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8659806844003223938 | Economy of the Soviet Union | Economy of the Soviet Union - wikipedia Economy of the Soviet Union Jump to : navigation , search Economy of the Soviet Union DniproHES hydro - electric power plant , one of the symbols of Soviet economic power , was completed in 1932 . Currency Soviet ruble ( SUR ) Fiscal year 1 January -- 31 December ( calendar year ) Trade organisations Comecon , ESCAP and others Statistics GDP $820 billion in 1977 ( Nominal ; 2nd ) $1.212 trillion in 1980 ( Nominal ; 2nd ) $1.57 trillion in 1982 ( Nominal ; 2nd ) $2.2 trillion in 1985 ( Nominal ; 2nd ) $2.6595 trillion ( 1989 est . ) ( GNP ; 2nd ) GDP rank 3rd ( Nominal ) / 2nd ( ( ( GNP ) ) ) ( 1989 est . ) GDP per capita $5,800 ( 1982 est . ) ( Nominal ; 32nd ) $9,211 ( 1991 est . ) ( GNP ; 28th ) GDP by sector agriculture : ( 1 -- 2 % , 1991 ) , industry : ( -- 2.4 % , 1991 ) ( 1991 est . ) Inflation ( CPI ) 14 % ( 43rd ) ( 1991 ) Gini coefficient 0.290 ( 1980 est . ) , 0.275 ( 1989 est . ) Labour force 152.3 million ( 3rd ) ( 1989 est . ) Labour force by occupation 80 % in industry and other non-agricultural sectors ; 20 % in agriculture ; shortage of skilled labor ( 1989 est . ) Unemployment 1 -- 2 % Main industries petroleum , steel , motor vehicles , aerospace , telecommunications , chemicals , heavy industries , electronics , food processing , lumber , mining , and the defense ( 1989 est . ) External Exports $110.7 billion ( 9th ) ( 1989 est . ) Export goods petroleum and petroleum products , natural gas , metals , wood , agricultural products , and a wide variety of manufactured goods ( 1989 est . ) Main export partners Eastern Bloc 49 % , European Community 14 % , Cuba 5 % , US , Afghanistan ( 1988 ) Imports $114.7 billion ( 10th ) ( 1989 est . ) Import goods grain and other agricultural products , machinery and equipment , steel products ( including large - diameter pipe ) , consumer manufactures Main import partners Eastern Bloc 54 % , European Community 11 % , Cuba , China , US ( 1988 est . ) Gross external debt $55 billion ( 11th ) ( 1989 est . ) $27.3 billion ( 1988 est . ) Public finances Revenues $422 billion ( 5th ) ( 1990 est . ) Expenses $510 billion ( 1989 est . ) 53 million ( 2nd , capital expenditures ) ( 1991 est . ) Economic aid $147.6 billion ( 1954 -- 88 ) All values , unless otherwise stated , are in US dollars . The economy of the Soviet Union was based on a system of state ownership of the means of production , collective farming , industrial manufacturing and centralized administrative planning . The economy was characterised by state control of investment , public ownership of industrial assets , macroeconomic stability , negligible unemployment and high job security . Beginning in 1928 , the entire course of the economy was guided by a series of Five - Year Plans . By the 1950s , the Soviet Union had , during the preceding few decades , evolved from a mainly agrarian society into a major industrial power . Its transformative capacity -- what the US National Security Council described as a `` proven ability to carry backward countries speedily through the crisis of modernization and industrialization '' -- meant communism consistently appealed to the intellectuals of developing countries in Asia . Impressive growth rates during the first three Five - Year Plans ( 1928 -- 40 ) are particularly notable given that this period is nearly congruent with the Great Depression . During this period the Soviet Union encountered a rapid industrial growth while other regions were suffering from crisis . Nevertheless , the impoverished base upon which the Five - Year Plans sought to build meant that , at the commencement of Operation Barbarossa , the country was still poor . While legitimate strictly in terms of growth and industrialisation , the death toll attributable to Stalinist economic development has been estimated at 10 million , much of which comprises famine victims . The major strength of the Soviet economy was its enormous supply of oil and gas , which became much more valuable as exports after the world price of oil skyrocketed in the 1970s . As Daniel Yergin notes , the Soviet economy in its final decades was `` heavily dependent on vast natural resources -- oil and gas in particular . '' However , Yergin goes on , world oil prices collapsed in 1986 , putting very heavy pressure on the economy . After Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in 1985 , he began a process of economic liberalisation towards a mixed economy . At its dissolution at the end of 1991 , the Soviet Union begat a Russian Federation with a growing pile of $66 billion in external debt , and with barely a few billion dollars in net gold and foreign exchange reserves . The complex demands of the modern economy and inflexible administration overwhelmed and constrained the central planners . Corruption and data fiddling became common practice among the bureaucracy by reporting fulfilled targets and quotas , thus entrenching the crisis . From the Stalin - era to the early Brezhnev - era , the Soviet economy grew much slower than Japan and slightly faster than the United States . GDP levels in 1950 ( in billion 1990 dollars ) were 510 ( 100 % ) in the USSR , 161 ( 100 % ) in Japan and 1456 ( 100 % ) in the US . By 1965 the corresponding values were 1011 ( 198 % ) , 587 ( 365 % ) , and 2607 ( 179 % ) . The Soviet Union maintained itself as the second largest economy in both nominal and purchasing power parity values for much of the Cold War until 1988 , when Japan 's economy exceeded $3 trillion in nominal value . The USSR 's relatively small consumer sector accounted for just under 60 % of the country 's GDP in 1990 , while the industrial and agricultural sectors contributed 22 % and 20 % respectively in 1991 . Agriculture was the predominant occupation in the USSR before the massive industrialization under Joseph Stalin . The service sector was of low importance in the USSR , with the majority of the labor force employed in the industrial sector . The labor force totaled 152.3 million people . Major industrial products included petroleum , steel , motor vehicles , aerospace , telecommunications , chemicals , electronics , food processing , lumber , mining , and defense industry . Though the GDP of the USSR crossed $1 trillion in the 1970s and $2 trillion in the 1980s , the effects of central planning were progressively distorted due to the rapid growth of the second economy in the Soviet Union . Contents ( hide ) 1 Planning 1.1 Drafting the five - year plans 1.1. 1 Time frame 1.1. 2 Guidelines for the plan 1.1. 3 Gosplan 1.1. 4 Planning ministries 1.1. 5 Enterprises 1.1. 6 Redrafting the plan 1.1. 7 Approval of the plan 1.1. 8 State budget 2 Agriculture 3 Foreign trade and currency 4 Forms of property 4.1 Individual property 4.2 Collective property 5 History 5.1 Early development 5.2 New Economic Policy ( 1921 -- 1929 ) 5.3 Stalinism 5.4 1930 -- 1970 5.5 1970 -- 1990 6 See also 7 References 7.1 Works cited 8 Further reading 8.1 In Russian 9 External links Planning ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( June 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) See also : Analysis of Soviet - type economic planning Based on a system of state ownership , the Soviet economy was managed through Gosplan ( the State Planning Commission ) , Gosbank ( the State Bank ) and the Gossnab ( State Commission for Materials and Equipment Supply ) . Beginning in 1928 , the economy was directed by a series of five - year plans , with a brief attempt at seven - year planning . For every enterprise , planning ministries ( also known as the `` fund holders '' or fondoderzhateli ) defined the mix of economic inputs ( e.g. , labor and raw materials ) , a schedule for completion , all wholesale prices and almost all retail prices . The planning process was based around material balances -- balancing economic inputs with planned output targets for the planning period . From 1930 until the late 1950s , the range of mathematics used to assist economic decision - making was , for ideological reasons , extremely restricted . Industry was long concentrated after 1928 on the production of capital goods through metallurgy , machine manufacture , and chemical industry . In Soviet terminology , the capital goods were known as group A goods , or means of production . This emphasis was based on the perceived necessity for a very fast industrialization and modernization of the Soviet Union . After the death of Stalin in 1953 , consumer goods ( group B goods ) received somewhat more emphasis due to efforts of Malenkov . However , when Khrushchev consolidated his power by sacking Malenkov , one of the accusations against Malenkov was that he permitted `` theoretically incorrect and politically harmful opposition to the rate of development of heavy industry in favor of the rate of development of light and food industry '' . Therefore , since 1955 the priorities again were given to capital goods , which was expressed in the decisions of the 20th Congress of the CPSU ( 1956 ) . For further details see consumer goods in the Soviet Union . Most information in the Soviet economy flowed from the top down . There were several mechanisms in place for producers and consumers to provide input and information that would help in the drafting of economic plans ( as detailed below ) , but the political climate was such that few people ever provided negative input or criticism of the plan . Thus , Soviet planners had very little reliable feedback that they could use to determine the success of their plans . This meant that economic planning was often done based on faulty or outdated information , particularly in sectors with large numbers of consumers . As a result , some goods tended to be underproduced , leading to shortages , while other goods were overproduced and accumulated in storage . Low - level managers often did not report such problems to their superiors , relying instead on each other for support . Some factories developed a system of barter and either exchanged or shared raw materials and parts without the knowledge of the authorities and outside the parameters of the economic plan . Heavy industry was always the focus of the Soviet economy , even in its later years . The fact that it received special attention from the planners , combined with the fact that industrial production was relatively easy to plan even without minute feedback , led to significant growth in that sector . The Soviet Union became one of the leading industrial nations of the world . Industrial production was disproportionately high in the Soviet Union compared to Western economies . However , the production of consumer goods was disproportionately low . Economic planners made little effort to determine the wishes of household consumers , resulting in severe shortages of many consumer goods . Whenever these consumer goods would become available on the market , consumers routinely had to stand in long lines ( queues ) to buy them . A black market developed for goods , such as cigarettes , that were particularly sought after but constantly underproduced . Drafting the five - year plans ( edit ) Under Stalin 's tutelage , a complex system of planning arrangements had developed since the introduction of the first five - year plan in 1928 . Until the late - 1980s and early - 1990s , when economic reforms backed by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev introduced significant changes in the traditional system ( see Perestroika ) , the allocation of resources was directed by a planning apparatus rather than through the interplay of market forces . Time frame ( edit ) From the Joseph Stalin era through the late 1980s , the five - year plan integrated short - range planning into a longer time frame . It delineated the chief thrust of the country 's economic development and specified the way the economy could meet the desired goals of the Communist Party . Although the five - year plan was enacted into law , it contained a series of guidelines rather than a set of direct orders . Periods covered by the five - year plans coincided with those covered by the gatherings of the CPSU Party Congress . At each CPSU Congress , the party leadership presented the targets for the next five - year plan . Thus , each plan had the approval of the most authoritative body of the country 's leading political institution . Guidelines for the plan ( edit ) The Central Committee of the CPSU and , more specifically , its Politburo , set basic guidelines for planning . The Politburo determined the general direction of the economy via control figures ( preliminary plan targets ) , major investment projects ( capacity creation ) , and general economic policies . These guidelines were submitted as a report of the Central Committee to the Congress of the CPSU to be approved there . After the approval at the congress , the list of priorities for the five - year plan was processed by the Council of Ministers , which constituted the government of the USSR . The Council of Ministers was composed of industrial ministers , chairmen of various state committees , and chairmen of agencies with ministerial status . This committee stood at the apex of the vast economic administration , including the state planning apparatus , the industrial ministries , the trusts ( the intermediate level between the ministries and the enterprises ) , and finally , the state enterprises . The Council of Ministers elaborated on Politburo plan targets and sent them to Gosplan , which gathered data on plan fulfillment . Gosplan ( edit ) Main article : Gosplan Combining the broad goals laid out by the Council of Ministers with data supplied by lower administrative levels regarding the current state of the economy , Gosplan worked out , through trial and error , a set of preliminary plan targets . Among more than twenty state committees , Gosplan headed the government 's planning apparatus and was by far the most important agency in the economic administration . The task of planners was to balance resources and requirements to ensure that the necessary inputs were provided for the planned output . The planning apparatus alone was a vast organizational arrangement consisting of councils , commissions , governmental officials , specialists , etc. charged with executing and monitoring economic policy . The state planning agency was subdivided into its own industrial departments , such as coal , iron , and machine building . It also had summary departments such as finance , dealing with issues that crossed functional boundaries . With the exception of a brief experiment with regional planning during the Khrushchev era in the 1950s , Soviet planning was done on a sectoral basis rather than on a regional basis . The departments of the state planning agency aided the agency 's development of a full set of plan targets along with input requirements , a process involving bargaining between the ministries and their superiors . Planning ministries ( edit ) Economic ministries performed key roles in the Soviet organizational structure . When the planning goals had been established by Gosplan , economic ministries drafted plans within their jurisdictions and disseminated planning data to the subordinate enterprises . The planning data were sent downward through the planning hierarchy for progressively more detailed elaboration . The ministry received its control targets , which were then disaggregated by branches within the ministry , then by lower units , eventually until each enterprise received its own control figures ( production targets ) . Enterprises ( edit ) Enterprises were called upon to develop in the final period of state planning in the late - 1980s and early - 1990s ( even though such participation was mostly limited to a rubber - stamping of prepared statements during huge pre-staged meetings ) . The enterprises ' draft plans were then sent back up through the planning ministries for review . This process entailed intensive bargaining , with all parties seeking the target levels and input figures that best suited their interests . Redrafting the plan ( edit ) After this bargaining process , Gosplan received the revised estimates and re-aggregated them as it saw fit . Then , the redrafted plan was sent to the Council of Ministers and the Party 's Politburo and Central Committee Secretariat for approval . The Council of Ministers submitted the Plan to the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union and the Central Committee submitted the plan to the Party Congress , both for rubber stamp approval . By this time , the process had been completed and the plan became law . Approval of the plan ( edit ) The review , revision , and approval of the five - year plan were followed by another downward flow of information , this time with the amended and final plans containing the specific targets for each sector of the economy . Implementation began at this point , and was largely the responsibility of enterprise managers . State Budget ( edit ) The national state budget was prepared by the Ministry of Finance of the USSR by negotiating with its all - Union local organizations . If the state budget was accepted by the Soviet Union , it was then adopted . Agriculture ( edit ) Main article : Agriculture in the Soviet Union Agriculture was organized into a system of collective farms ( kolkhozes ) and state farms ( sovkhozes ) . Organized on a large scale and highly mechanized , the Soviet Union was one of the world 's leading producers of cereals , although bad harvests ( as in 1972 and 1975 ) necessitated imports and slowed the economy . The 1976 - 1980 five - year plan shifted resources to agriculture , and 1978 saw a record harvest followed by another drop in overall production in 1979 and 1980 back to levels attained in 1975 . Cotton , sugar beets , potatoes , and flax were also major crops . However , despite immense land resources , extensive machinery and chemical industries , and a large rural work force , Soviet agriculture was relatively unproductive , hampered in many areas by the climate ( only 10 percent of the Soviet Union 's land was arable ) , and poor worker productivity since the collectivization in the 1930s . Lack of transport infrastructure also caused much waste . A view of poor performance of Soviet collective farms is provided by two historians , M. Heller and A. Nekrich ( `` Utopia in Power , History of the Soviet Union from 1917 to Present , '' Simon & Schuster , Inc. , 1986 ) . The authors report that in 1979 , 28 % of the Soviet agricultural production was from small plots of private citizens , which represented less than 1 % of the cultivated land . So according to them , collective farms operated very inefficiently . Foreign trade and currency ( edit ) Main article : Foreign trade of the Soviet Union Largely self - sufficient , the Soviet Union traded little in comparison to its economic strength . However , trade with noncommunist countries increased in the 1970s as the government sought to compensate gaps in domestic production with imports . In general , fuels , metals , and timber were exported . Machinery , consumer goods , and sometimes grain were imported . In the 1980s trade with the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ( COMECON ) member states accounted for about half the country 's volume of trade . The Soviet currency ( ruble ) was non-convertible after 1932 ( when trade in gold - convertible `` chervonets '' , introduced by Lenin in NEP years , was suspended ) until the late eighties . It was impossible ( both for citizens and state - owned businesses ) to freely buy or sell foreign currency even though the `` exchange rate '' was set and published regularly . Buying or selling foreign currency on a black market was a serious crime until the late eighties . Individuals who were paid from abroad ( for example writers whose books were published abroad ) normally had to spend their currency in a foreign - currency - only chain of state - owned `` Beryozka '' ( `` Birch - tree '' ) stores . Once a free conversion of currency was allowed , the exchange rate plummeted from its official values by almost a factor of 10 . Overall , the banking system was highly centralized and fully controlled by a single state - owned Gosbank , responsive to the fulfillment of the government 's economic plans . Soviet banks furnished short - term credit to state - owned enterprises . Forms of property ( edit ) There were two basic forms of property in the Soviet Union : individual property and collective property . These differed greatly in their content and legal status . According to communist theory , capital ( means of production ) should not be individually owned , with certain negligible exceptions . In particular , after the end of a short period of the New Economic Policy and with collectivization completed , all industrial property and virtually all land were collective . Land in rural areas was allotted for housing and some sustenance farming , and persons had certain rights to it , but it was not their property in full . In particular , in kolkhozes and sovkhozes there was a practice to rotate individual farming lots with collective lots . This resulted in situations where people would ameliorate , till and cultivate their lots carefully , adapting them to small - scale farming , and in 5 -- 7 years those lots would be swapped for kolkhoz ones , typically with exhausted soil due to intensive , large - scale agriculture . There was an extremely small number of remaining individual farmsteads ( khutors хутор ) , located in isolated rural areas in the Baltic states , Ukraine , Siberia and cossack lands . Individual property ( edit ) To distinguish `` capitalist '' and `` socialist '' types of property ownership further , two different forms of individual property were recognized : private property ( частная собственность , chastnaya sobstvennost ) and personal property ( личная собственность , lichnaya sobstvennost ) . The former encompassed capital ( means of production ) , while the latter described everything else in a person 's possession . This distinction has been a source of confusion when interpreting phrases such as `` socialism ( communism ) abolished private property '' ; one might conclude that all individual property was abolished , when this was in fact not the case . Collective property ( edit ) There were several forms of collective ownership , the most significant being state property , kolkhoz property , and cooperative property . The most common forms of cooperative property were housing cooperatives ( жилищные кооперативы ) in urban areas , consumer cooperatives ( потребительская кооперация , потребкооперация ) , and rural consumer societies ( сельские потребительские общества , сельпо ) . History ( edit ) Early development ( edit ) Both the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and later , the Soviet Union , were countries in the process of industrialization . For both , this development occurred slowly and from a low initial starting - point . Because of World War I ( 1914 - 1918 ) , the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the ensuing Russian Civil War ( 1917 - 1922 ) , industrial production had only managed to barely recover its 1913 level by 1926 . By this time about 18 % of the population lived in non-rural areas , although only about 7.5 % were employed in the non-agricultural sector . The remainder remained stuck in low - productivity agriculture . David A. Dyker sees the Soviet Union of ca . 1930 as in some ways a typical developing country , characterized by low capital - investment and with most of its population resident in the countryside . Part of the reason for low investment - rates lay in the inability to acquire capital from abroad . This in turn , resulted from the repudiation of the debts of the Russian Empire by the Bolsheviks in 1918 , as well as from the worldwide financial troubles . Consequently , any kind of economic growth had to be financed by domestic savings . The economic problems in agriculture were further exacerbated by natural conditions , such as long cold winters across the country , droughts in the south and acidic soils in the north . However , according to Dyker , the Soviet economy did have `` extremely good '' potential in the area of raw materials and mineral extraction , for example in the oil fields in Transcaucasia , and this , along with a small but growing manufacturing base , helped the USSR avoid any kind of balance of payments problems . New economic policy ( 1921 -- 1929 ) ( edit ) Main article : New Economic Policy One of the several photographs ( ( 3 ) , ( 4 ) ) intended to show the two major economic policy makers of the USSR together , Lenin ( left ) who created the NEP and Stalin ( right ) who created the planned economy . By early 1921 it became apparent to the Bolsheviks that forced requisitioning of grain had resulted in low agricultural production and widespread opposition . As a result , the decision was made by Lenin and the Politburo to try an alternative approach . The so - called New Economic Policy ( NEP ) was approved at the 10th Congress of the Russian Communist Party ( Bolsheviks ) Everything except `` the commanding heights '' , as Lenin put it , of the economy would be privatized . `` The commanding heights '' included foreign trade , heavy industry , communication and transport among others . In practice this limited the private sector to artisan and agricultural production / trade . The NEP encountered strong resistance within the Bolshevik party . Lenin had to persuade communist skeptics that `` state capitalism '' was a necessary step in achieving communism , while he himself harbored suspicions that the policy could be abused by private businessmen ( `` NEPmen '' ) . As novelist Andrei Platonov , among others , noted , the improvements were immediate . Rationing cards and queues , which had become hallmarks of war communism , had disappeared . However , due to prolonged war , low harvests , and several natural disasters the Soviet economy was still in trouble , particularly its agricultural sector . In 1921 widespread famine broke out in the Volga - Ural region . The Soviet government changed its previous course and allowed international relief to come in from abroad , and established a special committee chaired by prominent communists and non-communists alike . Despite this , an estimated five million people died in the famine . Stalinism ( edit ) Starting in 1928 , the five - year plans began building a heavy industrial base at once in an underdeveloped economy without waiting years for capital to accumulate through the expansion of light industry , and without reliance on external financing . The country now became industrialized at a hitherto unprecedented pace , surpassing Germany 's pace of industrialization in the 19th century and Japan 's earlier in the 20th century . After the reconstruction of the economy ( in the wake of the destruction caused by the Russian Civil War ) was completed , and after the initial plans of further industrialisation were fulfilled , the explosive growth slowed down until the period of Brezhnev stagnation in the 1970s and 1980s . Led by the creation of NAMI , and by the GAZ copy of the Ford Model A in 1929 , industrialization came with the extension of medical services , which improved labor productivity . Campaigns were carried out against typhus , cholera , and malaria ; the number of physicians increased as rapidly as facilities and training would permit ; and death and infant mortality rates steadily decreased . Evolution of GNP in comparison with European powers ( in millions of dollars of 1960 ) Country 1890 1900 1913 1925 1938 Russia / USSR 21 180 32 000 52 420 32 600 75 964 Germany 26 454 35 800 49 760 45 002 77 178 Great Britain 29 441 36 273 44 074 43 700 56 103 France 19 758 23 500 27 401 36 262 39 284 1930 -- 1970 ( edit ) This section 's factual accuracy is disputed . Relevant discussion may be found on Talk : Economy of the Soviet Union . Please help to ensure that disputed statements are reliably sourced . ( June 2011 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) USSR GDP per capita The State Quality Mark of the USSR , introduced in 1967 , was used to certify that goods met quality standards , and to improve the efficiency of production As weighed growth rates , economic planning performed very well during the early and mid-1930s , World War II - era mobilization , and for the first two decades of the postwar era . The Soviet Union became the world 's leading producer of oil , coal , iron ore , and cement ; manganese , gold , natural gas and other minerals were also of major importance . However , information about the Soviet famine of 1932 -- 1933 was suppressed by the Soviet authorities until perestroika . In 1933 workers ' real earnings sank to about one - tenth of the 1926 level . Common and political prisoners in labor camps were forced to do unpaid labor , and communists and Komsomol members were frequently `` mobilized '' for various construction projects . The German invasion of World War II inflicted punishing blows to the economy of the Soviet Union , with Soviet GDP falling 34 % between 1940 and 1942 . Industrial output did not recover to its 1940 level for almost a decade . In 1961 , a new redenominated Soviet ruble was issued . It maintained exchange parity with the Pound Sterling until the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 . After a new leadership , headed by Leonid Brezhnev , had come to power , attempts were made to revitalize the economy through economic reform . Starting in 1965 , enterprises and organizations were made to rely on economic methods of profitable production , rather than follow orders from the state administration . By 1970 , the Soviet economy had reached its zenith and was estimated at about 60 percent of the size of the USA in terms of the estimated commodities ( like steel and coal ) . In 1989 , the official GDP of the Soviet Union was $2,500 Billion while the GDP of the United States was $4,862 Billion with per capita income figures as $8,700 and $19,800 respectively . 1970 -- 1990 ( edit ) Further information : Era of Stagnation , History of the Soviet Union ( 1964 -- 1982 ) , and History of the Soviet Union ( 1982 -- 1991 ) Soviet National Income 1928 - 1987 growth in % . Estimates of the official statistical agency of the SU ( TsSU ) , the CIA and revised estimates by G.I. Khanin . The value of all consumer goods manufactured in 1972 in retail prices was about 118 billion rubles ( $530 billion ) . The Era of Stagnation in the mid-1970s was triggered by the Nixon Shock and aggravated by the war in Afghanistan in 1979 and led to a period of economic standstill between 1979 and 1985 . Soviet military buildup at the expense of domestic development kept the USSR 's GDP at the same level during the first half of the 1980s . The Soviet planned economy was not structured to respond adequately to the demands of the complex modern economy it had helped to forge . The massive quantities of goods produced often did not meet the needs or tastes of consumers . The volume of decisions facing planners in Moscow became overwhelming . The cumbersome procedures for bureaucratic administration foreclosed the free communication and flexible response required at the enterprise level for dealing with worker alienation , innovation , customers , and suppliers . During 1975 -- 85 , corruption and data fiddling became common practice among bureaucracy to report satisfied targets and quotas thus entrenching the crisis . At the same time , the effects of the central planning were progressively distorted due to the rapid growth of the second economy in the Soviet Union . GDP per capita of the USSR compared to similar countries While all modernized economies were rapidly moving to computerization after 1965 , the USSR fell further and further behind . Moscow 's decision to copy the IBM 360 of 1965 proved a decisive mistake for it locked scientists into an antiquated system they were unable to improve . They had enormous difficulties in manufacturing the necessary chips reliably and in quantity , in programming workable and efficient programs , in coordinating entirely separate operations , and in providing support to computer users . One of the greatest strengths of Soviet economy was its vast supplies of oil and gas ; world oil prices quadrupled in the 1973 - 74 , and rose again in 1979 - 1981 , making the energy sector the chief driver of the Soviet economy , and was used to cover multiple weaknesses . During this period , USSR had the lowest per - capita incomes among the other socialist countries . At one point , Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin told the head of oil and gas production , `` things are bad with bread . Give me 3 million tons ( of oil ) over the plan . '' Former prime minister Yegor Gaidar , an economist looking back three decades , in 2007 wrote : The hard currency from oil exports stopped the growing food supply crisis , increased the import of equipment and consumer goods , ensured a financial base for the arms race and the achievement of nuclear parity with the United States , and permitted the realization of such risky foreign - policy actions as the war in Afghanistan . Comparison between USSR and US economies ( 1989 ) according to 1990 CIA The World Factbook USSR US GDP ( GNP ) ( 1989 - millions $ ) 2,659,500 5,233,300 Population ( July 1990 ) 290,938,469 250,410,000 GDP Per Capita ( GNP ) ( $ ) 9,211 21,082 Labor force ( 1989 ) 152,300,000 125,557,000 Awareness of the growing crisis arose initially within the KGB which with its extensive network of informants in every region and institution had its finger on the pulse of the nation . Yuri Andropov , director of the KGB , created a secret department during the 1970s within the KGB devoted to economic analysis , and when he succeeded Brezhnev in 1982 sounded the alarm forcefully to the Soviet leadership . Andropov 's remedy of increased discipline , however , proved ineffective . It was only when Andropov 's protege Gorbachev assumed power that a determined , but ultimately unsuccessful , assault on the economic crisis was undertaken . The value of all consumer goods manufactured in 1990 in retail prices was about 459 billion rubles ( $2.1 trillion ) . But , according to CIA estimates by 1989 the size of the Soviet economy was roughly half that in the United States of America . According to the European Comparison Program , administered by the U.N , the size of the Soviet Economy was 36 % of that in the United States in 1990 . Sector ( Distribution of Soviet workforce ) 1940 1965 1970 1979 1984 Primary ( agriculture and forestry ) 54 % 31 % 25 % 21 % 20 % Secondary ( including construction , transport and communication ) 28 % 44 % 46 % 48 % 47 % Tertiary ( including trade , finance , health , education , science and administration 18 % 25 % 29 % 31 % 33 % Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % See also ( edit ) General History of the Soviet Union Enterprises in the Soviet Union Eastern Bloc economies Material balance planning Soviet - type economic planning 1965 Soviet economic reform 1973 Soviet economic reform 1979 Soviet economic reform Organisations Five - Year Plans State Planning Committee Ministry of Finance Post-Soviet era Economy of post-Soviet Russia History of post-Soviet Russia Classifications of Soviet economy Administrative command economy Bureaucratic collectivism State capitalism State socialism Degenerated workers ' state References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Soviet Union Economy 1991 . CIA Factbook. 1992 . Retrieved June 12 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : GDP -- Million 1990 . CIA Factbook. 1991 . Retrieved June 12 , 2010 . Jump up ^ GDP -- Million 1991 . KayLee : CIA Factbook. 1992 . Retrieved June 12 , 2010 . Jump up ^ GDP Per Capita 1990 . CIA Factbook. 1991 . Retrieved January 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Inflation Rate % 1991 . CIA Factbook. 1992 . Retrieved June 12 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Alexeev , Micheal V. `` INCOME DISTRIBUTION IN THE U.S.S.R. IN THE 1980s '' ( PDF ) . Review of Income and Wealth ( 1993 ) . Indiana University . Retrieved 16 April 2017 . Jump up ^ Labor Force 1991 . CIA Factbook. 1992 . Retrieved June 12 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Exports Million 1991 . CIA Factbook. 1992 . Retrieved June 12 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Imports Million 1991 . CIA Factbook. 1992 . Retrieved June 12 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Budget External Debt Million 1991 '' . CIA Factbook. 1992 . Retrieved June 12 , 2010 . ^ Jump up to : `` 1990 CIA World Factbook '' . Central Intelligence Agency . Retrieved 23 July 2010 . Jump up ^ Budget Revenues Million Million 1991 . CIA Factbook. 1992 . Retrieved June 12 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Budget Expenditures Million 1991 . CIA Factbook. 1992 . Retrieved June 12 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Hanson , Philip ( 2003 ) . The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Economy ( Routledge ) . pp. 1 -- 8 . Jump up ^ Davies 1998 , p. 1 , 3 . Jump up ^ Peck 2006 , p. 47 . One notable person in this regard was Nehru , `` who visited the Soviet Union in the late 1920s and was deeply impressed by Soviet industrial progress . '' See Bradley 2010 , pp. 475 -- 6 . Jump up ^ Allen 2003 , p. 153 . Jump up ^ Baten , Jörg ( 2016 ) . A History of the Global Economy . From 1500 to the Present . Cambridge University Press . pp. 62 -- 63 . ISBN 9781107507180 . Jump up ^ Harrison 1996 , p. 123 . ^ Jump up to : Davies 1998 , p. 2 . Jump up ^ Daniel Yergin , The Quest : Energy , Security , and the Remaking of the Modern World ( 2011 ) ; quotes on pp 23 , 24 . Jump up ^ Boughton 2012 , p. 288 . Jump up ^ Angus Maddison , The World Economy : A Millennial Perspective ( 2001 ) pp 274 , 275 , 298 Jump up ^ Japan 's IMF nominal GDP Data 1987 to 1989 ( October 2014 ) ^ Jump up to : Vladimir G. Treml and Michael V. Alexeev , `` THE SECOND ECONOMY AND THE DESTABILIZING EFFECT OF ITS GROWTH ON THE STATE ECONOMY IN THE SOVIET UNION : 1965 - 1989 '' , BERKELEY - DUKE OCCASIONAL PAPERS ON THE SECOND ECONOMY IN THE USSR , Paper No. 36 , December 1993 Jump up ^ Smolinski 1973 , pp. 1189 -- 90 : `` The mathematical sophistication of the tools actually employed was limited to those that had been used in Das Kapital : the four arithmetical operations , percentages , and arithmetic ( but not geometric ) mean . '' Jump up ^ `` Георгий Маленков. 50 лет со дня отставки '' , Radio Liberty Jump up ^ Пыжиков А . В . Хрущевская `` Оттепель '' : 1953 -- 1964 , Olma - Press , 2002 ISBN 978 - 5224033560 Jump up ^ the IMF ( 1991 ) . A Study of the Soviet economy . 1 . International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) . p. 287 . ISBN 92 - 64 - 13468 - 9 . Jump up ^ Dyker 1992 , p. 2 . ^ Jump up to : Dyker , David A. ( 1992 ) . Restructuring the Soviet Economy . Routledge ( published 2002 ) . p. 3 . ISBN 9781134917464 . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 18 . Repudiation of the international debts of the tsarist regime , coupled with the difficult economic conditions of the post-Wall Street crash period , ensured that any increase in the rate of accumulation would have to be internally financed . ( ... ) In some ways , then , the Soviet Union c. 1930 was a typical developing country , with a relatively low level of accumulation and substantial surplus agricultural population . But she could not count on large - scale capital transfer from abroad - for better or worse . Jump up ^ Rempel , Richard A. ; Haslam , Beryl , eds. ( 2000 ) . Uncertain Paths to Freedom : Russia and China , 1919 - 22 . Collected papers of Bertrand Russell . 15 . Psychology Press . p. 529 . ISBN 9780415094115 . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 18 . French creditors were owed forty - three percent of the total Russian debt repudiated by the Bolsheviks on 28 January 1918 . ^ Jump up to : Moss 2005 , p. 228 . Jump up ^ Hosking 1993 , p. 119 . Jump up ^ Carr , E.H. and Davies , R.W , ( 1988 ) , Foundations of a Planned Economy , Vol. 1 Jump up ^ Moss 2005 , p. 227 . Jump up ^ Hosking 1993 , p. 120 . Jump up ^ G.N. Georgano Cars : Early and Vintage , 1886 - 1930 . ( London : Grange - Universal , 1985 ) Jump up ^ Wikipedia , GAZ Jump up ^ `` Paul Bairoch '' . Jump up ^ Maddison , Angus ( 2006 ) . The world economy ( PDF ) . Paris , France : Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) . pp. 400 -- 600 . ISBN 92 - 64 - 02261 - 9 . Jump up ^ The decline and demise of the Comintern , The Australian National University Jump up ^ Harrison 1996 , p. 124 . Jump up ^ `` A Comparison of the US and Soviet Economies : Evaluating the Performance of the Soviet System '' ( PDF ) . . October 1985 . Retrieved 7 April 2015 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ ( 2 ) Jump up ^ Manufactured goods sector was worth 118 billion rubles in 1972 Jump up ^ Shane , Scott ( 1994 ) . `` What Price Socialism ? An Economy Without Information '' . Dismantling Utopia : How Information Ended the Soviet Union . Chicago : Ivan R. Dee . pp. 75 to 98 . ISBN 1 - 56663 - 048 - 7 . It was not the gas pedal but the steering wheel that was failing Jump up ^ Maddison , Angus ( 2006 ) . The world economy ( PDF ) . Paris , France : Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) . pp. 400 -- 600 . ISBN 92 - 64 - 02261 - 9 . Jump up ^ James W. Cortada , `` Public Policies and the Development of National Computer Industries in Britain , France , and the Soviet Union , 1940 -- 80 . '' Journal of Contemporary History ( 2009 ) 44 # 3 pp : 493 - 512 , especially page 509 - 10 . Jump up ^ Frank Cain , `` Computers and the Cold War : United States restrictions on the export of computers to the Soviet Union and Communist China . '' Journal of Contemporary History ( 2005 ) 40 # 1 pp : 131 - 147 . in JSTOR Jump up ^ Bruce Parrott ( 1985 ) . Trade , Technology , and Soviet - American Relations . Indiana UP . pp. 10 -- 12 . Jump up ^ Baten , Jörg ( 2016 ) . A History of the Global Economy . From 1500 to the Present . Cambridge University Press . pp. 65 -- 66 . ISBN 9781107507180 . Jump up ^ Yergin , The Quest ( 2011 ) p 23 Jump up ^ Yegor Gaidar ( 2007 ) . Collapse of an Empire : Lessons for Modern Russia . Brookings Institution Press . p. 102 . Jump up ^ Shane , Scott ( 1994 ) . `` The KGB , Father of Perestroika '' . Dismantling Utopia : How Information Ended the Soviet Union . Chicago : Ivan R. Dee . pp. 59 , 60 , 99 to 120 . ISBN 1 - 56663 - 048 - 7 . When he spoke to the leadership circle he said the country was faced with a question of survival Jump up ^ Manufactured goods sector was worth 459 billion rubles in 1990 Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Churchwood , L.G. ( 1987 ) . Soviet Socialism : Social and Political Essays . London : Routledge . p. 30 . Works cited ( edit ) Allen , Robert C. ( 2003 ) . Farm to Factory : A Reinterpretation of the Soviet Industrial Revolution . Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press . Boughton , James M. ( 2012 ) . Tearing Down Walls : The International Monetary Fund , 1990 -- 1999 . Washington , DC : IMF . ISBN 978 - 1 - 616 - 35084 - 0 . Bradley , Mark Philip ( 2010 ) . `` Decolonization , the global South , and the Cold War , 1919 -- 1962 '' . In Melvyn P. Leffler and Odd Arne Westad , eds. , The Cambridge History of the Cold War , Volume 1 : Origins ( pp. 464 -- 485 ) . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 83719 - 4 . Davies , R.W. ( 1998 ) . Soviet Economic Development from Lenin to Khrushchev . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Harrison , Mark ( 1996 ) . Accounting for War : Soviet Production , Employment , and the Defense Burden , 1940 -- 1945 . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Moss , Walter Gerald ( 2005 ) . A History Of Russia , Volume 2 : Since 1855 ( 2nd ed . ) . London : Anthem Press . Peck , James ( 2006 ) . Washington 's China : The National Security World , the Cold War , and the Origins of Globalism . Amherst , MA : University of Massachusetts Press . Smolinski , Leon ( 1973 ) . `` Karl Marx and Mathematical Economics '' . Journal of Political Economy. 81 ( 5 ) : 1189 -- 1204 . JSTOR 1830645 . doi : 10.1086 / 260113 . Further reading ( edit ) Daniels , Robert Vince ( 1993 ) . The End of the Communist Revolution . London : Routledge . Davies , R.W. ed . From Tsarism to the New Economic Policy : Continuity and Change in the Economy of the USSR ( London , 1990 ) Davies , R.W. ed . The Economic Transformation of the Soviet Union , 1913 -- 1945 ( Cambridge , 1994 ) Goldman , Marshall ( 1994 ) . Lost Opportunity : Why Economic Reforms in Russia Have Not Worked . New York : W.W. Norton . Gregory , Paul ; Stuart , Robert ( 2001 ) . Soviet and Post Soviet Economic Structure and Performance ( 7th ed . ) . Boston : Addison Wesley . Harrison , Mark . `` The Soviet Union after 1945 : Economic Recovery and Political Repression , '' Past & Present ( 2011 Supplement 6 ) Vol. 210 Issue suppl_6 , p103 - 120 . Goldman , Marshall ( 1991 ) . What Went Wrong With Perestroika . New York : W.W. Norton . Kennedy , Paul . The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers ( New York : Random House , 1987 ) . Pravda , Alex ( 2010 ) . `` The collapse of the Soviet Union , 1990 -- 1991 '' . In Leffler , Melvyn P. ; Westad , Odd Arne . The Cambridge History of the Cold War , Volume 3 : Findings . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . pp. 356 -- 377 . Rutland , Robert ( 1985 ) . The Myth of the Plan : Lessons of Soviet Planning Experience . London : Hutchinson . In Russian ( edit ) Kara - Murza , Sergey ( 2004 ) . Soviet Civilization : From 1917 to the Great Victory ( in Russian ) = Сергей Кара - Мурза . Советская цивилизация . От начала до Великой Победы . ISBN 5 - 699 - 07590 - 9 . Kara - Murza , Sergey ( 2004 ) . Soviet Civilization : From the Great Victory Till Our Time ( in Russian ) = Сергей Кара - Мурза . Советская цивилизация . От Великой Победы до наших дней . ISBN 5 - 699 - 07591 - 7 . External links ( edit ) Andre Gunder Frank , `` What Went Wrong in the ' Socialist ' East ? '' Soviet Union topics History Index of Soviet Union - related articles Russian Revolution February October Russian Civil War Russian SFSR USSR creation treaty New Economic Policy Stalinism Great Purge Great Patriotic War ( World War II ) Cold War Khrushchev Thaw 1965 reform Stagnation Perestroika Glasnost Revolutions of 1989 Dissolution Nostalgia Post-Soviet states Geography Subdivisions Republics autonomous Oblasts autonomous Autonomous okrugs Closed cities list Regions Caspian Sea Caucasus Mountains European Russia North Caucasus Siberia Ural Mountains West Siberian Plain Politics General Constitution Elections Foreign relations Brezhnev Doctrine Government list Human rights LGBT Law Leaders Collective leadership Passport system State ideology Marxism -- Leninism Leninism Stalinism Bodies Communist Party organisation Central Committee Politburo Secretariat Congress General Secretary Congress of Soviets ( 1922 -- 1936 ) Supreme Soviet ( 1938 -- 1991 ) Congress of People 's Deputies ( 1989 -- 1991 ) Supreme Court Offices Premier President Deputy Premier First Deputy Premier Security services Cheka GPU NKVD MVD MGB KGB Political repression Red Terror Collectivization Great Purge Population transfer Gulag list Holodomor Political abuse of psychiatry Ideological repression Religion Suppressed research Censorship Censorship of images Economy Agriculture Central Bank Energy policy Five - Year Plans Net material product Inventions Ruble ( currency ) Internet domain Transport Science Communist Academy Academy of Sciences Academy of Medical Sciences Lenin All - Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences Sharashkas Naukograds list Society Crime Demographics Soviet people working class 1989 census Languages Linguistics LGBT Culture Ballet Cinema Fashion Literature Music opera Propaganda Sports Stalinist architecture Opposition Soviet dissidents and their groups list Anthem republics Emblem republics Flag republics Templates Departments Russian Revolution 1917 Joseph Stalin Stagnation Era Fall of Communism Book Commons Portal WikiProject Revolutions of 1989 Internal background Era of Stagnation Communism Anti-communism Criticism of communist party rule Eastern Bloc Eastern Bloc economies Eastern Bloc politics Eastern Bloc media and propaganda Eastern Bloc emigration and defection KGB Nomenklatura Shortage economy Totalitarianism Eastern European anti-Communist insurgencies International background Active measures Cold War List of socialist states Predictions of the dissolution of the Soviet Union Reagan Doctrine Soviet Empire Terrorism and the Soviet Union Vatican Opposition Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia People Power Revolution Reforms Uskoreniye Perestroika Democratization in the Soviet Union Khozraschyot 500 Days Sinatra Doctrine Glasnost Socialism with Chinese characteristics Đổi mới Government leaders Ramiz Alia Nicolae Ceaușescu Mikhail Gorbachev Károly Grósz Erich Honecker János Kádár Miloš Jakeš Egon Krenz Wojciech Jaruzelski Slobodan Milošević Mathieu Kérékou Mengistu Haile Mariam Ne Win Denis Sassou Nguesso Heng Samrin Deng Xiaoping Todor Zhivkov Siad Barre Opposition methods Civil resistance Demonstrations Human chains Magnitizdat Polish underground press Protests Samizdat Strike action Opposition leaders Lech Wałęsa Václav Havel Alexander Dubček Ion Iliescu Liu Gang Wu'erkaixi Chai Ling Wang Dan Feng Congde Tank Man Joachim Gauck Sali Berisha Sanjaasürengiin Zorig Vladimir Bukovsky Boris Yeltsin Viacheslav Chornovil Vytautas Landsbergis Zianon Pazniak Zhelyu Zhelev Aung San Suu Kyi Meles Zenawi Isaias Afwerki Ronald Reagan George H.W. Bush Pope John Paul II Opposition movements Beijing Students ' Autonomous Federation Charter 77 New Forum Civic Forum Democratic Party of Albania Democratic Russia Initiative for Peace and Human Rights Sąjūdis Peaceful Revolution People 's Movement of Ukraine Solidarity Popular Front of Latvia Popular Front of Estonia Public Against Violence Belarusian Popular Front National League for Democracy National Salvation Front Unification Church political activities Union of Democratic Forces Events by location Central and Eastern Europe Albania Bulgaria Czechoslovakia East Germany Hungary Poland Romania Soviet Union Yugoslavia Soviet Union Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Chechnya Estonia Georgia Latvia Lithuania Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Moldova Russia Tajikstan Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan Elsewhere Afghanistan Angola Benin Burma Cambodia China Congo - Brazzaville Ethiopia Mongolia Mozambique Somalia South Yemen Individual events 1988 Polish strikes April 9 tragedy Black January Baltic Way 1987 -- 89 Tibetan unrest Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 Removal of Hungary 's border fence with Austria Polish Round Table Agreement Hungarian Round Table Talks Pan-European Picnic Monday Demonstrations Alexanderplatz demonstration Malta Summit German reunification January Events in Lithuania January Events in Latvia 1991 protests in Belgrade August Coup Dissolution of the Soviet Union Later events Colour revolution Decommunization Lustration Democratization Economic liberalization Post-Soviet conflicts Neo-Sovietism Neo-Stalinism Post-communism Yugoslav Wars Economic histories by country Current nations / regions Africa Argentina Australia Brazil Bulgaria Cambodia Canada Chile China Colombia Ecuador Europe France Germany Greece India Iran Ireland Republic of Ireland Japan Mexico Morocco Netherlands Nicaragua Nigeria Pakistan Peru Portugal Russia Scotland Somalia South Africa Spain Taiwan Turkey United Kingdom United States Vietnam Zimbabwe Former industrialized economies Czechoslovakia East Germany Mongolian People 's Republic Serbia and Montenegro Soviet Union Yugoslavia Historical economies Confederate States of America Empire of Brazil Byzantine Empire Dutch Republic Ancient Greece China Han Dynasty Song Dynasty Ming Dynasty Republic of China Muisca Ottoman Empire Roman Empire Scotland in the Middle Ages England in the Middle Ages Iroquois Eastern Bloc economies Economies Economy of East Germany Economy of Communist Czechoslovakia Economy of the Soviet Union Goulash ( Hungarian ) Communism Economy of the People 's Republic of Poland Economy of Lithuania Economy of Latvia Economy of Moldavia Economy of SFR Yugoslavia Collectivization Collectivization in the People 's Republic of Poland Collectivization in Hungary Collectivization in the Soviet Union Battle for trade ( Poland ) Collectivization in Ukraine Dekulakization Three Year Plan ( Poland ) Collectivization in Romania Five - year plans for the national economy of the Soviet Union Systematization ( Romania ) Pre-dissolution reforms New Economic Policy ( Soviet Union , 1920s ) Wage reform in the Soviet Union , 1956 -- 1962 New Course ( GDR , 1950s ) Kosygin reform ( Soviet Union , 1960s ) New Economic Mechanism ( Hungary , 1960s ) New Economic System ( GDR , 1960s ) Economic System of Socialism ( GDR , 1970s ) Perestroika ( Soviet Union , 1980s ) Related concepts Eastern Bloc economies Shortage economy Sovkhoz Stakhanovite Comecon Economy of Europe Sovereign states Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Vatican City States with limited recognition Abkhazia Artsakh Kosovo Northern Cyprus South Ossetia Transnistria Dependencies and other entities Åland Faroe Islands Gibraltar Guernsey Isle of Man Jersey Svalbard Other entities European Union Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Economy of the Soviet Union Economies by former country Former communist economies Collectivism Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from June 2015 All articles needing additional references All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from January 2010 All articles that may contain original research Articles that may contain original research from October 2009 Articles with unsourced statements from July 2008 Articles with unsourced statements from October 2015 All articles lacking reliable references Articles lacking reliable references from April 2017 Accuracy disputes from June 2011 All accuracy disputes Articles with unsourced statements from October 2009 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Languages Беларуская Català Ελληνικά Español Esperanto فارسی Français 한국어 Հայերեն Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Nederlands 日本 語 Română Русский Suomi Türkçe Українська 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 20 September 2017 , at 15 : 52 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | the industrialization of the ussr took pace in what decade | [
"The USSR's relatively small consumer sector accounted for just under 60% of the country's GDP in 1990, while the industrial and agricultural sectors contributed 22% and 20% respectively in 1991. Agriculture was the predominant occupation in the USSR before the massive industrialization under Joseph Stalin. The service sector was of low importance in the USSR, with the majority of the labor force employed in the industrial sector. The labor force totaled 152.3 million people. Major industrial products included petroleum, steel, motor vehicles, aerospace, telecommunications, chemicals, electronics, food processing, lumber, mining, and defense industry."
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4521271151462607156 | Money bill | Money bill - wikipedia Money bill Jump to : navigation , search Not to be confused with Banknote . `` Supply bill '' redirects here . For bills on government spending , see Appropriation bill . For the Irish controversy of 1753 -- 1756 , see Money Bill dispute . In the Westminster system ( and , colloquially , in the United States ) , a money bill or supply bill is a bill that solely concerns taxation or government spending ( also known as appropriation of money ) , as opposed to changes in public law . Contents ( hide ) 1 Conventions 2 Requirements in Westminster systems 2.1 Australia 2.2 Bangladesh 2.3 India 2.4 Republic of Ireland 2.5 United Kingdom 3 Requirements in non-Westminster systems 3.1 United States 4 See also 5 References Conventions ( edit ) It is often a constitutional convention that the upper house may not block a money bill . There is often another requirement that non-money bill - type clauses may not be attached to a money bill . The rationale behind this convention is that the upper house , being appointed or indirectly elected , should not have any right to decide on taxation and public expenditure - related policies as may be framed by the directly elected representatives of the lower house . Therefore , money bills are an exception to the general rule that for a bill to be enacted into a law , it has to be approved by both Houses of the Parliament -- the lower house and the upper house . Loss of supply in the lower house is conventionally considered to be an expression of the house 's loss of confidence in the government resulting in the government 's fall . Requirements in Westminster systems ( edit ) Australia ( edit ) A supply bill in the Australian System is required to pass the House of Representatives , the Senate and be signed by the Governor - General . The Senate has no power or ability to introduce or modify a supply bill , but has the ability to block or defer the passing of a supply bill . The most famous instance where supply was blocked was during the 1975 constitutional crisis . This has resulted in agreements between political parties to prevent the blockage of supply bills through the Senate . Bangladesh ( edit ) A money bill is specifically defined by Article 81 of the Constitution of Bangladesh . The President of Bangladesh can send back all bills passed by the Parliament for a review except a money bill . However , a money bill can be introduced to the Parliament only at the President 's recommendation . Additionally , tax can only be levied by the Parliament . India ( edit ) Procedure for a Money Bill : Money Bills can be introduced only in Lok Sabha ( the directly elected ' people 's house ' of the Indian Parliament ) . Money bills passed by the Lok Sabha are sent to the Rajya Sabha ( the upper house of parliament , elected by the state and territorial legislatures or appointed by the president ) . The Rajya Sabha may not amend money bills but can recommend amendments . To make sure that Rajya Sabha does n't amend the bill by adding some non-money matters ( known as Financial Bill ) , the Speaker of the Lok Sabha certifies the bill as a money bill before sending it to the upper house , and the decision of the Speaker is binding on both the Houses . A money bill must be returned to the Lok Sabha within 14 days , or the bill is deemed to have passed both houses in the form it was originally passed by the Lok Sabha . When a Money Bill is returned to the Lok Sabha with the recommended amendments of the Rajya Sabha , it is open to the Lok Sabha to accept or reject any or all of the recommendations . A money bill is deemed to have passed both houses with any recommended amendments the Lok Sabha chooses to accept , and without any that it chooses to decline . The definition of `` Money Bill '' is given in Article 110 of the Constitution of India . A financial bill is not a Money Bill unless it fulfills the requirements of Article 110 . The Speaker of the Lok Sabha certifies if a financial bill is a Money Bill or not . Policy cut motion - disapproval of the given policy . Symbolically , the members demand that the amount of the demand be reduced to 1 INR . They may also suggest an alternative policy . Economy cut motion - it is demanded that the amount of the policy be reduced by a specified amount . Token cut motion - used to show specific grievance against the government . Also states that the amount of the demand be reduced by Rs. 100 . A money bill can only be introduced in parliament with prior permission of the President of India . Finance bill is supposed to be enacted within 75 days ( including the Parliament voting and the President assenting ) . Money bill can not be returned by the President to the parliament for its reconsideration , as it is presented in the Lok Sabha with his permission . The concept of money bills in India came to the forefront during the enactment of the Aadhar Act , 2016 . In spite of resistance by the opposition , the Aadhaar Bill was certified as a ' money bill ' by the Speaker of the Lower House . The Upper House proposed certain amendments , but ultimately the BJP - dominated Lower House rejected the amendments suggested by the Upper House and unilaterally enacted the Aadhar Act , 2016 . Immediately thereafter , Jairam Ramesh , a senior Congress leader , challenged the speaker 's decision to treat the Aadhar Bill as a ' money bill ' before the Supreme Court of India . Article 110 ( 3 ) of the Constitution of India categorically states that ' if any question arises whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not , the decision of the Speaker of the House of the People thereon shall be final ' . Therefore , one of the prime constitutional questions before the Supreme Court is whether it can review the speaker 's certificate classifying a bill as a ' money bill ' . In three prior cases , the Supreme Court of India has refused to review the Speaker 's certificate . However , some commentators have argued that the Court 's earlier judgements were incorrect and Article 110 ( 3 ) made the Speaker 's decision `` final '' for the purpose of the two Houses of the Parliament , not for the Supreme Court of India . This argument is further supported by the fact that in Kihoto Hollohan vs Zachillhu ( AIR 1993 SC 412 ) , the `` final '' decision of the speaker regarding disqualification of members of the House under the Tenth Schedule of the Indian Constitution was held to be a judicial decision subject to judicial review . This suggests that the `` final '' status given by the Indian constitution does not automatically immune the Indian speaker 's decision or certificate from judicial review . In view of this crucial constitutional question , it has been suggested that the Supreme Court in Jairam Ramesh v. Union of India should create a constitution bench of at least nine judges to settle the law on this issue . Republic of Ireland ( edit ) In the Republic of Ireland , the Senate may not delay a money bill ( Irish : bille airgid ) more than 21 days . The President of Ireland may not refuse to sign a money bill and may not refer such a bill to the Supreme Court to test its constitutionality . Procedures exist for resolution of disputes as to whether a Bill is a money bill . Since the 1922 constitution ( as amended by the Constitution ( Amendment No. 12 ) Act 1930 ) and under the 1937 constitution , such disputes can be resolved by a committee on privileges . United Kingdom ( edit ) In the United Kingdom , section 1 ( 1 ) of the Parliament Act 1911 provides that the House of Lords may not delay a money bill more than a month . It is at the discretion of the Speaker of the House of Commons to certify which bills are money bills , and his decision is final and is not subject to challenge . Section 1 ( 2 ) of the Act states : A Money Bill means a Public Bill which in the opinion of the Speaker of the House of Commons contains only provisions dealing with all or any of the following subjects , namely , the imposition , repeal , remission , alteration , or regulation of taxation ; the imposition for the payment of debt or other financial purposes of charges on the Consolidated Fund , the National Loans Fund or on money provided by Parliament , or the variation or repeal of any such charges ; supply ; the appropriation , receipt , custody , issue or audit of accounts of public money ; the raising or guarantee of any loan or the repayment thereof ; or subordinate matters incidental to those subjects or any of them . In this subsection the expressions `` taxation , '' `` public money , '' and `` loan '' respectively do not include any taxation , money , or loan raised by local authorities or bodies for local purposes . The Parliament Act 1911 was the product of the political crisis of 1909 . The People 's Budget of 1909 proposed by the House of Commons was rejected by the House of Lords . A government whose budget ( that is the Finance Bill ) is rejected can only resign or dissolve Parliament , because without money it is impossible to govern . The rejection of the Finance Bill in 1909 by the Lords prompted the then British government to initiate steps to curtail the powers of the House of Lords in this regard . This is evident from the Preamble of the 1911 Act which states : `` An Act to make provision with respect to the powers of the House of Lords in relation to those of the House of Commons ... '' . The reference to the National Loans Fund was inserted on 1 April 1968 by section 1 ( 5 ) of the National Loans Act 1968 . For this purpose , the expression `` Public Bill '' does not include any Bill for confirming a Provisional Order . Bradley and Ewing said that the statutory definition of Money Bill is `` strictly interpreted '' . Most annual Finance Bills have not been certified to be Money Bills . Requirements in non-westminster systems ( edit ) United states ( edit ) While the United States of America is not a parliamentary democracy , the Origination Clause of the U.S. Constitution requires that all bills raising revenue originate in the House of Representatives , consistent with British constitutional practice ; by convention , appropriation bills ( bills that spend money ) also originate in the House . Unlike in most Westminster systems , there are no limits on the Senate 's ability to amend revenue bills or any requirement for the Senate to approve such bills within a certain timeframe . Both appropriations and revenue bills are often referred to as money bills to contrast them with authorization bills . The U.S. Supreme Court in United States v. Munoz - Flores ( 1990 ) held that : `` A law passed in violation of the Origination Clause would thus be no more immune from judicial scrutiny because it was passed by both Houses and signed by the President than would be a law passed in violation of the First Amendment '' . See also ( edit ) Appropriation bill Power of the purse References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Datta , Pratik ; Malhotra , Shefali ; Tyagi , Shivangi . `` Judicial Review and Money Bills '' . National Institute of Public Finance and Policy Working Paper No. 192 . Retrieved 24 March 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Constitution of Bangladesh '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 3 December 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Rules of the Lok Sabha '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 17 . Jump up ^ Datta , Pratik ; Malhotra , Shefali ; Tyagi , Shivangi . `` Judicial Review and Money Bills '' ( PDF ) . National Institute of Public Finance and Policy . Retrieved 24 March 2017 . Jump up ^ Datta , Pratik ; Malhotra , Shefali ; Tyagi , Shivangi . `` Judicial Review and Money Bills '' ( PDF ) . National Institute of Public Finance and Policy . Retrieved 24 March 2017 . Jump up ^ Datta , Pratik ; Malhotra , Shefali ; Tyagi , Shivangi . `` Judicial Review and Money Bills '' ( PDF ) . National Institute of Public Finance and Policy . Retrieved 24 March 2017 . Jump up ^ Arun , T.K. `` The Money Bill conundrum : Constitution bench should decide '' . The Economic Times . Retrieved 6 April 2017 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Parliament Act 1911 '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 17 . Jump up ^ Datta , Pratik ; Malhotra , Shefali ; Tyagi , Shivangi . `` Judicial Review and Money Bills '' . National Institute of Public Finance and Policy Working Paper No. 192 . Retrieved 24 March 2017 . Jump up ^ The National Loans Act 1968 , section 24 ( 3 ) Jump up ^ AW Bradley and KD Ewing , Constitutional and Administrative Law , Twelfth Edition , Longman , 1997 , p. 213 Jump up ^ AW Bradley and KD Ewing , Constitutional and Administrative Law , Twelfth Edition , Longman , 1997 , pp. 213 and 214 Jump up ^ Erskine May , Parliamentary Practice , 21st Edition , 1989 , pp. 751 -- 753 ( editor C Gorden ) Jump up ^ Jennings , I. Parliament , Second Edition , 1957 Jump up ^ Datta , Pratik ; Malhotra , Shefali ; Tyagi , Shivangi . `` Judicial Review and Money Bills '' ( 1 ) . National Institute of Public Finance and Policy Working Paper No. 192 . Retrieved 24 March 2017 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Statutory law Westminster system Government finances Hidden categories : Articles containing Irish - language text Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 4 May 2018 , at 03 : 57 . About Wikipedia | who is to certify that any bill is a money bill | [
"\nMoney Bills can be introduced only in Lok Sabha (the directly elected 'people's house' of the Indian Parliament).\nMoney bills passed by the Lok Sabha are sent to the Rajya Sabha (the upper house of parliament, elected by the state and territorial legislatures or appointed by the president). The Rajya Sabha may not amend money bills but can recommend amendments. To make sure that Rajya Sabha doesn't amend the bill by adding some non-money matters (known as Financial Bill), the Speaker of the Lok Sabha certifies the bill as a money bill before sending it to the upper house, and the decision of the Speaker is binding on both the Houses.[3] A money bill must be returned to the Lok Sabha within 14 days, or the bill is deemed to have passed both houses in the form it was originally passed by the Lok Sabha.\nWhen a Money Bill is returned to the Lok Sabha with the recommended amendments of the Rajya Sabha, it is open to the Lok Sabha to accept or reject any or all of the recommendations.\nA money bill is deemed to have passed both houses with any recommended amendments the Lok Sabha chooses to accept, and without any that it chooses to decline.\nThe definition of \"Money Bill\" is given in Article 110 of the Constitution of India. A financial bill is not a Money Bill unless it fulfills the requirements of Article 110.\nThe Speaker of the Lok Sabha certifies if a financial bill is a Money Bill or not.[4]\nPolicy cut motion - disapproval of the given policy. Symbolically, the members demand that the amount of the demand be reduced to 1 INR. They may also suggest an alternative policy.\nEconomy cut motion - it is demanded that the amount of the policy be reduced by a specified amount.\nToken cut motion - used to show specific grievance against the government. Also states that the amount of the demand be reduced by Rs. 100.\nA money bill can only be introduced in parliament with prior permission of the President of India.\nFinance bill is supposed to be enacted within 75 days (including the Parliament voting and the President assenting).\nMoney bill cannot be returned by the President to the parliament for its reconsideration, as it is presented in the Lok Sabha with his permission.\n"
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"Speaker of the Lok Sabha"
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4102163047936378650 | Neutron star | Neutron star - wikipedia Neutron star Jump to : navigation , search For the story by Larry Niven , see Neutron Star ( short story ) . Radiation from the pulsar PSR B1509 - 58 , a rapidly spinning neutron star , makes nearby gas glow in X-rays ( gold , from Chandra ) and illuminates the rest of the nebula , here seen in infrared ( blue and red , from WISE ) . A neutron star is the collapsed core of a large star which before collapse had a total of between 10 and 29 solar masses . Neutron stars are the smallest and densest stars known to exist . Though neutron stars typically have a radius on the order of 10 kilometres ( 6.2 mi ) , they can have masses of about twice that of the Sun . They result from the supernova explosion of a massive star , combined with gravitational collapse , that compresses the core past the white dwarf star density to that of atomic nuclei . Once formed , they no longer actively generate heat , and cool over time ; however , they may still evolve further through collision or accretion . Most of the basic models for these objects imply that neutron stars are composed almost entirely of neutrons ( subatomic particles with no net electrical charge and with slightly larger mass than protons ) ; the electrons and protons present in normal matter combine to produce neutrons at the conditions in a neutron star . Neutron stars are supported against further collapse by neutron degeneracy pressure , a phenomenon described by the Pauli exclusion principle , just as white dwarfs are supported against collapse by electron degeneracy pressure . If the remnant star has a mass greater than about 3 solar masses , it continues collapsing to form a black hole . Neutron stars that can be observed are very hot and typically have a surface temperature of around 7005600000000000000 ♠ 600 000 K. They are so dense that a normal - sized matchbox containing neutron - star material would have a mass of approximately 3 billion tonnes , or a 0.5 cubic kilometre chunk of the Earth ( a cube with edges of about 800 metres ) . Their magnetic fields are between 10 and 10 ( 100 million to 1 quadrillion ) times as strong as that of the Earth . The gravitational field at the neutron star 's surface is about 7011200000000000000 ♠ 2 × 10 ( 200 billion ) times that of the Earth . As the star 's core collapses , its rotation rate increases as a result of conservation of angular momentum , hence newly formed neutron stars rotate at up to several hundred times per second . Some neutron stars emit beams of electromagnetic radiation that make them detectable as pulsars . Indeed , the discovery of pulsars by Jocelyn Bell Burnell in 1967 was the first observational suggestion that neutron stars exist . The radiation from pulsars is thought to be primarily emitted from regions near their magnetic poles . If the magnetic poles do not coincide with the rotational axis of the neutron star , the emission beam will sweep the sky , and when seen from a distance , if the observer is somewhere in the path of the beam , it will appear as pulses of radiation coming from a fixed point in space ( the so - called `` lighthouse effect '' ) . The fastest - spinning neutron star known is PSR J1748 - 2446ad , rotating at a rate of 716 times a second or 43,000 revolutions per minute , giving a linear speed at the surface on the order of 6999240000000000000 ♠ 0.24 c ( i.e. nearly a quarter the speed of light ) . There are thought to be around 100 million neutron stars in the Milky Way , a figure obtained by estimating the number of stars that have undergone supernova explosions . However , most are old and cold , and neutron stars can only be easily detected in certain instances , such as if they are a pulsar or part of a binary system . Slow - rotating and non-accreting neutron stars are almost undetectable ; however , since the Hubble Space Telescope detection of RX J185635 - 3754 , a few nearby neutron stars that appear to emit only thermal radiation have been detected . Soft gamma repeaters are conjectured to be a type of neutron star with very strong magnetic fields , known as magnetars , or alternatively , neutron stars with fossil disks around them . Neutron stars in binary systems can undergo accretion which typically makes the system bright in X-rays while the material falling onto the neutron star can form hotspots that rotate in and out of view in identified X-ray pulsar systems . Additionally , such accretion can `` recycle '' old pulsars and potentially cause them to gain mass and spin - up to very fast rotation rates , forming the so - called millisecond pulsars . These binary systems will continue to evolve , and eventually the companions can become compact objects such as white dwarfs or neutron stars themselves , though other possibilities include a complete destruction of the companion through ablation or merger . The merger of binary neutron stars may be the source of short - duration gamma - ray bursts and are likely strong sources of gravitational waves . In 2017 , a direct detection ( GW170817 ) of the gravitational waves from such an event was made , and gravitational waves have also been indirectly detected in a system where two neutron stars orbit each other . Contents ( hide ) 1 Formation 2 Properties 2.1 Mass and temperature 2.2 Density and pressure 2.3 Magnetic field 2.4 Gravity and equation of state 3 Structure 4 Radiation 4.1 Pulsars 4.2 Non-pulsating neutron stars 4.3 Spectra 5 Rotation 5.1 Spin down 5.2 Spin up 5.3 Glitches and starquakes 5.4 `` Anti-glitches '' 6 Population and distances 7 Binary neutron star systems 7.1 X-ray binaries 7.2 Neutron star binary mergers and nucleosynthesis 8 Planets 9 History of discoveries 10 Subtypes table 11 Examples of neutron stars 12 Gallery 12.1 Video -- animation 13 See also 14 Notes 15 References 16 External links Formation ( edit ) Simplistic representation of the formation of neutron stars . Any main - sequence star with an initial mass of above 8 times the mass of the sun ( 8 M ) has the potential to produce a neutron star . As the star evolves away from the main sequence , subsequent nuclear burning produces an iron - rich core . When all nuclear fuel in the core has been exhausted , the core must be supported by degeneracy pressure alone . Further deposits of mass from shell burning cause the core to exceed the Chandrasekhar limit . Electron - degeneracy pressure is overcome and the core collapses further , sending temperatures soaring to over 7009500000000000000 ♠ 5 × 10 K . At these temperatures , photodisintegration ( the breaking up of iron nuclei into alpha particles by high - energy gamma rays ) occurs . As the temperature climbs even higher , electrons and protons combine to form neutrons via electron capture , releasing a flood of neutrinos . When densities reach nuclear density of 7017400000000000000 ♠ 4 × 10 kg / m , neutron degeneracy pressure halts the contraction . The infalling outer envelope of the star is halted and flung outwards by a flux of neutrinos produced in the creation of the neutrons , becoming a supernova . The remnant left is a neutron star . If the remnant has a mass greater than about 3 M , it collapses further to become a black hole . As the core of a massive star is compressed during a Type II supernova , Type Ib or Type Ic supernova , and collapses into a neutron star , it retains most of its angular momentum . But , because it has only a tiny fraction of its parent 's radius ( and therefore its moment of inertia is sharply reduced ) , a neutron star is formed with very high rotation speed , and then over a very long period it slows . Neutron stars are known that have rotation periods from about 1.4 ms to 30 s . The neutron star 's density also gives it very high surface gravity , with typical values ranging from 10 to 10 m / s ( more than 10 times that of Earth ) . One measure of such immense gravity is the fact that neutron stars have an escape velocity ranging from 100,000 km / s to 150,000 km / s , that is , from a third to half the speed of light . The neutron star 's gravity accelerates infalling matter to tremendous speed . The force of its impact would likely destroy the object 's component atoms , rendering all the matter identical , in most respects , to the rest of the neutron star . Properties ( edit ) Mass and temperature ( edit ) A neutron star has a mass of at least 1.1 and perhaps up to 3 solar masses ( M ) . The maximum observed mass of neutron stars is about 2.01 M. But in general , compact stars of less than 1.39 M ( the Chandrasekhar limit ) are white dwarfs , whereas compact stars with a mass between 1.4 M and 3 M ( the Tolman -- Oppenheimer -- Volkoff limit ) should be neutron stars ( though there is an interval of a few tenths of a solar mass where the masses of low - mass neutron stars and high - mass white dwarfs can overlap ) . Between 3 M and 5 M , hypothetical intermediate - mass stars such as quark stars and electroweak stars have been proposed , but none have been shown to exist . Beyond 10 M the stellar remnant will overcome the neutron degeneracy pressure and gravitational collapse will usually occur to produce a black hole , though the smallest observed mass of a stellar black hole is about 5 M . The temperature inside a newly formed neutron star is from around 10 to 10 kelvin . However , the huge number of neutrinos it emits carry away so much energy that the temperature of an isolated neutron star falls within a few years to around 10 kelvin . At this lower temperature , most of the light generated by a neutron star is in X-rays . Density and pressure ( edit ) Neutron stars have overall densities of 7017370000000000000 ♠ 3.7 × 10 to 7017590000000000000 ♠ 5.9 × 10 kg / m ( 7014260000000000000 ♠ 2.6 × 10 to 7014409999999999999 ♠ 4.1 × 10 times the density of the Sun ) , which is comparable to the approximate density of an atomic nucleus of 7017300000000000000 ♠ 3 × 10 kg / m . The neutron star 's density varies from about 7009100000000000000 ♠ 1 × 10 kg / m in the crust -- increasing with depth -- to about 7017600000000000000 ♠ 6 × 10 or 7017800000000000000 ♠ 8 × 10 kg / m ( denser than an atomic nucleus ) deeper inside . A neutron star is so dense that one teaspoon ( 5 milliliters ) of its material would have a mass over 7012550000000000000 ♠ 5.5 × 10 kg ( that is 1100 tonnes per 1 nanolitre ) , about 900 times the mass of the Great Pyramid of Giza . In the enormous gravitational field of a neutron star , its weight would be 7025110000000000000 ♠ 1.1 × 10 N , which is about 15 times the weight of the Moon . The pressure increases from 7031320000000000000 ♠ 3.2 × 10 to 7034159999999999999 ♠ 1.6 × 10 Pa from the inner crust to the center . The equation of state of matter at such high densities is not precisely known because of the theoretical difficulties associated with extrapolating the likely behavior of quantum chromodynamics , superconductivity , and superfluidity of matter in such states along with the empirical difficulties of observing the characteristics of neutron stars that are at least hundreds of parsecs away . A neutron star has some of the properties of an atomic nucleus , including density ( within an order of magnitude ) and being composed of nucleons . In popular scientific writing , neutron stars are therefore sometimes described as `` giant nuclei '' . However , in other respects , neutron stars and atomic nuclei are quite different . A nucleus is held together by the strong interaction , whereas a neutron star is held together by gravity . The density of nucleus is uniform , while neutron stars are predicted to consist of multiple layers with varying composition and density . Magnetic field ( edit ) Neutron stars have strong magnetic fields . The magnetic field strength on the surface of neutron stars has been estimated at least to have the range of 10 to 10 tesla . In comparison , the magnitude at Earth 's surface ranges from 25 to 65 microteslas ( 0.25 to 0.65 gauss ) , making the field at least 10 times as strong as that of Earth . For comparison , 16 T is sufficient to levitate a live frog due to diamagnetic levitation . Variations in magnetic field strengths are most likely the main factor that allows different types of neutron stars to be distinguished by their spectra , and explains the periodicity of pulsars . The neutron stars known as magnetars have the strongest magnetic fields , in the range of 10 to 10 tesla , and have become the widely accepted hypothesis for neutron star types soft gamma repeaters ( SGRs ) and anomalous X-ray pulsars ( AXPs ) . Fields of this strength are able to polarize the vacuum to the point that the vacuum becomes birefringent . Photons can merge or split in two , and virtual particle - antiparticle pairs are produced . The field changes electron energy levels and atoms are forced into thin cylinders . The origins of the strong magnetic field are as yet unclear . One hypothesis is that of `` flux freezing '' , or conservation of the original magnetic flux takes place during the formation of the neutron star . If an object has a certain magnetic flux over its surface area , and that area shrinks to a smaller area , but the magnetic flux is conserved , then the magnetic field would correspondingly increase . Likewise , a collapsing star begins with a much larger surface area than the resulting neutron star , and conservation of magnetic flux would result in a far stronger magnetic field . However , this simple explanation does not fully explain magnetic field strengths of neutron stars . Gravity and equation of state ( edit ) Gravitational light deflection at a neutron star . Due to relativistic light deflection more than half of the surface is visible ( each chequered patch here represents 30 degrees by 30 degrees ) . In natural units , the mass of the depicted star is 1 and its radius 4 , or twice its Schwarzschild radius . The gravitational field at a neutron star 's surface is about 7011200000000000000 ♠ 2 × 10 times stronger than on Earth , at around 7012200000000000000 ♠ 2.0 × 10 m / s . Such a strong gravitational field acts as a gravitational lens and bends the radiation emitted by the neutron star such that parts of the normally invisible rear surface become visible . If the radius of the neutron star is 3GM / c or less , then the photons may be trapped in an orbit , thus making the whole surface of that neutron star visible from a single vantage point , along with destabilizing photon orbits at or below the 1 radius distance of the star . A fraction of the mass of a star that collapses to form a neutron star is released in the supernova explosion from which it forms ( from the law of mass -- energy equivalence , E = mc ) . The energy comes from the gravitational binding energy of a neutron star . Hence , the gravitational force of a typical neutron star is huge . If an object were to fall from a height of one meter on a neutron star 12 kilometers in radius , it would reach the ground at around 1400 kilometers per second . However , even before impact , the tidal force would cause spaghettification , breaking any sort of an ordinary object into a stream of material . Because of the enormous gravity , time dilation between a neutron star and Earth is significant . For example , eight years could pass on the surface of a neutron star , yet ten years would have passed on Earth , not including the time - dilation effect of its very rapid rotation . Neutron star relativistic equations of state describe the relation of radius vs. mass for various models . The most likely radii for a given neutron star mass are bracketed by models AP4 ( smallest radius ) and MS2 ( largest radius ) . BE is the ratio of gravitational binding energy mass equivalent to the observed neutron star gravitational mass of `` M '' kilograms with radius `` R '' meters , B E = 0.60 β 1 − β 2 ( \ displaystyle BE = ( \ frac ( 0.60 \ , \ beta ) ( 1 - ( \ frac ( \ beta ) ( 2 ) ) ) ) ) β = G M / R c 2 ( \ displaystyle \ beta \ = G \ , M / R \ , ( c ) ^ ( 2 ) ) Given current values G = 6.67408 × 10 − 11 m 3 kg − 1 s − 2 ( \ displaystyle G = 6.67408 \ times 10 ^ ( - 11 ) \ , ( \ text ( m ) ) ^ ( 3 ) ( \ text ( kg ) ) ^ ( - 1 ) ( \ text ( s ) ) ^ ( - 2 ) ) c = 2.99792458 × 10 8 m / s ( \ displaystyle c = 2.99792458 \ times 10 ^ ( 8 ) \ , ( \ text ( m ) ) / ( \ text ( s ) ) ) M ⊙ = 1.98855 × 10 30 kg ( \ displaystyle M_ ( \ odot ) = 1.98855 \ times 10 ^ ( 30 ) \ , ( \ text ( kg ) ) ) and star masses `` M '' commonly reported as multiples of one solar mass , M x = M M ⊙ ( \ displaystyle M_ ( x ) = ( \ frac ( M ) ( M_ ( \ odot ) ) ) ) then the relativistic fractional binding energy of a neutron star is B E = 886.0 M x R ( in meters ) − 738.3 M x ( \ displaystyle BE = ( \ frac ( 886.0 \ , M_ ( x ) ) ( R_ ( \ left ( ( \ text ( in meters ) ) \ right ) ) - 738.3 \ , M_ ( x ) ) ) ) A 2 M neutron star would not be more compact than 10,970 meters radius ( AP4 model ) . Its mass fraction gravitational binding energy would then be 0.187 , − 18.7 % ( exothermic ) . This is not near 0.6 / 2 = 0.3 , − 30 % . The equation of state for a neutron star is still not known . It is assumed that it differs significantly from that of a white dwarf , whose equation of state is that of a degenerate gas that can be described in close agreement with special relativity . However , with a neutron star the increased effects of general relativity can no longer be ignored . Several equations of state have been proposed ( FPS , UU , APR , L , SLy , and others ) and current research is still attempting to constrain the theories to make predictions of neutron star matter . This means that the relation between density and mass is not fully known , and this causes uncertainties in radius estimates . For example , a 1.5 M neutron star could have a radius of 10.7 , 11.1 , 12.1 or 15.1 kilometers ( for EOS FPS , UU , APR or L respectively ) . Structure ( edit ) Cross-section of neutron star . Densities are in terms of ρ the saturation nuclear matter density , where nucleons begin to touch . Current understanding of the structure of neutron stars is defined by existing mathematical models , but it might be possible to infer some details through studies of neutron - star oscillations . Asteroseismology , a study applied to ordinary stars , can reveal the inner structure of neutron stars by analyzing observed spectra of stellar oscillations . Current models indicate that matter at the surface of a neutron star is composed of ordinary atomic nuclei crushed into a solid lattice with a sea of electrons flowing through the gaps between them . It is possible that the nuclei at the surface are iron , due to iron 's high binding energy per nucleon . It is also possible that heavy elements , such as iron , simply sink beneath the surface , leaving only light nuclei like helium and hydrogen . If the surface temperature exceeds 10 kelvin ( as in the case of a young pulsar ) , the surface should be fluid instead of the solid phase that might exist in cooler neutron stars ( temperature < 10 kelvin ) . The `` atmosphere '' of a neutron star is hypothesized to be at most several micrometers thick , and its dynamics are fully controlled by the neutron star 's magnetic field . Below the atmosphere one encounters a solid `` crust '' . This crust is extremely hard and very smooth ( with maximum surface irregularities of ~ 5 mm ) , due to the extreme gravitational field . Proceeding inward , one encounters nuclei with ever - increasing numbers of neutrons ; such nuclei would decay quickly on Earth , but are kept stable by tremendous pressures . As this process continues at increasing depths , the neutron drip becomes overwhelming , and the concentration of free neutrons increases rapidly . In that region , there are nuclei , free electrons , and free neutrons . The nuclei become increasingly small ( gravity and pressure overwhelming the strong force ) until the core is reached , by definition the point where mostly neutrons exist . The expected hierarchy of phases of nuclear matter in the inner crust has been characterized as `` nuclear pasta '' , with fewer voids and larger structures towards higher pressures . The composition of the superdense matter in the core remains uncertain . One model describes the core as superfluid neutron - degenerate matter ( mostly neutrons , with some protons and electrons ) . More exotic forms of matter are possible , including degenerate strange matter ( containing strange quarks in addition to up and down quarks ) , matter containing high - energy pions and kaons in addition to neutrons , or ultra-dense quark - degenerate matter . Radiation ( edit ) Play media Animation of a rotating pulsar . The sphere in the middle represents the neutron star , the curves indicate the magnetic field lines and the protruding cones represent the emission zones . Pulsars ( edit ) Main article : Pulsar Neutron stars are detected from their electromagnetic radiation . Neutron stars are usually observed to pulse radio waves and other electromagnetic radiation , and neutron stars observed with pulses are called pulsars . Pulsars ' radiation is thought to be caused by particle acceleration near their magnetic poles , which need not be aligned with the rotational axis of the neutron star . It is thought that a large electrostatic field builds up near the magnetic poles , leading to electron emission . These electrons are magnetically accelerated along the field lines , leading to curvature radiation , with the radiation being strongly polarized towards the plane of curvature . In addition , high energy photons can interact with lower energy photons and the magnetic field for electron - positron pair production , which through electron -- positron annihilation leads to further high energy photons . The radiation emanating from the magnetic poles of neutron stars can be described as magnetospheric radiation , in reference to the magnetosphere of the neutron star . It is not to be confused with magnetic dipole radiation , which is emitted because the magnetic axis is not aligned with the rotational axis , with a radiation frequency the same as the neutron star 's rotational frequency . If the axis of rotation of the neutron star is different to the magnetic axis , external viewers will only see these beams of radiation whenever the magnetic axis point towards them during the neutron star rotation . Therefore , periodic pulses are observed , at the same rate as the rotation of the neutron star . Non-pulsating neutron stars ( edit ) In addition to pulsars , neutron stars have also been identified with no apparent periodicity of their radiation . This seems to be a characteristic of the X-ray sources known as Central Compact Objects in Supernova remnants ( CCOs in SNRs ) , which are thought to be young , radio - quiet isolated neutron stars . Spectra ( edit ) In addition to radio emissions , neutron stars have also been identified in other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum . This includes visible light , near infrared , ultraviolet , X-rays and gamma rays . Pulsars observed in X-rays are known as X-ray pulsars if accretion - powered ; while those identified in visible light as optical pulsars . The majority of neutron stars detected , including those identified in optical , X-ray and gamma rays , also emit radio waves ; the Crab Pulsar produces electromagnetic emissions across the spectrum . However , there exist neutron stars called radio - quiet neutron stars , with no radio emissions detected . Rotation ( edit ) Neutron stars rotate extremely rapidly after their formation due to the conservation of angular momentum ; like spinning ice skaters pulling in their arms , the slow rotation of the original star 's core speeds up as it shrinks . A newborn neutron star can rotate many times a second . Spin down ( edit ) P -- P - dot diagram for known rotation - powered pulsars ( red ) , anomalous X-ray pulsars ( green ) , high - energy emission pulsars ( blue ) and binary pulsars ( pink ) Over time , neutron stars slow , as their rotating magnetic fields in effect radiate energy associated with the rotation ; older neutron stars may take several seconds for each revolution . This is called spin down . The rate at which a neutron star slows its rotation is usually constant and very small . The periodic time ( P ) is the rotational period , the time for one rotation of a neutron star . The spin - down rate , the rate of slowing of rotation , is then given the symbol P _̇ ( \ displaystyle ( \ dot ( P ) ) ) ( P - dot ) , the negative derivative of P with respect to time . It is defined as periodic time decrease per unit time ; it is a dimensionless quantity , but can be given the units of s ⋅ s ( seconds per second ) . The spin - down rate ( P - dot ) of neutron stars usually falls within the range of 10 to 10 s ⋅ s , with the shorter period ( or faster rotating ) observable neutron stars usually having smaller P - dot . However , as a neutron star ages , the neutron star slows ( P increases ) and the rate of slowing decreases ( P - dot decreases ) . Eventually , the rate of rotation becomes too slow to power the radio - emission mechanism , and the neutron star can no longer be detected . P and P - dot allow minimum magnetic fields of neutron stars to be estimated . P and P - dot can be also used to calculate the characteristic age of a pulsar , but gives an estimate which is somewhat larger than the true age when it is applied to young pulsars . P and P - dot can also be combined with neutron star 's moment of inertia to estimate a quantity called spin - down luminosity , which is given the symbol E _̇ ( \ displaystyle ( \ dot ( E ) ) ) ( E-dot ) . It is not the measured luminosity , but rather the calculated loss rate of rotational energy that would manifest itself as radiation . For neutron stars where the spin - down luminosity is comparable to the actual luminosity , the neutron stars are said to be `` rotation powered '' . The observed luminosity of the Crab Pulsar is comparable to the spin - down luminosity , supporting the model that rotational kinetic energy powers the radiation from it . With neutron stars such as magnetars , where the actual luminosity exceeds the spin - down luminosity by about a factor of one hundred , it is assumed that the luminosity is powered by magnetic dissipation , rather than being rotation powered . P and P - dot can also be plotted for neutron stars to create a P -- P - dot diagram . It encodes a tremendous amount of information about the pulsar population and its properties , and has been likened to the Hertzsprung -- Russell diagram in its importance for neutron stars . Spin up ( edit ) Neutron star rotational speeds can increase , a process known as spin up . Sometimes neutron stars absorb orbiting matter from companion stars , increasing the rotation rate and reshaping the neutron star into an oblate spheroid . This causes an increase in the rate of rotation of the neutron star of over a hundred times per second in the case of millisecond pulsars . The most rapidly rotating neutron star currently known , PSR J1748 - 2446ad , rotates at 716 revolutions per second . However , a 2007 paper reported the detection of an X-ray burst oscillation , which provides an indirect measure of spin , of 1122 Hz from the neutron star XTE J1739 - 285 , suggesting 1122 rotations a second . However , at present , this signal has only been seen once , and should be regarded as tentative until confirmed in another burst from that star . Glitches and starquakes ( edit ) NASA artist 's conception of a `` starquake '' , or `` stellar quake '' . Sometimes a neutron star will undergo a glitch , a sudden small increase of its rotational speed or spin up . Glitches are thought to be the effect of a starquake -- as the rotation of the neutron star slows , its shape becomes more spherical . Due to the stiffness of the `` neutron '' crust , this happens as discrete events when the crust ruptures , creating a starquake similar to earthquakes . After the starquake , the star will have a smaller equatorial radius , and because angular momentum is conserved , its rotational speed has increased . Starquakes occurring in magnetars , with a resulting glitch , is the leading hypothesis for the gamma - ray sources known as soft gamma repeaters . Recent work , however , suggests that a starquake would not release sufficient energy for a neutron star glitch ; it has been suggested that glitches may instead be caused by transitions of vortices in the theoretical superfluid core of the neutron star from one metastable energy state to a lower one , thereby releasing energy that appears as an increase in the rotation rate . `` Anti-glitches '' ( edit ) An `` anti-glitch '' , a sudden small decrease in rotational speed , or spin down , of a neutron star has also been reported . It occurred in a magnetar , that in one case produced an X-ray luminosity increase of a factor of 20 , and a significant spin - down rate change . Current neutron star models do not predict this behavior . If the cause was internal , it suggests differential rotation of solid outer crust and the superfluid component of the magnetar 's inner structure . Population and distances ( edit ) Central neutron star at the heart of the Crab Nebula . At present , there are about 2000 known neutron stars in the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds , the majority of which have been detected as radio pulsars . Neutron stars are mostly concentrated along the disk of the Milky Way although the spread perpendicular to the disk is large because the supernova explosion process can impart high translational speeds ( 400 km / s ) to the newly formed neutron star . Some of the closest known neutron stars are RX J1856. 5 - 3754 , which is about 400 light years away , and PSR J0108 - 1431 at about 424 light years . RX J1856. 5 - 3754 is a member of a close group of neutron stars called The Magnificent Seven . Another nearby neutron star that was detected transiting the backdrop of the constellation Ursa Minor has been nicknamed Calvera by its Canadian and American discoverers , after the villain in the 1960 film The Magnificent Seven . This rapidly moving object was discovered using the ROSAT / Bright Source Catalog . Binary neutron star systems ( edit ) Circinus X-1 : X-ray light rings from a binary neutron star ( 24 June 2015 ; Chandra X-ray Observatory ) About 5 % of all known neutron stars are members of a binary system . The formation and evolution of binary neutron stars can be a complex process . Neutron stars have been observed in binaries with ordinary main - sequence stars , red giants , white dwarfs or other neutron stars . According to modern theories of binary evolution it is expected that neutron stars also exist in binary systems with black hole companions . The merger of binaries containing two neutron stars , or a neutron star and a black hole , are expected to be prime sources for the emission of detectable gravitational waves . X-ray binaries ( edit ) Main article : X-ray binary Binary systems containing neutron stars often emit X-rays , which are emitted by hot gas as it falls towards the surface of the neutron star . The source of the gas is the companion star , the outer layers of which can be stripped off by the gravitational force of the neutron star if the two stars are sufficiently close . As the neutron star accretes this gas its mass can increase ; if enough mass is accreted the neutron star may collapse into a black hole . Neutron star binary mergers and nucleosynthesis ( edit ) Main article : Stellar collision Binaries containing two neutron stars are observed to shrink as gravitational waves are emitted . Ultimately the neutron stars will come into contact and coalesce . The coalescence of binary neutron stars is one of the leading models for the origin of short gamma - ray bursts . Strong evidence for this model came from the observation of a kilonova associated with the short - duration gamma - ray burst GRB 130603B , and finally confirmed by detection of gravitational wave GW170817 and short GRB 170817A by LIGO , Virgo and 70 observatories covering the electromagnetic spectrum observed the event . The light emitted in the kilonova is believed to come from the radioactive decay of material ejected in the merger of the two neutron stars . This material may be responsible for the production of many of the chemical elements beyond iron , as opposed to the supernova nucleosynthesis theory . Planets ( edit ) An artist 's conception of a pulsar planet with bright aurorae . Main article : Pulsar planet Neutron stars can host exoplanets . These can be original , circumbinary , captured , or the result of a second round of planet formation . Pulsars can also strip the atmosphere off from a star , leaving a planetary - mass remnant , which may be understood as a chthonian planet or a stellar object depending on interpretation . For pulsars , such pulsar planets can be detected with the pulsar timing method , which allows for high precision and detection of much smaller planets than with other methods . Two systems have been definitively confirmed . The first exoplanets ever to be detected were the three planets Draugr , Poltergeist and Phobetor around PSR B1257 + 12 , discovered in 1992 -- 1994 . Of these , Draugr is the smallest exoplanet ever detected , at a mass of twice that of the Moon . Another system is PSR B1620 - 26 , where a circumbinary planet orbits a neutron star - white dwarf binary system . Also , there are several unconfirmed candidates . Pulsar planets receive little visible light , but massive amounts of ionizing radiation and high - energy stellar wind , which makes them rather hostile environments . History of discoveries ( edit ) The first direct observation of a neutron star in visible light . The neutron star is RX J1856. 5 - 3754 . In 1934 , Walter Baade and Fritz Zwicky proposed the existence of neutron stars , only a year after the discovery of the neutron by Sir James Chadwick . In seeking an explanation for the origin of a supernova , they tentatively proposed that in supernova explosions ordinary stars are turned into stars that consist of extremely closely packed neutrons that they called neutron stars . Baade and Zwicky correctly proposed at that time that the release of the gravitational binding energy of the neutron stars powers the supernova : `` In the supernova process , mass in bulk is annihilated '' . Neutron stars were thought to be too faint to be detectable and little work was done on them until November 1967 , when Franco Pacini pointed out that if the neutron stars were spinning and had large magnetic fields , then electromagnetic waves would be emitted . Unbeknown to him , radio astronomer Antony Hewish and his research assistant Jocelyn Bell at Cambridge were shortly to detect radio pulses from stars that are now believed to be highly magnetized , rapidly spinning neutron stars , known as pulsars . In 1965 , Antony Hewish and Samuel Okoye discovered `` an unusual source of high radio brightness temperature in the Crab Nebula '' . This source turned out to be the Crab Pulsar that resulted from the great supernova of 1054 . In 1967 , Iosif Shklovsky examined the X-ray and optical observations of Scorpius X-1 and correctly concluded that the radiation comes from a neutron star at the stage of accretion . In 1967 , Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Antony Hewish discovered regular radio pulses from PSR B1919 + 21 . This pulsar was later interpreted as an isolated , rotating neutron star . The energy source of the pulsar is the rotational energy of the neutron star . The majority of known neutron stars ( about 2000 , as of 2010 ) have been discovered as pulsars , emitting regular radio pulses . In 1971 , Riccardo Giacconi , Herbert Gursky , Ed Kellogg , R. Levinson , E. Schreier , and H. Tananbaum discovered 4.8 second pulsations in an X-ray source in the constellation Centaurus , Cen X-3 . They interpreted this as resulting from a rotating hot neutron star . The energy source is gravitational and results from a rain of gas falling onto the surface of the neutron star from a companion star or the interstellar medium . In 1974 , Antony Hewish was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics `` for his decisive role in the discovery of pulsars '' without Jocelyn Bell who shared in the discovery . In 1974 , Joseph Taylor and Russell Hulse discovered the first binary pulsar , PSR B1913 + 16 , which consists of two neutron stars ( one seen as a pulsar ) orbiting around their center of mass . Einstein 's general theory of relativity predicts that massive objects in short binary orbits should emit gravitational waves , and thus that their orbit should decay with time . This was indeed observed , precisely as general relativity predicts , and in 1993 , Taylor and Hulse were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for this discovery . In 1982 , Don Backer and colleagues discovered the first millisecond pulsar , PSR B1937 + 21 . This object spins 642 times per second , a value that placed fundamental constraints on the mass and radius of neutron stars . Many millisecond pulsars were later discovered , but PSR B1937 + 21 remained the fastest - spinning known pulsar for 24 years , until PSR J1748 - 2446ad ( which spins more than 700 times a second ) was discovered . In 2003 , Marta Burgay and colleagues discovered the first double neutron star system where both components are detectable as pulsars , PSR J0737 - 3039 . The discovery of this system allows a total of 5 different tests of general relativity , some of these with unprecedented precision . In 2010 , Paul Demorest and colleagues measured the mass of the millisecond pulsar PSR J1614 -- 2230 to be 1.97 ± 0.04 M , using Shapiro delay . This was substantially higher than any previously measured neutron star mass ( 1.67 M , see PSR J1903 + 0327 ) , and places strong constraints on the interior composition of neutron stars . In 2013 , John Antoniadis and colleagues measured the mass of PSR J0348 + 0432 to be 2.01 ± 0.04 M , using white dwarf spectroscopy . This confirmed the existence of such massive stars using a different method . Furthermore , this allowed , for the first time , a test of general relativity using such a massive neutron star . In October 2017 , LIGO and Virgo made first detection of gravitational waves produced by colliding neutron stars . Subtypes table ( edit ) Neutron star Isolated Neutron Star ( INS ) : not in a binary system . Rotation - powered pulsar ( RPP or `` radio pulsar '' ) : neutron stars that emit directed pulses of radiation towards us at regular intervals ( due to their strong magnetic fields ) . Rotating radio transient ( RRATs ) : are thought to be pulsars which emit more sporadically and / or with higher pulse - to - pulse variability than the bulk of the known pulsars . Magnetar : a neutron star with an extremely strong magnetic field ( 1000 times more than a regular neutron star ) , and long rotation periods ( 5 to 12 seconds ) . Soft gamma repeater ( SGR ) . Anomalous X-ray pulsar ( AXP ) . Radio - quiet neutron stars . X-ray Dim Isolated Neutron Stars . Central Compact Objects in Supernova remnants ( CCOs in SNRs ) : young , radio - quiet non-pulsating X-ray sources , thought to be Isolated Neutron Stars surrounded by supernova remnants . X-ray pulsars or `` accretion - powered pulsars '' : a class of X-ray binaries . Low - mass X-ray binary pulsars : a class of low - mass X-ray binaries ( LMXB ) , a pulsar with a main sequence star , white dwarf or red giant . Millisecond pulsar ( MSP ) ( `` recycled pulsar '' ) . Sub-millisecond pulsar . X-ray burster : a neutron star with a low mass binary companion from which matter is accreted resulting in irregular bursts of energy from the surface of the neutron star . Intermediate - mass X-ray binary pulsars : a class of intermediate - mass X-ray binaries ( IMXB ) , a pulsar with an intermediate mass star . High - mass X-ray binary pulsars : a class of high - mass X-ray binaries ( HMXB ) , a pulsar with a massive star . Binary pulsars : a pulsar with a binary companion , often a white dwarf or neutron star . Theorized compact stars with similar properties . Protoneutron star ( PNS ) , theorized . Exotic star Quark star : currently a hypothetical type of neutron star composed of quark matter , or strange matter . As of 2008 , there are three candidates . Electroweak star : currently a hypothetical type of extremely heavy neutron star , in which the quarks are converted to leptons through the electroweak force , but the gravitational collapse of the neutron star is prevented by radiation pressure . As of 2010 , there is no evidence for their existence . Preon star : currently a hypothetical type of neutron star composed of preon matter . As of 2008 , there is no evidence for the existence of preons . Examples of neutron stars ( edit ) PSR J0108 - 1431 -- closest neutron star LGM - 1 -- the first recognized radio - pulsar PSR B1257 + 12 -- the first neutron star discovered with planets ( a millisecond pulsar ) SWIFT J1756. 9 - 2508 -- a millisecond pulsar with a stellar - type companion with planetary range mass ( below brown dwarf ) PSR B1509 - 58 source of the `` Hand of God '' photo shot by the Chandra X-ray Observatory . PSR J0348 + 0432 -- the most massive neutron star with a well - constrained mass , 2.01 ± 0.04 M . Gallery ( edit ) Video -- animation ( edit ) Play media Neutron stars containing 500,000 Earth - masses in 25 km ( 16 mi ) diameter sphere Play media Neutron stars colliding Play media Neutron star collision See also ( edit ) Star portal Astronomy portal Cosmology portal Dragon 's Egg Neutronium Preon - degenerate matter Rotating radio transient Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ A neutron star 's density increases as its mass increases , and its radius decreases non-linearly . ( archived image : NASA mass radius graph ) A newer page is here : `` RXTE Discovers Kilohertz Quasiperiodic Oscillations '' . NASA . Retrieved 17 February 2016 . ( specifically the image ( 1 ) ) Jump up ^ 7017370000000000000 ♠ 3.7 × 10 kg / m derives from mass 7030268000000000000 ♠ 2.68 × 10 kg / volume of star of radius 12 km ; 7017590000000000000 ♠ 5.9 × 10 kg / m derives from mass 7030420000000000000 ♠ 4.2 × 10 kg per volume of star radius 11.9 km Jump up ^ The average density of material in a neutron star of radius 10 km is 7018110000000000000 ♠ 1.1 × 10 kg / cm . Therefore , 5 ml of such material is 7012550000000000000 ♠ 5.5 × 10 kg , or 5 500 000 000 metric tons . This is about 15 times the total mass of the human world population . Alternatively , 5 ml from a neutron star of radius 20 km radius ( average density 7016835000000000000 ♠ 8.35 × 10 kg / cm ) has a mass of about 400 million metric tons , or about the mass of all humans . The gravitational field is ca . 7011200000000000000 ♠ 2 × 10 g or ca . 7012200000000000000 ♠ 2 × 10 N / kg . Moon weight is calculated at 1g . Jump up ^ Even before the discovery of neutron , in 1931 , neutron stars were anticipated by Lev Landau , who wrote about stars where `` atomic nuclei come in close contact , forming one gigantic nucleus '' . However , the widespread opinion that Landau predicted neutron stars proves to be wrong . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Glendenning , Norman K. ( 2012 ) . Compact Stars : Nuclear Physics , Particle Physics and General Relativity ( illustrated ed . ) . Springer Science & Business Media . p. 1 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4684 - 0491 - 3 . Extract of page 1 Jump up ^ Kiziltan , Bulent ( 2011 ) . Reassessing the Fundamentals : On the Evolution , Ages and Masses of Neutron Stars . Universal - Publishers . ISBN 1 - 61233 - 765 - 1 . Jump up ^ Neutron star mass measurements Jump up ^ `` NASA Ask an Astrophysicist : Maximum Mass of a Neutron Star '' . ^ Jump up to : Haensel , Paweł ; Potekhin , Alexander Y. ; Yakovlev , Dmitry G. ( 2007 ) . Neutron Stars . Springer . ISBN 0 - 387 - 33543 - 9 . 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World Scientific . p. 8 . ISBN 978 - 981 - 02 - 4744 - 7 . Extract of page 8 Jump up ^ Lang , Kenneth ( 2007 ) . A Companion to Astronomy and Astrophysics : Chronology and Glossary with Data Tables ( illustrated ed . ) . Springer Science & Business Media . p. 82 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 387 - 33367 - 0 . Extract of page 82 Jump up ^ Haensel , Paweł ; Potekhin , Alexander Y. ; Yakovlev , Dmitry G. ( 2007 ) . Neutron Stars 1 : Equation of State and Structure ( illustrated ed . ) . Springer Science & Business Media . p. 474 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 387 - 47301 - 7 . Extract of page 474 Jump up ^ Graham - Smith , Francis ( 2006 ) . Pulsar Astronomy ( illustrated ed . ) . Cambridge University Press . p. 11 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 83954 - 9 . Extract of page 11 Jump up ^ Ghosh , Pranab ( 2007 ) . Rotation and Accretion Powered Pulsars ( illustrated ed . ) . World Scientific . p. 281 . ISBN 978 - 981 - 02 - 4744 - 7 . Extract of page 281 Jump up ^ Demorest , Paul B. ; Pennucci , T. ; Ransom , S.M. ; Roberts , M.S. ; Hessels , J.W. ( 2010 ) . `` A two - solar - mass neutron star measured using Shapiro delay '' . Nature . 467 ( 7319 ) : 1081 -- 1083 . arXiv : 1010.5788 . Bibcode : 2010Natur. 467.1081 D . doi : 10.1038 / nature09466 . PMID 20981094 . Jump up ^ Antoniadis , John ( 2012 ) . `` A Massive Pulsar in a Compact Relativistic Binary '' . Science . 340 ( 6131 ) : 1233232 . arXiv : 1304.6875 . Bibcode : 2013Sci ... 340 ... 448A . doi : 10.1126 / science. 1233232 . PMID 23620056 . Jump up ^ Burtnyk , Kimberly M. ( 16 October 2017 ) . `` LIGO Detection of Colliding Neutron Stars Spawns Global Effort to Study the Rare Event '' . Retrieved 17 November 2017 . Jump up ^ Mereghetti , Sandro ( April 2010 ) . `` X-ray emission from isolated neutron stars '' . High - Energy Emission from Pulsars and their Systems . Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings . p. 345 . arXiv : 1008.2891 . Bibcode : 2011ASSP ... 21 ... 345M . doi : 10.1007 / 978 - 3 - 642 - 17251 - 9_29 . ISBN 978 - 3 - 642 - 17250 - 2 . Jump up ^ Pavlov , George ; Zavlin , Slava ; Sanwal , Divas ; Kargaltsev , Oleg ; Romani , Roger . `` Thermal Radiation from Isolated Neutron Stars '' ( PDF ) . SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory . Retrieved 28 April 2016 . Jump up ^ Nakamura , T. ( 1989 ) . `` Binary Sub-Millisecond Pulsar and Rotating Core Collapse Model for SN1987A '' . Progress of Theoretical Physics. 81 ( 5 ) : 1006 -- 1020 . Bibcode : 1989PThPh ... 81.1006 N . doi : 10.1143 / PTP. 81.1006 . Jump up ^ Thompson , Todd A. ; Neutrino - Driven Protoneutron Star Winds `` ASTROPHYSICS : ON OBSERVED PULSARS '' . . Retrieved 6 August 2004 . Norman K. Glendenning ; R. Kippenhahn ; I. Appenzeller ; G. Borner ; et al. ( 2000 ) . Compact Stars ( 2nd ed . ) . Kaaret ; Prieskorn ; in ' t Zand ; Brandt ; et al. ( 2006 ) . `` Evidence for 1122 Hz X-Ray Burst Oscillations from the Neutron - Star X-Ray Transient XTE J1739 - 285 '' . The Astrophysical Journal . 657 ( 2 ) : L97 . arXiv : astro - ph / 0611716 . Bibcode : 2007ApJ ... 657L ... 97K . doi : 10.1086 / 513270 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Neutron stars . Introduction to neutron stars Neutron Stars for Undergraduates and its Errata NASA on pulsars `` NASA Sees Hidden Structure Of Neutron Star In Starquake '' . April 26 , 2006 `` Mysterious X-ray sources may be lone neutron stars '' . New Scientist . `` Massive neutron star rules out exotic matter '' . New Scientist . According to a new analysis , exotic states of matter such as free quarks or BECs do not arise inside neutron stars . `` Neutron star clocked at mind - boggling velocity '' . New Scientist . A neutron star has been clocked traveling at more than 1500 kilometers per second . Neutron star Types Radio - quiet Pulsar Single pulsars Magnetar Soft gamma repeater Anomalous X-ray Rotating radio transient Binary pulsars Binary X-ray pulsar X-ray binary X-ray burster List Millisecond Be / X-ray Spin - up Properties Blitzar Fast radio burst Bondi accretion Gamma - ray burst Glitch Neutronium Neutron - star oscillation Optical Pulsar kick Quasi-periodic oscillation Relativistic Rp - process Starquake Timing noise Tolman -- Oppenheimer -- Volkoff limit Urca process Related Gamma - ray burst progenitors Astroseismology Compact star Quark star Exotic star Supernova Supernova remnant Related links Hypernova Kilonova Neutron star merger Quark - nova White dwarf Related links Stellar black hole Related links Radio star Pulsar planet Pulsar wind nebula Thorne -- Żytkow object Discovery LGM - 1 Centaurus X-3 Timeline of white dwarfs , neutron stars , and supernovae Satellite investigation Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer Fermi Gamma - ray Space Telescope Compton Gamma Ray Observatory Chandra X-ray Observatory Other X-ray pulsar - based navigation Tempo software program Astropulse The Magnificent Seven Star Formation Accretion Molecular cloud Bok globule Young stellar object Protostar Pre-main - sequence star Herbig Ae / Be Orion T Tauri FU Orionis Herbig -- Haro object Hayashi track Henyey track Evolution Main sequence Red giant branch Horizontal branch Red clump Asymptotic giant branch Protoplanetary nebula Planetary nebula PG1159 star Dredge - up Instability strip Luminous blue variable Blue straggler Stellar population Supernova Supernova impostor Hypernova Hertzsprung -- Russell diagram Color -- color diagram Luminosity class Subdwarf Dwarf Blue Red White Yellow Brown Subgiant Giant Blue Red Bright giant Supergiant Blue Red Yellow Hypergiant Yellow Spectral classification WR Be OB Subdwarf O Subdwarf B Late - type Chemically peculiar Am Ap / Bp Barium Carbon CH CN Extreme helium Lambda Boötis Lead HgMn Technetium Shell Remnants White dwarf Helium planet Neutron star Radio - quiet Pulsar Binary X-ray Magnetar Stellar black hole X-ray binary Burster Theoretical stars Black dwarf Exotic Quark Strange Preon Planck Electroweak star Dark - matter star Dark - energy star Black star Gravastar Frozen star Q star Quasi-star Thorne -- Żytkow object Iron star Blitzar Nucleosynthesis Deuterium burning Lithium burning Proton -- proton chain CNO cycle Helium flash Triple - alpha process Alpha process Carbon burning Neon burning Oxygen burning Silicon burning S - process R - process Fusor Nova Symbiotic Remnant Luminous red nova Structure Core Convection zone Microturbulence Oscillations Radiation zone Atmosphere Photosphere Starspot Chromosphere Corona Stellar wind Bubble Bipolar outflow Accretion disk Asteroseismology Helioseismology Eddington luminosity Kelvin -- Helmholtz mechanism Properties Designation Dynamics Effective temperature Kinematics Magnetic field Absolute magnitude Mass Metallicity Rotation UBV color Variable star Mira variable Star systems Binary Contact Common envelope Eclipsing Multiple Star cluster Open cluster Globular cluster Super star cluster Planetary system Earth 's Solar System Earth - centric observation of Pole star Circumpolar star Constellation Asterism Magnitude Apparent Extinction Photographic Radial velocity Proper motion Parallax Photometric - standard star Lists Star names Arabic Chinese Extremes Most massive Highest temperature Largest volume Smallest volume Brightest Historical Most luminous Nearest Nearest bright Stars with exoplanets Brown dwarfs White dwarfs Milky Way novae Notable supernovae Supernova candidates Supernova remnants Planetary nebulae Timeline of stellar astronomy Related articles Substellar object Brown dwarf Sub-brown dwarf Planet Galactic year Galaxy Supercluster Guest star Gravity Intergalactic star Infrared dark cloud Starfield Category : Stars Star portal Supernovae Classes Type Ia Type Ib and Ic Type II ( IIP , IIL , IIn , and IIb ) Physics of Calcium - rich supernovae Carbon detonation Pair - instability supernova Phillips relationship P - nuclei P - process R - process Supernova nucleosynthesis Supernova neutrinos Related Supernova impostor Pulsational pair - instability supernova Foe Gamma - ray burst Failed supernova Hypernova Kilonova Nova Symbiotic nova Luminous red nova Near - Earth supernova Pulsar kick Quark - nova Progenitors Hypergiant Yellow Luminous blue variable Supergiant Blue Red Yellow White dwarf Related links Wolf -- Rayet star Remnants Supernova remnant Pulsar wind nebula Neutron star Pulsar Magnetar Related links Stellar black hole Related links Compact star Quark star Exotic star Zombie star Local Bubble Superbubble Orion -- Eridanus Discovery Guest star History of supernova observation Timeline of white dwarfs , neutron stars , and supernovae Lists Candidates Notable Massive stars Most distant Remnants In fiction Notable Barnard 's Loop Cassiopeia A Crab Crab Nebula iPTF14hls Tycho 's Kepler 's SN 1987A SN 185 SN 1006 SN 2003fg Remnant G1. 9 + 0.3 SN 2007bi SN 2011fe SN 2014J SN Refsdal Vela Remnant Research ASAS - SN Calán / Tololo Survey High - Z Supernova Search Team Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope Monte Agliale Supernovae and Asteroid Survey Nearby Supernova Factory Sloan Supernova Survey Supernova / Acceleration Probe Supernova Cosmology Project Supernova Early Warning System Supernova Legacy Survey Texas Supernova Search Book : Supernovae Category : Supernovae Commons : Supernovae GND : 4171660 - 7 NDL : 00573936 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Neutron stars Neutron Star types Exotic matter Hidden categories : CS1 German - language sources ( de ) CS1 Spanish - language sources ( es ) Webarchive template wayback links Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Articles containing video clips Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans অসমীয়া Asturianu Azərbaycanca تۆرکجه বাংলা Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) Български Bosanski Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Galego ગુજરાતી 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית ქართული Kaszëbsczi Қазақша Kreyòl ayisyen Кыргызча Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar Македонски മലയാളം मराठी Bahasa Melayu မြန်မာဘာသာ Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча پنجابی Polski Português Română Русский Scots Sicilianu සිංහල Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் Татарча / tatarça తెలుగు ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 文言 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 20 November 2017 , at 14 : 44 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | a spinning neutron star that appears to give off radio waves is called a | [
"In 1934, Walter Baade and Fritz Zwicky proposed the existence of neutron stars,[60][d] only a year after the discovery of the neutron by Sir James Chadwick.[63] In seeking an explanation for the origin of a supernova, they tentatively proposed that in supernova explosions ordinary stars are turned into stars that consist of extremely closely packed neutrons that they called neutron stars. Baade and Zwicky correctly proposed at that time that the release of the gravitational binding energy of the neutron stars powers the supernova: \"In the supernova process, mass in bulk is annihilated\". Neutron stars were thought to be too faint to be detectable and little work was done on them until November 1967, when Franco Pacini pointed out that if the neutron stars were spinning and had large magnetic fields, then electromagnetic waves would be emitted. Unbeknown to him, radio astronomer Antony Hewish and his research assistant Jocelyn Bell at Cambridge were shortly to detect radio pulses from stars that are now believed to be highly magnetized, rapidly spinning neutron stars, known as pulsars."
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8167385667546203871 | Intestinal villus | Intestinal villus - wikipedia Intestinal villus Intestinal ville Micrograph of the small intestine mucosa showing villi - top half of image . H&E stain Section of duodenum of cat . X 60 . Details Identifiers Latin villi intestinales TA A05. 6.01. 011 FMA 76464 Anatomical terminology ( edit on Wikidata ) Intestinal villi ( singular : villus ) are small , finger - like projections that extend into the lumen of the small intestine . Each villus is approximately 0.5 -- 1.6 mm in length ( in humans ) , and has many microvilli projecting from the enterocytes of its epithelium which collectively form the striated or brush border . Each of these microvilli are much smaller than a single villus . The intestinal villi are much smaller than any of the circular folds in the intestine . Villi increase the internal surface area of the intestinal walls making available a greater surface area for absorption . An increased absorptive area is useful because digested nutrients ( including monosaccharide and amino acids ) pass into the semipermeable villi through diffusion , which is effective only at short distances . In other words , increased surface area ( in contact with the fluid in the lumen ) decreases the average distance travelled by nutrient molecules , so effectiveness of diffusion increases . The villi are connected to the blood vessels so the circulating blood then carries these nutrients away . Contents 1 Structure 1.1 Histology 2 Function 3 Additional images 4 References 5 Further reading Structure ( edit ) Histology ( edit ) Vertical section of a villus from the dog 's small intestine . X 80 . ( Simple columnar epithelium labeled at right , third from top . ) Enterocytes , along with goblet cells , represent the principal cell types of the epithelium of the villi in the small intestine . Function ( edit ) There , the villi and the microvilli increase intestinal absorptive surface area approximately 30-fold and 600-fold , respectively , providing exceptionally efficient absorption of nutrients in the lumen . There are also enzymes ( enterocyte digestive enzyme ) on the surface for digestion . Villus capillaries collect amino acids and simple sugars taken up by the villi into the blood stream . Villus lacteals ( lymph capillary ) collect absorbed chylomicrons , which are lipoproteins composed of triglycerides , cholesterol and amphipathic proteins , and are taken to the rest of the body through the lymph fluid . Villi are specialised for absorption in the small intestine as they have a thin wall , one cell thick , which enables a shorter diffusion path . They have a large surface area so there will be more efficient absorption of fatty acids and glycerol into the blood stream . They have a rich blood supply to keep a concentration gradient . Additional images ( edit ) Different stages of coeliac disease Structure of a villus ( see reference quoted in text ) Microvilli ( shaggy hair ) show electron dense plaques ( open arrow ) at their apices . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Oral Delivery of Macromolecular Drugs - Barriers , - Andreas Bernkop - Schnürch - Springer '' . Jump up ^ `` Digestion : Digestive System , Enzymes , Absorption in the Small Intestine '' . Further reading ( edit ) C.W. Chan , Y.K. Leung and K.W. Chan ( 2014 ) . `` Microscopic anatomy of the vasculature of the human intestinal villus - a study with review '' . Eur J Anat , 18 ( 4 ) : 291 - 301 . Anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract , excluding the mouth Upper Pharynx Muscles Spaces peripharyngeal retropharyngeal parapharyngeal retrovisceral danger prevertebral Pterygomandibular raphe Pharyngeal raphe Buccopharyngeal fascia Pharyngobasilar fascia Piriform sinus Esophagus Sphincters upper lower glands Stomach Curvatures greater lesser Angular incisure Cardia Body Fundus Pylorus antrum canal sphincter Gastric mucosa Gastric folds Microanatomy Gastric pits Gastric glands Cardiac glands Fundic glands Pyloric glands Foveolar cell Parietal cell Gastric chief cell Enterochromaffin - like cell Lower Small intestine Microanatomy Intestinal villus Intestinal gland Enterocyte Enteroendocrine cell Goblet cell Paneth cell Duodenum Suspensory muscle Major duodenal papilla Minor duodenal papilla Duodenojejunal flexure Brunner 's glands Jejunum No substructures Ileum Ileocecal valve Peyer 's patches Microfold cell Large intestine Cecum Appendix Colon Ascending colon Hepatic flexure Transverse colon Splenic flexure Descending colon Sigmoid colon Continuous taenia coli haustra epiploic appendix Rectum Transverse folds Ampulla Anal canal Anus Anal columns Anal valves Anal sinuses Pectinate line Internal anal sphincter Intersphincteric groove External anal sphincter Wall Serosa / Adventitia Subserosa Muscular layer Submucosa Circular folds Mucosa Muscularis mucosa NDL : 00575812 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Digestive system Hidden categories : Pages with unresolved properties Wikipedia articles with NDL identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) Čeština Deutsch Eesti فارسی Français 한국어 Italiano Lietuvių Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Simple English Suomi Svenska Türkçe 中文 11 more Edit links This page was last edited on 6 May 2018 , at 08 : 47 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia | what purpose do villi serve in the small intestine | [
"Villi increase the internal surface area of the intestinal walls making available a greater surface area for absorption. An increased absorptive area is useful because digested nutrients (including monosaccharide and amino acids) pass into the semipermeable villi through diffusion, which is effective only at short distances. In other words, increased surface area (in contact with the fluid in the lumen) decreases the average distance travelled by nutrient molecules, so effectiveness of diffusion increases. The villi are connected to the blood vessels so the circulating blood then carries these nutrients away.\n"
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"increase the internal surface area of the intestinal walls"
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-2392607695554021436 | Panama Canal Zone | Panama Canal Zone - wikipedia Panama Canal Zone Jump to : navigation , search Coordinates : 9 ° 07 ′ 03.61 '' N 79 ° 43 ′ 12.60 '' W / 9.1176694 ° N 79.7201667 ° W / 9.1176694 ; - 79.7201667 Panama Canal Zone Zona del Canal de Panamá Territory of the United States ← 1903 -- 1979 → Flag Coat of arms Motto The Land Divided , The World United Capital Balboa History Established 1903 Disestablished 1979 Today part of Panama The Panama Canal Zone ( Spanish : Zona del Canal de Panamá ) was an unincorporated territory of the United States from 1903 to 1979 , centered on the Panama Canal and surrounded by the Republic of Panama . The zone consisted of the canal and an area generally extending five miles ( 8.0 km ) on each side of the centerline , excluding Panama City and Colón , which otherwise would have been partly within the limits of the Zone . Its border spanned three of Panama 's provinces . When reservoirs were created to assure a steady supply of water for the locks , those lakes were included within the Zone . On February 26 , 1904 , the Isthmian Canal Convention was proclaimed . In it , the Republic of Panama granted to the United States in perpetuity the use , occupation , and control of a zone of land and land under water for the construction , maintenance , operation , sanitation , and protection of the canal . From 1903 to 1979 the territory was controlled by the United States , which had purchased the land from the private and public owners , built the canal and financed its construction . The Canal Zone was abolished on October 1 , 1979 , as a term of the Torrijos -- Carter Treaties of 1977 ; the canal itself was under joint U.S. -- Panamanian control from 1979 until it was fully turned over to Panama on December 31 , 1999 . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Proposals for a canal 1.2 Construction ( 1903 -- 1914 ) 2 Governance of the Canal Zone 3 Tensions and the end of the Canal Zone 4 Lifestyle of residents 4.1 `` Gold '' roll and `` silver '' roll 4.2 `` Diasporization '' in the Panama Canal Zone 4.3 Community 4.3. 1 Housing and goods 5 Citizenship 6 Notable people 7 Culture 8 Religion 9 Townships and military installations 9.1 Pacific side 9.1. 1 Townships 9.1. 2 Military installations 9.2 Atlantic side 9.2. 1 Townships 9.2. 2 Military installations 10 Panama Canal Treaty implementation 11 Postage stamps 12 Amateur radio 13 See also 14 References 15 Further reading and viewing 16 External links History ( edit ) Main article : History of the Panama Canal Map of the area before canal construction Proposals for a Canal ( edit ) Proposals for a canal across the Isthmus of Panama date back to 1529 , soon after the Spanish conquest . Álvaro de Saavedra Cerón , a lieutenant of conquistador Vasco Núñez de Balboa , suggested four possible routes , one of which closely tracks the present - day canal . Saavedra believed that such a canal would make it easier for European vessels to reach Asia . Although King Charles I was enthusiastic and ordered preliminary works started , his officials in Panama soon realized that such an undertaking was beyond the capabilities of 16th - century technology . One official wrote to Charles , `` I pledge to Your Majesty that there is not a prince in the world with the power to accomplish this '' . The Spanish instead built a road across the isthmus . The road came to be crucial to Spain 's economy , as treasure obtained along the Pacific coast of South America was offloaded at Panama City and hauled through the jungle to the Atlantic port of Nombre de Dios , close to present day Colón . Although additional canal building proposals were made throughout the 16th and 17th centuries , they came to naught . The late 18th and early 19th centuries saw a number of canals built . The success of the Erie Canal in the United States and the collapse of the Spanish Empire in Latin America led to a surge of American interest in building an interoceanic canal . Beginning in 1826 , US officials began negotiations with New Granada ( present - day Colombia and Panama ) , hoping to gain a concession for the building of a canal . Jealous of their newly obtained independence and fearing that they would be dominated by an American presence , New Granadan officials declined American offers . The new nation was politically unstable , and Panama rebelled several times during the 19th century . In 1836 , U.S. statesman Charles Biddle reached an agreement with the New Granadan government to replace the old road with an improved one or a railroad , running from Panama City on the Pacific coast to the Chagres River , where a steamship service would allow passengers and freight to continue to Colón . His agreement was repudiated by the Jackson administration , which wanted rights to build a canal . In 1841 , with Panama in rebellion again , British interests secured a right of way over the isthmus from the insurgent regime and occupied Nicaraguan ports that might have served as the Atlantic terminus of a canal . In 1846 , the new US envoy to Bogotá , Benjamin Bidlack , was surprised when , soon after his arrival , the New Granadans proposed that the United States be the guarantor of the neutrality of the isthmus . The resulting Mallarino -- Bidlack Treaty allowed the United States to intervene militarily to ensure that the interoceanic road ( and when it was built , the Panama Railroad as well ) would not be disrupted . New Granada hoped that other nations would sign similar treaties , but the one with the United States , which was ratified by the US Senate in June 1848 after considerable lobbying by New Granada , was the only one . The treaty led the U.S. government to contract for steamship service to Panama from ports on both coasts . When the California Gold Rush began in 1848 , traffic through Panama greatly increased , and New Granada agreed to allow the Panama Railroad to be constructed by American interests . This first `` transcontinental railroad '' opened in 1850 . There were riots in Panama City in 1856 ; several Americans were killed . US warships landed Marines , who occupied the railroad station and kept the railroad service from being interrupted by the unrest . The United States demanded compensation from New Granada , including a zone 20 miles ( 32 km ) wide , to be governed by US officials and in which the United States might build any `` railway or passageway '' it desired . The demand was dropped in the face of resistance by New Granadan officials , who accused the United States of seeking a colony . Through the remainder of the 19th century , the United States landed troops several times to preserve the railway connection . At the same time , it pursued a canal treaty with Colombia ( as New Granada was renamed ) . One treaty , signed in 1868 , was rejected by the Colombian Senate , which hoped for better terms from the incoming Grant administration . Under this treaty , the canal would have been in the middle of a 20 - mile zone , under American management but Colombian sovereignty , and the canal would revert to Colombia in 99 years . The Grant administration did little to pursue a treaty , and in 1878 , the concession to build the canal fell to a French firm . The French efforts eventually failed , but with Panama apparently unavailable , the United States considered possible canal sites in Mexico and Nicaragua . The Spanish -- American War of 1898 added new life to the canal debate . During the war , American warships in the Atlantic seeking to reach battle zones in the Pacific had been forced to round Cape Horn . Influential naval pundits , such as Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan , urged the construction of a Central American canal . In 1902 , with the French efforts moribund , US President Theodore Roosevelt backed the Panama route , and Congress passed legislation authorizing him to purchase the French assets on the condition that an agreement was reached with Colombia . In March 1902 , Colombia set its terms for such a treaty : Colombia was to be sovereign over the canal , which would be policed by Colombians paid for by the United States . The host nation would receive a larger percentage of the tolls than provided for in earlier draft treaties . The draft terms were quickly rejected by American officials . Roosevelt was in a hurry to secure the treaty ; the Colombians , to whom the French property would revert in 1904 , were not . Negotiations dragged on into 1903 , during which time there was unrest in Panama City and Colón ; the United States sent in Marines to guard the trains . Nevertheless , in early 1903 , the United States and Colombia signed a treaty which , despite Colombia 's previous objections , gave the United States a 6 miles ( 9.7 km ) wide zone in which it could deploy troops with Colombian consent . On August 12 , 1903 , the Colombian Senate voted down the treaty 24 -- 0 . Roosevelt was angered by the Colombians ' actions , especially when the Colombian Senate made a counteroffer that was more financially advantageous to Colombia . A Frenchman who had worked on his nation 's canal efforts , Philippe Bunau - Varilla , represented Panamanian insurgents ; he met with Roosevelt and with Secretary of State John Hay , who saw to it that his principals received covert support . When the revolution came in November 1903 , the United States intervened to protect the rebels , who succeeded in taking over the province , declaring it independent as the Republic of Panama . Bunau - Varilla was initially the Panamanian representative in the United States , though he was about to be displaced by actual Panamanians , and hastily negotiated a treaty , giving the United States a zone 20 miles ( 32 km ) wide and full authority to pass laws to govern that zone . The Panama Canal Zone ( Canal Zone , or Zone ) excluded Panama City and Colón , but included four offshore islands , and permitted the United States to add to the zone any additional lands needed to carry on canal operations . The Panamanians were minded to disavow the treaty , but Bunau - Varilla told the new government that if Panama did not agree , the United States would withdraw its protection and make the best terms it could with Colombia . The Panamanians agreed , even adding a provision to the new constitution , at US request , allowing the larger nation to intervene to preserve public order . Construction ( 1903 -- 1914 ) ( edit ) Charts of excavation progress and contribution to the canal excavation The treaty was approved by the provisional Panamanian government on December 2 , 1903 , and by the US Senate on February 23 , 1904 . Under the treaty , Panama received US $ 10 million , much of which the United States required to be invested in that country , plus annual payments of US $250,000 ; with those payments made , as well as for the purchase of the French company assets , the Canal Zone was formally turned over by Panama on May 4 , 1904 , when American officials reopened the Panama City offices of the canal company and raised the American flag . This marked the beginning point for U.S. excavation and construction which concluded in August 1914 with the opening of the canal to commercial traffic . Governance of the Canal Zone ( edit ) Map of the Panama Canal Zone . By order of President Theodore Roosevelt under the Panama Canal Acts of 1902 and 1904 the Secretary of War was made supervisor of canal construction and the second Isthmian Canal Commission made the governing body for the Canal Zone . Under the Panama Canal Act of May 24 , 1912 President Woodrow Wilson issued Executive Order 1885 , January 27 , 1914 , effective April 1 , 1914 abolishing the previous governance placing it under the direction of the Secretary of War with the entity designated as The Panama Canal . The Governor of the Panama Canal was charged with `` completion , maintenance , operation , government and sanitation of the Panama Canal and its adjuncts and the government of the Canal Zone '' in the Executive order . A number of departments were specified in the order with others to be established as needed by the Governor of the Panama Canal with approval of the President and under the supervision of the Secretary of War . Defense of the canal was the responsibility of the Secretary of War who retained control of troops with provisions for Presidential appointment of an Army officer in wartime who would have `` exclusive authority over the operation of the Panama Canal and the Government of the Canal Zone . '' The Executive Order noted in closing `` that the supervision of the operations of the Panama Canal under the permanent organization should be under the Secretary of War '' thus establishing the essentially military arrangement and atmosphere for the canal and Canal Zone . Effective July 1 , 1951 , under an act of Congress September 26 , 1950 ( 64 Stat. 1038 ) , governance of the Canal Zone was through the Canal Zone Government with the canal operated by the Panama Canal Company until 1979 when the Panama Canal Commission took over its governance . The entire structure was under the control of the United States government with the Secretary of the Army appointing the Panama Canal Company board of directors and the Canal Zone Government was entirely financed by the company . The office of Governor of the Panama Canal Zone was not usually a stepping stone to higher political office but a position given to a US Army active duty general officers of the United States Army Corps of Engineers . The Governor was also President of the Panama Canal Company . The Canal Zone had its own police force ( the Canal Zone Police ) , courts , and judges ( the United States District Court for the Canal Zone ) . Everyone worked for the company or the government in one form or another . Residents did not own their homes ; instead , they rented houses assigned primarily based on seniority in the zone . When an employee moved away , the house would be listed and employees could apply for it . The utility companies were also managed by the company . There were no independent stores ; goods were brought in and sold at stores run by the company , such as a commissary , housewares , and so forth . In 1952 the Panama Canal Company was required to go on a break - even basis in an announcement made in the form of the President 's budget submission to the United States Congress . Though company officials had been involved in previewing the requirement , there was no disclosure in advance , even though the Bureau of the Budget directed that the new régime become effective on March 1 . The company organization was realigned into three main divisions ; Canal Activity and Commercial Activity with the Service Activity providing services to both operating activities at rates sufficient to recover costs . Rate adjustments in housing and other employee services would be required and a form of valuation , compared to a property tax , would be used to determine each division 's contribution to the Canal Zone Government . Tensions and the end of the Canal Zone ( edit ) In 1903 , the United States , having failed to obtain from Colombia the right to build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama , which was part of that country , sent warships in support of Panamanian independence from Colombia . This being achieved , the new nation of Panama ceded to the Americans the rights they wanted in the Hay -- Bunau - Varilla Treaty . Over time , though , the existence of the Canal Zone , a political exclave of the United States that cut Panama geographically in half and had its own courts , police , and civil government , became a cause of conflict between the two countries . Demonstrations occurred at the opening of the Thatcher Ferry Bridge , now known as the Bridge of the Americas , in 1962 and serious rioting occurred in January 1964 . This led to the United States easing its controls in the Zone . For example , Panamanian flags were allowed to be flown alongside American ones . After extensive negotiations , the Canal Zone ceased to exist on October 1 , 1979 , in compliance with provisions of the Torrijos - Carter Treaties . US fleet off the coast of Panama , March 1 , 1923 Lifestyle of residents ( edit ) `` Gold '' roll and `` silver '' roll ( edit ) During its construction and into the 1940s , the labor force in the Canal Zone ( which was almost entirely publicly employed ) was divided into a `` gold '' roll ( short for payroll ) classification , and a `` silver '' roll classification . The origins of this system are unclear , but it was the practice on the 19th - century Panama Railroad to pay Americans in US gold and local workers in silver coin . Although some Canal Zone officials compared the gold roll to military officers and the silver roll to enlisted men , the characteristic that determined on which roll an employee was placed was race . With very few exceptions , American and Northern European whites were placed on the gold roll , and blacks and southern European whites on the silver roll . American blacks were generally not hired ; black employees were from the Caribbean , often from Barbados and Jamaica . American whites seeking work as laborers , which were almost entirely silver roll positions , were discouraged from applying . In the early days of the system , bosses could promote exceptional workers from silver to gold , but this practice soon ceased as race came to be the determining factor . As a result of the initial policy , there were several hundred skilled blacks and southern Europeans on the gold roll . In November 1906 , Chief Engineer John Stevens ordered that most blacks on the gold roll be placed on the silver roll instead ( a few remained in such roles as teachers and postmasters ) ; the following month , the Canal Commission reported that the 3,700 gold roll employees were `` almost all white Americans '' and the 13,000 silver roll workers were `` mostly aliens '' . On February 8 , 1908 , President Roosevelt ordered that no further non-Americans be placed on the gold roll . After Panamanians objected , the gold roll was reopened to them in December 1908 ; however , efforts to remove blacks and non-Americans from the gold roll continued . Until 1918 , when all employees began to be paid in US dollars , gold roll employees were paid in gold , in American currency , while their silver roll counterparts were paid in silver coin , initially Colombian pesos . Through the years of canal construction , silver roll workers were paid with coins from various nations ; in several years , coin was imported from the United States because of local shortages . Even after 1918 , both the designations and the disparity in privileges lingered . `` Diasporization '' in the Panama Canal Zone ( edit ) Until the end of World War II in 1945 , the Panama Canal Zone operated under a Jim Crow society , where the category of `` gold '' represented white , U.S. workers and the title `` silver '' represented the non-white , non-U.S. workers on the Zone . After the strike of 1920 , the Afro diasporic workers were banned from unionizing by the U.S. Canal officials . As a result , the Panama Canal West Indian Employees Association ( PCWIEA ) was created in 1924 to fill this vacuum of representation . The PCWIEA did not garner much support on the Canal Zone because of its restrictive membership policies and the haunting of the 1920 strike and its damaging consequences . However , in 1946 , the PCWIEA summoned the Congress of Industrial Organizations ( CIO ) for representation and the establishment of a local union . In July of that year , the West Indian and Panamanian workers received a charter for Local 713 of the United Public Workers of America ( UPWA ) - CIO . Together , with the assistance of U.S. representatives for the Local , these Afro - diasporic workers came together to secure material benefits in their livelihoods . They organized together in order to pose a serious threat to the Jim Crow system which resulted , however , only in minimal gains . The imperial system of the U.S. and its segregationist policies persisted as it related to housing and schooling . In the end , ties to communism destroyed the UPWA and as a result Local 713 collapsed . Nevertheless , it is important to see this as a moment of what Frank Gurridy describes as diasporization , `` diaspora in action , or the ways Afro - diasporic linkages were made in practice '' . In the case of the Panama Canal Zone , these linkages were made not only by the West Indian and Panamanian communities , but also between the Afro descended workers on the Zone and African Americans , on the mainland of the U.S. , through the transnational struggle to dismantle the system of Jim Crow . Community ( edit ) Housing and goods ( edit ) Canal Zone housing was constructed in the early days of construction , as part of Stevens ' plans . Housing constructed for couples and families consisted of structures containing four two - story apartments . The units had corrugated - iron roofs , and were uniformly painted gray with white trim . Constructed of pine clapboard , they had long windows and high ceilings , allowing for air movement . Better - paid employees were entitled to more square feet of housing , the unit in which allowances were expressed . Initially , employees received one square foot per dollar of monthly salary . Stevens from the first encouraged gold roll employees to send for their wives and children ; to encourage them to do so , wives were granted a housing allowance equal to their husband 's , even if they were not employees . Bachelors mostly resided in hotel - like structures . The structures all had screened verandas and up - to - date plumbing . The government furnished power , water , coal for cooking , ice for iceboxes , lawn care , groundskeeping , garbage disposal , and , for bachelors only , maid service . In the first days of the Canal Zone , the ICC provided no food , and workers had to fend for themselves , obtaining poor - quality food at inflated prices from Panamanian merchants . When Stevens arrived in 1905 , he ordered food to be provided at cost , leading to the establishment of the Canal Zone Commissary . The functions of the Commissary quickly grew , generally against the will of the Panamanian government , which saw more and more goods and services provided in the Zone rather than in Panama . Merchants could not compete with the commissary 's prices or quality ; for example , it boasted that the meat it sold had been refrigerated every moment from the Chicago slaughterhouse to the moment it was passed to the consumer . By 1913 , it consisted of 22 general stores , 7 cigar stores , 22 hostels , 2 hotels , and a mail - order division . It served high - quality meals at small expense to workers and more expensive meals to upper - echelon canal employees and others able to afford it . The commissary was a source of friction between the Canal Zone and Panama for several other reasons . The commissary dominated sales of supplies to passing ships . The commissary was off limits to individuals who were not in the U.S. Military , employees of the Panama Canal Company , the Canal Zone Government and / or their dependents . This restriction was requested by Panama for the benefit of Panamanian storekeepers , who feared the loss of trade . Panama had laws restricting imports from the Canal Zone . Goods from the commissary would sometimes show up in Panamanian stores and in vendor displays , where Comisariato goods were deemed of high quality . Additionally , there were separate commissaries on the U.S. military installations that were available only to the U.S. Military personnel and their dependents . Employees and dependents of the Panama Canal Company / Government were not allowed to utilize the commissaries , exchanges , packages stores , theaters , gas stations , and other facilities on the U.S. Military installations . Citizenship ( edit ) Canal Zone Courthouse site of the Canal Zone District Court which existed from 1914 until 1982 . Although the Panama Canal Zone was legally a leased territory of the United States until the implementation of the Torrijos - Carter Treaties in 1979 , questions arose almost from its inception as to whether it was considered part of the United States for constitutional purposes , or , in the phrase of the day , whether the Constitution followed the flag . In 1901 the US Supreme Court had ruled in Downes v. Bidwell that unincorporated territories are not the United States . On July 28 , 1904 , Controller of the Treasury Robert Tracewell stated , `` While the general spirit and purpose of the Constitution is applicable to the zone , that domain is not a part of the United States within the full meaning of the Constitution and laws of the country . '' Accordingly , the Supreme Court held in 1905 in Rasmussen v. United States that the full Constitution only applies for incorporated territories of the United States . The treaty with Panama made no mention of the nationality status of the native inhabitants of the Zone . Pursuant to the principles of international law , they became non-citizen U.S. nationals unless they elected to retain their previous nationality . Children of non-citizen U.S. nationals generally acquired the status of their parents . However , for most nationality purposes , the Canal Zone was considered to be foreign territory and the status persons acquired at birth was governed by the Naturalization Act of 1795 , which granted them statutory US citizenship at birth but only if their fathers were , at the time of the child 's birth , U.S. citizens who had previously resided in the United States . In 1934 the law was amended to allow for citizenship to be acquired at birth through either parent if the parent was a U.S. citizen who had previously resided in the United States . In 1937 the law was further amended to provide for US citizenship to persons born in the Canal Zone ( since 1904 ) to a U.S. citizen parent without that parent needing to have been previously resident in the United States . The law is now codified under title 8 , section 1403 . It not only grants statutory and declaratory born citizenship to those born in the Canal Zone after February 26 , 1904 , of at least one US citizen parent , but also does so retroactively for all children born of at least one US citizen in the Canal Zone before the law 's enactment . This rule was later rendered moot when the rules were changed to state that ( almost all ) children born to U.S. citizens anywhere in the world were considered U.S citizens . In 2008 , during a minor controversy over whether Canal Zone -- born John McCain , born in the Zone in 1936 , was legally eligible for the presidency , the US Senate passed a non-binding resolution that McCain was a `` natural born Citizen '' of the United States . Notable people ( edit ) Notable people born in the Panama Canal Zone include Earl Bell , Rod Carew Kenneth Bancroft Clark Thomas H. Jordan John McCain , the Republican 2008 presidential candidate and US Senator from Arizona . Edward A. Murphy , Jr . Richard Prince Sage Steele Culture ( edit ) Documentary filmmaker Theo Uittenbogaard made a film about the Panama Canal zone , entitled ' The Treaty ' , which was released and aired on the Dutch national TV - channel VPRO in the series ' Machiavelli ' in 1976 . Documentary filmmaker Frederick Wiseman made a film about the Panama Canal Zone , entitled Canal Zone , which was released and aired on PBS in 1977 . Religion ( edit ) No official statistics were ever collected . Stationing around the Canal were primarily Americans , who were mostly either Protestant , Catholic , or Jewish . Townships and Military installations ( edit ) See also : List of former United States military installations in Panama The Canal Zone was generally divided into two sections , the Pacific side and the Atlantic side , separated by Gatun Lake . A partial list of Canal Zone townships and military installations : Pacific side ( edit ) Townships ( edit ) Gorgas Hospital was built by the French as L'Hospital Notre Dame de Canal in 1882 , renamed Ancon Hospital when the U.S. assumed control in 1904 , rebuilt in 1915 and finally renamed in honor of William C. Gorgas in 1928 . It is now home to Panama 's Ministry of Health and the Instituto Oncologico Nacional . Ancón -- built on the lower slopes of Ancon Hill , adjacent to Panama City . Also home to Gorgas Hospital . Balboa -- the Zone 's administrative capital , as well as location of the harbor and main Pacific - side high school . Balboa Heights Cardenas -- as the Canal Zone was gradually handed over to Panamanian control , Cardenas was one of the last Zonian holdouts . Cocoli Corozal Curundú -- on a military base , but housed civilian military workers , also home to the Junior High School for the Pacific Side Curundu Heights Diablo Diablo Heights Gamboa -- headquarters of dredging division , located on Gatun Lake . Many new arrivals to the Canal Zone were assigned here . La Boca -- home of the Panama Canal College . Los Rios Paraíso Pedro Miguel Red Tank -- abandoned and allowed to be overgrown around 1950 . Rosseau -- built as a naval hospital during World War II , housed FAA personnel until Cardenas was built . Torn down after about 20 years . Military installations ( edit ) Howard Air Force Base in 1970 Fort Amador -- on the coast , partly built on land extended into the sea using excavation materials from the canal construction Fort Clayton -- on the east side of the canal , it was the headquarters of the 193rd Infantry and the Southern Command Network ( SCN ) , an American Forces Radio and Television Service ( AFRTS ) outlet . Corozal Army Post -- close to , but separate from , the civilian township . Fort Kobbe Rodman Naval Station ( which includes the Marine Barracks ) Albrook Air Force Base Howard Air Force Base Quarry Heights -- headquarters of the United States Southern Command . Atlantic side ( edit ) Townships ( edit ) Roosevelt Avenue in Cristobal CZ in 1933 Brazos Heights : privately owned housing ( by United Brands and other , mostly shipping companies ) where employees and owners of shipping agencies , lawyers , and the head of the YMCA lived . Coco Solo -- main hospital and site of the only Atlantic - side high school , Cristobal High School . Cristóbal -- main harbor and port . Gatún Margarita Mount Hope -- site of the only Atlantic - side cemetery and drydock . Rainbow City Military installations ( edit ) Abandoned theatre in Fort Davis ( 2011 ) Fort Gulick -- home to the School of the Americas . Galeta Island Fort Randolph -- located on Margarita Island in Manzanillo Bay . Fort De Lesseps -- located in Colón . Fort Davis France Field Fort Sherman -- home to Jungle Operations Training Center . Panama Canal treaty implementation ( edit ) On 1 October 1979 , the day the Panama Canal Treaty of 1977 took effect , most of the land within the former Canal Zone transferred to Panama . However , the treaty set aside many Canal Zone areas and facilities for transfer during the following 20 years . The treaty specifically categorized areas and facilities by name as `` Military Areas of Coordination '' , `` Defense Sites '' and `` Areas Subject to Separate Bilateral Agreement '' . These were to be transferred by the U.S. to Panama during certain time windows or simply by the end of the 243 - month treaty period . On 1 October 1979 , among the many such parcels so designated in the treaty , 35 emerged as enclaves ( surrounded entirely by land solely under Panamanian jurisdiction ) . In later years as other areas were turned over to Panama , nine more enclaves emerged . At least 13 other parcels each were enclosed partly by land under the absolute jurisdiction of Panama and partly by an `` Area of Civil Coordination '' ( housing ) , which under the treaty was subject to elements of both U.S. and Panamanian public law . In addition , the 1977 treaty designated numerous areas and individual facilities as `` Canal Operating Areas '' for joint U.S. - Panama ongoing operations by a commission . On the effective date of the treaty , many of these , including Madden Dam , became newly surrounded by the territory of Panama . Just after noon local time on 31 December 1999 , all former Canal Zone parcels of all types had come under the exclusive jurisdiction of Panama . The 44 enclaves of U.S. territory that existed under the treaty are shown in the table below . Enclave name Type ( military / civil ) * Function Date created Date transferred PAD ( former Panama Air Depot ) Area Bldg. 1019 ( Defense Mapping Agency ) military logistics 1 October 1979 1 October 1980 PAD Area Bldg. 1007 ( Inter-American Geodetic Survey Headquarters ) military logistics 1 October 1979 1 October 1980 PAD Area Bldg. 1022 ( warehouse ) military logistics 1 October 1979 1 October 1980 PAD Area Bldg. 490 ( U.S. Army Meddac Warehouse ) military logistics 1 October 1979 1 October 1981 PAD Area Bldg. 1010 ( U.S. Army Meddac Warehouse ) military logistics 1 October 1979 1 October 1981 PAD Area Bldg. 1008 ( AAFES Warehouse ) military logistics 1 October 1979 1 October 1982 PAD Area Bldg. 1009 ( AAFES Warehouse ) military logistics 1 October 1979 1 October 1982 Curundu Antenna Farm military communications 1 October 1979 1 October 1982 Curundu Heights military housing 1 October 1979 1 October 1982 France Field housing ( 15 units ) on McEwen St . military housing 1 October 1979 1 October 1984 Navy Salvage Storage Area ( Balboa ) military logistics 1 October 1979 1 October 1984 Coco Solo Hospital civil medical 1 October 1979 31 May 1993 Ft . Amador Service Club Bldg. 107 military base 1 October 1979 1 October 1996 Ft . Amador Bldg. 105 complex military base 1 October 1979 1 October 1996 FAA Long Range Radar , Semaphore Hill ( coordinates 485035 ) civil aviation 1 October 1979 13 December 1996 Ancon Hill : Bldg. 140 ( coordinates 595904 ) military logistics 1 October 1979 8 January 1998 Ancon Hill : Bldg. 159 - Quarry Heights Motor Pool military logistics 1 October 1979 8 January 1998 Ancon Hill FAA microwave link repeater station , Bldg. 148 ( coordinates 594906 ) civil aviation 1 October 1979 16 January 1998 Ancon Hill FAA VHF / UHF communications station ( coordinates 595902 ) civil aviation 1 October 1979 16 January 1998 Piña Range ( part ) military training 1 October 1979 30 June 1999 Balboa High School Shop Bldg . civil school 1 October 1979 31 August 1999 Balboa High School Activities Bldg . civil school 1 October 1979 31 August 1999 Cerro Gordo communications site military communications 1 October 1979 31 August 1999 Howard AFB / Ft . Kobbe Complex military base 1 October 1979 1 November 1999 Military Traffic Management Command , Bldg 1501 , Balboa / Pier 18 military logistics 1 October 1979 22 December 1999 Army Nuclear , Biological and Chemical Chambers ( in current Parque Natural Metropolitano ) military research 1 October 1979 31 December 1999 Federal Aviation Administration Bldg. 611 civil aviation 1 October 1979 31 December 1999 FAA radar station , Isla Perico civil aviation 1 October 1979 31 December 1999 Stratcom Transmitter Station Bldg. 430 ( in Corozal Antenna Field ) military communications 1 October 1979 31 December 1999 Stratcom Transmitter Station Bldg. 433 ( in Corozal Antenna Field ) military communications 1 October 1979 31 December 1999 Stratcom Transmitter Station Bldg. 435 ( in Corozal Antenna Field ) military communications 1 October 1979 31 December 1999 Army Transport Shipping Facility ( Balboa ) military logistics 1 October 1979 31 December 1999 Navy Communications Electric Repair Facility ( Balboa ) military communications 1 October 1979 31 December 1999 U.S. Air Force Communications Group storage / training facility , Bldg 875 military logistics 1 October 1979 31 December 1999 Inter-American Air Force Academy Jet Engine Test Cell , Bldg. 1901 military research 1 October 1979 31 December 1999 Bachelor Officers ' Housing ( larger parcel ) -- Curundu Heights military housing 2 October 1982 Nov - Dec 1992 Bachelor Officers ' Housing ( smaller parcel ) -- Curundu Heights military housing 2 October 1982 Nov - Dec 1992 Curundu Laundry facility military housing 2 October 1982 15 November 1999 Ft . Gulick Elementary School civil school 2 October 1984 1 September 1995 Ft . Gulick Ammunition Storage Facility military logistics 2 October 1984 1 September 1995 Cristobal Junior - Senior High School civil school 1 September 1995 Chiva Chiva Antenna Farm ( Foreign Broadcast Information Service ) military communications 6 January 1998 Curundu Middle School civil school 1 August 1997 15 September 1999 Piña Range ( remainder ) military training 30 June 1999 1 July 1999 * Enclaves are a subset of those areas that were categorized in the 1977 Panama Canal Treaty as `` Military Area of Coordination '' , `` Defense Site '' and `` Area Subject to Separate Bilateral Agreement '' . The map legends and color coding that are contained in the Panama Canal Treaty Annex provide visual corroborations of the treaty language . Postage stamps ( edit ) Main article : Postage stamps and postal history of the Canal Zone Two Canal Zone stamps showing precancels . The Panama Canal Zone issued its own postage stamps from 1904 until October 25 , 1978 . After a transition period , Panama administered the stamps . The two - letter state abbreviation for mail sent to the Zone was CZ . Amateur Radio ( edit ) Amateur radio licenses were issued by the United States Federal Communications Commission and carried the prefix KZ5 , the initial ' K ' indicating a station under American jurisdiction . The American Radio Relay League had a Canal Zone section , and the Canal Zone was considered an entity for purposes of the DX Century Club . Contacts with Canal Zone stations from before repatriation may still be counted for DXCC credit separate from Panama . See also ( edit ) Latin America portal Panama Railway Rail transport in Panama Transcontinental Railroad # Panama List of former United States military installations in Panama List of Governors of Panama Canal Zone References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Liptak , Adam . `` A Hint of New Life to a McCain Birth Issue '' , New York Times ( July 11 , 2008 ) . Jump up ^ `` Panamanian Control '' , Panama Canal , , retrieved 2008 - 06 - 02 ^ Jump up to : Maurer and Yu , pp. 15 -- 18 . Jump up ^ Major , p. 9 . Jump up ^ Major , pp. 10 -- 11 . Jump up ^ Major , p. 11 . Jump up ^ Maurer and Yu , pp. 33 -- 34 . Jump up ^ Maurer and Yu , pp. 35 -- 36 . Jump up ^ Major , p. 13 . Jump up ^ Major , pp. 15 -- 16 . Jump up ^ Major , pp. 18 -- 24 . Jump up ^ Major , pp. 24 -- 28 . Jump up ^ Maurer and Yu , p. 76 . Jump up ^ Maurer and Yu , pp. 78 -- 82 . Jump up ^ Maurer and Yu , pp. 82 -- 86 . Jump up ^ McCullough , pp. 397 -- 399 , 402 . ^ Jump up to : NARA : 185.6 RECORDS OF THE SECOND ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION 1904 - 16 . ^ Jump up to : Wilson , Executive Order 1885 . Jump up ^ NARA : RECORDS OF THE CANAL ZONE GOVERNMENT AND THE PANAMA CANAL COMPANY 1904 - 84 . Jump up ^ Panama Canal Treaty . Jump up ^ Maurer & Yu 2011 , p. 251 . Jump up ^ Maurer & Yu 2011 , p. 252 . ^ Jump up to : The Panama Canal Review , February 1 , 1952 , p. 1 . Jump up ^ The Panama Canal Review , February 1 , 1952 , pp. 1 , 13 . Jump up ^ The Panama Canal Review , February 1 , 1952 , p. 13 . Jump up ^ Greene , p. 62 . ^ Jump up to : Major , pp. 78 -- 81 . Jump up ^ Greene , p. 63 . ^ Jump up to : Maurer and Yu , p. 111 . Jump up ^ Maurer & Yu , pp. 111 -- 112 . Jump up ^ Kaysha Lisbeth Corinealdi , `` Redefining Home : West Indian Panamanians and Transnational Politics of Race , Citizenship , and Diaspora , 1928 -- 1970 '' ( PhD diss. , Yale University , 2011 ) , 43 . Jump up ^ Corinealdi , 2011 , pp. 44 -- 45 Jump up ^ `` Canal Zone Workers Rally to CIO : Plan Program , '' Chicago Defender , August 31 , 1946 . Jump up ^ Corinealdi , 2011 , pp. 47 -- 48 Jump up ^ Michael Conniff , Black Labor on a White Island : Panama , 1904 -- 1981 ( Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press , 1985 ) , 113 . Jump up ^ Frank Gurridy , Forging Diaspora : Afro - Cubans and African Americans ( Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press , 2010 ) , 5 . Jump up ^ McCullough , pp. 478 -- 79 . Jump up ^ Maurer and Wu , pp. 192 -- 94 . Jump up ^ Maurer and Wu , pp. 194 -- 96 . Jump up ^ Knapp and Knapp , pp. 183 -- 84 . ^ Jump up to : 7 FAM 1120 : Acquisition of US nationality in US territories and possessions Jump up ^ United States Supreme Court , Downes v. Bidwell . Jump up ^ `` Not Part of United States '' ( PDF ) , The New York Times , July 29 , 1904 , retrieved 2008 - 06 - 02 Jump up ^ United States Supreme Court , ( 1 ) . Jump up ^ 8 U.S.C. § 1403 Jump up ^ Cf. 8 U.S.C. § 1403 , paragraph ( a ) : `` whether before or after the effective date of this chapter '' . Jump up ^ FindLaw . . Retrieved 23 February 2016 . Missing or empty title = ( help ) Jump up ^ Impomeni , Mark . Clinton , Obama Sponsor McCain Citizenship Bill . . May 2008 . Retrieved 2016 - 01 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Earl Holmes Bell ( 1955 -- ) '' . The Encyclopedia of Arkansas History & Culture . Retrieved June 5 , 2013 . Jump up ^ United States . Central Intelligence Agency . ( 1987 ) . `` Land and waters of the Panama Canal Treaty ( map ) '' . Washington , D.C . Retrieved 2015 - 07 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` Carte IV . Aires de terre et d'eau mises à disposition du fonctionnement et de la défense du canal de Panama par le traité relatif au canal de Panama du 7 septembre 1977 '' . Dirección ejecutiva para los asuntos del tratado ( DEPAT ) . Ciudad de Panama . 1981 . Retrieved 2015 - 07 - 11 . Jump up ^ Panama Canal Treaty : Implementation of Article IV ( TIAS 10032 ) . United States Treaties and Other International Agreements. 33 . United States Department of State . 1987 . pp. 307 -- 432 . Jump up ^ Ormsbee , William H. `` PANAMA CANAL TREATY TRANSITION ( OCTOBER 1979 - DECEMBER 1999 ) '' . Retrieved 2015 - 07 - 11 . Jump up ^ Ormsbee , William H. `` PANAMA CANAL TREATY TRANSITION - MILITARY . SUMMARY OF MILITARY PROPERTY TRANSFERS AND MILITARY FORCES DRAWDOWN '' . Retrieved 2015 - 07 - 11 . Jump up ^ `` Canal Zone Map Section . Curundu 1 '' . Retrieved 2015 - 07 - 23 . Further reading and viewing ( edit ) `` More American than America '' . Time . January 24 , 1964 . ( Subscription required ( help ) ) . `` PANAMA : No More Tomorrows '' . Time . October 15 , 1979 . ( Subscription required ( help ) ) . Donoghue , Michael E. ( 2014 ) . Borderland on the Isthmus : Race , Culture , and the Struggle for the Canal Zone . Durham , NC : Duke University Press . Greene , Julie ( 2009 ) . The Canal Builders : Making America 's Empire at the Panama Canal . New York : The Penguin Press . Harding , Robert C. ( 2001 ) . Military Foundations of Panamanian Politics . Transaction Publishers . Harding , Robert C. ( 2006 ) . The History of Panama . Greenwood Publishing . Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Panama . `` Panama Canal Treaty '' . Retrieved January 17 , 2014 . Knapp , Herbert and Knapp , Mary ( 1984 ) . Red , White and Blue Paradise : The American Canal Zone in Panama . San Diego : Harcourt , Brace , and Jovanovich . ISBN 0 - 15 - 176135 - 3 . Major , John ( 1993 ) . Prize Possession : The United States and the Panama Canal , 1903 -- 1979 . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 52126 - 0 . Maurer , Noel ; Yu , Carlos ( 2011 ) . The Big Ditch : How America Took , Built , Ran , and Ultimately Gave Away the Panama Canal . Princeton , New Jersey : Princeton University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 691 - 14738 - 3 . LCCN 2010029058 . Retrieved January 17 , 2014 . McCullough , David ( 1977 ) . The Path Between the Seas : The Creation of the Panama Canal , 1870 -- 1914 . New York : Simon and Schuster . ISBN 978 - 0 - 671 - 24409 - 5 . Mellander , Gustavo A. ( 1971 ) The United States in Panamanian Politics : The Intriguing Formative Years . Danville , Ill. : Interstate Publishers , OCLC 138568 Mellander , Gustavo A. ; Nelly Maldonado Mellander ( 1999 ) . Charles Edward Magoon : The Panama Years . Río Piedras , Puerto Rico : Editorial Plaza Mayor . ISBN 1 - 56328 - 155 - 4 . OCLC 42970390 . NARA . `` 185.6 RECORDS OF THE SECOND ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION 1904 - 16 -- History '' . National Archives and Records Administration ( NARA ) . Retrieved January 18 , 2014 . NARA . `` 185.8 RECORDS OF THE CANAL ZONE GOVERNMENT AND THE PANAMA CANAL COMPANY 1904 - 84 -- History '' . National Archives and Records Administration ( NARA ) . Retrieved January 18 , 2014 . `` Canal Company to go on Break Even Basis '' . The Panama Canal Review . February 1 , 1952 . Retrieved January 17 , 2014 . Wiseman , Frederick ( 1977 ) . Canal Zone ( motion picture ) . Zipporah Films . Woodrow Wilson ( January 27 , 1914 ) . `` Executive Order 1885 - To Establish a Permanent Organization for the Operation and Government of the Panama Canal '' . President of the United States . Retrieved January 18 , 2014 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Panama Canal Zone . Official Handbook of the Panama Canal -- 1915 Governor Parfitt 's Address at Flag - lowering Ceremonies September 30 , 1979 Maps of the Canal Zone Live Panama Canal webcams Air Defense of the Panama Canal 1958 -- 1970 Panama & the Canal Digital Collection Panama Canal Centennial Online Exhibit Medicine in the Panama Canal Zone : The Samuel Taylor Darling Memorial Library Archives Panama Canal Management Panama Canal Authority Structures Locks Panamax Gatun Dam Gatun Lake Chagres River Culebra Cut Centennial Bridge Bridge of the Americas Panama Canal Railway Atlantic Bridge Locations Atlantic side Colón Cristóbal port Rainbow City Limon Bay Enrique Adolfo Jiménez Airport Gatún Passage Gatun Lake Culebra Cut Pacific side Balboa Albrook Airport Gamboa Panama City Expansion 2006 referendum Atlantic Bridge New Panamax / Post-Panamax History People Philippe - Jean Bunau - Varilla John G. Claybourn Ephraim S. Claybourn William Nelson Cromwell David du Bose Gaillard George Washington Goethals William Crawford Gorgas Ferdinand de Lesseps John Frank Stevens Construction 1903 Hay -- Bunau - Varilla Treaty 1921 Thomson -- Urrutia Treaty Isthmian Canal Commission ( 1904 -- 1906 ) Health measures Panama Canal Museum Box 25 US Canal Zone ( 1904 -- 1979 / 99 ) World War II 1977 Torrijos -- Carter Treaties Former US military installations Airfields Albrook AFB France Field Howard AFB Forts Amador Clayton Davis De Lesseps Grant Gulick Kobbe Randolph Sherman Ports Coco Solo Rodman Naval Station Radio Galeta Island Balboa Naval Station History of the United States Timeline Prehistory Pre-Columbian Colonial 1776 -- 89 1789 -- 1849 1849 -- 65 1865 -- 1918 1918 -- 45 1945 -- 64 1964 -- 80 1980 -- 91 1991 -- 2008 2008 -- present Topics American Century Cities Constitution Demographic Diplomatic Economic Education Immigration Medical Merchant Marine Military Musical Religious Slavery Southern Technological and industrial Territorial acquisitions Territorial evolution Voting rights Women Category Portal Theodore Roosevelt 26th President of the United States , 1901 -- 1909 25th Vice President of the United States , 1901 33rd Governor of New York , 1899 -- 1900 Assistant Secretary of the Navy , 1897 -- 1898 New York City Police Commissioner , 1895 -- 1897 New York State Assemblyman , 1882 1883 1884 Presidency First inauguration historic site Second inauguiration `` Square Deal '' Booker T. Washington dinner Conservation Newlands Reclamation Act Transfer Act of 1905 Antiquities Act Pelican Island Devils Tower National Monument Muir Woods National Monument Other National Monuments United States Forest Service , United States Reclamation Service National Wildlife Refuge System Roosevelt Arch Conference of Governors Northern Securities Company breakup court case Coal strike of 1902 Pure Food and Drug Act Food and Drug Administration Meat Inspection Act Expediting Act Elkins Act Hepburn Act Aldrich -- Vreeland Act Federal Employers Liability Act Kinkaid Act Big Stick ideology Hay -- Bunau - Varilla Treaty Panama Canal Zone Panama Canal Venezuelan crisis Roosevelt Corollary Occupation of Cuba Russo - Japanese War Treaty of Portsmouth 1906 Nobel Peace Prize Gentlemen 's Agreement of 1907 College football meetings Bureau of Investigation Department of Commerce and Labor Bureau of Corporations Keep Commission Inland Waterways Commission Bureau of the Census Great White Fleet Perdicaris incident Cabinet White House West Wing State of the Union Address , 1901 1906 1908 White House desk Federal judiciary appointments Other events Spanish -- American War Rough Riders Battle of Las Guasimas Battle of San Juan Hill `` Bull Moose '' Progressive Party New Nationalism Assassination attempt Boone and Crockett Club Smithsonian -- Roosevelt African Expedition `` River of Doubt '' Amazonian expedition Life and homes Birthplace , boyhood home replica Sagamore Hill Home and Museum Oyster Bay Elkhorn Ranch Maltese Cross Cabin Pine Knot cabin Gravesite Writings and speeches Theodore Roosevelt bibliography The Naval War of 1812 ( 1882 book ) `` The Strenuous Life '' ( 1899 speech ) `` Citizenship in a Republic '' ( 1910 speech ) `` I have just been shot '' ( 1912 speech ) The Forum magazine articles Theodore Roosevelt Cyclopedia Archival collections Elections New York state election , 1898 Republican National Convention , 1900 1904 1912 1916 United States presidential election , 1900 1904 1912 Legacy Mount Rushmore Theodore Roosevelt Center and Digital Library White House Roosevelt Room Theodore Roosevelt National Park Theodore Roosevelt Wilderness Theodore Roosevelt Island Roosevelt National Forest Roosevelt Study Center Theodore Roosevelt Association Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park Monument Assemblage Roosevelt River Theodore Roosevelt Award Roosevelt Road U.S. Postage stamps Theodore Roosevelt , Rough Rider sculpture Equestrian statue Popular culture Teddy bear `` Speak softly , and carry a big stick '' Books Films Roosevelt in Africa 1910 documentary The Roosevelts 2014 documentary Related Political positions `` Bully pulpit '' Ananias Club `` Nature fakers '' Progressive Era A Guest of Honor Porcellian Club `` Muckraker '' National Collegiate Athletic Association `` Roosevelt Republican '' Family Alice Hathaway Lee ( first wife ) Edith Kermit Carow ( second wife ) Alice Lee Roosevelt ( daughter ) Theodore Roosevelt III ( son ) Kermit Roosevelt ( son ) Ethel Carow Roosevelt ( daughter ) Archibald Roosevelt ( son ) Quentin Roosevelt ( son ) Theodore Roosevelt Sr. ( father ) Martha Stewart Bulloch ( mother ) Anna Roosevelt ( sister ) Elliott Bulloch Roosevelt ( brother ) Corinne Roosevelt ( sister ) Cornelius Roosevelt ( grandfather ) James Stephens Bulloch ( grandfather ) James A. Roosevelt ( uncle ) Robert Roosevelt ( uncle ) James Dunwoody Bulloch ( half - uncle ) Irvine Bulloch ( uncle ) Theodore Douglas Robinson ( nephew ) Corinne Robinson ( niece ) Anna Eleanor Roosevelt ( niece ) Hall Roosevelt ( nephew ) ← William McKinley William Howard Taft → Category VIAF : 150697849 LCCN : n79151431 ISNI : 0000 0001 2296 4300 GND : 4115837 - 4 SUDOC : 030459281 BNF : cb12186928k ( data ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : States and territories established in 1903 States and territories disestablished in 1979 Panama Canal Zone Regions of Central America 1903 establishments in the United States 1979 disestablishments in the United States Hidden categories : Pages with citations lacking titles Pages with citations having bare URLs Use mdy dates from May 2014 Coordinates on Wikidata Pages using infobox former subdivision with unknown parameters Articles containing Spanish - language text Pages containing links to subscription - only content Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Беларуская Български Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español Esperanto Français 한국어 Հայերեն Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ქართული Latviešu Lietuvių Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Piemontèis Polski Português Русский Simple English Suomi Svenska Українська اردو Vèneto Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 12 November 2017 , at 23 : 24 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when did us give up control of panama canal | [
"On February 26, 1904, the Isthmian Canal Convention was proclaimed. In it, the Republic of Panama granted to the United States in perpetuity the use, occupation, and control of a zone of land and land under water for the construction, maintenance, operation, sanitation, and protection of the canal. From 1903 to 1979 the territory was controlled by the United States, which had purchased the land from the private and public owners, built the canal and financed its construction. The Canal Zone was abolished on October 1, 1979, as a term of the Torrijos–Carter Treaties of 1977; the canal itself was under joint U.S.–Panamanian control from 1979 until it was fully turned over to Panama on December 31, 1999.[2]"
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9148226224503467704 | List of territorial entities where French is an official language | List of territorial entities where French is an official language - wikipedia List of territorial entities where French is an official language Jump to : navigation , search French is the only official language ( 13 countries ) French is co-official alongside one or more other languages ( 16 countries ) As of 2015 , there are 29 independent nations where French is an official language . The following is a list of sovereign states and territories where French is an official or de facto language . Contents ( hide ) 1 Countries with French as an official language 2 Dependent entities where French is an official language 3 See also 4 Notes and references Countries with French as an official language ( edit ) Nr Country Continent Population 1 . Democratic Republic of the Congo Africa 77,266,800 2 . France Europe 66,808,400 3 . Canada North America 35,851,800 4 . Madagascar Africa 24,235,400 5 . Cameroon Africa 23,345,200 6 . Ivory Coast Africa 22,701,600 7 . Niger Africa 19,899,100 8 . Burkina Faso Africa 18,105,600 9 . Mali Africa 17,599,700 10 . Senegal Africa 15,129,300 11 . Chad Africa 14,037,500 12 . Guinea Africa 12,608,600 13 . Rwanda Africa 11,607,700 14 . Belgium Europe 11,285,700 15 . Burundi Africa 11,178,900 16 . Benin Africa 10,879,800 17 . Haiti North America 10,711,100 18 . Switzerland Europe 8,287,000 19 . Togo Africa 7,304,600 20 . Central African Republic Africa 4,900,300 21 . Republic of the Congo Africa 4,620,300 22 . Gabon Africa 1,725,300 23 . Djibouti Africa 887,861 24 . Equatorial Guinea Africa 845,060 25 . Comoros Africa 788,474 26 . Luxembourg Europe 569,676 27 . Vanuatu Oceania 264,652 28 . Seychelles Africa 92,900 29 . Monaco Europe 37,731 Total All Countries World 434,578,054 Dependent entities where French is an official language ( edit ) Nr . Entity Continent Population Status 1 . French Polynesia Oceania 7005267000000000000 ♠ 267,000 Overseas Collectivity of France 2 . New Caledonia Oceania 7005224824000000000 ♠ 224,824 Overseas Collectivity of France 3 . Aosta Valley Europe 7005128000000000000 ♠ 128,000 Autonomous Region of Italy 4 . Jersey Europe 7004915330000000000 ♠ 91,533 British Crown dependency 5 . Saint - Martin North America 7004293760000000000 ♠ 29,376 Overseas Collectivity of France 6 . Wallis and Futuna Oceania 7004164480000000000 ♠ 16,448 Overseas Collectivity of France 7 . Saint - Barthélemy North America 7003749200000000000 ♠ 7,492 Overseas Collectivity of France 8 . Saint - Pierre and Miquelon North America 7003704400000000000 ♠ 7,044 Overseas Collectivity of France French is recognized as a cultural language in the USAmerican states of Louisiana and Maine , in which the state governments officially promote and support French - language education and its use in government services and commerce but it is not de jure official . See also ( edit ) Geographical distribution of French speakers Francophonie List of international organisations which have French as an official language Notes and references ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Google Public Data Explorer '' . World Bank . Retrieved 16 November 2016 . Jump up ^ Louisiana Official Site on Languages , accessed August 22 , 2016 Countries and languages lists ( hide ) Countries By languages Spoken Countries by spoken languages Official Countries by the number of recognized official languages Arabic Chinese Dutch / Afrikaans English French German Malay Portuguese Romanian Russian Spanish Tamil Endonyms Countries and capitals in native languages Exonyms Country names in various languages A -- C D -- I J -- P Q -- Z Languages of the European Union ( hide ) Languages By continent Africa Americas North South Asia East South Europe Oceania By country Official languages by state List of languages without official status Countries by the number of recognized official languages Languages by the number of countries in which they are recognized as an official language By population By number of native speakers By number of total speakers Languages in censuses By family Language families Language - based geopolitical organizations Arab League ( Arabic ) Dutch Language Union ( Dutch ) English Speaking Union Francophonie ( French ) Community of Portuguese Language Countries ( Portuguese ) Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa ( Portuguese ) Latin Union ( Romance ) Hispanidad ( Spanish ) Turkic Council ( Turkic ) International Organization of Turkic Culture ( Turkic ) See also Lists of languages Category : Languages French language and French - speaking world portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lists of administrative territorial entities by language Francophonie Talk Contents About Wikipedia Languages Bikol Central Español فارسی Français Galego ქართული Latviešu Magyar Македонски Nederlands 日本 語 Română Русский Српски / srpski தமிழ் Татарча / tatarça اردو 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 6 October 2017 , at 21 : 57 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | number of french speaking countries in the world | [
"As of 2015, there are 29 independent nations where French is an official language. The following is a list of sovereign states and territories where French is an official or de facto language."
