-month measurements. *P*-values signify comparisons between two means with the same symbol. ^\*^*P*\<0.05. ^\*\*^*P*\<0.01.
All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. Background {#sec005} ========== Incidents frequently occur when patients transfer between different healthcare levels \[[@pone.0197312.ref001]\], so improving patient safety during healthcare transitions, i.e. transitional patient safety, is an important objective in healthcare. Recently, international patient safety experts have called to widen the safety scope across multiple healthcare levels. Accordingly, the need arises for valid and reliable measurement tools for transitional patient safety \[[@pone.0197312.ref002]\], because to improve transitional patient safety, we need to know the current status and effect of transitional safety interventions. In measuring patient safety, we can be guided by the three dimensions of measuring quality of care developed by Donabedian et al, namely *structure* (how care is organised), *process* (what healthcare professionals (HCP) do to maintain or improve health, either for healthy people or for those diagnosed with a healthcare condition) and *outcome* (what ultimately happens to the patient) \[[@pone.0197312.ref003]\]. Later, Pronovost et al. expanded the quality of care model by adding patient safety culture as a precondition for the provision of high quality care \[[@pone.0197312.ref004]\]. This extended model fits in the 'culture-behaviour-outcomes' continuum as presented by the Health Foundation ([Fig 1](#pone.0197312.g001){ref-type="fig"}) \[[@pone.0197312.ref005]\]. This continuum covers the different types of safety outcomes: safety culture, climate, initiatives and outcomes. Safety culture is a broad term representing the organisation's values and actions related to safety, whereas safety climate focuses on perceptions of professionals about the way in which safety is managed in the organisation \[[@pone.0197312.ref005]\]. Initiatives are the actual improvements in the organization that are developed and implemented to improve patient safety. Outcome is further specified and encompasses HCP and patient outcomes. HCP outcomes comprise staff behaviour and transitional patient safety incident reporting ([Fig 1](#pone.0197312.g001){ref-type="fig"}). All levels are supposed to interact with each other \[[@pone.0197312.ref005]\]. ![The culture-behaviour-patient outcome continuum in patient safety.\ HCP = healthcare professional \[[@pone.0197312.ref005]\].](pone.0197312.g001){#pone.0197312.g001} To get an overall view, transitional patient safety should be measured from both the perspective of the HC and the patient ([Fig 1](#pone.0197312.g001){ref-type="fig"}), as we know patients have a different perspective on patient safety then HCPs and both views complement each other \[[@pone.0197312.ref006]\]. HCPs do oversee the process of care, but only within their own organisation. The patient experiences the entire journey across different healthcare levels, but does not oversee the organisational aspects \[[@pone.0197312.ref007], [@pone.0197312.ref008]\]. Therefore, instruments measuring both the perception of the patient and the HCP on transitional patient safety are needed. Previous research on measurement of transitional patient safety covered either a single transition, such as discharge or referral, or related concepts like "continuity of care" \[[@pone.0197312.ref009]--[@pone.0197312.ref015]\]. However, the patient's journey often entails several transitions per episode of illness. Focusing only on a single transition does not appreciate the complex reality of multiple communications, transitions and handovers between the different healthcare professionals and settings involved. In contrast, the domain of 'continuity of care' is broader than that of transitional patient safety. Transitional patient safety focusses on the prevention or reduction of harm associated with patient's care transitions, while continuity of care covers other quality aspects like efficiency, effectiveness, equity, and timeliness \[[@pone.0197312.ref016]\]. Additionally, continuity of care is primarily studied within one organisation, while transitional patient safety focuses on safety between distinct healthcare settings. At present there is no overview of the available instruments for measuring transitional patient safety, and their validity and reliability. Our primary aim was to systematically identify all validated measurement tools measuring transitional patient safety and appraise their quality. In this, we focus on transitional patient safety between primary care practice (PCP) and hospital comprising all transitions between hospital and PCP (i.e. discharge, referral and concomitant care at PCP and hospital outpatient settings). Our secondary aim was to see whether these validated measurement tools were actually used to measure transitional patient safety outcomes and explore all other (non validated) outcomes used to measure safety of care transitions in the current literature. Methods {#sec006} ======= Search strategy and data sources {#sec007} -------------------------------- We conducted a systematic literature search in Pubmed (including MEDLINE), EMBASE, PsychINFO and CINAHL (January 1^st^ 2017). We used a combination of the following search strategies: 1) transitional care, including various terms and keywords synonymous and related to transitional care, i.e. continuity of care, transitional, cross-boundary, seamless, integrated; 2) measurement, for which we used an existing filter by Terwee et al. \[[@pone.0197312.ref017], [@pone.0197312.ref018]\]; and 3) patient safety, for which we used an existing filter by Tanon et al. \[[@pone.0197312.ref019]\]. Both filters were adjusted for PsychInfo. Detailed search strategies are available online in [S1 Text](#pone.0197312.s002){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. We also reviewed the reference lists of the identified studies in both the validity assessment and the outcome inventory and checked previously published systematic reviews on the measurement of and interventions on related constructs identified in a purposeful Medline and Prospero database search \[[@pone.0197312.ref009]--[@pone.0197312.ref015], [@pone.0197312.ref020]--[@pone.0197312.ref026]\]. The systematic review was registered in the PROSPERO database (nr 42016037311). Additionally, a PRISMA Checklist has been added ([S1 Prisma Checklist](#pone.0197312.s001){ref-type="supplementary-material"}) Study selection {#sec008} --------------- Electronic citations, including available abstracts, were independently screened by two researchers (JP and MM). If the title and abstract did not clearly indicate whether the inclusion criteria were met, full-text was obtained and reviewed. For our primary aim we included studies that assessed the quality of validated measurement tools on aspects of transitional patient safety (hereinafter referred to as "validity assessment". For our secondary aim we additionally included studies reporting the effect of interventions to improve or evaluating aspects of transitional patient safety in a cross-sectional design (hereinafter referred to as "outcome inventory"). For both aims we included all quantitative studies focusing on the transition between primary and hospital care, addressing all safety outcome types in patient safety according to the Health Foundation \[[@pone.0197312.ref005]\], from both the patients' as well as the professionals' perspectives. No limits were set on the design of the study or on the target population (patients and HCPs). Studies addressing organisational concepts like integrated care were excluded ([S2 Text](#pone.0197312.s003){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). The full-text publications were reviewed by two independent reviewers (JP and MM) using the same in- and exclusion criteria. If necessary, a third reviewer (HS) was consulted for a final decision. Data extraction {#sec009} --------------- ### Validity assessment {#sec010} Data extraction, and the assessment of measurement properties and methodology were performed by two reviewers (HS and MM) independently. Consensus was reached in consensus meetings. Data were collected on the characteristics of the included publications, namely country and language of development, type of transition, safety outcome type according to the culture-behaviour-outcome continuum, the construct that was measured, the target population (including mean age and gender, number of respondents and response rate), the number of items, and dimensions after factor analysis. Transitions were divided into three categories: from primary care to hospital (referral or admission), from hospital to primary care (discharge after hospital admission or outpatient clinic visit) and two-way transitions (admission and discharge, overall continuity and simultaneous care at hospital outpatient clinic and primary care practice). The methodological quality of studies was assessed according to the "COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments" (COSMIN) criteria \[[@pone.0197312.ref027]\]. This checklist evaluates internal consistency, reliability, measurement error, content validity, structural validity, hypothesis testing, cross-cultural validity, criterion validity, responsiveness, interpretability, and generalizability. Each item was rated on a 4-point scale (poor, fair, good or excellent). The overall score for each criterion was determined by taking the lowest rating of the items. As no optimal reference standard is present in transitional patient safety, many items of the COSMIN were not applicable. Therefore, we excluded Box G (cross-cultural validity), Box H (criterion validity) and items D3, F7, F8 from the assessment. As Box C (measurement error) and Box I (responsiveness) were never assessed in all included publications, and therefore not reported. ### Outcome inventory {#sec011} Data extraction was performed by MM, and data was collected on year, country and language of development, type of transition, safety outcome type according to the culture-behaviour-outcome continuum, measured construct, target population, study design, perception, whether a validated measurement tool was used and other outcomes used to assess current state or improvement of transitional patient safety. As in some studies multiple outcomes were assessed, each study could describe multiple levels of outcomes and perceptions. Our secondary aim was to see if the validated measurement tools from the validity assessment were actually used and map other outcome measurements used in literature. Because we did not aim to assess possible intervention effects, we did not perform several topics from the PRISMA checklist assess the risk of bias of this second group of articles such as a quality appraisal and assessing the risk of bias \[[@pone.0197312.ref028]\]. Results {#sec012} ======= Our search identified 8288 unique, potentially relevant published scientific papers, of which 628 were selected for full-text selection ([Fig 2](#pone.0197312.g002){ref-type="fig"}). From these, 421 papers were excluded, because they did not meet inclusion criteria, the paper could not be found or did not report original research. Reference lists of included publication and related literature rendered two more publications on validated measurement tools. In total 209 publications remained, of which 18 concerned publications validating instruments measuring (aspects of) transitional patient safety and 191 publications concerned studies reporting either the current state of transitional patient safety or the effect of an intervention to improve safety of care transitions. ![Flowchart of article selection procedure.](pone.0197312.g002){#pone.0197312.g002} Characteristics of studies in validity assessment {#sec013} ------------------------------------------------- [Table 1](#pone.0197312.t001){ref-type="table"} presents the characteristics of the 18 included studies validating measurement tools on aspects of transitional patient safety; 12 studies considered eight distinct questionnaires measuring transitional patient safety from a patient's perspective and six studies measured transitional patient safety from a HCP's perspective \[[@pone.0197312.ref029]--[@pone.0197312.ref046]\]. Six measurement tools involved all transitions between PCP and hospital, six concerned only hospital discharge and three only referrals. Considering the safety outcome type measured, three measurement tools measured (aspects of) safety climate, 12 measured HCP outcomes, and five measured patient outcomes. All but two validated measurement tools were questionnaires. Most patient-reported questionnaires were targeted at adult or elderly patients. A complete list of all characteristics is available online ([S1 Table](#pone.0197312.s004){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). 10.1371/journal.pone.0197312.t001 ###### Characteristics of the publications in the validity assessment of measurement tools on aspects of transitional patient safety. Level of outcome = the level of outcome in culture-behaviour-outcome continuum. ![](pone.0197312.t001){#pone.0197312.t001g} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors N Country Measurement tool Transition Safety outcome type Subject of questionnaire Target population Response rate ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- **Patient perspective** **Aller**\ 1500 SP Continuity of care between care\ Hospital\<-\>PCP HCP outcome Continuity of care Patients that have experienced a transition 23% **2013** Levels (CCAENA) **Berendsen**\ 1404 NL Consumer Quality Index Continuum of Care (CQI-COC) PCP referral and relational continuity HCP outcome Collaboration between PCP and hospital Referred patients 65% **2009** **Coleman**\ 60 USA Care Transition Measure (CTM) Discharge from hospital to home/nursing home HCP outcome Care transition Patients ≥65 years who were recently discharged from hospital and received subsequent skilled nursing care in facility/home. NR **2002** **Coleman**\ 200 USA Care Transition Measure (CTM) Discharge from hospital to home/nursing home HCP and patient outcome Care transition Adult patients discharged with primary diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, or hip fracture 100% **2005** **Graumlich**\ 460 USA B-prepared Hospital discharge HCP outcome Patient preparedness on hospital discharge All adult patients discharged by internal medicine hospitalists NR **2008** **Grimmer**\ 500 (patients), 431\ AUS PREPARED Hospital discharge HCP and patient outcome Discharge Patients ≥65 years, recently discharged from hospital 60% (patients), 52% (care givers) **2001** (carers) **Hadjistavropoulos 2008** 204 CAN Patient continuity of care Questionnaire (PCCQ) Hospital discharge HCP outcome Continuity of care at discharge Adult patients recently discharged from hospital NR **Haggerty**\ 236--427 CAN 4 questionnaires with dimension management continuity: PCAS, PCAT-S, CPCI, VANOCSS PCP\<-\> other specialists HCP outcome Management continuity Primary care patients who had seen more than one provider in the previous month 54--99%[\*](#t001fn002){ref-type="table-fn"} **2011** **Haggerty**\ 256 CAN Patient Perceived Continuity from Multiple Clinicians Hos\<-\>PCP HCP and patient outcome Continuity of care Adult patients in primary care seeing other clinicians in a variety of settings 80% **2012** **Kollen**\ 1404 NL Consumer Quality Index Continuum of Care (CQI-COC) PCP referral and relational continuity HCP outcome Continuity of care Adult patients who had been referred and visited a specialist 65% **2010** **Uijen**\ 288 NL Nijmegen Continuity Questionnaire Hos\<-\>PCP HCP outcome Continuity of care Patients with comorbidity 72% **2011** **Uijen**\ 268 NL Nijmegen Continuity Questionnaire Hos\<-\>PCP HCP outcome Continuity of care Patients with comorbidity 76% **2012** **Healthcare professional perspective** **Berendsen**\ 496 NL Doctors' opinions on collaboration (DOC) questionnaire Hos\<-\>PCP HCP outcome and climate Interprofessional collaboration PCPs and specialists 45% **2010** **Forster**\ [\*\*](#t001fn003){ref-type="table-fn"}  CAN Peer review process of adverse outcome Hospital discharge Patient outcome Adverse events at discharge NA NA **2012** **Graumlich**\ 417 USA Modified Physician-PREPARED Hospital discharge HCP outcome Discharge Community physicians 76% **2008** **Hess**\ 12212 USA CRP-PIM: Communication with Referring Physicians Practice Improvement Module PCP referral to secondary care consultants (hospital and private groups) HCP outcomeand climate Communication of consultants Referring physicians ? **2009** **Nuno-solinis**\ 187 SP No name reported Hos\<-\>PCP Climate Interprofessional collaboration Physicians and nurses working in integrated healthcare organisations 16% **2013** **Smith**\ [\*\*\*](#t001fn004){ref-type="table-fn"}  USA Medication discrepancy tool Hospital discharge Patient outcome Medication discrepancies Practitioners across the continuum of care NA **2004** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SP: Spain; NL: the Netherlands; USA: United States of America; AUS: Australia; CAN: Canada; HOS: hospital; PCP: Primary care practitioner; NA = not applicable; NR = not reported \* PCAS:79%, PCAT-S:91%, CPCI:99%, VANOCCS:64+54% \*\* Vignette study on 319 case report, 30 physicians \*\*\*Vignette study on 20 cases, 6 clinicians Quality of studies in validity assessment {#sec014} ----------------------------------------- The 18 included publications were published between 2001 and 2013. The quality of Forster et al. and Smith at al. could not be assessed using the COSMIN, for they did not validate a questionnaire, but reported on diagnostic tools for adverse events and medication discrepancies, respectively \[[@pone.0197312.ref042],[@pone.0197312.ref046]\]. The methodological quality of the studies was overall acceptable for the COSMIN items internal consistency, content validity, structural validity, and hypothesis testing ([Table 2](#pone.0197312.t002){ref-type="table"}). Reliability was only assessed by Uijen et al., and measurement error and responsiveness were not assessed at all \[[@pone.0197312.ref040]\]. In 14 of the 18 publications we identified methodological flaws in the validation: 1) after extensive item reduction, the resulting item set did not fully cover the original content, and objectives and content validity were not re-assessed \[[@pone.0197312.ref029],[@pone.0197312.ref030],[@pone.0197312.ref035],[@pone.0197312.ref039]\], 2) not reporting important design choices and characteristics, such as number of items in the measurement tool, total respondents, or respondent characteristics \[[@pone.0197312.ref031],[@pone.0197312.ref033],[@pone.0197312.ref034],[@pone.0197312.ref044]\], 3) not describing statistical analysis \[[@pone.0197312.ref044]\], treating a multi-dimensional construct as a unidimensional questionnaire in the analysis \[[@pone.0197312.ref032]\] and performing an exploratory factor analysis instead of a confirmatory analysis in one sample \[[@pone.0197312.ref032],[@pone.0197312.ref040],[@pone.0197312.ref041],[@pone.0197312.ref045]\] and 4) ignoring strikingly low factor loadings ([S1 Table](#pone.0197312.s004){ref-type="supplementary-material"}) \[[@pone.0197312.ref034],[@pone.0197312.ref044]\]. Graumlich et al. chose a very selective group of patients and therefore their validation is not generalizable beyond their study population \[[@pone.0197312.ref033]\]. 10.1371/journal.pone.0197312.t002 ###### Quality of the studies in validity assessment; validation of measurement tools on aspects of transitional patient safety, according to the COSMIN criteria. ![](pone.0197312.t002){#pone.0197312.t002g} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author Year Measurement tool Box A: Internal consistency Box B: Reliability Box D: Content validity Box E: Structural validity Box F: Hypothesis testing ----------------------------------------- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------- **Patient perspective** Aller 2013 Continuity of care between care\ excellent -- unknown[\*](#t002fn002){ref-type="table-fn"} good good Levels (CCAENA) Berendsen 2009 Consumer Quality Index Continuum of Care (CQI-COC) fair -- fair good good Kollen 2010 -- -- -- -- fair Coleman 2002 Care Transition Measure (CTM) -- -- excellent -- poor Coleman 2005 good -- -- excellent poor Grimmer 2001 (B-)prepared poor -- excellent fair fair Graumlich 2008 poor -- excellent/ previously fair fair Hadjistavropoulos 2008 Patient Continuity of Care Questionnaire fair -- fair good good Haggerty 2011 Several existing questionnaires with a single dimension on management continuity: PCAS, PCAT-S, CPCI, VANOCSS good -- NA good fair Haggerty 2012 Patient Perceived Continuity from Multiple Clinicians good -- excellent good poor[\*\*](#t002fn003){ref-type="table-fn"} Uijen 2011 Nijmegen Continuity Questionnaire good -- poor good good Uijen 2012 poor fair good fair **Healthcare professional perspective** Berendsen 2010 Doctors' opinions on collaboration (DOC) questionnaire fair -- excellent fair fair Forster 2012 Peer review process of adverse outcome NA NA NA NA NA Graumlich 2008 Physician-PREPARED poor excellent fair fair Hess 2009 Communication with Referring Physicians Practice Improvement Module (CRP-PIM) poor -- poor poor fair Nuno-Solinis 2013 (unnamed) poor -- excellent poor fair Smith 2004 Medication discrepancy tool NA NA NA NA NA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- = not assessed in this paper; NA = not applicable \*Referred to a Spanish article on the development and first steps of validation \*\*Driven by of the lack of a reference standard, the researchers used an alternative reference standard that we judged not applicable as a reference standard We excluded Box G (cross-cultural validity), Box H (criterion validity) and items D3, F7, F8 from the assessment. Box C (measurement error) and Box I (responsiveness) were not assessed in any of the included publications and therefore omitted from the table Results of the outcome inventory {#sec015} -------------------------------- We identified 191 publications, of which 76 reported evaluation of current transitional patient safety and 115 outcomes of interventions for improving transitional patient safety. Of the latter group, 39 were designed as a randomized controlled trial, 16 as a non-randomized controlled trial, 29 as a before-after study and 31 were had an observational design. In total, only sixteen publications (8.4%) used a validated measurement tool measuring transitional patient safety, of which 9 used the Care Transition Measure by Coleman et al. Another 15 studies (7.9%) used a validated measurement tool on a related concept or non-validated questionnaires. Furthermore, the 191 publications used 45 other outcome measures, of which the most frequently used ones were: medication discrepancies (n = 98), hospital readmissions (n = 55), adverse events (n = 34), emergency department visits (n = 33), (mental or physical) health status (n = 28), quality and timeliness of discharge summary, patient satisfaction (n = 23), and costs (n = 21). Additionally, the way these outcomes were assessed was very diverse; e.g. medication errors were measured using either medical records, trained pharmacists, or patient interviews, PCP questionnaires and incident reports and were assessed at different moments in the healthcare process. Hundred-and twenty-five publications assessed transitional patient safety only from a HCPs' perspective, 17 only from the patients' perspective and 49 from both perspectives ([Fig 3](#pone.0197312.g003){ref-type="fig"} and [S2 Table](#pone.0197312.s005){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). ![Outcomes used in transitional patient safety evaluation according to perspective.\ HCP = healthcare professional, PCP = Primary care practitioner.](pone.0197312.g003){#pone.0197312.g003} Of all 191 publications in this outcome inventory, 43 measured two-way patient transitions between hospital to primary care, 13 from primary care to hospital and 135 from hospital to primary care. Regarding the safety outcome type, 15 studies measured an organisational outcome, 9 measured culture, 7 initiatives, 68 a HCP outcome and 154 a patient outcome, respectively ([Fig 4](#pone.0197312.g004){ref-type="fig"}). A complete list of all the instruments in the outcome inventory, their sources, and characteristics is available in [S3 Table](#pone.0197312.s006){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. ![Outcome inventory: Which transitions and which safety outcome type (mentioned in [Fig 1](#pone.0197312.g001){ref-type="fig"}) do the selected publications include?\ PCP = Primary care practice, Hos = hospital, HCP = healthcare professional; number = absolute number of publications.](pone.0197312.g004){#pone.0197312.g004} Discussion {#sec016} ========== Although our systematic review did not identify any measurement tool that measured the full scope of transitional patient safety, we identified 18 validation studies of 14 different instruments measuring relevant aspects of transitional patient safety. According to the COSMIN criteria, the quality of these measurement tools was generally acceptable on the items internal consistency, content validity and structural validity. Measurement tools from the patients' perspectives performed somewhat better (quality: moderate to good) than tools from the healthcare professionals' perspective (quality: moderate). The methodological quality of other criteria was generally poor or not addressed at all. For example, by leaving out minimal important change, test-retest reliability and responsiveness, instruments are not sufficiently validated to measure change over time or the effect of a transitional patient safety intervention. Only few recent publications on patient safety used validated outcomes. The most often used validated instrument was the Care Transition Measure by Coleman et al., which measures only the patient preparedness for discharge \[[@pone.0197312.ref031], [@pone.0197312.ref032]\]. In total, over 45 different non-validated outcomes were used in our literature review, and most were not used consistently. Comparison to literature {#sec017} ------------------------ Existing systematic reviews on measuring continuity of care (Schultz et al. and Uijen et al.), or integrated care (Strandberg-Larsen et al.) partly included the same articles we did \[[@pone.0197312.ref009], [@pone.0197312.ref010], [@pone.0197312.ref013]\]. However, these reviews assess coordination of care, while our review focuses on measuring transitional patient safety. Transitional patient safety encompasses the prevention of errors or reduction of adverse effects associated with transitions of care potentially causing harm to patients and is focused more on the safety outcome instead of the organisational aspects. These transitional patient safety outcomes are specifically of interest because we need to be able to measure if an intervention is actually effective on all safety outcome types: from patient safety culture to patient outcomes. In our systematic review we also disregarded instruments that assessed other quality aspects such as efficiency and effectiveness \[[@pone.0197312.ref047]\] and measurement tools that focused on continuity within healthcare organisations instead of transitional patient safety \[[@pone.0197312.ref048]--[@pone.0197312.ref056]\]. Additionally, our outcomes inventory partly includes similar articles as existing systematic reviews on interventions in transitional patient safety \[[@pone.0197312.ref022]--[@pone.0197312.ref026]\], especially with Hesselink's systematic review \[[@pone.0197312.ref022]\]. Although the aim of this systematic review was to review interventions aiming to improve hospital discharge, they also identified the fragmented use of outcomes in literature on the effect of discharge interventions. However, our approach differs by the focus on measuring transitional patient safety outcomes, and by including all the transitions between PCP and hospital instead of looking only at discharge. Interpretations of findings {#sec018} --------------------------- Although we found an acceptable methodological quality of several aspects of validity according to the COSMIN criteria, the ratings should be viewed with caution \[[@pone.0197312.ref027]\]. The most important step in development of a measurement tool is content validity, which scored high in the included studies. However, the majority of studies excluded items after factor analysis. In 3 of the studies Aller et al., Berendsen et al., and Uijen et al., up to half of all items were excluded, as well as entire transitions (e.g. excluding all items concerning referral, while the questionnaire was developed for overall continuity back and forth) \[[@pone.0197312.ref029],[@pone.0197312.ref030],[@pone.0197312.ref035],[@pone.0197312.ref039]\]. This discarded the initial development and item generation process, and potentially undermined the initial content validity. This may have been induced by the common practice in current medical literature to validate measurement tools as being reflective concepts (the construct is reflected by the items, for example anxiety) \[[@pone.0197312.ref057]\]. Transitional patient safety, however, is a formative concept, in which the construct is the result of the presented items, for example socio-economic status \[[@pone.0197312.ref057]\]. Therefore, the majority studies conducted item generation in a formative way, with the intention to assemble a set of items that all together would capture the construct of transitional safety. Up to now there is no consensus among experts on the optimal way to assess validity of formative measurement tools, and therefore construction of domains is usually performed 'as usual', i.e. in a reflective way using exploratory factor analysis \[[@pone.0197312.ref058], [@pone.0197312.ref059]\]. As a result of this approach, many items relevant for transitional safety were excluded from final versions of measurement tools. Many instruments in our review could not be adequately validated because of the absence of a valid comparator or reference standard. This aspect of validation is often ignored, and solved by using an internal comparator question, single outcomes such as the number of emergency department visits, or other proxies that only poorly relate to transitional patient safety. This was reflected in poor quality scores in the boxes "hypothesis testing" and "criterion validity", thus lowering the overall rating. In contrast, other important aspects of validity such as reliability and measurement error which could have been assessed were not performed. The outcome inventory showed that the large majority of studies only measured transitional patient safety from one perspective, presenting a limited view. Most studies approached transitional patient safety from the HCP perspective which covers only part of the transition. Fifteen studies measured transitional patient safety from the patients' perspective, underlining the importance of the patients' perspective as being the only stakeholder that fully experiences the healthcare transitions \[[@pone.0197312.ref006]\]. However, 42 of the 191 studies combined the patients' and HCPs' perspectives, leading to a more complete view. The outcome inventory also demonstrated that the majority of studies focused on single directional transitions, specifically on discharge. This leaves referral from primary care to hospital underrepresented. On the safety outcome type, the majority of studies measure HCP and patient outcomes, leaving especially culture and climate unmeasured. These gaps provide insight into the niches to fill by future research on interventions and measurement tools needed for transitional patient safety. Strengths and limitations {#sec019} ------------------------- We combined a very broad search strategy on transitional care with validated search filters on patient safety and measurement tools. This resulted in a broad range of papers and a wide selection of validated measurement tools. The broad search strategy also provided a wide range of publications measuring either the current state of transitional patient safety or improvement of transitional patient safety in intervention studies. We included all types of research design as often patient safety is assessed in observational studies \[[@pone.0197312.ref060]\]. Including only randomised controlled trials would have limited the overview and subsequently the generalizability of the results. A limitation may have been that the concept of transitional patient safety that we used is relatively new, moving away from the traditional single organisation safety concept to a more patient-centered view across multiple healthcare settings. Therefore, the specific term "transitional patient safety" is not yet commonly used in literature. In addition, of all articles included in the full text selection, 75 (11.9%) could not be found. This might have led to the omission of relevant publications in our article selection for both the validity assessment and the outcome inventory. However, as the large majority of these studies concerned the inclusion into the outcome inventory, we believe the completeness of identified validated measurement tools was not affected. Lastly, the COSMIN criteria are originally designed for patient reported outcome measurements, which did not match all the instruments we included \[[@pone.0197312.ref027]\]. The COSMIN criteria, however, are frequently used in other types of measurement tools, such as HCP-reported measurement tools. However, the absence of a reference standard in transitional patient safety limits the applicability of COSMIN criteria (e.g. criterion validity, hypothesis testing). And importantly, as we intended to identify all validated measurement tools developed for transitional patient safety, we also identified two studies validating review methods for transitional safety incidents (Smith et al. and Forster et al.) \[[@pone.0197312.ref042], [@pone.0197312.ref046]\]. Even though quality could not be assessed using the COSMIN criteria, these measurement tools are useful, as they could help other healthcare organisations identify and improve their identified weaknesses. Implications {#sec020} ------------ With this systematic review, we provide an overview of the available validated measurement tools on transitional patient safety. Although their quality was generally acceptable, the validation process could be improved considerably, specifically for their use in intervention studies. For this, we need better methodological methods, e.g. for validation of measurement tools on formative constructs, handling validation when a reference standard is not available, and quality assessment of such measurement tools. Furthermore, the validated measurement tools are scarcely used in current effect studies while a broad array of other outcomes measures is used. Besides cautiousness with interpretation of current studies because of these methodological flaws, we need to develop a standardised set of well validated measurement tools in order to be able to compare current transitional patient safety between settings and the effect of interventions. Lastly, none of the tools measures all aspects of transitional patient safety outcomes; especially measurement tools for transitional patient safety culture and the referral process are needed. Conclusion {#sec021} ========== The concept of transitional patient safety is evolving, resulting in the use of a wide variety of outcome measures and measurement tools. Adequate monitoring of transitional patient safety in future requires standardised measurements, to be used in adjacent healthcare settings that care for the same patients in order to identify best practices and to assess the effectiveness of care transition interventions. This systematic review could be used as a base for developing this set of measurement tools. Supporting information {#sec022} ====================== ###### (DOC) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Search strategy. (DOCX) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### In- and exclusion criteria. (DOCX) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Validity assessment: Characteristics included studies. SP: Spain; NL: the Netherlands; USA: United States of America; AUS: Australia; CAN: Canada; HOS: hospital; PCP: Primary care provider, NA = not applicable, NR = not reported, GP = general practitioner. \* PCAS:79%, PCAT-S:91%, CPCI:99%, VANOCCS:64+54%. ¥ PCAS:342, PCAT-S:392, CPCI:427, VANOCCS:278+136. § Vignette study on 319 case reports, 30 physicians. ǂ Vignette study on 20 cases, 6 clinicians. \# Primary Care Assessment Survey (PCAS), the Primary Care Assessment Tool--Short Form (PCAT-S), the Components of Primary Care. Instrument (CPCI) and the Veterans Affairs National Outpatient Customer Satisfaction Survey (VANOCSS). (DOCX) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Outcome inventory: Used outcomes from healthcare professionals' and patients' perspectives inventoried in 191 publications that measured transitional patient safety: Which are used and how often. As some publications measured more than one outcome or one outcome from both the perspective of the healthcare professional and the patient, the added numbers can exceed the total. HCP = healthcare professional, PCP = Primary care practitioner. Many studies used more than one outcome, and from different perspectives. Therefore, the sub-totals can add up to more than the total outcomes. \*Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), Hemoglobine A1c, lipid levels, volume status, renal function, weight, International Normalized Ratio (INR), haemorrhagic events, thromboembolic events, post referral colonoscopy delay. (DOCX) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Outcome inventory: Complete data extraction and references. ADE = Adverse drug event; AE = Adverse event; DOC-questionnaire = Doctors' Opinions on Collaboration-questionnaire; ED = Emergency department; GP = General practitioner; HCP = Healthcare professional; PCP = Primary care physician; RCT = Randomised controlled trial. (DOCX) ###### Click here for additional data file. We would like to thank Dr. Bianca Kramer, research librarian for her help in the search strategy and translation of the search filters. [^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
This article is part of the Thematic Series \"Chemical templates\". Introduction ============ Group 4 metallocenes and derivatives of Cp~2~TiCl~2~, in particular, continue to be in the focus of contemporary research as a promising class of cytotoxic compounds \[[@R1]--[@R10]\], as efficient reagents and catalysts \[[@R11]--[@R16]\], as organometallic gelators \[[@R17]--[@R20]\], and in their own right \[[@R21]--[@R22]\]. In order to further investigate and improve these properties it is mandatory to access as yet unexplored functional titanocenes. This is most easily achieved with modular, efficient, and general strategies for the synthesis of these complexes. Classical approaches with metalation at the end of the sequence usually do not meet these requirements. This is because introduction of functional groups is difficult due to the nucleophilicity of the cyclopentadienyl anions before metalation and the electrophilicity of titanium after metalation \[[@R21]--[@R22]\]. We have devised a conceptually different approach addressing these issues. It relies on the use of carboxylate-containing titanocene building blocks \[[@R23]--[@R25]\]. From these compounds the corresponding acid chlorides can be prepared by addition of SOCl~2~. The acid chloride group is more electrophilic than the \[TiCl~2~\] fragment and therefore many titanocenes containing ligands with pending amide, ester, and ketone groups can be prepared with classical organic acylation reactions (Friedel--Crafts reaction, esterification, amide synthesis, [Scheme 1](#C1){ref-type="fig"}). Some of these complexes have been used as organometallic gelators \[[@R19]--[@R20]\], as a novel class of cytostatic compounds \[[@R26]\], and catalysts for unusual radical cyclizations \[[@R27]--[@R31]\]. The ketone and amide substituted catalysts are cationic due to the intramolecular coordination of the carbonyl group \[[@R30]--[@R31]\]. This feature is essential for the cytostatic and catalytic activity. Moreover, in the amide complexes hydrogen bonding of the N--H bond to chloride or \[ZnCl~4~\]^2−^ is a crucial structural feature \[[@R31]\]. The gelation ability of the neutral ester-substituted titanocenes critically depends on the steric demand of the substituents on the cyclopentadienyl ligands. The carboxylates are valuable complexes for mediating highly chemoselective Barbier type allylations \[[@R32]--[@R33]\]. ![Modular titanocene synthesis via acylation reactions \[[@R24]\].](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-g005){#C1} These findings demonstrate that the properties of our functional titanocenes critically depend on both the direct environment of the Ti center and the periphery of the complex. Therefore, it is desirable to develop novel entries to titanocenes with even higher structural and functional diversity to improve the observed functions. An especially attractive approach is the use of already functionalized building blocks as starting materials in diversity oriented synthesis that increases the molecular complexity. Any synthetic methodology used in this context must take into account the sensitivity of the titanocene towards nucleophiles. We decided to address these issues by employing cationic amide-substituted titanocenes as building blocks and strain-driven 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions \[[@R34]--[@R40]\] as synthetic methodology for the preparation of such 'second-generation' functional titanocenes. This line of action seemed especially appealing for two reasons. First, the cationic amide titanocenes have already displayed interesting activity and therefore serve as our lead structures. Second, the strain-driven 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions have evolved as extremely mild reactions for the functionalization of complex molecules. Since no metal complexes are required to catalyze the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition \[[@R41]--[@R43]\], the reaction can be even used for the functionalization of biomolecules in living systems and has therefore been called bioorthogonal \[[@R34]--[@R35]\]. To the best of our knowledge, no examples of the Ti-containing substrates for our strategy, i.e., azide-functionalized titanocenes, have been reported in the literature. One aspect of our study is to establish if such complexes are stable and readily available in high yield. It should be noted that only a single example of a Cu-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition with an alkyne-functionalized titanocene has been described \[[@R44]\]. Therefore, the properties of triazol-substituted titanocenes, the products of the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition, are also largely unexplored. Results and Discussion ====================== Synthesis of the titanocenes ---------------------------- ### Preparation of the starting materials We started our investigation with the preparation of azide-substituted cationic titanocenes. To this end, the titanocene carboxylates **1**--**3** shown in [Fig. 1](#F1){ref-type="fig"} were employed as substrates because their substitution pattern should allow a first simple assessment of structure--activity relationships. ![Carboxylates employed as titanocene starting materials for azide-substituted complexes.](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-g002){#F1} The compounds **A**--**D** shown in [Fig. 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"} were used as amino-substituted azides. They are readily obtained from the corresponding diazides through a Staudinger reaction (see [Supporting Information File 1](#SD1){ref-type="supplementary-material"} for details) \[[@R45]--[@R46]\]. As for the carboxylates the different tether lengths and substitution patterns of the arene allow to study the effect of substitution on the activity of the complexes. The ether tether in **B** serves as a model for PEG. ![Azides employed in this study and conditions for their synthesis.](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-g003){#F2} The titanocene carboxylates **1**--**3** were transformed into the corresponding acid chlorides and then reacted with amino azides **A**--**D** in the presence of NaH without purification of the acid chlorides. Typical results are summarized in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type="table"}. ###### Synthesis of cationic titanocenes containing azides (yield over two steps, see [Supporting Information File 1](#SD1){ref-type="supplementary-material"} for details). -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------- ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i001.jpg) substrates product yield/\[%\] **1**, **A** ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i002.jpg)\ 78 **4** **1**, **B** ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i003.jpg)\ 51 **5** **1**, **C** ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i004.jpg)\ 89 **6** **2**, **A** ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i005.jpg)\ 89 **7** **2**, **C** ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i006.jpg)\ 63 **8** **2**, **D** ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i007.jpg)\ 71 **9** **3**, **B** ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i008.jpg)\ 51 **10** **3**, **D** ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i009.jpg)\ 31 **11** -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------- Gratifyingly, the acylation reactions proceed without problems and the azide-functionalized titanocenes can generally be obtained in good yields after 16 h. The somewhat lower yields obtained with carboxylate **3** are probably due to an increased bulkiness of the ligand's substituents. It should be noted that polyether groups can be readily incorporated into cationic titanocenes. This suggests that the cationic titanocenes can be readily immobilized by covalent binding to PEG. In general, our results clearly demonstrate that the azide group is compatible with cationic titanocenes. Moreover, it is obvious that large libraries of such titanocenes can be accessed from our carboxylates in short periods of time. ### Strain-driven 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions With the new titanocene building blocks in hand we turned our attention to their further functionalization through the strain-driven 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition with cyclooctyne. The original conditions of Wittig \[[@R36]\], the reaction of cyclooctyne with phenyl azide, and the numerous applications pioneered by Bertozzi suggest that the reaction proceeds under mild conditions \[[@R34]--[@R35] [@R37]--[@R40]\]. Therefore, we simply mixed the titanocenes and cyclooctyne in CH~2~Cl~2~ at room temperature. The concentration of the substrates was intentionally kept low (0.1 M) to avoid a too intense evolution of heat. Typical examples of the reaction are summarized in [Table 2](#T2){ref-type="table"}. ###### Strain-driven 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions between cyclooctyne and azide-functionalized titanocenes in CH~2~Cl~2~ (0.1 M). -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------- ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i010.jpg) titanocene product yield/\[%\] **4** ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i011.jpg)\ 80 **12** **5** ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i012.jpg)\ 88 **13** **6** ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i013.jpg)\ 78 **14** **8** ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i014.jpg)\ 79 **15** **9** ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i015.jpg)\ 79 **16** **10** ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i016.jpg)\ 92 **17** **11** ![](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-i017.jpg)\ 75 **18** -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------- The results demonstrate that the strain-driven 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition is a convenient and very mild route to triazole-functionalized cationic titanocenes. The yields between 75% and 92% are satisfying. It should be noted that the polyether-substituted complexes **13** and **17** are obtained in high yield. This opens further interesting perspectives for the immobilization of titanocene complexes. ### Cytotoxicity studies One of the pertinent features of titanocenes is their cytotoxicity \[[@R1]--[@R5]\]. Therefore, we investigated this particular property of our novel complexes. To guarantee comparability with a previous study \[[@R26]\] we discuss our results of the lymphoma cell line BJAB. Cell surface transmembrane receptor CD95, through which apoptosis can be induced, is expressed by BJAB cells. Cell death can be induced in these cells both by the extrinsic and the intrinsic apoptosis-signalling pathway \[[@R47]--[@R49]\]. Therefore, BJAB cells are well-suited for studying the induction of apoptosis by our cationic titanocenes \[[@R50]--[@R53]\]. It is logical to study apoptosis induction, expressed as AC~50~ values, instead of nonspecific cytotoxicity, which is usually reported as LC~50~ values, because cytotoxic drugs operate by specific induction of apoptosis. So we determined the AC~50~ values of our titanocenes, i.e., the concentrations causing specific apoptosis in 50% of lymphoma cells, counting all cells with membrane damage. The azide-substituted complexes showed no significant apoptosis induction (AC~50~ \> 100 µM). Introduction of the triazole ring through 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition markedly changes the activity of our titanocenes as a function of the substitution pattern. The most active complexes are highlighted in [Fig. 3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}. ![Most active titanocenes of this study and their AC~50~ values.](Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-10-1630-g004){#F3} Gratifyingly, **18**, together with a ketone-substituted titanocene, displays the highest activity against the BJAB cell line of our cationic carbonyl-substituted titanocenes. Comparison of the three most active complexes also allows the identification of structural features essential for cytotoxic activity. First, a bulky substitution of the cyclopentadienyl ligand is favorable. Second, positioning of the triazol in close proximity -- ortho-substitution in **16** leads to a lower AC~50~ value than para-substitution in **15** -- of the metal center enhances the biological activity. Conclusion ========== In summary, we have devised an operationally simple, convenient, and mild strategy for the synthesis of triazole substituted titanocenes via strain-driven 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions between azide-functionalized titanocenes and cyclooctyne. It features the first synthesis of titanocenes containing azide groups. These compounds constitute functionalized 'second-generation' titanocene building blocks for further synthetic elaboration. Our synthesis is modular and large numbers of the complexes can in principle be prepared in short periods of time. Some of the triazole-substituted titanocenes display high cyctotoxic activity against BJAB cells. Comparison of the most active complexes allows the identification of structural features essential for biological activity. Future studies will concentrate on the preparation of neutral and of enantiomerically pure triazole-substituted titanocenes, also via metal catalyzed cycloadditions, for further increasing the biological activity of the complexes and for applications in enantioselective \[[@R54]--[@R55]\] cyclizations \[[@R56]--[@R58]\]. Supporting Information ====================== ###### Experimental procedures and compound characterization, cytotoxicity studies. We thank the DFG (SFB 624, 'Template -- Funktionale chemische Schablonen', FOR 630, 'Biologische Funktion von Organometallverbindungen'), Dr. Kleist Stiftung Berlin, Robert-Koch Stiftung Berlin.
\section{Introduction} High harmonic generation (HHG) \cite{F88,LB93,W93,MKG93} is a strongly nonlinear effect that is observed in several state of the art experiments, using gaseous targets (see e.g. \cite{WSG08} for a review), plasma surfaces \cite{TG09} and -- more recently -- solid state samples as well \cite{G10}. One of the most important applications is the generation of attosecond pulses \cite{FT92,KI09}, which can monitor or induce physical processes on an experimentally unprecedented time scale. Therefore, deep understanding of the physical mechanisms underlying the phenomenon of HHG is of crucial importance. Although HHG is an inherently high-field effect, due to the low efficiency of the process, the intensities of the generated harmonics are by orders of magnitude lower than that of the exciting field. Therefore, the usual assumption \cite{C93b,L94} that the exciting field (with high photon numbers) not necessarily needs to be quantized, can be verified, but the same does not hold for the weak secondary radiation. Motivated by this, in the following we introduce a model where a quantum system interacts with a strong, classical electromagnetic field as well as with quantized radiation modes that are initially in the vacuum state. The main features of the gas HHG spectra are well described by the so-called "three-step" model \cite{C93b}, consisting of the emission of the single active electron, its motion in the laser field and recombination with the parent ion. The amount of energy the electron gained during this process is assumed to be transferred into high harmonic radiation. In this picture the continuum plays a substantial role, and the emerging exponential integrals can be performed both in the adiabatic \cite{L94} and in the nonadiabatic \cite{Sa04} cases by means of saddle point approximation. On the other hand, the appearance of the HHG itself does not require the presence of the continuum. As studies with driven two-level systems (having only bound states) show \cite{KS94,BF96,GGK97,PFM01}, the qualitative properties of the HHG spectra can be calculated analytically using traditional quantum optical notions like e.g., dressed states. An appropriately generalized version of the Jaynes-Cummings-Paul model has also been used to describe high-field, multiphoton processes \cite{SB81,D92,FO03}. Although a strong analogy can be drawn between the dynamics of a driven two-level system and the three-step model \cite{FR03}, for the realistic description of HHG in gas samples (with the obvious involvement of continuum states), the latter one became more widely used. For solid state systems \cite{G10}, on the other hand, only bound states get populated, and even the two-level approximation can be valid for quantum wells in semiconductor heterostructures \cite{H94}. \bigskip Motivated by this, we use a two-level system as a model for the radiating quantum system (so that the resulting approach will be similar to that used in driven spin-boson models \cite{OIL13} or for the description of resonance fluorescence \cite{MS91}). Following the tradition, we keep using the term "atom", although as we have seen above, solid state systems can be described by this model more appropriately. The simplicity of the two-level system helps understanding the dynamics of the HHG, and -- as we shall see -- certain important aspects of our approach can be easily generalized to more complex high harmonic sources as well. Let us emphasize that although many important results were obtained using a two-level system as a model -- even in the context of HHG (see e.g.~\cite{KS94,BF96,GGK97,PFM01}) -- we are not aware of any work focusing on the quantum optical description of the high harmonic modes. Additionally, the focus is usually on the spectrum of the secondary radiation, while our model allows monitoring the time evolution of the photon numbers corresponding to different modes of the emitted electromagnetic field. The current paper is organized as follows. In Sec.~\ref{modelsec} we introduce the model. The time evolution of the photon number expectation values is presented in Sec.~\ref{expdynsec}, and the corresponding HHG spectra are analyzed in Sec.~\ref{dynsec}. We discuss the photon statistics of the high harmonic modes in Sec.~\ref{schsec}, and draw the conclusions in Sec.~\ref{conclusionsec}. \section{Model} \label{modelsec} Let us consider the following Hamiltonian: \begin{equation} H(t)=H_{a}+H_{m}+H_{am}+H_{ex}(t), \label{Ham} \end{equation} where the first term describes a two-level atom and the second one corresponds to quantized radiation modes: \begin{equation} H_{a}=\hbar\frac{\omega_{0}}{2}\sigma_z, \ \ H_{m}=\sum_n \hbar \tilde{\omega}_n a_n^{\dagger}a_n, \label{H0} \end{equation} while their interaction [without rotating wave approximation (RWA)] can be written in the following form: \begin{equation} H_{am}=\sum_n \hbar \frac{\Omega_n}{2}(a_n+a_n^{\dagger})\sigma_x, \label{Hint} \end{equation} where $\sigma_x$ and $\sigma_z$ denote the usual Pauli matrices. Note that $H_{am}=-D E,$ where the atomic dipole moment operator is given by $D=d\sigma_x$ (for the sake of simplicity, the matrix element $d$ is chosen to be real), and the quantized electric field is a sum of operators $E_n=\sqrt{\frac{\hbar \tilde{\omega}_n}{\epsilon_0 V}}(a_n+{a_n}^{\dagger})$ (with $V$ denoting the quantization volume). This means that $\Omega_n=2d\sqrt{\frac{\hbar \tilde{\omega}_n}{\epsilon_0 V}}.$ Additionally, we assume a strong, pulsed excitation that is described by a classical, time-dependent electric field: \begin{equation} H_{ex}(t)= -DE(t)=-d\sigma_x E(t)=-\hbar\frac{\Omega(t)}{2} \sigma_x, \end{equation} where \begin{equation} E(t)=E_0\sin^2\left(\pi \frac{t}{\tau}\right) \cos(\nu t), \label{field} \end{equation} if $0<t<\tau,$ and $E(t)=0$ otherwise. $T=2\pi/\nu$ will be used to denote the cycle time of the carrier wave. The initial state of the system will be assumed to be a tensorial product state, \begin{equation} |\Psi(t=0)\rangle_{am}=|\phi\rangle_{m0}|\psi\rangle_{a0}, \end{equation} where the modes at $t=0$ are in their vacuum state \begin{equation} |\phi\rangle_{m0}=|0,0,\ldots 0\rangle. \label{vac} \end{equation} Note that for semiconductor quantum dots -- to which our model is most directly applicable -- dipole moment matrix elements $d$ range between 1 to 100 Debye, depending mainly on the size of the dots and their constituent materials. For practically resonant near infrared excitations, the condition $E_0 d=\hbar\nu$ means peak field amplitudes $E_0$ of the order of GV/m, which can be realized relatively easily using currently available Ti:Sapphire technology. The corresponding pulse durations are in the femtosecond range. \bigskip The dynamics induced by the Hamiltonian (\ref{Ham}) practically cannot be solved without approximations. Let us summarize the general physical and technical properties of the model, which can serve as basis of the approximative methods. Using Eq.~(\ref{vac}) and assuming that the atomic system is initially in its ground state, if there is no external driving (i.e., $|\psi\rangle_{a0}=|g\rangle$, $E_0=0$), there is essentially no dynamics. On the other hand, with $|\psi\rangle_{a0}=|e\rangle,$ there are interfering vacuum Rabi oscillations that can serve as a simple model for spontaneous emission: The excitation of the atomic system is distributed among the degrees of freedom of the radiation modes. This is the point where the question which modes we take into account becomes important. In principle, the sum in Eq.~(\ref{H0}) is infinite. However, when focusing on the process of HHG, only a finite number of harmonics (a few times ten) appear, so only modes with frequencies roughly in the range of $0$--$100$ $\nu$ play relevant role. Practically (from the viewpoint of numerical feasibility), a few thousand modes can be taken into account in this interval. As a consequence, the initially excited atomic state will not monotonically decay: when oscillations with the finite number of Rabi frequencies $\Omega_n$ rephase, we would observe a revival process, that does not appear in free space. Technically, this allows us the determination of the time scale on which our model with a finite number of modes describes the process appropriately: Since for usual excitations, spontaneous emission plays negligible role (the lifetimes of the atomic levels can be orders of magnitude longer than the duration of the HHG process), our theoretical description is valid until the quantized modes do not cause significant atomic decay. This limit can be identified using our model based on expectation values (see the next section), and the parameters found to be valid for that calculation will be used later on to calculate e.g., photon statistics. As a final, general note, let us mention that neither specific mode functions, nor the density of modes were taken explicitly into account. In an actual experiment, these issues must be relevant, but it is not inconsistent to neglect them on the level of the model of two-level atoms. Additionally, although a complete description of the HHG signal emerging from a given sample requires taking propagation effects also into account (see e.g.~\cite{BBT14}), here we focus on the single-atom response. \section{Time evolution of the photon number expectation values} \label{expdynsec} Our first approach is based on the Heisenberg equations of motion for both the atomic and electromagnetic field operators. As one can check easily, one cannot obtain an exact closed set of dynamical equations, since the time derivatives of two-operator products involve three-operator products, whose time derivatives contain terms being the products of four operators, etc. Because of this hierarchy, we have to restrict ourselves to expectation values and -- at some point -- introduce a factorization that is based on physical considerations. The simplest Heisenberg equations of motion read: \begin{eqnarray} \frac{d}{dt}\sigma_x&=&\omega_0 \sigma_y, \label{der1}\\ \frac{d}{dt}\sigma_y&=&-\omega_0 \sigma_x+\sigma_z \left[\Omega(t)+\sum_n \Omega_n \left(a_n+a_n^{\dagger}\right)\right], \label{der2}\\ \frac{d}{dt}\sigma_z&=&-\sigma_y \left[ \Omega(t) + \sum_n \Omega_n (a_n+a_n^{\dagger})\right], \label{der3}\\ \frac{d}{dt}a_n&=&-i\left(\tilde{\omega}_n a_n+\frac{\Omega_n}{2}\sigma_x\right),\label{der4} \\ \frac{d}{dt}N_n&=&\frac{d}{dt} a_n^{\dagger}a_n= i\frac{\Omega_n}{2}\left(a_n-a_n^{\dagger}\right)\sigma_x \label{der5}. \label{Heis} \end{eqnarray} One can assume already at this point that the expectation values of the products of atomic an field operators factorize (e.g., $\langle\sigma_z a_n\rangle=\langle\sigma_z\rangle \langle a_n\rangle$), but in this case the influence of the photon number operators on the atomic system's time evolution -- which should be weak -- is exactly zero. Additionally, since the photon annihilation operators' dynamics are governed by a "classical" quantity (the expectation value of the dipole moment), the resulting photon statistics is necessarily Poissonian (i.e., the high harmonic modes are in coherent states). \begin{figure}[htb] \includegraphics[width=8.5cm]{JCfig1} \caption{Central panel: the time evolution of the expectation values of the photon number operators $\langle N_n \rangle$ as a function of the frequency of the modes $\tilde{\omega}_n$ (measured in units of $\nu$). The time dependence of the resonant exciting pulse ($\nu=\omega_0$) can be seen in the left panel, while the final ($t=12$ $T$) distribution of the photon number operator expectation values is shown on the top.} \label{nexpfig1}% \end{figure} The next level of equations of motion can be obtained by assuming that the dynamical variables are the following expectation values of Hermitian operators that appear in Eqs.~(\ref{der1})-(\ref{der5}): \begin{equation} U^{+}_n=\left\langle \sigma_x (a_n + a_n^{\dagger})\right\rangle, \ \ U^{-}_n=i\left\langle \sigma_x (a_n - a_n^{\dagger})\right\rangle \end{equation} and similarly \begin{eqnarray} V^{\pm}_n=(i)^{(1\mp1)/2}\left\langle \sigma_y (a_n\pm a_n^{\dagger}) \right\rangle,\\ W^{\pm}_n=(i)^{(1\mp1)/2}\left\langle \sigma_z (a_n\pm a_n^{\dagger}) \right\rangle, \end{eqnarray} which are analogous to the "phonon assisted" density matrix elements that appear e.g., in semiconductor Bloch-equations \cite{HK04}. Using $U=\langle\sigma_x\rangle,$ $V=\langle\sigma_y\rangle,$ $W=\langle\sigma_z\rangle$ and $\langle N_n \rangle,$ a closed set of dynamical equations can be obtained (see the Appendix), provided one neglects cross correlations of different modes. (More precisely, with $A$ being either $U,$ $V$ or $W,$ we set $\langle A b_n c_m\rangle=0,$ if i) $n\neq m,$ and ii) the mode operators $b_n$ and $c_n$ are both creation or both annihilation operators. We will verify this assumption in Sec.~\ref{schsec}.) \begin{figure}[htb] \includegraphics[width=8.5cm]{JCfig2} \caption{The same as Fig.~\ref{nexpfig1}, but for a longer, resonant exciting pulse (compare the left panels).}% \label{nexpfig2}% \end{figure} Technically, this approach, with $N$ modes being taken into account, means following the dynamics of $7N+3$ real variables. According to our experience, for most of our results, the frequency interval $[0, 30\nu]$ with $N=3000$ together with the realistic assumption of $\Omega_n/\omega_0=0.001\sqrt{\tilde{\omega}_n/\omega_0}$ satisfy the requirement mentioned at the end of the previous section: even an exciting pulse as long as few hundred optical cycles is much shorter than the time scale on which the quantized modes observably modify the atom's dynamics. This means that the number of modes that we take into account has negligible influence on the time evolution of the atom, it is mainly the resolution of the spectra that is determined by the value of $N.$ By requiring 100 frequency values (points on the graphs) in an interval of "length" $\nu,$ the value of $N=3000$ means covering the interval of $[0, 30\nu]$ sufficiently densely. For most of the cases we considered, this is appropriate, since no harmonics of higher order than 30 appear. However, for the strongly detuned excitation shown in Fig.~\ref{resnonresfig}(d), there are roughly ten times more observable harmonics and the value of $N$ had to be increased correspondingly. As an indication of the correctness of the factorization described above, let us mention that without excitation ($E_0=0$), the initial conditions $\langle N_i\rangle=n\delta_{i0}$ (where $\tilde{\omega}_0=\omega_0$) lead to Rabi flopping between mode $0$ and the atomic system with a frequency very close to $\Omega_0\sqrt{n+1}.$ \smallskip The time evolution of the photon number expectation values is shown in Figs.~\ref{nexpfig1} and \ref{nexpfig2}. As we can see, the longer the exciting pulse is, the more pronounced peaks can be observed. As one can expect, these peaks appear around integer multiples of the carrier frequency of the exciting pulse. For long enough pulses (see Fig.~\ref{nexpfig2}) and higher harmonic orders, a significant, qualitative difference can be perceived between the consecutive peaks: the ones at odd multiples of $\nu$ are considerably broader than those corresponding to even harmonics. We will return to this point in the next section. \begin{figure}[htb] \includegraphics[width=8.5cm]{ndistr} \caption{The final ($t>\tau$) distribution of the photon number expectation vales for excitations with different frequencies (see the legend). The time evolution of the exciting pulses are the same in all subfigures as the one shown in the left panel of Fig.~\ref{nexpfig2}, provided we measure time in units of $T.$ (Without this scaling, the duration of the pulse corresponding to the top subfigure is the shortest.)} \label{resnonresfig}% \end{figure} The time instants when the peaks corresponding to the various harmonic orders appear are related to the presence of sufficiently strong excitation: at the beginning of the pulse, when the envelope of the exciting electric field is far from its maximum, lower order harmonics appear. The higher order ones become visible only around the maximum of the pulse. Note that -- according to our calculations (not shown here) -- for a simply sinusoidally oscillating excitation, the transient time interval is practically the same for all harmonics, in other words, the corresponding peaks become observable almost at the same time. Fig.~\ref{resnonresfig} shows the effect of detuning on the final ($t>\tau$) distribution of the photon number expectation values. As we can see, not only the internal structure and height of the peaks, but even the number of the observable harmonics strongly depends on the frequency of the excitation. As we shall see in the next section, all these properties can be understood in terms of the Floquet quasi-energies and the corresponding states. Note that the features of typical HHG spectra can be recognized in Fig.~\ref{resnonresfig}: the heights of the peaks corresponding to low order harmonics is decreasing fast, then we see a "plateau" with comparable peak heights and finally a cutoff, i.e., the disappearance of the pronounced peaks. However, focusing on the details, and comparing these spectra to the high harmonic emission spectra computed for real noble gas atoms (i.e. the real single atom response) \cite{IKS15} shows certain qualitative differences. Close to resonance, the peaks of the two-level atom's spectrum emerge from a smooth background, which is mostly missing from the real single atom response. This is more explicit around the cutoff region, which means simply the disappearance of the pronounced peaks in the case of the two-level atom, while it is a smooth but substantial drop to much lower spectral amplitude in the real single atom response. Although the cutoff in the strongly detuned case [Fig.~\ref{resnonresfig}(d)] seems more similar to this real single atom spectrum, this is only apparent: the cutoff consists of densely placed peaks in the two-level case. These differences are due to the different physical mechanisms being responsible for the process of HHG for a real atom and a two-level one. As we shall see in the next section, the final photon number distributions shown in Fig.~\ref{resnonresfig} are very close to the HHG spectra that can be obtained in the usual way, i.e., by calculating the power spectrum of the second time derivative of the dipole moment \cite{B09}. The dependence of these power spectra on the excitation parameters were studied extensively, e.g., analytic formulas for the plateau and the cutoff frequency were obtained in Refs.~\cite{KS94,BF96,GGK97}. Our results show good agreement with these analytic estimations. Therefore, instead of investigating these details further, we turn to the interpretation of the spectra and the analysis of the corresponding photon statistics. \section{Properties of the HHG spectra} \label{dynsec} \begin{figure}[htb] \includegraphics[width=8.5cm]{JCfig4f} \caption{The smallest difference between two nonequivalent Floquet quasi-energies ($\delta \epsilon=|\epsilon_1-\epsilon_2|$, measured in units of $\nu$) as a function of the amplitude and frequency of the exciting field. Note that in this case, by construction, the excitation is assumed to be monochromatic with an amplitude of $E_0.$ The white circle denotes parameters corresponding to Fig.~\ref{spectra2fig}.}% \label{Floquetfig}% \end{figure} As we can see in Fig.~\ref{resnonresfig}, HHG spectra show an alternating sequence of narrow and broader peaks. For long pulses, this effect can be understood via the Floquet analysis \cite{F883} of the problem. Note that although this idea itself can be useful for more complex radiating systems as well (with obviously increasing computational costs of performing the analysis, see e.g.~Ref.~\cite{PS89} for early results related to atomic hydrogen), this section is specific to two-level systems. (In other words, e.g., neither the internal structure nor the heights of the HHG peaks can be transferred to different systems.) In order to see the predictions of Floquet's theory, let us consider a sinusoidal exciting field \begin{equation} E'(t)=E_0\sin(\nu t), \end{equation} which results in a periodic Hamiltonian \begin{equation} H'(t+T)=H_{a}-DE'(t+T)=H'(t), \label{Hamprime} \end{equation} where the weak corrections $H_m$ and $H_{am}$ are neglected, and $T=2\pi/\nu.$ According to the general theorem \cite{F883,S65}, $H'(t)$ has "time dependent eigenstates" \begin{equation} \left|\phi_k (t)\right\rangle=e^{-i\epsilon_k t}\sum_n c_n^k e^{-i n \nu t} |\varphi\rangle_n^k, \label{tdeigen} \end{equation} where $\epsilon_k$ are called Floquet quasi-energies (now written in units of frequency). There are only two of the states above that are not equivalent (and these states are orthogonal). (The formulae $\epsilon_k\rightarrow \tilde{\epsilon}_k = \epsilon_k+m\nu,$ $c_n^k\rightarrow \tilde{c}_{n}^k=c_{n-m}^k$ define the equivalence, resulting in physically undistinguishable states $\left|\phi_k (t)\right\rangle$ and $\left|\tilde{\phi}_k (t)\right\rangle.$) Let us use indices 1 and 2 for the two nonequivalent states the quasi-energies of which have the smallest magnitude. This means that $\delta \epsilon=|\epsilon_1-\epsilon_2|<\nu.$ The dependence of $\delta \epsilon$ on the amplitude $E_0$ and the detuning $\Delta=\omega_0-\nu$ can be seen in Fig.~\ref{Floquetfig}. (Note that if we applied RWA, $\delta \epsilon,$ which is essentially the Rabi frequency, would scale linearly with $E_0$ and change as $\delta \epsilon (\Delta)=\sqrt{(\delta\epsilon(0))^2+\Delta^2}.$) Let us assume that the state of the atomic system at $t=0$ can be expanded as \begin{equation} |\Psi(0)\rangle=\alpha |\phi_1(0)\rangle+ \beta |\phi_2(0)\rangle. \end{equation} The time dependence of the expectation value of the dipole moment operator reads \begin{eqnarray} \label{Fleq} \langle D \rangle (t)&=&\langle \Psi(t)|D|\Psi(t)\rangle= \\ &=&|\alpha|^2 \langle \phi_1(t)|D|\phi_1(t)\rangle + |\beta|^2 \langle\phi_2(t)|D|\phi_2(t)\rangle \nonumber \\ &+&\alpha\beta^* \langle\phi_2(t)|D|\phi_1(t)\rangle +\alpha^*\beta \langle\phi_1(t)|D|\phi_2(t)\rangle \nonumber, \end{eqnarray} and -- as we can check easily -- contains frequency components $n\nu$ (the first two terms on the rhs of the equation above) and $n\nu\pm \delta\epsilon$ (the last two terms). Additionally, the symmetry of the time periodic Hamiltonian (\ref{Hamprime}) implies \cite{SLD01} that $c_n^1$ is nonzero only for odd $n,$ while the frequency components of $|\phi_2(t)\rangle$ can be written as $\epsilon_2 +m\nu,$ with $m$ being even. Combining these, we obtain that for infinite, periodic excitation, the Fourier spectrum of $\langle D \rangle (t)$ contains discrete peaks that are situated at $m\nu$ for odd values of $m,$ and at $m\nu\pm\delta\epsilon$ when $m$ is even. In other words, this Fourier spectrum -- as well as that of $d^2 \langle D \rangle/dt^2$ -- is an alternating sequence of single and double peaks, which is in qualitative agreement with Figs.~\ref{nexpfig2} and \ref{resnonresfig}. Let us emphasize that the qualitative difference between the HHG peaks corresponding to odd and even harmonics has symmetry related origin, similarly to the case of HHG spectra in gas samples \cite{F88}. An additional remarkable point to be noticed is the appearance of the expansion coefficients $\alpha$ and $\beta$ in Eq.~(\ref{Fleq}). This fact directly shows that the state of the atomic system at $t=0$ plays an important role in determining the relative heights of the harmonic peaks. Specifically, when $\alpha=0$ (or $\beta=0$), the peaks corresponding to even (odd) harmonics are completely absent. Note that similar consequences of the atomic coherence have been pointed out e.g.~in Refs.~\cite{GK95,WS96}. The finite width of the HHG peaks in Fig.~\ref{resnonresfig} is due to the finite duration of the exciting pulse, as well as to the fact that the envelope of the exciting pulse is not constant. (See Fig.~\ref{Floquetfig} for the sensitivity of $\delta\epsilon$ on $E_0.$) So in order to be able to perform a quantitative comparison between the predictions of the Floquet analysis and the numerical results, an exciting pulse with an envelope that is constant on a relatively long time interval is needed. To this end, let us relax the waveform (\ref{field}) and consider a simple sinusoidal excitation the duration of which is $100$ optical cycles, so that $E(t)$ reaches its maximum during the first $5$ cycles, and decays to zero during the last $5$ cycles (see the insets in Fig.~\ref{spectra2fig}). We compare a representative HHG spectrum obtained using the model of the previous section with results of the Floquet analysis and the Fourier transform based power spectrum of $d^2 \langle D \rangle/dt^2$ (which is usually considered as the source of the secondary radiation \cite{B09}) in Fig.~\ref{spectra2fig}. As we can see, the positions of the peaks are practically the same for the Floquet estimation and the numerical result, and even the relative heights of the peaks are qualitatively similar. Additionally, there are remarkable similarities between the spectra that are based on the photon number expectation values and the Fourier transform of $d^2 \langle D \rangle/dt^2.$ \begin{figure}[htp] \includegraphics[width=8.5cm]{JCfig5f} \caption{HHG spectra obtained in different ways. Open circles on both panels correspond to the Floquet estimation. (The parameters are the ones that were denoted by the white circle in Fig.~\ref{Floquetfig}.) The finite duration pulse that mimics the corresponding monochromatic excitation is shown by the insets (where time on the horizontal axis has units of $T$, and we plotted $dE(t)/\hbar\omega_0,$ similarly to Figs.~\ref{nexpfig1} and \ref{nexpfig2}). The spectra plotted by solid red lines were obtained using our model based on the expectation values (top panel) and the power spectrum of $d^2 \langle D \rangle/dt^2$ (bottom panel). We normalized the results so that they have the same value at the strong, single peak at $\tilde{\omega}/\nu=9.$}% \label{spectra2fig}% \end{figure} Finally, let us return to Fig.~\ref{resnonresfig}. As we can see, for "blue-detuned" excitation (i.e., when $\nu>\omega_0$), there are considerably less HHG peaks that are visible than for the resonant case, and the number of these peaks is the highest for red detuning ($\nu<\omega_0$). This is a consequence of the general fact that $\frac{E_0 d}{\hbar\nu}$ is the parameter that determines the number of the relevant high harmonics in the Floquet time evolution (as shown by a simple transformation into dimensionless units, see e.g.~\cite{SBCF13}). That is, if all other parameters are the same, an excitation with lower frequency produces higher number of observable harmonics. As a remarkable example, see Fig.~\ref{resnonresfig}(d), where $\nu=\omega_0/10.$ This case of strong red detuning (that is relevant for real atoms and pulses in the infrared) is interesting also from the viewpoint of short pulse generation: the quasi-continuum of the frequencies corresponding to the plateau can be shown to have phases that produce short bursts of radiation in every half-cycle. Assuming $T=2\pi/\nu$ to have the order of magnitude of fs, the duration of these bursts (intensity fwhm) is around a few times 10 as. \section{Photon statistics and correlations} \label{schsec} Besides the photon number expectation value, higher momenta as $\langle N_n^2\rangle$ are also required to determine the photon statistics of the HHG modes. However, the method introduced in Sec.~\ref{expdynsec} cannot be extended in a simple way, due to the increasingly complex hierarchy of the Heisenberg equations. The physical assumptions that led to Eqs.~(\ref{a1})-(\ref{a10}) offer an alternative approach to obtain photon statistics. Since even the collection of all the modes that are taken into account affects negligibly the atomic dynamics on the timescale of the HHG, and there is no direct mode-mode interaction, the time evolution of a given mode is not strongly perturbed by the presence of the other ones. Thus it is reasonable to neglect all but one modes, which formally means reducing the sum in Eq.~(\ref{Hint}) to a single term. For the one and only mode that we take into account, the calculation of the photon statistics means no technical difficulty, the time dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation can be solved e.g., in Schr\"{o}dinger picture by expanding the atom-mode wave function $|\Psi_{am}\rangle$ in the finite basis of $\left\{ |n,e\rangle, |n,g\rangle\ n=0,\ldots M\right \},$ where $M$ is the maximal photon number we take into account. The dynamics turns out to be independent from the truncation of the single mode Fock space already for $M\approx 10.$ The most general result (which is independently of the frequency $\tilde{\omega}$ of the mode) is that the probabilities \begin{equation} P_n(t)= \left|\langle n,e|\Psi_{am}(t) \rangle \right|^2 + \left|\langle n,g|\Psi_{am}(t) \rangle \right|^2 \end{equation} are fast decreasing functions of the photon number $n.$ In agreement with the fact that the photon number expectation values are much below unity, $P_0$ dominates the photon statistics by being orders of magnitude larger than probabilities that correspond to nonzero photon numbers. Thus the HHG modes are very close to the vacuum, and there can be time instants when the photon number expectation value becomes (exactly or numerically) zero. This circumstance causes difficulties when we are interested in e.g., the Mandel-parameter \begin{equation} Q_M=\frac {(\Delta N)^2}{\langle N \rangle}-1. \label{QM} \end{equation} However, with careful evaluation, we see that $Q_M$ is typically a small (around $10^{-4}$), positive number, indicating super-Poissonian statistics. In the presence of the exciting field, there can be short intervals, in which $Q_M$ is negative, but finally, when the exciting field is zero again, $Q_M$ became positive for all the cases we investigated. Representative examples are shown in Fig.~\ref{mandelfig}. The narrow peaks at the early stage of the time evolution are signatures of the initial transient effects (see Figs.~\ref{nexpfig1} and \ref{nexpfig2}). Then rapid oscillations appear, which have considerably more regular pattern when the pulse is over ($t>\tau$). These "final" oscillations are solely due to the interaction of the atomic system and the quantized mode. (One may consider it as a consequence of a very far detuned, tiny amplitude Rabi flopping.) Note that when $\omega_0\gg \nu,$ the Mandel-parameter have larger values. \begin{figure}[htb] \includegraphics[width=8.5cm]{lastlast} \caption{The Mandel parameter (\ref{QM}) and the exciting classical pulse as a function of time, for the eights harmonics, ($\tilde{\omega}/\nu=8)$ both in the resonant, and strongly detuned cases.}% \label{mandelfig}% \end{figure} Numerically, for all harmonics up to 30 (and for the same exciting pulse as in Fig.~\ref{mandelfig}), we observed that the minimal value of $Q_M$ is between $-4\times 10^{-4}$ and $+ 10^{-5},$ while the maxima are between $10^{-4}$ and $0.04.$ During the oscillations for $t>\tau,$ $Q_M$ was always positive, with its time average being between $10^{-6}$ and $0.03.$ For excitations with different waveforms, the order of magnitude of these values were the same. \bigskip Since the maximal photon number that we need to take into account in order to obtain reliable results ($M$) is not too large, it is also possible to consider the problem with two quantized modes. (The corresponding Hilbert space is $2\times M^2$ dimensional.) The frequencies $\tilde{\omega}_1$ and $\tilde{\omega}_2$ of these modes can be chosen arbitrarily, which allows us to systematically check the validity of the assumptions that led to Eqs.~(\ref{a1})-(\ref{a10}). By calculating expectation values of the form $\langle A a_i a_j\rangle,$ $\langle A a_i^\dagger a_j\rangle$ and $\langle A a_i^\dagger a_j^\dagger\rangle$ (where $A=\tilde{U},$ $\tilde{V}$ or $\tilde {W}$, see the Appendix), it turns out that for the initial conditions (\ref{vac}), they mean negligible contributions to the dynamical equations. Numerically, the terms we neglected in Eqs.~(\ref{a1})-(\ref{a10}) are four orders of magnitude smaller than the ones we kept. The terms $\langle A a_i^\dagger a_i\rangle=\langle A N_i\rangle$ become important when $\langle N_i\rangle$ has the order of magnitude of unity at $t=0,$ and in this case the factorization $\langle A N_i\rangle=\langle A \rangle \langle N_i\rangle$ is an accurate approximation. Besides verifying former approximations, the model with two modes can also be used for the calculation of mode-mode cross correlations. In the Schr\"{o}dinger picture, the equal time second order correlation function \begin{equation} g_{ij}^2(t,t)=\frac{\langle \Psi(t)|N_i N_j |\Psi(t)\rangle}{\langle \Psi(t)|N_i|\Psi(t)\rangle \langle \Psi(t)|N_j |\Psi(t)\rangle} \label{g2} \end{equation} can be -- in principle -- calculated straightforwardly. The general result is that regardless whether $i=j$ or not, $g^2_{ij}$ is larger than unity. (Note that the former case is in accord with the slightly super-Poissonian statistics we discussed above.) However, a systematic analysis of these correlations requires sophisticated numerical methods which are under development. These difficulties suggest that a transparent, analytically solvable model -- which is obviously not easy to construct -- would be very useful for the deep understanding of the process of HHG. \section{Conclusions} \label{conclusionsec} We introduced a quantum optical model for the process of high harmonic generation (HHG) in a simple model system, a two-level atom. Considering a large number of electromagnetic modes with frequencies ranging from practically zero to the 30th harmonics of the classical, pulsed exciting field, we analyzed the time evolution of the photon number expectation values. We observed that high harmonics appear one after the other, modes with higher frequencies become visible later, when the envelope of the excitation is large enough to populate these modes. The final distribution of the photon number operators (when the exciting pulse is over) was shown to be close to traditional, Fourier transform based HHG spectra. For long enough pulses, the fine structure of the spectral peaks were shown to be closely related to the corresponding Floquet quasi-energies and eigenstates. The low photon number expectation values allowed us to analyze the single mode photon statistics of the high harmonic modes, and we found that these states have slightly super-Poissonian statistics, i.e., they are states with positive Mandel parameter $Q_M.$ Although most of these results are specific to the two-level systems, some of the methods we applied, and also a few of the physical consequences, can be transferred to more complex radiating systems, atoms and molecules as well. However, solving the coupled dynamical equations for a radiating system and a large number of electromagnetic modes (in a way analogous to the method presented in Sec.~\ref{modelsec}), can cause technical difficulties already for a hydrogen atom. On the other hand, the coupling of a single, quantized high harmonic mode is generally feasible. This would allow the investigation of the photon statistics also for more realistic systems. \begin{acknowledgements} Our work was supported by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office under Contracts No. 81364 and K16-120615. Partial support by the ELI-ALPS project is also acknowledged. The ELI-ALPS project (GOP-1.1.1-12/B-2012-000, GINOP-2.3.6-15-2015-00001) is supported by the European Union and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. \end{acknowledgements} \section{Appendix \\ (Equations of motion for the expectation values)} For the consistency of the notation, let us use $U=\langle \sigma_x \rangle=\langle \hat{U} \rangle,$ $V=\langle \sigma_y \rangle=\langle \hat{V} \rangle$, $\ldots$ (i.e., characters without hat denote the expectation values of the corresponding operators decorated with hat, see Sec.~\ref{expdynsec}). Eqs.~(\ref{der1})-(\ref{der3}) and (\ref{der5}) can be reformulated easily using $\hat{U}^\pm_n, V^\pm_n$ and $W^\pm_n.$ The exact Heisenberg equations of motion for these operators read: \begin{eqnarray*} \dfrac{d}{d t} \hat{U}_n^+ &=& \omega_0 \hat{V}_n^+ - \tilde{\omega}_n \hat{U}_n^-,\\ \dfrac{d}{d t} \hat{U}_n^- &=& \omega_0 \hat{V}_n^- + \tilde{\omega}_n \hat{U}_n^+ + \Omega_n, \\ \dfrac{d}{d t} \hat{V}_n^+ &=& -\omega_0 \hat{U}_n^+ - \tilde{\omega}_n \hat{V}_n^- + \Omega(t)\hat{W}_n^+ +\\ &+&\hat{W} \sum_{j}\Omega_j \left(a_n + a_n^\dagger\right)\left(a_j + a_j^\dagger\right),\\ \dfrac{d}{d t} \hat{V}_n^- &=& -\omega_0 \hat{U}_n^- + \tilde{\omega}_n \hat{V}_n^+ + \Omega(t) \hat{W}_n^- +\\ &+&i\hat{W}\sum_{j}\dfrac{\Omega_j}{2}\left\{\left(a_n - a_n^\dagger\right),\left(a_j + a_j^\dagger\right)\right\},\\ \dfrac{d}{d t} \hat{W}_n^+ &=& -\tilde{\omega}_n \hat{W}_n^- - \Omega(t)\hat{V}_n^+ -\\ &-& \hat{V} \sum_{j}\Omega_j \left(a_n + a_n^\dagger\right)\left(a_j + a_j^\dagger\right),\\ \dfrac{d}{d t} \hat{W}_n^- &=& \tilde{\omega}_n \hat{W}_n^+ - \Omega(t) \hat{V}_n^- -\\ &-&i\hat{V} \sum_{j}\dfrac{\Omega_j}{2}\left\{\left(a_n - a_n^\dagger\right),\left(a_j + a_j^\dagger\right)\right\}, \end{eqnarray*} where $\{.,.\}$ stands for the anticommutator. Approximations take place when we calculate the expectation values of both sides of the equations above. As it has been mentioned in Sec.~\ref{schsec}, for any atomic operator $A,$ it is consistent to set $\left\langle A a_n a_j\right\rangle=\left\langle A a_n^\dagger a_j^\dagger\right\rangle=0,$ and to consider terms $\left\langle A a_n a_j^\dagger\right\rangle,$ $\left\langle A a_n^\dagger a_j\right\rangle$ to be nonzero only for $n=j.$ This, with factorizations $\left\langle A a_n a_n^\dagger\right\rangle=\left\langle A\right \rangle \left \langle a_n a_n^\dagger\right\rangle,$ $\left\langle A a_n^\dagger a_n\right\rangle=\left\langle A\right \rangle \left \langle a_n^\dagger a_n\right\rangle,$ result in: \begin{eqnarray} \dfrac{d}{d t} U_n^+ &=& \omega_0 V_n^+ - \tilde{\omega}_n U_n^-\label{a1},\\ \dfrac{d}{d t} U_n^- &=& \omega_0 V_n^- + \tilde{\omega}_n U_n^+ + \Omega_n, \\ \dfrac{d}{d t} V_n^+ &=& -\omega_0 U_n^+ - \tilde{\omega}_n V_n^- + \Omega(t)W_n^+ + \nonumber \\ &+&W \Omega_n \left(2\left\langle N_n \right\rangle+1\right),\\ \dfrac{d}{d t} V_n^- &=&-\omega_0 U_n^- + \tilde{\omega}_n V_n^+ + \Omega(t) W_n^-,\\ \dfrac{d}{d t} W_n^+ &=& -\tilde{\omega}_n W_n^- - \Omega(t)V_n^+ -V \Omega_n \left(2\left\langle N_n \right\rangle+1\right),\\ \dfrac{d}{d t} W_n^- &=& \tilde{\omega}_n W_n^+ - \Omega(t) V_n^-. \end{eqnarray} For the sake of completeness, let us express the expectation values of Eqs.~(\ref{der1})-(\ref{der3}) and (\ref{der5}) using the dynamical variables: \begin{eqnarray} \frac{d}{dt}U&=&\omega_0 V,\\ \frac{d}{dt}V&=&-\omega_0 U + \Omega(t) W +\sum_n \Omega_n W_n^+,\\ \frac{d}{dt}W&=&- \Omega(t) V -\sum_n \Omega_n V_n^+,\\ \frac{d}{dt}\langle N_n \rangle &=&\frac{\Omega_n}{2}U_n^-. \label{a10} \end{eqnarray}
1. Background {#sec1662} ============= Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the terminology used for a wide spectrum of disorders ranging from; non-evaluative simple steatosis to progressive nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and cirrhosis ([@A6860R1]). The pathogenesis of NAFLD is multifactorial, and has not been fully elucidated ([@A6860R2]). The main mechanism through which NAFLD is induced is insulin resistance; a metabolic state in which normal insulin serum concentrations induce an inadequate response, or to attain normal blood glucose levels, we need higher than normal insulin concentrations. This state is a predictor of diabetes mellitus, which is a disease with a wide range of morbidity and mortality. Epidemiological studies have highlighted disparities in the characteristics and features of NAFLD disease regarding specific ethnic populations and geographical regions. Explanations for this observation are; inconsistencies in the lifestyles and eating habits, in different regional areas ([@A6860R3]). Putting these factors together, we felt that it would be worthwhile if a study was conducted to address the elements associated with higher liver involvement of NAFLD in our patients. 2.Objectives {#sec1663} ============ This study was conducted in order to evaluate potential independent effects of some of the most likely factors responsible for the promotion of NAFLD grade development, in our relatively large Iranian NAFLD patient population. 3. Patients and Methods {#sec1664} ======================= This was a cross-sectional study, conducted in the outpatients Hepatology Clinic of Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. During a period of two years, from April 2009 to March 2011, a total of 393 patients who attended our clinic with a diagnosis of NAFLD, were consecutively entered into the analysis. Exclusion criteria were; an active HBV infection, having HCV positive serology, and corticosteroid therapy. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed according to the third report of the Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (ATP III) ([@A6860R4]). Homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) was calculated using the following formula; insulin (mIU/L)\* glucose (mmol/L)/22.5. For the continuous data, a Student's t-test was used. A Chi-square test was used for the categorical analysis, and P \< 0.05 was considered significant. Univariate and multivariable linear regression models were performed to evaluate the effects of the study variables on NAFLD grades, defined by ultrasound hepatic echogenicity. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS-17.0 (SPSS Corp.; IL; Chicago; USA) for Windows. 4. Results {#sec1665} ========== A total of 393 patients were entered into the analysis. There were 229 (58.3%) males and 164 (41.7%) females. The mean ± SD age of the study population was 45.5 ± 12.8 years, and 44 (11.2%) of the participants were diabetic. [Table 1](#tbl514){ref-type="table"} summarizes the associations of ultrasonographic-based NAFLD grading. There were significant associations between liver echogenicity and body weight (r = 0.201, P \< 0.001), abdominal girth (r = 0.136, P = 0.007), pelvic girth (r = 0.109, P = 0.032), FBS (r = 0.119, P = 0.035), serum insulin (r = 0.199, P \< 0.001), HbA1C (r = 0.134, P = 0.012), triglycerides (r = 0.099, P = 0.049), AST (r = 0.123, P = 0.015), ALT (r = 0.113, P = 0.026), and HOMA (r = 0.169, P = 0.002). Linear regression analyses were performed to evaluate the magnitude of the correlations between the study variables and ultrasonographic grading of the NAFLD. Univariate analyses ([Table 2](#tbl521){ref-type="table"}) revealed a significant direct relationship between ultrasonographic grading of the NAFLD and; body weight (r = 0.011), abdominal girth (r = 0.009), pelvic girth (r = 0.008), FBS (r = 0.003), serum insulin (r = 0.044), HbA1C (r = 0.025), triglycerides (r = 0.001), AST (r = 0.005), ALT (r = 0.003), and HOMA (r = 0.266). On the other hand, no relationship was found for the blood pressure indices, and serum cholesterol levels (P \> 0.2 for both). Multivariable linear regression models were used to evaluate the independence of the results. In the first model, we entered study variables and HbA1c (P = 0.011; r = 0.03), triglycerides (P = 0.034; r = 0.001) and weight (P = 0.001; r = 0.12), saved their significance and represented the independent relationship with NAFLD grading. Then to evaluate whether serum insulin or FBS can affect NAFLD severity, HOMA was replace by these two variables in a new multivariable linear regression model, however, none of these represented an independent significant effect. ###### Demographic and Laboratory Measures of Study Participants With Regard to Their NAFLD Grade   NAFLD Ultrasonographic Grading P value ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- ------- **Gender** 8 (72.7) 97 (51.3) 84 (61.3) 40 (71.4) 0.027 **Diabetes mellitus, No. (%)** 1(9.1) 10 (5.3) 23 (16.8) 10 (17.9) 0.004 **Coronary artery disease, No. (%)** 1 (9.1) 13 (6.9) 13 (9.5) 0 0.128 **Hypertension, No. (%)** 0 46 (24.5) 28 (20.6) 11 (19.6) 0.248 **Insulin resistance, No. (%)** 5 (62.5) 83 (51.9) 70 (63.6) 35 (75.5) 0.02 **Abdominal obesity, No. (%)** 5 (45.5) 127 (68.3) 96 (70.1) 39 (73.6) 0.322 **Metabolic syndrome, No. (%)** 3 (27.3) 63 (33.3) 57 (41.6) 29 (51.8) 0.059 **BMI, Kg/m^2^, Mean ± SD** 28 ± 5.1 29.4 ± 4.6 30 ± 4.4 29.8 ± 4.5 0.08 **HOMA, Mean ± SD** 2.9 ± 1.8 2.9 ± 2.3 3.6 ± 2.5 4.5 ± 4 0.005 **Age, y, Mean ± SD** 43.9 ± 15.2 45.8 ± 13.5 45.9 ± 12.7 43.7 ± 10.1 0.666 **Systolic blood pressure, mm/Hg, Mean ± SD** 117.3 ± 15.6 123.7 ± 18.1 125.2 ± 16.4 124.2 ± 12 0.469 **Diastolic blood pressure, mm/Hg, Mean ± SD** 76.4 ± 11.2 80.8 ± 8.4 80.7 ± 8 81.7 ± 7.5 0.278 **Weight, Kg, Mean ± SD** 79.5 ± 13.9 81.2 ± 12.7 84.2 ± 15.3 89.8 ± 15.7 0.001 **Waist to hip, Mean ± SD** 0.8 ± 0.8 1.4 ± 0.7 1.3 ± 0.7 1.1 ± 0.6 0.011 **FBS, mg/dL, Mean ± SD** 106 ± 34 103 ± 31 112 ± 38 113 ± 40 0.061 **Serum insulin, mg/dL, Mean ± SD** 10.8 ± 7.4 11.4 ± 6.5 13 ± 6.5 15.2 ± 7.2 0.004 **HbA1c, Mean ± SD** 5.9 ± 1 5.9 ± 1.1 6.3 ± 1.3 7.8 ± 10.3 0.046 **Cholesterol, mg/dL, Mean ± SD** 211 ± 64 201 ± 43 189 ± 41 209 ± 54 0.011 **Triglyceride, mg/dL, Mean ± SD** 246 ± 113 193 ± 115 210 ± 139 242 ± 151 0.061 **HDL, mg/dL, Mean ± SD** 42.5 ± 12.4 46.7 ± 10.4 45.5 ± 10.7 45.1 ± 10.7 0.432 **LDL, mg/dL, Mean ± SD** 119 ± 43 118 ± 37 104 ± 33 120 ± 43 0.004 Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; FBS, fasting blood glucose; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; HDL, high density lipoprotein; HOMA, homeostasis model assessment ; LDL, low density lipoprotein; NAFLD, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. ###### Univariate Linear Regression Analysis of Study Variables With Degree of NAFLD Ultrasonography-Based Grading Beta r 95% Confidence Interval P value ------------------------------------ -------- ---------- ------------------------- --------- ---------- **Weight, Kg** 0.201 \<0.011 0.005 0.016 \< 0.001 **Abdominal girth, cm** 0.136 0.009 0.002 0.016 0.007 **Pelvic girth, cm** 0.109 0.008 0.001 0.014 0.032 **FBS, mg/dL** 0.119 0.003 \< 0.001 0.005 0.018 **Serum insulin, mg/dL** 0.199 0.023 0.011 0.035 \< 0.001 **HbA1C** 0.134 0.025 0.005 0.044 0.012 **Cholesterol, mg/dL** -0.011 \< 0.001 -0.002 0.001 0.827 **HDL, mg/dL** -0.036 -0.003 -0.010 0.005 0.475 **LDL, mg/dL** -0.59 -0.001 -0.003 \<0.001 0.25 **Triglyceride, mg/dL** 0.099 0.001 \<0.001 \<0.001 0.049 **AST, mg/dL** 0.123 0.005 \<0.001 0.009 0.015 **ALT, mg/dL** 0.113 0.003 0.000 0.005 0.026 **HOMA** 0.169 0.266 0.1 0.432 0.002 **Systolic blood pressure, mmHg** 0.047 0.002 -0.002 0.007 0.357 **Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg** 0.058 0.005 -0.004 0.015 0.25 Abbreviations: ALT, alanin aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; FBS, fasting blood glucose; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; HDL, high density lipoprotein; HOMA, homeostasis model assessment; LDL, low density lipoprotein. 5. Discussion {#sec1666} ============= In this study, we found that higher; HbA1C, hypertriglyceridemia and body weight levels, are independently associated with higher ultrasonographic NAFLD grades. On the other hand, no association was found between; serum insulin levels, incidental fasting blood glucose, BMI, systolic or diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, HDL, or LDL cholesterol levels. An interesting finding was that in a univariate analyses; FBS, serum insulin, liver enzymes, and HOMA, had a significant association with NAFLD scores, but important variables such as; cholesterol values and blood pressure, had no significant effect on NAFLD grading. The pathogenesis of NAFLD has not been precisely defined, although strong evidence has been proposed for some contributing factors ([@A6860R5]-[@A6860R8]). In one study, Vehmas et al. ([@A6860R8]) reported that both systolic and diastolic blood pressure could predict liver echogenicity in NAFLD patients. In contrast, we found no effect for blood pressure on sonographic grading of NAFLD severity; on the other hand, the findings of the two studies similarly reported a significant effect for hypertriglyceridemia and no effect for hypercholesterolemia. In our study, a multivariate analysis showed that HbA1c and not serum glucose was independently associated with liver echogenicity. A poor correlation between serum FBS levels and liver echogenicity in NAFLD patients has been reported previously ([@A6860R8]). This result probably reflects the finding that only long term control of serum glucose levels, which is usually measured by HbA1C, can prevent NAFLD related liver damage. Although this is the first study reporting this finding, higher HbA1C levels in diabetic patients have previously been associated with NAFLD development ([@A6860R7]). Another study has also shown that high HbA1C levels in non-diabetic individuals are associated with NAFLD development ([@A6860R5]). In addition, insulin resistance has also been associated with NAFLD disease ([@A6860R9]). In the current study, a multivariable analysis showed no independent effect for HOMA with NAFLD grades. One explanation for this observation lies in the multifactorial nature of NAFLD pathogenesis. It has been demonstrated that an increase in plasma lipid levels leads to a decrease in hepatic insulin clearance, which results in insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia ([@A6860R6]). In conclusion, diabetic patients might be able to reduce liver damage from NAFLD by controlling their HbA1C through the lower ranges. Hypertriglyceridemia and body weight are the other implicating factors which exacerbate hepatic echogenicity in the NAFLD patient population. We recommend future prospective studies and clinical trials to confirm our findings. This study is supported by a grant from Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences. **Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education:** NAFLD is an emerging major health problem in either developed or developing countries which causes a great health and financial burden to the patient and the society. Due to a relatively benign nature of the disease, ethical concerns exist on managing patients based on their liver biopsy specimens, and physicians normally manage their NAFLD patients based on ultrasonographic grading of the disease. Knowing factors which independently are associated with NAFLD severity helps physicians to make better decisions as well as advices. This article helps gastroenterologists, hepatologists, nutritionists, and public health authorities. **Please cite this paper as:** Ghamar-Chehreh ME, Khedmat H, Karbasi A, Amini M, Taheri S. Predictive Factors for Ultrasonographic Grading of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Hepat Mon. 2012;12(11):e6860. DOI: 10.5812/hepatmon.6860 **Authors' Contribution:** First and second authors (MEGC & HK) designed the study and contributed in its conductance. Third author (MA) contributed in the design, conductance and final reporting. Last author (ST) contributed in the preparation of the report. **Financial Disclosure:** None declared. **Funding/Support:** The study was supported by a grant from Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences.
The pregnancy period and childbirth - a critical window of opportunity ====================================================================== Pregnancy and childbirth represent a critical window of opportunity for providing effective interventions to prevent preterm birth and other adverse health outcomes associated with an early birth. These interventions encompass services delivered during antenatal care for all pregnant women and women at high risk of preterm birth, services provided to manage preterm labour, and interventions targeted at improving health behaviours and knowledge about early warning signs of pregnancy complications, including preterm labour. They also include the provision of needed social and financial support to disadvantaged mothers as well as workplace, professional and other supportive policies promoting safe motherhood and women\'s universal access to care before, during, and after pregnancy. This paper is based on chapter four in the Born Too Soon Global Action Report on Preterm Birth launched in May, 2012 \[[@B1]\] and is part of a series entitled \"Born Too Soon\". The aim of the paper is to provide a summary of latest information about available interventions that can be delivered during pregnancy to reduce preterm birth rates and improve the health outcomes of the premature baby. A second objective is to describe promising avenues of research on the pregnancy period that will contribute to a better understanding of the causes of preterm birth and ability to design interventions at the policy, health care system and community levels for scale-up. An action agenda is proposed outlining opportunities for scaling up effective interventions in low- and middle-income countries and identifying priority research themes that will ultimately translate into the development of preventive and treatment interventions for universal application. Exhaustive systematic reviews on preterm birth interventions for the pregnancy period serve as the source of information for the interventions or intervention areas described with proven or potential effectiveness in either reducing preterm birth rates or improving birth outcomes for the premature baby \[[@B2]-[@B11]\] including the Cochrane database (The Cochrane Collaboration, 2013), which includes regularly updated systematic reviews on available evidence from clinical trials, considered the most robust evidence for guiding policy and programme development. Additional articles used to support statements made throughout the paper were identified through PubMed and Google Scholar. Blencowe and colleagues describe in detail the complex risk factors and multiple mechanisms believed responsible for the two types of preterm delivery, spontaneous and indicated, which includes possible epigenetic/genetic predispositions \[[@B12]\]. Advancements in the field of epigenetics have found links between fetal methylation of genes and the preterm birth pathway \[[@B13]\]. The majority of preterm births occur spontaneously, often following Preterm Premature Rupture of the Membranes (pPROM). Medically and non-medically indicated preterm births are related to early induction of labour or caesarean birth. Medical indications include pregnancy complications such as placental abnormalities (e.g., placenta previa), multiple gestations, maternal diabetes, pre-eclampsia and pre-existing conditions such as high blood pressure, asthma, thyroid and heart disease. Strategies for preventing or managing spontaneous and indicated types of preterm birth during the pregnancy period may differ due to variances in their underlying pathophysiological processes. Similarly, and for the same reason, clinical management of pre-existing conditions that may be exacerbated by pregnancy may differ from strategies used to address complications that develop during the pregnancy period. There are a large number of preventive interventions for spontaneous and indicated types of preterm birth that are currently part of the standard of care in high-income countries. Many of these interventions are not readily available or feasible to introduce in low- and middle-income countries, and supportive evidence of their effectiveness is lacking \[[@B14]\]. Available and proposed preterm birth interventions are tailored for delivery to three population groups: (1) all pregnant women; (2) pregnant women with a history of previous preterm delivery or other risk factors, including multiple gestation, bleeding during pregnancy, hypertensive disorders and diabetes; and (3) pregnant women experiencing or recovering from preterm labour. Interventions for the first two population groups are aimed primarily at prevention and range from basic and specialized packages of antenatal care services as well as supportive workplace and professional policies. Interventions designed for the third group are focused on improving the health outcomes of the premature baby. At the individual level, quality clinical management involves practitioners identifying each woman\'s own set of risk factors throughout the pregnancy and childbirth periods and responding with appropriate care. This paper is divided into several sections. The first section describes services that can be provided during antenatal care visits to all women and to women at high risk of preterm delivery, and services that can be delivered to women experiencing preterm labour. The next section presents information on interventions that can be provided at the community level and in the policy arena to prevent preterm birth and improve obstetric outcomes for women and their babies. Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"} summarizes the supportive policy and community measures that can be introduced, and the type of evidence-based services that can be provided during antenatal care and when a woman is experiencing preterm labour. ###### Priority evidence-based interventions during pregnancy to reduce preterm birth rates and to benefit the premature baby ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Services delivered during antenatal care:** • Basic package for all pregnant women • Situational interventions for populations of women at high exposure risk (e.g. identification and treatment of malaria, tuberculosis and HIV) • Behavioural, social support and financial interventions for disadvantaged women **Management of pregnant women at higher risk of preterm birth including:** • Identification and treatment of pre-existing conditions (e.g., diabetes, thyroid disease, heart disease, asthma and other chronic conditions) • Identification and treatment of pregnancy complications (e.g., pre-eclampsia, antepartum haemorrhage) • Monitoring multiple pregnancies • Administration of progesterone to prolong pregnancy • Identification and treatment of structural abnormalities (e.g., cervical cerclage, cervical pessary) **Management of women in preterm labour including:** • Tocolytics to slow down labour • Antenatal corticosteroids to reduce mortality in the newborn • Antibiotics for pPROM to prevent infection • Provision of magnesium sulphate for neuro-protection of the newborn **Community interventions:** • Promote antenatal and skilled birth care for all women • Smoking cessation programmes • Reductions in exposure to secondhand smoke and other pollutants **Policy interventions:** • Policies to support safe motherhood and universal access to antenatal care • Workplace policies regulating working hours and strenuous working conditions • Professional and hospital policies to regulate infertility treatments and to reduce caesarean section rates and early induction of labour ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source: Born Too Soon report \[[@B1]\]. Following a short section on data limitations, the last section explores an action agenda, describing opportunities for scaling up programmes, identifying priority research themes, and listing a set of steps countries can introduce now to address the growing problem of preterm birth. Section I. Delivering effective care to women during pregnancy and preterm labour ================================================================================= Increasing access to care during pregnancy for all women is an essential step towards addressing the growing problem of preterm birth. Research has shown that women who receive antenatal care services are at lower risk for having a preterm birth than women who are not reached by the health system prior to delivery \[[@B15]\]. Further studies are needed to determine if this association is related primarily to the timing, number, and content of services provided during antenatal care visits, or to differences between women who do and do not receive antenatal care \[[@B16],[@B17]\]. Many countries around the world report high coverage levels of antenatal care, making antenatal care visits an opportune time to deliver proven interventions to all pregnant women) \[[@B18]\]. Yet, there are large and unacceptable inequities in coverage between and within counties that need to be addressed. It is critical that all pregnant women receive at least the basic package of recommended antenatal care services for their own health and the health of their unborn babies. This section describes services that can be provided during antenatal care to all women, and to women at high risk of a preterm birth. It also describes effective services that can be provided to women experiencing preterm labour to improve the survival chances of the newborn. Antenatal care services for prevention of preterm birth for all women --------------------------------------------------------------------- Effective and culturally appropriate care during pregnancy is essential for increasing the likelihood of positive birth outcomes \[[@B19]\]. Antenatal care is a service delivery platform through which all women can be reached at multiple times during pregnancy with a package of interventions that can prolong a healthy pregnancy and improve maternal and perinatal health. Basic services that can be delivered during antenatal care with a potential impact on reducing preterm birth rates include identification of women at high risk of pretermbirth; screening for and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV and other infections (tuberculosis, malaria, bacterial vaginosis, bacteriuria); identification and correction of malnutrition and nutrition counselling including on multiple micro-nutrient supplementation; counselling on birth preparedness and complication readiness for identification of early labour and other risk factors; and behavioural and social support interventions such as smoking cessation programmes and programmes aimed at the prevention of violence against women \[[@B11],[@B19]-[@B25]\]. Infections during pregnancy can cross into the intra-amniotic cavity, establish intra-amniotic infection and result in preterm labour. In some women, such infections are associated with premature rupture of the membranes \[[@B6]\]. Screening for and treatment of infections such as asymptomatic bacteriuria and bacterial vaginosis during antenatal care may reduce preterm births, although study findings show inconsistent results. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses show that antibiotic treatment for infection and periodontal care does not reliably reduce the risk of preterm birth, and effectiveness may depend upon when during pregnancy the infection or periodontal disease is detected and treated. Three hypotheses have been proposed to explain the inconsistent findings of the effect of antibiotic treatment on reducing preterm delivery: 1) infections may be polymicrobial in nature and even broad spectrum antibiotics may not be sufficient to treat them all, 2) infections may not be the primary cause of preterm labour, and underlying \[[@B21],[@B22]\] immunosuppressive conditions may be responsible for inducing alternate biomolecular pathways leading to preterm labour. Therefore, treating the bacterial infection alone may not be sufficient, and 3) clinical signs of infection based on immune biomarkers are not true indicators of infection due to heterogeneity in inflammatory markers of various intra amniotic pathogens. More research is needed on the inter-relationships between infection, pregnant women\'s immune response, and the cascade of events resulting in preterm birth \[[@B26]\]. Such research can inform the development of optimal screening and treatment protocols based on underlying risk factors that will take into consideration when in pregnancy, or prior to pregnancy, screening and treatment for infections should occur to reduce the preterm birth rate \[[@B15]\]. The advantages of prophylactic treatment for malaria (intermittent presumptive treatment during pregnancy for malaria \[IPTp\]) and the use of bednets to prevent malaria transmission in malaria-endemic areas on reducing preterm birth similarly needs further investigation. More rigorous studies examining the impact of HIV infection and the use of antiretrovirals and TB medication during pregnancy on the risk of preterm birth that control for disease stage and other potential confounding factors are also needed \[[@B2]\]. Women\'s nutritional status during pregnancy has been linked to preterm birth, with underweight and obese pregnant women at elevated risk of preterm birth and other poor obstetrical outcomes \[[@B6],[@B27]\]. Malnutrition increases vulnerability to infection and predisposes pregnant women to adverse obstetrical outcomes including preterm delivery, although findings on obesity and the risk of preterm birth are mixed. Recent research suggests that the association between body mass index (BMI) and risk of preterm birth may differ by race or ethnic group, underscoring the complexity of the role nutrition plays in triggering preterm birth \[[@B28]\]. Providers can administer nutritional supplements and counselling services during routine antenatal visits. Evidence from clinical trials to date does not, in general, show a clear beneficial effect of nutritional counselling, or protein and calorie supplements during pregnancy on the preterm birth rate. A small effect on reducing preterm births has been found from the use of multiple micro-nutrient supplementation, and evidence suggests that calcium supplementation during pregnancy can reduce the incidence of preterm births in populations at risk of low calcium uptake \[[@B11]\]. New findings also suggest a link between supplementation of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and overall greater gestation duration and infant size \[[@B29]\]. Further research is needed to determine the optimal timing during a woman\'s life course of introducing nutritional interventions for reducing the risk of preterm birth and how best to implement these interventions within the broader context of efforts to improve the overall nutritional status of pregnant women and women of reproductive age. Pregnant women should be encouraged to take multi-vitamin supplements and to gain an adequate amount of weight based on their nutritional status at the beginning of their pregnancy, and for other health-promoting reasons such as reducing the risk of small for gestational age babies and neural tube defects. Antenatal care services for prevention of preterm births, women at higher risk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Women at increased risk of preterm delivery can be identified during antenatal care based on obstetric history (e.g., known uterine or cervical anomaly or previous preterm birth, pre-existing conditions such as chronic diseases) or presenting pregnancy characteristics (e.g., hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, diabetes, multiple gestation, bleeding). Young adolescents also are at greater risk \[[@B30],[@B31]\]. Although prospective studies that evaluate the use of risk-screening tools based on epidemiologic, demographic biomarkers and clinical indicators in routine antenatal care are still needed, there are several approaches for providing preventive care for these women. One such approach includes specialized antenatal clinics for women with evident risk of preterm birth that provide enhanced health education, and more rigorous monitoring and treatment of risk factors and pregnancy complications. The evidence is scanty on such approaches in reducing the risk of preterm birth, but trials were conducted prior to the introduction of new screening tests. Another approach involves adopting the principles of personalized medicine that includes tailoring interventions to match each individual woman\'s risk profile. Administration of progesterone to prolong pregnancy in high-risk women with a history of previous preterm birth has been shown effective in preventing a recurrence of preterm birth in these women and in decreasing the prevalence of low birthweight \[[@B2]\]. A recent clinical trial, however, found no advantage to vaginal progesterone therapy at 200 mg or 400 mg doses in the prevention of preterm birth in twin pregnancies \[[@B32]\]. Recent guidelines and professional opinion recommend administering vaginal progesterone to women with singleton pregnancies and short cervical length to reduce preterm birth and perinatal morbidity and mortality \[[@B33]\]. Most studies to date on the use of progesterone have been conducted in high-income countries. There is a need for evidence generation on progesterone use in resource-constrained settings including how this intervention can be scaled up at national level and the feasibility of introducing universal cervical length measurement screening. Cochrane reviews have shown small reductions in preterm birth rates with treatment interventions for pre-eclampsia such as calcium supplementation. A recent randomized controlled trial has shown promising results for the use of a cervical pessary to lower rates of spontaneous preterm birth among women with a short cervix \[[@B34]\]. Results from another randomized controlled trial did not find any reductions in poor perinatal outcomes from use of a cervical pessary for prevention of preterm birth in women with a multiple pregnancy \[[@B35]\]. Another promising intervention in reducing the risk of preterm birth that requires further investigation is the placement of circumferential stitches on a structurally weak cervix (cerclage) \[[@B2],[@B3]\]. These interventions are only applicable to a small number of high-risk women, however, and the overall effect on general population rates of preterm birth is likely to be limited. Management of women in preterm labour to improve survival chances of the premature baby --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once preterm labour has commenced, there are interventions that can prolong pregnancy and improve health outcomes and survival for the premature baby. To date, these interventions have not been designed to address the underlying mechanisms that trigger preterm labour. Interventions to prolong pregnancy include the provision of tocolytic agents that inhibit uterine contractions to suppress labour (e.g., oxytocin antagonists, betamimetics, calcium channel blockers, magnesium sulphate), and clinical practices to ensure the optimal timing of caesarean birth and labour induction for indicated preterm births \[[@B2],[@B9],[@B15]\]. The provision of tocolytics has been shown effective in slowing down labour, enabling the administration of antenatal corticosteroids and transfer of mother and baby to a higher-level facility where appropriate care may be available. Any use of strategies to prolong labour, including delaying caesarean birth, must be evaluated against the potential risk of continued exposure of mother and fetus to sub-optimal conditions that may result in harmful effects. Further research is needed on the short- and long-term health consequences for mother and baby from efforts to prevent preterm labour. There are three key interventions that can be delivered during the pregnancy period with evidence of effectiveness in improving health outcomes in babies born prematurely, although none of these are effective in reducing the incidence of preterm births: antenatal corticosteroids, antibiotics for pPROM, and magnesium sulphate. The administration of antenatal corticosteroids to pregnant women at high risk of preterm birth possibly as early as 23 weeks can significantly reduce the premature baby\'s risk of death, respiratory distress and developmental problems (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}) \[[@B8]\]. ![**Antenatal corticosteroids**. Source: Born Too Soon report \[[@B1]\].](1742-4755-10-S1-S4-1){#F1} Preterm premature rupture of the membranes (pPROM) is strongly associated with infection of the amniotic membranes contributing to preterm birth and other poor fetal outcomes such as cerebral palsy and chronic lung disease. It is unclear if infection is a cause or consequence of pPROM. The incidence of pPROM has not measurably changed in the past 40 years, and there are currently no screening or diagnostic markers because the mechanisms responsible for a large proportion of pPROM cases are still poorly understood. Antibiotic treatment for pPROM has been shown to delay onset of labour for up to 48 hours and to reduce neonatal infections and abnormal cerebral ultrasound scans prior to hospital discharge \[[@B10]\]. Clinical management of pPROM including duration of administration of antibiotic prophylaxis depends upon the maternal-fetal condition, and other factors need to be considered such as timing of administration of antenatal corticosteroids and delivery. The administration of magnesium sulphate to women at risk of preterm birth helps to protect the baby\'s brain, reduce rates of cerebral palsy and improve long-term neonatal health outcomes. Further studies are needed, however, to investigate side effects of the treatment for the mother (e.g., flushing, sweating, nausea, vomiting, headaches and a rapid heartbeat) and how these can be reduced \[[@B20]\]. Section II. Avenues for intervening to improve the broader context ================================================================== This section describes opportunities to intervene at the community and policy levels to ensure a supportive environment for pregnant women. Behaviour and community interventions for the prevention of preterm birth ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lifestyle factors including depression, intimate partner violence, smoking, substance abuse and stress are risk factors for preterm birth. Antenatal care models, including group models, that address these issues and provide social and financial support for pregnant women and particularly disadvantaged/at-risk population groups have been associated with reduced rates of preterm birth \[[@B36],[@B37]\]. There are numerous efforts underway to determine how best to integrate psychological and behavioural interventions, including programmes to prevent violence, into antenatal care to improve preterm birth rates and other maternal and neonatal health outcomes. Controlled trials need to be designed to further test the efficacy of antenatal care approaches that incorporate social and financial support measures so that such approaches can be introduced at scale in settings where they are most needed. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of women\'s groups practicing participatory learning and action showed that these strategies are a cost-effective approach to improving maternal and neonatal health outcomes \[[@B38]\]. More research is needed on how women\'s empowerment approaches can translate into reduced preterm birth rates. Smoking during pregnancy is a well-known cause of preterm birth, especially preterm birth complicated by pPROM. Smoking cessation interventions in high-income countries that combine counselling with additional social support services have been found to significantly reduce preterm birth and should be adapted for application in low- and middle-income countries where the large majority of smokers live \[[@B39]\]. These approaches could prove to be more successful than large scale campaigns in changing women\'s smoking habits during pregnancy. Greater understanding of the biomolecular pathways through which the chemicals in cigarette smoke trigger deleterious events during pregnancy could potentially lead to new interventions targeted at smokers unable to quit when pregnant. Other programmes such as the Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait™ campaign of the March of Dimes and the \"humanization of childbirth\" social movement in Brazil and other Latin American countries that educate women with healthy pregnancies about the advantages of vaginal delivery and waiting until 39 weeks to deliver should be promoted, particularly in contexts characterized by high and rising elective caesarean birth rates \[[@B40],[@B41]\]. Health care provider education on the adverse health outcomes of late preterm birth and of inducing birth for non-medical reasons prior to 39 weeks has been shown to be effective in reducing preterm birth rates in some countries such as Brazil \[[@B40],[@B42],[@B43]\]. Policy interventions to promote healthy pregnancies --------------------------------------------------- Pregnant women can experience a reduced risk of preterm birth and other health benefits from professional and public policies based on sound scientific evidence. Blencowe and colleagues show that the risk of preterm birth increases in women with twins and higher-order births \[[@B12]\]. Policies on infertility treatments and use of assisted reproductive technologies directed to limiting the number of embryos that can be transferred have shown success in reducing the number of higher-order births and the associated high risk of preterm birth in Europe, Australia and the United States \[[@B15],[@B44],[@B45]\]. Hospital policies aimed at lowering the primary caesarean birth rate and early induction rates, particularly for non-medically indicated reasons, are part of a growing effort to prolong pregnancy, promote healthy newborn outcomes and reverse the increasing trend of preterm birth. Such policies are especially needed in regions where caesarean birth rates, and particularly elective caesarean birth rates, are high or rising like in Latin America and many high-income countries. Legislation mandating universal access to maternal health care services and eliminating user fees in low- and middle-income countries also have been shown to be an important prerequisite to ensuring all women receive antenatal care. Workplace policies designed to promote healthy pregnancies and protect pregnant women from occupational hazards can potentially reduce the risk of preterm birth. Examples include, but are not limited to, time off for antenatal care visits, paid pregnancy leave for a set number of weeks and exemption from night shifts and tasks requiring heavy lifting or standing for long periods of time \[[@B46]\]. Studies have shown that carrying heavy workloads and working more than 5 days a week are associated with preterm birth \[[@B47]\]. Measures that can improve general working conditions are especially important for pregnant women in low- and middle-income countries where they are more likely to be engaged in agricultural labour and other physically demanding tasks. Pregnant women can benefit from legislation reducing their exposure to potentially harmful environmental risk factors such as second-hand smoke and air pollution (combustion and household sources) \[[@B48]\]. There is growing interest in understanding and developing policy and programmatic solutions to the association between air pollution and adverse pregnancy outcomes including preterm birth \[[@B49]-[@B54]\]. For example, the UN Foundation houses the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, a multi-partner effort launched in 2010 to promote clean and efficient cookstoves. Traditional cookstoves and open fires, the primary means of cooking and heating for nearly three billion people in the developing world, place pregnant women at increased risk of preterm birth and other poor obstetrical outcomes. Section III. Limitations of the evidence ======================================== The clinical trial literature shows a lack of evidence for many of the preventive interventions currently in use. The multi-causal and complex nature of preterm birth is likely responsible for single interventions not showing a significant public health effect and it is thus doubtful that rates of preterm birth can be reduced by the delivery of one single intervention. There is, therefore, an imperative need for well-designed studies examining the effectiveness of interventions delivered alone or as an integrated package of antenatal care. Epidemiological research is needed to assess the effectiveness of introducing a comprehensive set of science-based interventions delivered at the policy, health system and community or home levels on reducing the rate of preterm birth. The scientific literature and technical reports similarly show evidence for only a handful of interventions delivered during pregnancy that can improve the health outcomes of babies born too early, again stressing the need for more research on available and promising interventions. This emphasis on research and generation of quality data, however, needs to be balanced with the further promotion and worldwide scale up of interventions with proven effectiveness. The brevity of the list of interventions delivered during the pregnancy period with evidence of effectiveness for preterm birth prevention and for improving survival chances of the premature baby is related to long-standing neglect of the newborn period and to insufficient research on the biological complexities of pregnancy and childbirth. The growing concentration of child deaths in the newborn period and the emergence of organizations and efforts focused on the newborn (e.g., The Healthy Newborn Partnership in the mid-2000s, and Saving Newborn Lives) have served as a catalyst for focused attention on preterm birth, a leading cause of newborn mortality \[[@B55],[@B56]\]. There is an increasing emphasis on research that can inform the development of cohesive strategies for addressing the underlying determinants of preterm delivery with the goal of reducing the numbers of preterm births. Section IV. An action agenda and next steps =========================================== This section describes opportunities to scale-up available effective interventions, priority research themes to increase the evidence base on what works and how best to deliver proven interventions to reach all women with effective care, and a set of action points that can be adopted by countries now depending upon resource constraints. Program opportunities to scale up --------------------------------- Coverage of antenatal care (at least one visit) is approximately 80% worldwide, with coverage levels dropping to about 50% for four or more visits. Inequities in coverage are pervasive, with coverage levels of four or more antenatal care visits hovering around 40% for the least developed countries \[[@B18]\]. These figures indicate that efforts aimed at improving availability of antenatal care, demand for care and women\'s ability to reach these services throughout the pregnancy period are needed, particularly in low-resource settings and amongst the most disadvantaged population groups. Adolescents are another group at high risk of preterm birth due to their young age and typically limited access to preconception and prenatal care \[[@B57]\]. Figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"} shows median coverage of antenatal care services to pregnant women living in the Countdown to 2015 priority countries where more than 95% of all maternal and child deaths occur \[[@B58]\]. Consistent with the global data, the figure shows high levels of at least one visit of antenatal care across the Countdown countries, but considerably lower levels of the recommended four or more antenatal care visits. This indicates that the majority of women in these countries are not benefiting from the recommended basic package of antenatal care services. The figure also highlights substantial gaps in the quality of care pregnant women are receiving during antenatal care visits, with coverage levels of specific evidence-based interventions considerably lower than the ideal of universal coverage. A similar review of gaps in the provision of key components of antenatal care in sub-Saharan Africa, where the rates and absolute numbers of preterm birth are among the highest in the world, similarly showed low levels of coverage of several recommended components \[[@B59],[@B60]\]. These missed opportunities are a call to action for strengthening health systems in the Countdown priority and other low- and middle-income countries including ensuring practitioners are equipped with the skills and necessary drugs and equipment to deliver effective antenatal care that can potentially reduce the risk of preterm birth and improve health outcomes of the premature baby. ![**Median coverage of antenatal care services, Countdown to 2015 priority countries**. Source: Born Too Soon Report \[[@B1]\]. Data source \[[@B1]\]: UNICEF Global Databases, February 2012, based on Demographic Health Surveys, Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys and other national surveys. Note: Countdown to 2015 priority countries with available data, 2006-2010. Acronyms used: ANC = antenatal care; IPT = intermittent presumptive treatment.](1742-4755-10-S1-S4-2){#F2} Table [2](#T2){ref-type="table"} shows coverage levels of preterm birth-related interventions available from a World Health Organization multi-country study on the prevalence of maternal near- miss cases with a key objective of mapping the use of evidence-based interventions during childbirth in health care facilities \[[@B61]\]. At the time of publication, country-specific data were available only for the Latin American countries involved in the study, and Mexico is presented as an example. The low coverage levels shown in Table [2](#T2){ref-type="table"} should serve as a startingpoint for dialogue with governments, development partners and health care providers in the study countries on developing strategies for increasing the uptake of these science-based interventions. ###### Coverage levels of key interventions, pregnant women in labour, 24 to 34 weeks, after 3 hours in the hospital, World Health Organization 18 country study Intervention All countries\* Mexico --------------------------- ----------------- -------- Antenatal corticosteroids 56.4% 53.8% Tocolytic agents  Beta mimetics 15.8% 8.2%  Calcium channel blockers 9.9% 7.7%  Magnesium sulphate 7.8% 4.9%  Oxytocin antagonists 1.2% 2.4% \*Countries include Afghanistan, Argentina, Cambodia, China, Ecuador, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. Source: Born Too Soon report \[[@B1]\]. Data source: Souza et al., 2011. Preliminary results, World Health Organization, Multi-country survey on maternal and newborn health. Priority research themes for the pregnancy period and childbirth ---------------------------------------------------------------- There is an imperative need for research on preterm birth that can yield quality data on the efficacy of existing and promising interventions delivered individually or as a package during the pregnancy period. There is an equally critical need for implementation research to improve the scale up of proven policy and health care interventions in low- and middle-income countries. There has been increasing interest in preterm birth in recent years and in developing a comprehensive research paradigm to address this growing cause of neonatal mortality. A major emphasis of the paradigm has been on discovery science to shed light on the basic biology of normal and abnormal pregnancies so that the pathological process of preterm birth can be understood and effective interventions developed. This research will also potentially result in the development of better screening tools for the prediction and prevention of preterm labour. The link between genetics, gene-environment interactions and preterm birth is being investigated with the hope of gaining an understanding of differences in preterm birth rates across racial and ethnic groups that can be translated into more effective and equitable clinical care guidelines including counselling and screening services \[[@B26],[@B62]\]. Research is underway to explore the connections between maternal infections, nutritional status and preterm birth within a broader framework of research on prematurity, low birthweight and intrauterine growth restriction (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). In addition, research on the social determinants of preterm birth is being conducted to explore the pathways between social disadvantage, behavioural and lifestyle factors and preterm birth \[[@B63]-[@B65]\]. A major goal of this research is to help develop strategies for addressing social and economic disparities in preterm birth rates, inequities in access to needed care between and within countries as well as how to best integrate social and behavioural interventions into antenatal care. ![**Building the evidence base on preterm birth**.](1742-4755-10-S1-S4-3){#F3} Figure [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"} presents information on select ongoing research activities to generate the evidence needed to inform the development of effective preventive programmes and policies. Table [3](#T3){ref-type="table"} summarizes the key interrelated areas of priority research on preterm birth in the pregnancy period, emphasizing that simultaneous progress in each of these areas is critical for achieving reductions in preterm birth rates and optimal birth outcomes for the premature baby. ###### Research priorities during pregnancy to reduce preterm birth rates and to benefit the preterm baby ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Description** Epidemiological research to: • Examine the relationships between maternal risk factors and preterm birth at a population level (e.g., nutritional, infection, age and other socio-demographic factors) **Discovery** Basic science research on normal and abnormal pregnancies to: • Identify the causal pathways leading to preterm labour and birth • Understand the gestational clock triggering the onset of labour • Explore the genetic determinants of preterm birth and genetic-environment interactions increasing risk of preterm birth **Development** Translational research to: • Develop simple screening tools based on the findings of biological and genetic research for identifying women at high risk of preterm birth and preterm labour • Develop robust diagnostic tools for universal application (e.g., anaemia, syphilis) **Delivery** Clinical trials and other studies to: • Build the evidence base on available and promising interventions • Determine effectiveness of interventions delivered individually and as packages of care Implementation research to: • Address coverage gaps by increasing the availability of antenatal care and women\'s ability to access services around the world • Address quality of care gaps by increasing the uptake of evidence-based interventions and intervention packages by health care providers (e.g., syphilis testing and screening, blood pressure monitoring during antenatal care visits, etc.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source: Born Too Soon report \[[@B1]\]. Prescription for action during the pregnancy period and childbirth ------------------------------------------------------------------ A standard approach to preterm birth prevention during the pregnancy period hinges upon the findings of the ongoing research on the causal pathways to preterm delivery. Clinical management practices will need to remain flexible as practitioners decide upon a course of action based on the particular characteristics and set of risk factors of their individual women clients. There are, however, basic steps that countries around the world can introduce now and as resources permit to begin making strides towards addressing this growing public health problem. These steps are summarized in Table [4](#T4){ref-type="table"} and described in more detail below. ###### Actions during pregnancy to prevent or manage preterm birth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Invest and plan** • Ensure national policies and guidelines exist and provide adequate protection of pregnant women and universal access to comprehensive antenatal, labour and birth, emergency obstetric and postnatal care. • Allocate adequate resources for the provision of equitable and high-quality antenatal care, and removal of barriers to care such as user fees. **Implement** • Seize opportunities to leverage resources, approaches, and training opportunities from existing programmes (including non-health programmes) • Ensure the existence of a functional referral system, procurement system, an adequately trained and supervised health work force, and quality services for all pregnant women. Inform communities about the importance of antenatal, childbirth and postnatal care for all women, and warning signs including early recognition of preterm labour. **Inform and improve programme coverage and quality** • Address data gaps and increase sound monitoring and evaluation of programmes to improve service quality and outreach to the poorest populations. • Prioritize implementation research to promote the scale up of effective interventions in different contexts and across different population groups. **Innovate and undertake implementation research** • Invest in discovery research on the basic biology of normal and abnormal pregnancy, genetic determinants of preterm birth, and epidemiological research on maternal risk factors to provide the evidence base needed for the development of effective prevention and treatment strategies. We all share in the responsibility of making sure pregnant women around the world receive the care they need for healthy birth outcomes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Source: Born Too Soon report \[[@B1]\]. As a first step, national policies and guidelines for comprehensive antenatal, labour and delivery, emergency obstetric and postnatal care should be established in all countries to promote universal access to quality maternal and perinatal services. Pro-poor legislation (e.g., to abolish user fees, introduce conditional cash transfer programmes, etc.) for maternal and perinatal services should be considered in low- and middle-income countries where out-of-pocket expenses are high and/or coverage levels of antenatal and delivery care interventions are low. Protective legislation is needed to improve general working conditions for pregnant women, and to reduce pregnant women\'s exposure to potentially harmful environmental, behavioural and lifestyle risk factors such as second-hand smoke and violence against women. The implementation of national and professional policies and guidelines that are in-line with science-based recommendations, such as those made by WHO, needs to be prioritized. All countries and their partners should allocate sufficient resources to strengthening health care systems to facilitate the implementation process and enable the equitable and early delivery of quality antenatal care. Resources also are needed to develop clearly defined care and referral pathways. Prevention needs to be prioritized through improving access to screening and diagnostic tests and appropriate treatment during antenatal care with adequate follow-up and referral of women identified at high risk of preterm birth. Efforts to strengthen health systems must include increased and regular training opportunities for health care providers on the use of effective interventions, and on tailoring clinical care to the individual woman based on her risk profile throughout the duration of her pregnancy. The delivery of all recommended components of antenatal care should be regularly instituted and monitored through supportive supervision. These health care system readiness efforts need to be complemented by communication and education campaigns to increase demand for maternal and perinatal care services and to ensure prospective parents and community members are fully informed about a healthy pregnancy and potential complications. In settings with greater capacity, professional policies regulating assisted reproductive technologies and infertility treatments should be put into place to reduce the number of multiple gestations at higher risk of preterm birth. Genetic counselling and adequate counselling for women over the age of 35 on pregnancy risks also should be included as components of antenatal care. All women should be provided with access to quality antenatal care services and a functional referral system throughout pregnancy. Women should be encouraged to give birth in healthcare facilities and have access to health care facilities where quality maternal services are guaranteed. Community members need to be informed about the importance of all women receiving antenatal care and delivering in functioning health care facilities as well as warning signs in pregnancy including preterm labour. In low- and middle-income countries, communities need to be supported in developing appropriate mechanisms that enable women to seek care, particularly the most disadvantaged women who face multiple barriers to accessing timely care. The integration of effective services should be promoted to best use antenatal care visits as a platform for the delivery of a package of interventions and to leverage scarce resources for women\'s and children\'s health. The integration of HIV, malaria, and social and financial support programmes into routine antenatal care, for example, represents an efficient use of resources with potential to reach a large majority of pregnant women. Health care facilities need to be equipped with trained staff and ample and consistent supplies of drugs and equipment so that women can be guaranteed provision of antibiotics for pPROM, antenatal corticosteroids, progesterone, magnesium sulphate and tocolytics as needed. Countries need to engage in collaborative and multi-center research for the development of high-quality evidence on available and promising interventions delivered singly and as a package during antenatal care or labour and delivery. Adequate funding is needed for basic science research on the etiology of preterm birth, the physiological processes of healthy and abnormal pregnancies and the linkages between preterm birth and genetics, environment, stress and depression, infection and nutrition. Findings from such research will guide the development of preventive interventions, diagnostic markers and related screening tools and better clinical management guidelines for all women and for women at high risk of preterm birth. These cross-country, multi-disciplinary research efforts will ultimately facilitate the discovery and development of interventions with universal application. Implementation research is essential for determining how research findings can be best translated into practical application in low- and middle-income countries where resource constraints and inequities in intervention coverage are more pronounced and where innovations in service delivery strategies are most needed. Efforts are needed, for example, on how to most effectively integrate evidence-based interventions into antenatal care in specific contexts so that pregnant women are reached with comprehensive and culturally appropriate packages of care. National audit and other monitoring and evaluation systems at facility level need to be put into place as a quality control measure to track preterm birth rates and the use of effective services during antenatal care and labour and delivery. In all settings, ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of guidelines and policies are essential for ensuring that pregnant women receive high-quality care based on the best evidence. Conclusion ========== The pregnancy period is a time of great excitement for prospective parents. It represents a time period when a woman can be reached through a variety of mechanisms with interventions aimed at reducing her risk of a preterm birth and improving her health and the health of her unborn baby. One key mechanism is routine antenatal care during which a woman should receive a range of effective services at multiple times throughout her pregnancy that are tailored to her individual risk profile. She also can benefit from supportive policies and programmes that increase her access to quality care and protect her from potentially harmful exposures. The message is clear: We all need to work together to make it possible for women everywhere to receive the care they need during pregnancy, labour and delivery as a starting point for successfully addressing the growing problem of preterm birth. This involves simultaneous and coordinated action in the three main areas of service delivery, discovery and development. Although there are substantial gaps in our knowledge of the underlying causal pathways of preterm labour and delivery, we know there are proven interventions that need to be scaled up now. Governments and their partners must prioritize the equitable delivery of these interventions through innovative and cost-effective strategies. At the same time, basic research and discovery science must be promoted to build the evidence base so that effective preventive and treatment interventions can be designed. This will require collaborative partnerships across institutions and countries. As the evidence is generated, resources need to be allocated to its translation into new and better screening and diagnostic tools and other interventions aimed at saving maternal and newborn lives. The time is now to put this action plan into motion. Abbreviations ============= WHO: World Health Organization; IUGR: Intrauterine growth retardation; SGA: Small for gestational age; IPTp: Intermittent Presumptive Treatment during pregnancy for malaria; PREBIC: PREterm Birth Collaborative; PGP: Preterm Birth Genome Project; PBP: Preterm Birth Biomarker Project; CHERG: The Child Health Epidemiology Research group. Conflict of interest ==================== The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors\' contributions ======================= JR drafted the paper, and all authors reviewed and contributed. Supplementary Material ====================== ###### Additional file 1 **In line with the journal\'s open peer review policy, copies of the reviewer reports are included as**additional file [1](#S1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. ###### Click here for file Acknowledgements ================ The Born Too Soon Preterm Birth Action Group, including Preterm Birth Technical Review Panel and all the report authors (in alphabetical order): José Belizán (chair), Hannah Blencowe, Zulfiqar Bhutta, Sohni Dean, Andres de Francisco, Christopher Howson, Mary Kinney, Mark Klebanoff, Joy Lawn, Silke Mader, Elizabeth Mason (chair), Jeffrey Murray, Pius Okong, Carmencita Padilla, Robert Pattinson, Jennifer Requejo, Craig Rubens, Andrew Serazin, Catherine Spong, Antoinette Tshefu, Rexford Widmer, Khalid Yunis, Nanbert Zhong. The authors appreciated review and inputs from Robert Pattinson and Catherine Spong. Thank you to Megan Bruno for her administrative support. We thank Mary Kinney from Save the Children, Joy Lawn from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Chris Howson and Rachel Diamond at March of Dimes for assistance with the management of the Born Too Soon report from which this paper is drawn. This article has been published as part of *Reproductive Health*Volume 10 Supplement 1, 2013: Born too soon. The full contents of the supplement are available online at <http://www.reproductive-health-journal.com/supplements/10/S1>. Funding ======= There was no funding for the authors of this paper. The Born Too Soon report was funded by March of Dimes, the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and Save the Children.
\section{Introduction} \noindent Throughout this paper, without other mention, $k$ will denote a field of characteristic zero. A $k$-scheme $X$ of finite type is called {\it rationally chain connected} if for an uncountable algebraically closed field $K$ containing $k$, any two $K$-points of $X$ can be connected by a chain of rational curves defined over $K$. A $k$-scheme $X$ is called {\it rationally connected} if any two $K$-points of $X$ can be connected by an irreducible rational curve defined over $K$. Thus a rationally connected variety is always geometrically irreducible. See \cite{kollarrc} for general background on rational connectedness and rational chain connectedness. The notions of rational connectedness and rational chain connectedness are known to coincide when $X/k$ is smooth and proper. A result of Campana and Koll\'ar-Miyaoka-Mori says that all smooth Fano varieties are rationally connected (see\cite{Ca}, \cite{KMM} or \cite{kollarrc}). More generally, log ${\mathbb Q}$-Fano varieties are rationally connected (\cite{zhang} or \cite{hm05}). A degeneration of a proper rationally chain connected variety is rationally chain connected, but a degeneration of a proper rationally connected variety may not be rationally connected. For example a cone over an elliptic curve is not rationally connected but it is a degeneration of smooth cubic surfaces which are rationally connected. This paper has been motivated by the following question raised in \cite{kollarax}. \begin{q}{\rm (Koll\'ar)}\label{mainq'} Suppose we have a family of smooth proper rationally connected varieties over a field $k$. Does the degeneration $X_0$ contain an rationally connected (in particular geometrically irreducible) subvariety ? \end{q} \noindent In \cite{kollarax} it was proved that a degeneration of Fano varieties over a smooth curve always contains a geometrically irreducible subvariety. A recent paper by Jason Starr \cite{starr} shows that if the field $k$ (of any characteristic) contains an algebraically closed field, then a degeneration of smooth proper seperably rationally connected varieties contains a geometrically irreducible subvariety. In fact, A.J.de Jong proved, under the same assumption as in \cite{starr}, if ${\rm char}(k)=0$, then the degeneration contains a rationally connected variety. As observed in \cite{kollarax}, the existence of a geometrically irreducible subvariety can fail even for a degeneration of elliptic curves. \\ \noindent The following result, which is the main result of this paper, gives an affirmative answer to (\ref{mainq'}). \begin{thm}\label{deg-ran} Let $\pi:X \to C$ be a dominant proper morphism of $k$ varieties such that \begin{enumerate} \item $C$ is $klt$, and \item The generic fibre of $\pi$ is a rationally connected variety. \end{enumerate} \noindent Then for any point $0 \in C$, $X_0=\pi^{-1}(0)$ contains a subvariety (defined over $k(0)$) which is geometrically irreducible and rationally connected. \end{thm} \noindent Our approach to (\ref{mainq'}) uses the Minimal Model Program, particularly as developed in \cite{mmpgen}. After running the minimal model program for a suitable birational model for X we obtain a Fano fibration. This is then used to reduce (\ref{deg-ran}) to the case when the generic fibre of $\pi$ is a log Fano variety (\ref{mainthm}). We first prove (\ref{mainthm}) in the special case when $C$ is a smooth curve and $0\in C$ is a $k$-point. The general case of arbitrary $klt$ base $C$ is then reduced to this case using the following result. \begin{thm}\label{exc.thm} Let $(X,\Delta)$ be a $klt$ pair with $\Delta$ effective. Let $\pi:X'\to X$ be a proper birational morphism. Then for any point $p\in X$, there exists a rationally connected subvariety of $\pi^{-1}(p)$ (defined over $k(p)$). \end{thm} \noindent The following definition was suggested by J. Koll\'ar. \begin{defn} A field $k$ is called {\it geometrically-$C_1$} if every smooth proper rationally connected variety over $k$ has a $k$-point. \end{defn} \noindent Following are some of the consequences of (\ref{deg-ran}). \begin{cor}\label{fanocor} Every geometrically-$C_1$ field (of characteristic 0) is $C_1$. \end{cor} \begin{proof} To show that $k$ is $C_1$ we have to show that every hypersurface $H_d$ of degree $d$ in $\P^n_k$ has a $k$-point if $n \geq d$. If $H_d$ is smooth, it is Fano and hence rationally connected and has a $k$-point by the given hypothesis. Even if $H_d$ is not smooth it can be expressed as a degeneration of smooth Fano hypersurfaces and has a a rationally connected subvariety $Z$ by (\ref{deg-ran}). Then $Z$ has a $k$-point since its resolution $Z'$ is smooth proper and rationally connected and has a $k$-point by hypothesis. \end{proof} \begin{cor}\label{surfacecor} Let $k$ be a $C_1$ field. Then every degeneration of a proper rationally connected surface defined over $k$ has a $k$-point. \end{cor} \begin{rem} (In this remark, $k$ is not necessary of characteristic 0). The converse of (\ref{fanocor}) is a well known problem. It is known that a smooth proper rationally connected variety $X/k$ has a $k$-point if \begin{enumerate} \item $k$ is any $C_1$ field and $\dim(X)\leq 2$ (see for example (\cite{kollarrc}, {\rm IV.6.8})), \item $k$ is a field of transcendence degree one over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero \cite{ghs} (in the positive characteristic case one needs to assume $X$ is separably rationally connected \cite{ds03}), or \item $k$ is a finite field \cite{He}. \end{enumerate} \noindent However, the converse of (\ref{fanocor}) is unknown even for specific $C_1$ fields like the maximal unramified extension of local fields. \noindent In view of (\ref{deg-ran}), if a field $k$ is geometrically-$C_1$, then not only do smooth proper rationally connected varieties over $k$ have $k$-points, but one also gets $k$-points on the degenerations of such varieties. In fact, besides (\ref{surfacecor}), the following was already known. \begin{enumerate} \item A degeneration of smooth rationally connected varieties over a finite field has a rational point (\cite{nr}, \cite{ex07}). \item A degeneration of seperably rationally connected variety over a field of transcendence degree one over an algebraically closed field has a rational point (this result has been mentioned in \cite{starr} and can be derived by using the properness of Kontsevich's moduli space of stable maps). \end{enumerate} \end{rem} \noindent A stronger version of (\ref{mainq'}) was asked in \cite{kollarax}. \begin{q}{\rm (Koll\'ar)}\label{mainq} For a flat family of proper varieties over a smooth $k$-variety whose general fiber is smooth and rationally connected, does every simple normal crossing ($snc$) fiber $X_0$ have an irreducible component (defined over $k$) which is rationally connected (and thus geometrically irreducible)? \end{q} \begin{rem} Unlike (\ref{mainq'}), the answer to this question is unknown even if $k$ is algebraically closed. Over an algebraically closed field ${\overline{k}}$ one can ask the following more general question: Does a $snc$ rationally chain connected variety $X_0/{\overline{k}}$ always contain an irreducible component which is rationally connected? The answer to this question is indeed true if $\dim(X_0)\leq 2$ but is false in higher dimensions (see (\ref{counterex})). \end{rem} \noindent We show that (\ref{mainq}) has an affirmative answer in the case that the generic fiber satisfies $\dim(X_t) \le 3$. \begin{thm}\label{surface} Let $\pi:X/k \to C/k$ be a dominant proper morphism such that \begin{enumerate} \item $C$ is a smooth curve with a $k$-point $0$, \item $\pi$ is smooth outside $0$, \item The generic fibre of $\pi$ is geometrically rationally connected and $\dim(X_t)\le 3$, and \item $X$ is smooth, and $X_0= \pi^{-1}(0)$ is $snc$ (over $k$). \end{enumerate} \noindent Then there exists an irreducible component of $X_0/k$ which is rationally connected. \end{thm} \noindent In Section \ref{section:fano} we prove Theorem (\ref{deg-ran}) in the case of degeneration of log Fano varieties, assuming Theorem (\ref{exc.thm}). In Section \ref{section:mmp} we prove Theorem (\ref{deg-ran}) using the results of the minimal model program as proved in (\cite{mmpgen}). The proof uses results of Section \ref{section:fano} and some results on Fano fibrations which are proved in Section \ref{section:surface}. The stronger result, Theorem (\ref{surface}), for degeneration of rationally connected threefolds (or lower dimension) is proved in Section \ref{section:surface}. Finally, in Section \ref{section:exc} we prove Theorem (\ref{exc.thm}). \\ \noindent{\bf Acknowledgement}: We are indebted to our advisor, J\'anos Koll\'ar, for many useful discussions and crucial suggestions. The relevance of \cite{hm05} and minimal model program was pointed out to us by him. We would also like to thank Tommaso de Fernex and H\'el$\grave{\rm e}$ne Esnault for useful suggestions and Yuri Prokhorov for informing us his example (\ref{counter}). The second author would like to thank Jason Starr for useful discussions. We are also grateful to the anonymous referee for enormous suggestions and corrections. \section{Summary of known results} \noindent In this section we first recall the related results from \cite{hm05} and \cite{kollarax}. In our proof, their ideas are heavily used. Then we state another main ingredient which is from the minimal model program theory (cf. \cite{kollarmori}) and proved in \cite{mmpgen}. \\ \\ \noindent The following is the main theorem of \cite{hm05}, stated in a slightly less generality. \begin{thm}[\cite{hm05}] Let $(X,\Delta)$ be a $klt$ pair. Let $g:Y\to X$ be a birational morphism such that $-K_X$ is relatively big and ${\mathcal O}_X(-m(K_X+\Delta))$ is relatively generated for some $m>0$. Then every fiber of the the composite morphism $\pi:Y\to S$ is rationally chain connected. \end{thm} \noindent Specialising to the case when $g$ is the identity morphism, $(X,\Delta)$ is rationally chain connected and $Y\to X$ is a resolution of singularities, one gets the following important corollary. \begin{cor}[\cite{hm05}] Let $(X,\Delta)$ be a $klt$ pair which is rationally chain connected. Then $X$ is rationally connected. \end{cor} \noindent Recall that there exist singular varieties (for example the cone over an elliptic curve) which are rationally chain connected but not rationally connected. However, the above corollary says that such examples necessarily have singularities worse than $klt$. \\ \noindent In Section \ref{section:fano}, we consider the degeneration of Fano varieties (see (\ref{mainthm})), which has also been considered in \cite{hm05}. Part of (\cite{hm05}, 5.1) guarantees the existence of an irreducible component which is rationally chain connected modulo the intersection of some other components. But this component may be neither geometrically irreducible nor rationally connected. Although the statement of (\cite{hm05}, 5.1) does not imply (\ref{mainthm}), a modification of methods used in (\cite{hm05}) will be enough to prove it. \\ \noindent In their paper, They prove the following technical result (\cite{hm05}, 4.1), which we only state in a weaker form we need. \begin{prop}[\cite{hm05}, 4.1]\label{criterion} Let $(F,\Delta)$ be a projective log pair, and let $t : F\dashrightarrow Z$ be a dominant rational map, respectively, where $F$ and $Z$ are projective, with the following properties: \begin{enumerate} \item the locus of log canonical singularities of $(K_F+\Delta)$ does not dominate $Z$; \item $F+\Delta$ has Kodaira dimension at least zero on the general fibre of $F\dashrightarrow Z$ (i.e., if $g : F'\to F$ resolves the indeterminacy of $F\dashrightarrow Z$, then $g^*(K_F + \Delta)$ has Kodaira dimension at least zero on the general fibre of the induced morphism $F' \to Z$; \item $K_F+\Delta$ has Kodaira dimension at most zero; and \item there is an ample divisor $A$ on $F$ such that $A\le\Delta$. \end{enumerate} Then either $Z$ is a point, or it is uniruled. \end{prop} \noindent The main application of this proposition is when $t$ is the rational map from $F$ to its maximal rationally connected fiberation (cf. \cite{kollarrc}, IV Theorem 5.4). In fact, with the help of the following lemma, we obtain a quite useful criterion to show the rational connectedness of varieties. \begin{lemma}[\cite{hm05}, 4.2(i)]\label{MRC} Let $F$ be a normal variety. $F$ is rationally connected if and only if, for every nonconstant dominant rational map $t: F \dashrightarrow Z$, $Z$ is uniruled. \end{lemma} \noindent Next we recall the main result of \cite{kollarax}. \begin{thm}[\cite{kollarax}] Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero and $C$ be a smooth curve, $Z$ an irreducible projective variety and $g:Z\to C$ a morphism. Assume that the general fibers $F_{gen}$ are \begin{enumerate} \item smooth, \item geometrically connected, and \item Fano. \end{enumerate} Then for every point $c$ of $C$, the fiber $g^{-1}(c)$ contains a $k(c)$-subvariety which is geometrically irreducible. \end{thm} \noindent In our proof, as a special case, and also as a middle step, we improve Koll\'ar's result by showing that the subvariety which he looks at is not only geometrically irreducible but also rationally connected (see (\ref{specialcase})). Then Theorem(\ref{deg-ran}) generalizes the above result to the case where the general fibers are rationally connected and $C$ is any $klt$ base. Moreover (\ref{deg-ran}) guarantees the existence of a subvariety which is in fact rationally connected.\\ \noindent Finally, in the very important paper \cite{mmpgen}. A large part of the minimal model program is proved. In particular, we state the following theorem which is a special case of their results. This will be the main tool in the proof of (\ref{deg-ran}). \begin{thm}[\cite{mmpgen}]\label{mmp} Let $(X,\Delta)$ be a $klt$ pair, projective over a base $S$. Assume $K_X+\Delta$ is not pseudoeffective. Then one can run a relative minimal model program for $(X,\Delta)$ to obtain a Fano fibration, i.e. there exists a sequence of maps $$ X=X_0\stackrel{\phi_1}{\dashrightarrow}X_1 \stackrel{\phi_2}{\dashrightarrow} \cdots \stackrel{\phi_{r}}{\dashrightarrow}X_r \stackrel{h}{\to} Y $$ where each $\phi_i$ is either a divisorial contraction or a flip and $h$ is a Fano fibration of relative Picard number one. \end{thm} \noindent The important case in which the above hypothesis is satisfied is when $X$ is a smooth rationally connected variety and $\Delta$ is empty. Indeed, in this case, the canonical divisor $K_X$ has negative intersection with any free rational curve and hence it cannot be pseudoeffective. \section{Degenerations of Fano Varieties}\label{section:fano} \noindent In this section we prove (\ref{deg-ran}) in the case when the generic fibre of $\pi:X\to C$ is a log Fano variety. Recall that a proper variety $X/k$ is called {\it log Fano} (or {\it log ${\mathbb Q}$-Fano}) if there exists an effective divisor $D$ on $X$ such that $(X,D)$ is $klt$ and $-(K_X+D)$ is nef and big. It is known that a log Fano variety is always rationally connected (cf. \cite{zhang}, \cite{hm05} ). \begin{thm}\label{mainthm} Let $\pi:X \to C$ be a dominant proper morphism of $k$ varieties such that \begin{enumerate} \item $C$ is $klt$, and \item The generic fibre of $\pi$ is a log Fano variety. \end{enumerate} \noindent Then for any point $0 \in C$, $X_0=\pi^{-1}(0)$ contains a subvariety (defined over $k(0)$) which is geometrically irreducible and rationally connected (over $k(0)$). In another words, Theorem (\ref{deg-ran}) is true in the case when the generic fibre of $\pi$ is a log Fano variety. \end{thm} \noindent The extension theorem (\cite{hm06}, 3.17) lies at the heart of the proof. We have to first introduce the terminology there. \begin{defn}{\rm (\cite{hm06}, $3.7$)} Let $\pi:(X,\Delta)\to S$ be a relative log pair. A Cartier divisor $D$ on $X$ will be called {\it $\pi$-transverse} to $(X,\Delta)$ if the natural map $$\pi^*\pi_*({\mathcal O}_X(D))\to {\mathcal O}_X(D)$$ is sujective at the generic point of every log canonical centre of $(X,\Delta)$. Obviously, the notion only depends on the divisor class of $D$. Similarly, a ${\mathbb Q}$-divisor $D$ will be called {\it $\pi$-${\mathbb Q}$-transverse} to $(X,\Delta)$ if $mD$ is $\pi$-transverse for some $m>0$. \end{defn} \noindent The proof of (\ref{mainthm}) relies on the following extension theorem proved in \cite{hm06}. The statement given below is less general than the one in \cite{hm06}. \begin{thm}{\rm (\cite{hm06}, 3.17)}\label{extensionthm} Let $\pi:X\to S$ be a projective morphism where $X/k$ is a smooth variety of dimension $n$. Let $F\subset X$ be a smooth divisor. Let $B$ be effective ${\mathbb Q}$-divisor on $X$ such that \begin{enumerate} \item $B+F$ is $snc$, \item the support of $B$ and $F$ do not have common component, \item $\rdown{B}=0$, \item $K_F+ B_{|F}$ is effective, and \item $K_X +B+F$ is $\pi$-${\mathbb Q}$-transverse to $(X,\rup{B}+F)$. \end{enumerate} For every sufficiently $\pi$-ample divisor $H$ on $X$ and for every sufficiently divisible positive integer $m$, the image of the morphism $$ \pi_*({\mathcal O}_X( m(K_X+B+F)+(n+2)H))\to \pi_*({\mathcal O}_F(m(K_F+B_{|F})+(n+2)H_{|F}))$$ contains the image of $$ \pi_*({\mathcal O}_F(m(K_F+B_{|F})+H_{|F}))\stackrel{(n+1)H_{|F}}{\longrightarrow} \pi_*({\mathcal O}_F(m(K_F+B_{|F})+(n+2)H_{|F})).$$ \end{thm} \noindent In the situation of our interest, condition (4) above will be checked as follows. There will be an effective ${\mathbb Q}$-divisor $A$ such that \begin{enumerate} \item[(i)] $K_X+F+B\sim A$, and \item[(ii)] $A$ and $B+F$ have no common components and $A+B+F$ is $snc$. \end{enumerate} Since $\rup{B}+F$ is a $snc$ divisor where each irreducible component occurs with coefficient one, the log canonical centres of $(X,\rup{B}+F)$ are exactly all possible intersections of the components of $\rup{B}+F$. But since $A+B+F$ is $snc$ and $A$ and $B+F$ have no common components, ${\mathcal O}_X(A)$ is generated by its global sections at the generic point of every log canonical center of $(X,\rup{B}+F)$. \noindent As we mentioned before, the proof is given first when $C$ is a smooth curve. \begin{prop} \label{specialcase} When $C$ is a smooth curve, Theorem (\ref{mainthm}) is true. \end{prop} \begin{proof} By extending the base field, we can assume $0\in C$ is a $k$-point. By assumption, the generic fiber $X_g$ of $\pi:X\to C$ is a log Fano variety. Thus there exists an effective divisor $D_g$ on $X_g$ such that $(X_g,D_g)$ is $klt$ and $-(K_{X_g}+D_g)$ is nef and big. Thus there exists an ample divisor $H_g$ and an effective divisor $E_g$ on $X_g$ such that $-(K_{X_g}+D_g) \sim H_g+E_g$. Furthermore, since $-(K_{X_g}+D_g)$ is nef and big, $E_g$ and $H_g$ can be chosen such that $(X_g,D_g+E_g)$ is $klt$ (cf. \cite{kollarmori} (2.61)). By replacing $D_g$ by $D_g+E_g$ we may assume $-(K_{X_g}+D_{g})\sim H_g$ is ample. Let $D$ be an effective divisor on $X$ such that $D_{|X_g}=D_g$. By shrinking $C$ we may assume that $C$ is affine and $D$ does not contain any vertical divisor outside $0$. \noindent After successively blowing up $X$ with suitable centers and shrinking $C$ one can find a birational morphism $h: Y \to X$ such that \begin{enumerate} \item $Y$ is smooth, and the natural projection $\pi'(=\pi\circ h):Y\to C$ is smooth outside $0$, and \item ${\rm Supp} (h^{-1}D + Y_0) +{\rm Ex} (h)$ is $snc$ (over $k$) in $Y$. Here $Y_0=h^{-1}(0)$. \end{enumerate} \noindent Then there exist effective ${\mathbb Q}$-Cartier divisors $G$ and $R$ on $Y$ having no common components in their support and such that $K_{Y/X} + G- R= h^*D$. Moreover, $G$ and $R$ satisfy \begin{enumerate} \item Any irreducible component of $G$ which is not supported in $Y_0$ appears in $G$ with coefficient strictly less than one (this is a consequence of the fact that $(X_g,D_g)$ is $klt$), and \item $R$ is $h$-exceptional. \end{enumerate} \noindent Note that the restriction of $-(K_Y+G-R)$ to the generic fiber $Y_g$ of $Y$ over $C$ is the pull back of an ample divisor on $X_g$. Thus for some sufficiently small $h$-exceptional effective divisor $E$ on $Y$, $-(K_Y+G-R+E)$ is ample on the generic fibre. If necessary blow up $Y$ along smooth centers in the fiber $Y_0$ so that there exists a vertical ${\mathbb Q}$-Cartier divisor $\tilde\Delta$, supported in $Y_0$, such that $-(K_Y+G-R+E+\tilde\Delta)$ is relatively ample over $C$ (see \cite{kollarax}, page $5$). \noindent Let $\tilde{\Delta} = \sum d_i \tilde{\Delta}_i$ where the divisors $\tilde{\Delta}_i$ are the irreducible components of the support $\tilde{\Delta}$. The only irreducible components of $G-R+E+\tilde{\Delta}$ which appear with coefficient $\geq 1$ are supported in $Y_0$. Thus by perturbing the coefficients $d_i$ slightly (by small rational numbers) and by changing $\tilde{\Delta}\to \tilde{\Delta}+rY_0$ for a suitable $r\in {\mathbb Q}$ we may assume \begin{enumerate} \item $-(K_Y+G-R+E+\tilde{\Delta})$ is $\pi$-ample, ${\rm Supp}(\tilde{\Delta})\subset X_0$, \item There exists an irreducible divisor $F$ (over $k$) in $Y$, an effective ${\mathbb Q}$-Cartier divisors $A$, and a boundary $\tilde{B}$ in $Y$ such that $G-R+E+\tilde{\Delta}=F+\tilde{B}-A$ and such that $F$ and the supports of $A$ and $\tilde{B}$ have no pairwise-common components, and \item There exist effective ${\mathbb Q}$-Cartier divisors $A_0$ and $R_0$ in $Y$ such that $A=A_0+R_0$, ${\rm Supp}(A_0) \subset Y_0$ and ${\rm Supp}(R_0)$ is in the exceptional set of $h$ and contains no component of $Y_0$. \end{enumerate} The necessary perturbations as well as the proof of the existence of $F$, $\tilde{B}$ and $A$ can be found in \cite{kollarax}. Notice that $A+\tilde{B}+F$ is $snc$ since it is contained in ${\rm Supp} (h^{-1}D + Y_0 +{\rm Ex} (h))$. In (\cite{kollarax}, Remark 8) it was proved that $F$ is geometrically irreducible. If $A$ were equal to $0$ then (\cite{hm05}, 5.1) would imply that $F$ is rationally connected. But in general $A$ can be nonzero. Fortunately, as we will show below, we are saved in this situation by the fact (3).\\ \noindent Let $m$ be a sufficiently large and divisible integer and let $L_m$ be the Cartier divisor of a general section of ${\mathcal O}_X(m(-K_Y-F-\tilde{B}+A))$. Let $L= \frac{1}{m}L_m$. Let $B= \tilde{B} + L$ and $\Delta = F+B-A$. Thus we are finally in the following situation \begin{enumerate} \item[(i)] $-(K_Y+\Delta)\sim_{\pi'} 0$, \item[(ii)] $\Delta = F+B-A$ where $A+B+F$ is $snc$, \item [(iii)] $F$ is geometrically irreducible ${\rm Supp}( F) \subset {\rm Supp} (Y_0)$, \item [(iv)] $A$, $B$ are effective ${\mathbb Q}$-divisors and $\rdown{B}=0$, \item[(v)] $A=A_0+R_0$ such that ${\rm Supp} (A_0)\subset {\rm Supp}(Y_0)$, $R_0$ is $h$-exceptional, and \item[(vi)] There exists a $\pi'$-ample divisor $L$ such that $L \leq B$. \end{enumerate} \noindent To apply (\ref{MRC}), we now make the following two claims. \begin{enumerate} \item[]\hspace{-6mm}Claim(1): Let $p:F'\to F$ be a proper birational morphism such that the induced rational map $f':F'\to Z$ is a morphism. Then $p^*(K_{F}+B_{|F})$ has Kodaira dimension at least zero on the general fibre of $f'$. \item[]\hspace{-6mm}Claim(2): $\kappa(K_F+B_{|F})=0$. \end{enumerate} Notice that $(F,B_{|F})$ is $klt$ since $B+F$ is $snc$, $B$ and $F$ do not have common components and $\rdown{B}=0$. Also the support of $B$ contains the support of an ample divisor $L$. Hence once we prove the above two claims it will follow that the hypotheses of (\ref{criterion}) are implied by our hypotheses. In fact, the first hypothesis of (\ref{criterion}) follows from the conclusion that $(F,B|_F )$ is klt, Claim 1 implies the second hypothesis, Claim 2 implies the third hypothesis and the fourth hypothesis follows easily from the fact that $B+F$ is $snc$. So we can conclude that $Z$ is uniruled, thus proving the rational connectedness of $F$. \\ \noindent By restricting $K_Y + F + B \sim_{\pi '} A$ on $F$, we have $K_F+ B_{|F} \sim A_F $. But $A$ and $F$ have no common components and hence $A_F$ is effective. Thus $p^*(K_F + B_{|F})$ is effective. Hence it is also effective when restricted to the general fibre of $f'$. This proves Claim(1). \noindent To prove Claim(2) we use (\ref{extensionthm}). Let $M$ be a sufficiently $\pi '$-ample divisor. To prove $\kappa(K_F+B_{|F})=0$, it is enough to show that for $m$ large and divisible, $h^0(F,m(K_F+B_{|F})+M)= length \left(\pi '_*({\mathcal O}_F(m(K_F+B_{|F})+M_{|F})) \right)$ is bounded independent of $m$. By (\ref{extensionthm}) it is enough to bound the rank of the torsion free sheaf $\pi'_*({\mathcal O}_Y( m(K_Y+B+F)+(n+2)M))$. $K_X+B+F\sim_{\pi '}A$ and hence we have to bound the rank of $\pi '_*({\mathcal O}_Y(mA+(n+2)M))$. Since $A=A_0+R_0$ where $R_0$ is effective and $h$-exceptional, this sheaf is isomorphic to a subsheaf of $\pi_*({\mathcal O}_X(mh_*(A_0) + h_*((n+2)M)))$. But since ${\rm Supp}(h_*(A_0))\subset {\rm Supp}(X_0)$, $\pi_*({\mathcal O}_X(mh_*(A_0) + h_*((n+2)M)))$ is isomorphic to $\pi_*({\mathcal O}_X( h_*((n+2)M)))$ on $C-\{0\}$ and hence it has constant rank. \end{proof} \begin{proof} [ Proof of (\ref{mainthm}) in General Case] To prove Theorem (\ref{mainthm}) for any $klt$ variety $C$ and an arbitrary point $0\in C$, we need Theorem (\ref{exc.thm}) in the following way. Let $h:C'\to C$ be a resolution of $C$, then by (\ref{exc.thm}), there exists a rationally connected subvariety $Z \subset h^{-1}(0)$. Let $L$ be the function field of $Z$. Since $Z$ is itself rationally connected, to find a rationally connected subvariety of $X_0$, it suffices to find a rationally connected subvariety of $X_0\times_kL$ by \cite{ghs}. Thus by base extending to $L$ we may assume there is a $k$-point $0' \in C'$ such that $h(0')=0$. Now let $D\subset C'$ be a general smooth curve passing through $0'$. Note that it is possible to find such a curve since $C'$ is smooth. Let $X_D= X\times_CD$. Since $D$ is general, the generic fibre of $X_D\to D$ is a log Fano variety. Thus (\ref{mainthm}) now follows from the above case. \end{proof} \section{Degenerations of Rationally Connected Varieties and the Minimal Model Program}\label{section:mmp} \noindent In this section we prove Theorem(\ref{deg-ran}). It suffices to prove Theorem(\ref{deg-ran}) after replacing $X$ by any other higher birational model $X'\to X$. Thus by resolution of singularities, we may assume $X$ is smooth, and $X_0=\pi^{-1}(0)$ is $snc$ (over $k$). The proof of Theorem(\ref{deg-ran}) will proceed by studying the relative minimal model program for the pair $(X,\Delta)$ where $\Delta$ denotes the sum of all irreducible components of $X_0$, each appearing with coefficient one. In this situation $X$ is smooth and $\Delta$ is $snc$. \begin{lem}\label{dltklt} Let $\phi:(X,\Delta)\dashrightarrow (X',\Delta')$ be a birational morphism obtained by running the relative minimal model program for $(X,\Delta)$ (i.e. $\phi$ is a composition of extremal divisorial contractions and flips). Then \begin{enumerate} \item[(i)] Every irreducible component $\Delta'_j$ of $\Delta'(=\sum_{j=1}^m\Delta'_j)$ is of the form $\phi_*\Delta_i$ for some $i$, and \item[(ii)] Every $k$-irreducible component of $\Delta'$ is $klt$. In particular, after running the relative minimal model program, the ${\rm Gal}(\bar{k}/k)$-conjugate components of $\Delta\times_k\overline{k}$ do not intersect. \end{enumerate} \end{lem} \begin{ex} Let $Y=(x^2+y^2+tz^2=0)\subset \P^2_{{\mathbb R}} \times {\mathbb A}^1_{{\mathbb R}}$ where $t$ is the coordinate on the affine line $C:={\mathbb A}^1_{{\mathbb R}}$. Let $X$ be the blow up of $Y$ at $([0,0,1],0)$, and denote the exceptional divisor to be $E$. Then the projection $f: X \to C$ gives us a family which is defined over ${\mathbb R}$, whose generic fibres are smooth conics. Look at the point $t=0$ on $C$, the fibre $X_0$ consists of $E$ and the birational transform of $Y_0=(x^2+y^2=0)$, which has 2 components $E_1, E_2$ over ${\mathbb C}$, and are conjugate to each other under the Galois action of ${\rm Gal}({\mathbb C}/{\mathbb R})$. So $NE(X/C)({\mathbb R})$ is generated by $E$ and $E_1+E_2$. We have $(K_X+E+E_1+E_2)\cdot E=0$ and $(K_X+E+E_1+E_2)\cdot (E_1+E_2)=-2$, so to run the relative program for $f:(X,E+E_1+E_2) \to C$ over ${\mathbb R}$ , we can only contract $E_1+E_2$. \end{ex} \begin{proof}[Proof of (\ref{dltklt})] $(i)$ For arbitrary $\phi$ as in Lemma 3.1, it is a morphism away from codimension 2 subsets of both the domain and target, hence (i) is obvious. \\ \noindent $(ii)$ We devide the argument into several steps.\\ \noindent$Step(1)$ Let $\Delta'= \sum_{i=1}^r\Delta_i'$ where $\Delta'_i= \phi_*\Delta_i$ and $\phi_*\Delta_i = 0 \ \forall \ r+1 \leq i \leq m$. By Inversion of Adjunction, to prove $\Delta_1'$ is $klt$ it is enough to prove $(X',\Delta'_1)$ is $plt$ (\cite{kollarmori}, $5.4$). For $I\subset \{1,...,m\}$ let $\Delta_I= \bigcap_{i\in I}\Delta_{i}$. Since $X$ is smooth and $\Delta \subset X$ is $snc$, $(X,\Delta)$ is log canonical and the only log canonical centers of $(X,\Delta)$ are connected components of closed subsets $\Delta_I$. Because during each step of the minimal model program discrepancy never decreases (\cite{kollarmori}, $3.38$), $(X',\Delta')$ is also log canonical. \\ \noindent $Step(2)$ Let $E$ be an exceptional divisor of $X'$ with $a(E,X',\Delta')=-1$. We need to show $a(E,X',\Delta_1')>-1$. We claim that $center_{X}E = \Delta_I$ for some $I$. Applying the nondecreasing of the discrepancy again, we conclude $a(E,X,\Delta)=-1$. But as remarked earlier the only log canonical centers of $(X,\Delta)$ are $\Delta_I$. Hence $center_XE=\Delta_I$ for some $I$. \\ \noindent $Step(3)$ We claim that for every $i\in I$, $\phi_*\Delta_i\neq 0$, i.e., none of the components of $\Delta$ which contain the generic point of $center_XE$ can be contracted to a lower dimension subvariety by $\phi$. This is a consequence of (\cite{kollarmori}, $3.38$) since if $\phi$ is not an isomorphism at the generic point of $center_XE$ then $$a(E,X',\Delta')>a(E,X,\Delta)\geq -1$$ which is contradictory to our assumption. Since we have assumed $E$ is an exceptional divisor of $X'$, this also shows that $center_XE$ is not a divisor. Thus $I$ contains at least two elements. Without loss of generality we assume $2 \in I$.\\ \noindent $Step(4)$ Now we have $a(E,X',\Delta_1'+\Delta_2')\geq a(E,X',\Delta') = -1$. But both $\Delta_1'$ and $\Delta_2'$ contain $center_{X'}E$ hence $$ a(E,X',\Delta_1') > a(E,X',\Delta_1'+\Delta_2') \geq -1$$ \end{proof} \noindent The following lemma is useful in proving Theorem(\ref{deg-ran}) because it allows us to replace $X$ by any other $klt$ birational model. \begin{lemma}\label{birational} Let $f:X'\dasharrow X$ be a birational map of varieties over $C$ such that both $X'$ and $X$ are $klt$. Then for $0\in C$, $X'_0$ has a rationally connected subvariety if and only if the same is true for $X_0$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof}Suppose $X_0$ contains a rationally connected subvariety $Z$. It is enough to prove $X_0'$ contains a rationally connected subvariety after replacing $X'$ by a higher birational model. Thus we may assume $f$ is in fact a morphism. Let $k(Z)$ be the generic point of $Z$. By Theorem(\ref{exc.thm}), there exists a rationally connected subvariety in the fiber of $X'$ over $k(Z)$. Take its closure $Z'$ in $X'$. By \cite{ghs} $Z'$ is rationally connected and is clearly contained in $X'_0$. \end{proof} \begin{proof}[Proof of (\ref{deg-ran})] Let $\{\Delta_i\}$ be the set of irreducible components of $X_0$. Let $\Delta = \sum_i \Delta_i$. We now want to run a relative minimal model program for the pair $(X,\Delta)$ over $C$ and apply the main theorem (see (\ref{mmp})) of \cite{mmpgen}. However, $(X,\Delta)$ is not $klt$ but only log canonical. Nevertheless, for sufficiently small and positive $\epsilon$, $(X,\Delta-\epsilon\pi^*(0))$ is $klt$. And for any curve class $\eta$ in $N_1(X/C)$, $\pi^*(0)\cdot \eta=0$, running the relative minimal model program for $(X,\Delta-\epsilon\pi^*(0))$, it is equivalent to running the relative minimal model program for $(X,\Delta)$. Thus in order to run the minimal model program resulting in a Mori fibration we only need to check that $K_X+\Delta$ is not $\pi$-pseudo-effective. But in our case the generic fibre, $X_g$, of $X\to C$ is a smooth rationally connected variety. The intersection number of $K_{X_g}$ with any free rational curve in $X_g$ is negative. Thus $K_{X_g}$ is not pseudo-effective. Since $\Delta$ is vertical, this implies that $K_X+\Delta$ restricted to the generic fiber is not pseudo-effective. In particular $K_X+\Delta$ itself cannot be pseudo-effective. After running the program one arrives at the following situation. $$\xymatrix{ (X,\Delta) \ar@{-->}[r]^{\phi}\ar[d]_{\pi} & (X',\Delta')\ar[d]^{\pi'}\ar[r]^h & Y \ar[dl]^f \\ C \ar@{=}[r] & C & }$$ where \begin{enumerate} \item[(i)] Relative Picard number of $h$ is one, \item[(ii)] $X$ and $X'$ are birational, and \item[(iii)] $h: X'\to Y$ is a Fano contraction, i.e. the generic fiber of $h$ is a log Fano variety. \end{enumerate} \noindent The generic fiber of $Y\to C$ is also a rationally connected since it is dominated by the generic fiber of $X' \to C$. Thus by induction on dimension, $Y_0=f^{-1}(0)$ has a rationally connected subvariety $Z/k$. Let $p$ be the generic point of $Z$. By (\ref{fibrationsing}), $Y$ is $klt$. The generic fiber of $X'\to Y$ is a log Fano variety. Thus by (\ref{mainthm}) there exists a rationally connected subvariety of $h^{-1}(p)$ defined over $k(p)$. Let $Z'$ be its closure in $X'$. By \cite{ghs}, $Z'$ is a rationally connected subvariety of $X'_0$. Since both $X'$ and $X$ are $klt$, an application of lemma(\ref{birational}) completes the proof. \end{proof} \section{Fano Fibrations}\label{section:surface} \noindent In this section we prove some results (of independent interests) on Fano fibrations obtained by contraction of an extremal ray. These results will then be used to prove (\ref{surface}). \noindent Let $\pi:(X,\Delta)\to S$ be a relative log canonical pair and with $X$ ${\mathbb Q}$-factorial with $\Delta$ effective. Let $h:X\to Y$ be a Fano fibration obtained by contracting an extremal ray. $Y$ is automatically ${\mathbb Q}$-factorial by (\cite{kollarmori}, $3.36$). Let $\Delta=\sum_ia_i\Delta_i$ where $\Delta_i$ are irreducible. Let $n=dim(X)$ and $r=dim(Y)$. \begin{lem}\label{equicodim} Let $D$ be any prime Weil divisor on $X$. Then either $h(D)= Y$ or $h(D)$ is a divisor. \end{lem} \begin{proof} Assume that $\dim(h(D))=k\leq r-2$. After cutting $Y$ and then cutting $X$ by general very ample hypersurfaces, we may assume $h^*(H_Y)^k\cdot H_{X}^{n-k-2}$ is a surface whose image in $Y$ is still 2 dimensional (because $r-k\geq 2$), and $D\cdot h^*(H_Y)^{k}\cdot H_{X}^{n-k-2}$ is a curve which is contracted to a point on $Y$, then we have $D^2\cdot h^*(H_Y)^k\cdot H_{X}^{n-k-2} < 0$. On the other hand, let $E$ be a curve on the fibre over a general point. Since $E$ and $D$ do not intersect $E\cdot D=0$, so $D\cdot h^*(H_Y)^{k}\cdot H_{X}^{n-k-2}$ and $E$ cannot be numerically proportional. But this contradicts the fact that the relative Picard number of $h$ is one. \end{proof} \begin{lem}\label{oneone} Let $D$ be a prime Weil divisor on $X$ which does not dominate $Y$. Then ${\rm Supp}(D)={\rm Supp}(h^{-1}h(D))$. In particular if $\Delta_i$ and $\Delta_j$ do not dominate $Y$, then $h(\Delta_i)$ and $h(\Delta_j)$ are distinct divisors on $Y$ unless $i=j$. \end{lem} \begin{proof} Assume there exists an irreducible component $D'$ of $h^{-1}h(D)$ different from $D$. Then $h(D')\subset h(D)$. But by the previous lemma(\ref{equicodim}), both are irreducible divisors in $Y$. Hence $h(D')=h(D)$. Cut $Y$ and $X$ by general very ample hypersurfaces so that $h^*(H_Y)^{r-1}\cdot H_{X}^{n-r-1}$ is a surface whose image is a curve. $D'\cdot h^*(H_Y)^{r-1}\cdot H_{X}^{n-r-1}$ and $D\cdot h^*(H_Y)^{r-1}\cdot H_{X}^{n-r-1}$ are curves on $h^*(H_Y)^{r-1}\cdot H_{X}^{n-r-1}$, which are mapped to the same point on $Y$. Then by Zariski's lemma (\cite{bpv}, {\rm III}$.8.2$) they cannot be numerical proportional which is a contradiction since $h$ has relative Picard number one. \end{proof} \noindent The hypothesis of (\ref{deg-ran}) says that $X$ is smooth and the divisor $\Delta$ whose support is $X_0$ is $snc$ (each irreducible component of $\Delta$ appearing with coefficient one). However, we know $(X,\Delta)$ is $dlt$ (cf. \cite{kollarmori}), which is a property preserved under Log Minimal Model Program. Now we pinpoint the property we need for the $dlt$ condition as follows, \begin{point}\label{hypommp}(Hypothesis) Let $\pi:(X,\Delta)\to S$ be projective log canonical pair where $\Delta$ is a vertical divisor. Assume $X$ is ${\mathbb Q}$-factorial. Let $\{\Delta_i\}_{1 \leq i \leq m}$ be the set of all irreducible components of $\Delta$ and assume each $\Delta$ appears with coefficient one in $\Delta$. Assume that the only log canonical centers of $(X,\Delta)$ are given by $\Delta_I$ where $I\subset \{1,..,m\}$ and $\Delta_I=\bigcap_{i\in I}\Delta_i$. \end{point} \begin{rem} (\ref{hypommp}) in particular implies that for each $i\in \{1,..,m\}$, $(X,\Delta_i)$ is $plt$. Hence each irreducible component $\Delta_i$ is $klt$ by inversion of adjunction. We will show (see (\ref{dltklt})) that even after performing divisorial contractions and flips, the resulting divisor has $klt$ components. The following proposition proves the same for Fano fibrations. \end{rem} \begin{prop}\label{fibrationsing} Let $(X,\Delta)$ satisfy hypothesis(\ref{hypommp}). Let $X\to Y$ be a Fano fibration obtained by contracting an extremal ray. Let $D_i$ be the image of $\Delta_i$ in $Y$ and let $D= \sum_{i=1}^mD_i$. Then $(Y,D)$ also satisfies (\ref{hypommp}). \end{prop} \begin{rem}To prove (\ref{fibrationsing}) we need Kawamata's canonical bundle formula as proved in \cite{Kol05}. A similar method has been used before in \cite{ambro} to study singularities of Fano contractions. \end{rem} \begin{defn}\cite{Kol05}(Standard normal crossing assumptions)\label{nc} We say that a projective morphism $f:X\to Y$ together with ${\mathbb Q}$-divisors $R$, $B$ satisfy the standard normal crossing assumptions if the following hold \begin{enumerate} \item $X$,$Y$ are smooth, \item $R+f^*B$ and $B$ are $snc$ divisors, \item $f$ is smooth over $Y\setminus B$, and \item $R$ is a relative $snc$ divisor over $Y\setminus B$. \end{enumerate} \end{defn} \begin{thm}[Kawamata's canonical bundle formula, see \cite{Kol05}]\label{KK} Let $f:X\to Y$ and $R$,$B$ satisfy the standard normal crossing assumptions. Let $F$ be the generic fibre of $f$. Assume that $K_X+R\sim_{{\mathbb Q}} f^*H_R$ for some ${\mathbb Q}$-divisor $H_R$ on $Y$. Let $R=R_h+R_v$ be the horizontal and vertical parts of $R$ and assume that when we write $R_h=R_{h(\geq 0)}-R_{h(\leq 0)}$ as the difference of its positive and negative parts, we have $h^0(F,\rdown{R_{h(\leq 0)}|_F})=1$. Then we can write $$K_{X/Y}+R \sim_{\mathbb Q} f^*(J(X/Y,R)+B_R)$$ where \begin{enumerate} \item The moduli part $J(X/Y,R)$ is nef and depends only on $(F,R_h|_F)$ and $Y$, \item The boundary part $B_R$ depends only on $f:X \to Y$ and $R_v$. More precisely, $B_R$ is the unique smallest ${\mathbb Q}$-divisor supported on $B$ such that $$red(f^*B)\geq R_v+f^*(B-B_R).$$ Moreover, \item The pair $(Y,B_R)$ is $lc$ iff The pair $(X,R)$ is $lc$. \item If $\rdown{R_h}\leq 0$, then the pair $(Y,B_R)$ is $klt$ iff the pair $(X,R)$ is $klt$. \item $B_i$ appears in $B_R$ with nonnegative coefficient if $f_*{\mathcal O}_X(\rdown{-R_v})\subset {\mathcal O}_{B_i,Y}$ \end{enumerate} \end{thm} \begin{rem} In the above formula, $J(X/Y,R)$ is only defined as a ${\mathbb Q}$-divisor class. However, $B_R$ is a ${\mathbb Q}$-divisor. \end{rem} \begin{proof}[Proof of (\ref{fibrationsing})] Since $h$ is a contraction of a $-(K_X+\Delta)$-negative ray, $-(K_X+\Delta)$ is $h$-ample. Thus there exist ample ${\mathbb Q}$-divisors $H_X$ (resp. $H_Y$) on $X$ (resp. $Y$) in general position such that $$ K_X + \Delta + H_X \sim_{{\mathbb Q}} h^*(H_Y)$$ Choose log resolutions $g:\overline{X} \to (X,\Delta)$ and $d:\overline{Y}\to Y$ such that we have the following commutative diagram $$\xymatrix{ \overline{X} \ar@{->}[r]^{g}\ar[d]_{\overline{h}} & X\ar[d]^{h} \\ \overline{Y}\ar@{->}[r]^{d} & Y }$$ There exists a Cartier divisor $R$ on $\overline{X}$ such that $$ K_{\overline{X}/X}+R= g^*(\Delta+H_X)$$ After further blowup we may assume $\overline{h}:\overline{X}\to \overline{Y}$, the divisor $R$, and a reduced divisor $B$ on $\overline{Y}$ containing ${\rm Supp}(d^{-1}(D))$ satisfy the standard normal crossing assumptions (\ref{nc}). \noindent We can choose above $H_X=\sum d_iH_i$, where $0<d_i \ll 1$ and $H_i$ are divisors which are in general position. We now apply (\ref{KK}) to $\overline{h}:\overline{X}\to \overline{Y},R$ and $B$. Since the negative part of $R$ consists of exceptional divisors, $h^0(F,\rdown{R_{h(\leq 0)}})=1$. Thus by (\ref{KK}) we have $$K_{\overline{X}}+R \sim_{{\mathbb Q}} \overline{h}^*(K_{\overline{Y}}+J(\overline{X}/\overline{Y},R)+B_R)$$ \begin{lemma} For every $i$ the coefficient in $B_R$ of the birational transform of $D_i$ in $\overline{Y}$ is $1$. Furthermore, every log canonical center $W$ of $(\overline{Y},B_R)$ satisfies that $d(W)=\cap_J D_j$ for some $J\subset \{1,...,m\}$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} The first part of the lemma is because of (\ref{KK}(2)) and the fact that $R$ is a subboundary (i.e. the coefficients are less or equal to 1, not necessarily nonnegative) which contains a component dominating $D_i$ for every $i$, whose coefficient in $R$ is 1. \noindent The reason for the second part is similar to the one just given. Let $D$ be an exceptional divisor of $\overline{Y}$ whose center in $\overline{Y}$ is a log canonical center $W$ of $(\overline{Y},D)$. To show $d(W)$ is of the form $\bigcap_JD_J$ in $Y$, we may blow up $\overline{Y}$ and $\overline{X}$ further and assume $D=W$ and the coefficient of $D$ in $B_R$ is $1$. But this implies that there is a component $E$ of $R_v$ dominating $B$ such that the coefficient of $E$ in $R_v$ is one. The image of $E$ in $X$ is a log canonical center of $(X,\Delta)$ and hence is of the form $\bigcap_{i\in J}\Delta_i$ for some $J\in \{1,...,m\}$. Thus $d(W)=\bigcap_{i\in J}D_J$. \end{proof} \noindent Now we only need to prove that $(Y,D)$ is log canonical. For this we first claim that \begin{lemma} $d_*B_R$ is an effective divisor. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} By (\ref{KK}($2$)) it follows that if an irreducible component $B_1$ appears in $B_R$ with negative coefficient then every component of $\overline{h}^*B_1$ appears in $R_v$ with negative coefficient. But since all negative components of $R$ have to be $g$ exceptional, it follows that $B_1$ is also $d$-exceptional. This proves the lemma. \end{proof} \noindent To check $(Y,D)$ is canonical, it is enough to check that for every divisor $E$ on $\overline{Y}$ $a(E,Y,D)\geq -1$. Since $J(\overline{X}/\overline{Y})$ is nef, for every $\epsilon >0$ we can choose an effective divisor $J_{\epsilon}\sim_{{\mathbb Q}} J(\overline{X}/\overline{Y})+d^*H_Y$ such that for every divisor $E$ on $Y$ $a(E,\overline{Y},J_{\epsilon}+B_R)>-1-\epsilon$. Because $K_{\overline{Y}}+J_{\epsilon}+B_R \sim_{{\mathbb Q}} d^*(A)$ for some ${\mathbb Q}$-divisor $A$ on $Y$, then we have $$K_{\overline{Y}}+J_{\epsilon}+B_R \sim_{{\mathbb Q}} d^*(K_Y+d_*(J_{\epsilon}+B_R))$$ But $D\leq d_*(J_{\epsilon}+B_R)$. Hence for every divisor $E$ on $Y$ we have $$ a(E,Y,D)\geq -1-\epsilon $$ Taking the limit as $\epsilon \to 0$ we see that $(Y,D)$ is log canonical. \end{proof} \begin{proof}[Proof of (\ref{surface})] The idea of the proof is similar to that of (\ref{deg-ran}). Let us assume $\dim X_t=3$, for the case of smaller dimension, the argument is similar but eaiser. Let $\Delta$ be the sum of all irreducible components of $X_0$, each with coefficient one. Then after running the relative minimal model program for $(X,\Delta)$ we arrive at one of the following two cases. \begin{enumerate} \item[Case(1)] $$\xymatrix{ (X,\Delta) \ar@{-->}[r]^{\phi}\ar[d]_{\pi} & (X',\Delta')\ar[d]^{\pi'} \\ C \ar@{=}[r] & C }$$ where $\pi'$ has relative Picard number one. \item[Case(2)] $$\xymatrix{ (X,\Delta) \ar@{-->}[r]^{\phi}\ar[d]_{\pi} & (X',\Delta')\ar[d]^{\pi'}\ar[r]^h & Y \ar[dl]^f \\ C \ar@{=}[r] & C & }$$ where \begin{enumerate} \item[(i)] Relative Picard number of $h$ is one, \item[(ii)] $X$ and $X'$ are birational, and $h: X'\to Y$ is a Fano contraction of relative dimension two, and \item[(iii)] $Y/C$ is of relative dimension one with generic fiber isomorphic to $\P^1_{k(C)}$. \end{enumerate} \item[Case(3)] $$\xymatrix{ (X,\Delta) \ar@{-->}[r]^{\phi}\ar[d]_{\pi} & (X',\Delta')\ar[d]^{\pi'}\ar[r]^h & Y \ar[dl]^f \\ C \ar@{=}[r] & C & }$$ where \begin{enumerate} \item[(i)] Relative Picard number of $h$ is one, \item[(ii)] $X$ and $X'$ are birational, and $h: X'\to Y$ is a Fano contraction of relative dimension one, and \item[(iii)] $Y/C$ is of relative dimension two. \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \noindent {\it Case ($1$)}: Every irreducible component of $\Delta'$ contributes to the relative Picard number of $\pi'$. Since the relative Picard number is one $\Delta'$ must be irreducible. It is also geometrically connected since fibres of $\pi'$ are geometrically connected. By lemma(\ref{dltklt}) $\Delta'$ is $klt$, in particular normal. A normal geometrically connected variety over $k$ is geometrically irreducible. Hence $\Delta'$ is geometrically irreducible. \noindent Since $\Delta'$ is a degeneration of a proper rationally chain connected scheme, it is rationally chain connected. But $\Delta'$ is $klt$, hence by \cite{hm05} it is in fact rationally connected. This proves that $\Delta'$ is geometrically irreducible as well as rationally connected. By (\ref{dltklt}($i$)), $\Delta' = \phi_*\Delta_i$ for some irreducible component $\Delta_i$ of $\Delta$. Hence $\Delta_i$ is also rationally connected and geometrically irreducible.\\ \noindent {\it Case ($2$)}: Let $\{\Delta_i'\}_{1\leq i \leq s}$ be the irreducible components of $\Delta'$ and let $\Delta_i'=\phi_*\Delta_i$. Let $D=\sum_{i=1}^sD_i$. By (\ref{fibrationsing}) $(Y,D)\to C$ satisfies hypothesis (\ref{hypommp}). \noindent We first claim that there exists an irreducible components $D_{j_0}$ of $D$ which is rationally connected and in particular geometrically irreducible. The generic fibre of $Y/C$ is isomorphic to $\P^1$ and hence $-(K_Y+D)$ is not pseudo-effective. Thus after running the minimal model program for $(Y,D)/C$ we arrive at the following situation. $$\xymatrix{ (Y,D) \ar@{-->}[r]^{\phi}\ar[d]_{\pi_Y} & (Y',D')\ar[d]^{\pi'_Y} \\ C \ar@{=}[r] & C }$$ where $\pi'_Y$ has relative Picard number one. The claim now follows by an argument similar to that in Case($1$). \noindent Now look at $\Delta'_{j_0}$. It is geometrically irreducible by (\ref{oneone}). Let $\Delta''\to \Delta_{j_0}$ be a resolution of singularities. Then by \cite{hm05}(1.2), every fibre of $h':\Delta''\to D_{j_0}$ is rationally chain connected. In particular the generic fiber is rationally connected since it is also smooth. This together with \cite{ghs} and the fact that $D_{j_0}$ is rationally connected proves that $\Delta''$ and hence $\Delta'_{j_0}$ is rationally connected. Since $\Delta_{j_0}$ and $\Delta_{j_0}'$ are birational, $\Delta_{j_0}$ is also rationally connected.\\ \noindent{\it Case ($3$)} The proof is similar as in Case (2). We need to use induction to prove there exists a rationally connected subvariety in $Y_0$. Hence it suffices to prove that when we run the minimal model program for $(Y,D)$, it terminates with a Fano contraction. In another words, it suffices to show the non-pseudo-effectivity of $K_Y+D$. Now $\phi|_{X_t}: X_t\to Y_t$ is a Fano contraction of an extremal ray of $K_{X_t}$, and $X_t$ is a terminal three-fold. Apply the Theorem 1.2.7 of \cite{mp}, we conclude that $Y_t$ only contains Du Val singularity of type A. In particular, since $X$ is rationally connected, $Y_t$ is a rational surface with canonical singularity. Take the minimal resolution $d:\overline{Y}_t \to Y_t$, then $$H^0(Y_t,mK_{Y_t})=H^0(\overline{Y}_t,d^*(mK_{Y_t}))=H^0(\overline{Y}_t,mK_{\overline{Y}_t})=0.$$ Since $K_Y+D|_{Y_t}=K_{Y_t}$, we conclude that $K_Y+D$ is non-pseudo-effective. \end{proof} \begin{rem}\label{hard} \noindent One can also try to answer (\ref{mainq'}) or (\ref{mainq}) in higher dimensions by the same method as above. In this case one would not have to deal with the case of degeneration of Fano varieties separately. The missing property here is the non-pseudo-effectivity of $K_Y+D$ where $(Y,D)$ is a result of a Fano contraction. This non-pseudo-effectivity is by no means automatic except in the case when relative dimension of $Y/C$ is one. In fact, in dimension $\geq 2$, Koll\'ar has constructed a family of rational varieties with only quotient singularities, but whose canonical divisor is ${\mathbb Q}$-ample (cf. \cite{kollar06}). As a stronger evidence to show the restriction of our approach toward (\ref{mainq}), Prokohorv even constructs an example of $h:X\to Y$ a Fano contraction, where $X$ is a rationally connected variety of terminal singularity, but $Y$ has a ${\mathbb Q}$-effective canonical bundle. \end{rem} \begin{ex}[Prokhorov]\label{counter} \noindent Let $S$ be the surface $x^n+y^n+z^n+w^n=0$ in $\P^3$, the group $G={\mathbb Z}/n$ acts on $\P^3$ and $S$ with weights $(0,0,1,1)$. Let $Y:=S/G$, and $\pi:S \to Y$ is the quotient morphism. Since $\pi$ is \'etale outside finite points, thus $\pi^*(K_Y)=K_S$. So when $n\ge 4$, $K_Y$ is ${\mathbb Q}$-effective. We claim $Y$ is rational. In fact, the projection map $p:S\to \P^1$ by sending $(x,y,z,w)$ to $(x,y)$ will factor through $Y$. The generic fiber of the map $p$ is birational to the affine curve $(z^n+w^n+\lambda=0)\subset {\mathbb A}^2$, so the generic fiber of the map from $Y$ to $\P^1$ is birational to the curve $(z^n+w^n+\lambda=0)/ G$, which is also rational. We conclude that $Y$ is a rational surface. \noindent Now consider the action of $G(={\mathbb Z}/n)$ on $\P^{n-1}$ with the weights $(0,1,...,n-1)$. We define $X:= (\P^{n-1}\times S) /G$, where $G$ acts diagonally. For a fixed point $x$ of a $g\in G$ on $(\P^{n-1}\times S) /G$, if we write the eigenvalue of $g$ on $T_x$ as $e(r_1),...,e(r_{n+1})$, where $e(x):=e^{2\pi ix}$ and $0\le r_i<1$. Then to prove $X$ contains only terminal singularity, it suffices to prove that for any element nontrivial element $g$ and any $x$ stablized by $g$, the $age$ satisfies $${\rm age}_x(g):=r_1+\cdots+r_{n+1}>1.$$ (cf. \cite{reid}, Theorem 4.6). Now when $n\ge 4$, we can see that the above condition holds for our case. \noindent We define the map $h:X\to Y$ by descending the second projection of $p_2: \P^{n+1}\times S\to S$, which is equivariant. It is easy to see that $h$ is a Mori contraction of an extremal ray. Since any terminal variety is an output of a minimal model program which starts with a smooth variety (simply reverse the desingularization process), we in fact have an example, where we start with a smooth rationally connected variety, but running the minimal model program terminates with a contraction to a variety of ample canonical bundle. \end{ex} \noindent Finally we give an example of a simple normal crossing variety of dimension $3$ which is rationally chain connected but none of its components are rationally connected. \begin{ex}\label{counterex} \noindent Let $C$ be any smooth curve in $\P^2$ of genus $g \geq 2$. Let $i:C \hookrightarrow \P^2$ be the closed embedding of $C$ in $\P^2$. Let $$ \xymatrix{ & \P^2\times_k C = X_1 \\ C\times_k C\ar[ru]^{i_1}\ar[rd]^{i_2} & \\ & \P^2\times_k C = X_2 } $$ be two maps defined by $i_1 = (i,id_{C})$ and $i_2 = (id_{C}, i)$. Glue $X_1$ and $X_2$ along the maps $i_1,i_2$. The resulting three dimensional variety $X=X_1\bigcup X_2$ is simple normal crossing as well as rationally chain connected. But neither $X_1$ nor $X_2$ is rationally connected. \end{ex} \section{Rationally Connected Subvarieties of the Exceptional Locus}\label{section:exc} \noindent In this section we prove Theorem(\ref{exc.thm}). \begin{lem} Let $X/k$ be a normal variety. Let $\pi:X'\to X$ be a proper birational morphism. Then after further blowing up $X'$ if necessary we can find an effective exceptional divisor $A$ on $X'$ such that $-A$ is $\pi$-ample. \end{lem} \begin{proof} It is enough to prove the lemma for one particular $\pi:X'\to X$ with $X'$ smooth. For any quasiprojective variety $S$, if $f:S_{{\mathcal I}} \to S$ is the blow up of an ideal sheaf ${\mathcal I}$ on $S$ then $E({\mathcal I})= \pi^{-1}{\mathcal I}$ is an effective divisor on $S_{{\mathcal I}}$ which is anti $f$-ample. Now let $\pi:X'\to X$ be the resolution of singularities obtained by successively blowing up centers disjoint from the smooth locus of $X$, in particular $\pi$ is projective. Suitable positive linear combination of (strict transforms of) divisors of the form $E({\mathcal I})$ gives us an effective divisor $A$ on $X'$ such that $-A$ is $\pi$-ample. Since $X$ is normal this divisor $E$ is $\pi$-exceptional. \end{proof} \begin{proof}[Proof of (\ref{exc.thm})] For getting hold of a geometrically irreducible subvariety of $\pi^{-1}(p)$ we follow the general idea of the proof of main theorem in \cite{kollarax}. First by base extending to $k(p)$ we may assume $p$ is a $k$-point. By replacing $X$ by a suitable open neighbourhood of $p$ we may assume $X$ is affine. We claim that there exists an effective ${\mathbb Q}$-divisor $\Delta_1\sim_{\mathbb Q} 0$ passing through $p$ such that $(X,\Delta+\Delta_1)$ is $klt$ outside $p$ and log canonical at $p$. Since $X$ is affine, taking a $\Delta_1$ to be a suitable rational multiple of a sufficiently general section of ${\mathcal O}_X$ passing through $p$ with high multiplicity does the job. \\ \noindent By further blowing up $X'$ we may assume \begin{enumerate} \item[(i)]$\pi:X'\to X$ is a log resolution of $(X,\Delta+\Delta_1)$, \item[(ii)]$\pi^{-1}(p)$ is a divisor, and \item[(iii)]There is an effective exceptional divisor $A$ on $X'$ such that $-A$ is $\pi$-ample. \end{enumerate} Let $\{E_i\}_{1\leq i \leq r}$ be the exceptional divisors lying over $p$ and let $\{F_j\}_{1\leq j \leq s}$ be the remaining exceptional divisors of $\pi$.\\ \noindent Henceforth we will use the notation "$\sim_{\mathbb Q} $" to denote ${\mathbb Q}$-numerical equivalence of ${\mathbb Q}$-divisors relative to $\pi$. In another words, for two ${\mathbb Q}$-Cartier divisors $A$ and $B$, we write $A\sim_{{\mathbb Q}}B$ iff $$A\cdot \eta=B\cdot \eta,$$ for any $\eta \in N_1(X'/X)$, then we have $$ K_{X'} \sim_{{\mathbb Q}} \sum_{i=1}^r a_iE_i + \sum_{j=1}^sb_jF_j - \Delta'$$ where \begin{enumerate} \item[(i)] $a_i\geq -1 \ \forall \ i$ with equality holding for at least one $i$, \item[(ii)] $b_j >-1\ \forall j$, and \item[(iii)] $\Delta'$ is the birational transform of $\Delta+\Delta_1$ hence $\rdown{\Delta'}=0$. \end{enumerate} Let $$ A = \sum_{i=1}^rc_i E_i + \sum_{j=1}^sd_jF_j$$ By replacing $A$ by $\frac{1}{n}A$ for $n$ large enough we may assume the coefficients $c_i$ and $d_j$ are sufficiently small as compared to one. For small rational numbers $\epsilon>0$ and $\{\delta_i\}_{1\leq i \leq r}$ consider the following divisor $$K_{X'}-\pi^*(K_X+\Delta+(1-\epsilon)\Delta_1)-(A+\sum_i\delta_iE_i) \sim_{\mathbb Q} K_{X'}-(A+\sum_i\delta_iE_i) -\Delta'(\epsilon)$$ $$\sim_{{\mathbb Q}}\sum_{i=1}^r a_i(\epsilon,\delta)E_i + \sum_{j=1}^sb_j(\epsilon)F_j - \Delta'(\epsilon) $$ where $\Delta'(\epsilon)$ is the birational transform of $\Delta+(1-\epsilon)\Delta_1$. Notice that $b_j(\epsilon)>-1$ for all $\epsilon >0$ and all $j$. Choose $\epsilon$ and $\delta_i's$ such that \begin{enumerate} \item[(i)] $A+\sum_i\delta_iE_i=A'$ is effective and such that $-A'$ is $\pi$-ample (this is true for all $\delta_i$ small enough because ampleness is an open condition), and \item[(ii)]$a_i(\epsilon,\delta)\geq -1$ with equality holding for exactly one $i$ (say $i=1$). \end{enumerate} Thus we can write $$ K_{X'}-A' \sim_{{\mathbb Q}} -E_1 + E - M$$ where $$ E = \sum_{i\geq 2}\rup{a_i(\epsilon,\delta)}E_i+\sum_j\rup{b_j(\epsilon)}F_j$$ is an effective exceptional divisor and $M$ is an effective $snc$ divisor (having no common components with $E_1$) and such that $\rdown{M}=0$. \noindent Thus by relative Kawamata-Viehweg vanishing theorem we get $$ R^1\pi_*{\mathcal O}_{X'}(-E_1+E)=0.$$ This gives us a surjection $${\mathcal O}_X \cong \pi_*{\mathcal O}_{X'}(E)\to \pi_*{\mathcal O}_{E_1}\to 0$$ which proves $E_1$ is geometrically irreducible. \\ \noindent We claim that $E_1$ is also rationally connected. Since $-A'$ is $\pi$-ample and since $X$ is affine it is actually ample. Choose a general divisor $W$ such that $-A'\sim_{{\mathbb Q}}W$ and such that $\rdown{W}=0$. Since $W$ is general, it has simple normal crossings with all exceptional divisors and also with $M$. Let $M'=M+W$. Then $M'$ supports an ample divisor and we have $$K_{X'}+E_1+M' \sim_{{\mathbb Q}} E$$ But $E$ is an effective divisor having no common components with $E_1$. Thus $K_{E_1}+M'_{|E_1}$ is effective and as in proof of (\ref{mainthm}) rational connectivity of $E_1$ will follow by (\cite{hm05}, $4.1$) once we show $\kappa(K_{E_1}+M'_{|E_1})=0$. As in the proof of (\ref{specialcase}) this follows from (\ref{extensionthm}) and using the fact that $E$ is effective exceptional. \end{proof} \begin{rem} Theorem(\ref{exc.thm}) can fail for varieties having log canonical singularities. See (\cite{kollarax}, $9$) for an example. \end{rem}
We greatly appreciate the comments contributed by one of the peer reviewers. Apparently, his comments have clearly sorted out the limitations our article involves. We recognize all the limitations and still, we believe the Diagnosis Procedure Combination (DPC) system in Japan is worth being aware of as a novel medical database in Asia. As for the first point, the DPC database only involves 65.1% of general beds, so most readers may think it insufficient for calculating the incidence, even as an assumption. It is difficult for us to describe the statistical characteristics of the 34.9% non-DPC general beds, but those are mostly inactive, and the management of newly diagnosed spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (sICH) without referring to the DPC hospitals must be quite minor. Considering the acute and severe onset of sICH, most sICH cases are captured in the DPC hospitals. The masked rate, noted as the second issue, has been troublesome for the prefectural analysis, but the number we lost during analysis is calculable, at around 10%. We believe this limitation can be avoidable in the near future by accessing this database directly as a certified researcher, since the qualification process for analyzing the whole content of this database is currently being established. Then, how can we prove the adequacy of the calculated incidence from defective case numbers? This is mentioned as the third limitation, and the correspondent insists that it be concluded that the DPC data is worthless for the estimation of the incidence. We feel the statistical results we presented are marginal, but also difficult to dismiss as meaningless. The correspondent may be right; however, the value of the DPC system as a medical database should be recognized because of its attractive features, which we explained in the article. The main objective of our article is presenting the profile of this database system, and the presentation of the statistics may be insufficient, including lacking confidence intervals, partly because the word limits of the journal. Instead, all the data for the statistics are available in the Appendix; thus the analysis can be replicated. We, the authors, hope that many readers of this journal find value in our article. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare for this study.
\section{Introduction} The inspiral and merger of binary black holes or neutron stars is one of the most promising sources for current and future generations of gravitational wave detectors such as LIGO and VIRGO. The late stage of the inspiral, corresponding to the final few orbits and merger of the binary, is highly dynamical and involves strong gravitational fields, and it must be handled by numerical relativity. Breakthroughs in numerical relativity have allowed a system of two inspiraling black holes to be evolved through merger and the ringdown of the remnant black hole ~\cite{Pretorius2005a,Pretorius2006,Campanelli2006a,Baker2006a,Campanelli-Lousto-Zlochower:2006,Herrmann2007b,Diener2006,Scheel2006,Sperhake2006,Bruegmann2006,Marronetti2007,Etienne2007,Szilagyi2007,Boyle2007,Scheel2009}. During the inspiral of an isolated binary, the orbit circularizes via the emission of gravitational waves~\cite{Peters1964,PetersMathews1963}. As a result, even binaries starting with some eccentricity at the beginning of their stellar evolution are expected to have negligible eccentricity by the time the frequency of the emitted gravitational radiation enters the frequency band of ground based detectors. However, different physical scenarios~\cite{Kozai1962,Gultekin-Miller-Hamilton2003,Miller-Hamilton2002,Chaurasia-Bailes2005,Ford-Kozinsky-Rasio2000,Ford-Kozinsky-Rasio2004,Wen2003,Melvyn2005,OLeary2009} suggest that binaries could approach merger with a significant eccentricity without being circularized by radiation reaction. This implies that eccentric binaries are a potential gravitational wave source for ground based interferometers. For example, in globular clusters, the Kozai mechanism~\cite{Kozai1962} could increase the eccentricity of an inner binary's orbit through a secular resonance caused by a third perturbing black hole on an outer orbit~\cite{Miller-Hamilton2002}. Many-body encounters of black holes in globular clusters could also result in the merger of highly eccentric binaries~\cite{Gultekin-Miller-Hamilton2003}. Ref.~\cite{Wen2003} predicted that 30\% of the hierarchical triple black hole systems formed in a globular cluster will possess eccentricities greater than 0.1 when their emitted gravitational waves pass through a frequency of 10Hz. For these reasons considerable attention has been paid to eccentric binaries. Analytical waveform templates have been constructed for the gravitational wave signal emitted by compact binaries moving in inspiraling eccentric orbits~\cite{Damour2004,KonigsdorfferGopakumar2006,Memmesheimer-etal:2004}. In this case, orbits involve three different time scales: orbital period, periastron advance and radiation reaction time scales. By combining these three time scales, one computes ``postadiabatic'' short-period contributions to the orbital phasing and gravitational wave polarizations. These gravitational wave polarizations are needed for astrophysical measurements with gravitational wave interferometers. Refs.~\cite{MartelPoisson1999,Cokelaer2009,BrownZimmerman2009} investigated the impact of eccentricity on gravitational wave detection, specifically the potential loss in the signal-to-noise ratio when ``circular'' waveform templates are applied to search for eccentric binaries. Eccentric black hole binaries have also been studied with direct numerical simulations. Ref.~\cite{Birjoo2009} studied the variation of the signal to noise of the eccentric evolutions of intermediate mass binary black hole mergers as a function of mass and eccentricity. Ref.~\cite{HealyEtAl2009} presented binary black holes in zoom-whirl orbits where the waveforms are modulated by the harmonics of these zoom-whirls. In Ref.~\cite{Sperhake2008Ecc}, the authors studied the transition from inspiral to plunge in general relativity by computing gravitational waveforms of eccentric nonspinning, equal mass black-hole binaries. They analyzed the radiation of energy and angular momentum in gravitational waves, the contribution of different multipolar components and the final spin of the remnant black hole. Ref.~\cite{HinderBirjoo2008} presented results from numerical simulations of equal-mass, nonspinning binary black hole inspiral and merger for various eccentricities, and they measured the final mass and spin of the remnant black hole. Ref.~\cite{HinderEcc2008} compared a numerical relativity simulation of an eccentric binary system with eccentricity $0.1$ with corresponding post-Newtonian (PN) results. They found better agreement when the eccentric PN expressions are expanded in terms of the frequency-related parameter $x\equiv(\Omega M)^{2/3}$, where $\Omega$ is orbital frequency and $M$ is total mass of the binary, rather than the mean motion $n=2\pi/P$, where $P$ is the orbital period. Beyond the Newtonian limit, the orbital eccentricity is not uniquely defined and a variety of definitions have appeared in the literature. Ref.~\cite{Lincoln-Will:1990} used a definition of the eccentricity for which a Newtonian orbit is momentarily tangent to the true orbit (the ``osculating'' eccentricity), while other authors~\cite{Damour-Schafer:1988,Damour2004,KonigsdorfferGopakumar2006,Memmesheimer-etal:2004} defined multiple ``eccentricities'' to encapsulate different aspects of noncircular orbits at PN order. Another useful definition for large eccentricity in numerical simulations is given in Refs.~\cite{Berti2006,Will-Mora:2002}. Similarly, numerical relativists~\cite{Buonanno-Cook-Pretorius:2007,Baker2006d,Pfeiffer-Brown-etal:2007,Husa-Hannam-etal:2007,CampanelliEtal2009} introduced several methods for defining and measuring the eccentricity using the residual oscillations in the orbital frequency, proper horizon separation and coordinate separation. These eccentricity definitions are necessary to compare the numerical waveforms with the waveforms produced by analytic techniques (i.e., PN methods). They behave differently depending on the magnitude of the eccentricity and details of the numerical simulation, like employed gauge conditions, or presence of numerical noise. This makes it important to specify the validity regimes of these definitions. This paper deals with two related topics: First, we revisit many of the eccentricity definitions used so far in numerical work and compare them systematically. We find that for eccentricities of a few percent, most definitions work satisfactorily. However, for very small eccentricities, $e\sim 10^{-4}$, computation of the eccentricity based on the extracted gravitational waves is superior. In the second part of the paper, we measure decay of orbital eccentricity and periastron advance for inspiraling black hole binaries, and compare these measurements to post-Newtonian calculations. Section~\ref{sec:eccentricity-estimator} summarizes eccentricity definitions that are useful for measuring eccentricity in quasi-circular runs. In Section~\ref{sec:eccentricity-estimator}, we compare these approaches, as well as some new ones, on the 15-orbit inspiral presented by Boyle et al.~\cite{Boyle2007} and on the data of a new simulation of an eccentric ($e=0.05$) nonspinning equal mass binary black hole. Next, by measuring the extrema in the eccentricity estimator, we estimate in Sec.~\ref{sec:Peter-Mathew} the decay of the eccentricity of these runs as well as the radial frequency. This allows us in Section~\ref{sec:periastron-advance} to estimate the periastron advance for these runs from the ratio of the orbital frequency to the radial frequency as well as the periastron advance of a set of quasi-circular nonspinning binaries of mass ratios 2, 3, 4 and 6. The numerically estimated periastron advance is then compared to the 3PN formula of the periastron advance~\cite{Memmesheimer-etal:2004,Damour-Schafer:1988,DJS2000}. \section{Eccentricity estimators} \label{sec:eccentricity-estimator} \subsection{Definitions} \label{sec:eccentricity} For a non-precessing binary in an orbit with zero eccentricity, orbital variables and their time derivatives change monotonically as the holes inspiral to merger. In numerical simulations, however, a small eccentricity is introduced by imperfections of the initial data. As a result, small residual oscillations with amplitude proportional to the eccentricity are added to the monotonically changing orbital variables and their derivatives. To estimate the eccentricity, one needs to determine these residual oscillations. Different methods to estimate the eccentricity~\cite{Pfeiffer-Brown-etal:2007,Husa-Hannam-etal:2007,Buonanno-Cook-Pretorius:2007} used the orbital frequency, separation between the holes (coordinate or proper separation), or some Newtonian formula containing both of these variables. Similarly, time derivatives of these variables could be used in these definitions of the eccentricity. Basically all approaches construct an {\em eccentricity estimator} $e_X(t)$ such that for Newtonian orbits \begin{equation} \label{eq:e1} e_X(t) = e \cos(\Omega_r t+\phi), \end{equation} where $e$ is the eccentricity\footnote{The eccentricity $e$ is well-defined for Newtonian orbits.} and $\Omega_r$ is the frequency of radial oscillations in the quasi-circular orbit. The key property of $e_X(t)$ is that it is an oscillating function with amplitude equal to $e$. In order to define eccentricity for general relativistic inspirals, one computes a tentative eccentricity estimator $e_X(t)$, and checks its behavior. If it behaves as Eq.~(\ref{eq:e1}), one reads off the eccentricity $e$ as the amplitude of the oscillations. The resulting eccentricity estimates are not local in time nor continuous functions of time but rather orbit-averaged quantities. Deviation from sinusoidal behavior indicates that particular eccentricity estimator is not reliable, and one must verify to what extent the eccentricity estimators behave as expected and to what extent they agree. The estimated value of the eccentricity will differ slightly depending on the method used and the noise in the numerical data. In this paper, we compare typical eccentricity estimates using a Newtonian formula as in Ref.~\cite{Buonanno-Cook-Pretorius:2007} or the orbital frequency and separation as in Ref.~\cite{Husa-Hannam-etal:2007}. These eccentricities are also compared to new ones computed from the wave phase and frequency extracted at a given radius. Other definitions of the eccentricity could be used, but we restrict the study to these typical definitions. To make this rather abstract discussion more concrete, consider the Newtonian formula for the radial distance $d$ between the two objects with eccentricity $e_{\rm Newt}$ \begin{equation}\label{eq:da} d(t) = d_0 \left[ 1+ e_{\rm Newt} \cos(\Omega_r t+\phi_0) \right] + O(e^2)\, . \end{equation} Based on this formula, one can define the eccentricity estimator $e_{d}(t)$ \begin{equation} e_{d}(t) \equiv \frac{d(t) - \overline{d}(t)}{\overline{d}(t)} = e \cos(\Omega_r t+\phi_0), \end{equation} where the average distance $\bar{d}$ equals $d_0$ in Newtonian gravity. For a general relativistic system, one obtains $\bar d(t)$ by a fit over several radial oscillation periods. If the residual $d(t)-\bar d(t)$ oscillates sinusoidally---which it indeed does for sufficiently large eccentricity---the amplitude of these oscillations defines an associated eccentricity $e_d$. From the trajectory of the two objects, one can also use the orbital phase and frequency to define the corresponding eccentricity estimators using the following Newtonian relation~\cite{Murray-Dermott}: \begin{equation} \label{eq:fm} \Phi={\cal M} + 2e \sin {\cal M } + \frac{5}{4} e^2 \sin2 {\cal M}+ O(e^3)\,, \end{equation} where $\cal M$ is the mean anomaly and $\Phi$ is the orbital phase. Equivalent to Eq.~(\ref{eq:fm}) for numerical simulations is the relationship \begin{equation} \label{eq:Phi} \Phi(t)= \Phi_0 + \Omega_0 t + 2 e \sin (\Omega_r t ) + O(e^2)\,, \end{equation} where $\Omega_0$ is the average fitted orbital frequency and $\Phi_0$ is some phase offset. Then the eccentricity estimator $e_\Phi(t)$ is written as \begin{equation} \label{eq:eop} e_\Phi(t)= \frac{ \Phi(t) - \Phi_0 - \Omega_0 t }{ 2 }\,. \end{equation} From the time derivative of Eq.~(\ref{eq:Phi}) and the replacement $\Omega_r\to\Omega_0$, we obtain an eccentricity estimator in terms of the orbital frequency (as in Ref.~\cite{Husa-Hannam-etal:2007}) \begin{equation} \label{eq:eof} e_\Omega(t)= \frac{\Omega(t)-\Omega_0}{2\Omega_0} \,. \end{equation} Notice that since the radial oscillation results from eccentricity, $\Omega_r$ is different from $\Omega_0$, the average of the orbital frequency. The eccentricities of Eqs.~(\ref{eq:eop}) and~(\ref{eq:eof}) will differ by a factor $\Omega_r/\Omega_0$. For Newtonian orbits, $\Omega_r/\Omega_0 = 1$, and this factor drops out. But for the binary black hole case, the factor is about 1.4, causing the difference between Figs.~\ref{fig:FilteredWavePhase} and ~\ref{fig:FilteredWaveFrequency} below. This is easily seen by writing the eccentricity estimator from Eqs.~(\ref{eq:Phi}) and~(\ref{eq:eof}) as \begin{equation} \frac{\dot{\Phi}(t) - \Omega_0}{2 \Omega_0} = e \Omega_r/\Omega_0 \sin(\Omega_r t)\,. \end{equation} \subsection{Numerical data} Before introducing several further eccentricity estimators, let us briefly describe the numerical binary black hole simulations that we will analyze. All runs have been performed with the Spectral Einstein Code (SpEC)~\cite{SpECwebsite}. We will primarily analyze the 16 orbit long inspiral simulation of an equal mass, non-spinning black hole binary presented in Ref.~\cite{Boyle2007} (specifically, the run labeled 30c-1). This run with eccentricity of about $6\times 10^{-5}$ is used to compute the eccentricity data in Figs.~\ref{fig:BCP}, \ref{fig:Jena}, \ref{fig:FilteredWavePhase} and \ref{fig:FilteredWaveFrequency}. To compute eccentricity estimators, we use the orbital frequency $\Omega$, the coordinate separation between the holes $D$, the proper horizon separation $s$ (defined as the integrated distance between the holes along the coordinate axis, cf. Ref.~\cite{Boyle2007}) as well as the gravitational wave phase $\phi$ and the gravitational wave frequency $\omega$. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[scale=0.47]{ProperHorSepe05} \caption{\label{fig:PropSepe05} The equal mass nonspinning binary run with eccentricity $e\sim0.05$. As a function of time, the top panel shows the proper horizon separation and the bottom panel shows the orbital frequency. For such a value of the eccentricity, it is easy to measure the decay rate of the eccentricity and estimate the periastron advance of the binary near the merger.} \end{figure} Furthermore, we utilize recent runs of quasi-circular nonspinning binaries~\cite{Buchman-etal-in-prep} with mass ratios 2, 3, 4 (lasting 15 orbits) and mass ratio 6 (lasting 8 orbits). The eccentricity of these runs is also of the order of magnitude $10^{-5}$. The periastron advance and the resulting frequency modulation are estimated in Fig.~\ref{fig:precession-qneq1}. As a separate check, another equal mass nonspinning binary with moderate eccentricity ($e\sim0.05$) is evolved to compare various eccentricity estimators and measure the periastron advance for a case that is not quasi-circular. Figure~\ref{fig:PropSepe05} shows the proper separation as well as the orbital frequency as a function of time for this eccentric binary. \subsection{A Newtonian definition} The first use of eccentricity estimators was by Buonnano, Cook \& Pretorius~\cite{Buonanno-Cook-Pretorius:2007}, who consider the following relationship that holds for Newtonian orbits with eccentricity $e_{\rm Newt}$: \begin{equation} \label{eq:Omega} \left[\Omega_\phi(t)^2 r(t)^3/M-1\right] = e_{\rm Newt} \cos \phi(t)\,. \end{equation} Here $\Omega_\phi(t)$ and $\phi(t)$ denote orbital frequency and phase, respectively, and $r$ is the separation of the masses. Motivated by Eq.~(\ref{eq:Omega}), Buonnano, Cook \& Pretorius define an eccentricity estimator \begin{equation} \label{eq:DOmega} e_{\rm BCP}(t) = \Omega_\phi(t)^2 r(t)^3/M - \left[\Omega_\phi(t)^2 r(t)^3/M\right]_{\rm fit}\,, \end{equation} where now $\Omega_\phi(t)$ and $r(t)$ are extracted from the numerical simulation. To compute this eccentricity estimator $e_{\rm BCP}$, we fit the function $\Omega_\phi(t)^2 r(t)^3/M$ to a polynomial in time, \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:f} f(t) = \sum_{i=0}^{n} a_i t^{i}\,. \end{eqnarray} We found that a fifth order polynomial ensures a good fit. The polynomial order needs to be high enough to reliably capture the smooth inspiral trend in $\Omega(t)^2 r(t)^3/M$, but it should {\em not} capture the higher frequency oscillations due to eccentricity. When applying this procedure to a binary black hole inspiral, one has to decide how to generalize the Newtonian separation $r(t)$ to curved space. We use two choices, the coordinate distance $D(t)$ between the centers of the apparent horizons, and the proper separation $s(t)$ between the apparent horizons, computed along a straight coordinate line connecting the centers of the apparent horizons. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[scale=0.47]{fig1} \caption{\label{fig:BCP} Eccentricity estimator $e_{\rm BCP}$~\cite{Buonanno-Cook-Pretorius:2007} applied to a simulation with $e\sim 0.05$ (top panel) and $e\sim 6\times 10^{-5}$ (bottom panel). The dashed and solid lines correspond to $e_{\rm BCP}(t)$ computed from the coordinate separation and the proper horizon separation. For the large eccentricity run, $e_{\rm BCP}$ exhibits clear oscillations, whereas for the small eccentricity run, $e_{\rm BCP}$ is dominated by other features. In both cases, the amplitude of $e_{\rm BCP}$ is smaller when defined using coordinate distance $D$. } \end{figure} In Fig.~\ref{fig:BCP}, we plot the eccentricity estimator $e_{\rm BCP}$ computed using the coordinate separation and proper horizon separation as described above. In the top panel, we plot $e_{\rm BCP}(t)$ using the binary run with eccentricity $e\sim0.05$. Using the proper horizon separation $s$, the estimated initial eccentricity, $0.07$, is larger by nearly a factor of 2 than in the case where the coordinate separation $D$ is used ($0.03$). This is due to different numerical values for the distances, $(s/D)^3\sim 1.8$. Both eccentricity estimators are in phase during the whole time interval as expected. In both cases, the eccentricity magnitude decreases between $t=0$ and $t=2500M$. In this case, a clear decaying sinusoidal signal is obtained without any higher harmonics showing up at later times. In the bottom panel, we examine the equal mass binary with eccentricity $e\sim6\times 10^{-5}$. For this case, no clean sinusoidal signal is apparent. While $e_{\rm BCP}$ computed from $s(t)$ shows oscillations, they are {\em faster} than the orbital period, and can therefore not be attributed to orbital eccentricity. Because $e_{\rm BCP}$ does not show the expected behavior, it is not meaningful to attribute a value of eccentricity to this analysis. For these small eccentricities, $e_{\rm BCP}$ is dominated by other effects, possibly the coordinate dependence of the separation measurements. \subsection{ Eccentricity from orbital variables} Husa et al~\cite{Husa-Hannam-etal:2007} fitted directly the orbital frequency $\Omega(t)$ or the coordinate separation $D(t)$ to a function of the form \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:D} X_{\rm fit}(t) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} a_i (t_m-t)^{i/2}\,, \end{eqnarray} with fitting parameters $t_m$, the coalescence time, and the coefficients $a_i$. The eccentricity estimator is then defined as \begin{equation} \label{eq:eD} e_{\rm X}(t) = \frac{X_{\rm NR}(t)-X_{\rm fit}(t)}{k X_{\rm fit}(t)}\,, \end{equation} where $X_{\rm NR}(t)$ is the numerical orbital variable and $X_{\rm fit}(t)$ is the polynomial fit of $X_{\rm NR}(t)$. We shall compute three eccentricity estimators using Eq.~(\ref{eq:D}), which differ in the quantity being fitted: $e_s(t)$ and $e_D(t)$ are based on proper separation and coordinate separation between the black holes, with the value $k=1$; $e_\Omega(t)$ uses the orbital frequency, where $k=2$. In the Newtonian limit, these estimators are identical to first order in eccentricity. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{fig45} \caption{\label{fig:Jena} Eccentricity estimators based on orbital trajectories applied to simulations with eccentricity $e\sim 0.05$ (upper panel) and $e\sim 6\times 10^{-5}$ (lower panel). The quantities $e_\Omega$, $e_{s}$ and $e_{D}$ are computed from orbital frequency, proper horizon separation and coordinate separation using Eq.(\ref{eq:eD}).} \end{figure} Figure~\ref{fig:Jena} shows these eccentricity estimators for a run with fairly large eccentricity and for a run with very small eccentricity. For large eccentricity $e=0.05$, the various eccentricity estimators have a smooth decaying sinusoidal signal. This allows measuring a nearly identical value of the eccentricity for the three orbital variables from the amplitude of the residual oscillations. The phasing is also consistent between the different eccentricity estimates: The orbital frequency is a maximum when the separation is a minimum and vice-versa. In the bottom panel of Fig.~\ref{fig:Jena}, we plot the eccentricity estimators applied to a simulation with much smaller eccentricity $e\sim 6\times10^{-5}$. The behavior of $e_D$ and $e_\Omega$ is erratic. Higher-order harmonics are clearly visible, and the extrema are not monotonically decreasing, as one would expect from the circularizing effect of gravitational radiation. However, $e_s$ shows no increase in the eccentricity during the late stages of the inspiral, and no additional significant harmonics appears even at $t=3500M$. The order of the polynomial fit depends on the time range of the fit. In this case, a fifth order polynomial was enough to capture the oscillatory behavior in the eccentricity estimator in the time range $500M<t<3500M$. Note that the orbital phase could also be used to measure the eccentricity estimator using Eq.(\ref{eq:eD}) (but without division by $X_{\rm fit}$). \subsection{Eccentricity from gravitational waves} All eccentricity estimators discussed so far utilize coordinate-dependent quantities like separation or orbital frequency. Therefore, one might suspect that the higher harmonics visible in Figs.~\ref{fig:BCP} and~\ref{fig:Jena} are caused by gauge effects. The gravitational radiation at future null infinity is expected to be gauge-invariant, removing the dependence on gauge-dependent quantities. These considerations motivate the use of the gravitational wave phase and frequency to define eccentricity. We extract the $(l,m)=(2,2)$ mode of the gravitational wave using the Newman-Penrose scalar $\Psi_4$ and define the wave phase $\phi(t)$ as~\cite{Boyle2007} \begin{equation} \Psi_4^{22}(r,t) = A(r,t) e^{-i\phi(r,t)}. \end{equation} Then the gravitational-wave frequency is defined as \begin{equation} \omega = \frac{d\phi}{dt}. \end{equation} The waveforms extracted at finite radii are extrapolated to null infinity using the procedure in~\cite{Boyle-Mroue:2008}. The wave phase $\phi$ and frequency $\omega$ are measured as a function of the retarded time $t-r^*$, where $r^*$ is the tortoise-coordinate radius defined as \begin{equation} r^*\equiv r + 2 M_{\rm ADM} \ln \left( \frac{r}{2 M_{\rm ADM}}-1\right) \ , \end{equation} where $M_{\rm ADM}$ is the ADM mass of the initial data. At early times, the gravitational waveforms are contaminated by high frequency noise from imperfect initial data. To measure the amplitudes and locations of the extrema in the eccentricity estimator more accurately, the residual functions are filtered using a low-pass Butterworth filter with the Matlab function ``filtfilt'' ~\cite{Boyle-Mroue:2008}. The filtered data can be used to measure the eccentricity for retarded time $t-r^*\gtrsim 1000M$. Based on the gravitational wave phase, we define the eccentricity estimator \begin{equation} \label{eq:ephase} e_{\phi}(t)=\frac{\phi_{\rm NR}(t)-\phi_{\rm fit}(t)}{4 }\,, \end{equation} where an additional factor of 1/2 arises because the wave phase is approximately twice the orbital phase. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[scale=0.47]{fig3} \caption{ \label{fig:FilteredWavePhase} Eccentricity estimator $e_\phi$ computed from the gravitational wave phase as a function of retarded time $t-r^*$. In this plot, the eccentricity estimator is computed from the gravitational wave extracted at finite radii $r=75M$ and $r=240M$ and from data extrapolated to infinity. The three curves agree in amplitude and phase to within 5\% in the retarded time interval $1000M<t-r^*<3000M$.} \end{figure} In Fig.~\ref{fig:FilteredWavePhase}, we plot the eccentricity estimator computed from the gravitational wave phase of the (2,2) mode extracted at the radii $r=75M$, $r=240M$ and extrapolated to infinity using terms up to $1/r^2$ versus $t-r^*$. The eccentricity estimate is independent of the radius value at which the wave is extracted, and various estimates agree to within 5\% in both amplitude and phase for different radii of extraction. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[scale=0.47]{fig4} \caption{\label{fig:FilteredWaveFrequency} Eccentricity estimator $e_\omega$ computed from the gravitational wave frequency as a function of the retarded time $t-r^*$. In this plot, the eccentricity estimator is computed from the gravitational wave extracted at $r=75M$ and $r=240M$. The eccentricity estimator is contaminated by significant noise caused by imperfect initial data at a time earlier than $t/M=2000$. } \end{figure} Using the wave frequency we define the eccentricity estimator $e_\omega(t)$ \begin{equation} \label{eq:efrequency} e_{\omega}(t)=\frac{\omega_{\rm NR}(t)-\omega_{\rm fit}(t)}{2 \omega_{\rm fit}(t) }\,. \end{equation} Computation of the gravitational wave frequency $\omega=d\phi/dt$ requires a derivative of $\phi(t)$, which increases numerical noise. Given the small amplitude of the effect under consideration (the fractional change in $\omega$ is $2e={\cal O}( 10^{-4})$), the increased noise noticably affects $e_\omega$. It is usable only at finite extraction radius, and even there only for $t-r^*\gtrsim 2000M$. In Fig.~\ref{fig:FilteredWaveFrequency}, we compute the eccentricity estimator from the wave frequency extracted at $r=75M$ and $r=240M$. The extrapolated data to infinity is not shown because of its sensitivity to noise. The two curves have a nearly sinusoidal behavior with the phase agreeing to within 10\%. However, the amplitude differs by 25\% between the wave data measured at $r=75M$ and $r=240M$. The reduced sensitivity to noise is an important advantage of $e_\phi$ over $e_\omega$. For the binary with eccentricity $0.05$, plots similar to Figs.~\ref{fig:FilteredWavePhase} and~\ref{fig:FilteredWaveFrequency} with smooth sinusoidal behavior could easily be obtained. Computation of the eccentricity from gravitational radiation ($e_\phi$ and $e_\omega$) is better behaved than the methods using orbital variables. Only one harmonic mode appears in the data---even for the low-eccentricity run with $e\sim 6\times 10^{-5}$---and the eccentricity is decreasing as the binaries inspiral toward merger. We attribute this improvement to the disappearance of coordinate and gauge effects when the data are extracted further away from the holes. The eccentricities extracted from $e_\phi$ and $e_\omega$ in Figs.~\ref{fig:FilteredWavePhase} and ~\ref{fig:FilteredWaveFrequency} are inconsistent with each other; they differ by a factor $\Omega_r/\Omega_\phi$ as explained in Sec.~\ref{sec:eccentricity}. One might also consider a definition of the eccentricity based on taking the time derivative of the wave frequency. From Eq.~(\ref{eq:fm}), the second time derivative of the orbital phase is given by: \begin{equation} \ddot \Phi = \ddot {\cal M} -2e (\ddot {\cal M} \cos {\cal M} + {\dot{\cal M}}^2 \sin {\cal M} ) +O(e^2)\,, \end{equation} where the amplitude of the oscillatory part is $2e\sqrt{\ddot{ \cal M}^2+ \dot {\cal M}^4}$. Then, the eccentricity estimator computed from the time derivative of the wave frequency $e_{d\omega}$ is then defined as \begin{equation} e_{d\omega}= -\frac{{\ddot \phi}_{\rm NR}-{\ddot \phi}_{\rm fit}}{2\sqrt{{\ddot \phi}^2_{\rm fit}+ {\dot \phi}^4_{\rm fit}}}\,. \end{equation} The main advantage of a such a definition is that it requires a lower order fitting polynomial. Unfortunately, the numerical derivatives necessary to compute $\ddot{\phi}$ amplify noise, and so this method becomes impractical for the numerical evolutions considered. \begin{table*} \begin{tabular}{c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c} Method & Ecc. Res.& Definition & $t_i/M$ & $t_f/M$ & $n$ & $e(t/M=1000)$ & $e(t/M=2000)$ & $e(t/M=3000)$ & $\delta e/e$ \\\hline GW Phase & $e_{\phi}$ & $ \Delta \phi/4 $ & 952 & 3861 & $7$ & 6.4$\times 10^{-5}$ & 5.7$\times 10^{-5}$ & 4.8$\times 10^{-5}$ & 5-15\% \\ GW Frequency & $e_{\omega}$ & $ \Delta \omega/(2\omega_{\rm fit}) $ & 1922& 3861 & $7$ & - & 4.3 $\times 10^{-5}$& 3.7$\times 10^{-5}$ & 15-25\% \\ Coordinate distance & $e_{D}$ & $\Delta D/D_{\rm fit}$ & 480 & 3367 & $7$ & 6.7$\times 10^{-5}$& 4.9$\times 10^{-5}$ & 6.3$\times 10^{-5}$ & 15-40\% \\ Proper separation & $e_{h}$ & $ \Delta h/h_{\rm fit} $ & 480 & 3367 & $5$ & 5.0 $\times 10^{-5}$& 3.9 $\times 10^{-5}$& 3.4$\times 10^{-5}$ & 10-20\% \\ Orbital frequency & $e_{\Omega}$ & $ \Delta \Omega/(2\Omega_{\rm fit}) $ & 480 & 3367 & $7$ & 6.2$\times 10^{-5}$ & 4.1$\times 10^{-5}$ & 3.4$\times 10^{-5}$ & 20-30\% \\\hline BCP & $e_{\rm BCP}$ & $\Delta(\Omega(t)^2 r^3 )$ & 480& 3367 & $5$ & 3.5$\times 10^{-5}$ & 2.4$\times 10^{-5}$ & 2 $\times 10^{-5}$& 50-80\% \end{tabular} \caption{\label{tab:list-ecc} Summary of the eccentricity measurement methods. $t_i$ ($t_f$) is the initial (final) time of fitting. n is the order of the best fitting polynomial in the time interval $[t_i/M,t_f/M]$. $e$ is the eccentricity estimate at the time $t$ with the relative error $\delta e/e$.} \end{table*} In Table~\ref{tab:list-ecc}, we summarize the eccentricity definitions examined in this paper, the data range between $t_i/M$ and $t_f/M$ employed in the fits, and the order of the fitting polynomial $n$ for the 15-orbits quasi-circular nonspinning binary. We also give an estimate of the eccentricity value at $t/M=1000,2000$ and $3000$ and its estimated error $\delta e/e$ for each method. \section{Behavior of eccentricity during inspiral} \label{sec:Peter-Mathew} Radiation reaction reduces eccentricity during the inspiral of a binary compact object, as shown by the post-Newtonian calculation by Peters~\cite{Peters1964}. Using the quadrupole approximation, Peters derived the evolution of the orbital eccentricity during the inspiral caused by the emission of gravitational waves. In the limit of small eccentricity, the eccentricity is related to the semi-major axis $a$ by \begin{equation} \label{eq:Peters} e \propto a^{19/12}\,. \end{equation} The first confirmation of the decay of eccentricity in a fully numerical binary black hole inspiral was presented by Pfeiffer~et.~al.~\cite{Pfeiffer-Brown-etal:2007}. Pfeiffer et.~al. measured the decay rate of the eccentricity for an equal mass, nonspinning binary with an eccentricity of about 0.02 during the last five orbits of the inspiral. The precise decay rate depended on the definition of the eccentricity used. For a definition based on the orbital frequency, good agreement with Eq.~(\ref{eq:Peters}) was found. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[scale=0.47]{fig5e05-2} \caption{\label{fig:ecc-sep2} Eccentricity as a function of proper horizon separation. We show data for two simulations, with high and low eccentricity. For each run we compute eccentricity from the GW-phase $\phi$ and the proper separation $s$. The dashed line represents the power-law $s^{19/12}$ predicted by post-Newtonian theory (See. Eq.~\ref{eq:Peters}). } \end{figure} In Sec.~\ref{sec:eccentricity-estimator}, we established that the eccentricity estimators $e_{\phi}$ (wave phase) and $e_s$ (proper horizon separation) show the cleanest oscillatory behavior. Using these two eccentricity estimators, we compute as follows the eccentricity as a function of time for the much longer inspirals considered here. We first define the ``average'' eccentricity over one half of a radial oscillation as the difference between two consecutive extrema (from minimum to maximum, or vice versa) of the eccentricity estimator \begin{equation} e= \frac{|A_{\rm min}-A_{\rm max}|}{2}\,. \end{equation} We further associate this eccentricity with the time half-way between the two extrema under consideration: \begin{equation} t(e)= \frac{t(A_{\rm min})+t(A_{\rm max})}{2}\,. \end{equation} At the time of this average eccentricity, the separation is measured numerically. In the case when gravitational wave data is used, the wave phase is approximated as a function of the separation by using the retarded time $t-r^*$. The results are plotted in Fig.~\ref{fig:ecc-sep2}. Fitting a power-law \begin{equation} \label{eq:powerlaw} \log e= \alpha +\beta \log s \end{equation} to the numerical data yields $\beta\approx 1.4$. These decay estimates are in reasonable agreement with Peters' prediction ($\beta=19/12\approx 1.583$), as can be seen by the indicated power-law in Fig.~\ref{fig:ecc-sep2}. The orbital eccentricity decays similarly in the two simulations with different eccentricity. \section{ Periastron advance} \label{sec:periastron-advance} The periastron advance is one of the new features for relativistic eccentric orbits that is not present in Newtonian gravity. It has been computed analytically in the post-Newtonian regime up to third order but---to our knowledge---it has never been estimated numerically in binary black hole simulations. Periastron advance will lead to a modulation of the gravitational wave signal for eccentric binaries and will impact gravitational wave detection strategies. Therefore, it is important to know what this frequency is and how it changes as a function of the mass ratio. The fractional periastron advance per orbit, $K$, is defined as \begin{equation}\label{eq:DefPeriastronAdvance1} K \equiv \frac{\Delta\Phi}{2 \pi}\,, \end{equation} where $\Delta \Phi=\Phi-2\pi$ is the periastron advance per orbit. The dimensionless parameter $K$ is related to the radial frequency $\Omega_r$ and the orbital frequency $\Omega_\Phi$ through \begin{equation}\label{eq:DefPeriastronAdvance2} \frac{\Omega_\Phi}{\Omega_r}=K+1 \,. \end{equation} \subsection{Numerical method for measuring the periastron advance} From an eccentricity estimator $e_X$, cf. Eq.~(\ref{eq:eD}), one can read off not only the eccentricity (via the amplitude of $e_X$), but also the frequency of the radial motion, $\Omega_r$ (from the oscillation period). We shall define the period of the radial oscillation as twice the time interval between two consecutive extrema (from minimum to maximum, or vice versa) in the eccentricity estimator curve. We employ the following procedure to compute the periastron advance: \begin{enumerate} \item Choose a cleanly oscillating eccentricity estimator $e_X(t)$. We will use $e_{\rm \phi}$, cf. Fig.~\ref{fig:FilteredWavePhase}. \item Find the extrema of $e_X(t)$. This gives a time list ($t_0,t_1,...,t_k,...$) corresponding to all perihelia or aphelia (i.e., extrema in the residual radial velocity). \item Interpolate the orbital phase $\Phi$ to the times $t_k$. Between neighboring data points, the orbital phase changes by $\Phi(t_{k+1})-\Phi(t_{k-1})$, whereas the radial phase changes by $2\pi$. Therefore, the ratio between orbital and radial phase increase is $(\Phi(t_{k+1})-\Phi(t_{k-1}))/2\pi$, and so \begin{equation} \frac{\Omega_\Phi}{\Omega_r} = \frac{\Phi(t_{k+1})-\Phi(t_{k-1})}{2\pi}. \end{equation} \end{enumerate} For the very low eccentricity simulation ($e\sim 5\times 10^{-5}$), the periastron advance is very difficult to measure because the amplitude of $e_\phi$ is so small. The uncertainty in the extracted $\Omega_\Phi/\Omega_r$ is about $\pm 0.1$ for $0.02\le M\Omega_\Phi\le0.03$. The error in the estimated periastron advance increases at higher frequencies as the binary evolves closer to merger. The eccentricity estimators depend on details of the polynomial fits, and it is more difficult to read off these small eccentricity residuals near the plunge. Therefore, $\Omega_\Phi/\Omega_r$ for the $e\sim 5\times 10^{-5}$ run should not be trusted for $M\Omega_\Phi\gtrsim 0.03$. In the simulation with larger eccentricity $e\sim 0.05$, by contrast, the periastron advance is easier to measure, because the amplitude of $e_\Phi$ is proportional to the eccentricity. We obtain correspondingly smaller errors, about 3\% at frequencies $M\Omega\lesssim 0.03$. While we are able to extract $\Omega_\Phi/\Omega_r$ at higher frequencies for the simulation with $e\sim 0.05$, recall that the numerical data are constructed from consecutive extrema of $e_\phi$. At late times (close to merger), there is an increasing amount of orbital evolution during such an interval, which renders ambiguous both the definition of $\Omega_\Phi/\Omega_r$ and its association with one orbital frequency. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[scale=0.51]{fig6a} \caption{\label{fig:precession} Periastron advance for equal-mass binaries. Plotted is the ratio of orbital frequency to radial frequency, $\Omega_{\Phi} / \Omega_r$, versus the orbital frequency $M\Omega_{\Phi}$. The data represent numerical simulations of equal mass nonspinning black-hole binaries with two different eccentricities $e$. Also shown are the prediction of post-Newtonian theory for $q\!\!=\!\!1$ and the test-mass result based on geodesic motion in Schwarzschild (both in the limit $e\!\ll\!1$). For $e\sim 5\times 10^{-5}$, the numerical data is unreliable for $M\Omega_\Phi\gtrsim 0.03$ (see text).} \end{figure} Figure~\ref{fig:precession} shows the computed periastron advance for the two equal-mass simulations considered here. To facilitate comparison with analytical estimates (see next section), we plot $\Omega_\Phi/\Omega_r$ as a function of orbital frequency. The latter is approximated as half the gravitational wave frequency. (This is justified because the deviation from this value is much smaller than the error in estimating the eccentricity and the periastron advance.) We will discuss this figure in the next subsection. \subsection{Results} From Fig.~\ref{fig:precession} we see that $\Omega_\Phi/\Omega_r$ is positive (i.e. the fully general relativistic calculation produces indeed a periastron {\em advance}), and the periastron advance increases with increasing orbital frequency $M\Omega_\Phi$, again consistent with expectations. The solid and the dashed lines in Fig.~\ref{fig:precession} indicate the periastron advance for a test-mass orbiting a Schwarzschild black hole, and for an equal-mass binary at 3rd post-Newtonian order (see Appendix for details), and we can now compare these calculations with the fully relativistic BBH simulations. The scatter in the numerical data $\Omega_\Phi/\Omega_r$ represents a measure of the uncertainty in the periastron advance of the numerical simulations. For the $e\sim 0.05$ simulation, this scatter is much smaller than the difference from the 3PN calculation. Therefore, we have positively detected a difference between fully numeric simulations and 3PN calculations. ($\Omega_\Phi/\Omega_r$ from the $e\sim 10^{-5}$ simulation coincides with the data for the $e\sim 0.05$ run, although with larger scatter, because of trying to extract much smaller variations in the numerical data.) The difference between the numerical periastron advance curve and the 3PN result is about 3\% at $\Omega_\Phi=0.02$ and continually increases to about 5\% at $\Omega_\Phi=0.03$. The fully NR periastron advance seems to follow more closely the test-mass calculation than the equal-mass 3-PN prediction. Note that comparing either of the two analytic results is imperfect: The 3-PN calculation is for equal masses, but because of the nature of post-Newtonian perturbation theory becomes increasingly less reliable for increasing frequency $M\Omega_\Phi$. The test-mass limit, in contrast, is an exact calculation, but for a system different from an equal-mass binary. Unequal mass binaries with mass ratios very different from unity should result in better agreement with the test-mass limit, and we will explore this case next. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[scale=0.51]{fig6b2} \caption{\label{fig:precession-qneq1} Periastron advance for unequal mass BBH. Shown is the ratio of orbital frequency to radial frequency, $\Omega_{\Phi} / \Omega_r$, versus the orbital frequency $M\Omega_{\Phi}$ for different mass-ratios $q=M_1/M_2$.} \end{figure} Extracting the periastron advance from a series of non-spinning unequal mass simulations~\cite{Buchman-etal-in-prep}, we obtain the data plotted in Fig.~\ref{fig:precession-qneq1}. These simulations have very low eccentricity in order to accurately model circularized binaries for gravitational wave data-analysis, with eccentricities indicated in Fig.~\ref{fig:precession-qneq1}. The smallness of the eccentricity is unfortunate for our purposes, as this increases the errors in the extracted periastron advance. The periastron advance for $q=2$ is very similar to the equal mass periastron advance data. For higher mass ratio, the numerically computed $\Omega_\Phi/\Omega_r$ seems to increase and approach the test-mass result; however, the large uncertainty in $\Omega_\Phi/\Omega_r$ for these runs prevents us from drawing strong conclusions. \subsection{Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector} The Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector points towards the periapsis of the orbit from the center of motion, and therefore it would seem that observing this vector during a simulation would result in an immediate measure of the periastron advance. This vector is defined in ADM coordinates in terms of the canonically conjugate position $\vec R$ and momentum $\vec P$ as~\cite{Damour-Schafer:1988}: \begin{equation}\label{eq:RungeLenz} \vec A= \vec P \times \vec L - G M \mu^2 \frac{\vec R}{R}\,, \end{equation} where $\vec L = \vec R \times \vec P$ and $\mu$ is the reduced mass. Unfortunately, the magnitude of this vector is proportional to $e$, i.e., it will typically be very small. Moreover, it is computed as the difference between two large terms that almost cancel each other, resulting in large numerical errors. Furthermore, relativistic effects, such as gauge effects, might affect the two terms in Eq.~(\ref{eq:RungeLenz}) differently, thus disproportionately affecting the small difference $\vec A$. Yet another obstacle is that the numerical data do not give the canonical position and momentum. For all these reasons, we found it impossible to measure the periastron advance from the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector even for the binary run with $e\sim 0.05$. \section{Discussion} \label{sec:discussion} We have dealt with three aspects of eccentricity in binary black hole simulations: how to measure eccentricity, its decay during the inspiral, and periastron advance. With regard to techniques to measure eccentricity, this paper provides a systematic comparison between several different estimators. The ones shown in Figs.~\ref{fig:BCP},~\ref{fig:Jena},~\ref{fig:FilteredWavePhase} and \ref{fig:FilteredWaveFrequency} each displayed a different behavior, even though these definitions reduce precisely to the usual eccentricity $e$ in the Newtonian limit. Differences appear mainly because the data corresponds to a binary in the last phase of the inspiral before merger when relativistic effects are significant---a regime in which the Newtonian relations between the orbital variables are no longer valid. The eccentricity estimator $e_{\rm BCP}$ (see Fig.~\ref{fig:BCP}) exhibits two very undesirable features: For the $e\sim 0.05$ simulation, $e_{\rm BCP}$ depends strongly on the choice of how separation between the black holes is measured (coordinate distance $D$ vs. proper separation $s$). For small eccentricities $e\sim 5\times 10^{-5}$, no regular oscillatory behavior is apparent, rendering $e_{\rm BCP}$ useless as an eccentricity estimator. This might be because it uses a definition where eccentricity comes in the next-to-leading term, and the leading order Newtonian expression is not satisfied. Also, the high power of the contribution of the orbital variable makes the eccentricity easily affected by high-order harmonic modes in the orbital variables. We have observed similar behavior when we explored alternative definitions of the eccentricity based on Newtonian formulas combining orbital variables. Eccentricity measures based on orbital quantities (see Fig.~\ref{fig:Jena}) give the right amplitude (for $t<2500M$ in the case of $e_\Omega$ and $e_D$), and the phasing is quite consistent between the different eccentricity estimators. For instance, the orbital frequency is maximal when the separation is minimal. However, for the low-eccentricity simulation ($e\sim 5\times 10^{-5}$) higher-order harmonics are clearly visible as the binary approaches the merger, in particular for the coordinate separation $e_D$ and the orbital frequency $e_\Omega$. The eccentricity measured from the proper horizon separation($e_s$) is affected least by these coordinate effects. Eccentricity measures based on extracted gravitational waves (see Figs.~\ref{fig:FilteredWavePhase} and ~\ref{fig:FilteredWaveFrequency}) result in clean oscillatory behavior, even for eccentricities as small as considered here. No high-order harmonics are noticeable in the wave extrapolated to infinity during the time interval considered. The eccentricity is calculated from the maximum and minimum values in the oscillating function without concern for the coordinate location in the orbit. It is especially straightforward to calculate numerically the eccentricity from the wave phase extrapolated to infinity without resorting to any notions of ``distance'' between the holes. Computing eccentricity from the gravitational wave phase is therefore the preferred method. Unfortunately, the gravitational wave phase is not as easily accessible as orbital quantities: One needs to extract gravitational waves, the waveform is delayed by the light-travel time to the extraction radius, and, for best results, one may have to extrapolate to infinity. Therefore, in practice, eccentricity estimators based on orbital quantities may be useful for immediate diagnostics during a simulation, then confirmed and refined subsequently by eccentricity estimators based on gravitational wave properties. Notice that the eccentricity measurement could be affected by noise sources such as the ``junk radiation'' early in the simulation or by poor boundary conditions causing radiation reflection at the outer boundary. These additional oscillations could easily be interpreted as eccentricity. In principle, however, one should be able to distinguish them from the eccentricity by the frequency of the oscillation. The second part of this paper describes measuring the decay of orbital eccentricity during the inspiral of equal mass non-spinning black hole binaries, revisiting earlier work~\cite{Pfeiffer-Brown-etal:2007}. For both simulations considered, we find that eccentricity measured via proper separation ($e_s$) and via gravitational wave frequency decays with the same power of proper of separation, $s^\beta$, with exponent $\beta\approx 1.4$. This is somewhat smaller than the value predicted by post-Newtonian expansions, $19/12\approx 1.58$. The earlier work, which was based on fewer data-points at closer separation, found a distinctively smaller exponent when computing eccentricity from proper separation rather than from the orbital frequency. The third part of this paper presents a measurement of periastron advance for equal and unequal mass non-spinning black hole binaries. For eccentric binaries, periastron advance will result in a characteristic modulation of the observed GW signal, and hence it is important to quantify its frequency. We find that the numerically computed periastron advance $\Omega_\Phi/\Omega_r$ disagrees with both 3PN predictions for equal-mass binaries, as well as with the test-mass limit of geodesic motion in a Schwarzschild background. As shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:precession}, the periastron advance for black hole binaries lies roughly halfway between these two analytic calculations. The unequal mass evolutions considered have very small eccentricities; this is unfortunate for our current purposes, as this made it impossible to measure periastron advance well enough to test reliably the approach to the test-mass limit with increasing mass-ratio. While the data appear to approach the test-mass limit as the mass ratio deviates from unity, cf. Fig.~\ref{fig:precession-qneq1}, detailed confirmation will have to await until this analysis is repeated with somewhat higher eccentricity runs in the future. Nevertheless, even the equal-mass case shows that periastron advance is yet another feature of fully numerical calculations that is not accurately predicted by post-Newtonian expansions. To achieve agreement, one may have to go to higher order post-Newtonian expansions, or one may have to incorporate finite-size effects. More pragmatically, for applications to gravitational wave data-analysis, one might also introduce fitting parameters into the post-Newtonian models, and choose these parameters to enhance agreement with the numerical waveforms. \begin{acknowledgments} We thank Geoffrey Lovelace for providing initial data for the large eccentricity run, and Luisa Buchman and Mark Scheel for providing the data for the unequal mass simulations. Results obtained in this paper were produced using the Spectral Einstein Code (SpEC)~\cite{SpECwebsite}. This work is supported in part by grants from the Sherman Fairchild Foundation to Caltech and Cornell, and from the Brinson Foundation to Caltech; by NSF grants PHY-0601459, PHY-0652995, and DMS-0553302 at Caltech; by NSF grants PHY-0652952, DMS-0553677, PHY-0652929, and NASA grant NNX09AF96G at Cornell. H.P. gratefully acknowledges support from the NSERC of Canada, from the Canada Research Chairs Program, and from the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. \end{acknowledgments}
Due to ethical restrictions data are available upon request. Interested researchers may submit requests for data to the authors (contact <[email protected]>). Introduction {#sec007} ============ A total of 12--20 million people worldwide have sequelae of poliomyelitis, according to Post-polio Health International \[[@pone.0150286.ref001]\]. Even today polio remains endemic in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan. Poliomyelitis is highly infectious and caused by one of three types of virus (type 1, 2 and 3), of which type 1 and 3 are still circulating in the endemic areas. However, only a small proportion of those infected get sequelae. The polio vaccine was introduced in the industrialized countries in the 1950s and 1960s. North- and South America have been polio free since 1994 and Europe since 2002. Polio can strike at any age but is most commonly seen in children, therefore polio are also called infantile paralysis. The virus enters the body through the mouth and multiplies in the intestine. Common symptoms of polio are fever, headache, fatigue, vomiting and stiffness in the neck. In some patients, the infections lead to affection of anterior horn cells resulting in irreversible flaccid paralysis usually in the legs \[[@pone.0150286.ref002]\]. After a period of clinical stability new or worsened symptoms may occur and are referred to as post-polio syndrome (PPS) \[[@pone.0150286.ref003]--[@pone.0150286.ref004]\]. Common symptoms of PPS are muscle weakness, fatigue, and muscle and/or joint pain \[[@pone.0150286.ref003], [@pone.0150286.ref005]\]. Little is known about the aftermaths of polio in large populations. Six hundred-eighteen polio patients in Boston were described in 1957 \[[@pone.0150286.ref006]\] and in 1998 a nation-wide survey of the medical and social situation of 1449 polio patients were performed in Norway \[[@pone.0150286.ref007]\]. In the Netherlands 260 polio survivors have been described regarding perceived health, disabilities and handicaps \[[@pone.0150286.ref008]--[@pone.0150286.ref009]\] and Windeback et al \[[@pone.0150286.ref010]\] have from 247 polio survivors selected 50 patients to describe in Olmstead County, Minnesota. In Sweden, 270 polio patients answered a study questionnaire in 1995 witch aimed to give an estimation of the patients' current state of health \[[@pone.0150286.ref011]\]. The aim of the present study is to describe patients at first visit to a polio clinic in Sweden, a country where vaccination was introduced in 1957. Method {#sec008} ====== All patients (n = 865) visiting the polio clinic at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg Sweden, between 1994 and 2012 were included in this consecutive cohort study. Data regarding patient characteristics, polio classification and EMG data, origin, assistive devices and gait speed as well as muscle strength were collected for these patients. Twenty-three patients were excluded because no polio diagnosis could be established. A total of 842 patients with polio remained in the study. Measurements {#sec009} ------------ ### Patient characteristics and classification of polio {#sec010} Characteristic data, including clinical classification of polio, were collected by the patient's physician at the polio clinic at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. The patients were also referred to analysis of electromyography (EMG) for verification and classification of polio. ### Gait speed {#sec011} The 30 meter Walk Test (WT), was used to evaluate gait speed \[[@pone.0150286.ref012]--[@pone.0150286.ref014]\]. First, the patients were instructed to walk at a speed they considered comfortable or normal (self-selected speed). Then, for maximum speed, they were asked to walk at a speed they considered to be as fast as possible, without running. The time taken to walk each distance was measured using a stopwatch, and the observer walked behind the patient without interfering. ### Muscle strength of knee and foot {#sec012} Measurements were performed on a Biodex® Multi-Joint System 3 PRO dynamometer. The equipment was calibrated before testing. The patient was seated comfortably with his or her back against a back rest. A seatbelt was strapped around the shoulders, waist and thigh to avoid unwanted movements. Before each measurement, the full range of motion was set and each patient's lower extremity was weighed; the Biodex software corrected the data to account for the influence of the gravity effect torque on the data. The lower extremity was adjusted to the actuator with the axis of movement adjusted to center axis of the knee joint. Warm-up submaximal exercises were performed on a bicycle ergometer before the muscle test. The test order was randomized for both the paretic and non-paretic leg (drawing lot) to exclude learning effects. Maximal isokinetic muscle strength (in Newton meters, Nm) was measured at a velocity of 60°/sec during concentric muscle action of knee extensors and knee flexors for both lower extremities. This velocity has been found to be in accordance with the pedaling of the bicycle and the average velocity of the knee joint when walking \[[@pone.0150286.ref015]\]. Isometric knee extension and flexion strength was measured three times at 60° knee angle during 5 seconds in both legs. Isometric endurance was measured as the time the patient was able to keep 40% of his/her isometric peak torque at 60° knee angle. The test was performed once. Isometric endurance was measured in seconds. A follow-up period of 5 minutes was used to evaluate the recovery process, with a maximum voluntary isometric contraction every minute (after 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 minutes). The follow-up tests started less than 2 minutes after the endurance test. The recovery was measured as peak % of maximal result. The peak isometric strength of foot dorsal flexors and plantar flexors at a 30° angle of knee flexion and a 0° ankle angle was also measured. During the test, all patients were given visual feedback from the system's monitor. They were also verbally encouraged by the examiner to make their maximal effort. ### Hand grip {#sec013} The handgrip force was assessed with Grippit^R^ \[[@pone.0150286.ref016]\], both the peak maximum grip force and the mean value of the ten-second sustained grip (both measured in Newton) for each hand. The person was seated on a chair without arm rests, with the lowest rib level with the edge of a table. The tested forearm was placed in the arm guide and the other arm rested on the table. The palm and fingers were completely clasped around the handle, and the force exerted against the transducer in the handle was recorded. The test has been shown to be reliable \[[@pone.0150286.ref017]\]. Statistical analysis {#sec014} -------------------- The statistics program IBM SPSS Statistics version 22 (IBM Corp. Released 2013. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 22.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.) was used for the calculation of data. A *p*-value lesser than 0.05, was considered as statistically significant. Descriptive statistics (mean, SD, min/max) were used for patient characteristics, gait speed and results of muscle strength. Independent Sample test and Paired Samples T-test were used to analyse differences between different variables and groups. Data of isometric endurance in knee muscle where not normally distributed and therefore the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was used. When analyzing the results of muscle strength, some patients had 0.0 (when the patient tried, but could not perform the test). These results were excluded in analysis. The values of the patients were normalized for age and sex based on control values of persons in the population ages 40--80 \[[@pone.0150286.ref018]\]. However, as some patients were younger than 40 years old and older than 79 years, the results are presented in age groups from -29 to 70- divided into groups of 20 years there between. When analyzing data, Turkey was included in Asia. Ethical approval {#sec015} ---------------- The study was approved by the Regional ethics committee in Western Sweden, <http://www.epn.se/sv/goeteborg/om-naemnden/> Dnr 123--09. Data had been gathered for clinical use. The main aim of the registry is to facilitate quality improvement regarding polio care and to follow the process and all patients are informed that they can refuse data entering. Data was anonymized and de-identified prior to analysis Results {#sec016} ======= Patient characteristics {#sec017} ----------------------- Ninety-five percent (n = 801) of the 842 patients were diagnosed with PPS according to EFNS (European Federation of Neurological Society) \[[@pone.0150286.ref019]\]. Fifty-nine percent (n = 495) were female. For patient characteristics see [Table 1](#pone.0150286.t001){ref-type="table"}. 10.1371/journal.pone.0150286.t001 ###### Patient characteristics of the patients included in the study. ![](pone.0150286.t001){#pone.0150286.t001g} n mean (SD) min/max -------------------------------------------------- ----- ------------- ----------- Age (years) 842 59 (15) 14/93 TSO[\*](#t001fn001){ref-type="table-fn"} (years) 842 52 (13) 8/85 Age at onset (years) 842 7 (8) 0/39 Height (m) 683 1.67 (0.09) 1.40/1.96 Weight (kg) 684 72 (14) 35/120 BMI[\*\*](#t001fn002){ref-type="table-fn"} 662 26 (5) 14/44 \*TSO = Time Since Onset of Polio \*\*BMI = Body Mass Index EMG and clinical classification of polio {#sec018} ---------------------------------------- Eighty-four percent (n = 708) of the patients completed examination by EMG in one or more extremities. One patient with no polio according to EMG was included in the study material due to clinical classified polio in right leg as well as poliovirus in spinal fluid. Seventy-eight percent (n = 656) of the patients included had polio verified by EMG in the lower extremities and 44% (n = 368) in the upper extremities when including all patients. Of those patients examined by EMG, in lower extremity/ies, ninety-seven percent (n = 656) had polio, and of those examined by EMG in upper extremity/ies 70% (n = 368) had polio. All patients included in the study had data from a clinical classification of polio. Ninety-seven percent (n = 817) had polio in the lower extremity and almost 53% (n = 444) had polio in the upper extremity while 28% (n = 238) had polio in the trunk. Data of body parts affected by polio shown for gender and Nordic region and outside Nordic region, respectively, see [Table 2](#pone.0150286.t002){ref-type="table"}. For clinical classification of polio, see [Fig 1](#pone.0150286.g001){ref-type="fig"}. ![Clinical classification of polio (n = 842).](pone.0150286.g001){#pone.0150286.g001} 10.1371/journal.pone.0150286.t002 ###### Polio according to clinical classification for women n = 495, men n = 347, total n = 842, Nordic region n = 662 and Outside Nordic region n = 180, respectively. ![](pone.0150286.t002){#pone.0150286.t002g} Body parts   women men total Nordic region Outside the Nordic region ---------------- ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------- --------------------------- Only right leg n (%) 43 (9) 28 (8) 71 (8) 53 (8) 18 (10) Only left leg n (%) 59 (12) 27 (8) 86 (10) 69 (10) 17 (9) Both legs n (%) 375 (76) 285 (82) 660 (78) 515 (78) 145 (81) No leg n (%) 18 (4) 7 (2) 25 (3) 25 (4) \- (-) Only right arm n (%) 48 (10) 35 (10) 83 (10) 70 (11) 13 (7) Only left arm n (%) 51 (10) 30 (9) 81 (10) 64 (10) 17 (9) Both arms n (%) 143 (29) 137 (40) 280 (33) 223 (34) 57 (32) No arm n (%) 253 (51) 145 (42) 398 (47) 305 (46) 93 (52) Origin {#sec019} ------ Seventy-six percent (n = 639) of the patients were born in Sweden. When including all countries in the Nordic region the number increased marginally (to reach 79%, n = 662). Eighty-two percent (n = 690) of the patients were from Europe. Finland was the European country's with the highest number of patients (n = 10) with sequelae of polio, immigrated to Sweden and visiting the post-polio outpatient clinic at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. From outside Europe, 66% of the patients were from Asia, 22% from Africa, 9% from South America and almost 3% were from North America. The countries outside Europe with the highest number of immigrating polio patients were Iraq (n = 34), Iran (n = 25), Somalia (n = 16), Turkey (n = 10), Lebanon (n = 9), Chile (n = 8) followed by Eritrea and India with seven immigrants each. Women were dominating in the group of patients from the Nordic region (women n = 417, men n = 245). From Europe, outside The Nordic region, there were equal number of men and women (n = 14 of each). There were, however, more men than women from the group outside Europe (women n = 64, men n = 88). Patients from the Nordic region were in average 8.5 years old at onset of polio, compared to patients from outside Nordic region who were in average 3.4 years old at onset of polio. The difference reached statistical significance (*p*\<0.001). Patients coming from North America had the highest mean age of 9.8 years at onset of polio, followed by Europe 8.4 years, Africa 4.4 years, Asia 2.3 years and South America 2 years. As seen in [Table 3](#pone.0150286.t003){ref-type="table"}, patients from the Nordic region are in general much older than patients who have immigrated from outside Nordic region. 10.1371/journal.pone.0150286.t003 ###### Number of patients per age group divided into "Nordic region" (n = 622) and "Outside the Nordic region" (n = 180). ![](pone.0150286.t003){#pone.0150286.t003g} Age (years) Nordic region Outside the Nordic region ------------- ------- --------------- --------------------------- -29 n (%) \- (-) 43 (100) 30--49 n (%) 47 (33) 97 (67) 50--69 n (%) 382 (92) 32 (8) 70- n (%) 233 (97) 8 (3) Assistive devices and gait speed {#sec020} -------------------------------- Results of the use of walking aids are presented in [Table 4](#pone.0150286.t004){ref-type="table"}. Five percent (n = 41) of the patients used a ventilator, 38 patients from the Nordic region and 3 patients from outside the Nordic region. 10.1371/journal.pone.0150286.t004 ###### Patients use of walking aids divided into "Nordic region" (n = 622) and "Outside the Nordic region" (n = 180). ![](pone.0150286.t004){#pone.0150286.t004g} Walking aids Nordic region Outside the Nordic region ------------------------- ------- --------------- --------------------------- No walking aids n (%) 399 (84) 79 (17) Crutches/cane or walker n (%) 151 (69) 68 (31) Wheelchair sometimes n (%) 73 (80) 18 (20) Wheelchair always n (%) 39 (72) 15 (28) At 30 m Walk Test, the patients walked in average 71% slower than a sample of the normal population (mean 0.96 meter/second) in self-selected speed (n = 680) and 61% slower than normal population (mean 1.2 m/s) in maximal speed (n = 667). When comparing the patients maximal walking speed in percent of the normal population, women with polio walked 64% as fast as the normal population compared with men who walked 58% as fast as the normal population, the difference reached statistically significance (*p* = 0.001). There were no differences between genders regarding self-selected walking speed (*p* = 0.358). When comparing the patients walking speed in percent of the normal population, patients from the Nordic region walked faster than patients from outside The Nordic region in both self-selected (74% and 61% respectively) (*p*\<0.001) and maximal walking speed (64% and 49% respectively) (*p*\<0.001). Muscle strength of the knee {#sec021} --------------------------- Results of knee muscle strength from all patients measured, regardless leg/s affected by polio or not, compared to normal population see [Table 5](#pone.0150286.t005){ref-type="table"}. In isometric- and isokinetic knee muscle strength, patients with polio are about 60--70% as strong as a sample of the normal population. Patients have generally more endurance compared to the normal population in isometric knee muscle endurance. 10.1371/journal.pone.0150286.t005 ###### Knee muscle strength in percent of the normal population. ![](pone.0150286.t005){#pone.0150286.t005g}     Right Left ------------------------- ------ ------- ---------- ----- ---------- Isometric (Nm) Ext 552 61 (34) 547 65 (36) Flex 585 71 (40) 567 71 (39) Isokinetic (Nm) Ext 504 68 (32) 503 70 (34) Flex 548 70 (37) 529 71 (36) Isometric endurance (s) 442 112 (67) 444 114 (67) Nineteen percent and 19% (right and left respectively) of the patients with no result in isometric knee extension strength tried to perform the test but were too weak to get a result, 8 and 12% (right and left respectively) tried to perform the test but were too weak to get a result of isometric knee flexion strength. Twenty-two percent and 22% (right and left respectively) of the patients with no result in isokinetic knee extension strength tried to perform the test but were too weak to get a result, 14 and 19% (right and left respectively) tried to perform the test but were too weak to get a result of isokinetic knee flexion strength. One percent (right and left) of the patients with no result in isometric endurance tried to perform the test but were too weak to get a result. Results of isometric and isokinetic knee muscle strength in percent of the normal population for patients with both legs affected by polio (according to clinical classification of polio) are presented in [Fig 2](#pone.0150286.g002){ref-type="fig"}. When comparing the patient's knee muscle strength in percent of the normal population, no differences were seen between genders. When comparing the patients knee muscle strength in percent of the normal population, patients from the Nordic region were stronger than patients from outside The Nordic region in both isometric (63--75% and 35--45% respectively) (*p*\<0.001) and isokinetic (69--74% and 44--51% respectively) (*p*\<0.001) knee muscle strength as well as isometric endurance (113--120% and 95--106% respectively) (left leg *p* = 0.001, right leg *p* = 0.016). ![Results of isometric (left "fig, A") and isokinetic (right "fig, B") knee extension and flexion strength at 60° knee angle, right and left leg, for patients with polio in both legs. Results are presented in percent of normal population for patients from "Nordic region" (isometric/isokinetic n = 306/268) and "Outside Nordic region" (isometric/isokinetic n = 55/32). The bottom and top of the box are the first and third quartiles, and the band inside the box is the median (second quartile). The ends of the whiskers represent the lowest data and the highest data that is not an outlier. Any data not included between the whiskers are plotted as an outlier and are more than 1.5 box-lengths from the first and third quartiles respectively.](pone.0150286.g002){#pone.0150286.g002} An increase in maximal isometric knee muscle strength with the length of recovery is seen when data from all patients measured, regardless leg/s affected by polio or not, is presented (see [Table 6](#pone.0150286.t006){ref-type="table"}). 10.1371/journal.pone.0150286.t006 ###### The recovery of maximal isometric knee strength, measured as peak % of maximal result. Measured every minute (after 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 minutes). Right n = 429, left n = 428. ![](pone.0150286.t006){#pone.0150286.t006g}   Right Left ----------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------- -------- -------- -------- Mean (SD) 84 (12) 88 (9) 91 (9) 92 (9) 93 (9) 83 (12) 88 (10) 91 (9) 92 (9) 94 (9) Min/Max 34/100 44/100 41/100 51/104 49/113 29/102 39/105 41/102 33/102 40/104 Muscle strength of the foot {#sec022} --------------------------- Results of muscle strength of the foot from all patients measured, regardless leg/s affected by polio or not, compared to normal population see [Table 7](#pone.0150286.t007){ref-type="table"}. In dorsal- and plantar flexion strength, patients with polio are about 50--65% as strong as a sample of the normal population. 10.1371/journal.pone.0150286.t007 ###### Results of dorsal- and plantarflexion ankle strength (Nm) in percent of the normal population. ![](pone.0150286.t007){#pone.0150286.t007g}   Right Left ---------------- ------- --------- ----- --------- Dorsalflexion 409 65 (38) 409 62 (34) Plantarflexion 500 53 (31) 486 59 (32) Twenty-seven to thirty percent (right and left respectively) of the patients with no result in dorsal flexion strength tried to perform the test but were too weak to get a result, 7 and 10% (right and left respectively) tried to perform the test but were too weak to get a result of plantar flexion strength. When analyzing muscle strength of the foot in percent of the normal population for patients with both legs affected by polio (according to clinical classification of polio), women were stronger than men in dorsal flexion strength (65--66% of normal values and 50--56% respectively) reaching statistically significance (left leg *p*\<0.001, right leg *p* = 0.034). When comparing the patient's muscle strength of the foot in percent of the normal population, patients from the Nordic region were stronger than patients from outside The Nordic region in both plantar (54--61% and 41--44% respectively) (*p*\<0.001) and dorsal flexion strength (64% and 42--47% respectively) (*p*\<0.001). Grip strength {#sec023} ------------- Results of muscle strength of hand from all patients measured, regardless arm/s affected by polio or not, compared to normal population see [Table 8](#pone.0150286.t008){ref-type="table"}. In maximal hand grip strength and isometric hand grip strength during 10 seconds, patients with polio are about 70--80% as strong as a sample of the normal population. 10.1371/journal.pone.0150286.t008 ###### Grip strength (N) presented in percent of the normal population. ![](pone.0150286.t008){#pone.0150286.t008g}   Right Left ----------------------- ------- --------- ----- --------- Maximal 520 74 (25) 518 77 (25) Isometric, during 10s 520 69 (25) 518 72 (26) Almost everyone who tried to perform the grip strength test of the hand could perform the test and get a result. When analyzing the patient's grip strength in percent of the normal population for patients with both arms affected by polio (according to clinical classification of polio), no differences were seen between genders. When comparing the patient's grip strength in percent of the normal population, patients from the Nordic region were stronger than patients from outside the Nordic region in both isometric grip strength (68--73% and 55--60% respectively) (left *p* = 0.007, right *p* = 0.006) and maximal grip strength (77% and 65% respectively) (left *p* = 0.011). Discussion {#sec024} ========== This study describes characteristics as well as gait and muscle strength of 842 polio patients visiting a polio clinic in Sweden during almost 20 years. The high number of patients included and the large amount of data makes this into a unique material and the largest study of its kind. As all patients from the clinic were included, we have no reason not to believe that the patients are representative for an average polio patient group and thereby comparable with polio patients visiting other polio clinics in Sweden and probably outside Sweden as well. The amount of immigrants, and where they emigrated from, may however differ from country to country. More than twenty percent of the patients were from countries outside the Nordic region. Most of the patients from the Nordic region were older than 50 years i.e. they are in working age and will be so for many years to come. The opposite was seen for patients outside the Nordic region. This was, however, expected as Europe has been polio free since more than 10 years. As polio is still not eradicated, even endemic in some countries and patients with polio immigrating to Sweden are in working age, the need for multi professional teams working with polio rehabilitation in Sweden are of great importance, and will be so for many years to come. The younger patients with polio emigrating from countries with different cultures may also lead to a challenge for the multi professional teams and are of importance when planning for the care of polio patients the coming years. Women were dominating the group of patients from the Nordic region. From outside Europe, on the other hand, there were more men than women affected by polio included in the study. One may speculate that more men than women with polio manage to immigrate to Sweden and/or more men than women consult Swedish healthcare and thereby polio clinics. This, however, need some further research. Data of body parts affected by polio were equal both between genders and between origins (as shown in [Table 2](#pone.0150286.t002){ref-type="table"}). There were, however, discrepancies in walking speed and muscle strength in patients from different origins. Patients from the Nordic region walked faster and were stronger in several of the muscle tests, than patients from outside the Nordic region, when data were compared with normalized for age and sex. One should note that the control values are based on a population living in Sweden but no information on origin of the persons is available. Furthermore, patients from outside the Nordic region used crutches, cane or walker to a greater extent compared to patients from the Nordic region. The use of wheelchair were, however, equal between the two groups of patients. One may speculate if the virus affected patients in other parts of the world may be a virus causing paralytic polio to a greater extent. Another, maybe more likely, explanation may be that the Nordic patients have received more and better care in the acute phase of polio as well as more information, aids and exercise both in the acute phase and in the aftermaths compared to the patients from countries outside the Nordic region. There might also be different attitudes towards exercise in different cultures. A greater percentage of the patients from the Nordic region were using a ventilator compared to patients from outside the Nordic region. An explanation can be that the patients most affected by polio, involving the respiratory function, might not survive in countries with poorer opportunities for advanced acute care of these patients. Polio in lower extremities was more common than polio in upper extremities, verified both by EMG and clinical classification. This is in accordance with earlier studies. Polio in lower extremities was also classified as clinically unstable or severely atrophic to a higher extent than polio in upper extremities (as shown in [Fig 1](#pone.0150286.g001){ref-type="fig"}). This is in accordance with an earlier study by Sandberg et al \[[@pone.0150286.ref020]\] indicating a more pronounced ongoing denervation-reinnervation process over time in a lower extremity muscle compared to upper extremity muscle (tibialis anterior and biceps brachii respectively). The same pattern was also seen in patients studied in Minnesota where patients with leg weakness were twice as likely to complain of new problems compared to those with arm weakness \[[@pone.0150286.ref010]\]. The ongoing denervation-reinnervation process in patients with PPS results in larger motor units. When motor-unit size has reached an upper limit, further losses of neurons can no longer be compensated for and this results in increased muscle weakness \[[@pone.0150286.ref021]\]. The patients showed to be stronger in isometric endurance compared to normal population. This may be explained by the fact that the patients were weaker than the normal population in isometric peak torque, which the measure of isometric endurance was based on. An increase in type I (slow) muscle fibres has also been described in prior polio patients \[[@pone.0150286.ref022]--[@pone.0150286.ref023]\] and may be due to a transition of type II (fast) to type I (slow). The patients did not recover completely within five minutes. However they recovered from eighty to ninety percent from the first to the last test. It would be of interest to see after how long time patients with polio were completely recovered compared to normal population. An important study limitation were seen in the classification of polio as polio were classified for left and right arm and leg, respectively, and not per muscle group. This can explain why a polio affected leg in some cases was stronger compared to normal values as the muscles involved in the strength measured i.e. knee flexion and knee extension muscles may not be affected of polio. And the same is applicable regarding muscle strength of the foot as well as grip strength. Data of muscle strength from some of the subjects were missing for different reasons i.e. they may have just not had time to participate, or refused to participate and some were too weak to perform the strength test. Some of the patients with muscle strength data missing, tried to perform the test, but were too weak to get a result. In the future, the use of ultrasound may be used to assess muscle function \[[@pone.0150286.ref024]\]. This would give the possibility to have more information of muscle function since this does not require that the patient has muscle strength to overcome gravity, which is a requirement for isokinetic testing. The authors would like to thank the physicians, physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals at the polio clinic at Sahlgrenska University Hospital for collecting data over the years and all patients who participated in the evaluations. [^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. [^2]: Conceived and designed the experiments: KSS. Performed the experiments: KSS. Analyzed the data: KSV KSS. Wrote the paper: KSV KSS.
\section{Introduction} The aptitude to perceive causation plays a central role in human cognition. Intervention, as a defining feature of humans to manifest their autonomy, is the sole means of actively (in contrast with the passive mode of being a mere observer) interacting with a world governed by causal structures. Among possible intentions behind exerting intervention, the notion of ``control" is a notable one---that is, informally speaking, to manipulate some variables\footnote{The terms ``node" and ``variable" will be used interchangeably throughout.} (also called driver variables) of a system to, either directly or indirectly, ``shape", ``guide", or ``control" variables of the system which are of interest. In this work, the problem of Targeted Probabilistic Structural controllability (TPS-controllability) in the context of Causal Bayesian Networks (CBNs) is addressed and formalized. The term `structural' signifies the condition wherein the agent is equipped merely with the causal structure of the domain under study. The term `targeted', on the other hand, emphasizes that the agent is interested in controlling the behavior of a specific subset (or all) of variables in the domain called target variables. Finally, the term `probabilistic' highlights the probabilistic nature of the problem under study. At a high level, we define the problem of \emph{probabilistic controllability} in the context of CBNs as follows: \emph{How an agent, provided with the knowledge of the set of intervenable variables, should devise her intervention, i.e., (Q.1) ``which" variables to intervene on, and (Q.2) ``how" to intervene on those, so as to ``control" the behavior of a particular variable(s) of interest in the domain (represented by a CBN), that is, to maximize/minimize the probability of the occurrence of a state of interest for a set of target variables.} The problem of probabilistic \emph{structural} controllability in the context of CBNs is then accordingly defined as that of probabilistic controllability---as stated above---with one crucial additional constraint on the agent's part: The agent is solely equipped with the knowledge of the underlying causal \emph{structure} of the domain (i.e., the CBN's topology) and is uninformed of the parametrization thereof. In this work, we aim at identifying the minimal set of intervenable variables sufficient for TPS-controllability of an \emph{arbitrary} CBN. Particularly, we devise an algorithm, $\mc C^\ast$, which identifies a sufficient set of intervenable variables for the purpose of TPS-controllability of a generic CBN. We also elaborate on the nature of minimality the identified set satisfies. Furthermore, to formalize the problem under study and to articulate the results, along the way: (i) we devise, building upon Pearl's concept of \emph{stochastic policy} (cf. \cite{pearl2000causality}, Sec. 4.2), a graphical representation of a generic intervention policy, and (ii) put forth a hierarchical construct for intervention policies wherein moving up in the hierarchy amounts to empowering the agent to exercise more advanced forms of intervention. The question of interest to this work has significant ramifications for studies on strategic planning and policy making in domains enjoying causal structure. Equally importantly, the problem under study has notable connections to how humans, at the computational level of analysis \cite{marr1982vision} and in line with the rational analysis approach \cite{anderson1990adaptive}, devise their intervention strategies efficiently to increase the odds of attaining their desired goals while faced with their uncertain environment. \section{Notation and Terminology} In this section, we present some preliminary notations and terminologies which will be adopted in this paper. Random quantities are denoted by bold-faced letters; their realizations are denoted by the same letter but non-bold. More specifically, Random Variables (RVs) are denoted by lower-case bold-faced letters, e.g., $\bb{x}$, and their realizations by non-bold lower-case letters, e.g., $x$. Likewise, sets of RVs are denoted by bold-faced calligraphic letters, e.g., $\bmc X$, and their corresponding realizations by non-bold calligraphic letters, e.g., $\mc X$. $\textit{Val}(\cdot)$ denotes the set of possible values a random quantity can take on. To simplify presentation, we incur the following abuse of notation: We denote the probability $\mathbb P(\bb{x}=x)$ by $\mathbb P(x)$ for some RV $\bb{x}$ and its realization $x\in \textit{Val}(\bb{x})$. For conditional probabilities, we will use the notation $\mathbb P(x|y)$ instead of $\mathbb P(\bb{x}={x}|\bb{y}={y})$. Likewise, $\mathbb P(\mc X|\mc Y):=\mathbb P(\bmc X=\mc X|\bmc Y=\mc Y)$ for $\mc X \in \textit Val(\bmc X)$ and $\mc Y \in \textit Val(\bmc Y)$. Random quantities are assumed to be discrete, throughout, unless stated otherwise. Throughout the paper, the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) $G=(V,E)$ characterizes the non-intervened causal structure of the domain where $V$ denotes the set of nodes/variables and $E$ denotes the set of edges. We adopt Pearl's notation $do(x):=do(\bb x=x)$ to denote an atomic intervention on $\bb x$ so as to force it to take on value $x$. Also, $ip(\bb x)$ denotes the intervention policy to be adopted for $\bb x$ the meaning of which will be clarified in the subsequent section; informally intervention policy refers to how the agent decides to manipulate the intervened variable (cf. \cite{pearl2000causality}, Sec. 4.2). Intervention policy may or may not functionally depend on other variables of the domain. As we will see later, intervention policy in its most generic form is nothing but a Conditional Probability Distribution (CPD). $\delta(\cdot)$ denotes the Kronecker delta function. Also, Backward Chaining (BC) on a variable refers to the simple process of identifying its parents (i.e., immediate causes) and the parents of the parents and so forth until the boundaries of the CBN are reached. Before proceeding further, let us formally define two key notions, namely, \emph{subsumability} and \emph{domination}. \textbf{Def. (Subsumability):} DAG $ G_1=(V_1,E_1)$ \emph{subsumes} DAG $ G_2=(V_2,E_2)$, denoted in short by $ G_1 \supseteq G_2$, iff $V_1=V_2$ and $E_2 \subseteq E_1$. We refer to the set $E_1\setminus E_2$, as the \emph{surplus} of $ G_1$ with respect to $ G_2$. \textbf{Def. (Domination):} DAG $ G_1=(V_1,E_1)$ \emph{dominates} DAG $ G_2=(V_2,E_2)$, denoted by $ G_1 \succcurlyeq G_2$, iff there \emph{exists} a parametrization of $ G_1$ which yields a result for the objective of interest that is no worse than the best achievable by \emph{any} possible parametrizations of $ G_2$. For instance, if the objective of interest is to maximize the probability of some event of interest, say $\bb r=r$ for some $r\in \textit Val(\bb r)$, then we write $ G_1 \succcurlyeq G_2$ iff there exists a parametrization of $ G_1$ which yields some value for the probability of interest, $\mathbb P(r)$, which is greater than or equal to the best achievable by any possible parametrizations of $ G_2$. \textbf{Lemma 1. (Domination vs Subsumability):} Let $G_1, G_2$ be DAGs. Then, $ G_1 \supseteq G_2 \Rightarrow G_1 \succcurlyeq G_2 $. \textbf{Proof:} The proof is straightforward once we realize that one can very well take advantage of the extra edges of $ G_1$ with respect to $ G_2$ (i.e., the surplus of $ G_1$ with respect to $ G_2$) which give one more ``degrees of freedom" to entertain and hence to achieve a result which is equally good or better than the best achievable by all possible parametrizations of $ G_2$ in terms of the objective of interest.\hfill $\blacksquare$ In subsequent sections where we introduce potential objectives of interest, the above statements become clearer. \section{Motivating Example} \label{Sec_motivating_example} To develop some intuition as to the problem under study, a series of informative examples will be presented. \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{fig_motive_1.pdf} \caption{Motivating example.} \label{fig_motive_1} \end{figure} Let us first consider the CBN depicted in Fig. \ref{fig_motive_1}(a). Variables $\bb y_1, \bb y_2$ are amenable to intervention (or, in short, \emph{intervenable}). Let us assume that the objective is to make the occurrence of the event $\bb o=o \in \textit Val(\bb o)$ as likely as possible through intervening on any subset of variables $\{\bb y_1, \bb y_2\}$ (or to choose not to intervene at all corresponding to choosing the empty set). The key question is how, by mere investigation of the \emph{structure} of the CBN depicted in Fig. \ref{fig_motive_1}(a), to decide: (i) on which (intervenable) variable(s) to intervene, and (ii) how the intervention should be exercised (a notion referred to as \emph{Intervention Policy} (IP)). It is easy to come to the conclusion that, to make the occurrence of $\bb o=o$ as likely as possible, one needs to just intervene on $\bb y_1$ and force it into the state $\bb y_1=y_1^\ast$ where $y_1^\ast$ is the realization for $\bb y_1$ conditioned on which the probability of event $\bb o=o$ is maximum, i.e., $y_1^\ast=\arg \max_{y_1 \in \textit{Val}(\bb y_1)} \mathbb P(o|y_1)$. It is crucial to realize then that, due to the \emph{structure} of the CBN depicted in Fig. \ref{fig_motive_1}(a), and \emph{regardless} of its parametrization, it suffices for the agent to solely intervene on $\bb y_1$ for the purpose of TPS-controllability of $\bb o=o$ (the answer to (i)). Furthermore, since the agent is assumed to be equipped merely with the structure of the underlying CBN and not the paramterization thereof, based on the above argument on $\bb y_1$'s IP, the agent can just arrive at the conclusion that $\bb y_1$'s IP has the functional (or structural) form of\footnote{In fact, the agent can reason out one step further and come to the conclusion that $\bb y_1$'s IP must have the functional form of $\mathbb P(\bb y_1)=\delta(\bb y_1=y^\ast)$, however, the agent cannot identify/specify the value of $y^\ast$---due to the lack of knowledge about the paramtrization of the CBN.} $\mathbb P(\bb y_1)$---that is, merely the \emph{non-parametric} form of the IP (the answer to (ii)). {Altogether, a solution to the problem of TPS-controllability of $\bb o=o$ is $\{\bb y_1\}$ (which is a sufficient set of variables to be intervened) along with $\mathbb P(\bb y_1)$ which is the \emph{functional} form of $\bb y_1$'s IP.} Following the same line of reasoning for the CBNs depicted in Figs. 1(b-d), it is straightforward to argue that $\{\bb y_1\}$ is a sufficient set for TPS-controllability of the target variable $\bb o$, and $\bb y_1$'s IP has the functional form of $\mathbb P(\bb y_1)$ akin to what we had for Fig. \ref{fig_motive_1}(a). \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.09\textwidth]{fig_motive_2.pdf} \caption{Motivating example.} \label{fig_motive_2} \end{figure} Let us consider another example that highlights a key idea, namely, that we need to broaden our understanding of the notion of intervention (cf. \cite{pearl2000causality}, Sec. 4.2). Consider the CBN depicted in Fig. \ref{fig_motive_2}. This time, only $\bb y$ is intervenable. Assume that (only for this particular example), all the variables are binary-valued; the prior probability on $\bb x$ is $\mathbb P(\bb x)$ (which is assumed to be non-degenerate), $\bb y:=\neg \bb x$, and $\bb o :=\bb x \oplus \bb y$ where $\neg$ and $\oplus$ denote the logical connectives \emph{not} and \emph{xor}, respectively. It is easy to verify that the event $\bb o=1$ occurs with probability one, regardless of the choice of $\mathbb P(\bb x)$. For the problem of TPS-controllability of $\bb o=1$, the agent has to decide whether or not to intervene on $\bb y$. Imagine an intervention were to be exercised on $\bb y$. Whether the agent would set $\bb y=0$, or $\bb y=1$, the objective event of $\bb o=1$ would become less likely to happen compared to that of the (non-intervened) original model. At first glance, the fact that exercising intervention makes the situation worse in terms of the objective of interest seems rather counter-intuitive. How could it be that having the freedom to manipulate variable $\bb y$ (which even happens to be one of the parents of the objective node) whatever way we like does not allow you to outperform the (non-intervened) original model? The answer lies in developing a better understanding of the term ``whatever way we like." For that purpose, we need to broaden our conception of the notion of intervention and go beyond practicing merely a primitive atomic form of intervention denoted by $do(\bb y=y)$ in the literature. A more advanced form of intervention is to pick the state to which we want to force the intervened variable as a function of the states of some other variables of the domain. That is, IP may depend functionally on a collection of other variables in the domain. In this example, choosing $\bb y$'s IP, denoted by $ip(\bb y)$, to functionally depend on (the state of) variable $\bb x$ ensures that, the outcome achieved by exerting such intervention, is equally good or better (no worse than) than that of the (non-intervened) original model. In such a setting, we simply adopt the following terminology/notation: The intervention pair $(\bb y, ip(\bb y):=\mathbb P(\bb y|\bb x))$ (comprising, in order, of the set of intervened variables and their corresponding IPs) is equally good or better than both: (i) the intervention pair $(\bb y,ip(\bb y):=\mathbb P(\bb y)=\delta(\bb y=y))$ corresponding to the simplistic atomic form of intervention on $\bb y$ discussed above which does not depend on the state of $\bb x$ and, likewise, (ii) the intervention pair $(\varnothing,\varnothing)$ corresponding to the original model (without intervention). A simple comparison between the CBN in Fig. \ref{fig_motive_1}(a) and the one in Fig. \ref{fig_motive_2} reveals the following: Had there been left, upon intervening on $\bb y$, no paths through which $\bb x$'s causal effect on the objective variable $\bb o$ could be mediated, there would be no need for the intervention policy of $\bb y$ to functionally depend on $\bb x$ (akin to Fig. \ref{fig_motive_1}(a)). \section{Intervention Policy} \label{intervention_gen} The notion of IP delineates how an intervened variable should be ``manipulated." More specifically, IP indicates whether other variables play any role or not (and if so, how) in devising how the manipulation on a to-be-intervened variable is to be practiced. It is intuitive that the more variables we are allowed to functionally depend on while devising the IP of a to-be-intervened variable, the more ``degrees of freedom" we have in controlling the behavior of the to-be-intervened variable. Next, we will formalize this intuition by, first, putting forward a simple graphical representation of intervention policy and, then, by using the idea of \emph{subsumability} which draws on the fact that the original non-intervened model could be thought of as a special case of the intervened model. By allowing a larger number of variables for the IP of an intervened variable to \emph{functionally} depend on, we show that IPs can be organized in a hierarchical construct wherein moving up in the hierarchy amounts to empowering the agent to exercise more sophisticated forms of intervention. \subsection{Hierarchical Construct} \label{intervention_gen_hierarchy} Before proceeding further let us make a definition: The scope of an IP is the set of variables, except the intervened variable itself, that the IP functionally depends on. For instance, for $ip(\bb y):=\mathbb P(\bb y|\bb s)$, the scope is comprised of the variable $\bb s$. In short, the idea of organizing IPs into a hierarchical construct is inspired by the simple realization that, by delimiting the set of variables the agent is allowed to incorporate into the scope of the intervened variable's IP (functionally represented by a conditional probability distribution), we impose a constraint on the expressive power of the intervention policy. The following notation henceforth will be employed to refer to different IP-classes: $\bullet$ IP \textit{class-}$0$: This class refers to the set of IPs where the scope of each is the empty set, i.e., a setting wherein the IP(s) of the intervened variable(s) is not allowed to incorporate any variables into its scope. That is, if variable $\bb x$ happens to be decided to be intervened and the agent is only permitted to adopt \textit{class-}$0$ intervention policies, then, the agent is just allowed to place IP of the functional form $\mathbb P(\bb x)$ on $\bb x$ to exercise her intervention. It is crucial to note that, the agent is allowed to parameterize $\mathbb P(\bb x)$ as she wishes, yet the functional form of the IP is constrained. $\bullet$ IP \textit{class-}$1$: This class refers to the set of IPs where the scope of each comprises the immediate causes of the corresponding intervened variable. That is, in this class, the IP of the intervened variable $\bb x$ has the functional form $ip(\bb x):=\mathbb P(\bb x|par(\bb x))$ where $par(\bb x)$ is the set of immediate causes for $\bb x$. That is, the scope of \textit{class-}$1$ IP $ip(\bb x)$ is $par(\bb x)$. $\bullet$ IP \textit{class-}$j, \forall j\geq 2$: This class refers to the set of IPs where the scope of each is the ancestors of the corresponding intervened variable up to $i^\text{th}$ level. For instance, for the case of IP \textit{class-}$2$, IP(s) of the intervened variable(s) is solely allowed to take into account the state of (i) the immediate causes, and (2) the immediate causes of the variables in (i), thereby, altogether functionally depending on all the ancestors up to the $2^\text{nd}$ level. $\bullet$ IP \textit{class-}$\infty$: This class refers to the set of IPs where the scope of each is \emph{all} the ancestors of the corresponding intervened variable. Note that the complete set of ancestors of a variable $\bb x$ can be found by instantiating the BC on $\bb x$. Finally, it is crucial to notice the following. For an IP to be in a particular class amounts to imposing a constraint solely on the \emph{functional} form of the IP; the agent is free to choose any parametrization for the IP as she may wish. Therefore, $ip(\bb x)\in \textit{class-} i$ simply means that the \emph{functional} form of $ip(\bb x)$ is constrained in accord to the definition of IP \textit{class-}$i$ given above, yet, it could be arbitrarily parameterized. Also, assuming that $\bmc X=\{\bb x_i\}_{i=1}^m$, the notation $ip(\bmc X)\in \textit{class-} j$ will be adopted as a shorthand for the following: $ip(\bb x_i)\in \textit{class-} j, \forall i=1,\cdots,m.$ \subsection{Graphical Representation} \label{intervention_gen_graphical_rep} In this section, we develop a way of visualizing IPs. The idea is simple. If the IP of a to-be-intervened variable $\bb x$ happens to functionally depend on $\bb y$, then we show this by a directed dash-dotted arrow emanating from $\bb y$ and pointing towards $\bb x$. To ensure that any practice of intervention is fully expressed by such edges we introduce the following convention: For DAG $G=(V,E)$, a clamped variable $\mathfrak{C}$ is added\footnote{It is implicitly assumed throughout this paper that the variable $\mathfrak{C}$ has been added to DAG $G$ \emph{a priori}. Also, we will not depict $\mathfrak{C}$ in the figures unless needed.} to $V$. Then, intervening on a variable $\bb a$ which has no parents and exerting $ip(\bb a)=\mathbb P(\bb a)$ will be illustrated graphically by a dash-dotted edge emanating from $\mathfrak{C}$ towards $\bb a$. In general, upon $\bb y$ taking on the state $y$, the agent may decide to set the value of $\bb x$ to a fixed value $x$ (deterministic IP), or to set the value of $\bb x$ probabilistically (stochastic IPs), i.e., $\bb x$ {takes on} values from $\textit Val(\bb x)$ according to some conditional probability distribution $\mathbb P(\bb x|\bb y)$. In both cases, $ip(\bb x)$ is said to \emph{functionally} depend on variable $\bb y$. Simply put, in devising the intervention policy of $\bb x$, namely, $ip(\bb x)$, the state of $\bb y$ is taken into account. The notion of probabilistic IP is discussed in (\cite{pearl2000causality}, pp. 113-114) under the title of \emph{stochastic policy}. \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.19\textwidth]{fig_graph_rep_int.pdf} \caption{Sample case. \textbf{(a):} Original CBN. Variable $\bb y$ is to be intervened according to $ip(\bb y):=\mathbb P(\bb y|\bb u)$. \textbf{(b):} The graphical representation of intervening on $\bb y$ with $ip(\bb y):=\mathbb P(\bb y|\bb u)$. The figure simply illustrates the fact that the state of $\bb y$ gets decided (potentially probabilistically) according to the state of $\bb u$. Notice that according to \cite{pearl2000causality}, upon intervening on $\bb y$, all the incoming edges into $\bb y$ should be removed.} \label{fig_graph_rep_int} \end{figure} Let us first give some definitions which will prove useful in the subsequent sections. For the given definitions, DAG $ G=(V,E)$ represents the causal structure of the domain. \textbf{Def. (Intervention Pair):} A set of intervened variables $\bmc K\subseteq V$ along with their corresponding IPs comprise a pair, called an \emph{intervention pair}, which is denoted by $(\bmc K, ip(\bmc K))$. \textbf{Def. (Intervention DAG (\emph{i}-DAG)):} Every intervention pair $(\bmc K, ip(\bmc K))$ for $\bmc K\subseteq V$ uniquely specifies a DAG (as described above) which we refer to as the \emph{i}-DAG associated to that intervention pair. The \emph{i}-DAG associated to $(\bmc K, ip(\bmc K))$ is denoted by $(\bmc K, ip(\bmc K))_{ G}$. \textbf{Def. (\emph{i}-Subsumability):} For $\bmc X,\bmc Y \subseteq V$, \emph{i}-DAG $(\bmc X,ip(\bmc X))_G$ \emph{i}-subsumes \emph{i}-DAG $(\bmc Y,ip(\bmc Y))_G$, denoted in short by $(\bmc X,ip(\bmc X))_G \supseteq_i (\bmc Y,ip(\bmc Y))_G$, iff (i) $(\bmc X,ip(\bmc X))_G \supseteq (\bmc Y,ip(\bmc Y))_G$, (ii) the set of the dash-dotted edges in $(\bmc Y,ip(\bmc Y))_G$ is a subset of the set of the dash-dotted edges in $(\bmc X,ip(\bmc X))_G$, and (iii) the surplus of $(\bmc X,ip(\bmc X))_G$ with respect to $(\bmc Y,ip(\bmc Y))_G$ is solely comprised of dash-dotted edges. \textbf{Def. (\emph{i}-Domination):} For $\bmc X,\bmc Y \subseteq V$, \emph{i}-DAG $(\bmc X,ip(\bmc X))_G$ \emph{i}-dominates \emph{i}-DAG $(\bmc Y,ip(\bmc Y))_G$, denoted by $(\bmc X,ip(\bmc X))_G \succcurlyeq_{i} (\bmc Y,ip(\bmc Y))_G$ for short, iff there exist a parameterization for the dash-dotted edges (see Fig. \ref{fig_graph_rep_int}) in $(\bmc X,ip(\bmc X))_G$ which yields a result for the objective of interest that is no worse than the best achievable by any possible parametrizations of the dash-dotted edges in \emph{i}-DAG $(\bmc Y,ip(\bmc Y))_G$. \textbf{Lemma 2. (\emph{i}-Domination vs \emph{i}-Subsumability):} \emph{ Let DAG $ G=(V,E)$ characterize the causal structure of the domain. Let $(\bmc X,ip(\bmc X))_G$ and $(\bmc Y,ip(\bmc Y))_G$ be two \emph{i}-DAGs for some $\bmc X,\bmc Y \subseteq V$. Then, the following holds:} \begin{eqnarray*} \small (\bmc X,ip(\bmc X))_G \supseteq_i (\bmc Y,ip(\bmc Y))_G \Rightarrow (\bmc X,ip(\bmc X))_G \succcurlyeq_i (\bmc Y,ip(\bmc Y))_G. \end{eqnarray*} \textbf{Proof:} The rationale is similar to the one presented for Lemma 1.\hfill $\blacksquare$ It immediately follows (due to Lemma 2) that, for $ G=(V,E)$ and $\forall \bmc K\subseteq V$, the following holds true: $\forall j\geq m$, $(\bmc K,ip(\bmc K) \in \textit{class-} j)_{ G}\succcurlyeq_i (\bmc K,ip(\bmc K) \in \textit{class-} m)_{ G}.$ \section{TPS-Controllability of CBNs: Formalization} \label{sec_P_con} Let DAG $ G=(V,E)$ characterize the causal structure of the domain. Let $V=V_i\cup \bar{V}_i$ where $V_i$ denotes the set of nodes/variables amenable to intervention (or, in short, \emph{intervenable}), and $\bar{V}_i$ be the complement of $V_i$, i.e., $\bar{V}_i=V\setminus V_i$. The probability of interest, in its generic form takes the form\footnote{The connection to Pearl's notation for $do$-calculus is as follows (cf. \cite{pearl2000causality}, p. 114): $\mathbb P(y)|_{{\mathbb P}^\ast(x|z)} = \mathbb P(y|do[\bb x;{\mathbb P}^\ast(x|z)])$.} $\mathbb P(\bmc O=\mc O|do[\bmc X;ip(\bmc X)=ip(\mc X)])$, or in short $\mathbb P(\mc O|do[\bmc X;ip(\mc X)])$, where $\bmc O$ denotes the set of target variables, $\mc O$ denotes the realization of interest, $\bmc X$ denotes the set of intervened variables, $ip(\bmc X)$ denotes the \emph{functional} form (i.e., non-parametric representation) of the to-be-adopted intervention policy, and $ip(\mc X)$ denotes a specific parametrization\footnote{Which is equivalent to a specific parametrization of the dash-dotted edges representing the intervention policy exercised on variables $\bmc X$ in the corresponding $i$-DAG (see Fig. \ref{fig_graph_rep_int}).} of $ip(\bmc X)$. Also, $do[\bmc X;ip(\bmc X)]$ denotes the setting wherein variables $\bmc X$ are intervened according to $ip(\bmc X)$ (functional form) and, likewise, $do[\bmc X;ip(\mc X)]$ denotes the setting wherein variables $\bmc X$ are intervened according to $ip(\bmc X)=ip(\mc X)$. One can write, $\bmc O=\bmc O_i \cup \bar{\bmc O}_i$ where $\bmc O_i \subseteq V_i$ and $\bar{\bmc O}_i \subseteq \bar{V}_i$. Objectives of interest could have any of the following forms: \begin{eqnarray} \min_{\bmc X \subseteq V_i}\bigg(\min_{ip(\mc X)\in \textit{class-} \infty}\mathbb P(\mc O|do[\bmc X;ip(\mc X)]) \bigg),\label{min-min}\\ \max_{\bmc X \subseteq V_i}\bigg(\max_{ip(\mc X)\in \textit{class-} \infty}\mathbb P(\mc O|do[\bmc X;ip(\mc X)]) \bigg),\label{max-max} \end{eqnarray} and, \begin{eqnarray} \min_{\bmc X \subseteq V_i}\bigg(\max_{ip(\mc X)\in \textit{class-} \infty}\mathbb P(\mc O|do[\bmc X;ip(\mc X)]) \bigg),\label{min-max}\\ \max_{\bmc X \subseteq V_i}\bigg(\min_{ip(\mc X)\in \textit{class-} \infty}\mathbb P(\mc O|do[\bmc X;ip(\mc X)]) \bigg).\label{max-min} \end{eqnarray} In the sequel, we focus on objectives (\ref{min-min}) and (\ref{max-max}). The discussion on objectives (\ref{min-max}) and (\ref{max-min}) is deferred to the end of the paper. Therefore, whenever we use the statement ``objective of interest" we are specifically referring to both of objectives (\ref{min-min}) and (\ref{max-max}) unless stated otherwise. Next, we devise an algorithm, $\mc C^{\ast}$, for the problem of TPS-controllability of CBNs. $\mc C^{\ast}$ outputs a set of intervenable variables, $\bmc X^\ast$, which is ``optimal" with respect to objectives (\ref{min-min}) and (\ref{max-max}). In other words, $\bmc X^\ast$ is a sufficient choice of variables to intervene on (according to IP \textit{class-}$\infty$) to satisfy objectives (\ref{min-min}) and (\ref{max-max}). To put it formally, in the next section we show that for $\bmc X^\ast$ the following holds: $\forall \bmc Y \subseteq V_i$, \begin{eqnarray*} \label{eq_optimality} (\bmc X^\ast,ip(\bmc X^\ast)\in\textit{class-}\infty)_{ G}\succcurlyeq_i (\bmc Y,ip(\bmc Y)\in\textit{class-}\infty)_{ G}. \end{eqnarray*} \section{TPS-Controllability of CBNs: Algorithm $\mc C^{\ast}$} \label{Sec_alg_c_star} Let us explain simply how $\mc C^{\ast}$ works. BC has to be initiated on nodes in $\bmc O$. Upon reaching any node in $ V_i$, the BC execution path terminates at that node. This procedure continues until, for all of the BC execution paths, either: (i) The BC execution path gets terminated at some node belonging to $V_i$, or (ii) a node with no parents is reached. The set of intervenable variables at which BC terminates constitute $\mc C^{\ast}$'s output denoted by $\bmc X^\ast$. Fig. \ref{fig_alg_c_star} depicts a sample execution of $\mc C^{\ast}$. \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.16\textwidth]{fig_sample_3.pdf} \caption{Sample Case: Variable $\bb o$ (depicted in red) is the target variable. The intervenable variables (i.e., members of $V_i$) are circled. {The BC execution paths are colored in blue and illustrated by dash-dotted lines.} Upon initiating the BC at the target variable $\bb o$, we arrive at the $\bb t_1$ (depicted in purple) located at the junction. Next, we arrive at $\bb t_2$ and $\bb t_3$. Since $\bb t_3 \in V_i$, the BC terminates at $\bb t_3$. On the other hand, since $\bb t_2\not\in V_i$, the BC continues. Having performed the BC on $\bb t_2$, we arrive at $\bb t_4$ and $\bb t_5$. Since $\bb t_4 \in V_i$, the BC terminates on $\bb t_4$. At the end, since $\bb t_5$ (depicted in grey) has no parents (immediate causes), the BC terminates at $\bb t_5$ as well. Therefore, by mere investigation of the structure, $\mc C^\ast$ outputs the set $\bmc X^\ast=\{\bb t_3,\bb t_4\}$ as a solution to the objectives (\ref{max-max}) and (\ref{min-min}) for this particular setting (i.e., the given CBN and the corresponding $V_i$ and $\bb o$ as the target variable).} \label{fig_alg_c_star} \end{figure} \subsection{Algorithm $\mc C^{\ast}$: Justification} \label{sec_c_star_proof} \textbf{On the Sufficiency of $\bmc X^\ast$:} Let us now present the sufficiency proof for $\bmc X^\ast$ where by sufficiency we mean that: intervening (according to IP \textit{class-}$\infty$) on any variables in addition to $\bmc X^\ast$ does not yield any improvement upon what is achievable through merely intervening (according to IP \textit{class-}$\infty$) on $\bmc X^\ast$. Notice that we can write $V_i=V_i^{BC}\cup \bar{V}_i^{BC}$ where $V_i^{BC}$ is the set of intervenable variables which belong to the subgraph generated by executing BC on the target nodes $\bmc O$. It is obvious that intervening on any variable in $\bar{V}_i^{BC}$ is pointless due to the following argument\footnote{This statement immediately follows from Rule 3 of Pearl's $do$-calculus (cf. \cite{pearl2000causality}, p. 95).}: ($\star$) variables in $\bar{V}_i^{BC}$ have no direct or indirect causal effect on any of the target nodes. Now, what is left to be shown is why, among all $V_i^{BC}$, it suffices to intervene on $\bmc X^\ast$ (according to IP \textit{class-}$\infty$) and, why, intervening on any additional variables does not improve upon what is achievable through intervening merely on $\bmc X^\ast$. More formally, the question is why the following holds: $\forall \bmc Y \subseteq V_i^{BC}$ \begin{eqnarray*} (\bmc X^\ast,ip(\bmc X^\ast)\in\textit{class-}\infty)_{ G}\succcurlyeq_i (\bmc Y,ip(\bmc Y)\in\textit{class-}\infty)_{ G}. \end{eqnarray*} Notice that, the extension to the case of $\forall \bmc Y \subseteq V_i$ immediately follows from argument ($\star$). The realization of the fact that variable $\bb y \in V_i^{BC}$ was not selected (for intervention) by $\mc C^{\ast}$ implies that $\bb y$'s causal effect on the target variables which are descendant\footnote{Intervening on $\bb y$, obviously, could merely influence $\bb y$'s descendant.} of $\bb y$ must have been mediated through some of the selected nodes by $\mc C^{\ast}$ say $\bmc Y^{\dagger} \subseteq \bmc X^{\ast}$ (otherwise, $\bb y$ would have been selected). The claim as to the redundancy of further intervening on $\bb y$ in addition to exerting intervention (according to IP \textit{class-}$\infty$) on $\bmc Y^{\dagger}$ is as follows. Let $G=(V,E)$ be the DAG associated to the (non-intervened) underlying causal structure of the domain. First, notice that the effect of stochastic policies can be expressed in terms of atomic interventions in $G$ as explained in (\cite{pearl2000causality}, pp. 113-114) and (\cite{pearl1995causal}, p. 684). Due to Rule 2 of Pearl's $do$-calculus, intervention on $\bb y$ can be exchanged with $\bb y$ being merely passively observed. Subsequently, due to Rule 1 of Pearl's $do$-calculus, $\bb y$'s observation can be dismissed. Notice that intervening on $\bmc Y^{\dagger}$ according to IP \textit{class-}$\infty$ (which amounts to incorporating all the ancestors of $\bmc Y^{\dagger}$ into their IPs) renders $\bb y$ $d$-separated from the target variables which are descendant of\footnote{Incorporation of all the antecedents of $\bmc Y^{\dagger}$ into their IPs guarantees that all the back-door paths from $\bb y$ to the target variables which are descendant of $\bb y$ are blocked (cf. \cite{pearl2000causality}, Sec. 3.3.1).} $\bb y$, hence the applicability of Rule 2 and Rule 1. This concludes the proof. \section{On the Minimality of $\bmc X^\ast$} Let us present two definitions and a proposition which bears on the minimality of $\bmc X^\ast$. \textbf{Def. \small{(Locally Structurally Minimal (LSM)}\normalsize):} $\mc C^\ast$'s output, $\bmc X^\ast$, is LSM with respect to DAG $G$ iff there exists a parametrization of $G$ such that \emph{no} proper subset of $\bmc X^\ast$, namely, $\bmc X^{\ast\ast}$, exists for which the following holds: \begin{eqnarray*} (\bmc X^{\ast\ast},ip(\bmc X^{\ast\ast})\in \textit{class-}\infty)_{ G} \succcurlyeq_i (\bmc X^{\ast}, ip(\bmc X^{\ast})\in \textit{class-}\infty)_{ G}. \end{eqnarray*} \textbf{Def. \small{(Uniformly Structurally Minimal (USM)}\normalsize):} $\mc C^\ast$'s output, $\bmc X^\ast$, is USM iff $\bmc X^\ast$ is LSM with respect to any DAG $G$. \textbf{Proposition 1.} \emph{$\bmc X^\ast$ is USM with respect to objective (1).} \textbf{Proof:} The proof is constructive. The objective of interest is maximax given in (1). Let us assume, without loss of generality, that all the RVs are binary-valued and the desired state is for all the target variables to take on value one. Our goal is to parameterize an \emph{arbitrary} $G$ in such a way that: (i) the desired state happens with probability one if variables $\bmc X^{\ast}$ are all set to one through exerting atomic interventions, and (ii) the desired state happens with probability zero otherwise. Start at $\bmc X^{\ast}$. Parameterize the CPD of each $\bb x^\ast \in \bmc X^\ast$ such that it always takes on the value zero. Moving along the BC execution paths terminated at $\bmc X^{\ast}$, proceed towards the target variables which are descendants\footnote{For any target variable $\bb q$ which is not a descendant of $\bmc X^{\ast}$, parameterize $\mathbb P(\bb q|par(\bb q))$ such that $\bb q$ takes the value 1 with probability one.} of $\bmc X^{\ast}$. Along the way, parameterize the CPD associated to any variable $\bb k$ such that, conditioned on $\bb k$'s parents which are descendants of $\bmc X^{\ast}$ (denoted by $par_{\bmc X^\ast}(\bb k)$), $\bb k$ takes on value one iff all $par_{\bmc X^\ast}(\bb k)$ take value one\footnote{In other words, the CPD of $\mathbb P(\bb k|par(\bb k))$ is paremeterized in such a manner that the parents of $\bb k$ which are \emph{not} descendants of $\bmc X^\ast$ are rendered ineffective.}. In other words, intermediate variables like $\bb k$ work as an \emph{and} logical gate. Proceed in the aforementioned manner until all the target variables (which are descendants of $\bmc X^{\ast}$) are reached. It is easy to verify that indeed the desired state happens with probability one iff all the variables $\bmc X^{\ast}$ are set to one and, furthermore, intervening on any proper subset of $\bmc X^{\ast}$ in any way does not yield such an outcome. This concludes the proof. \hfill $\blacksquare$ \section{On Minimax/Maximin Objectives} \label{sec_minimax_maximin} In this section we claim that, subject to the constraint that the IP's of the to-be-intervened variables has to belong to IP \textit{class-}$j$, the solution to both minimax and maximin problem is the empty set, for all $j\geq 1$. Let us present a lemma using which it is easy to justify the claim made above. \textbf{Lemma 3.} \emph{Let DAG $ G=(V,E)$ represent the causal structure of the domain. $\forall j\geq 1$ and $\forall \bmc X \subseteq V_i$, the following inequalities hold: \begin{eqnarray*} \min_{\substack{ip(\mc X)\in \textit{class-} j}}\mathbb P(\mc O|do[\bmc X;ip(\mc X)])\leq \mathbb P(\mc O),\\ \mathbb P(\mc O)\leq \max_{\substack{ip(\mc X)\in \textit{class-} j}}\mathbb P(\mc O|do[\bmc X;ip(\mc X)]). \end{eqnarray*}} The proof for Lemma 3 is straightforward due to the simple realization that, $\forall j\geq 1$, $(\bmc X, ip(\bmc X)\in \textit{class-} j)_{ G}$ \emph{i}-subsumes the original CBN, thus $(\bmc X, ip(\bmc X)\in \textit{class-} j)_{ G} \succcurlyeq_i (\varnothing, \varnothing)_{ G}$, $\forall j\geq 1$. Using Lemma 3, it is easy to justify the claim we made earlier as to the solution to the minimax and maximin problems; the solution to both is the empty set. For details, the reader is referred to Appendix. \section{Related Work} In this section, we give an overview of the ideas explored in the literature which are, in spirit, related to the problem under study in this work. The idea of Structure Control Theory (SCT) proposed by Lin \cite{lin1974structural} in the context of Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) systems governed by first-order differential equations (a.k.a. state equations) perhaps comes closest to our problem. In such domains, all variables are deterministic and the states of variables change in time according to the dynamics represented by state equations. Authors in \cite{liu2011controllability}, drawing on the idea of SCT proposed by Lin \cite{lin1974structural}, aim at identifying the minimal set of variables which are sufficient for the purpose of structural controllability of a generic large-scale LTI system. In a subsequent work, authors in \cite{gao2014target}, relax the objective of structural controllability of the system in whole, to merely that of a particular set of desired variables called target variables. This line of thought has been motivated due to the understanding that in large-scale systems, it may neither be attainable nor required to control the full system but, rather, to merely control a subset of the variables of the system (analogous to target variables in our problem) which are deemed pivotal for the realization of the task at hand. In this light, \cite{gao2014target} is concerned with the very same question underlying our work, yet, perusing it in radically different settings. In \cite{liu2011controllability,gao2014target} both variables and their inter-connections are deterministic in nature whereas, in our case, both have probabilistic natures; a point of departure which leads to a substantially different line of work---both semantically and syntactically. \section{Conclusion} In this paper, for the first time, the problem of TPS-controllability in the context of CBNs was investigated and formalized. Algorithm $\mc C^\ast$ was devised to identify a sufficient set of intervenable variables for the purpose of TPS-controllability of a generic CBN; the minimality of $\mc C^\ast$'s output was also characterized. The provided results can have significant ramifications for studies on strategic planning and policy making allowing one to efficiently practice her interventions in order to maximize (minimize) the odds of the desired (undesired) outcomes. \newpage \pagebreak \bibliographystyle{aaai}
Timely and accurate data are rightly valued in healthcare, providing policymakers with the means to make informed decisions that can save lives and reduce suffering. In order to prioritise the most effective interventions, evaluate their impact, and where necessary, refine policies, relevant, routinely-collected data must be at hand. Perhaps such an opening statement is self-evident and would go unchallenged by decision makers and the public health community at large. Yet a situation analysis of the availability and quality of primary data from national surveillance systems reveals a staggering data inequity worldwide that hampers the ability of many governments to effectively plan healthcare and monitor national targets. The World Health Organization (WHO), in assisting Member States to meet the reporting requirements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), estimate that one-third of Member States have no primary data on over half of the 18 relevant indicators required for monitoring the SDGs \[[@ref1]\]. Cause-of-death data, as a core indicator available from national vital registration systems, is complete and of high quality in only one in four Member States \[[@ref2]\]. The data deficits are predominantly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), particularly the WHO African and South-East Asia regions, where the completeness of mortality data is around 6% and 10%, respectively. Recent papers attest to the overwhelming necessity to invest in primary data collection in LMICs to aid local decision-making \[[@ref3]\], and to break the chain of dependence on global estimates that may arise from a systematic lack of investment in national information systems \[[@ref4]\]. There clearly remains a need to better connect various efforts to improve data collection on the ground, and significantly invest in global coordination and implementation. Is it appropriate to fast-track the local collection of cancer data? We argue below that cancer surveillance, with an established history of international standards and best practices, represents a feasible entry point in the development of surveillance programmes for NCDs. Certainly the current and future impact of cancer is unrefuted in public health and economic terms; we are in the midst of a disease transition that will see cancer become the leading cause of premature death in every country of the world in this century and local data for local action is imperative worldwide. The essential elements of cancer surveillance need to be first integrated into surveillance systems for NCDs; at the same time, different measures and strategies of cancer surveillance need to be linked to components of cancer control \[[@ref5]\]. The specifics of cancer data collection via population-based cancer registries (PBCR) are unique \[[@ref6]\]. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the specialized cancer organization of the WHO, has served to support cancer registration since its inception over 50 years ago. Based on this longstanding experience and collaboration with PBCR worldwide, IARC and other key partners implemented the *Global Initiative for Cancer Registry Development* (GICR, <http://gicr.iarc.fr/>) in 2012, as a new way to deliver capacity-building in cancer surveillance. Based on the essential factors for cancer registries described below, countries are approached to partner in a data quality improvement plan. The methods to collect cancer data via PBCR are well documented and have permitted comparisons among populations for decades \[[@ref7]\]. A lesson that has emerged is that quality cancer data is possible even in the most limited settings \[[@ref6]\]. For registries to flourish and become indispensable to public health, governments must first ensure that surveillance is included as part of their overall health plans so that there is a budget for staff and operations. Unfortunately, too often registries in LMICs are forced to rely on partial, or in some cases complete, *ad hoc* funding, such as from research grants. Without a sustained budget, a registry is vulnerable to staff turnover and a decline in quality. Closely related to funding is the need for cooperation from clinicians to permit the PBCR to conduct its work. Even when conditions for funding and support are met, it is only sensible to have a registry if there is an accessible health care system. Underlying medical records that document the occurrence of cancer among residents are the primary means of obtaining data for cancer registries. However, the most critical feature for success for cancer registries is a dedicated local leader with technical knowledge in cancer registration. Strong leadership to oversee and nurture the development of the registry is vital to achieve high quality data. Training, a key component of the GICR, is designed to empower local experts and make use of modern technology. Standardized educational material is developed through local networks of regional trainers to create common sets of teaching slides, references and provide support. The goal is to transfer skills to each trainer, who in turn serves as a resource to further educate registry staff in their respective region. Topics range across all aspects of cancer registry operations, from case finding, coding, management, analyses to reporting. This approach has evolved responsibility for support from a few individuals to a structured, larger group. There is much still to do; high-quality cancer incidence data is available in less than one-third of countries at present \[[@ref8]\]. However, support through the GICR makes the prospects of better cancer data attainable. Based on progress to date, a step-change for at least 30 LMICs in the quality of cancer data is forecasted over the next few years. Linkages between the GICR and the SDGs promote gains that extend beyond cancer to produce a mutual benefit. Stimulating sound practices in surveillance using cancer demonstrates feasibility and can create a greater demand overall for health information. Conclusion ========== Ultimately, the decision on how to proceed resides with each country. The NCD burden will not be tackled without committed and sustainable action by governments. As WHO notes in *World Health Statistics 2019*: "greater investment is needed to improve country health information systems as part of the national statistical system to generate better data, both to inform national decision-making and to reduce reliance on statistical modelling for global monitoring \[[@ref1]\]*.*" Plans that are underpinned and monitored by reliable data yields hope of a brighter future. A tried and tested surveillance method for cancer is available to the global oncology community in the form of the PBCR, and ought to be invested in heavily as a means to deliver cancer data for cancer action. Conflicts of interest ===================== Neither author reports any conflict of interest. Funding statement ================= Neither author received any funding for this article.
\section{Introduction} Under the current social distancing measures of the COVID-19 pandemic, video conferencing has become the major form of daily communication. With the increased popularity of 3D hardware like AR goggles, 3D telepresence~\cite{orts2016holoportation} will soon likely emerge as the next generation communication standard. High quality 3D human reconstruction is at the core of this technology and is one of the current hottest topics. Traditional reconstruction methods depend on expensive capturing hardware and tedious calibration procedure to produce good looking models~\cite{Collet2015HighqualitySF}. This limits their applications to studio settings with expert users and greatly hinders the growth of AR/VR applications. It is highly desirable to develop easy-to-use tools that allow easy creation of high \begin{figure}[h] \includegraphics[width=1.\linewidth]{figures/first_page_results/Tesser2_v1.png} \caption{Reconstruction by PIFu~\cite{saito2019pifu} and our JIFF\xspace. Model reconstructed by JIFF\xspace shows much better geometric details and texture than that by PIFu.} \label{fig:first_page_result} \end{figure} quality 3D human models by home users using commodity RGB cameras. With the advance in deep learning techniques, recent 3D human reconstruction methods have achieved impressive results using as few as a single image~\cite{saito2019pifu, jiang2020bcnet, zhu2019detailed}. These methods can be roughly divided into model based methods~\cite{bhatnagar2019mgn, alldieck2019tex2shape, 4270338, anguelov2005scape} and model-free methods~\cite{he2021arch++, chibane20ifnet, chen2018implicit_decoder, Peng2020ECCV, saito2019pifu, deng2020nasa}. Model based methods typically fit a parametric human model (\eg, SMPL~\cite{SMPL:2015}) to an image to produce a naked 3D human model. They have difficulties in recovering high-frequency details such as clothing and hair. Model-free methods, on the other hand, solve this problem by predicting the occupancy of a discretized volume space. One very representative model-free method is PIFu~\cite{saito2019pifu}, which exploits a Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) to model an implicit function for predicting the occupancy value of a query point based on pixel-aligned features extracted from an image. PIFu and its variants \cite{saito2020pifuhd, li2020monocular} have achieved state-of-the-art results in free-form full body human reconstruction. However, their reconstructions are often lack of fine face details (see~\cref{fig:first_page_result}). Considering the ultra-high-definition rendering standards (\ie 4K UHD and 8K UHD) that are common nowadays, their face reconstruction quality is obviously far from satisfactory and largely degrades user experience in AR/VR applications like 3D telepresence. To achieve high quality human reconstruction with fine face details, we propose a novel Jointly-aligned Implicit Face Function (aka JIFF\xspace) that combines the merits of the implicit function based approach and model based approach. Specifically, we employ the 3D morphable face model (3DMM)~\cite{blanz1999morphable} as our shape prior and compute space-aligned 3D features to capture detailed face geometry and texture information. There are also recent methods~\cite{he2020geopifu,zheng2021pamir} using 3D priors to enhance the implicit function representation by introducing geometric constraints to regularize the reconstruction. For example, \cite{he2020geopifu} and \cite{zheng2021pamir} utilize coarse 3D volume features and SMPL body model, respectively, to improve human body reconstruction. To the best of our knowledge, JIFF\xspace is the first method focusing on recovering high quality face details in both shape and texture.% JIFF\xspace exploits space-aligned 3D features extracted from 3DMM as well as pixel-aligned 2D features extracted from image to jointly predict an implicit face function for high quality face reconstruction. In summary, our method first fits the 3DMM to the face in an image and employs two separate encoders to compute 3D shape and texture features, respectively, from the resulting 3D model. Given a 3D query point, we obtain its space-aligned 3D features with trilinear interpolation. Such space-aligned 3D features are combined with pixel-aligned 2D features for predicting the occupancy value of the query point using a MLP. We further extend our pipeline and introduce a coarse-to-fine architecture to predict high quality texture for our detailed face model. By taking advantages of both the implicit function based approach and model based approach, our method can successfully recover fine face details in both shape and texture (see~\cref{fig:first_page_result}). Our key contributions are as follows: \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*] \item We propose JIFF\xspace, a novel implicit face function for high quality single view 3D face reconstruction, which integrates 3D face prior into the implicit function representation for high quality face shape reconstruction. \item We exploit per-vertex color information provided by the 3DMM and introduce a coarse-to-fine architecture for high quality face texture prediction. \item We demonstrate how JIFF\xspace can naturally be extended to produce full body human reconstruction by simply appending a ``PIFu'' head (implemented as a MLP) to its convolutional image encoder. \item We carry out extensive experiments on public benchmarks and demonstrate that JIFF\xspace outperforms current state-of-the-arts by a large margin. \end{itemize} \section{Related work} \paragraph{Single view human reconstruction} Reconstructing 3D human body from a single image is an important and challenging problem which has attracted a considerable amount of attention. Methods have been developed to fit parametric human models such as SCAPE~\cite{guan2009estimating}, SMPL~\cite{Bogo:ECCV:2016}, SMPL-X~\cite{pavlakos2019expressive} and STAR~\cite{osman2020star} to a single image. Human Mesh Recovery (HMR)~\cite{kanazawa2018end} proposes to regress SMPL parameters from a single image. Labels like body part segmentation~\cite{omran2018neural}, silhouette~\cite{pavlakos2018learning}, and IUV map~\cite{xu2019denserac} have been employed to provide intermediate supervisions for training SMPL prediction models. Although free-form deformation~\cite{joo2018total, xiang2019monocular, alldieck2018video, alldieck2019learning} may be applied to the models to partially account for complex shape topology (\eg, clothing and hair), these methods generally have difficulties in reconstructing high quality clothed human models. Model-free methods have been proposed to reconstruct 3D human with arbitrary topology. Voxel-based methods reconstruct 3D human body using a volumetric representation with different intermediate supervisions (\eg, multi-view images~\cite{gilbert2018volumetric}, 2D pose~\cite{varol2018bodynet, Zheng2019DeepHuman, Trumble_2018_ECCV}, and 3D pose~\cite{jackson20183d}). However, volumetric representation is memory intensive and is hard to scale to high resolution. Recently, memory efficient implicit function representations~\cite{saito2019pifu, saito2020pifuhd, chen2018implicit_decoder, Wang2020IPNet, Peng2020ECCV, natsume2019siclope} have achieved outstanding performance in 3D reconstruction. DeepSDF~\cite{park2019deepsdf} predicts a signed distance field for surface reconstruction. IF-Net~\cite{chibane20ifnet} learns multi-scale features for 3D mesh refinement or completion, and is later extended for texture completion~\cite{chibane2020implicit}. SiCloPe~\cite{natsume2019siclope} reconstructs a visual hull by predicting 3D pose and 2D silhouettes. PIFu~\cite{saito2019pifu} introduces a pixel-aligned implicit function for human reconstruction from a single image. Variants have been proposed for high-resolution reconstruction~\cite{saito2020pifuhd} and real-time rendering~\cite{li2020monocular}. PeeledHuman~\cite{jinka2020peeledhuman} proposes to encode the human body as a set of peeled depth and RGB maps to handle the self-occlusion problem. Although these methods successfully reconstruct 3D human body geometry and texture from a single image, they fail to deal with issues like self-occlusion and detailed face reconstruction. \paragraph{3D prior for implicit function representation} Efforts have been made to utilize 3D human body prior for implicit model reconstruction. GeoPIFu~\cite{he2020geopifu} proposes to use geometry-aligned feature from the predicted 3D feature volume to improve reconstruction quality. PaMIR~\cite{zheng2021pamir} utilizes SMPL as a 3D prior for implicit function learning. ARCH and ARCH++~\cite{Huang_2020_CVPR,he2021arch++} extract 3D spatially-aligned features from a canonical SMPL mesh to reconstruct animatable human models. SHARP~\cite{jinka2021sharp} proposes the peeled SMPL priors for learning. DeepMultiCap~\cite{zheng2021deepmulticap} uses SMPL to tackle the multi-person reconstruction problem. Although improved results have been reported, the above mentioned methods still cannot recover fine face details in their reconstructions. High quality face reconstruction remains an open problem. \paragraph{Human face/head reconstruction} Parametric model based methods often adopt 3D Morphable Model (3DMM)~\cite{blanz1999morphable, guo2020towards, lin2020towards, accu-face-recons-19, egger20203d, sariyanidi2020inequality, zhu2017face} for face reconstruction and head models (\eg, FLAME~\cite{FLAME:SiggraphAsia2017}, DECA~\cite{DECA:Siggraph2021}, LYHM~\cite{8237597, Dai2019StatisticalMO}, and UHM~\cite{ploumpis2020towards, ploumpis2019combining}) for full-head reconstruction. The models adopted by these methods, however, often limit their expressiveness in handling arbitrary shapes. i3DMM~\cite{yenamandra2021i3dmm} combines 3DMM and implicit function to predict full-head meshes with fine details. H3D-Net~\cite{ramon2021h3d} optimizes the implicit function representation based on a 3D head model learned from thousands of raw scans. Different from these methods, we aim at high quality single view full body human reconstruction with fine face details. \section{Preliminary} In the following subsections, we are going to give a brief review on PIFu~\cite{saito2019pifu} and 3DMM~\cite{blanz1999morphable,accu-face-recons-19} which lay the foundation for JIFF\xspace. \newcommand{X}{X} \newcommand{x}{x} \newcommand{I}{I} \newcommand{f}{f} \newcommand{f_v}{f_v} \newcommand{\psi}{\psi} \newcommand{\pi}{\pi} \newcommand{z}{z} \newcommand{\mathcal{B}}{\mathcal{B}} \newcommand{\tau}{\tau} \newcommand{\mathbf{S}}{\mathbf{S}} \subsection{Pixel-aligned implicit function} \label{sec:pifu} Recently, implicit functions~\cite{sclaroff1991generalized} have been widely adopted for 3D reconstruction~\cite{mescheder2019occupancy}. Denoting $X \in \mathbb{R}^3$ as a 3D point, a deep implicit function, modeled by a MLP, defines a surface as the level set of the function, \eg, $f(X)=0.5$. The pixel-aligned implicit function $f_v$ introduced in~\cite{saito2019pifu} is written as \begin{equation}\label{PIFufeature} f_v(\mathcal{B}(\psi(I), \pi(X)), z(X)) \mapsto [0, 1] \in \mathbb{R}, \end{equation} where $z(X)$ is the depth of $X$ and $\mathcal{B}(\psi(I), \pi(X))$ is the pixel-aligned feature, with $\psi(I)$ denotes the feature map extracted from the image $I$ by a convolutional encoder~\cite{newell2016stacked}, $\pi(X)$ the 2D projection of $X$ on $I$, and $\mathcal{B}(\cdot)$ a bilinear interpolation operation. Despite its simplicity, PIFu has achieved impressive results in full body human reconstruction. However, PIFu is incapable of recovering fine face details in its reconstructions (see~\cref{fig:preliminary}). \begin{figure}[t] \centering \includegraphics[width=1\linewidth]{figures/Preliminary_PIFu2.png} \caption{PIFu cannot recover fine face details in its reconstructions. 3DMM with detailed geometry can be fitted to the image, but it is a non-trivial task to merge the 3DMM mesh with the mesh extracted from PIFu.} \label{fig:preliminary} \end{figure} \subsection{3DMM as 3D face prior} \label{sec:param} A natural idea to improve PIFu is to enforce some sort of 3D shape prior in learning the implicit function representation. Efforts have been made to enhance the pixel-aligned implicit function with 3D features like coarse 3D volume features~\cite{he2020geopifu} and voxelized SMPL mesh features~\cite{zheng2021pamir, Huang_2020_CVPR, he2021arch++}. While improved overall reconstruction results have been reported, these method still cannot recover fine face details in their reconstructions. This is not unexpected as the shape priors adopted by these methods do not actually focus on the face. An ideal 3D face prior should provide both geometry and texture information, and can be robustly estimated from an image. Parametric face/head models like 3DMM~\cite{blanz1999morphable} and DECA~\cite{DECA:Siggraph2021} are potential good candidates as they provide both 3D mesh and texture information to resolve depth ambiguity and improve texture prediction. They can be delineated with a small number of parameters, which can be estimated effectively using existing methods (\eg~\cite{accu-face-recons-19}). In this work, we choose the widely used 3DMM as our 3D face prior for its simplicity and efficacy. Note that other parametric face models can also be adopted as JIFF\xspace does not depend on a specific parametric model. \begin{figure*}[t] \centering \includegraphics[width=1\linewidth]{figures/Pipeline2_png.png} \caption{Overview of the network architecture for our proposed Jointly-aligned Implicit Face Function (JIFF\xspace). JIFF takes a single image as input to reconstruct the high quality 3D human model with fine face details. It seamlessly incorporates 3D face prior into the implicit function representation for both shape and texture reconstruction. By appending two MLP heads, one after the pixel-aligned feature (in parallel with the MLP in yellow) in the top branch and the other after the multi-scale pixel-aligned feature (in parallel with the MLP in yellow) in the bottom branch, JIFF can be naturally extended to produce full body reconstruction. The dashed paths are unique for the face region. The rest are shared for the full body reconstruction. } \label{fig:pipeline} \end{figure*} 3DMM models a face as a linear combination of the Principle Component Analysis (PCA) basis vectors. The shape $\mathbf{S}$ and texture $\mathbf{T}$ of 3DMM are expressed as \begin{equation}\label{eq:3dmm-para} \begin{split} \mathbf{S}&=\bar{\mathbf{S}}+\mathbf{B}_{id} \boldsymbol{\alpha}+\mathbf{B}_{exp} \boldsymbol{\beta}, \\ \mathbf{T}&=\bar{\mathbf{T}}+\mathbf{B}_{tex} \boldsymbol{\delta}, \end{split} \end{equation} where $\bar{\mathbf{S}}$ and $\bar{\mathbf{T}}$ denote the mean shape and texture respectively, $\mathbf{B}_{id}$, $\mathbf{B}_{exp}$, and $\mathbf{B}_{tex}$ are the PCA bases for face identity, expression, and texture respectively, and $\boldsymbol{\alpha}$, $\boldsymbol{\beta}$, and $\boldsymbol{\delta}$ are the identity, expression, and texture coefficients respectively. In our implementation, we employ $\bar{\mathbf{S}}$, $\bar{\mathbf{T}}$, $\mathbf{B}_{id}$, and $\mathbf{B}_{tex}$ extracted from BFM~\cite{paysan20093d}, and $\mathbf{B}_{exp}$ built from FaceWarehouse~\cite{cao2013facewarehouse}. \newcommand{f}{f} \newcommand{\varphi}{\varphi} \section{Jointly-aligned implicit face function} \label{sec:faceenhance} In this section, we introduce our novel Jointly-aligned Implicit Face Function (JIFF\xspace). JIFF\xspace is designed with the goal of incorporating 3D face prior in learning implicit function for high quality single view clothed human reconstruction. As already mentioned in the previous section, we choose 3DMM as our 3D face prior for its simplicity and efficacy. Given an input image, we can obtain the 3DMM parameters using~\cite{accu-face-recons-19}. However, merging the resulting 3DMM mesh with the mesh extracted from PIFu is a non-trivial problem, as they do not share the same geometry and topology (see~\cref{fig:preliminary}). Instead of trying to merge the two meshes na\"ively in the 3D space, we propose to fuse the information in the feature space, and use both space-aligned 3D features extracted from 3DMM and pixel-aligned 2D features extracted from image to jointly estimate an implicit face function (and hence the name Jointly-aligned Implicit Face Function). Given a 3DMM mesh $\mathbf{S}$ fitted to the input image, we employ an encoder to generate a feature volume $\varphi(\mathbf{S})$ from the mesh (see~\cref{subsec:volumeencoder} for details). JIFF\xspace can be formulated as \begin{equation}\label{eq:FEPIFu} f^g( \tau(\varphi(\mathbf{S}), X), \mathcal{B}(\psi(I), \pi(X)), z(X)) \mapsto [0, 1] \in \mathbb{R}, \end{equation} where $\tau(\varphi(\mathbf{S}), X)$ is the space-aligned 3D feature for the query point $X$ obtained by trilinear interpolation $\tau$. By employing both pixel-aligned 2D features and space-aligned 3D features, JIFF\xspace enjoys the benefits of both the implicit function based approach and model based approach and is capable of recovering fine face details in its reconstructions. In the following subsections, we are going to give the details for each of the components in our JIFF\xspace learning framework. We are also going to describe how JIFF\xspace can naturally be extended for full body reconstruction by simply appending a ``PIFu'' head (implemented as a MLP) to its convolutional image encoder. \subsection{3DMM prediction and alignment} Given an input image, we first detect the face region~\cite{zhang2016joint} and adopt the state-of-the-art 3DMM regression method~\cite{accu-face-recons-19} to predict the 3DMM parameters $(\boldsymbol{\alpha}, \boldsymbol{\beta}, \boldsymbol{\delta}, \boldsymbol{\gamma}, \boldsymbol{p}) \in \mathbb{R}^{257}$, where $\boldsymbol{\alpha} \in \mathbb{R}^{80}$, $\boldsymbol{\beta} \in \mathbb{R}^{64}$, $\boldsymbol{\delta} \in \mathbb{R}^{80}$, $\boldsymbol{\gamma} \in \mathbb{R}^{27}$, and $\boldsymbol{p} \in \mathbb{R}^{6}$ represent face identity, expression, texture, illumination, and pose respectively. We can then obtain the 3DMM mesh and texture using \cref{eq:3dmm-para}, and apply the pose parameters to transform the mesh into the camera coordinate system. Next, we scale the 3DMM mesh to match the original size of the face in the input image\footnote{Scaled and cropped face images are used in the 3DMM regression.}, and further align the mesh with the back-projected face landmarks. At training time, we carry out the Iterative Closest Point (ICP)~\cite{arun1987least} algorithm to align the 3DMM mesh with the ground-truth mesh instead. This step is important in computing reliable space-aligned 3D features for training and testing. Details for the alignment processes (both for training and testing) can be found in the supplementary material. \newcommand{\facepriorF_g}{\varphi_g} \newcommand{\facepriorF_t}{\varphi_t} \subsection{Point-based 3D face feature encoding} \label{subsec:volumeencoder} To extract expressive features from the 3DMM mesh, we need to have a proper feature encoder. Inspired by~\cite{Peng2020ECCV}, which predicts occupancy from point clouds, we adopt PointNet++~\cite{qi2017pointnet++} to extract hierarchical 3D point features for each vertex in the 3DMM mesh. These 3D point features are then projected into a 3D feature volume using average pooling. This feature volume is further processed by 3D U-Net~\cite{cciccek20163d} to aggregate local and global information. In our implementation, the spatial dimension of our 3D feature volume is set to $64 \times 64 \times 64$, and the features extracted by 3D U-Net have a dimension of 128. Instead of using a single feature encoder consisting of PointNet++ and 3D U-Net, we propose to employ two separate encoders in our framework: one focusing on shape prediction by taking the plain 3DMM mesh as input, and the other focusing on texture prediction by taking the textured 3DMM mesh as input (see~\cref{fig:pipeline}). The 3D features extracted by the geometry and texture encoders are denoted as $\facepriorF_g(\mathbf{S})$ and $\facepriorF_t(\mathbf{S})$ respectively. Without any color information, $\facepriorF_g(\mathbf{S})$ is forced to learn features that depend only on geometry, whereas the additional color information helps learn better texture in $\facepriorF_t(\mathbf{S})$. \subsection{Occupancy prediction} Referring to \cref{eq:FEPIFu}, JIFF\xspace takes both space-aligned 3D geometry features $\tau(\varphi_g(\mathbf{S}), X)$ and pixel-aligned 2D features $\mathcal{B}(\psi_g(I), \pi(X))$ to predict the occupancy value of a query point X. Following~\cite{saito2019pifu}, we adopt stack-hourglass encoder~\cite{newell2016stacked} for image feature extraction. The image encoder $\psi_g$ takes image $I \in \mathbb{R}^{512 \times 512 \times 3}$ as input, with background masked out by the segmentation mask and produces a feature map $\psi_g(I) \in \mathbb{R}^{128 \times 128 \times 256}$. The pixel-aligned 2D feature for $X$ is then obtained via bilinear interpolation on $\psi_g(I)$. Similarly, the space-aligned 3D geometry feature for $X$ is obtained via trilinear interpolation on $\varphi_g(\mathbf{S})$. Inspired by Geo-PIFu~\cite{he2020geopifu}, instead of directly concatenating the pixel-aligned 2D feature and space-aligned 3D geometry feature, we first apply two separate MLPs to transform these features independently. The transformed features are then concatenated and fed into an MLP for occupancy prediction (see~\cref{fig:pipeline}). We train our shape prediction network by minimizing the mean squared error between the predicted and ground-truth occupancy values of the query points. The ground-truth occupancy value is 1 if $X$ is inside the surface, and 0 otherwise. \begin{table*}[t] \centering \caption{Quantitative comparison on head/face and body-only reconstructions. Results are measured in $cm$ (the lower the better). } \label{tab:quantitative} \resizebox{1.\textwidth}{!}{ \begin{tabular}{lcccccccccc} \toprule {} & \multicolumn{6}{c}{Head/Face region} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Body-only region} \\ \cmidrule[0.5pt](rl){2-7} \cmidrule[0.5pt](rl){8-11} {} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{THuman2.0} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{BUFF} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{THuman2.0} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{BUFF} \\ \cmidrule[0.5pt](rl){2-4} \cmidrule[0.5pt](rl){5-7} \cmidrule[0.5pt](rl){8-11} {Method} & {Face $L2$ distance$\downarrow$} & {Head P2S$\downarrow$} & {Head Chamfer$\downarrow$} & {Face $L2$ distance$\downarrow$} & {Head P2S$\downarrow$} & {Head Chamfer$\downarrow$}& {P2S$\downarrow$} & {Chamfer$\downarrow$} & {P2S$\downarrow$} & {Chamfer$\downarrow$}\\ \midrule PIFu~\cite{saito2019pifu} & 0.427 & 0.761 & 0.756 & 0.462 & 0.863 & 0.897 & 1.747 & 1.768 & 1.883 & 1.971 \\ PIFuHD~\cite{saito2020pifuhd} & 0.650 & 0.855 & 0.907 & 0.711 & 0.975 & 1.048 & \textbf{1.459} & \textbf{1.526} & \textbf{1.690} & \textbf{1.774} \\ PaMIR~\cite{zheng2021pamir} & 0.403 & 0.693 & 0.714 & 0.447 & 0.805 & 0.819 & 1.607 & 1.617 & 1.751 & 1.804 \\ Ours & \textbf{0.141} & \textbf{0.291} & \textbf{0.308} & \textbf{0.190} & \textbf{0.389} & \textbf{0.412} & 1.685 & 1.706 & 1.811 & 1.893 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \end{table*} \subsection{Face texture prediction} Apart from recovering geometric details for face reconstruction, JIFF\xspace is also capable of improving face texture prediction. Similar to shape prediction, the deep implicit function for face texture prediction can be formulated as \begin{equation}\label{eq:FEPIFuTexture} f^t( \tau(\varphi_t(\mathbf{S}), X), \mathcal{B}(\psi_t(I), \pi(X)), z(X)) \in \mathbb{R}^3, \end{equation} where $\tau(\varphi_t(\mathbf{S}), X)$ is the space-aligned 3D texture feature and $\mathcal{B}(\psi_t(I), \pi(X))$ is the pixel-aligned 2D feature. The space-aligned 3D texture feature extracted by the texture feature encoder $\varphi_t(\mathbf{S})$ embeds space-aware texture information from the textured 3DMM, which is particularly helpful for face texture prediction. Note that none of the existing methods (\eg PAMIR~\cite{zheng2021pamir}) that employ parametric models to improve human reconstruction consider such space-aware texture information due to the absence of texture information in their parametric models. \paragraph{Coarse-to-fine texture prediction} Thanks to the space-aligned 3D features extracted from the textured 3DMM mesh, JIFF\xspace can produce better face texture than PIFu. To further improve the quality of the predicted texture, we, inspired by H3D-Net~\cite{ramon2021h3d}, introduce a coarse-to-fine architecture for texture prediction that exploits pixel-aligned features extracted from a higher resolution image (see~\cref{fig:pipeline}). Our proposed architecture is composed of a coarse branch and a fine branch. The coarse branch is identical to Tex-PIFu~\cite{saito2019pifu} which takes the concatenation of the pixel-aligned feature from the shape prediction network and pixel-aligned feature from the texture prediction network as input to a MLP to predict coarse texture. The fine branch takes an upsampled image of size $1024\times 1024\times 3$ as input to the image encoder to produce a feature map of size $512\times512\times256$ (4 times the width and height of the feature map in the coarse branch). Pixel-aligned feature computed from this fine feature map is concatenated with the output from the penultimate layer (denoted as $\Omega$ in~\cref{fig:pipeline}) of the MLP in the coarse branch to form a {\em multi-scale pixel-aligned feature}. Similar to the shape prediction network, this multi-scale pixel-aligned feature and the space-aligned texture feature are transformed independently by two separate MLPs before they are being concatenated and fed to the final MLP for fine texture prediction. We first train the coarse branch, and then train the fine branch with the parameters of coarse branch being frozen. $L1$ loss is used to train both the coarse and fine branches. At training time, we randomly perturb $X$ with an offset $\epsilon \in \mathcal{N}(0, d)$ along its unit surface normal $N$, \ie $X^{'} = X + \epsilon \cdot N$, for point sampling~\cite{saito2019pifu}. This strategy allows the color of a surface point to be defined in a 3D space around its exact location which can stabilize the training process. \subsection{Full body reconstruction} Up till now, our discussion has been focused on face reconstruction. JIFF\xspace can actually be naturally extended for full body reconstruction by simply appending a ``PIFu'' head (implemented as a MLP) to its convolutional image encoder in the shape prediction network. Given a query point $X$, we apply JIFF\xspace to predict its occupancy value if it is projected to the face region in the input image, otherwise we predict its occupancy value using the ``PIFu'' head. Adopting other PIFu variants for improved reconstruction is also trivial. Similarly, to predict the texture for a non-face query point, we append a ``non-face texture'' head (also implemented as a MLP) to the texture prediction network which takes the \emph{multi-scale pixel-aligned feature} as input to predict the texture color. Though without the space-aligned 3D features, our coarse-to-fine design can also notably improve the texture prediction for non-face regions. \section{Experiments} In this section, we evaluate our proposed JIFF\xspace on public datasets and compare it with other state-of-the-art methods. \paragraph{Implementation details} We apply the stack-hourglass image encoder \cite{newell2016stacked} to extract image feature for shape prediction. Following the design of Peng~\etal \cite{Peng2020ECCV}, our 3D point feature encoders are composed of a PointNet++ and a 3D-UNet, and they produce 3D feature volume of size $64 \times 64 \times 64 \times 128$. We employ MTCNN \cite{zhang2016joint} to detect and crop the face region from the input image, and adopt the model proposed by Deng~\etal \cite{accu-face-recons-19} with a ResNet50 backbone for 3DMM parameter prediction. We implement the ResNet module from CycleGAN generator~\cite{zhu2017unpaired} as the image feature encoder for texture prediction. We first train the shape prediction network for $9$ epochs with a learning rate of $0.0001$, which is frozen afterwards. We then train the coarse and fine branches of the texture prediction network sequentially for $6$ epochs each with a learning rate of $0.001$. Note that we freeze the coarse branch while training the fine branch. The batch size is set to $3$ to train both branches. We train our networks with the RMSprop \cite{ruder2016overview} optimizer. During training, we sample $5,700$ points in the 3D space as the query points for each input image, where $5,000$ points are sampled in the full body region and $700$ points are sampled uniformly in the face region. To sample the $5,000$ query points in the body region, we follow Saito~\etal \cite{saito2019pifu} to uniformly sample $15/16$ of the points on the mesh surface followed by a Gaussian perturbation along the surface normal direction, and uniformly sample the remaining $1/16$ of the points within the bounding box of the mesh. This strategy is helpful to eliminate isolated outliers in the reconstruction. We implement our method using PyTorch~\cite{paszke2017pytorch} and carry out our experiments on three NVIDIA 2080Ti GPUs. Our code will be made publicly available at \url{https://yukangcao.github.io/JIFF}. \paragraph{Datasets} Many recent methods use RenderPeople\footnote{\url{https://renderpeople.com}} and AXYZ datasets\footnote{\url{https://secure.axyz-design.com}} to train their models. However, these two datasets are commercial data and not publicly available. Instead, we use the public THUman2.0\xspace dataset~\cite{tao2021function4d} as our main testbed, which contains high-quality human scans with different clothes and poses, captured by a dense DSLR rig. 3D mesh and the corresponding texture map are provided for each subject. We randomly split the data into 465 subjects for training and 61 subjects for testing. For each subject, we follow Saito~\etal \cite{saito2019pifu} to render $360^\circ$ images by rotating the camera around the mesh and varying the illumination. As our main focus is to improve face details in the reconstruction, we omit images in which no human face can be detected. In addition, we use BUFF dataset~\cite{Zhang_2017_CVPR}, which contains 5 subjects, as an additional testing dataset to evaluate our method. Besides, we evaluate JIFF\xspace on 2 free models from RenderPeople. \begin{figure*}[h] \includegraphics[width=1\linewidth]{figures/Qualitative_comparison1.png} \caption{Qualitative comparison with other state-of-the-arts. Here we focus on comparing the face geometry and texture. Please refer to the supplementary material for full body reconstruction results.} \label{fig:overall comparison} \end{figure*} \subsection{Comparison with state-of-the-arts} We compare our method with recent state-of-the-art methods, including PIFu~\cite{saito2019pifu}, PIFuHD~\cite{saito2020pifuhd}, PaMIR~\cite{zheng2021pamir}, ARCH~\cite{Huang_2020_CVPR}, and ARCH++~\cite{he2021arch++}. For a fair comparison, we retrain PIFu, PIFuHD, and PaMIR on the THUman2.0\xspace, as they are originally trained on either non-public commercial data or a different version of THUman data. As the codes for ARCH and ARCH++ are not publicly available, their authors help to provide the evaluation results on our data upon our request. \begin{figure}[h] \includegraphics[width=1\linewidth]{figures/Error_color3_v1.png} \caption{Error map of the face region based on P2S distance. Our proposed method achieves much better results compared with other state-of-the-arts.} \label{fig:error_color} \end{figure} \paragraph{Quantitative comparison} We quantitatively evaluate on the test split of THUman2.0\xspace dataset and the BUFF dataset~\cite{Zhang_2017_CVPR}. As our main focus is to recover faces with fine details, we first compare our method with others on the head region. The results are shown in~\cref{tab:quantitative}. We measure both Point-to-Surface distance (P2S) and Chamfer mean distance in the head region and $L2$ face mean distance~\cite{ramon2021h3d} in the face region by back-projecting 2D image points to 3D face surface. It can be observed that our method significantly outperforms all the others on both datasets, confirming that our method is capable of recovering fine face details. We locate the head region by applying an off-the-shelf human parsing method~\cite{zhao2020human}. It is interesting to note that PIFuHD performs the worst for the head/face region among the methods under comparison. We further show body-only reconstruction results in ~\cref{tab:quantitative} and report the P2S and Chamfer distances. We can observe that our JIFF\xspace slightly improves the body-part quality from PIFu, although there is no 3DMM-like extra information adopted for training the body. We think the improvement originates from the fact that JIFF is jointly trained on face and body. The shared network backbone is updated by gradients from both head and body branches and the improved head branch also affect the body branch in a positive way, resulting in a stronger backbone for both head and body reconstruction. \begin{figure}[h] \includegraphics[width=1\linewidth]{figures/rp_free_v1.png} \caption{Reconstruction results for two RenderPeople subjects. JIFF is able to reconstruct the face details that others struggle.} \label{fig:rp-testing} \end{figure} \paragraph{Qualitative comparison} We qualitatively compare our method with the state-of-the-arts in~\cref{fig:overall comparison} for both face shape and texture (the corresponding full body reconstructions can be found in the supplementary material). Our method can faithfully recover fine face details in terms of both shape and texture. We successfully reconstruct the geometry of the nose, mouth, and eyes. The overall shape of our reconstruction is also closest to the ground truth. Other methods struggle in these aspects. We show the error map in~\cref{fig:error_color} which demonstrates that our method outperforms others for the majority part of the face region. We also evaluate our method on two free models from RenderPeople in~\cref{fig:rp-testing}. Again, our method is capable of recovering fine face details, which is consistent with the ground truth. \subsection{Ablation study} \label{sec:ablation} \begin{table} \centering \caption{Effectiveness of our 2D-3D feature fusion. ($\oplus$ denotes the concatenation operator.) } \label{tab:quantitative_mlp} \resizebox{0.48\textwidth}{!}{ \begin{tabular}{lccc} \toprule {} & Face $L2$ distance $\downarrow$ & Head P2S $\downarrow$ & Head Chamfer $\downarrow$ \\ \midrule (a) 2D only & 0.427 & 0.761 & 0.756 \\ (b) 3D only & 0.279 & 0.485 & 0.492 \\ (c) 2D $\oplus$ 3D & 0.171 & 0.310 & 0.332 \\ (d) MLP(2D) $\oplus$ MLP(3D) & \textbf{0.141} & \textbf{0.291} & \textbf{0.308} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \end{table} \paragraph{2D-3D feature fusion} We validate the effectiveness of the fusion of pixel-aligned 2D feature with space-aligned 3D feature in our framework by comparing the following variants: (a) using pixel-aligned 2D feature alone; (b) using space-aligned 3D feature alone; (c) simply concatenating the 2D and 3D features; and (d) applying transformation by additional MLPs before concatenation (\ie implementation of JIFF\xspace). The intuition of applying the additional MLPs before concatenation is to learn a proper embedding space for the two different types of features to fuse better. The results are reported in~\cref{tab:quantitative_mlp}. It can be observed that JIFF\xspace significantly outperforms the other variants. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=1\linewidth]{figures/ablation/Encoder_ablation1_v1.png} \caption{Reconstruction results for different 3D feature encoder designs. From left to right: (a) Single encoder with plain 3DMM. (b) Single encoder with textured 3DMM. (c) Dual encoders with plain 3DMM and textured 3DMM.} \label{fig:ablation_encoder} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=1\linewidth]{figures/ablation/Texture_ablation2_v1.png} \caption{Ablation study on different architectures for texture prediction. From left to right: (a) coarse resolution only (original PIFu); (b) fine resolution only; (c) fine resolution w/ 3D face prior; (d) coarse-to-fine w/ 3D face prior (ours).} \label{fig:ablation_texture} \vspace{-0.2cm} \end{figure} \paragraph{Dual 3D feature encoders} In our framework, we introduce two separate 3D feature encoders focusing on improving the shape and texture details respectively. They share the same architecture but take different 3DMM meshes as input, namely the plain 3DMM mesh and the textured 3DMM mesh. To validate the effectiveness of our design, we compare the following variants: (a) a single 3D feature encoder taking the plain 3DMM mesh as input; (b) a single 3D feature encoder taking the textured 3DMM mesh as input; and (c) dual 3D feature encoders taking the plain and textured 3DMM meshes as input respectively (\ie the implementation of JIFF\xspace). We report SSIM \cite{wang2004image}, LPIPS \cite{zhang2018perceptual}, and $L1$ error in \cref{tab:texture_encoder}. SSIM and LPIPS are measured by reprojecting the reconstructed 3D model onto the image and compare the performance of the face region. We employ the same method as in \cite{zhao2020human} again to parsing the 3D reconstruction and obtain the head region followed by calculating the normalized $L1$ vertex color error. ~\Fref{fig:ablation_encoder} shows some qualitative results for the three variants. It can be observed that our dual encoder design achieves the best performance for both shape and texture reconstructions. The first two variants would result in blurry face texture or poor backside texture. Moreover, our dual encoder successfully help improve the texture of the backside of the head. \paragraph{Coarse-to-fine texture prediction} In~\cref{tab:texture_training} and~\cref{fig:ablation_texture}, we compare our coarse-to-fine architecture for texture prediction in our framework with the following variants: (a) coarse resolution only; (b) fine resolution only; (c) fine resolution jointly with 3D face prior; and (d) coarse-to-fine setting jointly with 3D face prior. From both qualitative and quantitative results, fine resolution and 3D face prior could indeed help gain high-resolution texture, and face texture details respectively. Also, it can be observed that our coarse-to-fine architecture can notably improve the texture prediction over its single resolution counterparts. \begin{table} \centering \caption{Effectiveness of dual 3D feature encoders.} \label{tab:texture_encoder} \resizebox{0.48\textwidth}{!}{ \begin{tabular}{lccc} \toprule {} & \makecell{Face SSIM $\uparrow$} & Face LPIPS $\downarrow$ & Head $L1$ error $\downarrow$ \\ \midrule (a) single encoder + plain 3DMM & 0.7563 & 0.1143 & 0.1137 \\ (b) single encoder + textured 3DMM & 0.7589 & 0.1122 & 0.1090 \\ (c) dual encoders + plain/textured 3DMM & \textbf{0.7649} & \textbf{0.1107} & \textbf{0.1051} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \end{table} \begin{table} \centering \caption{Effectiveness of our coarse-to-fine architecture for texture prediction.} \label{tab:texture_training} \resizebox{0.48\textwidth}{!}{ \begin{tabular}{lccc} \toprule {} & \makecell{Face SSIM $\uparrow$} & Face LPIPS $\downarrow$ & Head $L1$ error $\downarrow$ \\ \midrule (a) Coarse & 0.7126 & 0.1281 & 0.1346 \\ (b) Fine & 0.7264 & 0.1254 & 0.1285 \\ (c) Fine w/ 3D & 0.7580 & 0.1126 & 0.1097 \\ (d) Coarse-to-Fine w/ 3D & \textbf{0.7649} & \textbf{0.1107} & \textbf{0.1051} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \end{table} \section{Conclusion} We have presented JIFF\xspace, a novel Jointly-aligned Implicit Face Function for high quality single view 3D human reconstruction, by incorporating the 3D face prior, in the form of 3DMM, into the implicit representation. We further introduced a coarse-to-fine architecture for high quality face texture reconstruction. By simply appending two MLPs, one for shape and the other for texture, to JIFF, we successfully extended it to produce full body human reconstruction. We thoroughly evaluated JIFF on public benchmarks, establishing the new state-of-the-art for face details reconstruction. As JIFF is simple and effective, we believe it can be easily coupled with other human reconstruction approaches to improve their reconstruction quality for faces. Though JIFF\xspace achieves better performance than existing methods, subtle face details like eyelids still cannot be accurately reconstructed. One future research direction therefore is improving the quality for subtle details, as well as extending the idea to other body parts, \eg, hands and feet. \paragraph{Acknowledgements} This work was partially supported by Hong Kong RGC GRF grant (project\# 17203119), the National Key R\&D Program of China (No.2018YFB1800800), and the Basic Research Project No.~HZQB-KCZYZ-2021067 of Hetao Shenzhen-HK S\&T Cooperation Zone. We thank Yuanlu Xu for ARCH and ARCH++ results. {\small \bibliographystyle{ieee_fullname}
\section{Approximate Case} In this section, we discuss the case, where the data ``approximately'' lies in a $k$-dimensional subspace of $\R^d$. We make a Gaussian distributional assumption, where the covariance is approximately $k$-dimensional, though the results could be extended to distributions with heavier tails using the right inequalities. We formally define the problem: \begin{problem}\label{prob:gaussians} Let $\Sigma \in \R^{d \times d}$ be a symmetric, PSD matrix of rank $\geq k \in \{1,\dots,d\}$, and let $0 < \gamma \ll 1$, such that $\tfrac{\lambda_{k+1}}{\lambda_k} \leq \gamma^2$. Suppose $\Pi$ is the projection matrix corresponding to the subspace spanned by the eigenvectors of $\Sigma$ corresponding to the eigenvalues $\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_k$. Given sample access to $\cN(\vec{0},\Sigma)$, and $0 < \alpha < 1$, output a projection matrix $\wh{\Pi}$, such that $\|\Pi-\wh{\Pi}\| \leq \alpha$. \end{problem} We solve Problem~\ref{prob:gaussians} under the constraint of $(\eps,\delta)$-differential privacy. Throughout this section, we would refer to the subspace spanned by the top $k$ eigenvectors of $\Sigma$ as the ``true'' or ``actual'' subspace. Algorithm \ref{alg:approximate} solves Problem~\ref{prob:gaussians} and proves Theorem \ref{thm:intro-main-approx}. Here $\|\cdot\|$ is the operator norm. \begin{remark}\label{rem:gamma} We scale the eigenvalues of $\Sigma$ so that $\lambda_k=1$ and $\lambda_{k+1} \leq \gamma^2$. Also, for the purpose of the analysis, we will be splitting $\Sigma = \Sigma_k + \Sigma_{d-k}$, where $\Sigma_k$ is the covariance matrix formed by the top $k$ eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors of $\Sigma$ and $\Sigma_{d-k}$ is remainder. \end{remark} Also, we assume the knowledge of $\gamma$ (or an upper bound on $\gamma$). Our solution is presented in Algorithm~\ref{alg:approximate}. The following theorem is the main result of the section. \begin{theorem}\label{thm:approximate} Let $\Sigma \in \R^{d \times d}$ be an arbitrary, symmetric, PSD matrix of rank $\geq k \in \{1,\dots,d\}$, and let $0 < \gamma < 1$. Suppose $\Pi$ is the projection matrix corresponding to the subspace spanned by the vectors of $\Sigma_k$. Then given $$\gamma^2 \in O\left(\frac{\eps\alpha^2n}{d^{2}k\ln(1/\delta)}\cdot \min\left\{\frac{1}{k}, \frac{1}{\ln(k\ln(1/\delta)/\eps)} \right\}\right),$$ such that $\lambda_{k+1}(\Sigma) \leq \gamma^2\lambda_k(\Sigma)$, for every $\eps,\delta>0$, and $0 < \alpha < 1$, there exists and $(\eps,\delta)$-DP algorithm that takes $$n \geq O\left(\frac{k\log(1/\delta)}{\eps} + \frac{\log(1/\delta)\log(\log(1/\delta)/\eps)}{\eps}\right)$$ samples from $\cN(\vec{0},\Sigma)$, and outputs a projection matrix $\wh{\Pi}$, such that $\|\Pi-\wh{\Pi}\| \leq \alpha$ with probability at least $0.7$. \tnote{Eigenvalue gap assumption missing. Also order of quantifiers is ambiguous -- ``for every $\Sigma$ there exists an algorith.''} \end{theorem} Algorithm~\ref{alg:approximate} is a type of ``Subsample-and-Aggregate'' algorithm \cite{NissimRS07}. Here, we consider multiple subspaces formed by the points from the same Gaussian, and privately find a subspace that is close to all those subspaces. Since the subspaces formed by the points would be close to the true subspace, the privately found subspace would be close to the true subspace. A little more formally, we first sample $q$ public data points (called ``reference points'') from $\cN(\vec{0},\mathbb{I})$. Next, we divide the original dataset $X$ into disjoint datasets of $m$ samples each, and project all reference points on the subspaces spanned by every subset. Now, for every reference point, we do the following. We have $t=\tfrac{n}{m}$ projections of the reference point. Using DP histogram over $\R^d$, we aggregate those projections in the histogram cells; with high probability all those projections will be close to one another, so they would lie within one histogram cell. We output a random point from the histogram cell corresponding to the reference point. With a total of $q$ points output in this way, we finally output the projection matrix spanned by these points. In the algorithm $C_0$, $C_1$, and $C_2$ are universal constants. We divide the proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:approximate} into two parts: privacy (Lemma \ref{coro:privacy}) and accuracy (Lemma~\ref{lem:final-projection}). \begin{algorithm}[h!] \caption{\label{alg:approximate}DP Approximate Subspace Estimator $\mathrm{DPASE}_{\eps, \delta, \alpha, \gamma, k}(X)$} \KwIn{Samples $X_1,\dots,X_{n} \in \R^d$. Parameters $\eps, \delta, \alpha, \gamma, k > 0$.} \KwOut{Projection matrix $\wh{\Pi} \in \R^{d \times d}$ of rank $k$.} \vspace{5pt} Set parameters: $t \gets \tfrac{C_0\ln(1/\delta)}{\eps}$ \qquad $m \gets \lfloor n/t \rfloor$ \qquad $q \gets C_1 k$ \qquad $\ell \gets \tfrac{C_2\gamma\sqrt{dk}(\sqrt{k}+\sqrt{\ln(kt)})}{\sqrt{m}}$ \vspace{5pt} Sample reference points $p_1,\dots,p_q$ from $\cN(\vec{0},\mathbb{I})$ independently. \vspace{5pt} \tcp{Subsample from $X$, and form projection matrices.} \For{$j \in 1,\dots,t$}{ Let $X^j = (X_{(j-1)m+1},\dots,X_{jm}) \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times m}$.\\ Let $\Pi_j \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$ be the projection matrix onto the subspace spanned by the eigenvectors of $X^j (X^j)^T \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$ corresponding to the largest $k$ eigenvalues.\\ \For{$i \in 1,\dots,q$}{ $p_{i}^j \gets \Pi_j p_i$ } } \vspace{5pt} \tcp{Create histogram cells with random offset.} Let $\lambda$ be a random number in $[0,1)$.\\ Divide $\R^{qd}$ into $\Omega = \{\dots,[\lambda\ell+i\ell,\lambda\ell+(i+1)\ell),\dots\}^{qd}$, for all $i \in \Z$.\\ Let each disjoint cell of length $\ell$ be a histogram bucket. \vspace{5pt} \tcp{Perform private aggregation of subspaces.} For each $i \in [q]$, let $Q_i \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times t}$ be the dataset, where column $j$ is $p_i^j$.\\ Let $Q \in \mathbb{R}^{qd \times t}$ be the vertical concatenation of all $Q_i$'s in order.\\ Run $(\eps,\delta)$-DP histogram over $\Omega$ using $Q$ to get $\omega \in \Omega$ that contains at least $\tfrac{t}{2}$ points.\\ \If{no such $\omega$ exists}{ \Return $\bot$ } \vspace{5pt} \tcp{Return the subspace.} Let $\wh{p}=(\wh{p}_1,\dots,\wh{p}_d,\dots,\wh{p}_{(q-1)d+1},\dots,\wh{p}_{qd})$ be a random point in $\omega$.\\ \For{each $i \in [q]$}{ Let $\wh{p}_i = (\wh{p}_{(i-1)d+1},\dots,\wh{p}_{id})$. } Let $\wh{\Pi}$ be the projection matrix of the top-$k$ subspace of $(\wh{p}_1,\dots,\wh{p}_q)$.\\ \Return $\wh{\Pi}.$ \vspace{5pt} \end{algorithm} \subsection{Privacy} We analyse the privacy by understanding the sensitivities at the only sequence of steps invoking a differentially private mechanism, that is, the sequence of steps involving DP-histograms. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:histogram-sensitivity}\label{coro:privacy} Algorithm~\ref{alg:approximate} is $(\eps,\delta)$-differentially private. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Changing one point in $X$ can change only one of the $X^j$'s. This can only change one point in $Q$, which in turn can only change the counts in two histogram cells by $1$. Therefore, the sensitivity is $2$. Because the sensitivity of the histogram step is bounded by $2$ (Lemma~\ref{lem:histogram-sensitivity}), an application of DP-histogram, by Lemma~\ref{lem:priv-hist}, is $(\eps,\delta)$-DP. Outputting a random point in the privately found histogram cell preserves privacy by post-processing (Lemma~\ref{lem:post-processing}). Hence, the claim. \end{proof} \subsection{Accuracy} \begin{comment} We begin by showing a technical result that says that any two matrices, whose difference is bounded in operator norm, and which have significant eigenvalue gap, span similar subspaces. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:projections-close} Let $A, \tilde A \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$ be symmetric matrices. Suppose $\|A-\tilde A\| \le \varepsilon$. Let $\lambda_1 \ge \lambda_2 \ge \cdots \ge \lambda_d$ be the eigenvalues of $A$. Suppose $\lambda_k-\lambda_{k+1} > \varepsilon$. Let $\Pi_k, \tilde \Pi_k \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$ be the projections onto the eigenspaces corresponding to the largest $k$ eigenvalues of $A$ and $\tilde A$ respectively. Then \[\left\| \Pi_k - \tilde \Pi_k \right\| \le \frac{\varepsilon}{\lambda_k-\lambda_{k+1}-\varepsilon}.\] \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Let $A,\tilde{A},U,\tilde{U},\Lambda,\tilde\Lambda \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$ satisfy the following. (i) $A=U\Lambda U^T$, $\tilde{A} = \tilde{U} \tilde{\Lambda} \tilde{U}^T$, (ii) $U^TU=I_d=\tilde{U}^T\tilde{U}$, and (iii) $\Lambda$ and $\tilde\Lambda$ are diagonal matrices with entries in descending order. Let $\lambda_i, \tilde{\lambda}_i$ denote the $i^\text{th}$ diagonal entry of $\Lambda, \tilde\Lambda$. Denote $U_{a:b}, \tilde{U}_{a:b} \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times (b-a+1)}$ to be the matrix formed by columns $a, a+1, \cdots, b$ of $U$ and $\tilde{U}$ respectively (i.e., corresponding to $\lambda_a \ge \lambda_{a+1} \ge \cdots \ge \lambda_b$ and $\tilde\lambda_a \ge \tilde\lambda_{a+1} \ge \cdots \ge \tilde\lambda_b$). Lemma~\ref{lem:weyl} tells us $|\tilde\lambda_k - \lambda_k| \le \|\tilde{A}-A\|$ for all $k \in [d]$. Note that the operator norm is submultiplicative -- i.e., $\|M M'\| \le \|M\| \cdot \|M'\|$. It immediately follows from Lemma~\ref{lem:davis-kahan} that, for all $k \in [d-1]$, we have \begin{align*} \|\tilde{U}_{1:k}^T {U}_{k+1:d}\| &\leq \frac{\|\tilde{A}-A\|}{\lambda_k-\tilde{\lambda}_{k+1}}\\ &=\frac{\|\tilde{A}-A\|}{\lambda_k-\lambda_{k+1}-\lambda_{k+1}-\tilde{\lambda}_{k+1}}\\ &\leq\frac{\|\tilde{A}-A\|}{\lambda_k - \lambda_{k+1} - \|\tilde{A}-A\|}. \end{align*} Now, \begin{align*} \tilde{\lambda}_k - \lambda_{k+1} &= \tilde{\lambda}_k - \lambda_k + \lambda_k - \lambda_{k+1}\\ &> -\abs{\tilde{\lambda}_k - \lambda_k} + \lambda_k - \lambda_{k+1}\\ &> -\eps + \eps\\ &= 0. \end{align*} Therefore, we can apply Lemma~\ref{lem:davis-kahan} again to get $\|{U}_{1:k}^T \tilde{U}_{k+1:d}\| \le \frac{\|\tilde{A}-A\|}{\lambda_k - \lambda_{k+1} - \|\tilde{A}-A\|}$, and $\| \tilde{U}_{k+1:d}^T {U}_{1:k}\| \le \frac{\|\tilde{A}-A\|}{\lambda_k - \lambda_{k+1} - \|\tilde{A}-A\|}$ follows because all eigenvalues of $U$ and $\tilde{U}$ are non-negative. The ultimate quantity of interest for us is the difference between the projections $U_{1:k} U_{1:k}^T$ and $\tilde{U}_{1:k} \tilde{U}_{1:k}^T$. We can apply the Lemma~\ref{lem:davis-kahan} to bound this: Note that $\tilde U_{1:k} \tilde U_{1:k}^T + \tilde U_{k+1:d} \tilde U_{k+1:d}^T = \tilde U \tilde U^T = I_d$. For any $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}$, $\|A^TA-I_m\|=\|AA^T-I_n\|$, as these are symmetric matrices with the same nonzero eigenvalues. Thus, \begin{align*} \left\| U_{1:k} U_{1:k}^T - \tilde{U}_{1:k} \tilde{U}_{1:k}^T \right\| &= \left\| U_{1:k} U_{1:k}^T + \tilde{U}_{k+1:d} \tilde{U}_{k+1:d}^T - I_d \right\| \\ &= \left\|\left( U_{1:k} , \tilde{U}_{k+1:d} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} U_{1:k}^T \\ \tilde{U}_{k+1:d}^T \end{array} \right) - I_d \right\|\\ &= \left\|\left( U_{1:k} , \tilde{U}_{k+1:d} \right) \left( U_{1:k} , \tilde{U}_{k+1:d} \right)^T - I_d \right\|\\ &= \left\|\left( U_{1:k} , \tilde{U}_{k+1:d} \right)^T \left( U_{1:k} , \tilde{U}_{k+1:d} \right) - I_d \right\|\\ &= \left\| \left( \begin{array}{cc} U_{1:k}^T U_{1:k} & U_{1:k}^T \tilde{U}_{k+1:d} \\ \tilde{U}_{k+1:d}^T U_{1:k} & \tilde{U}_{k+1:d}^T \tilde{U}_{k+1:d} \end{array} \right) - \left( \begin{array}{cc} I_k & 0_{k \times d-k} \\ 0_{d-k \times k} & I_{d-k} \end{array} \right)\right\|\\ &= \left\| \left( \begin{array}{cc} 0_{k \times k} & U_{1:k}^T \tilde{U}_{k+1:d} \\ \tilde{U}_{k+1:d}^T U_{1:k} & 0_{d-k \times d-k} \end{array} \right) \right\|\\ &= \max\left\{ \left\| U_{1:k}^T \tilde{U}_{k+1:d} \right\|, \left\| \tilde{U}_{k+1:d}^T U_{1:k} \right\| \right\}\\ &\le \frac{\|\tilde{A}-A\|}{\lambda_k - \lambda_{k+1} - \|\tilde{A}-A\|}. \end{align*} This concludes the proof. \end{proof} Now we delve into the utility analysis of the algorithm. Note that any matrix can be represented by its singular value decomposition (SVD), that is, any matrix $A=UDV^T$, where $D$ is a diagonal matrix containing its singular values in decreasing order, $U$ is the matrix with left singular vectors, and $V$ is the matrix with right singular vectors, and $XX^T$ is a symmetric matrix $UDD^TU^T$, where $U$ is the matrix containing the eigenvectors of $XX^T$. Hence, to work with the projection matrix of the subspace spanned by the columns of $X$, we can directly work with the subspace spanned by the columns vectors of $XX^T$ because they are equivalent. For $1 \leq j \leq t$, let $X^j$ be the subsets of $X$ as defined in Algorithm~\ref{alg:approximate}, and $\Pi_j$ be the projection matrices of their respective subspaces. We now show that $\Pi_j$ and the projection matrix of the subspace spanned by $\Sigma_k$ are close in operator norm. \end{comment} Now we delve into the utility analysis of the algorithm. For $1 \leq j \leq t$, let $X^j$ be the subsets of $X$ as defined in Algorithm~\ref{alg:approximate}, and $\Pi_j$ be the projection matrices of their respective subspaces. We now show that $\Pi_j$ and the projection matrix of the subspace spanned by $\Sigma_k$ are close in operator norm. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:empirical-subspaces-close} Let $\Pi$ be the projection matrix of the subspace spanned by the vectors of $\Sigma_k$, and for each $1 \leq j \leq t$, let $\Pi_j$ be the projection matrix as defined in Algorithm~\ref{alg:approximate}. If $m \geq O(k + \ln(qt))$, then $$\pr{}{\forall j, \|\Pi-\Pi_j\| \leq O\left(\frac{\gamma\sqrt{d}}{\sqrt{m}}\right)} \geq 0.95$$ \end{lemma} \begin{proof} We show that the subspaces spanned by $X^j$ and the true subspace spanned by $\Sigma$ are close. Formally, we invoke Lemmata \ref{lem:sin-theta} and \ref{lem:sin-theta-property}. This closeness follows from standard matrix concentration inequalities. Fix a $j \in [t]$. Note that $X^j$ can be written as $Y^j + H$, where $Y^j$ is the matrix of vectors distributed as $\cN(\vec{0},\Sigma_k)$, and $H$ is a matrix of vectors distributed as $\cN(\vec{0},\Sigma_{d-k})$, where $\Sigma_k$ and $\Sigma_{d-k}$ are defined as in Remark~\ref{rem:gamma}. By Corollary~\ref{coro:normal-spectrum}, with probability at least $1-\tfrac{0.02}{t}$, $s_k(Y^j) \in \Theta((\sqrt{m}+\sqrt{k})(\sqrt{s_k(\Sigma_k)})) = \Theta(\sqrt{m}+\sqrt{k})> 0$. Therefore, the subspace spanned by $Y^j$ is the same as the subspace spanned by $\Sigma_k$. So, it suffices to look at the subspace spanned by $Y^j$. Now, by Corollary~\ref{coro:normal-spectrum}, we know that with probability at least $1-\tfrac{0.02}{t}$, $\|X^j-Y^j\| = \|H\| \leq O((\sqrt{m}+{\sqrt{d}})\sqrt{s_1(\Sigma_{d-k})}) \leq O(\gamma(\sqrt{m}+\sqrt{d})\sqrt{s_k(\Sigma_k)}) \leq O(\gamma(\sqrt{m}+\sqrt{d}))$. We wish to invoke Lemma~\ref{lem:sin-theta}. Let $UDV^T$ be the SVD of $Y^j$, and let $\hat{U}\hat{D}\hat{V}^T$ be the SVD of $X^j$. Now, for a matrix $M$, let $\Pi_M$ denote the projection matrix of the subspace spanned by the columns of $M$. Define quantities $a,b,z_{12},z_{21}$ as follows. \begin{align*} a &= s_{\min}(U^TX^jV)\\ &= s_{\min}(U^TY^jV + U^THV)\\ &= s_{\min}(U^TY^jV) \tag{Columns of $U$ are orthogonal to columns of $H$}\\ &= s_k(Y^j)\\ &\in \Theta(\sqrt{m}+\sqrt{k})\\ &\in \Theta(\sqrt{m})\\ b &= \|U_{\bot}^TX^jV_{\bot}\|\\ &= \|U_{\bot}^TY^jV_{\bot} + U_{\bot}^THV_{\bot}\|\\ &= \|U_{\bot}^THV_{\bot}\| \tag{Columns of $U_{\bot}$ are orthogonal to columns of $Y^j$}\\ &\leq \|H\|\\ &\leq O(\gamma(\sqrt{m}+\sqrt{d}))\\ z_{12} &= \|\Pi_U H \Pi_{V_{\bot}}\|\\ &= 0\\ z_{21} &= \|\Pi_{U_{\bot}}H\Pi_V\|\\ &= \|\Pi_{U_{\bot}}\Sigma_{d-k}^{1/2}(\Sigma_{d-k}^{-1/2}H)\Pi_V\| \end{align*} Now, in the above, $\Sigma_{d-k}^{-1/2}H \in \mathbb{R}^{d\times m}$, such that each of its entry is an independent sample from $\cN(0,1)$. Right-multiplying it by $\Pi_V$ makes it a matrix in a $k$-dimensional subspace of $\mathbb{R}^m$, such that each row is an independent vector from a spherical Gaussian. Using Corollary~\ref{coro:normal-spectrum}, $\|\Sigma_{d-k}^{-1/2}H\| \leq O(\sqrt{d}+\sqrt{k}) \leq O(\sqrt{d})$ with probability at least $1-\tfrac{0.01}{t}$. Also, $\|\Pi_{U_{\bot}}\Sigma_{d-k}^{1/2}\| \leq O(\gamma\sqrt{s_k(\Sigma_k)}) \leq O(\gamma)$. This gives us: $$z_{21} \leq O(\gamma\sqrt{d}).$$ Since $a^2 > 2b^2$, we get the following by Lemma~\ref{lem:sin-theta}. \begin{align*} \|\text{Sin}(\Theta)(U,\hat{U})\| &\leq \frac{az_{21} + bz_{12}} {a^2-b^2-\min\{z_{12}^2,z_{21}^2\}}\\ &\leq O\left(\frac{\gamma\sqrt{d}}{\sqrt{m}}\right) \end{align*} Therefore, using Lemma~\ref{lem:sin-theta-property}, and applying the union bound over all $j$, we get the required result. \end{proof} Let $\xi = O\left(\tfrac{\gamma\sqrt{d}}{\sqrt{m}}\right)$. We show that the projections of any reference point are close. \begin{corollary}\label{coro:reference-projections-close} Let $p_1,\dots,p_q$ be the reference points as defined in Algorithm~\ref{alg:approximate}, and let $\Pi$ and $\Pi_j$ (for $1 \leq j \leq t$) be projections matrices as defined in Lemma~\ref{lem:empirical-subspaces-close}. Then $$\pr{}{\forall i,j, \|(\Pi-\Pi_j)p_i\| \leq O(\xi(\sqrt{k}+\sqrt{\ln(qt)}))} \geq 0.9.$$ \end{corollary} \begin{proof} We know from Lemma~\ref{lem:empirical-subspaces-close} that $\|\Pi-\Pi_j\| \leq \xi$ for all $j$ with probability at least $0.95$. For $j \in [t]$, let $\wh{\Pi}_j$ be the projection matrix for the union of the $j^{\text{th}}$ subspace and the subspace spanned by $\Sigma_k$. Lemma~\ref{lem:gauss-vector-norm} implies that with probability at least $0.95$, for all $i,j$, $\|\wh{\Pi}_j p_i\| \leq O(\sqrt{k}+\sqrt{\ln(qt)})$. Therefore, \begin{align*} \|(\Pi-\Pi_j)p_i\| &= \|(\Pi-\Pi_j)\wh{\Pi}_jp_i\| \leq \|\Pi-\Pi_j\|\cdot\|\wh{\Pi}_jp_i\| \leq O(\xi(\sqrt{k}+\sqrt{\ln(qt)})). \end{align*} Hence, the claim. \end{proof} The above corollary shows that the projections of each reference point lie in a ball of radius $O(\xi\sqrt{k})$. Next, we show that for each reference point, all the projections of the point lie inside a histogram cell with high probability. For notational convenience, since each point in $Q$ is a concatenation of the projection of all reference points on a given subspace, for all $i,j$, we refer to $(0,\dots,0,Q_{(i-1)d+1}^j,\dots,Q_{id}^j,0,\dots,0) \in R^{qd}$ (where there are $(i-1)d$ zeroes behind $Q_{(i-1)d+1}^j$, and $(q-i)d$ zeroes after $Q_{id}^j$) as $p_i^j$. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:histogram-cell-points} Let $\ell$ and $\lambda$ be the length of a histogram cell and the random offset respectively, as defined in Algorithm~\ref{alg:approximate}. Then $$\pr{}{|\omega \cap Q| = t} \geq 0.8.$$ Thus there exists $\omega \in \Omega$ that, such that all points in $Q$ lie within $\omega$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Let $r = O(\xi(\sqrt{k}+\sqrt{\ln(qt)}))$. This implies that $\ell = 20r\sqrt{q}$. The random offset could also be viewed as moving along a diagonal of a cell by $\lambda\ell\sqrt{dq}$. We know that with probability at least $0.8$, for each $i$, all projections of reference point $p_i$ lie in a ball of radius $r$. This means that all the points in $Q$ lie in a ball of radius $r\sqrt{q}$. Then $$\pr{}{|\omega \cap Q| = t} \leq \pr{}{\frac{1}{20} \geq \lambda \vee \lambda \geq \frac{19}{20}} = \frac{1}{10}.$$ Taking the union bound over all $q$ and the failure of the event in Corollary~\ref{coro:reference-projections-close}, we get the claim. \end{proof} Now, we analyse the sample complexity due to the private algorithm, that is, DP-histograms. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:dp-histogram-cost} Let $\omega$ be the histogram cell as defined in Algorithm~\ref{alg:approximate}. Suppose $\mathrm{Count}(\omega)$ is the noisy count of $\omega$ as a result of applying the private histogram. If $t \geq O\left(\frac{\log(1/\delta)}{\eps}\right),$ then $$\pr{}{\abs{\mathrm{Count}(\omega)} \geq \frac{t}{2}} \geq 0.75.$$ \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Lemma~\ref{lem:histogram-cell-points} implies that with probability at least $0.8$, for each $i$, all projections of $p_i$ lie in a histogram cell, that is, all points of $Q$ lie in a histogram cell in $\Omega$. Because of the error bound in Lemma~\ref{lem:priv-hist} and our bound on $t$, we see at least $\tfrac{t}{2}$ points in that cell with probability at least $1-0.05$. Therefore, by taking the union bound, the proof is complete. \end{proof} We finally show that the error of the projection matrix that is output by Algorithm~\ref{alg:approximate} is small. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:final-projection} Let $\wh{\Pi}$ be the projection matrix as defined in Algorithm~\ref{alg:approximate}, and $n$ be the total number of samples. If $$\gamma^2 \in O\left(\frac{\eps\alpha^2n}{d^{2}k\ln(1/\delta)}\cdot \min\left\{\frac{1}{k}, \frac{1}{\ln(k\ln(1/\delta)/\eps)} \right\}\right),$$ $n \geq O(\frac{k\log(1/\delta)}{\eps}+\frac{\ln(1/\delta)\ln(\ln(1/\delta)/\eps)}{\eps})$, and $q \geq O(k)$ the with probability at least $0.7$, $\|\wh{\Pi}-\Pi\| \leq \alpha$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} For each $i \in [q]$, let $p_i^*$ be the projection of $p_i$ on to the subspace spanned by $\Sigma_k$, $\wh{p}_i$ be as defined in the algorithm, and $p_i^j$ be the projection of $p_i$ on to the subspace spanned by the $j^{\mathrm{th}}$ subset of $X$. From Lemma~\ref{lem:dp-histogram-cost}, we know that all $p_i^j$'s are contained in a histogram cell of length $\ell$. This implies that $p_i^*$ is also contained within the same histogram cell. Now, let $P=(p_1^*,\dots,p_q^*)$ and $\wh{P}=(\wh{p}_1,\dots,\wh{p}_q)$. Then by above, $\wh{P}=P+E$, where $\|E\|_F \leq 2\ell\sqrt{dq}$. Therefore, $\|E\| \leq 2\ell\sqrt{dq}$. Let $E=E_P+E_{\wb{P}}$, where $E_P$ is the component of $E$ in the subspace spanned by $P$, and $E_{\wb{P}}$ be the orthogonal component. Let $P' = P + E_P$. We will be analysing $\wh{P}$ with respect to $P'$. Now, with probability at least $0.95$, $s_k(P) \in \Theta(\sqrt{k})$ due to our choice of $q$ and using Corollary~\ref{coro:normal-spectrum}, and $s_{k+1}(P) = 0$. So, $s_{k+1}(P') = 0$ because $E_P$ is in the same subspace as $P$. Now, using Lemma~\ref{lem:least-singular}, we know that $s_k(P') \geq s_k(P) - \|E_P\| \geq \Omega(\sqrt{k}) > 0$. This means that $P'$ has rank $k$, so the subspaces spanned by $\Sigma_k$ and $P'$ are the same. As before, we will try to bound the distance between the subspaces spanned by $P'$ and $\wh{P}$. Note that using Lemma~\ref{lem:weyl-singular}, we know that $s_k(P') \leq s_k(P) + \|E_P\| \leq O(\sqrt{k})$. We wish to invoke Lemma~\ref{lem:sin-theta} again. Let $UDV^T$ be the SVD of $P'$, and let $\hat{U}\hat{D}\hat{V}^T$ be the SVD of $\wh{P}$. Now, for a matrix $M$, let $\Pi_M$ denote the projection matrix of the subspace spanned by the columns of $M$. Define quantities $a,b,z_{12},z_{21}$ as follows. \begin{align*} a &= s_{\min}(U^T\wh{P}V)\\ &= s_{\min}(U^TP'V + U^TE_{\wb{P}}V)\\ &= s_{\min}(U^TP'V) \tag{Columns of $U$ are orthogonal to columns of $E_{\wb{P}}$}\\ &= s_k(P')\\ &\in \Theta(\sqrt{k})\\ b &= \|U_{\bot}^T\wh{P}V_{\bot}\|\\ &= \|U_{\bot}^TP'V_{\bot} + U_{\bot}^TE_{\wb{P}}V_{\bot}\|\\ &= \|U_{\bot}^TE_{\wb{P}}V_{\bot}\| \tag{Columns of $U_{\bot}$ are orthogonal to columns of $P'$}\\ &\leq \|E_{\wb{P}}\|\\ &\leq O(\ell\sqrt{dq})\\ z_{12} &= \|\Pi_U E_{\wb{P}} \Pi_{V_{\bot}}\|\\ &= 0\\ z_{21} &= \|\Pi_{U_{\bot}}E_{\wb{P}}\Pi_V\|\\ &\leq \|E_{\wb{P}}\|\\ &\leq O(\ell{\sqrt{dq}}) \end{align*} Using Lemma~\ref{lem:sin-theta}, we get the following. \begin{align*} \|\text{Sin}(\Theta)(U,\hat{U})\| &\leq \frac{az_{21} + bz_{12}} {a^2-b^2-\min\{z_{12}^2,z_{21}^2\}}\\ &\leq O\left(\ell\sqrt{dk}\right)\\ &\leq \alpha \end{align*} This completes our proof. \end{proof} \subsection{Boosting} In this subsection, we discuss boosting of error guarantees of Algorithm~\ref{alg:approximate}. The approach we use is very similar to the well-known Median-of-Means method: we run the algorithm multiple times, and choose an output that is close to all other ``good'' outputs. We formalise this in Algorithm~\ref{alg:approximate-boosted}. \begin{algorithm}[h!] \caption{\label{alg:approximate-boosted}DP Approximate Subspace Estimator Boosted $\mathrm{DPASEB}_{\eps, \delta, \alpha, \beta, \gamma, k}(X)$} \KwIn{Samples $X_1,\dots,X_{n} \in \R^d$. Parameters $\eps, \delta, \alpha, \beta, \gamma, k > 0$.} \KwOut{Projection matrix $\wh{\Pi} \in \R^{d \times d}$ of rank $k$.} \vspace{5pt} Set parameters: $t \gets C_3 \log(1/\beta)$ \qquad $m \gets \lfloor n/t \rfloor$ \vspace{5pt} Split $X$ into $t$ datasets of size $m$: $X^1,\dots,X^t$. \vspace{5pt} \tcp{Run $\mathrm{DPASE}$ $t$ times to get multiple projection matrices.} \For{$i \gets 1,\dots,t$}{ $\wh{\Pi}_i \gets \mathrm{DPASE}_{\eps,\delta,\alpha,\gamma,k(X^i)}$ } \vspace{5pt} \tcp{Select a good subspace.} \For{$i \gets 1,\dots,t$}{ $c_i \gets 0$\\ \For{$j \in [t]\setminus\{i\}$}{ \If{$\|\wh{\Pi}_i-\wh{\Pi}_j\| \leq 2\alpha$}{ $c_i \gets c_i + 1$ } } \If{$c_i \geq 0.6t-1$}{ \Return $\wh{\Pi}_i$. } } \vspace{5pt} \tcp{If there were not enough good subspaces, return $\bot$.} \Return $\bot.$ \vspace{5pt} \end{algorithm} Now, we present the main result of this subsection. \begin{theorem}\label{thm:approximate-boosted} Let $\Sigma \in \R^{d \times d}$ be an arbitrary, symmetric, PSD matrix of rank $\geq k \in \{1,\dots,d\}$, and let $0 < \gamma < 1$. Suppose $\Pi$ is the projection matrix corresponding to the subspace spanned by the vectors of $\Sigma_k$. Then given $$\gamma^2 \in O\left(\frac{\eps\alpha^2n}{d^{2}k\ln(1/\delta)}\cdot \min\left\{\frac{1}{k}, \frac{1}{\ln(k\ln(1/\delta)/\eps)} \right\}\right),$$ such that $\lambda_{k+1}(\Sigma) \leq \gamma^2\lambda_k(\Sigma)$, for every $\eps,\delta>0$, and $0 < \alpha,\beta < 1$, there exists and $(\eps,\delta)$-DP algorithm that takes $$n \geq O\left(\frac{k\log(1/\delta)\log(1/\beta)}{\eps} + \frac{\log(1/\delta)\log(\log(1/\delta)/\eps)\log(1/\beta)}{\eps}\right)$$ samples from $\cN(\vec{0},\Sigma)$, and outputs a projection matrix $\wh{\Pi}$, such that $\|\Pi-\wh{\Pi}\| \leq \alpha$ with probability at least $1-\beta$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Privacy holds trivially by Theorem~\ref{thm:approximate}. We know by Theorem~\ref{thm:approximate} that for each $i$, with probability at least $0.7$, $\|\wh{\Pi}_i-\Pi\| \leq \alpha$. This means that by Lemma~\ref{lem:chernoff-add}, with probability at least $1-\beta$, at least $0.6t$ of all the computed projection matrices are accurate. This means that there has to be at least one projection matrix that is close to $0.6t-1>0.5t$ of these accurate projection matrices. So, the algorithm cannot return $\bot$. Now, we want to argue that the returned projection matrix is accurate, too. Any projection matrix that is close to at least $0.6t-1$ projection matrices must be close to at least one accurate projection matrix (by pigeonhole principle). Therefore, by triangle inequality, it will be close to the true subspace. Therefore, the returned projection matrix is also accurate. \end{proof} \section{Exact case} Here, we discuss the case, where all $n$ points lie \emph{exactly} in a subspace $s_*$ of dimension $k$ of $\mathbb{R}^d$. Our goal is to privately output that subspace. We do it under the assumption that all strict subspaces of $s_*$ contain at most $\ell$ points. If the points are in general position, then $\ell=k-1$, as any strictly smaller subspace has dimension $<k$ and cannot contain more points than its dimension. Let $\mathcal{S}_d^k$ be the set of all $k$-dimensional subspaces of $\mathbb{R}^d$. Let $\mathcal{S}_d$ be the set of all subspaces of $\mathbb{R}^d$. We formally define that problem as follows. \begin{problem}\label{prob:exact} Assume (i) all but at most $\ell$, input points are in some $s_* \in \mathcal{S}_d^k$, and (ii) every subspace of dimension $<k$ contains at most $\ell$ points. (If the points are in general position -- aside from being contained in $s_*$ -- then $\ell=k-1$.) The goal is to output a representation of $s_*$. \end{problem} We call these $\leq \ell$ points that do not lie in $s_*$, ``adversarial points''. With the problem defined in Problem~\ref{prob:exact}, we will state the main theorem of this section. \begin{theorem}\label{thm:exact} For any $\eps,\delta>0$, $\ell \ge k-1 \ge 0$, and $$n \geq O\left(\ell + \frac{\log(1/\delta)}{\eps}\right),$$ there exists an $(\eps,\delta)$-DP algorithm $M : \mathbb{R}^{d \times n} \to \mathcal{S}_d^k$, such that if $X$ is a dataset of $n$ points satisfying the conditions in Problem~\ref{prob:exact}, then $M(X)$ outputs a representation of $s_*$ with probability $1$. \end{theorem} We prove Theorem \ref{thm:exact} by proving the privacy and the accuracy guarantees of Algorithm~\ref{alg:exact}. The algorithm performs a $\mathrm{GAP\text{-}MAX}$ (cf.~Lemma~\ref{lem:gap-max}). It assigns a score to all the relevant subspaces, that is, the subspaces spanned by the points of the dataset $X$. We show that the only subspace that has a high score is the true subspace $s_*$, and the rest of the subspaces have low scores. Then $\mathrm{GAP\text{-}MAX}$ outputs the true subspace successfully because of the gap between the scores of the best subspace and the second to the best one. For $\mathrm{GAP\text{-}MAX}$ to work all the time, we define a default option in the output space that has a high score, which we call $\mathsf{NULL}$. Thus, the output space is now $\cY = \cS_d \cup \{\mathsf{NULL}\}$. Also, for $\mathrm{GAP\text{-}MAX}$ to run in finite time, we filter $\cS_d$ to select finite number of subspaces that have at least $0$ scores on the basis of $X$. Note that this is a preprocessing step, and does not violate privacy as, we will show, all other subspaces already have $0$ probability of getting output. We define the score function $u : \mathcal{X}^n \times \cY \to \mathbb{N}$ as follows. \[ u(x,s) := \begin{cases} |x \cap s| - \sup \{ |x \cap t| : t \in \mathcal{S}_d, t \subsetneq s \} & \text{if $s \in \cS_d$}\\ \ell + \frac{4\log(1/\delta)}{\eps} + 1 & \text{if $s = \mathsf{NULL}$} \end{cases} \] Note that this score function can be computed in finite time because for any $m$ points and $i>0$, if the points are contained in an $i$-dimensional subspace, then the subspace that contains all $m$ points must lie within the set of subspaces spanned by ${m \choose i+1}$ subsets of points. \begin{algorithm}[h!] \label{alg:exact} \caption{DP Exact Subspace Estimator $\mathrm{DPESE}_{\eps, \delta, k, \ell}(X)$} \KwIn{Samples $X \in \R^{d \times n}$. Parameters $\eps, \delta, k, \ell > 0$.} \KwOut{$\hat{s} \in \cS_d^k$.} \vspace{5pt} Set $\cY \gets \{\mathsf{NULL}\}$ and sample noise $\xi(\mathsf{NULL})$ from $\mathrm{TLap}(2,\eps,\delta)$.\\ Set score $u(X,\mathsf{NULL}) = \ell + \frac{4\log(1/\delta)}{\eps} + 1$. \vspace{5pt} \tcp{Identify candidate outputs.} \For{each subset $S$ of $X$ of size $k$}{ Let $s$ be the subspace spanned by $S$.\\ $\cY \gets \cY \cup \{s\}$.\\ Sample noise $\xi(s)$ from $\mathrm{TLap}(2,\eps,\delta)$.\\ Set score $u(X,s) = |x \cap s| - \sup \{ |x \cap t| : t \in \mathcal{S}_d, t \subsetneq s \} $. } \vspace{5pt} \tcp{Apply $\mathrm{GAP\text{-}MAX}$.} Let $s_1 = \argmax_{s \in \cY} u(X,s)$ be the candidate with the largest score.\\ Let $s_2 = \argmax_{s \in \cY \setminus \{s_1\}} u(X,s)$ be the candidate with the second-largest score.\\ Let $\hat s = \argmax_{s \in \cY} \max\{ 0 , u(X,s) - u(X,s_2) -1\} + \xi(s)$.\\ \tcp{Truncated Laplace noise $\xi \sim \mathrm{TLap}(2,\eps,\delta)$; see Lemma \ref{lem:truncated-laplace}} \vspace{5pt} \Return $\hat{s}.$ \vspace{5pt} \end{algorithm} We split the proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:intro-main-exact} into sections for privacy (Lemma~\ref{lem:exact-privacy}) and accuracy (Lemma~\ref{lem:exact-accuracy}). \subsection{Privacy} \begin{lemma}\label{lem:exact-privacy} Algorithm~\ref{alg:exact} is $(\eps,\delta)$-differentially private. \end{lemma} The proof of Lemma \ref{lem:exact-privacy} closely follows the privacy analysis of $\mathrm{GAP\text{-}MAX}$ by \cite{BunDRS18}. The only novelty is that Algorithm \ref{alg:exact} may output $\mathsf{NULL}$ in the case that the input is malformed (i.e., doesn't satisfy the assumptions of Problem~\ref{prob:exact}). The key is that the score $u(X,s)$ is low sensitivity. Thus $\max\{ 0 , u(X,s) - u(X,s_2) -1\}$ also has low sensitivity. What we gain from subtracting the second-largest score and taking this maximum is that these values are also sparse -- only one ($s=s_1$) is nonzero. This means we can add noise to all the values without paying for composition. We now prove Lemma~\ref{lem:exact-privacy}. \begin{proof} First, we argue that the sensitivity of $u$ is $1$. The quantity $\abs{X \cap s}$ has sensitivity $1$ and so does $\sup \{ |X \cap t| : t \in \mathcal{S}_d, t \subsetneq s \}$. This implies sensitivity $2$ by the triangle inequality. However, we see that it is not possible to change one point that simultaneously increases $\abs{X \cap s}$ and decreases $\sup \{ |X \cap t| : t \in \mathcal{S}_d, t \subsetneq s \}$ or vice versa. Thus the sensitivity is actually $1$. We also argue that $u(X,s_2)$ has sensitivity $1$, where $s_2$ is the candidate with the second-largest score. Observe that the second-largest score is a monotone function of the collection of all scores -- i.e., increasing scores cannot decrease the second-largest score and vice versa. Changing one input point can at most increase all the scores by $1$, which would only increase the second-largest score by $1$. This implies that $\max\{ 0, u(X,s) - u(X,s_2) -1 \}$ has sensitivity $2$ by the triangle inequality and the fact that the maximum does not increase the sensitivity. Now we observe that for any input $X$ there is at most one $s$ such that $\max\{ 0, u(X,s) - u(X,s_2) -1 \} \ne 0$, namely $s=s_1$. We can say something even stronger: Let $X$ and $X'$ be neighbouring datasets with $s_1$ and $s_2$ the largest and second-largest scores on $X$ and $s_1'$ and $s_2'$ the largest and second-largest scores on $X'$. Then there is at most one $s$ such that $\max\{ 0, u(X,s) - u(X,s_2) -1 \} \ne 0$ or $\max\{ 0, u(X',s) - u(X',s_2') -1 \} \ne 0$. In other words, we cannot have both $u(X,s_1) - u(X,s_2) >1$ and $u(X',s_1') - u(X',s_2') >1$ unless $s_1=s_1'$. This holds because $u(X,s) - u(X,s_2)$ has sensitivity $2$. With these observations in hand, we can delve into the privacy analysis. Let $X$ and $X'$ be neighbouring datasets with $s_1$ and $s_2$ the largest and second-largest scores on $X$ and $s_1'$ and $s_2'$ the largest and second-largest scores on $X'$. Let $\cY$ be the set of candidates from $X$ and let $\cY'$ be the set of candidates from $X'$. Let $\check \cY = \cY \cup \cY'$ and $\hat \cY = \cY \cap \cY'$. We note that, for $s \in \check \cY$, if $u(X,s) \le \ell$, then there is no way that $\hat s = s$. This is because $|\xi(s)|\le \frac{2 \log(1/\delta)}{\varepsilon}$ for all $s$ and hence, there is no way we could have $\argmax_{s \in \cY} \max\{ 0 , u(X,s) - u(X,s_2) -1\} + \xi(s) \ge \argmax_{s \in \cY} \max\{ 0 , u(X,\mathsf{NULL}) - u(X,s_2) -1\} + \xi(\mathsf{NULL})$. If $s \in \check \cY \setminus \hat \cY$, then $u(X,s) \le |X \cap s| \le k+1 \le \ell$ and $u(X',s) \le \ell$. This is because $s \notin \hat \cY$ implies $|X \cap s| < k$ or $|X' \cap s| < k$, but $|X \cap s| \le |X' \cap s| +1$. Thus, there is no way these points are output and, hence, we can ignore these points in the privacy analysis. (This is the reason for adding the $\mathsf{NULL}$ candidate.) Now we argue that the entire collection of noisy values $\max\{ 0 , u(X,s) - u(X,s_2) -1\} + \xi(s)$ for $s \in \hat \cY$ is differentially private. This is because we are adding noise to a vector where (i) on the neighbouring datasets only $1$ coordinate is potentially different and (ii) this coordinate has sensitivity $2$. \end{proof} \subsection{Accuracy} We start by showing that the true subspace $s_*$ has a high score, while the rest of the subspaces have low scores. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:scores} Under the assumptions of Problem~\ref{prob:exact}, $u(x,s_*) \ge n - 2\ell$ and $u(x,s')\le 2\ell$ for $s' \ne s_*$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} We have $u(x,s_*) = |x \cap s_*| - |x \cap s'|$ for some $s' \in \mathcal{S}_d$ with $s' \subsetneq s_*$. The dimension of $s'$ is at most $k-1$ and, by the assumption (ii), $|x \cap s'| \le \ell$. Let $s' \in \mathcal{S}_d \setminus \{s_*\}$. There are three cases to analyse: \begin{enumerate} \item Let $s' \supsetneq s_*$. Then $u(x,s') \le |x \cap s'| - |x \cap s_*| \leq \ell$ because the $\leq \ell$ adverserial points and the $\geq n-\ell$ non-adversarial points may not together lie in a subspace of dimension $k$. \item Let $s' \subsetneq s_*$. Let $k'$ be the dimension of $s'$. Clearly $k'<k$. By our assumption (ii), $|s' \cap x| \le \ell$. Then $u(x,s') = |x \cap s'| - |x \cap t| \le \ell$ for some $t$ because the $\leq \ell$ adversarial points already don't lie in $s_*$, so they will not lie in any subspace of $s_*$. \item Let $s'$ be incomparable to $s_*$. Let $s'' = s' \cap s_*$. Then $u(x,s') \le |x \cap s'| - |x \cap s''| \leq \ell$ because the adversarial points may not lie in $s_*$, but could be in $s'\setminus s''$. \end{enumerate} This completes the proof. \end{proof} Now, we show that the algorithm is accurate. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:exact-accuracy} If $n \geq 3\ell + \frac{8\log(1/\delta)}{\eps} + 2,$ then Algorithm~\ref{alg:exact} outputs $s_*$ for Problem~\ref{prob:exact}. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} From Lemma~\ref{lem:scores}, we know that $s_*$ has a score of at least $n-2\ell$, and the next best subspace can have a score of at most $\ell$. Also, the score of $\mathsf{NULL}$ is defined to be $\ell + \tfrac{4\log(1/\delta)}{\eps} + 1$. This means that the gap satisfies $\max\{ 0 , u(X,s_*) - u(X,s_2) -1\} \ge n - 3\ell - \tfrac{4\log(1/\delta)}{\eps} -1$. Since the noise is bounded by $\tfrac{2\log(1/\delta)}{\eps}$, our bound on $n$ implies that $\hat s = s_*$ \end{proof} \begin{comment} Key questions: Remove/weaken assumption (ii) general position. Approximate case (or discretization). \subsection{Generalizing beyond general position} Still assuming $x \subset s_*$ for some $s_* \in \mathcal{S}_d^k$. Also assume $0 \notin x$. Claim: There exists some $s \in \mathcal{S}_d$ with $u(x,s) \ge n/k$. \begin{proof} Let $s_k=s_*$. For $i=k,k-1,k-2,\cdots,1$, inductively choose $s_{i-1} \in \mathcal{S}_d$ such that $s_{i-1} \subsetneq s_i$ and $|x \cap s_{i-1}|$ is maximal. By construction, $u(x,s_i) = |x \cap s_i| - |x \cap s_{i-1}|$ for all $i \in [k]$. By assumption, $|x \cap s_k| = n$. Also, $\mathsf{dimension}(s_i) \le i$. Thus $|x \cap s_0| = 0$. Since $\sum_{i=1}^k u(x,s_i) = |x \cap s_k| - |x \cap s_0| = n$, we must have $u(x,s_i) \ge n/k$ for some $i \in [k]$. \end{proof} \end{comment} \subsection{Lower Bound} Here, we show that our upper bound is optimal up to constants for the exact case. \begin{theorem} Any $(\eps,\delta)$-DP algorithm that takes a dataset of $n$ points satisfying the conditions in Problem~\ref{prob:exact} and outputs $s_*$ with probability $>0.5$ requires $n \geq \Omega\left(\ell + \frac{\log(1/\delta)}{\eps}\right).$ \end{theorem} \begin{proof} First, $n \ge \ell + k$. This is because we need at least $k$ points to span the subspace, and $\ell$ points could be corrupted. Second, $n \ge \Omega(\log(1/\delta)/\varepsilon)$ by group privacy. Otherwise, the algorithm is $(10,0.1)$-differentially private with respect to changing the \emph{entire} dataset and it is clearly impossible to output the subspace under this condition. \end{proof} \section{Approximate case} What if the points are only close to a subspace? \subsection{TV distance between 1-d gaussians} where $\lambda_1, \cdots, \lambda_d$ are the eignenvalues of $\Sigma_1^{-1} \Sigma_2 - I$. In our setting $\Sigma_1 = xx^T + \gamma I$ and $\Sigma_2 = yy^T + \gamma I$. Thus \begin{align*} \Sigma_1^{-1} \Sigma_2 - I &= \left( \gamma^{-1} I - \frac{\gamma^{-2}}{1 + \gamma^{-1} \|x\|_2^2} xx^T \right) \left( \gamma I + yy^T \right) - I\\ &=\frac{\gamma^{-1}}{1 + \gamma^{-1} \|x\|_2^2} \left( (1 + \gamma^{-1} \|x\|_2^2)yy^T - xx^T - \gamma^{-1} \langle x, y\rangle xy^T \right)\\ &=\frac{\gamma^{-1}}{1 + \gamma^{-1} \|x\|_2^2} \left( yy^T - xx^T + \gamma^{-1} \left( y x^Tx y^T - x x^Ty y^T\right)\right)\\ \end{align*} \subsection{Case: $k\leq2$} Algorithm: \begin{enumerate} \item Truncate all points to within a ball of radius $O(\sqrt{d\log(n)})$. \item Choose reference points $p_1,p_2$ uniformly at random on $\cS^{d-1}$. \item Randomly partition the dataset into subsets of size $k=2$. \item For each subset $\{X_{2i},X_{2i+1}\}$: \begin{itemize} \item Normalise the data points to get $Y_{2i},Y_{2i+1}$ respectively. \item Project $p_1,p_2$ on to the subspace spanned by $Y_{2i},Y_{2i+1}$, and the origin. \item Let $Z_i$ be the $kd$-dimensional vector containing the projected points. \end{itemize} \item Run private histograms with randomised offset to collect the two clusters. \item Truncate all $Z_i$'s to within the nearest histogram cluster. \item Return the noisy empirical mean of all the $Z_i$'s. \end{enumerate} The following definition characterises what good pairs of points are. A good pair is essentially a pair of points where both points are far enough from the origin, and their respective normalised projections with respect to the parameter subspace are also far from one another. \begin{definition}[$(\tau,\Pi)$-Aligned Points] Let $p_1,p_2 \in \R^d$ and let $\Pi$ be a $k$-dimensional subspace of $\R^d$. Suppose $p'_1,p'_2$ are their respective projections on to $\Pi$, and $p''_1,p''_2$ are $p'_1,p'_2$ respectively on being normalised. We say that $p_1,p_2$ are $(\tau,\Pi)$-aligned if $\|p_1\|,\|p_2\| \geq \tau$, $\|p''_1-p''_2\| \geq \tau$ and $\|p''_1+p''_2\| \geq \tau$. When the context is clear, we get rid of $(\tau,\Pi)$ for brevity. \end{definition} This definition characterises points if their projections on to the parameter subspace could be potentially collinear using sectors of a circle. \begin{definition}[$(\tau,\Pi)$-Collinear Set] Let $S=\{p_1,p_2\}$ be a set of unit vectors, and let $\Pi$ be a $2$-dimensional subspace of $\R^d$. Suppose $p'_1,p'_2$ are their respective projections on to $\Pi$, and $p''_1,p''_2$ are $p'_1,p'_2$ respectively on being normalised. Suppose we divide the unit circle around the origin in $\Pi$ into sectors of maximum width $\sqrt{\tau}$. We say that $S$ is collinear if $p_1,p_2$ lie in sectors, where collinearity of $p_1,p_2$, and the origin is possible. \end{definition} Rephrase the last sentence of the definition. \begin{lemma} Let $\Pi$ be a $k$-dimensional subspace of $\R^d$, and $p_1,p_2\in\mathcal{S}^{d-1}$ be random unit vectors. Then with probability at least $BLAH$, $p_1,p_2$ are $(\tau,\Pi)$-aligned. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Enough to prove that (1) the points are at least $\tau$ far from the origin (easy to generalise to $k>2$), and (2) $\{p_1,p_2\}$ is not $(\tau,\Pi)$-collinear. \end{proof} \begin{corollary} Reference points are aligned with respect to the true subspace. \end{corollary} \begin{lemma} Let $x,y \in \R^d$, such that $\langle x,y \rangle = 0$, and let $p_1,p_2 \sim \cN(0,x^Tx + y^Ty + \gamma \mathbb{I})$. Suppose $\Pi$ is the subspace spanned by $x,y$. Then with probability at least $BLAH$, $p_1,p_2$ are $(\tau,\Pi)$-aligned. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Enough to prove that (1) the points are at least $\tau$ far from the origin using the PDF of a two-dimensional Gaussian (easy to generalise to $k>2$), and (2) $\{p_1,p_2\}$ is not $(\tau,\Pi)$-collinear. \end{proof} \begin{corollary} At least half the subsets are aligned with respect to the true subspace and are at most $O(\gamma\sqrt{d})$ from their projections on the true subspace. \end{corollary} \begin{proof} Chernoff bound for the first part. For the second part, apply Gaussian tail bound for remaining $d-k$ directions for all $n$ points. \end{proof} \begin{definition}[$\tau$-Close Subspaces] Let $\Pi_1,\Pi_2$ be subspaces of $\R^d$ with the same dimensions. Let $p$ be an arbitrary point in the unit ball around the origin. We say that $\Pi_1,\Pi_2$ are $\tau$-close if for any such $p$, $\|\Pi_1 p - \Pi_2 p\| \leq \tau$. \end{definition} \begin{lemma} Let $\Pi_1$ be a subspace, and $p_1,p_2$ be $(\tau,\Pi_1)$-aligned. Suppose $p'_1,p'_2$ are their respective projections on to $\Pi_1$, and $\|p_i-p'_i\| \leq \tau$ for $i = 1,2$. If $\Pi_2$ is the subspace spanned by $p_1,p_2$, and the origin, then $\Pi_1,\Pi_2$ are $\tau\sqrt{d}$-close. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Geometry. EZ PZ. \end{proof} \begin{corollary} Let $x,y \in \cS^{d-1}$, such that $\langle x,y \rangle = 0$, and let $X_1,\dots,X_n \sim \cN(0,x^Tx + y^Ty + \gamma \mathbb{I})$. Suppose $\Pi$ is the subspace spanned by $x,y$, and the origin. Let $\{X_1,X_2\},\dots,\{X_{n-1},X_n\}$ be disjoint subsets. Then with probability at least $BLAH$, the subspaces spanned by at least half of the subsets (and the origin) are $\tau\sqrt{d}$-close to $\Pi$. \end{corollary} \begin{lemma} Let $\wh{Z}$ be the empirical mean of all the $Z_i$'s in the algorithm. Then the sensitivity of $\wh{Z}$ is square root of twice the size of a single cluster, over $n$. \end{lemma} \begin{lemma} With probability at least BLAH, there are two histogram clusters, and the ``size'' of each histogram cluster is at most $BLAH$. \end{lemma} \section{Approximate case} Let $X_1, \cdots, X_m \gets \mathcal{N}(0,\sum_i^k u_i u_i^T)$, where $\langle u_i, u_j \rangle = \mathbb{I}[i=j]$ for all $i,j \in [k]$. Let $\xi_1, \cdots, \xi_m \gets \mathcal{N}(0,\gamma I)$. Assume everything is independent. Let $\tilde{X}_i = X_i + \xi_i$ for all $i \in [m]$. Let $Y \gets \mathcal{N}(0,I)$ be independent from everything else. Let $\hat{Y}$ be the projection of $Y$ onto the space spanned by $u_1, \cdots, u_k$. Note that $\hat Y$ has the same distribution as $X_i$ and that $\hat Y$ is also the projection of $Y$ onto the space spanned by $X_1, \cdots, X_m$. Let $\tilde Y$ be the projection of $Y$ onto the space spanned by $\tilde{X}_1, \cdots, \tilde{X}_m$. We wish to show that $\|\hat{Y} - \tilde{Y}\|$ is small on average. That is, $\hat Y = X(X^TX)^{-1}X^TY$ and $\tilde Y = \tilde{X}(\tilde{X}^T\tilde{X})^{-1}\tilde{X}^TY$. Here $X \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times m}$ is the matrix with $X_1, \cdots, X_m \in \mathbb{R}^d$ as columns. \begin{comment} We have $\hat Y = \sum_i^m \alpha_i X_i$ and $\tilde Y = \sum_i^m \tilde\alpha_i \tilde{X}_i$ for appropriate weights. Now \begin{align*} \|\hat{Y} - \tilde{Y}\| &= \left\|\sum_i^m \alpha_i X_i -\tilde\alpha_i \tilde{X}_i\right\|\\ &= \left\|\sum_i^m (\alpha_i -\tilde\alpha_i) X_i - \tilde\alpha_i \xi_i\right\|\\ &\le \sum_i^m |\alpha_i-\tilde\alpha_i| \cdot \|X_i\| + |\tilde\alpha_i|\cdot\|\xi_i\| \end{align*} \begin{conj} Let $y \in \mathbb{R}^d$. Let $S_1, S_2$ be subspaces of dimension $k$. Let $y_i$ be the projection of $y$ onto $S_i$. Let $y_{i,j}$ be the projection of $y_i$ onto $S_j$. Suppose $\|y_1 - y_{1,2}\|\le \gamma$. Then $\|y_1 - y_2\|\le f(\gamma, k, d, \|y\|)$, where $f$ is ``small'' -- specifically, $\lim_{\gamma\to0} f(\gamma,k,d,r)=0$ for all $k$, $d$, and $r$. \end{conj} Conjecture is bad: Suppose $y \in S_2$ and $y$ is orthogonal to $S_1$. Then $y_1=y_{1,2}=0$ and $y_2=y$. So $\gamma=0$ and $\|y_1-y_2\|=\|y\|$. \end{comment} \section{Introduction} Differentially private algorithms generally have a poor dependence on the dimensionality of their input. That is, their error or sample complexity grows polynomially with the dimension. For example, for the simple task of estimating the mean of a distribution supported on $[0,1]^d$, we have per-coordinate error $\Theta(\sqrt{d}/n)$ to attain differential privacy, where $n$ is the number of samples. In contrast, the non-private error is $\Theta(\sqrt{\log(d)/n})$. This cost of dimensionality is inherent \cite{BunUV14,SteinkeU17a,DworkSSUV15}. \emph{Any} method with lower error is susceptible to tracing attacks (a.k.a.~membership inference attacks). However, these lower bounds only apply when the data distribution is ``high-entropy.'' This leaves open the posssibility that we can circumvent the curse of dimensionality when the data has an underlying low-dimensional structure. Data often does possess an underlying low-dimensional structure. For example, the gradients that arise in deep learning tend to be close to a low-dimensional subspace \cite{AbadiCGMMTZ16,LiZTSG17,GurAriRD18,LiFLY18,LiGZCB19,ZhouWB20,FengT20}. Low dimensionality can arise from meaningful relationships that are at least locally linear, such as income versus tax paid. It can also arise because we are looking at a function of data with relatively few attributes. A long line of work \cite[etc.]{BlumLR08,HardtT10,HardtR10,Ullman15,BlasiokBNS19,BassilyCMNUW20,ZhouWB20,KairouzRRT20} has shown how to exploit structure in the data to attain better privacy and accuracy. However, these approaches assume that this structure is known \emph{a priori} or that it can be learned from non-private sources. This raises the question: \begin{quote} Can we learn low-dimensional structure from the data subject to differential privacy? \end{quote} We consider the simple setting where the data lies in $\mathbb{R}^d$ but is in, or very close to a linear subspace, of dimension $k$. We focus on the setting where $k \ll d$ and we develop algorithms whose sample complexity does not depend on the ambient dimension $d$; a polynomial dependence on the true dimension $k$ is unavoidable. Our algorithms identify the subspace in question or, if the data is perturbed slightly, an approximation to it. Identifying the subspace structure is interesting in its own right, but it also can be used as a pre-processing step for further analysis -- by projecting to the low-dimensional subspace, we ensure subsequent data analysis steps do not need to deal with high-dimensional data. \subsection{Our Contributions: Privately Learning Subspaces -- Exact Case} We first consider the exact case, where the data $X_1, \cdots, X_n \in \mathbb{R}^d$ are assumed to lie in a $k$-dimensional subspace (rather than merely being near to it) -- i.e., $\mathsf{rank}\left(A\right) = k$, where $A = \sum_i^n X_i X_i^T \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$. In this case, we can also recover the subspace exactly. However, we must also make some non-degeneracy assumptions. We want to avoid a pathological input dataset such as the following. Suppose $X_1, \cdots, X_k$ are linearly independent, but $X_k=X_{k+1}=X_{k+2}=\cdots=X_n$. While we can easily reveal the repeated data point, we cannot reveal anything about the other points due to the privacy constraint. A natural non-degeneracy assumption would be to assume that the data points are in ``general position'' -- that is, that there are no non-trivial linear dependencies among the data points. This means that \emph{every} set of $k$ data points spans the subspace or, equivalently, no subspace of dimension $k-1$ contains more than $k-1$ data points. This is a very natural assumption -- if the data consists of $n$ samples from a continuous distribution on the subspace, then this holds with probability $1$. We relax this assumption slightly and assume that no subspace of dimension $k-1$ contains more than $\ell$ data points. We also assume that all points are non-zero. Note that we define subspaces to pass through the origin; our results can easily be extended to affine subspaces. \begin{theorem}[Main Result -- Exact Case]\label{thm:intro-main-exact} For all $n,d,k,\ell \in \mathbb{N}$ and $\varepsilon,\delta>0$ satisfying $n \ge O\left(\ell + \frac{\log(1/\delta)}{\varepsilon}\right)$, there exists a randomized algorithm $M : \mathbb{R}^{d \times n} \to \mathcal{S}_d^k$ satisfying the following. Here $\mathcal{S}_d^k$ denotes the set of all $k$-dimensional subspaces of $\mathbb{R}^d$. \begin{itemize} \item $M$ is $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-differentially private with respect to changing one column of its input. \item Let $X = (X_1, \cdots, X_n) \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times n}$. Suppose there exists a $k$-dimensional subspace $S_* \in \mathcal{S}_d^k$ that contains all but $\ell$ of the points -- i.e., $|\{i \in [n] : X_i \in S_*\}| \ge n -\ell$. Further suppose that any $(k-1)$-dimensional subspace contains at most $\ell$ points -- i.e., for all $S \in \mathcal{S}_d^{k-1}$, we have $|\{i \in [n] : X_i \in S\}| \le \ell$. Then $\pr{}{M(X)=S_*}=1$. \end{itemize} \end{theorem} The parameter $\ell$ in Theorem \ref{thm:intro-main-exact} can be thought of as a robustness parameter. Ideally the data points are in general position, in which case $\ell=k-1$. If a few points are corrupted, then we increase $\ell$ accordingly; our algorithm can tolerate the corruption of a small constant fraction of the data points. Theorem \ref{thm:intro-main-exact} is optimal in the sense that $n \ge \Omega\left(\ell + \frac{\log(1/\delta)}{\varepsilon}\right)$ samples are required. \subsection{Our Contributions: Privately Learning Subspaces -- Approximate Case} Next we turn to the substantially more challenging approximate case, where the data $X_1, \cdots, X_n \in \mathbb{R}^d$ are assumed to be close to a $k$-dimensional subspace, but are not assumed to be contained within that subspace. Our algorithm for the exact case is robust to changing a few points, but very brittle if we change all the points by a little bit. Tiny perturbations of the data points (due to numerical errors or measurement imprecision) could push the point outside the subspace, which would cause the algorithm to fail. Thus it is important to for us to cover the approximate case and our algorithm for the approximate is entirely different from our algorithm for the exact case. The approximate case requires us to precisely quantify how close the input data and our output are to the subspace and we also need to make quantitative non-degeneracy assumptions. It is easiest to formulate this via a distributional assumption. We will assume that the data comes from a Gaussian distribution where the covariance matrix has a certain eigenvalue gap. This is a strong assumption and we emphasize that this is only for ease of presentation; our algorithm works under weaker assumptions. Furthermore, we stress that the differential privacy guarantee is worst-case and does not depend on any distributional assumptions. We assume that the data is drawn from a multivariate Gaussian $\mathcal{N}(0,\Sigma)$. Let $\lambda_1(\Sigma) \ge \lambda_2(\Sigma) \ge \cdots \ge \lambda_d(\Sigma)$ be the eigenvalues of $\Sigma \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$. We assume that there are $k$ large eigenvalues $\lambda_1(\Sigma), \cdots, \lambda_k(\Sigma)$ -- these represent the ``signal'' we want -- and $d-k$ small eigenvalues $\lambda_{k+1}(\Sigma), \cdots, \lambda_d(\Sigma)$ -- these are the ``noise''. Our goal is to recover the subspace spanned by the eigenvectors corresponding to the $k$ largest eigenvalues $\lambda_1(\Sigma), \cdots, \lambda_k(\Sigma)$. Our assumption is that there is a large \emph{multiplicative} gap between the large and small eigenvalues. Namely, we assume $\frac{\lambda_{k+1}(\Sigma)}{\lambda_{k}(\Sigma)} \le \frac{1}{\mathsf{poly}(d)}$. \begin{theorem}[Main Result -- Approximate Case]\label{thm:intro-main-approx} For all $n,d,k \in \mathbb{N}$ and $\alpha,\gamma,\varepsilon, \delta > 0$ satisfying \[n \!\ge\! \Theta\!\left(\!\frac{k\log(1/\delta)}{\varepsilon} \!+\! \frac{\ln(1/\delta)\ln(\ln(1/\delta)/\eps)}{\eps}\!\right) ~\text{and}~ \gamma^2 \!\le\! \Theta\!\left(\!\frac{\eps\alpha^2n}{d^2k\log(1/\delta)}\!\cdot\!\min\!\left\{\!\frac{1}{k},\! \frac{1}{\log(k\log(1/\delta)/\varepsilon)}\!\right\}\!\right)\!,\] there exists an algorithm $M : \mathbb{R}^{d \times n} \to \mathcal{S}_d^k$ satisfying the following. Here $\mathcal{S}_d^k$ is the set of all $k$-dimensional subspaces of $\mathbb{R}^d$ represented as projection matricies -- i.e., $\mathcal{S}_d^k = \{\Pi \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d} : \Pi^2=\Pi=\Pi^T, \mathsf{rank}(\Pi)=k\}$. \begin{itemize} \item $M$ is $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-differentially private with respect to changing one column of its input. \item Let $X_1, \cdots, X_n$ be independent samples from $\mathcal{N}(0,\Sigma)$. Let $\lambda_1(\Sigma) \ge \lambda_2(\Sigma) \ge \cdots \ge \lambda_d(\Sigma)$ be the eigenvalues of $\Sigma \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$. Suppose $\lambda_{k+1}(\Sigma) \le \gamma^2 \cdot \lambda_k(\Sigma)$. Let $\Pi \in \mathcal{S}_d^k$ be the projection matrix onto the subspace spanned by the eigenvectors corresponding to the $k$ largest eigenvalues of $\Sigma$. Then $\pr{}{\|M(X)-\Pi\| \le \alpha} \ge 0.7$. \end{itemize} \end{theorem} The sample complexity of our algorithm $n=O(k \log(1/\delta)/\varepsilon)$ is independent of the ambient dimension $d$; this is ideal. However, there is a polynomial dependence on $d$ in $\gamma$, which controls the multiplicative eigenvalue gap. This multiplicative eigenvalue gap is a strong assumption, but it is also a necessary assumption if we want the sample complexity $n$ to be independent of the dimension $d$. In fact, it is necessary \emph{even without the differential privacy constraint} \cite{CaiZ16}. That is, if we did not assume an eigenvalue gap that depends polynomially on the ambient dimension $d$, then it would be impossible to estimate the subspace with sample complexity $n$ that is independent of the ambient dimension $d$ even in the non-private setting. Our algorithm is based on the subsample and aggregate framework \cite{NissimRS07} and a differentially private histogram algorithm. These methods are generally quite robust and thus our algorithm is, too. For example, our algorithm can tolerate $o(n/k)$ input points being corrupted arbitrarily. \vnote{We don't exactly prove that in the technical section.} We also believe that our algorithm's utility guarantee is robust to relaxing the Gaussianity assumption. All that we require in the analysis is that the empirical covariance matrix of a few samples from the distribution is sufficiently close to its expectation $\Sigma$ with high probability. \subsection{Related Work} To the best of our knowledge, the problem of privately learning subspaces, as we formulate it, has not been studied before. However, a closely-related line of work is on Private Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and low-rank approximations. We briefly discuss this extensive line of work below, but first we note that, in our setting, all of these techniques have a sample complexity $n$ that grows polynomially with the ambient dimension $d$. Thus, they do not evade privacy's curse of dimensionality. However, we make a stronger assumption than these prior works -- namely, we assume a large multiplicative eigenvalue gap. (Many of the prior works consider an \emph{additive} eigenvalue gap, which is a weaker assumption.) There has been a lot of interest in Private PCA, matrix completion, and low-rank approximation. One motivation for this is the infamous Netflix prize, which can be interpreted as a matrix completion problem. The competition was cancelled after researchers showed that the public training data revealed the private movie viewing histories of many of Netflix's customers \cite{NarayananS06}. Thus privacy is a real concern for matrix analysis tasks. Many variants of these problems have been considered: Some provide approximations to the data matrix $X = (X_1, \cdots, X_n) \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times n}$; others approximate the covariance matrix $A = \sum_i^n X_i X_i^T \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$ (as we do). There are also different forms of approximation -- we can either produce a subspace or an approximation to the entire matrix, and the approximation can be measured by different norms (we consider the operator norm between projection matrices). Importantly, we define differential privacy to allow one data point $X_i$ to be changed arbitrarily, whereas most of the prior work assumes a bound on the norm of the change or even assumes that only one coordinate of one vector can be changed. In the discussion below we focus on the techniques that have been considered for these problems, rather than the specific results and settings. \citetall{DworkTTZ14} consider the simple algorithm which adds independent Gaussian noise to each of entries of the covariance matrix $A$, and then perform analysis on the noisy matrix. In fact, this algorithm predates the development of differential privacy \cite{BlumDMN05} and was also analyzed under differential privacy by McSherry and Mironov \cite{McSherryM09} and Chaudhuri, Sarwate, and Sinha \cite{ChaudhuriSS12}.) This simple algorithm is versatile and several bounds are provided for the accuracy of the noisy PCA. The downside of this is that a polynomial dependence on the ambient dimension $d$ is inherent -- indeed, they prove a sample complexity lower bound of $n = \tilde\Omega(\sqrt{d})$ for any algorithm that identifies a useful approximation to the top eigenvector of $A$. This lower bound does not contradict our results because the relevant inputs do not satisfy our near low-rank assumption. \citetall{HardtR12} and \citetall{AroraBU18} apply techniques from dimensionality reduction to privately compute a low-rank approximation to the input matrix $X$. \citetall{HardtR13} and \citetall{HardtP13} use the power iteration method with noise injected at each step to compute low-rank approximations to the input matrix $X$. In all of these, the underlying privacy mechanism is still noise addition and the results still require the sample complexity to grow polynomially with the ambient dimension to obtain interesting guarantees. (However, the results can be dimension-independent if we define differential privacy so that only one entry -- as opposed to one column -- of the matrix $X$ can be changed by $1$. This is a significantly weaker privacy guarantee.) \citetall{BlockiBDS12} and \citetall{Sheffet19} also use tools from dimensionality reduction; they approximate the covariance matrix $A$. However, they show that the dimensionality reduction step itself provides a privacy guarantee (whereas the aforementioned results did not exploit this and relied on noise added at a later stage). \citetall{Sheffet19} analyzes two additional techniques -- the addition of Wishart noise (i.e., $YY^T$ where the columns of $Y$ are independent multivariate Gaussians) and sampling from an inverse Wishart distribution (which has a Bayesian interpretation). \citetall{ChaudhuriSS12}, \citetall{KapralovT13}, \citetall{WeiSCHT16}, and \citetall{AminDKMV18} apply variants of the exponential mechanism \cite{McSherryT07} to privately select a low-rank approximation to the covariance matrix $A$. This method is nontrivial to implement and analyse, but it ultimately requires the sample complexity to grow polynomially in the ambient dimension. \citetall{GonemG18} exploit smooth sensitivity \cite{NissimRS07} to release a low-rank approximation to the matrix $A$. This allows adding less noise than worst case sensitivity, under an eigenvalue gap assumption. However, the sample complexity $n$ is polynomial in the dimension $d$. \paragraph{Limitations of Prior Work} Given the great variety of techniques and analyses that have been applied to differentially private matrix analysis problems, what is missing? We see that almost all of these techniques are ultimately based on some form of noise addition or the exponential mechanism. With the singular exception of the techniques of Sheffet \cite{Sheffet19}, all of these prior techniques satisfy pure\footnote{Pure differential privacy (a.k.a.~pointwise differential privacy) is $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-differential privacy with $\delta=0$.} or concentrated differential privacy \cite{BunS16}. This is enough to conclude that these techniques cannot yield the dimension-independent guarantees that we seek. No amount of postprocessing or careful analysis can avoid this limitation. This is because pure and concentrated differential privacy have strong group privacy properties, which means ``packing'' lower bounds \cite{HardtT10} apply. We briefly sketch why concentrated differential privacy is incompatible with dimension-independent guarantees. Let the input be $X_1 = X_2 = \cdots = X_n = \xi/\sqrt{d}$ for a uniformly random $\xi \in \{-1,+1\}^d$. That is, the input is one random point repeated $n$ times. If $M$ satisfies $O(1)$-concentrated differential privacy, then it satisfies the mutual information bound $I(M(X);X) \le O(n^2)$ \cite{BunS16}. But, if $M$ provides a meaningful approximation to $X$ or $A = XX^T$, then we must be able to recover an approximation to $\xi$ from its output, whence $I(M(X);X) \ge \Omega(d)$, as the entropy of $X$ is $d$ bits. This gives a lower bound of $n \ge \Omega(\sqrt{d})$, even though $X$ and $A$ have rank $k=1$. The above example shows that, even under the strongest assumptions (i.e., the data lies exactly in a rank-$1$ subspace), any good approximation to the subspace, to the data matrix $X$, or to the covariance matrix $A = XX^T$ must require the sample complexity $n$ to grow polynomially in the ambient dimension $d$ if we restrict to techniques that satisfy concentrated differential privacy. Almost all of the prior work in this general area is subject to this restriction. To avoid a sample complexity $n$ that grows polynomially with the ambient dimension $d$, we need fundamentally new techniques. \subsection{Our Techniques} For the exact case, we construct a score function for subspaces that has low sensitivity, assigns high score to the correct subspace, and assigns a low score to all other subspaces. Then we can simply apply a $\mathrm{GAP\text{-}MAX}$ algorithm to privately select the correct subspace \cite{BunDRS18}. The $\mathrm{GAP\text{-}MAX}$ algorithm satisfies $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-differential privacy and outputs the correct subspace as long as the gap between its score and that of any other subspace is larger than $O(\log(1/\delta)/\varepsilon)$. This works even though there are infinitely many subspaces to consider, which would not be possible under concentrated differential privacy. The simplest score function would simply be the number of input points that the subspace contains. This assigns high score to the correct subspace, but it also assigns high score to any larger subspace that contains the correct subspace. To remedy this, we subtract from the score the number of points contained in a strictly smaller subspace. That is, the score of subspace $S$ is the number of points in $S$ minus the maximum over all subspaces $S' \subsetneq S$ of the number of points contained in $S'$. This $\mathrm{GAP\text{-}MAX}$ approach easily solves the exact case, but it does not readily extend to the approximate case. If we count points near to the subspace, rather than in it, then (infinitely) many subspaces will have high score, which violates the assumptions needed for $\mathrm{GAP\text{-}MAX}$ to work. Thus we use a completely different approach for the approximate case. We apply the ``subsample and aggregate'' paradigm of \cite{NissimRS07}. That is, we split the dataset $X_1, \cdots, X_n$ into $n/O(k)$ sub-datasets each of size $O(k)$. We use each sub-dataset to compute an approximation to the subspace by doing a (non-private) PCA on the sub-dataset. Let $\Pi$ be the projection matrix onto the correct subspace and $\Pi_1, \cdots, \Pi_{n/O(k)}$ the projection matrices onto the approximations derived from the sub-datasets. With high probability $\|\Pi_j-\Pi\|$ is small for most $j$. (Exactly how small depends on the eigengap.) Now we must privately aggregate the projection matrices $\Pi_1, \cdots, \Pi_{n/O(k)}$ into a single projection matrix. Rather than directly trying to aggregate the projection matrices, we pick a set of reference points, project them onto the subspaces, and then aggregate the projected points. We draw $p_1, \cdots, p_{O(k)}$ independently from a standard spherical Gaussian. Then $\|\Pi_j p_i - \Pi p_i \| \le \|\Pi_j - \Pi\| \cdot O(\sqrt{k})$ is also small for all $i$ and most $j$. We wish to privately approximate $\Pi p_i$ and to do this we have $n/O(k)$ points $\Pi_j p_i$ most of which are close to $\Pi p_i$. This is now a location or mean estimation problem, which we can solve privately. Thus we obtain points $\hat p_i$ such that $\|\hat p_i - \Pi p_i\|$ is small for all $i$. From a PCA of these points we can obtain a projection $\hat\Pi$ with $\|\hat\Pi-\Pi\|$ being small, as required. Finally, we discuss how to privately obtain $(\hat p_1, \hat p_2, \cdots, \hat p_{O(k)})$ from $(\Pi_1 p_1, \cdots, \Pi_1 p_{O(k)}), \cdots,$\\$(\Pi_{n/O(k)} p_1, \cdots, \Pi_{n/O(k)} p_{O(k)})$. It is better here to treat $(\hat p_1, \hat p_2, \cdots, \hat p_{O(k)})$ as a single vector in $\mathbb{R}^{O(kd)}$, rather than as $O(k)$ vectors in $\mathbb{R}^d$. We split $\mathbb{R}^{O(kd)}$ into cells and then run a differentially private histogram algorithm. If we construct the cells carefully, for most $j$ we have that $(\Pi_j p_1, \cdots, \Pi_j p_{O(k)})$ is in the same histogram cell as the desired point $(\Pi p_1, \cdots, \Pi p_{O(k)})$. The histogram algorithm will thus identify this cell, and we take an arbitrary point from this cell as our estimate $(\hat p_1, \hat p_2, \cdots, \hat p_{O(k)})$. The differentially private histogram algorithm is run over exponentially \vnote{infinitely?} many cells, which is possible under $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-differential privacy if $n/O(k) \ge O(\log(1/\delta)/\varepsilon)$. (Note that under concentrated differential privacy the histogram algorithm's sample complexity $n$ would need to depend on the number of cells and, hence, the ambient dimension $d$.) The main technical ingredients in the analysis of our algorithm for the approximate case are matrix perturbation and concentration analysis and the location estimation procedure using differentially private histograms. Our matrix perturbation analysis uses a variant of the Davis-Kahan theorem to show that if the empirical covariance matrix is close to the true covariance matrix, then the subspaces corresponding to the top $k$ eigenvalues of each are also close; this is applied to both the subsamples and the projection of the reference points. The matrix concentration results that we use show that the empirical covariance matrices in all the subsamples are close to the true covariance matrix. This is the only place where the multivariate Gaussian assumption arises. Any distribution that concentrates well will work. \section{Notations, Definitions, and Background Results}\label{sec:preliminaries} \subsection{Linear Algebra and Probability Preliminaries} Here, we mention a few key technical results that we will be using to prove the main theorem for the approximate case. Throughout this document, we assume that the dimension $d$ is larger than some absolute constant, and adopt the following notation: for a matrix $A$ of rank $r$, we use $s_1(A)\geq\dots\geq s_r(A)$ to denote the singular values of $A$ in decreasing order, and use $\lambda_1(A)\geq\dots\geq\lambda_r(A)$ to denote the eigenvalues of $A$ in decreasing order; let $s_{\min}(A)$ denote the least, non-zero singular value of $A$. We omit the parentheses when the context is clear. We begin by stating two results about matrix perturbation theory. The first result says that if two matrices are close to one another in operator norm, then their corresponding singular values are also close to one another. Define \[\|M\| := \sup \{\|Mx\|_2 : x \in \mathbb{R}^d, ~ \|x\|_2 \le 1\}\] to be the operator norm with respect to the Euclidean vector norm. \begin{lemma}[Singular Value Inequality]\label{lem:weyl-singular} Let $A,B \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times n}$ and let $r = \min\{d,n\}$. Then for $1 \leq i,j \leq r$, $$s_{i+j-1}(A+B) \leq s_i(A) + s_j(B).$$ \end{lemma} The following result gives a lower bound on the least singular value of sum of two matrices. \begin{lemma}[Least Singular Value of Matrix Sum]\label{lem:least-singular} Let $A,B \in \mathbb{R}^{d\times n}$. Then $$s_{\min}(A+B) \geq s_{\min}(A) - \|B\|.$$ \end{lemma} The next result bounds the angle between the subspaces spanned by two matrices that are close to one another. Let $X \in \mathbb{R}^{d\times n}$ have the following SVD. $$X= \begin{bmatrix} U & U_{\bot} \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} \Sigma_1 & 0\\ 0 & \Sigma_2 \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} V^T\\ V_{\bot}^T \end{bmatrix}$$ In the above, $U,U_{\bot}$ are orthonormal matrices such that $U\in \mathbb{R}^{d\times r}$ and $U_{\bot}\in \mathbb{R}^{d \times (d-r)}$, $\Sigma_1,\Sigma_2$ are diagonal matrices, such that $\Sigma_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{r \times r}$ and $\Sigma_2 \in \mathbb{R}^{(d-r)\times(n-r)}$, and $V,V_{\bot}$ are orthonormal matrices, such that $V \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times r}$ and $V_{\bot} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times (n-r)}$. Let $Z \in \mathbb{R}^{d\times n}$ be a perturbation matrix, and $\hat{X} = X + Z$, such that $\hat{X}$ has the following SVD. $$\hat{X}= \begin{bmatrix} \hat{U} & \hat{U}_{\bot} \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} \hat{\Sigma_1} & 0\\ 0 & \hat{\Sigma}_2 \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} \hat{V}^T\\ \hat{V}_{\bot}^T \end{bmatrix}$$ In the above, $\hat{U},\hat{U}_{\bot},\hat{\Sigma}_1,\hat{\Sigma}_2,\hat{V},\hat{V}_{\bot}$ have the same structures as $U,U_{\bot},\Sigma_1,\Sigma_2,V,V_{\bot}$ respectively. Let $Z_{21} = U_{\bot}U_{\bot}^T Z VV^T$ and $Z_{12} = UU^T Z V_{\bot}V_{\bot}^T$. Suppose $\sigma_1\geq\dots\geq\sigma_r\geq0$ are the singular values of $U^T\hat{U}$. Let $\Theta(U,\hat{U}) \in \mathbb{R}^{r\times r}$ be a diagonal matrix, such that $\Theta_{ii}(U,\hat{U}) = \cos^{-1}(\sigma_i)$. \begin{lemma}[$\text{Sin}(\Theta)$ Theorem \cite{CaiZ16}]\label{lem:sin-theta} Let $X,\hat{X},Z,Z_{12},Z_{21}$ be defined as above. Denote $\alpha = s_{\min}(U^T \hat{X} V)$ and $\beta = \|U_{\bot}^T \hat{X} V_{\bot}\|$. If $\alpha^2 > \beta^2 + \min\{\|Z_{12}\|^2,\|Z_{21}\|^2\}$, then we have the following. $$\|\text{Sin}(\Theta)(U,\hat{U})\| \leq \frac{\alpha\|Z_{21}\|+\beta\|Z_{12}\|} {\alpha^2-\beta^2-\min\{\|Z_{12}\|^2,\|Z_{21}\|^2\}}$$ \end{lemma} The next result bounds $\|\text{Sin}(\Theta)(U,\hat{U})\|$ in terms of the distance between $UU^T$ and $\hat{U}\hat{U}^T$. \begin{lemma}[Property of $\|\text{Sin}(\Theta)\|$ \cite{CaiZ16}]\label{lem:sin-theta-property} Let $U,\hat{U} \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times r}$ be orthonormal matrices, and let $\Theta(U,\hat{U})$ be defined as above in terms of $\hat{U},U$. Then we have the following. $$\|\text{Sin}(\Theta)(U,\hat{U})\| \leq \|\hat{U}\hat{U}^T-UU^T\| \leq 2\|\text{Sin}(\Theta)(U,\hat{U})\|$$ \end{lemma} The next result bounds the singular values of a matrix, whose columns are independent vectors from a mean zero, isotropic distribution in $\R^d$. We first define the sub-Gaussian norm of a random variable. \begin{definition} Let $X$ be a sub-Gaussian random variable. The sub-Gaussian norm of $X$, denoted by $\|X\|_{\psi^2}$, is defined as, $$\|X\|_{\psi^2} = \inf\{t>0: \ex{}{\exp(X^2/t^2)} \leq 2\}.$$ \end{definition} \begin{lemma}[Theorem 4.6.1 \cite{Vershynin18}]\label{lem:sub-gaussian-spectrum} Let $A$ be an $n \times m$ matrix, whose columns $A_i$ are independent, mean zero, sub-Gaussian isotropic random vectors in $\R^n$. Then for any $t \geq 0$, we have $$\sqrt{m} - CK^2(\sqrt{n}+t) \leq s_n(A) \leq s_1(A) \leq \sqrt{m} + CK^2(\sqrt{n}+t)$$ with probability at least $1-2\mathrm{exp}(-t^2)$. Here, $K = \max_i\|A\|_{\psi^2}$ (sub-Gaussian norm of $A$). \end{lemma} In the above, $\|A\|_{\psi^2} \in O(1)$ if the distribution in question is $\cN(\vec{0},\mathbb{I})$. The following corollary generalises the above result for arbitrary Gaussians. \begin{corollary}\label{coro:normal-spectrum} Let $A$ be an $n \times m$ matrix, whose columns $A_i$ are independent, random vectors in $\R^n$ from $\cN(\vec{0},\Sigma)$. Then for any $t \geq 0$, we have $$(\sqrt{m} - CK^2(\sqrt{n} + t))\sqrt{s_n(\Sigma)} \leq s_n(A) \leq (\sqrt{m} + CK^2(\sqrt{n} + t))\sqrt{s_n(\Sigma)}$$ and $$s_1(A) \leq (\sqrt{m} + CK^2(\sqrt{n} + t))\sqrt{s_1(\Sigma)}$$ with probability at least $1-2\mathrm{exp}(-t^2)$. Here, $K = \max_i\|A\|_{\psi^2}$ (sub-Gaussian norm of $A$). \end{corollary} \begin{proof} First, we prove the lower bound on $s_n(A)$. Note that $s_n(A) = \min\limits_{\|x\|>0}{\frac{\|Ax\|}{\|x\|}}$, and that the columns of $\Sigma^{-\frac{1}{2}}A$ are distributed as $\cN(\vec{0},\mathbb{I})$. Therefore, we have the following. \begin{align*} \min\limits_{\|x\|>0}\frac{\|Ax\|}{\|x\|} &= \min\limits_{\|x\|>0}\frac{\|\Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}} \Sigma^{-\frac{1}{2}} Ax\|}{\|x\|}\\ &= \min\limits_{\|x\|>0}\frac{\|\Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}} \Sigma^{-\frac{1}{2}} Ax\|}{\|\Sigma^{-\frac{1}{2}}Ax\|} \frac{\|\Sigma^{-\frac{1}{2}}Ax\|}{\|x\|}\\ &\geq \min\limits_{\|x\|>0}\frac{\|\Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}} \Sigma^{-\frac{1}{2}} Ax\|}{\|\Sigma^{-\frac{1}{2}}Ax\|} \min\limits_{\|x\|>0}\frac{\|\Sigma^{-\frac{1}{2}}Ax\|}{\|x\|}\\ &\geq \min\limits_{\|y\|>0}\frac{\|\Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}}y\|}{\|y\|} \min\limits_{\|x\|>0}\frac{\|\Sigma^{-\frac{1}{2}}Ax\|}{\|x\|}\\ &\geq (\sqrt{m}-CK^2(\sqrt{n}+t))\sqrt{s_n(\Sigma)} \tag{Lemma~\ref{lem:sub-gaussian-spectrum}} \end{align*} Next, we prove the upper bound on $s_n(A)$. For this, we first show that for $X\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times d}$ and $Y \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times n}$, $s_{\min}(XY) \leq s_{\min}(X)\cdot\|Y\|$. \begin{align*} s_{\min}(XY) &= \min\limits_{\|z\|=1}\|XYz\|\\ &\leq \min\limits_{\|z\|=1}\|X\|\|Yz\|\\ &= \|X\|\cdot \min\limits_{\|z\|=1}\|Yz\|\\ &= \|X\|\cdot s_{\min}(Y) \end{align*} Now, $s_{\min}(XY) = s_{\min}(Y^T X^T) \leq \|Y\|\cdot s_{\min}(X)$ by the above reasoning. Using this results, we have the following. \begin{align*} s_n(A) &= s_n(\Sigma^{1/2}\cdot\Sigma^{-1/2}A)\\ &\leq s_n(\Sigma^{1/2})\|\Sigma^{-1/2}A\|\\ &\leq (\sqrt{m} + CK^2(\sqrt{n}+t))\sqrt{s_n(\Sigma)} \tag{Lemma~\ref{lem:sub-gaussian-spectrum}} \end{align*} Now, we show the upper bound on $s_1(A)$. Note that $s_1(A) = \|A\|$. \begin{align*} \|A\| &= \|\Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}}\Sigma^{-\frac{1}{2}}A\|\\ &\leq \|\Sigma^{\frac{1}{2}}\|\cdot\|\Sigma^{-\frac{1}{2}}A\|\\ &\leq (\sqrt{m}+CK^2(\sqrt{n}+t))\sqrt{s_1(\Sigma)} \tag{Lemma~\ref{lem:sub-gaussian-spectrum}} \end{align*} This completes the proof. \end{proof} Now, we state a concentration inequality for $\chi^2$ random variables. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:chi-squared} Let $X$ be a $\chi^2$ random variable with $k$ degrees of freedom. Then, $$\pr{}{X>k+2\sqrt{kt}+2t} \leq e^{-t}.$$ \end{lemma} Next, we state the well-known Bernstein's inequality for sums of independent Bernoulli random variables. \begin{lemma}[Bernstein's Inequality]\label{lem:chernoff-add} Let $X_1,\dots,X_m$ be independent Bernoulli random variables taking values in $\zo$. Let $p = \ex{}{X_i}$. Then for $m \geq \frac{5p}{2\epsilon^2}\ln(2/\beta)$ and $\eps \leq p/4$, $$\pr{}{\abs{\frac{1}{m}\sum{X_i}-p} \geq \epsilon} \leq 2e^{-\epsilon^2m/2(p+\epsilon)} \leq \beta.$$ \end{lemma} We finally state a result about the norm of a vector sampled from $\cN(\vec{0},\mathbb{I})$. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:gauss-vector-norm} Let $X_1,\dots,X_q \sim \cN(\vec{0},\Sigma)$ be vectors in $\mathbb{R}^d$, where $\Sigma$ is the projection of $\mathbb{I}_{d \times d}$ on to a subspace of $\mathbb{R}^d$ of rank $k$. Then $$\pr{}{\forall i, \|X_i\|^2 \leq k + 2\sqrt{kt} + 2t} \geq 1-qe^{-t}.$$ \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Since $\Sigma$ is of rank $k$, we can directly use Lemma~\ref{lem:chi-squared} for a fixed $i \in [q]$, and the union bound over all $i \in [q]$ to get the required result. This is because for any $i$, $\|X_i\|^2$ is a $\chi^2$ random variable with $k$ degrees of freedom. \end{proof} \subsection{Privacy Preliminaries} \begin{definition}[Differential Privacy (DP) \cite{DworkMNS06}] \label{def:dp} A randomized algorithm $M:\cX^n \rightarrow \cY$ satisfies $(\eps,\delta)$-differential privacy ($(\eps,\delta)$-DP) if for every pair of neighboring datasets $X,X' \in \cX^n$ (i.e., datasets that differ in exactly one entry), $$\forall Y \subseteq \cY~~~ \pr{}{M(X) \in Y} \leq e^{\eps}\cdot \pr{}{M(X') \in Y} + \delta.$$ When $\delta = 0$, we say that $M$ satisfies $\eps$-differential privacy or pure differential privacy. \end{definition} Neighbouring datasets are those that differ by the replacement of one individual's data. In our setting, each individual's data is assumed to correspond to one point in $\cX = \mathbb{R}^d$, so neighbouring means one point is changed arbitrarily. Throughout the document, we will assume that $\eps$ is smaller than some absolute constant less than $1$ for notational convenience, but note that our results still hold for general $\eps$. Now, this privacy definition is closed under post-processing. \begin{lemma}[Post Processing \cite{DworkMNS06}]\label{lem:post-processing} If $M:\cX^n \rightarrow \cY$ is $(\eps,\delta)$-DP, and $P:\cY \rightarrow \cZ$ is any randomized function, then the algorithm $P \circ M$ is $(\eps,\delta)$-DP. \end{lemma} \subsection{Basic Differentially Private Mechanisms.} We first state standard results on achieving privacy via noise addition proportional to sensitivity~\cite{DworkMNS06}. \begin{definition}[Sensitivity] Let $f : \cX^n \to \R^d$ be a function, its \emph{$\ell_1$-sensitivity} and \emph{$\ell_2$-sensitivity} are $$\Delta_{f,1} = \max_{X \sim X' \in \cX^n} \| f(X) - f(X') \|_1 ~~~~\textrm{and}~~~~\Delta_{f,2} = \max_{X \sim X' \in \cX^n} \| f(X) - f(X') \|_2,$$ respectively. Here, $X \sim X'$ denotes that $X$ and $X'$ are neighboring datasets (i.e., those that differ in exactly one entry). \end{definition} One way of introducing $(\eps,\delta)$-differential privacy is via adding noise sampled from the truncated Laplace distribution, proportional to the $\ell_1$ sensitivity. \begin{lemma}[Truncated Laplace Mechanism \cite{GengDGK20}]\label{lem:truncated-laplace} Define the probability density function ($p$) of the truncated Laplace distribution as follows. \[ p(x) = \begin{cases} Be^{-\frac{\abs{x}}{\lambda}} & \text{if $x \in [-A,A]$}\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \] In the above, $$ \lambda = \frac{\Delta}{\eps},~~~ A = \frac{\Delta}{\eps}\log\left(1+\frac{e^\eps - 1}{2\delta}\right),~~~ B = \frac{1}{2\lambda(1-e^{-\frac{A}{\lambda}})}. $$ Let $\mathrm{TLap}(\Delta,\eps,\delta)$ denote a draw from the above distribution. Let $f : \cX^n \to \R^d$ be a function with sensitivity $\Delta$. Then the truncated Laplace mechanism $$M(X) = f(X) + \mathrm{TLap}(\Delta,\eps,\delta)$$ satisfies $(\eps,\delta)$-DP. \end{lemma} In the above $A \leq \tfrac{\Delta_{f,1}}{\eps}\log(1/\delta)$ since $\eps$ is smaller than some absolute constant less than $1$. Now, we introduce differentially private histograms. \begin{lemma}[Private Histograms]\label{lem:priv-hist} Let $n \in \mathbb{N}$, $\varepsilon,\delta,\beta>0$, and $\mathcal{X}$ a set. There exists $M : \mathcal{X}^n \to \mathbb{R}^{\mathcal{X}}$ which is $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-differentially private and, for all $x \in \mathcal{X}^n$, we have \[\pr{M}{\sup_{y \in \mathcal{X}} \left|M(x)_y - \frac1n |\{ i \in [n] : x_i = y\}| \right| \le O\left(\frac{\log(1/\delta\beta)}{\varepsilon n}\right) } \ge 1-\beta.\] \end{lemma} The above holds due to \cite{BunNS16,Vadhan17}. Finally, we introduce the $\mathrm{GAP\text{-}MAX}$ algorithm from \cite{BunDRS18} that outputs the element from the output space that has the highest score function, given that there is a significant gap between the scores of the highest and the second to the highest elements. \begin{lemma}[$\mathrm{GAP\text{-}MAX}$ Algorithm \cite{BunDRS18}]\label{lem:gap-max} Let $\textsc{Score}:\cX^n \times \cY \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a score function with sensitivity $1$ in its first argument, and let $\varepsilon,\delta>0$. Then there exists a $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-differentially private algorithm $M : \mathcal{X}^n \to \mathcal{Y}$ and $\alpha=\Theta(\log(1/\delta)/\varepsilon n)$ with the following property. Fix an input $X \in \cX^n$. Let $$y^* = \argmax_{y \in \cY}\{\textsc{Score}(X,y)\}.$$ Suppose $$\forall y \in \cY, y \neq y^* \implies \textsc{Score}(X,y) < \textsc{Score}(X,y^*)-\alpha n.$$ Then $M$ outputs $y^*$ with probability 1. \end{lemma}
INTRODUCTION {#s1} ============ Homologous recombination (HR) is a complex process requiring the coordinated function of a number of genes products in order to repair double-stranded breaks in DNA \[[@R1]\]. This process is frequently deranged in cancer, where the classic example of homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) is provided by BRCA1/2 mutated tumours \[[@R2], [@R3]\]. Targeting HRD in *BRCA* mutant tumours using a synthetically lethal approach with poly ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors has resulted in beneficial effects for patients in ovarian, breast and prostate cancer \[[@R4]--[@R7]\]. However, HRD may also be present in tumours without BRCA mutations; similar to BRCA mutant tumours these cancers are often platinum sensitive and may also respond to other DNA damage targeting drugs \[[@R7]--[@R10]\]. Such *BRCA* wild-type HRD tumours have high levels of "genomic scarring", which arises from the use of error prone DNA repair pathways when homologous recombination is compromised. One method for quantifying the amount of genomic scarring is to assess the extent of loss of heterozygosity (LOH; loss of one copy of a chromosomal region) across the tumour genome. Determination of HRD using LOH may have clinical implications; in the ARIEL2 Part 1 (NCT01891344) trial of previously treated ovarian cancer, *BRCA* wild-type patients with high levels of LOH (LOH-high) treated with the PARP inhibitor rucaparib were more likely to respond to rucaparib therapy and had longer progression free survival compared to rucaparib-treated patients who were not LOH-high \[[@R7], [@R11]\]. Oesophagogastric cancer is a platinum sensitive disease in which several genomic and proteomic biomarkers associated with DNA repair defects have been identified. These include ATM loss, The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) chromosomally unstable (CIN) subtype and a putative BRCA mutational signature \[[@R12]--[@R16]\]. Therefore we hypothesized that genomic LOH (as a measure of HRD) might be associated with prognosis in oesophagogastric cancer patients treated with platinum based chemotherapy. In order to examine this hypothesis we assessed genomic LOH in tumour samples from patients treated with epirubicin, oxaliplatin and capecitabine plus or minus panitumumab (EOX±P) in the REAL3 (Randomised Trial of EOX with or without Panitumumab in Advanced or Locally Advanced Oesophagogastric Cancer 3) Trial, (NCT00824785), and correlated LOH with survival in this patient cohort. Details of the REAL3 trial have been previously described \[[@R17]\]. In brief, eligible patients had a diagnosis of locally advanced or metastatic oesophagogastric cancer and were treated with EOX (epirubicin, oxaliplatin and capecitabine) plus or minus panitumumab (a fully human monoclonal IgG2 anti-EGFR antibody). Patients treated with EOX-panitumumab had inferior overall survival compared with patients treated with EOX (HR 1.37, 95% CI 1.07-1.76; p=0.013). RESULTS {#s2} ======= Out of a total of 553 REAL3 patients 158 formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue blocks with high tumour content (\>30%) were available; these were sent for NGS analysis to Foundation Medicine (FM). There was no significant difference in clinicopathological characteristics, progression free survival or overall survival between patients who underwent sequencing for LOH assessment and those without (see [Supplementary Data](#SD1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Of the 158 samples, one duplicate sample from the same patient was excluded. This left 157 samples which were processed for NGS (see CONSORT figure, [Supplementary Data](#SD1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). The sample storage time for selected archival samples was a median of 5 years (range 4-9 years) and the quality of FFPE tissue blocks varied widely across the processed batch. Following review of tumor nuclei enumeration at FM, 5 samples were deemed to have too low tumour content and were excluded from further analysis. We observed attrition during NGS processing due to tissue quality in 35 samples (23%) and were able to sequence 117 samples successfully. The LOH inference was successfully performed for 74 of the sequenced samples (63%) or 47% of the original biomarker analysis population. This is because inference of LOH is based on copy number estimation which requires adequately deep and relatively even coverage across the genome. In contrast to mutation calling, the sample quality requirements for copy number detection are higher. Since the REAL3 samples had not been fixed with NGS in mind, not all samples met the higher quality standards for LOH inference but were sufficient for mutation calling. There was no difference in the proportion of samples which were successfully sequenced from each tumour site; however junctional and oesophageal tumours were more likely to have LOH successfully inferred than stomach cancer (73% and 66% vs 50% respectively). Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"} summarizes the number of samples sequenced and the proportion of samples which had LOH derived according to anatomical site. ###### Number of samples sequenced and LOH derived by anatomical site Overall Stomach Oesophagus GOJ ------------------------------ ----------- ---------- ------------ ---------- **Samples submitted** 157 46 56 55 **Samples sequenced** 117 (75%) 36 (78%) 41 (73%) 40 (73%) **Samples with LOH derived** 74 (47%) 18 (50%) 27 (66%) 29 (73%) The median percentage of genomic LOH inferred for all tumours was 11.9% (n=74) (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). According to anatomical site, the median percentage of LOH was 10.6% for stomach (n=18), 11.4% oesophagus (n=27) and 14.8% (n=29) for gastroesophageal junction tumours. These differences were not statistically significant (p\>0.05). The median and mean % LOH according to anatomical site are shown in Figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}. ![Distribution of genomic LOH across the samples analysed](oncotarget-09-36654-g001){#F1} ![Genomic loss of heterozygosity by tumour site](oncotarget-09-36654-g002){#F2} Using the optimization of survival benefit as described in the methods section, the optimal survival benefit for LOH-high vs. LOH-low patients was found to be in patients with ≥ 21% genomic LOH. Using an LOH level of ≥ 21% to define the LOH-high group, 10 out of 74 patients (14%) were classified as LOH-high. At this cut off, the median overall survival (OS) was 18.3 months for the LOH-high subgroup compared to 11 months for the LOH-low subgroup. Using a Cox proportional hazards model, we derived the OS hazard ratio to be 0.55 (95% CI 0.19-0.97), p= 0.10. At the same LOH cut off, progression free survival (PFS) was 10.7 months for the LOH-high group compared to 7.3 months for the LOH-low group. Using a Cox proportional hazards model, the PFS HR was 0.61 (95% CI 0.21 -- 1.09), p=0.09. Figures [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"} and [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"} illustrate the overall survival and progression free survival curves in LOH-high and LOH-low subgroups. In the sensitivity analysis in which operated patients (n=4) were censored at the time of potentially curative surgery OS of 18.3m vs. 10.2m (HR 0.43, 95% CI (0.20-0.92), p=0.02) for LOH-high vs. LOH-low patients and and PFS was 10.5m vs. 7.2m (HR 0.55, (95% CI 0.26-1.17), p=0.09) in the same subgroups (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}, Figure [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). ![Overall survival in LOH-high and LOH-low groups](oncotarget-09-36654-g003){#F3} ![Progression free survival in LOH-high and LOH-low groups](oncotarget-09-36654-g004){#F4} ![Overall survival in LOH-high and LOH-low groups with operated patients censored at time of potentially curative surgery](oncotarget-09-36654-g005){#F5} ![Progression free survival in LOH-high and LOH-low groups with operated patients censored at time of potentially curative surgery](oncotarget-09-36654-g006){#F6} MANOVA of these clinicopathological variables potentially associated with progression free and overall survival showed that of these parameters only disease extent have a statistically significant impact on both progression free and overall survival (Table [2](#T2){ref-type="table"}). Extended confounding analysis and groupwise statistical testing established that the distributions of these clinical and prognostic parameters are not different between the LOH-high and LOH-low groups (Table [3](#T3){ref-type="table"}). The prognostic factors identified through MANOVA therefore confound the survival outcome of both groups equally and any additional findings can be attributed to the difference in LOH levels. ###### Multivariate analysis of factors associated with survival in REAL3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable *p* value\ *p* value\ MANOVA\ MANOVA\ Overall survival Progression free survival ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ --------------------------- Age (\<=65 (44), \>65 (29)) 0.83 0.64 Gender (M (7), F (67)) 0.18 0.35 Tumour Site (O, S, OGJ) 0.61 0.98 Disease extent (locally advanced (7), metastatic (67)) 0.04 0.01 WHO PS 0 (28), \>0 (33), unknown (3) 0.23 0.25 Histological subtype (Intestinal (61), diffuse (7), Mixed (5), Unknown (1)) 0.13 0.03 Treatment (EOX (38), EOX-P (36)) 0.37 0.67 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###### Association between variables associated with OS and LOH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable LOH-low\ LOH-high\ *p* value *n*= 64 *n*= 10 ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------------- ------------------------ **Age (% \<65 years)** 61% (39) 50% (5) 0.87 (Gosset *t*-test) **Gender (% F)** 8% (5) 20% (2) 1 (Fisher) **Tumour site O, S, GOJ** 37.5% (24), 25% (16), 37.5% (24) 30% (3), 20% (2), 50% (5) 1 (Fisher) **Disease extent (% metastatic)** 91% (58) 90% (9) 1 (Fisher) **WHO PS (0,1,2, unknown)** 39% (25), 50% (32), 6% (4), 5% (3) 30% (3), 70% (7), 0% 1 (Fisher) **Histological subtype (%intestinal)** 80% (51) 100% (10) 1 (Fisher) **Treatment (EOX, EOX-P)** 53% (34), 47% (30) 40% (4), 60% (6) 1 (Fisher) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRD can also be caused by variants in genes of the HR pathway that render the protein function impaired. Categories of variants that are deleterious to protein function include protein truncating mutations, splice site mutations, homozygous deletions and large protein truncating rearrangements. The Foundation Medicine T5 NGS assay has been validated to detect these classes of variants. In the REAL3 samples sequenced here, several deleterious mutations in genes of the HR pathway were detected and are detailed in Table [4](#T4){ref-type="table"} : *BRCA2* (n=1), *ATM* (n=6), *ATR* (n=1), *CHK2* (n=1). Additionally, 101 of 117 (86%) samples had mutations in the *TP53* gene. There was no significant difference in %LOH, OS, and PFS between the *TP53* mutated and wildtype populations, other mutant populations were considered too small to analyse separately. ###### Overview of HR pathway mutations detected Gene Total number (%) samples Number of samples with known deleterious mutation Number of samples with mutation of unknown significance -------- -------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ATM 13 (11%) 6 7 ATR 8 (7%) 1 7 ATRX 5 (4%) 2 3 BARD1 6 (5%) 6 BLM 12 (10%) 12 BRCA1 3 (3%) 3 BRCA2 13 (11%) 1 12 BRIP1 7 (6%) 1 6 CHEK1 3 (3%) 3 CHEK2 4 (3%) 1 3 FANCA 9 (8%) 9 FANCC 3 (3%) 3 FANCD2 11 (9%) 11 FANCE 6 (5%) 6 FANCF 3 (3%) 3 FANCG 1 (1%) 1 FANCI 6 (5%) 6 FANCL 4 (3%) 4 FANCM 9 (8%) 9 MRE11A 2 (2%) 2 NBN 9 (8%) 9 PALB2 6 (5%) 6 RAD50 3 (3%) 3 RAD51 1 (1%) 1 RAD51C 2 (2%) 2 RAD51D 0 0 RAD52 4 (3%) 4 RAD54L 2 (2%) 2 Abbreviations: HR, homologous recombination. DISCUSSION {#s3} ========== In this analysis we identify a group of oesophagogastric cancer patients treated in the REAL3 trial who have high levels of genomic LOH measured using an algorithmic approach to DNA sequencing data performed on tissue obtained from routine diagnostic biopsies. Using a cut-off of 21% genomic LOH to define LOH-high, we demonstrate that patients with higher levels of LOH have a trend towards longer overall survival than those who are not LOH-high. When a small number of patients who underwent potentially curative surgery were censored in a sensitivity analysis, these findings reached statistical significance (HR 0.43, 95% CI (0.20-0.92), p=0.02) These findings are of interest for two reasons. Firstly, although the predictive power of the biomarker cannot be determined in the absence of a control group, high LOH may identify patients who are more likely to benefit from platinum based chemotherapy. Secondly, as LOH-high patients with ovarian cancer benefit from PARP inhibition more than LOH--low patients, it is possible that high LOH could be a biomarker predictive of sensitivity to PARP inhibitors in oesophagogastric cancer patients. While these hypotheses require prospective validation, they could lead to more effective biomarker selected therapies for oesophagogastric cancer, a disease which currently has a dismal prognosis \[[@R18], [@R19]\]. Platinum based chemotherapy is a standard first line treatment for patients with advanced oesophagogastric cancer \[[@R20]--[@R23]\]. To date, no biomarker is available to select which oesophagogastric cancer patients might benefit from chemotherapy. Many studies have evaluated germline polymorphisms associated with response to platinum and fluoropyrimidine chemotherapy, but none have demonstrated definitive or practice changing results \[[@R24]--[@R26]\]. Microsatellite instability may be a biomarker of chemosensitivity for gastric cancer patients treated with perioperative chemotherapy; however this is rare in proximal tumours and in the the metastatic setting \[[@R27], [@R15]\]. Therefore, with the exception of HER2 overexpression and trastuzumab treatment, useful biomarkers to stratify patients with oesophagogastric cancer for standard therapy are lacking \[[@R28]\]. We suggest further evaluation of the LOH-high biomarker in clinical trials in patients with oesophagogastric cancer in order to validate our findings. The genomic and transcriptomic landscape of oesophagogastric cancer has been intensively explored recently. The recently published oesophageal TCGA data suggests that oesophageal adenocarcinoma is molecularly almost indistinguishable from chromosomally unstable gastric cancer \[[@R15]\]. These cancers are characterized by gross genomic instability and frequent large scale chromosomal events such as kataegis and chromothripsis which can lead to defects in homologous recombination and acquisition of genomic scar \[[@R29]\]. Gastric cancer has previously been identified as having a comparatively high level of genomic scarring measured using not only LOH, but also quantified using other metrics such as telomeric allelic imbalances (NtAI) and large scale transitions (LST), both of which predict platinum sensitivity in triple negative breast cancer \[[@R10], [@R30], [@R31]\]. Thus, although the presence of the HRD tumour phenotype and its association with platinum sensitivity has been established by multiple different methodologies across several cancer types including gastric cancer, we are the first to demonstrate potentially better survival with the HRD phenotype in oesophagogastric cancer treated with platinum chemotherapy and do so in a well annotated phase III randomized trial population. Based on patterns of presentation, it is likely that most of our samples were collected from the primary tumour, however as this information was not collected systematically, we cannot comment on the relationship between LOH, primary tumours and metastases. Recent seminal work has demonstrated that chromosomal instability drives metastasis independently of aneuploidy and has described increased levels chromosomal instability in a cohort of matched primary tumour and brain metastases, in addition to a series of matched breast cancer primaries and metastases \[[@R32]\]. Therefore it is possible that our work, which was conducted on primary tumours, could underestimate the level of LOH in gastroesophageal cancer metastasis. This also in turn provides a potential explanation for divergent responses of primary and metastatic sites to platinum chemotherapy. PARP inhibitors have a well-defined role in ovarian cancer, the value of PARP inhibition in oesophagogastric cancer is less clear. The Phase III randomized phase III GOLD trial failed to demonstrate a statistically significant overall survival advantage for olaparib treated patients in intention to treat trial population (median OS 8.8 months vs. 6.9 months (HR = 0.79, P =.0262), although this may be in part due to a statistical correction for multiple primary endpoints \[[@R33]\]. Notably, patients who were ATM negative and treated with olaparib demonstrated substantially improved response rates compared to ATM negative patients treated with paclitaxel alone (ORR 4.24, p=0.0309), therefore PARP inhibitors may still be effective in the correct biomarker selected oesophagogastric cancer population \[[@R34]\]. Our biomarker may identify a complementary group of gastroesophageal cancer patients who are ATM positive, yet who could benefit from a DNA damage targeting therapeutic approach. The potential value of a DNA damaging targeting approach in oesophageal cancers is also demonstrated by a recent large whole genome sequencing study of oesophageal adenocarcinoma which identified three intrinsic genomic signatures, one of which was putatively sensitive to PARP inhibition; however functional and clinical validation of this finding is awaited \[[@R16]\]. One limitation of our study is the small proportion of tumours from the total trial population which were successfully sequenced; prior biomarker studies on the same population had exhausted much of the available tissue \[[@R35]\]. In particular, the modest number of patients included in survival analyses and the imbalance between LOH-high and low-groups could hinder comparisons between the groups and inclusion of LOH status into the multivariate model. However, as there was no significant difference between the survival of patients included in this study and the original trial, we do not think this introduced significant bias. We also did not find any confounding effects from other clinicopathological variables. Finally, a further limitation of our work is the lack of a control group, as all patients in our study received platinum chemotherapy; the predictive versus prognostic value of the LOH signature will need to be evaluated in further research. We think that there is sufficient indirect evidence to support our hypothesis, which is that of genomic LOH (a measure of HRD), could be associated with clinical benefit from platinum based chemotherapy in oesophagogastric cancer. In conclusion, in this study we present our results from deriving a genomic signature for high LOH in oesophagogastric cancer patients treated with platinum based chemotherapy in the REAL3 trial, which we found to be prognostic for survival in this patient population. The results of the current study can be considered preliminary, and analysis of a larger cohort is necessary in order to provide further validation on the hypothesized clinical significance of LOH. Specifically, we acknowledge that the small size of our data set made it impossible to separate the data into a training data set and one to test the LOH cutoff prospectively. We plan to do this in the phase II randomized PLATFORM trial (NCT02678182) which is currently running in the United Kingdom and which will have recruited almost one thousand patients when fully accrued. As immuno-oncology therapy moves to the fore, tumours with high levels of genomic scar which elicit robust immune responses may also be candidates for immune checkpoint therapy, and it is possible that combining PARP inhibition and checkpoint inhibitor therapy could provide long term benefits for selected patients \[[@R36], [@R37]\]. MATERIALS AND METHODS {#s4} ===================== From the REAL3 cohort (n=553) pre-treatment tumour biopsies (tissue blocks) with high tumour content (\>30%) were selected by a pathologist. All patients included in this analysis had given informed consent for translational research. The REAL3 trial was conducted under national and local ethical approvals. The Foundation Medicine T5 next-generation sequencing assay (Foundation Medicine, Cambridge, MA, USA) was used to calculate the percentage of genomic LOH in pretreatment biopsies, a minimum DNA input of 200ng is recommended for the assay \[[@R38]\]. This assay interrogates 287 cancer-related genes for mutations and 3543 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the whole genome. An algorithm was developed to quantify the percentage of interrogable genome with LOH. Briefly, minor-allele frequencies of the examined SNPs and copy number profile across the 22 autosomal chromosomes were used to identify segments with LOH across the interrogable genome. Excluded from this percentage were events that were unlikely to be caused by HRD mechanisms, such as whole chromosome or chromosome-arm loss. The percentage of genomic LOH for each sample was calculated as the sum of the lengths of included LOH segments divided by the length of the interrogated genome. The primary endpoint of the study was to determine a cut-off for LOH which separated patients into two groups (LOH-high and LOH-low) which were associated with distinct survival outcomes. To set a cutoff for separating samples high in genomic LOH from those low in genomic LOH, we performed a multi-dimensional optimization of parameters across all possible LOH cutoffs across the range of observed LOH values \[[@R39]\]. Across the range of genomic LOH 3% to 26% and in increments of 1% we calculated the following values; hazard ratio (HR) between LOH high and low populations using a Cox proportional hazards regression model; the likelihood ratio p-value of said hazard ratio; median overall and progression free survival (OS, PFS) in the LOH high and low groups and the size of the LOH-high vs. low populations captured by that cutoff. We selected the smallest HR with the smallest p-value and required sensitivity and specificity to be larger than 50% for both OS and PFS. From the subset of LOH cutoffs that meet these criteria, we chose the one that captured the largest patient population within these criteria. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to identify variables that could potentially confound any findings related to survival. The investigated potentially confounding variables were: age, gender, tumour site, disease extent, WHO performance status, histological subtype, and treatment group. To control for the effects of potentially confounding variables we performed an extended confounding analysis and applied groupwise statistical tests to the parameters above in the two groups, LOH-high and LOH-low. In order to homogenise the patient population we performed a sensitivity analysis in which patients who underwent potentially curative surgery after chemotherapy were censored for progression free and overall survival at the time of surgery. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS FIGURE {#s5} ============================== **Author contributions** Conception or design of the work: ECS, CC, AL, MP, DC Acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data: ECS, CC, AL, MP, DC Drafting the work and revision: all authors Final approval of the version published: all authors. **CONFLICTS OF INTEREST** ES declares honoraria from Five Prime Therapeutics, BMS, Gritstone Oncology, Celgene and Servier for advisory roles. AL, MN, TCH and MP declare employment and stock ownership for Clovis Oncology. GM declares research funding from Kael-Gemvax. TC declares honoraria from Lillly for advisory role. IC declares honoraria from Amgen, Gilead Sciences, Lilly, Pfizer, Taiho Pharmaceutical. Consulting or Advisory Role for Bayer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Five Prime Therapeutics, Lilly, MSD Oncology, Roche/Genentech, and Sanofi. Research Funding from Janssen-Cilag (Inst); Merck Serono (Inst); Sanofi (Inst) Travel, Accommodations, Expenses from Lilly; Merck Serono; MSD; Sanofi. DC declares Research Funding - Amgen (Inst); AstraZeneca (Inst); Bayer (Inst); Celgene (Inst); MedImmune (Inst); Merck Serono (Inst); Merrimack (Inst); Sanofi (Inst). **FUNDING** All RM/ICR authors acknowledge the funding support of the National Institute for Health Research Royal Marsden and Institute for Cancer Research Biomedical Research Centre. HRD : homologous recombination deficiency LOH : loss of heterozygosity MANOVA : multivariate analysis of variance OS : overall survivall PFS : progression free survival USA : United States of America.
Background ========== PD is the second most common neurodegenerative disease in the western world and the single most common movement disorder. Over 1 million people in the United States are affected \[[@B1]\]. Symptoms including rigidity, resting tremor, bradykinesia and postural instability are due to degeneration of the brain\'s nigrostriatal system with progressive loss of DNs in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc), accompanied by depletion of the transmitter dopamine in the striatum. Current pharmacological therapy for PD ameliorates symptoms for a limited period of time, without retarding or reversing disease progression. Currently administered drugs work by increasing the concentration of functional dopamine in the striatum by one of a number of mechanisms: replacing dopamine itself (L-Dopa), inhibiting dopamine-degrading enzymes to prolong its half-life (Entacapone, Selegeline), or mimicking the effect of dopamine on its receptors with dopamine agonists (Bromocriptine, Pergolide, Pramipexole, etc). L-Dopa has remained the single most effective PD drug since its introduction decades ago \[[@B2],[@B3]\]. New treatment strategy aimed at slowing or halting DN death is desired. In the course of elucidating pathogenic events that eventually lead to PD, at least four major mechanisms have been identified: oxidative stress, protein aggregation, inflammation and excitotoxicity \[[@B4],[@B5]\]. It is assumed that these pathways constitute a complex network of events that eventually leads to DN death. Consequently, effective disease-modifying therapy would require addressing a combination of neurodegenerative mechanisms within the SN. Even though the vast majority of PD cases are sporadic idiopathic forms, recent identification of a number of genes (PARK 1-11) responsible for rare familial cases has provided tremendous insight into the pathogenesis of the disease. The rationale behind studying rare genetic forms of a common sporadic disease is the assumption that they share key biochemical pathways. Of the ten genetic loci linked to familial PD, six gene products have been characterized so far: α-Synuclein, Parkin, UCH-L1, DJ-1, PINK1, and LRRK2 \[[@B5],[@B6]\]. DJ-1 is a relatively small, evolutionarily conserved protein belonging to the ThiJ/PfpI/DJ-1 family. Members of the ThiJ/PfpI/DJ-1 family include chaperones, proteases and transcriptional regulators \[[@B7]\], yet DJ-1\'s biochemical function relevant to PD remains to be defined. DJ-1 has been implicated in diverse cellular processes, including cellular transformation and tumorigenesis \[[@B8],[@B9]\], transcriptional regulation and RNA binding \[[@B10]\], androgen receptor signaling \[[@B11],[@B12]\], spermatogenesis \[[@B13]\], and oxidative stress response \[[@B14],[@B15]\]. *In vitro*studies showed that DJ-1 responds to oxidative stress induced by paraquat exposure, with a shift of its iso-electric point towards a more acidic form (from pI 6.2 to pI 5.8) \[[@B15]\]. Postmortem analysis of PD brains detected higher concentrations of the acidic DJ-1 isoforms, as compared to healthy controls \[[@B7]\]. DJ-1 is a hydrogen peroxide (H~2~O~2~)-responsive protein. H~2~O~2~exposure oxidizes all its cysteine residues (Cys 46, 53, 106) to cysteine sulfonic acid \[[@B16]\], with Cys 106 being most sensitive. These studies demonstrate a direct modification of DJ-1 protein by reactive oxygen species (ROS), nourishing the notion that DJ-1 might act as a free radical scavenger or sensor. Cell culture studies of DJ-1 deficient neuronal cells revealed increased susceptibility to H~2~O~2~, MPP^+^, 6-hydroxydopamine, and rotenone \[[@B12],[@B17],[@B18]\], whereas DJ-1 overexpression dramatically reduced H~2~O~2~-induced neuronal death \[[@B17],[@B18]\]. Oxidative stress results in mitochondrial relocalization of DJ-1, which is mediated by oxidation of Cys 106 \[[@B19]\]. Consistent with DJ-1 playing an important role in oxidative stress response, genetic studies in *Drosophila*and mice showed accumulation of ROS and increased sensitivity to oxidative stimuli, including H~2~O~2~and MPTP, in *DJ-1*mutants \[[@B18],[@B20],[@B22]\]. Minocycline is a member of the tetracycline group of antibiotics. Minocycline has been found to have additional anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties independent of its antibacterial activity \[[@B23],[@B26]\], which may be useful for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases including PD. Minocycline has also been shown to have neuroprotective effects in animal models of other pathological conditions, including ischemia and stroke, traumatic brain injury, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis (MS), Huntington\'s disease (HD), and the MPTP model of PD in mouse \[[@B27],[@B30]\]. Potency appears to arise from the modulation of inflammatory cytokine release, microglia activation, nitric oxide production, matrix metalloprotease activation, and apoptotic cell death. Minocycline has an oral bioavailability of almost 100% and its absorption, unlike other tetracyclines, is not reduced by ingestion with food \[[@B31]\]. High lipophilicity allows its easy diffusion into brain tissues. Minocycline also has a lower urinary excretion than other tetracyclines and is thus safer in elderly patients with impaired renal function \[[@B32]\]. Celastrol is a triterpene extracted from the root bark of an ivy-like, creeping plant called Triperygium wilfordii (TW) that is indigenous to Southern China. Extracts of the plant have had a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine for treating fever, chills, edema and joint pain, conditions commonly associated with inflammation \[[@B33]\]. Celastrol was found to suppress microglial cell activation, release of the inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β by human macrophages and monocytes, and the production of nitric oxide (NO) by iNOS \[[@B33]\]. Furthermore, celastrol was demonstrated to be a potent inhibitor of induced lipid peroxidation in rat liver mitochondria, exhibiting over 15-fold more antioxidant potency than α-tocopherol \[[@B34]\]. Celastrol protected both the outer and inner mitochondrial membrane from peroxidation, possibly mediated by its radical-scavenging dienonephenol moiety, while the anionic carboxyl group protects the inner membrane from radical attacks by stabilizing its negative surface charge. In a rat model of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), celastrol improved memory and learning in psychomotor-activity tests (PMA) \[[@B33]\]. Low nanomolar concentrations of the drug showed efficacy in all the studies mentioned above. CoQ10 (also known as ubiquinone) is composed of a quinone ring and a 10-isoprene unit tail. It is an obligatory cofactor in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. As a bioenergetic agent, it serves as an electron acceptor in complexes I and II/III of the electron transport chain. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been frequently observed in PD, and several lines of evidence support its causative role in disease pathogenesis. For example, a 30% to 40% reduction in complex I activity was observed in sporadic PD, and MPTP induces parkinsonism by inhibiting complex I activity \[[@B35]\]. CoQ10 is also a potent antioxidant distributed in all membranes throughout the cell. It is able to work in concert with α-tocopherol and participates in the recovery of cells from oxidative stress \[[@B36],[@B37]\]. Levels of coQ10 measured in mitochondria from PD patients were significantly lower than in age-matched controls \[[@B38]\], while at the same time the percentage of oxidized coQ10 was relatively increased \[[@B39]\]. In *in vitro*models, coQ10 could protect against MPP^+^and rotenone induced toxicity \[[@B40],[@B42]\]. In animal models of ALS and HD, coQ10 treatment also showed beneficial effects \[[@B43],[@B44]\]. In the MPTP mouse model of PD, oral treatment of young mice with coQ10 and nicotiamide attenuated the effect of low dose MPTP administration, while coQ10 alone attenuated dopamine depletion in the striatum \[[@B45]\]. CoQ10 treatment (200 mg/kg/day) in aged (1 year old) MPTP-treated mice, whose nervous system might already exhibit degenerative changes, showed that it significantly attenuated MPTP-induced loss of striatal dopamine and loss of TH-immunoreactive fibers in the striatum \[[@B46]\]. CoQ10 administration can increase mitochondrial content of coQ10 in the cortex of 1-year-old rats \[[@B43]\]. Similar promising results have subsequently been generated using a monkey MPTP model of PD \[[@B47]\]. CoQ10 is extremely lipophilic, making it easy to cross the BBB. Its absorption is improved by the inclusion of lipid in the formulation and by taking it with food. NBQX (2,3-dihydroxy-6-nitro-7-sulphamoylbenzo\[f\]-quinoxaline) is a potent competitive AMPA-receptor antagonist, belonging to the quinoxalinediones group \[[@B48]\]. AMPA-selective glutamate receptor antagonists constitute potential neuroprotective agents by counteracting the excitotoxic effects of excess glutamate. In the MPP^+^mouse model of PD, AMPA receptor antagonists were shown to have greater therapeutic potential than NMDA receptor antagonists \[[@B49]\]. The quinoxalindione derivatives were discovered in 1988 and are still undergoing intensive study \[[@B50]\]. NBQX exhibits improved AMPA receptor selectivity compared to earlier quinoxalindiones \[[@B51]\]. It has systemic activity and was first shown to have therapeutic effects by protecting against cerebral ischemia after carotid artery occlusion in mice \[[@B51]\]. NBQX has thus been used as the antagonist of choice in many \"*in vivo*\" and \"*in vitro*\" models. Besides its anti-stroke properties, NBQX also showed efficacy against PD \[[@B52]\], demyelinating disorders \[[@B53]\], and trauma \[[@B54]\]. Given that celastrol, minocycline, coQ10, and NBQX have different mechanisms of action and all shown efficacy in various neurological disease models, we decided to test their efficacy in a *Drosophila*DJ-1 model of PD. There are two DJ-1 homologues in *Drosophila*, DJ-1A and DJ-1B. Despite the fact that DJ-1A is more closely related to human DJ-1 at the sequence level, DJ-1B has been the main focus of research simply because of its ubiquitous and higher level of expression. It should be pointed out that DJ-1A, despite its low level of expression, is expressed in adult brain and is inducible under certain conditions \[[@B22]\]. Results on DJ-1B function in stress response and DN survival using various genetic mutants have been divergent \[[@B21],[@B22],[@B55]\]. Studies on DJ-1A function in stress response and DN survival using two different DJ-1A RNAi lines by independent groups have been consistent \[[@B20],[@B56]\], although one study reported that a genomic deletion mutant of DJ-1A, in which the entire DJ-1A locus and some surrounding sequence were deleted, showed stress sensitivity but no DN loss \[[@B21]\]. The lack of DN loss phenotype in the DJ-1A genomic deletion mutant could be caused by a genome-wide compensatory response to the deletion of DJ-1A; alternatively, the phenotypes induced by tissue-specific DJ-1A RNAi may require some non cell-autonomous function of DJ-1A. The efficiency of the DJ-1A RNAi transgene used in this study and evidence that the DJ-1A RNAi phenotype is unlikely due to \"off target\" effects have been presented in previous studies \[[@B20]\]. Given that the DJ-1A RNAi model recapitulates two features of PD: loss of DN and reduction of brain dopamine levels \[[@B20],[@B56]\], we decided to test the drugs on this model. We expect that results from this study will help understand the role of DJ-1 dysfunction in PD pathogenesis and validate the usefulness of fly PD models in pharmacological studies. Results ======= To evaluate the effects of potential neuroprotective drugs *in vivo*, DN survival and dopamine content of the brain were measured in a fly *DJ-1A*RNAi model of PD \[[@B20]\]. The effects of the drugs celastrol, minocycline, NBQX, and coQ10 on DJ-1A RNAi-induced dopaminergic dysfunction and degeneration were investigated. One pathological hallmark of PD is a progressive loss of DNs in the SN. It has been shown that DNs in a circumscribed brain region, the dorsomedial cluster (DMC), degenerate in *Drosophila*models of PD \[[@B57],[@B58]\]. Thus, serial frontal sections across the brains of aged flies were first immunostained using the anti-tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) antibody that specifically detects dopamine-synthesizing neurons. Immunopositive neurons of the DMC were detected with the peroxidase/DAB staining methods and quantified. Although the validity of the paraffin section peroxidase/DAB staining method originally used to detect DN loss in the fly α-Syn model was questioned \[[@B57],[@B59],[@B62]\], later studies using confocal analysis of whole-mount TH immunostaining confirmed α-Syn toxicity in fly DNs \[[@B63]\]. These results suggest that both the paraffin section peroxidase staining and whole-mount immunostaining methods are valid for detecting TH+ neurons. Consistently, we could observe the DN loss phenotype in DJ-1A RNAi flies using either the whole-mount confocal microscopy (Fig. [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}), or the paraffin section peroxidase staining method \[[@B20]\]. In DJ-1A RNAi flies, the age-dependent loss of DNs was shown to be preceded and accompanied by a decrease of dopamine levels in the brain \[[@B20]\]. Therefore, in the second set of experiments we studied whether the drugs would also affect levels of brain dopamine, as measured by HPLC analysis of fly head homogenates. ![**Whole-mount confocal immunofluorescence analysis of TH+ neurons in the DMC of *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies**. Whole-mount brain samples of 25-day old *Ddc-Gal4\>UAS-DJ-1A RNAi*(**A**) or control *Ddc-Gal4\>UAS-GFP*(**B**) flies were immunostained with anti-TH antibody and TH-positive immunofluorescence signals were detected by confocal microscopy. Representative confocal images of the TH+ neurons in the DMC are shown. Asterisks mark the identifiable TH+ neurons. Note that not only was there a reduction of TH+ neurons in *Ddc-Gal4\>UAS-DJ-1A RNAi*flies compared to the control, the intensity of TH immunoreactivity was also reduced in the remaining neurons.](1471-2202-10-109-1){#F1} Age-dependent loss of DNs and reduction of brain dopamine level in Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi flies --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An age-dependent loss of DNs in the DJ-1A RNAi flies was observed in two independent studies where the dopaminergic specific transcriptional regulator *TH-GAL4*or *dopa decarboxylase (Ddc)*-Gal4 were used to direct the expression of two different DJ-1A RNAi transgenes \[[@B20],[@B56]\]. Since the culture conditions used in those previous studies were different from the current study, in which animals were fed with yeast paste or drug-containing yeast paste, *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies cultured under yeast paste condition were first analyzed for DN number and brain dopamine content. Young, 1-day-old *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies and age-matched *Ddc-Gal4/+*control flies showed no significant difference in their number of TH-positive (TH+) neurons within the DMC (22.6 ± 1.98 in DJ-1A RNAi flies vs. 21.20 ± 1.97 in controls, *P*= 0.98) (Fig. [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). With age, both DJ-1A RNAi flies and control flies showed a reduction of TH+ neurons (Fig. [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). The age-dependent loss of TH+ neurons was more substantial when DJ-1A was deficient: DJ-1A RNAi flies aged for 25 days suffered a 55.3% decrease of TH+ neurons within the DMC, as compared to 1-day-old flies of the same genotype (22.6 ± 1.98 at 1 day vs. 10.1 ± 1.31 at 25 days), whereas 25-day-old control flies only exhibited a 24.3% loss compared to 1-day-old flies of the same genotype (21.2 ± 1.97 at 1 day vs. 16.1 ± 1.95 at 25 days). Thus, at 25 days of age, the number of TH+ neurons within the DMC of *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies was 62.8% of age-matched *Ddc-Gal4/+*controls (*P*\< 0.0001 in ANOVA with Dunnett\'s post test). Another independent transgenic fly line for the same *UAS-DJ-1A RNAi*transgene showed similar degree of TH+ neuron loss when driven by *Ddc-Gal4*driver (data not shown). Consistent with the DJ-1A RNAi effect being caused by inhibition of DJ-1A function instead of some \"off-target\" effect, co-expression of human DJ-1 (hDJ-1) was able to rescue DJ-1A RNAi-induced loss of TH+ neurons (Fig. [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). In previous studies, control flies (*TH-Gal4/+*) aged at 35 days did not show obvious DN number change \[[@B20]\]. The difference between the control flies used in previous studies and the current study is most likely due to the different feeding conditions (yeast paste vs. standard fly food), since the *TH-Gal4/+*control flies used in the previous study also showed a decrease of TH+ neurons at 25 days of age when grown in yeast-fed condition (data not shown). ![**Immunohistochemical analysis showing age-dependent loss of TH+ neurons in the DMC of *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies**. **A-D**: Frontal paraffin sections of adult fly brain were reacted with anti-TH antibody and detected with the peroxidase/DAB staining method. Representative sections containing DA neurons in the DMC were shown for each genotype. **A, B**: *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies; C, D: *Ddc-Gal4/+*flies. **A, C**: TH-immunostaining of 1-day-old flies; **B, D**: TH-immunostaining of 25-day-old flies. **E**: Statistical analysis of the number of DNs within the DMC of *Ddc-Gal4/+*, *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*, and *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi+hDJ-1*genotyped flies. Flies were fed with wet yeast paste. Between 8-25 fly heads for each genotype and age were evaluated. Columns depict mean with standard deviation of the mean (SD). \*\*\*: *P*\< 0.0001 in ANOVA with Dunnett\'s post test.](1471-2202-10-109-2){#F2} We also measured brain dopamine contents in *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*and *Ddc-Gal4/+*control flies fed with yeast paste, using HPLC analysis of fly head extracts. Brain dopamine levels in adult flies show dramatic age-dependent reduction \[[@B20]\], such that at 25 days of age, a large number of fly heads would be required to ensure quantitative and reliable measurement of brain dopamine levels. We therefore measured younger flies when dopamine level can be reliably measured. Even when assayed at 10 days of age, *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies already showed more than 50% reduction of brain dopamine level compared to *Ddc-Gal4/+*control flies (Fig. [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}). At this age, no obvious change in DN number was observed (data not shown), suggesting that brain dopamine level change occurred before DN loss instead of being caused by that. These results showed that DJ-1A RNAi-induced DN degeneration and reduction of brain dopamine content can be observed under both standard feeding conditions previously reported \[[@B20]\] and yeast feeding condition reported here. The effects of celastrol on DN number and brain dopamine content ---------------------------------------------------------------- We next tested the effects of drug candidates in modulating DJ-1A RNAi-induced dopaminergic phenotypes. We found that celastrol treatment both prevented DN loss and protected against dopamine depletion observed in *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies. The effects of celastrol treatments are shown in Fig. [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"} and Fig. [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}. Immunostaining of TH+ neurons in the DMC of *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies treated with celastrol at 5 μg/ml revealed a significant increase in the number of these neurons (10.1 ± 1.3 in untreated flies vs. 14.3 ± 1.0 in treated flies, a mean increase of 41%, *P*\< 0.01). When treated with a higher dose of celastrol (20 μg/ml), a mean increase of 48% was observed. As a control, we found that *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi+hDJ-1*flies with or without celastrol treatment had similar number of TH+ neurons (Fig. [3B](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). ![**Statistical analysis of the effects of the various drugs on DN number in *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies**. **A**: The numbers of DNs in the DMC of drug-treated 25-day-old *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies was determined by TH-immunostaining of paraffin brain sections. These were compared with untreated *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies or control *Ddc-Gal4/+*flies with or without drug treatment. Animals were raised at 25°C. **B**: The numbers of DNs in the DMC of 25-day-old *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*and *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi+hDJ-1*flies with or without celastrol treatment (20 μg/ml) were determined by whole-mount TH-immunostaining. Animals were raised at 29°C. Note that at 29°C the DJ-1A RNAi effect is stronger than 25°C. Results are the mean ± SD of 8-25 sectioned heads for each genotype and drug treatment. \*\*: *P*\< 0.01 in ANOVA with Dunnett\'s post test.](1471-2202-10-109-3){#F3} ![**HPLC analysis of the effects of celastrol and minocycline treatments on brain dopamine content**. Head homogenates of 10-day-old *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies treated with celastrol or minocycline were measured for dopamine content by HPLC. These were compared with untreated *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies and control *Ddc-Gal4/+*flies with or without drug treatments. Results are the mean ± SD of 21 homogenized heads for each genotype and drug treatment. \*: *P*\< 0.05 and \*\*: *P*\< 0.01 in ANOVA with Dunnett\'s post test.](1471-2202-10-109-4){#F4} To further ascertain the neuroprotective effects of celastrol, brain dopamine levels were measured in 10-day-old flies treated with celastrol. Our initial dosing experiments showed that lower doses of celastrol were sufficient to preserve brain dopamine level. Therefore we used two different doses in the lower range, 1 μg/ml and 5 μg/ml, in brain dopamine measurement experiments (Fig. [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}). After feeding with 1 μg/ml celastrol, mean dopamine levels in *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies were increased by 30% (9.7 ± 1.5 ng/ml in treated vs. 7.5 ± 2.1 ng/ml in untreated animals). However, this increase showed no statistical significance (*P*\> 0.05). Treatment of flies with a higher dose of celastrol (5 μg/ml) significantly increased dopamine levels to 14.4 ± 3.4 ng/ml, a 92% increase (*P*\< 0.01). Treatment of *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies with 1 μg/ml or 5 μg/ml celastrol therefore preserved dopamine content at 58% or 86% of wild type level, respectively. The protective effects of celastrol appeared to be selective to the *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies, since celastrol treatment in control *Ddc-Gal4/+*flies did not produce any significant changes in either TH+ neuron number or brain dopamine level. TH+ neuron numbers in *Ddc-Gal4/+*flies were 17.1 ± 1.0 in 5 μg/ml celastrol-fed vs. 16.1 ± 2.0 in yeast-fed only conditions (*P*\> 0.05), and 16.4 ± 1.4 in 20 μg/ml celastrol-fed vs. 16.1 ± 2.0 in yeast-fed only conditions (*P*\> 0.05). Brain dopamine levels in *Ddc-Gal4/+*flies were 18.8 ± 2.4 ng/ml in 1 μg/ml celastrol-fed and 16.7 ± 2.1 ng/ml in 5 μg/ml celastrol-fed conditions, compared to 16.7 ± 5.0 ng/ml in yeast-fed only condition. These changes were not statistically significant (*P*\> 0.05 in both comparisons). The effect of minocycline on DN number and brain dopamine content ----------------------------------------------------------------- Treatment of *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies with minocycline also resulted in attenuation of both DN loss and dopamine depletion in the brain (Fig. [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"} and Fig. [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}). DJ-1A RNAi flies that received daily feeds of minocycline-containing yeast paste (50 mg/ml) for 25 days showed a significant increase of TH+ neurons within the DMC compared to flies of the same genotype fed with yeast only (Fig. [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). The mean number of TH+ neurons in the DMC of minocycline (50 mg/ml) treated DJ-1A RNAi flies was 16.8 ± 2.0 (mean ± SD), as compared to 10.1 ± 1.3 in DJ-1A RNAi flies fed with yeast only. Thus, treatment with 50 mg/ml minocycline resulted in a recovery of TH+ DMC neurons in *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies to wild type levels (16.1 ± 2.0 at 25 days), which represented a 67% increase compared to the same genotyped flies without drug treatment. We further examine the effects of minocycline on dopamine concentrations in head homogenates of 10-day-old *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies. Daily oral uptake of minocycline attenuated dopamine depletion in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}). *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies treated with 25 mg/ml or 50 mg/ml minocycline showed mean dopamine concentrations of 12.4 ± 2.3 ng/ml (*P*\< 0.01) or 14.1 ± 3.7 ng/ml (*P*\< 0.01), respectively, while the same genotyped flies fed with yeast only had dopamine level of 7.5 ± 2.1 ng/ml. Age-matched *Ddc-Gal4/+*control flies under yeast-fed condition had dopamine levels at 16.7 ± 5.0 ng/ml. Hence, as compared to the yeast-fed only condition, high dose minocycline almost doubled dopamine levels in *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies, reaching 85% of wild type levels. Feeding with lower dose minocycline (25 mg/ml) also increased dopamine levels, although to a lesser extent, reaching 71% of wild type levels. Minocycline had no effect on control *Ddc-Gal4/+*flies, when fed in high doses (50 mg/ml). Neither TH+ neuron number (17.0 ± 1.0 in minocycline-fed condition vs. 16.1 ± 2.0 in yeast-fed condition, *P*\> 0.05), nor mean brain dopamine level (16.7 ± 3.1 ng/ml in minocycline-fed condition vs. 16.7 ± 5.0 ng/ml in yeast-fed condition, *P*\> 0.05) was significantly different for *Ddc-Gal4/+*flies with or without minocycline treatment. In lower dose minocycline-feeding condition (25 mg/ml), however, a modest reduction of dopamine level was observed in *Ddc-Gal4/+*control flies (11.7 ± 1.5 ng/ml in minocycline-feeding condition vs. 16.7 ± 5.0 ng/ml in yeast-feeding condition, *P*\< 0.05), although no significant difference in DN number was observed (data not shown). The significance of this lower-dose minocycline effect on dopamine level is not clear. The effects of NBQX on DN number and brain dopamine content ----------------------------------------------------------- The effect of NBQX treatment on DN number or brain dopamine content was also analyzed. The number of TH+ neurons in the DMC of *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies treated with NBQX (30 mg/ml) was on average 76% higher than age-matched untreated flies of the same genotype (17.7 ± 1.2 in NBQX-fed vs. 10.1 ± 1.3 in yeast-fed conditions, *P*\< 0.01). Thus NBQX treatment was sufficient to fully restore DN number to wild type levels at 25 days of age (Fig. [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"} and Fig. [6E](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). Surprisingly, NBQX-induced DN increase measured by immunohistochemistry was not accompanied by restoration of brain dopamine level assayed by neurochemistry analysis (Fig. [5A](#F5){ref-type="fig"}). HPLC measurement of brain dopamine concentration showed only a slight increase in *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies treated with NBQX (10.6 ± 3.1 ng/ml in treated animals vs. 9.6 ± 3.4 ng/ml in untreated animals). Thus, in contrast to minocycline and celastrol, NBQX attenuated TH+ neuron loss but failed to prevent dopamine depletion in *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies. Furthermore, in contrast to the effect in *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies, NBQX treatment significantly reduced brain dopamine level in control *Ddc-Gal4/+*flies (Fig. [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}, 13.1 ± 2.9 ng/ml in untreated vs. 8.7 ± 1.1 ng/ml in treated animals, a decrease of 33%; *P*\< 0.05). In addition, a trend of decrease (though statistically non-significant) of TH+ neuron number was observed in NBQX-fed *Ddc-Gal4/+*control flies (16.1 ± 2.0 in untreated vs. 14.8 ± 1.2 in treated animals, *P*\> 0.05; Fig. [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"} and Fig. [6H](#F6){ref-type="fig"}), suggesting that at the concentration used (30 mg/ml), NBQX exerted certain toxic effects on the *Ddc-Gal4/+*control flies. ![**HPLC analysis of the effects of NBQX and coQ10 treatments on brain dopamine concentration**. Head homogenates of 10-day-old *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies treated with NBQX or coQ10 were measured for dopamine content by HPLC. These were compared with untreated *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies. Control *Ddc-Gal4/+*flies with or without drug treatment were similarly analyzed. Results are represented as mean ± SD of 21 homogenized heads for each genotype and drug treatment. \*: *P*\< 0.05 in ANOVA with Dunnett\'s post test. Note that there appears to be a significant variation in dopamine level between untreated control and DJ-1 RNAi flies used in this experiment and those used in Fig. 4. This could be due to slight variations in animal age, which can have a strong effect on brain dopamine level \[[@B20]\], or due to sensitivity of dopamine stability to variations in each experimental condition.](1471-2202-10-109-5){#F5} ![**Immunohistochemical analysis of TH+ DA neurons in the DMC to show the effects of various drug treatments**. Frontal paraffin sections of adult fly brain were stained with anti-TH antibody. Representative sections containing DA neurons in the DMC were shown for each genotype. 25-day-old female flies were analyzed. **A-F**: *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies. **A**: yeast fed no-drug control, **B**: 20 μg/ml celastrol-treated, **C**: 50 mg/ml minocycline-treated, **D**: 5 μg/ml celastrol + 25 mg/ml minocycline-treated, **E**: 30 mg/ml NBQX-treated, **F**: 100 mg/ml coQ10-treated. **G, H**: *Ddc-Gal4/+*flies. **G**: yeast fed no-drug control, **H**: 30 mg/ml NBQX-treated.](1471-2202-10-109-6){#F6} The effects of coQ10 on DN number and brain dopamine content ------------------------------------------------------------ The effects of coQ10 (100 mg/ml) feeding on DN number and dopamine levels in *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies or control *Ddc-Gal4/+*flies were next analyzed. Mean number of TH+ neurons in the DMC of *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies treated with 100 mg/ml coQ10 was 9.5 ± 1.5, compared with 10.1 ± 1.3 in the untreated condition (*P*\> 0.05). *Ddc-Gal4/+*control flies treated with 100 mg/ml coQ10 contained 16.9 ± 2.0 TH+ neurons in the DMC, compared with 16.1 ± 2.0 in the untreated condition (*P*\> 0.05) (Fig. [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}, Fig. [6F](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). As shown in Fig. [5B](#F5){ref-type="fig"}, mean brain dopamine levels of *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies were 12.1 ± 1.9 ng/ml in 100 mg/ml coQ10-treated vs. 11.4 ± 3.1 ng/ml in the untreated conditions (*P*\> 0.05). In *Ddc-Gal4/+*control flies, brain dopamine levels were 17.0 ± 3.8 ng/ml in 100 mg/ml coQ10-treated vs. 16.2 ± 2.3 ng/ml in the untreated condition (*P*\> 0.05) (Fig. [5B](#F5){ref-type="fig"}). Thus, coQ10 treatments had no significant effect on DA neuron number or dopamine levels in *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi*flies or control *Ddc-Gal4/+*flies. The effects of celastrol on locomotor activity and oxidative stress response ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Locomotor dysfunction is frequently observed in *Drosophila*PD models \[[@B55],[@B57],[@B64],[@B65]\]. We found that aged DJ-1A RNAi flies also exhibited reduced climbing activity when compared to control flies. Further, this defect in climbing activity was rescued by co-expressing hDJ-1 (Fig. [7A](#F7){ref-type="fig"}). To test whether celastrol treatment may modify this phenotype, we fed newly eclosed flies with drug-containing yeast-paste. After 20 days of drug treatment, their climbing activity was assayed. While celastrol treatment did not significantly affect the climbing activity of wild type control flies or DJ-1A RNAi flies rescued by hDJ-1, it significantly improved the climbing activity of the DJ-1A RNAi flies (Fig. [7A](#F7){ref-type="fig"}), even though the activity was not fully restored to wild type level. ![**Effects of celastrol treatment on the climbing activity of DJ-1A RNAi flies and oxidative stress sensitivity of *DJ-1A*genomic deletion flies**. **A**: *Ddc-Gal4\>UAS-DJ-1A RNAi*flies, *Ddc-Gal4\>UAS-DJ-1A RNAi + hDJ-1*flies, and control wild type flies were treated with 20 μg/ml celastrol or mock-treated for 20 days before they were subjected to the climbing activity assay, in which the flies were bumped to the bottom of a plastic vial and the percentage of flies climbing to the top half of the vial after 7 seconds was quantified. Asterisks indicate *P*\< 0.05 in Student\'s *t*-test. **B**: *DJ-1A*genomic deletion flies (Δ*72*) and control wild type (*w*^-^) flies were treated with 20 μg/ml celastrol or mock-treated for 20 days before they were subjected to the oxidative stress assay, in which the flies were exposed to 0.5% H~2~O~2~and the survival rate over a 100 hour period was quantified. Asterisks indicate *P*\< 0.05 in Student\'s *t*-test.](1471-2202-10-109-7){#F7} We also tested the effects of celastrol in a genomic deletion mutant of DJ-1A, *DJ-1A(Δ72)*. In this mutant, the entire DJ-1A locus and some surrounding sequence were deleted \[[@B21]\]. Both wild type control flies and *DJ-1A(Δ72)*flies were raised under either celastrol-fed or yeast-fed conditions. After 20 days of treatment, the animals were subjected to H~2~O~2~treatment. We found that while celastrol treatment did not affect the survival rate of wild type control flies under H~2~O~2~-induced oxidative stress, it conferred moderate but statistically significant improvement on the survival of *DJ-1A(Δ72)*flies (Fig. [7B](#F7){ref-type="fig"}). Together, these results support that celastrol treatment could ameliorate various cellular deficits associated with DJ-1A inactivation. Discussion ========== Loss-of-function mutations in the DJ-1 gene have been associated with inherited forms of PD. Although familial forms of PD are rare, studies of their gene products can provide valuable insights into the pathogenic mechanisms underlying idiopathic PD. The isolation of familial PD genes has helped to create animal models of the disease, which can be used for pharmacological testing. In the present study, the neuroprotective effects of four drugs, celastrol, minocycline, coQ10 and NBQX, were studied in a *Drosophila*DJ-1 model of PD. The parameters used here, brain dopamine level and the survival of DNs within the DMC, are relevant to the pathological hallmarks seen in PD patients. The results shown here therefore have implications for the introduction of new neuroprotective drugs into clinical practice as well as for further understanding the role of DJ-1 in normal dopaminergic physiology and PD pathogenesis. Compounds combining antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties provide neuroprotection in a fly DJ-1A model of PD: celastrol and minocycline studies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As described earlier, neuronal degeneration in PD is accompanied by oxidative damage and inflammation. Oxidative damage, one likely source of which being the metabolites of dopamine, manifests itself through mitochondrial dysfunction and elevated levels of metals and neuromelanin \[[@B66]\]. Inflammation in PD is presumably mediated by activated microglia and their release of inflammatory cytokines \[[@B67],[@B70]\], as well as nitric oxide \[[@B71],[@B74]\]. A drug with both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities is thus expected to effectively mitigate neuronal degeneration in PD. Minocycline and celastrol both exhibit this salient combination of dual properties. In accordance with their comparable profiles of action, similar effects on DN number and brain dopamine levels were observed with these two drugs in our study. Both drugs were able to halt the loss of DNs and replenish dopamine content to near normal levels in DJ-1A RNAi flies. Minocycline and celastrol were previously shown to protect against MPTP-induced neurotoxicity in mice PD models \[[@B75],[@B76]\], although divergent results exist \[[@B77]\]. Drug studies in toxin-induced models of a disease, however, always bear a confounding effect of the drug reacting directly with the toxin. Thus, a seemingly neuroprotective effect of a drug might be conferred by chemical reaction of the drug with the toxin that results in attenuated toxicity. Here we show in an independent genetic model of PD that the neuroprotective potential of the two drugs is not restricted to pharmacologically induced models. To further increase the likelihood of the drugs\' efficacy in idiopathic cases, it might be interesting to test these two drugs in other PD models, which may operate through different pathogenic mechanisms. Our results suggest that both minocycline and celastrol may prove effective in preventing and/or delaying the progression of PD. However, comparable results were achieved at very different doses, indicating different potency of the two drugs. To produce the same neuroprotective effect as celastrol, minocycline needs to be applied at a more than 10,000-fold higher concentration. This information is relevant especially when the development of protective or preventive medicine is concerned. After all, an augmentation of the drug concentration required to reach the desired therapeutic effect is generally accompanied by an increase of unwanted side effects. Neuroprotective therapy requires the long-term administration of the drug to symptomatic but not yet end-stage patients. In the MPTP mouse model of PD, an oral minocycline concentration of 120 mg/kg day was required to produce a protective effect \[[@B75]\]. The high dose of minocycline given to animals, which is significantly more than what is typically given to humans, is a potential problem. The dose we found to be effective in the fly (50 mg/ml) is also relatively high. Lower doses were tried in our dosing studies but were found to be ineffective (data not shown). Minocycline has been used for many years as an antibiotic and is considered relatively safe. However, the recommended dose of minocycline is 100 mg to 200 mg/day \[[@B78]\]. High doses of minocycline antibiotics display the same side effects of tetracycline antibiotics. Furthermore, minocycline has a tendency to accumulate in various tissues \[[@B79]\]. Thus, a high dose regimen over longer periods of time might not be recommended. Studies using minocycline should therefore be cautiously evaluated before being used as a basis for human trials. Minocycline has already been incorporated into a clinical investigation by the NINDS/NIH, in which it is administered in the dose of 100 mg in combination with 5g creatine (twice daily) to otherwise untreated PD patients. It remains to be seen the neuroprotective effect of minocycline in a drug-combination regimen. Our results do suggest that a derivative drug with similar antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects as minocycline but fewer side effects might deserve serious consideration as a PD therapeutic. Celastrol shows more promising potential as a candidate to be further tested in preclinical PD models. Celastrol has been described previously as having potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in models of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Crohn\'s disease, and Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) \[[@B33],[@B80],[@B81]\]. Here it is shown that the administration of celastrol in low nanomolar doses provided excellent neuroprotection in a fly model of PD. The effects observed with celastrol were similar to those obtained with minocycline. However, celastrol must be considered superior to minocycline with regard to tolerance in humans. Celastrol has a centuries-long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine. In the present study, celastrol exhibited approximately 10,000-fold higher neuroprotective potency than minocycline. At nanomolar doses (7 μg/kgxd), celastrol was shown to improve learning and memory in a mouse AD model. Higher doses (3 mg/kgxd) were administered to mice, e.g. the MPTP model of PD, without any observable side effects \[[@B33],[@B76],[@B80]\]. Celastrol thus represents a potentially neuroprotective treatment for PD, as it targets at least two main pathogenic factors. It could be administered as single treatment early in the course of the disease and later in combination with L-DOPA or dopamine agonists, where it might be effective at reduced doses. Since celastrol is readily available and comparatively inexpensive, its use may also bear economical benefits by delaying the administration of the more costly symptomatic medications. The biogenic amine coQ~10~fails to show effect in the DJ-1A RNAi model of PD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The reduction in complex I in the mitochondrial electron transport chain in PD patients prompted the therapeutic use of coQ10, the electron acceptor for mitochondrial complex I. CoQ10 itself also has antioxidant properties. Administration of coQ10 to the MPTP mouse model (200 mg/kgxd) and monkey model (15-22 mg/kgxd) attenuated the neurotoxic effects of low dose MPTP \[[@B43],[@B46]\]. Different from these previous studies, our present results do not suggest obvious neuroprotective effects of coQ10 in the DJ-1A RNAi model in the assays we performed. There are several possible explanations for its lack of efficacy in the fly model: 1) Due to its high molecular weight and hydrophobicity, bioavailability of coQ10 is low in humans \[[@B82],[@B84]\], which might also be the case in the fly. CoQ10 might not be stable in yeast paste or could be metabolized rapidly before diffusing into brain tissue. 2) The administered dose of 100 mg/ml might not have been enough. 3) CoQ10 may be inefficacious in the DJ-1A RNAi model of PD simply due to its unique mechanism of action. Previous animal tests of coQ10 were done in MPTP models of PD. MPTP acts through inhibition of complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, and coQ10 is the very electron acceptor of complex I. Based on these, one could assume that the therapeutic efficacy of coQ10 might be restricted to the MPTP or other models with electron transport deficits. However, electron transport dysfunction might not be a primary effect of DJ-1 pathogenesis. CoQ10 has already been implemented into clinical trials on humans, but the results are inconclusive so far \[[@B85],[@B90]\]. These studies differ significantly in their chosen outcome measures. Some of them are in patients with early disease not yet requiring medication, others in patients with advanced disease already requiring medication, which might not be suitable for neuroprotective trials. Based on our findings, one could extrapolate that if coQ10 did confer neuroprotective effects in humans, it would be limited to specific patient populations. NBQX has differential effects on DN number and dopamine levels in *DJ-1A RNAi*flies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After it was realized that excitotoxicity conferred by excess glutamate in the basal ganglia circuit contributes to neuronal degeneration in PD \[[@B52]\], AMPA-selective glutamate receptor (GluR) antagonists have been pursued as potential neuroprotective agents. The use of the AMPA receptor antagonist NBQX in the fly DJ-1A RNAi model yielded divergent results with regards to DN preservation and the attenuation of neurotransmitter depletion. NBQX administration conferred excellent protection against DJ-1A RNAi-induced DN degeneration. However, it had little effect on dopamine level reduction. This divergence might be explained, if dopamine depletion occurs before neuronal degeneration. NBQX might have successfully protected against secondary glutamate-induced excitotoxicity and the subsequent DN cell death, but not reduction of dopamine levels, for which other mechanisms than excitotoxicity might be responsible. It is not clear how DJ-1A dysfunction affects brain dopamine levels. The dopamine biosynthetic enzyme TH clearly is still present in DNs of DJ-1A RNAi animals, since it is detected by immunostaining, although its level appears to be reduced in these neurons. Its activity could also be reduced in DJ-1A mutant condition. These findings thus could be consistent with a hypothetical course of events, in which dopamine depletion precedes DN death. Our results also suggest that excitotoxicity does make certain contribution to neuronal death in PD, but it is clearly not the primary cause. They also argue that simply blocking DN degeneration may not always lead to accompanying restoration of brain DA level and dopaminergic function. Interestingly, NBXQ treatment (30 mg/ml) appears to be toxic for *Ddc-Gal4/+*control flies. Reduced neuronal number and decreased dopamine levels were observed. Furthermore, it was noted that NBQX-fed wild type flies exhibited pre-mature mortality and markedly reduced life span (data not shown). In contrast, NBQX-fed DJ-1A RNAi flies did not display any life span reduction, nor did the flies of either genotype treated with any of the other drugs used in this study. It is not clear how NBQX confers toxicity to wild type flies but not the DJ-1A RNAi flies. It is possible that the toxicity is conferred by its competitive mechanism of action. In the control flies with normal glutamate concentrations, AMPA inhibition might reduce the intrinsic activity of glutamatergic neurotransmission to an extent that is incompatible with life, leading to neuronal death by lack of physiological stimulation. In the DJ-1A RNAi fly with presumed excess excitatory glutamatergic activity, competitive inhibition might lead to near normal level of glutamate action. Despite NBQX\'s receptor selectivity and potency in animal models, it has to be eliminated as a drug candidate for human use because of its poor pharmacokinetics. Its low water solubility at physiological pH, combined with a fast renal excretion, cause crystallization in the kidney at therapeutic doses. The fast excretion also prevents any prolonged systemic activity in humans following oral administration \[[@B50]\]. Therefore newer compounds with better pharmacokinetic properties are being actively pursued \[[@B91],[@B93]\]. Implications for PD therapy --------------------------- This study presents an *in vivo*system for testing candidate neuroprotective drugs for PD. None of the drugs discussed above would provide a cure for PD. Some of them, however, appear to be able to delay or decelerate disease progression by directly influencing established pathogenic factors. The ability to directly interfere with disease progression would constitute a major improvement to current symptomatic treatments of PD. Preventive/protective medication would be more efficacious when applied early. In the DJ-1A fly model, treatment was offered as early as the beginning of adulthood (day 1). Of the four drugs tested in this study, celastrol may bear the greatest neuroprotective potential for use in idiopathic PD, taking into account its neuroprotective effect and its side-effect profile. The findings of this study appear to favour the hypothesis that oxidative stress may represent an early pathogenic event underlying PD. Oxidative stress is thought to arise from the metabolism of dopamine itself, which produces DOPA-quinones through auto-oxidative processes and leads to the accumulation of neuromelanin and iron, eventually causing mitochondrial dysfunction \[[@B66]\]. All other players theorized to precipitate PD, like protein aggregation, defects in the ubiquitin proteasome system, inflammation, and excitotoxicity, can easily be considered as consequences of oxidative damage. In turn, a cycle of degenerative events ensues through the generation of secondary oxidative stress (Fig. [8](#F8){ref-type="fig"}). Of the secondary disease-propagating factors, inflammation may have greater and faster destructive potential. Logically, suppression of this prime executor of injury and death, in addition to the primary insult, namely oxidative stress, would confer an effective delay of the neurodegenerative progress. The present results with minocycline and celastrol in the fly DJ-1A model strongly corroborate this hypothesis. ![**A diagram depicting possible pathogenic events in PD**. A hypothetical series of molecular events likely contributing to PD pathogenesis is diagrammed. Potential sites of action by the neuroprotective agents used in this study are indicated.](1471-2202-10-109-8){#F8} *Drosophila*: a valuable model for pre-clinical pharmacological studies ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The findings of this study support the suitability of *Drosophila*for pre-clinical pharmacological studies. *Drosophila*possesses a complex nervous system of approximately 300,000 neurons, composed of numerous specialized subtypes that utilize major classes of neurotransmitters, receptors, ion channels and signaling pathways found in humans. The complexity of the *Drosophila*brain enables learning and memory and other higher cognitive functions. Moreover, *Drosophila*exhibits numerous sophisticated behaviours, whose impairment can be related to neural pathologies in the disease models \[[@B94]\]. All of these qualities could be employed to qualify and quantify the effects of neuroactive drugs in *Drosophila*. Because of its short lifespan and high reproduction rate, *Drosophila*would be valuable for first-step drug screens. Only those drugs that show promise in *Drosophila*might be moved on to mammals, resulting in faster and more economical animal testing. To date, a number of studies have been carried out in which flies respond to drugs added to their food. Drug feeding to flies has been described for reserpine and several biogenic amines, such as octopamine, L-DOPA, dopamine, tyramine, tyrosine, 3, 5-diiodotyrosine \[[@B95],[@B97]\]. In the *Drosophila*α-Synuclein model of PD, oral administration of the Hsp90 inhibitor Geldanamycin was shown to have efficacy \[[@B59]\]. Earlier studies in *Drosophila*Huntington\'s disease models showed that feeding of histone deacetylase inhibitors (either alone or in combination with congo red and cysteine) arrested progressive neuronal degeneration \[[@B98],[@B99]\]. Volatile drugs such as cocaine, alcohol, and nicotine have been administered in aerosols to *Drosophila*and elicited biological responses \[[@B100],[@B103]\]. Our present study further supports *Drosophila*as a useful tool for pre-clinical drug testing for neurodegenerative diseases. Staining of DMC DNs and direct dopamine measurement represent easily measurable and reliable methods for drug screenings in *Drosophila*. In addition, the administration of drug preparations in yeast paste was accepted by the fly and validated as a feasible approach. Ingestion of drugs could be easily monitored, since most drugs bear chromophores that can be detected in the digestive system through the fly\'s semi-transparent cuticle and also in their faeces. Clearly, experimental procedures could be improved and refined. For example, dose finding in the present study was based on previous empirical values. It might be helpful in the future to measure the effective concentrations of at least a certain number of drug prototypes within the fly\'s brain tissue after oral administration. This will generate conversion factors, which will facilitate dose estimation in future studies Conclusion ========== *Drosophila*genetic models of PD offer great potential for elucidating disease mechanisms because of their amenability to systematic genetic analysis, including genetic screens for novel players in the disease process. Our results presented here support that *Drosophila*genetic models of PD are also excellent tools for testing the therapeutic potential of drugs. Our analysis showed that minocycline and celastrol, two compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, are effective in attenuating the loss of DNs and reduction of brain dopamine levels in a *Drosophila*DJ-1A model of PD. This result emphasizes oxidative stress and inflammation in DJ-1 pathogenesis. Further testing of minocycline and celastrol in other fly PD models will test the generality of the involvement of oxidative stress and inflammation in inducing the neuropathology observed in these disease models. Second generation compounds based on modification of minocycline or celastrol could offer effective drugs for PD intervention. High throughput compound screening with the fly PD models could also facilitate the discovery of novel PD therapeutics. Methods ======= *Drosophila*Genetics and Molecular Biology ------------------------------------------ Adult *Drosophila*of the genotypes *Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi, Ddc-Gal4\>DJ-1A RNAi + hDJ-1*, and *Ddc-Gal4/+*were used in most experiments. The *Ddc-Gal4*line and the *w*^-^wild type stock were obtained from the Bloomington *Drosophila*Stock Center. Genomic DNA/cDNA constructs were generated to create *UAS-DJ-1A RNAi*transgenics, as described earlier \[[@B104]\]. Analysis of the *UAS-DJ-1A RNAi*and *UAS-hDJ-1*transgenes was performed as described \[[@B20],[@B58]\]. Animals and Drug Feeding ------------------------ Drugs, dissolved in 10% DSMO, were mixed into wet yeast paste. Drug-containing yeast paste was offered together with standard fly food in standard vials housing approximately 10 flies each. All drug preparations were mixed freshly every 2-3 days. Flies were administered celastrol (1 μg/ml, 5 μg/ml, and 20 μg/ml), minocycline (25 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml), NBQX (30 mg/ml), coenzyme Q10 (100 mg/ml), or yeast paste containing 10% DMSO alone as non-treatment control. Drug feeding was carried out at 25°C for 25 days from day 1 after eclosion. Approximately 21-24 flies for each drug and genotype were processed for HPLC-based dopamine measurement after 10 days of treatment. 10-25 fly heads per group were evaluated by immunohistochemistry after 25 days of treatment. Therapeutic doses were based on dose-finding studies, which compared known oral doses in mammals based on weight, metabolic rate etc. and through parallels to substances previously administered to the fly \[[@B95],[@B97],[@B100],[@B103]\]. Histology and Immunohistochemistry ---------------------------------- For counting DN number with the peroxidase/DAB method, the heads of 1-day and 25-day old adult flies were dissected, formaldehyde-fixed and paraffin embedded as previously described \[[@B58]\]. Serial 10 μm frontal sections were cut from anterior to posterior to include the entire brain. Anti-TH polyclonal antibody (1:100, Pel Freez Biologicals) served as primary antibody. Incubation was carried out over night at 4°C. For subsequent processing, the Vectastain Universal Elite ABC Kit (Vector Laboratories) was used. Immunopositive cells of the dorsomedial cluster at the level of the giant interneuron commissure were counted throughout all sections, using a light microscope (Nikon Eclipse 3000, Japan). Similar methods have been used previously to analyze dopaminergic degeneration in various *Drosophila*models of PD \[[@B20],[@B57],[@B59]\]. For counting DN number with whole-mount confocal microscopy of TH immunostaining, the procedure was carried out essentially as described \[[@B64]\]. HPLC Measurement of Dopamine ---------------------------- For sample preparation, 10-day-old female fly heads were dissected out under mild CO~2~anaesthesia, and quickly homogenized in chilled 0.1 M perchloric acid using a motorized, hand-held tissue homogenizer. 3 heads were used per 50 μl perchloric acid sample. Homogenates were frozen immediately on dry ice and stored at -80 degrees prior to HPLC measurement. 21-24 fly heads were measured per genotype and per experiment. For measurement of dopamine, a modified HPLC protocol for catecholamine measurement was used as described earlier \[[@B76],[@B105]\]. The chilled homogenates of fly heads were centrifuged and 10 μl of supernatant fluid was eluted through an 80 × 4.6 mm C18 column (ESA Inc, Chelmsford, MA, USA). The mobile phase contained 75 mM of NaH~2~PO~4~, 1.5 mM Octanesulfonic acid (OSA), 5% Acetonitrile (pH 3.0). For coulometric electrochemical detection, a two-channel Coulochem II electrochemical detector (ESA, Inc) was used. The flow rate was 1 ml/min. Concentrations of DA were expressed as nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml). Climbing Activity and Oxidative Stress Assays --------------------------------------------- To measure climbing activity, we transferred into empty plastic vials 12 to 20 female flies that have been treated or mock-treated with 20 μg/ml celastrol for 20 days and counted the number of flies climbing up to the top quarter of the vial within a 7-second period, after being bumped to the bottom of vertically standing vials, as previously described \[[@B64]\]. We repeated each measurement as indicated using three independent fly cohorts per genotype. For oxidative stress treatment, cohorts of female flies (n = 20-30 each) treated or mock-treated with 20 μg/ml celastrol for 20 days after eclosion were transferred to plastic vials containing a tissue paper socked with 0.5% H~2~O~2~prepared in Schneider\'s insect medium. At least three independent vials were set up for each genotype and drug treatment condition. The survival rate was measured as previously described \[[@B20]\]. Data Analysis ------------- All data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel and Graph Pad InStat3 software. The effects of minocycline, celastrol, NBQX and coQ10 ingestion on neuronal survival within the DMC of sectioned or whole-mount fly brains were analyzed with a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Multiple pair-wise comparisons of the means were performed using Dunnett\'s Multiple Comparison Tests: The effects of the respective drugs on dopamine concentration within the fly head were also analyzed with a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Dunnett\'s Multiple Comparison as post-test. Student\'s *t*-test was used when a single pair of data was compared. Differences for all data were considered statistically significant at *P*\< 0.05. For both studies, mean numbers of surviving neurons or dopamine content, respectively, were plotted as columns. Error bars indicate the standard deviation of the mean (SD). Number of asterisk indicates statistical significance. \*\*\*, *P*\< 0.0001; \*\* *P*\< 0.01; \* *P*\< 0.05; no asterisk, *P*\> 0.05. Authors\' contributions ======================= KF carried out the drug studies, the immunohistochemical analysis, and drafted the manuscript. SG participated in whole-mount TH confocal immunofluorescence study and data analysis. YF participated in the drug studies and the immunohistochemical analysis. LY performed the DA measurements. MFB provided the drugs and HPLC analytical methods. BL conceived the study, participated in its design, coordination and execution, and manuscript writing. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgements ================ We are grateful to J. Quach, Y. Zhang, and G. Silverio for technical supports and members of the Lu lab for discussions. Supported by the NIH (R21NS056878-01, R01AR054926-01), and the McKnight, Beckman, and Sloan Foundations (B.L.).
Introduction ============ The chiropractic profession has frequently been promoted as a means for achieving professional success \[[@B1]\]. However, relatively few studies have been performed on career satisfaction or success within the chiropractic profession \[[@B2]-[@B4]\]. While the results of these surveys demonstrate high levels of career satisfaction among practicing chiropractors, there has yet to be any studies exploring the reasons why some chiropractors chose to leave active practice. Previous research has explored the job satisfaction of chiropractors \[[@B2]-[@B4]\]. Konrad et al \[[@B2]\] reported that global career satisfaction of chiropractors was relatively high and associated with intrinsic rewards of patient care, extrinsic rewards of compensation, and positive collegial relationships. Zhang et al \[[@B3]\] noted that satisfied chiropractors associated internal indicators such as practicing ethically, improving patients\' health, deriving personal satisfaction, and achieving personal goals as more significant in career success than external factors represented by items such as high income. Other healthcare professions have sought to understand this dynamic \[[@B5]-[@B7]\]. However, these questions remain unexplored with respect to the chiropractic profession. Non-practicing chiropractors (NPCs) represent a sub-population of the chiropractic profession, uniquely qualified to elucidate the reasons behind attrition from practice. The purpose of this study was to explore the attitudes of NPCs to understand possible reasons for their departure from active practice. The secondary purpose of this study was to develop an attrition attitude scale. Such data, it is hoped, will aid in understanding potential reasons why this group of chiropractors have left active clinical practice as a chiropractor and may increase awareness of professional issues leading to individuals leaving chiropractic practice. Methods ======= Survey development ------------------ A 48-item survey was developed to explore NPCs attitude about the chiropractic profession. Items were developed based on four domains. It was initially determined that a NPC can be operationally defined as \"a person who has a doctorate of chiropractic (DC) but is not gainfully employed in active chiropractic clinical practice.\" The four themes/domains were educational, financial, psychosocial and political. Each domain was determined by the authors experience in the chiropractic profession and arbitrarily chosen based on that experience. The first part of the survey consisted of demographic information (gender, age, school attended, year graduated and years out of practice). The second part asked for \"yes\" or \"no\" responses to items such as prior degree obtainment, associate experience, and if additional education was needed for a new career. Additionally, respondents were asked to specify their current career or area of employment. The third part of the survey consisted of 35 Likert-type items rated in the form of \"strongly agree = 5\", \"moderately agree = 4\", \"neutral = 3\", \"moderately disagree = 2\" and \"strongly disagree = 1.\" These items formed the bulk of the survey from the four domains. Finally, the fourth part of the survey provided the option for respondents to include additional comments in upwards to 1000 characters with respect to their individual thoughts on or about the chiropractic profession. The survey was developed using the PsychData Online Survey program (State College, Pennsylvania). Survey pre-test --------------- To help investigate the face validity of the survey, three chiropractors were asked to comment on the initial survey. Of these three chiropractors, one was retired, the other was a NPC not related to the study and another was in active practice. Each offered opinions and suggestions for modification of survey items. Minor modifications to several items were indicated for clarity with no addition or deletion of the original items. Sampling database ----------------- This study utilized a convenience sample of individuals with electronic mail addresses registered with an online chiropractic discussion forum known as \"Chirotalk: The Skeptical Chiropractic Discussion Forum\" (Chirotalk) \[<http://chirotalk.proboards.com/index.cgi>\]. At the time of sampling, the database included 2,623 members. However, 884 members were considered to be \"inactive\" accounts. Thus, after obtaining ethics approval from the University of South Dakota (IRB 2010.025), 1,739 individuals were contacted via electronic mail from the site administrator and invited to complete the survey. It is unknown what percentage of the 1,739 active individuals are NPCs. Survey delivery --------------- This study was launched in February, 2010. Potential research participants (NPCs) were notified of the survey via electronic mail and were sent a copy of the informed consent document and an online link to the survey. Additionally, an announcement was posted on the Chirotalk website encouraging NPCs who were members of the Chirotalk forum to participate. The initial email was distributed by the website administrator with a follow-up email five days later. A third email was distributed 2 weeks after the original notification, with a final email sent 3 days later indicating that the survey was closed from further participation. Statistical analysis -------------------- Participant\'s responses via the online survey link were stored on the PsychData software site. The compiled responses were then transferred to the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 17.0 (Chicago, Illinois) data analysis software. Descriptive statistics were thus formulated using the SPSS 17.0 program. Included in these statistical formulations was Cronbach\'s alpha of the items used in the survey. Results ======= Demographic data ---------------- Initially, a total of 78 responses were received. However, eight surveys were returned void of any data leaving 70 valid surveys for analysis purposes. A valid survey was any survey that was received that was either completed or nearly completed in which to perform statistical analysis. Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"} contains results from sections 1 and 2 of the survey. Some of the 70 surveys deemed valid did include some variables that appeared as \"missing data.\" The results presented represent the 70 valid surveys with some of the responses having missing data as indicative from the raw numbers. Approximately 88% of the respondent NPCs were male with a majority of the sample (43%) between the ages of 31 and 40. Respondents indicated that 49% currently held an active license to practice. All of the chiropractic colleges in North America were represented, with approximately one-third of respondents receiving chiropractic degrees from Palmer College of Chiropractic or Life Chiropractic College. Additionally, five respondents listed 1 of 2 European educational programs (University of Glamorgen, and Anglo-European Chiropractic College) as the institution from which they graduated. The median year of graduation was 1995. ###### Demographic information of non-practicing chiropractors included in this study (%/n) Gender Age What school did you attend? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------- ------- ---------------- ----------------------------- ---------- Male 88% (61) 22-30 6% (4) Life (Georgia) 17% (12) Female 12% (8) 31-40 43% (30) Palmer (Iowa) 16% (11) Other\* 0% (1) 41-50 31% (22) National (Illinois) 9% (6) 51-60 16% (11) Western States (Oregon) 9% (6) 61-70 4% (3) Logan (Missouri) 7% (5) Other\*\* 42% (30) What year did you graduate from school? How long have you been out of chiropractic? Median = 1995 Range (1974 to 2008) 1 to 2 years 33% (22) 3 to 5 years 33% (22) 2000 to present 43% (29) 6 to 10 years 24% (16) 1990 to 1999 28% (19) 11 to 15 years 9% (6) 1980 to 1989 22% (15) 20 or more 1% (1) 1970 to 1979 7% (5) \*Other 0% (3) Other\* 0% (2) Did you obtain your bachelors degree before you entered chiropractic school? Yes 64% (44) No 20% (14) Bachelors degree during chiropractic training. 16% (11) Were you ever an associate in a chiropractic practice? Were you ever a client of a practice management firm? Yes 65% (45) Yes 25% (17) No 35% (24) No 75% (51) \*Other 0% (1) \*Other 0% (2) The current state of your chiropractic license is: Active 49% (33) Inactive 51% (34) \*Other 0% (3) If you left the profession for another career, was additional schooling needed? Yes 48% (32) No 52% (35) \*Other 0% (3) \*Please describe your current field or profession you are now in or pursuing. Healthcare 30 (50%) Education 13 (22%) Other 15 (25%) Unemployed 2 (3%) \*Other 10 (0%) \*Specific career/job was initially requested and then assigned to one of the four categories. I had personally seen a chiropractor before entering chiropractic school. Yes 84% (58) No 16% (11) \*Other 0% (1) \*Missing data due to non-response of item (not included in percentage of measureable responses) \*\*Other schools listed not included A total of 60 respondents of the sample specified their current field of employment. All respondents indicated that they had moved on to another career. Specifically, 48% of the respondents indicated that additional schooling was necessary to move to another career field. Four themes were generated from the data; \"education\", \"healthcare\", \"other\" and \"unemployed.\"A total of 30 respondents indicated careers/jobs that were directly tied into other healthcare professions. For example, such careers/jobs included medical doctor, osteopath, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, and healthcare management. Thirteen (13) of the respondents indicated that they were employed in education in capacities ranging from high school teacher to college teaching (non-chiropractic education). Fifteen respondents listed jobs/careers that could not be categorized specifically and thus listed as \"other\". These included responses such as \"management\", \"business consulting\", \"construction\", \"real estate\", and \"residential refuse removal.\" Two respondents indicated that they were currently unemployed and 2 respondents indicated that they were disabled and/or unable to work. Likert-scale results -------------------- Table [2](#T2){ref-type="table"} demonstrates the 35 Likert-scale items and results. When asked if \"salary surveys were realistically aligned with the real world of chiropractic practice\" 70% of respondents disagreed. This 70% disagreement was also found with the item of \"salaries in associate practice are fair.\" On the issue of student loans, 64% of respondents disagreed with the statement at \"student loan repayment is not a factor in career success whereas 80% agreed that \"overhead expense is a contributing factor to practice success.\" Most respondents (64%) agreed that a \"lack of benefits in a chiropractic practice\" were a factor in career success.\" An overwhelming percentage of NPCs (83%) indicated that chiropractic is not an easy career to make money. On professional burnout, 68% of NPCs disagreed with the concept of burnout not being a factor. The title of \"doctor\" was an attractive feature for most NPCs (66%) as well as establishing one\'s own hours of work for 90% of respondents. ###### Item specific responses from non-practicing chiropractors\* Item Strongly agree n (%) Moderately agree n (%) Neutral n (%) Moderately disagree n (%) Strongly disagree n (%) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ --------------- --------------------------- ------------------------- Financial Domain items Salary surveys are realistically aligned with the real world of chiropractic practice 2 (3%) 10 (14%) 9 (13%) 14 (20%) 35 (50%) Salaries in associate practice are fair. 1 (1%) 7 (10%) 13 (19%) 21 (30%) 28 (40%) Associates in a chiropractic practice are often encouraged to prolong the care of patients 37 (54%) 12 (17%) 8 (12%) 5 (7%) 7 (10%) Evidence-based chiropractors can earn a fair living in chiropractic as compared to non-evidence-based chiropractors. 8 (12%) 13 (19%) 13 (19%) 15 (22%) 20 (28%) Overhead expense is a contributing factor to practice success. 29 (42%) 26 (38%) 6 (9%) 5 (7%) 3 (4%) A lack of benefits (paid vacation, health insurance, etc) is a factor in career success and happiness. 23 (33%) 22 (31%) 9 (13%) 6 (9%) 10 (14%) Courses in business in the chiropractic curriculum enhance the success as a practicing chiropractor 10 (14%) 14 (20%) 13 (19%) 13 (19%) 20 (28%) Student loan repayment is not a factor in career success in chiropractic. 4 (6%) 5 (7%) 16 (23%) 16 (23%) 29 (41%) Chiropractic is an easy career to make money. 3 (4%) 4 (6%) 5 (7%) 11 (16%) 47 (67%) Insurance reimbursement rates and increased paperwork are not a factor in practice success 3 (4%) 7 (10%) 8 (11%) 17 (24%) 35 (50%) Regulations such as HIPAA and other federal laws made it difficult to maintain a thriving practice. 7 (10%) 7 (10%) 18 (26%) 21 (30%) 17 (24%) Educational Domain items With a chiropractic education, one should not have trouble finding gainful employment outside of chiropractic 5 (7%) 6 (9%) 7 (10%) 15 (21%) 37 (53%) A chiropractic education is an asset when pursuing another career. 6 (9%) 13 (19%) 7 (10%) 17 (24%) 27 (38%) Overall, the chiropractic education has value. 12 (17%) 22 (32%) 8 (12%) 13 (19%) 14 (20%) Chiropractic is not a good career choice. 47 (67%) 5 (7%) 6 (9%) 1 (1%) 11 (16%) I would encourage others to become a chiropractor. 5 (7%) 4 (6%) 6 (8%) 4 (6%) 51 (73%) Chiropractic training provides an adequate background to evaluate and assimilate the health research base 6 (9%) 19 (27%) 6 (9%) 13 (19%) 25 (36%) There is misleading information about chiropractic before entering chiropractic school. 39 (56%) 15 (21%) 4 (6%) 4 (6%) 8 (11%) Chiropractic schools admissions information was accurate when you entered into chiropractic school. 11 (16%) 11 (16%) 14 (20%) 10 (14%) 24 (34%) Psychosocial Domain items Burn-out is not a factor in leaving active chiropractic practice. 7 (10%) 11 (16%) 4 (6%) 23 (33%) 24 (35%) Having received care by a chiropractor is important for career success. 8 (11%) 13 (19%) 16 (23%) 11 (16%) 22 (31%) The title of doctor is an attractive feature of being a chiropractor. 16 (23%) 30 (43%) 12 (17%) 7 (10%) 5 (7%) Business ethics in chiropractic are perceived as questionable. 47 (67%) 9 (13%) 3 (4%) 6 (9%) 5 (7%) There are too many chiropractors currently in practice. 40 (57%) 10 (14%) 13 (19%) 3 (4%) 4 (6%) Setting one\'s own hours is an attractive feature. 40 (57%) 23 (33%) 4 (6%) 2 (3%) 1 (1%) An associates experience in chiropractic practice is a reason for many leaving the profession. 12 (17%) 18 (26%) 19 (28%) 8 (12%) 12 (17%) To be a good chiropractor, one must be a good adjuster. 9 (13%) 23 (33%) 11 (16%) 11 (16%) 16 (22%) Political Domain items Chiropractic lacks cultural authority. 27 (40%) 23 (34%) 14 (21%) 1 (1%) 3 (4%) If the practice of chiropractic became more like medicine\'s reputation I would re-enter into chiropractic practice. 14 (20%) 21 (30%) 10 (15%) 11 (16%) 13 (19%) The political problems (non-unity, philosophy, subluxation, etc) in chiropractic are factors in being perceived as a quality clinician. 25 (36%) 15 (22%) 13 (19%) 5 (7%) 11 (16%) The scope of practice in chiropractic is too narrow to effectively treat patients 20 (28%) 19 (27%) 6 (9%) 14 (20%) 11 (16%) The dogma and philosophy of chiropractic are reasons to abandon active chiropractic practice. 23 (33%) 19 (27%) 8 (11%) 7 (10%) 13 (19%) There are many chiropractors I know who are not in active practice. 16 (23%) 14 (20%) 21 (30%) 9 (13%) 10 (14%) Chiropractors who are not in active practice are considered failures by practicing chiropractors 23 (33%) 22 (31%) 12 (17%) 6 (9%) 10 (10%) Being injured by a chiropractor or causing injury by chiropractic treatment can be a factor in leaving active practice. 9 (13%) 19 (27%) 20 (29%) 10 (15%) 11 (16%) \*Some of the data in the columns is missing due to non-response and not included in percentage of measureable responses. Many respondents (80%) agreed that business ethics in chiropractic were perceived as questionable and that insurance reimbursement rates as well as increased paperwork were factors towards practice success. A majority of respondents (71%) agreed that there are too many chiropractors currently in practice and 74% believed that chiropractic was a not a good career choice. Of the respondents, 79% agreed that they would not encourage others to become a chiropractor. As well, 64% of the NPCs believed that other chiropractors perceive NPCs as failures. The question of academic value of a chiropractic degree and an individual\'s ability to seek employment outside the profession was explored. Only 49% agreed that overall the chiropractic education has value yet 62% disagreed with the statement that chiropractic education is an asset when pursuing another career. However, 74% of NPCs disagreed with the statement that \"with a chiropractic education one should not have trouble finding gainful employment outside of chiropractic.\" Most respondents (77%) agreed that that there is misleading information about chiropractic before entering chiropractic school. Yet when asked if admissions information was accurate prior to when the NPC entered into chiropractic school 48% disagreed. When NPCs were surveyed about the dogma and philosophy of chiropractic as being reasons to abandon active practice 60% of respondents agreed. Additionally, 55% of NPCs agreed that the scope of practice was too narrow to effectively treat patients. Moreover, 74% of respondents believed that chiropractic lacked cultural authority. Scale development ----------------- In studying the four domains mentioned (educational, political, psychosocial and financial) the attempt was made to develop attitude scales of each for possible use in future research. Each domain failed to establish an adequate coefficient alpha (internal consistency) through reliability analysis due to negative covariance. However, when all 35 items were put through reliability analysis testing 12 items emerged as internally consistent (Table [3](#T3){ref-type="table"}). This 12 item scale was arbitrarily named the \"chiropractor attrition attitude scale.\" Through reliability analysis this scale produced a coefficient alpha of 0.90. ###### Chiropractor attrition attitude scale\* Associates in a chiropractic practice are often encouraged to prolong care of patients. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An associates experience in chiropractic practice is a reason for many leaving the profession. Overhead expense is a contributing factor to practice success. There is misleading information about chiropractic before entering chiropractic school. There are too many chiropractors currently in practice. Chiropractic is not a good career choice. The political problems (non-unity, philosophy, subluxation, etc) in chiropractic are factors in being perceived as a quality clinician. The dogma and philosophy of chiropractic are reasons to abandon active chiropractic practice. Chiropractors who are not in active practice are considered failures by practicing chiropractors. Being injured by a chiropractor or causing injury by chiropractic treatment can be a factor in leaving active practice. Chiropractic lacks cultural authority. A lack of benefits (paid vacation, health insurance, etc) is a factor in career success and happiness. \*Reliability analysis (coefficient alpha) of 0.90 Written comments ---------------- In the fourth part of the survey, additional comments were provided by 48 (68.6%) respondents. Due to the heterogeneity of the comments, development of specific themes was difficult; however, several commonalities were appreciated. These included concern over student loan debt, career choice, the scientific basis of chiropractic, clinical practice, political disputes within the profession, lack of confidence in the future of the profession, inability to make an adequate living, experiences as an associate doctor, lack of acceptance by other healthcare providers, conflict with personal ethics, and the financial burden of practice along with issues of practice management. Discussion ========== The results reported by Konrad et al \[[@B2]\] and Zhang et al \[[@B3]\] present key areas of chiropractic career satisfaction. However, there also appeared to be a lack of items which could indicate potential reasons for a person to depart active practice. While some may challenge the logic of exploring the current study as a means to find \"career dissatisfaction\" other health professions have found value in exploring issues related to attrition and career dissatisfaction \[[@B5]-[@B7]\]. For example, Clem et al \[[@B8]\] studied career satisfaction of female emergency room physicians and included items such as \"I think about leaving my current position\" and \"if you were to leave your current position in the next year, what would be the reason?\" Additionally, Hyppola et al \[[@B9]\] reported that 22% of medical practitioners said that they would consider another profession if they were now beginning their university studies. Finally, Som \[[@B10]\] noted that 65% of attrition of graduate surgical residents was motivated by a desire to change to another specialty within medicine. Job satisfaction or surveys on chiropractic practice studies have yet to ask such questions and elucidate potential attrition or career dissatisfaction \[[@B2]-[@B4],[@B11]\]. Comparisons with the results of this study and the current state of chiropractic can be made. According to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiner\'s (NBCE) *Job Analysis of Chiropractic*\[[@B12]\] nearly 60% of chiropractors have a bachelor\'s degree. Our study found that 64% of respondents had completed a bachelor\'s degree prior to chiropractic school matriculation. Our study mirrors the NBCE\'s data \[[@B12]\] with regards to gender distribution within the profession. A majority of this study\'s respondents graduated from Life Chiropractic College (Georgia) (17%) and Palmer College of Chiropractic (Iowa) (16%). This appears consistent with the NBCE\'s data \[[@B12]\] that reported the same two colleges (Life-GA and Palmer-IA) as the institution where most of their respondents received their degree. The financial aspect of practice should be considered as a possible factor in attrition. The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) \[[@B13]\] reported that 60% of members were unsatisfied with recent actions by managed care organizations. Our study found that 74% suggested that insurance reimbursement rates were a factor in practice success. As well, the ACA reported that reduced profitability was suggested by their respondents including changes to state and federal regulations. This study however differed from the ACA as 54% of our respondents did not agree that regulations such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and other federal laws made it difficult to maintain a thriving practice. As per the connection of attrition Foreman and Stahl \[[@B14]\] noted that any potential relationship between increasing attrition rates and financial factors is hypothetical and that further study would be needed to establish any type of a reliable association. Rittenhouse et al \[[@B6]\] defined several ways other than death in which physicians attrite. These include through the means of a change in profession within clinical medicine, change to another field completely and retirement. This study identified two additional reasons for which clinicians leave active practice other than what Rittehouse et al identified \[[@B6]\]. These two reasons that were noted here related to either disability or professional reasons. Professional reasons were identified through the respondents written comments and included concerns over student loans, wrong career choice, the lack of a scientific basis of chiropractic, inability to identify with clinical practice, perception of low acceptance as a clinician, inability to make an adequate living, frustration over political disputes within the profession, negative associate doctor experiences, and conflict with personal ethics and practice management. A majority of respondents suggested the notion of business ethics in chiropractic as questionable. This study also found that 58% agreed that the political problems in chiropractic were factors in being perceived as a quality clinician. Such professional reasons need further examination. Coulter et al \[[@B4]\] noted that chiropractors have traditionally served as a major recruiter of students for chiropractic colleges. In as much as this is an important role for an alumnus, dissatisfied chiropractors and NPCs, would tend to be unenthusiastic recruiters \[[@B4]\]. This study found that 74% of respondents believed that chiropractic was a not a good career choice. Of the respondents, 79% agreed that they would not encourage others to become a chiropractor. Powers \[[@B5]\] noted in studying the attrition of emergency medical services (EMS) professionals: \"the problem is with the career itself. It is often viewed as a dead-end career or a stepping-stone to a better one in another area of medicine.\" This study found that 74% of NPCs disagreed with the statement that \"with a chiropractic education one should not have trouble finding gainful employment outside of chiropractic.\" The notion that chiropractic may be viewed as a dead-end career by NPCs can be realized in that 48% of NPCs indicated that additional schooling was needed to enter another field. This study found that 62% did not believe that the chiropractic education is an asset when pursuing another career. Although 72% of respondents entered into either healthcare or education as another career, additional education would be needed to pursue some careers in these respective fields. For example, to enter medical school one would need to re-enter through the medical school\'s entrance requirements. Advanced standing or transfer of credits from a chiropractic education to a medical education appears to be problematic depending upon the healthcare field. In the field of education, depending upon the state one chooses to teach in, additional education and testing would be needed to qualify for a teaching certificate. One could logically conclude that chiropractors would automatically qualify for the teaching of high school biology and chemistry based largely on the basic sciences of chiropractic education. Nonetheless, many states require that certain courses need to be fulfilled as well as passing of national tests for teacher quality. A majority of respondents (71%) agreed that there are too many chiropractors currently in practice. While some chiropractors may disagree with this sentiment there is some evidence that the chiropractic profession is in a state of oversupply. For example, in Ontario there is a long-run oversupply of practicing chiropractors \[[@B15]\]. The potential of oversupply of chiropractors in North America may be causing some to reevaluate their current career choice as a chiropractor. Most respondents (77%) agreed that that there is misleading information about chiropractic before entering chiropractic school yet 48% believed that admissions information was inaccurate prior to when the NPC entered into chiropractic school. One may deduce that there is a disconnect between these two findings suggestive that NPCs interpret the admissions process overall as misleading yet maybe not believing that they were misled when matriculating. However, there may be the factor of hindsight by the NPC that may need to be considered. NPC\'s attitudes may have been shaped by their experiences as associate doctors. An associate is defined as a practice arrangement in which an established chiropractor most often hires a recent graduate for employment \[[@B12]\]. Our study differs from the NBCE \[[@B12]\] data as per associate practice. NBCE \[[@B12]\] reported that less than 1% of chiropractors practiced in an associate arrangement. This differs from our findings in that 65% of our respondents indicated that they had been an associate at some time in their career. This difference could be explained that established field practitioners were more likely to be contacted for participation by NBCE than a new graduate. The data from our study identified several items of interest as they pertain to associate practice. Seventy percent of the individuals in our survey believed that salaries in associate practice were unfair. Furthermore, 71% believed that associates in a chiropractic practice are often encouraged to prolong the care of patients. Negative experiences by those who enter into associate arrangements may be a factor in attrition. Data found in this study could provide useful to long-range planning in the profession. As well, gaining empirical data about NPC\'s views could assist the profession in the quest toward cultural authority. Several authors have commented recently on the profession\'s lack of cultural authority \[[@B16]-[@B18]\]. To achieve cultural authority the chiropractic profession must be willing to internally reflect and publically report on issues related to practice attrition. Other professions have been able to internally reflect, discuss and publish findings of attrition within their own professions \[[@B5]-[@B7],[@B9],[@B10]\]. Our findings indicated that 74% of respondents believed that the chiropractic profession lacked cultural authority. However, studies of active practice chiropractors have yet to assess similar attitudes. While the purpose of state and national associations is to represent actively practicing chiropractors, failure to acknowledge the reasons for leaving active practice could have adverse consequences. Such consequences include the inability to be cognizant of professional issues related to practice attrition. Without data to understand such issues, long-term planning may become problematic. Although the findings of this study cannot be generalized to the entire NPC population, such a study demonstrates the feasibility of undertaking a more comprehensive survey of NPCs. The development of the non-practicing chiropractor attrition attitude scale could be a starting point for the accumulation of such data. Further studies into the attitudes of NPCs should be undertaken. Study limitations ================= The current study is limited by the sampling method utilized. Given the small sample size and low rate of response, generalizations to broader populations should be made with caution. The use of a convenience sample from a single source may have biased the study results. Nonetheless, it is believed that data gathering for the sake of pilot testing was an adequate purpose. Moreover, based upon the results of this study many of the attitudes studied indicated that variations in responses did occur. Such is indicative that the items, using the Likert scale method of balancing positive and negative statements, did not produce solidly one sided responses or halo effect. Furthermore, the 0.90 alpha from the reliability analysis may be high due to the possibility of item redundancy i.e. a number of items essentially asking the same question in a slightly different way or that the scale may be too narrow in its scope to have much, if any, actual validity \[[@B19]\]. Furthermore, the ad hoc, a priori formulation of the statements in the Likert item section of the survey may be confounded due to biases by the authors. In addition, there is the possibility that key items of interest may have not been included that would illuminate attrition attitudes. It is unknown if the sampling database represented only NPCs. To our knowledge, active practitioners, inactive practitioners, interested parties, other healthcare professionals, spam advertisers, students and patients could all be potential members of this database. Verification of the actual status of the anonymous respondents was not possible. It is also unknown of the national affiliation of site members. Thus, the 1,739 potential respondents cannot be claimed to be entirely representative of NPCs. This may explain the low response rate seen in this study. As well, the recruitment process may have only garnered those who still have an active interest in the chiropractic profession. This study provides no insight into the overall incidence of attrition \[[@B10]\]. The incidence of attrition is best determined by data from national databases \[[@B10]\]. For example, data on physician attrition in the United States have been traditionally derived from the American Medical Association (AMA) Physician Masterfile or from self-reported measures of physicians\' intention to retire or leave clinical practice \[[@B6]\]. The AMA Masterfile contains continuously updated information on all United States allopathic physicians and many osteopathic physicians, including those who are not AMA members \[[@B6]\]. To our knowledge none of the chiropractic associations have this type of information. It is also unknown if chiropractic college\'s alumni databases have information on the current status of an alumnus\' active or inactive practice status as well as current employment if the alumnus is in the inactive status. Such unknowns confound the attempt to gather meaningful data through large-scale assessments on NPCs and their attitudes. It may be possible for researchers to track attrition rate by state or province \[[@B14]\], however, a coordinated effort by all states and provinces would need to be undertaken in order to accurately track attrition. In this instance, actual attrition could be measured and not be confounded by those chiropractors who are in transition from one state or province to another state or province. Conclusion ========== To our knowledge this is the first attempt to gather data of NPCs. NPCs, by possession of a doctor of chiropractic degree, represent a valid sub-population of chiropractors. It is concluded that NPCs, as a population, can be studied. The development of a scale to measure attrition attitudes of chiropractors should be seen as a possibility from this study. However, the lack of a central repository obtainment of such data appears to be problematic. Although this data cannot be generalized to the NPC population such data found in this study may lead to a better understanding of attrition attitudes. Future research should examine not only career satisfaction but examine career dissatisfaction and attrition attitudes. Conflict of interests ===================== The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors\' contributions ======================= TAM conceptualized the idea. TAM, JJH and LHW devised items. TAM sought out colleagues for face validity. Data collection was performed by TAM. JJH and TAM performed statistical analysis. All authors contributed material. All authors approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgements ================ The authors wish to thank Allen Botnick DC, site administrator for Chirotalk.com, for the usage of his database and distributing our survey to perform this research.
Introduction ============ Tibial plateau fractures (TPFs) are severe intra-articular lesions that correspond to approximately 1% of all fractures and total 8% of the fractures that affect the elderly. They are an important risk to the functional integrity of the knee, especially when it affects the axial alignment, congruence and/or joint stability, which may result in premature osteoarthrosis, ligament injuries, pain and disability. [@JR180369-1] The majority of the lesions affect the lateral condyle (55-70%), and they are related to low- and medium-energy traumas. Isolated, fractures of the medial plateau correspond to from 10 to 23% of proximal tibial joint fractures. Those that affect the tibial plateau in a complex way, characterized as bicondylar fractures, represent 10 to 30%, resulting from high-energy traumas, and are associated with severe injury of soft tissues. [@BR180369-2] This type of fracture resulted in the application of compressive axial forces combined with varus or valgus stresses in the knee joint and are mostly related to automobile accidents and falls. [@JR180369-3] The prognosis of TPFs depends directly on five factors: degree of joint depression, extension and separation of the tibial condyles fracture line, degree of fragmentation, metaphyseal dissociation, and soft tissue integrity. [@JR180369-3] [@JR180369-4] The Schatzker classification is the most commonly used in TPFs. [@JR180369-3] Another system is the one proposed by the *Arbeitsgemainchaft für Osteosynthesefragen* (AO) classification. [@BR180369-5] [Figure 1](#FI180369en-1){ref-type="fig"} illustrates the association between these two classifications, Schatzker and AO. [@JR180369-4] ![Correlation between Schatzker and AO classifications. Source: Kfuri M, Fogagnolo F, Bitar R, Freitas R, Salim R, Paccola CA. Fraturas do planalto tibial. Rev Bras Ortop. 2009;44(6):468-74.](10-1055-s-0039-3402454-i180369en-1){#FI180369en-1} The main objective in the fixation of TPFs is to obtain a stable, congruent, and aligned articulation, preserving joint mobility of the knee and without pain, allowing the early return of the patient to functional activities. [@JR180369-6] The literature describes several fixation methods for proximal tibial fractures, such as open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF); [@JR180369-6] [@JR180369-7] closed reduction and external fixation (CREF); [@JR180369-8] [@JR180369-9] percutaneous compression screw; [@JR180369-10] use of subchondral graft; [@JR180369-11] use of graft substitutes (calcium phosphate cement); [@JR180369-12] [@JR180369-13] [@JR180369-14] and arthroscopy, [@JR180369-10] [@JR180369-11] [@JR180369-15] with the possibility of association between methods. Also, for fractures with minimal deviation, it is indicated to use conservative treatment with articulated orthoses or braces. [@JR180369-16] The chosen surgical fixation method should achieve the anatomical reduction of bone fragments, promoting absolute stability in the fracture focus in order to create conditions for the direct consolidation of the fracture. Thus, it allows articular mobilization and early weight-bearing in the lower limb affected, promoting the nutrition of the cartilage and preventing the formation of arthrofibrosis in the knee. [@JR180369-6] [@JR180369-16] [@JR180369-17] There are controversies in the literature regarding the period to start and the evolution of weight-bearing in the lower limb after TPFs. Some studies mention periods varying between 10 and 12 weeks, [@JR180369-9] [@JR180369-17] while others report 6 to 8 weeks without weight-bearing. [@JR180369-10] [@JR180369-18] There are also studies that release immediate partial weight-bearing , [@JR180369-16] [@JR180369-19] and, yet, others report that the start of weight-bearing is case-dependent. [@JR180369-20] The present study aims to conduct a systematic review of the literature in order to ascertain the onset time for weight-bearing in the postoperative period of TPFs, considering the severity, the fixation method, and the determining criteria for the evolution of the weight. Method ====== A systematic review of the literature was carried out in the electronic databases Embase and PUBMED, relative to the last 18 years (2000--2018), in order to obtain the analysis of the most recent publications on the theme. The searches were performed from the intersection of the following text descriptors, and their respective terms: *tibial plateau fracture* , *weight-bearing, rehabilitation* , and *physical therapy* . The inclusion criteria adopted were articles published between 2000 and 2018, which were in the Portuguese language, and articles related to postoperative rehabilitation of TPFs, regardless of its classification (Schatzker/AO) and possibly presenting associated lesions in the ipsilateral lower limb (anterior cruciate ligament, meniscus), and that mentioned the time of weight release in the affected lower limb. The exclusion criteria followed were: conservatively-treated TPFs, systematic reviews, experimental studies in animals, in cadavers and also in biomechanical models. The data extracted from the articles included in the present study were the time to start and the evolution of weight-bearing, as well as the determining criteria for its progression. The fracture fixation methods and their respective classifications were also recorded. Results ======= From the intersection of the text descriptors, 616 articles were identified in the Embase, MEDLINE, and PUBMED databases. The dynamics of inclusion and exclusion of the articles is shown in [Table 1](#TB180369en-1){ref-type="table"} [@JR180369-6] [@JR180369-7] [@JR180369-8] [@JR180369-9] [@JR180369-10] [@JR180369-11] [@JR180369-12] [@JR180369-13] [@JR180369-14] [@JR180369-15] [@JR180369-17] [@JR180369-18] [@JR180369-19] [@JR180369-20] [@JR180369-21] [@JR180369-22] [@JR180369-23] [@JR180369-24] [@JR180369-25] [@JR180369-26] [@JR180369-27] [@JR180369-28] and [Figure 2](#FI180369en-2){ref-type="fig"} . ###### Main studies selected according to author/year of publication, method of fixing, grading, starting weight unloading and load progression ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author Fixation method Schatzker Touch Partial load Total load Load evolution criterion ------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- --------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Wang et al [@JR180369-25] (2016) Several I, II, III \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 8 weeks 12 weeks \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Thewlis et al [@JR180369-23] (2015) ORIF (plate) I, II, III, IV, V POi 2 w eeks 12 weeks Radiological evidence Benea et al [@JR180369-21] (2015) ORIF (arthroscopic reduction and internal fixation) I, III \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 8 weeks 12 weeks Radiological evidence Chen et al [@JR180369-7] (2015) ORIF (plate and screw) I, II, III, IV, V \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 12 weeks Radiological evidence Giannotti et al [@JR180369-26] (2016) ORIF (plate) I, II, IV, V, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 5-6 weeks \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ As tolerable. Spanish et al [@JR180369-17] (2011) Internal fixation (LISS/ZPLT) VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 10-12 weeks 16 weeks Bone callus Metaphysis Malakasi et al [@JR180369-6] (2013) Hybrid ORIF/CREF I, II, III, IV, V, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ORIF: 9.8w Hybrid CREF: 12.9 W \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Radiological evidence Solomon et al [@JR180369-20] (2011) ORIF (plate and screw) II \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ POi 6 weeks Radiological evidence Gupta et al [@JR180369-9] (2010) JESS and percutaneous screw V, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 12 weeks 13-19 weeks Radiological evidence (cortical and deviation) Mahajan et al [@JR180369-19] (2009) Several I, II, III, IV, V, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 8 weeks \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Radiological evidence Duan et al [@JR180369-18] (2008) ORIF + arthroscopy I, II, III, IV, V POi (brace) 8 weeks 12 weeks \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Kayali et al [@JR180369-10] (2008) Percutaneous screw + arthroscopy I, II, III \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 6 weeks 10 weeks Radiological evidence. Venkatesh et al [@JR180369-14] (2006) Arthroscopy and percutaneous screws I, II, III, IV, V, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 6 weeks \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Faldini et al [@JR180369-8] (2005) Hybrid CREF VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ POi 8-12 weeks Radiological evidence. Ali et al [@JR180369-24] (2003) Circular CREF and percutaneous screw V, VI POi 3 weeks 3-6 weeks As tolerable. Horstmann et al [@JR180369-12] (2003) Calcium phosphate cement/percutaneous screw/plate II, III, VI PO2 2-6 weeks 6-12 weeks Radiological evidence Van Glabbeek et al [@JR180369-15] (2002) Internal fixation via arthroscopy I, II, IV, V \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-- 6 weeks 8 weeks \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-- Larson et al [@JR180369-27] (2002) Calcium phosphate Cement and ORIF Review \_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 6 weeks Radiological evidence Lobenhoffer et al [@JR180369-13] (2002) Calcium phosphate Cement and ORIF I, II, III, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ PO2 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I, II, III: 2w.\ VI: 6w. Kiefer et al [@JR180369-11] (2001) Arthroscopic and graft/percutaneous screw/plate I, II, III, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ POi 6 weeks \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Sament et al [@JR180369-28] (2012) Closed reduction and clamping by percutaneous screw I, II, IV, V \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 6 weeks 12 weeks Radiological evidence Shen et al [@JR180369-22] (2009) Open reduction and internal fixation + B-TCP II, V, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 6 weeks \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Radiological evidence ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abbreviations: B-TCP, tricalcium phosphate; JESS, Joshi\'s external stabilization system; LISS = less invasive stabilization system; PO 2 = postoperative 2 days; POi = immediate postoperative period; ORIF = open reduction and internal fixation; CREF = closed reduction and external fixation; ZPLT = Zimmer periarticular locking plate system. ![Flowchart illustrating the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion of previously identified articles.](10-1055-s-0039-3402454-i180369en-2){#FI180369en-2} When submitted to the first analysis by reading the title and abstract, 569 articles were excluded for not presenting postoperative rehabilitation issues of TPFs (comparison among the fixation methods, description of surgical techniques, treatment for fractures that did not involve the tibial plateau, conservative treatment, gonarthrosis as a sequel to fracture), 175 per duplicate, 28 per language (17 in German, 6 in Chinese, 2 in Polish, 1 in Japanese, and 3 in Turkish), 12 for being laboratory studies in biomechanics or cadaveric models, and, finally, 4 articles were excluded for being experimental studies in animals. The first analysis was completed, and 47 articles were selected and submitted to the second analysis by integral reading. From these, 25 were excluded, 18 because they did not present definition regarding the onset of TPF postoperative weight-bearing, others were studies in the form of a bibliographic review that did not specify the fracture classification and the weight-bearing time. In two studies, the evolution of weight-bearing was described only in cases treated conservatively. Therefore, 22 articles addressing the previously determined inclusion criteria were included in the present study. Discussion ========== Tibial plateau fractures may evolve with complications, such as instability, axial deviation, joint incongruence, infection of the surgical wound, and soft tissue necrosis. Several fixation methods are used for the treatment of these fractures in order to achieve absolute stability between fragments and primary consolidation, enabling rehabilitation mobilization and weight-bearing in the lower limb affected by the first postoperative days. [@JR180369-4] [@JR180369-17] According to the AO Manual, [@BR180369-5] the release of 50% of weight-bearing should occur between 6 and 8 weeks following radiographic evidence, independently of the fracture type. Weight progression in low-energy fractures evolves to total progressive load between 8 and 12 weeks, and in the case of high-energy fractures, between 12 and16 weeks. [@BR180369-5] The method of arthroscopic fixation with percutaneous screws and/or support plates seems to be to achieve greater success in type I, II, and III Schatzker fractures, which are lower energy traumas. [@JR180369-10] [@JR180369-11] [@JR180369-15] [@JR180369-18] This technique provides anatomical reduction of the articular surface, allows repair of ligamental and meniscal lesions, and, because it is minimally invasive, it also presents low rates of complications (thromboembolism, infections), lower morbidity and shorter hospitalization time, [@JR180369-15] and allows joint mobilization and early ambulation. [@JR180369-18] [@JR180369-21] As for weight discharge in the arthroscopic approach, van Glabbeek et al [@JR180369-15] and Kayali et al [@JR180369-10] started the partial weight discharge in the 6 ^th^ postoperative week, with the aid of the articulated brace, evolving to total weight discharge between the 8 ^th^ and 20 ^th^ postoperative weeks. It is important to note that when the Schatzker classification was higher or the fracture more comminuted, the results were not as satisfactory with the arthroscopic procedure. [@JR180369-15] However, in cases of Schatzker\'s low-energy (I, II, and II) fractures arthroscopy is an alternative and effective method. [@JR180369-10] Kiefer et al, [@JR180369-11] also in an arthroscopic approach, initiated partial weight discharge still in the immediate postoperative period, and total progressive discharge beginning in the 6 ^th^ week. According to the author, there was no harm to the stability and deviation of the fracture. However, Duan et al [@JR180369-18] released proprioceptive weight discharge associated with the use of an articulated brace in order to maintain the alignment and stability of the fracture, and the evolution of weight discharge occurred only after the 8 ^th^ week. An alternative to fractures is the use of calcium phosphate cement associated with percutaneous screws and support plates. Horstmann et al [@JR180369-12] and Lobenhoffer et al [@JR180369-13] approached Schatzker fractures II, III, and VI with this technique and performed proprioceptive gait in the second postoperative period, evolving to partial load in the 2 ^nd^ week and total weight discharge on the 6 ^th^ week. In both studies, there was no loss of fracture reduction with calcium phosphate cement associated with early weight discharge, showing this method to be more resistant than other grafts (spongybone, cortical bone, and hydroxypatite), tolerating torsional and compressive load forces. However, high cost for the material was presented as a disadvantage. [@JR180369-12] [@JR180369-13] There is also a study that uses B-TCP ceramics, or tricalcium phosphate, for the purpose of transporting growth factors or structures for mesenchyme stem cells, acting as a resorbable osteoconductor. [@JR180369-22] [@JR180369-29] The use of the method is aimed at correcting depression in the tibial plateau for Schatzker II, V, and VI; its disadvantage is that the release of the partial weight starts in the 6 ^th^ week and the B-TCP ceramics have weak stiffness when compared to calcium phosphate cement. According to the author, longer time without discharge weight can contribute to more satisfactory results of this technique. [@JR180369-20] Another widely described surgical technique is ORIF, which presents itself as a more invasive method, as the route of access harms soft tissues and exposes the fracture focus, which becomes more susceptible to infections. [@JR180369-6] [@JR180369-19] However, it allows the visualization and anatomical reduction of the fracture, and is often the most suitable method for comminuted fractures. [@JR180369-15] One of the issues related to ORIF involves fracture stability and the best time to start unloading weight. Thinking about it, Solomon et al [@JR180369-20] and Thewlis et al [@JR180369-23] conducted studies in order to quantify the movements of bone fragments by radioesterometric analysis during the period of partial load or no load in the postoperative, [@JR180369-30] and in both studies it was observed that the migration of the fracture fragments was between groups (with and without load), showing that deviations of up to 3.0 mm do not present clinical alterations with immediate partial weight discharge and that this would give the necessary stimulus for bone consolidation, without interfering with fracture alignment and stability, contributing to rehabilitation. In the case of bicondylar fractures (Schatzker V and VI), traumas are of greater energy and usually present significant soft tissue injury. In this case, hybrid CREF, associated with fixation of joint fragments with percutaneous screws is the option. [@JR180369-8] [@JR180369-9] [@JR180369-24] Some techniques are alternatives for most severe cases of fracture and Schatzker (IV, V, and VI), and Joshi\'s external stabilization system (JESS) technique is one of them. It is recommended when the fractures are very comminutes and have great injury of soft tissues. It is a temporary external fixation associated with the fixation of a definitive screw. [@JR180369-9] Another option is the less invasive stabilization system (LISS) technique with Zimmer periarticular locking plate system (ZPLT), which is an indirect reduction to obtain reduction without damaging the adjacent soft tissues, or without directly operating at the site of the fracture, considering the periosteal vascularization and favoring the healing process. [@JR180369-17] One of the limitations of both techniques is the time to start the weight discharge, that occurs only between the 10 ^th^ and 12 ^th^ weeks. The ORIF technique has the advantage of allowing early discharge of partial weight as demonstrated in the studies of Faldini et al [@JR180369-8] and Ali et al. [@JR180369-24] The limitation of this technique is the reduction in the accuracy of articular surface. The results obtained in these studies diverge from the results of the study performed by Malakasi ET al, [@JR180369-6] who compared ORIF with hybrid CREF for treatment of fractures of the tibial plateau and showed that although ORIF has greater morbidity, it allows the initiation of weight discharge earlier than CREF, irrespective of the type of Schatzker, with partial weight-bearing starting in average of 9.8 weeks for ORIF and 12.9 for CREF. Taking into account the time of weight discharge and the severity of the fracture, it is observed that the onset and evolution to the total weight-bearing is related to the severity of the fracture, or whether or not the longer Schatzker will take to progress with the weight carrier in the affected lower limb. [@JR180369-6] [@JR180369-31] Lobenhoffer et al [@JR180369-13] progressed in the weight carrier also as tolerated in Schatzker II, III, and VI fractures, and, like other studies, [@JR180369-8] [@JR180369-24] [@JR180369-32] were based on the Rasmussen scoring system---considering the radiographs degree of depression and plateau width, in addition to possible deviations in valgus/lower limb varus. As for the clinical aspects, pain, capacity of ambulating, range of motion and stability in the affected lower limb are considered in the analysis. [@JR180369-32] Still, three other studies [@JR180369-11] [@JR180369-12] [@JR180369-33] do not mention their cargo support evolution criteria. An important limitation of this review is that in all the studies included there was no consensus among the ideal time to discharge weight in TPFs. Some authors have already demonstrated that the early proprioceptive weight discharge is indicated and is also associated with success in consolidation and rehabilitation of these patients. [@JR180369-20] [@JR180369-23] Another limitation of the study relates to the time of weight progression. Some studies argue that the partial weight discharge initiated in the 6 ^th^ week is an effective measure, since it respects the period of bone consolidation, [@JR180369-10] [@JR180369-15] but there are authors who argue that more comminute fractures should have a slower load progression. [@JR180369-9] [@JR180369-16] In addition, the diversity of techniques used in the treatment of TPFs may lead to a bias in the results, since there are techniques that favor the process of consolidation and discharge of early weight [@JR180369-12] [@JR180369-13] and others that, although they present good results, delay the release of weight discharge. [@JR180369-22] Final Considerations ==================== There is no consensus in the literature regarding weight-bearing in the postoperative period of TPFs, even though a relationship between fracture severity, use of graft, stability type and time to start and progress on the load bracket is observed. However, we have shown that most authors initiate partial load around the 6 ^th^ week and full charge in the 12 ^th^ week. Through this literature review, it was possible to observe that there is a need for new randomized and controlled clinical studies regarding weight discharge in TPFs in the various surgical techniques. **Conflito de Interesses** Os autores declaram não haver conflito de interesses. *Trabalho desenvolvido na Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.* Work developed at Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Descarga de peso no pós-operatório de fratura de planalto tibial: Revisão sistemática da literatura \* As fraturas do planalto tibial constituem risco à integridade funcional do joelho, afetando o alinhamento axial e podendo levar à dor e à incapacidade do indivíduo. O suporte de carga e a mobilização articular precoce podem prevenir esses déficits e acelerar o processo de reabilitação. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre estudos que citam o início, evolução e critérios de progressão do suporte de carga no pós-operatório das fraturas de planalto tibial. Foram selecionados artigos publicados nos últimos 12 anos, nos idiomas português e inglês, que descrevessem o tempo de início e progressão do suporte de carga, considerando a gravidade da fratura. Foram selecionados 36 artigos na literatura. Não há consenso na literatura quanto ao início e evolução do suporte de carga no pós-operatório das fraturas do planalto tibial. Contudo, observa-se relação entre a gravidade da fratura e o tempo de início da carga. fraturas da tíbia suporte de carga reabilitação fisioterapia Introdução ========== As fraturas do planalto tibial (FPTs) são lesões intra-articulares graves que correspondem a aproximadamente 1% de todas as fraturas e totalizam 8% das fraturas que acometem os idosos. Constituem importante risco à integridade funcional do joelho, em especial quando afetam o alinhamento axial, a congruência e/ou a estabilidade articular, podendo resultar em osteoartrose prematura, lesões ligamentares, dor e incapacidade. [@JR180369-1] A maioria das lesões acometeo côndilo lateral (55-70%) e está relacionada a traumas de baixa e média energia. As fraturas isoladas do planalto medial correspondem de 10 a 23% das fraturas articulares proximais da tíbia. As que acometem de maneira complexas o planalto tibial, caracterizadas como fraturas bicondilianas, representam de 10 a 30%, sendo resultado de traumas de alta energia, e estão associadas à grave lesão de tecidos moles. [@BR180369-2] Este tipo de fratura resulta da aplicação de forças axiais compressivas combinadas com estresses em varo ou em valgo da articulação do joelho e, na maioria dos casos, está relacionada a acidentes automobilísticos e queda ao solo. [@JR180369-3] O prognóstico das FPT depende diretamente de cinco fatores: grau de depressão articular, extensão e separação da linha de fratura dos côndilos tibiais, grau de fragmentação, dissociação metafisária, e integridade dos tecidos moles. [@JR180369-3] [@JR180369-4] A classificação de Schatzker é a mais utilizada nas FPTs. [@JR180369-3] Outro sistema é o proposto pela classificação *Arbeitsgemainchaft für Osteosynthesefragen* (AO). [@BR180369-5] A [Figura 1](#FI180369pt-1){ref-type="fig"} ilustra a associação entre essas duas classificações, a de Schatzker e a AO. [@JR180369-4] ![Correlação entre as classificações de Schatzker e AO. Fonte: Kfuri M, Fogagnolo F, Bitar R, Freitas R, Salim R, Paccola CA. Fraturas do planalto tibial. Rev Bras Ortop. 2009;44(6):468-74.](10-1055-s-0039-3402454-i180369pt-1){#FI180369pt-1} O principal objetivo na fixação das FPTs é obter uma articulação estável, congruente e alinhada, preservando a mobilidade articular do joelho e sem dor, permitindo o retorno precoce do paciente às atividades funcionais. [@JR180369-6] A literatura descreve diversos métodos de fixação para fraturas proximais da tíbia, como a redução aberta e fixação interna (RAFI), [@JR180369-6] [@JR180369-7] a redução fechada e fixação externa (RFFE), [@JR180369-8] [@JR180369-9] o parafuso de compressão percutâneo, [@JR180369-10] o uso de enxerto subcondral, [@JR180369-11] o uso de substitutos do enxerto (cimento de fosfato de cálcio), [@JR180369-12] [@JR180369-13] [@JR180369-14] e a artroscopia, [@JR180369-10] [@JR180369-11] [@JR180369-15] podendo também ocorrer a associação destes métodos. E ainda, para fraturas com desvio mínimo, está indicado o tratamento conservador com uso de órteses articuladas ou *braces.* [@JR180369-16] O método cirúrgico de fixação escolhido deve alcançar a redução anatômica dos fragmentos ósseos, promovendo estabilidade absoluta no foco de fratura de forma a criar condições para que ocorra a consolidação direta da fratura. Desta forma, permite mobilização articular e suporte de carga precoce no membro inferior acometido, promovendo a nutrição da cartilagem e prevenindo a formação de artrofibrose no joelho. [@JR180369-6] [@JR180369-16] [@JR180369-17] Existem controvérsias na literatura em relação ao período para início e evolução de suporte de carga no membro inferior no pós-operatório das FPTs. Alguns estudos citam períodos variados entre 10 e 12 semanas sem carga, [@JR180369-9] [@JR180369-17] outros relatam 6 a 8 semanas sem carga. [@JR180369-10] [@JR180369-18] Encontram-se também estudos que liberam carga parcial imediata, [@JR180369-16] [@JR180369-19] e ainda outros relatam que o início de suporte de carga é caso-dependente. [@JR180369-20] O presente estudo tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura a fim de averiguar o tempo de início para o suporte de carga no pós-operatório das FPTs, considerando a gravidade, o método de fixação, e os critérios determinantes para evolução da carga. Método ====== Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura nas bases de dados eletrônicas EMBASE e PUBMED, relativa aos últimos 18 anos (2000--2018), com o intuito de obter a análise das publicações mais recentes sobre o tema. As buscas foram realizadas a partir do cruzamento dos seguintes descritores de texto, e seus respectivos termos em inglês: "fratura do planalto tibial" (" *tibial plateau fracture"* ), "suporte de carga" ( *"weight-bearing"* ) *,* "reabilitação" (" *rehabilitation"* ) e "fisioterapia" ( *"physical therapy"* ). Os critérios de inclusão adotados foram artigos publicados entre 2000 e 2018, que estivessem nos idioma português e inglês; artigos relacionados à reabilitação no pós-operatório de FPT, independente da sua classificação (Schatzker/AO), podendo apresentar lesões associadas no membro inferior ipslateral (ligamento cruzado anterior, menisco), e que citassem o tempo de liberação do suporte de carga no membro inferior acometido. Os critérios de exclusão seguidos foram: FPTs tratadas conservadoramente, revisões sistemáticas, estudos experimentais em animais, em cadáveres e também em modelos biomecânicos. Os dados extraídos dos artigos incluídos no presente estudo foram o tempo para início e evolução do suporte de carga, assim como os critérios determinantes para sua progressão. Foram registrados também os métodos de fixação da fratura e suas respectivas classificações. Resultados ========== A partir do cruzamento dos descritores de texto foram identificados 616 artigos nas bases de dados EMBASE, MEDLINE e PUBMED. A dinâmica de inclusão e exclusão dos artigos segue demonstrada na [Tabela 1](#TB180369pt-1){ref-type="table"} [@JR180369-6] [@JR180369-7] [@JR180369-8] [@JR180369-9] [@JR180369-10] [@JR180369-11] [@JR180369-12] [@JR180369-13] [@JR180369-14] [@JR180369-15] [@JR180369-17] [@JR180369-18] [@JR180369-19] [@JR180369-20] [@JR180369-21] [@JR180369-22] [@JR180369-23] [@JR180369-24] [@JR180369-25] [@JR180369-26] [@JR180369-27] [@JR180369-28] e na [Figura 2](#FI180369pt-2){ref-type="fig"} . ###### Principais estudos selecionados de acordo com autor/ano de publicação, método de fixação, classificação, início de descarga de peso e progressão de carga -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autor Método Fixação Schatzker Toque Carga parcial Carga total Critério Evolução de carga ------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------- Wang et al. [@JR180369-25] (2016) Diversos I, II, III \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 8 sem. 12 sem. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Thewlis et al. [@JR180369-23] (2015) RAFI (placa) I, II, III, IV, V POi 2 sem. 12 sem. Evidência radiológica Benea et al. [@JR180369-21] (2015) RAFI (Redução artroscópica e fixação interna) I, III \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 8 sem. 12 sem. Evidência radiológica Chen et al. [@JR180369-7] (2015) RAFI (placa e parafuso) I, II, III, IV, V \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ POi 12 sem. Evidência radiológica Giannotti et al. [@JR180369-26] (2016) RAFI (placa) I, II, IV, V, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 5-6 sem. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Conforme o tolerável Spagnolo et al. [@JR180369-17] (2011) Fixação Interna (LISS/ZPLT) VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 10-12 sem. 16 sem. Calo ósseo metáfise Malakasi et al. [@JR180369-6] (2013) RAFI / RFFE híbrido I, II, III, IV, V, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ RAFI: 9,8s RFFE híbrido : 12,9 s \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Evidência radiológica Solomon et al. [@JR180369-20] (2011) RAFI (placa e parafuso) II \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ POi 6 sem. Evidência radiológica Gupta et al. [@JR180369-9] (2010) JESS e Parafuso Percutâneo V, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 12 sem. 13-19 sem. Evidência Radiológica (cortical e desvio) Mahajan et al. [@JR180369-19] (2009) Diversos I, II, III, IV, V, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 8 sem. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Evidência radiológica Duan et al. [@JR180369-18] (2008) RAFI + artroscopia I, II, III, IV, V POi ( *brace* ) 8 sem. 12 sem. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Kayali et al. [@JR180369-10] (2008) Parafuso percutâneo + artroscopia I, II, III \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 6 sem. 10 sem. Evidência radiológica Venkatesh et al. [@JR180369-14] (2006) Artroscopia e parafusos percutâneos I, II, III, IV, V, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 6 sem. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Faldini et al. [@JR180369-8] (2005) RFFE híbrido VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ POi. 8-12 sem. Evidência radiológica Ali et al. [@JR180369-24] (2003) RFFE Circular e Parafuso Percutâneo V, VI POi 3 sem. 3-6 sem. Conforme o tolerável Horstmann et al. [@JR180369-12] (2003) Cimento de fosfato de cálcio/ Parafuso Percutâneo/ Placa II, III, VI PO 2 2-6 sem. 6-12 sem. Evidência radiológica Van Glabbeek et al. [@JR180369-15] (2002) Fixação Interna via artroscópica I, II, IV, V \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-- 6 sem. 8 sem. \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-- Larson et al. [@JR180369-27] (2002) Cimento de fosfato de cálcio e RAFI Revisão \_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 6 sem. Evidência radiológica Lobenhoffer et al. [@JR180369-13] (2002) Cimento de fosfato de cálcio e RAFI I, II, III, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ PO 2 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I, II, III: 2 sem.\ VI: 6 sem. Kiefer et al. [@JR180369-11] (2001) Artroscópica e enxerto /parafuso percutâneo/placa I, II, III, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ POi 6 sem. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Sament et al. [@JR180369-28] (2012) Redução fechada e fixação por parafuso percutaneo I, II, IV, V \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 6 sem. 12 sem. Evidência radiológica Shen et al. [@JR180369-22] (2009) Redução aberta e fixação interna + B-TCP II, V, VI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 6ª Sem \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Evidência radiológica -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legenda: B-TCP, fosfato tricálcico; JESS, *Joshi\'s external stabilization system* ; LISS, *less invaisve stabilization system* ; PO 2, pós-operatório 2 dias; POi, pós-operatório imediato; RAFI, redução aberta e fixação interna; RFFE, redução fechada e fixação externa; sem., semanas; ZPLT, *Zimmer periarticular locking plate system* . ![Fluxograma ilustrando a dinâmica de inclusão e exclusão dos artigos previamente identificados.](10-1055-s-0039-3402454-i180369pt-2){#FI180369pt-2} Ao serem submetidos à primeira análise através da leitura de título e resumo, foram excluídos 569 artigos por não apresentarem temas relacionados à reabilitação no pós-operatório de FPT (comparação entre os métodos de fixação, descrição de técnicas cirúrgicas, tratamento para fraturas que não envolvessem o planalto tibial, tratamento conservador, gonartrose como sequela da fratura), 175 por duplicata, 28 por idioma (17 em alemão, 6 em chinês, 2 em polonês, 1 em japonês, e 3 em turco), 12 por serem estudos laboratoriais em modelos biomecânicos ou cadavéricos e por fim, 4 artigos excluídos por serrem estudos experimentais em animais. Concluída a primeira análise, restaram 47 artigos selecionados, sendo estes submetidos à segunda análise através da leitura na íntegra do artigo. Destes, 25 foram excluídos, sendo 18 por não apresentarem definição quanto ao início de suporte de carga pós-operatório de FPT, outros eram estudos em forma de revisão bibliográfica que não especificavam a classificação da fratura e o tempo de suporte de carga. Em dois estudos, a evolução de suporte de carga era descrita apenas em casos tratados conservadoramente. Portanto, foram incluídos no presente estudo 22 artigos que contemplam os critérios de inclusão previamente determinados. Discussão ========= As FPTs podem evoluir com complicações como instabilidade, desvio axial, incongruência articular, infecção da ferida operatória, e necrose de partes moles. Diversos métodos de fixação são usados para o tratamento dessas fraturas com objetivo de atingir estabilidade absoluta entre os fragmentos e consolidação primária, possibilitando a reabilitação precoce através da mobilização e suporte de carga no membro inferior acometido nos primeiros dias pós-operatório. [@JR180369-4] [@JR180369-17] De acordo com o manual AO, [@BR180369-5] a liberação de 50% de suporte de carga deve ocorrer entre 6 e 8 semanas conforme evidências radiográficas independente do tipo da fratura. A progressão da carga em fraturas de baixa energia evolui para carga total progressiva entre 8 e 12 semanas, e no caso de fraturas de alta energia, entre 12 e 16 semanas. [@BR180369-5] O método de fixação por via artroscópica com parafusos percutâneos e/ou placas de suporte parece obter maior sucesso em fraturas dos tipos I, II, e III de Schatzker, traumas de menor energia. [@JR180369-10] [@JR180369-11] [@JR180369-15] [@JR180369-18] Essa técnica propicia redução anatômica da superfície articular, permite reparar lesões ligamentares e meniscais e, por ser minimamente invasiva, apresenta também baixas taxas de complicações (tromboembolismo, infecções), menor morbidade, e menor tempo de internação hospitalar, [@JR180369-15] permitindo assim mobilização articular e deambulação precoce. [@JR180369-18] [@JR180369-21] Quanto à descarga de peso na abordagem artroscópica, van Glabbeek et al. [@JR180369-15] e Kayali et al. [@JR180369-10] iniciaram a descarga de peso parcial já na 6ª semana de pós-operatório, com auxílio do brace articulado, evoluindo para descarga de peso total entre a 8ª e a 10ª semana de pós-operatório. É importante salientar que quando a classificação de Schatzker foi mais alta ou a fratura mais cominuta os resultados não foram tão satisfatórios com o procedimento artroscópico; [@JR180369-15] porém, em caso de fraturas de baixa energia de Schatzker (I, II e II), a artroscopia é um método alternativo e eficaz. [@JR180369-10] Kiefer et al., [@JR180369-11] também em uma abordagem artroscópica, iniciaram a descarga de peso parcial ainda no pós-operatório imediato, e descarga total progressiva a partir da 6ª semana. Segundo os autores, não houve prejuízo quanto a estabilidade e desvio da fratura. Já Duan et al. [@JR180369-18] liberaram descarga de peso proprioceptiva associada ao uso de um *brace* articulado a fim de manter o alinhamento e estabilidade da fratura e a evolução da descarga de peso ocorria apenas a partir da 8ª semana. Uma outra alternativa para as fraturas é o uso do cimento de fosfato de cálcio associado ao uso dos parafusos percutâneos e placas de suporte. Horstmann et al. [@JR180369-12] e Lobenhoffer et al. [@JR180369-13] abordaram as fraturas Schatzker II, III, e VI com esta técnica e realizaram marcha proprioceptiva no segundo pós-operatório, evoluindo para carga parcial na 2ª semana e descarga de peso total na 6ª semana. Em ambos os estudos, não houve perda de redução da fratura com o cimento de fosfato de cálcio associado a descarga de peso precoce, mostrando-se este método mais resistente que os demais enxertos (osso esponjoso, osso cortical, e a hidroxipatita), tolerando forças torcionais e cargas compressivas. Entretanto, este método apresenta como desvantagem o alto custo de seu material. [@JR180369-12] [@JR180369-13] Existe ainda um estudo que utiliza a cerâmica B-TCP, ou fosfato tricálcico, com a finalidade de transportar fatores de crescimento ou estruturas para as células-tronco mesenquimais, agindo como um osteocondutor reabsorvível. [@JR180369-22] [@JR180369-29] A utilização do método tem como objetivo a correção da depressão no planalto tibial para os casos de Schatzker II, V, e VI.S desvantagem é que a liberação da carga parcial inicia-se na 6ª semana e que a cerâmica B-TCP tem fraca rigidez quando comparada com o cimento de fosfato de cálcio e, segundo o autor, um tempo mais prolongado sem descarga de peso pode contribuir para resultados mais satisfatórios desta técnica. [@JR180369-22] Outra técnica cirurgica amplamente descrita é a RAFI, que apresenta-se como um método mais invasivo, pois a via de acesso agride tecidos moles e expõe o foco de fratura, tornando-a mais susceptível a infecções. [@JR180369-6] [@JR180369-19] Entretanto, permite a visualização e redução anatômica da fratura e é, muitas vezes, o método mais indicado para as fraturas cominutas. [@JR180369-15] Uma das questões relacionadas a RAFI é quanto a estabilidade da fratura e o melhor momento para iniciar a descarga de peso. Pensando nisso, Solomon et al. [@JR180369-20] e Thewlis et al. [@JR180369-23] realizaram um estudo a fim de quantificar os movimentos dos fragmentos ósseos durante a carga parcial ou sem carga no pós-operatório através da análise radioesterométrica [@JR180369-30] e em ambos os estudos, observou-se que a migração dos fragmentos da fratura era similar entre os grupos (com e sem carga), mostrando que desvios de até 3,0 mm não apresentam alterações clínicas com a descarga de peso parcial imediata e que esta daria o estímulo necessário para a consolidação óssea sem interferir no alinhamento e estabilidade da fratura, contribuindo dessa forma para a reabilitação. No caso de fraturas bicondilianas (Schatzker V e VI), os traumas são de maior energia e costumam apresentar lesão de partes moles importantes. Neste caso, a RFFE híbrida, associada à fixação dos fragmentos articulares com parafusos percutâneos, é a opção. [@JR180369-8] [@JR180369-9] [@JR180369-24] Algumas técnicas são alternativas para os casos mais graves de fratura e Schatzcker (IV, V e VI). Uma delas é a técnica *Joshi\'s external stabilization system* (JESS), recomendada quando as fraturas são muito cominutas e há grande lesão de partes moles. Essa técnica consiste em uma fixação externa provisória associada à fixação de um parafuso definitivo. [@JR180369-9] Há ainda a técnica *less invasive stabilization system* (LISS) com *Zimmer periarticular locking plate system* (ZPLT), que se trata de uma redução indireta com objetivo de obter redução sem danificar os tecidos moles adjacentes, ou sem operar diretamente no local da fratura, pensando na vascularização periostal e favorecimento do processo de cicatrização. [@JR180369-17] Uma das limitações de ambas as técnicas é o tempo para início da descarga de peso que ocorreu entre a 10ª e 12ª segunda semanas. A RAFI possui vantagem em permitir descarga de peso parcial de forma precoce, conforme desmonstrado nos estudos de Faldini et al. [@JR180369-8] e Ali et al. [@JR180369-24] A limitação dessa técnica é a diminuição da precisão da redução da superfície articular. Os resultados obtidos nestes estudos divergem dos resultados do estudo realizado por Malakasi et al., [@JR180369-6] que comparam a RAFI com a RFFE híbrida para tratamento das fraturas de planalto tibial, mostrando que apesar da RAFI apresentar maior morbidade, ela permite o início da descarga de peso mais precoce do que a RFFE, independente do tipo de Schatzker, tendo uma média de início de carga parcial de 9,8 semanas para RAFI e 12,9 para RFFE. Levando-se em consideração o tempo de descarga de peso e a gravidade da fratura, observa-se que o início e evolução para o suporte de carga total esta relacionada à gravidade da fratura, ou seja, quanto maior Schatzker mais tempo levará para progredir com o suporte de carga no membro inferior acometido. [@JR180369-6] [@JR180369-31] Lobenhoffer et al., [@JR180369-13] em fraturas Schatzker II, III, e VI, progredia no suporte de carga também conforme tolerado, e assim como outros estudos [@JR180369-8] [@JR180369-24] [@JR180369-32] baseavam-se no sistema de pontuação de Rasmussen -- ponderando nas radiografias o grau de depressão e largura do planalto, além dos possíveis desvios em valgo/varo do membro inferior. Quanto aos aspectos clínicos, são consideradas a dor, capacidade de deambular, amplitude de movimento, e estabilidade no membro inferior acometido. [@JR180369-32] E ainda três outros estudos [@JR180369-11] [@JR180369-12] [@JR180369-33] não citam seus critérios de evolução do suporte de carga. Uma limitação importante do presente estudo é que em todos os trabalhos incluidos não havia um consenso entre o tempo ideal para descarga de peso nas fraturas de planalto tibial. Alguns autores já demostraram que a descarga de peso proprioceptiva precoce é indicada e, inclusive, está associada a sucesso na consolidação e reabilitação destes pacientes. [@JR180369-20] [@JR180369-23] Outra limitação do estudo relaciona-se ao tempo de progressão de carga. Alguns estudos defendem que a descarga de peso parcial iniciada na 6ª semana é uma medida eficaz, uma vez que respeita o periodo de consolidação óssea; [@JR180369-10] [@JR180369-15] porém, há autores que defendem que fraturas mais cominutas devem ter uma progressão de carga mais lenta. [@JR180369-9] [@JR180369-16] Além disso, a diversidade de técnicas utilizadas no tratamento das FPTs pode levar a um viés nos resultados, visto que há técnicas que favorem o processo de consolidação e descarga de peso precoce [@JR180369-12] [@JR180369-13] e outras que, apesar de demonstrar bons resultados, retardam a liberação da descarga de peso. [@JR180369-22] Considerações finais ==================== Não há consenso na literatura quanto ao suporte de carga no pós-operatório de FPT; embora tenha sido observada relação entre a gravidade da fratura, uso de enxerto, tipo de estabilidade e o tempo para início e progressão no suporte de carga. Entretanto, evidenciamos que a maioria dos autores inicia a carga parcial por volta da 6ª semana e carga total na 12ª semana. Através da presente revisão da literatura, foi possivel observar que há necessidade de novos estudos clínicos randomizados e controlados a respeito da descarga de peso em FPTs nas diversas técnicas cirúrgicas.