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8786613345116841858 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege | Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six Siege - Wikipedia Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six Siege This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 16 April 2018 . Jump to : navigation , search Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six Siege Developer ( s ) Ubisoft Montreal Publisher ( s ) Ubisoft Director ( s ) Xavier Marquis Producer ( s ) Sébastien Labbé Designer ( s ) Daniel Drapeau Programmer ( s ) Jalal Eddine El Mansouri Artist ( s ) Po Yuen Kenny Lam Writer ( s ) Li Kuo Composer ( s ) Paul Haslinger Ben Frost Series Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six Engine AnvilNext 2.0 Platform ( s ) Microsoft Windows PlayStation 4 Xbox One Release December 1 , 2015 Genre ( s ) Tactical shooter Mode ( s ) Single - player , multiplayer Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six Siege is a tactical shooter video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft . It was released worldwide for Microsoft Windows , PlayStation 4 , and Xbox One on December 1 , 2015 . The game puts heavy emphasis on environmental destruction and cooperation between players . Players assume control of an attacker or a defender in different gameplay modes such as hostage rescuing and bomb defusing . The title has no campaign , but features a series of short missions that can be played solo . These missions have a loose narrative , focusing on recruits going through training to prepare them for future encounters with the White Masks , a terrorist group that threatens the safety of the world . It is an entry in the Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six series and the successor to Tom Clancy 's Rainbow 6 : Patriots , a tactical shooter that had a larger focus on narrative . However , Patriots was eventually cancelled due to its technical shortcomings , and the team decided to reboot the franchise . The team evaluated the core of the Rainbow Six franchise and believed that letting players impersonate the top counter-terrorist operatives around the world suited the game most . To create authentic siege situations , the team consulted actual counter-terrorism units , and looked at real - life examples of sieges . Powered by AnvilNext 2.0 , the game also utilizes Ubisoft 's RealBlast technology to create destructible environments . Announced at Electronic Entertainment Expo 2014 , it received four nominations from Game Critics Awards including Best of Show . The game received a generally positive reception from critics , with praise mostly directed to the game 's tense multiplayer and focus on tactics . However , the game was criticized for its progression system and its lack of content . Initial sales were weak , but the game 's player base increased significantly as Ubisoft adopted a `` games as a service '' model for the game and subsequently released several packages of free downloadable content . The company also partnered with ESL to make Siege an eSports game . In April 2018 , two and a half years after the game 's initial launch , the game surpassed 30 million registered players across all platforms . Contents ( hide ) 1 Gameplay 1.1 Modes 2 Setting 3 Development 3.1 Origin 3.2 Gameplay design 3.3 Sound design 4 Release 5 Reception 5.1 Sales 5.2 Accolades 6 Notes 7 References 8 External links Gameplay Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six Siege is a first - person shooter game , in which players control an operator from the Rainbow team . Different operators have different nationalities , weapons , and gadgets . The game features an asymmetrical structure whereby the teams are not always balanced in their ability choices . The Counter Terrorism Units ( CTUs ) available for play include the FBI Hostage Rescue Team , the British SAS , German GSG - 9 , Russian Spetsnaz and French GIGN , each of which has four operators per unit ( other units were later added through downloadable content , see below ) . Players also have access to a `` Recruit '' operator who can choose from a more flexible assortment of equipment at the expense of having no unique gadget . Players pick an operator from any unit before a round starts , and are not allowed to change operators during a round . An in - game shop allows players to purchase operators using the in - game currency , `` Renown '' , which is earned at the end of matches from actions performed in - game . The different gameplay modes award renown at different rates , with ranked matches offering the largest renown multiplier potential per match . Renown can also be affected with the addition of `` boosters '' which give the player a 100 % increase in all renown earned for 24 hours ( real time not play time ) . Renown can be used to purchase weapon customization options , which allow players to put attachments such as silencers and scopes on their weapons . A premium credit , known as `` R6 credits '' can also be purchased using real world currency to get operators quicker in - game , or other cosmetic . In ranked play , when a round begins , the attackers choose one of several spawn points from which to launch their attack . The attackers are then given control over wheeled drones to scout the map in search of enemy operators and targets , while the defenders can use security cameras to spot the attackers . Maps in the game are designed to encourage close quarters combat , and players can not respawn until the end of a round . Defenders can also put up destructible barricades and reinforce walls to make them indestructible unless you have an appropriate operator . Players who were killed by opponents can enter `` Support Mode '' , which allows them to gain access to drone 's cameras and security cameras so that they can continue to contribute to their team by informing them of opponent locations and activities . Matches generally last only a few minutes . Teamwork and cooperation is encouraged in Siege , and players need to take advantage of their different abilities in order to complete the objective and defeat the enemy team . Communication between players is also encouraged . The game also has a spectator mode , which allows players to observe a match from different angles . An alpha gameplay screenshot of the game , showcasing the Hostage Mode . Players can destroy structures like walls to spot targets . The game features heavy emphasis on environmental destruction using a procedural destruction system . Players can break structures by planting explosives on them , or shoot walls to make bullet holes . Players may gain tactical advantages through environmental destruction , and the system aims at encouraging players to utilize creativity and strategy . A bullet - penetration system is featured , in which bullets that pass through structures deal less damage to enemies . In addition to destruction , players can also set up heavy - duty fortifications on walls and deployable shields around them for protection ; these can be destroyed through breaching or by utilizing operator specific melee - weapons like sledgehammers . In order to stop attackers ' advance , defenders can place traps like barbed - wire and explosive laserwire traps around the maps . Vertical space is a key gameplay element in the game 's maps : players can destroy ceilings and floors using breach charges and can ambush enemies by rappelling through windows . Powerful weapons like grenades and breach charges are valuable , as only limited numbers can be used in a round . Modes At launch , the game featured 11 maps and 5 different gameplay modes . With the downloadable content ( DLC ) -- an additional four maps from season one and the first map from season two -- there are currently 16 maps with two more slated for release by January 2018 . The gameplay modes featured include : Hostage : a competitive multiplayer mode , in which the attackers must extract the hostage from the defenders , while the defenders must prevent the hostage from being rescued . A secondary manner of winning can occur if the attacking or defending team accidentally damages the hostage , causing the hostage to `` down '' ; if the opposing team can prevent revival of the hostage , and the hostage bleeds - out and dies , they will win the round . Bomb : a competitive multiplayer mode , in which the attackers are tasked with locating and defusing one of two bombs . The defenders must stop the attackers by killing all of them or destroying the defuser . If all attackers are killed after the defuser is planted , the defuser must still be destroyed for a defending victory . Secure Area : a competitive multiplayer mode , in which the defenders must protect a room with biohazard containers , while the attackers must fight their way in . The match ends when all players from one team are killed or the biohazard container is secured by the attackers when there are no defenders in the room . Terrorist Hunt : a solo or cooperative multiplayer mode for up to five players . Players take on the role of either attackers or defenders , and must fight against waves of enemies controlled by artificial intelligence . Situations : the game 's most significant single - player component , with 11 scenarios that serve as introductions and tutorials to the game 's mechanics . Tactical Realism : a variation of the standard competitive multiplayer modes , added with the release of the Operation Skull Rain DLC . The game mode features a heavier emphasis on realism and teamwork , removing most of the heads - up display ( HUD ) elements , the ability to mark opponents , and the ability to see teammates ' contours through walls , while also featuring the addition of a realistic ammo management system . This mode is not featured any more but some aspects are in the other multiplayer modes . Setting Angela Bassett performed voice works and motion capture for Six , the director of Team Rainbow . Three years after Rainbow Program 's deactivation , there is a resurgence of terrorist activities , with the White Mask being the most prominent . The terrorists ' goals are unknown , yet they are causing chaos across the world . To counter this rising threat , the program is reactivated by a new leader who is simply known as Six ( voiced by Angela Bassett ) . Six assembles a group of special forces operatives from different countries to face and combat the White Masks . Recruits go through multiple exercises to prepare them for future encounters with the White Masks , training to perform hostage rescue and bomb disposal . Eventually , the White Masks launch a chemical attack on a university ( called Bartlett University ) , and the recruits are sent to disarm the bombs and eliminate the enemy presence . The operation is a massive success , though there are casualties . The story ends with Six affirming that the reactivation of Team Rainbow is the best and only choice in a time filled with risks and uncertainties . Team Rainbow is ready for their next mission -- to hunt down the leader of their enemy -- and they stand prepared to protect and defend their nation from terrorists . Development Origin See also : Tom Clancy 's Rainbow 6 : Patriots This entire project was born and has grown out of an in - depth study that looked to distill what the Rainbow series is at its core in terms of both fantasy and gameplay . At the end of the day , the Rainbow Six fantasy about being part of the greatest counter-terrorist organization and impersonating the best of the best operators , working as a team , ( and ) carrying out dangerous operations ( hostage rescue ) anywhere on the globe -- Andrew J. Witts , game designer of Rainbow Six : Siege The game 's predecessor was Tom Clancy 's Rainbow 6 : Patriots , a tactical shooter announced in 2011 . It had a focus on narrative , and the story campaign features many cut - scenes and scripted events . However , the game fell into a development hell shortly after its announcement . The game 's outdated engine and frequent change of leadership hindered development progress , and game quality was not up to par . In addition , it was planned to be released on seventh - generation video - game consoles which were not capable of processing certain game mechanics . Seeing the arrival of a new generation of consoles , the team wanted to make use of this opportunity to create a more technologically advanced game . As a result , Ubisoft decided to cancel Patriots , and assembled a new team of 25 people to come up with ideas to reboot the series . To make the new game feel refreshing , only certain multiplayer elements were retained as the small team took the game in a different direction . They evaluated the core of the Rainbow Six series , which they thought was about being a member of a counter-terrorist team traveling around the globe to deal with dangerous terrorist attacks -- operations which are usually intense confrontations between attackers and defenders . However , the team wanted to fit these ideas into a multiplayer format which would increase the game 's sustainability . These became the basic concept ideas for the game . As the development team hoped that the game can be replayed frequently , the team decided to devote all the resources into developing the game 's multiplayer and abandoned the single - player campaign . Development of the game officially began in January 2013 . Ubisoft Montreal , the developer of Patriots , handled the game 's development , with Ubisoft 's offices in Barcelona , Toronto , Kiev , Shanghai and Chengdu providing assistance . The game was originally called Rainbow Six Unbreakable , a title that reflected not only the game 's destruction mechanic but also the mindset of the development team , who had to deliver a game that was once stuck in development hell . According to Alexandre Remy , the brand director , the team was confident in their new vision for the game but very nervous when they revealed it , realizing the change of direction would likely disappoint some fans . Gameplay design The 150 - person team consisted mainly of first - person shooter veterans or longtime Rainbow Six players . Despite having prior knowledge on how these types of games work , the team decided to study historic examples of counter-terrorist operations , including 1980 's London Iranian Embassy siege , 1977 's Lufthansa Flight 181 hijacking , and 2002 's Moscow theater hostage crisis to ensure that the portrayal of these operations was accurate and appropriate . The team also consulted counter-terrorism units , such as the National Gendarmerie Intervention Group ( GIGN ) , for their opinions on how they would react during a hostage rescue situation . According to Xavier Marquis , the game 's creative director , having a hostage rescue mission in the game helped create an immersive story . By allowing players to assume control of an operator tasked with saving innocents , it gives them an objective and a priority . They must be careful in dealing with the situation and try their best not to hurt the hostage . This further promotes teamwork between players and prompts them to plan before attacking , and further makes the game more realistic , tense and immersive . To make the game feel more realistic , the team introduced a mechanic called `` living hostage '' to govern the hostage character 's behavior -- e.g. , coughing if there is dust in the air or shielding him or herself if there is nearby gunfire . The environmental destruction mechanic was one of the game 's most important elements . When the game 's development was begun , The developer 's in - house team completed their work on RealBlast Destruction , an engine that `` procedurally breaks everything down '' and remodels the environment . The development team thought that this technology fitted the game 's style and gameplay , and decided to use it . This aspect of the game became increasingly important during development , and the team spent an extended period of time making sure that these destructions were authentic . As a result , the team implemented a materials - based tearing system , in which environmental objects of different materials show different reactions to players ' attacks . To render the game 's texture , the team used physically based rendering , even though it was ineffective during the game 's early stage of production due to issues with the game 's engine . A material bank and substance painter were utilized to create textures for environmental objects when they were damaged or destroyed . The team also implemented subtle visual cues to help players identify whether a structure was destructible or not , as opposed to `` distracting '' players with more - obvious hints . The destruction mechanic prompted Ubisoft to change their level - design approach , as they had to ensure that the level was still logical and realistic when parts of the environment were destroyed . According to Ubisoft , `` teamwork , tactics , and tension '' were the game 's three most important pillars . The team initially worked on a respawn feature , allowing players to rejoin after they are killed in the game . However , following several internal tournaments , the team realized that some of their employees would always win a match . They concluded that the respawn system worked to the benefit of strong players and placed individual skill above teamwork , which did not fit the developer 's focus on game tactics . Removing the respawn feature meant greater consequences for taking risks , and players had to rely on their teammates in order to survive and achieve objectives . According to Chris Lee , the game 's designer , the team initially worried that the system would only appeal to hardcore players . However , after several testings , they found that the removal of the respawn system provided new challenges to strong players and forced them to cooperate with their teammates -- while it rewarded weaker players who were willing to take their time , plan their actions , and be strategic . The gameplay system was designed to allow players to have a lot of freedom . As a result , the team implemented the `` Golden 3C Rules '' , which represents Character , Control , and Camera . Players are always controlling their own actions and movements , and the team intentionally avoided any animation that would disrupt the players . As a result , actions such as setting explosives , or placing a breach charge , can be cancelled immediately so that players can react and shoot . The game 's camera only moves when the player moves , as the team feared that the changes of camera angle may lead to players ' in - game deaths . A free - lean system was introduced to the game so that players can have more control on their line of sight . According to Ubisoft , this input - driven control mechanism makes the game feel more `` natural '' and `` fluid '' . This is because it allows players to concentrate on planning and coordinating , rather than thinking if the camera or environment will interfere their actions . Several gameplay elements were scrapped or removed from the final game . One of the features of its predecessors , artificial intelligence - controlled squadmates , were removed from single - player missions . This decision was made because the team wanted players to play with a squad controlled by actual players rather than computers . The team once considered adding a map editor so that players could design their own maps , but this plan never came to fruition . Hit markers , which would indicate an injury inflicted on an opponent , were removed because the team feared that players would abuse the system by `` peppering the walls with gunfire '' and use hit markers to locate enemies . Players can not jump in the game , as real - life counter-terrorist unit operators do not jump while carrying out their missions . Sound design According to Louis Philippe , the game 's audio director , the team originally used intense music and sounds to create tension . However , the team decided to scrap this idea , realizing that the best way to create a tense atmosphere is to create the sounds of other players , which are often unexpected . The team created Navigation Sounds , in which the sound a player made is determined by their operators ' weight , armor , and speed . Gadget deployment such as fortifying and breach - charging create louder sounds that may reveal the player 's presence . The team thought that this would be enjoyable for players and influence their gameplay experience . The game 's music was composed by Paul Haslinger , who had worked on the score of the previous Rainbow Six games and the Far Cry series . His co-composer was Ben Frost , who debuted his first video game soundtrack with Siege . Leon Purviance assisted Frost and Haslinger in composing the music . Release Ubisoft announced the game at their press conference during Electronic Entertainment Expo 2014 . In August 2015 , Ubisoft announced that they had delayed the game 's release from October 10 to December 1 , 2015 , in order to give additional time for the team to balance the game for cooperative multiplayer play . A closed alpha - testing was held by Ubisoft on April 7 -- 13 , 2015 , in which players could play an early version of the game in order to help the development team test their servers and core gameplay loops , and to provide feedback . Ubisoft held a closed beta , starting on September 24 , 2015 , for further testing . The company originally wanted to hold another round of testing with the release of the game 's open beta on November 25 , 2015 , but they delayed its release to November 26 due to matchmaking issues . Players who purchased Siege for the Xbox One could download Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six : Vegas and its sequel , Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six : Vegas 2 for free . The game had multiple versions for players to purchase . A season pass was announced on November 12 , 2015 . Players who bought this version of the game could gain early access to operators offered in the DLCs and receive several weapon skins . The game was also released alongside its Collector 's Edition , which included the game 's season pass , a hat , a compass and bottle opener , a backpack , and a 120 - page guide . A Starter Edition was released on PC in June 2016 , featuring all the maps , modes and weapons of the standard edition , and included two operators plus enough Rainbow 6 Credits to purchase two more of the player 's choice ( players could purchase the rest of the operators with Renown or Rainbow 6 Credits ) . The Starter Edition was cheaper than the main game , and was initially available for a limited time . In February 2017 , the Starter Edition became permanently available via Uplay . According to Ubisoft , the game adopted a `` game as a service '' approach , as they would provide long - term support for the game and offer post-release content to keep players engaged . The management team initially doubted the idea , but eventually decided to approve it . The title was supported with many updates upon launch , with the company introducing fixes to bugs , and improvements on both matchmaking and general gameplay mechanics . They also introduced an auto - kick system , which automatically removes players from a match when they kill a friendly player , and launched the BattleEye system in August 2016 to punish cheaters . All downloadable content maps was released to all players for free . The team avoided adding more modes to the game because most would not fit well with the game 's close - quarter combat . Downloadable content for the game were divided into several seasons , with a Mid-Season Reinforcement patch which added new weapons and modified some of the operators ' core abilities . This post-release content was developed by the Montreal studio in conjunction with Blue Byte in Germany . Ubisoft announced that they would keep supporting the game and adding new playable characters for 10 more years . As a result , no sequel was planned . In January 2018 , Ubisoft announced the introduction of Outbreak Packs , which are lootboxes that can be unlocked with R6 credits ( which can be purchased with microtransactions ) to gain character items . The company also announed that the base version of the game will be replaced by a bundle named The Advanced Edition , which includes the base game and a small amount of outbreak packs and R6 credits . The changes resulted in players ' backlash , as existing players have to pay for new content while new players do not . Ubisoft compensated players by giving players a free premium skin for free , and announced plans to change the Standard Edition so that players can unlock new operators at a faster pace . Downloadable content and expansion packs Year Name Release date Notes Year 1 Operation Black Ice February 2 , 2016 The DLC introduces a new map , a frozen yacht in Canada . It also introduces two Canadian operators , Frost and Buck . Frost can use a trap to incapacitate enemies , while Buck has an under - barrel shotgun . Operation Dust Line May 11 , 2016 The DLC introduces a new map set in the Middle East , which was described as `` a mix of old and new construction with open air pathways '' . It also introduces two new operators , Blackbeard and Valkyrie . Blackbeard has face shields that can be mounted onto his rifle , while Valkyrie has three Black Eye Cameras . Operation Skull Rain August 2 , 2016 The DLC introduces a new map set in Brazil , and two Brazilian operators called Capitão and Caveira . Capitão has a tactical crossbow which can be loaded with asphyxiating bolts , that will burn oxygen within a certain radius , or smoke grenade bolts that create a thick cloud of smoke . Caveira has an ability called Silent Step , which allows her to interrogate an immobilized enemy for the location of other enemies . Operation Red Crow November 17 , 2016 The DLC introduces a new map set in a skyscraper in Japan , and two Japanese operators called Hibana and Echo . Hibana possesses a weapon that launches up to three sets of six explosives that can break reinforced walls , while Echo uses a drone capable of releasing sonic blasts to disorient enemies . Year 2 Operation Velvet Shell February 8 , 2017 The DLC introduces a new map set in Spain , and two Spanish operators called Mira and Jackal . Jackal is a tracker who can reveal the location of enemies by tracking their footprints , while Mira can create one - way windows on walls which can be ejected , leaving a space for operators to fire through . Operation Health June 6 , 2017 Operation Health is an update that fine - tuned many of the game 's aspects , including fixes to hit boxes , spawn killing and audio issues . This resulted in the delay of season 2 's content and the cancellation of a map . Operation Blood Orchid September 5 , 2017 The DLC introduces a new map set in Hong Kong , two Hong Kong operators named Ying and Lesion , and one Polish operator named Ela . Ying utilizes candela cluster charges that can be thrown or attached to a surface to stun enemies . Lesion uses poison mines that slow and cause damage to an enemy over time when triggered . Ela possesses proximity concussion mines that can be attached to multiple surfaces to disorient enemies . Operation White Noise December 5 , 2017 The DLC introduces a new map set in South Korea , two South Korean operators named Dokkaebi and Vigil , and one Polish operator named Zofia . Dokkaebi is able to hack cameras and enemy phones to make them ring , giving away their positions through sound . Vigil is invisible to enemy drones and cameras . Zofia carries a double barreled grenade launcher capable of launching explosive or concussion grenades . Year 3 Operation Chimera March 6 , 2018 This DLC introduces one GIGN operator named Lion , and one Spetsnaz operator named Finka . Both are part of a CBRN specialist detachment of Team Rainbow . Lion uses a UAV to temporarily expose moving enemies via sonar ; Finka uses nanomachines to temporarily increase the health and accuracy of herself and her teammates . This DLC also introduces `` Outbreak '' , a PvE gamemode where some operators are tasked with containing a biohazard that has turned the citizens of Truth or Consequences , New Mexico into zombie - like monsters . Ubisoft also envisioned the game as an eSports game . The company had their first meeting with David Hiltscher , vice president of ESL , in late 2013 . ESL offered feedback on the game 's balancing and helped the developer to ensure that the game was suitable for competitive play . The team focused on introducing new operators to provide variety for eSports viewers after the game 's release , a decision inspired by modern multiplayer online battle arena games such as Dota 2 , as this type of game often has 80 -- 100 playable characters . ESL and Ubisoft officially announced Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six Pro League , a global tournament for Windows and Xbox One players . The competition was held at Intel Extreme Masters eSports tournament on March 4 , 2016 . A European team , PENTA Sports , became the champion of the first season of Rainbow Six Pro League after defeating another team , GiFu , at the final of the tournament held in May 2016 . In 2017 , It was revealed that Pro League Year Two would return , but Xbox One tournaments would not be featured . Ubisoft also held the Six Invitational tournaments in 2017 and 2018 , in which top teams competed for the top prize . The 2018 tournament attracted 321,000 viewers on Twitch . Both Nathan Lawrence from Red Bull and Richie Shoemaker from Eurogamer compared the game favourably with Counter-Strike : Global Offensive , with both being hopeful that Siege can dethrone Global Offensive 's status as the most successful competitive eSports first - person shooter in the future . Reception Reception Aggregate score Aggregator Score Metacritic ( PC ) 79 / 100 ( XONE ) 74 / 100 ( PS4 ) 73 / 100 Review scores Publication Score Destructoid 8 / 10 Game Informer 7 / 10 Game Revolution GameSpot 8 / 10 GamesRadar+ IGN 8.5 / 10 7.9 / 10 PC Gamer ( US ) 90 / 100 Polygon 6 / 10 8 / 10 The pre-release reception of the game was positive , with critics praising the game 's design and tensions created during matches . In 2014 , the game received four nominations from Game Critics Awards : Best of Show , Best PC Game , Best Action Game and Best Online Multiplayer Game . The game eventually became the winner of the Best PC Game category . Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six Siege received `` generally favorable '' reviews from critics , according to review aggregator Metacritic . Critics generally praised the game 's destructive environment , tactical nature , map design , and its focus on teamwork . However , the lack of content and the game 's microtransactions were subjected to criticism . The game 's multiplayer was widely praised by critics . Chris Carter from Destructoid praised the game 's open - ended nature , which made each match unpredictable and helped the experience to stay fresh even after an extended period of playing . GameSpot 's Scott Butterworth appreciated the title for allowing players to make use of their creativity in approaching a mission . James Davenport from PC Gamer echoed this thought , and he described Siege as a `` psychological race '' in which players are constantly trying to outwit their opponents . Ryan McCaffery from IGN also praised the tactical possibilities , which make the game `` tense and riveting '' . The large number of operators available for players to choose were praised by both Carter and Matt Bertz from Game Informer , who commented that they added depths and variety to the game and that players could experiment to see which pairs of operators can complement each other . However , McCaffery was disappointed by the lack of variety of game modes , and commented that most players usually neglect the mode 's objectives and opted to simply eliminate their opponents . Terrorist Hunt received divisive opinions from critics . Carter thought that it was more relaxing , and Butterworth thought it was exhilarating . However , Bertz criticized its lack of variety , weak artificial intelligence , and its less - intense nature when compared with the player - versus - player modes . Martin Robinson from Eurogamer also noted that the mode only ran at 30 frames per second , which limited its appeal . The game 's focus on tactics was praised . Bertz applauded the tactical nature of the game , as it fostered communications between players . However , he noted that teamwork may not be possible if players did not have a headphone and microphone . Arthur Gies from Polygon echoed these comments , stating that the game 's over-reliance on teamwork meant that when teammates were not communicating , the game would not be fun to play . The `` No Respawn '' system was praised by Butterworth for making each match feel intense , as even the best player needs to think tactically in order to win . Jonathon Leack from Game Revolution enjoyed the scouting phase of a multiplayer match , which encouraged players to communicate with each other and coordinate their attacks . However , Gies noted that the placement of game objectives does not vary much , thus making the scouting phase meaningless . Both Bertz and Butterworth agreed that the game 's competitive nature increases the game 's replay value . Ben Griffin from GamesRadar praised the destruction mechanic for bringing tactical depth to the game . The gameplay received mixed reviews . Both Bertz and Griffin criticized the game 's incompetent hit detection system , which made the experience unfair . Bertz described the game 's gunplay as `` servicable '' , while Leack noticed a delay in shooting , which drags the game 's pace and leads to a steep learning curve . However , Leack appreciated the game 's map design , which opened many possibilities . He also praised its attention to detail and sound design , which can often make a multiplayer match feel like a `` great action film '' . Bertz was disappointed by the lack of customization options , which did not offer long - term progression for the players . Butterworth similarly criticized the progression system for being slow . As players can not play as the same operator in the same match , he was often forced to play as the generic `` recruit '' character when he was only at the beginning stage of the game . He also criticized the limited weapon customization options , which barely affect gameplay . McCaffery described customization as the `` least interesting '' aspect of the game , and claimed that most gameplay features were locked when players started playing . Griffin , Gies , and Steven Burns from were annoyed by the microtransactions featured in the game , with Griffin describing it as a greedy attempt by Ubisoft to make more money , though Davenport did not mind these features as they were limited to cosmetic items and could be unlocked through earning Renown . Bertz was annoyed the lack of clan infrastructure , which may cause players troubles when they were finding matches , while Griffin thought that map rotation often felt random and was disappointed that players can not vote to decide which map they are going to play next . Single - player was generally considered a disappointment by critics , with Situations receiving mixed reviews . Carter described it as one of his `` favorite non-campaign additions '' as the mode gave players incentive to return due to its rating system . Butterworth described it as a `` surprisingly robust '' mode , and thought that there were great tutorial missions that help players to understand gameplay before trying multiplayer . However , Bertz criticized it for its lack of replay value , and Griffin noted their short length . McCaffery thought that it served as a competent tutorial , but its solo play nature meant that players could not practice teamplay and tactics . Davenport criticized the narrative in Situations , which he thought was not meaningful . Many critics were disappointed with the lack of a single - player campaign or a cooperative campaign , but Butterworth believed that the strong multiplayer components can compensate for this absence . Gies noticed certain network issues would affect the single - player . Many critics generally had a positive opinion on the package . Bertz thought that the game 's multiplayer design had laid a great foundation for the game , but it was not taken advantage of due to the small number of game modes . Leack felt that Siege 's tight focus on tactical gameplay had `` provided something unlike any other game on the market '' . Butterworth found the game very unique and that there was `` nothing else like it '' when he put aside the game 's minor annoyances . Griffin wrote that the title felt very fresh , as most games in the market did not value tactics . Davenport similarly praised the game for being very concentrated and making no compromises on gameplay design , which in turn make the title one of the best tactical multiplayer shooters on the market . Gies recognized the game 's potential but thought that they were overshadowed by the game 's numerous technical annoyances , frustrating progression system and its lack of content . Robinson was impressed by the game 's multiplayer mode , and that the overall package could be considered as the year 's best multiplayer game . However , he questioned Ubisoft for releasing the game with so little content while still selling it at full - price . Sales In May 2015 , CEO of Ubisoft Yves Guillemot announced that the company expected the game to outsell Far Cry 4 's seven million sales over the course of its lifetime because of post-launch support . At the game 's launch , it debuted at number six in UK Software Charts , selling 76,000 retail copies across all three platforms . Critics thought that the launch performance was underwhelming and lackluster . However , through continued post-release support and updates , the player base had doubled since the game 's launch . Following the summer 2016 launch of the third DLC , Skull Rain , the size of the player base had a 40 % increase , and the title had more than 10 million registered players . Two years after launch , the game remained as one of the top 40 best - selling retail games in the UK . The strong performance of Siege , alongside with Tom Clancy 's The Division ( 2016 ) and Tom Clancy 's Ghost Recon Wildlands ( 2017 ) boosted the total number of players of the Tom Clancy 's franchise to 44 million in 2017 . The post-launch success for Siege further solidified Ubisoft 's belief in the model of `` game as a service '' . Future Ubisoft multiplayer - focused titles -- such as For Honor -- adopted this structure , in which the company would provide free DLC and updates several years after the game 's official release . In August 2017 , Ubisoft announced that the game had passed 20 million players and that the game was played by 2.3 million players every day . Two years after the game 's launch , Ubisoft announced that the game has passed 25 million registered players . GameSpot described Siege as `` one of modern AAA gamings biggest comebacks '' , and the best proof to show that the `` games - as - a-service '' model works well , attributing its success to Ubisoft 's continuous updates and the thriving community . Accolades Year Award Result Ref 2014 Game Critics Awards Best of Show Nominated Best PC Game Won Best Action Game Nominated Best Online Multiplayer Game Nominated 2015 Game Critics Awards Best PC Game Nominated Best Action Game Nominated Best Online Multiplayer Game Nominated Gamescom 2015 Best Online Multiplayer Game Nominated 2016 Golden Joystick Awards 2016 Best Multiplayer Game Nominated The Game Awards 2016 Best Multiplayer Game Nominated 2017 Golden Joystick Awards 2017 eSports Game of the Year Nominated The Game Awards 2017 Best Ongoing Game Nominated 2018 14th British Academy Games Awards Evolving Game Nominated Notes Jump up ^ Additional work by Ubisoft Kiev , Ubisoft Toronto , Ubisoft Barcelona . References Jump up ^ Nunneley , Stephany ( 2018 - 04 - 12 ) . `` Rainbow Six Siege has over 30 million players across all platforms '' . VG247 . Retrieved 2018 - 04 - 12 . Jump up ^ McWhertor , Michael ( June 4 , 2015 ) . `` Meet Rainbow Six Siege 's FBI SWAT operators '' . 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Jump up ^ Pereira , Chris ( August 23 , 2017 ) . `` Rainbow Six Siege 's Three Blood Orchid Operators Detailed '' . GameSpot . Retrieved August 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Wright , James ( August 26 , 2017 ) . `` Rainbow Six Siege Operators : Blood Orchid DLC REVEAL for PC , PS4 , Xbox before free weekend '' . Daily Star . Retrieved August 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Jones , Gary ( December 5 , 2017 ) . `` Rainbow Six Siege White Noise release date : PS4 and Xbox One update times CONFIRMED '' . . Retrieved December 6 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Gach , Ethan ( November 19 , 2017 ) . `` Rainbow Six Siege 's Operation White Noise Adds Invisible Cloaks And Phone Hacking '' . Kotaku . Retrieved December 6 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Purchese , Robert ( November 20 , 2017 ) . `` Rainbow Six Siege teases a cooperative zombie mode for Year 3 '' . Eurogamer . Retrieved December 6 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Wunderl , Steffie ( May 10 , 2016 ) . `` Building Rainbow Six Siege into an eSport '' . Red Bull . Retrieved June 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Arif , Shabana ( February 6 , 2017 ) . `` Rainbow Six Siege is all about new operators and maps , not new game modes '' . VG 247 . Retrieved June 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Dransfield , Ian ( January 29 , 2016 ) . `` Rainbow Six Siege gets a $100,000 tournament '' . Digital Spy . Retrieved June 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Higgins , Chris ( May 19 , 2016 ) . `` What does Rainbow 6 : Siege need to make it as an esport ? '' . PC Gamer . Retrieved June 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Chalk , Andy ( March 16 , 2017 ) . `` Rainbow Six Pro League Year Two goes PC exclusive '' . PC Gamer . Retrieved June 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Moyse , Chris ( February 27 , 2018 ) . `` My after - action report of the Rainbow Six Invitational tournament '' . Destructoid . Retrieved April 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Lawrence , Nathan ( March 24 , 2017 ) . `` Rainbow Six Siege : Counter-Strike Killer '' . Red Bull . Retrieved April 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Shoemaker , Richie ( September 6 , 2017 ) . `` A new season of Siege means that Rainbow Six is a step closer to taking down Counter-Strike '' . Eurogamer . Retrieved April 13 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six Siege for PC Reviews '' . Metacritic . Retrieved November 30 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six Siege for Xbox One Reviews '' . Metacritic . Retrieved November 30 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six Siege for PlayStation 4 Reviews '' . Metacritic . Retrieved November 30 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Carter , Chris ( December 2 , 2015 ) . `` Review : Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six Siege '' . Destructoid . Retrieved December 2 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Bertz , Matt ( December 4 , 2015 ) . `` A Slimmed - Down Combatant Struggles With The Weight Of Expectation - Rainbow Six : Siege - PC '' . Game Informer . Retrieved December 4 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Leack , Jonathan ( December 8 , 2015 ) . `` Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six : Siege Review '' . Game Revolution . Retrieved December 8 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Butterworth , Scott ( December 4 , 2015 ) . `` Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six Siege Review '' . GameSpot . Retrieved December 4 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Griffin , Ben ( November 30 , 2015 ) . `` Rainbow Six : Siege review '' . GamesRadar . Retrieved November 30 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Rainbow Six Siege Review 2018. IGN. 2018 - 01 - 18. ( 2018 - 02 - 18 ) . ^ Jump up to : McCaffrey , Ryan ( November 30 , 2015 ) . `` Rainbow Six Siege Review '' . IGN . Retrieved November 30 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Davenport , James ( December 3 , 2015 ) . `` Rainbow Six Siege review '' . PC Gamer . Retrieved December 3 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Gies , Arthur ( December 10 , 2015 ) . `` Rainbow Six Siege review '' . Polygon . Retrieved December 10 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Burns , Steven ( December 4 , 2015 ) . `` Rainbow Six Siege Review '' . . 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Jump up ^ Ingenito , Vince ( August 10 , 2016 ) . `` More People Are Playing Rainbow Six Siege Now Than At Launch '' . IGN . Retrieved June 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Makuch , Eddie ( November 3 , 2016 ) . `` How 's Ubisoft Doing ? Here Are the Key Takeaways From Latest Earnings Report '' . GameSpot . Retrieved June 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Nunneley , Stephen ( May 16 , 2017 ) . `` Tom Clancy games have 44M players thanks to The Division , Wildlands , Rainbow Six Siege '' . VG 247 . Retrieved June 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Dring , Christopher ( November 22 , 2016 ) . `` '' No more DLC that gamers have to buy for the full experience '' - Ubisoft `` . . Retrieved June 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Nunneley , Stephany ( August 5 , 2017 ) . `` Rainbow Six Siege has 20M registered players and 2.3 M play everyday '' . VG 247 . Retrieved December 6 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Purchese , Robert ( December 6 , 2017 ) . `` Rainbow Six Siege hits 25 million players as Operation White Noise launches '' . Eurogamer . 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External links Official website ( hide ) Tom Clancy 's video games Rainbow Six series Rainbow Six Rogue Spear Take - Down -- Missions in Korea 3 : Raven Shield Lockdown Critical Hour Vegas Vegas 2 Shadow Vanguard Patriots ( cancelled ) Siege Ghost Recon series Ghost Recon Desert Siege Island Thunder Jungle Storm Ghost Recon 2 Summit Strike Advanced Warfighter Advanced Warfighter 2 Predator Wii Shadow Wars Future Soldier Phantoms Wildlands Splinter Cell series Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Chaos Theory Essentials Double Agent Conviction Blacklist Jack Ryan series The Hunt for Red October ( 1987 ) The Hunt for Red October ( 1990 ) The Hunt for Red October ( 1991 ) The Sum of All Fears H.A.W.X series H.A.W.X H.A.W.X 2 Other games Red Storm Rising SSN Politika Shadow Watch EndWar The Division ShadowBreak Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2015 video games Asymmetrical multiplayer video games Cooperative video games Multiplayer and single - player video games PlayStation 4 games Tactical shooter video games Terrorism in fiction Tom Clancy games Tom Clancy 's Rainbow Six games Ubisoft games Video games developed in Canada Video games set in Boston Video games set in Canada Video games set in France Video games set in Germany Video games set in Hong Kong Video games set in Japan Video games set in Los Angeles Video games set in Oregon Video games set in Russia Video games set in Seoul Video games set in Spain Video games set in the United Kingdom Video games set in the United States Video games using Havok Windows games Xbox One games Hidden categories : Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism Wikipedia pending changes protected pages Good articles Use mdy dates from March 2018 Articles using Infobox video game using locally defined parameters Articles using Wikidata infoboxes with locally defined images Wikipedia articles in need of updating from January 2018 Articles using Video game reviews template in single platform mode Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Dansk Deutsch Eesti Español Euskara فارسی Français 한국어 Italiano Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Suomi Svenska Türkçe 中文 11 more Edit links This page was last edited on 16 April 2018 , at 07 : 18 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when does rainbow six seige outbreak come out | [
"\n\nDownloadable content and expansion packs\n\nYear\nName\nRelease date\nNotes\n\n\n\nYear 1\nOperation Black Ice\nFebruary 2, 2016\nThe DLC introduces a new map, a frozen yacht in Canada. It also introduces two Canadian operators, Frost and Buck. Frost can use a trap to incapacitate enemies, while Buck has an under-barrel shotgun.[73]\n\n\nOperation Dust Line\nMay 11, 2016\nThe DLC introduces a new map set in the Middle East, which was described as \"a mix of old and new construction with open air pathways\".[74] It also introduces two new operators, Blackbeard and Valkyrie. Blackbeard has face shields that can be mounted onto his rifle, while Valkyrie has three Black Eye Cameras.[75]\n\n\nOperation Skull Rain\nAugust 2, 2016\nThe DLC introduces a new map set in Brazil, and two Brazilian operators called Capitão and Caveira.[76] Capitão has a tactical crossbow which can be loaded with asphyxiating bolts, that will burn oxygen within a certain radius, or smoke grenade bolts that create a thick cloud of smoke. Caveira has an ability called Silent Step, which allows her to interrogate an immobilized enemy for the location of other enemies.[77]\n\n\nOperation Red Crow\nNovember 17, 2016\nThe DLC introduces a new map set in a skyscraper in Japan, and two Japanese operators called Hibana and Echo. Hibana possesses a weapon that launches up to three sets of six explosives that can break reinforced walls, while Echo uses a drone capable of releasing sonic blasts to disorient enemies.[78]\n\n\nYear 2\nOperation Velvet Shell\nFebruary 8, 2017\nThe DLC introduces a new map set in Spain, and two Spanish operators called Mira and Jackal.[79] Jackal is a tracker who can reveal the location of enemies by tracking their footprints, while Mira can create one-way windows on walls which can be ejected, leaving a space for operators to fire through.[80][81]\n\n\nOperation Health\nJune 6, 2017[82]\nOperation Health is an update that fine-tuned many of the game's aspects, including fixes to hit boxes, spawn killing and audio issues.[83] This resulted in the delay of season 2's content and the cancellation of a map.[84]\n\n\nOperation Blood Orchid\nSeptember 5, 2017[85]\nThe DLC introduces a new map set in Hong Kong, two Hong Kong operators named Ying and Lesion, and one Polish operator named Ela.[86] Ying utilizes candela cluster charges that can be thrown or attached to a surface to stun enemies. Lesion uses poison mines that slow and cause damage to an enemy over time when triggered. Ela possesses proximity concussion mines that can be attached to multiple surfaces to disorient enemies.[87][88]\n\n\nOperation White Noise\nDecember 5, 2017[89]\nThe DLC introduces a new map set in South Korea, two South Korean operators named Dokkaebi and Vigil, and one Polish operator named Zofia. Dokkaebi is able to hack cameras and enemy phones to make them ring, giving away their positions through sound. Vigil is invisible to enemy drones and cameras. Zofia carries a double barreled grenade launcher capable of launching explosive or concussion grenades.[90]\n\n\nYear 3\nOperation Chimera\nMarch 6, 2018[91]\nThis DLC introduces one GIGN operator named Lion, and one Spetsnaz operator named Finka. Both are part of a CBRN specialist detachment of Team Rainbow. Lion uses a UAV to temporarily expose moving enemies via sonar; Finka uses nanomachines to temporarily increase the health and accuracy of herself and her teammates. This DLC also introduces \"Outbreak\", a PvE gamemode where some operators are tasked with containing a biohazard that has turned the citizens of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico into zombie-like monsters.[92]\n\n"
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"March 6, 2018"
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6339108487559874676 | Polysaccharide | Polysaccharide - wikipedia Polysaccharide Jump to : navigation , search 3D structure of cellulose , a beta - glucan polysaccharide . Amylose is a linear polymer of glucose mainly linked with α ( 1 → 4 ) bonds . It can be made of several thousands of glucose units . It is one of the two components of starch , the other being amylopectin . Polysaccharides are polymeric carbohydrate molecules composed of long chains of monosaccharide units bound together by glycosidic linkages and on hydrolysis give the constituent monosaccharides or oligosaccharides . They range in structure from linear to highly branched . Examples include storage polysaccharides such as starch and glycogen , and structural polysaccharides such as cellulose and chitin . Polysaccharides are often quite heterogeneous , containing slight modifications of the repeating unit . Depending on the structure , these macromolecules can have distinct properties from their monosaccharide building blocks . They may be amorphous or even insoluble in water . When all the monosaccharides in a polysaccharide are the same type , the polysaccharide is called a homopolysaccharide or homoglycan , but when more than one type of monosaccharide is present they are called heteropolysaccharides or heteroglycans . Natural saccharides are generally of simple carbohydrates called monosaccharides with general formula ( CH O ) where n is three or more . Examples of monosaccharides are glucose , fructose , and glyceraldehyde . Polysaccharides , meanwhile , have a general formula of C ( H O ) where x is usually a large number between 200 and 2500 . When the repeating units in the polymer backbone are six - carbon monosaccharides , as is often the case , the general formula simplifies to ( C H O ) , where typically 40 ≤ n ≤ 3000 . As a rule of thumb , polysaccharides contain more than ten monosaccharide units , whereas oligosaccharides contain three to ten monosaccharide units ; but the precise cutoff varies somewhat according to convention . Polysaccharides are an important class of biological polymers . Their function in living organisms is usually either structure - or storage - related . Starch ( a polymer of glucose ) is used as a storage polysaccharide in plants , being found in the form of both amylose and the branched amylopectin . In animals , the structurally similar glucose polymer is the more densely branched glycogen , sometimes called `` animal starch '' . Glycogen 's properties allow it to be metabolized more quickly , which suits the active lives of moving animals . Cellulose and chitin are examples of structural polysaccharides . Cellulose is used in the cell walls of plants and other organisms , and is said to be the most abundant organic molecule on Earth . It has many uses such as a significant role in the paper and textile industries , and is used as a feedstock for the production of rayon ( via the viscose process ) , cellulose acetate , celluloid , and nitrocellulose . Chitin has a similar structure , but has nitrogen - containing side branches , increasing its strength . It is found in arthropod exoskeletons and in the cell walls of some fungi . It also has multiple uses , including surgical threads . Polysaccharides also include callose or laminarin , chrysolaminarin , xylan , arabinoxylan , mannan , fucoidan and galactomannan . Contents ( hide ) 1 Function 1.1 Structure 2 Storage polysaccharides 2.1 Starch 2.2 Glycogen 3 Structural polysaccharides 3.1 Arabinoxylans 3.2 Cellulose 3.3 Chitin 3.4 Pectins 4 Acidic polysaccharides 5 Bacterial capsular polysaccharides 6 Chemical identification tests for polysaccharides 6.1 Periodic acid - Schiff stain ( PAS ) 7 See also 8 References 9 External links Function ( edit ) Structure ( edit ) Nutrition polysaccharides are common sources of energy . Many organisms can easily break down starches into glucose ; however , most organisms can not metabolize cellulose or other polysaccharides like chitin and arabinoxylans . These carbohydrate types can be metabolized by some bacteria and protists . Ruminants and termites , for example , use microorganisms to process cellulose . Even though these complex polysaccharides are not very digestible , they provide important dietary elements for humans . Called dietary fiber , these carbohydrates enhance digestion among other benefits . The main action of dietary fiber is to change the nature of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract , and to change how other nutrients and chemicals are absorbed . Soluble fiber binds to bile acids in the small intestine , making them less likely to enter the body ; this in turn lowers cholesterol levels in the blood . Soluble fiber also attenuates the absorption of sugar , reduces sugar response after eating , normalizes blood lipid levels and , once fermented in the colon , produces short - chain fatty acids as byproducts with wide - ranging physiological activities ( discussion below ) . Although insoluble fiber is associated with reduced diabetes risk , the mechanism by which this occurs is unknown . Not yet formally proposed as an essential macronutrient ( as of 2005 ) , dietary fiber is nevertheless regarded as important for the diet , with regulatory authorities in many developed countries recommending increases in fiber intake . Storage polysaccharides ( edit ) Starch ( edit ) Starch is a glucose polymer in which glucopyranose units are bonded by alpha - linkages . It is made up of a mixture of amylose ( 15 -- 20 % ) and amylopectin ( 80 -- 85 % ) . Amylose consists of a linear chain of several hundred glucose molecules and Amylopectin is a branched molecule made of several thousand glucose units ( every chain of 24 -- 30 glucose units is one unit of Amylopectin ) . Starches are insoluble in water . They can be digested by breaking the alpha - linkages ( glycosidic bonds ) . Both humans and animals have amylases , so they can digest starches . Potato , rice , wheat , and maize are major sources of starch in the human diet . The formations of starches are the ways that plants store glucose . Glycogen ( edit ) Glycogen serves as the secondary long - term energy storage in animal and fungal cells , with the primary energy stores being held in adipose tissue . Glycogen is made primarily by the liver and the muscles , but can also be made by glycogenesis within the brain and stomach . Glycogen is analogous to starch , a glucose polymer in plants , and is sometimes referred to as animal starch , having a similar structure to amylopectin but more extensively branched and compact than starch . Glycogen is a polymer of α ( 1 → 4 ) glycosidic bonds linked , with α ( 1 → 6 ) - linked branches . Glycogen is found in the form of granules in the cytosol / cytoplasm in many cell types , and plays an important role in the glucose cycle . Glycogen forms an energy reserve that can be quickly mobilized to meet a sudden need for glucose , but one that is less compact and more immediately available as an energy reserve than triglycerides ( lipids ) . In the liver hepatocytes , glycogen can compose up to eight percent ( 100 -- 120 g in an adult ) of the fresh weight soon after a meal . Only the glycogen stored in the liver can be made accessible to other organs . In the muscles , glycogen is found in a low concentration of one to two percent of the muscle mass . The amount of glycogen stored in the body -- especially within the muscles , liver , and red blood cells -- varies with physical activity , basal metabolic rate , and eating habits such as intermittent fasting . Small amounts of glycogen are found in the kidneys , and even smaller amounts in certain glial cells in the brain and white blood cells . The uterus also stores glycogen during pregnancy , to nourish the embryo . Glycogen is composed of a branched chain of glucose residues . It is stored in liver and muscles . It is an energy reserve for animals . It is the chief form of carbohydrate stored in animal body . It is insoluble in water . It turns brown - red when mixed with iodine . It also yields glucose on hydrolysis . Schematic 2 - D cross-sectional view of glycogen . A core protein of glycogenin is surrounded by branches of glucose units . The entire globular granule may contain approximately 30,000 glucose units . A view of the atomic structure of a single branched strand of glucose units in a glycogen molecule . Structural polysaccharides ( edit ) Arabinoxylans ( edit ) Arabinoxylans are found in both the primary and secondary cell walls of plants and are the copolymers of two sugars : arabinose and xylose . Cellulose ( edit ) The structural component of plants are formed primarily from cellulose . Wood is largely cellulose and lignin , while paper and cotton are nearly pure cellulose . Cellulose is a polymer made with repeated glucose units bonded together by beta - linkages . Humans and many animals lack an enzyme to break the beta - linkages , so they do not digest cellulose . Certain animals such as termites can digest cellulose , because bacteria possessing the enzyme are present in their gut . Cellulose is insoluble in water . It does not change color when mixed with iodine . On hydrolysis , it yields glucose . It is the most abundant carbohydrate in nature . Chitin ( edit ) Chitin is one of many naturally occurring polymers . It forms a structural component of many animals , such as exoskeletons . Over time it is bio-degradable in the natural environment . Its breakdown may be catalyzed by enzymes called chitinases , secreted by microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi , and produced by some plants . Some of these microorganisms have receptors to simple sugars from the decomposition of chitin . If chitin is detected , they then produce enzymes to digest it by cleaving the glycosidic bonds in order to convert it to simple sugars and ammonia . Chemically , chitin is closely related to chitosan ( a more water - soluble derivative of chitin ) . It is also closely related to cellulose in that it is a long unbranched chain of glucose derivatives . Both materials contribute structure and strength , protecting the organism . Pectins ( edit ) Pectins are a family of complex polysaccharides that contain 1 , 4 - linked α - D - galactosyl uronic acid residues . They are present in most primary cell walls and in the non-woody parts of terrestrial plants . Acidic polysaccharides ( edit ) Acidic polysaccharides are polysaccharides that contain carboxyl groups , phosphate groups and / or sulfuric ester groups . Bacterial capsular polysaccharides ( edit ) Pathogenic bacteria commonly produce a thick , mucous - like , layer of polysaccharide . This `` capsule '' cloaks antigenic proteins on the bacterial surface that would otherwise provoke an immune response and thereby lead to the destruction of the bacteria . Capsular polysaccharides are water - soluble , commonly acidic , and have molecular weights on the order of 100 -- 2000 kDa . They are linear and consist of regularly repeating subunits of one to six monosaccharides . There is enormous structural diversity ; nearly two hundred different polysaccharides are produced by E. coli alone . Mixtures of capsular polysaccharides , either conjugated or native are used as vaccines . Bacteria and many other microbes , including fungi and algae , often secrete polysaccharides to help them adhere to surfaces and to prevent them from drying out . Humans have developed some of these polysaccharides into useful products , including xanthan gum , dextran , welan gum , gellan gum , diutan gum and pullulan . Most of these polysaccharides exhibit useful visco - elastic properties when dissolved in water at very low levels . This makes various liquids used in everyday life , such as some foods , lotions , cleaners , and paints , viscous when stationary , but much more free - flowing when even slight shear is applied by stirring or shaking , pouring , wiping , or brushing . This property is named pseudoplasticity or shear thinning ; the study of such matters is called rheology . Viscosity of Welan gum Shear Rate ( rpm ) Viscosity ( cP ) 0.3 23,330 0.5 16,000 11,000 5500 3250 5 2900 10 1700 20 900 50 520 100 310 Aqueous solutions of the polysaccharide alone have a curious behavior when stirred : after stirring ceases , the solution initially continues to swirl due to momentum , then slows to a standstill due to viscosity and reverses direction briefly before stopping . This recoil is due to the elastic effect of the polysaccharide chains , previously stretched in solution , returning to their relaxed state . Cell - surface polysaccharides play diverse roles in bacterial ecology and physiology . They serve as a barrier between the cell wall and the environment , mediate host - pathogen interactions , and form structural components of biofilms . These polysaccharides are synthesized from nucleotide - activated precursors ( called nucleotide sugars ) and , in most cases , all the enzymes necessary for biosynthesis , assembly and transport of the completed polymer are encoded by genes organized in dedicated clusters within the genome of the organism . Lipopolysaccharide is one of the most important cell - surface polysaccharides , as it plays a key structural role in outer membrane integrity , as well as being an important mediator of host - pathogen interactions . The enzymes that make the A-band ( homopolymeric ) and B - band ( heteropolymeric ) O - antigens have been identified and the metabolic pathways defined . The exopolysaccharide alginate is a linear copolymer of β - 1 , 4 - linked D - mannuronic acid and L - guluronic acid residues , and is responsible for the mucoid phenotype of late - stage cystic fibrosis disease . The pel and psl loci are two recently discovered gene clusters that also encode exopolysaccharides found to be important for biofilm formation . Rhamnolipid is a biosurfactant whose production is tightly regulated at the transcriptional level , but the precise role that it plays in disease is not well understood at present . Protein glycosylation , particularly of pilin and flagellin , became a focus of research by several groups from about 2007 , and has been shown to be important for adhesion and invasion during bacterial infection . Chemical identification tests for polysaccharides ( edit ) Periodic acid - Schiff stain ( PAS ) ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( March 2013 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Polysaccharides with unprotected vicinal diols or amino sugars ( i.e. some OH groups replaced with amine ) give a positive periodic acid - Schiff stain ( PAS ) . The list of polysaccharides that stain with PAS is long . Although mucins of epithelial origins stain with PAS , mucins of connective tissue origin have so many acidic substitutions that they do not have enough glycol or amino - alcohol groups left to react with PAS . See also ( edit ) Glycan Oligosaccharide nomenclature Polysaccharide encapsulated bacteria References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Varki A , Cummings R , Esko J , Freeze H , Stanley P , Bertozzi C , Hart G , Etzler M ( 1999 ) . Essentials of glycobiology . Cold Spring Har J. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press . ISBN 0 - 87969 - 560 - 9 . Jump up ^ IUPAC , Compendium of Chemical Terminology , 2nd ed. ( the `` Gold Book '' ) ( 1997 ) . Online corrected version : ( 2006 -- ) `` homopolysaccharide ( homoglycan ) '' . Jump up ^ IUPAC , Compendium of Chemical Terminology , 2nd ed. ( the `` Gold Book '' ) ( 1997 ) . Online corrected version : ( 2006 -- ) `` heteropolysaccharide ( heteroglycan ) '' . Jump up ^ Matthews , C.E. ; K.E. Van Holde ; K.G. Ahern ( 1999 ) Biochemistry . 3rd edition . Benjamin Cummings . ISBN 0 - 8053 - 3066 - 6 Jump up ^ N.A. Campbell ( 1996 ) Biology ( 4th edition ) . Benjamin Cummings NY . p. 23 ISBN 0 - 8053 - 1957 - 3 ^ Jump up to : `` Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy , Carbohydrate , fiber , Fat , Fatty Acids , Cholesterol , Protein , and Amino Acids ( Macronutrients ) ( 2005 ) , Chapter 7 : Dietary , Functional and Total fiber . '' ( PDF ) . US Department of Agriculture , National Agricultural Library and National Academy of Sciences , Institute of Medicine , Food and Nutrition Board . ^ Jump up to : Eastwood M , Kritchevsky D ( 2005 ) . `` Dietary fiber : how did we get where we are ? '' . Annu Rev Nutr. 25 : 1 -- 8 . PMID 16011456 . doi : 10.1146 / annurev. nutr. 25.121304. 131658 . Jump up ^ Anderson JW , Baird P , Davis RH , et al. ( 2009 ) . `` Health benefits of dietary fiber '' . Nutr Rev. 67 ( 4 ) : 188 -- 205 . PMID 19335713 . doi : 10.1111 / j. 1753 - 4887.2009. 00189. x . Jump up ^ Weickert MO , Pfeiffer AF ( 2008 ) . `` Metabolic effects of dietary fiberand any other substance that consume and prevention of diabetes '' . J Nutr. 138 ( 3 ) : 439 -- 42 . PMID 18287346 . Jump up ^ `` Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for carbohydrates and dietary fibre '' . EFSA Journal . 8 ( 3 ) : 1462 . March 25 , 2010 . doi : 10.2903 / j. efsa. 2010.1462 . Jump up ^ Jones PJ , Varady KA ( 2008 ) . `` Are functional foods redefining nutritional requirements ? '' ( PDF ) . Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 33 ( 1 ) : 118 -- 23 . PMID 18347661 . doi : 10.1139 / H07 - 134 . Jump up ^ Anatomy and Physiology . Saladin , Kenneth S. McGraw - Hill , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Animal starch '' . Merriam Webster . Retrieved May 11 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Campbell , Neil A. ; Brad Williamson ; Robin J. Heyden ( 2006 ) . Biology : Exploring Life . Boston , Massachusetts : Pearson Prentice Hall . ISBN 0 - 13 - 250882 - 6 . Jump up ^ Moses SW , Bashan N , Gutman A ( December 1972 ) . `` Glycogen metabolism in the normal red blood cell '' . Blood . 40 ( 6 ) : 836 -- 43 . PMID 5083874 . Jump up ^ INGERMANN , ROLFF L. ; VIRGIN , GARTH L. ( January 20 , 1987 ) . `` Glycogen Content and Release of Glucose from Red blood cells of the Sipunculan Worm Themiste Dyscrita '' ( PDF ) . . Journal of Experimental Biology . Retrieved July 21 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Miwa I , Suzuki S ( November 2002 ) . `` An improved quantitative assay of glycogen in erythrocytes '' . Annals of Clinical Biochemistry . 39 ( Pt 6 ) : 612 -- 3 . PMID 12564847 . doi : 10.1258 / 000456302760413432 . Jump up ^ Page 12 in : Exercise physiology : energy , nutrition , and human performance , By William D. McArdle , Frank I. Katch , Victor L. Katch , Edition : 6 , illustrated , Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , 2006 , ISBN 0 - 7817 - 4990 - 5 , ISBN 978 - 0 - 7817 - 4990 - 9 , 1068 pages Jump up ^ Viscosity of Welan Gum vs. Concentration in Water . Jump up ^ Guo H , Yi W , Song JK , Wang PG ( 2008 ) . `` Current understanding on biosynthesis of microbial polysaccharides '' . Curr Top Med Chem. 8 ( 2 ) : 141 -- 51 . PMID 18289083 . doi : 10.2174 / 156802608783378873 . Jump up ^ Cornelis P ( editor ) ( 2008 ) . Pseudomonas : Genomics and Molecular Biology ( 1st ed . ) . Caister Academic Press . ISBN 978 - 1 - 904455 - 19 - 6 . CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list ( link ) External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Polysaccharides . Polysaccharide Structure Applications and commercial sources of polysaccharides European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence Types of carbohydrates General Aldose Ketose Furanose Pyranose Geometry Anomer Cyclohexane conformation Mutarotation Monosaccharides Dioses Aldodiose Glycolaldehyde Trioses Aldotriose Glyceraldehyde Ketotriose Dihydroxyacetone Tetroses Aldotetroses Erythrose Threose Ketotetrose Erythrulose Pentoses Aldopentoses Arabinose Lyxose Ribose Xylose Ketopentoses Ribulose Xylulose Deoxy sugars Deoxyribose Hexoses Aldohexoses Allose Altrose Galactose Glucose Gulose Idose Mannose Talose Ketohexoses Fructose Psicose Sorbose Tagatose Deoxy sugars Fucose Fuculose Rhamnose Heptoses Ketoheptoses Mannoheptulose Sedoheptulose Above 7 Octoses Nonoses Neuraminic acid Multiple Disaccharides Cellobiose Isomaltose Lactose Lactulose Maltose Sucrose Trehalose Turanose Trisaccharides Maltotriose Melezitose Raffinose Tetrasaccharides Stachyose Other oligosaccharides Acarbose Fructooligosaccharide ( FOS ) Galactooligosaccharide ( GOS ) Isomaltooligosaccharide ( IMO ) Maltodextrin Mannan - oligosaccharides ( MOS ) Polysaccharides Beta - glucan Oat beta - glucan Lentinan Sizofiran Zymosan Cellulose Chitin Chitosan Dextrin / Dextran Fructose / Fructan Inulin Galactose / Galactan Glucose / Glucan Glycogen Hemicellulose Levan beta 2 → 6 Lignin Mannan Pectin Starch Amylopectin Amylose Xanthan gum NDL : 00572732 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Polysaccharides Carbohydrate chemistry Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list Articles needing additional references from March 2013 All articles needing additional references Talk Contents About Wikipedia Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) Български Bosanski Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Gàidhlig Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa Қазақша Кыргызча Latviešu Lietuvių Limburgs Magyar Македонски Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan Polski Português Română Русский Scots Shqip Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Basa Sunda Suomi Svenska தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 3 October 2017 , at 12 : 48 . 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"Glycogen serves as the secondary long-term energy storage in animal and fungal cells, with the primary energy stores being held in adipose tissue. Glycogen is made primarily by the liver and the muscles, but can also be made by glycogenesis within the brain and stomach.[12]"
] | [
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990220455636016043 | Sewing machine | Sewing machine - wikipedia Sewing machine Jump to : navigation , search Diagram of a modern sewing machine A sewing machine is a machine used to stitch fabric and other materials together with thread . Sewing machines were invented during the first Industrial Revolution to decrease the amount of manual sewing work performed in clothing companies . Since the invention of the first working sewing machine , generally considered to have been the work of Englishman Thomas Saint in 1790 , the sewing machine has greatly improved the efficiency and productivity of the clothing industry . Home sewing machines are designed for one person to sew individual items while using a single stitch type . In a modern sewing machine the fabric easily glides in and out of the machine without the inconvenience of needles and thimbles and other such tools used in hand sewing , automating the process of stitching and saving time . Industrial sewing machines , by contrast to domestic machines , are larger , faster , and more varied in their size , cost , appearance , and task . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Invention 1.2 Industrial competition 1.3 Spread and maturation 2 Design 2.1 Stitches 2.1. 1 Chainstitch 2.1. 2 Lockstitch 2.1. 3 Overlock 2.1. 4 Coverstitch 2.1. 5 Zigzag stitch 2.2 Feed mechanisms 2.2. 1 Drop feed 2.2. 2 Differential feed 2.2. 3 Needle feed 2.2. 4 Walking foot 2.2. 5 Puller feed 2.2. 6 Manual feed 2.3 Needles 2.4 Industrial vs domestic 3 Social impact 4 Variations 5 Manufacturers 6 See also 7 References 8 External links History ( edit ) Invention ( edit ) Charles Fredrick Wiesenthal , a German - born engineer working in England was awarded the first British patent for a mechanical device to aid the art of sewing , in 1755 . His invention consisted of a double pointed needle with an eye at one end . Newton Wilson 's copy of Saint 's sewing machine . Thomas Saint 's chain stitch used on the first ever complete sewing machine design for leather work . An awl preceded the eye pointed needle to make a hole in preparation for the thread . In 1790 , the English inventor Thomas Saint invented the first sewing machine design , but he did not successfully advertise or market his invention . His machine was meant to be used on leather and canvas material . It is likely that Saint had a working model but there is no evidence of one ; he was a skilled cabinet maker and his device included many practically functional features : an overhanging arm , a feed mechanism ( adequate for short lengths of leather ) , a vertical needle bar , and a looper . His sewing machine used the chain stitch method , in which the machine uses a single thread to make simple stitches in the fabric . A stitching awl would pierce the material and a forked point rod would carry the thread through the hole where it would be hooked underneath and moved to the next stitching place , where the cycle would be repeated , locking the stitch . Saint 's machine was designed to aid the manufacture of various leather goods , including saddles and bridles , but it was also capable of working with canvas , and was used for sewing ship sails . Although his machine was very advanced for the era , the concept would need steady improvement over the coming decades before it could become a practical proposition . In 1874 , a sewing machine manufacturer , William Newton Wilson , found Saint 's drawings in the London Patent Office , made adjustments to the looper , and built a working machine , currently owned by the London Science Museum . In 1804 , a sewing machine was built by the Englishmen Thomas Stone and James Henderson , and a machine for embroidering was constructed by John Duncan in Scotland . An Austrian tailor , Josef Madersperger , began developing his first sewing machine in 1807 . He presented his first working machine in 1814 . The first practical and widely used sewing machine was invented by Barthélemy Thimonnier , a French tailor , in 1829 . His machine sewed straight seams using chain stitch like Saint 's model , and in 1830 , he signed a contract with Auguste Ferrand , a mining engineer , who made the requisite drawings and submitted a patent application . The patent for his machine was issued on 17 July 1830 , and in the same year , he opened ( with partners ) the first machine - based clothing manufacturing company in the world to create army uniforms for the French Army . However , the factory was burned down , reportedly by workers fearful of losing their livelihood following the issuing of the patent . A model of the machine is exhibited at the London Science Museum . The machine is made of wood and uses a barbed needle which passes downward through the cloth to grab the thread and pull it up to form a loop to be locked by the next loop . The first American lockstitch sewing machine was invented by Walter Hunt in 1832 . His machine used an eye - pointed needle ( with the eye and the point on the same end ) carrying the upper thread and a falling shuttle carrying the lower thread . The curved needle moved through the fabric horizontally , leaving the loop as it withdrew . The shuttle passed through the loop , interlocking the thread . The feed let the machine down , requiring the machine to be stopped frequently and reset up . Hunt eventually lost interest in his machine and sold individual machines without bothering to patent his invention , and only patenting it at a late date of 1854 . In 1842 , John Greenough patented the first sewing machine in the United States . The British partners Newton and Archibold introduced the eye - pointed needle and the use of two pressing surfaces to keep the pieces of fabric in position , in 1841 . The first machine to combine all the disparate elements of the previous half - century of innovation into the modern sewing machine was the device built by English inventor John Fisher in 1844 , thus a little earlier than the very similar machines built by the infamous Isaac Merritt Singer in 1851 , and the lesser known Elias Howe , in 1845 . However , due to the botched filing of Fisher 's patent at the Patent Office , he did not receive due recognition for the modern sewing machine in the legal disputations of priority with Singer , and it was Singer who won the benefits of the patent . Industrial competition ( edit ) Elias Howe 's lockstitch machine , invented in 1845 Elliptic sewing machine with elliptic hook and stationary bobbin , American Institute Fair , 1862 Singer treadle machine An 1880 machine from the Wheeler and Wilson Company Elias Howe , born in Spencer , Massachusetts , created his sewing machine in 1845 , using a similar method to Fisher 's except that the fabric was held vertically . An important improvement on his machine was to have the needle running away from the point , starting from the eye . After a lengthy stay in England trying to attract interest in his machine , he returned to America to find various people infringing his patent , among them Isaac Merritt Singer . He eventually won a case for patent infringement in 1854 , and was awarded the right to claim royalties from the manufacturers using ideas covered by his patent , including Singer . Singer had seen a rotary sewing machine being repaired in a Boston shop . As an engineer , he thought it was clumsy and decided to design a better one . The machine he devised used a falling shuttle instead of a rotary one ; the needle was mounted vertically and included a presser foot to hold the cloth in place . It had a fixed arm to hold the needle and included a basic tension system . This machine combined elements of Thimonnier , Hunt and Howe 's machines . Singer was granted an American patent in 1851 , and it was suggested he patent the foot pedal or treadle , used to power some of his machines ; unfortunately , the foot pedal had been in use too long for a patent to be issued . When Howe learned of Singer 's machine he took him to court , where Howe won and Singer was forced to pay a lump sum for all machines already produced . Singer then took out a license under Howe 's patent and paid him $1.15 per machine before entering into a joint partnership with a lawyer named Edward Clark . They created the first hire - purchase arrangement to allow people to buy their machines through payments over time . Meanwhile , Allen B. Wilson developed a shuttle that reciprocated in a short arc , which was an improvement over Singer and Howe 's . However , John Bradshaw had patented a similar device and threatened to sue , so Wilson decided to try a new method . He went into partnership with Nathaniel Wheeler to produce a machine with a rotary hook instead of a shuttle . This was far quieter and smoother than other methods , with the result that the Wheeler & Wilson Company produced more machines in the 1850s and 1860s than any other manufacturer . Wilson also invented the four - motion feed mechanism that is still seen on every sewing machine today . This had a forward , down , back and up motion , which drew the cloth through in an even and smooth motion . Charles Miller patented the first machine to stitch buttonholes . Throughout the 1850s more and more companies were being formed , each trying to sue the others for patent infringement . This triggered a patent thicket known as the Sewing Machine War . In 1856 , the Sewing Machine Combination was formed , consisting of Singer , Howe , Wheeler , Wilson , Grover and Baker . These four companies pooled their patents , with the result that all other manufacturers had to obtain a license and pay $15 per machine . This lasted until 1877 , when the last patent expired . James Edward Allen Gibbs ( 1829 -- 1902 ) , a farmer from Raphine in Rockbridge County , Virginia patented the first chain stitch single - thread sewing machine on June 2 , 1857 . In partnership with James Willcox , Gibbs became a principal partner in Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Company . Willcox & Gibbs commercial sewing machines are still used in the 21st century . Spread and maturation ( edit ) Jones Family CS machine from around 1935 William Jones started making sewing machines in 1859 and in 1860 formed a partnership with Thomas Chadwick . As Chadwick & Jones , they manufactured sewing machines at Ashton - under - Lyne , England until 1863 . Their machines used designs from Howe and Wilson produced under licence . Thomas Chadwick later joined Bradbury & Co . William Jones opened a factory in Guide Bridge , Manchester in 1869 . In 1893 a Jones advertising sheet claimed that this factory was the `` Largest Factory in England Exclusively Making First Class Sewing Machines '' . The firm was renamed as the Jones Sewing Machine Co. Ltd and was later acquired by Brother Industries of Japan , in 1968 . Vintage sewing patterns Clothing manufacturers were the first sewing machine customers , and used them to produce the first ready - to - wear clothing and shoes . In the 1860s consumers began purchasing them , and the machines -- ranging in price from £ 6 to £ 15 in Britain depending on features -- became very common in middle - class homes . Owners were much more likely to spend free time with their machines to make and mend clothing for their families than to visit friends , and women 's magazines and household guides such as Mrs Beeton 's offered dress patterns and instructions . A sewing machine could produce a man 's shirt in about one hour , compared to 14 1 / 2 hours by hand . In 1877 the world 's first crochet machine was invented and patented by Joseph M. Merrow , then - president of what had started in the 1840s as a machine shop to develop specialized machinery for the knitting operations . This crochet machine was the first production overlock sewing machine . The Merrow Machine Company went on to become one of the largest American Manufacturers of overlock sewing machines , and continues to be a global presence in the 21st century as the last American over-lock sewing machine manufacturer . In 1885 Singer patented the Singer Vibrating Shuttle sewing machine , which used Allen B. Wilson 's idea for a vibrating shuttle and was a better lockstitcher than the oscillating shuttles of the time . Millions of the machines , perhaps the world 's first really practical sewing machine for domestic use , were produced until finally superseded by rotary shuttle machines in the 20th century . Sewing machines continued being made to roughly the same design , with more lavish decoration appearing until well into the 1900s . The first electric machines were developed by Singer Sewing Co. and introduced in 1889 . By the end of the First World War , Singer was offering hand , treadle and electric machines for sale . At first the electric machines were standard machines with a motor strapped on the side , but as more homes gained power , they became more popular and the motor was gradually introduced into the casing . Design ( edit ) Stitches ( edit ) The bobbin driver of a Husqvarna 3600 sewing machine Sewing machines can make a great variety of plain or patterned stitches . Ignoring strictly decorative aspects , over three dozen distinct stitch formations are formally recognized by the ISO 4915 : 1991 standard , involving one to seven separate threads to form the stitch . Plain stitches fall into four general categories : chainstitch , lockstitch , overlock , and coverstitch . Chainstitch ( edit ) Chainstitch was used by early sewing machines and has two major drawbacks : The basic chain stitch . The stitch is not self - locking , and if the thread breaks at any point or is not tied at both ends , the whole length of stitching comes out . It is also easily ripped out . The direction of sewing can not be changed much from one stitch to the next , or the stitching process fails . A better stitch was found in the lockstitch . The chainstitch is still used today in clothing manufacture , though due to its major drawback it is generally paired with an overlock stitch along the same seam . Lockstitch ( edit ) Formation of a lock - stitch using a boat shuttle as employed in early domestic machines Lockstitch utilising a rotating hook invented by Allen B Wilson . This is employed on many modern machines Formation of the double locking chain stitch Lockstitch is the familiar stitch performed by most household sewing machines and most industrial `` single needle '' sewing machines from two threads , one passed through a needle and one coming from a bobbin or shuttle . Each thread stays on the same side of the material being sewn , interlacing with the other thread at each needle hole by means of a bobbin driver . As a result , a lockstitch can be formed anywhere on the material being sewn ; it does not need to be near an edge . Overlock ( edit ) A Zoje industrial overlocker Overlock , also known as `` serging '' or `` serger stitch '' , can be formed with one to four threads , one or two needles , and one or two loopers . Overlock sewing machines are usually equipped with knives that trim or create the edge immediately in front of the stitch formation . Household and industrial overlock machines are commonly used for garment seams in knit or stretchy fabrics , for garment seams where the fabric is light enough that the seam does not need to be pressed open , and for protecting edges against raveling . Machines using two to four threads are most common , and frequently one machine can be configured for several varieties of overlock stitch . Overlock machines with five or more threads usually make both a chainstitch with one needle and one looper , and an overlock stitch with the remaining needles and loopers . This combination is known as a `` safety stitch '' . A similar machine used for stretch fabrics is called a mock safety . Coverstitch ( edit ) Coverstitch is formed by two or more needles and one or two loopers . Like lockstitch and chainstitch , coverstitch can be formed anywhere on the material being sewn . One looper manipulates a thread below the material being sewn , forming a bottom cover stitch against the needle threads . An additional looper above the material can form a top cover stitch simultaneously . The needle threads form parallel rows , while the looper threads cross back and forth all the needle rows . Coverstitch is so - called because the grid of crossing needle and looper threads covers raw seam edges , much as the overlock stitch does . It is widely used in garment construction , particularly for attaching trims and flat seaming where the raw edges can be finished in the same operation as forming the seam . Zigzag stitch ( edit ) Zigzag stitch A zigzag stitch is a variant geometry of the lockstitch . It is a back - and - forth stitch used where a straight stitch will not suffice , such as in preventing raveling of a fabric , in stitching stretchable fabrics , and in temporarily joining two work pieces edge - to - edge . When creating a zigzag stitch , the back - and - forth motion of the sewing machine 's needle is controlled by a cam . As the cam rotates , a fingerlike follower , connected to the needle bar , rides along the cam and tracks its indentations . As the follower moves in and out , the needle bar is moved from side to side . Very old sewing machines lack this hardware and so can not natively produce a zigzag stitch , but there are often shank - driven attachments available which enable them to do so . Feed mechanisms ( edit ) Besides the basic motion of needles , loopers and bobbins , the material being sewn must move so that each cycle of needle motion involves a different part of the material . This motion is known as feed , and sewing machines have almost as many ways of feeding material as they do of forming stitches . For general categories , there are : drop feed , needle feed , walking foot , puller , and manual . Often , multiple types of feed are used on the same machine . Besides these general categories , there are also uncommon feed mechanisms used in specific applications like edge joining fur , making seams on caps , and blindstitching . Drop feed ( edit ) Presser foot raised with feed dogs visible The drop feed mechanism is used by almost all household machines and involves a mechanism below the sewing surface of the machine . When the needle is withdrawn from the material being sewn , a set of `` feed dogs '' is pushed up through slots in the machine surface , then dragged horizontally past the needle . The dogs are serrated to grip the material , and a `` presser foot '' is used to keep the material in contact with the dogs . At the end of their horizontal motion , the dogs are lowered again and returned to their original position while the needle makes its next pass through the material . While the needle is in the material , there is no feed action . Almost all household machines and the majority of industrial machines use drop feed . Differential feed ( edit ) Differential feed is a variation of drop feed with two independent sets of dogs , one before and one after the needle . By changing their relative motions , these sets of dogs can be used to stretch or compress the material in the vicinity of the needle . This is extremely useful when sewing stretchy material , and overlock machines ( heavily used for such materials ) frequently have differential feed . Needle feed ( edit ) A needle feed , used only in industrial machines , moves the material while the needle is in the material . In fact , the needle may be the primary feeding force . Some implementations of needle feed rock the axis of needle motion back and forth , while other implementations keep the axis vertical while moving it forward and back . In both cases , there is no feed action while the needle is out of the material . Needle feed is often used in conjunction with a modified drop feed , and is very common on industrial two needle machines . Household machines do not use needle feed as a general rule . Walking foot ( edit ) Vintage Davis vertical feed ( walking foot ) sewing machine produced around 1890 A walking foot replaces the stationary presser foot with one that moves along with whatever other feed mechanisms the machine already has . As the walking foot moves , it shifts the workpiece along with it . It is most useful for sewing heavy materials where needle feed is mechanically inadequate , for spongy or cushioned materials where lifting the foot out of contact with the material helps in the feeding action , and for sewing many layers together where a drop feed will cause the lower layers to shift out of position with the upper layers . Puller feed ( edit ) Some factory machines and a few household machines are set up with an auxiliary puller feed , which grips the material being sewn ( usually from behind the needles ) and pulls it with a force and reliability usually not possible with other types of feed . Puller feeds are seldom built directly into the basic sewing machine . Their action must be synchronized with the needle and feed action built into the machine to avoid damaging the machine . Pullers are also limited to straight seams , or very nearly so . Despite their additional cost and limitations , pulling feeds are very useful when making large heavy items like tents and vehicle covers . Manual feed ( edit ) A manual feed is used primarily in freehand embroidery , quilting , and shoe repair . With manual feed , the stitch length and direction is controlled entirely by the motion of the material being sewn . Frequently some form of hoop or stabilizing material is used with fabric to keep the material under proper tension and aid in moving it around . Most household machines can be set for manual feed by disengaging the drop feed dogs . Most industrial machines can not be used for manual feed without actually removing the feed dogs . Needles ( edit ) Main article : Sewing machine needle Sewing machines use special needles tailored to their needs and to the character of the material being sewn . Industrial vs domestic ( edit ) Industrial Sewing Machine ( left ) , Domestic Sewing machine ( right ) Industrial sewing machines are larger , faster , and more varied in their size , cost , appearance , and task . Industrial machines , unlike domestic machines , perform a single dedicated task and are capable of long hours of usage and as such have larger moving parts and comparatively much larger motors . Industrial machines are also more generic ; a motor for almost any type of machine can work on any brand . Sewing feet and bobbins between brands are interchangeable . However , with domestic machines the motor , and to a lesser extent bobbins and sewing feet , are brand specific . The motors on industrial machines , as with most of their components , lights , etc. , are separate , usually mounted to the underside of the table . Domestic machines have their OEM motors mounted inside the machine . There are two different types of motor available for industrial machines : a servo motor ( which uses less electricity and is silent when not in use ) , and the more traditional clutch motor ( which is always spinning ; even when not in use ) . Social impact ( edit ) Seamstresses in 1904 Before sewing machines were invented women spent much of their time maintaining their family 's clothing . Middle - class housewives , even with the aid of a hired seamstress , would devote several days of each month to this task . It took an experienced seamstress at least 14 hours to make a dress shirt for a man ; a woman 's dress took 10 hours ; and a pair of summer pants took nearly three hours . Most individuals would have only two sets of clothing : a work outfit and a Sunday outfit . Sewing machines reduced the time for making a dress shirt to an hour and 15 minutes ; the time to make a dress to an hour ; and the time for a pair of summer pants to 38 minutes . This reduced labor resulted in women having a diminished role in household management , and allowed more hours for their own leisure as well as the ability to seek more employment . Woman using a treadle sewing machine manufactured by Singer People working in a clothing factory in Montreal , Quebec in 1941 Industrial use of sewing machines further reduced the burden placed upon housewives , moving clothing production from housewives and seamstresses to large - scale factories . The movement to large - scale factories also resulted in a decrease in the amount of time clothing production took , which caused the prices for clothing to drop significantly . This is because manufacturers were able to decrease the number of workers needed to produce the same amount of clothing , resulting in reduced costs . Increased supply also lowered the cost . The initial effects of sewing machines on workers were both positive and negative , however in the long run the negative effects decreased . Many of the women who had previously been busy at home could now seek employment in factories , increasing the income for their family . This allowed for families to be able to afford more sets of clothing and items than they previously could . For seamstresses , home sewing machines allowed them to produce clothing for the average person during periods when demand for fitted clothes was low , effectively increasing their earnings . When industrial sewing machines initially became popular many seamstresses working in factories as well as those working at home lost their jobs as it meant that fewer workers could produce the same output . In the long run these now unemployed workers along with thousands of men and children would eventually be able to gain employment in jobs created as the clothing industry grew . The sewing machine 's effects on the clothing industry resulted in major changes for other industries as well . Cotton production needed to increase in order to match the demand of the new clothing factories . As a result , cotton became planted in new areas where it had n't previously been farmed . Other industries involved in the process benefited as well such as metal companies who provided for parts of the machines and shippers to move the increased amounts of goods . Gun makers visited clothing factories in order to perfect their own mass production techniques . In addition to being important for clothing production , sewing machines also became important in the manufacturing of furniture with upholstery , curtains and towels , toys , books , and many other products . Variations ( edit ) There are other variations of sewing machines aside from purely human - driven ones . These include : High - speed industrial sewing machine Electrical , programmable , automatic pattern stitching sewing machine Manufacturers ( edit ) Main page : Category : Sewing machine brands See also ( edit ) Sewing Embroidery machine List of sewing machine brands References ( edit ) Jump up ^ A brief history of the sewing machine , ISMACS . Jump up ^ `` Sewing Machine Beginning '' . Sewing . Retrieved 2012 - 12 - 17 . Jump up ^ Sewing Machines Jump up ^ `` Sewing Machine History '' . Retrieved 2013 - 12 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` Who invented the first sewing machine ? '' ( PDF ) . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) , `` Encyclopædia Britannica . Encyclopædia Britannica Online . Encyclopædia Britannica Inc. , 2011 . Web . 31 Dec. 2011 . '' . Jump up ^ A Brief History of the Sewing Machine Jump up ^ Forsdyke , Graham . `` Case Against Howe '' . Retrieved 2013 - 12 - 17 . Jump up ^ Elias Howe Jr. , Sewing Machine , United States Patent Office , US Patent 4,750 , issued 10 September 1846 , expired 1867 . Jump up ^ e.g. Bill Bryson : Made in America : an Informal History of the English Language in the United States , Black Swan , 1998 , ISBN 0 - 552 - 99805 - 2 , p. 110 . Jump up ^ U.S. Patent 10,609 Jump up ^ Adam Mossoff , A Stitch in Time : The Rise and Fall of the Sewing Machine Patent Thicket ; summarized and discussed at Sewing Machine Blogging , The Volokh Conspiracy . Jump up ^ `` '' . Jump up ^ Veteran Sewing Machines by E Brian Jewel pp. 99 Jump up ^ Sewing Machines by K. R Gilbert ( 1970 ) published for the London Science Museum pp12 Jump up ^ Sewalot at : Jump up ^ Brother Industries at : Jump up ^ Draznin , Yaffa Claire ( 2001 ) . Victorian London 's Middle - Class Housewife : What She Did All Day ( # 179 ) . Contributions in Women 's Studies . Westport , Connecticut : Greenwood Press . pp. 66 -- 68 . ISBN 0 - 313 - 31399 - 7 . Jump up ^ Sewing Machine History -- Invention of the Sewing Machine Jump up ^ Summary of stitch types Jump up ^ ( 2 ) The Home Sewing Machine Jump up ^ Reader 's Digest Complete Guide to Sewing . Pleasantville , New York : The Reader 's Digest Association , Inc. , pp. 32 -- 36 . Jump up ^ Beginner 's guide to sewing with industrial machines ^ Jump up to : Sewing Machine ^ Jump up to : 19th Century Fashion and the Sewing Machine ^ Jump up to : The Sewing Machine and Its Impact on America Jump up ^ Sewing Machine History External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Sewing machines . Wikisource has the text of the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica article Sewing Machines . How Sewing Machines Work at HowStuffWorks Sewing Machines , Historical Trade Literature . Smithsonian Institution Libraries . Old Sewing Machines and How They Work -- with animations An Online Museum of Antique Sewing Machines . Servant in the house : A brief history of the sewing machine . From The Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution , 1929 History of Singer sewing machines Sewing Techniques Basting Cut Darning Ease Embellishment Fabric tube turning Floating canvas Gather Godet Gusset Heirloom sewing Shirring Stitches List of sewing stitches Backstitch Bar tack Blanket Blind stitch Buttonhole Catch stitch Chain stitch Cross-stitch Embroidery stitch Hemstitch Lockstitch Overlock Pad stitch Pick stitch Rantering Running Sashiko Stoating Tack Topstitch Zigzag Seams Felled seam Seam allowance Style line Notions Trims Bias tape Collar stays Elastic Grommet / Eyelet Interfacing Passementerie Piping Ruffle Rickrack Self - fabric Soutache Trim Twill tape Wrights Closures Buckle Button Buttonhole Frog Hook - and - eye Hook and loop fastener Shank Snap Zipper Materials Bias Yarn / Thread Selvage Textiles / Fabrics Tools Bobbin Dress form Needlecase Needle threader Pattern notcher Pin Pincushion Pinking shears Scissors Seam ripper Sewing needle Stitching awl Tailor 's ham Tape measure Thimble Tracing paper Tracing wheel Trades Suppliers Cloth merchant Draper Dressmaker Haberdasher Mercer Sewing occupations Tailor Sewing machine manufacturers List of sewing machine brands and companies Barthélemy Thimonnier Bernina International Brother Industries Elias Howe Elna Feiyue Frister & Rossmann Janome Jones Sewing Machine Company Juki Merrow New Home Pfaff Sewmor Singer Tapemaster Viking / Husqvarna White Pattern manufacturers Butterick Burda Clothkits McCall 's Simplicity Glossary of sewing terms LCCN : sh85120545 GND : 4135461 - 8 NDL : 00567720 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : American inventions English inventions French inventions Sewing Sewing equipment Textile machinery Home appliances 1830 introductions Hidden categories : Articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases from August 2014 Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Tools Afrikaans አማርኛ Asturianu Azərbaycanca Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) Български Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deitsch Deutsch Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Galego 客家 語 / Hak - kâ - ngî 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Ido Bahasa Indonesia ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ / inuktitut Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ಕನ್ನಡ Къарачай - малкъар ქართული Kaszëbsczi Қазақша Kiswahili Коми Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Magyar മലയാളം Bahasa Melayu Mìng - dĕ̤ng - ngṳ̄ Монгол မြန်မာဘာသာ Nederlands नेपाली 日本 語 Norsk Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Polski Português Română Русский Scots Seeltersk Simple English Slovenčina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் తెలుగు Тоҷикӣ Tsetsêhestâhese Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt Winaray ייִדיש 粵語 中文 Kabɩyɛ Edit links This page was last edited on 4 December 2017 , at 13 : 41 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when was the very first sewing machine invented | [
"A sewing machine is a machine used to stitch fabric and other materials together with thread. Sewing machines were invented during the first Industrial Revolution to decrease the amount of manual sewing work performed in clothing companies. Since the invention of the first working sewing machine, generally considered to have been the work of Englishman Thomas Saint in 1790,[1] the sewing machine has greatly improved the efficiency and productivity of the clothing industry."
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-2368326867890885935 | List of Presidents of the United States by date and place of birth | List of presidents of the United States by date and place of birth - wikipedia List of presidents of the United States by date and place of birth This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 25 October 2017 . Jump to : navigation , search This is a list of Presidents of the United States by date and place of birth . Forty - four persons have served as President of the United States since the office came into existence in 1789 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Birth dates and birth places of U.S. Presidents 2 Presidential birthplace historic sites 3 References 4 External links Birth dates and birth places of U.S. presidents ( edit ) Dates of birth sort by month and day = Colony , pre -- 1776 , rather than state . Birth Order President Date of birth Birthplace State of birth In office George Washington 02 - 22 February 22 , 1732 Westmoreland County virga ! Virginia 01 ! April 30 , 1789 -- March 4 , 1797 John Adams 10 - 30 October 30 , 1735 Braintree Massaa ! Massachusetts 02 ! March 4 , 1797 -- March 4 , 1801 Thomas Jefferson 04 - 13 April 13 , 1743 Shadwell Virginia 03 ! March 4 , 1801 -- March 4 , 1809 James Madison 03 - 16 March 16 , 1751 Port Conway Virginia 04 ! March 4 , 1809 -- March 4 , 1817 James Monroe 04 - 28 April 28 , 1758 Monroe Hall Virginia 05 ! March 4 , 1817 -- March 4 , 1825 6 Andrew Jackson 03 - 15 March 15 , 1767 Waxhaws Region Sou ! South / North Carolina 07 ! March 4 , 1829 -- March 4 , 1837 7 John Quincy Adams 07 - 11 July 11 , 1767 Braintree Massab ! Massachusetts 06 ! March 4 , 1825 -- March 4 , 1829 8 William Henry Harrison 02 - 09 February 9 , 1773 Charles City County Virginia 09 ! March 4 , 1841 -- April 4 , 1841 9 Martin Van Buren 12 - 05 December 5 , 1782 Kinderhook New York 08 ! March 4 , 1837 -- March 4 , 1841 10 Zachary Taylor 11 - 24 November 24 , 1784 Barboursville Virginia 12 ! March 4 , 1849 -- July 9 , 1850 11 John Tyler 03 - 29 March 29 , 1790 Charles City County Virginia 10 ! April 4 , 1841 -- March 4 , 1845 12 James Buchanan 04 - 23 April 23 , 1791 Cove Gap Pennsylvania 15 ! March 4 , 1857 -- March 4 , 1861 13 James K. Polk 11 - 02 November 2 , 1795 Pineville North Carolina 11 ! March 4 , 1845 -- March 4 , 1849 14 Millard Fillmore 01 - 07 January 7 , 1800 Summerhill New York 13 ! July 9 , 1850 -- March 4 , 1853 15 Franklin Pierce 11 - 23 November 23 , 1804 Hillsborough New Hampshire 14 ! March 4 , 1853 -- March 4 , 1857 16 Andrew Johnson 12 - 29 December 29 , 1808 Raleigh North Carolina 16 ! April 15 , 1865 -- March 4 , 1869 17 Abraham Lincoln 02 - 12 February 12 , 1809 Sinking ! Sinking Spring Kentucky 17 ! March 4 , 1861 -- April 15 , 1865 18 Ulysses S. Grant 04 - 27 April 27 , 1822 Point Pleasant Ohio 18 ! March 4 , 1869 -- March 4 , 1877 19 Rutherford B. Hayes 10 - 04 October 4 , 1822 Delaware Ohio 19 ! March 4 , 1877 -- March 4 , 1881 20 Chester A. Arthur 10 - 05 October 5 , 1829 Fairfield Vermont 21 ! September 19 , 1881 -- March 4 , 1885 21 James A. Garfield 11 - 19 November 19 , 1831 Moreland Hills Ohio 20 ! March 4 , 1881 -- September 19 , 1881 22 Benjamin Harrison 08 - 20 August 20 , 1833 North Bend Ohio 23 ! March 4 , 1889 -- March 4 , 1893 23 Grover Cleveland 03 - 18 March 18 , 1837 Caldwell New Jersey 22 ! March 4 , 1885 -- March 4 , 1889 24 ! March 4 , 1893 -- March 4 , 1897 24 William McKinley 01 - 29 January 29 , 1843 Niles Ohio 25 ! March 4 , 1897 -- September 14 , 1901 25 Woodrow Wilson 12 - 28 December 28 , 1856 Staunton Virginia 28 ! March 4 , 1913 -- March 4 , 1921 26 William H. Taft 09 - 15 September 15 , 1857 Cincinnati Ohio 27 ! March 4 , 1909 -- March 4 , 1913 27 Theodore Roosevelt 10 - 27 October 27 , 1858 New York City New York 26 ! September 14 , 1901 -- March 4 , 1909 28 Warren G. Harding 11 - 02 November 2 , 1865 Blooming Grove Ohio 29 ! March 4 , 1921 -- August 2 , 1923 29 Calvin Coolidge 07 - 04 July 4 , 1872 Plymouth Vermont 30 ! August 2 , 1923 -- March 4 , 1929 30 Herbert Hoover 08 - 10 August 10 , 1874 West Branch Iowa 31 ! March 4 , 1929 -- March 4 , 1933 31 Franklin D. Roosevelt 01 - 30 January 30 , 1882 Hyde Park New York 32 ! March 4 , 1933 -- April 12 , 1945 32 Harry S. Truman 05 - 08 May 8 , 1884 Lamar Missouri 33 ! April 12 , 1945 -- January 20 , 1953 33 Dwight D. Eisenhower 10 - 14 October 14 , 1890 Denison Texas 34 ! January 20 , 1953 -- January 20 , 1961 34 Lyndon B. Johnson 08 - 27 August 27 , 1908 Stonewall Texas 36 ! November 22 , 1963 -- January 20 , 1969 35 Ronald Reagan 02 - 06 February 6 , 1911 Tampico Illinois 40 ! January 20 , 1981 -- January 20 , 1989 36 Richard M. Nixon 01 - 09 January 9 , 1913 Yorba Linda California 37 ! January 20 , 1969 -- August 9 , 1974 37 Gerald R. Ford 07 - 14 July 14 , 1913 Omaha Nebraska 38 ! August 9 , 1974 -- January 20 , 1977 38 John F. Kennedy 05 - 29 May 29 , 1917 Brookline Massachusetts 35 ! January 20 , 1961 -- November 22 , 1963 39 George H.W. Bush 06 - 12 June 12 , 1924 Milton Massachusetts 41 ! January 20 , 1989 -- January 20 , 1993 40 Jimmy Carter 10 - 01 October 1 , 1924 Plains Georgia 39 ! January 20 , 1977 -- January 20 , 1981 41 Donald Trump 06 - 14 June 14 , 1946 New York City New York 45 ! January 20 , 2017 -- Incumbent 42 George W. Bush 07 - 06 July 6 , 1946 New Haven Connecticut 43 ! January 20 , 2001 -- January 20 , 2009 43 Bill Clinton 08 - 19 August 19 , 1946 Hope Arkansas 42 ! January 20 , 1993 -- January 20 , 2001 44 Barack Obama 08 - 04 August 4 , 1961 Honolulu Hawaii 44 ! January 20 , 2009 -- January 20 , 2017 Presidential Birthplace historic sites ( edit ) The birthplaces of many U.S. presidents have been preserved in some way or another , from the grand monuments , to replicas , or simple roadside markers . The first presidents not to be born `` at home '' were Donald Trump , George W. Bush , and Bill Clinton . Trump was born June 14 , 1946 , at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center in Queens , New York City . Bush was born July 6 , 1946 , at Grace - New Haven Hospital ( now Yale -- New Haven Hospital ) in New Haven , Connecticut . Clinton was born August 19 , 1946 at Julia Chester Hospital in Hope , Arkansas . The house in which he spent the first four years of his life is preserved as a National Historic Landmark . President Image Historic site George Washington 01 ! George Washington Birthplace National Monument , Colonial Beach , Virginia John Adams 02 ! John Adams Birthplace , Quincy , Massachusetts James Madison 03 ! Belle Grove Plantation , Port Conway , Virginia James Monroe 04 ! James Monroe Family Home Site , Colonial Beach , Virginia John Quincy Adams 05 ! John Quincy Adams Birthplace , Quincy , Massachusetts William Henry Harrison 06 ! Berkeley Plantation , Charles City County , Virginia James Buchanan 07 ! Buchanan 's Birthplace State Park , Cove Gap , Pennsylvania James K. Polk 08 ! President James K. Polk Historic Site , Pineville , North Carolina Franklin Pierce 08 ! Franklin Pierce Homestead , Hillsborough , New Hampshire Abraham Lincoln 09 ! Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park , Hodgenville , Kentucky Ulysses S. Grant 10 ! Grant Birthplace , Point Pleasant , Ohio Chester A. Arthur 11 ! Chester Alan Arthur State Historic Site , Fairfield , Vermont Grover Cleveland 12 ! Grover Cleveland Birthplace , Caldwell , New Jersey William McKinley 13 ! McKinley Birthplace Home and Research Center , Niles , Ohio Woodrow Wilson 14 ! Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library , Staunton , Virginia William Howard Taft 15 ! William Howard Taft National Historic Site , Cincinnati , Ohio Theodore Roosevelt 16 ! Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site , New York City , New York Calvin Coolidge 17 ! Calvin Coolidge Homestead District , Plymouth , Vermont Herbert Hoover 18 ! Herbert Hoover National Historic Site , West Branch , Iowa Franklin D. Roosevelt 19 ! Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site , Hyde Park , New York Harry S. Truman 20 ! Harry S Truman Birthplace State Historic Site , Lamar , Missouri Dwight D. Eisenhower 21 ! Eisenhower Birthplace State Historic Site , Denison , Texas Lyndon B. Johnson 22 ! Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park , Stonewall , Texas Ronald Reagan 23 ! Birthplace of Ronald Reagan , Tampico , Illinois Richard Nixon 24 ! Birthplace of Richard Nixon , Yorba Linda , California Gerald R. Ford 25 ! Gerald R. Ford Birthsite and Gardens , Omaha , Nebraska John F. Kennedy 26 ! John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site , Brookline , Massachusetts Bill Clinton 27 ! President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site , Hope , Arkansas References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Ahles , Dick ( December 24 , 2000 ) . `` Bush 's Birthplace ? It 's Deep in the Heart of ... New Haven '' . The New York Times . Archived from the original on October 26 , 2010 . Retrieved December 27 , 2010 . External links ( edit ) - Presidential museums , libraries , birthplaces , centers , and other notable places of historic importance . ( hide ) Lists related to the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the United States List of Presidents List of Vice Presidents Presidents Age Autobiographies Birth Burial places Death Historical rankings Lifespan timeline Number living Time in office Pension and benefits Portraits Professional careers Approval rating Assassination attempts and plots Campaign slogans Control of Congress Doctrines Inaugurations International trips Judicial appointments Libraries Military rank Military service Other offices held Pardons Previous experience Vetoes Personal life Coats of arms Deaths in office Education Facial hair Firsts Multilingualism Net worth Nicknames Pets Home state Previous occupation Religious affiliation Residences Slave owners Vice Presidents Age Coats of arms Education Number living Other offices held Place of primary affiliation Religious affiliation Tie - breaking votes Time in office Succession Acting President Designated survivor Line of succession Elections Electoral College margin Popular vote margin Summary Winner lost popular vote Candidates Democrat Republican Third party Progressive National Republican / Whig African American Female Received at least one electoral vote Height Lost their home state Families First Families First Ladies Second Ladies Children Namesakes , honors Memorial sites U.S. postage stamp appearances Educational institution names Currency appearances U.S. county names U.S. Senate vice presidential bust collection In fiction Presidents actors Vice Presidents actors Candidates Line of succession US Government Portal Biography Portal Presidents of the United States Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lists relating to the United States presidency Lists of presidents Historic sites in the United States Hidden categories : Wikipedia pending changes protected pages ( level 1 ) Talk Contents About Wikipedia Português Română 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 25 October 2017 , at 01 : 20 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who was the first president born in the 19th century | [
"\n\n\nDates of birth sort by month and day = Colony, pre–1776, rather than state.\n\n\nBirth\nOrder\nPresident\nDate of birth\nBirthplace\nState of birth\nIn office\n\n\n\n1\nGeorge Washington\n02-22February 22, 1732\nWestmoreland County\nvirga !Virginia\n01 !April 30, 1789 – March 4, 1797\n\n\n2\nJohn Adams\n10-30 October 30, 1735\nBraintree\nMassaa !Massachusetts\n02 !March 4, 1797 – March 4, 1801\n\n\n3\nThomas Jefferson\n04-13 April 13, 1743\nShadwell\nVirginia\n03 !March 4, 1801 – March 4, 1809\n\n\n4\nJames Madison\n03-16 March 16, 1751\nPort Conway\nVirginia\n04 !March 4, 1809 – March 4, 1817\n\n\n5\nJames Monroe\n04-28 April 28, 1758\nMonroe Hall\nVirginia\n05 !March 4, 1817 – March 4, 1825\n\n\n6\nAndrew Jackson\n03-15 March 15, 1767\nWaxhaws Region\nSou !South/North Carolina\n07 !March 4, 1829 – March 4, 1837\n\n\n7\nJohn Quincy Adams\n07-11 July 11, 1767\nBraintree\nMassab !Massachusetts\n06 !March 4, 1825 – March 4, 1829\n\n\n8\nWilliam Henry Harrison\n02-09 February 9, 1773\nCharles City County\nVirginia\n09 !March 4, 1841 – April 4, 1841\n\n\n9\nMartin Van Buren\n12-05 December 5, 1782\nKinderhook\nNew York\n08 !March 4, 1837 – March 4, 1841\n\n\n10\nZachary Taylor\n11-24 November 24, 1784\nBarboursville\nVirginia\n12 !March 4, 1849 – July 9, 1850\n\n\n11\nJohn Tyler\n03-29 March 29, 1790\nCharles City County\nVirginia\n10 !April 4, 1841 – March 4, 1845\n\n\n12\nJames Buchanan\n04-23 April 23, 1791\nCove Gap\nPennsylvania\n15 !March 4, 1857 – March 4, 1861\n\n\n13\nJames K. Polk\n11-02 November 2, 1795\nPineville\nNorth Carolina\n11 !March 4, 1845 – March 4, 1849\n\n\n14\nMillard Fillmore\n01-07 January 7, 1800\nSummerhill\nNew York\n13 !July 9, 1850 – March 4, 1853\n\n\n15\nFranklin Pierce\n11-23 November 23, 1804\nHillsborough\nNew Hampshire\n14 !March 4, 1853 – March 4, 1857\n\n\n16\nAndrew Johnson\n12-29 December 29, 1808\nRaleigh\nNorth Carolina\n16 !April 15, 1865 – March 4, 1869\n\n\n17\nAbraham Lincoln\n02-12 February 12, 1809\nSinking !Sinking Spring\nKentucky\n17 !March 4, 1861 – April 15, 1865\n\n\n18\nUlysses S. Grant\n04-27 April 27, 1822\nPoint Pleasant\nOhio\n18 !March 4, 1869 – March 4, 1877\n\n\n19\nRutherford B. Hayes\n10-04 October 4, 1822\nDelaware\nOhio\n19 !March 4, 1877 – March 4, 1881\n\n\n20\nChester A. Arthur\n10-05 October 5, 1829\nFairfield\nVermont\n21 !September 19, 1881 – March 4, 1885\n\n\n21\nJames A. Garfield\n11-19 November 19, 1831\nMoreland Hills\nOhio\n20 !March 4, 1881 – September 19, 1881\n\n\n22\nBenjamin Harrison\n08-20 August 20, 1833\nNorth Bend\nOhio\n23 !March 4, 1889 – March 4, 1893\n\n\n23\nGrover Cleveland\n03-18 March 18, 1837\nCaldwell\nNew Jersey\n22 !March 4, 1885 – March 4, 1889\n\n\n24 !March 4, 1893 – March 4, 1897\n\n\n24\nWilliam McKinley\n01-29 January 29, 1843\nNiles\nOhio\n25 !March 4, 1897 – September 14, 1901\n\n\n25\nWoodrow Wilson\n12-28 December 28, 1856\nStaunton\nVirginia\n28 !March 4, 1913 – March 4, 1921\n\n\n26\nWilliam H. Taft\n09-15 September 15, 1857\nCincinnati\nOhio\n27 !March 4, 1909 – March 4, 1913\n\n\n27\nTheodore Roosevelt\n10-27 October 27, 1858\nNew York City\nNew York\n26 !September 14, 1901 – March 4, 1909\n\n\n28\nWarren G. Harding\n11-02 November 2, 1865\nBlooming Grove\nOhio\n29 !March 4, 1921 – August 2, 1923\n\n\n29\nCalvin Coolidge\n07-04 July 4, 1872\nPlymouth\nVermont\n30 !August 2, 1923 – March 4, 1929\n\n\n30\nHerbert Hoover\n08-10 August 10, 1874\nWest Branch\nIowa\n31 !March 4, 1929 – March 4, 1933\n\n\n31\nFranklin D. Roosevelt\n01-30 January 30, 1882\nHyde Park\nNew York\n32 !March 4, 1933 – April 12, 1945\n\n\n32\nHarry S. Truman\n05-08 May 8, 1884\nLamar\nMissouri\n33 !April 12, 1945 – January 20, 1953\n\n\n33\nDwight D. Eisenhower\n10-14 October 14, 1890\nDenison\nTexas\n34 !January 20, 1953 – January 20, 1961\n\n\n34\nLyndon B. Johnson\n08-27 August 27, 1908\nStonewall\nTexas\n36 !November 22, 1963 – January 20, 1969\n\n\n35\nRonald Reagan\n02-06 February 6, 1911\nTampico\nIllinois\n40 !January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989\n\n\n36\nRichard M. Nixon\n01-09 January 9, 1913\nYorba Linda\nCalifornia\n37 !January 20, 1969 – August 9, 1974\n\n\n37\nGerald R. Ford\n07-14 July 14, 1913\nOmaha\nNebraska\n38 !August 9, 1974 – January 20, 1977\n\n\n38\nJohn F. Kennedy\n05-29 May 29, 1917\nBrookline\nMassachusetts\n35 !January 20, 1961 – November 22, 1963\n\n\n39\nGeorge H. W. Bush\n06-12 June 12, 1924\nMilton\nMassachusetts\n41 !January 20, 1989 – January 20, 1993\n\n\n40\nJimmy Carter\n10-01 October 1, 1924\nPlains\nGeorgia\n39 !January 20, 1977 – January 20, 1981\n\n\n41\nDonald Trump\n06-14 June 14, 1946\nNew York City\nNew York\n45 !January 20, 2017 – Incumbent\n\n\n42\nGeorge W. Bush\n07-06 July 6, 1946\nNew Haven\nConnecticut\n43 !January 20, 2001 – January 20, 2009\n\n\n43\nBill Clinton\n08-19 August 19, 1946\nHope\nArkansas\n42 !January 20, 1993 – January 20, 2001\n\n\n44\nBarack Obama\n08-04 August 4, 1961\nHonolulu\nHawaii\n44 !January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017\n\n"
] | [
"Franklin Pierce"
] |
-4690556652617233400 | John Wick (film series) | John Wick ( film series ) - wikipedia John Wick ( film series ) Jump to : navigation , search John Wick Theatrical poster for John Wick ( 2014 ) Created by Derek Kolstad Original work John Wick ( 2014 ) Owner Summit Entertainment Films and television Film ( s ) John Wick ( 2014 ) John Wick : Chapter 2 ( 2017 ) John Wick : Chapter 3 ( 2019 ) Ballerina ( TBA ) Television series The Continental ( TBA ) Games Video game ( s ) John Wick Chronicles Audio Soundtrack ( s ) John Wick : Original Motion Picture Soundtrack John Wick is a series of action films written by Derek Kolstad and directed by Chad Stahelski . The first film also had David Leitch as an uncredited director . Keanu Reeves stars as the eponymous antihero , a retired but deadly hitman seeking vengeance . The series began in 2014 with the release of John Wick . It was followed by the sequel John Wick : Chapter 2 , which was released in 2017 . The two films were successful both critically and commercially . The first film grossed $88.8 million worldwide and holds an 86 % approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes , while the second has a rating of 89 % and has grossed $171.2 million worldwide . A third film , titled John Wick : Chapter 3 is in development and is set to be released on May 17 , 2019 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Overview 2 Films 2.1 John Wick ( 2014 ) 2.2 John Wick : Chapter 2 ( 2017 ) 3 Future 3.1 John Wick : Chapter 3 ( 2019 ) 3.2 Ballerina ( TBA ) 4 Television 4.1 The Continental ( TBA ) 5 Influences 6 Cast and characters 7 Crew 8 Reception 8.1 Box office 8.2 Critical reception 9 John Wick Chronicles ( video game ) 10 References Overview ( edit ) The premise for John Wick was conceived by screenwriter Derek Kolstad who began work on a treatment about a retired contract killer coming out to seek vengeance , entitled Scorn . After one month of work , he had completed the first draft of the screenplay and once he had addressed several issues he pitched the script to various clients , garnering at least three offers . When he first started thinking about writing the script , Kolstad was influenced by film - noir classics and the themes of revenge and the antihero and the occurrences of what may play out if `` The worst man in existence found salvation ( ... ) When the source of his salvation is ripped from him ( ... ) Do the gates of Hades open ? '' For Kolstad , both Alistair MacLean and Stephen King were influences in the creating of the story of John Wick in terms of characterisation and world - building , stating , `` ( ... ) MacLean could build a world , and King could surprise you by what the main character truly was capable of . '' On December 3 , 2012 , it was announced that Thunder Road Pictures had bought the script with discretionary funds , with Kolstad agreeing due to Thunder Road 's plan to make the film straight away . When Basil Iwanyk head of Thunder Road Pictures had first read Kolstad 's original screenplay , he was immediately drawn to the main character of Wick , stating , `` The tone of the script was subversive and really fun . '' He also admired the emotional weight and action theme of the piece . After Thunder Road had optioned the script , Kolstad spent additional months refurbishing the script with them . In the original script , the character of John Wick was written with `` a man in his mid-sixties '' to play the role , given the title character 's fabled reputation as a revered and respected assassin . However , Iwanyk was of the belief that this was irrelevant and bent the original vision ever so slightly , stating , `` Instead , we decided to look for someone who is not literally older , but who has a seasoned history in the film world . '' On May 7 , 2013 , it was announced that Keanu Reeves began negotiations to star in the piece in April , and was later confirmed as the film 's male lead , after Iwanyk and Peter Lawson of Thunder Road showed him the script , which he thought to be full of potential and further stated , `` I love the role , but you want the whole story , the whole ensemble to come to life . '' Reeves and Kolstad had worked closely together on further developing the screenplay and the story , with the screenwriter stating , `` We spent as much time developing the other characters as we did his . ( Keanu ) recognizes that the strength of the storyline lies in even the smallest details . '' The title of the film was later changed from Scorn to John Wick , as according to Kolstad , `` Keanu liked the name so much , that Reeves kept telling everyone that he was making a film called ' John Wick ' '' , and the producers agreed , changing the title . During story discussions for John Wick , Reeves contacted Chad Stahelski and David Leitch , who he originally met on the set of The Matrix , to see if they were interested in choreographing or directing the action of the piece . Reeves admired Stahelski and Leitch 's work performing , choreographing and coordinating , stating that , `` When I got the script ... I immediately thought of Chad and Dave for the action design , but I was secretly hoping they 'd want to direct it . '' he then added , `` I knew that they would love the genre and I knew that they would love John Wick . And I thought the worlds that get created -- the real world and then this underworld -- would be attractive to them , and it was . '' After reading Kolstad 's script , Stahelski and Leitch , told Reeves they wanted to tell the story of John Wick , as they both had a desire to get involved with a project as directors . Impressed with Reeves ' enthusiasm and the quality of the script , Stahelski and Leitch , told him that they wished to direct the film and later presented him with their version of the story which was based on `` ( ... ) the idea of ( Wick ) as an urban legend , a thriller assassin movie with a realistic vibe and an otherworldly setting . '' Impressed with their concept , Reeves supported the pair , and Stahelski and Leitch pitched the idea to the studio , who hired them to direct , contrary to their initial request of directing the film 's second unit . On May 7 , 2013 , it was announced that Stahelski and Leitch were to direct the film together as a team , though it was later ruled by the Directors Guild of America that only Stahelski would be given the director credit . Leitch was credited as a producer . Principal photography for the first film was confirmed to have begun in New York City with an original shooting schedule meant to have occurred from September 25 to December 5 . with the filming process scheduled to continue in and around New York City and greater New York area . In February 2015 , directors Chad Stahelski and David Leitch stated that a John Wick sequel had begun development , which was later titled John Wick : Chapter 2 . The same month Jon Feltheimer , CEO of Lionsgate , stated during a conference call that `` We see John Wick as a multiple - title action franchise '' . Additionally , it was reported that Kolstad would return to write the screenplay . In May 2015 , it was confirmed that a sequel was greenlit , and Lionsgate would be selling the film at the Cannes Film Festival . Principal photography on the film began on October 26 , 2015 , in New York City . It would later move to Rome and later resumed in Montreal , Canada on October 27 , 2016 . Films ( edit ) John Wick ( 2014 ) ( edit ) Main article : John Wick John Wick : Chapter 2 ( 2017 ) ( edit ) Main article : John Wick : Chapter 2 Future ( edit ) John Wick : Chapter 3 ( 2019 ) ( edit ) In October 2016 , Stahelski stated that a third film is in development . In June 2017 , it was reported that Kolstad will return to pen the screenplay for the third film In September 2017 , Lionsgate announced a release date of May 17 , 2019 . In January 2018 , it was reported that Chad Stahelski was returning to direct the film and that Common , Laurence Fishburne , and Ruby Rose were set to reprise their roles from the second film . Additionally , it was announced that Hiroyuki Sanada had been cast as the film 's antagonist . The film is expected to begin production in New York on March 1 , 2018 . Ballerina ( tba ) ( edit ) In July 2017 , Lionsgate purchased a script tentatively titled Ballerina in the hopes of retooling and incorporating it into the John Wick film series as a spin - off , with the intention of expanding the franchise . The story reportedly involves a child assassin , in the fictional world created for the John Wick films . Television ( edit ) The Continental ( tba ) ( edit ) Main article : The Continental ( TV series ) In June 2017 , it was announced Chad Stahelski and writer Derek Kolstad were both creating a television series for Lionsgate based on the characters and setting of the John Wick films , tentatively titled `` The Continental . '' The series would tentatively focus on the hotel featured in the films , and the assassins who visit the safe haven . Later that year it was reported that Reeves would reprise his role as John Wick for the series . In January 2018 , the series was confirmed to air on Starz network . Chris Collins will serve as writer and showrunner for the series , while David Leitch , Keanu Reeves and Chad Stahelski will produce the series , while the latter will also direct the pilot episode . Influences ( edit ) Director Chad Stahelski said some influences for John Wick included : The Good , the Bad and the Ugly ( 1966 ) , Point Blank ( 1967 ) , Le Cercle Rouge ( 1970 ) , and The Killer ( 1989 ) . Stahelski said about The Good , the Bad and the Ugly , `` Look at Clint Eastwood in ( the film ) -- there is so much back - story unsaid there . We 're big fans of leaving it to your imagination . We just give you some gold coins , and then it 's , ' Where do the gold coins come from ? ' We 'll get to that . Have your imagination do some work there . '' He also said Point Blank ( 1967 ) influenced John Wick : `` One of the biggest inspirations for the film was Point Blank . We watched it on a loop in our office and there are a couple homages to that ( in John Wick ) . '' Park Chan - wook 's The Vengeance Trilogy ( 2002 -- 2005 ) and Lee Jeong - beom 's The Man from Nowhere ( 2010 ) influenced the film due to `` ( their ) minimalist composition and graphic nature . '' For screenwriter Derek Kolstad , both Alistair MacLean and Stephen King were huge influences in the creation of the story of John Wick in terms of characterisation and world - building , stating , with himself stating , `` MacLean could build a world , and King could surprise you by what the main character truly was capable of . '' Outside of films , Stahelski and Leitch drew inspiration from the visual stylings of the ' 60s and ' 70s as well as cinematic influences , including Sergio Leone , Akira Kurosawa , Steve McQueen , Lee Marvin , William Friedkin and Sam Peckinpah . With Stahelski himself stating , `` All the way back to Kurosawa up to Sergio Leone . We like the spaghetti western sensibility there , some of the composition . '' Albeit inspiration and emulation from the noir film genre , Stahelski too added that , `` Noir maybe was sort of less impactful for us than the other sort of westerns and Kurosawa and things like that . I think we wanted to make this hard - boiled character . '' Cast and characters ( edit ) The following is a list of cast members who portrayed characters appearing in John Wick film series . Character Film Television series John Wick John Wick : Chapter 2 John Wick : Chapter 3 The Continental John Wick Keanu Reeves Winston Ian McShane Ian McShane Helen Wick Bridget Moynahan Aurelio John Leguizamo Charon Lance Reddick Jimmy Thomas Sadoski Marcus Willem Dafoe Viggo Tarasov Michael Nyqvist Iosef Tarasov Alfie Allen Ms. Perkins Adrianne Palicki Cassian Common Ares Ruby Rose The Bowery King Laurence Fishburne Santino D'Antonio Riccardo Scamarcio Abram Tarasov Peter Stormare Julius Franco Nero TBA Hiroyuki Sanada Crew ( edit ) The following is a list of crew members who have participated in the making of John Wick film series . ( hide ) Film Director ( s ) Writer ( s ) Producer ( s ) Director ( s ) of photography Editor ( s ) Composer ( s ) John Wick Chad Stahelski David Leitch ( uncredited ) Derek Kolstad Basil Iwanyk David Leitch Chad Stahelski ( uncredited ) Eva Longoria Michael Witherill Jonathan Sela Elísabet Ronalds Tyler Bates Joel J. Richard John Wick : Chapter 2 Chad Stahelski Basil Iwanyk Erica Lee Dan Laustsen Evan Schiff Reception ( edit ) Box office ( edit ) Film Release date Box office gross Budget Ref ( s ) North America Other territories Worldwide John Wick October 24 , 2014 $43,037,835 $45,723,826 $88,761,661 $20,000,000 John Wick : Chapter 2 February 10 , 2017 $92,029,184 $79,189,198 $171,218,382 $40,000,000 Total $135,067,019 $124,913,024 $259,980,043 $60,000,000 Critical reception ( edit ) On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes the first film has an approval rating of 86 % based on 194 reviews , with an average rating of 6.9 / 10 . The site 's critical consensus reads , `` Stylish , thrilling , and giddily kinetic , John Wick serves as a satisfying return to action for Keanu Reeves -- and what looks like it could be the first of a franchise . '' Metacritic , another review aggregator , assigned the film a weighted average score of 68 out of 100 , based on 39 critics , indicating `` generally favorable reviews '' . CinemaScore reported that audiences gave the film a `` B '' grade , on an A+ to F scale . On Rotten Tomatoes , John Wick : Chapter 2 has an approval rating of 90 % based on 211 reviews , and an average rating of 7.3 / 10 . The site 's critical consensus reads , `` John Wick : Chapter 2 does what a sequel should -- which in this case means doubling down on the non-stop , thrillingly choreographed action that made its predecessor so much fun . '' On Metacritic , which assigns a normalized rating , the film has a score of 75 out of 100 , based on 43 critics , indicating `` generally favorable reviews '' . Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of `` A -- '' on an A+ to F scale . John Wick Chronicles. ( video game ) ( edit ) On August 7 , 2015 , Lionsgate and Starbreeze Studios announced a partnership to develop a first - person shooter virtual reality game based on the film for the HTC Vive / Steam VR . Development will be headed by Grab Games , with Starbreeze set to publish . WEVR will develop an introductory experience for the game . The game was released on February 9 , 2017 with the name John Wick Chronicles. and has a standalone narrative based on the Continental Hotel . Additionally , John Wick content -- a free Character Pack and a chargeable Weapons Pack -- was released for the Payday 2 games on October 20 , 2016 as a cross-promotion . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` John Wick ( 2014 ) '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Retrieved April 13 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` John Wick ( 2014 ) '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved April 13 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` John Wick : Chapter 2 ( 2017 ) '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Fandango . Retrieved April 13 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` John Wick : Chapter 2 ( 2017 ) '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved May 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Derek Kolstad Interview '' . The Action Elite . July 30 , 2012 . Retrieved July 30 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` JOHN WICK , HIT MAN '' . whoa is ( not ) me . Retrieved January 6 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Reeves returns in wicked action flick '' . AsiaOne Entertainment . Retrieved October 21 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` THE HIT LIST 2012 ( FULL LIST ) '' . Tracking Board . Retrieved December 10 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` KEANU REEVES PLAYS HITMAN IN `` JOHN WICK '' -- Surprises with Unexpected Use Of Artillery In Action Scenes `` . MovieNews.Me . Retrieved October 22 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Keanu Reeves plays hitman in ' John Wick ' -- Surprises with unexpected use of artillery in action scenes '' . Inquirer EX Movies . Retrieved October 24 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` on his dedication to his craft '' . whoa is ( not ) me . Retrieved October 24 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Keanu Reeves film ' John Wick ' gets positive reviews '' . PhilSTAR . Retrieved October 23 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Interview : Chad Stahelski & David Leitch '' . Dorkshelf . October 24 , 2014 . Retrieved October 24 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` Veteran stuntmen become directors with ' John Wick ' '' . Yahoo . October 17 , 2014 . Retrieved October 17 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Keanu Reeves to star in John Wick '' . Screen International . May 7 , 2013 . Retrieved May 7 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Keanu Reeves To Play `` John Wick '' `` . Dark Horizons . May 7 , 2013 . Retrieved May 7 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` ' JOHN WICK ' '' . Outtakes Atlanta . Retrieved October 24 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` John Wick Has a New Start Date '' . Mr - Reeves . September 25 , 2013 . Retrieved September 25 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` John Wick to be shot in New York in October '' . USA Production News . September 25 , 2013 . Retrieved September 25 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Bridget Moynahan Opposite Keanu Reeves in John Wick '' . Overallsite . October 17 , 2013 . Retrieved October 17 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` RUSH CALL : ' John Wick ' Starring Keanu Reeves Casting Call for Featured Extra Role in New York City '' . The Hollywood Reporter . November 1 , 2013 . Retrieved November 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Guerrasio , Jason ( February 4 , 2015 ) . `` ' John Wick ' Directors Are Already Working on a Sequel ( Exclusive ) '' . . Retrieved October 27 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` John Wick Sequel Already In The Works '' . Final Reel . February 5 , 2015 . Retrieved October 27 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Lionsgate Planning ' John Wick ' Sequel '' . Variety . February 6 , 2015 . Retrieved October 27 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` On the Set for 10 / 30 / 15 : Keanu Reeves Starts on John Wick Sequel , Seth Rogen and Zac Efron Wrap Up Neighbors 2 '' . SSN Insider . October 30 , 2015 . Retrieved November 2 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Page , Aubrey ( October 10 , 2016 ) . `` ' John Wick 3 ' Already in the Works , Reveals Director Chad Stahelski ; ' Chapter 2 ' Details Teased '' . . Archived from the original on October 10 , 2016 . Retrieved October 10 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Kit , Borys ( June 1 , 2017 ) . `` ' John Wick 3 ' Brings Back Writer Derek Kolsta ( Exclusive ) '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Archived from the original on June 1 , 2017 . Retrieved June 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ D'Alessandro , Anthony ( 2017 - 09 - 14 ) . `` ' John Wick : Chapter Three ' Targets Early Summer 2019 Date '' . Deadline . Retrieved 2017 - 09 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` EXCLUSIVE : ' John Wick 3 ' Details : Director , New Characters , Start Date and More - That Hashtag Show '' . That Hashtag Show . January 17 , 2018 . Retrieved January 18 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Lussier , Germain . `` The John Wick Cinematic Universe Is Beginning to Expand '' . io9 . io9 . Retrieved 14 August 2017 . Jump up ^ Lussier , Germain . `` The Robust Assassin Mythology of John Wick Could Get Its Own TV Show '' . io9 . io9 . Retrieved 14 August 2017 . Jump up ^ Travers , Ben ( June 14 , 2017 ) . `` ' John Wick ' TV Show : Keanu Reeves Expected to Guest Star , a New Title , and More Plans for the Prequel '' . Jump up ^ `` ' John Wick ' TV Series Title , Plot Details , and Keanu Reeves Cameo Teased by Chad Stahelski '' . June 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : `` ' John Wick ' Directors Talk World - Building & Not Killing a Dog in the Sequel '' . ScreenRant . Retrieved October 26 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` Keanu Reeves Came Up With a Badass Hashtag for `` John Wick '' `` . Complex . Retrieved October 24 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Chad Stahelski & David Leitch , longtime stunt coordinators & performers , founders of 87Eleven Action Design , and the filmmakers responsible for the new Keanu Reeves action - thriller ' JOHN WICK ' ... Ask us anything ! '' . Reddit . Retrieved September 30 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` An interview with Derek Kolstad , screenwriter of John Wick '' . Flickering Myth . Retrieved October 24 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` ' John Wick ' Directors Talk World - Building & Not Killing a Dog in the Sequel '' . PixMovies . Retrieved October 25 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` John Wick ( 2014 ) - Box Office Mojo '' . . Retrieved April 13 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` John Wick : Chapter Two ( 2017 ) - Box Office Mojo '' . . Retrieved July 23 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` John Wick ( 2014 ) '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Retrieved April 8 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` John Wick Reviews '' . Metacritic . Retrieved December 18 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` CinemaScore -- John Wick '' . CinemaScore . Retrieved October 27 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` ' Ouija ' Says Yes To No. 1 , ' John Wick ' No. 2 With A Bullet , ' St. Vincent , ' Superb Exit Polls -- B.O. Weekend '' . Deadline . Retrieved October 26 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` John Wick : Chapter 2 ( 2017 ) '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Fandango . Retrieved October 29 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` John Wick : Chapter 2 Reviews '' . Metacritic . CBS Interactive . Retrieved February 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` John Wick : Chapter 2 '' . CinemaScore on Twitter . February 11 , 2017 . Retrieved April 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` John Wick Chronicles '' . Jump up ^ McCown , Alex ( August 7 , 2015 ) . `` John Wick is being turned into a VR game , hopefully sans puppy death '' . Retrieved August 10 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Sofka , Samantha ( August 7 , 2015 ) . `` There 's a John Wick VR Game on the Way '' . . Retrieved August 8 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Payday 2 : John Wick Weapon Pack '' . Jump up ^ `` Payday 2 : John Wick Character Pack '' . John Wick Films John Wick John Wick : Chapter 2 Television series The Continental Music John Wick : Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Media franchises introduced in 2014 Film series Action films by series Thriller films by series Action thriller films Films adapted into video games Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from June 2017 Talk Contents About Wikipedia עברית 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 26 February 2018 , at 21 : 56 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who plays the title character in the john wick franchise | [
"John Wick is a series of action films written by Derek Kolstad and directed by Chad Stahelski. The first film also had David Leitch as an uncredited director. Keanu Reeves stars as the eponymous antihero, a retired but deadly hitman seeking vengeance."
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"Keanu Reeves"
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-8318057132068065181 | Charlotte, North Carolina | Charlotte , North Carolina - wikipedia Charlotte , North Carolina This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 28 May 2018 . Jump to : navigation , search `` Charlotte '' redirects here . For other uses , see Charlotte ( disambiguation ) . Largest city in North Carolina City in North Carolina , United States Charlotte , North Carolina City City of Charlotte Clockwise : UNC Charlotte , Harvey B. Gantt Center for African - American Arts + Culture , Duke Energy Center , Charlotte 's skyline , First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte , Charlotte Main Library and NASCAR Hall of Fame building Flag Nickname ( s ) : The Queen City , The QC , The Hornet 's Nest Charlotte 's location in Mecklenburg County in the state of North Carolina Charlotte , North Carolina Location in the United States of America Coordinates : 35 ° 13 ′ 37 '' N 80 ° 50 ′ 36 '' W / 35.22694 ° N 80.84333 ° W / 35.22694 ; - 80.84333 Coordinates : 35 ° 13 ′ 37 '' N 80 ° 50 ′ 36 '' W / 35.22694 ° N 80.84333 ° W / 35.22694 ; - 80.84333 Country United States State North Carolina County Mecklenburg Settled 1755 Incorporated 1768 ( as a town , later a city ) Named for Charlotte of Mecklenburg - Strelitz Government Type Council - manager Body City Council of Charlotte , North Carolina Mayor Vi Lyles ( D ) Area City 297.7 sq mi ( 771 km ) Elevation 751 ft ( 229 m ) Population ( 2010 ) City 731,424 Estimate ( 2017 ) 859,035 ( US : 17th ) Density 2,500 / sq mi ( 950 / km ) Urban 1,249,442 ( 38th ) Metro 2,474,314 ( 22nd ) Demonym ( s ) Charlottean Time zone EST ( UTC - 5 ) Summer ( DST ) EDT ( UTC - 4 ) ZIP code 28201 - 28237 , 28240 - 28247 , 28250 , 28253 - 28256 , 28258 , 28260 - 28262 , 28265 - 28266 , 28269 - 28275 , 28277 - 28278 , 28280 - 28290 , 28296 - 28297 , 28299 Area code ( s ) 704 , 980 FIPS code 37 - 12000 GNIS feature ID 1019610 Website Charlotte / ˈʃɑːrlət / is the most populous city in the U.S. state of North Carolina . Located in the Piedmont , it is the county seat of Mecklenburg County . In 2017 , the U.S. Census Bureau estimated the population was 859,035 , making it the 17th-most populous city in the United States . The Charlotte metropolitan area ranks 22nd - largest in the U.S. , and had a 2016 population of 2,474,314 . The Charlotte metropolitan area is part of a sixteen - county market region or combined statistical area with a 2016 U.S. Census population estimate of 2,632,249 . Between 2004 and 2014 , Charlotte was ranked as the country 's fastest growing metro area , with 888,000 new residents . Based on U.S. Census data from 2005 to 2015 , it tops the 50 largest U.S. cities as the millennial hub . It is the second - largest city in the southeastern United States , just behind Jacksonville , Florida . It is the third - fastest growing major city in the United States . It is listed as a `` gamma - minus '' global city by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network . Residents are referred to as `` Charlotteans '' . Charlotte is home to the corporate headquarters of Bank of America and the east coast operations of Wells Fargo , which along with other financial institutions made it the second - largest banking center in the United States from 1995 to 2017 and the third - largest from 2017 to present . Among Charlotte 's many notable attractions , some of the most popular include the Carolina Panthers of the NFL , the Charlotte Hornets of the NBA , the Charlotte Checkers of the AHL , the Charlotte Independence of the USL , the Charlotte Hounds of Major League Lacrosse , two NASCAR Cup Series races and the NASCAR All - Star Race , the Wells Fargo Championship , the NASCAR Hall of Fame , the Charlotte Ballet , Carowinds amusement park , and the U.S. National Whitewater Center . Charlotte Douglas International Airport is a major international hub , and was ranked the 23rd - busiest airport in the world by passenger traffic in 2013 . Charlotte has a humid subtropical climate . It is located several miles east of the Catawba River and southeast of Lake Norman , the largest man - made lake in North Carolina . Lake Wylie and Mountain Island Lake are two smaller man - made lakes located near the city . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 After the American Revolution 1.2 World War I to present 2 Geography 2.1 Cityscape 2.2 Green space 2.3 Climate and environment 3 Demographics 3.1 Religion 4 Economy 4.1 Top employers 5 Culture 5.1 Museums 5.2 Performing arts 5.3 Festivals and special events 5.4 Zoos and aquariums 6 Sports 7 Law , government and politics 7.1 City services 7.1. 1 Emergency medical services 7.1. 2 Hospitals 7.1. 3 Fire department 7.1. 4 Law enforcement and crime 8 Education 8.1 School system 8.2 Colleges and universities 8.3 Libraries 9 Media 9.1 Newspaper 9.2 Radio 9.3 Television 10 Infrastructure 10.1 Waste treatment 10.2 Transportation 10.2. 1 Mass transit 10.2. 2 Walkability 10.2. 3 Roads and highways 10.2. 4 Air 10.2. 5 Intercity transportation 11 Notable people 12 Sister cities 13 See also 14 Notes 15 References 16 Further reading 17 External links History ( edit ) See also : Timeline of Charlotte , North Carolina Following thousands of years of indigenous cultures , the Catawba Native Americans were the first known historic tribe to settle Mecklenburg County ( in the Charlotte area ) and were first recorded around 1567 in Spanish records . By 1759 half the Catawba tribe had died from smallpox , which was endemic among Europeans , because they had no acquired immunity to the new disease . At the time of their largest population , Catawba people numbered 10,000 , but by 1826 their total population had dropped to 110 . The European - American city of Charlotte was developed first by a wave of migration of Scots - Irish Presbyterians , or Ulster - Scot settlers from Northern Ireland , who dominated the culture of the Southern Piedmont Region . They made up the principal founding European population in the backcountry . German immigrants also settled here before the American Revolutionary War , but in much smaller numbers . They still contributed greatly to the early foundations of the region . The Flag of Charlotte is the Saint Andrews Flag of Scotland , or Saltire with a City Crest . Mecklenburg County was initially part of Bath County ( 1696 to 1729 ) of New Hanover Precinct , which became New Hanover County in 1729 . The western portion of New Hanover split into Bladen County in 1734 , its western portion splitting into Anson County in 1750 . Mecklenburg County formed from Anson County in 1762 . Further apportionment was made in 1792 , after the American Revolutionary War , with Cabarrus County formed from Mecklenburg . In 1842 , Union County formed from Mecklenburg 's southeastern portion and a western portion of Anson County . These areas were all part of one of the original six judicial / military districts of North Carolina known as the Salisbury District . The area that is now Charlotte was settled by people of European descent around 1755 , when Thomas Spratt and his family settled near what is now the Elizabeth neighborhood . Thomas Polk ( granduncle of U.S. President James K. Polk ) , who later married Thomas Spratt 's daughter , built his house by the intersection of two Native American trading paths between the Yadkin and Catawba rivers . One path ran north -- south and was part of the Great Wagon Road ; the second path ran east -- west along what is now Trade Street . Nicknamed the Queen City , like its county a few years earlier , Charlotte was named in honor of German princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg - Strelitz , who had become the Queen Consort of Great Britain and Ireland in 1761 , seven years before the town 's incorporation . A second nickname derives from the American Revolutionary War , when British commander General Charles Cornwallis , 1st Marquess Cornwallis occupied the city but was driven out by hostile residents . He wrote that Charlotte was `` a hornet 's nest of rebellion '' , leading to the nickname The Hornet 's Nest . Within decades of Polk 's settling , the area grew to become `` Charlotte Town '' , incorporating in 1768 . The crossroads in the Piedmont became the heart of Uptown Charlotte . In 1770 , surveyors marked the streets in a grid pattern for future development . The east -- west trading path became Trade Street , and the Great Wagon Road became Tryon Street , in honor of William Tryon , a royal governor of colonial North Carolina . The intersection of Trade and Tryon -- commonly known today as `` Trade & Tryon , '' or simply `` The Square '' -- is more properly called `` Independence Square '' . While surveying the boundary between the Carolinas in 1772 , William Moultrie stopped in Charlotte Town , whose five or six houses were `` very ordinary built of logs '' . Local leaders came together in 1775 and signed the Mecklenburg Resolves , more popularly known as the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence . While not a true declaration of independence from British rule , it is among the first such declarations that eventually led to the American Revolution . May 20 , the traditional date of the signing of the declaration , is celebrated annually in Charlotte as `` MecDec '' , with musket and cannon fire by reenactors in Independence Square . North Carolina 's state flag and state seal also bear the date . After the American Revolution ( edit ) Charlotte is traditionally considered the home of Southern Presbyterianism , but in the 19th century , numerous churches , including Presbyterian , Baptist , Methodist , Episcopalian , Lutheran , and Roman Catholic formed , eventually giving Charlotte the nickname , `` The City of Churches '' . In 1799 , in nearby Cabarrus County , 12 - year - old Conrad Reed found a 17 - pound rock , which his family used as a doorstop . Three years later , a jeweler determined it was nearly solid gold , paying the family a paltry $3.50 . The first documented gold find in the United States of any consequence set off the nation 's first gold rush . Many veins of gold were found in the area throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries , leading to the 1837 founding of the Charlotte Mint . North Carolina was the chief producer of gold in the United States until the Sierra Nevada find in 1848 , although the volume mined in the Charlotte area was dwarfed by subsequent rushes . View of the Old Court House , Charlotte , 1888 . Some groups still pan for gold occasionally in local streams and creeks . The Reed Gold Mine operated until 1912 . The Charlotte Mint was active until 1861 , when Confederate forces seized it at the outbreak of the Civil War . The mint was not reopened at the war 's end , but the building , albeit in a different location , now houses the Mint Museum of Art . The city 's first boom came after the Civil War , as a cotton processing center and a railroad hub . Charlotte 's city population at the 1880 Census grew to 7,084 . In 1910 , Charlotte passed Wilmington to become North Carolina 's largest city . World War I to present ( edit ) Population grew again during World War I , when the U.S. government established Camp Greene north of present - day Wilkinson Boulevard . Many soldiers and suppliers stayed after the war , launching an urban ascent that eventually overtook older city rivals along the Piedmont Crescent . In the 1920 census , Charlotte lost its title as the state 's largest city to Winston - Salem , which with a population of 48,395 had 2,077 more people than Charlotte . However , Charlotte regained its status several years later . The city 's modern - day banking industry achieved prominence in the 1970s and 1980s , largely under the leadership of financier Hugh McColl . McColl transformed North Carolina National Bank ( NCNB ) into a formidable national player that through aggressive acquisitions became known as NationsBank , eventually merging with BankAmerica to become Bank of America . First Union , later Wachovia in 2001 , experienced similar growth before it was acquired by San Francisco - based Wells Fargo in 2008 . Measured by control of assets , Charlotte is the second largest banking headquarters in the United States , after New York City . On September 22 , 1989 , the city took a direct hit from Hurricane Hugo . With sustained winds of 69 mph ( 111 km / h ) and gusts of 87 mph ( 140 km / h ) in some locations , Hugo caused massive property damage , destroyed 80,000 trees , and knocked out electrical power to most of the population . Residents were without power for weeks , schools were closed for a week or more , and the cleanup took months . The city was caught unprepared ; Charlotte is 200 miles ( 320 km ) inland , and residents from coastal areas in both Carolinas often wait out hurricanes in Charlotte . In December 2002 , Charlotte and much of central North Carolina were hit by an ice storm that resulted in more than 1.3 million people losing power . During an abnormally cold December , many were without power for weeks . Many of the city 's Bradford pear trees split apart under the weight of the ice . In August 2015 and in September 2016 , the city experienced several days of protests related to the police shootings of Jonathan Ferrell and Keith Scott . Geography ( edit ) Uptown Charlotte 's skyline According to the United States Census Bureau , the city has a total area of 297.68 square miles ( 771.0 km ) , of which 297.08 square miles ( 769.4 km ) is land and 0.6 square miles ( 1.6 km ) is water . Charlotte lies at an elevation of 748 feet ( 228 m ) , as measured at Charlotte / Douglas International Airport . Charlotte constitutes most of Mecklenburg County in the Carolina Piedmont . Charlotte center city sits atop a long rise between two creeks , Sugar Creek and Irwin Creek , and was built on the gunnies of the St. Catherine 's and Rudisill gold mines . Though the Catawba River and its lakes lie several miles west , there are no significant bodies of water or other geological features near the city center . Consequently , development has neither been constrained nor helped by waterways or ports that have contributed to many cities of similar size . The lack of these obstructions has contributed to Charlotte 's growth as a highway , rail , and air transportation hub . Cityscape ( edit ) Charlotte 's SouthPark neighborhood See also : List of Charlotte neighborhoods and List of tallest buildings in Charlotte Charlotte has 199 neighborhoods radiating in all directions from Uptown . Biddleville , the primary historic center of Charlotte 's African - American community , is west of Uptown , starting at the Johnson C. Smith University campus and extending to the airport . East of The Plaza and north of Central Avenue , Plaza - Midwood is known for its international population , including Eastern Europeans , Greeks , Middle - Easterners , and Hispanics . North Tryon and the Sugar Creek area include several Asian - American communities . NoDa ( North Davidson ) , north of Uptown , is an emerging center for arts and entertainment . Myers Park , Dilworth , and Eastover are home to some of Charlotte 's oldest and largest houses , on tree - lined boulevards , with Freedom Park , arguably the city 's favorite , nearby . The SouthPark area offers shopping , dining , and multifamily housing . Far South Boulevard is home to a large Hispanic community . Many students , researchers , and affiliated professionals live near UNC Charlotte in the northeast area known as University City . The large area known as Southeast Charlotte is home to many golf communities , luxury developments , churches , the Jewish community center , and private schools . As undeveloped land within Mecklenburg has become scarce , many of these communities have expanded into Weddington and Waxhaw in Union County . Ballantyne , in the south of Charlotte , and nearly every area on the I ‐ 485 perimeter , has experienced rapid growth over the past ten years . Since the 1980s in particular , Uptown Charlotte has undergone massive construction of buildings , housing Bank of America , Wells Fargo , Hearst Corporation , Duke Energy , several hotels , and multiple condominium developments . Green space ( edit ) Little Sugar Creek Greenway in winter The 120 ‐ acre Park Road Park is a prominent landmark near the SouthPark area . Park Road Park features 8 basketball courts , 2 horseshoe pits , 6 baseball fields , 5 Picnic Shelters , volleyball courts , playgrounds , trails , tennis courts , and an eleven - acre lake . The Charlotte - Mecklenburg Parks & Recreation Department operates 36 tennis facilities and the 12 lighted tennis courts at the park . The urban section of Little Sugar Creek Greenway was completed in 2012 . Inspired in part by the San Antonio River Walk , and integral to Charlotte 's extensive urban park system , it is `` a huge milestone '' according to Gwen Cook , greenway planner for Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation. However , the Little Sugar Creek Greenway bears no relation to the San Antonio River Walk . The Little Sugar Creek Greenway is prone to flooding during thunderstorms and periods of heavy rain . Creation of Little Sugar Creek Greenway cost $43 million and was controversial because it required the forced acquisition of several established local businesses . Climate and environment ( edit ) Charlotte , like much of the Piedmont region of the southeastern United States , has a humid subtropical climate ( Köppen Cfa ) , with four distinct seasons ; the city itself is part of USDA hardiness zone 8a , transitioning to 7b in the suburbs in all directions except the south . Winters are short and generally cool , with a January daily average of 40.1 ° F ( 4.5 ° C ) . On average , there are 59 nights per year that drop to or below freezing , and only 1.5 days that fail to rise above freezing . April is the driest month , with an average of 3.04 inches ( 7.7 cm ) of precipitation . Summers are hot and humid , with a daily average in July of 78.5 ° F ( 25.8 ° C ) . There is an average 44 days per year with highs at or above 90 ° F ( 32 ° C ) . Official record temperatures range from 104 ° F ( 40 ° C ) recorded six times , most recently on July 1 , 2012 , down to − 5 ° F ( − 21 ° C ) recorded on January 21 , 1985 , the most recent of three occasions . The record cold daily maximum is 14 ° F ( − 10 ° C ) on February 12 and 13 , 1899 , and the record warm daily minimum is 82 ° F ( 28 ° C ) on August 13 , 1881 . The average window for freezing temperatures is November 5 through March 30 , allowing a growing season of 220 days . Charlotte is directly in the path of subtropical moisture from the Gulf of Mexico as it heads up the eastern seaboard , thus the city receives ample precipitation throughout the year but also many clear , sunny days ; precipitation is generally less frequent in autumn than in spring . On average , Charlotte receives 41.6 inches ( 1,060 mm ) of precipitation annually , which is somewhat evenly distributed throughout the year , although summer is slightly wetter ; annual precipitation has historically ranged from 26.23 in ( 666 mm ) in 2001 to 68.44 in ( 1,738 mm ) in 1884 . In addition , there is an average of 4.3 inches ( 10.9 cm ) of snow , mainly in January and February and rarely December or March , with more frequent ice storms and sleet mixed in with rain ; seasonal snowfall has historically ranged from trace amounts as recently as 2011 -- 12 to 22.6 in ( 57 cm ) in 1959 -- 60 . These storms can have a major impact on the area , as they often pull tree limbs down onto power lines and make driving hazardous . ( show ) Climate data for Charlotte , North Carolina ( Charlotte - Douglas Int'l ) , 1981 -- 2010 normals , extremes 1878 -- present Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Record high ° F ( ° C ) 79 ( 26 ) 82 ( 28 ) 91 ( 33 ) 96 ( 36 ) 98 ( 37 ) 104 ( 40 ) 104 ( 40 ) 104 ( 40 ) 104 ( 40 ) 98 ( 37 ) 85 ( 29 ) 80 ( 27 ) 104 ( 40 ) Mean maximum ° F ( ° C ) 69.7 ( 20.9 ) 72.8 ( 22.7 ) 81.1 ( 27.3 ) 86.3 ( 30.2 ) 90.0 ( 32.2 ) 94.4 ( 34.7 ) 96.9 ( 36.1 ) 96.0 ( 35.6 ) 91.1 ( 32.8 ) 84.9 ( 29.4 ) 78.0 ( 25.6 ) 70.4 ( 21.3 ) 98.0 ( 36.7 ) Average high ° F ( ° C ) 50.7 ( 10.4 ) 55.0 ( 12.8 ) 63.1 ( 17.3 ) 71.9 ( 22.2 ) 78.9 ( 26.1 ) 86.0 ( 30 ) 89.0 ( 31.7 ) 87.5 ( 30.8 ) 81.3 ( 27.4 ) 71.8 ( 22.1 ) 62.4 ( 16.9 ) 52.9 ( 11.6 ) 70.9 ( 21.6 ) Average low ° F ( ° C ) 29.6 ( − 1.3 ) 32.7 ( 0.4 ) 39.3 ( 4.1 ) 46.9 ( 8.3 ) 55.8 ( 13.2 ) 64.5 ( 18.1 ) 68.1 ( 20.1 ) 67.2 ( 19.6 ) 60.4 ( 15.8 ) 48.8 ( 9.3 ) 39.2 ( 4 ) 31.9 ( − 0.1 ) 48.7 ( 9.3 ) Mean minimum ° F ( ° C ) 14.2 ( − 9.9 ) 18.7 ( − 7.4 ) 24.2 ( − 4.3 ) 32.9 ( 0.5 ) 43.3 ( 6.3 ) 55.9 ( 13.3 ) 62.0 ( 16.7 ) 60.6 ( 15.9 ) 48.7 ( 9.3 ) 34.6 ( 1.4 ) 25.4 ( − 3.7 ) 18.0 ( − 7.8 ) 11.3 ( − 11.5 ) Record low ° F ( ° C ) − 5 ( − 21 ) − 5 ( − 21 ) ( − 16 ) 21 ( − 6 ) 32 ( 0 ) 45 ( 7 ) 53 ( 12 ) 50 ( 10 ) 38 ( 3 ) 24 ( − 4 ) 11 ( − 12 ) − 5 ( − 21 ) − 5 ( − 21 ) Average precipitation inches ( mm ) 3.41 ( 86.6 ) 3.32 ( 84.3 ) 4.01 ( 101.9 ) 3.04 ( 77.2 ) 3.18 ( 80.8 ) 3.74 ( 95 ) 3.68 ( 93.5 ) 4.22 ( 107.2 ) 3.24 ( 82.3 ) 3.40 ( 86.4 ) 3.14 ( 79.8 ) 3.25 ( 82.6 ) 41.63 ( 1,057.4 ) Average snowfall inches ( cm ) 2.1 ( 5.3 ) 1.2 ( 3 ) 0.6 ( 1.5 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0.1 ( 0.3 ) 0.3 ( 0.8 ) 4.3 ( 10.9 ) Average precipitation days ( ≥ 0.01 in ) 9.7 9.4 9.6 8.8 9.6 10.2 10.8 9.8 7.1 6.9 8.4 9.6 109.9 Average snowy days ( ≥ 0.1 in ) 1.0 0.5 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 1.9 Average relative humidity ( % ) 65.7 61.8 61.5 59.3 66.9 69.6 72.2 73.5 73.3 69.9 67.6 67.3 67.4 Mean monthly sunshine hours 173.3 180.3 234.8 269.6 292.1 289.2 290.0 272.9 241.4 230.5 178.4 168.5 2,821 Percent possible sunshine 55 59 63 69 67 66 66 65 65 66 58 55 63 Source : NOAA ( relative humidity and sun 1961 -- 1990 ) Demographics ( edit ) Historical population Census Pop . % ± 1850 1,065 -- 1860 2,265 112.7 % 1870 4,473 97.5 % 1880 7,094 58.6 % 1890 11,557 62.9 % 1900 18,091 56.5 % 1910 34,014 88.0 % 1920 46,338 36.2 % 1930 82,675 78.4 % 1940 100,899 22.0 % 1950 134,042 32.8 % 1960 201,564 50.4 % 1970 241,420 19.8 % 1980 315,474 30.7 % 395,934 25.5 % 2000 540,828 36.6 % 731,424 35.2 % Est. 2017 859,035 17.4 % The most recent U.S. Census estimate ( 2014 , released in May 2015 ) showed 809,958 residents living within Charlotte 's city limits and 1,012,539 in Mecklenburg County . The Combined Statistical Area , or trade area , of Charlotte -- Concord -- Gastonia , NC -- SC had a population of 2,537,990 . Figures from the more comprehensive 2010 census show Charlotte 's population density to be 2,457 per square mile ( 948.7 / km2 ) . There are 319,918 housing units at an average density of 1,074.6 per square mile ( 414.9 / km2 ) . Map of racial distribution in Charlotte , 2010 U.S. Census . Each dot is 25 people : White , Black , Asian Hispanic , or Other ) According to the 2010 United States Census , the racial composition of Charlotte was : White or Caucasian : 45.1 % Black or African American : 35.0 % Hispanic : 13.1 % Asian : 5.0 % Native American : 0.5 % Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander : 0.1 % some other race : 6.8 % two or more races : 2.7 % In 1970 , the Census Bureau reported Charlotte 's population as 30.2 % Black and 68.9 % White . The median income for a household in the city is $48,670 , and the median income for a family is $59,452 . Males have a median income of $38,767 versus $29,218 for females . The per capita income for the city is $29,825 . The percentage of the population living at or below the poverty line is 10.6 % , with 7.8 % of families living at or below the poverty line . Out of the total population , 13.8 % of those under the age of 18 and 9.7 % of those 65 and older are living below the poverty line . Religion ( edit ) Billy Graham Library Charlotte has historically been a Protestant city . It is the birthplace of Billy Graham , and is also the historic seat of Southern Presbyterianism , but the changing demographics of the city 's increasing population have brought scores of new denominations and faiths . The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association , Wycliffe Bible Translators ' JAARS Center , and SIM Missions Organization make their homes in the Charlotte general area . In total , Charlotte proper has 700 places of worship . The Presbyterian Church ( USA ) is now the fourth largest denomination in Charlotte , with 68,000 members and 206 congregations . The second largest Presbyterian denomination , the Presbyterian Church in America has 43 churches and 12,000 members , followed by the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church with 63 churches and 9,500 members . The Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America is headquartered in Charlotte , and both Reformed Theological Seminary and Gordon - Conwell Theological Seminary have campuses there ; more recently , the Religious Studies academic departments of Charlotte 's local colleges and universities have also grown considerably . The Advent Christian Church is headquartered in Charlotte . The Western North Carolina Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church is headquartered in Charlotte . The largest Protestant church in Charlotte , by attendance , is Elevation Church , a Southern Baptist church founded by lead pastor Steven Furtick . The church has over 15,000 congregants at nine Charlotte locations . St. Peter 's Catholic Church , located in Uptown , is the city 's oldest Catholic church . Charlotte 's Cathedral of Saint Patrick is the seat of the bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte . The Traditional Latin Mass is offered by the Society of St. Pius X at St. Anthony Catholic Church in nearby Mount Holly . The Traditional Latin Mass is also offered at St. Ann , Charlotte , a church under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Charlotte . St. Matthew Parish , located in the Ballantyne neighborhood , is the largest Catholic parish with over 30,000 parishioners . The Greek Orthodox Church 's cathedral for North Carolina , Holy Trinity Cathedral , is located in Charlotte . Charlotte has the largest Jewish population in the Carolinas . Shalom Park in south Charlotte is the hub of the Jewish community , featuring two synagogues , Temple Israel and Temple Beth El , as well as a community center , the Charlotte Jewish Day School for grades K -- 5 , and the headquarters of the Charlotte Jewish News . Most African Americans in Charlotte are Baptists affiliated with the National Baptist Convention , the largest predominantly African American denomination in the United States . African American Methodists are largely affiliated with either the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church , headquartered in Charlotte , or the African Methodist Episcopal Church . African American Pentecostals are represented by several organizations such as the United House of Prayer for All People , Church of God in Christ , and the United Holy Church of America . As of 2013 , 51.91 % of people in Charlotte practise religion on a regular basis , making it the second most religious city in North Carolina after Winston - Salem . The largest religion in Charlotte is Christianity , with Baptists ( 13.26 % ) having the largest number of adherents . The second largest Christian group is Roman Catholic ( 9.43 % ) , followed by Methodist ( 8.02 % ) and Presbyterian ( 5.25 % ) . Other Christian affiliates include Pentecostal ( 2.50 % ) , Lutheran ( 1.30 % ) , Episcopalian ( 1.20 % ) , Latter - Day Saints ( 0.84 % ) , and other Christian ( 8.87 % ) churches , including Eastern Orthodox and non-denominational . Judaism ( 0.57 % ) is the second largest religion after Christianity , followed by Eastern religions ( 0.34 % ) and Islam ( 0.32 % ) . Economy ( edit ) See also : List of companies in Charlotte Duke Energy Center and The Westin Charlotte AT&T in Charlotte Charlotte has become a major U.S. financial center with the third most banking assets after New York City and San Francisco . The nation 's second largest financial institution by total assets , Bank of America , calls the city home . The city was also the former corporate home of Wachovia until its 2008 acquisition by Wells Fargo ; Wells Fargo integrated legacy Wachovia , with the two banks fully merged at the end of 2011 , which included transitioning all of the Wachovia branches in the Carolinas to Wells Fargo branches by October 2011 . Since then , Charlotte has become the regional headquarters for East Coast operations of Wells Fargo , which is headquartered in San Francisco , California . Charlotte also serves as the headquarters for Wells Fargo 's capital markets activities including sales and trading , equity research , and investment banking . Bank of America 's headquarters , along with other regional banking and financial services companies , are located primarily in the Uptown central business district . Microsoft 's East Coast headquarters are located in Charlotte . Charlotte has six Fortune 500 companies in its metropolitan area . Listed in order of their rank , they are : Bank of America , Lowe 's in suburban Mooresville , Duke Energy , Nucor ( steel producer ) , Sonic Automotive and Sealed Air Corp . The Charlotte area includes a diverse range of businesses , including foodstuffs such as Chiquita Brands International , Harris Teeter , Snyder 's - Lance , Carolina Foods Inc , Bojangles ' , Food Lion , Compass Group USA , and Coca - Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated ( Charlotte being the nation 's second largest Coca - Cola bottler ) ; motor and transportation companies such as RSC Brands , Continental Tire the Americas , LLC. , Meineke Car Care Centers , Carlisle Companies ( along with several other services ) , along with a wide array of other businesses . Charlotte is the major center in the U.S. motorsports industry , housing multiple offices of NASCAR , the NASCAR Hall of Fame , and Charlotte Motor Speedway in Concord . Approximately 75 % of the NASCAR industry 's race teams , employees and drivers are based nearby . The large presence of the racing technology industry and the newly built NHRA dragstrip , zMAX Dragway at Concord , are influencing other top professional drag racers to move their shops to Charlotte as well . Located in the western part of Mecklenburg County is the U.S. National Whitewater Center , which consists of man - made rapids of varying degrees , is open to the public year - round . One Wells Fargo Center behind the Latta Arcade in Uptown Charlotte The Square , Uptown Charlotte The Charlotte Region has a major base of energy - oriented organizations and has become known as `` Charlotte USA -- The New Energy Capital . '' In the region there are more than 240 companies directly tied to the energy sector , collectively employing more than 26,400 . Since 2007 more than 4,000 energy sector jobs have been announced . Major energy players in Charlotte include AREVA , Babcock & Wilcox , Duke Energy , Electric Power Research Institute , Fluor , Metso Power , Piedmont Natural Gas , Siemens Energy , Shaw Group , Toshiba , URS Corp. , and Westinghouse . The University of North Carolina at Charlotte has a reputation in energy education and research , and its Energy Production and Infrastructure Center ( EPIC ) trains energy engineers and conducts research . The area is an increasingly growing trucking and freight transportation hub for the East Coast . The Charlotte Center city has seen remarkable growth over the last decade . Numerous residential units continue to be built uptown , including over 20 skyscrapers under construction , recently completed , or in the planning stage . Many new restaurants , bars and clubs now operate in the Uptown area . Several projects are transforming the Midtown Charlotte / Elizabeth area . In 2013 , Forbes named Charlotte among its list of Best Places for Business and Careers . Charlotte was listed as the 20th largest city in the US , and the 60th fastest growing city in the US between 2000 and 2008 . Top employers ( edit ) According to Charlotte 's 2014 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report , the top employers in the city are : # Employer # of Employees Atrium Health 35,000 Wells Fargo 22,000 Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools 18,143 Walmart 16,100 5 Bank of America 15,000 6 Lowe 's 12,960 7 Novant Health 11,000 8 American Airlines 10,600 9 Harris Teeter 8,239 10 Duke Energy 7,800 Culture ( edit ) Museums ( edit ) Mint Museum Uptown at Levine Center for the Arts The Harvey B. Gantt Center for African American Arts + Culture Bechtler Museum of Modern Art Bechtler Museum of Modern Art Billy Graham Library Carolinas Aviation Museum Charlotte - Mecklenburg Fire Education Center and Museum Charlotte Nature Museum in Freedom Park Charlotte Trolley Museum in Historic South End Discovery Place Discovery Place KIDS - Huntersville Harvey B. Gantt Center for African - American Arts + Culture Historic Rosedale Plantation Levine Museum of the New South The Light Factory McColl Center for Visual Art Mint Museum NASCAR Hall of Fame Second Ward Alumni House Museum Wells Fargo History Museum Charlotte Museum of History Performing arts ( edit ) Actor 's Theatre of Charlotte Amos ' Southend Music Hall Blumenthal Performing Arts Center Charlotte Ballet Charlotte Symphony Orchestra Charlotte Shakespeare ImaginOn North Carolina Music Factory Opera Carolina The Robot Johnson Show Citizens of the Universe Theatre Charlotte Carolina Renaissance Festival Festivals and special events ( edit ) The Charlotte region is home to many annual festivals and special events . The Carolina Renaissance Festival operates on Saturdays and Sundays each October and November . Located near the intersection of Highway 73 and Poplar Tent Road , the Carolina Renaissance Festival is one of the largest renaissance themed events in the country . It features 11 stages of outdoor variety entertainment , a 22 - acre village marketplace , an interactive circus , an arts and crafts fair , a jousting tournament , and a feast , all rolled into one non-stop , day - long family adventure . Taste of Charlotte is a three - day festival offering samples from area restaurants , live entertainment and children 's activities . Located on Tryon Street , Taste of Charlotte spans six city blocks from Stonewall to 5th Street . Moo and Brew Fest is an annual craft beer and burger festival that is the largest in North Carolina , held each April . It includes various national musical acts hosted at the avidxchange music factory located in Uptown . Zoos and aquariums ( edit ) Charlotte is `` ... the largest metropolitan area in the United States without a zoo . '' The Charlotte Zoo initiative is a proposal to allocate 250 acres ( 101 ha ) of natural North Carolina land to be dedicated to the zoological foundation , which was incorporated in 2008 . On August 18 , 2012 , News Channel 14 says that the initiative is `` ... still a few years away '' and the plot of land is `` ... just seven miles from the center of uptown . '' According to the news channel , `` ... the zoo will cost roughly $300 million , and will be completely privately - funded . '' The Charlotte Observer references two other zoos , the Riverbanks Zoo and Garden and the North Carolina Zoological Park as two `` great zoos '' that are accessible from the Charlotte - Mecklenberg area , both roughly more than 70 miles away . Charlotte is also served by the Sea Life Charlotte - Concord Aquarium in the nearby city of Concord . The aquarium is 30,000 square feet in size , and is part of the Concord Mills mall . The aquarium opened on February 20 , 2014 . Sports ( edit ) Bank of America Stadium Main article : Sports in Charlotte , North Carolina Charlotte is home to two major professional sports franchises : the Carolina Panthers of the National Football League ( NFL ) and the Charlotte Hornets of the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) . The Panthers have been located in Charlotte since the team 's creation in 1995 , and the current Hornets franchise has been located in Charlotte since its creation in 2004 . The Panthers play their home games in Bank of America Stadium , while the Hornets play in the Spectrum Center . The original Hornets NBA franchise was established in 1988 as an expansion team , but it relocated to New Orleans , Louisiana in 2002 after animosity grew between the team 's fans and principal owner George Shinn . The NBA quickly granted Charlotte an expansion franchise following the departure of the Hornets , and the new franchise , the Charlotte Bobcats , began to play in 2004 . The team retook the Hornets name when the New Orleans - based team renamed itself the New Orleans Pelicans in 2013 . The name change became official on May 20 , 2014 . On the same day , the franchise reclaimed the history and records of the original 1988 -- 2002 Hornets . Charlotte is represented in ice hockey and baseball at the ' AAA ' professional level by the Charlotte Checkers and the Charlotte Knights . The Carolina Panthers were established by Jerry Richardson and several partners , mostly local business owners . In fall , 2017 , Jerry Richardson put the franchise up for sale . Club Sport Founded League Venue Carolina Panthers Football 1995 National Football League Bank of America Stadium Charlotte Hornets Basketball National Basketball Association Spectrum Center Charlotte Hounds Lacrosse 2011 Major League Lacrosse American Legion Memorial Stadium Charlotte Checkers Ice hockey 1993 American Hockey League Bojangles ' Coliseum Charlotte Knights Baseball 1976 International League BB&T Ballpark Charlotte Independence Soccer 2015 United Soccer League Mecklenburg County Sportsplex Charlotte Eagles Soccer 1993 Premier Development League Queens Sports Complex Charlotte Lady Eagles Soccer 1993 W - League Queens Sports Complex Law , government and politics ( edit ) See also : Mayor of Charlotte , North Carolina and City Council of Charlotte , North Carolina Charlotte has a council - manager form of government . The mayor and city council are elected every two years , with no term limits . The mayor is ex officio chairman of the city council , and only votes in case of a tie . Unlike other mayors in council - manager systems , Charlotte 's mayor has the power to veto ordinances passed by the council ; vetoes can be overridden by a two - thirds majority of the council . The council appoints a city manager to serve as chief administrative officer . Unlike some other cities and towns in North Carolina , elections are held on a partisan basis . The current mayor is Vi Lyles , a Democrat elected in 2017 . Patrick Cannon , a Democrat , was sworn in as mayor on December 2 , 2013 . On March 26 , 2014 , Cannon was arrested on public corruption charges . Later the same day , he resigned as mayor . On April 7 , the city council held a special election and selected State Senator Dan Clodfelter , also a Democrat , to fill out the balance of Cannon 's term . Former Mecklenburg County Commission chairwoman Jennifer Roberts defeated Clodfelter in the 2015 Democratic primary , and went on to win the general election , becoming the first Democratic woman to hold the post . She was ousted in the 2017 Democratic primary by Mayor Pro Tem Lyles , who went on to become the city 's fourth mayor in four years . Historically , voters have been friendly to moderates of both parties . However , in recent years , Charlotte has swung heavily to the Democrats . Republican strength is concentrated in the southeastern portion of the city , while Democratic strength is concentrated in the south - central , eastern , and northern areas . The city council comprises 11 members ( 7 from districts and 4 at - large ) . Democrats control the council with a 9 - to - 2 advantage , winning all 4 of the at - large seats in the November 2013 municipal election . While the city council is responsible for passing ordinances , many policy decisions must be approved by the North Carolina General Assembly as well , since North Carolina municipalities do not have home rule . While municipal powers have been broadly construed since the 1960s , the General Assembly still retains considerable authority over local matters . Charlotte is split between two congressional districts on the federal level . The southeastern portion is part of the 9th District , represented by Republican Robert Pittenger . Most of the city is in the 12th District , represented by Democrat Alma Adams . Charlotte was selected in 2011 to host the 2012 Democratic National Convention , which was held at the Spectrum Center . It began September 4 , 2012 , and ended on September 6 . City services ( edit ) Emergency medical services ( edit ) Emergency medical services for the city of Charlotte are provided by Mecklenburg EMS Agency ( Medic ) . Medic received to over 146,000 calls in 2017 and transported over 112,000 patients in Mecklenburg County . The agency employs over 600 paramedics , EMTs , EMDs and admin staff . In addition to dispatching MEDIC 's EMS calls , the agency also dispatches all county fire calls outside of the city of Charlotte . Hospitals ( edit ) Hospital name Website Carolinas Medical Center / Center for Mental Health Carolinas Medical Center - Mercy Carolinas HealthCare System Pineville Carolinas HealthCare System University Carolinas Rehabilitation Carolinas ContinueCare Pineville Novant Health Charlotte Orthopedic Hospital Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center Renfrew Center Fire Department ( edit ) The Charlotte Fire Department provides fire suppression , emergency medical services , public education , hazardous materials ( HAZMAT ) mitigation , technical rescues , and fire prevention and inspection with 1,164 personnel . Forty - two fire stations are strategically scattered throughout Charlotte to provide a reasonable response time to emergencies in the city limits . Law enforcement and Crime ( edit ) See also : Charlotte - Mecklenburg Police Department The Charlotte - Mecklenburg Police Department ( CMPD ) is a combined jurisdiction agency . The CMPD has law enforcement jurisdiction in both the city of Charlotte and the few unincorporated areas left in Mecklenburg County . The other small towns maintain their own law enforcement agencies for their own jurisdictions . The department consists of approximately 1,700 sworn law enforcement officers , 550 civilian personnel , and more than 400 volunteers . The Charlotte - Mecklenburg Police Department divides the city into 13 geographic areas , which vary in size both geographically and by the number of officers assigned to each division . The total crime index for Charlotte is 589.2 crimes committed per 100,000 residents as of 2008 and has shown a steady decline since 2005 . The national average is 320.9 per 100,000 residents . An average of 4,939 vehicles are stolen every year in Charlotte . According to the Congressional Quarterly Press ; ' 2008 City Crime Rankings : Crime in Metropolitan America , ' Charlotte , North Carolina ranks as the 62nd most dangerous city larger than 75,000 inhabitants . However , the entire Charlotte - Gastonia Metropolitan Statistical Area ranked as 27th most dangerous out of 338 metro areas . Education ( edit ) See also : List of schools in Charlotte School system ( edit ) The city 's public school system , Charlotte - Mecklenburg Schools , is the 2nd largest in North Carolina and 17th largest in the nation . In 2009 , it won the NAEP Awards , the Nation 's Report Card for urban school systems with top honors among 18 city systems for 4th grade math , 2nd place among 8th graders . An estimated 144,000 students are taught in 164 separate elementary , middle , and high schools . Colleges and universities ( edit ) The Student Union Quad of UNC Charlotte 's main campus Charlotte is home to a number of universities and colleges such as Central Piedmont Community College , Johnson C. Smith University , Johnson & Wales University , Queens University of Charlotte , and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte . Several notable colleges are located in the metropolitan suburbs . Located in Davidson , North Carolina , Davidson College is ranked in the top ten nationally among liberal arts colleges , according to U.S. News & World Report . Additional colleges in the area include Belmont Abbey College in the suburb of Belmont , North Carolina , and Wingate University in the suburb of Wingate , North Carolina . Also nearby are Winthrop University , Clinton Junior College , and York Technical College in Rock Hill , South Carolina . UNC Charlotte is the city 's largest university . It is located in University City , the northeastern portion of Charlotte , which is also home to University Research Park , a 3,200 acres ( 13 km ) research and corporate park . With more than 29,000 students , UNC Charlotte is the third largest university in the state system . Central Piedmont Community College is the largest community college in the Carolinas , with more than 70,000 students each year and 6 campuses throughout the Charlotte - Mecklenburg region . CPCC is part of the statewide North Carolina Community College System . The Charlotte School of Law opened its doors in Charlotte in 2006 and was fully accredited by the American Bar Association in 2011 . The law school offered the Juris Doctor degree but the Bar association rescinded the accreditation in 2017 . Charlotte School of Law once was the largest law school in the Carolinas has ceased to operate . Pfeiffer University has a satellite campus in Charlotte . Wake Forest University , with its main campus in Winston - Salem , North Carolina , also operates a satellite campus of its Babcock Graduate School of Management in the Uptown area . The Connecticut School of Broadcasting , DeVry University , and ECPI University all have branches in Charlotte . The Universal Technical Institute has the NASCAR Technical Institute in nearby Mooresville , serving the Charlotte area . Montreat College ( Charlotte ) maintains a School of Professional and Adult Studies in the city . Additionally , Union Presbyterian Seminary has a non-residential campus offering the Master of Arts in Christian Education , and the Master of Divinity in Charlotte near the Beverley Woods area . The North Carolina Research Campus , a 350 - acre biotechnology hub located northeast of Charlotte in the city of Kannapolis , is a public - private venture including eight universities , one community college , the David H. Murdock Research Institute ( DHMRI ) , the U.S. Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) and corporate entities that collaborate to advance the fields of human health , nutrition and agriculture . Partnering educational organizations include UNC Charlotte and Rowan - Cabarrus Community College , from the Charlotte region , as well as Appalachian State University , University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , Duke University , University of North Carolina at Greensboro , North Carolina A&T State University , North Carolina Central University and North Carolina State University . The research campus is part of a larger effort by leaders in the Charlotte area to attract energy , health , and other knowledge - based industries that contribute to North Carolina 's strength in biotechnology . Libraries ( edit ) ImaginOn Children 's Theater and Library The Charlotte Mecklenburg Library serves the Charlotte area with a large collection ( more than 1.5 million ) of books , CDs and DVDs at 15 locations in the city of Charlotte , with branches in the surrounding towns of Matthews , Mint Hill , Huntersville , Cornelius and Davidson . All locations provide free access to Internet - enabled computers and WiFi , and a library card from one location is accepted at all 20 locations . Although the library 's roots go back to the Charlotte Literary and Library Association , founded on January 16 , 1891 , the state - chartered Carnegie Library , which opened on the current North Tryon site of the Main Library , was the first non-subscription library opened to members of the public in the city of Charlotte . The philanthropist Andrew Carnegie donated $25,000 dollars for a library building , on the condition that the city of Charlotte donate a site and $2,500 per year for books and salaries , and that the state grant a charter for the library . All conditions were met , and the Charlotte Carnegie Library opened in an imposing classical building on July 2 , 1903 . The 1903 state charter also required that a library be opened for the disenfranchised African - American population of Charlotte . This was completed in 1905 with the opening of the Brevard Street Library for Negroes , an independent library in Brooklyn , a historically black area of Charlotte , on the corner of Brevard and East Second Streets ( now Martin Luther King Boulevard ) . The Brevard Street Library was the first library for African Americans in the state of North Carolina , and some sources say in the southeast . The library was closed in 1961 when the Brooklyn neighborhood in Second Ward was redeveloped , but its role as a cultural center for African - Americans in Charlotte is continued by the Beatties Ford and West Boulevard branches of the library system , as well as by Charlotte 's African - American Cultural Center . Media ( edit ) Main article : Media in Charlotte , North Carolina Newspaper ( edit ) Charlotte has one major daily newspaper , The Charlotte Observer . It boasts the largest circulation in North and South Carolina , although circulation has been steadily decreasing over the past 15 years . Radio ( edit ) Charlotte is the 24th largest radio market in the nation , according to Arbitron . While major groups like Entercom , iHeartMedia , and Radio One have stations serving Charlotte , several smaller groups also own and operate stations in the area . Television ( edit ) According to Nielsen Media Research , Charlotte is the 22nd largest television market in the nation ( as of the 2016 - 2017 season ) and the largest in the state of North Carolina . Major television stations located in Charlotte include CBS affiliate WBTV 3 ( the oldest television station in the Carolinas ) , ABC affiliate WSOC - TV 9 , NBC affiliate WCNC - TV 36 , CW affiliate WCCB 18 , and PBS member station WTVI 42 . Two cable sports networks are also headquartered in Charlotte : the ESPN - controlled SEC Network and the regional Fox Sports Carolinas . Other stations serving the Charlotte market include Fox owned - and - operated station WJZY 46 in Belmont , UNC - TV / PBS member station WUNG - TV 58 in Concord , independent station WAXN - TV 64 ( a sister to WSOC - TV ) in Kannapolis , and two stations in Rock Hill , South Carolina : MyNetworkTV owned - and - operated station WMYT - TV 55 ( a sister to WJZY ) and PBS member station WNSC - TV 30 . Additionally , INSP is headquartered in nearby Indian Land , South Carolina . Cable television customers are served by Spectrum , which offers a localized feed of Raleigh - based Spectrum News North Carolina . Infrastructure ( edit ) Waste treatment ( edit ) Charlotte has a municipal waste system consisting of trash pickup , water distribution , and waste treatment . There are five waste water treatment plants operated by Charlotte Water ( previously Charlotte - Mecklenburg Utility Department ) . Charlotte has a biosolids program . Some Chester residents spoke out against the program on February 26 , 2013 . Charlotte 's sludge is handled , transported , and spread on farm fields in Chester by a company called Synagro , a wholly owned subsidiary of the Carlyle Group Charlotte 's sludge is of the `` CLASS B '' variety , which means it still contains detectable levels of pathogens . Transportation ( edit ) Main article : Transportation in Charlotte , North Carolina LYNX light rail opened in November 2007 LYNX Bland Street Station in Charlotte 's SouthEnd neighborhood The city of Charlotte has a lower than average percentage of households without a car . In 2015 , 7.4 percent of Charlotte households lacked a car , and decreased to 6 percent in 2016 . The national average was 8.7 percent in 2016 . Charlotte averaged 1.65 cars per household in 2016 , compared to a national average of 1.8 . Mass Transit ( edit ) See also : LYNX Rapid Transit Services The Charlotte Area Transit System ( CATS ) is the agency responsible for operating mass transit in Charlotte and Mecklenburg County . CATS operates light rail transit , historical trolleys , express shuttles , and bus services serving Charlotte and its immediate suburbs . The LYNX light rail system comprises a 9.6 ‐ mile line north -- south line known as the Blue Line , which saw 2025 ridership projections ( 18,500 ) exceeded after its first year of service . Bus ridership continues to grow ( 66 % since 1998 ) . The 2030 Transit Corridor System Plan looks to supplement established bus service with light rail and commuter rail lines as a part of the LYNX system . In 2011 , the city of Charlotte and CATS staff conducted public forums to present the final Environmental Impact Statement ( EIS ) and gather public input from residents , property owners , and business owners located in northeast Charlotte , which is where the LYNX light rail is proposed to be extended from uptown Charlotte to UNC ‐ Charlotte campus . Construction on this portion is expected to end in March 16 , 2018 . Walkability ( edit ) A 2011 study by Walk Score ranked Charlotte the 49th most walkable of the 50 largest cities in the United States . Roads and highways ( edit ) Charlotte 's central location between the population centers of the northeast and southeast has made it a transportation focal point and primary distribution center , with two major interstate highways , I - 85 and I - 77 , intersecting near the city 's center . The latter highway also connects to the population centers of the Rust Belt . Charlotte 's beltway , designated I - 485 and simply called `` 485 '' by local residents , has been under construction for over 20 years , but funding problems have slowed its progress . The final segment was finished in mid-2015 . Upon completion , 485 will have a total circumference of approximately 67 miles ( 108 km ) . Within the city , the I - 277 loop freeway encircles Charlotte 's uptown ( usually referred to by its two separate sections , the John Belk Freeway and the Brookshire Freeway ) while Charlotte Route 4 links major roads in a loop between I - 277 and I - 485 . Independence Freeway , which carries U.S. 74 and links downtown with the Matthews area , is undergoing an expansion and widening in the eastern part of the city . Air ( edit ) Charlotte - Douglas International Airport with Uptown Charlotte 's skyline in the background Charlotte Douglas International Airport is the sixth busiest airport in both the U.S. and the world overall as measured by traffic ( aircraft movements ) . It is served by many domestic and international airlines including Air Canada and Lufthansa . It is a major hub for American Airlines , having historically been a hub for its predecessors US Airways and Piedmont Airlines . Nonstop flights are available to many destinations across the United States , Canada , Central America , the Caribbean , Europe , Mexico , and South America . Intercity transportation ( edit ) See also : Charlotte ( Amtrak station ) Charlotte is served daily by three Amtrak routes : The Crescent connects Charlotte with New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Washington , D.C. ; Charlottesville , and Greensboro to the north , and Greenville , Atlanta , Birmingham , Meridian and New Orleans to the south . The Carolinian connects Charlotte with New York ; Philadelphia ; Baltimore ; Washington , D.C. ; Richmond ; Raleigh ; Durham ; and Greensboro . The Piedmont connects Charlotte with Raleigh , Durham , and Greensboro . Charlotte is also served by both Greyhound and low - cost curbside carrier Megabus . The city is planning a new centralized multimodal train station called the Gateway Station . It is expected to house the future LYNX Purple Line , the new Greyhound bus station , and the Crescent line that passes through Uptown Charlotte . Notable people ( edit ) Main article : List of people from Charlotte Sister cities ( edit ) Sister Cities International has designated nine sister cities of Charlotte : Country City County / District / Region / State Date Peru Arequipa Arequipa Region 1962 Germany Krefeld North Rhine - Westphalia 1985 China Baoding Hebei Russia Voronezh Voronezh Oblast 1991 France Limoges Haute - Vienne Poland Wroclaw Lower Silesian Voivodeship 1993 Ghana Kumasi Ashanti Region Israel Hadera Haifa District 2009 Italy Brindisi Apulia Charlotte has also been known to have a sister city agreement with Port - au - Prince in Ouest , Haiti , although its status may now be inactive . See also ( edit ) North Carolina portal I - 85 Corridor May 1989 tornado outbreak Urban League of Central Carolinas Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Mean monthly maxima and minima ( i.e. the expected highest and lowest temperature readings at any point during the year or given month ) calculated based on data at said location from 1981 to 2010 . Jump up ^ Official records for Charlotte kept October 1878 to August 1948 at downtown and at Charlotte - Douglas Int'l since September 1948 . For more information , see Threadex References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` American FactFinder '' . Retrieved May 25 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Annual Estimates of the Resident Population : April 1 , 2010 to July 1 , 2016 '' . U.S. Census Bureau . May 2017 . Retrieved July 9 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` US Board on Geographic Names '' . United States Geological Survey . 2007 - 10 - 25 . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 31 . Jump up ^ `` American FactFinder '' . Census Bureau . Census Bureau . July 2017 . Retrieved May 25 , 2018 . 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Retrieved September 25 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County : A century of service '' . Web Site . Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County . Archived from the original on 2015 - 09 - 25 . Retrieved September 25 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Web Site '' . Archived from the original on October 6 , 2007 . Retrieved September 25 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Biggest North Carolina Newspapers - '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 03 - 26 . Jump up ^ `` Local Television Market Universe Estimates '' ( PDF ) . Nielsen . January 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Charlotte Utilities -- Home '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 10 - 02 . ^ Jump up to : `` Charlotte Water '' . City of Charlotte Government . Retrieved 2018 - 03 - 26 . Jump up ^ `` Controversial ' sludge ' disposal draws friends , foes in four S.C. counties '' . 2013 - 02 - 26 . Retrieved 2013 - 10 - 02 . Jump up ^ `` News Release Archive The Carlyle Group '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 03 - 26 . Jump up ^ EPA , OW , OST , HECD , US . `` Biosolids US EPA '' . US EPA . Retrieved 2018 - 03 - 26 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ `` Car Ownership in U.S. Cities Data and Map '' . Governing . Retrieved May 4 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` LYNX Blue Line Extension '' . Charlotte Area Transit System . Retrieved May 27 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Light Rail Project Timeline -- Light Rail -- UNC Charlotte '' . . Jump up ^ `` 2011 City and Neighborhood Rankings '' . Walk Score . 2011 . Retrieved Aug 28 , 2011 . Jump up ^ webmaster . `` NCDOT : I - 485 Charlotte Outer Loop '' . Archived from the original on June 21 , 2016 . Retrieved June 13 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Release ACI World Airport Traffic '' ( PDF ) . . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on August 16 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Charlotte International Cabinet '' . . Archived from the original on 2012 - 04 - 25 . Retrieved July 2 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Smiley Anders ( July 26 , 1978 ) . `` Visiting Haitian Mayor Seeking Builders for Housing Projects '' . Baton Rouge Morning Advocate ( sec . A , p. 12 ) . Jump up ^ Emily Glaser ( March 29 , 2017 ) . `` Getting Down And Dirty With Two Of Charlotte 's Freshest Garden Nonprofits '' . . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 02 . Further reading ( edit ) See also : Bibliography of the history of Charlotte , North Carolina Graves , William , and Heather A. Smith , eds . Charlotte , NC : The Global Evolution of a New South City ( University of Georgia Press ; 2010 ) 320 pages . Essays that use Charlotte to explore how globalization and local forces combine to transform Southern cities . ISBN 0 - 8203 - 3561 - 4 Hanchett , Thomas W. Sorting Out the New South City : Race , Class , and Urban Development in Charlotte , 1875 -- 1975 . 380 pages . University of North Carolina Press . August 1 , 1998 . ISBN 0 - 8078 - 2376 - 7 . Kratt , Mary Norton . Charlotte : Spirit of the New South . 293 pages . John F. Blair , Publisher . September 1 , 1992 . ISBN 0 - 89587 - 095 - 9 . Kratt , Mary Norton and Mary Manning Boyer . Remembering Charlotte : Postcards from a New South City , 1905 -- 1950 . 176 pages . University of North Carolina Press . October 1 , 2000 . ISBN 0 - 8078 - 4871 - 9 . Kratt , Mary Norton . New South Women : Twentieth Century Women of Charlotte , North Carolina . Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County in Association with John F. Blair , Publisher . August 1 , 2001 . ISBN 0 - 89587 - 250 - 1 . External links ( edit ) Find more aboutCharlotte , North Carolinaat Wikipedia 's sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Wikimedia Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks Travel guide from Wikivoyage Learning resources from Wikiversity Official Charlotte - Mecklenburg County NC website Charlotte Area Transit System ( CATS ) Charlotte travel guide from Wikivoyage Visit Charlotte , from the Charlotte Regional Visitor 's Authority Charlotte , North Carolina at Curlie ( based on DMOZ ) Charlotte Metropolis -- stop motion video by Rob Ca Articles relating to Charlotte , North Carolina City of Charlotte , North Carolina Main Charlotteans Mecklenburg County Metrolina North Carolina Piedmont Neighborhoods Tallest buildings History Timeline Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence Queen Charlotte Charlottetown Resolutions Government Mayor of Charlotte : Vi Lyles Charlotte City Council Charlotte - Mecklenburg Schools Public Library System Charlotte Fire CMPD Colleges and universities University of North Carolina at Charlotte Central Piedmont Community College Charlotte School of Law Johnson C. Smith University Johnson & Wales University Queens University of Charlotte Attractions Museums : Bechtler Museum of Modern Art Billy Graham Library Carolinas Aviation Museum Discovery Place Harvey B. Gantt Center Levine Museum of the New South Mint Museum NASCAR Hall of Fame Performing Arts : North Carolina Blumenthal Performing Arts Center ImaginOn North Carolina Music Factory PNC Music Pavilion Tremont Music Hall Charlotte Philharmonic Orchestra Parks : First Ward Park Freedom Park Independence Park Little Sugar Creek Greenway Reedy Creek Park Romare Bearden Park Sports teams Carolina Panthers -- NFL Charlotte Hornets -- NBA Charlotte Hounds -- MLL Charlotte Checkers -- AHL Charlotte Independence -- United Soccer Leagues Charlotte Knights -- IL Charlotte Rugby Club -- RSL Charlotte 49ers -- NCAA Division I Johnson C. Smith University Golden Bulls -- NCAA Division II Media Newspapers : The Charlotte Observer The Charlotte Post Creative Loafing Q - Notes Charlotte Weekly Television : 3 WBTV ( CBS ) 9 WSOC ( ABC ) 14 WHKY ( Ind . ) 18 WCCB ( CW ) 30 WNSC ( PBS / ETV ) 36 WCNC ( NBC ) 42 WTVI ( PBS ) 46 WJZY ( Fox ) 55 WMYT ( MNT ) 58 WUNG ( PBS / UNC - TV ) 64 WAXN ( Ind . ) Economy Atrium Health Center city Companies Convention Center Transportation Charlotte Area Transit System Lynx Blue Line CityLynx Gold Line Charlotte Douglas International Airport Roads : I - 77 I - 85 I - 277 I - 485 US 21 US 29 US 74 US 521 NC 16 NC 49 NC 51 NC 115 Route 4 Rail : Carolinian Crescent Piedmont Charlotte Metropolitan Area ( hide ) Counties Alexander ¶ Anson ¶ Cabarrus Catawba ¶ Chester Chesterfield ¶ Cleveland ‡ Gaston Iredell Lancaster Lincoln Mecklenburg Rowan Stanly ‡ Union York ( hide ) Major city Charlotte ( hide ) Municipalities and CDPs in the Charlotte Metropolitan Area 50k -- 100k Concord Gastonia Huntersville Rock Hill 20k -- 50k Cornelius Hickory ¶ Indian Trail Kannapolis Matthews Mint Hill Monroe Mooresville Salisbury Shelby ‡ Statesville 5k -- 20k Albemarle ‡ Belmont Bessemer City Cheraw ¶ Cherryville Chester Conover ¶ Davidson Fort Mill Harrisburg Kings Mountain Lake Norman of Catawba ¶ Lancaster Lincolnton Mount Holly Newton Pageland ¶ Pineville Stallings South Gastonia St. Stephens ¶ Unionville Wadesboro ¶ Waxhaw Weddington Wesley Chapel York Footnotes Bold = principal metro cities ‡ = places and counties part of CSA ¶ = sometimes included in metropolitan North Carolina State of North Carolina Raleigh ( capital ) Topics Climate Geography State Parks Wildlife History Media Newspapers Radio TV North Carolinians Politics Government Law Tourist attractions Seal of North Carolina Society Culture Music Sports Crime Demographics Economy Education Elections Gambling Regions Western Foothills High Country Piedmont Metrolina ( Charlotte ) Piedmont Triad Triangle Eastern Sandhills Cape Fear Crystal Coast Inner Banks Outer Banks Largest cities Asheville Cary Chapel Hill Charlotte Concord Durham Fayetteville Gastonia Greensboro Greenville High Point Jacksonville Raleigh Wilmington Winston ‐ Salem Smaller cities Albemarle Apex Asheboro Burlington Conover Eden Elizabeth City Garner Goldsboro Graham Havelock Henderson Hendersonville Hickory Kannapolis Kings Mountain Kinston Laurinburg Lenoir Lexington Lumberton Monroe Morganton New Bern Newton Reidsville Roanoke Rapids Rocky Mount Salisbury Sanford Shelby Statesville Thomasville Wake Forest Wilson Major towns Beaufort Boone Brevard Carrboro Clayton Cornelius Dunn Fuquay - Varina Harrisburg Holly Springs Hope Mills Huntersville Indian Trail Kernersville Knightdale Leland Matthews Midland Mint Hill Mooresville Morehead City Morrisville Mount Pleasant Oxford Shallotte Smithfield Southern Pines Tarboro Waynesville Winterville Counties Alamance Alexander Alleghany Anson Ashe Avery Beaufort Bertie Bladen Brunswick Buncombe Burke Cabarrus Caldwell Camden Carteret Caswell Catawba Chatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus Craven Cumberland Currituck Dare Davidson Davie Duplin Durham Edgecombe Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Graham Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell Jackson Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir Lincoln Macon Madison Martin McDowell Mecklenburg Mitchell Montgomery Moore Nash New Hanover Northampton Onslow Orange Pamlico Pasquotank Pender Perquimans Person Pitt Polk Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockingham Rowan Rutherford Sampson Scotland Stanly Stokes Surry Swain Transylvania Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren Washington Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey Mayors of cities with populations exceeding 100,000 in North Carolina State capital : Raleigh Vi Lyles ( Charlotte ) Nancy McFarlane ( Raleigh ) Nancy Vaughan ( Greensboro ) Steve Schewel ( Durham ) Allen Joines ( Winston - Salem ) Mitch Colvin ( Fayetteville ) Harold Weinbrecht ( Cary ) Bill Saffo ( Wilmington ) Bill Bencini ( High Point ) Municipalities and communities of Mecklenburg County , North Carolina , United States County seat : Charlotte City Charlotte Towns Cornelius Davidson ‡ Huntersville Matthews Midland ‡ Mint Hill ‡ Pineville Stallings ‡ Weddington ‡ Unincorporated communities Caldwell Hopewell Newell Paw Creek Footnotes ‡ This populated place also has portions in an adjacent county or counties BNF : cb13757754c ( data ) GND : 4217701 - 7 NARA : 10045385 VIAF : 145400371 Retrieved from ``,_North_Carolina&oldid=843342580 '' Categories : Charlotte , North Carolina Charlotte metropolitan area Cities in Mecklenburg County , North Carolina Cities in North Carolina County seats in North Carolina Populated places established in 1755 1755 establishments in the Thirteen Colonies Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from June 2016 CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list Wikipedia pending changes protected pages Use mdy dates from March 2013 Articles with short description Coordinates on Wikidata All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from May 2018 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2013 All articles containing potentially dated statements Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2008 Articles with Curlie links Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikivoyage Afrikaans Aragonés Asturianu Azərbaycanca تۆرکجه Bamanankan বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) Български Brezhoneg Català Cebuano Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Diné bizaad Eesti Ελληνικά Emiliàn e rumagnòl Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Føroyskt Français Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Հայերեն Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Interlingue Ирон Íslenska Italiano עברית ಕನ್ನಡ Kapampangan ქართული Kernowek Kiswahili Kreyòl ayisyen Кырык мары Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar Македонски Malagasy मराठी მარგალური Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Plattdüütsch Polski Português Română Русский Sardu Scots Seeltersk Shqip Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Ślůnski Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் తెలుగు ไทย Türkçe Українська اردو ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche Tiếng Việt Volapük Winaray Yorùbá 粵語 中文 86 more Edit links This page was last edited on 28 May 2018 , at 14 : 30 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | where is charlotte nc located on a map | [
"\n\nCharlotte, North Carolina\n\n\nCity\n\n\nCity of Charlotte\n\n\n\nClockwise: UNC Charlotte, Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts + Culture, Duke Energy Center, Charlotte's skyline, First Presbyterian Church of Charlotte, Charlotte Main Library and NASCAR Hall of Fame building\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFlag\n\n\n\n\n\nNickname(s): The Queen City, The QC, The Hornet's Nest\n\n\n\nCharlotte's location in Mecklenburg County in the state of North Carolina\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCharlotte, North Carolina\n\n\nLocation in the United States of America\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCoordinates: 35°13′37″N 80°50′36″W / 35.22694°N 80.84333°W / 35.22694; -80.84333Coordinates: 35°13′37″N 80°50′36″W / 35.22694°N 80.84333°W / 35.22694; -80.84333\n\n\nCountry\nUnited States\n\n\nState\nNorth Carolina\n\n\nCounty\nMecklenburg\n\n\nSettled\n1755\n\n\nIncorporated\n1768 (as a town, later a city)\n\n\nNamed for\nCharlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz\n\n\nGovernment\n\n\n • Type\nCouncil-manager\n\n\n • Body\nCity Council of Charlotte, North Carolina\n\n\n • Mayor\nVi Lyles (D)\n\n\nArea\n\n\n • City\n297.7 sq mi (771 km2)\n\n\nElevation\n751 ft (229 m)\n\n\nPopulation (2010)\n\n\n • City\n731,424\n\n\n • Estimate (2017)[1]\n859,035 (US: 17th)\n\n\n • Density\n2,500/sq mi (950/km2)\n\n\n • Urban\n1,249,442 (38th)\n\n\n • Metro\n2,474,314 (22nd)\n\n\nDemonym(s)\nCharlottean\n\n\nTime zone\nEST (UTC-5)\n\n\n • Summer (DST)\nEDT (UTC-4)\n\n\nZIP code\n28201-28237, 28240-28247, 28250, 28253-28256, 28258, 28260-28262, 28265-28266, 28269-28275, 28277-28278, 28280-28290, 28296-28297, 28299\n\n\nArea code(s)\n704, 980\n\n\nFIPS code\n37-12000[2]\n\n\nGNIS feature ID\n1019610[3]\n\n\nWebsite\\n\n"
] | [
"35°13′37″N 80°50′36″W / 35.22694°N 80.84333°W"
] |
-8905309401351779563 | Miami | Miami - wikipedia Miami Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the city in Florida . For other uses , see Miami ( disambiguation ) . City in South Florida Metropolitan City in Florida , United States Miami , Florida Metropolitan City City of Miami From top , clockwise : Downtown Miami skyline , Port of Miami , Virginia Key Beach , Miami Tower , American Airlines Arena , Brickell , Lyric Theater Flag Seal Nickname ( s ) : Magic City , The Gateway to the Americas , Capital of Latin America Miami city limits in and around Miami - Dade County and Florida Miami Location in the contiguous United States Coordinates : 25 ° 46 ′ 31 '' N 80 ° 12 ′ 32 '' W / 25.77528 ° N 80.20889 ° W / 25.77528 ; - 80.20889 Coordinates : 25 ° 46 ′ 31 '' N 80 ° 12 ′ 32 '' W / 25.77528 ° N 80.20889 ° W / 25.77528 ; - 80.20889 Country United States State Florida County Miami - Dade Settled 1825 Incorporated July 28 , 1896 Named for Mayaimi Government Type Mayor -- commission Mayor Francis X . Suarez ( R ) City Manager Emilio T. Gonzalez , PhD Area Metropolitan City 56.06 sq mi ( 145.20 km ) Land 35.99 sq mi ( 93.20 km ) Water 20.08 sq mi ( 52.00 km ) Urban 1,116.1 sq mi ( 2,891 km ) Metro 6,137 sq mi ( 15,890 km ) Elevation 6 ft ( 2 m ) Highest elevation 42 ft ( 13 m ) Population ( 2010 ) Metropolitan City 399,457 Estimate ( 2016 ) 453,579 Rank 44th , U.S. Density 12,604.32 / sq mi ( 4,866.49 / km ) Urban 5,502,379 ( 4th , U.S. ) Metro 5,564,635 ( 8th , U.S. ) Demonym ( s ) Miamian Time zone Eastern ( EST ) ( UTC - 5 ) Summer ( DST ) EDT ( UTC - 4 ) ZIP code ( s ) 33010 -- 33299 Area code ( s ) 305 and 786 FIPS code 12 - 45000 Website Miami ( / maɪˈæmi / ; Spanish pronunciation : ( miˈami ) ) is a major port city on the Atlantic coast of south Florida in the southeastern United States . As the seat of Miami - Dade County , the municipality is the principal , central , and the most populous city of the Miami metropolitan area and part of the second-most populous metropolis in the southeastern United States . According to the United States Census Bureau , Miami 's metro area is the seventh-most populous and fourth - largest urban area in the U.S. , with a population of around 5.5 million . Miami is a major center , and a leader in finance , commerce , culture , media , entertainment , the arts , and international trade . In 2012 , Miami was classified as an `` Alpha − '' level world city in the World Cities Study Group 's inventory . In 2010 , Miami ranked seventh in the United States and 33rd among global cities in terms of business activity , human capital , information exchange , cultural experience , and political engagement . In 2008 , Forbes magazine ranked Miami `` America 's Cleanest City '' , for its year - round good air quality , vast green spaces , clean drinking water , clean streets , and citywide recycling programs . According to a 2009 UBS study of 73 world cities , Miami was ranked as the richest city in the United States , and the world 's seventh - richest city in terms of purchasing power . Miami is nicknamed the `` Capital of Latin America '' and is the largest city with a Cuban - American plurality . Miami has the third tallest skyline in the U.S. with over 300 high - rises . Downtown Miami is home to the largest concentration of international banks in the United States , and many large national and international companies . The Civic Center is a major center for hospitals , research institutes , medical centers , and biotechnology industries . For more than two decades , the Port of Miami , known as the `` Cruise Capital of the World '' , has been the number one cruise passenger port in the world . It accommodates some of the world 's largest cruise ships and operations , and is the busiest port in both passenger traffic and cruise lines . Metropolitan Miami is also a major tourism hub in the southeastern U.S. for international visitors , ranking number two in the country after New York City . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Geography 2.1 Geology 2.2 Cityscape 2.2. 1 Neighborhoods 2.3 Climate 3 Demographics 3.1 Poverty 3.2 Languages 3.3 Religion 3.4 Civic engagement 4 Economy 5 Culture 5.1 Entertainment and performing arts 5.2 Museums and art 5.3 Music 5.4 Cuisine 5.5 Dialect 5.6 In popular culture 6 Sports 7 Recreation 8 Government 8.1 City Commission 9 Education 9.1 Public schools 9.2 Private schools 9.3 Colleges and universities 9.4 Professional training programs 10 Media 11 Transportation 11.1 Airports 11.2 PortMiami 11.3 Public transportation 11.4 Miami public transportation statistics 11.5 Rail 11.6 Road 11.7 Bicycling 11.8 Walkability 12 International relations 12.1 Twin and sister cities 12.2 Cooperation agreements 13 See also 14 Notes 15 References 16 Further reading 17 External links History Main articles : History of Miami and Timeline of Miami See also : National Register of Historic Places listings in Miami , Florida Approximately 400 men voted for Miami 's incorporation in 1896 in the building to the left . The Miami area was inhabited for thousands of years by indigenous Native American tribes . The Tequestas occupied the area for a thousand years before encountering Europeans . An Indian village of hundreds of people dating to 500 -- 600 B.C. was located at the mouth of the Miami River . In 1566 admiral Pedro Menéndez de Avilés , Florida 's first governor , claimed the area for Spain . A Spanish mission was constructed one year later in 1567 . Spain and Great Britain successively controlled Florida , and Spain ceded it to the United States in 1821 . In 1836 , the US built Fort Dallas as part of its development of the Florida Territory and attempt to suppress and remove the Seminole . The Miami area subsequently became a site of fighting during the Second Seminole War . Miami is noted as `` the only major city in the United States conceived by a woman , Julia Tuttle '' , a local citrus grower and a wealthy Cleveland native . The Miami area was better known as `` Biscayne Bay Country '' in the early years of its growth . In the late 19th century , reports described the area as a promising wilderness . The area was also characterized as `` one of the finest building sites in Florida . '' The Great Freeze of 1894 -- 95 hastened Miami 's growth , as the crops of the Miami area were the only ones in Florida that survived . Julia Tuttle subsequently convinced Henry Flagler , a railroad tycoon , to expand his Florida East Coast Railway to the region , for which she became known as `` the mother of Miami . '' Miami was officially incorporated as a city on July 28 , 1896 with a population of just over 300 . It was named for the nearby Miami River , derived from Mayaimi , the historic name of Lake Okeechobee . The Freedom Tower , built in 1925 , is Miami 's historical landmark . Black labor played a crucial role in Miami 's early development . During the beginning of the 20th century , migrants from the Bahamas and African - Americans constituted 40 percent of the city 's population . Whatever their role in the city 's growth , their community 's growth was limited to a small space . When landlords began to rent homes to African - Americans in neighborhoods close to Avenue J ( what would later become NW Fifth Avenue ) , a gang of white men with torches visited the renting families and warned them to move or be bombed . During the early 20th century , northerners were attracted to the city , and Miami prospered during the 1920s with an increase in population and infrastructure . The legacy of Jim Crow was embedded in these developments . Miami 's chief of police , H. Leslie Quigg , did not hide the fact that he , like many other white Miami police officers , was a member of the Ku Klux Klan . Unsurprisingly , these officers enforced social codes far beyond the written law . Quigg , for example , `` personally and publicly beat a colored bellboy to death for speaking directly to a white woman . '' The collapse of the Florida land boom of the 1920s , the 1926 Miami Hurricane , and the Great Depression in the 1930s slowed development . When World War II began , Miami , well - situated on the southern coast of Florida , became a base for US defense against German submarines . The war brought an increase in Miami 's population ; by 1940 , 172,172 people lived in the city . After Fidel Castro rose to power in Cuba in 1959 , many wealthy Cubans sought refuge in Miami , further increasing the population . The city developed businesses and cultural amenities as part of the New South . In the 1980s and 1990s , South Florida weathered social problems related to drug wars , immigration from Haiti and Latin America , and the widespread destruction of Hurricane Andrew . Racial and cultural tensions were sometimes sparked , but the city developed in the latter half of the 20th century as a major international , financial , and cultural center . It is the second - largest US city ( after El Paso , Texas ) with a Spanish - speaking majority , and the largest city with a Cuban - American plurality . Miami and its metropolitan area grew from just over 1,000 residents to nearly 5.5 million residents in just 110 years ( 1896 -- 2006 ) . The city 's nickname , The Magic City , comes from this rapid growth . Winter visitors remarked that the city grew so much from one year to the next that it was like magic . Geography Miami and its suburbs are located on a broad plain between the Florida Everglades to the west and Biscayne Bay to the east , which also extends from Florida Bay north to Lake Okeechobee . The elevation of the area never rises above 40 ft ( 12 m ) and averages at around 6 ft ( 1.8 m ) above mean sea level in most neighborhoods , especially near the coast . The highest undulations are found along the coastal Miami Rock Ridge , whose substrate underlies most of the eastern Miami metropolitan region . The main portion of the city lies on the shores of Biscayne Bay which contains several hundred natural and artificially created barrier islands , the largest of which contains Miami Beach and South Beach . The Gulf Stream , a warm ocean current , runs northward just 15 miles ( 24 km ) off the coast , allowing the city 's climate to stay warm and mild all year . Geology The surface bedrock under the Miami area is called Miami oolite or Miami limestone . This bedrock is covered by a thin layer of soil , and is no more than 50 feet ( 15 m ) thick . Miami limestone formed as the result of the drastic changes in sea level associated with recent glaciations or ice ages . Beginning some 130,000 years ago the Sangamonian Stage raised sea levels to approximately 25 feet ( 8 m ) above the current level . All of southern Florida was covered by a shallow sea . Several parallel lines of reef formed along the edge of the submerged Florida plateau , stretching from the present Miami area to what is now the Dry Tortugas . The area behind this reef line was in effect a large lagoon , and the Miami limestone formed throughout the area from the deposition of oolites and the shells of bryozoans . Starting about 100,000 years ago the Wisconsin glaciation began lowering sea levels , exposing the floor of the lagoon . By 15,000 years ago , the sea level had dropped to 300 to 350 feet ( 90 to 110 m ) below the contemporary level . The sea level rose quickly after that , stabilizing at the current level about 4000 years ago , leaving the mainland of South Florida just above sea level . Beneath the plain lies the Biscayne Aquifer , a natural underground source of fresh water that extends from southern Palm Beach County to Florida Bay , with its highest point peaking around the cities of Miami Springs and Hialeah . Most of the Miami metropolitan area obtains its drinking water from this aquifer . As a result of the aquifer , it is not possible to dig more than 15 to 20 ft ( 5 to 6 m ) beneath the city without hitting water , which impedes underground construction , though some underground parking garages exist . For this reason , the mass transit systems in and around Miami are elevated or at - grade . Most of the western fringes of the city extend into the Everglades , a subtropical marshland located in the southern portion of the U.S. state of Florida . Alligators have ventured into Miami communities and on major highways . In terms of land area , Miami is one of the smallest major cities in the United States . According to the US Census Bureau , the city encompasses a total area of 56.06 sq mi ( 145.2 km ) . Of that area , 35.99 sq mi ( 93.2 km ) is land and 20.08 sq mi ( 52.0 km ) is water . That means Miami comprises over 400,000 people in 36 square miles ( 93 km ) , making it one of the most densely populated cities in the United States , along with New York City , San Francisco , Boston , Chicago , and Philadelphia . Cityscape See also : List of tallest buildings in Miami Downtown Miami Skyline ( in 2014 ) as seen from the Rusty Pelican restaurant on Virginia Key . Neighborhoods Main article : Neighborhoods in Miami The Downtown Miami Historic District is the city 's largest historic district , with buildings ranging from 1896 to 1939 in the heart of Downtown . Map of Miami neighborhoods . Miami is partitioned into many different sections , roughly into North , South , West and Downtown . The heart of the city is Downtown Miami and is technically on the eastern side of the city . This area includes Brickell , Virginia Key , Watson Island , and PortMiami . Downtown is South Florida 's central business district , and Florida 's largest and most influential central business district . Downtown has the largest concentration of international banks in the U.S. along Brickell Avenue . Downtown is home to many major banks , courthouses , financial headquarters , cultural and tourist attractions , schools , parks and a large residential population . East of Downtown , across Biscayne Bay is South Beach . Just northwest of Downtown , is the Civic Center , which is Miami 's center for hospitals , research institutes and biotechnology with hospitals such as Jackson Memorial Hospital , Miami VA Hospital , and the University of Miami 's Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine . The southern side of Miami includes Coral Way , The Roads and Coconut Grove . Coral Way is a historic residential neighborhood built in 1922 connecting Downtown with Coral Gables , and is home to many old homes and tree - lined streets . Coconut Grove was established in 1825 and is the location of Miami 's City Hall in Dinner Key , the Coconut Grove Playhouse , CocoWalk , many nightclubs , bars , restaurants and bohemian shops , and as such , is very popular with local college students . It is a historic neighborhood with narrow , winding roads , and a heavy tree canopy . Coconut Grove has many parks and gardens such as Villa Vizcaya , The Kampong , The Barnacle Historic State Park , and is the home of the Coconut Grove Convention Center and numerous historic homes and estates . The western side of Miami includes Little Havana , West Flagler , and Flagami , and is home to many of the city 's traditionally immigrant neighborhoods . Although at one time a mostly Jewish neighborhood , today western Miami is home to immigrants from mostly Central America and Cuba , while the west central neighborhood of Allapattah is a multicultural community of many ethnicities . The northern side of Miami includes Midtown , a district with a great mix of diversity with many West Indians , Hispanics , European Americans , bohemians , and artists . Edgewater , and Wynwood are neighborhoods of Midtown and are made up mostly of high - rise residential towers and are home to the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts . The wealthier residents usually live in the northeastern part , in Midtown , the Design District , and the Upper East Side , with many sought after 1920s homes and home of the MiMo Historic District , a style of architecture originated in Miami in the 1950s . The northern side of Miami also has notable African American and Caribbean immigrant communities such as Little Haiti , Overtown ( home of the Lyric Theater ) , and Liberty City . Climate Main article : Climate of Miami Typical summer afternoon thunderstorm rolling in from the Everglades . Miami has a tropical monsoon climate ( Köppen climate classification Am ) with a marked drier season in the winter . Its sea - level elevation , coastal location , position just above the Tropic of Cancer , and proximity to the Gulf Stream shape its climate . With January averaging 68.2 ° F ( 20.1 ° C ) , winter features highs generally ranging between 73 -- 80 ° F ( 23 -- 27 ° C ) . Cool air usually settles after the passage of a cold front , which produces much of the little amount of rainfall during the season . Lows fall below 50 ° F ( 10 ° C ) , an average of 10 -- 15 nights during the winter season following the passage of cold fronts . The wet season begins some time in May , ending in mid-October . During this period , temperatures are in the mid 80s to low 90s ( 29 -- 35 ° C ) , accompanied by high humidity , though the heat is often relieved by afternoon thunderstorms or a sea breeze that develops off the Atlantic Ocean , which then allow lower temperatures , but conditions still remain very muggy . Much of the year 's 55.9 inches ( 1,420 mm ) of rainfall occurs during this period . Dew points in the warm months range from 71.9 ° F ( 22.2 ° C ) in June to 73.7 ° F ( 23.2 ° C ) in August . Extremes range from 27 ° F ( − 2.8 ° C ) on February 3 , 1917 to 100 ° F ( 38 ° C ) on July 21 , 1940 . While Miami has never officially recorded snowfall at any official weather station since records have been kept , snow flurries fell in some parts of Miami on January 19 , 1977 . Hurricane season officially runs from June 1 through November 30 , although hurricanes can develop beyond those dates . The most likely time for Miami to be hit is during the peak of the Cape Verde season , which is mid-August through the end of September . Although tornadoes are uncommon in the area , one struck in 1925 and again in 1997 . Around 40 % of homes in Miami are built upon floodplains and are considered as flood - risk zones . Miami falls under the USDA 10b / 11a Plant Hardiness zone . ( show ) Climate data for Miami ( MIA ) , 1981 − 2010 normals , extremes 1895 − present Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Record high ° F ( ° C ) 88 ( 31 ) 89 ( 32 ) 93 ( 34 ) 96 ( 36 ) 98 ( 37 ) 98 ( 37 ) 100 ( 38 ) 98 ( 37 ) 97 ( 36 ) 95 ( 35 ) 91 ( 33 ) 89 ( 32 ) 100 ( 38 ) Mean maximum ° F ( ° C ) 84.3 ( 29.1 ) 85.5 ( 29.7 ) 87.9 ( 31.1 ) 90.2 ( 32.3 ) 92.3 ( 33.5 ) 94.0 ( 34.4 ) 94.6 ( 34.8 ) 95.0 ( 35 ) 93.1 ( 33.9 ) 90.7 ( 32.6 ) 86.9 ( 30.5 ) 84.8 ( 29.3 ) 96.1 ( 35.6 ) Average high ° F ( ° C ) 76.4 ( 24.7 ) 78.1 ( 25.6 ) 80.3 ( 26.8 ) 83.2 ( 28.4 ) 87.0 ( 30.6 ) 89.5 ( 31.9 ) 90.9 ( 32.7 ) 91.0 ( 32.8 ) 89.3 ( 31.8 ) 86.2 ( 30.1 ) 81.7 ( 27.6 ) 77.9 ( 25.5 ) 84.3 ( 29.1 ) Daily mean ° F ( ° C ) 68.2 ( 20.1 ) 70.2 ( 21.2 ) 72.6 ( 22.6 ) 75.8 ( 24.3 ) 79.9 ( 26.6 ) 82.7 ( 28.2 ) 84.1 ( 28.9 ) 84.2 ( 29 ) 82.9 ( 28.3 ) 79.9 ( 26.6 ) 74.9 ( 23.8 ) 70.5 ( 21.4 ) 77.2 ( 25.1 ) Average low ° F ( ° C ) 59.9 ( 15.5 ) 62.3 ( 16.8 ) 64.9 ( 18.3 ) 68.3 ( 20.2 ) 72.9 ( 22.7 ) 76.0 ( 24.4 ) 77.3 ( 25.2 ) 77.4 ( 25.2 ) 76.5 ( 24.7 ) 73.5 ( 23.1 ) 68.1 ( 20.1 ) 63.0 ( 17.2 ) 70.0 ( 21.1 ) Mean minimum ° F ( ° C ) 43.1 ( 6.2 ) 46.6 ( 8.1 ) 50.6 ( 10.3 ) 57.3 ( 14.1 ) 65.3 ( 18.5 ) 70.7 ( 21.5 ) 72.3 ( 22.4 ) 72.3 ( 22.4 ) 72.1 ( 22.3 ) 63.8 ( 17.7 ) 54.9 ( 12.7 ) 46.3 ( 7.9 ) 40.1 ( 4.5 ) Record low ° F ( ° C ) 28 ( − 2 ) 27 ( − 3 ) 32 ( 0 ) 39 ( 4 ) 50 ( 10 ) 60 ( 16 ) 66 ( 19 ) 67 ( 19 ) 62 ( 17 ) 45 ( 7 ) 36 ( 2 ) 30 ( − 1 ) 27 ( − 3 ) Average rainfall inches ( mm ) 1.62 ( 41.1 ) 2.25 ( 57.2 ) 3.00 ( 76.2 ) 3.14 ( 79.8 ) 5.34 ( 135.6 ) 9.67 ( 245.6 ) 6.50 ( 165.1 ) 8.88 ( 225.6 ) 9.86 ( 250.4 ) 6.33 ( 160.8 ) 3.27 ( 83.1 ) 2.04 ( 51.8 ) 61.9 ( 1,572.3 ) Average rainy days ( ≥ 0.01 in ) 6.9 6.5 7.0 6.4 10.0 16.4 16.9 18.9 17.9 12.7 8.4 7.2 135.2 Average relative humidity ( % ) 72.7 70.9 69.5 67.3 71.6 76.2 74.8 76.2 77.8 74.9 73.8 72.5 73.2 Mean monthly sunshine hours 219.8 216.9 277.2 293.8 301.3 288.7 308.7 288.3 262.2 260.2 220.8 216.1 3,154 Percent possible sunshine 66 69 75 77 72 70 73 71 71 73 68 66 71 Source : NOAA ( relative humidity and sun 1961 -- 1990 ) , The Weather Channel Demographics Historical population Census Pop . % ± 1900 1,681 -- 1910 5,471 225.5 % 1920 29,571 440.5 % 1930 110,637 274.1 % 1940 172,172 55.6 % 1950 249,276 44.8 % 1960 291,688 17.0 % 1970 334,859 14.8 % 1980 346,681 3.5 % 1990 358,548 3.4 % 2000 362,470 1.1 % 399,457 10.2 % Est. 2016 453,579 13.5 % U.S. Decennial Census The city proper is home to less than one - thirteenth of the population of South Florida . Miami is the 42nd-most populous city in the United States . The Miami metropolitan area however , which includes Miami - Dade , Broward and Palm Beach counties , had a combined population of more than 5.5 million people , ranked seventh largest in the United States , and is the largest metropolitan area in the southeastern section of the country . As of 2008 , the United Nations estimates that the Miami Urban Agglomeration is the 44th - largest in the world . Map of racial distribution in Miami , 2010 U.S. Census . Each dot is 25 people : White , Hispanic , Black , Asian The 2010 US Census reported that the Latino population in Miami accounted for 70 % of its total population , with 34.4 % being of Cuban origin , 15.8 % had a Central American background ( 7.2 % Nicaraguan , 5.8 % Honduran , 1.2 % Salvadoran , and 1.0 % Guatemalan ) , 8.7 % were of South American descent ( 3.2 % Colombian , 1.4 % Venezuelan , 1.2 % Peruvian , 1.2 % Argentinean , and 0.7 % Ecuadorian ) , 4.0 % had other Hispanic or Latino origins ( 0.5 % Spaniard ) , 3.2 % descended from Puerto Ricans , 2.4 % were Dominican , and 1.5 % had Mexican ancestry . As of 2010 , those of African ancestry accounted for 19.2 % of Miami 's population . Out of the 19.2 % , 5.6 % were West Indian or Afro - Caribbean American origin ( 4.4 % Haitian , 0.4 % Jamaican , 0.4 % Bahamian , 0.1 % British West Indian , and 0.1 % Trinidadian and Tobagonian , 0.1 % Other or Unspecified West Indian ) , 3.0 % were Black Hispanics , and 0.4 % were Subsaharan African origin . As of 2010 , those of ( non-Hispanic white ) European ancestry accounted for 11.9 % of Miami 's population . Out of the 11.9 % , 1.7 % were German , 1.6 % Italian , 1.4 % Irish , 1.0 % English , 0.8 % French , 0.6 % Russian , and 0.5 % were Polish . As of 2010 , those of Asian ancestry accounted for 1.0 % of Miami 's population . Out of the 1.0 % , 0.3 % were Indian people / Indo - Caribbean American ( 1,206 people ) , 0.3 % Chinese ( 1,804 people ) , 0.2 % Filipino ( 647 people ) , 0.1 % were other Asian ( 433 people ) , 0.1 % Japanese ( 245 people ) , 0.1 % Korean ( 213 people ) , and 0.0 % were Vietnamese ( 125 people ) . In 2010 , 1.9 % of the population considered themselves to be of only American ancestry ( regardless of race or ethnicity . ) And 0.5 % were of Arab ancestry , as of 2010 . As of 2010 , there were 158,317 households of which 14.0 % were vacant . 22.7 % had children under the age of 18 living with them , 31.3 % were married couples living together , 18.1 % have a female head of household with no husband present , and 43.1 % were non-families. 33.3 % of all households were made up of individuals and 11.3 % had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older ( 4.0 % male and 7.3 % female . ) The average household size was 2.47 and the average family size was 3.15 . In 2010 , the city population was spread out with 18.8 % under the age of 18 , 9.4 % from 18 to 24 , 33.1 % from 25 to 44 , 25.0 % from 45 to 64 , and 13.6 % who were 65 years of age or older . The median age was 38.8 years . For every 100 females , there were 99.2 males . For every 100 females age 18 and over , there were 98.1 males . As of 2010 , the median income for a household in the city was $29,621 , and the median income for a family was $33,379 . Males had a median income of $27,849 versus $24,518 for females . The per capita income for the city was $19,745 . In 2010 , 58.1 % of the county 's population was foreign born , with 41.1 % being naturalized American citizens . Of foreign - born residents , 95.4 % were born in Latin America , 2.4 % were born in Europe , 1.4 % born in Asia , 0.5 % born in Africa , 0.2 % in North America , and 0.1 % were born in Oceania . In 2004 , the United Nations Development Program ( UNDP ) reported that Miami had the highest proportion of foreign - born residents of any major city worldwide ( 59 % ) , followed by Toronto ( 50 % ) . In 1960 , non-Hispanic whites represented 80 % of Miami - Dade county 's population . In 1970 , the Census Bureau reported Miami 's population as 45.3 % Hispanic , 32.9 % non-Hispanic White , and 22.7 % Black . Miami 's explosive population growth has been driven by internal migration from other parts of the country , primarily up until the 1980s , as well as by immigration , primarily from the 1960s to the 1990s . Today , immigration to Miami has slowed significantly and Miami 's growth today is attributed greatly to its fast urbanization and high - rise construction , which has increased its inner city neighborhood population densities , such as in Downtown , Brickell , and Edgewater , where one area in Downtown alone saw a 2,069 % increase in population in the 2010 Census . Miami is regarded as more of a multicultural mosaic , than it is a melting pot , with residents still maintaining much of , or some of their cultural traits . The overall culture of Miami is heavily influenced by its large population of Hispanics and blacks mainly from the Caribbean islands . Miami demographics 2010 Census Miami Miami - Dade County Florida Total population 399,457 2,496,435 18,801,310 Population , percent change , 2000 to 2010 + 10.2 % + 10.8 % + 17.6 % Population density 11,135.9 / sq mi 1,315.5 / sq mi 350.6 / sq mi White or Caucasian ( including White Hispanic ) 72.6 % 73.8 % 75.0 % Hispanic or Latino ( of any race ) 70.0 % 65.0 % 22.5 % Black or African - American 19.2 % 18.9 % 16.0 % ( Non-Hispanic White or Caucasian ) 11.9 % 15.4 % 57.9 % Asian 1.0 % 1.5 % 2.4 % Native American or Native Alaskan 0.3 % 0.2 % 0.4 % Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.1 % Two or more races ( Multiracial ) 2.7 % 2.4 % 2.5 % Some Other Race 4.2 % 3.2 % 3.6 % Historic ethnic makeup of Miami Year White ( includes White Hispanics ) Hispanic Black Non-Hispanic White Other Asian ( of any race ) 1910 58.7 % -- 41.3 % -- 0.1 % -- 1920 68.5 % -- 31.3 % -- 0.1 % -- 1930 77.3 % -- 22.7 % -- 0.1 % -- 1940 78.5 % -- 21.4 % -- 0.1 % -- 1950 83.7 % -- 16.2 % -- 0.1 % -- 1960 77.4 % 17.6 % 22.4 % -- 0.1 % -- 1970 76.6 % 44.6 % 22.7 % 41.7 % 0.4 % 0.3 % 1980 66.6 % 55.9 % 25.1 % 19.4 % 7.8 % 0.5 % 1990 65.6 % 62.5 % 27.4 % 12.2 % 6.4 % 0.6 % 2000 66.6 % 65.8 % 22.3 % 11.8 % 5.6 % 0.7 % 72.6 % 70.0 % 19.2 % 11.9 % 4.2 % 1.0 % Poverty About 22.2 % of families and 27.3 % of the population were below the poverty line at the census , including 37.1 % of those under age 18 and 32.8 % of those aged 65 or over . Languages As of 2010 , 70.2 % of Miami 's population age five and over spoke only Spanish at home while 22.7 % of the population spoke English at home . About 6.3 % spoke other Indo - European languages at home . About 0.4 % spoke Asian languages or Pacific Islander languages / Oceanic languages at home . The remaining 0.3 % of the population spoke other languages at home . In total , 77.3 % spoke another language other than English . As of 2000 , 66.75 % of residents spoke Spanish at home , while those who only spoke English made up 25.45 % . Speakers of Haitian Creole ( French - based ) were 5.20 % , French speakers comprised 0.76 % of the population , and Portuguese at 0.41 % . Among U.S. cities , Miami has one of the highest proportions of residents who speak languages other than English at home ( 74.55 % in 2000 ) . Due to English - speakers moving away from the area , the percentage of residents who speak only English is expected to continue to decline . Religion Plymouth Congregational Church in Coconut Grove . Christianity is the most prevalently practiced religion in Miami ( 68 % ) , according to a 2014 study by the Pew Research Center , with 39 % professing attendance at a variety of churches that could be considered Protestant , and 27 % professing Roman Catholic beliefs . followed by Judaism ( 8 % ) ; Islam , Buddhism , Hinduism , and a variety of other religions have smaller followings ; atheism or no self - identifying organized religious affiliation was practiced by 24 % . There has been a Norwegian Seamen 's church in Miami since the early 1980s . In November 2011 , Crown Princess Mette - Marit opened a new building for the church . The church was built as a center for the 10,000 Scandinavians that live in Florida . Around 4,000 of them are Norwegian . The church is also an important place for the 150 Norwegians that work at Disney World . Civic engagement Organizations such as the Miami - Dade Salvation Army and its iconic Red Kettle Christmas Campaign , Hands On Miami , City Year Miami , Human Services Coalition of South Florida , and Citizens for a Better South Florida , among many other organizations have been working to engage Miamians in volunteerism . Economy Downtown is South Florida 's main hub for finance , commerce and international business . Brickell Avenue has the largest concentration of international banks in the U.S. As seen in 2006 , the high - rise construction in Miami has inspired popular opinion of `` Miami manhattanization '' Brickell Avenue in Downtown Miami 's Brickell Financial District PortMiami is the world 's largest cruise ship port , and is the headquarters of many of the world 's largest cruise companies Miami is a major center of commerce , finance , and boasts a strong international business community . According to the ranking of world cities undertaken by the Globalization and World Cities Study Group & Network ( GaWC ) in 2010 and based on the level of presence of global corporate service organizations , Miami is considered a `` Alpha minus world city '' . Miami has a Gross Metropolitan Product of $257 billion and is ranked 20th worldwide in GMP , and 11th in the United States . Several large companies are headquartered in or around Miami , including but not limited to : Akerman Senterfitt , Alienware , Arquitectonica , Arrow Air , Bacardi , Benihana , Brightstar Corporation , Burger King , Celebrity Cruises , Carnival Corporation , Carnival Cruise Lines , Crispin Porter + Bogusky , Duany Plater - Zyberk & Company , Espírito Santo Financial Group , , Greenberg Traurig , Holland & Knight , Inktel Direct , Interval International , Lennar , Navarro Discount Pharmacies , Norwegian Cruise Lines , Oceania Cruises , Perry Ellis International , RCTV International , Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines , Ryder Systems , Seabourn Cruise Line , Sedano 's , Telefónica USA , UniMÁS , Telemundo , Univision , U.S. Century Bank , Vector Group , and World Fuel Services . Because of its proximity to Latin America , Miami serves as the headquarters of Latin American operations for more than 1400 multinational corporations , including AIG , American Airlines , Cisco , Disney , Exxon , FedEx , Kraft Foods , LEO Pharma Americas , Microsoft , Yahoo , Oracle , SBC Communications , Sony , Symantec , Visa International , and Wal - Mart . Miami is a major television production center , and the most important city in the U.S. for Spanish language media . Univisión , Telemundo and UniMÁS have their headquarters in Miami , along with their production studios . The Telemundo Television Studios produces much of the original programming for Telemundo , such as their telenovelas and talk shows . In 2011 , 85 % of Telemundo 's original programming was filmed in Miami . Miami is also a major music recording center , with the Sony Music Latin and Universal Music Latin Entertainment headquarters in the city , along with many other smaller record labels . The city also attracts many artists for music video and film shootings . During the mid-2000s , the city witnessed its largest real estate boom since the Florida land boom of the 1920s . During this period , the city had well over a hundred approved high - rise construction projects in which 50 were actually built . Rapid high - rise construction led to fast population growth in the city 's inner neighborhoods , primarily in Downtown , Brickell and Edgewater , with these neighborhoods becoming the fastest - growing areas in the city . Miami 's skyline is ranked third-most impressive in the U.S. , behind New York City and Chicago , and 19th in the world according to the Almanac of Architecture and Design . The city currently has the eight tallest ( as well as thirteen of the fourteen tallest ) skyscrapers in the state of Florida , with the tallest being the 789 - foot ( 240 m ) Four Seasons Hotel & Tower . A housing market crash in 2007 caused a foreclosure crisis in the area . In 2012 , Forbes magazine named Miami the most miserable city in the United States because of a crippling housing crisis that has cost multitudes of residents their homes and jobs . The metro area has one of the highest violent crime rates in the country and workers face lengthy daily commutes . Like other metro areas in the United States , crime in Miami is localized to specific neighborhoods . In a 2016 study by the website 24 / 7 Wall Street , Miami was rated as the worst U.S. city in which to live , based on crime , poverty , income inequality and housing costs that far exceed the national median . Miami International Airport and PortMiami are among the nation 's busiest ports of entry , especially for cargo from South America and the Caribbean . The Port of Miami is the world 's busiest cruise port , and MIA is the busiest airport in Florida , and the largest gateway between the United States and Latin America . Additionally , the city has the largest concentration of international banks in the country , primarily along Brickell Avenue in Brickell , Miami 's financial district . Due to its strength in international business , finance and trade , many international banks have offices in Downtown such as Espírito Santo Financial Group , which has its U.S. headquarters in Miami . Miami was also the host city of the 2003 Free Trade Area of the Americas negotiations . Tourism is also an important industry in Miami . Along with finance and business , the beaches , conventions , festivals and events draw over 38 million visitors annually into the city , from across the country and around the world , spending $17.1 billion . The Art Deco District in South Beach , is reputed as one of the most glamorous in the world for its nightclubs , beaches , historical buildings , and shopping . Annual events such as the Sony Ericsson Open , Art Basel , Winter Music Conference , South Beach Wine & Food Festival , and Mercedes - Benz Fashion Week Miami attract millions to the metropolis every year . Miami is the home to the National Hurricane Center and the headquarters of the United States Southern Command , responsible for military operations in Central and South America . In addition to these roles , Miami is also an industrial center , especially for stone quarrying and warehousing . These industries are centered largely on the western fringes of the city near Doral and Hialeah . According to the U.S. Census Bureau , in 2004 , Miami had the third highest incidence of family incomes below the federal poverty line in the United States , making it the third poorest city in the USA , behind only Detroit , Michigan ( ranked # 1 ) and El Paso , Texas ( ranked # 2 ) . Miami is also one of the very few cities where its local government went bankrupt , in 2001 . On the other hand , Miami has won accolades for its environmental policies : in 2008 , it was ranked as `` America 's Cleanest City '' according to Forbes for its year - round good air quality , vast green spaces , clean drinking water , clean streets and citywide recycling programs . Largest employers in Miami Employer Employees Miami - Dade County Public Schools 48,571 Miami - Dade County 29,000 United States Government 19,500 Florida Government 17,100 University of Miami 16,100 Baptist Health South Florida 13,376 Jackson Health 12,576 Publix 10,800 American Airlines 9,000 Florida International University 8,000 Miami Dade College 6,200 Precision Response Corporation 5,000 City of Miami 4,309 Florida Power and Light Company 3,840 Carnival Cruise Lines 3,500 Culture Entertainment and performing arts Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts , the second - largest performing arts center in the United States . In addition to such annual festivals like Calle Ocho Festival and Carnaval Miami , Miami is home to many entertainment venues , theaters , museums , parks and performing arts centers . The newest addition to the Miami arts scene is the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts , the second - largest performing arts center in the United States after the Lincoln Center in New York City , and is the home of the Florida Grand Opera . Within it are the Ziff Ballet Opera House , the center 's largest venue , the Knight Concert Hall , the Carnival Studio Theater and the Peacock Rehearsal Studio . The center attracts many large - scale operas , ballets , concerts , and musicals from around the world and is Florida 's grandest performing arts center . Other performing arts venues in Miami include the Gusman Center for the Performing Arts , Coconut Grove Playhouse , Colony Theatre , Lincoln Theatre , Actor 's Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre Manuel Artime Theater , Playground Theatre , Wertheim Performing Arts Center , the Fair Expo Center and the Bayfront Park Amphitheater for outdoor music events . The city attracts a large number of musicians , singers , actors , dancers , and orchestral players . Miami has numerous orchestras , symphonies and performing art conservatories . Some of these include the Florida Grand Opera , FIU School of Music , Frost School of Music , Miami Wind Symphony , New World School of the Arts , as well as the music , theater and art schools of the city 's many universities and schools . Miami is also a major fashion center , home to models and some of the top modeling agencies in the world . Miami is also host to many fashion shows and events , including the annual Miami Fashion Week and the Mercedes - Benz Fashion Week Miami held in the Wynwood Art District . Museums and Art Some of the museums in Miami include the Frost Art Museum , Frost Museum of Science , Institute of Contemporary Art , Miami Children 's Museum , Vizcaya Museum and Gardens , as well as HistoryMiami and Pérez Art Museums , both located in the Miami - Dade Cultural Center which also houses the Miami main library . Music The city is a major music production city and attracts many annual music festivals , such as Ultra Music Festival Miami music is varied . Cubans brought the conga and rumba , while Haitians and the rest of the French West Indies have brought kompa and zouk to Miami from their homelands instantly popularizing them in American culture . Dominicans brought bachata , and merengue , while Colombians brought vallenato and cumbia , and Brazilians brought samba . West Indians and Caribbean people have brought , reggae , soca , calypso , and steel pan to the area as well . In the early 1970s , the Miami disco sound came to life with TK Records , featuring the music of KC and the Sunshine Band , with such hits as `` Get Down Tonight '' , `` ( Shake , Shake , Shake ) Shake Your Booty '' and `` That 's the Way ( I Like It ) '' ; and the Latin - American disco group , Foxy ( band ) , with their hit singles `` Get Off '' and `` Hot Number '' . Miami - area natives George McCrae and Teri DeSario were also popular music artists during the 1970s disco era . The Bee Gees moved to Miami in 1975 and have lived here ever since then . Miami - influenced , Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine , hit the popular music scene with their Cuban - oriented sound and had hits in the 1980s with `` Conga '' and `` Bad Boys '' . Miami is also considered a `` hot spot '' for dance music , Freestyle , a style of dance music popular in the 1980s and 90s was heavily influenced by Electro , hip - hop , and disco . Many popular Freestyle acts such as Pretty Tony , Debbie Deb , Stevie B , and Exposé , originated in Miami . Indie / folk acts Cat Power and Iron & Wine are based in the city , while alternative hip hop artist Sage Francis , electro artist Uffie , and the electroclash duo Avenue D were born in Miami , but musically based elsewhere . Also , ska punk band Against All Authority is from Miami , and rock / metal bands Nonpoint and Marilyn Manson each formed in neighboring Fort Lauderdale . Cuban American female recording artist , Ana Cristina , was born in Miami in 1985 . The 1980s and ' 90s also brought the genre of high energy Miami Bass to dance floors and car subwoofers throughout the country . Miami Bass spawned artists like 2 Live Crew ( featuring Uncle Luke ) , 95 South , Tag Team , 69 Boyz , Quad City DJ 's , and Freak Nasty . Examples of these songs are `` Whoomp ! ( There It Is ) '' by Tag Team in 1993 , `` Tootsee Roll '' by 69 Boyz in 1994 , and `` C'mon N ' Ride It ( The Train ) '' by the Quad City DJ 's in 1996 . This was also a period of alternatives to nightclubs , the warehouse party , acid house , rave and outdoor festival scenes of the late 1980s and early 1990s were havens for the latest trends in electronic dance music , especially house and its ever - more hypnotic , synthetic offspring techno and trance , in clubs like the infamous Warsaw Ballroom better known as Warsaw and The Mix where DJs like David Padilla ( who was the resident DJ for both ) and radio . The new sound fed back into mainstream clubs across the country . The scene in SoBe , along with a bustling secondhand market for electronic instruments and turntables , had a strong democratizing effect , offering amateur , `` bedroom '' DJs the opportunity to become proficient and popular as both music players and producers , regardless of the whims of the professional music and club industries . Some of these notable DJs are John Benetiz ( better known as JellyBean Benetiz ) , Danny Tenaglia , and David Padilla . Miami is also home to a vibrant techno and dance scene and hosts the Winter Music Conference , the largest dance event in the world , Ultra Music Festival and many electronica music - themed celebrations and festivals . There are also several rap and hip hop artists out of Miami . They include Trick Daddy , Rick Ross , Trina , Pitbull , Pretty Ricky , and the Miami Bass group 2 Live Crew . Cuisine A cortadito is a popular espresso beverage found in cafeterias around Miami . It is particularly popular for breakfast or in the afternoon with a pastelito . The cuisine of Miami is a reflection of its diverse population , with a heavy influence especially from Caribbean cuisine and from Latin American cuisine . By combining the two with American cuisine , it has spawned a unique South Florida style of cooking known as Floribbean cuisine . Floribbean cuisine is widely available throughout Miami and South Florida , and can be found in restaurant chains such as Pollo Tropical . Cuban immigrants in the 1960s brought the Cuban sandwich , medianoche , Cuban espresso , and croquetas , all of which have grown in popularity to all Miamians , and have become symbols of the city 's varied cuisine . Today , these are part of the local culture , and can be found throughout the city in window cafés , particularly outside of supermarkets and restaurants . Restaurants such as Versailles restaurant in Little Havana are landmark eateries of Miami . Located on the Atlantic Ocean , and with a long history as a seaport , Miami is also known for its seafood , with many seafood restaurants located along the Miami River , and in and around Biscayne Bay . Miami is also the home of restaurant chains such as Burger King , Tony Roma 's and Benihana . Dialect Main article : Miami accent The Miami area has a unique dialect , ( commonly called the `` Miami accent '' ) which is widely spoken . The dialect developed among second - or third - generation Hispanics , including Cuban - Americans , whose first language was English ( though some non-Hispanic white , black , and other races who were born and raised in the Miami area tend to adopt it as well ) . It is based on a fairly standard American accent but with some changes very similar to dialects in the Mid-Atlantic ( especially the New York area dialect , Northern New Jersey English , and New York Latino English . ) Unlike Virginia Piedmont , Coastal Southern American , and Northeast American dialects and Florida Cracker dialect ( see section below ) , `` Miami accent '' is rhotic ; it also incorporates a rhythm and pronunciation heavily influenced by Spanish ( wherein rhythm is syllable - timed ) . However , this is a native dialect of English , not learner English or interlanguage ; it is possible to differentiate this variety from an interlanguage spoken by second - language speakers in that `` Miami accent '' does not generally display the following features : there is no addition of / ɛ / before initial consonant clusters with / s / , speakers do not confuse of / dʒ / with / j / , ( e.g. , Yale with jail ) , and / r / and / rr / are pronounced as alveolar approximant ( ɹ ) instead of alveolar tap ( ɾ ) or alveolar trill ( r ) in Spanish . In popular culture View of the `` Moon over Miami '' , a famous phrase that has inspired many pop culture items , including a movie , TV series , and song . See also : List of films and television shows set in Miami and Miami ( song ) Miami is featured in numerous films and television shows , and video games . The video game Scarface : The World Is Yours takes place in Miami . The game is based on and is a quasi-sequel to the 1983 motion picture Scarface starring Al Pacino reprising his role as Tony Montana , with André Sogliuzzo providing Montana 's voice . The game begins in the film 's final scene , with Tony Montana 's mansion being raided by Alejandro Sosa 's ( Robert Davi ) assassins . Burn Notice , a television series airing from 2007 to 2013 took place in Miami . A fictionalized version of Miami -- Vice City -- is the setting for the video game Grand Theft Auto : Vice City . Sports American Airlines Arena , home of the Miami Heat See also : Sport in Miami Miami Jai Alai fronton , known as `` The Yankee Stadium of Jai Alai '' Miami 's main four sports teams are the Miami Dolphins of the National Football League , the Miami Heat of the National Basketball Association , the Miami Marlins of Major League Baseball , and the Florida Panthers of the National Hockey League . As well as having all four major professional teams , Miami is also home to the Major League Soccer expansion team led by David Beckham , Simon Fuller , and Marcelo Claure . Miami Open , an annual tennis tournament , is held in Key Biscayne , an island town off the coast of Miami . The city is home to numerous greyhound racing tracks , marinas , jai alai venues , and golf courses . The city streets has hosted professional auto races , the Miami Indy Challenge and later the Grand Prix Americas . The Homestead - Miami Speedway oval hosts NASCAR national races . The Heat and the Marlins play within Miami 's city limits . The Heat play at the American Airlines Arena in Downtown Miami . The Miami Marlins home ballpark is Marlins Park , located in Little Havana on the site of the old Orange Bowl stadium . The Miami Dolphins play at Hard Rock Stadium in suburban Miami Gardens . The Florida Panthers play in nearby Sunrise at the BB&T Center . Miami FC of the North American Soccer League , the second tier of the American soccer pyramid , play at FIU Stadium . Miami is also home to Paso Fino horses , where competitions are held at Tropical Park Equestrian Center . The Orange Bowl , a member of the Bowl Championship Series , hosts their college football championship games at Hard Rock Stadium . The stadium has also hosted the Super Bowl ; the Miami metro area has hosted the game a total of ten times ( five Super Bowls at the current Hard Rock Stadium , including Super Bowl XLI and five at the Miami Orange Bowl ) . Miami is also the home of many college sports teams . The two largest are the University of Miami Hurricanes , whose football team plays at Hard Rock Stadium , and Florida International University Panthers whose football team plays at FIU Stadium . The following table shows the Miami area major professional teams and Division I teams with an average attendance of more than 10,000 : Major professional and D-I college teams ( attendance > 10,000 ) Club Sport League Venue ( Capacity ) Attendance League Championships Miami Dolphins Football National Football League Hard Rock Stadium ( 64,767 ) 70,035 Super Bowl ( 2 ) -- 1972 , 1973 Miami Hurricanes Football NCAA D-I ( ACC ) Hard Rock Stadium ( 64,767 ) 53,837 National titles ( 5 ) -- 1983 , 1987 , 1989 , 1991 , 2001 Miami Marlins Baseball Major League Baseball Marlins Park ( 36,742 ) 21,386 World Series ( 2 ) -- 1997 , 2003 Miami Heat Basketball National Basketball Association American Airlines Arena ( 19,600 ) 19,710 NBA Finals ( 3 ) -- 2006 , 2012 , 2013 FIU Panthers Football NCAA D-I ( Conference USA ) FIU Stadium ( 23,500 ) 15,453 None Florida Panthers Hockey National Hockey League BB&T Center ( 19,250 ) 10,250 None Miami MLS team Soccer Major League Soccer Miami MLS Stadium None None Recreation The Barnacle Historic State Park , built in 1891 . Miami 's tropical weather allows for year - round outdoor activities . The city has numerous marinas , rivers , bays , canals , and the Atlantic Ocean , which make boating , sailing , and fishing popular outdoor activities . Biscayne Bay has numerous coral reefs that make snorkeling and scuba diving popular . There are over 80 parks and gardens in the city . The largest and most popular parks are Bayfront Park and Bicentennial Park ( located in the heart of Downtown and the location of the American Airlines Arena and Bayside Marketplace ) , Tropical Park , Peacock Park , Morningside Park , Virginia Key , and Watson Island . Other popular cultural destinations in or near Miami include Zoo Miami , Jungle Island , Miami Seaquarium , Monkey Jungle , Coral Castle , St. Bernard de Clairvaux Church , Charles Deering Estate , Fairchild Botanical Gardens , and Key Biscayne . Government Miami City Hall at Dinner Key in Coconut Grove . The city 's primary administrative offices are held here . Miami - Dade County Courthouse Main article : Government of the City of Miami The government of the City of Miami ( proper ) uses the mayor - commissioner type of system . The city commission consists of five commissioners that are elected from single member districts . The city commission constitutes the governing body with powers to pass ordinances , adopt regulations , and exercise all powers conferred upon the city in the city charter . The mayor is elected at large and appoints a city manager . The City of Miami is governed by Mayor Tomás Regalado and 5 City commissioners that oversee the five districts in the city . The commission 's regular meetings are held at Miami City Hall , which is located at 3500 Pan American Drive on Dinner Key in the neighborhood of Coconut Grove . City Commission See also : List of mayors of Miami Francis X . Suarez Mayor of the City of Miami Wifredo `` Willy '' Gort -- Miami Commissioner , District 1 Allapattah and Grapeland Heights Ken Russell -- Miami Commissioner , District 2 ( Vice-Chairman ) Brickell , Coconut Grove , Coral Way , Downtown Miami , Edgewater , Midtown Miami , Omni , Park West and the Upper Eastside Joe Carollo -- Miami Commissioner , District 3 Coral Way , Little Havana and The Roads Manolo Reyes -- Miami Commissioner , District 4 Coral Way , Flagami and West Flagler Keon Hardemon -- Miami Commissioner , District 5 ( Chairman ) Buena Vista , Design District , Liberty City , Little Haiti , Little River , Lummus Park , Overtown , Spring Garden and Wynwood Emilio T. Gonzalez , PhD -- City Manager Victoria Méndez -- City Attorney Todd B. Hannon -- City Clerk Education Public schools Main article : Miami - Dade County Public Schools Miami Senior High School , Miami 's oldest continuously used high school structure Florida International University has the largest enrollment of any university in South Florida , and is one of the state 's primary research universities . Public schools in Miami are governed by Miami - Dade County Public Schools , which is the largest school district in Florida and the fourth - largest in the United States . As of September 2008 it has a student enrollment of 385,655 and over 392 schools and centers . The district is also the largest minority public school system in the country , with 60 % of its students being of Hispanic origin , 28 % Black or West Indian American , 10 % White ( non-Hispanic ) and 2 % non-white of other minorities . Miami is home to some of the nation 's best high schools , such as Design and Architecture High School , ranked the nation 's best magnet school , MAST Academy , Coral Reef High School , ranked 20th - best public high school in the U.S. , Miami Palmetto High School , and the New World School of the Arts . M - DCPS is also one of a few public school districts in the United States to offer optional bilingual education in Spanish , French , German , Haitian Creole , and Mandarin Chinese . Private schools Miami is home to several well - known Roman Catholic , Jewish and non-denominational private schools . The Archdiocese of Miami operates the city 's Catholic private schools , which include : St. Hugh Catholic School , St. Agatha Catholic School , St. Theresa School , Immaculata - Lasalle High School , Monsignor Edward Pace High School , Archbishop Curley - Notre Dame High School , St. Brendan High School , amongst numerous other Catholic elementary and high schools . Catholic preparatory schools operated by religious orders are Christopher Columbus High School and Belen Jesuit Preparatory School for boys and Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart and Our Lady of Lourdes Academy for girls . Non-denominational private schools in Miami are Ransom Everglades , Gulliver Preparatory School , and Miami Country Day School . Other schools in the area include Samuel Scheck Hillel Community Day School , Dade Christian School , Palmer Trinity School , Westminster Christian School , and Riviera Schools Colleges and universities Founded in 1925 , the University of Miami is the oldest college in Florida south of Winter Park . Miami has over 200,000 students enrolled in local colleges and universities , placing it seventh in the nation in per capita university enrollment . In 2010 , the city 's four largest colleges and universities ( MDC , FIU , UM , and Barry ) graduated 28,000 students . Colleges and universities in and around Miami : Barry University ( private ) Carlos Albizu University ( private ) Florida International University ( FIU ) ( public ) Florida Memorial University ( private ) Johnson and Wales University ( private ) Keiser University ( private ) Manchester Business School ( satellite location , UK public ) Miami Culinary Institute ( public ) Miami Dade College ( public ) Miami International University of Art & Design ( private ) Nova Southeastern University ( private ) St. Thomas University ( private ) Talmudic University ( private ) University of Miami ( private ) Overall , amongst Miamians 25 years and older , 67 % had a high school diploma , and 22 % had a bachelor 's degree or higher . In 2011 , Miami was ranked as the sixth-most - read city in the U.S. with high book sales . Professional training programs Miami is also home to both for - profit and nonprofit organizations that offer a range of professional training and other , related educational programs . Per Scholas , for example is a nonprofit organization that offers free professional certification training directed towards successfully passing CompTIA A+ and Network+ certification exams as a route to securing jobs and building careers . Media Main article : Media in Miami See also : List of newspapers in Florida , List of radio stations in Florida , and List of television stations in Florida Former headquarters of The Miami Herald Miami has one of the largest television markets in the nation and the second largest in the state of Florida . Miami has several major newspapers , the main and largest newspaper being The Miami Herald . El Nuevo Herald is the major and largest Spanish - language newspaper . The Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald are Miami 's and South Florida 's main , major and largest newspapers . The papers left their longtime home in downtown Miami in 2013 . The newspapers are now headquartered at the former home of U.S. Southern Command in Doral . Other major newspapers include Miami Today , headquartered in Brickell , Miami New Times , headquartered in Midtown , Miami Sun Post , South Florida Business Journal , Miami Times , and Biscayne Boulevard Times . An additional Spanish - language newspapers , Diario Las Americas also serve Miami . The Miami Herald is Miami 's primary newspaper with over a million readers and is headquartered in Downtown in Herald Plaza . Several other student newspapers from the local universities , such as the oldest , the University of Miami 's The Miami Hurricane , Florida International University 's The Beacon , Miami - Dade College 's The Metropolis , Barry University 's The Buccaneer , amongst others . Many neighborhoods and neighboring areas also have their own local newspapers such as the Aventura News , Coral Gables Tribune , Biscayne Bay Tribune , and the Palmetto Bay News . A number of magazines circulate throughout the greater Miami area , including Miami Monthly , Southeast Florida 's only city / regional ; Ocean Drive , a hot - spot social scene glossy , and South Florida Business Leader . Miami is also the headquarters and main production city of many of the world 's largest television networks , record label companies , broadcasting companies and production facilities , such as Telemundo , TeleFutura , Galavisión , Mega TV , Univisión , Univision Communications , Inc. , Universal Music Latin Entertainment , RCTV International and Sunbeam Television . In 2009 , Univisión announced plans to build a new production studio in Miami , dubbed ' Univisión Studios ' . Univisión Studios is currently headquartered in Miami , and will produce programming for all of Univisión Communications ' television networks . Miami is the twelfth largest radio market and the seventeenth largest television market in the United States . Television stations serving the Miami area include : WAMI ( Telefutura ) , WBFS ( My Network TV ) , WSFL ( The CW ) , WFOR ( CBS ) , WHFT ( TBN ) , WLTV ( Univision ) , WPLG ( ABC ) , WPXM ( Ion ) , WSCV ( Telemundo ) , WSVN ( Fox ) , WTVJ ( NBC ) , WPBT ( PBS ) , and WLRN ( also PBS ) . Transportation Main article : Transportation in South Florida According to the 2016 American Community Survey , 72.3 % of working city of Miami residents commuted by driving alone , 8.7 % carpooled , 9 % used public transportation , and 3.7 % walked . About 1.8 % used all other forms of transportation , including taxicab , motorcycle , and bicycle . About 4.5 % of working city of Miami residents worked at home . In 2015 , 19.9 % of city of Miami households were without a car , which decreased to 18.6 % in 2016 . The national average was 8.7 percent in 2016 . Miami averaged 1.24 cars per household in 2016 , compared to a national average of 1.8 per household . Airports Miami International Airport serves as the primary international airport of the Greater Miami Area . One of the busiest international airports in the world , Miami International Airport caters to over 35 million passengers a year . The airport is a major hub and the single largest international gateway for American Airlines . Miami International is the busiest airport in Florida , and is the United States ' second - largest international port of entry for foreign air passengers behind New York 's John F. Kennedy International Airport , and is the seventh - largest such gateway in the world . The airport 's extensive international route network includes non-stop flights to over seventy international cities in North and South America , Europe , Asia , and the Middle East . Alternatively , nearby Fort Lauderdale - Hollywood International Airport also serves commercial traffic in the Miami area . Miami - Opa Locka Executive Airport in Opa - locka and Miami Executive Airport in an unincorporated area southwest of Miami serve general aviation traffic in the Miami area . PortMiami The Royal Caribbean International headquarters at the Port of Miami . Further information : PortMiami Miami is home to one of the largest ports in the United States , the PortMiami . It is the largest cruise ship port in the world . The port is often called the `` Cruise Capital of the World '' and the `` Cargo Gateway of the Americas '' . It has retained its status as the number one cruise / passenger port in the world for well over a decade accommodating the largest cruise ships and the major cruise lines . In 2007 , the port served 3,787,410 passengers . Additionally , the port is one of the nation 's busiest cargo ports , importing 7.8 million tons of cargo in 2007 . Among North American ports , it ranks second to the Port of South Louisiana in New Orleans in terms of cargo tonnage imported / exported from Latin America . The port is on 518 acres ( 2 km ) and has 7 passenger terminals . China is the port 's number one import country , and Honduras is the number one export country . Miami has the world 's largest amount of cruise line headquarters , home to : Carnival Cruise Lines , Celebrity Cruises , Norwegian Cruise Line , Oceania Cruises , and Royal Caribbean International . In 2014 , the Port of Miami Tunnel was completed and will serve the PortMiami . Public transportation The Miami Metrorail is the city 's rapid transit system and connects the city 's central core with its outlying suburbs Tri-Rail is Miami 's commuter rail that runs north - south from Miami 's suburbs in West Palm Beach to Miami International Airport . Main article : Miami - Dade Transit Public transportation in Miami is operated by Miami - Dade Transit and SFRTA , and includes commuter rail ( Tri-Rail ) , heavy - rail rapid transit ( Metrorail ) , an elevated people mover ( Metromover ) , and buses ( Metrobus ) . Miami has Florida 's highest transit ridership as about 17 % of Miamians use transit on a daily basis . Miami 's heavy - rail rapid transit system , Metrorail , is an elevated system comprising two lines and 23 stations on a 24.4 - mile ( 39.3 km ) - long line . Metrorail connects the urban western suburbs of Hialeah , Medley , and inner - city Miami with suburban The Roads , Coconut Grove , Coral Gables , South Miami and urban Kendall via the central business districts of Miami International Airport , the Civic Center , and Downtown . A free , elevated people mover , Metromover , operates 21 stations on three different lines in greater Downtown Miami , with a station at roughly every two blocks of Downtown and Brickell . Several expansion projects are being funded by a transit development sales tax surcharge throughout Miami - Dade County . Tri-Rail , a commuter rail system operated by the South Florida Regional Transportation Authority ( SFRTA ) , runs from Miami International Airport northward to West Palm Beach , making eighteen stops throughout Miami - Dade , Broward , and Palm Beach counties . Construction is currently underway on the Miami Intermodal Center and Miami Central Station , a massive transportation hub servicing Metrorail , Amtrak , Tri-Rail , Metrobus , Greyhound Lines , taxis , rental cars , MIA Mover , private automobiles , bicycles and pedestrians adjacent to Miami International Airport . Completion of the Miami Intermodal Center is expected to be completed by winter 2011 , and will serve over 150,000 commuters and travelers in the Miami area . Phase I of Miami Central Station is scheduled to begin service in the spring of 2012 , and Phase II in 2013 . Two new light rail systems , Baylink and the Miami Streetcar , have been proposed and are currently in the planning stage . BayLink would connect Downtown with South Beach , and the Miami Streetcar would connect Downtown with Midtown . Miami public transportation statistics The average Miami public transit commute on weekdays is 90 minutes , while 39 % of public transit riders commute for more than 2 hours a day . The average wait time at a public transit stop or station is 18 minutes , while 37 % of riders wait for more than 20 minutes on average every day . The average single trip distance with public transit is 7.46 mi ( 12 km ) , while 38 % travel more than 8.08 mi ( 13 km ) in each direction . Rail Miami is the southern terminus of Amtrak 's Atlantic Coast services , running two lines , the Silver Meteor and the Silver Star , both terminating in New York City . The Miami Amtrak Station is located in the suburb of Hialeah near the Tri-Rail / Metrorail Station on NW 79 St and NW 38 Ave . Current construction of the Miami Central Station will move all Amtrak operations from its current out - of - the - way location to a centralized location with Metrorail , MIA Mover , Tri-Rail , Miami International Airport , and the Miami Intermodal Center all within the same station closer to Downtown . The station was expected to be completed by 2012 , but experienced several delays and was later expected to be completed in late 2014 , again pushed back to early 2015 . Florida High Speed Rail was a proposed government backed high - speed rail system that would have connected Miami , Orlando , and Tampa . The first phase was planned to connect Orlando and Tampa and was offered federal funding , but it was turned down by Governor Rick Scott in 2011 . The second phase of the line was envisioned to connect Miami . By 2014 , a private project known as All Aboard Florida by a company of the historic Florida East Coast Railway began construction of a higher - speed rail line in South Florida that is planned to eventually terminate at Orlando International Airport . Road The Venetian Causeway ( left ) and MacArthur Causeway ( right ) connect Downtown and South Beach , Miami Beach . State Road 886 ( Port Boulevard ) connects downtown and PortMiami by bridge over Biscayne Bay . Miami 's road system is based along the numerical `` Miami Grid '' where Flagler Street forms the east - west baseline and Miami Avenue forms the north - south meridian . The corner of Flagler Street and Miami Avenue is in the middle of Downtown in front of the Downtown Macy 's ( formerly the Burdine 's headquarters ) . The Miami grid is primarily numerical so that , for example , all street addresses north of Flagler Street and west of Miami Avenue have `` NW '' in their address . Because its point of origin is in Downtown , which is close to the coast , therefore , the `` NW '' and `` SW '' quadrants are much larger than the `` SE '' and `` NE '' quadrants . Many roads , especially major ones , are also named ( e.g. , Tamiami Trail / SW 8th St ) , although , with exceptions , the number is in more common usage among locals . With few exceptions , within this grid north / south roads are designated as Courts , Roads , Avenues or Places ( often remembered by their acronym ) , while east / west roads are Streets , Terraces , Drives or occasionally Ways . Major roads in each direction are located at one mile intervals . There are 16 blocks to each mile on north / south avenues , and 10 blocks to each mile on east / west streets . Major north / south avenues generally end in `` 7 '' -- e.g. , 17th , 27th , 37th / Douglas Aves. , 57th / Red Rd. , 67th / Ludlam , 87th / Galloway , etc. , all the way west beyond 177th / Krome Avenue . ( One prominent exception is 42nd Avenue , LeJeune Road , located at the half - mile point instead . ) Major east / west streets to the south of downtown are multiples of 16 , though the beginning point of this system is at SW 8th St , one half mile south of Flagler ( `` zeroth '' ) Street . Thus , major streets are at 8th St. + 16 = 24th St. / Coral Way , + 16 = 40th St. / Bird , + 16 = 56th / Miller , + 16 = 72nd / Sunset , + 16 = 88th / N. Kendall , + 16 = 104th ( originally S. Kendall ) , + 16 = 120th / Montgomery , + 16 = 136th / Howard , + 16 = 152nd / Coral Reef , + 16 = 168th / Richmond , + 16 = 184th / Eureka , + 16 = 200th / Quail Roost , + 16 = 216th / Hainlin Mill , + 16 = 232nd / Silver Palm , + 16 = 248th / Coconut Palm , etc. , well into the 300 's . Within the Grid , odd - numbered addresses are generally on the north or east side , and even - numbered addresses are on the south or west side . This makes even unfamiliar addresses and distances easy -- If one must travel from , say 1709 SW 8th St. to 24832 SW 157th Avenue , one knows it will be 140 blocks ( 157 − 17 ) / 20 miles to the west and 240 blocks ( 248 − 8 ) / 15 miles to the south , and that the destination will be on the south side of 248th St. Remarkably , even Miami natives are often unaware of this pattern . All streets and avenues in Miami - Dade County follow the Miami Grid , with a few exceptions , most notably Coral Gables , Hialeah , Coconut Grove and Miami Beach . One neighborhood , The Roads , is thusly named because its streets run off the Miami Grid at a 45 - degree angle , and therefore are all named roads . Miami - Dade County is served by four Interstate Highways ( I - 75 , I - 95 , I - 195 , I - 395 ) and several U.S. Highways including U.S. Route 1 , U.S. Route 27 , U.S. Route 41 , and U.S. Route 441 . Some of the major Florida State Roads ( and their common names ) serving Miami are : SR 112 ( Airport Expressway ) : Interstate 95 to MIA Homestead Extension of Florida 's Turnpike ( SR 821 ) : Florida 's Turnpike mainline ( SR 91 ) / Miami Gardens to U.S. Route 1 / Florida City SR 826 ( Palmetto Expressway ) : Golden Glades Interchange to U.S. Route 1 / Pinecrest SR 836 ( Dolphin Expressway ) : Downtown to SW 137th Ave via MIA SR 874 ( Don Shula Expressway ) : 826 / Bird Road to Homestead Extension of Florida 's Turnpike / Kendall SR 878 ( Snapper Creek Expressway ) : SR 874 / Kendall to U.S. Route 1 / Pinecrest & South Miami SR 924 ( Gratigny Parkway ) Miami Lakes to Opa - locka Miami Causeways Name Termini Year built Rickenbacker Causeway Brickell and Key Biscayne 1947 Venetian Causeway Downtown and South Beach 1912 -- 1925 MacArthur Causeway Downtown and South Beach 1920 Julia Tuttle Causeway Wynwood / Edgewater and Miami Beach 1959 79th Street Causeway Upper East Side and North Beach 1929 Broad Causeway North Miami and Bal Harbour 1951 Miami has six major causeways that span over Biscayne Bay connecting the western mainland , with the eastern barrier islands along the Atlantic Ocean . The Rickenbacker Causeway is the southernmost causeway and connects Brickell to Virginia Key and Key Biscayne . The Venetian Causeway and MacArthur Causeway connect Downtown with South Beach . The Julia Tuttle Causeway connects Midtown and Miami Beach . The 79th Street Causeway connects the Upper East Side with North Beach . The northernmost causeway , the Broad Causeway , is the smallest of Miami 's six causeways , and connects North Miami with Bal Harbour . In 2007 , Miami was identified as having the rudest drivers in the United States , the second year in a row to have been cited , in a poll commissioned by automobile club AutoVantage . Miami is also consistently ranked as one of the most dangerous cities in the United States for pedestrians . Bicycling In recent years the city government , under Mayor Manny Diaz , has taken an ambitious stance in support of bicycling in Miami for both recreation and commuting . Every month , the city hosts `` Bike Miami '' , where major streets in Downtown and Brickell are closed to automobiles , but left open for pedestrians and bicyclists . The event began in November 2008 , and has doubled in popularity from 1,500 participants to about 3,000 in the October 2009 Bike Miami . This is the longest - running such event in the US . In October 2009 , the city also approved an extensive 20 - year plan for bike routes and paths around the city . The city has begun construction of bike routes as of late 2009 , and ordinances requiring bike parking in all future construction in the city became mandatory as of October 2009 . In 2010 , Miami was ranked as the 44th-most bike - friendly city in the US according to Bicycling Magazine . Walkability A 2011 study by Walk Score ranked Miami the eighth-most walkable of the fifty largest cities in the United States , but a 2013 survey by Travel + Leisure ranked Miami 34th for `` public transportation and pedestrian friendliness . '' International relations See also : List of sister cities in Florida Twin and sister cities Bogotá , Colombia ( since 1971 ) Buenos Aires , Argentina ( since 1979 ) Kagoshima , Japan ( since 1990 ) Lima , Peru ( since 1977 ) Madrid , Spain ( since 2014 ) Port - au - Prince , Haiti ( since 1991 ) Qingdao , China ( since 2005 ) Salvador da Bahia , Brazil ( since 2006 ) Santiago , Chile ( since 1986 ) Santo Domingo , Dominican Republic ( since 1987 ) Palermo , Italy ( since 2015 ) Cooperation agreements Lisbon , Portugal Yeruham , Israel See also Book : Miami Book : Miami - Dade County , Florida Miami Fire - Rescue Department Miami Police Department National Register of Historic Places listings in Miami Port Miami Tunnel List of people from Miami Geography portal North America portal United States portal Florida portal Miami portal New Spain portal Notes Jump up ^ Mean monthly maxima and minima ( i.e. the highest and lowest temperature readings during an entire month or year ) calculated based on data at said location from 1981 to 2010 . Jump up ^ Official records for Miami were kept at the Lemon City from September 1895 to November 1900 , the Miami COOP from December 1900 to May 1911 , the Weather Bureau Office from June 1911 to February 1937 , at various locations in and around the city from March 1937 to July 1942 , and at Miami Int'l since August 1942 . For more information , see ThreadEx . References ^ Jump up to : `` Miami : the Capital of Latin America '' . Time . December 2 , 1993 . Jump up ^ `` 2016 U.S. Gazetteer Files '' . United States Census Bureau . Retrieved July 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` American Factfinder , Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics : 2010 '' . US Census Bureau . Archived from the original on March 5 , 2014 . Retrieved October 21 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Miami Urbanized Area ( 2008 estimate ) '' . American Community Survey . Archived from the original on October 28 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Population Estimates '' . Archived from the original on June 29 , 2015 . Retrieved August 10 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` 2009 City Estimates '' . US Census Bureau . 2009 . Archived from the original on March 9 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Population and Housing Unit Estimates '' . Retrieved June 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Population Estimates for Florida Municipalities '' . Retrieved April 20 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Table 1 . Annual Estimates of the Population of Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas : April 1 , 2010 to July 1 , 2012 '' . 2012 Population Estimates . United States Census Bureau , Population Division . March 2013 . Archived from the original ( CSV ) on April 1 , 2013 . Retrieved March 17 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Demographia : World Urban Areas . Jump up ^ `` The World According to GaWC 2008 '' . Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network , Loughborough University . Retrieved March 3 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Inventory of World Cities '' . Globalization and World Cities ( GaWC ) Study Group and Network . 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The Tropical Sun . March 9 , 1893 . Jump up ^ Muir , Helen ( 1953 ) , Miami , USA , Henry Holt and Company , p. 55 Jump up ^ Weiner , Jacqueline ( April 1 , 2010 ) , `` Statue of Miami 's First Lady , Julia Tuttle , may be birthday present '' , Miami Today Jump up ^ Williams , Linda K. & George , Paul S. `` South Florida : A Brief History '' . Historical Museum of South Florida . Archived from the original on April 29 , 2010 . Retrieved August 24 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Name Origins of Florida -- City Name Origins I-P '' . . Florida Department of State . Retrieved December 17 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Connolly , Nathan ( 2014 ) . A World More Concrete : Real Estate and the Remaking of Jim Crow South Florida . University of Chicago Press . ^ Jump up to : `` Miami - Dade County -- Information Center '' . Miami - Dade County . Archived from the original on February 25 , 2008 . Retrieved April 18 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` Miami Environment '' . Advameg . Retrieved July 19 , 2007 . 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External links Find more aboutMiamiat Wikipedia 's sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Wikimedia Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks Travel guide from Wikivoyage Learning resources from Wikiversity City of Miami -- Official Site City of Miami Government Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau U.S. Census Bureau -- Census 2000 Demographic Profile Highlights for City of Miami Miami - Dade Municipalities U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System : City of Miami Articles relating to Miami and Miami - Dade County City of Miami Accent Arts Climate Companies Downtown Education Fire Government Mayors Historic Landmarks History Timeline Library Media Music Neighborhoods People Police Skyscrapers Sports Television Transportation Miami metropolitan area Florida Neighborhoods in Miami Allapattah Bay Point Bayside Belle Meade Biscayne Island Brickell Brickell Key Bryan Park Buena Vista Coconut Grove Coral Gate Coral Way Design District Dodge Island Downtown Edgewater Flagami Golden Pines Grapeland Heights Health District ( Civic Center ) Ironside Jewelery District Liberty City Little Haiti Little Havana Little River Lummus Park Midtown MiMo District Morningside Omni Overtown Park West Riverside San Marco Island Shenandoah Shorecrest Silver Bluff Spring Garden The Roads Upper Eastside Venetian Islands Virginia Key Watson Island West Flagler Wynwood Municipalities and communities of Miami - Dade County , Florida , United States County seat : Miami Cities Aventura Coral Gables Doral Florida City Hialeah Hialeah Gardens Homestead Miami Miami Beach Miami Gardens Miami Springs North Bay Village North Miami North Miami Beach Opa - locka South Miami Sunny Isles Beach Sweetwater West Miami Towns Bay Harbor Islands Cutler Bay Golden Beach Medley Miami Lakes Surfside Villages Bal Harbour Biscayne Park El Portal Indian Creek Key Biscayne Miami Shores Palmetto Bay Pinecrest Virginia Gardens CDPs Brownsville Coral Terrace Country Club Country Walk Fisher Island Fontainebleau Gladeview Glenvar Heights Golden Glades Goulds Homestead Base Ives Estates Kendale Lakes Kendall Kendall West Leisure City Naranja Ojus Olympia Heights Palm Springs North Palmetto Estates Pinewood Princeton Richmond Heights Richmond West South Miami Heights Sunset Tamiami The Crossings The Hammocks Three Lakes University Park West Little River West Perrine Westchester Westview Westwood Lakes Unincorporated communities Coopertown Little Gables Ludlam Redland High Pines Palm Springs Estates Ponce - Davis Indian reservation Miccosukee Indian Reservation ‡ Footnotes ‡ This populated place also has portions in an adjacent county or counties Miami metropolitan area Population - 6,012,331 Counties Miami - Dade Broward Palm Beach Major city 441k Miami Cities and towns 100k -- 250k Coral Springs Fort Lauderdale Hialeah Hollywood Miami Gardens Miramar Pembroke Pines Pompano Beach West Palm Beach Cities and towns 25k -- 99k Aventura Boca Raton Boynton Beach Coconut Creek Cooper City Coral Gables Cutler Bay Dania Beach Davie Deerfield Beach Delray Beach Doral Greenacres Hallandale Beach Homestead Jupiter Lake Worth Lauderdale Lakes Lauderhill Margate Miami Beach North Lauderdale North Miami North Miami Beach Oakland Park Palm Beach Gardens Plantation Riviera Beach Sunrise Tamarac West Park Weston Wilton Manors Cities and towns 10k -- 25k Belle Glade Hialeah Gardens Lighthouse Point Miami Lakes Miami Springs Opa - locka Palm Beach Parkland South Miami Sunny Isles Beach Sweetwater Palm Springs A list of cities under 10,000 is available here . Greater Miami Area Miami Fort Lauderdale West Palm Beach Miami metropolitan area Central business district Downtown Miami Brickell Central Business District Historic District Government Center Park West Omni Downtown Fort Lauderdale Major urban areas Aventura Coconut Grove Coral Gables Dadeland Health District Hialeah Hollywood Midtown Edgewater Wynwood Pembroke Pines South Beach Colleges and universities Barry University Broward College Carlos Albizu University Florida Atlantic University Florida International University Florida Memorial University Johnson & Wales University Miami Dade College Miami International University of Art & Design Nova Southeastern University St. Thomas University University of Miami Parks and recreation Alice Wainwright Park Amelia Earhart Park Arch Creek The Barnacle Historic State Park Bayfront Park Big Cypress National Preserve Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Biscayne National Park Brian Piccolo Sports Park & Velodrome Chapman Field Park Crandon Park Dinner Key Everglades National Park Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden Fort Dallas Fruit and Spice Park Greynolds Park Haulover Park Jungle Island The Kampong Margaret Pace Park Matheson Hammock Park Miami Seaquarium Monkey Jungle Museum Park Oleta River State Park Peacock Park Shark Valley Simpson Park Hammock South Pointe Park Tamiami Park Tropical Park Virginia Key Zoo Miami Attractions Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts American Airlines Arena Bass Museum Bergeron Rodeo Grounds BB&T Center Biltmore Hotel Bonita Chita Key Butterfly World Coral Castle Downtown Miami FIU Arena FIU Stadium Florida Grand Opera Fontainebleau Miami Beach Fort Lauderdale Swap Shop Frost Art Museum Frost School of Music Gulfstream Park Hard Rock Stadium HistoryMiami Holocaust Memorial Homestead Jewish Museum of Florida Las Olas Boulevard Lowe Art Museum Lincoln Road Lummus Park MacFarlane Homestead Marlins Park Miami Beach Architectural District Miami Beach Convention Center Miami Children 's Museum Miami City Ballet Miami Conservatory Museum of Contemporary Art New World Symphony Orchestra Normandy Isles North Shore Ocean Drive Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science Pérez Art Museum Miami Riverwalk Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood South Beach The Miami Line Vizcaya Museum and Gardens Watsco Center Wolfsonian - FIU Wynwood Art District Major shopping centers Aventura Mall Bal Harbour Shops Bayside Marketplace Brickell City Centre CocoWalk Collins Avenue Coral Square Dadeland Mall Dolphin Mall The Falls Flagler Street The Galleria at Fort Lauderdale Lincoln Road The Mall at 163rd Street Mall of the Americas Mary Brickell Village Miami International Mall Midtown Miami Miracle Marketplace Pembroke Lakes Mall The Shops at Sunset Place Sawgrass Mills Southland Mall Shops at Merrick Park Westfield Broward Westland Mall Transportation Amtrak Brightline Broward County Transit Government Center Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport Fort Lauderdale -- Hollywood International Airport Miami Airport Station Miami - Dade Transit Metrorail Metrobus Metromover MIA Mover Miami International Airport North Perry Airport Palm Tran Pompano Beach Airpark Port Everglades Port of Miami Tri-Rail Major thoroughfares East 6th Avenue North 36th Street North 54th Street North 79th Street North 103rd Street North 125th Street North 135th Street West 7th Avenue West 12th Avenue West 27th Avenue West 107th Avenue Allapattah Road Alton Road Bird Road Biscayne Boulevard Brickell Avenue Broad Causeway Collins Avenue Coral Reef Drive Coral Way County Line Road Douglas Road Flagler Street Galloway Road Gratigny Ives Dairy Road Julia Tuttle Causeway Kendall Drive John F. Kennedy Causeway Killian Krome Avenue William Lehman Causeway Le Jeune Road Ludlam Road MacArthur Causeway Miami Avenue Miami Gardens Drive Milam Dairy Road Miracle Mile Okeechobee Road Old Cutler Road Port Boulevard Quail Roost Drive Red Road Rickenbacker Causeway South Dixie Highway Sunset Drive Tamiami Trail Venetian Causeway West Dixie Highway Portal WikiProject State of Florida Tallahassee ( capital ) Topics Climate Congressional districts Cingressional delegations Education Environment Geology Government Hurricanes Law Media Newspapers Radio TV Symbols Flag Seal Tourist attractions Transportation Seal of Florida History Timeline Spanish Florida British Rule East Florida West Florida Florida Territory Seminole Wars Slavery Plantations of Leon County Civil War Florida East Coast Railway Florida land boom of the 1920s Kennedy Space Center Disney World Geography Everglades ( Drainage and development ) Florida Keys Lake Okeechobee Sinkholes State forests State parks Society Floridians Culture Crime Demographics Economy Education Indigenous peoples Politics Sports Regions Big Bend Central Florida Emerald Coast First Coast Florida Heartland Florida Keys Florida Panhandle Forgotten Coast Glades Gold Coast Halifax area Nature Coast North Central Florida North Florida South Florida Southwest Florida Space Coast Suncoast Tampa Bay Area Treasure Coast Metro areas Cape Coral -- Fort Myers Deltona -- Daytona Beach -- Ormond Beach Fort Walton Beach -- Crestview -- Destin Gainesville Jacksonville Lakeland -- Winter Haven Miami -- Fort Lauderdale -- Pompano Beach Naples -- Marco Island North Port -- Bradenton -- Sarasota Ocala Orlando -- Kissimmee -- Sanford Palm Bay -- Melbourne -- Titusville Panama City -- Lynn Haven -- Panama City Beach Pensacola -- Ferry Pass -- Brent Port St. Lucie Punta Gorda Sebastian -- Vero Beach Tallahassee Tampa - St. Petersburg -- Clearwater West Palm Beach - Boca Raton Largest cities Jacksonville Miami Tampa Orlando St. Petersburg Hialeah Tallahassee Port St. Lucie Fort Lauderdale West Palm Beach Cape Coral Pembroke Pines Hollywood Counties Alachua Baker Bay Bradford Brevard Broward Calhoun Charlotte Citrus Clay Collier Columbia DeSoto Dixie Duval Escambia Flagler Franklin Gadsden Gilchrist Glades Gulf Hamilton Hardee Hendry Hernando Highlands Hillsborough Holmes Indian River Jackson Jefferson Lafayette Lake Lee Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marion Martin Miami ‐ Dade Monroe Mosquito ( former county ) Nassau Okaloosa Okeechobee Orange Osceola Palm Beach Pasco Pinellas Polk Putnam Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole St. Johns St. Lucie Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Wakulla Walton Washington Mayors of cities with populations exceeding 100,000 in Florida Lenny Curry ( R ) ( Jacksonville ) Francis Suarez ( R ) ( Miami ) Bob Buckhorn ( D ) ( Tampa ) Buddy Dyer ( D ) ( Orlando ) Rick Kriseman ( D ) ( St. Petersburg ) Carlos Hernández ( R ) ( Hialeah ) Andrew Gillum ( D ) ( Tallahassee ) Jack Seiler ( D ) ( Fort Lauderdale ) Gregory J. Oravec ( D ) ( Port St. Lucie ) Marni Sawicki ( D ) ( Cape Coral ) Frank C. Ortis ( D ) ( Pembroke Pines ) Peter Bober ( D ) ( Hollywood ) Wayne M. Messam ( D ) ( Miramar ) Lauren Poe ( D ) ( Gainesville ) Vincent Boccard ( R ) ( Coral Springs ) Oliver Gilbert III ( D ) ( Miami Gardens ) George Cretekos ( R ) ( Clearwater ) Guillermo `` William '' Capote ( D ) ( Palm Bay ) Lamar Fisher ( D ) ( Pompano Beach ) Jeri Muoio ( D ) ( West Palm Beach ) Howard Wiggs ( R ) ( Lakeland ) BNF : cb12334958b ( data ) GND : 4039108 - 5 NARA : 10046128 VIAF : 153063179 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1825 establishments in Florida Territory Bermuda Triangle Cities in Florida Cities in Miami - Dade County , Florida Cities in Miami metropolitan area County seats in Florida Miami Populated coastal places in Florida on the Atlantic Ocean Populated places established in 1825 Port cities and towns of the United States Atlantic coast Port cities in Florida Seaside resorts in Florida Hidden categories : CS1 : Julian -- Gregorian uncertainty Pages with citations lacking titles Pages with citations having bare URLs All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from June 2016 CS1 uses Japanese - language script ( ja ) CS1 Japanese - language sources ( ja ) CS1 Portuguese - language sources ( pt ) Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages Wikipedia indefinitely move - protected pages Articles with short description Coordinates on Wikidata All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from December 2015 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2008 All articles containing potentially dated statements Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2010 Use mdy dates from May 2018 Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Meta - Wiki Wikinews Wikivoyage Languages Afrikaans አማርኛ Ænglisc Aragonés Asturianu Aymar aru Azərbaycanca تۆرکجه Bamanankan বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) Български Boarisch Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Cebuano Čeština Chavacano de Zamboanga Corsu Cymraeg Dansk Deitsch Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Emiliàn e rumagnòl Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Føroyskt Français Frysk Gaeilge Gaelg Gàidhlig Galego 贛 語 Gĩkũyũ ગુજરાતી 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Interlingue Ирон IsiZulu Íslenska Italiano עברית ಕನ್ನಡ Kapampangan ქართული Қазақша Kernowek Kiswahili Kreyòl ayisyen Kurdî Кыргызча Кырык мары Ladino Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Limburgs Lingála Lumbaart Magyar Македонски Malagasy മലയാളം Māori मराठी მარგალური مصرى Bahasa Melayu Mìng - dĕ̤ng - ngṳ̄ Монгол မြန်မာဘာသာ Nāhuatl Dorerin Naoero Nederlands नेपाल भाषा 日本 語 Нохчийн Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan پنجابی Papiamentu Piemontèis Polski Português Qaraqalpaqsha Reo tahiti Română Romani Runa Simi Русский Саха тыла Sardu Scots Shqip Sicilianu Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Ślůnski Soomaaliga Sranantongo Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் తెలుగు Tetun ไทย Тоҷикӣ Türkçe Twi Українська اردو ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche Vèneto Vepsän kel ' Tiếng Việt Volapük Winaray 吴语 ייִדיש Yorùbá 粵語 中文 132 more Edit links This page was last edited on 29 May 2018 , at 15 : 22 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | which florida city is called the magic city | [
"\n\nMiami, Florida\n\n\nMetropolitan City\n\n\nCity of Miami\n\n\n\nFrom top, clockwise: Downtown Miami skyline, Port of Miami, Virginia Key Beach, Miami Tower, American Airlines Arena, Brickell, Lyric Theater\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFlag\n\nSeal\n\n\n\n\n\nNickname(s): Magic City, The Gateway to the Americas, Capital of Latin America[1]\n\n\n\nMiami city limits in and around Miami-Dade County and Florida\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMiami\n\n\nLocation in the contiguous United States\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCoordinates: 25°46′31″N 80°12′32″W / 25.77528°N 80.20889°W / 25.77528; -80.20889Coordinates: 25°46′31″N 80°12′32″W / 25.77528°N 80.20889°W / 25.77528; -80.20889\n\n\nCountry\n United States\n\n\nState\n Florida\n\n\nCounty\n Miami-Dade\n\n\nSettled\n1825\n\n\nIncorporated\nJuly 28, 1896\n\n\nNamed for\nMayaimi\n\n\nGovernment\n\n\n • Type\nMayor–commission\n\n\n • Mayor\nFrancis X. Suarez (R)\n\n\n • City Manager\nEmilio T. Gonzalez, PhD\n\n\nArea[2]\n\n\n • Metropolitan City\n56.06 sq mi (145.20 km2)\n\n\n • Land\n35.99 sq mi (93.20 km2)\n\n\n • Water\n20.08 sq mi (52.00 km2)\n\n\n • Urban\n1,116.1 sq mi (2,891 km2)\n\n\n • Metro\n6,137 sq mi (15,890 km2)\n\n\nElevation\n6 ft (2 m)\n\n\nHighest elevation\n42 ft (13 m)\n\n\nPopulation (2010)[3][4][5][6]\n\n\n • Metropolitan City\n399,457\n\n\n • Estimate (2016)[7]\n453,579\n\n\n • Rank\n44th, U.S.\n\n\n • Density\n12,604.32/sq mi (4,866.49/km2)\n\n\n • Urban\n5,502,379 (4th, U.S.)\n\n\n • Metro\n5,564,635 (8th, U.S.)\n\n\nDemonym(s)\nMiamian\n\n\nTime zone\nEastern (EST) (UTC-5)\n\n\n • Summer (DST)\nEDT (UTC-4)\n\n\nZIP code(s)\n33010–33299\n\n\nArea code(s)\n305 and 786\n\n\nFIPS code\n12-45000\n\n\nWebsite\\n\n"
] | [
] |
-4360743384194168869 | List of best-selling music artists | List of best - selling Music artists - wikipedia List of best - selling Music artists Jump to : navigation , search This list includes music artists with claims of 75 million or more record sales . The artists in the following tables are listed with both their claimed sales figure along with their total of certified units and are ranked in descending order , with the artist with the highest amount of claimed sales at the top . If two or more artists have the same claimed sales , they are then ranked by certified units . The claimed sales figure and the total of certified units ( for each country ) within the provided sources include sales of albums , singles , compilation - albums , music videos as well as downloads of singles and full - length albums . Sales figures , such as those from Soundscan , which are sometimes published by Billboard magazine , have not been included in the certified units column . As of 2017 , based on both sales claims and certified units , The Beatles are considered the highest - selling band . Elvis Presley is considered the highest - selling individual artist based on sales claims and Rihanna is the highest - selling individual artist based on certified units . Contents ( hide ) 1 Definitions 2 Artists by reputed sales 2.1 250 million or more records 2.2 200 million to 249 million records 2.3 120 million to 199 million records 2.4 100 million to 119 million records 2.5 80 million to 99 million records 2.6 75 million to 79 million records 3 See also 4 Notes 5 References Definitions All artists included on this list , which have begun charting on official albums or singles charts have their available claimed figures supported by at least 20 % in certified units . That is why Cliff Richard , Diana Ross , Scorpions , Charles Aznavour , Bing Crosby , Gloria Estefan , Deep Purple , Iron Maiden , Tom Jones , The Jackson 5 , Dionne Warwick , the Spice Girls , Luciano Pavarotti , Dolly Parton , Ozzy Osbourne , Andrea Bocelli and others have not been included on this list . The more recent the artist , the higher the required percentage of certified units , so artists such as Rihanna , Taylor Swift , Flo Rida , Katy Perry , Justin Bieber , Adele , Lady Gaga , Bruno Mars and Nicki Minaj are expected to have their claimed figures supported by over 75 % in certified units . The certified units are sourced from available online databases of local music industry associations . All certified units are converted from Gold / Platinum / Diamond certification awards based on criteria provided by certifying bodies . The certified sales percentage varies according to the first year that an artist appeared in the charts . The requirements of certified sales are designed to avoid inflated sales figures , which are frequently practiced by record companies for promotional purposes . The claimed figures are referenced from online articles created by highly reliable sources . For clarity , the sources used , say the term `` records '' ( singles , albums , videos ) and not `` albums '' . However , if all available sources for an artist or band say `` albums '' , such sources are only used if the certified album units of the said artist meet the required percentage amount . This list uses claimed figures that are closest to artists ' available certified units : inflated claimed figures that meet the required certified units amount but are unrealistically high , are not used . The claimed figures are upgraded only when there is a significant progress in artists ' certified sales . In other words , the available certified sales for each artist should get relatively closer to already listed claimed figure in order for higher figures to replace the listed ones . The certified sales of the newer artists may sometimes be higher than their listed claimed figures . This is because Recording Industry Association of America and almost all other certifying bodies count streaming towards Gold and Platinum thresholds required for Digital Single Award certification . For this reason , some singles and even albums get over certified by hundreds of thousands of units . The over certified figures , however , are often in millions of units for RIAA certifications , one such example is Rihanna 's single `` We Found Love '' , which is certified at nine times Platinum by the RIAA , yet during the time of the certification , it had sold 5.4 million downloads . The certified sales for some artists / bands who have multi-disc albums can be higher than their listed claimed figures due to Recording Industry Association of America ( RIAA ) counting each unit within set as one unit toward certification . Artists by reputed sales 250 million or more records The Beatles Elvis Presley Michael Jackson Madonna Elton John Led Zeppelin Pink Floyd To ensure the highest level of fact checking and editorial control , this list sources sales figures to news organizations and highly regarded music industry related organizations such as MTV , VH1 , Billboard and Rolling Stone . The figures of total certified units within the table below are based on certified units of albums , singles ( including digital downloads ) and videos . Markets ' order within the table is based on Retail Value : each market generates respectively , the largest market at the top and smallest at the bottom . Artist Country / Market Period active Release year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Beatles United Kingdom 1960 -- 1970 1962 Rock / Pop 7002270800000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 270.8 million ( show ) US : 212.250 million JPN : 4.950 million UK : 17.845 million GER : 8 million FRA : 3.890 million CAN : 14.455 million AUS : 3.060 million ITA : 330,000 BRA : 550,000 SWE 485,000 SPA : 1.250 million SWI : 350,000 BEL : 265,000 ARG : 1.606 million DEN : 260,000 AUT : 500,000 POL : 175,000 NZ : 660,000 600 million 500 million Elvis Presley United States 1954 -- 1977 1954 Rock and roll / Pop / Country 7002211700000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 211.7 million ( show ) US : 188.650 million JPN : 300,000 UK : 12.445 million GER : 1.2 million FRA : 2.590 million CAN : 2.925 million AUS : 1.587 million ITA : 105,000 BRA : 125,000 SWE 380,000 SPA : 300,000 MEX : 105,000 SWI : 185,000 BEL : 115,000 ARG : 110,000 DEN : 120,000 AUT : 205,000 FIN : 213,945 NZ : 117,500 600 million 500 million Michael Jackson United States 1964 -- 2009 1971 Pop / Rock / Dance / Soul / R&B 7002184200000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 184.2 million ( show ) US : 104.5 million JPN : 4.650 million UK : 27.195 million GER : 11.275 million FRA : 11.375 million CAN : 4.670 million AUS : 6.6 million ITA : 1.170 million BRA : 280,000 SWE : 1.230 million SPA : 1.995 million MEX : 3.670 million SWI : 910,000 BEL : 365,000 ARG : 124,000 DEN : 1.179 million AUT : 1.197 million POL : 530,000 FIN : 384,127 NZ : 902,500 350 million 300 million Madonna United States 1979 -- present 1982 Pop / Dance / Electronica 7002170600000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 170.6 million ( show ) US : 85.675 million JPN : 6.450 million UK : 28.845 million GER : 12.4 million FRA : 12.795 million CAN : 6.030 million AUS : 4.717 million ITA : 465,000 BRA : 3.440 million SWE : 1.070 million SPA : 2.815 million MEX : 510,000 SWI : 1.080 million BEL : 690,000 ARG : 1.098 DEN : 407,000 AUT : 602,500 POL : 530,000 FIN : 652,686 NZ : 417,500 300 million 275 million Elton John United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Pop / Rock 7002169000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 169 million ( show ) US : 117.850 million JPN : 1.1 million UK : 22.295 million GER : 7.9 million FRA : 4.825 million CAN : 5.975 million AUS : 2.837 million BRA : 835,000 SWE : 740,000 SPA : 1.2 million MEX : 100,000 SWI : 1.313 million BEL : 390,000 ARG : 128,000 DEN : 150,000 AUT : 765,000 POL : 150,000 FIN : 163,481 NZ : 255,000 300 million 250 million Led Zeppelin United Kingdom 1968 -- 1980 1969 Hard rock / Blues rock / Folk rock 7002139500000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 139.5 million ( show ) US : 114.1 million JPN : 400,000 UK : 9.130 million GER : 3.775 million FRA : 2.310 million CAN : 4.710 million AUS : 2.8 million ITA : 345,000 BRA : 820,000 SPA : 450,000 SWI : 211,000 ARG : 360,000 POL : 120,000 300 million 200 million Pink Floyd United Kingdom 1965 -- 1996 , 2014 1967 Progressive rock / Psychedelic rock 7002118900000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 118.9 million ( show ) US : 78 million JPN : 100,000 UK : 11.320 million GER : 7.5 million FRA : 6.360 million CAN : 6.790 million AUS : 2.932 million ITA : 1.685 million BRA : 515,000 SWE : 220,000 SPA : 625,000 SWI : 390,000 BEL : 115,000 ARG : 582,000 AUT : 460,000 POL : 590,000 NZ : 787,500 250 million 200 million The column for certified sales above includes markets , the databases of which contain certifications representing figures of 100,000 and more . 200 million to 249 million records Rihanna Mariah Carey Celine Dion AC / DC Whitney Houston Queen The Rolling Stones To ensure the highest level of fact checking and editorial control , this list sources sales figures to news organizations and highly regarded music industry related organizations such as MTV , VH1 , Billboard and Rolling Stone . The figures of total certified units within the table below are based on certified units of albums , singles ( including digital downloads ) and videos . Markets ' order within the table is based on Retail Value each market generates respectively , the largest market at the top and the smallest at the bottom . Artist Country / Market Period active Release - year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales Rihanna Barbados United States 2005 -- present 2005 R&B / Pop / Dance / Hip - hop 7002227000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 227 million ( show ) US : 168.05 million JPN : 1.4 million UK : 29.3 million GER : 4.475 million FRA : 1.425 million CAN : 2.840 million AUS : 9.150 million ITA : 1.425 million BRA : 555,000 SWE : 2.480 million SPA : 1.450 million MEX : 380,000 SWI : 840,000 BEL : 660,000 DEN : 1.117 AUT : 120,000 POL : 500,000 IRE : 240,000 NZ : 667,500 230 million Mariah Carey United States 1988 -- present R&B / Pop / Soul / Hip - hop 7002136190000099999 ♠ Total available certified units : 136.2 million ( show ) US : 92.6 million JPN : 14.5 million UK : 9.820 million GER : 3.250 million FRA : 4.690 million CAN : 4.1 million AUS : 3.445 million ITA : 200,000 BRA : 835,000 SWE : 425,000 SPA : 1 million SWI : 515,000 BEL : 150,000 DEN : 130,000 AUT : 200,000 POL : 100,000 NZ : 240,000 200 million 175 million Celine Dion Canada 1981 -- present 1981 Pop 7002125000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 125 million ( show ) US : 56.550 million JPN : 7.150 million UK : 13.555 million GER : 8 million FRA : 15.685 million CAN : 12.245 million AUS : 3.302 million BRA : 505,000 SWE : 1.105 million SPA : 1 million SWI : 1.685 million BEL : 1.885 million ARG : 340,000 DEN : 370,000 AUT : 440,000 POL : 680,000 FIN : 356,183 NZ : 192,500 200 million 175 million AC / DC Australia 1973 -- present Hard rock / Blues rock / Rock and roll 7002113200000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 113.2 million ( show ) US : 79.7 million UK : 4.2 million GER : 10.3 million FRA : 4.180 million CAN : 2.490 million AUS : 7.330 million ITA : 750,000 SWE : 350,000 SPA : 1.355 million SWI : 894,000 BEL : 100,000 ARG : 594,000 DEN : 135,000 AUT : 380,000 FIN : 321,169 NZ : 140,000 200 million 150 million Whitney Houston United States 1977 -- 2012 1984 R&B / Soul / Pop 7002112600000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 112.6 million ( show ) US : 75.275 million JPN : 4.3 million UK : 14.605 million GER : 5.6 million FRA : 2.275 million CAN : 3.430 million AUS : 1.580 million ITA : 140,000 BRA : 1.025 SWE : 1.035 million SPA : 1.260 million SWI : 845,000 BEL : 215,000 DEN : 140,000 AUT : 535,000 POL : 180,000 FIN : 247,222 200 million 170 million Queen United Kingdom 1971 -- present 1973 Rock 7002114700000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 114.7 million ( show ) US : 55.1 million JPN : 2.850 million UK : 28.615 million GER : 11.525 million FRA : 4.495 million CAN : 1.870 million AUS : 2.167 million ITA : 505,000 BRA : 970,000 SWE : 190,000 SPA : 1.720 million SWI : 1.256 million BEL : 100,000 ARG : 1.080 million AUT : 900,000 POL : 810,000 FIN : 366,152 NZ : 275,000 200 million 150 million The Rolling Stones United Kingdom 1962 -- present 1963 Rock / Blues rock 7001972000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 97.2 million ( show ) US : 74.750 million JPN : 950,000 UK : 8.510 million GER : 3.2 million FRA : 3.370 million AUS : 417,500 CAN : 3.025 million ITA : 180,000 BRA : 100,000 SWE : 310,000 SPA : 690,000 SWI : 238,000 BEL : 120,000 ARG : 718,000 AUT : 300,000 POL : 140,000 NZ : 190,000 200 million ABBA Sweden 1972 -- 1982 1972 Pop / Disco 7001607000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 60.7 million ( show ) US : 12.7 million JPN : 1.5 million UK : 18.970 million GER : 10.450 million FRA : 2.750 million CAN : 2.785 million AUS : 6.127 million BRA : 275,000 SWE : 800,000 SPA : 1.005 million MEX : 260,000 SWI : 600,000 BEL : 380,000 ARG : 238,000 DEN : 600,000 AUT : 175,000 POL : 150,000 FIN : 656,319 NZ : 297,500 200 million 100 million The column for certified sales above includes markets , the databases of which contain certifications representing figures of 100,000 and more . 120 million to 199 million records Taylor Swift Garth Brooks Eminem Eagles Bruno Mars U2 Kanye West To ensure the highest level of fact checking and editorial control , this list sources sales figures to news organizations and highly regarded music industry related organizations such as MTV , VH1 , Billboard and Rolling Stone . The figures of total certified units within the table below are based on certified units of albums , singles ( including digital downloads ) and videos . Markets ' order within the table is based on Retail Value each market generates respectively , the largest market at the top and the smallest at the bottom . Artist Country / Market Period active Release - year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales Taylor Swift United States 2006 -- present 2006 Country / Country pop / Pop / Pop - rock 7002158800000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 158.8 million ( show ) US : 135.5 million JPN : 2.850 million UK : 8.2 million GER : 750,000 FRA : 150,000 CAN : 4.540 million AUS : 5.425 million ITA : 235,000 BRA : 170,000 SWE : 180,000 MEX : 450,000 NZ : 367,500 170 million Garth Brooks United States 1989 -- present 1989 Country 7002146000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 156 million ( show ) US : 149.4 million UK : 520,000 CAN : 5.730 million AUS : 280,000 IRE : 120,000 160 million Eminem United States 1996 -- present 1999 Hip - hop 7002132000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 132 million ( show ) US : 86.1 million JPN : 2.9 million UK : 21.425 million GER : 3.450 million FRA : 3.170 million CAN : 3.770 million AUS : 5.702 million ITA : 490,000 BRA : 200,000 SWE : 810,000 SPA : 290,000 MEX : 365,000 SWI : 805,000 BEL : 475,000 DEN : 556,000 AUT : 325,000 POL : 250,000 FIN : 124,547 IRE : 285,000 NZ : 562,500 155 million Eagles United States 1971 -- 1980 , 1994 -- present 1972 Rock 7002129190000099999 ♠ Total available certified units : 129.2 million ( show ) US : 108.9 million JPN : 600,000 UK : 7.635 million GER : 925,000 FRA : 2.040 million CAN : 4.2 million AUS : 3.395 million SWE : 140,000 SPA : 500,000 SWI : 290,000 DEN : 185,000 FIN : 124,749 NZ : 352,500 150 million U2 Ireland 1976 -- present 1980 Rock 7002106700000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 106.7 million ( show ) US : 53.1 million JPN : 1.450 million UK : 18.620 million GER : 5.125 million FRA : 5.025 million CAN : 7.115 million AUS : 4.412 million ITA : 780,000 BRA : 2.675 million SWE : 515,000 SPA : 2.275 million MEX : 835,000 SWI : 696,000 BEL : 725,000 ARG : 806,000 DEN : 473,000 AUT : 515,000 POL : 360,000 FIN : 235,460 IRE : 316,000 NZ : 765,000 150 million Billy Joel United States 1964 -- present 1971 Pop / Rock 7002102600000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 102.6 million ( show ) US : 87.950 million JPN : 2 million UK : 5.655 million GER : 1.250 million FRA : 925,000 CAN : 3.275 million AUS : 1.267 AUT : 125,000 NZ : 162,500 150 million Phil Collins United Kingdom 1980 -- 2011 , 2015 -- present 1981 Rock / Progressive rock / Adult contemporary 7001878000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 87.8 million ( show ) US : 39.850 million JPN : 800,000 UK : 15.250 million GER : 13.8 million FRA : 6.410 million CAN : 3.375 million AUS : 1.522 BRA : 1.370 million SWE : 245,000 SPA : 2.150 million SWI : 973,000 BEL : 305,000 ARG : 1.044 million AUT : 440,000 FIN : 182,581 NZ : 122,500 150 million Aerosmith United States 1970 -- present 1973 Hard rock 7001847000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 84.7 million ( show ) US : 70.250 million JPN : 2.7 million UK : 3.230 million GER : 2 million FRA : 225,000 CAN : 3.950 million AUS : 225,000 ITA : 100,000 BRA : 600,000 SWE : 260,000 SPA : 200,000 MEX : 230,000 SWI : 145,000 ARG : 338,000 AUT : 125,000 POL : 100,000 FIN : 101,722 150 million Frank Sinatra United States 1935 -- 1995 1939 Pop / Swing 7001373009999900000 ♠ Total available certified units : 37.3 million ( show ) US : 28.2 million UK : 5.445 million GER : 1 million FRA : 600,000 CAN : 650,000 AUS : 245,000 BRA : 350,000 SWE : 130,000 SPA : 500,000 ARG : 188,000 150 million Barbra Streisand United States 1960 -- present 1963 Pop / Adult contemporary 7001974000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 97.4 million ( show ) US : 82.450 million UK : 5.765 million GER : 750,000 FRA : 3.150 million CAN : 2.650 million AUS : 2.047 million SWE : 120,000 SPA : 150,000 FIN : 186,501 NZ : 137,500 145 million Bruno Mars United States 2004 -- present Pop rock / R&B 7002120600000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 120.6 million ( show ) US : 86.5 million JPN : 1.1 million UK : 13.3 million GER : 3.4 million FRA : 1.850 million CAN : 5.240 million AUS : 4.690 million ITA : 685,000 SWE : 440,000 SPA : 470,000 MEX : 780,000 SWI : 405,000 BEL : 345,000 DEN : 365,000 AUT : 180,000 NZ : 532,500 PHL : 330,000 130 million Kanye West United States 1996 -- present Hip - hop / Electronic / Pop rock 7002102600000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 102.6 million ( show ) US : 87.750 million JPN : 100,000 UK : 10.480 million GER : 300,000 CAN : 1.180 million AUS : 2.135 million ITA : 135,000 SWE : 160,000 DEN : 404,000 121 million Bruce Springsteen United States 1972 -- present 1973 Rock 7002101500000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 101.5 million ( show ) US : 76.150 million JPN : 400,000 UK : 7.145 million GER : 4.325 million FRA : 1.887 million CAN : 3.2 million AUS : 3.362 million ITA : 575,000 BRA : 100,000 SWE : 810,000 SPA : 1.730 million SWI : 400,000 DEN : 155,000 AUT : 290,000 FIN : 449,800 IRE : 189,500 NZ : 375,000 120 million Bee Gees United Kingdom Australia 1963 -- 2003 2009 -- 2012 1963 Pop / Disco 7001673000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 67.3 million ( show ) US : 41.5 million JPN : 300,000 UK : 9.065 million GER : 6.675 million FRA : 3.4 million CAN : 3.215 million AUS : 1.187 million BRA : 350,000 SPA : 450,000 SWI : 415,000 ARG : 188,000 AUT : 125,000 POL : 100,000 NZ : 380,000 120 million The column for certified sales above includes markets , the databases of which contain certifications representing figures of 100,000 and more . 100 million to 119 million records Justin Bieber Katy Perry Adele Lady Gaga Metallica Jay Z Bon Jovi To ensure the high level of fact checking and editorial control , this list sources sales figures to news organizations and highly regarded music industry related organizations such as MTV , VH1 , Billboard and Rolling Stone . The figures of total certified units within the table below are based on certified units of albums , singles ( including digital downloads ) and videos . Markets ' order within the table is based on Retail Value each market generates respectively , the largest market at the top and the smallest at the bottom . Artist Country / Market Period active Release - year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales Lady Gaga United States 2005 -- present 2008 Pop / Dance / Electronic 7001992000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 99.2 million ( show ) US : 68.5 million JPN : 5.4 million UK : 10.985 million GER : 2.9 million FRA : 1.58 million CAN : 2.4 million AUS : 2.890 million ITA : 815,000 BRA : 470,000 SWE : 680,000 SPA : 410,000 MEX : 390,000 SWI : 445,000 BEL : 270,000 DEN : 340,000 AUT : 182,500 POL : 130,000 IRE : 165,000 NZ : 277,500 114 million Metallica United States 1981 -- present Heavy metal / Thrash metal 7001943000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 94.3 million ( show ) US : 73.3 million JPN : 900,000 UK : 3.335 million GER : 3.525 million FRA : 940,000 CAN : 3.805 million AUS : 2.637 million ITA : 180,000 BRA : 380,000 SWE : 675,000 SPA : 420,000 MEX : 430,000 SWI : 560,000 BEL : 335,000 DEN : 180,000 ARG : 874,000 AUT : 340,000 POL : 735,000 FIN : 530,676 NZ : 315,000 110 million Justin Bieber Canada United States 2008 -- present 2009 Pop / Teen pop , Dance pop 7002128690000099999 ♠ Total available certified units : 128.7 million ( show ) US : 86.5 million JPN : 750,000 UK : 16.285 million GER : 3.1 million FRA : 1.2 CAN : 4.820 million AUS : 4.375 million ITA : 1.795 million BRA : 810,000 SWE : 1.820 million SPA : 880,000 MEX : 2.910 million BEL : 450,000 DEN : 1.985 million POL : 370,000 AUT : 110,000 NZ : 615,000 100 million Katy Perry United States 2001 -- present 2008 Pop 7002128300000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 128.3 million ( show ) US : 97.5 million JPN : 300,000 UK : 11.950 million GER : 2.750 million FRA : 775,000 CAN : 5.8 million AUS : 5.090 million ITA : 780,000 BRA : 625,000 SWE : 520,000 SPA : 180,000 MEX : 900,000 SWI : 160,000 BEL : 135,000 DEN : 235,000 AUT : 247,500 NZ : 360,000 100 million Adele United Kingdom 2006 -- present 2008 Pop , soul 7002104600000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 104.6 million ( show ) US : 61 million JPN : 100,000 UK : 20.550 million GER : 4.7 million CAN : 6.040 million AUS : 3.955 million ITA : 1.545 million BRA : 1.310 million SWE : 240,000 SPA : 800,000 MEX : 1.490 million SWI : 510,000 BEL : 795,000 DEN : 597,500 POL : 300,000 FIN : 151,639 NZ : 577,500 100 million Jay Z United States 1996 -- present Hip - hop 7001966000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 96.6 million ( show ) US : 81.2 million JPN : 1.050 million UK : 9.320 million GER : 1.550 million FRA : 400,000 CAN : 1.6 million AUS : 1.260 ITA : 180,000 SWE : 130,000 100 million Bon Jovi United States 1983 -- present Hard rock / Glam metal 7001838000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 83.8 million ( show ) US : 49.9 million JPN : 4.400 million UK : 9.290 million GER : 5.650 million FRA : 825,000 CAN : 4.735 million AUS : 3.030 million ITA : 110,000 BRA : 435,000 SWE : 365,000 SPA : 1.620 million MEX : 250,000 SWI : 1.275 million AUT : 725,000 BEL : 165,000 ARG : 358,000 POL : 110,000 FIN : 422,500 NZ : 210,000 100 million Lil Wayne United States 1996 -- present 1999 Hip - hop 7001799000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 79.9 million ( show ) US : 77.7 million UK : 1.460 million CAN : 280,000 AUS : 525,000 100 million Linkin Park United States 1996 -- present 2000 Alternative rock / Nu metal / Rap rock 7001790000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 79 million ( show ) US : 58.6 million JPN : 1.550 million UK : 6.005 million GER : 5.850 million FRA : 1.025 CAN : 1.330 million AUS : 1.485 million ITA : 440,000 BRA : 595,000 SWE : 165,000 SPA : 175,000 MEX : 225,000 SWI : 425,000 BEL : 140,000 DEN : 175,000 AUT : 252,500 POL : 220,000 FIN : 120,469 NZ : 252,500 100 million Beyoncé United States 1997 -- present 2002 R&B / Pop 7001786009999900000 ♠ Total available certified units : 78.6 million ( show ) US : 54.150 million JPN : 1.7 million UK : 13.685 million GER : 1.550 million FRA : 560,000 CAN : 1.395 million AUS : 2.905 million ITA : 260,000 BRA : 390,000 SPA : 1.010 million MEX : 110,000 SWI : 165,000 BEL : 115,000 DEN : 312,500 POL : 100,000 NZ : 210,000 100 million Britney Spears United States 1998 -- present 1998 Pop / Dance / Dance - pop 7001785000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 78.5 million ( show ) US : 44.2 million JPN : 2.1 million UK : 10.150 million GER : 5.050 million FRA : 3.732 million CAN : 3.680 million AUS : 3.130 million ITA : 175,000 BRA : 380,000 SWE : 1.010 million SPA : 990,000 MEX : 1.175 million SWI : 485,000 AUT : 365,000 BEL : 935,000 ARG : 248,000 DEN : 187,500 POL : 210,000 FIN : 143,627 NZ : 240,000 100 million Rod Stewart United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Rock / Pop 7001778000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 77.8 million ( show ) US : 43.650 million JPN : 450,000 UK : 18.330 million GER : 3.8 million FRA : 1.8 million CAN : 4.055 million AUS : 2.610 million BRA : 980,000 SWE : 440,000 SPA : 290,000 SWI : 100,000 ARG : 524,000 AUT : 100,000 POL : 220,000 IRE : 195,000 NZ : 280,000 100 million Fleetwood Mac United Kingdom United States 1967 -- present 1968 Rock / Pop 7001761009999900000 ♠ Total available certified units : 76.1 million ( show ) US : 51.250 million UK : 13.585 million GER : 3.5 million FRA : 800,000 AUS : 2.767 million CAN : 2.950 million SPA : 300,000 SWI : 100,000 BEL : 100,000 NZ : 572,500 100 million Guns N ' Roses United States 1985 -- present Hard rock / Heavy metal 7001738000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 73.8 million ( show ) US : 48.5 million JPN : 1.7 million UK : 5.850 million GER : 4.1 million FRA : 1 million CAN : 3.520 million AUS : 2.410 ITA : 685,000 BRA : 1.9 million SWE : 485,000 SPA : 450,000 MEX : 760,000 SWI : 365,000 BEL : 165,000 ARG : 1.248 million AUT : 365,000 IRE : 105,000 NZ : 270,000 100 million George Strait United States 1981 -- present 1984 Country 7001728000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 72.8 million ( show ) US : 72.150 million CAN : 705,000 100 million Backstreet Boys United States 1993 -- present 1995 Pop 7001720000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 72 million ( show ) US : 41.5 million JPN : 5.4 million UK : 4.875 million GER : 7 million FRA : 325,000 CAN : 3.430 million AUS : 1.4 million BRA : 1.625 million SWE : 655,000 SPA : 1.850 million MEX : 1.475 million SWI : 415,000 BEL : 425,000 ARG : 740,000 AUT : 325,000 POL : 300,000 FIN : 171,390 NZ : 132,500 100 million Neil Diamond United States 1966 -- present 1966 Pop / Rock 7001683000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 68.3 million ( show ) US : 55.9 million UK : 7.130 million GER : 1 million FRA : 400,000 CAN : 1.725 million AUS : 1.945 million SPA : 100,000 NZ : 127,500 100 million Prince United States 1976 -- 2016 1978 Funk / R&B / Pop / Soul / Rock 7001642000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 64.2 million ( show ) US : 48.950 million JPN : 300,000 UK : 7.045 million GER : 2.4 million FRA : 2.110 million CAN : 1 million AUS : 1.120 SWE : 100,000 SPA : 700,000 SWI : 250,000 AUT : 125,000 NZ : 177,500 100 million Kenny Rogers United States 1958 -- present Country / Pop 7001601000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 61.4 million ( show ) US : 54.050 million JPN : 100,000 UK : 2.520 million CAN : 4.6 million AUS : 100,000 SPA : 100,000 100 million Paul McCartney United Kingdom 1960 -- present 1970 Rock 7001606000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 60.6 million ( show ) US : 41.450 million JPN : 500,000 UK : 12.365 million GER : 1.525 million FRA : 1.305 million CAN : 1.955 million AUS : 465,000 SWE : 210,000 SPA : 640,000 DEN : 210,000 100 million Janet Jackson United States 1982 -- present 1982 R&B / Pop 7001521000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 52.1 million ( show ) US : 39.750 million JPN : 1.6 million UK : 4.760 million GER : 1.4 million FRA : 1.475 million CAN : 1.460 million AUS : 1.155 SWE : 105,000 SPA : 150,000 SWI : 170,000 BEL : 125,000 100 million Julio Iglesias Spain 1968 -- present 1968 Latin 7001510000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 51 million ( show ) US : 11 million JPN : 800,000 UK : 1.620 million GER : 250,000 FRA : 6.1 million CAN : 1.5 million AUS : 540,000 ITA : 400,000 NLD : 950,000 BRA : 12.475 million SWE : 290,000 SPA : 8.7 million MEX : 2.975 million BEL : 125,000 ARG : 3.220 million FIN : 131,636 100 million Chicago United States 1967 -- present 1969 Rock / Pop 7001483000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 48.3 million ( show ) US : 44.150 million JPN : 400,000 UK : 1.490 million GER : 250,000 FRA : 100,000 CAN : 1.865 million SPA : 100,000 100 million The Carpenters United States 1969 -- 1983 1969 Pop 7001460000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 46 million ( show ) US : 34.6 million JPN : 2.9 million UK : 7.950 million GER : 250,000 CAN : 275,000 BRA : 100,000 100 million Bob Dylan United States 1959 -- present 1963 Folk / Rock 7001451000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 45.1 million ( show ) US : 35.6 million UK : 5.825 million GER : 625,000 FRA : 800,000 CAN : 1.5 million AUS : 480,000 SWI : 175,000 NZ : 105,000 100 million Dire Straits United Kingdom 1977 -- 1995 1978 Rock 7001447000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 44.7 million ( show ) US : 15.5 million UK : 11.1 million GER : 3.750 million FRA : 5.3 million CAN : 2.575 million AUS : 2.190 million ITA : 385,000 BRA : 175,000 SWE : 360,000 SPA : 1.380 million SWI : 1 million BEL : 100,000 AUT : 300,000 FIN : 471,530 NZ : 155,000 100 million Bryan Adams Canada 1979 -- present 1979 Rock 7001445000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 44.5 million ( show ) US : 21 million JPN : 600,000 UK : 8.675 million GER : 3.850 million FRA : 650,000 CAN : 5.120 million AUS : 2.010 million BRA : 100,000 SWE : 440,000 SPA : 450,000 SWI : 805,000 BEL : 250,000 AUT : 375,000 FIN : 183,444 100 million Def Leppard United Kingdom 1977 -- present 1979 Hard rock / Heavy metal 7001418009999900000 ♠ Total available certified units : 41.8 million ( show ) US : 35.650 million JPN : 300,000 UK : 1.960 million FRA : 200,000 CAN : 2.995 million AUS : 385,000 SWE : 150,000 MEX : 200,000 SWI : 125,000 100 million Cher United States 1964 -- present 1965 Pop / Rock / Dance / Folk 7001405000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 40.5 million ( show ) US : 21.9 million JPN : 100,000 UK : 6.450 million GER : 4.175 million FRA : 1.525 million CAN : 1.340 million AUS : 1.530 million ITA : 300,000 BRA : 125,000 SWE : 850,000 SPA : 600,000 MEX : 200,000 SWI : 295,000 BEL : 275,000 ARG : 106,000 DEN : 300,000 AUT : 250,000 POL : 100,000 NZ : 150,000 100 million Lionel Richie United States 1968 -- present 1981 Pop / R&B 7001404000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 40.4 million ( show ) US : 28.650 million UK : 6.355 million GER : 1.050 million FRA : 1.4 million CAN : 2.380 million AUS : 260,000 BRA : 100,000 SPA : 150,000 SWI : 145,000 100 million Genesis United Kingdom 1967 -- 1999 2006 -- present 1969 Progressive rock / Pop rock 7001399000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 39.9 million ( show ) US : 21.650 million JPN : 100,000 UK : 7.325 million GER : 5.875 million FRA : 3.460 million CAN : 805,000 SWE : 100,000 SPA : 250,000 SWI : 400,000 100 million James Taylor United States 1968 -- present 1970 Rock / Pop 7001355000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 35.5 million ( show ) US : 34.650 million UK : 655,000 CAN : 100,000 AUS : 100,000 100 million Olivia Newton - John Australia 1966 -- present 1966 Pop 7001346000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 34.6 million ( show ) US : 27 million JPN : 100,000 UK : 3.950 million GER : 250,000 CAN : 3.025 million AUS : 310,000 100 million Stevie Wonder United States 1961 -- present 1962 Funk / R&B / Soul 7001346000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 34.6 million ( show ) US : 21.650 million JPN : 1.050 million UK : 8.285 million GER : 500,000 FRA : 1.4 million CAN : 1.550 million SPA : 250,000 100 million Tina Turner United States 1955 -- present Rock / Pop 7001328009999900000 ♠ Total available certified units : 32.8 million ( show ) US : 12.7 million UK : 8.145 million GER : 6.050 million FRA : 1.135 million CAN : 1.560 million AUS : 480,000 SWE : 330,000 SPA : 700,000 SWI : 565,000 BEL : 190,000 AUT : 630,000 POL : 120,000 FIN : 241,954 100 million Linda Ronstadt United States 1967 -- present 1968 Rock / Folk / Country 7001325000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 32.5 million ( show ) US : 31.5 million UK : 435,000 FRA : 100,000 CAN : 500,000 100 million Donna Summer United States 1968 -- 2012 Pop / Disco / R&B 7001308000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 30.8 million ( show ) US : 24.5 million UK : 3.735 million FRA : 900,000 CAN : 1.550 million BRA : 100,000 SPA : 100,000 100 million The Beach Boys United States 1961 -- present 1962 Rock / Pop / Surf Rock 7001305000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 30.5 million ( show ) US : 25.6 million UK : 3.410 million GER : 250,000 FRA : 400,000 CAN : 100,000 AUS : 492,500 SPA : 250,000 100 million David Bowie United Kingdom 1962 -- 2016 1967 Art rock / Glam rock / Pop 7001299000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 29.9 million ( show ) US : 11.7 million JPN : 200,000 UK : 11.745 million GER : 525,000 FRA : 2.380 million CAN : 2.215 million AUS : 565,000 ITA : 320,000 SPA : 170,000 NZ : 142,500 100 million The Who United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1965 Rock / Hard rock 7001269000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 26.9 million ( show ) US : 22.150 million UK : 3.905 million FRA : 300,000 CAN : 425,000 ITA : 125,000 100 million Barry White United States 1972 -- 2003 1973 R&B / Soul 7001217000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 21.7 million ( show ) US : 16.5 million UK : 3.665 million FRA : 1.1 million CAN : 150,000 SPA : 200,000 BEL : 150,000 100 million The column for certified sales above includes markets , the databases of which contain certifications representing figures of 100,000 and more . 80 million to 99 million records B'z Shania Twain Coldplay Flo Rida Nicki Minaj Ayumi Hamasaki Van Halen To ensure the highest level of fact checking and editorial control , this list sources sales figures to news organizations and highly regarded music industry related organizations such as MTV , VH1 , Billboard and Rolling Stone . The figures of total certified units within the table below are based on certified units of albums , singles ( including digital downloads ) and videos . Markets ' order within the table is based on Retail Value each market generates respectively , the largest market at the top and the smallest at the bottom . Artist Country / Market Period active Release - year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales Shania Twain Canada 1993 -- present Country pop 7001756009999900000 ♠ Total available certified units : 75.6 million ( show ) US : 54.5 million JPN : 300,000 UK : 6.795 million GER : 1.750 million FRA : 975,000 CAN : 6.8 million AUS : 2.360 million BRA : 475,000 SWE : 330,000 SPA : 100,000 MEX : 100,000 SWI : 310,000 BEL : 250,000 ARG : 120,000 AUT : 115,000 NZ : 402,500 90 million Coldplay United Kingdom 1996 -- present 1999 Alternative rock , Pop rock , Pop 7001758000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 75.8 million ( show ) US : 27.6 million JPN : 750,000 UK : 23.685 million GER : 4.150 million FRA : 2.930 CAN : 3.205 million AUS : 3.655 million ITA : 2.595 million BRA : 340,000 SWE : 670,000 SPA : 1.030 million MEX : 1.890 million SWI : 510,000 BEL : 735,000 ARG : 528,000 DEN : 639,000 AUT : 197,500 POL : 220,000 IRE : 210,000 NZ : 345,000 90 million Santana United States 1966 -- present 1969 Rock 7001618000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 61.8 million ( show ) US : 47.475 million JPN : 400,000 UK : 2.980 million GER : 2.4 million FRA : 3.510 million CAN : 1.660 million AUS : 855,000 BRA : 375,000 SWE : 125,000 SPA : 450,000 MEX : 405,000 SWI : 375,000 BEL : 190,000 ARG : 158,000 AUT : 145,000 POL : 205,000 NZ : 135,000 90 million Earth , Wind & Fire United States 1969 -- present 1971 Funk / R&B / Soul 7001356000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 35.6 million ( show ) US : 31.8 million JPN : 500,000 UK : 2.525 million FRA : 500,000 CAN : 360,000 90 million Johnny Cash United States 1954 -- 2003 1956 Country / Rock and roll / Gospel 7001307000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 30.7 million ( show ) US : 25.7 million UK : 3.660 million GER : 400,000 CAN : 490,000 AUS : 522,500 90 million B'z Japan 1988 -- present Rock / Pop rock / Hard rock 7001855000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 85.5 million ( show ) JPN : 85.5 million 86 million Nicki Minaj United States 2008 -- present Hip hop , Pop 7001683000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 68.3 million ( show ) US : 55 million JPN : 350,000 UK : 6.9 million GER : 800,000 FRA : 225,000 CAN : 480,000 AUS : 2.835 million ITA : 375,000 BRA : 250,000 SWE : 400,000 SPA : 100,000 MEX : 150,000 SWI : 180,000 DEN : 130,000 NZ : 187,500 85 million R.E.M. United States 1980 -- 2011 Alternative rock 7001426000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 42.6 million ( show ) US : 21.150 million UK : 8.765 million GER : 4.275 million FRA : 1.450 million CAN : 2.650 million AUS : 1.030 ITA : 175,000 BRA : 100,000 SWE : 500,000 SPA : 1.1 million SWI : 450,000 BEL : 108,000 ARG : 158,000 DEN : 155,000 AUT : 350,000 IRE : 127,500 NZ : 105,000 85 million Flo Rida United States 2007 -- present 2007 Hip - hop , Hip house , EDM 7001698000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 69.8 million ( show ) US : 49 million JPN : 650,000 UK : 7.960 million GER : 3 million FRA : 225,000 CAN : 2.810 million AUS : 3.535 million ITA : 330,000 SWE : 780,000 SPA : 140,000 MEX : 330,000 SWI : 420,000 DEN : 205,000 AUT : 180,000 NZ : 247,500 80 million Ayumi Hamasaki Japan 1998 -- present 1998 J - pop / Pop / dance / electronic 7001643000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 64.3 million ( show ) JPN : 64.3 million 80 million Van Halen United States 1978 -- present 1978 Hard rock / Heavy metal 7001643000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 64.3 million ( show ) US : 57.8 million JPN : 1.3 million UK : 740,000 GER : 1.5 million FRA : 400,000 CAN : 2.450 million BRA : 200,000 80 million Red Hot Chili Peppers United States 1983 -- present Funk rock / Alternative rock 7001578000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 57.8 million ( show ) US : 32.250 million JPN : 2.6 million UK : 9.995 million GER : 2.650 million FRA : 1.420 million CAN : 2.020 million AUS : 2.590 million ITA : 455,000 BRA : 515,000 SWE : 390,000 SPA : 640,000 MEX : 150,000 SWI : 405,000 BEL : 170,000 ARG : 406,000 DEN : 227,000 AUT : 247,500 POL : 245,000 FIN : 171,951 NZ : 285,000 80 million Foreigner United States United Kingdom 1976 -- present 1977 Rock / Hard Rock 7001496000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 49.6 million ( show ) US : 45.1 million UK : 1.300 million GER : 1.5 million FRA : 400,000 CAN : 700,000 AUS : 105,000 SWI : 125,000 80 million The Doors United States 1965 -- 1973 1967 Psychedelic rock 7001469000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 46.9 million ( show ) US : 36.6 million UK : 2.040 million GER : 1.750 million FRA : 1.9 million CAN : 2.780 million AUS : 1.022 million ITA : 130,000 BRA : 100,000 SPA : 300,000 SWI : 125,000 ARG : 150,000 AUT : 100,000 80 million George Michael United Kingdom 1981 -- 2016 1984 Pop 7001457000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 45.7 million ( show ) US : 19.8 million JPN : 300,000 UK : 12.850 million GER : 2.4 million FRA : 3.217 million CAN : 1.770 million AUS : 2.205 million BRA : 350,000 SWE : 310,000 SPA : 850,000 SWI : 335,000 BEL : 215,000 ARG : 118,000 DEN : 380,000 AUT : 140,000 POL : 340,000 NZ : 140,000 80 million Reba McEntire United States 1975 -- present Country / Country Pop 7001427000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 42.7 million ( show ) US : 41.9 million CAN : 850,000 80 million Meat Loaf United States 1968 -- present 1977 Rock / Hard rock 7001415000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 41.5 million ( show ) US : 23.6 million UK : 9.665 million GER : 2.350 million CAN : 3.260 million AUS : 2.382 million SWE : 100,000 SWI : 115,000 AUT : 100,000 80 million Barry Manilow United States 1973 -- present 1973 Pop / Soft rock 7001365000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 36.5 million ( show ) US : 33.3 million UK : 2.825 million CAN : 400,000 80 million Tom Petty United States 1976 -- 2017 1977 Rock 7001346000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 34.6 million ( show ) US : 31.250 million UK : 1 million GER : 500,000 CAN : 1.7 million SWE : 200,000 80 million Johnny Hallyday France 1957 -- present 1960 Rock / Pop 7001247000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 24.7 million ( show ) FRA : 24.035 million SWI : 268,000 BEL : 430,000 80 million The column for certified sales above includes markets , the databases of which contain certifications representing figures of 100,000 and more . 75 million to 79 million records Journey The Black Eyed Peas Kenny G Usher Tupac Shakur Robbie Williams Enya To ensure the highest level of fact checking and editorial control , this list sources sales figures to news organizations and highly regarded music industry related organizations such as MTV , VH1 , Billboard and Rolling Stone . The figures of total certified units within the table below are based on certified units of albums , singles ( including digital downloads ) and videos . Markets ' order within the table is based on Retail Value each market generates respectively , the largest market at the top and the smallest at the bottom . Artist Country / Market Period active Release - year of first charted record Genre Total certified units ( from available markets ) Claimed sales The Black Eyed Peas United States 1995 -- present 1998 Hip - hop / R&B / Dance 7001556000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 55.6 million ( show ) US : 29.4 million JPN : 1.250 million UK : 10.8 million GER : 2.250 million FRA : 2.650 million CAN : 2.7 million AUS : 3.270 million ITA : 365,000 BRA : 255,000 SWE : 300,000 SPA : 460,000 MEX : 390,000 SWI : 460,000 BEL : 460,000 DEN : 161,000 IRE : 135,000 NZ : 340,000 76 million Journey United States 1973 -- present Rock / Soft rock 7001620000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 62 million ( show ) US : 59.7 million JPN : 300,000 UK : 1.360 million CAN : 725,000 75 million Kenny G United States 1982 -- present 1984 Smooth jazz 7001519000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 51.9 million ( show ) US : 48.1 million JPN : 700,000 UK : 360,000 CAN : 950,000 BRA : 1.350 million SPA : 450,000 75 million Usher United States 1991 -- present R&B / Pop 7001512000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 51.2 million ( show ) US : 37.435 million JPN : 750,000 UK : 7.925 million GER : 1.150 FRA : 210,000 CAN : 1.190 million AUS : 2.112 million SWE : 105,000 SWI : 170,000 DEN : 117,500 NZ : 150,000 75 million Tupac Shakur United States 1991 -- 1996 1991 Hip hop 7001509000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 50.9 million ( show ) US : 46.2 million UK : 3.015 million GER : 500,000 CAN : 820,000 AUS : 395,000 75 million Robbie Williams United Kingdom 1990 -- present Pop rock 7001502000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 50.2 million ( show ) US : 500,000 UK : 27.350 million GER : 9.475 million FRA : 2.695 million CAN : 250,000 AUS : 2.905 million ITA : 360,000 SWE : 445,000 SPA : 440,000 MEX : 1.595 million SWI : 983,000 BEL : 600,000 ARG : 462,000 DEN : 631,500 AUT : 917,500 POL : 140,000 FIN : 235,743 IRE : 135,000 NZ : 445,000 75 million Enya Ireland 1982 -- present New - age / Celtic 7001500000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 50 million ( show ) US : 26.5 million JPN : 4.6 million UK : 5.250 million GER : 4.2 million FRA : 775,000 CAN : 1.540 million AUS : 1.505 BRA : 1.650 million SWE : 390,000 SPA : 1.760 million MEX : 125,000 SWI : 370,000 BEL : 460,000 ARG : 390,000 DEN : 100,000 AUT : 185,000 POL : 120,000 NZ : 135,000 75 million Alabama United States 1972 -- present 1980 Country / Pop rock 7001480000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 48 million ( show ) US : 46.8 million CAN : 1.2 million 75 million Nirvana United States 1987 -- 1994 1989 Grunge / Alternative rock 7001455000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 45.5 million ( show ) US : 26.5 million JPN : 1.3 million UK : 5.570 million GER : 1.250 million FRA : 2.5 million CAN : 2.970 million AUS : 1.257 ITA : 375,000 BRA : 725,000 SWE : 380,000 SPA : 450,000 MEX : 475,000 SWI : 190,000 BEL : 350,000 ARG : 522,000 AUT : 230,000 POL : 300,000 NZ : 215,000 75 million The Police United Kingdom 1977 -- 1986 2007 -- 2008 1978 Pop / Rock 7001388009999900000 ♠ Total available certified units : 38.8 million ( show ) US : 23.150 million JPN : 100,000 UK : 8.160 million GER : 1.775 million FRA : 3.340 million CAN : 875,000 AUS : 407,500 ITA : 100,000 BRA : 140,000 SPA : 300,000 MEX : 100,000 BEL : 115,000 ARG : 228,000 75 million Bob Marley Jamaica 1962 -- 1981 Reggae 7001389000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 38.9 million ( show ) US : 21.850 million JPN : 200,000 UK : 7.4 million GER : 1.750 million FRA : 4.735 million CAN : 600,000 AUS : 350,000 ITA : 225,000 SWE : 120,000 SPA : 450,000 SWI : 303,000 ARG : 376,000 AUT : 125,000 NZ : 427,500 75 million Kiss United States 1972 -- present Hard rock / Heavy metal 7001278000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 27.8 million ( show ) US : 26 million CAN : 1.495 million UK : 100,000 AUS : 130,000 ARG : 112,000 75 million Aretha Franklin United States 1956 -- present 1961 Soul / Jazz / Blues / R&B 7001247000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units : 24.7 million ( show ) US : 23.5 million UK : 840,000 FRA : 275,000 CAN : 150,000 75 million The column for certified sales above includes markets , the databases of which contain certifications representing figures of 100,000 and more . See also List of best - selling albums List of best - selling singles List of best - selling girl groups List of highest - certified music artists in the United States Notes Jump up ^ To be on this list , artists who began charting : before 1975 are required to have their available claimed figures supported by 20 % in certified units . between 1975 -- 1990 are required to have their available claimed figures supported by 20 -- 64 % in certified units . ( That is 2.9 % for each additional year after 1975 ) between 1990 -- 2000 are required to have their available claimed figures supported by 64 -- 70 % in certified units . ( That is 0.6 % for each additional year after 1990 ) between 2000 -- present are required to have their available claimed figures supported by 70 -- 80 % in certified units . ( That is 0.66 % for each additional year after 2000 ) ^ Jump up to : Certification systems have been established periodically throughout the past half century ; thus , certification databases are not able to cover all sales . Some ( or all ) records released and sold prior to a certification system 's establishment year may not be found within the available searchable certification databases . Year of establishment ( from largest market to smallest based on Retail Value each market generates respectively ) : United States : 1958 Japan : 1989 : United Kingdom : 1973 Germany : 1975 France : 1973 Canada : 1975 Australia : 1997 ( online certification - database has begun since 1997 . Certifications ; however , existed in Australia since the 1970s ) Italy : 2009 ( online certification - database covers certifications issued since 2009 . Certifications ; however , have existed in Italy since the 1990s ) Netherlands : 1978 Brazil : 1990 Sweden : 1987 Spain : 1979 Mexico : 1999 Switzerland : 1989 Belgium : 1997 Argentina : 1980 Denmark : 2001 ( online certifications for Denmark start from 2001 . Certifications ; however , existed in Denmark since the early 1990s ) Austria : 1990 Poland : 1995 Finland : 1971 Ireland : 2005 New Zealand : July 1978 Certified sales might sometimes be larger than actual sales , if stores order more albums than they are able to sell , due to certifications generally being determined by shipments and not actual sales . Often , however , actual sales are larger than certified sales , since record labels must pay a fee to obtain certifications . Record companies often apply for certifications only when a record reaches a multiple certification - levels , meaning certifications might not be visible in the databases for more than a short period of time after an album reached a certification level . As global music sales declined in the 2000s mostly due to CD burning and downloading from unauthorized sites , certification bodies opted to reduce their certification levels . See the changes in Certification - award - levels in the following markets : United States ( Note , U.S. certification - award - levels for singles before 1989 were : 1,000,000 for Gold and 2,000,000 for Platinum . Also , U.S. certification - awards for Shortform albums before September 1996 were : 250,000 for Gold and 500,000 for Platinum ) Japan United Kingdom Germany France Canada ( Canadian certification - award - levels for singles before February 1982 were : 75,000 for Gold and 150,000 for Platinum ) Italy Netherlands Brazil Sweden Spain Mexico Switzerland Belgium Argentina Denmark Austria : Poland Finland New Zealand : ( NZ certification levels before June 2007 were : 5,000 for Gold , 10,000 for Platinum ) ( The levels for singles were adjusted again on June 17 , 2016 from previous 7,500 for Gold , 15,000 for Platinum , to 15,000 for Gold , 30,000 for Platinum ) References Jump up ^ NEWSLINE : A Former Music Executive . Billboard . Nielsen Business Media . February 14 , 2004 . Retrieved April 5 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Troubles in Store . Spin Magazine . Spin Media L.L.C. February 14 , 2004 . Retrieved April 5 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` RIAA Debuts Album Award With Streams '' . RIAA . 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"\n\nArtist\nCountry / Market\nPeriod active\nRelease-year of first charted record\nGenre\nTotal certified units\n(from available markets)[b]\nClaimed sales\n\n\nTaylor Swift\nUnited States\n2006–present[157]\n2006[157]\nCountry / Country pop / Pop / Pop-rock[157]\n7002158800000000000♠\n\n\nTotal available certified units: 158.8 million [show]\n\n\nUS: 135.5 million[11]\nJPN: 2.850 million[12][52]\nUK: 8.2 million[13]\nGER: 750,000[14]\nFRA: 150,000[16]\nCAN: 4.540 million[17]\nAUS: 5.425 million[18]\nITA: 235,000[b][20]\nBRA: 170,000[21]\nSWE: 180,000[57]\nMEX: 450,000[42][43][98]\nNZ: 367,500[34][35]\n\n\n\n\n170 million[158]\n\n\nGarth Brooks\nUnited States\n1989–present[159]\n1989[159]\nCountry[159]\n7002146000000000000♠\n\n\nTotal available certified units: 156 million [show]\n\n\nUS: 149.4 million[11]\nUK: 520,000[13]\nCAN: 5.730 million[17]\nAUS: 280,000[b][18]\nIRE: 120,000[b][102]\n\n\n\n\n160 million[160]\n\n\nEminem\nUnited States\n1996–present[161]\n1999[161]\nHip-hop[161]\n7002132000000000000♠\n\n\nTotal available certified units: 132 million [show]\n\n\nUS: 86.1 million[11]\nJPN: 2.9 million [12][52]\nUK: 21.425 million[13]\nGER: 3.450 million[14]\nFRA: 3.170 million[16][83]\nCAN: 3.770 million[17]\nAUS: 5.702 million[18]\nITA: 490,000[b][20]\nBRA: 200,000[21]\nSWE: 810,000[22][57]\nSPA: 290,000[23][58]\nMEX: 365,000[42]\nSWI: 805,000[25]\nBEL: 475,000[26][27]\nDEN: 556,000[b][59][162]\nAUT: 325,000[32]\nPOL: 250,000[33]\nFIN: 124,547[47]\nIRE: 285,000[b][102]\nNZ: 562,500[34][35]\n\n\n\n\n155 million[163]\n\n\nEagles\nUnited States\n1971–1980, 1994–present[164]\n1972[164]\nRock[164]\n7002129190000099999♠\n\n\nTotal available certified units: 129.2 million [show]\n\n\nUS: 108.9 million[11]\nJPN: 600,000[b][12]\nUK: 7.635 million[b][13]\nGER: 925,000[b][14]\nFRA: 2.040 million[b][15][16][53]\nCAN: 4.2 million[b][17]\nAUS: 3.395 million[b][18][165]\nSWE: 140,000[b][22]\nSPA: 500,000[b][23][24]\nSWI: 290,000[b][25]\nDEN: 185,000[b][60]\nFIN: 124,749[47]\nNZ: 352,500[b][34][35]\n\n\n\n\n150 million[166]\n\n\nU2\nIreland\n1976–present[167]\n1980[167]\nRock[167]\n7002106700000000000♠\n\n\nTotal available certified units: 106.7 million [show]\n\n\nUS: 53.1 million[11]\nJPN: 1.450 million[b][12]\nUK: 18.620 million[13]\nGER: 5.125 million[14]\nFRA: 5.025 million[15][16]\nCAN: 7.115 million[17]\nAUS: 4.412 million[b][18][19][168]\nITA: 780,000[b][20]\nBRA: 2.675 million[b][21]\nSWE: 515,000[b][22]\nSPA: 2.275 million[23][24][40][41][58]\nMEX: 835,000[b][42]\nSWI: 696,000[b][25]\nBEL: 725,000[b][26][27]\nARG: 806,000[28][29]\nDEN: 473,000[b][59][60][61][77][169]\nAUT: 515,000[b][32]\nPOL: 360,000[b][33]\nFIN: 235,460[47]\nIRE: 316,000[b][102]\nNZ: 765,000[34][35]\n\n\n\n\n150 million[170]\n\n\nBilly Joel\nUnited States\n1964–present[171]\n1971[171]\nPop / Rock[171]\n7002102600000000000♠\n\n\nTotal available certified units: 102.6 million [show]\n\n\nUS: 87.950 million[11]\nJPN: 2 million[b][12][172]\nUK: 5.655 million[b][13]\nGER: 1.250 million[b][14]\nFRA: 925,000[b][15][16][53]\nCAN: 3.275 million[b][17]\nAUS: 1.267[b][18][19]\nAUT: 125,000[b][32]\nNZ: 162,500[b][34]\n\n\n\n\n150 million[173]\n\n\nPhil Collins\nUnited Kingdom\n1980–2011, 2015–present[174]\n1981[174]\nRock / Progressive rock / Adult contemporary[174]\n7001878000000000000♠\n\n\nTotal available certified units: 87.8 million [show]\n\n\nUS: 39.850 million[11]\nJPN: 800,000[b][12]\nUK: 15.250 million[13]\nGER: 13.8 million[14]\nFRA: 6.410 million[15][16][53]\nCAN: 3.375 million[17]\nAUS: 1.522[b][18][19]\nBRA: 1.370 million[b][21]\nSWE: 245,000[b][22]\nSPA: 2.150 million[23][24][41][58]\nSWI: 973,000[b][25]\nBEL: 305,000[b][26][27]\nARG: 1.044 million[28][29]\nAUT: 440,000[b][32]\nFIN: 182,581[47]\nNZ: 122,500[34][35]\n\n\n\n\n150 million[175]\n\n\nAerosmith\nUnited States\n1970–present[176]\n1973[176]\nHard rock[176]\n7001847000000000000♠\n\n\nTotal available certified units: 84.7 million [show]\n\n\nUS: 70.250 million[11]\nJPN: 2.7 million[b][12][52]\nUK: 3.230 million[13]\nGER: 2 million[b][14]\nFRA: 225,000[15][16][53]\nCAN: 3.950 million[b][17]\nAUS: 225,000[b][18][177]\nITA: 100,000[b][20]\nBRA: 600,000[b][21]\nSWE: 260,000[b][22]\nSPA: 200,000[b][23][41]\nMEX: 230,000[b][42]\nSWI: 145,000[b][25]\nARG: 338,000[b][28][29]\nAUT: 125,000[b][32]\nPOL: 100,000[b][33]\nFIN: 101,722[47]\n\n\n\n\n150 million[178]\n\n\nFrank Sinatra\nUnited States\n1935–1995[179]\n1939[179]\nPop / Swing[179]\n7001373009999900000♠\n\n\nTotal available certified units: 37.3 million [show]\n\n\nUS: 28.2 million[b][11]\nUK: 5.445 million[b][13]\nGER: 1 million[b][14]\nFRA: 600,000[b][15]\nCAN: 650,000[b][17]\nAUS: 245,000[b][18]\nBRA: 350,000[b][21]\nSWE: 130,000[b][22]\nSPA: 500,000[b][24][41][58]\nARG: 188,000[b][28][29]\n\n\n\n\n150 million[180]\n\n\nBarbra Streisand\nUnited States\n1960–present[181]\n1963[181]\nPop / Adult contemporary[181]\n7001974000000000000♠\n\n\nTotal available certified units: 97.4 million [show]\n\n\nUS: 82.450 million[11]\nUK: 5.765 million[b][13]\nGER: 750,000[b][14]\nFRA: 3.150 million[b][15][16][53]\nCAN: 2.650 million[b][17]\nAUS: 2.047 million[b][18]\nSWE: 120,000[22][57]\nSPA: 150,000[b][58]\nFIN: 186,501[b][47]\nNZ: 137,500[b][34]\n\n\n\n\n145 million[182]\n\n\nBruno Mars\nUnited States\n2004–present[183]\n2010[183]\nPop rock / R&B[183]\n7002120600000000000♠\n\n\nTotal available certified units: 120.6 million [show]\n\n\nUS: 86.5 million[11]\nJPN: 1.1 million[12][52]\nUK: 13.3 million[13]\nGER: 3.4 million[14]\nFRA: 1.850 million[16]\nCAN: 5.240 million[17]\nAUS: 4.690 million[18]\nITA: 685,000[b][20]\nSWE: 440,000[22][57]\nSPA: 470,000[23]\nMEX: 780,000[42][43]\nSWI: 405,000[25]\nBEL: 345,000[27]\nDEN: 365,000[b][61][184]\nAUT: 180,000[32]\nNZ: 532,500[34]\nPHL: 330,000[185]\n\n\n\n\n130 million[186]\n\n\nKanye West\nUnited States\n1996–present[187]\n2004[187]\nHip-hop / Electronic / Pop rock[187]\n7002102600000000000♠\n\n\nTotal available certified units: 102.6 million [show]\n\n\nUS: 87.750 million[11]\nJPN: 100,000[188]\nUK: 10.480 million[13]\nGER: 300,000[14]\nCAN: 1.180 million[17]\nAUS: 2.135 million[18]\nITA: 135,000[b][20]\nSWE: 160,000[57]\nDEN: 404,000[60][61][69][189]\n\n\n\n\n121 million[190]\n\n\nBruce Springsteen\nUnited States\n1972–present[191]\n1973[191]\nRock[191]\n7002101500000000000♠\n\n\nTotal available certified units: 101.5 million [show]\n\n\nUS: 76.150 million[11]\nJPN: 400,000[b][12]\nUK: 7.145 million[13]\nGER: 4.325 million[b][14]\nFRA: 1.887 million[15][16][53]\nCAN: 3.2 million[b][17]\nAUS: 3.362 million[b][18]\nITA: 575,000[b][20]\nBRA: 100,000[b][21]\nSWE: 810,000[b][22][57]\nSPA: 1.730 million[b][23][24][40][41][58]\nSWI: 400,000[b][25]\nDEN: 155,000[b][59][61][69][192]\nAUT: 290,000[b][32]\nFIN: 449,800[47]\nIRE: 189,500[b][102]\nNZ: 375,000[34][35]\n\n\n\n\n120 million[193]\n\n\nBee Gees\nUnited Kingdom\nAustralia[194][195]\n1963–2003\n2009–2012[196]\n1963[196]\nPop / Disco[196]\n7001673000000000000♠\n\n\nTotal available certified units: 67.3 million [show]\n\n\nUS: 41.5 million[11]\nJPN: 300,000[b][12][197][198]\nUK: 9.065 million[b][13]\nGER: 6.675 million[b][14]\nFRA: 3.4 million[b][15][16][53]\nCAN: 3.215 million[b][17]\nAUS: 1.187 million[b][18]\nBRA: 350,000[b][21]\nSPA: 450,000[b][24][40][58]\nSWI: 415,000[b][25]\nARG: 188,000[b][28][29]\nAUT: 125,000[b][32]\nPOL: 100,000[b][33]\nNZ: 380,000[b][34][35]\n\n\n\n\n120 million[199]\n\n"
] | [
"Kanye West"
] |
5835973668018039557 | 2017 Billboard Music Awards | 2017 Billboard Music Awards - wikipedia 2017 Billboard Music Awards Jump to : navigation , search 2017 Billboard Music Awards Date May 21 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 21 ) Location T - Mobile Arena , Las Vegas , Nevada , United States Hosted by Ludacris Vanessa Hudgens Most awards Drake ( 13 ) Most nominations The Chainsmokers ( 22 ) Drake ( 22 ) Television / radio coverage Network ABC ← 2016 Billboard Music Awards 2018 → The 2017 Billboard Music Awards was held at the T - Mobile Arena in Las Vegas on May 21 , 2017 . The list of nominees was announced on April 10 , 2017 . Non-televised awards were announced on Billboard website the same day as the main ceremony . Contents ( hide ) 1 Performances 2 Presenters 3 Winners and nominees 4 References Performances ( edit ) Artist ( s ) Song ( s ) Nicki Minaj Jason Derulo David Guetta Lil Wayne `` No Frauds '' `` Light My Body Up '' `` Swalla '' `` Regret In Your Tears '' Camila Cabello `` I Have Questions '' `` Crying in the Club '' The Chainsmokers `` Young '' Julia Michaels `` Issues '' Ed Sheeran `` Castle on the Hill '' Miley Cyrus `` Malibu '' Lorde `` Green Light '' Sam Hunt `` Body Like a Back Road '' Celine Dion `` My Heart Will Go On '' Imagine Dragons `` Believer '' Drake `` Gyalchester '' Halsey `` Now or Never '' Florida Georgia Line John Legend `` Surefire '' `` H.O.L.Y. '' Cher `` Believe '' `` If I Could Turn Back Time '' Bruno Mars `` Versace on the Floor '' Notes Sheeran 's performance was pre-recorded at Movistar Arena in Santiago , Chile Drake 's performance was pre-recorded at The Fountains of Bellagio Mars ' performance was pre-recorded at Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam , Netherlands Presenters ( edit ) Ed Helms Kevin Hart G - Eazy Ashley Tisdale Kate Beckinsale Rita Ora Bebe Rexha DJ Khaled Mark Cuban Sara Foster Rachel Lindsay Savvy Shields Billy Ray Cyrus Noah Cyrus Josh Duhamel Hailee Steinfeld Alexandra Daddario Ansel Elgort Sean `` Diddy '' Combs Lindsey Stirling Logan Paul Lea Michele Nicole Scherzinger Jussie Smollett Rachel Platten Chris Daughtry Olivia Munn Dan Reynolds Gwen Stefani Prince Michael Jackson Winners and nominees ( edit ) Winners are listed in bold . Top Artist Top New Artist Drake Adele Beyoncé Justin Bieber The Chainsmokers Ariana Grande Shawn Mendes Rihanna Twenty One Pilots The Weeknd Zayn Alessia Cara Desiigner Lil Uzi Vert Lukas Graham Top Female Artist Top Male Artist Beyoncé Adele Ariana Grande Rihanna Sia Drake Justin Bieber Future Shawn Mendes The Weeknd Top Duo / Group Billboard Chart Achievement ( Fan - voted ) Twenty One Pilots The Chainsmokers Coldplay Florida Georgia Line Guns N ' Roses Twenty One Pilots Luke Bryan Nicki Minaj The Chainsmokers The Weeknd Top Billboard 200 Artist Top Billboard 200 Album Drake Beyoncé Prince Twenty One Pilots The Weeknd Views -- Drake Anti -- Rihanna Blurryface -- Twenty One Pilots Lemonade -- Beyoncé Starboy -- The Weeknd Top Hot 100 Artist Top Hot 100 Song Drake The Chainsmokers Rihanna Twenty One Pilots The Weeknd `` Closer '' -- The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey `` Ca n't Stop the Feeling ! '' -- Justin Timberlake `` Do n't Let Me Down '' -- The Chainsmokers featuring Daya `` Heathens '' -- Twenty One Pilots `` One Dance '' -- Drake featuring Wizkid and Kyla Top Song Sales Artist Top Selling Song Drake The Chainsmokers Prince Justin Timberlake Twenty One Pilots `` Ca n't Stop the Feeling ! '' -- Justin Timberlake `` Closer '' -- The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey `` Do n't Let Me Down '' -- The Chainsmokers featuring Daya `` Heathens '' -- Twenty One Pilots `` One Dance '' -- Drake featuring Wizkid and Kyla Top Radio Songs Artist Top Radio Song Twenty One Pilots Justin Bieber The Chainsmokers Drake Rihanna `` Ca n't Stop the Feeling ! '' -- Justin Timberlake `` Cheap Thrills '' -- Sia featuring Sean Paul `` Closer '' -- The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey `` Do n't Let Me Down '' -- The Chainsmokers featuring Daya `` One Dance '' -- Drake featuring Wizkid and Kyla Top Collaboration Top Streaming Artist The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey , `` Closer '' The Chainsmokers featuring Daya , `` Do n't Let Me Down '' Drake featuring WizKid & Kyla , `` One Dance '' Sia featuring Sean Paul , `` Cheap Thrills '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk , `` Starboy '' Drake The Chainsmokers Desiigner Rihanna Twenty One Pilots Top Streaming Song ( Audio ) Top Streaming Song ( Video ) `` One Dance '' -- Drake featuring Wizkid and Kyla `` Broccoli '' -- D.R.A.M. featuring Lil Yachty `` Closer '' -- The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey `` Needed Me '' -- Rihanna `` Starboy '' -- The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk Desiigner , `` Panda '' The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey , `` Closer '' Zay Hilfigerr & Zayion McCall , `` Juju on That Beat ( TZ Anthem ) '' Rae Sremmurd featuring Gucci Mane , `` Black Beatles '' Twenty One Pilots , `` Heathens '' Top Touring Artist Top Social Artist ( Fan - voted ) Beyoncé Justin Bieber Coldplay Guns N ' Roses Bruce Springsteen & the E-Street Band BTS Justin Bieber Ariana Grande Shawn Mendes Selena Gomez Top Christian Artist Top Christian Song Lauren Daigle Hillsong Worship Hillary Scott & the Family Skillet Chris Tomlin `` Thy Will '' -- Hillary Scott & the Family `` Trust In You '' -- Lauren Daigle `` Feel Invincible '' -- Skillet `` Eye of the Storm '' -- Ryan Stevenson featuring GabeReal `` Chain Breaker '' -- Zach Williams Top Christian Album Top Gospel Artist How Can It Be -- Lauren Daigle Hymns That Are Important to Us -- Joey + Rory Love Remains -- Hillary Scott & the Family The Very Next Thing -- Casting Crowns Unleashed -- Skillet Kirk Franklin Jekalyn Carr Travis Greene Tamela Mann Hezekiah Walker Top Gospel Song Top Gospel Album `` Made a Way '' -- Travis Greene `` You 're Bigger '' -- Jekalyn Carr `` Put a Praise On It '' -- Tasha Cobbs featuring Kierra Sheard `` Wanna Be Happy ? '' -- Kirk Franklin `` Better '' -- Hezekiah Walker One Way -- Tamela Mann Better : Azusa - The Next Generation 2 -- Hezekiah Walker Losing My Religion -- Kirk Franklin The Hill -- Travis Greene One Place Live -- Tasha Cobbs Top Country Artist Top Country Song Blake Shelton Florida Georgia Line Keith Urban Chris Stapleton Jason Aldean Florida Georgia Line , `` H.O.L.Y. '' Kenny Chesney featuring P ! nk , `` Setting the World on Fire '' Florida Georgia Line featuring Tim McGraw , `` May We All '' Little Big Town , `` Better Man '' Keith Urban , `` Blue Ai n't Your Color '' Top Country Album Top Country Collaboration Traveller -- Chris Stapleton Dig Your Roots -- Florida Georgia Line If I 'm Honest -- Blake Shelton Ripcord -- Keith Urban They Do n't Know -- Jason Aldean Kenny Chesney featuring P ! nk , `` Setting the World on Fire '' Dierks Bentley featuring Elle King , `` Different for Girls '' Eric Church featuring Rhiannon Giddens , `` Kill a Word '' Florida Georgia Line featuring Tim McGraw , `` May We All '' Chris Young featuring Vince Gill , `` Sober Saturday Night '' Top Country Tour Top Dance / Electronic Artist Kenny Chesney Luke Bryan Dixie Chicks The Chainsmokers Calvin Harris Major Lazer DJ Snake Lindsey Stirling Top Dance / Electronic Song Top Dance / Electronic Album `` Closer '' -- The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey `` Do n't Let Me Down '' -- The Chainsmokers featuring Daya `` This Is What You Came For '' -- Calvin Harris featuring Rihanna `` Cold Water '' -- Major Lazer featuring Justin Bieber & MØ `` Let Me Love You '' -- DJ Snake featuring Justin Bieber Brave Enough -- Lindsey Stirling Bouquet -- The Chainsmokers Collage -- The Chainsmokers Skin -- Flume Cloud Nine -- Kygo Top Latin Artist Top Latin Song Juan Gabriel J Balvin Los Plebes del Rancho de Ariel Camacho Maluma Nicky Jam Nicky Jam , `` Hasta el Amanecer '' Daddy Yankee , `` Shaky Shaky '' Enrique Iglesias featuring Wisin , `` Duele el Corazón '' Shakira featuring Maluma , `` Chantaje '' Carlos Vives & Shakira , `` La Bicicleta '' Top Latin Album Top R&B Artist Los Dúo , Vol. 2 -- Juan Gabriel Energia -- J Balvin Primera Cita -- CNCO Vestido de Etiqueta por Eduardo Magallanes -- Juan Gabriel Recuerden Mi Estilo -- Los Plebes del Rancho de Ariel Camacho Beyoncé Bruno Mars Frank Ocean Rihanna The Weeknd Top R&B Song Top R&B Album Drake featuring WizKid & Kyla , `` One Dance '' Bruno Mars , `` 24K Magic '' Rihanna , `` Needed Me '' Rihanna featuring Drake , `` Work '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk , `` Starboy '' Lemonade -- Beyoncé Anti -- Rihanna Blonde -- Frank Ocean Starboy -- The Weeknd 24K Magic -- Bruno Mars Top R&B Collaboration Top R&B Tour Drake featuring WizKid & Kyla , `` One Dance '' PARTYNEXTDOOR featuring Drake , `` Come and See Me '' Rihanna featuring Drake , `` Work '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk , `` I Feel It Coming '' The Weeknd featuring Daft Punk , `` Starboy '' Beyoncé Lionel Richie Rihanna Top Rap Artist Top Rap Song Drake J. Cole Desiigner Future Rae Sremmurd Desiigner , `` Panda '' Drake , `` Fake Love '' D.R.A.M. featuring Lil Yachty , `` Broccoli '' Migos featuring Lil Uzi Vert , `` Bad and Boujee '' Rae Sremmurd featuring Gucci Mane , `` Black Beatles '' Top Rap Album Top Rap Collaboration Views -- Drake 4 Your Eyez Only -- J. Cole Islah -- Kevin Gates Major Key -- DJ Khaled We Got It from Here ... Thank You 4 Your Service -- A Tribe Called Quest Rae Sremmurd featuring Gucci Mane , `` Black Beatles '' D.R.A.M. featuring Lil Yachty , `` Broccoli '' Zay Hilfigerr & Zayion McCall , `` Juju on That Beat ( TZ Anthem ) '' Machine Gun Kelly & Camila Cabello , `` Bad Things '' Migos featuring Lil Uzi Vert , `` Bad and Boujee '' Top Rap Tour Top Rock Artist Drake Future Kanye West Twenty One Pilots Coldplay The Lumineers Metallica X Ambassadors Top Rock Song Top Rock Album Twenty One Pilots , `` Heathens '' Lil Wayne , Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons with Logic & Ty Dolla $ ign featuring X Ambassadors , `` Sucker for Pain '' Twenty One Pilots , `` Ride '' Twenty One Pilots , `` Stressed Out '' X Ambassadors , `` Unsteady '' Hardwired ... to Self - Destruct -- Metallica A Moon Shaped Pool -- Radiohead Blurryface -- Twenty One Pilots Cleopatra -- The Lumineers The Getaway -- Red Hot Chili Peppers Top Rock Tour Top Soundtrack / Cast Album Coldplay Guns N ' Roses Bruce Springsteen & the E-Street Band Hamilton : An American Musical Moana Purple Rain Suicide Squad : The Album Trolls Icon Award Cher References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Billboard Music Awards 2017 Show Date Announced '' . Billboard . Jump up ^ `` Drake , The Chainsmokers Lead Nominees for the 2017 Billboard Music Awards '' . Billboard. April 10 , 2017 . Retrieved April 10 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` `` 2017 BILLBOARD MUSIC AWARDS '' ANNOUNCE NON-TELEVISED AWARD RECIPIENTS `` . Billboard Music Awards . Retrieved 21 May 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Bruno Mars , Ed Sheeran , Camila Cabello , Nicki Minaj & More to Perform at 2017 Billboard Music Awards '' . Jump up ^ `` Celine Dion to Perform ' My Heart Will Go On ' at 2017 Billboard Music Awards '' . Jump up ^ `` T - Mobile Presents Julia Michaels To Perform - Billboard Music Awards '' . 19 May 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Miley Cyrus '' . . Jump up ^ `` The Chainsmokers , Halsey and Sam Hunt Performing at the 2017 Billboard Music Awards '' . Jump up ^ `` John Legend & Florida Georgia Line to Perform ( Together ! ) At 2017 Billboard Music Awards '' . Jump up ^ `` Here Is the Complete List of Winners From the 2017 Billboard Music Awards '' . ( hide ) Billboard Music Awards Awards Top Artist Top New Artist Top Male Artist Top Female Artist Top Duo / Group Top Touring Artist Top Billboard 200 Artist Top Billboard 200 Album Top Hot 100 Artist Top Hot 100 Song Top Radio Songs Artist Top Radio Song Top Selling Song Top Streaming Artist Top Streaming Song ( Audio ) Top Streaming Song ( Video ) Top Christian Artist Top Christian Song Top Christian Album Top Gospel Artist Top Gospel Song Top Gospel Album Top Country Artist Top Country Song Top Country Album Top Dance / Electronic Artist Top Dance / Electronic Song Top Dance / Electronic Album Top Latin Artist Top Latin Song Top Latin Album Top R&B Artist Top R&B Song Top R&B Album Top Rap Artist Top Rap Song Top Rap Album Top Rock Artist Top Rock Song Top Rock Album Top Soundtrack Top Social Artist Chart Achievement See full list Special awards Spotlight Award Icon Award Millennium Award Awards ceremonies 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Billboard awards 2017 in Nevada T - Mobile Arena Talk Views Contents About Wikipedia Čeština 日本 語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 21 August 2017 , at 12 : 09 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | where is the billboard music awards 2017 held | [
"The 2017 Billboard Music Awards was held at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas on May 21, 2017.[1] The list of nominees was announced on April 10, 2017.[2] Non-televised awards were announced on Billboard website the same day as the main ceremony.[3]"
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"T-Mobile Arena"
] |
-6962249402277986135 | Freedmen's Bureau | Freedmen 's Bureau - wikipedia Freedmen 's Bureau Jump to : navigation , search A Bureau agent stands between armed groups of whites and Freedmen this 1868 sketch from Harper 's Weekly . The Bureau of Refugees , Freedmen , and Abandoned Lands , usually referred to as simply the Freedmen 's Bureau , was an agency of the United States Department of War to `` direct such issues of provisions , clothing , and fuel , as he may deem needful for the immediate and temporary shelter and supply of destitute and suffering refugees and freedmen and their wives and children . '' The Freedmen 's Bureau Bill , which established the Freedmen 's Bureau on March 3 , 1865 , was initiated by President Abraham Lincoln and was intended to last for one year after the end of the Civil War . The Freedmen 's Bureau was an important agency of early Reconstruction , assisting freedmen in the South . The Bureau was made a part of the United States Department of War , as it was the only agency with an existing organization that could be assigned to the South . Headed by Union Army General Oliver O. Howard , the Bureau started operations in 1865 . Throughout the first year , its representatives learned that these tasks would be very difficult , as Southern legislatures passed laws for Black Codes that restricted movement , conditions of labor , and other civil rights of African Americans , nearly duplicating conditions of slavery . The Freedmen 's Bureau controlled limited arable land . The Bureau 's powers were expanded to help African Americans find family members from whom they had become separated during the war . It arranged to teach them to read and write , considered critical by the freedmen themselves as well as the government . Bureau agents also served as legal advocates for African Americans in both local and national courts , mostly in cases dealing with family issues . The Bureau encouraged former major planters to rebuild their plantations and urged freed blacks to return to work for them , kept an eye on contracts between the newly free laborers and planters , and pushed whites and blacks to work together as employers and employees rather than as masters and slaves . In 1866 , Congress renewed the charter for the Bureau . President Andrew Johnson , a Southerner who had succeeded to the office following Lincoln 's assassination , vetoed the bill because he believed that it encroached on states ' rights , relied inappropriately on the military in peacetime , and would prevent freed slaves from becoming independent by offering too much assistance . By 1869 , the Bureau had lost most of its funding and as a result been forced to cut much of its staff . By 1870 the Bureau had been considerably weakened due to the rise of Ku Klux Klan violence in the South . In 1872 , Congress abruptly abandoned the program , effectively shutting down the Bureau by refusing to approve renewal legislation . It did not inform Howard , who had been transferred to Arizona by President Ulysses S. Grant to settle hostilities between the Apache and settlers . Grant 's Secretary of War William W. Belknap , was hostile to Howard 's leadership and authority at the Bureau , and aroused controversy by his reassignment . Contents ( hide ) 1 Achievements 1.1 Day - to - day duties 1.2 Gender roles 1.3 Education 1.3. 1 Teachers 1.4 Colleges 1.5 Educational legacy 1.6 Church establishment 2 Continuing insurgency 3 State effectiveness 3.1 Alabama 3.2 Florida 3.3 Georgia 3.4 North Carolina 3.5 South Carolina 3.6 Texas 3.7 Virginia 4 Bureau records 5 See also 6 Bibliography 6.1 General 6.2 Education 6.3 Specialized studies 6.4 Primary sources 7 Notes 8 References 9 External links Achievements ( edit ) Day - to - day duties ( edit ) The Freedmen 's Bureau office in Memphis , Tennessee , 1866 . Marriage certificate issued by the Bureau of Refugees , Freedmen and Abandoned Lands , Wilson County , Tennessee , 1866 . The Bureau helped solve everyday problems of the newly freed slaves , such as obtaining clothing , food , water , health care , communication with family members , and jobs . It distributed 15 million rations of food to African Americans , and set up a system where planters could borrow rations in order to feed freedmen they employed . Although the Bureau set aside $350,000 for this service , only $35,000 ( 10 % ) was borrowed by planters . Despite the good intentions , efforts , and limited success of the Bureau , medical treatment of the freedmen was severely deficient . Most southern white doctors and nurses would not treat freedmen , infrastructure had been destroyed by the war , and people had few means of improving sanitation . Blacks had not had much opportunity to develop their own medical personnel . In this period epidemics of cholera and yellow fever were carried along the river corridors , breaking out across the South . Gender roles ( edit ) A certificate of marriage issued by the Freedmen 's Bureau Freedman 's Bureau agents , at first , complained that freedwomen were refusing to contract their labor . One of the first actions black families took was to withdraw women 's labor from fieldwork . The Bureau attempted to force freed women to work by insisting that their husbands sign contracts making the whole family available as field labor in the cotton industry , and by declaring that unemployed freed women should be treated as vagrants just as men were . The Bureau did allow some exceptions , such as married women with employed husbands , and some `` worthy '' women who had been widowed or abandoned and had large families of small children to care for . `` Unworthy '' women , meaning the unruly and prostitutes , were usually the ones subjected to punishment for vagrancy . Under slavery , most marriages had been informal , as slaveholders refused to acknowledge slave marriages and they were not legally recognized , although planters often presided over marriage ceremonies for their slaves . After the war , the Freedmen 's Bureau performed numerous marriages for freed couples who asked for it . As many husbands and wives had been separated during wartime chaos , the Bureau agents helped families in their attempts to reunite after the war . The Bureau had an informal regional communications system that allowed agents to send inquiries and provide answers . It sometimes provided transportation to reunite families . Freedmen and freed women turned to the Bureau for assistance in resolving issues of abandonment and divorce . Education ( edit ) The most widely recognized accomplishments of the Freedman 's Bureau were in education . Prior to the Civil War , no southern state had a system of universal , state - supported public education and prohibited slaves and free blacks from gaining education . Former slaves wanted public education while the wealthier whites opposed the idea . Freedmen had a strong desire to learn to read and write ; some started schools at refugee camps ; others worked hard to establish schools in their communities even prior to the advent of the Freedmen 's Bureau . Oliver Otis Howard was appointed as the first Freedmen 's Bureau Commissioner . Through his leadership the bureau set up four divisions : Government - Controlled Lands , Records , Financial Affairs , and Medical Affairs . Education was considered part of the Records division . Howard turned over confiscated property including planters ' mansions , government buildings , books , and furniture to superintendents to be used in the education of freedmen , and provided transportation and room and board for teachers . Many Northerners came south to educate the freedmen . The Misses Cooke 's school room , Freedman 's Bureau , Richmond , Virginia , 1866 . By 1866 , northern missionary and aid societies worked in conjunction with the Freedmen 's Bureau to provide education for former slaves . The American Missionary Association was particularly active , establishing eleven colleges in southern states for the education of freedmen . The primary focus of these groups was to raise funds to pay teachers and manage schools , while the secondary focus was the day - to - day operation of individual schools . After 1866 , Congress appropriated some funds to operate the freedmen 's schools . The main source of educational revenue for these schools came through a Congressional Act that gave the Freedmen 's Bureau the power to seize Confederate property for educational use . George Ruby , an African American , served as teacher and school administrator and as a traveling inspector for the Bureau , observing local conditions , aiding in the establishment of black schools , and evaluating the performance of Bureau field officers . Blacks supported him , but planters and other whites opposed him . Overall , the Bureau spent $5 million to set up schools for blacks . By the end of 1865 , more than 90,000 former slaves were enrolled as students in such public schools . Attendance rates at the new schools for freedmen were between 79 and 82 percent . Brigadier General Samuel Chapman Armstrong created and led Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute in Virginia in 1868 . It is now known as Hampton University . The Freedmen 's Bureau published their own freedmen 's textbook . They emphasized the bootstrap philosophy , encouraging freedmen to believe that each person had the ability to work hard and to do better in life . These readers included traditional literacy lessons ; as well as selections on the life and works of Abraham Lincoln , excerpts from the Bible focused on forgiveness , biographies of famous African Americans with emphasis on their piety , humbleness and industry ; and essays on humility , the work ethic , temperance , loving your enemies , and avoiding bitterness . By 1870 , there were more than 1,000 schools for freedmen in the South . J.W. Alvord , an inspector for the Bureau , wrote that the freedmen `` have the natural thirst for knowledge , '' aspire to `` power and influence ... coupled with learning , '' and are excited by `` the special study of books . '' Among the former slaves , children and adults sought this new opportunity to learn . After the Bureau was abolished , some of its achievements collapsed under the weight of white violence against schools and teachers for blacks . After the 1870s , when white Democrats regained power of southern governments , they reduced funds available to fund public education , particularly for blacks . In the 1890s they passed a new state constitutions disenfranchising most blacks by creating barriers to voter registration . They passed Jim Crow laws establishing legal segregation of public places . Segregated schools and other services for blacks were consistently underfunded by the southern legislatures . By 1871 , Northerners ' interest in reconstructing the South with military power had waned . Northerners were beginning to tire of the effort that Reconstruction required , were discouraged at the high rate of continuing violence around elections , and were ready for the South to take care of itself . All of the southern states had created new constitutions that established universal , publicly funded education . Groups based in the North began to redirect their money toward universities and colleges founded to educate African - American leaders . Teachers ( edit ) Part of a series on Slavery Contemporary ( show ) Child labour Conscription Debt Forced marriage Bride buying Wife selling Forced prostitution Human trafficking Peonage Penal labour Sexual slavery Historical ( show ) Antiquity Ancient Rome Babylonia Ancient Greece Topics and practices Atlantic slave trade Middle Passage Arab slave trade Ghilman Mamluk Saqaliba Aztec Blackbirding Byzantine Empire Coolie Corvée labor Field slaves in the United States House slaves Kholop Medieval Europe Panyarring Thrall Serfs History Russia Slave market Slave raiding Naval Galley slave Impressment Pirates Shanghaiing Slave ship By country or region ( show ) Sub-Saharan Africa Contemporary Africa Slavery on the Barbary Coast Barbary slave trade Slave Coast Angola Chad Ethiopia Mali Mauritania Niger Somalia South Africa Sudan Seychelles North and South America Americas indigenous U.S. Natives Brazil Lei Áurea Canada Caribbean Barbados Code Noir Cuba Haiti revolt Restavek Latin America Puerto Rico Trinidad United States colonial maps female partus penal labor Slave codes interregional Human Trafficking Virgin Islands Central , East , and South Asia Human trafficking in Southeast Asia Bhutan China Booi Aha Laogai India Debt bondage Chukri System Japan comfort women South Korea Yankee princess North Korea Vietnam Australia and Oceania Blackbirding in Australia Human trafficking in Australia Slave raiding in Easter Island Human trafficking in Papua New Guinea Blackbirding in Polynesia Europe and North Asia Sex trafficking in Europe British Isles Denmark Dutch Republic Germany in World War II Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Spain colonies Sweden North Africa and West Asia Iran Libya Human trafficking in the Middle East Ottoman Empire Yemen Religion ( show ) Bible Christianity Catholicism Mormonism Islam 21st century Judaism Bahá'í Faith Opposition and resistance ( show ) Timeline Abolitionism U.K. U.S. Anti-Slavery International Blockade of Africa U.K. U.S. Compensated emancipation Freedman manumission Freedom suit Abolitionists Slave Power Underground Railroad songs Slave rebellion Slave Trade Acts International law 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution Related ( show ) Common law Indentured servant Unfree labour Fugitive slaves laws Great Dismal Swamp maroons List of slaves owners Slave narrative films songs Slave name Slave catcher Slave patrol Slave Route Project Treatment in U.S. breeding court cases Washington Jefferson Adams Lincoln 40 acres Freedmen 's Bureau bit Wage slavery Emancipation Day Accounts by northern women and missionary societies resulted in historians believing that most Bureau teachers were well - educated women from the North , motivated by religion and abolitionism to teach in the South . In the 21st century , new research finds that half the teachers were southern whites ; one - third were blacks ( mostly southern ) , and one - sixth were northern whites . Few were abolitionists ; few came from New England . Men outnumbered women . The salary was the strongest motivation except for the northerners , who were typically funded by northern organizations and had a humanitarian motivation . As a group , the black cohort showed the greatest commitment to racial equality ; and they were the ones most likely to remain teachers . The school curriculum resembled that of schools in the north . Colleges ( edit ) The building and opening of schools of higher learning for African Americans coincided with the shift in focus for the Freedmen 's Aid Societies from supporting an elementary education for all African Americans to gaining a high school and college education for African - American leaders . Both of these events worked in concert with concern on the part of white officials working with African Americans in the South . These officials were concerned about the lack of a moral or financial foundation seen in the African - American community and traced that lack of foundation back to slavery . Generally , they believed that blacks needed help to enter a free labor market and reconstruct stable family life . Heads of local American Missionary Associations sponsored various educational and religious efforts for African Americans . Later efforts for higher education were supported by such leaders as Samuel Chapman Armstrong of the Hampton Institute and Booker T. Washington of the Tuskegee Institute ( from 1881 ) . They said that black students should be able to leave home and `` live in an atmosphere conducive not only to scholarship but to culture and refinement '' . Most of these colleges , universities and normal schools combined what they believed were the best fundamentals of a college with that of the home , giving students a basic structure to build acceptable practices of upstanding lives . For instance , at the majority of these schools , students were expected to bathe a prescribed number of times per week , maintain an orderly living space , and present a particular appearance . At many of these institutions , Christian principles and practices were also part of the daily regime . Educational legacy ( edit ) Despite the untimely dissolution of the Freedman 's Bureau , its legacy influenced the important historically black colleges and universities ( HBCUs ) , which were the chief institutions of higher learning for blacks in the South through the decades of segregation into the mid-20th century . Under the direction and sponsorship of the Bureau , together with the American Missionary Association in many cases , from approximately 1866 until its termination in 1872 , an estimated 25 institutions of higher learning for black youth were established . The leaders among them continue to operate as highly ranked institutions in the 21st century . ( Examples include St. Augustine 's College , Fisk University , Johnson C. Smith University , Clark Atlanta University , Dillard University , Shaw University , Virginia Union University , and Tougaloo College ) . As of 2009 , there exist approximately 105 HBCUs that range in scope , size , organization and orientation . Under the Education Act of 1965 , Congress officially defined an HBCU as `` an institution whose principal missions were and are the education of Black Americans '' . HBCUs graduate over 50 % of African - American professionals , 50 % of African - American public school teachers , and 70 % of African - American dentists . In addition , 50 % of African Americans who graduate from HBCUs go on to pursue graduate or professional degrees . One in three degrees held by African Americans in the natural sciences , and half the degrees held by African Americans in mathematics , were earned at HBCUs . Perhaps the best known of these institutions is Howard University , founded in Washington , D.C. , in 1867 , with the aid of the Freedmen 's Bureau . It was named for the commissioner of the Freedmen 's Bureau , General Oliver Otis Howard . Church establishment ( edit ) After the Civil War , control over existing churches was a contentious issue . The Methodist denomination had split into regional associations prior to the war . In some cities , Northern Methodists seized control of Southern Methodist buildings . Numerous northern denominations , including the independent black denominations of the African Methodist Episcopal ( AME ) and African Methodist Episcopal Zion , sent missionaries to the South to help the freedmen . By this time the independent black denominations were increasingly well organized and prepared to evangelize to the freedmen . Within a decade , the AME and AME Zion churches had gained hundreds of thousands of new members and were rapidly organizing new congregations . Even before the war , blacks had established independent Baptist congregations in some cities and towns , such as Silver Bluff , Charleston , Petersburg , and Richmond . In many places , especially in more rural areas , they shared public services with whites . Often enslaved blacks met secretly to conduct their own services away from white supervision or oversight . After the war , freedmen mostly withdrew from the white - dominated congregations of the Baptist , Methodist and Presbyterian churches in order to be free to worship as they pleased away from white supervision . Within a short time , they were organizing black Baptist state association , and organized a national association in the 1890s . Northern mission societies raised funds for land , buildings , teachers ' salaries , and basic necessities such as books and furniture . For years they used networks throughout their churches to raise money for freedmen 's education and worship . Continuing insurgency ( edit ) An 1866 poster attacking the Freedmen 's Bureau . Most of the assistant commissioners , realizing that African Americans would not receive fair trials in the civil courts , tried to handle black cases in their own Bureau courts . Southern whites objected that this was unconstitutional . In Alabama , state and county judges were commissioned as Bureau agents . They were to try cases involving blacks with no distinctions on racial grounds . If a judge refused , martial law could be instituted in his district . All but three judges accepted their unwanted commissions , and the governor urged compliance . Perhaps the most difficult region was Louisiana 's Caddo - Bossier Parish . It had not experienced wartime devastation or Union occupation . Understaffed and weakly supported by federal troops , well - meaning Bureau agents found their investigations blocked and authority undermined at every turn by recalcitrant plantation owners . Murders of freedmen were common , and suspects in these cases went unprosecuted . Bureau agents did negotiate labor contracts , build schools and hospitals , and aid freedmen , but they struggled against the oppressive environment . In March 1872 , at the request of President Ulysses S. Grant and the Secretary of the Interior , Columbus Delano , General Howard was asked to temporarily leave his duties as Commissioner of the Bureau to deal with Indian affairs in the west . Upon returning from his assignment in November 1872 , General Howard discovered that the Bureau and all of its activities had been officially terminated by Congress , effective as of June ( Howard , 1907 ) . While General Howard was dealing with Indian affairs in the west , the Freedmen 's Bureau was steadily losing its support . During the Bureau 's first year , Congress appropriated no money for the Bureau so it was forced to rely on the army for financial support . Because the Bureau had a lack of funding from the federal government , it was unable to carry out all of its initiatives to sustain the lives of the newly freed slaves and to ensure any real measure of racially equality . President Johnson was also opposed to the Freedmen 's Bureau and his opposition encouraged many people , especially white southerners , to challenge the Bureau . Congress was forced to dismantle the Bureau in 1872 due to pressure from white Southerners . In the South there was a never ending struggle to get the whites and blacks to work together and unfortunately , the Bureau was unable to change that . In his autobiography , General Howard expressed great frustration in regard to what had taken place without his knowledge , stating `` the legislative action , however , was just what I desired , except that I would have preferred to close out my own Bureau and not have another do it for me in an unfriendly manner in my absence . '' All documents and matters pertaining to the Freedmen 's Bureau were transferred from the office of General Howard to the War Department of the United States Congress . State effectiveness ( edit ) Alabama ( edit ) The Bureau began distributing rations in the summer of 1865 . Drought conditions resulted in so much need that the state established its own Office of the Commissioner of the Destitute to provide additional relief . The two agencies coordinated their efforts starting in 1866 . The Bureau established depots in eight major cities . Counties were allocated aid in kind each month based on the number of poor reported . The counties then were required to transport the supplies themselves . The ration was larger in winter and spring , and reduced in seasons when locally - grown food was available . In 1866 , the depot at Huntsville provided five thousand rations a day . The food was distributed without regard to race . Corruption and abuse was so great that in October 1866 , the President ended in - kind aid in that state . One hundred twenty thousand dollars was given to the state to provide relief to the end of January 1867 . Aid then ended in the state . Records show that at the end of the program , four times more White people received aid than did Black people . Florida ( edit ) The Florida Bureau was assessed to be working effectively . Col. T.W. Osborne , the assistant commissioner of the Bureau for Florida , was an astute politician who collaborated with the leadership of both parties in the state . He was warmly praised by observers on all sides . Georgia ( edit ) The Bureau played a major role in Georgia politics . It was especially active in setting up , monitoring , and enforcing labor contracts for both men and women . It also set up a new system of healthcare for the freedmen . North Carolina ( edit ) In North Carolina , the bureau employed : 9 contract surgeons , at $100 per month ; 26 hospital attendants , at average pay each per month $11.25 ; 18 civilian employees , clerks , agents , etc. , at an average pay per month of $17.20 ; 4 laborers , at an average pay per month of $11.90 ; enlisted men are detailed as orderlies , guards , etc. , by commanding officers of the different military posts where officers of the Bureau are serving . Some misconduct was reported to the bureau main office that bureau agents were using their posts for personal gains . Colonel E. Whittlesey was questioned but said he was not involved in nor knew of anyone involved in such activities . The bureau exercised what whites believed were arbitrary powers : making arrests , imposing fines , and inflicting punishments . They were considered to be disregarding the local laws and especially the statute of limitations . Their activities resulted in resentment among whites toward the federal government in general . These powers invoked negative feelings in many southerners that sparked many to want the agency to leave . In their review , Steedman and Fullerton repeated their conclusion from Virginia , which was to withdraw the Bureau and turn daily operations over to the military . South Carolina ( edit ) In South Carolina , the bureau employed , nine clerks , at average pay each per month $108.33 , one rental agent , at monthly pay of $75.00 , one clerk , at monthly pay of $50.00 , one storekeeper , at monthly pay of $85.00 , one counselor , at monthly pay of $125.00 , one superintendent of education , at monthly pay of $150.00 , one printer , at monthly pay of $100.00 , one contract surgeon , at monthly pay of $100.00 , twenty - five laborers , at average pay per month $19.20 . General Saxton was head of the bureau operations in South Carolina ; he was reported by Steedman and Fullerton to have made so many `` mistakes and blunders '' that he made matters worse for the freedmen . He was replaced by Brigadier General R.K. Scott . Steedman and Fullerton described Scott as energetic and a competent officer . It appeared that he took great pains to turn things around and correct the mistakes made by his predecessors . The investigators learned of reported murders of freedmen by a band of outlaws . These outlaws were thought to be people from other states , such as Texas , Kentucky and Tennessee , who had been part of the rebel army ( Ku Klux Klan chapters were similarly started by veterans in the first years after the war . ) When citizens were asked why the perpetrators had not been arrested , many answered that the Bureau , with the support of the military , had the primary authority . In certain areas , such as the Sea Islands , many freedmen were destitute . Many had tried to cultivate the land and began businesses with little to no success in the social disruption of the period . Texas ( edit ) Suffering much less damage in the war than some other Deep South states , Texas became a destination for some 200,000 refugee blacks from other parts of the South , in addition to 200,000 already in Texas . Slavery had been prevalent only in East Texas , and some freedmen hoped for the chance of new types of opportunity in the lightly populated but booming state . The Bureau 's political role was central , as was close attention to the need for schools . Virginia ( edit ) The Freedmen 's Bureau had 58 clerks and superintendents of farms , paid average monthly wages $78.50 ; 12 assistant superintendents , paid average monthly wages 87.00 ; and 163 laborers , paid average monthly wages 11.75 ; as personnel in the state of Virginia . Other personnel included orderlies and guards . During the war , slaves had escaped to Union lines and forts in the Tidewater , where contraband camps were established . Many stayed in that area after the war , seeking protection near the federal forts . The Bureau fed 9,000 to 10,000 blacks a month over the winter , explaining : `` A majority of the freedmen to whom this subsistence has been furnished are undoubtedly able to earn a living if they were removed to localities where labor could be procured . The necessity for issuing rations to this class of persons results from their accumulation in large numbers in certain places where the land is unproductive and the demand for labor is limited . As long as these people remain in the present localities , the civil authorities refuse to provide for the able - bodied , and are unable to care for the helpless and destitute among them , owing to their great number and the fact that very few are residents of the counties in which they have congregated during the war . The necessity for the relief extended to these people , both able - bodied and helpless , by the Government , will continue as long as they remain in their present condition , and while rations are issued to the able - bodied they will not voluntarily change their localities to seek places where they can procure labor . ' Bureau records ( edit ) In 2000 , the U.S. Congress passed the Freedmen 's Bureau Preservation Act , which directed the National Archivist to preserve the extensive records of the Bureau on microfilm , and work with educational institutions to index the records . In addition to those records of the Bureau headquarters , assistant commissioners , and superintendents of education , the National Archives now has records of the field offices , marriage records , and records of the Freedmen 's Branch of the Adjutant General on microfilm . They are being digitized and made available through online databases . These constitute a major source of documentation on the operations of the Bureau , political and social conditions in the Reconstruction Era , and the genealogies of freedpeople . The Freedmen 's Bureau Project ( announced on June 19 , 2015 ) was created as a set of partnerships between FamilySearch International and the National Archives and Records Administration ( NARA ) , the Smithsonian 's National Museum of African American History and Culture , the Afro - American Historical and Genealogical Society ( AAHGS ) , and the California African American Museum . Tens of thousands of volunteers are needed to make these records searchable online . No specific time commitment is required , and anyone may participate . Volunteers simply log on ( ) , pull up as many scanned documents as they like , and enter the names and dates into the fields provided . Once published , information for millions of African Americans will be accessible , allowing families to build their family trees and connect with their ancestors . As of February 2016 , the project was 51 % complete . In October 2006 , Virginia governor Tim Kaine announced that Virginia would be the first state to index and digitize Freedmen 's Bureau records . See also ( edit ) United States House Committee on Freedmen 's Affairs Freedmen 's Savings Bank Forty acres and a mule Bibliography ( edit ) see also Reconstruction : Bibliography General ( edit ) Bentley George R. A History of the Freedmen 's Bureau ( 1955 ) ; old fashioned overview Carpenter , John A. ; Sword and Olive Branch : Oliver Otis Howard ( 1999 ) ; full biography of Bureau leader Cimbala , Paul A . The Freedmen 's Bureau : Reconstructing the American South after the Civil War ( 2005 ) Cimbala , Paul A. and Trefousse , Hans L. ( eds ) , The Freedmen 's Bureau : Reconstructing the American South After the Civil War . 2005 ; essays by scholars . Colby , I.C. ( 1985 ) . `` The Freedmen 's Bureau : From Social Welfare to Segregation '' . Phylon. 46 ( 3 ) : 219 -- 230 . JSTOR 274830 . doi : 10.2307 / 274830 . W.E. Burghardt Du Bois , The Freedmen 's Bureau ( 1901 ) . Foner , Eric . Reconstruction : America 's Unfinished Revolution , 1863 -- 1877 ( 1988 ) . Goldberg , Chad Alan . Citizens and Paupers : Relief , Rights , and Race , from the Freedmen 's Bureau to Workfare ( 2007 ) compares the Bureau with the WPA in the 1930s and welfare today excerpt and text search Litwack , Leon F. Been in the Storm So Long : The Aftermath of Slavery , 1979 . McFeely , William S. Yankee Stepfather : General O.O. Howard and the Freedmen ( 1994 ) ; biography of Bureau 's head . excerpt and text search Education ( edit ) Abbott , Martin . `` The Freedmen 's Bureau and Negro Schooling in South Carolina , '' South Carolina Historical Magazine , Vol. 57 # 2 ( Apr. , 1956 ) , pp. 65 -- 81 in JSTOR Anderson , James D . The Education of Blacks in the South , 1860 -- 1935 ( 1988 ) . Butchart , Ronald E. Northern Schools , Southern Blacks , and Reconstruction : Freedmen 's Education , 1862 -- 1875 ( 1980 ) . Crouch , Barry A. `` Black Education in Civil War and Reconstruction Louisiana : George T. Ruby , the Army , and the Freedmen 's Bureau '' Louisiana History 1997 38 ( 3 ) : 287 -- 308 . ISSN 0024 - 6816 . Goldhaber , Michael ( 1992 ) . `` A Mission Unfulfilled : Freedmen 's Education in North Carolina , 1865 -- 1870 '' . Journal of Negro History . 77 ( 4 ) : 199 -- 210 . JSTOR 3031474 . doi : 10.2307 / 3031474 . Hornsby , Alton . `` The Freedmen 's Bureau Schools in Texas , 1865 -- 1870 , '' Southwestern Historical Quarterly , Vol. 76 # 4 ( April , 1973 ) , pp. 397 -- 417 in JSTOR Jackson , L.P. `` The Educational Efforts of the Freedmen 's Bureau and Freedmen 's Aid Societies in South Carolina , 1862 -- 1872 , '' The Journal of Negro History ( 1923 ) , vol 8 # 1 , pp 1 -- 40 . in JSTOR Jones , Jacqueline . Soldiers of Light and Love : Northern Teachers and Georgia Blacks , 1865 -- 1873 ( 1980 ) . Morris , Robert C. Reading , ' Riting , and Reconstruction : The Education of Freedmen in the South , 1861 -- 1870 ( 1981 ) . Myers , John B . `` The Education of the Alabama Freedmen During Presidential Reconstruction , 1865 -- 1867 , '' Journal of Negro Education , Vol. 40 # 2 ( Spring 1971 ) , pp. 163 -- 171 in JSTOR Parker , Marjorie H. `` Some Educational Activities of the Freedmen 's Bureau , '' Journal of Negro Education , Vol. 23 # 1 ( Winter , 1954 ) , pp. 9 -- 21 . in JSTOR Richardson , Joe M. Christian Reconstruction : The American Missionary Association and Southern Blacks , 1861 -- 1890 ( 1986 ) Richardson , Joe M. `` The Freedmen 's Bureau and Negro Education in Florida , '' Journal of Negro Education , Vol. 31 # 4 ( Autumn , 1962 ) , pp. 460 -- 467 . in JSTOR Span , Christopher M. `` ' I Must Learn Now or Not at All ' : Social and Cultural Capital in the Educational Initiatives of Formerly Enslaved African Americans in Mississippi , 1862 -- 1869 , '' The Journal of African American History , 2002 , pp. 196 -- 222 . Tyack , David , and Robert Lowe . `` The Constitutional Moment : Reconstruction and Black Education in the South , '' American Journal of Education , Vol. 94 # 2 ( February 1986 ) , pp. 236 -- 256 in JSTOR Williams , Heather Andrea ; `` ' Clothing Themselves in Intelligence ' : The Freedpeople , Schooling , and Northern Teachers , 1861 -- 1871 '' , The Journal of African American History , 2002 , pp. 372 + . Williams , Heather Andrea . Self - Taught : African American Education in Slavery and Freedom ( 2006 ) . online edition Specialized studies ( edit ) Bethel , Elizabeth . `` The Freedmen 's Bureau in Alabama , '' Journal of Southern History Vol. 14 , No. 1 , ( February 1948 ) pp. 49 -- 92 in JSTOR . Bickers , John M. `` The Power to Do What Manifestly Must Be Done : Congress , the Freedmen 's Bureau , and Constitutional Imagination '' , Roger Williams University Law Review , Vol. 12 , No. 70 , 2006 online at SSRN . Cimbala , Paul A. `` On the Front Line of Freedom : Freedmen 's Bureau Officers and Agents in Reconstruction Georgia , 1865 -- 1868 , '' Georgia Historical Quarterly 1992 76 ( 3 ) : 577 -- 611 . ISSN 0016 - 8297 . Cimbala , Paul A. Under the Guardianship of the Nation : the Freedmen 's Bureau and the Reconstruction of Georgia , 1865 -- 1870 ( 1997 ) . Click , Patricia C. Time Full of Trial : The Roanoke Island Freedmen 's Colony , 1862 -- 1867 ( 2001 ) . Crouch , Barry . The Freedmen 's Bureau and Black Texans ( 1992 ) . Crouch ; Barry A . `` The ' Chords of Love ' : Legalizing Black Marital and Family Rights in Postwar Texas , '' The Journal of Negro History , Vol. 79 , 1994 . Downs , Jim . Sick from Freedom : African - American Illness and Suffering during the Civil War and Reconstruction ( Oxford University Press , 2012 ) Durrill , Wayne K. `` Political Legitimacy and Local Courts : ' Politicks at Such a Rage ' in a Southern Community during Reconstruction , '' in Journal of Southern History , Vol. 70 # 3 , 2004 pp. 577 -- 617 . Farmer - Kaiser , Mary . `` ' Are They Not in Some Sorts Vagrants ? ' Gender and the Efforts of the Freedmen 's Bureau to Combat Vagrancy in the Reconstruction South , '' Georgia Historical Quarterly 2004 88 ( 1 ) : 25 -- 49 . ISSN 0016 - 8297 . Farmer - Kaiser , Mary . Freedwomen and the Freedmen 's Bureau : Race , Gender , and Public Policy in the Age of Emancipation ( Fordham University Press , 2010 ) ; describes how freedwomen found both an ally and an enemy in the Bureau . Finley , Randy . From Slavery to Future : the Freedmen 's Bureau in Arkansas , 1865 -- 1869 ( 1996 ) . Lieberman , Robert C. `` The Freedmen 's Bureau and the Politics of Institutional Structure , '' Social Science History 1994 18 ( 3 ) : 405 -- 437 . ISSN 0145 - 5532 . Lowe , Richard ( 1993 ) . `` The Freedman 's Bureau and Local Black Leadership '' . Journal of American History . 80 ( 3 ) : 989 -- 998 . JSTOR 2080411 . doi : 10.2307 / 2080411 . Morrow Ralph Ernst . Northern Methodism and Reconstruction ( 1956 ) May J. Thomas . `` Continuity and Change in the Labor Program of the Union Army and the Freedmen 's Bureau , '' Civil War History 17 ( September 1971 ) : 245 -- 54 . Oubre , Claude F. Forty Acres and a Mule. ( 1978 ) . Pearson , Reggie L. `` ' There Are Many Sick , Feeble , and Suffering Freedmen ' : the Freedmen 's Bureau 's Health - care Activities During Reconstruction in North Carolina , 1865 -- 1868 , '' North Carolina Historical Review 2002 79 ( 2 ) : 141 -- 181 . ISSN 0029 - 2494 . Richter , William L. Overreached on All Sides : The Freedmen 's Bureau Administrators in Texas , 1865 -- 1868 ( 1991 ) . Rodrigue , John C. `` Labor Militancy and Black Grassroots Political Mobilization in the Louisiana Sugar Region , 1865 -- 1868 '' in Journal of Southern History , Vol. 67 # 1 , 2001 , pp. 115 -- 45 . Schwalm , Leslie A. `` ' Sweet Dreams of Freedom ' : Freedwomen 's Reconstruction of Life and Labor in Lowcountry South Carolina , '' Journal of Women 's History , Vol. 9 # 1 , 1997 pp. 9 -- 32 . Smith , Solomon K . `` The Freedmen 's Bureau in Shreveport : the Struggle for Control of the Red River District , '' Louisiana History 2000 41 ( 4 ) : 435 -- 465 . ISSN 0024 - 6816 . Williamson , Joel . After Slavery : The Negro in South Carolina during Reconstruction , 1861 -- 1877 ( 1965 ) . Freedmen 's Bureau in Texas , Texas Handbook of History online Primary sources ( edit ) Berlin , Ira , ed . Free at Last : A Documentary History of Slavery , Freedom , and the Civil War ( 1995 ) Howard , O.O. ( 1907 ) . Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard / Major General United States Army ( Volume Two ) . New York : The Baker & Taylor Company . Stone , William . `` Bitter Freedom : '' William Stone 's Record of Service in the Freedmen 's Bureau , edited by Suzanne Stone Johnson and Robert Allison Johnson ( 2008 ) , memoir by white Bureau official Minutes of the Freedmen 's Convention , Held in the City of Raleigh , North Carolina , October , 1866 Freedmen 's Bureau Online Reports and Speeches General Howard 's report for 1869 : The House of Representatives , Forty - first Congress , second session Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ For access and inquires about the use of the records , researchers should visit or write ( e-mail ) the Old Military and Civil Branch , 700 Pennsylvania Avenue , NW , Washington , DC 20408 . For the location of previously filmed and future Freedmen 's Bureau microfilm publications , researchers should contact the nearest regional archives or visit the NARA online microfilm catalog . By 2014 , under arrangement with the National Archives , records are available online through FamilySearch and Ancestry . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation : U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates , 1774 -- 1875 . . Retrieved on 2016 - 08 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` Freedmen 's Bureau Bill '' . United States Congress . Retrieved 27 July 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Freedmen 's Bureau , The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow . Jim Crow Stories , PBS . Retrieved on 2013 - 07 - 28 . Jump up ^ Kelley , Robin D.G. ( 2002 ) . Freedom Dreams . Boston : Beacon Press . p. 116 . ^ Jump up to : Clayborne Carson , Emma J. Lapsansky - Werner , and Gary B. Nash , The Struggle for Freedom : A History of African Americans , 256 . Jump up ^ Review of Families and Freedom : A Documentary History of African - American Kinship in the Civil War Era , Freedmen & Southern Society Project . Jump up ^ National Park Service The Freedman 's Bureau Bill Freedmen 's Bureau Bill First Veto : 1 . Opposed to the use of the military during peacetime. 2 . Believed the Bill was a Federal encroachment into state matters . 3 . Believed this was `` class legislation '' for a particular segment of society that : a . Would keep the ex-slaves from being self - sustaining , and b . Had not been done previously for struggling poor whites ( as he had been as an ex-apprentice ) . 4 . Johnson did not believe that Congress should be making such decisions for states that were not represented in Congress at that point Second veto : Johnson 's second objections were the same as his first . ^ Jump up to : Goldhaber 1992 Jump up ^ Pearson 2002 ; Jim Downs , Sick from Freedom : African - American Illness and Suffering during the Civil War and Reconstruction ( NY : Oxford U.P. , 2012 ) Jump up ^ Farmer - Kaiser , 2004 Jump up ^ Crouch 1997 Jump up ^ West , Earle H. ( 1982 ) . `` Book review of Freedmen 's Schools and Textbooks '' . 51 : 165 -- 167 . JSTOR 2294682 . Jump up ^ McPherson , p. 450 Jump up ^ Ronald E. Butchart , Schooling the Freed People : Teaching , Learning , and the Struggle for Black Freedom , 1861 -- 1876 ( 2010 ) Jump up ^ Michelle A. Krowl , `` Review of Butchart , Ronald E. , Schooling the Freed People : Teaching , Learning , and the Struggle for Black Freedom , 1861 -- 1876 `` , H - SAWH , H - Net Reviews . September , 2011 . Jump up ^ Morris , 1981 , p. 160 . Jump up ^ Howard , 1907 Jump up ^ Data from United Negro College Fund . Jump up ^ Harrison , Robert ( 2006 - 02 - 01 ) . `` Welfare and Employment Policies of the Freedmen 's Bureau in the District of Columbia '' . Journal of Southern History ( 1 Feb 2006 ) . Retrieved 25 January 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Church in the Southern Black Community '' . Documenting the South . University of North Carolina , 2004 . Retrieved 15 January 2009 . Jump up ^ Morrow 1954 Jump up ^ Foner 1988 Jump up ^ Smith 2000 Jump up ^ Staff . `` Freedmen 's Bureau '' . . A&E Television Networks . Retrieved 23 April 2017 . Jump up ^ PBS . `` Freedmen 's Bureau '' . PBS . PBS Public Broadcasting Service . Retrieved April 23 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Howard , 1907 , 447 . Jump up ^ Flynt . Poor But Proud. 1378 . Jump up ^ Joe M. Richardson , `` An Evaluation of the Freedmen 's Bureau in Florida , '' Florida Historical Quarterly ( 1963 ) 41 # 3 pp : 223 - 238 in JSTOR Jump up ^ Bentley , George R. ( 1949 ) . `` The Political Activity of the Freedmen 's Bureau in Florida '' . Florida Historical Quarterly . 28 ( 1 ) : 28 -- 37 . JSTOR 30138730 . Jump up ^ Paul A. Cimbala , Under the Guardianship of the Nation : the Freedmen 's Bureau and the Reconstruction of Georgia , 1865 -- 1870 ( University of Georgia Press , 2003 ) ; For an online review see John David Smith , `` ' The Work It Did Not Do Because It Could Not ' : Georgia and the ' New ' Freedmen 's Bureau Historiography , '' Georgia Historical Quarterly ( 1998 ) pp : 331 - 349 . in JSTOR Jump up ^ Sara Rapport , `` The Freedmen 's Bureau as a Legal Agent for Black Men and Women in Georgia : 1865 -- 1868 , '' Georgia Historical Quarterly ( 1989 ) : 26 - 53 . in JSTOR Jump up ^ Todd L. Savitt , `` Politics in Medicine : The Georgia Freedmen 's Bureau and the Organization of Health Care , 1865 -- 1866 , '' Civil War History 28.1 ( 1982 ) : 45 - 64 . Project MUSE Online Jump up ^ The United States Army and Navy Journal and Gazette of the Regular and Volunteer Forces . Army and Navy Journal Incorporated. 1865 . p. 616 . Retrieved 18 September 2013 . ^ Jump up to : see `` Reports of Generals Steedman and Fullerton on the condition of the Freedmen 's Bureau in the Southern States '' Jump up ^ Charles F. Kovacik , and Robert E. Mason . `` Changes in the South Carolina Sea Island Cotton Industry , '' Southeastern Geographer ( 1985 ) 25 # 2 pp : 77 - 104 . Jump up ^ Claude Elliott , `` The Freedmen 's Bureau in Texas . '' Southwestern Historical Quarterly ( 1952 ) : 1 - 24 . in JSTOR Jump up ^ William Lee Richter , Overreached on all sides : the Freedmen 's Bureau administrators in Texas , 1865 -- 1868 ( Texas A&M University Press , 1991 ) Jump up ^ Barry A. Crouch , The Freedmen 's Bureau and Black Texans ( University of Texas Press , 2010 ) Jump up ^ from `` Reports of Generals Steedman and Fullerton on the condition of the Freedmen 's Bureau in the Southern States '' , date Jump up ^ 114 Stat. 1924 Jump up ^ `` African American Records : Freedmen 's Bureau '' . 15 August 2016 . Jump up ^ Reginald Washington , `` Sealing the Sacred Bonds of Holy Matrimony / Freedmen 's Bureau Marriage Records '' , Prologue Magazine , Spring 2005 , Vol. 37 , No. 1 . Jump up ^ `` United States Freedmen 's Bureau Marriages '' , FamilySearch Historical Records . Jump up ^ `` Freedmen 's Bureau Project '' . . Jump up ^ Cheney , Catherine ( July 23 , 2009 ) . `` Bringing Their Lives To Light : Virginia 's Online Records Help Blacks ID Ancestors '' . Washington Post . External links ( edit ) Wikisource has original text related to this article : Freedmen 's Bureau Freedmen 's Bureau Online `` Freedmen 's Bureau Marriage Records , 1815 -- 1866 '' , 2007 , website Joseph P. Reidy , `` Slave Emancipation Through the Prism of Archives Records '' , Prologue Magazine , ( 1997 ) Georgia : Freedmen 's Education during Reconstruction Africana Archives : Freedmen 's Bureau Records at the USF Africana Heritage Project ( Criminal Offenses Texas , Freedmen 's Bureau ... Office Records , 1865 -- 1870 , Sumpter , Roll 26 , Letters sent , vol ( 158 ) , June - Dec 1867 , Apr - Dec 1868 . p. 112 Image 60 ) ( hide ) American Civil War Origins Origins Issues Timeline leading to the War Antebellum era Bleeding Kansas Border states Compromise of 1850 Dred Scott v. 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Porter Rosecrans Scott Sheridan Sherman Thomas Civilian Adams Chase Ericsson Hamlin Lincoln Pinkerton Seward Stanton Stevens Wade Welles Aftermath U.S. Constitution Reconstruction amendments 13th Amendment 14th Amendment 15th Amendment Reconstruction Alabama Claims Brooks -- Baxter War Carpetbaggers Colfax Riot of 1873 Eufaula Riot of 1874 Freedmen 's Bureau Freedman 's Savings Bank Impeachment of Andrew Johnson Kirk - Holden War Knights of the White Camelia Ku Klux Klan Memphis Riot of 1866 Meridian Riot of 1871 New Orleans Riot of 1866 Pulaski ( Tennessee ) Riot of 1867 Reconstruction acts Habeas Corpus Act 1867 Enforcement Act of 1870 Enforcement Act of February 1871 Enforcement Act of April 1871 Reconstruction treaties Indian Council at Fort Smith Red Shirts Redeemers Confederate refugees Confederados Scalawags South Carolina riots of 1876 Southern Claims Commission Homestead acts Southern Homestead Act of 1866 Timber Culture Act of 1873 White League post-Reconstruction Commemoration Centennial Civil War Discovery Trail Civil War Roundtables Civil War Trails Program Civil War Trust Confederate History Month Confederate monuments and memorials Historical reenactment Robert E. 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Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | he was the first head of the freedmen’s bureau | [
"The Freedmen's Bureau Bill, which established the Freedmen's Bureau on March 3, 1865, was initiated by President Abraham Lincoln and was intended to last for one year after the end of the Civil War.[3] The Freedmen's Bureau was an important agency of early Reconstruction, assisting freedmen in the South. The Bureau was made a part of the United States Department of War, as it was the only agency with an existing organization that could be assigned to the South. Headed by Union Army General Oliver O. Howard, the Bureau started operations in 1865. Throughout the first year, its representatives learned that these tasks would be very difficult, as Southern legislatures passed laws for Black Codes that restricted movement, conditions of labor, and other civil rights of African Americans, nearly duplicating conditions of slavery. The Freedmen's Bureau controlled limited arable land.[4]"
] | [
"Union Army General Oliver O. Howard"
] |