\section{Introduction} Interference effects have been found to play an important role in the dynamics of qubits \cite{shytovEPJB03,Shevchenko05,MIT,LZprl,Berns2006,WilsonPRL07}. For their understanding, the interference phenomena can be considered from different points of view: as interference between successive Landau-Zener (LZ) tunneling events \cite{Landau32,Zener32,Stueckelberg32}, analogous to Mach-Zehnder interference \cite{Sprinzak}, or in terms of spin dynamics \cite{Majorana32}. In charge-phase qubits, strongly coupled to a microwave resonator, analogy with vibrational transitions in diatomic molecules has been pointed out \cite{Gunnarsson}. The fact that the latter phenomena are related to interference effects has its origin in the phase-space dynamics \cite{Wheeler}. The state of a superconducting charge-phase qubit or a Cooper-pair box (CPB) can be monitored continuously by measuring its reactive response, either as an effective capacitance or inductance, which both are due to the curvature of the qubit's energy bands with respect to charge or phase degrees of freedom. When such a system is made as a part of an electric $LC$-oscillator circuit, any change of reactance, caused by the evolution of occupancies of the qubit's energy levels, will shift the resonance frequency of the resonator. This scheme has been used in several recent experiments, typically having the qubit, with splitting $\Delta E$, connected to a coplanar stripline cavity near resonance \cite{CQED}. We have, however, worked in the fully detuned limit where $f_{LC}\ll \Delta E/h$. At weak drive, such a read-out scheme perturbs the investigated system only weakly, allowing studies of inherent interference phenomena of the periodically driven two-level system. We have investigated interference effects in the Cooper-pair box and in a charge-phase qubit circuit, configured as dual to the CPB (i.e., connected to the resonator via the phase, rather than the charge port), see Fig.\ \ref{fig:Setup}. Both circuits provide good model systems of interference effects in periodically driven qubits. In the latter case, a clearly stronger coupling between the qubit and the resonator could be achieved, which made a difference in the observed effects. The interference effects in these two circuits are diverse mostly due to the difference in the coupling between the resonator and the qubit. On the whole, interference phenomena can be understood in terms of multiphoton transitions. In strongly driven qubits, clear multiphoton transitions have been observed when the energy quantum of the rf-drive, multiplied by a small integer, matches the qubit level splitting \cite{NakamuraMultiphoton,Saito04}. In fact, multiphoton transitions allow a clear-cut distinction between our main findings. We may classify our observations as transitions where: 1) Several quanta from the drive at $f_{\rm rf}$ and 2) one quantum at $f_{\rm rf}$ and several at $f_{LC}$ are exchanged between the qubit and its surrounding entities, i.e. the classical rf-drive port and the $LC$ resonator. The first class can be treated as a sequence of phase-sensitive Landau-Zener transitions which produce a characteristic interference pattern, dependent on the "finesse" of the interferometer, namely the decoherence of the system. The latter class of transitions can be described in terms of vibronic transitions in diatomic molecules where potential changes are fast compared to the vibrational frequencies and non-adiabatic coupling between levels differing by a large number of quanta becomes possible. These phenomena include creation of several resonator quanta from the ground state, which is the non-adiabatic behavior referred to as the dynamical Casimir effect \cite{Casimir}. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=10.0cm]{SetupDual} \caption{Schematics of our experimental configurations: a) Cooper-pair box and b) the inductively read charge-phase qubit (LSET). In both configurations the qubit-induced change in the "quantum" reactance alters the resonant frequency $\omega_{LC}/2\pi$ of the tank circuit. This change causes a shift in phase of the reflected, constant-frequency microwave signal as illustrated in c). In the illustration, $C_{\rm eff}$ grows which leads to a reduction of $\omega_{LC}$ and, consequently, to a decrease of the reflection phase arg($\Gamma$). \label{fig:Setup}} \end{center} \end{figure} In this paper, we summarize some of our recent results \cite{LZprl,Gunnarsson} on interference effects in a driven superconducting charge qubit coupled to a resonator. The original references, in particular, used theoretical considerations and numerical simulations of the Bloch equations and the linear-response approximation for a detailed analysis of the shape of interference fringes when dissipation is important. Instead, here we try to concentrate on robust features which are amenable to general conclusions. For example, part of our analysis will be dealing with the phenomenon of destruction of tunneling. The paper is organized as follows: First, we start with basics of the Cooper-pair box in Sect. 2 and describe the dynamics of a two-level system in Sect. \ref{s.l}, paying special attention to the destruction of tunneling from the ground state to the excited state. Sect.~\ref{s.m} covers our experimental work and results on CPBs, and it includes some considerations aiming towards understanding of the Stokes phase and its relation to geometric phases in a spin-1/2 system. We present data at phase bias $\pi$ (minimum band gap), and we analyze, especially, data in the regime of destruction of tunneling at the charge degeneracy. Results at zero phase bias can be found in Ref. \cite{LZprl}. Section 5 describes the analogy of spin flips in strongly coupled qubits with vibronic transitions in diatomic molecules. We do not describe much our experimental techniques, but to make the paper self-contained, we have explained some of the main technical points when presenting the experimental results. \section{Cooper-pair box} A split Cooper-pair box (CPB) is formed by a single-Cooper-pair transistor (SCPT) embedded into a small superconducting loop \cite{Bouchiat98,Nakamura99,MSS}, see Fig.\ \ref{fig:Setup}. The charging energy of the CPB, $E_{\rm c} = e^2/2C_\Sigma \sim 1$ Kelvin, is given by the total capacitance $C_\Sigma$ which includes the junction capacitances, the gate capacitance $C_{\rm g}$, and the self-capacitance of the island. The effective Josephson energy is given by the sum of the energies of the individual junctions $(E_{{\rm J}1}+E_{{\rm J}2}) \cos(\phi/2)=E_{\rm J} \cos(\phi/2)$, which is tunable by magnetic flux $\Phi $, \textit{ i.e.} by the superconducting phase across the two junctions, $\phi = 2 \pi \Phi / \Phi_0$. Here, $\Phi_0 = h/2e$ is the superconducting magnetic flux quantum. We may write the Hamiltonian in the charge basis as \begin{eqnarray} \hat{H}&=& \sum_n \bigg[E_{\rm c}\left(\hat{n}-n_{\rm g}\right)^2 |n\rangle\langle n| -\frac{E_{\rm J}}2\cos{{\frac\phi2}} \left(|n-2\rangle\langle n|+|n+2\rangle\langle n| \right) \nonumber \\ &&+i\frac{E_{\rm J}d}2\sin{\frac\phi2}\left(|n-2\rangle\langle n|-|n+2\rangle\langle n| \right)\bigg]. \end{eqnarray} Here $\hat n$ denotes the number of extra electron charges on the island, and $n_{\rm g} = C_{\rm g} V_{\rm g} / e$ is the charge in electron units induced by the gate voltage $V_{\rm g}$ on the gate capacitor with capacitance $C_{\rm g}$. $\hat n$ is conjugate to $\hat\theta/2$, where $\hat\theta$ is the superconducting phase on the island. The asymmetry of the two Josephson junctions of the CPB is described by $d=(E_{{\rm J}1}-E_{{\rm J}2})/E_{\rm J}$. By assuming that $E_{\rm c} \gg E_{\rm J}$ and that $n_{\rm g}$ is close to 1, one can reduce the circuit to a two-state system, with the Hamiltonian \begin{equation} \hat{H}=\frac12\left(\begin{array}{cc} -4E_{\rm c}(1-n_{\rm g}) &-E_{\rm J}[\cos{(\phi/2)}+id\sin{(\phi/2)}] \\ -E_{\rm J}[\cos{(\phi/2)}-id\sin{(\phi/2)}] &4E_{\rm c}(1-n_{\rm g}) \end{array}\right) \end{equation} in the basis of the relevant charge states $|0\rangle$ and $|2\rangle$. When this energy operator is expressed as a linear combination of the Pauli matrices $\hat{H}=- \frac{1}{2} ( B_z \hat{\sigma}_z$ + $B_x \hat{\sigma}_x+B_y \hat{\sigma}_y ),$ we get the magnetic field components as $B_z=4E_{\rm c}(1-n_{\rm g})$, $B_x=E_{\rm J}\cos{(\phi/2)}$ and $B_y=dE_{\rm J}\sin{(\phi/2)}$. The energies of the two states as a function of $n_{\rm g}$ are illustrated in Fig. \ref{f.LZfig}. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=5.0cm]{LZfig} \caption{The two lowest energy bands of Cooper-pair box as a function of the gate charge $n_{\rm g}$ (in units of $e$). In sweeping $n_{\rm g}$ (horizontal arrows), Landau-Zener tunneling between the bands takes place close to the point where the energy difference is at minimum (curved arrows). Successive sweeps can lead to interference of the tunneling events. The interference depends on the phase (\ref{dynamic}) accumulated in the shaded area. \label{f.LZfig}} \end{center} \end{figure} In the experiments $E_{\rm J}=0.6$ K and $d=0.22$, which means that the magnitude for the off-diagonal components $|\Delta|$ ranged over 1.4--6.2~GHz~\cite{LZprl}. The non-linear parametric capacitance, which has been the cornerstone of our interference studies, has been experimentally studied in Refs. \cite{MikaQcap,Duty05}. \section{Landau-Zener interference}\label{s.l} We study the effect of sweeping the gate charge $n_{\rm g}$. We denote the energy eigenstates by $\ket{-}$ and $\ket{+}$, and suppose the system is initially in the lower energy state $\ket{-}$, see Fig. \ref{f.LZfig}. Two cases can be distinguished. When the sweep rate is small compared to the energy level difference, the system stays in the lower state. The alternative case is that the sweep rate is comparable to the level spacing. This may take place close to the degeneracy points, where the energy bands would cross in the absence of the Josephson coupling. There the system can tunnel from the lower state to the upper in a process known as Landau-Zener tunneling. The tunneling probability in a single sweep is given by~\cite{Landau32,Zener32,Stueckelberg32,Majorana32} \begin{equation}\label{eq:Plz} P_{LZ}=e^{-2\pi\gamma}, \qquad \gamma=\frac{2\pi}{h}\frac{\Delta^2}{v}. \end{equation} Here $v$ is the speed at which the sweep passes the crossing point $v=|\mathrm{d}(\epsilon_0-\epsilon_2)\large{/}\mathrm{d}t|$ and $\epsilon_0-\epsilon_2=4E_c(1-n_g)$ is the energy difference in the absence of the Josephson coupling. In Eq. (\ref{eq:Plz}) the adiabaticity parameter $\gamma$ defines whether the development is adiabatic ($\gamma \gg 1 $) or sudden ($\gamma \ll 1$). When the system is coherent, and the degeneracy point is crossed several times, the transition amplitudes for each subsequent pass have to be added for evaluating the transition probability. These amplitudes may be tracked by the `scattering' matrix $S$, defined by (cf.~Refs.~\cite{Zener32,GefenRev,Kayanuma97,wubs05}): \begin{equation}\label{amplitudes} \left( \begin{array}{c}\ket{-}\\\ket{+}\\\end{array} \right) \Rightarrow \left( \begin{array}{cc} \sqrt{1-P_{\mathrm{LZ}}} \exp (i \tilde\phi_S) & i\sqrt{P_{\mathrm{LZ}}} \\ i\sqrt{P_{\mathrm{LZ}}} & \sqrt{1-P_{\mathrm{LZ}}} \exp (-i \tilde\phi_S ) \\ \end{array}% \right) \left( \begin{array}{c}\ket{-}\\\ket{+}\\\end{array} \right), \end{equation} where phase factors are chosen to simplify the matrix. Here the scattering phase is $\tilde\phi_S=\phi_S-\pi/2$, where the Stokes phase $\phi_S$ depends on the adiabaticity parameter $\gamma$: \begin{equation}\label{gamma} \phi_S=\pi/4+\arg(\Gamma(1-i\gamma))+\gamma(\ln \gamma -1) . \end{equation} In the adiabatic limit, $\tilde\phi_S \rightarrow -\pi/2$, while in the sudden limit, $\tilde\phi_S = -\pi/4$. Away from the degeneracy point, the eigenstates $\ket{-}$ and $\ket{+}$ accumulate the relative dynamical phase \begin{equation}\label{dynamic} \varphi_d = \varphi^{(+)} - \varphi^{(-)} = -\frac{1}{\hbar} \int \left[ E_+(n_{\rm g}(t)) - E_-(n_{\rm g}(t)) \right] dt\, . \end{equation} Thus, the condition for constructive interference is that $\varphi_\mathrm{L} - 2 \tilde\phi_S$ and $\varphi_\mathrm{R} - 2 \tilde\phi_S$ are multiples of $2\pi$, where $\varphi_\mathrm{L}$ and $\varphi_\mathrm{R}$ refer to the dynamical phases accumulated on the left and right sides of the degeneracy point, respectively. For example, in the adiabatic limit, $\varphi_\mathrm{L,R}$ have to be odd multiples of $\pi$. The LZ interference can also be employed to suppress the tunneling to the upper level \cite{Destruction}. In fact, the contrast for destructive interference in the experimental data looks often better than for constructive interference, and these conditions can be employed more simply to determine the behavior of the system as the ground-state response in the measurement is well known. In this case the interference conditions are \begin{equation}\label{phasecondition} \varphi_\mathrm{L} + 2\pi \ell = 2 \phi_S\ {\rm and}\ \varphi_\mathrm{R} + 2\pi \ell = 2 \phi_S \end{equation} with an integer $\ell$. In the sudden limit, $\gamma \ll 1$, the periodically driven two-level system can be solved in a rather straightforward manner \cite{Kayanuma94}. At degeneracy, the probability of being in the upper state varies periodically with time according to \begin{equation}\label{bessel} P(t)=\sin^2\left[B_x J_0(A/\hbar\omega_{\rm rf})\Delta t /\hbar\right]\,, \end{equation} where $J_0$ denotes the zeroth Bessel function, and $A$ ($=4E_{\rm c} n_{\rm g}^{\rm rf}$ below) is the drive amplitude at frequency $f_{\rm rf}=\omega_{\rm rf}/2\pi$. One notices that the destruction of tunneling takes place, when the ratio $A/\hbar\omega_{\rm rf}$ coincides with a zero of $J_0$. The description of interference patterns in a Cooper-pair box using the scattering matrix formalism has been discussed in Refs.~\cite{YuriyLammi,Vietnam}. In general, relaxation phenomena should be included as they have strong influence on the sharpness of the interference fringes. For this reason, our main analysis method has been based on spin-1/2 NMR simulations \cite{LZprl,Vietnam}, which also includes linear response calculations in order to obtain the measured, effective capacitance. Alternatively, the dressed-state approach may be employed as has been done by C. Wilson \emph{et al.} \cite{WilsonPRL07}. \section{Measurement results on CPB}\label{s.m} We have performed low-dissipation microwave reflection measurements \cite{LSET,LeifPRB05,MikaThesis} on a series $LC$ resonator in which the box effective capacitance, $$C_{\mathrm{eff}}^{\pm} = - \frac{\partial^2 E_{\pm}(\phi, n_{\rm g})}{\partial V_{\rm g}^2} = - \frac{C_{\rm g}^2}{e^2} \frac{\partial^2 E_{\pm} (\phi, n_{\rm g})}{\partial n_{\rm g}^2},$$ is a part of the total capacitance $C_S+C_{\mathrm{eff}}^{\pm}$, where the superscript $\pm$ refers to ground and exited states of the qubit.\footnote{For a more detailed description of $C_{\mathrm{eff}}$, see Refs. \cite{MikaQcap,LZprl}} The resonator is formed by a surface mount inductor of $L = 160$ nH. With a stray capacitance of $C_S = 250$ fF due to the fairly big lumped resonator, the resonant frequency is $f_0 = 800$ MHz, and the quality factor $Q \simeq 16$ is limited by the external $Z_0 = 50 \ \mathrm{\Omega}$. When $C_{\mathrm{eff}}^{\pm}$ varies, the phase and amplitude of the reflected signal $V_{\mathrm{out}}=\Gamma V_{\mathrm{in}}$ change, which is measured by the reflection coefficient $\Gamma = (Z-Z_0)/(Z+Z_0)=\Gamma_0 e^{i \arg (\Gamma)}$. Here, $Z$ is the resonator impedance as seen from the end of the $ 50\ \mathrm{\Omega}$ coaxial cable used for the reflection measurement. The variation in $\arg (\Gamma)$ due to modulation in $C_{\mathrm{eff}}^{\pm}$ is up to 40$^{\circ}$ in our measurements, corresponding to a shift of resonance frequency $\Delta f_p \simeq 6$~MHz. In all the measurements, the weak probing signal $V_{\mathrm{in}}$ at frequency $f_{\rm m}$ was continuously applied, in addition to the DC-bias and the rf-drive. Thus, the total gate charge variation, in units of $e$, can be written as $n_{\rm g}(t)= n_{{\rm g}0} + n_{\rm g}^{\rm rf} \sin(2\pi f_{\rm rf} t) + n_{\rm g}^{m} \sin(2\pi f_{\rm m} t)$, where the $1^{st}$, $2^{nd}$, and $3^{rd}$ terms correspond to the DC, rf, and measurement drives, respectively. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=12.0cm]{FigData2} \caption{Reflection phase (left-a) and magnitude (right-b) measured in the configuration of Fig. 1a at rf-drive frequency of $f_{\rm rf} = 4$ GHz using phase bias $\phi = \pi$, corresponding to the level repulsion of $2 \Delta = E_{\rm J}d= 2.7$ GHz. $n_{\rm g}^{\rm rf}$ specifies the amplitude of the rf drive in electrons and $n_{{\rm g}0}$ is the DC charge bias. The vertical bars give the color scales in degrees and dB for the left and right frames, respectively.\label{fig:PiFlux}} \end{center} \end{figure} We have made extensive scans of the CPB reflection by varying the LZ drive frequency $f_{\rm rf}=0.1$--20~GHz and its amplitude $n_{\rm g}^{\rm rf}=0$--3 electrons, as well as the qubit DC-bias: $n_{{\rm g}0}$ and $\phi$. In Fig. \ref{fig:PiFlux} we present the reflection phase $\arg (\Gamma)$ and magnitude $|\Gamma|$ measured at $f_{\rm rf}=4$ GHz on the plane spanned by $n_{\rm g}^{\rm rf}$ and $n_{{\rm g}0}$. The Josephson capacitance $C_{\mathrm{eff}} \sim - \arg (\Gamma) C_S^{3/2} Z_0/(2 \sqrt{L})$ deduced from the data of Fig. \ref{fig:PiFlux} has been given in Ref. \cite{LZprl}\footnote{Full circuit analysis was employed in the evaluation of the reported effective capacitance.}. We observe in Fig. \ref{fig:PiFlux} a clear interference pattern whose main features confirm the coherent LZ tunneling picture: 1) There is an onset of the interference speckles, where the rf drive just reaches the avoided crossing (charge degeneracy), $n_{{\rm g}0}\pm n_{\rm g}^{\rm rf} = n_{\rm g,deg}=$ odd integer, with a linear dependence between $n_{{\rm g}0}$ and the AC drive amplitude. Additionally we have shown in Ref. \cite{LZprl} that 2) the density of the dots is proportional to $1/f_{\rm rf}$ in the direction of $n_{{\rm g}0} $ as well as $n_{\rm g}^{\rm rf}$, and 3) the pattern loses its contrast below a certain drive frequency, in this circuit around $f_{\rm rf} \sim 2$~GHz. In Fig.~\ref{fig:PiFlux}a at charge degeneracy, we observe a clear sequence of blue dots that signifies a similar response as in the ground state. These dots correspond to the destruction of tunneling due to periodic rf-drive of our two level system. Note also that these locations correspond to a large reflection magnitude in Fig.~\ref{fig:PiFlux}b. In fact, the reflection is enhanced compared with the undriven level, which indicates transfer of energy from the microwave drive, via the qubit, to the resonator. Apparently, the destruction of tunneling prevents the microwave energy from being deposited to the two-level system, and the `extra' energy is dumped out at both drive frequencies. The order number of the destructive interference dots in Fig. \ref{fig:PiFlux} is plotted in Fig. \ref{fig:Stokes}. At large rf-drives, the interference dots display a linear dependence on the drive amplitude. The linear dependence is a sign of asymptotic behavior that can be obtained either from Eq. (\ref{phasecondition}) or from Eq. (\ref{bessel}). Starting from Eq. (\ref{phasecondition}), we may evaluate $\varphi_{\rm L,R}$ under a drive of $\Delta E =4E_{\rm c} n_{\rm g}^{\rm rf}\sin(\omega_{\rm rf} t)$. This yields $$\varphi_{\rm L,R}= -\frac{8 E_{\rm c} n_{\rm g}^{\rm rf}}{\hbar \omega_{\rm rf}} \mp m \pi + O\left(\frac{\hbar \omega_{\rm rf}}{4E_{\rm c} n_{\rm g}^{\rm rf}}\right),$$ where $m$ indexes the fringe number, and $\ell_{\rm R} = \ell_{\rm L} - m$, where $\ell_{\rm L,R}$ are the integers from Eq.~(\ref{phasecondition}). Thus, we find \begin{equation}\label{fit} n_{\rm g}^{\rm rf}= \frac{\hbar\omega_{\rm rf}}{8E_{\rm c}} \left[2\pi(\ell_{\rm L}-\frac{m+1}{2})-2\tilde{\varphi}_S\right] \end{equation} (note that the order of resonance grows with $\ell_{\rm L}$, and Eq.~(\ref{fit}) holds, of course, only for sufficiently large $\ell_{\rm L}$, when it gives $n_{\rm g}^{\rm rf}\leq0$). For the destructive interference at charge degeneracy in the sudden limit this yields $n_{\rm g}^{\rm rf}= ({2\pi\hbar \omega_{\rm rf}}/{8E_{\rm c}})\left(\ell_{\rm L}-\frac{1}{4}\right)$. By fitting Eq.~(\ref{fit}) to three/four highest drive points of the data in Fig. \ref{fig:Stokes} we get $\varphi_S/\pi =0.30 \pm 0.03$, which is close to the theoretical expectation of 0.25. However, there is always an additional contribution from the dynamical phase picked up near the degeneracy point where the bands are curving from linear. This contribution was estimated to be about 1/3 from the expected Stokes phase. This correction will drop the vertical offset, and reduce the Stokes phase down to $0.20 \pi$. Hence, taking all the uncertainties into account, our final estimate for the Stokes phase becomes $(0.2 \pm 0.05) \pi$ in the sudden limit. A fit using the plain dynamic phase of Eq.~(\ref{dynamic}), and the two level approximation for the adiabatic energy levels, is given by the dashed curve in Fig. \ref{fig:Stokes}. The $x$-scale of the calculated curve has been adjusted to match the experimental results at large drive amplitudes. The solid curve, on the other hand, is the dynamical phase corrected using the calculated Stokes phase in the sudden limit. The curve agrees with data except at the lowest points where a possible inaccuracy in the asymmetry parameter has its strongest influence. The open circles display the result of Eq.~(\ref{bessel}), \textit{i.e.} the zeroes of $J_0$, which are also seen to coincide well with the data. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=8.0cm]{Stokes} \caption{Order number of destructive interference fringes at charge degeneracy ($n_{{\rm g}0}=1$) as a function of the microwave drive amplitude $n_{\rm g}^{\rm rf}$ for phase bias $\phi=0$. For comparison, the dynamical phase calculated from Eq.~(\ref{dynamic}) is given by the solid and dashed curves with and without Stokes phase, respectively. The zeroes of Bessel function $J_0$ are given by the open circles. For details, see text.\label{fig:Stokes} } \end{center} \end{figure} The Stokes phase is related to the non-adiabatic geometric phase, the Aharonov-Anandan phase \cite{AAphase,Kayanuma97}. It is rather straightforward to show that \begin{equation}\label{AA-phase} \Phi_{\rm geom}=2(1-P_{LZ})\tilde{\varphi}_S+\pi(1-m)+\pi P_{LZ}(2m+2\ell_{\rm L}-1). \end{equation} From this relation one gets at the charge degeneracy ($m=0$): $\Phi_{\rm geom}=(1-P_{LZ})(2\tilde{\varphi}_S-\pi(2\ell_{\rm L}-1))$, which is nearly the same relation as what we derived for the asymptotic fit in Fig.~\ref{fig:Stokes}, cf.~Eq.~(\ref{fit}). Consequently, the geometric Aharonov-Anandan phase could be approximately determined by taking the measured drive amplitude at the point of destructive interference and multiplying the result by $-(8E_{\rm c}/\hbar\omega_{\rm rf})(1-P_{LZ})$. For the data in Fig. \ref{fig:Stokes} at 4 GHz, we get a nearly constant value (0.20--0.21)~$\times 2\pi$ at drive amplitudes around $n_{\rm g}^{\rm rf}=0.5$--1. \section{Artificial molecule} In the inductive SET, LSET, of Fig. \ref{fig:Setup}b, a stronger coupling between the qubit and the resonator can be achieved than in the Cooper-pair-box configuration. This leads to more involved multiphonon phenomena which are reminiscent of the transitions in diatomic molecules. These transitions can also be viewed as interference effects, and it is convenient and instructive to describe them as interference in the phase space \cite{Wheeler,Schleich}. In order to understand the molecular analogy, we consider the single-Cooper-pair transistor as a two-state system. The two states are the analog of two electronic states in a diatomic molecule. The transistor is coupled in parallel with an $LC$ oscillator. The $LC$ oscillator is the analog of nuclear vibrations in the molecule. Because of the coupling between the two-state system and the oscillator, a transition between the electronic levels is often accompanied by a change of the vibrational state. Such transitions, where both vibrational and electronic quantum numbers change simultaneously, are known as {\em vibronic}. For quantitative analysis, we write the Hamiltonian in the basis of two relevant charge states of the qubit: \begin{eqnarray} H(\Phi,q)= \frac{1}{2}\left(\sigma_zE_{\rm el}-\sigma_xE_{\rm J}\cos\frac{\pi\Phi}{\Phi_0} +\sigma_yE_{\rm J}d\sin\frac{\pi\Phi}{\Phi_0}\right) +\frac{q^2}{2C} +\frac{(\Phi-\Phi_{\rm b})^2}{2L}. \label{e.Hscowei}\end{eqnarray} Here the flux $\Phi$ and the charge $q$ in the $LC$ oscillator are conjugate variables, and $(\sigma_x,\sigma_y ,\sigma_z)$ are the Pauli matrices. The capacitive energy $E_{\rm el} =2e^2(n_{{\rm g}0}-1)/C_\Sigma$ can be controlled by the gate voltage. Another control parameter is the flux bias $\Phi_{\rm b}$ through the loop containing SCPT and the inductor. In the following we concentrate on the limit, where the oscillator frequency $1/\sqrt{LC}$ is much lower than the qubit level difference. This means that all changes in the qubit system are much faster than in the oscillator system. Therefore, one can diagonalize the qubit part separately from the oscillator. The two energies of the qubit are obtained by diagonalizing the $2\times2$ matrix part of Eq.\ (\ref{e.Hscowei}): \begin{eqnarray} E=\pm \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{E_{\rm el}^2+E_{\rm J}^2\cos^2\frac{\pi\Phi}{\Phi_0}+E_{\rm J}^2d^2\sin^2\frac{\pi\Phi}{\Phi_0}} \,. \label{e.equbit}\end{eqnarray} This form is valid when the Josephson coupling is a small perturbation compared to the capacitive energy $E_{\rm el}$. It is also possible to consider the general case of an arbitrary ratio of the Josephson coupling to $E_{\rm el}$, in which case the energies of the two lowest states are given by Mathieu characteristics. This means that the dependence of the eigenenergies on $\Phi$ would be more complicated than in Eq.~(\ref{e.equbit}) but otherwise the following analysis remains intact. Considering now the oscillator, we can think about the capacitive and inductive terms in the Hamiltonian as the kinetic and potential energies. In addition to the inductive potential, there is a potential arising from the qubit, since the qubit energy (\ref{e.equbit}) depends on the flux $\Phi$. Thus there are two potential curves for the oscillations \begin{eqnarray} U_\pm(\Phi)=\pm \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{E_{\rm el}^2+E_{\rm J}^2\cos^2\frac{\pi\Phi}{\Phi_0}+E_{\rm J}^2d^2\sin^2\frac{\pi\Phi}{\Phi_0}} +\frac{(\Phi-\Phi_{\rm b})^2}{2L}. \label{e.Hscoweiow}\end{eqnarray} Such a potential is illustrated in Fig.\ \ref{f.oscpot}a. The different slopes of the qubit energies give rise to a relative shift of the minima of the oscillator potentials. The difference in the curvatures of the qubit energies shifts the vibrational frequencies. Figure \ref{f.oscpot}a, which is drawn to scale with realistic parameters of our circuit, shows that vibronic transitions can be induced by microwave radiation. \begin{figure}[tbp] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{oscpotB} \caption{The potentials and phase-space picture of vibronic transitions. (a) The potentials $U_\pm$ (solid curves) for vibrations correspond to two qubit states $\pm$. The qubit energy (\ref{e.equbit}) is given by dashed lines. The energies of six lowest vibrational states corresponding to both qubit states are drawn. The bars represent energy shifts induced by high and low frequency drives. (b) The overlap of $|+,n\rangle$ states with $n=0,1, \ldots, 7$ vibrational quanta with state $|-,3\rangle$ in the phase space. The dots show the centers of the ellipses corresponding to qubit states $\pm$, which are displaced from each other by $\Delta\Phi$.} \label{f.oscpot} \end{figure} The intensities of vibronic transitions are traditionally analyzed in terms of the Franck-Condon principle, and this analysis turns out to be useful for understanding of our data. In its classical form, the Franck-Condon principle says that transitions are possible between vibrational states, the trajectories of which intersect in phase space, and they are most intense between states with coincident turning points. This is based on the idea, already stated, that the transitions between electronic states are fast and the vibrations are slow, so that the vibrational coordinates, here the flux $\Phi$ and the charge $q$, have no time to change during the transition. In addition, $\Phi(t)$ is slowest near the turning points, and therefore transitions there are most likely. In the following we discuss how this picture can be extended by semiclassical analysis in phase space, as shown in Refs.~\cite{Wheeler,Schleich}, and how this interpretation is related to the data obtained. The phase space formed by the coordinate $\Phi$ and the canonical momentum $q$ is illustrated in Fig.\ \ref{f.oscpot}b. The vibrational states correspond to elliptic rings. By scaling the coordinates properly, a state with $n$ vibrational quanta in a harmonic oscillator can be associated with a circular ring between radii $\sqrt{n}$ and $\sqrt{n+1}$ (Planck-Bohr-Sommerfeld bands~\cite{Schleich}). This is the case for the upper qubit state in Fig.\ \ref{f.oscpot}b. Due to a different resonance frequency, the vibrational states corresponding to the lower qubit state then appear as slightly squeezed in the $q$ direction. The shift of the minima of the potentials $U_\pm$ (Fig.~\ref{f.oscpot}a) appears in the phase space so that the ellipses corresponding to the states $|+,n\rangle$, where $+$ means the upper qubit state, have different centers than the ellipses corresponding to the states $|-,n\rangle$. Vibronic transitions can occur only between states whose ellipses overlap in the phase space. In the example of Fig.\ \ref{f.oscpot}b, the state $|-,3\rangle$ has overlap only with states $|+,n\rangle$ with $1\leq n\leq 6$. In general, the transition rates are determined by the area of the intersection of the respective bands. This area is largest when the ellipses touch each other tangentially, i.e., when the turning points coincide, and this leads to the classical version of the Franck-Condon principle. In the present case though, the overlap consists of two crossings of the ellipses, and one has to add the transition amplitudes taking into account the relative phase accumulated between the crossings. The matrix element of the transitions, $|\langle+,n|-,m\rangle|^2$, is given by the formula~\cite{Wheeler,Schleich} \begin{eqnarray} P_{nm}=\frac{4 S_{nm}}{h}\cos^2\frac{A_{nm}}\hbar \label{e.wheelerf}\end{eqnarray} Here $S_{nm}$ is the area of one of the crossing of the elliptic rings, which sets the maximum probability of the transitions. The phase in the phase factor is determined by the area $A_{nm}$ between the two alternative paths between the crossing points. Eq.~(\ref{e.wheelerf}) reproduces well the results of full quantum calculation except near the classical turning points (where the two crossing areas merge). In the case of Fig.\ \ref{f.oscpot} the oscillations are nearly harmonic and the relative difference of frequencies is small. When, in addition, the difference in the vibrational quanta is small, $|n-m|\ll n$, the probability $P_{nm}$ scales as $J_{n-m}^2(2b\sqrt{n})$, where $b=\sqrt{\omega C/2\hbar}\Delta \Phi$ is the dimensionless separation of the potential minima. Owing to the parabolic bands in the region near the minimum gap, $b \propto (\Phi_{\rm b}/\Phi_0-1/2)$, when $|\Phi_{\rm b}/\Phi_0-1/2| \ll 1$. The measurements on the artificial molecule are made by analyzing the reflection of microwaves at a frequency $f_0$ close to the resonance frequency $f_{LC}$ of the circuit. In order to induce vibronic transitions, a microwave excitation at frequency $f _{\rm rf}$ was used. The resonance condition for vibronic transition between states $\ket{-,m}$ and $\ket{+,n}$ is \begin{eqnarray} f_{\rm rf} \approx \frac{\Delta E}{h} + (n-m) f_{LC}, \end{eqnarray} where $\Delta E$ is the qubit energy splitting. A measurement of reflection coefficient $\Gamma$ in the bias plane $(n_{\rm g},\Phi_{\rm b})$ is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:fringes}. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \begin{minipage}{12pc} \includegraphics[width=12pc]{FringeAnalysis2} \caption{Measured amplitude $|\Gamma|$ of the reflection coefficient in the bias plane of gate charge $n_{{\rm g}0}$ and phase $\phi=2\pi \Phi_{\rm b}/\Phi_0$. Several concentric circular fringes are visible below the V-shaped light region. Out of them only the pure electronic transition ($n=m$) remains visible at $\phi=\pi$, and corresponds qubit level separation at $f_{\rm rf} =\Delta E/h=22$ GHz. The color bar gives the scale for the magnitude of the reflection coefficient in dB. The measurement power was $P_{\rm 0} = -129$ dBm referred to the coupling capacitor. \label{fig:fringes}} \end{minipage}\hspace{2pc}% \begin{minipage}{12pc} \includegraphics[width=12pc]{AlongFringes} \caption{ Variation of reflection coefficient along three fringes in Fig. \ref{fig:fringes}. They correspond to $n-m=0$, -1, and -2 and are denoted by $\circ$, $\bullet$, and $\blacktriangle$, respectively. The fringe behavior is fitted to Bessel functions $J_0^2$, $J_1^2$, and $J_2^2$. For details, see text. \label{fig:bessel}} \end{minipage}\hspace{2pc}% \end{center} \end{figure} The vibronic transitions are seen as fringes, making half-circles in the bias plane. The fringes are located within a crescent-shaped area. The language of interference in phase space allows one to easily understand, for instance, the shape of this area, the positions of the fringes and the modulation along the fringes. At $\Phi_{\rm b}=\Phi_0/2$ only the pure electronic transition is seen. This agrees with the analysis above since there the displacement of the oscillation minima vanishes. With increasing $\Phi_{\rm b}$ more fringes appear, which is in agreement with the growing separation of the minima, and the range of the fringes at a given $\Phi_{\rm b}$ can be determined as in Fig.~\ref{f.oscpot}b. In addition, the above picture of enhanced probability of the extremal trajectories is reflected in the shape of the absorption pattern in Fig. \ref{fig:fringes}, where the edges of the fan-like structure are rather clearly expressed. The strength of the fringes in the reflection measurement depends on two separate factors. One is the transition probability to the upper qubit state. In large part of the bias plane (below the the V-shaped light region in Fig.~\ref{fig:fringes}) the averaged frequency of being part time in the upper and part time in the lower qubit state matches better to the measuring frequency than being in the lower state only. This leads to absorption which is approximately proportional to the transition rate to the upper qubit state. The other factor is the heating or cooling effect caused by the high-frequency $f_{\rm rf}$ radiation on the vibrations. For a vibronic transition with $n >m$ (i.e. $f_{\rm rf} > \Delta E/h$), the resonance deposits energy into the resonator causing heating of the vibrations. This leads to decreased absorption of the measurement wave. In the opposite case $n <m$, the absorption of a high frequency photon cools the oscillator by reducing its quanta which leads to increased absorption of the measurement wave. This asymmetry of the fringes is clearly visible in Fig.~\ref{fig:fringes}, where the cooling fringes at larger radii are stronger than the heating fringes at smaller radii. Numerical simulations of the artificial molecule has been done in Ref. \cite{Gunnarsson}. These are based on Bloch equations describing the qubit and classical equations describing the circuit. They reproduce well the observed vibronic spectrum, both the matrix elements and the heating/cooling asymmetry. Here we present a simplified analysis by comparing three of the fringes with the transition probability $P_{nm}=J_{n-m}^2(2b\sqrt{n})$, neglecting the heating/cooling effect. Fig.~\ref{fig:bessel} displays the measured reflection magnitude along fringes with $n-m=0$, -1, and -2 as a function of the flux bias of the qubit. Squared Bessel functions $J_0^2$, $J_1^2$, and $J_2^2$ have been fitted to the data. For the $x$-scale argument we have taken ${\rm const} \times (\Phi_{\rm b}/\Phi_0-1/2)$ although this approximation will be rather crude when $\Phi_{\rm b}/\Phi_0 > 0.54 $. Nevertheless, the comparison can be employed to look for the presence of basic interference phenomena. The agreement between the data and the fits is quite good, though the modulation of the pure electronic fringe is a bit weaker in the measurement than given by $J_0^2$. The reason for smearing of the Bessel modulation is the variation of the number of quanta in the resonator. Assuming the resonator is in a coherent state, it is a superposition of the number states and this should be taken into account in the analysis of the interference fringes. This diminishes the sharpest features of the interference, but does not remove it. Consequently, we may conclude that the dip at $\Phi_{\rm b}/\Phi_0 \approx 0.54$ in the fringe magnitude corresponding to the pure electronic transition, is due to destructive interference in phase space in formula Eq.~(\ref{e.wheelerf}). In summary, we have discussed interband transitions in superconducting Cooper-pair boxes and charge-phase qubits and argued, how interference effects in various forms can be found to underlie the observed phenomena. \section*{Acknowledgments} Fruitful discussions with M.~Feigelman, T.~Heikkil\"a, F.~Hekking, and M.~Paalanen are gratefully acknowledged.
\section{Introduction} Videos captured by hand-held devices are vulnerable to motion blur due to camera shakes and object motion. Video deblurring increases the visual quality of a video, and can also improve the accuracy of other video processing tasks, such as object recognition~\cite{kupyn2018}, tracking~\cite{seibold2011}, and 3D reconstruction~\cite{lee2013dense}. Numerous video deblurring methods have been proposed, including deconvolution-based~\cite{kim2015general,ren2017video}, aggregation-based~\cite{cho2012video,delbracio2015}, and deep learning-based approaches~\cite{su2017deep,kim2017online,kim2018spatio,Nah2019recurrent,Wang2019edvr}. Video deblurring methods typically rely on information about motion between neighboring frames, because it can be used for roughly estimating the blur and aligning frames to provide different captures of the same scene. Deconvolution-based methods~\cite{kim2015general,ren2017video} exploit motion between neighboring frames to estimate spatially-varying blur kernels, which are then used to deconvolve blurry frames and restore sharp frames. Aggregation-based methods~\cite{cho2012video,delbracio2015} use motion information to directly aggregate sharp pixels from neighboring frames. Recent deep learning-based methods~\cite{su2017deep,kim2017online,kim2018spatio,Nah2019recurrent,Wang2019edvr} train deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to directly produce deblurred frames from multiple input frames. While some deep learning-based methods do not explicitly assume aligned input frames, Su~\Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep} show that rough alignment can increase deblurring quality. However, accurate estimation of motion is challenging in the presence of blur, and incorrectly estimated motion may cause structural deformations during the motion compensation process, and thereby eventually degrade the deblurring quality. To resolve this problem, we introduce two novel approaches: {\em blur-invariant motion estimation learning} and {\em pixel volume-based motion compensation}. First, to estimate motion accurately, we adopt \emph{LiteFlowNet}~\cite{LiteFlowNet} and train it with a blur-invariant loss so that the trained network can estimate blur-invariant optical flow between frames. We refer the resulting network as a blur-invariant motion estimation network (\emph{BIMNet}). Second, for effective motion compensation, instead of aligning a frame by warping, we construct a pixel volume that consists of multiple matching candidates for each pixel. Compared to a warped frame, our pixel volume provides additional information for a deblurring network to robustly restore a sharp frame, even under slight motion estimation errors. By leveraging pixel volume-based motion compensation with blur-invariant motion estimation, we propose an effective video deblurring framework that is based on a recurrent CNN structure. To produce a deblurred result of the current frame, our framework takes four video frames as input: the previous, current, and next blurry input frames, and the deblurred result of the previous frame. In this way, we can exploit restored information of the previous frame as well as other information in neighboring input frames. Our framework then estimates motion between the current and previous frames in a blur-invariant way by using \emph{BIMNet}, then uses the estimated motion to construct a pixel volume from the deblurred previous frame. Finally, our deblurring network restores a sharp image for the current frame using the pixel volume with input blurry frames. We refer to our deblurring network as a pixel volume-based deblurring network (\emph{PVDNet}). Due to \emph{BIMNet} and pixel volume, \emph{PVDNet} can produce visually pleasing deblurring results (\Fig{teaser}). Experimental results show that our framework achieves the state-of-the-art performance both quantitatively and qualitatively. Our main contributions are summarized as follows. \begin{itemize} \item{We present blur-invariant learning of a motion estimation network for blurry video frames, which is essential for accurate alignment of neighboring frames.} \item{We propose a novel pixel volume of matching candidates for motion compensation, which provides additional information for robust reconstruction of sharp frames.} \item{We propose an effective recurrent CNN framework based on \emph{BIMNet} and pixel volume for video deblurring.} \end{itemize} \section{Related Work} \subsection{Video deblurring} \paragraph{Deconvolution-based approaches} Typical single image deblurring approaches~\cite{cho2009fast,xu2010two,hirsch2011fast,whyte12non,kim2013dynamic,pan2016soft,xu2012depth} estimate blur kernels and restore latent sharp images by applying deconvolution with the estimated kernels. However, estimating spatially-varying blur, which is common in the real world, is a severely ill-posed problem. Therefore, many approaches assume specific blur models and focus on limited cases such as camera shakes~\cite{hirsch2011fast,whyte12non}, moving objects~\cite{kim2013dynamic,pan2016soft} and depth variation~\cite{xu2012depth}. Video deblurring based on deconvolution also requires estimation of spatially-varying blur kernels. Early approaches~\cite{bar2007,wulff2014} used segmentation maps to reduce the ill-posedness and to effectively process blur caused by moving objects. Later methods \cite{kim2015general,ren2017video} proposed video deblurring frameworks based on optical flow to model inter-frame motion. These methods alternatingly perform optical flow estimation and image deblurring. However, they still assume relatively simple blur models, so can fail when applied to real-world videos that include complex blur. \paragraph{Multi-frame aggregation-based approaches} A few methods~\cite{matsushita2006,cho2012video,delbracio2015} assume that input frames are differently blurred, and have different partial information about latent sharp frames. Then, by aggregating such partial information on the current frame, deblurring can be done without deconvolution. These methods are usually performed in combination with frame alignment. Matsushita \Etal~\shortcite{matsushita2006} align video frames by using a homography, then blend them to remove blur. Cho \Etal~\shortcite{cho2012video} introduced patch-based local search to increase the accuracy of pixel-wise correspondence between video frames. The patch-based local search yields visually pleasing results by directly blending sharp patches from neighboring frames. To achieve video deblurring, Delbracio and Sapiro~\shortcite{delbracio2015} combined a multi-frame deblurring method for burst shot~\cite{delbracio2015burst} with optical flow-based frame alignment. As these methods do not use deconvolution, they could be computationally more efficient and produce less artifacts. However, they cannot restore sharp frames when all input frames are blurry. \paragraph{Deep learning-based approaches} Several approaches use neural networks that are trained to automatically aggregate information from neighboring frames and reconstruct deblurred frames. Su \Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep} proposed a CNN that receives multiple frames concatenated together as input. They also showed rough motion compensation between input frames helps to deblur difficult scenes with large motions. Kim \Etal~\shortcite{kim2017online} and Nah \Etal~\shortcite{Nah2019recurrent} presented recurrent CNNs for video deblurring, and showed that utilizing previous results can improve deblurring quality. However, these methods do not work well for videos with large motion, as they do not use motion compensation. Recently, a spatio-temporal transformer network~\cite{kim2018spatio} was proposed to improve motion compensation performance for video restoration tasks, such as video super-resolution and video deblurring. The network estimates optical flow from multiple neighboring frames together to effectively handle occlusions. More recently, Wang \Etal~\shortcite{Wang2019edvr} proposed an alignment module based on deformable convolutions for video restoration tasks that allows more effective utilization of information from other video frames. \subsection{Blur-invariant optical flow} There have been a small number of approaches to computing optical flow between frames with spatially-varying blurs, such as Portz \Etal~\shortcite{portz2012optical} and Daraei \shortcite{Daraei2014OpticalFC}. To take account of blur in the searching process, both methods blur each input frame with the blur kernel of the other frame. While they can increase the accuracy of the estimation of optical flow, they are computationally heavy because of iterative update of optical flow and blur kernels. Furthermore, they use simple parametric blur models that combine two linear motions by considering forward and backward optical flows, and therefore do not generalize well to real-world blurry videos. \section{Our Video Deblurring Framework} \label{sec:overall} Our video deblurring framework consists of three modules: a blur-invariant motion estimation network (\emph{BIMNet}), a pixel volume generator, and a pixel volume-based deblurring network (\emph{PVDNet}) (see \Fig{framework}). We first train \emph{BIMNet}; after it has converged, we combine the two networks with the pixel volume generator. We then fix the parameters of \emph{BIMNet} and train \emph{PVDNet} by training the entire network. The framework takes three consecutive input blurry frames $I_{t-1}^b$, $I_{t}^b$, and $I_{t+1}^b$, and the deblurred result of the previous frame $I_{t-1}^{est}$ as input where $I_{t}^b$ is the $t$-th input blurry frame. Our \emph{BIMNet} first estimates optical flow $W_{t-1}$ from $I_{t}^{b}$ to $I_{t-1}^{b}$ (\SSec{BIMNet}). The pixel volume generator then takes $W_{t-1}$ and $I_{t-1}^{est}$, and constructs a pixel volume by using pixel values of $I_{t-1}^{est}$ according to $W_{t-1}$ (\SSec{PV}). Finally, our \emph{PVDNet} takes the pixel volume $V_{t-1}$ and the input blurry frames $\{I_{t-1}^b,I_{t}^b,I_{t+1}^b\}$, and produces a deblurring result $I_{t}^{est}$ for the current frame $I_{t}^{b}$ (\SSec{RDN}). We feed a pixel volume $V_{t-1}$ obtained from the restored frame $I_{t-1}^{est}$ into \emph{PVDNet}, then the use of $I_{t-1}^b$ as input of \emph{PVDNet} may seem unnecessary. However, $I_{t-1}^b$ is occasionally sharper than $I_{t-1}^{est}$ especially when camera motion is not significant, and \emph{PVDNet} can take advantage of $I_{t-1}^b$ in such cases. In addition, we apply motion compensation not to $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t+1}^b$ but only to $I_{t-1}^{est}$. This choice may seem counterintuitive, but preliminary experiments demonstrated that it maximizes the deblurring performance of \emph{PVDNet} (Appendix \ref{ssec:preliminary_test}). \subsection{Blur-invariant motion estimation learning} \label{ssec:BIMNet} Our \emph{BIMNet} adopts the network architecture of \emph{LiteFlowNet}~\cite{LiteFlowNet}, which takes two images and generates optical flow between them. \emph{FlowNet}~\cite{FlowNet} and its follow-up works, \emph{FlowNet2}~\cite{ilg17flow} and \emph{LiteFlowNet}~\cite{LiteFlowNet}, have a Siamese network structure for the encoder, and we found that the structure enables effective blur-invariant feature learning (Appendix \ref{ssec:siamese_structure}). We adopt \emph{LiteFlowNet} for the network structure of \emph{BIMNet}, because \emph{LiteFlowNet} shows comparable accuracy to \emph{FlowNet2} with far fewer parameters (\SSec{mc_performance}). Originally, \emph{LiteFlowNet} was trained using blur-free datasets that provide ground truth optical flow maps, such as Scene Flow~\cite{MIFDB16}, Sintel~\cite{Butler:ECCV:2012:sintel}, KITTI~\cite{Geiger2012CVPR:KITTI}, and Middlebury~\cite{Scharstein:2014:Middlebury}. However, no available dataset has ground truth optical flow maps for {\em blurry} images. Thus, we train our \emph{BIMNet} in a {\em self-supervised} way by using a blurred video dataset~\cite{su2017deep} that contains pairs of sharp and blurred videos. A successfully trained \emph{BIMNet} should be able to produce accurate optical flow from a pair of video frames regardless of the amounts of blur that the frames include. To train the network to acquire this property, we generate four pairs of frames from each pair of consecutive frames in sharp and blurred videos: $(I_{t-1}^s,I_{t}^s)$, $(I_{t-1}^b,I_{t}^b)$, $(I_{t-1}^b,I_{t}^s)$, and $(I_{t-1}^s,I_{t}^b)$, where $I_{t}^s$ and $I_{t}^b$ are the $t$-th frames in sharp and blurred videos, respectively. For each image pair $(I_{t-1}^\alpha,I_{t}^\beta)$, where $\alpha, \beta \in \{s,b\}$, our \emph{BIMNet} estimates optical flow $W^{\alpha\beta}_t$ from $I_{t}^\beta$ to $I_{t-1}^\alpha$. Then, we train \emph{BIMNet} with a {\em blur-invariant} loss $L_{BIM}^{\alpha\beta}$ for every pair ($\alpha$, $\beta$): \begin{equation} L_{BIM}^{\alpha\beta}=MSE(Warp(I_{t-1}^s,W^{\alpha\beta}_t), I_t^s), \label{eq:L_BIM} \end{equation} where $MSE$ computes the mean squared error between two images and $Warp(I_{t-1}^s,W^{\alpha\beta}_t)$ is a warping of $I_{t-1}^s$ by $W^{\alpha\beta}_t$. $Warp$ can be easily implemented using the sampling layer of the spatial transformer network~\cite{NIPS2015_5854}. The key idea of $L_{BIM}^{\alpha\beta}$ is that it induces \emph{BIMNet} to learn optical flow between sharp frames, $I_{t-1}^s$ and $I_t^s$, as the ground truth regardless of the blur types of input images, $I_{t-1}^\alpha$ and $I_{t}^\beta$. A straightforward idea for blur-invariant learning would be to estimate optical flow maps between sharp video frames and use them as ground truth labels for training optical flow estimation between blurry frames. However, in preliminary experiments, this approach did not improve accuracy as anticipated. One possible reason for the failure is that optical flow estimated from sharp video frames had the low quality. Specifically, there may be a domain gap between our training dataset and the optical flow datasets that have been used by recent learning-based optical flow methods, such as, \emph{FlowNet}~\cite{FlowNet}, \emph{FlowNet2}~\cite{ilg17flow}, and \emph{LiteFlowNet}~\cite{LiteFlowNet}. Thus, optical flow maps estimated from sharp frames may have errors that can hinder using them as ground-truth labels. In contrast, our proposed approach can effectively train \emph{BIMNet} without the need for accurate ground-truth labels. \subsection{Pixel volume for motion compensation } \label{ssec:PV} \begin{figure}[t] \centering \begin{tabular}{c} \includegraphics[width=0.9\columnwidth]{figures/method/PV_const_expand.pdf} \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.2cm} \caption{Pixel volume construction. A pixel $(x, y)$ in $I_{t}^{b}$ has $k^2$ matching candidates in $I_{t-1}^{est}$, where each pixel in the $k \times k$ window centered at $(x, y)$ gives one candidate. Pixel volume $V_{t-1}$ is a 3D volume containing the $k^2$ candidates for each pixel of $I_{t}^{b}$. For a pixel $(x, y)$, even when the matching candidate determined by \emph{BIMNet} is inaccurate, the pixel pile of $V_{t-1}$ at $(x, y)$ may contain a correct match.} \vspace{-0.2cm} \label{fig:pv_const} \end{figure} Previous video deblurring methods~\cite{su2017deep,kim2018spatio} first align video frames by warping them before deblurring. However, during the warping process, structural artifacts may occur due to inaccurately estimated motion, which can eventually degrade the final deblurring results. To relieve this problem, Liao \Etal~\shortcite{Liao2015vsr} proposed the draft-ensemble approach that computes multiple optical flow maps by using different regularization strengths so that correct motion for a local region can be estimated in some of the maps. However, this approach is computationally inefficient because it requires multiple optical flow estimation. To tackle the problem effectively and efficiently, we propose a novel pixel volume that does not require multiple optical flow estimation but can still provide multiple candidates for matching pixels between images. For a pixel $(x,y)$ of $I_t^b$, we consider a spatial window of size $k\times k$ centered at $(x,y)$, where we fix $k=5$. For each pixel $(x+\Delta_x, y+\Delta_y)$ in the window, where $\Delta_x,\Delta_y\in\{-\lfloor k/2 \rfloor, ..., \lfloor k/2 \rfloor\}$, we have a matched pixel $(x',y')$ in $I_{t-1}^{est}$ determined by optical flow $W_{t-1}$. Then, its neighboring pixel $(x'-\Delta_x,y'-\Delta_y)$ in $I_{t-1}^{est}$ is a matching candidate for pixel $(x,y)$. Consequently, we have $k^2$ matching candidates in $I_{t-1}^{est}$ for $(x,y)$. We collect such matching candidates for all pixels in $I_t^b$ and stack them to obtain a pixel volume $V_{t-1}$ of size $W\times H\times k^2$, where $W$ and $H$ are the width and height of a video frame, respectively. The resulting pixel volume is in the form of a pile of $k^2$ images, where each image consists of pixels sampled from $I_{t-1}^{est}$, and the image for $(\Delta_x,\Delta_y)=(0,0)$ is the warping of $I_{t-1}^{est}$ by $W_{t-1}$. \Fig{pv_const} illustrates the construction of a pixel volume. The occurrence of multiple matching candidates in a pixel volume provide additional information that can reduce the deblurring artifacts caused by inaccurate motion estimation. Suppose that the pixel matching for $(x, y)$ determined by $W_{t-1}$ is incorrect due to small errors in motion estimation. Even in that case, if one of the $k^2$ neighbors of $(x, y)$ has a correct match, the pixel pile of $V_{t-1}$ at $(x, y)$ would contain a correct match for $(x,y)$. Moreover, a pixel volume provides an additional cue for motion compensation based on the majority. When the neighbors of a pixel have correct matches, the pixel volume can provide multiple duplicates of the correct match in the matching candidates for the pixel. Then, the majority cue can increase the reliability of motion compensation in deblurring the current frame $I_t^b$. In \SSec{pv_statistic}, we provide detailed statistics of candidate pixels in a pixel volume. In short, our pixel volume approach leads to the performance improvement of video deblurring by utilizing the multiple candidates in a pixel volume in two aspects: 1) in most cases, the majority cue for the correct match would help as the statistics in \SSec{pv_statistic} shows, and 2) in other cases, \emph{PVDNet} would exploit multiple candidates to estimate the correct match referring to nearby pixels that have majority cues. This is a clear advantage over warping based alignment, because both majority cue and exploitation of multiple values cannot be provided by a single warped image that has only one candidate for each pixel. \begin{figure}[t] \centering \begin{tabular}{c} \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{figures/method/pixel_volume3_2_expand.pdf} \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.3cm} \caption{Robust deblurring with a pixel volume. Due to motion estimation errors, both na\"ive warping and majority-based warping of the deblurred previous frame $I_{t-1}^{est}$ contain artifacts ((c) top and middle). As a result, the variants of \emph{PVDNet} using such warped frames produce deblurred results with remaining blur ((d) top and middle). In contrast, despite the motion estimation errors, our pixel volume contains enough information to reconstruct the ideal warping of $I_{t-1}^{est}$ ((c) bottom). Our \emph{PVDNet} utilizes the information in the pixel volume to produce a high quality deblurred frame ((d) bottom).} \vspace{-0.3cm} \label{fig:pv_work} \end{figure} \begin{figure*}[t] \centering \begin{tabular}{c} \includegraphics[width=0.98\textwidth]{figures/method/Network_expand.pdf} \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.4cm} \caption{Architecture of \emph{PVDNet}.} \label{fig:network_architecture} \vspace{-0.2cm} \end{figure*} \Fig{pv_work} compares motion compensation using warping and a pixel volume. The warped result of $I_{t-1}^{est}$ may contain deformation artifacts caused by motion estimation errors (\Fig{pv_work}c top). We also consider the majority-based warped result of $I_{t-1}^{est}$ (\Fig{pv_work}c middle). In majority-based warping, for each pixel, we choose the most frequent pixel value (the mode) among the $k^2$ candidates in a pixel volume. The majority-based warped frame contains similar artifacts to the simple warping result. In regions where the motion estimation results are inaccurate, the estimated flows are not consistent among neighboring pixels. Then, the most frequent values may not always be the best for motion compensation. As a result, the deblurring results obtained using such warped frames still contain a small amount of blur (\Fig{pv_work}d top and middle). In contrast, even in regions where motion estimation results are inaccurate, probably one or a few of the candidates in the pixel volume are correct. To demonstrate this phenomenon, we reconstructed an ideally warped image (\Fig{pv_work}c bottom) by choosing the most similar pixel to the ground truth sharp frame $I_{t}^s$ among the $k^2$ candidates for each pixel. The ideally warped image contains successfully reconstructed structures with less distortion, which shows the benefit of using a pixel volume. Consequently, the deblurring result obtained using the pixel volume (\Fig{pv_work}a) shows successfully restored sharp structures (\Fig{pv_work}d bottom). In \SSec{pv_analysis}, we provide a quantitative analysis on the effect of a pixel volume. \paragraph{Differences from relevant approaches} Our pixel volume construction scheme shares the same basis with the propagation step of the PatchMatch algorithm~\cite{Barnes2009}: both methods exploit the spatial coherency of neighbor matches. However, our pixel volume scheme is distinct from PatchMatch in the following points. The PatchMatch propagation is designed to accelerate correspondence search, and therefore does not construct an explicit volume. Moreover, it is not straightforward to adopt PatchMatch to deep learning models. In contrast, our pixel volume scheme is specifically designed to improve the robustness of motion compensation and easily integrated into deep learning networks. There have been other approaches relevant to our pixel volume scheme. Cho \Etal~\shortcite{cho2012video} also considered multiple candidates for video deblurring by using a window-based patch search. However, their method does not exploit the spatial coherency of neighbor matches, and is not designed for neural networks. Conventional stereo matching algorithms also construct a cost volume, but such cost volumes contain not pixel values but matching costs, and are therefore not directly applicable to video deblurring. Cost volumes do not exploit the spatial coherency of neighbor matches either. \subsection{Pixel volume based video deblurring network} \label{ssec:RDN} \emph{PVDNet} employs the U-Net~\cite{Ronneberger2015} architecture that has shown to be effective for deblurring~\cite{nah2017deep,su2017deep,tao2018scale}. We use symmetric skip-connections between the encoder and decoder to reconstruct a result image from encoded features while preserving image structures (\Fig{network_architecture}). We add 12 residual blocks between the encoder and decoder to effectively refine blurry feature maps in low-resolution. We apply ReLU after all convolution and deconvolution layers except the layers that are connected by skip-connections; in these layers, the ReLU is applied after the summation of skip-connected features. We refer the readers to the appendix for a detailed architecture of \emph{PVDNet}. For early fusion of input images and a pixel volume, we add initial feature transform layers to the network. As aforementioned, our \emph{PVDNet} takes four inputs (the previous, current, and next input frames, and pixel volume of the deblurred previous frame). Instead of directly concatenating the inputs, we transform and concatenate them using feature transform layers. We divide the inputs into two groups: the concatenated consecutive frames, and the pixel volume. We feed each group into the feature transform layers and fuse their features by concatenation. We use a grayscale pixel volume to reduce training and computational complexity. Our preliminary test shows that the model using a grayscale pixel volume has comparable performance to the model using a color pixel volume (Appendix \ref{ssec:preliminary_test}). The network has a long skip-connection from the input frame $I_t^b$ to the network output to make the network predict only residuals while preserving overall contents of the input frame. To train \emph{PVDNet}, we use mean absolute difference between deblurred frames and their corresponding ground truth sharp frames as the loss function. Although the network does not have any specific constraints or loss functions for temporal coherence, it generally produces temporally smooth results as our recurrent network utilizes the deblurred previous frame to process the current frame. \section{Experiments} \subsection{Implementation and training details} \label{ssec:training} To train both \emph{BIMNet} and \emph{PVDNet}, we used a dataset of synthetically blurred videos \cite{su2017deep}, which was generated by capturing sharp videos at high frame rate, and averaging adjacent frames. The dataset consists of 71 pairs of a blurry video and its corresponding sharp video, which provide 6,708 pairs of 1280$\times$720 blurred and sharp frames in total. The videos in the dataset have blur caused by camera shake and object motion. We used 61 videos in the dataset as our training set, and 10 videos as our test set as Su \Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep}~did. The training and test sets consist of 5,708 and 1,000 pairs of images, respectively. Our training process consists of two steps. We first train \emph{BIMNet}, and then \emph{PVDNet} while fixing \emph{BIMNet}. To train \emph{BIMNet}, we fine-tuned LiteFlowNet~\cite{LiteFlowNet} over the pre-trained weights provided by the authors. For fine-tuning, we randomly selected two consecutive frames from the training video set. We then randomly cropped the same areas of size $256\times 256$ from the selected frames, and fed them to the network. We used normalized pixel values from -1 to 1, and set the batch size to eight. We used Adam optimizer~\cite{kingma2015adam} with $\beta_{1}=0.9$ and $\beta_{2}=0.999$. We initially set the learning rate to 0.0001, and decayed it with a decaying rate 0.1 for every 100,000 iterations. The network converged after $\sim$200,000 iterations. The training took about two days on a PC with an Nvidia GeForce TITAN-Xp (12GB). To train \emph{PVDNet}, we follow a conventional training strategy such as \cite{kim2017online} to generate mini-batches for recurrent video processing. Specifically, we randomly sampled sequences of 13 consecutive frames from the training set. We sampled eight sequences, i.e., we used batch size of eight. Then, we randomly cropped the same areas of $256\times256$ from the frames in each sequence. For each sequence, we iterate from the first to last cropped frame. For each iteration, we set the current cropped frame as the target blurry frame $I_t^b$ and compute the gradient using the result of the previous frame $I_{t-1}^{est}$ as well as the current target blurry frame and its neighboring blurry frames. Then, we update the network parameters by using backpropagation. The backpropagation is performed only for the current iteration, i.e., the gradient does not propagate to the network at the previous state through $I_{t-1}^{est}$. After iterating to the last frames, we repeat the process from the random sampling of video frame sequences. For the initial frame of each sequence, we set $I_{t-1}^{est}=I_{t}^{b}$ and $I_{t-1}^{b}=I_{t}^{b}$. We used Adam optimizer with $\beta_{1}=0.9$ and $\beta_{2}=0.999$ as was done for \emph{BIMNet}. We trained \emph{PVDNet} for 400,000 iterations with a learning rate of 0.0001. Then, we further trained the network for 200,000 iterations with the learning rate of 0.000025. The training of \emph{PVDNet} took about four days on the aforementioned environment. We do not train \emph{BIMNet} and \emph{PVDNet} jointly, because we use the explicit blur-invariant loss for motion estimation learning. \emph{BIMNet} had been already trained with highly accurate supervision based on ground truth sharp images, so end-to-end training of \emph{BIMNet} and \emph{PVDNet} together did not improve the accuracy or quality of video deblurring. Similarly, Gast and Roth~\shortcite{Gast:2019:DVD} reported that fixed pre-trained optical flow models \cite{FlowNet,Sun:2018:PWC} can be used to improve video deblurring accuracy quite well without sophisticated joint training. It is also known that end-to-end training schemes do not always improve the model performances in various image processing tasks, such as object detection ~\cite{Ren2015,He2017mask}, image super-resolution~\cite{Weifeng2018}, and image inpainting~\cite{ren2019structureflow}. \begin{table*}[t] \centering \caption{Quantitative comparison between \emph{BIMNet} and other optical flow estimation methods on blurry video frames. We computed average errors between $I_{t}^s$ and $Warp(I_{t-1}^s, W^{bb})$ in PSNR and SSIM, where $W^{bb}$ is the optical flow estimated from $I_{t}^b$ to $I_{t-1}^b$.} \vspace{-8pt} \begin{tabular}{ | c || c c | c c | c c | } \hline \multirow{2}{*}{Model} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Entire test set} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Sharpest 10\%} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Blurriest 10\%}\\ & PSNR (dB) & SSIM & PSNR (dB) & SSIM & PSNR (dB) & SSIM\\ \hline \hline \emph{TVL1}~\cite{perez2013} & 28.20 & 0.890 & \textbf{30.73} & 0.924 & 25.08 & 0.784\\ \emph{FlowNet2}~\cite{ilg17flow} & 27.85 & 0.903 & 29.75 & 0.923 & 25.79 & 0.864\\ \emph{LiteFlowNet}~\cite{LiteFlowNet} & 27.64 & 0.895 & 29.99 & 0.923 & 24.64 & 0.833\\ \emph{FlowNet2$_{SS}$} & 28.21 & \textbf{0.909} & 30.57 & 0.925 & 25.06 & 0.811\\ \emph{LiteFlowNet$_{SS}$} & 27.91 & 0.893 & 30.12 & 0.923 & 24.89 & 0.830\\ \emph{FlowNet2$_{**}$} & 27.89 & 0.868 & 30.20 & 0.922 & 24.14 & 0.761\\ \emph{LiteFlowNet$_{**}$} & 27.23 & 0.811 & 30.06 & 0.906 & 24.07 & 0.753\\ \emph{BIMNet$_{FN2}$} & \textbf{28.79} & 0.907 & 30.61 & \textbf{0.926} & \textbf{26.64} & \textbf{0.873}\\ \emph{BIMNet$_{LFN}$} & 28.43 & 0.900 & 30.29 & 0.923 & 26.03 & 0.853\\ \hline \end{tabular} \label{tbl:mc_table} \end{table*} \begin{figure*}[tp] \centering \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.19\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/experiments/mc/new/input1} \caption{$I_{t-1}^b$} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.19\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/experiments/mc/new/mcnet_bb} \caption{\emph{FlowNet2}} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.19\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/experiments/mc/new/flownet2_full_train_image_ss} \caption{\emph{FlowNet2$_{SS}$}} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.19\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/experiments/mc/new/flownet2_full_train_image_tv} \caption{\emph{BIMNet$_{FN2}$}} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.19\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/experiments/mc/new/tvl1} \caption{\emph{TVL1}} \end{subfigure} \vspace{0.3ex} \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.19\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/experiments/mc/new/input2} \caption{$I_{t}^b$} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.19\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/experiments/mc/new/liteflownet_original} \caption{\emph{LiteFlowNet}} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.19\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/experiments/mc/new/liteflownet_ss_partial} \caption{\emph{LiteFlowNet$_{SS}$}} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.19\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/experiments/mc/new/liteflownet_partial_120} \caption{\emph{BIMNet$_{LFN}$}} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.19\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/experiments/mc/new/gt} \caption{GT} \end{subfigure} \vspace{-0.2cm} \caption{Qualitative comparison between \emph{BIMNet} and other optical flow estimation methods. (a) and (f) are input blurry frames $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t}^b$, respectively. From (b) to (i), we show the warped images $I_{t-1}^{'s} = Warp(I_{t-1}^s, W^{bb})$, where the optical flow maps $W^{bb}$ have been estimated from $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t}^b$ by different methods.} \vspace{-0.2cm} \label{fig:mc} \end{figure*} \subsection{Motion estimation performance} \label{ssec:mc_performance} We first verify the effectiveness of our blur-invariant motion estimation learning by comparing our \emph{BIMNet} with state-of-the-art optical flow estimation methods: \emph{TVL1}~\cite{perez2013}, \emph{FlowNet2}~\cite{ilg17flow}, and \emph{LiteFlowNet}~\cite{LiteFlowNet}. \emph{TVL1} is a traditional optimization-based approach. \emph{FlowNet2} improves \emph{FlowNet} in terms of accuracy at the expense of an increased model size and slower computation. \emph{LiteFlowNet} is a light-weight variant of \emph{FlowNet} with a much reduced model size and faster computation. We considered two versions of \emph{BIMNet}: \emph{BIMNet$_{FN2}$, which uses \emph{FlowNet2} network architecture; and \emph{BIMNet$_{LFN}$}, which uses \emph{LiteFlowNet} network architecture.} \emph{BIMNet$_{LFN}$} is the model adopted in our final framework. Our blur-invariant motion estimation learning uses blurry video frames and the blur-invariant loss in the training process. To verify the effect of each component, we consider four versions of \emph{FlowNet2} and \emph{LiteFlowNet}: \emph{FlowNet2$_{SS}$}, \emph{LiteFlowNet$_{SS}$}, \emph{FlowNet2$_{**}$}, and \emph{LiteFlowNet$_{**}$}. \emph{FlowNet2$_{SS}$} and \emph{LiteFlowNet$_{SS}$} are fine-tuned versions of \emph{FlowNet2} and \emph{LiteFlowNet} using sharp video frames in our training set, respectively. \emph{FlowNet2$_{**}$} and \emph{LiteFlowNet$_{**}$} are fine-tuned using all combinations of sharp and blurry video frames in our training set as done for \emph{BIMNet$_{FN2}$} and \emph{BIMNet$_{LFN}$}. To fine-tune these variants, we did not use a blur-invariant loss in \Eq{L_BIM}. Instead, we used the loss function defined as: \begin{equation} L^{\alpha\beta} = MSE(Warp(I_{t-1}^\alpha,W^{\alpha\beta}),I_t^\beta) , \label{eq:blur_variant_loss} \end{equation} which is blur-variant, where $\alpha, \beta \in \{s,b\}$. To measure the performance of each method, we measured the warping accuracy of motion estimation results. Specifically, we first estimated the optical flow from $I_{t}^{b}$ to $I_{t-1}^{b}$. We then obtained $I_{t}^{'s}$ by warping $I_{t-1}^{s}$ with the computed optical flow, and measured the difference between the warping result $I_{t}^{'s}$ and its ground truth sharp frame $I_{t}^{s}$, in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity index (SSIM)~\cite{wang2004ssim}. Following Su \Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep}, to handle the ambiguity in the pixel location caused by blur, we measure PSNRs and SSIMs using an approach \cite{kohler2012record} that first aligns two images using global translation. To analyze the performance of different methods on blurry videos more clearly, we also measured the performance on the sharpest 10\% and the blurriest 10\% video frames in each video in the test set. To choose the sharpest and blurriest 10\% frames, we measured the blurriness of all test frames as PSNRs between blurry frames and their corresponding sharp ground truth frames. We assume that a test frame with a low PSNR is likely to have large blur, because blur is the primary factor of structural differences from its ground truth. \Tbl{mc_table} shows a summary of the quantitative comparison using our test set. For the entire test set, \emph{BIMNet$_{FN2}$} and \emph{BIMNet$_{LFN}$} achieve the best and second-best PSNR and comparable SSIM. The result shows that \emph{BIMNet$_{FN2}$} significantly outperforms the other methods on the severely blurred frames by a large margin, while it performs comparably on the relatively sharp frames. \emph{BIMNet$_{LFN}$} was slightly inferior to \emph{BIMNet$_{FN2}$}, but still outperforms all the other methods. Moreover, \emph{BIMNet$_{LFN}$} has only 5.4M parameters, whereas \emph{BIMNet$_{FN2}$} has 150M parameters. Thus, we adopt \emph{BIMNet$_{LFN}$} for our framework. To identify the source of the improvement of \emph{BIMNet}, we compared \emph{FlowNet2}, \emph{FlowNet2$_{SS}$}, \emph{FlowNet2$_{**}$}, and \emph{BIMNet$_{FN2}$}. Compared to \emph{FlowNet2}, \emph{FlowNet2$_{SS}$} shows improvement for relatively sharp frames, but yields inferior results for blurry frames as a result of overfitting to sharp video frames. \emph{FlowNet2$_{**}$} performs worse than \emph{FlowNet2$_{SS}$} for both sharp and blurry frames; this result shows that simply including blurry frames in training does not improve the accuracy of optical flow estimation on blurry frames. Compared to these, \emph{BIMNet$_{FN2}$} that is trained using our blur-invariant loss shows improvements in all cases. A similar trend can also be found from \emph{LiteFlowNet$_{SS}$}, \emph{LiteFlowNet$_{**}$}, and \emph{BIMNet$_{LFN}$}. This result verifies that our blur-invariant loss is the source of the improvement in motion estimation accuracy in the presence of blur. \Fig{mc} shows a qualitative comparison of different optical flow methods. To visually compare the quality of different optical flow methods, we estimated optical flow maps between two consecutive blurred video frames, $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t}^b$, using different optical flow methods, and warped the sharp video frame $I_{t-1}^s$ corresponding to $I_{t-1}^b$ using the estimated optical flow maps. As the figure shows, the results of the other methods contain severely distorted structures due to errors in their optical flow maps. In contrast, the results of \emph{BIMNet$_{FN2}$} and \emph{BIMNet$_{LFN}$} show much less distortions. \subsection{Ablation study} \label{ssec:ablation} To show the effectiveness of the \emph{BIMNet} and pixel volume in our video deblurring framework, we performed an ablation study. We tested five models in this study. The baseline is \emph{PVDNet} that receives consecutive blurry frames as well as a deblurred previous frame without any motion compensation. Then, one by one, we add motion compensation (MC) using \emph{LiteFlowNet$_{SS}$}, blur-invariant motion compensation (BIMC) using \emph{BIMNet$_{LFN}$}, and pixel volume (PV) into the baseline model. Another straightforward idea to increase the performance is to jointly train motion estimation and deblurring. To verify the effectiveness of our BIMC against such a joint approach, we also include a jointly trained model (MC$_{e2e}$ + PV) in which the motion estimation module is first initialized by \emph{LiteFlowNet$_{SS}$} and then jointly trained with \emph{PVDNet} by using the deblurring loss in an end-to-end manner. Our model that uses BIMC and PV shows the best PSNR and SSIM (\Tbl{ablation_table}). For the sharpest 10\% of the frames of each video in the test set, all the models, even the baseline model without motion compensation, show high performances. In contrast, for the blurriest 10\% of the frames, each of BIMC and PV achieves drastic improvement over the models with and without MC; these results indicate that BIMC and PV are effective for handling large blur. The table also shows that joint training of motion estimation and \emph{PVDNet} (MC$_{e2e}$ + PV) does not increase but decreases the deblurring performance compared to MC + PV. This result occurs because the deblurring loss does not provide good guidance for accurate motion estimation, and the loss adversarially affects its training. \Fig{ablation} shows a qualitative comparison. The models without BIMC cannot compensate for large motions, and therefore did not well restore the big red characters in the blue box. The models without PV cannot compensate for small distortions caused by motion estimation errors, and did not properly recover the small black characters in the green box. Our full model with BIMC and PV could deblur successfully in both cases, and produced the best results. \begin{table}[t] \centering \caption{Ablation study for video deblurring performance. PSNR are in dB.} \vspace{-8pt} \begin{tabular}{ | c || c c | c c | c c | } \hline \multirow{2}{*}{Model} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Entire test set} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Sharpest 10\%} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Blurriest 10\%}\\ & PSNR & SSIM & PSNR & SSIM & PSNR & SSIM\\ \hline \hline input & 27.40 & 0.819 & 33.02 & 0.936 & 22.77 & 0.665\\ baseline & 30.66 & 0.891 & 34.76 & 0.954 & 26.15 & 0.780 \\ MC & 31.23 & 0.901 & 35.10 & \bf{0.957} & 26.69 & 0.798\\ BIMC & 31.46 & 0.912 & 35.15 & \bf{0.958} & 27.28 & 0.820\\ MC + PV & 31.40 & 0.910 & 35.13 & \bf{0.958} & 27.19 & 0.817\\ MC$_{e2e}$ + PV & 31.32 & 0.909 & 34.95 & 0.956 & 27.21 & 0.818 \\ BIMC + PV & \bf{31.63} & \bf{0.915} & \bf{35.18} & \bf{0.958} & \bf{27.46} & \bf{0.828}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.3cm} \label{tbl:ablation_table} \end{table} \begin{figure}[tp] \centering \setlength\tabcolsep{1 pt} \begin{tabular}{ccccc} \rotatebox[origin=l]{90}{ \, Input} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/r_r_c_in_00057}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/c_in_00058}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/c_in_00059}} \\ \rotatebox[origin=l]{90}{ Baseline} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/r_r_c_base_00057}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/c_base_00058}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/c_base_00059}} \\ \rotatebox[origin=l]{90}{ \, \, MC} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/r_r_c_MC_00057}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/c_MC_00058}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/c_MC_00059}} \\ \rotatebox[origin=l]{90}{\, \, BIMC} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/r_r_c_BI_00057}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/c_BI_00058}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/c_BI_00059}} \\ \rotatebox[origin=l]{90}{ \, MC+PV} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/r_r_c_MCPV_00057}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/c_MCPV_00058}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/c_MCPV_00059}} \\ \rotatebox[origin=l]{90}{BIMC+PV} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/r_r_c_BIPV_00057}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/c_BIPV_00058}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.31\linewidth]{figures/experiments/ablation_new/c_BIPV_00059}} \\ \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.3cm} \caption{Qualitative comparison of the models in \Tbl{ablation_table} for three consecutive video frames.} \vspace{-0.3cm} \label{fig:ablation} \end{figure} \subsection{Statistics of candidate pixels in pixel volume} \label{ssec:pv_statistic} From each video in the test set of \cite{su2017deep}, we sampled ten frames, and gathered 100 frames. We then constructed PVs for those frames, and investigated the distribution of pixel values in the volumes. In the PVs, 95.1\% of the pixels had majority values in the candidates, where a majority value means more than a half of the $k^2$ candidates for a pixel have the same value. We then investigated the accuracy of those majority values. As our PVs are constructed from deblurred previous frames, they may not have perfect matches with ground truth pixel values. Thus, to measure the accuracy, we counted the number of majority values that are close enough to the ground truth pixel values, i.e., the pixel value differences are within $\pm c$ in 0-255 scale. The accuracy of those majority values was 89.5\% when $c$ = 0 (perfect match) and increased to 92\% for $c$ = 2. While most of the pixels in the pixel volume have correct majority values, the pixel volume is still helpful even for deblurring regions that have no majority values or wrong ones. To validate it, we measured the accuracy of deblurring results on those regions using two models: one that uses PV, and the other that uses na\"{i}ve warping. The accuracy was measured in the same way as above with $c$ = 2. In regions where the majority values are correct, the model that uses PV achieved accuracy of 97.42\%, and the model that uses na\"{i}ve warping achieved 96.91\%. For regions in which majority values are wrong, the model that uses PV (57.35\%) shows a significantly higher accuracy than the model that uses na\"{i}ve warping (50.49\%). Likewise, for the region that has no majority values, the model that uses PV (89.97\%) also shows higher accuracy than the model that uses na\"{i}ve warping (87.77\%). This result confirms that our PV helps our deblurring network obtain the correct values even when the majority pixels in the PV are wrong. \subsection{Motion compensation \textit{vs.} larger model} \label{ssec:model_size} Our method adopts an additional motion estimation network, \emph{BIMNet}, so the accuracy gain could be simply a result of increasing the total model size. To investigate on this possibility, we prepared variants of our deblurring framework with different model sizes either with or without motion compensation. Specifically, we prepared small, medium, and large versions of \emph{PVDNet}. The medium model is the model described in \SSec{RDN}. The small model has half the number of filters in every convolution layer, and half the number of residual blocks of the medium model. The large model has twice the number of filters in every convolution layer. Then, we prepared six variants of our framework either with or without our motion compensation scheme that combines \emph{BIMNet} and PV, and measured the models' deblurring accuracies. \Tbl{model_size} shows that the small and medium models with our motion compensation scheme outperformed the large model without motion compensation despite their significantly smaller model sizes. \Fig{model_size_vis} also shows that the small and medium models with motion compensation could recover small-scale structures and textures better than the large model without motion compensation. Both quantitative and qualitative comparisons clearly show the superiority of our motion compensation scheme over simply increasing the size of the model. \begin{table}[t] \centering \caption{Performance comparison of \emph{PVDNet}s with different model sizes either with or without MC. The unit of the number of parameters is million (M). Values in the parentheses are the numbers of parameters of \emph{PVDNet} and \emph{BIMNet}.} \vspace{-8pt} \begin{tabular}{ |c || c | c | c | } \hline Model & PSNR (dB) & SSIM & Parameters (M) \\ \hline \hline Small & 30.03 & 0.880 & 0.7\\ Medium & 30.66 & 0.891 & 5.1\\ Large & 30.85 & 0.898 & 19.6\\ Small + MC & 30.95 & 0.904 & 6.1 \small(0.7 + 5.4)\\ Medium + MC & 31.63 & 0.915 & 10.5 \small(5.1 + 5.4)\\ Large + MC & 31.75 & 0.918 & 25.0 \small(19.6 + 5.4)\\ \hline \hline \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.2cm} \label{tbl:model_size} \end{table} \begin{table*}[t] \centering \caption{Quantitative comparison of our video deblurring framework with recent state-of-the-art methods on the dataset of \cite{su2017deep}. Values in the parentheses are the numbers of parameters or computations of \emph{PVDNet} and \emph{BIMNet}. For DVD-MC, the numbers of parameters and computations for motion estimation are not included, as DVD-MC does not use a deep learning-based model for motion estimation. CA denotes the cosine annealing scheduling method for learning rate~\cite{Loshchilov2017}, which EDVR adopts for its training. } \vspace{-8pt} \setlength{\tabcolsep}{16pt} \begin{tabular}{ |c || c c c c | } \hline & PSNR \small{(dB)} & SSIM & Parameters \small{(M)} & Computations \small{(BMACs)} \\ \hline \hline \cite{nah2017deep} & 29.85 & 0.880 & 75.7 & 2364\\ \cite{tao2018scale} & 30.53 & 0.894 & 3.8 & 1175\\ \hline DVD-noMC \small{\cite{su2017deep}} & 30.29 & 0.888 & 15.3 & 557\\ DVD-MC \small{\cite{su2017deep}} & 30.47 & 0.898 & 15.3 & 557\\ OVD \small{\cite{kim2017online}} & 30.08 & 0.873 & 0.9 & 206\\ IFI-RNN \small{\cite{Nah2019recurrent}} & 31.04 & 0.903 & 1.6 & 200 \\ IFI-RNN-L \small{\cite{Nah2019recurrent}} & 31.67 & 0.916 & 12.2 & 1,425 \\ EDVR \small{\cite{Wang2019edvr}}& 31.82 & 0.916 & 23.6 & 2,739 \\ \hline Ours-small & 31.25 & 0.908 & 6.1 \small{(0.7 + 5.4)} & 424 \small{(105 + 319 )} \\ Ours & 31.95 & 0.920 & 10.5 \small{(5.1 + 5.4)} & 936 \small{(617 + 319)}\\ Ours w/ CA & \bf{32.31} & \bf{0.926} & 10.5 \small{(5.1 + 5.4)} & 936 \small{(617 + 319)}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \label{tbl:result_table} \end{table*} \subsection{Comparison with other deblurring methods} \label{ssec:comparison} We compared our method with six recent state-of-the-art deep learning based deblurring methods, including two single image-based methods~\cite{nah2017deep,tao2018scale}, and four video deblurring methods~\cite{su2017deep,kim2017online,Nah2019recurrent,Wang2019edvr}. For the single image deblurring methods of Nah~\Etal~\shortcite{nah2017deep} and Tao~\Etal~\shortcite{tao2018scale}, we applied them to each input frame independently. The method of Su \Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep} takes consecutive blurry video frames as input, which can be either motion compensated using optical flow or not. In our comparison, we included both versions with and without motion compensation, which are denoted by DVD-MC and DVD-noMC, respectively. For motion compensation for DVD-MC, we used the method of S\'{a}nchez \Etal~\shortcite{perez2013} as done in \cite{su2017deep}. The method of Wang \Etal~\shortcite{Wang2019edvr}, which we refer to as EDVR, also takes consecutive blurry video frames as input. The methods of Kim \Etal~\shortcite{kim2017online} and Nah \Etal~\shortcite{Nah2019recurrent}, which we refer to as OVD and IFI-RNN, respectively, adopt recurrent network structures that take an intermediate feature map of the previous frame without motion compensation. For fair comparison in terms of model size, we also included a variant of IFI-RNN with an increased model size, which we refer to as IFI-RNN-L, and a smaller version of our framework (the small \emph{PVDNet} in \SSec{model_size}), which we refer to as Ours-small. IFI-RNN-L has twice the number of residual blocks and also twice the number of channels in every convolution layer. Finally, for fair comparison with EDVR, we also include another variant of our framework (Ours w/ CA), which is trained using cosine annealing (CA)~\cite{Loshchilov2017}, a sophisticated learning rate scheduling strategy adopted to EDVR. For evaluation, we used three test sets in the comparison. Specifically, in addition to Su \Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep}'s dataset, we used another popular video deblurring dataset \cite{nah2017deep}, synthetically generated in a similar way to Su \Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep}'s dataset. We also used real-world videos \cite{su2017deep} to check the generalization ability of our model. \begin{figure}[tp] \centering \setlength\tabcolsep{1 pt} \begin{tabular}{cccccccc} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/model_size1/c_input}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/model_size1/c_large}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/model_size1/c_small_mc}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/model_size1/c_mid_mc}} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/model_size2/c_input}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/model_size2/c_large}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/model_size2/c_small_mc}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/model_size2/c_mid_mc}} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\small{(a) Input}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\small{(b) Large}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\small{(c) Small + MC}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\small{(d) Medium + MC}} \\%& \multicolumn{2}{c}{GT}\\ \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.2cm} \caption{Qualitative comparison of \emph{PVDNet}s with different model sizes either with or without MC. The small and medium \emph{PVDNet}s with MC restore image details better than the large \emph{PVDNet}, showing that MC is more effective than simply increasing the model size.} \vspace{-0.2cm} \label{fig:model_size_vis} \end{figure} \begin{figure*}[tp] \centering \setlength\tabcolsep{1 pt} \begin{tabular}{cccccccc} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/r_r_input}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/r_r_tao}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/r_r_su}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/r_r_edvr}}\\ \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop1/c_input}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop2/c_r_input}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop1/c_tao}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop2/c_r_tao}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop1/c_su}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop2/c_r_su}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop1/c_edvr}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop2/c_r_edvr}} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{(a) Input} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(b) \cite{tao2018scale}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(c) DVD-MC \cite{su2017deep}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(d) EDVR \cite{Wang2019edvr}}\\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/r_r_nah19}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/r_r_nah19_L}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/r_r_ours}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/r_r_gt}}\\ \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop1/c_nah19}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop2/c_r_nah19}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop1/c_nah19_L}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop2/c_r_nah19_L}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop1/c_ours}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop2/c_r_ours}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop1/c_gt}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/gopro2/crop2/c_r_gt}} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{(e) IFI-RNN \cite{Nah2019recurrent}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(f) IFI-RNN-L \cite{Nah2019recurrent}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(g) Ours} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(h) GT}\\ \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.3cm} \caption{Qualitative comparison on synthetically blurred video frames of Su \Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep}'s dataset.} \label{fig:gopro} \end{figure*} \begin{figure*}[tp] \centering \setlength\tabcolsep{1 pt} \begin{tabular}{cccccccc} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.245\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/r_r_input}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.245\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/r_r_nah_single}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.245\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/r_r_tao}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.245\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/r_r_edvr}}\\ \multicolumn{1}{l}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop1/c_input}} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop2/c_r_input}} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop1/c_nah_single}} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop2/c_r_nah_single}} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop1/c_tao}} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop2/c_r_tao}} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop1/c_edvr}} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop2/c_r_edvr}} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{(a) Input} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(b) \cite{nah2017deep}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(c) \cite{tao2018scale}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(d) EDVR \cite{Wang2019edvr}}\\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.245\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/r_r_ifi}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.245\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/r_r_ifi_L}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.245\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/r_r_ours}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.245\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/r_r_gt}}\\ \multicolumn{1}{l}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop1/c_ifi}} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop2/c_r_ifi}} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop1/c_ifi_L}} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop2/c_r_ifi_L}} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop1/c_ours}} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop2/c_r_ours}} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop1/c_gt}} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{\includegraphics[width=0.12\linewidth]{figures/experiments/nah2/crop2/c_r_gt}} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{(e) IFI-RNN \cite{Nah2019recurrent}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(f) IFI-RNN-L \cite{Nah2019recurrent}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(g) Ours} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(h) GT}\\ \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.2cm} \caption{Qualitative comparison on synthetically blurred video frames of Nah \Etal~\shortcite{nah2017deep}'s dataset.} \label{fig:gopro_nah2} \end{figure*} \paragraph{Comparison using Su \Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep}'s dataset} For fair comparison, we trained all the models except for OVD~\cite{kim2017online} and DVD~\cite{su2017deep} using the dataset of Su \Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep}. For this training, we used the source code provided by the authors and their own training strategies. The training code of OVD is not available, so we used its pre-trained model provided by the authors. We also used the model of DVD provided by the authors; it had already been trained with Su \Etal's dataset. For quantitative evaluation, we excluded the first frames of test videos, because most video deblurring methods cannot successfully handle them. In the quantitative comparison (\Tbl{result_table}), our model achieved higher PSNR and SSIM than all the other methods, including single image and video deblurring methods. Compared to both DVD-noMC and DVD-MC, even Ours-small performed much better despite its significantly smaller size, because DVD cannot utilize previous deblurred frames due to the lack of a recurrent structure. Compared to OVD, Ours-small achieved PSNRs more than 1 dB higher. Ours-small has more parameters than OVD, but most are used for motion estimation; the deblurring network, \emph{PVDNet}, has fewer parameters than OVD. This comparison clearly shows the benefit of our motion compensation scheme. Similarly, compared to IFI-RNN, Ours-small as well as Ours outperformed it both in PSNR and SSIM, in spite of the smaller deblurring network. Compared to IFI-RNN-L and EDVR, which have larger numbers of parameters, Ours achieved higher PSNR and SSIM even though the total number of parameters is smaller. Finally, Ours trained with CA outperformed EDVR by a margin of 0.49 dB, proving the effectiveness of our framework. The advantage of our approach is emphasized in the qualitative comparison (\Fig{gopro}). As the input video frame (\Fig{gopro}a) is severely blurred, the single image deblurring method of Tao \Etal~\shortcite{tao2018scale} fails to recover fine-scale structures and produces blurry results. DVD-MC recovers fine-scale structures better, but produces distorted structures due to motion compensation errors. IFI-RNN, IFI-RNN-L, and EDVR also fail to restore fine-scale structures due to large motions in the input frames. In contrast, thanks to our motion compensation scheme, our method effectively restores fine details without distortions even in the presence of large inter-frame motion and blur. \paragraph{Comparison using Nah \Etal~\shortcite{nah2017deep}'s dataset} For fair comparison, all the methods except for OVD~\cite{kim2017online} were trained from scratch with the training set of Nah \Etal~\shortcite{nah2017deep}. In the quantitative comparison (\Tbl{result_table2}), our method using cosine annealing (Ours w/ CA) achieved better or comparable performance to the other state-of-the-art methods including IFI-RNN-L~\cite{Nah2019recurrent} and EDVR~\cite{Wang2019edvr} despite its smaller model size. In this comparison, we also included our method with a similar model size to that of EDVR, to show the effectiveness of our explicit motion compensation approach. Specifically, to increase the model size to match that of EDVR, we used a larger \emph{PVDNet} that has 24 residual blocks with 192 channels. Our larger model (Ours-large w/ CA) clearly outperforms EDVR both in PSNR and SSIM. In a qualitative comparison, the input blurred frame (\Fig{gopro_nah2}a) has severe blur caused by large camera motion. Consequently, the results of all the other methods have remaining blur. On the other hand, our result (\Fig{gopro_nah2}g) shows clearly restored details with no remaining blur. \begin{table}[t] \centering \caption{Quantitative comparison of our video deblurring framework with recent state-of-the-art methods on the dataset of \cite{nah2017deep}. } \vspace{-8pt} \begin{tabular}{ |c || c c c | } \hline & PSNR \small{(dB)} & SSIM & Parameters \small{(M)}\\ \hline \hline \cite{nah2017deep} & 29.47 & 0.876 & 75.7 \\ \cite{tao2018scale} & 30.61 & 0.908 & 3.8 \\ \hline OVD \small{\cite{kim2017online}} & 26.57 & 0.820 & 0.9\\ IFI-RNN \small{\cite{Nah2019recurrent}} & 30.15 & 0.895 & 1.6 \\ IFI-RNN-L \small{\cite{Nah2019recurrent}} & 31.05 & 0.911 & 12.2 \\ EDVR \small{\cite{Wang2019edvr}}& 31.54 & 0.926 & 23.6 \\ \hline Ours & 31.30 & 0.917 & 10.5 \small{(5.1 + 5.4)} \\ Ours w/ CA & 31.52 & 0.921 & 10.5 \small{(5.1 + 5.4)}\\ Ours-large w/ CA & \bf{31.98} & \bf{0.928} & 23.4 \small{(18.0 + 5.4)}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.3cm} \label{tbl:result_table2} \end{table} \paragraph{Comparison using real-world videos} Finally, we qualitatively compare the performance of our approach to those of the state-of-the-art methods on real-world data (\Fig{real}). The datasets~\cite{su2017deep,nah2017deep} that were used for training and evaluation are synthetically generated using high-speed cameras, so it may not fully represent the characteristics of real blurry videos. Thus, evaluation using real-world data is essential for predicting the generalization ability of a method. For evaluation, we used the real blurry video test set in Su \Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep}. In this comparison, the input video frame (\Fig{real}a) is severely blurred by camera motions, so the characters in the frame are illegible. The single image deblurring method of Tao \Etal~\shortcite{tao2018scale} (\Fig{real}b) failed to restore the characters properly and introduced noisy artifacts. The results of the video deblurring methods, DVD-MC (\Fig{real}c) and IFI-RNN (\Fig{real}e) have remaining blurs. Compared to the results of the other methods, the results of EDVR (\Fig{real}d) and IFI-RNN-L (\Fig{real}f) show relatively better restored details because of their large model sizes, but small characters remain illegible either. In contrast, both Ours-small (\Fig{real}g) and Ours (\Fig{real}h) more clearly restore characters with less artifacts despite their smaller models than EDVR and IFI-RNN-L. In another qualitative comparison (\Fig{real2}), the input video frames suffer from large blur. DVD-MC restored small-scale structures relatively well, but its results still have remaining blur and noisy artifacts. IFI-RNN-L completely failed to restore sharp frames, possibly due to large motions between input frames that are difficult to handle without explicit motion compensation. On the contrary, our results clearly restored sharp details. Additional examples can be found in the supplementary material. \begin{figure*}[tp] \centering \setlength\tabcolsep{1 pt} \begin{tabular}{cccccccc} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/r_r_input}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/r_r_tao}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/r_r_su}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/r_r_edvr}} \\ \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop1/c_input}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop2/c_r_input}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop1/c_tao}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop2/c_r_tao}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop1/c_su}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop2/c_r_su}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop1/c_edvr}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop2/c_r_edvr}} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{(a) Input} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(b) \cite{tao2018scale}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(c) DVD-MC \cite{su2017deep}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(d) EDVR \cite{Wang2019edvr}}\\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{3.8M params} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{15.3M params} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{23.6M params}\\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/r_r_nah19_s}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/r_r_nah19}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/r_r_ours_s}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/r_r_ours}}\\ \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop1/c_nah19_s}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop2/c_r_nah19_s}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop1/c_nah19}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop2/c_r_nah19}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop1/c_ours_s}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop2/c_r_ours_s}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop1/c_ours}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real1/crop2/c_r_ours}} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{(e) IFI-RNN \cite{Nah2019recurrent}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(f) IFI-RNN-L \cite{Nah2019recurrent}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(g) Ours-small} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(h) Ours}\\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{1.6M params} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{12.2M params} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{6.1M (0.7M + 5.4M) params} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{10.5M (5.1M + 5.4M) params} \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.3cm} \caption{Qualitative comparison on real-world video frames of Su \Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep}'s test set.} \vspace{-0.2cm} \label{fig:real} \end{figure*} \begin{figure*}[tp] \centering \setlength\tabcolsep{1 pt} \begin{tabular}{cccccccc} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real2/r_r_input}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real2/r_r_su}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real2/r_r_nah19}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real2/r_r_ours}}\\ \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real2/crop1/c_input}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real2/crop2/c_r_input}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real2/crop1/c_su}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real2/crop2/c_r_su}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real2/crop1/c_nah19}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real2/crop2/c_r_nah19}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real2/crop1/c_ours}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real2/crop2/c_r_ours}} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real3/r_r_input}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real3/r_r_su}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real3/r_r_nah19}}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.24\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real3/r_r_ours}}\\ \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real3/crop1/c_input}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real3/crop2/c_r_input}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real3/crop1/c_su}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real3/crop2/c_r_su}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real3/crop1/c_nah19}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real3/crop2/c_r_nah19}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real3/crop1/c_ours}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.118\linewidth]{figures/experiments/real3/crop2/c_r_ours}} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{(a) input} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(b) DVD-MC \cite{su2017deep}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(c) IFI-RNN-L \cite{Nah2019recurrent}} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(d) Ours}\\ \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.3cm} \caption{Additional examples on real-world video frames of Su \Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep}'s test set.} \vspace{-0.3cm} \label{fig:real2} \end{figure*} \subsection{Computational cost analysis} \label{ssec:cost} To process a single 1280$\times$720 video frame, our framework takes about 0.11s with an NVIDIA Titan Xp GPU, and our framework can process images of arbitrary size, because both \emph{BIMNet} and \emph{PVDNet} consist of convolutional layers. Specifically, \emph{BIMNet}, \emph{PVDNet}, and pixel volume construction take 0.04s, 0.04s, and 0.03s per frame, respectively. The pixel volume construction step takes relatively long computation time. However, its code is un-optimized PyTorch code that uses for-loops, which are known to be slow in PyTorch. We believe that the code can be further optimized using CUDA programming. The computational overhead caused by a pixel volume in \emph{PVDNet} is smaller than that of a single convolution layer in our framework. In the aspect of memory usage, the size of a pixel volume is $W \times H \times k^2$, and $k$ is set to 5 in our experiments. In contrast, the first convolution layer of \emph{PVDNet} uses 64 channels so its size is $W \times H \times 64$. Thus, a PV requires only $\sim$39\% memory usage of the first convolution layer. In the aspect of computation time, once a pixel volume is constructed, it is processed by convolution operations like other layers. Thus, the overhead computation time caused by a pixel volume is also smaller than that of a single convolution layer in our framework. We compared the computational costs of our method and others. We used the number of Multiply-accumulate (MAC) operations required to process a single 1280$\times$720 video frame as the measurement. Our method (936 BMACs) has a much smaller computational cost than IFI-RNN-L (1425 BMACs) and EDVR (2739 BMACs) despite achieving higher deblurring accuracy (\Tbl{result_table}). \section{Conclusion} In this paper, we presented two novel approaches for motion compensation to effectively deliver previously deblurred information. We proposed simple but effective blur-invariant learning for accurate estimation of optical flow between blurred video frames. In addition, we constructed a pixel volume that contains matching candidates for robustly handling motion estimation errors, and fed it to our deblurring network instead of directly feeding a motion compensated warped frame. Finally, we proposed an effective video deblurring framework based on the proposed motion compensation approaches. Our framework achieved the state-of-the-art deblurring performance, as demonstrated by extensive experiments on various challenging videos with large blur. Combination of blur-invariant motion estimation learning and a pixel volume can improve motion compensation without significant computational overhead or changes in network design. We expect that these two modules would be applicable to other video processing tasks, such as video super-resolution that requires sub-pixel-level motion compensation. Similarly to previous deblurring methods~\cite{nah2017deep,tao2018scale,su2017deep,kim2017online,kim2018spatio,Wang2019edvr}, in the synthetic datasets \cite{su2017deep,nah2017deep}, we use temporal center frames as ground truth sharp frames for training both \emph{BIMNet} and \emph{PVDNet}. However, complex blur such as circular blur may introduce ambiguity, because more than one camera motions with different temporal centers can produce the same shape of blur; this ambiguity may confuse the networks and degrade their performances. This problem would not be severe in practice given the success of recent deblurring methods that use temporal center frames for ground truths, but analyzing its effect and resolving it can be a good future direction. \section*{Appendix} \section{\emph{BIMNet}} \subsection{Effect of Siamese structure on blur-invariant feature learning} \label{ssec:siamese_structure} As described in \SSec{BIMNet}, we adopt \emph{LiteFlowNet}~\cite{LiteFlowNet} for our \emph{BIMNet} as \emph{LiteFlowNet} has a Siamese network architecture that is effective to learn blur-invariant features. In this section, we conduct an experiment to verify the effectiveness of the Siamese architecture on blur-invariant feature learning. To this end, we compare two different networks for optical flow estimation: \emph{FlowNetS} and \emph{FlowNetC}~\cite{FlowNet}. \emph{FlowNetS} and \emph{FlowNetC} share almost the same network architecture except that \emph{FlowNetC} has a Siamese network at the beginning of the network, while \emph{FlowNetS} has a plain CNN architecture. Using the Siamese network architecture, \emph{FlowNetC} first extracts a feature for each pixel and then match the extracted features to estimate optical flow. While both \emph{FlowNetS} and \emph{FlowNetC} can run as stand-alone networks for optical flow estimation, \emph{LiteFlowNet} combines them together for obtaining high-quality optical flow. To investigate the effect of the Siamese network architecture, we evaluated the performance of \emph{FlowNetS} and \emph{FlowNetC} on blur-invariant feature learning. Specifically, we fine-tuned both pretrained networks with our {\em blur-invariant loss} $L_{BIM}^{\alpha\beta}$. The networks were originally pre-trained with datasets of \cite{Geiger2012CVPR:KITTI,Scharstein:2014:Middlebury,Butler:ECCV:2012:sintel} and we used the dataset of Su~\Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep} for fine-tuning them. \Tbl{bi_table_sc} compares \emph{FlowNetS} and \emph{FlowNetC} with their fine-tuned versions. While $L_{BIM}^{\alpha\beta}$ improves the accuracy of both networks for blurry videos, the improvement of \emph{FlowNetC} is much larger than that of \emph{FlowNetS}, showing that the Siamese network architecture of \emph{FlowNetC} learns to extract blur-invariant features more effectively than a plain CNN architecture. \input{figures/tables/bi_table_sc} \begin{table*}[t] \centering \caption{Quantitative comparison between \emph{BIMNet} and other optical flow estimation methods on different types of image pairs $(I_{t-1}^\alpha,I_{t}^\beta)$. We computed average errors between $I_{t}^s$ and $Warp(I_{t-1}^s, W^{\alpha\beta})$ in PSNR and SSIM, where $W^{\alpha\beta}$ is the optical flow estimated from $I_{t}^\alpha$ to $I_{t-1}^\beta$. \emph{BS}, \emph{SB}, and \emph{SS} denote $(\alpha,\beta)$: $(b, s)$, $(s, b)$, and $(s, s)$, respectively.} \vspace{-8pt} \begin{tabular}{ | c || c c | c c | c c | } \hline \multirow{2}{*}{Model} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\emph{BS}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\emph{SB}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\emph{SS}}\\ & PSNR (dB) & SSIM & PSNR (dB) & SSIM & PSNR (dB) & SSIM\\ \hline \hline \emph{TVL1}~\cite{perez2013} & 27.34 & 0.869 & 28.08 & 0.875 & 30.78 & 0.904\\ \emph{FlowNet2}~\cite{ilg17flow} & 28.22 & 0.903 & 28.04 & 0.898 & 30.03 & 0.928\\ \emph{LiteFlowNet}~\cite{LiteFlowNet} & 27.47 & 0.882 & 26.51 & 0.858 & 29.49 & 0.923\\ \emph{FlowNet2$_{SS}$} & 27.41 & 0.869 & 27.76 & 0.864 & \textbf{30.95} & 0.910\\ \emph{LiteFlowNet$_{SS}$} & 27.90 & 0.885 & 27.57 & 0.874 & 30.64 & 0.927\\ \emph{FlowNet2$_{**}$} & 27.86 & 0.824 & 27.33 & 0.837 & 30.64 & 0.868\\ \emph{LiteFlowNet$_{**}$} & 27.02 & 0.811 & 26.83 & 0.789 & 29.76 & 0.887\\ \emph{BIMNet$_{FN2}$} & \textbf{28.98} & \textbf{0.909} & \textbf{29.29} & \textbf{0.910} & 30.68 & \textbf{0.928}\\ \emph{BIMNet$_{LFN}$} & 28.85 & 0.901 & 28.86 & 0.901 & 30.64 & \textbf{0.928}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \label{tbl:additional_mc_table} \end{table*} \subsection{Performance of \emph{BIMNet} on different types of image pairs $(I_{t-1}^\alpha,I_{t}^\beta)$} \SSec{mc_performance} verified the effectiveness of our blur-invariant motion estimation learning by comparing \emph{BIMNet} with state-of-the-art optical flow estimation methods, by measuring PSNR and SSIM between $Warp(I_{t-1}^s, W^{bb})$ and $I_{t}^s$. In this section, we provide an additional evaluation of the performance of \emph{BIMNet} on images with different types of blur. Specifically, we evaluated the performance of \emph{BIMNet} for the other three cases: \emph{BS} $(Warp(I_{t-1}^s, W^{bs}),I_{t}^{s})$, \emph{SB} $(Warp(I_{t-1}^s, W^{sb}),I_{t}^{s})$, and \emph{SS} $(Warp(I_{t-1}^s, W^{ss}),I_{t}^{s})$. Table~\ref{tbl:additional_mc_table} shows the evaluation results of \emph{BS}, \emph{SB}, and \emph{SS}. In the cases of \emph{BS} and \emph{SB}, \emph{BIMNet$_{FN2}$} and \emph{BIMNet$_{LFN}$} achieved the best and second-best performances, respectively, in both PSNR and SSIM, clearly outperforming all the other methods. In the case of \emph{SS}, while \emph{FlowNet2$_{SS}$}, which is trained for sharp images, performs the best in PSNR, \emph{BIMNet$_{FN2}$} and \emph{BIMNet$_{LFN}$} perform comparably in PSNR and better than the other methods in SSIM, showing that both of them perform reasonably well even for sharp images. \section{\emph{PVDNet}} \subsection{Network architecture} A detailed architecture of \emph{PVDNet} is given in \Tbl{network_architecture}. \subsection{Preliminary tests for \emph{PVDNet}} \label{ssec:preliminary_test} As described in \Sec{overall}, our framework takes neighboring frames $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t+1}^b$ {\em without} motion compensation. We also construct a pixel volume of $I_{t-1}^{est}$ using its {\em grayscale} pixel values. While this combination may seem less optimal, we found that it actually achieves the highest quality in our preliminary tests. In this section, we summarize the results of our preliminary tests. In the tests, we considered the following options for \emph{PVDNet}: \begin{itemize} \item warping {\em vs}.\ pixel volume for motion compensation, \item grayscale pixel volume {\em vs}.\ color pixel volume, \item applying motion compensation only to $I_{t-1}^{est}$ {\em vs}.\ to all images of $I_{t-1}^{est}$, $I_{t-1}^b$, and $I_{t+1}^b$, and \item using only $I_{t-1}^{est}$ {\em vs}.\ all images of $I_{t-1}^{est}$, $I_{t-1}^b$, and $I_{t+1}^b$ for the neighboring frame information. Here, motion compensation is applied only to $I_{t-1}^{est}$. \end{itemize} To compare the different options, we prepared various variants of \emph{PVDNet}. \begin{table}% \centering \caption{Detailed architecture of \emph{PVDNet}.} \vspace{-8pt} \begin{tabular}{cccccc} \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{layer type}(\#)}&size & stride & out & act.\\ \hline \hline \multicolumn{6}{c}{\textbf{Feature Transform Layers}}\\ \hline \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Input}} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{$V_{t-1}$}\\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Conv}} & $3\times3$ & (2, 2) & 64 & \emph{relu} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Conv}} & $3\times3$ & (2, 2) & 64 & \emph{relu} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{add1}} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{\emph{Conv}, \emph{Input}}\\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Concat}} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{$I_{t-1}^b$, $I_{t}^b$, $I_{t+1}^b$}\\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Conv}} & $3\times3$ & (2, 2) & 32 & \emph{relu} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Conv}} & $3\times3$ & (2, 2) & 32 & \emph{relu} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{add2}} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{\emph{Conv}, \emph{Concat}}\\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Concat}} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{\emph{add1}, \emph{add2}}\\ \hline \hline \multicolumn{6}{c}{\textbf{Encoder}}\\ \hline \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Conv}1\_1} & $3\times3$ & (1, 1) & 64 & - \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Conv}2\_1} & $3\times3$ & (2, 2) & 64 & \emph{relu} \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Conv}2\_2} & $3\times3$ & (1, 1) & 64 & - \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Conv}3\_1} & $3\times3$ & (2, 2) & 128 & \emph{relu} \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Conv}3\_2} & $3\times3$ & (1, 1) & 128 & \emph{relu} \\ \hline \hline \multicolumn{6}{c}{\textbf{ResBlocks $\times 12$}}\\ \hline \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Conv}} & $3\times3$ & (1, 1) & 128 & \emph{relu} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Conv}} & $3\times3$ & (1, 1) & 128 & \emph{relu} \\ \hline \hline \multicolumn{6}{c}{\textbf{Decoder}}\\ \hline \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Conv}4\_1} & $3\times3$ & (1, 1) & 128 & - \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{add}} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\emph{Conv}4\_1, \emph{Conv}3\_2} & - \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{DeConv1}} & $4\times4$ & (2, 2) & 64 & - \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{add}} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\emph{DeConv}1, \emph{Conv}2\_2} & \emph{relu} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Conv5\_2}} & $3\times3$ & (1, 1) & 64 & \emph{relu} \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{DeConv2}} & $4\times4$ & (2, 2) & 64 & - \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{add}} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\emph{DeConv}2, \emph{Conv}1\_1} & \emph{relu} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Conv6\_2}} & $3\times3$ & (1, 1) & 64 & \emph{relu} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{Conv6\_3}} & $3\times3$ & (1, 1) & 3 & - \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{\emph{add}} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\emph{Conv}6\_3, \emph{Input}} & - \\ \hline \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.3cm} \label{tbl:network_architecture} \end{table} \begin{table}[t] \centering \caption{Preliminary test results of various variants of \emph{PVDNet}. The first column (`MC target') denotes the target frames among $I_{t-1}^{est}$, $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t+1}^b$ for which motion compensation is applied. The second column (`MC type') denotes the type of motion compensation applied for the frames in `MC target'. The third column (`use $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t+1}^b$') denotes whether \emph{PVDNet} takes $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t+1}^b$ as input or not. We computed the average errors between deblurred results $I_{t}^{est}$ and ground truths $I_{t}^{s}$ in PSNR and SSIM.} \vspace{-8pt} \begin{tabular}{ |c|c|c||c c| } \hline MC target & MC type & use $I_{t-1}^{b}$ and $I_{t+1}^{b}$ & PSNR (dB) & SSIM\\ \hline \hline all & & yes & 31.30 & 0.912\\ $I_{t-1}^{est}$ only & gray PV & yes & \bf{31.63} & \bf{0.915} \\ $I_{t-1}^{est}$ only & & no & 31.10 & 0.912\\ \hline all& & yes & 30.65 & 0.901 \\ $I_{t-1}^{est}$ only & color PV & yes & \bf{31.67} & \bf{0.916} \\ $I_{t-1}^{est}$ only & & no & 31.11 & 0.912\\ \hline all & & yes & 31.11 & 0.906\\ $I_{t-1}^{est}$ only & warp & yes & 31.42 & 0.909\\ $I_{t-1}^{est}$ only & & no & 30.89 & 0.904 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.3cm} \label{tbl:pre_table} \end{table} \Tbl{pre_table} shows the variants of \emph{PVDNet} and their performances in PSNR and SSIM. In the table, `all' in the first column (`MC target') means that all three images, $I_{t-1}^{est}$, $I_{t-1}^b$, and $I_{t+1}^b$, are motion-compensated. On the other hand, `$I_{t-1}^{est}$ only' means that only $I_{t-1}^{est}$ is motion-compensated while $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t+1}^b$ are used as they are. In the second column (`MC type'), `gray PV' means that a pixel volume is constructed using grayscale pixel values, while `color PV' means that it is constructed using RGB values. `warp' means that simple warping is used instead of a pixel volume for motion compensation. In the third column (`use $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t+1}^b$'), `no' means that a \emph{PVDNet} does not take $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t+1}^b$ as input, and uses only $I_{t-1}^{est}$. Our final model corresponds to \{`$I_{t-1}^{est}$', `gray PV', `yes'\} in the table. From \Tbl{pre_table}, we can make the following observations: 1) using a pixel volume consistently outperforms using warping, showing the effectiveness of a pixel volume, 2) using a grayscale pixel volume achieves comparable performance to using a color pixel volume, while it requires much less memory and computation, 3) interestingly, applying motion compensation only to $I_{t-1}^{est}$ leads to higher quality results than applying motion compensation to all images, and 4) using the neighboring input blurry frames $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t+1}^b$ helps increase the performance, compared to using $I_{t-1}^{est}$ only. Based on these observations, we chose \{`$I_{t-1}^{est}$', `gray PV', `yes'\} as our final model. It may seem counter-intuitive that applying motion compensation to all images decreases the deblurring performance. A possible reason is that the neighboring input blurry frames $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t+1}^b$ would help deblurring only in limited cases. Specifically, if there is a large motion between $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t}^b$, it is likely that $I_{t-1}^b$ is blurry, and motion-compensating the blurry neighboring frame would not help deblurring much. In other words, $I_{t-1}^b$ helps deblurring only when there is slight motion, and in that case, keeping the original relatively sharp pixels could be more beneficial than distorting the image for small motion compensation. The same arguments hold for $I_{t+1}^b$. Our \emph{PVDNet} is trained to learn to selectively use the information in motion-compensated $I_{t-1}^{est}$ and input neighboring frames, $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t+1}^b$, and consequently leads to higher performance. \subsection{Non-recurrent \emph{PVDNet}} While our PVDNet adopts a recurrent framework, non-recurrent approaches like DVD~\cite{su2017deep} have also been widely adopted so far. Thus, we study the performance of non-recurrent variants of our framework and the effect of our motion compensation on them. In this study, we prepared four different non-recurrent versions of our framework: baseline$_{nr}$, baseline$_{nr}$ + MC, baseline$_{nr}$ + BIMC, and baseline$_{nr}$ + BIMC + PV, similarly to the experiment in \Tbl{ablation_table}. For baseline$_{nr}$, we modified the architecture of \emph{PVDNet} so that it receives three consecutive input blurry frames without a previous deblurred frame. For all the variants, motion compensation is applied to the previous and next input blurry frames instead of a deblurred previous frame. Specifically, baseline$_{nr}$ takes input blurry frames without any motion compensation, while baseline$_{nr}$ + MC and baseline$_{nr}$ + BIMC take warped input blurry frames whose motions are estimated by \emph{LiteFlowNet$_{SS}$} and \emph{BIMNet}, respectively. For baseline$_{nr}$ + BIMC + PV, we modified the network architecture to take two pixel volumes of the previous and next input blurry frames, and the current target frame. Specifically, the network has two input branches similarly to the network in \Fig{framework}. One branch takes the current target blurry frame $I_t^b$ instead of three blurry frames. On the other hand, the other branch takes two pixel volumes of $I_{t-1}^b$ and $I_{t+1}^b$ and concatenates them before the feature transform layer. \Tbl{dvd_like} shows the performance evaluation result of the non-recurrent models. Both baseline models of the non-recurrent and recurrent networks show similar accuracy (30.65 dB and 30.66 dB) as shown in \Tbl{dvd_like} and \Tbl{ablation_table}. Although BIMC and a pixel volume improve the deblurring quality the most, all kinds of motion compensation in \Tbl{dvd_like} do not lead to significant improvement of the deblurring quality. Su \Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep} also reported a similar result where motion compensation does not improve deblurring quality much. We guess that this is because of the higher training complexity of non-recurrent deblurring. In non-recurrent deblurring, there would be no sharp information that can help deblur the current target frame, in contrast to recurrent deblurring that uses a deblurred previous frame. This can induce the network trained to less utilize information from neighboring frames. \begin{table}[t] \centering \caption{Effectiveness of blur invariant motion estimation and pixel volumes with the non-recurrent \emph{PVDNet}.} \vspace{-8pt} \begin{tabular}{ |c || c | c | } \hline Model & PSNR (dB) & SSIM \\ \hline \hline baseline$_{nr}$ & 30.65 & 0.889 \\ baseline$_{nr}$ + MC & 30.79 & 0.896 \\ baseline$_{nr}$ + BIMC & 30.84 & 0.899\\ baseline$_{nr}$ + BIMC + PV & 30.87 & 0.900\\ \hline \hline \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.3cm} \label{tbl:dvd_like} \end{table} \begin{table}[t] \centering \caption{Deblurring performance of our \emph{PVDNet} according to different motion compensation approaches.} \vspace{-8pt} \begin{tabular}{ | c || c | } \hline Method & PSNR (dB) \\ \hline \hline Simple warping & 31.46 \\ Majority-based warping & 31.47 \\ Naïve PV & 31.48 \\ Our PV & 31.63 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.3cm} \label{tbl:PV_analysis} \end{table} \begin{figure*}[tp] \centering \setlength\tabcolsep{1 pt} \begin{tabular}{cccccc} \rotatebox[origin=l]{90}{ \, \, \, \, Input} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.182\linewidth]{figures/experiments/pre_deb2/c_in1}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.182\linewidth]{figures/experiments/pre_deb2/c_in2}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.182\linewidth]{figures/experiments/pre_deb2/c_in3}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.182\linewidth]{figures/experiments/pre_deb2/c_in4}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.182\linewidth]{figures/experiments/pre_deb2/c_in5}} \\ \rotatebox[origin=l]{90}{ \, \, \, \, \, Ours} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.182\linewidth]{figures/experiments/pre_deb2/c_final1}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.182\linewidth]{figures/experiments/pre_deb2/c_final2}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.182\linewidth]{figures/experiments/pre_deb2/c_final3}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.182\linewidth]{figures/experiments/pre_deb2/c_final4}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\includegraphics[width=0.182\linewidth]{figures/experiments/pre_deb2/c_final5}} \\ & frame $\# 1$ & frame $\# 2$ & frame $\# 3$ & frame $\# 4$ & frame $\# 5$ \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.4cm} \caption{Deblurring examples of a video sequence from Su \Etal~\shortcite{su2017deep}'s test set. Frame $\# 1$ is the first frame of the input video.} \vspace{-0.2cm} \label{fig:deblurred_previous} \end{figure*} \subsection{Additional comparisons of pixel volume with other motion compensation approaches} \label{ssec:pv_analysis} In this section, we compare our pixel volume approach to two additional motion compensation approaches to analyze the effect of a pixel volume. As described in \SSec{PV}, our pixel volume approach leads to the performance improvement in video deblurring by utilizing multiple candidates with majority cues in a pixel volume. One natural question would be whether simply using the majority values in the pixel volume or multiple candidates without majority cues also leads the performance improvement. Therefore, we experimented with two other motion compensation approaches. First, instead of our PV, we simply fed the deblurring result of the previous sharp frame warped by the majority-based warping to \emph{PVDNet}. In majority-based warping, we built a PV based on the estimated flow, then chose the most frequent pixel value (the mode) among the $k^2$ candidates for each pixel. Second, instead of constructing our PV, we constructed a na\"ive PV in a way that it can provide multiple candidates without spatial coherency, corresponding to simply increase the number of candidates. Specifically, for each spatial position in a PV, we do not exploit the flow vectors of the neighbor pixels, but we simply collect pixels in the $k \times k$ window centered at the estimated position by \emph{BIMNet}. This approach is similar to the neighbor search of \cite{cho2012video} and the cost volume construction of conventional stereo matching algorithms. For the experiment and comparison, we conducted the same procedure used in \SSec{ablation}. \Tbl{PV_analysis} summarizes the performance of different approaches. The performance improvement of majority-based warping over simple warping is marginal, as the warped images from simple warping and majority-based warping would be similar to each other, as shown in \Fig{pv_work}c. The performance improvement of the na\"ive PV over simple warping is also marginal. Although the na\"ive PV contains multiple candidates, those multiple candidates do not have majority values due to the way of construction. In contrast, the multiple candidates in our PV are obtained by exploiting flow information of neighboring pixels and provide the majority cue. \begin{table}[t] \centering \caption{Performances with different patch sizes for a pixel volume.} \vspace{-8pt} \begin{tabular}{ |c || c | c | c | c | c | } \hline Patch size & 1 & 3 & 5 & 7 & 9 \\ \hline \hline PSNR (dB) & 31.42 & 31.54 & 31.63 & 31.55 & 31.11\\ SSIM & 0.912 & 0.912 & 0.915 & 0.913 & 0.905\\ \hline \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.2cm} \label{tbl:patch_size} \end{table} \subsection{Patch size of pixel volume} In this experiment, we analyze the deblurring performance change by a different patch size of a pixel volume. We tested five patch sizes (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) and found that $5\times 5$ performs the best (\Tbl{patch_size}). Ideally, it can be expected that a larger patch size can help the network to handle more spacious flow errors, but a large patch size rather decreases the performance in practice. This may be because a pixel volume generated by large patches contains too many candidates to consider, which exceeds the capability of \emph{PVDNet}. \subsection{Pixel volume vs flow aggregation using conv layers} Our framework explicitly constructs a pixel volume for motion compensation. One natural question would be whether it would be possible to learn to aggregate flow information of neighboring pixels using additional convolution layers instead of explicit construction of a pixel volume. To verify this, we may consider the following two options: \begin{enumerate} \item Additional convolution layers at the end of BIMNet to refine the flow result \item Additional convolution layers at the beginning of PVDNet to aggregate flow results \end{enumerate} Specifically, the first option refines the flow result through additional convolution layers. This option is equivalent to adopt a larger network architecture for BIMNet. To verify whether this option brings a significant improvement, we trained a larger network with additional five convolution layers for BIMNet. We then measured the deblurring performance, but found no noticeable improvement. The second option is not trivial. To deblur the current frame, video deblurring requires pixel value information of the previous frame, not its flow information \cite{cho2012video,su2017deep,kim2017online,kim2018spatio,Wang2019edvr}. Thus, even if we somehow aggregate flow information using additional convolution layers, we still need to warp the previous deblurred frame. Moreover, aggregating and refining flow information is not trivial as well. Instead, our pixel-volume approach provides an effective way that allows the network to aggregate pixel value information from multiple candidate pixels. In addition, a pixel volume takes smaller memory than a single convolution layer (\SSec{cost}). \begin{figure}[tp] \centering \begin{tabular}{c} \includegraphics[width=0.9\columnwidth]{figures/experiments/number_of_frames.pdf} \end{tabular} \vspace{-0.6cm} \caption{Performance graph of our video deblurring framework on Su \Etal's dataset~\cite{su2017deep} at different time steps. The average PSNR is low at the first frame, but it quickly raises and gets stabilized as our method proceeds.} \vspace{-0.4cm} \label{fig:number_of_frames} \end{figure} \subsection{Deblurring of first few frames} \Fig{deblurred_previous} shows the deblurring results of the first few frames of a video. The top row shows input consecutive blurry frames, while the bottom row shows their corresponding results. When our method starts to deblur the video from the first frame, the first frame has no deblurred previous frame, and its deblurring result still has a small amount of remaining blur, e.g., the details of the wheel are slightly blurry. Nevertheless, from the second frame, our method can utilize the deblurred result of the previous frame, so it produces a clearer result with sharper details. \Fig{number_of_frames} visualizes the average PSNRs of the deblurring results at different time steps. The average PSNRs are measured from the test set of Su \Etal's dataset~\cite{su2017deep}. The average PSNR of the first frames is low as they have no deblurring results of the previous frames. However, as the method proceeds, the average PSNR quickly raises and gets stabilized. This proves the practicality and effectiveness of our approach despite its recurrent structure that requires deblurring results of previous frames. \section*{Acknowledgements} We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments. This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT, Korea, through IITP grants (SW Star Lab, IITP-2015-0-00174; Artificial Intelligence Graduate School Program (POSTECH), IITP-2019-0-01906) and NRF grants (NRF-2018R1A5A1060031; NRF-2020R1C1C1014863).
Introduction {#s1} ============ Binding of type 1 interferons (IFNs), which include IFN-α and IFN-β, to type 1 interferon receptor on target cells stimulates the transcription and translation of a set of genes known as the type 1 IFN-inducible genes. Proteins produced from these genes' transcripts, such as IFN-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) and myxovirus resistance protein A (MxA), play a role in defending cells from viral and bacterial infections and are part of the innate immune system. Type 1 IFN-inducible genes, including ISG15, are highly upregulated in muscle [@pone.0065362-Greenberg1]--[@pone.0065362-Cappelletti1], blood [@pone.0065362-Walsh1], [@pone.0065362-Greenberg3], and skin [@pone.0065362-Wong1] of patients with dermatomyositis (DM), an autoimmune disease affecting skeletal muscle and other tissues. Endothelial tubuloreticular inclusions and the proteins MxA and ISG15 are found in abundance intracellularly in diseased myofibers, keratinocytes, and capillaries of DM muscle and skin [@pone.0065362-Greenberg2], [@pone.0065362-Salajegheh1], [@pone.0065362-Magro1]. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs), professional type 1 interferon producing cells, are abundant in DM muscle and skin [@pone.0065362-Greenberg2], [@pone.0065362-LopezdePadilla1], [@pone.0065362-Shrestha1]. IFN-β protein in serum [@pone.0065362-Liao1] and IFN-β transcript in skin [@pone.0065362-Greenberg3] are elevated in DM and correlate with a type 1 interferon gene expression signature. In endothelial cell culture models, tubuloreticular inclusions are induced by type 1, but not type 2 (consisting of the sole member IFN-γ), IFN exposure [@pone.0065362-Rich1]--[@pone.0065362-Grimley1]. In human skeletal muscle cells (HuSK), ISG15 gene and protein expression are highly induced by IFN-β [@pone.0065362-Salajegheh1]. Together, these findings suggest that exposure of relevant cells in culture to type 1 IFN could be a suitable model to study possible mechanisms of myofiber and capillary injury in DM driven by type 1 IFNs. In this study therefore, we have used the C2C12 mouse myoblast cell line to examine the possible effect of type 1 IFNs on myotube formation. Because ISG15 is one of the most upregulated genes in DM and ISG15 protein localizes by immunohistochemistry to atrophic myofibers [@pone.0065362-Salajegheh1], we examined its possible role in IFN-mediated myotoxicity in vitro. Results {#s2} ======= Type 1 IFNs Upregulate ISG15 in C2C12 Mouse Myoblasts {#s2a} ----------------------------------------------------- In previously published studies, ISG15 was upregulated 194-fold in human DM muscle biopsy samples [@pone.0065362-Salajegheh1]. We studied a muscle cell culture line, C2C12 cells, stimulating them with IFN-α, IFN-β, and IFN-γ for 7 days and assessed global transcriptional responses at Day 4 and Day 7 (manuscript in preparation). ISG15 gene expression was upregulated on Day 4 114-fold in response to IFN-α, 191-fold in response to IFN-β, and 11-fold in response to IFN-γ ([Figure 1A](#pone-0065362-g001){ref-type="fig"}). ISG15's marked upregulation by IFN-β was sustained at Day 7 (196-fold) in contrast to its response to IFN-α that had diminished compared to Day 4 (30-fold). ![Effects of type 1 IFNs on mouse C2C12 and human muscle cells.\ (A) IFN-β results in sustained marked expression of ISG15 (196-fold increased at Day 7). (B) Sustained toxicity of IFN-β on myotube area. (C--E) Dose-dependent effects of IFN-β 10 U/ml and 100 U/ml on myotubes. (C) Dose-dependent reduction in numbers and lengths of C2C12 myotubes at 48 h and 72 h. Arrows indicate myotubes. (D) Dose-dependent reduction in C2C12 myotube length, diameter, and area at 72h. (E) Dose-dependent effect of IFN-β on 72 h human skeletal muscle with marked inhibition of myotube formation at 100 U/ml.](pone.0065362.g001){#pone-0065362-g001} Type 1 IFNs Impair the Differentiation of C2C12 Mouse Myoblasts and Human Skeletal Muscle {#s2b} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These data prompted us to further investigate the role of type 1 IFNs during myoblast differentiation. We initially focused on early time points (48 h and 72 h) because of the greater uniformity of early myoblast differentiation. Treatment of cultured C2C12 mouse myoblasts with type 1 IFNs resulted in significant alteration in the timing of differentiation and in the morphology of new myotubes, as compared to untreated cells. Untreated cells started to differentiate before 48 h in low-serum medium, while type 1 interferon treatment impaired myoblast differentiation into myotubes. Myotube areas (reflecting both mean diameter and length) at 48 hours were decreased 32% by IFN-β (p\<0.0001) and 19% by IFN-α (p\<0.0001) compared to untreated myotubes ([Figure 1B](#pone-0065362-g001){ref-type="fig"}). At 72 hours, the inhibitory effect of IFN-β remained (44% reduction in area; p\<0.0001), whereas the inhibitory effects of IFN-α were no longer present (7%; p = 0.74). These sustained effects of IFN-β on myotube development, together with transcriptional data indicating sustained effects of IFN-β on ISG15 upregulation and recent findings implicating IFN-β in the pathogenesis of dermatomyositis [@pone.0065362-Wong1], [@pone.0065362-Liao1], led us to focus further experiments on IFN-β alone. We therefore extended quantitative studies on IFN-β's effect to 96 h and 120 h and observed sustained impairment in myotube morphology (e.g., 49% decreased area, p = 0.02, at 120 h; [Figure 1B](#pone-0065362-g001){ref-type="fig"}). We next conducted dose-response studies of IFN-β's effect on myotube length, diameter, and area ([Figure 1C, D](#pone-0065362-g001){ref-type="fig"}). At 48 h and 72 h, IFN-β at doses of 10 U/ml and 100 U/ml visibly decreased numbers of myotube formation in a dose-dependent manner, with the larger dose resulting in fewer and shorter myotubes ([Figure 1C](#pone-0065362-g001){ref-type="fig"}). Quantitative analysis showed similar dose-dependent relationships on myotube length, diameter, and area (e.g., myotube area decreased 36% with 10 U/ml and 55% with 100 U/ml, p\<0.002; [Figure 1D](#pone-0065362-g001){ref-type="fig"}). Lastly, we examined human skeletal muscle cell culture and found dose-dependent marked toxicity of IFN-β, with 100 U/ml completely preventing myotube formation at 48 h and 72 h ([Figure 1E](#pone-0065362-g001){ref-type="fig"}). Similarly to C2C12, IFN-α was considerably less toxic to HuSK (data not shown). Silencing ISG15 does not Prevent IFN-β-mediated Toxicity for C2C12 Myoblasts {#s2c} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To assess whether the toxic effect of IFN-β on the differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts was mediated by ISG15, we silenced ISG15 by transfecting C2C12 myoblasts with siRNA against ISG15. ISG15 protein expression, as assessed by Western blotting, is highly increased in type 1 IFN-treated HuSK muscle cells in vitro and in DM patient muscle [@pone.0065362-Tezak1]. We therefore assessed C2C12 ISG15 protein expression by Western blotting at different time points after the start of IFN-β treatment. A full silencing effect of ISG15 translation was observed in cells exposed to siISG15 and treated daily with IFN-β, at 48 and 72 hours after induction of differentiation, with partial return of ISG15 protein to approximately 25--50% of baseline levels at later time points ([Figure 2A](#pone-0065362-g002){ref-type="fig"}). We therefore focused our studies on the 72 h and 96 h time points, reflecting maximal duration of ISG15 silencing (72 h) and the transition to return of partial ISG15 production (96 h). ![RNA silencing of ISG15 does not prevent IFN-β mediated myotoxicity.\ (A) Western blots of ISG15 demonstrate successful silencing of the 15 kDa ISG15 protein with siISG15 treatment in IFN-β treated C2C12 cells. Note absence of 15 kDa bands at 48 h (lane 2 compared to lane 1) and 72 h (lane 4 compared to lane 3), with partial return of protein expression at 96 h (lanes 6/5) and 120 h (lanes 8/7). siISG15 also reduces ISG15 conjugates (smears of \>50 kDa) at all time points. Actin controls shown below. (B) Images demonstrate no improvement in myotube formation with ISG15 silencing at 72 h, and (C) quantitative analysis shows ISG15 silencing with siISG15 results in no recovery of myotube area at 72 h, 96 h, and 120 h.](pone.0065362.g002){#pone-0065362-g002} ISG15 silencing had no effect on the appearance of IFN-β-treated cultures ([Figure 2B](#pone-0065362-g002){ref-type="fig"}) and left unchanged or even accentuated IFN-β-mediated reductions in myotube length, diameter, and area ([Figure 2C](#pone-0065362-g002){ref-type="fig"}). At 72 h, IFN-β combined with siISG15 treatment reduced myotube area 21%, not significantly different (p = 0.20) than the 10% reduction from IFN-β treatment alone. At 96 h, myotube area was reduced 45% with siISG15 treatment compared to 53% reduced from IFN-β alone (p = 0.74). Indeed, at the latest time point, 120 h, siISG15 and IFN-β treated cells were significantly more impaired (66% myotube area reduction) than IFN-β treatment alone (49% myotube area reduction, p = 0.02).These findings suggest that ISG15 does not mediate early C2C12 IFN-β myotoxicity. Discussion {#s3} ========== Recent studies have identified type1 IFNs or their inducible gene products as biomarkers of DM [@pone.0065362-Greenberg1]--[@pone.0065362-Magro1], suggesting a mechanism of myofiber and capillary injury driven by type 1 IFNs. We therefore developed a cell culture model to explore the effects of type 1 IFNs on muscle cells. We found that type 1 IFNs impair myotube differentiation of both C2C12 mouse myoblasts and human myoblasts. These findings are consistent with other studies demonstrating toxic and antiproliferative effects of type 1 IFNs in other cell lineages (endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle) [@pone.0065362-Stark1]--[@pone.0065362-Schirmer1]. Regarding the mechanism of type 1 IFN myocyte toxicity, we focused on the potential role of ISG15, a gene whose transcript and protein are highly elevated in human DM muscle [@pone.0065362-Greenberg1]--[@pone.0065362-Cappelletti1]. ISG15 is a member of the ubiquitin-like proteins family, with significant sequence homology to ubiquitin. Like ubiquitin, ISG15 is conjugated to many cellular proteins; the conjugation process requires the conjugating enzymes Ube1L, Ube2L6, and HERC5 as well as a deconjugating enzyme, USP18 [@pone.0065362-Yuan1]--[@pone.0065362-Malakhov1]. Previous studies indeed demonstrated both the marked increase in free ISG15 protein as well as numerous ISG15 conjugated proteins in DM muscle and human skeletal muscle culture [@pone.0065362-Salajegheh1], suggesting a potential role as a mediator of IFN-mediated toxicity. We therefore examined the effect of IFN-α, IFN-β, and IFN-γ in the C2C12 model we developed and demonstrated that IFN-β, but not IFN-α, or IFN-γ, resulted in marked and sustained upregulation of ISG15. The lack of IFN-γ upregulation of ISG15 is explained by its known mechanism of action, as it binds to the gamma activation sequence (GAS) in promoter regions, and ISG15 does not contain this GAS element. In contrast, the known mechanisms of IFN-α and IFN-β involve binding to the interferon-stimulated regulatory element (ISRE), multiple copies of which are present in ISG15 [@pone.0065362-Greenberg2]. However, as both IFN-α and IFN-β bind to a common receptor, the more potent and sustained upregulation of ISG15 by IFN-β is an empirical observation of unknown mechanism. Regardless of mechanism, we found that ISG15 silencing did not reverse IFN-β mediated toxicity, providing evidence against ISG15 being a major factor mediating the myotoxic effects of IFN-β. Limitations of our studies include the use of an in vitro immortalized cell line model. Nevertheless, the molecular responses of this model to IFN-β are consistent with those found in numerous previously published studies of DM human tissue (blood, muscle, and skin) [@pone.0065362-Greenberg1]--[@pone.0065362-Liao1]. It is likely that other type 1 IFN induced genes are involved in myotoxicity, but the detailed mechanisms remain to be established. An approach similar to the one taken here, inhibiting other genes, might yield candidate mechanisms. However, currently no animal model of dermatomyositis exists, so that in vivo exploration of these mechanisms will likely await future development of such a model. Materials and Methods {#s4} ===================== Cell Culture and Treatment with type 1 IFNs {#s4a} ------------------------------------------- Mouse skeletal muscle cells (C2C12; ATCC, Cat. No. CRL-1772) were cultured in 6-well plates, with growth medium consisting of DMEM (Atlanta Biologicals, Lawrenceville, GA) supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum (Atlanta Biologicals, Lawrenceville, GA). Differentiation was initiated 72 h after seeding, by replacing the growth medium with D-MEM supplemented with 2% horse serum (Atlanta Biologicals, Lawrenceville, GA). At approximately 95% confluence, cells were treated daily with IFN-α or -β (PBL Interferon Source, Piscataway, NJ), at two different final concentrations (10 and 100 U/ml per well). Human skeletal muscle cells (HuSK; ScienCell Research Laboratories, Cat no. 3500, Carlsbad, CA) were cultured in 6-well plates and treated with human IFN-β as previously described [@pone.0065362-Tezak1]. siRNA Transfection {#s4b} ------------------ For small interfering RNA (siRNA) experiments, C2C12 myoblasts were transfected 24 h after seeding, when cell density was approximately 30--50%, with siRNA against ISG15 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) at the final concentration of 30 nM per well. Four to six hours after transfection, cells were treated daily with two different doses (10 and 100 U/ml) of mouse IFN-α or -β (PBL Interferon Source, Piscataway, NJ); differentiation was induced 48 hours later. Measurement of Length, Diameter, and Area of Newly Formed Myotubes {#s4c} ------------------------------------------------------------------ For quantitative morphological analysis, four micrographs were taken per well, at several time points, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h, and 120 h from the start of treatment) and for each, the length, diameter and area of the 10 visually largest myotubes were measured, using ImageJ 1.44 software (<http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/>, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD). Statistical testing used nonparametric methods that do not assume Gaussian distributions of the data (Mann-Whitney tests). Western Blotting Analysis {#s4d} ------------------------- Trypsinized cells were lysed in buffer containing 10 mM HEPES, 10 mM KCl, 1 mM EDTA, 0.1 nM EGTA, 10 mM DTT, 5 mM MgCl2 and Roche Complete Protease Inhibitor (Roche Diagnostic, Indianapolis, IN). Homogenates were sonicated and centrifuged for 10 min at 4°C (10,000 xg), supernatants were collected and protein contents were measured using BCA assay (Pierce Biotechnology, Rockford, IL). Samples were diluted in Loading Buffer 4X and denatured for 5 min at 95°C. Equal amounts of proteins were electrophoresed on 4--12% NuPage acrylamide gels (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), and transferred onto nitrocellulose membranes. Membranes were blocked in Tris buffered saline with 0.1% Tween 20 (TBS-T) with 5% (wt/vol) nonfat milk powder and incubated overnight in the same solution containing rabbit polyclonal anti-ISG15 (Abcam, Cambridge, MA, cat \# 45285; 1∶500 dilution), at 4°C, followed by a 1 hr incubation at RT with secondary antibody (HRP-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG Abcam, Cambridge, MA, Cat \#6721, 1∶10,000 dilution). Immunoreactivity was detected by SuperSignal West Pico Maximum Sensitivity Substrate (Pierce Biotechnology, Rockford, IL) 5 min room temperature and exposed to film. [^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. [^2]: Conceived and designed the experiments: SF MS SAG. Performed the experiments: SF RN. Analyzed the data: SF MS SAG. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: SAG. Wrote the paper: SF SAG.
INTRODUCTION ============ Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is an effective treatment for patients with heart failure (HF) and ventricular dyssynchrony who are symptomatic despite optimal medical treatment \[[@R1],[@R2]\]. In selected groups of HF patients, CRT reduces complications and mortality \[[@R3]-[@R5]\], decreases clinical symptoms and improves quality of life (QoL) \[[@R5]-[@R9]\]. A number of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and/or aortic valve replacement (AVR) surgery suffer from HF and ventricular dyssynchrony, and are consequently considered as candidates for a CRT system. The surgical setting enables epicardial pacing lead placement. The surgical technique results in more successful left lead positioning, same level of clinical improvement, lower left ventricular (LV) related complication rates and lower chronic threshold-capture compared to transvenous lead placement *via* the coronary sinus \[[@R10],[@R11]\]. Perioperative CRT-implantation in CABG patients seems to carry a positive effect on functional status and QoL in addition to the outcome of surgery \[[@R12],[@R13]\]. The information available on concomitant CRT-implantation in association with cardiac surgery is, however, limited. The objective of this study was to evaluate health related QoL in patients with HF andventricular dyssynchrony receiving a permanent epicardial CRT system during CABG and/or AVR. MATERIAL AND METHODOLOGY ======================== This study included patients who underwent CABG, AVR or a combined surgical procedure at the University Hospital of Uppsala, Sweden, between December 2004 and December 2007, meeting the standard criteria for CRT treatment at the time of surgery (sinus rhythm, HF with New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class III-IV, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤35% and QRS duration ≥120 ms or mechanical dyssynchrony on Doppler echocardiography). They were compared to a matched population of patients with reduced LV function (LVEF\<45%) undergoing cardiac surgery at the same time. Isolated CABG patients were matched with two controls while patients who underwent AVR surgery or combined procedures were matched with one control each, due to the scarcity of appropriate controls. Based on preoperative echocardiography, LVEF was classified as "reduced" (31% to 45%), "severely reduced" (15% to 30%) or "poor" (\<15%). Subdivision into NYHA class IIIA and IIIB was used, with class IIIA including patients who experienced slight discomfort during normal activities, but able to walk a mile on a flat surface at their own speed and climb stairs slowly without undue discomfort \[[@R14]\]. The study complies with the Declaration of Helsinki. Quality of Life Assessment -------------------------- The SF-36 is a self-administration questionnaire designed for assessment of health related QoL \[[@R15]\]. It consists of 36 items divided into 8 subscales of health that can be summarized into two main health dimensions: Physical Health Score (PCS) and Mental Health Score (MCS) \[[@R16]\]. The SF-36 has been used in a wide range of studies, and normative data on QoL in the general Swedish population have been published \[[@R17]\]. Surgical Techniques ------------------- All patients underwent CABG and/or AVR surgery according to the clinic's routines. The AVR patients received either biological or mechanical valve prosthesis. The CRT group received three permanent epicardial pacing leads and a CRT device during the procedure. The atrial lead was placed on the right atrial wall, between the sinus node and the appendage. The right ventricular lead was implanted on the inferior wall of the right ventricle and the LV lead on the lateral wall of the left ventricle. All three leads were connected to a CRT device placed subcutaneously below the left clavicle and activated during surgery. We used Medtronic CapSure Epi^®^ unipolar and bipolar epicardial leads (4965 and 4968, respectively). The CRT device was Medtronic InSync III^®^ CRT-P in 21 patients, St Jude Medical Frontier II^®^ CRT-P in three patients and St Jude Medical Atlas^®^ CRT-D in one patient. One patient with a previously implanted dual-chamber pacemaker due to a total atrioventricular block received an epicardial LV lead during surgery and the original pacemaker was replaced with a CRT device. In the last two patients, the transvenous leads St Jude Medical Tendril^®^ 1788T, 1636T, 1688T and Riata^®^ Defibrillation Lead 1571 were used in addition to the epicardial LV lead. Follow-up --------- Technical parameters were supervised during routine visits at pacemaker policlinics. At follow-up, the SF-36 (Swedish standard version) was sent to the CRT group and the comparison group. Non-responders received a reminder after four weeks. Incomplete forms were followed up with a telephone call, when possible. Statistical Analysis -------------------- Statistical analyses were performed with Statistica 8.0 (StatSoft, Inc, Tulsa, OK, USA). Data are presented as mean ± SD, unless otherwise stated. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparison between the groups. P values \<0.05 were considered statistically significant. RESULTS ======= Thirty patients received a CRT system. Twenty-eight patients were alive at the time of follow-up (median 27 months; range 8 to 44). During the same period, 78 patients with reduced LV function (LVEF \<45%) without indication for CRT underwent cardiac surgery; 61 of these patients being alive at follow-up (median 32 months; range 10 to 43). The surviving patients were matched for age, main diagnosis and type of surgical procedure to the surviving patients in the CRT group, resulting in 37 patients appropriate for comparison. Patient flow is described in Fig. (**[1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}**). Baseline patient characteristics are presented in Table **[1](#T1){ref-type="table"}**. The technical parameters of the epicardial leads during the follow-up period were adequate, with median LV lead pacing thresholds 0.5 V at 0.4 ms. At three and six months after implantation, the average ventricular pacing percentage was 97% and 99%, respectively. The response rate to the SF-36 was 89% (25 of 28 patients) in the CRT group and 92% (34 of 37) in the comparison group. Two of the thirty CRT patients (6.7%) had died at follow-up compared to 17 of 78 (22%) patients with depressed LV function but without CRT, see Fig. (**[1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}**). There were no early deaths (≤ 30 days after surgery) among the CRT patients and ten early deaths in the comparison group (*p*=0.04). Quality of life --------------- The eight subscales of the SF-36 indicated similar levels of QoL after surgery in the CRT group and the comparison group (Table **[2](#T2){ref-type="table"}**). With the scores summarized into the two main dimensions of health the CRT group showed a similar Physical Health Score but a higher Mental Health Score (Table **[2](#T2){ref-type="table"}**). Within the CRT group, no difference in QoL could be detected between patients with typical left bundle branch block (n=10; PCS 46±11; MCS 51±11) and patients with other indications for CRT (n=15; PCS 41±9; MCS 49±12), PCS *p*=0.2; MCS *p*=0.6. Compared to the general Swedish population the CRT group scored lower in the summarized Physical Health Score, as well as some of the SF-36 subscales considered as predominantly physical (Table **[2](#T2){ref-type="table"}**). The summarized Mental Health Score and scores in the majority of the SF-36 subscales associated with mental health did not differ between the CRT group and the general Swedish population. DISCUSSION ========== The main finding of this study was that in HF patients with ventricular dyssynchrony undergoing CABG and/or AVR surgery, concomitant CRT did not result in a higher estimated QoL compared to patients with reduced LV function not eligible for CRT. In contrast, a limited number of other studies have shown a beneficial effect of CRT and epicardial leads placed in association to cardiac surgery. In a small study on CRT with epicardial leads during CABG in patients with HF \[[@R12]\], a better estimated QoL was seen in patients with active CRT. Similarly, CRT improved QoL and LV systolic function after CABG in HF patients with ventricular dyssynchrony \[[@R13]\]. Our CRT group included a higher percentage of patients initially in NYHA-class IIIB (80%) compared to the comparison group (35 %). It would therefore be reasonable to expect a lower resulting QoL score in the CRT group. We did not detect any adverse effect of CRT on QoL. The implantation and subsequent follow-up of the CRT device were well tolerated and did not significantly affect the scores reflecting the mental and physical well-being of the patients. The difference in the initial condition might have been opposed by a hidden beneficial effect of CRT. Interestingly, the mortality in the CRT group was lower after surgery than in the matched comparison group. For early deaths this difference was significant. CRT concomitant with CABG has previously been associated with low mortality 18 months after surgery \[[@R13]\]. The beneficial effect of CRT may thus be most apparent early in the postoperative period and loose significance later in the course, as reflected in our QoL measurements more than two years after surgery. The estimated statistical power to detect a difference in mean PCS (or MCS) of 7 units is 76% in a reasonable model of present setting (mean PCS values 43 and 50, SD 10, current sample sizes, two-tailed test, probability of alpha error 5%). Such an additional effect of CRT on QoL after the operation is therefore improbable. The statistical power to detect a difference of 4 units (mean PCS 43 and 47) decreases to 33%. An effect of this smaller magnitude may thus be present, but undetected. The summarized Mental Health Score was significantly higher in the CRT group and in range with the general Swedish population, assessed nearly four years after surgery. None of the four subscales concerned with mental health, however, differed. The reason is unclear for a higher reported Mental Health Score in the CRT group. A placebo effect might be a possible explanation. As described by Mandeep *et al*, CRT can exert a substantial placebo effect with improved QoL parameters \[[@R18]\]. Implantation of a permanent CRT system during cardiac surgery is a relatively small additional procedure. We did not detect any negative influence on QoL from CRT. Other authors have reported positive findings \[[@R12],[@R13]\] and CRT may have a role in the treatment in selected patients with HF and ventricular dyssynchrony undergoing CABG and/or AVR surgery. Limitations ----------- This was a nonrandomized retrospective study on a relatively small population and the limited number of patients suitable for comparison restricted the matching process. The comparison group did not fulfill the CRT criteria, although the LV function was depressed to a similar degree. This may have affected the comparison results. No baseline data for QoL was available and individual patient differences in QoL were not possible to assess. CONCLUSION ========== Concomitant CRT for HF patients with ventricular dyssynchrony undergoing CABG and/or AVR did not result in a higher estimated QoL compared to HF patients without CRT. Further studies are needed to draw conclusions about the possible long-term benefits of CRT in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Declared none. CONFLICT OF INTEREST ==================== The authors confirm that this article content has no conflicts of interest. ![Patient flow.](TOCMJ-8-18_F1){#F1} ###### Characteristics and Surgical Data of Responder to SF-36 Variable CRT Group Comparison Group *p* -------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ --------- Age (y), median (range) 72 (55-86) 70 (46-86) 0.20 Male sex 22 (88) 29 (85) \>0.3 Hypertension 19 (79) 26 (76) \>0.3 Diabetes 2 (8.3) 10 (29) 0.03 Ischemic heart disease 13 (54) 23 (68) 0.23 S-Creatinine, median (range) 100 (57-165) 97 (60-133) \>0.3 Nt-proBNP, median (range) 2407 (572-27549) 1483 (99-16923) 0.12 History of atrial fibrillation 8 (33) 4 (8.8) 0.06 LBBB 10 (40) 1 (2.9) \<0.001 QRS width (ms), median (range) 138 (94-200) 107 (82-178) \<0.001 LVEF     0.24 Reduced (31-45%) 1 (4.2) 5 (15)   Severely reduced (15-30%) 22 (88) 27 (79)   Poor (\<15%) 2 (8.3) 2 (5.9)   NYHA class     \<0.001 I-II 0 (0) 6 (18)   IIIA 5 (20) 16 (47)   IIIB 20 (80) 12 (35)   Procedure     0.11 CABG 8 (32) 18 (53)   AVR ± CABG 17 (68) 16 (47)   Data shown as numbers (percentages within group) unless otherwise stated. AVR = aortic valve replacement; CABG = coronary artery bypass grafting; CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy; LBBB = left bundle branch block; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; NYHA class = New York Heart Association functional classification. ###### Quality of Life After Cardiac Surgery with and Without Concomitant CRT, and in a Sample of the General Swedish Population SF-36 Variable CRT Group (n=25) Comparison Group (n=34) *p^a^* Swedish Population *p^b^* ---------------------------- ------------------ ------------------------- -------- -------------------- --------- Physical functioning 65.9 ± 21.8 69.1 ± 26.3 \>0.3 87.9 ± 19.6 \<0.001 Role limitation, physical 49.0 ± 46.5 53.7 ± 43.6 \>0.3 83.2 ±31.8 \<0.001 Bodily pain 80.2 ± 21.6 79.8 ± 27.9 \>0.3 74.8 ± 26.1 0.3 General health 71.0 ± 17.7 65.3 ± 22.3 \>0.3 75.8 ± 22.2 0.3 Vitality 69.0 ± 19.4 58.7 ± 25.7 0.1 68.8 ± 22.8 \>0.3 Social functioning 89.1 ± 18.2 76.5 ± 27.8 0.1 88.6 ± 20.3 \>0.3 Role limitation, emotional 54.7 ± 47.0 53.5 ± 44.8 \>0.3 85.7 ± 29.2 \<0.001 Mental health 83.5 ±17.2 73.4 ± 21.7 0.1 80.9 ±18.9 \>0.3 Physical health score 42.9 ± 9.9 45.7 ± 11.3 0.3 50.0 ± 9.7 \<0.001 Mental health score 50.0 ± 11.5 43.5 ± 12.2 0.04 50.0 ± 10.3 \>0.3 Data shown as mean (±SD). ^a^SF-36 scores in the CRT group vs the comparison group. ^b^SF-36 scores in the CRT group vs the general Swedish population (n=8004; 15-80 years; 48% male). CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy.
Introduction ============ Melanoma results from malignant transformation of melanocytes. The incidence of malignant melanoma has steadily increased over the last several decades.[@b1-cpaa-5-011] In the US, an estimated 76,250 cases of melanoma will be diagnosed in 2012, and 9180 patients will die of this cancer during the same period.[@b2-cpaa-5-011] Fortunately, a majority of patients whose malignant melanoma is diagnosed early are cured with surgical intervention alone, and the 5-year survival rate for cutaneous melanoma is approximately 93%.[@b2-cpaa-5-011] However, in a small subset of patients in whom melanoma cells escape the surgical excision and metastasize, a cure is very difficult due to the chemoresistant and radioresistant nature of melanoma cells. Patients who develop distant metastatic melanoma have a very poor prognosis, and the 5-year survival rate for patients with nonpulmonary visceral organ metastasis is approximately 10%.[@b3-cpaa-5-011] For patients whose melanoma lesion is not surgically resectable, systemic therapy is the treatment of choice. Despite tremendous effort over decades to improve systemic treatment, the clinical efficacy of the current systemic therapy for metastatic melanoma is dismal, and the poor prognosis for this disease is linked directly to this lack of effective treatment. Dacarbazine is the only cytotoxic chemotherapy agent approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of advanced melanoma. Its analog temozolomide has also been used widely for this disease; however, the response rates of these agents are less than 15%.[@b4-cpaa-5-011] Clinical trials of combination chemotherapy failed to show significant overall survival advantage over dacarbazine alone.[@b4-cpaa-5-011] Because melanoma is an immunogenic tumor, immunotherapy has been considered a promising approach since the 1980s. High-dose interleukin-2 was approved by the FDA for its ability to induce durable clinical responses in advanced melanoma.[@b5-cpaa-5-011],[@b6-cpaa-5-011] However, less than 10% of patients who receive this intensive treatment experience meaningful durable clinical benefit.[@b6-cpaa-5-011] Recently, ipilimumab, an anticytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 antibody, has received approval from the FDA and from the regulatory agency in Europe as a treatment for advanced melanoma on the basis of its survival advantage over the comparison treatment, the glycoprotein-100 peptide vaccine, in a second-line setting.[@b7-cpaa-5-011] Although a subset of the patients in that trial had a durable response lasting at least 2 years, the median overall survival of patients receiving ipilimumab with or without glycoprotein-100 peptide vaccine was only 10 months, and a majority of the patients ultimately died of the disease.[@b7-cpaa-5-011] Over the last 10 years, accumulating knowledge of the molecular signaling pathways in melanoma has led to the development of targeted therapy for the disease. About 50%--60% of melanomas harbor a *BRAF* mutation, and about 80%--90% of *BRAF*-mutant melanomas have a single substitution mutation with glutamic acid replacing valine at the codon 600 position (V600E) in exon 15. This mutation activates the downstream mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK) and extracellular signal-related kinase-1/2 proteins and results in tumor cell proliferation and survival.[@b8-cpaa-5-011] In patients with advanced melanoma harboring this somatic mutation, vemurafenib (PLX4032; RG7204), a BRAF inhibitor, has been proven effective, with a response rate approaching 50% and significant improvement in overall survival over dacarbazine, and was recently approved by the FDA for treatment of advanced melanoma harboring a *BRAF* mutation.[@b9-cpaa-5-011]--[@b11-cpaa-5-011] Despite the initial success, this approach is effective only in patients whose melanoma harbors a *BRAF* mutation, and even among these patients, a majority ultimately experience disease progression, with a median time to progression of approximately 6 months.[@b9-cpaa-5-011] Therefore, new strategies are still required to improve treatment outcomes. This review will discuss arginine deprivation as a possible relevant targeted therapy for metastatic melanoma. Overview of urea cycle and metabolic pathways related to arginine ================================================================= Arginine plays an important role in the production of proteins, nitric oxide, polyamines, nucleotides, proline, and glutamate.[@b12-cpaa-5-011] Arginine is produced from citrulline via the urea cycle in many cells including proximal renal tubule cells.[@b12-cpaa-5-011] The endogenous production of arginine is not sufficient for rapidly proliferating cells such as tumor cells, which require exogenous arginine to support their growth and survival. This dependency, called auxotrophy, may be exploited as an anticancer therapy by depleting exogenous support. It is known, for example, that acute lymphoblastic leukemia is auxotrophic for asparagine, a nonessential amino acid. L-asparaginase, which lowers plasma asparagine level, was proven to be an effective treatment for this leukemia. This example provides evidence for the utility of amino acid deprivation as therapy for cancer.[@b13-cpaa-5-011] In the urea cycle ([Figure 1](#f1-cpaa-5-011){ref-type="fig"}), arginine is synthesized from citrulline through the action of two tightly coupled enzymes, argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS) and argininosuccinate lyase. Arginine can be metabolized to ornithine by the enzyme arginase, and ornithine can be converted to citrulline by ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTC) in the mitochondria. The citrulline can be utilized to synthesize arginine again. Interestingly, many types of cancers, including melanoma, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), prostate cancer, and renal cell carcinoma (RCC), do not express the enzyme ASS, in contrast to most normal cells which do express the enzyme.[@b14-cpaa-5-011] Since ASS is an essential enzyme in the endogenous synthesis of arginine, tumor cells that lack ASS become more dependent on the availability of exogenous arginine. Therefore, ASS-negative tumor cells are particularly sensitive to arginine deprivation therapy. Overview of arginine deprivation therapy ======================================== Arginine can be degraded by three enzymes: arginase, arginine decarboxylase, and arginine deiminase (ADI). These enzymes are potential biologic drugs for arginine deprivation therapy. Arginase is a naturally available human enzyme that is cytotoxic to tumor cells in vitro. However, arginase failed to show antitumor activity in mice with Taper liver cancer,[@b15-cpaa-5-011] likely because of its low affinity for arginine (K~m~ = 6 mmol/L for native enzyme at physiologic pH) and short half-life in the circulation (a few minutes).[@b16-cpaa-5-011] Moreover, many normal tissues do not express OTC,[@b17-cpaa-5-011] which limits the synthesis of citrulline and, subsequently, arginine. Thus, abnormal accumulation of ornithine or loss of arginine in vital normal tissues can cause toxicity.[@b18-cpaa-5-011],[@b19-cpaa-5-011] A recombinant human arginase was developed that showed greater catalytic activity (K~m~ = 2.9 mmol/L) and prolonged in vivo half-life (\~3 days at physiologic pH); this was accomplished by pegylation, linking the arginase covalently to polyethylene glycol (PEG).[@b16-cpaa-5-011] Currently, this agent is being investigated in an ongoing clinical trial for patients with HCC (NCI 01092091). A cobalt-substituted, pegylated recombinant human arginase (Co-ArgI-PEG) with significantly greater catalytic activity and stability is undergoing final testing and will be investigated in a clinical trial for solid tumor patients including melanoma (see below). Arginine decarboxylase converts arginine to agmatine, and therefore it can be applied as a strategy to deprive cells of arginine. However, no known enzyme converts agmatine back to arginine, even in normal cells. Therefore, treatment with exogenous arginine decarboxylase is relatively toxic to normal cells, making this strategy unappealing.[@b18-cpaa-5-011] ADI converts arginine to citrulline and ammonia, the metabolites of the urea cycle ([Figure 1](#f1-cpaa-5-011){ref-type="fig"}).[@b20-cpaa-5-011] In contrast to arginase, ADI has a high affinity for arginine (K~m~ = 0.3 mmol/L),[@b21-cpaa-5-011] and thus can more effectively lower plasma arginine level. However, ADI is not a human enzyme; it is found in other organisms, such as *Mycoplasma* spp. As a foreign protein, ADI from *Mycoplasma* spp. is immunogenic in humans. Introduced to human circulation, it has a short half-life and elicits neutralizing antibodies, but these shortcomings are mostly ameliorated by pegylation. Among various forms of pegylated ADI, ADI bound with PEG (molecular weight 20,000) via succinimidyl succinate (ADI-PEG20) has been found to be the optimal formulation. Pegylation increased the circulatory half-life of ADI from 4 hours to 7 days in mice, and induced only minimal anti-ADI immunoglobulin G.[@b22-cpaa-5-011],[@b23-cpaa-5-011] Preclinical studies of arginine deprivation therapy =================================================== Pegylated ADI ------------- After demonstrating that infection of tumor cell lines with *Mycoplasma* spp. inhibited cell growth, investigators soon discovered that a protein in the infected cell supernatant had direct growth inhibitory activity.[@b21-cpaa-5-011],[@b24-cpaa-5-011] The protein was found to be ADI, and the tumor growth inhibition was dependent on depletion of arginine from the cell growth medium. The pegylated ADI-PEG20 formulation of ADI that was developed to reduce immunogenicity and prolong half-life was shown to retain its growth inhibitory effects in melanoma and HCC cell lines that lack messenger ribonucleic acid for ASS. Melanoma cell lines that had been transfected with human *ASS* complementary DNA became resistant to ADI.[@b22-cpaa-5-011],[@b23-cpaa-5-011] In vivo studies using nude and severe combined immunodeficiency mouse xenograft models for melanoma and HCC demonstrated that ADI-PEG20 inhibited tumor growth and prolonged survival. In mice bearing a \~0.5 cm human melanoma or HCC, injection of 5 IU of ADI-PEG20 once a week for 2 weeks caused tumor regression in 4 weeks, while tumor size increased continuously in mice injected with saline solution (controls). Furthermore, more than 50% of the mice treated with ADI-PEG20 survived at least 24 weeks, while all of the mice treated with saline solution died within 7 weeks.[@b22-cpaa-5-011] In a preclinical model using dogs with melanoma of the oral mucosa, 8 weeks of treatment with ADI-PEG20 yielded clinical benefit in six of ten (two complete responses, three partial responses, one stable disease).[@b25-cpaa-5-011] In cultured melanoma cells, treatment with ADI-PEG20 downregulates expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α but upregulates expression of c-Myc. These results suggest that targeting tumor cell metabolism through modulation of HIF-1α and c-Myc expression may improve the effectiveness of ADI-PEG20 in tumors that are auxotrophic for arginine.[@b26-cpaa-5-011] Pegylated recombinant human arginase (rhArg\[Mn\]-PEG5000) ---------------------------------------------------------- To overcome the short circulatory half-life of arginase, rhArg(Mn)-PEG5000 was developed and investigated with in vivo and in vitro studies in HCC.[@b16-cpaa-5-011] RhArg(Mn)-PEG5000 was effective in inhibiting growth of HCC cell lines as well as melanoma cell lines, with median inhibitory concentrations (IC~50~) ranging from 0.1--2 IU/mL. OTC-negative cancer cell lines were more sensitive to rhArg(Mn)-PEG5000, while OTC-transfected cell lines were resistant. Since some OTC-negative cell lines that were sensitive to rhArg(Mn)-PEG5000 had ASS expression, this arginase may be an alternative for the cancer patient with an ASS-expressing tumor. This agent was tested in nude mice bearing OTC-deficient human HCC xenografts. Mice were treated once a week for 2 months with 250 IU of rhArg(Mn)-PEG5000 or saline solution. In contrast to the control group, which showed progressive tumor growth, the treatment group showed tumor-retarding activity. In experiments in which human melanomas and mouse melanomas were implanted into mice and treated twice weekly with low (200 IU) or high (400 IU) doses of rhArg(Mn)-PEG5000 or with saline solution (controls), the tumor growth of animals treated with rhArg(Mn)-PEG5000 was suppressed \>50% relative to that of controls.[@b27-cpaa-5-011] Cobalt-substituted human arginase --------------------------------- To improve catalytic activity of arginase, cobalt (Co^2+^) was substituted for manganese (Mn^2+^) in recombinant human arginase I (rhArgI\[Co\]). This enzyme showed ten-fold higher catalytic activity (k~cat~/K~m~) than rhArg(Mn), and the logarithmic measure of the acid dissociation constant (pK~a~) shifted from 8.5 to 7.5. In vitro cytotoxic studies in multiple cell lines showed IC~50~ values for rhArgI(Co)-PEG5000 that were 12--15-fold lower than those of rhArgI(Mn).[@b28-cpaa-5-011] In in vivo studies, this chemically engineered arginase was pegylated (rhArgI-\[Co\]-PEG5000) and injected once or twice a week at a dose of 8--10 mg/kg in normal mice and mice bearing a human HepG2 (HCC) or Panc-1 (pancreatic cancer) tumor xenograft.[@b29-cpaa-5-011] Treatment of normal mice with doses exceeding 10 mg/kg weekly led to inappetance, dehydration, marrow necrosis, and death. Weekly injection of 8 mg/kg induced regression in tumor xenografts, with tumor cells expressing activated caspase-3.[@b29-cpaa-5-011] However, rhArgI-(Co)-PEG5000 also causes cytotoxicity in normal cells which do not express OTC and thus cannot synthesize citrulline. Recently, supplementation of L-citrulline (0.052--38 mmol/L) was shown to rescue normal cells from the cytotoxic effect of rhArgI-(Co)-PEG5000 in vitro,[@b17-cpaa-5-011] suggesting that this strategy can possibly improve the therapeutic index of rhArgI-(Co)-PEG5000 treatment. Overcoming resistance to arginine deprivation therapy ----------------------------------------------------- In addition to the efforts to improve enzymatic properties of arginine depriving enzymes, some studies have focused on methods to overcome resistance to arginine deprivation therapy. There are at least two mechanisms by which ASS-deficient cells develop resistance to arginine deprivation.[@b18-cpaa-5-011] The first entails tumor cell autophagy to generate excess intracellular arginine. In the stress environment, cells can suffer apoptosis or can evade apoptosis for certain periods with autophagy -- the degradation of intracellular components through lysosomal machinery. After prolonged arginine deprivation, tumors have a tendency to undergo autophagy rather than apoptosis. Therefore, agents that inhibit autophagy can be combined with arginine deprivation to potentially increase antitumor activity in melanoma. The second mechanism is upregulation of the ASS enzyme to facilitate arginine synthesis in tumor cells and reverse arginine auxotrophy. It has been shown that the ASS-deficient melanomas of two patients who were treated with ADI-PEG20 had upregulation of ASS protein and *ASS* messenger ribonucleic acid at the time of disease progression.[@b30-cpaa-5-011],[@b31-cpaa-5-011] One approach to counter the resistance is to combine agents with different mechanisms of action to induce a higher degree of tumor apoptosis and thus delay the development of resistance. Another potential strategy is to inhibit ASS expression by using a pharmacological approach.[@b32-cpaa-5-011] In an attempt to combine arginine deprivation therapy with cytotoxic drugs, the antitumor activity of the combination of ADI-PEG20 (0.05 μg/mL) and cisplatin (0.1 μg/mL) was investigated in melanoma cell lines.[@b33-cpaa-5-011] Growth inhibition was synergistic with the combination in comparison to ADI-PEG20 or cisplatin alone. Arginine deprivation was shown recently to induce activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. In experimental arginine deprivation treatment in the Mel1220 cell line, upregulation of phosphorylated MEK and extracellular signal-related kinase-1/2 proteins, but no significant changes in BRAF kinase, was observed following treatment with ADI-PEG20.[@b18-cpaa-5-011] When a MEK inhibitor (U0126) was combined with ADI-PEG20 treatment, both growth inhibition and apoptosis were increased.[@b18-cpaa-5-011] The combination treatment inhibited growth by 80%, while ADI-PEG20 alone and U0126 alone inhibited growth by 15% and 25%, respectively. These findings suggest that melanoma cells may depend on the mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway to survive upon arginine deprivation, and addition of a MEK inhibitor to arginine deprivation therapy may inhibit or delay the resistance. Combination of ADI-PEG20 with an apoptosis-inducing agent, tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), might also be useful. ADI-PEG20 induces expression of death receptor-4/5, a cell surface receptor for TRAIL, and has an additive effect with the antitumor activity of TRAIL. When the combination of ADI-PEG20 (0.1 μg/mL) and recombinant TRAIL (100 ng/mL) was tested in melanoma cell lines (SK-Mel-2, A375, Mel-1220, A2058), ADI-PEG20 alone inhibited growth by 50%--75%, and TRAIL alone by 15%--25%. In comparison, the combination inhibited growth by \>80%. In addition, while ADI-PEG20 or TRAIL alone results in 0%--25% cell death, the combination of these two agents increased cell death to 70%.[@b34-cpaa-5-011] Coadministration of ADI-PEG20 with canavanine, an arginine analog of plant origin, accelerated apoptosis induced by arginine deprivation.[@b35-cpaa-5-011] The IC~50~ of canavanine in arginine-rich culture medium was 3--10 mmol/L, and the IC~50~ in arginine-free culture medium was 0.03--0.07 mmol/L. It was proposed that canavanine is incorporated into protein synthesis in place of arginine in arginine-deprived conditions, resulting in the synthesis of nonfunctional proteins and causing cell death. Interestingly, canavanine also sensitizes human tumor cells to irradiation in arginine-depleted condition.[@b36-cpaa-5-011] Low-dose canavanine has a prominent synergistic effect on arginine deprivation-induced radiosensitization. These findings suggest that a new approach combining antimetabolic therapy and chemoradiation may be a promising therapeutic strategy. Arginine deprivation therapy in other cancers --------------------------------------------- Arginine deprivation has been shown to be a promising treatment option not only for melanoma and HCC, but also for other arginine auxotrophic cancers, including malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM),[@b37-cpaa-5-011] RCC,[@b38-cpaa-5-011] prostate cancer,[@b39-cpaa-5-011] human T-lymphoblastic leukemia,[@b40-cpaa-5-011] and osteosarcoma.[@b41-cpaa-5-011] Fifty-two (63%) of 82 MPM tissues from patients showed reduced or absent ASS protein expression. ASS-negative MPM cell lines failed to grow in arginine-depleted culture medium, while the same cell lines grew in arginine-containing culture medium; ASS-positive cell lines grew in either medium.[@b37-cpaa-5-011] Tumor samples from 98 patients with RCC were examined by immunohistochemistry and were found to be devoid of ASS expression. The growth of an RCC cell line (RenCa) was inhibited by ADI (0.005 IU/mL for 72 hours) to 20%--40% that of controls. When RCC-bearing mice were treated with ADI (1--5 IU/day), the tumors showed dose-dependent regression in size and weight. Furthermore, all treated mice survived for more than 90 days after tumor implantation, while all control mice died between 40--72 days after tumor implantation.[@b38-cpaa-5-011] Immunohistochemical analysis of 88 human prostate tumor specimens and 59 normal prostate tissues showed that none of tumor tissues expressed ASS, while 27% of normal tissue samples expressed some degree of ASS. Apoptosis was induced in ASS-negative prostate carcinoma cell lines (LNCaP and PC3) by 0.3 μg/mL ADI-PEG20. In a mouse xenograft model of human prostate cancer, mice were treated with weekly injection of ADI-PEG20 (5 IU) or a combination of ADI-PEG20 and docetaxel (10 mg/kg). Tumor volumes from the treated group were approximately seven times smaller than those from the control group, and a synergistic effect with the docetaxel was observed.[@b39-cpaa-5-011] Pulmonary metastasis is the most significant prognostic determinant for osteosarcoma. Global gene expressions of 19 patients who received surgical resection with neoadjuvant chemotherapy were analyzed. Absence of ASS expression was shown to be a predictive marker for development of pulmonary metastasis.[@b41-cpaa-5-011] However, ASS-negative osteosarcoma cells were auxotrophic for arginine, and cell cycle arrest occurred in arginine-depleting conditions, as in other ASS-negative cancer cells.[@b41-cpaa-5-011] Therefore, absence of ASS expression may be a potential target for arginine deprivation therapy in patients with osteosarcoma. Clinical trials of arginine deprivation therapy ([Table 1](#t1-cpaa-5-011){ref-type="table"}) ============================================================================================= The first case of a patient treated with ADI-PEG20 was presented in 2003.[@b42-cpaa-5-011] The patient, who had idiopathic cirrhosis and unresectable HCC, was treated with escalating doses of ADI-PEG20. At a dose of 160 IU/m^2^, the serum α-fetoprotein level was decreased and the tumor was reduced in size to allow surgical treatment, while the patient suffered no significant adverse events. This report led to a Phase I/II trial (n = 19) of ADI-PEG20 in patients with nonresectable HCC.[@b43-cpaa-5-011] The optimum biological dose of ADI-PEG20 injected intramuscularly was 160 IU/m^2^, which lowered the plasma arginine concentration to an undetectable level (\<2 μmol/L) for more than 7 days. The response rate was 47% (two complete responses and seven partial responses), and the rate of stable disease was 37% among 19 enrolled patients. The median survival was 410 days, and no significant toxicity was observed. There was no grade 4 toxicity and the only grade 3 adverse events were the elevated serum lipase and amylase level in one patient each. In a two-cohort, dose-escalation Phase I/II study of ADI-PEG20 in patients with metastatic melanoma, the optimum biological dose to reduce the blood arginine level to a nondetectable level (\<2 mmol/L) for at least 7 days was determined to be 160 IU/m^2^/week.[@b44-cpaa-5-011] There were no grade 3--4 toxic effects directly attributable to the drug. Among six patients treated with 640 IU/m^2^ of ADI-PEG20 via intramuscular injection once a week, no significant toxic effects were noted except grade 1 injection site pain. Other common adverse events were the elevated serum amylase, lipase, and transaminases, and hypotension, which were all grade 1--2. The maximum tolerated dose was not reached at 640 IU/m^2^/week. Six (25%) of 24 patients showed a response to treatment (five partial responses and one complete response), and an additional six patients (25%) had stable disease of at least 3 months duration. All these patients received ADI-PEG20 at a dose of 160 IU/m^2^ or higher. The median overall survival duration was 15 months in these patients with stage IV disease. None of the plasma samples from any of the 39 patients showed measurable enzyme-neutralizing activity. In another Phase II study of ADI-PEG20 in patients with melanoma,[@b30-cpaa-5-011] 36 patients were treated weekly with ADI-PEG20 at 160--320 IU/m^2^ intramuscularly. Ten (28%) of the patients had a clinical benefit (partial response, minor response, or stable disease). Including mixed response, 14 (39%) of 36 patients showed antitumor effects. Twenty patients whose disease showed no response to 160 IU/m^2^/week were treated with 320 IU/m^2^/week, and four of them had a response. This result suggests that 320 IU/m^2^/week is the appropriate dosage for future trials. This dose was well tolerated, but further dose escalation is limited by the large volume of intramuscular injection of ADI-PEG20. Pretreatment tumor samples from 26 patients were analyzed for ASS expression. Interestingly, among the 16 patients whose tumors did not express ASS, three (29%) had a clinical response and eight (50%) had some clinical benefit (clinical response or stable disease). In contrast, only one of ten patients whose tumor expressed ASS had clinical benefit (*P* = 0.01). This finding suggests that ASS expression status, which can be determined either by immunohistochemical staining or reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis for messenger ribonucleic acid expression may be a useful predictive marker for ADI-PEG20 treatment efficacy.[@b14-cpaa-5-011],[@b30-cpaa-5-011] It must be noted that no grade 3--4 toxic effects could be directly attributed to ADI-PEG20 in melanoma patients.[@b30-cpaa-5-011],[@b44-cpaa-5-011] Therefore, this drug is likely be combined safely with other treatment modalities, such as chemotherapeutic or immunotherapeutic drugs. ADI-PEG20 treatment also resulted in a dose-dependent decrease of the plasma level of nitric oxide,[@b44-cpaa-5-011] which is biosynthesized by inducible nitric oxide synthase and exerts growth-promoting and proangiogenic effects in tumors, including melanoma.[@b45-cpaa-5-011]--[@b47-cpaa-5-011] This finding suggests that one of the mechanisms of action of ADI-PEG20, and possibly other arginine deprivation therapies, is inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis. ADI-PEG20 is being tested in a clinical trial setting in other cancer types. After the first Phase I/II trial of ADI-PEG20 in patients with unresectable HCC, two parallel Phase II studies were conducted. In one trial, 80 patients who had unresectable metastatic HCC were treated with 80 IU/m^2^ or 160 IU/m^2^ of ADI-PEG20 weekly for up to 6 months.[@b48-cpaa-5-011] This trial yielded an objective response rate of 2.6% and a disease control rate (which included complete and partial responses and stable disease) of 65%. The median overall survival was 11.4 months. Two patients (2.6%) were withdrawn from the study because of immunogenic-related adverse events. Most toxic effects were grade 1--2 (with some grade 3), and there were no deaths attributed to ADI-PEG20. The common side effects were skin irritation or discomfort at the site of injection, fever, anemia, abnormal serum sodium and potassium levels, and decreased fibrinogen. Although there was grade 1--2 transient and reversible encephalopathy, it was not clear if the encephalopathy was related to the drug or the preexisting hepatic dysfunction. After approximately 60 days of treatment, the antibody titer of ADI-PEG20 was steadily increased, and serum arginine levels returned to baseline level.[@b48-cpaa-5-011] In the other Phase II study, 71 Asian patients with advanced HCC received weekly intramuscular injection of ADI-PEG20 at doses of 160 IU/m^2^ or 320 IU/m^2^.[@b49-cpaa-5-011] There were no complete or partial responses. The disease control rate was 31%, and the median overall survival was 7.3 months. The major treatment-related adverse events were grade 1--2 local and/or allergic reactions, hyperuricemia, pruritus, fatigue, hyperammonemia, fever, and diarrhea.[@b49-cpaa-5-011] A randomized double-blind Phase III trial of ADI-PEG20 in patients with advanced HCC is now underway (NCT 01287585). Phase II studies are ongoing in patients with ASS-negative MPM (NCT 01279967) and in patients with relapsed small-cell lung cancer (NCT 01266018). Results of a Phase I study of recombinant human arginase I (rhArgI\[Mn\]-PEG5000) in 15 patients with advanced HCC were recently reported.[@b50-cpaa-5-011] Weekly doses of rhArgI(Mn)-PEG5000 ranged from 500--3500 IU/kg, and the maximum tolerated dose was determined to be 1600 IU/kg. The most common adverse effect was diarrhea (14%), and the dose-limiting toxic effect was grade 3 prolonged elevation of serum bilirubin in two patients who received doses of 2500 IU/kg. Among eight patients who were evaluated for tumor response, four (50%) had stable disease for more than 8 weeks. The median time to progression was 2.8 months, and the median overall survival was 5.1 months. Co-ArgI-PEG has been produced under good manufacturing practice for a Phase I clinical study in advanced cancer (including melanoma) patients in the fall of 2012 (Frankel, unpublished data, 2012). Conclusion ========== Despite recent advances in melanoma therapy, a majority of patients with this disease will ultimately die of it, and a new approach to systemic therapy is urgently needed. Because melanoma cells with a low level of ASS enzyme become dependent on exogenous arginine for their proliferation and survival, arginine deprivation therapy appears to be a promising novel approach to melanoma therapy without significant toxicity to normal organs. There are several advantages of the arginine deprivation therapy in comparison to the conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy. As the clinical benefit of arginine deprivation therapy is likely dependent on the level of ASS enzyme, it is possible to select appropriate patients who are likely to respond to the therapy by analyzing the tumoral expression level of ASS. In addition, the investigation of a number of the arginine deprivation therapy drugs have shown a favorable safety profile, with less life-threatening adverse events, such as severe myelosuppression. However, there are disadvantages and challenges of this therapeutic approach. The arginine deprivation therapy is not likely to be useful in patients with melanomas with a high ASS expression level, limiting the potential candidates for this therapy. Furthermore, the arginine deprivation therapy to date has yet to show the high response rate with durable tumor control in patients with melanoma. Currently, newer generation drugs are being tested clinically, and some of the newer drugs, such as ADI-PEG20, have shown promising clinical activity in early-phase clinical studies. It is the authors' hope that these drugs significantly improve the clinical benefit in patients in the near future. It is also possible that the arginine deprivation therapy potentiates the clinical efficacy of cytotoxic agents or targeted therapy drugs, as shown in the preclinical studies. Because of its good tolerability as a single agent, it will be easier to combine arginine deprivation therapy with other drugs. Successful clinical investigation of arginine deprivation therapy will require selection of patients with the relevant biomarker (ie, lack of ASS expression in the tumor lesions), combination of arginine depriving agents with other additive or synergistic agents, and development of more potent drugs with more favorable pharmacokinetic profiles. The authors thank Ms Kathryn Hale for her editorial assistance. **Disclosure** The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work. ![The urea cycle.](cpaa-5-011f1){#f1-cpaa-5-011} ###### Clinical trials of arginine deprivation therapy in cancer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agents Cancer types Phase Clinical efficacy Common toxicity Reference -------------------- -------------- ------- ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- ADI-PEG20 MM I/II OR: 6/24 (25%)\ Injection site pain, elevated serum amylase, lipase, and transaminases, hypotension [@b44-cpaa-5-011] SD: 6/24 (25%) MM II OR + SD: 10/36 (28%) Discomfort at injection site [@b30-cpaa-5-011] HCC I/II OR: 9/19 (47%)\ Elevated serum lipase, amylase, bilirubin, creatinine, uric acid [@b43-cpaa-5-011] SD: 7/19 (37%) HCC II OR: 2/76 (3%)\ Injection site discomfort, fever, anemia, abnormal serum sodium and potassium levels, decreased fibrinogen [@b48-cpaa-5-011] SD: 50/76 (61%) HCC II OR: 0/71 (0%)\ Local and/or allergic reactions, hyperuricemia, pruritus, fatigue, hyperammonemia, fever, diarrhea [@b49-cpaa-5-011] SD: 22/71 (31%) HCC III Ongoing -- NCT01287585 ASS(−) MPM II Ongoing -- NCT01279967 SCLC II Ongoing -- NCT01266018 rhArgI(Mn)-PEG5000 HCC I SD: 4/8 (50%) Diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, liver dysfunction, serum bilirubin elevation [@b50-cpaa-5-011] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Abbreviations:** ASS, argininosuccinate synthetase; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; MM, metastatic melanoma; MPM, malignant pleural mesothelioma; OR, overall response (complete + partial response); SCLC, small cell lung carcinoma; SD, stable disease.