478261716658406567 | List of Ghost Whisperer characters | List of ghost Whisperer characters - wikipedia List of ghost Whisperer characters Jump to : navigation , search This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( August 2011 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The following are fictional characters from the television drama Ghost Whisperer created by John Gray . Contents ( hide ) 1 Main characters 1.1 Melinda Gordon 1.2 Jim Clancy 1.3 Andrea Marino 1.4 Delia Banks 1.5 Ned Banks 1.6 Rick Payne 1.7 Eli James 1.8 Aiden Lucas 2 Supporting characters 2.1 Beth Gordon 2.2 Mary Ann Patterson 2.3 Romano 2.4 Charlie Banks 2.5 Tim Flaherty 2.6 Gabriel Lawrence 2.7 Thomas Gordon 2.8 Paul Eastman 2.9 Zoe Ramos 3 Spirits 4 Lost spirits 5 Shinies and Shadows 5.1 Shinies 5.2 Shadows 6 References 7 External links Main characters ( edit ) Melinda Gordon ( edit ) Main article : Melinda Gordon Melinda Gordon , played by Jennifer Love Hewitt , is the protagonist of Ghost Whisperer . Melinda has been able to see ghosts since she was a little girl . Specifically , she sees ghosts who have not crossed over due to an issue that they need her help to resolve . She helps them find peace and cross over into the light . The gift has been passed on for many generations . She is married to Jim Clancy ( David Conrad ) and owns an antique shop , located in the fictional town of Grandview . She has many enemies who dislike her abilities , including Gabriel Lawrence ( Ignacio Serricchio ) and Romano ( John Walcutt ) . Jim Clancy ( edit ) Jim Clancy First appearance `` Pilot '' 1x01 , September 23 , 2005 Last appearance The Children 's Parade 5x22 , May 21 , 2010 Created by John Gray Portrayed by David Conrad Information Aliases Sam Lucas Occupation Paramedic / Firefighter , Doctor Family Faith Clancy ( mother ) Aiden Clancy ( father ; deceased ) Daniel ' Dan ' Clancy ( brother ; deceased ) Spouse ( s ) Melinda Gordon ( m . 2005 - 2009 ; his death ) Melinda Gordon ( m . 2009 - present ) Children Unnamed child ( miscarriage , with Melinda ) Aiden Lucas ( son , with Melinda ) Jim Clancy , played by David Conrad is Melinda 's ( Jennifer Love Hewitt ) husband . He is the only cast member other than Hewitt to appear in every episode . Jim and Melinda get married and move in at the start of the first season . Jim was a paramedic and firefighter , and the two met when he rescued her from her apartment complex , which had a structural issue . Jim knew of Melinda 's unique ability to communicate with ghosts at the start of the series ; he helped her as much as he could , though Melinda 's good friend , Andrea Marino , provided most of the aid until her death at the end of the first season . It was revealed in the pilot episode that Jim witnessed his older brother , Dan , die when they were young . After having seen Dan die and being unable to save him , Jim decides to become a paramedic . Dan attended Jim and Melinda 's wedding as a ghost and conversed with Melinda during the reception . After Melinda 's near death experience during the season two finale , `` The Gathering '' , Jim becomes worried about what else could happen to Melinda because of the ghosts . Jim also helps try to find information about Melinda 's father ( Tom Gordon ) , who might or might not be dead , as well as try to find any information about Melinda 's brother , Gabe . In `` Haunted Hero '' , Jim and Melinda welcome a returning soldier from Iraq , Matt , back to Grandview . When Matt becomes paranoid due to being haunted by his dead comrades and post-traumatic stress disorder , Jim confronts Matt in the town square and talks Matt out of trying to kill himself . Jim delivered some of his convincing argument with Matt 's gun pointed at him . In `` Weight of What Was '' , Gabriel returns to Grandview and Jim warns him away , though not before Gabriel reveals that he is Melinda 's half - brother . Jim , Rick , and Delia go in search of Melinda , who is trapped in old Grandview , which is buried under present day Grandview . Tessa , the ghost of Melinda 's maternal ancestor who was also a Ghost Whisperer , helps them find Melinda by communicating with Delia and Jim . Jim also begins thinking of moving out of Grandview to attend medical school . At first , Melinda does not like the idea , but she later agrees to it . In `` Deadbeat Dads '' , Jim admits he would like to have children someday ; Jim and Melinda try to get pregnant and succeed , but Melinda loses the baby . Near the end of `` Imaginary Friends and Enemies '' , Jim is shot in the shoulder and rushed to the hospital , where he is immediately taken into surgery . Relieved to hear his surgery went well , Melinda is taken to his room and asks if she may stay with him until he awakens . It is implied she waits several hours , and she eventually falls asleep next to him . She wakes up to find Jim next to her , and believing him to be awake , she tells him she loves him . When Jim tells her softly he suffered an embolism ; Melinda tries to get a doctor , but Jim tells her not to and says that he wants her to remember him as he is now . This causes Melinda to realize Jim is appearing to her as a ghost ; his body then flatlines in the background . As doctors rush in to revive him , Melinda tearfully pleads with Jim for it not be him . Jim then says , `` I will always love you , Melinda '' , and then his ghost disappears as Melinda sobs and the doctors are unable to revive him . His death was foreshadowed in the season premiere , when a ghost warned Melinda death might rub off on those she loves . Jim refuses to cross over because he still loves Melinda and believes their love is what is holding him back . Even though Melinda wants Jim to stay , she knows it 's selfish of her and begs him to go into the light , promising she 'll be there one day . But when Jim and Melinda witness paramedics trying to revive a motorcycle accident victim named Sam Lucas , they see the ghost of the victim go into the light . Jim goes over to the body and tells Melinda it 's the only way . Before Melinda can stop him , Jim 's ghost enters Sam 's body , thus bringing him back to `` life . '' However , the viewers continue to see him as Jim while everyone else in the show including Melinda sees him as Sam . When Melinda says `` You 're back '' , Jim , who now believes he is Sam and has no memory as Jim , says `` Do I know you ? '' This leads Melinda to try to prove to him who he really is , especially when pieces of Jim 's memory start to show . At first , he thinks she 's crazy and does n't believe her . When Melinda is trapped underground , Jim goes to save her , but he hits his head and he has flashes of memories as Jim , thus bringing Jim fully back . When he finds Melinda , she calls him Sam to which Jim replies `` Why are you calling me Sam ? '' Melinda then realizes Jim is back and she happily hugs him . Later on , Melinda finds out she is pregnant again and it turns out Jim had gotten her pregnant shortly before he died . Later Melinda begins to worry about their unborn baby . She began to have nightmares and visions the baby was in danger . She was sure by the things she was being told the baby was a girl after Melinda runs into the faceless child again , who puts her hand on Melinda 's tummy and says , `` You ca n't save her . You ca n't . '' Jim reveals to Melinda he had seen her chart accidentally and knew it was a boy , although he knew they agreed not to find out , but he told her to ease her mind , so she 'd see her visions and dreams were wrong . Jim and Melinda marry again at the same place they met - in front of witnesses , Eli James ( best man ) and Delia Banks ( matron of honor ) , and a full gathering of spirits . In Season 5 , Melinda believes her due date is the exact date in the book , which causes doubts in Jim and the rest of the characters ( Delia , Ned , and Eli ) . Melinda finally needs an emergency C - Section . When the baby suddenly goes into fetal distress in the operating room , the season 's first ghosts appear to Melinda . First the watcher , who warned Melinda of her child 's power and the danger he may come into , stops time to tell her Fate and Free Will will work together to decide whether or not the baby will live . The second ghost comes in the form of a young woman in a white gown . She quickly disappears and time restarts . While the baby is n't breathing at first , he suddenly recovers to full health . Later in recovery , Melinda tells Jim they 'll name the baby Aiden Lucas , in honor of Jim 's father and Sam Lucas . The series then jumps ahead to 2014 and the celebration of Aiden 's upcoming fifth birthday . Jim is now a resident at Rockland Memorial Teaching Hospital , as Jim , and he takes the name Jim as his middle name . Ned is also in college , taking classes with Eli , while Delia has become a big realtor . There were always problems every year on Aiden 's birthday . He would become strangely sick , for example . Every year a woman would visit Aiden and sing him happy birthday . The woman , Amber , had died in childbirth the night Melinda gave birth to Aiden . Amber was convinced her son 's spirit had jumped into Aiden , as he had stopped breathing shortly after he was born . Later on in the episode , it is revealed the son was actually adopted by the birth father and his wife . Melinda helps Amber into the light and learns from the watcher that Aiden is an empath . He feels and takes on emotions of those around him . This is revealed as the reason why each year Amber would show up and he gets sick . Melinda also finds out she shares a psychic link with Aiden , which allows them to communicate with one another , though he does n't fully understand it . Melinda and Jim decide to not tell Aiden , because they want him to have a normal life , with his own dreams . In 5.19 `` Lethal Combination '' , Jim is caught by Dr. Mavis , a morgue coroner , snooping through the files in the hospital morgue . Andrea Marino ( edit ) Andrea Marino First appearance `` Pilot '' 1x01 , September 23 , 2005 Last appearance `` Love Never Dies '' 2x01 , September 29 , 2006 Created by John Gray Portrayed by Aisha Tyler Information Nickname ( s ) Andie , Squeaky Occupation Lawyer Co-owned antique store Family Mitch Marino ( brother ) Maya Marino ( sister - in - law ) Unnamed nieces Andrea Joyce Marino , played by Aisha Tyler , is Melinda 's ( Jennifer Love Hewitt ) best friend and was part of the main cast during season one . Andrea once worked in New York City , as a lawyer , until she moved to Grandview . She set up an antique store that she owns along with Melinda named `` The Same As It Never Was '' . Melinda even comes to trust Andrea enough to tell her about her gift of being able to communicate with earthbound spirits , or ghosts . Andrea becomes essential to the store and Melinda , because of the very fact she knows about Melinda 's gift . Whenever Melinda has to run off and help a ghost , Andrea is left to keep the store . Andrea also helps Melinda with difficult crossovers removing some of the stress from Melinda 's husband , Jim ( David Conrad ) . In `` The One '' , a plane crashes and Andrea notices Melinda is hiding something . She believes her brother Mitch died during the plane crash and Melinda is seeing his ghost . At the end of season one , it was revealed it was Andrea who had died during the crash and not Mitch . While Andrea was not on the plane , she died because her car had been on the path the plane had crashed on . Romano attempts to prevent Andrea from crossing over into the Light and get her to join him on the Dark Side . Melinda would not allow such a horrific occurrence to happen to her friend , so she sets out to stop Romano and warn Andrea . With the help of an occult professor at Rockland University , Rick Payne , Melinda is able to help Andrea find peace and cross over into the Light . Her death was foreshadowed in Season 1 , Episode 15 . Romano is seen sitting in a chair in the antique store . When he disappears , a faint sound of an airplane engine is heard . Andrea is later mentioned in `` Drowned Lives '' , `` A Grave Matter '' , `` Delia 's First Ghost '' and `` The Prophet '' . Also , while having been successfully crossed over into the Light for over a year , two ghosts taunt Melinda by calling her Andrea during `` Bad Blood '' . In the season four episode , `` Leap of Faith '' , when Jim swims to rescue Melinda and hits his head , he has flashbacks of his past as Jim , and Andrea can be seen briefly when remembering his wedding with Melinda . Andrea 's date of death is in the book of changes backwards and was mentioned before a flashback of the plane crash which killed her . Delia Banks ( edit ) Delia Banks First appearance `` Love Still Wo n't Die '' 2x02 , September 29 , 2006 Last appearance `` The Children 's Parade '' 5x22 , May 21 , 2010 Portrayed by Camryn Manheim Information Gender Female Spouse ( s ) Charlie Banks ( deceased ) Children Ned Banks Delia Banks ( portrayed by Camryn Manheim ) joined the main cast of Ghost Whisperer at the start of season 2 . She and her teenage son , Ned , lost their husband and father , Charlie , three years prior to their appearance on the show . Delia became a real estate agent after Charlie 's death . Delia meets Melinda Gordon after Melinda calls Delia about Ned 's having tried to shoplift from Melinda 's antique store . Delia tells Melinda about how stressful her job as a real estate agent is , so Melinda offers her a job to help work at the antique store , which Delia accepts . They begin a friendship , though Delia does not know about Melinda 's gift at first . In the episode `` Delia 's First Ghost '' , Melinda has to tell Delia about her gift because Charlie 's spirit is haunting her . At first Delia calls Melinda crazy , admitting she had seen Melinda talking to herself and was worried . Delia even goes as far as to tell Melinda not to expect her at work again . By the end of the episode Delia learns , with Melinda 's help , Charlie is only haunting her because he wants her to be safe . While still a little skeptical of Melinda 's gift , Delia tells her that she will open the shop the next morning . Delia remains skeptical concerning Melinda 's gift in season three , but discusses the various ghosts Melinda encounters to help Melinda with them . When Melinda was stalked by a lawyer , Shane , he tampered with Ned 's records because Delia was trying to get him into private school . Nevertheless , when Shane was caught with Ned 's records , Ned got in . In episode 5 , `` Weight of What Was '' , Delia travels along with Jim and Rick into a series of underground tunnels and alleyways from a much older Grandview to find Melinda . With the help of a ghost named Tessa , they manage to locate her and get her to safety . In `` Bad Blood '' , Delia 's need to find a rational explanation for every situation , including ones involving ghosts , is brought up . Delia tells Melinda that she will try harder to accept the notion of ghosts . In the episode `` Heart and Soul '' , Delia 's need for a rational explanation nearly destroys her relationship with Melinda , but a conversation with her son and a moment with `` Sam '' at a basketball court provides her with faith in Melinda 's gift . She now believes Jim is living in Sam 's body . Sometime within the five - year leap between seasons 4 and 5 she left working for Melinda to open a Real Estate agency next to the shop , however she is frequently seen helping Melinda in the shop at various points in the series and remains Melinda 's best friend . Ned Banks ( edit ) Ned Banks was originally portrayed by Tyler Patrick Jones , but starting with season 3 episode `` Slambook ! '' Christoph Sanders took over the role . Ned is a nice guy who has dedicated his life to helping Melinda with the occult . He is the son of Delia and Charlie Banks . The events of his adolescence have been part of the plots of some episodes . Ned was caught shoplifting at Melinda 's antique shop , stealing Grateful Dead backstage passes . Melinda realized his behavior was the result of a spirit 's urging . Ned found out Melinda 's secret before his mother did when he overheard Melinda in the episode `` Curse of the Ninth . '' He is always eager to help Melinda with her ghosts . A few episodes later , when his deceased father Charlie visits him and his mother , Melinda helps his father go into the Light . In the season three episode `` No Safe Place , '' Ned gets into a private school . In `` Slambook , '' Ned ( played by Christoph Sanders from then on ) is on the basketball team when a ghost begins tampering with the scoreboard . In the episode `` Home But Not Alone , '' Ned has his first girlfriend and ( probably ) his first kiss . In season 4 , there was a plot which involved his mother suspecting him of smoking marijuana , but as it turned out , it was his mother 's friend 's joint . As of season five , he is a student at Rockland University . In `` Dead Air '' he is a host of a radio show , and has cheated on his girlfriend TJ ( which he later regrets and apologizes for ) . In season 5 , Ned is studying Anthropology of the Occult at Rockland University . He uses his knowledge to help Melinda and Eli solve the mystery of the Shadows and Shinies , also aiding them in crossing over spirits . Ned , Melinda , and Eli take turns keeping the Book of Changes . Rick Payne ( edit ) Richard `` Rick '' Payne First appearance `` Love Never Dies '' 2x01 , September 22 , 2006 ( As recurring cast ) `` The Underneath '' 3x01 , September 28 , 2007 ( As main cast ) Last appearance `` Firestarter '' 4x01 , October 3 , 2008 Portrayed by Jay Mohr Information Nickname ( s ) Rick , Ricky , Payne Gender Male Occupation Professor at Rockland University Spouse ( s ) Kate Payne ( wife ; deceased ) Rick Payne ( portrayed by Jay Mohr ) is a professor at Rockland University . He is a widower ; his wife , Kate , died in a crane accident before his first appearance in the series . At the beginning of season two , Melinda Gordon first seeks Rick Payne 's help to save her deceased friend , Andrea Marino , who is being attacked by a dark spirit , Romano . She finds him teaching an occult class at Rockland University . She continues to seek Rick 's help for various paranormal occurrences throughout the rest of the season . Rick first meets Melinda 's husband , Jim Clancy , when Melinda recommends Jim talk to him about a ghost . It is in `` The Night We Met '' that Rick first questions Melinda about whether or not she believes she has supernatural abilities , as well as meets Melinda 's close friend and co-worker , Delia Banks . It is only in the episode `` Cat 's Claw '' that Melinda finally informs Rick of her abilities . In the season finale , Rick and Melinda are seen working very closely trying to figure out who Gabriel Lawrence , a dark Ghost Whisperer , really is . Rick , Jim , and Melinda go as far as breaking into Gabriel 's home . It is also revealed Rick 's wife , Kate , is a ghost who worked for the dark side but would later cross over into the Light after telling her husband a secret she had been keeping from him since she died . The character joins the main cast in season three . At the beginning of this season , Rick appears to be worried about Melinda after her near - death experience . He also works a large deal more with Melinda on some things . In `` The Weight of What Was '' , Rick , Jim , and Delia all travel into old Grandview to try finding Melinda . Jim and Delia are aided by a ghost named Tessa , an ancestor of Melinda 's , and locate the trapped Melinda . Rick also helps Melinda search town death records for information about Tessa , who at the time Melinda believed to be Gabriel 's mother , though a group of ghosts attempt to stop them from finding anything . In `` Double Exposure '' , Rick 's date and co-worker , Claudia , is haunted by a ghost who makes it so she can not appear in any pictures . It seems Rick had somewhat of a crush on Melinda when they first met ; he was clearly embarrassed by everything he said to her , afraid it might sound stupid . The crush dissipated after he met Jim , Melinda 's husband , but they remain very close friends . Abrasive at times , Professor Rick Payne is often perceived as obnoxious on first impression , but most of the time he means well . Sarcastic and sometimes insensitive , he has a tendency to shout randomly and hates to be awakened by late night telephone calls . Even though he does not appreciate the title , he is rather well known as a genius , and spouts useless information at times . He has admitted that he talks a lot when he is nervous , but he talks a lot whether he is nervous or not . Professor Payne is quick - witted and highly intelligent , taking delight in annoying people and considers the reactions he gets from being rude amusing . He feels that he is taken for granted too often and likes to tell people so , though some believe it is only a technique to make others feel sorry for him . He has a certain charm , despite his ability to annoy even those with saintly amounts of patience , and he is a good friend to those who can stand to stick with him . Eli James ( edit ) Eli James First appearance `` Firestarter '' 4x01 , October 3 , 2008 Last appearance `` The Children 's Parade '' 5x22 , May 21 , 2010 Portrayed by Jamie Kennedy Information Gender Male Occupation Professor at Rockland University , therapist Family Ray James ( father ; deceased ) Evelyn James ( mother ; deceased ) Zoe Ramos ( girlfriend ; deceased ) Eli James ( Jamie Kennedy ) was introduced in the first episode of season four . During a building fire on the Rockland University campus on October 3 , 2008 , he died but was brought back , causing him to have a near death experience . It unlocked an ability which allows him to hear ghosts , but does n't allow him to see them like Melinda . Throughout the fourth season , he adjusts to his newfound ability and starts helping her cross ghosts over . Eli also helps Melinda when she needs information from the Police . Zoe , previous Guardian of the Book of Changes and Eli 's ex-girlfriend , died after falling off the stairs in an attempt to stop a thief influenced by a Watcher . At the end of Season 4 , Zoe crossed into the light ( or so it seems ) after telling Eli he was the next Guardian of the Book of Changes . In Season 5 , it is revealed Eli is one of Ned 's university lecturers . Evelyn , Eli 's mother , died 7 years ago , even though in `` Stage Fright '' he told Melinda and Jim he was getting an autograph for his mom who watches the show which was visiting Grandview . Eli 's father , Ray James , died from a heart - attack in the third episode of Season 5 , `` Till Death Do Us Start , '' which shared more shocking secrets about Eli 's parents . Eli and Melinda over time become very close friends . At first , Eli thought that Melinda was crazy ( as almost everyone always does when she shares about her gift ) until he realized he could do the same thing ( almost ) . As he learns more about his gift , he becomes more and more willing to help Melinda with the hauntings and even enjoys it . Aiden Lucas ( edit ) Aiden Lucas ( portrayed by Connor Gibbs ) is the son of Melinda Gordon and Jim Clancy . Aiden is also the grandson of Paul Eastman and Beth Gordon who are Melinda 's parents and Aiden and Faith Clancy who are Jim 's parents . Aiden was born on September 25 , 2009 . Before his birth , the watchers predict him and tell Melinda that her son is the key if the ghost 's balances shift , and he will be more powerful than she is . On the day of his birth , Melinda worries about her son 's fate . During his birth , Melinda needs an emergency C - section and Aiden suddenly goes into fetal distress in the operating room . First , the watcher ( Carl ) warned Melinda of her child 's power and the danger he may come into , stops time to tell her Fate and Free Will will work together to decide whether or not the baby will live . He quickly disappears and time restarts . While the baby is not breathing at first , he suddenly recovers to full health . Later in recovery , Melinda tells Jim they will name the baby Aiden Lucas , after Jim 's father and the late Sam Lucas . Years later , the family is celebrating Aiden 's upcoming fifth birthday . Every year on his birthday something bad happens ; Aiden strangely gets sick or something happens to Melinda or Jim . Delia and Melinda call it a birthday curse . However , Aiden is actually haunted by the ghost of the woman who died during childbirth when Melinda gave birth to Aiden . The woman believes Aiden is the spirit of her dead son and she haunts Aiden every year on his birthday . Melinda discovers this and finds out the ghost 's son , Tyler , is actually alive and safe with his real father and adoptive mother , Aiden saved Tyler earlier in a bowling accident and Melinda helped the woman go into the light . Later , Carl reveals to Melinda that Aiden is an empath and can feel other people 's emotions ; he would get sick on his birthday and something went wrong with his birth because of the ghost . In addition to being an empath , Aiden is able to see and communicate with ghosts like his mother and grandparents do , and he is psychically connected to Melinda . Melinda does not tell Aiden this because she wants him to have a normal life . Aiden is able to see things Melinda ca n't , namely the Shinies ( which Aiden refers to as `` faceless '' and made of `` light '' ) and the Shadows , which can be defeated easily by the Shinies , but the Shinies are too afraid of them to do so . Supporting characters ( edit ) Beth Gordon ( edit ) Beth Gordon ( portrayed by Anne Archer ) , Melinda 's mother and Aiden 's grandmother , has the ability to communicate with ghosts , but chooses not to . She never came to terms with her mother or Melinda when it came to their gifts and prefers not to speak of anything that has to do with ghosts , or her husband Tom Gordon . Before she met Tom , she was in a relationship with a man named Paul Eastman , whom she was having a baby with when he went to jail . Once he died , Beth married Tom and never told Melinda about her real father . In `` Pater Familias '' , Paul convinces Beth to tell Melinda the truth . She is then invited to watch the tall ships come into the harbor with Melinda , Jim and their friends , Rick , Delia , and Ned . She appeared in the episodes `` Melinda 's First Ghost '' , `` The Vanishing '' , `` The Underneath '' , and `` Pater Familias '' . Mary Ann Patterson ( edit ) Mary Ann , ( played by June Squibb ) - Melinda 's grandmother and Aiden 's great grandmother , now deceased , was a person who spoke to ghosts . It was she who gave lost spirits the title `` earthbound . '' She helped them cross over into the Light ( Heaven ) . Her gift was passed down to Melinda , the current `` ghost whisperer . '' Mary Ann crossed over into the Light so she is currently a `` Light '' Spirit . She helps Melinda bring ghosts to peace through dreams in two episodes : `` Voices '' and `` The Gathering '' . It is later revealed , in Season 3 , that Melinda 's maternal great - great - great - grandmother , Tessa ( Amy Acker ) , could also communicate with ghosts and Melinda helps her cross over . When Melinda tells Tessa the fate of her daughter ( in `` Weight of What Was '' ) , it is revealed that Mary Anne was the granddaughter of Julie Lee Lucas . Her married name was Patterson , according to Melinda . Melinda was in high school when her grandmother died and Melinda did not realize it until her grandmother said something about presence and then it dawned on Melinda that her grandmother was talking about her death and Melinda 's loss of her grandmother . Romano ( edit ) Romano ( John Walcutt ) , also known as `` Wide Brim '' ( due to his outfit : black suit and black hat ) was an American evil cult leader who lived in Spain , and who committed suicide along with 100 followers in 1939 . The energy of the mass suicide made him powerful and strong , and he went to the Dark Side . He can be considered Melinda 's true archenemy . He started to trick souls to go with him , by making them refuse to `` cross over '' into The Light . When Romano first appeared on the show , his appearances were quick and mysterious , and he was usually attached to a laughing man who had , theretofore , never spoken . He always seemed to be observing Melinda . When in the episode `` The One '' , the final episode of season one , a plane crashes outside Grandview , he attempts to gather all of the lost souls from the accident . This is the first time he declares his hatred and rivalry to Melinda , and he says he would release all `` his earthbound souls '' in exchange for her one soul . Romano and Melinda confront each other verbally , each using persuasive speeches directed to the souls from the plane crash . Finally , Romano manages to get at least seven of the souls , including a stewardess who later does go into the Light in season two . In `` Love Never Dies '' , season two episode one , Romano tries to prevent Melinda 's friend Andrea from crossing over into The Light . Melinda gathers all her strength to make Andrea cross over , and she learns with the help of Professor Rick Payne the identity of Romano . Payne also warns Melinda about Romano 's real purpose : to destroy good spirits ( the ones in charge of helping souls to `` cross over '' into The Light , such as Melinda ) in order to make the dead stronger than the living , and to be endlessly powerful . According to Payne , Dark Spirit Romano would literally take over a weak soul in a weak body to make too much harm to humanity , until the last trace of joy and happiness vanished from earth . It is impossible for Romano to get closer when Melinda helps spirits to `` cross over '' into The Light , because there is too much love , and love is what Romano hates . Romano last appeared in season two , episode one , when he was unsuccessful in trying to possess Andrea 's soul . However , mid-season two , Melinda seems to foreshadow Romano 's comeback , when Delia Banks tries on a black hat which resembles Romano 's , although nothing arises from this . Melinda loosely references Romano in an episode of season five ; when discussing the Shadows , she mentions that she 's seen similar ghosts before , ones which did n't `` cross over , so much as `` cross under '' much like Romano does with his followers . This reference could tell viewers that Romano ultimately became a Shadow after Andrea crossed over , and this is why he does not appear to Melinda for the rest of the series . Charlie Banks ( edit ) Delia was married to Charlie Banks ( Frederic Lehne ) until he died three years prior to Delia 's first appearance on the show . They had a loving relationship . After a fire at the place where Charlie worked , Charlie was said to be different and more of a family man . We also learn that it was Tim who saved Charlie 's life . Together with Charlie , Delia had her twelve - year - old son , Ned . Charlie died after being shot . Tim Flaherty ( edit ) In the episode `` The Walk - In '' , Tim Flaherty ( Thomas Wilson ) , a friend and co-worker of Jim 's , is trying to get Delia to go out on a date with him , something Delia refuses to do . In `` Delia 's First Ghost '' , Tim tries to get Jim to tell him what Delia likes so he can impress her . Charlie , Delia 's dead husband , helps him by knocking over a pot of lavender roses Delia likes . Tim also buys a motorcycle exactly like the one Charlie used to have . At the end of the episode , they are seen walking away hand in hand . He reappears in the fourth season in the episode Threshold . He is at Jim 's funeral and talks about Jim before turning on an iPod with rock music which he says Jim would have wanted . Gabriel Lawrence ( edit ) Gabriel Lawrence ( Ignacio Serricchio ) claims to be Melinda 's half - brother . He is also a `` ghost whisperer '' . It is unclear who he inherited this gift from , since none of his parents have that gift . When he was a child , Gabriel knew he could interact with the dead , but nobody believed him , and he received psychiatric treatment in a mental health institution . Gabriel never had a living friend . In fact , all of his friends were dead , and he always hated watching them `` cross over '' into The Light . He managed to get out of the mental health institution by lying . He was in the same mental health institution his mother resided in . In `` The Collector '' episode , Gabriel is now in his late twenties , and he has recently moved to Grandview . He mentions Grandview always brings him memories . Melinda Gordon has the opportunity to meet him , and she is amazed by the gift they have in common . Melinda warns Gabriel about a shift in the `` other world '' : ghosts are becoming stronger . She tells him how she struggled against a very dark spirit called Romano the year before , when a plane crashed in Grandview . However , Melinda discovers she was naive to believe in Gabriel , who had invited her to work with him in the difficult task of dealing with ghosts . Gabriel turns out to be a Ghost Whisperer from the Dark Side , and he had been gathering souls to get prepare for what `` was coming '' , a complex prophecy of the death of a `` loved one '' . Gabriel , along with the dark spirits , was blocking The Light , because he was trying to make the dead stronger than the living . When Melinda , Jim Clancy , and Rick Payne break into Gabriel 's house , they find out Gabriel 's obsession with Melinda . He had been observing her moves for quite a long time . At the end of season two , both Gabriel and Melinda struggle against each other for the fate of living and dead . Gabriel returns to Grandview in the third season episode `` Weight of What Was '' , informing Melinda he is her half - brother . He hands her a package containing images of her father 's family . An image in the package , in fact from Melinda 's mother 's past , leads Melinda to an underground church and her great - great - great grandmother , Tessa . A ghost which haunts the archives of Grandview tells Gabriel that Melinda has entered the tunnel , and Gabriel blocks the exit , preventing Melinda from escaping the way she entered . The episode ends with Gabriel speaking to Tom Gordon about what seems like a plan to get Melinda to help ghosts in a dark way . While in Grandview , he resided in a hotel under the name Gabriel Gordon . Gabriel also appears in `` All Ghosts Lead to Grandview '' , wherein he has a brief conversation with Melinda at the end of the episode . Thomas Gordon ( edit ) Thomas `` Tom '' Gordon ( Martin Donovan ) first appears in the plot in season two 's finale , although he has previously appeared in some flashbacks . When Melinda `` dies '' in season two 's finale , she confronts what appears to be an already dead Tom , who tells her she is ready to find the darkness within herself , and also tells her she has a brother , later revealed to be Gabriel . In season three , Tom has contact with both Melinda and Gabriel , manifesting himself in Melinda 's dreams , and speaking as a ghost with Gabriel . It has been suggested Tom is part of the Dark Side , and he is developing a plan to get Melinda into the Dark Side . In the penultimate episode of season three , however , Tom is found alive in Gabriel 's home . Melinda later learns every time she had seen Tom 's `` ghost '' , his body had in fact been taken over by Paul Eastman , when he was trying to kill Tom . Melinda then finds out Tom actually is not her father , Paul Eastman is . After discovering this shocking truth , Melinda goes to the main square in town to think , where Tom meets her . He asks her to come back to the house she grew up in . There he gets her to go back through her memories to the night Paul Eastman had come to their house . Just then Melinda realizes Tom is actually a cold - blooded killer ; she remembers Tom deliberately murdering Paul Eastman . Tom then informs her that he now has to kill her to keep his secret safe . As he tries to choke her to death , Melinda cries out to her dad , to which Tom answers , `` I 'm not your Dad '' . Melinda replies she was n't talking to Tom but actually was asking for help from her real father . Paul Eastman then arrives and takes over Tom 's body one last time , forcing him to throw himself over the staircase , effectively killing him . Soon afterwards he appears before Melinda . Tom is then pulled away by an unknown force to an unknown location . Paul Eastman ( edit ) Paul Eastman ( Corin Nemec ) first appears in Melinda 's dreams as someone who haunted her and / or wanted to haunt her . She soon discovers that he was an escaped prisoner accused of killing a child whose ghost Melinda was attempting to cross over . However , before he crosses over , the boy admits that his death was an accident , and that he had spoken to Eastman as a ghost to lead him to his body . This led to his wrongful incarceration . In the season 3 finale , it is revealed he is Melinda 's biological father , not Tom Gordon . Paul set a series of `` clues '' to help Melinda see the truth . To quicken the process and save Melinda , he convinces her mother to tell Melinda the truth . Melinda is initially in disbelief and consoled by Tom , who convinces her to follow him to a safe place . The `` safe '' place is Melinda 's childhood home and Paul Eastman 's burial site . Once they arrive , Tom probes Melinda about her memory of Paul 's death ; she eventually has a flashback revealing Tom deliberately killed Paul . Tom decided he must kill Melinda to protect himself from the truth being revealed . Melinda cries out to her dad , to which Tom replies : `` Do n't call me Dad . I 'm not your Father . '' Melinda answers , `` I was n't talking to you . '' As Tom realizes who Melinda had been calling to , Paul enters Tom 's body and forces him to fall to his death . Paul talks to Melinda and her mother and says he thought that he would never be so angry with his former lover , and only hearing his daughter calling for her dad made all of his anger disappear . He then went into The Light . He has one grandson by Melinda , Aiden . In life , he apparently had the ability to speak to ghosts just like Melinda and her maternal relations , meaning that Melinda received her ability from both parents . Zoe Ramos ( edit ) Zoe Ramos ( Jaclyn DeSantis ) is Eli 's ex-girlfriend and a professor at Rockland University . She knows a lot about the supernatural , because she teaches a course entitled the `` Science of the Occult . '' Zoe and Eli had broken up because at the time he did n't share her beliefs regarding ghosts , life after death , etc . At the end of the fourth season , Eli decides to resume contact with her . Zoe helps Melinda and Eli with cases involving voodoo and vampirism ( episodes `` Cursed '' and `` Endless Love '' ) . In season four 's finale , Eli observes Zoe having lunch with a lawyer , Jeremy Bishop , and becomes very jealous . When Eli attempts the theft of an ancient book from the library of the University , Zoe tells him the true value of the book , which she has studied . Eli decides to invite Zoe out for dinner . When she fails to appear , Eli goes to Zoe 's house and finds her dead . Her spirit tells Eli she died from falling down the stairs while a thief , influenced by a Watcher , entered her house to put the Book there . After securing the Book , Eli calls to Zoe , who informs him about the Other Side . She tells him that she was the `` Guardian of the Book of Changes '' and , henceforth , he will need to take care of the Book . Eli agrees and realizes he still loves Zoe . After saying goodbye to Eli , Zoe goes into the light . Spirits ( edit ) Characters that appear as spirit guest stars : Season Ep Name ( Actor ) Death Cause Status Notes Pre-deceased Mary Ann ( June Squibb ) Natural Causes Crossed over Melinda 's grandmother , seen in several episodes . ( flashback ) Romano Mass - suicide through cyanide - laced punch Lost spirit / Shadow Dead pre-Ghost Whisperer . American expatriate in Spain . Web episode Zach Crashes his bike and hits his head on a piece of debris Crossed over Crossed over in season 3 episode 16 . Season 1 Paul Adams ( Wentworth Miller ) Died when his helicopter crashed into a waterfall Crossed over Kenny Dale ( Joseph Castanon ) Train crashed into the car Shiny Was a little boy that did n't understand he was dead . Zoe Harper ( Jessica Collins ) Drowned in a lake Crossed over Zoe stayed to watch over her sister . Conor Donovan ( Sean Maher ) Crashes his bike and hits his head on a rock Crossed over Conor stayed to watch over his girlfriend 5 Rat ( Lorenzo James Henrie ) Vic ( Max Jansen Weinstein ) Marty ( Terrence Hardy Jr . ) Homer ( Ghost Dog ) All burned to death in a fire Shiny Shiny Shiny Did not cross over Rat does n't want to cross over because he blames himself for the deaths of the other boys . Vic and Marty follow rat Stays with Melinda and Jim as their pet ghost - dog . Seen in several episodes , last seen in Season 2 . 6 Jason Shields ( John Patrick Amedori ) Anaphylaxis due to multiple hornet stings Crossed over Jason wanted to meet his biological mom . 7 Hope Paulson ( Erica Leerhsen ) Complications from an ectopic pregnancy Crossed over 8 Julian Borgia ( Robert LaSardo ) Robert Hall ( G - Man ) Alexis ' Aunt Ruth Vehicular homicide Shot and killed by police Natural causes Crossed over Lost Spirit Crossed over First case of a spirit communicating through Melinda 's husband Died 1963 Reappeared to let Melinda know an emerald necklace was buried with her . 9 Lacy Jensen ( Colleen Flynn ) Electrocuted when she fell down a pit Crossed over Lacy did n't cross over because she was worried about her son . 10 Serena Hilliard ( Laura Regan ) Josh / Best man ( David Lipper ) Car went off the road and crashed into tree Crossed over Crossed over 11 Estella de La Costa ( Sonia Braga ) Inoperable brain tumor Crossed over 12 Marty Golden ( Jed Rees ) Numerous Ghosts Suicide through jumping off a bridge Numerous deaths Crossed over Stayed at the Comedy Cave . 13 Lyle Chase ( Jonathan Banks ) Heart attack Crossed over He was searching for his granddaughter 's killer . 14 Clete Youngblood ( Liam Waite ) Execution by hanging Crossed over 15 Sarah Applewhite ( Abigail Breslin ) Glioma ( cancer of the brain 's glia cells ) Shiny Melinda 's classmate and first ghost she saw . 16 Dennis McMartin ( Matt Keeslar ) Dr. Bob Norris ( Josh Daugherty ) Dennis ' and Charlie 's Father ( Michael Fairman ) Fell off a mountain ; died in the hospital Unknown Heart attack Crossed over Crossed over Crossed over Andrea 's friend Died two years before ; was haunting the hospital . 17 Daniel Greene ( David Dorfman ) Reggie Zuko ( Scott Rinker ) Car crash after car was hit and slammed into guard rail Brain tumor Crossed over Lost spirit Appeared in several episodes and seen at the end of Season 2 . 18 Edward Pierce ( Jonathan Firth ) Ventriloquist and the Dummy ( Blair Hickey ) Drowned during Circus act in circus pool Car accident after car went off road and crashed into tree Crossed over Lost spirit 19 Ely Fisher ( Giancarlo Esposito ) Rachel Fisher ( Femi Emiola ) `` Rain Check '' Nurse ( Sarah Hunley ) Bludgeoned to death with a lead pipe Heart attack Unknown Crossed over Crossed over Uncertain but most likely crossed over . 20 Brian Fordyce ( Chris Olivero ) Heart attack Crossed over 21 22 Ken Nilson / pilot ( Chris Ellis ) Almost all people killed in airplane crash At least three people in airplane crash All died in plane crash due to pilot error Crossed over Crossed over Lost spirit Season 2 Andrea Marino ( Aisha Tyler ) Plane landed on her car and crushed her to death Crossed over Killed in Season 1 Episode 21 , co-owner of Melinda 's antique shop . Jamie Barton ( Greg Cipes ) Kyle McCall / Mac ( Michael Landes ) Unknown Hit by a car Crossed over Crossed over Was attached to Ned Banks Melinda 's former boyfriend . Emily Morrison ( Tatum McCann ) Fell into pool and drowned while reaching for a beach ball Shiny Dennis Hightower ( Kevin Weisman ) Carbon monoxide poisoning Crossed over 5 Adam Godfrey ( David Paymer ) Marilyn Mandeville ( Harriet Sansom Harris ) Struck by lightning Heart attack Crossed over Crossed over 6 Eva Kaminsky ( Amanda Tosch ) Sevoflurane ( anaesthetic ) poisoning Crossed over 7 Anna Fowler ( Bess Wohl ) Hypothermia Crossed over 8 Warren Chen ( Tim Kang ) Woman the night Melinda met Jim Ghost in funeral home Burned to death in arson crime Died in building fire Unknown Crossed over Crossed over Did not cross over 9 Patrick Roth ( Norbert Weisser ) Jared ( John Paul Pitoc ) Natural causes Plane crash due to pilot error Crossed over Lost spirit 10 Matt Vonner ( Christopher Wiehl ) Car crash due to car spinning and crashing into a light pole Crossed over 11 Dr. Martin Schaer ( Reed Diamond ) Dengue fever from mosquito bite Crossed over 12 Hugh Bristow ( Brad Rowe ) Taken off life support due to Lou Gehrig 's disease Crossed over 13 Eric Sanborn / John Richmond / Oscar Hodges / Richard Ward ( David Clayton Rogers ) Aortic aneurysm Crossed over Was a spirit that died 4 times after being reincarnated . Melinda believes him staying behind was a sign that he was to be her and Jim 's future child they would have together . 14 Gordon Pike ( Eric Johnson ) Car crash due to drag racer crashing into wall Crossed over 15 Tais Baker ( Rhea Lando ) Pipe explosion in the high school boiler room Crossed over 16 Randy Cooper ( Chad Donella ) Suffocated due to an asthma attack Lost spirit 17 Bryan Curtis ( Jamie Bamber ) Jason Bennett ( Dan Byrd ) Suicide by stepping out into traffic Muscular dystrophy Crossed over Crossed over 18 Valerie Parker ( Kathleen Wilhoite ) Abdominal aneurysm Crossed over 19 Charlie Banks ( Fredric Lehne ) Jackson Reynolds ( Gil McKinney ) Shot and killed by Milt Charles Slipped and hit head on rock . Crossed over Crossed over Delia Banks ' husband Naked soldier . ( ranked private ) 20 Martina Rose ( Allison McAtee ) Amy Fields ( Rachel Cannon ) Heart attack Airplane crash due to pilot error Lost spirit Crossed over Amy Fields died in the Season 1 finale . 21 Dana Clark ( Vivian Wu ) Boat sinks due to hull being torn by rocks Crossed over Prophet ghost , wife of Ethan Clark . 22 Dana Clark ( Vivian Wu ) Boat sinks due to hull being torn by rocks Crossed over Season 3 Ray Billings Scott Carbon monoxide explosion Unknown Crossed over Lost spirit Originally haunting Melinda 's mother Haunts the archives ; portrayed by Kris Lemche . Rachel Fordham ( Mae Whitman ) Heart attack Crossed over Thought she was Bloody Mary . Hector Sanchez Steve Simmon Dekker Killed in landmine explosion Crossed over Crossed over Crossed over Colleen Finn ( Sarah Utterback ) Shane Carson ( Josh Hopkins ) Falling over stairway railing Suicide by overdosing Crossed over Lost spirit Shane stalked Melinda and Colleen . 5 Tessa Lucas Several Other Ghosts Burned to death after being accused of witchcraft All burned to death in a fire someone caused after eating diseased bread Crossed over Lost spirits Melinda 's great - great - great - grandmother that died in 1848 . Lost spirits are in the old Grandview . 6 Kevin Graham Car crash due to car colliding with another car Crossed over 7 Sydney Drake Overwhelming withdrawal symptoms Crossed over 8 Liz Sinclair ( Stacy Edwards ) Matt Sembrook ( Matthew Morrison ) Vivian Sembrook ( Kathleen York ) Falling off a cliff Carbon monoxide poisoning Carbon monoxide poisoning Crossed over Lost spirit Lost spirit Liz Sinclair sacrificed herself so her husband could save their daughter . 9 Daniel Asher Audrey Asher Sam Asher Burned to death in a car crash Car crash due to car colliding with gasoline tanker Car crash due to car colliding with a gasoline tanker Shiny Crossed over Crossed over 10 Alan Silver Heart attack Did not cross over Thought he was Santa , realized he was n't , but decided he liked helping kids so he stuck around . 11 Thomas Benjamin Hit his head on a chalkboard Crossed over 12 Peter Harrison Requested euthanasia via lethal dose of isonitrile Crossed over 13 Karen Benzing Cancer Crossed over 14 Justin Yates Julie Anderson ( Katie Lowes ) brain aneurysm Drowned on boat she capsized for an insurance scam . Crossed over Lost Spirit 15 Toby Bates Fell out of a window Crossed over 16 Kate Payne ( Rachel Shelley ) Zach Crushed to death by a crane Crashed his bike and hit his head on a piece of debris Crossed over Crossed over Rick Payne 's wife , seen in previous episodes . Web episode 17 Michael Wilkins Fell off a tree and was hanged by the cape he was wearing Shiny 18 Paul Eastman Tom Gordon Bludgeoned to death with a stair post Thrown down the stairs Crossed over Lost spirit Melinda 's father , killed pre-Ghost Whisperer Melinda 's stepfather . Season 4 Fiona Raine Burned to death in a fire Crossed over Lucas Marston Accidental drug overdose Crossed over Melinda 's classmate . Larry Jones Heart attack Crossed over Lorelei ( Peyton List ) Betty ( Katherine LaNasa ) Several other ghosts Fell to her death in a ship duct Heart failure Various deaths Crossed over Refused to cross over Crossed over 5 Diana Morrison Blood clot in lung Crossed over 6 Owen Grace Jim Clancy Accidentally drowned due to leg brace Air embolism due to being shot in the shoulder Shiny Living in Sam Lucas ' body - Melinda 's husband 7 Sam Lucas Caitlin Mahoney Dan Clancy Car crash due to car colliding with other car Died from complications of Anorexia Nervosa Fell off a roof and died Crossed over Crossed over Crossed over - - Jim Clancy 's brother , seen in the pilot episode . Crossed over in this episode . 8 Allen Walters Car crash due to hitting a motorcycle Crossed over Was the driver of the car that hit Sam Lucas ' motorcycle ; he was angry that `` Sam '' / Jim came back to life . 9 Gretchen Dennis Fell down a well and drowned while reaching for a note she stuck on the inside - wall of the well Shiny 10 Tammy Gardner / Sarah Evers Murder via being drugged and carbon monoxide poisoning Crossed over 11 Josh Bancroft Exsanguination after being thrown from a riding mower and cut up Shiny 12 Angela Hollensbach Myrna Cooperton Frank Whitaker Drina Hit by a car Natural Causes Truck gave way while fixing flat Unknown Crossed over Crossed over Crossed over Did not cross over Delia 's old friend from high school / First ghost that Eli crossed over without Melinda 13 Carl Sessick Edwin Hathaway Numerous Ghosts Died of lung cancer Stroke Various deaths Did not cross over Crossed over All crossed over Followed the Watchers , on the quest for good Died in the hospital but dumped into the lake due to furnace problems at funeral home Dumped into a lake due to furnace problems at funeral home 14 Deborah Marks Tripped and hit her head on a fireplace post Crossed over Had to let the son she gave up for adoption know that she was his mother . He had been falling for his half sister . Her daughter though Deborah had a crush on him . 15 Rebecca Kelly Caught in a rock slide , pushed off a cliff face and was hanged by a net Crossed over 16 Jeffery Crocket ( Carrie 's Dad ) Natural causes Crossed over 17 Grier Clarkson Numerous Ghosts Botched shock therapy treatments Botched shock therapy treatments Crossed over Crossed over 18 Joseph Webb Calvin Byrd Leukemia Natural Causes Living in Ben Tillman 's body Crossed over Became a `` step - in '' , living in Ben Tillman 's body 19 Rick Hartman Committed suicide by jumping out of a plane Crossed over 20 Miles Maitland Prop gun backfired and shot him in the side of his head . Crossed over 21 Stanton family Marc Carbon monoxide poisoning Crossed over Did not cross over Web episode 22 Andrew Carlin Thrombocytosis Crossed over 23 Zoe Ramos Fell down the stairs Crossed over Eli 's girlfriend ; guardian of the Book of Changes Season 5 Amber Heaton Aortic rupture during childbirth Crossed over Gwen Coritter Paula Coritter Scarlet Breslin Hit by an SUV Inoperable brain tumor Accused of slanderous gossip , eyes and mouth were stitched shut Crossed over Crossed over Lost Spirit Scarlet made Julia Miller create the `` Sally Stitch '' website . Ray James Evelyn James Heart attack Aneurysm Did not cross over Did not cross over Eli 's parents . They stayed around to watch over Eli . Dr. Albert Glassman Ghost in the morgue Heart attack Unknown Crossed over Unknown The ghost in the morgue probably cross under just like Greta Hansen 5 Amy Warner Breast cancer Crossed over 6 Sean Jackson Thrown off of a horse Crossed over 7 Tina Clark Drug overdose and car accident Crossed over 8 Kirk Jansen Rita Jansen Walked into a crawl space that had aflatoxis , a mold that made him go into anaphylaxis Fatal electrocution from a light table she smashed with a golf club Crossed over Crossed over 9 Julia Miller Leukemia Shiny Originally attached herself to Aiden to keep from going into the light . 10 Dylan Hale Accidentally bludgeoned to death with a baseball bat Crossed Over 11 Bruce Adler Car accident when the car went into the river Crossed Over 12 Trevor Marshall Fell and was impaled to death by a metal pike Crossed Over 13 Vernon Dokes Marlene Dokes Lane Dokes Suicide by exsanguination from wrist cutting due to Fatal familial insomnia ( FFI ) Exsanguination by being slashed in the arm Suicide by jumping off a bridge due to FFI . Crossed Over Crossed Over Shiny 14 Madison Clark Car accident Shiny 15 Joey Kale Joshua Bedford Numerous Ghosts Suffocated to death inside an old army storage unit Died in a bomb explosion Numerous Deaths Shiny Did not cross over Stayed on the old army base 16 Cassidy Peyton Greta Hansen Garrett Naomi Sick Boy Guillain -- Barré syndrome Wheelchair fell down the stairs Execution by electric chair Execution by hanging Disease Shiny Lost spirit Crossed Over Crossed Over Did not cross over Cassidy crossed over but came back to talk to Aiden and revealed that ghost children became shinies Greta made a deal with the shadows that as long as she feeds them children 's ghosts they would not take her . Greta used Cassidy to lure him to their mansion before he died . 17 Shane Dunning Fell through an ice lake and drowned Crossed Over 18 Charles Hammond Asphyxiated to death on a balloon Crossed Over 19 Laura Bradley Poisoned to death with Chloramine gas Crossed Over 20 Henry Alston Murdered by Geoff Colson via gunshot wound Crossed Over 21 Seth Farber Sharon Farber Fell to his death off a roof Died in the plane crash Shiny Crossed Over She crossed over when all of the spirits in the plane crash crossed over at the same time in the Season 01 episode 22 `` The One '' 22 Pete Murphy ( Billy Unger ) Numerous Children Hodgkins Disease Polio Shiny Shinies Lost spirits ( edit ) These are some of the spirits who either did not cross over or went to the Dark Side ( Hell ) . Laughing Man ( appears with Romano and is a ghostly agent for the dark side . He wears a two - piece suit and is usually seen laughing . He was portrayed by Douglas Bierman ; death was from accidental ingestion of water dropwort ) Bleeding Man ( a dark spirit whose right hand is bleeding , hence his name . He was portrayed by Lou Glenn ; death was from exsanguination ) Bloody Mary , a girl who was accidentally buried alive and died in the coffin , scratching her nails off on the seal of the coffin . Seen in the last seconds of Episode 2 , Season 3 Giles Nickelburg ( plane crash due to pilot error ) Greg Carter ( car accident due to car going off a cliff ) Martha Rucker ( building collapse ) Unnamed Man ( conjunctivitis infection ) Greta Hansen ( wheelchair fell down the stairs ) Tom Gordon ( fell down the stairs ) Eli 's parents ( death from natural causes . Melinda helps them see The Light after solving a problem between them . The problem was caused by the fact that Eli 's mother was a lesbian and had an affair with a friend . Eli 's father thought she was really having a love affair with her friend 's husband , making his spirit unable to cross over . They decide to stay to take care of her son , although he disagrees with the idea . ) Shane Carson ( suicide to continue stalking Melinda ) Randy Cooper ( asthma attack ) Shinies and Shadows ( edit ) Two different kinds of spirits that appear throughout the series . They are sworn enemies of each other , created by the emotions of ghosts , and feed upon others . Aiden Lucas , Melinda 's son , is the only one who has the ability to see both of them while his mother and the Watchers can not . Shinies ( edit ) Beings of good who are composed of light energy . Aiden reveals , in Season 5 , that the Shinies are ghost children that have crossed over into The Light . He also comments that there are more Shinies than there are Shadows , and that if they were to go to war with each other , the Shinies would win . The Shadows prevent their growing numbers by consuming still - earthbound ghost children , making the Shinies fear them . But in the episode `` The Children 's Parade '' , Aiden reveals that if he , along with the other Shinies , use their combined power , they can defeat the Shadows forever . In previous seasons , the Shinies have already revealed their presence to Melinda without her knowing . Carl , a Watcher , tells Melinda that she is surrounded by `` light beings '' watching over her and they are shown all throughout Grandview , watching over her during her wedding vow renewal . In later events , Melinda notices Aiden talking to himself . But later events reveal that Aiden has the ability to see these spirits ( the Shinies ) , which she can not see . Cassidy Peyton , a ghost girl Melinda crossed over , becomes a Shiny after going into The Light and becomes good friends with Aiden . Shinies are attracted to `` shiny things '' such as flashlights , utensils , etc . Also , the Shinies are afraid of the Shadows , as depicted in the season 5 episode `` Lost in the Shadows '' . In the series finale ( `` The Children 's Parade '' ) the Shinies , led by Aiden , destroy the Shadows once and for all . Shadows ( edit ) The Shadows are ghosts who are seen as beings of darkness . Aiden reveals that the Shadows are either `` broken pieces '' left behind by ghosts who have crossed over or have `` crossed under '' . Ghosts describe them as cold things and do n't like to talk about them . They feed on the negative emotions of ghosts , especially ghost children , break their souls beyond repair , and feed on the rest of them . In previous seasons , Gabriel was working for them , but since he disappeared they could no longer block The Light . They are extremely dangerous and use people , both living and dead , to gather the souls of ghost children so that they may feed ; examples are President Bedford of Rockland University to get the Book of Changes , which helps Melinda , Eli and Aiden , but they killed him when he could not complete the task . Another is Greta Hansen , a woman in a wheelchair who helped the Shadows by luring children 's spirits into her house ( using Cassidy Peyton ) , but Melinda saved some spirits imprisoned by the ghost Greta . Ravens are their symbols , and they fear lights , shiny things , and the Shinies . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Moses , Kim and Sanders , Ian Ghost Whisperer : Spirit Guide , page 110 , Titan Books , 2008 . Jump up ^ Beth Gordon ( Character ) Jump up ^ Charlie Banks ( Character ) Jump up ^ Tim Flaherty ( Character ) Jump up ^ Tom Gordon ( Character ) Jump up ^ Paul Eastman ( Character ) Jump up ^ Zoe Ramos ( Character ) Jump up ^ Laughing Man ( Character ) External links ( edit ) ( 1 ) ( hide ) Ghost Whisperer Episodes Season 1 `` Stranglehold '' `` Pater Familias '' 5 `` Birthday Presence '' `` Implosion '' `` The Children 's Parade '' Characters Melinda Gordon Related John Gray ( creator ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lists of American television series characters Lists of drama television characters Lists of fantasy television characters Ghost Whisperer Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from August 2011 All articles needing additional references Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Português Русский Українська Edit links This page was last edited on 11 August 2017 , at 19 : 54 . 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"Jim Clancy, played by David Conrad is Melinda's (Jennifer Love Hewitt) husband. He is the only cast member other than Hewitt to appear in every episode."
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"Jim Clancy"
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-3885450726498322280 | World population | World population - wikipedia World population Jump to : navigation , search An editor has expressed concern that this article may have a number of irrelevant citations . Please help improve this article by verifying these references and challenge any that are not reliable or do not support the article . ( March 2016 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) World population estimates from 1800 to 2100 , based on `` high '' , `` medium '' and `` low '' United Nations projections in 2015 and UN historical estimates for pre-1950 data Population growth graph generated with data supplied by World Bank , via Google In demographics , the world population is the total number of humans currently living . The world population was estimated to have reached 7.5 billion in April 2017 . The United Nations estimates it will further increase to 11.2 billion in the year 2100 . World population has experienced continuous growth since the end of the Great Famine of 1315 -- 17 and the Black Death in 1350 , when it was near 370 million . The highest population growth rates -- global population increases above 1.8 % per year -- occurred between 1955 - 1975 peaking to 2.06 % between 1965 - 1970 . The growth rate has declined to 1.18 % between 2010 - 2015 and is projected to decline to 0.13 % by the year 2100 . Total annual births were highest in the late 1980s at about 139 million , and are now expected to remain essentially constant at their 2011 level of 135 million , while deaths number 56 million per year and are expected to increase to 80 million per year by 2040 . World population reached 7 billion on October 31 , 2011 according to the United Nations Population Fund , and on March 12 , 2012 according to the United States Census Bureau . The median age of the world 's population was estimated to be 30.1 years in 2016 , with the male median age estimated to be 29.4 years and female , 30.9 years . The 2012 UN projections show a continued increase in population in the near future with a steady decline in population growth rate ; the global population is expected to reach between 8.3 and 10.9 billion by 2050 . 2003 UN Population Division population projections for the year 2150 range between 3.2 and 24.8 billion . One of many independent mathematical models supports the lower estimate , while a 2014 estimate forecasts between 9.3 and 12.6 billion in 2100 , and continued growth thereafter . Some analysts have questioned the sustainability of further world population growth , highlighting the growing pressures on the environment , global food supplies , and energy resources . Estimates on the total number of humans who have ever lived range in the order of 106 to 108 billion . World population ( millions , UN estimates ) # Top ten most populous countries 2000 2015 2030 * China * 1,270 1,376 1,416 India 1,053 1,311 1,528 United States 283 322 356 Indonesia 212 258 295 5 Brazil 176 208 229 6 Pakistan 138 189 245 7 Nigeria 123 182 263 8 Bangladesh 131 161 186 9 Russia 146 143 139 10 Mexico 103 127 148 World total 6,127 7,349 8,501 Notes : China = Mainland China only 2030 = Medium variant Contents ( hide ) 1 Population by region 1.1 Population by continent 2 History 2.1 Antiquity and Middle Ages 2.2 Modern era 2.3 Milestones by the billions 3 Global demographics 4 Largest populations by country 4.1 Most densely populated countries 5 Fluctuation 5.1 Population growth by region 5.2 Past population 5.3 Projections 6 Mathematical approximations 6.1 Years for world population to double 7 Overpopulation 7.1 Predictions of scarcity 7.2 Environmental impacts 7.3 Population control 7.4 Overpopulation skepticism 8 Number of humans who have ever lived 9 See also 10 Notes 11 References 12 External links Population by region ( edit ) Six of the Earth 's seven continents are permanently inhabited on a large scale . Asia is the most populous continent , with its 4.3 billion inhabitants accounting for 60 % of the world population . The world 's two most populated countries alone , China and India , together constitute about 37 % of the world 's population . Africa is the second most populated continent , with around 1 billion people , or 15 % of the world 's population . Europe 's 733 million people make up 12 % of the world 's population as of 2012 , while the Latin American and Caribbean regions are home to around 600 million ( 9 % ) . Northern America , primarily consisting of the United States and Canada , has a population of around 352 million ( 5 % ) , and Oceania , the least - populated region , has about 35 million inhabitants ( 0.5 % ) . Though it is not permanently inhabited by any fixed population , Antarctica has a small , fluctuating international population , based mainly in polar science stations . This population tends to rise in the summer months and decrease significantly in winter , as visiting researchers return to their home countries . Population by continent ( edit ) Population by continent ( 2016 estimates ) Continent Density ( inhabitants / km ) Population ( millions ) Most populous country Most populous city ( metropolitan area ) Asia 96.4 4,436 1,382,300,000 - China 35,676,000 / 13,634,685 - Greater Tokyo Area / Tokyo Metropolis Africa 36.7 1,216 0186,987,000 - Nigeria 21,000,000 - Lagos Europe 72.9 738 0143,439,000 - Russia ; approx. 110 million in Europe ) 19,468,664 - Moscow North America 22.9 579 0324,991,600 - United States 23,723,696 / 08,537,673 - New York Metropolitan Area / New York City South America 22.8 422 0209,567,000 - Brazil 27,640,577 / 11,316,149 - Metro Area / São Paulo City Oceania 4.5 39.9 0024,458,800 - Australia 05,005,400 - Sydney Antarctica 0.0003 ( varies ) 0.004 in summer ( non-permanent , varies ) N / A 0000001,200 ( non-permanent , varies ) - McMurdo Station History ( edit ) See also : World population estimates and History of the world Estimates of world population by their nature are an aspect of modernity , possible only since the Age of Discovery . Early estimates for the population of the world date to the 17th century : William Petty in 1682 estimated world population at 320 million ( modern estimates ranging close to twice this number ) ; by the late 18th century , estimates ranged close to one billion ( consistent with modern estimates ) . More refined estimates , broken down by continents , were published in the first half of the 19th century , at 600 to 1000 million in the early 1800s and at 800 to 1000 million in the 1840s . Antiquity and Middle ages ( edit ) Main articles : Classical demography and Medieval demography Estimates of the population of the world at the time agriculture emerged in around 10,000 BCE have ranged between 1 million and 15 million . Even earlier , genetic evidence suggests humans may have gone through a population bottleneck of between 1,000 and 10,000 people about 70,000 BCE , according to the Toba catastrophe theory . By contrast , it is estimated that around 50 -- 60 million people lived in the combined eastern and western Roman Empire in the 4th century CE . The Plague of Justinian , which first emerged during the reign of the Roman emperor Justinian , caused Europe 's population to drop by around 50 % between the 6th and 8th centuries CE . The population of Europe was more than 70 million in 1340 . The Black Death pandemic of the 14th century may have reduced the world 's population from an estimated 450 million in 1340 to between 350 and 375 million in 1400 ; it took 200 years for population figures to recover . The population of China decreased from 123 million in 1200 to 65 million in 1393 , presumably due to a combination of Mongol invasions , famine , and plague . Starting in 2 AD , the Han Dynasty of ancient China kept consistent family registers in order to properly assess the poll taxes and labor service duties of each household . In the year 2 AD the population of Western Han was recorded as 57,671,400 individuals in 12,366,470 households , decreasing to 47,566,772 individuals in 9,348,227 households by 146 AD , towards the End of the Han Dynasty . At the founding of the Ming Dynasty in 1368 , China 's population was reported to be close to 60 million ; toward the end of the dynasty in 1644 , it may have approached 150 million . England 's population reached an estimated 5.6 million in 1650 , up from an estimated 2.6 million in 1500 . New crops that were brought to Asia and Europe from the Americas by Portuguese and Spanish colonists in the 16th century are believed to have contributed to population growth . Since their introduction to Africa by Portuguese traders in the 16th century , maize and cassava have similarly replaced traditional African crops as the most important staple food crops grown on the continent . Around 300 BCE , the population of India was between 100 million and 140 million . The population of India in 1600 was around 100 million . Hence , from 300 BCE to 1600 CE India 's population was more or less stable . The pre-Columbian North American population probably numbered somewhere between 2 million and 18 million . Encounters between European explorers and populations in the rest of the world often introduced local epidemics of extraordinary virulence . According to the most extreme scholarly claims , as many as 90 % of the Native American population of the New World died due to Old World diseases such as smallpox , measles and influenza . Over the centuries , the Europeans had developed high degrees of immunity to these diseases , while the indigenous peoples had no such immunity . Modern era ( edit ) Map showing urban areas with at least one million inhabitants in 2006 . Only 3 % of the world 's population lived in cities in 1800 ; this proportion had risen to 47 % by 2000 , and reached 50.5 % by 2010 . By 2050 , the proportion may reach 70 % . During the European Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions , the life expectancy of children increased dramatically . The percentage of the children born in London who died before the age of five decreased from 74.5 % in 1730 -- 1749 to 31.8 % in 1810 -- 1829 . Between 1700 and 1900 , Europe 's population increased from about 100 million to over 400 million . Altogether , the areas populated by people of European descent comprised 36 % of the world 's population in 1900 . Population growth in the West became more rapid after the introduction of vaccination and other improvements in medicine and sanitation . Improved material conditions led to the population of Britain increasing from 10 million to 40 million in the 19th century . The population of the United Kingdom reached 60 million in 2006 . The United States saw its population grow from around 5.3 million in 1800 to 106 million in 1920 , exceeding 307 million in 2010 . The first half of the 20th century in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union was marked by a succession of major wars , famines and other disasters which caused large - scale population losses ( approximately 60 million excess deaths ) . After the collapse of the Soviet Union , Russia 's population declined significantly -- from 150 million in 1991 to 143 million in 2012 -- but by 2013 this decline appeared to have halted . Many countries in the developing world have experienced extremely rapid population growth since the early 20th century , due to economic development and improvements in public health . China 's population rose from approximately 430 million in 1850 to 580 million in 1953 , and now stands at over 1.3 billion . The population of the Indian subcontinent , which was about 125 million in 1750 , increased to 389 million in 1941 ; today , India , Pakistan and Bangladesh are collectively home to about 1.63 billion people . Java had about 5 million inhabitants in 1815 ; its present - day successor , Indonesia , now has a population of over 140 million . In just one hundred years , the population of Brazil decoupled ( x10 ) , from about 17 million in 1900 , or about 1 % of the world population in that year , to about 176 million in 2000 , or almost 3 % of the global population in the very early 21st century . Mexico 's population grew from 13.6 million in 1900 to about 112 million in 2010 . Between the 1920s and 2000s , Kenya 's population grew from 2.9 million to 37 million . Milestones by the billions ( edit ) Main article : World population milestones World population milestones in billions Population 5 6 7 8 9 Year 1804 1927 1960 1999 2011 2024 2042 Years elapsed -- -- 123 33 14 13 12 12 13 18 It is estimated that the world population reached one billion for the first time in 1804 . It was another 123 years before it reached two billion in 1927 , but it took only 33 years to reach three billion in 1960 . Thereafter , the global population reached four billion in 1974 , five billion in 1987 , six billion in 1999 and , according to the United States Census Bureau , seven billion in March 2012 . The United Nations , however , estimated that the world population reached seven billion in October 2011 . According to current projections , the global population will reach eight billion by 2024 , and will likely reach around nine billion by 2042 . Alternative scenarios for 2050 range from a low of 7.4 billion to a high of more than 10.6 billion . Projected figures vary depending on underlying statistical assumptions and the variables used in projection calculations , especially the fertility variable . Long - range predictions to 2150 range from a population decline to 3.2 billion in the `` low scenario '' , to `` high scenarios '' of 24.8 billion . One extreme scenario predicted a massive increase to 256 billion by 2150 , assuming the global fertility rate remained at its 1995 level of 3.04 children per woman ; however , by 2010 the global fertility rate had declined to 2.52 . There is no estimation for the exact day or month the world 's population surpassed one or two billion . The points at which it reached three and four billion were not officially noted , but the International Database of the United States Census Bureau placed them in July 1959 and April 1974 respectively . The United Nations did determine , and commemorate , the `` Day of 5 Billion '' on July 11 , 1987 , and the `` Day of 6 Billion '' on October 12 , 1999 . The Population Division of the United Nations declared the `` Day of 7 Billion '' to be October 31 , 2011 . Global Demographics ( edit ) Main article : Demographics of the world 2012 map showing average life expectancy by country in years . In 2012 , the World Health Organization estimated the average global life expectancy as 70.5 years . 80 + 77.5 + 75 + 72.5 + 70 + 67.5 + 65 + 60 + 55 + 50 + 45 + 40 + less than 40 As of 2012 , the global sex ratio is approximately 1.01 males to 1 female . The greater number of men is possibly due to the significant sex imbalances evident in the Indian and Chinese populations . Approximately 26.3 % of the global population is aged under 15 , while 65.9 % is aged 15 -- 64 and 7.9 % is aged 65 or over . The median age of the world 's population was estimated to be 29.7 years in 2014 , and is expected to rise to 37.9 years by 2050 . According to the World Health Organization , the global average life expectancy is 70.5 years as of 2012 , with women living an average of 73 years and men approximately 68 years . In 2010 , the global fertility rate was estimated at 2.52 children per woman . In June 2012 , British researchers calculated the total weight of Earth 's human population as approximately 287 million tonnes , with the average person weighing around 62 kilograms ( 137 lb ) . The CIA estimated nominal 2013 gross world product at US $74.31 trillion , giving an annual global per capita figure of around US $10,500 . Around 1.29 billion people ( 18.4 % of the world population ) live in extreme poverty , subsisting on less than US $1.25 per day ; approximately 870 million people ( 12.25 % ) are undernourished. 83 % of the world 's over-15s are considered literate . In June 2014 , there were around 3.03 billion global Internet users , constituting 42.3 % of the world population . The Han Chinese are the world 's largest single ethnic group , constituting over 19 % of the global population in 2011 . The world 's most - spoken first languages are Mandarin Chinese ( spoken by 12.44 % of the world 's population ) , Spanish ( 4.85 % ) , English ( 4.83 % ) , Arabic ( 3.25 % ) and Hindustani ( 2.68 % ) . The world 's largest religion is Christianity , whose adherents account for 33.35 % of the global population ; Islam is the second - largest religion , accounting for 22.43 % , and Hinduism the third , accounting for 13.78 % . In 2005 , around 16 % of the global population were reported to be non-religious . Largest populations by country ( edit ) Further information : List of countries by population A map of world population in 2014 10 most populous countries Rank Country / Territory Population Date Approx. % of world population Source China 1,386,440,000 September 19 , 2017 18.3 % India 1,321,450,000 September 19 , 2017 17.5 % United States 325,788,000 September 19 , 2017 4.3 % Indonesia 261,600,000 October 31 , 2016 3.46 % 5 Pakistan 208,958,000 September 19 , 2017 2.76 % 6 Brazil 208,016,000 September 19 , 2017 2.75 % 7 Nigeria 188,500,000 October 31 , 2016 2.49 % 8 Bangladesh 163,162,000 September 19 , 2017 2.16 % 9 Russia 146,773,226 June 1 , 2017 1.94 % 10 Japan 126,750,000 July 1 , 2017 1.67 % Approximately 4.3 billion people live in these ten countries , representing around 58 % of the world 's population as of March 2016 . Approximately 3.7 billion people , or half of the world population , live in the six most populous countries . Most densely populated countries ( edit ) Further information : List of countries and dependencies by population density The tables below list the world 's most densely populated countries , both in absolute terms and in comparison to their total populations . Population density ( people per km ) map of the world in 1994 . Red and pink areas denote regions of highest population density . 10 most densely populated countries ( with population above 5 million ) Rank Country Population Area ( km ) Density ( Pop . per km ) Singapore 5,607,300 710 7,898 Bangladesh 163,160,000 143,998 1,133 Taiwan 23,554,803 36,190 651 South Korea 51,446,201 99,538 517 5 Lebanon 6,082,000 10,452 582 6 Rwanda 11,553,188 26,338 439 7 Burundi 11,552,561 27,816 415 8 Netherlands 17,160,000 41,526 413 9 Haiti 10,911,819 27,065 403 10 India 1,321,450,000 3,287,240 402 Countries ranking highly in both total population ( more than 20 million people ) and population density ( more than 250 people per square kilometer ) : Rank Country Population Area ( km ) Density ( Pop . per km ) Notes India 1,321,450,000 3,287,240 402 Growing population Pakistan 208,960,000 803,940 260 Growing population Bangladesh 163,160,000 143,998 1,133 Growing population Japan 126,750,000 377,873 335 Declining population 5 Philippines 104,620,000 300,000 349 Growing population 6 Vietnam 93,700,000 331,689 282 Growing population 7 United Kingdom 65,648,100 243,610 269 Slowly growing population 8 South Korea 51,446,201 99,538 517 Slowly growing population 9 Taiwan 23,554,803 36,190 651 Steady population 10 Sri Lanka 21,203,000 65,610 323 Slowly growing population Fluctuation ( edit ) Main article : Population growth Estimates of population evolution in different continents between 1950 and 2050 , according to the United Nations . The vertical axis is logarithmic and is in millions of people . Population size fluctuates at differing rates in differing regions . Nonetheless , population growth is the long - standing trend on all inhabited continents , as well as in most individual states . During the 20th century , the global population saw its greatest increase in known history , rising from about 1.6 billion in 1900 to over 6 billion in 2000 . A number of factors contributed to this increase , including the lessening of the mortality rate in many countries by improved sanitation and medical advances , and a massive increase in agricultural productivity attributed to the Green Revolution . In 2000 , the United Nations estimated that the world 's population was growing at an annual rate of 1.14 % ( equivalent to around 75 million people ) , down from a peak of 88 million per year in 1989 . By 2000 , there were approximately ten times as many people on Earth as there had been in 1700 . Globally , the population growth rate has been steadily declining from its peak of 2.19 % in 1963 , but growth remains high in Latin America , the Middle East , and Sub-Saharan Africa . A world map showing global variations in fertility rate per woman , according to the CIA World Factbook 's 2015 data . 7 -- 8 children 6 -- 7 children 5 -- 6 children 4 -- 5 children 3 -- 4 children 2 -- 3 children 1 -- 2 children 0 -- 1 children During the 2010s , Japan and some countries in Europe began to encounter negative population growth ( i.e. a net decrease in population over time ) , due to sub-replacement fertility rates . In 2006 , the United Nations stated that the rate of population growth was visibly diminishing due to the ongoing global demographic transition . If this trend continues , the rate of growth may diminish to zero by 2050 , concurrent with a world population plateau of 9.2 billion . However , this is only one of many estimates published by the UN ; in 2009 , UN population projections for 2050 ranged between around 8 billion and 10.5 billion . An alternative scenario is given by the statistician Jorgen Randers , who argues that traditional projections insufficiently take into account the downward impact of global urbanization on fertility . Randers ' `` most likely scenario '' reveals a peak in the world population in the early 2040s at about 8.1 billion people , followed by decline . Adrian Raftery , a University of Washington professor of statistics and of sociology , states that `` there 's a 70 percent probability the world population will not stabilize this century . Population , which had sort of fallen off the world 's agenda , remains a very important issue . '' Estimated world population figures , 10,000 BCE -- 2000 CE Estimated world population figures , 10,000 BC -- 2000 CE ( in log y scale ) World population figures , 1950 -- 2000 Estimated global growth rates , 1950 -- 2050 Estimated and projected populations of the world and its continents ( except Antarctica ) from 1950 to 2100 . The shaded regions correspond to the range of projections by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs . Population growth by region ( edit ) The table below shows historical and predicted regional population figures in millions . The availability of historical population figures varies by region . World historical and predicted populations ( in millions ) Region 1500 1600 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 1999 2008 2012 2050 2150 World 585 660 710 791 978 1,262 1,650 2,521 6,008 6,707 6,896 7,052 9,725 9,746 Africa 86 114 106 106 107 111 133 221 783 973 1,022 1,052 2,478 2,308 Asia 282 350 411 502 635 809 947 1,402 3,700 4,054 4,164 4,250 5,267 5,561 Europe 168 170 178 190 203 276 408 547 675 732 738 740 734 517 Latin America 40 20 10 16 24 38 74 167 508 577 590 603 784 912 North America 6 7 26 82 172 312 337 345 351 433 398 Oceania 6 13 30 34 37 38 57 51 World historical and predicted populations by percentage distribution Region 1500 1600 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 1999 2008 2012 2050 2150 World 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Africa 14.7 17.3 14.9 13.4 10.9 8.8 8.1 8.8 13.0 14.5 14.8 15.2 25.48 23.7 Asia 48.2 53.0 57.9 63.5 64.9 64.1 57.4 55.6 61.6 60.4 60.4 60.3 54.16 57.1 Europe 28.7 25.8 25.1 20.6 20.8 21.9 24.7 21.7 11.2 10.9 10.7 10.5 7.55 5.3 Latin America 6.8 3.0 1.4 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.5 6.6 8.5 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.06 9.4 North America 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.7 2.1 5.0 6.8 5.2 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.45 4.1 Oceania 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.59 0.5 Past population ( edit ) The following table gives estimates of population in the past . The data for 1750 to 1900 are from the UN report `` The World at Six Billion '' whereas the data from 1950 to 2015 are from a UN data sheet . Year World Africa Asia Europe Latin America & Carib . North America Oceania Notes 70,000 BCE < 0.015 10,000 BCE 8000 BCE 5 6500 BCE 5 5000 BCE 5 4000 BCE 7 3000 BCE 14 2000 BCE 27 1000 BCE 50 7 33 9 500 BCE 100 14 66 16 CE 1 200 23 141 28 1000 400 70 269 50 8 1500 458 86 243 84 39 1600 580 114 339 111 10 1700 682 106 436 125 10 1750 791 106 502 163 16 1800 1,000 107 656 203 24 7 1850 1,262 111 809 276 38 26 1900 1,650 133 947 408 74 82 6 1950 2,525 229 1,394 549 169 172 12.7 1955 2,758 254 1,534 577 193 187 14.2 1960 3,018 285 1,687 606 221 204 15.8 1965 3,322 322 1,875 635 254 219 17.5 1970 3,682 366 2,120 657 288 231 19.7 4,061 416 2,378 677 326 242 21.5 1980 4,440 478 2,626 694 365 254 23.0 1985 4,853 550 2,897 708 406 267 24.9 5,310 632 3,202 721 447 281 27.0 1995 5,735 720 3,475 728 487 296 29.1 2000 6,127 814 3,714 726 527 314 31.1 2005 6,520 920 3,945 729 564 329 33.4 6,930 1,044 4,170 735 600 344 36.4 2015 7,349 1,186 4,393 738 634 358 39.3 Using the above figures , the change in population from 2010 to 2015 was : World : + 420 million Africa : + 142 million Asia : + 223 million Europe : + 3 million Latin America and Caribbean : + 35 million Northern America : + 14 million Oceania : + 2.9 million ^ Jump up to : Northern America comprises the northern-most countries and territories of North America : Canada , the United States , Greenland , Bermuda , and St. Pierre and Miquelon . Latin America comprises Mexico , Central America , the Caribbean , and South America . Projections ( edit ) Main articles : World population estimates and Projections of population growth Long - term global population growth is difficult to predict . The United Nations and the US Census Bureau both give different estimates -- according to the UN , the world population reached seven billion in late 2011 , while the USCB asserted that this occurred in March 2012 . The UN has issued multiple projections of future world population , based on different assumptions . From 2000 to 2005 , the UN consistently revised these projections downward , until the 2006 revision , issued on March 14 , 2007 , revised the 2050 mid-range estimate upwards by 273 million . Average global birth rates are declining fast , but vary greatly between developed countries ( where birth rates are often at or below replacement levels ) and developing countries ( where birth rates typically remain high ) . Different ethnicities also display varying birth rates . Death rates can change rapidly due to disease epidemics , wars and other mass catastrophes , or advances in medicine . UN ( medium variant -- 2012 revision ) and US Census Bureau ( June 2015 ) estimates Year UN est . ( millions ) Difference USCB est . ( millions ) Difference 2005 6,514 -- 6,473 -- 6,916 402 6,866 393 2015 7,324 408 7,256 390 2020 7,717 393 7,643 380 2025 8,083 366 8,007 363 2030 8,425 342 8,341 334 2035 8,743 318 8,646 306 2040 9,039 296 8,926 280 2045 9,308 269 9,180 254 2050 9,551 243 9,408 228 UN 2012 estimates and medium variant projections ( in millions ) Year World Asia Africa Europe Latin America / Caribbean Northern America Oceania 6,916 4,165 ( 60.2 % ) 1,031 ( 14.9 % ) 740 ( 10.7 % ) 596 ( 8.6 % ) 347 ( 5.0 % ) 37 ( 0.5 % ) 2015 7,324 4,385 ( 59.9 % ) 1,166 ( 15.9 % ) 743 ( 10.1 % ) 630 ( 8.6 % ) 361 ( 4.9 % ) 39 ( 0.5 % ) 2020 7,717 4,582 ( 59.4 % ) 1,312 ( 17.0 % ) 744 ( 9.6 % ) 662 ( 8.6 % ) 376 ( 4.9 % ) 42 ( 0.5 % ) 2025 8,083 4,749 ( 58.8 % ) 1,468 ( 18.2 % ) 741 ( 9.2 % ) 691 ( 8.5 % ) 390 ( 4.8 % ) 45 ( 0.6 % ) 2030 8,425 4,887 ( 58.0 % ) 1,634 ( 19.4 % ) 736 ( 8.7 % ) 717 ( 8.5 % ) 403 ( 4.8 % ) 47 ( 0.6 % ) 2035 8,743 4,997 ( 57.2 % ) 1,812 ( 20.7 % ) 730 ( 8.3 % ) 739 ( 8.5 % ) 415 ( 4.8 % ) 50 ( 0.6 % ) 2040 9,039 5,080 ( 56.2 % ) 1,999 ( 22.1 % ) 724 ( 8.0 % ) 757 ( 8.4 % ) 426 ( 4.8 % ) 52 ( 0.6 % ) 2045 9,308 5,136 ( 55.2 % ) 2,194 ( 23.6 % ) 717 ( 7.7 % ) 771 ( 8.3 % ) 436 ( 4.7 % ) 55 ( 0.6 % ) 2050 9,551 5,164 ( 54.1 % ) 2,393 ( 25.1 % ) 709 ( 7.4 % ) 782 ( 8.2 % ) 446 ( 4.7 % ) 57 ( 0.6 % ) 2055 9,766 5,168 ( 52.9 % ) 2,595 ( 26.6 % ) 700 ( 7.2 % ) 788 ( 8.1 % ) 456 ( 4.7 % ) 59 ( 0.6 % ) 2060 9,957 5,152 ( 51.7 % ) 2,797 ( 28.1 % ) 691 ( 6.9 % ) 791 ( 7.9 % ) 465 ( 4.7 % ) 61 ( 0.6 % ) 2065 10,127 5,120 ( 50.6 % ) 2,998 ( 29.6 % ) 681 ( 6.7 % ) 791 ( 7.8 % ) 474 ( 4.7 % ) 63 ( 0.6 % ) 2070 10,277 5,075 ( 49.4 % ) 3,195 ( 31.1 % ) 673 ( 6.5 % ) 788 ( 7.6 % ) 482 ( 4.7 % ) 64 ( 0.6 % ) 2075 10,409 5,019 ( 48.2 % ) 3,387 ( 32.5 % ) 665 ( 6.4 % ) 783 ( 7.5 % ) 490 ( 4.7 % ) 66 ( 0.6 % ) 2080 10,524 4,957 ( 47.1 % ) 3,570 ( 33.9 % ) 659 ( 6.3 % ) 776 ( 7.4 % ) 496 ( 4.7 % ) 67 ( 0.6 % ) 2085 10,626 4,894 ( 46.1 % ) 3,742 ( 35.2 % ) 653 ( 6.1 % ) 767 ( 7.2 % ) 502 ( 4.7 % ) 68 ( 0.6 % ) 2090 10,717 4,833 ( 45.1 % ) 3,903 ( 36.4 % ) 649 ( 6.1 % ) 757 ( 7.1 % ) 506 ( 4.7 % ) 69 ( 0.6 % ) 2095 10,794 4,773 ( 44.2 % ) 4,051 ( 37.6 % ) 644 ( 6.0 % ) 747 ( 6.9 % ) 510 ( 4.7 % ) 69 ( 0.6 % ) 2100 10,854 4,712 ( 43.4 % ) 4,185 ( 38.6 % ) 639 ( 5.9 % ) 736 ( 6.8 % ) 513 ( 4.7 % ) 70 ( 0.6 % ) Mathematical approximations ( edit ) In 1975 , Sebastian von Hoerner proposed a formula for population growth which represented hyperbolic growth with an infinite population in 2025 . The hyperbolic growth of the world population observed until the 1970s was later correlated to a non-linear second order positive feedback between demographic growth and technological development . This feedback can be described as follows : technological advance → increase in the carrying capacity of land for people → demographic growth → more people → more potential inventors → acceleration of technological advance → accelerating growth of the carrying capacity → faster population growth → accelerating growth of the number of potential inventors → faster technological advance → hence , the faster growth of the Earth 's carrying capacity for people , and so on . The transition from hyperbolic growth to slower rates of growth is related to the demographic transition . According to the Russian demographer Sergey Kapitsa , the world population grew between 67,000 BCE and 1965 according to the following formula : N = C τ arccot T 0 − T τ ( \ displaystyle N = ( \ frac ( C ) ( \ tau ) ) \ operatorname ( arccot ) ( \ frac ( T_ ( 0 ) - T ) ( \ tau ) ) ) where N is current population T is the current year C = ( 1.86 ± 0.01 ) 10 T = 2007 ± 1 τ ( \ displaystyle \ tau ) = 42 ± 1 Years for world population to double ( edit ) According to linear interpolation and extrapolation of UNDESA population estimates , the world population has doubled , or will double , in the years listed in the tables below ( with two different starting points ) . During the 2nd millennium CE , each doubling took roughly half as long as the previous doubling , fitting the hyperbolic growth model mentioned above . However , after 2024 , it is unlikely that there will be another doubling of the global population in the 21st century . Historic chart showing the periods of time the world population has taken to double , from 1700 to 2000 Starting at 500 million Population ( in billions ) 0.5 8 Year 1500 1804 1927 2024 Years elapsed 304 123 47 50 Starting at 375 million Population ( in billions ) 0.375 0.75 1.5 6 Year 1171 1715 1881 1960 1999 Years elapsed 544 166 79 39 Overpopulation ( edit ) Main articles : Human overpopulation and Malthusian catastrophe Predictions of scarcity ( edit ) Greater Los Angeles lies on a coastal mediterranean savannah with a small watershed that is able to support at most one million people on its own water ; as of 2015 , the area has a population of over 18 million . Researchers predict that similar cases of resource scarcity will grow more common as the world population increases . In his 1798 work An Essay on the Principle of Population , the British scholar Thomas Malthus incorrectly predicted that continued population growth would exhaust the global food supply by the mid-19th century . Malthus wrote the essay to refute what he considered the unattainable utopian ideas of William Godwin and Marquis de Condorcet , as presented in Political Justice and The Future Progress of the Human Mind . In 1968 , Paul R. Ehrlich reprised Malthus ' argument in The Population Bomb , predicting that mass global famine would occur in the 1970s and 1980s . The predictions of Ehrlich and other neo-Malthusians were vigorously challenged by a number of economists , notably Julian Lincoln Simon , and advances in agriculture , collectively known as the Green Revolution , forestalled any potential global famine in the late 20th century . Between 1950 and 1984 , as the Green Revolution transformed agriculture around the world , grain production increased by over 250 % . The world population has grown by over four billion since the beginning of the Green Revolution , but food production has so far kept pace with population growth . Most scholars believe that , without the Revolution , there would be greater levels of famine and malnutrition than the UN presently documents . However , neo-Malthusians point out that fossil fuels provided the energy for the Green Revolution , in the form of natural gas - derived fertilizers , oil - derived pesticides , and hydrocarbon - fueled irrigation , and that many crops have become so genetically uniform that a crop failure in any one country could potentially have global repercussions . In 2004 , a meta - analysis of 70 quantitative studies estimating a sustainable limit to the world population generated a meta - estimate of 7.7 billion people . Graph of the global human population from 10,000 BCE to 2000 CE , from the US Census Bureau . The graph shows the extremely rapid growth in the world population that has taken place since the 18th century . The human population has been growing rapidly since the mid-1800s . In May 2008 , the price of grain was pushed up severely by the increased cultivation of biofuels , the increase of world oil prices to over $140 per barrel ( $880 / m ) , global population growth , the effects of climate change , the loss of agricultural land to residential and industrial development , and growing consumer demand in the population centres of China and India . Food riots subsequently occurred in some countries . However , oil prices then fell sharply . Resource demands are expected to ease as population growth declines , but it is unclear whether mass food wastage and rising living standards in developing countries will once again create resource shortages . David Pimentel , professor of ecology and agriculture at Cornell University , estimates that the sustainable agricultural carrying capacity for the United States is about 200 million people ; its population as of 2015 is over 300 million . In 2009 , the UK government 's chief scientific advisor , Professor John Beddington , warned that growing populations , falling energy reserves and food shortages would create a `` perfect storm '' of shortages of food , water , and energy by 2030 . According to a 2009 report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation ( FAO ) , the world will have to produce 70 % more food by 2050 to feed a projected extra 2.3 billion people . The observed figures for 2007 showed an actual increase in absolute numbers of undernourished people in the world , with 923 million undernourished in 2007 , versus 832 million in 1995 . The 2009 FAO estimates showed an even more dramatic increase , to 1.02 billion . Environmental impacts ( edit ) Illegal slash - and - burn agriculture in Madagascar , 2010 A number of scientists have argued that the current global population expansion and accompanying increase in resource consumption threatens the world 's ecosystem . The InterAcademy Panel Statement on Population Growth , which was ratified by 58 member national academies in 1994 , states that `` unprecedented '' population growth aggravates many environmental problems , including rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide , global warming , and pollution . Indeed , some analysts claim that overpopulation 's most serious impact is its effect on the environment . The situation has continued to worsen , as at the time of the 1994 IAP statement , the world population stood at 5.5 billion and lower - bound scenarios predicted a peak of 7.8 billion by 2050 , a number that current estimates state will be reached in the late 2020s . Scientists contend that human overpopulation , continued human population growth and overconsumption , particularly by the wealthy , are the primary drivers of mass species extinction . By 2050 population growth , along with profligate consumption , could result in oceans containing more plastic than fish by weight . Population control ( edit ) Main article : Human population control India is predicted to overtake China as the world 's most populous country by 2022 . Human population control is the practice of intervening to alter the rate of population growth . Historically , human population control has been implemented by limiting a region 's birth rate , by voluntary contraception or by government mandate . It has been undertaken as a response to factors including high or increasing levels of poverty , environmental concerns , and religious reasons . The use of abortion in some population control strategies has caused controversy , with religious organizations such as the Roman Catholic Church explicitly opposing any intervention in the human reproductive process . The University of Nebraska publication Green Illusions argues that population control to alleviate environmental pressures need not be coercive . It states that `` Women who are educated , economically engaged , and in control of their own bodies can enjoy the freedom of bearing children at their own pace , which happens to be a rate that is appropriate for the aggregate ecological endowment of our planet . '' The book Fatal Misconception by Matthew Connelly similarly points to the importance of supporting the rights of women in bringing population levels down over time . Overpopulation skepticism ( edit ) The Population Research Institute ( PRI ) , an anti-abortion , anti-contraception advocacy group , has criticised predictions of overpopulation and attendant resource scarcity , with some describing overpopulation as a `` myth '' . The PRI argues that advances in agricultural , medical , and industrial technology have allowed global economic productivity to keep pace with rising populations despite Malthusian predictions to the contrary . PRI further says that family sizes are naturally declining worldwide due to higher living standards , increased availability of contraception and better economic opportunities for women . However , other commentators have described PRI 's arguments on overpopulation as deceptive . Number of humans who have ever lived ( edit ) Further information : Paleodemography Estimates of the total number of humans who have ever lived range in the order of 100 billion . It is difficult for estimates to be better than rough approximations , as even modern population estimates are fraught with uncertainties on the order of 3 % to 5 % . Kapitza ( 1996 ) cites estimates ranging between 80 and 150 billion . Haub ( 1995 ) prepared another figure , updated in 2002 and 2011 ; the 2011 figure was approximately 107 billion . Haub characterized this figure as an estimate that required `` selecting population sizes for different points from antiquity to the present and applying assumed birth rates to each period '' . One problem is in regard to the semantic difficulty of deciding the precise meaning of `` human '' . A population of , say , 4 million , with an average lifespan of , say , 10 years ( see below ) , implies a birthrate of 0.4 million per year , which over a period of 100 000 years represents 40 000 million people . Also , robust population data only exists for the last two or three centuries . Until the late 18th century , few governments had ever performed an accurate census . In many early attempts , such as in Ancient Egypt and the Persian Empire , the focus was on counting merely a subset of the population for purposes of taxation or military service . Thus , there is a significant margin of error when estimating ancient global populations . Another critical factor for such an estimate is the question of pre-modern infant mortality rates ; these figures are very difficult to estimate for ancient times due to a lack of accurate records . Haub ( 1995 ) estimates that around 40 % of those who have ever lived did not survive beyond their first birthday . Haub also stated that `` life expectancy at birth probably averaged only about ten years for most of human history '' . See also ( edit ) Anthropocene Birth control Coastal population growth Demographic transition Depopulation Doomsday argument Family planning Food security Megacity Natalism One - child policy Population boom Population Matters , population control think tank and campaign group Population Reference Bureau , population demographics and annual World Population Data Sheet Two - child policy World 's largest cities Lists : List of countries and dependencies by population List of urban areas by population List of population concern organizations List of countries by fertility rate List of countries by future population ( United Nations , medium fertility variant ) List of countries by past and future population List of countries by population in 1900 List of countries by population density List of countries by population growth rate Lists of organisms by population -- for non-human global populations List of religious populations Historical : Historical censuses Historical demography Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Excluding its Special Administrative Regions ( SARs ) of Hong Kong and Macau . Jump up ^ Including Central America and the Caribbean . Jump up ^ The Antarctic Treaty System limits the nature of national claims in Antarctica . Of the territorial claims in Antarctica , the Ross Dependency has the largest population . Jump up ^ Figure refers to Mainland China only . It excludes Taiwan and the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` World Population Prospects - Population Division - United Nations '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 09 - 15 . Jump up ^ Jean - Noël Biraben ( 1980 ) , `` An Essay Concerning Mankind 's Evolution '' . Population , Selected Papers . Vol. 4 . pp. 1 -- 13 . Original paper in French : ( b ) Jean - Noël Biraben ( 1979 ). `` Essai sur l'évolution du nombre des hommes '' . Population . Vol. 34 ( no . 1 ) . pp. 13 -- 25 . Jump up ^ `` World Population Prospects , 2012 revision ( 697 million births from 1985 -- 1990 ) '' . United Nations . 2012 . Archived from the original on August 27 , 2014 . 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For a rigorous mathematical analysis of this issue , see `` A Compact Mathematical Model of the World System Economic and Demographic Growth , 1 CE -- 1973 CE '' . Jump up ^ Kapitsa , Sergei P. ( 1996 ) . `` The phenomenological theory of world population growth '' . Physics - Uspekhi. 39 ( 1 ) : 57 -- 71 . Archived from the original on May 11 , 2009 . Retrieved 2013 - 07 - 26 . Jump up ^ Lutz , Wolfgang ; Sanderson , Warren ; Scherbov , Sergei ( 1997 - 06 - 19 ) . `` Doubling of world population unlikely '' . Nature . 387 ( 6635 ) : 803 -- 805 . PMID 9194559 . doi : 10.1038 / 42935 . Retrieved 2012 - 10 - 23 . ^ Jump up to : `` World faces ' perfect storm ' of problems by 2030 , chief scientist to warn '' . The Guardian . March 18 , 2009 . Retrieved February 18 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Jowit , Juliette ( October 23 , 2011 ) . `` Paul Ehrlich , a prophet of global population doom who is gloomier than ever '' . The Guardian . London . Retrieved July 22 , 2013 . 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( 30 May 2014 ) . `` The biodiversity of species and their rates of extinction , distribution , and protection '' ( PDF ) . Science . 344 ( 6187 ) : 1246752 . doi : 10.1126 / science. 1246752 . Retrieved 15 December 2016 . The overarching driver of species extinction is human population growth and increasing per capita consumption . Jump up ^ Ceballos , Gerardo ; Ehrlich , Paul R. ; Barnosky , Anthony D. ; García , Andrés ; Pringle , Robert M. ; Palmer , Todd M. ( 2015 ) . `` Accelerated modern human -- induced species losses : Entering the sixth mass extinction '' . Science Advances. 1 ( 5 ) : e1400253 . doi : 10.1126 / sciadv. 1400253 . ^ Jump up to : Sutter , John D. ( December 12 , 2016 ) . `` How to stop the sixth mass extinction '' . CNN . Retrieved December 19 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Ceballos , Gerardo ; Ehrlich , Paul R ; Dirzo , Rodolfo ( 23 May 2017 ) . `` Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signaled by vertebrate population losses and declines '' . PNAS . doi : 10.1073 / pnas. 1704949114 . Much less frequently mentioned are , however , the ultimate drivers of those immediate causes of biotic destruction , namely , human overpopulation and continued population growth , and overconsumption , especially by the rich . These drivers , all of which trace to the fiction that perpetual growth can occur on a finite planet , are themselves increasing rapidly . Jump up ^ Some population control programs , such as China 's one - child policy , entail the use of forced late - term abortions , sparking domestic anger and international condemnation : `` China one - child policy leads to forced abortions , mothers ' deaths '' . Los Angeles Times . June 15 , 2012 . Retrieved August 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Fighting poverty to build peace '' . Vatican . January 1 , 2009 . Retrieved October 24 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Zehmer , Ozzie ( 2012 ) . Green lllusions . Lincoln and London : University of Nebraska . p. 188 . Jump up ^ Connelly , Matthew ( 2008 ) . Fatal Misconception : The Struggle to Control World Population . Harvard University Press via Google Books . Jump up ^ `` Debunking the Myth of Overpopulation '' . Population Research Institute . 2013 . Retrieved February 19 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` IAP Statement on Population and Consumption '' . InterAcademy Panel : The Global Network of Science Academies ( IAP ) . June 14 , 2012 . Retrieved March 13 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` A Response to Critics of Family Planning Programs '' . . March 1 , 2009 . Retrieved November 18 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Global Environment Outlook -- Environment for the future we want '' ( PDF ) . UNEP . May 2012 . Retrieved November 18 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` It should be noted that even recent demographic data is accurate only from 3 to 5 % , although in demography traditionally more digits are indicated than those having a meaning . This is partially due to the ethical difficulty in rounding off numbers that supposedly represent real people , officially counted during a census . '' Sergei P Kapitza , ' The phenomenological theory of world population growth ' , Physics - Uspekhi 39 ( 1 ) 57 - 71 ( 1996 ) . Jump up ^ Sergei P Kapitza , ' The phenomenological theory of world population growth ' , Physics - Uspekhi 39 ( 1 ) 57 - 71 ( 1996 ) , citing K.M. Weiss , Human Biology 56637 ( 1984 ) and N. Keyfitz , Applied Mathematical Demography ( New York : Wiley , 1977 ) . Jump up ^ Haub , Carl ( October 2011 ) . `` How Many People Have Ever Lived on Earth ? '' . Population Reference Bureau . Retrieved April 29 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Kuhrt , A. ( 1995 ) . The Ancient Near East , c. 3000 -- 330 BCE . Vol. 2 . London : Routledge . p. 695 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to World population statistics . Further reading Cohen , Joel E. ( 1995 ) . How Many People Can The Earth Support ? . New York : W.W. Norton . ISBN 0 - 393 - 31495 - 2 . `` World Population Prospects , the 2012 Revision '' . United Nations Population Division . Retrieved May 19 , 2014 . `` World Population Prospects , the 2010 Revision '' . United Nations Population Division . Retrieved June 25 , 2013 . `` World Population History Graph '' World population graph 10000 BCE - 1950 CE . `` Symptoms of The Global Demographic Decline '' . . Retrieved June 25 , 2013 . World Factbook 2012 . US Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) . Retrieved November 6 , 2012 . `` The World in Balance '' ( transcript ) . Two - part PBS Nova on world population . April 20 , 2004 . Retrieved July 19 , 2013 . `` The Environmental Politics of Population and Overpopulation '' . University of California , Berkeley . 2012 . Retrieved July 19 , 2013 . `` Global population : Faces of the future '' . The Economist . June 22 , 2013 . Retrieved June 25 , 2013 . `` Creating new life -- and other ways to feed the world '' . BBC . July 23 , 2013 . Retrieved July 23 , 2013 . World Population Growth ( Oct 2016 ) , Esteban Ortiz - Ospina and Max Roser , Organizations Optimum Population Trust The Day of 6 Billion and 7 Billion -- Official homepages maintained by UNFPA Population Reference Bureau -- News and issues related to population Berlin Institute for Population and Development Statistics and maps -- World population statistics presented in a treemap interface -- World population map and graph -- Information and maps about populations around the world -- World statistics including population and future predictions -- World countries mapped by population size -- World statistics including population and projections Population clocks U.S. and World Population Clock ( US Census Bureau ) People in the world Global human population Major topics Biocapacity Optimum population Overpopulation Malthusian catastrophe Population Population ethics Population momentum Sustainable development Women 's reproductive rights Zero population growth Biological and related topics Family planning Pledge two or fewer Human population planning One - child policy Two - child policy Population biology Population decline Population density Physiological density Population dynamics Population growth Population model Population pyramid Projections of population growth Human impact on the environment Deforestation Desalination Desertification Environmental impact of agriculture of aviation of biodiesel of concrete of electricity generation of the energy industry of fishing of irrigation of mining of off - roading of oil shale industry of palm oil of paper of the petroleum industry of reservoirs of shipping of war Industrialisation Land degradation Land reclamation Overconsumption Pollution Quarrying Urbanization Loss of green belts Urban sprawl Waste Water scarcity Overdrafting Population ecology Carrying capacity Deep ecology Earth 's energy budget Food security Habitat destruction I = P × A × T Malthusian growth model Overshoot ( population ) World energy consumption World energy resources World3 model Literature A Modest Proposal Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind , Peopling of Countries , etc . 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Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when is the world population expected to reach 8 billion | [
"According to current projections, the global population will reach eight billion by 2024, and will likely reach around nine billion by 2042. Alternative scenarios for 2050 range from a low of 7.4 billion to a high of more than 10.6 billion.[76] Projected figures vary depending on underlying statistical assumptions and the variables used in projection calculations, especially the fertility variable. Long-range predictions to 2150 range from a population decline to 3.2 billion in the \"low scenario\", to \"high scenarios\" of 24.8 billion.[76] One extreme scenario predicted a massive increase to 256 billion by 2150, assuming the global fertility rate remained at its 1995 level of 3.04 children per woman; however, by 2010 the global fertility rate had declined to 2.52.[13][77]"
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-2097054280630457388 | Thinking Out Loud | Thinking Out Loud - wikipedia Thinking Out Loud Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Thinking Out Loud ( disambiguation ) . `` Thinking Out Loud '' Single by Ed Sheeran from the album × B - side `` I 'm a Mess '' ( Live from Lightship 95 ) Released 24 September 2014 ( 2014 - 09 - 24 ) Format 7 '' CD digital download Recorded February 2014 ; ( Sticky Studios , Windlesham , Surrey , England ) Genre Blue - eyed soul Length 4 : 41 ( album version ) 3 : 51 ( radio edit ) Label Asylum Atlantic Songwriter ( s ) Ed Sheeran Amy Wadge Julian Williams Producer ( s ) Jake Gosling Ed Sheeran singles chronology `` Do n't '' ( 2014 ) `` Thinking Out Loud '' ( 2014 ) `` All About It '' ( 2014 ) `` Do n't '' ( 2014 ) `` Thinking Out Loud '' ( 2014 ) `` All About It '' ( 2014 ) Music video `` Thinking Out Loud '' on YouTube `` Thinking Out Loud '' is a song by English singer - songwriter Ed Sheeran , recorded for his second studio album , × ( 2014 ) . It was written by Sheeran and Amy Wadge and was produced by frequent collaborator Jake Gosling . It was released in the US as the album 's third single on 24 September 2014 . In the UK , the song spent 19 weeks within the top 40 before it peaked at number 1 in early November 2014 ; it became Sheeran 's second number 1 single there . The single has also reached the top spot in Australia , Ireland , New Zealand , Denmark , the Netherlands , Slovakia and South Africa , and peaking at # 2 on both the US Billboard Hot 100 and the Canadian Hot 100 , was the Sheeran 's highest charting single in North America until `` Shape of You '' topped the charts in both countries in 2017 . In June 2015 , `` Thinking Out Loud '' became the first single to spend a full year in the UK top 40 . In September 2015 , it also became the seventh single to have achieved triple platinum in the UK during the 21st century . In October 2015 , the song became the first to be streamed over 500 million times on Spotify , is also one of the most streamed songs in the UK and has been viewed more than 2.0 billion times on YouTube as of December 2017 . `` Thinking Out Loud '' received nominations for Grammy Award for Record of the Year , Song of the Year and Best Pop Solo Performance at the 58th Grammy Awards , winning the latter two . Wikinews has related news : Ed Sheeran wins Song of Year Grammy for Thinking Out Loud On 10 August 2016 , it was announced that Sheeran was getting sued by the family of Ed Townsend for copyright infringement , who claim that `` Thinking Out Loud '' plagiarises elements of Marvin Gaye 's `` Let 's Get It On '' . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background and writing 2 Lyrics and music 3 Single release 4 Music video 5 Live performances 5.1 Translations 6 Critical reception 7 Chart performance 7.1 On streaming services 8 Parodies 9 Plagiarism allegation 10 Usage in media 11 Formats and track listings 12 Charts 12.1 Weekly charts 12.2 Year - end charts 13 Certifications and sales 14 See also 15 References 16 External links Background and writing ( edit ) Sheeran wrote `` Thinking Out Loud '' with Amy Wadge ( pictured ) , an English singer - songwriter based in Wales . Sheeran wrote `` Thinking Out Loud '' with Amy Wadge , a Wales - based singer - songwriter . He met Wadge when he was 17 years old and they had since written several songs together . Of these , five songs composed the extended play Songs I Wrote with Amy , which Sheeran independently released on 4 April 2010 . Wadge also co-wrote the song `` Gold Rush '' , a track on the deluxe version of Sheeran 's debut album , + ( 2011 ) . In February 2014 , Wadge visited Sheeran in his house for a `` chilling - out time '' . Around that time , Sheeran 's second studio album , × , was nearly completed . Wadge revealed that her visit was not supposed to be a songwriting session . While Sheeran was taking a shower , Wadge played a few chords on a guitar . The tune caught the attention of Sheeran and he ran downstairs . Sheeran suggested working with the tune , but only after returning home from dinner , work began . The melody developed from a simple riff . According to Sheeran , he composed the melody on a guitar in a manner which was `` very Van - like '' , referring to Van Morrison . The Irish musician has been an inspiration to Sheeran since a young age , and Sheeran wanted to capture that vibe when he composed the song . In the kitchen , Sheeran and Wadge began writing the song at 2 : 00 am on 4 February 2014 , and completed it in 20 minutes . According to Wadge , the lyrical content resulted from her and Sheeran 's talking about `` everlasting love '' , inspired by the circumstances relevant at that time . Sheeran also revealed that the lyrics were inspired by his then - girlfriend , Athina Andrelos , whom Sheeran met in early 2014 . Sheeran would later explain that he wrote the song `` in a relationship at a really , really happy point '' . Immediately after writing , Sheeran recorded the song on his phone . He was keen to include `` Thinking Out Loud '' on the second album . He properly recorded the song the following day at the Sticky Studios , a recording facility located in the small Surrey village of Windlesham , and informed Wadge of its inclusion on the album . It became the last song recorded for the album . For `` Thinking Out Loud '' , Sheeran sought the assistance of Jake Gosling , who produced much of his debut album and had earlier contributed tracks , four of which appear on the standard version of the second album . Lyrics and Music ( edit ) `` Thinking Out Loud '' ( 2014 ) A 28 - second sample of `` Thinking Out Loud '' , a romantic blue - eyed soul ballad . Its composition has a strong influence of Marvin Gaye 's 1973 hit `` Let 's Get It On '' . Problems playing this file ? See media help . `` Thinking Out Loud '' is a romantic ballad with blue - eyed soul influences . Sheeran referred to it as a `` walking down the aisle song '' . In the lyrics , Sheeran reflects on `` getting older and fidelity and love in a fairly conventional context '' , according to Eric Clarke , professor of music at University of Oxford . The song was composed in the key of D major with a tempo of 78 beats per minute . Sheeran 's vocals range from A to B. In the mix , Sheeran 's voice is `` unusually '' loud over the instruments , which , for Mike Senior of the music technology magazine , Sound on Sound , is `` surprisingly rare '' in contemporary records . Senior analysed the vocal elements in which he found that , in spite of several notes sung off pitch , `` the overall framework of the vocal remains fundamentally in tune '' . Journalists noted similarities between `` Thinking Out Loud '' and `` Let 's Get It On '' , a 1973 single by soul musician , Marvin Gaye . Andrew Unterberger of Spin wrote that `` the gently loping four - note bass pattern and crisp ' 70s soul drums absolutely smack of the Gaye classic , as do the embrace - insistent lyrics and general candlelit - bedroom feel '' . Jason Lipshutz of Billboard called it a `` sleek update '' of the classic . Single release ( edit ) Prior to the album release , Sheeran debuted `` Thinking Out Loud '' on 24 May 2014 by performing it live on the British music television show , Later ... with Jools Holland . The debut followed the release of the video accompaniment to `` Sing '' , the album 's lead single . `` Thinking Out Loud '' was immediately perceived as having contrast to `` Sing '' , which is a `` high - energy funk / R&B - infused song '' . `` Thinking Out Loud '' became available on 18 June 2014 as an `` instant grat '' download for consumers who pre-ordered × on the iTunes Store . It served as a promotional single from × , which was released two days later . On the standard version of the album , `` Thinking Out Loud '' is the next - to - last track , the last being `` Afire Love '' . `` Thinking Out Loud '' was initially serviced to Australian radio on 14 August 2014 and later released on 24 September 2014 . It served as the third of five singles released from the album ; it followed the songs , `` Sing '' and `` Do n't '' , the first and second single respectively . According to Sheeran , no one from his record label wanted to release `` Thinking Out Loud '' as a single , favouring over `` Photograph '' as the `` big song '' . `` Photograph '' was supposed to be the main single , but when `` Thinking Out Loud '' spent several weeks within the top 20 on the UK Singles Chart albeit not receiving rotation , the latter song was kept as the third single . `` Photograph '' was later released as the fifth and final single . The song was issued on 7 '' vinyl exclusively as part of the Black Friday Record Store Day , which was celebrated on 28 November 2014 . The vinyl record included , as a B - side , the live version of `` I 'm A Mess '' which Sheeran performed at the Lightship 95 studio . Music video ( edit ) Filming of the video took place at the Crystal Ballroom of the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles Emil Nava directed the video accompaniment to the single . Most of it was filmed in the Crystal Ballroom at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles , California . The video was shot continuously using a 16 mm film camera . Unlike Sheeran 's earlier videos , where he assume a low profile , he took the lead role on `` Thinking Out Loud '' . In the video , Sheeran executes a ballroom dance with Brittany Cherry , a contestant from the televised American dance competition , So You Think You Can Dance . The routine was choreographed by Nappytabs and with training help from Paul Karmiryan . While on concert tour , Sheeran spent five hours a day for three weeks to practice with Cherry . The video was released on October 8 , 2014 . After first 24 hours , the video had over 2.7 million views on video - sharing website , YouTube . As of December 2017 , it has over 2.0 billion views , making it the 20th most viewed video on the site . The music video received four nominations at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards including Video of the Year and Best Male Video . Live performances ( edit ) On 26 October 2014 , Sheeran performed the song on third live results show of series 11 of The X Factor . He also performed it on 9 November 2014 in the 2014 MTV Europe Music Awards . Sheeran also performed the song as a special guest at The Voice 's live finale on 16 December 2014 . Furthermore , Sheeran performed the track on the Christmas Special of The Jonathan Ross Show on 20 December 2014 . He also performed the song at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards on 8 February 2015 along with John Mayer , Questlove , Adam Blackstone , and Herbie Hancock . Sheeran performed `` Thinking Out Loud '' on 13 April 2015 results show of the second series of The X Factor in New Zealand . Sheeran also performed `` Thinking Out Loud '' at the Victoria 's Secret Fashion Show 2014 . Translations ( edit ) On 26 December 2015 , Sheeran released an Irish - language version of `` Thinking Out Loud '' for the upcoming Irish album , CEOL 2016 . Critical reception ( edit ) Lauren Murphy of The Irish Times noted that the `` injection of blue - eyed soul '' on the song is `` enjoyable '' , and that it `` makes Sheeran 's aptitude for melody difficult to dismiss '' . Jim Beviglia of the American Songwriter thought that although `` tidy '' , `` Thinking Out Loud '' comes `` toothless '' compared with the `` daring confessionals '' Sheeran made on the other songs . The Washington Post writer , Allison Stewart , has hailed the song as `` a blatant and mercilessly effective bid for ' I 'll Be ' - style wedding - song immortality '' . Billboard magazine 's Jason Lipshutz , commented that Sheeran `` pushes this bold stab at romance past its sappiest moments , and ends the album on a likable note '' . Jamieson Cox of Time wrote that `` the album 's greatest moment by a country mile is relegated to its penultimate slot '' , referring to `` Thinking Out Loud '' . Chart Performance ( edit ) `` Thinking Out Loud '' topped several charts in Europe , Oceania and South Africa , and reached the top ten in several other countries in the Northern America ( see Weekly charts below ) . Upon the album 's release , the single debuted at number 26 on the UK Singles Chart . On 2 November 2014 , `` Thinking Out Loud '' topped the UK Singles Chart in its 19th week in the Top 40 , breaking the record for the longest ascent to number one . In the week ending 27 June 2015 , it had spent a record consecutive 52 weeks ( or a full year ) inside the top 40 . Around the same time , the single had accumulated 1.65 million combined sales and streams ; it became one of the 161 million - selling singles and the 26th best - selling of the 2010s in the UK . On 18 September 2015 , the British Phonographic Industry certified the single triple platinum for combined sales ( including streaming points ) of 1,800,000 units . As of September 2017 , the song has sold 1,219,000 copies with 130 million stream , making a total of 2,521,000 units sold in the United Kingdom . In the US , `` Thinking Out Loud '' peaked at number two on the all - encompassing chart Billboard Hot 100 ; the single became Sheeran 's highest charting single until the release of `` Shape of You '' in 2017 . It remained the runner - up spot for eight consecutive weeks , a chart feat last held in 2004 . `` Thinking Out Loud '' was kept off the top spot by `` Uptown Funk '' , although it outperformed the latter song for a week in February 2015 on the Billboard Digital Songs . On other specific US charts , `` Thinking Out Loud '' reached number one on the Billboard Adult Pop Songs for the week ending 21 February 2015 , marking Sheeran 's first . For the week ending 21 March 2015 , `` Thinking Out Loud '' held the top position on the Billboard Pop Songs , Adult Pop Songs , and Adult Contemporary charts , becoming the fourth song in history to lead all three adult charts simultaneously . In celebration of Google Play 's 5th anniversary , Google announced `` Thinking Out Loud '' as the top selling song on the platform . `` Thinking Out Loud '' is Sheeran 's best - selling song in the United States , with 5,622,000 copies sold as of September 2017 . On streaming services ( edit ) In the UK , Sheeran 's native country , `` Thinking Out Loud '' claimed the record for the most streams in a single week in December 2014 . The track accumulated over 1,638,000 streams , and subsequently achieved a personal best of 1,850,000 streams in the week ending 21 December 2014 . This record has since been broken by several songs . In April 2015 , the song ranked as the most popular based on the 2.8 million sleep - themed playlists created by Spotify users . Sleep is one of the company 's most popular categories that , according to Spotify , `` people also use for general relaxation and to help themselves unwind '' . The Guardian columnist Tim Dowling suggested that the report indicated `` very popular , slightly mellow songs that keep cropping up on sleep playlists '' but not a list of a `` carefully curated journey to unconsciousness '' . In October 2015 , `` Thinking Out Loud '' set the record of most streams of a song on Spotify , having accumulated over 500 million streams . The company created the `` Sheerio Index '' , an interactive graphic map which showed where Sheeran was most popular . The color - based map indicated that Sheeran was most popular in Denmark . It was surpassed a month later by `` Lean On '' , a song by Major Lazer and DJ Snake featuring MØ . Parodies ( edit ) On 28 April 2015 episode of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon , actor Jeremy Renner , known for his role as Hawkeye in the Avengers movies , performed on piano and sang a song captioned by Fallon 's show on YouTube as `` Hawkeye Sings About His Super Powers '' . While not parodying Sheeran 's lyrics , it is sung to the same tune . The lyrics suggest that Hawkeye feels defensive compared with the other Avengers : `` But listen , I 've got powers too ; they 're pretty sweet . / I promise I can do so much more than just archery ... / I can open a pickle jar . / I 'm friggin ' Hawkeye . / Maybe I 'm as super as they are . '' The song and video were also parodied in the CW series Crazy Ex-Girlfriend . Titled `` Let 's Have Intercourse '' , the song was sung by Scott Michael Foster with Rachel Bloom appearing in the scene dancing with Foster in the same manner as Sheeran and Cherry . The lyrics are an appeal by Foster 's character , Nathaniel Plimpton III , to series protagonist Rebecca Bunch ( Bloom ) to have sex whilst trapped in an elevator . Plagiarism allegation ( edit ) On 10 August 2016 , it was revealed that the family of Ed Townsend , who wrote Marvin Gaye 's `` Let 's Get It On '' was suing Ed Sheeran saying `` the melodic , harmonic , and rhythmic compositions of ' Thinking ' are substantially and / or strikingly similar to the drum composition of ' Let 's ' . '' Usage in Media ( edit ) The song was featured in the 2016 film Me Before You . It was also covered in the film Bridget Jones 's Baby . Formats and track listings ( edit ) 7 '' vinyl `` Thinking Out Loud '' `` I 'm a Mess '' ( Live from Lightship 95 ) CD single `` Thinking Out Loud '' `` I 'm a Mess '' ( Live from Lightship 95 ) Digital download ( Remix ) `` Thinking Out Loud '' ( Alex Adair Remix ) -- 3 : 02 EP ( Australian Exclusive ) `` Thinking Out Loud '' `` Do n't '' ( Sable Remix ) `` Sing '' ( Trippy Turtle Remix ) `` Thinking Out Loud '' ( Alex Adair Remix ) `` Do n't '' ( X Ambassadors Remix ) `` Sing '' ( Syn Cole Remix ) Charts ( edit ) Weekly charts ( edit ) Chart ( 2014 -- 15 ) Peak position Australia ( ARIA ) Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 40 ) Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) 6 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Wallonia ) 8 Brazil ( Billboard Brasil Hot 100 ) 22 Bulgaria ( IFPI ) Canada ( Canadian Hot 100 ) Canada AC ( Billboard ) Canada CHR / Top 40 ( Billboard ) Canada Hot AC ( Billboard ) Czech Republic ( Rádio Top 100 ) Czech Republic ( Singles Digitál Top 100 ) Denmark ( Tracklisten ) Euro Digital Songs ( Billboard ) Finland ( Suomen virallinen lista ) 8 France ( SNEP ) Germany ( Official German Charts ) 6 Greece Digital Songs ( Billboard ) 7 Hungary ( Single Top 40 ) 14 Hungary ( Stream Top 40 ) Iceland ( RÚV ) India ( Angrezi Top 20 ) Ireland ( IRMA ) Israel ( Media Forest ) Italy ( FIMI ) Japan ( Japan Hot 100 ) 39 Lebanon ( Lebanese Top 20 ) 8 Luxembourg Digital Songs ( Billboard ) 5 Mexico Airplay ( Billboard ) Mexico Ingles Airplay ( Billboard ) Mexico ( Monitor Latino ) Netherlands ( Dutch Top 40 ) Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) New Zealand ( Recorded Music NZ ) Norway ( VG - lista ) Poland ( Polish Airplay Top 100 ) 5 Portugal Digital Songs ( Billboard ) Romania ( Airplay 100 ) Scotland ( Official Charts Company ) Slovakia ( Rádio Top 100 ) Slovakia ( Singles Digitál Top 100 ) Slovenia ( SloTop50 ) South Africa ( EMA ) Spain ( PROMUSICAE ) Sweden ( Sverigetopplistan ) Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) US Billboard Hot 100 US Adult Alternative Songs ( Billboard ) 26 US Adult Contemporary ( Billboard ) US Adult Top 40 ( Billboard ) US Dance / Mix Show Airplay ( Billboard ) 7 US Latin Airplay ( Billboard ) 44 US Latin Pop Songs ( Billboard ) 29 US Mainstream Top 40 ( Billboard ) US Rhythmic ( Billboard ) 14 Venezuela Pop Rock General ( Record Report ) 23 Venezuela Top Anglo ( Record Report ) 7 Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 2014 ) Position Australia ( ARIA ) 7 Denmark ( Tracklisten ) 29 Germany ( Official German Charts ) 100 Hungary ( Stream Top 40 ) 42 Ireland ( IRMA ) 6 Italy ( FIMI ) 86 Netherlands ( Dutch Top 40 ) 52 Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) 28 New Zealand ( Recorded Music NZ ) 7 Sweden ( Sverigetopplistan ) 31 UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 5 Chart ( 2015 ) Position Australia ( ARIA ) 15 Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 40 ) 37 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) 25 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Wallonia ) 28 Brazil ( Billboard Brasil Hot 100 ) 16 Canada ( Canadian Hot 100 ) Denmark ( Tracklisten ) 7 France ( SNEP ) 22 Germany ( Official German Charts ) 43 Hungary ( Single Top 40 ) 69 Hungary ( Stream Top 40 ) 26 Ireland ( IRMA ) Israel ( Media Forest ) 23 Italy ( FIMI ) 12 Netherlands ( Dutch Top 40 ) 24 Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) 6 New Zealand ( Recorded Music NZ ) 6 Poland ( Polish Airplay Top 100 ) 30 Slovenia ( SloTop50 ) 6 Spain ( PROMUSICAE ) 6 Sweden ( Sverigetopplistan ) 13 Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) 14 UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 12 US Billboard Hot 100 US Adult Contemporary ( Billboard ) US Adult Top 40 ( Billboard ) US Dance / Mix Show Airplay ( Billboard ) 43 US Mainstream Top 40 ( Billboard ) 10 Chart ( 2016 ) Position Brazil ( Brasil Hot 100 ) 16 Denmark ( Tracklisten ) 90 Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) 88 Certifications and sales ( edit ) Region Certification Certified units / Sales Australia ( ARIA ) 9 × Platinum 630,000 Austria ( IFPI Austria ) Platinum 30,000 Belgium ( BEA ) 2 × Platinum 60,000 Canada ( Music Canada ) 9 × Platinum 720,000 Denmark ( IFPI Denmark ) 4 × Platinum 240,000 France ( SNEP ) Gold 150,000 Germany ( BVMI ) Platinum 400,000 Italy ( FIMI ) 6 × Platinum 180,000 Mexico ( AMPROFON ) Platinum 60,000 New Zealand ( RMNZ ) 6 × Platinum 90,000 Spain ( PROMUSICAE ) 4 × Platinum 160,000 Sweden ( GLF ) Platinum 40,000 Switzerland ( IFPI Switzerland ) Platinum 30,000 United Kingdom ( BPI ) 4 × Platinum 1,219,000 United States ( RIAA ) Diamond 5,622,406 Streaming Denmark ( IFPI Denmark ) Gold 1,300,000 sales figures based on certification alone shipments figures based on certification alone sales + streaming figures based on certification alone See also ( edit ) List of best - selling singles List of UK Singles Chart number ones of 2014 List of number - one singles of 2014 ( Australia ) List of number - one singles of 2014 ( Ireland ) List of number - one singles of 2015 ( South Africa ) List of number - one adult contemporary singles of 2015 ( U.S. ) List of number - one digital songs of 2015 ( U.S. ) List of best - selling singles in Australia References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Farragher , Mike ( 8 January 2015 ) . `` Irish Central - Ed Sheeran X '' . 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Retrieved 14 January 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Jaarlijsten 2014 '' ( in Dutch ) . Stichting Nederlandse Top 40 . Retrieved 14 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Jaaroverzichten - Single 2014 '' . Hung Medien . Retrieved 14 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Top Selling Singles of 2014 '' . Recorded Music NZ . Retrieved 27 December 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Årslista Singlar -- År 2014 '' ( in Swedish ) . Sverigetopplistan . Swedish Recording Industry Association . Retrieved 15 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` End of Year Singles Chart Top 100 - 2014 '' . Retrieved 14 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` ARIA Charts - End of Year Charts - Top 100 Singles 2015 '' . Australian Recording Industry Association . Retrieved 6 January 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Jahreshitparade 2015 '' ( in German ) . Hung Medien . Archived from the original on 4 January 2016 . Retrieved 14 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Jaaroverzichten 2015 '' ( in Dutch ) . Ultratop & Hung Medien . Retrieved 26 December 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Rapports annuels 2015 '' ( in French ) . Ultratop . Retrieved 14 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Canadian Hot 100 Year End 2015 '' . Billboard . Prometheus Global Media . Retrieved 9 December 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Track Top - 100 , 2015 '' . Hitlisten.NU . Retrieved 14 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Classement Singles - année 2015 '' ( in French ) . . Retrieved 9 December 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Top 100 Single - Jahrescharts '' ( in German ) . . Retrieved 6 January 2016 . Jump up ^ `` MAHASZ Single ( track ) TOP 100 - chart - pozíció alapján - 2015 '' ( in Hungarian ) . Association of Hungarian Record Companies . Retrieved 14 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` MAHASZ Stream TOP 100 - 2015 '' ( in Hungarian ) . Association of Hungarian Record Companies . Retrieved 8 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` IRMA - Best of Singles '' . IRMA Charts . Irish Record Music Association . Retrieved 14 January 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Israel Airplay Year End 2015 '' . Retrieved 5 January 2016 . 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Jump up ^ `` The Official Swiss Charts and Music Community : Awards ( Ed Sheeran ; ' Thinking Out Loud ' ) '' . IFPI Switzerland . Hung Medien . Retrieved 31 December 2015 . Jump up ^ `` American single certifications -- Ed Sheeran -- Thinking Out Loud '' . Recording Industry Association of America . If necessary , click Advanced , then click Format , then select Single , then click SEARCH Jump up ^ `` Certificeringer -- Ed Sheeran -- Thinking Out Loud '' ( in Danish ) . IFPI Denmark . Retrieved 9 October 2014 . External links ( edit ) `` Thinking Out Loud '' ( Official Video ) on YouTube `` Thinking Out Loud '' ( Official Fan Video ) on YouTube Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics Ed Sheeran songs Discography + `` The A Team '' `` Drunk '' `` Small Bump '' `` Lego House '' `` You Need Me , I Do n't Need You '' `` Give Me Love '' `` The Parting Glass '' x `` One '' `` I 'm a Mess '' `` Sing '' `` Do n't '' `` Photograph '' `` Bloodstream '' `` Tenerife Sea '' `` The Man '' `` Thinking Out Loud '' `` Afire Love '' ÷ `` Eraser '' `` Castle on the Hill '' `` Dive '' `` Shape of You '' `` Perfect '' `` Galway Girl '' `` Happier '' `` New Man '' `` What Do I Know ? '' `` How Would You Feel ( Paean ) '' `` Supermarket Flowers '' `` Nancy Mulligan '' Featured songs `` All About It '' `` Do They Know It 's Christmas ? '' `` Dreamers '' `` Everything Has Changed '' `` Hush Little Baby '' `` If I Could '' `` Lay It All on Me '' `` Old School Love '' `` Reuf '' `` Teardrop '' `` Watchtower '' `` Young Guns '' `` Boa Me '' `` River '' Other songs `` All of the Stars '' `` Candle in the Wind '' `` I See Fire '' `` Make It Rain '' Grammy Award for Song of the Year ( 2010s ) Thaddis `` Kuk '' Harrell , Beyoncé Knowles , Terius Nash & Christopher Stewart -- `` Single Ladies ( Put a Ring on It ) '' 2011 Dave Haywood , Josh Kear , Charles Kelley & Hillary Scott -- `` Need You Now '' 2012 Adele Adkins & Paul Epworth -- `` Rolling in the Deep '' 2013 Jack Antonoff , Jeff Bhasker , Andrew Dost & Nate Ruess -- `` We Are Young '' 2014 Joel Little & Ella Yelich O'Connor -- `` Royals '' 2015 James Napier , William Phillips & Sam Smith -- `` Stay with Me '' ( Darkchild version ) 2016 Ed Sheeran & Amy Wadge -- `` Thinking Out Loud '' 2017 Adele Adkins & Greg Kurstin -- `` Hello '' Complete list ( 1960s ) ( 1970s ) ( 1980s ) ( 1990s ) ( 2000s ) ( 2010s ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2014 songs 2014 singles 2010s ballads Ed Sheeran songs Song recordings produced by Jake Gosling Songs written by Ed Sheeran Dutch Top 40 number - one singles Irish Singles Chart number - one singles UK Singles Chart number - one singles Number - one singles in Australia Number - one singles in Denmark Number - one singles in New Zealand South African Airplay Chart number - one singles Billboard Adult Top 40 number - one singles Billboard Adult Contemporary number - one singles Billboard Mainstream Top 40 ( Pop Songs ) number - one singles Soul ballads Grammy Award for Song of the Year Songs involved in plagiarism controversies Songs written by Amy Wadge Blue - eyed soul songs Hidden categories : Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL Pages using web citations with no URL CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown CS1 German - language sources ( de ) CS1 Hungarian - language sources ( hu ) CS1 Italian - language sources ( it ) CS1 Dutch - language sources ( nl ) CS1 Swedish - language sources ( sv ) CS1 French - language sources ( fr ) CS1 Polish - language sources ( pl ) CS1 Spanish - language sources ( es ) CS1 Portuguese - language sources ( pt ) CS1 Danish - language sources ( da ) Use British English from June 2014 Use dmy dates from June 2014 Articles with hAudio microformats Singlechart usages for Australia Singlechart usages for Austria Singlechart usages for Flanders Singlechart usages for Wallonia Singlechart usages for Canada Singlechart called without song Singlechart usages for Billboardcanadaac Singlechart usages for Billboardcanadachrtop40 Singlechart usages for Billboardcanadahotac Singlechart usages for Czech Republic Singlechart called without artist Singlechart usages for Czechdigital Singlechart usages for Denmark Singlechart usages for Finland Singlechart usages for France Singlechart usages for Germany2 Singlechart usages for Hungarytop10 Singlechart usages for Hungarystream Singlechart usages for Ireland Singlechart usages for Israelairplay Singlechart making named ref Singlechart usages for Italy Singlechart usages for Billboardjapanhot100 Singlechart usages for Dutch40 Singlechart usages for Dutch100 Singlechart usages for New Zealand Singlechart usages for Norway Singlechart usages for Poland Singlechart usages for Scotland Singlechart usages for Slovakia Singlechart usages for Slovakdigital Singlechart usages for South Africa Singlechart usages for Spain Singlechart usages for Sweden Singlechart usages for Switzerland Singlechart usages for UKsinglesbyname Singlechart usages for Billboardhot100 Singlechart usages for Billboardadultalternativesongs Singlechart usages for Billboardadultcontemporary Singlechart usages for Billboardadultpopsongs Singlechart usages for Billboarddanceairplay Singlechart usages for Billboardlatinairplay Singlechart usages for Billboardlatinpopsongs Singlechart usages for Billboardpopsongs Singlechart usages for Billboardrhythmic Certification Table Entry usages for Australia Certification Table Entry usages for Austria Certification Table Entry usages for Belgium Certification Table Entry usages for Canada Certification Table Entry usages for Denmark Certification Table Entry usages for France Certification Table Entry usages for Germany Certification Table Entry usages for Italy Certification Table Entry usages for Mexico Certification Table Entry usages for New Zealand Certification Table Entry usages for Spain Certification Table Entry usages for Sweden Certification Table Entry usages for Switzerland Certification Table Entry usages for United Kingdom Certification Table Entry usages for United States Talk Contents About Wikipedia Brezhoneg Eesti Español فارسی Français 한국어 Հայերեն Italiano עברית Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Scots Tagalog ไทย Türkçe Tiếng Việt Edit links This page was last edited on 18 December 2017 , at 22 : 42 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who is dancing with ed in thinking out loud | [
"Unlike Sheeran's earlier videos, where he assume a low profile, he took the lead role on \"Thinking Out Loud\". In the video, Sheeran executes a ballroom dance with Brittany Cherry, a contestant from the televised American dance competition, So You Think You Can Dance.[27] The routine was choreographed by Nappytabs and with training help from Paul Karmiryan. While on concert tour, Sheeran spent five hours a day for three weeks to practice with Cherry.[12]"
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"Brittany Cherry, a contestant from the televised American dance competition, So You Think You Can Dance"
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-856858648392152334 | Guardians of the Galaxy (film) | Guardians of the Galaxy ( film ) - wikipedia Guardians of the Galaxy ( film ) This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 26 October 2017 . Jump to : navigation , search `` Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 '' redirects here . For the first volume of the comic book series , see Guardians of the Galaxy ( 1969 team ) . Guardians of the Galaxy Theatrical release poster Directed by James Gunn Produced by Kevin Feige Written by James Gunn Nicole Perlman Based on Guardians of the Galaxy by Dan Abnett Andy Lanning Starring Chris Pratt Zoe Saldana Dave Bautista Vin Diesel Bradley Cooper Lee Pace Michael Rooker Karen Gillan Djimon Hounsou John C. Reilly Glenn Close Benicio del Toro Music by Tyler Bates Cinematography Ben Davis Edited by Fred Raskin Craig Wood Hughes Winborne Production company Marvel Studios Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Release date July 21 , 2014 ( 2014 - 07 - 21 ) ( Dolby Theatre ) August 1 , 2014 ( 2014 - 08 - 01 ) ( United States ) Running time 122 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $232.3 million ( gross ) $195.9 million ( net ) Box office $773.3 million Guardians of the Galaxy ( retroactively referred to as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 ) is a 2014 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name , produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures . It is the tenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe . The film was directed by James Gunn , who wrote the screenplay with Nicole Perlman , and features an ensemble cast including Chris Pratt , Zoe Saldana , Dave Bautista , Vin Diesel , Bradley Cooper , Lee Pace , Michael Rooker , Karen Gillan , Djimon Hounsou , John C. Reilly , Glenn Close , and Benicio del Toro . In Guardians of the Galaxy , Peter Quill forms an uneasy alliance with a group of extraterrestrial misfits who are fleeing after stealing a powerful artifact . Perlman began working on the screenplay in 2009 . Producer Kevin Feige first publicly mentioned Guardians of the Galaxy as a potential film in 2010 and Marvel Studios announced it was in active development at the San Diego Comic - Con International in July 2012 . Gunn was hired to write and direct the film that September . In February 2013 , Pratt was hired to play Peter Quill / Star - Lord , and the supporting cast members were subsequently confirmed . Principal photography began in July 2013 at Shepperton Studios in England , with filming continuing in London before wrapping up in October 2013 . Post-production was finished on July 7 , 2014 . The film premiered in Hollywood on July 21 , 2014 . It was released in theaters on August 1 , 2014 in the United States in the 3D and IMAX 3D formats . The film became a critical and commercial success , grossing $773.3 million worldwide and becoming the highest - grossing superhero film of 2014 , as well as the third highest - grossing film of 2014 . The film garnered praise for its humor , action , soundtrack , visual effects , direction , musical score , and acting . A sequel , Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 , was released on May 5 , 2017 , with a third film , Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 , scheduled to be released in 2020 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 3.1 Development 3.1. 1 Writing 3.2 Pre-production 3.3 Filming 3.4 Post-production 3.4. 1 Visual effects 4 Music 5 Release 5.1 Marketing 5.1. 1 Merchandise 5.2 Home media 6 Reception 6.1 Box office 6.1. 1 North America 6.1. 2 Outside North America 6.2 Critical response 6.3 Accolades 7 Sequels 7.1 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 7.2 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 8 See also 9 Notes 10 References 11 External links Plot ( edit ) In 1988 , following his mother 's death , a young Peter Quill is abducted from Earth by the Ravagers , a group of space pirates led by Yondu Udonta . Twenty - six years later on the planet Morag , Quill steals an orb but is attacked by Korath , a subordinate to the fanatical Kree , Ronan . Although Quill escapes with the orb , Yondu discovers his theft and issues a bounty for his capture , while Ronan sends the assassin Gamora after the orb . When Quill attempts to sell the orb on Xandar , capital of the Nova Empire , Gamora ambushes him and steals it . A fight ensues , drawing in a pair of bounty hunters : the genetically and cybernetically modified raccoon Rocket , and the tree - like humanoid Groot . Nova Corps officers capture the four , detaining them in the Kyln . A powerful inmate there , Drax , attempts to kill Gamora due to her association with Ronan , who killed his family . Quill convinces Drax that Gamora can bring Ronan to him , though Gamora reveals that she has betrayed Ronan , unwilling to let him use the orb 's power . Learning that Gamora has a buyer for the orb , Quill , Rocket , Groot , and Drax work with her to escape the Kyln in Quill 's ship , the Milano . Ronan meets with Gamora 's adoptive father , Thanos , to discuss her betrayal . Quill 's group flee to Knowhere , a remote criminal outpost in space built in the giant severed head of a Celestial . A drunken Drax summons Ronan while the rest of the group meet Gamora 's contact , the collector Taneleer Tivan . Tivan opens the orb , revealing an Infinity Stone , an item of immeasurable power that destroys all but the most powerful beings who wield it . Tivan 's tormented assistant Carina grabs the Stone , triggering an explosion that engulfs Tivan 's archive . Ronan arrives and easily defeats Drax , while the others flee by ship , pursued by Ronan 's followers and Gamora 's adoptive sister Nebula . Nebula destroys Gamora 's ship , leaving her floating in space , and Ronan 's fighters capture the orb . Quill contacts Yondu before following Gamora into space , giving her his helmet to survive ; Yondu arrives and retrieves the pair . Rocket , Drax , and Groot threaten to attack Yondu 's ship to rescue them , but Quill negotiates a truce , promising the orb to Yondu . Quill 's group agrees that facing Ronan means certain death , but that they can not let him use the Infinity Stone to destroy the galaxy . On Ronan 's flagship , the Dark Aster , Ronan embeds the Stone in his warhammer , taking its power for himself . He contacts Thanos , threatening to kill him after first destroying Xandar ; hateful of her adoptive father , Nebula allies with Ronan . The Ravagers and Quill 's group join with the Nova Corps to confront the Dark Aster at Xandar , with Quill 's group breaching the Dark Aster with the Milano . Ronan uses his empowered warhammer to destroy the Nova Corps fleet . Gamora fights and defeats Nebula , who then escapes , but the group find themselves outmatched by Ronan 's power until Rocket crashes a Ravager ship through the Dark Aster . The damaged Dark Aster crash - lands on Xandar , with Groot sacrificing himself to shield the group . Ronan emerges from the wreck and prepares to destroy Xandar , but Quill distracts him , allowing Drax and Rocket to destroy Ronan 's warhammer . Quill grabs the freed Stone , and with Gamora , Drax , and Rocket sharing its burden , they use it to destroy Ronan . In the aftermath , Quill tricks Yondu into taking a container supposedly containing the Stone , and gives the real Stone to the Nova Corps . As the Ravagers leave Xandar , Yondu remarks that it turned out well that they did not deliver Quill to his father per their contract . Quill 's group , now known as the Guardians of the Galaxy , have their criminal records expunged , and Quill learns that he is only half - human , his father being part of an ancient , unknown species . Quill finally opens the last present he received from his mother : a cassette tape filled with her favorite songs . The Guardians leave in the rebuilt Milano along with a sapling cut from Groot . In a post-credits scene , Tivan sits in his destroyed archive with two of his living exhibits : a canine cosmonaut and an anthropomorphic duck . Cast ( edit ) The cast of Guardians of the Galaxy promoting the film at the 2013 San Diego Comic - Con International . From top to bottom : Pratt , Saldana , Bautista , Pace , Rooker , Gillan , Hounsou , and del Toro . ( Scrollable image ) Chris Pratt as Peter Quill / Star - Lord : The half - human , half - alien leader of the Guardians who was abducted from Missouri as a child in 1988 and raised by a group of alien thieves and smugglers called the Ravagers . About the character , Pratt said , `` He had a hard time as a kid , and now he goes around space , making out with hot alien girls and just being a rogue and a bit of a jerk , and through teaming up with these guys , finds a higher purpose for himself . '' He also added that the character is a mix of Han Solo and Marty McFly . Pratt , who was mostly known for playing supporting characters , including Andy Dwyer on the television series Parks and Recreation , initially turned down the role . Pratt had lost weight to portray fit characters in films such as Moneyball and Zero Dark Thirty , and had given up ambitions to play the lead role in action films after humbling auditions for Star Trek and Avatar . Casting director Sarah Finn suggested Pratt to Gunn , who dismissed the idea despite struggling to cast that role . Despite this , Finn arranged for a meeting between the two , at which point Gunn was immediately convinced that Pratt was perfect for the role . Pratt also won over Feige , despite having gained weight again for Delivery Man . Prior to filming , Pratt underwent a strict diet and training regimen to lose 60 lb ( 27 kg ) in six months . Pratt signed a multi-film contract with Marvel , and was granted a temporary leave from his work on Parks and Recreation in order to accommodate his participation in the film . Wyatt Oleff portrays a young Quill . Zoe Saldana as Gamora : An orphan from an alien world who seeks redemption for her past crimes . She was trained by Thanos to be his personal assassin . Saldana said that she became Gamora through make - up rather than computer generated imagery ( CGI ) or performance capture . On taking the role , Saldana said , `` I was just excited to be asked to join by James Gunn and to also play someone green . I 've been blue before ( in Avatar ) . '' Saldana described Gamora as `` ... a warrior , she 's an assassin and she 's very lethal but what saves her is the same thing that can doom her . She has a sense of righteousness . She 's a very righteous individual . '' Dave Bautista as Drax the Destroyer : A warrior who seeks to avenge his family 's death at the hands of Ronan . On relating to the character , Bautista said , `` I can just relate to Drax so much it 's not even funny . Just the simple things that we have in common . Simple things like the tattoos , the tragedy -- because you know , I had a bit of tragedy in my life as well . So it 's really easy for me to pull from that . '' Bautista also said that there was `` a lot of comic relief to Drax '' , but the character was not aware of it . Bautista stated that he did not do much preparation for the role , because `` Luckily , for me , I 'm a lifelong athlete and I adapted real quick . '' Bautista 's makeup took approximately four hours to apply , though it could be removed in just 90 minutes . Drax has various scarring patterns on his body , which replace the simple tattoos from the comics , each having a specific story . Additionally , his skin tone was changed from the bright green in the comics to a muddier grey , to avoid visual similarities to the Hulk . Vin Diesel as Groot : A tree - like humanoid who is the accomplice of Rocket . Diesel stated that he provided the voice and motion capture for Groot , after originally being in talks to star in a new Phase Three Marvel film . Diesel also provided Groot 's voice for several foreign - language releases of the film . Krystian Godlewski portrayed the character on set , though his acting was not used in the final character CGI . On the character , which Gunn based on his dog , Gunn said , `` All the Guardians start out the movie as bastards -- except Groot . He 's an innocent . He 's a hundred percent deadly and a hundred percent sweet . He 's caught up in Rocket 's life , really . '' Gunn added that the design and movement of Groot took `` the better part of a year '' to create . Gunn added , `` The ways in which Vin Diesel says , ' I am Groot , ' I am astounded . All of the ' I am Groots ' that were earlier voices did n't sound very good at all ... Vin came in and in one day , laid down all these ' I am Groot ' tracks , and he 's a perfectionist . He made me explain to him with ever ( sic ) ' I am Groot , ' exactly what he was saying ... It was amazing when we first put that voice in there how much the character changed and how much he influenced the character . '' Regarding the limited words used by Groot , Diesel said in many ways this was , `` ... the most challenging thing to ask an actor to do . '' Diesel found an emotional note in his performance , invoking the death of his friend and Fast and Furious co-star Paul Walker , saying , `` This was in December ( 2013 ) , and the first time I came back to dealing with human beings after dealing with death , so playing a character who celebrates life in the way Groot does was very nice . '' Groot 's form and size - changing abilities are seen , with Gunn stating that he has the ability to grow in the film . Bradley Cooper as Rocket : A genetically engineered raccoon - like bounty hunter and mercenary who is a master of weapons and battle tactics . Gunn worked with live raccoons to get the correct feel for the character , and to make sure it was `` not a cartoon character '' , saying , `` It 's not Bugs Bunny in the middle of the Avengers , it 's a real , little , somewhat mangled beast that 's alone . There 's no one else in the universe quite like him , he 's been created by these guys to be a mean - ass fighting machine . '' Gunn also based the character on himself . Describing Rocket in relation to the rest of the Guardians , Cooper said , `` I think Rocket is dynamic . He 's the sort of Joe Pesci in Goodfellas guy . '' Cooper voiced Rocket , while Sean Gunn ( James ' younger brother ) stood in for the character during filming . James Gunn said that for the role of Rocket , some physical movement from Cooper , including facial expressions and hand movements , was recorded as potential reference for the animators , though much of Sean Gunn 's acting is used throughout the film . Before Cooper was cast , James Gunn said that it was a challenge finding a voice for Rocket , that he was looking for someone that could balance `` the fast - talking speech patterns that Rocket has , but also can be funny , because he is really funny . But also has the heart that Rocket has . Because there are actually some pretty dramatic scenes with Rocket . '' Lee Pace as Ronan the Accuser : A Kree radical who agrees to retrieve an artifact for Thanos in exchange for eradicating his mortal enemies , the Xandarians . Ronan and his Sakaaran army hunt down the Guardians when they interfere with his goals . Describing Ronan , Gunn said , `` He is the primary villain , and he is a really twisted guy , he has a really religious bent in this film . He has a very sick and twisted view of what morality is ; strength is virtue and weakness is sin and that is what he lives by , and I think he is very scary because of his beliefs , which are real to him . '' Pace , who originally auditioned for Peter Quill , described Ronan as a `` psycho '' and a `` monster '' . Michael Rooker as Yondu Udonta : A blue - skinned bandit who is the leader of the Ravagers and a paternal figure to Quill . Yondu helps Quill to steal the orb before Quill betrays him , leaving Yondu and the Ravagers to chase the Guardians . On the character , Rooker said , he has `` some interesting issues -- not a good guy , not a bad guy . There 's hope and there 's a heart inside Yondu . '' Gunn created the film 's version of the character specifically with Rooker in mind , while borrowing the character 's mohawk and use of a whistle - controlled arrow from the comics . Rooker fully committed to the role once he knew his role on the TV series The Walking Dead would be ending . Rooker 's makeup took approximately four hours to apply . Karen Gillan as Nebula : An adopted daughter of Thanos who was raised with Gamora as siblings and is a loyal lieutenant in the employ of Ronan and Thanos . About the character , Gillan said , `` She is the female villain of the film ... She is very sadistic and evil , but I like to think for a very valid reason . '' She also added , `` I think she 's a really interesting character . What I like to play around with is how jealous she is . She 's Gamora 's sister , and there 's a lot of sibling rivalry . That 's the most interesting aspect to me , because jealousy can consume you and turn you bitter , and ugly . And she 's a total sadist , so that 's fun too . '' Gillan researched the ancient Spartans , shaved off her hair , and trained for two months for the role . The character 's makeup took approximately four and a half hours to be applied . Djimon Hounsou as Korath : A Kree ally of Ronan who is a feared intergalactic hunter . As to why he took the role Hounsou said , `` I have a four - year old son who loves superheroes from Spider - Man to Iron Man to Batman . He 's got all the costumes . One day he looks at me and says ' Dad , I want to be light - skinned so I could be Spider - Man . Spider - Man has light skin . ' That was sort of a shock . This is why I am excited to be a part of the Marvel Universe , so I could hopefully provide that diversity in the role of the superhero . '' John C. Reilly as Rhomann Dey : A corpsman in the Nova Corps , the Nova Empire 's military and police force . Glenn Close as Irani Rael : The leader of the Nova Corps , known as Nova Prime , whose mission is to protect the citizens of the Nova Empire and keep peace . Close stated that she `` had always wanted to be in a movie like ( Guardians of the Galaxy ) , and that it would be `` the most fun to play something like the Judi Dench ( as M or ) Samuel L. Jackson ( as Nick Fury ) role '' . She said that she took the role because she `` love ( s ) to do stuff that 's different '' and wanted to show that she `` ( has ) always been up for anything . '' She also stated that her contract has `` several '' films on it , and that she would be open to working on other Marvel Studios films in addition to returning for Guardians sequels . Benicio del Toro as Taneleer Tivan / The Collector : An obsessive keeper of the largest collection of interstellar fauna , relics , and species in the galaxy who operates out of a place in space named Knowhere . Describing del Toro 's performance , Gunn said , `` He 's like an outer - space Liberace . That 's what it says in the script , which he 's kind of doing . '' On bringing the character to life , del Toro said , `` What James ( Gunn ) wanted , that I found out little by little as I was doing it , is that he wanted me to explore and just keep pushing the character and keep creating ( him ) as I was in front of the camera . '' Additionally , Josh Brolin appears , uncredited , as Thanos through voice acting and performance capture . Sean Gunn stood in for Thanos during filming and portrays Kraglin , Yondu 's first mate in the Ravagers . Alexis Denisof reprises his role as Thanos 's vizier , `` The Other '' , from The Avengers . Ophelia Lovibond plays Carina , the Collector 's slave ; Peter Serafinowicz plays Denarian Garthan Saal , a Nova Corps officer ; Gregg Henry plays Quill 's grandfather ; Laura Haddock plays Quill 's mother , Meredith ; Melia Kreiling plays Bereet ; Christopher Fairbank plays The Broker ; Mikaela Hoover plays Nova Prime 's assistant ; Marama Corlett plays a pit boss at the bar , The Boot ; Emmett J. Scanlan plays a Nova riot guard ; Alexis Rodney plays Moloka Dar ; Tom Proctor plays Horuz , a Ravager ; and Spencer Wilding plays a prison guard who confiscates Quill 's Walkman . Canine actor Fred appears as Cosmo . Stephen Blackehart had a supporting role . Naomi Ryan also had a supporting role in the film , though it was cut in the final version . Cameos in the film include : James Gunn as a Sakaaran ; Stan Lee as a Xandarian Ladies ' Man ; Lloyd Kaufman as an inmate ; Nathan Fillion as the voice of an inmate ; Rob Zombie as the voice of the Ravager Navigator ; composer Tyler Bates as a Ravager pilot ; and Seth Green as the voice of Howard the Duck . Production ( edit ) Development ( edit ) `` I think anybody ... who would have said that this would make a great main movie would have been laughed off . It 's such an unlikely thing to do . So I think it 's lovely to work on something and expose its potential to the point where a company like Marvel will say , ' Yes , this makes sense . ' '' -- Dan Abnett , co-writer of the 2008 Guardians of the Galaxy relaunch , on the project Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige first mentioned Guardians of the Galaxy as a potential film at the 2010 San Diego Comic - Con International , stating , `` There are some obscure titles , too , like Guardians of the Galaxy . I think they 've been revamped recently in a fun way in the ( comic ) book . '' Feige reiterated that sentiment in a September 2011 issue of Entertainment Weekly , saying , `` There 's an opportunity to do a big space epic , which Thor sort of hints at , in the cosmic side '' of the Marvel Cinematic Universe . Feige added , should the film be made , it would feature an ensemble of characters , similar to X-Men and The Avengers . Feige announced that the film was in active development at the 2012 San Diego Comic - Con International during the Marvel Studios panel , with an intended release date of August 1 , 2014 . He stated that the film 's titular team would consist of the characters Star - Lord , Drax the Destroyer , Gamora , Groot , and Rocket Raccoon . Two pieces of concept art were also displayed , one of Rocket Raccoon , and one featuring the entire team . In August 2012 , James Gunn entered talks to direct the film , beating out other contenders , including Peyton Reed and the duo Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden . The Avengers director Joss Whedon , who signed a deal to creatively consult on all of the films leading up to The Avengers sequel , was enthusiastic about the selection of Gunn to direct , saying `` James ( Gunn ) is what makes me think it will work ... He is so off the wall , and so crazy , but so smart , such a craftsman and he builds from his heart . He loves the raccoon . Needs the raccoon ... He has a very twisted take on it , but it all comes from a real love for the material . It 's going to be hard for ( the human characters ) to keep up . '' Writing ( edit ) Nicole Perlman , who was enrolled in Marvel 's screenwriting program in 2009 , was offered several of their lesser known properties to base a screenplay on . Out of those , Perlman chose Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning 's Guardians of the Galaxy , due to her interest in space and science fiction , adding , `` I think ( Marvel ) were a little taken aback when I chose Guardians , because there were ones that would make a lot more sense if you were a romantic - comedy writer or something like that . '' Perlman spent two years writing a draft , immersing herself in the Guardians universe , and was asked in late 2011 to create another draft , before Gunn was brought in in early 2012 to contribute to the script . Gunn eventually rewrote the script entirely because `` it did n't work '' for him ; he would use the film The Dirty Dozen as a reference to convey his ideas of the film to Marvel . Gunn later explained that Perlman 's draft was very different from the script he used during filming , including a different story , character arcs and no Walkman ; he stated , `` In Nicole 's script everything is pretty different ... it 's not about the same stuff . But that 's how the WGA works . They like first writers an awful lot . '' In August 2012 , Marvel Studios hired writer Chris McCoy to rewrite Perlman 's script , however , it is unclear what contribution he had to the final script , since he did not receive production credit . Gunn revealed that character introductions were the `` hardest scenes to crack '' , with Thanos ' introduction being the most difficult . He felt that `` having Thanos be in that scene was more helpful to the ( MCU ) than it was to Guardians of the Galaxy , '' yet he still wanted Thanos in the film , without `` ( belittling ) the actual antagonist of the film , which is Ronan . '' To solve his dilemma , Gunn chose to have Ronan kill `` The Other '' , Thanos ' vizier , saying , `` I thought that was interesting , because we 've had the Other , who 's obviously very powerful even in comparison to Loki , and then we see Ronan wipe his ass with him . So that I liked , but even that was sort of difficult , because it played as funnier when I first wrote it , and the humor did n't work so much . '' Pre-production ( edit ) In September 2012 , Gunn confirmed that he had signed on to direct the film and rewrite the script . By the end of November , Joel Edgerton , Jack Huston , Jim Sturgess , and Eddie Redmayne signed deals to test for the role of Peter Quill , as did Lee Pace , which he confirmed a week later in early December . Other actors who were considered for the role included Thor : The Dark World 's Zachary Levi , Joseph Gordon - Levitt , Michael Rosenbaum , and John Gallagher Jr . Chris Pratt was cast in the role in February 2013 , as part of a multi-film deal that he signed with Marvel . Gunn promoting the film at 2013 San Diego Comic - Con International In January 2013 , filming was scheduled to take place at Shepperton Studios in London , United Kingdom , and Marvel Studios announced that the film would be released in 3D . Victoria Alonso , an executive producer on the film , said that filming would begin in June . She also said that both Rocket Raccoon and Groot would be created through a combination of CGI and motion capture , going on to say that `` You ca n't do any motion capture with a raccoon -- they wo n't let you put the suit on . But we will do rotomation , probably , for some of the behavior ... we definitely will have performers to emulate what James Gunn will lead to be , the behavior and the performance . He 's very clear on where he wants to take the characters . '' In March 2013 , Feige discussed Guardians of the Galaxy in relation to the Marvel Cinematic Universe , saying , `` It 's much more of a standalone film . It takes place in the same universe . And when we 've been on the other side of that universe in other movies , you might see those characteristics in Guardians , but the Avengers are not involved with what 's happening out there at this time . '' Feige also stated that 95 % of the film would take place in space . In mid-March , Dave Bautista was signed to play Drax the Destroyer . Other actors who had been considered for the role included Isaiah Mustafa , Brian Patrick Wade and Jason Momoa . By the following week , sculptor Brian Muir , who sculpted Darth Vader 's mask for the Star Wars films , was revealed to be working on the film . In early April 2013 , Zoe Saldana entered into negotiations to star as Gamora in the film , and it was confirmed she had been cast later that month . Also in April , Michael Rooker joined the film 's cast as Yondu , and it was announced that Ophelia Lovibond had been cast in a supporting role . By this point in time , Lee Pace was in final negotiations to play the villain of the film . In May , Marvel offered John C. Reilly the role of Rhomann Dey . At the same time , it was disclosed that filmmakers were looking at actors including Hugh Laurie , Alan Rickman , and Ken Watanabe , for another role , and that Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely were providing finishing touches to the script . A few days later , Glenn Close was cast as the head of the Nova Corps in the film , followed shortly by the casting of Karen Gillan as the film 's lead female villain . By June 2013 , Benicio del Toro was cast in the film , as part of a multi-film deal with Marvel Studios . Later in the month , it was confirmed that Reilly had been cast as Rhomann Dey . Special effects makeup designer David White took head and body casts of actors , such as Bautista , to experiment with materials used to create the characters . White said , `` James always pushed for practical and makeup effects . He wanted , like me , to see the real deal there on set . '' White was careful not to use `` modern '' creature designs to ensure they did not fall short in Gunn 's uniquely envisioned world . White and his team created upwards of 1,000 prosthetic makeup applications and 2,000 molds of different colored aliens . For the specific aesthetic look to the film , Gunn wanted to create `` a colorful science - fiction world '' , and include elements of 1950s and 60s pulp movies , citing the Ravagers ' spaceships , which he compared to muscle cars , as an example of the latter . Science fiction artist Chris Foss inspired and helped design the final look of some of the spacecrafts that appear in the film . Filming ( edit ) Principal photography began around July 6 , 2013 in London , United Kingdom , under the working title of Full Tilt . Filming took place at Shepperton Studios and Longcross Studios . Later in July , Gunn and the film 's cast flew from London to attend San Diego Comic - Con International , where it was revealed that Pace would play Ronan the Accuser , Gillan would be Nebula , del Toro as The Collector , and that Djimon Hounsou had been cast as Korath . Close was later revealed to play Nova Prime Irani Rael . Also at San Diego Comic - Con , Feige stated that Thanos would be a part of the film as the `` mastermind '' . On August 11 , 2013 , filming began at London 's Millennium Bridge , which was selected as a double for Xandar . In August 2013 , Marvel announced that Bradley Cooper would voice Rocket . On September 3 , 2013 , Gunn said that filming was `` a little over half ( way ) '' complete . Also in September , Vin Diesel stated that he was voicing Groot . However , Marvel did not confirm Diesel 's involvement in the film at the time . On October 12 , 2013 , Gunn announced on social media that filming had completed . Director of photography Ben Davis used Arri Alexa XT cameras for the film , saying , `` I 'm traditionally a photochemical fan , but going with the digital format was the right way for this movie ... the Alexa ( provided ) the right look for this particular film . '' During the opening scenes in the 1980s , Davis chose JDC Cooke Xtal ( Crystal ) Express anamorphic prime lenses because they `` had more anamorphic artifacts and aberrations , which ( he ) felt added something . '' Davis used spherical Panavision Primos for the rest of the film . Additionally , Davis worked closely with production designer Charles Wood in order to achieve the correct lighting looks for each scene . Dealing with two fully CGI characters forced Davis to shoot scenes multiple times , usually once with the references for the characters and once without them in the shot . Gunn revealed that his brother , Sean Gunn , took on multiple roles during the filming process , such as standing in for Rocket , which he noted was beneficial for the other actors , including Saldana , Pratt , and Bautista , who responded positively to Sean and his on - set performances . Special effects makeup designer David White made two life - size versions of Rocket and a bust of Groot as aids for visual effects , with White saying , `` it gives ( the filmmakers ) a good indication of where visual effects needs to pick up and whether Rocket can actually reach certain things or use certain devices . '' These busts were also used to see how the on - set lighting would affect the characters , to assist with the visual effects lighting process . In January 2015 , Disney revealed that the film came in `` slightly over the agreed budget '' at $232.3 million , with Disney receiving a rebate of $36.4 million from the British government . It was previously estimated to have had a $170 million budget . Post-production ( edit ) In November 2013 , Gunn stated that he attempted to use as many practical effects as possible while filming to aid the use of CGI and motion capture during post-production , saying , `` Our sets are enormous . We have a prison that is 350,000 pounds of steel . Anybody who knows me knows I love the mix of practical and CGI effects ... I ca n't wait for people to see it , because it 's astonishingly beautiful . '' After the release of Thor : The Dark World , Feige stated that the Infinity Stones would be a focus in the film , as well as going forward into the Phase Three slate of films within the MCU . In a separate interview for The Dark World in November , Feige added that a third , unknown Infinity Stone would be seen in the film , referred to as the `` Power Stone '' by the Collector . The mid-credits scene in The Dark World revealed Lovibond 's role as the Collector 's aide , later named Carina . In December 2013 , Marvel confirmed that Diesel would voice Groot . A few weeks of additional filming , involving the film 's main cast and crew , occurred in March 2014 at Walt Disney Studios in Burbank , California . In April 2014 , Gunn described Thanos as the `` head of the snake '' in the film , and confirmed he would appear via performance capture . In May 2014 , Gunn stated that the film features an `` enormous '' amount of smaller and minor characters from the Marvel Universe , adding that he felt the film had the most characters overall of any Marvel Studios film to date . Costume supervisor Dan Grace added to this by saying , `` We really , really get the feeling of the scale and scope of the galaxy . We visit five planets , we see a hundred different races . '' The film introduces the alien race Sakaaran , who act as Ronan 's mercenaries , as a replacement to the Badoon , as the Badoon film rights belonged to 20th Century Fox . By the end of May , Josh Brolin was revealed as the voice of Thanos , with Feige confirming in July that Brolin also provided the performance capture for the character . Thanos communicates via hologram for much of the film , though he does appear in a scene with Ronan and Nebula . In June 2014 , Feige added that Thanos and his followers are `` the biggest piece of connective tissue that will eventually lead us back into Avengers films in the future . '' On casting Brolin , Feige said , We reached out to him and it was one of those things that does not happen all the time but when it does it 's very nice , where he was totally intrigued . He was a fan of what we did , he met with Jeremy Latcham in a hotel in London and learned about the characters a little bit . I spoke to him on the phone a few times . We ran it by James who loved it , ran it by Joss ( Whedon ) who loved it because Thanos is in this universe because of Avengers . Then we shot him and recorded for it . On July 7 , 2014 , Gunn announced on social media that he had completed work on the film . In August , regarding the post-credit scene , Gunn revealed that the scene did not involve Howard the Duck when it was originally filmed , rather he was added during post-production , a decision made by `` some combination of ( Gunn ) and the editor Fred Raskin '' . As the decision to add the character was made late in the post-production process , he had to be designed that day , before being handed off to Sony Pictures Imageworks to animate . Also in August , regarding the pre-credit scene of Groot dancing , Gunn stated that he himself danced to provide motion reference for the animators , and that the decision was made to place the scene before the credits , rather than during or after them , because of positive responses from a test audience , which made Marvel and Gunn feel that they did not want `` people walking out and missing this thing '' . Marvel used design firm Sarofsky once again for the film 's title sequences , after liking their work for Captain America : The Winter Soldier . Sarofsky developed a custom typeface based on the font used in the teaser posters for the opening credits , which was tinted orange to offer a better contrast to the film 's blue and grey imagery . One of the typography solutions offered before the final product wound up being repurposed as the locator cards seen throughout the film . Visual effects ( edit ) The Gardens by the Bay ( top ) in Singapore helped inspire the look of the planet Xandar ( bottom ) . The film featured 2,750 visual effects shots , which make up approximately 90 % of the film . The visual effects were created by : Moving Picture Company ( MPC ) , who worked on creating Groot , as well as Morag , Xandar , the Dark Aster and the final battle on Xandar ; Framestore , who worked on creating Rocket , extending the Kyln prison set and constructing Knowhere ; Luma Pictures , who worked on Thanos ; Method Studios , who worked on creating the Orb opening and revealing its powers , as well as the holographic displays at the Nova Corps command center ; Lola VFX ; Cantina Creative ; Sony Pictures Imageworks , who worked on Howard the Duck and creating the Dark Aster shots with MPC ; CoSA VFX ; Secret Lab ; Rise Visual Effects Studios ; and Technicolor VFX . Pre - and post-visualizations were done by Proof and The Third Floor , with Proof also contributing to the creation of Rocket and Groot . Producer Nik Korda noted how helpful it was to have Sean Gunn and Krystian Godlewski portray Rocket and Groot on set , as it provided references for lighting and on - set performances to the animators . When creating Groot , MPC realized early on that his eyes would be essential in maintaining the character 's human qualities , as his face could n't move in the way that humans ' do . MPC visual effects supervisor Nicolas Aithadi explained that , `` When you look at humans what makes the eyes interesting is the imperfections -- trying to make these two irises not aimed at the same place -- trying to make them strange and look more human . '' Textures for Groot came from a number of sources , including inspiration from a botanical garden in London , and the character was modeled as individual branches , rigged individually , to simulate a muscle system for the character . One of the major challenges for Framestore in creating Rocket was his fur . Framestore 's Rachel Williams explained that , since `` raccoon fur is made up from a layer of short fine hair and a layer of longer thicker hairs '' , these layers were separated and animated individually , removing the need to use `` guide hairs '' to control the movements of thick sections of fur . Framestore and MPC worked closely sharing assets , to ensure shots of Rocket at MPC would match the Rocket created by Framestore , and vice versa for when Groot was needed by the other studio . In order to give Thanos `` the performance and the weight that he deserved '' , Luma Pictures created a new facial animation system to re-create Josh Brolin as a fully CG character , using his `` eyes , some of his cheek , how his muscles move when he talks '' . The character 's large jaw , and the deep groves that run down his face , had `` to be carefully planned out with the movement of his face . '' Music ( edit ) Main article : Guardians of the Galaxy ( soundtrack ) In August 2013 , Gunn revealed that Tyler Bates would be composing the film 's score . Gunn stated that Bates would write some of the score first so that he can film to the music , as opposed to scoring to the film . In February 2014 , Gunn revealed that the film would incorporate songs from the 1960s and 1970s , such as `` Hooked on a Feeling '' , on a mixtape in Quill 's Walkman , which acts as a way for him to stay connected to the Earth , home , and family he lost . In May 2014 , Gunn added that using the songs from the 60s and 70s were `` cultural reference points '' , saying , `` It 's striking the balance throughout the whole movie , through something that is very unique , but also something that is easily accessible to people at the same time . The music and the Earth stuff is one of those touchstones that we have to remind us that , yeah , ( Quill ) is a real person from planet Earth who 's just like you and me . Except that he 's in this big outer space adventure . '' When choosing the songs , Gunn revealed he `` started the process by reading the Billboard charts for all of the top hits of the ' 70s '' , downloading `` a few hundred '' songs that were `` semi-familiar -- ones you recognize but might not be able to name off the top of your head '' and creating a playlist for all the songs that would fit the film tonally . He added that he `` would listen to the playlist on my speakers around the house -- sometimes I would be inspired to create a scene around a song , and other times I had a scene that needed music and I would listen through the playlist , visualizing various songs , figuring out which would work the best . '' Most of the songs were played on set to help `` the actors and the camera operators find the perfect groove for the shot '' , with David Bowie 's `` Moonage Daydream '' the only song chosen and added during post-production . Gunn also said that the opening scenes were designed with `` Hooked on a Feeling '' in mind ; however once Gunn discovered `` Come and Get Your Love '' , the song used in the sequence , Gunn felt it was a `` better fit . '' Three albums were released by Hollywood Records on July 29 , 2014 : The film 's score , Guardians of the Galaxy ( Original Score ) , which features the music composed by Bates for the film ; Guardians of the Galaxy : Awesome Mix Vol. 1 ( Original Motion Picture Soundtrack ) , which comprises the twelve songs from Quill 's mixtape ; and a deluxe edition featuring both albums . By August 2014 , the album which mirrored Quill 's mixtape had reached the top of the Billboard 200 chart , becoming the first soundtrack album in history consisting entirely of previously released songs to top the chart . Hollywood Records also released a cassette version of the Awesome Mix Vol. 1 soundtrack on November 28 , 2014 , as an exclusive to Record Store Day participants . The cassette , which is the first cassette Disney Music Group has released since 2003 , comes with a digital download version of the album . Release ( edit ) Karen Gillan at the London premiere of Guardians of the Galaxy . The world premiere of Guardians of the Galaxy was held on July 21 , 2014 , at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood . The film was released theatrically in the United Kingdom on July 31 , 2014 , and in the United States on August 1 , in 3D and IMAX 3D . The film was released in 4,080 theaters in the United States , making it the widest August release , breaking the five year record held by G.I. Joe : The Rise of Cobra ( 4,007 theatres ) . The breakdown of venues was : 354 IMAX screens , 3,200 3D screens , 350 large format screens and 240 D - Box screens . In its sixth weekend , Guardians of the Galaxy was playing in 69 territories , its most . In June 2014 , Gunn stated that the film had always been planned as a 3D film , and `` Unlike many directors , I 've been actively involved with converting every shot to 3D , making sure it works perfectly for the story and the film , making sure it 's spectacular and immersive without being silly , distracting , or overly showy . '' Gunn also revealed that the IMAX 3D version would include shifting aspect ratios , to make the viewing experience `` even fuller and more encompassing . I 've personally chosen all the places where the changes occur ... The changing aspect ratios in this case are actually a part of the storytelling . '' In July 2014 , Gunn revealed that there were multiple scenes he had cut from the film , and he was investigating how to release them , either in an extended cut of the film , or as bonus features on the film 's home media release . Marketing ( edit ) The cast and crew of Guardians of the Galaxy at the 2013 San Diego Comic - Con International . ( L-R : producer Kevin Feige , Bautista , director James Gunn , del Toro , Saldana , Hounsou , Pace , Rooker , Gillan , and Pratt ) At Disney 's D23 Expo in August 2013 , Feige presented footage first revealed at the San Diego Comic - Con in July 2013 . The first trailer for the film debuted on Jimmy Kimmel Live ! on February 18 , 2014 , with a special introduction by Chris Pratt . The Los Angeles Times said the trailer delivered `` some spirited alien action , with exploding spaceships and muscled bad guys , not to mention a few purely comedic moments , '' while spotlighting `` a number of the offbeat characters . '' Total Film noted the similarity of the trailer 's opening clip to the 1981 film , Raiders of the Lost Ark , which Gunn stated was a big influence for Guardians , and made note of the `` edgy '' humor used throughout . Total Film also noted the similarity of the trailer to the one debuted at Comic - Con and D23 , with a few new shots featuring Nebula and the Collector . Social media response to the trailer was strong , with 88,000 mentions across Twitter , Facebook and various blogs in a 12 - hour period . Those numbers were comparable to trailers for other superhero films like Man of Steel and The Amazing Spider - Man 2 , and noteworthy for the late night time period in which it premiered . The trailer received 22.8 million views in the 24 hours after it debuted . After the debut of the trailer , Blue Swede 's version of `` Hooked on a Feeling '' , which was prominently used throughout the trailer , went up 700 % in sales the following day . The line from Serafinowicz 's character , `` What a bunch of A-holes . '' , was only intended to be featured in the trailers , but due to its positive reception , was included in the final cut of the film . Gunn noted that a different teaser was almost released `` that was very cheesy ( and ) sold the movie as something different than what it was '' , as it tested better than the version that was ultimately released . Gunn credited the marketing teams at Marvel and Disney for having faith in the latter version , despite how it tested , over choosing the version that would have mis - marketed the film . In March 2014 , the Marvel 's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode `` T.A.H.I.T.I. '' introduced the Kree race to the MCU , which began a storyline that recurs throughout the series and involves finding a hidden Kree city . Also in March , ABC aired a one - hour television special titled , Marvel Studios : Assembling a Universe , which included a sneak peek of Guardians of the Galaxy . Starting in April 2014 , a two - part comic was released , titled Marvel 's Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude . Written by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning , with art by Wellington Alves , the first issue focused on the background of Nebula and her bond with Thanos ; the second issue featured the adventures of Rocket and Groot before they join forces with the other Guardians . In June 2014 , Mike Pasciullo , senior VP of Marvel Studios , described the marketing approach for Guardians of the Galaxy by saying that Marvel had `` built a robust marketing program for the theatrical release that carefully integrates traditional advertising , social media , digital marketing , strategic promotional partnerships , organic entertainment integrations ( and ) publicity . '' In July 2014 , Marvel launched a viral marketing campaign for the film called `` Galaxy Getaways '' , a fictional travel website that allows users to book passage to some of the planets depicted in the film , including Xandar , Morag , and Knowhere . Beginning July 4 , 2014 , a sneak peek of the film was presented at Disneyland and Disney 's Hollywood Studios in the Magic Eye and ABC Sound Studio theaters , respectively . Approximately 14 minutes of the film was screened on July 7 , 2014 , in IMAX 3D in the United States , and 3D theaters and IMAX 3D in Canada , along with two trailers . The screening was met with positive reviews , praising the humor , the 3D and IMAX conversion , and Cooper 's portrayal of Rocket . However , it was criticized for beginning partway through the film , not allowing viewers to easily acclimate to the film 's tone , and for how the general audience might respond to a film within the MCU without established characters making appearances . On July 12 , 2014 , Gunn and the actors from the film promoted Guardians of the Galaxy at the Lido 8 Cineplex in Singapore . On July 17 , 2014 , Disney Interactive released an action RPG video game titled Guardians of the Galaxy : The Universal Weapon for iOS , Android and Windows devices . The game 's original story was written by Dan Abnett , and was meant to complement the film . On July 21 , Pratt , Saldana , Bautista , Diesel and Cooper appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live ! to promote the film and debut some additional exclusive content . On July 29 , Pratt and Saldana rang the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange as part of the film 's marketing strategy . On August 14 , Marvel released the scene of Groot dancing , which was shortly followed by an announcement from Funko that they were releasing a toy `` Dancing Groot '' . The Hollywood Reporter noted that the quick release of the scene from Marvel two weeks after the film 's theatrical release , along with the rush announcement from Funko , indicated the popularity of both the character and the scene . The scene also produced the word `` grooting '' , coined by Michael Rooker , in which a person dances similar to Groot , with the word entering the social media lexicon . Also in August , Marvel held a special screening of the film at Children 's Hospital Los Angeles , where Pratt dressed as Star - Lord to entertain the patients . Merchandise ( edit ) In June 2012 , Marvel filed eleven trademark applications for Guardians of the Galaxy , covering a variety of consumer products , from video games to cosmetics . Disney Consumer Products partnered with Mad Engine , C - Life , New Era , Hasbro , Disguise , Rubies , Sideshow Collectibles , Lego , KIDdesigns , iHome , Funko , Freeze , Fast Forward , and Innovative Designs to produce merchandise for the film , with releases starting in June 2014 . Mad Engine and C - Life were partnered as the core apparel outfitters , producing a line of T - shirts and fleece jackets , while New Era produced headwear and hats . Hasbro produced toys for the film ; Disguise and Rubies produced the costumes ; and Sideshow Collectibles was given charge of the collectibles . Lego announced three toy sets based on scenes from the film , while iHome created character speakers , Funko made vinyl bobble heads , Freeze crafted 1980s - inspired apparel , and backpacks and stationery were made by Fast Forward and Innovative Designs . Despite first films in a potential new franchise usually being off - limits to licensees , Marvel used Iron Man 's success as evidence of unknown characters becoming hits with audiences to attract partnerships . Licensees embraced Rocket as the film 's potential breakout character , with Drax and Gamora being used for older demographics ; Star - Lord 's obsession with 1980s nostalgia , including his `` Awesome Mix Vo. 1 '' cassette , has also served as a basis for tie - in products . In August 2014 , Funko announced a toy based on `` Dancing Groot '' , while in October 2014 , Marvel and KID designs announced a replica of dancing Groot , for release in December 2014 . In December 2014 , Disney made a second marketing push , to coincide with the film 's home media release with additional merchandise . Merchandise partners included : KID designs with its replica dancing Groot ; Funko 's Fabrikations line with a plush Rocket ; Mattel 's Hot Wheels character cars ; C - Life , Hybrid - Jem Sportswear , Freeze , MZ Berger , Accutime , AME and Her Universe with apparel ; ThinkGeek with jewelry and watches ; American Greetings with cards ; Jay Franco with homegoods ; and Vandor with drinkware . Additional partners included Mad Engine , Just Play and Dragon Models . Paul Gitter , senior vice president of Marvel licensing at Disney Consumer Products said , `` The demand for Guardians of the Galaxy merchandise has been truly out of this world . Our merchandising and retail partners are doing a tremendous job of providing creative and innovative ways for fans to continue interacting with these popular characters and showcase their fandom year round . '' Home media ( edit ) Guardians of the Galaxy was released for digital download by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment on November 18 , 2014 and on Blu - ray , Blu - ray 3D , and DVD on November 24 , 2014 , in the United Kingdom and on December 9 in the United States . The digital and Blu - ray releases include behind - the - scenes featurettes , audio commentary , deleted scenes , a blooper reel , and an exclusive preview of Avengers : Age of Ultron . As of October 4 , 2015 , the film has earned over $118 million in sales in the US . The film was also included in the 13 - disc box set , titled `` Marvel Cinematic Universe : Phase Two Collection '' , which includes all of the Phase Two films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe . It was released on December 8 , 2015 . Reception ( edit ) Box Office ( edit ) Guardians of the Galaxy earned $333.2 million in North America and an estimated $440.2 million in other countries , for a worldwide total of $773.3 million . The film became the third highest - grossing film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe , behind The Avengers and Iron Man 3 . It was the third highest - grossing 2014 film ( behind Transformers : Age of Extinction and The Hobbit : The Battle of the Five Armies ) and the highest - grossing superhero film of 2014 . It had a worldwide opening weekend of $160.7 million . calculated the net profit for the film to be $204.2 million , when factoring together `` production budgets , P&A , talent participations and other costs , with box office grosses , and ancillary revenues from VOD to DVD and TV , '' placing it fifth on their list of 2014 's `` Most Valuable Blockbusters '' . North America ( edit ) Guardians of the Galaxy earned $11.2 million on its Thursday night pre-opening , surpassing Captain America : The Winter Soldier 's gross ( $10.2 million ) for the biggest Thursday evening start for a movie in 2014 . IMAX accounted for 17 % of the total gross ( $1.9 million ) , which was the biggest August pre-release in IMAX format . On its opening day , the film earned $37.8 million , including the Thursday night earnings . Guardians of the Galaxy was the number one movie during its opening weekend and grossed $94.3 million , setting an August weekend record . During the opening weekend , IMAX earnings amounted to $11.7 million and 3 - D showings accounted for 45 % of ticket sales . The film 's success was partially attributed to its appeal to both genders : the opening weekend audience was 44 % female , which is the biggest proportion ever for a MCU film ; 55 % of the opening - weekend audience was over the age of 25 . Although the film fell to second place in its second and third weekends , behind Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , the film was number one in its fourth , fifth and sixth weekend . By doing so , it became the first film in 2014 to top the domestic box office in non-consecutive weeks , the first film of the summer ( May -- August ) to be the number one film in three weekends and the first MCU film to be the top film for four weeks , surpassing Captain America : The Winter Soldier and The Avengers , both of which were number one for three weeks , and tied The Dark Knight for the most weeks at number one among comic book - based films . Phil Contrino , vice president and chief analyst of felt Guardians success was `` unconventional '' and was `` shattering expectations '' . The film remained in the top 10 for ten weekends . The film was the top grossing film of summer 2014 ( ahead of Transformers : Age of Extinction ) , first of 2014 to pass $300 million for its domestic gross , and was the third highest - grossing domestic film of 2014 ( behind American Sniper and The Hunger Games : Mockingjay -- Part 1 ) . The film was said to have `` injected life '' into an otherwise lower than normal summer box office . Outside North America ( edit ) Guardians of the Galaxy was released in 42 international markets and grossed $66.4 million on its opening weekend . The biggest debuts came from Russia ( $13 million ) , the United Kingdom ( $10.8 million ) , Mexico ( $6.5 million ) , Brazil ( $6.5 million ) and South Korea ( $4.7 million ) . The film topped the weekend box office two times , in its first and second weekends . In its eleventh weekend , the film opened in China , earning $29.8 million , its largest , and became the third highest opening in the country for any Disney release , behind Iron Man 3 and Captain America : The Winter Soldier , and was an all - time industry record opening in October . The following weekend saw an additional $21.3 million from China , making China the highest grossing market with $69 million . The film 's three biggest markets in total earnings were : China ( $96.5 million ) ; the UK ( $47.4 million ) ; and Russia ( $37.5 million ) . Critical response ( edit ) The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported a 91 % approval rating with an average rating of 7.8 / 10 based on 288 reviews . The website 's consensus reads , `` Guardians of the Galaxy is just as irreverent as fans of the frequently zany Marvel comic would expect -- as well as funny , thrilling , full of heart , and packed with visual splendor . '' Metacritic , which uses a weighted average , assigned a score of 76 out of 100 , based on 52 critics , indicating `` generally favorable reviews '' . CinemaScore audiences gave Guardians of the Galaxy an `` A '' grade rating on an A+ to F scale , while earning an `` A + '' among under - 18 and 25 - to 34 - year - old viewers . Scott Foundas of Variety said `` James Gunn 's presumptive franchise - starter is overlong , overstuffed and sometimes too eager to please , but the cheeky comic tone keeps things buoyant -- as does Chris Pratt 's winning performance '' , and praised the film 's look created by cinematographer Ben Davis , production designer Charles Wood , and special effects makeup designer David White . Justin Lowe of The Hollywood Reporter also praised the film 's look , and felt `` A well - matched ensemble rises to the challenge of launching a heroic origin film with distinctive style , abundant thrills and no shortage of humor . '' The Daily Telegraph 's Robbie Collin said , `` A brand new summer family blockbuster this may be , but it plays by old , half - forgotten rules ; trimming out the clutter and cross-referencing for snappy , streamlined , Saturday - cartoon fun '' . Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times said , `` Blessed with a loose , anarchic B - picture soul that encourages you to enjoy yourself even when you 're not quite sure what 's going on , the scruffy Guardians is irreverent in a way that can bring the first Star Wars to mind , in part because it has some of the most unconventional heroes this side of the Mos Eisley Cantina . '' Manohla Dargis of The New York Times said , `` While Guardians takes you down one after another crazy narrative turn , it also pulls you into -- and , for the most part , keeps you in -- a fully realized other world . '' Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun - Times said , `` Guardians of the Galaxy is a late summer treat -- a mostly lighthearted and self - referential comic - book movie with loads of whiz - bang action , some laugh - out - loud moments and a couple of surprisingly beautiful and touching scenes as well , '' calling it `` a refreshing confection of entertainment . '' Jim Starlin , creator of Drax the Destroyer , Gamora , and Thanos , said it `` might be Marvel 's best movie yet '' . Jake Coyle of the Associated Press was more critical of the film , calling it `` terribly overstuffed and many of the jokes get drowned out by the special effects ... The pervasive movie references detract from the stab at freshness , and Guardians depends all too much on the whimsy of ' 70s anthems for an original beat . '' He also felt that Close , Reilly and del Toro were underused in the film . Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle said , `` In place of wit , Guardians offers a sort of generalized willingness to be amusing , an atmosphere of high spirits that feels like lots of people pumping air into a tire that has a hole in it . Everyone is clearly working , but nothing is really happening -- and yet the effort is so evident that there 's an impulse to reward it . '' Kyle Smith of the New York Post also had a negative response to the film , comparing it to Howard the Duck and Green Lantern , and criticizing the dialogue , villains , soundtrack , lack of suspense , and the characters of Quill , Rocket , and Drax . The film received mixed reviews in China , where viewers complained that the film 's `` poor subtitle translation not only spoiled the fun of watching it , but also made it difficult to understand its humor . '' Accolades ( edit ) Year Award / Film Festival Category Recipient ( s ) Result Ref ( s ) 2014 CinemaCon Awards Breakthrough Performer of the Year Chris Pratt Won Detroit Film Critics Society Best Ensemble Guardians of the Galaxy Won Hollywood Film Awards Hollywood Blockbuster Award Guardians of the Galaxy Won Young Hollywood Awards Super Superhero Chris Pratt Nominated 2015 Critics ' Choice Movie Awards Best Action Movie Guardians of the Galaxy Won Best Actor in an Action Movie Chris Pratt Nominated Best Actress in an Action Movie Zoe Saldana Nominated Best Makeup David White Won Best Visual Effects Stephane Ceretti Nominated Empire Awards Best Female Newcomer Karen Gillan Won Best Sci - Fi / Fantasy Guardians of the Galaxy Nominated Grammy Awards Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media Guardians of the Galaxy : Awesome Mix Vol. 1 Nominated Make - Up Artists and Hair Stylists Guild Awards Best Contemporary Hair Styling in Feature Length Motion Picture Elizabeth Yianni - Georgiou Nominated Best Contemporary Make - Up in Feature Length Motion Picture Elizabeth Yianni - Georgiou Won Best Special Make - Up Effects in Feature Length Motion Picture David White Won People 's Choice Awards Favorite Movie Guardians of the Galaxy Nominated Favorite Action Movie Guardians of the Galaxy Nominated Favorite Action Movie Actress Zoe Saldana Nominated MTV Movie Awards Movie of the Year Guardians of the Galaxy Nominated Best Male Performance Chris Pratt Nominated Best On - Screen Duo Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel Nominated Best Shirtless Performance Chris Pratt Nominated Best Musical Moment Chris Pratt Nominated Best Comedic Performance Chris Pratt Nominated Best On - Screen Transformation Zoe Saldana Nominated Best Hero Chris Pratt Nominated Satellite Awards Best Visual Effects Stephane Ceretti Nominated Phoenix Film Critics Society Top 10 Films of the Year Guardians of the Galaxy Won Best Ensemble Acting Guardians of the Galaxy Nominated Best Live Action Family Film Guardians of the Galaxy Nominated Best Visual Effects Stephane Ceretti Nominated Houston Film Critics Society Awards Best Picture Guardians of the Galaxy Nominated Best Poster Guardians of the Galaxy Nominated Art Directors Guild Awards Excellence in Production Design for a Fantasy Film Charles Wood Won Writers Guild of America Awards Best Adapted Screenplay James Gunn and Nicole Perlman Nominated British Academy Film Awards Best Special Visual Effects Stephane Ceretti , Paul Corbould , Jonathan Fawkner , Nicolas Aithadi Nominated Best Makeup and Hair Elizabeth Yianni - Georgiou and David White Nominated Academy Awards Best Visual Effects Stephane Ceretti , Nicolas Aithadi , Jonathan Fawkner and Paul Corbould Nominated Best Makeup and Hairstyling Elizabeth Yianni - Georgiou and David White Nominated Saturn Awards Best Comic - to - Film Motion Picture Guardians of the Galaxy Won Best Director James Gunn Won Best Writing James Gunn and Nicole Perlman Nominated Best Actor Chris Pratt Won Best Editing Fred Raskin , Craig Wood and Hughes Winborne Nominated Best Production Design Charles Wood Nominated Best Costume Alexandra Byrne Nominated Best Make - up David White and Elizabeth Yianni - Georgiou Won Best Special Effects Stephane Ceretti , Nicolas Aithadi , Jonathan Fawkner and Paul Corbould Nominated Hugo Awards ( Science Fiction Achievement Awards ) Best Dramatic Presentation ( Long Form ) James Gunn ( director , screenplay ) , Nicole Perlman ( screenplay ) Won Sequels ( edit ) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( edit ) Main article : Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was released on May 5 , 2017 , again written and directed by James Gunn . Pratt , Saldana , Bautista , Diesel , Cooper , Rooker , Gillan , and Sean Gunn all reprise their roles in the film , and are joined by Pom Klementieff as Mantis , Elizabeth Debicki as Ayesha , Chris Sullivan as Taserface , and Kurt Russell as Quill 's father Ego . Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 ( edit ) In April 2017 , Gunn announced he would return to write and direct Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 . It is scheduled to be released in 2020 . See also ( edit ) List of films featuring extraterrestrials Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Identified offscreen as Cosmo the Spacedog and Howard the Duck . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Guardians of the Galaxy ( IMAX ) '' . British Board of Film Classification . Archived from the original on July 30 , 2014 . Retrieved July 29 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Sylt , Christian ( January 27 , 2015 ) . `` Disney Reveals Guardians Of The Galaxy Was Over Budget At $232 Million '' . Forbes . Archived from the original on January 30 , 2015 . 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Retrieved February 17 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Lincoln , Ross ( October 29 , 2015 ) . `` ' Compton 's Neil Brown Jr . Signs On For ' Sand Castle ' ; Pom Klementieff Joins ' Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 ' '' . . Archived from the original on October 29 , 2015 . Retrieved October 29 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Couch , Aaron ( April 17 , 2017 ) . `` ' Guardians of the Galaxy 3 ' : James Gunn Returning to Write and Direct '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Archived from the original on April 17 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Marston , George ( September 7 , 2017 ) . `` Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Coming In 2020 , According To Gunn '' . Newsarama . Archived from the original on September 8 , 2017 . Retrieved September 8 , 2017 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : Guardians of the Galaxy ( film ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Guardians of the Galaxy ( film ) . Official website Guardians of the Galaxy on IMDb Guardians of the Galaxy at AllMovie Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Creators Stan Lee Arnold Drake Roy Thomas Dan Abnett Andy Lanning Members 1969 team members Charlie - 27 Martinex T'Naga Nikki Starhawk Talon Vance Astro / Major Victory Yondu Udonta 2008 team members Adam Warlock Bug Cosmo the Spacedog Drax the Destroyer Gamora Groot Jack Flag Mantis Moondragon Quasar ( Phyla - Vell ) Rocket Raccoon Star - Lord Supporting characters Annihilators Beta Ray Bill Gladiator Quasar Ronan the Accuser Silver Surfer Avengers Kismet Nova Corps Richard Rider Sam Alexander Starjammers Antagonists Annihilus Badoon Blastaar Brood Ego the Living Planet Galactus Hala the Accuser J'son Korvac Magus Nebula Shi'ar Empire Vulcan Skrull Thanos Titus Universal Church of Truth Storylines Annihilation Annihilation : Conquest War of Kings Realm of Kings The Thanos Imperative The Black Vortex In other media Guardians of the Galaxy ( film ) soundtrack Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 soundtrack Guardians of the Galaxy ( TV series ) Guardians of the Galaxy : The Telltale Series Related articles Cosmic entities Knowhere Guardians of the Galaxy -- Mission : Breakout ! Guardians of the Galaxy ( Epcot Attraction ) Marvel Cinematic Universe Feature films Phase One Iron Man The Incredible Hulk Iron Man 2 Thor Captain America : The First Avenger The Avengers accolades Phase Two Iron Man 3 Thor : The Dark World Captain America : The Winter Soldier Guardians of the Galaxy Avengers : Age of Ultron Ant - Man Phase Three Captain America : Civil War Doctor Strange Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Spider - Man : Homecoming Thor : Ragnarok Black Panther Avengers : Infinity War production Ant - Man and the Wasp Untitled Avengers film production Television series ABC Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episodes season 1 5 characters Agent Carter season 1 characters Inhumans `` Behold ... The Inhumans '' `` Those Who Would Destroy Us '' Netflix Daredevil season 1 characters Jessica Jones season 1 characters Luke Cage season 1 characters Iron Fist season 1 characters The Defenders The Punisher Hulu Runaways Freeform Cloak & Dagger Unaired pilot Most Wanted Other Short films Item 47 Agent Carter All Hail the King Digital series WHIH Newsfront Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : Slingshot Tie - in comics Fury 's Big Week Cast and characters Film cast Television series cast Phil Coulson Erik Selvig Trevor Slattery Claire Temple Music Iron Man The Incredible Hulk Iron Man 2 Thor Captain America : The First Avenger The Avengers Iron Man 3 Thor : The Dark World Captain America : The Winter Soldier Guardians of the Galaxy Avengers : Age of Ultron Ant - Man Captain America : Civil War Luke Cage Doctor Strange Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Spider - Man : Homecoming Thor : Ragnarok MCU - inspired media Video games Iron Man The Incredible Hulk Iron Man 2 Thor : God of Thunder Captain America : Super Soldier Iron Man 3 Lego Marvel 's Avengers Attraction Guardians of the Galaxy -- Mission : Breakout ! Book Category Portal Live - action theatrical films based on Marvel Comics Franchises Ant - Man Ant - Man Ant - Man and the Wasp Avengers The Avengers Avengers : Age of Ultron Avengers : Infinity War Untitled Avengers film production Blade Blade Blade II Blade : Trinity Captain America Captain America ( serial ) Captain America ( 1990 ) Captain America : The First Avenger Captain America : The Winter Soldier Captain America : Civil War Daredevil Daredevil Elektra Deadpool Deadpool Deadpool 2 Fantastic Four The Fantastic Four ( 1994 ) Fantastic Four ( 2005 ) Fantastic Four : Rise of the Silver Surfer Fantastic Four ( 2015 ) Ghost Rider Ghost Rider Ghost Rider : Spirit of Vengeance Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Hulk Hulk The Incredible Hulk Iron Man Iron Man Iron Man 2 Iron Man 3 Punisher The Punisher ( 1989 ) The Punisher ( 2004 ) Punisher : War Zone Spider - Man Spider - Man Spider - Man 2 Spider - Man 3 The Amazing Spider - Man The Amazing Spider - Man 2 Spider - Man : Homecoming Thor Thor Thor : The Dark World Thor : Ragnarok Wolverine X-Men Origins : Wolverine The Wolverine Logan X-Men X-Men X2 X-Men : The Last Stand X-Men : First Class X-Men : Days of Future Past X-Men : Apocalypse X-Men : Dark Phoenix Single films Howard the Duck Red Sonja Man - Thing Doctor Strange Black Panther The New Mutants Venom Franchises from Marvel Comics imprints Kick - Ass Kick - Ass Kick - Ass 2 Kingsman Kingsman : The Secret Service Kingsman : The Golden Circle Men in Black Men in Black Men in Black II Men in Black 3 See also Marvel Studios Marvel Cinematic Universe films Marvel One - Shots Item 47 Agent Carter All Hail the King No Good Deed James Gunn Films written and directed Slither ( 2006 ) Super ( 2010 ) Guardians of the Galaxy ( 2014 ) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( 2017 ) Films written Tromeo and Juliet ( 1996 ) The Specials ( 2000 ) Scooby - Doo ( 2002 ) Scooby - Doo 2 : Monsters Unleashed ( 2004 ) Dawn of the Dead ( 2004 ) LolliLove ( 2004 ) The Belko Experiment ( 2017 ) TV and web series created The Tromaville Cafe ( 1997 -- 2000 ) James Gunn 's PG Porn ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Other All I Need to Know about Filmmaking I Learned from the Toxic Avenger Lollipop Chainsaw Movie 43 ( 2013 ) Critics ' Choice Movie Award for Best Action Movie The Dark Knight ( 2008 ) Avatar ( 2009 ) Inception ( 2010 ) Drive ( 2011 ) Skyfall ( 2012 ) Lone Survivor ( 2013 ) Guardians of the Galaxy ( 2014 ) Mad Max : Fury Road ( 2015 ) Hacksaw Ridge ( 2016 ) Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation , Long Form The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers ( 2003 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King ( 2004 ) The Incredibles ( 2005 ) Serenity ( 2006 ) Pan 's Labyrinth ( 2007 ) Stardust ( 2008 ) WALL - E ( 2009 ) Moon ( 2010 ) Inception ( 2011 ) Game of Thrones ( season 1 ) ( 2012 ) The Avengers ( 2013 ) Gravity ( 2014 ) Guardians of the Galaxy ( 2015 ) The Martian ( 2016 ) Arrival ( 2017 ) Nebula Award for Best Script / Ray Bradbury Award Nebula Award for Best Script Soylent Green -- Stanley R. Greenberg ( 1973 ) Sleeper -- Woody Allen ( 1974 ) Young Frankenstein -- Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder ( 1975 ) Star Wars -- George Lucas ( 1977 ) The Sixth Sense -- M. Night Shyamalan ( 1999 ) Galaxy Quest -- David Howard and Robert Gordon ( 2000 ) Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon James Schamus , Kuo Jung Tsai , and Hui - Ling Wang ( 2001 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring -- Fran Walsh , Philippa Boyens , and Peter Jackson ( 2002 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers -- Fran Walsh , Philippa Boyens , Stephen Sinclair , and Peter Jackson ( 2003 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King -- Fran Walsh , Philippa Boyens , and Peter Jackson ( 2004 ) Serenity -- Joss Whedon ( 2005 ) Howl 's Moving Castle -- Hayao Miyazaki , Cindy Davis Hewitt , and Donald H. Hewitt ( 2006 ) Pan 's Labyrinth -- Guillermo del Toro ( 2007 ) WALL - E -- Andrew Stanton , Jim Reardon , and Pete Docter ( 2008 ) Ray Bradbury Award for Outstanding Dramatic Presentation Terminator 2 : Judgment Day -- James Cameron ( 1992 ) Babylon 5 -- J. Michael Straczynski ( 1999 ) 2000X -- Tales of the Next Millennia -- Yuri Rasovsky and Harlan Ellison ( 2001 ) Joss Whedon ( 2008 ) District 9 -- Neill Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell ( 2009 ) Inception -- Christopher Nolan ( 2010 ) Doctor Who : `` The Doctor 's Wife '' -- Richard Clark and Neil Gaiman ( 2011 ) Beasts of the Southern Wild -- Benh Zeitlin , Lucy Alibar ( 2012 ) Gravity -- Alfonso Cuarón and Jonás Cuarón ( 2013 ) Guardians of the Galaxy -- James Gunn and Nicole Perlman ( 2014 ) Mad Max : Fury Road -- George Miller , Brendan McCarthy , and Nico Lathouris ( 2015 ) Arrival -- Eric Heisserer ( 2016 ) Saturn Award for Best Comic - to - Film Motion Picture Iron Man 3 ( 2013 ) Guardians of the Galaxy ( 2014 ) Ant - Man ( 2015 ) Doctor Strange ( 2016 ) Marvel Cinematic Universe portal Film in the United States portal Superhero fiction portal Comics portal 2010s portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2014 films English - language films 2010s action films 2010s adventure films 2010s comedy films 2010s science fiction films 2010s superhero films 2014 3D films Alien abduction films American comedy science fiction films American action comedy films American adventure comedy films American films American science fiction action films American space adventure films Film scores by Tyler Bates Films directed by James Gunn Films featuring anthropomorphic characters Films featuring Howard the Duck Films set in 1988 Films set in 2014 Films set in Missouri Films set in prison Films set on fictional planets Films shot at Longcross Studios Films shot at Shepperton Studios Films shot in London Films shot in Los Angeles Films using computer - generated imagery Guardians of the Galaxy films Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation , Long Form winning works IMAX films Marvel Cinematic Universe films Performance capture in film Rotoscoped films Screenplays by James Gunn Superhero comedy films Hidden categories : Wikipedia pending changes protected pages ( level 1 ) Good articles Use mdy dates from July 2015 Articles containing potentially dated statements from October 2015 All articles containing potentially dated statements Comics navigational boxes purge Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Беларуская Български Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά Español Euskara فارسی Fiji Hindi Français Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ქართული Қазақша Кыргызча Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Перем Коми Polski Português Română Русский Scots Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 26 October 2017 , at 03 : 08 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when was the first guardians of the galaxy movie made | [
"Guardians of the Galaxy (retroactively referred to as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1)[4][5] is a 2014 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the tenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film was directed by James Gunn, who wrote the screenplay with Nicole Perlman, and features an ensemble cast including Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Lee Pace, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Djimon Hounsou, John C. Reilly, Glenn Close, and Benicio del Toro. In Guardians of the Galaxy, Peter Quill forms an uneasy alliance with a group of extraterrestrial misfits who are fleeing after stealing a powerful artifact."
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1935285655837398527 | Pledge of Allegiance (United States) | Pledge of Allegiance ( United States ) - wikipedia Pledge of Allegiance ( United States ) This article is about the U.S. oath of allegiance . For the general topic of oaths of allegiance , see Oath of allegiance . For other uses , see Pledge of Allegiance ( disambiguation ) . Pledge of Allegiance ( Bellamy versions ) ( changes are bolded and underlined ) 1892 ( first version ) `` I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands , one nation , indivisible , with liberty and justice for all . '' 1892 to 1923 ( early revision by Bellamy ) `` I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands , one nation , indivisible , with liberty and justice for all . '' 1923 to 1924 `` I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States and to the Republic for which it stands , one nation , indivisible , with liberty and justice for all . '' 1924 to 1954 `` I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands , one nation , indivisible , with liberty and justice for all . '' 1954 ( current version , per 4 U.S.C. § 4 ) `` I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America , and to the Republic for which it stands , one Nation under God , indivisible , with liberty and justice for all . '' The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States is an expression of allegiance to the Flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America . It was originally composed by Captain George Thatcher Balch , a Union Army Officer during the Civil War and later a teacher of patriotism in New York City schools . The form of the pledge used today was largely devised by Francis Bellamy in 1892 , and formally adopted by Congress as the pledge in 1942 . The official name of The Pledge of Allegiance was adopted in 1945 . The most recent alteration of its wording came on Flag Day in 1954 , when the words `` under God '' were added . Contents 1 Recital 2 Origins 2.1 Balch and Bellamy pledges 2.2 Francis Bellamy 's account 3 Changes 3.1 Addition of `` under God '' 4 Salute 5 Music 6 Controversy 6.1 Legal challenges 7 See also 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External links Recital ( edit ) Congressional sessions open with the recital of the Pledge , as do many government meetings at local levels , and meetings held by many private organizations . All states except Hawaii , Iowa , Vermont and Wyoming require a regularly - scheduled recitation of the pledge in the public schools , although the Supreme Court has ruled in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette that students can not be compelled to recite the Pledge , nor can they be punished for not doing so . In a number of states , state flag pledges of allegiance are required to be recited after this . The United States Flag Code says : The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag -- `` I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America , and to the Republic for which it stands , one Nation under God , indivisible , with liberty and justice for all . '' -- should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart . When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder , the hand being over the heart . Persons in uniform should remain silent , face the flag , and render the military salute . Members of the Armed Forces not in uniform and veterans may render the military salute in the manner provided for persons in uniform . Origins ( edit ) Balch and Bellamy pledges ( edit ) The Pledge of Allegiance , as it exists in its current form , was composed in August 1892 by Francis Bellamy ( 1855 -- 1931 ) , who was a Baptist minister , a Christian socialist , and the cousin of socialist utopian novelist Edward Bellamy ( 1850 -- 1898 ) . There did exist a previous version created by Captain George T. Balch , a veteran of the Civil War , who later became auditor of the New York Board of Education . Balch 's pledge , which existed contemporaneously with the Bellamy version until the 1923 National Flag Conference , read : We give our heads and hearts to God and our country ; one country , one language , one flag ! Balch was a proponent of teaching children , especially those of immigrants , loyalty to the United States , even going so far as to write a book on the subject and work with both the government and private organizations to distribute flags to every classroom and school . Balch 's pledge , which predates Bellamy 's by 5 years and was embraced by many schools , by the Daughters of the American Revolution until the 1910s , and by the Grand Army of the Republic until the 1923 National Flag Conference , is often overlooked when discussing the history of the Pledge . Bellamy , however , did not approve of the pledge as Balch had written it , referring to the text as `` too juvenile and lacking in dignity . '' The Bellamy `` Pledge of Allegiance '' was first published in the September 8 issue of the popular children 's magazine The Youth 's Companion as part of the National Public - School Celebration of Columbus Day , a celebration of the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus 's arrival in the Americas . The event was conceived and promoted by James B. Upham , a marketer for the magazine , as a campaign to instill the idea of American nationalism in students and to encourage children to raise flags above their schools . According to author Margarette S. Miller , this campaign was in line both with Upham 's patriotic vision as well as with his commercial interest . According to Miller , Upham `` would often say to his wife : ' Mary , if I can instill into the minds of our American youth a love for their country and the principles on which it was founded , and create in them an ambition to carry on with the ideals which the early founders wrote into The Constitution , I shall not have lived in vain . ' '' Bellamy 's original Pledge read : I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands , one nation , indivisible , with liberty and justice for all . Students reciting a pledge on Flag Day in 1899 The Pledge was supposed to be quick and to the point . Bellamy designed it to be recited in 15 seconds . As a socialist , he had initially also considered using the words equality and fraternity but decided against it , knowing that the state superintendents of education on his committee were against equality for women and African Americans . Francis Bellamy and Upham had lined up the National Education Association to support the Youth 's Companion as a sponsor of the Columbus Day observance and the use in that observance of the American flag . By June 29 , 1892 , Bellamy and Upham had arranged for Congress and President Benjamin Harrison to announce a proclamation making the public school flag ceremony the center of the Columbus Day celebrations . This arrangement was formalized when Harrison issued Presidential Proclamation 335 . Subsequently , the Pledge was first used in public schools on October 12 , 1892 , during Columbus Day observances organized to coincide with the opening of the World 's Columbian Exposition ( the Chicago World 's Fair ) , Illinois . Francis Bellamy 's account ( edit ) In his recollection of the creation of the Pledge , Francis Bellamy said , `` At the beginning of the nineties patriotism and national feeling was ( sic ) at a low ebb . The patriotic ardor of the Civil War was an old story ... The time was ripe for a reawakening of simple Americanism and the leaders in the new movement rightly felt that patriotic education should begin in the public schools . '' James Upham `` felt that a flag should be on every schoolhouse , '' so his publication `` fostered a plan of selling flags to schools through the children themselves at cost , which was so successful that 25,000 schools acquired flags in the first year ( 1892 - 93 ) . As the World 's Columbian Exposition was set to celebrate the 400th anniversary the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas , Upham sought to link the publication 's flag drive to the event , `` so that every school in the land ... would have a flag raising , under the most impressive conditions . '' Bellamy was placed in charge of this operation and was soon lobbying `` not only the superintendents of education in all the States , but ( he ) also worked with governors , Congressmen , and even the President of the United States . '' The publication 's efforts paid off when Benjamin Harrison declared Wednesday October 12 , 1892 , to be Columbus Day for which The Youth 's Companion made `` an official program for universal use in all the schools . '' Bellamy recalled that the event `` had to be more than a list of exercises . The ritual must be prepared with simplicity and dignity . '' Edna Dean Proctor wrote an ode for the event , and `` There was also an oration suitable for declamation . '' Bellamy held that `` Of course , the nub of the program was to be the raising of the flag , with a salute to the flag recited by the pupils in unison . '' He found `` There was not a satisfactory enough form for this salute . The Balch salute , which ran , `` I give my heart and my hand to my country , one country , one language , one flag , '' seemed to him too juvenile and lacking in dignity . '' After working on the idea with Upham , Bellamy concluded , `` It was my thought that a vow of loyalty or allegiance to the flag should be the dominant idea . I especially stressed the word ' allegiance ' ... Beginning with the new word allegiance , I first decided that ' pledge ' was a better school word than ' vow ' or ' swear ' ; and that the first person singular should be used , and that ' my ' flag was preferable to ' the . ' '' Bellamy considered the words `` country , nation , or Republic , '' choosing the last as `` it distinguished the form of government chosen by the founding fathers and established by the Revolution . The true reason for allegiance to the flag is the Republic for which it stands . '' Bellamy then reflected on the sayings of Revolutionary and Civil War figures , and concluded `` all that pictured struggle reduced itself to three words , one Nation indivisible . '' Bellamy considered the slogan of the French Revolution , Liberté , égalité , fraternité ( `` liberty , equality , fraternity '' ) , but held that `` fraternity was too remote of realization , and ... ( that ) equality was a dubious word . '' Concluding `` Liberty and justice were surely basic , were undebatable , and were all that any one Nation could handle . If they were exercised for all . They involved the spirit of equality and fraternity . '' After being reviewed by Upham and other members of The Youth 's Companion , the Pledge was approved and put in the official Columbus Day program . Bellamy noted that , `` In later years the words ' to my flag ' were changed to ' to the flag of the United States of America ' because of the large number of foreign children in the schools . '' Bellamy disliked the change , as `` it did injure the rhythmic balance of the original composition . '' Changes ( edit ) A plaque in Lansing , MI , dated 1918 , listing the Balch Pledge , which was used parallel to the Bellamy Pledge until the National Flag Conference in 1923 . In 1906 , The Daughters of the American Revolution 's magazine , The American Monthly , listed the `` formula of allegiance '' as being the Balch Pledge of Allegiance , which reads : I pledge allegiance to my flag , and the republic for which it stands . I pledge my head and my heart to God and my country . One country , one language and one flag . In subsequent publications of the Daughters of the American Revolution , such as in 1915 's `` Proceedings of the Twenty - Fourth Continental Congress of the Daughters of the American Revolution '' and 1916 's annual `` National Report , '' the Balch Pledge , listed as official in 1906 , is now categorized as `` Old Pledge '' with Bellamy 's version under the heading `` New Pledge . '' However , the `` Old Pledge '' continued to be used by other organizations until the National Flag Conference established uniform flag procedures in 1923 . In 1923 , the National Flag Conference called for the words `` my Flag '' to be changed to `` the Flag of the United States , '' so that new immigrants would not confuse loyalties between their birth countries and the US . The words `` of America '' were added a year later . Congress officially recognized the Pledge for the first time , in the following form , on June 22 , 1942 : I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America , and to the Republic for which it stands , one Nation indivisible , with liberty and justice for all . Addition of `` under God '' ( edit ) `` Under God '' redirects here . For the book , see Under God ( book ) . Louis Albert Bowman , an attorney from Illinois , was the first to suggest the addition of `` under God '' to the pledge . The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution gave him an Award of Merit as the originator of this idea . He spent his adult life in the Chicago area and was chaplain of the Illinois Society of the Sons of the American Revolution . At a meeting on February 12 , 1948 , he led the society in reciting the pledge with the two words `` under God '' added . He said that the words came from Lincoln 's Gettysburg Address . Although not all manuscript versions of the Gettysburg Address contain the words `` under God '' , all the reporters ' transcripts of the speech as delivered do , as perhaps Lincoln may have deviated from his prepared text and inserted the phrase when he said `` that the nation shall , under God , have a new birth of freedom . '' Bowman repeated his revised version of the Pledge at other meetings . In 1951 , the Knights of Columbus , the world 's largest Catholic fraternal service organization , also began including the words `` under God '' in the Pledge of Allegiance . In New York City , on April 30 , 1951 , the board of directors of the Knights of Columbus adopted a resolution to amend the text of their Pledge of Allegiance at the opening of each of the meetings of the 800 Fourth Degree Assemblies of the Knights of Columbus by addition of the words `` under God '' after the words `` one nation . '' Over the next two years , the idea spread throughout Knights of Columbus organizations nationwide . On August 21 , 1952 , the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus at its annual meeting adopted a resolution urging that the change be made universal , and copies of this resolution were sent to the President , the Vice President ( as Presiding Officer of the Senate ) , and the Speaker of the House of Representatives . The National Fraternal Congress meeting in Boston on September 24 , 1952 , adopted a similar resolution upon the recommendation of its president , Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart . Several State Fraternal Congresses acted likewise almost immediately thereafter . This campaign led to several official attempts to prompt Congress to adopt the Knights of Columbus policy for the entire nation . These attempts were eventually a success . At the suggestion of a correspondent , Representative Louis C. Rabaut ( D - Mich . ) , of Michigan sponsored a resolution to add the words `` under God '' to the Pledge in 1953 . George MacPherson Docherty ( left ) and President Eisenhower ( second from left ) on the morning of February 7 , 1954 , at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church . Before February 1954 , no endeavor to get the pledge officially amended had succeeded . The final successful push came from George MacPherson Docherty . Some American presidents honored Lincoln 's birthday by attending services at the church Lincoln attended , New York Avenue Presbyterian Church by sitting in Lincoln 's pew on the Sunday nearest February 12 . On February 7 , 1954 , with President Eisenhower sitting in Lincoln 's pew , the church 's pastor , George MacPherson Docherty , delivered a sermon based on the Gettysburg Address entitled `` A New Birth of Freedom . '' He argued that the nation 's might lay not in arms but rather in its spirit and higher purpose . He noted that the Pledge 's sentiments could be those of any nation : `` There was something missing in the pledge , and that which was missing was the characteristic and definitive factor in the American way of life . '' He cited Lincoln 's words `` under God '' as defining words that set the US apart from other nations . President Eisenhower had been baptized a Presbyterian very recently , just a year before . He responded enthusiastically to Docherty in a conversation following the service . Eisenhower acted on his suggestion the next day and on February 8 , 1954 , Rep. Charles Oakman ( R - Mich . ) , introduced a bill to that effect . Congress passed the necessary legislation and Eisenhower signed the bill into law on Flag Day , June 14 , 1954 . Eisenhower said : From this day forward , the millions of our school children will daily proclaim in every city and town , every village and rural school house , the dedication of our nation and our people to the Almighty ... In this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America 's heritage and future ; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our country 's most powerful resource , in peace or in war . The phrase `` under God '' was incorporated into the Pledge of Allegiance on June 14 , 1954 , by a Joint Resolution of Congress amending § 4 of the Flag Code enacted in 1942 . On October 6 , 1954 , the National Executive Committee of the American Legion adopted a resolution , first approved by the Illinois American Legion Convention in August 1954 , which formally recognized the Knights of Columbus for having initiated and brought forward the amendment to the Pledge of Allegiance . Even though the movement behind inserting `` under God '' into the pledge might have been initiated by a private religious fraternity and even though references to God appear in previous versions of the pledge , historian Kevin M. Kruse asserts that this movement was an effort by corporate America to instill in the minds of the people that capitalism and free enterprise were heavenly blessed . Kruse acknowledges the insertion of the phrase was influenced by the push - back against atheistic communism during the Cold War , but argues the longer arc of history shows the conflation of Christianity and capitalism as a challenge to the New Deal played the larger role . Salute ( edit ) Swearing of the Pledge is accompanied by a salute . An early version of the salute , adopted in 1887 , known as the Balch Salute , which accompanied the Balch pledge , instructed students to stand with their right hand outstretched toward the flag , the fingers of which are then brought to the forehead , followed by being placed flat over the heart , and finally falling to the side . In 1892 , Francis Bellamy created what was known as the Bellamy salute . It started with the hand outstretched toward the flag , palm down , and ended with the palm up . Because of the similarity between the Bellamy salute and the Nazi salute , which was adopted in Germany later , the US Congress stipulated that the hand - over-the - heart gesture as the salute to be rendered by civilians during the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem in the US would be the salute to replace the Bellamy salute . Removal of the Bellamy salute occurred on December 22 , 1942 , when Congress amended the Flag Code language first passed into law on June 22 , 1942 . Attached to bills passed in Congress in 2008 and then in 2009 ( Section 301 ( b ) ( 1 ) of title 36 , United States Code ) , language was included which authorized all active duty military personnel and all veterans in civilian clothes to render a proper hand salute during the raising and lowering of the flag , when the colors are presented , and during the National Anthem . Music ( edit ) Musical setting by Irving Caesar A musical setting for `` The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag '' was created by Irving Caesar , at the suggestion of Congressman Louis C. Rabaut whose House Resolution 243 to add the phrase `` under God '' was signed into law on Flag Day , June 14 , 1954 . The composer , Irving Caesar , wrote and published over 700 songs in his lifetime . Dedicated to social issues , he donated all rights of the musical setting to the U.S. government , so that anyone can perform the piece without owing royalties . It was sung for the first time on the floor of the House of Representatives on Flag Day , June 14 , 1955 by the official Air Force choral group the `` Singing Sergeants '' . A July 29 , 1955 House and Senate resolution authorized the U.S. Government Printing Office to print and distribute the song sheet together with a history of the pledge . Other musical versions of the Pledge have since been copyrighted , including by Beck ( 2003 ) , Lovrekovich ( 2002 and 2001 ) , Roton ( 1991 ) , Fijol ( 1986 ) , and Girardet ( 1983 ) . Controversy ( edit ) Main article : Criticism of the Pledge of Allegiance In 1940 , the Supreme Court , in Minersville School District v. Gobitis , ruled that students in public schools , including the respondents in that case -- Jehovah 's Witnesses who considered the flag salute to be idolatry -- could be compelled to swear the Pledge . In 1943 , in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette , the Supreme Court reversed its decision . Justice Robert H. Jackson , writing for the 6 to 3 majority , went beyond simply ruling in the precise matter presented by the case to say that public school students are not required to say the Pledge on narrow grounds , and asserted that such ideological dogmata are antithetical to the principles of the country , concluding with : If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation , it is that no official , high or petty , can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics , nationalism , religion , or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein . If there are any circumstances which permit an exception , they do not now occur to us . In a later case , the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals held that students are also not required to stand for the Pledge . First graders of Japanese ancestry pledging allegiance to the American flag ( 1942 , photo by Dorothea Lange ) . Requiring or promoting of the Pledge on the part of the government has continued to draw criticism and legal challenges on several grounds . One objection is that a democratic republic built on freedom of dissent should not require its citizens to pledge allegiance to it , and that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right to refrain from speaking or standing , which itself is also a form of speech in the context of the ritual of pledging allegiance . Another objection is that the people who are most likely to recite the Pledge every day , small children in schools , can not really give their consent or even completely understand the Pledge they are making . Another criticism is that a government requiring or promoting the phrase `` under God '' violates protections against the establishment of religion guaranteed in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment . In 2004 , linguist Geoffrey Nunberg said the original supporters of the addition thought that they were simply quoting Lincoln 's Gettysburg Address , but to Lincoln and his contemporaries , `` under God '' meant `` God willing '' , so they would have found its use in the Pledge of Allegiance grammatically incorrect and semantically odd . Legal challenges ( edit ) Prominent legal challenges were brought in the 1930s and 1940s by Jehovah 's Witnesses , a denomination whose beliefs preclude swearing loyalty to any power other than God , and who objected to policies in public schools requiring students to swear an oath to the flag . They said requiring the pledge violated their freedom of religion guaranteed by the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment . The first case was in 1935 , when two children , Lillian and William Gobitas , ages ten and twelve , were expelled from the Minersville , Pennsylvania , public schools that year for failing to salute the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance . In a 2002 case brought by atheist Michael Newdow , whose daughter was being taught the Pledge in school , the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the phrase `` under God '' an unconstitutional endorsement of monotheism when the Pledge was promoted in public school . In 2004 , the Supreme Court heard Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow , an appeal of the ruling , and rejected Newdow 's claim on the grounds that he was not the custodial parent , and therefore lacked standing , thus avoiding ruling on the merits of whether the phrase was constitutional in a school - sponsored recitation . On January 3 , 2005 , a new suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California on behalf of three unnamed families . On September 14 , 2005 , District Court Judge Lawrence Karlton ruled in their favor . Citing the precedent of the 2002 ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals , Judge Karlton issued an order stating that , upon proper motion , he would enjoin the school district defendants from continuing their practices of leading children in pledging allegiance to `` one Nation under God . '' In 2006 , in the Florida case Frazier v. Alexandre , a federal district court in Florida ruled that a 1942 state law requiring students to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution . As a result of that decision , a Florida school district was ordered to pay $32,500 to a student who chose not to say the pledge and was ridiculed and called `` unpatriotic '' by a teacher . In 2009 , a Montgomery County , Maryland , teacher berated and had school police remove a 13 - year - old girl who refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance in the classroom . The student 's mother , assisted by the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland , sought and received an apology from the teacher , as state law and the school 's student handbook both prohibit students from being forced to recite the Pledge . On March 11 , 2010 , the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the words `` under God '' in the Pledge of Allegiance in the case of Newdow v. Rio Linda Union School District . In a 2 -- 1 decision , the appellate court ruled that the words were of a `` ceremonial and patriotic nature '' and did not constitute an establishment of religion . Judge Stephen Reinhardt dissented , writing that `` the state - directed , teacher - led daily recitation in public schools of the amended ' under God ' version of the Pledge of Allegiance ... violates the Establishment Clause of the Constitution . '' On November 12 , 2010 , in a unanimous decision , the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Boston affirmed a ruling by a New Hampshire lower federal court which found that the pledge 's reference to God does not violate non-pledging students ' rights if student participation in the pledge is voluntary . A United States Supreme Court appeal of this decision was denied on June 13 , 2011 . In September 2013 , a case was brought before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court , arguing that the pledge violates the Equal Rights Amendment of the Constitution of Massachusetts . In May 2014 , Massachusetts ' highest court ruled that the pledge does not discriminate against atheists , saying that the words `` under God '' represent a patriotic , not a religious , exercise . In February 2015 New Jersey Superior Court Judge David F. Bauman dismissed a lawsuit , ruling that `` ... the Pledge of Allegiance does not violate the rights of those who do n't believe in God and does not have to be removed from the patriotic message . '' The case against the Matawan - Aberdeen Regional School District had been brought by a student of the district and the American Humanist Association that argued that the phrase `` under God '' in the pledge created a climate of discrimination because it promoted religion , making non-believers `` second - class citizens . '' In a twenty - one page decision , Bauman wrote , `` Under ( the association members ' ) reasoning , the very constitution under which ( the members ) seek redress for perceived atheistic marginalization could itself be deemed unconstitutional , an absurd proposition which ( association members ) do not and can not advance here . '' Bauman said the student could skip the pledge , but upheld a New Jersey law that says pupils must recite the pledge unless they have `` conscientious scruples '' that do not allow it . He noted , `` As a matter of historical tradition , the words ' under God ' can no more be expunged from the national consciousness than the words ' In God We Trust ' from every coin in the land , than the words ' so help me God ' from every presidential oath since 1789 , or than the prayer that has opened every congressional session of legislative business since 1787 . '' See also ( edit ) Australian citizenship affirmation , a similar concept Ceremonial deism Flag Salute Loyalty oaths in the United States Youth 's Companion Building , where the Pledge of Allegiance was written and published Separation of church and state , which provides more information surrounding `` under God '' in the pledge References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` The Pledge of Allegiance '' . Historic Documents . Independence Hall Association : . Retrieved 29 August 2012 . Jump up ^ Jones , Jeffrey Owen . `` The Man Who Wrote the Pledge of Allegiance , '' Smithsonian Magazine , Nov. 2003 . Retrieved 14 June 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Pledge of Allegiance , '' Celebrating America 's Freedoms . n.d. U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs . Retrieved 14 June 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Title 4 , Chapter 1 , Section 4 , US Code '' . Retrieved 2016 - 01 - 24 . Jump up ^ Kirkpatrick , Melanie . `` One Nation , Indivisible '' . The Wall Street Journal . ISSN 0099 - 9660 . 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Cultural Movements and Collective Memory : Christopher Columbus and the Rewriting of the National Origin Myth . Basingstoke , Hampshire , GBR : Palgrave Macmillan . ISBN 978 - 0 - 230 - 61576 - 2 . Jump up ^ `` Grand Lodge of BC and Yukon profile of Bellamy '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 10 - 23 . Jump up ^ The Overland Monthly . Samuel Carson . 1891 - 01 - 01 . ^ Jump up to : Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine . National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution . 1906 - 01 - 01 . ^ Jump up to : Francis Bellamy . `` '' A Brief Synopsis of the Story of the Origin of the Pledge taken from the Detailed Narrative by Francis Bellamy , Author of the Pledge `` '' . Congressional Record 91 Cong . Rec. ( 1945 ) House : 5510 -- 5511 . ^ Jump up to : Bellamy , Francis , `` The Story of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag , '' University of Rochester Library Bulletin , Vol . VIII , Winter 1953 . Jump up ^ Margarette S. Miller ( 1946 ) . I Pledge Allegiance . 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The Journal of Educational Research . 35 ( 4 ) : 300 -- 305 . JSTOR 27528245 . Jump up ^ `` Court upholds ' under God ' in Pledge of Allegiance '' . Associated Press . 2010 - 03 - 11 . Archived from the original on 2010 - 03 - 16 . Retrieved 2010 - 03 - 11 . Jump up ^ Geoffrey Nunberg ( 2004 - 06 - 20 ) . `` I Might Have Guessed Parson Weems Would Figure In There Somewhere '' . Language Log . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ Geoffrey Nunberg ( 2004 - 06 - 20 ) . `` '' ( Next ) Under God , '' Phrasal Idiom `` . Language Log . Retrieved 2007 - 05 - 03 . Jump up ^ Jehovah 's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God 's Kingdom , Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York , 1993 , pp. 196 - 197 . Jump up ^ `` Flag Salute Cases '' . The Free Dictionary . Retrieved 2014 - 02 - 03 . Jump up ^ Minersville School District v. Gobitis , 310 U.S. 586 , 60 S. Ct. 1010 , 84 L. Ed . 1375 ( 1940 ) Jump up ^ Kravets , David ( September 16 , 2005 ) , `` Federal judge rules Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional '' , The Chicago Defender , archived from the original on 2006 - 01 - 11 , retrieved 2008 - 03 - 31 Jump up ^ Frazier v. Alexandre , 434 F. Supp. 2d 1350 ( S.D. Fla . May 31 , 2006 ) . Jump up ^ `` Frazier v. Alexandre , No. 05 - 81142 ( S.D. Fla . May 31 , 2006 ) '' . National School Boards Association . March 15 , 2011 . Archived from the original on 2011 - 03 - 15 . Jump up ^ Johnson , Jenna ( February 24 , 2010 ) . `` Pledge of Allegiance dispute results in Md. teacher having to apologize '' . The Washington Post . Retrieved 2010 - 02 - 25 . ^ Jump up to : Chea , Terence ( March 12 , 2010 ) . `` Fed . appeals court upholds ' under God ' in pledge '' . Associated Press . Archived from the original on 2010 - 03 - 15 . Retrieved 2010 - 03 - 12 . Jump up ^ Newdow vs. Rio Linda Union School District ( 9th Cir . March 12 , 2010 ) . Text Jump up ^ `` Pledge of Allegiance 's God reference now upheld by court '' . LA Times . March 12 , 2010 . Retrieved 2011 - 01 - 11 . Jump up ^ Freedom from Religion Foundation v. Hanover School District ( 1st Cir . Nov 12 , 2010 ) . Text Jump up ^ Lavoie , Denise ( November 15 , 2010 ) . `` Court OKs NH law allowing ' God ' pledge in schools '' . The Boston Globe . Boston , MA : Christopher M. Mayer . Retrieved 2010 - 11 - 16 . The constitutionality of a New Hampshire law ... Jump up ^ Egelko , Bob ( June 15 , 2011 ) . `` High court spurns atheist 's ' under God ' challenge '' . San Francisco Chronicle . San Francisco , CA : Hearst Corporation . A Sacramento atheist 's challenge to the addition of `` under God '' to the Pledge of Allegiance ... Jump up ^ Supreme Court of the United States ( June 13 , 2011 ) . `` Freedom From Religion Foundation , Petitioner v. United States , et al '' . Supreme Court of the United States . Retrieved 2011 - 06 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` ' Under God ' part of Pledge of Allegiance under review in Massachusetts '' . 2013 - 09 - 04 . Retrieved 2013 - 10 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` Massachusetts court rules ' under God ' in pledge does not discriminate against atheists '' . The Washington Post . 2014 - 05 - 09 . ISSN 0190 - 8286 . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 13 . ^ Jump up to : `` ' Under God ' is not discriminatory and will stay in pledge , judge says '' . . Retrieved 12 June 2015 . Jump up ^ Salvador Rizzo . `` Hearing ' Under God ' in Pledge of Allegiance does not violate rights of atheist students , NJ judge rules '' . . Archived from the original on 10 March 2016 . Retrieved 29 February 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Judge Refuses To Kick God Out Of Public Schools '' . Forbes . 7 February 2015 . Retrieved 29 February 2016 . Further reading ( edit ) Martin , Leisa A. ( May -- June 2008 ) . `` Examining the Pledge of Allegiance '' . Social Studies . 99 ( 3 ) : 127 -- 131 . doi : 10.3200 / tsss. 99.3. 127 - 131 . John W. Baer ( 2007 ) . The Pledge of Allegiance : A Revised History and Analysis , 1892 -- 2007 ( Free State Press , Inc . ) ISBN 978 - 0 - 9650620 - 2 - 2 Excerpt , Chapter Eight : `` Under God '' and Other Questions About the Pledge . Richard J. Ellis ( 2005 ) . To the Flag : The Unlikely History of the Pledge of Allegiance ( Lawrence : University of Kansas Press ) ISBN 0 - 7006 - 1372 - 2 Marc Leepson ( 2005 ) . Flag : An American Biography ( Thomas Dunne Books / St. Martin 's Press ) ISBN 0 - 312 - 32308 - 5 Kevin M. Kruse ( 2015 ) . One Nation Under God : How Corporate America Invented Christian America , Basic Books , ISBN 0465049494 . External links ( edit ) Find more aboutPledge of Allegiance ( United States ) at Wikipedia 's sister projects Media from Wikimedia Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource 4 U.S.C. § 4 Docherty 's Sermon Manuscript , Feb. 7 , 1954 Minister Reprises `` Under God '' Sermon National symbols of the United States Symbols Flag of the United States Seal of the United States Bald eagle Uncle Sam Columbia General Grant ( tree ) American 's Creed Pledge of Allegiance Rose Oak American bison Phrygian cap Songs `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' `` Dixie '' `` America the Beautiful '' `` The Stars and Stripes Forever '' `` Hail to the Chief '' `` Hail , Columbia '' `` My Country , ' Tis of Thee '' `` God Bless America '' `` Lift Every Voice and Sing '' `` The Army Goes Rolling Along '' `` Anchors Aweigh '' `` Marines ' Hymn '' `` Semper Fidelis '' `` The Air Force Song '' `` Semper Paratus '' `` National Emblem '' `` The Washington Post March '' `` Battle Hymn of the Republic '' `` Yankee Doodle '' `` You 're a Grand Old Flag '' `` When Johnny Comes Marching Home '' `` This Land Is Your Land '' Mottos In God We Trust E Pluribus Unum Novus ordo seclorum Annuit cœptis Landmarks Statue of Liberty ( Liberty Enlightening the World ) Liberty Bell Mount Rushmore National Mall West Potomac Park Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1892 documents American culture American nationalism Oaths of allegiance Flags of the United States Pledge of Allegiance Hidden categories : CS1 : Julian -- Gregorian uncertainty All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from February 2016 All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from February 2017 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Ænglisc Azərbaycanca Català Čeština Deutsch Diné bizaad Español Esperanto فارسی Français 한국어 Հայերեն Iñupiak Italiano Latina Magyar 日本 語 Norsk Русский Simple English Slovenčina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska 中文 17 more Edit links This page was last edited on 19 August 2018 , at 01 : 45 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when should the pledge of allegiance be recited | [
"Congressional sessions open with the recital of the Pledge, as do many government meetings at local levels, and meetings held by many private organizations. All states except Hawaii, Iowa, Vermont and Wyoming require a regularly-scheduled recitation of the pledge in the public schools, although the Supreme Court has ruled in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette that students cannot be compelled to recite the Pledge, nor can they be punished for not doing so.[9] In a number of states, state flag pledges of allegiance are required to be recited after this.[10]\n",
"Congressional sessions open with the recital of the Pledge, as do many government meetings at local levels, and meetings held by many private organizations. All states except Hawaii, Iowa, Vermont and Wyoming require a regularly-scheduled recitation of the pledge in the public schools, although the Supreme Court has ruled in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette that students cannot be compelled to recite the Pledge, nor can they be punished for not doing so.[9] In a number of states, state flag pledges of allegiance are required to be recited after this.[10]\n",
"Congressional sessions open with the recital of the Pledge, as do many government meetings at local levels, and meetings held by many private organizations. All states except Hawaii, Iowa, Vermont and Wyoming require a regularly-scheduled recitation of the pledge in the public schools, although the Supreme Court has ruled in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette that students cannot be compelled to recite the Pledge, nor can they be punished for not doing so.[9] In a number of states, state flag pledges of allegiance are required to be recited after this.[10]\n",
"Congressional sessions open with the recital of the Pledge, as do many government meetings at local levels, and meetings held by many private organizations. All states except Hawaii, Iowa, Vermont and Wyoming require a regularly-scheduled recitation of the pledge in the public schools, although the Supreme Court has ruled in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette that students cannot be compelled to recite the Pledge, nor can they be punished for not doing so.[9] In a number of states, state flag pledges of allegiance are required to be recited after this.[10]\n"
] | [
"Congressional sessions",
"government meetings at local levels",
"meetings held by many private organizations",
"All states except Hawaii, Iowa, Vermont and Wyoming require a regularly-scheduled recitation of the pledge in the public schools"
] |
-8897452748135861561 | List of FIFA World Cup hat-tricks | List of FIFA World Cup hat - tricks - wikipedia List of FIFA World Cup hat - tricks This article is about hat - tricks at the men 's World Cup . For hat - tricks at the Women 's World Cup , see List of FIFA Women 's World Cup hat - tricks . Gabriel Batistuta of Argentina is the only player to score a hat - trick at two World Cups . This is a list of all hat - tricks scored during FIFA World Cups ; that is , the occasions when a footballer has scored three or more goals in a single football World Cup match ( not including FIFA World Cup qualification matches ) . Scoring a hat - trick in a World Cup is a relatively rare event : only 51 hat - tricks have been scored in over 800 matches in the 21 editions of the World Cup tournament . As FIFA is the governing body of football , official hat - tricks are only noted when FIFA recognises that at least three goals were scored by one player in one match . The first hat - trick was scored by Bert Patenaude of the United States , playing against Paraguay in 1930 ; the most recent was by Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal , playing against Spain in 2018 . The only World Cup not to have at least one hat - trick scored was the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany . The record number of hat - tricks in a single World Cup tournament is eight , during the 1954 FIFA World Cup in Switzerland . Contents ( hide ) 1 List 2 Notable World Cup hat - tricks 3 See also 4 References 5 External links List ( edit ) Key Player 's team lost the match Player 's team drew the match FIFA World Cup hat - tricks # Player Time of goals For Goals Result Against Tournament Round Date FIFA report 7000100000000000000 ♠ 1 . Bert Patenaude 7001100000000000000 ♠ 10 ' , 15 ' , 50 ' United States 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 7000330000000000000 ♠ 3 -- 0 Paraguay 1930 , Uruguay 8Group stage 000000001930 - 07 - 17 - 0000 17 July 1930 report 7000200000000000000 ♠ 2 . Guillermo Stábile 7000800000000000000 ♠ 8 ' , 17 ' , 80 ' Argentina 1 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 , 6 -- 3 7000360000000000000 ♠ 6 -- 3 Mexico 8Group stage 000000001930 - 07 - 19 - 0000 19 July 1930 report 7000300000000000000 ♠ 3 . Pedro Cea 7001180000000000000 ♠ 18 ' , 67 ' , 72 ' Uruguay 1 -- 1 , 5 -- 1 , 6 -- 1 7000560000000099999 ♠ 6 -- 1 Yugoslavia 3Semi - final 000000001930 - 07 - 27 - 0000 27 July 1930 report 7000400000000000000 ♠ 4 . Angelo Schiavio 7001180000000000000 ♠ 18 ' , 29 ' , 64 ' Italy 1 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 , 5 -- 1 7000670000000000000 ♠ 7 -- 1 United States 1934 , Italy 8First round 000000001934 - 05 - 27 - 0000 27 May 1934 report 7000500000000000000 ♠ 5 . Edmund Conen 7001660000000000000 ♠ 66 ' , 70 ' , 87 ' Germany 3 -- 2 , 4 -- 2 , 5 -- 2 7000350000000000000 ♠ 5 -- 2 Belgium 8First round 000000001934 - 05 - 27 - 0000 27 May 1934 report 7000600000000000000 ♠ 6 . Oldřich Nejedlý 7001190000000000000 ♠ 19 ' , 71 ' , 80 ' Czechoslovakia 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 1 , 3 -- 1 7000230000000099999 ♠ 3 -- 1 Germany 3Semi - final 000000001934 - 06 - 03 - 0000 3 June 1934 report 7000700000000000000 ♠ 7 . Ernst Wilimowski 7001530000000000000 ♠ 53 ' , 59 ' , 89 ' , 118 ' Poland 2 -- 3 , 3 -- 3 , 4 -- 4 , 5 -- 6 5 -- 6 aet Brazil 1938 , France 8First round 000000001938 - 06 - 05 - 0000 5 June 1938 report 7000800000000000000 ♠ 8 . Leônidas 7001180000000000000 ♠ 18 ' , 93 ' , 104 ' Brazil 1 -- 0 , 5 -- 4 , 6 -- 4 7000160000000000000 ♠ 6 -- 5 aet Poland 7000900000000000000 ♠ 9 . Gustav Wetterström 7001320000000000000 ♠ 32 ' , 37 ' , 44 ' Sweden 2 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 , 4 -- 0 7000880000000000000 ♠ 8 -- 0 Cuba 5Quarter - final 000000001938 - 06 - 12 - 0000 12 June 1938 report 7001100000000000000 ♠ 10 . Harry Andersson 7000900000000000000 ♠ 9 ' , 81 ' , 89 ' Sweden 1 -- 0 , 6 -- 0 , 8 -- 0 7000880000000000000 ♠ 8 -- 0 Cuba 7001110000000000000 ♠ 11 . Óscar Míguez 7001140000000000000 ♠ 14 ' , 45 ' , 56 ' Uruguay 1 -- 0 , 4 -- 0 , 5 -- 0 7000880000000000000 ♠ 8 -- 0 Bolivia 1950 , Brazil 8Group stage 000000001950 - 07 - 02 - 0000 2 July 1950 report 7001120000000000000 ♠ 12 . Ademir 7001170000000000000 ♠ 17 ' , 36 ' , 52 ' , 58 ' Brazil 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 0 , 4 -- 0 , 5 -- 0 7000670000000000000 ♠ 7 -- 1 Sweden 2Final round 000000001950 - 07 - 09 - 0000 9 July 1950 report 7001130000000000000 ♠ 13 . Sándor Kocsis 7001240000000000000 ♠ 24 ' , 36 ' , 50 ' Hungary 3 -- 0 , 4 -- 0 , 5 -- 0 7000990000000000000 ♠ 9 -- 0 South Korea 1954 , Switzerland 8Group stage 000000001954 - 06 - 17 - 0000 17 June 1954 report 7001140000000000000 ♠ 14 . Erich Probst 7000400000000000000 ♠ 4 ' , 21 ' , 24 ' Austria 2 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 , 4 -- 0 7000550000000000000 ♠ 5 -- 0 Czechoslovakia 8Group stage 000000001954 - 06 - 19 - 0000 19 June 1954 report 7001150000000000000 ♠ 15 . Carlos Borges 7001170000000000000 ♠ 17 ' , 47 ' , 57 ' Uruguay 1 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 , 5 -- 0 7000770000000000000 ♠ 7 -- 0 Scotland 8Group stage 000000001954 - 06 - 19 - 0000 19 June 1954 report 7001160000000000000 ♠ 16 . Sándor Kocsis ( II ) 7000300000000000000 ♠ 3 ' , 21 ' , 67 ' , 78 ' Hungary 1 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 , 6 -- 1 , 8 -- 2 7000580000000000000 ♠ 8 -- 3 West Germany 8Group stage 000000001954 - 06 - 20 - 0000 20 June 1954 report 7001170000000000000 ♠ 17 . Burhan Sargın 7001370000000000000 ♠ 37 ' , 64 ' , 70 ' Turkey 4 -- 0 , 5 -- 0 , 6 -- 0 7000770000000000000 ♠ 7 -- 0 South Korea 8Group stage 000000001954 - 06 - 20 - 0000 20 June 1954 report 7001180000000000000 ♠ 18 . Max Morlock 7001300000000000000 ♠ 30 ' , 60 ' , 77 ' West Germany 3 -- 1 , 4 -- 1 , 6 -- 1 7000570000000000000 ♠ 7 -- 2 Turkey 8Group stage 000000001954 - 06 - 23 - 0000 23 June 1954 report 7001190000000000000 ♠ 19 . Theodor Wagner 7001250000000000000 ♠ 25 ' , 27 ' , 53 ' Austria 1 -- 3 , 3 -- 3 , 6 -- 4 7000270000000000000 ♠ 7 -- 5 Switzerland 5Quarter - final 000000001954 - 06 - 26 - 0000 26 June 1954 report 7001200000000000000 ♠ 20 . Josef Hügi 7001170000000000000 ♠ 17 ' , 19 ' , 58 ' Switzerland 2 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 , 5 -- 6 5 -- 7 Austria 7001210000000000000 ♠ 21 . Just Fontaine 7001240000000000000 ♠ 24 ' , 30 ' , 67 ' France 1 -- 1 , 2 -- 1 , 5 -- 3 7000470000000000000 ♠ 7 -- 3 Paraguay 81958 , Sweden 8Group stage 000000001958 - 06 - 08 - 0000 8 June 1958 report 7001220000000000000 ♠ 22 . Pelé 7001520000000000000 ♠ 52 ' , 64 ' , 75 ' Brazil 3 -- 1 , 4 -- 1 , 5 -- 1 7000350000000000000 ♠ 5 -- 2 France 3Semi - final 000000001958 - 06 - 24 - 0000 24 June 1958 report 7001230000000000000 ♠ 23 . Just Fontaine ( II ) 7001160000000000000 ♠ 16 ' , 36 ' , 78 ' , 89 ' France 1 -- 0 , 3 -- 1 , 4 -- 1 , 6 -- 3 7000360000000000000 ♠ 6 -- 3 West Germany 4Third - place match 000000001958 - 06 - 28 - 0000 28 June 1958 report 7001240000000000000 ♠ 24 . Flórián Albert 7000100000000000000 ♠ 1 ' , 6 ' , 53 ' Hungary 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 0 , 5 -- 0 7000560000000099999 ♠ 6 -- 1 Bulgaria 1962 , Chile 8Group stage 000000001962 - 06 - 03 - 0000 3 June 1962 report 7001250000000000000 ♠ 25 . Eusébio 7001270000000000000 ♠ 27 ' , 43 ' ( p ) , 56 ' , 59 ' ( p ) Portugal 1 -- 3 , 2 -- 3 , 3 -- 3 , 4 -- 3 7000250000000000000 ♠ 5 -- 3 North Korea 1966 , England 5Quarter - final 000000001966 - 07 - 23 - 0000 23 July 1966 report 7001260000000000000 ♠ 26 . Geoff Hurst 7001180000000000000 ♠ 18 ' , 98 ' , 120 ' England 1 -- 1 , 3 -- 2 , 4 -- 2 7000240000000000000 ♠ 4 -- 2 aet West Germany 1Final 000000001966 - 07 - 30 - 0000 30 July 1966 report 7001270000000000000 ♠ 27 . Gerd Müller 7001270000000000000 ♠ 27 ' , 52 ' ( p ) , 88 ' West Germany 2 -- 1 , 3 -- 1 , 5 -- 1 7000350000000000000 ♠ 5 -- 2 Bulgaria 1970 , Mexico 8Group stage 000000001970 - 06 - 07 - 0000 7 June 1970 report 7001280000000000000 ♠ 28 . Gerd Müller ( II ) 7001190000000000000 ♠ 19 ' , 26 ' , 39 ' West Germany 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 7000230000000099999 ♠ 3 -- 1 Peru 8Group stage 000000001970 - 06 - 10 - 0000 10 June 1970 report 7001290000000000000 ♠ 29 . Dušan Bajević 7000800000000000000 ♠ 8 ' , 30 ' , 81 ' Yugoslavia 1 -- 0 , 5 -- 0 , 9 -- 0 7000990000000000000 ♠ 9 -- 0 Zaire 1974 , West Germany 8Group stage 000000001974 - 06 - 18 - 0000 18 June 1974 report 7001300000000000000 ♠ 30 . Andrzej Szarmach 7001300000000000000 ♠ 30 ' , 34 ' , 50 ' Poland 3 -- 0 , 5 -- 0 , 6 -- 0 7000770000000000000 ♠ 7 -- 0 Haiti 8Group stage 000000001974 - 06 - 19 - 0000 19 June 1974 report 7001310000000000000 ♠ 31 . Rob Rensenbrink 7001400000000000000 ♠ 40 ' ( p ) , 62 ' , 79 ' ( p ) Netherlands 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 7000330000000000000 ♠ 3 -- 0 Iran 1978 , Argentina 8Group stage 000000001978 - 06 - 03 - 0000 3 June 1978 report 7001320000000000000 ♠ 32 . Teófilo Cubillas 7001360000000000000 ♠ 36 ' ( p ) , 39 ' ( p ) , 79 ' Peru 2 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 , 4 -- 1 7000340000000000000 ♠ 4 -- 1 Iran 8Group stage 000000001978 - 06 - 11 - 0000 11 June 1978 report 7001330000000000000 ♠ 33 . László Kiss 7001690000000000000 ♠ 69 ' , 72 ' , 76 ' Hungary 6 -- 1 , 8 -- 1 , 9 -- 1 7000995000000099999 ♠ 10 -- 1 El Salvador 1982 , Spain 8First group stage 000000001982 - 06 - 15 - 0000 15 June 1982 report 7001340000000000000 ♠ 34 . Karl - Heinz Rummenigge 7000900000000000000 ♠ 9 ' , 57 ' , 66 ' West Germany 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 7000340000000000000 ♠ 4 -- 1 Chile 8First group stage 000000001982 - 06 - 20 - 0000 20 June 1982 report 7001350000000000000 ♠ 35 . Zbigniew Boniek 7000400000000000000 ♠ 4 ' , 26 ' , 53 ' Poland 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 7000330000000000000 ♠ 3 -- 0 Belgium 6Second group stage 000000001982 - 06 - 28 - 0000 28 June 1982 report 7001360000000000000 ♠ 36 . Paolo Rossi 7000500000000000000 ♠ 5 ' , 25 ' , 74 ' Italy 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 1 , 3 -- 2 7000130000000000000 ♠ 3 -- 2 Brazil 6Second group stage 000000001982 - 07 - 05 - 0000 5 July 1982 report 7001370000000000000 ♠ 37 . Preben Elkjær 7001110000000000000 ♠ 11 ' , 67 ' , 80 ' Denmark 1 -- 0 , 4 -- 1 , 5 -- 1 7000560000000099999 ♠ 6 -- 1 Uruguay 1986 , Mexico 8Group stage 000000001986 - 06 - 08 - 0000 8 June 1986 report 7001380000000000000 ♠ 38 . Gary Lineker 7000900000000000000 ♠ 9 ' , 14 ' , 34 ' England 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 7000330000000000000 ♠ 3 -- 0 Poland 8Group stage 000000001986 - 06 - 11 - 0000 11 June 1986 report 7001390000000000000 ♠ 39 . Igor Belanov 7001270000000000000 ♠ 27 ' , 70 ' , 111 ' ( p ) Soviet Union 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 1 , 3 -- 4 3 -- 4 aet Belgium 7Round of 16 000000001986 - 06 - 15 - 0000 15 June 1986 report 7001400000000000000 ♠ 40 . Emilio Butragueño 7001430000000000000 ♠ 43 ' , 56 ' , 80 ' , 88 ' ( p ) Spain 1 -- 1 , 2 -- 1 , 4 -- 1 , 5 -- 1 7000450000000000000 ♠ 5 -- 1 Denmark 7Round of 16 000000001986 - 06 - 18 - 0000 18 June 1986 report 7001410000000000000 ♠ 41 . Míchel 7001220000000000000 ♠ 22 ' , 61 ' , 81 ' Spain 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 1 , 3 -- 1 7000230000000099999 ♠ 3 -- 1 South Korea 1990 , Italy 8Group stage 000000001990 - 06 - 17 - 0000 17 June 1990 report 7001420000000000000 ♠ 42 . Tomáš Skuhravý 7001120000000000000 ♠ 12 ' , 63 ' , 82 ' Czechoslovakia 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 1 , 4 -- 1 7000340000000000000 ♠ 4 -- 1 Costa Rica 7Round of 16 000000001990 - 06 - 23 - 0000 23 June 1990 report 7001430000000000000 ♠ 43 . Gabriel Batistuta 7000200000000000000 ♠ 2 ' , 44 ' , 89 ' ( p ) Argentina 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 0 , 4 -- 0 7000440000000000000 ♠ 4 -- 0 Greece 1994 , United States 8Group stage 000000001994 - 06 - 21 - 0000 21 June 1994 report 7001440000000000000 ♠ 44 . 5 Oleg Salenko 7001140000000000000 ♠ 14 ' , 41 ' , 44 ' ( p ) , 72 ' , 75 ' Russia 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 , 4 -- 1 , 5 -- 1 7000560000000099999 ♠ 6 -- 1 Cameroon 8Group stage 000000001994 - 06 - 28 - 0000 28 June 1994 report 7001450000000000000 ♠ 45 . Gabriel Batistuta ( II ) 7001730000000000000 ♠ 73 ' , 78 ' , 83 ' ( p ) Argentina 3 -- 0 , 4 -- 0 , 5 -- 0 7000550000000000000 ♠ 5 -- 0 Jamaica 1998 , France 8Group stage 000000001998 - 06 - 21 - 0000 21 June 1998 report 7001460000000000000 ♠ 46 . Miroslav Klose 7001200000000000000 ♠ 20 ' , 25 ' , 70 ' Germany 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 0 , 5 -- 0 7000880000000000000 ♠ 8 -- 0 Saudi Arabia 2002 , South Korea & Japan 8Group stage 000000002002 - 06 - 01 - 0000 1 June 2002 report 7001470000000000000 ♠ 47 . Pauleta 7001140000000000000 ♠ 14 ' , 65 ' , 77 ' Portugal 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 7000440000000000000 ♠ 4 -- 0 Poland 8Group stage 000000002002 - 06 - 10 - 0000 10 June 2002 report 7001480000000000000 ♠ 48 . Gonzalo Higuaín 7001330000000000000 ♠ 33 ' , 76 ' , 80 ' Argentina 2 -- 0 , 3 -- 1 , 4 -- 1 7000340000000000000 ♠ 4 -- 1 South Korea 2010 , South Africa 8Group stage 000000002010 - 06 - 17 - 0000 17 June 2010 report 7001490000000000000 ♠ 49 . Thomas Müller 7001120000000000000 ♠ 12 ' ( p ) , 45 ' , 78 ' Germany 1 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 , 4 -- 0 7000440000000000000 ♠ 4 -- 0 Portugal 2014 , Brazil 8Group stage 000000002014 - 06 - 16 - 0000 16 June 2014 report 7001500000000000000 ♠ 50 . Xherdan Shaqiri 7000600000000000000 ♠ 6 ' , 31 ' , 71 ' Switzerland 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 0 , 3 -- 0 7000330000000000000 ♠ 3 -- 0 Honduras 8Group stage 000000002014 - 06 - 25 - 0000 25 June 2014 report 7001510000000000000 ♠ 51 . Cristiano Ronaldo 7000400000000000000 ♠ 4 ' ( p ) , 44 ' , 88 ' Portugal 1 -- 0 , 2 -- 1 , 3 -- 3 3 -- 3 Spain 2018 , Russia 8Group stage 000000002018 - 06 - 15 - 0000 15 June 2018 report Notable World Cup hat - tricks ( edit ) Bert Patenaude was the first player to score a hat - trick in a World Cup match , on 17 July 1930 against Paraguay . However , until 10 November 2006 the first hat - trick that FIFA acknowledged had been scored by Guillermo Stábile of Argentina , two days after Patenaude . In 2006 FIFA announced that Patenaude 's claim to being the first hat - trick scorer was valid , as teammate Tom Florie 's goal in the match against Paraguay was reattributed to him . Four players have scored two hat - tricks in World Cup matches : Sándor Kocsis ( both 1954 ) ; Just Fontaine ( both 1958 ) ; Gerd Müller ( both 1970 ) ; and Gabriel Batistuta ( 1994 and 1998 ) . Batistuta is thus the only person to score hat - tricks in two World Cups . He has another unique record of scoring hat - tricks , both were achieved on 21 June of the year , against World Cup finals debutants ( Greece and Jamaica ) , and each time the third goal was a penalty . Kocsis and Müller scored their hat - tricks in consecutive matches . Oleg Salenko is the only player in World Cup history to have scored five goals in a single match . He did this during the 1994 FIFA World Cup match between Russia and Cameroon . One player has scored a hat - trick on his international début : Guillermo Stábile ( 1930 ) . One player has scored four goals for the losing side : Ernest Wilimowski ( 5 -- 6 , 1938 ) . Two players have scored a hat - trick for the losing side : Josef Hügi ( 5 -- 7 , 1954 ) ; and Igor Belanov ( 3 -- 4 , 1986 ) . Cristiano Ronaldo is the first player to score hat - trick in a drawing match in 2018 against Portugal ( 3 - 3 ) There have been three occasions when two hat - tricks have been scored in the same match . Two occurred during the 1938 FIFA World Cup : when Sweden defeated Cuba , Gustav Wetterström and Harry Andersson , both playing for Sweden , scored three goals , with the former completing his in the first half . In the Brazil vs Poland , Leônidas did it for Brazil and Ernest Wilimowski for Poland . One occurred in 1954 : when Austria defeated Switzerland , Theodor Wagner and Josef Hügi scored hat - tricks for Austria and Switzerland respectively . Only one man has scored a hat - trick in a World Cup Final . Geoff Hurst scored three for England against West Germany in the 1966 Final . This is also the longest hat - trick to be completed -- most time between the first and third goals . His first goal came at 10 ' , while the second goals were in extra time at 98 ' and 120 ' . The quickest hat - trick is Erich Probst , who scored at 4 ' , 21 ' , and 24 ' in 1954 , playing for Austria against Czechoslovakia in the first round . The briefest hat - trick to be completed -- that is , the shortest time between the first and third goals -- is the one by László Kiss in 1982 against El Salvador . He scored at 69 ' , 72 ' , and 76 ' , making the time between his first and third 7 minutes . This is also the only hat - trick scored by a substitute . The only players to have scored from three headers in a single match are Tomáš Skuhravý in 1990 and Miroslav Klose in 2002 . The youngest player to score a hat - trick is Pelé , at 17 years , 244 days . The oldest player to score a hat - trick is Cristiano Ronaldo , at 33 years , 130 days . Germany ( incl . West Germany ) holds the record for most hat - tricks scored with 7 . Germany also shares with South Korea the record for most hat - tricks conceded with 4 , and is the only team to have conceded four goals by the same player twice . See also ( edit ) Association football portal FIFA World Cup List of FIFA World Cup records References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` American Bert Patenaude credited with first hat trick in FIFA World Cup history '' . FIFA Official Website. 19 November 2006 . Retrieved 23 June 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` A handful of heroic hat - tricks '' . FIFA Official Website. 2 April 2011 . Retrieved 23 June 2014 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` World Cup moments : Five for Salenko '' . BBC . 30 April 2014 . Retrieved 23 June 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Guillermo Stabile '' . Sky Sports . 14 May 2010 . Retrieved 23 June 2014 . Jump up ^ `` The best World Cup game you never saw '' . Four Four Two . 8 June 2010 . Retrieved 23 June 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Geoff Hurst Biography '' . The Football Association Official Website . Retrieved 23 June 2014 . Jump up ^ External links ( edit ) `` FIFA Facts : World Cup Goals '' ( PDF ) . FIFA . pp. 2 -- 3 . Retrieved 2007 - 12 - 06 . `` World Cup Trivia - Hat - tricks '' . RSSSF . Retrieved 2006 - 10 - 09 . hide FIFA World Cup Tournaments Uruguay 1930 Italy 1934 France 1938 Brazil 1950 Switzerland 1954 Sweden 1958 Chile 1962 England 1966 Mexico 1970 West Germany 1974 Argentina 1978 Spain 1982 Mexico 1986 Italy 1990 United States 1994 France 1998 South Korea / Japan 2002 Germany 2006 South Africa 2010 Brazil 2014 Russia 2018 Qatar 2022 Canada / Mexico / United States 2026 2030 2034 Qualification 1930 1934 1938 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Finals 1930 1934 1938 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Squads 1930 1934 1938 1950 1954 1958 1962 1966 1970 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Seedings 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Broadcasters 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Bids 2014 2018 and 2022 2026 2030 Statistics 2002 2006 2014 2018 Disciplinary record 1994 1998 2002 2006 2014 2018 Overall records All - time table Goalscorers top goalscorers finals goalscorers hat - tricks own goals Penalty shoot - outs Player appearances Red cards Referees Team appearances Teams with no appearances Winners Miscellaneous Awards Balls Economics Final draw History Hosts Mascots Official films Official songs Organisers Trophy Video games Notes : There was no qualification for the 1930 World Cup as places were given by invitation only . In 1950 , there was no final ; the article is about the decisive match of the final group stage . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : FIFA World Cup - related lists FIFA World Cup statistics Hidden categories : Featured lists Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Français Bahasa Indonesia ქართული Қазақша मराठी Norsk Português Русский Shqip Suomi Türkçe Українська 5 more Edit links This page was last edited on 19 June 2018 , at 18 : 59 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | first player to score hat trick in world cup final | [
"The first hat-trick was scored by Bert Patenaude of the United States, playing against Paraguay in 1930; the most recent was by Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal, playing against Spain in 2018."
] | [
"Bert Patenaude"
] |
8109801671372496310 | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland | Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland - wikipedia Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland `` Alice in Wonderland '' redirects here . For other uses , see Alice in Wonderland ( disambiguation ) . Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland Cover of the original edition ( 1865 ) Author Lewis Carroll Illustrator John Tenniel Country United Kingdom Language English Genre Fiction Publisher Macmillan Publication date 26 November 1865 Followed by Through the Looking - Glass Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland ( commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland ) is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll . It tells of a girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar , anthropomorphic creatures . The tale plays with logic , giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children . It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre . Its narrative course , structure , characters , and imagery have been enormously influential in both popular culture and literature , especially in the fantasy genre . Contents 1 Background 2 Synopsis 3 Characters 3.1 Character allusions 4 Poems and songs 5 Writing style and themes 5.1 Symbolism 5.2 Eating and devouring 6 Illustrations 7 Reception by reviewers 8 Publication history 8.1 Publication timeline 9 Adaptations 9.1 Cinema and television 9.2 Comic strips and books 9.3 Parodies 9.4 Live performance 9.5 Works influenced 9.6 Illustrations of the different books 10 See also 11 References 12 Bibliography 13 External links Background ( edit ) Page from the original manuscript copy of Alice 's Adventures Under Ground , 1864 Alice was published in 1865 , three years after Charles Lutwidge Dodgson and the Reverend Robinson Duckworth rowed in a boat , on 4 July 1862 ( this popular date of the `` golden afternoon '' might be a confusion or even another Alice - tale , for that particular day was cool , cloudy and rainy ) , up the Isis with the three young daughters of Henry Liddell ( the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University and Dean of Christ Church ) : Lorina Charlotte Liddell ( aged 13 , born 1849 ) ( `` Prima '' in the book 's prefatory verse ) ; Alice Pleasance Liddell ( aged 10 , born 1852 ) ( `` Secunda '' in the prefatory verse ) ; Edith Mary Liddell ( aged 8 , born 1853 ) ( `` Tertia '' in the prefatory verse ) . The journey began at Folly Bridge near Oxford and ended five miles away in the village of Godstow . During the trip Charles Dodgson told the girls a story that featured a bored little girl named Alice who goes looking for an adventure . The girls loved it , and Alice Liddell asked Dodgson to write it down for her . He began writing the manuscript of the story the next day , although that earliest version no longer exists . The girls and Dodgson took another boat trip a month later when he elaborated the plot to the story of Alice , and in November he began working on the manuscript in earnest . To add the finishing touches he researched natural history for the animals presented in the book , and then had the book examined by other children -- particularly the children of George MacDonald . He added his own illustrations but approached John Tenniel to illustrate the book for publication , telling him that the story had been well liked by children . On 26 November 1864 he gave Alice the handwritten manuscript of Alice 's Adventures Under Ground , with illustrations by Dodgson himself , dedicating it as `` A Christmas Gift to a Dear Child in Memory of a Summer 's Day '' . Some , including Martin Gardner , speculate there was an earlier version that was destroyed later by Dodgson when he wrote a more elaborate copy by hand . But before Alice received her copy , Dodgson was already preparing it for publication and expanding the 15,500 - word original to 27,500 words , most notably adding the episodes about the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Tea - Party . Synopsis ( edit ) The White Rabbit Chapter One -- Down the Rabbit Hole : Alice , a girl of seven years , is feeling bored and drowsy while sitting on the riverbank with her elder sister . She then notices a talking , clothed White Rabbit with a pocket watch run past . She follows it down a rabbit hole when suddenly she falls a long way to a curious hall with many locked doors of all sizes . She finds a small key to a door too small for her to fit through , but through it she sees an attractive garden . She then discovers a bottle on a table labelled `` DRINK ME , '' the contents of which cause her to shrink too small to reach the key which she has left on the table . She eats a cake with `` EAT ME '' written on it in currants as the chapter closes . Chapter Two -- The Pool of Tears : Chapter Two opens with Alice growing to such a tremendous size her head hits the ceiling . Alice is unhappy and , as she cries , her tears flood the hallway . After shrinking down again due to a fan she had picked up , Alice swims through her own tears and meets a Mouse , who is swimming as well . She tries to make small talk with him in elementary French ( thinking he may be a French mouse ) but her opening gambit `` Où est ma chatte ? '' ( `` Where is my cat ? '' ) offends the mouse and he tries to escape her . Chapter Three -- The Caucus Race and a Long Tale : The sea of tears becomes crowded with other animals and birds that have been swept away by the rising waters . Alice and the other animals convene on the bank and the question among them is how to get dry again . The Mouse gives them a very dry lecture on William the Conqueror . A Dodo decides that the best thing to dry them off would be a Caucus - Race , which consists of everyone running in a circle with no clear winner . Alice eventually frightens all the animals away , unwittingly , by talking about her ( moderately ferocious ) cat . Chapter Four -- The Rabbit Sends a Little Bill : The White Rabbit appears again in search of the Duchess 's gloves and fan . Mistaking her for his maidservant , Mary Ann , he orders Alice to go into the house and retrieve them . Inside the house she finds another little bottle and drinks from it ; immediately she starts growing again . The horrified Rabbit orders his gardener , Bill the Lizard , to climb on the roof and go down the chimney . Outside , Alice hears the voices of animals that have gathered to gawk at her giant arm . The crowd hurls pebbles at her , which turn into little cakes . Alice eats them , and they reduce her again in size . Chapter Five -- Advice from a Caterpillar : Alice comes upon a mushroom and sitting on it is a blue Caterpillar smoking a hookah . The Caterpillar questions Alice and she admits to her current identity crisis , compounded by her inability to remember a poem . Before crawling away , the caterpillar tells Alice that one side of the mushroom will make her taller and the other side will make her shorter . She breaks off two pieces from the mushroom . One side makes her shrink smaller than ever , while another causes her neck to grow high into the trees , where a pigeon mistakes her for a serpent . With some effort , Alice brings herself back to her normal height . She stumbles upon a small estate and uses the mushroom to reach a more appropriate height . The Cheshire Cat Chapter Six -- Pig and Pepper : A Fish - Footman has an invitation for the Duchess of the house , which he delivers to a Frog - Footman . Alice observes this transaction and , after a perplexing conversation with the frog , lets herself into the house . The Duchess 's Cook is throwing dishes and making a soup that has too much pepper , which causes Alice , the Duchess , and her baby ( but not the cook or grinning Cheshire Cat ) to sneeze violently . Alice is given the baby by the Duchess and to her surprise , the baby turns into a pig . The Cheshire Cat appears in a tree , directing her to the March Hare 's house . He disappears but his grin remains behind to float on its own in the air prompting Alice to remark that she has often seen a cat without a grin but never a grin without a cat . Chapter Seven -- A Mad Tea - Party : Alice becomes a guest at a `` mad '' tea party along with the March Hare , the Hatter , and a very tired Dormouse who falls asleep frequently , only to be violently awakened moments later by the March Hare and the Hatter . The characters give Alice many riddles and stories , including the famous ' Why is a raven like a writing desk ? ' . The Hatter reveals that they have tea all day because Time has punished him by eternally standing still at 6 pm ( tea time ) . Alice becomes insulted and tired of being bombarded with riddles and she leaves claiming that it was the stupidest tea party that she had ever been to . Alice trying to play croquet with a Flamingo . Chapter Eight -- The Queen 's Croquet Ground : Alice leaves the tea party and enters the garden where she comes upon three living playing cards painting the white roses on a rose tree red because The Queen of Hearts hates white roses . A procession of more cards , kings and queens and even the White Rabbit enters the garden . Alice then meets the King and Queen . The Queen , a figure difficult to please , introduces her trademark phrase `` Off with his head ! '' which she utters at the slightest dissatisfaction with a subject . Alice is invited ( or some might say ordered ) to play a game of croquet with the Queen and the rest of her subjects but the game quickly descends into chaos . Live flamingos are used as mallets and hedgehogs as balls and Alice once again meets the Cheshire Cat . The Queen of Hearts then orders the Cat to be beheaded , only to have her executioner complain that this is impossible since the head is all that can be seen of him . Because the cat belongs to the Duchess , the Queen is prompted to release the Duchess from prison to resolve the matter . Chapter Nine -- The Mock Turtle 's Story : The Duchess is brought to the croquet ground at Alice 's request . She ruminates on finding morals in everything around her . The Queen of Hearts dismisses her on the threat of execution and she introduces Alice to the Gryphon , who takes her to the Mock Turtle . The Mock Turtle is very sad , even though he has no sorrow . He tries to tell his story about how he used to be a real turtle in school , which the Gryphon interrupts so they can play a game . Chapter Ten -- Lobster Quadrille : The Mock Turtle and the Gryphon dance to the Lobster Quadrille , while Alice recites ( rather incorrectly ) `` ' Tis the Voice of the Lobster '' . The Mock Turtle sings them `` Beautiful Soup '' during which the Gryphon drags Alice away for an impending trial . Chapter Eleven -- Who Stole the Tarts ? : Alice attends a trial whereby the Knave of Hearts is accused of stealing the Queen 's tarts . The jury is composed of various animals , including Bill the Lizard , the White Rabbit is the court 's trumpeter , and the judge is the King of Hearts . During the proceedings , Alice finds that she is steadily growing larger . The dormouse scolds Alice and tells her she has no right to grow at such a rapid pace and take up all the air . Alice scoffs and calls the dormouse 's accusation ridiculous because everyone grows and she can not help it . Meanwhile , witnesses at the trial include the Hatter , who displeases and frustrates the King through his indirect answers to the questioning , and the Duchess 's cook . Chapter Twelve -- Alice 's Evidence : Alice is then called up as a witness . She accidentally knocks over the jury box with the animals inside them and the King orders the animals be placed back into their seats before the trial continues . The King and Queen order Alice to be gone , citing Rule 42 ( `` All persons more than a mile high to leave the court '' ) , but Alice disputes their judgement and refuses to leave . She argues with the King and Queen of Hearts over the ridiculous proceedings , eventually refusing to hold her tongue . The Queen shouts her familiar `` Off with her head ! '' but Alice is unafraid , calling them out as just a pack of cards ; just as they start to swarm over her . Alice 's sister wakes her up from a dream , brushing what turns out to be some leaves and not a shower of playing cards from Alice 's face . Alice leaves her sister on the bank to imagine all the curious happenings for herself . Characters ( edit ) Further information : List of minor characters in the Alice series The main characters in Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland are the following . Alice The White Rabbit The Mouse The Dodo The Lory The Eaglet The Duck Pat Bill the Lizard Puppy The Caterpillar The Duchess The Cheshire Cat The March Hare The Hatter The Dormouse The Queen of Hearts The Knave of Hearts The King of Hearts The Gryphon The Mock Turtle Character allusions ( edit ) Jessie Willcox Smith 's illustration of Alice surrounded by the characters of Wonderland. ( 1923 ) Mad tea party . Theophilus Carter has been suggested as a model for The Hatter In The Annotated Alice , Martin Gardner provides background information for the characters . The members of the boating party that first heard Carroll 's tale show up in Chapter 3 ( `` A Caucus - Race and a Long Tale '' ) . Alice Liddell herself is there , while Carroll is caricatured as the Dodo ( because Dodgson stuttered when he spoke , he sometimes pronounced his last name as Dodo - Dodgson ) . The Duck refers to Canon Duckworth , and the Lory and Eaglet to Alice Liddell 's sisters Lorina and Edith . Bill the Lizard may be a play on the name of British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli . One of Tenniel 's illustrations in Through the Looking - Glass -- the 1871 sequel to Alice -- depicts the character referred to as the `` Man in White Paper '' ( whom Alice meets as a fellow passenger riding on the train with her ) as a caricature of Disraeli , wearing a paper hat . The illustrations of the Lion and the Unicorn ( also in Looking - Glass ) also bear a striking resemblance to Tenniel 's Punch illustrations of Gladstone and Disraeli . It has been suggested by some writers that The Hatter is a reference to Theophilus Carter , a furniture dealer known in Oxford . Tenniel apparently drew the Hatter to resemble Carter , on a suggestion of Carroll 's . However , it is unlikely that Carter was the model for The Hatter , and there is no evidence that Carroll ever invited Tenniel to Oxford for any purpose . The Dormouse tells a story about three little sisters named Elsie , Lacie , and Tillie . These are the Liddell sisters : Elsie is L.C. ( Lorina Charlotte ) , Tillie is Edith ( her family nickname is Matilda ) , and Lacie is an anagram of Alice . The Mock Turtle speaks of a Drawling - master , `` an old conger eel '' , who came once a week to teach `` Drawling , Stretching , and Fainting in Coils '' . This is a reference to the art critic John Ruskin , who came once a week to the Liddell house to teach the children drawing , sketching , and painting in oils . ( The children did , in fact , learn well ; Alice Liddell , for one , produced a number of skilful watercolours . ) The Mock Turtle also sings `` Turtle Soup '' . This is a parody of a song called `` Star of the Evening , Beautiful Star '' , which was performed as a trio by Lorina , Alice and Edith Liddell for Lewis Carroll in the Liddell home during the same summer in which he first told the story of Alice 's Adventures Under Ground . Poems and songs ( edit ) Carroll wrote multiple poems and songs for Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland , including : `` All in the golden afternoon ... '' -- the prefatory verse , an original poem by Carroll that recalls the rowing expedition on which he first told the story of Alice 's adventures underground `` How Doth the Little Crocodile '' -- a parody of Isaac Watts ' nursery rhyme , `` Against Idleness and Mischief '' `` The Mouse 's Tale '' -- an example of concrete poetry `` You Are Old , Father William '' -- a parody of Robert Southey 's `` The Old Man 's Comforts and How He Gained Them '' The Duchess 's lullaby , `` Speak roughly to your little boy ... '' -- a parody of David Bates ' `` Speak Gently '' `` Twinkle , Twinkle , Little Bat '' -- a parody of Jane Taylor 's `` Twinkle Twinkle Little Star '' `` The Lobster Quadrille '' -- a parody of Mary Botham Howitt 's `` The Spider and the Fly '' `` ' Tis the Voice of the Lobster '' -- a parody of Isaac Watts ' `` The Sluggard '' `` Beautiful Soup '' -- a parody of James M. Sayles 's `` Star of the Evening , Beautiful Star '' `` The Queen of Hearts '' -- an actual nursery rhyme `` They told me you had been to her ... '' -- the White Rabbit 's evidence Writing style and themes ( edit ) Symbolism ( edit ) Martin Gardner and other scholars have shown the book to be filled with many parodies of Victorian popular culture , suggesting it belongs in spirit with Gilbert & Sullivan 's Topsyturveydom . Most of the book 's adventures may have been based on and influenced by people , situations and buildings in Oxford and at Christ Church , e.g. , the `` Rabbit Hole , '' which symbolised the actual stairs in the back of the main hall in Christ Church . A carving of a griffon and rabbit , as seen in Ripon Cathedral , where Carroll 's father was a canon , may have provided inspiration for the tale . Since Carroll was a mathematician at Christ Church , it has been suggested that there are many references and mathematical concepts in both this story and Through the Looking - Glass ; examples include : In chapter 1 , `` Down the Rabbit - Hole '' , in the midst of shrinking , Alice waxes philosophic concerning what final size she will end up as , perhaps `` going out altogether , like a candle '' ; this pondering reflects the concept of a limit . In chapter 2 , `` The Pool of Tears '' , Alice tries to perform multiplication but produces some odd results : `` Let me see : four times five is twelve , and four times six is thirteen , and four times seven is -- oh dear ! I shall never get to twenty at that rate ! '' This explores the representation of numbers using different bases and positional numeral systems : 4 × 5 = 12 in base 18 notation , 4 × 6 = 13 in base 21 notation , and 4 × 7 could be 14 in base 24 notation . Continuing this sequence , going up three bases each time , the result will continue to be less than 20 in the corresponding base notation . ( After 4 × 12 = 19 in Base 39 , the product would be 4 × 13 = 1A in Base 42 , then 1B , 1C , 1D , and so on . ) In chapter 7 , `` A Mad Tea - Party '' , the March Hare , the Hatter , and the Dormouse give several examples in which the semantic value of a sentence A is not the same value of the converse of A ( for example , `` Why , you might just as well say that ' I see what I eat ' is the same thing as ' I eat what I see ' ! '' ) ; in logic and mathematics , this is discussing a converse relation . Also in chapter 7 , Alice ponders what it means when the changing of seats around the circular table places them back at the beginning . This is an observation of addition on the ring of integers modulo N . The Cheshire cat fades until it disappears entirely , leaving only its wide grin , suspended in the air , leading Alice to marvel and note that she has seen a cat without a grin , but never a grin without a cat . Deep abstraction of concepts , such as non-Euclidean geometry , abstract algebra , and the beginnings of mathematical logic , was taking over mathematics at the time Dodgson was writing . Dodgson 's delineation of the relationship between cat and grin can be taken to represent the very concept of mathematics and number itself . For example , instead of considering two or three apples , one may easily consider the concept of ' apple ' , upon which the concepts of ' two ' and ' three ' may seem to depend . A far more sophisticated jump is to consider the concepts of ' two ' and ' three ' by themselves , just like a grin , originally seemingly dependent on the cat , separated conceptually from its physical object . Literary scholar Melanie Bayley asserted in the magazine New Scientist that Dodgson wrote Alice in Wonderland in its final form as a scathing satire on new modern mathematics that were emerging in the mid-19th century . It has been suggested by several people , including Martin Gardner and Selwyn Goodacre , that Dodgson had an interest in the French language , choosing to make references and puns about it in the story . It is most likely that these are references to French lessons -- a common feature of a Victorian middle - class girl 's upbringing . For example , in the second chapter Alice posits that the mouse may be French . She therefore chooses to speak the first sentence of her French lesson - book to it : `` Où est ma chatte ? '' ( `` Where is my cat ? '' ) . In Henri Bué 's French translation , Alice posits that the mouse may be Italian and speaks Italian to it . Pat 's `` Digging for apples '' could be a cross-language pun , as pomme de terre ( literally ; `` apple of the earth '' ) means potato and pomme means apple . In the second chapter , Alice initially addresses the mouse as `` O Mouse '' , based on her memory of the noun declensions `` in her brother 's Latin Grammar , ' A mouse -- of a mouse -- to a mouse -- a mouse -- O mouse ! ' '' These words correspond to the first five of Latin 's six cases , in a traditional order established by medieval grammarians : mus ( nominative ) , muris ( genitive ) , muri ( dative ) , murem ( accusative ) , ( O ) mus ( vocative ) . The sixth case , mure ( ablative ) is absent from Alice 's recitation . In the eighth chapter , three cards are painting the roses on a rose tree red , because they had accidentally planted a white - rose tree that The Queen of Hearts hates . Red roses symbolised the English House of Lancaster , while white roses were the symbol for their rival House of York . This scene is an allusion to the Wars of the Roses . While the book has remained in print and continually inspires new adaptations , the cultural material that it references has become largely specialized knowledge . Dr Leon Coward asserts the book ' suffers ' from `` readings which reflect today 's fascination with postmodernism and psychology , rather than delving into an historically informed interpretation , '' and speculates that this has been partly driven by audiences encountering the narrative through a ' second - hand ' source , explaining `` our impressions of the original text are based on a multiplicity of reinterpretations . We do n't necessarily realise we 're missing anything in understanding the original product , because we 're usually never dealing with the original product . '' Eating and devouring ( edit ) Carina Garland notes how the world is `` expressed via representations of food and appetite '' , naming Alice 's frequent desire for consumption ( of both food and words ) , her ' Curious Appetites ' . Often , the idea of eating coincides to make gruesome images . After the riddle `` Why is a raven like a writing - desk ? '' , the Hatter claims that Alice might as well say , `` I see what I eat ... I eat what I see '' and so the riddle 's solution , put forward by Boe Birns , could be that `` A raven eats worms ; a writing desk is worm - eaten '' ; this idea of food encapsulates idea of life feeding on life , for the worm is being eaten and then becomes the eater -- a horrific image of mortality . Nina Auerbach discusses how the novel revolves around eating and drinking which `` motivates much of her ( Alice 's ) behaviour '' , for the story is essentially about things `` entering and leaving her mouth '' . The animals of Wonderland are of particular interest , for Alice 's relation to them shifts constantly because , as Lovell - Smith states , Alice 's changes in size continually reposition her in the food chain , serving as a way to make her acutely aware of the ' eat or be eaten ' attitude that permeates Wonderland . Illustrations ( edit ) One of the author 's own illustrations . The manuscript was illustrated by Dodgson himself who added 37 illustrations -- printed in a facsimile edition in 1887 . John Tenniel provided 42 wood engraved illustrations for the published version of the book . The first print run was destroyed ( or sold to America ) at Carroll 's request because he was dissatisfied with the quality . The book was reprinted and published in 1866 . John Tenniel 's illustrations of Alice do not portray the real Alice Liddell , who had dark hair and a short fringe . Alice has provided a challenge for other illustrators , including those of 1907 by Charles Pears and the full series of colour plates and line - drawings by Harry Rountree published in the ( inter-War ) Children 's Press ( Glasgow ) edition . Other significant illustrators include : Arthur Rackham ( 1907 ) , Willy Pogany ( 1929 ) , Mervyn Peake ( 1946 ) , Ralph Steadman ( 1967 ) , Salvador Dalí ( 1969 ) , Graham Overden ( 1969 ) , Max Ernst ( 1970 ) , Peter Blake ( 1970 ) , Tove Jansson ( 1977 ) , Anthony Browne ( 1988 ) , Helen Oxenbury ( 1999 ) and Lisbeth Zwerger ( 1999 ) . Reception by reviewers ( edit ) The book Alice in Wonderland failed to be named in an 1888 poll of the most popular children 's stories . Generally it received poor reviews with reviewers giving more credit to Tenniel 's illustrations than to Carroll 's story . At the release of Through the Looking - Glass , the first Alice tale gained in popularity and by the end of the 19th century Sir Walter Besant wrote that Alice in Wonderland `` was a book of that extremely rare kind which will belong to all the generations to come until the language becomes obsolete '' . Publication history ( edit ) Title page of the original edition ( 1865 ) In 1865 , Dodgson 's tale was published as Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland by `` Lewis Carroll '' with illustrations by John Tenniel . The first print run of 2,000 was held back because Tenniel objected to the print quality . A new edition , released in December of the same year , but carrying an 1866 date , was quickly printed . The text blocks of the original edition were removed from the binding and sold with Dodgson 's permission to the New York publishing house of D. Appleton & Company . The binding for the Appleton Alice was virtually identical to the 1866 Macmillan Alice , except for the publisher 's name at the foot of the spine . The title page of the Appleton Alice was an insert cancelling the original Macmillan title page of 1865 , and bearing the New York publisher 's imprint and the date 1866 . The entire print run sold out quickly . Alice was a publishing sensation , beloved by children and adults alike . Among its first avid readers were Queen Victoria and the young Oscar Wilde . The book has never been out of print . Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland has been translated into at least 97 languages , or as many as 174 languages . There have now been over a hundred editions of the book , as well as countless adaptations in other media , especially theatre and film . The book is commonly referred to by the abbreviated title Alice in Wonderland , which has been popularised by the numerous stage , film and television adaptations of the story produced over the years . Some printings of this title contain both Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking - Glass , and What Alice Found There . Publication timeline ( edit ) This list needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( July 2018 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The following list is a timeline of major publication events related to Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland : 1865 : First UK edition ( the second printing ) . 1865 : First US edition ( the first printing of above ) . 1869 : Alice 's Abenteuer im Wunderland is published in German translation by Antonie Zimmermann . 1869 : Aventures d'Alice au pays des merveilles is published in French translation by Henri Bué . 1870 : Alice 's Äventyr i Sagolandet is published in Swedish translation by Emily Nonnen . 1871 : Dodgson meets another Alice during his time in London , Alice Raikes , and talks with her about her reflection in a mirror , leading to another book , Through the Looking - Glass , and What Alice Found There , which sells even better . 1872 : Le Avventure di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie is published in Italian translation by Teodorico Pietrocòla Rossetti . 1879 : Соня в царстве Дива . First Russian edition of `` Lewis Carroll 's Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland '' -- in Russian . 1882 : Selchow & Righter publishes The Game of Alice in Wonderland , the first game based on the book . 1886 : Carroll publishes a facsimile of the earlier Alice 's Adventures Under Ground manuscript . 1890 : Carroll publishes The Nursery `` Alice '' , a special edition `` to be read by Children aged from Nought to Five '' . Cover of the 1898 edition 1899 : 鏡 世界 . First Japanese edition of an Alice in Wonderland novel . Despite being the first Japanese version of an Alice in Wonderland novel , it is actually a translation of Through the Looking - Glass . 1905 : Mrs J.C. Gorham publishes Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland Retold in Words of One Syllable in a series of such books published by A.L. Burt Company , aimed at young readers. ( ISBN 978 - 1 - 904808 - 44 - 2 ) 1906 : First translation into Finnish by Anni Swan ( Liisan seikkailut ihmemaailmassa ) . 1907 : Copyright on Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland expires in UK , and so the tale enters the public domain . At least 8 new editions are published in that year alone . 1910 : La Aventuroj de Alicio en Mirlando is published in Esperanto translation by E.L. Kearney . 1915 : Alice in Wonderland `` A Dramatization of `` Lewis Carroll 's Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland '' and `` Through the Looking Glass '' A dramatic screenplay script rendering of Alice in Wonderland by Alice Gerstenberg ; Actress Vivian Tobin ; copyright A.C. McClurg & Co. , Chicago 1915 , Produced by The Players Producing Company of Chicago ( Aline Barnsdall and Arthur Bissell ) , at the Fine Arts Theater , Chicago , 2 / 11 / 1915 , Booth Theater , New York , 3 / 23 / 1915 . 1916 : Publication of the first edition of the Windermere Series , Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland . Illustrated by Milo Winter . 1928 : The manuscript of Alice 's Adventures Under Ground that Carroll wrote and illustrated and that he had given to Alice Liddell was sold at Sotheby 's on 3 April . It sold to Philip Rosenbach for £ 15,400 , a world record for the sale of a manuscript at the time . 1945 : The animated picture book of Alice in Wonderland , with illustrations and paper engineering by Julian Wehr is published . 1960 : American writer Martin Gardner publishes a special edition , The Annotated Alice , incorporating the text of both Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking - Glass . It has extensive annotations explaining the hidden allusions in the books , and includes full texts of the Victorian era poems parodied in them . Later editions expand on these annotations . 1961 : The Folio Society publication with 42 illustrations by John Tenniel . 1988 : Carroll and Anthony Browne , illustrator of a new edition from Julia MacRae Books , win the Kurt Maschler Award , or the Emil , for the year 's best British `` work of imagination for children , in which text and illustration are integrated so that each enhances and balances the other . '' 1998 : Lewis Carroll 's own copy of Alice , one of only six surviving copies of the 1865 first edition , is sold at an auction for US $1.54 million to an anonymous American buyer , becoming the most expensive children 's book ( or 19th - century work of literature ) ever sold , up to that time . 1999 : Carroll and Helen Oxenbury , illustrator of a new edition from Walker Books , win the Kurt Maschler Award for integrated writing and illustration , as did Anthony Browne and the 1988 Julia MacRae edition . 2007 : For the 50th anniversary of the British Kate Greenaway Medal ( 1955 -- 2005 ) , a panel of experts names the 1999 Walker Books edition illustrated by Helen Oxenbury one of the top ten Medal - winning works , composing the ballot for a public election of the all - time favourite . 2008 : Folio Alice 's Adventures Under Ground facsimile edition ( limited to 3,750 copies , boxed with The Original Alice pamphlet ) . 2009 : Children 's book collector and former American football player Pat McInally reportedly sold Alice Liddell 's own copy at auction for $115,000 . Adaptations ( edit ) Cinema and television ( edit ) Main article : Films and television programmes based on Alice in Wonderland The book has inspired numerous film and television adaptations which have multiplied as the original work is now in the public domain in all jurisdictions . The following list is of direct adaptations of Adventures in Wonderland ( sometimes merging it with Through the Looking - Glass ) , not other sequels or works otherwise inspired by the works ( such as Tim Burton 's 2010 film Alice in Wonderland ) : Alice in Wonderland ( 1903 ) , a British silent film directed by Cecil Hepworth and Percy Stow , with May Clark as Alice Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland ( 1910 ) , a silent film directed by Edwin Stanton Porter Alice in Wonderland ( 1915 ) , a silent film directed by W.W. Young Alice in Wonderland ( 1931 ) , the first talkie adaptation , directed by Bud Pollard Alice in Wonderland ( 1933 ) , a film version directed by Norman Z . McLeod , US Alice in Wonderland ( 1937 ) , a TV adaptation directed by George More O'Ferrall Alice in Wonderland ( 1937 ) TV adaptation again directed by George More O'ferrall with Usula Henray as Alice Alice in Wonderland ( 1944 ) TV adaptation of Eva La Gaillenne 's stage version of both books , USA . Alice ( 1946 ) , a BBC production starring Vivian Pickles directed by George More O'Ferrall , UK Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking - Glass ( 1948 ) BBC TV broadcast . Alice in Wonderland ( 1949 ) , a live - action / animated film with stop motion segments , directed by Dallas Bower Through the Crystal Ball : Alice in Wonderland ( 1949 ) US TV performance . Alice in Wonderland ( 1950 ) , televised on the CBS Ford Theatre , with Iris Mann as Alice , directed by Franklin J. Schaffner Alice in Wonderland ( 1951 ) , a film version in traditional animation from Walt Disney Feature Animation . Arguably the most well known of the Alice film adaptations , and today considered one of Disney 's great classics . Alice au pays des Merveilles ( 1951 ) France TV broadcast of a stage version Alice in Wonderland ( 1954 ) BBC broadcast of a ballet version . Alice in Wonderland ( 1955 ) , a live television adaptation of the 1932 Eva LeGallienne / Florida Friebus stage adaptation of the novel , directed for television by George Schaefer for the Hallmark Hall of Fame The Adventures of Alice ( 1960 ) Televised opera The BP Super Show : Alice in Wonderland ( 1962 ) Australian TV series Alice in Wonderland ( 1965 ) , a TV movie directed by Dennis Potter Alice in Wonderland ( 1966 ) , an animated Hanna - Barbera TV movie with Janet Waldo as Alice Alice in Wonderland ( 1966 ) , a BBC television play directed by Jonathan Miller Alice au pays des merveilles ( 1972 ) , a version made for television , by Jean - Christophe Averty . Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland ( 1972 ) , a musical film version starring Fiona Fullerton as Alice Nel Mondo Di Alice ( In the World of Alice ) Italian TV series in 4 parts . Alice in Wonderland ( 1976 ) , a porn - musical by Bud Townsend Alice in Wonderland ( 1981 ) , a Soviet animated film by Yefrem Puzhanskiy Alice in Wonderland ( 1983 ) , a PBS Great Performances presentation of a 1982 stage play which was in turn a revival of the 1932 LeGallienne production Alice in Wonderland ( 1985 ) , a two - part made - for - TV special produced by Irwin Allen and featuring a large all - star cast Alice in Wonderland ( 1986 ) , a BBC adaptation directed by Barry Letts and starring Kate Dorning Alice ( 1988 film ) by Jan Švankmajer , stop motion and live action Alice in Wonderland ( 1999 ) , a 1999 television movie first shown on NBC and then shown on British television on Channel 4 Comic strips and books ( edit ) Alice in Wonderland ( 1934 - 5 ) was a comic strip adaptation drawn by Edward D. Kuekes and written by Olive Ray Scott. This version also featured a `` topper '' strip , Knurl the Gnome . The strip was distributed by United Feature Syndicate . The book has also inspired numerous comic book adaptations : Walt Disney 's Alice in Wonderland ( Dell Comics , 1951 ) Walt Disney 's Alice in Wonderland ( Gold Key Comics , 1965 ) Walt Disney 's Alice in Wonderland ( Whitman , 1984 ) `` The Complete Alice in Wonderland '' ( Dynamite Entertainment , 2005 ) Return to Wonderland ( 2009 ) , Zenescope Entertainment Alice in Wonderland ( 2011 ) , Zenescope Entertainment Parodies ( edit ) The book has inspired several parodies including : The Westminster Alice ( 1902 ) by Hector Hugh Munro ( Saki ) , illustrated by Francis Carruthers Gould Live performance ( edit ) The first full major production of ' Alice ' books during Carroll 's lifetime was Alice in Wonderland , a musical play by H. Saville Clark ( book ) and Walter Slaughter ( music ) , which played in 1886 at the Prince of Wales Theatre in London . As the book and its sequel are Carroll 's most widely recognised works , they have also inspired numerous live performances , including plays , operas , ballets , and traditional English pantomimes . These works range from fairly faithful adaptations to those that use the story as a basis for new works . An example of the latter is The Eighth Square , a murder mystery set in Wonderland , written by Matthew Fleming and music and lyrics by Ben J. Macpherson . This goth - toned rock musical premiered in 2006 at the New Theatre Royal in Portsmouth , England . The TA Fantastika , a popular Black light theatre in Prague performs `` Aspects of Alice '' ; written and directed by Petr Kratochvíl . This adaptation is not faithful to the books , but rather explores Alice 's journey into adulthood while incorporating allusions to the history of Czech Republic . Over the years , many notable people in the performing arts have been involved in Alice productions . Actress Eva Le Gallienne famously adapted both Alice books for the stage in 1932 ; this production has been revived in New York in 1947 and 1982 . One of the most well - known American productions was Joseph Papp 's 1980 staging of Alice in Concert at the Public Theater in New York City . Elizabeth Swados wrote the book , lyrics , and music . Based on both Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking - Glass , Papp and Swados had previously produced a version of it at the New York Shakespeare Festival . Meryl Streep played Alice , the White Queen , and Humpty Dumpty . The cast also included Debbie Allen , Michael Jeter , and Mark Linn - Baker . Performed on a bare stage with the actors in modern dress , the play is a loose adaptation , with song styles ranging the globe . A community theater production of Alice was Olivia de Havilland 's first foray onto the stage . Similarly , the 1992 operatic production Alice used both Alice books as its inspiration . It also employs scenes with Charles Dodgson , a young Alice Liddell , and an adult Alice Liddell , to frame the story . Paul Schmidt wrote the play , with Tom Waits and Kathleen Brennan writing the music . Although the original production in Hamburg , Germany , received only a small audience , Tom Waits released the songs as the album Alice in 2002 . A musical adaption was written by Michael Sirotta and Heather M. Dominick in 1997 , titled Alice in Wonderland , a Musical Adventure . A ballet by Christopher Wheeldon and Nicholas Wright commissioned for The Royal Ballet entitled `` Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland '' premiered in February 2011 at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden , London . The ballet was based on the novel Wheeldon grew up reading as a child and is generally faithful to the original story , although some critics claimed it may have been too faithful . The ballet overall stays generally light hearted for its running time of an hour and forty minutes . The ballet returned to the Royal Opera House in 2012 . José de Creeft , Statue of Alice in Central Park , 1959 Works influenced ( edit ) Main article : Works based on Alice in Wonderland Alice and the rest of Wonderland continue to inspire or influence many other works of art to this day , sometimes indirectly via the 1951 Disney movie , for example . References , homages , reworkings and derivative works can be found in many works of literature , film , theatre , visual art , music , and games . The character of the plucky , yet proper , Alice has proven immensely popular and inspired similar heroines in literature and pop culture , many also named Alice in homage . Illustrations of the different books ( edit ) The cover illustration , by E. Gertrude Thomson The White Rabbit by John Tenniel , coloured Alice in Wonderland , John Tenniel , 1865 Alice in Wonderland by Arthur Rackham Alice in wonderland by Gertrude A. Kay An illustration by Karl Beutel The Pool of Tears by Arthur Rackham The Pool of Tears by Milo Winter See also ( edit ) Children 's literature portal Novels portal Translations of Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland Translations of Through the Looking - Glass Illustrators of Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland References ( edit ) Jump up ^ BBC 's Greatest English Books list ^ Jump up to : Lecercle , Jean - Jacques ( 1994 ) Philosophy of nonsense : the intuitions of Victorian nonsense literature Routledge , New York . ISBN 978 - 0 - 415 - 07652 - 4 . p. 1 ff ^ Jump up to : Schwab , Gabriele ( 1996 ) `` Chapter 2 : Nonsense and Metacommunication : Alice in Wonderland '' in The mirror and the killer - queen : otherness in literary language Indiana University Press , Bloomington , Indiana . ISBN 978 - 0 - 253 - 33037 - 6 . pp. 49 -- 102 Jump up ^ `` The real Alice '' . Story Museum . Archived from the original on 17 November 2010 . Retrieved 24 April 2010 . Jump up ^ Lewis Carroll , `` Alice on the Stage , The Theatre , April 1887 Jump up ^ Astronomical and Meteorological Observations Made at the Radcliffe Observatory , Oxford , Vol. 23 Jump up ^ The Background & History of Alice In Wonderland . Bedtime - Story Classics . Retrieved 29 January 2007 . ^ Jump up to : Carpenter , p. 57 ^ Jump up to : Ray , p. 117 Jump up ^ Gardner Jump up ^ Everson , Michael ( 2009 ) `` Foreword '' , in Carroll , Lewis ( 2009 ) . Alice 's Adventures under Ground . Evertype . ISBN 978 - 1 - 904808 - 39 - 8 . Jump up ^ Gardner , p. 27 Jump up ^ Brooker , Will ( 2004 ) . Alice 's Adventures : Lewis Carroll in Popular Culture . New York : Continuum . pp. 69 -- 70 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8264 - 1433 - 5 . Jump up ^ Gardner , p. 172 Jump up ^ Gardner , p. 226 Jump up ^ Gardner , p. 69 Jump up ^ Collingwood , Stuart Dodgson ( 1898 ) The Life And Letters of Lewis Carroll . T Fisher Unwin , London . p. 47 Jump up ^ Gardner , p. 75 Jump up ^ Gardner , p. 98 Jump up ^ The diary of Lewis Carroll , 1 August 1862 entry Jump up ^ Coward , Leon ( November 2015 ) . `` Alice in Wonderland : 150 years '' . The Greek Australian Vema . Sydney , Australia : St Andrews Orthodox Press . p. 18 . Jump up ^ `` Ripon Tourist Information '' . . Archived from the original on 26 November 2009 . Retrieved 1 December 2009 . ^ Jump up to : Gardner , Martin ( 1990 ) . More Annotated Alice . New York : Random House . p. 363 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 394 - 58571 - 0 . Jump up ^ Bayley , Melanie ( 6 March 2010 ) . `` Algebra in Wonderland '' . The New York Times . Archived from the original on 12 March 2010 . Retrieved 13 March 2010 . Jump up ^ Bayley , Melanie . `` Alice 's adventures in algebra : Wonderland solved '' . New Scientist . Retrieved 21 August 2012 . Jump up ^ Lewis Carroll ( 2009 ) . Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking - Glass . Oxford University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 955829 - 2 . Jump up ^ `` Other explanations Lenny 's Alice in Wonderland site '' . . Retrieved 4 September 2010 . Jump up ^ Coward , Leon ( November 2015 ) . `` Alice in Wonderland : 150 years '' . The Greek Australian Vema . Sydney , Australia : St Andrews Orthodox Press . p. 18 . Jump up ^ Garland , C. ( 2008 ) . `` Curious Appetites : Food , Desire , Gender and Subjectivity in Lewis Carroll 's Alice Texts '' . The Lion and the Unicorn. 32 : 22 . doi : 10.1353 / uni. 2008.0004 . Jump up ^ Boe Birns , Margaret ( 1984 ) . `` Solving the Mad Hatter 's Riddle '' . The Massachusetts Review . 25 ( 3 ) : 457 -- 468 ( 462 ) . JSTOR 25089579 . Jump up ^ Auerbach , Nina ( 1973 ) . `` Alice and Wonderland : A Curious Child '' . Victorian Studies . 17 ( 1 ) : 31 - 47 ( 39 ) . JSTOR 3826513 . Jump up ^ Lovell - Smith , R. ( 2004 ) . `` The Animals of Wonderland : Tenniel as Carroll 's Reader '' . Criticism. 45 ( 4 ) : 383 . doi : 10.1353 / crt. 2004.0020 . Jump up ^ Ovenden , Graham ( 1972 ) . The Illustrators of Alice . New York : St. Martin 's Press . p. 102 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 902620 - 25 - 4 . Jump up ^ Carpenter , p. 68 Jump up ^ Ray , p. 116 Jump up ^ `` Alice in Wonderland '' . QI . Quite Interesting Ltd . Retrieved 15 April 2017 . Jump up ^ Tucker , Rebecca ( 25 February 2011 ) . `` Oscar Reads : Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland , by Lewis Carroll '' . Retrieved 15 April 2017 . Jump up ^ Bandersnatch : The Newsletter of The Lewis Carroll Society , Issue 149 ( January 2011 ) , p. 11 . Jump up ^ `` Alice in a World of Wonderlands - The Books '' . . Jump up ^ Carroll , Lewis ( 1995 ) . The Complete , Fully Illustrated Works . New York : Gramercy Books . ISBN 978 - 0 - 517 - 10027 - 1 . Jump up ^ `` Lewis Carroll 's Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland -- in German '' . Jump up ^ `` Lewis Carroll 's Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland -- in French '' . Jump up ^ `` Lewis Carroll 's Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland -- in Swedish '' . Jump up ^ `` Lewis Carroll 's Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland -- in Italian '' . Jump up ^ `` Pastimes : Children 's Games and Their Literary Inspirations '' . Indiana University . Retrieved 9 October 2012 . Jump up ^ Page 11 of Introduction , by John Davies , of Ovenden , Graham ( 1972 ) . The Illustrators of Alice . New York : St. Martin 's Press . p. 102 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 902620 - 25 - 4 . Jump up ^ Basbanes , Nicholas ( 1999 ) . A Gentle Madness : Bibliophiles , Bibliomanes , and the Eternal Passion for Books . Macmillan . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8050 - 6176 - 5 . Jump up ^ Wehr , Julian ; Carroll , Lewis . The animated picture book of Alice in Wonderland . Retrieved 12 December 2016 . Jump up ^ Review in The New Statesman , 25 December 2000 , by Will Self ^ Jump up to : `` Kurt Maschler Awards '' . Book Awards . . Retrieved 7 October 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Auction Record for an Original ' Alice ' '' . The New York Times . 11 December 1998 . p . B30 . Jump up ^ `` 70 Years Celebration : Anniversary Top Tens '' Archived 27 October 2016 at the Wayback Machine ... The CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Children 's Book Awards . CILIP . Retrieved 7 October 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Real Alice in Wonderland book sells for $115,000 in USA '' . BBC News . 17 December 2009 . Retrieved 8 January 2012 . Jump up ^ Mills , Ted ( 31 March 2016 ) . `` The First Film Adaptation of Alice in Wonderland ( 1903 ) '' . Open Culture . Retrieved 19 May 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Phantomwise '' . Phantomwise . Retrieved 2016 - 04 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` Phantomwise '' . Phantomwise . Retrieved 2016 - 04 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking - Glass '' . British Universities Film & Video Council . Retrieved 6 July 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Phantomwise '' . Phantomwise . Retrieved 2016 - 04 - 23 . Jump up ^ Louis Peitzman , `` 17 Adaptations Of `` Alice 's Adventures In Wonderland '' Through The Years `` , BuzzFeed ( 11 October 2013 ) , describing the 1951 Disney film as `` undoubtedly the most well known '' . Jump up ^ `` All - in - the - golden - afternoon96 , still - she - haunts - me - phantomwise : London 's ... '' All - in - the - golden - afternoon96 . Retrieved 2016 - 04 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` Phantomwise '' . Phantomwise . Retrieved 2016 - 04 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` Phantomwise '' . Phantomwise . Retrieved 2016 - 04 - 23 . Jump up ^ fictionrare2 ( 2014 - 09 - 29 ) , Nel mondo di Alice 1p , retrieved 2016 - 04 - 23 Jump up ^ `` Ed Kuekes '' . Lambiek Comiclopedia . Lambiek. April 11 , 2008 . Retrieved August 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Winter Children 's Theatre `` Alice in Wonderland '' Runs Through March 24th `` . North Coast Oregon . Retrieved 9 January 2015 . Jump up ^ `` First Redeemer conservatory of music and fine arts presents Alice in Wonderland '' . APPEN MEDIA GROUP . Retrieved 9 January 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Royal Ballet Takes a Chance on Alice '' . Time . 3 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Joby Talbot -- Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland ( 2010 ) -- Music Sales Classical '' . . Retrieved 4 August 2013 . Jump up ^ Sulcas , Roslyn ( 1 March 2011 ) . `` ' Alice in Wonderland ' at the Royal Ballet -- Review '' . The New York Times . Jump up ^ `` Calendar < Events - Royal Opera House < August 2013 '' . . Retrieved 4 August 2013 . Bibliography ( edit ) Carpenter , Humphrey ( 1985 ) . Secret Gardens : The Golden Age of Children 's Literature . Houghton Mifflin . ISBN 978 - 0 - 395 - 35293 - 9 . Gardner , Martin ( 2000 ) . The Annotated Alice : the definitive edition . New York and London : W.W. Norton & Company . ISBN 978 - 0 - 393 - 04847 - 6 . Ray , Gordon Norton ( 1991 ) . The Illustrator and the book in England from 1790 to 1914 . New York : Dover . ISBN 978 - 0 - 486 - 26955 - 9 . External links ( edit ) Find more aboutAlice 's Adventures in Wonderlandat Wikipedia 's sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Wikimedia Commons Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks University of Adelaide : Text with illustrations by Tenniel The Real Alice In Wonderland -- slideshow by Life magazine British Library : Original manuscript and drawings by Lewis Carroll ( requires Flash ) Project Gutenberg : Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland , plain text Alice 's Adventures Under Ground , HTML with facsimiles of original manuscript pages , and illustrations by Carroll LibriVox : Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland public domain audiobook at LibriVox Alice 's Adventures Underground public domain audiobook at LibriVox `` How Alice Got to Wonderland '' by Ted Gioia ( Conceptual Fiction ) Alice In Wonderland -- Multilanguage website : First editions of Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking - Glass , and What Alice Found There With 92 Illustrations by Tenniel , 1866 / 1872 . Images of the 1st editions of the book and other works by Lewis Carroll : Immersive Audiobook and Companion PDF -- read by April Sadowski ( Nother Audio ) Afterlife of Alice and Her Adventures in Wonderland is a collection of various editions of Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland , Through the Looking - Glass , What Alice Found There , and other similar works . Alice in Wonderland Central Lewis Carroll 's Alice Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland Through the Looking - Glass The Hunting of the Snark Universe Characters Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland Alice The White Rabbit The Mouse The Dodo The Duck The Lory Eaglet Pat Bill the Lizard Puppy The Caterpillar The Duchess The Cheshire Cat The March Hare The Hatter Tarrant Hightopp The Dormouse The Queen of Hearts The King of Hearts The Knave of Hearts The Gryphon The Mock Turtle Through the Looking - Glass The Red Queen The White Queen The Red King The White King The White Knight Tweedledum and Tweedledee The Sheep Humpty Dumpty The Lion and the Unicorn Bandersnatch Jubjub Bird Locations Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland Wonderland Through the Looking - Glass Looking - Glass Land The Old Sheep Shop Related Alice Liddell Alice 's Shop John Tenniel Theophilus Carter The Annotated Alice Mischmasch Works based on Alice in Wonderland Films and television Disney franchise Translations of Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland Translations of Through the Looking - Glass Unbirthday Media Adaptations Film 1903 1910 1915 1931 1933 1949 1951 1966 1972 1976 1982 1985 1988 ( Czechoslovak ) 1988 ( Australian ) 1995 1999 Stage Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland ( ballet ) Alice in Wonderland ( musical ) Alice in Wonderland ( opera ) But Never Jam Today ( Carroll musical ) Wonderland ( Wildhorn musical ) Peter and Alice ( 2013 play ) Wonder. land ( Albarn musical ) Television Fushigi no Kuni no Alice Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time in Wonderland Poems `` All in the golden afternoon ... '' `` How Doth the Little Crocodile '' `` The Mouse 's Tale '' `` Twinkle , Twinkle , Little Bat '' `` You Are Old , Father William '' `` ' Tis the Voice of the Lobster '' `` Jabberwocky '' `` The Walrus and the Carpenter '' `` Haddocks ' Eyes '' `` They told me you had been to her ... '' `` The Mock Turtle 's Song '' `` The Hunting of the Snark '' Sequels A New Alice in the Old Wonderland ( 1895 ) New Adventures of Alice ( 1917 ) Alice of Wonderland in Paris ( 1966 ) Alice Through the Needle 's Eye ( 1984 ) Automated Alice ( 1996 ) Wonderland Revisited and the Games Alice Played There ( 2009 ) Retellings The Nursery `` Alice '' ( 1890 ) Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland retold in words of one syllable ( 1905 ) Alice in Verse : The Lost Rhymes of Wonderland ( 2010 ) Parodies The Westminster Alice ( 1902 ) Clara in Blunderland ( 1902 ) Lost in Blunderland ( 1903 ) John Bull 's Adventures in the Fiscal Wonderland ( 1904 ) Alice in Blunderland : An Iridescent Dream ( 1904 ) Imitations Mopsa the Fairy ( 1869 ) Davy and the Goblin ( 1884 ) The Admiral 's Caravan ( 1891 ) Gladys in Grammarland ( 1896 ) A New Wonderland ( 1898 ) Rollo in Emblemland ( 1902 ) Justnowland ( 1912 ) Alice in Orchestralia ( 1925 ) Reimagining Alice in Wonderland or What 's a Nice Kid Like You Doing in a Place Like This ? ( 1966 ) Alice or the Last Escapade ( 1977 ) Adventures in Wonderland ( 1991 ) The Looking Glass Wars ( 2006 ) Alice ( 2009 ) Malice in Wonderland ( 2009 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 ) Alice Through the Looking Glass ( 2016 ) Literary Alice in Murderland Alice in the Country of Hearts Miyuki - chan in Wonderland Video games Alice no Paint Adventure ( 1995 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 2000 ) American McGee 's Alice ( 2000 ) Alice in Wonderland ( 2010 ) Alice : Madness Returns ( 2011 ) Kingdom Hearts Book Category Fantasy fiction History Literature Outline Sources Subgenres Bangsian Comic Contemporary Dark Grimdark Dying Earth Fairytale Fantastique Fantasy of manners Folklore Mythology ( based ) Gaslamp Gothic Hard Heroic High list Historical Juvenile Lost world Low Magical girl Medieval Mythic Romantic Shenmo Sword and sorcery Urban Weird fiction Media Film and television Anime Films Television programs Literature Authors Ballantine Adult Fantasy series Comics list The Encyclopedia of Fantasy Fantasy Masterworks Internet Speculative Fiction Database List of novels ( A -- H ) ( I -- R ) ( S -- Z ) Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library Publishers Magazines Fantastic Locus The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Science Fantasy Unknown Weird Tales Fandom Art Filk music Harry Potter fandom Inklings Mythopoeic Society Religion Tolkien fandom Works inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien World Fantasy Convention World Fantasy Award Tropes Creatures Angels Demons Dragons Elementals Familiars Faeries Jinns Lycanthropes Old Ones Sirens Spirits Undead Unicorns Yōkai Characters Barbarian Caveman Damsel in distress Dark Lord Heroes Fairy godmother Magicians Occult detective list Witches Magic ( dark / light ) Animism Demonology Evocation Incantation Necromancy Shapeshifting Technomancy Witchcraft Fantasy races Dwarves Elves Treants Giants Gnomes Goblins Gremlins Halflings Hobgoblins Kobolds Ogres Oni Orcs Trolls Places and events Quests Worlds list Lost city Hollow Earth Astral plane Enchanted forest Related Allegory Dungeons & Dragons Epic poetry Fable Fairy tale Fantastic Horror fiction Ghost stories Human -- animal hybrid LGBT themes in speculative fiction Magic realism Mecha Mythology Science fantasy Science fiction Superhero fiction Supernatural fiction Category Portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1865 British novels Alice in Wonderland Children 's fantasy novels British children 's novels English novels Fictional subterranea Literature featuring anthropomorphic characters Fiction about size change Works by Lewis Carroll Victorian novels 1865 fantasy novels Macmillan Publishers books Animals in media High fantasy novels Surreal comedy Cultural depictions of Benjamin Disraeli D. Appleton & Company books British novels adapted into films Novels adapted into plays Books illustrated by John Tenniel Novels adapted into video games British children 's books Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links EngvarB from September 2013 Use dmy dates from December 2014 Articles needing additional references from July 2018 All articles needing additional references Articles with LibriVox links Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Wikisource Afrikaans Alemannisch Ænglisc Asturianu Azərbaycanca Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) Български Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Frysk Gaeilge Galego ગુજરાતી 𐌲𐌿𐍄𐌹𐍃𐌺 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Ido Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Íslenska Italiano עברית ಕನ್ನಡ ქართული Қазақша Кыргызча Latina Latviešu Magyar Македонски മലയാളം मराठी Bahasa Melayu မြန်မာဘာသာ Dorerin Naoero Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Polski Português Română Русский Scots Simple English Slovenčina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் తెలుగు ไทย Türkçe Українська اردو Tiếng Việt Walon Winaray 粵語 中文 Lingua Franca Nova 71 more Edit links This page was last edited on 25 October 2018 , at 20 : 28 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who is the author of alice's adventures in wonderland | [
"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll.[1] It tells of a girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children.[2] It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre.[2][3] Its narrative course, structure, characters, and imagery have been enormously influential[3] in both popular culture and literature, especially in the fantasy genre.\n"
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"English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll"
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561767388533550320 | List of New York Yankees team records | List of New York Yankees team records - wikipedia List of New York Yankees team records This article is about the statistical records of the New York Yankees . For their season - by - season win -- loss records , see List of New York Yankees seasons . Babe Ruth holds sixteen franchise , four American League , and two Major League records . The New York Yankees are a professional baseball team based in the Bronx , New York . They compete in the East Division of Major League Baseball 's ( MLB ) American League ( AL ) . The club began play in 1903 as the Highlanders , after owners Frank Farrell and William S. Devery had bought the defunct Baltimore Orioles and moved the team to New York City ; in 1913 , the team changed its nickname to the Yankees . From 1903 to 2018 , the franchise has won more than 10,000 games and 27 World Series championships . The list below documents players and teams that hold particular club records . Outfielder Babe Ruth holds the most franchise records , with 16 , including career home runs , and career and single - season batting average and on - base percentage . Shortstop Derek Jeter has the second-most records among hitters , with eight . Jeter 's marks include the records for career hits , singles , doubles , and stolen bases . Among pitchers , Whitey Ford has the most Yankees records with five , all of which are career totals . These include games won , games started , and innings pitched . Several Yankees hold AL and MLB records . Ruth has MLB single - season records for extra-base hits and total bases , and holds four other AL single - season records . Outfielder Joe DiMaggio had a 56 - game hitting streak in the 1941 season , which remains an MLB record . Jack Chesbro holds three AL records that he set in 1904 : games won , games started , and complete games . Contents 1 Table key 2 Individual career records 2.1 Career batting 2.2 Career pitching 3 Individual single - season records 3.1 Single - season batting 3.2 Single - season pitching 4 Team single - game records 4.1 Single - game batting 4.2 Single - game pitching 4.3 Other 5 Team season records 5.1 Season batting 5.2 Season pitching 6 Team all - time records 7 Notes 8 See also 9 References Table key ( edit ) Table key # Tie between two teams † American League record * Major League record Statistics are current through the 2018 season . Individual career records ( edit ) These are records of players with the best performance in particular statistical categories during their career with the Yankees . Career Batting ( edit ) Derek Jeter is the Yankees ' all - time leader in hits , singles , doubles , and stolen bases . Career batting records Statistic Player Record Yankees career Ref Batting average Babe Ruth . 349 1920 -- 1934 On - base percentage Babe Ruth . 484 1920 -- 1934 Slugging percentage Babe Ruth . 711 1920 -- 1934 On - base plus slugging Babe Ruth 1.195 1920 -- 1934 Runs Babe Ruth 1,959 1920 -- 1934 Plate appearances Derek Jeter 12,602 1995 -- 2014 At bats Derek Jeter 11,195 1995 -- 2014 Hits Derek Jeter 3,465 1995 -- 2014 Total bases Babe Ruth 5,131 1920 -- 1934 Singles Derek Jeter 2,595 1995 -- 2014 Doubles Derek Jeter 544 1995 -- 2014 Triples Lou Gehrig 163 1923 -- 1939 Home runs Babe Ruth 659 1920 -- 1934 Runs batted in Lou Gehrig 1,995 1923 -- 1939 Walks Babe Ruth 1,852 1920 -- 1934 Strikeouts Derek Jeter 1,840 1995 -- 2014 Stolen bases Derek Jeter 358 1995 -- 2014 Games played Derek Jeter 2,747 1995 -- 2014 Career Pitching ( edit ) Mariano Rivera has the most saves , both in his career and a single season , among Yankees pitchers . Career pitching records Statistic Player Record Yankees career Ref ( s ) Wins Whitey Ford 236 1950 , 1953 -- 1967 Losses Mel Stottlemyre 139 1964 -- 1974 Win - loss percentage Johnny Allen . 725 1932 -- 1935 Earned run average Rich Gossage 2.14 1978 -- 1983 , 1989 Saves Mariano Rivera 652 1995 -- 2013 Strikeouts Andy Pettitte 2,020 1995 -- 2003 , 2007 -- 2010 , 2012 -- 2013 Shutouts Whitey Ford 45 1950 , 1953 -- 1967 Games Mariano Rivera 1,115 1995 -- 2013 Innings pitched Whitey Ford 3,170 1⁄3 1950 , 1953 -- 1967 Games started Whitey Ford Andy Pettitte 438 1950 , 1953 -- 1967 1995 -- 2003 , 2007 -- 2010 , 2012 -- 2013 Games finished Mariano Rivera 951 1995 -- 2013 Complete games Red Ruffing 261 1930 -- 1942 1945 -- 1946 Walks Lefty Gomez 1,090 1930 -- 1942 Hits allowed Red Ruffing 2,995 1930 -- 1942 1945 -- 1946 Wild pitches Whitey Ford 75 1950 , 1953 -- 1967 Hit batsmen Jack Warhop 114 1908 -- 1915 Individual Single - Season records ( edit ) These are records of Yankees players with the best performance in particular statistical categories during a single season . Single - Season Batting ( edit ) Joe DiMaggio has held the MLB record for the longest hitting streak since 1941 . Single - season batting records Statistic Player Record Season Ref ( s ) Batting average Babe Ruth . 393 1923 Home runs Roger Maris 61 1961 Runs batted in Lou Gehrig 185 1931 Runs Babe Ruth 177 1921 Hits Don Mattingly 238 1986 Singles Steve Sax 171 1989 Doubles Don Mattingly 53 1986 Triples Earle Combs 23 1927 Stolen bases Rickey Henderson 93 1988 At bats Alfonso Soriano 696 2002 Hitting streak Joe DiMaggio 56 1941 Slugging percentage Babe Ruth . 847 1920 Extra-base hits Babe Ruth 119 1921 Total bases Babe Ruth 457 1921 On - base percentage Babe Ruth . 545 1923 On - base plus slugging Babe Ruth 1.379 1920 Walks Babe Ruth 170 1923 Strikeouts Giancarlo Stanton 211 2018 Single - Season Pitching ( edit ) Jack Chesbro won an American League - record 41 games in the 1904 season . Single - season pitching records Statistic Player Record Season Ref ( s ) Wins Jack Chesbro 41 1904 Losses Joe Lake 22 1908 Strikeouts Ron Guidry 248 1978 Earned run average Spud Chandler 1.64 1943 Earned runs allowed Sam Jones 127 1925 Hits allowed Jack Powell 340 1904 Shutouts Ron Guidry 9 1978 Saves Mariano Rivera 53 Games Paul Quantrill 86 Games started Jack Chesbro 51 1904 Complete games Jack Chesbro 48 1904 Innings pitched Jack Chesbro 4542⁄3 1904 Team Single - game records ( edit ) These are records of Yankees teams with the best performance in particular statistical categories during a single game . Single - game Batting ( edit ) Hideki Matsui hit two of the Yankees ' eight home runs on July 31 , 2007 . Single - game batting records Statistic Record Opponent Date Home runs hit 8 Philadelphia Athletics June 28 , 1939 Home runs hit 8 Chicago White Sox July 31 , 2007 Runs scored 25 Philadelphia Athletics May 24 , 1936 Hits 30 Boston Red Sox September 28 , 1923 Doubles 10 Toronto Blue Jays April 12 , 1988 Doubles 10 Cincinnati Reds June 5 , 2003 Triples 5 Washington Senators May 1 , 1934 Grand slams 3 * Oakland Athletics August 25 , 2011 Runners left on base 23 Boston Red Sox September 5 , 1927 Strikeouts 22 Chicago Cubs May 7 , 2017 Stolen bases 15 St. Louis Browns September 28 , 1911 Single - game pitching ( edit ) Single - game pitching records Statistic Record Opponent Date Hits allowed 28 Detroit Tigers September 29 , 1928 Runs allowed 24 Cleveland Indians July 29 , 1928 Home runs allowed 7 Boston Red Sox July 4 , 2003 Strikeouts 26 Chicago Cubs May 7 , 2017 Other ( edit ) Other single - game records Statistic Record Opponent Date Longest game by time 7 : 00 Detroit Tigers June 24 , 1962 Team Season records ( edit ) These are records of Yankees teams with the best and worst performances in particular statistical categories during a single season . Season Batting ( edit ) Giancarlo Stanton hit 38 of the Yankees ' MLB record 267 home runs in 2018 . Season batting records Statistic Record Season Home runs 267 * 2018 Runs 1,067 1931 Hits 1,683 1930 Doubles 327 2006 Triples 110 1930 Total bases 2,703 1936 Runners left on base 1,258 Strikeouts 1,421 2018 Stolen bases 289 1910 Season pitching ( edit ) Season pitching records Statistic Record Season Hits allowed 1,566 1930 Runs allowed 898 1930 Home runs allowed 214 2016 Strikeouts 1,634 2018 Shutouts 24 1951 Team all - time records ( edit ) Source : Team all - time records Statistic Record Home runs 15,909 Runs 88,097 Hits 164,959 Batting average . 266 Earned run average 3.65 Runs allowed 75,701 Notes ( edit ) Earned run average is calculated as 9 × ( ER ÷ IP ) , where E R ( \ displaystyle ER ) is earned runs and I P ( \ displaystyle IP ) is innings pitched . The figure listed is the MLB total . credits Rivera with 952 games finished . See also ( edit ) Baseball statistics New York Yankees award winners and league leaders References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Yankees Timeline : 1900s '' . New York Yankees . Retrieved November 14 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Complete Baseball Team and Baseball Team Encyclopedias '' . . Retrieved February 13 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` New York Yankees Top 10 Career Batting Leaders '' . . Retrieved October 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` New York Yankees Top 10 Career Pitching Leaders '' . . Retrieved October 14 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Babe Ruth Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 7 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` Derek Jeter '' . . Retrieved November 19 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` Lou Gehrig Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 7 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` Whitey Ford Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 7 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Mel Stottlemyre Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 7 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Johnny Allen '' . Baseball . Retrieved November 5 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Rich Gossage Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 7 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` Mariano Rivera Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 9 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Career Leaders & Records for Saves '' . . Retrieved December 5 , 2011 . ^ Jump up to : `` Andy Pettitte Statistics '' . . Retrieved July 2 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Statistics '' ( To sort , click on Pitching , then All - Time Totals , AL , and G ) . Major League Baseball . Retrieved December 5 , 2011 . ^ Jump up to : `` Statistics '' ( To sort , click on Pitching , then All - Time Totals , the right arrow , and GF ) . Major League Baseball . Retrieved December 5 , 2011 . ^ Jump up to : `` Red Ruffing Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 8 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Lefty Gomez Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 8 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Jack Warhop Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 8 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` New York Yankees Top 10 Single - Season Batting Leaders '' . . Retrieved October 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` New York Yankees Top 10 Single - Season Pitching Leaders '' . . Retrieved October 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Roger Maris Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 8 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Single - Season Leaders & Records for Home Runs '' . . Retrieved February 11 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Single - Season Leaders & Records for RBI '' . . Retrieved February 11 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Single - Season Leaders & Records for Runs '' . . Retrieved February 11 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` Don Mattingly Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 8 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Steve Sax Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 8 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Earle Combs Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 8 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Rickey Henderson Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 7 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Alfonso Soriano Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 8 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Hitting Streaks '' . Major League Baseball . Retrieved February 9 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Single - Season Leaders & Records for Slugging % '' . . Retrieved May 4 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Single - Season Leaders & Records for Extra-Base Hits '' . . Retrieved February 11 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Single - Season Leaders & Records for Total Bases '' . . Retrieved February 11 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Single - Season Leaders & Records for On - Base Plus Slugging '' . . Retrieved May 4 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Single - Season Leaders & Records for Bases on Balls '' . . Retrieved February 11 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` Giancarlo Stanton '' . . Retrieved October 5 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Jack Chesbro Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 9 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Single - Season Leaders & Records for Wins '' . . Retrieved February 11 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Joe Lake Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 9 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` Ron Guidry Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 9 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Spud Chandler Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 13 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Sad Sam Jones '' . . Retrieved November 14 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Jack Powell '' . . Retrieved November 14 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Paul Quantrill Statistics '' . . Retrieved February 9 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Single - Season Leaders & Records for Games Started '' . . Retrieved February 11 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Single - Season Leaders & Records for Comp . Games '' . . Retrieved February 12 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Yankees Single Game Records '' . Major League Baseball . Retrieved February 9 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` Yankees tie franchise record with eight homers in rout '' . ESPN . Associated Press . July 31 , 2007 . Retrieved February 9 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Hoch , Bryan ( August 25 , 2011 ) . `` Yanks rout A 's with MLB record three slams '' . Major League Baseball . Retrieved August 26 , 2011 . ^ Jump up to : `` Let 's play two : Yankees beat Cubs 5 -- 4 in 18 innings '' . ESPN . Associated Press . May 8 , 2017 . Retrieved May 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Witz , Billy ( April 11 , 2015 ) . `` After Seven Hours and 19 Innings , One Hit Sinks the Yankees '' . The New York Times . Retrieved April 20 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Lowry , Philip J. ( 2010 ) . Baseball 's Longest Games : A Comprehensive Worldwide Record Book . McFarland Books . p. 201 . ISBN 9780786457342 . Jump up ^ `` Yankees Season Records '' . Major League Baseball . Retrieved February 10 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` 2018 New York Yankees Statistics '' . . Retrieved October 1 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Boland , Erik . `` Yankees got their record - breaking power from some unexpected spots '' . Newsday . Retrieved October 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` 2016 New York Yankees '' . . Retrieved October 3 , 2016 . 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"Outfielder Babe Ruth holds the most franchise records, with 16, including career home runs, and career and single-season batting average and on-base percentage. Shortstop Derek Jeter has the second-most records among hitters, with eight. Jeter's marks include the records for career hits, singles, doubles, and stolen bases. Among pitchers, Whitey Ford has the most Yankees records with five, all of which are career totals. These include games won, games started, and innings pitched.\n"
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"Outfielder Babe Ruth"
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-7017930582173179245 | Albigensian Crusade | Albigensian Crusade - wikipedia Albigensian Crusade Jump to : navigation , search Albigensian Crusade Part of the Crusades Map of Languedoc on the eve of the Albigensian Crusade Date 1209 -- 1229 Location Languedoc , France Result Crusader victory Belligerents Crusaders Papal States Kingdom of France Cathars County of Toulouse Crown of Aragon Commanders and leaders Simon de Montfort † Amaury VI of Montfort Philip II of France Louis VIII of France Raymond Roger Trencavel Raymond VI of Toulouse Raymond VII of Toulouse Peter II of Aragon † Casualties and losses At least 200,000 to at most 1,000,000 Cathars killed Considered by many historians to be an act of genocide against the Cathars , including the coiner of the word genocide himself Raphael Lemkin Crusades In the Holy Land ( 1095 -- 1291 ) First People 's 1101 Norwegian Venetian Second Third 1197 Fourth Children 's Fifth Sixth Barons ' Seventh Shepherds ' 1251 Eighth Ninth After 1291 Poor 1309 Shepherds ' 1320 Smyrniote 1343 -- 1351 Alexandrian 1365 Savoyard 1366 Barbary 1390 Nicopolis 1396 Varna 1443 Portuguese 1481 Northern Crusades ( 1147 -- 1410 ) Wendish 1147 Swedish 1150 1249 1293 Livonian 1198 -- 1290 Prussian 1217 -- 1274 Lithuanian 1283 -- 1410 Against Christians Bosnian 1235 -- 1241 Albigensian 1209 -- 1229 Aragonese 1284 / 5 Despenser 's 1382 / 3 Hussite 1419 -- 1434 Book : The Crusades Portal : Crusades The Albigensian Crusade or the Cathar Crusade ( 1209 -- 1229 ) was a 20 - year military campaign initiated by Pope Innocent III to eliminate Catharism in Languedoc , in southern France . The Crusade was prosecuted primarily by the French crown and promptly took on a political flavour , resulting in not only a significant reduction in the number of practising Cathars , but also a realignment of the County of Toulouse in Languedoc , bringing it into the sphere of the French crown and diminishing the distinct regional culture and high level of influence of the Counts of Barcelona . The Cathars originated from an anti-materialist reform movement within the Bogomil churches of Dalmatia and Bulgaria calling for a return to the Christian message of perfection , poverty and preaching , combined with a rejection of the physical to the point of starvation . The reforms were a reaction against the often scandalous and dissolute lifestyles of the Catholic clergy in southern France . Their theology , neo-Gnostic in many ways , was basically dualist . Several of their practices , especially their belief in the inherent evil of the physical world , conflicted with the doctrines of the Incarnation of Christ and sacraments , initiated accusations of Gnosticism and brought them the ire of the Catholic establishment . They became known as the Albigensians , because there were many adherents in the city of Albi and the surrounding area in the 12th and 13th centuries . Between 1022 and 1163 , the Cathars were condemned by eight local church councils , the last of which , held at Tours , declared that all Albigenses should be put into prison and have their property confiscated . The Third Lateran Council of 1179 repeated the condemnation . Innocent III 's diplomatic attempts to roll back Catharism were met with little success . After the murder of his legate , Pierre de Castelnau , in 1208 , Innocent III declared a crusade against the Cathars . He offered the lands of the Cathar heretics to any French nobleman willing to take up arms . From 1209 to 1215 , the Crusaders experienced grand success , capturing Cathar lands and perpetrating acts of extreme violence , often against civilians . From 1215 to 1225 , a series of revolts caused many of the lands to be lost . A renewed crusade resulted in the recapturing of the territory effectively drove Catharism underground by 1244 . The Albigensian Crusade also had a role in the creation and institutionalization of both the Dominican Order and the Medieval Inquisition . The Dominicans promulgated the message of the Church to combat alleged heresies by preaching the Church 's teachings in towns and villages , while the Inquisition investigated heresies . Because of these efforts , by the middle of the 14th century , the Cathar movement had been virtually extinguished . Contents ( hide ) 1 Cathar theology 2 Prelude 3 Military campaigns 3.1 Initial success 1209 to 1215 3.1. 1 Massacre at Béziers 3.1. 2 Fall of Carcassonne 3.1. 3 Lastours and the castle of Cabaret 3.1. 4 Toulouse 3.2 Revolts and reverses 1216 to 1225 3.3 French royal intervention 3.4 Inquisition 4 Legacy 4.1 Influence 4.2 Genocide 5 References 6 Bibliography 6.1 Secondary sources 6.2 Primary sources 7 Further reading 8 External links Cathar theology ( edit ) Main article : Catharism : General beliefs Derived in part from earlier forms of Gnosticism , the theology of the Cathars was dualistic , a belief in two equal and comparable transcendental principles : God , the force of good , and the demiurge , the force of evil . They held that the physical world was evil and created by this demiurge , which they called Rex Mundi ( Latin , `` King of the World '' ) . Rex Mundi encompassed all that was corporeal , chaotic and powerful . The Cathar understanding of God was entirely disincarnate : they viewed God as a being or principle of pure spirit and completely unsullied by the taint of matter . He was the God of love , order and peace . Jesus was an angel with only a phantom body , and the accounts of him in the New Testament were to be understood allegorically . As the physical world and the human body were the creation of the evil principle , sexual abstinence ( even in marriage ) was encouraged . Civil authority had no claim on a Cathar , since this was the rule of the physical world . As such , the Cathars refused to take oaths of allegiance or volunteer for military service . Cathars also refused to kill animals or consume meat . Cathars rejected the Catholic priesthood , labeling its members , including the pope , unworthy and corrupted . Disagreeing on the Catholic concept of the unique role of the priesthood , they taught that anyone , not just the priest , could consecrate the Eucharistic host or hear a confession . Cathars insisted on it being the responsibility of the individual to develop a relationship with God , independent of an established clergy . A particularly prominent 12th century Cathar preacher was Henry the Petrobrusian , who , in addition to being strongly anti-clerical , adopted the Pelagian view that people were not tainted with original sin , but instead succumbed to sin through their own actions . He gained a large following . On baptism , Cathars claimed that the sacrament should only be given to adults . Cathars regarded baptism not as a sign of God 's grace , to be bestowed on anyone , but as necessitating the conscious decision of an adult . Catharism developed its own unique form of `` sacrament '' known as the consolamentum , to replace the Catholic rite of baptism . Instead of receiving baptism through water , one received the consolamentum by the laying on of hands . They regarded water as unclean , and therefore refused to use it . The act was typically received just before death , as Cathars believed that this increased one 's chances for salvation by wiping away all previous sins . After taking the sacrament , the recipient became known as perfectus . Despite Cathar anti-clericalism , there were men selected amongst the Cathars to serve as bishops and deacons . The bishops were selected from among the `` perfect . '' Prelude ( edit ) By the 12th century , organized groups of dissidents , such as the Waldensians and Cathars , were beginning to appear in the towns and cities of newly urbanized areas . In western Mediterranean France , one of the most urbanized areas of Europe at the time , the Cathars grew to represent a popular mass movement , and the belief was spreading to other areas . One such area was Lombardy , which by the 1170s was sustaining a community of Cathars . The Cathar movement was seen by some as a reaction against the corrupt and earthly lifestyles of the clergy . It has also been viewed as a manifestation of dissatisfaction with papal power . This Pedro Berruguete work of the 15th century depicts a story of Saint Dominic and the Albigensians , in which the texts of each were cast into a fire , but only Saint Dominic 's proved miraculously resistant to the flames . Cathar theology found its greatest success in the Languedoc . The Cathars were known as Albigensians because of their association with the city of Albi , and because the 1176 Church Council which declared the Cathar doctrine heretical was held near Albi . The condemnation was repeated through the Third Lateran Council of 1179 . In Languedoc , political control and land ownership was divided among many local lords and heirs . Before the crusade , there was little fighting in the area and it had a fairly sophisticated polity . Western Mediterranean France itself was at that time divided between the Crown of Aragon and the County of Toulouse . On becoming Pope in 1198 , Innocent III resolved to deal with the Cathars and sent a delegation of friars to the province of Languedoc to assess the situation . The Cathars of Languedoc were seen as not showing proper respect for the authority of the French king or the local Catholic Church , and their leaders were being protected by powerful nobles , who had clear interest in independence from the king . One of the most powerful , Count Raymond VI , Count of Toulouse , openly supported the Cathars and their independence movement . He refused to assist the delegation . He was excommunicated in May 1207 and an interdict was placed on his lands . The senior papal legate , Pierre de Castelnau , seen as responsible for these actions , was killed . His death was attributed to supporters of the count . This brought down more penalties on Count Raymond , but he soon agreed to reconcile with the Church and the excommunication was lifted . At the Council of Avignon ( 1209 ) Raymond was again excommunicated for not fulfilling the conditions of ecclesiastical reconciliation . After this , Innocent III called for a crusade against the Albigensians , with the view that ridding Europe of heresy could better defend its borders against invading Muslims . The time period of the Crusade coincided with the Fifth and Sixth Crusades in the Holy Land . Military campaigns ( edit ) Initial success 1209 to 1215 ( edit ) By mid-1209 , around 10,000 crusaders had gathered in Lyon before marching south . Many Crusaders stayed on for no more than 40 days before being replaced . A large number came from Northern France , while some had volunteered from England . The crusaders turned towards Montpellier and the lands of Raymond Roger Trencavel , aiming for the Cathar communities around Albi and Carcassonne . Raymond Roger , a nobleman , was a supporter of the Cathar movement . Like Raymond of Toulouse , he sought an accommodation with the crusaders , but he was refused a meeting and raced back to Carcassonne to prepare his defences . Massacre at Béziers ( edit ) The Crusaders captured the small village of Servian and then headed for Béziers , arriving on July 21 , 1209 . Under the command of the papal legate , Arnaud Amalric , they started to besiege the city , calling on the Catholics within to come out , and demanding that the Cathars surrender . Neither group did as commanded . The city fell the following day when an abortive sortie was pursued back through the open gates . The entire population was slaughtered and the city burned to the ground . It was reported that Amalric , when asked how to distinguish Cathars from Catholics , responded , `` Kill them all ! God will know his own . '' Whether this was actually said is sometimes considered doubtful , but , according to historian Joseph Strayer , it captures the `` spirit '' of the Crusaders , who killed nearly every man , woman , and child in the town . Amarlic and Milo , a fellow legate , in a letter to the Pope , claim that the crusaders `` put to the sword almost 20,000 people . '' Strayer insists that this number is too high , but noted that in his letter `` the legate expressed no regret about the massacre , not even a word of condolence for the clergy of the cathedral who were killed in front of their own altar . '' News of the disaster quickly spread and afterwards many settlements surrendered without a fight . Fall of Carcassonne ( edit ) Carcassonne , préfecture of the department traversed by the Aude river Cathars being expelled from Carcassonne in 1209 After the Massacre at Béziers , the next major target was Carcassonne , a city with many well known Cathars . Carsaconne was well fortified , but vulnerable , and overflowing with refugees . The Crusaders traversed the 45 miles between Béziers and Carsaconne in six days , arriving in the city on August 1 , 1209 . The siege did not last long . By August 7 they had cut the city 's water supply . Raymond Roger sought negotiations but was taken prisoner while under truce , and Carcasonne surrendered on August 15 . The people were not killed , but were forced to leave the town . They were naked according to Peter of Vaux - de-Cernay , a monk and eyewitness to many events of the crusade , but `` in their shifts and breeches , '' according to Guillaume de Puylaurens , a contemporary . Simon de Montfort , a prominent French nobleman , was then appointed leader of the Crusader army , and was granted control of the area encompassing Carcassonne , Albi , and Béziers . After the fall of Carcassonne , other towns surrendered without a fight . Albi , Castelnaudary , Castres , Fanjeaux , Limoux , Lombers and Montréal all fell quickly during the autumn . Lastours and the castle of Cabaret ( edit ) The next battle centred around Lastours and the adjacent castle of Cabaret . Attacked in December 1209 , Pierre Roger de Cabaret repulsed the assault . Fighting largely halted over the winter , but fresh Crusaders arrived . In March 1210 , Bram was captured after a short siege . In June the well - fortified city of Minerve was besieged . The city was not of major strategic importance . Simon 's decision to attack it was probably influenced by the large number of perfects who had gathered there . Unable to take the town by storm because of the surrounding geography , Simon launched a heavy bombardment against the town , and in late June the main well was destroyed and on July 22 , the city , short on water , surrendered . Simon wished to treat the occupants leniently , but was pressured by Arnaud Amalric to punish the Cathars . The Crusaders allowed the soldiers defending the town as well as the Catholics inside of it to go free , along with the non-perfect Cathars . The Cathar `` perfects '' were given the opportunity to return to Catholicism . All but three women did . The 140 who refused were burned at the stake . Some entered the flames voluntarily , not awaiting their executioners . In August , the Crusade proceeded to the stronghold of Termes . Despite sallies from Pierre - Roger de Cabaret , the siege was solid . On November 22 the Cathars managed to abandon the city and escape . By the time operations resumed in 1211 , the actions of Arnaud - Amaury and Simon de Montfort had alienated several important lords , including Raymond de Toulouse , who had been excommunicated again . The crusaders returned in force to Lastours in March and Pierre - Roger de Cabaret soon agreed to surrender . In May the castle of Aimery de Montréal was retaken ; he and his senior knights were hanged , and several hundred Cathars were burned . Cassès and Montferrand both fell easily in early June and the crusaders headed for Toulouse . The town was besieged , but for once the attackers were short of supplies and men , and Simon de Montfort withdrew before the end of the month . Emboldened , Raymond de Toulouse led a force to attack Montfort at Castelnaudary in September . Montfort broke free from the siege but Castelnaudary fell that December to Raymond 's troops and Raymond 's forces went on to liberate over thirty towns before the counter-attack ground to a halt at Lastours in the autumn . Toulouse ( edit ) The Cathars now faced a difficult situation . To repel the Crusaders , they turned to Peter II of Aragon for assistance . A favorite of the Catholic Church , Peter II had been crowned king by Innocent III in 1204 . He fought the Moors in Spain , and served in the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa . However , his sister , Eleanor , had married Raymond VI , securing an alliance . He then decided to come to the aid of Toulouse . The Crown of Aragon , under Peter II , allied with the County of Toulouse and various other entities . This force engaged Simon 's troops on September 12 in the Battle of Muret . The Crusaders were heavily outnumbered , but nonetheless prevailed . Peter II was struck down and killed . The Albigensian army , hearing of his death , fled . This allowed Simon 's troops to occupy the northern part of Toulouse . It was a serious blow for the resistance , and in 1214 the situation became worse . As the Crusaders continued their advance , Raymond was forced to flee to England , and his lands were given by the pope to the victorious Philip II , a stratagem which finally succeeded in interesting the king in the conflict . In November , Simon de Montfort entered Périgord and easily captured the castles of Domme and Montfort ; he also occupied Castlenaud and destroyed the fortifications of Beynac . In 1215 , Castelnaud was recaptured by Montfort , and the Crusaders entered Toulouse . The town paid an indemnity of 30,000 marks . Toulouse was gifted to Montfort . The Fourth Council of the Lateran in 1215 solidified Crusader control over the area by officially proclaiming Simon the Count of Toulouse . The type of yellow cross worn by Cathar repentants Revolts and reverses 1216 to 1225 ( edit ) Raymond VI , together with his son Raymond VII , returned to the region in April 1216 and soon raised a substantial force from disaffected towns . Beaucaire was besieged in May and fell after three months ; the efforts of Montfort to relieve the town were repulsed . Innocent III died suddenly in July 1216 and the crusade was left in temporary disarray . The command passed to the more cautious Philip II of France , who was reluctant to vigorously prosecute the crusade . Montfort then had to put down an uprising in Toulouse before heading west to capture Bigorre , but he was repulsed at Lourdes in December 1216 . On September 12 , 1217 , Raymond retook Toulouse without a fight while Montfort was occupied in the Foix region . Montfort hurried back , but his forces were insufficient to retake the town before campaigning halted . Responding to a call from Pope Honorius III to renew the crusade , Montfort resumed the siege in the spring of 1218 . On June 25 or 29 , while attempting to fend off a sally by the defenders , Montfort was struck and killed by a stone hurled from defensive siege equipment . Toulouse was held , and the Crusaders driven back . Popular accounts state that the city 's artillery was operated by the women and girls of Toulouse . The Crusade continued with renewed vigor . Philip refused to command in person , but agreed to appoint his son , the also reluctant Prince Louis , to lead an expedition . His army marched south beginning in May , passing through Poitou . In June , an army under Amaury de Montfort , son of the late Simon , joined by Louis , besieged Marmande . The town fell in June 1219 . Its occupants , excluding only the commander and his knights , were massacred . After capturing Marmande , Louis attempted to retake Toulouse . Following a siege of six weeks , the army abandoned the mission and went home . Honorius III called the endeavor a `` miserable setback . '' Without Louis 's troops , Amaury was unable to hold on to the lands that he had taken , and the Cathars were able to retake much of their land . Castelnaudary was retaken by troops under Raymond VII . Amaury again besieged the town from July 1220 to March 1221 , but it withstood an eight - month assault . In 1221 , the success of Raymond and his son continued : Montréal and Fanjeaux were retaken and many Catholics were forced to flee . By 1222 , Raymond VII had reclaimed all the lands that had been lost . That same year , Raymond VI died and was succeeded by Raymond VII . On July 14 , 1223 , Philip II died . In 1224 , Amaury de Montfort abandoned Carcassonne . Raymond VII returned from exile to reclaim the area . That same year , Amaury ceded his remaining lands to Louis VIII . French royal intervention ( edit ) In November 1225 , the Council of Bourges convened in order to deal with the alleged Cathar heresy . At the council , Raymond VII , like his father , was excommunicated . The council gathered a thousand churchmen to authorize a tax on their annual incomes , the `` Albigensian tenth , '' to support the crusade , though permanent reforms intended to fund the papacy in perpetuity foundered . Louis VIII headed the new crusade . His army assembled at Bourges in May 1226 . While the exact number of troops present is unknown , it was certainly the largest force ever sent against the Cathars . It set out in June 1226 . The crusaders captured once more the towns of Béziers , Carcassconne , Beaucaire , and Marseilles , this time with no resistance . However , Avignon , nominally under the rule of the German emperor , did resist , refusing to open its gates to the French troops . Not wanting to storm the well - fortified walls of the town , Louis settled in for a siege . A frontal assault that August was fiercely beaten back . Finally , in early September , the town surrendered , agreeing to pay 6,000 marks and destroy its walls . The town was occupied on September 9 . No killing or looting took place . Louis VIII died in November and was succeeded by the child king Louis IX . But Queen - regent Blanche of Castile allowed the crusade to continue under Humbert V de Beaujeu . Labécède fell in 1227 and Vareilles in 1228 . At that time , the Crusaders once again besieged Toulouse . While doing so , they systematically laid waste to the surrounding landscape : uprooting vineyards , burning fields and farms , and slaughtering livestock . Eventually , the city was retaken . Raymond did not have the manpower to intervene . Eventually , Queen Blanche offered Raymond a treaty recognizing him as ruler of Toulouse in exchange for his fighting the Cathars , returning all church property , turning over his castles and destroying the defenses of Toulouse . Moreover , Raymond had to marry his daughter Joan to Louis ' brother Alphonse , with the couple and their heirs obtaining Toulouse after Raymond 's death , and the inheritance reverting to the king . Raymond agreed and signed the Treaty of Paris at Meaux on April 12 , 1229 . Historian Daniel Power notes that the fact that Peter of Vaux - de-Cernay's Historia Albigensis , which many historians of the crusade rely heavily upon , was published only in 1218 leaves a shortage of primary source material for events after that year . As such , there is more difficulty in discerning the nature of various events during the subsequent time period . Inquisition ( edit ) The Inquisition was established under Pope Gregory IX in 1234 to uproot heretical movements , including the remaining Cathars . Operating in the south at Toulouse , Albi , Carcassonne and other towns during the whole of the 13th century , and a great part of the 14th , it succeeded in crushing Catharism as a popular movement and driving its remaining adherents underground . Punishments for Cathars varied greatly . Most frequently , they were made to wear yellow crosses atop their garments as a sign of outward penance . Others made obligatory pilgrimages , which often included fighting against Muslims . Visiting a local church naked once each month to be scourged was also a common punishment , including for returned pilgrims . Cathars who were slow to repent suffered imprisonment and , often , the loss of property . Others who altogether refused to repent were burned . The Catholic Church found another useful duel for combatting heresy in the establishment of the Order of Preachers , whose members were called `` Dominicans , '' after their founder , Saint Dominic . The Dominicans would travel to towns and villages preaching in favor of the teachings of the Church and against heresy . In some cases , they took part in prosecuting Cathars . From May 1243 to March 1244 , the Cathar fortress of Montségur was besieged by the troops of the seneschal of Carcassonne and Pierre Amiel , the Archbishop of Narbonne . On March 16 , 1244 , a large massacre took place , in which over 200 Cathar perfects were burnt in an enormous pyre at the prat dels cremats ( `` field of the burned '' ) near the foot of the castle . After this , Catharism did not completely vanish initially , but was practiced by its remaining adherents in secret . The Inquisition continued to search for and attempt to prosecute Cathars . While few prominent men joined the Cathars , a small group of ordinary followers remained , and were generally successful at concealing themselves . The Inquisitors sometimes used torture as a method to find Cathars , but still were able to catch only a relatively small number . The Inquisitors received funding from the French monarchy up until the 1290s , when King Phillip IV , who was in conflict with Pope Boniface VIII , severely restricted it . However , after visiting southern France in 1303 , he became alarmed by the anti-monarchial sentiments of the people in the region , especially in Carcassonne , and decided to remove the restrictions placed on the Inquisition . Pope Clement V introduced new rules designed to protect the rights of the accused . The Dominican Bernard Gui , Inquisitor of Toulouse from 1308 to 1323 , wrote a manual discussing the customs of non-Catholic sects and the methods to be employed by the Inquisitors in combating heresy . A large portion of the manual describes the reputed customs of the Cathars , while contrasting them with those of Catholics . Gui also describes methods to be used for interrogating accused Cathars . He ruled that any person found to have died without confessing his known heresy would have his remains exhumed and burned , while any person known to have been a heretic but not known whether to have confessed or not would have his body unearthed but not burned . Under Gui , a final push against Catharism began . By 1350 , the movement was virtually extinguished . Legacy ( edit ) Influence ( edit ) Strayer argues that the Albigensian Crusade increased the power of the French monarchy and made the papacy more dependent on it . This would eventually lead to the Avignon Papacy . Genocide ( edit ) Pope Innocent III excommunicating the Albigensians ( left ) . Massacre against the Albigensians by the crusaders ( right ) . Raphael Lemkin , who in the 20th century coined the word `` genocide , '' referred to the Albigensian Crusade as `` one of the most conclusive cases of genocide in religious history . '' Mark Gregory Pegg writes that `` The Albigensian Crusade ushered genocide into the West by linking divine salvation to mass murder , by making slaughter as loving an act as His sacrifice on the cross . '' Robert E. Lerner argues that Pegg 's classification of the Albigensian Crusade as a genocide is inappropriate , on the grounds that it `` was proclaimed against unbelievers ... not against a ' genus ' or people ; those who joined the crusade had no intention of annihilating the population of southern France ... If Pegg wishes to connect the Albigensian Crusade to modern ethnic slaughter , well -- words fail me ( as they do him ) . '' Laurence Marvin is not as dismissive as Lerner regarding Pegg 's contention that the Albigensian Crusade was a genocide ; he does however take issue with Pegg 's argument that the Albigensian Crusade formed an important historical precedent for later genocides including the Holocaust . Kurt Jonassohn and Karin Solveig Björnson describe the Albigensian Crusade as `` the first ideological genocide . '' Kurt Jonassohn and Frank Chalk ( who together founded the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies ) include a detailed case study of the Albigensian Crusade in their genocide studies textbook The History and Sociology of Genocide : Analyses and Case Studies , authored by Joseph R. Strayer and Malise Ruthven . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Tatz & Higgins 2016 , p. 214 . Jump up ^ Robertson 1902 , p. 254 . ^ Jump up to : Lemkin 2012 , p. 71 . Jump up ^ Pegg 2008 , p. 195 . Jump up ^ Cross & Livingstone 2005 , p. 303 . Jump up ^ Lock 2006 , pp. 162 - 164 . Jump up ^ Nicholson 2004 , pp. 164 - 166 . Jump up ^ Nicholson 2004 , pp. 56 - 57 . Jump up ^ Gui 2006 , p. 39 . Jump up ^ Ladurie 1978 , p. xi . Jump up ^ Costen 1997 , p. 59 . Jump up ^ Costen 1997 , p. 60 . ^ Jump up to : Costen 1997 , p. 54 . Jump up ^ Costen 1997 , p. 67 . Jump up ^ Gui 2006 , p. 36 . Jump up ^ Gui 2006 , p. 42 . Jump up ^ Costen 1997 , p. 68 . Jump up ^ Barber 2014 , p. 78 . ^ Jump up to : Weber , Nicholas . `` Albigenses . '' The Catholic Encyclopedia . Vol. 1 . New York : Robert Appleton Company , 1907 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 5 . Jump up ^ Martin - Chabot 1931 - 1961 p. 2 Jump up ^ Costen 1997 , pp. 60 - 61 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 214 . Jump up ^ Mosheim 1867 , p. 385 . Jump up ^ Costen 1997 , p. 26 . Jump up ^ Graham - Leigh 2005 , p. 42 . ^ Jump up to : Falk 2010 , p. 169 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , pp. 8 - 9 . Jump up ^ Graham - Leigh 2005 , p. 6 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 84 . Jump up ^ Lock 2006 , p. 164 . ^ Jump up to : Power 2009 , pp. 1047 -- 1085 . ^ Jump up to : Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 88 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 66 . Jump up ^ Costen 1997 , p. 121 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 89 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , pp. 90 - 91 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 62 . ^ Jump up to : Milo & Arnaud Amalric 2003 , p. 128 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , pp. 62 - 63 . ^ Jump up to : Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , pp. 92 - 93 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 65 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 64 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , pp. 94 - 96 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 98 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 54 . Jump up ^ Guillaume de Puylaurens 2003 , p. 34 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , pp. 101 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , pp. 108 - 113 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 114 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , pp. 115 - 140 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 142 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 151 . Jump up ^ Marvin 2009a , p. 77 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 154 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 71 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 156 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 168 . Jump up ^ Costen 1997 , p. 132 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 194 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 215 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 233 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 235 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 239 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 243 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , pp. 253 - 265 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , pp. 273 - 276 , 279 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 83 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , pp. 266 , 278 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , pp. 286 - 366 . Jump up ^ Barber 2014 , p. 63 . Jump up ^ Barber 2014 , p. 54 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , pp. 367 - 466 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 463 . Jump up ^ Wolff & Hazard 1969 , p. 302 . Jump up ^ Nicholson 2004 , p. 62 . Jump up ^ PL § XXV Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , pp. 528 - 534 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 529 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 530 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , pp. 533 - 534 . Jump up ^ Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , p. 569 . ^ Jump up to : Peter of les Vaux de Cernay 1998 , pp. 554 - 559 , 573 . ^ Jump up to : Strayer 1992 , p. 134 . ^ Jump up to : Lock 2006 , p. 165 . ^ Jump up to : Paul MEYER , La Chanson de la Croisade Contre les Albigeois Commencée par Guillaume de Tudèle et Continuée par un Poète Anonyme Éditée et Traduite Pour la Societe de L'Histoire de France'TOME SECOND ' , 1879 , p 419 Jump up ^ `` Catholic Encyclopedia : Pope Innocent III '' . New Advent. 1910 . Retrieved August 29 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 52 . ^ Jump up to : Nicholson 2004 , p. 63 . ^ Jump up to : Costen 1997 , pp. 150 - 151 . ^ Jump up to : Strayer 1992 , p. 117 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 175 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 118 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 119 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 120 . Jump up ^ Costen 1997 , p. 151 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 122 . Jump up ^ Richard Kay , The Council of Bourges , 1225 : A Documentary History ( Brookfield , Vermont : Ashgate ) 2002 . ^ Jump up to : Strayer 1992 , p. 130 . ^ Jump up to : Oldenbourg 1961 , p. 215 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , pp. 132 - 133 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 136 . Jump up ^ Sumption 1978 , pp. 230 -- 232 . Jump up ^ Costen 1997 , p. 173 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , pp. 146 - 147 . Jump up ^ Sumption 1978 , pp. 238 - 40 . Jump up ^ Sumption 1978 , pp. 238 -- 40 . ^ Jump up to : Strayer 1992 , p. 159 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 160 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , pp. 162 - 163 . ^ Jump up to : Strayer 1992 , p. 162 . Jump up ^ Murphy , Cullen ( 2012 ) . `` Torturer 's Apprentice '' . The Atlantic . Retrieved September 26 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Gui 2006 , pp. 35 - 43 . Jump up ^ Gui 2006 , pp. 43 - 46 . Jump up ^ Gui 2006 , p. 179 . Jump up ^ Strayer 1992 , p. 174 . Jump up ^ `` Lemkin , Raphael '' . UN Refugee Agency . Retrieved July 30 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Pegg 2008 , p. 188 . Jump up ^ Lerner 2010 , p. 92 . Jump up ^ Marvin 2009b , pp. 801 - 802 . Jump up ^ Jonassohn & Björnson 1998 , p. 50 . Jump up ^ Chalk & Jonassohn 1990 , pp. 114 - 138 . Bibliography ( edit ) Secondary sources ( edit ) Barber , Malcolm ( 2014 ) ( 2000 ) . The Cathars : Christian Dualists in the Middle Ages . New York , NY : Routledge . ISBN 978 - 0 - 582 - 256613 . Chalk , Frank Robert ; Jonassohn , Kurt ( 1990 ) . The History and Sociology of Genocide : Analyses and Case Studies . New Haven , Connecticut : Yale University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 300 - 04446 - 1 . Costen , Michael D. ( 1997 ) . The Cathars and the Albigensian Crusade . Manchester and New York : Manchester University Press . ISBN 0 - 7190 - 4331 - X . Cross , Frank Leslie ; Livingstone , Elizabeth A. ( 2005 ) . Oxford Dictionary of the Catholic Church . Oxford , UK : Oxford University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 280290 - 3 . Falk , Avner ( 2010 ) . Franks and Saracens : Reality and Fantasy in the Crusades . London , UK : Karnac Books , Ltd . ISBN 978 - 1 - 85575 - 733 - 2 . Graham - Leigh , Elaine ( 2005 ) . The Southern French Nobility and the Albigensian Crusade . Suffolk , UK : Boydell & Brewer . ISBN 1 - 84383 - 129 - 5 . Ladurie , Emmanuel Le Roy ( 1978 ) ( 1975 ) . Bray , Barbara , ed . Montaillu : Cathars and Catholics in a French village : 1294 - 1324 . London , UK : Scolar Press . ISBN 0859674037 . Lemkin , Raphael ( 2012 ) . Jacobs , Steven Leonard , ed . Lemkin on Genocide . Lanham , Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7391 - 4526 - 5 . Lock , Peter ( 2006 ) . The Routledge Companion to the Crusades . New York , NY : Routledge . ISBN 0 - 415 - 24732 - 2 . Lerner , Robert E. ( 2010 ) . `` A Most Holy War : The Albigensian Crusade and the Battle for Christendom ( review ) '' . Common Knowledge . 16 ( 2 ) . access - date = requires url = ( help ) Martin - Chabot , Eugène , editor and translator ( 1931 -- 1961 ) . `` La Chanson de la Croisade Albigeoise éditée et traduite '' . Paris : Les Belles Lettres . His occitan text is in the Livre de Poche ( Lettres Gothiques ) edition , which uses the Gougaud 1984 translation for its better poetic style . Marvin , Laurence W. ( 2009a ) . The Occitan War : A Military and Political History of the Albigensian Crusade , 1209 - 1218 . Cambridge , UK : Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 0521123655 . Marvin , Laurence W. ( 2009b ) . `` A Most Holy War : The Albigensian Crusade and the Battle for Christendom ( review ) '' . The Catholic Historical Review . 95 ( 4 ) . doi : 10.1353 / cat. 0.0546 . access - date = requires url = ( help ) Mosheim , Johann Lorenz ( 1867 ) . Murdock , James , ed . Mosheim 's Institutes of Ecclesiastical History , Ancient and Modern . London , UK : William Tegg . Nicholson , Helen J. ( 2004 ) . The Crusades . Westport , Connecticut : Greenwood Press . ISBN 087220619X . Pegg , Mark Gregory ( 2008 ) . A Most Holy War : The Albigensian Crusade and the Battle for Christendom . Oxford , UK : Oxford University Press . ISBN 978 - 019988371 - 4 . Power , Daniel ( October 1 , 2009 ) . `` Who Went on the Albigensian Crusade ? '' . The English Historical Review . 128 ( 534 ) . Retrieved September 8 , 2017 . Guillaume de Puylaurens ( 1976 ) . Duvernoy , Jean , ed . Guillaume de Puylaurens , Chronique 1145 - 1275 : Chronica magistri Guillelmi de Podio Laurentii . Paris : CNRS . ISBN 2 - 910352 - 06 - 4 . Text and French translation . Reprinted : Toulouse : Le Pérégrinateur , 1996 . Jonassohn , Kurt ; Björnson , Karin Solveig ( 1998 ) . Genocide and Gross Human Rights Violations : In Comparative Perspective . Piscataway , New Jersey : Transaction Publishers . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4128 - 2445 - 3 . Oldenbourg , Zoe ( 1961 ) . Massacre at Montsegur : A History of the Albigensian Crusade . Pantheon Books . ISBN 1 - 84212 - 428 - 5 . Robertson , John M. ( 1902 ) . A Short History of Christianity . London , UK : Watts & Co . Strayer , Joseph R. ( 1992 ) ( 1971 ) . The Albigensian Crusades . Ann Arbor , Michigan : The University of Michigan Press . ISBN 0 - 472 - 09476 - 9 . Sumption , Jonathan ( 1978 ) . The Albigensian Crusade . London , England : Faber . ISBN 0 - 571 - 11064 - 9 . Tatz , Colin Martin ; Higgins , Winton ( 2016 ) . The Magnitude of Genocide . ABC - CLIO . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4408 - 3161 - 4 . Wolff , Robert Lee ; Hazard , Harry W. , eds. ( 1969 ) . `` Chap . VIII : The Albigensian Crusade '' . The Later Crusades , 1189 - 1311 . II ( Second ed . ) . University of Wisconsin Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 299 - 04844 - 0 . Primary sources ( edit ) Peter of les Vaux de Cernay ( 1998 ) ( 1212 - 1218 ) . Silby , W.A. ; Silby , M.D. , eds . The History of the Albigensian Crusade : Peter of les Vaux - de-Cernay's Historia Albigensis . Suffolk , UK : Boydell & Brewer . ISBN 0 - 85115 - 807 - 2 . Gui , Bernard ( 2006 ) . Shirley , Janet , ed . The Inquisitor 's Guide : A Medieval Manual on Heretics . Welwyn Garden City , UK. : Raventhall Books . ISBN 1905043090 . Guillaume de Puylaurens ( 2003 ) . Silby , W.A. ; Silby , M.D. , eds . The Chronicle of William of Puylaurens : The Albigensian Crusade and its Aftermath . Suffolk , UK : Boydell & Brewer . ISBN 0 - 85115 - 925 - 7 . Milo ; Arnaud Amalric ( 2003 ) . Silby , W.A. ; Silby , M.D. , eds . Report of the legates Milo and Arnaud Amalric to Pope Innocent III on the first few weeks of the Crusade . Suffolk , UK : Boydell & Brewer . ISBN 0 - 85115 - 925 - 7 . Further reading ( edit ) Mann , Judith ( 2002 ) . The Trail of Gnosis : A Lucid Exploration of Gnostic Traditions . Gnosis Traditions Press . ISBN 1 - 4348 - 1432 - 7 . Weis , René ( 2001 ) . The Story of the Last Cathars ' Rebellion Against the Inquisition , 1290 - 1329 . London , UK : Penguin Books . ISBN 0 - 14 - 027669 - 6 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Albigensian Crusade . Albigensian Crusade The paths of Cathars by the philosopher Yves Maris . The English website of the castle of Termes , besieged in 1210 The Forgotten Kingdom - The Albigensian Crusade - La Capella Reial - Hespèrion XXI , dir . Jordi Savall `` Traces of the Bogomil Movement in English '' , Georgi Vassilev . ACADEMIE BULGARE DES SCIENCES . Institut d'etudes balkaniques . Etudes balkaniques , 1994 , No 3 GND : 4141805 - 0 NDL : 00560331 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 13th century in Europe 13th century in France 13th - century crusades Albigensian Crusade Catharism History of Catholicism in France Massacres in France Wars involving the Crown of Aragon Genocides Hidden categories : Pages using citations with accessdate and no URL Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Azərbaycanca বাংলা Беларуская Български Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français 한국어 Հայերեն Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ქართული Latina Македонски Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Occitan Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Slovenčina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog ไทย Türkçe Українська 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 10 November 2017 , at 20 : 16 . 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"The Albigensian Crusade or the Cathar Crusade (1209–1229) was a 20-year military campaign initiated by Pope Innocent III to eliminate Catharism in Languedoc, in southern France. The Crusade was prosecuted primarily by the French crown and promptly took on a political flavour, resulting in not only a significant reduction in the number of practising Cathars, but also a realignment of the County of Toulouse in Languedoc, bringing it into the sphere of the French crown and diminishing the distinct regional culture and high level of influence of the Counts of Barcelona."