Introduction ============ Complement is a central innate defense system that promotes the inflammatory response and destroys microbes. In addition, complement is also involved in the instruction of the adaptive immune response and the clearance of dead cells and misfolded proteins \[[@B1],[@B2]\]. Complement consists of plasma- and membrane-associated proteins and can be activated through the classical, the lectin and the alternative pathways \[[@B3]\]. Complement is an aggressive, self-amplifying cascade that needs to be tightly regulated by both soluble and membrane-bound inhibitors to prevent damage of host tissues. The soluble inhibitor C4b-binding protein (C4BP) has a central role in regulating the classical and the lectin pathways \[[@B4]\], while Factor H (FH) and its splice variant FH-like protein 1 (FHL-1) corresponding to complement control protein (CCP) domains 1-7 of FH are the most important soluble inhibitors of the alternative pathway \[[@B5]\]. Factor I (FI) is a serine protease that inhibits all complement pathways but works only in the presence of its specific cofactors, such as FH and C4BP \[[@B6],[@B7]\]. Defective activation of complement as well as insufficient inhibition are associated with pathological processes in a number of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases \[[@B8]\] including rheumatoid arthritis (RA) \[[@B9]\], systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) \[[@B10]-[@B12]\], anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS) \[[@B13]\] and atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) \[[@B14]\]. In addition to genetic variants, autoantibodies also have been reported to have an impact on the function of complement factors and on diseases \[[@B15]\]. It is now well established that the presence of autoantibodies against complement FH is associated with aHUS \[[@B16]-[@B20]\] and it was also reported that the deletion of complement FH-related proteins 1 and 3 (CFHR1/CFHR3) in aHUS patients are associated with the disease \[[@B21],[@B22]\]. This autoimmune subtype of aHUS with unique characteristics was recently termed DEAP-HUS (the Deficiency of CFHR plasma proteins and Autoantibody Positive form of HUS) \[[@B23]\]. Interestingly most of the FH-autoantibodies in aHUS are directed against the C-terminal recognition region of FH \[[@B17]\]. In this study we have examined the frequency of FH-autoantibodies in groups of patients with different diseases, such as RA, SLE and thrombosis patients positive for lupus anticoagulants (LA+) test and compared these with an aHUS cohort. We have also investigated if the presence of those antibodies is associated with deficiency of CFHR1 and which regions of FH interact with autoantibodies. Materials and methods ===================== Patients and controls --------------------- Plasma samples from consecutive unselected patients with RA (*n*= 314) were collected in three centers: at the Department of Rheumatology, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden (*n*= 30); the Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, Gothenburg, Sweden (*n*= 67) and at the Department of Rheumatology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands (*n*= 217). The RA samples from Sweden (Lund and Gothenburg) were analyzed as one cohort. All patients fulfilled the American College of Rheumatology criteria for RA \[[@B24]\]. Four of the FH-autoantibody positive patients from the Lund cohort were then chosen and the FH-autoantibodies were measured in several samples collected from these four patients, mainly after the first positive, analyzed sample. Plasma samples from patients with SLE were collected at the Department of Rheumatology, Lund University Hospital, Sweden. From each patient (*n*= 30) two samples were available, selected from time points with lower (median = 12, range = 12) and higher disease activity (median = 32, range = 28) as measured by SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI). All SLE patients fulfilled four or more American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for SLE \[[@B25],[@B26]\]. Plasma samples from thrombosis patients positive for lupus anticoagulants (LA; screen test) using dilute Russels Viper Venom \[[@B27]\] (dRVVT) (Siemens; Marburg, Germany) and thus with highly likely diagnosis of APS (*n*= 64) were collected at the Department of Clinical Chemistry, Skåne University Hospital Malmö, Sweden. Since the LA test was performed only on one occasion before the samples were de-identified, these patients do not fulfill Sydney criteria for APS diagnosis \[[@B28]\]. aHUS patients (*n*= 103) from the Jena registry \[[@B22]\] were recruited based on the initial clinical diagnosis aHUS. Controls used were collected from unrelated healthy volunteers from Germany (*n*= 20) and The Netherlands (*n*= 161) and matched in average age and sex. The total number of 173 Swedish controls was divided into groups exactly matching in age and sex to each disease group (SLE, RA, LA+) for the analysis of FH autoantibodies. These controls were matched in average age and sex for the analysis of FI and C4BP autoantibodies. The study was approved by the regional ethics committees of Jena, Lund, Leiden and Gothenburg Universities and all participants have given informed consent. Determination of FH-, FI- and C4BP-autoantibodies levels and identification of autoantibody positive patients ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plasma samples from patients with RA, SLE, LA+, aHUS and controls were screened for the presence of FH-, FI- and C4BP-autoantibodies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Microtiter plates (Maxisorp; Nunc, Roskilde, Denmark) were coated overnight with purified FH, FI and C4BP diluted to 1 μg/ml in 75 mM sodium-carbonate buffer, pH 9.6. FH was purified from plasma \[[@B29]\] and passed through protein A-Sepharose HiTRAP, (GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden) to remove any contaminating human immunoglobulins. C4BP and FI were expressed recombinantly in human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK 293) cells and purified by affinity chromatography as described \[[@B30],[@B31]\]. The plates were blocked with PBS/1% BSA for 1 h at 37°C after which plasma samples diluted 1:50 times in PBS/1% BSA/Tween 0.05% were added to the plates. After 1 h incubation at 37°C the plates were washed four times with washing buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM CaCl~2~and 0.1% Tween 20; pH 8.0). FH-, FI- and C4BP-autoantibodies were detected with rabbit anti-human IgG Abs (DakoCytomation, Glostrup, Denmark) followed by swine anti-rabbit Abs conjugated with horseradish peroxidise (HRP) (DakoCytomation). The plates were developed with *o*-phenylenediamine (OPD) substrate (DakoCytomation) and the absorbance was measured at 490 nm (Varian 50 MPR Microplate Reader). Concentrations of FH-, FI- and C4BP-autoantibodies were calculated relative to a standard set at 100 AU/mL. Polyclonal goat antibodies against human FH (Quidel, San Diego, CA, USA) and rabbit antibodies against human FI (PK9205, generated in house) and human C4BP (PK9008, generated in house) were used as standards at two-fold dilution series starting from 1:8,000, 1:200 and 1:2,000, respectively. The samples with levels above the mean plus two standard deviations (SD) of those in the matched control group were considered positive and are indicated by dotted lines in each panel of Figure [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}. The cut-offs were calculated separately for each country control group and for each control group matched to a Swedish disease group. The cut-offs for FH-autoantibodies were \>98.7 AU/mL (RA, Sweden), \>90.5 (SLE Sweden), \>102.3 (LA+, Sweden), \>113.2 AU/mL (RA, The Netherlands) and \>89.2 AU/mL (aHUS, Germany). The cut-offs for FI-autoantibodies and C4BP-autoantibodies were \>203.6 AU/mL and \>407.2 AU/mL, respectively, based on the Swedish control group consisting of 39 healthy individuals. ![**Identification of FH, FI and C4BP autoantibody positive patients**. Plasma samples of LA+, SLE, RA, aHUS patients and healthy controls were analyzed for binding of IgG autoantibodies on immobilized purified FH (**A-D**), recombinant FI (**E**) or recombinant C4BP (**F**) using ELISA. FH-autoantibody titers for individual SLE patients characterized by presence of FH-autoantibodies divided according to SLEDAI score indicating low and high disease activity for the same patients are shown in Figure 1D. Values obtained for the same patient are connected by lines. The samples with levels above the mean plus 2 SD of those in the matched control group were considered positive. The dotted lines represent cut-offs calculated separately for each control group. Statistical significance of differences between autoantibody titers in diseases groups compared with controls was calculated using a Kruskal-Wallis test or Mann-Whitney test. *P*-values lower than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. \*\* *P*\< 0.01; \*\*\* *P*\< 0.001, ns not significant.](ar4016-1){#F1} To analyze the specificity of the assay, 8 μg/well of purified FH, FI, C4BP were added to several plasma samples with high autoantibody titers diluted 1:50. The samples were then pre-incubated at RT for 2 h before performing the analysis. We believe that the assay is not affected by the presence of rheumatoid factor because FH was directly immobilized on plates. In support, we found no association between positivity for rheumatoid factor and FH autoantibodies (not shown). An additional specificity control was performed by incubating polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane fragment containing excised band corresponding to FH with serum of a patient positive for FH autoantibodies. The bound antibodies were eluted with 0.1 M glycin, 0.3 M NaCl pH 2.7, neutralized with Tris buffer and incubated with another PVDF membrane containing separated purified FH, pre-albumin and lysate of HEK 293 cells spiked with purified FH. Bound antibodies were then visualized by sequential incubation of the membrane with rabbit anti-human IgGs and goat anti-rabbit HRP conjugated antibodies, followed by development with a colorimetric substrate. The FH autoantibody assay has now been reproducibly established by several independent research groups \[[@B17],[@B19],[@B32]\]. Determination of binding site for FH autoantibodies using FH fragments ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Several serum samples positive for FH autoantibodies were chosen from each patient group to localize the binding domains. These were incubated with immobilized BSA, FH, FHL-1 and recombinant FH fragments expressed as described previously in a baculovirus system and composed of CCPs 8 to 20, CCPs 15 to 20 and CCPs 19 to 20 \[[@B17]\]. The fragments were immobilized at equivalent molar concentrations corresponding to 1 μg/ml FH and antibody binding was determined as described above. Western blot analysis --------------------- Plasma samples from 64 LA+, 60 SLE, 314 RA, 101 aHUS patients and 354 controls were investigated for the presence of CFHR1. Plasma samples diluted 1:100 were separated under non-reducing conditions using 12% SDS-PAGE. The proteins were transferred onto PVDF membrane, blocked with quenching solution (washing buffer: 50 mM Tris-HCl, 150 mM NaCl, 0.1% (v/v) Tween 20, pH 7.5 with 0.3% fish gelatin, Norland Products, Cranbury, NJ, USA) and incubated with mouse monoclonal anti-FH (C18/3; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA) that identifies the conserved C-terminus of FH (150 kDa) and the two differentially glycosylated forms of CFHR1α and CFHR1β (37 and 42 kDa). Bound antibodies were detected with a polyclonal anti-mouse IgG antibody conjugated with HRP (DakoCytomation). Finally, the blots were developed using 3,3\'-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride (Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA) colorimetric substrate system as described before \[[@B33]\]. We have confirmed the capacity of the Western blot technique to reliably identify CFHR1 deletion by comparing 70 RA samples tested by both Western blot and genetic analysis using Mutiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) (MRC-Holland, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) following the instructions from the manufacturer. Statistical analysis -------------------- Differences between the patients and controls were evaluated using Mann-Whitney test. *P*-values lower than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results ======= FH autoantibodies are present in sera of patients with rheumatic diseases ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autoantibodies against FH (Figure [1A-D](#F1){ref-type="fig"}), FI (Figure [1E](#F1){ref-type="fig"}) and C4BP (Figure [1F](#F1){ref-type="fig"}) were analyzed in samples of LA+, SLE, RA and aHUS patients as well as in healthy controls using ELISA. The samples with levels above the mean plus 2 SD of those in the country as well as disease specific control groups were considered positive, as indicated by dotted lines in each panel of Figure [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}. In the Swedish control groups matched individually to RA, SLE and LA+ patients, only two (2.1%) healthy individuals were positive for FH-autoantibodies in the control group matched to RA patients, three (5%) in the group matched to SLE patients and four (6.3%) matched to LA+ patients. In the control groups of 161 (The Netherlands) and 20 (Germany) healthy individuals, 5 (3.1%) and 1 (5%) FH-autoantibody positive samples were detected. In the cohorts of LA+, SLE, RA and aHUS patients, we identified several patients positive for FH-autoantibodies (Figure [1A-D](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). The cohort of aHUS patients was used as a positive control and, indeed, we observed a statistically significant (*P*\< 0.01) increase in frequency of FH-autoantibody positive individuals in aHUS as compared to the controls. The previously reported frequency of FH-autoantibodies in the German cohort of 147 aHUS patients was 11% (16/147) \[[@B17],[@B18]\] compared with 9% (13/142) in the Newcastle cohort \[[@B19]\], which corresponds well with our results (11.7%) for aHUS patients. Interestingly, also in the Swedish RA patients, a significantly increased (*P*\< 0.01) frequency of FH-autoantibody positive patients was observed as compared to matched healthy controls (Figure [1A](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). Independent international replication was sought using a cohort of Dutch RA patients and their controls. Also, here an increased frequency of FH-autoantibody positive patients was observed (*P*\< 0.001; Figure [1B](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). The frequencies observed were reaching up to 16.5% in the Swedish cohort and 9.2% in the Dutch cohort (Figure [1A](#F1){ref-type="fig"} and Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"}). ###### Frequency of FH-autoantibodies and CFHR1 deficiency in patients compared to healthy controls. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total number of patients and controls FH-autoantibody positive individuals FH-autoantibody negative individuals Odds Ratio for anti-FH positivity in CFHR1 deficiency --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----- ---------- -------- --------------- ---------- LA+\ 64 9.4 6 5 (83.3) 58 1 (1.7) 285 15.4 to 5,280 \<0.0001 Sweden Controls\ 64 6.3 4 1 (25.0) 60 1 (1.7) 20 1.0 to 397 1.12 Sweden SLE\ 30 0.0 0 0 (0.0) 30 1 (3.3) n.a^1^ Low SLEDAI, Sweden Controls\ 30 0.0 0 0 (0.0) 30 0 (0.0) n.a. Sweden SLE\ 30 13.3 4 0 (0.0) 26 1 (3.8) 2.0 0.066 to 54.1 1 High SLEDAI, Sweden Controls\ 30 10.0 3 0 (0.0) 27 1 (3.7) 6.3 0.17 to 231 1 Sweden RA\ 97 16.5 16 2 (12.5) 81 5 (6.2) 2.0 0.38 to12.3 0.3 Sweden Controls\ 97 2.1 2 0(0.0) 95 1(1.1) 12.3 0.44 to 384 1 Sweden RA\ 217 9.2 20 0 (0.0) 197 7 (3.6) n.a. The Netherlands Controls\ 161 3.1 5 0 (0.0) 156 13 (8.3) n.a. The Netherlands aHUS\ 103 11.7 12 3 (25.0) 91 4 (4.4) 6.45 1.25 to 33.05 0.04 Germany Controls\ 20 5.0 1 0 (0.0) 19 0 (0.0) n.a. Germany --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^1^n.a., not applicable due to 0% frequency Also in the group of LA+ patients, a positive signal for FH-autoantibodies was observed for 9.4% patients, which was higher compared to healthy controls (*P*\< 0.01). Only 6.7% of the SLE plasma samples analyzed were positive for the presence of FH-autoantibodies, which was not significantly different from healthy controls (Figure [1A](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). FH-autoantibodies could only be detected in SLE-patients at the time point with higher disease activity (Figure [1D](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). The mean titer of FH-autoantibodies for all FH autoantibodies positive patients from the groups with rheumatic diseases was 161.2 AU/mL compared with 363.6 AU/mL for aHUS patients. Furthermore, we did not observe a statistically significant correlation between FH-autoantibody titers and age (ranging from 16 to 94 years) or sex when analyzing all controls and patients together or separately. In order to test if the studied diseases are characterized by autoantibodies against several complement inhibitors or only against FH, we also analyzed autoantibody reactivity against complement inhibitors C4BP and FI. The results from the ELISA measurement of FI- and C4BP-autoantibodies in cohorts of LA+, SLE, RA (Swedish cohort) showed that there is no obvious association between these autoantibodies and any of the rheumatic conditions investigated (Figure [1E, F](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). Likewise, we did not find an association between FI- and C4BP-autoantibodies and aHUS (not shown). FH autoantibody status varies during the course of disease ---------------------------------------------------------- Four FH-autoantibody positive RA patients, from the Lund cohort, were analyzed for variation of FH-autoantibodies positivity varies during the disease course. The disease duration for the chosen patients varied between 0.5 to 35 years and also the time interval between the first and last collected sample ranged from 3 months to 22 years. Two patients had no detectable FH-autoantibodies in all samples drawn after the initial, FH-autoantibody positive sample. For the third patient, the first FH-autoantibody negative sample was followed by a positive one and then seven negative ones, whereas the last patient had FH-autoantibodies in all three samples tested. Together with the observed difference for SLE patients with high and low SLEDAI index, these results show that the FH-autoantibody status is not constant during the disease\'s progress. Determination of binding site for FH-autoantibodies using FH fragments ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to determine the regions of FH that are recognized by autoantibodies, we analyzed by ELISA a few positive samples from each disease group and several fragments of FH and FHL-1. We confirmed that all selected samples contained autoantibodies reacting with intact FH with the highest levels found in the three selected aHUS patients and one LA+ patient (Figure [2B](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). We found that FH-autoantibodies present in aHUS/DEAP-HUS patients bound mainly to the C-terminus of FH as previously reported \[[@B17]\], since we detected the strongest signals of the three serum samples of aHUS patients for intact FH, CCPs 15 to 20 and CCPs 19 to 20 but very low level of interaction with FHL-1, which contains only CCP1 to 7 (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). To the contrary, samples from RA, LA+ and SLE reacted in a similar manner with all used fragments of FH, including FHL-1. This indicated that FH-autoantibodies found in rheumatic diseases lack specificity for the C-terminus of FH as found in DEAP-HUS. ![**Binding of autoantibodies to FH fragments**. Molar equivalent concentrations of the FH fragments (corresponding to CCPs 8 to 20, CCPs 15 to 20, CCPs 19 to 20), FHL-1 (CCPs 1 to 7), FH and BSA (negative control) were coated onto ELISA plates and autoantibody binding was determined with rabbit anti-human IgG antibodies followed by swine anti-rabbit HRP antibodies. The FH fragments used are schematically presented in panel **A**. Results are shown as mean values of three independent experiments +/- SD.](ar4016-2){#F2} CFHR1 deficiency in patients with rheumatic diseases and aHUS ------------------------------------------------------------- Since in aHUS an association was reported between the presence of FH-autoantibodies and homozygous deletions of the gene encoding CFHR1 and CFHR3 \[[@B22]\], we now also analyzed whether there is such an association in rheumatic diseases. Previously, a good correlation was shown between the genetic deficiency of CFHR1 and the lack of CFHR1 protein detected by Western blotting in samples of aHUS patients \[[@B34]\] and thus we used the latter analysis to determine the frequency of CFHR1 deficiency. We confirmed the CFHR1 deficiency on Western blot with CFHR1 genetic deficiency in 70 RA patients using MLPA and observed a 100% match between the two techniques. The Western blot shows both FH (approximately 150 kDa) and the two glycosylated forms of CFHR1α and CFHR1β (approximately 38 and 43 kDa). A typical Western blot analysis showing examples of CFHR1 positive and deficient patients is shown together with controls (Figure [3A](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). A complete homozygous CFHR1 deficiency was found in 5.4% of healthy controls, which is in agreement with previous reports \[[@B18],[@B22]\]. ![**Complete homozygous deficiency of CFHR1**. **A**) Plasma samples of patients and healthy controls were separated on 12% SDS-PAGE, transferred to a PVDF membrane, and analyzed by Western blotting using a mouse monoclonal antibody against FH (C18/3) that identifies FH (150 kDa) and the two differently glycosylated forms of CFHR1α and CFHR1β (37 and 42 kDa). Plasma samples of healthy controls are shown in lanes 8 and 9. CFHR1 positive patients were found for aHUS (lane 2), RA (lane 4), SLE (lane 6) and LA+ (lane 7). Patients with total CFHR1 deficiency are shown for aHUS (lane 1), RA (lane 3) and SLE (lane 5). Lane 10 shows purified FH. **B**) Complete CFHR1 deficiency in whole patient groups (including FH-autoantibody positive and negative patients) determined using Western blotting. **C**) Complete CFHR1 deficiency in FH-autoantibody positive individuals in different disease and control groups. Numbers indicated above bars in the panel C represent number of CFHR1 deficient patients vs. total number of patients positive for FH-autoantibodies.](ar4016-3){#F3} A frequency of CFHR1 deficiency, when analyzing all patient groups used in this study (CFHR1 deficient persons in FH-autoantibody negative and positive groups), was comparable with that in the aHUS cohort (Figure [3B](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). However, when analyzing the FH-autoantibody positive patients separately we observed that 12.5 to 83.3% of patients with LA+, SLE, RA and aHUS characterized by FH-autoantibodies entirely lacked CFHR1 (Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"}, Figure [3C](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). The Dutch RA patients were an interesting exception with 0% CFHR1 deficiency in the FH-autoantibody positive patients. It was shown previously that 77 to 88% of aHUS patients with FH-autoantibodies were deficient for CFHR1 and CFHR3 proteins \[[@B22]\]. In this study, we found that 15.2% (7/46) of the patients with LA+, SLE and RA positive for FH-autoantibodies had homozygous deficiency of CFHR1 compared with 25.0% (3/12) of FH-autoantibodies positive aHUS patients. There was no difference between frequencies of the deficiency of CFHR1 in patients with rheumatic diseases negative for FH-autoantibodies (3.8%; 15/392) compared with FH-autoantibody negative aHUS patients (4.4%; 4/91) (Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"}). We found that there was a powerful association between FH-autoantibody positivity and CFHR1 deficiency in LA+. Odds ratio measured as an increased risk for FH-autoantibody positivity depended on CFHR1 deficiency, estimated using Fisher\'s exact test was OR = 285 (95% CI 15.4 to 5,280, *P*\< 0.0001) for LA+ and OR = 6.5 (95% CI 1.25 to 33.05, *P*= 0.04) for aHUS cohort (Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"}). Thus, it appears that generation of FH-autoantibodies is specifically associated with deficiency of CFHR1 irrespectively of which disease group is analyzed. Discussion ========== A pathologic association between FH autoantibodies and DEAP-HUS has been reported in several cohorts but the prevalence of these antibodies has not been assessed in other diseases. Due to involvement of complement in SLE, RA and LA+/APS and a frequent presence of various autoantibodies in these diseases, we have performed a pilot study evaluating frequency of FH autoantibodies in these patient groups. Furthermore, we assessed prevalence of autoantibodies directed against two other soluble complement inhibitors C4BP and FI. We found no association of C4BP or FI autoantibodies and RA, SLE or LA+. To the contrary, significant increase in frequency of FH-autoantibodies compared to matched controls was found not only as previously reported in aHUS but also in RA and LA+. The analytical specificity for these three autoantibody assays was evaluated by inhibition experiment using excess antigen. Addition of excess purified FH, FI or C4BP to several samples with high autoantibody titers diminished the signal (not shown) indicating specificity of the autoantibodies and demonstrating that the binding of these autoantibodies is not restricted to plastic absorbed protein. Furthermore, RA patient antibodies eluted from a PVDF membrane fragment containing FH transferred from SDS/PAGE gel, recognized purified FH but not pre-albumin separated by SDS/PAGE and transferred to a PVDF membrane (not shown). Incubation of HEK293 cell lysate spiked with FH with such specifically eluted patient FH-autoantibodies revealed mainly the signal corresponding to FH (150 kDa) and only very minor signals for bands around 270 kDa and 50 to 60 kDa. Thus, we concluded that FH-autoantibodies appear to be specific for FH and do not react with other human proteins. FH is the main soluble inhibitor of the alternative complement pathway due to several mechanisms \[[@B5]\]. FH acts as cofactor to a serine protease FI in a degradation of C3b but it also inhibits the formation and accelerates the decay of the alternative pathway C3-convertase. The main region responsible for these activities is N-terminal fragment composed of CCP1-4. Furthermore, C-terminal CCPs 19 to 20 are crucial for the attachment of FH to cellular surfaces in order to provide protection. The mechanism by which FH autoantibodies contribute to aHUS is still under investigation but several interesting observations have been made. In most cases reported so far, FH autoantibodies were directed against CCP19 to 20 of FH and did not inhibit complement inhibitory activity of FH in the fluid phase but rather blocked binding of FH to C3bBb convertase \[[@B16]\] and to cell surfaces \[[@B17]\]. The C-terminus of FH is also the region in which most of the aHUS-associated mutations are located. It has been suggested that under conditions of enhanced complement activation, a lower local concentration of FH at the cell surface may lead to cell damage. In case of aHUS, the main targeted tissue may be endothelium. In rheumatoid arthritis, joint inflammation causes exudation of plasma proteins including complement factors and inhibitors into synovial fluid. There is strong evidence of ongoing activation of complement in synovial fluid \[[@B9]\], stimulated among others by molecules released during inflammation from the cartilage, such as fibromodulin \[[@B35]\] and cartilage-oligomeric matrix protein \[[@B36]\]. FH has been shown to attenuate complement activation initiated by these molecules \[[@B37]\] and autoantibodies against FH, which we now observed in RA patients, also bind to and functionally impair the N-terminus of the protein, which may result in enhanced complement activation, ensuing inflammation and tissue damage in joints. We found that RA patients from two independent cohorts have significantly increased FH autoantibody frequency compared to controls. We did not find any positive correlation between FH-autoantibody positivity and type of treatment and other analytical data in the Swedish RA cohort. Analysis of the Dutch RA patients did not reveal any significant differences between the FH-autoantibodies positive- and negative patients, regarding sex, age, autoantibody status, inflammation or smoking. However, the low number of FH-autoantibody-positive individuals highly limits the power to reliably find such differences. Furthermore, the presence of FH-autoantibodies in several chosen RA patients varied during disease course but it was not associated with infections. A larger study is required to find out if FH-autoantibodies are associated with disease flares or severity of RA. When analyzing samples from SLE patients, FH-autoantibodies could only be detected at the time point with higher disease activity but no significant correlation between FH-autoantibody titers and disease activity (SLEDAI), or with any particular SLE ACR criteria were found. This may be due to the low power to detect differences with only a few FH-autoantibody positive patients and a low overall number of patients in this exploratory study. Interestingly, in DEAP-HUS FH autoantibodies were clearly lower at remission than at disease onset \[[@B32]\]. Potential association of FH autoantibodies with nephritis would be of particular interest to study further due to recently reported genetic association with FH polymorphisms and SLE \[[@B38]\], as well as association with non-synonymous mutations in FH and CD46 with faster onset of nephritis in SLE patients \[[@B39]\]. So far little information on prevalence of mutations or polymorphisms in complement inhibitors, such as FH, has been published for RA or APS. A recent study found no association between common FH polymorphisms predisposing to age-related macular degeneration and RA \[[@B40]\]. However, our current data together with previously published observations suggest that generation of FH-autoantibodies is specifically associated with deficiency of CFHR1 in many different disease groups. So far there is no clear explanation for the association between these two phenotypes. It has been suggested that autoantibodies generated in the context of a CFHR1 deficiency are targeted to a region of the FH molecule that is critical for the development of aHUS, that is, CCP19 to 20, and somehow is related to structural and functional similarity between CFHR1 and FH \[[@B41]\]. However, this is not the case for the RA patients in the current study who carry FH-autoantibodies against many different regions of FH. To what extent this is the effect of intra-molecular epitope spreading or *de-novo*recognition of epitopes outside CCP19 to 20 remains unknown. However, our results suggest that FH-autoantibodies found in RA, SLE and LA+ patients are polyclonal in nature since they interact with several different regions of FH. Another conclusion from these data could be that the combination of a deletion of CFHR1 and autoantibodies against FH is a risk factor for APS, or at least positivity for the lupus anticoagulants\' test. The number of patients analyzed in this study was limited to support such strong conclusions and future replication studies in well-defined thrombosis and APS patients will have to be performed to support this observation. Conclusions =========== Our study is the first to show that FH-autoantibodies can be observed in disorders other than aHUS, such as in patients suffering from rheumatic diseases. It has been shown that, in DEAP-HUS, FH-autoantibodies block the C-terminal recognition domain of FH \[[@B17]\], which results in less binding of FH to cell surfaces leading to reduced complement inhibition at these surfaces. This process is thought to play an important role in the glomeruli of patients suffering from DEAP-HUS during the episode of active disease and it is plausible that a similar process will also impact on tissue damage during episodes of active disease in patients suffering from these rheumatic conditions. The epitope mapping experiments suggest that the FH-autoantibodies observed in rheumatic diseases may bind to several epitopes scattered over FH. Antibodies against the N-terminus of FH may impair its ability to inhibit complement both on surfaces and in body fluids leading to a more generalized inflammation observed in rheumatic conditions in comparison to aHUS. Abbreviations ============= aHUS: atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome; APS: anti-phospholipid syndrome; C4BP: C4b-binding protein; CCP: complement control protein; CFHR1/CFHR3: complement FH-related proteins 1 and 3; DEAP-HUS: the Deficiency of CFHR plasma proteins and Autoantibody Positive form of HUS; dRVVT: dilute Russels Viper Venom; ELISA: ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; FH: factor H; FI: factor I; HRP: horseradish peroxidase; LA: lupus anticoagulants; MLPA: Mutiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification; OPD: *o*-phenylenediamine; PVDF: polyvinylidene difluoride; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus; SLEDAI: SLE Disease Activity Index. Competing interests =================== The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors\' contributions ======================= AFZ and SCN performed the research. AFZ, MB, GS, SCN, TS, LAT and AMB analyzed the results. PFZ, MB, GS, AJ, AH, TS and LAT provided patient data. PFZ contributed vital reagents. AFZ, AMB and LAT designed the study and wrote the paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgements ================ We greatly appreciate the inspiring collaborative contribution of the late Dr. Andrej Tarkowski and we thank the patients for their generous participation in this study. This work was supported by the Swedish Research Council (K2009-68X-14928-06-3), Foundations of Söderberg, Österlund, Kock, King Gustav V\'s 80th Anniversary, Swedish Rheumatism Association, Knut and Alice Wallenberg, Inga-Britt and Arne Lundberg as well as grants for clinical research from the Foundation of the National Board of Health and Welfare and the Skåne University Hospital (all to AB). LAT was financially supported by a Zon-MW VIDI grant and by the EU-funded projects Masterswitch and IMI JU funded project BeTheCure (contract no 115142-2). PFZ was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
\section*{Acknowledgement} The authors want to thank Zhishen Huang for pointing out a mistake in an early version of this paper, and want to thank Gao Huang, Kilian Weinberger, Jorge Nocedal, Ruoyu Sun, Dylan Foster and Aleksander Madry for helpful discussions. This project is supported by a Microsoft Azure research award and Amazon AWS research award. \section{Discussions on one point convexity} If $f$ is $\delta$-one point strongly convex around $x^*$ in a convex domain $\mathcal{D}$, then $x^*$ is the only local minimum point in $\mathcal{D}$ (i.e., global minimum). To see this, for any fixed $x\in \mathcal{D}$, look at the function $g(t) = f( t x^* + (1-t) x )$ for $t \in [0,1]$, then $g'(t) = \langle \nabla f(t x^* + (1-t) x), x^* - x \rangle$. The definition of $\delta$-one point strongly convex implies that the right side is negative for $t\in(0,1]$. Therefore, $g(t)>g(1)$ for $t>0$. This implies that for every point $y$ on the line segment joining $x$ to $x^*$, we have $f(y) > f(x^*)$, so $x^*$ is the only local minimum point. \section{Proof for Lemma \ref{lem:small_lemma}} \label{appendix:small_lemma} \begin{proof} Recall that we want to show \[ \frac{\sqrt 2 (3.5\eta^2 r^2 + 7 \eta r \delta )}{\sqrt{\eta c}} \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) + \frac{21b}{\lambda} \leq \delta^2 =\frac{\mu^2 b}{\lambda } =\frac{\mu^2 \eta^2 r^2 (1+\eta L)^2}{\lambda } \] On the left hand side there are three summands. Below we show that each of them is bounded by $\frac{\mu^2 b }{3\lambda}$\footnote{We made no effort to optimize the constants here.}. Since $\mu \geq \max \{ 8, 42 \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) \}$, we know $\frac{21 b}{\lambda}\leq \frac{63 b}{3\lambda}< \frac{8^2 b}{3\lambda}\leq \frac{\mu^2 b }{3\lambda}$. Next, we have \begin{align*} & 42 \log^{\frac12} (\zeta)\leq \mu\\ \Rightarrow & \sqrt{30 \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) \eta^{0.5} c^{0.5}}\leq \mu \\ \Rightarrow &15 \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) \leq \frac{\mu^2 }{2\eta^{0.5} c^{0.5} }\\ \Rightarrow &\frac{15 }{\sqrt{c}} \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) \leq \frac{\mu^2 \eta^{0.5} }{\lambda }\\ \Rightarrow&\frac{ 3.5\sqrt 2\eta^{1.5} r^2 }{\sqrt{c}} \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) \leq \frac{\mu^2 \eta^2 r^2 }{3\lambda }\\ \Rightarrow& \frac{ 3.5\sqrt 2\eta^2 r^2 }{\sqrt{\eta c}} \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) \leq \frac{\mu^2 \eta^2 r^2 (1+\eta L)^2}{3\lambda }\\ \end{align*} Finally, \begin{align*} & 42 \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) \leq \mu \\ \Rightarrow & \frac{42 }{\sqrt{ c}} \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) \leq \mu \sqrt{\frac{ 1}{ c }} \\ \Rightarrow& \frac{ 7\sqrt 2 \eta r }{\sqrt{\eta c}} \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) \leq \frac {\mu \sqrt{\frac{\eta^2 r^2 (1+\eta L)^2}{2\eta c }}}3 \\ \Rightarrow&\frac{ 7\sqrt 2 \eta r }{\sqrt{\eta c}} \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) \leq \frac {\delta}3\\ \Rightarrow& \frac{ 7\sqrt 2 \eta r \delta }{\sqrt{\eta c}} \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) \leq \frac {\delta^2}3 \end{align*} Adding the three summands together, we get the claim. \end{proof} \section{Proof for Theorem \ref{thm:large_lr}} \label{appendix:large:lr:proof} \begin{proof} Recall that we have $x_{t+1}=x_{t}- \eta \nabla f(x_t)$. Since we have $\langle -\nabla f(x_t), x^* - x_t\rangle \leq c'\|x^* -x_t\|_2^2$, then \begin{align*} \|x_{t+1}-x^*\|_2^2 & = \|x_{t}- \eta \nabla f(x_t)-x^*\|_2^2 \\ &=\|x_t-x^*\|_2^2 +\eta^2\|\nabla f(x_t)\|_2^2 - 2\eta \langle \nabla f(x_t), x_t-x^*\rangle \\ & \geq (1-2\eta c')\|x_t-x^*\|_2^2 +\eta^2\|\nabla f(x_t)\|_2^2 > \|x_t-x^*\|_2^2 \end{align*} Where the last inequality holds since we know $\eta > \frac{2c'\|x_t-x^*\|_2^2 }{\|\nabla f(x_t)\|_2^2}$. \end{proof} \section{Conclusion} In this paper, we take an alternative view of SGD that it is working on the convolved version of the loss function. Under this view, we could show that when the convolved function is one point convex with respect to the final solution $x^*$, SGD could escape all the other local minima and stay around $x^*$ with constant probability. To show our assumption is reasonable, we look at the loss surface of modern neural networks, and find that SGD trajectory has nice local one point convex properties, therefore the loss surface is very friend to SGD optimization. It remains an interesting open question to prove local one point convex property for deep neural networks. \section{Empirical Observations} \label{sec:empirical} \begin{figure*}[t!] \centering \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.32\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[height=1.4in]{secA_1.pdf} \caption{SGD trajectory is locally one point convex.} \label{fig:sgd_opc} \end{subfigure}% ~ \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.32\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[height=1.4in]{secA_2.pdf} \caption{The neighborhood of SGD trajectory is one point convex.} \label{fig:neighbor_opc} \end{subfigure} ~ \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.32\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[height=1.4in]{secA_2_2_var.pdf} \caption{The norm of stochastic gradient}\label{fig:var_sgd} \end{subfigure} \caption{(a). The inner product between the negative gradient and $x_{300}-x_t$ for each epoch $t\geq 5$ is always positive. Every data point is the \textbf{minimum} value among $5$ trials. (b). Neighborhood of SGD trajectory is also one point convex with respect to $x_{300}$. (c). Norm of stochastic gradient} \end{figure*} In this section, we explore the loss surfaces of modern neural networks, and show that they enjoy many nice one point convex properties. Therefore, our main theorem could be used for explaining why SGD works so well in practice. \subsection{The SGD trajectory is one point convex} It is well known that the loss surface of neural network is highly non-convex, with numerous local minima. However, we observe that the loss surface is consisted of many one point convex basin region, while each time SGD traverses one of such regions. See Figure \ref{fig:sgd_opc} for details. We ran experiments on Resnet \cite{resnet} ($34$ layers, $\approx1.2$M parameters), Densenet \cite{densenet} ($100$ layers, $\approx0.8$M parameters) on cifar10 and cifar100, each for 5 trials with $300$ epochs and different initializations. For the start of every epoch $x_t$ in each trial, we compute the inner product between the negative gradient $-\nabla f(x_t)$ and the direction $x_{300}-x_t$. In Figure \ref{fig:sgd_opc}, we plot the minimum value for every epoch among $5$ trials for each setting. Notice that except for the starting period of densenet on Cifar-10, all the other networks in all trials have positive inner products, which shows that the trajectory of SGD (except the starting period) is one point convex with respect to the final solution\footnote{Similar observations were implicitly observed previously \cite{qualitativelycharacterizing}.}. In these experiments, we have used the standard step size schedule ($0.1$ initially, $0.01$ after epoch $150$, and $0.001$ after epoch $225$). However, we got the same observation when using smoothly decreasing step sizes (shrink by $0.99$ per epoch). \subsection{The neighborhood of the trajectory is one point convex} Having a one point convex trajectory for $5$ trials does not suffice to show SGD always has a simple and easy trajectory, due to the randomness of the stochastic gradient. Indeed, by a slight random perturbation, SGD might be in a completely different trajectory that is far from being one point convex to the final solution. However, in this subsection, we show that it is not the case, as the SGD trajectory is one point convex after convolving with uniform ball with radius $0.5$. That means, the whole neighborhood of the SGD trajectory is one point convex with respect to the final solution. In this experiment, we tried Resnet ($34$ layers, $\approx1.2$M parameters), Densenet ($100$ layers, $\approx0.8$M parameters) on cifar10 and cifar100\footnote{We also tried VGG with $\approx 1$M parameters, but does not have similar observations. This might be why Resnet and Densenet are slightly easier to optimize.}. For every epoch in each setting, we take one point and look at its neighborhood with radius $0.5$ (upper bound of the length of one SGD step, as we will show below). We take $100$ random points inside each neighborhood to verify Assumption \ref{assump:main:assumption}\footnote{We also tried to sample points that are one SGD step away to represent the neighborhood, and got similar observations.}. More specifically, for every random point $w$ in the neighborhood of $x_t$, we computer $\langle -\nabla f(w), x_{300}-x_t\rangle$. Figure \ref{fig:neighbor_opc} shows the mean value (solid line), as well as upper and lower bound of the inner product (shaded area). As we can see, the inner products for all epochs in every setting have small variances, and are always positive. Although we could not verify Assumption \ref{assump:main:assumption} by computing the exact expectation due to limited computational resources, from Figure \ref{fig:neighbor_opc} and Hoeffding bound (Lemma \ref{lem:hoeffding}), we conclude that Assumption \ref{assump:main:assumption} should hold with high probability. \begin{lemma}[Hoeffding bound \cite{hoeffding}] \label{lem:hoeffding} Let $X_1, \dots, X_n$ be i.i.d.~random variables bounded by the interval $[a, b]$. Then $ \Pr\left ( \frac1n \sum_i X_i - \mathbb{E} [X_1]\geq t \right ) \leq \exp\left ( - \frac{2nt^2}{(b-a)^2} \right ) $. \end{lemma} Figure \ref{fig:var_sgd} shows the norm of the stochastic gradients, including both the mean value (solid lines), as well as upper and lower bounds (shaped area). For all settings, the stochastic gradients are always less than $5$ before epoch $150$ with learning rate $0.1$, and less than $15$ afterwards with learning rate $0.01$. Therefore, multiplying step size with gradient norm, we know SGD step length is always bounded by $0.5$. Notice that the gradient norm gets bigger when we get closer to the final solution (after epoch $150$). This further explains why shrinking step size is important. \begin{figure*}[t!] \centering \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.32\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[height=1.4in]{secB_2.pdf} \caption{Loss value of different local minima on Cifar10} \label{fig:loss_val_1} \end{subfigure}% ~ \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.32\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[height=1.4in]{secB_1.pdf} \caption{Loss value of different local minima on Cifar100} \label{fig:loss_val_2} \end{subfigure} ~ \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.32\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[height=1.4in]{secB_3.pdf} \caption{Distance from the local minima to the initialization} \end{subfigure} \caption{Spectrum of local minima on the loss surface on modern neural networks.} \end{figure*} \subsection{Loss surface is locally a ``slope''} Even with the observation that the whole neighborhood along the SGD trajectory is one point convex with respect to the final solution, there exists a chicken-and-egg concern, as the final target is generated using the SGD trajectory. In this subsection, we show that the one point convexity is a pretty ``global'' property. We were running Resnet and Densenet on Cifar10, but with smaller networks (each with about $10K$ parameters). For each network, if we fix the first $10$ epochs, and generate $50$ SGD trajectories with different random seeds for $140$ epochs and $0.1$ learning rate, we get $50$ different final solutions (they are pretty far away from each other, with minimum pairwise distance $40$). For each network, if we look at the inner product between the negative gradient of \textbf{any} epoch of \textbf{any} trajectories, and the vector pointing to \textbf{any} final solutions, we find that the inner products are almost always positive. (only $0.1\%$ of the inner products are not positive for Densenet, and only $2$ out of $343,000$ inner products are not positive for Resnet). This indicates that the loss surface is ``skewed'' to the similar direction, and our observation that the whole SGD trajectory is one point convex w.r. to the last point is not a coincidence. Based on our Theorem \ref{thm:main}, such loss surface is very friendly to SGD optimization, even with a few exceptional points that are not one point convex with respect to the final solution. Notice that in general, it is not possible that all the negative gradients of all points are one point convex with respect to multiple target points. For example, if we take $1D$ interpolation between any two target points, we could easily find points that have negative gradients only pointing to one target point. However, based on our simulation, empirically SGD almost never traverse those regions. \subsection{Spectrum of the local minima} From the previous subsections, we know that the loss surface of neural network has great one point convex properties. It seems that by our Theorem \ref{thm:main}, SGD will almost always converge to a few target points (or regions). However, empirically SGD converges to very different target points. In this subsection, we argue that this is because of the learning rate is too big for SGD to converge (Theorem \ref{thm:large_lr}). On the other hand, whenever we shrink the learning rate to $0.01$, Theorem \ref{thm:main} immediately applies and SGD converges to a local minimum. In this experiment, we were running smaller version of Resnet and Densenet (each with about $10K$ parameters) on Cifar10 and Cifar100. For each setting, we first train the network with step size $0.1$ for $300$ epochs, then we pick different epochs as the new starting points for finding nearby local minima using smaller learning rates with additional $150$ epochs. See Figure \ref{fig:loss_val_1} and Figure \ref{fig:loss_val_2}. Starting from different epochs, we got local minima with decreasing validation loss and training loss. To show that these local minima are not from the same region, we also plot the distance of the local minima to the (unique) initialized point. As we can see, as we pick later epochs as the starting points, we get local minima that are farther away from the initialization with better quality (also observed in \cite{trainlonger}). Furthermore, we observe that for every local minimum, the whole trajectory is always \textbf{one point convex} to that local minimum. Therefore, the time for shrinking learning rate decides the quality of the final local minimum. That is, using large step size initially avoids being trapped into a bad local minimum, and whenever we are distant enough from the initialization, we can shrink the step size and converge to a good local minimum (due to one point convexity by Theorem \ref{thm:main}). \section{Introduction} Nowadays, stochastic gradient descent (SGD), as well as its variants (Adam \cite{adam}, Momentum \cite{momentum}, Adagrad \cite{adagrad}, etc.) have become the de facto algorithms for training neural networks. SGD runs iterative updates for the weights $x_t$: $x_{t+1}= x_t-\eta v_t$, where $\eta$ is the step size\footnote{In this paper, we use step size and learning rate interchangeably.}. $v_t$ is the stochastic gradient that satisfies $E[v_t]=\nabla f(x_t)$, and is usually computed using a mini-batch of the dataset. In the regime of convex optimization, SGD is proved to be a nice tradeoff between accuracy and efficiency: it requires more iterations to converge, but fewer gradient evaluations per iteration. Therefore, for the standard empirical risk minimizing problems with $n$ points and smoothness $L$, to get to $\epsilon$-close to $x^*$, GD needs $O(Ln/\epsilon)$ gradient evaluations \cite{nesterov2013introductory}, but SGD with reduced variance only needs $O(n \log \frac1{\epsilon}+\frac{L}\epsilon)$ gradient evaluations \cite{SVRG,SAGA,SAG,SVRG++}. In these scenarios, noise is a by-product of cheap gradient computation, and does not help training. By contrast, for non-convex optimization problems like training neural networks, noise seems crucial. It is observed that with the help of noisy gradients, SGD does not only converge faster, but also converge to a better solution compared with GD \cite{largebatchtraining}. To formally understand this phenomenon, people have analyzed the role of noise in various settings. For example, it is proved that noise helps to escape saddle points \cite{Ge2015,escapesaddlepointsefficiently}, gives better generalization \cite{train-faster,generalizationboundsofsgld}, and also guarantees polynomial hitting time of good local minima under some assumptions \cite{hittingtime}. However, it is still unclear why SGD could converge to better local minima than GD. Empirically, in additional to the gradient noise, the step size is observed to be a key factor in optimization. More specifically, small step size helps refine the network and converge to a local minimum, while large step size helps escape the current local minimum and go towards a better one \cite{snapshotensembles,sgdr}. Thus, standard training schedule for modern networks uses large step size first, and shrinks it later \cite{resnet,densenet}. While using large step sizes to escape local minima matches with intuition, the existing analysis on SGD for non-convex objectives always considers the small-step-size settings \cite{Ge2015,escapesaddlepointsefficiently,train-faster,hittingtime}. \begin{figure} \begin{minipage}{0.48\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{paper-figure0.pdf} \caption{SGD path $x_t\rightarrow x_{t+1}$ can be decomposed into $x_t\rightarrow y_t \rightarrow x_{t+1}$. If the local minimum basin has small diameter, the gradient at $x_{t+1}$ will point away from the basin. } \label{fig:illustration} \end{minipage}\hspace{10pt} \begin{minipage}{0.48\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{paper-figure1.pdf} \caption{3D version of Figure \ref{fig:illustration}: SGD could escape a local minimum within one step. } \label{fig:mesh} \end{minipage} \end{figure} See Figure \ref{fig:illustration} for an illustration. Consider the scenario that for some $x_t$, instead of pointing to the solution $x^*$ (not shown), its negative gradient points to a bad local minimum $x_{\circ}$, so following the full gradient we will arrive $y_t\triangleq x_t - \eta \nabla f(x_t)$. Fortunately, since we are running SGD, the actual direction we take is $-\eta v_t= -\eta(\nabla f(x_t)+ \omega_t)$, where $\omega_t$ is the noise with $\mathbb{E}[\omega_t]=0, \omega_t\sim W(x_t)$\footnote{$W(x_t)$ is data dependent.}. As we show in Figure \ref{fig:illustration}, if we take a large $\eta$, we may get out of the basin region with the help of noise, i.e., from $y_t$ to $x_{t+1}$. Here, getting out of the basin means the negative gradient at $x_{t+1}$ no longer points to $x_{\circ}$ (See also Figure \ref{fig:mesh}). To formalize this intuition, instead of analyzing the sequence $x_t \rightarrow x_{t+1}$, let us look at the sequence $y_t \rightarrow y_{t+1}$, where $y_t$ is defined to be $x_t - \eta \nabla f(x_t)$, as in the preceding paragraph. The SGD algorithm never computes these vectors $y_t$, but we are only using them as an analysis tool. From the equation $x_{t+1} = y_t - \eta \omega_t$ we obtain the following update rule relating $y_{t+1}$ to $y_t$. \begin{equation} y_{t+1} =y_t- \eta \omega_t -\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t) \label{eqn:yt:update} \end{equation} The random vector $\eta\omega_t$ in (\ref{eqn:yt:update}) has expectation $0$, so if we take the expectation of both sides of (\ref{eqn:yt:update}), we get $\mathbb{E}_{\omega_t}[y_{t+1}]= y_t -\eta\nabla \mathbb{E}_{\omega_t} [ f(y_t- \eta \omega_t)]$. Therefore, if we define $g_t$ to be the function $g_t(y) = \mathbb{E}_{\omega_t} [ f(y- \eta \omega_t)]$, which is simply the original function $f$ convolved with the $\eta$-scaled gradient noise, then the sequence $y_t$ is approximately doing gradient descent on the sequence of functions $(g_t)$. This alternative view helps to explain why SGD converges to a good local minimum, even when $f$ has many other sharp local minima. Intuitively, sharp local minima are eliminated by the convolution operator that transforms $f$ to $g_t$, since convolution has the effect of smoothing out short-range fluctuations. This reasoning ensures that SGD converges to a good local minimum under much weaker conditions, because instead of imposing convexity or one-point convexity requirements on $f$ itself, we only require those properties to hold for the smoothed functions obtained from $f$ by convolution. We can formalize the foregoing argument using the following assumption. \begin{assump}[Main Assumption] For a fixed point $x^*$\footnote{Notice that $x^*$ is not necessarily the global optimal in the original function $f$ due to the convolution operator.}, noise distribution $W(x)$, step size $\eta$, the function $f$ is $c$-one point strongly convex with respect to $x^*$ after convolved with noise. That is, for any $x, y$ in domain $\mathbb{D}$ s.t. $y=x-\eta \nabla f(x)$, \begin{equation} \langle -\nabla \mathbb{E}_{\omega \in W(x)}f(y-\eta \omega ), x^*-y\rangle\geq c\|x^*-y\|_2^2 \label{eqn:assumption:conv} \end{equation} \label{assump:main:assumption} \end{assump} For point $y$, since the direction $x^*-y$ points to $x^*$, by having positive inner product with $x^*-y$, we know the direction $-\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t) $ in (\ref{eqn:yt:update}) approximately points to $x^*$ in expectation (See more discussion on one point convexity in Appendix). Therefore, $y_t$ will converge to $x^*$ with decent probability: \begin{thm}[Main Theorem, Informal] Assume $f$ is smooth, for every $x\in \mathbb{D}$, $W(x)$ s.t., $\max_{\omega\sim W(x)}\|\omega\|_2 \leq r$. Also assume $\eta$ is bounded by a constant, and Assumption \ref{assump:main:assumption} holds with $x^*, \eta$, and $c$. For $T_1\geq \tilde {O}(\frac{1}{\eta c})$\footnote{We use $\tilde {O}$ to hide $\log$ terms here.}, and any $T_2>0$, with probability at least $1/2$, we have $ \| y_{t}- x^*\|_2^2 \leq O(\log (T_2) \frac{\eta r^2}{c})$ for any $t$ s.t., $T_1+T_2\geq t\geq T_1$. \label{thm:main} \end{thm} Notice that our main theorem not only says SGD will get close to $x^*$, but also says with constant probability, SGD will stay close to $x^*$ for the future $T_2$ steps. As we will see in Section \ref{sec:empirical}, we observe that Assumption \ref{assump:main:assumption} holds along the SGD trajectory for the modern neural networks when the noise comes from real data mini-batches. Moreover, the SGD trajectory matches with our theory prediction in practice. Our main theorem can also help explain why SGD could escape ``sharp'' local minima and converge to ``flat'' local minima in practice \cite{largebatchtraining}. Indeed, the sharp local minima have small loss value and small diameter, so after convolved with the noise kernel, they easily disappear, which means Assumption \ref{assump:main:assumption} holds. However, flat local minima have large diameter, so they still exists after convolution. In that case, our main theorem says, it is more likely that SGD will converge to flat local minima, instead of sharp local minima. \begin{figure*}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.84\textwidth]{1dconv.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.84\textwidth]{gd_noise_converge.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.84\textwidth]{gd_noise_converge_restrict.pdf} \end{center} \caption{ Running SGD on a spiky function $f$. \textbf{Row 1:} $f$ gets smoother after convolving with uniform random noise. \textbf{Row 2:} Run SGD with different noise levels. Every figure is obtained with $100$ trials with different random initializations. Red dots represent the last iterates of these trials, while blue bars represent the cumulative counts. GD without noise easily gets stuck at various local minima, while SGD with appropriate noise level converges to a local region. \textbf{Row 3:} In order to get closer to $x^*$, one may run SGD in multiple stages with shrinking learning rates. } \label{fig:gd_noise_converge} \end{figure*} \subsection{Related Work} Previously, people already realized that the noise in the gradient could help SGD to escape saddle points \cite{Ge2015,escapesaddlepointsefficiently} or achieve better generalization \cite{train-faster,generalizationboundsofsgld}. With the help of noise, SGD can also be viewed as doing approximate Bayesian inference \cite{SGDasapproximatebayesianinference} or variational inference \cite{limitcycles}. Besides, it is proved that SGD with extra noise could ``hit'' a local minimum with small loss value in polynomial time under some assumptions \cite{hittingtime}. However, the extra noise is too big to guarantee convergence, and that model cannot deal with escaping sharp local minima. Escaping sharp local minima for neural network is important, because it is conjectured (although controversial \cite{sharpminimacangenearlizefordeepnets}) that flat local minima may lead to better generalization \cite{flat_minima_2,largebatchtraining,entropy-sgd}. It is also observed that the correct learning rate schedule (small or large) is crucial for escaping bad local minima \cite{snapshotensembles,sgdr}. Furthermore, solutions that are farther away from the initialization may lead to wider local minima and better generalization \cite{trainlonger}. Under a Bayesian perspective, it is shown that the noise in stochastic gradient could drive SGD away from sharp minima, which decides the optimal batch size \cite{abayesianperspectiveongeneralization}. There are also explanations for why small batch methods prefers flat minima while large batch methods are not, by investigating the canonical quadratic sums problem \cite{theimpactoflocalgeomatry}. To visualize the loss surface of neural network, a common practice is projecting it onto a one dimensional line \cite{qualitativelycharacterizing}, which was observed to be convex. For the simple two layer neural network, a local one point strongly convexity property provably holds under Gaussian input assumption \cite{twolayerconvergence}. \section{Proof for Theorem \ref{thm:main}} \label{appendix:main:thm:proof} In the proof, we will use the following lemma. \begin{thm}[Azuma] \label{thm:azuma} Let $X_1, X_2, \cdots, X_n$ be independent random variables satisfying $ |X_i - E(X_i)|\leq c_i, \mathrm{for~} 1\leq i \leq n $. We have the following bound for the sum $X=\sum_{i=1}^n X_i$: \[ \Pr(|X-E(X)| \geq \lambda ) \leq 2 e^{-\frac{\lambda^2}{2\sum_{i=1}^n c_i^2}}. \] \end{thm} Our proof has four steps. \noindent \textbf{Step 1.} Since Assumption \ref{assump:main:assumption} holds, we show that SGD always makes progress towards $x^*$ in expectation, plus some noise. Let filtration $\mathcal{F}_t=\sigma\{ \omega_0,\cdots, \omega_{t-1} \}$, where $\sigma\{\cdot\}$ denotes the sigma field. Notice that for any $\omega_t\sim W(x_t)$, we have $\mathbb{E}[\omega_t | \mathcal{F}_t]=0$. Thus, \begin{align*} &\mathbb{E}[\|y_{t+1}-x^*\|_2^2|\mathcal{F}_t] = \mathbb{E}[ \|y_t - \eta \omega_t -\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-x^*\|_2^2 |\mathcal{F}_t] \\ = & \mathbb{E}\Big[ \|y_t-\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-x^*\|_2^2 + \|\eta\omega_t\|_2^2 -2 \langle \eta\omega_t, y_t-\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-x^* \rangle |\mathcal{F}_t\Big]\\ \leq & \mathbb{E}\Big[ \|y_t-\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-x^*\|_2^2 + \eta^2 r^2 -2 \langle \eta\omega_t, -\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t) +\eta \nabla f(y_t) -\eta \nabla f(y_t) \rangle |\mathcal{F}_t\Big]\\ \leq & \mathbb{E}\Big[ \|y_t-x^* \|_2^2 + \eta^2\|\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)\|_2^2 - 2\eta \langle -\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t), x^*-y_t \rangle + \eta^2 r ^2 + 2 \eta^3 r^2 L |\mathcal{F}_t\Big] \\ \leq & \|y_t-x^* \|_2^2 + \mathbb{E}\Big[ \eta^2\|\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)\|_2^2 |\mathcal{F}_t\Big] + \eta^2r^2 - 2\eta \langle -\nabla \mathbb{E}_{\omega_t\in W(x_t)} f(y_t- \eta \omega_t) ,x^*-y_t \rangle + 2\eta^3 r^2L\\ \leq & (1-2\eta c) \|y_t-x^* \|_2^2 + \eta^2 r^2 + 2\eta^3 r^2 L + \mathbb{E}\Big[ \eta^2 L^2 \|x^*-y_t+\eta\omega_t\|_2^2 |\mathcal{F}_t\Big]\\ \leq & (1-2\eta c) \|y_t-x^* \|_2^2 + \eta^2 r^2 + 2\eta^3 r^2 L + \eta^2 L^2 \|x^*-y_t\|_2^2+ \eta^4r^2 L^2\\ = & (1-2\eta c+\eta^2 L^2) \|y_t-x^* \|_2^2 + \eta^2r^2 (1+\eta L)^2\\ \end{align*} \noindent \textbf{Step 2.} Since SGD makes progress in every step, after many steps, SGD gets very close to $x^*$ in expectation. By Markov inequality, this event holds with large probability. Notice that since $\eta< \frac{c}{L^2}$, we have $\lambda =2\eta c - \eta^2L^2> \eta c>0$. Recall $b\triangleq \eta^2r^2 (1+\eta L)^2$, we get: \[ \mathbb{E}[\|y_{t+1}-x^*\|_2^2|\mathcal{F}_t] \leq (1-\lambda )\|y_t-x^*\|_2^2 + b \] Let $G_t=(1-\lambda )^{-t} (\|y_t-x^*\|_2^2-\frac{b}{\lambda})$, we get: \[ \mathbb{E}[G_{t+1}|\mathcal{F}_t]\leq G_t \] That means, $G_t$ is a supermartingale. We have \[ \mathbb{E}[G_{T_1}|\mathcal{F}_{{T_1}-1}]\leq G_0 \] Which gives \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}\left [\|y_{T_1}-x^*\|_2^2 -\frac{b}{\lambda} \Big|\mathcal{F}_{{T_1}-1}\right ]&\leq (1-\lambda)^{T_1} (\|y_0 - x^*\|_2^2 -\frac{b}{\lambda} )\\&\leq (1-\lambda)^{T_1} \|y_0 - x^*\|_2^2 \end{align*} That is, \[ \mathbb{E}[\|y_{T_1}-x^*\|_2^2|\mathcal{F}_{{T_1}-1}]\leq \frac{b}{\lambda} + (1-\lambda)^{T_1} \|y_0 - x^*\|_2^2 \] Since $T_1\geq \frac{\log \left (\frac {\lambda \|y_0 - x^*\|_2^2 }{b}\right )}{\lambda}$, we get: \[ \mathbb{E}[\|y_{T_1}-x^*\|_2^2|\mathcal{F}_{T_1-1}]\leq \frac{2b}{\lambda} \] By Markov inequality, we know with probability at least $0.9$, \begin{align} \|y_{T_1}-x^*\|_2^2 \leq \frac{20b}{\lambda} \label{eqn:phase_I} \end{align} For notational simplicity, for the analysis below we relabel the point $y_{T_1}$ as $y_0$. Therefore, at time $0$ we already have $\|y_0-x^*\|_2^2\leq \frac{20b}{\lambda}$. \noindent \textbf{Step 3.} Conditioned on the event that we are close to $x^*$, below we show that if for $t_0> t\geq 0$, $y_t$ is close to $x^*$, then $y_{t_0}$ is also close to $x^*$ with high probability. Let $\zeta=\frac{9T_2}{4}$. Let event $\mathfrak{E}_t=\{ \forall \tau \leq t, \|y_{\tau}-x^*\|\leq \mu\sqrt{\frac{b}{\lambda }} =\delta \}$, where $\mu$ is a parameter satisfies $\mu \geq \max \{ 8, 42 \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) \}$. If with probability $\frac{5}{9}$, $\mathfrak{E}_t$ holds for every $t\leq T_2$, we are done. By the previous calculation, we know that ($\mathbb{1}_{\mathfrak{E}_t}$ is the indicator function for $\mathfrak{E}_t$) \[ \mathbb{E}[G_t \mathbb{1}_{\mathfrak{E}_{t-1}} | \mathcal{F}_{t-1}] \leq G_{t-1}\mathbb{1}_{\mathfrak{E}_{t-1}} \leq G_{t-1}\mathbb{1}_{\mathfrak{E}_{t-2}} \] So $G_t \mathbb{1}_{\mathfrak{E}_{t-1}}$ is a supermartingale, with the initial value $G_0$. In order to apply Azuma inequality, we first bound the following term (notice that we use $\mathbb{E}[\omega_t]=0$ multiple times): \begin{align*} &|G_{t+1}\mathbb{1}_{\mathfrak{E}_{t}}-\mathbb{E}[G_{t+1}\mathbb{1}_{\mathfrak{E}_{t}}|\mathcal{F}_t]|\\ =&(1- \lambda)^{-t}| \| y_t - \eta \omega_t -\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-x^* \|_2^2 - \mathbb{E}[ \| y_t - \eta \omega_t -\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-x^* \|_2^2 |\mathcal{F}_t] |\mathbb{1}_{\mathfrak{E}_{t}}\\ \leq &(1- \lambda)^{-t}| 2\langle -\eta \omega_t, y_t-\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-x^* \rangle + \|\eta \omega_t\|_2^2 +\|y_t-\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-x^*\|_2^2 \\ &- \mathbb{E}[ 2\langle -\eta \omega_t, y_t-\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-x^* \rangle + \|\eta \omega_t\|_2^2 +\|y_t-\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-x^*\|_2^2 |\mathcal{F}_t] \\ =&(1- \lambda)^{-t}| \|\eta \omega_t\|_2^2- \mathbb{E}[\|\eta \omega_t\|_2^2|\mathcal{F}_t] - 2\langle \eta \omega_t, y_t-\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-x^* \rangle + \|y_t-\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-x^*\|_2^2 \\ &- \mathbb{E}[ 2\langle \eta \omega_t, \eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t) \rangle + \|y_t-\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-x^*\|_2^2 |\mathcal{F}_t] \\ \leq &(1- \lambda)^{-t}| \eta^2 r^2+ 2\eta r \|y_t - x^*\|+ 2\langle \eta \omega_t, \eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t) \rangle + \|\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-\eta \nabla f(y_t)+ \eta\nabla f(y_t)\|_2^2 \\&-\mathbb{E}[\|\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-\eta \nabla f(y_t)+ \eta\nabla f(y_t)\|_2^2|\mathcal{F}_t] +2\langle y_t-x^*, \eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t) \\&-E[\eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)|\mathcal{F}_t] \rangle - \mathbb{E}[ 2\langle \eta \omega_t, \eta\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t) \rangle |\mathcal{F}_t] \\ \leq &(1- \lambda)^{-t}| \eta^2 r^2+ 2\eta r \|y_t - x^*\|+ 4\eta^2 r \|\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)\|_2 +\eta^2 ( 2\eta^2 r ^2 L^2 + 2\langle \nabla f(y_t), \nabla f(y_t- \eta \omega_t)\\&-\nabla f(y_t) -\mathbb{E}[\nabla f(y_t- \eta \omega_t)-\nabla f(y_t)|\mathcal{F}_t] \rangle ) +2\eta\Big\langle y_t-x^*, \nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-\nabla f(y_t) \\&- E[\nabla f(y_t-\eta\omega_t)-\nabla f(y_t)|\mathcal{F}_t] \Big\rangle \\ =&(1- \lambda)^{-t}| \eta^2 r^2+ 2\eta r \|y_t - x^*\|+ 4\eta^2 r L ( \eta r + \|y_t-x^*\|_2) \\& +\eta^2 \left ( 2\eta^2 r ^2 L^2 + 4 L \|y_t-x^*\|_2 \eta r L \right ) +4\eta^2 rL \|y_t-x^*\| \\ \leq &(1-\lambda)^{-t} \left ( 3.5\eta^2 r^2 + 7 \eta r \delta \right ) \end{align*} Where the last inequality uses the fact that $\eta L \leq \frac12$ and $\|y_t-x^*\|_2\leq \delta$ (as $\mathbb{1}_{\mathfrak{E}_{t}}$ holds). Let $M\triangleq 3.5\eta^2 r^2 + 7 \eta r \delta $. Let $d_{\tau}=|G_{\tau}\mathbb{1}_{\mathfrak{E}_{\tau-1 }}-\mathbb{E}[G_{\tau }\mathbb{1}_{\mathfrak{E}_{\tau-1}}|\mathcal{F}_t]|$, we have \[ \sum_{\tau =1}^{t}d_{\tau }^2 = \sum_{\tau =1}^{t} (1-\lambda)^{-2\tau } M^2 \] \[ r_t =\sqrt{\sum_{\tau=1}^t d_{\tau}^2}= M \sqrt{ \sum_{\tau =1}^{t} (1-\lambda)^{-2\tau } } \] Apply Azuma inequality (Theorem \ref{thm:azuma}), for any $\zeta>0$, we know \begin{align*} &\Pr(G_t\mathbb{1}_{\mathfrak{E}_{t-1}} - G_0 \geq \sqrt{2} r_t \log^{\frac12} (\zeta)) \leq \exp\left (\frac{-2 r_t^2 \log ({\zeta})}{2\sum_{\tau =1}^t d_{\tau}^2} \right )= \exp^{-\log (\zeta) }= \frac 1 \zeta \end{align*} Therefore, with probability $1-\frac1{\zeta}$, \[ G_t\mathbb{1}_{\mathfrak{E}_{t-1}} \leq G_0 + \sqrt{2} r_t \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) \] \noindent \textbf{Step 4.} The inequality above says, if $\mathfrak{E}_{t-1}$ holds, i.e., for all $\tau\leq t-1, \|y_\tau -x^* \|\leq \delta$, then with probability $1-\frac1{\zeta}$, $G_t$ is bounded. If we can show from the upper bound of $G_t$ that $\|y_t -x^* \|\leq \delta$ is also true, we automatically get $\mathfrak{E}_{t}$ holds. In other words, that means if $\mathfrak{E}_{t-1}$ holds, then $\mathfrak{E}_{t}$ holds with probability $1-\frac1{\zeta}$. Therefore, by applying this claim $T_2$ times, we get $\mathfrak{E}_{T_2}$ holds with probability $1-\frac{T_2}{\zeta}=\frac{5}{9}$. Combining with inequality (\ref{eqn:phase_I}), we know with probability at least $1/2$, the theorem statement holds. Thus, it remains to show that $\|y_t -x^* \|\leq \delta$. If $G_t\mathbb{1}_{\mathfrak{E}_{t-1}} \leq G_0 + \sqrt{2} r_t \log^{\frac12} (\zeta)$, we know \[ (1-\lambda )^{-t} \left (\|y_t - x^*\|_2^2 -\frac{b}{\lambda}\right ) \leq \|y_0 - x^* \|_2^2 -\frac{b}{\lambda}+ \sqrt{2} r_t \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) \] So \begin{align*} &\|y_t - x^*\|_2^2 \leq (1-\lambda )^t \left ( \|y_0 - x^* \|_2^2 + \sqrt{2} r_t \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) \right )+\frac{b}{\lambda} \\\leq & \|y_0 - x^* \|_2^2 +\sqrt{2}(1-\lambda )^t r_t \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) +\frac{b}{\lambda} \end{align*} Notice that \begin{align*} &(1- \lambda )^t r_t = (1- \lambda )^t M \sqrt{ \sum_{\tau =1}^{t} (1-\lambda)^{-2\tau }} = M \sqrt{ \sum_{\tau =1}^{t} (1-\lambda)^{2(t-\tau) }} \\=& M \sqrt{ \sum_{\tau =0}^{t-1} (1-\lambda)^{2\tau }} \leq M \sqrt{ \frac{1}{1-(1-\lambda)^2} }\leq \frac{M}{\sqrt{\eta c}} \end{align*} The second last inequality holds because we know $ \frac{1}{1-(1-\lambda)^2}= \frac{1}{2\lambda -\lambda^2} \leq \frac{1}{\lambda} \leq \frac1{\eta c} $, since $\lambda= 2\eta c -\eta^2 L^2 \leq 2\eta c <1$, and $\lambda > \eta c$. That means, \begin{align*} &\|y_t-x^*\|_2^2 \leq \|y_0-x^*\|_2^2+ \frac{\sqrt 2 M}{\sqrt{\eta c}} \log^{\frac12} (\zeta)+\frac{b}{\lambda} \\\leq & \frac{\sqrt 2 (3.5\eta^2 r^2 + 7 \eta r \delta )}{\sqrt{\eta c}} \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) + \frac{21b}{\lambda} \end{align*} It remains to prove the following lemma, which we defer to Appendix \ref{appendix:small_lemma}. \begin{lemma} \label{lem:small_lemma} \[ \frac{\sqrt 2 (3.5\eta^2 r^2 + 7 \eta r \delta )}{\sqrt{\eta c}} \log^{\frac12} (\zeta) + \frac{21b}{\lambda} \leq \delta^2 \] \end{lemma} Therefore, $\|y_t -x^* \|\leq \delta$. Combining the 4 steps together, we have proved the theorem. \section{Motivating Example} Let us first see a simple example in Figure \ref{fig:gd_noise_converge}. We use $\mathrm{F}_{r,c}$ to denote the sub-figure at row $r$ and column $c$. The function $f$ at $\mathrm{F}_{1,1}$ is a approximately convex function, but very spiky. Therefore, GD easily gets stuck at various local minima, see $\mathrm{F}_{2,1}$. However, we want to get rid of those spurious local minima, and get a point near $x^*=0$. If we take the alternative view that SGD works on the convolved version of $f$ ($\mathrm{F}_{1,2}$, $\mathrm{F}_{1,3}$, $\mathrm{F}_{1,4}$), we find that those functions are much smoother and contain few local minima. However, the gradient noise here is a double-edged sword. On one hand, if the noise is small, the convolved $f$ is still somewhat non-convex, then SGD may find a few bad local minima as shown in $\mathrm{F}_{2,2}$. On the other hand, if the noise is too large, the noise dominates the gradient, and SGD will act like random walk, see $\mathrm{F}_{2,4}$. $\mathrm{F}_{2,3}$ seems like a nice tradeoff, as all trials converges to a local region near $0$, but the region is too big (most points are in $[-1.5,1.5]$). In order to get closer to $0$, we may ``restart'' SGD with a point in $[-1.5,1.5]$, using smaller noise level $0.15$. Recall in $\mathrm{F}_{2,2}$, SGD fails because the convolved $f$ has a few non-convex regions ($\mathrm{F}_{1,2}$), so SGD may find spurious local minima. However, those local minima are outside $[-1.5,1.5]$. The convolved $f$ in $\mathrm{F}_{1,2}$ restricted in $[-1.5,1.5]$ is pretty convex, so if we start a point in this region, SGD converges to a smaller local region centered at $0$, see $\mathrm{F}_{3,2}$. We may do this iteratively, with even smaller noise levels and smaller initialization regions, and finally we will get pretty close to $0$ with decent probability, see $\mathrm{F}_{3,3}$ and $\mathrm{F}_{3,4}$. \section{Main Theorem} \label{sec:main:theorem} \begin{definition}[Smoothness] Function $f\in \mathbb{R}^d\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is $L$-smooth, if for any $x,y\in \mathbb{R}^d$, \[ f(y)\leq f(x) + \langle f'(x), y-x \rangle + \frac{L}{2} \|y-x\|_2^2 \] \end{definition} Assume that we are running SGD on the sequence $\{x_t\}$. Recall the update rule (\ref{eqn:yt:update}) for $y_t$. Our main theorem says that $\{y_t\}$ is converging to $x^*$ and will stay around $x^*$ afterwards. \begin{thmn}[\ref{thm:main}] Assume $f$ is $L$-smooth, for every $x\in \mathbb{D}$, $W(x)$ s.t., $\max_{\omega\sim W(x)}\|\omega\|_2 \leq r$. For a fixed target solution $x^*$, if there exists constant $c, \eta> 0$, such that Assumption \ref{assump:main:assumption} holds with $x^*, \eta, c$, and $\eta < \min\{\frac1 {2L} , \frac{c}{L^2}, \frac1{2c}\}$, $\lambda \triangleq 2 \eta c -\eta^2 L^2$, $b\triangleq \eta^2 r^2 (1+\eta L )^2$. Then for any fixed $T_1\geq \frac{\log (\lambda \|y_0-x^*\|_2^2/b )}{\lambda }$ and $T_2> 0$, with probability at least $1/2$, we have $ \|y_T-x^*\|_2^2 \leq \frac{20b}{\lambda } $ and $ \|y_t-x^*\|_2^2 \leq O\left (\frac{ \log(T_2) b}{\lambda } \right ) $ for all $t$ s.t., $T_1+T_2\geq t\geq T_1$. \end{thmn} We defer the proof to Section \ref{appendix:main:thm:proof}. \textbf{Remark.} For fixed $c$, there exists a lower bound on $\eta$ to satisfy Assumption \ref{assump:main:assumption}, so $\eta$ cannot be arbitrarily small. However, the main theorem says within $T_1+T_2$ steps, SGD will stay in a local region centered at $x^*$ with diameter $O\left (\frac{ \log(T_2)b}{\lambda } \right )$, which is essentially $\tilde {O}( \eta r^2/c )$ that scales with $\eta$. In order to get closer to $x^*$, a common trick in practice is to restart SGD with smaller step size $\eta'$ within the local region. If $f$ inside this region has better geometric properties (which is usually true), one gets better convergence guarantee: \begin{corollary}[Shrinking Learning Rate] If the assumptions in Theorem \ref{thm:main} holds, and $f$ restricted in the local region $\mathbb{D'}\triangleq \{x| \|x-x^*\|\leq \frac{20b}{\lambda}\}$ satisfy the same assumption with $c'>c, \eta'<\eta$, then if we run SGD with $\eta$ for the first $T_1\geq \frac{\log (\frac{\lambda d}{b})}{\lambda }$ steps, and with $\eta'$ for the next $T_2\geq \frac{\log (\frac{\lambda \frac{20b'}{\lambda}}{b'})}{\lambda'}$ steps, with probability at least $1/4$, we have $ \|y_{T_1+T_2}-x^*\|_2^2 \leq \frac{20b'}{\lambda'} <\frac{20b}{\lambda} $. \end{corollary} This corollary can be easily generalized to shrink the learning rate multiple times. Our main theorem is based on the important assumption that the step size is bounded. If the step size is too big, even if the whole function $f$ is one point convex (a stronger assumption than Assumption \ref{assump:main:assumption}), and we run full gradient descent, we may not keep getting closer to $x^*$, as we show below. \begin{thm} \label{thm:large_lr} For function $f$, if $\forall x, \langle -\nabla f(x), x^* - x\rangle \leq c'\|x^* -x\|_2^2$, and we are at the point $x_t$. If we run full gradient descent with step size $\eta > \frac{2c'\|x_t-x^*\|_2^2 }{\|\nabla f(x_t)\|_2^2}$, we have $\|x_{t+1}-x^*\|_2^2 \geq \|x_t-x^*\|_2^2$. \end{thm} \begin{proof} The proof is straightforward and we defer it to Appendix \ref{appendix:large:lr:proof}. \end{proof} \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0.31\textwidth} \vspace{-1em} \begin{center} \vspace{-1em} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[font= \fontsize{7}{7}\selectfont] (target) at (0,-0.2) {$x^*$}; \fill (0,0) circle (0.05); \draw[dotted,color=blue!50, thick] (0,0) ++(110:1) arc (110:-10:1); \fill (0,0) ++(80:1) circle (0.05); \node[font= \fontsize{7}{7}\selectfont] at (0.2,1.15) {$x_t$}; \draw[thick,->] (0,0) ++(80:1) --+ (0.4,-0.3); \draw[thick,densely dotted, ->] (0,0) ++(80:1) --+ (1,-0.75); \node[font= \fontsize{7}{7}\selectfont,text width=36pt] at (2,0.3) {$x_{t+1}$ if\\ $\eta$ too big}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \vspace{-1em} \caption{When step size is too big, even the gradient is one point convex, we may still go farther away from $x^*$.} \vspace{-1em} \label{fig:illu_lr_large} \end{wrapfigure} This theorem can be best illustrated with Figure \ref{fig:illu_lr_large}. If $\eta$ is too big, although the gradient (the arrow) is pointing to the approximately correct direction, $x_{t+1}$ will be farther away from $x^*$ (going outside of the $x^*$-centered ball). Although this theorem analyzes the simple full gradient case, SGD is similar. In the high dimensional case, it is natural to assume that most of the noise will be orthogonal to the direction of $x_t-x^*$, therefore with additional noise inside the stochastic gradient, a large step size will drive $x_{t+1}$ away from $x^*$ more easily. Therefore, our paper provides a theoretical explanation for why picking step size is so important (too big or too small will not work). We hope it could lead to more practical guidelines in the future.
\section{Introduction} The study of crafty ingenuous mechanical models has been an important tool for understanding several more involved field and string theory aspects. Formal concepts with high degree of sophistication such as Grassmann variables, ghost fields, open algebras or BRST symmetry -- common place in quantum field theory, can be realized in particular simple mechanical models, some of them properly designed for field theory comparative purposes \cite{Plyushchay:1993hs, Loeffelholz:1996cv, Plyushchay:2000hb, Shimizu:2005mq, Shukla:2015wka, Barbosa:2018dmb}. In this letter, we analyze a generalization of the quantum rigid rotor which can be directly applied to some specific field theory models. That generalization results in a rich gauge-invariant dynamical system which we examine here in detail at classical and quantum levels. In particular, we shall discuss its BRST symmetries and pursue its BFV quantization, allowing for an interesting application to the $O(N)$ nonlinear sigma model. The quantization of constrained dynamical systems has been a challenge since at least the middle of last century from which we may cite the early works \cite{Dirac:1950pj, Anderson:1951ta, Dirac:1951zz, Bergmann:1954tc, Dirac}. In simple terms, a constrained system is naturally described by a certain set of interdependent dynamical variables. That means they are not independent variables, but rather must satisfy some specific relations, usually known as constraint equations. The quantization of such systems can be done along the lines of eliminating some of the dependent variables in terms of the others, or maintaining the constraints at quantum level. Although the first option may initially seem the most obvious and appropriate one, it is rarely achievable in the proper realistic cases within quantum field theory due to strong technical reasons -- thus we are invariably forced to follow the second path. Concerning the various possible roads to quantization, passing through operatorial or functional approaches, the quantum description of constrained systems is far from unique. A key feature regarding the analysis of dynamical systems, in general terms, {\it symmetry} has always played a prominent distinct role. Knowledge of the symmetry content of specific models has always been more than just helpful, sometimes a decisive means, for understanding dynamical systems -- from simple classical discrete systems up to continuous quantum field theory including string and superstring models. Actually, when it comes to field theory, most of the models simply cannot be studied without heavily relying on symmetry grounds. In particular, we may safely say that {\it gauge symmetry} is one of the main cornerstones of the standard model describing nature fundamental interactions, being also present in all current quests for understanding quantum gravity. Usually, quantization requires the choice of a specific gauge, thus breaking by definition the initial gauge symmetry. At quantum level, however, a new symmetry replaces the original gauge one -- the {\it BRST symmetry}\footnote{Due to physicists Becchi, Rouet, Stora and Tyutin \cite{Becchi:1974xu, Becchi:1974md, Tyutin:1975qk}.} involving also the ghost fields. The aim of the present letter is to study the BRST symmetry of a gauge-invariant dynamical system coming from a generalization of the quantum rigid rotor and show its application to specific simple previously unrelated models. The initial motivation for our work lies on a comparative BRST symmetry study published in 1988 by D.~Nemeschansky, C.~R.~Preitschopf and M.~Weinstein \cite{Nemeschansky:1987xb}. In that reference, in order to trace analogies to the BRST quantization of Maxwell electrodynamics and Yang-Mills theories, a suitable Lagrangian describing a classical particle moving along a circle is introduced -- with the notations and conventions from \cite{Nemeschansky:1987xb}, we rewrite it here for convenience as \begin{equation}\label{LNPWclassical} L=p_r\dot{r}+p_\theta\dot{\theta}-\frac{p_\theta^2}{2mr^2}-\lambda(r-a)\,. \end{equation} The authors of \cite{Nemeschansky:1987xb} argue and justify (\ref{LNPWclassical}) on heuristic grounds and then proceed the discussion to obtain a corresponding BRST-invariant version at quantum level, namely \begin{equation}\label{LNPW} L_{NPW}=p_r\dot{r}+p_\theta\dot{\theta}-\frac{1}{2r^2}p_\theta^2-\lambda(r-a) -b(\dot{\lambda}-p_r)-\frac{1}{2}b^2+\dot{\bar{c}}\dot{c}-\bar{c}c\,, \end{equation} again with the same notations, conventions and context from reference \cite{Nemeschansky:1987xb}. The Lagrangian (\ref{LNPW}) has since then been used as a starting point in a sequel of interesting subsequent papers \cite{Gupta:2009dy, Shukla:2014hea, Shukla:2014spa, Bhanja:2015sha}. Considering the fact that a single particle moving along a circular path is not, in principle, an intrinsic gauge-invariant system, the above mentioned references call our attention to two important points. The first one invites us to describe (and compare) that circular motion as a constrained dynamical system. The circular constraint might be implemented by means of a simple Lagrange multiplier. That leads naturally to a second-class\footnote{We follow the standard nomenclature introduced by Dirac of first- and second-class functions \cite{Dirac:1950pj, Dirac}. After unraveling the canonical constraint structure through the Dirac-Bergmann algorithm \cite{Dirac:1950pj, Anderson:1951ta}, a phase space function is said to be first-class when its Poisson bracket with each constraint is a linear combination of the constraints set with phase space function coefficients. Modern reviews of the Dirac-Bergmann algorithm can be seen in \cite{ Hanson:1976cn, Sundermeyer:1982gv, Gitman:1990qh, Henneaux:1992ig, Rothe:2010dzf}.} constrained system, which we know does not possess gauge invariance. Noting that the Lagrangian (\ref{LNPWclassical}) somehow does enjoy gauge symmetry, leading to a consistent BRST symmetry in the gauge-fixed version (\ref{LNPW}), brings us to our second point: the fundamental and longstanding constrained systems quantization problem of converting second-class constraints to first-class and producing gauge symmetry. That is also known as the {\it constraints abelianization} problem. The usual canonical quantization of second-class systems relies on the replacement of the Poisson brackets by the Dirac ones \cite{Dirac, Hanson:1976cn, Sundermeyer:1982gv, Gitman:1990qh, Henneaux:1992ig, Rothe:2010dzf}. This easily leads to complications such as nonlocality or operator ordering problems at quantum level. One way to overcome these and related difficulties comes to converting the second-class constraints to first-class in order to readily produce gauge invariance and take advantage of the BRST symmetry which remains at quantum level even after the gauge-fixing. The enlargement of the phase space with additional ghost variables permits to use a simpler canonical bracket algebra structure. Furthermore we have nowadays many powerful functional quantization techniques, such as the Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky (BFV) procedure \cite{Fradkin:1975cq, Batalin:1977pb}, which are properly designed to deal with first-class constraints. First attempts into the second-class constraints conversion can be seen in \cite{Stueckelberg:1957zz, Wess:1971yu} where that goal is achieved by the introduction of extra auxiliary variables. The use of auxiliary variables to promote the abelianization of the second-class constraints has been summarized in the Batalin-Fradkin-Fradkina-Tyutin (BFFT) method \cite{Batalin:1986aq, Batalin:1986fm, Batalin:1989dm, Batalin:1991jm}, of which some important applications can be seen in \cite{Amorim:1994np, Amorim:1994ft, Taie:2014oza, Sararu:2016qnx}. Since then, there has appeared many generalizations of the BFFT ideas, we mention for instance the improved BFFT \cite{Kim:1997psa, Park:1997zj}, the embedding BFFT \cite{Banerjee:1994pp, Oliveira:1998ek, Abreu:2000ip}, the Wotsazek-Neves \cite{Neves:1999jr, Abreu:2000sq} and the gauge-unfixing methods \cite{Anishetty:1992yk, Vytheeswaran:1994np, Neto:2006gt, Neto:2009rm, Monemzadeh:2014wma}. The very interpretation of some of the second-class constraints as gauge-fixing conditions for other corresponding constraints, which then acquire the status of first-class ones, has also produced an interesting investigative analysis \cite{Harada:1988aj, Mitra:1990mp, Mitra:1990qt}. In a treatment to constraints abelianization more similar to our spirit here we mention the works \cite{Lyakhovich:2001cm, Batalin:2001hs} which also do not rely on the introduction of auxiliary variables in phase space. Aiming at a better understanding and generalization of (\ref{LNPW}) and looking for an alternative general constraints abelianization procedure, we have recently proposed and discussed a few similar models in \cite{Barbosa:2018dmb, Barbosa:2018bng, deOliveira:2019eva}. Our current idea to be developed below is to start with a generalized Hamiltonian for a system confined to move along a given geometric hypersurface in a gauge-invariant way. That Hamiltonian can be thought to come from an equivalent second-class system, as shown in reference \cite{deOliveira:2019eva}. Hence, gauge-invariance is naturally achieved without the need of auxiliary variables in phase space. We then proceed to discuss its corresponding BRST symmetries and BFV functional quantization. Our work is organized as follows. In section {\bf 2} below, we present the general model, discuss its equations of motion and obtain two possible general gauge-invariant canonical actions. In section {\bf 3}, we introduce the ghost fields algebra with proper Grasssmann variables and construct the conserved BRST charge $\Omega$. We then show that $\Omega$ consistently generates a BRST symmetry, mixing the original variables with the ghosts and antighosts. By using the BFV method, we proceed in section {\bf 4} with the functional quantization of the model. We show that specific functional integrations in the momenta fields produce new effective BRST-invariant actions. In section {\bf 5}, we exemplify the general results for a particle in motion along an elliptical path and show how (\ref{LNPW}) can be obtained as a particular case. The $O(N)$ nonlinear sigma model is finally discussed in section {\bf 6} where features previously known as {\it hidden symmetries} are shown to emerge naturally from our general approach. The application of the ideas developed for the general model are shown to lead to a gauge-invariant action for the $O(N)$ nonlinear sigma model and permit us to obtain a corresponding BRST conserved charge. We close in section {\bf 7} with our conclusion and final remarks. \section{The Generalized Quantum Rigid Rotor} Given a non-degenerated metric function $f^{ij}(q^k)$, a differentiable arbitrary function $T(q^k)$, both depending on the $n$ real variables $q^k$ with $i,j,k = 1,\dots,n$, and an additional real variable $q_0$, we consider the dynamical model defined by the Hamiltonian \begin{equation}\label{H} H = W(q^k,p_k) + q_0T(q^k) \end{equation} where \begin{equation}\label{W} W(q^k,p_k)\equiv\frac{R^{ijkl}T_iT_jp_kp_l}{2f^{ij}T_iT_j} \end{equation} with $R^{ijkl}$ denoting the Riemman curvature tensor associated to $f^{ij}$, explicitly given by \begin{equation}\label{Rijkl} R^{ijkl}(q^m)\equiv f^{ij}f^{kl} - f^{ik}f^{jl} \end{equation} and $T_i$ standing for the $T$ partial derivative with respect to $q^i$, i.e., \begin{equation} T_i\equiv\frac{\partial T}{\partial q^i} \,. \end{equation} The $n$ canonical variables $p_k$ in (\ref{W}) denote the conjugated momenta associated to $q^k$. The system (\ref{H}) corresponds to a non-trivial generalization of the quantum rigid rotor in $n$ dimensions -- the latter being realized in the very particular case where $f^{ij}=\delta^{ij}/m$ and \begin{equation}\label{rr} T(q^k)=\sqrt{q^i q^i}-a \,. \end{equation} In the rigid rotor, the constant real number $a$ in equation (\ref{rr}) represents the radius of a ($n-1$)-sphere in $\mathbb{R}^n$ where a mass $m$ particle is confined to move. In the general case, the system (\ref{H}) naturally evolves along the geometric hypersurface $T(q^k)=0$, which can be chosen at best convenience. The Hamilton equations corresponding to the general dynamical system (\ref{H}) can be directly computed and written out as \begin{equation}\label{Heqs} \begin{cases} {\dot{q}}^i= \displaystyle\frac{R^{ijkl}T_kT_lp_j}{f^{ij}T_iT_j}\,,\\ {\dot{p}}_i=-W_i-q_0T_i \,,\\ T=0\,, \end{cases} \end{equation} where \begin{equation}\label{Wi} W_i\equiv\frac{\partial W}{\partial q^i}= \frac{ \left[ \left(R^{mjkl}_{\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,,i}f^{rs}-R^{mjkl}f^{rs}_{\,\,\,\,\,\,,i}\right)T_s+2f^{rk}R^{msjl}T_{si} \right]T_rT_mT_jp_kp_l } {2f^{ij}f^{kl}T_iT_jT_kT_l} \,, \end{equation} with $T_{ij}$ denoting the second-order derivative \begin{equation} T_{ij} \equiv\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial q^j \partial q^i} \,. \end{equation} The indexes $l,m,r,s$ in equation (\ref{Wi}) also run from $1$ to $n$. Obtaining a classical solution for this system consists in solving for the $n$ coordinates $q^i$, as well as $q_0$, as functions of the time evolution parameter $t$. We note however that the Hamiltonian (\ref{H}) defines a {\it constrained} system with $n-1$ degrees of freedom. In fact, by introducing the compact notation \begin{equation}\label{wB} w\equiv f^{ij}T_iT_j\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,B\equiv f^{ij}T_ip_j\,, \,\,\mbox{and}\,\,{\cal O}_i^{\,\,\,j}\equiv \delta_i^j-\frac{T_if^{jk}T_k}{w}\,, \end{equation} we may easily determine $q_0$ in (\ref{Heqs}) as \begin{equation} q_0 = -\frac{f^{ij}T_i(\dot{p}_j+W_j)}{w} \end{equation} and rewrite the remaining $2n$ first-order differential equations as \begin{equation}\label{rde} \begin{cases} \displaystyle\dot{q}^i=f^{ij}\left(p_j-\frac{B}{w}T_j\right)\,,\\ {\cal O}_i^{\,\,\,j}(\dot{p}_j+W_j)=0\,. \end{cases} \end{equation} As the operator ${\cal O}_i^{\,\,\,j}$ is not invertible, due to the zero-mode ${\cal O}_i^{\,\,\,j}T_j=0$, the momenta $p_i$ cannot be univocally determined. Furthermore, the velocities $\dot{q}^i$ are also interrelated by $T_i\dot{q}^i=0$ as immediately follows from (\ref{rde}), or equivalently from the last equation in (\ref{Heqs}) implying $\dot{T}=T_i\dot{q}^i=0$. To be more precise, the Hamiltonian (\ref{H}) characterizes a {\it gauge-invariant} system. This can be seen by introducing the momentum variable $p_0$ conjugated to $q_0$, a Lagrange multiplier $\lambda$, and considering the corresponding canonical action given by \begin{equation}\label{Sc} S_c=\int_{t_1}^{t_2}dt\,\left[ \dot{q}^ip_i+\dot{q}_0p_0-W-q_0T-\lambda p_0\right] \,, \end{equation} with $W$ given by (\ref{W}). Then it is clear by inspection that if $\epsilon$ and $\epsilon_0$ denote arbitrary time-dependent parameters, the canonical action (\ref{Sc}) is left invariant under the gauge transformations \begin{equation} \begin{cases}\label{ginv} \delta q_0 = \epsilon_0+\dot{\epsilon}\,,\\ \delta \lambda = \dot{\epsilon}_0+\ddot{\epsilon}\,,\\ \delta p_i = \displaystyle\frac{\epsilon_0TT_i}{\dot{T}}-\epsilon T_i\,, \end{cases} \end{equation} generated by the two first-class constraints $p_0$ and $T$. The variables $q_0$ and $\lambda$ act as two Lagrange multipliers enforcing the constraints $T=0$ and $p_0=0$. Actually, since besides in the term $\lambda p_0$ in (\ref{Sc}), the momentum $p_0$ appears only in the kinetic part of the action, we may dispense with it and its Lagrange multiplier partner altogether from the action and, alternatively, consider the reduced more compact simpler action \begin{equation}\label{S} S=\int_{t_1}^{t_2}dt\,\left[ \dot{q}^ip_i-H\right] \,, \end{equation} with Hamiltonian function $H$ given by equation (\ref{H}). The equivalent alternative action (\ref{S}) is also gauge-invariant under the variations \begin{equation} \begin{cases}\label{ginv} \delta q_0 = \epsilon_0+\dot{\epsilon}\,,\\ \delta p_i = \displaystyle\frac{\epsilon_0TT_i}{\dot{T}}-\epsilon T_i\,, \end{cases} \end{equation} for arbitrary gauge parameters $\epsilon_0$ and $\epsilon$. The main purpose of the present paper is to describe the BRST symmetries associated to the canonical gauge-invariant action (\ref{Sc}), discuss its quantization and clearly show in the examples how it can be used to produce gauge invariance for originally second-class specific models. This will be done in the next sections. \section{BRST Symmetries} The Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) symmetry has first appeared in the groundbreaking works \cite{Becchi:1974xu, Becchi:1974md, Tyutin:1975qk}. Since then, it has been around almost ubiquitously along the quantization process of gauge-invariant field theories. Surviving after gauge-fixing, the BRST symmetry involves the ghost fields and plays a fundamental role in the renormalization program of quantum field theory \cite{Piguet:1995er}. Besides the original references \cite{Becchi:1974xu, Becchi:1974md, Tyutin:1975qk}, the BRST quantization scheme can be found in many reviews and textbooks as for instance \cite{Nemeschansky:1987xb, Henneaux:1992ig, Henneaux:1985kr, Niemi:1988bf, Becchi:1996yh, Hong:2015fvc}. In order to study the BRST symmetries associated to the model (\ref{H}) at quantum level, we turn into the extended phase space by introducing the Grassmann variables pairs $(C, {\cal P})$ with ghost number one and $({\bar C}, \bar{\cal P})$ with ghost number minus one. This permits the construction of the BRST charge from the constraints $T$ and $p_0$ as \begin{equation}\label{Omega} \Omega=CT-ip_0{\cal P}\,, \end{equation} possessing odd parity and ghost number one. The complete phase space variables set, displayed in the table below, satisfies the following canonical relations \begin{equation} \left[ q^i,p_j \right] = \delta_j^i\,,\,\,\,\, \left[ q_0,p_0 \right] = 1\,, \end{equation} \begin{equation} \left[ C, \bar{\cal P} \right] = \left[ \bar{C}, {\cal P} \right] = -1 \,. \end{equation} Note \captionsetup{labelformat=empty} \begin{table}[ht] \centering {\small\begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrr} \hline\hline&\rule{0pt}{3ex}$q^i$&$p_i$&$q_0$&$p_0$&$C$&$\bar{C}$&${\cal P}$&${\bar{\cal P}}$\\ \hline Grassmann parity&$0$&$0$&$0$&$0$&$1$&$1$&$1$&$1$\\ ghost number&$0$&$\phantom{-}0$&$\phantom{-}0$&$\phantom{-}0$&$\phantom{-}1$&$-1$&$\phantom{-}1$&$-1$ \\ \hline\hline \end{tabular}} \caption{Grassmann parity and ghost numbers} \label{t1} \end{table} in particular that besides the original phase space variables and the proper BRST prescribed ghost variables associated to the constraints $T$ and $p_0$, no additional auxiliary variables need to be introduced. Within this framework, we can check that the constraints set $(T,p_0)$ is indeed first-class and forms a closed algebra with the Hamiltonian (\ref{H}) given by \begin{equation} \left[T,H\right]=\left[T,p_0\right]=0\,, \end{equation} \begin{equation} \left[p_0,H\right]=-T\,. \end{equation} Moreover, we define the BRST transformations generated by $\Omega$ for an arbitrary extended phase space function $F$ as \begin{equation}\label{sF} sF\equiv \left[ F,\Omega\right]\,. \end{equation} Concerning the canonical variables basis, this leads to the non-null explicit variations \begin{equation}\label{s} sp_i=-CT_i\,,\,\,\,\,\,sq_0=-i{\cal P}\,,\,\,\,\,\,s\bar{C}=ip_0\,,\,\,\,\,\,s\bar{\cal P}=-T\,. \end{equation} The BRST operator $s$ can be easily checked to be nillpotent and have ghost number and parity one, as a direct consequence from its definition (\ref{sF}). Next, following the original references \cite{Becchi:1974xu, Becchi:1974md, Tyutin:1975qk, Henneaux:1985kr}, we construct the extended BRST-invariant Hamiltonian given by \begin{equation} H_{ext} = W - \left[ \Psi,\Omega \right] \end{equation} where $\Psi$ denotes an arbitrary gauge-fixing fermion. For definiteness, we work with the usual standard form \begin{equation} \Psi = i\bar{C}\chi + q_0\bar{\cal P} \end{equation} for the gauge-fixing fermion and consider for the open function $\chi(q^i,p_i,q_0,p_0)$ the two following particular possibilities: \begin{equation}\label{chi1} \chi_1=\dot{q}_0+\frac{B^3}{w{\cal T}^2}-\frac{p_0B^4}{2w{\cal T}^4} \end{equation} and \begin{equation}\label{chi2} \chi_2=\frac{B^3}{3w{\cal T}^2} \,, \end{equation} where we have defined \begin{equation}\label{calT} {\cal T}=T(q^i,p_i)-T(0,0) \,. \end{equation} The first one (\ref{chi1}) depends on $\dot{q}_0$ and leads to the velocity-dependent BRST-invariant Hamiltonian \begin{equation}\label{Hext1} H_{ext{\it 1}}=W+q_0T+\dot{q}_0p_0-i{\cal P}\bar{\cal P} -{\bar C}\dot{\cal P}+i\bar{C}\left(3-2\frac{p_0B}{{\cal T}^2}\right)\frac{B^2C}{{\cal T}^2} +\frac{p_0B^3}{w{\cal T}^2} \left(1-\frac{p_0B}{2{\cal T}^2}\right) \end{equation} while the second one (\ref{chi2}) leads to \begin{equation}\label{Hext2} H_{ext{\it 2}}=W+q_0T+\frac{p_0B^3}{3w{\cal T}^2} +i\bar{C}\frac{B^2}{{\cal T}^2}C-i{\cal P}\bar{\cal P} \,. \end{equation} Note that both extended Hamiltonians (\ref{Hext1}) and (\ref{Hext2}) are invariant under the BRST transformations (\ref{s}). Interesting enough, after functional integration on the ghost momenta through the BFV quantization scheme, the gauge-fixing (\ref{chi1}) leads to an effective action independent from ghosts time-derivative whilst the opposite happens to (\ref{chi2}). This will be explicitly shown in the next section where we pursue the system functional quantization. \section{Functional Quantization} In this section we consider the Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky (BFV) functional quantization of the model (\ref{H}). The BFV quantization scheme \cite{Fradkin:1975cq, Batalin:1977pb, Henneaux:1985kr} takes place in the extended phase space including the ghosts being well suited for Hamiltonian systems with first-class constraints, as is the case for our current working model. We start by introducing the Green functions generating functional given by \begin{equation}\label{Z} Z = \int [d\varpi] \exp \left[ \frac{i}{\hbar} S_{ext} \right] \end{equation} where $[d\varpi]$ stands for the Liouville functional integration measure including all phase space variables, i.e., \begin{equation} [d\varpi] = [dq^i][dp_i][dq_0][dp_0][dC][d\bar{C}][d{\cal P}][d\bar{\cal P}] \end{equation} and \begin{equation}\label{Sext} S_{ext} = \int_{t_1}^{t_2}\,dt\, \left( \dot{q}^i p_i +\dot{q}_0 p_0 +\dot{C}\bar{\cal P} +\dot{\cal P}\bar{C}-H_{ext} \right) \end{equation} denotes the extended action constructed from the BRST-invariant Hamiltonian which we obtained in the last section. Considering first the velocity-dependent gauge-fixing (\ref{chi1}), substituting $H_{ext}=H_{ext{\it 1}}$ from (\ref{Hext1}) in the extended action (\ref{Sext}) and performing the functional integration in equation (\ref{Z}) in the variables $p_0$, $\cal P$ and $\bar{\cal P}$ we may rewrite the generating functional as \begin{equation} Z=\int [d\mu] \exp \left[ \frac{i}{\hbar} S_{eff{\it 1}} \right] \end{equation} with the reduced integration measure \begin{equation} [d\mu]=[dq^i][dp_i][dq_0][dC][d\bar{C}] \end{equation} and effective action \begin{equation}\label{Seff1} S_{eff{\it 1}}=\int_{t_1}^{t_2}\,dt\left[ \dot{q}^ip_i-\frac{1}{2}f^{ij}p_ip_j-q_0T-i\bar{C}\frac{B^2}{{\cal T}^2}C \right] \,. \end{equation} The neat extended action (\ref{Seff1}) is invariant under a BRST transformation involving its solely own variables given by \begin{equation}\label{BRST1} \delta_1 p_i = -CT_i\,,\,\,\,\,\delta_1 q_0 = \dot{C}\,,\,\,\,\, \delta_1 \bar{C}=i\frac{{\cal T}^2}{B}+\bar{C}\frac{w}{B}C\,,\,\,\,\, \delta_1 B = -wC\,, \end{equation} as well as under a corresponding anti-BRST transformation \begin{equation}\label{aBRST1} \bar{\delta}_1 p_i = \bar{C}T_i\,,\,\,\,\,\bar{\delta}_1 q_0 = -\dot{\bar{C}}\,,\,\,\,\, \bar{\delta}_1 {C}=i\frac{{\cal T}^2}{B}+\bar{C}\frac{w}{B}C\,,\,\,\,\, \bar{\delta}_1 B = w\bar{C}\,, \end{equation} which exchanges the roles between the ghosts $C$ and $\bar{C}$. Note that both transformations (\ref{BRST1}) and (\ref{aBRST1}) are nillpotent. As a second option, we consider next the alternative gauge-fixing (\ref{chi2}) and its corresponding extended Hamiltonian (\ref{Hext2}) which, inserted into (\ref{Sext}) and (\ref{Z}), leads, after functional integration in the ghost momenta $\cal P$ and $\bar{\cal P}$, to \begin{equation} Z=\int [d\mu'] \exp \left[ \frac{i}{\hbar} S_{eff{\it 2}} \right] \end{equation} with \begin{equation} [d\mu']=[dq^i][dp_i][dq_0][dp_0][dC][d\bar{C}] \end{equation} and \begin{equation}\label{Seff2} S_{eff{\it 2}}=\int_{t_1}^{t_2}\,dt\left[ \dot{q}^ip_i-W-q_0T +p_0\left(\dot{q}_0-\frac{B^3}{3w{\cal T}^2}\right) -i\bar{C}\left(\frac{B^2}{{\cal T}^2}+\frac{d^2}{dt^2}\right)C \right] \,. \end{equation} Similarly to (\ref{Seff1}), the effective action (\ref{Seff2}) also enjoys invariance under nillpotent BRST and anti-BRST transformations mixing its own variables, namely, \begin{equation} \delta_2 p_i = -CT_i\,,\,\,\,\,\delta_2 q_0 = \dot{C}\,,\,\,\,\, \delta_2\bar{C}=ip_0\,,\,\,\,\,\delta_2 B = -wC \,, \end{equation} and \begin{equation} \bar{\delta}_2 p_i = \bar{C}T_i\,,\,\,\,\,\bar{\delta}_2 q_0 = -\dot{\bar{C}}\,,\,\,\,\, \bar{\delta}_2{C}= ip_0 \,,\,\,\,\,\bar{\delta}_2 B = w\bar{C} \,. \end{equation} We have achieved our goal concerning the BFV quantization of the gauge-invariant dynamical system (\ref{H}) and exploring its BRST symmetries at quantum level. In the next sections we shall discuss two specific examples. \section{Mechanical Example: Elliptical Path} As a first illustrative example of the ideas previously discussed, in the current section we consider a mass $m$ particle in two dimensions confined to move along an elliptical path given by the Cartesian equation \begin{equation}\label{ellipse} \frac{x^2}{a^2}+\frac{y^2}{b^2}=1 \end{equation} where $x$ and $y$ denote Cartesian coordinates and $a$ and $b$ the two ellipse major and minor axis. As mentioned in the Introduction, a BRST-invariant action describing the motion of a particle along a circular path has appeared in \cite{Nemeschansky:1987xb} and has been the starting point for a handful of further theoretical developments from which we mention \cite{Gupta:2009dy, Shukla:2014hea, Shukla:2014spa}. It will be interesting to compare our results with those of references \cite{Nemeschansky:1987xb, Gupta:2009dy, Shukla:2014hea, Shukla:2014spa} for the particular case $b=a$ in which the ellipse (\ref{ellipse}) degenerates to a circle. For this reason we choose the form of the main constraint equation as \begin{equation} T(x,y)=\sqrt{ab}\left[ \sqrt{(x/a)^2+(y/b)^2}-1 \right] \end{equation} and, corresponding to equation (\ref{H}), define the Hamiltonian function as \begin{equation}\label{Hellipse} H(x,y,z,p_x,p_y)=\frac{(xp_yb/a-yp_xa/b)^2}{2m(x^2b^2/a^2+y^2a^2/b^2)} +z\sqrt{ab}\left[ \sqrt{(x/a)^2+(y/b)^2}-1 \right] \,. \end{equation} The resulting model (\ref{Hellipse}) was also briefly discussed in \cite{deOliveira:2019eva} without mention to BRST symmetry. For notational convenience, we write down further \begin{equation} {\cal T}\equiv T+\sqrt{ab} = \sqrt{x^2b/a+y^2a/b} \end{equation} in accordance to (\ref{calT}), and note that the general definitions (\ref{wB}) particularize here to \begin{equation} w=\frac{x^2b^2/a^2+y^2a^2/b^2}{m{\cal T}^2} \end{equation} and \begin{equation} B=\frac{xp_xb/a+yp_ya/b}{m{\cal T}} \,. \end{equation} Proceeding next to the extended phase space, we introduce the canonical momentum $p_z$ and ghost variables $(C,{\bar C},{\cal P},{\bar{\cal P}})$ in order to obtain a BRST-invariant Hamiltonian. By choosing a gauge-fixing of the form (\ref{chi2}) we may write a concise no-time-derivatives extended Hamiltonian \begin{eqnarray}\label{Hext2ellipse} H_{ext{\it 2}}&=&H+ \frac{p_z(xp_xb/a+yp_ya/b)^3)} {3m^2(x^2b^2/a^2+y^2a^2/b^2)(x^2b/a+y^2a/b)^{2/3}} \nonumber\\ &&+\, i{\bar{C}}\frac{(xp_xb/a+yp_ya/b)^2}{m^2(x^2b/a+y^2a/b)}C +i\bar{\cal P}{\cal P} \,, \end{eqnarray} with $H$ given by equation (\ref{Hellipse}) and which can be checked to be invariant under the nillpotent BRST transformations \begin{equation} sx=sy=0\,,\,\,\,sz=-i{\cal P}\,, \end{equation} \begin{equation} sp_x = -\frac{xbC}{a\sqrt{x^2b/a+y^2a/b}} \,,\,\,\,sp_y= -\frac{yaC}{b\sqrt{x^2b/a+y^2a/b}}\,,\,\,\,sp_z=0\,, \end{equation} \begin{equation} sC=s{\cal P}=0\,,\,\,\,s\bar{C}=ip_z\,,\,\,\, s\bar{\cal P}=-\sqrt{ab}\left[ \sqrt{(x/a)^2+(y/b)^2}-1 \right] \,. \end{equation} In the particular case $b=a$, by using polar coordinates\footnote{From $x=r\cos\theta$ and $y=r\sin\theta$ we have $p_r=\cos\theta\,p_x+\sin\theta\,p_y$ and $p_\theta=-r\sin\theta p_x +r\cos\theta p_y$. } $(r,\theta,p_r,p_\theta)$, the extended Hamiltonian (\ref{Hext2ellipse}) may be rewritten as \begin{equation} H_{ext{\it 2}}=\frac{p_\theta^2}{2mr^2}+z(r-a)+ \frac{p_zp_r^3}{3m^2r^2}+i\bar{C}\frac{p_r^2}{m^2r}C+ \bar{\cal P}{\cal P} \end{equation} being invariant under the non-null BRST transformations \begin{equation} sz=-i{\cal P}\,,\,\,\,sp_r=-C\,,\,\,\, s\bar{C}=ip_z\,,\,\,\,s{\bar{\cal P}}=-(r-a)\,. \end{equation} As shown last section for the general case, after obtaining the generating functional via the BFV quantization scheme, it is possible to produce a simpler effective action. For instance corresponding to the equation (\ref{Seff1}) we have the effective action \begin{eqnarray}\label{Seff1ellipse} S_{eff{\it 1}}&=&\int_{t_1}^{t_2}\,dt\left[ \dot{x}p_x+\dot{y}p_y-\frac{p_x^2+p_y^2}{2m} -z\sqrt{ab}\left[ \sqrt{(x/a)^2+(y/b)^2}-1 \right] \right.\nonumber\\&&\left. -i\bar{C} \frac{(xp_xb/a+yp_ya/b)^2}{m^2(x^2b/a+y^2a/b)} C \right]\,, \end{eqnarray} while a version depending on the ghosts time derivatives can be obtained from (\ref{Seff2}) as \begin{eqnarray}\label{Seff2ellipse} S_{eff{\it 2}}&\!=&\!\!\int_{t_1}^{t_2}\,dt\left[ \dot{x}p_x+\dot{y}p_y -\frac{(xp_yb/a-yp_xa/b)^2}{2m(x^2b^2/a^2+y^2a^2/b^2)} -z\sqrt{ab}\left[ \sqrt{(x/a)^2+(y/b)^2}-1 \right] \right.\nonumber\\& +\,p_z&\left.\!\!\!\!\!\!\left( \dot{z}-\frac{(xp_xb/a+yp_ya/b)^3}{3m^2{\cal T}^3(x^2b^2/a^2+y^2a^2/b^2)}\right) +i\bar{C}\left( \frac{(xp_xb/a+yp_ya/b)^2}{m^2{\cal T}^4}+\frac{d^2}{dt^2}\right)C \right]\,. \end{eqnarray} In polar coordinates, for the particular case $b=a$, the two last effective actions read respectively \begin{equation} S_{eff{\it 1}}=\int_{t_1}^{t_2}\,dt\left[ \dot{r}p_r+\dot{\theta}p_\theta-\frac{p_r^2}{2m}-\frac{p_\theta^2}{2mr^2} -z(r-a)-i\bar{C}\frac{p_r^2}{m^2r^2}C \right] \end{equation} and \begin{eqnarray} S_{eff{\it 2}}&=&\int_{t_1}^{t_2}\,dt\left[ \dot{r}p_r+\dot{\theta}p_\theta-\frac{p_\theta^2}{2mr^2} -z(r-a) \nonumber\right.\\&&\left. +p_z\left(\dot{z}-\frac{p_r^3}{3m^2r^2}\right) -i\bar{C}\left(\frac{p_r^2}{m^2r^2}+\frac{d^2}{dt^2}\right)C \right]\,, \end{eqnarray} being invariant under the following BRST and anti-BRST transformations: \begin{equation}\label{BRST1circle} \delta_1 p_r = -C\,,\,\,\,\,\delta_1 z = \dot{C}\,,\,\,\,\, \delta_1 \bar{C}=i\frac{mr^2}{p_r}+\frac{\bar{C}C}{p_r}\,, \end{equation} \begin{equation}\label{aBRST1circle} \bar{\delta}_1 p_r = \bar{C}\,,\,\,\,\,\bar{\delta}_1 z = -\dot{\bar{C}}\,,\,\,\,\, \bar{\delta}_1 {C}=i\frac{mr^2}{p_r}+\frac{\bar{C}C}{p_r}\,, \end{equation} \begin{equation} \delta_2 p_r = -C\,,\,\,\,\,\delta_2 z = \dot{C}\,,\,\,\,\, \delta_2\bar{C}=ip_z\,, \end{equation} and \begin{equation} \bar{\delta}_2 p_r = \bar{C}\,,\,\,\,\,\bar{\delta}_2 z = -\dot{\bar{C}}\,,\,\,\,\, \bar{\delta}_2{C}= ip_z \,. \end{equation} \section{Field Theory Example: The O(N) Nonlinear Sigma Model} The O(N) nonlinear sigma model can be described by the Lagrangian density \begin{equation}\label{ONL} {\cal L} = \frac{1}{2f}\partial_\mu\phi^a\partial^\mu\phi^a-\frac{\varphi}{2}(\phi^a\phi^a-F^2) \end{equation} where $\phi^a$ denotes a multiplet of real scalar fields with $a=1,\dots,N$ and $\varphi$ stands for an additional scalar field. We consider the model defined in Minkowsky space, with $D-1$ spatial dimensions and metric convention diag $\eta^{\mu\nu}=(1,-1,\dots,-1)$. Furthermore, in this section we use natural units $\hbar=c=1$ and standard relativistic notation -- Greek indexes run through $\mu,\nu=0,\dots,D-1$ and middle alphabet Latin indexes $i,j,=1\dots,D-1$. The two constant real parameters $f$ and $F$ in (\ref{ONL}) provide room for dimensional balance, according to the desired specific application and effective number $D$ of space-time dimensions. In principle we could say that the Lagrangian density (\ref{ONL}) promotes an interaction between the two scalar fields $\phi^a$ and $\varphi$ through the cubic term \begin{equation} {\cal L}_{int} = -\frac{1}{2}\varphi\phi^a\phi^a \,, \end{equation} however, we see that actually $\varphi$ plays the role of a Lagrangian multiplier field, enforcing the constraint\footnote{Of course the factor $1/2$ in the constraint equation is just for convenience.} \begin{equation}\label{T} T=\frac{1}{2}(\phi^a\phi^a-F^2) \end{equation} which fixes the norm of $\phi^a$. Therefore the field $\phi^a$ takes value along an $(N-1)$-sphere $S^{N-1}$ and the Lagrangian density (\ref{ONL}) is symmetric with respect to $O(N)$ transformations $\phi^a\rightarrow T^{ab}\phi^b$ with $T^{ab}\in O(N)$. Besides (\ref{T}), the nonlinear field equations for the Lagrangian density (\ref{ONL}) read \begin{equation} (\Box+f\varphi)\phi^a=0\,. \end{equation} The canonical structure of this model has been analyzed for instance in references \cite{Maharana:1983cs, Hong:2002vr}. Following the standard Dirac-Bergmann algorithm, we obtain four second-class constraints which we define and write here as \begin{equation} \begin{cases} \Xi_1 = \pi_\varphi\,, \\ \Xi_2 \equiv T =\frac{1}{2}(\phi^a\phi^a-F^2)\,, \\ \Xi_3 = \phi^a\pi^a\,, \\ \Xi_4 = f^2\pi^a\pi^a-f\varphi\phi^a\phi^a+\phi^a\partial_i\partial_i\phi^a\,, \end{cases} \end{equation} where $\pi^a$ and $\pi_\phi$ denote the momenta fields canonically conjugated respectively to $\phi^a$ and $\varphi$. Actually, the first constraint $\Xi_1=\pi_\varphi$ above is somewhat artificial simply signaling that the field $\varphi$ has no dynamics, acting as a mere Lagrange multiplier. In this sense it is possible to consider a smaller set of constraints if one follows, for instance, the symplectic Faddeev-Jackiw-BarcelosNeto-Wotzasek (FJBW) iterative approach \cite{Faddeev:1988qp, BarcelosNeto:1991kw} as can be seen in references \cite{Hong:2002vr, Foussats:1997aa}. Following the main course of section {\bf 2}, the $O(N)$ nonlinear sigma model (\ref{ONL}) can be easily cast into a gauge-invariant form. In fact, equations (\ref{wB}) particularize now to \begin{equation}\label{wBONL} w\equiv f\phi^a\phi^a\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,B\equiv f\phi^a\pi^a\,, \,\,\,\,\,\mbox{ and }\,\,\,\,\,{\cal O}^{ab}\equiv \delta^{ab}-\frac{\phi^a\phi^b}{\phi^c\phi^c}\,, \end{equation} and corresponding to (\ref{Sc}) we have the $O(N)$ nonlinear sigma model canonical action \begin{eqnarray}\label{ScONL} S_c&=&\int d^Dx \left\{ \dot{\phi}^a\pi^a+\dot{\varphi}\pi_\varphi -\frac{f}{2}\left( \pi^a\pi^a-\frac{\phi^a\phi^b\pi^a\pi^b}{\phi^c\phi^c} \right) -\frac{1}{2f}\partial_i\phi^a\partial_i\phi^a \right.\nonumber\\&&\left. -\frac{\varphi}{2}\left(\phi^a\phi^a-F^2\right) -\theta\pi_\varphi \phantom{\left(\frac{\phi^a\phi^b\pi^a\pi^b}{\phi^c\phi^c} \right)}\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\! \right\} \,, \end{eqnarray} which can be checked to be gauge-invariant under \begin{equation} \begin{cases}\label{ginvONL} \delta \varphi = \epsilon_0+\dot{\epsilon}\,,\\ \delta \theta = \dot{\epsilon}_0+\ddot{\epsilon}\,,\\ \delta \pi^a = \displaystyle\frac{\epsilon_0\left(\phi^b\phi^b-F^2\right)\phi^a}{2\phi^c\dot{\phi^c}}-\epsilon \phi^a\,, \end{cases} \end{equation} for arbitrary space-time dependent gauge parameters $\epsilon_0$ and $\epsilon$. In equations (\ref{ScONL}) and (\ref{ginvONL}), $\theta$ denotes a Lagrange multiplier field for the constraint $\pi_\varphi$. Or else, for those who do not like too many constraints and unnecessary redundant variables, corresponding to (\ref{S}) we have the more compact action \begin{equation}\label{SONL} S=\int d^Dx \left\{ \dot{\phi}^a\pi^a- \frac{f}{2}\left( \pi^a\pi^a-\frac{\phi^a\phi^b\pi^a\pi^b}{\phi^c\phi^c} \right) -\frac{1}{2f}\partial_i\phi^a\partial_i\phi^a -\frac{\varphi}{2}\left(\phi^a\phi^a-F^2\right) \right\} \,, \end{equation} also gauge-invariant under \begin{equation} \delta \varphi = \epsilon_0+\dot{\epsilon}\,\,,\,\,\,\,\,\, \delta \pi^a = \displaystyle\frac{\epsilon_0\left(\phi^b\phi^b-F^2\right)\phi^a}{2\phi^c\dot{\phi^c}}-\epsilon \phi^a\,. \end{equation} Based on the general discussion carried out in section {\bf 2}, we have been able to exhibit a gauge-invariant description for the $O(N)$ nonlinear sigma model. Henceforth we proceed with the quantization process. Enlarging the phase space including the appropriate Grassmann variables $(C,\bar{C},{\cal P},\bar{\cal P})$ we obtain, from equation (\ref{Omega}) the BRST charge \begin{equation} \Omega=\int d^{D-1}x\left[ \frac{1}{2}C\left(\phi^a\phi^a-F^2\right)-i\pi_\varphi{\cal P} \right]\,, \end{equation} which generates the BRST transformations corresponding to (\ref{s}) given here explicitly by \begin{equation}\label{sONL1} s\pi^a = -C\phi^a\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,s\varphi=-i{\cal P}\,, \end{equation} \begin{equation}\label{sONL2} s\bar{C}=i\pi_\varphi\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,s{\bar{\cal P}}=-\frac{1}{2}\left(\phi^a\phi^a-F^2\right)\,. \end{equation} A gauge-fixed BRST-invariant Hamiltonian can then be readily constructed, for instance from (\ref{Hext2}) using relations (\ref{wBONL}) and \begin{equation} {\cal T}\equiv{\phi^a\phi^a}\,, \end{equation} as \begin{eqnarray}\label{Hext2ONL} H_{ext2}&=&\int d^{D-1}x \left[ \frac{f}{2}\left( \pi^a\pi^a-\frac{\phi^a\phi^b\pi^a\pi^b}{\phi^c\phi^c} \right) +\frac{1}{2f}\partial_i\phi^a\partial_i\phi^a +\frac{\varphi}{2}\left(\phi^a\phi^a-F^2\right) \right.\nonumber\\&&\left. +\frac{f^2\pi_\varphi\phi^a\phi^b\phi^c\pi^a\pi^b\pi^c} {3\phi^d\phi^e\phi^f\phi^d\phi^e\phi^f} +f^2i\bar{C}\frac{\phi^a\phi^b\pi^a\pi^b} {\phi^c\phi^d\phi^c\phi^d}C +i\bar{\cal P}{\cal P} \right] \,. \end{eqnarray} A straightforward calculation shows that (\ref{Hext2ONL}) is indeed invariant under the BRST transformations (\ref{sONL1}) and (\ref{sONL2}). Following the steps from section {\bf 4}, c.f. equations (\ref{Seff1}) and (\ref{Seff2}), we may also write down the effective actions \begin{eqnarray} S_{eff\it 1} &=& \int d^Dx \left\{ \dot{\phi}^a\pi^a -\frac{f}{2}\pi^a\pi^a -\frac{1}{2f}\partial_i\phi^a\partial_i\phi^a \right.\nonumber\\&&\left. -\frac{\varphi}{2}\left(\phi^a\phi^a-F^2\right) -if^2\bar{C}\left[\frac{\phi^a\phi^b\pi^a\pi^b}{\phi^c\phi^c\phi^d\phi^d}\right]C \right\} \end{eqnarray} and \begin{eqnarray} S_{eff\it 2} &=& \int d^Dx \left\{ \dot{\phi}^a\pi^a +\pi_\varphi\dot{\varphi} -\frac{f}{2}\pi^a\pi^a +f\frac{\phi^a\phi^b\pi^a\pi^b}{2\phi^c\phi^c} -\frac{1}{2f}\partial_i\phi^a\partial_i\phi^a \right.\nonumber\\&&\left. -\frac{\varphi}{2}\left(\phi^a\phi^a-F^2\right) -\frac{f^2\pi_\varphi\phi^a\phi^b\phi^c\pi^a\pi^b\pi^c} {3\phi^d\phi^e\phi^f\phi^d\phi^e\phi^f} -if^2\bar{C}\left[\frac{\phi^a\phi^b\pi^a\pi^b}{\phi^c\phi^c\phi^d\phi^d}\right]C -i\bar{C}\ddot{C} \right\} \end{eqnarray} which can be checked to be invariant under the nillpotent BRST \begin{equation} \delta_1\pi^a=-C\phi^a\,,\,\,\,\,\,\delta_1\varphi=\dot{C}\,,\,\,\,\,\,\delta_1\bar{C}=i\frac{\phi^a\phi^b\phi^a\phi^b}{f\phi^c\pi^c}+\bar{C}\frac{\phi^a\phi^b}{\phi^c\phi^c}C \,, \end{equation} \begin{equation} \delta_2\pi^a=-C\phi^a\,,\,\,\,\,\,\delta_2\varphi=\dot{C}\,,\,\,\,\,\,\delta_2\bar{C}=i\pi_\varphi\,, \end{equation} and anti-BRST transformations \begin{equation} \bar{\delta}_1\pi^a=\bar{C}\phi^a\,,\,\,\,\,\,\bar{\delta}_1\varphi=-\dot{\bar{C}}\,,\,\,\,\,\,\bar{\delta}_1C=i\frac{\phi^a\phi^b\phi^a\phi^b}{f\phi^c\pi^c}+\bar{C}\frac{\phi^a\phi^b}{\phi^c\phi^c}C \,, \end{equation} \begin{equation} \bar{\delta}_2\pi^a=-\bar{C}\phi^a\,,\,\,\,\,\,\bar{\delta}_2\varphi=-\dot{\bar{C}}\,,\,\,\,\,\,\bar{\delta_2}{C}=i\pi_\varphi\,. \end{equation} This ends our analysis of the $O(N)$ nonlinear sigma model as a particular example of the generalized rigid rotor. \section{Conclusion and Final Remarks} We have identified a family of similar second-class dynamical systems encompassing motion along conic curves \cite{Barbosa:2018dmb}, the rigid rotor \cite{Nemeschansky:1987xb}, and the nonlinear sigma model as particular cases, which can be cast into first-class exhibiting gauge symmetry. The main feature of these similar systems consists of a second-class geometrical constraint which is directly implemented in the action via a Lagrange multiplier. One of the simplest cases is exactly the rigid rotor, which we have discussed in section {\bf 5} -- in that case the constraint hypersurface is a $S^n$ hypersphere in $n$ dimensions. The generalization of that hypersphere to a more arbitrary smooth geometric hypersurface $T(q^k)=0$ lead to our general system (\ref{H}) which we named as generalized rigid rotor. We have shown how these systems can be easily made gauge invariant and pursued their corresponding BFV functional quantization. A general expression for the BRST charge was also explicitly given. In this way, it was possible to investigate the common properties of such systems, particularly those related to BRST symmetries, in a unified way. It is worth noting that, in contrast to other abelianization methods, no auxiliary variables were needed. For the gauge invariant general model -- c.f. action (\ref{S}) with Hamiltonian (\ref{H}), invariant under (\ref{ginv}) -- we have made use restrictly of the already existing variables in phase space. Whilst for obtaining the BRST symmetry, we have introduced only the proper prescribed Grassmann variables concerning the ghost fields. The examples have also shown that in certain cases it is much easier and clear to handle the formulae along the general dynamical system, with the familiar compact index notations and only afterwards turn to the specific notation for the desired particular systems. Particularities of the gauge choice become also more transparent through the proposed general perspective. The abelianization of some of these models has been studied in the literature, always on isolated terms, through different methods -- for instance the BFFT conversion method has been recurrently applied to the nonlinear sigma model \cite{Abreu:2000ip, Hong:1999gx, Hong:2002vr, BarcelosNeto:1997kn}. We hope that the general approach presented here may consolidate further treatments of these similar systems in a unified way.
Related literature {#sec1} ================== For related literature, see: Youm *et al.* (2006[@bb7]); Huh *et al*. (1999[@bb2], 2000[@bb3]). Experimental {#sec2} ============ {#sec2.1} ### Crystal data {#sec2.1.1} \[Ru(C~4~H~6~BN~6~)H(C~18~H~15~P)~2~(CO)\]·C~2~H~3~N*M* *~r~* = 844.64Triclinic,*a* = 9.0733 (1) Å*b* = 11.8032 (3) Å*c* = 20.2609 (6) Åα = 74.438 (11)°β = 89.552 (15)°γ = 70.731 (14)°*V* = 1965.4 (2) Å^3^*Z* = 2Mo *K*α radiationμ = 0.53 mm^−1^*T* = 100 (2) K0.35 × 0.30 × 0.28 mm ### Data collection {#sec2.1.2} Nonius KappaCCD diffractometerAbsorption correction: multi-scan (*DENZO-SMN*; Otwinowski & Minor, 1997[@bb5]) *T* ~min~ = 0.838, *T* ~max~ = 0.86731908 measured reflections8964 independent reflections6896 reflections with *I* \> 2σ(*I*)*R* ~int~ = 0.060 ### Refinement {#sec2.1.3} *R*\[*F* ^2^ \> 2σ(*F* ^2^)\] = 0.034*wR*(*F* ^2^) = 0.079*S* = 0.988964 reflections521 parameters9 restraintsH atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinementΔρ~max~ = 0.76 e Å^−3^Δρ~min~ = −0.79 e Å^−3^ {#d5e532} Data collection: *KappaCCD Server Software* (Nonius, 1997[@bb4]); cell refinement: *DENZO-SMN* (Otwinowski & Minor, 1997[@bb5]); data reduction: *DENZO-SMN*; program(s) used to solve structure: *SHELXS97* (Sheldrick, 1997[@bb6]); program(s) used to refine structure: *SHELXL97* (Sheldrick, 1997[@bb6]); molecular graphics: *SHELXTL/PC* (Bruker, 1998[@bb1]); software used to prepare material for publication: *SHELXTL/PC*. Supplementary Material ====================== Crystal structure: contains datablocks global, I. DOI: [10.1107/S160053680706792X/nc2075sup1.cif](http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S160053680706792X/nc2075sup1.cif) Structure factors: contains datablocks I. DOI: [10.1107/S160053680706792X/nc2075Isup2.hkl](http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S160053680706792X/nc2075Isup2.hkl) Additional supplementary materials: [crystallographic information](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/sendsupfiles?nc2075&file=nc2075sup0.html&mime=text/html); [3D view](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/sendcif?nc2075sup1&Qmime=cif); [checkCIF report](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?nc2075&checkcif=yes) Supplementary data and figures for this paper are available from the IUCr electronic archives (Reference: [NC2075](http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/sendsup?nc2075)). The author thanks Dr Alan J. Lough of the University of Toronto for the structure determination. Comment ======= In our ongoing investigations on the preparation of one-dimensional coordination polymers containing catalytically active Ru^II^ complex moieties, we recently reported the preparation and spectroscopic data of the title compound (I) (Youm *et al.*, 2006). The proposed structure of (I) which based on the spectroscopic data closely resembles those of the previously structurally characterized analogues, \[RuH(AsPh~3~)~2~(η^2^-H~2~Bpz~2~)(CO)\] (II) (pz is pyrazol-1-yl) (Huh *et al.*, 1999) and \[RuH{P(*p*-C~6~H~4~CH~3~)~3~}~2~(η^2^-H~2~Bpz~2~)(CO)\] (III) (Huh *et al*., 2000). Here we report the crystal structure of compound (I). The crystal structure of compound I shows similar structural features as the analogous structures of (II) and (III) and therefore, confirm the proposed structure of (I) from our spectroscopic investigations. In the crystal structure of the title compound the Ru atom is coordinated by two phosphorous atoms of two crystallographically independent triphenylphosphine ligands, one carbon atom of the CO ligand, one hydride H atom and two nitrogen atoms of the dihydrobis(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)borate ligand within a slightly distorted octahedra (Fig. 1). The two phosphorous atoms of the PPh~3~ ligands are *trans*-positioned and the two nitrogen atoms of the chelating dihydrobis(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)borate ligand occupy *cis*-positions. The two Ru---P bond lengths are slightly longer than those in (III) \[2.3448 (17) -- 2.3699 (17) Å\] (Tab. 1). In (I), the Ru1---P1 bond length is slightly longer than the Ru1---P2 bond by about 0.039 Å (Tab. 1). However, the Ru---N bond distances are very similar to those in (III). The H1---Ru---P2 angle of 81.0 (8)° is smaller than the H1---Ru---P1 angle of 91.1 (8)° (Tab. 1). Experimental {#experimental} ============ The title compound was prepared according to the literature method (Youm *et al.*, 2006). Single crystals are obtained by slow evaporation of the solvent from a solution of (I) in acetonitrile. Refinement {#refinement} ========== H atoms bonded to C atoms were placed in calculated positions \[C---H = 0.95 - 0.97 Å\] and included in the refinement in a riding-model approximation with *U*~iso~(H) = 1.2*U*~eq~(C) or 1.5*U*~eq~(C) for methyl H atoms. The hydride H atom \[H1RU\], the H atoms connected to B1 and to the nitrogen atom of the acetonitrile molecules were refined with varying coordinates and free isotropic displacement parameters. Figures ======= ![The molecular structure of the title compound with labeling and displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level. All hydrogen atoms except the hydride and hydrogen atoms attached to the B atom are omitted for clarity.](e-64-0m290-fig1){#Fap1} Crystal data {#tablewrapcrystaldatalong} ============ ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- \[Ru(C~4~H~6~BN~6~)H(C~18~H~15~P)~2~(CO)\]·C~2~H~3~N *Z* = 2 *M~r~* = 844.64 *F*~000~ = 868 Triclinic, *P*1 *D*~x~ = 1.427 Mg m^−3^ Hall symbol: -P 1 Mo *K*α radiation λ = 0.71073 Å *a* = 9.0733 (1) Å Cell parameters from 31908 reflections *b* = 11.8032 (3) Å θ = 4.1--27.5º *c* = 20.2609 (6) Å µ = 0.53 mm^−1^ α = 74.438 (11)º *T* = 100 (2) K β = 89.552 (15)º Block cut from needle, pale yellow γ = 70.731 (14)º 0.35 × 0.30 × 0.28 mm *V* = 1965.4 (2) Å^3^ ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- Data collection {#tablewrapdatacollectionlong} =============== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- Nonius KappaCCD diffractometer 8964 independent reflections Radiation source: fine-focus sealed tube 6896 reflections with *I* \> 2σ(*I*) Monochromator: graphite *R*~int~ = 0.060 Detector resolution: 9 pixels mm^-1^ θ~max~ = 27.5º *T* = 100(2) K θ~min~ = 4.1º φ scan and ω scans with κ offsets *h* = −11→11 Absorption correction: multi-scan(DENZO-SMN; Otwinowski & Minor, 1997) *k* = −13→15 *T*~min~ = 0.838, *T*~max~ = 0.867 *l* = −26→26 31908 measured reflections ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- Refinement {#tablewraprefinementdatalong} ========== ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refinement on *F*^2^ Secondary atom site location: difference Fourier map Least-squares matrix: full Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites *R*\[*F*^2^ \> 2σ(*F*^2^)\] = 0.034 H atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinement *wR*(*F*^2^) = 0.079   *w* = 1/\[σ^2^(*F*~o~^2^) + (0.0387*P*)^2^\] where *P* = (*F*~o~^2^ + 2*F*~c~^2^)/3 *S* = 0.99 (Δ/σ)~max~ = 0.002 8964 reflections Δρ~max~ = 0.76 e Å^−3^ 521 parameters Δρ~min~ = −0.79 e Å^−3^ 9 restraints Extinction correction: none Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special details {#specialdetails} =============== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geometry. All e.s.d.\'s (except the e.s.d. in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell e.s.d.\'s are taken into account individually in the estimation of e.s.d.\'s in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between e.s.d.\'s in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell e.s.d.\'s is used for estimating e.s.d.\'s involving l.s. planes. Refinement. Refinement of *F*^2^ against ALL reflections. The weighted *R*-factor *wR* and goodness of fit *S* are based on *F*^2^, conventional *R*-factors *R* are based on *F*, with *F* set to zero for negative *F*^2^. The threshold expression of *F*^2^ \> σ(*F*^2^) is used only for calculating *R*-factors(gt) *etc*. and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement. *R*-factors based on *F*^2^ are statistically about twice as large as those based on *F*, and *R*- factors based on ALL data will be even larger. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å^2^) {#tablewrapcoords} ================================================================================================== ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------------- -- *x* *y* *z* *U*~iso~\*/*U*~eq~ Ru1 0.991567 (18) 0.597576 (15) 0.723224 (10) 0.01409 (6) H1RU 0.815 (2) 0.668 (2) 0.6948 (12) 0.022 (6)\* P1 0.97691 (6) 0.40525 (5) 0.71054 (3) 0.01384 (12) P2 0.97123 (6) 0.80041 (5) 0.72650 (3) 0.01507 (12) O1 1.09179 (19) 0.66608 (15) 0.58094 (9) 0.0295 (4) N1 1.23032 (19) 0.49727 (16) 0.77038 (10) 0.0160 (4) N2 1.2776 (2) 0.46297 (17) 0.83893 (10) 0.0194 (4) N3 1.4870 (2) 0.38206 (18) 0.78677 (11) 0.0251 (5) N4 0.91255 (19) 0.54559 (16) 0.82298 (10) 0.0162 (4) N5 1.0082 (2) 0.49179 (16) 0.88370 (10) 0.0195 (4) N6 0.7751 (2) 0.47449 (18) 0.90769 (11) 0.0267 (5) C1 1.0512 (2) 0.63962 (19) 0.63591 (13) 0.0181 (5) C2 1.3590 (2) 0.44611 (19) 0.74159 (12) 0.0195 (5) H2A 1.3604 0.4540 0.6937 0.023\* C3 1.4305 (2) 0.3955 (2) 0.84596 (13) 0.0266 (6) H3A 1.4923 0.3607 0.8889 0.032\* C4 0.7767 (2) 0.5315 (2) 0.84039 (13) 0.0212 (5) H4A 0.6879 0.5592 0.8081 0.025\* C5 0.9212 (3) 0.4511 (2) 0.93188 (13) 0.0258 (5) H5A 0.9600 0.4098 0.9786 0.031\* C11 1.0065 (2) 0.28484 (19) 0.79288 (12) 0.0161 (4) C12 0.8863 (2) 0.2443 (2) 0.82195 (12) 0.0200 (5) H12A 0.7859 0.2746 0.7974 0.024\* C13 0.9140 (3) 0.1595 (2) 0.88699 (13) 0.0254 (5) H13A 0.8317 0.1326 0.9067 0.031\* C14 1.0599 (3) 0.1136 (2) 0.92364 (13) 0.0260 (5) H14A 1.0778 0.0549 0.9678 0.031\* C15 1.1800 (2) 0.1544 (2) 0.89514 (13) 0.0216 (5) H15A 1.2802 0.1241 0.9200 0.026\* C16 1.1531 (2) 0.23893 (19) 0.83086 (12) 0.0182 (5) H16A 1.2354 0.2667 0.8118 0.022\* C21 1.1176 (2) 0.32556 (19) 0.65704 (12) 0.0165 (5) C22 1.1077 (2) 0.3869 (2) 0.58734 (12) 0.0216 (5) H22A 1.0322 0.4681 0.5696 0.026\* C23 1.2054 (3) 0.3322 (2) 0.54338 (13) 0.0245 (5) H23A 1.1967 0.3757 0.4960 0.029\* C24 1.3165 (3) 0.2133 (2) 0.56868 (13) 0.0245 (5) H24A 1.3847 0.1758 0.5388 0.029\* C25 1.3268 (3) 0.1503 (2) 0.63731 (14) 0.0298 (6) H25A 1.4016 0.0687 0.6546 0.036\* C26 1.2285 (3) 0.2052 (2) 0.68153 (13) 0.0240 (5) H26A 1.2367 0.1607 0.7288 0.029\* C31 0.7951 (2) 0.4155 (2) 0.66621 (11) 0.0161 (4) C32 0.6824 (2) 0.5310 (2) 0.63387 (12) 0.0189 (5) H32A 0.6943 0.6055 0.6386 0.023\* C33 0.5524 (2) 0.5382 (2) 0.59473 (12) 0.0221 (5) H33A 0.4775 0.6174 0.5721 0.026\* C34 0.5322 (2) 0.4303 (2) 0.58883 (12) 0.0226 (5) H34A 0.4429 0.4353 0.5626 0.027\* C35 0.6424 (3) 0.3145 (2) 0.62120 (13) 0.0235 (5) H35A 0.6281 0.2403 0.6173 0.028\* C36 0.7736 (2) 0.3071 (2) 0.65924 (12) 0.0208 (5) H36A 0.8495 0.2277 0.6807 0.025\* C41 0.9074 (2) 0.91694 (19) 0.64166 (12) 0.0177 (5) C42 0.7850 (3) 0.9175 (2) 0.60011 (13) 0.0239 (5) H42A 0.7373 0.8555 0.6151 0.029\* C43 0.7320 (3) 1.0073 (2) 0.53737 (13) 0.0259 (5) H43A 0.6486 1.0064 0.5097 0.031\* C44 0.8006 (3) 1.0989 (2) 0.51474 (13) 0.0262 (5) H44A 0.7643 1.1604 0.4717 0.031\* C45 0.9218 (3) 1.0994 (2) 0.55539 (13) 0.0244 (5) H45A 0.9691 1.1616 0.5401 0.029\* C46 0.9751 (2) 1.0099 (2) 0.61834 (12) 0.0210 (5) H46A 1.0582 1.0116 0.6459 0.025\* C51 1.1555 (2) 0.81957 (19) 0.74822 (12) 0.0170 (5) C52 1.2868 (2) 0.7637 (2) 0.71679 (12) 0.0201 (5) H52A 1.2784 0.7169 0.6864 0.024\* C53 1.4298 (2) 0.7767 (2) 0.73004 (13) 0.0230 (5) H53A 1.5186 0.7390 0.7084 0.028\* C54 1.4430 (2) 0.8441 (2) 0.77453 (13) 0.0238 (5) H54A 1.5413 0.8516 0.7839 0.029\* C55 1.3140 (2) 0.9007 (2) 0.80537 (13) 0.0221 (5) H55A 1.3232 0.9478 0.8355 0.027\* C56 1.1690 (2) 0.8885 (2) 0.79220 (12) 0.0194 (5) H56A 1.0801 0.9275 0.8134 0.023\* C61 0.8356 (2) 0.8771 (2) 0.78193 (12) 0.0182 (5) C62 0.8375 (2) 0.8146 (2) 0.85103 (12) 0.0213 (5) H62A 0.9069 0.7311 0.8690 0.026\* C63 0.7396 (3) 0.8727 (2) 0.89403 (14) 0.0259 (5) H63A 0.7418 0.8290 0.9410 0.031\* C64 0.6377 (3) 0.9956 (2) 0.86808 (14) 0.0280 (6) H64A 0.5704 1.0357 0.8974 0.034\* C65 0.6349 (3) 1.0586 (2) 0.80013 (15) 0.0283 (6) H65A 0.5663 1.1425 0.7827 0.034\* C66 0.7322 (2) 1.0002 (2) 0.75667 (13) 0.0223 (5) H66A 0.7283 1.0441 0.7096 0.027\* B1 1.1701 (3) 0.5070 (3) 0.89352 (15) 0.0241 (6) H1B 1.227 (3) 0.447 (2) 0.9452 (14) 0.031 (7)\* H2B 1.147 (3) 0.615 (2) 0.8855 (13) 0.029 (7)\* N1S 0.5802 (3) 1.1379 (2) 1.00400 (13) 0.0398 (6) C1S 0.5862 (3) 1.3314 (3) 1.04008 (15) 0.0385 (7) C2S 0.5840 (3) 1.2214 (3) 1.02053 (13) 0.0290 (6) H1S 0.660 (2) 1.3039 (18) 1.0804 (9) 0.044\* H2S 0.620 (2) 1.3844 (17) 1.0025 (10) 0.044\* H3S 0.483 (2) 1.3758 (17) 1.0506 (10) 0.044\* ------ --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------------- -- Atomic displacement parameters (Å^2^) {#tablewrapadps} ===================================== ----- ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- *U*^11^ *U*^22^ *U*^33^ *U*^12^ *U*^13^ *U*^23^ Ru1 0.01425 (9) 0.01286 (9) 0.01445 (11) −0.00458 (6) 0.00124 (6) −0.00273 (7) P1 0.0149 (3) 0.0122 (3) 0.0137 (3) −0.0046 (2) 0.0013 (2) −0.0025 (2) P2 0.0144 (3) 0.0128 (3) 0.0181 (3) −0.0048 (2) 0.0018 (2) −0.0045 (2) O1 0.0422 (10) 0.0280 (9) 0.0200 (11) −0.0163 (8) 0.0089 (8) −0.0041 (8) N1 0.0166 (9) 0.0157 (9) 0.0158 (11) −0.0067 (7) 0.0022 (7) −0.0034 (8) N2 0.0185 (9) 0.0210 (10) 0.0162 (11) −0.0039 (7) −0.0015 (7) −0.0044 (8) N3 0.0171 (9) 0.0275 (11) 0.0251 (13) −0.0010 (8) −0.0002 (8) −0.0066 (9) N4 0.0177 (9) 0.0141 (9) 0.0158 (11) −0.0042 (7) 0.0027 (7) −0.0040 (8) N5 0.0215 (9) 0.0169 (9) 0.0164 (11) −0.0024 (7) 0.0018 (7) −0.0040 (8) N6 0.0318 (11) 0.0277 (11) 0.0235 (13) −0.0134 (9) 0.0118 (9) −0.0078 (9) C1 0.0190 (11) 0.0122 (11) 0.0225 (14) −0.0055 (8) −0.0011 (9) −0.0034 (9) C2 0.0178 (11) 0.0192 (11) 0.0192 (13) −0.0057 (8) 0.0037 (9) −0.0025 (10) C3 0.0193 (11) 0.0276 (13) 0.0260 (15) −0.0007 (9) −0.0055 (10) −0.0051 (11) C4 0.0198 (11) 0.0208 (12) 0.0243 (14) −0.0078 (9) 0.0054 (9) −0.0076 (10) C5 0.0350 (13) 0.0227 (12) 0.0174 (14) −0.0085 (10) 0.0070 (10) −0.0035 (10) C11 0.0204 (10) 0.0103 (10) 0.0165 (13) −0.0038 (8) 0.0018 (8) −0.0037 (9) C12 0.0172 (11) 0.0192 (11) 0.0211 (14) −0.0059 (8) 0.0013 (9) −0.0023 (10) C13 0.0253 (12) 0.0268 (13) 0.0226 (15) −0.0132 (10) 0.0036 (10) 0.0009 (11) C14 0.0300 (13) 0.0230 (12) 0.0188 (14) −0.0080 (10) 0.0009 (10) 0.0031 (10) C15 0.0199 (11) 0.0177 (11) 0.0226 (14) −0.0034 (9) −0.0010 (9) −0.0020 (10) C16 0.0178 (10) 0.0155 (11) 0.0203 (13) −0.0054 (8) 0.0014 (9) −0.0041 (9) C21 0.0158 (10) 0.0174 (11) 0.0196 (13) −0.0081 (8) 0.0019 (8) −0.0072 (9) C22 0.0229 (11) 0.0192 (12) 0.0195 (14) −0.0038 (9) 0.0018 (9) −0.0044 (10) C23 0.0263 (12) 0.0294 (13) 0.0172 (14) −0.0085 (10) 0.0052 (9) −0.0068 (10) C24 0.0229 (12) 0.0295 (13) 0.0271 (15) −0.0103 (10) 0.0093 (10) −0.0162 (11) C25 0.0298 (13) 0.0216 (12) 0.0321 (16) 0.0003 (10) 0.0061 (11) −0.0094 (11) C26 0.0264 (12) 0.0182 (12) 0.0225 (14) −0.0032 (9) 0.0033 (10) −0.0036 (10) C31 0.0160 (10) 0.0189 (11) 0.0134 (12) −0.0063 (8) 0.0024 (8) −0.0043 (9) C32 0.0209 (11) 0.0204 (11) 0.0167 (13) −0.0092 (9) 0.0035 (9) −0.0046 (9) C33 0.0170 (11) 0.0267 (12) 0.0183 (13) −0.0045 (9) −0.0016 (9) −0.0033 (10) C34 0.0207 (11) 0.0343 (14) 0.0158 (13) −0.0133 (10) 0.0015 (9) −0.0069 (10) C35 0.0257 (12) 0.0263 (12) 0.0244 (14) −0.0142 (10) 0.0043 (10) −0.0102 (11) C36 0.0211 (11) 0.0175 (11) 0.0221 (14) −0.0055 (9) 0.0006 (9) −0.0044 (10) C41 0.0190 (10) 0.0128 (10) 0.0183 (13) −0.0025 (8) 0.0014 (8) −0.0029 (9) C42 0.0255 (12) 0.0175 (11) 0.0263 (15) −0.0063 (9) −0.0031 (10) −0.0034 (10) C43 0.0230 (12) 0.0221 (12) 0.0260 (15) −0.0005 (9) −0.0063 (10) −0.0049 (11) C44 0.0309 (13) 0.0186 (12) 0.0200 (14) 0.0007 (9) 0.0015 (10) −0.0019 (10) C45 0.0288 (12) 0.0176 (11) 0.0245 (15) −0.0078 (9) 0.0080 (10) −0.0024 (10) C46 0.0199 (11) 0.0189 (11) 0.0237 (14) −0.0062 (9) 0.0026 (9) −0.0056 (10) C51 0.0168 (10) 0.0124 (10) 0.0189 (13) −0.0044 (8) 0.0011 (8) −0.0002 (9) C52 0.0209 (11) 0.0164 (11) 0.0225 (14) −0.0065 (8) 0.0013 (9) −0.0044 (10) C53 0.0157 (11) 0.0214 (12) 0.0303 (15) −0.0051 (9) 0.0061 (9) −0.0065 (11) C54 0.0179 (11) 0.0221 (12) 0.0297 (15) −0.0094 (9) −0.0018 (9) −0.0013 (10) C55 0.0237 (11) 0.0199 (12) 0.0236 (14) −0.0103 (9) −0.0023 (9) −0.0039 (10) C56 0.0208 (11) 0.0156 (11) 0.0210 (13) −0.0056 (8) 0.0013 (9) −0.0045 (9) C61 0.0131 (10) 0.0183 (11) 0.0269 (14) −0.0068 (8) 0.0027 (9) −0.0101 (10) C62 0.0216 (11) 0.0217 (12) 0.0219 (14) −0.0075 (9) 0.0032 (9) −0.0081 (10) C63 0.0236 (12) 0.0335 (14) 0.0270 (15) −0.0127 (10) 0.0072 (10) −0.0153 (11) C64 0.0212 (12) 0.0300 (13) 0.0409 (18) −0.0093 (10) 0.0109 (10) −0.0225 (13) C65 0.0219 (12) 0.0190 (12) 0.0458 (18) −0.0062 (9) 0.0074 (11) −0.0129 (12) C66 0.0180 (11) 0.0164 (11) 0.0324 (15) −0.0066 (8) 0.0059 (9) −0.0059 (10) B1 0.0225 (13) 0.0284 (15) 0.0204 (16) −0.0031 (11) −0.0001 (11) −0.0123 (12) N1S 0.0555 (15) 0.0322 (13) 0.0298 (15) −0.0145 (11) 0.0069 (11) −0.0064 (11) C1S 0.0487 (17) 0.0355 (16) 0.0321 (18) −0.0222 (13) −0.0020 (13) −0.0006 (13) C2S 0.0287 (13) 0.0345 (15) 0.0178 (14) −0.0105 (11) 0.0033 (10) 0.0022 (11) ----- ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Geometric parameters (Å, °) {#tablewrapgeomlong} =========================== ------------------ -------------- ------------------ ------------- Ru1---H1RU 1.57 (2) C31---C32 1.394 (3) Ru1---C1 1.833 (2) C31---C36 1.398 (3) Ru1---N4 2.1396 (19) C32---C33 1.392 (3) Ru1---N1 2.1771 (17) C32---H32A 0.9500 Ru1---P2 2.3588 (6) C33---C34 1.380 (3) Ru1---P1 2.3978 (6) C33---H33A 0.9500 P1---C11 1.833 (2) C34---C35 1.387 (3) P1---C31 1.837 (2) C34---H34A 0.9500 P1---C21 1.850 (2) C35---C36 1.389 (3) P2---C51 1.831 (2) C35---H35A 0.9500 P2---C61 1.839 (2) C36---H36A 0.9500 P2---C41 1.845 (2) C41---C42 1.396 (3) O1---C1 1.165 (3) C41---C46 1.403 (3) N1---C2 1.334 (3) C42---C43 1.386 (3) N1---N2 1.367 (3) C42---H42A 0.9500 N2---C3 1.339 (3) C43---C44 1.392 (3) N2---B1 1.550 (3) C43---H43A 0.9500 N3---C3 1.328 (3) C44---C45 1.382 (3) N3---C2 1.351 (3) C44---H44A 0.9500 N4---C4 1.330 (3) C45---C46 1.388 (3) N4---N5 1.380 (2) C45---H45A 0.9500 N5---C5 1.339 (3) C46---H46A 0.9500 N5---B1 1.558 (3) C51---C56 1.389 (3) N6---C5 1.330 (3) C51---C52 1.398 (3) N6---C4 1.351 (3) C52---C53 1.392 (3) C2---H2A 0.9500 C52---H52A 0.9500 C3---H3A 0.9500 C53---C54 1.382 (3) C4---H4A 0.9500 C53---H53A 0.9500 C5---H5A 0.9500 C54---C55 1.380 (3) C11---C12 1.396 (3) C54---H54A 0.9500 C11---C16 1.404 (3) C55---C56 1.405 (3) C12---C13 1.390 (3) C55---H55A 0.9500 C12---H12A 0.9500 C56---H56A 0.9500 C13---C14 1.387 (3) C61---C62 1.393 (3) C13---H13A 0.9500 C61---C66 1.401 (3) C14---C15 1.393 (3) C62---C63 1.387 (3) C14---H14A 0.9500 C62---H62A 0.9500 C15---C16 1.378 (3) C63---C64 1.396 (3) C15---H15A 0.9500 C63---H63A 0.9500 C16---H16A 0.9500 C64---C65 1.374 (4) C21---C22 1.392 (3) C64---H64A 0.9500 C21---C26 1.401 (3) C65---C66 1.393 (3) C22---C23 1.384 (3) C65---H65A 0.9500 C22---H22A 0.9500 C66---H66A 0.9500 C23---C24 1.391 (3) B1---H1B 1.11 (3) C23---H23A 0.9500 B1---H2B 1.19 (2) C24---C25 1.377 (3) N1S---C2S 1.133 (3) C24---H24A 0.9500 C1S---C2S 1.463 (4) C25---C26 1.391 (3) C1S---H1S 0.969 (16) C25---H25A 0.9500 C1S---H2S 0.966 (16) C26---H26A 0.9500 C1S---H3S 0.960 (16) H1RU---Ru1---C1 90.0 (9) C25---C26---H26A 119.7 H1RU---Ru1---N4 87.9 (9) C21---C26---H26A 119.7 C1---Ru1---N4 176.92 (8) C32---C31---C36 118.57 (19) H1RU---Ru1---N1 175.7 (9) C32---C31---P1 121.10 (16) C1---Ru1---N1 94.31 (8) C36---C31---P1 120.10 (16) N4---Ru1---N1 87.84 (7) C33---C32---C31 120.6 (2) H1RU---Ru1---P2 81.0 (8) C33---C32---H32A 119.7 C1---Ru1---P2 86.77 (7) C31---C32---H32A 119.7 N4---Ru1---P2 95.09 (5) C34---C33---C32 120.1 (2) N1---Ru1---P2 98.90 (5) C34---C33---H33A 120.0 H1RU---Ru1---P1 91.1 (8) C32---C33---H33A 120.0 C1---Ru1---P1 91.65 (7) C33---C34---C35 120.0 (2) N4---Ru1---P1 86.16 (5) C33---C34---H34A 120.0 N1---Ru1---P1 89.15 (5) C35---C34---H34A 120.0 P2---Ru1---P1 171.884 (18) C34---C35---C36 120.0 (2) C11---P1---C31 106.50 (10) C34---C35---H35A 120.0 C11---P1---C21 103.72 (10) C36---C35---H35A 120.0 C31---P1---C21 98.22 (10) C35---C36---C31 120.6 (2) C11---P1---Ru1 112.79 (7) C35---C36---H36A 119.7 C31---P1---Ru1 116.25 (7) C31---C36---H36A 119.7 C21---P1---Ru1 117.57 (7) C42---C41---C46 118.2 (2) C51---P2---C61 103.14 (10) C42---C41---P2 120.30 (17) C51---P2---C41 101.34 (10) C46---C41---P2 121.40 (17) C61---P2---C41 101.84 (10) C43---C42---C41 120.9 (2) C51---P2---Ru1 115.45 (7) C43---C42---H42A 119.5 C61---P2---Ru1 120.09 (7) C41---C42---H42A 119.5 C41---P2---Ru1 112.53 (7) C42---C43---C44 120.2 (2) C2---N1---N2 104.51 (16) C42---C43---H43A 119.9 C2---N1---Ru1 128.99 (15) C44---C43---H43A 119.9 N2---N1---Ru1 126.25 (13) C45---C44---C43 119.4 (2) C3---N2---N1 106.52 (19) C45---C44---H44A 120.3 C3---N2---B1 129.5 (2) C43---C44---H44A 120.3 N1---N2---B1 123.77 (17) C44---C45---C46 120.6 (2) C3---N3---C2 102.03 (18) C44---C45---H45A 119.7 C4---N4---N5 104.00 (18) C46---C45---H45A 119.7 C4---N4---Ru1 129.70 (16) C45---C46---C41 120.6 (2) N5---N4---Ru1 124.89 (13) C45---C46---H46A 119.7 C5---N5---N4 106.46 (18) C41---C46---H46A 119.7 C5---N5---B1 128.5 (2) C56---C51---C52 119.42 (19) N4---N5---B1 123.62 (19) C56---C51---P2 123.44 (16) C5---N6---C4 101.79 (19) C52---C51---P2 117.11 (17) O1---C1---Ru1 178.72 (18) C53---C52---C51 120.0 (2) N1---C2---N3 113.9 (2) C53---C52---H52A 120.0 N1---C2---H2A 123.1 C51---C52---H52A 120.0 N3---C2---H2A 123.1 C54---C53---C52 120.3 (2) N3---C3---N2 113.1 (2) C54---C53---H53A 119.8 N3---C3---H3A 123.5 C52---C53---H53A 119.8 N2---C3---H3A 123.5 C55---C54---C53 120.2 (2) N4---C4---N6 114.5 (2) C55---C54---H54A 119.9 N4---C4---H4A 122.7 C53---C54---H54A 119.9 N6---C4---H4A 122.7 C54---C55---C56 120.0 (2) N6---C5---N5 113.2 (2) C54---C55---H55A 120.0 N6---C5---H5A 123.4 C56---C55---H55A 120.0 N5---C5---H5A 123.4 C51---C56---C55 120.1 (2) C12---C11---C16 118.6 (2) C51---C56---H56A 120.0 C12---C11---P1 122.82 (16) C55---C56---H56A 120.0 C16---C11---P1 118.38 (16) C62---C61---C66 118.5 (2) C13---C12---C11 119.8 (2) C62---C61---P2 120.30 (16) C13---C12---H12A 120.1 C66---C61---P2 121.20 (19) C11---C12---H12A 120.1 C63---C62---C61 121.0 (2) C14---C13---C12 121.1 (2) C63---C62---H62A 119.5 C14---C13---H13A 119.4 C61---C62---H62A 119.5 C12---C13---H13A 119.4 C62---C63---C64 119.8 (2) C13---C14---C15 119.4 (2) C62---C63---H63A 120.1 C13---C14---H14A 120.3 C64---C63---H63A 120.1 C15---C14---H14A 120.3 C65---C64---C63 119.9 (2) C16---C15---C14 119.8 (2) C65---C64---H64A 120.0 C16---C15---H15A 120.1 C63---C64---H64A 120.0 C14---C15---H15A 120.1 C64---C65---C66 120.4 (2) C15---C16---C11 121.4 (2) C64---C65---H65A 119.8 C15---C16---H16A 119.3 C66---C65---H65A 119.8 C11---C16---H16A 119.3 C65---C66---C61 120.4 (2) C22---C21---C26 118.0 (2) C65---C66---H66A 119.8 C22---C21---P1 117.78 (16) C61---C66---H66A 119.8 C26---C21---P1 124.19 (18) H1B---B1---H2B 113.8 (17) C23---C22---C21 121.4 (2) H1B---B1---N2 108.0 (13) C23---C22---H22A 119.3 H2B---B1---N2 108.9 (12) C21---C22---H22A 119.3 H1B---B1---N5 108.5 (12) C22---C23---C24 119.9 (2) H2B---B1---N5 107.4 (11) C22---C23---H23A 120.0 N2---B1---N5 110.19 (19) C24---C23---H23A 120.0 C2S---C1S---H1S 108.5 (12) C25---C24---C23 119.6 (2) C2S---C1S---H2S 108.8 (12) C25---C24---H24A 120.2 H1S---C1S---H2S 109.6 (13) C23---C24---H24A 120.2 C2S---C1S---H3S 109.8 (12) C24---C25---C26 120.5 (2) H1S---C1S---H3S 109.6 (14) C24---C25---H25A 119.7 H2S---C1S---H3S 110.6 (13) C26---C25---H25A 119.7 N1S---C2S---C1S 178.4 (3) C25---C26---C21 120.6 (2) ------------------ -------------- ------------------ ------------- ###### Selected geometric parameters (Å, °) -------------- ------------- Ru1---H1*RU* 1.57 (2) Ru1---C1 1.833 (2) Ru1---N4 2.1396 (19) Ru1---N1 2.1771 (17) Ru1---P2 2.3588 (6) Ru1---P1 2.3978 (6) -------------- ------------- ------------------- -------------- H1*RU*---Ru1---C1 90.0 (9) H1*RU*---Ru1---N4 87.9 (9) C1---Ru1---N4 176.92 (8) H1*RU*---Ru1---N1 175.7 (9) C1---Ru1---N1 94.31 (8) N4---Ru1---N1 87.84 (7) H1*RU*---Ru1---P2 81.0 (8) C1---Ru1---P2 86.77 (7) N4---Ru1---P2 95.09 (5) N1---Ru1---P2 98.90 (5) H1*RU*---Ru1---P1 91.1 (8) C1---Ru1---P1 91.65 (7) N4---Ru1---P1 86.16 (5) N1---Ru1---P1 89.15 (5) P2---Ru1---P1 171.884 (18) ------------------- --------------
\section{Introduction} Almost four decades after the discovery of the $\tau$ lepton at the SPEAR $e^+e^-$ storage ring\footnote{Martin Perl, who won the Nobel prize for this discovery, sadly passed away few days after this Tau2014 conference.}~\cite{Perl:1975bf} we have accumulated a large amount of precise experimental information about its properties and its many decay channels \cite{Agashe:2014kda,Amhis:2012bh}. On the other hand, theoretical efforts have followed suit, improving significantly our understanding of the $\tau$ dynamics. For a detailed recent review of these developments see Ref.~\cite{Pich:2013lsa}. The physics of the tau lepton are exceptionally broad, both experimentally and theoretically, as nicely shown by the Tau2014 agenda: \begin{itemize} \item We will start the conference learning about the latest measurements of the basic tau properties, such as mass, lifetime, etc. \item Then we will look at the tau lepton as a low energy QCD laboratory thanks to its hadronic decays, where we can distinguish three main (overlapping) efforts: (i) exclusive decays; (ii) inclusive decays; (iii) and the relation with the muon magnetic dipole moment. \item The third day of the conference will focus on the violation of the lepton flavor (LFV), both in the charged sector, where it represents a superb New Physics (NP) probe, and in the neutral sector, where we find the rich field of neutrino physics. \item On Thursday we will move to higher energy scales, making the tau a light particle generated through the decay of heavy quarks or the proton collisions at the LHC. \item At last we will end the conference discussing future facilities that will lead the field in the coming years. \end{itemize} Such a broad spectrum of topics entails a very heterogeneous list of participants, some of whom are probably not very familiar with certain topics. One of the goals of this opening talk is to give a not too technical introduction to (some aspects of) the field, with the hope that it will make easier to follow the subsequent discussion of recent developments. The outline of this talk is the following: Section \ref{sec:leptonic} discusses leptonic $\tau$ decays as New Physics probes, Section \ref{sec:hadronic} introduces the theoretical framework used to describe inclusive hadronic tau decays and Section \ref{sec:LFV} presents LFV searches with tau leptons and their theoretical implications. Such an outline is strongly influenced by my own work in the field, and needless to say, it is by no means comprehensive. Nonetheless the topics not covered in this introductory talk (exclusive hadronic decays, neutrino physics, colliders, ...), will be thoroughly reviewed in the coming days of the conference. \section{Leptonic Tau decays} \label{sec:leptonic} \subsection{Lepton universality tests} The Standard Model (SM) treats all lepton flavors equally up to usually small effects coming from their different masses. Such prediction can be experimentally tested by the so-called lepton universality tests, through the comparison of processes that only differ in the flavor of the leptons involved. In order to compare the sensitivity of different tests it is convenient to work with a flavor dependent $W\ell\nu_\ell$ coupling $g_\ell$, and to derive experimentally the value of the ratios $g_\ell/g_{\ell'}$.\footnote{It is worth stressing that the violations of lepton universality can have a different origin than the simple modification of the $W\ell\nu_\ell$ vertex.} The most precise determination of $g_e/g_\mu$ comes from tau decays and pion decays, both at the $0.15\%$ level and in good agreement with universality. Slightly weaker limits are obtained with kaon and Z decays \cite{Amhis:2012bh,Pich:2013lsa}. Taking into account the recent measurements of the muon and tau lifetimes performed by the MuLan and Belle collaborations~\cite{Webber:2010zf,Belle}, similar precisions are achieved for $g_\ell/g_\tau$ ($\ell=e,\mu$) using tau leptonic decays. Slightly weaker limits are derived from semileptonic tau decays and leptonic Z decays \cite{Amhis:2012bh,Pich:2013lsa}. And once again, all these per-mil level measurements are in good agreement with universality. There are however two measurements that are in a small tension with universality: (i) the old LEP2 anomaly in W decays; (ii) and the more recent anomaly in $\bar{B}\to D^{(*)}\ell\nu_\ell$. Let us take a closer look at these two measurements. \subsubsection{$W\to\ell\nu$} Measurements of the leptonic $W$ decays performed at LEP2 can be used to calculate the ratio \cite{Agashe:2014kda,Alcaraz:2006mx} \begin{eqnarray} \frac{2 \, \mbox{BR} \left(W \rightarrow \tau \, \overline{\nu}_{\tau} \right)}{\mbox{BR} \left( W \rightarrow e \, \overline{\nu}_{e} \right) + \mbox{BR} \left(W \rightarrow \mu \, \overline{\nu}_{\mu} \right)} = 1.055 (23), \nonumber \end{eqnarray} which happens to be $2.4$ standard deviations\footnote{The anomaly becomes $2.8\sigma$ using only LEP2 data \cite{Alcaraz:2006mx}.} (all correlations included) away from the SM prediction $R^W_{\tau\ell}|_{\mbox{\tiny SM}}= 0.999$ \cite{Kniehl:2000rb}, which uncertainty is negligible compared with the experimental error. From the above discussion it is clear that a simple modification of the W vertex at the per-cent level (required to accommodate this anomaly) is not acceptable since it would spoil the per-mil level agreement of lepton universality in tau, meson and Z decays. This simple observation is the main reason why this anomaly has not received a lot of attention by model-builders (see Refs.~\cite{Li:2005dc,Park:2006gk,Dermisek:2008dq} for a few exceptions). This argument is in principle invalidated by the introduction of additional lepton flavor violating interactions that can interfere with the modified W vertex in tau and Z decays. The room for such a cancellation was studied in Ref.~\cite{Filipuzzi:2012mg} assuming that NP effects at the EW scale can be parametrized by series of higher-dimensional effective operators~\cite{Leung:1984ni,Buchmuller:1985jz} \begin{eqnarray} {\cal L}_{eff} = {\cal L}_{SM} + \frac{\alpha_i}{\Lambda^2}{\cal O}_6 + \ldots ~, \label{eq:SMEFT} \end{eqnarray} where not only the SM gauge symmetries, but also the flavor symmetry $[U(2)\times U(1)]^5$ was assumed. Somehow surprisingly it was found that not even in such a general scenario (with 17 new parameters) it is possible to accommodate the LEP2 anomaly in the leptonic W decays. It is worth stressing that this Effective Field Theory (EFT) analysis assumes that the LEP anomaly comes from a non-standard W vertex and it does not explore possible contributions of different origin affecting the $e^+e^-\to \tau \nu_\tau\ell \nu_\ell,~ \tau \nu_\tau qq'$ processes, which would contaminate the measurement of the $\rm{W\to\tau\nu_\tau}$ vertex.\footnote{I thank Achim Stahl for useful comments concerning this point. An orthogonal possibility is represented by New Physics models containing light (compared with the weak scale) new particles, such as in Ref.~\cite{Park:2006gk,Dermisek:2008dq} where charged Higgses with a mass similar to the W mass are present, generating an apparent violation of lepton flavor universality in the W vertex. Needless to say, the effect might just be a statistic or systematic effect in the measurement. In this respect it is worth noting that although all four LEP collaborations found an excess of tau events, the anomaly is significantly dominated by the measurement of the L3 Coll \subsubsection{$\bar{B}\to D^{(*)}\ell\nu_\ell$} In 2012 BABAR reported the following results concerning $b\to c\,\ell^-\bar\nu_\ell$ transitions \cite{Lees:2012xj} \begin{eqnarray} R(D)&\!\! \equiv &\!\! \frac{\mathrm{Br}(\bar B\to D\,\tau^-\bar\nu_\tau)}{\mathrm{Br}(\bar B\to D\,\ell^-\bar\nu_\ell)} \; = \; 0.440(72)\, ,\\ [5pt] R(D^*)&\!\! \equiv &\!\! \frac{\mathrm{Br}(\bar B\to D^*\tau^-\bar\nu_\tau)}{\mathrm{Br}(\bar B\to D^*\ell^-\bar\nu_\ell)} \; = \; 0.332(30)\, , \end{eqnarray} where $\ell=e,\mu$. These results disagree with the SM prediction, $R(D)=0.296(17)$ and $R(D^*)=0.252(4)$ ~\cite{Lees:2012xj,Kamenik:2008tj,Fajfer:2012jt}, by $2.0\sigma$ and $2.7\sigma$ respectively ($3.4\sigma$ taken together). Previous Belle measurements~\cite{Bozek:2010xy} are less precise and agree both with the SM predictions and the BABAR results. The violation of lepton flavor universality suggested by these results is enormous, namely ${\cal O}(30\%)$. However, in contrast to the situation with the LEP2 anomaly, these tensions can be interpreted as the consequences of an effective four-fermion interaction, which avoids conflict with the per-mil level agreement found in other lepton universality tests. This has triggered an intense theoretical activity to study how to generate such four-fermion interaction in different extensions of the SM, without re-introducing the problem in other heavy quark (semi)leptonic decays. These efforts will be covered with some detail in A. Celis's talk~\cite{Celis}. On the other hand the SM prediction for $R(D)$ has been revisited recently using new approaches~\cite{Bailey:2012jg,Becirevic:2012jf}, finding somewhat larger values that decrease the tension with the BABAR measurement below $2\sigma$. Similar studies of $R(D^*)$ are expected in the near future~\cite{Bailey:2012jg}. On the experimental end it will be interesting to learn later in this conference about the status of analyses of $R(D)$ and $R(D^*)$ using the full Belle data sample~\cite{Kuhr}. A confirmation (or increase) of the tension with the SM prediction would motivate the measurement of the corresponding differential distributions, which would provide an excellent handle to understand the origin of the discrepancy~\cite{Celis}. % \subsection{Michel parameters} Beyond the measurement of branching ratios and lifetime, which offer the tests of lepton flavor universality discussed above, there are additional observables that can be studied in leptonic tau decays, such as angular asymmetries or the energy spectrum of the final lepton. These observables can be used to study the Lorentz structure of the interaction, which in the SM is purely $\rm{V-A}$. Deviations from the SM result generated by new particles which are much heavier than the tau lepton can be incorporated through the following low-energy effective Lagrangian \begin{eqnarray} \!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!{\cal L}_{eff} = - 4 \frac{G_{\tau\ell}}{\sqrt{2}} \sum_{\epsilon,\omega = R,L}^{n = S,V,T} \!\!g^n_{\epsilon \omega} \left[ \overline{\ell_\epsilon} \Gamma^n {(\nu_\ell)}_\sigma \right]\, \left[ \overline{({\nu_\tau})_\lambda} \Gamma_n \tau_\omega \right], \label{eq:tauEFT} \end{eqnarray} which contains nineteen independent real parameters for each leptonic channel, of which only one specific combination is probed through lepton universality tests. The study of the angular and energy distribution of polarized tau leptons, $d^2\Gamma / dx\,d\!\cos\theta$, provides access to four additional combinations for each channel, usually denoted by $\rho, \eta, \xi, \delta$ and known as Michel parameters~\cite{Agashe:2014kda} Their current experimental values, which come from LEP and CLEO data~\cite{Agashe:2014kda}, are known with a $1\!-\!5\%$ precision and are in agreement with the SM values $\rho=\delta=3/4, \eta=0$ and $\xi=1$. An order of magnitude improvement is expected from the analysis of Belle data~\cite{Epifanov}. These results impose non-trivial constraints on the Wilson coefficients $g_{\epsilon\omega}^n$, which in a specific NP theory are just functions of the new couplings and masses. Unfortunately the sensitivity to the NP contributions of all Michel parameters is quadratic, except in the case of $\eta$, which effect in the distribution is very suppressed by the factor $x_0=m_\ell/E_{max}$ except in a small region at the beginning of the spectrum. Matching the low-energy EFT at the tau scale given by Eq.~(\ref{eq:tauEFT}) with the EFT at the EW scale given by Eq.~(\ref{eq:SMEFT}) opens the possibility of studying the complementarity of these searches with collider studies, and with low-energy neutral-current processes (connected through the $SU(2)$ gauge symmetry) \cite{Cirigliano:2009wk}. Interestingly enough, it is found that only one weak-scale effective operator contributes to the $\eta$ parameter \cite{Cirigliano:2009wk,MGAthesis}, namely \begin{eqnarray} \eta = \frac{1}{2}\rm{Re}\left( g_{RR}^S g_{LL}^{V*} \right) \approx \frac{1}{2}\rm{Re} \,g_{RR}^S = \rm{Re} \, \left[\alpha_{\ell e} \right]_{3ii3} \frac{v^2}{\Lambda^2}~. \nonumber \end{eqnarray} where\footnote{Here $\ell~(e)$ is the left(right)-handed $SU(2)$ lepton doublet (singlet) with three components in flavor space. Thus, both the operator ${\cal O}_{\ell e}$ and its Wilson coefficient $\alpha_{\ell e}$ have four flavor indexes.} ${\cal O}_{\ell e}\equiv \bar{\ell}\gamma_\mu \ell \cdot \bar{e}\gamma^\mu e$ and $v\approx 174$ GeV is the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field. In the electronic channel ($i=1$), the corresponding effective operator affects also the LEP2 process $e^+e^-\to\tau^+\tau^-$, which presumably will set strong bounds on the Wilson coefficient\footnote{Usual EFT analyses of LEP observables assume $U(3)^5$ or $U(2)^5$ flavor symmetry, and therefore do not have this operator.}$^,$\footnote{Notice that the same argument applies to the $\mu$-decay $\eta$ parameter.} Even so, it is remarkable that $\eta$ probes only one operator, whereas LEP2 probes combinations of operators, offering a possible complementarity. On the other hand, the muonic tau decay ($i=2$) probes an operator which is not probed by LEP, providing a window into an unexplored direction in the EFT parameter space. The discovery of the Higgs, along with the absence of new phenomena at the LHC, has increased the interest in this kind of EFT analysis. In that context, it is interesting to identify the operators probed by this kind of experiments and the associated current/future limits. Finally let us mention that the measurement of the polarization of the final lepton would open interesting possibilities. On one hand it would make possible to construct CPV triple products, and access the imaginary part of $g_{RR}^S$. On the other hand, the above-mentioned mass suppression affecting the real part of $g_{RR}^S$ in the $\eta$ term would not be present, offering possible better bounds. \section{Inclusive hadronic Tau decays} \label{sec:hadronic} Inclusive hadronic tau decays represent an interesting arena to study low-energy QCD and extract fundamental parameters of the SM with great accuracy. The theoretical framework needed to do so can however appear opaque to the non-practitioners. In order to ease this situation, this Section will introduce the main conceptual elements of this framework and identify the different points subject to current scrutiny. The goal is to set the stage for the subsequent presentations and discussion that we will have in the corresponding session of this Tau2014 conference, where the different development of the field will be explained, this time with great technical detail. \subsection{A brief introduction} The study of inclusive QCD observables requires by definition the injection of a quark current in the QCD vacuum, with enough energy to create hadrons. $e^+e^-$ collisions can inject a vector current (the Z-component is swamped by the photon-component at low-energies), whereas the hadronic decays of the tau lepton offer a clean way of injecting both vector and axial-vector current. This makes possible e.g. the study of the spontaneous breaking of the chiral symmetry, a purely non-perturbative QCD effect. As we will see, the fact that $m_\tau>\Lambda_{QCD}$ turns to be crucial, because it will allow the use of analytical methods to describe inclusive observables. On the other hand, nature could have been even kinder, giving us a heavier tau lepton, since a larger separation of scales would have made theorists' work much easier. On the experimental end it is important to stress that LEP collaborations were able to measure not only the branching ratios, but also the energy distributions of the hadronic systems (i.e. spectral functions). As we will see below, the experimental knowledge of these functions makes possible to construct tailor-made sum rules depending on the goal, which triggered an enormous QCD activity during these last two decades. First of all, let us start by noting that the central theoretical object describing an inclusive observable is the appropriate two-point correlation function: \begin{eqnarray} \nonumber \Pi_J^{\mu\nu} (q) \!\!\!&\equiv&\!\!\! i\int d^4 x\, e^{iqx} \langle 0 | T\left[ J^\mu (x) J^\nu (0)^\dagger \right] | 0 \rangle \\ \nonumber \!\!\!&=&\!\!\! (-g^{\mu\nu}q^2 +q^\mu q^\nu) \Pi_J^{(1)} (q^2) + q^\mu q^\nu \Pi_J^{(0)} (q^2) ~, \end{eqnarray} where $J_\mu$ is the quark current injected in the QCD vacuum. It is well-known that the corresponding spectral functions are given by the discontinuity of the correlators $\Pi_J^{(0,1)} (q^2)$ in the positive real axis, a property based only on translation invariance, unitarity and microcausality. \begin{figure}[t!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{circuit.eps} \caption{Circuit of integration in the $q^2$-complex plane. The radius of the inner circle is $\epsilon$, the radius of the outer one is $s_0$ and the separation between the horizontal parts of the circuit is proportional to $\epsilon$. We indicate the possible pole of the correlator at $q^2\leq s_{th}$ and the cut starting at $q^2=s_{th}$. \label{fig:circuit} \end{figure} The so-called QCD sum rules exploit the analytic properties of a given correlator $\Pi(q^2)$ to relate data and theory \cite{Shifman:1978bx}. The application of this framework to the description of inclusive hadronic tau decays started in the late 80s (see e.g. Ref.~\cite{Peccei:1986hw,BNP92,Le Diberder:1992fr}), and it has been refined and applied to the extraction of different quantities ever since. The main idea is to integrate the correlator times a weight function\footnote{The weight function is assumed to be analytic except for a possible pole at the origin.} $w(z)$, over the contour C shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:circuit}. By Cauchy's theorem we have \begin{eqnarray} \oint_C \Pi(z)~w (z) = 0~. \nonumber \end{eqnarray} The conceptual content of this \emph{exact} relation becomes clear when the contour is decomposed in three parts with very different physical content: (i) the part around the positive real axis, which only non-zero contribution comes from the discontinuity of the correlator, i.e. the observable hadronic spectral function; (ii) the small circle around the origin, where Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) applies; and (iii) the outer contour, where the integral of the correlator appears. At this point, and in order to make this relation useful phenomenologically, we are forced to make a key \emph{approximation}: we will use the Operator Product Expansion (OPE) to calculate the correlator in the contour. This makes the resulting expression a non-trivial relation between quarks (theory, QCD) and hadrons (experiment), a sort of duality. For this reason the failure of this approximation is called quark-hadron duality violation (DV). It is important to emphasize that DV is in general non-zero for finite values of the Cauchy's radius\footnote{To make things more explicitly, one can take $s_0 \approx m_\rho$ and see how the resulting sum rule will have a enormous DV error.}, but its precise numerical value is unknown in any given case, beyond the naive expectation that it will be small if $s_0\gg \Lambda_{QCD}$. Such a simple observation is pertinent, since the literature is some times confusing about the existence of DV. Such an existence must be always understood as numerical relevance for a specific case. All in all we have derived the expression of a general QCD sum rule \begin{eqnarray} \nonumber \oint_{|z|=s_0} \!\!\!\!\!\Pi_{OPE}(z)~w (z)\,dz - \oint_{|z|=\epsilon}\!\!\!\!\Pi_{\chi PT}(z)~w (z)\,dz \\ + \int_{s_0}^\infty\!\!\! \rho (s)\,w(s)\,ds = - DV\left[\Pi\,w, s_0\right] ~. \nonumber \end{eqnarray} All four terms in this expression are subject to intense current investigations and we will learn about recent developments in the coming days. Let us say some brief comments about them. \textbf{The OPE term} contains a perturbative and a non-perturbative piece The perturbative contribution, being the dominant, needs to be calculated with great accuracy. Impressively enough, results at ${\cal O}(\alpha_s^4)$ are available \cite{Baikov:2008jh}. The main error comes from the treatment of higher order corrections, through the use of different renormalization-group improvement prescriptions in the integration~\cite{Le Diberder:1992te,Beneke:2008ad,Menke:2009vg,Caprini:2009vf,DescotesGenon:2010cr,Cvetic:2010ut,Beneke:2012vb,Abbas:2013usa}. On the other hand, the non-perturbative contribution is encoded in the OPE by the so-called vacuum condensates, which are suppressed by powers of $\Lambda_{QCD}/s_0$. Both their phenomenological extraction and the numerical impact of neglected higher-dimensional condensates in any given sum rule have been subject of recent efforts, see e.g. Refs.~\cite{Maltman:2008na,Maltman:2008nf,GPP2010,Bodenstein:2011hm,Boito:2012nt,Davier:2013sfa}. \textbf{The ChPT term} is present if the weight function has a pole at the origin. The challenges here concern the calculation of the appropriate correlator at a given order in ChPT (see e.g. Ref.~\cite{Amoros:1999dp,GonzalezAlonso:2008rf}), and their phenomenological implementation, given our limited knowledge of some of the NNLO low-energy constants involved~\cite{Boito:2012nt,GonzalezAlonso:2008rf,Boyle:2014pja,Golterman:2014nua}. The determination of the different \textbf{spectral functions} has been subject of an intense experimental activity during the past two decades~\cite{Ackerstaff:1998yj,Davier:2005xq}. Concerning recent developments, ALEPH data was updated correcting the unfolding procedure~\cite{Davier:2013sfa,Boito:2010fb} and B-factories have provided data for specific channels \cite{Hayashii}. However, a determination of inclusive spectral functions from the B-factories has not been done, despite having much more statistics than LEP collaborations. At last we have \textbf{the DV component}, which has proven to be a very complicated theoretical problem.\footnote{See Refs.~\cite{Shifman:1998rb,Shifman:2000jv} by M.~Shifman for very enlightening discussions concerning DV.} Nonetheless, on the phenomenological side DV has received significant attention during the last few years, at least in the context of hadronic tau decays. Different works have tried to quantify its numerical importance for specific sum rules, through the use of specific models or parametrizations, see e.g. Refs.~\cite{GPP2010,Cata:2008ye,Peris} After this general discussion it might be useful to close this subsection with some specific examples: \begin{itemize} \item The V+A non-strange correlator and its associated spectral function can be used to determine the strong coupling constant with great accuracy~\cite{BNP92,Davier:2013sfa,Peris,Pich}. The comparison with $\alpha_s$ extractions at higher energies provides a beautiful test of asymptotic freedom. \item The comparison of V+A non-strange and strange channels can be used to determine the CKM element $V_{us}$~\cite{Vus,Lusiani} with an accuracy close to the best current extraction from kaon decays.\footnote{Interestingly enough, current $V_{us}$ determination from inclusive tau decay are in $\sim 3\sigma$ tension with unitarity~\cite{Lusiani}.} This provides, together with the $V_{ud}$ determination, a powerful NP test, sensitive to 10 TeV effective scales and complementary to collider searches~\cite{Cirigliano:2009wk}. \item The comparison of non-strange vector and axial-vector channels can be used to determine non-perturbative quantities, such as the ChPT low-energy constants $L_{10}$ and $C_{87}$ or the corresponding $D=6,8,...$ vacuum condensates~\cite{Boito:2012nt,GonzalezAlonso:2008rf,Boyle:2014pja,Golterman:2014nua}. \end{itemize} \subsection{Connection with $(g-2)_\mu$} Let us briefly discuss now the connection between hadronic tau decays and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon $a_\mu = (g-2)_\mu/2$. A more detailed discussion will be given in the talk by P.~Marquard~\cite{Marquard}. Currently the main source of error in the SM theoretical prediction of $a_\mu$ comes from the hadronic vacuum polarization (HVP) contribution, followed by the so-called light-by-light contributions (LBL) \cite{Masjuan}. The leading HVP can be expressed as the following integral (see e.g. Ref.~\cite{Jegerlehner:2009ry}) \begin{eqnarray} a_\mu^{HVP} = \alpha^2 \, m_\mu^2 \int_{0}^\infty ds~ \rm{Im}\,\Pi_{J_{em}}(s)~w(s)~. \end{eqnarray} The kernel $w(s)$ has an approximate $1/s^2$ behavior that gives very high weight to the low-energy region, around the $\rho$ resonance. Although calculations of the correlator in that region from first principle are not available, it is possible to determine its value phenomenologically, either from $e^+e^-\to$ hadrons (via scan or ISR method), or from tau decay (through an isospin rotation). Current determinations using these two approaches are not fully consistent, and to make things more complicated there are also some discrepancies between different $e^+e^-$ experiments.\footnote{A sum rule with the appropriate weight can reduce the data dependence, but introducing certain OPE vacuum condensates~\cite{Bodenstein:2013flq}.} In the next days there will be several talks describing the recent developments in all these fronts. The precise determination of this contribution has become a very important issue because there is a 2-3 sigma tension between the current experimental value for $a_\mu$ and the SM theoretical prediction~\cite{Blum:2013xva}, which could represent a hint of New Physics. It should be also noticed that lattice efforts are ongoing to calculate the HVP contribution~\cite{Maltman}. To set the stage for the subsequent discussion in the coming days, let me finish showing the status of these calculations after the last Tau conference~\cite{Pich:2013kg} \begin{eqnarray} a_\mu \times 10^{10} &=& 11\,658\,471.9\,(0.0)~~~~(QED)~,\nonumber\\ && ~~~~~~~~~+15.4\,(0.2)~~~~(EW)~,\nonumber\\ && \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} ~~~+692.4\,(4.1)&(hvp~e^+e^-)~,\\%[7pt] ~~~+701.5\,(4.7)&(hvp~\tau)~, \end{array} \right. \nonumber\\ && ~~~~~~~~~~~~-9.8\,(0.1)~~~(hvp~NLO)~,\nonumber\\ && ~~~~~~~~~+10.5\,(2.6)~~~~(LBL)~,\nonumber\\ &=& \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 11\,659\,180.4(4.9)&(e^+e^-)~,\\%[7pt] 11\,659\,189.5(5.4)&(\tau)~, \end{array} \right. \nonumbe \end{eqnarray} to be compared with the experimental value $\rm{a_\mu=11\,659\,208.9(6.3)}$~\cite{Bennett:2006fi}. \subsection{Higgs as a QCD laboratory?} Similarly to the tau lepton, which is able to inject a quark current into the QCD vacuum with energies between zero and the tau mass, we could use the recently discovered Higgs boson, through its decays $h\to ZZ^*\to\ell^+\ell^-q\bar{q}$ and $h\to WW^*\to\ell^-\nu u\bar{d}$, with the lepton pair coming from the on-shell Z/W.\footnote{The relevant QCD correlators affect also the $h\to 4\ell$ channel \cite{Gonzalez-Alonso:2014rla}. Although the effect occurs in this case through one-loop diagrams, it is much cleaner experimentally.} The theoretical description goes along the same lines as the hadronic tau decays and so it benefits from the progress achieved in that field. It would also shed some light on issues such as DV since the Cauchy's radius can now be much larger than the tau mass, namely $s^{max}_0=(M_h-M_z)^2\approx (35 \mbox{GeV})^2$ if the $Z$ decaying to leptons is exactly on-shell. The challenge is however on the experimental side. In order to be able to access the relevant low-energy region of the spectrum with a small enough bin size, very large statistics are necessary, along with a careful control of the background. Even at a high-luminosity LHC these requirements seem too hard (current $h\to4\ell$ data contains only a few dozens of events!), but perhaps a future $e^+e^-$ facility could offer some useful results. \section{Lepton flavor violation} \label{sec:LFV} \subsection{LFV tau decays} Lepton flavor is an accidental symmetry in the SM if neutrino masses are neglected, and the LFV effects due to the finite neutrino masses are completely negligible for practical purposes~\cite{Lee:1977tib}, which makes these searches the ideal smoking gun for new physics. Once we go beyond the Standard Model (BSM) this accidental symmetry is not expected in general, and indeed it does not happen in many NP models, which easily generate LFV signals close to current experimental limits. The enormous experimental efforts along with the absence of a SM contribution make current experiments sensitive to LFV-interactions generated by particles much heavier than the scales directly accessible at colliders. This represents an important source of information about the BSM physics, which NP models need to explain or at least accommodate. LFV in the muon/electron sector is much more constrained experimentally than in the tau sector, but the comparison between them is only possible in specific NP theories scenarios. In this sense, such comparison is a model-diagnostic tool, which tell us about the flavor structure of the new theory. Similarly, the different channels (e.g. $\tau\to\mu\gamma$ vs. $\tau\to\ell\ell\ell$) have also a strong diagnostic power, since the underlying LFV interactions affecting each observable are in general different. See review talks by Y.~Uchida~\cite{Uchida} and E.~Passemar~\cite{Passemar} for more details. The B-factories have improved by more than an order of magnitude previous bounds by CLEO in a long list of LFV tau decays~\cite{Amhis:2012bh,Hayasaka} and a similar improvement is expected from Belle-II with 50 fb$^{-1}$. It is worth noticing that in specific channels, such as $\tau\to3\mu$, the bounds obtained by the LHCb collaboration are becoming competitive with those from the B-factories~\cite{Chrzaszcz}. \subsection{LFV Higgs decays} An interesting front has been opened after the discovery of the Higgs boson, since its decays could be LFV once we abandon the SM framework, and since once again they appear quite naturally in BSM theories. Indirect bounds on LFV Higgs couplings can be derived, since they induce muon or tau LFV decays. Such limits are indeed very strong for $h\to\mu e$, making it unobservable at the LHC, but the limits for the channels $h\to\tau \ell~(\ell=\mu,e)$ are much weaker, with branching ratios at the 10\% level still allowed \cite{Kanemura:2005hr,Davidson:2010xv,Blankenburg:2012ex, Harnik:2012pb}. This gives the LHC clear discovery opportunities in these channels. A couple of years ago a 13\% limit on $B( h\to\tau \ell )$ at 95\%C.L. was obtained from a theorist reinterpretation of the $h\to\tau\tau$ data~\cite{Harnik:2012pb}, and it was pointed out soon afterwards that a dedicated analysis using 20fb$^{-1}$ of $\sqrt{s}= 8$ TeV data could reach sensitivities below 1\%~\cite{Davidson:2012ds}. Indeed, such precision has recently (only 2 months ago!) been achieved by CMS in the $\mu\tau$ channel, in a work that represents the first dedicated analysis by an LHC collaboration~\cite{CMS:2014hha}. Interestingly enough, a slight excess of events with a significance of $2.5\sigma$ is observed. Interpreted as a limit one obtains \begin{eqnarray} B( h\to\tau \mu ) < 1.57\%~~(95\%C.L.)~. \end{eqnarray} It will be interesting to keep an eye on the evolution on this result, since this is just the beginning of a long term program. Finally it should be mentioned as well that competitive bounds on LFV $Z$ decays can also be obtained at the LHC~\cite{Davidson:2012wn,Aad:2014bca}. \section{Summary} Tau physics is a very wide and rich field, where one can learn about low-energy QCD and the dynamic of its bound states, obtain stringent bounds on New Physics, study the neutrino sector or use it a superb tool in collider searches. Currently there are a few intriguing anomalies with a significance of $2-3\sigma$, like in some lepton universality tests, the $V_{us}$ determination or the recently performed measurement of $B(h\to \tau\mu)$. They deserve further experimental and theoretical scrutiny to assess their robustness as New Physics hints and their interplay with other measurements in specific New Physics frameworks. The experimental activity is very rich, with many results recently obtained both by the LHC collaborations and by low-energy experiments like BABAR, Belle or BESIII. On the theoretical side, the activity is also intense, both within the SM, where the tau lepton keeps representing a unique QCD laboratory, and beyond the SM to understand the implications of the many measurements being performed. Without further ado it is my pleasure to give the floor the rest of speakers. \section*{Acknowledgements} I would like to thank the local organizers for this interesting conference, and S.~Davidson and A.~Pich for helpful discussions and comments on the manuscript. The project was partially funded by the Lyon Institute of Origins, grant ANR-10-LABX-66.
\section{Introduction} \label{secint} The $SU(3)_C \times SU(3)_L \times U(1)_N$ (3-3-1) gauge models for the electroweak interactions are interesting in their own right. For example, in these models generations cannot replicate unrestrictedly as in the standard model (SM), since they are not exact replicas of one another and each is separately anomalous. However, when three generations are taken into account, gauge anomaly is automatically canceled~\cite{Frampton:1992wt}, providing a reason for the existence of three families of fermions. Also, the set of constraints from gauge invariance of the Yukawa interactions together with those coming from the anomaly cancellation conditions are enough to fix the electric charges of the particles in the 3-3-1 model, thus providing an understanding of the pattern of electric charge quantization~\cite{deSousaPires:1998jc}\cite{ deSousaPires:1999ca}. In what concerns the Peccei-Quinn~(PQ) symmetry, it is an automatic symmetry of these models, thus elegantly solving the strong CP-problem~\cite{Pal:1994ba}. However, the original versions of the 3-3-1 gauge models furnish an unrealistic axion because of its sizable couplings with the standard particles~\cite{Weinberg:1977ma}\cite{Wilczek:1977pj}. In order to we have an invisible axion a neutral scalar singlet must be added to the conventional scalar sector (three Higgs triplets)~\cite{Kim:1979if}\cite{Shifman:1979if}\cite{Dine:1981rt}. Regarding neutrino masses, canonical seesaw mechanisms, as type I and type II, as well as the inverse seesaw mechanism are easily implemented in the framework of the 3-3-1 models~\cite{Montero:2001ts}\cite{Dias:2012xp}\cite{Dong:2008sw}\cite{Boucenna:2015zwa} . Last in the sequence but not least in importance, we remember that some versions of the 3-3-1 models have in their conventional particle content a stable and neutral particle that may play the role of cold dark matter in the WIMP form\cite{deS.Pires:2007gi}\cite{Mizukoshi:2010ky}\cite{daSilva:2014qba}\cite{Dong:2015rka}. These are only a few remarkable things that make 3-3-1 models interesting candidates for new physics beyond the SM. Although theoretical and phenomenological aspects of the 3-3-1 gauge models have received considerable attention, cosmological issues have been much less developed, in particular, the inflationary scenario was scarcely studied in a supersymmetric version of 3-3-1 model~\cite{Huong:2008ia,Long:2015qza}. Thus, it would be very interesting if inflation could be implemented in the framework of other 3-3-1 gauge models, even without supersymmetry. At this point we would like to remark that a possible way of providing a common origin to cosmological inflation, the cold dark mater, neutrino masses and solution to the strong CP-problem is by adding exotic vector like quarks, right-handed neutrinos and neutral scalar singlet to the standard model, building a scenario called SMASH~\cite{Dias:2014osa}\cite{Barenboim:2015cqa}\cite{Ballesteros:2016euj}\cite{Ballesteros:2016xej}. This packet of new particles together with adequate interactions allows the implementation of the PQ symmetry in the standard models. The PQ symmetry is spontaneously broken when the neutral scalar singlet develop vacuum expectation value (VEV) different from zero. In this circumstance, the imaginary part of the neutral scalar singlet will be the invisible axion, which may play the role of dark matter, while the real part may play the role of the inflaton. Moreover, on coupling the neutral scalar to the right-handed neutrino, through an Yukawa interaction, the VEV of the neutral scalar, that is around $(10^{10} -10^{11})$~GeV, will generate heavy neutrinos that may trigger the type I seesaw mechanism yielding small neutrino masses for the standard neutrinos. The problem with this scenario is that it generates an inflaton potential of the type $\lambda \phi^4$ which is practically excluded by the current bounds from PLANCK15~\cite{Ade:2015lrj}. A way of circumventing such a problem is considering that the inflaton couples non-minimally with the scalar curvature $R$ or taking into account radiative corrections to the inflaton potential. The question we follow here is that if it is possible to implement such a scenario into the 3-3-1 model framework, since PQ symmetry is an automatic symmetry of the model. In this paper we show that this is possible when radiative corrections are taken into account for the inflaton potential. The paper is divided in the following way: In Sec.~\ref{sec1} we revisit the 3-3-1 model that contains an invisible axion in its spectrum. Next, in Sec.~\ref{sec2}, we develop the inflationary paradigm in such model. We finally conclude in Sec.~\ref{sec3}. \section{The 3-3-1 model, the Pecei-Quinn symmetry and the invisible axion } \label{sec1} The model developed here is one proposed in Ref.~\cite{Dias:2003iq} which is a modification of the original one~\cite{Singer:1980sw}\cite{Montero:1992jk}\cite{Foot:1994ym}. The first modification is in the leptonic sector where heavy right-handed neutrinos in the singlet form are added to the model, \begin{eqnarray} f^a_L = \left ( \begin{array}{c} \nu^a_L \\ e^a_L \\ (\nu^{c}_R)^a \end{array} \right )\sim(1\,,\,3\,,\,-1/3)\,,\,\,\,e_{aR}\,\sim(1,1,-1) \,,\,\,\,N_{aR}\,\sim(1,1,0) \end{eqnarray} with $a=1,2,3$ representing the three known generations. We are indicating the transformation under 3-3-1 after the similarity sign, ``$\sim$''. The quark sector is kept intact with one generation of left-handed fields coming in the triplet fundamental representation of $SU(3)_L$ and the other two composing an anti-triplet representation with the content, \begin{eqnarray} &&Q_{iL} = \left ( \begin{array}{c} d_{iL} \\ -u_{iL} \\ d^{\prime}_{iL} \end{array} \right )\sim(3\,,\,\bar{3}\,,\,0)\,,\,\,\,Q_{3L} = \left ( \begin{array}{c} u_{3L} \\ d_{3L} \\ u^{\prime}_{3L} \end{array} \right )\sim(3\,,\,3\,,\,1/3)\,, \label{quarks1} \end{eqnarray} and the right-handed fields, \begin{eqnarray} &&u_{iR}\,\sim(3,1,2/3)\,,\,d_{iR}\,\sim(3,1,-1/3)\,,\, d^{\prime}_{iR}\,\sim(3,1,-1/3)\nonumber \\ &&u_{3R}\,\sim(3,1,2/3)\,,\,d_{3R}\,\sim(3,1,-1/3)\,,\,u^{\prime}_{3R}\,\sim(3,1,2/3), \label{quarks2} \end{eqnarray} where $j=1,2$ represent different generations. The primed quarks are the exotic ones but with the usual electric charges. In order to generate the masses for the gauge bosons and fermions, the model requires only three Higgs scalar triplets. For our proposal here we add a neutral scalar singlet to these triplets transforming in the following way by the 3-3-1 symmetry, \begin{eqnarray} &&\chi = \left ( \begin{array}{c} \chi^0 \\ \chi^{-} \\ \chi^{\prime 0} \end{array} \right )\sim(1\,,\,3\,,\,-1/3) \,\,,\,\, \eta = \left ( \begin{array}{c} \eta^0 \\ \eta^- \\ \eta^{\prime 0} \end{array} \right )\sim(1\,,\,3\,,\,-1/3),\nonumber \\ && \rho = \left ( \begin{array}{c} \rho^+ \\ \rho^0 \\ \rho^{\prime +} \end{array} \right )\sim(1\,,\,3\,,\,2/3)\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\phi\sim(1,1,0). \label{chieta} \end{eqnarray} Thus the particle content of the model is extended by the fields $N_{ a_R}$ and $\phi$ . In order to keep intact the physics results of the Ref.~\cite{Dias:2003iq}, the Lagrangian of the model must be invariant by the following set of discrete symmetries $Z_{11} \otimes Z_2$ but now with $Z_{11}$ acting as \begin{eqnarray} \phi\,\,\,\,\,&\rightarrow &\,\,\,\,\, \omega^{-1}_1\phi\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,f_{aL}\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \rightarrow\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\omega_1f_{aL}\,, \nonumber \\ \rho\,\,\,\,\,&\rightarrow &\,\,\,\,\, \omega^{-1}_2\rho\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,d_{aR}\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \rightarrow\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\omega_2 d_{aR}\,, \nonumber \\ \chi\,\,\,\,\,&\rightarrow &\,\,\,\,\, \omega^{-3}_3\chi\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,u_{3R}^\prime \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\rightarrow\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\omega_3u_{3R}^\prime\,, \nonumber \\ Q_{iL}\,\,\,\,\,&\rightarrow &\,\,\,\,\, \omega^{-1}_4 Q_{iL}\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, d_{iR}^\prime\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\rightarrow\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\omega_4d_{iR}^\prime\,, \nonumber \\ \eta\,\,\,\,\,&\rightarrow &\,\,\,\,\, \omega^{-1}_5\eta\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,u_{aR}\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \rightarrow\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\omega_5u_{aR}\,, \nonumber \\ Q_{3L}\,\,\,\,\,&\rightarrow &\,\,\,\,\, \omega_0 Q_{3L}\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, N_R\,\,\,\,\,\rightarrow \,\,\,\,\, \omega^{-1}_5 N_R\,, \nonumber \\ e_{aR}\,\,\,\,\,\,\, &\rightarrow&\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\omega_3e_{aR}\,, \label{z11cargas} \end{eqnarray} where $\omega_k \equiv e^{2\pi i\frac{k}{11}}\,,\,\{k=0,\pm 1,..., \pm 5\}$. The $Z_2$ symmetry must act as \begin{equation} (\rho\,,\chi\,,d_R^\prime\,,u_{3R}^\prime\,,u_R\,,d_R\,,e_R ) \,\,\,\,\rightarrow\,\,\,\, -(\rho\,,\chi\,,d_R^\prime\,,u_{3R}^\prime\,,u_R\,,d_R\,,e_R ) \,. \label{z2} \end{equation} These discrete symmetries yield the following Yukawa couplings \begin{eqnarray} {\cal L}^Y&&= G_1\bar{Q}_{3L}u^{\prime}_{3R} \chi +G_2^{ij}\bar{Q}_{iL}d^{\prime}_{jR}\chi^* + G_3^{3a}\bar{Q}_{3L}u_{aR}\eta +G_4^{ia}\bar{Q}_{iL}d_{aR}\eta^* \nonumber \\ &&+G_5^{3a}\bar{Q}_{3L}d_{aR}\rho +G_6^{ia}\bar{Q}_{iL}u_{aR}\rho^* +g_{ab}\bar{f}_{aL}e_{bR}\rho + h_{ab}\bar{f}_{aL}\eta N_{bR} +h^{\prime}_{ab} \phi \bar{N}^C_{aR}N_{bR} +\mbox{H.c.}. \label{yukintera} \end{eqnarray} The transformations displayed in Eqs.~(\ref{z11cargas}) and (\ref{z2}) are a little different from the original case~\cite{Dias:2003iq}. The reason of the modification is to accommodate the last two terms in the Lagrangian above. These terms are crucial for our proposal, as we will see later. The allowed renormalizable and gauge invariant potential for this model is exactly the same as in the original case, i.e, \begin{eqnarray} V_H &=& \mu_\phi^2 \phi^2 + \mu_\chi^2 \chi^2 +\mu_\eta^2\eta^2 +\mu_\rho^2\rho^2+\lambda_1\chi^4 +\lambda_2\eta^4 +\lambda_3\rho^4+ \lambda_4(\chi^{\dagger}\chi)(\eta^{\dagger}\eta) +\lambda_5(\chi^{\dagger}\chi)(\rho^{\dagger}\rho) \nonumber \\ &&+\lambda_6 (\eta^{\dagger}\eta)(\rho^{\dagger}\rho)+ \lambda_7(\chi^{\dagger}\eta)(\eta^{\dagger}\chi) +\lambda_8(\chi^{\dagger}\rho)(\rho^{\dagger}\chi)+\lambda_9 (\eta^{\dagger}\rho)(\rho^{\dagger}\eta)+ \lambda_{10} (\phi\phi^*)^2 \nonumber \\ && +\lambda_{11}(\phi\phi^*)(\chi^{\dagger}\chi) +\lambda_{12}(\phi\phi^*)(\rho^{\dagger}\rho) + \lambda_{13}(\phi\phi^*)(\eta^{\dagger}\eta)+ \lambda_{\phi}\epsilon^{ijk}\eta_i\rho_j\chi_k \phi+ H.c\,, \label{VH} \end{eqnarray} Other tiny change arises in the definition of the PQ charges. In order to have chiral quarks under $U_{PQ}(1)$, we need the following transformation \begin{eqnarray} u_{aL}&\rightarrow & e^{-i\alpha X_u}u_{aL}\,,\,\,\,\, u_{aR}\,\,\,\rightarrow\,\,\, e^{i\alpha X_u}u_{aR}\,, \nonumber \\ u_{3L}^\prime &\rightarrow & e^{-i\alpha X_u^\prime}u_{3L}^\prime\,,\,\,\,\, u_{3R}^\prime\,\,\,\rightarrow\,\,\, e^{i\alpha X_u^\prime}u_{3R}^\prime\,, \nonumber \\ d_{aL}&\rightarrow & e^{-i\alpha X_d}d_{aL}\,,\,\,\,\, d_{aR}\,\,\,\rightarrow\,\,\, e^{i\alpha X_d}d_{aR}\,, \nonumber \\ d_{iL}^\prime &\rightarrow & e^{-i\alpha X_d^\prime}d_{iL}^\prime\,,\,\,\,\,\,\, d_{iR}^\prime\,\,\,\rightarrow\,\,\, e^{i\alpha X_d^\prime}d_{iR}^\prime\,. \label{pqcargasQ} \end{eqnarray} For the leptons we can define their PQ charges by, \begin{eqnarray} e_{aL}&\rightarrow & e^{i\alpha X_e}e_{aL}\,,\,\,\,\, e_{aR}\,\,\,\rightarrow\,\,\, e^{i\alpha X_{eR}}e_{aR}\,,\,\,\, N_{aL} \rightarrow e^{i\alpha X_N}N_{aL} \nonumber \\ \nu_{aL} &\rightarrow & e^{i\alpha X_\nu}\nu_{aL}\,,\,\,\,\, \nu_{aR}\,\,\,\rightarrow\,\,\, e^{i\alpha X_{\nu R}}\nu_{aR}\,. \label{pqcargasL} \end{eqnarray} With these assignments and taking the Yukawa interactions in Eq.~(\ref{yukintera}) into account, as well as the non-hermitean terms $\eta\rho\chi\phi$, we easily see that the PQ charges for the scalars are constrained and imply the following relations: \begin{equation} X_d=-X_u\,,\,\,\,\,X_{d^\prime}=-X_{u^\prime}\,,\,\,\,\,X_\nu=X_{eR} \,,\,\,\,\,X_e=X_{\nu R}\,. \label{pqvinculos} \end{equation} We can make the further choice $X_d=X_{d^\prime}$, leading to \begin{equation} X_d=X_{d^\prime}=-X_u=-X_{u^\prime}=-X_e=X_{eR}=X_\nu=-X_{\nu R}=X_{N}\,, \label{pqc} \end{equation} implying that the PQ symmetry is chiral for the leptons too. The scalars transform as \begin{eqnarray} \phi &\rightarrow & e^{-2i\alpha X_d}\phi\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \eta^0\,\,\,\,\rightarrow\,\,\, e^{2i\alpha X_d}\eta^0 \nonumber \\ \eta^-&\rightarrow & \eta^-\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \eta^{\prime 0}\,\,\,\rightarrow\,\,\, e^{2i\alpha X_d}\eta^{\prime 0} \nonumber \\ \rho^+&\rightarrow & \rho^+\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \rho^{0}\,\,\,\,\rightarrow\,\,\, e^{-2i\alpha X_d}\rho^{0} \nonumber \\ \rho^{\prime +}&\rightarrow & \rho^{\prime +}\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \chi^{0}\,\,\,\rightarrow\,\,\, e^{2i\alpha X_d}\chi^{0} \nonumber \\ \chi^{-}&\rightarrow & \chi^{-}\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \chi^{\prime 0}\,\,\,\rightarrow\,\,\, e^{2i\alpha X_d} \chi^{\prime 0} \nonumber .\\ \label{pqcargasS} \end{eqnarray} It is now clear that the entire Lagrangian of the model is $U_{PQ}(1)$ invariant, providing a natural solution to the strong-CP problem. To accomplish our proposal, let us consider that only $ \chi^{\prime 0} $, $ \rho^0 $, $\eta^0$ and $\phi$ develop VEV and expand such fields around them in the standard way, \begin{eqnarray} \chi^{\prime 0} &=& \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (v_{\chi^{\prime}} +R_{\chi^{\prime}} +iI_{\chi^{\prime}})\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \eta^ 0= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (v_{\eta} +R_{\eta} +iI_{\eta})\,, \nonumber \\ \rho^0 &=& \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (v_{\rho} +R_{\rho} +iI_{\rho})\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \phi= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (v_{\phi} +R_{\phi} +iI_{\phi})\,. \label{vacua} \end{eqnarray} With such expansion, we obtain the set of constraint equations that guarantee that the potential has a minimum \begin{eqnarray} &&\mu^2_\chi +\lambda_1 v^2_{\chi^{\prime}} + \frac{\lambda_4}{2}v^2_\eta + \frac{\lambda_5}{2}v^2_\rho+\frac{\lambda_{11}}{2}v_\phi^2 +\frac{A}{v_{\chi^\prime}^2} =0,\nonumber \\ &&\mu^2_\eta +\lambda_2v^2_\eta + \frac{\lambda_4}{2} v^2_{\chi^{\prime}} +\frac{\lambda_6}{2}v^2_\rho +\frac{\lambda_{13}}{2} v^2_{\phi}+\frac{A}{v_\eta^2} =0,\nonumber \\ &&\mu^2_\rho +\lambda_3 v^2_\rho + \frac{\lambda_5}{2} v^2_{\chi^{\prime}} +\frac{\lambda_6}{2}v^2_\eta+\frac{\lambda_{12}}{2} v^2_{\phi}+\frac{A}{v_\rho^2} =0, \nonumber \\ &&\mu^2_\phi +\lambda_{10}v^2_{\phi} + \frac{\lambda_{11}}{2}v^2_{\chi^{\prime}}+\frac{\lambda_{12}}{2}v^2_\rho+ \frac{\lambda_{13}}{2}v^2_\eta +\frac{A}{v_\phi^2} =0\,,\label{mincondI} \end{eqnarray} where we have defined $A\equiv\lambda_{\phi}v_\eta v_\rho v_{\chi^{\prime}}v_\phi$. The physical scalars are obtained by substituting these constraints into the mass matrices given by the second derivative of the potential. The axion arises from the mass matrix $M_I^2$ given by, \begin{equation} - \frac{A}{2}\left(\begin{array}{cccc} \frac{1}{ v_{\chi^\prime}^2} & \frac{1}{ v_\eta v_{\chi^\prime}} & \frac{1}{ v_\rho v_{\chi^\prime}} & \frac{1}{ v_{\chi^\prime}v_\phi} \\ \frac{1}{ v_\eta v_{\chi^\prime}} & \frac{1}{ v_\eta^2} & \frac{1}{ v_\eta v_\rho} & \frac{1}{ v_\eta v_\phi}\\ \frac{1}{ v_\rho v_{\chi^\prime}} & \frac{1}{ v_\eta v_\rho} & \frac{1}{ v_\rho^2} & \frac{1}{ v_\eta v_\rho} \\ \frac{1}{ v_{\chi^\prime}v_\phi} & \frac{1}{ v_\eta v_\phi} & \frac{1}{ v_\eta v_\rho} & \frac{1}{ v_\phi^2} \end{array} \right)\, \label{matrixI2} \end{equation} in the basis $(I_{\chi^\prime}\,,I_\eta\,,I_\rho\,,I_\phi )$. Its diagonalization furnishes an axion given by, $a = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1+\frac{v_{\chi^\prime}^2}{v_\phi^2}}}\left(I_\phi -\frac{v_{\chi^\prime}}{v_\phi}I_{\chi^\prime}\right)$. As $v_\phi \gg v_{\chi^\prime}$ we have that $a \sim I_\phi$. Now let us focus on the CP-even component of $\phi$. It will be our inflaton candidate. It composes the following mass matrix $M_R^2$ given by \begin{eqnarray} \left(\begin{array}{cccc} 2\lambda_1 v^2_{\chi^{\prime}}-\frac{A}{2 v_{\chi^\prime}^2} & \frac{\lambda_4 v_{\chi^{\prime}}v_\eta}{2}+\frac{A}{2 v_\eta v_{\chi^\prime}} & \frac{\lambda_5 v_{\chi^{\prime}}v_\rho}{2} +\frac{A}{2 v_\rho v_{\chi^\prime}} & \frac{A}{2 v_\phi v_{\chi^\prime}} \\ \frac{\lambda_4 v_{\chi^{\prime}}v_\eta}{2}+\frac{A}{2 v_\eta v_{\chi^\prime}} & 2\lambda_2 v^2_\eta -\frac{A}{2 v_\eta^2} & \frac{\lambda_6 v_\eta v_\rho}{2} +\frac{A}{2 v_\rho v_\eta} & \frac{A}{2 v_\eta v_\phi} \\ \frac{\lambda_5 v_{\chi^{\prime}}v_\rho}{2} +\frac{A}{2 v_\rho v_{\chi^\prime}} & \frac{\lambda_6 v_\eta v_\rho}{2} +\frac{A}{2 v_\rho v_\eta} &2 \lambda_3v^2_\rho-\frac{A}{2 v_\rho^2} & \frac{A}{2 v_\rho v_\phi} \\ \frac{A}{2 v_\phi v_{\chi^\prime}} & \frac{A}{2 v_\eta v_\phi} & \frac{A}{2 v_\rho v_\phi} & 2\lambda_{10} v_\phi^2 -\frac{A}{2 v_\phi^2} \end{array} \right) \label{matrixR2} \end{eqnarray} in the basis $(R_{\chi^{\prime}}\,,R_\eta\,,R_\rho\,,R_\phi )$. As $v_\phi \gg v_\rho \,,\, v_\eta \,,\, v_{\chi^{\prime}}$, we have that $R_\phi$ decouples and its mass is predicted to be $ m^2_{R_\phi}\sim2\lambda_{10}v^2_\phi$. We would like to stress that all the previous results of Ref.~\cite{Dias:2003iq} concerning the solution to the strong CP-problem and to the axion profile remain valid here, namely, for an acceptable solution to the strong CP-problem, the $Z_{11}$ discrete symmetry implies $ \theta_{eff}<10^{-9}$ which translates into $v_\theta \leq 10^{10}$~GeV. The axion is the imaginary component of the neutral scalar singlet $\phi$. It is invisible and free of domain wall problems. The presence of large discrete symmetries stabilizes the axion against quantum gravity effects. At this point it is important to remark that the incorporation of PQ symmetry in 3-3-1 model as done here has as main purpose the explanation of the strong CP-problem and, as a byproduct, the fact that the invisible axion fulfill the conditions to be a viable dark matter candidate. \section{Implementing Inflation } \label{sec2} Here we consider inflation in the specific framework of the 3-3-1 model presented in the previous section. Our aim is to show that the real component of the $\phi$ field will play the role of the inflaton with its potential satisfying the slow roll conditions while providing the current prediction for the scalar spectral index, $n_s$, and obeying the current bound on the scalar to tensor ratio, $r$. First thing to note is that the $\phi$ potential involves the terms, \begin{eqnarray} V_\phi &=& \mu_\phi^2 \phi^2 + \lambda_{10} (\phi\phi^*)^2 +\lambda_{11}(\phi\phi^*)(\chi^{\dagger}\chi) \nonumber \\ && + \lambda_{12}(\phi\phi^*)(\rho^{\dagger}\rho) + \lambda_{13}(\phi\phi^*)(\eta^{\dagger}\eta)+ \lambda_{\phi}\epsilon^{ijk}\eta_i\rho_j\chi_k \phi+ H.c. \label{vphi1} \end{eqnarray} However, as $v_\phi >> v_{\eta\,,\,\rho\,,\,\chi}$, the terms in this potential that really matter during inflation are \begin{equation} V_\phi = \mu_\phi^2 \phi^2 + \lambda_{10} \phi^4. \label{vphi2} \end{equation} This is the well known chaotic inflation scenario with the inflaton being the real part of $\phi$. From now on we use the notation $R_\phi \equiv \Phi$ A VEV around $10^{10}$~GeV for $\phi$ implies that the dominant term in the above potential is $\lambda_{10}\phi^4$. However, as we know, the $\lambda_{10}\phi^4$ chaotic inflation is not favored by recent values of $r$ measured by PLANCK2015~\cite{Ade:2015lrj}. Thus, in order to circumvent this problem, we take into account radiative corrections to the potential which now reads, \begin{eqnarray} V(\Phi)=V_{tree} + V_{eff}, \label{realpotential} \end{eqnarray} with $V_{tree}=\lambda_{10}\Phi^4$ and $V_{eff}$ being the radiative corrections due to the coupling of $\Phi$ to the particle content of the 3-3-1 model. The radiative corrections are engendered by the couplings of our inflaton with the right-handed neutrinos and the scalars whose intensity is determined by the parameters $\lambda_{11}\,,\,\lambda_{12}\,,\,\lambda_{13}\,,\,\lambda_{\phi}$ and $h^{\prime}$. As we will see below, reheating implies $\lambda_{\phi \,, 11\,,\,12\,,\,13}$ be very small. Thus the intensity of the radiative corrections is practically determined by $h^{\prime}$ which is the coupling of the inflaton, $\Phi$, to the heavy neutrino, $N_R$, and is given by the last term of the Lagrangian in Eq. (\ref{yukintera}). As it is usual, here we follow the approach of Coleman and Weinberg whose expression to $V_{eff}$ is given by \cite{Coleman:1973jx} \begin{equation} V_{eff} = \frac{1}{64\pi^2} \sum_{i}\left[ (-1)^{2J}(2J+1)m^4_i\ln{\frac{m^2_i}{\Delta^2}}\right], \end{equation} where $m_i$ is the $\phi$-field dependent mass where $i=\eta\,,\,\rho\,,\,\chi\,,\,\phi\,,\,N_R$. $J$ is the spin of the respective contribution. In our case $N_R$ gives the dominant contribution, which is the only one we have to consider and amounts to take $ m_{N_R}=-\sqrt{2}h^{\prime} \Phi$. In this circumstance, for our proposal here it is just sufficient to consider one family of heavy neutrinos. After all this the potential that really matters during the inflationary period is given by, \begin{equation} V(\Phi) \approx \lambda^{\prime}\left(\Phi^{4} + a^{\prime}\Phi^4 \ln{\frac{\Phi}{\Delta}}\right), \label{potaprox} \end{equation} where $\lambda^{\prime}=\frac{\lambda_{10}}{4}$ and $a^{\prime}= \frac{a+160 \lambda^{\prime 2}}{32\pi^2\lambda^{\prime}} \approx \frac{a}{32\pi^2\lambda^{\prime}}$. $\Delta$ is a renormalization scale. This approximation is justified because the amplitude of curvature perturbation demands a small $\lambda_{10}$. The term $a$ carries the radiative contribution and in our case it is given by $a=-16 h^{\prime 4}$. The negative sign is a characteristic feature of fermion contributions. Throughout this section we follow the approach given in Refs. \cite{NeferSenoguz:2008nn}\cite{Boucenna:2014uma} \par We can now treat the issue of inflation, which occurs as long as the slow roll approximation is satisfied ($\epsilon \ll 1$, $\eta \ll 1$, $\zeta^2 \ll 1$). The slow roll parameters are given by~\cite{Liddle:1994dx} \begin{eqnarray} &\epsilon \left(\phi_{R}\right)& = \frac{m^2_{P}}{16\pi}\left(\frac{ V^{\prime}}{ V}\right)^2, \quad \quad \eta \left(\phi_{R}\right) = \frac{m^2_{P}}{8\pi}\left(\frac{ V^{\prime \prime}}{ V}\right), \nonumber \\ &\zeta^2 \left(\phi_{R}\right)& = \frac{m^4_{P}}{64\pi^2}\left(\frac{ V^{\prime \prime \prime}V^{\prime \prime}}{ V^2}\right), \end{eqnarray} where $m_P=1.22 \times 10^{19}$~GeV. The spectral index $n_S$, the scalar to tensor ratio $r$ and the running of spectral index $\alpha \equiv \frac{dn_S}{d\ln{k}}$ are defined as~\cite{Lyth:2009zz} \begin{eqnarray} &n_S&=1-6\epsilon+2\eta, \quad \quad \quad r=16\epsilon, \nonumber \\ &\alpha&=16\epsilon \eta -24\epsilon^2-2\zeta^2. \end{eqnarray} For a wave number $k=0.05$ $Mpc^{-1}$, the Planck results indicate $n_S=0.9644 \pm 0.0049$ and $r<0.149$~\cite{Ade:2015lrj}. \par The number of e-folds is given by \begin{equation} N = \frac{-8\pi}{m^2_P}\int_{\Phi_i}^{\Phi_f}\frac{V}{V^{\prime}}d\Phi,\label{efold} \end{equation} where $\Phi_{f}$ marks the end of inflation and is defined by $(\epsilon,\eta,\zeta^2)=1$. To find $\Phi_i$ we set $N=50, 60$ and $70$ and solve Eq.~(\ref{efold}) for $\Phi_i$. \par Another important parameter is the amplitude of curvature perturbation \begin{equation} \Delta^2_R = \frac{8V}{3m_P^4\epsilon}. \end{equation} Planck measurement of this parameter is $\Delta^2_R=2.215\times 10^{-9}$ for a wave number $k=0.05$ $Mpc^{-1}$. We use this experimental value of $\Delta^2_R$ to fix $\lambda^{\prime}$. \par Let us discuss our results beginning with FIG.~\ref{ra}. There we show the behavior of the scalar to tensor ratio, $r$, related to $a^{\prime}$ for some values of $\Delta$. First of all, so as to have an idea of the values of $\Phi_i$ and $\Phi_f$, for the case of $\Delta=3m_P$, and considering the setup presented above, we have that inflation ends with $\Phi_f\sim 10^{18}$~GeV and, for the particular case of $60$ e-folds, we get the initial value $\Phi_i\sim 4 \times 10^{19}$~GeV. Note that as $a^{\prime}$ goes to zero all the curves converge to a point around $r=0.26$. This is the expected value for $r$ provided by $\phi^4$ chaotic inflation. Thus, in our case, the current bounds on $r$ requires $a^{\prime}\neq0$. This means that radiative corrections turns to be absolutely necessary in our analysis. We also stress that the scalar to tensor ratio demands trans-planckian regime for $\Delta$ because the sub-Planckian case faces problems in the integration on the e-fold number to reach the value 60 unless $a^{\prime}$ goes to zero, again recovering the $\Phi^4$ chaotic inflation. Even for the trans-planckian case, on assuming $a^{\prime}<0$, the current values of $r$ do not allow $\Delta$ to exceed the regime of $\sim 6m_P$. In other words, our inflation model requires sizable radiative corrections in order to obey the current value of $n_S$ and the bound on $r$. All this run into $a^{\prime}\neq 0 $ and $\Delta$ around few $m_P$. \begin{figure}[h] \centering{\includegraphics[scale=1.0]{rversusalinha}} \caption{$r$ vs $a^{\prime}$ for several values of $\Delta$. The region in gray is excluded by Planck} \label{ra} \end{figure} In FIG.~\ref{nsversusr} we present our results for $n_S$ and $r$ in a plot confronting $n_s$ with $r$ for $\Delta=3 m_P$ and $a^{\prime}$ obeying the values corresponding to the green curve in FIG.~\ref{ra} for several e-fold values. As we can see in that plot, the model predictions for $n_S$ and $r$ are in perfect agreement with the experimental bounds provided by PLANCK2015. This result is valid for any other choice of the values for the parameter $\Delta$ presented in FIG.~\ref{ra}. \begin{figure}[h] \centering{\includegraphics[scale=1.1]{nsversusr}} \caption{$n_S$ vs $r$ for $\Delta=3 m_P$. } \label{nsversusr} \end{figure} Another interesting outcome we have obtained concerns the inflaton mass. Its expression at tree level is extracted from the diagonalization of the mass matrix $M_R^2$ in Eq.~(\ref{matrixR2}). As reheating demands very tiny $\lambda_{\phi}$ and $v_\phi \gg v_\rho \,,\, v_\eta \,,\, v_{\chi^{\prime}}$, then the $(M_R^2)_{44}$ element of that matrix decouples incurring into the following expression for the inflaton mass at tree level, $m_{\Phi} \sim \sqrt{2\lambda_{10}}v_\phi$. When radiative corrections are plugged in, this expression receives a correction that depends on the parameters $a^{\prime}$ and $\Delta$. In FIG.~\ref{mphiversusalinha} we plot the behaviour of the inflaton mass $m_{\Phi}$ with $a^{\prime}$ for some values of $\Delta$. Even if $v_\phi$ is around $10^{10}$ GeV, but as the coupling $\lambda_{10}$ is very small, as required by reheating phase, the inflaton gains a small mass when compared to the conventional chaotic inflation case. According to the prediction of our model, the inflaton may develop mass until few tens of TeV. This has implications to the reheating phase, as discussed below. \begin{figure}[h] \centering{\includegraphics[scale=0.4]{mphiversusalinha}} \caption{$m_\phi$ vs $a'$ for several values of $\Delta$. }\label{mphiversusalinha} \end{figure} For sake of completeness, in FIG.~\ref{alphaversusns} we plot the running index $\alpha$ versus $n_S$ for some values of $\Delta$. There we have a relatively small $\alpha$ value for all points as it has to be in chaotic inflation. \begin{figure}[h] \centering{\includegraphics[scale=1.0]{alphaversusns}} \caption{$\alpha$ vs $n_S$ for several values of $\Delta$. }\label{alphaversusns} \end{figure} We finish this section by discussing reheating~\cite{Abbott:1982hn}. First of all notice that our inflaton couples to the heavy neutrinos through the Yukawa coupling in Eq.~(\ref{yukintera}), and to scalars through the last four terms in the potential in Eq.~(\ref{vphi1}). Because $v_\phi \sim 10^{10}$~GeV, the inflaton develops mass around tens of TeV, as shown in FIG.~\ref{mphiversusalinha}. This order of magnitude for the inflaton mass forbids that it decays into a pair of heavy neutrinos once, as we will see below, $m_{N_R}\sim 10^7$~GeV. Thus reheating will be solely due to the decay of the inflaton into a pair of scalars. The 3-3-1 model in question involves several scalars, which makes it very difficult to analytically obtain the scalars in the physical basis. Because of this we just estimate the reheating temperature that may be achieved in our model. Even with the inflaton decaying into a pair of scalars only, it does not face trouble in reheating the universe until temperatures around $10^9$~GeV which is the highest temperature that does not present the gravitino problem. For our proposal it is just enough to parameterize the coupling among the inflaton and a pair of Higgs, provided by those last four terms in the potential in Eq.~(\ref{vphi1}), by the general form: $\frac{\lambda}{8} v_\phi \Phi hh$. According to this coupling, we obtain, \begin{equation} \Gamma( \Phi \rightarrow hh)\sim \frac{\lambda^2 v^2_\phi}{32 \pi m_{\Phi}}. \label{widthdecay} \end{equation} As it is well known the reheating temperature is estimated to be \begin{equation} T_R \sim 0.1\sqrt{\Gamma( \Phi \rightarrow hh) m_P }. \label{TR} \end{equation} For $v_\phi =10^{10}$~GeV and $m_{\Phi}\sim 10$~TeV, a reheating temperature around $10^9$~GeV requires $\lambda \sim 10^{-6}$. This means that the couplings $ \lambda_{\phi\,,\, 11\,,\,12\,,\,13}$ must must be around this order of magnitude. Such tiny values for these couplings is typical in chaotic inflation models. In summary, in spite of the fact that the inflaton has an unusual small mass, the model is efficient in reheating the universe. \section{Some remarks and conclusions} \label{sec3} When $\eta^0$ and $\phi$ develop VEVs, the last two terms in the Lagrangian in Eq.~(\ref{yukintera}) yields Dirac and Majorana mass terms for $\nu_L$ and $N_R$, \begin{equation} {\cal L} \supset M_D \bar{\nu}_{L} N_{R} +M \bar{N}^C_{R} N_{R} +H.c., \label{masstermsnu} \end{equation} where $M_D=h\frac{v_\eta}{\sqrt{2}}$ and $M=\frac{h^{\prime}v_\phi}{\sqrt{2}}$. These terms provides the following mass matrix for the six massive neutrino, \begin{equation} M_\nu= \begin{pmatrix} 0 & M_D \\ M^T_D & M \end{pmatrix}. \label{SSmatrix} \end{equation} This is the well known mass matrix for the type I seesaw mechanism whose the diagonalization, for $M \gg M_D$, leads to~\cite{GellMann:1980vs}\cite{Mohapatra:1979ia}, \begin{equation} m_{\nu_L}\simeq \frac{M^2_D}{M}\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\mbox{and}\,\,\,\,\,\\,\,M_R\simeq M. \label{seesaw} \end{equation} Here we are interested only in getting an estimate on its order of magnitude. As $a^{\prime}\approx \frac{a}{32\pi^2\lambda^{\prime}}$ and $a=-16 h^{\prime 4}$, for $a^{\prime}$ around $10$ and $\lambda^{\prime} \sim 10^{-14}$, as required by $\Delta^2_R=2.215\times 10^{-9}$, we get $h^{\prime} \sim 10^{-3}$, which results in $M_R \sim 10^7$~GeV. So as to obtain heavy neutrinos with such a mass and standard neutrinos at eV scale, in agreement with solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillation, we just need $M_D \sim (10^{-1}- 10^{-2})$~GeV. This is obtained for $h$ in the range $\sim (10^{-3 }-10^{-4})$ for $v_\eta \sim 10^2$~GeV. Such range of values for $h$ are of the same order of the average Yukawa couplings in the standard model. Axion dark matter is considered as an attractive alternative to thermal WIMP dark matter. Our axion is invisible and receives mass through chiral anomaly, $m^2_{\mbox{axion}} \sim \frac{\Lambda^4_{QCD}}{f^2_{pq}}$, which gives mass around $10^{-3}$ eV for $f_{pq} \sim 10^{10}$ GeV and $\Lambda_{QCD} \sim 10^{-1}$ GeV, turning our axion a natural candidate for cold dark matter. As PQ symmetry is broken during inflation, our axion will be produced in the early universe through the misalignment mechanism and its relic abundance is cast in Refs.~\cite{Turner:1990uz} \cite{Linde:1991km}. Just few words about heavy neutrinos with masses around $10^7$~GeV. These neutrinos interact with charged scalars, as allowed by the Yukawa coupling $h\bar{f}_{L}\eta N_{R}$, and may give rise to baryogenesis through leptogenesis. Because of the complexity and importance of such subject, we treat it separately elsewhere. However, for a previous treatment of this issue in a similar situation, but different scenario, we refer the reader to the Ref.~\cite{Huong:2015dwa} . In summary, several papers have proposed extensions of the standard model that provide a common origin to the understanding of the strong CP-problem, dark matter, inflation, and small neutrino masses. In this paper we argued that such proposal is elegantly realized in the framework of a 3-3-1 gauge model. In it the strong CP-problem is solved with the PQ symmetry whose associated axion is invisible and may constitute the dark matter of the universe. Inflation is driven by the real part of the neutral scalar singlet that contains the axion. Successful inflation was obtained by considering radiative corrections to the inflaton potential. The model predicts an inflaton with mass of tens of GeV that may be probed in a future 100~TeV proton-proton colision. Reheating is achieved through the decay of the inflaton into scalars, solely and neutrinos gain small mass through the type I seesaw mechanism. \acknowledgments This work was supported by Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient\'{i}fico- CNPq (C.A.S.P, P.S.R.S. ) and Coordena\c c\~ao de Aperfei\c coamento de Pessoal de N\'{i}vel Superior - CAPES (J.G.R.).
**RESPONSIBLE EDITOR** Julian D. Ford, University of Connecticut Health Center, United States > *'If there is any time that you want to do everything absolutely right, it's when you have a small child'* (Ambulance Nurse in Nordén, Hult, & Engström, [@CIT0024], p. 77). '*Kids are so scary. I mean, if you screw it up ... you can't imagine the repercussions'* (Emergency Medical Service provider in Cottrell et al., [@CIT0008], p. 355). Caring for injured children is a stressful experience for paramedics and other ambulance staff. For many, there is minimal training in paediatric aspects of medical care, and typically no more than 10% of their patients are children, limiting opportunities to build up experience (Hansen et al., [@CIT0015]; Remick, Caffrey, & Adelgais, [@CIT0026]). Several interview studies report that paramedics and other pre-hospital providers experience high levels of stress when they receive a child trauma call (Avraham, Goldblatt, & Yafe, [@CIT0005]; Gunnarsson & Stomberg, [@CIT0014]; Nordén et al., [@CIT0024]; Öberg, Vicente, & Wahlberg, [@CIT0025]): it is a 'very high risk, very low frequency' event (Cottrell et al., [@CIT0008], p. 356). Moreover, providers rated this anxiety as highly likely to contribute to adverse patient events (Hansen et al., [@CIT0015]). At the same time, we know that injury is a potentially traumatic event for children and that medical providers can provide an important role in children's experience (Horowitz, Kassam-Adams, & Bergstein, [@CIT0016]). In a study of children injured in a traffic crash, over 80% developed at least one symptom of acute stress (e.g. efforts to avoid reminders, increased arousal; Winston et al., [@CIT0030]). A minority of injured children develop persistent stress symptoms that can hinder their functioning and development in the long term (Alisic et al., [@CIT0004]; Connor, Ford, Arnsten, & Greene, [@CIT0007]). Similarly, parents are often affected; 83% of them reported at least one clinically significant symptom of acute stress in the immediate aftermath of a traffic crash (Winston et al., [@CIT0030]), and a minority develop long-term stress symptoms (e.g. Kassam-Adams, Fleisher, & Winston, [@CIT0019]). Children's long-term outcomes appear related to their initial experiences of threat and distress, as well as to their experiences of support (Alisic, Jongmans, Van Wesel, & Kleber, [@CIT0003]; Marsac, Kassam-Adams, Delahanty, Widaman, & Barakat, [@CIT0022]; Trickey, Siddaway, Meiser-Stedman, Serpell, & Field, [@CIT0029]). Recently, several guidelines have been developed to alleviate survivors' distress and increase self-efficacy after potentially traumatic events. Psychological First Aid (PFA; Brymer et al., [@CIT0006]) is a prominent model frequently applied after disasters. PFA comprises eight elements, which are used according to the needs of the survivor: (1) contact and engagement, (2) ensuring safety and comfort, (3) stabilization (e.g. calming), (4) gathering information regarding current needs and concerns, (5) practical assistance, (6) promoting connection with social supports, (7) informing about coping, and (8) linking with collaborative services. International guidelines have recommended the use of PFA principles in the immediate aftermath of disaster and other trauma (Forbes et al., [@CIT0012]). While PFA's focus is on the post-disaster context, the D-E-F protocol (Stuber, Schneider, Kassam-Adams, Kazak, & Saxe, [@CIT0028]) provides specific recommendations for the paediatric context (see also Kassam-Adams, [@CIT0018]). It builds on the A-B-C model (airway, breathing, and circulation), which is familiar to acute care clinicians providing resuscitation. After the ABC's and other physical health needs have been addressed, the protocol points providers to address the distress of the patient (D), provide emotional support for the patient (E), and consider the family (F) (Kassam-Adams, Marsac, Hildenbrand, & Winston, [@CIT0020]). Both the PFA and D-E-F models may help assess and guide trauma-informed care by emergency care providers, including pre-hospital providers (see also Magruder, Kassam-Adams, Thoresen, & Olff, [@CIT0021]). The goal of the present study was to understand pre-hospital providers' perspectives on psychosocial elements of care for injured children. In particular, we aimed to examine (a) pre-hospital providers' knowledge of traumatic stress in children, attitudes towards psychosocial aspects of care, and confidence in providing psychosocial care, (b) to what extent variations in knowledge, attitudes, and confidence vary according to demographic and professional characteristics, and (c) what training preferences pre-hospital providers have when it comes to enhancing knowledge and confidence of psychosocial care to support paediatric patients and their families. 1.. Method {#S0002} ========== We conducted a cross-sectional, online survey among an international sample of paramedics and other pre-hospital providers from high-income countries. The Human Research Ethics Committee of Monash University approved the study (\#CF14/1167--2014000519). 1.1.. Participants {#S0002-S2001} ------------------ We recruited participants via paramedic and ambulance organizations, unions, university departments of emergency care and relevant professional associations in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Austria, and the UK. Respondents were eligible if they were currently working as a pre-hospital provider and for this article we selected only those who were active in the countries mentioned. Data collection took place from June 2014 until November 2014. To reduce any barriers to providing a frank account of organizational performance, participation in the survey was anonymous. Participants indicated consent by completing the questionnaire. They were also asked to forward the questionnaire to colleagues in their network. 1.2.. Materials {#S0002-S2002} --------------- We tailored the measure from one in a similar study among hospital Emergency Department (ED) staff (Alisic et al., [@CIT0002]) so that it was appropriate for pre-hospital providers. Modifications were informed by a review of the literature regarding pre-hospital care and through consultation and pilot testing with providers, ambulance management staff, and topic experts. We removed questions that were not relevant (e.g. regarding working in an academic versus non-academic hospital) and added a few others instead (e.g. participants' parental status), based on providers' and experts' feedback. The questionnaire was available in English through the online platform SurveyMonkey, and the part relevant to this article consisted of 62 items in seven main categories: personal and work characteristics (demographics, profession and work location; 10 items); individual knowledge of traumatic stress (seven multiple choice items); individual confidence in, and attitudes towards providing psychosocial care (mapped on the eight core elements of PFA; 18 items with a 4-point Likert scale ranging from 1 to 4 and an option to indicate that the provider thought it was 'not part of my job'); barriers to providing psychosocial care (six items with a 3-point Likert scale ranging from 1 to 3, and one open question); their ambulance service's performance in providing psychosocial care (three general questions and eight items for each element of PFA, all with a 4-point Likert scale ranging from 1 to 4 and the 'not part of our job' option); training wishes and training experiences with regard to psychosocial care for injured children (seven items with varying answer formats); and further comments (two open questions). The questionnaire is available as a Supplementary File. 1.3.. Data analysis {#S0002-S2003} ------------------- We conducted all analyses in IBM SPSS version 22. We derived a total knowledge score as a count of correctly answered knowledge questions (0--7). A total attitude score comprised the count of psychosocial care elements (0--18) seen as part of the respondent's job. For each of the elements, we computed an average confidence score only among those who saw it as part of their job. We computed a total average confidence score for all participants who saw at least 12 of the 18 aspects as part of their job (99% of the sample). We used descriptive statistics to give an overview of the respondents' perspectives and non-hierarchical multiple linear regression analyses to examine which respondent characteristics (i.e. age, gender, parental status, profession, experience, proportion of child patients, and recent training in psychosocial care) related to higher knowledge and confidence scores. We dichotomized gender (male vs. female; leaving out 'prefer not to say') and profession (paramedics vs. emergency medical technicians, leaving out 'other'; in both cases the third category involved only a few participants). We report the initial models with all potential predictors as well as the final models that include significant factors only (cf. Field, [@CIT0009]). Because age and years of experience in patient care were strongly correlated (*r* = .76; *p* \< .001), we included only years of experience in patient care in the regression models. 2.. Results {#S0003} =========== 2.1.. Respondents {#S0003-S2001} ----------------- The sample consisted of 812 pre-hospital providers (31.8% female, 67.7% male, and 0.5% preferred not to say) with a mean age of 39.3 years (range 18--65; *SD *= 10.6; *Mdn* = 39.0). Most respondents worked in Canada (32.1%), followed by the USA (27.5%), Australia (19.3%), and New Zealand (9.5%). The majority worked in a publicly owned ambulance service (70.6%) as opposed to a privately owned service (20.8%; 8.6% were unsure or preferred not to say). Participants were fairly evenly distributed across settings: 35.1% worked in mostly suburban areas, while 35% served mostly rural areas and 29.9% practiced in a mostly urban or inner city setting. Almost half of the sample (45.3%) had children under the age of 17. The majority of the respondents self-identified as (senior) paramedics (77.5%) or (advanced) emergency medical technicians (EMT; 18.9%), with the remaining 3.6% identifying as emergency medical responders, emergency care assistants or trainees. On average, the respondents had 13.8 years of experience as a pre-hospital provider (*Mdn *= 12.0, *SD = *9.4). With regard to the patients they served, most saw relatively few children (aged 0--16 years) compared to adults: about a third (36.3%) estimated that less than 5% of their primary patients were children, while 42.1% reported that 5--10% of their patients were children, and 17.4% estimated the percentage to be 10--20%. 2.2.. Knowledge of paediatric traumatic stress {#S0003-S2002} ---------------------------------------------- On average, respondents answered 2.7 (*SD* = 1.6) out of seven questions correctly (see [Table 1](#T0001){ref-type="table"}). Participants were most aware of the fact that all family members were at risk of developing stress symptoms and least aware of the large proportion of children who can experience posttraumatic stress after injury. Regarding age groups at risk of posttraumatic stress, there was only limited recognition (by 32.5% of the respondents) that toddlers should be included as an age group that can develop stress symptoms. Considering presenting behaviours, 79.4% recognized that children who were quiet or withdrawn could go on to develop stress symptoms, but regarding loud, calm, or frantic behaviour, these figures were only 32.8%, 35.3%, and 51.6% respectively. The regression analyses showed that respondents with higher knowledge scores were more often female, parent of a child under 17, and reported that at least 10% of their patients were children. However, these characteristics explained only 5.8% of the variance in knowledge scores (see [Table 2](#T0002){ref-type="table"}). Profession (paramedic versus EMT), years of experience in patient care, and having received training in psychosocial care for children in the past five years were not significantly associated with knowledge scores.Table 1.Pre-hospital providers' knowledge of traumatic stress in children.Knowledge item*N* (%) responding correctlyAll injury severities are at risk for traumatic stress386 (47.5)All age groups are at risk for traumatic stress223 (27.5)The child, parents, and siblings are at risk for traumatic stress625 (77.0)Various behaviours (e.g. calm, frantic) can precede traumatic stress197 (24.3)Subjective life threat is a risk factor474 (58.4)Pain experience is a risk factor268 (33.0)\> 50% of children report stress symptoms in 1st month post-injury21 (2.6)[^1] Table 2.Respondents' total knowledge score in relation to their characteristics: initial and final multiple regression.Initial model*BSE Bβp* value95% CI for *B*Univariate total scores per group/correlations^a^Constant2.086.136 \<.0011.819 to 2.354*Coded '0'M (SD)/rCoded '1'M (SD)*Gender.748.123.221\<.001.507 to .989Male2.50 (1.56)Female3.16 (1.54)Parent. to .487No2.64 (1.59)Yes2.78 (1.58)Profession−.103.138−.026.457−.374 to .169Paramedic2.72 (1.57)EMT2.62 (1.62)Experience (in years)^b^. to .025 .011  Child patients.361. to .626\< 10%2.64 (1.58)≥ 10%2.93 (1.59)Recent training.372.213.061.082−.047 to .790No2.67 (1.58)Yes3.14 (1.56)Final model*BSE BβP* Value95% CI for *B*    Constant2.302.091 \<.0012.123 to 2.481    Gender.712.118.210\<.001.480 to .945    Parent. to .465    Child patients.314. to .574    [^2] 2.3.. Views on psychosocial care {#S0003-S2003} -------------------------------- A majority of participants (83.5%) saw all 18 aspects of psychosocial care as part of their job, and each aspect was viewed as part of the job by over 90% of the respondents. Among those aspects that were sometimes seen as *not* part of one's job, the most frequent were: teaching coping skills during medical procedures, educating parents about signs of a child's need for mental health support in the future, and educating families about how to access this support (see [Table 3](#T0003){ref-type="table"}). Because of the lack of variance in the total score (96.2% saw at least 14 aspects of psychosocial care as part of their job), we did not further analyse predictors of to what extent respondents felt psychosocial care to be part of their role.Table 3.Elements of psychosocial care perceived as part of the job.Aspect of psychosocial care'not my job'\ *N* (%)Respond calmly and without judgment to a child's or family's strong emotional distress9 (1.1)Talk with children in age appropriate language8 (1.0)Tailor your approach according to a family's cultural background10 (1.2)Assess and manage pain in children9 (1.1)Explain procedures to children and parents8 (1.0)Inform a child about an injured/deceased family member22 (2.7)Help a child/parent who is anxious to calm down by teaching relaxation (e.g. breathing) techniques11 (1.4)Assess a child's or family's distress, emotional needs, and support systems13 (1.6)Elicit trauma details from a child or family without them being exposed to more distress8 (1.0)Respond to a child's (or parent's) question about whether the child will die14 (1.7)Liaise with staff who can provide practical assistance to a family (e.g. Social Work)29 (3.6)Take action to get someone close (a parent, family member or friend) available to the child11 (1.4)Encourage parents to make use of their own social support system (family, friends, spiritual community, etc.)21 (2.6)Educate children and families about common traumatic stress reactions43 (5.3)Teach parents or children specific ways to cope with procedures64 (7.9)Provide information to parents about emotional or behavioural reactions that indicate that the child may need help (when back at home)75 (9.2)Educate parents or children about how to access mental health services if needed55 (6.8)Manage your own emotional responses to children's pain and trauma7 (0.9)[^3] 2.4.. Confidence in psychosocial care skills {#S0003-S2004} -------------------------------------------- On average, pre-hospital providers felt moderately confident (*M* = 3.2, *SD* = 0.45) regarding psychosocial care. They reported varying levels of confidence regarding different aspects of psychosocial care. For example, they felt most confident about explaining procedures to children and parents and least confident about informing parents about signs of need for further mental health care (see [Table 4](#T0004){ref-type="table"}). The regression analyses showed that a higher level of confidence was associated with being female, having more experience, having a larger proportion of child patients, and having received training in psychosocial care for injured children in the past five years. These characteristics explained 4.4% of the variance in average confidence scores (see [Table 5](#T0005){ref-type="table"}). Parental status and profession (paramedic versus EMT) were not significantly associated with confidence in providing psychosocial care. Respondents' confidence in their own psychosocial care performance (*M *= 3.2; *SD* = 0.45) was significantly higher than their assessment of the performance of their ambulance service as a whole (*M* = 2.1; *SD* = .89; paired samples *t*-test: *t *= 35.0, *df *= 730; *p* \< .001; please note the different stems of the Likert scales, see Supplemental File). While confusing evidence and worries about upsetting children and families were seen as significant barriers by a minority of the respondents (16.1% and 12.7% respectively), more participants were concerned about time constraints (34.0%), lack of dedicated space to provide psychosocial care (32.8%), lack of support from supervisors (33.3%), and especially the lack of training (44.6%).Table 4.Respondents' level of confidence regarding aspects of psychosocial care.Aspect of psychosocial careMean score^a^\ (SD)Respond calmly and without judgment to a child's or family's strong emotional distress3.70 (0.53)Talk with children in age appropriate language3.66 (0.56)Tailor your approach according to a family's cultural background3.19 (0.69)Assess and manage pain in children3.40 (0.69)Explain procedures to children and parents3.78 (0.46)Inform a child about an injured/deceased family member2.92 (0.87)Help a child/parent who is anxious to calm down by teaching relaxation (e.g. breathing) techniques3.37 (0.71)Assess a child's or family's distress, emotional needs, and support systems3.21 (0.73)Elicit trauma details from a child or family without them being exposed to more distress2.98 (0.77)Respond to a child's (or parent's) question about whether the child will die3.09 (0.79)Liaise with staff who can provide practical assistance to a family (e.g. Social Work)3.24 (0.84)Take action to get someone close (a parent, family member or friend) available to the child3.53 (0.67)Encourage parents to make use of their own social support system (family, friends, spiritual community, etc.)3.37 (0.72)Educate children and families about common traumatic stress reactions2.71 (0.88)Teach parents or children specific ways to cope with procedures2.66 (0.88)Provide information to parents about emotional or behavioural reactions that indicate that the child may need help (when back at home)2.55 (0.94)Educate parents or children about how to access mental health services if needed2.80 (0.91)Manage your own emotional responses to children's pain and trauma3.28 (0.74)[^4] Table 5.Respondents' average confidence score in relation to their characteristics: initial and final multiple regression.Initial model*BSE Bβp* value95% CI for *B*Univariate total scores per group/correlations^a^Constant3.016.039 \<.0012.939 to 3.093*Coded '0'M (SD)/rCoded '1'M (SD)*Gender. to .176Male3.18 (0.45)Female3.25 (0.45)Parent.−.006 to .121No3.18 (0.47)Yes3.23 (0.43)Profession.−.042 to .114Paramedic3.19 (0.44)EMT3.22 (0.48)Experience (in years)^b^. to .009 .096  Child patients. to .201\< 10%3.18 (0.47)≥ 10%3.29 (0.40)Recent training.223.062.127\<.001.102 to .344No3.18 (0.45)Yes3.43 (0.41)Final model*BSE Bβp* value95% CI for *B*    Constant3.047.034 \<.0012.980 to 3.113    Gender. to .171    Experience (in years). to .009    Child patients. to .197    Recent training.229.061.130\<.001.109 to .348    [^5] 2.5.. Training needs and preferences {#S0003-S2005} ------------------------------------ Only 7.1% of the respondents had received training in psychosocial care for children in the past five years. The training model referred to most often was Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (Mitchell & Everly, [@CIT0023]; currently not recommended for children; Foa, Keane, Friedman, & Cohen, [@CIT0010]). Most respondents (89.7%) wanted to gain more knowledge and skills regarding psychosocial care for injured children. A small number of participants felt that they had sufficient skills already (4.2%) or that it was not relevant for them (4.2%). For 2.0% there were other reasons, such as wanting to leave the profession or personal issues. For those who wanted training, the two most popular training modes were an interactive website (24.6% of first preferences) and one-off group training (20.7% of first preferences; [Table 6](#T0006){ref-type="table"}). In addition, respondents made several suggestions, e.g. to distribute articles with evidence-based recommendations and to place a stronger emphasis on the topic in initial paramedic education. Of those interested in training, 35.4% indicated they would be able to commit 1--4 hours to it in the next six months, 31.6% could commit 5--8 hours, and 33.0% could commit more than eight hours.Table 6.Respondents' preferences regarding training format. 1^st^ preference\ *N* (%)2^nd^ preference\ *N* (%)Book49 (6.0)84 (10.3)Static website71 (8.7)97 (11.9)Interactive website200 (24.6)129 (15.9)Mentoring by paramedic66 (8.1)66 (8.1)Mentoring by MH clinician89 (11.0)74 (9.1)One-off group training168 (20.7)135 (16.6)Multi-session group training82 (10.1)114 (14.0)[^6] 3.. Discussion {#S0004} ============== Most pre-hospital providers in our international survey saw psychosocial aspects of care as important and part of their role, and reported that they were moderately confident about applying psychosocial skills in the care of injured children. However, we identified a number of gaps in knowledge of paediatric traumatic stress. While almost none of the respondents had received adequate training in psychosocial care, a large majority endorsed a desire for it. Demographic and professional factors only explained a small amount of the variance in providers' knowledge and confidence scores, highlighting that knowledge, attitudes, and confidence in delivering psychosocial care are broadly appreciated but not strongly attributable to these individual worker characteristics. In terms of pre-hospital providers' knowledge, gains can be made regarding awareness of the diversity and number of children who can develop traumatic stress symptoms. This is in line with a previous study with ED staff (Alisic et al., [@CIT0002]), and has implications for clinical training and practice. For example, if pre-hospital providers assume that only children with a quiet or withdrawn presentation are at risk for traumatic stress, they may discount the need to provide effective support for children who have a different behavioural and affective presentation. The same applies to developmental levels; young children may be overlooked as at risk of traumatic stress symptoms. Nevertheless, pre-hospital providers' ratings of the importance of psychosocial aspects of care were high, which is a key starting point for trauma-informed care (e.g. see Fraser et al., [@CIT0013]). Similar to the findings in the ED study, the elements of psychosocial care that were most frequently viewed as 'not part of the job' were also aspects with low confidence ratings among those providers who did see them as part of the job. Although high, the overall ratings of the importance of psychosocial care appeared to be slightly lower in the pre-hospital providers' sample than in the ED sample (Alisic et al., [@CIT0002]), which may reflect the shorter duration of each clinical encounter for pre-hospital providers, possibly in combination with a focus on 'load and go' (Cottrell et al., [@CIT0008]). Considering the frequently mentioned time constraints, it may be worthwhile to establish a hierarchy of PFA elements for pre-hospital providers. For example, stabilization through calming may be more urgent in the pre-hospital context than connecting with sources of social support. A Delphi study -- involving both patients and providers -- on prioritization of psychosocial care elements may be useful. Interestingly, training experience did not significantly relate to knowledge and only to a minor extent to confidence. There are several potential explanations for this finding. First, only a small minority of providers reported previous training so there may have been a lack of variance due to training per se. Second, the training model that was most often reported was Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, which has been controversial and contra-indicated in recent years (although for children the evidence base is less clear; Jacobs & Pfefferbaum, [@CIT0017]). Third, the training received most likely focused on general psychosocial care, including care for co-workers, and may not have specifically focused on paediatric stress. Nevertheless, participants expressed a clear need for and interest in further education on providing psychosocial care to their paediatric patients. Because infrequent exposure to paediatric patients in the field gives pre-hospital providers little chance to hone their skills in this area via on-the-job training, there appears to be a need for formal training opportunities. These could be made available as a Continuing Education module for practicing pre-hospital providers (e.g. via online programs, as indicated by the current respondents), or implemented as part of initial training and education. Training that involves realistic, high fidelity simulation of paediatric cases may hold particular promise in this respect, especially considering the many respondents interested in group-based training. Simulation allows for granular observation and feedback regarding new skills, and practice of skills that are used infrequently in a provider's usual practice (Abelsson, Rystedt, Suserud, & Lindwall, [@CIT0001]). Engaging paediatricians, specialists in the design and implementation of trauma-informed care, and experts in pre-hospital care will ensure that the training has a strong clinical and scientific evidence base. The present study has a number of limitations. First, while it is an international survey, it includes only a selection of high-income countries, related to where we had access to networks of providers. The findings may not be generalizable to other high-income countries, and are unlikely to be generalizable to low- or middle-income countries. It is essential that more research be done in low- and middle-income countries, since resources are fewer and trauma-exposure is more prevalent (see e.g. Fodor et al., [@CIT0011]; Schnyder, [@CIT0027]). Second, while this survey provides insight regarding providers' knowledge and perspectives, it is only an indirect measure of their actual behaviour and skills. In addition, the provider characteristics that we selected explained only a small part of the variance in knowledge and confidence. It is possible that factors such as the organizational culture in which providers operate play a more important role. Finally, there may have been a selection bias, with those more interested in psychosocial care more likely to participate in the study, although at least some respondents showed a critical view (e.g. one participant wrote: *'I don't care about those things; so typically I don't bother. There are people that get paid to do that, I'm not one of them'*). Relevant questions that remain for further research include whether receiving training in paediatric care enables providers to feel less stressed and improves the quality of care that paediatric patients receive (cf. Hansen et al., [@CIT0015]). In addition, it appears relevant to better understand how children and parents experience their interactions with pre-hospital providers, and what role pre-hospital providers play in modifying (i.e. increasing or decreasing) physiological and psychological arousal in paediatric patients during the peri-trauma period. Currently, the guidelines for health care providers' interactions with paediatric patients in emergency care are grounded in an empirical evidence base about risk factors for traumatic stress, and based on international expert consensus. However, there are no clear empirical data on their effectiveness in preventing the development of traumatic stress. Research that evaluates whether certain elements of psychosocial care, as delivered by pre-hospital providers, have a greater impact on child and family outcomes than others would be a valuable addition to the field. The combination of these findings with the Delphi study recommended above to generate a hierarchy of psychosocial care priorities may lead to a helpful prioritization for pre-hospital providers. 4.. Conclusions {#S0005} =============== The current study shows a need and an opportunity for education initiatives regarding paediatric traumatic stress in the pre-hospital context. Collaborative efforts among providers, educators, patients, and their families may help improve care in situations that are stressful for both the children and the adults involved. Supplementary Material ====================== ###### Supplementary material ###### Click here for additional data file. We would like to thank all pre-hospital providers who have participated in the study. Our thanks also go to the many organizations and individuals who have contributed to the tailoring and distribution of the survey, including from Ambulance Employees Association Victoria, St John New Zealand, and Paramedics Australasia. Disclosure statement {#S0006} ==================== No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. Supplementary material {#S0007} ====================== Supplemental data for this article can be accessed [here](http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/20008198.2016.1273587). [^1]: *N *= 812. [^2]: *N *= 780 for the initial model and 808 for the final model; these sample sizes differ due to a greater degree of missing data for 'Profession'. 'Profession' distinguishes between (senior) paramedics and (advanced) Emergency Medical Technicians. 'Child patients' refers to the proportion of children among the participants' patients (\< 10% vs. ≥ 10%). 'Recent training' refers to training in psychosocial care for injured children in the past five years. ^a^For the univariate descriptives, we used all information available; *N* was 812 for all variables, except for 'Gender' (808) and 'Profession' (784). ^b^No longer significant when 'Profession' and 'Recent training' were removed from the model. Adjusted *R^2^* of the final model = .05, *F*(3,804)* *= 14.48, *p *\< .001. [^3]: *N *= 812. The three aspects of psychosocial care that had the highest percentages, are highlighted. [^4]: *N *= 737--805. The three aspects of psychosocial care that had the lowest mean scores, are highlighted. ^a^Answer options to indicate confidence regarding each element of psychosocial care were (1) not at all; (2) a little; (3) moderately; (4) very. [^5]: *N *= 774 for the initial model and 801 for the final model. 'Profession' distinguishes between (senior) paramedics and (advanced) Emergency Medical Technicians. 'Child patients' refers to the proportion of children among the participants' patients (\< 10% vs. ≥ 10%). 'Recent training' refers to training in psychosocial care for injured children in the past five years. ^a^For the univariate descriptives, we used all information available; *N* was 805 for all variables, except for 'Gender' (801) and 'Profession' (778). Adjusted *R^2^* of the final model = .044, *F*(4,796)* *= 10.20, *p *\< .001. [^6]: *N *= 728 respondents interested in training regarding psychosocial care. MH = mental health.
\section{Introduction} The possibility that the photon possesses a finite mass and its physical implications have been discussed theoretically and investigated experimentally by several researchers \cite{br}-\cite{lu}. Originally, the finite photon mass $m_{\gamma}$ (measured in \textit{centimeters}$^{-1}$) has been related to the range of validity of the Coulomb law \cite{br}, \cite{wfh}. If $m_{\gamma}% \neq0$ this law is modified by the Yukawa potential $U(r)=e^{-m_{\gamma}% \,r}/r$, with $m_{\gamma}^{-1}=\hbar/m_{ph}c=\lambda_{C}/2\pi$ where $m_{ph}$ is expressed in \textit{grams} and $\lambda_{C}$ is the Compton wavelength of the photon. There are direct and indirect tests for the photon mass. The best result obtained so far through developments of the original Cavendish technique for direct tests of Coulomb's law is still that from 1971 by Williams, Faller and Hill \cite{wfh}. The null result of this experiment expressed in the form of range of the photon rest mass is $m_{\gamma}^{-1}>3\times10^{9}cm$. Indirect methods are provided by geomagnetic and astronomical tests\textit{.} By studying the behavior of the magnetic field of planets, Davis, Goldhaber and Nieto \cite{dgn} were able to determine that $m_{\gamma}^{-1}>5\times 10^{10}cm$. Other indirect verifications are related to lumped circuit tests \cite{fa}, cryogenic experiments \cite{raa}, and the ambient\ cosmic vector potential\textit{ }method developed by Lakes \cite{la}. If $m_{\gamma}\neq0$ the ambient\ cosmic vector potential acquires physical significance and may interact with the dipole field of a magnetized toroid. The related experiment by Luo, Tu, Hu, and Luan \cite{lu} yielded the range $m_{\gamma}% ^{-1}>1.66\times10^{13}cm$ and corresponding photon mass $m_{ph}<$ $2.1\times10^{-51}g$. Several conjectures related to the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect \cite{ab} have been developed assuming electromagnetic interaction of fields of infinite range, i.e., zero photon mass. The possibility that any associated effects become manifest within the context of finite-range electrodynamics has been discussed by Boulware and Deser (BD) \cite{bd}. In this paper we consider and extend BD's approach, and evaluate the limits of the photon mass that can be determined by means of recent, new quantum effects of the Aharonov-Bohm type. \section{Photon mass and new effects of the Aharonov-Bohm type} In their approach, BD consider the coupling of the photon mass $m_{\gamma}$, as predicted by the Proca equation, and calculate the resulting magnetic field $\mathbf{B}$ \begin{equation} \partial_{\nu}F^{\mu\nu}+m_{\gamma}^{2}A^{\mu}=J^{\mu},\;\;\;\;\mathbf{B}% =\mathbf{B}_{0}+\widehat{\mathbf{k}}\,m_{\gamma}^{2}\,\Pi(\rho), \label{pe}% \end{equation} that might be used in a test of the AB effect. The first term, $\mathbf{B}% _{0}$, is the standard magnetic field for zero photon mass --- the field confined inside a long solenoid of radius $a$ and carrying the current $j$ --- and the second term $\Delta\mathbf{B}=\widehat{\mathbf{k}}\,m_{\gamma}% ^{2}\,\Pi(\rho)$ represents a correction due to the photon nonvanishing rest mass $m_{\gamma}$. Because of the extra mass-dependent term, BD obtained a nontrivial limit on the range of the transverse photon from a table-top experiment: $m_{\gamma}^{-1}>1.4\times10^{7}cm$. In the case of the standard Aharonov-Casher (AC) effect \cite{AC}, this analysis has been performed by Fuchs \cite{f} who points out that, for a neutral particle with a magnetic dipole moment that couples to nongauge fields, no observable corrections are expected. After the AB and AC effects, other quantum effects of this type have been developed. Thus, it would be interesting to consider other effects of the AB type, such as those associated with neutral particles that have an intrinsic magnetic \cite{sdual} or electric dipole moment \cite{s}-\cite{T}, and those with particles possessing opposite electromagnetic properties, such as opposite dipole moments or charges \cite{s}, \cite{sep}-\cite{dow}. In the next Sections we consider the impact of some of these new effects on the photon mass.\ The goal would be to see if they provide similar correction terms that might be suitable for setting more precise limits on the range of $m_{\gamma}^{-1}$. Before dealing with effects for electric dipoles, we recall that in Eq. (\ref{pe}) the quantity $\Pi(\rho)$ can be expressed in terms of the Bessel functions $I_{0}(m_{\gamma}\rho)$ and $K_{0}(m_{\gamma}\rho)$, which are regular at the origin and infinity respectively, and reads% \begin{align*} \Pi(\rho) & =j\theta(a-\rho)[K_{0}(m_{\gamma}\rho)\int_{0}^{\rho}% I_{0}(m_{\gamma}\rho^{\prime})\rho^{\prime}d\rho^{\prime}\\ & +I_{0}(m_{\gamma}\rho)\int_{\rho}^{a}K_{0}(m_{\gamma}\rho^{\prime}% )\rho^{\prime}d\rho^{\prime}]\\ & -j\theta(\rho-a)K_{0}(m_{\gamma}\rho)\,\int_{0}^{a}I_{0}(m_{\gamma}% \rho^{\prime})\rho^{\prime}d\rho^{\prime}. \end{align*} \section{Effects for electric dipoles} The interaction term of all the effects for electric dipoles has the same strength \cite{s}-\cite{T} so that, for the purpose of performing a table-top experiment, we find it convenient to analyze the Tkachuk effect \cite{T} because the resulting equations for the mass correction possess a symmetry analogous to that of the AB effect. For the Tkachuk effect \cite{T} we can consider a long solenoid with the magnetization linear density $\mu=\overline{\mu}z$ and a magnetic flux $\Phi=BS=4\pi\overline{\mu}z=\pi\overline{j}z\,a^{2}$, where $a$ is the radius of the solenoid and $\overline{j}z$ its current density. The resulting vector potential reads $\mathbf{A=A}_{AB}\,z$, where $\mathbf{A}_{AB}$ is the vector potential of the AB effect with $\mu_{AB}$ substituted by $\overline{\mu}$. The starting equation is $(-\mathbf{\nabla}^{2}+m_{\gamma}^{2})\mathbf{A}% =\mathbf{J}$ with $\mathbf{J}=$ $(4\overline{\mu}/a^{2})z\hat{\mathbf{\phi}% }\delta(\rho-a)$. The only difference with the AB effect is that the current depends on $z$. Separation of variables with $\mathbf{A}=z\,\mathbf{A}% _{T}(x,y)$ yields $(-\mathbf{\nabla}^{2}+m_{\gamma}^{2})\mathbf{A}_{T}% (\rho,\phi)=4(\overline{\mu}/a^{2})\hat{\mathbf{\phi}}\delta(\rho-a){}$, which is the same equation of BD. Thus, the mass treatment for the Tkachuk effect for the electric dipole $\mathbf{d}=d\,\hat{\mathbf{k}}$ can be reduced to that of BD. The magnetic field is $\mathbf{B}=\mathbf{\nabla\times A}=z\mathbf{\nabla \times A}_{T}-\mathbf{A}_{T}\mathbf{\times\nabla}z$. In the plane of motion of the dipole, $z=0$, and the Tkachuk phase shift is \cite{T}% \begin{align*} \Delta\varphi & \propto\oint\mathbf{B\times d}\cdot d\mathbf{\ell}% =-\oint(\mathbf{A}_{T}\mathbf{\times k)\times\mathbf{d}}\cdot d\mathbf{\ell}\\ & =d\oint(\mathbf{A}_{T})\cdot d\mathbf{\ell}=d\int_{S}\mathbf{\nabla\times A}_{T}\cdot d\mathbf{S}% \end{align*} where the last integral is the flux through the surface as in the AB effect and BD approach. From Eq. (\ref{pe}), we write for the photon mass contribution $\Delta\mathbf{B}(\overline{j},\rho)=\mathbf{\nabla\times A}_{Tm_{\gamma}}(\overline{j},\rho)=\hat{\mathbf{k}}\,m_{\gamma}^{2}% \,\Pi(\overline{j},\rho)$ so that the mass correction to the phase reads% \[ \Delta\varphi=2\pi(d/\hbar c)\int_{a}^{\rho}\left[ (m_{\gamma}^{2}% \,\Pi(\overline{j},\rho))\right] \rho d\rho. \] In the exterior ($\rho>a$) region, $\Delta B=m_{\gamma}^{2}\,\Pi(\overline {j},\rho))\simeq(\overline{j}/2)(m_{\gamma}a)^{2}\ln(2/m_{\gamma}\rho)$ \cite{bd}. With $4\overline{\mu}=\overline{j}a^{2}$, and the Takchuk phase $\varphi_{0}=4\pi d\overline{\mu}/\hbar c$, the relative variation of the phase due to the photon mass is% \begin{equation} \frac{\Delta\varphi}{\varphi_{0}}=\frac{\overline{j}a^{2}}{4\overline{\mu}% }\int_{a}^{\rho}m_{\gamma}^{2}\ln(\frac{2}{m_{\gamma}\rho})\rho d\rho\sim \frac{1}{2}(m_{\gamma}\rho)^{2}\ln(\frac{2}{m_{\gamma}\rho}). \label{dft}% \end{equation} Following BD \cite{bd} we set $\Delta\varphi\geq2\pi\varepsilon=2\pi \times10^{-3}$, where $\varepsilon$ is the precision of the measurement, and write Eq.(\ref{dft}) as% \[ 2\pi\varepsilon/\varphi_{0}=(1/2)(m_{\gamma}\rho)^{2}\ln(2/m_{\gamma}\rho). \] This result, valid for the Tkachuk effect, can be compared with that of BD derived for the AB effect,% \[ 2\pi\varepsilon/\varphi_{0AB}=(1/2)(m_{\gamma BD}\rho)^{2}\ln(2/m_{\gamma BD}\rho), \] where $m_{\gamma BD}$ is the value of the photon mass obtained by BD and $\varphi_{0AB}$ is the value of the AB phase shift when $m_{\gamma}=0$. In this case, the contribution due to the logarithmic terms is not relevant and can be neglected. For the comparison, we use $d=e$ $a_{0}$ for the dipole with $a_{0}$ the Bohr radius, $\overline{\mu}=\mu_{AB}/l$ with $l\simeq1cm$ the realistic length of the solenoid in the Tkachuk effect \cite{T}, and obtain% \[ m_{\gamma}^{-1}=m_{\gamma BD}^{-1}\left[ \frac{\varphi_{0}}{\varphi_{0AB}% }\right] ^{1/2}=m_{\gamma BD}^{-1}\left[ \frac{a_{0}}{l}\right] ^{1/2}% \sim10^{-4}m_{\gamma BD}^{-1}, \] which represents a range limit of the photon mass 4 orders of magnitude lower than that of BD. As expected, no improvement for the range $m_{\gamma}^{-1}$ is achieved from a table-top experiment involving electric dipoles because of the lower strength of the em interaction. \section{Effect for superposition of $\pm$ charged particles} One of us \cite{sep} has pointed out that the observable quantity in the AB effect is actually the phase difference \begin{equation} \Delta\varphi=\frac{e}{\hbar c}[\int\mathbf{A}\cdot d\mathbf{\ell-}% \int\mathbf{A_{0}}\cdot d\mathbf{\ell]} \label{nph}% \end{equation} where the integral can be taken over an open path integral. For the usual closed path $c$ encircling the solenoid and limiting the surface $S$, the observable quantity is the phase-shift variation, $\Delta\phi\propto\oint _{c}\mathbf{A}\cdot d\mathbf{\ell-}\oint_{c}\mathbf{A_{0}\cdot}d\mathbf{\ell }=\oint_{S}\mathbf{B}\cdot d\mathbf{S-}\oint_{S}\mathbf{B}_{0}\cdot d\mathbf{S}$. In fact, in interferometric experiments involving the AB and AC effects \cite{cham}, \cite{ton}, \cite{sang}, the direct measurement of the phase $\varphi\propto\int\mathbf{A}\cdot d\mathbf{\ell}$ or phase shift $\phi\propto\oint\mathbf{A}\cdot d\mathbf{\ell}$ is impossible in principle without the comparison of the actual interference pattern with an interference reference pattern. Thus, $\varphi$ or $\phi$ are not observable, but the variations $\Delta\varphi$ and $\Delta\phi$ are both gauge-invariant observable quantities \cite{sep}. It follows that, in analogy with the AC effect for a coherent superposition of beams of magnetic dipoles of opposite magnetic moments $\pm\mu$ \cite{sang} and the effect for electric dipoles of opposite moments $\pm d$ \cite{dow}, an effect of the AB type for a coherent superposition of beams of charged particles with opposite charge state $\pm q$ is theoretically feasible \cite{sep}. In the mentioned cases, the beam of particles possessing opposite em properties do not encircle the singularity (e. g., solenoid for the AB effect, and line of charges for the AC effect) but travel at one side of it along a straight path $C$. Depending on the interferometric technique used \cite{sang}, \cite{dow}, the length of $C$ can be of the order of a few $cm$ up to a few $m$. In the experiment by Sangster \textit{et al.} \cite{sang}, the beam splitter of the magnetic dipoles $\pm\mu$ is the magnetic field $\mathbf{B}$ of a Ramsey loop \cite{sang}. Similarly, in the experimental set up considered by Dowling \textit{et al.} \cite{dow}, the electric dipoles $\pm d$ are split by an electric field $\mathbf{E}$. An external uniform electric potential $V$ could act as a possible beam splitter for particles of opposite charge $\pm q$. Although the effect for $\pm q$ charged particles is viable \cite{sep}, the technology and interferometry for the test of this effect needs improvements. It is worth recalling that not long ago the technology and interferometry for beams of particles with opposite magnetic $\pm\mu$ or electric $\pm d$ dipole moments was likewise unavailable, but is today a reality \cite{sang}, \cite{dow}. Discussions on this subject may act as a stimulating catalyst for further studies and technological advances that will lead to the experimental test of this quantum effect. An important step in this direction has already been made \cite{sep} by showing that, at least in principle and as far as gauge invariance requirements are concerned, this effect is physically feasible. Therefore, using this effect in a table-top experiment analogous to that of BD, one is entitled to ask what would be its relevance in eventually determining a bound for the photon mass $m_{ph}$. \subsection{Determining the mass correction $\Delta\varphi$ in the effect for $\pm$ charged particles} In the experimental set ups detecting the traditional AB effect there are limitations imposed by the suitable type of interferometer related to the electron wavelength, the corresponding convenient size of the solenoid or toroid, and the maximum achievable size $\rho$ of the coherent electron beam encircling the magnetic flux \cite{bd}. In the analysis made by BD, the radius of the solenoid is $a=0.1cm$, and $\rho$ is taken to be about $10$ $cm$, implying that the electron beam keeps its state of coherence up to a size $\rho=10^{2}a$, i. e., fifty times the solenoid diameter. The advantage of the new approach for the $\pm q$ beam of particles is that the dimension of the solenoid has no upper limits and is conditioned only by practical limits of the experimental set up, while the size of the coherent beam of particles plays no important role. In order to calculate the line integral appearing in Eq. (\ref{nph}) we need the analytical expression of $\mathbf{A}(\mathbf{x})$. This can be obtained from Stokes' theorem, $% {\displaystyle\int} \mathbf{B}\cdot d\mathbf{S=}% {\displaystyle\oint} \mathbf{A}\cdot d\mathbf{\ell}=2\pi A_{\varphi}\rho$ and solving for $A_{\varphi}$. Another approach consists of calculating $\mathbf{A}$ from the expression $\mathbf{A}=\widehat{\mathbf{k}}\times\mathbf{\nabla\,}\Pi\left( \rho\right) $ in Ref. \cite{bd}, using the recurrence relations for the modified Bessel functions. The same result can be obtained using the approach \cite{s}, \cite{sn} that consists of calculating the interaction electromagnetic momentum, which in the Coulomb gauge yields $e\mathbf{A}/c$. The result is% \[ A_{\varphi}=j\frac{a^{2}}{2}\dfrac{1}{\rho}+\left( \frac{j}{2}\right) \left( m_{\gamma}a\right) ^{2}\frac{\rho}{2}\ln\left( \frac{m_{\gamma}\rho }{2}\right) . \] Taking the path $C$ along the $x$ axis for a path length $2x$ with $x>>y$ we find $\varphi_{0}=\int_{C}\mathbf{A}_{m_{\gamma}=0}\cdot d\mathbf{\ell}% \simeq-(\pi/2)a^{2}j$. The contribution due to $m_{\gamma}$ yields% \[ \int_{C}\mathbf{A}\cdot d\mathbf{\ell}=\left( j/2\right) \left( m_{\gamma }a\right) ^{2}yx\ln\left( m_{\gamma}\sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}}/2\right) \] for the same path length $2x$. Consequently, from Eq. (\ref{nph}) and Ref. \cite{sep} the observable phase shift variation is $\Delta\varphi=2j\left( m_{\gamma}a\right) ^{2}yx\ln\left( m_{\gamma}\sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}}/2\right) $ and% \begin{equation} \frac{\Delta\varphi}{\varphi_{0}}=-\frac{4}{\pi}m_{\gamma}^{2}\,xy\ln\left( m_{\gamma}\sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}}/2\right) . \label{dfn}% \end{equation} \subsection{Evaluating the photon mass limit} Following BD \cite{bd} we set $\Delta\varphi\geq2\pi\varepsilon=2\pi \times10^{-3}$ where $\varepsilon$ is the precision of the measurement. The value of $m_{\gamma}$ at which the effect is just observable is% \[ \frac{2\pi\varepsilon}{\varphi_{0}}=-\frac{4}{\pi}m_{\gamma}^{2}\,xy\ln\left( m_{\gamma}\sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}}/2\right) . \] This value can be compared with the corresponding one by BD \cite{bd}, while, as done by BD, we neglect the small corrections due to the contribution of the logarithms. The question is now: what would be the size of the solenoid in order to achieve a photon mass limit of the order of that of Ref. \cite{lu} found by Luo \textit{et al.}? We estimate $m_{\gamma}$ with respect to $m_{\gamma BD}$ for an ideal experimental set up that, apart from considerations of cost, is realistically within reach of present technology. For a vector potential produced by the magnet of a huge cyclotron-type solenoid (radius $a=5m$ and length or height $D$ several times the radius), we estimate $\varphi _{0}/\varphi_{0BD}$ $\simeq a^{2}/(a_{BD})^{2}=5^{2}/(10^{-3})^{2}$. For a path of $x=6a=300\rho$ at the distance $y=80\rho$ we obtain% \begin{align} m_{\gamma}^{-1} & =m_{\gamma BD}^{-1}\left[ \frac{8}{\pi}\frac{\varphi_{0}% }{\varphi_{0BD}}\frac{xy}{\rho^{2}}\right] ^{1/2}\simeq10^{6}\,m_{\gamma BD}^{-1}\label{fr}\\ & \simeq2\times10^{13}cm.\nonumber \end{align} With their table-top experiment, BD obtained the value $m_{\gamma BD}% ^{-1}\simeq140Km$ that is equivalent to $m_{phBD}=2.5\times10^{-45}g$. With our approach, the new limit (\ref{fr}) of the photon mass is $m_{ph}% \simeq2\times10^{-51}g$ which is of the same order of magnitude of that found by Luo \textit{et al.} \cite{lu}. \subsection{Secondary effects} When the AB effect was tested for the first time \cite{cham}, physicists were concerned about the effect of the stray fields just outside the solenoid on the phase shift of electrons that was going to be observed. The stray field $\Delta\mathbf{B}$ acts on the beam of charges, bends it, and displaces the interference pattern. Depending on the technique used for observing the AB phase shift, the effect of the stray field may mask, or not, the AB phase shift. With the approach used by Chambers \cite{cham}, the interference pattern is shifted by a large amount but the figure of the pattern is left unaltered. However, the AB effect changes the figure of the pattern so that the AB phase shift is easily observable. In this case the two effects, that of the stray fields and of the AB phase shift, can be separated and observed. The field $\Delta\mathbf{B}=m_{\gamma}^{2}\Pi(\rho)\widehat{\mathbf{k}}$ produces a variation of the particle momentum $\delta p_{\perp}\propto% {\displaystyle\int} ev\Delta Bdt$ in the direction perpendicular to the direction of motion $\mathbf{v}$. The corresponding angular deflection of the beam, $\alpha \simeq\delta p_{\perp}/p$, can be estimated and the equivalent shift of the interference pattern, considering a beam of particles through a double-slit interferometer, can be determined. The equivalent resulting phase shift $(\Delta\varphi)_{\Delta B}$ is smaller by about two orders of magnitude than the phase shift value $\Delta\varphi_{BD}$ found by BD \cite{bd}. Although this $(\Delta\varphi)_{\Delta B}$ is small and does not lead to important phase shift variations with respect to $\Delta\varphi_{BD}$, the fact that the leakage field $\Delta\mathbf{B}=m_{\gamma}^{2}\Pi(\rho )\widehat{\mathbf{k}}$ bends the electron beam suggests that, within a classical approach, $m_{\gamma}$ may be estimated by measuring directly the angular or linear deflection of the beam. In order to magnify the deflection and improve the $m_{\gamma}^{-1}$ range, it would be convenient to use the magnetic field generated by the cyclotron-type solenoid, as described above, supposing ideally that the other stray fields due to imperfections in the construction of the solenoid and to its finite length can be taken into account separately. The effect of the leakage field $\Delta\mathbf{B}=m_{\gamma}^{2}\Pi (\rho)\widehat{\mathbf{k}}$ will not be considered in this paper and will be discussed in detail elsewhere. We simply mention that measurements of the linear displacement $s_{\perp}\simeq\delta s_{\perp}$ performed with this approach, that treats the electron as a classical particle, possesses quantum restrictions and can be meaningful only up to the value of the bound established by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle $\delta p_{\perp}\delta s_{\perp}\simeq h$. \section{Conclusions} We have considered the table-top approach of BD and extended it to several effects of the AB type. In discussing the quantum effects for electric dipoles and comparing them with the BD approach, we have found no improvement for the $m_{\gamma}^{-1}$ range in this case. For the case of the AB solenoid, improvements are possible by taking into account the effect of the leakage field $\Delta\mathbf{B}$ on the beam of particles, testing its effect on the bending of the beam in a classical approach. Moreover, if a cyclotron-type solenoid is used for testing the $\pm q$\ quantum effect proposed by Spavieri \cite{sep}, a photon mass bound of the value of $m_{ph}\sim10^{-51}g$ should be achievable. This result represents a lower limit improvement of 6 orders of magnitude with respect to the approach of BD with the standard AB effect. The latest results by Luo \textit{et al.} \cite{lu} and the prospects of the AB type of quantum effect scenario here discussed are certainly remarkable if one considers that, according to the uncertainty principle, a purely theoretical estimate of the photon mass is given by $m_{ph}=h/(\Delta t)c^{2}$ which yields an order of magnitude number of $m_{ph}=10^{-65}g$, where the age of the universe is taken to be roughly $10^{10\text{ }}$years. In closing, advances in the area related to the AB type of effects indicate that the photon mass limit achievable with this quantum approach could compete with other methods. However, it is not only a question of improving the limits, but of extending the scenario where tests of the photon mass can be realized, as in the cryogenic photon-mass experiment performed by Ryan \textit{et al.} \cite{raa} where the validity of the results is extended from the standard terrestrial (`room') temperatures to those of the galactic environment. Each approach is important in itself as it extends the range of validity of the Coulomb law and of the $m_{\gamma}^{-1}$ range as a function of the physical conditions of the measurement. \section{Acknowledgments} This work was supported in part by the CDCHT (Project C-1413-06-05-A), ULA, M\'{e}rida, Venezuela.
Background {#Sec1} ========== Cervical cancer (CC) is the third most common cancer among women globally in terms of 5-year prevalence (i.e. total cases identified over a 5-year period) with an estimated 527,624 new cases and 265,672 deaths in 2012 \[[@CR1]\]. About 87% of the CC deaths occur in less developed countries. In East Africa, CC is the most common cancer and also the leading cause of cancer related death among women \[[@CR1]\]. In Uganda, the age-standardized incidence rate for CC was estimated to stand at 44.4/100,000 women person years in 2012 which was one of the highest in the world \[[@CR1]\]. An infection with sexually transmittable Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a necessary but not a sufficient cause of cervical cancer \[[@CR2]\]. There are 14 so called high risk HPV (HR-HPV) genotypes associated with CC which include HPV 16/18 the antigens included in the currently available HPV vaccines \[[@CR3]\]. Notably, 70% of cervical cancer cases are attributable to HPV16/18 alone, making the use of the two available HPV vaccines justifiable because both of them contain antigens for HPV16/18. In Uganda, HPV vaccination programme started in 2008 as a pilot project in two districts namely Ibanda and Nakasongola districts. The vaccine in use during the pilot phase was the bivalent HPV vaccine (Cervarix®, GlaxoSmithKline, Belgium) which administered to girls aged 10 years or in primary school grade 5 in 3 doses at an interval of 0, 1 and 6 months. The health workers take the vaccine to the targeted girls in schools as part of school health programme. In addition to school visits, community visits were also conducted to ensure eligible out of school girls also gets vaccinated. A phased approach to national rollout of HPV vaccination using the quadrivalent HPV vaccine (Gardasil, Merck MSD, USA) followed suit in 2010 initially in 12 districts and countrywide by 2014. Nationally, the vaccine is administered to girls aged 9 years or in primary school grade 4 in 2 doses at an interval of 0 and 6 months. The delivery of the HPV vaccines to the girls is integrated into a bi-annual (every April and October) school health programme popularly known as child health days plus (CHDP) during which health workers visits schools to provide catchup vaccination and medication against intestinal worms. For out of school girls, the delivery of the vaccine is integrated into monthly community outreaches for immunization services delivery. HPV vaccination coverage survey conducted in the study area (Ibanda) around the period of the study indicated HPV vaccination coverage of 95% \[[@CR4]\]. At the time of the study, the Uganda ministry of health had no written strategic plan for use of 9-valent HPV vaccine instead of or concurrently with bivalent and quadrivalent vaccines. Important to note is that HPV vaccine alone would not completely prevent cervical cancer because the vaccine contains only 2 of the 14 HR-HPV types associated to CC. Secondly, it would be impossible to attain 100% vaccination coverage particularly in developing countries with weak health systems. Thirdly, potential epidemiological changes may occur as a result of HPV vaccination. The changes are most likely to arise because there are other HR-HPV types that are not covered by the current vaccines in developing countries (bivalent and quadrivalent HPV vaccines) and so it is possible that epidemiological changes indeed may occur by transitioning to disease caused by HR-HPV types not covered by HPV vaccination . Such discussions of the limitations of the currently available HPV vaccines are frequent in the literature \[[@CR5]--[@CR7]\]. The aforementioned discussions on the limitations of the currently available HPV vaccines that target HPV16/18 for CC prevention underscores the importance of simultaneously addressing other determinants of CC in order to optimize the benefits of HPV vaccination. Cervical cancer risk perceptions, high-risk sexual behaviors and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as syphilis and HIV are some of the critical determinants of HPV infections and CC that needs to be addressed alongside HPV vaccinations \[[@CR8], [@CR9]\]. The status of high-risk sexual behaviors, syphilis and HIV infections in Uganda at the time of the study shows a decreasing trend in the prevalence of the above determinants among the 15--24 year-old young women from the pre-HPV vaccine introduction period to post-HPV vaccine period. For example, the percentage of the 15--24 year-old young women who initiated sexual intercourse before the age of 15 decreased from 14.4% in 2005 to 10.9% in 2011 \[[@CR10], [@CR11]\]. Similarly, for syphilis, the percentage of the 15--24 year-old young women who were positive for syphilis decreased from 2.1% in 2005 to 1.4% in 2011 \[[@CR10], [@CR11]\]. The same decreasing trend in the prevalence was also reported for HIV infection whereby the percentage of the 15--24 year-old young women who were positive for HIV decreased from 4.3% in 2005 to 4.9% in 2011 \[[@CR10], [@CR11]\]. As for the trend of CC risk perceptions among young women in Uganda, previous studies specific to young women couldn't be found. Cervical cancer risk perceptions are often measured using a composite score calculated from a scale comprising of many items and therefore, point estimates also are not readily available for young women in Uganda. Regarding the association between HPV vaccination and high risk sexual behaviors, previous studies were conflicting in their findings. Specifically, there were previous studies including in US and Canada that indicated no association between HPV vaccination, risk perceptions and high-risk sexual behaviors among young women \[[@CR12]--[@CR18]\]. For example, a study conducted among 18--30 year old Australian young women reported that attitudes to safe sexual behavior were the only factors significantly associated to vaccination status such that vaccinated women held more positive attitudes to practicing safe sexual behaviors \[[@CR14]\]. Similarly, a short-range longitudinal study among 13--21 year-old HPV vaccinated young women from the US found no significant association between risk perceptions after HPV vaccination and high-risk sexual behaviors \[[@CR18]\]. Other previous studies from the US and England reported that HPV vaccination was associated with reduction in safer sexual behaviors among youths but didn't lead to an increased sexual risk-taking behavior \[[@CR19]--[@CR21]\]. There were also previous studies that indicated that HPV vaccination was instead associated to safer sexual behaviors \[[@CR4], [@CR22]--[@CR24]\]. For example, a study conducted among Colombian young women found that HPV vaccination was inversely associated to perceived risk of HPV infection and perceived risk of cervical cancer, was not associated to high-risk sexual behaviors but instead the vaccinated women were more likely to use safer sexual behaviors such as consistent condoms use \[[@CR23]\]. Similarly, other studies from the US reported that HPV vaccinated young women were more likely to use condoms than their unvaccinated counterparts \[[@CR4]\] and also were no more likely to be treated for an STI than unvaccinated youth \[[@CR24]\]. In view of the aforementioned conflicting previous studies on the association between HPV vaccination, CC risk perceptions, high-risk sexual behaviors and STIs, there is need for further research on the topic, more so from developing countries in Africa which carries the heaviest burden of CC. In this study, we compared the HPV-vaccinated young women and their non-vaccinated counterparts in Uganda regarding CC risk perceptions, high-risk sexual behaviors and STIs 5 years after HPV vaccine implementation. Methods {#Sec2} ======= Study design and area {#Sec3} --------------------- This was a population-based comparative cross sectional study. It was conducted in Ibanda district Uganda as part of a larger HPV16/18 (Cervarix®) vaccine follow up study. Ibanda district was the district in Uganda where the first pilot bivalent HPV 16/18 vaccination project which targeted young women in primary school class 5 (P5) was implemented in 2008. Population and sample {#Sec4} --------------------- The study participants were HPV-vaccinated and non-vaccinated 15--24 year-old young women who were enrolled in secondary schools in Ibanda district. Young women were included in the study if they were sexually active and by 2008 were either in primary school class five (P5) in Ibanda district and were fully vaccinated with 3 doses of the bivalent HPV16/18 vaccine (vaccinated group) or were in primary school class six (P6) or higher in Ibanda district but were not vaccinated with bivalent HPV 16/18 vaccine (non-vaccinated group). Partially vaccinated young women were excluded from the study because they were expected to be very few as the 2008 HPV vaccination coverage in the area was above 95% \[[@CR25]\]. The 95% HPV vaccination coverage implied that only 5% of the eligible young girls in the study area were either partially vaccinated (i.e. received 1 or 2 doses of the vaccine) or were not vaccinated at all. At the time of the 5-year follow in 2014, Uganda had not yet adopted the 2-dose regimen for HPV vaccination. The high HPV vaccination coverage (95%) among the 2008 cohort of girls also made it impractical to establish the required sample size for the non-vaccinated control arm of the study from the same 2008 cohort of girls. Therefore, two different cohorts of girls (i.e. 2006 and 2007 cohorts of the participating schools) were used for the non-vaccinated control group. This however posed the problem of differential age distribution between HPV vaccinated and non-vaccinated control groups. The sample size was determined by power analysis calculation \[[@CR26]\]. Any STI prevalence which was a categorical variable was used as the primary outcome variable for calculating the sample size. The calculation made use of the Normal approximation to the Binomial distribution. The prevalence of any STI in the non-vaccinated young women was assumed to be 10.7% because a previous study conducted in Uganda showed the prevalence of any STI among unvaccinated teenage young women with median age of 20 years was 10.7% \[[@CR27]\]. The prevalence of any STI in the vaccinated group that would represent an important improvement from the HPV vaccination was assumed to be 1%. And therefore, the proportions compared in the power analysis calculation were 0.107 and 0.01 and the sample size of 376 was reached at a power of 85% i.e. 85% probability of detecting such a difference, if it really existed, as statistically significant at 5% significance level. This was adjusted to 492 participants (i.e. 241vaccinated and 241 non-vaccinated young women) to cater for potential loss to follow up. We performed multi-stage sampling procedure to select the study participants. We first developed a total list of senior secondary schools in Ibanda district where the 2008 cohort of HPV vaccinated young women and their non-vaccinated counterparts were expected to be studying at the time of the study. The total list comprised of 32 secondary schools. Being a school semester period, all the schools in the district were visited one after another by the research team. And young women found in senior secondary school classes three to six (i.e. S3-S6) were approached class by class, informed about the study, consented and screened for eligibility. Demographic data were obtained from all the young women approached. Appointment dates to visit Ruhoko health centre IV, a designated health facility within the district for data/sample collection were agreed with the selected young women and their teachers. On the appointment day, vehicles were sent to the schools to facilitate transportation of the young women to and from the health facility in company of their teachers. Figure [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"} shows the flow chart of the participants within the study.Fig. 1Shows participants flow from enrollment through the study procedures. The study procedures include education about the study, individual counseling and interviewer-administered questionnaire Data/sample collection {#Sec5} ---------------------- Data/sample collection took place in 2014. At the health facility, data and samples were collected from consecutive young women reaching the facility until the required sample size was reached. The study procedures performed at the health facility included completing the CC questionnaire and collection of blood samples for HIV and syphilis testing. Questionnaire {#Sec6} ------------- The standard questionnaire was used to collect data about the CC risk perceptions and sexual behaviors (Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type="media"}). The questionnaire has two sections namely CC risk perceptions section and sexual behavior section. The CC risk perceptions section comprised of 16 true or false items namely CC is the same as breast cancer, CC is caused by HPV, HPV is the same as HIV, HPV is transmitted from person to person through sexual intercourse, HPV vaccines when given to virgin young women protects against CC, a virgin young girl should be receive 3 doses of HPV vaccines to be fully protected from CC, women who missed HPV vaccine during their adolescence can still prevent CC by attending regular medical checkup/screening for CC, CC is treatable if detected early, CC is more common among virgin women, women with many sexual partners have a higher chance of developing CC compared to those with one partner, HIV positive women have a higher chance of developing CC compared to HIV negative women, HPV doesn't infect men, circumcision of men doesn't reduce the chances of getting infected with HPV, having many sexual partners increases the chances of getting infected with HPV, condom use doesn't protect against HPV and HPV vaccines also protects against other STDs such as syphilis and gonorrhea. A score of 1 or 0 were awarded for each correct or wrong answer respectively. A sum of scores from the 16-items was obtained for each participant. The range for possible attainable scores was 0--16. A higher score represent higher CC risk perceptions and a lower score represents lower CC risk perceptions. The risk perceptions section of the questionnaire was self-administered under supervision of the study personnel. Unlike the risk perceptions section questions which were scaled into a composite score, the sexual behavior section questions were used as independent outcome questions, and not scaled into a composite score. The sexual behavior section of the standard questionnaire comprised of 7-items namely age at first sexual intercourse, number of sexual partners in the previous 3 months, number of sexual partners in the previous 12 months, number of sexual partners in the previous 4 years, number of sexual partners in a lifetime, history of STD syndrome (whether she has ever experienced any abnormal vaginal discharge or lower abdominal pain or genital ulcer or groin swelling, warts, vaginal discharge in her life) and level of condom use (whether never, rarely, sometime, often and always). The sexual behavior section of the questionnaire was interviewer-administered to ensure proper phrasing or probing for correct answers and was coupled with health history taking, physical examination and prescription of treatment for those found with health problems. Both the risk perception and sexual behavior sections of the survey instrument were created by the Study Investigators specifically for the study. Face validity of the instrument was achieved by sending the questionnaire to a sample of 5 experts on HPV vaccination and all of them responded back with the judgement that the scale appears to be a good measure of CC risk perceptions. Armed with the criteria (Additional file [2](#MOESM2){ref-type="media"}) for adolescent CC risk perception, the same sample of experts examined the scale for adolescent CC risk perception and all came with the judgement the scale meet the criteria can legitimately be defined as adolescent CC risk perception scale. The reliability index Cronbach's alpha for the CC risk perception section of the questionnaire which was a scale was 0.67 after accounting for reversely-worded items which was reasonably strong reliability of the scale to measure CC risk perception. HIV testing {#Sec7} ----------- Fresh venous blood samples drawn from the cubical vein using EDTA vacutainer by two trained/experienced laboratory technicians were used for the HIV tests. HIV-1 testing was performed using first the Determine rapid test (Abbot Diagnostics) \[[@CR28]\]. The samples that were not reactive were considered HIV-negative. Otherwise, the Statpak rapid tests (ChemoBio Diagnostics Systems) were used to confirm HIV positivity. In case of disagreement between the 2 tests, a tie-breaker test, the Unigold rapid test (Orgenics), was used. This was the recommended national HIV testing algorithm in Uganda at the time of the study. An independent laboratory technician performed all the HIV testing from Kiwoko health centre IV laboratory in Ibanda district. Young women whose HIV test results turned out to be positive were linked to HIV/AIDS treatment and care program available at the same health facility where all the HIV tests were performed. Syphilis testing {#Sec8} ---------------- Parts of the same venous blood samples drawn for the HIV tests were used for the Syphilis tests. Serum extracted from the venous blood from the laboratory at the study site were kept and transported in liquid nitrogen from the field site to Immunology laboratory at Makerere University College of Health Sciences where they were immediately transferred to minus 80C freezers until testing. The liquid nitrogen tanks ensured cold chain for samples during transportation from fieldwork site to the laboratory. Syphilis tests were performed using a commercially available kit, Human Treponema Pallidum Hemagglutination Assay (TPHA) liquid GmBH, Wiesbaden, German.). The TPHA test is a qualitative microhemagglutination test for the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies to Treponema pallidum, the causative agent for syphilis, in human serum and EDTA plasma. The tests were performed according to the manufacturer's protocol. Women with positive TPHA test results were referred to clinician for treatment. All the Syphilis tests were performed by yet another independent laboratory technician who wasn't part of the blood draw team from the Immunology laboratory at Makerere University College of Health Sciences Kampala Uganda. Statistical analysis {#Sec9} -------------------- Data were entered into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0 for analysis. The HPV-vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups were compared for the demographic data, CC risk perceptions, sexual behaviors and STI prevalence using Pearson's' chi-square (x^2^) or Fisher's exact tests for categorical variables which also generated *p* values, odd ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval. Continuous variables were compared using independent sample t-test which also provided *p*-values. Additionally, using early age at sexual debut (\<16 years vs 16+ years) as the categorical outcome variable, logistic multivariate regression was performed to further examine the association between HPV vaccination and early age at sexual debut after controlling for all other covariates (age, educational level and CC risk perceptions). These covariate included in the logistic multivariate regression were the variables that were significantly associated to early age at sexual debut from the bivariate analysis and were theoretically relevant. Although Uganda national age at sexual debut among females was 15 years \[[@CR10], [@CR11]\], in this study, early age at sexual debut cut off was put at \<16 because no study participant was aged \<15 years. Results {#Sec10} ======= The age range of the 438 study participants which comprised of 50.4% HPV-vaccinated young women was 15--24 years and mean age was 18.6 (SD 1.4). All the participants were female students attending secondary school in Ibanda district, the study area in rural southwestern Uganda. All the participants were non-smokers, with neither history of pregnancy, nor child birth, nor abortion nor hormonal contraceptive use. As shown in participants flow schema 1, non-eligibility rate was 63% and the major reason for non-eligibility was sexual inactivity. As shown in schema 1, of the 492 eligible young women whose demographic data were obtained for the study, 54 declined responding to the CC questionnaire. Of the 438 who initiated responding to the CC questionnaire, 38 didn't turned up to the health facility for blood draw. Of the 400 who turned up for blood draw, 2 declined blood draw and finally of the 388 blood samples obtained for HIV tests, 1 was invalid for HIV test. The demographic characteristics of the 54 young women who declined the CC questionnaire plus the 38 young women who didn't show up for blood draw and the 2 young women who declined blood draw were not significantly different from the rest of the study participants who completed the study (statistics not presented here). Demographic characteristics of the study participants {#Sec11} ----------------------------------------------------- Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"} shows the demographic characteristics of the study participants. With the exception of age, educational level and ethnic tribe, there were no statistically significant differences between HPV-vaccinated and non-vaccinated control groups regarding their demographic characteristics. As shown in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}, the non-vaccinated control group was significantly older but also began sexual activity at significantly older age than the HPV-vaccinated group. The age difference between vaccinated and control groups is attributable to the educational level targeted for HPV vaccination in 2008 which was primary school class five irrespective of their age. As shown in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}, the HPV-vaccinated young women were significantly younger in age, mostly Ankole by ethnic tribe and mostly from S1-S4 classes compared to the non-vaccinated control young women.Table 1Demographic characteristics by HPV vaccination status of the participantsStudy groupsDemographicTotalHPV-vaccinatedNon-vaccinated*p*-valueN\[f(%)\]\[f(%)\]Age in years \[mean (sd)\]18.6(sd1.4)18.1(sd1.2)19.1(sd1.4)0.000\*Age group• 18+ years373373 (44.5)207(55.5)0.000\*• \<18 years11085 (77.3)25(22.7)Address• Urban343170(67.2)173(72.4)0.210• Rural14983(32.8)66(27.6)Ethnic tribe• Ankole358210(58.7)148(41.3)0.000\*• Others9731(32.0)66(68.0)Religion• Christians448238(53.1)210(46.9)0.670• Muslims52(40.0)3(60.0)Education level• S1-S4348251(72.1)97(27.9)0.000\*• S5-S61341(0.7)133(99.3)N is total sample size; f is the frequency; (%) is the percentage; Sd is standard deviation; S1-S4 is senior 1 to senior 4 class; S5-S6 is senior 5 to senior 6 class; \* is statistically significant *p* value Cervical cancer risk perceptions {#Sec12} -------------------------------- As shown in Table [2](#Tab2){ref-type="table"} (bivariate analysis of the association between cervical cancer risk perceptions and HPV vaccination), the overall cervical cancer risk perceptions among the HPV-vaccinated young women were significantly lower than that among the non-vaccinated young women.Table 2Bivariate analysis of the Association between Cervical cancer risk perceptions and HPV vaccinationItemTotalHPV-vaccinatedNon-vaccinatedpN\[f(%)\]\[f(%)\]Cervical cancer is the same as breast cancer • True8245(19.4)37(18.0)0.794 • False356187(80.6)69(82.0)Cervical cancer is caused by HPV • False4826(11.3)22(10.7)0.969 • True389205(88.7)184(89.3)HPV is the same as HIV • True7338(16.6)35(17.0)1.000 • False362191(83.4)171(83.0)HPV is transmitted from person to person through sexual intercourse • False4228(12.1)14(6.8)0.085 • True395203(87.9)192(93.2)HPV vaccines when given to young girls protect them against cervical cancer • False5637(16.2)19(9.2)0.044 • True379192(83.8)187(90.8)A young girl should be given 3 doses of HPV vaccines to be fully protected against cervical cancer • False3616(7.0)20(9.7)0.394 • True399213(93.0)186(90.3)Women who missed HPV vaccinations during their adolescence can still prevent cervical cancer by attending regular checkup • False10759(25.9)48(23.3)0.610 • True327169(74.1)158(76.7)Cervical cancer is treatable if detected early• False1610(4.4)6(2.9)0.583• True419219(95.6)200(97.1)Cervical cancer is more common among women who have never had sexual intercourse in their lifetime • True10461(26.3)43(20.9)0.223 • False334171(73.7)163(79.1)Women with many sexual partners have a higher chance of developing cervical cancer than those with fewer partners • False5034(14.7)16(7.8)0.035 • True388198(85.3)190(92.2)More of the HIV positive women develop cervical cancer compared to the HIV negative women • False12276(32.8)46(22.3)0.020 • True316156(67.2)160(77.7)HPV doesn't infect men • True297159(68.8)138(67.0)0.757 • False14072(31.2)68(33.0)Circumcision of men doesn't reduce the chances of getting infected with HPV • True214114(49.8)100(48.5)0.871 • False221115(50.2)106(51.5)Having many sexual partners increases the chances of getting infected with HPV • False4323(10.0)20(9.7)1.000 • True394208(90.0)186(90.3)Condom use doesn't protect against HPV • False217104(45.4)113(54.9)0.061 • True218125(54.6)93(45.1)HPV vaccines also protect against other STDs such as syphilis and Gonorrhea • True17799(43.2)78(37.9)0.298 • False258130(56.8)128(62.1)CC risk perception • Overall mean score (sd)12.1(sd 2.1)11.9(sd 2.3)12.3(sd 1.8)0.021\*N is total sample size; CC is cervical cancer; f is the frequency; (%) is the percentage; Sd is standard deviation; \* is statistically significant *p* value In multivariate analysis for the association between low cervical cancer risk perception and set predictors (tribe, religion, address, age at sexual debut and HPV vaccination) as shown in Table [3](#Tab3){ref-type="table"}, HPV vaccination was not significant useful predictor of low cervical cancer risk perception.Table 3Multivariate Analysis of Predictors for low CC risk perceptions among the young womenpOR 95% CITribe • Ankole0.6530.88 (0.51--1.53) • OthersrefReligion • Christians0.6091.84 (0.18--19.08) • MuslimsrefAddress • Urban0.8531.05 (0.64--1.71) • RuralrefAge at sexual debut0.1080.94(0.87--1.01)HPV vaccination status • HPV-vaccinated0.6381.14(0.66--1.97) • -vaccinatedrefControlled variables were age and education level. p is *p*-value; OR is Odd ratio; 95% CI is 95% Confidence interval; \* is statistically significant *p*-value High-risk sexual behaviors {#Sec13} -------------------------- In bivariate analysis (Table [4](#Tab4){ref-type="table"}), there were no significant differences between the HPV-vaccinated and non-vaccinated young women regarding high-risk sexual behaviors with exception of age at sexual debut. The mean age at sexual debut among the HPV-vaccinated young women was significantly lower than that among their non-vaccinated counterparts \[15.5 vs. 16.1, p 0.018\]. Low at age at sexual debut was used as one of the markers of high-risk sexual behavior among the young girls in this study.Table 4Bivariate analysis of the Association between sexual behaviors, sexually transmitted infections and HPV vaccination status of the participantsStudy groupsItemTotalHPV-vaccinatedNon-vaccinated*pN*\[f(%)\]\[f(%)\]Age at sexual debut (mean in years)15.9(sd2.9)15.5(sd2.7)16.1(sd3.1)0.018\*Age group at sexual debut • \<16 years19768(34.5)129(65.5)0.073 • 16+ years18447(25.5)137(74.5)Number of sexual partners in previous 3 months • 1+ sexual partners206113(56.8)93(50.3)0.239 • 017886(43.2)92(49.7)Number of sexual partners in previous 1 year • 1+ sexual partners282150(75.0)132(71.4)0.488 • 010350(25.0)53(28.6)Number of sexual partners in previous 4 years • 1+ sexual partners297153(76.5)144(77.8)0.849 • 08847(23.5)41(22.2)Number of sexual partners in a lifetime • 2+ sexual partners6531(15.5)34(18.5)0.521 • 1 partner319169(84.5)150(81.5)Condom use • Never used229121(60.2)108(58.1)0.746 • Ever used15880(39.8)78(41.9)History of STD syndrome • Positive5828(13.9)30(16.1)0.643 • Negative329173(86.1)156(83.9)TPHA (syphilis) test result • Positive41(0.5)3(1.6)0.351 • Negative384202(99.5)182(98.4)HIV test result • Positive72(1.0)5(2.7)0.264 • Negative380201(99.0)179(97.3)Sd is standard deviation; TPHA is Treponema pallidum hemagglutination test for syphilis; STI is sexually transmitted infections; STD is Sexually transmitted diseases; N is total sample size; f is frequency; (%) is percentage; p is *p*-value at 5% significance level; \* is statistically significant *p*-value Factors associated to early age at sexual debut among the participants {#Sec14} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- As shown in Table [4](#Tab4){ref-type="table"}, at bivariate analysis level, four factors were significantly associated to early age at sexual debut namely having an age less than 16 years, lower educational level \[i.e. being senior secondary class one to four (S1-S4)\], lower cervical cancer risk perceptions and HPV vaccination. In multivariate logistic regression analysis level shown in Table [5](#Tab5){ref-type="table"}, it was only age that was a significant predictor of early age at sexual debut \[p 0.000, exp.(B) 0.5\]. The rest of the factors in the model including HPV vaccination, low education level and low CC risk perceptions were not significant predictors of early age at sexual debut among the participants.Table 5Multivariate Analysis of Predictors of early age at sexual debutpOR 95% CITribe • Ankole0.6641.14(0.63--2.07) • OthersrefReligion • Christians0.2980.33(0.04--2.64) • MuslimsrefAddress • Urban0.6800.90(0.54--1.50) • RuralrefCC risk perception score0.010\*0.86(0.77--0.97)HPV vaccination status • HPV-vaccinated0.8690.95(0.54--1.68) • Non-vaccinatedrefVariables controlled for were age and education level. p is *p*-value; OR is Odd ratio; 95% CI is 95% Confidence interval; \* is statistically significant *p*-value Prevalence of syphilis and HIV infections {#Sec15} ----------------------------------------- In bivariate analysis (Table [4](#Tab4){ref-type="table"}), there were no statistically significant differences between the HPV-vaccinated and non-vaccinated young women regarding the prevalence of syphilis and HIV infections. Syphilis and HIV infections were used as some of the bio-markers of high-risk sexual behaviors among the young women in this study. Discussion {#Sec16} ========== The HPV-vaccinated young women of our sample were significantly younger in age and were mostly from the lower senior secondary educational level (S1-S4) compared to their non-vaccinated counterparts. This was attributable to the participants sampling strategy used in the study which targeted the 2008 cohort of HPV-vaccinated young women who were expected to be younger and in the lower educational level compared to their non-vaccinated counterparts recruited mostly from the higher senior secondary class five to six (S5-S6). The ethnic tribal differences between the HPV-vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups observed in the sample for this study could also be attributed to the fact that the 2008 pilot HPV vaccine project in Uganda was implemented in Ibanda district (the study area), a district predominantly occupied by people of Ankole ethnic tribe and hence the HPV-vaccinated young women were more likely to belong to the Ankole ethnic tribe. Notably, the selection of Ibanda district and hence high participation of young women of Ankole ethnic tribe in HPV vaccine rollout program and the study was neither based on HPV and cervical cancer disease burden differences nor cultural differences between ethnic tribes with regard to sexual activity that may impact these findings. Interestingly, the CC risk perceptions demonstrated by the HPV-vaccinated young women in this study were significantly lower than that for the non-vaccinated control group although it wasn't significantly associated to high-risk sexual behaviors. This finding was consistent with previous studies from Colombia and US that reported an inverse association between HPV vaccination and perceived risk of CC \[[@CR18], [@CR23]\] in bivariate but also not in multivariate analysis. In our sample, the CC risk perceptions differences between the HPV-vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups were attributable to misconceptions such as HPV vaccines doesn't protect against CC, multiple sexual partners doesn't increase the risk of CC and HIV infection doesn't increase the risk of CC which were significantly more prevalent among the HPV-vaccinated group compared to their non-vaccinated counterparts. This finding underscores the importance of educating young women about the risk factors for CC in addition to HPV vaccines as part of vaccine implementation. With exception of age at sexual debut (data in Table [4](#Tab4){ref-type="table"}), we found no significant differences between HPV-vaccinated young women and their non-vaccinated counterparts regarding high-risk sexual behaviors. Our findings of no association between HPV vaccination and other high-risk sexual behaviors rather than age at sexual debut contradicts with several previous studies that reported that HPV-vaccinated young women were more likely to experience sexual intercourse \[[@CR14]\] or were more likely to have positive attitudes toward maintaining safe sexual health \[[@CR22]\] or were more likely to use safer sexual behaviors such as consistent condoms use \[[@CR23]\] or were more likely to use condoms \[[@CR4]\] or were no more likely to be treated for an STI than the unvaccinated youth \[[@CR24]\]. On the other hand, our finding of no association between HPV vaccination and other high-risk sexual behaviors concurs with some previous studies including in US and Canada that similarly indicated no association between HPV vaccination and high-risk sexual behaviors among young women \[[@CR12]--[@CR18]\]. In view of the above, our finding in agreement with more recent previous studies doesn't support the possibility of sexual disinhibition among young women following HPV vaccination. Our finding regarding the association of HPV vaccination with early age sexual debut in bivariate analysis although not significant in multivariate analysis contracts with a number of previous studies from other parts of the world that reported no association between HPV vaccination and early age at sexual debut in both bivariate and multivariate analyses \[&, 11, 12, 14, 22\]. In our sample, the association between HPV vaccination and early age at sexual debut was probably confounded by other covariates among the participants such that in multivariate model containing other covariates, HPV vaccination was found to be not a significant predictor of early age at sexual debut but age. This could imply that young women of younger generation (vaccinated group) starts sexual activity at an earlier age than young women of older generation (non-vaccinated group), emphasizing the importance of initiating HPV vaccination of young women at a younger age than 15 years before they start sexual activity. The HPV-vaccinated young women in our sample didn't differ significantly from their non-vaccinated counterparts regarding the history of STD syndrome and the prevalence of both syphilis and HIV infections. These findings from our study were consistent with previous studies from the US and Sweden that both reported no significant differences between HPV-vaccinated and their non-vaccinated counterparts regarding STI prevalence rates \[[@CR12], [@CR14]\]. Since STIs are often used as objective biomarker of safer sexual behaviors, our findings in line with previous studies regarding no association between HPV vaccination and STIs further suggest that HPV vaccination doesn't have detrimental effect on sexual health of young women. The strengths of our study include being one of the first HPV vaccine follow up studies conducted from developing country in Africa with high burden of HPV-related cancers to empirically examine the association between HPV vaccination, CC risk perceptions and high-risk sexual behaviors using a population-based comparative cross sectional survey design. We assessed for sexual behaviors both subjectively using a questionnaire and objectively by performing laboratory tests for syphilis and HIV infections which were the respectable biomarkers of high-risk sexual behaviors used in previous related studies among young women \[[@CR12], [@CR14]\]. And we made use of non-vaccinated control group and multivariate logistic regression to control for extraneous variables. A weakness of our study was that some of the data were self-reported and hence subject to reporting bias. We minimized on reporting bias by using a standard questionnaire and ensuring that the sexual behavior section of the questionnaire was interviewer-administered which provided opportunities for clarification on questions and probing. Another potential weakness was the fact that we studied a largely rural in-school young women population shortly after their sexual debut and hence our results may not be widely applicable to a more diverse population. Further research on this topic in developing country particularly Africa should be a long term HPV vaccine follow up of the young women for cervical cancer secondary prevention outcomes such as attitudes and uptake of cervical cancer screening. Conclusions {#Sec17} =========== We found that CC risk perceptions and age at sexual debut were both significantly lower among the HPV-vaccinated young women compared to their non-vaccinated counterparts in Uganda 5 years after vaccine implementation. However, HPV vaccination was neither associated to lower cervical cancer risk perceptions nor early age at sexual debut in multivariate analysis. Other high-risk sexual behaviors were rampant among both groups although the differences were not statistically significant. Our findings don't support the notion that HPV vaccination is associated with high-risk sexual behaviors. Importantly, we found that young women in study area in rural Uganda were sexually active at a younger age and are engaged in high-risk sexual behaviors, affirming the importance of targeting young women of younger age for HPV vaccination. Additional file {#Sec18} =============== Additional file 1:Questionnaire. (DOCX 52 kb) Additional file 2:STROBE Statement---checklist of items that should be included in reports of observational studies. (DOC 109 kb) CC : Cervical cancer EDTA : Ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid HIV : Human Immunodeficiency Virus HPV : Human Papillomavirus IgG : Immunoglobulin G IgM : Immunoglobulin M P5 : Primary school class 5 P6 : Primary school class 6 S3 : Senior secondary school class 3 S4 : Senior secondary school class 4 S5 : Senior secondary school class 5 S6 : Senior secondary school class 6 SD : Standard deviation STDs : Sexually transmitted disease(s) STIs : Sexually Transmitted Infection(s) TPHA : Treponema Pallidum Hemagglutination **Electronic supplementary material** The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12905-017-0394-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. We thank Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) for funding the study. We also thank the participants for accepting to participate in the study. Funding {#FPar1} ======= We are grateful to Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) for providing funding for the research project. Availability of data and materials {#FPar2} ================================== The raw data and materials are available and can be obtained from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Makerere University College of Health Sciences in Uganda. Authors' contributions {#FPar3} ====================== EK conceived of the study, and participated in its designing, collecting data, analysis and writing the manuscript. SA participated in conceiving the study and in its design, supervising data collection and reviewing the manuscript. CM and SK participated in collecting blood samples and laboratory analysis for HIV and syphilis infections in Uganda and reviewing the manuscript. HW participated in designing the study, supervising data collection and reviewing the manuscript. VB participated in conceiving the study and in its design and reviewing the manuscript. All authors read and approved of the final manuscript. Authors' information {#FPar4} ==================== EK, a holder of BSN, MSN/MPH is a doctoral student at Makerere University Uganda in collaboration with Örebro University Sweden. SA, a holder of MD, PhD is an Associate Professor and the Head, Department of Laboratory Medicine at Örebro University Hospital Sweden and Örebro University Sweden. HW, a holder of MD, PhD is a Professor of Pathology and Director of Kampala Cancer Registry at Makerere University Uganda. CM, a holder of MLS, MSc is a Laboratory Scientist in the Department of Medical Microbiology, Immunology laboratory, Makerere University Uganda. SK, a holder of MLS, MSc is a Laboratory Scientist in the Department of Medical Microbiology, Immunology laboratory, Makerere University Uganda. VB, a holder of MPH, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Sciences, Lund University Sweden Competing interests {#FPar5} =================== All the authors declared neither financial nor non-financial conflict of interests. Consent for publication {#FPar6} ======================= In Uganda, the informed consent and assent provided by the study respondents / subjects usually is inclusive of the consent to publish the data/findings. Ethics approval and consent to participate {#FPar7} ========================================== The ethical clearance for this study was obtained from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Makerere University College of Health Sciences in Uganda. Additional research clearance was obtained from Uganda National Council for Science and Technology. Informed consent were obtained from each participant aged 18 years and above before inclusion into the study. For participants below the age 18 years, assent was obtained from them plus a proxy informed consent from their school teachers because all the participants were in school full board at the time of the study. Additionally, all participants were provided free of charge transportation to and from the health facility for sample collection. And at the health facility, all participants were served a soft drink and were provided the opportunity to receive healthcare services if indicated. Publisher's Note {#FPar8} ================ Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Introduction ============ Acute kidney injury (AKI) frequently develops in critically ill patients and is associated with increased mortality and morbidity \[[@b1-krcp-37-030]\]. AKI is a well-known clinical risk factor for progression to chronic kidney disease (CKD) \[[@b2-krcp-37-030]\], and even subclinical AKI episodes may progress to CKD. Previous studies indicate that advanced CKD often develops in patients who recover from severe AKI or who require dialysis because of severe uremic signs and symptoms \[[@b2-krcp-37-030]--[@b4-krcp-37-030]\]. Clinical conditions such as diabetes mellitus, decreased baseline glomerular filtration rate, hypertension, obesity, chronic inflammation, severe AKI, and hypoalbuminemia are risk factors of the progression of AKI to CKD \[[@b5-krcp-37-030]\]. Several previous studies have confirmed the causal relationship between progression of AKI to CKD and its risk factors; however, limited information is available on mechanisms underlying the progression of AKI to CKD. Renal fibrosis is a common manifestation of CKD \[[@b6-krcp-37-030]\] and is characterized by accumulation of fibrillary collagen in myofibroblasts and loss or degeneration of tubular epithelial cells. The incidence of CKD associated with this fibrotic process is increasing. Therefore, biomarkers associated with renal fibrotic pathways should be identified to understand mechanisms underlying the progression of AKI to CKD. Cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36), which is implicated in multiple biological processes, is a multifunctional or multi-ligand signaling receptor. CD36 is usually present on various cells such as renal proximal tubular epithelial cells, macrophages, endothelial cells, platelets, and adipocytes \[[@b7-krcp-37-030]\]. CD36 also functions as a receptor for thrombosponin-1 and serially binds to thromobosponin-1 to antagonize angiogenesis by inducing endothelial cell apoptosis. Moreover, CD36 is associated with several pathophysiologic processes in different cells, including innate immunity, long-chain fatty acid transport, free radical generation, and atherosclerosis. A high glucose level induces CD36 expression, and high glucose-induced increase in CD36 expression increases free fatty acid (FFA) uptake. Factors such as high glucose level and increased FFA uptake lead to apoptosis or dedifferentiation of renal proximal tubular epithelial cells and micro-vascular endothelial cells \[[@b8-krcp-37-030]\]. According to previous literature, renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis is associated with decreased expression of regulators of fatty acid oxidation and fatty acid accumulation \[[@b9-krcp-37-030]\]. Moreover, lipid accumulation in renal tubular epithelial cells may induce cellular lipotoxicity, thus promoting renal fibrosis in diabetic kidney disease. Thus, CD36, which plays a crucial role in intracellular lipid uptake, may be a critical mediator of renal tubular epithelial--mesenchymal transition (EMT) or kidney injury progression. However, a previous study indicated that CD36 overexpression alone cannot induce a complete fibrotic change \[[@b9-krcp-37-030]\]. Interestingly, CD36 overexpression under specific pathological conditions such as diabetic nephropathy is significantly associated with renal tubular epithelial cell damage or renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis \[[@b8-krcp-37-030]\]. These findings suggest that CD36 overexpression promotes AKI progression. However, compared with human CD36 (hCD36), mouse Cd36 (mCd36) does not exert anti-angiogenic and proinflammatory effects *in vivo* \[[@b8-krcp-37-030]\]. Thus, we used folic acid-induced AKI mice and transgenic (Tg) mice overexpressing hCD36 to identify the effects of hCD36 associated with AKI progression. Methods ======= Animals ------- Tg mice expressing Pax8--reverse tetracycline transactivator (Pax8--rtTA) in the renal tubules were purchased from Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME, USA), and Tg mice expressing tetracycline response element--hCD36 (TRE--hCD36) were obtained from the Einstein Transgenic Facility (New York, NY, USA). Next, Pax8--rtTA Tg mice were mated with TRE--hCD36 Tg mice to generate Pax8--rtTA/TRE--hCD36 Tg mice overexpressing hCD36 under the control of the 'Tet'O operation regulated with tetracycline. In other words, Tg mice expressing TRE and hCD36 were mated with Tg mice expressing rtTA to generate Pax8--rtTA/TRE--hCD36 Tg mice that overexpressed hCD36 in the proximal tubules under tetracycline feeding. First, 4-week-old Tg mice were fed doxycycline-containing food (Bioserv S3888; Bioserv, San Diego, CA, USA) for two weeks to confirm hCD36 expression. Finally, the Tg mice were analyzed after eating doxycycline-added food for two weeks, and the first and fourth among the four lines showed the highest expression of hCD36 in quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and western blot assay. Immuno-fluorescence analysis of samples obtained from Tg mice showing the highest hCD36 expression also yielded positive results for hCD36. Then, mice of the first and fourth line were mated, and tail genotyping was used to identify these as Tg mice overexpressing hCD36 in the proximal tubule. Folic acid administration ------------------------- Six-week-old mice were intraperitoneally injected with folic acid (250 mg kg^−1^ dissolved in 300 mM NaHCO~3~; Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA). The mice were divided into the following four groups to compare the effect of hCD36 overexpression on folic acid-induced AKI: (1) folic acid-treated Tg mice (n = 7), (2) folic acid-treated wild-type (WT) mice (n = 7), (3) vehicle-treated Tg mice (n = 7), and (4) vehicle-treated WT mice (n = 7). After 48 hours of folic acid administration, the mouse kidneys were harvested, prepared for histological analysis, and stored at −80°C for mRNA analysis. Antibodies ---------- The following antibodies were used in this study: anti-hCD36 antibody (Santa Cruz Bio, Paso Robles, CA, USA) and mouse anti-α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) antibody (Santa Cruz Bio). Western blotting analysis ------------------------- Protein in kidney tissues harvested from Tg mice with hCD36-overexpression and WT mice was extracted for western blot analysis. The proteins were mixed with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) loading buffer, resolved by performing SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride membranes. The membranes were blocked for nonspecific binding and were incubated overnight at 4°C with anti-hCD36 antibody. Next, the densities of hCD36 were normalized to those of β-actin (Sigma-Aldrich) in protein samples obtained from the kidneys of WT and Tg mice. Immunofluorescence analysis --------------------------- Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded kidney sections of mice in the four groups were washed twice with 0.01 M phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; pH 7.4) and were treated with 10% BSA/0.3% Triton X-100 in PBS for 1 hours to block nonspecific binding. Immunofluorescence labeling was performed using anti-hCD36 antibody to identify hCD36 overexpression in the renal proximal tubules of Tg mice. Next, the kidney sections were washed and incubated with appropriate secondary antibodies for two hours at room temperature, followed by counterstaining with 4′,6-diamidine-2′-phenylindole dihydrochloride (DAPI; Sigma-Aldrich). Histochemical and immunohistochemical analyses ---------------------------------------------- Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded kidney sections were stained with periodic acid Schiff (PAS) to identify histopathological changes in the renal tubules of hCD36-overexpressing mice. In addition, kidney sections from folic acid-treated mice were incubated overnight at 4°C with anti-α-SMA antibody, followed by treatment with an appropriate biotin-conjugated secondary immuno-globulin G to identify renal fibrosis-associated changes. The tubular injury scoring was quantified into six groups on the basis of percentage of tubular dilatation, epithelial desquamation, and intra-tubular crystal formation in 10 randomly chosen, non-overlapping fields at a magnification of 100× under a light microscope: 0, none; 0.5, \< 10%; 1, 10--25%; 2, 25--50%; 3, 50--75%; and 4, \> 75%. The positive areas of α-SMA immunostaining in the kidney tissue were measured as percentage of total area in 10 randomly chosen, non-overlapping fields at a magnification of 400× using ImageJ software (<http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij>). Measurement of urinary albumin excretion ---------------------------------------- At 48 hours after folic acid injection, the mice were placed in metabolic cages to collect 24-hour urine samples for measuring urinary albumin and creatinine excretion. Urinary albumin excretion was measured using Albuwell M ELISA kit (Exocell Inc., Philadelphia, PA, USA), and urinary creatinine excretion was measured using a creatinine ELISA kit (Exocell Inc.). Urinary albumin excretion was expressed as the urinary albumin to creatinine ratio (UACR). qRT-PCR ------- For qRT-PCR, *CD36* and *Cd36* RNA was isolated from the harvested kidneys using an RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA). Next, 1 μg of the RNA was reverse transcribed using a cDNA archival kit (Life Technology, Woburn, MA, USA). qRT-PCR was performed using the ViiA 7 System (Life Technology) with SYBR Green Master Mix (Life Technology) and gene-specific primers. Data obtained were normalized and analyzed using the delta delta CT method. The following primers were used: *CD36* forward, 5′-GCTCTGGGGCTACAAAGATG-3′; *CD36* reverse, 5′-TAGGGAGAGATATCGGGCCT-3′; *Cd36* forward 5′-TG-CTGGGCTGTTATTGGTG-3′; *Cd36* reverse, 5′-CATGAGAATGCCTCCA-AACA-3′; *Col1a1* forward, 5′-GCTCTTTTTAGATACTGTGG-TGAGGAA-3′; *Col1a1* reverse, 5′-GTTTCCACGTCTCACCATTG-3′; *Col3a1* forward, 5′-ACAGCTGGTGAACCTGGAAG-3′; *Col3a1* reverse, 5′-ACCAGG-AGATCCATCTCGAC-3′; *Acta2* forward, 5′-CTGACAGAGGCACC-ACTGAA-3′; *Acta2* reverse, 5′-AGAGGCATAGAGGGACAGCA-3′; *Fn1* forward, 5′-ACAAGGTTCGGGAAGAGGTT-3′; *Fn1* reverse, 5′-CCGTGT-AAGGGTCAAAGCAT-3′; *Apaf1* forward, 5′-GGGTGGGTCACCAT-CTATGG-3′; *Apaf1* reverse, 5′-TTCCGCAGCTAACACAGACTTG-3′; *Bax/Bcl2* forward, 5′-TGGGATGCCTTTGTGGAACT-3′; *Bax/Bcl2* reverse, 5′-CAGCCAGGAGAAATCAAACAGA-3′; *Cd68* forward, 5′-CTTCC-CACAGGCAGCACAG-3′; *Cd68* reverse, 5′-AATGATGAGAGGCAGCAA-GAGG-3′; *Mcp1* forward, 5′-TCTCT-CTTCCTCCACCACCATG-3′; and *Mcp1* reverse, 5′-GCGTTAACTGCATCTG-GCTGA-3′. Statistical analysis -------------------- Statistical differences between two groups were determined using the Mann--Whitney *U*-test, and *P* \< 0.05 was considered statistically significant. All data were analyzed with SAS software, version 9.1.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Results ======= Generation of Tg mice overexpressing hCD36 in the renal tubules --------------------------------------------------------------- Pax8--rtTA Tg mice expressing rtTA in the renal proximal tubules and TRE--hCD36 Tg mice were mated to generate Pax8--rtTA/TRE--hCD36 Tg mice overexpressing hCD36. The generated Pax8--rtTA/TRE--hCD36 Tg mice overexpressed hCD36 under specific conditions such as tetracycline or doxycycline feeding ([Fig. 1](#f1-krcp-37-030){ref-type="fig"}). The four lines of Pax8--rtTA/TRE--hCD36 Tg mice were fed doxycycline-containing food from 4 weeks of age for 2 weeks. Finally, mice from the four lines were obtained at 5 weeks of age after the doxycycline feeding. Western blotting, qRT-PCR, and immunohistochemistry for hCD36 and mCd36 were performed with whole kidneys of all lines to identify *hCD36*-overespression at molecular levels. The results of qRT-PCR and western blotting showed that mice in the first and fourth lines showed the highest hCD36 expression. In addition, Tg mice showing the highest *hCD36* mRNA expression yielded positive results for immunofluorescence analysis of hCD36. Thus, hCD36-overexpressing Tg mice were obtained by mating Pax8--rtTA and TRE--hCD36 Tg mice ([Fig. 2](#f2-krcp-37-030){ref-type="fig"}). Genotyping of tail samples of the mated mice was also performed to produce definitive Pax8--rtTA/TRE--hCD36 Tg mice. On the basis of genotyping, Tg mice expressing both TRE--hCD36 and Pax8--rtTA were defined as true Pax8--rtTA/ TRE--hCD36 Tg mice, and those not expressing TRE--hCD36 and Pax8--rtTA were defined as WT mice ([Fig. 3](#f3-krcp-37-030){ref-type="fig"}). Next, we used these Tg mice overexpressing hCD36 in the renal proximal tubules to investigate the effects of hCD36 on the progression of folic acid-induced AKI. Effects of hCD36 overexpression on folic acid-induced AKI in mice ----------------------------------------------------------------- Folic acid-induced AKI results in the loss or damage of renal tubular epithelial cells. Moreover, severe tubular cell damage aggravates the progression of AKI to CKD \[[@b10-krcp-37-030]\]. Kidney sections of folic acid-treated mice were stained with PAS for histological analysis of folic acid-induced AKI. Vehicle-treated WT and Tg mice showed relatively normal renal histology ([Fig. 4A, B](#f4-krcp-37-030){ref-type="fig"}). However, folic acid-treated WT and Tg mice showed marked renal damage, including renal tubular dilatation, inflammatory cell infiltration in the tubulointerstitium, proximal and distal tubular epithelial flattening, and renal tubular cast formation. In addition, folic acid-treated Tg mice showed more severely dilated renal tubules with casts than folic acid-treated WT mice ([Fig. 4A, B](#f4-krcp-37-030){ref-type="fig"}). Next, the kidney sections of folic acid-treated WT and Tg mice were stained with anti-α-SMA antibody to determine the effects of hCD36 overexpression on folic acid-induced AKI. In the present study, no significant difference was observed between folic acid-treated WT and Tg mice with respect to α-SMA expression ([Fig. 4C, D](#f4-krcp-37-030){ref-type="fig"}). Fibrosis biomarkers are usually expressed approximately 7 days after the development of folic acid-induced nephropathy. Moreover, the evaluation of samples obtained about 7 days after folic acid-induced AKI may be better for identifying the impact of hCD36-overexpression on progression from AKI to CKD. However, severe AKI is a prominent risk factor of CKD, and preemptive analyses of qRT-PCR for inflammatory and fibrotic biomarkers at the time points (after 2 days and 7 days) in this study showed significant changes only 2 days after folic acid-treatment. Therefore, we performed analyses only 2 days after folic acid-treatment. A decrease in albuminuria delays the progression of renal disease and improves clinical outcomes, particularly in patients with renal dysfunction \[[@b11-krcp-37-030],[@b12-krcp-37-030]\]. Thus, albuminuria may be a risk factor for the progression of renal disease after AKI. In the present study, UACR was measured for all the experimental mice to determine the degree of albuminuria. The UACR was significantly higher for folic acid-treated WT and Tg mice than for vehicle-treated WT mice. Interestingly, albuminuria was significantly higher in folic acid-treated Tg mice than in folic acid-treated WT mice ([Fig. 4E](#f4-krcp-37-030){ref-type="fig"}). Thus, the results of histological analysis showed a higher degree of albuminuria and more severe pathological changes in folic acid-treated Tg mice than in folic acid-treated WT mice ([Fig. 4D](#f4-krcp-37-030){ref-type="fig"}). These results suggest that hCD36 overexpression aggravates the progression of renal diseases after folic acid-induced AKI. Renal inflammation is not exacerbated in folic acid-treated Tg mice overexpressing hCD36 compared with folic acid-treated WT mice --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generally, macrophages are deeply associated with the inflammatory response via various mechanisms. During the inflammatory response, infiltrating macrophages are usually derived from monocytes. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1; also referred to as chemokine \[C-C motif\] ligand 2 \[CCL2\]) plays an important role in inflammation \[[@b13-krcp-37-030]\]. CCL2 is a small cytokine associated with proinflammation or inflammation and mainly induces acute inflammatory damage in humans under pathological conditions \[[@b14-krcp-37-030]\]. Relative *Mcp1* mRNA levels were significantly higher in folic acid-treated Tg and WT mice than in vehicle-treated WT mice. Moreover, *Mcp1* mRNA levels were significantly higher in folic acid-treated Tg mice than in vehicle-treated Tg mice (*P* \< 0.05). However, *Mcp1* mRNA levels were not significantly higher in folic acid-treated Tg mice than in folic acid-treated WT mice. Cd68 is a transmembrane glycoprotein mainly expressed by macrophages \[[@b15-krcp-37-030]\]. Like MCP-1, Cd68 functions as a biomarker of acute inflammation or macrophages. Relative *Cd68* mRNA levels were significantly higher in folic acid-treated Tg and WT mice compared to vehicle-treated WT mice (*P* \< 0.05). Moreover, relative *Cd68* mRNA levels were significantly higher in folic acid-treated Tg mice than in vehicle-treated Tg mice (*P* \< 0.01). However, no significant difference was observed in relative *Cd68* mRNA levels between folic acid-treated WT and Tg mice ([Fig. 5A, B](#f5-krcp-37-030){ref-type="fig"}). The renal fibrotic response increases in folic acid-treated Tg mice overexpressing hCD36 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mRNA levels of typical fibrotic genes, including α-SMA (*Acta2*), fibronectin (*Fn1*), collagen 3a1 (*Col3a1*), and collagen 1a1 (*Col1a1*), were analyzed to identify the association between hCD36 overexpression and EMT in folic acid-induced AKI. No significant difference was observed in *Acta2* mRNA expression in folic acid- and vehicle-treated WT mice. However, the *Acta2* mRNA level was significantly higher in folic acid-treated Tg mice compared to vehicle-treated WT and Tg mice. However, we did not observe a significant difference in *Acta2* mRNA expression between folic acid-treated Tg and WT mice ([Fig. 5C](#f5-krcp-37-030){ref-type="fig"}). There was a trend toward increased mRNA expression of *Fn1* in all folic acid-treated mice compared with vehicle-treated WT mice. In addition, the mRNA expression of *Fn1* in folic acid-treated Tg and WT mice was higher than that of vehicle-treated Tg mice. However, no significant difference was observed in *Fn1* mRNA expression between folic acid-treated WT and Tg mice ([Fig. 5C](#f5-krcp-37-030){ref-type="fig"}). *Col1a1* mRNA expression was significantly higher in folic acid-treated Tg and WT mice than in vehicle-treated Tg and WT mice. Moreover, *Col3a1* mRNA expression was significantly higher in folic acid-treated Tg and WT mice than in vehicle-treated Tg and WT mice. Interestingly, the mRNA levels of *Col1a1* and *Col3a1* were prominently increased in folic acid-treated Tg mice compared with folic acid-treated WT mice, unlike the mRNA levels of other fibrotic markers. Moreover, *Col3a1* mRNA expression was significantly higher in folic acid-treated Tg mice than in folic acid-treated WT mice ([Fig. 5D](#f5-krcp-37-030){ref-type="fig"}). Renal tubular apoptosis does not increase in folic acid-treated Tg mice overexpressing hCD36 compared with folic acid-treated WT mice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CD36 is associated with apoptosis. CD36 overexpression in renal proximal tubular epithelial cells, particularly under pathological conditions such as diabetic nephropathy and hyperlipidemia, aggravates their apoptosis \[[@b8-krcp-37-030],[@b9-krcp-37-030]\]. Therefore, we analyzed the mRNA expression of several apoptotic genes, including apoptotic protease activating factor 1 (*Apaf1*) and B-cell lymphoma 2-associated X/B-cell lymphoma 2 (*Bax/Bcl2*), in folic acid-treated Tg mice to identify the relationship between hCD36 overexpression and apoptosis. BAX promotes apoptosis, whereas BCL2 exerts an antiapoptotic effect. Interestingly, the antiapoptotic effect of BCL2 is countered by combination with BAX protein \[[@b16-krcp-37-030]\]. We found that *Apaf1* and *Bax/Bcl2* mRNA expression was higher in folic acid-treated WT and Tg mice than in vehicle-treated WT mice (folic acid-treated WT mice vs. vehicle-treated WT mice: *P* \< 0.05 and *P* = 0.07, respectively; folic acid-treated Tg mice vs. vehicle-treated WT mice: *P* = 0.052 and *P* \< 0.05). Moreover, *Bax/Bcl2* mRNA levels were significantly higher in folic acid-treated Tg mice than in vehicle-treated Tg mice. However, *Apaf1* and *Bax/Bcl2* mRNA levels were not significantly higher in folic acid-treated Tg mice than in folic acid-treated WT mice ([Fig. 5E](#f5-krcp-37-030){ref-type="fig"}). Discussion ========== Although the correlation between AKI and subsequent CKD or end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is unclear, AKI is a crucial risk factor of kidney disease progression \[[@b2-krcp-37-030],[@b4-krcp-37-030],[@b17-krcp-37-030]\]. AKI-associated proximal tubular epithelial cell damage may be a starting point for the progression of renal diseases, including diabetic nephropathy \[[@b8-krcp-37-030]\]. Renal tubular atrophy or interstitial fibrosis is a well-known risk factor of renal failure or renal disease progression, regardless of the etiology. Therefore, it is important to identify fibrotic changes or increased expression of fibrotic molecules in AKI-affected tissues to determine mechanisms or molecules associated with the progression of renal diseases after AKI. Intraperitoneal treatment of mice with high doses (e.g., 250 mg kg^−1^) of folic acid may induce AKI \[[@b17-krcp-37-030]\]. Folic acid results in renal tubular flattening, crystal or cast formation within the renal tubular lumen, and acute tubular necrosis by inducing tubular epithelial cell damage in experimental mice \[[@b18-krcp-37-030]\]. In the present study, we determined the expression of molecules involved in the progression of renal diseases after AKI using a mouse model of folic acid-induced AKI. As mentioned above, hCD36 is upregulated under specific conditions such as hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypoxia. Moreover, because hCD36 overexpression is associated with renal tubular epithelial cell damage or renal fibrosis under specific pathological conditions such as diabetic nephropathy, fibrotic makers may be expressed early after folic acid administration because of hCD36 overexpression. Analyses of the effect of hCD36 overexpression on renal disease progression after AKI showed significant histological differences between folic acid-treated Tg and WT mice ([Fig. 4A, B, D](#f4-krcp-37-030){ref-type="fig"}). Albuminuria was significantly higher in folic acid-treated Tg mice than in folic acid-treated WT mice ([Fig. 4C](#f4-krcp-37-030){ref-type="fig"}). These findings strongly suggest that hCD36 overexpression is associated with aggravation or progression of AKI in the mouse model of folic acid-induced AKI. In rats or mice, folic acid-induced nephropathy is associated with the induction of apoptotic molecules, including Bax/Bcl2 and Apaf1, and inflammatory molecules associated with macrophages or monocytes, such as Mcp1 and Cd68 \[[@b13-krcp-37-030],[@b15-krcp-37-030],[@b16-krcp-37-030],[@b18-krcp-37-030]\]. Folic acid-induced AKI may also result in the progression of renal diseases such as CKD and ESRD. Therefore, we analyzed the expression of fibrotic molecules such as α-SMA, FN1, COL1A1, and COL3A1 to identify their correlation with histological changes observed in the mouse model of folic acid-induced AKI. The qRT-PCR data showed a tendency to increase the mRNA expression of genes encoding fibrotic molecules (only *Col1a1* and *Col3a1*) and an inflammatory molecule (only *Mcp1*) in folic acid-treated Tg mice compared with folic acid-treated WT mice. However, most results except mRNA analysis for COL3A1 unfortunately did not show statistically significant differences in mRNA analysis of several markers associated with apoptosis, inflammation, and renal fibrosis based on overexpression of hCD36. Levels of serological markers, including creatinine and blood urea nitrogen, increase 1 day after folic acid administration. Moreover, abnormal levels of serological markers peak 2 days after folic acid administration and may return to normal within 7 days after folic acid administration. Thus, markers associated with folic acid-induced AKI may peak approximately 2 days after folic acid administration. However, levels of early fibrotic markers such as α-SMA, FN1, COL1A1, and COL3A1 may not increase until 7 days after the development of folic acid-induced kidney injury and tubular damage, including tubular dilatation, tubular epithelial cell damage, and tubular crystal formation, and may remain until 2 weeks after folic acid administration \[[@b17-krcp-37-030]\]. Similarly, the timing of expression of metabolic molecules after folic acid administration can vary according to time course after folic acid administration. The kidneys of experimental mice were harvested 2 days after folic acid administration because molecules associated with inflammation or apoptosis usually peak 2 days after folic acid administration. Additional correlative data could have been obtained if the mouse kidneys were harvested on different days after folic acid administration (e.g., 7 or 14 days after folic acid administration). Moreover, the sample size used in this study was very small. Analysis of a larger number of Tg mice may have highlighted more significant differences between folic acid-treated Tg and WT mice. In addition, western blotting analysis of several molecules was not performed because of the negative results of relative mRNA analysis of samples obtained from hCD36-overexpressing mice with folic acid-induced AKI. To date, very few studies have assessed the relationship between hCD36, a multi-ligand scavenger receptor in specific cells, and intracellular signaling during renal fibrosis under specific conditions. However, hCD36 over-expression during lipid metabolism in tubular epithelial cells showing diabetic nephropathy seems to play a crucial role in the development of renal fibrosis \[[@b8-krcp-37-030],[@b9-krcp-37-030]\]. In conclusion, our results suggest that hCD36 overexpression in the presence of pathological conditions such as folic acid-induced nephropathy induces prominent histopathological changes. Although most molecular studies have yielded negative results, results of the present study showed that *Col3a1* mRNA expression significantly increased in folic acid-treated Tg mice compared with folic acid-treated WT mice, suggesting that hCD36 overexpression potentially affects the progression of renal disease after AKI in a mouse model of folic acid-induced AKI. Finally, our results suggest that hCD36 overexpression is a risk factor of folic acid-induced AKI and its progression to CKD. However, these results should be considered with caution because of the small sample size included in this study and because no significant differences were observed in the mRNA expression of several biomarkers associated with severe renal injury following AKI between folic acid-treated Tg and WT mice. However, the results of this study may provide a strong foundation for performing further molecular studies. This study was supported by Wonkwang University in 2018. Transgenic mice with hCD36 overexpression was obtained from the Einstein Transgenic Facility (New York, NY, USA), and the mouse model of acute kidney injury was possible with Dr. Susztak's support. **Conflicts of interest** All authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. ![Generation of Tg mice with tubular epithelial cell-specific hCD36 overexpression\ A representative image showing the experimental approach used in this study. TRE--hCD36 and TRE--hCD36 Tg mice were mated to generate Pax8--rtTA/TRE--hCD36 Tg mice overexpressing hCD36 under doxycycline feeding.\ hCD36, human cluster of differentiation 36; PCMV, plasmid cytomegalovirus; rTetR, reverse tetracycline repressor; rtTA, reverse tetracycline transactivator; Tg, transgenic; TRE, tetracycline response element; VP16, virus protein 16.](krcp-37-030f1){#f1-krcp-37-030} ![Generation of Tg mice showing tubular epithelial cell-specific hCD36 overexpression\ (A) A representative image of relative m*Cd36* and h*CD36* mRNA expression in four Tg mouse lines at 5 weeks of age after eating doxycycline-containing food for 2 weeks. (B) A representative image of western blotting analysis of hCD36 overexpression in whole kidney tissue from the four Tg mouse lines. (C) A representative image of immunofluorescence analysis of hCD36 overexpression in the proximal tubular epithelial cells of Tg and WT mice.\ DAPI, 4′,6-diamidine-2′-phenylindole dihydrochloride; hCD36, human cluster of differentiation 36; mCd36, mouse Cd36; Tg, transgenic; WT, wild type.\ \**P* \< 0.01 compared with h*CD36* WT mice.](krcp-37-030f2){#f2-krcp-37-030} ![Genotyping of Tg mice showing tubular epithelial cell-specific hCD36 overexpression\ Representative image of genotyping from the tails of the mated mice to gain Tg mice with Pax8--rtTA/ TRE--hCD36 gene.\ hCD36, human cluster of differentiation 36; rtTA, reverse tetracycline transactivator; Tg, transgenic; TRE, tetracycline response element.](krcp-37-030f3){#f3-krcp-37-030} ![Effects of folic acid on renal histology and albuminuria\ (A) A representative image of PAS staining (×100) showing normal histology of the kidneys of vehicle-treated WT and Tg mice and severely dilated tubules with casts in the kidneys of folic acid-treated WT and Tg mice. (B) A representative image of PAS staining (×400) showing marked renal damage, including renal tubular epithelial cell flattening and casts in the tubular lumens, in all folic acid-treated mice. Severely dilated tubules with casts were observed in the kidneys of folic acid-treated Tg mice. (C) A representative image of immunohistochemical analysis with anti-α-SMA antibody (×400). No significant difference was observed between the kidneys of folic acid-treated WT and Tg mice. (D) The first representative image of semiquantitative scoring of tubular tissue injury showed more damage in folic acid-treated Tg mice compared with folic acid-treated WT mice and vehicle-treated Tg mice; however, the area fraction of positive α-SMA staining of α-SMA between folic acid-treated WT and Tg mice did not show a significant difference in the second representative image. (E) A representative image of quantitative data for albuminuria, as determined using Albuwell M ELISA kit (Exocell Inc., Philadelphia, PA, USA) and creatinine ELISA kit (Exocell Inc.). Albuminuria was higher in folic acid-treated Tg mice (n = 7) than in vehicle-treated WT (n = 7) and Tg mice (n = 7) and folic acid-treated WT mice (n = 7).\ α-SMA, mouse α-smooth muscle actin; PAS, periodic acid Schiff; Tg, transgenic; UACR, the urinary albumin to creatinine ratio; WT, wild type.\ \**P* \< 0.05 compared with vehicle-treated WT mice, ^†^*P* \< 0.05 compared with vehicle-treated Tg mice, ^‡^*P* \< 0.01 compared with folic acid-treated WT mice, ^§^*P* \< 0.05 compared with folic acid-treated WT mice, and ^\|\|^*P* \< 0.01 compared with vehicle-treated Tg mice; n, number of mice. Significance was analyzed using the Mann--Whitney *U* test.](krcp-37-030f4){#f4-krcp-37-030} ![Quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction-based determination of the relative mRNA expression of inflammation-, fibrosis-, and apoptosis-associated genes in the kidneys of 10-week-old mice at 2 days after folic acid administration\ (A) A representative image of relative *Mcp1* mRNA level. *Mcp1* mRNA level was significantly higher in folic acid-treated Tg mice than in vehicle-treated Tg mice. However, no significant difference was observed in *Mcp1* mRNA level between folic acid-treated Tg and WT mice. (B) A representative image of relative *Cd68* mRNA level. *Cd68* mRNA level was significantly higher in folic acid-treated WT and Tg mice than in vehicle-treated WT mice. (C) A representative image of relative *Acta2* and *Fn1* mRNA levels. *Acta2* and *Fn1* mRNA levels were higher in folic acid-treated WT and Tg mice than in vehicle-treated WT mice. (D) A representative image of relative *Col1a1* and *Col3a1* mRNA levels. *Col1a1* and *Col3a1* mRNA levels were higher in folic acid-treated Tg mice than in vehicle-treated and folic acid-treated WT mice. In particular, the *Col3a1* mRNA level was significantly higher in folic acid-treated Tg mice than in folic acid-treated WT mice. (E) A representative image of relative *Apaf1* and *Bax/Bcl2* mRNA levels. *Apaf1* and *Bax/Bcl2* mRNA levels were higher in folic acid-treated WT and Tg mice than in vehicle-treated WT mice. Moreover, the *Bax/Bcl2* mRNA level increased in folic acid-treated Tg mice. However, there was no significant difference in *Bax/Bcl2* mRNA levels between folic acid-treated Tg and WT mice.\ *Acta2*, α-smooth muscle actin; *Apaf1*, apoptotic protease activating factor 1; *Bax/Bcl2*, B-cell lymphoma 2-associated X/B-cell lymphoma 2; *Col1a1*, collagen 1a1; *Col3a1*, collagen 3a1; *Fn1*, fibronectin; *Mcp1*, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; Tg, transgenic; WT, wild type.\ \**P* \< 0.05 compared with vehicle-treated WT mice, ^†^*P* \< 0.05 compared with vehicle-treated Tg mice, and ^‡^*P* \< 0.05 compared with folic acid-treated WT mice; ^a^*P* \< 0.01. Significance was analyzed using the Mann--Whitney *U* test.](krcp-37-030f5){#f5-krcp-37-030}
All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. Introduction {#sec001} ============ Folliculogenesis is orchestrated by a complex series of cellular and molecular interactions that are evoked by the autocrine, paracrine and endocrine functions of ovarian growth factors, chemokines and steroids\[[@pgen.1006535.ref001],[@pgen.1006535.ref002]\]. The smaller primordial and primary follicles are abundant in the ovarian cortex, where the hypoxic environment keeps them at a low metabolic rate due to insufficient vascularization and nutrition supplementation. Compared with primordial and primary follicles, the secondary follicles are found in the region closer to the ovarian medulla, where the higher O~2~ levels facilitate rapid growth and high metabolic rates\[[@pgen.1006535.ref003],[@pgen.1006535.ref004]\]. The primary-secondary follicle transition, which is independent of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, is characterized by the proliferation of granulosa cells from single monolayer to multiple layers and the rapid expansion in oocyte size\[[@pgen.1006535.ref005]\]. Indeed, this process and the subsequent oocyte development process are dependent on their bidirectional signal and material communication between the oocyte and granulosa cells\[[@pgen.1006535.ref006]--[@pgen.1006535.ref009]\]. The bidirectional communication between the oocyte and granulosa cells conveys signals from the oocyte to granulosa cells that regulate granulosa cell proliferation, including growth differentiation factor-9 (Gdf9) and bone morphogenetic protein-15 (Bmp15)\[[@pgen.1006535.ref010],[@pgen.1006535.ref011]\]. In addition, this communication involves the transport of metabolites for biosynthesis, such as amino acids and pyruvate, from the granulosa cells to the oocyte\[[@pgen.1006535.ref012]\]. During early follicular development, oocytes begin to express abundant cell-cell communication proteins and receptors as well as G-protein coupled receptors\[[@pgen.1006535.ref013],[@pgen.1006535.ref014]\]. The junctional proteins expressed during follicular development include connexin 37 (gap junction protein alpha 4, Gja4), connexin 43 (gap junction protein alpha 1, Gja1), N-cadherin (cadherin 2, Cdh2), E-cadherin(cadherin 1, Cdh1), which are required to establish the bidirectional communication between oocytes and granulosa cells\[[@pgen.1006535.ref015],[@pgen.1006535.ref016]\]. Connexin 37 localizes to the cell surface of the oocyte and provides the structural basis for the gap junctions between the oocyte and granulosa cells\[[@pgen.1006535.ref017]\]. The loss of connexin 37 blocks oocyte growth and arrests folliculogenesis at the early antral stage\[[@pgen.1006535.ref018]\]. Therefore, establishing communication between oocyte and granulosa cells is critical for early folliculogenesis, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. We found that the levels of geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP), the substrate of protein geranylgeranylation, and geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase (Ggpps) increase in oocytes during early follicular development. GGPP, a metabolic intermediate of the mevalonate pathway, is synthesized from farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) by Ggpps\[[@pgen.1006535.ref019]\]. Both FPP and GGPP are used for the prenylation (farnesylation or geranylgeranylation) of proteins, a post-translational modification that is required for the membrane localization and activation of small GTPases such as Ras and Rho\[[@pgen.1006535.ref020],[@pgen.1006535.ref021]\]. The activation of Rho-family GTPases is critical for the regulation of cell junctions\[[@pgen.1006535.ref022]\]. We recently reported that Ggpps depletion in Sertoli cells enhanced Ras farnesylation and blocked spermatogenesis\[[@pgen.1006535.ref023]\]. Thus, we speculated that GGPP and protein geranylgeranylation in the oocyte might also be essential for events that occur during early folliculogenesis, such as the primary-secondary follicle transition, due to its role in prenylating proteins associated with the regulation of cell junctions. In this study, we generated oocyte-specific *Ggpps* knockout mice by crossing *Ggpps*^fl/fl^ mice with Ddx4-Cre transgenic mice and identified a novel function of GGPP-mediated protein geranylgeranylation in the oocyte during the primary-secondary follicle transition. Oocyte GGPP is required for Rho GTPase-regulated physical connection between oocyte and granulosa cells and Rab GTPase-directed secretion of oocyte materials such as Gdf9 and thereby has a profound impact on both the oocyte-granulosa cell communication and ovarian primary-secondary follicle transition. Results {#sec002} ======= Ggpps is primarily expressed in the oocyte and associated with early follicular development {#sec003} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Immunohistochemistry assays demonstrated that Ggpps was primarily expressed in the cytoplasm of the oocyte at all of the follicular developmental stages, including the primordial follicle, primary follicle, preantral follicle, and antral follicle stages ([Fig 1A](#pgen.1006535.g001){ref-type="fig"}). Based on the process of follicular development, we evaluated ovaries at postnatal day 2 (PD 2), PD 6, and PD 12 because these time points correspond to the development of the primordial, primary and secondary follicles, respectively\[[@pgen.1006535.ref014]\]. Western blotting indicated that the Ggpps protein level was elevated with follicular development and that more Ggpps was found in the PD 12 ovaries ([Fig 1B](#pgen.1006535.g001){ref-type="fig"}). To measure the Ggpps protein level in oocytes, we isolated and separated oocytes into two groups that were larger or smaller than 25 μm from the PD 12--14 ovaries. We found the protein level of Ggpps significantly increased in the oocytes that were larger than 25 μm ([Fig 1C](#pgen.1006535.g001){ref-type="fig"}). These results suggest that GGPP-mediated protein geranylgeranylation might participate in the events that occur during early follicular development, such as primordial activation or the primary-secondary follicle transition. ![Ggpps is primarily expressed in the oocyte and associated with early follicular development.\ (A) Immunohistochemistry assays of Ggpps expression in ovary sections from PD 4 (primordial and primary follicle) and PD 23 (preantral and antral follicle) mice. Negative control involved exception of the primary antibody stage. Arrowheads indicated different stages of follicles. Scale bar, 100 μm. (B) Western blot analysis of ovaries from PD 2 (indicating primordial follicles), PD 6 (indicating primary follicles) and PD 12 (indicating secondary follicles) mice. Actin and GAPDH were used as internal loading controls. (C) Western blot analysis of Ggpps protein levels in the oocytes that were larger or smaller than 25 μm, respectively. Actin was used as internal loading controls. Data were presented as the mean ± SEM. \* p\<0.05, \*\*p\<0.01.](pgen.1006535.g001){#pgen.1006535.g001} Oocyte-specific GGPP depletion impairs follicular development and female fertility {#sec004} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To examine the function of GGPP-mediated protein geranylgeranylation *in vivo*, we generated oocyte-specific *Ggpps* knockout mice. *Ggpps*^fl/fl^ mice were crossed with Ddx4-Cre transgenic mice to generate offsprings in which *Ggpps* was deleted during the embryonic stage. The knockout efficiency was confirmed by measuring the mRNA and protein levels of Ggpps, which showed that *Ggpps* had been efficiently deleted in oocytes ([S1 Fig](#pgen.1006535.s001){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). To assess the fertility of these mice, we crossed female *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice and control mice with C57BL/6J males between 6 and 42 weeks of age. Among 7 female *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice, 4 mice revealed complete female infertility. The rest of *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre females showed a delayed first litter (day 78.7 ± 3.9 vs. 104.7 ± 8.7), reduced litter numbers (8.3 ± 0.4 vs. 2.3 ± 0.7) and the reduced litter size (6.6 ± 0.4 vs. 3.8 ± 0.6), and they eventually became infertile after 28 weeks ([Fig 2A](#pgen.1006535.g002){ref-type="fig"}). The dissection of 6-week-old mice indicated that both the size and weight of the ovaries in *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice were significantly decreased ([Fig 2B and 2C](#pgen.1006535.g002){ref-type="fig"}). Histological analysis of the ovaries from 6-week-old mice revealed that nearly all of the follicles had disappeared in *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice ([Fig 2D](#pgen.1006535.g002){ref-type="fig"}). These results demonstrate that oocyte-specific GGPP depletion results in loss of ovarian follicles and female subfertility. ![Oocyte-specific GGPP depletion impairs follicular development and female fertility.\ (A) A comparison of the cumulative number of pups generated by female *Ggpps*^fl/fl^ Ddx4-Cre and CTL mice. (B and C) The morphology, size and weight of 6-week-old ovaries in *Ggpps*^fl/fl^ Ddx4-Cre and CTL mice. Scale bar, 250 μm. (D) H&E staining of 6-week-old ovaries. Scale bar, 250 μm. Data were presented as the mean ± SEM. \*\*p\<0.01.](pgen.1006535.g002){#pgen.1006535.g002} GGPP depletion in oocytes inhibits ovarian primary-secondary follicle transition {#sec005} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To determine when the follicular development was blocked, we examined the ovary weight and size of *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre and control mice at PD 5, 8, 10, 13, and 23. We found that there were significant differences in ovarian weight and size as early as PD 10 between *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice and control mice ([Fig 3A and 3B](#pgen.1006535.g003){ref-type="fig"}). Because the expression of Ddx4-Cre starts at embryonic day E15-18\[[@pgen.1006535.ref024]\], we first analyzed the primordial follicle abundance after GGPP depletion by using germ cell marker MVH immunostaining. The results showed that *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre ovaries contained similar numbers of primordial follicles to those of controls both before primordial follicle activation (at PD 3) and after several rounds of activation (at PD 23) ([Fig 3C and 3D](#pgen.1006535.g003){ref-type="fig"}), which indicates that GGPP depletion did not affect the formation or activation of primordial follicles. ![GGPP depletion in oocytes inhibits ovarian primary-secondary follicle transition.\ (A) Ovary weight at the indicated time points (n = 3--6). (B) The images of the ovaries at different time points were captured using a light microscope. (C and D) MVH immunofluorescence and primordial follicle numbers (n = 4) in PD 3 and PD 23 ovaries from *Ggpps*^fl/fl^ Ddx4-Cre and CTL mice. DAPI (blue) indicates the cell nuclei. (E-G) H&E staining of ovaries at the indicated time points and quantification of the different types of follicles observed in ovaries from PD 8, PD 10, and PD 13 mice, including primordial (Pri), primary (Pr), type 4 (T4), and type 5 (T5) follicles. The number of follicles per ovary was quantified as described in Materials and Methods (n = 4). Arrowheads indicate abnormal contact between the oocyte and granulosa cells. Data were presented as the mean ± SEM. \* p\<0.05, \*\*p\<0.01. Scale bar, 200 μm.](pgen.1006535.g003){#pgen.1006535.g003} However, H&E staining showed that few secondary (type 4) follicles with two layers of granulosa cells were present in *Ggpps*^fl/fl^ Ddx4-Cre ovaries, whereas the number of primary follicles (with a single layer of granulosa cells) was similar in PD 8 ([Fig 3E](#pgen.1006535.g003){ref-type="fig"}), PD 10 ([Fig 3F](#pgen.1006535.g003){ref-type="fig"}) and PD 13 ([Fig 3G](#pgen.1006535.g003){ref-type="fig"}) ovaries. In contrast to the follicles that had developed into type 5 follicles (with 3--5 layers of granulosa cells) in control ovaries at PD 10 ([Fig 3F](#pgen.1006535.g003){ref-type="fig"}) and PD 13 ([Fig 3G](#pgen.1006535.g003){ref-type="fig"}), the follicles in knockout ovaries rarely passed the primary-secondary transition, and the majority of the activated follicles were primary follicles with a single layer of granulosa cells. To investigate the fate of those "arrested" primary follicles, we first examined apoptosis via TUNEL staining ([S2 Fig](#pgen.1006535.s002){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). However, there were no significant differences between control and *Ggpps*^fl/fl^ Ddx4-Cre mice. Notably, the accumulation of LC3-positive puncta sharply increased in the cytoplasm of oocyte at primary follicles in *Ggpps*^fl/fl^ Ddx4-Cre mice ([S3 Fig](#pgen.1006535.s003){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). These results indicate that GGPP depletion in oocytes blocks the primary-secondary follicle transition and those "arrested" oocytes in primary follicles undergo autophagy. GGPP depletion in oocytes arrests granulosa cell proliferation by impairing secretion of oocyte factors {#sec006} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The striking characteristics of the primary-secondary follicle transition are the proliferation of granulosa cells from one layer to multiple layers and the rapid oocyte growth. The PI3K-Akt signaling pathway in oocytes, which is generally known to regulate oocyte growth and early follicular development\[[@pgen.1006535.ref025],[@pgen.1006535.ref026]\], was unaffected in GGPP-deleted oocytes ([S4 Fig](#pgen.1006535.s004){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). However, we found that the defective follicles were only surrounded by one layer of granulosa cells in *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre ovaries. To characterize the granulosa cells in the retarded primary follicles, we first examined proliferation by detecting Ki67 and PCNA expression. Notably, there were few Ki67-positive ([Fig 4A and 4B](#pgen.1006535.g004){ref-type="fig"}) and PCNA-positive ([Fig 4C and 4D](#pgen.1006535.g004){ref-type="fig"}) granulosa cells in the primary follicles of *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice compared with controls. Smad signaling plays a well-characterized role in the regulation of proliferation of granulosa cells\[[@pgen.1006535.ref011]\]. As expected, the activation of Smad2 and Smad1/5 was significantly inhibited in GGPP-depleted mouse ovaries ([Fig 4E](#pgen.1006535.g004){ref-type="fig"} and [S5 Fig](#pgen.1006535.s005){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). The activation of the Smad pathway in granulosa cells requires the stimulation by members of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily, including Gdf9 and Bmp15, that are secreted from oocytes\[[@pgen.1006535.ref011]\]. The expression of *Gdf9* and *Bmp15* mRNA were unaffected in the ovaries of *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice at PD 8 ([Fig 4F](#pgen.1006535.g004){ref-type="fig"}). Interestingly, the protein level of the mature isoform of Gdf9 (17.5 kDa) decreased dramatically in the ovaries of *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice compared to the control group, whereas the level of propeptide of Gdf9 (57 kDa) was unaffected ([Fig 4G](#pgen.1006535.g004){ref-type="fig"}). In general, Gdf9 is synthesized as pro-proteins, which are cleaved into a biologically active mature form at secretion\[[@pgen.1006535.ref027]\]. We then co-cultured granulosa cells from *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre ovaries with denuded granulosa-free control oocytes. After 24 h, the decrease in phosphorylated Smad2 and Ki67-positive granulosa cells of GGPP-deficient ovaries were rescued by the normal oocytes ([Fig 4H and 4I](#pgen.1006535.g004){ref-type="fig"}). These data suggest that GGPP depletion in oocytes inhibits the proliferation of the surrounding granulosa cells probably by disrupting the secretion of factors such as Gdf9, from the oocyte, thereby inducing the arrest of the primary-secondary follicle transition. ![GGPP depletion in oocytes arrests granulosa cell proliferation by impairing secretion of oocyte factors.\ (A and B) Ki67 immunofluorescence assays and the quantification of Ki67-positive granulosa cells in the ovaries of PD 13 *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre and CTL mice. Scale bar, 25 μm. (C and D) PCNA immunohistochemistry and the quantification of PCNA-positive granulosa cells in PD 13 ovaries. Scale bar, 25 μm. The number of Ki67-positive and PCNA-positive granulosa cells per primary follicle was quantified as described in Materials and Methods (n = 4). (E) Western blot analysis of activated Smad2 in isolated granulosa cells from PD 12--14 ovaries. (F) Quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis of *Gdf9* and *Bmp15* expression in PD 8 ovaries. (G) Western blot analysis of Gdf9 protein in PD 8 ovaries. Actin was used as internal loading controls. The control growing oocytes were co-cultured with PD 12--14 *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre granulosa cells. After 24 h in culture, p-Smad2 and Smad2 levels in the granulosa cell lysates were evaluated using western blot (H), Ki67 immunofluorescence was measured in isolated granulosa cells (I). Scale bar, 50 μm. (J) The prenylation of Rab27a in PD 12--14 ovaries. (K) Subcellular fractionation of Rab27a in PD 12--14 ovaries was conducted using the Triton X-114 partition method. The aqueous upper phase (up) contained the water-soluble small GTPases, and the lower organic phase (down) contained the lipid-soluble small GTPases. The data were presented as the mean ± SEM. \*\*p\<0.01.](pgen.1006535.g004){#pgen.1006535.g004} Rab GTPase-directed endocytic trafficking pathway is well known to regulate cell secretion\[[@pgen.1006535.ref028]\]. These Rab proteins undergo geranylgeranylation via the attachment of GGPP to the C-terminus, which is required for their membrane anchoring and activation\[[@pgen.1006535.ref029],[@pgen.1006535.ref030]\]. We have previously reported that GGPP depletion in β-cells impaired insulin secretion by inhibiting the geranylgeranylation of Rab27a\[[@pgen.1006535.ref031]\]. It was also reported that Rab27a was highly expressed in the oocyte and Rab27a knockout mice exhibited a reduced average litter size compared with the control\[[@pgen.1006535.ref032]\]. Here, we measured the geranylgeranylation of Rab27a in *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice. As expected, the geranylgeranylation and the hydrophobic properties of Rab27a were significantly decreased in the ovaries of *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice ([Fig 4J and 4K](#pgen.1006535.g004){ref-type="fig"}). Taken together, these results indicate that GGPP depletion in oocytes inhibits geranylgeranylation of specific Rabs, such as Rab27a, which is probably responsible for oocyte material secretion, thus blocking the Smad signaling and proliferation of granulosa cells. GGPP depletion in oocytes inhibits the physical connection between oocyte and granulosa cells {#sec007} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is well known that ovarian follicular development requires bidirectional communication between the oocyte and its surrounding granulosa cells\[[@pgen.1006535.ref005]\]. Here, we found that the contact between oocyte and the granulosa cells was defective in the primary follicles of *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice ([Fig 3G](#pgen.1006535.g003){ref-type="fig"}, arrowheads). Transmission electron microscopy observation also revealed that the primary follicles showed the defective contact between oocyte and granulosa cells, as the zona pellucida (ZP, red arrowheads) and gap junction (black arrowheads) were eliminated in the primary follicles of *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice ([Fig 5A](#pgen.1006535.g005){ref-type="fig"}). Higher magnification of the images showed the ultrastructural abnormalities, such as mitophagy in the oocyte cytoplasm of primary follicle of *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice ([Fig 5A](#pgen.1006535.g005){ref-type="fig"}). In accordance with the accumulation of LC3-positive puncta in the oocyte of primary follicles in *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice ([S3 Fig](#pgen.1006535.s003){ref-type="supplementary-material"}), these results further confirmed the fate of those "arrested" primary follicles. ![GGPP depletion in oocytes inhibits the physical connection between oocyte and granulosa cells.\ (A) Transmission electron microscopy analysis of PD 13 ovaries. Zona pellucida between a granulosa cell (gc) and oocyte (o) is indicated by red arrowheads in the primary follicles. Black arrowheads indicated the gap junctions. White arrowhead indicated the autophagosomes. Mi, Mitochondria. (B) Western blot analysis of N-cadherin, E-cadherin, connexin 37, and connexin 43 using lysates from PD 8 ovaries. Actin and GAPDH were used as the internal loading controls. (C-E) β-catenin, and N-cadherin immunofluorescence and the quantification of adhesion between oocyte and granulosa cells in the primordial and primary follicles of PD 13 ovaries. The cell adhesion was assessed as described in Materials and Methods (n = 4). Data were presented as the mean ± SEM. \*p\<0.05, \*\*p\<0.01. Scale bar, 25 μm.](pgen.1006535.g005){#pgen.1006535.g005} The protein levels of Gap junction proteins (connexin 37 and connexin 43), which are essential for oocyte-granulosa cell communication, were largely decreased in knockout ovaries as early as PD 8 ([Fig 5B](#pgen.1006535.g005){ref-type="fig"}). Furthermore, the protein levels of E- and N- cadherin, which are essential for cell-cell adhesion, were increased in the ovaries of *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice at PD 8 ([Fig 5B](#pgen.1006535.g005){ref-type="fig"}). Further examination revealed that N-cadherin could properly localize to the oocyte membrane in primordial follicles in GGPP-depleted mice ([Fig 5C and 5D](#pgen.1006535.g005){ref-type="fig"}). By contrast, N-cadherin and β-catenin (a component of adherens junctions binding to cadherins) accumulated in the oocyte cytoplasm but did not localize at the oocyte membrane in retarded primary follicles in *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice ([Fig 5D and 5E](#pgen.1006535.g005){ref-type="fig"}). Consistent with these data, E-cadherin, which was expressed exclusively in the oocyte membrane during follicular development, was observed in the oocyte membrane of primordial follicles but accumulated in the oocyte cytoplasm of primary follicles in knockout mice([S6 Fig](#pgen.1006535.s006){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). These results suggest that GGPP depletion in oocytes inhibits oocyte-granulosa cell contact in primary follicles by disturbing the E- and N- cadherin cell membrane distribution, thereby probably blocking the primary-secondary follicle transition. GGPP depletion disrupts cadherin-mediated cell contact by inhibiting Rho GTPase geranylgeranylation and GTPase activity {#sec008} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rho-family GTPases play a well-characterized role in the regulation of cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion\[[@pgen.1006535.ref022],[@pgen.1006535.ref033]--[@pgen.1006535.ref035]\]. The enzymatic activity of Rho GTPases relies on their ability to localize properly at the membrane, which is dependent on protein geranylgeranylation, through which GGPP is transferred to its C-terminus\[[@pgen.1006535.ref036]\]. Here, we found that the activity of Rho GTPase families, including RhoA, Rac1 and Cdc42, was sharply declined in *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre ovaries ([Fig 6A](#pgen.1006535.g006){ref-type="fig"}) because their geranylgeranylation was significantly inhibited ([Fig 6B](#pgen.1006535.g006){ref-type="fig"}), which decreased their hydrophobic properties ([Fig 6C](#pgen.1006535.g006){ref-type="fig"}) and blocked their membrane association ([Fig 6D](#pgen.1006535.g006){ref-type="fig"}). As expected, culturing ovaries from *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-cre mice in medium supplemented with GGPP rescued Rac1 geranylgeranylation ([Fig 6E](#pgen.1006535.g006){ref-type="fig"}). This rescue of GGPP was further confirmed following the intraperitoneal administration of GGPP (2 mg/kg/day) in PD 8 knockout mice. After 5 days of daily injections, cell adhesion between oocytes and granulosa cells was restored ([Fig 6F](#pgen.1006535.g006){ref-type="fig"}). The defects in granulosa cell proliferation([Fig 6G](#pgen.1006535.g006){ref-type="fig"}), the number of secondary follicles (arrowheads) ([Fig 6H and 6I](#pgen.1006535.g006){ref-type="fig"}) and ovary weight ([Fig 6J](#pgen.1006535.g006){ref-type="fig"}) were also rescued by administering GGPP to *Ggpps*-deleted mice. Collectively, our findings indicate that GGPP-mediated protein geranylgeranylation in oocyte is required for the activation of Rho GTPases and that activated Rho GTPases regulate cadherin-mediated cell adhesion between the oocyte and granulosa cells to maintain the integrity of primary follicles required for the primary-secondary follicle transition. ![GGPP depletion disrupts cadherin-mediated cell contact by inhibiting Rho GTPase geranylgeranylation and GTPase activity.\ (A) The enzymatic activity of Rac1, RhoA, and Cdc42 in PD 12--14 ovaries. (B) The prenylation of Rac1 and RhoA in PD 12--14 ovaries. (C) Subcellular fractionation of Rac1 and RhoA in PD 12--14 ovaries was conducted using the Triton X-114 partition method. The aqueous upper phase contained the water-soluble small GTPases, and the lower organic phase contained the lipid-soluble small GTPases. (D) Rac1 and RhoA membrane association, as determined using ultracentrifugation, in PD 12--14 ovaries. (E) Rac1 prenylation in organ-cultured PD 12--14 ovaries by GGPP treatment (20 μM, 24 h). (F) β-catenin immunofluorescence in the primary follicles of PD 13 ovaries 5 days after daily intraperitoneal injections of GGPP (2 mg/kg). (G) Ki67 immunofluorescence, H&E staining (H), quantification of the T4 follicles (I) and ovary weight (J) in PD 13 ovaries after 5 days of daily intraperitoneal injections of GGPP (2 mg/kg). Data were presented as the mean ± SEM. \*p\<0.05, \*\*p\<0.01.](pgen.1006535.g006){#pgen.1006535.g006} Taken together, we report here that oocyte GGPP, which is a metabolic intermediate involved in protein geranylgeranylation, is required for Rho GTPase-regulated cell adhesion and Rab GTPase-directed secretion and thereby has a profound impact on both the oocyte-granulosa cell communication and ovarian primary-secondary follicle transition. ([Fig 7](#pgen.1006535.g007){ref-type="fig"}). ![Schematic of GGPP-mediated protein geranylgeranylation involving in the regulation of primary-secondary follicle transition via remodeling oocyte-granulosa cell communication.\ Cholesterol was biosynthesized from farnesyl diphosphate (FPP), a metabolic intermediate of the mevalonate pathway. FPP could be catalyzed into another metabolite, geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP), by geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase (GGPPS). GGPP then was used for the geranylgeranylation and activation of Rho GTPase and Rab GTPase. The activated Rho GTPase was responsible for the localization of cell junction proteins in the oocyte membrane to maintain physical connection between oocyte and granulosa cells. The activated Rab GTPase might account for the secretion of oocyte materials such as Gdf9. The two processes were probably important for the proliferation of granulosa cells from one layer to multiple layers and ultimately promote the primary-secondary follicle transition. The pathway in the box might mainly occur in granulosa cells. Dashed arrows depicted possible mechanism of GGPP-regulated small GTPase on oocyte-granulosa cell communication.](pgen.1006535.g007){#pgen.1006535.g007} Discussion {#sec009} ========== After primordial follicles are activated, dormant oocytes are awakened into a phase of rapid growth, and their metabolic demands are dramatically increased\[[@pgen.1006535.ref037]\]. During the primary-secondary follicle transition, the granulosa cells actively proliferate to form multiple layers and thereby support rapid oocyte growth\[[@pgen.1006535.ref001]\]. Thus, the follicle must adjust to the dramatic alterations of metabolic demand that follow primordial follicle activation. In addition, gene expression profiling during early folliculogenesis showed that oocytes begun to express abundant cell-cell communication proteins (including connexin 37 and N- and E-cadherin) and receptors as well as G-protein coupled receptors\[[@pgen.1006535.ref013],[@pgen.1006535.ref014]\]. Consistent with this, we also found that Ggpps protein and the GGPP level were associated with early folliculogenesis. The depletion of GGPP from oocytes inhibited Rho-mediated oocyte-granulosa cell contact and impaired Rab-directed cell secretion, which might be responsible for the arrest of granulosa cells proliferation and the failure of the primary-secondary follicle transition. The bidirectional communication between oocytes and the surrounding granulosa cells relies on the localization of junction proteins to the cell membrane\[[@pgen.1006535.ref015],[@pgen.1006535.ref038]\]. E- and N-cadherin localize to the oocyte membrane and establish oocyte-granulosa cell contacts\[[@pgen.1006535.ref016],[@pgen.1006535.ref039]\]. Under calcium-free conditions that block cadherin-mediated cell adhesion, the contacts between oocytes and granulosa cells are maintained in primordial follicles but are lost in primary follicles\[[@pgen.1006535.ref016]\]. Consistent with this, we also found that oocyte-granulosa cell contact was maintained in the primordial follicles of *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice but was lost in primary follicles due to the accumulation of N- and E-cadherin in the oocyte cytoplasm. In connexin 37-deficient mice, folliculogenesis arrested at the early antral stage. Mouse ovarian follicles lacking connexin 43 did not develop beyond the primary follicle stage, and oocyte growth was disrupted\[[@pgen.1006535.ref018],[@pgen.1006535.ref040],[@pgen.1006535.ref041]\]. This phenotype is similar to that of GGPP-deficient mice, and the expression of both connexin 37 and connexin 43 decreased in GGPP-deficient mice. The enzymatic activity of Rho GTPases relies on geranylgeranylation via the attachment of GGPP to the C-terminus, which is required for their membrane anchoring and activation. We found that GGPP depletion inhibited the geranylgeranylation and activation of Rho GTPase families, which is responsible for the accumulation of N- and E-cadherin in the oocyte cytoplasm and the failure to maintain oocyte-granulosa cell contact. Here, we establish a novel link between metabolic intermediate GGPP and junction integrity through Rho GTPases. In addition, as a metabolic intermediate of the mevalonate pathway, other groups and we have reported that GGPP-mediated protein geranylgeranylation is essential for maintaining cellular homeostasis \[[@pgen.1006535.ref042]--[@pgen.1006535.ref045]\]. Therefore, identifying protein geranylgeranylation-regulated small GTPases or signaling pathways will shed a new light on the molecular mechanisms underlying oocyte development. Intracellular vesicle formation and transport play an important role in secretion and protein turnover at the cell membrane \[[@pgen.1006535.ref028],[@pgen.1006535.ref046]\]. It has been reported that the abnormal aggregation of membrane structures including secretory vesicles in the oocyte resulted in the failure of primary-secondary follicle transition\[[@pgen.1006535.ref047]\]. Rab GTPases mediate the trafficking of specific cargo molecules to the cell membrane. The activity of those Rab proteins depends on GGPP-mediated geranylgeranylation and membrane anchoring\[[@pgen.1006535.ref029]\]. It was reported that Rab27a was highly expressed in the oocyte and Rab27a knockout mice exhibited a reduced average litter size compared with the control\[[@pgen.1006535.ref032]\]. In this study, we found the geranylgeranylation and the hydrophobic properties of Rab27a were significantly reduced in *Ggpps*^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice. In addition, we recently reported loss of GGPP in β-cells disrupted insulin secretion due to its role in Rab27a geranylgeranylation\[[@pgen.1006535.ref031]\]. Thus, we suggested that GGPP-mediated geranylgeranylation might be essential for the material secretion and protein membrane localization of by Rab-mediated endocytic trafficking pathways. Statins are used to lower cellular cholesterol levels in patients with hypercholesterolemia by inhibiting the rate-limiting enzyme HMG-CoA reductase of the mevalonate pathway\[[@pgen.1006535.ref048],[@pgen.1006535.ref049]\]. Statins are also used to treat polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which is a common endocrine-metabolic disorder associated with dyslipidemia\[[@pgen.1006535.ref050]\]. In addition to their cholesterol-lowering benefits, statins also reduce the synthesis of metabolic intermediates of the mevalonate pathway, including FPP and GGPP. As a result, prolonged statin treatment is associated with significant side effects, including myopathy and liver injury\[[@pgen.1006535.ref051]--[@pgen.1006535.ref053]\]. In this study, we found that oocyte GGPP depletion induced ovarian dysfunction and female subfertility by inhibiting protein geranylgeranylation. It was also reported that statins could inhibit blastocyst formation by preventing geranylgeranylation\[[@pgen.1006535.ref054]\]. Therefore, the reduction of metabolic intermediates of the mevalonate pathway by statin therapy should be considered with caution. In summary, we report that GGPP-mediated protein geranylgeranylation is essential for the membrane dynamics and the remodeling of cell communication between oocytes and granulosa cells. These findings provide the evidence of protein geranylgeranylation involving in regulating primary-secondary follicle transition and establish a novel connection between intermediate metabolites, ovarian follicular development and female fertility. Materials and Methods {#sec010} ===================== Ethics statement {#sec011} ---------------- The experimental animal facility has been accredited by the AAALAC (Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International), and the IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) of the Model Animal Research Institute of Nanjing University, who approved all animal protocols (GL12) used in this study. Animal studies {#sec012} -------------- We generated oocyte-specific and developmental stage-specific *Ggpps* knockout mice by crossing *Ggpps*^fl/fl^ mice with Ddx4-Cre transgenic mice. The *Ggpps*^loxp/loxp^ littermates that did not express Cre and the *Ggpps*^loxp/wt^ littermates that expressed Cre were used as control mice. The knockout lines (strain 129) were backcrossed to the C57BL/6 background (the *Ggpps*-LoxP mouse background) for a minimum of 6 generations. The offspring were genotyped using PCR assays of DNA extracted from tails clippings. The reproductive capacity of the study mice was investigated by mating one C57BL/6 male with one female of the appropriate experimental strain. GGPP (Sigma) was intraperitoneally administered daily at a dose of 2 mg/kg to Ggpps^fl/fl^, Ddx4-Cre mice from PD 8 to PD 13. The dose of GGPP was determined as described in our previous study\[[@pgen.1006535.ref023]\]. Materials {#sec013} --------- GGPP was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. The anti-E-cadherin (\#3195p), anti-connexin43 (\#3512p), anti-p-Smad2 (\#3108p), anti-Smad2 (\#5339p), anti-p-Smad1/5 (\#9516p), anti-Smad1 (\#9743), anti-p-Erk (\#9106), anti-Erk (\#4695), anti-p-Akt (\#4060s), anti-Akt (\#9272), anti-Foxo3a (\#12829p), anti-p-S6 (\#9206s), and anti-S6 (\#2708) antibodies were purchased from Cell Signaling Technology. The anti-MVH (ab13840), anti-Ki67 (ab15580), anti-p-Foxo3a (ab47285), anti-Cdc42 (ab187643), anti-LC3B (ab48394), anti-Rab27a (ab55667), anti-connexin 37 (ab181701) and anti-Gdf9 (ab93892) were purchased from Abcam. The anti-Ggpps (sc-271679), anti-N-cadherin (sc-7939), anti-GAPDH (sc-47724), anti-Rac1 (sc-95), anti-RhoA (sc-418), and anti-PCNA (sc-25280) antibodies were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology. Anti-β-catenin (610153) was purchased from BD Biosciences. Quantification and assessment of ovarian follicles and cell adhesion and quantification of Ki67-positive and PCNA-positive granulosa cells {#sec014} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The various types of ovarian follicles were quantified as previously described\[[@pgen.1006535.ref025]\]. Briefly, the ovaries were fixed in Bouin's fixative, dehydrated, and embedded in paraffin. The paraffin-embedded ovaries were serially sectioned into 8 μm slices and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). Ovarian follicles at different stages of development, including primordial follicles (with a single layer of flattened granulosa cells), primary follicles (with a single layer of cuboidal granulosa cells), type 4 follicles (with two layers of cuboidal granulosa cells) and type 5 follicles (with 3--5 layers of granulosa cells) were counted in every fifth section of an ovary in accordance with the well-accepted standards established by Pedersen and Peters\[[@pgen.1006535.ref055]\]. Given that this procedure samples one-fifth of the entire ovary volume, the total number of follicles per ovary was estimated by multiplying the cumulative counts for each ovary by a correction factor of five\[[@pgen.1006535.ref056]\]. The Ki67-positive and PCNA-positive granulosa cells were counted in twenty primary follicles of the same oocyte diameter per ovary. The normal cell adhesion between oocyte and granulosa cells was assessed by the membrane localization of cell adhesion marker (N- / E-cadherin and β-catenin). Twenty primary follicles with the same diameter of oocyte were counted. Only those follicles containing an oocyte with a clearly visible nucleus were scored. All of the counts were conducted by a single trained ovarian histologist in a blinded manner. Immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and the TUNEL assay {#sec015} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence analysis, the ovaries were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, embedded in paraffin, and sectioned into 5 μm slices. After antigen retrieval, the slides were blocked with goat serum and incubated with primary antibody \[mouse anti-Ggpps (1:50), mouse anti-PCNA (1:200), rabbit anti-MVH/DDX4 (1:200), rabbit anti-N-cadherin (1:200), rabbit anti-E-cadherin (1:200), mouse anti-β-catenin (1:200), rabbit anti-LC3B or rabbit anti-Ki67 (1:200)\] overnight at 4°C. An Elite ABC kit and DAB substrate was used for the immunohistochemistry analysis. Alexa Fluor 594 (Invitrogen) was used as the secondary antibody in immunofluorescence assays. The ovaries were prepared for TEM, and the TEM images were acquired as previously described\[[@pgen.1006535.ref057]\]. Apoptosis was assessed using a florescent TUNEL kit (G3250; Promega). Oocyte and granulosa cell isolation {#sec016} ----------------------------------- The oocytes were isolated from PD12-14 ovaries as previously described\[[@pgen.1006535.ref025]\]. Briefly, the ovaries were homogenized and incubated in 0.05% collagenase dissolved in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium-F12 (DMEM/F12) (Invitrogen) at 37°C while being frequently agitated. After the tissue digestion, the mixture of cells (oocytes and granulosa cells) were cultured in a 10 cm tissue culture dish with DMEM/F12 medium for 12 h to allow the granulosa cells and other ovarian cells to attach to the plastic. The unattached oocytes were recovered by centrifugation at 1,000 rpm for 5 min. The oocytes were separated into two groups that were larger or smaller than 25μm, respectively, with a cell-dispersing screen with 25μm opening (millipore). The oocyte-granulosa cell co-culture experiment was performed as previously reported\[[@pgen.1006535.ref058]\]. Briefly, oocytes and granulosa cells were surgically removed from oocyte-granulosa cells complexes of PD 12--14 ovaries after collagenase digestion. Granulosa cells were then co-cultured with growing oocytes (4 oocytes/μl) under mineral oil in 35-mm dishes in 50--100 μl culture medium for 24h. Prenylation and membrane association measurements {#sec017} ------------------------------------------------- Protein prenylation was measured as described in our previous studies\[[@pgen.1006535.ref023],[@pgen.1006535.ref059]\]. To evaluate Rac1 and RhoA membrane association, a subcellular fractionation of the ovaries was conducted using the Triton X-114 partition method and ultracentrifugation. The ovaries were lysed in lysis buffer containing protease inhibitors and subsequently centrifuged at 12,000 g for 15 min. An equal volume of 4% Triton X-114 was added to the supernatant, and the reaction was incubated at 37°C for 5 min to solubilize and fractionate the lipid-rich cell membranes. The aqueous upper phase contains enriched intracellular proteins, and the organic lower phase contains highly enriched membrane-associated proteins. For ultracentrifugation, the ovaries were lysed and homogenized with ice-cold Dounce tissue homogenizer, and the lysates were centrifuged at 100,000 x g for 30 min (4°C). The supernatant represents the cytosolic fraction, and the pellet represents the membrane fraction. All of the aforementioned samples were analyzed using western blot assays with anti-Rac1 and anti-RhoA. mRNA and protein expression assays {#sec018} ---------------------------------- Total RNA was extracted from ovaries or cells using TRIzol reagent according to the manufacturer's protocol. Real-time PCR was conducted using SYBR Green and an Applied Biosystems 7300 Sequence Detection System. The relative expression level values were normalized to actin to calculate fold-changes in expression. To analyze protein expression, the cells or ovaries were washed in ice-cold PBS and harvested using RIPA buffer supplemented with protease inhibitors. The resulting supernatant fraction was separated using SDS-PAGE, and the membranes were blotted with the appropriate antibodies. For the immunoprecipitation assays, antibodies against Rac1, RhoA and Rab27a were used to form immune complexes with the indicated protein in the cell lysates. The immune complexes were precipitated using protein A/G agarose beads. After several washes, the samples were boiled and analyzed using western blot with anti-prenyl antibody. The activity of Rac1, RhoA and Cdc42 was assessed using the appropriate activation Assay Kit purchased from NewEast Biosciences. In vitro ovary organ cultures {#sec019} ----------------------------- Ovaries were collected at PD8 and placed on 0.4 μm floating filters (Millicell-CM) in 1.1 ml of DMEM/F12 Media (Invitrogen) with 0.1% Albumax (Invitrogen), 0.1% BSA (Invitrogen), 5X ITS-X (Life Technologies), and 0.05 mg/ml L-ascorbic acid (Sigma) as previously described\[[@pgen.1006535.ref060]\]. The medium was changed every 24 h. Statistics {#sec020} ---------- All of the data are presented as the mean ± SEM. All of the data were analyzed using a 2-tailed Student's t-test between 2 groups. A P value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. All of the statistical analyses were performed using the GraphPad Prism 5 software. Supporting Information {#sec021} ====================== ###### *Ggpps* was specifically deleted in oocytes. \(A\) Quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis of *Ggpps* in PD12-14 *Ggpps*^fl/fl^ Ddx4-Cre and CTL oocytes. (B) Western blot analysis of Ggpps in PD12-14 oocytes. (C) Ggpps IHC in PD13 ovaries. Scale bar, 100 μm. Data were presented as the mean ± SEM. \*\*p\<0.01. (TIF) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Apoptosis in the ovaries was assayed using TUNEL. The green dots represent apoptotic cells and DAPI (blue) indicates cell nuclei. Scale bar, 200 μm. (TIF) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### LC3B immunofluorescence and the quantification of oocyte autophagy in primary follicles of PD 13 ovaries. The Red dots represent LC3B and DAPI (blue) indicates cell nuclei. Scale bar, 25 μm. Data were presented as the mean ± SEM. \*\*p\<0.01. (TIF) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### The oocyte PI3K-Akt signaling in isolated oocytes from PD12-14 ovaries. (TIF) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### The smad1/5 activation in isolated granulosa cells from PD12-14 ovaries. Data were presented as the mean ± SEM. \*\*p\<0.01. (TIF) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### E-cadherin and β-catenin immunofluorescence of PD 13 ovaries. The red represented β-catenin and the green indicates E-cadherin. Scale bar, 25 μm. (TIF) ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Primer sequences. (PDF) ###### Click here for additional data file. We thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments on the manuscript. [^1]: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. [^2]: **Conceptualization:** CJ CJL.**Data curation:** CJ CJL.**Formal analysis:** CJ FD.**Funding acquisition:** CJL.**Investigation:** CJ FD YJS NX RLZ XXW ZC WWT.**Methodology:** CJ FD.**Project administration:** CJ CJL.**Resources:** CJ BY HXS XXH BX CJL.**Supervision:** CJ CJL.**Validation:** CJ FD CJL.**Visualization:** CJ CJL.**Writing -- original draft:** CJ CJL.**Writing -- review & editing:** CJ CJL.