] | [
"Pope Innocent III"
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-6061377517816760686 | History of South Africa | History of South Africa - Wikipedia History of South Africa Jump to : navigation , search Part of a series on the History of South Africa General periods Before 1652 1652 -- 1815 1815 -- 1910 1910 -- 1948 1948 -- 1994 Since 1994 Specific themes Economy Military Politics Religion Slavery Inventions See also Years Timeline ( nl ) South Africa portal Part of a series on the Culture of South Africa History People Languages ( show ) Afrikaans English Ndebele Northern Sotho Sotho Swazi Tswana Tsonga Venda Xhosa Zulu Cuisine Festivals ( show ) Public holidays Religion Art Literature ( show ) Writers Poets Music and performing arts ( show ) Music Media ( show ) Television Cinema Sport Monuments ( show ) World Heritage Sites Symbols ( show ) Flag Coat of arms South Africa portal Historical states in present - day South Africa before 1600 ( show ) Kingdom of Mapungubwe ( 1050 -- 1270 ) Kingdom of Mutapa ( 1430 -- 1760 ) 1600 -- 1700 ( show ) Dutch Cape Colony ( 1652 -- 1795 ) 1700 -- 1800 ( show ) Mthethwa Paramountcy ( ca . 1780 -- 1817 ) Ndwandwe ( ca . 1780 -- 1817 ) Swellendam ( 1795 ) Graaff - Reinet ( 1795 -- 96 ) Cape Colony ( 1795 -- 1802 ) 1800 -- 1850 ( show ) Dutch Cape Colony ( 1802 -- 06 ) Cape Colony ( 1806 -- 1910 ) Waterboer 's Land ( 1813 -- 71 ) Zulu Kingdom ( 1818 -- 97 ) Adam Kok 's Land ( 1825 -- 61 ) Winburg ( 1836 -- 44 ) Potchefstroom ( 1837 -- 48 ) Natalia Republic ( 1839 -- 43 ) 1850 -- 1875 ( show ) South African Republic ( 1852 -- 1902 ) Orange Free State ( 1854 -- 1902 ) Republic of Utrecht ( 1854 -- 58 ) Lydenburg Republic ( 1856 -- 60 ) Griqualand East ( 1861 -- 79 ) Griqualand West ( 1870 -- 80 ) Diggers ' Republic ( 1870 - 71 ) 1875 -- 1900 ( show ) Stellaland ( 1882 -- 85 ) Goshen ( 1882 -- 83 ) Nieuw Republiek ( 1884 -- 88 ) Klein Vrystaat ( 1886 -- 91 ) 1900 -- present ( show ) Cape Colony ( 1652 -- 1910 ) Union of South Africa ( 1910 -- 61 ) Transkei ( 1976 -- 94 ) Bophuthatswana ( 1977 -- 94 ) Venda ( 1979 -- 94 ) Ciskei ( 1981 -- 94 ) Republic of South Africa ( 1961 -- present ) South Africa portal Bartolomeu Dias Statue of Bartolomeu Dias at the High Commission of South Africa in London . He was the first European navigator to sail around the southernmost tip of Africa . Republic of South Africa flag Use Civil and state flag , civil and state ensign Design The flag of Republic of South Africa was adopted on 27 April 1994 . It replaced the flag that had been used since 1928 , and was chosen to represent multiculturalism and ethnic diversity in the country 's new , post-apartheid democratic society . The first humans are believed to have inhabited South Africa more than 100,000 years ago . The historical record of this ethnically diverse country is generally divided into five distinct periods : the pre-colonial era , the colonial era , the post-colonial and apartheid era , and the post-apartheid era . Much of this history , particularly of the colonial and post-colonial eras , is characterised by clashes of culture , violent territorial disputes between European settlers and indigenous people , dispossession and repression , and other racial and political tensions . The discoveries of diamonds and gold in the nineteenth century had a profound effect on the fortunes of the region , propelling it onto the world stage and introducing a shift away from an exclusively agrarian - based economy towards industrialisation and the development of urban infrastructure . The discoveries also led to new conflicts culminating in open warfare between the Boer settlers and the British Empire , fought essentially for control over the nascent South African mining industry . Following the defeat of the Boers in the Anglo - Boer or South African War ( 1899 -- 1902 ) , the Union of South Africa was created as a dominion of the British Empire in terms of the South Africa Act 1909 , which amalgamated the four previously separate British colonies : Cape Colony , Natal Colony , Transvaal Colony and Orange River Colony . The country became a self - governing nation state within the British Empire , in 1934 following enactment of the Status of the Union Act . The dominion came to an end on 31 May 1961 as the consequence of a 1960 referendum , which legitimised the country becoming a sovereign state named Republic of South Africa . A republican constitution was adopted . From 1948 - 1994 , South African politics were dominated by Afrikaner nationalism . Racial segregation and white minority rule known officially as apartheid came into existence in 1960 , and become an official law of segregation when South Africa became a republic , an Afrikaans word meaning `` separateness '' . It was an extension of segregationist legislation enacted in 1960 . On 27 April 1994 , after decades of armed struggle and international opposition to apartheid , during which military and political support was provided primarily by the Soviet Union to the non-racial African National Congress ( ANC ) , the ANC achieved victory in the country 's first democratic election in which all races could vote . Since then , the African National Congress has dominated the politics of South Africa , in an uneasy alliance with the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early history ( before 1652 ) 1.1 Prehistory 1.2 San and Khoikhoi 1.3 Bantu people 1.4 Early European exploration 1.4. 1 Portuguese role 1.4. 2 Dutch role 2 Dutch colonisation ( 1652 -- 1815 ) 3 British colonisation , Mfecane and Boer Republics ( 1815 - 1910 ) 3.1 British at the Cape 3.2 European exploration of the interior 3.3 Zulu militarism and expansionism 3.4 Boer people and republics 3.4. 1 South African Republic 3.4. 2 Free State Republic 3.4. 3 Natalia 3.5 The Cape Colony 3.6 Natal 3.7 Griqua people 3.8 Cape Frontier Wars 3.8. 1 Wars against the Xhosa 3.8. 2 Wars against the Zulu 3.8. 3 Wars with the Basotho 3.8. 4 Wars with the Ndebele 3.8. 5 Wars with the Bapedi 3.9 Discovery of diamonds 3.10 Discovery of gold 3.11 The First Anglo - Boer War 3.12 The Second Anglo - Boer War 4 Union of South Africa ( 1910 - 1948 ) 4.1 First World War 4.2 Second World War 4.2. 1 Pro-German and pro-Nazi attitudes 5 Apartheid era ( 1948 - 1994 ) 5.1 Apartheid legislation 5.2 UN embargo 5.3 Extra-judicial killings 5.4 Military operations in frontline states 5.5 Resistance to apartheid 6 Post-apartheid period ( 1994 - present ) 6.1 Emigration , debt burden and poverty 6.2 Xenophobia 6.3 Post-apartheid heads of state 7 See also 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External links Early History ( before 1652 ) ( edit ) Main article : Early history of South Africa Prehistory ( edit ) Scientists researching the periods before written historical records were made have established that the territory of what is now referred to generically as South Africa have established that it is one of the important centers of human evolution . It was inhabited by Australopithecines since at least 2.5 million years ago . Modern human settlement occurred around 125,000 years ago in the Middle Stone Age , as shown by archaeological discoveries at Klasies River Caves . The first human habitation is associated with a DNA group originating in a northwestern area of southern Africa and still prevalent in the indigenous Khoisan ( Khoi and San ) . Southern Africa was reached later by the migration of the ethnically different , dark - skinned , Bantu - speaking or African people originating in the northwestern region of southern Africa during the early centuries AD . At the Blombos cave Professor Raymond Dart discovered the skull of a 2.51 million year old Taung Child in 1924 , the first example of Australopithecus africanus ever found . Following in Dart 's footsteps Robert Broom discovered a new much more robust hominid in 1938 Paranthropus robustus at Kromdraai , and in 1947 uncovered several more examples of Australopithecus africanus at Sterkfontein . In further research at the Blombos cave in 2002 , stones were discovered engraved with grid or cross-hatch patterns , dated to some 70,000 years ago . This has been interpreted as the earliest example ever discovered of abstract art or symbolic art created by Homo sapiens . Many more species of early hominid have come to light in recent decades . The oldest is Little Foot , a collection of footbones of an unknown hominid between 2.2 and 3.3 million years old , discovered at Sterkfontein by Ronald J. Clarke . An important recent find was that of 1.9 million year old Australopithecus sediba , discovered in 2008 . In 2015 , the discovery near Johannesburg of a previously unknown species of Homo was announced , named Homo naledi . It has been described as one of the most important paleontological discoveries in modern times . San and Khoikhoi ( edit ) Khoisan men demonstrating how to start a fire by rubbing sticks together . The descendants of the Middle Paleolithic populations are thought to be the aboriginal San and Khoikhoi tribes . The settlement of southern Africa by the ancestors of the Khoisan corresponds to the earliest separation of the extant Homo sapiens populations altogether , associated in genetic science with what is described in scientific terms as matrilinear haplogroup L0 ( mtDNA ) and patrilinear haplogroup A ( Y - DNA ) , originating in a northwestern area of southern Africa . The San and Khoikhoi are grouped under the term Khoisan , and are essentially distinguished only by their respective occupations . Whereas the San were hunter - gathers , the Khoikhoi were pastoral herders . Archaeological discoveries of livestock bones on the Cape Peninsula indicate that the Khoikhoi began to settle there by about 2000 years ago . In the late 15th and early 16th centuries , Portuguese mariners , who were the first Europeans at the Cape , encountered pastoral Khoikhoi with livestock . Later , English and Dutch seafarers in the late 16th and 17th centuries exchanged metals for cattle and sheep with the Khoikhoi . The conventional view is that availability of livestock was one reason why , in the mid-17th century , the Dutch East India Company established a staging post where the port city of Cape Town is today situated . The initial origin of the Khoikhoi remains uncertain . The establishment of the staging post by the Dutch East India Company at the Cape in 1652 soon brought the Khoikhoi into conflict with Dutch settlers over land ownership . Cattle rustling and livestock theft ensued , with the Khoikhoi being ultimately expelled from the peninsula by force , after a succession of wars . The first Khoikhoi - Dutch War broke out in 1659 , the second in 1673 , and the third 1674 -- 1677 . By the time of their defeat and expulsion from the Cape Peninsula and surrounding districts , the Khoikhoi population was decimated by a smallpox epidemic , against which the Khoikhoi had no natural resistance or indigenous medicines . The disease had been brought to the Cape by Dutch sailors . Bantu people ( edit ) Further information : Bantu migrations The Bantu expansion was one of the major demographic movements in human prehistory , sweeping much of the African continent during the 2nd and 1st millennia BC . Bantu - speaking communities would have reached southern Africa from the Congo basin by the early centuries AD . The advancing Bantu encroached on the Khoikhoi territory , forcing movement into more arid areas . Some of the migrant groups , ancestral to today 's Nguni peoples ( the Zulu , Xhosa , Swazi , and Ndebele ) , preferred to live near the eastern coast of what is present - day South Africa . Others , now known as the Sotho -- Tswana peoples ( Tswana , Pedi , and Sotho ) , settled in the interior on the plateau known as the Highveld , while today 's Venda , Lemba , and Shangaan - Tsonga peoples made their homes in the north - eastern areas of present - day South Africa . Looking out over the floodplains of the Luvuvhu River ( right ) and the Limpopo River ( far distance and left ) The Kingdom of Mapungubwe , which was located near the northern border of present - day South Africa , at the confluence of the Limpopo and Shashe rivers adjacent to present - day Zimbabwe and Botswana , was the first indigenous kingdom in southern Africa between AD 900 and 1300 . It developed into the largest kingdom in the sub-continent before it was abandoned because of climatic changes in the 14th century . Smiths created objects of iron , copper and gold both for local decorative use and for foreign trade . The kingdom controlled trade through the east African ports to Arabia , India and China , and throughout southern Africa , making it wealthy through the exchange of gold and ivory for imports such as Chinese porcelain and Persian glass beads . Specifics of the contact between Bantu - speakers and the indigenous Khoisan ethnic group remain largely unresearched , although linguistic proof of some assimilation exists , as several southern Bantu languages ( notably Xhosa and Zulu ) incorporate many click consonants of the Khoisan languages . The assimilation is not dissimilar to that of the European settlers , who adapted and assimilated the Dutch , Flemish , German and Malay languages into the Dutch patois of Afrikaans . Early European exploration ( edit ) Portuguese role ( edit ) See also : Portugal in the Age of Discovery , Discovery of the sea route to India , Bartolomeu Dias , Vasco da Gama , and Portuguese Empire The Portuguese mariner Bartolomeu Dias was the first European to explore the coastline of South Africa in 1488 , while attempting to discover a trade route to the Far East via the southernmost cape of South Africa , which he named Cabo das Tormentas , meaning Cape of Storms . In November 1497 , a fleet of Portuguese ships under the command of the Portuguese mariner Vasco da Gama rounded the Cape of Good Hope . By 16 December , the fleet had passed the Great Fish River on the east coast of South Africa , where Dias had earlier turned back . Da Gama gave the name Natal to the coast he was passing , which in Portuguese means Christmas . Da Gama 's fleet proceeded northwards to Zanzibar and later sailed eastwards , eventually reaching India and thereby opening the Cape Route between Europe and Asia . Dutch role ( edit ) This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( May 2017 ) See also : Dutch Republic in the Age of Discovery , Maritime history of the Dutch East India Company , Dutch East India Company ( VOC ) , First Dutch Expedition to Indonesia , Second Dutch Expedition to Indonesia , Brouwer Route , and Jan Huyghen van Linschoten The Dutch East India Company ( Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie or VOC ) was a major force behind the Golden Age of Dutch exploration ( ca . 1590s -- 1720s ) and Netherlandish cartography ( ca . 1570s -- 1670s ) . Dutch colonisation ( 1652 -- 1815 ) ( edit ) This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( May 2017 ) Main article : Dutch Cape Colony See also : History of South Africa ( 1652 -- 1815 ) , Economic history of South Africa , Military history of South Africa , Khoikhoi -- Dutch Wars , Dutch Empire , Maritime history of the Dutch East India Company , Military history of the Dutch East India Company , and Dutch Republic in the Age of Discovery See also : History of Cape Town , Stellenbosch , Swellendam , Graaff - Reinet , Franschhoek , Huguenots in South Africa , Boer Nationalism , Dorsland Trek , South African wine , Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa , Afrikaner Calvinism , Cape Dutch , and Cape Dutch architecture Jan van Riebeeck , first Commander of the Dutch East India Company colony The Dutch East India Company ( in the Dutch of the day : Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie , or VOC ) decided to establish a permanent settlement at the Cape . The VOC , one of the major European trading houses sailing the spice route to the East , had no intention of colonising the area , instead wanting only to establish a secure base camp where passing ships could shelter and be serviced , and where hungry sailors could stock up on fresh supplies of meat , fruit , and vegetables . To this end , a small VOC expedition under the command of Jan van Riebeeck reached Table Bay on 6 April 1652 . The VOC had settled at the Cape in order to supply their trading ships . As the Khoikhoi were not agricultural farmers , there was no food to trade for at the Cape and the VOC had to import Dutch farmers to establish farms to supply the passing ships as well as to supply the growing VOC settlement . The small initial group of free burghers , as these farmers were known , steadily increased in number and began to expand their farms further north and east into the territory of the Khoikhoi . The free burghers were ex-VOC soldiers and gardeners , who were unable to return to Holland when their contracts were completed with the VOC . The statue of Jan van Riebeeck , the founder of Cape Town , in Heerengracht Street . The majority of burghers had Dutch ancestry and belonged to the Calvinist Reformed Church of the Netherlands , but there were also numerous Germans as well as some Scandinavians . In 1688 the Dutch and the Germans were joined by French Huguenots , also Calvinists , who were fleeing religious persecution in France under King Louis XIV . Van Riebeeck considered it impolitic to enslave the local Khoi and San aboriginals , so the VOC began to import large numbers of slaves , primarily from the Dutch colonies in Indonesia . Eventually , van Riebeeck and the VOC began to make indentured servants out of the Khoikhoi and the San . The offspring from miscegenation between the Dutch settlers and the Khoi - San and Malay slaves became known officially as the Cape Coloureds and the Cape Malays , respectively . A significant number of the offspring from the white and slave unions were absorbed into the local proto - Afrikaans speaking white population . The racially mixed genealogical origins of many so - called `` white '' South Africans have been traced to interracial unions at the Cape between the European occupying population and imported Asian and African slaves , the indigenous Khoi and San , and their vari - hued offspring . Simon van der Stel , the first Governor of the Dutch settlement , famous for his development of the lucrative South African wine industry , was himself of mixed race - origin . British colonisation , mfecane and Boer republics ( 1815 - 1910 ) ( edit ) British at the Cape ( edit ) Main articles : British Cape Colony and History of South Africa ( 1815 - 1910 ) The Rhodes Colossus -- Cecil Rhodes spanning `` Cape to Cairo '' In 1787 , shortly before the French Revolution , a faction within the politics of the Dutch Republic known as the Patriot Party attempted to overthrow the regime of stadtholder William V. Though the revolt was crushed , it was resurrected after the French invasion of the Netherlands in 1794 / 1795 which resulted in the stadtholder fleeing the country . The Patriot revolutionaries then proclaimed the Batavian Republic , which was closely allied to revolutionary France . In response , the stadtholder , who had taken up residence in England , issued the Kew Letters , ordering colonial governors to surrender to the British . The British then seized the Cape in 1795 to prevent it from falling into French hands . The Cape was relinquished back to the Dutch in 1803 . In 1805 , the British inherited the Cape as a prize during the Napoleonic Wars , again seizing the Cape from the French controlled Kingdom of Holland which had replaced the Batavian Republic . Like the Dutch before them , the British initially had little interest in the Cape Colony , other than as a strategically located port . The Cape Articles of Capitulation of 1806 allowed the colony to retain `` all their rights and privileges which they have enjoyed hitherto '' , and this launched South Africa on a divergent course from the rest of the British Empire , allowing the continuance of Roman - Dutch law . British sovereignty of the area was recognised at the Congress of Vienna in 1815 , the Dutch accepting a payment of 6 million pounds for the colony . As one of their first tasks they outlawed the use of the Dutch language in 1806 with the view of converting the European settlers to the British language and culture . This had the effect of forcing more of the Dutch colonists to move ( or trek ) away from British administrative reach . Much later , in 1820 the British authorities persuaded about 5,000 middle - class British immigrants ( most of them `` in trade '' ) to leave Great Britain . Many of the 1820 Settlers eventually settled in Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth . British policy with regard to South Africa would vacillate with successive governments , but the overarching imperative throughout the 19th century was to protect the strategic trade route to India while incurring as little expense as possible within the colony . This aim was complicated by border conflicts with the Boers , who soon developed a distaste for British authority . European exploration of the interior ( edit ) Colonel Robert Jacob Gordon of the Dutch East India Company was the first European to explore parts of the interior while commanding the Dutch garrison at the renamed Cape of Good Hope , from 1780 to 1795 . The four expeditions Gordon undertook between 1777 and 1786 are recorded in a series of several hundred drawings known collectively as the Gordon Atlas , as well as in his journals , which were only discovered in 1964 . Early relations between the European settlers and the Xhosa , the first Bantu peoples they met when they ventured inward , were peaceful . However , there was competition for land , and this tension led to skirmishes in the form of cattle raids from 1779 . The British explorers David Livingstone and William Oswell , setting out from a mission station in the northern Cape Colony , are believed to have been the first white men to cross the Kalahari desert in 1849 . The Royal Geographical Society later awarded Livingstone a gold medal for his discovery of Lake Ngami in the desert . Zulu militarism and expansionism ( edit ) Main articles : Zulu people and Difaqane This map illustrates the rise of the Zulu Empire under Shaka ( 1816 -- 1828 ) in present - day South Africa . The rise of the Zulu Empire under Shaka forced other chiefdoms and clans to flee across a wide area of southern Africa . Clans fleeing the Zulu war zone included the Soshangane , Zwangendaba , Ndebele , Hlubi , Ngwane , and the Mfengu . A number of clans were caught between the Zulu Empire and advancing Voortrekkers and British Empire such as the Xhosa . The Zulu people are part of the Nguni tribe and were originally a minor clan in what is today northern KwaZulu - Natal , founded ca . 1709 by Zulu kaNtombela . The 1820s saw a time of immense upheaval relating to the military expansion of the Zulu Kingdom , which replaced the original African clan system with kingdoms . Sotho - speakers know this period as the difaqane ( `` forced migration '' ) ; Zulu - speakers call it the mfecane ( `` crushing '' ) . Various theories have been advanced for the causes of the difaqane , ranging from ecological factors to competition in the ivory trade . Another theory attributes the epicentre of Zulu violence to the slave trade out of Delgoa Bay in Mozambique situated to the north of Zululand . According to this theory , Portuguese slavers had been driven southwards because of increased naval activity during the Napoleonic wars ; it was the rush of refugees away from the encroaching slavers that precipitated violent instability in the region . In 1818 , Nguni tribes in Zululand became a militaristic kingdom under the driving force of Shaka kaSenzangakhona , son of the chief of the Zulu clan . Shaka built large armies , breaking from clan tradition by placing the armies under the control of his own officers rather than of hereditary chiefs . He then set out on a massive programme of expansion , killing or enslaving those who resisted in the territories he conquered . His impis ( warrior regiments ) were rigorously disciplined : failure in battle meant death . Shaka Zulu in traditional Zulu military garb Peoples in the path of Shaka 's armies moved out of his way , becoming in their turn aggressors against their neighbours . This wave of displacement spread throughout southern Africa and beyond . It also accelerated the formation of several new nation - states , notably those of the Sotho ( present - day Lesotho ) and of the Swazi ( now Swaziland ) . In 1828 Shaka was killed by his half - brothers Dingaan and Umhlangana . The weaker and less - skilled Dingaan became king , relaxing military discipline while continuing the despotism . Dingaan also attempted to establish relations with the British traders on the Natal coast , but events had started to unfold that would see the demise of Zulu independence . Boer people and republics ( edit ) Main article : Boer Republics After 1806 , a number of Dutch - speaking inhabitants of the Cape Colony trekked inland , first in small groups . Eventually , in the 1830s , large numbers of Boers migrated in what came to be known as the Great Trek . Among the initial reasons for their leaving the Cape colony were the English language rule . Religion was a very important aspect of the settlers culture and the bible and church services were in Dutch . Similarly , schools , justice and trade up to the arrival of the British , were all managed in the Dutch language . The language law caused friction , distrust and dissatisfaction . An account of the first trekboers Another reason for Dutch - speaking white farmers trekking away from the Cape was the abolition of slavery by the British government on Emancipation Day , 1 December 1838 . The farmers complained they could not replace the labour of their slaves without losing an excessive amount of money . The farmers had invested large amounts of capital in slaves . Owners who had purchased slaves on credit or put them up as surety against loans faced financial ruin . Britain had allocated the sum of 1 200 000 British Pounds as compensation to the Dutch settlers , on condition the Dutch farmers had to lodge their claims in Britain as well as the fact that the value of the slaves was many times the allocated amount . This caused further dissatisfaction among the Dutch settlers . The settlers , incorrectly , believed that the Cape Colony administration had taken the money due to them as payment for freeing their slaves . Those settlers who were allocated money could only claim it in Britain in person or through an agent . The commission charged by agents was the same as the payment for one slave , thus those settlers only claiming for one slave would receive nothing . South African Republic ( edit ) Main article : South African Republic Flag of the South African Republic , often referred to as the Vierkleur ( meaning four - coloured ) The South African Republic ( Dutch : Zuid - Afrikaansche Republiek or ZAR , not to be confused with the much later Republic of South Africa ) , is often referred to as The Transvaal and sometimes as the Republic of Transvaal . It was an independent and internationally recognised nation - state in southern Africa from 1852 to 1902 . Independent sovereignty of the republic was formally recognised by Great Britain with the signing of the Sand River Convention on 17 January 1852 . The republic , under the premiership of Paul Kruger , defeated British forces in the First Boer War and remained independent until the end of the Second Boer War on 31 May 1902 , when it was forced to surrender to the British . The territory of the South African Republic became known after this war as the Transvaal Colony . Free State Republic ( edit ) Main article : Orange Free State Flag of the Republic of the Orange Free State The independent Boer republic of Orange Free State evolved from colonial Britain 's Orange River Sovereignty , enforced by the presence of British troops , which lasted from 1848 to 1854 in the territory between the Orange and Vaal rivers , named Transorange . Britain , due to the military burden imposed on it by the Crimean War in Europe , then withdrew its troops from the territory in 1854 , when the territory along with other areas in the region was claimed by the Boers as an independent Boer republic , which they named the Orange Free State . In March 1858 , after land disputes , cattle rustling and a series of raids and counter-raids , the Orange Free State declared war on the Basotho kingdom , which it failed to defeat . A succession of wars were conducted between the Boers and the Basotho for the next 10 years . The name Orange Free State was again changed to the Orange River Colony , created by Britain after the latter occupied it in 1900 and then annexed it in 1902 during the Second Boer War . The colony , with an estimated population of less than 400,000 in 1904 ceased to exist in 1910 , when it was absorbed into the Union of South Africa as the Orange Free State Province . Natalia ( edit ) Main article : Natalia Republic Natalia was a short - lived Boer republic established in 1839 by Boer voortrekkers emigrating from the Cape Colony . In 1824 a party of 25 men under British Lieutenant FG Farewell arrived from the Cape Colony and established a settlement on the northern shore of the Bay of Natal , which would later become the port of Durban , so named after Sir Benjamin d'Urban , a governor of the Cape Colony . Boer voortrekkers in 1838 established the Republic of Natalia in the surrounding region , with its capital at Pietermaritzburg . On the night of 23 / 24 May 1842 British colonial forces attacked the voortrekker camp at Congella . The attack failed , with British forces then retreating back to Durban , which the Boers besieged . A local trader Dick King and his servant Ndongeni , who later became folk heroes , were able to escape the blockade and ride to Grahamstown , a distance of 600 km ( 372.82 miles ) in 14 days to raise British reinforcements . The reinforcements arrived in Durban 20 days later ; the siege was broken and the voortrekkers retreated . The Boers accepted British annexation in 1844 . Many of the Natalia Boers who refused to acknowledge British rule trekked over the Drakensberg mountains to settle in the Orange Free State and Transvaal republics . The Cape Colony ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( April 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Main articles : Cape Colony and Parliament of the Cape of Good Hope Sir Harry Smith , British governor and high commissioner of the Cape Colony , 1847 -- 1852 Between 1847 and 1854 , Sir Harry Smith , governor and high commissioner of the Cape Colony , annexed territories far to the north of original British and Dutch settlement . Smith 's expansion of the Cape Colony resulted in conflict with disaffected Boers in the Orange River Sovereignty who in 1848 mounted an abortive rebellion at Boomplaats , where the Boers were defeated by a detachment of the Cape Mounted Rifles . Annexation also precipitated a war between British colonial forces and the indigenous Xhosa nation in 1850 , in the eastern coastal region . Starting from the mid-1800s , the Cape of Good Hope , which was then the largest state in southern Africa , began moving towards greater independence from Britain . In 1854 , it was granted its first locally elected legislature , the Cape Parliament . In 1872 , after a long political struggle , it attained responsible government with a locally accountable executive and Prime Minister . The Cape nonetheless remained nominally part of the British Empire , even though it was self - governing in practice . The Cape Colony was unusual in southern Africa in that its laws prohibited any discrimination on the basis of race and , unlike the Boer republics , elections were held according to the non-racial Cape Qualified Franchise system , whereby suffrage qualifications applied universally , regardless of race . Initially , a period of strong economic growth and social development ensued . However , an ill - informed British attempt to force the states of southern Africa into a British federation led to inter-ethnic tensions and the First Boer War . Meanwhile , the discovery of diamonds around Kimberley and gold in the Transvaal led to a later return to instability , particularly because they fueled the rise to power of the ambitious colonialist Cecil Rhodes . As Cape Prime Minister , Rhodes curtailed the multi-racial franchise , and his expansionist policies set the stage for the Second Boer War . Natal ( edit ) Main article : Colony of Natal By the end of 1847 , following annexation by Britain of the former Boer republic of Natalia , nearly all the Boers had left their former republic , which the British renamed Natal . The role of the Boer settlers was replaced by subsidised British immigrants of whom 5,000 arrived between 1849 and 1851 . Indian indentured labourers arriving in Durban for the first time Indian slaves from the Dutch colonies had been introduced into the Cape area of South Africa by the Dutch settlers in 1654 . By 1860 , with slavery having been abolished in 1834 , and after the annexation of Natal as a British colony in 1843 , the British colonialists in Natal ( now kwaZulu - Natal ) turned to India to resolve a labour shortage . Men of the local Zulu warrior nation were refusing to adopt the servile position of labourers . In that year , the SS Truro arrived in Durban harbour with over 300 Indians on board . Over the next 50 years , 150,000 more indentured Indian servants and labourers arrived , as well as numerous free `` passenger Indians '' , building the base for what would become the largest Indian community outside India . By 1893 , when the lawyer and social activist Mahatma Gandhi arrived in Durban , Indians outnumbered whites in Natal . The civil rights struggle of Gandhi 's Natal Indian Congress failed ; until the 1994 advent of democracy , Indians in South Africa were subject to most of the discriminatory laws that applied to all non-white inhabitants of the country . Griqua people ( edit ) Main article : Griqua people By the late 1700s , the Cape Colony population had grown to include a large number of mixed - race so - called `` coloureds '' who were the offspring of extensive miscegenation between white , male Dutch settlers , Khoikhoi females , and female slaves imported from Dutch colonies in the East . Members of this mixed - race community formed the core of what was to become the Griqua people . Under the leadership of a former slave named Adam Kok , these `` coloureds '' or Basters ( meaning Bastards ) as they were named by the Dutch , started trekking northward into the interior , through what is today named Northern Cape Province . The trek of the Griquas to escape the influence of the Cape Colony has been described as `` one of the great epics of the 19th century . '' They were joined on their long journey by a number of San and Khoikhoi aboriginals , local African tribesmen , and also some white renegades . Around 1800 , they started crossing the northern frontier formed by the Orange River , arriving ultimately in an uninhabited area , which they named Griqualand . In 1825 , a faction of the Griqua people was induced by Dr John Philip , superintendent of the London Missionary Society in Southern Africa , to relocate to a place called Philippolis , a mission station for the San , several hundred miles southeast of Griqualand . Philip 's intention was for the Griquas to protect the missionary station there against banditti in the region , and as a bulwark against the northward movement of white settlers from the Cape Colony . Friction between the Griquas and the settlers over land rights resulted in British troops being sent to the region in 1845 . It marked the beginning of nine years of British intervention in the affairs of the region , which the British named Transorange . Nicolaas Waterboer who ruled Griqualand from 1852 to 1896 In 1861 , to avoid the imminent prospect of either being colonised by the Cape Colony or coming into conflict with the expanding Boer Republic of Orange Free State , most of the Philippolis Griquas embarked on a further trek . They moved about 500 miles eastward , over the Quathlamba ( today known as the Drakensberg mountain range ) , settling ultimately in an area officially designated as `` Nomansland '' , which the Griquas renamed Griqualand East . East Griqualand was subsequently annexed by Britain in 1874 and incorporated into the Cape Colony in 1879 . The original Griqualand , north of the Orange River , was annexed by Britain 's Cape Colony and renamed Griqualand West after the discovery in 1871 of the world 's richest deposit of diamonds at Kimberley , so named after the British Colonial Secretary , Earl Kimberley . Although no formally surveyed boundaries existed , Griqua leader Nicolaas Waterboer claimed the diamond fields were situated on land belonging to the Griquas . The Boer republics of Transvaal and the Orange Free State also vied for ownership of the land , but Britain , being the preeminent force in the region , won control over the disputed territory . In 1878 , Waterboer led an unsuccessful rebellion against the colonial authorities , for which he was arrested and briefly exiled . Cape frontier wars ( edit ) In early South Africa , European notions of national boundaries and land ownership had no counterparts in African political culture . To the local African chieftains , customary tribute in the form of horses and cattle represented acceptance by the reigning chief of land use under his authority . To both the Boer and the British settlers , the same form of tribute was believed to constitute purchase and permanent ownership of the land under independent authority . As British and Boer settlers started establishing permanent farms after trekking across the country in search of prime agricultural land , they encountered resistance from the local Bantu people who had originally migrated southwards from central Africa hundreds of years earlier . The consequent frontier wars were officially referred to by the British colonial authorities as the `` Kaffir '' wars . It has been suggested by at least one historian that the early tribal societies of what is today South Africa were defeated not only by the superior weapons of the settlers , `` but also by their own backwardness and disunity . '' Too , the increasing economic involvement of the British in southern Africa from the 1820s , and especially following the discovery of first diamonds at Kimberley and gold in the Transvaal , resulted in pressure for land and African labour , and led to increasingly tense relations with African states . Wars against the Xhosa ( edit ) In the southeastern part of the country , the Boers and the Xhosa clashed along the Great Fish River , and in 1779 the first of nine frontier wars erupted . For nearly 100 years subsequently , the Xhosa fought the settlers sporadically , first the Boers or Afrikaners and later the British . In the Fourth Frontier War , which lasted from 1811 to 1812 , the British forced the Xhosa back across the Great Fish River and established forts along this boundary . Map of South Africa showing the primary Xhosa language area in green In 1818 differences between two Xhosa leaders , Ndlambe and Ngqika , ended in Ngqika 's defeat , but the British continued to recognise Ngqika as the paramount chief . He appealed to the British for help against Ndlambe , who retaliated in 1819 during the Fifth Frontier War by attacking the British colonial town of Grahamstown . The Xhosa prophet Nxele emerged at this time and led the Xhosa armies in several attacks . He was subsequently captured and imprisoned on Robben Island . After this war the British attempted unsuccessfully to declare the area between the Great Fish and the Keiskamma rivers neutral territory . More fighting took place , until eventually all Xhosa territories were incorporated into the Cape Colony . Wars against the Zulu ( edit ) King Cetshwayo photograph ( ca. 1875 ) In the eastern part of what is today South Africa , in the region named Natalia by the Boer trekkers , the latter negotiated an agreement with Zulu King Dingane kaSenzangakhona allowing the Boers to settle in part of the then Zulu kingdom . Cattle rustling ensued and a party of Boers under the leadership of Piet Retief was massacred . The Boers retaliated at the Ncome River on 16 December 1838 , when they killed about three thousand Zulu warriors in a clash known historically as the Battle of Blood River . In the later annexation of the Zulu kingdom by imperial Britain , an Anglo - Zulu War was fought in 1879 . Following Lord Carnarvon 's successful introduction of federation in Canada , it was thought that similar political effort , coupled with military campaigns , might succeed with the African kingdoms , tribal areas and Boer republics in South Africa . In 1874 , Sir Henry Bartle Frere was sent to South Africa as High Commissioner for the British Empire to bring such plans into being . Among the obstacles were the presence of the independent states of the South African Republic and the Kingdom of Zululand and its army . Frere , on his own initiative , without the approval of the British government and with the intent of instigating a war with the Zulu , had presented an ultimatum on 11 December 1878 , to the Zulu king Cetshwayo with which the Zulu king could not comply . Bartle Frere then sent Lord Chelmsford to invade Zululand . The war is notable for several particularly bloody battles , including an overwhelming victory by the Zulu at the Battle of Isandlwana , as well as for being a landmark in the timeline of imperialism in the region . Britain 's eventual defeat of the Zulus , marking the end of the Zulu nation 's independence , was accomplished with the assistance of Zulu collaborators who harboured cultural and political resentments against centralised Zulu authority . The British then set about establishing large sugar plantations in the area today named KwaZulu - Natal Province . Wars with the Basotho ( edit ) From the 1830s onwards , numbers of white settlers from the Cape Colony crossed the Orange River and started arriving in the fertile southern part of territory known as the Lower Caledon Valley , which was occupied by Basotho cattle herders under the authority of the Basotho founding monarch Moshoeshoe I. In 1845 , a treaty was signed between the British colonialists and Moshoeshoe , which recognised white settlement in the area . No firm boundaries were drawn between the area of white settlement and Moshoeshoe 's kingdom , which led to border clashes . Moshoeshoe was under the impression he was loaning grazing land to the settlers in accordance with African precepts of occupation rather than ownership , while the settlers believed they had been granted permanent land rights . Afrikaner settlers in particular were loathe to live under Moshoesoe 's authority and among Africans . The British , who at that time controlled the area between the Orange and Vaal Rivers called the Orange River Sovereignty , decided a discernible boundary was necessary and proclaimed a line named the Warden Line , dividing the area between British and Basotho territories . This led to conflict between the Basotho and the British , who were defeated by Moshoeshoe 's warriors at the battle of Viervoet in 1851 . King Moshoeshoe with his advisors As punishment to the Basotho , the governor and commander - in - chief of the Cape Colony , Sir George Cathcart , deployed troops to the Mohokare River ; Moshoeshoe was ordered to pay a fine . When he did not pay the fine in full , a battle broke out on the Berea Plateau in 1852 , where the British suffered heavy losses . In 1854 , the British handed over the territory to the Boers through the signing of the Sand River Convention . This territory and others in the region then became the Republic of the Orange Free State . A succession of wars followed from 1858 to 1868 between the Basotho kingdom and the Boer republic of Orange Free State . In the battles that followed , the Orange Free State tried unsuccessfully to capture Moshoeshoe 's mountain stronghold at Thaba Bosiu , while the Sotho conducted raids in Free State territories . Both sides adopted scorched - earth tactics , with large swathes of pasturage and cropland being destroyed . Faced with starvation , Moshoeshoe signed a peace treaty on 15 October 1858 , though crucial boundary issues remained unresolved . War broke out again in 1865 . After an unsuccessful appeal for aid from the British Empire , Moshoeshoe signed the 1866 treaty of Thaba Bosiu , with the Basotho ceding substantial territory to the Orange Free State . On 12 March 1868 , the British parliament declared the Basotho Kingdom a British protectorate and part of the British Empire . Open hostilities ceased between the Orange Free State and the Basotho . The country was subsequently named Basutoland and is presently named Lesotho . Wars with the Ndebele ( edit ) Boer voortrekkers depicted in an early artist 's rendition In 1836 , when Boer voortrekkers ( meaning advance trekkers ) arrived in the northwestern part of present - day South Africa , they came into conflict with a Ndebele sub-group that the settlers named `` Matabele '' , under chief Mzilikazi . A series of battles ensued , in which Mzilikazi was eventually defeated . He withdrew from the area and led his people northwards to what would later become the Matabele region of Southern Rhodesia ( now Zimbabwe ) . Other members of the Ndebele ethnic language group in different areas of the region similarly came into conflict with the Voortrekkers , notably in the area that would later become the Northern Transvaal . In September 1854 , 28 Boers accused of cattle rustling were killed in three separate incidents by an alliance of the Ndebele chiefdoms of Mokopane and Mankopane . Mokopane and his followers , anticipating retaliation by the settlers , retreated into the mountain caves known as Gwasa , ( or Makapansgat in Afrikaans ) . In late October , Boer commandos supported by local Kgatla tribal collaborators laid siege to the caves . By the end of the siege , about three weeks later , Mokopane and between 1,000 and 3,000 people had died in the caves . The survivors were captured and allegedly enslaved . Wars with the Bapedi ( edit ) The Bapedi wars , also known as the Sekukuni wars , consisted of three separate campaigns fought between 1876 and 1879 against the Bapedi under their reigning monarch King Sekukuni , in the northeastern region known as Sekukuniland , bordering on Swaziland . The wars were an outcome of constant friction between the Bapedi and the Boers , who claimed that Bapedi carrying arms were continually stealing livestock , whilst the Bapedi claimed that neighbouring Boer settlers stole children to be forced into farm labour . Further friction was caused by the refusal of Sekukuni to allow prospectors to search for gold in territory he considered to be sovereign and independent under his authority . The First Sekukuni War of 1876 was conducted by the Boers , and the two separate campaigns of the Second Sekukuni War of 1878 / 1879 were conducted by the British . During the final campaign , Sekukuni ( also spelled Sekhukhune ) and members of his entourage took refuge in a mountain cave where he was cut off from food and water . He eventually surrendered to a combined deputation of Boer and British forces on December 2 , 1879 . Sekukuni , members of his family and some Bapedi generals were subsequently imprisoned in Pretoria for two years , with Sekukuniland becoming part of the Transvaal Republic . No gold was ever discovered in the annexed territory . Discovery of diamonds ( edit ) Cecil John Rhodes , co-founder of De Beers Consolidated Mines at Kimberley The first diamond discoveries between 1866 and 1867 were alluvial , on the southern banks of the Orange River . By 1869 , diamonds were found at some distance from any stream or river , in hard rock called blue ground , later called kimberlite , after the mining town of Kimberley where the diamond diggings were concentrated . The diggings were located in an area of vague boundaries and disputed land ownership . Claimants to the site included the South African ( Transvaal ) Republic , the Orange Free State Republic , and the mixed - race Griqua nation under Nicolaas Waterboer . Cape Colony Governor Sir Henry Barkly persuaded all claimants to submit themselves to a decision of an arbitrator and so Robert W Keate , Lieutenant - Governor of Natal was asked to arbitrate . Keate awarded ownership to the Griquas . Waterboer , fearing conflict with the Boer republic of Orange Free State , subsequently asked for and received British protection . Griqualand then became a separate Crown Colony renamed Griqualand West in 1871 , with a Lieutenant - General and legislative council . The Crown Colony of Griqualand West was annexed into the Cape Colony in 1877 , enacted into law in 1880 . No material benefits accrued to the Griquas as a result of either colonisation or annexation ; they did not receive any share of the diamond wealth generated at Kimberley . The Griqua community became subsequently dissimulated . By the 1870s and 1880s the mines at Kimberley were producing 95 % of the world 's diamonds . The widening search for gold and other resources were financed by the wealth produced and the practical experience gained at Kimberley . Revenue accruing to the Cape Colony from the Kimberley diamond diggings enabled the Cape Colony to be granted responsible government status in 1872 , since it was no longer dependent on the British Treasury and hence allowing it to be fully self - governing in similar fashion to the federation of Canada , New Zealand and some of the Australian states . The wealth derived from Kimberley diamond mining , having effectively tripled the customs revenue of the Cape Colony from 1871 to 1875 , also doubled its population , and allowed it to expand its boundaries and railways to the north . In 1888 , British imperialist Cecil John Rhodes co-founded De Beers Consolidated Mines at Kimberley , after buying up and amalgamating the individual claims with finance provided by the Rothschild dynasty . Abundant , cheap African labour was central to the success of Kimberley diamond mining , as it would later also be to the success of gold mining on the Witwatersrand . It has been suggested in some academic circles that the wealth produced at Kimberley was a significant factor influencing the Scramble for Africa , in which European powers had by 1902 competed with each other in drawing arbitrary boundaries across almost the entire continent and dividing it among themselves . Discovery of gold ( edit ) Main article : Witwatersrand Gold Rush Johannesburg before gold mining transformed it into a bustling modern city Although many tales abound , there is no conclusive evidence as to who first discovered gold or the manner in which it was originally discovered in the late 19th Century on the Witwatersrand ( meaning White Waters Ridge ) of the Transvaal . The discovery of gold in February 1886 at a farm called Langlaagte on the Witwatersrand in particular precipitated a gold rush by prospectors and fortune seekers from all over the world . Except in rare outcrops , however , the main gold deposits had over many years become covered gradually by thousands of feet of hard rock . Finding and extracting the deposits far below the ground called for the capital and engineering skills that would soon result in the deep - level mines of the Witwatersrand producing a quarter of the world 's gold , with the `` instant city '' of Johannesburg arising astride the main Witwatersrand gold reef . Within two years of gold being discovered on the Witwatersrand , four mining finance houses had been established . The first was formed by Hermann Eckstein in 1887 , eventually becoming Rand Mines . Cecil Rhodes and Charles Rudd followed , with their Gold Fields of South Africa company . Rhodes and Rudd had earlier made fortunes from diamond mining at Kimberley . In 1895 there was an investment boom in Witwatersrand gold - mining shares . The precious metal that underpinned international trade would dominate South African exports for decades to come . Of the leading 25 foreign industrialists who were instrumental in opening up deep level mining operations at the Witwatersrand gold fields , 15 were Jewish , 11 of the total were from Germany or Austria , and nine of that latter category were also Jewish . The commercial opportunities opened by the discovery of gold attracted many other people of European Jewish origin . The Jewish population of South Africa in 1880 numbered approximately 4,000 ; by 1914 it had grown to more than 40,000 , mostly migrants from Lithuania . The working environment of the mines , meanwhile , as one historian has described it , was `` dangerous , brutal and onerous '' , and therefor unpopular among local black Africans . Recruitment of black labour began to prove difficult , even with an offer of improved wages . In mid-1903 there remained barely half of the 90,000 black labourers who had been employed in the industry in mid-1899 . The decision was made to start importing Chinese indentured labourers who were prepared to work for far less wages than local African labourers . The first 1,000 indentured Chinese labourers arrived in June 1904 . By January 1907 , 53,000 Chinese labourers were working in the gold mines . The first Anglo - Boer War ( edit ) Main article : First Boer War This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( May 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Regional geography during the period of the Anglo - Boer wars ; the South African Republic / Transvaal ( green ) , with the Orange Free State ( orange ) , the British Cape Colony ( blue ) , and Natalia Republic ( red ) The Transvaal Boer republic was forcefully annexed by Britain in 1877 , during Britain 's attempt to consolidate the states of southern Africa under British rule . Long - standing Boer resentment turned into full - blown rebellion in the Transvaal and the first Anglo - Boer War , also known as the Boer Insurrection , broke out in 1880 . The conflict ended almost as soon as it began with a decisive Boer victory at Battle of Majuba Hill ( 27 February 1881 ) . The republic regained its independence as the Zuid - Afrikaansche Republiek ( `` South African Republic '' ) , or ZAR . Paul Kruger , one of the leaders of the uprising , became President of the ZAR in 1883 . Meanwhile , the British , who viewed their defeat at Majuba as an aberration , forged ahead with their desire to federate the Southern African colonies and republics . They saw this as the best way to come to terms with the fact of a white Afrikaner majority , as well as to promote their larger strategic interests in the area . The cause of the Anglo - Boer wars has been attributed to a contest over which nation would control and benefit most from the Witwatersrand gold mines . The enormous wealth of the mines was in the hands of European `` Randlords '' overseeing the mainly British foreign managers , mining foremen , engineers and technical specialists , characterised by the Boers as uitlander , meaning aliens . The `` aliens '' objected to being denied parliamentary representation and the right to vote , and they complained also of bureaucratic government delays in the issuing of licenses and permits , and general administrative incompetence on the part of the government . In 1895 , a column of mercenaries in the employ of Cecil John Rhodes ' Rhodesian - based Charter Company and led by Captain Leander Starr Jameson had entered the ZAR with the intention of sparking an uprising on the Witwatersrand and installing a British administration there . The armed incursion became known as the Jameson Raid . It ended when the invading column was ambushed and captured by Boer commandos . President Kruger suspected the insurgency had received at least the tacit approval of the Cape Colony government under the premiership of Cecil John Rhodes , and that Kruger 's South African Republic faced imminent danger . Kruger reacted by forming an alliance with the neighbouring Boer republic of Orange Free State . This did not prevent the outbreak of a Second Anglo - Boer war . The Second Anglo - Boer War ( edit ) Main article : Second Boer War Emily Hobhouse campaigned against the appalling conditions of the British concentrations in South Africa , thus influencing British public opinion against the war . Renewed tensions between Britain and the Boers peaked in 1899 when the British demanded voting rights for the 60,000 foreign whites on the Witwatersrand . Until that point , President Paul Kruger 's government had excluded all foreigners from the franchise . Kruger rejected the British demand and called for the withdrawal of British troops from the borders of the South African Republic . When the British refused , Kruger declared war . This Second Anglo - Boer War , also known as the South African War lasted longer than the first , with British troops being supplemented by colonial troops from Southern Rhodesia , Canada , India , Australia and New Zealand . It has been estimated that the total number of British and colonial troops deployed in South Africa during the war outnumbered the population of the two Boer Republics by more than 150,000 . By June 1900 , Pretoria , the last of the major Boer towns , had surrendered . Yet resistance by Boer bittereinders ( meaning those who would fight to the bitter end ) continued for two more years with guerrilla warfare , which the British met in turn with scorched earth tactics . The Boers kept on fighting . The British suffragette Emily Hobhouse visited British concentration camps in South Africa and produced a report condemning the appalling conditions there . By 1902 , 26,000 Boer women and children had died of disease and neglect in the camps . The Anglo - Boer War affected all race groups in South Africa . Black people were conscripted or otherwise coerced by both sides into working for them either as combatants or non-combatants to sustain the respective war efforts of both the Boers and the British . The official statistics of blacks killed in action are inaccurate . Most of the bodies were dumped in unmarked graves . It has , however , been verified that 17,182 black people died mainly of diseases in the Cape concentration camps alone , but this figure is not accepted historically as a true reflection of the overall numbers . Concentration camp superintendents did not always record the deaths of black inmates in the camps . From the outset of hostilities in October 1899 to the signing of peace on 31 May 1902 the war claimed the lives of 22,000 imperial soldiers and 7,000 republican fighters . In terms of the peace agreement known as the Treaty of Vereeniging , the Boer republics acknowledged British sovereignty , while the British in turn committed themselves to reconstruction of the areas under their control . Union of South Africa ( 1910 - 1948 ) ( edit ) Main article : History of South Africa ( 1910 -- 48 ) Main article : Union of South Africa This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( April 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Union Buildings , government administrative centre , Pretoria , circa 1925 During the years immediately following the Anglo - Boer wars , Britain set about unifying the four colonies including the former Boer republics into a single self - governed country called the Union of South Africa . This was accomplished after several years of negotiations , when the South Africa Act 1909 consolidated the Cape Colony , Natal , Transvaal , and Orange Free State into one nation . Under the provisions of the act , the Union became an independent Dominion of the British Empire , governed under a form of constitutional monarchy , with the British monarch represented by a Governor - General . Prosecutions before the courts of the Union of South Africa were instituted in the name of the Crown and government officials served in the name of the Crown . The British High Commission territories of Basutoland ( now Lesotho ) , and Bechuanaland ( now Botswana ) , Swaziland continued under direct rule from Britain . Among other harsh segregationist laws , including denial of voting rights to black people , the Union parliament enacted the 1913 Natives ' Land Act , which earmarked only eight percent of South Africa 's available land for black occupancy . White people , who constituted 20 percent of the population , held 90 percent of the land . The Land Act would form a cornerstone of legalised racial discrimination for the next nine decades . Daniel François Malan , National Party leader from 1934 -- 1953 General Louis Botha headed the first government of the new Union , with General Jan Smuts as his deputy . Their South African National Party , later known as the South African Party or SAP , followed a generally pro-British , white - unity line . The more radical Boers split away under the leadership of General Barry Hertzog , forming the National Party ( NP ) in 1914 . The National Party championed Afrikaner interests , advocating separate development for the two white groups , and independence from Britain . Dissatisfaction with British influence in the Union 's affairs reached a climax in September 1914 , when impoverished Boers , anti-British Boers and bitter - enders launched a rebellion . The rebellion was suppressed , and at least one officer was sentenced to death and executed by firing squad . In 1924 the Afrikaner - dominated National Party came to power in a coalition government with the Labour Party . Afrikaans , previously regarded as a low - level Dutch patois , replaced Dutch as an official language of the Union . English and Dutch became the two official languages in 1925 . The Union of South Africa came to an end after a referendum on 5 October 1960 , during which , a majority of white South Africans voted in favour of unilateral withdrawal from the British Commonwealth and the establishment of a Republic of South Africa . First World War ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( April 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Main articles : Jan Smuts and Military history of South Africa The British Empire is red on the map , at its zenith in 1919 . ( India highlighted in purple . ) South Africa , bottom centre , lies between both halves of the Empire . At the outbreak of World War I , South Africa joined Great Britain and the Allies against the German Empire . Both Prime Minister Louis Botha and Defence Minister Jan Smuts , were former Second Boer War generals who had previously fought against the British , but they now became active and respected members of the Imperial War Cabinet . Elements of the South African Army refused to fight against the Germans and along with other opponents of the government ; they rose in an open revolt known as the Maritz Rebellion . The government declared martial law on 14 October 1914 , and forces loyal to the government under the command of generals Louis Botha and Jan Smuts defeated the rebellion . The rebel leaders were prosecuted , fined heavily and sentenced to imprisonment ranging from six to seven years . Nearly 250,000 South Africans served in the South African military units supporting the Allies during World War I . This included 43,000 in German South West Africa and 30,000 on the Western Front . An estimated 3,000 South Africans also joined the Royal Flying Corps . The total South African casualties during the war was about 18,600 . South Africa assisted the Allied war effort by capturing the two German colonies of German West Africa and German East Africa , as well as participating in battles in Western Europe and the Middle East . In July 1916 , four battalions of the South African Brigade attached to the 9th Scottish Division suffered 766 fatalities among the approximately 3,150 South African soldiers who fought in the Battle of Delville Wood , France , . It was the most costly action fought by the South African Brigade on the Western Front . The dead outnumbered the wounded by four to one . Generals Smuts ( right ) and Botha were members of the British Imperial War Cabinet during World War I . Public opinion in South Africa split along racial and ethnic lines . The British elements strongly supported the war , and formed by far the largest military component . Likewise the Indian element ( led by Mahatma Gandhi ) generally supported the war effort . Afrikaners were split , with some like Botha and Smuts taking a prominent leadership role in the British war effort . This position was rejected by many rural Afrikaners who supported the Maritz Rebellion . The trade union movement was divided . Many urban blacks supported the war expecting it would raise their status in society . Others said it was not relevant to the struggle for their rights . The Coloured element was generally supportive and many served in a Coloured Corps in East Africa and France , also hoping to better themselves after the war . 25,000 Black South Africans were recruited at the request of the British War Cabinet to serve as non-combatant labourers in the South African Native Labour Contingent ( SANLC ) . 21,000 of them were deployed to France as stevedores at French ports , where they were housed in segregated compounds . A total of 616 men from the Fifth Battalion of the SANLC drowned on 21 February 1917 when the troopship SS Mendi , on which they were being transported to France , collided with another vessel near the Isle of Wight . The Mendi disaster was one of South Africa 's worst tragedies of the Great War , second perhaps only to the Battle of Delville Wood . The South African government issued no war service medal to the black servicemen and the special medal issued by King George V to `` native troops '' that served the Empire , the British War Medal in bronze , was disallowed and not issued to the SANLC . Black and mixed - race South Africans who had supported the war were embittered when post-war South Africa saw no easing of white domination and racial segregation . South Africa 's main economic role was as the country that supplied two - thirds of gold production in the British Empire , most of the remainder coming from Australia . When the war began , Bank of England officials worked with the government of South Africa to block any gold shipments to Germany , and force the mine owners to sell only to the British Treasury , at prices set by the Treasury . This facilitated purchases of munitions and food in the United States and neutral countries . Second World War ( edit ) Simon 's Town harbour and naval base in South Africa was used by the Allies during World War II . During World War II , South Africa 's ports and harbours , such as at Cape Town , Durban , and Simon 's Town , were important strategic assets to the British Royal Navy . South Africa 's top - secret Special Signals Service played a significant role in the early development and deployment of radio detection and ranging ( radar ) technology used in protecting the vital coastal shipping route around southern Africa . By August 1945 , South African Air Force aircraft in conjunction with British and Dutch aircraft stationed in South Africa had intercepted 17 enemy ships , assisted in the rescue of 437 survivors of sunken ships , attacked 26 of the 36 enemy submarines operating the vicinity of the South African coast , and flown 15,000 coastal patrol sorties . About 334,000 South Africans volunteered for full - time military service in support of the Allies abroad . Nearly 9,000 were killed in action . On 21 June 1942 nearly 10,000 South African soldiers , representing one - third of the entire South African force in the field , were taken prisoner by German Field Marshal Rommel 's forces in the fall of Tobruk , Libya . A number of South African fighter pilots served with distinction in the Royal Air Force during the Battle of Britain , including Group Captain Adolph `` Sailor '' Malan who led 74 Squadron and established a record of personally destroying 27 enemy aircraft . General Jan Smuts was the only important non-British general whose advice was constantly sought by Britain 's war - time Prime Minister Winston Churchill . Smuts was invited to the Imperial War Cabinet in 1939 as the most senior South African in favour of war . On 28 May 1941 , Smuts was appointed a Field Marshal of the British Army , becoming the first South African to hold that rank . When the war ended , Smuts represented South Africa in San Francisco at the drafting of the United Nations Charter in May 1945 . Just as he had done in 1919 , Smuts urged the delegates to create a powerful international body to preserve peace ; he was determined that , unlike the League of Nations , the UN would have teeth . Smuts also signed the Paris Peace Treaty , resolving the peace in Europe , thus becoming the only signatory of both the treaty ending the First World War , and that which ended the Second . Pro-German and pro-Nazi attitudes ( edit ) After the suppression of the abortive , pro-German Maritz Rebellion during the South African World War I campaign against German South West Africa in 1914 , the South African rebel General Manie Maritz escaped to Spain . He returned in 1923 , and continued working in the Union of South Africa as a German Spy for the Third Reich . In 1896 , the German Kaiser Kaiser Wilhelm had enraged Britain by sending congratulations to Boer republican leader Paul Kruger after Kruger 's commandos captured a column of British South Africa Company soldiers engaged in an armed incursion and abortive insurrection , known historically as the Jameson Raid , into Boer territory . Germany was the primary supplier of weapons to the Boers during the subsequent Anglo - Boer war . Kaiser Wilhelm 's government arranged for the two Boer Republics to purchase modern breech - loading Mauser rifles and millions of smokeless gunpowder cartridges . Germany 's Ludwig Loewe company , later known as Deutsche Waffen - und Munitionfabriken , delivered 55,000 of these rifles to the Boers in 1896 . The early - 1940s saw the pro-Nazi Ossewa Brandwag ( OB ) movement become half - a-million strong , including future prime minister John Vorster and Hendrik van den Bergh , the future head of police intelligence . The anti-semitic Boerenasie ( Boer Nation ) and other similar groups soon joined them . When the war ended , the OB was one of the anti-parliamentary groups absorbed into the National Party . The South African Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging or AWB ( meaning Afrikaner Resistance Movement ) , a militant neo-Nazi , mainly Afrikaner white supremacist movement that arose in the 1970s , and was active until the mid-1990s , openly used a flag that closely resembled the swastika . In the early to mid-1990s , the AWB attempted unsuccessfully through various acts of public violence and intimidation to derail the country 's transition to democracy . After the country 's first multiracial democratic elections in 1994 , a number of terrorist bomb blasts were linked to the AWB . On 11 March 1994 , several hundred AWB members formed part of an armed right - wing force that invaded the nominally independent `` homeland '' territory of Bophuthatswana , in a failed attempt to prop up its unpopular , conservative leader Chief Lucas Mangope . The AWB leader Eugène Terre'Blanche was murdered by farm workers on 3 April 2010 . A majority of politically moderate Afrikaners were pragmatic and did not support the AWB 's extremism . Apartheid era ( 1948 - 1994 ) ( edit ) Main article : Apartheid in South Africa Apartheid legislation ( edit ) `` For use by white persons '' -- sign from the apartheid era Racist legislation during the apartheid era was a continuation and extension of discriminatory and segregationist laws forming a continuum that had commenced in 1856 , under Dutch rule in the Cape and continued throughout the country under British colonialism . From 1948 , successive National Party administrations formalised and extended the existing system of racial discrimination and denial of human rights into the legal system of apartheid , which lasted until 1991 . A key act of legislation during this time was the Homeland Citizens Act of 1970 . This act augmented the Native Land Act of 1913 through the establishment of so - called `` homelands '' or `` reserves '' . It authorised the forced evictions of thousands of African people from urban centres in South Africa and South West Africa ( now Namibia ) to what became described colloquially as `` Bantustans '' or the `` original homes '' , as they were officially referred to , of the black tribes of South Africa . The same legislation applied also to South West Africa over which South Africa had continued after World War I to exercise a disputed League of Nations mandate . Apartheid apologists attempted to justify the `` homelands '' policy by citing the 1947 partition of India , when the British had done much the same thing without arousing international condemnation . Map of the black homelands in South Africa at the end of apartheid in 1994 Although many important events occurred during this period , apartheid remained the central pivot around which most of the historical issues of this period revolved , including violent conflict and the militarisation of South African society . By 1987 , total military expenditure amounted to about 28 % of the national budget . In the aftermath of the 1976 Soweto uprising and the security clampdown that accompanied it , Joint Management Centres ( JMCs ) operating in at least 34 State - designated `` high - risk '' areas became the key element in a National Security Management System . The police and military who controlled the JMCs by the mid-1980s were endowed with influence in decision - making at every level , from the Cabinet down to local government . UN embargo ( edit ) On 16 December 1966 , United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2202 A ( XXI ) identified apartheid as a `` crime against humanity '' . The Apartheid Convention , as it came to be known , was adopted by the General Assembly on 30 November 1973 with 91 member states voting in favour , four against ( Portugal , South Africa , the United Kingdom and the United States ) and 26 abstentions . The convention came into force on 18 July 1976 . On 23 October 1984 the UN Security Council endorsed this formal determination . The convention declared that apartheid was both unlawful and criminal because it violated the Charter of the United Nations . The General Assembly had already suspended South Africa from the UN organisation on 12 November 1974 . On 4 November 1977 , the Security Council imposed a mandatory arms embargo in terms of Resolution 181 calling upon all States to cease the sale and shipment of arms , ammunition and military vehicles to South Africa . The country would only be readmitted to the UN in 1994 following its transition to democracy . Apartheid South Africa reacted to the UN arms embargo by strengthening its military ties with Israel , and establishing its own arms manufacturing industry : with the help of Israel . Four hundred M - 113A1 armoured personnel carriers , and 106mm recoilless rifles manufactured in the United States were delivered to South Africa via Israel . Extrajudicial killings ( edit ) In the mid-1980s , police and army death squads conducted state - sponsored assassinations of dissidents and activists . By mid-1987 the Human Rights Commission knew of at least 140 political assassinations in the country , while about 200 people died at the hands of South African agents in neighbouring states . The exact numbers of all the victims may never be known . Strict censorship disallowed journalists from reporting , filming or photographing such incidents , while the government ran its own covert disinformation programme that provided distorted accounts of the extrajudicial killings . At the same time , State - sponsored vigilante groups carried out violent attacks on communities and community leaders associated with resistance to apartheid . The attacks were then falsely attributed by the government to `` black - on - black '' or factional violence within the communities . The Truth and Reconciliation Commission ( TRC ) would later establish that a covert , informal network of former or still serving army and police operatives , frequently acting in conjunction with extreme right - wing elements , was involved in actions that could be construed as fomenting violence and which resulted in gross human rights violations , including random and targeted killings . Between 1960 - 1994 , according to statistics from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission , the Inkatha Freedom Party was responsible for 4,500 deaths , South African Police 2,700 , and the ANC about 1,300 . In early 2002 , a planned military coup by a white supremacist movement known as the Boeremag ( Boer Force ) was foiled by the South African police . Two dozen conspirators including senior South African Army officers were arrested on charges of treason and murder , after a bomb explosion in Soweto . The effectiveness of the police in foiling the planned coup strengthened public perceptions that the democratic order was irreversible . The TRC , at the conclusion of its mandate in 2004 , handed over a list of 300 names of alleged perpetrators to the National Prosecuting Authority ( NPA ) for investigation and prosecution by the NPA 's Priority Crimes Litigation Unit . Less than a handful of prosecutions were ever pursued . Military operations in Frontline states ( edit ) See also : South African Border War and Angolan Civil War South African security forces during the latter part of the apartheid era , had a policy of destabilising neighbouring states supporting opposition movements , conducting sabotage operations and attacking ANC bases and places of refuge for exiles in those states . These states , forming a regional alliance of southern African states , were named collectively as the Frontline States : Angola , Botswana , Lesotho , Mozambique , Swaziland , Tanzania , Zambia and , from 1980 , Zimbabwe . South African troops in Angola In early - November 1975 , immediately after Portugal granted independence to its former African colony of Angola , civil war broke out between the rival UNITA and MPLA movements . In order to prevent UNITA 's collapse and cement the rule of a friendly government , South Africa intervened on 23 October , sending between 1,500 and 2,000 troops from Namibia into southern Angola in order to fight the MPLA . In response to the South African intervention , Cuba sent 18,000 soldiers as part of a large - scale military intervention nicknamed Operation Carlota in support of the MPLA . Cuba had initially provided the MPLA with 230 military advisers prior to the South African intervention . The Cuban intervention was decisive in helping reverse SADF and UNITA advances and cement MPLA rule in Angola . More than a decade later 36,000 Cuban troops were deployed throughout the country helping providing support for MPLA 's fight with UNITA . The civil war in Angola resulted in 550,000 - 1,250,000 deaths in total mostly from famine . Most of the deaths occurred between 1992 and 1993 , after South African and Cuban involvement had ended . Direct war damage in Angola alone amounted to over $17,000,000,000 in the period 1980 - 88 . Loss of farm production amounted to a further $1,000,000,000 . Between 1975 and 1988 , the SADF continued to stage massive conventional raids into Angola and Zambia to eliminate PLAN 's forward operating bases across the border from Namibia as well as provide support for UNITA . A controversial bombing and airborne assault conducted by 200 South African paratroopers on 4 May 1978 at Cassinga in southern Angola , resulted in around 700 South West Africans being killed , including PLAN millitants and a large number of women and children . Colonel Jan Breytenbach , the South African parachute battalion commander , claimed it was `` recognised in Western military circles as the most successful airborne assault since World War II . '' The Angolan government described the target of the attack as a refugee camp . The United Nations Security Council on 6 May 1978 condemned South Africa for the attack . On 23 August 1981 South African troops again launched an incursion into Angola with collaboration and encouragement provided by the American Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) . The Angolan army , in resisting what it perceived as a South African invasion , was supported by a combination of Cuban forces and PLAN and ANC guerrillas , all armed with weapons supplied by the Soviet Union . The apartheid - era South African military and political intelligence services , for their part , worked closely with American , British and West German secret services throughout the Cold War . Both South Africa and Cuba claimed victory at the decisive battle of Cuito Cuanavale , which have been described as `` the fiercest in Africa since World War II '' . However , the South African military had lost air superiority and its technological advantage , largely due to an international arms embargo against the country . South African involvement in Angola ended formally after the signing of a United Nations - brokered agreement known as the New York Accords between the governments of Angola , Cuba and South Africa , resulting in the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Angola and also South Africa 's withdrawal from South West Africa ( now Namibia ) , which the UN regarded as illegally occupied since 1966 . South Africa in the 1980s also provided logistical and other covert support to Resistência Nacional Moçambicana ( RENAMO ) rebels , in neighbouring Mozambique fighting the FRELIMO - run government during the Mozambique Civil War , and it launched cross-border raids into Lesotho , Swaziland and Botswana , killing or capturing a number of South African exiles . The civil war in Mozambique resulted in an estimated 1,000,000 deaths from violence and famine . Resistance to apartheid ( edit ) Painting of the Sharpeville massacre of March 1960 Organised resistance to Afrikaner nationalism was not confined exclusively to activists of the oppressed , dark - skinned population . A movement known as the Torch Commando was formed in the 1950s , led by white war veterans who had fought fascism in Europe and North Africa during World War II , only to find fascism on the rise in South Africa when they returned home . With 250,000 paid - up members at the height of its existence , it was the largest white protest movement in the country 's history . By 1952 , the brief flame of mass - based white radicalism was extinguished , when the Torch Commando disbanded due to government legislation under the Suppression of Communism Act , 1950 . Some members of the Torch Commando subsequently became leading figures in the armed wing of the banned African National Congress . From the 1940s to the 1960s , anti-apartheid resistance within the country took the form mainly of passive resistance , influenced in part by the pacifist ideology of Mahatma Gandhi . After the March 1960 massacre of 69 peaceful demonstrators at Sharpeville , and the subsequent declaration of a state of emergency , and the banning of anti-apartheid parties including the African National Congress ( ANC ) , the Pan-Africanist Congress ( PAC ) , and the Communist Party of South Africa , the focus of national resistance turned to armed struggle and underground activity . The armed wing of the ANC , Umkhonto weSizwe ( abbreviation MK , meaning Spear of the Nation ) claimed moral legitimacy for the resort to violence on the grounds of necessary defence and just war . From the 1960s onwards until 1989 , MK carried out numerous acts of sabotage and attacks on military and police personnel . The Truth and Reconciliation Commission noted in 2003 that , despite the ANC 's stated policy of attacking only military and police targets , `` the majority of casualties of MK operations were civilians . '' The national liberation movement was divided in the early 1960s when an `` Africanist '' faction within the ANC objected to an alliance between the ANC and the Communist Party of South Africa . Leaders of the Communist Party of South Africa were mostly white . The Africanists broke away from the ANC to form the Pan-Africanist Congress and its military wing named Poqo , which became active mainly in the Cape provinces . During the early - 1990s , Poqo was renamed Azanian People 's Liberation Army ( APLA ) . Its underground cells conducted armed robberies to raise funds and obtain weapons and vehicles . Civilians were killed or injured in many of these robberies . In 1993 , attacks on white civilian targets in public places increased . APLA denied the attacks were racist in character , claiming that the attacks were directed against the apartheid government as all whites , according to the PAC , were complicit in the policy of apartheid . An attack on a Christian church in Cape Town in 1993 , left eleven people dead and 58 injured . Hundreds of students and others who fled to neighbouring countries , especially Botswana , to avoid arrest after the Soweto uprising of 16 June 1976 , provided a fertile recruiting ground for the military wings of both the ANC and PAC . The uprising had been precipitated by Government legislation forcing African students to accept Afrikaans as the official medium for tuition . with support from the wider Black Consciousness Movement . The uprising spread throughout the country . By the time it was finally quelled , hundreds of protesters had been shot dead with many more wounded or arrested by police . A non-racial United Democratic Front ( UDF ) coalition of about 400 civic , church , student , trade union and other organisations emerged in 1983 . At its peak in 1987 , the UDF had some 700 affiliates and about 3,000,000 members . It pursued a non-violent strategy known as `` ungovernability '' including rent boycotts , student protests , and strike campaigns . A strong relationship existed between the African National Congress ( ANC ) and the UDF , based on the shared mission statement of the Freedom Charter . Following restrictions placed on its activities , the UDF was replaced in 1988 by the Mass Democratic Movement , a loose and amorphous alliance of anti-apartheid groups that had no permanent structure , making it difficult for the government to place a ban on its activities . A total of 130 political prisoners were hanged on the gallows of Pretoria Central Prison between 1960 and 1990 . The prisoners were mainly members of the Pan Africanist Congress and United Democratic Front . Post-apartheid period ( 1994 - present ) ( edit ) Main article : History of South Africa ( 1994 -- present ) Frederik de Klerk and Nelson Mandela , two of the driving forces in ending apartheid The dissolution of the Soviet Union in the late - 1980s meant the African National Congress ( ANC ) in alliance with the South African Communist Party , could no longer depend on the Soviet Union for weaponry and political support . It also meant the apartheid government could no longer link apartheid and its purported legitimacy to the protection of Christian values and civilisation in the face of the rooi gevaar , meaning `` red danger '' or the threat of communism . Both sides were forced to the negotiating table , with the result that in June 1991 , all apartheid laws were finally rescinded - opening the way for the country 's first multiracial democratic elections three years later . It was the culmination of mounting local and international opposition to apartheid in the 1980s , including the armed struggle , widespread civil unrest , economic and cultural sanctions by the international community , and pressure from the anti-apartheid movement around the world , State President FW de Klerk announced the lifting of the ban on the African National Congress , the Pan Africanist Congress and the South African Communist Party , as well as the release of political prisoner Nelson Mandela on 2 February 1990 , after twenty - seven years in prison . In a referendum held on 17 March 1992 , the white electorate voted 68 % in favour of democracy . After lengthy negotiations under the auspices of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA ) , a draft constitution was published on 26 July 1993 , containing concessions towards all sides : a federal system of regional legislatures , equal voting - rights regardless of race , and a bicameral legislature . From 26 -- 29 April 1994 , the South African population voted in the first universal suffrage general elections . The African National Congress won , well ahead of the governing National Party and the Inkatha Freedom Party . The Democratic Party and Pan Africanist Congress , among others , formed a parliamentary opposition in the country 's first non-racial parliament . Nelson Mandela was elected as President on 9 May 1994 and formed a Government of National Unity , consisting of the ANC , the National Party and Inkatha . On 10 May 1994 Mandela was inaugurated as South Africa 's new President in Pretoria with Thabo Mbeki and F.W. De Klerk as his vice-presidents . The Government of National Unity lapsed at the end of the first parliament sitting in 1999 , with the ANC becoming the sole party in power while maintaining a strategic alliance with the Congress of South African Trade Unions ( COSATU ) and the South African Communist Party . After considerable debate , and following submissions from advocacy groups , individuals and ordinary citizens , the Parliament enacted a new Constitution and Bill of Rights in 1996 . The death penalty was abolished , land reform and redistribution policies were introduced , and equitable labour laws legislated . Emigration , debt burden and poverty ( edit ) The immediate post-apartheid period was marked by an exodus of skilled , white South Africans amid safety concerns . The South African Institute of Race Relations estimated in 2008 that 800,000 or more white people had emigrated since 1995 , out of the approximately 4,000,000 who were in South Africa when apartheid formally ended the year before . Large white South African diasporas , both English - and Afrikaans - speaking , sprouted in Australia , New Zealand , North America , and especially in the UK to which around 550,000 South Africans emigrated . The apartheid government had declared a moratorium on foreign debt repayments in the mid-1980s , when it declared a state of emergency in the face of escalating civil unrest . With the formal end of apartheid in 1994 , the new democratic government was saddled with an onerous foreign debt amounting to 86,700,000,000 rands ( $14,000,000,000 at then current exchange rates ) accrued by the former apartheid regime . The cash - strapped post-apartheid government was obliged to repay this debt or else face a credit downgrading by foreign financial institutions . The debt was finally settled in September 2001 . A further financial burden was imposed on the new post-apartheid government through its obligation to provide antiretroviral ( ARV ) treatment to impoverished victims of the HIV / AIDS epidemic sweeping the country . South Africa had the highest prevalence of HIV / AIDS compared to any other country in the world , with 5,600,000 people afflicted by the disease and 270,000 HIV - related deaths were recorded in 2011 . By that time , more than 2,000,000 children were orphaned due to the epidemic . The provision of ARV treatment resulted in 100,000 fewer AIDS - related deaths in 2011 than in 2005 . Church on Green Market Square in Cape Town , South Africa with a banner memorialising the Marikana massacre Migrant labour remained a fundamental aspect of the South African mining industry , which employed half a million mostly black miners . Labour unrest in the industry resulted in a massacre in mid-August 2012 , when anti-riot police shot dead 34 striking miners and wounded many more in what is known as the Marikana massacre . The incident was widely criticised by the public , civil society organisations and religious leaders . The migrant labour system was identified as a primary cause of the unrest . Multi-national mining corporations including Anglo - American Corporation , Lonmin , and Anglo Platinum , were accused of failing to address the enduring legacies of apartheid . By 2014 , around 47 % of mostly black South Africans continued to live in poverty , making it one of the most unequal countries in the world . Widespread dissatisfaction with the slow pace of socio - economic transformation , government incompetence and maladministration , and other public grievances in the post-apartheid era , precipitated many violent protest demonstrations . In 2007 , less than half the protests were associated with some form of violence , compared with 2014 , when almost 80 % of protests involved violence on the part of the participants or the authorities . The slow pace of transformation also fomented tensions within the tripartite alliance between the ANC , the Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions . The ANC had risen to power on the strength of a socialist agenda embodied in a Freedom Charter , which was intended to form the basis of ANC social , economic and political policies . The Charter decreed that `` the national wealth of our country , the heritage of South Africans , shall be restored to the people ; the mineral wealth beneath the soil , the banks and monopoly industry shall be transferred to the ownership of the people '' . ANC icon Nelson Mandela , asserted in a statement released on 25 January 1990 : `` The nationalisation of the mines , banks and monopoly industries is the policy of the ANC , and a change or modification of our views in this regard is inconceivable . '' But , after the ANC 's electoral victory in 1994 , the eradication of mass poverty through nationalisation was never implemented . The ANC - led government , in a historic reversal of policy , adopted neoliberalism instead . A wealth tax on the super-rich to fund developmental projects was set aside , while domestic and international corporations , enriched by apartheid , were excused from any financial reparations . Large corporations were allowed to shift their main listings abroad . According to a leading South African economics expert , the government 's concessions to big business represented `` treacherous decisions that ( will ) haunt South Africa for generations to come '' . Xenophobia ( edit ) The post-apartheid period has been marked by numerous outbreaks of xenophobic attacks against foreign migrants and asylum seekers from various conflict zones in Africa . An academic study conducted in 2006 , found that South Africans showed levels of xenophobia greater than anywhere else in the world . The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) found that competition over jobs , business opportunities , public services and housing gave rise to tension among refugees , asylum seekers , migrants and host communities , identified as a main cause of the xenophobic violence . South Africa received more than 207,000 individual asylum applications in 2008 and a further 222,300 in 2009 , representing nearly a four-fold rise in both years over the levels seen in 2007 . These refugees and asylum seekers originated mainly from Zimbabwe , Burundi , Democratic Republic of the Congo , Rwanda , Eritrea , Ethiopia and Somalia . Post-apartheid heads of State ( edit ) Under the post-apartheid Constitution the president is head of both state and government . The president is elected by the National Assembly and serves a term that expires at the next general election ; a president may serve a maximum of two terms . In the event of a vacancy the Deputy President serves as Acting President . President Term of office Political party # Portrait Name Took office Left office Duration Nelson Mandela ( 1918 -- 2013 ) 10 May 1994 16 June 1999 5 years , 37 days African National Congress Thabo Mbeki ( 1942 -- ) 16 June 1999 24 September 2008 ( Resigned ) 9 years , 100 days African National Congress Kgalema Motlanthe ( 1949 -- ) 25 September 2008 9 May 2009 226 days African National Congress Jacob Zuma ( 1942 -- ) 9 May 2009 Incumbent 7003307100000000000 ♠ 8 years , 149 days ( as of 5 October 2017 ) African National Congress See also ( edit ) History of Africa Scramble for Africa History of Cape Colony History of Johannesburg History of the Northern Cape History of South African wine List of Presidents of South Africa List of Prime Ministers of South Africa List of heads of state of South Africa List of South Africa - related topics Military history of South Africa Politics of South Africa Timeline of liberal parties in South Africa Years in South Africa History of cities in South Africa : Cape Town history and timeline Durban history and timeline Johannesburg history and timeline Pietermaritzburg history and timeline Port Elizabeth history and timeline Pretoria history and timeline References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Bert Woodhouse , The Rock Art of the Golden Gate and Clarens Districts , Johannesburg : Waterman 1996 , p. 34 -- ( citing report by Professor C van Riet Lowe and Dr DJH Visser , published in 1955 by government Department of Mines ) . 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Jump up ^ Jonathan Crush ( ed ) , The Perfect Storm : Realities of Xenophobia in Contemporary South Africa , Southern African Migration Project , University of Cape Town & Queen 's University , Canada , 2006 , p. 1 Jump up ^ UNHCR , UNHCR Global Appeal 2011 - South Africa Jump up ^ UNHCR , 2011 UNHCR country operations profile - South Africa Political history of South Africa Defunct polities Kingdom of Mapungubwe ( c. 1075 -- c. 1220 ) Dutch Cape Colony ( 1652 -- 1806 ) Mthethwa Paramountcy ( c. 1780 -- 1817 ) Ndwandwe Kingdom ( c. 1780 -- 1819 ) Cape Colony ( 1795 -- 1910 ) Zulu Kingdom ( 1816 -- 97 ) Natalia Republic ( 1839 -- 43 ) Natal Colony ( 1843 -- 1910 ) Orange Free State ( 1854 -- 1902 ) South African Republic ( 1856 -- 1902 ) Griqualand East ( 1861 -- 79 ) Griqualand West ( 1870 -- 73 ) Goshen ( 1882 -- 83 ) Stellaland ( 1882 -- 85 ) Nieuwe Republiek ( 1884 -- 88 ) Upingtonia ( 1885 -- 87 ) Klein Vrystaat ( 1886 -- 91 ) Orange River Colony ( 1902 -- 10 ) Transvaal Colony ( 1902 -- 10 ) Union of South Africa ( 1910 -- 61 ) Transkei ( 1976 -- 94 ) Bophuthatswana ( 1977 -- 94 ) Venda ( 1979 -- 94 ) Ciskei ( 1981 -- 94 ) Events 1652 -- 1815 Dutch settlement French Huguenot settlement Khoikhoi -- Dutch Wars Xhosa Wars Battle of Muizenberg Battle of Blaauwberg Anglo - Dutch Treaty of 1814 1815 -- 1910 Mfecane 1820 Settlers Great Trek Boer Republics Mineral Revolution Witwatersrand Gold Rush South African Wars South Africa Act 1909 1910 -- 1948 Maritz Rebellion Rand Rebellion Great Depression 1946 African Mine Workers ' Union strike Bantustans Apartheid era 1948 general election Apartheid legislation Pass laws Internal resistance Coloured - vote constitutional crisis Defiance Campaign Congress of the People Freedom Charter Women 's March 1956 1957 Alexandra bus boycott Sharpeville massacre 1960 republic referendum International isolation Academic boycott Disinvestment Sporting boycott Olympics Rugby union Rivonia Trial Tar Baby Option Durban Moment Border War Israeli alliance Israel -- South Africa Agreement Soweto Uprising Weapons of mass destruction Project Coast Constructive engagement Church Street bombing 1983 constitutional reform referendum Rubicon speech Dakar Conference Third Force CODESA 1992 apartheid referendum Saint James Church massacre Bophuthatswana crisis Shell House massacre Post-apartheid 1994 general election Government of National Unity Reconstruction and Development Programme Truth and Reconciliation Commission Arms Deal Floor crossing Soweto bombings African Renaissance Xenophobia Marikana massacre 2012 Western Cape farm workers ' strike Nkandlagate 2014 platinum strike # RhodesMustFall protests # FeesMustFall student protests Tshwane riots Political culture African nationalism Afrikaner Calvinism Afrikaner nationalism Azania Baasskap Boerehaat Black Consciousness Movement Day of the Vow Greater South Africa Honorary whites Rooi gevaar Slavery Swart gevaar Uitlander Volkstaat Defunct organisations Civic and political organisations Afrikaner Bond Afrikaner Broederbond Afrikaner Party AITUP APO AVF BPC Black Sash CDA CTEG COD Congress Alliance COSG CP Dominion Party DP ( 1973 -- 1977 ) DP ( 1989 -- 2000 ) DPP ECC FA FD Genootskap van Regte Afrikaners GNP Het Volk HNP IDASA ID IP ISL Jeugkrag Johannesburg Reform Committee Labour Party ( 1910 -- 1958 ) Labour Party ( 1969 -- 1994 ) Liberal Party ( 1953 -- 1968 ) NA NCP NIC NLP NNP NP NPP NRP NUSAS PFP Progressive Party ( Cape Colony ) Progressive Party PRP Radio Freedom Reform Party SABP SADECO SAIC SASO SAYCO SAYRCO South African Party ( Cape Colony ) South African Party ( 1911 -- 1934 ) South African Party ( 1977 -- 1980 ) TNIP Torch Commando UFP United Party Unionist Party Volksparty Workers Party WOSA Trade unions and social movements APF BCM BLATU CNETU CTSWU FCWU FNETU FOSATU ICU IWW ( SA ) MUSA NEUM NURHS PAWE SAAPAWU SACTU SAIF SARHU SATUC Die Spoorbund UDF Umkosi Wezintaba Paramilitary and terrorist organisations APLA ARM BBB Boeremag Greyshirts MK Ossewabrandwag Orde van die Dood SANF Histories of political parties African National Congress Democratic Alliance Pan Africanist Congress of Azania Category Further reading ( edit ) Beinart , William . Twentieth - Century South Africa . Oxford University Press . 2001 . Beck , Roger S. History of South Africa , Greenwood Press , Westport CT : 2000 Blignaut , Charl . `` Untold History with a Historiography : A Review of Scholarship on Afrikaner Women in South African History . '' South African Historical Journal 65.4 ( 2013 ) : 596 - 617 . Bunting , Brian . Rise of the South African Reich First published by Penguin Africa Library 1964 , revised 1969 . Christopher , A.J. The Atlas of Changing South Africa . 2000 . 216 pages . ISBN 0 - 415 - 21178 - 6 . Deegan , Heather . The Politics of the New South Africa . 2000 . 256 pages . ISBN 0 - 582 - 38227 - 0 . Elbourne , Elizabeth . Blood Ground : Colonialism , Missions , and the Contest for Christianity in the Cape Colony and Britain , 1799 -- 1853 . McGill - Queen 's University Press . December 2002 . 560 pages . ISBN 0 - 7735 - 2229 - 8 . Hamilton , Carolyn and Bernard K. Mbenga , eds . The Cambridge History of South Africa : Volume 1 : From Early Times to 1885 ( 2009 ) excerpt Hetherington , Penelope . `` Women in South Africa : the historiography in English . '' The International Journal of African Historical Studies 26 # 2 ( 1993 ) : 241 - 269 . Hrbek , Ivan ( cs ) ( 1981 ) . `` Written sources from the fifteenth century onwards '' . In J. Ki - Zerbo . Methodology and African Prehistory . General History of Africa . 1 . UNESCO . pp. 121 -- 124 . ISBN 0435948075 . Republic of South Africa CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Johnson , R.W. South Africa 's Brave New World : The Beloved Country Since the End of Apartheid ( Overlook Press ; 2011 ) 702 pages ; a history since 1994 Joyce , Peter . The Making of a Nation South Africa 's Road to Freedom , Zebra Press , 2004 , ISBN 978 - 1 - 77007 - 312 - 8 Le Cordeur , Basil Alexander . The War of the Axe , 1847 : Correspondence between the governor of the Cape Colony , Sir Henry Pottinger , and the commander of the British forces at the Cape , Sir George Berkeley , and others . Brenthurst Press . 1981 . 287 pages . ISBN 0 - 909079 - 14 - 5 . Mabin , Alan . Recession and its aftermath : The Cape Colony in the eighteen eighties . University of the Witwatersrand , African Studies Institute . 1983 . 27 pages . Meiring , Hannes . Early Johannesburg , Its Buildings and People , Human & Rousseau , 1986 , 143 pages , ISBN 0 - 7981 - 1456 - 8 Mitchell , Laura . Belongings : Property , Family , and Identity in Colonial South Africa : An Exploration of Frontiers , 1725 - c. 1830 . Columbia University Press , Pakenham , Thomas . The Boer War , Weidenfeld and Nicolson , London 1979 , ISBN 9780349104669 Rosenthal , Eric . Gold ! Gold ! Gold ! The Johannesburg Gold Rush , AD . Donker , 1970 , ISBN 0 - 949937 - 64 - 9 Ross , Robert , and David Anderson . Status and Respectability in the Cape Colony , 1750 -- 1870 : A Tragedy of Manners . Cambridge University Press . 1999 . 220 pages . ISBN 0 - 521 - 62122 - 4 . Ross , Robert , Anne Kelk Mager and Bill Nasson , eds . The Cambridge History of South Africa : Volume 2 since 1885 ( 2011 ) excerpt Theal , George McCall . History of the Boers in South Africa ; Or , the Wanderings and Wars of the Emigrant Farmers from Their Leaving the Cape Colony to the Acknowledgment of Their Independence by Great Britain . Greenwood Press . 28 February 1970 . 392 pages . ISBN 0 - 8371 - 1661 - 9 . Thompson , Leonard . A History of South Africa , Third Edition . Yale University Press . 2001 . 384 pages . ISBN 0 - 300 - 08776 - 4 . Tomlinson , Richard , et al. Emerging Johannesburg : Perspectives on the Postapartheid City . 2003 . 336 pages . ISBN 0 - 415 - 93559 - 8 . Van Der Merwe , P.J. , and Roger B. Beck . The Migrant Farmer in the History of the Cape Colony . Ohio University Press . 1995 . 333 pages . ISBN 0 - 8214 - 1090 - 3 . Welsh , Frank . South Africa : A Narrative History . Kodansha America . 1 February 1999 . 606 pages . ISBN 1 - 56836 - 258 - 7 . Worden , Nigel . Making of Modern South Africa : Conquest , Segregation and Apartheid. 2000 . 194 pages . ISBN 0 - 631 - 21661 - 8 . External links ( edit ) South African History Archive Democratic Development in South Africa from the Dean Peter Krogh Foreign Affairs Digital Archives South African History Online . Accessed 12 February 2005 . South Africa Government Online . Accessed 20 February 2005 . Dr Cyril Hromník on research into ancient history of Africa -- an article written by Maré Mouton . Bearer of an Ideal -- a public - release document of the Afrikanerbond ( formerly Afrikaner Broederbond ) : think - tank which influenced policies of separate development in South Africa Full text of the UN convention South Africa , 10 years later from US National Public Radio `` History : Useful links '' . LibGuides . University of KwaZulu - Natal Libraries . `` Registry '' . . Rondebosch . ( Directory of South African archival and memory institutions and organisations ) Links to related articles South Africa articles History Timeline ( nl ) Years Early history Cape Colony Orange Free State Transvaal First Boer War Second Boer War Great Depression World War II Apartheid Border War Since 1994 By topic Economy Military Geography Districts Earthquakes Estuaries Forests Islands Lakes Mountain ranges Municipalities National parks Populated places Provinces Rivers Wildlife Politics Constitution Courts Elections Foreign relations Government Human rights Law Parliament Political parties President State security and intelligence Minister Co-ordinating committee ( NICC ) Intelligence agency ( NIA ) Communications centre ( NCC ) Communications security ( COMSEC ) Secret Service ( SASS ) Intelligence academy ( SANAI ) Law enforcement Department of Police Police Service Criminal intelligence ( SAPS ) Special Task Force National Intervention Unit NFDD Municipal Police Independent Complaints Directorate Department of Correctional Services Biometrics use Military Department of Defence Defence Force Air Force Army Navy Military Health Service Special Forces Commando System Intelligence Economy Agriculture Communications Economic history Energy Foreign trade Mining industry Rand ( currency ) Stock exchange Taxation Tourism Trade unions Transportation Water and sanitation Society Crime Education Feminism Health Healthcare Immigration Intersex Languages LGBT Racism Religion Sexual violence Social movements Xenophobia Culture Architecture Art Cinema Cuisine Flag HIV / AIDS Homelessness Literature Media Music Public holidays Sports Demographics Asian Indian Chinese Bantu Ndebele Pedi Sotho Swazi Tsonga Tswana Venda Xhosa Zulu Coloured Cape Coloured Cape Malay Griqua Khoisan White Afrikaner British Outline Index Category Portal Years in South Africa ( 1910 -- present ) Pre-1910 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 History of Africa Sovereign states Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde ( Cabo Verde ) Central African Republic Chad Comoros Democratic Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo Djibouti Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon The Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea - Bissau Ivory Coast ( Côte d'Ivoire ) Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Rwanda São Tomé and Príncipe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa South Sudan Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe States with limited recognition Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Somaliland Dependencies and other territories Canary Islands / Ceuta / Melilla / ( see also plazas de soberanía ) ( Spain ) Madeira ( Portugal ) Mayotte / Réunion ( France ) Saint Helena / Ascension Island / Tristan da Cunha ( United Kingdom ) Western Sahara Retrieved from `` '' Categories : History of South Africa Hidden categories : Use South African English from May 2012 All Wikipedia articles written in South African English Use dmy dates from May 2011 Interlanguage link template link number Articles which use infobox templates with no data rows Articles with hCards All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from April 2015 Articles to be expanded from May 2017 All articles to be expanded Articles using small message boxes Articles with unsourced statements from May 2017 Articles needing additional references from April 2015 All articles needing additional references Articles needing additional references from May 2015 Articles with unsourced statements from September 2014 Articles with unsourced statements from May 2015 CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list Talk Contents About Wikipedia Languages Afrikaans Български Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Español Euskara فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Ido Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Kiswahili Lietuvių Magyar Македонски Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Shqip SiSwati Suomi Svenska Українська Vèneto Yorùbá 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 5 October 2017 , at 07 : 55 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | what was south africa called before it became a republic | [
"Following the defeat of the Boers in the Anglo-Boer or South African War (1899–1902), the Union of South Africa was created as a dominion of the British Empire in terms of the South Africa Act 1909, which amalgamated the four previously separate British colonies: Cape Colony, Natal Colony, Transvaal Colony and Orange River Colony. The country became a self-governing nation state within the British Empire, in 1934 following enactment of the Status of the Union Act. The dominion came to an end on 31 May 1961 as the consequence of a 1960 referendum, which legitimised the country becoming a sovereign state named Republic of South Africa. A republican constitution was adopted."
] | [
"the Union of South Africa"
] |
1759314626003418719 | The Champion (song) | The Champion ( song ) - wikipedia The Champion ( song ) `` The Champion '' Single by Carrie Underwood featuring Ludacris Released January 12 , 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 12 ) Genre Pop , Rap Length 3 : 43 Label Capitol Nashville Songwriter ( s ) Carrie Underwood Christopher Bridges Chris DeStefano Brett James Producer ( s ) Jim Jonsin Carrie Underwood singles chronology `` The Fighter '' ( 2017 ) `` The Champion '' ( 2018 ) `` Cry Pretty '' ( 2018 ) `` The Fighter '' ( 2017 ) `` The Champion '' ( 2018 ) `` Cry Pretty '' ( 2018 ) Ludacris singles chronology `` Vitamin D '' ( 2017 ) `` The Champion '' ( 2018 ) Music video `` The Champion '' on YouTube `` The Champion '' is a song recorded by American country singer Carrie Underwood , featuring rapper Ludacris . The song was released on January 12 , 2018 , and was recorded to serve as an opening theme for NBC 's television broadcast of Super Bowl LII . The song entered at number 47 on the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 Composition 3 Commercial performance 4 Music video 5 Live performances 6 Awards and nominations 6.1 CMT Music Awards 7 Charts 8 References Background ( edit ) The song 's lyrics revolve around recovery from obstacles . The song was relevant to both Super Bowl LII and the 2018 Winter Olympics , which were both being broadcast by NBC in the United States ; Underwood also performs the theme song for the network 's Sunday Night Football . Underwood stated that `` the main focus was to celebrate athletes at the top of their game , but we also wanted the song to resonate with people in their everyday lives '' . The song was featured in the intro for NBC 's Super Bowl LII broadcast ; in the sequence , Underwood and Ludacris performed on a stage alongside footage of retired NFL players and highlights from past Super Bowl games . Composition ( edit ) The song is performed in the key of G ♯ minor with a tempo of 90 beats per minute in common time . It follows a chord progression of G ♯ m -- B -- F ♯ -- D ♯ , and Underwood 's vocals span from G ♯ to C ♯ . Commercial performance ( edit ) `` The Champion '' sold 61,000 units in its first week and debuted at number 47 on the Billboard Hot 100 becoming that week 's Hot Shot Debut . It landed at number three on Digital Songs . It fell off the chart in the following week . Following the video premiere of the song during the Super Bowl LII , it saw an increase in streaming -- 668,000 on - demand streams on February 5 , a 110 percent rise compared to what it tallied on February 3 . As of May 14 , 2018 , the single has sold 314,000 copies in the United States . Music Video ( edit ) The official music video for the song was released on March 2 , 2018 . Live performances ( edit ) Underwood and Ludacris performed the song live for the first time at the 2018 Radio Disney Music Awards on June 23 , 2018 . The performance was accompanied by the West Los Angeles Children 's Choir , who filtered through the audience and made their way to the stage towards the final chorus . Awards and nominations ( edit ) CMT Music Awards ( edit ) Year Nominee / work Award Result 2018 `` The Champion '' Video of the Year Nominated Female Video of the Year Won Collaborative Video of the Year Nominated Charts ( edit ) Chart ( 2018 ) Peak position Canada Digital Songs ( Billboard ) 13 US Billboard Hot 100 47 US Country Airplay ( Billboard ) 57 References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Hot 100 Chart Moves : Carrie Underwood 's ' The Champion , ' Feat . Ludacris , Is a Winner '' . Billboard . Retrieved February 6 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Norwin , Alyssa ( February 4 , 2018 ) . `` Carrie Underwood Debuts ' The Champion ' Video Before Super Bowl : 1st Look At Her New Face ? '' . . Retrieved February 6 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Carrie Underwood Kicks Off Super Bowl With Sexy ' Champion ' Vid '' . Taste of Country . Jump up ^ `` Carrie Underwood Shares Anthemic Super Bowl LII Opening Song ' The Champion ' With Ludacris '' . Billboard . Retrieved February 14 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` See Carrie Underwood 's Adrenalized ' The Champion ' Super Bowl Video '' . Rolling Stone . Retrieved February 14 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Carrie Underwood `` The Champion '' Sheet Music in G# Minor - Download & Print `` . . Retrieved February 6 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Music : Top 100 Songs - Billboard Hot 100 Chart '' . Jump up ^ Trust , Gary ( January 26 , 2018 ) . `` Hot 100 Chart Moves : Carrie Underwood 's ' The Champion , ' Feat . Ludacris , Is a Winner '' . Billboard . Retrieved February 10 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Caulfield , Keith ( February 7 , 2018 ) . `` Justin Timberlake 's Super Bowl Halftime Show Yields 45 % Streaming Gain in U.S. '' Billboard . Retrieved February 10 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Bjorke , Matt ( May 14 , 2018 ) . `` Top 30 Digital Country Singles : May 14 , 2018 '' . Roughstock . Retrieved May 14 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Maher , Natalie ( March 2 , 2018 ) . `` Carrie Underwood and Ludacris ' ' The Champion ' Video : Watch Triumphant Visual '' . Billboard . Retrieved March 5 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Carrie Underwood Chart History ( Hot Canadian Digital Song Sales ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved April 12 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Carrie Underwood Chart History ( Hot 100 ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved February 7 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Carrie Underwood Chart History ( Country Airplay ) '' . Billboard . Retrieved February 7 , 2018 . Carrie Underwood songs Discography Awards and nominations Songs Some Hearts `` Jesus , Take the Wheel '' `` Some Hearts '' `` Do n't Forget to Remember Me '' `` Before He Cheats '' `` Wasted '' Carnival Ride `` So Small '' `` All - American Girl '' `` Last Name '' `` Just a Dream '' `` I Told You So '' Play On `` Cowboy Casanova '' `` Temporary Home '' `` Undo It '' `` Mama 's Song '' Blown Away `` Good Girl '' `` Blown Away '' `` Two Black Cadillacs '' `` See You Again '' Greatest Hits : Decade # 1 `` Something in the Water '' `` Little Toy Guns '' Storyteller `` Smoke Break '' `` Heartbeat '' `` Church Bells '' `` Dirty Laundry '' Cry Pretty `` Cry Pretty '' Featured singles `` Just Stand Up ! '' ( with Artists Stand Up To Cancer ) `` Remind Me '' ( with Brad Paisley ) `` Ca n't Stop Lovin ' You '' ( with Aerosmith ) `` Somethin ' Bad '' ( with Miranda Lambert ) `` The Fighter '' ( with Keith Urban ) Other singles `` Inside Your Heaven '' Promotional singles `` I 'll Stand by You '' `` Praying for Time '' `` Home Sweet Home '' `` There 's a Place for Us '' `` Chaser '' `` The Champion '' ( with Ludacris ) Other songs `` Eighteen Inches '' `` Ever Ever After '' Book Ludacris Discography Awards and nominations Studio albums Incognegro Back for the First Time Word of Mouf Chicken - n - Beer The Red Light District Release Therapy Theater of the Mind Battle of the Sexes Ludaversal Compilations Golden Grain Disturbing tha Peace Mixtapes DJ Drama Presents : The Preview Singles `` What 's Your Fantasy '' `` Southern Hospitality '' `` Area Codes '' `` Rollout ( My Business ) '' `` Saturday ( Oooh Oooh ! ) '' `` Move Bitch '' `` Fatty Girl '' `` Act a Fool '' `` P - Poppin '' `` Stand Up '' `` Splash Waterfalls '' `` Diamond in the Back '' `` Blow It Out '' `` Get Back '' `` Number One Spot '' `` The Potion '' `` Pimpin ' All Over the World '' `` Money Maker '' `` Grew Up a Screw Up '' `` Runaway Love '' `` Slap '' `` What Them Girls Like '' `` Wish You Would '' `` Undisputed '' `` One More Drink '' `` Nasty Girl '' `` How Low '' `` My Chick Bad '' `` Sex Room '' `` Good Lovin '' Featured singles `` One Minute Man '' `` Loverboy '' `` Welcome to Atlanta '' `` Why Do n't We Fall in Love '' `` Gossip Folks '' `` Holidae In '' `` Yeah ! '' `` Lovers & Friends '' `` Shake Dat Shit '' `` Oh '' `` Sugar ( Gimme Some ) '' `` Georgia '' `` Unpredictable '' `` Need a Boss '' `` Glamorous '' `` Get Buck in Here '' `` I 'm So Hood ( Remix ) '' `` Rock Star '' `` Gimme Dat '' `` Grippin ' '' `` How We Do It ( Around My Way ) '' `` Still Standing '' `` Chopped & Skrewed '' `` How Do You Sleep ? '' `` Bulletproof '' `` Regret '' `` Creepin ' ( Solo ) '' `` Baby '' `` Break Your Heart '' `` All I Do Is Win '' `` Ride '' `` Porn Star Dancing '' `` I Like '' `` Saturday Night '' `` Tonight ( I 'm Fuckin ' You ) '' `` Dirt Road Anthem '' `` Little Bad Girl '' `` Wet the Bed '' `` We in This Bitch '' `` All Around the World '' `` The Champion '' Other songs `` War with God '' `` Down in tha Dirty '' `` Shake Señora '' `` Candy Paint & Gold Teeth '' `` Representin '' `` Rest of My Life '' `` Party Girls '' Related articles Disturbing tha Peace WeMix Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2018 singles 2018 songs Capitol Records Nashville singles Carrie Underwood songs Ludacris songs Song recordings produced by Jim Jonsin Songs written by Brett James Songs written by Carrie Underwood Songs written by Chris DeStefano Songs written by Ludacris Hidden categories : Articles with hAudio microformats Singlechart usages for Billboardhot100 Singlechart called without song Singlechart making named ref Singlechart usages for Billboardcountryairplay Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 15 July 2018 , at 05 : 15 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia | who wrote the champion sung by carrie underwood | [
"\"The Champion\"\nSingle by Carrie Underwood featuring LudacrisReleased\nJanuary 12, 2018 (2018-01-12)Genre\nPop, RapLength\n3:43Label\nCapitol NashvilleSongwriter(s)\nCarrie UnderwoodChristopher BridgesChris DeStefanoBrett JamesProducer(s)\nJim JonsinCarrie Underwood singles chronology\n\n\n\n\"The Fighter\" (2017)\n\n\"The Champion\" (2018)\n\n\"Cry Pretty\" (2018)\n\n\n\n\n\n\"The Fighter\" (2017)\n\n\"The Champion\"(2018)\n\n\"Cry Pretty\"(2018)\n\nLudacris singles chronology\n\n\n\n\"Vitamin D\"(2017)\n\n\"The Champion\"(2018)\n\n\n\nMusic video\n\"The Champion\" on YouTube\n",
"\"The Champion\"\nSingle by Carrie Underwood featuring LudacrisReleased\nJanuary 12, 2018 (2018-01-12)Genre\nPop, RapLength\n3:43Label\nCapitol NashvilleSongwriter(s)\nCarrie UnderwoodChristopher BridgesChris DeStefanoBrett JamesProducer(s)\nJim JonsinCarrie Underwood singles chronology\n\n\n\n\"The Fighter\" (2017)\n\n\"The Champion\" (2018)\n\n\"Cry Pretty\" (2018)\n\n\n\n\n\n\"The Fighter\" (2017)\n\n\"The Champion\"(2018)\n\n\"Cry Pretty\"(2018)\n\nLudacris singles chronology\n\n\n\n\"Vitamin D\"(2017)\n\n\"The Champion\"(2018)\n\n\n\nMusic video\n\"The Champion\" on YouTube\n",
"\"The Champion\"\nSingle by Carrie Underwood featuring LudacrisReleased\nJanuary 12, 2018 (2018-01-12)Genre\nPop, RapLength\n3:43Label\nCapitol NashvilleSongwriter(s)\nCarrie UnderwoodChristopher BridgesChris DeStefanoBrett JamesProducer(s)\nJim JonsinCarrie Underwood singles chronology\n\n\n\n\"The Fighter\" (2017)\n\n\"The Champion\" (2018)\n\n\"Cry Pretty\" (2018)\n\n\n\n\n\n\"The Fighter\" (2017)\n\n\"The Champion\"(2018)\n\n\"Cry Pretty\"(2018)\n\nLudacris singles chronology\n\n\n\n\"Vitamin D\"(2017)\n\n\"The Champion\"(2018)\n\n\n\nMusic video\n\"The Champion\" on YouTube\n",
"\"The Champion\"\nSingle by Carrie Underwood featuring LudacrisReleased\nJanuary 12, 2018 (2018-01-12)Genre\nPop, RapLength\n3:43Label\nCapitol NashvilleSongwriter(s)\nCarrie UnderwoodChristopher BridgesChris DeStefanoBrett JamesProducer(s)\nJim JonsinCarrie Underwood singles chronology\n\n\n\n\"The Fighter\" (2017)\n\n\"The Champion\" (2018)\n\n\"Cry Pretty\" (2018)\n\n\n\n\n\n\"The Fighter\" (2017)\n\n\"The Champion\"(2018)\n\n\"Cry Pretty\"(2018)\n\nLudacris singles chronology\n\n\n\n\"Vitamin D\"(2017)\n\n\"The Champion\"(2018)\n\n\n\nMusic video\n\"The Champion\" on YouTube\n"
] | [
"Carrie Underwood",
"Christopher Bridges",
"Chris DeStefano",
"Brett James"
] |
-7129802663159609269 | Pretty Fly (For a White Guy) | Pretty Fly ( for a White Guy ) - wikipedia Pretty Fly ( for a White Guy ) Jump to : navigation , search `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' Single by The Offspring from the album Americana B - side `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) ( The Geek Mix ) '' Released November 9 , 1998 Format Vinyl cassette CD Recorded 1998 Genre Punk rock Length 3 : 07 Label Columbia Songwriter ( s ) Dexter Holland Producer ( s ) Dave Jerden The Offspring singles chronology `` I Choose '' ( 1997 ) `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( 1998 ) `` Why Do n't You Get a Job ? '' ( 1999 ) `` I Choose '' ( 1997 ) `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( 1998 ) `` Why Do n't You Get a Job ? '' ( 1999 ) Music video `` Pretty Fly ( for a White Guy ) '' on YouTube `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' is a song by American rock band The Offspring . It is the fourth track from their fifth studio album Americana ( 1998 ) and was released as the first single from the album . It achieved significant pop and rock and alternative radio play and popularity , peaking at number 53 on the Billboard Hot 100 , number 5 on the Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks , and number 3 on the Modern Rock Tracks chart . The song reached the charts in over 15 countries and topped the charts in nine of these , including Australia , where it went four times platinum , and the United Kingdom , making it one of the most commercially successful singles released by the band . The song is a mocking portrayal of a white man who likes to act like an African - American stereotype . The song appears as the seventh track on their Greatest Hits ( 2005 ) . Contents ( hide ) 1 Composition and lyrics 2 Track listing 2.1 Cassette single and 7 '' black vinyl 2.2 Initial pressing 2.3 Australia CD Maxi 2.4 Italy 12 '' black vinyl 2.5 Promo 12 '' black vinyl 2.6 Promo CD 3 Music video 3.1 DVD appearances 4 Rock Band and Guitar Hero 5 Charts 5.1 Weekly charts 5.2 Year - end charts 6 Certifications 7 Antecedents and descendants 8 References 9 External links Composition and lyrics ( edit ) Beginning with a sample of the pseudo-German nonsense phrase `` Gunter glieben glauchen globen '' from Def Leppard 's song `` Rock of Ages , '' chanted as a replacement for the traditional `` 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 '' to start the recording , the song ridicules a `` wannabe gangsta '' who is immersed in hip - hop culture not because he truly loves or understands it , but because it is trendy , makes him feel tough ( `` friends say he 's tryin ' too hard , and he 's not quite hip / but in his own mind , he 's the , he 's the dopest trip '' ) , and because he believes it attracts women ( `` and all the girlies say I 'm pretty fly , for a white guy '' ) . As summed up by Dexter Holland , the people described in the lyrics `` are from , like , Omaha , Nebraska , regular white - bread boys , but who act like they 're from Compton . The song was the genesis of the metal / post-avant - garde movement with its early tendencies in the genre - defining the late 90 's early 00 's . It 's so fake and obvious that they 're trying to have an identity . '' Holland detailed that he meets many teenagers like those in his native Orange County , `` going to the mall , where they buy FUBU , Tommy Hilfiger , and Ice Cube 's latest record . '' Given rap culture is the starting point , Holland clarified that it was not an attack on African - Americans , but `` poseurs of any kind '' , but without wanting `` to be preachy about it ... We 're getting amusement out of it more than anything else . '' Track listing ( edit ) Cassette single and 7 '' black vinyl ( edit ) No . Title Length 1 . `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' 3 : 08 2 . `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( The Geek mix ) 3 : 01 Initial pressing ( edit ) No . Title Length 1 . `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' 3 : 08 2 . `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( The Geek mix ) 3 : 07 3 . `` All I Want '' ( Live ) 2 : 02 4 . `` Pretty Fly ( for a White Guy ) '' ( Spanish version ) 3 : 08 Australia CD Maxi ( edit ) No . Title Length 1 . `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' 3 : 08 2 . `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( The Geek mix ) 3 : 07 3 . `` No Brakes '' 2 : 06 Italy 12 '' black vinyl ( edit ) No . Title Length 1 . `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' 3 : 08 2 . `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( The Geek Mix ) 3 : 07 3 . `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( The Baka Boys remix ) 3 : 01 4 . `` All I Want '' ( Live ) 2 : 02 Promo 12 '' black vinyl ( edit ) No . Title Length 1 . `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( The Baka Boys Low Rider remix ) 2 . `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( The Baka Boys remix ) 3 : 01 3 . `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( Dust Bros Space Echo remix ) 4 . `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( Dust Bros Dust mix ) Promo CD ( edit ) No . Title Length 1 . `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( album version ) 3 : 11 2 . `` Callout Hook # 1 '' 0 : 10 3 . `` Callout Hook # 2 '' 0 : 05 Music video ( edit ) In the video , directed by McG , the video begins with the `` white guy '' singing the opening lines and with Offspring guitarist Noodles walking on the pavement with his guitar , playing the introductory riff . The `` white guy '' drives through town in his lowrider and tries to act cool in front of people , playing with his car 's hydraulic system and interrupting a break dance session to dance himself . He is then carried by girls watching it to a pool party and thrown into the pool . He jumps out of the pool only to find a bunch of bikini clad dancers in front of him . These scenes are cut by the band 's playing . The video ends with the `` white guy '' returning home and accidentally scaring his little sister , wearing a fairy costume , because of his dishevelled appearance . According to Dexter Holland , the band wanted Seth Green to play the `` white guy '' , but he was unavailable . After seeing an audition tape with `` five unknowns '' , they settled on Guy Cohen , who went on to cameo in the `` Why Do n't You Get a Job ? '' video and occasionally appear at Offspring concerts . In Offspring 's VEVO channel on YouTube , the video fades out as the song ends , cutting off the final scene . DVD appearances ( edit ) The music video also appears on the Complete Music Video Collection DVD . It was released in 2005 . The DVD also contains a storyboard version of the video ( in which the storyboard plays over top of the music video . ) Rock band and Guitar Hero ( edit ) The song was released as downloadable content for the video game Rock Band . The song was released in the first `` Offspring pack '' which was released on October 7 , 2008 along with `` Gone Away '' and `` Self Esteem '' . The song was released on the Guitar Hero : Van Halen spinoff track list on December 22 , 2009 . It was later made available as downloadable content for Guitar Hero Live , containing the music video . Charts ( edit ) Weekly charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1998 -- 99 ) Peak position Australia ( ARIA ) Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 40 ) Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Wallonia ) Canada ( RPM ) 5 Denmark ( Tracklisten ) Finland ( Suomen virallinen lista ) France ( SNEP ) 10 Germany ( Official German Charts ) Greece ( IFPI ) Ireland ( IRMA ) Japan ( Oricon ) Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) Norway ( VG - lista ) Poland ( OLiS ) Sweden ( Sverigetopplistan ) Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) US Alternative Songs ( Billboard ) US Billboard Hot 100 53 US Mainstream Rock ( Billboard ) 5 US Mainstream Top 40 ( Billboard ) 13 US Rhythmic ( Billboard ) 31 US Top 40 Tracks ( Billboard ) 36 Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1999 ) Position Canada Top Singles ( RPM ) 93 Germany ( Official German Charts ) 18 Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) 16 Certifications ( edit ) Region Certification Certified units / Sales Australia ( ARIA ) 4 × Platinum 280,000 Austria ( IFPI Austria ) Gold 25,000 Belgium ( BEA ) Gold 25,000 Canada ( Music Canada ) Diamond 100,000 France ( SNEP ) Gold 250,000 Germany ( BVMI ) Gold 250,000 Italy ( FIMI ) Gold 25,000 Norway ( IFPI Norway ) 2 × Platinum 20,000 Sweden ( GLF ) 3 × Platinum 90,000 United Kingdom ( BPI ) Platinum 600,000 sales figures based on certification alone shipments figures based on certification alone Antecedents and descendants ( edit ) The song was parodied by `` Weird Al '' Yankovic ( with Tress MacNeille and Mary Kay Bergman ) as `` Pretty Fly for a Rabbi '' on his 1999 album Running with Scissors . Other parodies have been made , such as `` Pretty Fly for a Jedi '' by comedy music group The Axis of Awesome , `` Pretty Fly for a Draenei '' and others . They are frequently and incorrectly attributed to `` Weird Al '' Yankovic on file sharing networks . The song is available as a marching band arrangement . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Offspring , The -- Pretty Fly ( For A White Guy ) '' . Discogs . Retrieved July 15 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' . Rate Your Music . Retrieved July 15 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Roberts , David ( 2006 ) . British Hit Singles & Albums ( 19th ed . ) . London : Guinness World Records Limited . p. 629 . ISBN 1 - 904994 - 10 - 5 . Jump up ^ LLC , SPIN Media ( 1 December 1998 ) . `` SPIN '' . SPIN Media LLC -- via Google Books . Jump up ^ Dexter Holland 's Americana Tour ^ Jump up to : LLC , SPIN Media ( 1 March 1999 ) . `` SPIN '' . SPIN Media LLC -- via Google Books . Jump up ^ CROMELIN , RICHARD ( 31 January 1999 ) . `` How to Survive in Suburbia '' -- via LA Times . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ `` -- The Offspring -- Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' . ARIA Top 50 Singles . Jump up ^ `` -- The Offspring -- Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( in German ) . Ö3 Austria Top 40 . Jump up ^ `` -- The Offspring -- Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( in Dutch ) . Ultratop 50 . Jump up ^ `` -- The Offspring -- Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( in French ) . Ultratop 50 . Jump up ^ Billboard - Google Books . ( 1999 - 02 - 27 ) . Retrieved on 2014 - 04 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` The Offspring : Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( in Finnish ) . Musiikkituottajat -- IFPI Finland . Jump up ^ `` -- The Offspring -- Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( in French ) . Les classement single . Jump up ^ `` -- The Offspring Single - Chartverfolgung '' ( in German ) . Media Control Charts . PhonoNet GmbH . Jump up ^ `` Top 10 Greece '' ( PDF ) . Music & Media . Retrieved May 9 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` The Irish Charts -- Search Results -- Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' . Irish Singles Chart . Jump up ^ `` -- The Offspring -- Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( in Dutch ) . Single Top 100 . Jump up ^ `` -- The Offspring -- Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' . VG - lista . Jump up ^ `` Polish Singles Chart '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 04 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` -- The Offspring -- Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' . Singles Top 100 . Jump up ^ `` -- The Offspring -- Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' . Swiss Singles Chart . Jump up ^ `` The Offspring : Artist Chart History '' . Official Charts Company . Jump up ^ `` The Offspring Chart History ( Alternative Songs ) '' . Billboard . Jump up ^ `` The Offspring Chart History ( Hot 100 ) '' . Billboard . Jump up ^ `` The Offspring Chart History ( Mainstream Rock ) '' . Billboard . Jump up ^ `` The Offspring Chart History ( Pop Songs ) '' . Billboard . Jump up ^ `` The Offspring Chart History ( Rhythmic ) '' . Billboard . Jump up ^ `` Top Singles - Volume 70 , No. 8 , December 13 , 1999 '' . RPM . December 13 , 1999 . Archived from the original on March 10 , 2016 . Retrieved November 21 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Top 100 Single - Jahrescharts '' ( in German ) . GfK Entertainment . Retrieved April 21 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Swiss year - end chart '' . 1999 . Archived from the original on March 1 , 2012 . Retrieved November 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` ARIA Charts -- Accreditations -- 1999 Singles '' . Australian Recording Industry Association . Retrieved September 13 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Austrian single certifications -- The Offspring '' ( in German ) . IFPI Austria . Retrieved September 13 , 2015 . Enter The Offspring in the field Interpret . Select single in the field Format . Click Suchen Jump up ^ `` Ultratop 50 Singles Vlaanderen 1999 '' . Ultratop Belgien Charts . . Retrieved September 13 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Canadian single certifications -- The Offspring '' . Music Canada . Retrieved January 22 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` French single certifications -- OFFSPRING -- PRETTY FLY '' ( in French ) . Syndicat National de l'Édition Phonographique . Retrieved September 13 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Gold - / Platin - Datenbank ( ' Pretty Fly ' ) '' ( in German ) . Bundesverband Musikindustrie . Retrieved September 13 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Italian single certifications -- The Offspring -- Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' ( in Italian ) . Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana . Retrieved October 23 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` IFPI Norsk platebransje Trofeer 1993 -- 2011 '' ( in Norwegian ) . IFPI Norway . Retrieved September 13 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Sverigetopplistan -- Sveriges Officiella Topplista '' . Sverigetopplistan ( in Swedish ) . IFPI Sverige . Retrieved September 13 , 2015 . Note : Search for `` Offspring '' and press `` Sök '' to see the search results . Select `` PRETTY FLY ( FOR A WHITE GUY ) '' and press `` VISA '' to see various charting positions and certification awards . Jump up ^ `` British single certifications -- Offspring -- PRETTY FLY ( FOR A WHITE GUY ) '' . British Phonographic Industry . Retrieved September 13 , 2015 . Enter PRETTY FLY ( FOR A WHITE GUY ) in the search field and then press Enter . Jump up ^ `` Pretty Fly ( For a White Guy ) '' . . Archived from the original on 2014 - 04 - 07 . Retrieved 2014 - 04 - 01 . External links ( edit ) Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics Preceded by `` A Little Bit More '' by 911 UK Singles Chart number - one single January 24 , 1999 - January 30 , 1999 Succeeded by `` You Do n't Know Me '' by Armand Van Helden featuring Duane Harden Preceded by No Aphrodisiac by The Whitlams Triple J Hottest 100 Winner 1998 Succeeded by These Days by Powderfinger ( hide ) The Offspring Dexter Holland Greg K . Noodles Pete Parada Jim Benton Doug Thompson Marcus Parrish James Lilja Ron Welty Atom Willard Studio albums The Offspring Ignition Smash Ixnay on the Hombre Americana Conspiracy of One Splinter Rise and Fall , Rage and Grace Days Go By Compilations Collection Greatest Hits Happy Hour ! EPs Baghdad They Were Born to Kill Club Me A Piece of Americana Summer Nationals Demos 6 songs cassette Tehran Singles `` I 'll Be Waiting '' `` Come Out and Play '' `` Self Esteem '' `` Gotta Get Away '' `` Smash It Up '' `` All I Want '' `` Gone Away '' `` The Meaning of Life '' `` I Choose '' `` Pretty Fly ( for a White Guy ) '' `` Why Do n't You Get a Job ? '' `` The Kids Are n't Alright '' `` She 's Got Issues '' `` Original Prankster '' `` Want You Bad '' `` Million Miles Away '' `` Defy You '' `` Hit That '' `` ( Ca n't Get My ) Head Around You '' `` Spare Me the Details '' `` Ca n't Repeat '' `` Hammerhead '' `` You 're Gonna Go Far , Kid '' `` Kristy , Are You Doing Okay ? '' `` Half - Truism '' `` Days Go By '' `` Cruising California ( Bumpin ' in My Trunk ) '' `` Turning Into You '' `` Coming for You '' Video albums Americana Huck It Complete Music Video Collection Tours Warped Tour 2005 Smash : 20th Anniversary Tour World Tour 2016 World Tour 2017 World Tour 2018 Related articles Discography List of songs Awards List of the Offspring band members Nitro Records Related bands Angels & Airwaves Face to Face Saves the Day Steady Ground Book Retrieved from `` '' Categories : The Offspring songs 1998 singles 1998 songs Multilingual songs Number - one singles in Australia Dutch Top 40 number - one singles Single Top 100 number - one singles Number - one singles in Finland Number - one singles in Greece UK Singles Chart number - one singles Irish Singles Chart number - one singles Number - one singles in Italy Number - one singles in Norway Number - one singles in Sweden Songs written by Dexter Holland Music videos directed by McG Comedy rock songs Hidden categories : CS1 German - language sources ( de ) CS1 French - language sources ( fr ) CS1 Italian - language sources ( it ) CS1 Norwegian - language sources ( no ) CS1 Swedish - language sources ( sv ) Articles with hAudio microformats Singlechart usages for Australia Singlechart usages for Austria Singlechart usages for Flanders Singlechart usages for Wallonia Singlechart usages for Finland Singlechart usages for France Singlechart usages for Germany Singlechart usages for Ireland2 Singlechart usages for Dutch100 Singlechart usages for Norway Singlechart usages for Sweden Singlechart usages for Switzerland Singlechart usages for UKchartstats Singlechart usages for Billboardalternativesongs Singlechart called without song Singlechart usages for Billboardhot100 Singlechart usages for Billboardmainstreamrock Singlechart usages for Billboardpopsongs Singlechart usages for Billboardrhythmic Certification Table Entry usages for Australia Certification Table Entry usages for Austria Certification Table Entry usages for Belgium Certification Table Entry usages for Canada Certification Table Entry usages for France Certification Table Entry usages for Germany Certification Table Entry usages for Italy Certification Table Entry usages for Norway Certification Table Entry usages for Sweden Certification Table Entry usages for United Kingdom Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Español Français Italiano עברית Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Simple English Slovenčina Suomi Svenska Українська 6 more Edit links This page was last edited on 10 May 2018 , at 03 : 23 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when was pretty fly for a white guy made | [
"\"Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)\" is a song by American rock band The Offspring. It is the fourth track from their fifth studio album Americana (1998) and was released as the first single from the album. It achieved significant pop and rock and alternative radio play and popularity, peaking at number 53 on the Billboard Hot 100, number 5 on the Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks, and number 3 on the Modern Rock Tracks chart. The song reached the charts in over 15 countries and topped the charts in nine of these, including Australia, where it went four times platinum, and the United Kingdom,[3] making it one of the most commercially successful singles released by the band. The song is a mocking portrayal of a white man who likes to act like an African-American stereotype."