\section{Introduction} \label{s:intro} Obliquity is the angle between the rotation spin vector of a celestial object and its orbital spin vector. The Sun's obliquity, for example, is about $7^\circ$ relative to the invariable plane of the Solar system. Na\"ively, we expect orbital and rotational spins to be aligned because a collapsing cloud imparts its angular momentum to a protostar and its protoplanetary disc, but few measurements exist to confirm this. Most measurements have been obtained for transiting exoplanets via the Rossiter--McLaughlin effect \citep{Rossiter24,McLaughlin24}. A wide range of spin-orbit angles have been measured, with some planets in polar and retrograde orbits \citep{Triaud18,Albrecht22}. It is, however, unclear whether the systems arrived in these configurations immediately after they formed or whether they evolved into them later. Recently, \citet{Christian22} showed that binary companions are preferentially inclined relative to transiting planets, and proposed that the binary companion might align the protoplanetary disk, thereby influencing how planets form. If some planetary systems can be inclined \citep[e.g.][]{Hjorth21} and have a stellar companion, one should expect spin-orbit alignment as well as spin-orbit misalignment in binary systems. \citet{Hale94} studied 86 stars in 73 binary and higher-order systems and concluded that binary stars with orbital separations $a<30~\rm AU$ are aligned, while misalignment is common in more widely separated systems. \citet{Justesen20} re-analysed Hale's sample and found it insufficient to make any statements about the distribution of spin-orbit angle with orbital separation. Most recent work producing quality spin-orbit measurements has focused on short-period binaries, typically eclipsing, by modelling the Rossiter--McLaughlin effect \citep[e.g.][]{Kopal42,Gimenez06}. This includes high-mass eclipsing binaries such as the inclined DI Herculis \citep{Albrecht09}, and inclined CV Velorum \citep{Albrecht14}, or low-mass eclipsing binaries such as EBLM J1219-39 \citep{Triaud13} and EBLM J0608-59 \citep{Kunovac20}, both of which show alignment. Instead of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, \citet{Marcussen22} used apsidal motion to infer obliquity, and found that only 3 out of 51 surveyed binaries have spin-orbit misalignment but most were also short period binaries (the longest is $\sim 100~\rm days$). Unfortunately, close binary stars are a tricky sample to handle, since tidal interactions are expected to realign the rotation and orbital spins. More evidence is clearly necessary, particularly for binary systems with separations between $1$ and $50~\rm AU$, which have typically been harder to probe because eclipses are less likely and it is difficult to schedule observations with which to model the Rossiter--McLaughlin effect. Here we show how to measure the projected spin-orbit angle for non-eclipsing binaries that are spatially resolved or not, by combining asteroseismic measurements of the stellar inclination $i\st{rot}$ with astrometric measurements of the orbital inclination $i\st{orb}$. We use \emph{Kepler} results for the asteroseismology \citep{hall2021}, and \emph{Gaia} Data Release 3 (DR3) for the orbital parameters. At the moment only four measurements are possible but we expect several dozens might eventually be produced once all the \emph{Gaia} data is released, and thanks to new measurements of $i\st{rot}$ to be produced from \emph{TESS} and \emph{PLATO} asteroseismic data. We also include literature orbital data for one system where \emph{Gaia} provides a spectroscopic solution but not an astrometric one. Our approach is similar to those of \citet{LeBouquin09} and \citet{Sahlmann11}. \section{Methods} \label{s:methods} Most main-sequence solar-like oscillators rotate slowly, in which case a star's pulsations can be described by spherical harmonics, characterised by their angular degree $\ell$ and azimuthal order $m$, multiplied by a radial eigenfunction, characterised by a radial order $n$. For each $\ell$, there are $2\ell+1$ azimuthal orders $-\ell\leq m\leq\ell$ that pulsate at the same frequency if the star is spherically symmetric. Slow rotation with period $P\st{rot}$ perturbs the frequencies by approximately $m/P\st{rot}$, lifting the degeneracy such that modes of a given $n$ and $l$ form multiplets.\footnote{This is mathematically the same as Zeeman splitting, where the presence of a magnetic field breaks the degeneracy between electron orbitals, which are also described by spherical harmonics.} This is known as \emph{rotational splitting}. Under the standard assumption of energy equipartition between the components of a rotationally-split multiplet, the relative amplitudes of the components depend on the inclination angle of the rotation axis $i\st{rot}$ \citep{gizon2003}. For example, modes with $\ell=1$ and $m\pm1$ are almost invisible if a star is seen pole on, leaving only the $m=0$ component visible. Conversely, if a star is seen edge on, the $m=0$ component is almost invisible and only the $m=\pm1$ pair is clearly observed. Thus, one can in principle measure $i\st{rot}$ from high-quality observations of solar-like oscillators, and this method has been widely applied to data from \emph{Kepler}. For example, \citet{campante2016} measured the stellar inclination angles of 25 solar-like oscillators that host transiting planets and concluded that the systems are all consistent with alignment. \citet{hall2021} created a hierarchical Bayesian model to fit the mode frequencies, including rotational inclination angles, of 91 stars observed by \emph{Kepler} during its nominal mission. This is the largest sample of asteroseismic rotation inclinations available for main-sequence solar-like oscillators and the one we selected to compare with the \emph{Gaia} measurements. We used the \url{gaia-kepler.fun} cross-match to determine the corresponding \emph{Gaia} DR3 source IDs and queried the \texttt{gaiadr3.nss\_two\_body\_orbit} table for each star. Four stars have astrometric solutions---KICs 4914923, 6933899, 9025370 and 12317678---, for which we calculated the orbital inclinations using the method of \citet{binnendijk1960} as described by \citet{halbwachs2022}. In short, the orbital elements of the system are given in the \emph{Gaia} data in terms of the Thiele--Innes elements, \citep{thiele1883,vandenbos1926} \begin{align} A&=\phantom{-}a (\cos\omega\cos\Omega - \sin\omega\sin\Omega\cos i\st{orb}) \\ B&=\phantom{-}a (\cos\omega\sin\Omega + \sin\omega\cos\Omega\cos i\st{orb}) \\ F&=-a (\sin\omega\cos\Omega + \cos\omega\sin\Omega\cos i\st{orb}) \\ G&=-a (\sin\omega\sin\Omega - \cos\omega\cos\Omega\cos i\st{orb}) \end{align} where $a$ is the semi-major axis, $\omega$ the argument of periastron and $\Omega$ the longitude of the ascending node. i.e., $a$, $\omega$, $\Omega$ and $i\st{orb}$ are the Campbell elements. \citet{halbwachs2022} give formulae to convert the Thiele--Innes elements to the Campbell elements. Uncertainties are propagated by drawing a sample of $10^5$ points from a normal distribution with the mean and covariance given by the \emph{Gaia} data. We report the means and standard deviations of the derived samples in Table~\ref{t:data}. The secondary mass $M_2$ is derived from the astrometric mass function under the assumption that the secondary is much fainter than the primary \citep[see eq.~(15) of ][]{halbwachs2022}. The primary's mass is taken from \citet{hall2021}. KIC~7510397 is an exception. The \emph{Gaia} data only contains an entry for the system as a single-lined spectroscopic binary so we have used the orbital parameters from \citet{appourchaux2015}, who analysed the solar-like oscillations detected in both stars in the binary. Their results included an orbital fit to speckle interferometry that extended previous data presented by \citet{horch2012} and we have included this value in Table~\ref{t:data}. \section{Results} \label{s:data} Fig.~\ref{f:spin-orbit} shows a comparison of the inclination angles of the rotational and orbital axes. The asteroseismic measurement cannot distinguish between angle $i\st{rot}$ and $180^\circ-i\st{rot}$, so both are shown. The measurement for each system is what we would observe if they were aligned. i.e., alignment is not ruled out in any of the five systems. We cannot, however, conclude that the systems are truly aligned but return to the significance of our result in Sec.~\ref{s:discuss}. Three further stars are identified in the cross-match as spectroscopic binaries with measured orbital periods: KICs 7206837, 7510397 and 9098294. The reported orbital periods for KICs 7206837 and 9098294 are consistent with the asteroseismically-measured rotation rates. It is unclear if this implies tidal-locking with a close companion or that the rotation rate has been mistaken for an orbital period. The orbital period for KIC 7510397 in the \emph{Gaia} data of $61.63\pm0.47\,\mathrm{d}$ differs significantly from the period of $13.8^{+0.6}_{-0.5}\,\mathrm{yr}$ given by \citet{appourchaux2015}, though the \emph{Gaia} eccentricity of $0.515\pm0.029$ is only mildly inconsistent ($\lesssim 2\sigma$) with their value of $0.583^{+0.016}_{-0.025}$. Two further stars---KICs 1435467 and 8379927---have measured radial-velocity trends but not complete orbital solutions. They appear in the \texttt{gaiadr3.nss\_non\_linear\_spectro} table but not \texttt{gaiadr3.nss\_two\_body\_orbit}. KIC 8379927 is known to be a spectroscopic binary with an orbital period of about $4.8\,\mathrm{yr}$ \citep{griffin2007}. With more data, \emph{Gaia} might determine a spectroscopic orbit and perhaps astrometric solution for this system. Pertinent data from both data sets for all seven stars with non-single solutions are listed in Table~\ref{t:data}, supplemented by the orbital inclination of KIC 7510397 by \citet{appourchaux2015}. We note that KIC 6933899 has a relatively long and very eccentric orbit, with $P\st{orb}=11.13\pm1.25\,\mathrm{yr}$ and $e=0.917\pm0.008$. The orbital period is several times longer than the 34-month duration of the \emph{Gaia} data in DR3 but the goodness-of-fit statistic ($1.5$) and significance of the parameters suggest that this is a genuine solution. \section{Discussion and conclusion} \label{s:discuss} We have presented here only a preliminary study of the projected spin-orbit alignments in systems with rotation inclinations measured through asteroseismology and orbital inclinations through astrometry. The sample of astrometric solutions will only increase as \emph{Gaia} steadily takes more data but the results are already significant. For each of the five systems in Fig.~\ref{f:spin-orbit}, the measurements of $i\st{rot}$ and $i\st{orb}$ are what one would expect if they were aligned but we cannot rule out misalignment for two reasons. First, the asteroseismic measurement of $i\st{rot}$ cannot distinguish between a measurement $i\st{rot}$ and $180^\circ-i\st{rot}$ so, far from $i\st{rot}=90^\circ$, each system is roughly as likely to be aligned as misaligned. Second, the true obliquity $\psi$ can lie anywhere between $|i\st{rot}-i\st{orb}|$ and $i\st{rot}+i\st{orb}$. True alignment can only be confirmed using the projected obliquity if $i\st{rot}=i\st{orb}=0^\circ$. The fact that our results do not rule out alignment in any system is nevertheless striking and we can compute the probability of measuring such data---five data points consistent with $i\st{rot}=i\st{orb}$ or $180^\circ-i\st{orb}$---under the assumption that rotational and inclination axes are distributed isotropically and independently. In this case, the underlying joint distribution of $i\st{rot}$ and $i\st{orb}$ is $\propto\sin i\st{rot}\sin i\st{orb}$. For simplicity, we have integrated the region where $i\st{rot}$ is within some range $\pm\sigma$ of either $i\st{orb}$ or $180^\circ-i\st{orb}$. Fig.~\ref{f:significance} shows the likelihood of finding different numbers of stars in this region, as a function of the parameter $\sigma$. The curve for $5$ stars corresponds to our sample. If we take $\sigma=20^\circ$ as a representative width for the observed uncertainties, the likelihood of measuring our data in a population of isotropically-distributed inclinations is about 2.5 per cent. Although we cannot conclude that all the systems in our sample are aligned, our data is significantly at odds with the assumption of isotropic and independent rotation and orbital inclinations. Measuring rotational inclinations with asteroseismology has so far required space-based photometry. Most of these results, including those used here, employ data from \emph{Kepler} but similar measurements have been made using data from CoRoT \citep[e.g.~HD~52265,][]{gizon2013}. Aside from a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio to detect the solar-like oscillations, asteroseismic measurements of rotation benefit from time-series that are several times longer than the stellar rotation rate, which is several weeks for Sun-like stars. NASA's \emph{Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite} (\emph{TESS}) is observing most of the sky in 27.4-day-long sectors. Though most targets are only observed in a few sectors separated by long gaps, some stars are in regions of the sky that \emph{TESS} observes continuously for up to 13 sectors (roughly one year). Solar-like oscillators in these regions could potentially have their rotational inclination angles measured, which could increase the sample of spin-orbit measurements. To explore \emph{TESS}'s potential further, we cross-matched the table of \emph{Gaia} two-body orbits with the catalogue by \citet{hatt2023} of stars showing solar-like oscillations in short-cadence \emph{TESS} data. Fig.~\ref{f:hist} shows a histogram of the number of stars in the \emph{Gaia} table that also show solar-like oscillations in their short-cadence light curves, as a function of the number of sectors in which \emph{TESS} has observed them. There are 26 solar-like oscillators with astrometric orbits and at least four sectors of \emph{TESS} data, though most of these are giants. Of these stars, six have $\log g > 3.4$, compared to the minimum $\log g = 3.91$ in the sample of \citet{hall2021}. The rotational inclinations of red giants certainly can be measured---\citet{gehan2021} have measured 1139 in data from \emph{Kepler}---but we have not analysed any here. Finally, ESA's upcoming \emph{PLATO} mission \citep{rauer2014} will measure solar-like oscillations in thousands of cool subgiants and main-sequence stars. Even if we only assume a yield of about 5 per cent, like the sample presented here, then \emph{PLATO}'s core sample of $\sim15\,000$ stars would add hundreds of spin-orbit measurements. We re-iterate that the sample is currently limited by the number of orbital inclinations that have been measured, which can only increase as \emph{Gaia} continues its observations. Our results thus demonstrate the enormous potential to assemble a large sample of projected spin-orbit angles, with which we will be able to investigate the dynamics of binary stars. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{inclinations} \caption{Comparison of rotation inclination angles by \citet{hall2021} and orbital inclination angles from \emph{Gaia} (circles) or, for KIC~7510397 \citep[][square]{appourchaux2015}. The rotation angles $i\st{rot}$ are ambiguous, so both $i\st{rot}$ and $180^\circ-i\st{rot}$ are plotted. The filled points indicate which value of $i\st{rot}$ is closer to the one-to-one line.} \label{f:spin-orbit} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{significance} \caption{Probability of a sample of stars with isotropically-distributed and independent rotation inclinations $i\st{rot}$ and orbital inclinations $i\st{orb}$ all having $i\st{rot}$ within $\sigma$ of $i\st{orb}$ (dashed lines) or within $\sigma$ of either $i\st{orb}$ or $180^\circ-i\st{orb}$ (solid lines). The blue, orange and green curves show samples of $1$, $5$ or $25$ stars, respectively. The solid grey lines show where $\sigma=20^\circ$; the corresponding probability is 2.5 per cent.} \label{f:significance} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{spin-orbit-hist.png} \caption{Stacked histogram showing the number of stars with orbital solutions from \emph{Gaia} and solar-like oscillations in their short-cadence \emph{TESS} light curves, as a function of the number of sectors of \emph{TESS} data.} \label{f:hist} \end{figure} \begin{table*} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} \input{table.tex} \caption{Table of pertinent properties for the stars that appear both in the asteroseismic sample by \citet{hall2021} and \emph{Gaia}'s tables of non-single stars. The first four stars are shown in Fig.~\ref{f:spin-orbit}, as is KIC 7510397, for which we list the orbital inclination from \citet{appourchaux2015}. Symmetric uncertainties are indicated in brackets for that many final digits of the relevant number.} \label{t:data} \end{table*} \section*{Acknowledgements} The authors would like to thank Oliver Hall for insightful discussions. WHB and WJC thank the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) for support under grant ST/R0023297/1. EJH and MBN acknowledge the support of STFC. This research is in part funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grants agreements n$^{\circ}$ 803193/BEBOP). This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission \emph{Gaia} (\url{https://www.cosmos.esa.int/gaia}), processed by the \emph{Gaia} Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, \url{https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/dpac/consortium}). Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the \emph{Gaia} Multilateral Agreement. This work made use of the \emph{Gaia}--\emph{Kepler} crossmatch database created by Megan Bedell.\footnote{\url{https://gaia-kepler.fun}} \section*{Data Availability} Data from \emph{Gaia} is publicly available from the \emph{Gaia} Archive.\footnote{\url{https://gea.esac.esa.int/archive/}} Python scripts to recreate Figs~\ref{f:spin-orbit} and \ref{f:significance} and the data of which part is presented in Table~\ref{t:data} are available from a public repository.\footnote{\url{https://gitlab.com/warrickball/kepler-gaia-spin-orbit}} Other data underlying this article will be shared on reasonable request to the corresponding author. \bibliographystyle{mnras}
Plain Language Summary {#Sec100} ====================== Antipsychotic medications are often used to treat serious mental illnesses, like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. In some people, these medications cause uncontrollable movements in the face and limbs. Two of the more common movement disorders are called drug-induced parkinsonism (DIP) and tardive dyskinesia (TD). DIP usually starts within days to months after starting an antipsychotic, whereas TD may begin months to years later. The more common signs of DIP are tremor and movements that appear slow and stiff, and TD usually includes face movements like lip puckering or smacking, and chewing. These side effects are often embarrassing for the patient, can get in the way of their daily activities, and may be permanent. It is important for clinicians to watch for these side effects, and to understand the different treatment options because most medications used to treat DIP should not be used to treat TD. There are no medications used regularly to prevent TD. However, there are new medications for the treatment of TD that have significant potential to help patients who develop movement side effects while taking antipsychotics. Introduction {#Sec1} ============ Movement disorders, or extrapyramidal side effects (EPS), are potential adverse events of antipsychotic use that are often stigmatizing, and can impair patients' ability to complete activities of daily living. A study assessing quality of life among patients with stable schizophrenia symptoms on clozapine, or a typical antipsychotic, found that less EPS was predictive of better quality of life scores in both groups \[[@CR1]\]. Although movement disorders were once thought of primarily as a concern associated with typical, or first-generation, antipsychotic use, increasing recognition is being given to the possibility of most atypical, or second-generation, antipsychotics to precipitate movement disorders. As atypical antipsychotic use is highly prevalent in the treatment of serious mental illness, it is timely to discuss clinical approaches for treating two relatively common antipsychotic-induced movement disorders: drug-induced parkinsonism (DIP) and tardive dyskinesia (TD). The aim of the following discussion is to approach the review of these adverse events with a focus on the similarities and differences of DIP and TD with respect to their epidemiology, presentation, pathophysiology, and management. Understanding the differences between these two movement disorders is particularly important as the treatment approaches are distinct and rely on the accurate identification of the underlying movement disorder. Methods {#Sec2} ======= On March 29, 2018, the PubMed database was searched with the terms: antipsychotic AND (parkinson\* OR "tardive dyskinesia\*"), and the results were examined for articles pertaining to the epidemiology, diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment of parkinsonism and tardive dyskinesia resulting from treatment with antipsychotics. This search was repeated on April 19, 2018 to identify any new literature published since the original query. Results were notable for sparse primary literature supporting the use of most medications (with the exception of valbenazine and deutetrabenazine) for the treatment of antipsychotic-induced DIP or TD. This article reviews previously published material, and no new information from human participants or animal research conducted by either of the authors was used in this article. Drug-Induced Parkinsonism {#Sec3} ========================= Epidemiology {#Sec4} ------------ DIP is difficult to distinguish from Parkinson's disease, particularly in elderly patients, and is often undiagnosed \[[@CR2], [@CR3]\]. These factors make it challenging to understand the scope of antipsychotic-induced parkinsonism. Prevalence rates in studies that include patients taking typical and atypical antipsychotics range from approximately 20 to 35% \[[@CR4]--[@CR6]\], but DIP occurs at higher rates in elderly patients \[[@CR7]\]. Several studies have retrospectively assessed medications as causes of identified parkinsonism. In a review focused on the elderly, 46% of those with symptoms due to medications were deemed to be caused by atypical antipsychotics \[[@CR8]\]. This is contrasted by a recent report of a 30-year epidemiologic study of parkinsonism, in which typical antipsychotics were identified as the culprit of the majority of all drug-induced cases, with almost no contribution from atypical antipsychotics \[[@CR9]\]. These differences may be due to varied populations and study design but, ultimately, they demonstrate that DIP is still a concern of antipsychotic therapy despite the hope that it would abate with increased atypical antipsychotic use. Pathophysiology {#Sec5} --------------- The pathophysiology of DIP is related to drug-induced changes in the basal ganglia motor circuit secondary to dopaminergic receptor blockade \[[@CR2]\]. When dopamine D~2~ receptors in the striatum are blocked, the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)- and encephalin-containing striatal neurons are disinhibited, impacting the indirect pathway, and ultimately leading to a relative decrease in activity in thalamocortical circuitry (see Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}a) \[[@CR2], [@CR10]\]. This effect can be moderated by anticholinergic activity of the antipsychotic \[[@CR11], [@CR12]\], as supported by observations that clozapine, which is associated with minimal-to-absent propensity to cause DIP \[[@CR13]\], also has a high relative affinity for muscarinic cholinergic receptors \[[@CR11]\]. Decreased effective dopamine concentrations in the striatum can also be caused by decreased dopamine release into the synapse; as can be seen with the irreversible vesicular monoamine transporter inhibitor, reserpine \[[@CR12]\]. Medications whose primary mechanism does not involve direct action on dopamine concentrations (valproic acid, calcium channel blockers) can cause DIP through unclear mechanisms that may involve modulating GABA activity or mitochondrial dysfunction \[[@CR2], [@CR12], [@CR14]\]. A summary of the basal ganglia direct and indirect pathways is presented in Box [1](#Tab1){ref-type="table"}.Fig. 1Changes in basal ganglia-thalamocortical motor loop due to blockade of D2 receptors by DRBAs. The blockage of D2 receptors by DRBAs in the striatum leads to disinhibition of GABA- and encephalin-containing striatal neurons at the origin of the indirect pathway, followed by a disinhibition of the subthalamic nucleus. This leads to increased GABAergic inhibition of the thalamocortical projection by facilitation of the inhibitory projection from the GPi/SNr (**a**). Chronic D2 receptor blockade also induces changes in the direct pathways of the basal ganglia-motor loop to cause orolingual dyskinesia (**b**). *DA* dopamine, *DRBAs* dopamine receptor blocking agents, *GABA* gamma-aminobutyric acid, *GPe* globus pallidus pars externa, *GPi* globus pallidus pars internal, *SNc* substantia nigra pars compacta, *SNr* substantia nigra pars reticulata, *STN* subthalamic nucleus, *TD* tardive dyskinesia.Reproduced as per the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (<http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0>) from \[[@CR2]\]) Box 1Summary of the basal ganglia direct and indirect pathways \[[@CR74]\]• The processing of movement in the basal ganglia involves a direct pathway and an indirect pathway\ • The two pathways originate from distinct populations of striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs) and project to different output structures\ • These circuits are believed to have opposite effects on movement: direct pathway MSNs promote movement but activation of indirect pathway MSNs inhibit movementDirect pathwayIndirect pathwayEffect on motor thalamusDisinhibitsInhibitsEffect on thalamo-cortexActivatesInhibitsEffect on motor cortexActivatesInhibitsEffect on movementFacilitatesInhibits Presentation and Diagnosis {#Sec6} -------------------------- Relative to TD, DIP presents earlier in antipsychotic treatment, with approximately 50--75% of cases appearing within the first month, and 90% of cases within the first 3 months \[[@CR15]\]. Table [1](#Tab2){ref-type="table"} highlights select differences between DIP and TD. Acute dystonic reactions can occur relatively soon after administration of intramuscular antipsychotic such as haloperidol \[[@CR16], [@CR17]\]. Where tremor is evident, it is rhythmic, occurring at a frequency of 3--6 Hz. Because DIP can be associated with impairments of facial expression, it is important to differentiate between negative symptoms in patients with schizophrenia, or the possibility of untreated depression \[[@CR18]\]. As mentioned previously, DIP can be difficult to distinguish from Parkinson's disease. Characteristic symptoms, like bradykinesia, rigidity, and instable gait are present in both disorders, and while some studies note different prominence of symptoms between DIP and Parkinson's disease (more bradykinesia, symmetry of symptoms, and rigidity in DIP), others suggest that these clues in presentation are inadequate for an accurate diagnosis \[[@CR2], [@CR12], [@CR19], [@CR20]\]. For example, abnormal movement patterns present asymmetrically in a significant minority of cases. Pieters et al. \[[@CR21]\] recently noted asymmetrical symptoms in as many as 20% of patients with DIP, as was also observed by Savica et al. \[[@CR9]\]. Furthermore, antipsychotic use may unmask Parkinson's disease, which contributes the difficulty of diagnosing DIP in elderly patients \[[@CR2]\].Table 1Differentiating characteristics of drug-induced parkinsonism (DIP) versus tardive dyskinesia (TD)CharacteristicDIPTDOnsetImmediate (hours--days--weeks) after initiation of an antipsychotic or after dose is increasedDelayed (months--years) after initiation of an antipsychoticMotor symptoms observedRhythmic tremor, rigidity, shuffling gait; akathisia may be presentArrhythmic movements (generally choreo-athetoid) of the face, trunk and extremitiesImmediate (hours--days--weeks) effects of increasing antipsychotic doseWorsensImprovesImmediate (hours--days--weeks) effects of decreasing antipsychotic doseImprovesWorsensEffects of anticholinergic medications (e.g., benztropine)ImprovesCan worsenPharmacotherapeutic treatment optionsAnticholinergics (for example, benztropine), amantadineVMAT2 inhibitors (tetrabenazine, valbenazine, deutetrabenazine), *Ginkgo biloba*, clonazepam, amantadine*VMAT2* vesicular monoamine transporter 2 Another difference in DIP and Parkinson's disease that may be useful in forming a diagnosis is improvement when the causative medication's dose is lowered or discontinued \[[@CR22]\]. Finally, dopamine transporter (DAT) imaging approaches have been shown capable of differentiating DIP from Parkinson's disease by comparing symmetry of radiotracer uptake in the striatum \[[@CR2], [@CR23], [@CR24]\]. Akathisia can be observed alongside DIP, or in the absence of overt DIP. Akathisia is defined as a syndrome with subjective symptoms often accompanied by objective findings \[[@CR25]\]. Subjective symptoms include inner tension, anxiety, irritability, discomfort, restlessness, or sleeplessness. Objective findings that are often present include movements that are semivolitional, purposeful and suppressible, repetitive, complex, and stereotypical. The pathophysiology of drug-induced akathisia likely differs from that for DIP. Both can improve with reduction of antipsychotic dose; however, anticholinergic medications are generally unhelpful in managing akathisia \[[@CR26]\]. Treatment of akathisia includes administration of either a beta-adrenergic antagonist or a serotonergic 5HT2 receptor antagonist. Risk Factors {#Sec7} ------------ A number of risk factors have been associated with DIP development, including: older age, female gender, previous EPS caused by antipsychotics, family history of PD, cognitive impairment, HIV infection, and higher potency and longer duration antipsychotic use \[[@CR9], [@CR27]\]. Use of additional medications that may cause DIP include valproic acid, gut motility agents like metoclopramide, antidepressants, and calcium channel blockers like verapamil \[[@CR12]\]. Importantly, the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) inhibitor, tetrabenazine, treats TD but also potentially contributes to DIP risk by decreasing the amount of dopamine released into the synapse, as observed in clinical trials for Huntington's disease \[[@CR12]\]. This is potentially not as concerning with the newer VMAT2 inhibitors, valbenazine and deutetrabenazine, as observed in clinical trials for TD; however, patients with comorbid neurological conditions that could interfere with TD assessment were excluded from these trials \[[@CR28], [@CR29]\]. The product label for deutetrabenazine includes a warning regarding Parkinsonism, but this is directed towards persons receiving the medication for Huntington's disease, not TD \[[@CR30]\]. Management {#Sec8} ---------- The necessary first step in managing DIP is recognition through monitoring at an appropriate frequency. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) recommends monitoring for acute onset extrapyramidal side effects weekly during initial treatment and until stable for 2 weeks, then at every follow-up visit \[[@CR18]\]. Although clinical monitoring for signs and symptoms of DIP may be adequate, a more structured approach is the use of the Simpson--Angus Extrapyramidal Side Effect scale, which is a quick 10-item measure that has demonstrated efficacy in the early detection of DIP \[[@CR31]--[@CR33]\], and is commonly used in clinical trials of antipsychotic medications. Whenever possible, discontinuation of the causative agent is the recommended treatment strategy for distressing DIP symptoms. Unlike in the management of TD, where this approach results in a transient worsening of symptoms, it will lead to improvement of DIP symptoms within days to months after stopping therapy. However, DIP symptoms have been observed to persist in 10--50% of patients \[[@CR2]\]. It is often not possible to discontinue antipsychotics, but the use of any additional agents potentially contributing to DIP risk should be carefully reconsidered. If reasonable in the course of the patient's treatment, it is appropriate to consider switching to an antipsychotic with less propensity to cause DIP, such as from a typical to an atypical agent. Quetiapine is often an agent of choice in this setting \[[@CR34]\], but other agents that have a lower propensity to cause DIP (as well as akathisia) include iloperidone and clozapine \[[@CR35], [@CR36]\]. When antipsychotic switching is not a viable management strategy, additional strategies include: (1) gradually lowering the antipsychotic dose if clinically possible, (2) adding an anticholinergic medication, such as benztropine or trihexyphenidyl, or (3) adding a non-anticholinergic agent such as amantadine. The use of potent dopaminergic medications such as levodopa can exacerbate psychotic symptoms \[[@CR7]\]. Anticholinergic medications, such as benztropine, are used extensively, and often prophylactically, upon the initiation of antipsychotic medication to manage DIP. However, these medications can increase the risk of developing TD, can worsen comorbid TD, and negatively impact cognition \[[@CR37]\]. The deleterious impact of benztropine (and other anticholinergic medication) on memory is not trivial, and can be an iatrogenic factor in the poor cognitive and functional outcomes commonly encountered in persons with schizophrenia \[[@CR37]\]. Anticholinergic medication should be avoided in the elderly unless necessary due to an increased risk of delirium \[[@CR7]\], especially if already receiving medications with the potential for anticholinergic-induced adverse effects. In addition to altered mentation, peripheral side effects such as blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation, and urinary retention can be encountered. If prescribed, a typical duration of anticholinergic use is 3 months, and they should be periodically stopped to assess the need for continued use \[[@CR11]\]. An alternative to anticholinergic medications is amantadine. Amantadine works to improve DIP (and TD, discussed below) through unknown mechanisms that may involve dopamine and *N*-methyl-[d]{.smallcaps}-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonism \[[@CR38]\]. It may be a more viable option than anticholinergic medications, particularly for elderly patients, due to its reduced propensity for side effects, but having similar efficacy as anticholinergic medications when managing DIP \[[@CR39]\]. A study of 44 patients with schizophrenia who were randomized to benztropine or amantadine were found to experience similar improvement in symptoms with less frequent side effects in the amantadine group \[[@CR39]\]. Another small (*n* = 41), blinded, cross-over study comparing amantadine to trihexyphenidyl in the treatment of neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism found similar results \[[@CR40]\]. The most common side effects in clinical trials were insomnia, nausea, and dizziness (5--10%), with anticholinergic-like side effects among adverse events noted in 1--5% (anorexia, dry mouth, constipation) \[[@CR38]\]. Amantadine is not expected to worsen TD symptoms and there is modest evidence to suggest that it may reduce dyskinetic movements (see below). Extended-release preparations of amantadine have recently become available "for the treatment of dyskinesia in patients with Parkinson's disease receiving levodopa-based therapy, with or without concomitant dopaminergic medications" \[[@CR41]\] and for "Parkinson's disease and drug-induced extrapyramidal reactions in adult patients" \[[@CR42]\]. As with all amantadine-containing products, risk of exacerbating psychosis will also need to be considered \[[@CR38], [@CR41], [@CR42]\]. Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) {#Sec9} ======================= Epidemiology {#Sec10} ------------ Similar to DIP, published TD prevalence and incidence rates may be falsely low \[[@CR43]\]. In contrast to DIP, this is likely not due to confusion with an idiopathic disorder as much as to a decreased ability of providers to recognize the insidious development of TD \[[@CR44]\]. However, it does appear that TD prevalence and incidence estimates vary with past antipsychotic exposure, antipsychotic class, and age. For example, a large meta-analysis conducted by Carbon et al. found that, in middle-aged patients, most of whom had a schizophrenia-spectrum disorder, the mean prevalence of TD among atypical antipsychotic users was approximately 21%, compared to 30% among current typical antipsychotic users \[[@CR45]\]. However, more long-term studies that exclude patients with past typical antipsychotic use will be necessary to develop a clearer picture of the impact of atypical antipsychotics on TD risk \[[@CR43]\]. On a cautionary note, in a real-world prospective study, the adjusted TD incidence rate-ratio for subjects treated with atypical antipsychotics alone versus typical antipsychotics alone was 0.68 \[[@CR46]\]. This suggests a small advantage for the newer agents, but the 95% confidence interval of 0.29--1.64 implies that there may be no difference \[[@CR46]\]. Alarmingly, the severity of the TD was only slightly lower among incident cases of TD appearing after recent atypical antipsychotic exposure versus recent typical antipsychotic exposure. The rates of TD increase with duration of therapy, as in younger adults taking typical antipsychotics, reported rates of TD were approximately 4--5% annually, but this effect is magnified by age \[[@CR47]\]. For example, a longitudinal study of TD in elderly patients noted that 31% (95% CI 20--42) of patients developed TD after 43 weeks \[[@CR48]\]. Prevalence rates become more complex when looking at symptom persistence in individuals diagnosed with TD. In patients taking typical antipsychotics, although about 50% appear to have TD symptoms that stagnate, 10--30% will experience remission or improvement of symptoms, and another 10--30% may have a worsening of symptoms \[[@CR49]\]. Pathophysiology {#Sec11} --------------- Disruptions in a number of neurotransmitter systems and oxidative damage have been proposed as potential pathways underlying TD. These include dopamine receptor hypersensitivity, altered amino acid metabolism and GABA-containing neuron activity, and NMDA receptor excitotoxicity \[[@CR50]\]. Similar to DIP, there is also evidence that genetics are associated with TD susceptibility \[[@CR51]\]. Dopamine receptor hypersensitivity is generally accepted as playing a role in TD (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}) based on several clinical observations, including temporary improvement in symptoms with increased antipsychotic dose or potency, and symptom improvement in some patients when administered VMAT2 inhibitors, such as tetrabenazine, which decrease the amount of dopamine that is ultimately released into the synapse.Fig. 2Hypothesized pathophysiology of tardive dyskinesia and the potential for vesicular monoamine transporter type 2 inhibition to treat the condition (reproduced with permission from \[[@CR75]\]) Presentation and Diagnosis {#Sec12} -------------------------- TD is a subset of tardive syndromes associated with antipsychotic drug use and is characterized by involuntary, repetitive movements of the face that includes lip smacking or puckering, chewing, or tongue protrusion, but may also result in uncontrolled movements in the extremities, like contraction or writhing \[[@CR50]\]. TD can worsen with stress. In contrast to DIP, the abnormal movements observed with TD are typically arrhythmic. Further information regarding the term tardive syndromes and related issues can be found elsewhere \[[@CR52]\]. The Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) is used clinically and in research to assess the abnormal movements associated with TD \[[@CR53]\]. Measuring the AIMS dyskinesia items alone is inadequate, and questions regarding functional impairments attributable to TD need to be asked (e.g., interference with activities such as eating, drinking, speaking, breathing, dressing oneself, writing, working, leisure activities, being with others) \[[@CR54]\]. The Schooler--Kane research criteria are commonly used to identify probable antipsychotic-induced TD, and require that three criteria are met: (1) symptoms occur after at least 3 months of treatment with an antipsychotic, (2) abnormal, involuntary movements must occur in 2 or more body regions if mild, or 1 body region if moderate to severe, as determined by a rating scale such as the AIMS, and (3) there are no other conditions that may be causing the abnormal movement patterns \[[@CR55]\]. Risk Factors {#Sec13} ------------ Risk factors for TD are similar to those for DIP, and primarily include older age and increased antipsychotic medication exposure (particularly typical antipsychotics), but also to some degree female sex, African American ethnicity, preexisting mood disorder, cognitive disturbance, alcohol or substance abuse, use of lithium or antiparkinsonian agents, early occurrence of DIP, diabetes, and HIV \[[@CR56]--[@CR58]\]. Management {#Sec14} ---------- The APA recommends monitoring patients with schizophrenia for the development of TD every 3--12 months, depending on the patient's risk factors and the type of antipsychotic prescribed \[[@CR18]\]. Standards include every 6 months for patients on a typical antipsychotic to every 12 months for patients on an atypical antipsychotic, and to monitor twice as frequently for elderly patients and those with early, involuntary, movement patterns after starting an antipsychotic \[[@CR18]\]. These guidelines are likely reasonable for most patients being treated with antipsychotics, regardless of diagnosis. Once TD is diagnosed and treatment is initiated, a baseline assessment should be obtained, and the AIMS examination is recommended for this purpose \[[@CR54]\]. Advantages of using the AIMS include its ubiquity both in the clinic and in drug development, and that it can facilitate communication among providers. Follow-up assessments to assess the effectiveness of the intervention(s) should be carried out on a regular basis. One of the first steps in the management of TD should be to gradually discontinue any anticholinergic medications, as they may worsen current symptoms \[[@CR7]\]. In fact, symptoms have been noted to improve in up to 60% of people with TD after discontinuing an anticholinergic \[[@CR49], [@CR59]\]. Unlike DIP, discontinuing an antipsychotic or switching from a typical to an atypical antipsychotic does not produce clear evidence of benefit in patients requiring antipsychotic use \[[@CR60]\]. However, switching antipsychotics, including a switch to clozapine, is generally supported by older treatment algorithms \[[@CR61]\]. A recent review updating the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) TD treatment guidelines ranks treatment options based on available evidence from A to C, where A corresponds to established efficacy, B corresponds to probable efficacy, and C corresponds to potential efficacy \[[@CR60]\]. Level A evidence for efficacy exists for the two VMAT2 inhibitors, valbenazine and deutetrabenazine, both recently approved for the treatment of TD by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), with a hypothesized mechanism of action related to dopamine D~2~ receptor hypersensitivity in the presence of chronic dopamine D~2~ receptor blockade (Fig. [2](#Fig2){ref-type="fig"}). Valbenazine was the first medication to be approved for TD in the United States, and improves upon tetrabenazine by having a more tolerable side effect profile, potentially through less off-site binding to dopaminergic, serotonergic, adrenergic, histaminergic, and muscarinic receptors, in addition to a more convenient once-daily dosing regimen \[[@CR62]\]. In a Phase III, double-blind, randomized, 6-week, placebo-controlled study of 234 participants randomized 1:1:1 to placebo or valbenazine 40 or 80 mg/day, daily doses of 80 mg were shown to reduce AIMS total dyskinesia scores by − 3.2 points (*P *\< 0.001 when compared to the placebo change score of − 0.1 points) and by − 1.9 points in the 40 mg daily group (*P *= 0.002 when compared to placebo) after 6 weeks of therapy \[[@CR63]\]. The most common side effects in the valbenazine group were somnolence (5%), akathisia (3%), and dry mouth (3%), and discontinuation rates due to adverse events were 4% in the valbenazine group versus 3% in the placebo group \[[@CR63]\]. A 1-year extension of this study, which included 198 participants, demonstrated continued efficacy and tolerability, with the most common side effects being headache (7%) and urinary retention (7%), with 16% discontinuing treatment due to an adverse drug event \[[@CR64]\]. Although the target dose for valbenazine is 80 mg/day (achieved after 1 week at 40 mg/day), 40 mg daily should not be exceeded in those with moderate to severe hepatic impairment, or with concomitant use of strong CYP3A4 inhibitors \[[@CR62]\]. This is because valbenazine is primarily metabolized by CYP3A4 to inactive metabolites, although CYP2D6 also plays a role in its metabolism \[[@CR62]\]. In the case of strong CYP2D6 inhibitors, or known CYP2D6 poor metabolizers, it is recommended to consider reducing the dose based on tolerability \[[@CR62]\]. Valbenazine does not appear to impact the common CYP isoenzymes itself, but does inhibit P-glycoprotein, so digoxin should be monitored carefully in patients requiring both medications \[[@CR62]\]. Valbenazine may prolong the electrocardiographic QT interval, but the degree of QT prolongation is not clinically significant at concentrations expected with recommended dosing; nonetheless, valbenazine should be avoided in patients with congenital long QT syndrome or with arrhythmias associated with a prolonged QT interval. For patients at increased risk of a prolonged QT interval, it is suggested that the QT interval be assessed before increasing the dosage (i.e., from 40 to 80 mg/day) \[[@CR62]\]. Deutetrabenazine was the second VMAT2 inhibitor approved by the FDA for the treatment of TD. Deutetrabenazine is a deuterated formulation of tetrabenazine; deuterium atoms are substituted for hydrogen atoms at key locations in the molecule, altering its pharmacokinetics because deuterium--carbon chemical bonds are many-fold stronger than hydrogen--carbon bonds. Deuterium is naturally occurring "heavy hydrogen" and is not radioactive. Compared to tetrabenazine, metabolism is slowed, reducing the number of doses required per day, decreasing plasma level variability, and improving tolerability \[[@CR30]\]. Recommended dosing for deutetrabenazine is twice daily with food, starting at 6 mg twice daily and increasing by 6 mg weekly up to a maximum dose of 24 mg twice daily, based on tolerability and reduction of TD \[[@CR30]\]. In a Phase II, 12-week, clinical trial (*n* = 117) which allowed titration to optimal efficacy and tolerability, the mean dose achieved was 38.8 mg/day \[[@CR65]\]. A Phase III, double-blind, 12-week, placebo-controlled, randomized trial was conducted to compare deutetrabenazine at doses of 12, 24, and 36 mg/day to placebo in 298 patients \[[@CR66]\]. The randomization scheme was 1:1:1:1 and the deutetrabenazine dose was increased over 4 weeks. The primary end-point measure was change in AIMS scores from baseline to week 12. At week 12, the treatment difference from baseline (SE) was − 1.4 in the placebo group and − 2.1 (*P *= 0.217 when compared with placebo), − 3.2 (*P *= 0.003) and − 3.3 (*P* = 0.001) for the 12-, 24-, and 36-mg/day treatment groups, respectively \[[@CR66]\]. The most common side effects in the deutetrabenazine groups were headache (5%), anxiety (4%), and diarrhea (4%), and discontinuation due to side effects occurred in 4% of the treatment group and 3% of the placebo group \[[@CR66]\]. Deutetrabenazine metabolism involves CYP2D6; in the presence of CYP2D6 inhibitors or in patients who are known poor CYP2D6 metabolizers, the total daily dosage of deutetrabenazine should not exceed 36 mg \[[@CR30]\]. Deutetrabenazine may prolong the QT interval and use should be avoided in patients with congenital long QT syndrome or with arrhythmias associated with a prolonged QT interval. For patients at increased risk of a prolonged QT interval, it is suggested that the QT interval be assessed before and after increasing the total dose above 12 mg BID \[[@CR30]\]. Unlike valbenazine, deutetrabenazine is also approved for the treatment of Huntington's disease, and contains language in its product label that is specific to tolerability concerns for that population and differs from that for TD (for example, there is a boxed warning for depression and suicidality that has been observed in patients with Huntington's disease). Other differences between valbenazine and deutetrabenazine are summarized in Table [2](#Tab3){ref-type="table"}.Table 2A comparison of the key characteristics and recommended dosing considerations for valbenazine and deutetrabenazine use in the management of TD.Adapted from \[[@CR30], [@CR62], [@CR75]\]ValbenazineDeutetrabenazineBrand nameIngrezzaAustedoAvailable dose formulationCapsules: 40 and 80 mgTablets: 6, 9, and 12 mgOther indicationsNoneChorea associated with Huntington's diseaseActive metabolites\[+\]-α-HTBZDeuterated α-HTBZ and β-HTBZHalf-lifeValbenazine and \[+\]-α-HTBZ: 15--22 hTotal (α + β)-HTBZ from deutetrabenazine: 9--10 hContraindications relevant to TDNoneHepatic impairment, use of reserpine, MAOIs, tetrabenazine or valbenazineWarnings and precaution contained in *Highlights of Prescribing Information*Somnolence; QT interval prolongationQT interval prolongation; neuroleptic malignant syndrome; akathisia, agitation, restlessness, and parkinsonism (latter not applicable to TD); sedation/somnolenceDosing frequencyOnce dailyTwice dailyRecommended dosingTake with or without food; start at 40 mg daily, increase to 80 mg daily after 1 weekTake with food; start at 12 mg/day, increase by 6 mg/day at weekly intervals up to 48 mg/day, based on tolerability and responseCYP2D6 poor metabolizersBase dose on tolerabilityMaximum recommended dose is 36 mg/dayHepatic impairmentModerate-to-severe hepatic impairment: maximum recommended dose is 40 mg/dayContraindicatedRenal impairmentAvoid in severe renal impairment; no dosing changes are recommended for mild-to-moderate impairmentPackage insert does not provide any recommendations (cites a lack of studies in this population), but the metabolites are excreted renallyDrug-drug interactionsValbenazine increases digoxin levels; consider valbenazine dose reduction with strong CYP2D6 inhibitors; with strong CYP3A4 inhibitors the maximum recommended dose is 40 mg daily; use is not recommended with MAOIs or CYP3A4 inducersAdditive sedation may occur with alcohol and other CNS depressants; with strong CYP2D6 inhibitors, the recommended maximum dose is 36 mg/dayQT prolongation recommendationIf the patient is at increased risk for QT prolongation, assess QT interval before increasing the doseIf the patient is at increased risk for QT prolongation, assess QT interval before and after increasing the dose above 24 mg/day*HTBZ* dihydrotetrabenazine, *TD* tardive dyskinesia, *MAOIs* monoamine oxidase inhibitors, *CNS* central nervous system Additional medication interventions for TD are not FDA-approved and carry lower levels of evidence compared to valbenazine and deutetrabenazine in the AAN guidelines. Level B AAN recommendations for the treatment of TD include *Ginkgo biloba* and clonazepam. Level C options that might be considered include amantadine, tetrabenazine, and pallidal deep brain stimulation \[[@CR60]\]. Amantadine is unique among medications used to treat DIP and TD, in the respect that it has evidence supporting its use for both indications. However, the therapeutic effect for TD is modest. When compared to placebo, amantadine has been shown to decrease AIMS scores by approximately 15--22% in small, relatively short-term, placebo-controlled, crossover studies \[[@CR67], [@CR68]\]. Drowsiness, fatigue, insomnia, constipation, and dizziness occurred more frequently with amantadine than placebo in these studies \[[@CR67], [@CR68]\]. Tetrabenazine is used off-label for the treatment of TD in the United States; however, in other jurisdictions, such as the UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Italy, Israel, France, and Portugal, it is approved for this purpose \[[@CR69]\]. Two small, clinical trials were cited in the AAN recommendation supporting the use of tetrabenazine for the treatment of TD symptoms, as supported by significant reductions in AIMS scores \[[@CR70], [@CR71]\]. Although tolerability was not a major issue in these studies, clinical experience with side effects of tetrabenazine that occur in more than 5% of patients in persons with Huntington's disease (such as sedation, insomnia, depression, akathisia, parkinsonism, instability, irritability) \[[@CR72]\], and the requirement to dose the medication up to 3 times per day, and assessing for CYP 2D6 poor/extensive metabolizers if doses greater than 50 mg/day need to be used, led to the development of the two tetrabenazine alternatives, valbenazine and deutetrabenazine, discussed previously. Co-occurrence of DIP and TD {#Sec15} --------------------------- It is possible for patients treated with antipsychotics to have both DIP and TD, with DIP presumably preceding TD. Although the mechanism is not fully understood, observations regarding the differences in neural pathways between DIP and comorbid DIP and TD are presented in Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"} \[[@CR2], [@CR10], [@CR73]\]. As compared to Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}a, Fig. [1](#Fig1){ref-type="fig"}b details relatively greater excitatory signaling between the thalamus and the cerebral cortex, potentially explaining TD symptoms occurring in the setting of DIP. For patients experiencing both disorders, treatment options include amantadine (with or without a VMAT2 inhibitor), which may have some positive impact on both disorders. Anticholinergic medication should be avoided or minimized in order to lessen potential adverse impact on TD symptoms. Randomized controlled trials of VMAT2 inhibitors in persons with co-occurring DIP and TD will help answer the question of whether or not the decrease in dopamine release observed with VMAT2 inhibition would have significant clinical impact on the severity of the DIP. Conclusion {#Sec16} ========== DIP and TD are potential adverse events of antipsychotics that occur at significant rates with both typical and atypical antipsychotic use. DIP can be difficult to recognize and diagnose, especially in the elderly, due to its similarity to Parkinson's disease, but most often presents within the first 3 months of therapy \[[@CR27]\]. TD, however, typically does not develop until after 3 months or longer of antipsychotic drug use (although there may be the occasional exception). Among the agents used to treat DIP, amantadine is expected to be better tolerated than anticholinergics, particularly in the elderly. Valbenazine and deutetrabenazine are reasonable to consider as first-line pharmacotherapy for TD. **Enhanced digital content** To view enhanced digital content for this article go to 10.6084/m9.figshare.6736412. Funding {#FPar2} ======= No funding or sponsorship was received for this study or publication of this article. Authorship {#FPar3} ========== All named authors meet the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for this article, take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, and have given their approval for this version to be published. Disclosures {#FPar4} =========== In the past 12 months, Leslie Citrome has served as a consultant to Acadia, Alkermes, Allergan, Intra-Cellular Therapeutics, Janssen, Lundbeck, Merck, Neurocrine, Noven, Otsuka, Pfizer, Shire, Sunovion, Takeda, Teva, Vanda and has served as a speaker for Acadia, Alkermes, Allergan, Janssen, Lundbeck, Merck, Neurocrine, Otsuka, Pfizer, Shire, Sunovion, Takeda, Teva, Vanda, owns stocks (small number of shares of common stock) of Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, J & J, Merck, Pfizer purchased \> 10 years ago, and receives royalties from Wiley (Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Clinical Practice), UpToDate (reviewer), Springer Healthcare (book). Kristen Ward has nothing to disclose. Compliance with Ethics Guidelines {#FPar5} ================================= This article was a review and commentary on previously conducted studies. No information from human participants or animal research conducted by either of the authors was used in this article. Data Availability {#FPar6} ================= Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study. Open Access {#d29e1258} =========== This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (<http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/>), which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
Introduction {#s1} ============ The retinal ganglion cell (RGC) is the final output neuron of the retina, projecting through the optic nerve to the brain, where it targets a number of functionally distinct areas: for visual perception, RGC axons travel to the lateral geniculate nucleus (Chalupa and Günhan, [@B6]); for the regulation of circadian rhythms, they pass through the suprachiasmatic nucleus (Guido et al., [@B19]); for eye movements, a group of RGC axons terminates in the superior colliculus (Triplett et al., [@B68]); and for the pupillary light reflex, RCG axons terminate in the pretectal area (Young and Lund, [@B80]). Each of these areas receives input from distinct subtypes of RGCs with unique morphological and molecular signatures. At the present time, over 30 subtypes of RGCs (Baden et al., [@B2]) are estimated to exist. They all receive inputs from other types of retinal neurons (bipolar cells and amacrine cells), and most of them express similar groups of genes that may serve as general RGC markers (Raymond et al., [@B52]; Rodriguez et al., [@B53]). Identifying gene expression patterns in RGCs and their subtypes is currently an active area of research, as demonstrated by the discovery of new subtypes of ganglion cells based on gene expression (Macosko et al., [@B39]; Sanes and Masland, [@B57]). The death of RGCs in glaucoma or after injury eventually leads to loss of vision (Templeton et al., [@B66]; Zode et al., [@B83]; Munguba et al., [@B44]; Nuschke et al., [@B46]). However, the susceptibility of RGC subtypes to death differs among the distinct subtypes. Some RGCs are resistant to injury, while others appear to be more sensitive to insult, indicating differential gene expression and response to injury among subtypes (Chang et al., [@B7]; Duan et al., [@B12]; Puyang et al., [@B50]). The present study focuses on transcriptional networks within RGCs of the mouse, using gene expression data measured across 55 strains of recombinant inbred BXD mice (King et al., [@B34]) as well as the bioinformatic tools from GeneNetwork (Williams and Mulligan, [@B76]). The analysis begins by examining genes correlated with two relatively general RGC markers, *Thy1* and *Tubb3*. Each of these markers forms a unique network of genes that appears to function independently across many of the RGC subtypes. These networks are functionally different to the point of having distinct transcription factor binding sites. Subtype-specific networks partially overlapping with the *Thy1*-network are also present. In a meta-analysis of previously published data from a microarray study of a mouse glaucoma model (Howell et al., [@B24]), we examine the differential effects of this disease state on transcriptional networks in RGC subtypes and confirm intrinsically photosensitive RGCs (ipRGCs) and alpha-RGCs as more resistant to cell death (Duan et al., [@B12]). The systems genetics and bioinformatics approach used in the present study demonstrates how signatures of RGCs and their subtypes can be extracted from a complex neural tissue such as the retina. Results {#s2} ======= RGC markers segregate into two major correlation networks --------------------------------------------------------- The present study examines the correlation of gene expression in the retina across the BXD recombinant inbred strain set to define gene networks active in RGCs. The BXD strain set is derived from two parental strains, the C57BL/6J mouse and the DBA/2J mouse. Natural variation in gene expression across strains can be used to identify co-regulated genes with a similar expression pattern, allowing for the construction of genetic networks (Williams et al., [@B75]; Geisert et al., [@B17]; Templeton et al., [@B65]; Keeley et al., [@B30]). The data used in this study consist of whole retinal samples collected from 55 BXD strains. They can be found on [www.genenetwork.org](http://www.genenetwork.org) under the identifier "DoD Retina Normal Affy MoGene 2.0 ST (May15) RMA Gene Level". Two features of this dataset enhance the quality of the analysis: The first is that the retina is a tissue that can be consistently isolated with minimal contamination by other tissues. The second is the quality of the RNA with an average RNA Integrity Score of 9.43 and a standard error of 0.037 across the 220 samples isolated for this dataset. The analysis began with two well-characterized markers for RGCs, *Thy1* and *Tubb3*, as they both exhibited substantial variability in mRNA expression levels across BXD strains (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). Expression of *Thy1* ranged from 10.39 in BXD42 to 11.45 in BXD15 (this data is presented on a log~2~ scale and the difference in expression is equivalent to an over 2-fold change). A similar variability in gene expression was observed for *Tubb3*, with expression levels ranging from 9.68 (BXD6) to 10.74 (BXD2). When correlations for *Thy1* and *Tubb3* were made across all microarray data, both produced a highly correlated group of genes. For *Thy1*, the top 100 correlates had an absolute *r*-value (Pearson) greater than 0.89 (Bonferroni-adjusted *p* \< 1e^−12^) and the top 2000 correlates all had an absolute *r*-value greater than 0.77 (adj. *p* \< 1e^−8^). If we examine the Pearson correlation values above 0.60, which corresponds to an adjusted *p*-value of 0.02, then *Thy1* has a total of 8596 correlates. This tightly correlated list of genes forms a potential network, and indicates that the genes in this network are co-regulated across the BXD strains (King et al., [@B34]). Within the list of the top 2000 *Thy1*-correlates, we found several other well-characterized RGC markers, including *Rbfox3* (producing NeuN, Neuronal Nuclei), *Pou4f1* (producing BRN3A), and *Pou4f2* (producing BRN3B) (Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"}). Interestingly, the *Thy1* correlate list did not contain other known RGC markers, including *Tubb3*. ![**RNA expression across the BXD RI strain set for *Thy1* (left) and *Tubb3* (right) with the means and standard errors**. There was an approximately 2-fold difference in mean expression levels for both genes. This data is given as raw expression values on a log~2~ scale +8.](fgene-07-00169-g0001){#F1} ###### **List of all RGC marker genes used in this manuscript**. **Symbol** **RGC Subtype Labeled** **References** ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thy1 pan-RGC Barnstable and Drager, [@B4]; Raymond et al., [@B52] Rbfox3 (NeuN) pan-RGC Wolf et al., [@B77]; Schlamp et al., [@B60]; Kim et al., [@B33] Pou4f2 (Brn3b) RGC (about 50--60% of total population) Xiang et al., [@B78]; Erkman et al., [@B13]; Jain et al., [@B27] ipRGCs (71% of all Melanopsin-positive cells) Pou4f1 (Brn3a) RGC (about 60--70% of total population) Erkman et al., [@B13]; Jain et al., [@B27] Tubb3 (class III beta-tubulin) pan-RGC Mellough et al., [@B41] Rbpms (Retina binding protein with multiple splicing) pan-RGC Piri et al., [@B49]; Rodriguez et al., [@B53] Nefl (Neurofilament light) RGC (\~85% of all RGCs) Ruiz-Ederra et al., [@B55] Chrna6 RGC Mackey et al., [@B38]; Munguba et al., [@B45] Slc17a6 (Vglut2) RGC Bai et al., [@B3]; Mimura et al., [@B42]; Wässle et al., [@B72] Nrn1 RGCs Picard et al., [@B48]; Sharma et al., [@B63] Calb2 pan-RGC (87% of all RGCs) transient OFF α-RGCs (tOFF-αRGCs, Huberman et al., [@B25]) Huberman et al., [@B25]; Mojumder et al., [@B43]; Haverkamp et al., [@B22] Sncg (gamma-synuclein) RGC Buckingham et al., [@B5] Opn4 (Melanopsin) ipRGC Semo et al., [@B62] Jam2 J-RGC (5% of all RGCs) Daniele et al., [@B9]; Kim et al., [@B32] Spp1 (Osteopontin) alpha-RGC Ju et al., [@B28]; Sanes and Masland, [@B57] Kcng4 alpha-RGC Duan et al., [@B11]; Sanes and Masland, [@B57] Cartpt ooDSGC Adams et al., [@B1]; Kay et al., [@B29] Hoxd10 ON-DSGC Dhande et al., [@B10] For *Tubb3*, the top 100 genes had an absolute *r* value greater than 0.71 (adj. *p* \< 1e^−6^), and the top 2000 genes showed values greater than 0.52 (adj. *p* = 0.12) and did not contain *Thy1, Pou4f1, Pou4f2*, or *Rbfox3.* This was also true for the 1387 correlates with Pearson *r* \> 0.60 (equal to a significant Bonferroni-adjusted *p*-value of 0.02). However, other RGC markers were present in the *Tubb3* correlation list, including the newly described *Rbpms* (RNA binding protein with multiple splicing) as well as *Calb2* (Calbindin 2) and *Chrna6* (Cholinergic receptor nicotinic alpha 6). These two networks are relatively independent, with minimal overlap. When examining the correlates of the *Thy1*-network relative to the *Tubb3*-network, only one gene is shared within their top 100 correlations (1%), 31 genes (1.55%) are present in the top 2000 correlations, and 51 genes (0.05%) are in common with the 9982 genes found in both the *Thy1* (8596 genes) and the *Tubb3* (1386 genes) correlation lists with a Pearson correlation above 0.6. The basis for the segregation of genes into two distinct networks is illustrated by plotting the correlations for combinations of genes from both networks. In Figure [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}, the expression of *Thy1, Pou4f1, Tubb3*, and *Rbpms* across BXD strains is displayed in scatterplots. These plots demonstrate the tight correlation for *Thy1-Pou4f1* (Figure [2A](#F2){ref-type="fig"}) and *Tubb3-Rbpms* (Figure [2C](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). They further show the lack of correlation between *Thy1* and *Tubb3* (Figure [2B](#F2){ref-type="fig"}) as well as *Tubb3* and *Pou4f1* (Figure [2D](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). The presence of additional RGC markers in the correlation lists of *Thy1* and *Tubb3* together with the minimal overlap of genes indicated the presence of at least two RGC-specific transcriptional networks in mouse RGCs. ![**Scatterplots illustrating the correlation between major RGC markers**. There was a tight correlation between *Thy1* and *Pou4f1* **(A)**, which are part of the same network. Correlation dropped greatly for *Thy1* and *Tubb3* **(B)**, which are not part of the same network. Similarly, *Tubb3* correlated well with Rbpms **(C)** but not with *Pou4f1* **(D)**. Pearson\'s correlation coefficient is given in each plot on the lower right half. Each dot represents one BXD RI strain, and the confidence interval for the smoothing function (dark gray areas surrounding the blue line) is 0.95.](fgene-07-00169-g0002){#F2} Since we selected *Thy1* and *Tubb3* to serve as primary RGC markers for this analysis based upon literature evidence, we wondered if an alternative unbiased approach would validate our findings. As an independent examination of these networks, we performed weighted gene correlation network analysis (WGCNA) on the whole microarray dataset (Langfelder and Horvath, [@B36]). This method relies on unsupervised clustering of co-expressed genes across all of the BXD RI strains into so-called modules or eigengenes and thus represents an unbiased approach to test the assumption that *Thy1*- and *Tubb3*- networks exist independently from each other. WGCNA created 18 modules of co-expressed genes. Module \#1 contained 1741 of the top 2000 *Thy1* correlates, whereas only 131 genes from the top 2000 *Tubb3* correlates were assigned to this module. The majority of the *Tubb3* correlates belonged to modules \#4 (*n* = 279), \#5 (*n* = 886), and \#6 (*n* = 327), none of which contained any of the *Thy1* correlates. This minor overlap in module affiliation between genes of both networks reaffirms our finding that the *Thy1*- and *Tubb3*-network function individually. To define the genomic location of upstream modulators for both the *Thy1*- and the *Tubb3*-network, we examined interval maps for the 7 RGC marker genes found in both correlation lists (*Thy1, Rbfox3, Pou4f2, Pou4f1, Tubb3, Calb2*, and *Rbpms*). When we investigated each marker\'s signature quantitative trait locus (QTL), we found that *Thy1, Rbfox3, Pou4f2*, and *Pou4f1*, had similar interval maps. The same was true for *Tubb3, Calb2*, and *Rbpms*. To further investigate this phenomenon, we plotted multiple interval maps as heat maps for each marker and its 20 highest correlated genes (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). In these heat maps, rows correspond to the QTL curve of a single correlated gene plotted across the entire genome. Two color gradients were used to characterize differential expression between strains: A yellow to red gradient identified a transcript whose expression was higher in strains with a B haplotype (allele origin from C57BL/6J), whereas a green to blue gradient represented a transcript whose expression was higher in strains with the D haplotype (allele origin from DBA/2J). The linkage significance (LRS or LOD-score) increased with color intensity. In other words: A deeply colored vertical line characterized a genomic locus that may contain a regulatory element responsible for the differential expression of these genes. ![**RGC markers segregate into two major correlation networks**. For each of the general RGC markers on the right, the eQTL curve for the 20 highest correlated genes was plotted as a heat map. In these, the LRS/LOD score is given in pseudocolors: A yellow to red gradient identifies a transcript whose expression is higher in strains with a B haplotype at that locus (allele origin from C57BL/6J), whereas a green to blue gradient represents a transcript whose expression is higher in strains with the D haplotype (allele origin from DBA/2J). There are several strong and sharp trans-bands extending across *Thy1, Rbfox3, Pou4f2*, and *Pou4f1*, such as on distal Chromosome 1 or 13. There are also trans-bands extending across *Tubb3, Calb2*, and *Rbpms* on mid Chr. 13 and proximal Chr. 14. No overlap is present between the genes separated by the black line, indicating that RGC markers segregate into two major independently regulated gene networks. The panel on the right lists genes that are found in more than one of the top 20 correlations. For example, *Arhgap44* is present in the 20 highest correlates for both *Thy1* and *Pou4f1*.](fgene-07-00169-g0003){#F3} These bands are thought to identify a genomic locus modulating the expression of the genes in the network across the BXD RI strains. Likely candidates for modulating gene expression include transcription factors, micro RNAs or long noncoding RNAs (Geisert et al., [@B17]; Templeton et al., [@B67]; Williams and Auwerx, [@B74]). Since the analysis is only correlational in nature, we cannot exclude the possibility that loci for individual networks do not have regulatory roles, as they could just be co-regulated with the other identified networks. When comparing heat maps for both networks, no overlap in patterns was observed. Thus, the RGC marker genes segregated into two independently regulated gene networks. From here on, we will refer to these networks as the *Thy1*-network and the *Tubb3*-network. This is an arbitrary nomenclature, mirroring the most prominent RGC marker for each of both networks. For the *Thy1*-network, the strongest modulatory signature was localized at the distal end of Chromosome 1. For members of the *Tubb3*- network, the most prominent genomic signature was on mid-distal Chromosome 13. Several candidate genes exist in those loci; a comprehensive analysis is attached as Supplemental Material (Supplemental Tables [1](#SM1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}, [2](#SM2){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). There are three potential scenarios that would allow two specific genetic networks to exist within a single cell population. The first is that the mRNA levels of each marker differ across the entire retina. The second explanation is that their mRNA expression levels differ in specific RGC subtypes, leading to unique expression of each protein within each RGC subtype. The third potential mechanism involves differences in the percentage of each of the RGC subtypes from strain to stain. To further examine this, we immunostained retinas with THY1 and Class III beta tubulin. In these retinal whole mounts, the more than 90% of labeled cells were double-labeled of RGCs were both THY1- and Class III beta tubulin- positive (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}), indicating that the two markers are co-localized and expressed in the same cell. Despite their protein co-expression, their mRNA level may differ from cell to cell. When examining the double stained cells, the intensity of each stain varied from ganglion cell to ganglion cell. Some cells had approximately equal labeling for THY1 and Class III beta tubulin, while in other cells THY1 staining was more intense than Class III beta tubulin. In a few cells, the labeling of Class III beta tubulin was more intense. It also appeared that some cells were labeled by only one of the two markers. Thus, even though both markers are co-expressed in many RGCs, their expression levels do not consistently correlate with each other, corroborating that their expression is independently regulated. ![**Maximum intensity projections of confocal z-stacks taken from retinal whole-mounts showing the co-localization of THY1 (A) and Class III beta-tubulin (B) in the retinal ganglion cell layer from a C57BL/6 mouse**. Most cells were double-stained for both RGC markers **(C)**, but some cells only expressed Class III beta-tubulin (arrowhead) or THY1 (arrow). Furthermore, the staining intensity was different across cells, and some cells had large somata and were more intensely stained than others (large arrowhead in "merge"). Staining with the secondary antibodies only did not result in unspecific fluorescence (data not shown). Scale bar in C = 100 μm.](fgene-07-00169-g0004){#F4} Since multiple subtypes of RGCs are known to exist, one could predict that there are also multiple genetic networks within each of these subtypes. We compiled an extended list of RGC markers from the literature. This list consisted of 17 proteins and their respective genes, 6 of which are known to be relatively specific for a single RGC subtype (Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"}). Calculating the correlation in expression across the BXD RI strain set and displaying these relations in a network graph revealed that indeed two major network hubs formed around *Thy1* and *Tubb3* based on the highest correlations surrounding these two markers (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}). The only significant connection between *Thy1* and *Tubb3* existed through 2 of their respective correlates, *Slc17a6* (VGLUT2), and *Chrna6*. Except for *Hoxd10* (a marker of ON-directionally selective RGCs), all the other RGC markers had a direct connection to either *Thy1* or *Tubb3*. ![**RGC markers segregate into two networks, and two major hubs are formed around *Thy1* and *Tubb3***. The only connection between the *Thy1*- and the *Tubb3*-network is through two of their correlates, *Slc17a6* and *Chrna6*. Pearson\'s correlation coefficient was mapped to line color and thickness (high correlation = thicker and red bars).](fgene-07-00169-g0005){#F5} Functional differences of RGC networks -------------------------------------- Following the identification of two gene networks related to normal RGC function, we asked whether both networks had any functional differences. In order to facilitate this analysis, we grouped genes with a similar heat map pattern belonging to the same network into one "synthetic trait" using principal component analysis. These "synthetic traits" provide for more robust functional network analysis than a single marker gene, and they can be used to generate correlation lists specific to a group of genes by reducing the dimensionality of the data (Yin et al., [@B79]; Vanderlinden et al., [@B70]; Graybeal et al., [@B18]). The synthetic trait for the *Thy1*-network was constructed using *Thy1* and its direct correlates *Rbfox3, Pou4f1*, and *Pou4f2*, while the *Tubb3*-network was constructed using *Tubb3, Calb2*, and *Rbpms*. When we compared the correlations of these networks using WebGestalt-based gene ontology (GO) analysis (Wang et al., [@B71]), each of the two synthetic traits was enriched in genes with very different molecular and cellular functions. The *Thy1*-network was significantly enriched in genes involved in neuron development, synaptic transmission, cation transmembrane transporter activity and voltage-gated channel activity (adj. *p* \< 0.0000001 for all), strongly indicating that this network was highly neuron-specific (Supplemental Figure [S1](#SM4){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Some examples of the genes associated with neuronal development and synaptic transmission included: *Tnr, NeuroD2, L1cam, Syn2, Grn4*, and *Gabbr1* (see Supplemental Table [3](#SM3){ref-type="supplementary-material"} for the whole list). A close examination of the highest (*r* \> 0.9) correlates also revealed that at least 6 genes (*Gsk3a, Srgap1, Arhgap44, Ncdn, L1cam*, and *Lrrc4b)* were functionally associated with neurite outgrowth. The *Tubb3* synthetic network contained genes that were associated with completely different biological functions (Supplemental Figure [S2](#SM5){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). Several members of the tubulin family of proteins were at the top of the correlation list, such as *Tubg2, Tuba4a, Tubg1, Tubb5*, and *Tuba1b*. Gene Ontology analysis revealed enrichment in GO terms "guanyl nucleotide binding" and "protein polymerization" (both with adj. *p* \< 0.001), including the genes *Rab11b, Bab8a, Tufm, Rabb1b, Arf6*, and *Rab4b*. The highest correlates of the *Tubb3* synthetic trait were two genes encoding proteins from the Rab family (*Rab15* and *Rab4b*). Distinct groups of transcription factor binding sites are associated with the two RGC networks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since the *Thy1*- and the *Tubb3*-network were functionally enriched for distinct GO terms, we asked if this difference would be reflected in their transcription factor binding site (TFBS) distribution. We searched the promoter sequences for genes in the *Thy1*-network using the TRANSFAC FMatch algorithm (Matys et al., [@B40]) for over-represented TFBS in comparison to the *Tubb3*-network and vice versa (Tables [2a](#T2){ref-type="table"},[b](#T3){ref-type="table"}). Genes of the *Thy1*-network were \~4 times more enriched in TFBS for *p53* and *Dec1*, two master regulators of cell cycle progression (Qian et al., [@B51]). The *Thy1*-network was also more enriched in TFBS for PPAR gamma and estrogen receptor alpha as well as effectors SP1 and AP1. In contrast, the promoters of genes in the *Tubb3*-network were significantly enriched in TFBS of developmental origin, such as *Pax6, Six6*, proteins of the *Sox* and *Oct* family, as well as *Pou4f1*. ###### **Transcription factor binding site enrichment for genes of the *Thy1*-network**. **Transcription Factor** **Enrichment probability (fold) vs. Tubb3** **Matched promoters *p*-value** -------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- P53 3.6921 1.17E-04 TBP 4.7405 2.47E-03 PPARgamma:RXR-alpha 1.1771 1.07E-02 PPAR direct repeat 1.7507 1.34E-02 LXR, PXR, CAR, COU 1.9258 1.93E-02 DEC1 4.4442 2.11E-02 FOXJ1 4.4442 2.11E-02 AP-1 1.2523 3.47E-02 SP1 1.1402 4.62E-02 ER-alpha 2.4295 5.18E-02 ###### **Transcription factor binding site enrichment for genes of the *Tubb3*-network**. **Transcription Factor** **Enrichment probability (fold) vs. Thy1** **Matched promoters *p*-value** -------------------------- -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Pax-6 1.3845 2.13E-05 OTX 1.8106 5.81E-05 SRY 1.428 3.26E-04 Oct1 1.6876 2.71E-03 FOXO1 1.1574 3.08E-03 Sox1 3.0377 3.10E-03 Nkx6-2 1.3845 3.16E-03 Tst-1 1.2976 3.55E-03 Oct4 (POU5F1) 1.8934 3.90E-03 Foxc1 1.0931 4.14E-03 Foxm1 1.0472 5.44E-03 SIX6 secondary motif 1.6129 5.65E-03 NF-AT 1.2657 6.66E-03 Pitx3 1.2304 7.34E-03 Brn-2 1.6214 9.59E-03 POU4F1 4.219 9.66E-03 c-Myc:Max 1.8081 1.14E-02 Bach1 10.1255 1.25E-02 Dlx2 1.4746 1.36E-02 POU2F1 1.1806 1.45E-02 Genomic regulation of subtype-specific RGC markers -------------------------------------------------- Since our analysis revealed two distinct molecular networks governing normal RGC function, we hypothesized that subtype-specific RGC markers would contain regulatory signatures from either one or both RGC networks. Thus, we generated heat maps of the highest correlates of each subtype-specific marker (*Cartpt2, Jam2, Kcng4, Opn4, Spp1*, and *Hoxd10*, see Figure [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}). This comprehensive analysis revealed that two pairs of genes were regulated in a similar fashion: *Cartpt* and *Jam2* as well as *Kcng4* and *Opn4* showed very similar heat maps to each other. When we compared the heat maps for these 4 subtype-specific markers, we found that some of their bands were at identical loci as bands observed in the *Thy1*-network (Figure [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). While *Cartpt/Jam2* had the distinct band from distal Chromosome 1, *Kcng4*/*Opn4* shared a band on distal Chromosome 13. It was also noticed that the allelic distribution of correlates for *Cartpt/Jam2* seen as a blue line on distal Chromosome 1 was diametrical to the original *Thy1*-correlates, where the line was mostly yellow-red (see Figure [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). This simply implies that the top 20 correlates of *Cartpt* and *Jam2* are in fact correlated inversely to *Cartpt* or *Jam2* itself, whereas the top 20 correlates of *Thy1* are positively correlated to *Thy1* itself. ![**Heat maps for RGC subtype-specific marker genes**. *Cartpt/Jam2* share the trans-band on distal Chromosome 1 with the *Thy1*-network, whereas *Kcng4/Opn4* share the *Thy1*-network trans-band from Chromosome 13. There is no obvious overlap of trans-bands with either network for *Hoxd10*. For *Spp1*, no obvious trans-bands can be appreciated, suggesting that this gene is not part of a transcriptional network in its normal state.](fgene-07-00169-g0006){#F6} *Hoxd10* had very distinct trans-QTL bands that were not found elsewhere, and its correlates also did not contain any RGC-enriched genes. Since no connection of *Hoxd10* to either the *Thy1*- or the *Tubb3*-network (see Figure [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}) was observed, the lack of overlap with RGC-enriched genes casts doubt on the specificity of this marker for the identification of RGC subtypes based on gene expression. The eQTL pattern of *Spp1* was the most complex of all markers, as it lacked any clearly detectable *trans*-band. Overlap of correlates of subtype-specific markers with the *Thy1*-network and the *Tubb3*-network ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When we took the top 2000 correlates (an arbitrary cut-off) of each of the six subtype specific markers (*Cartpt, Jam2, Kcng4, Opn4, Hoxd10*, and *Spp1*) and examined the distributions of these markers across the *Thy1*- and the *Tubb3*-networks, we were able to see the relative interplay between these networks (Table [3](#T4){ref-type="table"}). For *Spp1* and *Hoxd10*, the majority of the overlap was seen with genes from the *Tubb3*-network. The picture was quite different for the remaining subtype-specific markers. For *Cartpt, Opn4, Kcng4*, and *Jam2*, the overlap was dominated by similarities with the *Thy1*-network. This analysis was also conducted using only the genes with a Pearson correlation value above 0.6 (adj. *p* \< 0.02) and it displayed a similar trend (Table [3](#T4){ref-type="table"}). Taken together these data indicate that each of the RGC subtypes has a unique interplay with the *Thy1*- and the *Tubb3*-networks. The dramatic differences in overlap between correlates may reflect the differential expression of the *Thy1*- and *Tubb3*-networks in different RGC subtypes. These relationships can also be seen in the network map (Figure [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}). ###### **Overlap of subtype-specific RGC markers with genes from the *Thy1*- and the *Tubb3*-network**. **Subtype Marker** **Top 2000** -------------------- ------------------------ ------------- ----------------------------- Cartpt 1022 54 1076 (27%) Jam2 382 25 407 (10.2%) Kcng4 326 241 567 (14.2%) Opn4 713 185 898 (22.5%) Hoxd10 10 19 29 (0.7%) Spp1 29 756 1785 (19.6%) **Subtype Marker** **Pearson *r* \> 0.6** ***Thy1*** ***Tubb3*** **Total Overlap (of 9982)** Cartpt 2482 0 2482 (24.9%) Jam2 1030 3 1033 (10.3%) Kcng4 886 207 1093 (10.9%) Opn4 1086 56 1142 (11.4%) Hoxd10 4 17 21 (0.2%) Spp1 13 9 22 (0.2%) For the top table, the top 2000 correlates of both networks served as comparison, whereas a Pearson r cutoff of \>0.6 was chosen for the lower table, corresponding to a Bonferroni-corrected value of p \< 0.02. Susceptibility of RGC marker genes to glaucomatous nerve damage --------------------------------------------------------------- The identification of RGC subtypes has raised the question whether or not there is a difference in susceptibility to nerve damage, subsequent cell survival, or axon regeneration. In order to test this hypothesis on a transcriptional level, we used publicly available microarray data generated from DBA/2J glaucomatous eyes (Howell et al., [@B24]) and correlated glaucoma severity score (GSS) with expression levels of RGC markers (Figure [7](#F7){ref-type="fig"}). As expected, expression levels of all general RGC markers decreased as nerve damage increased (implicated by the negative correlation between GSS and RGC markers in Figure [7](#F7){ref-type="fig"}, dashed blue line). This was also the case for two subtype-specific markers, *Jam2* and *Cartpt*. Interestingly, expression levels of markers for alpha-RGCs (*Kcng4* and *Spp1*) and ipRGCs (*Opn4*) did not correlate to GSS (cutoff *r* \< 0.6), suggesting that these two RGC subtypes are differentially susceptible to nerve damage. ![**Correlation network of Glaucoma Severity Score (GSS) to RGC markers during glaucoma progression**. The GSS is a visual grading system identifying axonal damage in the optic nerve and consists of 4 stages: no damage, light, medium, and severe damage. These stages are inversely correlated (dashed blue) to the expression levels of most RGC markers, suggesting that as RGCs die and axonal damage increases, mRNA expression of RGC marker genes decreases (most likely due to decrease in RGC number). The decrease of RGC marker gene expression is strongly correlated across glaucoma stages (red, *r* for all \>0.9). Markers for ipRGCs (*Opn4*) and alpha-RGCs (*Kcng4* and *Spp1*) do not correlate to GSS, possibly indicating their preferential survival.](fgene-07-00169-g0007){#F7} Discussion {#s3} ========== Using the DoD CDMRP Retina expression microarray dataset to examine correlates of known RGC markers across the BXD RI strain set, this study revealed two distinct gene networks regulating normal RGC function. Detecting these transcriptional networks with high statistical power required tissue from 55 RI strains with 4 biological replicates per strain. The bioinformatic tools on GeneNetwork allowed us to extract gene networks from a complex structure such as the mouse retina (Geisert et al., [@B17]; Keeley et al., [@B30]). Interestingly, almost all of the general RGC markers described in the literature (see Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"}) selectively group with one of two genetic networks, the *Thy1*-network or the *Tubb3*-network. Both *Thy1* (Barnstable and Drager, [@B4]) and *Tubb3* (Snow and Robson, [@B64]) are believed to be generalized markers for RGCs. Nonetheless, these markers segregate into two distinct genetic networks. Two scenarios could explain the biological basis of correlated genes that are co-regulated in BXD RI mice: (I) differences in cell number of each RGC subtype across the BXD strains, or (II), differences in gene expression within individual RGC subtypes (Geisert et al., [@B17]; Keeley et al., [@B30]). Currently, we are not able to distinguish between these two potential explanations. Our analysis also revealed that these networks have unique biological functions. Both the *Thy1*- and the *Tubb3*-networks contained large groups of genes that were consistent with a neuronal phenotype. However, they were each enriched in distinct functional roles. The *Thy1*-network appeared to be functionally involved in neuronal development and maintenance, as well as axon guidance. Some of the highest correlates of this network (*Gsk3a, Srgap1, Arhgap44, Ncdn, L1cam*, and *Lrrc4b)* were all previously reported to affect dendrite or axon pathfinding and outgrowth (Schwaibold and Brandt, [@B61]; Cherry et al., [@B8]; Ip et al., [@B26]; Galic et al., [@B16]). Therefore, this network could be directly involved in RGC process extension, potentially including dendrites and axons projecting to the brain. Furthermore, the network was enriched in transmembrane ion transporters. This included several calcium- and sodium-gated channel subunits, all of which have been previously localized to RGCs (Lipton and Tauck, [@B37]; Farrell et al., [@B15]). The *Tubb3*-network contained genes that differed in function from those of the *Thy1*-network. The biological processes enriched in this group included protein polymerization and organic substrate metabolic processes. Under molecular processes, the *Tubb3*-network was enriched for GTP binding proteins and GTPase activity, two mechanisms known to be essential for cellular transport involving the cytoskeleton (Roychowdhury and Rasenick, [@B54]; Schappi et al., [@B58]). The highest two correlates of the Tubb3-network were *Rab15* and *Rab4b*, two G-proteins that are known to play an important role in endosome formation and vesicle movement along actin and tubulin networks (Zuk and Elferink, [@B84]; Falk et al., [@B14]). Several other genes in this list were associated with intracellular trafficking, such as sorting nexin 32 (*Snx32*, a molecule that links transport vesicles to dynactin (Wassmer et al., [@B73]), vesicle associated membrane protein 1 (*Vamp1*, a SNARE protein important for linking vesicles to the target membrane; Hasan et al., [@B21]), *Pigu* (a GPI anchor protein; Guo et al., [@B20]), and *Tmem9* (part of the lysosomal membrane; Kveine et al., [@B35]). These genes were highly correlated with and specific to the *Tubb3*-network. These findings suggest that the *Tubb3*-network is functionally associated with cytoskeleton and vesicle transport in RGCs. Since neurons are known for the significant amount of cytoskeletal proteins necessary to maintain dendritic and axonal integrity (Kevenaar and Hoogenraad, [@B31]), it can be hypothesized that the *Tubb3*-network is involved in maintenance of these structural elements. Taken together, this analysis indicates that each network has distinct molecular functions and that both of these networks can exist independently within a single RGC. The functional differences between networks were mirrored by the transcription factor binding site (TFBS) analysis for promoters of their respective genes. Members of the *Thy1*-network showed significant enrichment in TFBS for proteins regulating cell cycle, growth and apoptosis (Tu et al., [@B69]). Genes belonging to the *Tubb3*-network, however, showed an over-representation of TFBS for transcription factors known to establish cell fate decisions during development, particularly in later stages. Proteins such as OTX1, PAX6, SIX6, or POU4F1 belonged to the latter group (Zagozewski et al., [@B81]). *Pou4f1* was not originally found in the correlates of the *Tubb3*-network, which might seem surprising. A possible explanation for this is that the *Thy1*-network, which correlates well with the expression of *Pou4f1* across the BXD strains, acts upstream of the *Tubb3*-network. In a developmental sense, this could suggest that members of the *Thy1*-network establish expression of *Pou4f1*, which can then bind to members of the *Tubb3*-network to influence their transcription. Because *Pou4f1* was originally not found to be part of the *Tubb3*-network but the *Thy1*-network instead, we hypothesize here that basic cell cycle tasks such as survival decisions are managed by members of the *Thy1*-network, while members of the *Tubb3*-network regulate the fine-tuning of RGC development, possibly even influencing subtype commitments. The identification of neuronal subtypes has gained a considerable amount of attention in neuroscience across a variety of scientific disciplines (Hoshino, [@B23]; Russ and Kaltschmidt, [@B56]). This is especially the case for RGC subtypes (Kay et al., [@B29]; Dhande et al., [@B10]; Sanes and Masland, [@B57]). The establishment of transgenic mouse models has recently transformed the field, and new paradigms are starting to emerge. For example, it is becoming increasingly evident that RGC subtypes seem to be differentially susceptible to nerve injury to the point of having different chances of survival or regeneration (Kay et al., [@B29]; Dhande et al., [@B10]; Pérez de Sevilla Müller et al., [@B47]; Duan et al., [@B12]; Sanes and Masland, [@B57]). In order to develop new therapeutic approaches to nerve regeneration, it may be necessary to tease apart the transcriptional programs of injury-susceptible and non-susceptible RGC subtypes. When we investigated the heat maps of subtype-specific gene correlates, we found that two pairs---*Kcng4/Opn4*, or *Jam2/Cartpt*---showed similarity to two different heat map bands from the *Thy1*-network. *Kcng4* marks alpha-RGCs, while *Opn4* marks ipRGCs, and these two subtypes were recently found to be most resistant to optic nerve crush (Pérez de Sevilla Müller et al., [@B47]; Duan et al., [@B12]). Since the regulatory pattern of those two gene pairs was very similar based on heat map analysis of their co-varying genes, it would be interesting to systematically investigate if these upstream modulatory loci are responsible for increased neuronal survival or regeneration. Bioinformatic analysis of RGC marker susceptibility to glaucomatous nerve damage supported the notion that alpha-RGCs and ipRGCs were also most resistant to neurodegeneration. The decrease in mRNA expression of alpha-RGC markers (*Kcng4, Spp1*) and ipRCG markers (*Opn4*) did not correlate with GSS (a visual grading scale for optic nerve axon damage), whereas the overwhelming majority of RGC markers did. Interestingly, the discovery of *Spp1* marking a particular RGC subtype had only been made after crush injury to the optic nerve in a mouse model (Pérez de Sevilla Müller et al., [@B47]; Duan et al., [@B12]). In this study, it was found that alpha-RGCs secreting Osteopontin (the protein made from the gene *Spp1*) were most resistant to optic nerve crush among all RGC subtypes, and that this protective effect was due to Osteopontin. We were not able to identify putative upstream modulatory loci for this gene due to the lack of distinct trans-QTL bands. This suggests that *Spp1* is part of a genetic network that needs to be activated by neuronal injury before it can be co-regulated in a more RGC-specific way. This phenomenon has been observed elsewhere for other genes following retinal injury (Templeton et al., [@B67]). In summary, we have identified multiple loci modulating RGC function in the BXD mouse strain set, and we have provided *in silico* evidence for the differential susceptibility of RGC subtypes to neurodegeneration and cell death. One caveat of this study is the fact that the performed analysis is only a correlative one. Proving a biological cause will require experimental manipulation of the mentioned genes and examination of the effects *in vivo* or *in vitro*. Nevertheless, our findings enhance the understanding of the RGC\'s normal transcriptome, as they are the first to describe gene regulatory networks for some of their subtypes. They may serve others and us as a reference for future studies on RGC subtype identification and their susceptibility to injury. Materials and methods {#s4} ===================== Animals ------- All of the procedures involving mice were approved by IACUC at Emory University and adhered to the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in Research. Microarray datasets ------------------- Two microarray datasets were used in this project as part of a comprehensive meta-analysis. i. The Department of Defense (DoD) Normal Retina Database (May2015). This is the most comprehensive retina microarray dataset and creation is described in King et al. ([@B34]). The DoD Normal Retina Dataset consists of 222 microarrays from 55 different strains BXD mice, the parental strain C57BL/6J, the parental strain DBA/2J and an F1 cross. ii. The Howell et al. ([@B24]), DBA/2J Glaucoma Retina M430 2.0 (Sep11) RMA database. This dataset consists of retinal tissue dissected from 40 DBA/2J mouse eyes at 10.5 months of age showing varying levels of RGC damage due to naturally occuring glaucoma in this mouse strain (as graded by visual inspection of the optic nerve). Twenty eyes served as negative controls. The generation of this dataset is described in Howell et al. ([@B24]). All of the used datasets are publicly accessible through [www.genenetwork.org](http://www.genenetwork.org). Statistical analysis and plot generation ---------------------------------------- GeneNetwork provided the platform for correlation analysis, principal component generation, and linkage analysis. In general, datasets were queried for gene symbols, downloaded from GeneNetwork, and additional analysis was performed in R whenever necessary. *P*-values mentioned in relation to Pearson\'s coefficient throughout this paper are based on pair-wise comparisons. All *p*-values were Bonferroni-adjusted for 36,012 genes, which is equal to the number of genes captured on the microarray after accounting for replicated and wrongly annotated probes. Plots were generated with R and the dplyr and ggplot2 packages. Cytoscape version 3.2.1 was used to generate gene network graphs. Gene ontology analysis ---------------------- GO analysis was performed using WebGestalt (Wang et al., [@B71]). The top 500 genes of each network were used to compile a gene list and duplicates were removed. GO term enrichment was calculated using Affymetrix MouseGene 2.0 ST probe set IDs against a background dataset from the same chip. GO trees are appended as expanded view data. All *p*-values presented in the GO analysis are corrected for multiple comparisons using the Bonferroni method. Candidate gene analysis ----------------------- A list of candidate genes for putative upstream modulators of both networks was created by extracting genes with cis-QTLs from the loci showing trans-bands. For a cis-QTL considered to be a good candidate gene, it should fulfill three conditions: (i) be expressed above background, (ii) correlate well with the trait used to create the trans-bands, and (iii) have a nucleotide variation that alters either protein structure or other regulatory elements (such as promoters or enhancers). These lists are appended as Supplemental Tables. Transcription factor binding site analysis ------------------------------------------ Gene lists including the top 500 correlated genes in each network were compiled, duplicates were removed, and uploaded to BIOBASE. The TRANSFAC FMatch algorithm was used to search for overrepresented neuron-specific transcription factor binding sites in the gene lists using the "best supported promoter" model for each gene (Matys et al., [@B40]). As a background dataset for both networks, the opposite network was chosen. Resulting *p*-values were Bonferroni-adjusted. The enrichment window for a gene\'s promoter was chosen to be −5000 to +100 bp of its best supported transcription start site. "Minimize false positives" was selected as cut-off method. The TRANSFAC data version was 2016.2, and only high-quality matrices were used for the analysis. WGCNA analysis -------------- Weighted gene network analysis was performed using the WGCNA package in the R environment (Langfelder and Horvath, [@B36]). A soft thresholding power of 10 was used to calculate the adjacency matrix based on the criterion of scale-free topology (Zhang and Horvath, [@B82]). Modules were identified using the following parameters for the blockwiseModules function: minimum module size of 100, merge cut height of 0.25, and maximum block size of 2000. The top 2000 correlates of *Thy1* and *Tubb3* were then each merged with their module affiliation by Affymetrix Probe Set ID and the resulting list was checked for overlaps. Immunohistochemistry -------------------- Two 60 day-old Thy1-CFP C57BL/6 transgenic mouse (Jax identifier B6.Cg-Tg(Thy1-CFP)23Jrs/J) were deeply anesthetized with a mixture of 13 mg/kg of xylazine and 87 mg/kg of ketamine and intracardially perfused with 0.9% saline followed by 4% paraformaldehyde. Retinas were dissected and flat-mounted on glass slides following a standard protocol. Retinas were blocked in 4% bovine serum albumin in PBS overnight. One retina was stained with anti-TUJ1 (a gift from Anthony Frankforter, dilution 1:1000) and anti-GFP (Invitrogen, 1:500) antibodies overnight and then labeled with appropriate Alexa Fluor-conjugated secondary antibodies. One retina served as negative secondary antibody control (data not shown). High-resolution Z-stacks were captured on a Nikon confocal microscope with the Nikon C1 software throughout the entire ganglion cell layer only. Z-stacks were collapsed using FiJi (Schindelin et al., [@B59]) and the whole image was adjusted for contrast and brightness using Adobe Photoshop. Accessibility of data {#s5} ===================== The data presented in this article is publicly available under [www.genenetwork.org](http://www.genenetwork.org) and can be downloaded under <http://genenetwork.org/webqtl/main.py?FormID=sharinginfo&GN_AccessionId=709>. Author contributions {#s6} ==================== FS, EG provided the initial design of the study. FS performed experiments and bioinformatic analyses with assistance from EG. FS, EG wrote the paper with input from RW and RL. RW supplied the datasets through the GeneNetwork platform and is responsible for its maintenance. RL has provided intellectual framework for this project as part of an ongoing collaborative effort between his laboratory and the laboratories of EG, RW. Conflict of interest statement ------------------------------ The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. This work was supported by DoD CDMRP Grant W81XWH1210255 from the USA Army Medical Research & Materiel Command and the Telemedicine and Advanced Technology (to EG), NIH Grant R01EY017841 (to EG), Vision Core Grant P30EY006360 (to P. Michael Iuvone), and Unrestricted Funds and a Stein Innovation Award from Research to Prevent Blindness (to the Ophthalmology Department at Emory University, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, and the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine). FS is supported by the institutional training grant T32EY007092-30 (to P. Michael Iuvone). The authors would like to thank Rebecca King for technical assistance with the retinal flat mounts and Dr. John Nickerson for his comments on the manuscript. Supplementary material {#s7} ====================== The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: <http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fgene.2016.00169> ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Click here for additional data file. [^1]: Edited by: Igor Ponomarev, University of Texas at Austin, USA [^2]: Reviewed by: Claudio V. Mello, Oregon Health & Science University, USA; Michael F. Miles, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA [^3]: This article was submitted to Neurogenomics, a section of the journal Frontiers in Genetics
INTRODUCTION ============ Robotic colorectal surgery was first performed in 2002, with studies describing robot-assisted laparoscopic colorectal surgery using the AESOP system (Computer Motion Inc., Goleta, CA, USA) for camera control and 2 patients who underwent da Vinci robot-assisted colonic mobilization \[[@B1][@B2]\]. Types of colorectal surgery performed robotically have included colectomy, total mesorectal excision (TME), perineal resection, total colectomy and rectopexy, with robotic colorectal surgery performed in patients with various disease, both benign and malignant \[[@B3][@B4][@B5]\]. Although several types of robotic systems were utilized previously, including the robotic Puma 560, PROBOT, ROBODOC, AESOP, DaVinci Robot, and Zeus systems \[[@B6]\], the da Vinci surgical system (Intuitive Surgical, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA) currently predominate. Compared with laparoscopic instruments, the da Vinci surgical system provides 3-dimensional imaging, excellent ergonomics, and tremor or motion scaling \[[@B7]\]. Robotic arms have enabled solo laparoscopic surgery, eliminating the need for an assistant, providing greater stability of views and reducing surgeon fatigue \[[@B8]\]. However, it is not presently confirmative whether these theoretical benefits of robotic colorectal surgery translate into favorable patient outcomes. Registered randomized clinical trials, including the international robotic versus laparoscopic resection for rectal cancer trial ([NCT01196000](http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01196000)) and the South Korean trial to assess robot-assisted surgery and laparoscopy-assisted surgery in patients with middle or lower rectal cancer ([NCT01423214](http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01423214)), are currently comparing laparoscopic and robotic surgery in patients with rectal cancer. Early results of the international robotic versus laparoscopic resection for rectal cancer trial ([NCT01196000](http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01196000)) have reported a lower conversion rate to open surgery for robotic than for laparoscopic surgery in male and obese patients \[[@B9]\]. Robotic surgery, however, has several drawbacks, including the lack of haptic sense, high cost, a bulky robotic cart, and collision between robotic arms \[[@B10]\]. Although the learning curve appears to be shorter for robotic than for laparoscopic colorectal surgery \[[@B10][@B11]\], understanding proper port placement for robotic colorectal surgery is necessary. Although the manufacturer of the da Vinci system recommends different pattern of port placements for right abdominal, left abdominal and pelvic surgery, they need to be modified according to diverse surgical approaches. This systematic review evaluated and analyzed current patterns of port placement for robotic surgery in patients with colorectal diseases, as well as providing future perspectives on port placement. METHODS ======= PubMed were searched from January 2009 to December 2018 using a combination of the search terms "robotic" \[MeSH\], "colon" \[MeSH\], "rectum" \[MeSH\], "colorectal" \[MeSH\], and "colorectal surgery" \[MeSH\]. Relevant studies were identified, and their reference lists were searched manually for additional relevant publications. Case series, retrospective and prospective studies, and randomized controlled trials with appropriate data were included if they used the da Vinci S, Si, or Xi robotic system and if they described port placement. Case reports, video vignettes, letters, editorials, review articles, articles describing robotic technologies, animal experiments, studies describing education about or simulation of robotic methods, studies with inappropriate data, non-English literatures, and studies that did not appropriately explain exactly about port placement were excluded ([Fig. 1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). Publications using the New Senhance Telerobotic and Soloassist systems were also excluded. Data from the same type of operation performed during the same period at the same institution were considered duplicates, whether or not the corresponding authors were the same. If studies were identified as duplicates, only the study with the largest group of patients, the most parameters reported, or the most recent data was included. Data collected from all included studies consisted of year of publication, first author, journal, robotic platform, operation type, number of ports, number of docks, docking time, total operation time, and number and rate of conversion. Variables were analyzed separately according to type of operation, including right-sided colectomy, left-sided colectomy, mesorectal excision, rectopexy, transanal approach, and surgery using a single-site platform. RESULTS ======= Literature search ----------------- The literature search initially yielded 785 titles, with 560 remaining when only those dealing with actual robotic colorectal surgery were included. After excluding the reviews and meta-analyses (n = 109), editorials and letters (n = 77), video vignettes (n = 56), non-English language articles (n = 38), training programs (n = 37), case reports (n = 27), and studies using robotic systems other than the da Vinci system (n = 8), 208 studies were included. Of these, 131 studies were excluded, 108 articles that did not describe port placement and 23 duplicated data. Thus, 77 studies were systematically reviewed ([Fig. 1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). Characteristics --------------- The number of publications that include robotic colorectal surgery has been constantly increasing over time, from 16 titles in 2009 to 183 titles in 2018 among the total of 785 titles. The 77 included studies described a total of 3,145 operations. Forty-three studies included 2,425 patients who underwent mesorectal excision, including anterior, low anterior, intersphincteric, and abdominoperineal resection, and Hartmann\'s procedure. Sixteen studies included 468 patients who underwent right-sided colectomy, 6 studies described 155 patients who underwent left-sided colectomy, 4 studies included 90 patients who underwent mesh ventral rectopexy, 7 studies described 113 patients who underwent transanal surgery, 2 studies included 19 patients who underwent total colectomy or total proctocolectomy, 1 study included patients who underwent transverse colectomy, and 1 study described patients who underwent surgery using a single-site platform. The robotic platforms included the da Vinci S or Si system for 2,920 operations and the da Vinci Xi system for 225 operations. Port placement for TME and left-sided colectomy ----------------------------------------------- Although the da Vinci system has been used for colorectal surgery, more than 70% of these operations were robotic TME. Although no technique has become standardized for left colon dissection and low anterior resection, several procedures have been described for the da Vinci S and Si systems ([Table 1](#T1){ref-type="table"}). The hybrid approach, in which various types of ports are placed using laparoscopic approach, consisted of laparoscopic mobilization of the splenic flexure and left colon, followed by robotic docking for dissection of the pelvis and completion of the procedure ([Fig. 2A](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). The double- or triple-docking technique included docking from the left upper or left hemi-abdomen for dissection of the splenic flexure, followed by docking to the left lower abdomen and placing an extra-port on the right side ([Fig. 2B](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). The single-docking technique included mobilization of the second and third robotic arms for the different parts without movement of patient cart ([Fig. 2C](#F2){ref-type="fig"}) \[[@B12]\]. Use of the da Vinci Xi system allowed a more simplified port configuration, with most studies using the configuration recommended by the manufacturer with minor variations ([Fig. 2D](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). Basically, the left-sided colectomy incorporated mobilization of the splenic flexure. Four studies using the da Vinci S or Si system described the double docking or hybrid technique as port placement, and 2 studies involving the da Vinci Xi system used the procedure described by the manufacturer, along with instruction and universal port placement ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type="table"}). Port placement for right-sided colectomy ---------------------------------------- Port placement of the da Vinci S or Si system for right-sided colectomy usually consisted of the reversed-"L"-shaped procedure, except 4 studies that used left lateral or vertically-straight port placement ([Table 3](#T3){ref-type="table"}, [Fig. 2E](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). The da Vinci Xi system used the procedure described by the suprapubic port placement and manufacturer\'s recommendation ([Fig. 2F, G](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). All right-sided colectomies were performed using the single-docking technique. Port placement for mesh ventral rectopexy ----------------------------------------- Complete rectal prolapse was treated by mesh ventral rectopexy using the da Vinci S or Si system. All 4 studies reported transverse port placement with the single-docking technique ([Table 4](#T4){ref-type="table"}, [Fig. 2H](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). Port placement for transanal approach and reduced port placement ---------------------------------------------------------------- The transanal approach using a robotic system included robotic transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS) and transanal total mesorectal excision (TATME). Four studies reported robotic TAMIS, and 3 reported robotic TATME. Robotic TAMIS was usually performed using 3 robotic arms due to limitations of the transanal space, whereas, robotic TATME used all 4 robotic arms due to abdominal phase ([Table 5](#T5){ref-type="table"}). One study described port placement for reduced port anterior resection using the robotic single-site platform with an additional 12-mm port ([Fig. 2I](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). DISCUSSION ========== Robotic surgery is a major advance in colorectal surgery and is increasingly utilized for colorectal resection, irrespective of tumor locations \[[@B3]\]. However, beginning colorectal surgeons hesitate to perform robotic surgery because of its various drawbacks including the need for proper port placement, the absence of tactile sensations, and high cost. This review summarizes current pattern of port placement for colorectal surgery and provides information to easily overcome problems related to port placement during various types of robotic colorectal surgery. Earlier published studies described the collision-related difficulties encountered during docking and port placement, especially when surgeons attempted to operate across other abdominal quadrants \[[@B13]\]. Reflecting the learning curve inherent to the adoption of robotic colorectal surgery, the use of standardized techniques and increased experience have resulted a shortening of port placement and docking time \[[@B11][@B14][@B15][@B16]\]. The present review described the simplified port placement associated with the da Vinci system and type of operative, findings that may be helpful for those learning robotic colorectal surgery. Improvements in the da Vinci system require robotic surgeons to review previous as well as recent studies. Port placement for earlier da Vinci models, including the 3 arm-based S to Si system, generally involved scattered sites across the abdomen \[[@B17]\]. The Xi model, however, allows a more simplified port configuration and a reduced learning curve, resulting in shorter docking times \[[@B13]\]. Studies about TME or left-sided colectomy that were published during the early 2010s, reported more frequent use of hybrid techniques and increases in the number of ports. The hybrid approach and double docking technique allowed to overcome the limited range of motion of the robotic arm during splenic mobilization and pelvic dissection, however, those techniques had longer operation time, compared with the single-docking technique \[[@B18][@B19]\]. The single-docking technique provides advantages in omitting the movement of the patient cart, resulting in shorter operative time, whereas, that technique might need to overcome the learning curve and to understand the port configuration and the proper distance between the ports \[[@B18]\]. Although the da Vinci S and Si systems are being replaced by the da Vinci Xi system, studies describing port placement have decreased over time, making port placement slightly problematic when using the Xi platform. Although the console experience and operative technique of the Xi system similar to those of the S and Si systems, the extra features of the Xi system, including collision avoidance mechanisms, automatic targeting, motion-censored table, and boom features, appear to reduce the stress associated with port placement \[[@B13][@B20]\]. The reversed-"L"-shaped port placement for robotic right colectomy was used in almost all studies using the S or Si system, except that 22 studies published in 2010 involved diamond-shaped or vertically-straight port placement using the 3 arm-based S system and 2 studies with left lateral port placement. The reversed-"L"-shaped port placement for the S or Si system results in wider coverage of the right upper quadrant than diamond-shaped or left lateral port placement. A recent study described use of a suprapubic approach, with extension of the incision between the ports and the extra features of the Xi system providing a more cosmetic effect, and the longer arm and boom system resulting in wider and more flexible coverage than previous platforms \[[@B21]\]. Many of the reviewed studies described intracorporeal anastomosis during robotic right colectomy, with a rate of adoption higher than that of robotic TME. Although this intracorporeal technique required a longer operation time, it maximized the outcomes of robotic right colectomy, including better cosmetic results and easier suturing, compared with a laparoscopic approach, resulting in a completely minimally invasive procedure \[[@B22][@B23][@B24]\]. Although the innovative transanal and transrectal techniques have been developed in recent years, the present review included only 7 studies describing port placement using these robotic methods. A pure TATME procedure for rectal cancer remains technically challenging, with almost 40% of patients requiring abdominal assistance \[[@B25]\]. Abdominal assistances also remained essential when robotic systems were utilized to overcome the limitations of the TATME \[[@B26][@B27][@B28][@B29]\]. The robotic abdominal approach requires appropriate port placement, whereas the optimal docking angle is required for the robotic transanal approach. One study suggested that the optimal docking angle for the robotic cart to avoid external collisions was an oblique approach from the left of the patient, at a 45° angle to the operating table \[[@B29]\]. The port configuration of the transanal area usually included 2 operative trocars at the base and a trocar for the 30° upward-looking endoscope at the apex \[[@B29]\], and the port placement sometimes changed 2 operative trocars in the apex according to the tumor location during TAMIS. The da Vinci SP model, which recently became available, may be more efficient in the transanal approach. Further experiences are needed to assess the outcomes of TATME using the SP model. Apart from the ordinary robotic procedures, the reduced port placement with the intracorporeal anastomosis would allow it to maximize the cosmetic effect even this study included only 1 study. This reduced port placement with a sing-site platform or the SP model may have the possibility of an advance. Port placement using the Xi system may be optimal for single-stage totally robotic dissection of the entire abdomen \[[@B30]\], Universal port placement maximally utilized the advantages of the da Vinci Xi model, including the universal 8-mm da Vinci port that allowed insertion of the endoscope into any port, a rotatable boom that could cover all 4 quadrants of the abdomen, without any instrumental collisions ([Fig. 2J](#F2){ref-type="fig"}) \[[@B30]\]. Universal port placement may be required for proper placement of the assistant port and for determining the axis of the linear port line. In conclusion, recent studies show that the operation time and conversion rate of single-docking technique in the da Vinci Si system are similar to previous dual or triple-docking technique and use of da Vinci Xi system allows a more simplified linear port configuration. Although port placement using the robotic system varies by operation type and surgeon preference, development of port placement would allow to reduce the number of port and movement of cart and to realize more minimally invasive surgery. This work was supported by National Research Foundation (KRF) grant funded by the Korean Government, Ministry of Science and ICT (2016R1E1A1A02919844). **CONFLICTS OF INTEREST:** No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. ![A diagram of literature search and selection.](astr-98-31-g001){#F1} ![Port placement for robotic total mesorectal excision (A--D) or left-sided colectomy (A, B) using the da Vinci S, Si, or Xi system. (A) Port placement for hybrid technique including laparoscopic splenic flexure or left colon mobilization. (B) Double docking port placement with movement of the patient cart according to the dissection area. (C) Single-docking port placement including the rotation of robotic arms without movement of patient cart. (D) Port placement recommended by the manufacturer using the da Vinci Xi system. Port placement for robotic right-sided colectomy (E--G) and ventral mesh rectopexy (H). (E) Reversed-L-shaped port placement with minor variation using the da Vinci S or Si system. (F) Suprapubic port placement with wound extension between the 2 suprapubic ports for the extraction of the specimen. (G) Port placement that was recommended by the manufacturer using the da Vinci Xi system. (H) Port placement with minor variations for robotic ventral mesh rectopexy that was focused on the pelvic dissection. Extraordinary port placement. (I) Reduced port placement for anterior resection using single-site platform with an additional port. (J) Universal port placement for all 4-quadrant colorectal surgery. R1, arm 1 for monopolar scissors or cautery hook; R2, arm 2 for Maryland or Fenestrated bipolar forceps; R3, arm 3 for tip-up fenestrated grasper or Cadiere forceps; A, assistant port; C, camera port; ASIS, anterior superior iliac supine; MCL, mid-clavicular line; SF, dissection for splenic flexure; P, dissection for pelvis; Docking, placement of the patient cart; S, single-site platform.](astr-98-31-g002){#F2} ###### Studies describing robotic total mesorectal excision ![](astr-98-31-i001) SF mobil, splenic flexure mobilization; Intracorporeal, intracorporeal anastomosis; H, hybrid; D, double; S, single; M, manufacturer; Lap, laparoscopic; Robot, robotic; Umbilical, periumbilical incision including umbilical port extension; LLQ, left lower quadrant; NOTES, natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery; RLQ, right lower quadrant. ^a)^Mean ± standard deviation or median (range). ###### Studies describing robotic left-sided colectomy ![](astr-98-31-i002) SF mobil, splenic flexure mobilization; Intracorporeal, intracorporeal anastomosis; H, hybrid; D, double; M, manufacturer; U, universal; Lap, laparoscopic, Robot, robotic; LLQ, left lower quadrant; RLQ, right lower quadrant; Pubic, suprapubic area. ^a)^Mean ± standard deviation or median (range). ###### Studies describing robotic right colectomy ![](astr-98-31-i003) Intracorporeal, intracorporeal anastomosis; Pfannen, Pfannenstiel incision; RLQ, right lower quadrant; RUQ, right upper quadrant; Pubic, suprapubic incision. ^a)^Mean ± standard deviation or median (range). ###### Studies of robotic mesh ventral rectopexy ![](astr-98-31-i004) ^a)^Mean ± standard deviation or median (range). ###### Studies of robotic transanal surgery ![](astr-98-31-i005) TAMIS, transanal minimally invasive surgery; TATME, transanal total mesorectal excision. ^a)^Mean ± standard deviation or median (range).
\section{Introduction} Parametric processes in the high gain regime are the most common and simple processes for generating a variety of quantum states including twin beam states, squeezed states, EPR-entangled states \cite{walls} for the applications in continuous variable quantum information processing, quantum communication, and quantum metrology \cite{reid}. For achieving high gain operation, ultra-short pulse pumping in single-pass configuration \cite{kumar} is usually preferred due to its high concentration of energy and ease of operation. This has been done in optical waveguide structure \cite{wg} and optical fiber systems \cite{guo16} in which spatial modes are well defined. However, due to ultrashort pulses in pumping and dispersion in nonlinear media, the spectral correlation is extremely complicated \cite{guo13}. Fortunately, the complicated spectral correlation can be decomposed into independent temporal modes \cite{lvo,sil}. This was first pointed out by Law {\it et al.} \cite{law} for the low gain case where two-photon events dominate and used in the analysis of the mode structure for the generation of high quality single- and two-photon states \cite{cui20}. In the high gain regime, the existence of independent pairwise entangled temporal modes was recently confirmed experimentally in a direct measurement of the temporal mode profiles and in subsequent correlation measurement \cite{huo20}. However, the common treatment of parametric interaction Hamiltonian \cite{sil} only works in the limit of low gain or in the regime of spontaneous emission but fails at high gain because it does not consider the issue of time ordering of the Hamiltonian and thus leads to the incorrect result that temporal modes do not change in the high gain limit \cite{sipe}. Indeed, recent studies with approaches that avoid the time ordering issue showed the spectrum broadening as the gain increases \cite{sha20}. The experiment that directly measured the temporal mode functions also confirmed the change of mode structure and mode functions as the gain increases \cite{huo20}. The change of mode structure and mode functions with gain is troublesome in the production and applications of high quality quantum sources with quantum entanglement and noise reduction such as EPR entangled states and squeezed states, which require high gain operation in parametric processes. This is because the measurement on these states relies on the homodyne measurement technique in which the mode match between the local oscillator field (LO) and the quantum field is paramount and any mode mismatch is equivalent to losses and introduces extra vacuum noise. The knowledge of the exact profile of the mode functions will enable us to tailor the shape of LO field to match the quantum field \cite{huo20}. But the change of the mode functions means that we also need to adjust the shape of LO to accommodate the change. The shape of the mode functions is also important for quantum pulse gates \cite{sil11,sil14,ray14} in temporal mode multiplexing. But so far there is no analysis about how mode structure and mode functions change with the gain. In this paper, we will investigate the pulse-pumped single-pass parametric processes at arbitrary pumping power. We will use an operator input-output approach that is usually employed for treating multi-stage nonlinear interferometers \cite{ou12}. This avoids the time ordering issue of the interaction Hamiltonian and allows us to derive a set of coupled operator evolution equations in differential-integral form. We solve them numerically and analyze the mode structure and mode functions at the final output ports as a function of the pump parameter. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec.II, we introduce the input-output approach for the single-mode case of a multi-stage nonlinear interferometer involving parametric processes. In Sec.III, we apply the approach to the evolution of the fields in broadband parametric processes pumped by a pulse for an arbitrary length of nonlinear medium. We discuss mode decomposition in Sec.IV and solve numerically the state evolution in Sec.V to find how mode structure and mode functions change with the gain. We conclude with a discussion in Sec.VI. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=4.5cm]{Fig-SU.jpg} \caption{An SU(1,1) interferometer with parametric amplifiers (PA$_1$,PA$_2$) in place of beam splitters. } \label{fig:SU} \end{figure} \section{Multi-stage SU(1,1) interferometers} In order to reveal the issue of time ordering in the derivation of evolution operator in parametric processes and find ways to tackle it, we consider an SU(1,1) interferometer, shown in Fig.\ref{fig:SU}, which consists of two parametric amplifiers (PA$_1$, PA$_2$) characterized by gain parameters $g_1$, $g_2$ together with a phase shift $\theta$ in between. This interferometer has recently been studied extensively \cite{ouli20} for precision phase measurement beyond standard quantum limit \cite{hud14}, quantum imaging with undetected photons \cite{zei14}, and quantum state engineering \cite{su19,li20}. The two PAs are described by the Hamiltonians: \begin{equation} \label{H-PA} \hat H_{PA}(\xi_j) = i\hbar \xi_j\hat a^{\dag}\hat b^{\dag} - i\hbar \xi_j^*\hat a\hat b, \end{equation} where $j=1,2$. The input-output relations can be derived from evolution operators $\hat U_j = e^{(1/i\hbar)\hat H_{PA}(\xi_j)t} (j=1,2)$ and are respectively given as \begin{eqnarray} \label{in-out} \hat a_1 &=& G_1\hat a_0 + g_1\hat b_0^{\dag} ,~~ \hat b_1 = G_1\hat b_0 + g_1\hat a_0^{\dag}; \cr \hat a_2 &=& G_2\hat a_1' + g_2\hat b_1^{'\dag} ,~~ \hat b_2 = G_2\hat b_1' + g_2\hat a_1^{'\dag}; \end{eqnarray} where $\hat a_1'=\hat a_1 e^{i\theta/2}, \hat b_1'=\hat b_1 e^{i\theta/2}$, the amplitude gains $g_j\equiv (\xi_j/|\xi_j|)\sinh|\xi_jt| (j=1,2)$, and $G_j=\cosh |\xi_jt|$ for interaction time period of $t$. Here we assume the phase shifts are the same for both fields: $\theta_a=\theta_b=\theta/2$. The outputs of the interferometer are then \cite{ou12} \begin{eqnarray} \label{in-out2} \hat a_2 &=& G_T\hat a_0 + g_T\hat b_0^{\dag},~ \hat b_2 = G_T\hat b_0 + g_T\hat a_0^{\dag},~~~~ \end{eqnarray} with \begin{eqnarray} \label{G-T} G_T &=& G_1G_2e^{i\theta/2} + g_1^*g_2e^{-i\theta/2} \cr g_T &=& G_1^*g_2e^{-i\theta/2} + g_1G_2e^{i\theta/2}. \end{eqnarray} This shows that we can treat the whole system as one parametric amplifier with equivalent amplitude gains $g_T$, $G_T$. Furthermore, besides a propagation phase of $e^{i\theta/2}$ for both fields, the extra phase shift $e^{i\theta}$ can be absorbed in $g_2$ by redefining $g_2'\equiv g_2e^{-i\theta}$ or $\xi_2'\equiv \xi_2e^{-i\theta}$. Here $\xi_2'= \xi_2e^{-i\theta}$ takes the propagation phase shift $e^{i\theta}$ into consideration. Notice that only when $\arg \xi_1= \arg \xi_2-\theta$, other than a common phase of $e^{i\theta/2}$ for both fields, the whole system can be described by an equivalent overall Hamiltonian $\hat H_T = \hat H_{PA}(\xi_T) = \hat H_{PA}(\xi_1)+\hat H_{PA}(\xi_2')$ with $\xi_T=\xi_1+\xi_2'$. But if $\arg \xi_1 \ne \arg \xi_2-\theta$, then $\hat H_T \ne \hat H_{PA}(\xi_1)+\hat H_{PA}(\xi_2')$. This is because $e^{(1/i\hbar)\hat H_{PA}(\xi_1)t}e^{(1/i\hbar)\hat H_{PA}(\xi_2')t}\ne e^{(1/i\hbar)[\hat H_{PA}(\xi_1)+\hat H_{PA}(\xi_2')]t}$ if $[\hat H_{PA}(\xi_1), \hat H_{PA}(\xi_2')]\ne 0$ when $\arg \xi_1 \ne \arg \xi_2-\theta$. This will have an inconvenient consequence when we extend the interferometer to multiple stages \cite{cui20,li20}, as shown in Fig.\ref{fig:ill}. Because the phases in each stage are arbitrary, we therefore cannot write the overall Hamiltonian as the sum of each stage: \begin{equation} \label{H-T0} \hat H_{T} \ne \sum_j i\hbar(\xi_j'\hat a^{\dag}\hat b^{\dag} - \xi_j^{'*}\hat a\hat b), \end{equation} where the phase shifts at each stage are absorbed in the interaction parameter $\xi_j' = \xi_je^{-i\theta_j}$. To solve this problem, we can proceed by using repeatedly Eq.(\ref{G-T}) to add each stage and obtain a recursive relation. Specifically for Eq.(\ref{G-T}), we treat all the stage added up to stage $k$ as the first PA with equivalent amplitude gains $G_T(k), g_T(k)$ and the second PA is the $k+1$-th stage to be added: \begin{eqnarray} \label{G-T2} &&G_T(k+1) = G_T(k)G_{k+1}e^{i\theta_{k}/2} + g_T^*(k)g_{k+1}e^{-i\theta_{k}/2} \cr &&g_T(k+1) = G_T^*(k)g_{k+1}e^{-i\theta_{k}/2} + g_T(k)G_{k+1}e^{i\theta_{k}/2}. ~~~~ \end{eqnarray} \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=8.5cm]{Fig-mPA.jpg} \caption{A multi-stage SU(1,1) interferometer. } \label{fig:ill} \end{figure} Unfortunately, we cannot find an analytical expression for the final outputs. In order to have some general idea about the outputs, we consider each stage has an infinitesimally small gain and phase shift whose sizes are proportional to an infinitesimal length scale $\Delta x$ along the field propagation direction: $g_k\approx \zeta(x) \Delta x, \theta_k \approx \eta(x)\Delta x$ and we use location $x=k\Delta x$ to denote the $k$-th stage. When $\Delta x\rightarrow 0$, $G_{k+1} = \sqrt{1+|g_{k+1}|^2} \approx 1 +o(\Delta x)$. So, Eq.(\ref{G-T2}) can be approximated as \begin{eqnarray} \label{G-T3} &&G_T(x+\Delta x) \approx G_T(x)(1+ i\eta \Delta x/2) + g_T^*(x)\zeta \Delta x \cr &&g_T(x+\Delta x) \approx G_T^*(x)\zeta \Delta x + g_T(x)(1+ i\eta \Delta x/2). ~~~~ \end{eqnarray} or \begin{eqnarray} \label{G-T4} &&\frac{d}{dx} G_T(x) = \zeta(x) g_T^*(x) + \frac{i \eta(x)}{2} G_T(x) \cr &&\frac{d}{dx} g_T(x) = \zeta(x) G_T^*(x) + \frac{i \eta(x)}{2} g_T(x). \end{eqnarray} These are the evolution equations for a parametric amplifier with continuous gain function $\zeta(x)$. The phase parameter $\eta(x)$ usually corresponds to phase mismatching. The initial condition is obviously $G_T(0)=1, g_T(0)=0$. It is hard to solve analytically the differential equations if $\zeta(x), \eta(x)$ depend on location $x$. For simplicity, let us assume $\zeta, \eta$ be constant. Then, Eq.(\ref{G-T4}) can be solved analytically and have the following solution: \noindent If $\zeta \le \eta/2$ and $\eta_0\equiv \sqrt{\eta^2 - 4|\zeta|^2}$, we have \begin{eqnarray} \label{G-T5} &&G_T(x) = \cos \frac{\eta_0 x}{2} + i\frac{\eta}{\eta_0}\sin\frac{\eta_0 x}{2}\cr &&g_T(x) = \frac{2\zeta}{\eta_0}\sin\frac{\eta_0 x}{2}. \end{eqnarray} If $\zeta \ge \eta/2$ and $\zeta_0\equiv \sqrt{|\zeta|^2-(\eta/2)^2}$, we have \begin{eqnarray} \label{G-T6} &&G_T(x) = \cosh (\zeta_0 x) + i\frac{\eta}{2\zeta_0}\sinh(\zeta_0 x)\cr &&g_T(x) = \frac{\zeta}{\zeta_0}\sinh(\zeta_0 x). \end{eqnarray} The exponential growth of the gain when $\zeta \ge \eta/2$ is typical of high gain parametric amplifiers. But the oscillatory low gain behavior when $\zeta \le \eta/2$ is the result of interference as we will see in the following. In the limit of $\zeta\ll 1$, we have \begin{eqnarray} \label{g-T} G_T(x) &=& e^{i\eta x/2},\cr g_T(x) &=& \zeta x ~{\rm sinc}(\eta x/2)\equiv e^{i\eta x/2} x \xi_T \cr &=& e^{i\eta x/2} \int_0^x dx' \zeta e^{-i\eta x'}. \end{eqnarray} The extra phase factor $e^{i\eta x/2}$ extracted out of $g_T$ is for the consistency with $G_T$ and is due to propagation of the fields through the system. The gain parameters in Eq.(\ref{g-T}) are equivalent to an overall Hamiltonian of interaction parameter $\xi_T\equiv \zeta e^{-i\eta x/2}{\rm sinc}(\eta x/2)$ with evolution time $t$ replaced by $x$: \begin{equation} \label{H-T} \hat H_{T} = i\hbar(\xi_T\hat a^{\dag}\hat b^{\dag} - \xi_T^*\hat a\hat b), \end{equation} which can thought of as the sum of all the stages: \begin{eqnarray} \label{H-T2} \hat H_{T} &=& \frac{1}{x}\int_0^x dx' i\hbar \zeta e^{-i\eta x'}\hat a^{\dag}\hat b^{\dag} +h.c. \cr &=& \frac{1}{x} \int_0^x \hat H(d\xi'). \end{eqnarray} Here, $d\xi' = \zeta e^{-i\eta x'} dx'$ is the infinitesimal gain parameter for each infinitesimal stage. Note that this equivalence is true only when $\zeta(x)= $ constant and $\eta(x)= $ constant As a matter of fact, when gain parameters $|g_1|, |g_2| \ll 1$, we can add the two Hamiltonian to obtain overall Hamiltonian: $\hat H_T = \hat H_{PA}(\xi_T) = \hat H_{PA}(\xi_1)+\hat H_{PA}(\xi_2')$. This can be seen from evolution operator \begin{eqnarray} \label{U-T} \hat U_{T} &=& \hat U_2(\xi_2) \hat U_1(\xi_1') = e^{\hat H(\xi_2)\Delta x/i\hbar}e^{\hat H(\xi_1')\Delta x/i\hbar} \cr &\approx & [1+\hat H(\xi_2)\Delta x/i\hbar][1+\hat H(\xi_1')\Delta x/i\hbar]\cr &\approx & 1+\hat H(\xi_2)\Delta x/i\hbar+ \hat H(\xi_1')\Delta x/i\hbar \cr &= & 1 + \hat H_T\Delta x/i\hbar \approx e^{\hat H_T\Delta x/i\hbar}, \end{eqnarray} Here, we assumed $|g_1|=|\xi_1|\Delta x\ll 1, |g_2|= |\xi_1'|\Delta x \ll 1$ and $\xi_1'=\xi_1e^{-i\theta}$ with phase shift $e^{-i\theta}$ included. So, when the amplitude gains $|g_j|\ll 1$, we can simply add the Hamiltonian of each stage: \begin{eqnarray} \label{H-T3} \hat H_{T} &=& \sum_j i\hbar(\xi_j'\hat a^{\dag}\hat b^{\dag} - \xi_j^{'*}\hat a\hat b) \end{eqnarray} and \begin{eqnarray} \label{g-T3} g_{T} &=& \sum_k g_k' = \sum_k g_k e^{-i\theta_k}. \end{eqnarray} The above can also be thought of as a result of two-photon interference among the pair of photons generated by each stage \cite{cui20,li20}. This can be confirmed by looking at the output state for vacuum input: \begin{eqnarray} \label{Psi-T} |\Psi\rangle_{T} &=& \hat U_T |0\rangle \cr &\approx & |0\rangle + (\sum_k g_k')|1_a,1_b\rangle\cr &=& |0\rangle + \sum_k |\Psi\rangle_k \end{eqnarray} with $|\Psi\rangle_k$ as the two-photon state generated by $k$-th stage. Notice that Eq.(\ref{H-T3}) is true only if the overall amplitude gain $g_T$ is much smaller than 1 so that the last step of Eq.(\ref{U-T}) stands. For the high gain case, Eq.(\ref{H-T3}) does not stand and we have to resort to Eq.(\ref{G-T2}) or Eq.(\ref{G-T6}). This will pose serious problem in finding solution for a broad band parametric amplifier in the high gain regime. \section{Broadband Parametric Amplifier} When parametric processes are pumped by high power pulses, broadband parametric amplification is achieved. They can be used to produce quantum entangled fields with a wide bandwidth. The traditional treatment of this situation is to start with a multi-mode Hamiltonian of the form \cite{sil,guo13} \begin{eqnarray} \hat H_M &=& \chi \int d\omega_1d\omega_2 d\omega_3 \Psi(\omega_1,\omega_2,\omega_3)\hat a^{\dag}(\omega_1) \hat b^{\dag}(\omega_2)\cr &&\hskip 0.3in \times A_p(\omega_3)e^{i(\omega_1+\omega_2-\omega_3)t}+ h.c. , ~~~~\label{H-M} \end{eqnarray} where subscript ``M" denotes multi-mode, $\chi$ is some parameter proportional to the nonlinear coefficient of nonlinear medium of length $L_0$, $A_p(\omega_3)$ is the spectral amplitude of the pump field, and $\Psi(\omega_1,\omega_2,\omega_3)$ is obtained from spatial integration: \begin{equation} \Psi(\omega_1,\omega_2,\omega_3) \equiv \int_0^{L_0} dz e^{-iz \Delta k} = { L_0 } \frac {\sin \beta}{ \beta}e^{-i\beta} \label{phi} \end{equation} with $\beta \equiv \Delta k L_0/2$ and $\Delta k \equiv k_1+k_2-k_3$ as the phase mismatching. We then find evolution operator as \begin{eqnarray}\label{U} \hat U = \exp\left\{\frac{1}{ i\hbar}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} dt \hat H_M\right\} \end{eqnarray} where time integration gives rise to a delta-function $\delta(\omega_1+\omega_2-\omega_3) $ and the integrated Hamiltonian has the form of \begin{eqnarray}\label{H} \int dt\hat H_M = i\hbar G \int d \omega_1 d\omega_2\Phi(\omega_1,\omega_2)\hat a ^{\dag}(\omega_1)\hat b^{\dag}(\omega_2)+ h.c.,\cr && \end{eqnarray} with $G\equiv \chi /C$ as a dimensionless gain parameter such that \begin{equation} \Phi(\omega_1,\omega_2) \equiv {2\pi C L_0 } \frac{\sin \beta}{ \beta}e^{-i\beta} A_p(\omega_1+\omega_2) \label{Phi} \end{equation} is normalized: $\int d \omega_1 d\omega_2|\Phi(\omega_1,\omega_2)|^2 =1$. In general, this gives rise to a complicated coupling of different frequency components at the outputs: \begin{eqnarray} \label{ha} &&\hat{a}^{(o)}(\omega_1)=\hat{U}^{\dag} \hat{a}(\omega_1) \hat{U}\cr &&\hskip 0.15in =\int h_{1a}(\omega_1,\omega_1')\hat{a}(\omega_1') d\omega_1'+ \int h_{2a}(\omega_1,\omega_2')\hat{b}^{\dag}(\omega_2') d\omega_2'\cr && \end{eqnarray} \begin{eqnarray} \label{hb} &&\hat{b}^{(o)}(\omega_2)=\hat{U}^{\dag} \hat{b}(\omega_2) \hat{U}\cr &&\hskip 0.15in=\int h_{1b}(\omega_2,\omega_2')\hat{b}(\omega_2') d\omega_2'+ \int h_{2b}(\omega_1', \omega_2)\hat{a}^{\dag}(\omega_1') d\omega_1' ,\cr && \end{eqnarray} where $\hat{a}^{(o)},\hat{b}^{(o)}$ are the outputs at the end of nonlinear medium and $\hat{a}(\omega_1),\hat{b}(\omega_2)$ are those at the start. But we can make a singular value decomposition (SVD) of the joint spectrum function (JSF) $\Phi(\omega_1,\omega_2)$: \begin{equation} \Phi(\omega_1,\omega_2) =\sum_k r_k \psi_k(\omega_1)\varphi_k(\omega_2), \label{SDV} \end{equation} where $\{\psi_k, \phi_k\}$ are two sets of ortho-normal functions: $\int d\omega_1 \psi_j^*(\omega_1)\psi_k(\omega_1)=\delta_{jk} = \int d\omega_2 \varphi_j^*(\omega_2)\varphi_k(\omega_2)$ and $\{r_k\}$ are non-negative numbers satisfying $\sum_k r^2_k=1$. Then Eq.(\ref{H}) becomes \begin{eqnarray}\label{H2} \int dt\hat H_M = i\hbar G \sum_k r_k \hat A_k^{\dag}\hat B_k^{\dag}+ h.c. \end{eqnarray} with $\hat A_k\equiv \int d\omega_1 \psi_j^*(\omega_1)\hat a(\omega_1), \hat B_k \equiv \int d\omega_2 \varphi_j^*(\omega_2)\hat b(\omega_2)$ satisfying $[\hat A_j,\hat A_k^{\dag}]=\delta_{jk}=[\hat B_j,\hat B_k^{\dag}]$. Together with Eq.(\ref{U}), this leads to de-coupling of the different temporal modes $\hat A_k$ and $\hat B_k$ for the two output fields: \begin{eqnarray} \hat{A}_{k}^{(o)}&=& \cosh {(r_k G)} \hat{A}_{k} + \sinh {(r_k G)}\hat{B} ^\dagger _{k},\cr \hat{B}_{k}^{(o)} &=& \cosh {(r_k G)} \hat{B}_{k} + \sinh {(r_k G)}\hat{A} ^\dagger_{k}, \label{Ak-evl} \end{eqnarray} Unfortunately, it was pointed out \cite{sipe} that the evolution operator in Eq.(\ref{U}) is not correct for the Hamiltonian in Eq.(\ref{H-M}) because $[\hat H_M(t),\hat H_M(t')] \ne 0$ for $t\ne t'$. The reason is the same as those for Eq.(\ref{H-PA}). But Eqs.(\ref{ha},\ref{hb}) are still correct for the Hamiltonian in Eq.(\ref{H-M}). \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{Fig-DL.jpg} \caption{A parametric amplifier from a single-pass pulse-pumped nonlinear medium. } \label{NM} \end{figure} In order to treat this in a correct manner, we can apply the same approach in previous section. Consider a nonlinear medium of length $L$ which is divided into a small segment of size $\Delta L$, as shown in Fig.\ref{NM}. Let us treat the small segment first. The Hamiltonian is given from Eq.(\ref{H-M}) for the small segment as \begin{eqnarray} \hat H(z,\Delta L) &=& \chi \int d\omega_1d\omega_2 d\omega_3 \int_z^{z+\Delta L} dz' e^{-iz'\Delta k} \hat a^{\dag}(\omega_1,z) \cr &&\hskip 0.1in \times \hat b^{\dag}(\omega_2,z) A_p(\omega_3)e^{i(\omega_1+\omega_2-\omega_3)t}+ h.c. , ~~~~~~\label{H-M2} \end{eqnarray} where the spatial integration starts at $z$ instead of $0$ because the $\Delta L$ segment is located at $z$ inside the medium and we assume that there is no pump depletion. For $\Delta L = dL \rightarrow 0$, we have \begin{eqnarray} \hat H(z,dL) &=& \chi dL \int d\omega_1d\omega_2 d\omega_3 e^{-iz\Delta k} \hat a^{\dag}(\omega_1,z)\hat b^{\dag}(\omega_2,z) \cr &&\hskip 0.1in \times A_p(\omega_3)e^{i(\omega_1+\omega_2-\omega_3)t}+ h.c. + o(dL).~~~~~~~~\label{H-M3} \end{eqnarray} The evolution operator for this segment is given by the Dyson series: \begin{eqnarray} \hat U(z,\Delta L) = 1 + \sum_{n=1} \hat U_n \label{Uz} \end{eqnarray} with \begin{eqnarray} \hat U_n &=& \left(\frac{1}{i\hbar}\right)^n \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} dt_1 \int_{-\infty}^{t_1}dt_2...\int_{-\infty}^{t_{n-1}}dt_n \cr && \hskip 0.3in \times \hat H(z,dL,t_1)...\hat H(z,dL,t_n).\label{Un} \end{eqnarray} Eq.(\ref{Uz}) becomes Eq.(\ref{U}) if $[\hat H(z,dL,t_1),\hat H(z,dL,t_2)]=0$ but it is not true for $\hat H(z,dL)$ in Eq.(\ref{H-M3}). On the other hand, for $dL\rightarrow 0$, we have \begin{eqnarray} \hat U(z,d L) = 1 + \hat U_1 +o(dL)\approx 1+ \int dt \hat H(z,dL).~~~~ \label{Uz2} \end{eqnarray} So, we obtain the evolution of the field operators: \begin{eqnarray} \hat a(\omega_1, z+d L) &=& \hat U^{\dag}(z,d L) \hat a(\omega_1, z) \hat U(z,d L) \cr &=& \hat a(\omega_1, z) + [\hat a(\omega_1,z), \int dt \hat H(z,dL)]\cr &=& \hat a(\omega_1, z) + 2\pi\chi dL \int d\omega_2 \hat b^{\dag}(\omega_2,z) \cr &&\hskip 0.3in \times e^{-iz\Delta k} A_p(\omega_1+\omega_2),~~~~ \label{a-o} \end{eqnarray} where the time integral gives rise to a $\delta$-function for $\omega_1+\omega_2-\omega_3$ and $\Delta k = \Delta k_{|\omega_3=\omega_1+\omega_2}$. With $d\hat a(\omega_1, z)/dz$ $= [\hat a(\omega_1, z+d L) -\hat a(\omega_1, z)]/dL$, we have \begin{eqnarray} &&\frac{d}{dz}\hat a(\omega_1, z) = 2\pi\chi \int d\omega_2 e^{-iz\Delta k} A_p(\omega_1+\omega_2) \hat b^{\dag}(\omega_2,z).\cr && \label{dadz} \end{eqnarray} Likewise, we obtain \begin{eqnarray} &&\frac{d}{dz}\hat b(\omega_2, z) = 2\pi\chi \int d\omega_1 e^{-iz\Delta k} A_p(\omega_1+\omega_2) \hat a^{\dag}(\omega_1,z).\cr && \label{dbdz} \end{eqnarray} Note that Eqs.(\ref{dadz},\ref{dbdz}) are in a similar form as those derived in Refs.\citenum{sha20},\citenum{que20} with different methods. Using the input-output relation in Eq.(\ref{ha}) at location $z$, we obtain \begin{eqnarray} \frac{d}{dz}h_{1a}(\omega_1, \omega_1',z) &=& \int d\omega_2 f(\omega_1, \omega_2) h_{2b}^*(\omega_1',\omega_2,z)\cr \frac{d}{dz}h_{2b}(\omega_1', \omega_2,z) &=& \int d\omega_1 f(\omega_1, \omega_2) h_{1a}^*(\omega_1,\omega_1',z),~~~~~~ \label{h1a2b} \end{eqnarray} and \begin{eqnarray} \frac{d}{dz}h_{1b}(\omega_2, \omega_2',z) &=& \int d\omega_1 f(\omega_1, \omega_2) h_{2a}^*(\omega_1,\omega_2',z)\cr \frac{d}{dz}h_{2a}(\omega_1, \omega_2',z) &=& \int d\omega_2 f(\omega_1, \omega_2) h_{1b}^*(\omega_2,\omega_2',z),~~~~~~ \label{h1b2a} \end{eqnarray} where $f(\omega_1, \omega_2) \equiv 2\pi\chi e^{-iz\Delta k} A_p(\omega_1+\omega_2)$. Since we have $\hat a^{(o)}(\omega_1, z=0) = \hat a(\omega_1)$ and $\hat b^{(o)}(\omega_2, z=0) = \hat b(\omega_2)$ at the start, the initial condition is \begin{eqnarray} h_{1a}(\omega_1, \omega_1', z=0) &=& \delta(\omega_1-\omega_1')\cr h_{1b}(\omega_2, \omega_2', z=0) &=& \delta(\omega_2-\omega_2')\cr h_{2a}(\omega_1, \omega_2', z=0) &=& 0\cr h_{2b}(\omega_2, \omega_1', z=0) &=& 0. \label{ini} \end{eqnarray} From Eqs.(\ref{h1a2b},\ref{h1b2a}) and initial conditions in Eq.(\ref{ini}), we can verify that \begin{eqnarray}\label{h-rel} &&\int d\omega_1'h_{1a}(\omega_1,\omega_1',z)h_{1a}^*(\bar\omega_1,\omega_1',z)\cr && ~~- \int d\omega_2'h_{2a}(\omega_1,\omega_2',z)h_{2a}^*(\bar\omega_1,\omega_2',z) = \delta(\omega_1-\bar\omega_1),\cr &&\int d\omega_2'h_{1b}(\omega_2,\omega_2',z)h_{1b}^*(\bar\omega_2,\omega_2',z)\cr && ~~- \int d\omega_1'h_{2b}(\omega_1',\omega_2,z)h_{2b}^*(\omega_1',\bar\omega_2,z) = \delta(\omega_2-\bar\omega_2),\cr &&\int d\omega_1'h_{1a}(\omega_1,\omega_1',z)h_{2b}(\omega_1', \bar\omega_2,z)\cr && ~~- \int d\omega_2'h_{1b}(\bar\omega_2,\omega_2',z)h_{2a}(\omega_1,\omega_2',z) = 0, \label{dh12} \end{eqnarray} These relations guarantee the commutation relations $[\hat a^{(o)}(\omega_1), \hat a^{(o)\dag}(\bar\omega_1)] =\delta(\omega_1-\bar\omega_1)$, $[\hat b^{(o)}(\omega_2),$ $\hat b^{(o)\dag}(\bar\omega_2)]$ $=\delta(\omega_2-\bar\omega_2)$, $[\hat a^{(o)}(\omega_1), \hat b^{(o)}(\bar\omega_2)] =0$ from Eq.(\ref{ha}). \section{Eigen-modes of high gain parametric processes} Although $h$-functions have very complicated form, we can in general use singular value decomposition method to decompose them as \begin{eqnarray} &&h_{1a}(\omega,\omega') = \sum_{k}r_{1a}^{(k)}\psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega)\phi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega') \cr &&h_{2a}(\omega,\omega') =\sum_{k}r_{2a}^{(k)}\psi_{2a}^{(k)}(\omega)\phi_{2a}^{(k)}(\omega') \cr &&h_{1b}(\omega,\omega') =\sum_{k}r_{1b}^{(k)}\psi_{1b}^{(k)}(\omega)\phi_{1b}^{(k)}(\omega') \cr &&h_{2b}(\omega,\omega') = \sum_{k}r_{2b}^{(k)}\psi_{2b}^{(k)}(\omega)\phi_{2b}^{(k)}(\omega'). \end{eqnarray} Because of relations in Eq.(\ref{dh12}), it can be shown (see Appendix) that $\psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega) = \psi_{2a}^{(k)}(\omega) \equiv \psi_{k}^{(a)}(\omega),~\psi_{1b}^{(k)}(\omega) = $ $ \psi_{2b}^{(k)}(\omega) \equiv \psi_{k}^{(b)}(\omega)$, $\phi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega')= \phi_{2b}^{(k)*}(\omega') \equiv \phi_{k}^{(a)}(\omega')$, $\phi_{1b}^{(k)}(\omega')$ $= \phi_{2a}^{(k)*}(\omega') \equiv \phi_{k}^{(b)}(\omega')$, and $r_{1a}^{(k)}=r_{1b}^{(k)} \equiv \cosh r_k G$, $r_{2a}^{(k)}=r_{2b}^{(k)}=\sqrt{r_{1a}^{(k)2} -1}= \sinh r_k G$.~Here, $\psi_k^{(a)}(\omega), \phi_k^{(a)}(\omega), \psi_k^{(b)}(\omega), \phi_k^{(b)}(\omega)$ are four sets of ortho-normal mode functions satisfying $\int d\omega \psi_k^{(a,b)*}(\omega)$ $\psi_{k'}^{(a,b)} (\omega) = \delta_{kk'}$, $\int d\omega \phi_k^{(a,b)*}(\omega)\phi_{k'}^{(a,b)} (\omega) = \delta_{kk'}$ and $r_k$'s are normalized mode coefficients satisfying $\sum_kr_k^2=1$ with $G$ being some parameter depending on $\chi$. So, $h$-functions are in the form of \begin{eqnarray}\label{hrk} &&h_{1a}(\omega_1,\omega_1',z) = \sum_k \cosh(r_kG) \psi_k^{(a)}(\omega_1)\phi_k^{(a)}(\omega_1'),\cr &&h_{2a}(\omega_1,\omega_2',z) = \sum_k \sinh(r_kG) \psi_k^{(a)}(\omega_1)\phi_k^{(b)*}(\omega_2'), \cr &&h_{1b}(\omega_2,\omega_2',z)= \sum_k \cosh(r_kG) \psi_k^{(b)}(\omega_2)\phi_k^{(b)}(\omega_2'),\cr &&h_{2b}(\omega_1,\omega_2',z) = \sum_k \sinh(r_kG) \psi_k^{(b)}(\omega_1)\phi_k^{(a)*}(\omega_2').~~~~ \end{eqnarray} With these relations and orthonormal relations for $\psi_k^{(a,b)}(\omega)$, Eqs.(\ref{ha},\ref{hb}) can be recast as \begin{eqnarray} \hat{A}_{k}^{(o)} &=& \cosh {(r_k G)} \hat{A}_{k} + \sinh {(r_k G)}\hat{B} ^\dagger _{k},\cr \hat{B}_{k}^{(o)} &=& \cosh {(r_k G)} \hat{B}_{k} + \sinh {(r_k G)}\hat{A} ^\dagger_{k}, \label{Ak-evl2} \end{eqnarray} where $\hat{A}_{k}^{(o)}\equiv \int d\omega \psi_k^{(a)*} \hat a^{(o)}(\omega)$, $\hat{B}_{k}^{(o)}\equiv \int d\omega \psi_k^{(b)*} \hat b^{(o)}(\omega)$, $\hat{A}_{k}\equiv \int d\omega \phi_k^{(a)} \hat a(\omega)$, $\hat{B}_{k}\equiv \int d\omega \phi_k^{(b)}$ $\hat b(\omega)$ define the annihilation operators for the corresponding output and input temporal modes, similar to those given in Eq.(\ref{Ak-evl}). Because of orthonormal relations, they satisfy the Boson commutation relation for annihilation operators. Because of the $\delta$-function in the initial conditions in Eq.(\ref{ini}), we cannot solve directly the differential-integral equations in Eqs.(\ref{h1a2b},\ref{h1b2a}). In order to proceed, let us write $\bar h_{1a}(\omega_1, \omega_1',z)\equiv h_{1a}(\omega_1, \omega_1',z)-\delta(\omega_1-\omega_1')$ and $\bar h_{1b}(\omega_1, \omega_1',z)\equiv h_{1b}(\omega_1, \omega_1',z)-\delta(\omega_1-\omega_1')$. Furthermore, for a specific parametric process from four-wave mixing in optical fiber with a Gaussian pumping profile, we have $A_p(\omega_3) = A_0^2\exp [-(\omega_3-2\omega_{p0})^2/4\sigma_p^2]$ with pump bandwidth of $\sigma_p$ and pump amplitude $A_0$ \cite{kumar}. We can introduce some new dimensionless variables: $\zeta \equiv z/L_0$, $\Omega_j \equiv (\omega_j-\omega_{j0})/\sigma_p$ ($j=1,2$) with $L_0$ as the length of the nonlinear medium, and $\omega_{j0} (j=1,2,p)$ as the central frequency of the corresponding fields. Then, we can make Eqs.(\ref{h1a2b},\ref{h1b2a}) dimensionless as \begin{eqnarray} &&\frac{d}{d\zeta}\bar h_{1a}(\Omega_1, \Omega_1',\zeta) = \int d\Omega_2 f(\Omega_1, \Omega_2,\zeta) h_{2b}^*(\Omega_1',\Omega_2,\zeta)\cr && \frac{d}{d\zeta}h_{2b}(\Omega_1', \Omega_2, \zeta) = f(\Omega_1', \Omega_2,\zeta) \cr && \hskip 0.6in + \int d\Omega_1 f(\Omega_1, \Omega_2,\zeta) \bar h_{1a}^*(\Omega_1,\Omega_1',\zeta),~~~~~~ \label{h1a2b3} \end{eqnarray} and \begin{eqnarray} &&\frac{d}{d\zeta}\bar h_{1b}(\Omega_2, \Omega_2',\zeta) = \int d\Omega_1 f(\Omega_1, \Omega_2,\zeta) h_{2a}^*(\Omega_1,\Omega_2',\zeta)\cr &&\frac{d}{d\zeta}h_{2a}(\Omega_1, \Omega_2',\zeta) = f(\Omega_1, \Omega_2',\zeta) \cr && \hskip 0.6in + \int d\Omega_2 f(\Omega_1, \Omega_2,\zeta) \bar h_{1b}^*(\Omega_2,\Omega_2',\zeta),~~~~~~ \label{h1b2a3} \end{eqnarray} where $f(\Omega_1, \Omega_2,\zeta)\equiv K e^{-i\zeta \Delta k L_0} \exp[-(\Omega_1+\Omega_2)^2/4]$ with $K\equiv 2\pi L_0 A_0^2\sigma_p\chi$ as the dimensionless pump parameter and $h(\Omega_1,\Omega_2)$-functions are dimensionless and is related to $h(\omega)$-functions by $h(\Omega_1,\Omega_2)\equiv \sigma_p h(\omega_1,\omega_2)$. Phase mismatch $\Delta k L_0$ can be adjusted according to the dispersion of the nonlinear medium and in general has a linear form of $\Delta k L_0 = \Omega_1/\Delta_1+\Omega_2/\Delta_2$ with parameters $\Delta_1, \Delta_2$ determined by medium dispersion, pump bandwidth $\sigma_p$, and medium length $L_0$. The initial conditions in Eq.(\ref{ini}) change to \begin{eqnarray} \bar h_{1a}(\Omega_1, \Omega_1', \zeta=0) &=& 0\cr \bar h_{1b}(\Omega_2, \Omega_2', \zeta=0) &=& 0 \cr h_{2a}(\Omega_1, \Omega_2', \zeta=0) &=& 0\cr h_{2b}(\Omega_1', \Omega_2, \zeta=0) &=& 0. \label{ini2} \end{eqnarray} Note that when pump parameter is small: $K\ll 1$, $h_{2a}(\Omega_1, \Omega_2)$ has an approximate analytical solution: \begin{eqnarray} && h_{2a}(\Omega_1, \Omega_2, \zeta=1) \approx K e^{-i\Delta k L_0/2}{\rm sinc} (\Delta k L_0/2) \cr && \hskip 1.4 in \times\exp[-(\Omega_1+\Omega_2)^2/4],~~~~~~ \label{h2b-0} \end{eqnarray} which is exactly the joint spectral function $\Phi(\omega_1,\omega_2)$ in Eq.(\ref{Phi}) after changing to dimensionless quantities. But for a sizable $K$, we cannot solve the differential-integral equations in Eqs.(\ref{h1a2b3},\ref{h1b2a3}) analytically. Next, we will solve them numerically, subject to initial conditions in Eq.(\ref{ini2}). \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=7.5cm]{Fig-h2b.jpg} \caption{Contour plot of the amplitude of $h_{2a}(\Omega_1,\Omega_2)$ for $K=$ (a) 0.01, (b) 2, (c) 4, (d) 10. $\Omega_i \equiv (\omega_i-\omega_{i0})/\sigma_p (i=1,2)$. } \label{fig-h2b} \end{figure} \section{Numerical Solutions} Let us use a nonlinear fiber as the nonlinear medium. We use the parameters similar to those given in Ref.\citenum{guo15} for a real piece of 300m-long dispersion-shifted nonlinear fiber. We obtain the dimensionless parameters $1/\Delta_1=0.785, 1/\Delta_2=-0.471$. The numerical solution of the amplitude of $h_{2a}(\Omega_1, \Omega_2)$ is shown in Fig.\ref{fig-h2b} for four values of pump parameter $K$: $K=0.01, 2, 4, 10$. For small $K(\ll 1$, Fig.\ref{fig-h2b}(a)), $h_{2a}(\Omega_1, \Omega_2)$ is exactly the joint spectral function $\Phi(\omega_1,\omega_2)$ given in Eq.(\ref{Phi}), similar to Fig.2(a) of Ref.\citenum{guo15}. The shape starts to broaden as $K$ increases. This can be seen in the profile change of the eigen-function $\psi_1^{(a)}(\Omega_1)$ obtained from singular value decomposition when we plot it in Fig.\ref{fig:mode1} for four values of $K$ (0.01, 2, 4, 10). To show the trend, we plot the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of $|\psi_1^{(a)}(\Omega_1)|$ as a function of $K$ in the inset of Fig.\ref{fig:mode1}. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=7.5cm]{Fig-psi.jpg} \caption{ The amplitude function $\psi_1^{(a)}$ of mode 1 for pump parameter $K = 0.01, 2, 4, 10$, showing the broadening of the width. Inset: the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of mode 1 function as a function of the pump parameter $K$. } \label{fig:mode1} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=7.5cm]{Fig-rk-1.jpg} \caption{Mode coefficients $r_k/r_1$ as a function of dimensionless pump parameter $K$. } \label{fig:rk} \end{figure} The change of the transfer function $h_{2a}(\Omega_1, \Omega_2)$ with pump parameter $K$ will lead to mode structure change. This is reflected in the change of the distribution of the mode coefficients $\{r_k\}$, whose normalized values to $r_1$ are plotted in Fig.\ref{fig:rk} as a function of the pump parameter $K$. The trend shows the increasing weight of the higher order modes in addition to the broadening of the mode functions as $K$ increases. The multi-mode nature and the broadening of the mode functions with pump parameter $K$ are due to the values of $\Delta_1,\Delta_2$ in $\Delta kL_0$ for a realistic nonlinear fiber case, which gives rise to an asymmetric sinc-function in $\Phi$ of Eq.(\ref{Phi}) or $h_{2a}(\Omega_1,\Omega_2)$ at small $K$ (Fig.\ref{fig-h2b}(a)). In principle, we can adjust the dispersion parameters of the fiber to change $\Delta_1,\Delta_2$ in $\Delta kL_0$. It is found that the initial $h_{2a}(\Omega_1,\Omega_2)$ when $K\ll 1$ is nearly round or factorized with parameters $1/\Delta_1=2.198, 1/\Delta_1=-2.198$, as shown in $h_{2a}(\Omega_1,\Omega_2)$ in Fig.\ref{fig-h2b-f}(a). The initial $r_k$ distribution is indeed close to single mode with high order $r_k$ much smaller than 1. This can be seen in Fig.\ref{fig:rk2} for $K=0$. However, the trend of mode spreading for large $K$ in Fig.\ref{fig:rk} persists in Fig.\ref{fig:rk2}. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=7.5cm]{Fig-h2b-f.jpg} \caption{Contour plot of the amplitude of $h_{2a}(\Omega_1,\Omega_2)$ for the case of $1/\Delta_1=2.198, 1/\Delta_1=-2.198$ with $K=$ (a) 0.01, (b) 2, (c) 4, (d) 10. $\Omega_i \equiv (\omega_i-\omega_{i0})/\sigma_p (i=1,2)$. } \label{fig-h2b-f} \end{figure} On the other hand, a close look at Fig.\ref{fig-h2b-f}(c,d) for large $K$ shows that function $h_{2a}$ is still pretty round or nearly single mode. In fact, we find from mode decomposition in Eq.(\ref{hrk}) that the coefficient of each mode is $\sinh ^2(r_k G)$, which becomes $0.25 e^{2r_kG}$ for large $r_kG$. So, the ratio of coefficients of the first mode to higher mode is then $e^{2(r_1-r_k)G} \gg 1$ for large $G$, that is, the first mode will dominate in the mode decomposition in Eq.(\ref{hrk}) at large $K$ (or $G$) \cite{liunn}, which leads to a nearly round (or factorized) $h_{2a}$. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=7.5cm]{Fig-rk-2.jpg} \caption{Mode coefficients $r_k/r_1$ as a function of dimensionless pump parameter $K$ for the nearly factorized case of $1/\Delta_1=2.198, 1/\Delta_1=-2.198$. } \label{fig:rk2} \end{figure} Furthermore, we can look at the mode purity of the output state. It is known that if we discard the other field, one of the output fields from a parametric amplifier is in a thermal state. For broadband pulsed pumping, it becomes a multi-mode thermal field. Mode purity for a pulsed multi-mode thermal field was studied in Ref.\citenum{su19PRA} with the temporal mode format described here. It was found that mode purity can be characterized by the normalized intensity correlation function $g^{(2)}$ defined as \begin{eqnarray} g^{(2)} & \equiv & \frac{\langle I^2\rangle}{\langle I\rangle^2} \equiv 1 + \frac{1}{M} \cr &=& 1 + \frac{\sum_k I_k^2}{(\sum_k I_k)^2}, \label{g2} \end{eqnarray} where $M$ is defined as the number of modes ($M=1$ gives the pure single-mode case) and $I_k$ is the intensity of mode $k$. From Eq.(\ref{Ak-evl2}), we find that $I_k=\sinh^2(r_kG)$ for vacuum input to the parametric amplifier. So, Eq.(\ref{g2}) becomes \begin{eqnarray} M = \frac{\big[\sum_k \sinh^2(r_kG)\big]^2}{\sum_k \sinh^4(r_kG)}. \label{M} \end{eqnarray} Obviously, for the single mode case with $r_1=1, r_k=0~(k > 1)$, we have $M=1$. Equation (\ref{M}) was first derived by Christ {\it et al.} \cite{sil} for temporal modes and by Sharapova {\it et al.} \cite{sha} and Dyakonov {\it et al.} \cite{dya} for spatial modes in high gain parametric processes. For the two cases shown in Fig.\ref{fig-h2b} and Fig.\ref{fig-h2b-f}, we evaluate mode number $M$ in Eq.(\ref{M}) as a function of pump parameter $K$ and plot the results in Fig.\ref{fig-M}. It can be seen that mode number $M$ indeed drops first as $K$ increases. This drop is consistent with the dominance of the first mode as $K$ increases. However, the drop stops at around $K=2$ when a minimum of $M$ is reached. $M$ starts to slowly increase after $K> 2$. This is due to the increase of $r_k$ for higher order modes as $K$ increases, as shown in Fig.\ref{fig:rk} and Fig.\ref{fig:rk2}. The minimum $M$ value depends on the initial $M$ at low $K(\ll 1)$. Thus, it is better to have a nearly single mode situation at low pump power. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=7cm]{Fig-M.jpg} \caption{Mode number $M$ as a function of pump parameter $K$ for the cases shown in Fig.\ref{fig-h2b} (orange, (a)) and Fig.\ref{fig-h2b-f} (blue, (b)). The dashed line corresponds to $M=1$. } \label{fig-M} \end{figure} \section{Summary and Discussion} We studied the mode structure for a broadband parametric amplifier at different gains by using an input-output approach that avoids the crucial issue of time-ordering in Hamiltonian. Contrary to previous studies where the time-ordering issue was not treated, the mode structure changes as the gain increases in the sense that both the mode distribution and the mode functions broaden with the increase of the gain. Although the mode number, a quantity that characterizes the total number of modes, drops initially as the gain changes from low to high due to the dominance of the first mode, it reaches a minimum value before slowly increases due to the broadening of the mode distribution. The mode structure change with the gain will have profound impact on the application of broadband parametric processes in quantum technology with continuous variables, which relies on homodyne detection method as the dominant measurement technique. Even though the output of the broadband parametric processes is of multi-mode nature, because of the orthogonality of the modes in the processes, we can choose the local oscillators of homodyne measurement to match the mode functions of the output and select specific modes for study \cite{huo20}. The change of mode structure and functions with the gain means that we will need to measure them constantly at different gains as we change the operation condition. Fortunately, methods are recently developed for the direct measurement of mode functions and mode coefficients of parametric processes \cite{huo20,chen20}. \begin{acknowledgments} This work was supported by US National Science Foundation (Grant No. 1806425). \end{acknowledgments} \section{appendix} In general, we can use singular value decomposition to write \begin{eqnarray}\label{svd} &&h_{1a}(\omega,\omega') = \sum_{k}r_{1a}^{(k)}\psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega)\phi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega') \cr &&h_{2a}(\omega,\omega') =\sum_{k}r_{2a}^{(k)}\psi_{2a}^{(k)}(\omega)\phi_{2a}^{(k)}(\omega') \cr &&h_{1b}(\omega,\omega') =\sum_{k}r_{1b}^{(k)}\psi_{1b}^{(k)}(\omega)\phi_{1b}^{(k)}(\omega') \cr &&h_{2b}(\omega,\omega') = \sum_{k}r_{2b}^{(k)}\psi_{2b}^{(k)}(\omega)\phi_{2b}^{(k)}(\omega') \end{eqnarray} where $\psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega), \phi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega')$ etc. are 8 sets of orthonormal mode functions satisfying $\int d\omega \psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega)$ $\psi_{1a}^{(k')*}(\omega) = \delta_{k,k'}$, etc. Using the the decomposition in Eq.(\ref{svd}) and orthonormal relations, we write the left hand side of the first relation in Eq.(\ref{h-rel}) as \begin{eqnarray} &&\int d\omega''h_{1a}(\omega,\omega'')h_{1a}^*(\omega',\omega'') \cr && \hskip 0.8in -\int d\omega''h_{2a}(\omega,\omega'')h_{2a}^*(\omega',\omega'') \cr &&=\int d\omega''\sum_{k,k'}r_{1a}^{(k)}r_{1a}^{(k')} \psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega)\psi_{1a}^{(k')*}(\omega')\phi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega'')\phi_{1a}^{(k')*}(\omega'') \cr && - \int d\omega''\sum_{k,k'}r_{2a}^{(k)}r_{2a}^{(k')} \psi_{2a}^{(k)}(\omega)\psi_{2a}^{(k')*}(\omega')\phi_{2a}^{(k)}(\omega'')\phi_{2a}^{(k')*}(\omega'') \cr && =\sum_{k,k'}r_{1a}^{(k)}r_{1a}^{(k')}\psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega)\psi_{1a}^{(k')*}(\omega')\delta_{k,k'} \cr && \hskip 0.6in - \sum_{k,k'}r_{2a}^{(k)}r_{2a}^{(k')}\psi_{2a}^{(k)}(\omega)\psi_{2a}^{(k')*}(\omega')\delta_{k,k'} \cr && =\sum_{k}r_{1a}^{(k)2}\psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega)\psi_{1a}^{(k)*}(\omega') - \sum_{k}r_{2a}^{(k)2}\psi_{2a}^{(k)}(\omega)\psi_{2a}^{(k)*}(\omega').\cr && \end{eqnarray} Using the completeness of mode function $\{\psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega)\}$: $\sum\limits_{k}\psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega)\psi_{1a}^{(k)*}(\omega') =\delta(\omega-\omega')$, we can rewrite the first relation in Eq.(\ref{h-rel}) as \begin{eqnarray}\label{sum-rk} &&\sum_{k}r_{2a}^{(k)2}\psi_{2a}^{(k)}(\omega)\psi_{2a}^{(k)*}(\omega')\cr && \hskip 0.6in = \sum_{k}(r_{1a}^{(k)2}-1)\psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega)\psi_{1a}^{(k)*}(\omega'). \end{eqnarray} Treating $k$ as the row index and $\omega$ as the column index of a matrix, we can consider mode function $\psi^{(k)}(\omega)$ as matrix element of $\Psi$ with $\{\Psi\}_{k,\omega} \equiv \psi^{(k)}(\omega)$ (we dropped subscript $1a,2a$ for clarity). Then Eq.(\ref{sum-rk}) is equivalent to the following matrix equation: \begin{eqnarray} && [\Psi_{2a}]^{\dag} \begin{pmatrix} r_{2a}^{(1)2} &0 & \dots\cr �0& r_{2a}^{(2)2} &\dots\cr �\vdots &\vdots & \ddots \end{pmatrix} \Psi_{2a} \cr && \hskip 0.3in = [\Psi_{1a}]^{\dag} \begin{pmatrix} r_{1a}^{(1)2}-1 &0 & \dots \cr �0& r_{1a}^{(2)2}-1 &\dots \cr �\vdots &\vdots & \ddots \end{pmatrix} \Psi_{1a}. \end{eqnarray} Multiplying left of the above with matrix $\Psi_{1a}$ and right with $[\Psi_{1a}]^{\dag}$ and using orthonormal relation $\int d\omega \psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega) \psi_{1a}^{(k')*}(\omega) = \delta_{k,k'}$, we obtain a rotational transformation: \begin{eqnarray} &&{\rm R} \begin{pmatrix} r_{2a}^{(1)2} &0 & \dots \cr �0& r_{2a}^{(2)2} &\dots \cr �\vdots &\vdots & \ddots \end{pmatrix} {\rm R}^{\dag}\cr && \hskip 0.6in= \begin{pmatrix} r_{1a}^{(1)2}-1 &0 & \dots \cr �0& r_{1a}^{(2)2}-1 &\dots \cr �\vdots &\vdots & \ddots \end{pmatrix} \end{eqnarray} with transformation matrix ${\rm R} \equiv \Psi_{1a} [\Psi_{2a}]^{\dag}$. The only solution for the above is $\rm R=I$, or $\int d\omega \psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega)\psi_{2a}^{(k')*}(\omega) = \delta_{k,k'}$. With uniqueness of mode function set $\{\psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega)\}$, we have $ \psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega)=\psi_{2a}^{(k)}(\omega), $ and then $ r_{1a}^{(k)2}-r_{2a}^{(k)2}=1 $. Similarly, using the second relation in Eq.(\ref{h-rel}) we have $ \psi_{1b}^{(k)}(\omega)=\psi_{2b}^{(k)}(\omega), $ and $ r_{1b}^{(k)2}-r_{2b}^{(k)2}=1. $ Next let us use the third relation in Eq.(\ref{h-rel}) and rewrite as: \begin{eqnarray} &&\int d\omega''\sum_{k,k'}r_{1a}^{(k)}r_{2b}^{(k')} \psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega)\psi_{1b}^{(k')}(\omega')\phi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega'')\phi_{2b}^{(k')}( \omega'') \cr && \hskip 0.6in - \int d\omega''\sum_{k,k'}r_{2a}^{(k)}r_{1b}^{(k')} \psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega)\psi_{1b}^{(k')}(\omega')\cr && \hskip 1.3in \times \phi_{2a}^{(k)}(\omega'')\phi_{1b}^{(k')}( \omega'') = 0. \end{eqnarray} Multiplying both sides with $\psi_{1a}^{(k_1)*}(\omega)\psi_{1b}^{(k_2)*}(\omega')$ and integrating $\omega,\omega'$, with orthonormal relations for $\psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega), \psi_{1b}^{(k')}(\omega')$, we obtain \begin{eqnarray}\label{kk'2} &&\cosh{r_a^{(k_1)}}\sinh{r_b^{(k_2)}}R_{k_2,k_1}\cr && \hskip 0.8in =\sinh r_a^{(k_1)}\cosh{r_b^{(k_2)}}R_{k_2,k_1}', \end{eqnarray} where we set $ r_{1a}^{(k)} \equiv \cosh{r_a^{(k)}} $, $r_{1b}^{(k)} \equiv \cosh{r_b^{(k)}}$, then $r_{2a}^{(k)} = \sqrt{r_{1a}^{(k)2}-1} = \sinh{r_a^{(k)}} $ and $r_{2b}^{(k)} =\sqrt{r_{1b}^{(k)2}-1} = \sinh{r_b^{(k)}}$, and $R_{k_2,k_1}' \equiv \int d\omega \phi_{1b}^{(k_2)}(\omega)\phi_{2a}^{(k_1)}(\omega)$, $R_{k_2,k_1} \equiv \int d\omega \phi_{2b}^{(k_2)}(\omega)\phi_{1a}^{(k_1)}(\omega)$. Switching back notations: $k=k_1, k'=k_2$, we have \begin{eqnarray}\label{kk'3} R_{k',k}&=&\tanh{r_a^{(k)}}\coth{r_b^{(k')}}R_{k',k}',\cr R_{k',k}'&=&\coth{r_a^{(k)}}\tanh{r_b^{(k')}}R_{k',k}, \end{eqnarray} which, in matrix form, is simply ${\rm R} = {\rm C}_b{\rm R}'{\rm C}_a^{-1}$ or ${\rm R}' = {\rm C}_b^{-1}{\rm R}{\rm C}_a$ with \begin{eqnarray} {\rm C}_a \equiv \begin{pmatrix} \coth{r_a^{(1)}} &0 & \dots \cr �0& \coth{r_a^{(2)}} &\dots \cr \vdots & \vdots & \ddots \end{pmatrix} \end{eqnarray} and \begin{eqnarray} {\rm C}_b \equiv \begin{pmatrix} \coth{r_b^{(1)}} &0 & \dots \cr �0& \coth{r_b^{(2)}} &\dots \cr \vdots &\vdots & \ddots \end{pmatrix}. \end{eqnarray} Now notice that ${\rm RR^{\dag}= I = R'R'^{\dag}}$, or using matrix form of Eq.(\ref{kk'3}), we obtain \begin{eqnarray} {\rm C}_b{\rm R'C}_a^{-1}{\rm C}_a^{-1}{\rm R'^{\dag}C}_b={\rm I}, ~ {\rm C}_b^{-1}{\rm R C}_a{\rm C}_a{\rm R^{\dag}C}_b^{-1}={\rm I}.~~~~ \end{eqnarray} Rewrite the above, we have \begin{eqnarray} {\rm R'C}_a^{-2}{\rm R'^{\dag}}= {\rm C}_b^{-2} , ~~ {\rm R C}_a^{2}{\rm R^{\dag}}= {\rm C}_b^{2}. \end{eqnarray} Since matrices ${\rm C}_a, {\rm C}_b$ are both diagonalized, the above expressions are true only if ${\rm R' = I}$ $= {\rm R}$, or $\phi_{1a}^{(k)}=\phi_{2b}^{(k)*}$, $\phi_{1b}^{(k)}=\phi_{2a}^{(k)*}$ and ${\rm C}_a= {\rm C}_b$, or $r_a^{(k)}=r_b^{(k)}$. Setting $r_a^{(k)}=r_b^{(k)} \equiv r_k G$ with $r_k$ normalized: $\sum_k r_k^2$ $=1$, and $\phi_{1a}^{(k)}=\phi_{2b}^{(k)*}\equiv \phi_{k}^{(a)}, \phi_{1b}^{(k)}=\phi_{2a}^{(k)*} \equiv \phi_{k}^{(b)}, \psi_{1a}^{(k)}(\omega)$ $ =\psi_{2a}^{(k)}(\omega)\equiv \psi_{k}^{(a)}(\omega), \psi_{1b}^{(k)}(\omega)=\psi_{2b}^{(k)}(\omega)\equiv \psi_{k}^{(b)}(\omega) $ in Eq.(\ref{svd}), we obtain Eq.(\ref{hrk}).
\section{Introduction} Einstein’s general theory of relativity was a great revelation of 20th century science that provided a rigorous geometric basis for ideas such as the equivalence principle and the mass. It also predicted black holes and gravitational waves. Mathematically, the Einstein equations for general relativity can be represented as \begin{align} \label{EE} \bar{R}_{\mu \nu} =0, \quad (\bar{M}, \bar{g}) \end{align} where $\bar{R}_{\mu \nu}$ is the Ricci curvature of the $3+1$ Lorentzian manifold $(\bar{M}, \bar{g}).$ Despite their simple appearance, in practice, these equations are a system of highly complex nonlinear partial differential equations. As a consequence, several mathematical and theoretical problems, such as the black hole stability problem, are wide open. This problem is the subject of this Letter. Black holes are exotic objects in the universe that provide a scientific basis for exotic notions like wormholes, time travel, the big-bang etc. In a major recent development, black holes have been experimentally observed. Mathematically, black holes are solutions of the Einstein equations \eqref{EE} for general relativity. In order to establish the physical relevance of black holes that occur in Einstein's theory, it is crucial to establish that those black holes are stable under the perturbations of the Einstein equations (`the black hole stability problem'). In particular, the Kerr family of black holes is an important two parameter $(a, m)$ (where $a$ represents the specific angular-momentum and $m$ represents the mass) family of solutions of the Einstein equations that forms the genesis of the black hole stability problem. Indeed, ever since Einstein famously published his equations for general relativity \eqref{EE} in 1915 and the discovery of the Schwarzschild metric shortly thereafter, there was a general expectation that there should be a solution that represents massive, rotating black hole spacetimes. As such, attempts were made by H. Weyl, J. Ernst and A. Papapetrou to find such a solution. In 1963, when R. Kerr arrived at such a solution there was soon a wide consensus that one had arrived at the right solution. Subsequently, mathematicians and physicists conjectured that the Kerr family represents the unique asymptotically-flat solution of the stationary Einstein equations (`the black hole uniqueness problem') and that it is stable under perturbations with respect to the dynamical Einstein equations for general relativity (`the black hole stability problem'). Subsequently, several stalwarts in the past have contributed to the study of these problems. These results are streamlined and summarized in the classical monograph of Chandrasekhar \cite{Chandrasekhar_83}. In recent times, the black hole stability problem is under intense investigation in the mathematics community (see e.g., \cite{ABBM_19, HHV_19, KS_21, HDRT_21}) An important first step in the resolution of the black hole stability problem is to study the Maxwell equations and the linear perturbative theory of the Einstein equations around the Kerr black hole spacetimes. However, a peculiar property of Kerr black holes $( a \neq 0 )$ is that one is always surrounded by a so called ergo-region. In the ergo-region, an object cannot remain stationary and is forced to move along with the rotating black hole. A surprising feature of the ergo-region can be explained using Roger Penrose's gedanken experiment (see FIG. 1.). Suppose we throw an object into a Kerr black hole in such a way that it splits into two pieces (as shown in FIG. 1.), where one piece enters the black hole and the other exits the ergo-region. The piece that exits can have higher energy than the original object. This is not a violation of the conservation of energy because the piece that goes into the black hole carries `negative' energy. This phenomenon can also be seen for linear scalar waves propagating on Kerr black holes \cite{AAS_73,FKSY_08} (see also \cite{DC_70}). In other words, linear scalar waves propagating on a Kerr black hole, do not necessarily have a positive-definite energy. By analogy with Penrose's gedanken experiment, this results in a phenomenon where it appears as though the black hole is emitting energy. This phenomenon is referred to as the Penrose process or superradiance or energy extraction. \begin{figure} \centering \caption{Penrose process or energy extraction for a rotating Kerr black hole} \includegraphics[scale=0.50]{Penrose.jpg} \end{figure} This feature of the ergo-region has important implications for the mathematical problem of the stability of Kerr black hole spacetimes. The aforementioned model of waves propagating on a Kerr black hole is analogous to the Maxwell and linear perturbations of the Einstein equations around a Kerr black hole spacetime. As it can be intuitively imagined, the stability of a system is closely linked to the decay of perturbations, which in turn is associated to `loss'. The fact that a Kerr black hole effectively `emits' energy, counteracts the `decaying' nature of the perturbations. In fact, in axial symmetry, it can be established that, if the energy is not positive, it will blow up exponentially in time, implying instability of Kerr black hole spacetimes \cite{WP_13}. Furthermore, the methods of partial differential equations that establish decay are typically based on a positive energy. Likewise, in the Lyapunov theory of stability of dynamical systems, a notion of energy and its positive-definiteness serve as important criteria for various notions of stability. Thus, the lack of a positive-definite and conserved energy is a significant issue that limits the strength of various mathematical methods in the resolution of the black hole stability problem. In this Letter, we report that, despite the ergo-region, there exists a positive-definite \emph{total energy} for axisymmetric perturbations of Kerr and Kerr-Newman black hole spacetimes. \section{Electromagnetism in Kerr black hole spacetimes} In the case of axisymmetric linear scalar waves propagating in a Kerr black hole spacetime, the problem of the ergo-region disappears on account of the fact that Kerr black holes are also axially symmetric. However, the problem reappears for both axisymmetric Maxwell and linearized Einstein fields propagating on Kerr black holes. In fact, one can arrange for the axisymmetric Maxwell equations that their energy density is \emph{locally negative}. The question of whether the axisymmetric Maxwell and Einstein equations admit a positive-definite total energy (for $\vert a \vert<M$), somewhat analogous to axisymmetric linear waves, has been one of those perplexing `borderline' open problems for decades. In a recent work, we were able to resolve this long standing open problem. Specifically, we were able to establish that one can construct a positive-definite \emph{total} energy for axisymmetric Maxwell fields propagating through sub-extremal Kerr black hole spacetimes ($\vert a \vert <M$) \cite{GM17_gentitle}. An interesting aspect of our result is that we are able to construct a positive-definite \emph{total integrated} energy, even though the \emph{local} energy density could be \emph{negative}. Our proof relies on a Hamiltonian framework of the dimensionally reduced axisymmetric Einstein equations and certain transformations that were originally developed for the black hole uniqueness theorems by B. Carter and D.C. Robinson \cite{Car_71, Rob_74}. In the following, we shall present our proof for the construction of a positive-definite and conserved energy for axisymmetric electromagnetic (Maxwell) fields propagating on Kerr black hole spacetimes. Consider the Lagrangian variational principle of the Maxwell equations: \begin{align} S_{\text{Max}} \fdg = - \frac{1}{4} \int \Vert F \Vert_{\bar{g}} ^2\, \bar{\mu}_{\bar{g}}, \quad \text{ on the Kerr metric $(\bar{M}, \bar{g}),$ } \end{align} where $F$ is the Maxwell tensor derivable from the vector potential $A$ and $\bar{\mu}_{\bar{g}}$ is the volume form of $(\bar{M}, \bar{g})$. It is well known that \cite{MTW}, if we perform a Legendre transform of the functional $S_{\text{Max}},$ we get a Hamiltonian energy functional $H^{\text{Max}}$ over the phase space $X^{\text{Max}} \fdg = \{ A_i, \mathcal{E}^i \}$ together with the Maxwell constraints $\ptl_i \mathcal{E}^i =0$ and $\ptl_i \mathcal{B}^i =0$, where $\mathcal{E}$ and $\mathcal{B}$ are the `electric' and `magnetic' components of $F$ respectively: \begin{align}\label{H-max} H^{\text{Max}} \fdg= \int_{\olin{\Sigma}} \left( \halb \bar{N} \bar{q}_{ij} \bar{\mu}^{-1}_{\bar{q}} (\mathcal{E}^i \mathcal{E}^j + \mathcal{B}^i \mathcal{B}^j) - N^i \eps_{ijk} \mathcal{E}^j \mathcal{B}^k \right) d^3x \end{align} where $\bar{N}$ and $\bar{N}^i$ are the lapse and the shift, corresponding to an ADM decomposition of $(\bar{M}, \bar{g}) = (\olin{\Sigma}, \bar{q}) \times \mathbb{R}.$ It may be seen readily in \eqref{H-max} that it has an indefinite sign, even in axial symmetry. We now introduce the variables $\lambda$ and $\eta$ (`the twist potentials') such that $\mathcal{E}^a = \eps^{ab} \ptl_b \eta$ and $\mathcal{B}^a = \eps^{ab} \ptl_b \lambda,$ taking advantage of the constraint equations on the quotient space $\Sigma \fdg = \olin{\Sigma}/SO(2)$ and form the new phase space $X :$ \begin{align} X \fdg = \big\{ ( \lambda, v), (\eta, u) \big\}, \quad \text{where $v \fdg = - \mathcal{E}^\phi $ and $u \fdg= \mathcal{B}^\phi.$} \end{align} The energy functional $H^{\text{Max}}$ can now be reduced to \begin{widetext} \begin{align} \label{H-alt} H^{\text{Alt}} \fdg =& \int_{\Sigma} e^{\text{Alt}} d^2x, \quad \text{where $e^{\text{Alt}}$ is defined as,} \\ e^{\text{Alt}} \fdg= & \halb N e^{2 \gamma} \bar{\mu}^{-1}_q (v^2 + u^2) + \halb N \bar{\mu}_q q^{ab} e^{-2\gamma} (\ptl_a \eta \ptl_b \eta + \ptl_a \lambda \ptl_b \lambda) - \bar{N}^\phi \eps^{ab} \ptl_a \eta \ptl_b \lambda. \end{align} \end{widetext} Again notice that $H^{\text{Alt}}$ has an indefinite sign. In fact, we can arrange that the energy density $e^{\text{Alt}}$ is locally negative inside the ergo-region. To see this, choose $u=v=0$ and $\lambda, \eta$ such that they satisfy Cauchy-Riemann equations $\ptl_\rho \lambda = \ptl_z \eta$, $\ptl_z \lambda=- \ptl_\rho \eta $ in cylindrical coordinates for $\Sigma$. It can then be readily seen that $e^{\text{Alt}}$ is \emph{negative} inside the ergo-region. While the positivity problem is not immediately solved in this new phase space $X$, the advantage of this formulation is that it allows a series of transformations that result in a positive-definite, regularized, Hamiltonian (Section 2 in \cite{GM17_gentitle}), $H^{\text{Reg}} = \int_{\Sigma} e^{\text{Reg}} d^2x$, where $e^{\text{Reg}}$ is defined as: \begin{widetext} \begin{align} \label{postive-H-reg} e^{\text{Reg}} \fdg=& \halb N \bar{\mu}^{-1}_q (\ulin{u}^2 + \ulin{v}^2) + \frac{1}{4} N \bar{\mu}_q q^{ab} \left( 2 \ptl_a \gamma \ptl_b \gamma + \halb e^{-4\gamma} \ptl_a \omega \ptl_b \omega \right) ( \ulin{\lambda}^2 + \ulin{\eta}^2) \notag\\ & \halb N \bar{\mu}_q q^{ab} \Big( (\ptl_a \ulin{\lambda} - \halb \ulin{\eta} e^{-2\gamma} \ptl_a \omega)(\ptl_b \ulin{\lambda} - \halb \ulin{\eta} e^{-2\gamma} \ptl_b \omega) + (\ptl_a \ulin{\eta} + \halb \ulin{\lambda} e^{-2\gamma} \ptl_a \omega)(\ptl_b \ulin{\eta} + \halb \ulin{\lambda} e^{-2\gamma} \ptl_b \omega) \Big) \end{align} \end{widetext} where the canonical pairs in the phase space $$ \ulin{X}\fdg=\big \{ (\ulin{\lambda}, \ulin{v} ), ( \ulin{\eta}, \ulin{u}) \big\}$$ are defined as $$\ulin{\eta} \fdg = e^{-\gamma}, \quad \ulin{u} \fdg= e^\gamma u, \quad \ulin{\lambda} \fdg= e^{-\gamma} \lambda, \quad \ulin{v} \fdg = e^\gamma v.$$ These transformations are motivated by the Carter-Robinson identities \cite{Car_71, Rob_74}. Our construction can be schematically represented as follows: \begin{align} \label{canonical-transformations} (X^{\text{Max}}, H^{\text{Max}}) \to (X, H^{\text{Alt}}) \to (\ulin{X}, H^{\text{Reg}}) \end{align} where $H^{\text{Reg}} \geq 0.$ We would like to point out that these transformations are canonical transformations. In particular, $H^{\text{Reg}}$ is also a Hamiltonian, in addition to being positive. Actually, we can construct a divergence-free vector field density $J$ such that $J^t = e^{\text{Reg}}$ i.e., \begin{align} \ptl_t J^t + \ptl_a J^a =0, \quad a= 1, 2. \end{align} Furthermore, crucially, the flux of $J$ through the event-horizon $\mathcal{H}$ (which is a null hypersurface) also has a positive-definite sign i.e., \begin{align} \text{Flux} (J, \mathcal{H}) \geq 0 \end{align} which implies that the integrated energy flux of axisymmetric Maxwell fields is \emph{ingoing}, into the event-horizon. Following our results, a positive energy functional for Maxwell fields was also constructed by Prabhu-Wald \cite{PW_17} using their notion of `canonical energy'. It turns out that the energy \eqref{postive-H-reg} can also be used to construct a positive energy for Newman-Penrose-Maxwell scalars on Kerr black holes \cite{NG_19_1}. Furthermore, the methods presented above are versatile and they can be extended to Maxwell fields on rapidly rotating $ (\vert a \vert <M)$ Kerr-de Sitter black hole spacetimes \cite{NG_17_2}. We would like to point out that, a positive-definite energy was first constructed by Dain-de Austria \cite{DA_14} for axisymmetric linearized Einstein perturbations of extremal Kerr black holes $(\vert a \vert =M)$, using the Brill mass formula \cite{B59, D09}. The positive energy presented here is a special case of our elaborate work on axisymmetric linearized Einstein-Maxwell perturbations of Kerr-Newman black hole spacetimes \cite{GM17_gentitle} \footnote{it may be recalled that the first-order linearization of Einstein-Maxwell fields about the Kerr black hole background yields decoupled, purely Maxwellian fields on the Kerr background}. Results analogous to the ones presented here hold for linearized Einstein perturbations of Kerr and Kerr-Newman black hole spacetimes \cite{NG_19_2, NG_21_1, GM17_gentitle}, but the mathematical methods involved are much more delicate (see Section III). For axisymmetric linearized Einstein perturbations, we use the linearization stability methods developed by Fischer-Marsden-Moncrief \cite{FM_75, FMM_80, Mon_75}. In particular, the construction of the energy is based on the kernel of the adjoint of the dimensionally reduced constraints. These methods, together with the Carter-Robinson identities, provide an explanation for why the transformations \eqref{canonical-transformations} almost magically provide a positive-definite energy, `out of the blue'. \section{Linearized Einstein and Electrovacuum Perturbations} There are few fundamental differences between the gravitational perturbations and the electromagnetism on Kerr black holes. In the gravitational problem, the difficulty in the construction of a positive energy is not only due to the ergo-region - there are geometric and gauge related obstacles in addition. Consider for example the case of Schwarzschild black hole spacetimes, which do not contain the ergo-region or exhibit energy extraction phenomenon. Nevertheless, the construction of a positive-definite energy for gravitational perturbations of Schwarzschild black hole spacetimes is not trivial by any means (see e.g., \cite{Moncrief_74, GH_16, PW_17_2}). In spite of the issues mentioned above, we report that there exists a positive-definite, gauge-invariant and strictly conserved total energy functional for linearized Einstein and electrovacuum perturbations of Kerr and Kerr-Newman black holes for the full sub-extremal range $\vert a, Q\vert <M$. This outcome is made possible by the special structure offered by wave maps in axial symmetry. The Einstein equations for general relativity in axial symmetry, when represented in the Weyl-Papapetrou gauge: \begin{align} \label{wp-gauge} \bar{g} = e^{-2 \gamma} g + e^{2 \gamma} (d \phi + A_\nu dx^\nu)^2, \nu = 0, 1, 2, \end{align} can be reduced to the $2+1$ dimensional Einstein wave map system, where the wave map $$U \fdg (M, g) \to (\mathbb{H}^2, h)$$ has the negatively curved target, the hyperbolic 2-plane $\mathbb{H}^2$. Likewise, the Einstein-Maxwell equations can be reduced to the $2+1$ Einstein-wave map system, with the complex hyperbolic plane $\mathbb{H}_{\mathbb{C}}^2$ as the target manifold for the wave map. We construct an energy using the quantity \begin{align} \label{second-var} H^{\text{Alt}} \fdg = \int_{\Sigma} (N\, D^2 \cdot H ) \, d^2 x \end{align} where $H$ is the dimensionally reduced Hamiltonian constraint on $\Sigma,$ $D$ is the variational derivative and $N$ is the dimensionally reduced lapse in the orbit space $M \fdg = \bar{M}/SO(2),$ $g$ is the metric of $M$ as in \eqref{wp-gauge}, $d^2x$ is the coordinate volume form in $\Sigma$. Importantly, that the quantity \eqref{second-var} can serve as a candidate for the energy follows from the fact that $(N, 0)$ is the kernel of the adjoint of the dimensionally reduced constraints. This insight is derived from the theory of Linearization Stability, developed by Fischer-Marsden-Moncrief \cite{FM_75, FMM_80, Mon_75}. The quantity $H^{\text{Alt}}$ in \eqref{second-var} can further be transformed using the generalized Carter-Robinson identities (analogous to \eqref{canonical-transformations}) into a positive-definite energy functional $H^{\text{Reg}}$ \cite{GM17_gentitle, NG_19_2}. It is worth pointing out that, in the linearized Einstein problem, it becomes transparent that the underlying cause for the validity of the Carter-Robinson identities is the negative curvature of the target manifold of the wave map, the hyperbolic 2-plane $\mathbb{H}^2$ \cite{NG_19_2}. A positive-definite energy defined on a space-like Cauchy hypersurface is of limited significance for the stability problem if it is not strictly conserved in time or if the constituting fields are not regular functions. These two issues are coupled in the sense that the obstacles for strict conservation of energy are caused by the boundary terms that occur at the boundaries of the orbit space - the axes, the spatial infinity and the intersection of axes and the horizon; and it is precisely at these boundaries that the regularity issues arise. Furthermore, in contrast with the electromagnetic problem (Section II), the regularity and the strict conservation of energy in the linearized Einstein (i.e., gravitational) and the electrovacuum problems are further complicated by gauge related issues. In order to overcome these issues, we formulate the initial value problem in the harmonic gauge (Lorenz-harmonic gauge for electrovacuum perturbations of Kerr-Newman black holes), where we can establish causality and regularity of the future development using standard methods, and transform the perturbed fields into the Weyl-Papapetrou gauge. Firstly, we establish that the gauge-transformation as well as the gauge-transformed fields in the Weyl-Papapetrou gauge are dynamically regular at all the boundaries. Subsequently, we prove strict conservation of the positive-definite energy $H^{\text{Reg}}$ by establishing that all the boundary flux terms vanish dynamically in time \cite{NG_21_1, GM17_gentitle}. In this context, we take advantage of the fact that the transverse-traceless tensors vanish for our geometry and thus the elliptic operators can be reduced to Poisson operators, which in turn provide the needed regularity and decay rates at the axes and infinity \cite{GM17_gentitle, NG_21_1}. \section{Summary and Concluding Remarks} The problem of stability of Kerr black holes is a major open problem in theoretical and mathematical studies in general relativity. Arguably, the most important obstacle in establishing the stability of Kerr black holes is the ergo-region and its effects like superradiance and energy-extraction. The effects of the ergo-region are even stronger for rapidly rotating sub-extremal Kerr black holes $(\vert a \vert<M)$. Due to this reason, most of the current and past works on the black hole stability problem are dedicated to the study of stability of Kerr black holes for small angular-momentum $(\vert a \vert \ll M)$. Theoretically, due to the energy extraction phenomenon, the energy of perturbations can blow up in time, implying instability of Kerr black holes. In this Letter, we presented a result wherein we constructed a positive-definite energy for axisymmetric Maxwell fields propagating through Kerr black holes. Analogous results hold for axisymmetric gravitational and electrovacuum perturbations of Kerr and Kerr-Newman black hole spacetimes respectively, using much more delicate mathematical methods. These results imply a form of stability of Kerr and Kerr-Newman black hole spacetimes in axial symmetry. Since our results hold for the entire sub-extremal range of Kerr and Kerr-Newman black holes \footnote{We would like to point out that rapidly rotating, but sub-extremal, black holes are physically important}, these results are expected to be a major step forward towards the resolution of the black hole stability problem. Furthermore, the methods are suitable for the study of stability of Kerr-Newman-de Sitter black holes and higher-dimensional black hole spacetimes under a suitable symmetry class.