] | [
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4928646489464370781 | Nobel Prize | Nobel Prize - Wikipedia Nobel Prize Jump to : navigation , search For a comprehensive list of Nobel Prize recipients , see List of Nobel laureates . For the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel , see Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences . For the unrelated American civil engineering prize , see Alfred Noble Prize . The Nobel Prize Awarded for Outstanding contributions for humanity in chemistry , economics , literature , peace , physics , or physiology or medicine Country Sweden ( all prizes except the Peace Prize ) Norway ( Peace Prize only ) Presented by Swedish Academy Nobel committee of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Nobel committee of Karolinska Institutet Norwegian Nobel Committee First awarded 1901 ; 116 years ago ( 1901 ) Number of laureates 579 prizes to 911 laureates as of 2016 Website The Nobel Prize ( / ˈnoʊbɛl / , Swedish pronunciation : ( nʊˈbɛl ) ; Swedish definite form , singular : Nobelpriset ; Norwegian : Nobelprisen ) is a set of annual international awards bestowed in several categories by Swedish and Norwegian institutions in recognition of academic , cultural or scientific advances . The will of the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel established the prizes in 1895 . The prizes in Chemistry , Literature , Peace , Physics and Physiology or Medicine were first awarded in 1901 . Medals made before 1980 were struck in 23 carat gold , and later from 18 carat green gold plated with a 24 carat gold coating . Between 1901 and 2016 , the Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economic Sciences were awarded 579 times to 911 people and organisations . With some receiving the Nobel Prize more than once , this makes a total of 23 organisations , and 881 individuals . The prize ceremonies take place annually in Stockholm , Sweden ( with the exception of the peace prize , which is held in Oslo , Norway ) . Each recipient , or laureate , receives a gold medal , a diploma , and a sum of money that has been decided by the Nobel Foundation . ( As of 2017 , each prize was worth SEK 8,000,000 or about US $1,000,000 , € 838,000 , £ 755,000 , or CNY 6,543,000 . ) The Nobel Prize is widely regarded as the most prestigious award available in the fields of literature , medicine , physics , chemistry , peace , as is the Prize in Economic Sciences . The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the Nobel Prize in Physics , the Nobel Prize in Chemistry , and the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel ; the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine ; the Swedish Academy grants the Nobel Prize in Literature ; and the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded not by a Swedish organisation but by the Norwegian Nobel Committee . The prize is not awarded posthumously ; however , if a person is awarded a prize and dies before receiving it , the prize may still be presented . Though the average number of laureates per prize increased substantially during the 20th century , a prize may not be shared among more than three people , although the Nobel Peace Prize can be awarded to organizations of more than three people . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Nobel Foundation 1.2 First prizes 1.3 Second World War 1.4 Prize in Economic Sciences 2 Award process 2.1 Nominations 2.2 Selection 2.3 Posthumous nominations 2.4 Recognition time lag 3 Award ceremonies 3.1 Nobel Banquet 3.2 Nobel lecture 4 Prizes 4.1 Medals 4.2 Diplomas 4.3 Award money 5 Controversies and criticisms 5.1 Controversial recipients 5.2 Overlooked achievements 5.3 Emphasis on discoveries over inventions 5.4 Gender disparity 6 Specially distinguished laureates 6.1 Multiple laureates 6.2 Family laureates 7 Cultural impact 8 Refusals and constraints 9 Legacy 10 See also 11 Sources 12 References 12.1 Notes 12.2 Bibliography 13 Further reading 14 External links History ( edit ) Alfred Nobel had the unpleasant surprise of reading his own obituary , which was titled The merchant of death is dead , in a French newspaper . Alfred Nobel ( listen ( help info ) ) was born on 21 October 1833 in Stockholm , Sweden , into a family of engineers . He was a chemist , engineer , and inventor . In 1894 , Nobel purchased the Bofors iron and steel mill , which he made into a major armaments manufacturer . Nobel also invented ballistite . This invention was a precursor to many smokeless military explosives , especially the British smokeless powder cordite . As a consequence of his patent claims , Nobel was eventually involved in a patent infringement lawsuit over cordite . Nobel amassed a fortune during his lifetime , with most of his wealth from his 355 inventions , of which dynamite is the most famous . In 1888 , Nobel was astonished to read his own obituary , titled The merchant of death is dead , in a French newspaper . As it was Alfred 's brother Ludvig who had died , the obituary was eight years premature . The article disconcerted Nobel and made him apprehensive about how he would be remembered . This inspired him to change his will . On 10 December 1896 , Alfred Nobel died in his villa in San Remo , Italy , from a cerebral haemorrhage . He was 63 years old . Nobel wrote several wills during his lifetime . He composed the last over a year before he died , signing it at the Swedish -- Norwegian Club in Paris on 27 November 1895 . To widespread astonishment , Nobel 's last will specified that his fortune be used to create a series of prizes for those who confer the `` greatest benefit on mankind '' in physics , chemistry , physiology or medicine , literature , and peace . Nobel bequeathed 94 % of his total assets , 31 million SEK ( c . US $186 million , € 150 million in 2008 ) , to establish the five Nobel Prizes . Because of scepticism surrounding the will , it was not until 26 April 1897 that it was approved by the Storting in Norway . The executors of Nobel 's will , Ragnar Sohlman and Rudolf Lilljequist , formed the Nobel Foundation to take care of Nobel 's fortune and organise the award of prizes . Nobel 's instructions named a Norwegian Nobel Committee to award the Peace Prize , the members of whom were appointed shortly after the will was approved in April 1897 . Soon thereafter , the other prize - awarding organisations were designated or established . These were Karolinska Institutet on 7 June , the Swedish Academy on 9 June , and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on 11 June . The Nobel Foundation reached an agreement on guidelines for how the prizes should be awarded ; and , in 1900 , the Nobel Foundation 's newly created statutes were promulgated by King Oscar II . In 1905 , the personal union between Sweden and Norway was dissolved . Nobel Foundation ( edit ) Main article : Nobel Foundation Alfred Nobel 's will stated that 94 % of his total assets should be used to establish the Nobel Prizes . The Nobel Foundation was founded as a private organisation on 29 June 1900 . Its function is to manage the finances and administration of the Nobel Prizes . In accordance with Nobel 's will , the primary task of the Foundation is to manage the fortune Nobel left . Robert and Ludvig Nobel were involved in the oil business in Azerbaijan , and according to Swedish historian E. Bargengren , who accessed the Nobel family archives , it was this `` decision to allow withdrawal of Alfred 's money from Baku that became the decisive factor that enabled the Nobel Prizes to be established '' . Another important task of the Nobel Foundation is to market the prizes internationally and to oversee informal administration related to the prizes . The Foundation is not involved in the process of selecting the Nobel laureates . In many ways , the Nobel Foundation is similar to an investment company , in that it invests Nobel 's money to create a solid funding base for the prizes and the administrative activities . The Nobel Foundation is exempt from all taxes in Sweden ( since 1946 ) and from investment taxes in the United States ( since 1953 ) . Since the 1980s , the Foundation 's investments have become more profitable and as of 31 December 2007 , the assets controlled by the Nobel Foundation amounted to 3.628 billion Swedish kronor ( c . US $560 million ) . According to the statutes , the Foundation consists of a board of five Swedish or Norwegian citizens , with its seat in Stockholm . The Chairman of the Board is appointed by the Swedish King in Council , with the other four members appointed by the trustees of the prize - awarding institutions . An Executive Director is chosen from among the board members , a Deputy Director is appointed by the King in Council , and two deputies are appointed by the trustees . However , since 1995 , all the members of the board have been chosen by the trustees , and the Executive Director and the Deputy Director appointed by the board itself . As well as the board , the Nobel Foundation is made up of the prize - awarding institutions ( the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences , the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institute , the Swedish Academy , and the Norwegian Nobel Committee ) , the trustees of these institutions , and auditors . First prizes ( edit ) Wilhelm Röntgen received the first Physics Prize for his discovery of X-rays . Once the Nobel Foundation and its guidelines were in place , the Nobel Committees began collecting nominations for the inaugural prizes . Subsequently , they sent a list of preliminary candidates to the prize - awarding institutions . The Nobel Committee 's Physics Prize shortlist cited Wilhelm Röntgen 's discovery of X-rays and Philipp Lenard 's work on cathode rays . The Academy of Sciences selected Röntgen for the prize . In the last decades of the 19th century , many chemists had made significant contributions . Thus , with the Chemistry Prize , the Academy `` was chiefly faced with merely deciding the order in which these scientists should be awarded the prize . '' The Academy received 20 nominations , eleven of them for Jacobus van ' t Hoff. Van ' t Hoff was awarded the prize for his contributions in chemical thermodynamics . The Swedish Academy chose the poet Sully Prudhomme for the first Nobel Prize in Literature . A group including 42 Swedish writers , artists , and literary critics protested against this decision , having expected Leo Tolstoy to be awarded . Some , including Burton Feldman , have criticised this prize because they consider Prudhomme a mediocre poet . Feldman 's explanation is that most of the Academy members preferred Victorian literature and thus selected a Victorian poet . The first Physiology or Medicine Prize went to the German physiologist and microbiologist Emil von Behring . During the 1890s , von Behring developed an antitoxin to treat diphtheria , which until then was causing thousands of deaths each year . The first Nobel Peace Prize went to the Swiss Jean Henri Dunant for his role in founding the International Red Cross Movement and initiating the Geneva Convention , and jointly given to French pacifist Frédéric Passy , founder of the Peace League and active with Dunant in the Alliance for Order and Civilization . Second World war ( edit ) In 1938 and 1939 , Adolf Hitler 's Third Reich forbade three laureates from Germany ( Richard Kuhn , Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt , and Gerhard Domagk ) from accepting their prizes . Each man was later able to receive the diploma and medal . Even though Sweden was officially neutral during the Second World War , the prizes were awarded irregularly . In 1939 , the Peace Prize was not awarded . No prize was awarded in any category from 1940 -- 42 , due to the occupation of Norway by Germany . In the subsequent year , all prizes were awarded except those for literature and peace . During the occupation of Norway , three members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee fled into exile . The remaining members escaped persecution from the Germans when the Nobel Foundation stated that the Committee building in Oslo was Swedish property . Thus it was a safe haven from the German military , which was not at war with Sweden . These members kept the work of the Committee going , but did not award any prizes . In 1944 , the Nobel Foundation , together with the three members in exile , made sure that nominations were submitted for the Peace Prize and that the prize could be awarded once again . Prize in Economic Sciences ( edit ) Main article : Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Map of Nobel laureates by country In 1968 , Sveriges Riksbank ( Swedish National Bank ) celebrated its 300th anniversary by donating a large sum of money to the Nobel Foundation to be used to set up a prize in honour of Nobel . The following year , the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded for the first time . The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences became responsible for selecting laureates . The first laureates for the Economics Prize were Jan Tinbergen and Ragnar Frisch `` for having developed and applied dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes . '' Although not a Nobel Prize , it is intimately identified with the other awards ; the laureates are announced with the Nobel Prize recipients , and the Prize in Economic Sciences is presented at the Swedish Nobel Prize Award Ceremony . The Board of the Nobel Foundation decided that after this addition , it would allow no further new prizes . Award process ( edit ) The award process is similar for all of the Nobel Prizes ; the main difference is in who can make nominations for each of them . Play media The announcement of the laureates in Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009 by Gunnar Öquist , permanent secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Play media 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature announcement by Peter Englund in Swedish , English , and German Nominations ( edit ) Nomination forms are sent by the Nobel Committee to about 3,000 individuals , usually in September the year before the prizes are awarded . These individuals are generally prominent academics working in a relevant area . Regarding the Peace Prize , inquiries are also sent to governments , former Peace Prize laureates , and current or former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee . The deadline for the return of the nomination forms is 31 January of the year of the award . The Nobel Committee nominates about 300 potential laureates from these forms and additional names . The nominees are not publicly named , nor are they told that they are being considered for the prize . All nomination records for a prize are sealed for 50 years from the awarding of the prize . Selection ( edit ) The Nobel Committee then prepares a report reflecting the advice of experts in the relevant fields . This , along with the list of preliminary candidates , is submitted to the prize - awarding institutions . The institutions meet to choose the laureate or laureates in each field by a majority vote . Their decision , which can not be appealed , is announced immediately after the vote . A maximum of three laureates and two different works may be selected per award . Except for the Peace Prize , which can be awarded to institutions , the awards can only be given to individuals . Posthumous nominations ( edit ) Although posthumous nominations are not presently permitted , individuals who died in the months between their nomination and the decision of the prize committee were originally eligible to receive the prize . This has occurred twice : the 1931 Literature Prize awarded to Erik Axel Karlfeldt , and the 1961 Peace Prize awarded to UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld . Since 1974 , laureates must be thought alive at the time of the October announcement . There has been one laureate , William Vickrey , who in 1996 died after the prize ( in Economics ) was announced but before it could be presented . On 3 October 2011 , the laureates for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine were announced ; however , the committee was not aware that one of the laureates , Ralph M. Steinman , had died three days earlier . The committee was debating about Steinman 's prize , since the rule is that the prize is not awarded posthumously . The committee later decided that as the decision to award Steinman the prize `` was made in good faith '' , it would remain unchanged . Recognition time lag ( edit ) Nobel 's will provided for prizes to be awarded in recognition of discoveries made `` during the preceding year '' . Early on , the awards usually recognised recent discoveries . However , some of these early discoveries were later discredited . For example , Johannes Fibiger was awarded the 1926 Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his purported discovery of a parasite that caused cancer . To avoid repeating this embarrassment , the awards increasingly recognised scientific discoveries that had withstood the test of time . According to Ralf Pettersson , former chairman of the Nobel Prize Committee for Physiology or Medicine , `` the criterion ' the previous year ' is interpreted by the Nobel Assembly as the year when the full impact of the discovery has become evident . '' The committee room of the Norwegian Nobel Committee The interval between the award and the accomplishment it recognises varies from discipline to discipline . The Literature Prize is typically awarded to recognise a cumulative lifetime body of work rather than a single achievement . The Peace Prize can also be awarded for a lifetime body of work . For example , 2008 laureate Martti Ahtisaari was awarded for his work to resolve international conflicts . However , they can also be awarded for specific recent events . For instance , Kofi Annan was awarded the 2001 Peace Prize just four years after becoming the Secretary - General of the United Nations . Similarly Yasser Arafat , Yitzhak Rabin , and Shimon Peres received the 1994 award , about a year after they successfully concluded the Oslo Accords . Awards for physics , chemistry , and medicine are typically awarded once the achievement has been widely accepted . Sometimes , this takes decades -- for example , Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar shared the 1983 Physics Prize for his 1930s work on stellar structure and evolution . Not all scientists live long enough for their work to be recognised . Some discoveries can never be considered for a prize if their impact is realised after the discoverers have died . Award ceremonies ( edit ) Left : Barack Obama after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo City Hall from the hands of Norwegian Nobel Committee Chairman Thorbjørn Jagland ; Right : Giovanni Jona - Lasinio presenting Yoichiro Nambu 's Nobel Lecture at Aula Magna , Stockholm in 2008 Except for the Peace Prize , the Nobel Prizes are presented in Stockholm , Sweden , at the annual Prize Award Ceremony on 10 December , the anniversary of Nobel 's death . The recipients ' lectures are normally held in the days prior to the award ceremony . The Peace Prize and its recipients ' lectures are presented at the annual Prize Award Ceremony in Oslo , Norway , usually on 10 December . The award ceremonies and the associated banquets are typically major international events . The Prizes awarded in Sweden 's ceremonies ' are held at the Stockholm Concert Hall , with the Nobel banquet following immediately at Stockholm City Hall . The Nobel Peace Prize ceremony has been held at the Norwegian Nobel Institute ( 1905 -- 1946 ) , at the auditorium of the University of Oslo ( 1947 -- 1989 ) , and at Oslo City Hall ( 1990 -- present ) . The highlight of the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm occurs when each Nobel laureate steps forward to receive the prize from the hands of the King of Sweden . In Oslo , the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee presents the Nobel Peace Prize in the presence of the King of Norway . At first , King Oscar II did not approve of awarding grand prizes to foreigners . It is said that his mind changed once his attention had been drawn to the publicity value of the prizes for Sweden . Nobel banquet ( edit ) Main article : Nobel Banquet Table at the 2005 Nobel Banquet in Stockholm After the award ceremony in Sweden , a banquet is held in the Blue Hall at the Stockholm City Hall , which is attended by the Swedish Royal Family and around 1,300 guests . The Nobel Peace Prize banquet is held in Norway at the Oslo Grand Hotel after the award ceremony . Apart from the laureate , guests include the President of the Storting , the Prime Minister , and , since 2006 , the King and Queen of Norway . In total , about 250 guests attend . Nobel lecture ( edit ) According to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation , each laureate is required to give a public lecture on a subject related to the topic of their prize . The Nobel lecture as a rhetorical genre took decades to reach its current format . These lectures normally occur during Nobel Week ( the week leading up to the award ceremony and banquet , which begins with the laureates arriving in Stockholm and normally ends with the Nobel banquet ) , but this is not mandatory . The laureate is only obliged to give the lecture within six months of receiving the prize . Some have happened even later . For example , US President Theodore Roosevelt received the Peace Prize in 1906 but gave his lecture in 1910 , after his term in office . The lectures are organised by the same association which selected the laureates . Prizes ( edit ) Medals ( edit ) It was announced on 30 May 2012 that the Nobel Foundation had awarded the contract for the production of the five ( Swedish ) Nobel Prize medals to Svenska Medalj AB . Formerly , the Nobel Prize medals were minted by Myntverket ( the Swedish Mint ) from 1902 to 2010 . Myntverket , Sweden 's oldest company , ceased operations in 2011 after 1,017 years . In 2011 , the Mint of Norway , located in Kongsberg , made the medals . The Nobel Prize medals are registered trademarks of the Nobel Foundation . Each medal features an image of Alfred Nobel in left profile on the obverse . The medals for physics , chemistry , physiology or medicine , and literature have identical obverses , showing the image of Alfred Nobel and the years of his birth and death . Nobel 's portrait also appears on the obverse of the Peace Prize medal and the medal for the Economics Prize , but with a slightly different design . For instance , the laureate 's name is engraved on the rim of the Economics medal . The image on the reverse of a medal varies according to the institution awarding the prize . The reverse sides of the medals for chemistry and physics share the same design . Laureates receive a heavily decorated diploma together with a gold medal and the prize money . Here Fritz Haber 's diploma is shown , which he received for the development of a method to synthesise ammonia . All medals made before 1980 were struck in 23 carat gold . Since then , they have been struck in 18 carat green gold plated with 24 carat gold . The weight of each medal varies with the value of gold , but averages about 175 grams ( 0.386 lb ) for each medal . The diameter is 66 millimetres ( 2.6 in ) and the thickness varies between 5.2 millimetres ( 0.20 in ) and 2.4 millimetres ( 0.094 in ) . Because of the high value of their gold content and tendency to be on public display , Nobel medals are subject to medal theft . During World War II , the medals of German scientists Max von Laue and James Franck were sent to Copenhagen for safekeeping . When Germany invaded Denmark , Hungarian chemist ( and Nobel laureate himself ) George de Hevesy dissolved them in aqua regia ( nitro - hydrochloric acid ) , to prevent confiscation by Nazi Germany and to prevent legal problems for the holders . After the war , the gold was recovered from solution , and the medals re-cast . Diplomas ( edit ) Nobel laureates receive a diploma directly from the hands of the King of Sweden , or in the case of the peace prize , the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee . Each diploma is uniquely designed by the prize - awarding institutions for the laureates that receive them . The diploma contains a picture and text in Swedish which states the name of the laureate and normally a citation of why they received the prize . None of the Nobel Peace Prize laureates has ever had a citation on their diplomas . Award money ( edit ) The laureates are given a sum of money when they receive their prizes , in the form of a document confirming the amount awarded . The amount of prize money depends upon how much money the Nobel Foundation can award each year . The purse has increased since the 1980s , when the prize money was 880 000 SEK ( c. 2.6 million SEK , US $350 000 , or € 295,000 today ) per prize . In 2009 , the monetary award was 10 million SEK ( US $1.4 million , € 950,000 ) . In June 2012 , it was lowered to 8 million SEK . If there are two laureates in a particular category , the award grant is divided equally between the recipients . If there are three , the awarding committee has the option of dividing the grant equally , or awarding one - half to one recipient and one - quarter to each of the others . It is common for recipients to donate prize money to benefit scientific , cultural , or humanitarian causes . Controversies and criticisms ( edit ) Main article : Nobel Prize controversies Controversial recipients ( edit ) When it was announced that Henry Kissinger was to be awarded the Peace Prize , two of the Norwegian Nobel Committee members resigned in protest . Among other criticisms , the Nobel Committees have been accused of having a political agenda , and of omitting more deserving candidates . They have also been accused of Eurocentrism , especially for the Literature Prize . Peace Prize Among the most criticised Nobel Peace Prizes was the one awarded to Henry Kissinger and Lê Đức Thọ . This led to the resignation of two Norwegian Nobel Committee members . Lê Đức Thọ declined the prize . Kissinger and Thọ were awarded the prize for negotiating a ceasefire between North Vietnam and the United States in January 1973 . However , when the award was announced , both sides were still engaging in hostilities . Many critics were of the opinion that Kissinger was not a peace - maker but the opposite , responsible for widening the war . Yasser Arafat , Shimon Peres , and Yitzhak Rabin received the Peace Prize in 1994 for their efforts in making peace between Israel and Palestine . Immediately after the award was announced , one of the five Norwegian Nobel Committee members denounced Arafat as a terrorist and resigned . Additional misgivings about Arafat were widely expressed in various newspapers . Another controversial Peace Prize was that awarded to Barack Obama in 2009 . Nominations had closed only eleven days after Obama took office as President of the United States , but the actual evaluation occurred over the next eight months . Obama himself stated that he did not feel deserving of the award , or worthy of the company it would place him in . Past Peace Prize laureates were divided , some saying that Obama deserved the award , and others saying he had not secured the achievements to yet merit such an accolade . Obama 's award , along with the previous Peace Prizes for Jimmy Carter and Al Gore , also prompted accusations of a left - wing bias . Literature Prize The award of the 2004 Literature Prize to Elfriede Jelinek drew a protest from a member of the Swedish Academy , Knut Ahnlund . Ahnlund resigned , alleging that the selection of Jelinek had caused `` irreparable damage to all progressive forces , it has also confused the general view of literature as an art . '' He alleged that Jelinek 's works were `` a mass of text shovelled together without artistic structure . '' The 2009 Literature Prize to Herta Müller also generated criticism . According to The Washington Post , many US literary critics and professors were ignorant of her work . This made those critics feel the prizes were too Eurocentric . Science prizes In 1949 , the neurologist António Egas Moniz received the Physiology or Medicine Prize for his development of the prefrontal leucotomy . The previous year , Dr. Walter Freeman had developed a version of the procedure which was faster and easier to carry out . Due in part to the publicity surrounding the original procedure , Freeman 's procedure was prescribed without due consideration or regard for modern medical ethics . Endorsed by such influential publications as The New England Journal of Medicine , leucotomy or `` lobotomy '' became so popular that about 5,000 lobotomies were performed in the United States in the three years immediately following Moniz 's receipt of the Prize . Overlooked achievements ( edit ) The Norwegian Nobel Committee declined to award a prize in 1948 , the year of Gandhi 's death , on the grounds that `` there was no suitable living candidate . '' James Joyce , one of the controversial omissions of the Literature Prize The Norwegian Nobel Committee confirmed that Mahatma Gandhi was nominated for the Peace Prize in 1937 -- 39 , 1947 , and a few days before he was assassinated in January 1948 . Later , members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee expressed regret that he was not given the prize . Geir Lundestad , Secretary of Norwegian Nobel Committee in 2006 , said , `` The greatest omission in our 106 year history is undoubtedly that Mahatma Gandhi never received the Nobel Peace prize . Gandhi could do without the Nobel Peace prize . Whether Nobel committee can do without Gandhi is the question '' . In 1948 , the year of Gandhi 's death , the Nobel Committee declined to award a prize on the grounds that `` there was no suitable living candidate '' that year . Later , when the Dalai Lama was awarded the Peace Prize in 1989 , the chairman of the committee said that this was `` in part a tribute to the memory of Mahatma Gandhi . '' Other high - profile individuals with widely recognised contributions to peace have been missed out . Foreign Policy lists Eleanor Roosevelt , Václav Havel , Ken Saro - Wiwa , Sari Nusseibeh , and Corazon Aquino as people who `` never won the prize , but should have . '' In 1965 , UN Secretary General U Thant was informed by the Norwegian Permanent Representative to the UN that he would be awarded that year 's prize and asked whether or not he would accept . He consulted staff and later replied that he would . At the same time , Chairman Gunnar Jahn of the Nobel Peace prize committee , lobbied heavily against giving U Thant the prize and the prize was at the last minute awarded to UNICEF . The rest of the committee all wanted the prize to go to U Thant , for his work in defusing the Cuban Missile Crisis , ending the war in the Congo , and his ongoing work to mediate an end to the Vietnam War . The disagreement lasted three years and in 1966 and 1967 no prize was given , with Gunnar Jahn effectively vetoing an award to U Thant . The Literature Prize also has controversial omissions . Adam Kirsch has suggested that many notable writers have missed out on the award for political or extra-literary reasons . The heavy focus on European and Swedish authors has been a subject of criticism . The Eurocentric nature of the award was acknowledged by Peter Englund , the 2009 Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy , as a problem with the award and was attributed to the tendency for the academy to relate more to European authors . This tendency towards European authors still leaves some European writers on a list of notable writers that have been overlooked for the Literature Prize , including Europe 's Leo Tolstoy , Anton Chekhov , J.R.R. Tolkien , Émile Zola , Marcel Proust , Vladimir Nabokov , James Joyce , August Strindberg , Simon Vestdijk , Karel Čapek , the New World 's Jorge Luis Borges , Ezra Pound , John Updike , Arthur Miller , Mark Twain , and Africa 's Chinua Achebe . Candidates can receive multiple nominations the same year . Gaston Ramon received a total of 155 nominations in physiology or medicine from 1930 to 1953 , the last year with public nomination data for that award as of 2016 . He died in 1963 without being awarded . Pierre Paul Émile Roux received 115 nominations in physiology or medicine , and Arnold Sommerfeld received 84 in physics . These are the three most nominated scientists without awards in the data published as of 2016 . Otto Stern received 79 nominations in physics 1925 -- 43 before being awarded in 1943 . The strict rule against awarding a prize to more than three people is also controversial . When a prize is awarded to recognise an achievement by a team of more than three collaborators , one or more will miss out . For example , in 2002 , the prize was awarded to Koichi Tanaka and John Fenn for the development of mass spectrometry in protein chemistry , an award that did not recognise the achievements of Franz Hillenkamp and Michael Karas of the Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Frankfurt . According to one of the nominees for the prize in physics , the three person limit deprived him and two other members of his team of the honour in 2013 : the team of Carl Hagen , Gerald Guralnik , and Tom Kibble published a paper in 1964 that gave answers to how the cosmos began , but did not share the 2013 Physics Prize awarded to Peter Higgs and François Englert , who had also published papers in 1964 concerning the subject . All five physicists arrived at the same conclusion , albeit from different angles . Hagen contends that an equitable solution is to either abandon the three limit restriction , or expand the time period of recognition for a given achievement to two years . Similarly , the prohibition of posthumous awards fails to recognise achievements by an individual or collaborator who dies before the prize is awarded . In 1962 , Francis Crick , James D. Watson , and Maurice Wilkins were awarded the Physiology or Medicine Prize for discovering the structure of DNA . Rosalind Franklin , a key contributor in that discovery , died of ovarian cancer four years earlier . The Economics Prize was not awarded to Fischer Black , who died in 1995 , when his co-author Myron Scholes received the honour in 1997 for their landmark work on option pricing along with Robert C. Merton , another pioneer in the development of valuation of stock options . In the announcement of the award that year , the Nobel committee prominently mentioned Black 's key role . Political subterfuge may also deny proper recognition . Lise Meitner and Fritz Strassmann , who co-discovered nuclear fission along with Otto Hahn , may have been denied a share of Hahn 's 1944 Nobel Chemistry Award due to having fled Germany when the Nazis came to power . The Meitner and Strassmann roles in the research was not fully recognised until years later , when they joined Hahn in receiving the 1966 Enrico Fermi Award . Emphasis on discoveries over inventions ( edit ) Alfred Nobel left his fortune to finance annual prizes to be awarded `` to those who , during the preceding year , shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind . '' He stated that the Nobel Prizes in Physics should be given `` to the person who shall have made the most important ' discovery ' or ' invention ' within the field of physics . '' Nobel did not emphasise discoveries , but they have historically been held in higher respect by the Nobel Prize Committee than inventions : 77 % of the Physics Prizes have been given to discoveries , compared with only 23 % to inventions . Christoph Bartneck and Matthias Rauterberg , in papers published in Nature and Technoetic Arts , have argued this emphasis on discoveries has moved the Nobel Prize away from its original intention of rewarding the greatest contribution to society . Gender disparity ( edit ) In terms of the most prestigious awards in STEM fields , only a small proportion have been awarded to women . Looking at the Nobel Prize , out of 199 laureates in Physics , 169 in Chemistry and 207 in Medicine , there were only two female laureates in physics , four in chemistry and 11 in medicine between 1901 and 2014 . Specially distinguished laureates ( edit ) Multiple laureates ( edit ) Marie Curie , one of four people who have received the Nobel Prize twice ( Physics and Chemistry ) Four people have received two Nobel Prizes . Marie Curie received the Physics Prize in 1903 for her work on radioactivity and the Chemistry Prize in 1911 for the isolation of pure radium , making her the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different sciences . Linus Pauling won the 1954 Chemistry Prize for his research into the chemical bond and its application to the structure of complex substances . Pauling also won the Peace Prize in 1962 for his activism against nuclear weapons , making him the only laureate of two unshared prizes . John Bardeen received the Physics Prize twice : in 1956 for the invention of the transistor and in 1972 for the theory of superconductivity . Frederick Sanger received the prize twice in Chemistry : in 1958 for determining the structure of the insulin molecule and in 1980 for inventing a method of determining base sequences in DNA . Two organisations have received the Peace Prize multiple times . The International Committee of the Red Cross received it three times : in 1917 and 1944 for its work during the world wars ; and in 1963 during the year of its centenary . The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has won the Peace Prize twice for assisting refugees : in 1954 and 1981 . Family laureates ( edit ) The Curie family has received the most prizes , with four prizes won by five individual laureates . Marie Curie received the prizes in Physics ( in 1903 ) and Chemistry ( in 1911 ) . Her husband , Pierre Curie , shared the 1903 Physics prize with her . Their daughter , Irène Joliot - Curie , received the Chemistry Prize in 1935 together with her husband Frédéric Joliot - Curie . In addition , the husband of Marie Curie 's second daughter , Henry Labouisse , was the director of UNICEF when it won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 . Although no family matches the Curie family 's record , there have been several with two laureates . The husband - and - wife team of Gerty Cori and Carl Ferdinand Cori shared the 1947 Prize in Physiology or Medicine as did the husband - and - wife team of May - Britt Moser and Edvard Moser in 2014 ( along with John O'Keefe ) . J.J. Thomson was awarded the Physics Prize in 1906 for showing that electrons are particles . His son , George Paget Thomson , received the same prize in 1937 for showing that they also have the properties of waves . William Henry Bragg and his son , William Lawrence Bragg , shared the Physics Prize in 1915 for inventing the X-ray spectrometer . Niels Bohr won the Physics prize in 1922 , as did his son , Aage Bohr , in 1975 . Manne Siegbahn , who received the Physics Prize in 1924 , was the father of Kai Siegbahn , who received the Physics Prize in 1981 . Hans von Euler - Chelpin , who received the Chemistry Prize in 1929 , was the father of Ulf von Euler , who was awarded the Physiology or Medicine Prize in 1970 . C.V. Raman won the Physics Prize in 1930 and was the uncle of Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar , who won the same prize in 1983 . Arthur Kornberg received the Physiology or Medicine Prize in 1959 ; Kornberg 's son , Roger later received the Chemistry Prize in 2006 . Jan Tinbergen , who won the first Economics Prize in 1969 , was the brother of Nikolaas Tinbergen , who received the 1973 Physiology or Medicine Prize . Alva Myrdal , Peace Prize laureate in 1982 , was the wife of Gunnar Myrdal who was awarded the Economics Prize in 1974 . Economics laureates Paul Samuelson and Kenneth Arrow were brothers - in - law . Frits Zernike , winner of the 1953 Physics Prize , is the great - uncle of 1999 Physics laureate Gerard ' t Hooft . Cultural impact ( edit ) Being a symbol of scientific or literary achievement that 's recognisable worldwide , the Nobel Prize is often depicted in fiction . This includes films like The Prize and Nobel Son about fictional Nobel laureates as well as fictionalised accounts of stories surrounding real prizes such as Nobel Chor , a film based on the unsolved theft of Rabindranath Tagore 's prize . Refusals and constraints ( edit ) Richard Kuhn , who was forced to decline his Nobel Prize in Chemistry Two laureates have voluntarily declined the Nobel Prize . In 1964 , Jean - Paul Sartre was awarded the Literature Prize but refused , stating , `` A writer must refuse to allow himself to be transformed into an institution , even if it takes place in the most honourable form . '' Lê Đức Thọ , chosen for the 1973 Peace Prize for his role in the Paris Peace Accords , declined , stating that there was no actual peace in Vietnam . During the Third Reich , Adolf Hitler hindered Richard Kuhn , Adolf Butenandt , and Gerhard Domagk from accepting their prizes . All of them were awarded their diplomas and gold medals after World War II . In 1958 , Boris Pasternak declined his prize for literature due to fear of what the Soviet Union government might do if he travelled to Stockholm to accept his prize . In return , the Swedish Academy refused his refusal , saying `` this refusal , of course , in no way alters the validity of the award . '' The Academy announced with regret that the presentation of the Literature Prize could not take place that year , holding it until 1989 when Pasternak 's son accepted the prize on his behalf . Aung San Suu Kyi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 , but her children accepted the prize because she had been placed under house arrest in Burma ; Suu Kyi delivered her speech two decades later , in 2012 . Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 while he and his wife were under house arrest in China as political prisoners , and he was unable to accept the prize in his lifetime . Legacy ( edit ) The memorial symbol `` Planet of Alfred Nobel '' was opened in Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Law in 2008 . On the globe , there are 802 Nobel laureates ' reliefs made of a composite alloy obtained when disposing of military strategic missiles . See also ( edit ) List of Nobel laureates List of Nobel laureates by country List of Nobel laureates by Secondary School affiliation List of Nobel laureates by university affiliation List of female Nobel laureates List of prizes , medals and awards Nobel Conference Nobel Library Nobel Museum Nobel Peace Center Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings Sources ( edit ) This article incorporates text from a free content work . Licensed under CC - BY - SA IGO 3.0 Licence statement : A Complex Formula : Girls and Women in Science , Technology , Engineering and Mathematics in Asia , 23 , UNESCO , UNESCO . UNESCO . To learn how to add freely licensed text to Wikipedia articles , please see the terms of use . References ( edit ) Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Which country has the best brains ? '' . BBC News . 8 October 2010 . Retrieved 6 December 2011 . Jump up ^ All Nobel Prizes . Nobel Prize . Retrieved on 10 February 2017 . 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Greenwood Publishing Group . pp. 108 -- 110 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 313 - 29180 - 7 . Retrieved 25 December 2012 . Jump up ^ The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2014 , retrieved 2015 - 01 - 28 Jump up ^ Gribbin , p. 91 Jump up ^ Hargittai , István ( 28 August 2003 ) . The Road to Stockholm : Nobel Prizes , Science , and Scientists : Nobel Prizes , Science , and Scientists . Oxford University Press . p. 149 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 860785 - 4 . Retrieved 25 December 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Professor Aage Bohr : Nobel prize - winning physicist '' . The Times . London : Times Newspapers Limited . 11 September 2009 . Retrieved 24 January 2010 . Jump up ^ Maugh , Thomas H. , II ( 8 August 2007 ) . `` Kai Siegbahn , 89 ; Nobel - winning physicist invented electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis '' . Los Angeles Times . Eddy Hartenstein . Retrieved 24 January 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar '' . University of Chicago . 22 August 1995 . Retrieved 24 January 2010 . Jump up ^ Feldman , p. 406 Jump up ^ Conger , Krista ( 4 October 2006 ) . `` Roger Kornberg wins the 2006 Nobel Prize in Chemistry '' . Stanford Report . Retrieved 24 January 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Gerardus ' t Hooft - Biographical '' . . Retrieved July 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Stockholm Business Region ( 5 December 2013 ) . `` The Nobel Prize : On the film screen '' . Mynewsdesk . Retrieved 31 March 2015 . Jump up ^ Holt , Jim ( 22 September 2003 ) . `` Exit , Pursued by a Lobster '' . Slate . The Washington Post Company . Retrieved 21 January 2010 . ^ Jump up to : English , Jason ( 6 October 2009 ) . `` Odd facts about Nobel Prize winners '' . CNN . Retrieved 21 January 2010 . Jump up ^ Franchetti , Mark ( 14 January 2007 ) . `` How the CIA won Zhivago a Nobel '' . The Times . London : Times Newspapers Limited . Retrieved 21 January 2010 . Jump up ^ Finn , Peter ( 27 January 2007 ) . `` The Plot Thickens '' . The Washington Post . Katharine Weymouth . Retrieved 21 January 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Aung San Suu Kyi -- Biographical '' . The Nobel Foundation . Retrieved 28 July 2012 . Jump up ^ Monument of the Planet of Alfred Nobel . . Retrieved on 2013 - 07 - 28 . Jump up ^ Memorial symbol `` Alfred Nobel Planet '' . . Retrieved on 2013 - 07 - 28 . Bibliography ( edit ) Abrams , Irwin ( 2001 ) . The Nobel Peace Prize and the Laureates . Watson Publishing International . ISBN 0 - 88135 - 388 - 4 . Crawford , Elizabeth T ( 1984 ) . The Beginnings of the Nobel Institution -- The Science Prizes , 1901 -- 1915 ( First ed . ) . Maison des Sciences de l'Homme & Cambridge University Press . ISBN 0 - 521 - 26584 - 3 . Feldman , Burton ( 2001 ) . The Nobel prize : a history of genius , controversy , and prestige . Arcade Publishing . ISBN 1 - 55970 - 592 - 2 . Gribbin , John ( 1985 ) . In Search of Schrödinger 's Cat : Quantum Physics and Reality . Corgi . ISBN 0 - 552 - 12555 - 5 . Jones , Brenn ( 2003 ) . Learning about love from the life of Mother Teresa . PowerKids Press . ISBN 0 - 8239 - 5777 - 2 . Levinovitz , Agneta Wallin ( 2001 ) . Nils Ringertz , ed . The Nobel Prize : The First 100 Years . Imperial College Press and World Scientific Publishing . ISBN 981 - 02 - 4664 - 1 . Leroy , Francis ( 2003 ) . A century of Nobel Prizes recipients : chemistry , physics , and medicine . CRC Press . ISBN 0 - 8247 - 0876 - 8 . Shalev , Baruch Aba ( 2005 ) . 100 years of Nobel prizes ( Third ed . ) . The Americas Group . ISBN 978 - 0 - 935047 - 37 - 0 . Sohlman , Ragnar ( 1983 ) . The Legacy of Alfred Nobel -- The Story Behind the Nobel Prizes . The Nobel Foundation . Söderlind , Ulrica ( 2010 ) . The Nobel Banquet . World Scientific Publishing . Wilhelm , Peter ( 1983 ) . The Nobel Prize . Springwood Books . ISBN 978 - 0 - 86254 - 111 - 8 . Further reading ( edit ) Pais , Abraham ( 1983 ) . Subtle Is the Lord : The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein ( Third ed . ) . Oxford University Press . ISBN 0 - 19 - 520438 - 7 . OCLC 8195995 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Nobel Prize . Listen to this article ( info / dl ) This audio file was created from a revision of the article `` Nobel Prize '' dated 2016 - 11 - 02 , and does not reflect subsequent edits to the article . ( Audio help ) More spoken articles Official website Nobel Prizes by Universities and Institutes Nobel Prize at Encyclopædia Britannica ( hide ) Nobel Prizes Prizes Chemistry Economics Literature Peace Physics Physiology or Medicine Laureates by subject Chemistry Economics Literature Peace Physics Physiology or Medicine by criterion African Arab Asian Black Female Latino and Hispanic Jewish by country Argentine Australian Belgian Chinese Danish Hungarian Indian Israeli Italian Japanese Korean Liberian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Spanish Swedish Turkish Welsh by religion Christian Jewish Muslim Non-religious by year By year by university affiliation University affiliation by occupation Head of Government and State Committees and organisations Nobel Foundation Nobel Committees Chemistry Economics Physics Physiology or Medicine Norwegian Nobel Committee Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet Related topics Controversies Other prizes Alfred Nobel Nobel Memorial Prize ( not one of the original Nobel Prizes ) . 2016 Nobel Prize laureates Chemistry Jean - Pierre Sauvage ( France ) Fraser Stoddart ( United Kingdom , United States ) Ben Feringa ( Netherlands ) Literature Bob Dylan ( United States ) Peace ( 2016 ) Juan Manuel Santos ( Colombia ) Physics David J. Thouless ( United Kingdom , United States ) Duncan Haldane ( United Kingdom , United States ) J. Michael Kosterlitz ( United Kingdom , United States ) Physiology or Medicine Yoshinori Ohsumi ( Japan ) Economic Sciences Oliver Hart ( United Kingdom , United States ) Bengt Holmström ( Finland ) Nobel Prize recipients 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LCCN : sh85092136 GND : 4130217 - 5 NDL : 00568591 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Nobel Prize Academic awards Alfred Nobel Awards established in 1895 International awards Scientific organizations based in Sweden Science and technology awards Hidden categories : CS1 Swedish - language sources ( sv ) EngvarB from November 2016 Use dmy dates from August 2012 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2016 All articles containing potentially dated statements Articles containing Norwegian - language text Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2017 Articles with hAudio microformats Free - content attribution Free content from UNESCO Spoken articles Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia Good articles Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Articles containing video clips Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Alemannisch Aragonés অসমীয়া Asturianu Azərbaycanca تۆرکجه বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Башҡортса Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) Bikol Central Български Boarisch Bosanski Brezhoneg Буряад Català Čeština Chavacano de Zamboanga Corsu Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Fiji Hindi Føroyskt Français Frysk Furlan Gaeilge Gàidhlig Galego 贛 語 Gĩkũyũ ગુજરાતી गोंयची कोंकणी / Gõychi Konknni 한국어 Hausa Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Ido Ilokano বিষ্ণুপ্রিয়া মণিপুরী Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Ирон Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa ಕನ್ನಡ Къарачай - малкъар ქართული Kaszëbsczi Қазақша Kiswahili Kurdî Кыргызча لۊری شومالی Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Limburgs Livvinkarjala Magyar मैथिली Македонски Malagasy മലയാളം Malti मराठी მარგალური مصرى مازِرونی Bahasa Melayu Baso Minangkabau Mìng - dĕ̤ng - ngṳ̄ Mirandés Монгол မြန်မာဘာသာ Nederlands नेपाली नेपाल भाषा 日本 語 Napulitano Нохчийн Norsk Norsk nynorsk Nouormand Novial Occitan ଓଡ଼ିଆ Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча ਪੰਜਾਬੀ پنجابی پښتو Patois ភាសា ខ្មែរ Piemontèis Plattdüütsch Polski Português Română Runa Simi Русиньскый Русский Саха тыла संस्कृतम् Sardu Scots Shqip Sicilianu සිංහල Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் Taqbaylit Татарча / tatarça తెలుగు ไทย Тоҷикӣ ತುಳು Türkçe Türkmençe Українська اردو Vèneto Tiếng Việt Winaray ייִדיש Yorùbá 粵語 Zazaki Žemaitėška 中文 Kabɩyɛ Edit links This page was last edited on 17 September 2017 , at 17 : 51 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | name the fields in which nobel prize is given | [
"\n\nThe Nobel Prize\n\n\n\n\n\nAwarded for\nOutstanding contributions for humanity in chemistry, economics, literature, peace, physics, or physiology or medicine\n\n\nCountry\n\n\n\nSweden (all prizes except the Peace Prize)\n\n\nNorway (Peace Prize only)\n\n\n\n\n\nPresented by\n\n\n\nSwedish Academy\nNobel committee of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences\nNobel committee of Karolinska Institutet\nNorwegian Nobel Committee\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst awarded\n\n\n\n1901; 116 years ago (1901)\n\n\n\n\n\nNumber of laureates\n579 prizes to 911 laureates as of 2016[update]\n\n\nWebsite\\n\n",
"\n\nThe Nobel Prize\n\n\n\n\n\nAwarded for\nOutstanding contributions for humanity in chemistry, economics, literature, peace, physics, or physiology or medicine\n\n\nCountry\n\n\n\nSweden (all prizes except the Peace Prize)\n\n\nNorway (Peace Prize only)\n\n\n\n\n\nPresented by\n\n\n\nSwedish Academy\nNobel committee of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences\nNobel committee of Karolinska Institutet\nNorwegian Nobel Committee\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst awarded\n\n\n\n1901; 116 years ago (1901)\n\n\n\n\n\nNumber of laureates\n579 prizes to 911 laureates as of 2016[update]\n\n\nWebsite\\n\n",
"\n\nThe Nobel Prize\n\n\n\n\n\nAwarded for\nOutstanding contributions for humanity in chemistry, economics, literature, peace, physics, or physiology or medicine\n\n\nCountry\n\n\n\nSweden (all prizes except the Peace Prize)\n\n\nNorway (Peace Prize only)\n\n\n\n\n\nPresented by\n\n\n\nSwedish Academy\nNobel committee of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences\nNobel committee of Karolinska Institutet\nNorwegian Nobel Committee\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst awarded\n\n\n\n1901; 116 years ago (1901)\n\n\n\n\n\nNumber of laureates\n579 prizes to 911 laureates as of 2016[update]\n\n\nWebsite\\n\n",
"\n\nThe Nobel Prize\n\n\n\n\n\nAwarded for\nOutstanding contributions for humanity in chemistry, economics, literature, peace, physics, or physiology or medicine\n\n\nCountry\n\n\n\nSweden (all prizes except the Peace Prize)\n\n\nNorway (Peace Prize only)\n\n\n\n\n\nPresented by\n\n\n\nSwedish Academy\nNobel committee of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences\nNobel committee of Karolinska Institutet\nNorwegian Nobel Committee\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst awarded\n\n\n\n1901; 116 years ago (1901)\n\n\n\n\n\nNumber of laureates\n579 prizes to 911 laureates as of 2016[update]\n\n\nWebsite\\n\n",
"\n\nThe Nobel Prize\n\n\n\n\n\nAwarded for\nOutstanding contributions for humanity in chemistry, economics, literature, peace, physics, or physiology or medicine\n\n\nCountry\n\n\n\nSweden (all prizes except the Peace Prize)\n\n\nNorway (Peace Prize only)\n\n\n\n\n\nPresented by\n\n\n\nSwedish Academy\nNobel committee of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences\nNobel committee of Karolinska Institutet\nNorwegian Nobel Committee\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst awarded\n\n\n\n1901; 116 years ago (1901)\n\n\n\n\n\nNumber of laureates\n579 prizes to 911 laureates as of 2016[update]\n\n\nWebsite\\n\n",
"\n\nThe Nobel Prize\n\n\n\n\n\nAwarded for\nOutstanding contributions for humanity in chemistry, economics, literature, peace, physics, or physiology or medicine\n\n\nCountry\n\n\n\nSweden (all prizes except the Peace Prize)\n\n\nNorway (Peace Prize only)\n\n\n\n\n\nPresented by\n\n\n\nSwedish Academy\nNobel committee of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences\nNobel committee of Karolinska Institutet\nNorwegian Nobel Committee\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst awarded\n\n\n\n1901; 116 years ago (1901)\n\n\n\n\n\nNumber of laureates\n579 prizes to 911 laureates as of 2016[update]\n\n\nWebsite\\n\n",
"\n\nThe Nobel Prize\n\n\n\n\n\nAwarded for\nOutstanding contributions for humanity in chemistry, economics, literature, peace, physics, or physiology or medicine\n\n\nCountry\n\n\n\nSweden (all prizes except the Peace Prize)\n\n\nNorway (Peace Prize only)\n\n\n\n\n\nPresented by\n\n\n\nSwedish Academy\nNobel committee of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences\nNobel committee of Karolinska Institutet\nNorwegian Nobel Committee\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst awarded\n\n\n\n1901; 116 years ago (1901)\n\n\n\n\n\nNumber of laureates\n579 prizes to 911 laureates as of 2016[update]\n\n\nWebsite\\n\n"
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2898850562574071316 | Turkey | Turkey - Wikipedia Turkey Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the country . For the bird , see Turkey ( bird ) . For other uses , see Turkey ( disambiguation ) . `` Türkiye '' redirects here . For the newspaper , see Türkiye ( newspaper ) . Coordinates : 39 ° N 35 ° E / 39 ° N 35 ° E / 39 ; 35 Republic of Turkey Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ( Turkish ) Flag Anthem : `` İstiklâl Marşı '' `` The Independence March '' Capital Ankara 39 ° 55 ′ N 32 ° 50 ′ E / 39.917 ° N 32.833 ° E / 39.917 ; 32.833 Largest city Istanbul 41 ° 1 ′ N 28 ° 57 ′ E / 41.017 ° N 28.950 ° E / 41.017 ; 28.950 Official languages Turkish Spoken languages Turkish Kurmanji Arabic Zaza Kabardian various others Ethnic groups Turks Kurds Arabs Laz various others Demonym Turkish Government Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım Speaker of the House İsmail Kahraman Legislature Grand National Assembly Formation War of Independence 19 May 1919 Treaty of Lausanne 24 July 1923 Declaration of Republic 29 October 1923 Area Total 783,356 km ( 302,455 sq mi ) ( 36th ) Water ( % ) 1.3 Population 2017 estimate 82,835,090 ( 16th ) Density 102 / km ( 264.2 / sq mi ) ( 107th ) GDP ( PPP ) 2018 estimate Total $2.249 trillion ( 13th ) Per capita $27,634 ( 45th ) GDP ( nominal ) 2018 estimate Total $905 billion ( 17th ) Per capita $11,124 ( 60th ) Gini ( 2013 ) 40.0 medium 56th HDI ( 2014 ) 0.761 high 72nd Currency Turkish lira ( ₺ ) ( TRY ) Time zone FET ( UTC + 3 ) Date format dd / mm / yyyy ( AD ) Drives on the right Calling code + 90 ISO 3166 code TR Internet TLD . tr Website Turkey ( / ˈtɜːrki / ( listen ) ; Turkish : Türkiye ( ˈtyɾcije ) ) , officially the Republic of Turkey ( Turkish : Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ( help info ) ; pronounced ( ˈtyɾcije d͡ʒumˈhuɾijeti ) ) , is a transcontinental country in Eurasia , mainly in Anatolia in Western Asia , with a smaller portion on the Balkan peninsula in Southeast Europe . Turkey is bordered by eight countries with Greece and Bulgaria to the northwest ; Georgia to the northeast ; Armenia , the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan and Iran to the east ; and Iraq and Syria to the south . The country is encircled by seas on three sides with the Aegean Sea to the west , the Black Sea to the north , and the Mediterranean Sea to the south . The Bosphorus , the Sea of Marmara , and the Dardanelles , which together form the Turkish Straits , divide Thrace and Anatolia and separate Europe and Asia . Ankara is the capital while Istanbul is the country 's largest city and main cultural and commercial centre , classified as a leading global city . Major urban areas include İzmir , Antalya , Bursa , Eskişehir , Mersin , Konya , and Adana , among others . Approximately 70 - 80 % of the country 's citizens identify themselves as ethnic Turks . Kurds are the largest minority at about 20 % of the population , and other ethnic minorities include Circassians , Albanians , Arabs , Bosniaks , and Laz . The official language is Turkish , which is the most widely spoken Turkic language in the world . Minority languages spoken today in Turkey include Kurmanji , Bosnian , Arabic , Zaza , Kabardian , and several others . The area of Turkey has been inhabited since the Paleolithic age by various ancient Anatolian civilisations , as well as Assyrians , Greeks , Thracians , Phrygians , Urartians , and Armenians . After Alexander the Great conquered these lands , the area was Hellenized , a process which continued under the Roman Empire and its transition into the Byzantine Empire . The Seljuk Turks began migrating into the area in the 11th century , and their victory over the Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071 symbolizes the start and foundation of Turkey . The Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm ruled Anatolia until the Mongol invasion in 1243 , when it disintegrated into small Turkish beyliks . From the end of the 13th century the Ottomans started uniting Turkish principalities in Anatolia and then went on to create an empire that encompassed much of Southeast Europe , West Asia and North Africa . The Ottoman Empire became a world power beginning with the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent in the early modern period . It remained powerful and influential for two more centuries , until important setbacks in the 18th and 19th century forced it to cede strategic territories in Europe , which signalled the loss of its former military strength and wealth . After the 1913 Ottoman coup d'état , which effectively put the country under the control of the Three Pashas , the Ottoman Empire decided to join the Central Powers during World War I. During the war , the Ottoman government committed genocides against its Armenian , Assyrian and Pontic Greek subjects . Following the war , the conglomeration of territories and peoples that formerly comprised the Ottoman Empire was partitioned into several new states . The Turkish War of Independence , initiated by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his colleagues against occupying Allies , resulted in the abolition of monarchy in 1922 and the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923 , with Atatürk as its first president . Atatürk enacted numerous reforms , many of which incorporated various aspects of western thought , philosophy , and customs into the new form of Turkish government . Turkey is a charter member of the UN , an early member of NATO , the IMF and the World Bank , and a founding member of the OECD , OSCE , BSEC , OIC and G - 20 . After becoming one of the first members of the Council of Europe in 1949 , Turkey became an associate member of the EEC in 1963 , joined the EU Customs Union in 1995 and started accession negotiations with the European Union in 2005 which have been effectively stopped by the EU in 2017 due to `` Turkey 's path toward autocratic rule '' . Turkey 's economy and diplomatic initiatives led to its recognition as a regional power while its location has given it geopolitical and strategic importance throughout history . Today Turkey has the world 's 17th largest economy by nominal GDP , as well as the 13th largest by PPP , out of 191 countries measured by IMF . As a substantial actor in several industrial sectors , it is the world 's 28th largest exporter and 21st largest importer of goods . Turkey is home to two of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World , the world 's oldest religious site , and numerous other World Heritage Sites . Turkey is a secular , unitary , parliamentary republic ; slated to transition to a presidential system in 2019 , following a 2017 referendum . However , Turkey 's current administration headed by president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of the AKP has enacted measures to increase the influence of Islam , reversed and undermined secularist policies , and has reversed earlier reforms such as Freedom of the Press . Contents ( hide ) 1 Etymology 2 History 2.1 Prehistory of Anatolia and Eastern Thrace 2.2 Antiquity 2.3 Early Christian and Byzantine period 2.4 Seljuks and the Ottoman Empire 2.5 Republic of Turkey 3 Administrative divisions 4 Politics 4.1 Human rights 4.2 Law 4.3 Foreign relations 4.4 Military 5 Geography 5.1 Biodiversity 5.2 Climate 6 Economy 6.1 History 6.2 Tourism 6.3 Infrastructure 6.4 Science and technology 7 Demographics 7.1 Languages 7.2 Religion 7.2. 1 Islam 7.2. 2 Christianity 7.2. 3 Judaism 7.2. 4 Agnosticism and atheism 7.3 Education 7.4 Healthcare 8 Culture 8.1 Visual arts 8.2 Literature and theatre 8.3 Music and dance 8.4 Architecture 8.5 Cuisine 8.6 Sports 8.7 Media and cinema 9 See also 10 Notes 11 References 12 Further reading 13 External links Etymology Main article : Name of Turkey The name of Turkey ( Turkish : Türkiye ) can be divided into two components : the ethnonym Türk and the abstract suffix -- iye meaning `` owner '' , `` land of '' or `` related to '' ( originally derived from the Greek and Latin suffixes -- ia in Tourkia ( Τουρκία ) and Turchia ) . The first recorded use of the term `` Türk '' or `` Türük '' as an autonym is contained in the Old Turkic inscriptions of the Göktürks ( Celestial Turks ) of Central Asia ( c . AD 735 ) . The Turkic self - designation Türk is first attested in reference to the Göktürks in the 6th century AD . A letter by Ishbara Qaghan to Emperor Wen of Sui in 585 described him as `` the Great Turk Khan . '' An early form of the same name may be reflected in the form of `` tie - le '' ( 鐵 勒 ) or `` tu - jue '' ( 突厥 ) , name given by the Chinese to the people living south of the Altay Mountains of Central Asia as early as 177 BC . The Greek name , Tourkia ( Greek : Τουρκία ) was used by the Byzantine emperor and scholar Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus in his book De Administrando Imperio , though in his use , `` Turks '' always referred to Magyars . Similarly , the medieval Khazar Empire , a Turkic state on the northern shores of the Black and Caspian seas , was referred to as Tourkia ( Land of the Turks ) in Byzantine sources . However , the Byzantines later began using this name to define the Seljuk - controlled parts of Anatolia in the centuries that followed the Battle of Manzikert in 1071 . The medieval Greek and Latin terms did not designate the same geographic area now known as Turkey . Instead , they were mostly synonymous with Tartary , a term including Khazaria and the other khaganates of the Central Asian steppe , until the appearance of the Seljuks and the rise of the Ottoman Empire in the 14th century , reflecting the progress of the Turkic expansion . History Main article : History of Turkey See also : History of Anatolia and History of Thrace Prehistory of Anatolia and Eastern Thrace Main articles : Prehistory of Anatolia and Prehistory of Southeastern Europe See also : Ancient Anatolians , Ancient kingdoms of Anatolia , and Thracians Some henges at Göbekli Tepe were erected as far back as 9600 BC , predating those of Stonehenge , England , by over seven millennia . The Lion Gate in Hattusa , capital of the Hittite Empire . The city 's history dates back to the 6th millennium BC . The Anatolian peninsula , comprising most of modern Turkey , is one of the oldest permanently settled regions in the world . Various ancient Anatolian populations have lived in Anatolia , from at least the Neolithic period until the Hellenistic period . Many of these peoples spoke the Anatolian languages , a branch of the larger Indo - European language family . In fact , given the antiquity of the Indo - European Hittite and Luwian languages , some scholars have proposed Anatolia as the hypothetical centre from which the Indo - European languages radiated . The European part of Turkey , called Eastern Thrace , has also been inhabited since at least forty thousand years ago , and is known to have been in the Neolithic era by about 6000 BC . Göbekli Tepe is the site of the oldest known man - made religious structure , a temple dating to circa 10,000 BC , while Çatalhöyük is a very large Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlement in southern Anatolia , which existed from approximately 7500 BC to 5700 BC . It is the largest and best - preserved Neolithic site found to date and in July 2012 was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site . The settlement of Troy started in the Neolithic Age and continued into the Iron Age . The earliest recorded inhabitants of Anatolia were the Hattians and Hurrians , non-Indo - European peoples who inhabited central and eastern Anatolia , respectively , as early as ca . 2300 BC . Indo - European Hittites came to Anatolia and gradually absorbed the Hattians and Hurrians ca . 2000 -- 1700 BC . The first major empire in the area was founded by the Hittites , from the 18th through the 13th century BC . The Assyrians conquered and settled parts of southeastern Turkey as early as 1950 BC until the year 612 BC . Urartu re-emerged in Assyrian inscriptions in the 9th century BC as a powerful northern rival of Assyria . Following the collapse of the Hittite empire c. 1180 BC , the Phrygians , an Indo - European people , achieved ascendancy in Anatolia until their kingdom was destroyed by the Cimmerians in the 7th century BC . Starting from 714 BC , Urartu shared the same fate and dissolved in 590 BC , when it was conquered by the Medes . The most powerful of Phrygia 's successor states were Lydia , Caria and Lycia . The gymnasium of Sardis , capital of ancient Lydia ( c. 1200 BC -- 546 BC ) , the successor state of ancient Arzawa ( 15th -- 13th centuries BC ) . Walls of the acropolis of Troy VIIa , the site of the Trojan War ( c. 1200 BC ) that inspired Homer 's Iliad . Antiquity Main article : Classical Anatolia The Library of Celsus in Ephesus was built by the Romans in 114 -- 117 AD . The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus , built by king Croesus of Lydia in the 6th century BC , was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World . Starting around 1200 BC , the coast of Anatolia was heavily settled by Aeolian and Ionian Greeks . Numerous important cities were founded by these colonists , such as Miletus , Ephesus , Smyrna ( now İzmir ) and Byzantium ( now Istanbul ) , the latter founded by Greek colonists from Megara in 657 BC . The first state that was called Armenia by neighbouring peoples was the state of the Armenian Orontid dynasty , which included parts of eastern Turkey beginning in the 6th century BC . In Northwest Turkey , the most significant tribal group in Thrace was the Odyrisians , founded by Teres I . All of modern - day Turkey was conquered by the Persian Achaemenid Empire during the 6th century BC . The Greco - Persian Wars started when the Greek city states on the coast of Anatolia rebelled against Persian rule in 499 BC . The territory of Turkey later fell to Alexander the Great in 334 BC , which led to increasing cultural homogeneity and Hellenization in the area . Following Alexander 's death in 323 BC , Anatolia was subsequently divided into a number of small Hellenistic kingdoms , all of which became part of the Roman Republic by the mid-1st century BC . The process of Hellenization that began with Alexander 's conquest accelerated under Roman rule , and by the early centuries of the Christian Era , the local Anatolian languages and cultures had become extinct , being largely replaced by ancient Greek language and culture . From the 1st century BC up to the 3rd century CE , large parts of modern - day Turkey were contested between the Romans and neighbouring Parthians through the frequent Roman - Parthian Wars . Designed by Greek architect Zeno , a native of the city , the Aspendos amphitheatre was built during the Roman period in 161 -- 169 CE . Mount Nemrut , built by Antiochus I of the Commagene Kingdom , is notable for its summit where a number of large statues are erected around what is assumed to be a royal tomb from the 1st century BC . Early Christian and Byzantine period Main articles : Byzantine Anatolia and Hellenistic period See also : Byzantine Empire , Successors of the Byzantine Empire , and States in late medieval Anatolia Originally a church , later a mosque , and now a museum , the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul was built by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I in 532 -- 537 AD . In 324 , Constantine I chose Byzantium to be the new capital of the Roman Empire , renaming it New Rome . Following the death of Theodosius I in 395 and the permanent division of the Roman Empire between his two sons , the city , which would popularly come to be known as Constantinople , became the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire . This empire , which would later be branded by historians as the Byzantine Empire , ruled most of the territory of present - day Turkey until the Late Middle Ages ; although the eastern regions remained in firm Sasanian hands up to the first half of the seventh century . The frequent Byzantine - Sassanid Wars , as part of the centuries long - lasting Roman - Persian Wars , fought between the neighbouring rivalling Byzantines and Sasanians , took place in various parts of present - day Turkey and decided much of the latter 's history from the fourth century up to the first half of the seventh century . Seljuks and the Ottoman Empire Main articles : Seljuk dynasty and Ottoman dynasty See also : Turkic migration , Mongol invasions of Anatolia , Seljuk Empire , Sultanate of Rum , and Ottoman Empire Mevlana Museum in Konya was built by the Seljuk Turks in 1274 . Konya was the capital of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum ( Anatolia ) . The House of Seljuk was a branch of the Kınık Oğuz Turks who resided on the periphery of the Muslim world , in the Yabgu Khaganate of the Oğuz confederacy , to the north of the Caspian and Aral Seas , in the 9th century . In the 10th century , the Seljuks started migrating from their ancestral homeland into Persia , which became the administrative core of the Great Seljuk Empire , after its foundation by Tughril . In the latter half of the 11th century , the Seljuk Turks began penetrating into medieval Armenia and the eastern regions of Anatolia . In 1071 , the Seljuks defeated the Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert , starting the Turkification process in the area ; the Turkish language and Islam were introduced to Armenia and Anatolia , gradually spreading throughout the region . The slow transition from a predominantly Christian and Greek - speaking Anatolia to a predominantly Muslim and Turkish - speaking one was underway . The Mevlevi Order of dervishes , which was established in Konya during the 13th century by Sufi poet Celaleddin Rumi , played a significant role in the Islamization of the diverse people of Anatolia who had previously been Hellenized . Thus , alongside the Turkification of the territory , the culturally Persianized Seljuks set the basis for a Turko - Persian principal culture in Anatolia , which their eventual successors , the Ottomans , would take over . In 1243 , the Seljuk armies were defeated by the Mongols at the Battle of Köse Dağ , causing the Seljuk Empire 's power to slowly disintegrate . In its wake , one of the Turkish principalities governed by Osman I would evolve over the next 200 years into the Ottoman Empire . In 1453 , the Ottomans completed their conquest of the Byzantine Empire by capturing its capital , Constantinople . Topkapı and Dolmabahçe palaces were the primary residences of the Ottoman Sultans and the administrative centre of the empire between 1465 to 1856 and 1856 to 1922 , respectively . In 1514 , Sultan Selim I ( 1512 -- 1520 ) successfully expanded the empire 's southern and eastern borders by defeating Shah Ismail I of the Safavid dynasty in the Battle of Chaldiran . In 1517 , Selim I expanded Ottoman rule into Algeria and Egypt , and created a naval presence in the Red Sea . Subsequently , a contest started between the Ottoman and Portuguese empires to become the dominant sea power in the Indian Ocean , with a number of naval battles in the Red Sea , the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf . The Portuguese presence in the Indian Ocean was perceived as a threat to the Ottoman monopoly over the ancient trade routes between East Asia and Western Europe . Despite the increasingly prominent European presence , the Ottoman Empire 's trade with the east continued to flourish until the second half of the 18th century . The Ottoman Empire 's power and prestige peaked in the 16th and 17th centuries , particularly during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent , who personally instituted major legislative changes relating to society , education , taxation and criminal law . The empire was often at odds with the Holy Roman Empire in its steady advance towards Central Europe through the Balkans and the southern part of the Polish - Lithuanian Commonwealth . At sea , the Ottoman Navy contended with several Holy Leagues , such as those in 1538 , 1571 , 1684 and 1717 ( composed primarily of Habsburg Spain , the Republic of Genoa , the Republic of Venice , the Knights of St. John , the Papal States , the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and the Duchy of Savoy ) , for the control of the Mediterranean Sea . In the east , the Ottomans were often at war with Safavid Persia over conflicts stemming from territorial disputes or religious differences between the 16th and 18th centuries . The Ottoman wars with Persia continued as the Zand , Afsharid , and Qajar dynasties succeeded the Safavids in Iran , until the first half of the 19th century . From the 16th to the early 20th centuries , the Ottoman Empire also fought many wars with the Russian Tsardom and Empire . These were initially about Ottoman territorial expansion and consolidation in southeastern and eastern Europe ; but starting from the latter half of the 18th century , they became more about the survival of the Ottoman Empire , which had begun to lose its strategic territories on the northern Black Sea coast to the advancing Russians . Visit of Kaiser Wilhelm II to Constantinople in Oct. 1917 with Mehmed V and Enver Pasha . The Ottomans joined World War I on the side of the Central Powers and suffered heavy losses . Overall , the total number of combatant casualties in the Ottoman forces amounts to just under half of all those mobilised to fight . Of these , more than 800,000 were killed . However , four out of every five Ottoman subjects who died were non-combatants . From the second half of the 18th century onwards , the Ottoman Empire began to decline . The Tanzimat reforms of the 19th century , which had been instituted by Mahmud II , were aimed to modernise the Ottoman state in line with the progress that had been made in Western Europe . The efforts of Midhat Pasha during the late Tanzimat era led the Ottoman constitutional movement of 1876 , which introduced the First Constitutional Era , but these efforts proved to be inadequate in most fields , and failed to stop the dissolution of the empire . As the empire gradually shrank in size , military power and wealth , especially after the Ottoman economic crisis and default in 1875 which led to uprisings in the Balkan provinces that culminated into the Russo - Turkish War of 1877 -- 78 , many Balkan Muslims migrated to the Empire 's heartland in Anatolia , along with the Circassians fleeing the Russian conquest of the Caucasus . The decline of the Ottoman Empire led to a rise in nationalist sentiment among its various subject peoples , leading to increased ethnic tensions which occasionally burst into violence , such as the Hamidian massacres of Armenians . The Young Turk Revolution in 1908 restored the Ottoman constitution and parliament 30 years after their suspension by Sultan Abdülhamid II in 1878 , which is known as the Second Constitutional Era , but the 1913 Ottoman coup d'état effectively put the country under the control of the Three Pashas , making sultans Mehmed V and Mehmed VI largely symbolic figureheads with no real political power . The Ottoman Empire entered World War I on the side of the Central Powers and was ultimately defeated . During the war , the empire 's Armenians were deported to Syria as part of the Armenian Genocide . As a result , an estimated 800,000 to 1,500,000 Armenians were killed . The Turkish government has refused to acknowledge the events as genocide and claims that Armenians were only relocated from the eastern war zone . Genocidal campaigns were also committed against the empire 's other minority groups such as the Assyrians and Greeks . Following the Armistice of Mudros on 30 October 1918 , the victorious Allied Powers sought to partition the Ottoman state through the 1920 Treaty of Sèvres . Republic of Turkey Main article : History of the Republic of Turkey See also : Atatürk 's Reforms Mustafa Kemal Atatürk , founder and first President of the Turkish Republic , visiting Istanbul University after its reorganization in 1933 as a mixed - gender institution of higher education with multiple faculties . The occupation of Istanbul and Izmir by the Allies in the aftermath of World War I prompted the establishment of the Turkish National Movement . Under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Pasha , a military commander who had distinguished himself during the Battle of Gallipoli , the Turkish War of Independence was waged with the aim of revoking the terms of the Treaty of Sèvres . By 18 September 1922 the Greek , Armenian and French armies were expelled , and the Ankara - based Turkish regime , which had declared itself the legitimate government of the country on 23 April 1920 , started to formalise the legal transition from the old Ottoman into the new Republican political system . On 1 November 1922 , the Turkish Parliament in Ankara formally abolished the Sultanate , thus ending 623 years of monarchical Ottoman rule . The Treaty of Lausanne of 24 July 1923 led to the international recognition of the sovereignty of the newly formed `` Republic of Turkey '' as the successor state of the Ottoman Empire , and the republic was officially proclaimed on 29 October 1923 in Ankara , the country 's new capital . The Lausanne Convention stipulated a population exchange between Greece and Turkey , whereby 1.1 million Greeks left Turkey for Greece in exchange for 380,000 Muslims transferred from Greece to Turkey . Mustafa Kemal became the republic 's first President and subsequently introduced many radical reforms with the aim of transforming the old religion - based and multi-communal Ottoman state system ( constitutional monarchy ) into an essentially Turkish nation state ( parliamentary republic ) with a secular constitution . With the Surname Law of 1934 , the Turkish Parliament bestowed upon Mustafa Kemal the honorific surname `` Atatürk '' ( Father of the Turks ) . Eighteen female deputies joined the Turkish Parliament with the 1935 general elections . Turkish women gained the right to vote a decade or more before women in Western European countries like France , Italy , and Belgium , a mark of Atatürk 's far - reaching social changes . İsmet İnönü became Turkey 's second President following Atatürk 's death on 10 November 1938 . In 1939 Turkey annexed the Republic of Hatay . Turkey remained neutral during most of World War II , but entered the closing stages of the war on the side of the Allies on 23 February 1945 . On 26 June 1945 , Turkey became a charter member of the United Nations . In the same year , the single - party period in Turkey came to an end , with the first multiparty elections in 1946 . The Truman Doctrine in 1947 enunciated American intentions to guarantee the security of Turkey and Greece during the Cold War , and resulted in large - scale U.S. military and economic support . In 1948 both countries were included in the Marshall Plan and the OEEC for rebuilding European economies . In 1949 Turkey became a member of the Council of Europe . The Democratic Party established by Celâl Bayar won the 1950 , 1954 and 1957 general elections and stayed in power for a decade , with Adnan Menderes as the Prime Minister and Bayar as the President . After participating with the United Nations forces in the Korean War , Turkey joined NATO in 1952 , becoming a bulwark against Soviet expansion into the Mediterranean . Turkey subsequently became a founding member of the OECD in 1961 , and an associate member of the EEC in 1963 . During the politically unstable periods of the Turkish Republic , the military exercised power directly or through figures like Cemal Gürsel ( far right ) . The country 's tumultuous transition to multiparty democracy was interrupted by military coups d'état in 1960 , 1971 , and 1980 , as well as a military memorandum in 1997 . Between 1960 and the end of the 20th century , the prominent leaders in Turkish politics who achieved multiple election victories were Süleyman Demirel , Bülent Ecevit and Turgut Özal . Following a decade of Cypriot intercommunal violence and the coup in Cyprus on 15 July 1974 staged by the EOKA B paramilitary organisation , which overthrew President Makarios and installed the pro-Enosis ( union with Greece ) Nikos Sampson as dictator , Turkey invaded Cyprus on 20 July 1974 by unilaterally exercising Article IV in the Treaty of Guarantee ( 1960 ) , but without restoring the status quo ante at the end of the military operation . In 1983 the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus , which is recognised only by Turkey , was established . As of 2017 , negotiations for solving the Cyprus dispute are still ongoing between Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot political leaders . In 1984 , the Kurdistan Workers ' Party ( PKK ) , a Kurdish separatist group ( listed as a terrorist organization by NATO , the United States and the European Union ) , began an armed insurgency campaign against Turkey . The conflict has claimed over 40,000 lives to date . Since the liberalisation of the Turkish economy in the 1980s , the country has enjoyed stronger economic growth and greater political stability . Turkey applied for full membership of the EEC in 1987 , joined the EU Customs Union in 1995 and started accession negotiations with the European Union in 2005 . In 2013 , widespread protests erupted in many Turkish provinces , sparked by a plan to demolish Gezi Park but soon growing into general anti-government dissent . On 15 July 2016 , an unsuccessful coup attempt tried to oust the government . As a reaction to the failed coup d'état , the government is currently carrying out mass purges . Administrative divisions Main article : Administrative divisions of Turkey Further information : Regions of Turkey and NUTS of Turkey Turkey has a unitary structure in terms of administration and this aspect is one of the most important factors shaping the Turkish public administration . When three powers ( executive , legislative and judiciary ) are taken into account as the main functions of the state , local administrations have little power . Turkey does n't have a federal system , and the provinces are subordinate to the central government in Ankara . Local administrations were established to provide services in place and the government is represented by the province governors ( vali ) and town governors ( kaymakam ) . Other senior public officials are also appointed by the central government instead of the mayors ( belediye başkanı ) or elected by constituents . Turkish municipalities have local legislative bodies ( belediye meclisi ) for decision - making on municipal issues . Within this unitary framework , Turkey is subdivided into 81 provinces ( il or vilayet ) for administrative purposes . Each province is divided into districts ( ilçe ) , for a total of 923 districts . Turkey is also subdivided into 7 regions ( bölge ) and 21 subregions for geographic , demographic and economic purposes ; this does not refer to an administrative division . The centralised structure of decision - making in Ankara is considered by some academicians as an impediment to good local governance , and occasionally causes resentment in the municipalities of urban centres that are inhabited largely by ethnic minority groups , such as the Kurds . Steps towards decentralisation since 2004 have proven to be a highly controversial topic in Turkey . The efforts to decentralise the administrative structure are also driven by the European Charter of Local Self - Government and with Chapter 22 ( `` Regional Policy & Coordination of Structural Instruments '' ) of the acquis of the European Union . A decentralisation program for Turkey has been a topic of discussion in the country 's academics , politics and the broader public . Ankara Kırklareli Edirne Tekirdağ Çanakkale Balıkesir Bursa Yalova Istanbul Kocaeli Sakarya Düzce Zonguldak Bolu Bilecik Eskişehir Kütahya Manisa İzmir Aydın Muğla Denizli Burdur Uşak Afyon Isparta Antalya Konya Mersin Karaman Aksaray Kırşehir Kırıkkale Çankırı Karabük Bartın Kastamonu Sinop Çorum Yozgat Nevşehir Niğde Adana Hatay Osmaniye K. Maraş Kayseri Sivas Tokat Amasya Samsun Ordu Giresun Erzincan Malatya Gaziantep Kilis Şanlıurfa Adıyaman Gümüşhane Trabzon Rize Bayburt Erzurum Artvin Ardahan Kars Ağrı Iğdır Tunceli Elâzığ Diyarbakır Mardin Batman Siirt Şırnak Bitlis Bingöl Muş Van Hakkâri Politics Main article : Politics of Turkey See also : Constitution of Turkey , Elections in Turkey , and Ministries of Turkey Tayyip Erdoğan President Binali Yıldırım Prime Minister Constitutionally , Turkey is a parliamentary representative democracy . Since its foundation as a republic in 1923 , Turkey has developed a strong tradition of secularism . Turkey 's constitution governs the legal framework of the country . It sets out the main principles of government and establishes Turkey as a unitary centralised state . The President of the Republic is the head of state and has a largely ceremonial role . The president is elected for a five - year term by direct elections and Tayyip Erdoğan is the first president elected by direct voting . Executive power is exercised by the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers which make up the government , while the legislative power is vested in the unicameral parliament , the Grand National Assembly of Turkey . The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature , and the Constitutional Court is charged with ruling on the conformity of laws and decrees with the constitution . The Council of State is the tribunal of last resort for administrative cases , and the High Court of Appeals for all others . The prime minister is elected by the parliament through a vote of confidence in the government and is most often the head of the party having the most seats in parliament . The prime minister is Binali Yıldırım , who replaced Ahmet Davutoğlu on 24 May 2016 . Universal suffrage for both sexes has been applied throughout Turkey since 1933 and before most countries , and every Turkish citizen who has turned 18 years of age has the right to vote . There are 550 members of parliament who are elected for a four - year term by a party - list proportional representation system from 85 electoral districts . The Constitutional Court can strip the public financing of political parties that it deems anti-secular or separatist , or ban their existence altogether . The electoral threshold is 10 percent of the votes . Supporters of Atatürk 's reforms are called Kemalists , as distinguished from Islamists , representing the two diverging views regarding the role of religion in legislation , education and public life . The Kemalist view supports a form of democracy with a laicist constitution and Westernised secular lifestyle , while maintaining the necessity of state intervention in the economy , education and other public services . Since the 1980s , issues such as income inequality and class distinction have given rise to Islamic populism , a movement that supports a larger role for religion in government policies , and in theory supports obligation to authority , communal solidarity and social justice ; though what that entails in practice is often contested . Turkey under Tayyip Erdoğan and the AKP has been described as becoming increasingly authoritarian . Prior to the constitutional referendum in 2017 the Council of Europe saw Turkey drifting towards an autocracy , warning of a `` dramatic regression of its democratic order '' . As of 2016 the Economist Intelligence Unit 's Democracy Index rates Turkey at 5.03 ( on a 0 -- 10 scale ) , classifying Turkey as a Hybrid Regime . In 2017 Freedom House rated Turkey at 38 ( on a 0 -- 100 scale ) as Partly Free . The constitutional referendum was held in April 2017 to change the parliamentary system to a presidential system . Many elements in this constitutional reform package have increased concerns in Europe regarding democracy and separation of powers . The referendum ended in favor of change . Human rights Main article : Human rights in Turkey See also : Racism in Turkey , Torture in Turkey , and Censorship in Turkey A view from the Gezi Park protests a view from Taksim Square , Istanbul on 4 June 2013 . Human rights in Turkey have been the subject of some controversy and international condemnation . Between 1998 and 2008 the European Court of Human Rights made more than 1,600 judgements against Turkey for human rights violations , particularly regarding the right to life , and freedom from torture . Other issues , such as Kurdish rights , women 's rights , LGBT rights , and press freedom , have also attracted controversy . Turkey 's human rights record continues to be a significant obstacle to future membership of the EU . According to the Committee to Protect Journalists , the AKP government has waged one of the world 's biggest crackdowns on media freedom . A large number of journalists have been arrested using charges of `` terrorism '' and `` anti-state activities '' such as the Ergenekon and Balyoz cases , while thousands have been investigated on charges such as `` denigrating Turkishness '' or `` insulting Islam '' in an effort to sow self - censorship . As of 2017 , the CPJ identified 81 jailed journalists in Turkey ( including the editorial staff of Cumhuriyet , Turkey 's oldest newspaper still in circulation ) , all directly held for their published work ( ranking 1st in the world , more than in Iran , Eritrea or China ) ; while Freemuse identified 9 musicians imprisoned for their work ( ranking 3rd after Russia and China ) . A former US State Department spokesman , Philip J. Crowley , said that the United States had `` broad concerns about trends involving intimidation of journalists in Turkey . '' Turkey 's media is rated as not free by Freedom House . In its resolution `` The functioning of democratic institutions in Turkey '' on 22 June 2016 , the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe warned that `` recent developments in Turkey pertaining to freedom of the media and of expression , erosion of the rule of law and the human rights violations in relation to anti-terrorism security operations in south - east Turkey have ( ... ) raised serious questions about the functioning of its democratic institutions . '' On 20 May 2016 , the Turkish parliament stripped almost a quarter of its members of immunity from prosecution , including 101 deputies from the pro-Kurdish HDP and the main opposition CHP party . In reaction to the failed coup d'état on 15 July 2016 , over 125,000 judges , teachers , police and civil servants have been suspended or dismissed , 36,000 have been formally arrested , and 130 media organisations , including 16 television broadcasters and 45 newspapers , have been closed by the government of Turkey . On 29 April 2017 , Turkish authorities blocked online access to Wikipedia in all languages across Turkey . The restrictions were imposed in the context of the 2016 -- 17 purges following the 2016 Turkish coup d'état attempt , a few weeks after a significant constitutional referendum , and following more selective partial blocking of Wikipedia content in previous years . Following the ban , Jimmy Wales , Wikipedia 's founder , was disinvited from the World Cities Expo in Istanbul from 15 to 18 May . Turkish law professor Yaman Akdeniz estimates that wikipedia is one of about 127,000 websites blocked by Turkish authorities . An estimated 45 percent of Turks have circumvented the Internet blocks , at one time or another , by using a virtual private network ( VPN ) . Law Main articles : Judicial system of Turkey and Law enforcement in Turkey Bas - relief of the Ottoman emperor Suleiman the Magnificent , known in Turkish as `` the Lawgiver '' , in the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives . Turkey 's judicial system has been wholly integrated with the system of continental Europe . For instance , the Turkish Civil Code has been modified by incorporating elements mainly of the Swiss Civil Code and Code of Obligations , and the German Commercial Code . The Administrative Code bears similarities with its French counterpart , and the Penal Code with its Italian counterpart . Turkey has adopted the principle of the separation of powers . In line with this principle , judicial power is exercised by independent courts on behalf of the Turkish nation . The independence and organisation of the courts , the security of the tenure of judges and public prosecutors , the profession of judges and prosecutors , the supervision of judges and public prosecutors , the military courts and their organisation , and the powers and duties of the high courts are regulated by the Turkish Constitution . According to Article 142 of the Turkish Constitution , the organisation , duties and jurisdiction of the courts , their functions and the trial procedures are regulated by law . In line with the aforementioned article of the Turkish Constitution and related laws , the court system in Turkey can be classified under three main categories ; which are the Judicial Courts , Administrative Courts and Military Courts . Each category includes first instance courts and high courts . In addition , the Court of Jurisdictional Disputes rules on cases that can not be classified readily as falling within the purview of one court system . Law enforcement in Turkey is carried out by several departments ( such as the General Directorate of Security and Gendarmerie General Command ) and agencies , all acting under the command of the Prime Minister of Turkey or mostly the Minister of Internal Affairs . According to figures released by the Justice Ministry , there are 100,000 people in Turkish prisons as of November 2008 , a doubling since 2000 . In the years of government by the AKP and Tayyip Erdoğan , particularly since 2013 , the independence and integrity of the Turkish judiciary has increasingly been considered in doubt by institutions , parliamentarians and journalists both within and outside of Turkey ; due to political interference in the promotion of judges and prosecutors , and in their pursuit of public duty . The Turkey 2015 report of the European Commission stated that `` the independence of the judiciary and respect of the principle of separation of powers have been undermined and judges and prosecutors have been under strong political pressure . '' Foreign relations Main article : Foreign relations of Turkey Leaders of the G - 20 at the 2015 Antalya summit in Turkey . Turkey is a founding member of the United Nations ( 1945 ) , the OECD ( 1961 ) , the OIC ( 1969 ) , the OSCE ( 1973 ) , the ECO ( 1985 ) , the BSEC ( 1992 ) , the D - 8 ( 1997 ) and the G - 20 ( 1999 ) . Turkey was a member of the United Nations Security Council in 1951 -- 1952 , 1954 -- 1955 , 1961 and 2009 -- 2010 . In 2012 Turkey became a dialogue member of the SCO and in 2013 , became a member of the ACD . After becoming one of the first members of the Council of Europe in 1949 , Turkey became an associate member of the EEC in 1963 , joined the EU Customs Union in 1995 and started full membership negotiations with the European Union in 2005 . In line with its traditional Western orientation , relations with Europe have always been a central part of Turkish foreign policy . Turkey became one of the first members of the Council of Europe in 1949 , applied for associate membership of the EEC ( predecessor of the European Union ) in 1959 and became an associate member in 1963 . After decades of political negotiations , Turkey applied for full membership of the EEC in 1987 , became an associate member of the Western European Union in 1992 , joined the EU Customs Union in 1995 and has been in formal accession negotiations with the EU since 2005 . Today , EU membership is considered as a state policy and a strategic target by Turkey . Turkey 's support for Northern Cyprus in the Cyprus dispute complicates Turkey 's relations with the EU and remains a major stumbling block to the country 's EU accession bid . The other defining aspect of Turkey 's foreign policy is the country 's long - standing strategic alliance with the United States . The common threat posed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War led to Turkey 's membership of NATO in 1952 , ensuring close bilateral relations with Washington . Subsequently Turkey benefited from the United States ' political , economic and diplomatic support , including in key issues such as the country 's bid to join the European Union . In the post -- Cold War environment , Turkey 's geostrategic importance shifted towards its proximity to the Middle East , the Caucasus and the Balkans . The Turkish Armed Forces collectively rank as the second largest standing military force in NATO , after the US Armed Forces . Turkey joined the alliance in 1952 . The independence of the Turkic states of the Soviet Union in 1991 , with which Turkey shares a common cultural and linguistic heritage , allowed Turkey to extend its economic and political relations deep into Central Asia , thus enabling the completion of a multi-billion - dollar oil and natural gas pipeline from Baku in Azerbaijan to the port of Ceyhan in Turkey . The Baku -- Tbilisi -- Ceyhan pipeline forms part of Turkey 's foreign policy strategy to become an energy conduit from the Caspian Sea basin to Europe . However , in 1993 , Turkey sealed its land border with Armenia in a gesture of support to Azerbaijan ( a Turkic state in the Caucasus region ) during the Nagorno - Karabakh War , and it remains closed . Under the AKP government , Turkey 's influence has grown in the formerly Ottoman territories of the Middle East and the Balkans , based on the `` strategic depth '' doctrine ( a terminology that was coined by Ahmet Davutoğlu for defining Turkey 's increased engagement in regional foreign policy issues ) , also called Neo-Ottomanism . Following the Arab Spring in December 2010 , the choices made by the AKP government for supporting certain political opposition groups in the affected countries have led to tensions with some Arab states , such as Turkey 's neighbour Syria since the start of the Syrian civil war , and Egypt after the ousting of President Mohamed Morsi . As of 2016 , Turkey does n't have an ambassador in either Syria or Egypt . Diplomatic relations with Israel were also severed after the Gaza flotilla raid in 2010 , but were normalised following a deal in June 2016 . These political rifts have left Turkey with few allies in the East Mediterranean , where rich natural gas fields have recently been discovered ; in sharp contrast with the original goals that were set by the former Foreign Minister ( later Prime Minister ) Ahmet Davutoğlu in his `` zero problems with neighbours '' foreign policy doctrine . In 2015 , Turkey , Saudi Arabia and Qatar formed a `` strategic alliance '' against Syrian President Bashar al - Assad . However , following the rapprochement with Russia in 2016 , Turkey revised its stance regarding the solution of the conflict in Syria . Military Main article : Turkish Armed Forces See also : Defense industry of Turkey Turkey is one of nine partner states in the F - 35 JSF program ( left ) and one of the eight participants in the Airbus A400M Atlas project ( right ) . The Turkish Armed Forces consists of the Land Forces , the Naval Forces and the Air Force . The Gendarmerie and the Coast Guard operate as parts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in peacetime , although they are subordinated to the Army and Navy Commands respectively in wartime , during which they have both internal law enforcement and military functions . The Chief of the General Staff is appointed by the President and is responsible to the Prime Minister . The Council of Ministers is responsible to the Parliament for matters of national security and the adequate preparation of the armed forces to defend the country . However , the authority to declare war and to deploy the Turkish Armed Forces to foreign countries or to allow foreign armed forces to be stationed in Turkey rests solely with the Parliament . The MILGEM project aims to design and build locally a fleet of hi - tech stealth multipurpose corvettes and frigates . TCG Heybeliada is one of the warships built under the scope of this project . Every fit male Turkish citizen otherwise not barred is required to serve in the military for a period ranging from three weeks to a year , dependent on education and job location . Turkey does not recognise conscientious objection and does not offer a civilian alternative to military service . Turkey has the second largest standing military force in NATO , after the US Armed Forces , with an estimated strength of 495,000 deployable forces , according to a 2011 NATO estimate . Turkey is one of five NATO member states which are part of the nuclear sharing policy of the alliance , together with Belgium , Germany , Italy , and the Netherlands . A total of 90 B61 nuclear bombs are hosted at the Incirlik Air Base , 40 of which are allocated for use by the Turkish Air Force in case of a nuclear conflict , but their use requires the approval of NATO . Turkey has maintained forces in international missions under the United Nations and NATO since the Korean War , including peacekeeping missions in Somalia , Yugoslavia , Horn of Africa and supported the coalition forces in the First Gulf War . Turkey maintains a controversial 36,000 troop - strong force in Northern Cyprus , contributes military personnel to the International Security Assistance Force , Kosovo Force , Eurocorps and takes part in the EU Battlegroups while assisting Iraqi Kurdistan and Somalia with security . TAF has overseas military bases in Iraq , Qatar and in Somalia . According to 2016 Global Peace Index , Turkey ranked 145th out of 163 countries in the world , mainly because of its conflict with Kurdish insurgents , its invasion of Cyprus and the military intervention in Syria . Geography Main article : Geography of Turkey Topographic map of Turkey Turkey is a transcontinental Eurasian country . Asian Turkey , which includes 97 percent of the country , is separated from European Turkey by the Bosphorus , the Sea of Marmara , and the Dardanelles . European Turkey comprises 3 percent of the country . The territory of Turkey is more than 1,600 kilometres ( 990 miles ) long and 800 kilometres ( 500 miles ) wide , with a roughly rectangular shape . It lies between latitudes 35 ° and 43 ° N , and longitudes 25 ° and 45 ° E. Turkey 's land area , including lakes , occupies 783,562 square kilometres ( 302,535 square miles ) , of which 755,688 square kilometres ( 291,773 square miles ) are in Southwest Asia and 23,764 square kilometres ( 9,175 square miles ) in Europe . Turkey is the world 's 37th - largest country in terms of area . The country is encircled by seas on three sides : the Aegean Sea to the west , the Black Sea to the north and the Mediterranean to the south . Turkey also contains the Sea of Marmara in the northwest . A photograph of Lake Van and the Armenian Church of Akhtamar. Van is the largest lake in the country and is located in eastern Anatolia . The European section of Turkey , East Thrace ( the easternmost region of the Balkan peninsula ) , forms the borders of Turkey with Greece and Bulgaria . The Asian part of the country is comprised mostly by the peninsula of Anatolia , which consists of a high central plateau with narrow coastal plains , between the Köroğlu and Pontic mountain ranges to the north and the Taurus Mountains to the south . Eastern Turkey , located within the western plateau of the Armenian Highlands , has a more mountainous landscape and is home to the sources of rivers such as the Euphrates , Tigris and Aras , and contains Mount Ararat , Turkey 's highest point at 5,137 metres ( 16,854 feet ) , and Lake Van , the largest lake in the country . Southeastern Turkey is located within the northern plains of Upper Mesopotamia . Turkey is divided into seven geographical regions : Marmara , Aegean , Black Sea , Central Anatolia , Eastern Anatolia , Southeastern Anatolia and the Mediterranean . The uneven north Anatolian terrain running along the Black Sea resembles a long , narrow belt . This region comprises approximately one - sixth of Turkey 's total land area . As a general trend , the inland Anatolian plateau becomes increasingly rugged as it progresses eastward . Turkey 's varied landscapes are the product of complex earth movements that have shaped the region over thousands of years and still manifest themselves in fairly frequent earthquakes and occasional volcanic eruptions . The Bosphorus and the Dardanelles owe their existence to the fault lines running through Turkey that led to the creation of the Black Sea . The North Anatolian Fault Line runs across the north of the country from west to east , along which major earthquakes took place in history . The latest of those big earthquakes was the 1999 İzmit earthquake . Biodiversity Main articles : Flora and vegetation of Turkey and Wildlife of Turkey See also : Environmental issues in Turkey Sümela Monastery on the Pontic Mountains . These mountains form an ecoregion with diverse temperate rainforest types , flora and fauna . Turkey 's extraordinary ecosystem and habitat diversity has produced considerable species diversity . Anatolia is the homeland of many plants that have been cultivated for food since the advent of agriculture , and the wild ancestors of many plants that now provide staples for humankind still grow in Turkey . The diversity of Turkey 's fauna is even greater than that of its flora . The number of animal species in the whole of Europe is around 60,000 , while in Turkey there are over 80,000 ( over 100,000 counting the subspecies ) . The Northern Anatolian conifer and deciduous forests is an ecoregion which covers most of the Pontic Mountains in northern Turkey , while the Caucasus mixed forests extend across the eastern end of the range . The region is home to Eurasian wildlife such as the Eurasian sparrowhawk , golden eagle , eastern imperial eagle , lesser spotted eagle , Caucasian black grouse , red - fronted serin , and wallcreeper . The narrow coastal strip between the Pontic Mountains and the Black Sea is home to the Euxine - Colchic deciduous forests , which contain some of the world 's few temperate rainforests . The Turkish pine is mostly found in Turkey and other east Mediterranean countries . Several wild species of tulip are native to Anatolia , and the flower was first introduced to Western Europe with species taken from the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century . There are 40 national parks , 189 nature parks , 31 nature preserve areas , 80 wildlife protection areas and 109 nature monuments in Turkey such as Gallipoli Peninsula Historical National Park , Mount Nemrut National Park , Ancient Troya National Park , Ölüdeniz Nature Park and Polonezköy Nature Park . Ankara , the capital of Turkey , is renowned for the Angora cat , Angora rabbit and Angora goat . Another national cat breed of Turkey is the Van cat . The national dog breeds are the Anatolian Shepherd , Kangal , Malaklı and Akbaş . The last confirmed death of an Anatolian leopard , closely related to the Persian ( Caucasian ) leopard and native to the western regions of Anatolia , took place in the Bağözü village of the Beypazarı district in Ankara Province on 17 January 1974 . The Persian ( Caucasian ) leopard is still found in very small numbers in the northeastern and southeastern regions of Turkey . The Caspian tiger is an extinct tiger subspecies ( closely related to the Siberian tiger ) which lived in the easternmost regions of Turkey until the latter half of the 20th century , with the last confirmed death in Uludere , February 1970 . The Eurasian lynx and the European wildcat are other felid species which are currently found in the forests of Turkey . Climate Main article : Climate of Turkey Köppen climate types of Turkey Climate diagram of Turkey The coastal areas of Turkey bordering the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas have a temperate Mediterranean climate , with hot , dry summers and mild to cool , wet winters . The coastal areas bordering the Black Sea have a temperate oceanic climate with warm , wet summers and cool to cold , wet winters . The Turkish Black Sea coast receives the greatest amount of precipitation and is the only region of Turkey that receives high precipitation throughout the year . The eastern part of that coast averages 2,200 millimetres ( 87 in ) annually which is the highest precipitation in the country . The coastal areas bordering the Sea of Marmara , which connects the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea , have a transitional climate between a temperate Mediterranean climate and a temperate oceanic climate with warm to hot , moderately dry summers and cool to cold , wet winters. Snow falls on the coastal areas of the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea almost every winter , but usually melts in no more than a few days . However snow is rare in the coastal areas of the Aegean Sea and very rare in the coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea . Mountains close to the coast prevent Mediterranean influences from extending inland , giving the central Anatolian plateau of the interior of Turkey a continental climate with sharply contrasting seasons . Winters on the eastern part of the plateau are especially severe . Temperatures of − 30 to − 40 ° C ( − 22 to − 40 ° F ) can occur in eastern Anatolia. Snow may remain at least 120 days of the year . In the west , winter temperatures average below 1 ° C ( 34 ° F ) . Summers are hot and dry , with temperatures often above 30 ° C ( 86 ° F ) in the day . Annual precipitation averages about 400 millimetres ( 16 inches ) , with actual amounts determined by elevation . The driest regions are the Konya Plain and the Malatya Plain , where annual rainfall is often less than 300 millimetres ( 12 inches ) . May is generally the wettest month , whereas July and August are the driest . Economy Main article : Economy of Turkey Skyscrapers of Levent business district in Istanbul , Turkey 's largest city and leading economic centre . Turkey has the world 's 13th largest GDP by PPP and 17th largest nominal GDP . The country is among the founding members of the OECD and the G - 20 . The EU -- Turkey Customs Union in 1995 led to an extensive liberalisation of tariff rates , and forms one of the most important pillars of Turkey 's foreign trade policy . Turkey 's exports were $143.5 billion in 2011 and reached $163 billion in 2012 ( main export partners in 2012 : Germany 8.6 % , Iraq 7.1 % , Iran 6.5 % , UK 5.7 % , UAE 5.4 % ) . However , larger imports which amounted to $229 billion in 2012 threatened the balance of trade ( main import partners in 2012 : Russia 11.3 % , Germany 9 % , China 9 % , US 6 % , Italy 5.6 % ) . Turkey has a sizeable automotive industry , which produced over 1.3 million motor vehicles in 2015 , ranking as the 14th largest producer in the world . Turkish shipbuilding exports were worth US $1.2 billion in 2011 . The major export markets are Malta , Marshall Islands , Panama and the United Kingdom . Turkish shipyards have 15 floating docks of different sizes and one dry dock . Tuzla , Yalova , and İzmit have developed into dynamic shipbuilding centres . In 2011 , there were 70 active shipyards in Turkey , with another 56 being built . Turkish shipyards are highly regarded both for the production of chemical and oil tankers up to 10,000 dwt and also for their mega yachts . Beko and Vestel are among the largest producers of consumer electronics and home appliances in Europe . Turkish brands like Beko and Vestel are among the largest producers of consumer electronics and home appliances in Europe , and invest a substantial amount of funds for research and development in new technologies related to these fields . Other key sectors of the Turkish economy are banking , construction , home appliances , electronics , textiles , oil refining , petrochemical products , food , mining , iron and steel , and machine industry . In 2010 , the agricultural sector accounted for 9 percent of GDP , while the industrial sector accounted for 26 percent and the services sector for 65 percent . However , agriculture still accounted for a quarter of employment . In 2004 , it was estimated that 46 percent of total disposable income was received by the top 20 percent of income earners , while the lowest 20 percent received only 6 percent . The rate of female employment in Turkey was 30 percent in 2012 , the lowest among all OECD countries . Foreign direct investment ( FDI ) was $8.3 billion in 2012 , a figure expected to rise to $15 billion in 2013 . In 2012 , Fitch Group upgraded Turkey 's credit rating to investment grade after an 18 - year gap ; this was followed by a ratings upgrade by Moody 's in May 2013 , as the service lifted Turkey 's government bond ratings to the lowest investment grade Baa3 . In September 2016 , Moody 's cut Turkey 's sovereign debt to junk status . In the economic crisis of 2016 it emerged that the huge debts incurred for investment during the Justice and Development Party ( AKP ) government since 2002 had mostly been consumed in construction , rather than invested in sustainable economic growth . Private bank debts in Turkey were 6.6 billion TL in 2002 and had increased to 385 billion TL by the end of 2015 . History Main article : Economic history of Turkey Atatürk ( centre ) accompanied by Bayar ( to his left ) and İnönü ( to his right ) at the Sümerbank Textile Factory in Nazilli , 9 October 1937 . A view of Bankalar Caddesi ( Banks Street ) in the early years of the Turkish Republic . Completed in 1892 , the Ottoman Central Bank headquarters is seen at left . In 1995 the Istanbul Stock Exchange moved to İstinye , while numerous Turkish banks moved their headquarters to the central business districts of Levent and Maslak . In the early decades of the Turkish Republic , the government ( or banks established and owned by the government , such as Türkiye İş Bankası ( 1924 ) , Sanayi ve Maadin Bankası ( 1925 ) , Emlak ve Eytam Bankası ( 1926 ) , Central Bank of Turkey ( 1930 ) , Sümerbank ( 1933 ) , İller Bankası ( 1933 ) , Etibank ( 1935 ) , Denizbank ( 1937 ) , Halk Bankası ( 1938 ) , etc . ) had to subsidise most of the industrial projects , due to the lack of a strong private sector . However , in the period between the 1920s and 1950s , a new generation of Turkish entrepreneurs such as Nuri Demirağ , Vehbi Koç , Hacı Ömer Sabancı and Nejat Eczacıbaşı began to establish privately owned factories , some of which evolved into the largest industrial conglomerates that dominate the Turkish economy today , such as Koç Holding , Sabancı Holding and Eczacıbaşı Holding . During the first six decades of the republic , between 1923 and 1983 , Turkey generally adhered to a quasi-statist approach with strict government planning of the budget and government - imposed limitations over foreign trade , flow of foreign currency , foreign direct investment and private sector participation in certain fields ( such as broadcasting , telecommunications , energy , mining , etc . ) . However , in 1983 , Prime Minister Turgut Özal initiated a series of reforms designed to shift the economy from a statist , insulated system to a more private - sector , market - based model . The reforms , combined with unprecedented amounts of funding from foreign loans , spurred rapid economic growth ; but this growth was punctuated by sharp recessions and financial crises in 1994 , 1999 ( following the earthquake of that year ) , and 2001 ; resulting in an average of 4 percent GDP growth per annum between 1981 and 2003 . Lack of additional fiscal reforms , combined with large and growing public sector deficits and widespread corruption , resulted in high inflation , a weak banking sector and increased macroeconomic volatility . Since the economic crisis of 2001 and the reforms initiated by the finance minister of the time , Kemal Derviş , inflation has dropped to single - digit figures for the first time in decades ( 8 % in 2005 ) , investor confidence and foreign investment have soared , and unemployment has fallen ( 10 % in 2005 ) . Turkey has gradually opened up its markets through economic reforms by reducing government controls on foreign trade and investment and the privatisation of publicly owned industries , and the liberalisation of many sectors to private and foreign participation has continued amid political debate . The public debt - to - GDP ratio peaked at 75.9 percent during the recession of 2001 , falling to an estimated 26.9 percent by 2013 . The real GDP growth rate from 2002 to 2007 averaged 6.8 percent annually , which made Turkey one of the fastest growing economies in the world during that period . However , growth slowed to 1 percent in 2008 , and in 2009 the Turkish economy was affected by the global financial crisis , with a recession of 5 percent . The economy was estimated to have returned to 8 percent growth in 2010 . According to Eurostat data , Turkish GDP per capita adjusted by purchasing power standard stood at 52 percent of the EU average in 2011 . In the early years of the 21st century , the chronically high inflation was brought under control ; this led to the launch of a new currency , the Turkish new lira ( Yeni Türk Lirası ) in 2005 , to cement the acquisition of the economic reforms and erase the vestiges of an unstable economy . In 2009 , after only four years in circulation , the Turkish new lira was renamed back to the Turkish lira with the introduction of new banknotes and coins ( and the withdrawal of the Turkish new lira banknotes and coins that were introduced in 2005 ) , but the ISO 4217 code of the Turkish new lira ( TRY ) remains in use for the current Turkish lira in the foreign exchange market . Tourism Main article : Tourism in Turkey Most of the beach resorts in Turkey are located in the Turkish Riviera . Tourism in Turkey has experienced rapid growth in the last twenty years , and constitutes an important part of the economy . The Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism currently promotes Turkish tourism under the Turkey Home name . At its height in 2014 , Turkey attracted around 42 million foreign tourists , ranking as the 6th most popular tourist destination in the world . This number however declined to around 36 million in 2015 , deteriorated to around 25 million in 2016 and still further in 2017 , due to regional uncertanities , political tension with Russia , terrorist attacks and the unfavorable Erdogan regime image abroad . In 2012 , 15 percent of the tourists were from Germany , 11 percent from Russia , 8 percent from the United Kingdom , 5 percent from Bulgaria , 4 percent each from Georgia , the Netherlands and Iran , 3 percent from France , 2 percent each from the United States and Syria , and 40 percent from other countries . Turkey has 17 UNESCO World Heritage Sites , such as the `` Historic Areas of Istanbul '' , the `` Rock Sites of Cappadocia '' , the `` Neolithic Site of Çatalhöyük '' , `` Hattusa : the Hittite Capital '' , the `` Archaeological Site of Troy '' , `` Pergamon and its Multi-Layered Cultural Landscape '' , `` Hierapolis -- Pamukkale '' , and `` Mount Nemrut '' ; and 51 World Heritage Sites in tentative list , such as the archaeological sites or historic urban centres of Göbekli Tepe , Gordion , Ephesus , Aphrodisias , Perga , Lycia , Sagalassos , Aizanoi , Zeugma , Ani , Harran , Mardin , Konya and Alanya . Turkey hosts two of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World : the Mausoleum in Halicarnassus and the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus . Cappadocia is a region created by the erosion of soft volcanic stone by the wind and rain for centuries . The area is a popular tourist destination , having many sites with unique geological , historic , and cultural features . Infrastructure Main articles : Transport in Turkey , Communications in Turkey , Energy in Turkey , and Water supply and sanitation in Turkey Turkish Airlines , flag carrier of Turkey , has been selected by Skytrax as Europe 's best airline for five years in a row ( 2011 -- 2015 ) . With destinations in 126 countries worldwide , Turkish Airlines is the largest carrier in the world by number of countries served as of 2016 . In 2013 there were 98 airports in Turkey , including 22 international airports . As of 2015 , Istanbul Atatürk Airport is the 11th busiest airport in the world , serving 31,833,324 passengers between January and July 2014 , according to Airports Council International . The new ( third ) international airport of Istanbul is planned to be the largest airport in the world , with a capacity to serve 150 million passengers per annum . Turkish Airlines , flag carrier of Turkey since 1933 , was selected by Skytrax as Europe 's best airline for five consecutive years in 2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2014 and 2015 . With 435 destinations ( 51 domestic and 384 international ) in 126 countries worldwide , Turkish Airlines is the largest carrier in the world by number of countries served as of 2016 . The Osman Gazi Bridge , located at the Gulf of İzmit , is the fourth - longest suspension bridge in the world by the length of its central span . As of 2014 , the country has a roadway network of 65,623 kilometres ( 40,776 miles ) . The total length of the rail network was 10,991 kilometres ( 6,829 miles ) in 2008 , including 2,133 kilometres ( 1,325 miles ) of electrified and 457 kilometres ( 284 miles ) of high - speed track . The Turkish State Railways started building high - speed rail lines in 2003 . The Ankara - Konya line became operational in 2011 , while the Ankara - Istanbul line entered service in 2014 . Opened in 2013 , the Marmaray tunnel under the Bosphorus connects the railway and metro lines of Istanbul 's European and Asian sides ; while the nearby Eurasia Tunnel ( 2016 ) provides an undersea road connection for motor vehicles . The Bosphorus Bridge ( 1973 ) , Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge ( 1988 ) and Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge ( 2016 ) are the three suspension bridges connecting the European and Asian shores of the Bosphorus strait . The Osman Gazi Bridge ( 2016 ) connects the northern and southern shores of the Gulf of İzmit . The planned Çanakkale Bridge will connect the European and Asian shores of the Dardanelles strait . In 2008 , 7,555 kilometres ( 4,694 mi ) of natural gas pipelines and 3,636 kilometres ( 2,259 mi ) of petroleum pipelines spanned the country 's territory . The Baku - Tbilisi - Ceyhan pipeline , the second longest oil pipeline in the world , was inaugurated on 10 May 2005 . The Blue Stream , a major trans - Black Sea gas pipeline , delivers natural gas from Russia to Turkey . A planned undersea pipeline , Turkish Stream , with an annual capacity around 63 billion cubic metres ( 2,200 billion cubic feet ) , will allow Turkey to resell Russian gas to Europe while planned Nabucco pipeline will reduce European dependence on Russian energy . Turkey 's internet , which has 42.3 million active users , holds a ' Not Free ' ranking in Freedom House 's index . Turkish government has constantly blocked websites like Facebook , Twitter , YouTube and as of May 2017 , Wikipedia is currently inaccessible . According to Twitter 's transparency report , Turkey leads in social media censorship . The Atatürk Dam is the third - largest dam in the world by volume of fill / structure . In 2013 , the energy consumption was 240 billion kilowatt hours . As Turkey imported 72 percent of its energy in 2013 , the government decided to invest in nuclear power to reduce imports . Three nuclear power stations are to be built by 2023 . Turkey 's first nuclear power plants are planned to be built in Mersin 's Akkuyu district on the Mediterranean coast ; in Sinop 's İnceburun district on the Black Sea coast ; and in Kırklareli 's İğneada district on the Black Sea coast . Turkey has the fifth highest direct utilisation and capacity of geothermal power in the world . Turkey is a partner country of the EU INOGATE energy programme , which has four key topics : enhancing energy security , convergence of member state energy markets on the basis of EU internal energy market principles , supporting sustainable energy development , and attracting investment for energy projects of common and regional interest . Water supply and sanitation in Turkey is characterised by achievements and challenges . Over the past decades access to drinking water has become almost universal and access to adequate sanitation has also increased substantially . Autonomous utilities have been created in the 16 metropolitan cities of Turkey and cost recovery has been increased , thus providing the basis for the sustainability of service provision . Intermittent supply , which was common in many cities , has become less frequent . In 2004 , 61 % of the wastewater collected through sewers was being treated . Remaining challenges include the need to further increase wastewater treatment , to reduce the high level of non-revenue water hovering around 50 % and to expand access to adequate sanitation in rural areas . The investment required to comply with EU standards in the sector , especially in wastewater treatment , is estimated to be in the order of € 2 billion per year , more than double the current level of investment . Science. and technology Main article : Science and technology in Turkey TAI ranks among the top 100 global players in the aerospace and defence sectors . TÜBİTAK is the leading agency for developing science , technology and innovation policies in Turkey . TÜBA is an autonomous scholarly society acting to promote scientific activities in Turkey . TAEK is the official nuclear energy institution of Turkey . Its objectives include academic research in nuclear energy , and the development and implementation of peaceful nuclear tools . Turkish government companies for research and development in military technologies include Turkish Aerospace Industries , Aselsan , Havelsan , Roketsan , MKE , among others . Turkish Satellite Assembly , Integration and Test Center ( UMET ) is a spacecraft production and testing facility owned by the Ministry of National Defence and operated by the Turkish Aerospace Industries ( TAI ) . The Turkish Space Launch System ( UFS ) is a project to develop the satellite launch capability of Turkey . It consists of the construction of a spaceport , the development of satellite launch vehicles as well as the establishment of remote earth stations . Türksat is the sole communications satellite operator in Turkey and has launched the Türksat series of satellites into orbit . Göktürk - 1 and Göktürk - 2 are Turkey 's earth observation satellites for reconnaissance , operated by the Ministry of National Defence . BILSAT - 1 and RASAT are the scientific earth observation satellites operated by the TÜBİTAK Space Technologies Research Institute . In 2015 , Aziz Sancar , a Turkish professor at the University of North Carolina , won the Nobel Chemistry Prize along with Tomas Lindahl and Paul Modrich , for their work on how cells repair damaged DNA . Other notable Turkish scientists include physician Hulusi Behçet who discovered Behçet 's disease , and mathematician Cahit Arf who defined the Arf invariant . Demographics Main article : Demographics of Turkey See also : Turkish people , Minorities in Turkey , and Turkification Historical populations Year Pop . ± % p.a. 1927 13,554,000 -- 1930 14,440,000 + 2.13 % 1940 17,728,000 + 2.07 % 1950 20,807,000 + 1.61 % 1960 27,506,000 + 2.83 % 1970 35,321,000 + 2.53 % 1980 44,439,000 + 2.32 % 55,120,000 + 2.18 % 2000 64,252,000 + 1.54 % 73,003,000 + 1.29 % 2017 79,815,000 + 1.28 % Source : Turkstat According to the Address - Based Population Recording System of Turkey , the country 's population was 74.7 million people in 2011 , nearly three - quarters of whom lived in towns and cities . According to the 2011 estimate , the population is increasing by 1.35 percent each year . Turkey has an average population density of 97 people per km2 . People within the 15 -- 64 age group constitute 67.4 percent of the total population ; the 0 -- 14 age group corresponds to 25.3 percent ; while senior citizens aged 65 years or older make up 7.3 percent . In 1927 , when the first official census was recorded in the Republic of Turkey , the population was 13.6 million . The largest city in Turkey , Istanbul , is also the largest city in Europe in population , and the third - largest city in Europe in terms of size . Areas in Turkey with a Kurdish - majority population . Article 66 of the Turkish Constitution defines a `` Turk '' as `` anyone who is bound to the Turkish state through the bond of citizenship '' ; therefore , the legal use of the term `` Turkish '' as a citizen of Turkey is different from the ethnic definition . However , the majority of the Turkish population are of Turkish ethnicity . They are estimated at 70 -- 75 percent . Reliable data on the ethnic mix of the population is not available , because Turkish census figures do not include statistics on ethnicity . The three `` Non-Muslim '' minority groups recognised in the Treaty of Lausanne were Armenians , Greeks and Jews . Other ethnic groups include Albanians , Assyrians , Bosniaks , Circassians , Georgians and Lazs , Kurds , Pomaks ( Bulgarians ) , Roma . The Kurds are the largest non-Turkic ethnicity , around 18 -- 25 percent of the population . Kurds are concentrated in the east and southeast of the country , in what is also known as Turkish Kurdistan , making up a majority in the provinces of Tunceli , Bingöl , Muş , Ağrı , Iğdır , Elâzığ , Diyarbakır , Batman , Şırnak , Bitlis , Van , Mardin , Siirt and Hakkari , a near majority in Şanlıurfa province ( 47 % ) , and a large minority in Kars province ( 20 % ) . In addition , due to internal migration , Kurdish communities exist in all major cities in central and western Turkey , particularly in Istanbul , where there are an estimated 3 million Kurds , making Istanbul the city with the largest Kurdish population in the world . The minorities besides the Kurds are thought to make up an estimated 7 -- 12 percent of the population . Minority groups other than the three religious minorities recognized in the Treaty of Lausanne ( Armenians , Greeks and Jews ) do not have any official rights , and the use of minority languages is restricted . The term `` minority '' itself remains a sensitive issue in Turkey , while the Turkish government is frequently criticised for its treatment of minorities . Although minorities are not recognised , state - run Turkish Radio and Television Corporation ( TRT ) broadcasts television and radio programs in minority languages . Also , some minority language classes can be chosen in elementary schools . An estimated 2.5 percent of the population are international migrants . Turkey hosts the largest number of refugees in the world , including more than 2.8 million Syrian refugees , as of January 2017 . Largest cities or towns in Turkey TÜİK 's address - based calculation from December , 2013 . Rank Name Province Pop . Rank Name Province Pop . Istanbul Ankara Istanbul Istanbul 13,820,334 11 Kayseri Kayseri 880,255 İzmir Bursa Ankara Ankara 4,474,305 12 Eskişehir Eskişehir 670,544 İzmir İzmir 2,828,927 13 Gebze Kocaeli 582,352 Bursa Bursa 1,769,752 14 Urfa Şanlıurfa 551,511 5 Adana Adana 1,645,965 15 Denizli Denizli 540,000 6 Gaziantep Gaziantep 1,465,019 16 Samsun Samsun 523,192 7 Konya Konya 1,138,609 17 Kahramanmaraş Kahramanmaraş 458,628 8 Antalya Antalya 1,027,551 18 Adapazarı Sakarya 449,290 9 Diyarbakır Diyarbakır 906,013 19 Malatya Malatya 425,000 10 Mersin Mersin 898,813 20 Erzurum Erzurum 381,104 Languages Main article : Languages of Turkey Turkish speakers according to the official census of 1965 . The country 's official language is Turkish , which is spoken by 85.54 percent of the population a first language . 11.97 percent of the population speaks the Kurmanji dialect of Kurdish as mother tongue . Arabic and Zaza are the mother tongues of 2.39 percent of the population , and several other languages are the mother tongues of smaller parts of the population . Endangered languages in Turkey include Abaza , Abkhaz , Adyghe , Cappadocian Greek , Gagauz , Hértevin , Homshetsma , Kabard - Cherkes , Ladino ( Judesmo ) , Laz , Mlahso , Pontic Greek , Romani , Suret , Turoyo , Ubykh , and Western Armenian . Religion Main article : Religion in Turkey See also : Secularism in Turkey Religion in Turkey ( 2016 ) Sunni Islam ( 65 % ) Shia Islam ( 4 % ) Unaffiliated Muslims ( 14 % ) Christianity ( 2 % ) Irreligion ( 7 % ) Spiritual but not religious ( 6 % ) Other religions ( 2 % ) Turkey is a secular state with no official state religion ; the Turkish Constitution provides for freedom of religion and conscience . According to Ipsos , in 2016 Islam was the major religion in Turkey , adhered to by 82 % of the total population , followed by religiously unaffiliated people who comprised 13 % of the population , and Christians with 2 % . The role of religion in public life has been a controversial debate over the years since the formation of Islamist parties . For many decades , the wearing of the hijab was banned in schools and government buildings because it was viewed as a symbol of political Islam . However , the ban was lifted from universities in 2011 , from government buildings in 2013 , from schools in 2014 , and from the Armed Forces in 2017 . The government of Tayyip Erdoğan and the Justice and Development Party ( AKP ) pursue the explicit policy agenda of Islamization of education to `` raise a devout generation '' against secular resistance , in the process causing lost jobs and school for many non-religious citizens of Turkey . Islam Main article : Islam in Turkey Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul is popularly known as the Blue Mosque due to the blue İznik tiles which adorn its interior . There are no official statistics of people 's religious beliefs nor is it asked in the census . According to the government , 99.8 % of the Turkish population is Muslim ; other sources have given estimates ranging from as much as 96.4 percent to as low as 82 percent . The most popular sect is the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam . There are also some Sufi Muslims . Non-denominational Muslims have been estimated to range from 2 percent to 14 percent of the population . The highest Islamic religious authority is the Presidency of Religious Affairs ( Turkish : Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı ) ; it interprets the Hanafi school of law , and is responsible for regulating the operation of the country 's 80,000 registered mosques and employing local and provincial imams . Some have also complained ( see cite ) that under the Islamist government of the Justice and Development Party ( AKP ) and Tayyip Erdoğan , the old role of the Diyanet -- maintaining control over the religious sphere of Islam in Turkey -- has `` largely been turned on its head '' . Now greatly increased in size , the Diyanet promotes a certain type of conservative ( Hanafi Sunni ) Islam inside Turkey , issuing fetva which disapprove activities such as `` feeding dogs at home , celebrating the western New Year , lotteries , and tattoos '' ; and projecting this `` Turkish Islam '' abroad . Academics suggest the Alevi population may be from 15 to 20 million , while the Alevi - Bektaşi Federation claims that there are around 25 million and according to Aksiyon magazine , the number of Shiite Twelvers ( excluding Alevis ) is 3 million ( 4.2 percent ) . Under the Sunni Islamist government of the Justice and Development Party ( AKP ) and Tayyip Erdoğan , an increasing discrimination against and persecution of the Alevi minority has begun . According to WIN - Gallup International 's Global Index of Religiosity and Atheism project , Turkey is the country with most irreligious Muslims in the Islamic world , forming 73 % of its Muslim population . According to PEW Global research , only 15 % of Muslims in Turkey say prayers for at least one of the five prayers either at home or in a mosque . Another PEW Report suggests that , only 7 % to 13 % of all Turks think that religion should have an effect on laws directly or indirectly . Christianity Main article : Christianity in Turkey Bulgarian St. Stephen Church in Fatih , Istanbul , is famous for being made of prefabricated cast iron elements in the neo-Gothic style . Christianity has a long history in present - day Turkey , which is the birthplace of numerous Christian Apostles and Saints , such as Paul of Tarsus , Timothy , Nicholas of Myra , Polycarp of Smyrna and many others . Saint Peter founded one of the first churches in Antioch ( Antakya ) , the location of which is regarded by tradition as the spot where he first preached the Gospel , and where the followers of Jesus were called Christians for the first time in history . The house where Virgin Mary lived the final days of her life until her Assumption ( according to Catholic doctrine ) or Dormition ( according to Orthodox belief ) , and the tomb of John the Apostle who accompanied her during the voyage to Anatolia after the crucifixion of Jesus , are in Ephesus . The cave churches in Cappadocia were among the hiding places of early Christians during the Roman persecutions against them . The Eastern Orthodox Church has been headquartered in Constantinople ( Istanbul ) since the First Council of Constantinople in 381 AD . Two of the five major episcopal sees of the Pentarchy ( Constantinople and Antioch ) instituted by Justinian the Great in 531 AD were located in present - day Turkey during the Byzantine period . The percentage of Christians in Turkey fell from 17.5 % ( 19 % non-Muslim ) in a population of 16 million ( or perhaps as high as 25 % of the population of 16 million in 1914 to 2.5 % percent in 1927 , due to events which had a significant impact on the country 's demographic structure , such as the Armenian Genocide , the population exchange between Greece and Turkey , and the emigration of Christians that actually began in the late 19th century and gained pace in the first quarter of the 20th century . The Wealth Tax on non-Muslims in 1942 , the emigration of a portion of Turkish Jews to Israel after 1948 , and the ongoing Cyprus dispute which damaged the relations between Turks and Greeks ( culminating in the Istanbul pogrom of 6 -- 7 September 1955 ) were other important events that contributed to the decline of Turkey 's non-Muslim population . The discrepancy of 7.5 % between the official figure of 17 % andf 25 % is very possibly possible an undercount : 1.8 million Armenians instead of 1.25 ( Enver Pasha stated the number of Armenians was underestimated by 30 % in the census of whom 500,000 to 1.1 million were killed ) , 2.250 million Greeks instead of 1.75 ( 650,000 Thrace and Constantinople , 550,000 Pontic ( 350,000 killed ) , 980 , 00 Anatolia and Cappadocia 60,000 ( 400,000 killed ) ; even listed in the census the 375,000 Syriac / Assyrian Christians living in SE Turkey of whom 275,000 were killed ) for a total of 4.4 million Christians in a population of 17.4 million or 25.28 % or slightly less since 100,000 Greeks had left after the Balkan Wars and before WW1 . Etimates of the numbers of Greeks range from 550,000 to 900,000 . Today there are more than 120,000 people of different Christian denominations , representing less than 0.2 percent of Turkey 's population , including an estimated 80,000 Oriental Orthodox , 35,000 Roman Catholics , 18,000 Antiochian Greeks , 5,000 Greek Orthodox , and smaller numbers of Protestants . Currently there are 236 churches open for worship in Turkey . Judaism Main article : Judaism in Turkey The Grand Synagogue in Edirne . The history of Judaism in Turkey goes back to the Romaniote Jews of Anatolia who have been present since at least the 5th century BC . They built ancient places of worship such as the Sardis Synagogue in Lydia and the Priene Synagogue in Ionia . The Sephardi Jews who were expelled from the Iberian peninsula and southern Italy under the control of the Spanish Empire were welcomed into the Ottoman Empire between the late - 15th and mid-16th centuries . Despite emigration during the 20th century , modern - day Turkey continues to have a small Jewish population . At present , there are around 26,000 Jews in Turkey , the vast majority of whom are Sephardi . Agnosticism and Atheism According to a 2010 Eurobarometer poll 94 % of Turks believed in God while only 1 % did not . This indicates that 5 % of the population are agnostic with another 1 % being explicitly atheist . However , according to another poll by KONDA the percentage of atheism is 2.9 % . Atheism Association of Turkey , the first official atheist organisation in Balkans , Caucasus and Middle East , was founded in 2014 . Recent polls suggest that 4.5 million people were irreligious in 2013 . The same data also suggests that 85 % of all irreligious people are younger than 35 . Education Main article : Education in Turkey See also : List of high schools in Turkey and List of universities in Turkey Istanbul University was founded in 1453 as a Darülfünûn . On 1 August 1933 it was reorganised and became the Republic 's first university . The Ministry of National Education is responsible for pre-tertiary education . This is compulsory and lasts twelve years : four years each of primary school , middle school and high school . Less than half of 25 - to 34 - year - old Turks have completed at least high school , compared with an OECD average of over 80 percent . Basic education in Turkey is considered to lag behind other OECD countries , with significant differences between high and low performers . Turkey is ranked 32nd out of 34 in the OECD 's PISA study . Access to high - quality school heavily depends on the performance in the secondary school entrance exams , to the point that some students begin taking private tutoring classes when they are 10 years old . The overall adult literacy rate in 2011 was 94.1 percent ; 97.9 percent for males and 90.3 percent for females . As of 2017 , there are 190 universities in Turkey . Entry to higher education depends on the Student Selection and Placement System ( ÖSYS ) . In 2008 , the quota of admitted students was 600,000 , compared to 1,700,000 who took the higher education exam in 2007 . Except for the Open Education Faculties ( AÖF ) at Anadolu , Istanbul and Atatürk University ; entrance is regulated by the national ÖSYS examination , after which high school graduates are assigned to universities according to their performance . According to the 2012 -- 2013 Times Higher Education World University Rankings , the top university in Turkey is Middle East Technical University ( in the 201 -- 225 rank range ) , followed by Bilkent University and Koç University ( both in the 226 -- 250 range ) , Istanbul Technical University and Boğaziçi University ( in the 276 -- 300 bracket ) . All state and private universities are under the control of the Higher Education Board ( YÖK ) , whose head is appointed by the President of Turkey ; executive order 676 of October 2016 has created a system where in addition the President directly appoints all rectors of all state and private universities . Turkey is a member of the European Higher Education Area and actively participates in the Bologna Process . In 2016 the Skills Matter survey conducted by OECD found the levels of numeracy and literacy in the adult population of Turkey at rank 30 of the 33 OECD countries surveyed . In 2017 the theory of evolution was removed from the national curriculum in favour of teaching on the concept of jihad . Healthcare Main article : Health care in Turkey See also : List of hospitals in Turkey Imperial College of Medicine , currently the Haydarpaşa campus of Marmara University . Health care in Turkey used to be dominated by a centralised state system run by the Ministry of Health . In 2003 , the government introduced a sweeping health reform programme aimed at increasing the ratio of private to state health provision and making healthcare available to a larger share of the population . Turkish Statistical Institute announced that 76.3 billion TL was spent for healthcare in 2012 ; 79.6 percent of which was covered by the Social Security Institution and 15.4 percent of which was paid directly by the patients . In 2012 , there were 29,960 medical institutions in Turkey , and on average one doctor per 583 people and 2.65 beds per 1000 people . In 2015 , life expectancy was 72.6 years for men and 78.9 for women , with an overall average of 75.8 . Culture Main article : Culture of Turkey See also : Arts in Turkey , Turkish folklore , and Festivals in Turkey Whirling Dervishes of the Sufi Mevlevi Order , founded by the followers of the 13th - century Sufi mystic and poet Rumi in Konya , during a Sema . The ceremony is one of the 11 elements of Turkey on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists . Turkey has a very diverse culture that is a blend of various elements of the Turkic , Anatolian , Ottoman ( which was itself a continuation of both Greco - Roman and Islamic cultures ) and Western culture and traditions , which started with the Westernisation of the Ottoman Empire and still continues today . This mix originally began as a result of the encounter of Turks and their culture with those of the peoples who were in their path during their migration from Central Asia to the West . Turkish culture is a product of efforts to be a `` modern '' Western state , while maintaining traditional religious and historical values . Visual Arts Further information : Turkish painting , İznik pottery , Turkish carpet , Turkish miniature , and Turkish illumination Two Musician Girls ( left ) and The Tortoise Trainer ( right ) by Osman Hamdi Bey , at the Pera Museum . Turkish painting , in the Western sense , developed actively starting from the mid 19th century . The very first painting lessons were scheduled at what is now the Istanbul Technical University ( then the Imperial Military Engineering School ) in 1793 , mostly for technical purposes . In the late 19th century , human figure in the Western sense was being established in Turkish painting , especially with Osman Hamdi Bey . Impressionism , among the contemporary trends , appeared later on with Halil Pasha . The young Turkish artists sent to Europe in 1926 came back inspired by contemporary trends such as Fauvism , Cubism and even Expressionism , still very influential in Europe . The later `` Group D '' of artists led by Abidin Dino , Cemal Tollu , Fikret Mualla , Fahrünnisa Zeid , Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu , Adnan Çoker and Burhan Doğançay introduced some trends that had lasted in the West for more than three decades . Other important movements in Turkish painting were the `` Yeniler Grubu '' ( The Newcomers Group ) of the late 1930s ; the `` On'lar Grubu '' ( Group of Ten ) of the 1940s ; the `` Yeni Dal Grubu '' ( New Branch Group ) of the 1950s ; and the `` Siyah Kalem Grubu '' ( Black Pen Group ) of the 1960s . A 13th century Turkish carpet from the Anatolian Seljuk Sultanate period , originally at the Alâeddin Mosque in Konya . Carpet weaving represents a traditional art , dating back to pre-Islamic times . During its long history , the art and craft of the woven carpet has integrated different cultural traditions . Traces of Byzantine design can be detected , Turkic peoples migrating from Central Asia , as well as Armenian people , Caucasian and Kurdic tribes either living in , or migrating to Anatolia , brought with them their traditional designs . The arrival of Islam and the development of the Islamic art also influenced Turkish carpet design . The history of its designs , motifs and ornaments thus reflects the political and ethnic history and diversity of the area of Asia minor . However , scientific attempts were unsuccessful , as yet , to attribute a particular design to a specific ethnic , regional , or even nomadic versus village tradition . Turkish miniature is an art form , which can be linked to the Persian miniature tradition , as well as strong Chinese artistic influences . The words taswir or nakish were used to define the art of miniature painting in Ottoman Turkish . The studios the artists worked in were called Nakkashanes . The miniatures were usually not signed , perhaps because of the rejection of individualism , but also because the works were not created entirely by one person ; the head painter designed the composition of the scene , and his apprentices drew the contours ( which were called tahrir ) with black or colored ink and then painted the miniature without creating an illusion of third dimension . The head painter , and much more often the scribe of the text , were indeed named and depicted in some of the manuscripts . The understanding of perspective was different from that of the nearby European Renaissance painting tradition , and the scene depicted often included different time periods and spaces in one picture . They followed closely the context of the book they were included in , resembling more illustrations rather than standalone works of art . The earliest examples of Turkish paper marbling are thought to be a copy of the Hâlnâme by the poet Arifî . The text of this manuscript was rendered in a delicate cut paper découpage calligraphy by Mehmed bin Gazanfer and completed in 1540 , and features many marbled and decorative paper borders . One early master by the name of Şebek is mentioned posthumously in the earliest Ottoman text on the art known as the Tertib - i Risâle - i Ebrî , which is dated based on internal evidence to after 1615 . Several recipes in the text are accredited to this master . Another famous 18th - century master by the name of Hatip Mehmed Efendi ( died 1773 ) is accredited with developing motifs and perhaps early floral designs , although evidence from India appears to contradict some of these claims . Despite this , marbled motifs are commonly referred to as `` Hatip '' designs in Turkey today . Literature and theatre Main articles : Turkish literature and Theatre of Turkey Tevfik Fikret is considered the founder of the modern school of Turkish poetry . Turkish literature is a mix of cultural influences . Interaction between the Ottoman Empire and the Islamic world along with Europe contributed to a blend of Turkic , Islamic and European traditions in modern - day Turkish music and literary arts . Turkish literature was heavily influenced by Persian and Arabic literature during most of the Ottoman era . The Tanzimat reforms introduced previously unknown Western genres , primarily the novel and the short story . Many of the writers in the Tanzimat period wrote in several genres simultaneously : for instance , the poet Nâmık Kemal also wrote the important 1876 novel İntibâh ( Awakening ) , while the journalist Şinasi is noted for writing , in 1860 , the first modern Turkish play , the one - act comedy `` Şair Evlenmesi '' ( The Poet 's Marriage ) . Most of the roots of modern Turkish literature were formed between the years 1896 and 1923 . Broadly , there were three primary literary movements during this period : the Edebiyat - ı Cedîde ( New Literature ) movement ; the Fecr - i Âtî ( Dawn of the Future ) movement ; and the Millî Edebiyat ( National Literature ) movement . The first radical step of innovation in 20th century Turkish poetry was taken by Nâzım Hikmet , who introduced the free verse style . Another revolution in Turkish poetry came about in 1941 with the Garip movement led by Orhan Veli , Oktay Rıfat and Melih Cevdet . The mix of cultural influences in Turkey is dramatised , for example , in the form of the `` new symbols of the clash and interlacing of cultures '' enacted in the novels of Orhan Pamuk , recipient of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Literature . Characters of Karagöz and Hacivat . The origin of Turkish theatre dates back thousands of years to ancient pagan rituals . The dances , music and songs performed during the rituals of the inhabitants of Anatolia millennia ago are the elements from which the first shows originated . These rituals later became theatrical shows . In the 10th century , a blend of traditions occurred between the Seljuk Turks and those of the inhabitants of Anatolia . The interaction between the various tribal societies paved the way for new plays . After the Tanzimat ( Reformation ) period , characters in Turkish theatre were modernized and plays were performed on European - style stages with the actors wearing European costumes . Following the declaration of the second Constitutional Monarchy in 1908 , theatrical activities increased and social problems began to be reflected in the theatre as well as in historical plays . A theatrical conservatoire , Darülbedayi - i Osmani , was established in Istanbul in 1914 . During the years of chaos and war , the Darülbedayi - i Osmani continued its activities and attracted the younger generation . Turkish playwrights emerged . Some wrote on romantic subjects , others were interested in social problems and still others dealt with nationalistic themes . There were even those who wrote musicals . In time , Turkish ladies began to appear on stage and this was indeed a revolution of the time , since female roles had only been played by actresses who were members of Turkey 's ethnic minorities . Today , theatre acts are performed by numerous private theatre companies and subsidized companies such as the Turkish State Theatres . Music and dance Main articles : Turkish dance and Music of Turkey See also : Turkish classical music , Turkish folk music , and Turkish music ( style ) Bağlama , a traditional stringed musical instrument . Music of Turkey includes mainly Turkic elements as well as partial influences ranging from Central Asian folk music , Arabic music , Greek music , Ottoman music , Persian music and Balkan music , as well as references to more modern European and American popular music . The roots of traditional music in Turkey span across centuries to a time when the Seljuk Turks migrated to Anatolia and Persia in the 11th century and contains elements of both Turkic and pre-Turkic influences . Much of its modern popular music can trace its roots to the emergence in the early 1930s drive for Westernization . With the assimilation of immigrants from various regions the diversity of musical genres and musical instrumentation also expanded . Turkey has also seen documented folk music and recorded popular music produced in the ethnic styles of Greek , Armenian , Albanian , Polish and Jewish communities , among others . Barış Manço was among the founders of the genre Anatolian rock in the 1960s , which combines rock music with Anatolian folk tunes . Many Turkish cities and towns have vibrant local music scenes which , in turn , support a number of regional musical styles . Despite this however , western - style music styles like pop music and kanto lost popularity to arabesque in the late 70s and 80s . It became popular again by the beginning of the 1990s , as a result of an opening economy and society . With the support of Sezen Aksu , the resurging popularity of pop music gave rise to several international Turkish pop stars such as Tarkan and Sertab Erener . The late 1990s also saw an emergence of underground music producing alternative Turkish rock , electronica , hip - hop , rap and dance music in opposition to the mainstream corporate pop and arabesque genres , which many believe have become too commercial . Turkey has a diverse folkloric dance culture . Hora is performed in East Thrace ; Zeybek in the Aegean Region , Southern Marmara and East - Central Anatolia Region ; Teke in the Western Mediterranean Region ; Kaşık Oyunları and Karşılama in West - Central Anatolia , Western Black Sea Region , Southern Marmara Region and Eastern Mediterranean Region ; Horon in the Central and Eastern Black Sea Region ; Halay in Eastern Anatolia and the Central Anatolia Region ; and Bar and Lezginka in the Northeastern Anatolia Region . Architecture Main article : Architecture of Turkey Further information : Byzantine architecture , Seljuk architecture , and Ottoman architecture The Grand Post Office ( 1905 -- 1909 ) in Istanbul and the first Ziraat Bank headquarters ( 1925 -- 1929 ) in Ankara are among the examples of Turkish Neoclassical architecture in the early 20th century . The architecture of the Seljuk Turks combined the elements and characteristics of the Turkic architecture of Central Asia with those of Persian , Arab , Armenian and Byzantine architecture . The transition from Seljuk architecture to Ottoman architecture is most visible in Bursa , which was the capital of the Ottoman State between 1335 and 1413 . Following the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople ( Istanbul ) in 1453 , Ottoman architecture was significantly influenced by Byzantine architecture . Topkapı Palace in Istanbul is one of the most famous examples of classical Ottoman architecture and was the primary residence of the Ottoman Sultans for approximately 400 years . Mimar Sinan ( c. 1489 -- 1588 ) was the most important architect of the classical period in Ottoman architecture . He was the chief architect of at least 374 buildings which were constructed in various provinces of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century . Since the 18th century , Turkish architecture has been increasingly influenced by European styles , and this can be particularly seen in the Tanzimat era buildings of Istanbul like the Dolmabahçe , Çırağan , Feriye , Beylerbeyi , Küçüksu , Ihlamur and Yıldız palaces , which were all designed by members of the Balyan family of Ottoman court architects . The Ottoman era waterfront houses ( yalı ) on the Bosphorus also reflect the fusion between classical Ottoman and European architectural styles during the aforementioned period . The First National Architectural Movement ( Birinci Ulusal Mimarlık Akımı ) in the early 20th century sought to create a new architecture , which was based on motifs from Seljuk and Ottoman architecture . The movement was also labelled Turkish Neoclassical or the National Architectural Renaissance . The leading architects of this movement were Vedat Tek ( 1873 -- 1942 ) , Mimar Kemaleddin Bey ( 1870 -- 1927 ) , Arif Hikmet Koyunoğlu ( 1888 -- 1982 ) and Giulio Mongeri ( 1873 -- 1953 ) . Notable buildings from this era are the Grand Post Office in Istanbul ( 1905 -- 1909 ) , Tayyare Apartments ( 1919 -- 1922 ) , Istanbul 4th Vakıf Han ( 1911 -- 1926 ) , State Art and Sculpture Museum ( 1927 -- 1930 ) , Ethnography Museum of Ankara ( 1925 -- 1928 ) , the first Ziraat Bank headquarters in Ankara ( 1925 -- 1929 ) , the first Türkiye İş Bankası headquarters in Ankara ( 1926 -- 1929 ) , Bebek Mosque , and Kamer Hatun Mosque . Yalı of Ahmet Afif Pasha in Yeniköy , Istanbul : one of 620 historic waterfront houses along the European and Asian shores of the Bosphorus strait . The traditional houses of Safranbolu , a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1994 , are among the renowned examples of Ottoman architecture . Cuisine Main article : Turkish cuisine Further information : Ottoman cuisine Turkish coffee with Turkish delight . Turkish coffee is a UNESCO - listed intangible cultural heritage of Turks . Turkish cuisine is regarded as one of the most prominent in the world , its popularity is largely owed to the cultural influences of the Ottoman Empire and partly because of its major tourism industry . It is largely the heritage of Ottoman cuisine , which can be described as a fusion and refinement of Central Asian , Caucasian , Middle Eastern , Mediterranean and Balkan cuisines . The country 's position between the East and the Mediterranean Sea helped the Turks gain complete control of major trade routes , and an ideal environment allowed plants and animals to flourish . Turkish cuisine was well established by the mid-1400s , the beginning of the Ottoman Empire 's six hundred - year reign . Yogurt salads , fish in olive oil , and stuffed and wrapped vegetables became Turkish staples . The empire , eventually spanning from Austria to northern Africa , used its land and water routes to import exotic ingredients from all over the world . By the end of the 16th century , the Ottoman court housed over 1,400 live - in cooks and passed laws regulating the freshness of food . Since the fall of the empire in World War I ( 1914 -- 1918 ) and the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923 , foreign food such as French hollandaise sauce and western fast food have made their way into the modern Turkish diet . Döner kebab being sliced . An 80 - layer dough baklava . Sports Main article : Sports in Turkey See also : Football in Turkey Turkey won the silver medal at the 2010 FIBA World Championship . The most popular sport in Turkey is association football ( soccer ) . Galatasaray won the UEFA Cup and UEFA Super Cup in 2000 . The Turkish national football team has won the bronze medal at the 2002 FIFA World Cup , the 2003 FIFA Confederations Cup and UEFA Euro 2008 . Other mainstream sports such as basketball and volleyball are also popular . The men 's national basketball team won the silver medal at the 2010 FIBA World Championship and at the EuroBasket 2001 , which were both hosted by Turkey . The basketballing team is one of the most successful in the Mediterranean Games . Basketball club Anadolu Efes S.K. won the 1995 -- 96 FIBA Korać Cup , won silver at the 1992 -- 93 FIBA Saporta Cup , and won bronze at the Euroleague and Suproleague in 2000 and 2001 . Basketball club Beşiktaş won the 2011 -- 12 FIBA EuroChallenge . Galatasaray won the 2015 -- 16 Eurocup , while in the same season , Fenerbahçe won the silver medal in the 2015 -- 16 Euroleague . Fenerbahçe managed to win the gold medal in the 2016 -- 17 season . The final of the 2013 -- 14 EuroLeague Women basketball championship was played between two Turkish teams , Galatasaray and Fenerbahçe , and won by Galatasaray . The women 's national basketball team won the silver medal at the EuroBasket Women 2011 and the bronze medal at the EuroBasket Women 2013 . Along with the men 's team the women 's team is one of the most successful in the Mediterranean Games . Turkey won the gold medal at the 2015 European Games . Kenan Sofuoğlu won the highest number of Supersport World Championship titles . The women 's national volleyball team won the gold medal at the 2015 European Games , the silver medal at the 2003 European Championship , the bronze medal at the 2011 European Championship , and the bronze medal at the 2012 FIVB World Grand Prix . They also won multiple medals over multiple decades at the Mediterranean Games . Women 's volleyball clubs , namely Fenerbahçe , Eczacıbaşı and Vakıfbank , have won numerous European championship titles and medals . Fenerbahçe won the 2010 FIVB Women 's Club World Championship and the 2012 CEV Women 's Champions League . Representing Europe as the winner of the 2012 -- 13 CEV Women 's Champions League , Vakıfbank also became the world champion by winning the 2013 and 2017 FIVB Volleyball Women 's Club World Championship . The traditional national sport of Turkey has been yağlı güreş ( oil wrestling ) since Ottoman times . Edirne has hosted the annual Kırkpınar oiled wrestling tournament since 1346 , making it the oldest sporting competition in the world . International wrestling styles governed by FILA such as freestyle wrestling and Greco - Roman wrestling are also popular , with many European , World and Olympic championship titles won by Turkish wrestlers both individually and as a national team . Media and cinema Main articles : Media in Turkey and Cinema of Turkey TRT World is the international news platform of the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation . Hundreds of television channels , thousands of local and national radio stations , several dozen newspapers , a productive and profitable national cinema and a rapid growth of broadband Internet use all make up a very vibrant media industry in Turkey . In 2003 a total of 257 television stations and 1,100 radio stations were licensed to operate , and others operated without licenses . Of those licensed , 16 television and 36 radio stations reached national audiences . The majority of the audiences are shared among public broadcaster TRT and the network - style channels such as Kanal D , Show TV , ATV and Star TV . The broadcast media have a very high penetration as satellite dishes and cable systems are widely available . The Radio and Television Supreme Council ( RTÜK ) is the government body overseeing the broadcast media . By circulation , the most popular newspapers are Posta , Hürriyet , Sözcü , Sabah and Habertürk . Nuri Bilge Ceylan , Turkish film director , photographer and screenwriter who won the 2014 Palme d'Or Turkish television dramas are increasingly becoming popular beyond Turkey 's borders and are among the country 's most vital exports , both in terms of profit and public relations . After sweeping the Middle East 's television market over the past decade , Turkish shows have aired in more than a dozen South and Central American countries in 2016 . Turkey is today the worlds second largest exporter of television series . Yeşilçam is the sobriquet that refers to the Turkish film art and industry . The first movie exhibited in the Ottoman Empire was the Lumiere Brothers ' 1895 film , L'Arrivée d'un train en gare de La Ciotat , which was shown in Istanbul in 1896 . The first Turkish - made film was a documentary entitled Ayastefanos'taki Rus Abidesinin Yıkılışı ( Demolition of the Russian Monument at San Stefano ) , directed by Fuat Uzkınay and completed in 1914 . The first narrative film , Sedat Simavi 's The Spy , was released in 1917 . Turkey 's first sound film was shown in 1931 . Turkish directors like Ferzan Özpetek , Nuri Bilge Ceylan and Yılmaz Güney won numerous international awards such as Palme d'Or and Golden Bear . Despite legal provisions , media freedom in Turkey has steadily deteriorated from 2010 onwards , with a precipitous decline following the attempted coup in July 2016 . As of 2017 , at least 81 journalists are imprisoned in Turkey . Ranking 1st in the world , all of them facing anti-state charges , in the wake of an unprecedented crackdown that has included the shuttering of more than 100 news outlets . Freedom House lists Turkey 's media as not free . The media crackdowns also extend to Internet censorship with Wikipedia getting blocked since April 2017 . See also Index of Turkey - related articles Outline of Turkey Notes Jump up ^ the government of Turkey denies that there was an act of ethnic cleansing . Jump up ^ However , these are based on the existing religion information written on every citizen 's national id card , that is automatically passed on from the parents to every newborn , and do not necessarily represent individual choice . Furthermore , anyone who was not officially registered as Christian or Jewish by the time of the foundation of the republic , was automatically recorded as Muslim , and this label has been passed down to new generations . Therefore , the official number of Muslims also include people with no religion ; converted from Islam to a different religion than Islam ; and anyone who is of a different religion than their parents , but has n't applied for a change of their individual records . References ^ Jump up to : Ethnologue : Ethnologue Languages of the World -- Turkey , Retrieved 15 October 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Population by Years , Age Group and Sex , Census of Population -- TÜİK ( 31 December 2016 ) '' . Turkish Statistical Institute . 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Federal Research Division , Library of Congress . ISBN 0 - 8444 - 0864 - 6 . Cîrlig , Carmen - Cristina ( 2013 ) . Turkey 's regional power aspirations ( PDF ) . Library of the European Parliament . External links Find more aboutTurkeyat Wikipedia 's sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Wikimedia Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Texts from Wikisource Textbooks from Wikibooks Learning resources from Wikiversity General -- Topical multilingual website about Turkey . `` Turkey '' . The World Factbook . Central Intelligence Agency . Turkey profile from the BBC News Turkey at Encyclopædia Britannica Turkey from UCB Libraries GovPubs Data on Turkey from OECD Better Life Index of Turkey from OECD Turkey at Curlie ( based on DMOZ ) Key Development Forecasts for Turkey from International Futures Geographic data related to Turkey at OpenStreetMap Tourism Wikimedia Atlas of Turkey Turkey travel guide from Wikivoyage Turkey Home -- Turkey 's Official Tourism Portal Official website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Turkey profile from UNESCO Turkey profile from Lonely Planet Government Official website of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Official website of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Economy Official website of Ministry of the Ministry of Economy Economic Survey of Turkey 2016 from OECD Macroeconomic Data for Turkey Online Articles related to Turkey Turkey articles History Pre-Turkish era Prehistory of Anatolia & Thrace Classical Anatolia & Thrace Neo-Assyrian Empire Byzantine Anatolia Seljuq era Sultanate of Rum Mongol invasions of Anatolia Ilkhanate Ottoman era Osman 's Dream Rise Interregnum Conquest of Constantinople Classical Age Transformation Sultanate of Women Köprülü era Old Regime Tulip period Decline and modernization Tanzimat First Constitutional Era Defeat and dissolution Second Constitutional Era Partition Republican era War of Independence One - party period Multi-party period By topic Ancient Anatolians Constitutional Economic Military Thracians Timeline of Turkish history Turkic migration Geography Capes Cities Districts Earthquakes Environmental issues Gulfs and bays Islands Lakes Metropolitan municipalities Mountains Peninsulas Provinces Regions Rivers Places Anatolia Thrace ( Eastern ) Turkish Riviera Çukurova Politics Cabinet Elections Foreign relations Military Parliament President Prime Minister Legal system Constitution Constitutional Court Law enforcement Official gazette Controversies Deep state Conspiracy theories in Turkey EU accession Kemalism Neo-Ottomanism Ottomanism Political parties Secularism Northern Syria Security Belt Northern Cyprus Economy Banks central bank Borsa Istanbul ( stock exchange ) Companies EU Customs Union Industries Lira ( currency ) Southeastern Anatolia Project Tourism Transport aviation railways Rankings Society Crime Education Languages Turkish Culture Architecture Ottoman architecture Art Cinema Cuisine wine Dance Drama ( TV ) Festivals Folklore Human rights LGBT Literature Media newspapers radio stations TV Music Names Public holidays Religion Islam Smoking Sport Theatre Demographics Turkish people list Population diaspora immigration Muhacir Minorities Arabs Armenians Bosniaks Circassians Kurds Symbols Anthem Emblem Flag Motto Presidential seal Outline Index Book Portal Geographic locale of Turkey Places adjacent to Turkey Bulgaria Greece Black Sea Georgia Armenia Agean Sea Turkey Azerbaijan Iran Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean Sea Syria Iraq Sovereign states and dependencies of Europe Sovereign states Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Vatican City States with limited recognition Abkhazia Artsakh Kosovo Northern Cyprus South Ossetia Transnistria Dependencies Denmark Faroe Islands autonomous country of the Kingdom of Denmark United Kingdom Akrotiri and Dhekelia Sovereign Base Areas Gibraltar British Overseas Territory Guernsey Isle of Man Jersey Crown dependencies Special areas of internal sovereignty Finland Åland Islands autonomous region subject to the Åland Convention of 1921 Norway Svalbard unincorporated area subject to the Svalbard Treaty United Kingdom Northern Ireland country of the United Kingdom subject to the British - Irish Agreement Oceanic islands within the vicinity of Europe are usually grouped with the continent even though they are not situated on its continental shelf . Some countries completely outside the conventional geographical boundaries of Europe are commonly associated with the continent due to ethnological links . Countries and dependencies of Asia Sovereign states Afghanistan Armenia Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Cambodia China Cyprus Egypt Georgia India Indonesia Iran Iraq Israel Japan Jordan Kazakhstan North Korea South Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Lebanon Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Oman Palestine Pakistan Philippines Qatar Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Sri Lanka Syria Tajikistan Thailand East Timor ( Timor - Leste ) Turkey Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates Uzbekistan Vietnam Yemen States with limited recognition Abkhazia Artsakh Northern Cyprus South Ossetia Taiwan Dependencies and special administrative regions Australia Christmas Island Cocos ( Keeling ) Islands China Hong Kong Macau United Kingdom Akrotiri and Dhekelia British Indian Ocean Territory International membership North Atlantic Treaty Organization History North Atlantic Treaty Summit Operations Enlargement Structure Council Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe Air Command Land Command Maritime Command JFC Brunssum JFC Naples Allied Command Transformation Parliamentary Assembly Standardization Agreement People Secretary General Chairman of the Military Committee Supreme Allied Commander Europe Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Members Albania Belgium Bulgaria Canada Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Turkey United Kingdom United States Multilateral relations Atlantic Treaty Association Euro - Atlantic Partnership Council Mediterranean Dialogue Istanbul Cooperation Initiative Partnership for Peace Portal Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) History Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Anti-Bribery Convention Guidelines Multinational Enterprises Testing of Chemicals G20 major economies Argentina Australia Brazil Canada China European Union France Germany India Indonesia Italy Japan Mexico Russia Saudi Arabia South Africa Republic of Korea Turkey United Kingdom United States World Trade Organization System Accession and membership Appellate Body Dispute Settlement Body International Trade Centre Chronology of key events Issues Criticism Doha Development Round Singapore issues Quota Elimination Peace Clause Agreements General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Agriculture Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Technical Barriers to Trade Trade Related Investment Measures Trade in Services Trade - Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Government Procurement Information Technology Marrakech Agreement Doha Declaration Bali Package Ministerial Conferences 1st ( 1996 ) 2nd ( 1998 ) 3rd ( 1999 ) 4th ( 2001 ) 5th ( 2003 ) 6th ( 2005 ) 7th ( 2009 ) 8th ( 2011 ) 9th ( 2013 ) 10th ( 2015 ) People Roberto Azevêdo ( Director - General ) Pascal Lamy Supachai Panitchpakdi Alejandro Jara Rufus Yerxa Members Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belize Benin Bolivia Botswana Brazil Brunei Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Democratic Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Cuba Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Fiji Gabon The Gambia Georgia Ghana Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea - Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Iceland India Indonesia Israel Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya South Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Lesotho Liberia Liechtenstein Macau Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Moldova Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nepal New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Qatar Russia Rwanda St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa Saudi Arabia Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Solomon Islands South Africa Sri Lanka Suriname Swaziland Switzerland Tajikistan Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United States Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe European Union Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom Special administrative regions of the People 's Republic of China , participates as `` Hong Kong , China '' and `` Macao China '' . Officially the Republic of China , participates as `` Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan , Penghu , Kinmen and Matsu '' , and `` Chinese Taipei '' in short . Council of Europe Institutions Secretary General Committee of Ministers Parliamentary Assembly Congress Court of Human Rights Commissioner for Human Rights Commission for the Efficiency of Justice Commission against Racism and Intolerance Members Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Observers Canada Holy See Israel Japan Mexico United States Sovereign Military Order of Malta Former members Czechoslovakia ( 1991 -- 1992 ) Saar ( assoc. 1950 -- 1956 ) Provisionally referred to by the Council of Europe as `` the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia '' ; see Macedonia naming dispute . Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ( OSCE ) Members Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Canada Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Holy See Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Turkey Turkmenistan Ukraine United Kingdom United States Uzbekistan Partners for Cooperation Afghanistan Algeria Australia Egypt Israel Japan Jordan Morocco South Korea Thailand Tunisia Bodies and posts Parliamentary Assembly ODIHR Commissioner on National Minorities Representative on Freedom of the Media Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ( OIC ) Members Afghanistan Albania Algeria Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Benin Burkina Faso Brunei Cameroon Chad Comoros Djibouti Egypt Gabon Gambia Guinea Guinea - Bissau Guyana Indonesia Iran Iraq Ivory Coast Jordan Kuwait Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Lebanon Libya Maldives Malaysia Mali Mauritania Morocco Mozambique Niger Nigeria Oman Pakistan Palestine Qatar Saudi Arabia Senegal Sierra Leone Somalia Sudan Suriname Tajikistan Turkey Tunisia Togo Turkmenistan Uganda Uzbekistan United Arab Emirates Yemen Suspended Syria Observers Countries and territories Bosnia and Herzegovina Central African Republic Northern Cyprus Russia Thailand Muslim communities Moro National Liberation Front International organizations Economic Cooperation Organization African Union Arab League Non-Aligned Movement United Nations As the `` Turkish Cypriot State '' . International Organization of Turkic Culture ( TÜRKSOY ) Members Azerbaijan Găgăuzia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Northern Cyprus Sakha Republic Tatarstan Turkey Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Former Altai Republic Bashkortostan Khakassia Tuva Turkey portal Mediterranean portal Geography portal Europe portal Asia portal NATO portal Demographics of Turkey Religion Bahá'í Faith Christianity Orthodox Christianity Protestantism Roman Catholicism Hinduism Islam Alevism Sunni Judaism Yazidism Ethnic groups Afghans Africans Albanians Arabs Iraqis Syrians Armenians including Hemşinli and Hidden Assyrians Australians Bosniaks Brazilians Britons Bulgarians including Pomaks Canadians Chechens Circassians including Abazgi Digor Ossetians Georgians Laz Germans Greeks Jews Kurds Levantines Persians Poles Romani Abdal Russians Serbs Turkic peoples Azerbaijanis Crimean Tatars Karachays Kazakhs Kyrgyz Meskhetian Turks Nogais Turkmens Turks of Anatolia Uyghurs Uzbeks Zazas VIAF : 132456442 LCCN : n80070818 ISNI : 0000 0004 0369 9232 GND : 4061163 - 2 SUDOC : 026402564 BNF : cb118656641 ( data ) HDS : 3374 NDL : 00573331 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Turkey Balkan countries Southeastern European countries Eastern Mediterranean E7 nations G20 nations Member states of NATO Member states of the Council of Europe Member states of the Union for the Mediterranean Member states of the United Nations Middle Eastern countries Modern Turkic states Near Eastern countries Republics States and territories established in 1923 1923 establishments in Turkey 1923 establishments in Europe 1923 establishments in Asia Countries in Europe Countries in Asia Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links CS1 German - language sources ( de ) CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list CS1 Turkish - language sources ( tr ) Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages Wikipedia indefinitely move - protected pages Good articles EngvarB from December 2016 Use dmy dates from December 2016 Coordinates on Wikidata Articles containing Turkish - language text Articles with hAudio microformats Articles including recorded pronunciations ( English ) Articles containing Greek - language text Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2016 All articles containing potentially dated statements Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2015 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2014 Articles with Curlie links Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Wikinews Wikiquote Wikivoyage Languages Acèh Адыгэбзэ Адыгабзэ Afrikaans Akan Alemannisch አማርኛ Ænglisc Аҧсшәа Aragonés ܐܪܡܝܐ Armãneashti Arpetan অসমীয়া Asturianu Avañe'ẽ Авар Aymar aru Azərbaycanca تۆرکجه Bamanankan বাংলা Bahasa Banjar Bân - lâm - gú Башҡортса Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) भोजपुरी Bikol Central Bislama Български Boarisch བོད ་ ཡིག Bosanski Brezhoneg Буряад Català Чӑвашла Cebuano Čeština Chamoru Chavacano de Zamboanga Chi - Chewa ChiShona ChiTumbuka Corsu Cymraeg Dansk Davvisámegiella Deitsch Deutsch ދިވެހިބަސް Dolnoserbski ཇོང ་ ཁ Eesti Ελληνικά Emiliàn e rumagnòl Эрзянь Español Esperanto Estremeñu Euskara Eʋegbe فارسی Fiji Hindi Føroyskt Français Frysk Fulfulde Furlan Gaeilge Gaelg Gagauz Gàidhlig Galego 贛 語 Gĩkũyũ ગુજરાતી 𐌲𐌿𐍄𐌹𐍃𐌺 गोंयची कोंकणी / Gõychi Konknni 客家 語 / Hak - kâ - ngî Хальмг 한국어 Hausa Hawaiʻi Հայերեն हिन्दी Hornjoserbsce Hrvatski Ido Igbo Ilokano বিষ্ণুপ্রিয়া মণিপুরী Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Interlingue ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ / inuktitut Iñupiak Ирон IsiXhosa IsiZulu Íslenska Italiano עברית Basa Jawa Kalaallisut ಕನ್ನಡ Kapampangan Къарачай - малкъар ქართული कॉशुर / کٲشُر Kaszëbsczi Қазақша Kernowek Kinyarwanda Kirundi Kiswahili Коми Kongo Kreyòl ayisyen Kurdî Кыргызча Кырык мары Ladino Лакку Лезги ລາວ لۊری شومالی Latgaļu Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Ligure Limburgs Lingála Livvinkarjala La . lojban . 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Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | which part of the world is turkey located | [
"Turkey (/ˈtɜːrki/ ( listen); Turkish: Türkiye [ˈtyɾcije]), officially the Republic of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti (help·info); pronounced [ˈtyɾcije d͡ʒumˈhuɾijeti]), is a transcontinental country in Eurasia, mainly in Anatolia in Western Asia, with a smaller portion on the Balkan peninsula in Southeast Europe.[9] Turkey is bordered by eight countries with Greece and Bulgaria to the northwest; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan and Iran to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the south. The country is encircled by seas on three sides with the Aegean Sea to the west, the Black Sea to the north, and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. The Bosphorus, the Sea of Marmara, and the Dardanelles, which together form the Turkish Straits, divide Thrace and Anatolia and separate Europe and Asia.[10] Ankara is the capital while Istanbul is the country's largest city and main cultural and commercial centre, classified as a leading global city.[11] Major urban areas include İzmir, Antalya, Bursa, Eskişehir, Mersin, Konya, and Adana, among others."
] | [
"is a transcontinental country in Eurasia, mainly in Anatolia in Western Asia, with a smaller portion on the Balkan"
] |
8799598634483113135 | Flag of the United States | Flag of the United States - wikipedia Flag of the United States Jump to : navigation , search `` American Flag '' redirects here . For other uses , see American Flag ( disambiguation ) . United States of America Names The American flag , The Stars and Stripes ; Red , White and Blue ; Old Glory ; The Star - Spangled Banner Use National flag and ensign Proportion 10 : 19 Adopted June 14 , 1777 ( original 13 - star version ) July 4 , 1960 ( current 50 - star version ) Design Thirteen horizontal stripes alternating red and white ; in the canton , 50 white stars of alternating numbers of six and five per horizontal row on a blue field The flag of the United States of America , often referred to as the American flag , is the national flag of the United States . It consists of thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red ( top and bottom ) alternating with white , with a blue rectangle in the canton ( referred to specifically as the `` union '' ) bearing fifty small , white , five - pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows , where rows of six stars ( top and bottom ) alternate with rows of five stars . The 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states of the United States of America , and the 13 stripes represent the thirteen British colonies that declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain , and became the first states in the U.S. Nicknames for the flag include the Stars and Stripes , Old Glory , and the Star - Spangled Banner . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 First flag 1.2 The Flag Resolution of 1777 1.3 Designer of the first stars and stripes 1.4 Later flag acts 1.5 The `` Flower Flag '' arrives in Asia 1.6 Historical progression of designs 2 Future of the flag 3 Symbolism 4 Design 4.1 Creation 4.2 Specifications 4.3 Colors 4.4 The 49 - and 50 - star unions 4.5 Decoration 5 Display and use 5.1 Flag etiquette 5.2 Display on vehicles 5.3 Display on uniforms 5.4 Postage stamps 5.5 Display in museums 5.6 Places of continuous display 5.7 Particular days for display 5.8 Display at half - staff 6 Folding for storage 7 Use in funerals 8 Related flags 8.1 Gallery of related flags 9 See also 9.1 Article sections 9.2 Associated people 9.3 Bibliography 10 References 11 Further reading 12 External links History See also : Timeline of the flag of the United States The current design of the U.S. flag is its 27th ; the design of the flag has been modified officially 26 times since 1777 . The 48 - star flag was in effect for 47 years until the 49 - star version became official on July 4 , 1959 . The 50 - star flag was ordered by the then president Eisenhower on August 21 , 1959 , and was adopted in July 1960 . It is the longest - used version of the U.S. flag and has been in use for over 57 years . First flag Main article : Grand Union Flag The Continental Colors ( aka the `` Grand Union Flag '' ) Flag of the British East India Company , 1707 -- 1801 At the time of the Declaration of Independence in July 1776 , the Continental Congress would not legally adopt flags with `` stars , white in a blue field '' for another year . The flag contemporaneously known as `` the Continental Colors '' has historically been referred to as the first national flag . The Continental Navy raised the Colors as the ensign of the fledgling nation in the American War for Independence -- likely with the expedient of transforming their previous British red ensigns by adding white stripes -- and would use this flag until 1777 , when it would form the basis for the subsequent de jure designs . The name `` Grand Union '' was first applied to the Continental Colors by George Preble in his 1872 history of the U.S. flag . The flag closely resembles the British East India Company flag of the era , and Sir Charles Fawcett argued in 1937 that the company flag inspired the design . Both flags could have been easily constructed by adding white stripes to a British Red Ensign , one of the three maritime flags used throughout the British Empire at the time . However , an East India Company flag could have from nine to 13 stripes , and was not allowed to be flown outside the Indian Ocean . In any case , both the stripes ( barry ) and the stars ( mullets ) have precedents in classical heraldry . Mullets were comparatively rare in early modern heraldry , but an example of mullets representing territorial divisions predating the U.S. flag are those in the coat of arms of Valais of 1618 , where seven mullets stood for seven districts . The flag resolution of 1777 On June 14 , 1777 , the Second Continental Congress passed the Flag Resolution which stated : `` Resolved , That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes , alternate red and white ; that the union be thirteen stars , white in a blue field , representing a new constellation . '' Flag Day is now observed on June 14 of each year . While scholars still argue about this , tradition holds that the new flag was first hoisted in June 1777 by the Continental Army at the Middlebrook encampment . The first official U.S. flag flown during battle was on August 3 , 1777 , at Fort Schuyler ( Fort Stanwix ) during the Siege of Fort Stanwix . Massachusetts reinforcements brought news of the adoption by Congress of the official flag to Fort Schuyler . Soldiers cut up their shirts to make the white stripes ; scarlet material to form the red was secured from red flannel petticoats of officers ' wives , while material for the blue union was secured from Capt . Abraham Swartwout 's blue cloth coat . A voucher is extant that Capt . Swartwout of Dutchess County was paid by Congress for his coat for the flag . Francis Hopkinson 's flag for the U.S. Navy , featuring 13 six - pointed stars arranged in rows . 13 - star so - called `` Betsy Ross '' variant The 1777 resolution was most probably meant to define a naval ensign . In the late 18th century , the notion of a national flag did not yet exist , or was only nascent . The flag resolution appears between other resolutions from the Marine Committee . On May 10 , 1779 , Secretary of the Board of War Richard Peters expressed concern `` it is not yet settled what is the Standard of the United States . '' However , the term , `` Standard , '' referred to a national standard for the Army of the United States . Each regiment was to carry the national standard in addition to its regimental standard . The national standard was not a reference to the national or naval flag . The Flag Resolution did not specify any particular arrangement , number of points , nor orientation for the stars and the arrangement or whether the flag had to have seven red stripes and six white ones or vice versa . The appearance was up to the maker of the flag . Some flag makers arranged the stars into one big star , in a circle or in rows and some replaced a state 's star with its initial . One arrangement features 13 five - pointed stars arranged in a circle , with the stars arranged pointing outwards from the circle ( as opposed to up ) , the so - called Betsy Ross flag . This flag , however , is more likely a flag used for celebrations of anniversaries of the nation 's birthday . Experts have dated the earliest known example of this flag to be 1792 in a painting by John Trumbull . Despite the 1777 resolution , the early years of American independence featured many different flags . Most were individually crafted rather than mass - produced . While there are many examples of 13 - star arrangements , some of those flags included blue stripes as well as red and white . Benjamin Franklin and John Adams , in a letter dated October 3 , 1778 , to Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies , described the American flag as consisting of `` 13 stripes , alternately red , white , and blue , a small square in the upper angle , next the flag staff , is a blue field , with 13 white stars , denoting a new Constellation . '' John Paul Jones used a variety of 13 - star flags on his U.S. Navy ships including the well - documented 1779 flags of the Serapis and the Alliance . The Serapis flag had three rows of eight - pointed stars with stripes that were red , white , and blue . The flag for the Alliance , however , had five rows of eight - pointed stars with 13 red and white stripes , and the white stripes were on the outer edges . Both flags were documented by the Dutch government in October 1779 , making them two of the earliest known flags of 13 stars . Designer of the first stars and stripes Francis Hopkinson of New Jersey , a naval flag designer , and a signer of the Declaration of Independence , designed the 1777 flag while he was the Chairman of the Continental Navy Board 's Middle Department , sometime between his appointment to that position in November 1776 and the time that the flag resolution was adopted in June 1777 . The Navy Board was under the Continental Marine Committee . Not only did Hopkinson claim that he designed the U.S. flag , but he also claimed that he designed a flag for the U.S. Navy . Hopkinson was the only person to have made such a claim during his own lifetime , when he sent a letter and several bills to Congress for his work . These claims are documented in the Journals of the Continental Congress and George Hasting 's biography of Hopkinson . Hopkinson initially wrote a letter to Congress , via the Continental Board of Admiralty , on May 25 , 1780 . In this letter , he asked for a `` Quarter Cask of the Public Wine '' as payment for designing the U.S. flag , the seal for the Admiralty Board , the seal for the Treasury Board , Continental currency , the Great Seal of the United States , and other devices . However , in three subsequent bills to Congress , Hopkinson asked to be paid in cash , but he did not list his U.S. flag design . Instead , he asked to be paid for designing the `` great Naval Flag of the United States '' in the first bill ; the `` Naval Flag of the United States '' in the second bill ; and `` the Naval Flag of the States '' in the third , along with the other items . The flag references were generic terms for the naval ensign that Hopkinson had designed , that is , a flag of seven red stripes and six white ones . The predominance of red stripes made the naval flag more visible against the sky on a ship at sea . By contrast , Hopkinson 's flag for the United States had seven white stripes , and six red ones -- in reality , six red stripes laid on a white background . Hopkinson 's sketches have not been found , but we can make these conclusions because Hopkinson incorporated different stripe arrangements in the Admiralty ( naval ) Seal that he designed in the Spring of 1780 and the Great Seal of the United States that he proposed at the same time . His Admiralty Seal had seven red stripes ; whereas , his second U.S. Seal proposal had seven white ones . Hopkinson 's flag for the Navy is the one that the Nation preferred as the national flag . Remnants of Hopkinson 's U.S. flag of seven white stripes can be found in the Great Seal of the United States and the President 's seal . When Hopkinson was chairman of the Navy Board , his position was like that of today 's Secretary of the Navy . The payment was not made , however , because it was determined he had already received a salary as a member of Congress . This contradicts the legend of the Betsy Ross flag , which suggests that she sewed the first Stars and Stripes flag by request of the government in the Spring of 1776 . Furthermore , a letter from the War Board to George Washington on May 10 , 1779 , documents that there was still no design established for a national flag for the Army 's use in battle . The origin of the stars and stripes design has been muddled by a story disseminated by the descendants of Betsy Ross . The apocryphal story credits Betsy Ross for sewing the first flag from a pencil sketch handed to her by George Washington . No evidence for this exists either in the diaries of George Washington nor in the records of the Continental Congress . Indeed , nearly a century passed before Ross ' grandson , William Canby , first publicly suggested the story in 1870 . By her family 's own admission , Ross ran an upholstery business , and she had never made a flag as of the supposed visit in June 1776 . Furthermore , her grandson admitted that his own search through the Journals of Congress and other official records failed to find corroboration of his grandmother 's story . The family of Rebecca Young claimed that she sewed the first flag . Young 's daughter was Mary Pickersgill , who made the Star Spangled Banner Flag . According to rumor , the Washington family coat of arms , shown in a 15th - century window of Selby Abbey , was the origin of the stars and stripes . Later flag acts 15 - star , 15 - stripe Star Spangled Banner Flag The 48 - star flag was in use from 1912 to 1959 , the second longest - used U.S. flag . The current U.S. flag is the longest - used flag , having surpassed the 1912 version in 2007 . See also : Flag Acts ( U.S. ) In 1795 , the number of stars and stripes was increased from 13 to 15 ( to reflect the entry of Vermont and Kentucky as states of the Union ) . For a time the flag was not changed when subsequent states were admitted , probably because it was thought that this would cause too much clutter . It was the 15 - star , 15 - stripe flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to write `` Defence of Fort M'Henry '' , later known as `` The Star Spangled Banner '' , which is now the American national anthem . The flag is currently on display in the exhibition , `` The Star - Spangled Banner : The Flag That Inspired the National Anthem '' at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History in a two - story display chamber that protects the flag while it is on view . Oil painting depicting the 39 historical U.S. flags On April 4 , 1818 , a plan was passed by Congress at the suggestion of U.S. Naval Captain Samuel C. Reid in which the flag was changed to have 20 stars , with a new star to be added when each new state was admitted , but the number of stripes would be reduced to 13 so as to honor the original colonies . The act specified that new flag designs should become official on the first July 4 ( Independence Day ) following admission of one or more new states . The most recent change , from 49 stars to 50 , occurred in 1960 when the present design was chosen , after Hawaii gained statehood in August 1959 . Before that , the admission of Alaska in January 1959 prompted the debut of a short - lived 49 - star flag . Prior to the adoption of the 48 - star flag in 1912 , there was no official arrangement of the stars in the canton , although the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy used standardized designs . Throughout the 19th century there was an abundance of different star patterns , rectangular and circular . On July 4 , 2007 , the 50 - star flag became the version of the flag in longest use , surpassing the 48 - star flag that was used from 1912 to 1959 . The `` flower flag '' arrives in asia The U.S. flag was brought to the city of Canton ( Guǎngzhōu ) in China in 1784 by the merchant ship Empress of China , which carried a cargo of ginseng . There it gained the designation `` Flower Flag '' ( Chinese : 花旗 ; pinyin : huāqí ; Cantonese Yale : fākeì ) . According to a pseudonymous account first published in the Boston Courier and later retold by author and U.S. naval officer George H. Preble : When the thirteen stripes and stars first appeared at Canton , much curiosity was excited among the people . News was circulated that a strange ship had arrived from the further end of the world , bearing a flag `` as beautiful as a flower '' . Every body went to see the kwa kee chuen ( 花旗 船 ; Fākeìsyùhn ) , or `` flower flagship '' . This name at once established itself in the language , and America is now called the kwa kee kwoh ( 花旗 國 ; Fākeìgwok ) , the `` flower flag country '' -- and an American , kwa kee kwoh yin ( 花旗 國人 ; Fākeìgwokyàhn ) -- `` flower flag countryman '' -- a more complimentary designation than that of `` red headed barbarian '' -- the name first bestowed upon the Dutch . In the above quote , the Chinese words are written phonetically based on spoken Cantonese . The names given were common usage in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries . Other Asian nations have equivalent terms for America , for example Vietnamese : Hoa Kỳ ( `` Flower Flag '' ) . Chinese now refer to the United States as simplified Chinese : 美国 ; traditional Chinese : 美國 ; pinyin : Měiguó . Měi is short for Měilìjiān ( simplified Chinese : 美利坚 ; traditional Chinese : 美利堅 , phono - semantic matching of `` American '' ) and `` guó '' means `` country '' , so this name is unrelated to the flag . However , the `` flower flag '' terminology persists in some places today : for example , American Ginseng is called simplified Chinese : 花旗 参 ; traditional Chinese : 花旗 參 ; literally : `` flower flag ginseng '' in Chinese , and Citibank , which opened a branch in China in 1902 , is known as 花旗 银行 ; `` Flower Flag Bank '' . The U.S. flag took its first trip around the world in 1787 -- 90 on board the Columbia . William Driver , who coined the phrase `` Old Glory '' , took the U.S. flag around the world in 1831 -- 32 . The flag attracted the notice of Japanese when an oversized version was carried to Yokohama by the steamer Great Republic as part of a round - the - world journey in 1871 . Historical progression of designs See also : List of U.S. states by date of admission to the Union In the following table depicting the 28 various designs of the United States flag , the star patterns for the flags are merely the usual patterns , often associated with the United States Navy . Canton designs , prior to the proclamation of the 48 - star flag , had no official arrangement of the stars . Furthermore , the exact colors of the flag were not standardized until 1934 . Number of stars Number of stripes Design ( s ) States represented by new stars Dates in use Duration 0 13 Union Jack instead of stars , red and white stripes represent Connecticut , Delaware , Georgia , Maryland , Massachusetts , New Hampshire , New Jersey , New York , North Carolina , Pennsylvania , Rhode Island , South Carolina , Virginia 000000001775 - 12 - 03 - 0000 December 3 , 1775 -- June 14 , 1777 018 ! 1 ⁄ years 13 13 Connecticut , Delaware , Georgia , Maryland , Massachusetts , New Hampshire , New Jersey , New York , North Carolina , Pennsylvania , Rhode Island , South Carolina , Virginia 000000001777 - 06 - 14 - 0000 June 14 , 1777 -- May 1 , 1795 215 ! 18 years 15 15 Vermont , Kentucky 000000001795 - 05 - 01 - 0000 May 1 , 1795 -- July 3 , 1818 278 ! 23 years 20 13 Indiana , Louisiana , Mississippi , Ohio , Tennessee 000000001818 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1818 -- July 3 , 1819 012 ! 1 year 21 13 Illinois 000000001819 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1819 -- July 3 , 1820 012 ! 1 year 23 13 Alabama , Maine 000000001820 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1820 -- July 3 , 1822 024 ! 2 years 24 13 Missouri 000000001822 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1822 -- July 3 , 1836 1831 term `` Old Glory '' coined 168 ! 14 years 25 13 Arkansas 000000001836 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1836 -- July 3 , 1837 012 ! 1 year 26 13 Michigan 000000001837 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1837 -- July 3 , 1845 096 ! 8 years 27 13 Florida 000000001845 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1845 -- July 3 , 1846 012 ! 1 year 28 13 Texas 000000001846 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1846 -- July 3 , 1847 012 ! 1 year 29 13 Iowa 000000001847 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1847 -- July 3 , 1848 012 ! 1 year 30 13 Wisconsin 000000001848 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1848 -- July 3 , 1851 036 ! 3 years 31 13 California 000000001851 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1851 -- July 3 , 1858 084 ! 7 years 32 13 Minnesota 000000001858 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1858 -- July 3 , 1859 012 ! 1 year 33 13 Oregon 000000001859 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1859 -- July 3 , 1861 024 ! 2 years 34 13 Kansas 000000001861 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1861 -- July 3 , 1863 024 ! 2 years 35 13 West Virginia 000000001863 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1863 -- July 3 , 1865 024 ! 2 years 36 13 Nevada 000000001865 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1865 -- July 3 , 1867 024 ! 2 years 37 13 Nebraska 000000001867 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1867 -- July 3 , 1877 120 ! 10 years 38 13 Colorado 000000001877 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1877 -- July 3 , 1890 156 ! 13 years 43 13 Idaho , Montana , North Dakota , South Dakota , Washington 000000001890 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1890 -- July 3 , 1891 012 ! 1 year 44 13 Wyoming 000000001891 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1891 -- July 3 , 1896 060 ! 5 years 45 13 Utah 000000001896 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1896 -- July 3 , 1908 144 ! 12 years 46 13 Oklahoma 000000001908 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1908 -- July 3 , 1912 048 ! 4 years 48 13 Arizona , New Mexico 000000001912 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1912 -- July 3 , 1959 564 ! 47 years 49 13 Alaska 000000001959 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1959 -- July 3 , 1960 012 ! 1 year 50 13 Hawaii 000000001960 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1960 -- present 590 ! 57 years Future of the flag See also : 51st state 51 - star flags have been designed and used as a symbol by supporters of statehood in various areas . Above is one possible design for a 51 - star flag . In the November 2012 U.S. election , Puerto Rico voted to become a U.S. state . However , the legitimacy of the result of this election was disputed . On June 11 , 2017 , another referendum was held , this time with the result that 97 % of voters in Puerto Rico voted for statehood , but it had a turnout of only 23 % . Similarly in November 2016 , a statehood referendum was held in the District of Columbia where 86 % of voters approved the proposal . If a new U.S. state were to be admitted , it would require a new design on the flag to accommodate the additional star . Symbolism The modern meaning of the flag was forged in December 1860 , when Major Robert Anderson moved the U.S. garrison from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor . Author Adam Goodheart argues this was the opening move of the American Civil War , and the flag was used throughout northern states to symbolize U.S. nationalism and rejection of secessionism . Before that day , the flag had served mostly as a military ensign or a convenient marking of American territory , flown from forts , embassies , and ships , and displayed on special occasions like American Independence day . But in the weeks after Major Anderson 's surprising stand , it became something different . Suddenly the Stars and Stripes flew -- as it does today , and especially as it did after the September 11 attacks in 2001 -- from houses , from storefronts , from churches ; above the village greens and college quads . For the first time American flags were mass - produced rather than individually stitched and even so , manufacturers could not keep up with demand . As the long winter of 1861 turned into spring , that old flag meant something new . The abstraction of the Union cause was transfigured into a physical thing : strips of cloth that millions of people would fight for , and many thousands die for . -- Adam Goodheart . American flag being burned in protest on the eve of the 2008 election . The flag of the United States is one of the nation 's most widely recognized symbols . Within the United States , flags are frequently displayed not only on public buildings but on private residences . The flag is a common motif on decals for car windows , and clothing ornaments such as badges and lapel pins . Throughout the world the flag has been used in public discourse to refer to the United States . The flag has become a powerful symbol of Americanism , and is flown on many occasions , with giant outdoor flags used by retail outlets to draw customers . Desecration of the flag is considered a public outrage , but remains protected as free speech . Scholars have noted the irony that `` ( t ) he flag is so revered because it represents the land of the free , and that freedom includes the ability to use or abuse that flag in protest '' . In worldwide comparison , Testi noted in 2010 that the United States was not unique in adoring its banner , for the flags of Scandinavian countries are also `` beloved , domesticated , commercialized and sacralized objects '' . Design Creation The man credited with designing the current 50 star American flag was Robert G. Heft . He was 17 years old at the time and created the flag design in 1958 as a high school class project while living with his grandparents in Ohio . He received a B − on the project . According to Heft , his history teacher honored their agreement to change his grade to an A after his design was selected . Specifications The basic design of the current flag is specified by 4 U.S.C. § 1 ; 4 U.S.C. § 2 outlines the addition of new stars to represent new states . The specification gives the following values : Hoist ( height ) of the flag : A = 1.0 Fly ( width ) of the flag : B = 1.9 Hoist ( height ) of the canton ( `` union '' ) : C = 0.5385 ( A × 7 / 13 , spanning seven stripes ) Fly ( width ) of the canton : D = 0.76 ( B × 2 / 5 , two - fifths of the flag width ) E = F = 0.0538 ( C / 10 , One - tenth of the height of the canton ) G = H = 0.0633 ( D / 12 , One twelfth of the width of the canton ) Diameter of star : K = 0.0616 ( L × 4 / 5 , four - fifths of the stripe width , the calculation only gives 0.0616 if L is first rounded to 0.077 ) Width of stripe : L = 0.0769 ( A / 13 , One thirteenth of the flag height ) These specifications are contained in an executive order which , strictly speaking , governs only flags made for or by the U.S. federal government . In practice , most U.S. national flags available for sale to the public have a different width - to - height ratio ; common sizes are 2 × 3 ft. or 4 × 6 ft. ( flag ratio 1.5 ) , 2.5 × 4 ft. or 5 × 8 ft. ( 1.6 ) , or 3 × 5 ft. or 6 × 10 ft. ( 1.667 ) . Even flags flown over the U.S. Capitol for sale to the public through Representatives or Senators are provided in these sizes . Flags that are made to the prescribed 1.9 ratio are often referred to as `` G - spec '' ( for `` government specification '' ) flags . Colors The exact red , white , and blue colors to be used in the flag are specified with reference to the CAUS Standard Color Reference of America , 10th edition . Specifically , the colors are `` White '' , `` Old Glory Red '' , and `` Old Glory Blue '' . The CIE coordinates for the colors of the 9th edition of the Standard Color Card were formally specified in JOSA in 1946 . These colors form the standard for cloth , and there is no perfect way to convert them to RGB for display on screen or CMYK for printing . The `` relative '' coordinates in the following table were found by scaling the luminous reflectance relative to the flag 's `` white '' . Official colors Name Absolute Relative CIELAB D Munsell CIELAB D sRGB GRACoL 2006 L * a * b * V / C L * a * b * 8 - bit hex Y White 88.7 − 0.2 5.4 2.5 Y 8.8 / 0.7 100.0 0.0 0.0 1.000 1.000 1.000 # FFFFFF . 000 . 000 . 000 . 000 Old Glory Red 33.9 51.2 24.7 5.5 R 3.3 / 11.1 39.9 57.3 28.7 . 698 . 132 . 203 # B22234 . 196 1.000 . 757 . 118 Old Glory Blue 23.2 13.1 − 26.4 8.2 PB 2.3 / 6.1 26.9 11.5 − 30.3 . 234 . 233 . 430 # 3C3B6E . 886 . 851 . 243 . 122 A darker version of the flag using the official Pantone specifications As with the design , the official colors are only officially required for flags produced for the U.S. federal government , and other colors are often used for mass - market flags , printed reproductions , and other products intended to evoke flag colors . The practice of using more saturated colors than the official cloth is not new . As Taylor , Knoche , and Granville wrote in 1950 : `` The color of the official wool bunting ( of the blue field ) is a very dark blue , but printed reproductions of the flag , as well as merchandise supposed to match the flag , present the color as a deep blue much brighter than the official wool . '' Sometimes , Pantone Matching System ( PMS ) approximations to the flag colors are used . One set was given on the website of the U.S. embassy in London as early as 1998 ; the website of the U.S. embassy in Stockholm claimed in 2001 that those had been suggested by Pantone , and that the U.S. Government Printing Office preferred a different set . A third red was suggested by a California Military Department document in 2002 . In 2001 , the Texas legislature specified that the colors of the Texas flag should be `` ( 1 ) the same colors used in the United States flag ; and ( 2 ) defined as numbers 193 ( red ) and 281 ( dark blue ) of the Pantone Matching System . '' Pantone approximations Source PMS CIELAB D sRGB GRACoL 2006 L * a * b * 8 - bit hex Y Safe 100.0 0.0 0.0 1.000 1.000 1.000 # FFFFFF . 000 . 000 . 000 . 000 U.S. Emb. , London 193 C 42.1 64.4 26.7 . 756 . 076 . 238 # C1133D . 165 1.000 . 678 . 063 281 C 15.4 7.0 − 41.8 . 000 . 149 . 388 # 002663 1.000 . 906 . 388 . 231 U.S. Emb. , Stockholm 186 C 44.1 67.8 37.9 . 800 . 048 . 185 # CC0C2F . 122 1.000 . 796 . 035 288 C 18.0 7.6 − 50.3 . 000 . 172 . 466 # 002C77 1.000 . 863 . 357 . 141 CA Mil . Dept . 200 C 41.1 64.2 30.8 . 745 . 051 . 203 # BE0D34 . 169 1.000 . 749 . 074 A subdued - color flag patch , similar to style worn on the United States Army 's ACU uniform . The patch is normally worn reversed on the right upper sleeve . See explanation in `` Display on uniforms '' section below . The 49 - and 50 - star unions A U.S. flag with gold fringe and a gold eagle on top of the flag pole . When Alaska and Hawaii were being considered for statehood in the 1950s , more than 1,500 designs were submitted to President Dwight D. Eisenhower . Although some of them were 49 - star versions , the vast majority were 50 - star proposals . At least three of these designs were identical to the present design of the 50 - star flag . At the time , credit was given by the executive department to the United States Army Institute of Heraldry for the design . Of these proposals , one created by 17 - year - old Robert G. Heft in 1958 as a school project received the most publicity . His mother was a seamstress , but refused to do any of the work for him . He originally received a B -- for the project . After discussing the grade with his teacher , it was agreed ( somewhat jokingly ) that if the flag was accepted by Congress , the grade would be reconsidered . Heft 's flag design was chosen and adopted by presidential proclamation after Alaska and before Hawaii was admitted into the Union in 1959 . According to Heft , his teacher did keep to their agreement and changed his grade to an A for the project . The 49 - and 50 - star flags were each flown for the first time at Fort McHenry on Independence Day , in 1959 and 1960 respectively . Decoration Traditionally , the flag may be decorated with golden fringe surrounding the perimeter of the flag as long as it does not deface the flag proper . Ceremonial displays of the flag , such as those in parades or on indoor posts , often use fringe to enhance the appearance of the flag . The first recorded use of fringe on a flag dates from 1835 , and the Army used it officially in 1895 . No specific law governs the legality of fringe , but a 1925 opinion of the attorney general addresses the use of fringe ( and the number of stars ) `` ... is at the discretion of the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy ... '' as quoted from footnote in previous volumes of Title 4 of the United States Code law books and is a source for claims that such a flag is a military ensign not civilian . However , according to the Army Institute of Heraldry , which has official custody of the flag designs and makes any change ordered , there are no implications of symbolism in the use of fringe . Several federal courts have upheld this conclusion , most recently and forcefully in Colorado v. Drew , a Colorado Court of Appeals judgment that was released in May 2010 . Traditionally , the Army and Air Force use a fringed National Color for parade , color guard and indoor display , while the Sea Services ( Navy , Marine Corps and Coast Guard ) use a fringeless National Color for all occasions . Display and use A boy holds an American flag during the 2009 National Memorial Day Concert in Washington , D.C. The flag is customarily flown year - round at most public buildings , and it is not unusual to find private houses flying full - size ( 3 by 5 feet ( 0.91 by 1.52 m ) ) flags . Some private use is year - round , but becomes widespread on civic holidays like Memorial Day , Veterans Day , Presidents ' Day , Flag Day , and on Independence Day . On Memorial Day it is common to place small flags by war memorials and next to the graves of U.S. war veterans . Also on Memorial Day it is common to fly the flag at half staff , until noon , in remembrance of those who lost their lives fighting in U.S. wars . Flag etiquette Main article : United States Flag Code The proper stationary vertical display . The canton ( blue box of stars ) should always be in the upper - left corner . The United States Flag Code outlines certain guidelines for the use , display , and disposal of the flag . For example , the flag should never be dipped to any person or thing , unless it is the ensign responding to a salute from a ship of a foreign nation . This tradition may come from the 1908 Summer Olympics in London , where countries were asked to dip their flag to King Edward VII : the American flag bearer did not . Team captain Martin Sheridan is famously quoted as saying `` this flag dips to no earthly king '' , though the true provenance of this quotation is unclear . A tattered flag at Spokane Valley Police Headquarters , Spokane , Washington The flag should never be allowed to touch the ground and , if flown at night , must be illuminated . If the edges become tattered through wear , the flag should be repaired or replaced . When a flag is so tattered that it can no longer serve as a symbol of the United States , it should be destroyed in a dignified manner , preferably by burning . The American Legion and other organizations regularly conduct flag retirement ceremonies , often on Flag Day , June 14 . ( The Boy Scouts of America recommends that modern nylon or polyester flags be recycled instead of burned , due to hazardous gases being produced when such materials are burned . ) LDS Boy Scouts retiring an American Flag at a scout campout The Flag Code prohibits using the flag `` for any advertising purpose '' and also states that the flag `` should not be embroidered , printed , or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions , handkerchiefs , napkins , boxes , or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use '' . Both of these codes are generally ignored , almost always without comment . Section 8 , entitled Respect For Flag states in part : `` The flag should never be used as wearing apparel , bedding , or drapery '' , and `` No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform '' . Section 3 of the Flag Code defines `` the flag '' as anything `` by which the average person seeing the same without deliberation may believe the same to represent the flag of the United States of America '' . An additional part of Section 8 Respect For Flag , that is frequently violated at sporting events is part ( c ) `` The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally , but always aloft and free . '' Although the Flag Code is U.S. federal law , there is no penalty for a private citizen or group failing to comply with the Flag Code and it is not widely enforced -- indeed , punitive enforcement would conflict with the First Amendment right to freedom of speech . Passage of the proposed Flag Desecration Amendment would overrule legal precedent that has been established . Display on vehicles When the flag is affixed to the right side of a vehicle of any kind ( e.g. : cars , boats , planes , any physical object that moves ) , it should be oriented so that the canton is towards the front of the vehicle , as if the flag were streaming backwards from its hoist as the vehicle moves forward . Therefore , U.S. flag decals on the right sides of vehicles may appear to be reversed , with the union to the observer 's right instead of left as more commonly seen . The flag has been displayed on every U.S. spacecraft designed for manned flight , including Mercury , Gemini , Apollo Command / Service Module , Apollo Lunar Module , and the Space Shuttle . The flag also appeared on the S - IC first stage of the Saturn V launch vehicle used for Apollo . But since Mercury , Gemini , and Apollo were launched and landed vertically and were not capable of horizontal atmospheric flight as the Space Shuttle did on its landing approach , the `` streaming '' convention was not followed and these flags were oriented with the stripes running horizontally , perpendicular to the direction of flight . Display on uniforms The crew of Apollo 1 wore their flags on the right shoulder , unlike all other US astronaut flight crews Flag of the United States on American astronaut Neil Armstrong 's space suit Astronaut Buzz Aldrin salutes the United States flag on the surface of the moon during the Apollo 11 mission . On some U.S. military uniforms , flag patches are worn on the right shoulder , following the vehicle convention with the union toward the front . This rule dates back to the Army 's early history , when both mounted cavalry and infantry units would designate a standard bearer , who carried the Colors into battle . As he charged , his forward motion caused the flag to stream back . Since the Stars and Stripes are mounted with the canton closest to the pole , that section stayed to the right , while the stripes flew to the left . Several US military uniforms , such as flight suits worn by members of the United States Air Force and Navy , have the flag patch on the left shoulder . Other organizations that wear flag patches on their uniforms can have the flag facing in either direction . The congressional charter of the Boy Scouts of America stipulates that Boy Scout uniforms should not imitate U.S. military uniforms ; consequently , the flags are displayed on the right shoulder with the stripes facing front , the reverse of the military style . Law enforcement officers often wear a small flag patch , either on a shoulder , or above a shirt pocket . Every U.S. astronaut since the crew of Gemini 4 has worn the flag on the left shoulder of his or her space suit , with the exception of the crew of Apollo 1 , whose flags were worn on the right shoulder . In this case , the canton was on the left . Postage stamps Flags depicted on U.S. postage stamp issues The flag did not appear on U.S. postal stamp issues until the Battle of White Plains Issue was released in 1926 , depicting the flag with a circle of 13 stars . The 48 - star flag first appeared on the General Casimir Pulaski issue of 1931 , though in a small monochrome depiction . The first U.S. postage stamp to feature the flag as the sole subject was issued July 4 , 1957 , Scott catalog number 1094 . Since that time the flag has frequently appeared on U.S. stamps . Display in museums In 1907 Eben Appleton , New York stockbroker and grandson of Lieutenant Colonel George Armistead ( the commander of Fort McHenry during the 1814 bombardment ) loaned the Star Spangled Banner Flag to the Smithsonian Institution , and in 1912 he converted the loan to a gift . Appleton donated the flag with the wish that it would always be on view to the public . In 1994 , the National Museum of American History determined that the Star Spangled Banner Flag required further conservation treatment to remain on public display . In 1998 teams of museum conservators , curators , and other specialists helped move the flag from its home in the Museum 's Flag Hall into a new conservation laboratory . Following the reopening of the National Museum of American History on November 21 , 2008 , the flag is now on display in a special exhibition , `` The Star - Spangled Banner : The Flag That Inspired the National Anthem , '' where it rests at a 10 degree angle in dim light for conservation purposes . Places of continuous display By presidential proclamation , acts of Congress , and custom , U.S. flags are displayed continuously at certain locations . Replicas of the Star Spangled Banner Flag ( 15 stars , 15 stripes ) are flown at two sites in Baltimore , Maryland : Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine and Flag House Square . Marine Corps War Memorial ( Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima ) , Arlington , Virginia . The Battle Green in Lexington , Massachusetts , site of the first shots fired in the Revolution The White House , Washington , D.C. Fifty U.S. flags are displayed continuously at the Washington Monument , Washington , D.C. Marine Corps War Memorial , Arlington , Virginia At U.S. Customs and Border Protection Ports of Entry that are continuously open . A Civil War era flag ( for the year 1863 ) flies above Pennsylvania Hall ( Old Dorm ) at Gettysburg College . This building , occupied by both sides at various points of the Battle of Gettysburg , served as a lookout and battlefield hospital . Grounds of the National Memorial Arch in Valley Forge NHP , Valley Forge , Pennsylvania By custom , at the Maryland home , birthplace , and grave of Francis Scott Key ; at the Worcester , Massachusetts war memorial ; at the plaza in Taos , New Mexico ( since 1861 ) ; at the United States Capitol ( since 1918 ) ; and at Mount Moriah Cemetery in Deadwood , South Dakota . Newark Liberty International Airport 's Terminal A , Gate 17 and Boston Logan Airport 's Terminal B , Gate 32 and Terminal C , Gate 19 in memoriam of the events of September 11 , 2001 . Slover Mountain ( Colton Liberty Flag ) , in Colton , California . July 4 , 1917 , to circa 1952 & 1997 to 2012 . At the ceremonial South Pole as one of the 12 flags representing the signatory countries of the original Antarctic Treaty . On the Moon : six manned missions successfully landed at various locations and each had a flag raised at the site . Exhaust gases when the Ascent Stage launched to return the astronauts to their Command Module Columbia for return to Earth blew over the flag the Apollo 11 mission had placed . Particular days for display Flags covering the National Mall The New York Stock Exchange at Christmas time . The flag should especially be displayed at full staff on the following days : January : 1 ( New Year 's Day ) , third Monday of the month ( Martin Luther King Jr . Day ) , and 20 ( Inauguration Day , once every four years , which , by tradition , is postponed to the 21st if the 20th falls on a Sunday ) February : 12 ( Lincoln 's birthday ) and the third Monday ( legally known as Washington 's Birthday but more often called Presidents ' Day ) March -- April : Easter Sunday ( date varies ) May : Second Sunday ( Mothers Day ) , third Saturday ( Armed Forces Day ) , and last Monday ( Memorial Day ; half - staff until noon ) June : 14 ( Flag Day ) , third Sunday ( Fathers Day ) July : 4 ( Independence Day ) and 27 ( National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day ) September : First Monday ( Labor Day ) , 17 ( Constitution Day ) , and last Sunday ( Gold Star Mother 's Day ) October : Second Monday ( Columbus Day ) and 27 ( Navy Day ) November : 11 ( Veterans Day ) and fourth Thursday ( Thanksgiving Day ) December : 25 ( Christmas Day ) and such other days as may be proclaimed by the President of the United States ; the birthdays of states ( date of admission ) ; and on state holidays . Display at half - staff An American flag now flies over Gate 17 of Terminal A at Newark Liberty International Airport in Newark , New Jersey , departure gate of United Airlines Flight 93 on 9 / 11 . The flag is displayed at half - staff ( half - mast in naval usage ) as a sign of respect or mourning . Nationwide , this action is proclaimed by the president ; statewide or territory - wide , the proclamation is made by the governor . In addition , there is no prohibition against municipal governments , private businesses or citizens flying the flag at half - staff as a local sign of respect and mourning . However , many flag enthusiasts feel this type of practice has somewhat diminished the meaning of the original intent of lowering the flag to honor those who held high positions in federal or state offices . President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued the first proclamation on March 1 , 1954 , standardizing the dates and time periods for flying the flag at half - staff from all federal buildings , grounds , and naval vessels ; other congressional resolutions and presidential proclamations ensued . However , they are only guidelines to all other entities : typically followed at state and local government facilities , and encouraged of private businesses and citizens . To properly fly the flag at half - staff , one should first briefly hoist it top of the staff , then lower it to the half - staff position , halfway between the top and bottom of the staff . Similarly , when the flag is to be lowered from half - staff , it should be first briefly hoisted to the top of the staff . Federal statutes provide that the flag should be flown at half - staff on the following dates : May 15 : Peace Officers Memorial Day ( unless it is the third Saturday in May , Armed Forces Day , then full - staff ) Last Monday in May : Memorial Day ( until noon ) September 11 : Patriot Day First Sunday in October : Start of Fire Prevention Week , in honor of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service . December 7 : National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day For 30 days : Death of a president or former president For 10 days : Death of a vice president , Supreme Court chief justice / retired chief justice , or speaker of the House of Representatives . From death until the day of interment : Supreme Court associate justice , member of the Cabinet , former vice president , president pro tempore of the Senate , or the majority and minority leaders of the Senate and House of Representatives . Also for federal facilities within a state or territory , for the governor . On the day after the death : Senators , members of Congress , territorial delegates or the resident commissioner of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day , on July 27 , was formerly a day of half - staff observance until the law expired in 2003 . In 2009 , it became a day of full - staff observance . Folding for storage Folding the U.S. flag Though not part of the official Flag Code , according to military custom , flags should be folded into a triangular shape when not in use . To properly fold the flag : Begin by holding it waist - high with another person so that its surface is parallel to the ground . Fold the lower half of the stripe section lengthwise over the field of stars , holding the bottom and top edges securely . Fold the flag again lengthwise with the blue field on the outside . Make a rectangular fold then a triangular fold by bringing the striped corner of the folded edge to meet the open top edge of the flag , starting the fold from the left side over to the right . Turn the outer end point inward , parallel to the open edge , to form a second triangle . The triangular folding is continued until the entire length of the flag is folded in this manner ( usually thirteen triangular folds , as shown at right ) . On the final fold , any remnant that does not neatly fold into a triangle ( or in the case of exactly even folds , the last triangle ) is tucked into the previous fold . When the flag is completely folded , only a triangular blue field of stars should be visible . There is also no specific meaning for each fold of the flag . However , there are scripts read by non-government organizations and also by the Air Force that are used during the flag folding ceremony . These scripts range from historical timelines of the flag to religious themes . Use in funerals A flag prepared for presentation to the next of kin Traditionally , the flag of the United States plays a role in military funerals , and occasionally in funerals of other civil servants ( such as law enforcement officers , fire fighters , and U.S. presidents ) . A burial flag is draped over the deceased 's casket as a pall during services . Just prior to the casket being lowered into the ground , the flag is ceremonially folded and presented to the deceased 's next of kin as a token of respect . Related flags This section possibly contains original research . Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations . Statements consisting only of original research should be removed . ( October 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The flag of Bikini Atoll is symbolic of the islanders ' belief that a great debt is still owed to the people of Bikini because in 1954 the United States government detonated a thermonuclear bomb on the island as part of the Castle Bravo test . The flag of Liberia bears a close resemblance , showing the ex-American - slave origin of the country . The Liberian flag has 11 similar red and white stripes , which stand for the 11 signers of the Liberian Declaration of Independence , as well as a blue square with only a single large white star for the canton . The flag of Liberia is the only flag in the world that was modeled after and resembles the American flag because Liberia was the only nation in the world that was founded , colonized , established , and controlled by freed African American and ex-caribbean slaves as settlers who came from the United States and the Caribbean islands as a homeland to live , with the help and support from the American Colonization Society on January 7 , 1822 . Despite Malaysia having no historical connections with the U.S. , the flag of Malaysia greatly resembles the U.S. flag . It is possible that the flag of the British East India Company influenced both the Malaysian and U.S. flag . The flag of El Salvador from 1865 to 1912 . A different flag was in use , based on the flag of the United States , with a field of alternating blue and white stripes and a red canton containing white stars . The flag of Brittany was inspired in part by the American flag . Gallery of related flags Flag of Bikini Atoll Flag of Liberia Flag of Malaysia Flag of El Salvador 1875 -- 1912 Flag of Brittany See also Book : Flags of the United States Ensign of the United States Great Seal of the United States Flag Desecration Flags of the Confederate States Flags of the United States of America Flags of the United States Armed Forces Flags of the U.S. states Flags of United States cities Jack of the United States Nationalism in the United States Article sections Colors , standards and guidons : United States Flag desecration : United States Associated people Francis Bellamy ( 1855 -- 1931 ) , creator of the Pledge of Allegiance William Driver ( 1803 -- 1886 ) , who owned and named `` Old Glory '' Thomas E. Franklin ( 1966 -- present ) , photographer of Ground Zero Spirit , better known as Raising the Flag at Ground Zero Christopher Gadsden ( 1724 -- 1805 ) , after whom the Gadsden flag is named Robert G. Heft ( 1941 -- 2009 ) , a designer of the current flag 's canton Francis Hopkinson ( 1737 -- 1791 ) , designer of the first stars and stripes flag Jasper Johns ( born 1930 ) , painter of Flag ( 1954 -- 55 ) , inspired by a dream of the flag John Paul Jones ( 1747 -- 1792 ) , who claimed to have first raised the Grand Union Flag aboard the Alfred in 1775 Francis Scott Key ( 1779 -- 1843 ) , writer of `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' Katha Pollitt ( 1949 -- present ) , author of a controversial essay on post-9 / 11 America and her refusal to fly a U.S. flag George Preble ( 1816 -- 1885 ) , author of History of the American Flag ( 1872 ) and photographer of the Fort McHenry flag Joe Rosenthal ( 1911 -- 2006 ) , photographer of Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima Bibliography Allentown Art Museum . The American Flag in the Art of Our Country . Allentown Art Museum , 1976 . Herbert Ridgeway Collins . Threads of History : Americana Recorded on Cloth 1775 to the Present . Smithsonian Institution Press , 1979 . Grace Rogers Cooper . Thirteen - star Flags : Keys to Identification . Smithsonian Institution Press , 1973 . David D. Crouthers . Flags of American History . Hammond , 1978 . Louise Lawrence Devine . The Story of Our Flag . Rand McNally , 1960 . William Rea Furlong , Byron McCandless , and Harold D. Langley . So Proudly We Hail : The History of the United States Flag . Smithsonian Institution Press , 1981 . Scot M. Guenter , The American Flag , 1777 -- 1924 : Cultural Shifts from Creation to Codification . Fairleigh Dickinson University Press . 1990 . online George E. Hastings . The Life and Works of Francis Hopkinson . University of Chicago Press , 1926 . Kevin Keim & Peter Keim . A Grand Old Flag : A History of the United States through its Flags . DK Publishing . 2007 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7566 - 2847 - 5 . Flag : An American Biography . Thomas Dunne Books / St. Martin 's Press , 2005 . David Roger Manwaring . Render Unto Caesar : The Flag - Salute Controversy . University of Chicago Press , 1962 . Boleslaw Mastai and Marie - Louise D'Otrange Mastai . The Stars and the Stripes : The American Flag as Art and as History from the Birth of the Republic to the Present . Knopf , 1973 . Henry W. Moeller , Ph. D. `` Two Early American Ensigns on the Pennsylvania State Arms . '' NAVA News , Issue 173 , Jan. -- Mar. 2002 . Milo Milton Quaife . The Flag of the United States . 1942 . Milo Milton Quaife , Melvin J. Weig , and Roy Applebaum . The History of the United States Flag , from the Revolution to the Present , Including a Guide to Its Use and Display. Harper , 1961 . Richard S. Patterson and Richardson Dougall . The Eagle and the Shield : A History of the Great Seal of the United States . U.S. Government Printing Office , 1978 . Albert M. Rosenblatt . `` Flag Desecration Statutes : History and Analysis '' , Washington University Law Quarterly 1972 : 193 -- 237 . George and Virginia Schaun . `` Historical Portrait of Mrs. Mary Young Pickersgill . '' The Greenberry Series on Maryland , Greenberry Publications . Volume 5 . Leonard A. Stevens . Salute ! The Case of The Bible vs. The Flag . Coward , McCann & Geoghegan , 1973 . Arnaldo Testi . Capture the Flag : The Stars and Stripes in American History ( New York University Press ; 2010 ) 192 pages . A European perspective on the symbolism and political , social , and cultural significance of the flag . Earl P. Williams Jr . `` '' NAVA News , Issue 216 , Oct. -- Dec. 2012 . Paul M. Zall . `` Comical Spirit of Seventy - Six : The Humor of Francis Hopkinson . '' The Huntington Library , 1976 . References Jump up ^ John Warner ( 1998 ) . `` Senate Concurrent Resolution 61 '' ( PDF ) . U.S Government Printing Office . Retrieved April 5 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` History of the American Flag '' . . Retrieved December 13 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` : A website dedicated to the Flag of the United States of America - `` OLD GLORY ! '' `` . . Retrieved December 13 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Duane Streufert . `` A website dedicated to the Flag of the United States of America -- The 50 Star Flag '' . . Retrieved September 12 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Leepson , Marc ( 2004 ) . Flag : An American Biography . ^ Jump up to : Ansoff , Peter ( 2006 ) . `` The Flag on Prospect Hill '' ( PDF ) . Raven : A Journal of Vexillology. 13 : 91 -- 98 . ^ Jump up to : The Striped Flag of the East India Company , and its Connexion with the American `` Stars and Stripes '' at Flags of the World Jump up ^ East India Company ( United Kingdom ) at Flags of the World Jump up ^ `` Journals of the Continental Congress , 1774 -- 1789 , 8 : 464 '' . Jump up ^ Guenter ( 1990 ) . Jump up ^ Connell , R.W ; Mack , W.P ( 2004 ) . Naval Ceremonies , Customs , and Traditions . Naval Institute Press . p. 140 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 55750 - 330 - 5 . Retrieved October 27 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Mastai , 60 . Jump up ^ Furlong , Rear Admiral William Rea ; McCandless , Commodore Byron ( 1981 ) . So Proudly We Hail . Washington , D.C : Smithsonian Institution Press . pp. 115 -- 16 . ^ Jump up to : Williams Jr. , Earl P. ( October 2012 ) . `` Did Francis Hopkinson Design Two Flags ? '' ( PDF ) . NAVA News ( 216 ) : 7 -- 9 . Retrieved February 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Lane , Megan ( November 14 , 2011 ) . `` Five hidden messages in the American flag '' . BBC News . Retrieved October 30 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Cooper , Grace Rogers ( 1973 ) . Thirteen - Star Flags . Washington , D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press . Jump up ^ Cooper , Grace Rogers ( 1973 ) . Thirteen - Star Flags . Washington , D.C : Smithsonian Institution Press . p. 3 . Jump up ^ Furlong , p. 130 . Jump up ^ Moeller , Henry W ( 1992 ) . Unfurling the History of the Stars and Stripes . Mattituck , NY : Amereon House . pp. 25 -- 26 , color plates 5A , 5B . Jump up ^ Hess , Debra ( 2008 ) . The American Flag . Benchmark Books . p. 21 . ISBN 0 - 7614 - 3389 - 9 . Jump up ^ Hastings , George E. ( 1926 ) . The Life and Works of Francis Hopkinson . Chicago : University of Chicago Press . p. 218 . Jump up ^ Hastings , p. 240 . ^ Jump up to : Williams , pp. 7 -- 9 . Jump up ^ Moeller , Henry W. , Ph. D. ( January 2002 ) . `` Two Early American Ensigns on the Pennsylvania State Arms '' . NAVA News ( 173 ) : 4 . Jump up ^ Patterson , Richard S. ; Dougall , Richardson ( 1978 ) . The Eagle and the Shield : A History of the Great Seal of the United States . Washington , D.C. : U.S. Government Printing Office . p. 37 . Jump up ^ Zall , Paul M. ( 1976 ) . Comical Spirit of Seventy - Six : The Humor of Francis Hopkinson . San Marino , California : Huntington Library . p. 10 . Jump up ^ `` Journals of the Continental Congress -- Friday , October 27 , 1780 '' . Library of Congress . Retrieved September 3 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Furlong , William Rea ; McCandless , Byron ( 1981 ) . So Proudly We Hail : The History of the United States Flag . Washington , D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press . pp. 98 -- 101 . ISBN 0 - 87474 - 448 - 2 . Jump up ^ Federal Citizen Information Center : The History of the Stars and Stripes . Retrieved June 7 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Embassy of the United States of America ( 1 ) . Retrieved April 11 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Furlong , William Rea ; McCandless , Byron ( 1981 ) . So Proudly We Hail : The History of the United States Flag . Washington , D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press . pp. 117 -- 118 . ISBN 0 - 87474 - 448 - 2 . Jump up ^ Crews , Ed . `` The Truth About Betsy Ross '' . Retrieved June 27 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Canby , George ; Balderston , Lloyd ( 1917 ) . The Evolution of the American flag . Philadelphia : Ferris and Leach . pp. 48 , 103 . Jump up ^ Canby , William J. `` The History of the Flag of the United States : A Paper read before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania ( March 1870 ) '' . Independence Hall Association . Archived from the original on February 20 , 2015 . Retrieved February 24 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Schaun , George and Virginia . `` Historical Portrait of Mrs. Mary Young Pickersgill '' . The Greenberry Series on Maryland . Annapolis , MD : Greenberry Publications . 5 : 356 . Jump up ^ Furlong , William Rea ; McCandless , Byron ( 1981 ) . So Proudly We Hail : The History of the United States Flag . Washington , D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press . p. 137 . ISBN 0 - 87474 - 448 - 2 . Jump up ^ `` The Star - Spangled Banner : Making the Flag '' . National Museum of American History . Smithsonian Institution . Retrieved October 5 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Washington Window '' . Retrieved April 25 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Star - Spangled Banner Online Exhibition '' . National Museum of American History , Smithsonian Institution . Retrieved April 4 , 2012 . Jump up ^ United States Government ( 1861 ) . Our Flag ( PDF ) . Washington D.C. : United States Government Printing Office . S. Doc 105 - 013 . Jump up ^ `` United States Flag History '' . United States Embassy . Archived from the original on February 25 , 2008 . Retrieved February 3 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Preble , George Henry ( 1880 ) . History of the Flag of the United States of America ( second revised ed . ) . Boston : A. Williams and Co. p. 298 . ^ Jump up to : Tappan , Eva March ( 1917 ) . The Little Book of the Flag . Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company . p. 92 . Jump up ^ Kwoh , Choong ( June 15 , 1843 ) . `` Curiosa Sinica '' . Boston Courier . Jump up ^ `` Chinese Etymologies '' . Kendall 's Expositor. 3 ( 14 ) . Washington , D.C. : William Greer . June 27 , 1843 . p. 222 -- via Google Books . ^ Jump up to : See Chinese English Dictionary Olsen , Kay Melchisedech , Chinese Immigrants : 1850 -- 1900 ( 2001 ) , p. 7 . `` Philadelphia 's Chinatown : An Overview '' , The Historical Society of Pennsylvania . Leonard , Dr. George , `` The Beginnings of Chinese Literature in America : the Angel Island Poems '' . Jump up ^ `` American Flag Raised Over Buddhist Temple in Japan on July 4 , 1872 '' Archived February 2 , 2013 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ ( For alternate versions of the flag of the United States , see the Stars of the U.S. Flag page Archived February 22 , 2005 , at the Wayback Machine . at the Flags of the World website . ) Further information : Territorial evolution of the United States Jump up ^ Leepson , Marc . ( 2005 ) . Flag : An American Biography . New York : St. Martin 's Press . Jump up ^ `` Puerto Rico approves statehood '' . November 7 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` CEE Event '' . . Retrieved October 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Puerto Rico Overwhelmingly Votes On U.S. Statehood In Nonbinding Referendum '' . . Retrieved October 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` 4 U.S. Code § 2 - Same ; additional stars '' . LII / Legal Information Institute . Retrieved January 20 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Adam Goodheart ( 2011 ) . Prologue. 1861 : The Civil War Awakening . Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group . ISBN 978 - 0 - 307 - 59666 - 6 . Retrieved July 31 , 2015 -- via . Jump up ^ ( 2 ) This Is Why It 's Legal to Burn the American Flag Jump up ^ Arnaldo Testi , Capture the Flag : The Stars and Stripes in American History ( New York University Press , 2010 ) , p. 2 , ISBN 978 - 0 - 8147 - 8322 - 1 . Jump up ^ `` 50 Star Flag A half - century ago , new 50 - star American flag debuted in Baltimore -- Baltimore Sun '' . . July 2 , 2010 . Retrieved September 8 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Duane Streufert . `` : A website dedicated to the Flag of the United States of America -- Robert G. Heft '' . . Retrieved April 19 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Sell , Jill ( June 2015 ) . `` Starring Role '' . Ohio magazine . ^ Jump up to : Rasmussen , Frederick N. ( July 3 , 2010 ) . `` A half - century ago , new 50 - star American flag debuted in Baltimore '' . The Baltimore Sun . Jump up ^ Note that the flag ratio ( B / A in the diagram ) is not absolutely fixed . Although the diagram in Executive Order 10834 gives a ratio of 1.9 , earlier in the order is a list of flag sizes authorized for executive agencies . This list permits eleven specific flag sizes ( specified by height and width ) for such agencies : 20.00 × 38.00 ; 10.00 × 19.00 ; 8.95 × 17.00 ; 7.00 × 11.00 ; 5.00 × 9.50 ; 4.33 × 5.50 ; 3.50 × 6.65 ; 3.00 × 4.00 ; 3.00 × 5.70 ; 2.37 × 4.50 ; and 1.32 × 2.50 . Eight of these sizes conform to the 1.9 ratio , within a small rounding error ( less than 0.01 ) . However , three of the authorized sizes vary significantly : 1.57 ( for 7.00 × 11.00 ) , 1.27 ( for 4.33 × 5.50 ) and 1.33 ( for 3.00 × 4.00 ) . Jump up ^ Ex . Ord . No. 10834 , August 21 , 1959 , 24 F.R. 6865 ( governing flags `` manufactured or purchased for the use of executive agencies '' , Section 22 ) . Section 32 explains that , `` As used in this order , the term ' executive agencies ' means the executive departments and independent establishments in the executive branch of the Government , including wholly owned Government corporations . '' Jump up ^ Architect of the Capitol : `` Flag Request Form '' , retrieved on July 1st , 2017 . Jump up ^ General Services Administration `` Federal Specification DDD - F - 416F : Flag , National , United States of America and Flag , Union Jack '' . March 31 , 2005 . Jump up ^ Genevieve Reimann , Deane B. Judd , and Harry J. Keegan ( 1946 ) . `` Spectrophotometric and Colorimetric Determination of the Colors of the TCCA Standard Color Cards '' . JOSA 36 ( 3 ) , 128 -- 159 . Jump up ^ In the 9th edition of the Standard Color Card of America , `` White '' , `` Old Glory Red '' , and `` Old Glory Blue '' were , respectively , Cable No. 70001 , Cable No. 70180 , and Cable No. 70075 . The Munsell renotation coordinates for these were taken directly from the Reimann et al. paper , the CIELAB D coordinates were found by converting the xyY values in that paper to be relative to CIE Illuminant D from Illuminant C using the CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform , and relative to a perfect diffuse reflector as white . The `` relative '' values in the table were found by taking Cable No. 70001 's luminosity to be that of the white point , and were converted to D or D also using the CAT02 transformation . The values for CMYK were found by converting from the CIELAB D values using the Adobe CMM and the GRACoL 2006 ICC profile in Adobe Photoshop . Jump up ^ Helen Taylor , Lucille Knoche , and Walter Granville , eds. ( 1950 ) , Descriptive Color Names Dictionary . Container Corporation of America . Jump up ^ In 1998 , `` U.S. Flag Facts '' at the website of the U.S. embassy in London listed the colors red PMS 193 and blue PMS 282 ( presumably PMS solid coated colors ) . By October 2002 , these had changed to red PMS 193 and blue PMS 281 . These latter PMS equivalents are listed on many websites including various other U.S. Government organizations , such as the Millennium Challenge Corporation 's website Archived May 22 , 2010 , at the Wayback Machine ... See also `` United States of America '' Archived July 13 , 2010 , at the Wayback Machine. , Flags of the World . The website of the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm instead lists PMS 186 and PMS 288 as the colors specified by the U.S. Government Printing Office : `` Colors of the U.S. Flag '' . United States Embassy Stockholm . November 2001 . The Military Department of the State of California suggested PMS 200 for red in a 2002 document , `` Flags over California , a history and guide '' . Jump up ^ The Government Code ; Title 11 . State Symbols and Honors ; Subtitle A ; Chapter 3100 . . Retrieved on May 27 , 2011 . Jump up ^ The values in this table were taken by converting the CIELAB D coordinates for PMS 193 C , 200 C , and 281 C given in the Pantone color palettes of Adobe Photoshop to sRGB and GRACoL using the Adobe CMM and the GRACoL 2006 and sRGB profiles in Photoshop . Since PMS 281 C ( blue ) is outside the gamut of sRGB , and both PMS 281 C and PMS 183 C ( red ) are outside the gamut of GRACoL , the RGB and CMYK values for those in the table below are necessarily less - colorful approximations to the colors of the Pantone swatches . Jump up ^ These designs are in the Eisenhower Presidential Archives in Abilene , Kansas . Only a small fraction of them have ever been published . Jump up ^ `` Robert G. Heft : Designer of America 's Current National Flag '' . : A website dedicated to the Flag of the United States of America . Retrieved December 7 , 2006 . Jump up ^ `` Fringe on the American Flag '' . Archived from the original on September 11 , 2006 . Retrieved June 27 , 2006 . Jump up ^ See McCann v. Greenway , 952 F. Supp. 647 ( W.D. Mo . 1997 ) , which discusses various court opinions denying any significance related to trim used on a flag . Jump up ^ Rebuttal of `` martial law flag '' claims by tax protesters . . Retrieved on May 27 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` : `` COLORADO COURT OF APPEALS -- ORDER AFFIRMED : Colorado v Drew '' ( Munsinger ) 13 May 2010 '' ( PDF ) . . Retrieved April 19 , 2015 . Jump up ^ LA84 Foundation . ( PDF ) . Retrieved on May 27 , 2011 . Jump up ^ London Olympics 1908 & 1948 . . Retrieved on May 27 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Consider Recycling , not Burning , a Retired Flag '' . Boy Scouts of America . 2012 . Retrieved July 6 , 2012 . Jump up ^ 4 U.S. Code Sec. 8 ( i ) . Jump up ^ 4 U.S. Code Chapter 1 Sec. 3 . Jump up ^ Texas v. Johnson , 491 U.S. 397 ( 1989 ) ; United States v. Eichman , 496 U.S. 310 ( 1990 ) . Jump up ^ . ( October 1 , 2005 ) . Retrieved on May 27 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` SUBJECT : Air Force Guidance Memorandum to AFI 36 - 2903 , Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel '' ( PDF ) . . Retrieved 15 October 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Navy aviators ditch new flight suit wear rules '' . . Retrieved October 27 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Self , Peter ( March 11 , 2014 ) . `` Is the American flag ' backward ' on Scout uniforms ? '' . . Scouting . Retrieved November 18 , 2014 . Imitation of United States Army , Navy or Marine Corps uniforms is prohibited , in accordance with the provisions of the organization 's Congressional Charter . Jump up ^ Scott 's Specialized Catalogue of United States Postage Stamps . Jump up ^ Presidential Proclamation No. 2795 , July 2 , 1948 Code of Federal Regulations of the United States , Title 3 Compilation ( 1943 -- 1948 ) , HathiTrust , Google Books / University of Michigan scan , pages 212 -- 213 . Jump up ^ Public Law 83 - 319 , approved March 26 , 1954 . Jump up ^ Presidential Proclamation No. 3418 , June 12 , 1961 . Jump up ^ Public Law 89 - 335 , approved November 8 , 1965 . Jump up ^ Presidential Proclamation No. 4000 , September 4 , 1970 . Jump up ^ Presidential Proclamation No. 4064 , July 6 , 1971 , effective July 4 , 1971 . Jump up ^ Presidential Proclamation No. 4131 , May 5 , 1972 . Jump up ^ Gettysburg College -- News Detail . . Retrieved on May 27 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Pub . L. 94 − 53 , 89 Stat. 259 , S.J. Res. 98 , approved July 4 , 1975 . Jump up ^ `` Patrick Madrid : My visit to Gate 32 at Boston 's Logan Airport '' . . Retrieved October 27 , 2014 . Jump up ^ With the consent of Congress , Old Glory kept perpetual shine Archived July 17 , 2011 , at the Wayback Machine. , PE Press Archive . Jump up ^ With the consent of Congress , Slover Mountain , The Sun , May 14 , 2008 Archived May 18 , 2013 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ By Act of Congress . California Portland Cement Co Jump up ^ `` Calportland Media Center '' . . Retrieved October 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Irene Klotz ( July 31 , 2012 ) . `` Apollo flags on the Moon still standing '' . Discovery News . Retrieved November 7 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` 4 U.S. Code § 6 - Time and occasions for display '' . LII / Legal Information Institute . Retrieved October 15 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Pub. L. 111 - 41 . 123 Stat. 1962 , H.R. 2632 , approved July 27 , 2009 . Retrieved on October 4 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` 36 U.S. Code § 111 - Gold Star Mother 's Day '' . LII / Legal Information Institute . Retrieved October 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ MDVA : Flag Information . . Retrieved on May 27 , 2011 . Jump up ^ US Code , Title 4 , Chapter 1 , § 7 . Jump up ^ 36 U.S.C. Sec. 136 . None . Retrieved on May 27 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Patriot Day , 2005 . . Retrieved on May 27 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Public Law 107 - 51 . . Retrieved on May 27 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Presidential Proclamation Fire Prevention Week The White House Archived October 31 , 2009 , at the Wayback Machine ... . Retrieved on May 27 , 2011 . Jump up ^ National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day , 2007 . . Retrieved on May 27 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Pub. L. 104 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' ( PDF ) . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on February 17 , 2013 . Retrieved December 25 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Flag - Folding Procedures The American Legion '' . . Retrieved September 8 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Sequence of Events for an Army Honors Funeral At Arlington National Cemetery '' . Arlington National Cemetery . Archived from the original on January 25 , 2009 . Retrieved February 6 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Flag Presentation Protocol '' . Virginia Army National Guard . Archived from the original on May 11 , 2009 . Retrieved February 6 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Bikinian Anthem & Flag '' . . March 1 , 1954 . Retrieved September 8 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` President Sirleaf Worships at Abyssinian Baptist Church ; Pleads with African Americans to Serve as Ambassadors for Liberia '' . Ministry of State Presidential Affairs , Executive Mansion , Government of Liberia . September 23 , 2012 . Retrieved July 16 , 2014 . Further reading `` Identity and Marking Standards '' ( PDF ) . Office of the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs . Washington , D.C. : United States Department of State . June 2012 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on February 14 , 2013 . Retrieved February 14 , 2013 . External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to Flags of the United States . Wikiquote has quotations related to : Flag of the United States United States at Flags of the World Encyclopedia Smithsonian : Facts About the United States Flag Text of the United States Flag Code ( chap. 1 of Title 4 of the United States Code ) Executive Order No. 10798 , with specifications and regulations for the current flag July 1942 : United We Stand -- National Museum of American History online exhibition highlighting some 500 magazines featuring the American flag on their cover during World War II United States articles History By event Timeline of U.S. history Pre-Columbian era Colonial era Thirteen Colonies military history Continental Congress American Revolution War American frontier America 's Critical Period Drafting and ratification of Constitution Federalist Era War of 1812 Territorial acquisitions Territorial evolution Mexican -- American War Civil War Reconstruction Era Indian Wars Gilded Age Progressive Era African - American civil rights movement 1865 -- 1896 / 1896 -- 1954 / 1954 -- 1968 Spanish -- American War Imperialism World War I Roaring Twenties Great Depression World War II home front Nazism in the United States American Century Cold War Korean War Space Race Feminist Movement Vietnam War Post-Cold War ( 1991 -- 2008 ) War on Terror War in Afghanistan Iraq War Recent events ( 2008 -- present ) By topic Outline of U.S. history Demographic Discoveries Economic debt ceiling Inventions before 1890 1890 -- 1945 1946 -- 91 after 1991 Military Postal Technological and industrial Geography Territory counties federal district federal enclaves Indian reservations insular zones minor outlying islands populated places states Earthquakes Extreme points Islands Mountains peaks ranges Appalachian Rocky National Park Service National Parks Regions East Coast West Coast Great Plains Gulf Mid-Atlantic Midwestern New England Pacific Central Eastern Northern Northeastern Northwestern Southern Southeastern Southwestern Western Rivers Colorado Columbia Mississippi Missouri Ohio Rio Grande Yukon Time Water supply and sanitation Politics Federal Executive Cabinet Civil service Executive departments Executive Office Independent agencies Law enforcement President of the United States Public policy Legislative House of Representatives current members Speaker Senate current members President pro tempore Vice President Judicial Courts of appeals District courts Supreme Court Law Bill of Rights civil liberties Code of Federal Regulations Constitution federalism preemption separation of powers Federal Reporter United States Code United States Reports Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency Federal Bureau of Investigation National Geospatial - Intelligence Agency National Reconnaissance Office National Security Agency Office of the Director of National Intelligence Uniformed Armed Forces Army Marine Corps Navy Air Force Coast Guard National Guard NOAA Corps Public Health Service Corps 51st state political status of Puerto Rico District of Columbia statehood movement Elections Electoral College Foreign relations Foreign policy Hawaiian sovereignty movement Ideologies anti-Americanism exceptionalism nationalism Local government Parties Democratic Republican Third parties Red states and blue states Purple America Scandals State government governor state legislature state court Uncle Sam Economy By sector Agriculture Banking Communications Energy Insurance Manufacturing Mining Tourism Trade Transportation Companies by state Currency Exports Federal budget Federal Reserve System Financial position Labor unions Public debt Social welfare programs Taxation Unemployment Wall Street Society Culture Americana Architecture Cinema Cuisine Dance Demography Education Family structure Fashion Flag Folklore Languages American English Indigenous languages ASL Black American Sign Language HSL Plains Sign Talk Arabic Chinese French German Italian Russian Spanish Literature Media Journalism Internet Newspapers Radio Television Music Names People Philosophy Public holidays Religion Sexuality Sports Theater Visual art Social class Affluence American Dream Educational attainment Homelessness Home - ownership Household income Income inequality Middle class Personal income Poverty Professional and working class conflict Standard of living Wealth Issues Ages of consent Capital punishment Crime incarceration Criticism of government Discrimination affirmative action antisemitism intersex rights islamophobia LGBT rights racism same - sex marriage Drug policy Energy policy Environmental movement Gun politics Health care abortion health insurance hunger obesity smoking Human rights Immigration illegal International rankings National security Mass surveillance Terrorism Separation of church and state Outline Index Book Category Portal Flags of North America Sovereign states Antigua and Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Belize Canada Costa Rica Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic El Salvador Grenada Guatemala Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Panama Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago United States Dependencies and other territories Anguilla Aruba Bermuda Bonaire British Virgin Islands Cayman Islands Curaçao Greenland Guadeloupe Martinique Montserrat Navassa Island Puerto Rico Saint Barthélemy Saint Martin Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saba Sint Eustatius Sint Maarten Turks and Caicos Islands United States Virgin Islands National symbols of the United States Symbols Flag of the United States Seal of the United States Bald eagle Uncle Sam Columbia General Grant ( tree ) American 's Creed Pledge of Allegiance Rose Oak American bison Phrygian cap Songs `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' `` Dixie '' `` America the Beautiful '' `` The Stars and Stripes Forever '' `` Hail to the Chief '' `` Hail , Columbia '' `` My Country , ' Tis of Thee '' `` God Bless America '' `` Lift Every Voice and Sing '' `` The Army Goes Rolling Along '' `` Anchors Aweigh '' `` Marines ' Hymn '' `` Semper Fidelis '' `` The Air Force Song '' `` Semper Paratus '' `` National Emblem '' `` The Washington Post March '' `` The Battle Hymn of the Republic '' `` Yankee Doodle '' `` You 're a Grand Old Flag '' `` When Johnny Comes Marching Home '' Mottos In God We Trust E Pluribus Unum Novus ordo seclorum Annuit cœptis Landmarks Statue of Liberty ( Liberty Enlightening the World ) Liberty Bell Mount Rushmore National Mall West Potomac Park Flags of the U.S. states , federal district , and other political divisions States Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Federal district Washington , D.C. Insular areas American Samoa Guam Northern Mariana Islands Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands Outlying Islands Johnson Atoll Midway Atoll Navassa Island Palmyra Atoll Wake Island Historic CSA Cuba Philippines ( Commonwealth ) California Republic Panama Canal Zone Texas ( Republic ) TTPI USCA Ryukyu Islands Vermont Republic West Florida ( Republic ) Book Category Portal `` Six flags over Texas '' French Texas Spanish Texas Mexican Texas Republic of Texas Confederate States United States National flags and coats of arms National flags Sovereign states Dependent territories Timeline National coats of arms Sovereign states Dependent territories Heraldry portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Flags of the United States National flags National symbols of the United States 1777 introductions Hidden categories : CS1 : Julian -- Gregorian uncertainty All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from April 2017 Webarchive template wayback links Articles with dead external links from October 2017 Articles with permanently dead external links Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism Use mdy dates from January 2017 Articles containing Chinese - language text Articles containing traditional Chinese - language text Articles containing Vietnamese - language text Articles containing simplified Chinese - language text All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from July 2012 Articles that may contain original research from October 2017 All articles that may contain original research Articles with unsourced statements from June 2017 Pages using div col without cols and colwidth parameters Pages using Columns - list with deprecated parameters Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Languages Afrikaans አማርኛ Asturianu Azərbaycanca Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) Български Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Эрзянь Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Føroyskt Français Frysk Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Ilokano বিষ্ণুপ্রিয়া মণিপুরী Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית ქართული Қазақша Ladino Лакку Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar Македонски മലയാളം मराठी Bahasa Melayu မြန်မာဘာသာ Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk پنجابی Polski Português Română Русский Scots Shqip Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska ไทย Türkçe Українська Vepsän kel ' Tiếng Việt Yorùbá 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 21 February 2018 , at 18 : 50 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | what color comes first on the american flag | [
"The flag of the United States of America, often referred to as the American flag, is the national flag of the United States. It consists of thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red (top and bottom) alternating with white, with a blue rectangle in the canton (referred to specifically as the \"union\") bearing fifty small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows, where rows of six stars (top and bottom) alternate with rows of five stars. The 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states of the United States of America, and the 13 stripes represent the thirteen British colonies that declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain, and became the first states in the U.S.[1] Nicknames for the flag include the Stars and Stripes,[2] Old Glory,[3] and the Star-Spangled Banner."