1. Introduction =============== Hasty socioeconomic development has resulted in significant changes in the lifestyle of many, which has made diabetes a growing concern in many developing countries. According to the Malaysian Third National Health Morbidity Survey in 2006 \[[@b1-ijms-14-19230]\], the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) among adults was found to be 14.9%. Obesity and insulin resistance are believed to be linked to the metabolic syndrome (MS), a group of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and T2DM. It has been proven that increased Body Mass Index (BMI) accounts as a strong risk factor for T2DM \[[@b2-ijms-14-19230]--[@b5-ijms-14-19230]\]. Besides, a positive association between obesity and T2DM has been documented both in women and men \[[@b2-ijms-14-19230],[@b4-ijms-14-19230]\] with increased risk of developing insulin resistance. There are many genes that interact with the environment that lead to obesity or diabetes and these genes have been investigated to be involved in determining the whole range of BMI in the population \[[@b6-ijms-14-19230]\]. It is believed that CVD could be the leading cause of death among T2DM patients, which accounts for up to 70% of their mortality \[[@b7-ijms-14-19230]\]. Furthermore, patients with T2DM share the same risk of myocardial infarction compared to individuals who have already suffered from a heart attack and this leads many clinicians to consider that the T2DM is equivalent to CVD \[[@b8-ijms-14-19230]\]. The death rate among the CVD patients with T2DM was also falling \[[@b9-ijms-14-19230]\]. On the other hand, the prevalence of T2DM has increased rapidly and the concern is that the prevalence of CVD might also start to increase in agreement with that. Therefore, the beginning of aggressive CVD in patients with T2DM is essential as it might be triggered by the elevated lipid levels (in particular Triglyceride & cholesterol) \[[@b10-ijms-14-19230]\]. Leptin, which is also known as adipose tissue peptide hormone, plays an important role in the regulation of body fat and, therefore, it is called the obesity hormone \[[@b11-ijms-14-19230]\]. Since leptin inhibits food intake through its action, it is believed that reduced leptin levels might be the cause of obesity \[[@b12-ijms-14-19230]\] and indeed, several obese individuals were identified with low leptin levels \[[@b13-ijms-14-19230]\]. However, several studies have reported that in most obese individuals, leptin levels were either normal or higher than normal individuals \[[@b14-ijms-14-19230]\]. These results indicate that among obese individuals, there might be some kind of leptin resistance which is believed to play an important role in the development of obesity and this is due to the fact that an increased amount of leptin cannot perform its role in controlling food intake \[[@b15-ijms-14-19230],[@b16-ijms-14-19230]\]. Leptin resistance is believed to occur as a result of genetic defect in the leptin receptor gene (LEPR), where the element of the gene lacks most of the cytoplasmic region; hence, individuals with this mutation tend to eat more than needed and keep gaining weight \[[@b17-ijms-14-19230]\]. Abnormal LEPR, as well as abnormal leptin catabolism, has been detected in obesity development \[[@b18-ijms-14-19230]\]. The monogenic form of obesity comes from the mutations in a certain loci which then cause obesity. Obesity is also known as the multifactorial disorder which depends on multiple genes and their contribution (polygenic). An individual may carry the mutated gene that may not have developed obesity in suitable environment \[[@b19-ijms-14-19230]\]. In relation to obesity and T2DM, LEPR gene polymorphisms were not extensively studied among different populations. However, to our knowledge, the association of the Gln223Agr loci of LEPR gene has not been investigated among Malaysian diabetic subjects. Taking this into account, this study was initiated to determine the association of the selected polymorphism of the LEPR gene between T2DM subjects and healthy individuals among the three ethnic groups in Malaysia; Malays, Chinese and Indians. 2. Results and Discussion ========================= In this study, the Gln223Agr loci was investigated between T2DM patients and healthy controlled group among the three main ethnic groups in Malaysia; Malays, Chinese and Indians and a significant difference had been found in the genotype frequencies between the Chinese T2DM and the Chinese controlled subjects. Approximately 600 subjects were approached and 565 subjects were included in this study, whereby the outliers and missing values were excluded due to skewness value. This total included 284 (50.3%) T2DM subjects who are comprised of 191 (67.3%) males and 93 (32.7%) females, followed by 281 healthy subjects (49.7%) with 158 (56.2%) males and 123 (43.8%) females. Overall, the majority of the subjects were males, 349 (61.8%). The age of the subjects ranged from 36 to 85 years old, with a mean of (61.9 ± 9.8) for T2DM cases and as for the controlled group, their age ranged from 30 to 84 years old, with a mean of (53.3 ± 12.4). Nearly 43.9% of the subjects have family history of T2DM or CVD; a total of 139 reports (49.5%) among the T2DM subjects and 107 reports (38.2%) among the controlled group. The basic characteristics of the two groups subjected to this study are shown in [Table 1](#t1-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table"}. The significant differences were found in Age, Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist Hip Ratio (WHR), Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP), Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG), H~b~A~1C~, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), Cholesterol (Chol), Triglyceride (TG) and CVD Risk% between the selected groups (*p* \< 0.05). Other values differed significantly in T2DM subjects when compared to the controlled group such as Family history. However, the Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) levels did not differ significantly (*p* \> 0.05) as described in [Table 1](#t1-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table"}. The age, BMI, WHR, SBP, DBP, FPG, H~b~A~1C~ and TG of the variables at the time of participation were significantly higher in the DM group than the controlled category (*p* \< 0.05), however, the levels of LDL, HDL and Chol were higher in the controlled group. High levels of cholesterol cause several health problems such as CVD, atherosclerosis and gall stones. The main step, which triggers the development of atherosclerosis, is believed to be the deposition of cholesterol-ester which fills the macrophage foam cells and contribute to the formation of the atherosclerotic plaque \[[@b20-ijms-14-19230]\]. Gall stones are formed in the bile of obese people and they are saturated with cholesterol \[[@b21-ijms-14-19230]\]. The cause of this saturation is the increased hepatic production of cholesterol, as well as low HDL levels \[[@b22-ijms-14-19230]\]. Elevated plasma levels of TG are discovered in both obese and T2DM non-insulin-dependent subjects who are associated with CVD development \[[@b23-ijms-14-19230]\]. The link between obesity, diabetes and TG is believed to be the pancreatic β-cell dysfunction which is caused by excessive amounts of TG \[[@b24-ijms-14-19230]\]. A study has revealed the role of leptin and the reduction of TG levels in all cells, which expresses the leptin receptor on its surface "via inducing an increase in Free Fatty Acid (FFA) oxidation and a decrease in esterification" and this action could be absent in obese subjects due to leptin resistance \[[@b24-ijms-14-19230]\]. The overall TG level between the T2DM subjects and the healthy individuals was significant (*p* = 0.001) but as far as the Gln223Agr genotypes are concerned, it was no more significant in our observation (*p* = 0.139). Biochemical factors have been evaluated regardless of the type of drugs, dosage and duration of medicine consumption. The present study has to be interpreted within the context of its limitations. This confounding pattern might be due to the medications taken by the patients in lowering their blood pressure and lipid levels and this could be considered as a limitation in the study. Also, the present study provided only the evidence of the association between the genetic polymorphism of LEPR gene and T2DM at the gene level. However, replication studies are much needed to confirm the association of genetic polymorphisms of LEPR gene among T2DM and their complications. 2.1. Genotypic and Allelic Frequency ------------------------------------ In this study, three bands were detected for Gln223Agr loci, 80 (bp) which represent the Wild Type (WT) and (GG) genotype, the 57 and 23 (bp) presence the Homozygous (*HOM*) genotype (AA) followed by the presence of all three bands 80, 57 and 23 (bp) for Heterozygous (*HET*) pattern (AG), as shown in [Figure 1](#f1-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="fig"}. The genotypic and allelic frequencies of the Gln223Agr loci were deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for different ethnic groups due to the differences between the observed and the expected results. The comparison between the T2DM patients and the healthy individuals in this study looked into the three races, which is split into three sub-groups ([Table 2](#t2-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table"}). The genotype and allele frequency of LEPR-Gln223Agr was significant for T2DM/controlled Chinese group only (*p* = 0.011) but, it was not significant (*p* = 0.086) between the Chinese males and females. The homogeneity test using *Leven statistic* was significant (*p* = 0.000) and this emphasized that the error in variance was not equal in both the groups. The overall allele frequency for Gln223Agr polymorphism among the T2DM subjects and the controlled Malays and Indians were not significant; *p* = 0.057 and 0.095, respectively. Besides, the biochemical analyses with the impact of Gln223Agr polymorphism was performed based on 2 way ANOVA and is shown in [Table 3](#t3-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table"}. The results show that there was a significant difference between the T2DM patients and the healthy individuals in terms of age, WHR, FPG, H~b~A~1C~, LDL, HDL, Chol and family history (*p* \< 0.01). Due to the significant differences between the case and the controlled groups, a post hoc test was carried out to evaluate the probable differences among the genotypes in these two groups. The post hoc test for the Chinese race was carried out and was significantly different between wild type and homozygote (*p* = 0.019), followed by wild type and heterozygous (*p* = 0.007) and it was not significant between homozygous and heterozygous (*p* = 0.091). In addition, the post hoc test between the overall case and the control population (without the impact of the three races) was conducted and it was significant between the wild type and Homozygote (*p* = 0.001), followed by wild type and heterozygous (*p* = 0.001) and it was not significant between homozygous and heterozygous (*p* = 0.209), as described in [Table 2](#t2-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table"}. Furthermore, in order to confirm the genotype pattern, the selected samples which represented the different banding prototypes were purified after PCR amplification (Favorgene™ PCR Clean-up Kit, Wembley, Australia) and were sent for sequencing ([Figure 2](#f2-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="fig"}). The Gln223Agr polymorphism was associated with different blood biochemical factors and anthropometric values such as age which has the youngest category in T2DM/controlled HET genotype; (52.3 ± 14.9) and (60.2 ± 9.9) respectively and FPG level, with the lowest value in both T2DM and controlled groups by HET pattern; (7.58 ± 3.1) and (5.03 ± 0.91) respectively. The H~b~A~1C~ in T2DM and WT has the lowest value; (8.13 ± 1.7), compared to the highest in WT genotype in healthy individuals; (5.83 ± 0.46). The results are proven to be the same with LDL, which was the lowest in HOM genotype of diabetes; (2.32 ± 0.74) and the highest in HOM genotype in controlled group; (2.82 ± 0.97), as portrayed in [Table 3](#t3-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table"}. The TG levels were not significant between the groups but, as for the HET genotype, the both groups showed the lowest value; (1.36 ± 0.64) and (1.14 ± 0.54), respectively. Despite the positive effect of HDL cholesterol and its role in lowering the risk of CVD, the overall value of HDL was lower in the diabetes group when compared to the healthy individuals. This might be due to the medications, such as *Statins*, that is prescribed routinely for the T2DM/CVD patients to not only lower their LDL and Cholesterol levels, but at the same time, to reduce other lipid components such as the HDL level and this is considered as a limitation in this study and would be worthwhile to investigate in the future on the impact of different drugs and their dosages and the period of medicine consumption. Thus, leptin could be the final product of the obesity gene which is mainly produced by adipose tissue and involved in food intake and energy expenditure \[[@b13-ijms-14-19230]\]. Leptin mediates its action through its interaction within a receptor which is mainly found in the hypothalamus \[[@b18-ijms-14-19230]\]. Leptin levels are also known as the signal of body fat stores which could be affected by gender and are represented in higher amounts in females due to the different fat distribution. The overall BMI level in the T2DM females was higher in this study; (28.29 ± 5.66) compared to the males; (27.47 ± 4.38) and the BMI level was higher in the diabetic subjects compared to the controlled group ([Table 1](#t1-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table"}). The significant results in the genotype frequency in the study were similar to those found in other studies which associated body composition and obesity \[[@b25-ijms-14-19230]\], insulin level and Glucose metabolism \[[@b26-ijms-14-19230]\] and BMI \[[@b27-ijms-14-19230]\]. However, there was no association between obesity \[[@b28-ijms-14-19230]\], Waist circumference and BMI \[[@b29-ijms-14-19230]\] among the Romanian obese subjects \[[@b30-ijms-14-19230]\]. Meta-analysis studies \[[@b31-ijms-14-19230],[@b32-ijms-14-19230]\] were failed to find out the positive and significant associations between obesity and the studied LEPR polymorphisms. Based on the Hap map project and the advance technologies/studies, it has been recommended to select genes based on clustered regions. Due to the demographic models that include a variety of bottleneck patterns for East Asians or Europeans, the models of constant size with recent growth would be more interesting to investigate \[[@b33-ijms-14-19230],[@b34-ijms-14-19230]\]. Since the previous genetic studies have indicated that the demographic models show as much variance as the real data \[[@b35-ijms-14-19230]\] followed by the recent obesity growth in Asian developing countries, the genes and molecules, which regulate obesity mechanisms would be more effective to focus on. 3. Methodology ============== Ethical approval has been obtained from the ethical committee of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) \[Ref. No. JSB_Mac (12)02\] and followed by the National Heart Institute (IJN) Kuala Lumpur \[Ref. No. IJNEC/05/10 (02)\]. 3.1. Study Population --------------------- A case-control study was conducted to assess the patients' medical records at hospitals and several public surveys. The cases were patients with T2DM seeking medical assistance at IJN from December 2010 to June 2012. During the study period, more than 600 subjects were approached and 565 were selected who include 284 T2DM subjects. All the case subjects (≥30 years) were selected based on International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria which confirmed T2DM on their medical records. Those with diabetes type 1, cancer, or any kind of serious phenotypic genetic malformation or those who were suspicious to pregnancy were excluded. A total of 281 unrelated healthy individuals were randomly recruited from different surveys in public areas and were matched with the cases by age, gender and race. The controlled subjects were free of T2DM and CVD symptoms/history at the time of participation. A questionnaire in both Malay and English languages were distributed to assess the socio-demographic factors, family history of T2DM and co-morbidities. Written informed consent was obtained from all the subjects who were participating in this study. Besides, anthropomorphic measurements too were obtained from all the subjects. Blood pressure was measured on the right arm of the subjects using an automated blood pressure monitor (Omron, Kyoto, Japan) after they were seated and rested for 5 min. 3.2. Sampling Method -------------------- The disposable cytobrush oral swab was used to collect the buccal specimens from the patients and kept in Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) at room temperature (25 °C) for further DNA extraction. The appropriate biochemical results were extracted through the profile records of the patients and were used for further evaluations and furthermore, proper biochemical tests were carried out for the controlled group since no records were obtained. The weight and height of each individual was recorded to calculate the BMI using the formula of Weight (kg)/\[Height (m) × Height (m)\] Next, plasma samples were analyzed on a Hitachi-912 Autoanalyser (Hitachi, Erkrath, Germany) using the respective kits supplied by Roche Diagnostics (Mannheim, Germany) to determine the levels of triglycerides (TG), High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), Total Cholesterol (T-Chol) and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). The lipid profiles were classified under the category of The Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program guidelines \[[@b36-ijms-14-19230]\]. Lastly, blood biochemical analyses were performed after collection of an overnight fasting blood (10 h) specimen. 3.3. Genotyping --------------- The available commercial DNA extraction kit (Qiagen DNA extraction kit for buccal specimens) was used to extract the genomic DNA. The quality of the extracted DNA was evaluated with electrophoresis on 0.8% agarose gel and the quantity was evaluated with nanodrop device of A260 nmA/280 nm. The targeted products of the respected genes were optimized under different cycling conditions ([Table 4](#t4-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table"}). The PCR master mix was prepared in 1.5 mL micro centrifuge tubes. Each reaction mixture contained 15.8 μL Distilled H~2~O, 8 μL of 2× PCR buffer (G-2000, Genet Bio, Anseo-dong Cheonan-si Chungcheongnam-do, Korea), that consist of prime Taq™ DNA polymerase 1 Unit/10 μL, 20 mM Tris-HCl, 80 mM KCl, 4 mM MgCl~2~, enzyme stabilizer, sediment, loading dye, with ph 9.0 and 0.5 mM of each dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP, followed by 0.1 μL (10 pmol/μL) of each upstream and downstream primer (Forward and Reverse). From the freshly prepared master mix, 24 μL aliquots were added into 0.2 mL PCR tubes. Then, 1 μL of the DNA template (100 ng/μL) was added to each tube and this makes the final volume of 25 μL. Consumables and cycling conditions were optimized properly until the respective products were amplified without any unspecific bands and they were confirmed with the published articles. 3.4. Enzymatic Digestion ------------------------ The amplified PCR products were mixed with 2 μL of 1× Ultra Power™ loading dye (Norgen Biotek Corporation, Thorold, ON, Canada) and were separated using the standard method through the 2% agarose gel electrophoresis. Agarose gels were visualized directly under the UV light and the images were captured at Alpha Imager (Alpha Innotech, San Leandro, CA, USA) to confirm the accuracy of the amplification and the previous procedures. After that, all the PCR products were digested with the respective restriction enzyme (*MSP I*) with proper incubation procedure as mentioned in [Table 4](#t4-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table"} and loaded on 8% polyacrylamide agarose gel electrophoresis (PAGE). The staining was simultaneously done by mixing 1× Ultra Power™ loading dye with digested PCR products ([Figure 1](#f1-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="fig"}). In addition, the UVIDoc Version 98 was utilized for scoring the gel electrophoresis banding pattern which was sorted in excel format prior to statistical analysis. 3.5. DNA Sequencing ------------------- The sequencing method was utilized in this study after detecting the polymorphisms through the PAGE. The selected polymorph samples were purified with *Favorgene* Purification Kit and sent for sequencing (Medigene Sdn Bhd, Puchong, Malaysia) to confirm the accuracy of the amplifications and scoring patterns. The sequencing results were subjected to BLAST (<http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi>) and it had been verified with the published loci sequences for the respective polymorphism. The two softwares MEGA 5.2 (Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis version 5; <http://www.megasoftware.net>) and FinchTV 1.4.0 (Geospiza, Inc.; Seattle, WA, USA; <http://www.geospiza.com>) were utilized for evaluation purposes ([Figure 2](#f2-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="fig"}). 3.6. Data Validation -------------------- As described by Zeggini *et al*., 2008 \[[@b38-ijms-14-19230]\], nearly 10% of the samples who responded to the heterozygous genotypes were chosen and the samples were genotyped for the same assay for the second time. There was 100% accuracy with the previous sample amplification results which was done with the same assay. Moreover, duplicated samples were amplified and the results were scored with other operator. 3.7. Statistical Methods ------------------------ Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS (Version 17.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The variables were continuously examined for skewness and the normal values were evaluated by proper parametric tests. The normality test was conducted to monitor the variability distribution and those variables which were missed or the outliers were excluded from further evaluations. A chi-square test was used to compare the frequencies of the qualitative variables in both groups and to determine if the genotype frequencies were in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). Furthermore, descriptive statistics were utilized to compare the allele and genotype frequencies between the both groups and their significance level was at (*p* \< 0.05) by Fisher exact test. The general linear model (GLM), particularly univariate ANOVA (analysis of variance), was considered to determine the impact of genotypes with each biochemical variable or anthropomorphic value. The *p*-value was used to determine the association between the significance levels (*p* \< 0.05) and due to the significant genotypes; post hoc tests were conducted too. Prior to advanced analyses, the raw data was evaluated by scatter plots and due to the inconsistent distribution; the regression analysis was omitted for this study. 4. Conclusions ============== The present study implies that Gln223Agr polymorphism of LEPR gene might be considered as an independent risk factor for the development of T2DM among Malaysians particularly in Chinese ethnics. The findings of this study will serve as a basic research platform for further research to know the mechanism or the functionality of the variant of the LEPR gene. Future studies are needed to determine the significance of LEPR gene polymorphism and their true effect on drug metabolism followed by the investigation of probable side effects. The authors would like to appreciate all the volunteers who have participated in this research, and we are also thankful for the help and support from Arash Javanmard and Mahmoud Danaee for their proper statistical advices to conduct this survey. Besides, special thanks to the nurses of the respected National Heart Institute Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for their help and support in this survey. The authors declare no conflict of interest. ![The Enzymatic Digestion of Gln223Agr loci with (*MSP I*) on 8% PAGE. Lane 1 is the DNA marker, lane 2 is the homozygous mutant and lane 3 is the heterozygous whereas lane 4 is the wild type.](ijms-14-19230f1){#f1-ijms-14-19230} ![The sequencing results of the Gln223Agr loci were highlighted with the cutting site of the enzyme. The homozygous pattern (GG) was observed in (**A**) followed by wild type pattern (AA) in (**B**).](ijms-14-19230f2){#f2-ijms-14-19230} ###### Demographic characteristics of the study subjects. Characteristics T2DM Lower/Upper Control Lower/Upper *p*-value ------------------ ---------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age (years) 60.7 ± 10.2 61.4 ± 8.8 61 ± 9.8 59.9--62.2 56.1 ± 11.2 49.7 ± 13 53.3 ± 12.4 51.8--54.8 0.000 [\*\*](#tfn2-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} BMI (Kg/m^2^) 27.47 ± 4.38 28.29 ± 5.66 27.73 ± 4.83 27.1--28.3 26.42 ± 4.32 26.07 ± 4.94 26.27 ± 4.59 26.8--26.1 0.014 [\*](#tfn1-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} WHR 0.95 ± 0.05 0.93 ± 0.07 0.94 ± 0.06 0.94--0.95 0.92 ± 0.05 0.86 ± 0.07 0.9 ± 0.06 0.89--0.91 0.000 [\*\*](#tfn2-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} SBP (mm Hg) 140.59 ± 22.55 144.37 ± 22.63 141.83 ± 22.6 139.1--144.56 138.34 ± 20.69 134.21 ± 18.75 136.64 ± 19.98 134.24--139.05 0.048 [\*](#tfn1-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} DBP (mm Hg) 80.05 ± 9.89 78.25 ± 9.79 79.45 ± 9.88 78.26--80.65 79.47 ± 9.47 78.03 ± 9.4 78.87 ± 9.45 77.73--80.02 0.170 FPG (mmol/L) 8.29 ± 3.17 8.67 ± 3.4 8.41 ± 3.24 8.02--8.81 5.49 ± 0.98 4.79 ± 0.81 5.19 ± 0.97 5.07--5.31 0.000 [\*\*](#tfn2-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} H~b~A1~C~ 8.22 ± 1.94 8.27 ± 1.64 8.24 ± 1.84 8.02--8.45 5.85 ± 0.51 5.7 ± 0.38 5.79 ± 0.46 5.73--5.86 0.000 [\*\*](#tfn2-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} LDL (mmol/L) 2.31 ± 0.78 2.46 ± 0.89 2.36 ± 0.82 2.26--2.46 2.74 ± 0.97 2.71 ± 0.97 2.73 ± 0.97 2.61--2.84 0.060 HDL (mmol/L) 1.11 ± 0.28 1.31 ± 0.36 1.17 ± 0.32 1.13--121 1.16 ± 0.33 1.34 ± 0.42 1.23 ± 0.38 1.19--1.28 0.000 [\*\*](#tfn2-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} TG (mmol/L) 1.61 ± 0.81 1.62 ± 0.75 1.61 ± 0.79 1.52--1.71 1.5 ± 0.83 1.04 ± 0.49 1.3 ± 0.74 1.28--1.38 0.001 [\*\*](#tfn2-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} Chol (mmol/L) 4.17 ± 0.96 4.59 ± 1.04 4.3 ± 1.01 4.18--4.43 4.56 ± 1.03 4.67 ± 1.25 4.61 ± 1.13 4.47--4.74 0.003 [\*\*](#tfn2-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} CVD Risk% 3.97 ± 1.25 3.78 ± 1.31 3.9 ± 1.27 3.75--4.06 4.15 ± 1.28 3.67 ± 1.17 3.94 ± 1.26 3.79--4.09 0.014 [\*\*](#tfn2-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} Family History No 97 (51.1) 45 (49.5) 142 (50.5) 104 (66.2) 69 (56.1) 173 (61.8) 0.007 [\*\*](#tfn2-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"}**,**[†](#tfn3-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} Yes 93 (48.9) 46 (50.5) 139 (49.5) 53 (38.8) 54 (43.9) 107 (38.2) Duration (years) 10 ± 8 10.6 ± 8.2 10.2 ± 8.1 \- \- \- \- *p*-value was calculated by χ^2^ test with 2 × 2 contingency table and considered *p* \< 0.05 as significant; *p*-value was calculated as *p* \< 0.01 level; Fisher Exact test Confidence Interval: CI. ###### The genotypic and allelic distribution among the study subjects. T2DM (*n*-284) Controls (*n*-281) --------------- ------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------ WT (GG) 28.7 26.1 41.2 16.4 8.8 30.1 0.057 HOM (AA) 59.6 73.9 50.6 68.8 83.8 50.7 0.011 [\*](#tfn4-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} HET (GA) 11.8 \- 8.2 14.8 7.4 19.2 0.095 Alleles G 0.346 0.261 0.453 0.238 0.125 0.397 NS A 0.654 0.739 0.547 0.762 0.875 0.603 Post-Hoc Test *p* value (95% Confidence interval(lower bound-upper bound) Chinese alone GG *vs*. AA 0.019 [\*](#tfn4-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.50--0.54 GG *vs*. GA 0.007 [\*](#tfn4-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.19--1.14 AA *vs*. GA 0.091 −0.05--0.81 Three Ethnics GG *vs*. AA 0.001 [\*](#tfn4-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.80--0.27 GG *vs*. GA 0.001 [\*](#tfn4-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} 0.11--0.41 AA *vs*. GA 0.001 [\*](#tfn4-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} −0.41--−0.11 *p* value \< 0.05, NS- Non- Significant (*p* \> 0.05) between the three ethnics, WT: wild type, HOM: homozygous, HET: heterozygous. ###### The clinical characteristics of the T2DM and control subjects with the impact of Gln223Agr loci. Factors T2DM Control *p*-value ------------------ -------------- -------------- -------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Age (years) 61.8 ± 9.8 60.5 ± 9.5 60.2 ± 9.9 56.4 ± 11.2 53.8 ± 12.0 52.3 ± 14.9 0.007 [\*\*](#tfn7-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} BMI (Kg/cm^2^) 27.87 ± 5.26 27.67 ± 4.73 27.4 ± 4.31 26.43 ± 4.67 26.31 ± 4.67 26.35 ± 4.13 0.423 WHR 0.94 ± 0.06 0.94 ± 0.06 0.93 ± 0.03 0.91 ± 0.05 0.89 ± 0.06 0.9 ± 0.1 0.022 [\*\*](#tfn7-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} SBP (mm Hg) 145.6 ± 19.9 139.2 ± 23.1 144.3 ± 22.7 135.36 ± 18.65 137.8 ± 20.4 134.5 ± 19.6 0.334 DBP (mm Hg) 80.27 ± 8.7 78.97 ± 10.1 79.34 ± 7.8 77.48 ± 8.17 79.32 ± 9.82 78.52 ± 9.16 0.385 FPG (mmol/L) 8.28 ± 3.2 8.55 ± 3.27 7.58 ± 3.1 5.59 ± 0.75 5.17 ± 0.99 5.03 ± 0.91 0.000 [\*\*](#tfn7-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} H~b~A1~C~ 8.13 ± 1.7 8.26 ± 1.8 8.43 ± 2.2 5.83 ± 0.46 5.79 ± 0.47 5.76 ± 0.54 0.000 [\*\*](#tfn7-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} LDL (mmol/L) 2.41 ± 0.88 2.32 ± 0.74 2.55 ± 1.22 2.57 ± 0.9 2.82 ± 0.97 2.59 ± 1.09 0.000 [\*\*](#tfn7-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} HDL (mmol/L) 1.16 ± 0.25 1.17 ± 0.35 1.12 ± 0.29 1.25 ± 0.33 1.24 ± 0.38 1.22 ± 0.42 0.003 [\*\*](#tfn7-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} TG (mmol/L) 1.54 ± 0.61 1.65 ± 0.88 1.36 ± 0.64 1.43 ± 0.71 1.31 ± 0.78 1.14 ± 0.54 0.139 Chol (mmol/L) 4.44 ± 1.13 4.25 ± 0.92 4.18 ± 1.15 4.47 ± 0.97 4.7 ± 1.15 4.43 ± 1.28 0.010 [\*\*](#tfn7-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} CVD Risk% 3.99 ± 1.23 3.9 ± 1.29 3.67 ± 0.89 3.79 ± 1.06 3.98 ± 1.28 3.82 ± 1.2 0.216 Family History No 37 (43.5) 86 (54.8) 11 (50) 31 (63.3) 108 (59.3) 27 (71.1) 0.000 [\*\*](#tfn7-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"},[†](#tfn8-ijms-14-19230){ref-type="table-fn"} Yes 48 (56.5) 71 (45.2) 11 (50) 18 (36.7) 74 (40.7) 11 (28.9) Duration (years) 10.9 ± 8.4 9.9 ± 7.9 8.6 ± 6.3 \- WT: wild type, HOM: homozygous, HET: heterozygous; *p*-value was calculated by χ^2^ test with 2 × 2 contingency table and considered *p* \< 0.05 as significant; Fisher Exact test. ###### The primers, enzymatic incubation and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) cycling specification of the Leptin receptor gene Gln223Arg loci. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNP ID Amino acid changing region Enzymatic digestion time temperature and volume Cutting position Forward and reverse primer PCR product size (bp) PCR cycling condition (time and temperature) Reference ----------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------- rs1137101 Gln223Arg *Msp* I\ 5′\...C\^C G G\...3′\ 5′-CAAACTCAACGACACTCTCCTT-3′\ 80 5 min 95 °C\ \[[@b37-ijms-14-19230]\] 45 min\ 3′\...G G C\^C\...5′ 5′-CTGAACTGACATTAGAGGTGAC-3′ 45 s 95 °C\ 37 °C\ 30 s 57 °C\ 4 Unit 45 s 72 °C\ 30 cycle\ 10 min 72 °C\ 4 °C ∞ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Introduction {#sec1-1} ============ Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune connective tissue disease (CTD) with multisystem involvement and varied manifestations.\[[@ref1][@ref2][@ref3]\] The pathophysiology involves fibroblast dysfunction and vascular abnormality leading to tissue hypoxia and altered immune responses.\[[@ref1][@ref2][@ref3]\] Intimal proliferation leading to obliteration of blood vessels is responsible for the involvement of various organ systems.\[[@ref1][@ref2][@ref3]\] The microvascular abnormalities and capillary morphological changes are characteristic of SSc and can be visualized in horizontally lying vessels in the vascular beds of the digital proximal nail folds (PNF) and the retina. Nailfold capillaroscopy (NFC) is a noninvasive tool to study microvascular abnormalities in the PNF. It has been extensively studied in the setting of SSc.\[[@ref4][@ref5][@ref6]\] Retinal microvascular abnormalities have been extensively studied and reported in lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and arterial hypertension.\[[@ref7][@ref8][@ref9][@ref10]\] However, the evaluation of retinal microvasculature in SSc has been sparsely reported. Most of the published data include case reports or small case series, that too in the Caucasian population, limiting the generalization of retinal findings to patients across the globe.\[[@ref7][@ref8][@ref9][@ref10][@ref11]\] Since SSc is known to affect the microvasculature (as evidenced by the NFC), there is a need to study the effect on retinal microvasculature as well. Hence, the present study was designed to evaluate the type and frequency of retinal microvascular changes in SSc and to compare the findings with NFC changes. Patients and Methods {#sec1-2} ==================== This observational descriptive study was carried out at a tertiary care center. The study protocol was approved by the institutional review board. We included patients fulfilling the American College of Rheumatology and European League against Rheumatism (ACR-EULAR) criteria for the diagnosis of SSc.\[[@ref12]\] Patients with overlap syndrome or those with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, history of smoking, or drugs that can affect peripheral circulation were excluded from the study. The hematological, biochemical, and autoantibody profiles including antinuclear antibody, anti-centromere antibody, SCL-70 and dsDNA were done for all recruited patients and recorded. The patients were evaluated clinically and subdivided into limited cutaneous SSc (lSSc) and diffuse cutaneous SSc (dSSc).\[[@ref12]\] Their disease severity was scored with the help of a modified Rodnan skin score (MRSS). NFC was done with the help of a USB 2.0 videodermatoscope (Dinolite AM413ZT; 20-220X; 1.3 MP). It was performed by a single observer, while the images were stored, processed, and interpreted by two independent observers. Detailed examination for all 10 fingernails was performed after seating the patient comfortably at ambient room temperature for 15 min. They were asked to keep their hands at the level of heart on a dull non-refractile surface.\[[@ref4]\] For each capillaroscopic image the following parameters were evaluated: linear capillary density (capillary number/mm), presence of micro hemorrhages, capillary drop out, avascular areas, and capillary morphology. The morphology of loops was considered normal or abnormal based on the definition by European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR).\[[@ref13]\] The capillary absolute number was obtained by a method suggested by Jakhar *et al*.\[[@ref14]\] The visibility of sub-papillary plexus was also recorded. The degree of capillary loss was evaluated on the scale proposed by Lee *et al*.\[[@ref15]\] All patients underwent a complete ophthalmological evaluation by a single physician unaware of their clinical and laboratory profile. The best-corrected distant and near visual acuity (BCVA) was assessed by Snellen and Jaegler charts, respectively. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured by noncontact tonometry (NCT). Fundus examination by direct ophthalmoscope followed by fundus photography (Nikon NF-505) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) was also done. Retinal microvascular abnormalities were recorded as arteriolar narrowing, arteriolar nicking, vascular tortuosity, hemorrhages, exudates, and cotton wool spots. The patients were divided into two groups based on the presence or absence of retinal microvascular changes. The data recorded were statistically analyzed using SPSS V 20. Continuous variables were expressed as the mean ± standard deviation, whereas categorical variables were expressed as frequencies in percentages. The student\'s *t*-test and Fischer\'s exact test were used to compare data. A *P* value of \<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results {#sec1-3} ======= Of the 45 SSc patients recruited, 73.34% (33/45) patients had dSSc. There was a female preponderance (male: female ratio of 0.125:1), with the mean age being 33.40 ± 9.78 years (range 18--60 years). The mean age was higher in patients with lSSc (36 ± 8.79 years) as compared to dSSc (32.45 ± 10.07 years); however, the difference was not statistically significant. The average disease duration was 5.8 ± 4.94 years with the mean modified Rodnan score (MRS) being 17.49 ± 9.03. The mean disease duration was higher in dSSc (6.57 ± 5.38 years) as compared to lSSc (3.67 ± 2.61 years). Similarly, the mean MRS was also higher in dSSc (21.09 ± 7.62) as compared to lSSc (7.58 ± 3.40). The mean capillary density was 3.57 ± 1.36 capillaries/mm among our patients. It was marginally higher for patients with lSSc (4.30 ± 1.40 capillaries/mm) as compared to those with dSSc (3.30 ± 1.24 capillaries/mm), the difference being statistically significant (*P* = 0.045). The frequency of morphological capillary changes recorded in our patients is summarized in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type="table"} \[Figure [1a](#F1){ref-type="fig"}-[d](#F1){ref-type="fig"}\]. Abnormal morphology of capillaries was seen in all patients. Overall, changes were more frequent in patients with diffuse cutaneous involvement as compared to those with lSSc; however, a statistically significant difference could be observed only with respect to the presence of avascular areas (commoner in dSSc) and capillary dropouts (commoner in lSSc) (*P* \< 0.05). ###### Frequency of morphological NFC changes in study group participants (*n*=45) NFC parameters Total patients (*n*=45) Limited SSc (*n*=12) Diffuse SSc (*n*=33) *P* --------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- -------- ----------- -------- --------- Presence of dilated capillaries 44 97.8% 11 91.7% 33 (100%) 100% 0.27 Normal capillary morphology 1 2.2% 1 8.3% 0 0 0.00 Abnormal capillary morphology 45 97.8% 11 33.33% 33 63.63% 0.27 Evidence of capillary drop outs 22 48.9% 10 83.3% 12 36.4% 0.005\* Presence of avascular areas 36 80% 5 41.67% 31 93.93% 0.000\* Presence of micro hemorrhages 34 75.56% 9 75% 25 75.75% 1.000 Subpapillary plexus visibility 12 26.67% 5 41.67% 7 21.21% 0.254 \**P*\<0.05 was taken as statistically significant; NFC=Nailfold capillaroscopy, SSc=Systemic sclerosis ![(a): Showing dilated capillaries (black arrows) and capillary dropouts (red stars) (50×). (b): Microhemorrhages (black arrow), avascular area (outlined by a black bracket) and bushy capillaries demonstrating neoangiogenesis (black stars) can be seen (150×). (c) Multiple bizarre and meandering capillaries \[150×\]. (d) Multiple tortuous capillaries (50×) (Dinolite AM413ZT, polarizing view under oil)](IDOJ-11-382-g001){#F1} An ophthalmological evaluation revealed 40% (18/45) patients to have a low vision (visual acuity \<6/18 in the better eye). The IOP was normal and OCT did not reveal macular edema and subretinal fluid; however, retinal microvascular changes were recorded in up to one-third patients (28.89%); being much more commonly detected in patients with diffuse cutaneous disease (36.36%) as compared to lSSc (8.3%) (*P* \< 0.05). These were in the form of arteriovenous (AV) crossing changes and mild arteriolar attenuation \[[Figure 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}\]. The rental changes are summarized in [Table 2](#T2){ref-type="table"}. ![Arteriolar attenuation with arteriovenous crossing changes (green arrow) as visualized on fundoscopy in a patient with diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis](IDOJ-11-382-g002){#F2} ###### Retinal findings in SSc Retinal findings Number of patients showing changes (%) -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Arteriolar narrowing 10 (22.22%) Arteriovenous crossing changes 13 (28.89%) Vascular tortuosity 8 (17.77%) Hemorrhages 1 (2.22%) Exudates 0 Cotton wool spots 0 We also compared the baseline characteristics of SSc patients with and without retinal changes (13 vs 32 patients). The comparative features are summarized in [Table 3](#T3){ref-type="table"}; while various NFC findings in these two patient subgroups are shown in [Table 4](#T4){ref-type="table"}. The mean capillary density in patients with retinal changes was slightly lower (3.25 ± 1.18 capillary/mm) as compared to those without retinal changes (3.70 ± 1.42 capillary/mm) (*P* = 0.706). Almost all NFC morphological alterations were more common in patients with retinal disease although the differences were not statistically significant. ###### Comparative evaluation of SSc patients with and without retinal changes (*n*=45) Parameters SSc with retinal changes (*n*=13) SSc without retinal changes (*n*=32) --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Age ( in years) ± SD 37.54±11.56 31.53±8.93 M:F ratio 2:11 3:29 BMI 21.51±2.96 21.40±2.21 Mean disease duration (in years) ± SD 8.77±4.23 4.59±4.75 MRSS±SD 21.38±7.18 15.91±9.32 BMI=Body mass index, MRSS=Modified Rodnan skin score, SD=Standard deviation ###### Comparison of NFC features in SSc patients with and without retinal changes NFC features SSc with retinal changes (*n*=13) SSc without retinal changes (*n*=32) *P* --------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ----- -------- ------- Presence of dilated capillaries 13 100% 32 100% \-- Normal capillary morphology\* 0 0 1 3.1% 0.00 Abnormal capillary morphology 13 100% 31 96.9% 0.461 Evidence of capillary drop outs 13 100% 29 90.62% 0.372 Presence of avascular areas 12 92.30% 24 75% 0.249 Presence of micro hemorrahges 8 61.54% 26 81.25% 0.251 Sub-papillary plexus visibility 3 23.07% 9 28.13% 1.000 \**P*\<0.05 was taken as significant\[[@ref16]\] Discussion {#sec1-4} ========== NFC is an essential tool in the evaluation of microvasculature in CTDs, especially SSc \[[Figure 3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}\]. Even in the early disease stage, before the tissue damage, NFC can detect microvascular changes reliably. The affection of the microvasculature in the retina does occur in SSc but has been sparsely studied. In our study, the mean capillary density for the 45 patients was reduced (3.57 ± 1.36 capillaries/mm) as compared to the expected normal (\>6 capillaries/mm). A previous Indian study, evaluating 42 SSc patients, had reported the mean capillary density to be 5.3 ± 1.4 capillaries per mm, which was slightly higher than our patients.\[[@ref17]\] This could be due to the longer disease duration in our group of patients. Abnormal capillary morphology was seen in 97.8% of the patients. The commonest qualitative changes recorded by us were dilated capillaries (97.8%), avascular areas (80%), and micro hemorrhages (75.56%). Capillary tortuosity was recorded in 100% of cases. A similar frequency of NFC changes has been reported by Marciq *et al*.\[[@ref5]\] (83--93% of SSc patients). In the Indian scenario, similar frequency, as well as types of changes, were reported in 42 SSc patients with dilated capillaries (57.6%) and bushy capillaries (86.4%) being found commonly.\[[@ref17]\] Our study shows a comparably higher frequency of NFC changes among SSc patients as compared to the previous studies; however, our results are consistent with a recent study by Lambova *et al*., where NFC changes were recorded in 97.2% of the patients. This could be because of the improved sensitivity and resolution of equipment used.\[[@ref6]\] ![Clinical presentation of digital involvement in systemic sclerosis](IDOJ-11-382-g003){#F3} On comparing the NFC changes between the limited and diffuse cutaneous disease, it was seen that avascular areas were significantly more common in dSSc (*P* = 0.000), while capillary dropouts were more common in limited cutaneous variant (*P* = 0.005). The frequency of the remaining parameters didn\'t show statistically significant differences, although the frequency of abnormal capillary morphology was much more in patients with diffuse cutaneous disease. Among our patients, 18 (40%) were found to have reduced visual acuity. IOP was normal, possibly because we excluded patients with hypertension. OCT is an in-vivo noninvasive technique to evaluate the choroid and retina.\[[@ref18]\] It measures the retinal thickness and macular edema and is mainly used in patients with diabetic retinopathy.\[[@ref18][@ref19][@ref20]\] A previous study by Ignenoli *et al*. had reported the reduction in the choroidal and retinal thickness in SSc patients and primary RP patients.\[[@ref18]\] However, in our study, there was no change in the retinal thickness in SSc patients, nor was there any evidence of macular edema/subretinal fluid. On the other hand, almost one-third of patients (13/45 or 28.89%) showed retinal microvascular changes in the form of mild arteriolar alteration and AV crossing. Previous studies have reported cotton wool spots, intraretinal hemorrhage and optic disc edema in SSc and have attributed these findings to malignant hypertension.\[[@ref21]\] We had excluded patients with hypertension, which may explain the absence of these findings in our study. The tortuosity, arteriolar attenuation, and AV crossing changes seen in our series were presumably a result of arteriosclerosis and vessel wall thickening.\[[@ref22]\] These probably reflect the characteristic microvascular damage of SSc. The retinal disease was much more common in patients with dSSc (12/13 cases) (*P* \< 0.05); probably because of the systemic nature of the disease process in this subset. The longer disease duration in dSSc could also contribute to the higher frequency of retinal microvascular changes. In an earlier study of 45 patients with SSc (27 with lSSc and 18 with dSSc), retinal microvascular changes were reported in a similar ratio.\[[@ref23]\] Ushiyama *et al*.\[[@ref11]\] in their study on 29 SSc patients found retinal changes in 10 patients (34%). The mean capillary density in SSc patients with and without retinal changes (3.25 ± 1.18 and 3.70 ± 1.42 capillaries/mm) was found to be comparable (*P* = 0.280). This finding was consistent with an earlier report by Ushiyama *et al*.\[[@ref11]\] The differences in qualitative NFC parameters among the two groups were also not significantly different statistically. Our finding was again in concordance with the previous study by Ushiyama *et al*.\[[@ref11]\] Though not statistically significant, our study does indicate that patients of SSc with the retinal disease have more severe NFC changes. Thus, this may be used as an indicator for retinal disease, further representing the systemic vascular changes, even possibly reflecting the involvement of the central nervous system vasculature. Cutolo *et al*. had reported focal or diffuse cerebral hypoperfusion in their neurologically asymptomatic patients of SSc.\[[@ref24]\] Further studies are required to decide the significance of this possible association. {#sec2-1} ### Limitations {#sec3-1} A small sample size and limited time duration may have prevented the study to reach a statistically significant conclusion. In addition, we didn\'t have a healthy population group to compare our retinal findings. Fundus fluorescein angiography or evaluation for the dry eye could not be done due to resource constraints. Conclusion {#sec1-5} ========== Our study substantiates the importance of NFC in the evaluation of SSc, both as a diagnostic as well as a prognostic tool. It also signifies the importance of detailed ophthalmologic evaluation, especially fundoscopy of SSc patients as a fairly good number show retinal involvement. It seems particularly relevant for patients with diffuse cutaneous SSc. {#sec2-2} ### Financial support and sponsorship {#sec3-2} Nil. ### Conflicts of interest {#sec3-3} There are no conflicts of interest.
1. Introduction {#sec1} =============== Acute kidney injury (AKI) is defined as a clinical syndrome characterized by a rapid decrease in renal function together with the accumulation of waste products such as urea \[[@B1]\]. The incidence of non-dialysis-requiring AKI is about 5000 cases per million people per year and incidence of dialysis requiring AKI is 295 cases per million people per year \[[@B2]\]. AKI complicates 1--7% of all hospital admissions and 1--25% of intensive care unit admissions \[[@B3], [@B4]\]. Furthermore, AKI is known as an independent risk factor for mortality. AKI increases the risk of death by 10- to 15-fold and results in a mortality rate of 50% \[[@B5], [@B6]\]. The kidneys are the major targets for the toxic effects of various chemical agents and thus drug-induced AKI is a frequent entity in clinical medicine. The incidence of nephrotoxic AKI is difficult to estimate due to variabilities of patient populations and criteria of AKI. However, nephrotoxicity has been reported to contribute to about 8--60% of hospital-acquired AKI cases \[[@B7]\]. In a recent large multicenter epidemiological survey performed on critically ill patients, drug nephrotoxicity was found to be responsible for 19% of AKI cases \[[@B8]\]. Cisplatin (dichlorodiamino platinum) is an inorganic platinum-based chemotherapeutic agent that is widely used in the treatment of a variety of solid malignant tumors such as head and neck, lung, testis, ovarian, and bladder cancers \[[@B9]\]. The use of cisplatin is frequently limited by various significant side effects such as bone marrow suppression, peripheral neuropathy, ototoxicity, anaphylaxis, and nephrotoxicity. After a single dose of cisplatin (50--100 mg/m^2^), approximately one-third of the patients develop nephrotoxicity \[[@B10], [@B11]\]. An improved knowledge of the pathogenesis of cisplatin-induced AKI is crucial to prevent the AKI and improve survival in cancer patients receiving cisplatin-based treatments. Furthermore, increased renal vascular resistance and decreases in renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) make the cisplatin nephrotoxicity an ideal model to study the early pathophysiological features of all types of AKI \[[@B12]\]. In this paper, we aim to review the pathophysiological mechanisms of cisplatin-induced AKI and discuss the most recent experimental strategies and molecules to prevent cisplatin-induced AKI. 2. Cellular Uptake of Cisplatin {#sec2} =============================== Uptake of the cisplatin by the renal cells is energy dependent and can be inhibited by probenecid \[[@B13]\]. Deletion of the Ctr1, a high-affinity copper transporter, results in reduced uptake of cisplatin and toxicity in yeast \[[@B14]\]. Ctr1 knockdown significantly reduced cisplatin-induced apoptosis in renal proximal tubular cells (RPTC) \[[@B15]\]. Organic cation transporters (OCTs) also play a role in cellular uptake of cisplatin \[[@B16]\]. Cimetidine, an OCT2 inhibitor, decreases cisplatin uptake in cultured renal tubular cells \[[@B17]\]. Cisplatin uptake and toxicity were shown to be increased in OCT2 overexpressing human proximal tubular cells \[[@B17]\]. However, OCT1/OCT2-deficient mice were protected from cisplatin-induced renal tubular damage \[[@B18], [@B19]\]. Cisplatin becomes highly reactive within the cell. Cisplatin conjugates with molecules such as glutathione, proteins, RNA, and DNA. Intra- and interstrand cross-linking of DNA by cisplatin block DNA replication and gene transcription. Thus, DNA damage is a critical component of cisplatin toxicity \[[@B20], [@B21]\]. Due to its low molecular weight and uncharged character, unbound cisplatin in the plasma is freely filtered by the glomerulus. Most of the cisplatin is trapped within the renal cortex \[[@B13], [@B22]\]. The concentration of cisplatin in the proximal tubular cells is 5 times higher than the serum concentration and thus such an accumulation of cisplatin in kidney contributes to its nephrotoxicity \[[@B9], [@B23]\]. 3. General Pathophysiology {#sec3} ========================== The pathophysiology of cisplatin-induced AKI involves 4 major mechanisms: (1) proximal tubular injury, (2) oxidative stress, (3) inflammation, and (4) vascular injury in the kidney. Proximal tubular injury involves several different mechanisms including apoptosis \[[@B24]\], autophagy \[[@B25]\], dysregulation of cell-cycle proteins \[[@B26]\], activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways \[[@B27]\], direct toxicity to renal tubular epithelial cells \[[@B17]\], DNA damage \[[@B31]\], and mitochondrial dysfunction \[[@B32]\]. 4. Proximal Tubular Injury {#sec4} ========================== 4.1. Apoptosis {#sec4.1} -------------- The dosage of cisplatin determines whether the cells die by necrosis or apoptosis \[[@B33]\]. In cell culture studies, high concentrations of cisplatin cause necrotic cell death but lower concentrations lead to apoptosis. However,*in vivo*, cisplatin induces both necrosis and apoptosis \[[@B34]\]. Several pathways are defined for apoptosis such as the extrinsic pathway induced by death receptors, the intrinsic pathway depending mostly on mitochondria, and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress pathway. In the extrinsic pathway, activation of death receptors such as Fas and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFR) leads to activation of downstream caspases to induce apoptosis \[[@B35]\]. In the intrinsic pathway, cellular injury leads to the activation of the proapoptotic Bax and Bak proteins, which in turn results in the release of apoptogenic factors including cytochrome c, apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), Smac/DIABLO, and endonuclease G from the mitochondria. Cisplatin induces Bax activation \[[@B36]\] and inhibition of Bax by Bcl-2 diminishes mitochondrial injury and cisplatin-induced apoptosis \[[@B37]\]. Importantly, when the Bax gene was deleted, the animals became resistant to cisplatin \[[@B24]\]. In the ER stress pathway of apoptosis, the initiator caspase is caspase-12 which was shown to be activated by cisplatin. In a cell culture study, apoptosis was found to be attenuated with transfection of an anti-caspase-12 antibody \[[@B38]\]. Another ER-associated protein during cisplatin injury is a calcium-independent phospholipase A2 (ER-iPLA2). Inhibition of ER-iPLA2 leads to amelioration of cisplatin-induced apoptosis in proximal tubular cultures \[[@B39]\]. In addition to caspases and proapoptotic pathways, there are other pathways like p53 that are activated in cisplatin-induced AKI. ### 4.1.1. p53 and Apoptosis {#sec4.1.1} In cultured renal tubular cells, p53 was shown to be activated by cisplatin \[[@B40]\]. Cisplatin induces DNA damage and subsequently DNA damage response proteins such as ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) proteins are activated leading to p53 phosphorylation. It was shown that both genetic and pharmacological inhibition (pifithrin) of p53 decreased the tubular cell apoptosis, renal tissue damage, and cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B41]\]. Several p53-associated pathways and molecules have been defined such as p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA), histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors, taurine transporter gene (TauT), and SIRT1 which are all implicated in the pathophysiology of cisplatin-induced AKI. PUMA, a proapoptotic protein, was identified as a major downstream mediator of the apoptotic actions of p53. PUMA is also induced by cisplatin \[[@B42]\]. This induction was shown to be dependent on p53 because PUMA was also inhibited by both pharmacological (pifithrin) and genetic ablation of p53. Furthermore, cisplatin-induced apoptosis was ameliorated in PUMA-knockout cells \[[@B42]\]. HDAC inhibitors such as suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) and trichostatin A (TSA) inhibit p53 phosphorylation, acetylation, and activation during cisplatin treatment. TSA and SAHA ameliorated the cisplatin-induced apoptosis in proximal tubular cells. HDAC inhibitors are also effective chemotherapeutic agents. The use of cisplatin and TSA in combined chemotherapy protocols may be an effective strategy to enhance the antitumor efficacy and to prevent cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity \[[@B43]\]. Cisplatin was found to decrease the expression of the TauT through the activation of p53 in proximal tubular renal cells \[[@B44]\]. It was also shown that overexpression of TauT prevented the cisplatin-induced apoptosis and renal dysfunction in TauT transgenic mice. Functional TauT may prevent cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity by attenuating p53-dependent pathway \[[@B44]\]. SIRT1 deacetylates p53 and in turn decreases apoptosis through deacetylation of p53 \[[@B45]\]. It has also been shown that kidney specific overexpression of SIRT1 was protective against cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B46]\]. Resveratrol, a SIRT1 activator, reduced apoptosis and cytotoxicity in proximal tubular cells and also improved renal function*in vivo* \[[@B47]\]. In summary, there is activation of p53 in cisplatin-induced AKI and inhibition of p53 may decrease cisplatin-induced AKI. However, it should be noted that inhibition of p53 may also increase the survival of the cancer cells and thus reduce the therapeutic efficiency of cisplatin. ### 4.1.2. p53-Independent Mechanisms and Antiapoptotic Proteins {#sec4.1.2} p53-independent mechanisms of apoptosis have also been reported. In a study by Jiang et al. \[[@B48]\], cisplatin was capable of inducing Bax activation, cytochrome c release, and apoptosis even in primary cultures of p53-deficient renal tubular cells. Induced apoptosis was caspase dependent in this model and could be completely inhibited by general caspase inhibitors \[[@B48]\]. ### 4.1.3. Caspase-1 and Apoptosis {#sec4.1.3} In the study by Faubel et al. \[[@B49]\], apoptosis, necrosis, inflammation, and renal dysfunction were all reduced in cisplatin-treated caspase-1−/− mice compared to wild-type mice. Specifically, caspase-3 activation preceded cisplatin-induced cell death and caspase-3 activity was significantly reduced in the cisplatin-treated caspase-1−/− mice. Thus caspase-1−/− mice are protected against cisplatin-induced AKI by a reduction in caspase-3 dependent apoptosis \[[@B49]\]. In summary, caspase inhibition protects cultured cells from cisplatin-induced apoptosis. The role of caspase-3 and apoptosis in cisplatin-induced AKI*in vivo* is more complex.*In vivo*, cisplatin causes extensive acute tubular necrosis (ATN) in addition to tubular apoptosis. Direct caspase-3 or apoptosis inhibition has not been reported to protect against cisplatin-induced AKI supporting the lack of a direct role of caspase-3-mediated apoptosis in causing the functional derangements in AKI. In fact, injection of a caspase inhibitor in mice worsened cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B50]\]. In this study, caspase-3 inhibition in AKI was associated with less autophagy and worse AKI. In another study, decreases in renal apoptosis alone were not associated with functional protection against cisplatin-induced AKI as measured by BUN \[[@B51]\]. The role of autophagy in cisplatin-induced AKI is discussed in the next section. 4.2. Autophagy {#sec4.2} -------------- Autophagy is a cellular process of "self-eating" in which cytoplasmic components are sequestered into autophagic vesicles and then delivered to lysosomes for degradation \[[@B52]\]. Autophagy has been demonstrated to be immediately induced in cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B53]\]. The expression levels of markers of autophagy such as Beclin 1, LC3, and Atg5 were found to be significantly increased on exposure of RTEC to cisplatin \[[@B53]\]. Although some controversy exists about the role of autophagy in terms of cell survival \[[@B54]\], autophagy is considered as a renoprotective mechanism in cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B53]\]. Autophagy was found to promote cellular survival and delay the onset of apoptosis in RTECs exposed to cisplatin \[[@B55]\]. In a recent study by Jiang et al. \[[@B56]\], chloroquine, a pharmacological inhibitor of autophagy, blocked autophagic flux and enhanced cisplatin-induced AKI. In contrast, rapamycin activated autophagy and protected against AKI. In addition, a renal proximal tubule-specific autophagy-related gene 7-knockout mouse model was found to be more sensitive to cisplatin-induced AKI compared to wild-type mice. These knockout mice had increased activation of p53 and c-Jun N terminal kinase \[[@B56]\]. In another study, use of pharmacological inhibitors of autophagy (3-methyladenine or bafilomycin) and shRNA knockdown of Beclin (an autophagic gene) was shown to increase cisplatin-induced tubular cell apoptosis \[[@B53]\]. There are other studies demonstrating that excessive or impaired autophagy may also lead to cell death \[[@B57]\]. In the study by Herzog et al. \[[@B50]\], zVAD-fmk, a pan-caspase inhibitor, blocked the clearance of the autophagosomal cargo leading to lysosomal dysfunction. Furthermore, zVAD-fmk worsened the cisplatin-induced AKI. Chloroquine, a lysomotropic agent which is known to impair autophagic flux, also exacerbated cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B50]\]. Inhibition of other autophagy proteins like Beclin 1 may worsen cisplatin-induced RTEC injury. Beclin 1 is a unique autophagic gene involved in tumor suppression \[[@B58]\]. Beclin 1-mediated autophagy has a tumoricidal effect in contrast to its protective effect in cultured RTEC. Thus, Beclin 1 may not only prevent the cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity; it may also enhance the antitumor activity of cisplatin \[[@B58]\]. In summary, autophagy may have a protective role in cisplatin-induced AKI and inhibition of autophagy may worsen AKI. 4.3. Cell Cycle, MAPK, and Other Pathways {#sec4.3} ----------------------------------------- ### 4.3.1. Cdk2-p21 Pathway {#sec4.3.1} Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) is a serine/threonine protein kinase that phosphorylates substrates for cell cycle progression \[[@B59]\]. Cisplatin cytotoxicity is dependent on Cdk2 activity \[[@B60]\]. Cdk2 knockout cells were resistant to cisplatin and these cells regained cisplatin sensitivity after transduction with wild-type Cdk2 \[[@B60]\]. Furthermore, purvalanol, a Cdk2 inhibitor, was found to have significant protective effects against cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B60]\]. Cisplatin also induces upregulation of p21, a Cdk2 inhibitor \[[@B61]\]. p21 knockout mice were shown to have increased kidney cell cycle activity and increased cisplatin nephrotoxicity \[[@B26]\]. On the other hand, p21 overexpression and cell cycle inhibitor drugs such as roscovitine were shown to completely protect proximal tubular cells from cisplatin-induced apoptosis \[[@B62]\]. In addition to p21, p27 is another cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor that induces cell cycle arrest. Sodium arsenite, by inducing p27, attenuated cisplatin-induced AKI in rats \[[@B63], [@B64]\]. In summary, Cdk2 is a mediator of cisplatin-induced tubular injury. Cell cycle inhibitors and the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27 protect against cisplatin-induced tubular injury. ### 4.3.2. Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) Pathways {#sec4.3.2} MAPK pathways are cascades of serine/threonine kinases that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival \[[@B65]\]. Cisplatin is known to activate p38, ERK, and JNK/SAPK in renal epithelial cells \[[@B66]\]. In the study by Nowak et al. \[[@B67]\], ERK1/2 pathway was found to be activated by cisplatin in renal tubular cells. Inhibition of ERK1/2 with pharmacological MEK inhibitors such as PD98059 and U0126 improved cisplatin-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis \[[@B67]\]. In the study by Jo et al. \[[@B27]\], inhibition of ERK1/2 pathway reduced TNF-alpha expression and caspase activation in kidney tissue. Furthermore,*in vivo*, ERK inhibition provided functional and histological protection in cisplatin-induced AKI. It may be concluded that ERK1/2 pathway is an upstream signal for TNF-alpha production and caspase activation in cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B27]\]. The ERK 1/2 pathway has also been found to be related to tubular ciliary functions. Several recent studies have suggested a relationship between ciliary dysfunction and AKI \[[@B68]\]. In the study by Wang et al. \[[@B69]\], cilia became shorter during cisplatin treatment. These cilia-suppressed cells showed hyperactivation of ERK. Importantly, inhibition of ERK by U0126 preserved cilia during cisplatin treatment and protected against apoptosis.*In vivo*, U0126 prevented the loss of cilia from proximal tubules during cisplatin treatment and protected against AKI. It may be suggested that role of ERK in ciliary regulation is important in cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B69]\]. There are other MAPK involved in the pathogenesis of cisplatin-induced AKI. p38 is another important MAPK in the pathogenesis of cisplatin-induced AKI. Both*in vitro* and*in vivo*, cisplatin was shown to activate p38-MAPK \[[@B70]\].*In vivo*, SKF-86002, a p38-MAPK inhibitor, significantly decreased TNF-alpha levels and protected against cisplatin-induced AKI. Oxidative stress is known to activate p38-MAPK in kidney \[[@B71]\]. Also dimethylthiourea (DMTU), a hydroxyl radical scavenger, completely prevented cisplatin-induced AKI by the way of prevention of the activation of p38-MAPK \[[@B70]\]. In summary, cisplatin is known to activate p38, ERK, and JNK/SAPK in renal epithelial cells and inhibition of ERK1/2 improves cisplatin-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis. ### 4.3.3. Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) Pathway {#sec4.3.3} mTOR is a critical pathway for cellular survival, proliferation, protein synthesis, and autophagy \[[@B72]\]. Rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor, has already been shown to protect against cisplatin-induced AKI by the way of activation of autophagy \[[@B56]\]. However mTOR kinase has two distinct protein complexes named mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) and mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2). Rictor provides the assembly of mTORC2 and the interaction of mTORC2 with its substrates and regulators \[[@B73]\]. Tubule-specific deletion of Rictor (Tubule-Rictor−/−) in mice exacerbated cisplatin-induced AKI compared to that in the control littermates. In kidneys of the knockout mice, significantly less autophagy, less Akt phosphorylation, and more apoptosis were observed. Confirming this finding, also*in vitro*, Rictor siRNA transfection caused more cisplatin-induced apoptosis but less cisplatin-induced autophagy. Metformin, an inducer of autophagy, blunted increased apoptosis induced by Rictor siRNA. All these findings suggest that endogenous Rictor/mTORC2 protects against cisplatin-induced AKI, probably through Akt signaling and induction of autophagy \[[@B74]\]. ### 4.3.4. Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPARs) Pathway {#sec4.3.4} PPARs have critical roles in regulating lipid and glucose metabolism, cell growth, and differentiation \[[@B75]\]. PPAR-alpha has also been shown to have a significant anti-inflammatory and antiapoptotic activity \[[@B76]\]. Cisplatin reduces the transcriptional activity of PPAR-alpha and in turn fatty acid oxidation (FAO) enzymes are inhibited in kidney tissue \[[@B77]\]. Subsequent failure of oxidation of long-chain fatty acids and long-chain acyl-carnitines during cisplatin-induced AKI results in their accumulation and cellular toxicity \[[@B77]\]. Administration of bezafibrate, a known PPAR-alpha ligand, prevented the inhibition of FAO and the accumulation of toxic fatty acids in kidneys. Also fibrates ameliorated apoptotic and necrotic proximal tubular cell death, resulting in significant protection of renal function. However fibrate-induced protection against AKI was ameliorated in PPAR-alpha knockout mice \[[@B78]\]. Importantly, transgenic mice overexpressing PPAR-alpha in the proximal tubule were protected from cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B79]\]. Similarly, WY-14643, a fibrate class of PPAR ligand, significantly suppressed cisplatin-induced cytokine/chemokine expression and thus prevented neutrophil accumulation and this drug also ameliorated cisplatin-induced AKI. In contrast, WY-14643 could not prevent inflammation and cisplatin-induced AKI in PPAR null mice \[[@B80]\]. In summary, induction of PPARs is protective against cisplatin-induced tubular injury. 5. Inflammation {#sec5} =============== 5.1. Cytokines {#sec5.1} -------------- The proinflammatory nature of cisplatin-induced AKI has been well documented \[[@B81]\]. Secretion of various cytokines such as IL-1-beta, IL-6, IL-18, monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), regulated upon activation normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES), macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2), intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) has been shown to be increased in cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B82]\]. In the study by Faubel et al., cisplatin-induced AKI was associated with increases in the cytokines IL-1, IL-18, and IL-6; however, inhibition of IL-1, IL-18, and IL-6 could not prevent cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B82]\]. Caspase-1 is a proinflammatory cytokine. Caspase-1 converts IL-1-beta and IL-18 to their active forms. Caspase-1−/− mice have a reduction in these proinflammatory mediators because of the lack of the mature IL-1b and IL-18 in response to cisplatin \[[@B49]\]. However, protection against cisplatin-induced AKI in caspase-1−/− mice is independent of IL-1b and IL-18 because inhibition of IL-1b or IL-18 does not protect against cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B82]\]. Another proinflammatory cytokine, TNF-alpha, plays a central role in the pathogenesis of cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B28]\]. 5.2. TNF-Alpha {#sec5.2} -------------- Cisplatin increases both serum and urine concentrations of TNF-alpha \[[@B28], [@B83]\]. Genetic or pharmacological inhibition of TNF-alpha reduces the expression of other inflammatory cytokines and chemokines such as IL-1-beta, MCP-1, and RANTES in cisplatin models \[[@B28]\]. Importantly, pharmacological inhibitors of TNF-alpha (GM6001 and TNF-neutralizing antibody) protected against cisplatin-induced AKI. Also TNF-alpha knockout mice were resistant to cisplatin nephrotoxicity \[[@B28]\]. Salicylates, by the way of TNF-alpha inhibition, have also been reported to be protective against cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B84]\]. However salicylates had no beneficial effect in TNF-alpha knockout mice \[[@B84]\]. In another study by Kim et al. \[[@B85]\], pentoxifylline, a TNF-alpha inhibitor, protected against cisplatin nephrotoxicity*in vivo* \[[@B85]\]. In a study by Zhang et al. \[[@B86]\], to determine the contributions of renal parenchymal cells and bone marrow-derived cells to the pathogenesis of cisplatin-induced AKI, chimeric mice in which the bone marrow was ablated and replaced with donor bone marrow cells from wild-type or from TNF-alpha knockout mice were used. Chimeras with TNF-alpha knockout kidneys showed significantly less serum TNF-alpha levels and cisplatin-induced AKI regardless of the immune cell source. It may be concluded that local production of TNF-alpha by resident kidney cells rather than by bone marrow-derived infiltrating immune cells is crucial in cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B86]\]. However there is controversy in this field. In another study by Liu et al. \[[@B83]\], deletion of T cells reduced TNF-alpha in kidneys and also protected against cisplatin-induced AKI suggesting an important role of bone marrow-derived immune cells in TNF-alpha production. Two different receptors, TNFR1 and TNFR2, mediate the biological activities of TNF-alpha. TNFR1 mediates many cytotoxic and proinflammatory actions of TNF-alpha \[[@B87]\]. However TNFR2-deficient mice developed significantly less severe renal dysfunction compared to TNFR1-deficient mice. Furthermore, renal and serum TNF-alpha levels were lower in TNFR2-deficient mice. These results suggest that TNFR2 is more important in cisplatin-induced TNF-alpha production and AKI compared to TNFR1 \[[@B34]\]. 5.3. Interleukin-33 {#sec5.3} ------------------- IL-33 is a proinflammatory cytokine \[[@B88]\]. IL-33 is also a chemoattractant for CD4+ T cells via its receptor, ST2R \[[@B89]\]. When soluble ST2 (sST2) was injected as a decoy receptor to block IL-33 to cisplatin-treated mice, sST2-treated mice were found to have less CD4+ T cells infiltration and reduced acute tubular necrosis (ATN) and apoptosis in the kidney. Furthermore, sST2 protected against cisplatin-induced AKI. It should be noted that administration of recombinant IL-33 (rIL-33) exacerbated cisplatin-induced AKI in wild-type mice, however not in CD4-deficient mice, suggesting that CD4+ T cells mediated the injurious effects of IL-33. Wild-type mice that received cisplatin and rIL-33 also had higher levels of the chemokine CXCL1. Mice deficient in the CXCL1 receptor also had lower serum creatinine, ATN, and apoptosis compared to wild-type mice following cisplatin administration. Taken together, it may be concluded that IL-33 promotes AKI through CD4+ T cell-mediated production of CXCL1 \[[@B90]\]. 5.4. Interleukin-10 {#sec5.4} ------------------- IL-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine produced mainly by Th2 cells, regulatory T cells (Tregs), dendritic cells, and macrophages \[[@B91]\]. IL-10 inhibits the production of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines. In general, dendritic cells have anti-inflammatory features by various mechanisms including the production of IL-10 \[[@B92]\]. In the study by Tadagavadi and Reeves \[[@B93]\], after cisplatin administration, IL-10 knockout mice had higher BUN and creatinine levels compared to wild-type mice. Furthermore, mixed bone marrow chimeric mice lacking IL-10 in dendritic cells showed worse renal dysfunction compared to chimeric mice with IL-10 in dendritic cells. Considering these data, it may be suggested that endogenous IL-10 has protective effects against cisplatin nephrotoxicity. Moreover, IL-10 production by dendritic cells is an important component of protective effects of dendritic cells in cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B93]\]. 5.5. Signaling Pathways That Activate Proinflammatory Cytokines {#sec5.5} --------------------------------------------------------------- Cisplatin induces the phosphorylation and subsequent translocation of nuclear transcription factor-kappa B (NF-*κ*B) to the nucleus, through the degradation of the inhibitory protein I*κ*B*α* \[[@B94]\]. Within the nucleus, activated NF-*κ*B leads to transcription of inflammatory mediators including TNF-alpha \[[@B95]\]. In turn, TNF-alpha induces the expression of other inflammatory cytokines and recruitment of inflammatory cells into the kidney tissue \[[@B19]\]. The role of NF-*κ*B in cisplatin-induced AKI remains to be studied. Besides the NF*κ*B pathway, other inflammatory pathways have been defined in the pathophysiology of cisplatin-induced AKI such as poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) and toll-like receptors (TLRs) pathways. PARP-1 has regulatory effects on various inflammatory genes, including TNF-alpha, IL-1-beta, IL-6, ICAM-1, and TLR4 \[[@B96]\]. PARP-1 inhibition or gene deletion is known to have renoprotective effects against ischemia/reperfusion induced AKI \[[@B97]\]. Pharmacological inhibition of PARP-1 by the drug PJ-34 significantly decreased inflammation after cisplatin injection and protected against cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B98]\]. The TLR pathway plays a role in cisplatin-induced RTEC injury. TLRs have various functions as an important component of innate immune system by recognizing pathogen-associated molecular patterns and also endogenous signals of tissue injury \[[@B99]\]. Renal toxicity of cisplatin has been demonstrated to be TLR4-dependent \[[@B95]\]. Mice with targeted deletion of TLR4 \[Tlr4(−/−)\] had significantly less leukocyte infiltration and cisplatin-induced AKI. Levels of cytokines in serum, kidney, and urine were also significantly reduced in Tlr4(−/−) mice compared to wild-type mice. Activation of JNK and p38 pathways was also blunted in Tlr4(−/−) mice. It was also demonstrated that renal parenchymal TLR4, rather than myeloid TLR4, mediated the cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity. It may be concluded that, in cisplatin-induced AKI, activation of TLR4 on renal parenchymal cells may activate p38-MAPK pathways leading to nephrotoxicity \[[@B100]\]. In summary TNF-alpha and IL-33 are proinflammatory cytokines that mediate cisplatin-induced AKI while IL-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine that protects against cisplatin-induced AKI. The pathways that lead to cytokine production like NF*κ*B, PARP-1 remain to be studied in detail in cisplatin-induced AKI. 5.6. Inflammatory Cells of the Immune System {#sec5.6} -------------------------------------------- Inflammatory cells of the immune system such as T cells, macrophages, neutrophils, and mast cells are known to infiltrate the kidney tissue and play a role in the development of cisplatin-induced AKI. A pathophysiological role for T lymphocytes, especially CD4+ T cells, has been well established in cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B83]\]. However, the role of the other inflammatory cells is less well defined. For example, in the study by Faubel et al. \[[@B82]\], by the use of neutrophil-depleting antibody, RB6-8C5, renal neutrophils were depleted in a cisplatin-induced AKI model but renal function or tubular necrosis was not improved \[[@B82]\]. Adhesion molecules such as ICAM (CD54) are important for leukocyte recruitment to the inflamed tissues. The importance of ICAM in the pathogenesis of the cisplatin-induced AKI was investigated in a study using an anti-CD54 antibody \[[@B101]\]. An improvement in renal function and mortality was observed in animals treated with anti-CD54 antibody in this cisplatin-induced AKI model \[[@B101]\]. ### 5.6.1. T Cells {#sec5.6.1} Liu et al. \[[@B83]\] reported that CD4 T cell-deficient mice had significantly better renal function compared to wild-type controls in cisplatin-induced AKI. Adoptive transfer of CD4+ T cells into these T cell-deficient mice resulted in increased renal injury. CD4- and CD8-deficient mice were also protected from cisplatin-induced AKI compared with wild-type mice \[[@B83]\]. Activated T lymphocytes express Fas ligand (FasL) and T cell immunoglobulin mucin 1 (Tim-1) that may be important for T cell mediated cytotoxicity. Until recently, the FasL- associated apoptotic stimulus was thought to be mediated only through the T lymphocytes \[[@B83]\]. However, in the study by Linkermann et al. \[[@B102]\], for the first time, primary tubular cells were shown to mediate FasL-mediated cell death in the complete absence of immune cells. Treating severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)/beige mice with MFL3, a FasL-blocking monoclonal antibody, completely restored survival after an otherwise lethal cisplatin dose, suggesting another source of FasL besides immune cells. Thus, cisplatin-induced AKI may be mediated through FasL expressed on tubular cells rather than inflammatory cells \[[@B102]\]. Besides activated T cells \[[@B103]\], Tim-1 is also expressed by tubular epithelial cells after ischemic or toxic injury and it is called kidney injury molecule-1 (Kim-1) \[[@B104]\]. In a cisplatin nephrotoxicity model, anti-Tim-1 antibodies were found to reduce renal NF-*κ*B activation, inflammation, and CD4 and CD8 T cell activation and apoptosis \[[@B105]\]. Furthermore, anti-Tim-1 antibodies significantly attenuated cisplatin-induced AKI. Renal Kim-1 expression was also reduced with the use of anti-Tim-1 antibodies \[[@B105]\]. ### 5.6.2. T-Regulatory Cells {#sec5.6.2} Currently available evidence indicates that CD4+CD25+ Treg cells can suppress innate immunity and CD4+ T cell-mediated pathology in the kidneys \[[@B106]\]. Recent studies have also suggested that CD4+CD25+ Treg cells can inhibit activation of macrophages ameliorating the glomerular and interstitial injury in adriamycin nephropathy \[[@B107]\]. In a recent study by Lee et al. \[[@B108]\], CD4+CD25+ Treg cells were injected to the nu/nu mice that lack mature T cells and possible protective effects of the CD4+CD25+ Treg cells against cisplatin-induced AKI were investigated. In this model, CD4+CD25+ Treg cells were found to significantly improve the survival and renal functions in these mice. Furthermore, renal macrophage recruitment was also decreased in CD4+CD25+ Treg cell-adoptive transferred nu/nu mice compared with control mice. CD4+CD25+ Treg cells were also protective against cisplatin-induced AKI in wild-type Balb/c mice. Consistently, depletion of CD4+CD25+ Treg cells in wild-type mice exacerbated cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B108]\]. Thus Treg cells play a protective role in cisplatin-induced AKI. ### 5.6.3. Macrophages {#sec5.6.3} Cisplatin-induced AKI is associated with increased renal myeloperoxidase, which is produced by both neutrophils and macrophages \[[@B49]\]. Renal infiltration of macrophages was shown to occur late in the course of cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B109]\]. Macrophage depletion by liposome-encapsulated clodronate resulted in an effective decrease in renal CD11b-positive macrophages. However, macrophage depletion did not protect against cisplatin-induced AKI. Fractalkine (CX3CL1) is expressed by injured endothelium and functions as a potent chemoattractant for macrophages \[[@B110]\]. To study the role of CX3CR1, both anti-CX3CR1 antibody and CX3CR1−/− mice were used; however, these strategies were also not protective against cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B111]\]. ### 5.6.4. Mast Cells {#sec5.6.4} Mast cells are capable of secreting cytokines and chemokines essential for leukocyte recruitment and adhesion \[[@B112]\]. Mast cells are also unique because they have preformed TNF-alpha which can be released immediately after degranulation \[[@B113]\]. Summers et al. \[[@B114]\] used KitW-sh/W-sh mice to study mast cell deficiency in cisplatin-induced AKI. These mice were found to have decreased renal injury, serum TNF-alpha levels, and reduced leukocyte recruitment compared to wild-type mice. When mast cell-deficient mice were reconstituted with mast cells from wild-type mice, increased TNF-alpha levels and cisplatin-induced renal dysfunction were observed similar to wild-type mice. However, mast cell-deficient mice reconstituted with mast cells from TNF-alpha-deficient mice remained to be protected against cisplatin-induced AKI. Furthermore, mast cell stabilizer, sodium chromoglycate, also significantly ameliorated renal injury in cisplatin-induced AKI. In summary, these results suggest that mast cells mediate cisplatin-induced AKI through the production of TNF-alpha \[[@B114]\]. ### 5.6.5. Dendritic Cells {#sec5.6.5} Dendritic cells (DC) have anti-inflammatory and immune-tolerance inducing features by the way of production of TGF-beta, IL-10, clonal deletion of autoreactive T cells, and induction of Treg cells \[[@B115]--[@B117]\]. DC-depleted mice had more severe renal dysfunction, tubular injury, neutrophil infiltration, and higher mortality compared to nondepleted mice \[[@B92]\]. IL-10 production by dendritic cells was found to be an important component of the protective effects of dendritic cells in cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B110]\]. In another study, depletion of DCs in the same model did not result in worse AKI \[[@B118]\]. In summary, depletion of CD4+ T cells or mast cells, but not neutrophils and macrophages results in protection against cisplatin-induced AKI. Treg cells and DCs may play a protective role in cisplatin-induced AKI. 6. Oxidative Stress {#sec6} =================== Generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), accumulation of lipid peroxidation products in kidneys, and suppressed antioxidant systems are thought to be major mechanisms of cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B119]\]. Within the cell, cisplatin is converted into a highly reactive form rapidly reacting with thiol-containing antioxidant molecules such as glutathione \[[@B20]\]. Consequently, depletion of glutathione leads to increased oxidative stress within the cells. Cisplatin may also cause mitochondrial dysfunction and increased ROS production through an impaired respiratory chain \[[@B120]\]. Finally, cisplatin may induce ROS formation via the cytochrome P450 (CYP) system \[[@B121]\]. In CYP2E1-null mice, cisplatin-induced ROS accumulation was attenuated and CYP2E1-null mice were protected against cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B122]\]. There are inhibitors of oxidant stress that protect against cisplatin-induced RTEC injury. Sodium thiosulfate \[[@B123]\] and metabolites of amifostine (WR-2721) have been known for a very long time to inactivate toxic platinum species and protect against cisplatin nephrotoxicity \[[@B124]\]. Amifostine decreases nephrotoxicity probably by donating antioxidant thiol groups \[[@B125], [@B126]\]. Hydroxyl radical scavengers such as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), mannitol, and benzoic acid significantly reduced cisplatin-induced cytotoxicity. Furthermore, both DMSO and dimethylthiourea (DMTU) were significantly protective against cisplatin-induced AKI in*in vivo* models \[[@B127]\]. DMTU was also shown to inhibit the p38-MAPK pathway, Fas, FasL, and TNF-alpha \[[@B128]\]. DMTU and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) suppressed hydroxyl radical accumulation, p53 activation, and cisplatin nephrotoxicity both*in vitro* and*in vivo* \[[@B129]\]. NAC was also demonstrated to inhibit NF-*κ*B, TNF-alpha, and p38-MAPK-mediated apoptosis and renal dysfunction in cisplatin-treated rats \[[@B130]\]. Vitamin C and vitamin E were also found to be renoprotective in cisplatin-treated mice \[[@B131]\]. Edaravone, a free radical scavenger, has demonstrated to have cytoprotective properties in murine proximal tubular cells \[[@B132]\]. 6.1. Iron Metabolism and Oxidative Stress {#sec6.1} ----------------------------------------- Iron plays an important role in oxidative stress mediated tissue injury in cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity. To investigate the role of cytochrome P-450 as a source of catalytic iron in cisplatin-induced AKI, piperonyl butoxide, a cytochrome P-450 inhibitor, was administered in cisplatin nephrotoxicity model \[[@B121]\]. Cisplatin significantly decreased cytochrome P-450 content and increased bleomycin-detectable iron in the kidney. However, piperonyl butoxide prevented cisplatin-induced loss of cytochrome P-450 as well as iron accumulation in the kidney. Importantly, piperonyl butoxide also ameliorated cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B121]\]. Iron chelators such as deferoxamine and 1,10-phenanthroline were found to significantly attenuate the cisplatin-induced cytotoxicity. Notably, deferoxamine was found to have protective effects against cisplatin-induced AKI in rats \[[@B127]\]. 6.2. Heme Oxygenase-1 (HO-1) Pathway and Oxidative Stress {#sec6.2} --------------------------------------------------------- HO-1 is a redox-sensitive microsomal enzyme that catalyzes the degradation of heme into biliverdin, iron, and carbon monoxide \[[@B133]\]. HO-1 is known to be activated in the kidney by the cisplatin treatment \[[@B134]\]. HO-1 knockout mice were markedly more sensitive to cisplatin-induced AKI. Furthermore, overexpression of HO-1 significantly ameliorated cisplatin-induced apoptosis \[[@B11]\]. In proximal tubular cell cultures, HO-1 knockout cells had higher levels of basal autophagy, impaired progression of autophagy, and increased apoptosis with cisplatin administration. Restoring HO-1 expression in these cells reversed the autophagic response and decreased the cisplatin-induced apoptosis. In addition, cells with overexpression of HO-1 had significantly lower levels of ROS and these cells were also protected from cisplatin cytotoxicity \[[@B135]\]. 6.3. NADH: Quinone Oxidoreductase-1 (NQO1) and Oxidative Stress {#sec6.3} --------------------------------------------------------------- NADH: quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) is an antioxidant flavoprotein that increases intracellular NAD+ levels \[[@B136]\]. Moreover, NQO1 has various functions such as activation of anti-inflammatory processes, scavenging of superoxide anion radicals, and stabilization of p53 \[[@B137]\]. Beta-lapachone is identified as an activator of NQO1 \[[@B138]\]. Beta-lapachone increased the intracellular NAD+/NADH ratio in renal tissues treated with cisplatin. Also inflammatory cytokines and AKI were significantly ameliorated by beta-lapachone. Importantly, beta-lapachone had no protective effect in NQO1−/− mice treated with cisplatin. Furthermore, beta-lapachone potentiated the tumoricidal action of cisplatin in a xenograft tumor model \[[@B139]\]. In summary, generation of ROS plays a role in mediating cisplatin-induced AKI. Antioxidant molecules like HO-1 and NQO1 are protective against cisplatin-induced AKI. 7. Renal Hemodynamics and Vascular Injury {#sec7} ========================================= Renal vasoconstriction caused by endothelial dysfunction and impaired vascular autoregulation is an important component of the pathophysiology of cisplatin-induced AKI. Cisplatin has been shown to induce acute ischemic damage with a reduction in medullary blood flow resulting in tubular cell injury \[[@B140]\]. Instead of usual autoregulatory renal vasodilatation that occurs in ischemic kidney, a marked vasoconstriction develops in cisplatin-induced AKI causing further hypoxic injury \[[@B141]\]. Cisplatin decreases effective renal plasma flow before any alteration in the GFR in humans \[[@B142]\]. Similarly, in rats, renal blood flow has been demonstrated to be reduced 2-3 days after cisplatin administration \[[@B140]\]. These renal hemodynamic alterations may be associated with an increase in cytosolic calcium in the glomerular arterioles \[[@B143]\]. Consistently, calcium channel blockers were shown to reverse the renal vasoconstriction and attenuate cisplatin-induced renal dysfunction \[[@B144]\]. Another possible cause of renal vasoconstriction induced by cisplatin is the reduced COX-2 and vasodilatatory prostaglandins \[[@B145]\]. Cisplatin is directly toxic to endothelial cells. In a study by Dursun et al., cultured pancreatic microvascular endothelial (MS1) cells were exposed to low and high concentrations of cisplatin. Cells treated with low concentration of cisplatin had normal ATP levels, increased caspase-3 activity, and apoptosis. However, cells treated with higher concentration of cisplatin had severe ATP depletion, increased caspase-3 activity, and necrosis. Calpain activity significantly increased with higher concentrations of cisplatin. Both pan-caspase inhibitor and calpain inhibitor were able to reduce cisplatin-induced necrosis. It was demonstrated that, in cisplatin-treated endothelial cells, caspases can also cause necrosis. Furthermore, calpain inhibitors may protect the endothelial cells from necrosis independent of caspase-3 \[[@B30]\]. In clinical practice, various types of cisplatin-induced vascular toxicities can be caused by cisplatin such as thrombotic microangiopathy and myocardial infarction. The vascular endothelial injury is an important component of cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B146]\]. von Willebrand factor (vWF) is synthesized by endothelial cells, and increased plasma vWF levels are associated with endothelial cell injury \[[@B147]\]. In the study by Lu et al. \[[@B111]\], circulating vWF levels were increased after cisplatin administration with the peak vWF level preceding the renal dysfunction. 8. Treatment of Cisplatin-Induced AKI {#sec8} ===================================== Although many experimental therapies have been developed for prevention and treatment of cisplatin-induced AKI, current clinical practice only includes supportive measures while waiting for renal function to recover ([Table 1](#tab1){ref-type="table"}). In this review, many of the experimental therapies and their corresponding pathophysiological pathways have been discussed. Pathophysiological pathways implicated in cisplatin-induced AKI and their*in vivo* therapeutic models and molecules are presented in [Table 2](#tab2){ref-type="table"}. Herein we will discuss the general measures to prevent cisplatin-induced AKI and regenerative treatment strategies. 9. General Measures to Prevent Cisplatin-Induced AKI {#sec9} ==================================================== The most important supportive measures are hydration, replacement of electrolyte losses, and avoidance of other potentially nephrotoxic drugs. Renal function (GFR) should be routinely assessed before each administration of cisplatin. Hydration should be started before the treatment and should be maintained for at least 3 days after the treatment. The adequacy of the hydration may be determined by the measurement of urine output which should be maintained at least at 3-4 L/day. Magnesium wasting is commonly seen in the course of cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B148]\]; thus routine assessment of serum magnesium levels may be recommended in all patients receiving cisplatin treatment. Magnesium should be replaced adequately according to serum magnesium levels \[[@B22]\]. 10. Regenerative Treatments {#sec10} =========================== 10.1. Erythropoietin {#sec10.1} -------------------- Erythropoietin (EPO) receptors have been demonstrated to be expressed on renal tubular cells \[[@B149]\]. For the first time in the literature, Vaziri et al. \[[@B150]\] reported that recombinant human EPO (rHuEpo) increased tubular regeneration and ameliorated cisplatin-induced AKI in rats. In another study, rHuEpo was shown to significantly reduce cisplatin-induced apoptosis in human renal proximal tubular epithelial (RPTE) cell culture \[[@B151]\]. Furthermore, tyrphostin AG-490, a JAK2 inhibitor, attenuated rHuEpo-induced protection against apoptosis, suggesting a role of the JAK-STAT pathway in rHuEpo-mediated antiapoptosis \[[@B151]\]. In a study by Bi et al. \[[@B152]\], EPO caused expansion and mobilization of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from bone marrow to peripheral circulation in mice. Importantly, EPO ameliorated the cisplatin-induced AKI. Additionally, intraperitoneal injection of cultured EPO-mobilized cells resulted in improvement of cisplatin-induced AKI. It is possible that expansion and activation of MSCs may contribute to the renoprotective effects of EPO \[[@B152]\]. 10.2. Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) Transplantation {#sec10.2} ------------------------------------------------- Bone marrow cells have been reported to differentiate into RTEC and contribute to regeneration of renal tubules after ischemic injury \[[@B153]\]. In the study by Iwasaki et al. \[[@B154]\], granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) was injected to BALB/c mice with cisplatin-induced AKI. G-CSF improved the survival of the mice and protected against AKI. BALB/c mice received bone marrow transplantation from enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) transgenic mice. In the transplanted mice that were treated with G-CSF, the number of EGFP tubular epithelial cells was significantly higher in the kidney. It may be suggested that bone marrow cells mobilized by G-CSF may have protective effects against cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B154]\]. MSCs are protective in mouse models of AKI \[[@B155]\]. MSCs, when injected intravenously, improved cisplatin-induced AKI and survival \[[@B156]\]. In a recent study, EPO-secreting MSCs (EPO gene-enhanced MSCs) were generated and then injected intraperitoneally to allogeneic mice with cisplatin-induced AKI. EPO-MSCs significantly improved survival and kidney function in this model. Furthermore, the presence of implanted cells in recipient kidneys was proved by PCR analysis. EPO-MSCs also significantly increased the expression of EPO and phosphorylated-Akt in these kidneys \[[@B157]\]. In the study by Yuan et al. \[[@B158]\], VEGF-modified human embryonic MSCs (VEGF-hMSCs) were cocultured with cisplatin-injured renal tubular epithelial cells. Improvement in the survival of tubular cells was observed via mitogenic and antiapoptotic actions. In addition, VEGF-hMSCs were also administered to a nude mouse model of cisplatin-induced AKI and these stem cells were shown to be protective against AKI \[[@B158]\]. The concept that the MSCs are able to transdifferentiate into tubular cells within the injured kidney and promote recovery is somewhat controversial. Actually, the homing of MSCs to sites of tissue injury and differentiation into tubular cells are very rare \[[@B159]\]. Beneficial effects of MSCs are mostly dependent on paracrine and endocrine actions such as immunomodulation and secretion of growth factors and cytokines \[[@B160], [@B159]\]. In the recent study by Kim et al. \[[@B161]\], adipose tissue derived MSCs (Ad-MSCs) ameliorated cisplatin-induced AKI. Activation of p53, JNK, and ERK pathways was hindered and apoptosis was significantly reduced by infusion of Ad-MSCs. However, very few Ad-MSCs could be detected within the kidney. Conditioned medium from cultured Ad-MSCs had also renal-protective functions both*in vivo* and*in vitro* \[[@B161]\]. In another study, hMSCs-conditioned media improved survival of human proximal tubular cells treated with cisplatin \[[@B162]\]. As mentioned previously, HO-1 is known to have important anti-inflammatory and antiapoptotic properties \[[@B163]\]. In the study by Zarjou et al. \[[@B164]\], MSCs were harvested from bone marrow of HO-1+/+ and HO-1−/− mice. Conditioned medium of HO-1+/+ MSCs had protective effects against cisplatin-induced AKI; however, the HO-1−/− conditioned medium was ineffective. HO-1 may be suggested to be important in MSCs-mediated protection of cisplatin-induced AKI \[[@B164]\]. 11. Summary {#sec11} =========== Inflammation, proximal tubular, oxidative stress, and vascular injury are implicated in the pathogenesis of cisplatin-induced AKI. In the proximal tubules, there is predominantly not only acute tubular necrosis but also apoptosis. Inhibition of the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-*α* and IL-33 or depletion of CD4+ T cells or mast cells protects against cisplatin-induced AKI. Inhibitors of oxidative stress protect against cisplatin-induced AKI. Caspases and calpain play a role in cisplatin-induced injury to endothelial cells. Potential therapies for cisplatin-induced AKI based on pathophysiological mechanisms of injury include EPO (inhibits tubular apoptosis), MSCs, cytokine inhibitors (TNF-*α* or IL-33 inhibitors), inhibitors of the MAPK pathway, inhibitors of oxidant stress, and anti-inflammatory agents that can reduce CD4+ T cells. Charles L. Edelstein was supported by a Veterans Affairs Merit Review Award (Grant 1I01BX001737). Abdullah Ozkok was supported by fellowships from the Turkish Society of Nephrology and the International Society of Nephrology. Conflict of Interests ===================== The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. ###### General measures for prevention and treatment of cisplatin-induced AKI. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- \(1\) Determine renal function (GFR) before each session of cisplatin treatment   \(2\) Determine the risk of AKI (high risk; females, elderly patients, dehydration, patients with CKD and repeated doses of cisplatin)   \(3\) Adjust cisplatin dose according to patient\'s renal function   \(4\) Start hydration (with saline) before cisplatin and maintain for at least 3 days after treatment   \(5\) Watch for electrolyte wasting (e.g., Mg), replace appropriately   \(6\) Avoid concomitant nephrotoxic agents (NSAIDs, aminoglycosides, contrast agents, etc.)   \(7\) Determine renal function within 1 week of treatment   \(8\) Amifostine may be considered in patients with high risk of AKI   \(9\) Consider newer, less nephrotoxic platinums such as carboplatin and oxaliplatin   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- GFR: glomerular filtration rate, AKI: acute kidney injury, CKD: chronic kidney injury, Mg: magnesium, and NSAIDs: nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs. ###### Pathophysiological pathways implicated in cisplatin-induced AKI and their corresponding *in vivo* protective models and molecules. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pathophysiological pathway Protective model/molecule Effect References ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------- Apoptosis Pifithrin p53 inhibition---decreased apoptosis \[[@B41]\] p53 knockout mice p53 inhibition---decreased apoptosis \[[@B41]\] Bax knockout mice Bax inhibition---decreased apoptosis \[[@B24]\] SIRT-1 overexpression Deacetylation of p53---decreased apoptosis \[[@B46]\] Resveratrol SIRT-1 activator---decreased apoptosis \[[@B47]\] Taurine transporter gene (TauT) transgenic mice p53 inhibition---decreased apoptosis \[[@B166]\] Autophagy Rapamycin Induction of autophagy \[[@B56]\] ERK pathway U0126 MEK-ERK inhibition \[[@B27], [@B69]\] p38 MAPK pathway SKF-86002 p38 MAPK inhibition \[[@B70]\] Protein kinase C gamma pathway PKC*δ* knockout model Decreased apoptosis \[[@B167]\] Rottlerin PKC*δ* inhibition---decreased apoptosis \[[@B167]\] PPAR pathway WY-14643 (PPAR ligand-fibrate) PPAR activation \[[@B168]\] PPAR transgenic mice Increased PPAR activity \[[@B79]\] Oxidative stress N-Acetylcysteine Antioxidant \[[@B130]\] Dimethylthiourea Hydroxyl radical scavenging \[[@B70], [@B71], [@B127], [@B129]\] Dimethyl sulfoxide Hydroxyl radical scavenger \[[@B127]\] b-Lapachone NQO1 activator \[[@B139]\] Amifostine Antioxidant \[[@B124], [@B125]\] Sodium thiosulfate Antioxidant \[[@B123]\] Vitamins C and E Antioxidant \[[@B131]\] Cell cycle E2F1 knockout mice Decreased apoptosis \[[@B169]\] Purvalanol Cdk2 inhibitor---decreased apoptosis \[[@B60]\] Sodium arsenite p27 induction---decreased apoptosis \[[@B63]\] Mitochondrial metabolism MDIVI-1 Dynamin-related protein-1 inhibition \[[@B170]\] PKG-1 overexpressing transgenic mice Improvement of mitochondrial functions---decreased apoptosis \[[@B171]\] Sildenafil PKG-1 activation \[[@B171]\] Iron metabolism Cytochrome P450-2E1-null mice Cytochrome P-450 inhibition \[[@B122]\] Piperonyl butoxide Cytochrome P-450 inhibition \[[@B121]\] Deferoxamine Iron chelation \[[@B127]\] Inflammation GM6001 TNF-alpha inhibition \[[@B28]\] TNF-alpha neutralizing antibody TNF-alpha inhibition \[[@B28]\] TNF-alpha knockout mice TNF-alpha inhibition \[[@B28]\] Salicylates TNF-alpha inhibition \[[@B84]\] Pentoxifylline TNF-alpha inhibition \[[@B85]\] Caspase-1 knockout Decreased inflammation and apoptosis \[[@B49]\] Anti-ICAM-1 (CD54) Decreased neutrophil infiltration \[[@B101]\] TLR4 knockout mice model Decreased inflammation \[[@B100]\] CXCR-2 knockout mice Decreased inflammation \[[@B90]\] Soluble ST2 Decreased inflammation, CD4+ T cell infiltration, and apoptosis \[[@B90]\] Prostaglandin metabolism Microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 knockout mice Decreased inflammation \[[@B172]\] Celecoxib COX-2 inhibition \[[@B172]\] T cells T cell---deficient, CD4 and CD8 knockout models Decreased inflammation \[[@B83]\] Anti-Tim-1 antibodies Decreased inflammation and apoptosis \[[@B105]\] CD4+CD25+ Treg cells Decreased inflammation and apoptosis \[[@B108]\] Mast cells Mast cell-deficient mice model (KitW-sh/W-sh) Decreased leukocyte infiltration and inflammation \[[@B114]\] Sodium chromoglycate Mast cell stabilization \[[@B114]\] Glucagon-like\ Exendin-4 GLP-1 receptor agonist---decreased apoptosis \[[@B173]\] peptide-1 (GLP-1) Alogliptin Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibition---decreased apoptosis \[[@B173]\] Klotho metabolism Transgenic Klotho overexpressing (Tg-Kl) mice Decreased apoptosis and decreased uptake of cisplatin \[[@B174]\] Metalloproteinase metabolism Actinonin Meprin A inhibitor \[[@B175]\] Poly-ADP-ribose\ PJ-34 PARP1 inhibition---decreased inflammation \[[@B98]\] polymerase-1 metabolism Regeneration Erythropoietin Decreased apoptosis and increased mobilization of BM cells \[[@B150]--[@B152]\] Granulocyte colony stimulating factor Increased mobilization of BM cells \[[@B154]\] Mesenchymal stem cells Increased regeneration, decreased apoptosis \[[@B155]--[@B161]\] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anti-ICAM-1: anti-intercellular adhesion molecule-1, anti-TIM1: anti-T cell immunoglobulin mucin 1, BM: bone marrow, COX-2: cyclooxygenase-2, Cdk2: cyclin-dependent kinase-2, ERK: extracellular signal-regulated kinases, GLP-1: glucagon-like peptide-1, MAPK: mitogen-activated protein kinase, NQO1: NAD(P) H: quinone oxidoreductase 1, PARP-1: poly-ADP-ribose polymerase-1, PKC: protein kinase C, PKG-1: protein kinase G, PPAR: peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, TLR-4: toll-like receptor 4, and TNF-alpha: tumor necrosis factor-alpha. [^1]: Academic Editor: Emmanuel A. Burdmann
\section{Introduction} With the discovery of the Higgs-like boson at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) \cite{atlasdiscovery,cmsdiscovery}, the Standard Model (SM) was finally completed. However, this discovery didn't mark the end of Higgs boson exploration, particularly with regard to mass-generation mechanism for both fermions and gauge bosons. For this purpose, ATLAS and CMS have performed several Higgs coupling measurements, such as $h^0 \to W^+W^-$, $h^0\to ZZ$, $h^0\to \gamma \gamma$, $h^0\to b\bar{b}$ and $h^0\to \tau^+ \tau^-$ with a certain precision which will be improved during the future run of the LHC. Note that all those measurements are well consistent with SM predictions. Therefore, any SM extensions should agree with the above measurements. However, neutrinos are perhaps the most puzzling among all known particles regarding its masses unexplained within the SM \cite{Ellis:2002wba}. Moreover, revealing the true neutrino identity could help answer long-standing questions, like whether neutrino and antineutrino are the same particle, and it could even shade more light on the unification of the interactions that exist in nature. One simple way would be to generate a Dirac neutrino mass in a similar manner that the upper quarks get its own, through the Higgs mechanism by introducing right handed neutrinos, i.e. $m_D\,\bar{\nu_L}\nu_R$. Since neutrino masses are at the sub $\sim eV$ scale, this means that the Yukawa couplings have to be unnaturally small, of the order 10$^{-12}$. On the other side, if neutrinos happen to coincide with anti-neutrinos, then a non-vanishing dimension five operator $\frac{1}{\Lambda}\mathcal{L}_5$ \cite{Weinberg:1979sa,Wilczek:1979hc}, constructed from the neutrino and Higgs fields, gives rise to a light Majorana neutrino mass, and leads to leptonic number violation (global symmetries are not sacred). In this case, the large Majorana mass scale $\Lambda$ that turns out to be quite close to the Grand Unification scale, ends up suppressing the neutrino masses via Seesaw mechanism as $v_{EW}^2/\Lambda$. There are three types of Seesaw mechanisms that provide a comprehensive understanding of the observed sizes of neutrino masses by exchange of 3 different types of heavy particles, known as $i)$ Type-I seesaw where a gauge singlet chiral fermion $S=(1,1,0)$ is introduced to the SM sector \cite{Minkowski:1977sc,Mohapatra:1979ia,Yanagida:1979as,GellMann:1980vs,Schechter:1980gr,Glashow:1979nm,Babu:1993qv,Antusch:2001vn}, $ii)$Type-II seesaw in which a $SU(2)_L$ weak triplet boson $\Delta=(1,3,2)$ is added to the SM Higgs sector~\cite{Magg:1980ut,Cheng:1980qt,Lazarides:1980nt,Mohapatra:1980yp} and finally $iii)$ the addition of a $SU(2)_L$ triplet fermion $T=(1,3,0)$~\cite{Foot:1988aq} provides the conventional Type-III Seesaw. So among the previous categories, Seesaw Type-II, also known as the Higgs Triplet Model (HTM), remains the viable option that is made up of the SM Higgs doublet and a triplet of hypercharge of $Y = +2$. In this context, once the neutral component of the triplet $\Delta$ develops its own vacuum expectation value, the neutrinos acquire Majorana mass. In this regards, the most significant attribute of HTM is its minimality regarding the very simple representations of $SU(3) \times\,SU(2)\,\times\,U(1)$, for both fermions and Higgs sectors. A close look at the HTM Higgs sector reveals a variety in its spectrum which includes: 2 CP-even Higgs $h^0$ and $H^0$, one CP-odd $A^0$, pair of charged Higgs $H^\pm$ and a pair of doubly charged Higgs $H^{\pm \pm}$. For more details about HTM spectrum as well as the theoretical constraints, we refer the interested readers to Refs \cite{Arhrib:2011uy,Dev:2013ff}. Moreover, a number of detailed phenomenological researchs have already been performed at the LHC \cite{Perez:2008ha,Melfo:2011nx,delAguila:2008cj,Chakrabarti:1998qy,Aoki:2011pz,Chun:2013vma,Banerjee:2013hxa}. One attractive feature of this model is the presence of the doubly-charged Higgs boson, and its distinguished decay modes which strongly depend on the size of the triplet {\it vev}. At the LHC, ATLAS and CMS already performed the measurement of several Higgs couplings to SM particles with an uncertainty of about 10-20$\%$. These measurements will be further improved by the High Luminosity option of the LHC (HL-LHC) which brings uncertainties down to 2-5$\%$ \cite{Gianotti:2000tz}. Moreover, at the $e^+e^-$ Linear Collider (LC), which would act like a Higgs factory, the uncertainties on the Higgs couplings would be much smaller, reaching 0.6-1.3\% for some light fermionic decay channels \cite{Moortgat-Picka:2015yla}. It is well known that the precise measurement programs of Higgs properties at the LC and LHC are complementary to each other in many aspects. In addition, the loop-mediated process $h^0\to \gamma\gamma$ which was a discovery mode for the 125 GeV Higgs-like and is now quite accurately measured. While the other related one-loop decay $h^0\to \gamma Z$, which is also loop-mediated, is still missing and may show up in the future LHC run when more data is accumulated. At the LC, the one loop mediated process $e^+e^-\to \gamma h^0$ if measured could also shed some light on $h^0\gamma \gamma$ and $h^0\gamma Z$ couplings. Such process has been investigated in the SM \cite{Barroso:1985et,Abbasabadi:1995rc}, and also in many Beyond SM (BSM) scenarios, like SUSY~\cite{Djouadi:1996ws,Demirci:2019ush}, extended Higgs sector \cite{Akeroyd:1999gu,Kanemura:2018esc}, and in the Inert Higgs Model \cite{Arhrib:2015wrb}. In this work, we examine the effect of a singly and a doubly charged Higgs bosons in the associated production of the SM Higgs with a photon $e^+e^- \to h^0 \gamma$ at the LC and also $e^-\gamma \to h^0 e^-$ which would take place if the $e^-\gamma$ collisions are available at the LC. In Ref\cite{Kanemura:2018esc}, the authors study $e^+e^- \to \gamma h^0$ in the framework of Inert Triplet Model with an exact $Z_2$ symmetry under which the triplet scalar is odd while all the other SM particles are even which guaranty that the model have a dark matter candidate. Because of $Z_2$ symmetry, the SM Higgs comes only from the doublet, the couplings $h^0H^\pm H^\mp$ and $h^0H^{\pm \pm}H^{\mp\mp}$ originate only from triplet interaction with SM doublet while in our case there is extra terms that come from the mixing between the doublet and triplet components. In addition, in our study, we will also address the process $e^- \gamma \to h^0 e^-$ which is not covered in Ref\cite{Kanemura:2018esc}. Study of these processes can be used to shed some light on the couplings $h^0\to \gamma \gamma$ and $h^0\to \gamma Z$ and their correlation. Clearly, such loop-mediated processes are sensitive to the $h^0\gamma\gamma$ and $h^0\gamma Z$ one loop couplings, and could also be used to disentangle between various BSM models. Therefore, $e^+e^- \to h^0 \gamma$ and $e^- \gamma \to h^0 e^-$ would be sensitive to the doubly charged Higgs which contribute to $h^0\gamma \gamma$ and $h^0\gamma Z$ couplings. Moreover, the process $e^+e^- \to h^0 \gamma$ enjoys a clean final state with a photon and also the handle offered by the SM-like Higgs mass reconstruction at 125 GeV, which is now possible after discovery. We will study the correlation of the diphoton signal strength with the total cross sections of $e^+e^- \to h^0 \gamma$ and $e^- \gamma \to h^0 e^-$ and also present some differential cross sections. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: we briefly review the basics of the Triplet Higgs Model in Sec.~\ref{model}. In Sec.~\ref{expcons}, we discuss existing experimental constraints. In the subsequent subsections \ref{modsiglow} and \ref{modsighigh}, we consider in more depth the production cross-sections of $e^+e^-\to h^0\gamma$ and $e^- \gamma \to h^0 e^-$ at the $e^{+}e^{-}$ collider and its $e^-\gamma$ option. We also correlate the production cross section to $h^0\to \gamma\gamma$ and $h^0\to \gamma Z$ decays. We then present our findings in Sec.~\ref{conclu}. \section{Model framework} \label{model} In addition to the SM Higgs field $\Phi\sim(1,2,1/2)$, the HTM contains an additional $SU(2)_L$ triplet Higgs field $\Delta\sim(1,3,2)$ \cite{Magg:1980ut,Cheng:1980qt,Lazarides:1980nt,Mohapatra:1980yp}. Both multiplets are represented by \begin{eqnarray} \Phi = \left( \begin{array}{c} \phi^+ \\ \phi^0 \end{array} \right), \quad \text{and} \quad \Delta = \left( \begin{array}{cc} \frac{\delta^+}{\sqrt{2}} & \delta^{++} \\ \delta^0 & -\frac{\delta^+}{\sqrt{2}} \\ \end{array} \right) \label{multiplet} \end{eqnarray} After the EWSB, the neutral components $\phi^0$ and $\delta^0$ develop their {\it vev}'s respectively that read as $$ \phi^0 =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(v_\Phi+\eta_\Phi+i\chi_\Phi) \quad \text{and} \quad \delta^0=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(v_\Delta+\eta_\Delta+i\chi_\Delta) $$ It's worth mentioning that the gauge bosons get their masses both from the doublet and the triplet and the electroweak scale is fixed from W mass by $v^2=v^2_{\Phi}+2\,v^2_{\Delta}=(246 \, \, \rm{GeV})^2$. On the other side, the kinetic and gauge-interaction of the new field $\Delta$ are encoded in the lagrangian term that has the following form \begin{eqnarray} \mathcal{L}_{\rm{kin}}( \Delta)&=&\rm{Tr}[(D_\mu \Delta)^\dagger (D^\mu \Delta)], \label{kinetic} \end{eqnarray} where the covariant derivative is given by $D_\mu \Delta=\partial_\mu \Delta+i\frac{g}{2}[\tau^aW_\mu^a,\Delta]+ig'B_\mu\Delta$. The Yukawa interactions of $\Delta$ with the lepton fields are \begin{eqnarray} \mathcal{L}_Y(\Phi, \Delta)&=& Y_{\Delta}\bar{L}_L^{c}i\tau_2\Delta L_L+\rm{h.c.}.~~~~ \label{yukawa} \end{eqnarray} In the above, $c$ denotes the charge conjugation, while $L$ is the $SU(2)_{L}$ doublets of left-handed leptons. Once $\Delta$ is assigned to carry a non-zero lepton number, $L=2$, the cubic $\mu$ parameter violates explicitly the lepton number at the Lagrangian level. It's worth mentioning here that the light neutrino mass originate from the above Yukawa lagrangian and is proportional to the triplet {\it vev}, $m_\nu \sim v_{\Delta} Y_\Delta/\sqrt{2}$, where $Y_\Delta$ is the Yukawa coupling. The scalar potential of the Higgs fields $\Phi$ and $\Delta$ is \begin{eqnarray} V(\Phi,\Delta)&=&\mu_\Phi^2\Phi^\dagger\Phi+\mu^2_{\Delta}\rm{Tr}(\Delta^\dagger\Delta)+\left(\mu \Phi^Ti\tau_2\Delta^\dagger \Phi+\rm{h.c.}\right)\nonumber\\ &+&\frac{\lambda}{4}(\Phi^\dagger\Phi)^2 + \lambda_1(\Phi^\dagger\Phi)\rm{Tr}(\Delta^\dagger\Delta)+\lambda_2\left[\rm{Tr}(\Delta^\dagger\Delta)\right]^2\nonumber\\ &+&\lambda_3\rm{Tr}[(\Delta^\dagger\Delta)^2] +\lambda_4\Phi^\dagger\Delta\Delta^\dagger\Phi,~~~~ \label{eqn:scalpt} \end{eqnarray} where $\mu_{\Phi}$ and $\mu_\Delta$ are real parameters with dimension of mass, $\mu$ is a mass term that controls trilinear couplings between $\Phi$ and $\Delta$ and $\lambda_{1-4}$ are dimensionless quartic Higgs couplings. By computing the mass matrices from Eq.(\ref{eqn:scalpt}) taking into account the two minimization conditions, seven physical Higgs states in the mass basis arise and could be written in the weak eigenstate basis. Indeed, in addition to the doubly-charged Higgs bosons, $H^{\pm \pm}$, the HTM predicts a pair of charged Higgs $H^\pm$, that appear together with the charged Goldstone $G^{\pm}$ after a unitary rotation $R_{\beta^{'}}=\{\{c_{\beta^{'}},-s_{\beta^{'}}\},\{s_{\beta^{'}},c_{\beta^{'}}\}\}$ with $\beta'$ angle between the non-physical fields $\phi^{\pm}$ and $\delta^{\pm}$, with $s_x\,(c_x)$ stands for $\sin x\,(\cos x)$. Similarly, two unitary rotations, $R_{\alpha}$ and $R_{\beta}$ in the planes $(\eta_\Phi,\eta_\Delta)$ and $(\chi_\Phi,\chi_\Delta)$, give rise respectively to two CP-even neutral scalars $(h^0,H^0)$ and two CP-odd neutral pseudo-scalars $(G^0,A^0)$. The physical masses of the doubly and singly charged Higgs boson $H^{\pm \pm}$ and $H^{\pm}$ can be written as \begin{eqnarray} m_{H^{++}}^2&=&m_\Delta^2-v_\Delta^2\lambda_3-\frac{\lambda_4}{2}v_{\Phi}^2,\quad m_\Delta^2 = \frac{\mu v_\Phi^2}{\sqrt{2}v_\Delta}\label{eq:mhpp}\nonumber\\ m_{H^+}^2&=&\left(m_\Delta^2-\frac{\lambda_4}{4}v_{\Phi}^2\right)\left(1+\frac{2v_\Delta^2}{v_{\Phi}^2}\right).\label{eq:mhp} \end{eqnarray} The CP-even and CP-odd neutral Higgs bosons $h^0$, and $H^0$ have the physical masses \begin{eqnarray} m^2_{h^0}&=&\mathcal{A}_{H}^2 c_\alpha^2+\mathcal{C}_{H}^2 s_\alpha^2-\mathcal{B}_{H}^2 s_{2\alpha}, \label{mh}\nonumber\\ m^2_{H^0}&=&\mathcal{A}_{H}^2 s_\alpha^2+\mathcal{C}_{H}^2 c_\alpha^2+\mathcal{B}_{H}^2 s_{2\alpha}.\label{mH} \end{eqnarray} In the above $\mathcal{A}_{H}$, $\mathcal{B}_{H}$ and $\mathcal{C}_{H}$ are the entries of the CP-even mass matrix, given by, \begin{eqnarray} &&\mathcal{A}_{H}^2=\frac{v_{\Phi}^2\lambda}{2},\nonumber\\ &&\mathcal{B}_{H}^2=-\frac{2v_\Delta}{v_{\Phi}}m_\Delta^2+v_{\Phi} v_\Delta \lambda_{14}^+,\nonumber\\ &&\mathcal{C}_{H}^2=m_\Delta^2+2v_\Delta^2 \lambda_{23}^+. \end{eqnarray} where $\lambda_{ij}^+=\lambda_i+\lambda_j$, and $s_{2x}$ stands for $\sin 2x$. Regarding the CP-odd Higgs field, the $A^0$ has the mass term given by \begin{eqnarray} m_{A^0}^2 &= &m_\Delta^2\left(1+\frac{4v_\Delta^2}{v_{\Phi}^2}\right) \label{mA}. \end{eqnarray} In addition, it should be noted that the previously mentioned mixing angles can be determined in terms of the multiplets {\it vev}'s and the dimensionless couplings as follows, \begin{eqnarray} &&t_\beta = \sqrt{2}\,t_{\beta^{'}} = 2 v_\Delta/v_\Phi\label{eq:91} \label{eq:tb-tbp}\\ &&t_{2\alpha} = \frac{2\mathcal{B}_{H}^2}{\mathcal{A}_{H}^2-\mathcal{C}_{H}^2}\quad ({\rm with}\,\, t_x=\tan x), \label{eq:ta} \label{eq:92} \end{eqnarray} Furthermore, we consider throughout our analysis a different hierarchy between $m_{H^{\pm \pm}}$ and $ m_{H^{\pm}}$, which mainly depends on $\lambda_4$ sign (e.g. for positive $\lambda_4$, the ${H^{\pm \pm}}$ is lighter than ${H^{\pm }} $), leading to a splitting that can be expressed by (assuming $v_{\Delta} \ll v_{\Phi}$) \begin{equation} \Delta m^2=m^2_{H^{\pm}}-m^2_{H^{\pm \pm}} \sim \frac{\lambda_4}{4} v^2_{\Phi}+\mathcal{O}(v^2_{\Delta}). \label{diffchdmass} \end{equation} It is worth noting that it is possible to invert these masses to write the quartic couplings $\lambda$ and $\lambda_i$'s and $\mu ({\rm or}\,M^2_{\Delta})$ in terms of the 5 physical scalar masses and the mixing angles as done in \cite{Arhrib:2011uy}. Therefore, in our numerical investigation, to fully describe the scalar sector of HTM, we will take the lightest $h^0$ as SM-like, and yet use the following set of parameters \begin{equation} {\cal P} = \{\lambda, \lambda_1, \lambda_2, \lambda_3, \lambda_4 , \mu , v_{\Delta} \} \label{eq:input_par_2} \end{equation} The following section describes the various direct experimental constraints on the doubly-charged Higgs boson mass and triplet {\it vev}. \section{Theoretical and Experimental Constraints} \label{expcons} The parameter space of HTM discussed above is subjected to both theoretical and experimental constraints as we will describe briefly here. \begin{itemize} \item [$\circ$] {Perturbativity and Unitarity:} The perturbativity translates into the requirement that all quartic couplings of the scalar potential in Eq.~(\ref{eqn:scalpt}) obey $|\lambda_i| \le 8 \pi $. Tree-level unitarity can also be imposed by considering a variety of scattering processes: scalar-scalar scattering, gauge boson-gauge boson scattering and scalar-gauge boson scattering. We impose these unitarity constraints as derived in~\cite{Arhrib:2011uy}. \item [$\circ$] {Vacuum Stability:} By requiring the HTM to satisfy vacuum stability, we order to maintain the scalar potential $V$ bounded from below, the following constraints on the HTM parameters must be met~\cite{Arhrib:2011uy,bonilla2015} \begin{eqnarray} && \lambda \geq 0 \;\;{\rm \&} \;\; \lambda_{23}^+ \geq 0 \;\;{\rm \&} \;\;\tilde\lambda_{23}^+ \geq 0 \label{eq:bound1} \\ && {\rm \&} \;\;\lambda_1+ \sqrt{\lambda \lambda_{23}^+} \geq 0 \;\;{\rm \&}\;\;\lambda_{14}^++ \sqrt{\lambda \lambda_{23}^+} \geq 0 \label{eq:bound2} \\ && {\rm \&} \;\; 2 \tilde{\lambda}_{14}+\sqrt{(2\lambda \lambda_3-\lambda_4^2) (2\frac{\lambda_2}{\lambda_3} + 1)} \geq 0 \;\; {\rm or} \nonumber\\ &&\hspace{2cm} \lambda_3 \sqrt{\lambda} \le |\lambda_4| \sqrt{\lambda_{23}^+} \label{eq:bound3} \end{eqnarray} where $\tilde\lambda_{ij}^+=\lambda_i+\frac{1}{2}\lambda_j$. \end{itemize} Furthermore, collider signatures analysis of doubly charged Higgs production could lead to spectacular signature in some cases. Depending on the decay modes of $H^{\pm\pm}$ to either leptonic or bosonic final states, one could have the popular same sign leptons signature. To that end, the triplet {\it vev} $v_{\Delta}$ size might be a decisive point. For smaller triplet {\it vev}, the $H^{\pm \pm}$ predominantly decays into the same-sign leptonic states $H^{\pm \pm } \to l^{\pm} l^{\pm}$, whereas for larger $v_{\Delta}$, the gauge boson mode $H^{\pm \pm} \to W^{\pm} W^{\pm}$ becomes dominant \cite{Perez:2008ha,Melfo:2011nx}. A number of studies have been proposed in order to study prospect for doubly charged Higgs production and decay at the LHC \cite{Perez:2008ha,Melfo:2011nx,delAguila:2008cj,Mitra:2016wpr,Agrawal:2018pci}. \\ Below we discuss the existing constraints on $H^{\pm \pm}$ from collider searches. \\ \begin{itemize} \item LEP-II: LEP-II detector was used to search for doubly charged Higgs through it decay $H^{\pm \pm} \to l^\pm l^\pm$. The limit obtained is $m_{H^{\pm \pm}} > 97.3$ GeV \cite{Abdallah:2002qj} at 95$\%$ C.L. \\ \item LHC: constraints from $H^{\pm\pm}$ pair production and associated production with $H^\pm$ at the LHC with 13 TeV set a rigorous constraint on $m_{H^{\pm \pm}}$ for $v_{\Delta} < 10^{-4}$ GeV through the same-sign dilepton decay $H^{\pm \pm } \to l_i^{\pm } l_j^{\pm}\,(i,j=e,\mu,\tau)$. In addition, the CMS searches also include the associated production $p p \to H^{\pm \pm} H^{\mp}$ followed by $H^{\pm} \to l^{\pm} \nu$. This combined channel of pair-production and associated production gives the stringent constraint $m_{H^{\pm \pm}} > 820$ GeV \cite{CMS-PAS-HIG-16-036} at $95 \%$ C.L for $e$ and $\mu$ flavor. The main constraint comes from ATLAS searches through pair-production, which set a lower limit of $m_{H^{\pm\pm}} > 870$ GeV at $95 \%$ C.L \cite{Aaboud:2017qph}. As discussed above, if the triplet {\it vev} is larger then $H^{\pm\pm}$ would decay into a pair of gauge bosons \cite{Kanemura:2013vxa,Kanemura:2014goa,Kanemura:2014ipa}, and this would invalidate or, lower the same-sign dileptons limit. Over the past year, the ATLAS experiment has managed in this regard to set a limit for $H^{\pm\pm}$ mass, in such a way that the same-sign W bosons decay mode to be the dominant for doubly-charged Higgs boson. As stipulated by its report, a $H^{\pm\pm}$ boson masses between 200 and 220 GeV are excluded at $95\%$ confidence level \cite{Aaboud:2018qcu}. Furthermore, still within the LHC, the golden channel that can give more insights for the doubly-charged Higgs boson is the VBF $pp\to W^*W^* \to H^{\pm\pm}\to W^\pm W^\pm$. In the HTM, it is well known that once the triplet {\it vev} gets larger enough, {$v_{\Delta} \ge 10^{-4}$ GeV}, the bosonic decay mode $H^{\pm\pm} \to W^\pm W^\pm$ becomes larger than $BR(H^{\pm\pm} \to l^\pm l^\pm)$. At the LHC, CMS with 8 TeV \cite{Khachatryan:2014sta} and 13 TeV \cite{Sirunyan:2017ret} search for $pp\to W^*W^*\to H^{\pm\pm} \to W^\pm W^\pm+X$ in the framework of Georgi-Machacek (GM) model and set a limit on the doublet-triplet mixing angle $s_H(=\sin\theta_H)=2\sqrt{2}v_\chi/v$ where $v_\chi$ is the triplet {\it vev} in the GM model. Since in the HTM $H^{\pm\pm}W^\pm W^\pm = i g^2 v\,s_{\beta^{'}}/\sqrt{2}$ and $ H^{\pm\pm}W^\pm W^\pm=i g^2 v\,s_{H}/\sqrt{2}$ in the GM, it is clear that the equivalent of $s_H$ in the HTM is $s_{\beta^{'}}$ that can be obtained from Eq.(\ref{eq:tb-tbp}) as: $s_{\beta^{'}}=2v_\Delta/v$. Re-interpretation of GM limit on $s_H$ imply that $s_{\beta^{'}} > 0.18$ which can be translated into a limit on the triplet {\it vev}. Using Eq.(\ref{eq:tb-tbp}), one can show that $v_\Delta \ll v_\Delta^{max} = v\,{\rm max}[s_{\beta^{'}}]/2 \approx 22.14$ GeV which is still far from the stringent bound obtained from $\delta\rho$ constraint. \end{itemize} \noindent Note that, for extremely small $v_{\Delta}$, the mass of the doubly-charged Higgs boson is very tightly constrained from pair-production searches. For a larger triplet {\it vev}, this constraint substantially chills out. Indeed, the measured cross-section of the VBF production process probes a quadratically reliance upon the triplet {\it vev} and hence, increases for a very large {\it vev}. However, the range of $v_{\Delta} \sim 10^{-4}-10^{-1}$ GeV cannot be probed at the 13 TeV LHC in VBF channel, due to the smallness of the production cross-section. Recently, in \cite{Ghosh:2017pxl}, the authors have looked for pair-production of doubly charged Higgs $H^{\pm \pm}$ in the case of large $v_{\Delta}$, and demonstrated that the lighter mass $m_{H^{\pm \pm} } \sim 190$ GeV can be probed at the 14 TeV LHC with high luminosity of 3000 $\rm{fb}^{-1}$. In addition, in Ref.\cite{Kanemura:2014ipa}, by looking to di-lepton decays of $H^{\pm \pm}$ and using LHC 8 TeV run-I data, the limit of $m_{H^{\pm \pm}} \ge 84 $ GeV have been derived, which is also relevant for large $v_{\Delta}$. Furthermore, all along our computing, the latest version of {\tt HiggsBounds-5.3.2beta} and {\tt HiggsSignals-2.2.3beta} \cite{Bechtle2014:HB} \cite{Bechtle2014:HS} have been used to conveniently test Higgs searches and check the Higgs signal rate constraints in the HTM taking into account various LEP, Tevatron and recent LHC 13 TeV search results. \section{$e^+e^- (e^- \gamma) \to \gamma h^0 (e^- h^0)$ in type-II seesaw models} \label{section:3} \subsection{Processes} \label{modsiglow} In the HTM, at the one-loop level, the processes $e^+e^-\to \gamma h^0$ and $e^- \gamma \to e^- h^0$ are mediated by triangle and self-energie as well as box diagrams. Hence, they are sensitive to all charged virtual particles inside the loop. We display in Fig.\ref{fig:diag-ee2gah} the generic Feynman diagrams that effectively contribute to $e^+e^- \to \gamma h^0$ and $e^- \gamma \to e^- h^0$ processes in the HTM. \begin{figure*}[!h] \centering \resizebox{0.7\textwidth}{!}{ \includegraphics{figures/ee2gah-diag.png}} \caption{Generic Feynman diagrams involving the various contributions to $e^-\,e^+\,(e^-\,\gamma)\,\to\,\gamma\, h^0\,(e^-\, h^0)$ processes in the \textsc{HTM}. In diagrams $v_1$, we depict $h^0\gamma V$, $V=\gamma,Z$ as a generic and the feynman diagrams that contribute are shown in Fig.\ref{fig:diag-h2gaV}. The loop in $v_4$ receives contributions from all SM particles as well as singly and doubly charged Higgs.} \label{fig:diag-ee2gah} \end{figure*} Our calculation is done in Feynman gauge using dimensional regularization with the help of {\sl FeynArts} and {\sl FormCalc} packages \cite{FA2}. Numerical evaluation of the scalar integrals is done with {\sl LoopTools} \cite{FF}. We have summed up all triangle and boxe diagrams in order to maintain gauge invariance in the final results. As said before, during this calculation we will neglect the electron mass. Since the tree level amplitudes which are suppressed by the electron mass are neglected, Feynman diagrams like Fig. \ref{fig:diag-ee2gah}-$v_2$-$v_3$\footnote{$v_2$ and $v_3$ are negligible compare to other diagrams} mediated by an off-shell electron are ultraviolet finite because the corresponding counter-terms for $h^0e^+e^-$ are proportional to electron mass. We have checked analytically and numerically that the amplitudes are UV finite and independent of the renormalization scale which constitutes a good check of the calculation. In the following, for illustrative purpose and discussions, we introduce the following ratios, \begin{eqnarray} && R_{\gamma h^0} \equiv \frac{\sigma(e^+e^-\to \gamma h^0)}{\sigma_{\rm SM}(e^+e^- \to \gamma H)}\nonumber\\ && R_{ e h^0} \equiv \frac{\sigma(e^- \gamma \to e^- h^0)}{\sigma_{\rm SM}(e^- \gamma \to e^- H)}\nonumber \end{eqnarray} which are the total cross sections in the HTM normalized to the SM one. Note that the one-loop amplitudes for $h^0\to\gamma \gamma, \gamma Z$, Fig. \ref{fig:diag-h2gaV}, as well as for the two processes $e^+e^-\to \gamma h^0$ and $e^-\gamma \to e^- h^0$ receive an additional contribution from $H^\pm$ and $H^{\pm\pm}$ Higgs bosons. We also define the signal strengths $R_{\gamma\gamma}$ and $R_{\gamma Z}$ as \begin{equation} R_{\gamma V} \equiv \frac{\sigma(gg \to h^0)\times Br(h^0\to\gamma V)}{\sigma_{SM}(gg \to H)\times Br_{SM}(H\to\gamma V)}, \end{equation} where $V=\gamma\,{\rm or}\,Z$ \begin{figure*}[!h] \centering \resizebox{0.8\textwidth}{!}{ \includegraphics{figures/h2gaV-diag.png}} \caption{Generic Feynman diagrams for $h^0 \to \gamma\,V$ ($V=\gamma\,{\rm or}\,Z$) process in the \textsc{HTM}. F denote any fermion and S stand for $H^{\pm}$ and $H^{\pm\pm}$.} \label{fig:diag-h2gaV} \end{figure*} These one-loop amplitudes are sensitive to the triple scalar couplings $h^0 H^{++}H^{--}$ and $h^0 H^{+}H^{-}$ which are given in the HTM by \begin{eqnarray} \bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{++}H^{--}} &=&\frac{s_W}{e\,m_W}\big(2\,\lambda_2\,v_\Delta\,s_\alpha+\lambda_1\,v_{\Phi}\,c_\alpha\big) \label{eq:redgcalHHpp}\\ \bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^+H^-}&=&\frac{s_W}{2\,e\,m_W}\Big(\big(4\,v_\Delta\, \lambda_{23}^+ c_{\beta'}^2+2\,v_\Delta\lambda_1\,s_{\beta'}^2\nonumber\\ &-&\sqrt{2}\,\lambda_4\,v_{\Phi}\,c_{\beta'}\,s_{\beta'}\big)\,s_\alpha +\big(\lambda\,v_{\Phi}\,s_{\beta'}^2+2 \tilde\lambda_{14}^+\,v_{\Phi}\,c_{\beta'}^2\nonumber\\ &+&(4\,\mu-\sqrt{2}\,\lambda_4\,v_\Delta)\,c_{\beta'}s_{\beta'}\big)c_\alpha\Big) \label{eq:redgcalHHp} \end{eqnarray} If we neglect the terms which contain triplet {\it vev}, those couplings are completely fixed by the $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_4$ parameters, and depending on their sign; charged Higgs contributions can enhance or suppress $e^+e^-\to \gamma h^0$, $e^-\gamma \to e^- h^0$ and $h^0\to\gamma \gamma$ rates, respectively. We also stress that the doubly charged Higgs contribution in the above one-loop amplitudes will enjoy an enhancement by a relative factor four in the amplitudes since $H^{\pm\pm}$ has an electric charge of $\pm 2$ units. \subsection{Results} \label{modsighigh} \begin{figure*}[!ht] \centering \begin{minipage}{6.1cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.1\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/ld1-ld4-mhpp.png}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hspace{0.6cm} \begin{minipage}{6.1cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.1\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/ld1-ld4-mhp.png}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \\ \begin{minipage}{6.1cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.1\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/coupling-ld1.png}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hspace{0.6cm} \begin{minipage}{6.1cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.1\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/coupling-ld4.png}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \caption{Upper panel : the allowed parameter space of the HTM given by the variation of $m_{H^{\pm\pm}}$ (left) and $m_{H^\pm}$ (right) in $(\lambda_1,\lambda_4)$ plane. In the lower panel: the correlation between $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{+}H^{-}}$ and $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{++}H^{--}}$ following the sign of $\lambda_1$ (left) and $\lambda_4$ (right). Input parameters are $\lambda=0.517$ ($m_{h^0}=125.09$ GeV), $\lambda_3=2\lambda_2=0.2$, $v_\Delta=\mu = 1$ GeV.} \label{fig:fig2} \end{figure*} We first comment about $e^+e^-\to \gamma H$ in the SM. Like $H \to \gamma\gamma$ and $H \to \gamma Z$, the vertex contribution in $e^+e^-\to \gamma H$ is dominated by the W loops while the top contribution is sub-leading and interfere destructively with the W loops \cite{Kanemura:2018esc}. For center of mass energy $\leq 350$ GeV, the SM box contribution is almost of the same order as the vertex and interfere destructively while for higher cm energy $\geq 350$ GeV the total cross section is dominated by the boxes and are constructive with the vertex. \noindent We start our analysis by emphasizing the impact of the new field $\Delta$. For that, we perform a scan over all the allowed parameters spac, setting $h^0$ to mimic the observed 125 GeV Higgs boson at the LHC, and taking into account above all theoretical and experimental constraints. It is worth mentioning that the virtual effects of $H^{\pm}$ and $H^{\pm\pm}$ states in $h^0\gamma\gamma$ and $h^0\gamma Z$ couplings bring in a high sensitivity to $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_{14}^+$ respectively. This is because the dependence of $h^0 H^\pm H^\mp$ and $ h^0H^{\pm\pm}H^{\mp\mp}$ triple couplings on $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_{14}^+$ comes with the large doublet {\it vev} while the one of $\lambda_2$ and $\lambda_3$ are associated with the small triplet {\it vev}, see eqs.(\ref{eq:redgcalHHpp}) and (\ref{eq:redgcalHHp}). Therefore, the sensitivity to $\lambda_{2,3}$ in the processes under study is marginal. In Fig.\ref{fig:fig2} above, we exhibit the allowed range for $(\lambda_1,\lambda_4)$ as well as the size of the triple couplings $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{+}H^{-}}$, $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{++}H^{--}}$. Indeed, the upper panel displays a strong dependency between $\lambda_{1,4}$ couplings and charged Higgs boson masses; $m_{H^\pm}$ (left) and $m_{H^{\pm\pm}}$ (right). It is clear from this plot the range allowed for $-0.4<\lambda_1<0.8$ is rather limited. This is mainly due to the BFB constraints combined with light spectrun $m_{H^\pm}, m_{H^{\pm\pm}}, m_A <280$ GeV. It is clear that for$\lambda_1>0$ and $\lambda_4<0$, $m_{H^\pm}$ (resp $m_{H^{\pm\pm}}$) takes its larger values which stands below $250$ GeV (resp 280 GeV). The lower panel shows that, according to Eq.(\ref{eq:redgcalHHpp}), the coupling $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{\pm\pm}H^{\mp\mp}}$ is proportional to $\lambda_1$. Such a fact is visible in the left-side where one can see that the sign of $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{\pm\pm}H^{\mp\mp}}$ is completely dictated by $\lambda_1$ sign. The situation is quite different for $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{\pm}H^{\mp}}$ which could have both signs for positive or negative $\lambda_1$, see Eq.(\ref{eq:redgcalHHp}). However, $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{\pm}H^{\mp}}$ coupling have different texture as a function of $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_4$. As it can be seen, for large and negative $\lambda_4$, the coupling $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{\pm}H^{\mp}}$ is maximal and positive and flip sign for a wide range of large and positive $\lambda_4$. Thus, it can be said that $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_4$ are important parameters of the model, and more severely restrictions on their values from analysis involving naturalness have been studied in Ref.\cite{chabab2016}. \begin{figure*}[!ht] \begin{minipage}{5.4cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.12\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/CSega2eh-SqrtS.pdf}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hspace{0.4cm} \begin{minipage}{5.4cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.12\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/CSee2gah-SqrtS.pdf}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hspace{0.4cm} \begin{minipage}{5.4cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.08\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/cut-ega2eh-htm.pdf}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \caption{Total unpolarized cross section in {\it fb} for $e^+e^- \to \gamma h^0$ (left) and $e^-\gamma \to e^- h^0$ (middle) as a function of center-of-mass energy for various values of $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda=0.517$ ($m_{h^0}=125.09$ GeV), $\lambda_3=2\lambda_2=0.2$, $v_\Delta=\mu = 1$ GeV and $\lambda_4=0$. In the right side the total cross section $\sigma(e^-\gamma \to e^- h^0)$ in {\it fb} is displayed as a function of $\sqrt{s}$ for five different angle cuts of $2^{o}$, $4^{o}$, $6^{o}$, $8^{o}$ and $10^{o}$ with $\lambda_1=-0.2$.} \label{fig:fig1} \end{figure*} In Fig.\ref{fig:fig1} we would like to establish a benchmark for comparing both unpolarized cross section $e^+e^-\to h^0\gamma$ and $e^- \gamma \to e^- h^0$ as a function of center-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s}$ with respect to SM one. For this purpose, we also draw the SM values for the cross sections as a function of cm energy. We stress here, as we will see later, the amplitude of the t-channel contribution to $e^-\gamma \to h^0 e^-$ contains a singularity when $\cos\theta \approx 1$, i.e when the angle between the incoming and outgoing electrons vanish. Therefore, we introduce a cut of 10$^\circ$ when we evaluate the total cross section for $e^-\gamma \to h^0 e^-$. However, in the case of $e^+e^- \to \gamma h^0$ process, we have checked that the total cross section does not depend on small cut. This is because of a cancelation between t-channel vertices and boxes diagrams. \begin{table}[!h] \caption{Benchmark points for Fig.\ref{fig:fig1}.} \centering \begin{tabular}{c|c|c|c|c} \hline Bench. & $\lambda_1$ & $\lambda_4$ & $m_{H^\pm}/{\rm GeV}$ & $m_{H^{\pm\pm}}/{\rm GeV}$ \\ \hline \hline BP1. & $-0.2$ & $0.0$ & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{\multirow{3}{*}{$\approx 206$}} \\ BP2. & $0.0$ & $0.0$ & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{} \\ BP3. & $+0.2$ & $0.0$ & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{} \\ \hline \hline \end{tabular} \label{tab:bp_nonalignment} \end{table} As it can be noticed, the cross sections are enhanced near the region $\sqrt{s}\approx\,250$ GeV. As far as $\sqrt{s}$ increases further, the destructive interference between the SM and HTM contributions gets more severe and becomes maximal near the $t\bar{t}$ threshold, responsible for the dips clearly seen in the figure. After crossing the $t\bar{t}$ threshold, a constructive or destructive interference with SM contribution depending on the sign of $\lambda_1$ which is the same as the sign of $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{\pm\pm}H^{\mp\mp}}$. Note that the vertex contribution for $e^+e^- \to h^0\gamma$ scales like 1/s and thus drop steeply for large $\sqrt{s}$, while for $e^-\gamma\to e^- h^0$ which have a t-channel contribution, the drop of the cross section for large $\sqrt{s}$ is slower than for $e^+e^-\to \gamma h^0$. \begin{figure*}[!h] \centering \begin{minipage}{6.1cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.1\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/ld1-rgaga-ch0hphm.png}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hspace{0.6cm} \begin{minipage}{6.1cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.1\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/ld1-rgaga-ch0hpphmm.png}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \\ \begin{minipage}{6.1cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.1\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/ld1-sigma-ch0hphm.png}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hspace{0.6cm} \begin{minipage}{6.1cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.1\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/ld1-sigma-ch0hpphmm.png}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \caption{Signal strength $R_{\gamma\gamma}(h^0)$ (upper panels) and $\sigma(e^+e^- \to \gamma h^0)$ (fb) total cross section for $\sqrt{s}=250$ GeV (lower panel) as a function of $\lambda_1$ coupling. The other inputs are $\lambda=0.517$ ($m_{h^0}=125.09$ GeV), $\lambda_3=2\lambda_2=0.2$, $-1.2 \le \lambda_4 \le 0.8$, $v_\Delta=\mu = 1$ GeV. Horizontal lines denote the central and $\pm1\sigma$ combined diphoton strength signal reported by ATLAS \cite{Aaboud:2018xdt} and CMS \cite{Sirunyan:2018ouh} at 13 TeV. Left color coding shows the variation of the reduced trilinear coupling $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{\pm}H^{\mp}}$ while the right one shows the $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{\pm\pm}H^{\mp\mp}}$.} \label{fig:fig3} \end{figure*} Concerning the effect of charged Higgses on $R_{\gamma\gamma}(h^0)$ and the cross section $\sigma(e^+e^- \to \gamma\,h^0)$ and $\sigma(e^-\gamma \to e^-\,h^0)$, we illustrate in Fig.\ref{fig:fig3} the variation of those observable as a function of the parameter $\lambda_1$ and the reduced couplings $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{\pm}H^{\mp}}$ and $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{\pm\pm}H^{\mp\mp}}$. Hence, the sensitivity to $\lambda_1<0$ as well as $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{\pm}H^{\mp}}<0$ and $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{\pm\pm}H^{\mp\mp}}<0$ is particularly striking, as one can see for $m_{H^\pm}$ above 150 GeV, $R_{\gamma\gamma}$ is enhanced substantially beyond its SM values. This is due to a constructive interference between the SM contribution dominantly by $W^+$, and that of singly and doubly charged Higgs bosons in $h^0\gamma\gamma$ and $h^0\gamma Z$ couplings. \\ On the other hand, note that both vertices given in Eqs.(\ref{eq:redgcalHHp}) and (\ref{eq:redgcalHHpp}) contribute to both $R_{\gamma\gamma}$ and $\sigma(e^+e^- \to \gamma\,h^0)$. Therefore, we expect that $\sigma(e^+e^- \to \gamma\,h^0)$ would vary in a similar way as $R_{\gamma\gamma}$. This fact is clearly seen from the lower panels of Fig.\ref{fig:fig3}. Indeed, the cross section can reach values as high as $0.096$ fb for negative values of $\lambda_1$, requiring a rather light singly (and/or doubly) charged Higgs bosons in the range $[100, 200]$ GeV. Such large enhancement is related to the sensitivity to trilinear reduced couplings $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{\pm}H^{\mp}}$ and $\bar{\lambda}_{h^0 H^{\pm\pm}H^{\mp\mp}}$, which also depend on $\lambda_{1,4}$ signs. \begin{figure*}[!h] \centering \begin{minipage}{6.1cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.1\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/Rgaga-Rgah-mhpp.png}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hspace{0.6cm} \begin{minipage}{6.1cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.1\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/RgaZ-Rgah-mhpp.png}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \caption{$R_{\gamma h^0}$ correlation with $R_{\gamma\gamma}(h^0)$ (left) and $R_{\gamma\,Z}(h^0)$ (right) in the HTM. Color coding shows the variation of $m_{H^{\pm\pm}}$. Inputs as in Fig.\ref{fig:fig3} } \label{fig:fig4} \end{figure*} \begin{figure*}[!h] \centering \begin{minipage}{6.1cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.1\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/Rgaga-Reh-mhpp.png}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hspace{0.6cm} \begin{minipage}{6.1cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.1\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/RgaZ-Reh-mhpp.png}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \caption{$R_{e^- h^0}$ correlation with $R_{\gamma\gamma}(h^0)$ (left) and $R_{\gamma\,Z}(h^0)$ (right) in the HTM. Color coding shows the variation of $m_{H^{\pm\pm}}$. Inputs as in Fig.\ref{fig:fig3}} \label{fig:fig44} \end{figure*} It is, therefore, possible to address a possible correlation between $R_{\gamma\,V}$, $V=\gamma, Z$, and $R_{\gamma h^0}$ (resp. $R_{\gamma\,V}$ and $R_{e^-h^0}$) as displayed in Fig.\ref{fig:fig4} (resp. Fig.\ref{fig:fig44}). Depending on the parameter space, one can predict a positive correlation between these two observable. Thus, it can be seen clearly from these plots that when $R_{\gamma\,V}(h^0)>1$ we almost have $\sigma(e^+e^- \to \gamma\,h^0)>\sigma(e^+e^- \to \gamma\,H^{SM})$ (resp. $\sigma(e^-\gamma \to e^-h^0)>\sigma(e^-\gamma \to e^-H^{SM})$) and vice versa. Further improvement may be achieved, reflecting the charged Higgs masses dependence on these two observable, with regards to $\lambda_1$ and $2\lambda_1+\lambda_4$ signs, the charged Higgs loops interfere constructively (destructively) with the SM loops. Hence, the lighter the charged Higgs masses are, the larger the enhancement in both the total cross sections $\sigma(e^+e^- \to \gamma\,h^0)$, $\sigma(e^-\gamma \to e^-h^0)$ and the signal strength $R_{\gamma\,V}$ as illustrated in the right of Fig.\ref{fig:fig3}. \begin{figure*}[!h] \centering \begin{minipage}{5.4cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.1\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/Rgaga-RgaZ.pdf}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hspace{0.4cm} \begin{minipage}{5.4cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.095\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/pTee2gah.pdf}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hspace{0.4cm} \begin{minipage}{5.4cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.095\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/diffCSega2eh.pdf}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \caption{Left : $R_{\gamma\gamma}^{h^0}$ correlation with $R_{\gamma\,Z}^{h^0}$. The middle (resp. right) side shows the distribution of the transverse momentum, $p_T^{h^0}$, for the $e^-e^+ \to \gamma h^0$ (resp. differential cross section for $e^-\gamma \to e^- h^0$) for various $\sqrt{s}=$250,300 and 500 GeV, we fix here $(\lambda_1,\lambda_4)=(-0.35,+0.61)$} \label{fig:fig5} \end{figure*} \begin{figure*}[!h] \centering \begin{minipage}{5.4cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.095\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/diffCSee2gah-htm-250.pdf}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hspace{0.4cm} \begin{minipage}{5.4cm} \begin{center} \resizebox{1.095\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/diffCSee2gah-htm-500.pdf}} \end{center} \end{minipage} \caption{Differential cross section for $e^-e^+ \to \gamma h^0$ in both SM and HTM for two values of $\sqrt{s}=$ 250 GeV (left) and 500 GeV (right). We fix here $(\lambda_1,\lambda_4)=(-0.35,+0.61)$.} \label{fig:fig6} \end{figure*} Ultimately it is interesting to understand the differential cross section for both processes $e^+e^-\to \gamma h^0$ and $e^- \gamma \to e^- h^0$, as well as the structure of the correlation between $R_{\gamma\gamma}$ and $R_{\gamma\,Z}$ for the observed $h^0$ SM-like. Such correlation is exhibited in Fig.\ref{fig:fig5} (left) for fixed values of $\mu$ and $v_\Delta$ and a scan over $\lambda_1,\lambda_4$, which demonstrate that these two decay modes are generally correlated, and typically an $R_{\gamma\gamma} \gtrsim 1$ will be consistent with the model for $R_{\gamma\,Z} \gtrsim 1$. The middle side of Fig.\ref{fig:fig5} shows the distribution for the differential cross section as a function of the transverse momentum of the Higgs boson $h^0$ ($p_T^{h^0}$), such a computation is carried out for various value of $\sqrt{s}=250, 300, 500$ GeV, employing a calculation of the one-loop scattering amplitudes for all relevant partonic channels. It is obvious from the $p_T^{h^0}$ distribution that there is a greater likelihood of producing the $h^0$ boson with a small transverse momentum. Furthermore, the cross-section is expected to increase as the energy decrease and the increase will be faster at lower $p_T^{h^0}$ values. \\ We also show in Fig.(\ref{fig:fig5}) the differential cross section $d\sigma(e^- \gamma \to e^- h^0)/d\cos\theta$ for three center-of-mass energies $\sqrt{s}=$ 250, 300 and 500 GeV. Such a differential cross section gets significantly enhanced near the forward direction $\cos\theta \approx 1$, which is due to the $t$-channel diagram $(v_1)$ in Fig.\ref{fig:diag-ee2gah} as explained below. Finally, Fig.\ref{fig:fig6} displays differential cross section for $e^-e^+ \to \gamma h^0$ in both SM and HTM for two values of $\sqrt{s}=$ 250 GeV (left) and 500 GeV. As expected, in the absence of new Lorentz structure in the HTM, the differential cross section in the HTM possess the same shape as in the SM and is slightly shifted up due to the charged Higgses effects. \section{Conclusions} \label{conclu} The LC is expected to play a crucial role in understanding the nature of the Higgs boson, which is just getting started, and will have a lot to add to whatever the LHC will find out. In this paper, we have studied, in the framework of the HTM, the one-loop processes $e^+e^-\to \gamma h^0$ and $e^-\gamma \to e^- h^0$ in the Feynman gauge using dimensional regularization for the future LC machine, where $h^0$ is the lightest, neutral, CP-even Higgs boson. We have shown that the singly (-doubly) charged Higgs loops in HTM can modify significantly the cross section compared to the SM predictions, depending on the parameter $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_4$ which controls the contribution of the charged Higgs bosons in the loops. We find that such cross sections for the studied processes are quite sensitive to these parameters; so that the observable $R_{\gamma h^0}$ that we defined for the LC can be away from unity implying the presence of new charged particles in the loops. Such new charged particles would also contribute to the one loop couplings $h\to \gamma \gamma$ and $h\to \gamma Z$. Therefore, we have shown that the correlation between $R_{\gamma h^0}$, $R_{e^- h^0}$ and $R_{\gamma \gamma}(h^0)$ can be mainly positive for $\sqrt s$ = 250 GeV depending on the HTM parameter space. We also illustrate on one hand, the transverse momentum distribution for the $e^+e^-\to \gamma h^0$ which shows an enhancement near $p_T^{h^0}\approx \sqrt{s}/2$ and on the other hand the differential cross section for $e^+e^-\to \gamma h^0$ for different center of mass energy. \section*{Acknowledgment} \noindent This work is supported in part by the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research under Contract N$^{\circ}$ PPR/2015/6, and by the GDRI-Physique de l'infiniment petit et l'infiniment grand-P2IM. AA acknowledges NCTS NTU for hospitality. LR would like to thank the L2C laboratory of the university of Montpellier for hospitality, where part of this work has been done.
Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions presented in this manuscript are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This article is published with the approval of the Director of the Kenya Medical Research Institute. Introduction {#s1} ============ Since 2000, the burden of malaria in Africa has significantly declined[@R1]; the decline has been attributed to substantial coverage increases in four main malaria prevention and control activities: the distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLINs), indoor residual spraying of insecticides, intermittent preventive treatment of pregnant women, and effective case management.[@R2],[@R3] However, malaria remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Kenya where approximately 21% of all outpatient visits are for malaria-related illnesses.[@R4] Kenya has four eco-epidemiological malaria zones: endemic Lake Victoria and coastal counties; epidemic-prone highland counties; seasonal transmission counties; and counties with no-to-very-low transmission risk, including Nairobi County, primarily due to high altitude and low seasonal temperatures.[@R4],[@R5] Among children \< 15 years of age, malaria parasite prevalence varies across the eco-epidemiological zones from a high of 38% in the lake-endemic counties to a low of ≤ 1% in low-risk counties.[@R5] Efforts to reduce the burden of malaria through the four main prevention and control strategies have focused primarily on areas with high malaria prevalence.[@R4],[@R6] Travel and migration of people between regions can influence malaria transmission[@R7] and contributes to the geographic spread of resistance to malaria medications.[@R8] Nairobi, like other large cities in developing countries, is experiencing massive and rapid urbanization. Rural populations migrate in search of economic opportunity, which has resulted in more people living in crowded, informal settlements (i.e., slums). An estimated 1.9 million people or 60% of the total population of Nairobi lives in informal settlements.[@R9] Unlike many developing countries, Kenya has a relatively well-developed transportation infrastructure that facilitates frequent travel of workers and families from Nairobi to their rural homes in western Kenya and the coastal region, where malaria is holoendemic. Travelers become infected with malaria while visiting endemic areas and are parasitemic on return to Nairobi.[@R10] If *Anopheles* mosquito vectors are present, as documented by Okara and others, and environmental factors are conducive, *Plasmodium* species could be introduced with resultant local transmission.[@R11] Understanding the characteristics and movement patterns of people infected with malaria parasites is important for successful and targeted intervention strategies to control malaria transmission.[@R7],[@R12]--[@R14] We describe the demographic features of febrile patients with malaria parasitemia, identify the geographical regions to which they frequently traveled, and assess the seasonal patterns of malaria infection among patients seeking care at an outpatient clinic in the Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya, from 2007 to 2011. Methods {#s2} ======= Study area. {#s2a} ----------- Since 2005, the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have collaborated on a population-based infectious disease surveillance (PBIDS) project within two villages of Kibera, an urban, informal settlement in Nairobi.[@R15] Kibera is located 5 km southwest of the central business district of Nairobi. Nairobi\'s altitude is above 1,530 m, and Kibera has a fairly uniform altitude that ranges from 1,719 to 1,748 m.[@R16],[@R17] An estimated 70% of residents of the surveillance area migrated from western Kenya, where malaria is holoendemic.[@R18],[@R19] The majority of Kibera residents regularly travel to their rural homes for temporary visits (e.g., for seasonal farm work and holidays). Surveillance procedures. {#s2b} ------------------------ The Kibera PBIDS focuses on the burden and etiologies of febrile illness, diarrheal disease, pneumonia, and jaundice within two of 13 villages in Kibera: Gatwikera and West Soweto.[@R15] The surveillance system has been previously described.[@R15],[@R20] Eligible persons must have resided permanently in these two villages for 4 calendar months or be a child born to a woman enrolled in PBIDS. Household visits were conducted by community interviewers every 2 weeks to enroll new participants and inquire about illnesses during the past 2 weeks. Enrollment was continuous after surveillance commencement. Participants who were not documented to be residing within the household for eight consecutive biweekly visits (4 calendar months) were excluded from the surveillance. During the study period, the average population of the Kibera surveillance area was approximately 30,700 (range = 27,619--34,503) within a 0.37 km^2^ area (population density = 83,000 persons/km^2^). Surveillance participants with acute medical illnesses had free access to a study clinic with trained staff, laboratory testing, and medications. The clinic is within 1 km of all residences within the surveillance area. During clinic visits, clinical and demographic data were systematically collected using structured questionnaires. In addition, patients were asked whether they had traveled outside Nairobi during the previous 1 month. Data were entered by project staff directly into a computerized, standardized database. Patients with measured fever (i.e., axillary temperature ≥ 37.5°C) and symptoms or signs suggestive of malaria (e.g., headache, vomiting, and muscle and joint pains) had blood collected for malaria microscopy. Patients who tested positive for malaria were treated following Kenya national malaria treatment guidelines with artemether--lumefantrine, the recommended first-line treatment of uncomplicated malaria.[@R21] Laboratory procedures. {#s2c} ---------------------- Thick blood smears were prepared and stained with 3% Giemsa for 10 minutes following World Health Organization standards.[@R22],[@R23] The slides were viewed at 100× power magnification under oil immersion. A slide was considered positive if a single asexual malaria parasite was seen by a qualified laboratory technologist after examining at least 200 high-power fields. Parasite densities were not computed for this study. Data analysis. {#s2d} -------------- We analyzed data using STATA (version 9.2; Stata Corporation, College Station, TX). In the analysis, we considered only records of patients with measured fever (temperature ≥ 37.5°C) who were tested for malaria. A malaria case was defined as a patient with a measured fever (temperature ≥ 37.5°C) and a positive blood smear test result. For patients who had repeat visits within a period of \< 2 weeks and had documented fever plus positive malaria blood slides in both the initial and repeat visits, we only included the initial malaria diagnosis in the analysis. We determined the demographic characteristics of febrile patients and malaria cases visiting the study clinic and identified factors associated with having a positive malaria test result. To compare risk by age, we used the following age groupings: \< 6 months (referent), 6--11 months, 1--4 years, 5--14 years, and ≥ 15 years. For patients reporting travel in the last month prior to the clinic visit, we identified the counties they visited and described the characteristics of those who had traveled. For each county visited, we determined the number of travelers that had malaria parasitemia and compared these numbers to transmission rates in the Kenya Ministry of Health\'s District Health Information System 2 (DHIS2) (Ministry of Health, unpublished data). For patients without travel history, we described the age and sex distribution and identified months with the highest proportion of malaria cases. Finally, we described the monthly distribution of all malaria cases over the 5-year study period and stratified them based on travel status. Ethical review. {#s2e} --------------- The protocol, surveillance questionnaires, and consent forms were reviewed and approved by the Ethical Review Committee at KEMRI (protocol 1899) and the Institutional Review Board at CDC (protocol 4566). Results {#s3} ======= During the 5-year study period, 105,960 patient visits occurred at the study clinic ([Table 1](#T1){ref-type="table"}). Of all patient visits, preschool children aged 1--4 years (*N* = 36,630, 35%) and adults ≥ 15 years (*N* = 36,059, 34%) had the highest number of clinic visits. Females accounted for 56% of all visits. Of all patients, 16% had a measured temperature of ≥ 37.5°C on presentation; infants, aged 6--11 months, were responsible for the highest proportion (21%) followed by children aged 1--4 years (20%) and 5--14 years (18%) ([Table 1](#T1){ref-type="table"}). Among febrile patients, 68% (*N* = 11,480) had a blood slide processed for malaria microscopy. The range was 42% in infants aged \< 6 months to 72% in children aged 5--14 years. Compared with infants \< 6 months of age, the likelihood of being tested for malaria increased with age up to a peak in children aged 5--14 years. Patients with history of travel outside Nairobi within a month prior to clinic visit were over 6.6 times more likely to be tested for malaria compared with patients who did not travel (95% confidence interval \[CI\] = 5.8--7.6) ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type="table"}). Overall, among febrile patients with malaria test results, asexual malaria parasites were seen in 22% (*N* = 2,553) ([Table 3](#T3){ref-type="table"}). Prevalence of parasitemia ranged from a low of 13% in infants (aged \< 6 months) to a peak of 28% in children aged 5--14 years ([Table 3](#T3){ref-type="table"}). Compared with infants aged \< 6 months, febrile children in the age categories 1--4 years, 5--14 years, and adults ≥ 15 years had increased odds of having malaria parasites ([Table 3](#T3){ref-type="table"}). There was no significant difference in the distribution of malaria parasitemia by gender (*P* = 0.1). Febrile patients who reported having traveled outside Nairobi during the month prior to clinic visit were 10 times more likely to have malaria parasitemia (95% CI = 9.0--11.0) ([Table 3](#T3){ref-type="table"}). Of malaria cases, 64% reported traveling outside Nairobi in the month prior to diagnosis; 79% (1,275/1,623) of whom reported travel to just three counties: Siaya (44%), Kisumu (21%), and Busia (13%) ([Figure 1](#F1){ref-type="fig"} Figure 1.(**A**) Number of visits, (**B**) distribution of malaria cases, and (**C**) percent positive malaria cases by county among patients seen in Kibera clinic, Nairobi, Kenya, from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2011.). These three counties represent three of the five counties with the highest malaria cases per 1,000 persons in 2013 from routine health data reported in Kenya\'s DHIS2 ([Figure 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"} Figure 2.Total reported malaria cases per 1,000 populations in selected counties of western Kenya, 2013.). Febrile patients with malaria parasitemia were seen year-round with peaks in the months of January, April--May, and August--September, coinciding with end of school holidays ([Figure 3](#F3){ref-type="fig"} Figure 3.Number of malaria cases and percentage of blood smears positive by travel status in the study clinic, Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya, from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2011.). Discussion {#s4} ========== This study describes the epidemiology of malaria cases evaluated at an outpatient clinic in Kibera slum in Nairobi. Although Nairobi is considered a low-risk area for malaria transmission due to high altitude and low temperatures, over 20% of febrile residents visiting the study clinic had malaria parasitemia over the 5-year study period and children \< 15 years of age accounted for two-thirds of malaria cases. Previous studies in Nairobi have estimated wide ranges of malaria prevalence.[@R16],[@R19] A study that enrolled asymptomatic community children aged 6 months to 14 years in Kibera to evaluate soil-transmitted helminth infections and nutritional status found an overall malaria parasitemia prevalence of 6.5%.[@R19] Routine national health data combined with audits of 14 randomly selected health facilities with laboratory capacity within Nairobi demonstrated a mean blood slide positivity of 15% (range = 4--31%), regardless of patients\' clinical presentation.[@R16] Therefore, our finding of 22% malaria prevalence among febrile patients in Kibera is consistent with previous studies. Two-thirds of patients with malaria in our study reported history of travel outside Nairobi within a month prior to diagnosis. Just three (7%) of 46 counties accounted for more than three-quarters of all destinations visited by patients with malaria. These three counties; Siaya, Kisumu, and Busia, which border Lake Victoria, also have three of the five highest rates of malaria in Kenya. Our study confirms findings by Wesolowski and others that described the primary malaria parasite "source" as centered in western Kenya, including parts of Siaya and Busia counties, and the primary "sink" centered in Nairobi using malaria prevalence and mobile phone data to analyze the travel patterns of nearly 15 million individuals.[@R10] In addition, malaria prevalence tended to increase during periods that coincided with the end of school holidays when families and children travel back to Nairobi after visiting their rural homes primarily in western Kenya. Our study suggests that communicating risk to travelers and encouraging preventive measures, such as consistent use of LLINs when visiting western Kenya, should be more widely communicated in focused urban areas. Incorporating effective malaria prevention messaging into education programs in schools could reach those most affected, that is, school-aged children, and is consistent with the National Malaria Strategy 2009--2017.[@R6] Conversely, implementing malaria prevention and control strategies effectively in holoendemic counties, that is, malaria parasite source counties, might result in a decrease in the number of malaria cases imported to Nairobi and other urban centers in Kenya. Our study also raises the possibility of local transmission of *Plasmodium* in the densely populated urban Kibera slum. Approaches that could help resolve the question of local transmission in Kibera include entomologic studies to determine the presence and density of *Anopheles* species in Kibera and mapping and genetic characterization of *Plasmodium* species in Kibera and western Kenya to assess movement of parasites with similar genomic patterns between the two areas. Vector data collected from 2001 to 2003 in Kibera demonstrated evidence of the mosquito vector *Anopheles gambiae* s.l. breeding in polluted water pools.[@R24] However, *An. gambiae* s.l. mosquitos represented only 0.05% of the almost 177,000 mosquitos captured and speciated, and none of the mosquitos were found to be positive for *Plasmodium* sporozoites.[@R24] Although not evaluated in this study, climatic factors, such as rising surface temperatures, have been implicated in widened *Anopheles* habitats resulting in the potential for increased malaria transmission in highland areas in east Africa.[@R25],[@R26] However, other studies have disputed the role of climate change as a primary factor contributing to the increased malaria transmission in this region.[@R27] The relatively cooler temperatures in Nairobi, with lows of 11--14°C, are thought to limit the development of the *Plasmodium* sporozoite stage in the salivary glands of the mosquito vector.[@R16],[@R28] If seasonal temperatures were to increase, potential windows of transmission could exist in Nairobi in the presence of appropriate vectors.[@R16] Because of massive urban migration in Nairobi over the last decade largely from holoendemic counties in western Kenya and concomitant changes in temperature and rainfall patterns in eastern Africa, including increases in minimum temperatures,[@R29] urban slums in Nairobi might now have the vectors, environmental conditions, and a sufficient number of parasitemic residents to initiate local *Plasmodium* transmission. One limitation of the study was the time frame associated with the question elucidating travel history. Over one-third of patients with malaria reported they had not traveled in the previous 1 month prior to presentation. The 1-month window used to define travel history was likely insufficient to differentiate between malaria acquired during travel and malaria potentially acquired in Nairobi. Malaria parasitemia can persist for prolonged periods of up to a year with mild or no symptoms in persons with partial or full immunity living in endemic areas.[@R30] Patients who had not traveled but had malaria parasitemia might have recently migrated to Nairobi from a malaria-endemic county or have been exposed to malaria during earlier travel episodes, which would not have been captured. This limitation could have been minimized by asking about travel history over a longer period prior to illness. Second, patients with acquired partial immunity to malaria, especially older children and adults, might have fever and symptoms due to another illness and not malaria. Detection of malaria parasites in patients with acquired immunity would have been an incidental finding, which would have led to an overestimation of malaria cases among patients. Malaria as an incidental finding would have differentially affected patients with a travel history because those patients were more likely to be tested for malaria. Third, we relied on microscopy to detect malaria parasites. Identification of *Plasmodium* by light microscopy relies on the skills of the laboratory technician. Despite having well-trained, experienced microscopists, the potential for human error would lead to misclassification of cases. Another limitation of the study was the potential for recall or information bias. Patients, particularly children or caregivers, might not have remembered or reported travel in the past month or not considered returning to a rural home as travel. However, underreporting of travel by patients, if addressed, would likely strengthen our finding that the majority of malaria infections in Kibera are acquired during travel to malaria endemic areas. Finally, our study was conducted in one slum area within Nairobi. The majority of the slum residents studied had their rural homes in western Kenya where they frequently traveled. Findings from this study are therefore not generalizable to the greater Nairobi slum settings whose residents might not be from primarily malaria-endemic regions. Our study demonstrates that malaria parasitemia is relatively common in febrile patients in Kibera, Nairobi, both with and without a recent history of travel. Although the findings do not confirm local transmission of malaria, further focused entomologic investigations, improved surveillance for malaria, enhanced diagnostic capacity to confirm parasitemia, and implementation of an effective communications strategy to prevent and control malaria in urban informal settlements are needed.[@R31] Conclusion {#s5} ========== The majority of malaria cases reported having traveled to three counties in western Kenya that have the highest rates of malaria in the country. Eliminating malaria in these counties, as well as communicating and implementing effective malaria prevention strategies targeted at travelers to counties in western Kenya, is likely to reduce the malaria burden in Kibera, Nairobi. We thank the staff working in Tabitha Medical Clinic, Kibera, who provided care for study patients. Special thanks to Daniel Macharia for providing the malaria case distribution map. Authors\' addresses: Henry N. Njuguna, Joel M. Montgomery, Leonard Cosmas, Joseph O. Oundo, and Robert F. Breiman, Division of Global Health Protection, CDC-Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, E-mails: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, and <[email protected]>. Newton Wamola, KEMRI-Nairobi, Center for Global Health Research, Nairobi, Kenya, E-mail: <[email protected]>. Meghna Desai, Malaria Branch, Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria, CDC-Kenya, Kisumu, Kenya, E-mail: <[email protected]>. Ann M. Buff, President\'s Malaria Initiative, Malaria Branch, Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria, CDC-Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, E-mail: <[email protected]>. ###### Age and sex characteristics of patients visiting study clinic between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2011, Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya Characteristics All clinic visits Patients with measured fever (≥ 37.5°C) Patients with malaria microscopy test ----------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---- -------- ---- Age category  \< 6 months 5,485 5 790 14 331 42  6--11 months 7,651 7 1,593 21 954 60  1--4 years 36,630 35 7,490 20 5,137 69  5--14 years 20,135 19 3,814 18 2,735 72  ≥ 15 years 36,059 34 3,286 9 2,323 71 Total 105,960 100 16,973 16 11,480 68 Sex  Males 47,104 44 8,314 18 5,677 68  Females 58,856 56 8,659 15 5,803 67 Total 105,960 100 16,973 16 11,480 68 ###### Characteristics associated with malaria testing among febrile patients evaluated at a clinic in Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya, from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2011 Characteristics Tested for malaria Bivariate analysis ----------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----- --------- ---------- Age category  \< 6 months 459 (58) 331 (42) Ref -- --  6--11 months 639 (40) 954 (60) 2.1 \< 0.01 1.7--2.5  1--4 years 2,353 (31) 5,137 (69) 3.0 \< 0.02 2.6--3.5  5--14 years 1,079 (28) 2,735 (72) 3.5 \< 0.03 3.0--4.1  ≥ 15 years 963 (29) 2,323 (71) 3.4 \< 0.04 2.9--3.9 Total 5,493 (32) 11,480 (68) Sex  Male 2,637 (32) 5,677 (68) Ref -- --  Female 2,856 (33) 5,803 (67) 1.0 0.08 0.9--1.0 Travel status  No 4,434 (35) 8,072 (65) Ref -- --  Yes 249 (8) 2,991 (92) 6.6 \< 0.01 5.8--7.6  Unknown 883 (68) 417 (32) 0.3 \< 0.01 0.3--0.3 CI = confidence interval; OR = odds ratio; Ref = reference. ###### Demographic predictors of malaria parasitemia among febrile patients evaluated at a clinic in Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya, from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2011 Characteristics Malaria test results Bivariate analysis ----------------- ---------------------- -------------------- ------ --------- ----------- Age category  \< 6 months 287 (87) 44 (13) Ref -- --  6--11 months 824 (86) 130 (14) 1.0 0.88 0.7--1.5  1--4 years 3,966 (77) 1,171 (23) 1.9 \< 0.01 1.4--2.7  5--14 years 1,958 (72) 777 (28) 2.6 \< 0.01 1.9--3.6  ≥ 15 years 1,892 (81) 431 (19) 1.5 0.02 1.1--2.1 Total 8,927 (78) 2,553 (22) Sex  Male 4,378 (77) 1,229 (23) Ref -- --  Female 4,549 (78) 1,254 (22) 0.9 0.10 0.9--1.0 Travel status  No 7,214 (89) 858 (11) Ref -- --  Yes 1,368 (46) 1,623 (54) 10.0 \< 0.01 9.0--11.0  Unknown 345 (83) 72 (17) 1.8 \< 0.01 1.3--2.3 CI = confidence interval; OR = odds ratio; Ref = reference.
Background ========== Hypoglycemia is rare in individuals without drug-treated diabetes mellitus \[[@b1-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\], but many adults, particularly women, report symptoms attributed to reactive hypoglycemia, a postprandial hypoglycemic state occurring within 2--5 h after eating \[[@b2-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. In the absence of bariatric surgery, there are multiple causes of postprandial hypoglycemia, including insulinoma \[[@b3-amjcaserep-21-e923356],[@b4-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. As insulinomas have the potential to be definitively treated by surgery \[[@b4-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\], insulinoma identification is important. To do so, it is important to consider satisfying Whipple's triad (hypoglycemia symptoms, documentation of hypoglycemia on testing, and symptom resolution with glucose administration) before pursuing a hypoglycemia workup. Patients who satisfy Whipple's triad and are otherwise "seemingly well" typically have hypoglycemia arising from either: 1) accidental, surreptitious, or intentional hypoglycemia or 2) endogenous hyper-insulinism (EHH) \[[@b1-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. Insulinomas, a type of islet cell tumor, are the most common cause of EHH \[[@b5-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\], although insulinomas remain quite rare, with an incidence of 1 in 250 000 patient-years \[[@b1-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. Patients with insulinomas demonstrate hypoglycemia exclusively in the fasting state (73%), exclusively in the postprandial state (6%), and in fasting and postprandial state (21%) \[[@b4-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. Less than 10% of patients with insulinomas have multiple tumors. Here, we present a case of a patient with a metastatic insulinoma and compare the various imaging modalities needed to identify metastatic insulinoma tumors. Case Report =========== A 46-year-old woman presented to the Emergency Department (ED) via ambulance after coworkers noticed her odd behavior at work. At the workplace, the paramedics used a glucose meter and reported her capillary fingerstick glucose at 29 mg/dL. She was given a ½ ampule of D50 and her glucose level increased to 111 mg/dL. When she arrived at the ED 30 min later, her glucose level had dropped to 32 mg/dL. The ED evaluation was significant for a urinary tract infection (UTI). Therefore, her hypoglycemia was attributed to the UTI and she was discharged home with Bactrim and a home glucometer. Two days later, she returned to the ED with self-reported anxiety. Her fasting glucose values using her home glucometer were 33 mg/dL, 59 mg/dL, 55 mg/dL, and 70 mg/dL. Upon arrival to the ED, her capillary fingerstick glucose was 79 mg/dL. Her medications included levothyroxine, lisinopril, olanzapine, citalopram, vitamin D3, and fish oil. Her medical history was significant for legal blindness, hypothyroidism, and multiple behavior and psychiatric issues which prevented her from living independently from her family. Her family history was significant for nephrolithiasis, "thyroid tumor" of unknown etiology in the patient's mother, and episodes of unevaluated hypoglycemia in the patient's sister, and negative for diabetes in the immediate family. She is a never smoker and had no alcohol or substance use. During her second ED evaluation, she indicated that she noticed having spells of odd behavior with associated unsteadiness, which had been progressive over the last few months. She reported that these symptoms improved upon the ingestion of "sugar water." The patient was extensively interviewed regarding her medical history and her proximity to diabetes medications/other individuals with diabetes. A physical exam was unremarkable. The medical team felt that the patient's presentation met the criteria for Whipple's triad \[[@b1-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\] with documented hypoglycemia. As she was not acutely ill and had no history of diabetes mellitus, she fell into the category of a "seemingly well patient", presenting with hypoglycemia either due to accidental, surreptitious, or malicious hypoglycemia or endogenous hyperinsulinism. Evaluation ---------- The patient's initial presentation strongly supported Whipple's triad, as the presentation was characterized by neuroglycopenic symptoms, evidence of hypoglycemia (glucose \<60 mg/dL measured on home blood glucose monitoring), and resolution of her neuroglycopenic symptoms with glucose treatment. By the time she was evaluated by the Endocrinology consult service, she was already receiving treatment for her hypoglycemia, which included being placed on a hypoglycemia protocol (12.5 g IV D50 injection for blood glucose less than 50 mg/dL in an alert patient). Glucose, C-peptide, and proinsulin levels were obtained when the patient had symptoms of hypoglycemia ([Table 1](#t1-amjcaserep-21-e923356){ref-type="table"}). Although these results ([Table 1](#t1-amjcaserep-21-e923356){ref-type="table"}) do not strictly meet the definition of endogenous hypoglycemia (plasma glucose \<55 mg/dL if Whipple's triad was previously documented), the results are supportive of hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia \[[@b1-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. In addition, her CT scan at the time of admission evaluation identified a pancreatic tumor highly suspicious for insulinoma. Because she satisfied Whipple's triad and her CT imaging was suspicious for insulinoma, the 72-h fast was not performed. Computed tomography of the abdomen/pelvis with IV contrast identified a 1.5×0.9 cm enhancing lesion in the body of the pancreas. An invasive endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) was conducted to more accurately localize this lesion, and identified an additional 3 to 4 hypoechoic lesions in the pancreatic neck and body. EUS-guided fine-needle biopsy in the pancreatic body and neck was highly suspicious for a neuroendocrine tumor (NET) ([Figure 1](#f1-amjcaserep-21-e923356){ref-type="fig"}). Tumor cells were positive for synaptophysin, chromogranin, and CD56, which are all markers for NETs. Ki-67 showed low proliferation index, estimated as \<3%. The tumor cells were weakly positive for insulin stain ([Figure 2](#f2-amjcaserep-21-e923356){ref-type="fig"}). A 68-Gallium Dotatate scan was conducted, which showed 3 distinctive tumor sites within the pancreas ([Figures 3](#f3-amjcaserep-21-e923356){ref-type="fig"}, [4](#f4-amjcaserep-21-e923356){ref-type="fig"}), a right posterior rib sclerotic lesion ([Figure 5](#f5-amjcaserep-21-e923356){ref-type="fig"}), and small bilateral pleural effusions and extensive bilateral posterior lower lobe atelectasis/consolidation. Given the multicentric nature of the lesions, MEN-1 syndrome was considered. However, as multiple measurements of her calcium level had produced normal results, the Endocrinology team felt that the possibility of primary hyperparathyroidism was extremely low; therefore, the MEN-1 mutation was not measured. Treatment plan -------------- The surgical team felt that the patient was not a good surgical candidate due to her multiple comorbidities. These included the inability to live independently due to behavior and psychiatric issues, legal blindness, EUS-identified multifocal insulinoma, and potential bone metastasis. Thus, the patient was started on diazoxide (88 mg/ml TID) to control her hypoglycemia. For treatment of the noted metastatic insulinoma, we offered EUS-based ablation. EUS-guided ablation of the largest lesion was conducted; however, remaining lesions were left alone. The next day, after the ethanol ablation, the patient was discharged on the diazoxide program (88 mg/ml TID). The patient's family was contacted by phone several times (at 2 weeks, 4 weeks) after discharge. Per family report, the patient did not take any more diazoxide after her prescription ran out, roughly 10 days after discharge. When contacted 4 weeks after discharge, the patient's family reported that the patient had no further episodes of hypoglycemia with neuroglycopenic symptoms. Discussion ========== The teaching point of this case is that multiple imaging modalities are required for the detection of metastatic insulinoma tumors and that identification of metastatic insulinomas will alter management. In this case, CT imaging of the patient was positive for 1 lesion in the pancreatic body but was unable to localize the additional lesions present in the pancreatic neck that were identified by EUS. In fact, almost 30% of NETs are not located preoperatively by traditional imaging techniques such as CT, US, or MRI \[[@b6-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\], as most insulinoma tumors are solitary and \< 2 cm in size. As compete surgical resection of tumors is the only curative treatment, inaccurate localization of tumors can result in persistence of symptoms and need for re-resection. Thus, multiple imaging modalities are required for detecting metastatic insulinoma tumors. CT/MRI ------ First-line imaging for insulinoma localization is by non-invasive modalities such as CT or MRI. Dual-phase CT scans have \>90% sensitivity for detecting insulinomas \[[@b7-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. CT scans are simple to perform, relatively cheap, and can detect liver metastases. As we observed in this case, CT was unable to identify smaller tumors and tumors that extend into extra-pancreatic tissue, similar to previous observations \[[@b8-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. MRI is superior to CT in the ability to detect extra-pancreatic extension of tumors. Some studies have shown that diffusion-weighted MRI can detect tumors that CT scans have missed, with detection rates of 75% compared to 64%, respectively \[[@b9-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. However, the sensitivity of detecting insulinoma with MRI is lower and more variable than that of CT, ranging between 40% and 90% \[[@b10-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. Additionally, MRI is more expensive than CT. Other non-invasive modalities include transabdominal sonography (USG) and contrast-enhanced sonography (CEUS), and these imaging techniques are also advantageous due to their general availability and low cost. However, the average sensitivity of USG in localizing lesions is less than 70% \[[@b11-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. Barriers to detection specific to USG include localization difficulty due to bowel gas, operator dependency, and increased abdominal fat, which is commonly observed in insulinoma patients. Consequently, USG remains a rarely used non-invasive insulinoma imaging modality \[[@b8-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. EUS --- Invasive imaging is often the next step needed for accurate localization of the multiple tumors that may be present in an insulinoma patient's disease pathology. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is one such imaging method that was used in the diagnosis of this patient. The sensitivity and accuracy of diagnosing insulinomas in patients with hypoglycemia is significantly higher in EUS than CT, at 100% and 60% *vs.* 95.4% and 68%, respectively \[[@b6-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. EUS allows identification of lesions as small as 4 mm, with the additional advantage of tissue sampling. However, CT scans have distinct advantages in identifying distant metastases; therefore, these 2 imaging modalities are best used complementarily \[[@b6-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. The additional benefit provided by EUS is its ability to provide local therapy for insulin-oma via EUS-guided alcohol injection of the noted lesions in patients who are not surgical candidates \[[@b8-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. Nuclear medicine imaging ------------------------ Nuclear medicine imaging can also be valuable in insulinoma imaging. The radiopharmaceuticals approved by the FDA include the Octreoscan (1994), 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18FFDG) PET/CT (2004), and, most recently, the 68-Gallium Dotatate scan (2016), which was used for imaging in this patient \[[@b8-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. The 68-Gallium Dotatate scan is an imaging modality that targets somatostatin receptors (SSTR) expressed on NETs. It has a high affinity to SSTR 2, which is present in up to 80% of insulinoma cases \[[@b12-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. An advantage of the 68-Gallium Dotatate scan its ability to exclude the presence of additional pancreatic NETs not detected by anatomic imaging in syndromes like MEN1 \[[@b12-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. A large prospective study evaluated the clinical utility of 68-Gallium Dotatate scans for management of NETs. In 131 patients, of at least 18 years of age, and with biochemical or radiologic suspicion and/or known diagnosis of NET, the 68-Gallium Dotatate scan was found to have a higher sensitivity for detecting NETs compared to conventional anatomic imaging (i.e., CT/MRI) and to 111-In pentetreotide SPECT/CT imaging \[[@b13-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\].The 68-Gallium Dotatate scan detected significantly more tumors than anatomic imaging and 111-In pentetreotide SPECT/CT (95%, 45%, and 30.9% respectively). The 68-Gallium Dotatate scan also had the highest true-positive rate compared to 111-In pentetreotide and anatomic imaging (72%, 22%, and 39%, respectively). Adding the 68-Gallium Dotatate scan significantly altered clinical management of 33% of patients by increasing clinical surveillance, surgical intervention, and targeted chemotherapy of tumors \[[@b13-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. Since many insulinomas have high concentrations of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptors \[[@b14-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\], GLP-1 radioligands that bind to the GLP-1 receptor have been developed to facilitate insulinoma localization. Recently, a small prospective study enrolled 8 patients with biochemically-proven insulin-oma and with negative or inconclusive conventional imaging (CT, MRI, EUS, and somatostatin receptor scintigraphy). Whole-body single-photon emission tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) imaging was performed 4 h after injection of a Tc-99m-labelled GLP-1 receptor agonist. Surgical resection was performed based on imaging findings. In all patients, surgical pathology confirmed the insulinoma diagnosis. None of the patients had any further recurrence of their hypoglycemia during post-surgical follow-up (range 1--75 months, median 24.5 months) \[[@b15-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. We acknowledge several limitations of this case report. First, the evaluation for hypoglycemia did not include the 72-h fast and her laboratory evaluation did not meet the classic guidelines for an insulinoma \[[@b1-amjcaserep-21-e923356]\]. Given the patient's concurrent behavior/psychiatric issues which prevented her from being able to fast for 72 h, the presence of ongoing treatment of her hypoglycemia, her initial presentation fulfilling the criteria for Whipple's triad, and abdominal imaging suspicious for an insulinoma, we felt that there was sufficient clinical evidence to support more definitive diagnosis by further imaging/EUS than meeting the classic laboratory evidence for an insulinoma. Another limitation is that the follow-up was by self-report, as the patient did not return to our institution for formal reassessment. Despite these limitations, the teaching point remains that additional imaging options should be considered prior to definitive management, as identification of a multifocal or metastatic insulinoma will alter management. Conclusions =========== Insulinomas are pancreatic lesions that are the primary cause of most cases of endogenous hyperinsulinism. Localization of insulinomas can be challenging, as most tumors are often less than 2 cm and may be present in any part of the pancreas. Identification of multifocal, metastatic insulinomas require multiple imaging modalities, including first-line non-invasive imaging (CT or MRI) followed by second-line imaging such as EUS and nuclear imaging. As demonstrated in this case, identification of multifocal, metastatic insulinoma directly altered clinical management of the patient. **Conflict of interest** None. ![Histopathology: Cell block preparation shows pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor composed of cells with uniform round nuclei (hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) stain, magnification 40×).](amjcaserep-21-e923356-g001){#f1-amjcaserep-21-e923356} ![Histopathology: Tumor cells show cytoplasmic reactivity for insulin immunostain (magnification 40×).](amjcaserep-21-e923356-g002){#f2-amjcaserep-21-e923356} ![Ga68Dotatate PET demonstrating 3 foci of intense uptake in the body and tail of the pancreas, consistent with a multifocal insulinoma (arrows). Images arranged from caudal to cranial.](amjcaserep-21-e923356-g003){#f3-amjcaserep-21-e923356} ![Ga68Dotatate PET demonstrating foci of intense uptake in the body and tail of the pancreas, consistent with a multifocal insulinoma (arrows).](amjcaserep-21-e923356-g004){#f4-amjcaserep-21-e923356} ![Ga68Dotatate PET demonstrating focus of intense uptake in the right posterior rib (arrow).](amjcaserep-21-e923356-g005){#f5-amjcaserep-21-e923356} ###### Laboratory findings supportive of endogenous hyperinsulinemia. **Finding** **Pattern in insulinoma** **Pattern in patient** ----------------------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------- Symptoms, signs, or both Yes Yes Glucose (mg/dl) \<55 57 Insulin (µU/ml) ≥3 23.2 C-peptide (nmol/liter) ≥0.2 1.72 Proinsulin (pmol/liter) ≥5 82.3 β-Hydroxybutyrate ≤2.7 Not obtained (lab error) Glucose increase after glucagon (mg/dl) \>25 82 Circulating oral hypoglycemic agent No No Antibody to insulin Neg Neg [^1]: Authors' Contribution: [^2]: Study Design [^3]: Data Collection [^4]: Statistical Analysis [^5]: Data Interpretation [^6]: Manuscript Preparation [^7]: Literature Search [^8]: Funds Collection [^9]: **Conflict of interest:** None declared