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7829163761502147229 | Golden Lamb Inn | Golden Lamb Inn - wikipedia Golden Lamb Inn Golden Lamb U.S. National Register of Historic Places Exterior of the Golden Lamb Show map of Ohio Show map of the US Show all Location Lebanon , Ohio Coordinates 39 ° 26 ′ 1 '' N 84 ° 12 ′ 30 '' W / 39.43361 ° N 84.20833 ° W / 39.43361 ; - 84.20833 Coordinates : 39 ° 26 ′ 1 '' N 84 ° 12 ′ 30 '' W / 39.43361 ° N 84.20833 ° W / 39.43361 ; - 84.20833 Built 1815 Architect Icabod Corwin NRHP reference # 78002204 Added to NRHP January 12 , 1978 The Golden Lamb Inn , photographed November 15 , 1936 . The Golden Lamb Inn is the oldest hotel in Ohio , having been established in the Warren County seat of Lebanon in 1803 . The present four - story structure is built around the 1815 rebuilding of the inn , maintaining its colonial architecture . It is known as the Golden Lamb because that image appeared on its signboard for the benefit of the illiterate . At various times it has been known as the Ownly Hotel , the Bradley House , the Lebanon House , and the Stubbs House . On January 12 , 1978 , it was added to the National Register of Historic Places as the Golden Lamb . Contents 1 Famous guests 2 Owners 3 The building 4 See also 5 References 6 External links Famous guests ( edit ) Because of Lebanon 's position on the highway between Cincinnati and Columbus , many notables have visited the inn . The Golden Lamb has been visited by twelve American Presidents : William Henry Harrison , Benjamin Harrison , John Quincy Adams , Martin Van Buren , Ulysses S. Grant , Rutherford B. Hayes , James A. Garfield , William McKinley , Warren G. Harding , William Howard Taft , Ronald Reagan , and George W. Bush . Other famous guests to visit the Golden Lamb include Charles Dickens , Mark Twain , Harriet Beecher Stowe , Daniel Webster , Bill McIntire , Thomas Corwin , Clement Vallandigham ( who infamously shot and killed himself accidentally in his hotel room at the Golden Lamb , while attempting to prove that a man , whom his client was accused of shooting , shot himself accidentally ) , Cordell Hull secretary of state for President Franklin D. Roosevelt ( who went to school in Lebanon at the National Normal University ) , Robert A. Taft , Dewitt Clinton , and Lord Stanley , who later became prime minister of the United Kingdom . Most recently on September 8 , 2008 Republican presidential and vice-presidential candidates senator John McCain and Alaska governor Sarah Palin spoke at the Golden Lamb and on October 13 , 2012 Mitt Romney spoke at and toured the hotel . Owners ( edit ) In 1926 , Robert Jones , grandfather of Senator Rob Portman and husband of Virginia Kunkle leased the Golden Lamb . In 1927 , he refurbished it and redecorated it with Shaker furniture . In 1969 , Mr. and Mrs. Jones leased the Golden Lamb to the Comisar family , who owned and operated the now defunct five - star Maisonette restaurant in Cincinnati . The Golden Lamb Restaurant & Inn continues to be owned by the Portman Family of Ohio and is currently managed by The Phoenix Restaurant Group from Cincinnati , Ohio . The building ( edit ) Four floors Lobby Restaurant with a tavern , four large public dining rooms , and five private dining rooms Gift shop Eighteen guest rooms The old stables were removed to make room for the parking lot See also ( edit ) Rob Portman National Register of Historic Places listings in Warren County , Ohio References ( edit ) Jump up ^ National Park Service ( 2008 - 04 - 15 ) . `` National Register Information System '' . National Register of Historic Places . National Park Service . Jump up ^ `` Warren County , Ohio Place Names '' . Warren County Genealogical Society . Retrieved 13 March 2018 . Jump up ^ Bumiller , Elisabeth , The New York Times , September 9 , 2008 External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Golden Lamb Inn . The Golden Lamb website History of the Golden Lamb Ghosts of the Golden Lamb U.S. National Register of Historic Places Topics Architectural style categories Contributing property Historic district History of the National Register of Historic Places Keeper of the Register National Park Service Property types Lists by states Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Lists by insular areas American Samoa Guam Minor Outlying Islands Northern Mariana Islands Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Lists by associated states Federated States of Micronesia Marshall Islands Palau Other areas District of Columbia Morocco Portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : National Register of Historic Places in Warren County , Ohio Buildings and structures in Warren County , Ohio Hotels in Ohio Restaurants in Ohio Companies based in Ohio Hotel buildings on the National Register of Historic Places in Ohio Hotel buildings completed in 1815 Hotels established in 1803 1815 establishments in Ohio Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from March 2012 Coordinates on Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 26 March 2018 , at 17 : 25 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who owns the golden lamb in lebanon ohio | [
"In 1926, Robert Jones, grandfather of Senator Rob Portman and husband of Virginia Kunkle leased the Golden Lamb. In 1927, he refurbished it and redecorated it with Shaker furniture. In 1969, Mr. and Mrs. Jones leased the Golden Lamb to the Comisar family, who owned and operated the now defunct five-star Maisonette restaurant in Cincinnati. The Golden Lamb Restaurant & Inn continues to be owned by the Portman Family of Ohio and is currently managed by The Phoenix Restaurant Group from Cincinnati, Ohio.\n"
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"Portman Family of Ohio"
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9197573353596504128 | I Want to Know What Love Is | I Want to Know What Love Is - wikipedia I Want to Know What Love Is Jump to : navigation , search `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' Cover art released in some European territories Single by Foreigner from the album Agent Provocateur B - side `` Street Thunder ( Marathon Theme ) '' Released November 13 , 1984 Format 7 `` , 12 '' Genre Soft rock Length 5 : 04 ( album / 7 '' single ) 6 : 23 ( 12 '' extended ) 4 : 15 ( some radio edits ) Label Atlantic Songwriter ( s ) Mick Jones Producer ( s ) Mick Jones , Alex Sadkin Foreigner singles chronology `` Luanne '' ( 1982 ) `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( 1984 ) `` That Was Yesterday '' ( 1985 ) `` Luanne '' ( 1982 ) `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( 1984 ) `` That Was Yesterday '' ( 1985 ) Audio sample file help `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' is a power ballad by the British - American rock band Foreigner . It was released in November 1984 as the lead single from their fifth album , Agent Provocateur . The song hit number one in both the United Kingdom and the United States and is the group 's biggest hit to date . It remains one of the band 's best - known songs and most enduring radio hits , charting in the top 25 in 2000 , 2001 , and 2002 on the Billboard Hot Adult Contemporary Recurrents chart . `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' has continued to garner critical acclaim , and is listed as one of Rolling Stone Magazine 's greatest songs of all time at # 479 . The song is also featured in a number of films . Contents ( hide ) 1 Song information 2 Chart performance 2.1 Weekly charts 2.2 Year - end charts 2.3 Certifications 2.4 Chart succession 3 New Jersey Mass Choir version 4 Tina Arena version 4.1 Track listings 4.2 Charts 4.3 Certifications 5 Wynonna Judd version 5.1 Personnel 5.2 Track listings 5.3 Charts 5.4 Release history 6 Mariah Carey version 6.1 Critical reception 6.2 Performances and promotion 6.3 Music video 6.4 Formats and track listings 6.5 Chart performance 6.6 Charts 6.7 Release history 6.8 Chart succession 7 Other covers 8 See also 9 References 10 External links Song information I always worked late at night , when everybody left and the phone stopped ringing . `` I Want To Know What Love Is '' came up at three in the morning sometime in 1984 . I do n't know where it came from . I consider it a gift that was sent through me . I think there was something bigger than me behind it . I 'd say it was probably written entirely by a higher force . `` '' Mick Jones Written and composed by Mick Jones , with an uncredited portion ( somewhere between 5 % according to Jones and 40 % according to Gramm ) by Lou Gramm , and produced by Jones and Alex Sadkin , `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' was the first single released from Foreigner 's album Agent Provocateur ( 1984 ) . The song features backing vocals from the New Jersey Mass Choir affiliated with the Gospel Music Workshop of America , Dreamgirls star Jennifer Holliday , and featured keyboard work by Thompson Twins frontman Tom Bailey . The choir also appears in the song 's music video . `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' reached # 1 in the UK Singles Chart on January 15 , 1985 , displacing Band Aid 's `` Do They Know It 's Christmas ? '' , staying there for three weeks , and knocked Madonna 's long - running `` Like a Virgin '' out of # 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 on February 2 , 1985 . It was Foreigner 's first and only pop chart topper in either country , although the band had four # 1 Mainstream Rock hits and a # 1 Adult Contemporary radio hit in the US . This was the band 's third of four # 1 singles on the Mainstream Rock chart . The song spent five weeks at # 1 in Australia and also hit the top of the charts in Canada , Ireland , New Zealand , Norway , and Sweden , peaking at # 2 in Switzerland and South Africa . We did a few takes , and it was good , but it was still a bit tentative . So then they all got round in a circle , held hands and said The Lord 's Prayer . And it seemed to inspire them , because after that they did it in one take . I was in tears , because my mum and dad were in the studio too , and it was so emotional . `` '' -- Mick Jones on recording with the choir . The song has received positive retrospective reviews from critics , with Bret Adams of AllMusic writing : `` It 's not hard to see why it became Foreigner 's first # 1 single . Its dreamy , hypnotic feel is due in part to Lou Gramm 's soulful lead vocals and the New Jersey Mass Choir 's background vocals . '' The song was also issued as a 12 '' single with a longer time length of 6 : 23 . This version contains a slightly longer intro and an extended vocal chorus / fadeout ending . The single 's B - Side `` Street Thunder ( Marathon Theme ) '' is an instrumental track originally appearing on The Official Music of the XXIII Olympiad - Los Angeles 1984 and later on the band 's 2 - CD compilation Jukebox Heroes : The Foreigner Anthology ( 2000 ) . Soon after Foreigner 's single topped the charts , the New Jersey Mass Choir released its own similar - sounding version of the song on an album that it also titled I Want to Know What Love Is . The choir 's single peaked at # 37 on the Hot Black Singles chart and # 12 on the Hot Dance Music / Maxi - Singles Sales chart . The Foreigner song was ranked by Billboard as the # 4 Billboard Hot 100 single of 1985 . It was the band 's third Platinum single in the U.S. and their first and only Gold single in the UK . Originally consisting of three verses , a pre-chorus and a chorus , the song was extended with a bridge written by original songwriter Mick Jones specifically for Tina Arena 's cover in 1998 . Chart performance Weekly charts Chart ( 1985 ) Peak position Australia ( Kent Music Report ) Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 40 ) 7 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) 6 Belgium ( VRT Top 30 Flanders ) 7 Canada Adult Contemporary ( RPM ) 9 Canada Top Singles ( RPM ) Canada ( CHUM ) France ( SNEP ) 18 Germany ( Official German Charts ) Ireland ( IRMA ) Italy ( FIMI ) 25 Netherlands ( Dutch Top 40 ) 6 Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) 5 New Zealand ( Recorded Music NZ ) Norway ( VG - lista ) South Africa ( Springbok Radio ) Spain ( AFYVE ) 8 Sweden ( Sverigetopplistan ) Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) US Billboard Hot 100 US Mainstream Rock ( Billboard ) US Adult Contemporary ( Billboard ) US Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs ( Billboard ) 85 US Cash Box Top 100 Year - end charts Chart ( 1985 ) Rank Australia ( Kent Music Report ) 5 Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 40 ) 22 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) 30 Canada Top Singles ( RPM ) Germany ( Official German Charts ) 16 Netherlands ( Dutch Top 40 ) 24 Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) 36 New Zealand ( Recorded Music NZ ) 17 South Africa ( Springbok Radio ) 12 Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) 12 UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 11 US Billboard Hot 100 US Adult Contemporary ( Billboard ) 21 US Mainstream Rock Tracks ( Billboard ) 16 US Cash Box Top 100 8 Certifications Region Certification Certified units / Sales United Kingdom ( BPI ) Gold 500,000 United States ( RIAA ) 2 × Platinum 2,000,000 sales figures based on certification alone shipments figures based on certification alone Chart succession ( show ) Order of precedence Preceded by `` Do They Know It 's Christmas ? '' by Band Aid UK Singles Chart number - one single January 19 , 1985 -- February 2 , 1985 ( 3 weeks ) Succeeded by `` I Know Him So Well '' by Elaine Paige and Barbara Dickson Preceded by `` The Boys of Summer '' by Don Henley Billboard Mainstream Rock Tracks number - one single January 19 , 1985 ( 1 week ) Succeeded by `` The Old Man Down the Road '' by John Fogerty Preceded by `` Do They Know It 's Christmas ? '' by Band Aid Sverigetopplistan number - one single January 25 , 1985 -- March 22 , 1985 ( 10 weeks ) Succeeded by `` We Are the World '' by USA for Africa Irish Singles Chart number - one single January 26 , 1985 -- February 2 , 1985 ( 2 weeks ) Succeeded by `` I Know Him So Well '' by Elaine Paige and Barbara Dickson Preceded by `` Like a Virgin '' by Madonna Billboard Hot 100 number - one single February 2 , 1985 -- February 9 , 1985 ( 2 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Careless Whisper '' by Wham ! featuring George Michael Cash Box Top 100 number - one single February 2 , 1985 ( 1 week ) Succeeded by `` Easy Lover '' by Philip Bailey and Phil Collins Preceded by `` Do They Know It 's Christmas ? '' by Band Aid Kent Music Report number - one single February 11 , 1985 -- March 11 , 1985 ( 5 weeks ) Succeeded by `` One Night in Bangkok '' by Murray Head VG - lista number - one single February 1985 -- March 1985 ( 5 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Woodpeckers from Space '' by VideoKids Preceded by `` Easy Lover '' by Philip Bailey and Phil Collins Canadian CHUM Chart number - one single February 16 , 1985 -- February 23 , 1985 ( 2 weeks ) Succeeded by `` California Girls '' by David Lee Roth Preceded by `` Do They Know It 's Christmas ? '' by Band Aid `` Born in the U.S.A. '' by Bruce Springsteen New Zealand Singles Chart number one single February 17 , 1985 ( 1 week ) March 3 , 1985 -- March 10 , 1985 ( 2 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Born in the U.S.A. '' by Bruce Springsteen `` Solid '' by Ashford & Simpson Preceded by `` Easy Lover '' by Philip Bailey and Phil Collins Canadian `` RPM '' Singles Chart number - one single February 23 , 1985 -- March 9 , 1985 ( 3 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Neutron Dance '' by Pointer Sisters New Jersey Mass choir version In 1985 , the New Jersey Mass Choir released the Prelude Records album entitled I Want to Know What Love Is . The album 's fifth track , `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' , was released as a single in the gospel music market which garnered several awards within the industry . Tina Arena version `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' Single by Tina Arena from the album In Deep Released August 6 , 1998 ( Australia ) January 29 , 1999 ( France ) Length 6 : 21 ( Album Version ) 5 : 34 ( Australian Album Edit ) 4 : 55 ( Single Edit ) Label Columbia Songwriter ( s ) Mick Jones Producer ( s ) Mick Jones Tina Arena singles chronology `` Whistle Down the Wind '' ( 1998 ) `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( 1998 ) `` I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You '' ( 1998 ) `` Whistle Down the Wind '' ( 1998 ) `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( 1998 ) `` I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You '' ( 1998 ) `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' was covered by Australian singer Tina Arena and her recording was released as a single in 1998 from her album In Deep . Arena 's version of the song was produced by Foreigner band member Mick Jones , who wrote the song . This version of the song includes a previously unrecorded bridge between the second and third choruses , specifically written for Tina Arena by Mick Jones . Track listings European Maxi Single `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( Single Edit ) `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( R & B Mix ) `` I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You '' ( G - Vo Extended Mix ) `` Not For Sale '' Australian CD1 Maxi Single `` I Want To Know What Love Is '' ( Single Edit ) `` Now I Can Dance '' ( Spanglish Version ) `` Now I Can Dance '' ( Live ) `` If I Did n't Love You '' ( Remix ) Australian CD2 Maxi Single - The Remixes `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( R'n'B Mix ) `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( Urban Mix ) `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( Extended Urban Mix ) `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( Single Edit ) Charts The song peaked at # 13 in France and finished 60th on the end - of - year chart of 1999 . Chart ( 1998 / 99 ) Peak Position Australia ( ARIA ) 36 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Wallonia ) 39 Brazilian Singles Chart ( ABPD ) 65 European Hot 100 Singles 50 France ( SNEP ) 13 Certifications Region Certification Certified units / Sales France ( SNEP ) Silver 194,000 shipments figures based on certification alone Wynonna Judd version `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' Single by Wynonna Judd from the album What the World Needs Now Is Love Released August 24 , 2004 Length 5 : 41 ( Album Version ) Label Asylum / Curb Records Songwriter ( s ) Mick Jones Producer ( s ) Narada Michael Walden , Wynonna Wynonna Judd singles chronology `` Flies on the Butter '' ( 2004 ) `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( 2004 ) `` Rescue Me '' ( 2005 ) `` Flies on the Butter '' ( 2004 ) `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( 2004 ) `` Rescue Me '' ( 2005 ) `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' was covered by American country singer Wynonna Judd and her recording was released in August 24 , 2004 from her album What the World Needs Now Is Love as fourth single . Wynonna 's version of the song was produced by Narada Michael Walden , known for his work with Mariah Carey , Whitney Houston , Diana Ross , Aretha Franklin and George Michael , and Wynonna . This version of the song was included in a popular Brazilian soap opera , Senhora do Destino . Personnel Tim Akers - keyboards Robert Bailey - background vocals Jeff Beck - electric guitar Bekka Bramlett - background vocals Mike Brignardello - bass guitar Tom Bukovac - electric guitar David Campbell - string arrangements , conductor Kim Fleming - background vocals Paul Franklin - steel guitar Reggie Hamilton - bass guitar Vicki Hampton - background vocals Dann Huff - electric guitar David Huff - loop programming Ronn Huff - string arrangements Wynonna Judd - lead vocals Suzie Katayama - string contractor Jerry McPherson - electric guitar Steve Nathan - keyboards Don Potter - acoustic guitar John `` J.R. '' Robinson - drums Willie Weeks - bass guitar Track listings Digital download `` I Want To Know What Love Is '' -- 5 : 41 Remixes `` I Want To Know What Love Is '' ( Piper Remix ) -- 4 : 05 `` I Want To Know What Love Is '' ( Piper Club Mix ) -- 7 : 42 Charts In the US , the song peaked at # 14 on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart . On the Hot Dance Club Songs of Billboard , it debuted at # 50 and peaked at # 12 . It is also her first single to chart in Sweden , where it debuted at # 67 and peaked at # 15 . Chart ( 2004 / 2005 ) Peak position Sweden ( Sverigetopplistan ) 15 US Billboard Adult Contemporary 14 US Billboard Hot Dance Club Songs 12 Release history Country Date Format Label United States August 24 , 2004 Digital download , CD single Asylum United States Remixes Curb Records Sweden February 20 , 2005 Digital download , CD single Curb Records Mariah Carey version `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' Single by Mariah Carey from the album Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel Released September 22 , 2009 Format CD single , digital download Recorded 2009 Length 3 : 27 ( album version ) 3 : 38 ( radio / video version ) Label Island Songwriter ( s ) Mick Jones Producer ( s ) Mariah Carey , C. `` Tricky '' Stewart , James `` Big Jim '' Wright , Randy Jackson ( co ) Mariah Carey singles chronology `` Obsessed '' ( 2009 ) `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( 2009 ) `` H.A.T.E.U. '' ( 2009 ) `` Obsessed '' ( 2009 ) `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( 2009 ) `` H.A.T.E.U. '' ( 2009 ) `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' was covered by American singer Mariah Carey and released as the second single from her twelfth studio album , Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel ( 2009 ) . The single , produced by Carey , C. `` Tricky '' Stewart and James `` Big Jim '' Wright , was sent to European radio stations on August 28 and first impacted U.S. radio on September 14 , 2009 . Mick Jones said of her version : `` I think she 's actually retained the integrity of the song . You know , the arrangement is very similar to the original . They have n't tampered with the song too much . She 's captured a certain emotional thing , a feeling . '' Critical reception The single was generally well received by critics ; Australian magazine Rhyme & Reason stated that `` ( While Carey stayed ) ( ... ) true to the original , this piano - led remake is less an overhaul of the classic ' 80s hit than it is a modest but impressive update . '' The UK Daily Star gave it a 5 out of 5 rating : `` ( The song is ) given the Carey treatment and ( is ) complete with choir and karaoke climax . It 's a great rework . '' Bill Lamb from said that `` Mariah Carey 's new version could leave you speechless . The diversity of vocal coloring expressed in this recording is stunning . While the single Obsessed remains disappointing , this single is a reminder of just how formidable Carey 's talents are given a strong production and arrangement '' . Writing in a Los Angeles Times music blog , Todd Martens said , `` ( T ) ackling a well - known power ballad seems like a safe choice . It 's a comfortable fall - back plan after `` Obsessed '' performed well , but did far from blockbuster numbers . It will undoubtedly be a hit , but it 's giving me more reason to fear Imperfect Angel . The sort - of - real / sort - of - not feud with Eminem seemed largely a ploy to keep Carey in the headlines , and covering Foreigner seems just as calculated to steer Carey back onto familiar ground . '' Performances and promotion Carey debuted `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' at her Live At The Pearl concerts in the Pearl Arena at The Palms Casino & Resort , Las Vegas , on September 11 and 12 , 2009 . Carey performed the song live on The Oprah Winfrey Show on September 18 . A New York radio station contest featured as its prize a mini concert by Carey at the P.C. Richard Theater in TriBeCa , New York on October 5 , where she sang the song as well as `` Obsessed '' and `` H.A.T.E.U. '' , also from the album . Carey performed the single on Italy 's X factor on November 11 , and in France where she did various radio interviews . Music video Carey filmed a music video for `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' in September 2009 in New York City , directed by Hype Williams . The video premiered on Mariah 's official website on November 13 , 2009 . The video features Carey singing in Yankee Stadium , intercut with shots of audience members , often accompanied by loved ones , and some glimpses into the tough times in their past , as they grow emotional from the song 's performance . A gospel choir joins Carey at the center of the stadium at the video 's end . Carey wears the signature curly hairstyle from the initial stages of her career ca . 1990 -- 1993 , maintaining the Memoirs theme of the album . Formats and track listings Digital download `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( album version ) -- 3 : 26 UK digital single `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( album version ) -- 3 : 26 `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( Moto Blanco Club Edit ) -- 3 : 25 `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( Chew Fu Radio Fix ) -- 3 : 51 European CD single `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' -- 3 : 39 `` Obsessed '' ( Cahill club edit ) -- 6 : 21 Chart performance The song peaked on the US Billboard Adult Contemporary chart at # 10 bringing Carey 's total number of Top Ten hits on that chart to 20 , one short of Celine Dion 's record . She has since surpassed this and is now tied with Celine Dion after her single `` Oh Santa ! '' reached # 1 in 2010 . However , it peaked at # 60 on the US Hot 100 . On the UK Singles Chart , the song debuted at # 19 on the week ending November 29 , 2009 , becoming her highest debuting and peaking song since 2008 's `` Touch My Body '' , which peaked at # 5 . The song debuted at # 6 in France , selling 1,910 physical CDs in its first week and 39,720 copies in all formats as of late 2009 , becoming the best charting version of this song there . It placed 93rd on the Year - End Chart . In Brazil , the song stayed at # 1 for a record 27 weeks . One of the reasons for the song 's radio success there was its frequent inclusion in a popular new soap opera , Viver a Vida . According to Crowley Broadcast Analysis , Carey 's version has broken the record for longest Brazilian Hot 100 Airplay Chart run at 27 consecutive weeks . Charts Chart ( 2009 -- 10 ) Peak position Australia ( ARIA ) 45 Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 40 ) 40 Belgium ( Ultratip Wallonia ) 14 Brazil ( Hot 100 Airplay ) Canada ( Canadian Hot 100 ) 57 Denmark ( Tracklisten ) 14 Europe ( European Hot 100 Singles ) 16 France ( SNEP ) 6 Germany ( Official German Charts ) 37 Hungary ( Mahasz ) 6 Ireland ( IRMA ) 41 Japan ( Japan Hot 100 ) Portugal ( Billboard ) 5 Scotland ( Official Charts Company ) 30 Slovakia ( Rádio Top 100 ) 84 Spain ( PROMUSICAE ) 41 Sweden ( Sverigetopplistan ) 20 Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) 25 UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 19 UK R&B ( Official Charts Company ) 7 US Billboard Hot 100 60 US Adult Contemporary ( Billboard ) 10 US Adult Top 40 ( Billboard ) 39 US Dance Club Songs ( Billboard ) US Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs ( Billboard ) 40 US Mainstream Top 40 ( Billboard ) 28 US Rhythmic ( Billboard ) 29 Release history Country Date Format Label United States September 22 , 2009 Digital download Island Records Norway October 20 , 2009 The remixes ( digital ) Universal Music Korea CD single United Kingdom November 22 , 2009 Digital download Mercury Records France November 30 , 2009 CD single Universal Music Germany December 4 , 2009 Chart succession Preceded by `` Halo '' by Beyoncé Knowles Brazilian Hot 100 Airplay number - one single ( Mariah Carey version ) December 2009 - June 2010 Succeeded by `` Tapa na Cara '' by Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano Other covers In 1986 , Laura Branigan sang the song in duet with John Farnham at Logie Awards , an Australian award show . In 1998 , Julie Ruin recorded a version of the song on their self - titled debut album with rewritten lyrics about police abuse and neglect in cases of rape and femicide such as the Green River killer case . In 2002 , the victims of the fires at a disco in Sweden and a bar in the Netherlands recorded this song as a way to cope with their injuries and memories regarding those incidents . Their single was released under the artist name Volendam meets Göteborg and reached # 39 in the Dutch charts . In April 2014 , in an episode titled `` Tested '' , Glee cast member Amber Riley covered the song . During the broadcast of the episode , Foreigner congratulated Riley on her performance of the song on their official Twitter account . In July 2016 , Foreigner released a rerecorded version of the song featuring fun . lead singer Nate Ruess . In 2017 , Hunter Plake performed a cover on The Voice . See also Book : Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel List of Billboard Hot 100 number - one singles of 1985 References Jump up ^ `` Gig review : Journey / Foreigner / Styx '' . The Scotsman . June 10 , 2011 . Retrieved May 25 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` The 21 best power ballads '' . Jump up ^ `` 479 . Foreigner , ' I Want to Know What Love Is ' '' . Rolling Stone . Retrieved 10 November 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The story behind Foreigner 's I Want To Know What Love Is '' . Archived from the original on January 1 , 2014 . Retrieved 2016 - 11 - 07 . CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown ( link ) ^ Jump up to : Bret Adams . `` Agent Provocateur - Foreigner Songs , Reviews , Credits , Awards '' . AllMusic . Retrieved March 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ I Want to Know What Love Is - Foreigner Billboard Retrieved February 13 , 2011 Jump up ^ Mick Jones ( October 7 , 2014 ) . `` I Wrote That : Foreigner -- I Want to Know What Love is ' '' . . Retrieved August 15 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Foreigner 's Mick Jones Looks Back on ' I Want to Know What Love Is ' '' . . December 27 , 2013 . Retrieved March 7 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` Top Pop Singles '' ( PDF ) . Billboard . Vol. 97 no . 52 . New York , NY , USA . 28 December 1985 . p . T - 21 . Retrieved 5 November 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Gold & Platinum '' . RIAA . Retrieved November 5 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` British single certifications -- Foreigner '' . British Phonographic Industry . Retrieved November 5 , 2016 . Enter Foreigner in the search field and then press Enter . Jump up ^ bulion . `` Forum - ARIA Charts : Special Occasion Charts - CHART POSITIONS PRE 1989 '' . ARIA . . Archived from the original on October 20 , 2013 . Retrieved November 5 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` -- Foreigner -- I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( in German ) . Ö3 Austria Top 40 . Jump up ^ `` -- Foreigner -- I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( in Dutch ) . Ultratop 50 . Jump up ^ `` Radio 2 Top 30 '' ( in Dutch ) . Top 30 . Archived from the original on March 31 , 2016 . Retrieved November 5 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Top RPM Adult Contemporary : Issue 8337 . '' RPM . Library and Archives Canada . Retrieved November 5 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Top RPM Singles : Issue 9611 . '' RPM . Library and Archives Canada . Retrieved November 5 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` CHART NUMBER 1469 -- Saturday , February 16 , 1985 '' . Archived from the original on November 7 , 2006 . Retrieved April 23 , 2017 . CHUM . Jump up ^ `` -- Foreigner -- I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( in French ) . Les classement single . Jump up ^ `` -- Foreigner -- I Want to Know What Love Is '' . GfK Entertainment Charts . Retrieved November 5 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The Irish Charts -- Search Results -- I Want to Know What Love Is '' . Irish Singles Chart . Retrieved November 5 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Hit Parade Italia - Indice per Interprete : F '' . Hit Parade Italia . Retrieved July 6 , 2012 . 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Jump up ^ `` Mariah Carey -- Chart history '' Billboard Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs for Mariah Carey . Jump up ^ `` Mariah Carey -- Chart history '' Billboard Pop Songs for Mariah Carey . Jump up ^ `` Mariah Carey -- Chart history '' Billboard Rhythmic Songs for Mariah Carey . Jump up ^ `` news. news '' . . Archived from the original on September 14 , 2009 . Retrieved September 24 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` iTunes - Music - I Want to Know What Love Is ( The Remixes ) by Mariah Carey '' . . October 16 , 2009 . Retrieved March 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` 대한민국 지식 문화 대표 브랜드 교보 문고 에 오신 것을 환영 합니다 . 로그인 하시면 다양한 지식 문화 서비스 를 경험할 수 있습니다 . 회원님 의 웹 브라우저 또는 PC 환경 에 따라 팝업창 로그인 페이지 가 제대로 작동 하지 않을 수도 있습니다 . 본 웹 페이지 에서 다시 ID 와 비밀번호 를 입력 하여 주시면 정상적으로 로그인 하실 수 있습니다 . '' ( in Korean ) . . Retrieved March 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` iTunes - Music - Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel by Mariah Carey '' . . September 25 , 2009 . Retrieved March 7 , 2014 . 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External links Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' ( Foreigner version ) music video at ( Windows Media Video format ) Foreigner Mick Jones Thom Gimbel Jeff Pilson Kelly Hansen Michael Bluestein Chris Frazier Dennis Elliott Lou Gramm Al Greenwood Ian McDonald Ed Gagliardi Rick Wills Jack Allen Smith Johnny Edwards Jeff Jacobs Mark Schulman Bruce Turgon Ron Wikso Brian Tichy Denny Carmassi Jason Bonham Chaz West Paul Mirkovich Jason Sutter Studio albums Foreigner Double Vision Head Games Agent Provocateur Inside Information Unusual Heat Mr. Moonlight Ca n't Slow Down Compilations Records The Very Best ... and Beyond Jukebox Heroes : The Foreigner Anthology Complete Greatest Hits Hot Blooded and Other Hits The Essentials The Definitive Collection No End in Sight : The Very Best of Foreigner Live albums Classic Hits Live / Best of Live Extended Versions Ca n't Slow Down ... When It 's Live ! Singles `` Feels Like the First Time '' `` Starrider '' `` Cold as Ice '' `` Long , Long Way from Home '' `` Hot Blooded '' `` Double Vision '' `` Blue Morning , Blue Day '' `` Dirty White Boy '' `` Head Games '' `` Love on the Telephone '' `` Women '' `` I 'll Get Even with You '' `` Urgent '' `` Juke Box Hero '' `` Waiting for a Girl Like You '' `` Night Life '' `` Break It Up '' `` Luanne '' `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' `` That Was Yesterday '' `` Tooth and Nail '' `` Reaction to Action '' `` Growing Up the Hard Way '' `` Down on Love '' `` Say You Will '' `` I Do n't Want to Live Without You '' `` Heart Turns to Stone '' `` Ca n't Wait '' `` Lowdown and Dirty '' `` I 'll Fight for You '' `` With Heaven on Our Side '' `` Soul Doctor '' `` White Lie '' `` Until the End of Time '' `` Rain '' `` Under the Gun '' `` Too Late '' `` When It Comes to Love '' `` Ca n't Slow Down '' `` In Pieces '' Related articles Discography Shadow King Black Sheep `` Revenge of the Mooninites '' Book Tina Arena singles Strong as Steel `` I Need Your Body '' `` The Machine 's Breaking Down '' `` Strong as Steel '' `` Woman 's Work '' Do n't Ask `` Chains '' `` Sorrento Moon ( I Remember ) '' `` Heaven Help My Heart '' `` Was n't It Good '' `` Show Me Heaven '' In Deep `` Burn '' `` If I Did n't Love You '' `` Now I Can Dance '' `` Whistle Down the Wind '' `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' `` I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You '' `` If I Was a River '' `` Aller plus haut '' `` Les trois cloches '' Just Me `` Soul Mate # 9 '' `` Dare You to Be Happy '' `` Tu es toujours là '' `` Symphony of Life '' Vous êtes toujours là `` Je te retrouve un peu '' Greatest Hits 1994 -- 2004 `` Italian Love Song '' Un autre univers `` Aimer jusqu'à l'impossible '' `` Je m'appelle Bagdad '' `` Tu aurais dû me dire ( Oser parler d'amour ) '' Songs of Love & Loss `` To Sir with Love '' 7 vies `` Entends - tu le monde ? '' Songs of Love & Loss 2 `` Oh Me , Oh My '' Reset `` You Set Fire to My Life '' Other releases `` Turn Up the Beat '' `` Ti Voglio Qui '' `` Live for the One I Love '' `` Never ( Past Tense ) '' `` Voici les clés '' `` Only Lonely '' `` The Things We Do For Love '' Template Wynonna Judd Studio albums Wynonna Tell Me Why Revelations The Other Side New Day Dawning What the World Needs Now Is Love A Classic Christmas Sing : Chapter 1 Wynonna & the Big Noise Compilation albums Collection Her Story : Scenes from a Lifetime Love Heals Notable singles `` She Is His Only Need '' `` I Saw the Light '' `` No One Else on Earth '' `` My Strongest Weakness '' `` Tell Me Why '' `` Only Love '' `` Is It Over Yet '' `` Rock Bottom '' `` Girls with Guitars '' `` To Be Loved by You '' `` Heaven Help My Heart '' `` When Love Starts Talkin ' '' `` Come Some Rainy Day '' `` Ca n't Nobody Love You ( Like I Do ) '' `` What the World Needs '' `` Heaven Help Me '' `` Sing '' Guest singles `` A Bad Goodbye '' ( with Clint Black ) Related articles Discography The Judds Ashley Judd Naomi Judd Mariah Carey songs Singles discography Songs recorded 1990s songs `` Vision of Love '' `` There 's Got to Be a Way '' `` I Do n't Wanna Cry '' `` Someday '' `` Love Takes Time '' `` Emotions '' `` Ca n't Let Go '' `` Make It Happen '' `` If It 's Over '' `` I 'll Be There '' `` Dreamlover '' `` Hero '' `` Anytime You Need a Friend '' `` Without You '' `` Never Forget You '' `` Endless Love '' `` All I Want for Christmas Is You '' `` O Holy Night '' `` Joy to the World '' `` Fantasy '' `` Underneath the Stars '' `` One Sweet Day '' `` Open Arms '' `` Always Be My Baby '' `` Forever '' `` Honey '' `` My All '' `` Butterfly '' `` The Roof '' `` Breakdown '' `` Close My Eyes '' `` The Beautiful Ones '' `` Sweetheart '' `` When You Believe '' `` I Still Believe '' `` Theme from Mahogany ( Do You Know Where You 're Going To ) '' `` Heartbreaker '' `` Thank God I Found You '' `` Ca n't Take That Away ( Mariah 's Theme ) '' `` Against All Odds ( Take a Look at Me Now ) '' `` Crybaby '' 2000s songs `` Loverboy '' `` Do n't Stop ( Funkin ' 4 Jamaica ) '' `` Reflections ( Care Enough ) '' `` Last Night a DJ Saved My Life '' `` Never Too Far '' `` Never Too Far / Hero Medley '' `` Through the Rain '' `` Boy ( I Need You ) '' `` Bringin ' On the Heartbreak '' `` I Know What You Want '' `` It 's Like That '' `` We Belong Together '' `` Shake It Off '' `` Mine Again '' `` Say Somethin ' '' `` Get Your Number '' `` Fly Like a Bird '' `` Do n't Forget About Us '' `` So Lonely '' `` Migrate '' `` Touch My Body '' `` I Stay in Love '' `` Side Effects '' `` I 'm That Chick '' `` I 'll Be Lovin ' U Long Time '' `` Bye Bye '' `` Hero '' ( 2008 version ) `` Betcha Gon ' Know ( The Prologue ) '' `` Obsessed '' `` I Want to Know What Love Is '' `` H.A.T.E.U. '' 2010s songs `` Up Out My Face '' `` Angels Cry '' `` Oh Santa ! '' `` Christmas Time Is in the Air Again '' `` When Christmas Comes '' `` One Child '' `` Auld Lang Syne ( The New Year 's Anthem ) '' `` # Beautiful '' `` Thirsty '' `` You 're Mine ( Eternal ) '' `` You Do n't Know What to Do '' `` Meteorite '' `` The Art of Letting Go '' `` Infinity '' `` I Do n't '' Other releases `` 100 % '' `` Almost Home '' `` Everybody Hurts '' `` Every Time I Close My Eyes '' `` Just Stand Up ! '' `` Lil ' L.O.V.E. '' `` My Love '' `` Right to Dream '' `` So Lonely '' `` Things That U Do '' `` Triumphant ( Get ' Em ) '' `` U Make Me Wanna '' `` What More Can I Give '' Book Portal Template WikiProject Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1984 singles 1984 songs 1985 singles 1998 singles 2004 singles 2009 singles Billboard Hot 100 number - one singles Billboard Mainstream Rock number - one singles Brasil Hot 100 Airplay number - one singles Brasil Hot Pop number - one singles Foreigner ( band ) songs Mariah Carey songs Music videos directed by Hype Williams Number - one singles in Australia Number - one singles in Norway Number - one singles in Sweden 1980s ballads Rock ballads RPM Top Singles number - one singles Songs written by Mick Jones ( Foreigner ) Tina Arena songs UK Singles Chart number - one singles Wynonna Judd songs Atlantic Records singles Columbia Records singles Asylum Records singles Curb Records singles Song recordings produced by Narada Michael Walden Island Records singles Songs written by Lou Gramm Song recordings produced by Tricky Stewart Hidden categories : CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown CS1 Dutch - language sources ( nl ) CS1 German - language sources ( de ) All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from September 2017 Articles with permanently dead external links CS1 French - language sources ( fr ) Pages with URL errors Articles with dead external links from June 2016 CS1 Portuguese - language sources ( pt ) CS1 Korean - language sources ( ko ) Wikipedia semi-protected pages Use mdy dates from July 2014 Articles with hAudio microformats Singlechart usages for Austria Singlechart usages for Flanders Singlechart usages for Canadaadultcontemporary Singlechart called without artist Singlechart called without song Singlechart usages for Canadatopsingles Singlechart making named ref Singlechart usages for France Singlechart usages for Germany2 Singlechart usages for Ireland2 Singlechart usages for Dutch40 Singlechart usages for Dutch100 Singlechart usages for New Zealand Singlechart usages for Norway Singlechart usages for Sweden Singlechart usages for Switzerland Singlechart usages for UKchartstats Singlechart usages for Billboardhot100 Singlechart usages for Billboardmainstreamrock Singlechart usages for Billboardadultcontemporary Singlechart usages for Billboardrandbhiphop Certification Table Entry usages for United Kingdom Certification Table Entry usages for United States Singlechart usages for Australia Singlechart usages for Belgium ( Wallonia ) Certification Table Entry usages for France Singlechart usages for Belgium ( Wallonia ) Tip Singlechart usages for Billboardcanadianhot100 Singlechart usages for Denmark Singlechart usages for Billboardeuropeanhot100 Singlechart usages for Germany Singlechart usages for Ireland Singlechart usages for Billboardjapanhot100 Singlechart usages for Scotland Singlechart usages for Slovakia Singlechart usages for Spain Singlechart usages for UKrandb Singlechart usages for Billboardadultpopsongs Singlechart usages for Billboarddanceclubplay Singlechart usages for Billboardpopsongs Singlechart usages for Billboardrhythmic Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Español Français Bahasa Indonesia Italiano Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Svenska Tagalog Українська Edit links This page was last edited on 19 September 2017 , at 05 : 21 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who sang i want to go where love is | [
"\"I Want to Know What Love Is\" is a power ballad[2] by the British-American rock band Foreigner. It was released in November 1984 as the lead single from their fifth album, Agent Provocateur. The song hit number one in both the United Kingdom and the United States and is the group's biggest hit to date. It remains one of the band's best-known songs and most enduring radio hits, charting in the top 25 in 2000, 2001, and 2002 on the Billboard Hot Adult Contemporary Recurrents chart. \"I Want to Know What Love Is\" has continued to garner critical acclaim, and is listed as one of Rolling Stone Magazine's greatest songs of all time at #479.[3] The song is also featured in a number of films."
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6213062800489559515 | List of Major League Baseball no-hitters | List of Major League Baseball no - hitters - wikipedia List of Major League Baseball no - hitters Jump to : navigation , search This is a list of no - hitters in Major League Baseball history . In addition , all no - hitters that were broken up in extra innings or were in shortened games are listed , although they are not currently considered official no - hitters . ( Prior to 1991 , a performance in which no hits were surrendered through nine innings or in a shortened game was considered an official no - hit game . ) The names of those pitchers who threw a perfect game no - hitter are italicized . For combined no - hitters by two or more pitchers on the same team , each is listed with his number of innings pitched . Games which were part of a doubleheader are noted as either the first game or second game . The most recent no - hitter was pitched by Edinson Vólquez of the Miami Marlins on June 3 , 2017 . An official no - hit game occurs when a pitcher ( or pitchers ) allows no hits during the entire course of a game , which consists of at least nine innings thrown by the pitcher ( s ) . In a no - hit game , a batter may still reach base via a walk , an error , a fielder 's choice , an intentional walk , a hit by pitch , a passed ball or wild pitch on strike three , or catcher 's interference . Also , due to these methods of reaching base , it is possible for a team to score runs without getting any hits . While the vast majority of no - hitters are shutouts , no - hit teams have managed to score runs in their respective games a number of times , five times a team has been no - hit and still won the game : two notable victories occurred when the Cincinnati Reds defeated the Houston Colt . 45s ( now called the Houston Astros ) 1 -- 0 on April 23 , 1964 even though they were no - hit by Houston starter Ken Johnson , and the Detroit Tigers defeated the Baltimore Orioles 2 -- 1 on April 30 , 1967 even though they were no - hit by Baltimore starter Steve Barber and reliever Stu Miller . In another four games , the home team won despite gaining no hits through eight innings , but these are near no - hitters under the 1991 rule that nine no - hit innings must be completed in order for a no - hitter to be credited . The pitcher who holds the record for the shortest time between no - hitters is Johnny Vander Meer , the only pitcher in history to throw no - hitters in consecutive starts , while playing for the Cincinnati Reds in 1938 . Besides Vander Meer , Allie Reynolds ( in 1951 ) , Virgil Trucks ( in 1952 ) , Nolan Ryan ( in 1973 ) , and Max Scherzer ( in 2015 ) are the only other major leaguers to throw two no - hitters in the same regular season . Jim Maloney technically threw two no - hitters in the 1965 season , but his first one ended after he allowed a home run in the top of the 11th inning . According to the rules interpretation of the time , this was considered a no - hitter . Later that season , Maloney once again took a no - hitter into extra innings , but this time he managed to preserve the no - hitter after the Reds scored in the top half of the tenth , becoming the first pitcher to throw a complete game extra inning no - hitter since Fred Toney in 1917 . Roy Halladay threw two no - hitters in 2010 : a perfect game during the regular season and a no - hitter in the 2010 National League Division Series . He is the only major leaguer to have thrown no - hitters in regular season and postseason play . The first black pitcher to toss a no - hitter was Sam Jones who did it for the Chicago Cubs in 1955 . The first Latin pitcher was San Francisco Giant Juan Marichal in 1963 . Through June 3 , 2017 , there have been 296 no - hitters officially recognized by Major League Baseball , 252 of them in the modern era ( starting in 1901 , with the formation of the American League ) . Joe Borden 's no - hitter in 1875 is also noted , but is not recognized by Major League Baseball ( see note in the chart ) . Contents ( hide ) 1 Regulation no - hitters 2 No - hitters by team 3 Near no - hitters 3.1 Regulation no - hit losses ending in the middle of the ninth 3.1. 1 Interleague play 3.1. 2 American League 3.1. 3 Players ' League 3.2 Shortened games 3.2. 1 National League 3.2. 2 American League 3.2. 3 American Association 3.2. 4 Union Association 3.3 Nine - inning no - hitters broken up in extra innings 3.3. 1 National League 3.3. 2 American League 4 Notes 5 Bibliography 6 References 7 External links Regulation no - hitters ( edit ) Key Italics Perfect game RS Runs scored RA Runs allowed NL National League AL American League FL Federal League PL Players ' League UA Union Association AA American Association NA National Association WS World Series Inter Interleague play IP Innings pitched Elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame Denotes player who is still active No - hitters # Date Pitcher Team RS Opponent RA League Catcher Notes N / A 000000001875 - 07 - 28 - 0000 July 28 , 1875 Borden , Joe Joe Borden Philadelphia White Stockings Chicago White Stockings 0 NA Snyder , Pop Pop Snyder 000000001876 - 07 - 15 - 0000 July 15 , 1876 Bradley , George George Bradley St. Louis Brown Stockings Hartford Dark Blues 0 NL Clapp , John John Clapp 000000001880 - 06 - 12 - 0000 June 12 , 1880 Richmond , Lee Lee Richmond Worcester Worcesters Cleveland Blues 0 NL Bennett , Charlie Charlie Bennett 000000001880 - 06 - 17 - 0000 June 17 , 1880 Ward , John Montgomery John Montgomery Ward Providence Grays 5 Buffalo Bisons 0 NL Gross , Emil Emil Gross 000000001880 - 08 - 19 - 0000 August 19 , 1880 Corcoran , Larry Larry Corcoran ( 1 ) Chicago White Stockings 6 Boston Red Caps 0 NL Flint , Silver Silver Flint ( ? IP ) ( 1 ) King Kelly ( ? IP ) ( 1 ) 5 000000001880 - 08 - 20 - 0000 August 20 , 1880 Galvin , Pud Pud Galvin ( 1 ) Buffalo Bisons Worcester Worcesters 0 NL Rowe , Jack Jack Rowe ( 1 ) 6 000000001882 - 09 - 11 - 0000 September 11 , 1882 Mullane , Tony Tony Mullane Louisville Eclipse Cincinnati Red Stockings 0 AA Sullivan , Dan Dan Sullivan ( 1 ) 7 000000001882 - 09 - 19 - 0000 September 19 , 1882 Hecker , Guy Guy Hecker Louisville Eclipse Pittsburgh Alleghenys AA Sullivan , Dan Dan Sullivan ( 2 ) 8 000000001882 - 09 - 20 - 0000 September 20 , 1882 Corcoran , Larry Larry Corcoran ( 2 ) Chicago White Stockings 5 Worcester Worcesters 0 NL Flint , Silver Silver Flint ( 2 ) 9 000000001883 - 07 - 25 - 0000 July 25 , 1883 Radbourn , Charles Charles Radbourn Providence Grays 8 Cleveland Blues 0 NL Gilligan , Barney Barney Gilligan 10 000000001883 - 09 - 13 - 0000 September 13 , 1883 Daily , Hugh Hugh Daily Cleveland Blues Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Bushong , Doc Doc Bushong 11 000000001884 - 05 - 24 - 0000 May 24 , 1884 Atkinson , Al Al Atkinson ( 1 ) Philadelphia Athletics 10 Pittsburgh Alleghenys AA Milligan , Jocko Jocko Milligan 12 000000001884 - 05 - 29 - 0000 May 29 , 1884 Morris , Ed Ed Morris Columbus Buckeyes 5 Pittsburgh Alleghenys 0 AA Kemmler , Rudy Rudy Kemmler ( 1 ) 13 000000001884 - 06 - 05 - 0000 June 5 , 1884 Mountain , Frank Frank Mountain Columbus Buckeyes 12 Washington Nationals 0 AA Kemmler , Rudy Rudy Kemmler ( 2 ) 14 000000001884 - 06 - 27 - 0000 June 27 , 1884 Corcoran , Larry Larry Corcoran ( 3 ) Chicago White Stockings 6 Providence Grays 0 NL Kelly , King King Kelly ( 2 ) 15 000000001884 - 08 - 04 - 0000 August 4 , 1884 Galvin , Pud Pud Galvin ( 2 ) Buffalo Bisons 18 Detroit Wolverines 0 NL Rowe , Jack Jack Rowe ( 2 ) 16 000000001884 - 08 - 26 - 0000 August 26 , 1884 Burns , Dick Dick Burns Cincinnati Outlaw Reds Kansas City Unions UA Crotty , Joe Joe Crotty 17 000000001884 - 09 - 28 - 0000 September 28 , 1884 Cushman , Ed Ed Cushman Milwaukee Brewers 5 Washington Nationals 0 UA Broughton , Cal Cal Broughton 18 000000001884 - 10 - 04 - 0000 October 4 , 1884 Kimber , Sam Sam Kimber Brooklyn Atlantics 0 Toledo Blue Stockings 0 AA Corcoran , Jack Jack Corcoran 19 000000001885 - 07 - 27 - 0000 July 27 , 1885 Clarkson , John John Clarkson Chicago White Stockings Providence Grays 0 NL Flint , Silver Silver Flint ( 3 ) 20 000000001885 - 08 - 29 - 0000 August 29 , 1885 Ferguson , Charlie Charlie Ferguson Philadelphia Phillies Providence Grays 0 NL Ganzel , Charlie Charlie Ganzel ( 1 ) 21 000000001886 - 05 - 01 - 0000 May 1 , 1886 Atkinson , Al Al Atkinson ( 2 ) Philadelphia Athletics New York Metropolitans AA O'Brien , Jack Jack O'Brien 22 000000001886 - 07 - 24 - 0000 July 24 , 1886 Terry , Adonis Adonis Terry ( 1 ) Brooklyn Grays St. Louis Browns 0 AA Peoples , Jimmy Jimmy Peoples ( 1 ) 23 000000001886 - 10 - 06 - 0000 October 6 , 1886 Kilroy , Matt Matt Kilroy Baltimore Orioles 6 Pittsburgh Alleghenys 0 AA Dolan , Tom Tom Dolan 24 000000001888 - 05 - 27 - 0000 May 27 , 1888 Terry , Adonis Adonis Terry ( 2 ) Brooklyn Bridegrooms Louisville Colonels 0 AA Peoples , Jimmy Jimmy Peoples ( 2 ) 25 000000001888 - 06 - 06 - 0000 June 6 , 1888 Porter , Henry Henry Porter Kansas City Cowboys Baltimore Orioles 0 AA Daniels , Law Law Daniels 26 000000001888 - 07 - 26 - 0000 July 26 , 1888 Seward , Ed Ed Seward Philadelphia Athletics 12 Cincinnati Red Stockings AA Robinson , Wilbert Wilbert Robinson ( 1 ) 27 000000001888 - 07 - 31 - 0000 July 31 , 1888 Weyhing , Gus Gus Weyhing Philadelphia Athletics Kansas City Cowboys 0 AA Townsend , George George Townsend 28 000000001890 - 09 - 15 - 0000 September 15 , 1890 Titcomb , Ledell Ledell Titcomb Rochester Broncos 7 Syracuse Stars 0 AA Grim , John John Grim 29 000000001891 - 06 - 22 - 0000 June 22 , 1891 Lovett , Tom Tom Lovett Brooklyn Grooms New York Giants 0 NL Daily , Con Con Daily 30 000000001891 - 07 - 31 - 0000 July 31 , 1891 Rusie , Amos Amos Rusie New York Giants 6 Brooklyn Grooms 0 NL Buckley , Dick Dick Buckley 31 000000001891 - 10 - 04 - 0000 October 4 , 1891 Breitenstein , Ted Ted Breitenstein ( 1 ) St. Louis Browns 8 Louisville Colonels 0 AA Munyan , John John Munyan 32 000000001892 - 08 - 06 - 0000 August 6 , 1892 Stivetts , Jack Jack Stivetts Boston Beaneaters 11 Brooklyn Grooms 0 NL Ganzel , Charlie Charlie Ganzel ( 2 ) 33 000000001892 - 08 - 22 - 0000 August 22 , 1892 Sanders , Ben Ben Sanders Louisville Colonels 6 Baltimore Orioles NL Merritt , Bill Bill Merritt 34 000000001892 - 10 - 15 - 0000 October 15 , 1892 Jones , Bumpus Bumpus Jones Cincinnati Reds 7 Pittsburgh Pirates NL Vaughn , Farmer Farmer Vaughn 35 000000001893 - 08 - 16 - 0000 August 16 , 1893 Hawke , Bill Bill Hawke Baltimore Orioles 5 Washington Senators 0 NL Robinson , Wilbert Wilbert Robinson ( 2 ) 36 000000001897 - 09 - 18 - 0000 September 18 , 1897 Young , Cy Cy Young ( 1 ) Cleveland Spiders 6 Cincinnati Reds 0 NL Zimmer , Chief Chief Zimmer ( 1 ) 37 000000001898 - 04 - 22 - 0000 April 22 , 1898 Breitenstein , Ted Ted Breitenstein ( 2 ) Cincinnati Reds 11 Pittsburgh Pirates 0 NL Peitz , Heinie Heinie Peitz ( 1 ) 38 000000001898 - 04 - 22 - 0000 April 22 , 1898 Hughes , Jay Jay Hughes Baltimore Orioles 8 Boston Beaneaters 0 NL Clarke , Boileryard Boileryard Clarke 39 000000001898 - 07 - 08 - 0000 July 8 , 1898 Donahue , Red Red Donahue Philadelphia Phillies 5 Boston Beaneaters 0 NL McFarland , Ed Ed McFarland ( 1 ) 40 000000001898 - 08 - 21 - 0000 August 21 , 1898 Thornton , Walter Walter Thornton Chicago Orphans Brooklyn Bridegrooms 0 NL Donahue , Tim Tim Donahue 41 000000001899 - 05 - 25 - 0000 May 25 , 1899 Phillippe , Deacon Deacon Phillippe Louisville Colonels 7 New York Giants 0 NL Kittridge , Malachi Malachi Kittridge 42 000000001899 - 08 - 07 - 0000 August 7 , 1899 Willis , Vic Vic Willis Boston Beaneaters 7 Washington Senators NL Bergen , Marty Marty Bergen 43 000000001900 - 07 - 12 - 0000 July 12 , 1900 Hahn , Noodles Noodles Hahn Cincinnati Reds Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Peitz , Heinie Heinie Peitz ( 2 ) 44 000000001901 - 07 - 15 - 0000 July 15 , 1901 Mathewson , Christy Christy Mathewson ( 1 ) New York Giants 5 St. Louis Cardinals 0 NL Warner , Jack Jack Warner 45 000000001902 - 09 - 20 - 0000 September 20 , 1902 Callahan , Nixey Nixey Callahan Chicago White Sox Detroit Tigers 0 AL McFarland , Ed Ed McFarland ( 2 ) 46 000000001903 - 09 - 18 - 0000 September 18 , 1903 Fraser , Chick Chick Fraser Philadelphia Phillies 10 Chicago Cubs 0 NL Zimmer , Chief Chief Zimmer ( 2 ) 47 000000001904 - 05 - 05 - 0000 May 5 , 1904 Young , Cy Cy Young ( 2 ) Boston Americans Philadelphia Athletics 0 AL Criger , Lou Lou Criger ( 1 ) 48 000000001904 - 08 - 17 - 0000 August 17 , 1904 Tannehill , Jesse Jesse Tannehill Boston Americans 6 Chicago White Sox 0 AL Farrell , Duke Duke Farrell 49 000000001905 - 06 - 13 - 0000 June 13 , 1905 Mathewson , Christy Christy Mathewson ( 2 ) New York Giants Chicago Cubs 0 NL Bowerman , Frank Frank Bowerman 50 000000001905 - 07 - 22 - 0000 July 22 , 1905 Henley , Weldon Weldon Henley Philadelphia Athletics 6 St. Louis Browns 0 AL Barton , Harry Harry Barton 51 000000001905 - 09 - 06 - 0000 September 6 , 1905 Smith , Frank Frank Smith ( 1 ) Chicago White Sox 15 Detroit Tigers 0 AL McFarland , Ed Ed McFarland ( 3 ) 52 000000001905 - 09 - 27 - 0000 September 27 , 1905 Dinneen , Bill Bill Dinneen Boston Americans Chicago White Sox 0 AL Criger , Lou Lou Criger ( 2 ) 53 000000001906 - 05 - 01 - 0000 May 1 , 1906 Lush , Johnny Johnny Lush Philadelphia Phillies 6 Brooklyn Superbas 0 NL Dooin , Red Red Dooin 54 000000001906 - 07 - 20 - 0000 July 20 , 1906 Eason , Mal Mal Eason Brooklyn Superbas St. Louis Cardinals 0 NL Ritter , Lew Lew Ritter 55 000000001907 - 05 - 08 - 0000 May 8 , 1907 Pfeffer , Big Jeff Big Jeff Pfeffer Boston Doves 6 Cincinnati Reds 0 NL Brown , Sam Sam Brown 56 000000001907 - 09 - 20 - 0000 September 20 , 1907 Maddox , Nick Nick Maddox Pittsburgh Pirates Brooklyn Superbas NL Gibson , George George Gibson 57 000000001908 - 06 - 30 - 0000 June 30 , 1908 Young , Cy Cy Young ( 3 ) Boston Red Sox 8 New York Highlanders 0 AL Criger , Lou Lou Criger ( 3 ) 58 000000001908 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1908 Wiltse , Hooks Hooks Wiltse New York Giants Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Bresnahan , Roger Roger Bresnahan 59 000000001908 - 09 - 05 - 0000 September 5 , 1908 Rucker , Nap Nap Rucker Brooklyn Superbas 6 Boston Doves 0 NL Bergen , Bill Bill Bergen 60 000000001908 - 09 - 18 - 0000 September 18 , 1908 Rhoads , Bob Bob Rhoads Cleveland Naps Boston Red Sox AL Bemis , Harry Harry Bemis 61 000000001908 - 09 - 20 - 0000 September 20 , 1908 Smith , Frank Frank Smith ( 2 ) Chicago White Sox Philadelphia Athletics 0 AL Sullivan , Billy Billy Sullivan 62 000000001908 - 10 - 02 - 0000 October 2 , 1908 Joss , Addie Addie Joss ( 1 ) Cleveland Naps Chicago White Sox 0 AL Clarke , Nig Nig Clarke ( 1 ) 63 000000001910 - 04 - 20 - 0000 April 20 , 1910 Joss , Addie Addie Joss ( 2 ) Cleveland Naps Chicago White Sox 0 AL Clarke , Nig Nig Clarke ( 2 ) 64 000000001910 - 05 - 12 - 0000 May 12 , 1910 Bender , Chief Chief Bender Philadelphia Athletics Cleveland Naps 0 AL Thomas , Ira Ira Thomas 65 000000001911 - 07 - 29 - 0000 July 29 , 1911 Wood , Smoky Joe Smoky Joe Wood Boston Red Sox 5 St. Louis Browns 0 AL Carrigan , Bill Bill Carrigan ( 1 ) 66 000000001911 - 08 - 27 - 0000 August 27 , 1911 Walsh , Ed Ed Walsh Chicago White Sox 5 Boston Red Sox 0 AL Block , Bruno Bruno Block 67 000000001912 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1912 Mullin , George George Mullin Detroit Tigers 7 St. Louis Browns 0 AL Stanage , Oscar Oscar Stanage 68 000000001912 - 08 - 30 - 0000 August 30 , 1912 Hamilton , Earl Earl Hamilton St. Louis Browns 5 Detroit Tigers AL Alexander , Walt Walt Alexander 69 000000001912 - 09 - 06 - 0000 September 6 , 1912 Tesreau , Jeff Jeff Tesreau New York Giants Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Wilson , Art Art Wilson ( 1 ) 70 000000001914 - 05 - 31 - 0000 May 31 , 1914 Benz , Joe Joe Benz Chicago White Sox 6 Cleveland Naps AL Schalk , Ray Ray Schalk ( 1 ) 71 000000001914 - 09 - 09 - 0000 September 9 , 1914 Davis , Iron Iron Davis Boston Braves 7 Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Gowdy , Hank Hank Gowdy 72 000000001914 - 09 - 19 - 0000 September 19 , 1914 Lafitte , Ed Ed Lafitte Brooklyn Tip - Tops 6 Kansas City Packers FL Owens , Yip Yip Owens 73 000000001915 - 04 - 15 - 0000 April 15 , 1915 Marquard , Rube Rube Marquard New York Giants Brooklyn Robins 0 NL Meyers , Chief Chief Meyers 74 000000001915 - 04 - 24 - 0000 April 24 , 1915 Allen , Frank Frank Allen Pittsburgh Rebels St. Louis Terriers 0 FL Berry , Claude Claude Berry 75 000000001915 - 05 - 15 - 0000 May 15 , 1915 Hendrix , Claude Claude Hendrix Chicago Chi - Feds / Whales 10 Pittsburgh Rebels 0 FL Wilson , Art Art Wilson ( 2 ) 76 000000001915 - 08 - 16 - 0000 August 16 , 1915 Main , Alex Alex Main Kansas City Packers 5 Buffalo Buffeds / Blues 0 FL Easterly , Ted Ted Easterly 77 000000001915 - 08 - 31 - 0000 August 31 , 1915 Lavender , Jimmy Jimmy Lavender Chicago Cubs New York Giants 0 NL Archer , Jimmy Jimmy Archer 78 000000001915 - 09 - 07 - 0000 September 7 , 1915 Davenport , Dave Dave Davenport St. Louis Terriers Chicago Chi - Feds / Whales 0 FL Hartley , Grover Grover Hartley 79 000000001916 - 06 - 16 - 0000 June 16 , 1916 Hughes , Tom L. Tom L. Hughes Boston Braves Pittsburgh Pirates 0 NL Tragesser , Walt Walt Tragesser 80 000000001916 - 06 - 21 - 0000 June 21 , 1916 Foster , Rube Rube Foster Boston Red Sox New York Yankees 0 AL Carrigan , Bill Bill Carrigan ( 2 ) 81 000000001916 - 08 - 26 - 0000 August 26 , 1916 Bush , Bullet Joe Bullet Joe Bush Philadelphia Athletics 5 Cleveland Indians 0 AL Picinich , Val Val Picinich ( 1 ) 82 000000001916 - 08 - 30 - 0000 August 30 , 1916 Leonard , Dutch Dutch Leonard ( 1 ) Boston Red Sox St. Louis Browns 0 AL Carrigan , Bill Bill Carrigan ( 3 ) 83 000000001917 - 04 - 14 - 0000 April 14 , 1917 Cicotte , Eddie Eddie Cicotte Chicago White Sox 11 St. Louis Browns 0 AL Schalk , Ray Ray Schalk ( 2 ) 84 000000001917 - 04 - 24 - 0000 April 24 , 1917 Mogridge , George George Mogridge New York Yankees Boston Red Sox AL Nunamaker , Les Les Nunamaker 85 000000001917 - 05 - 02 - 0000 May 2 , 1917 Toney , Fred Fred Toney Cincinnati Reds Chicago Cubs 0 NL Huhn , Emil Emil Huhn 86 000000001917 - 05 - 05 - 0000 May 5 , 1917 Koob , Ernie Ernie Koob St. Louis Browns Chicago White Sox 0 AL Severeid , Hank Hank Severeid ( 1 ) 87 000000001917 - 05 - 06 - 0000 May 6 , 1917 Groom , Bob Bob Groom St. Louis Browns Chicago White Sox 0 AL Severeid , Hank Hank Severeid ( 2 ) 88 000000001917 - 06 - 23 - 0000 June 23 , 1917 Ruth , Babe Babe Ruth ( 0 IP ) Ernie Shore ( 9 IP ) Boston Red Sox Washington Senators 0 AL Thomas , Pinch Pinch Thomas ( 0 IP ) Sam Agnew ( 9 IP ) 89 000000001918 - 06 - 03 - 0000 June 3 , 1918 Leonard , Dutch Dutch Leonard ( 2 ) Boston Red Sox 5 Detroit Tigers 0 AL Schang , Wally Wally Schang 90 000000001919 - 05 - 11 - 0000 May 11 , 1919 Eller , Hod Hod Eller Cincinnati Reds 6 St. Louis Cardinals 0 NL Rariden , Bill Bill Rariden 91 000000001919 - 09 - 10 - 0000 September 10 , 1919 Caldwell , Ray Ray Caldwell Cleveland Indians New York Yankees 0 AL O'Neill , Steve Steve O'Neill 92 000000001920 - 07 - 01 - 0000 July 1 , 1920 Johnson , Walter Walter Johnson Washington Senators Boston Red Sox 0 AL Picinich , Val Val Picinich ( 2 ) 93 000000001922 - 04 - 30 - 0000 April 30 , 1922 Robertson , Charlie Charlie Robertson Chicago White Sox Detroit Tigers 0 AL Schalk , Ray Ray Schalk ( 3 ) 94 000000001922 - 05 - 07 - 0000 May 7 , 1922 Barnes , Jesse Jesse Barnes New York Giants 6 Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Smith , Earl Earl Smith 95 000000001923 - 09 - 04 - 0000 September 4 , 1923 Jones , Sad Sam Sad Sam Jones New York Yankees Philadelphia Athletics 0 AL Hofmann , Fred Fred Hofmann 96 000000001923 - 09 - 07 - 0000 September 7 , 1923 Ehmke , Howard Howard Ehmke Boston Red Sox Philadelphia Athletics 0 AL Picinich , Val Val Picinich ( 3 ) 97 000000001924 - 07 - 17 - 0000 July 17 , 1924 Haines , Jesse Jesse Haines St. Louis Cardinals 5 Boston Braves 0 NL González , Mike Mike González 98 000000001925 - 09 - 13 - 0000 September 13 , 1925 Vance , Dazzy Dazzy Vance Brooklyn Robins 10 Philadelphia Phillies NL DeBerry , Hank Hank DeBerry 99 000000001926 - 08 - 21 - 0000 August 21 , 1926 Lyons , Ted Ted Lyons Chicago White Sox 6 Boston Red Sox 0 AL Grabowski , Johnny Johnny Grabowski 100 000000001929 - 05 - 08 - 0000 May 8 , 1929 Hubbell , Carl Carl Hubbell New York Giants 11 Pittsburgh Pirates 0 NL Bob O'Farrell 101 000000001931 - 04 - 29 - 0000 April 29 , 1931 Ferrell , Wes Wes Ferrell Cleveland Indians 9 St. Louis Browns 0 AL Sewell , Luke Luke Sewell ( 1 ) 102 000000001931 - 08 - 08 - 0000 August 8 , 1931 Burke , Bobby Bobby Burke Washington Senators 5 Boston Red Sox 0 AL Spencer , Roy Roy Spencer 103 000000001934 - 09 - 21 - 0000 September 21 , 1934 Dean , Paul Paul Dean St. Louis Cardinals Brooklyn Dodgers 0 NL DeLancey , Bill Bill DeLancey 104 000000001935 - 08 - 31 - 0000 August 31 , 1935 Kennedy , Vern Vern Kennedy Chicago White Sox 5 Cleveland Indians 0 AL Sewell , Luke Luke Sewell ( 2 ) 105 000000001937 - 06 - 01 - 0000 June 1 , 1937 Dietrich , Bill Bill Dietrich Chicago White Sox 8 St. Louis Browns 0 AL Sewell , Luke Luke Sewell ( 3 ) 106 000000001938 - 06 - 11 - 0000 June 11 , 1938 Vander Meer , Johnny Johnny Vander Meer ( 1 ) Cincinnati Reds Boston Bees 0 NL Lombardi , Ernie Ernie Lombardi ( 1 ) 107 000000001938 - 06 - 15 - 0000 June 15 , 1938 Vander Meer , Johnny Johnny Vander Meer ( 2 ) Cincinnati Reds 6 Brooklyn Dodgers 0 NL Lombardi , Ernie Ernie Lombardi ( 2 ) 108 000000001938 - 08 - 27 - 0000 August 27 , 1938 Pearson , Monte Monte Pearson New York Yankees 13 Cleveland Indians 0 AL Glenn , Joe Joe Glenn 109 000000001940 - 04 - 16 - 0000 April 16 , 1940 Feller , Bob Bob Feller ( 1 ) Cleveland Indians Chicago White Sox 0 AL Hemsley , Rollie Rollie Hemsley 110 000000001940 - 04 - 30 - 0000 April 30 , 1940 Carleton , Tex Tex Carleton Brooklyn Dodgers Cincinnati Reds 0 NL Herman Franks 111 000000001941 - 08 - 30 - 0000 August 30 , 1941 Warneke , Lon Lon Warneke St. Louis Cardinals Cincinnati Reds 0 NL Cooper , Walker Walker Cooper ( 1 ) 112 000000001944 - 04 - 27 - 0000 April 27 , 1944 Tobin , Jim Jim Tobin Boston Braves Brooklyn Dodgers 0 NL Masi , Phil Phil Masi 113 000000001944 - 05 - 15 - 0000 May 15 , 1944 Shoun , Clyde Clyde Shoun Cincinnati Reds Boston Braves 0 NL Mueller , Ray Ray Mueller 114 000000001945 - 09 - 09 - 0000 September 9 , 1945 Fowler , Dick Dick Fowler Philadelphia Athletics St. Louis Browns 0 AL Rosar , Buddy Buddy Rosar ( 1 ) 115 000000001946 - 04 - 23 - 0000 April 23 , 1946 Head , Ed Ed Head Brooklyn Dodgers 5 Boston Braves 0 NL Anderson , Ferrell Ferrell Anderson 116 000000001946 - 04 - 30 - 0000 April 30 , 1946 Feller , Bob Bob Feller ( 2 ) Cleveland Indians New York Yankees 0 AL Hayes , Frankie Frankie Hayes 117 000000001947 - 06 - 18 - 0000 June 18 , 1947 Blackwell , Ewell Ewell Blackwell Cincinnati Reds 6 Boston Braves 0 NL Lamanno , Ray Ray Lamanno 118 000000001947 - 07 - 10 - 0000 July 10 , 1947 Black , Don Don Black Cleveland Indians Philadelphia Athletics 0 AL Hegan , Jim Jim Hegan ( 1 ) 119 000000001947 - 09 - 03 - 0000 September 3 , 1947 McCahan , Bill Bill McCahan Philadelphia Athletics Washington Senators 0 AL Rosar , Buddy Buddy Rosar ( 2 ) 120 000000001948 - 06 - 30 - 0000 June 30 , 1948 Lemon , Bob Bob Lemon Cleveland Indians Detroit Tigers 0 AL Hegan , Jim Jim Hegan ( 2 ) 121 000000001948 - 09 - 09 - 0000 September 9 , 1948 Barney , Rex Rex Barney Brooklyn Dodgers New York Giants 0 NL Edwards , Bruce Bruce Edwards 122 000000001950 - 08 - 11 - 0000 August 11 , 1950 Bickford , Vern Vern Bickford Boston Braves 7 Brooklyn Dodgers 0 NL Cooper , Walker Walker Cooper ( 2 ) 123 000000001951 - 05 - 06 - 0000 May 6 , 1951 Chambers , Cliff Cliff Chambers Pittsburgh Pirates Boston Braves 0 NL Fitz Gerald , Ed Ed Fitz Gerald 124 000000001951 - 07 - 01 - 0000 July 1 , 1951 Feller , Bob Bob Feller ( 3 ) Cleveland Indians Detroit Tigers AL Hegan , Jim Jim Hegan ( 3 ) 125 000000001951 - 07 - 12 - 0000 July 12 , 1951 Reynolds , Allie Allie Reynolds ( 1 ) New York Yankees Cleveland Indians 0 AL Berra , Yogi Yogi Berra ( 1 ) 126 000000001951 - 09 - 28 - 0000 September 28 , 1951 Reynolds , Allie Allie Reynolds ( 2 ) New York Yankees 8 Boston Red Sox 0 AL Berra , Yogi Yogi Berra ( 2 ) 127 000000001952 - 05 - 15 - 0000 May 15 , 1952 Trucks , Virgil Virgil Trucks ( 1 ) Detroit Tigers Washington Senators 0 AL Ginsberg , Joe Joe Ginsberg 128 000000001952 - 06 - 19 - 0000 June 19 , 1952 Erskine , Carl Carl Erskine ( 1 ) Brooklyn Dodgers 5 Chicago Cubs 0 NL Campanella , Roy Roy Campanella ( 1 ) 129 000000001952 - 08 - 25 - 0000 August 25 , 1952 Trucks , Virgil Virgil Trucks ( 2 ) Detroit Tigers New York Yankees 0 AL Batts , Matt Matt Batts 130 000000001953 - 05 - 06 - 0000 May 6 , 1953 Holloman , Bobo Bobo Holloman St. Louis Browns 6 Philadelphia Athletics 0 AL Moss , Les Les Moss 131 000000001954 - 06 - 12 - 0000 June 12 , 1954 Wilson , Jim Jim Wilson Milwaukee Braves Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Crandall , Del Del Crandall ( 1 ) 132 000000001955 - 05 - 12 - 0000 May 12 , 1955 Jones , Sam Sam Jones Chicago Cubs Pittsburgh Pirates 0 NL McCullough , Clyde Clyde McCullough 133 000000001956 - 05 - 12 - 0000 May 12 , 1956 Erskine , Carl Carl Erskine ( 2 ) Brooklyn Dodgers New York Giants 0 NL Campanella , Roy Roy Campanella ( 2 ) 134 000000001956 - 07 - 14 - 0000 July 14 , 1956 Parnell , Mel Mel Parnell Boston Red Sox Chicago White Sox 0 AL White , Sammy Sammy White 135 000000001956 - 09 - 25 - 0000 September 25 , 1956 Maglie , Sal Sal Maglie Brooklyn Dodgers 5 Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Campanella , Roy Roy Campanella ( 3 ) 136 000000001956 - 10 - 08 - 0000 October 8 , 1956 Larsen , Don Don Larsen New York Yankees ( AL ) Brooklyn Dodgers ( NL ) 0 WS Berra , Yogi Yogi Berra ( 3 ) 137 000000001957 - 08 - 20 - 0000 August 20 , 1957 Keegan , Bob Bob Keegan Chicago White Sox 6 Washington Senators 0 AL Lollar , Sherm Sherm Lollar 138 000000001958 - 07 - 20 - 0000 July 20 , 1958 Bunning , Jim Jim Bunning ( 1 ) Detroit Tigers Boston Red Sox 0 AL Wilson , Red Red Wilson 139 000000001958 - 09 - 20 - 0000 September 20 , 1958 Wilhelm , Hoyt Hoyt Wilhelm Baltimore Orioles New York Yankees 0 AL Triandos , Gus Gus Triandos ( 1 ) 140 000000001960 - 05 - 15 - 0000 May 15 , 1960 Cardwell , Don Don Cardwell Chicago Cubs St. Louis Cardinals 0 NL Rice , Del Del Rice 141 000000001960 - 08 - 18 - 0000 August 18 , 1960 Burdette , Lew Lew Burdette Milwaukee Braves Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Crandall , Del Del Crandall ( 2 ) 142 000000001960 - 09 - 16 - 0000 September 16 , 1960 Spahn , Warren Warren Spahn ( 1 ) Milwaukee Braves Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Crandall , Del Del Crandall ( 3 ) 143 000000001961 - 04 - 28 - 0000 April 28 , 1961 Spahn , Warren Warren Spahn ( 2 ) Milwaukee Braves San Francisco Giants 0 NL Lau , Charley Charley Lau 144 000000001962 - 05 - 05 - 0000 May 5 , 1962 Belinsky , Bo Bo Belinsky Los Angeles Angels Baltimore Orioles 0 AL Rodgers , Buck Buck Rodgers 145 000000001962 - 06 - 26 - 0000 June 26 , 1962 Wilson , Earl Earl Wilson Boston Red Sox Los Angeles Angels 0 AL Tillman , Bob Bob Tillman ( 1 ) 146 000000001962 - 06 - 30 - 0000 June 30 , 1962 Koufax , Sandy Sandy Koufax ( 1 ) Los Angeles Dodgers 5 New York Mets 0 NL Roseboro , Johnny Johnny Roseboro ( 1 ) 147 000000001962 - 08 - 01 - 0000 August 1 , 1962 Monbouquette , Bill Bill Monbouquette Boston Red Sox Chicago White Sox 0 AL Pagliaroni , Jim Jim Pagliaroni ( 1 ) 148 000000001962 - 08 - 26 - 0000 August 26 , 1962 Kralick , Jack Jack Kralick Minnesota Twins Kansas City Athletics 0 AL Battey , Earl Earl Battey 149 000000001963 - 05 - 11 - 0000 May 11 , 1963 Koufax , Sandy Sandy Koufax ( 2 ) Los Angeles Dodgers 8 San Francisco Giants 0 NL Roseboro , Johnny Johnny Roseboro ( 2 ) 150 000000001963 - 05 - 17 - 0000 May 17 , 1963 Nottebart , Don Don Nottebart Houston Colt . 45s Philadelphia Phillies NL Bateman , John John Bateman ( 1 ) 151 000000001963 - 06 - 15 - 0000 June 15 , 1963 Marichal , Juan Juan Marichal San Francisco Giants Houston Colt . 45s 0 NL Bailey , Ed Ed Bailey 152 000000001964 - 04 - 23 - 0000 April 23 , 1964 Johnson , Ken Ken Johnson Houston Colt . 45s 0 Cincinnati Reds NL Grote , Jerry Jerry Grote 153 000000001964 - 06 - 04 - 0000 June 4 , 1964 Koufax , Sandy Sandy Koufax ( 3 ) Los Angeles Dodgers Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Camilli , Doug Doug Camilli 154 000000001964 - 06 - 21 - 0000 June 21 , 1964 Bunning , Jim Jim Bunning ( 2 ) Philadelphia Phillies 6 New York Mets 0 NL Triandos , Gus Gus Triandos ( 2 ) 155 000000001965 - 08 - 19 - 0000 August 19 , 1965 Maloney , Jim Jim Maloney ( 1 ) Cincinnati Reds Chicago Cubs 0 NL Edwards , Johnny Johnny Edwards ( 1 ) 156 000000001965 - 09 - 09 - 0000 September 9 , 1965 Koufax , Sandy Sandy Koufax ( 4 ) Los Angeles Dodgers Chicago Cubs 0 NL Torborg , Jeff Jeff Torborg ( 1 ) 157 000000001965 - 09 - 16 - 0000 September 16 , 1965 Morehead , Dave Dave Morehead Boston Red Sox Cleveland Indians 0 AL Tillman , Bob Bob Tillman ( 2 ) 158 000000001966 - 06 - 10 - 0000 June 10 , 1966 Siebert , Sonny Sonny Siebert Cleveland Indians Washington Senators 0 AL Azcue , Joe Joe Azcue ( 1 ) 159 000000001967 - 04 - 30 - 0000 April 30 , 1967 Barber , Steve Steve Barber ( 8 ⁄ IP ) Stu Miller ( ⁄ IP ) Baltimore Orioles Detroit Tigers AL Etchebarren , Andy Andy Etchebarren ( 8 IP ) Larry Haney ( 1 IP ) 160 000000001967 - 06 - 18 - 0000 June 18 , 1967 Wilson , Don Don Wilson ( 1 ) Houston Astros Atlanta Braves 0 NL Adlesh , Dave Dave Adlesh 161 000000001967 - 08 - 25 - 0000 August 25 , 1967 Chance , Dean Dean Chance Minnesota Twins Cleveland Indians AL Zimmerman , Jerry Jerry Zimmerman 162 000000001967 - 09 - 10 - 0000 September 10 , 1967 Horlen , Joel Joel Horlen Chicago White Sox 6 Detroit Tigers 0 AL Martin , J.C. J.C. Martin 163 000000001968 - 04 - 27 - 0000 April 27 , 1968 Phoebus , Tom Tom Phoebus Baltimore Orioles 6 Boston Red Sox 0 AL Blefary , Curt Curt Blefary 164 000000001968 - 05 - 08 - 0000 May 8 , 1968 Hunter , Catfish Catfish Hunter Oakland Athletics Minnesota Twins 0 AL Pagliaroni , Jim Jim Pagliaroni ( 2 ) 165 000000001968 - 07 - 29 - 0000 July 29 , 1968 Culver , George George Culver Cincinnati Reds 6 Philadelphia Phillies NL Pat Corrales 166 000000001968 - 09 - 17 - 0000 September 17 , 1968 Perry , Gaylord Gaylord Perry San Francisco Giants St. Louis Cardinals 0 NL Dick Dietz 167 000000001968 - 09 - 18 - 0000 September 18 , 1968 Washburn , Ray Ray Washburn St. Louis Cardinals San Francisco Giants 0 NL Edwards , Johnny Johnny Edwards ( 2 ) 168 000000001969 - 04 - 17 - 0000 April 17 , 1969 Stoneman , Bill Bill Stoneman ( 1 ) Montreal Expos 7 Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Bateman , John John Bateman ( 2 ) 169 000000001969 - 04 - 30 - 0000 April 30 , 1969 Maloney , Jim Jim Maloney ( 2 ) Cincinnati Reds 10 Houston Astros 0 NL Bench , Johnny Johnny Bench 170 000000001969 - 05 - 01 - 0000 May 1 , 1969 Wilson , Don Don Wilson ( 2 ) Houston Astros Cincinnati Reds 0 NL Bryant , Don Don Bryant 171 000000001969 - 08 - 13 - 0000 August 13 , 1969 Palmer , Jim Jim Palmer Baltimore Orioles 8 Oakland Athletics 0 AL Hendricks , Ellie Ellie Hendricks 172 000000001969 - 08 - 19 - 0000 August 19 , 1969 Holtzman , Ken Ken Holtzman ( 1 ) Chicago Cubs Atlanta Braves 0 NL Heath , Bill Bill Heath ( 7 ⁄ IP ) Gene Oliver ( 1 ⁄ IP ) 173 000000001969 - 09 - 20 - 0000 September 20 , 1969 Moose , Bob Bob Moose Pittsburgh Pirates New York Mets 0 NL Manny Sanguillén 174 000000001970 - 06 - 12 - 0000 June 12 , 1970 Ellis , Dock Dock Ellis Pittsburgh Pirates San Diego Padres 0 NL Jerry May 175 000000001970 - 07 - 03 - 0000 July 3 , 1970 Wright , Clyde Clyde Wright California Angels Oakland Athletics 0 AL Azcue , Joe Joe Azcue ( 2 ) 176 000000001970 - 07 - 20 - 0000 July 20 , 1970 Singer , Bill Bill Singer Los Angeles Dodgers 5 Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Torborg , Jeff Jeff Torborg ( 2 ) 177 000000001970 - 09 - 21 - 0000 September 21 , 1970 Blue , Vida Vida Blue ( 1 ) Oakland Athletics 6 Minnesota Twins 0 AL Tenace , Gene Gene Tenace ( 1 ) 178 000000001971 - 06 - 03 - 0000 June 3 , 1971 Holtzman , Ken Ken Holtzman ( 2 ) Chicago Cubs Cincinnati Reds 0 NL Breeden , Danny Danny Breeden 179 000000001971 - 06 - 23 - 0000 June 23 , 1971 Wise , Rick Rick Wise Philadelphia Phillies Cincinnati Reds 0 NL McCarver , Tim Tim McCarver ( 1 ) 180 000000001971 - 08 - 14 - 0000 August 14 , 1971 Gibson , Bob Bob Gibson St. Louis Cardinals 11 Pittsburgh Pirates 0 NL Simmons , Ted Ted Simmons ( 1 ) 181 000000001972 - 04 - 16 - 0000 April 16 , 1972 Hooton , Burt Burt Hooton Chicago Cubs Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Hundley , Randy Randy Hundley ( 1 ) 182 000000001972 - 09 - 02 - 0000 September 2 , 1972 Pappas , Milt Milt Pappas Chicago Cubs 8 San Diego Padres 0 NL Hundley , Randy Randy Hundley ( 2 ) 183 000000001972 - 10 - 02 - 0000 October 2 , 1972 Stoneman , Bill Bill Stoneman ( 2 ) Montreal Expos 7 New York Mets 0 NL McCarver , Tim Tim McCarver ( 2 ) 184 000000001973 - 04 - 27 - 0000 April 27 , 1973 Busby , Steve Steve Busby ( 1 ) Kansas City Royals Detroit Tigers 0 AL Healy , Fran Fran Healy ( 1 ) 185 000000001973 - 05 - 15 - 0000 May 15 , 1973 Ryan , Nolan Nolan Ryan ( 1 ) California Angels Kansas City Royals 0 AL Torborg , Jeff Jeff Torborg ( 3 ) 186 000000001973 - 07 - 15 - 0000 July 15 , 1973 Ryan , Nolan Nolan Ryan ( 2 ) California Angels 6 Detroit Tigers 0 AL Kusnyer , Art Art Kusnyer 187 000000001973 - 07 - 30 - 0000 July 30 , 1973 Bibby , Jim Jim Bibby Texas Rangers 6 Oakland Athletics 0 AL Billings , Dick Dick Billings 188 000000001973 - 08 - 05 - 0000 August 5 , 1973 Niekro , Phil Phil Niekro Atlanta Braves 9 San Diego Padres 0 NL Paul Casanova 189 000000001974 - 06 - 19 - 0000 June 19 , 1974 Busby , Steve Steve Busby ( 2 ) Kansas City Royals Milwaukee Brewers 0 AL Healy , Fran Fran Healy ( 2 ) 190 000000001974 - 07 - 19 - 0000 July 19 , 1974 Bosman , Dick Dick Bosman Cleveland Indians Oakland Athletics 0 AL Ellis , John John Ellis 191 000000001974 - 09 - 28 - 0000 September 28 , 1974 Ryan , Nolan Nolan Ryan ( 3 ) California Angels Minnesota Twins 0 AL Egan , Tom Tom Egan 192 000000001975 - 06 - 01 - 0000 June 1 , 1975 Ryan , Nolan Nolan Ryan ( 4 ) California Angels Baltimore Orioles 0 AL Rodríguez , Ellie Ellie Rodríguez 193 000000001975 - 08 - 24 - 0000 August 24 , 1975 Halicki , Ed Ed Halicki San Francisco Giants 6 New York Mets 0 NL Rader , Dave Dave Rader 194 000000001975 - 09 - 28 - 0000 September 28 , 1975 Blue , Vida Vida Blue ( 2 ) ( 5 IP ) Glenn Abbott ( 1 IP ) Paul Lindblad ( 1 IP ) Rollie Fingers ( 2 IP ) Oakland Athletics 5 California Angels 0 AL Tenace , Gene Gene Tenace ( 2 ) ( 6 IP ) Ray Fosse ( 1 ) ( 3 IP ) 195 000000001976 - 07 - 09 - 0000 July 9 , 1976 Dierker , Larry Larry Dierker Houston Astros 6 Montreal Expos 0 NL Herrmann , Ed Ed Herrmann 196 000000001976 - 07 - 28 - 0000 July 28 , 1976 Odom , Blue Moon Blue Moon Odom ( 5 IP ) Francisco Barrios ( 4 IP ) Chicago White Sox Oakland Athletics AL Essian , Jim Jim Essian 197 000000001976 - 08 - 09 - 0000 August 9 , 1976 Candelaria , John John Candelaria Pittsburgh Pirates Los Angeles Dodgers 0 NL Dyer , Duffy Duffy Dyer 198 000000001976 - 09 - 29 - 0000 September 29 , 1976 Montefusco , John John Montefusco San Francisco Giants 9 Atlanta Braves 0 NL Alexander , Gary Gary Alexander 199 000000001977 - 05 - 14 - 0000 May 14 , 1977 Colborn , Jim Jim Colborn Kansas City Royals 6 Texas Rangers 0 AL Porter , Darrell Darrell Porter ( 1 ) 200 000000001977 - 05 - 30 - 0000 May 30 , 1977 Eckersley , Dennis Dennis Eckersley Cleveland Indians California Angels 0 AL Fosse , Ray Ray Fosse ( 2 ) 201 000000001977 - 09 - 22 - 0000 September 22 , 1977 Blyleven , Bert Bert Blyleven Texas Rangers 6 California Angels 0 AL Sundberg , Jim Jim Sundberg 202 000000001978 - 04 - 16 - 0000 April 16 , 1978 Forsch , Bob Bob Forsch ( 1 ) St. Louis Cardinals 5 Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Simmons , Ted Ted Simmons ( 2 ) 203 000000001978 - 06 - 16 - 0000 June 16 , 1978 Seaver , Tom Tom Seaver Cincinnati Reds St. Louis Cardinals 0 NL Werner , Don Don Werner 204 000000001979 - 04 - 07 - 0000 April 7 , 1979 Forsch , Ken Ken Forsch Houston Astros 6 Atlanta Braves 0 NL Ashby , Alan Alan Ashby ( 1 ) 205 000000001980 - 06 - 27 - 0000 June 27 , 1980 Reuss , Jerry Jerry Reuss Los Angeles Dodgers 8 San Francisco Giants 0 NL Yeager , Steve Steve Yeager 206 000000001981 - 05 - 10 - 0000 May 10 , 1981 Lea , Charlie Charlie Lea Montreal Expos San Francisco Giants 0 NL Carter , Gary Gary Carter 207 000000001981 - 05 - 15 - 0000 May 15 , 1981 Barker , Len Len Barker Cleveland Indians Toronto Blue Jays 0 AL Hassey , Ron Ron Hassey ( 1 ) 208 000000001981 - 09 - 26 - 0000 September 26 , 1981 Ryan , Nolan Nolan Ryan ( 5 ) Houston Astros 5 Los Angeles Dodgers 0 NL Ashby , Alan Alan Ashby ( 2 ) 209 000000001983 - 07 - 04 - 0000 July 4 , 1983 Righetti , Dave Dave Righetti New York Yankees Boston Red Sox 0 AL Wynegar , Butch Butch Wynegar 210 000000001983 - 09 - 26 - 0000 September 26 , 1983 Forsch , Bob Bob Forsch ( 2 ) St. Louis Cardinals Montreal Expos 0 NL Porter , Darrell Darrell Porter ( 2 ) 211 000000001983 - 09 - 29 - 0000 September 29 , 1983 Warren , Mike Mike Warren Oakland Athletics Chicago White Sox 0 AL Heath , Mike Mike Heath 212 000000001984 - 04 - 07 - 0000 April 7 , 1984 Morris , Jack Jack Morris Detroit Tigers Chicago White Sox 0 AL Parrish , Lance Lance Parrish ( 1 ) 213 000000001984 - 09 - 30 - 0000 September 30 , 1984 Witt , Mike Mike Witt ( 1 ) California Angels Texas Rangers 0 AL Boone , Bob Bob Boone 214 000000001986 - 09 - 19 - 0000 September 19 , 1986 Cowley , Joe Joe Cowley Chicago White Sox 7 California Angels AL Karkovice , Ron Ron Karkovice ( 1 ) 215 000000001986 - 09 - 25 - 0000 September 25 , 1986 Scott , Mike Mike Scott Houston Astros San Francisco Giants 0 NL Ashby , Alan Alan Ashby ( 3 ) 216 000000001987 - 04 - 15 - 0000 April 15 , 1987 Nieves , Juan Juan Nieves Milwaukee Brewers 7 Baltimore Orioles 0 AL Schroeder , Bill Bill Schroeder 217 000000001988 - 09 - 16 - 0000 September 16 , 1988 Browning , Tom Tom Browning Cincinnati Reds Los Angeles Dodgers 0 NL Reed , Jeff Jeff Reed 218 000000001990 - 04 - 11 - 0000 April 11 , 1990 Langston , Mark Mark Langston ( 7 IP ) Mike Witt ( 2 ) ( 2 IP ) California Angels Seattle Mariners 0 AL Parrish , Lance Lance Parrish ( 2 ) 219 000000001990 - 06 - 02 - 0000 June 2 , 1990 Johnson , Randy Randy Johnson ( 1 ) Seattle Mariners Detroit Tigers 0 AL Bradley , Scott Scott Bradley 220 000000001990 - 06 - 11 - 0000 June 11 , 1990 Ryan , Nolan Nolan Ryan ( 6 ) Texas Rangers 5 Oakland Athletics 0 AL Russell , John John Russell 221 000000001990 - 06 - 29 - 0000 June 29 , 1990 Stewart , Dave Dave Stewart Oakland Athletics 5 Toronto Blue Jays 0 AL Steinbach , Terry Terry Steinbach ( 1 ) 222 000000001990 - 06 - 29 - 0000 June 29 , 1990 Valenzuela , Fernando Fernando Valenzuela Los Angeles Dodgers 6 St. Louis Cardinals 0 NL Scioscia , Mike Mike Scioscia ( 1 ) 223 000000001990 - 08 - 15 - 0000 August 15 , 1990 Mulholland , Terry Terry Mulholland Philadelphia Phillies 6 San Francisco Giants 0 NL Daulton , Darren Darren Daulton 224 000000001990 - 09 - 02 - 0000 September 2 , 1990 Stieb , Dave Dave Stieb Toronto Blue Jays Cleveland Indians 0 AL Borders , Pat Pat Borders 225 000000001991 - 05 - 01 - 0000 May 1 , 1991 Ryan , Nolan Nolan Ryan ( 7 ) Texas Rangers Toronto Blue Jays 0 AL Stanley , Mike Mike Stanley 226 000000001991 - 05 - 23 - 0000 May 23 , 1991 Greene , Tommy Tommy Greene Philadelphia Phillies Montreal Expos 0 NL Fletcher , Darrin Darrin Fletcher 227 000000001991 - 07 - 13 - 0000 July 13 , 1991 Milacki , Bob Bob Milacki ( 6 IP ) Mike Flanagan ( 1 IP ) Mark Williamson ( 1 IP ) Gregg Olson ( 1 IP ) Baltimore Orioles Oakland Athletics 0 AL Hoiles , Chris Chris Hoiles 228 000000001991 - 07 - 28 - 0000 July 28 , 1991 Martínez , Dennis Dennis Martínez Montreal Expos Los Angeles Dodgers 0 NL Hassey , Ron Ron Hassey ( 2 ) 229 000000001991 - 08 - 11 - 0000 August 11 , 1991 Álvarez , Wilson Wilson Álvarez Chicago White Sox 7 Baltimore Orioles 0 AL Karkovice , Ron Ron Karkovice ( 2 ) 230 000000001991 - 08 - 26 - 0000 August 26 , 1991 Saberhagen , Bret Bret Saberhagen Kansas City Royals 7 Chicago White Sox 0 AL Mayne , Brent Brent Mayne 231 000000001991 - 09 - 11 - 0000 September 11 , 1991 Mercker , Kent Kent Mercker ( 1 ) ( 6 IP ) Mark Wohlers ( 2 IP ) Alejandro Peña ( 1 IP ) Atlanta Braves San Diego Padres 0 NL Olson , Greg Greg Olson 232 000000001992 - 08 - 17 - 0000 August 17 , 1992 Gross , Kevin Kevin Gross Los Angeles Dodgers San Francisco Giants 0 NL Scioscia , Mike Mike Scioscia ( 2 ) 233 000000001993 - 04 - 22 - 0000 April 22 , 1993 Bosio , Chris Chris Bosio Seattle Mariners Boston Red Sox 0 AL Valle , Dave Dave Valle 234 000000001993 - 09 - 04 - 0000 September 4 , 1993 Abbott , Jim Jim Abbott New York Yankees Cleveland Indians 0 AL Nokes , Matt Matt Nokes 235 000000001993 - 09 - 08 - 0000 September 8 , 1993 Kile , Darryl Darryl Kile Houston Astros 7 New York Mets NL Servais , Scott Scott Servais ( 1 ) 236 000000001994 - 04 - 08 - 0000 April 8 , 1994 Mercker , Kent Kent Mercker ( 2 ) Atlanta Braves 6 Los Angeles Dodgers 0 NL Lopez , Javy Javy Lopez 237 000000001994 - 04 - 27 - 0000 April 27 , 1994 Erickson , Scott Scott Erickson Minnesota Twins 6 Milwaukee Brewers 0 AL Walbeck , Matt Matt Walbeck 238 000000001994 - 07 - 28 - 0000 July 28 , 1994 Rogers , Kenny Kenny Rogers Texas Rangers California Angels 0 AL Rodríguez , Iván Iván Rodríguez ( 1 ) 239 000000001995 - 07 - 14 - 0000 July 14 , 1995 Martínez , Ramón Ramón Martínez Los Angeles Dodgers 7 Florida Marlins 0 NL Piazza , Mike Mike Piazza ( 1 ) 240 000000001996 - 05 - 11 - 0000 May 11 , 1996 Leiter , Al Al Leiter Florida Marlins 11 Colorado Rockies 0 NL Johnson , Charles Charles Johnson ( 1 ) 241 000000001996 - 05 - 14 - 0000 May 14 , 1996 Gooden , Dwight Dwight Gooden New York Yankees Seattle Mariners 0 AL Girardi , Joe Joe Girardi ( 1 ) 242 000000001996 - 09 - 17 - 0000 September 17 , 1996 Nomo , Hideo Hideo Nomo ( 1 ) Los Angeles Dodgers 9 Colorado Rockies 0 NL Piazza , Mike Mike Piazza ( 2 ) 243 000000001997 - 06 - 10 - 0000 June 10 , 1997 Brown , Kevin Kevin Brown Florida Marlins 9 San Francisco Giants 0 NL Johnson , Charles Charles Johnson ( 2 ) 244 000000001997 - 07 - 12 - 0000 July 12 , 1997 Córdova , Francisco Francisco Córdova ( 9 IP ) Ricardo Rincón ( 1 IP ) Pittsburgh Pirates Houston Astros 0 NL Jason Kendall 245 000000001998 - 05 - 17 - 0000 May 17 , 1998 Wells , David David Wells New York Yankees Minnesota Twins 0 AL Posada , Jorge Jorge Posada 246 000000001999 - 06 - 25 - 0000 June 25 , 1999 Jiménez , José José Jiménez St. Louis Cardinals Arizona Diamondbacks 0 NL Castillo , Alberto Alberto Castillo 247 000000001999 - 07 - 18 - 0000 July 18 , 1999 Cone , David David Cone New York Yankees ( AL ) 6 Montreal Expos ( NL ) 0 Inter Girardi , Joe Joe Girardi ( 2 ) 248 000000001999 - 09 - 11 - 0000 September 11 , 1999 Milton , Eric Eric Milton Minnesota Twins 7 Anaheim Angels 0 AL Steinbach , Terry Terry Steinbach ( 2 ) 249 000000002001 - 04 - 04 - 0000 April 4 , 2001 Nomo , Hideo Hideo Nomo ( 2 ) Boston Red Sox Baltimore Orioles 0 AL Varitek , Jason Jason Varitek ( 1 ) 250 000000002001 - 05 - 12 - 0000 May 12 , 2001 Burnett , A.J. A.J. Burnett Florida Marlins San Diego Padres 0 NL Johnson , Charles Charles Johnson ( 3 ) 251 000000002001 - 09 - 03 - 0000 September 3 , 2001 Smith , Bud Bud Smith St. Louis Cardinals San Diego Padres 0 NL Marrero , Eli Eli Marrero 252 000000002002 - 04 - 27 - 0000 April 27 , 2002 Lowe , Derek Derek Lowe Boston Red Sox 10 Tampa Bay Devil Rays 0 AL Varitek , Jason Jason Varitek ( 2 ) 253 000000002003 - 04 - 27 - 0000 April 27 , 2003 Millwood , Kevin Kevin Millwood ( 1 ) Philadelphia Phillies San Francisco Giants 0 NL Lieberthal , Mike Mike Lieberthal 254 000000002003 - 06 - 11 - 0000 June 11 , 2003 Oswalt , Roy Roy Oswalt ( 1 IP ) Pete Munro ( 2 ⁄ IP ) Kirk Saarloos ( 1 ⁄ IP ) Brad Lidge ( 2 IP ) Octavio Dotel ( 1 IP ) Billy Wagner ( 1 IP ) Houston Astros ( NL ) 8 New York Yankees ( AL ) 0 Inter Ausmus , Brad Brad Ausmus 255 000000002004 - 05 - 18 - 0000 May 18 , 2004 Johnson , Randy Randy Johnson ( 2 ) Arizona Diamondbacks Atlanta Braves 0 NL Hammock , Robby Robby Hammock 256 000000002006 - 09 - 06 - 0000 September 6 , 2006 Sánchez , Aníbal Aníbal Sánchez Florida Marlins Arizona Diamondbacks 0 NL Olivo , Miguel Miguel Olivo ( 1 ) 257 000000002007 - 04 - 18 - 0000 April 18 , 2007 Buehrle , Mark Mark Buehrle ( 1 ) Chicago White Sox 6 Texas Rangers 0 AL Pierzynski , A.J. A.J. Pierzynski ( 1 ) 258 000000002007 - 06 - 12 - 0000 June 12 , 2007 Verlander , Justin Justin Verlander ( 1 ) Detroit Tigers ( AL ) Milwaukee Brewers ( NL ) 0 Inter Rodríguez , Iván Iván Rodríguez ( 2 ) 259 000000002007 - 09 - 01 - 0000 September 1 , 2007 Buchholz , Clay Clay Buchholz Boston Red Sox 10 Baltimore Orioles 0 AL Varitek , Jason Jason Varitek ( 3 ) 260 000000002008 - 05 - 19 - 0000 May 19 , 2008 Lester , Jon Jon Lester Boston Red Sox 7 Kansas City Royals 0 AL Varitek , Jason Jason Varitek ( 4 ) 261 000000002008 - 09 - 14 - 0000 September 14 , 2008 Zambrano , Carlos Carlos Zambrano Chicago Cubs 5 Houston Astros 0 NL Soto , Geovany Geovany Soto 262 000000002009 - 07 - 10 - 0000 July 10 , 2009 Sánchez , Jonathan Jonathan Sánchez San Francisco Giants 8 San Diego Padres 0 NL Whiteside , Eli Eli Whiteside 263 000000002009 - 07 - 23 - 0000 July 23 , 2009 Buehrle , Mark Mark Buehrle ( 2 ) Chicago White Sox 5 Tampa Bay Rays 0 AL Castro , Ramón Ramón Castro 264 000000002010 - 04 - 17 - 0000 April 17 , 2010 Jiménez , Ubaldo Ubaldo Jiménez Colorado Rockies Atlanta Braves 0 NL Olivo , Miguel Miguel Olivo ( 2 ) 265 000000002010 - 05 - 09 - 0000 May 9 , 2010 Braden , Dallas Dallas Braden Oakland Athletics Tampa Bay Rays 0 AL Powell , Landon Landon Powell 266 000000002010 - 05 - 29 - 0000 May 29 , 2010 Halladay , Roy Roy Halladay ( 1 ) Philadelphia Phillies Florida Marlins 0 NL Ruiz , Carlos Carlos Ruiz ( 1 ) 267 000000002010 - 06 - 25 - 0000 June 25 , 2010 Jackson , Edwin Edwin Jackson Arizona Diamondbacks ( NL ) Tampa Bay Rays ( AL ) 0 Inter Montero , Miguel Miguel Montero ( 1 ) 268 000000002010 - 07 - 26 - 0000 July 26 , 2010 Garza , Matt Matt Garza Tampa Bay Rays 5 Detroit Tigers 0 AL Shoppach , Kelly Kelly Shoppach 269 000000002010 - 10 - 06 - 0000 October 6 , 2010 Halladay , Roy Roy Halladay ( 2 ) Philadelphia Phillies Cincinnati Reds 0 NL Ruiz , Carlos Carlos Ruiz ( 2 ) 270 000000002011 - 05 - 03 - 0000 May 3 , 2011 Liriano , Francisco Francisco Liriano Minnesota Twins Chicago White Sox 0 AL Butera , Drew Drew Butera ( 1 ) 271 000000002011 - 05 - 07 - 0000 May 7 , 2011 Verlander , Justin Justin Verlander ( 2 ) Detroit Tigers 9 Toronto Blue Jays 0 AL Avila , Alex Alex Avila 272 000000002011 - 07 - 27 - 0000 July 27 , 2011 Santana , Ervin Ervin Santana Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Cleveland Indians AL Wilson , Bobby Bobby Wilson 273 000000002012 - 04 - 21 - 0000 April 21 , 2012 Humber , Philip Philip Humber Chicago White Sox Seattle Mariners 0 AL Pierzynski , A.J. A.J. Pierzynski ( 2 ) 274 000000002012 - 05 - 02 - 0000 May 2 , 2012 Weaver , Jered Jered Weaver Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 9 Minnesota Twins 0 AL Iannetta , Chris Chris Iannetta 275 000000002012 - 06 - 01 - 0000 June 1 , 2012 Santana , Johan Johan Santana New York Mets 8 St. Louis Cardinals 0 NL Thole , Josh Josh Thole 276 000000002012 - 06 - 08 - 0000 June 8 , 2012 Millwood , Kevin Kevin Millwood ( 2 ) ( 6 IP ) Charlie Furbush ( ⁄ IP ) Stephen Pryor ( ⁄ IP ) Lucas Luetge ( ⁄ IP ) Brandon League ( ⁄ IP ) Tom Wilhelmsen ( 1 IP ) Seattle Mariners ( AL ) Los Angeles Dodgers ( NL ) 0 Inter Montero , Jesús Jesús Montero 277 000000002012 - 06 - 13 - 0000 June 13 , 2012 Cain , Matt Matt Cain San Francisco Giants 10 Houston Astros 0 NL Posey , Buster Buster Posey ( 1 ) 278 000000002012 - 08 - 15 - 0000 August 15 , 2012 Hernández , Félix Félix Hernández Seattle Mariners Tampa Bay Rays 0 AL Jaso , John John Jaso 279 000000002012 - 09 - 28 - 0000 September 28 , 2012 Bailey , Homer Homer Bailey ( 1 ) Cincinnati Reds Pittsburgh Pirates 0 NL Hanigan , Ryan Ryan Hanigan ( 1 ) 280 000000002013 - 07 - 02 - 0000 July 2 , 2013 Bailey , Homer Homer Bailey ( 2 ) Cincinnati Reds San Francisco Giants 0 NL Hanigan , Ryan Ryan Hanigan ( 2 ) 281 000000002013 - 07 - 13 - 0000 July 13 , 2013 Lincecum , Tim Tim Lincecum ( 1 ) San Francisco Giants 9 San Diego Padres 0 NL Posey , Buster Buster Posey ( 2 ) 282 000000002013 - 09 - 29 - 0000 September 29 , 2013 Álvarez , Henderson Henderson Álvarez Miami Marlins ( NL ) Detroit Tigers ( AL ) 0 Inter Hill , Koyie Koyie Hill 283 000000002014 - 05 - 25 - 0000 May 25 , 2014 Beckett , Josh Josh Beckett Los Angeles Dodgers 6 Philadelphia Phillies 0 NL Butera , Drew Drew Butera ( 2 ) 284 000000002014 - 06 - 18 - 0000 June 18 , 2014 Kershaw , Clayton Clayton Kershaw Los Angeles Dodgers 8 Colorado Rockies 0 NL Ellis , A.J. A.J. Ellis 285 000000002014 - 06 - 25 - 0000 June 25 , 2014 Lincecum , Tim Tim Lincecum ( 2 ) San Francisco Giants San Diego Padres 0 NL Sánchez , Héctor Héctor Sánchez 286 000000002014 - 09 - 01 - 0000 September 1 , 2014 Hamels , Cole Cole Hamels ( 1 ) ( 6 IP ) Jake Diekman ( 1 IP ) Ken Giles ( 1 IP ) Jonathan Papelbon ( 1 IP ) Philadelphia Phillies 7 Atlanta Braves 0 NL Ruiz , Carlos Carlos Ruiz ( 3 ) 287 000000002014 - 09 - 28 - 0000 September 28 , 2014 Zimmermann , Jordan Jordan Zimmermann Washington Nationals Miami Marlins 0 NL Ramos , Wilson Wilson Ramos ( 1 ) 288 000000002015 - 06 - 09 - 0000 June 9 , 2015 Heston , Chris Chris Heston San Francisco Giants 5 New York Mets 0 NL Posey , Buster Buster Posey ( 3 ) 289 000000002015 - 06 - 20 - 0000 June 20 , 2015 Scherzer , Max Max Scherzer ( 1 ) Washington Nationals 6 Pittsburgh Pirates 0 NL Ramos , Wilson Wilson Ramos ( 2 ) 290 000000002015 - 07 - 25 - 0000 July 25 , 2015 Hamels , Cole Cole Hamels ( 2 ) Philadelphia Phillies 5 Chicago Cubs 0 NL Ruiz , Carlos Carlos Ruiz ( 4 ) 291 000000002015 - 08 - 12 - 0000 August 12 , 2015 Iwakuma , Hisashi Hisashi Iwakuma Seattle Mariners Baltimore Orioles 0 AL Sucre , Jesús Jesús Sucre 292 000000002015 - 08 - 21 - 0000 August 21 , 2015 Fiers , Mike Mike Fiers Houston Astros ( AL ) Los Angeles Dodgers ( NL ) 0 Inter Castro , Jason Jason Castro 293 000000002015 - 08 - 30 - 0000 August 30 , 2015 Arrieta , Jake Jake Arrieta ( 1 ) Chicago Cubs Los Angeles Dodgers 0 NL Montero , Miguel Miguel Montero ( 2 ) 294 000000002015 - 10 - 03 - 0000 October 3 , 2015 Scherzer , Max Max Scherzer ( 2 ) Washington Nationals New York Mets 0 NL Ramos , Wilson Wilson Ramos ( 3 ) 295 000000002016 - 04 - 21 - 0000 April 21 , 2016 Arrieta , Jake Jake Arrieta ( 2 ) Chicago Cubs 16 Cincinnati Reds 0 NL Ross , David David Ross 296 000000002017 - 06 - 03 - 0000 June 3 , 2017 Vólquez , Edinson Edinson Vólquez Miami Marlins Arizona Diamondbacks 0 NL Realmuto , J.T. J.T. Realmuto No - hitters by team ( edit ) No - Hitters Team 25 Los Angeles Dodgers 18 Boston Red Sox 18 Chicago White Sox 17 San Francisco Giants 16 Cincinnati Reds 15 Chicago Cubs 14 Atlanta Braves 14 Cleveland Indians 13 Philadelphia Phillies 11 Houston Astros 11 New York Yankees 11 Oakland Athletics 10 Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 9 St. Louis Cardinals 7 Detroit Tigers 7 Washington Nationals 6 Pittsburgh Pirates 6 Miami Marlins 5 Baltimore Orioles ( modern ) 5 Minnesota Twins 5 Seattle Mariners 5 Texas Rangers Kansas City Royals Louisville Colonels Philadelphia Athletics Baltimore Orioles ( old ) Arizona Diamondbacks Buffalo Bisons Columbus Buckeyes Providence Grays Brooklyn Tip - Tops Chicago Chi - Feds / Whales Cincinnati Outlaw Reds Cleveland Blues Cleveland Spiders Colorado Rockies Kansas City Cowboys Kansas City Packers Milwaukee Brewers ( old ) Milwaukee Brewers ( modern ) New York Mets Pittsburgh Rebels Rochester Broncos Tampa Bay Rays Toronto Blue Jays Italics indicate defunct team . The San Diego Padres are the only modern team who have never had a no - hitter . Near no - hitters ( edit ) Regulation games in which a pitcher or staff pitches less than nine full innings , or in which a hit is allowed in extra innings , do not qualify as no - hitters . However , before the rules were tightened in 1991 , such games did count as official no - hitters . Regulation no - hit losses ending in the middle of the ninth ( edit ) Due to the fact that the home team does not bat in the bottom of the ninth inning if they are leading after the top , a visiting pitcher ( or pitchers ) may complete a full game without allowing a hit but not be credited with an official no - hitter . If the visiting team allows a sufficient amount of runs for the home team to win after the top of the ninth , whether by walks , errors , or anything else not involving hits , the pitcher ( s ) will not be credited with an official no - hitter because they pitched only 8 innings ( though such no - hitters were counted before 1991 ) . This has happened only four times in major - league history . Interleague play ( edit ) June 28 , 2008 -- Jered Weaver ( 6 inn . ) and José Arredondo ( 2 inn . ) , Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim 0 , Los Angeles Dodgers 1 American League ( edit ) July 1 , 1990 -- Andy Hawkins , New York Yankees 0 Chicago White Sox 4 April 12 , 1992 -- Matt Young , Boston Red Sox 1 Cleveland Indians 2 Players ' League ( edit ) June 21 , 1890 -- Silver King , Chicago Pirates 0 Brooklyn Ward 's Wonders 1 Shortened games ( edit ) Under certain circumstances , if a game can not continue because of the weather , darkness , or any other reason , but if at least 5 innings have been completed , the game can count as an officially completed game . No - hitters pitched under such circumstances were counted before 1991 , but no longer count as official no - hitters because 9 innings were not completed . Pitchers listed in bold signify the pitcher was pitching a perfect game until the game was shortened . These games do not count as official perfect games . National League ( edit ) October 1 , 1884 ( 6 innings ) -- Charlie Getzein , Detroit Wolverines 1 Philadelphia Phillies 0 October 7 , 1885 ( first game ; 5 innings ) -- Dupee Shaw , Providence Grays 4 Buffalo Bisons 0 June 21 , 1888 ( 6 innings ) -- George Van Haltren , Chicago White Stockings 1 Pittsburgh Alleghenys 0 September 27 , 1888 ( 7 innings ) -- Ed Crane , New York Giants 3 Washington Nationals 0 October 15 , 1892 ( second game ; 5 innings ) -- Jack Stivetts , Boston Braves 4 Washington Senators 0 September 23 , 1893 ( second game ; 7 innings ) -- Elton Chamberlain , Cincinnati Reds 6 Boston Beaneaters 0 June 2 , 1894 ( 6 innings ) -- Ed Stein , Brooklyn Grooms 1 Chicago White Stockings 0 September 14 , 1903 ( second game ; 5 innings ) -- Red Ames ( first major league game ) , New York Giants 5 St. Louis Cardinals 0 August 24 , 1906 ( second game ; 7 innings ) -- Jake Weimer , Cincinnati Reds 1 Brooklyn Superbas 0 September 24 , 1906 ( second game ; 7 innings ) -- Stoney McGlynn , St. Louis Cardinals 1 Brooklyn Superbas 1 September 26 , 1906 ( second game ; 6 innings ) -- Lefty Leifield , Pittsburgh Pirates 8 Philadelphia Phillies 0 August 11 , 1907 ( second game ; 7 innings ) -- Ed Karger , St. Louis Cardinals 4 Boston Doves 0 August 23 , 1907 ( second game ; 5 innings ) -- Howie Camnitz , Pittsburgh Pirates 1 New York Giants 0 August 6 , 1908 ( 6 innings ) -- Johnny Lush , St. Louis Cardinals 2 Brooklyn Superbas 0 July 31 , 1910 ( second game ; 7 innings ) -- King Cole , Chicago Cubs 4 St. Louis Cardinals 0 August 27 , 1937 ( 8 innings ) -- Fred Frankhouse , Brooklyn Dodgers 5 Cincinnati Reds 0 June 22 , 1944 ( second game ; 5 innings ) -- Jim Tobin , Boston Braves 7 Philadelphia Phillies 0 June 12 , 1959 ( 5 innings ) -- Mike McCormick , San Francisco Giants 3 Philadelphia Phillies 0 ( McCormick allowed a single in the sixth inning , but as rain ended the game before the inning was completed , the game officially ended after five innings . ) September 26 , 1959 ( 7 innings ) -- Sam Jones , San Francisco Giants 4 St. Louis Cardinals 0 April 21 , 1984 ( second game ; 5 innings ) -- David Palmer , Montreal Expos 4 St. Louis Cardinals 0 September 24 , 1988 ( 5 innings ) -- Pascual Pérez , Montreal Expos 1 Philadelphia Phillies 0 American League ( edit ) August 15 , 1905 ( 5 innings ) -- Rube Waddell , Philadelphia Athletics 2 St. Louis Browns 0 May 26 , 1907 ( 5 innings ) -- Ed Walsh , Chicago White Sox 8 New York Highlanders 1 October 5 , 1907 ( second game ; 5 innings ) -- Rube Vickers , Philadelphia Athletics 4 Washington Senators 0 August 20 , 1912 ( second game ; 6 innings ) -- Carl Cashion , Washington Senators 2 Cleveland Naps 0 August 25 , 1924 ( 7 innings ) -- Walter Johnson , Washington Senators 2 St. Louis Browns 0 August 5 , 1940 ( second game ; 6 innings ) -- John Whitehead , St. Louis Browns 4 Detroit Tigers 0 August 6 , 1967 ( 5 innings ) -- Dean Chance , Minnesota Twins 2 Boston Red Sox 0 July 12 , 1990 ( 6 innings ) -- Mélido Pérez , Chicago White Sox 8 New York Yankees 0 October 1 , 2006 ( 5 innings ) -- Devern Hansack , Boston Red Sox 9 Baltimore Orioles 0 American Association ( edit ) May 6 , 1884 ( 6 innings ) -- Larry McKeon , Indianapolis Hoosiers 0 Cincinnati Red Stockings 0 July 29 , 1889 ( second game ; 7 innings ) -- Matt Kilroy , Baltimore Orioles 0 St. Louis Browns 0 September 23 , 1890 ( 7 innings ) -- George Nicol , St. Louis Browns 21 Philadelphia Athletics 2 October 12 , 1890 ( 8 innings ) -- Hank Gastright , Columbus Solons 6 Toledo Maumees 0 Union Association ( edit ) August 21 , 1884 ( 8 innings ) -- Charlie Geggus , Washington Nationals 12 Wilmington Quicksteps 1 September 28 , 1884 -- Ed Cushman , Milwaukee Brewers 5 , Washington Nationals 0 October 5 , 1884 ( 5 innings ) -- Charlie Sweeney ( 2 inn . ) and Henry Boyle ( 3 inn . ) , St. Louis Maroons 0 St. Paul Saints 1 Nine - inning no - hitters broken up in extra innings ( edit ) No - hitters were formerly counted even if hits were allowed in extra innings , but not after the rules were tightened in 1991 . Pitchers listed in bold signify the pitcher was pitching a perfect game through nine innings . National League ( edit ) June 11 , 1904 ( 12 innings ) -- Bob Wicker , Chicago Cubs 1 New York Giants 0 ( surrendered single with one out in 10th ; only hit allowed ) August 1 , 1906 ( 13 innings ) -- Harry McIntire , Brooklyn Superbas 0 Pittsburgh Pirates 1 ( surrendered single with two out in 11th ; allowed three more hits ) April 15 , 1909 ( 13 innings ; Opening Day ) -- Red Ames , New York Giants 0 Brooklyn Superbas 3 ( surrendered single with one out in 10th ; allowed six more hits ) May 2 , 1917 ( 10 innings ) -- Hippo Vaughn , Chicago Cubs 0 Cincinnati Reds 1 ( surrendered single with one out in 10th ; allowed one more hit ; known as `` Double No - Hitter '' prior to MLB rule change since opposing pitcher threw 10 - inning no - hitter -- see entry above for Fred Toney ) May 26 , 1956 ( 11 innings ) -- Johnny Klippstein ( 7 inn . ) , Hersh Freeman ( 1 inn . ) and Joe Black ( 3 inn . ) , Cincinnati Reds 1 Milwaukee Braves 2 ( Black surrendered double with two out in 10th ; allowed two more hits ) May 26 , 1959 ( 13 innings ) -- Harvey Haddix , Pittsburgh Pirates 0 Milwaukee Braves 1 ( Haddix pitched 12 perfect innings ; first baserunner was leadoff hitter in 13th , who reached on an error ; followed by sacrifice bunt , intentional walk , and game - ending hit which was ruled a 1 - run double rather than a 3 - run home run due to a baserunning mistake ) June 14 , 1965 ( 11 innings ) -- Jim Maloney , Cincinnati Reds 0 New York Mets 1 ( surrendered leadoff home run in 11th ; allowed one more hit ) July 26 , 1991 ( 10 innings ) -- Mark Gardner ( 9 inn . ) and Jeff Fassero ( 0 inn . ) , Montreal Expos 0 Los Angeles Dodgers 1 ( Gardner surrendered leadoff single in 10th and allowed one more hit before being replaced ; Fassero allowed one hit ; Gardner charged with loss ) June 3 , 1995 ( 10 innings ) -- Pedro Martínez ( 9 inn . ) and Mel Rojas ( 1 inn . ) , Montreal Expos 1 San Diego Padres 0 ( Martinez pitched 9 perfect innings ; first San Diego baserunner was from leadoff double surrendered by Martínez in 10th ; Rojas relieved him and retired next three batters ) August 23 , 2017 ( 10 innings ) -- Rich Hill , Los Angeles Dodgers 0 Pittsburgh Pirates 1 ( Hill threw 9 no - hit innings and was perfect into the 9th before first baserunner reached on error ; surrendered walk - off home run leading off the 10th inning ) American League ( edit ) May 9 , 1901 ( 10 innings ) -- Earl Moore , Cleveland Blues 2 Chicago White Sox 4 ( surrendered leadoff single in 10th ; allowed one more hit ) August 30 , 1910 ( second game ; 11 innings ) -- Tom Hughes , New York Highlanders 0 Cleveland Naps 5 ( surrendered single with one out in 10th ; allowed six more hits ) May 14 , 1914 ( 10 innings ) -- Jim Scott , Chicago White Sox 0 Washington Senators 1 ( surrendered leadoff single in 10th ; allowed one more hit ) September 18 , 1934 ( 10 innings ) -- Bobo Newsom , St. Louis Browns 1 Boston Red Sox 2 ( surrendered single with two out in 10th ; only hit allowed ) Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Major League Baseball seasons since 1901 without a no - hitter pitched are 1909 , 1913 , 1921 , 1927 -- 1928 , 1932 -- 1933 , 1936 , 1939 , 1942 -- 1943 , 1949 , 1959 , 1982 , 1985 , 1989 , 2000 and 2005 . Jump up ^ National Association not recognized as a `` major '' league by Major League Baseball Jump up ^ 10 innings Jump up ^ First career start . First game of a doubleheader on the final day of the season . Jump up ^ First career game . Jump up ^ First no - hitter at modern pitching distance of 60'6 `` . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ First of two no - hitters on the same day . Jump up ^ Second of two no - hitters on the same day . Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ Only baserunners came on errors by Bill Dahlen and Billy Gilbert . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ The Phillies would not have another no - hitter until Jim Bunning 's perfect game in 1964 . Jump up ^ Eason was the losing pitcher in the previous no - hitter , a feat not duplicated until 2013 . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader. 10 innings , only baserunner was on a Hit by pitch with 2 outs in the ninth . Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ To date , Joss is one of only two pitchers in modern history to no - hit the same team twice . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ 10 innings ; See Double No - Hitter Jump up ^ The same teams , in the same park , on the next day as the previous no - hitter , but the second game of a doubleheader . The White Sox went on to win the 1917 World Series -- to date , the only time a team won a World Series after being no - hit twice in the same season . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Ruth and Thomas were ejected for arguing balls and strikes after walking the first batter , who was then caught stealing . Shore retired the next 26 in a row for a no - hitter completely in relief . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ Only baserunner came on Bucky Harris ' error leading off the 7th . Jump up ^ Jones did not strike out a batter the entire game . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ Also hit a home run Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . In the first game , Paul 's brother Dizzy had a no - hitter for 8 innings but finished with a 3 - hit shutout . First no - hitter in 1140 days , the longest gap between no - hitters in the modern era as measured by days . Jump up ^ First no - hitter ever thrown at Comiskey Park . Jump up ^ First of two no - hitters in back - to - back starts . Jump up ^ Second of two no - hitters in back - to - back starts . First - ever night game at Ebbets Field Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ Opening Day Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ Against the Brooklyn Dodgers four days later , Blackwell nearly duplicated Vander Meer 's double no - hit feat but had this bid broken up in the ninth . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ Only baserunner came on Ferris Fain 's error with one out in the 2nd . Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . The win gave the Yankees a share of the 1951 pennant , which they clinched outright in the second game . Jump up ^ Trucks pitched two no - hitters in 1952 but went 5 - 19 . Jump up ^ First major league start ; Holloman would win only two more Major League games . Jump up ^ First no - hitter by black pitcher . Jump up ^ Game 5 of the 1956 World Series ; the first of two postseason no - hitters . First perfect game in the majors since 1922 . Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ Wilhelm had pitched primarily in relief prior to this season ; this was only his ninth career start . Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . First start after being traded by Phillies to Cubs . Jump up ^ Burdette scored the game 's only run . Jump up ^ First of ten no - hitters at Dodger Stadium as of the start of the 2011 season . Belinsky 's gem was also the first in Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim history , and the first since major league baseball came to California with the Giants and Dodgers in 1958 . Jump up ^ Wilson also hit a home run . Jump up ^ First no hitter by a Dodgers pitcher at Dodger Stadium ( see Bo Belinsky 's entry above ) and the first in team history since the move from Brooklyn in 1958 . Jump up ^ Only baserunner was a walk in the 9th . Jump up ^ Marichal was the losing pitcher in Koufax 's no - hitter earlier in the season Jump up ^ 9 - inning home loss Jump up ^ Koufax faced the minimum 27 batters ( the only baserunner was caught stealing ) . Jump up ^ Father 's Day . First game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ 10 innings Jump up ^ Dodgers only managed 2 baserunners and one hit , setting records for fewest baserunners and hits in a game by both teams combined . The last no - hitter thrown against the Cubs until July 25 , 2015 . As of 2011 , first of only two perfect games at Dodger Stadium -- the other was pitched by Dennis Martínez in 1991 . Jump up ^ On the same day , the Red Sox fired Pinky Higgins as their general manager . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader. 9 - inning home loss . Jump up ^ First no - hitter on artificial turf and in a domed stadium . Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ Hunter also batted in three of Oakland 's four runs . Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ The next day in the same park , the Cardinals no - hit the Giants . Jump up ^ The previous day in the same park , the Giants no - hit the Cardinals . Jump up ^ Stoneman 's fifth career start ; ninth game in Expos franchise history . Sets a record for the earliest no - hitter recorded in a franchise 's history . Jump up ^ First game of a two - game series , in which both were no - hitters . Jump up ^ Second game of a two - game series , in which both were no - hitters . Jump up ^ Palmer came off the disabled list four days earlier . Home plate umpire Lou DiMuro 's son Mike was umpire for Roy Halladay 's 2010 perfect game . Jump up ^ Holtzman did not strike out a batter the entire game . Jump up ^ The Mets would go on to win the 1969 World Series . Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Ellis later claimed to have been under the influence of LSD . Jump up ^ In a pre-game ceremony , Wright had been inducted into the NAIA Hall of Fame . Jump up ^ All four no - hitters of 1970 had been pitched in California . Jump up ^ Holtzman scored the game 's only run . Jump up ^ Also hit 2 home runs . Jump up ^ First no - hitter in Pittsburgh in 64 years . Jump up ^ Walk with 2 outs in 9th inning only baserunner for Padres Jump up ^ First game of a doubleheader . Second no - hitter pitched in a regular - season game in Canada . Stoneman also pitched the first one in Montreal on April 17 , 1969 . Jump up ^ First no - hitter by a pitcher who did not come to bat the entire game , under the American League 's new designated hitter rule . Jump up ^ Pitched seven innings of no - hit ball in next start . Closest to tying Vander Meer 's back - to - back no - hitters since Ewell Blackwell in 1947 . Ryan 's 17 strikeouts set a record for a no - hitter , tied in 2015 by Max Scherzer . He also became the fourth pitcher to throw two no - hitters in the same season . Jump up ^ Bosman 's own fielding error with 2 outs in the 4th allowed Oakland 's only baserunner ( Sal Bando ) . Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . Jump up ^ Final day of the regular season . Jump up ^ First no hitter thrown against the Expos , and the third the Expos had participated in ( the other 2 were by Bill Stoneman in April 1969 and October 1972 ) . Jump up ^ Game was televised on ABC . Jump up ^ First no - hitter at Busch Memorial Stadium . Jump up ^ Seaver had two previous bids broken up in the ninth , including a perfect game bid in 1969 while pitching for the Mets . Jump up ^ Bob and Ken Forsch are the only set of brothers to have thrown no - hitters . Jump up ^ Only baserunner came on Bill Russell 's error with 2 outs in the 1st inning Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . Third no - hitter in Expos history . Only no hitter thrown by an Expos pitcher at Olympic Stadium . Previous 2 were one in Philadelphia and one also in Montreal , but at Jarry Park ( Bill Stoneman in 1969 and 1972 ) . Jump up ^ First no hitter thrown against the Blue Jays -- the first no - hitter by a Toronto pitcher would also be played in Cleveland , see the entry for Dave Stieb 's 1990 no hitter . Jump up ^ Broke Sandy Koufax 's old record of no - hitters . The Dodgers would go on to win the 1981 World Series . Jump up ^ First no - hitter for the Yankees since Don Larsen 's perfect game . Jump up ^ Game was televised on NBC . Fourth game of Tigers 1984 season . Detroit would start 9 - 0 and were 35 - 5 after 40 games . Went on to win 1984 World Series over San Diego Padres . Jump up ^ Final day of the regular season . Jump up ^ Last win of his career . Jump up ^ Houston clinched the NL West title in this game . Jump up ^ The start of the game was delayed two and a half hours by rain . Browning 's teammate Ron Robinson lost a perfect game with two outs in the ninth inning earlier in the season . The Dodgers would go on to win the 1988 World Series . Jump up ^ First of two no - hitters thrown on the same day . First no - hitter against the Blue Jays in Toronto Jump up ^ Second of two no - hitters thrown on the same day . Jump up ^ Only baserunner came on third baseman Charlie Hayes 's error leading off the 7th . Hayes would later make a spectacular catch to end the game . Mulholland faced the minimum 27 batters . Jump up ^ Stieb lost three potential no - hitters in the ninth inning over the previous 2 years , including one that would have been a perfect game . Jump up ^ Ryan 's 7th and last no - hitter . At 44 , Ryan is the oldest pitcher to throw a no - hitter . Jump up ^ Second no - hitter thrown at Olympic Stadium in Montreal and the fifth one all time in Canada Jump up ^ Hassey becomes the first catcher of two Major League perfect games . Fourth and final no hitter in Montreal Expos history and the only perfect game . Also the only no hitter in Expos history thrown outside Montreal . Jump up ^ Second career start ; second career game ; first game with White Sox Jump up ^ Bosio walked the first two batters of the game , then retired 27 in a row . Jump up ^ Abbott was born without a right hand . Jump up ^ The Mets scored a run in the fourth inning on a walk , a wild pitch , and an error . Jump up ^ Preserved by a diving catch in the ninth inning by rookie center fielder Rusty Greer . Jump up ^ Only baserunner came on a walk with two outs in the eighth inning . Jump up ^ First no - hitter in Marlins history . Jump up ^ Gooden became the first right - handed pitcher to throw a no - hitter at Yankee Stadium since Don Larsen 40 years earlier . Jump up ^ First no - hitter thrown at Coors Field . First Japanese pitcher to record no - hitter . Jump up ^ Only baserunner was a hit by pitch with two outs in the 8th . Jump up ^ 10 innings . Pinch - hitter Mark Smith hit a walk - off 3 - run home run with two outs in the bottom of the tenth inning to secure the no - hitter . Jump up ^ Wells claims to have been hung over . Jump up ^ Ten days later , Jiménez again shut out the Diamondbacks 1 - 0 , allowing only two hits . Randy Johnson was the losing pitcher in both games . First no hitter at Chase Field , then Bank One Ballpark . Jump up ^ First no - hitter / perfect game in regular - season interleague play . Pitched on Yogi Berra Day at Yankee Stadium , with Berra and Don Larsen in attendance . Jump up ^ Nomo 's first start with Red Sox . Second game of the season . Earliest ( on calendar ) no - hitter . First no - hitter at Camden Yards . Jump up ^ 7 strikeouts and 9 walks , most ever in a no - hitter . Jump up ^ On Phillie Phanatic 's birthday and their last season at Veterans Stadium . Occurred during the 2003 NFL Draft . ESPN broke away from covering the draft to air the ninth inning . Jump up ^ Oswalt left with an injury in the second inning . Originally held the record for most pitchers used in a combined no - hitter , which was tied on June 8 , 2012 when the Mariners no - hit the Dodgers . First interleague no - hitter thrown by away team . First no - hitter thrown by an NL team against an AL team . First official no - hitter against the Yankees in 44 years , a then - Major League record . Jump up ^ Previous no - hitter almost fourteen years earlier . Jump up ^ Diamondbacks are most recent team to perform a no - hitter then suffer the following one . First MLB no - hitter in 6,364 games , the longest gap between no - hitters in history as measured by games played . Randy Johnson , most recent pitcher to throw a no - hitter at the time , took a no - hitter into the seventh inning the same day . Jump up ^ Buehrle faced the minimum 27 batters . The only baserunner was picked off of first base . Jump up ^ First no - hitter at Comerica Park . Jump up ^ Second career game for Buchholz Jump up ^ First time since the 1974 California Angels that one team had last two no hitters in the majors . Varitek sets the record for most no - hitters caught . Jump up ^ Played at Miller Park in Milwaukee because of Hurricane Ike , making it the first no - hitter at a neutral site . Jump up ^ Only baserunner came on Juan Uribe 's error with one out in the 8th . Sánchez was 2 - 8 on the season with a 5.30 ERA at the time and had recently been demoted to the bullpen . Jump up ^ Umpire Eric Cooper called both of Buehrle 's no - hitters . In the ninth , new center fielder DeWayne Wise leapt over the wall to take a potential home run away from Gabe Kapler . Buehrle retired first 17 batters in his next start to set the record for consecutive batters retired at 45 , spanning three starts . Jump up ^ First no - hitter in Rockies franchise history . Jump up ^ Second perfect game in 12 months . This game was also held on Mother 's Day . It was the second perfect game in Oakland Athletics history . Jump up ^ Shortest span between perfect games ( 20 days ) . Home plate umpire Mike DiMuro 's father , Lou , was umpire for Jim Palmer 's 1969 no - hitter . Jump up ^ Jackson walked eight and hit a batter on 149 pitches , the most ever for a no - hitter in MLB history . The Rays became the first team since the 2001 Padres to be no - hit twice in a season , and the first team in history to be no - hit three times within a one - year span . Jump up ^ Garza faced the minimum 27 batters ( only baserunner allowed was retired on a double play ) . Opposing starter Max Scherzer threw 5 ⁄ no - hit innings . The Rays are the first team since 1991 to pitch a no - hitter and be no - hit in the same season , and the first since 1956 to be involved in three no - hitters in one season . Game televised nationally on ESPN . Jump up ^ Game 1 of the 2010 NLDS . Second no - hitter in postseason history , after Don Larsen 's perfect game in the 1956 World Series . Halladay became the fifth pitcher to pitch two no - hitters in the same year , and the first one to do it with a perfect game . One batter reached base . Jump up ^ First complete game of Liriano 's career , in 95 starts . His ERA prior to the game was 9.13 . Jump up ^ Verlander faced the minimum 27 batters . Jump up ^ Perfect game and Humber 's first career complete game Jump up ^ First no - hitter in Mets history and the first no - hitter thrown at Citi Field . A ball hit by St. Louis ' Carlos Beltrán was controversially ruled foul by the third base umpire , preserving the no - hitter in the 6th inning . Jump up ^ Millwood left with an injury after the sixth inning . Tied record for most pitchers used in a combined no - hitter . For Pryor , it was his first career victory . Jump up ^ First perfect game in Giants history Jump up ^ First perfect game in Mariners history Jump up ^ Bailey is the first pitcher since Nolan Ryan in 1974 - 75 to have thrown the Major Leagues ' last two no - hitters . Jump up ^ First no - hitter ever thrown in San Diego 's Petco Park . Lincecum was the losing pitcher in Bailey 's no - hitter 11 days earlier . Jump up ^ 5th no - hitter in Marlins history , and the first ever thrown at Marlins Park . The Marlins scored the winning run in the bottom of the ninth on a wild pitch , with Álvarez standing in the on - deck circle . It was the first no - hitter to end in walk - off fashion since Cordova / Rincon in 1997 . It was also the first no hitter thrown on the last day of the regular season since Mike Witt 's perfect game on September 30 , 1984 . Jump up ^ Twenty - fourth no - hitter in Dodgers franchise history and the second thrown at Citizens Bank Park . Beckett fanned six and walked three on his one hundred twenty eight pitch outing . In the ninth inning , he struck out Chase Utley to secure the victory . Jump up ^ Rockies ' only baserunner came on a throwing error in the seventh . Kershaw became the first MLB pitcher ever with 15 strikeouts without allowing a single hit or walk . It was also the 3rd no - hitter by a reigning Cy Young Award winner , following Sandy Koufax ( 1963 CY , 1964 NH ) and Bob Gibson ( 1970 CY , 1971 NH ) . Jump up ^ Lincecum 's second no - hitter in less than a year . Lincecum became the second pitcher all - time , after Addie Joss , to no - hit the same team twice . Jump up ^ Hamels threw 108 pitches in 6 innings . Jump up ^ First no - hitter for the Washington Nationals since the team moved to Washington , and the first by any Washington pitcher since Bobby Burke in 1931 . This was the final game for both teams for the 2014 season , and it was the second year in a row in which a no - hitter had been thrown on the final day of the regular season . Henderson Álvarez , who had thrown Miami 's no - hitter on the final day of the 2013 season , was the losing pitcher in this game . Jump up ^ Seventeenth no - hitter in Giants franchise history , and the second no - hitter thrown at Citi Field . Heston was the 22nd rookie pitcher to throw a no - hitter . He did not walk a batter , but he hit three of them , joining Wiltse in 1908 and Brown in 1997 as no - hitter pitchers whose only baserunners came on hit batsmen . Heston 's is the first such game to feature more than one hit by pitch . Jump up ^ Scherzer was perfect through 8 2 / 3 innings when he hit pinch - hitter José Tábata to allow the Pirates ' only baserunner of the game . Fourth no - hitter pitcher after Wiltse , Brown , and Heston to only allow their baserunners on hit batsmen , and the second after Wiltse to lose a perfect game with two outs in the ninth inning on a hit batsman . Scherzer threw a one - hitter , having been perfect for 6 innings , in his previous start , and was perfect through 5 in his next start after this no - hitter . Jump up ^ Fifth pitcher , after Blue , Witt , Mercker , and Millwood , to pitch a complete game no - hitter as well as contribute to a combined no - hitter . Kris Bryant flew out to Odubel Herrera , who tripped after losing the ball in the sun , on a full count for the final out . This was also the first time that the Cubs were no - hit since Sandy Koufax 's perfect game in 1965 , and the first no - hitter thrown at Wrigley Field since 1972 . Jump up ^ Second Japanese pitcher to throw a Major League no - hitter , after Hideo Nomo . First no - hitter in an American League game since teammate Félix Hernández 's perfect game almost exactly three years prior , breaking a string of 12 consecutive NL no - hitters . Jump up ^ Eleventh no - hitter in Astros history , and the first no - hitter for the Astros as an American League team . This was also the first complete - game no - hitter by an Astros pitcher in 22 years . Jump up ^ Dodgers no - hit for the second time in 9 days ; this is the shortest interval since the 1923 Philadelphia Athletics and the first time a team were no - hit twice in one calendar month since the 1971 Cincinnati Reds . Jump up ^ Second game of a doubleheader . Scherzer 's second no - hitter of the season ; both of which also featured no walks . Scherzer was perfect through 5 innings before an error by 3B Yunel Escobar . Scherzer 's 17 strikeouts tied Nolan Ryan 's record for most in a no - hitter and included 9 straight . Second highest game score ever for a nine - inning game , with 104 , following Kerry Wood 's 1998 one - hit complete - game shutout . Scherzer becomes the fifth pitcher to throw two no - hitters in the same season . Jump up ^ Fifteenth no - hitter in Cubs history . Most run support in a no - hitter since 1884 . First regular season no - hitter against the Reds since 1971 . Fourth no - hitter thrown by a reigning Cy Young Award winner . Jump up ^ Sixth no - hitter in Marlins history . Vólquez faced the minimum 27 batters . Thrown on the birthday of Vólquez 's friend and teammate Yordano Ventura , who had died in a car crash the previous January . Bibliography ( edit ) Wilbert , Warren ; William Hageman ( 1997 ) . Chicago Cubs : Seasons at the Summit , the 50 Greatest Individual Seasons . Sports Publishing LLC . ISBN 1571671102 . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ The Official Site of Major League Baseball : Official info : Rules , Regulations and Statistics Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : `` Catchers Who Caught No Hitters '' . . Encyclopedia of Baseball Catchers . Retrieved July 19 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Bradley 's No - Hitter '' . St. Louis Globe - Democrat . July 16 , 1876 . Jump up ^ `` Lee Richmond Perfect Game Box Score '' . . Hosting 4 Less . Retrieved June 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` John Ward Perfect Game Box Score '' . . Hosting 4 Less . Retrieved June 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` The National Game '' . The Sun ( New York ) . October 5 , 1884 . Jump up ^ Wilbert , p. 6 Jump up ^ `` Pulling Up To Chicago '' . The Sun ( New York ) . August 30 , 1885 . Jump up ^ `` Won In The Last Inning '' . The Sun ( New York ) . May 2 , 1886 . Jump up ^ `` In The Base Ball Field '' . The Sun ( New York ) . July 25 , 1886 . Jump up ^ `` A Big Day For Terry '' . The Sun ( New York ) . May 28 , 1888 . Jump up ^ `` The Game of His Life '' . St. Paul Daily Globe . July 27 , 1888 . Jump up ^ `` Athletic 4 ; Kansas City 0 '' . The Sun ( New York ) . August 1 , 1888 . Jump up ^ `` Rochester 7 ; Syracuse 0 '' . The Sun ( New York ) . September 16 , 1890 . Jump up ^ `` Not Even A Base Hit '' . The Sun ( New York ) . June 23 , 1891 . Jump up ^ `` Not A Single Hit Off Rusie '' . The Sun ( New York ) . August 1 , 1891 . Jump up ^ `` Only A Few More Games '' . The Sun ( New York ) . October 5 , 1891 . Jump up ^ `` Boston 11 ; Brooklyn 0 '' . The Sun ( New York ) . August 7 , 1892 . Jump up ^ `` Louisville 6 ; Baltimore 2 '' . The Sun ( New York ) . August 23 , 1892 . Jump up ^ `` Cincinnati 7 ; Pittsburgh 1 '' . The Sun ( New York ) . October 16 , 1892 . Jump up ^ `` Baltimore 5 ; Washington 0 '' . The Sun ( New York ) . August 17 , 1893 . Jump up ^ `` The National League '' . The Houston daily post . September 19 , 1897 . Retrieved June 29 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Two Remarkable Games '' . St. Paul Globe . April 23 , 1898 . Retrieved June 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` National League '' . St. Paul Globe . July 9 , 1898 . Retrieved June 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` National League '' . St. Paul Globe . August 22 , 1898 . Retrieved June 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` National League '' . St. Paul Globe . May 26 , 1899 . Retrieved June 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` National League '' . St. Paul Globe . August 8 , 1899 . Retrieved June 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Hahn Was Effective '' . St. Paul Globe . July 13 , 1900 . Retrieved June 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Could n't Hit Matty '' . St. Paul Globe . July 16 , 1901 . Retrieved June 19 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` American League '' . St. Paul Globe . September 21 , 1902 . Retrieved June 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` No Hit Game For Fraser '' . St. Paul Globe . September 19 , 1903 . Retrieved June 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Cy Young Perfect Game Box Score '' . . Hosting 4 Less . Retrieved June 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Tannehill Makes Record '' . St. Paul Globe . August 18 , 1904 . Retrieved June 19 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` M'Graw Put Matty In To Beat The Cubs '' . The Evening World . July 13 , 1905 . Jump up ^ `` Howell Beat `` Rube '' `` . The St. Louis Republic . July 23 , 1905 . Jump up ^ `` Notes of the Game '' . The St. Louis Republic . September 7 , 1905 . Jump up ^ `` National League '' . The Minneapolis Journal . May 2 , 1906 . Jump up ^ `` National League '' . The Minneapolis Journal . July 21 , 1906 . Jump up ^ `` National League '' . The Salt Lake Herald . May 9 , 1907 . Jump up ^ `` No Hits Made Off Maddox '' . Washington Herald . September 21 , 1907 . Jump up ^ `` Highlanders Shut Out '' . The Salt Lake Tribune . July 1 , 1908 . Jump up ^ `` National League '' . San Francisco Call . July 5 , 1908 . Jump up ^ `` National League '' . San Francisco Call . September 6 , 1908 . Jump up ^ `` Cellar Champs Beat Leaders '' . Los Angeles Herald . September 19 , 1908 . Jump up ^ `` Close Shave For Detroits '' . The Sun ( New York ) . September 21 , 1908 . Jump up ^ `` Addie Joss Perfect Game Box Score '' . . Hosting 4 Less . Retrieved June 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Joss Blanks Sox '' . The Salt Lake Herald - Republican . April 21 , 1910 . Jump up ^ `` Naps Fail To Hit Big Chief Bender '' . San Francisco Call . May 13 , 1910 . Jump up ^ `` St. Louis Breaks Even '' . San Francisco Call . July 30 , 1911 . Jump up ^ `` Walsh Tosses No Hit No Run Game '' . San Francisco Call . August 28 , 1911 . Jump up ^ `` Wood 's String of Victories Broken '' . San Francisco Call . July 5 , 1912 . Jump up ^ `` Senators Yank One From Yanks '' . San Francisco Call . August 31 , 1912 . Jump up ^ `` Tesreau Enters Hall Of Fame '' . San Francisco Call . September 7 , 1912 . Jump up ^ `` Benz Pitches No Hit Game '' . The Sun ( New York ) . June 1 , 1914 . Jump up ^ `` Braves Advance Step More '' . Omaha Bee . September 10 , 1914 . Jump up ^ `` Brooklyn Wins Two '' . Washington Herald . September 20 , 1914 . Jump up ^ `` Marquard Stars In No Hit Performance '' . Washington Times . April 16 , 1915 . Jump up ^ `` Pitches No Hit Games '' . Washington Herald . April 25 , 1915 . Jump up ^ `` At Pittsburgh '' . The Sun ( New York ) . May 16 , 1915 . Jump up ^ `` Not A Run Or Hit Off Main '' . The Sun ( New York ) . August 17 , 1915 . Jump up ^ `` Nary A Hit Can Giants Get Off Jim Lavender '' . The Sun ( New York ) . September 1 , 1915 . Jump up ^ `` Federal League '' . The Sun ( New York ) . September 8 , 1915 . Jump up ^ `` George Foster throws first no - hitter at Fenway Park '' . Globe ( Boston ) . June 22 , 1916 . Jump up ^ `` Dutch Leonard throws Fenway 's 2d no - hitter of the year '' . Globe ( Boston ) . August 31 , 1916 . Jump up ^ Caple , Jim . `` Classic Box Score : June 23 , 1917 '' . . ESPN Internet Ventures . Retrieved June 26 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` No Mas Presents : Dock Ellis & The LSD No - No by James Blagden '' . YouTube . 2009 - 11 - 11 . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 26 . Jump up ^ Mark Feinsand ( March 1 , 2003 ) . `` Book ' em , David : Wells explains '' . . Retrieved October 2 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Cardinals 4 , Padres 0 '' . . Retrieved May 11 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Arizona Diamondbacks vs. Tampa Bay Rays -- Recap -- June 25 , 2010 '' . 2010 - 06 - 25 . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 26 . Jump up ^ American League No Hitters by Baseball Almanac . Jump up ^ The Chronology -- 1890 Archived 2008 - 05 - 26 at the Wayback Machine ... Jump up ^ `` No Hitters Chronologically '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 26 . Jump up ^ `` Top 100 Teams History '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 03 - 26 . External links ( edit ) Baseball portal List at ( omits Federal League no - hitters ) List at ( omits all defunct leagues ) List at Retrosheet ( includes 1875 National Association no - hitter ) Most strikeouts in a no - hitter since 1957 List of Major League Baseball no - hitters by franchise American League East Division Baltimore Orioles Boston Red Sox New York Yankees Tampa Bay Rays Toronto Blue Jays Central Division Chicago White Sox Cleveland Indians Detroit Tigers Kansas City Royals Minnesota Twins West Division Houston Astros Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Oakland Athletics Seattle Mariners Texas Rangers National League East Division Atlanta Braves Miami Marlins New York Mets Philadelphia Phillies Washington Nationals Central Division Chicago Cubs Cincinnati Reds Milwaukee Brewers Pittsburgh Pirates St. Louis Cardinals West Division Arizona Diamondbacks Colorado Rockies Los Angeles Dodgers San Diego Padres San Francisco Giants Major League Baseball records Baseball statistics ( types of records ) General Record holders Single - game records Single - season records Record breakers by season Records considered unbreakable Batting leaders Career Batting average On - base percentage Times on base Slugging percentage OPS Hits 3,000 club Progressive Singles Doubles Triples Home runs 500 club Progressive Extra base hits RBIs Total bases Walks Intentional HBP Strikeouts Games played At - bats Plate appearances Annual Batting average Doubles Triples Home runs RBI Season Batting average Triples Home run Progressive Game Home runs Hitting for the cycle Grand slams RBI Game Inning Hits Misc Consecutive game hitting streak On - base plus slugging Hits Home runs Doubles Triples RBIs Baserunning leaders Career Runs Stolen bases Annual Runs Stolen bases Game Runs Misc Stolen bases Runs Pitching leaders Career Wins 300 club Losses Games started Games finished Innings pitched Strikeouts 3,000 club Saves Complete games Shutouts ERA WHIP Walks Hit batsmen Wild pitches Batters faced Annual Wins Saves Shutouts Strikeouts ERA Game No - hitter Perfect game List of perfect games Strikeouts Game Inning Immaculate innings Misc Wins Fielding leaders Career Putouts 1B 2B SS 3B OF LF CF RF Errors 1B Assists Passed balls Annual Putouts Errors Managing records Wins and winning percentage Multiple stat records Triple Crown 20 -- 20 -- 20 club 30 -- 30 club 40 -- 40 club Other Consecutive games played Longest winning streaks Longest losing streaks Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Major League Baseball lists Lists of Major League Baseball no - hitters by franchise Major League Baseball statistics Baseball pitching Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Articles with hCards Talk Contents About Wikipedia Português 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 9 September 2017 , at 23 : 41 . 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"October 1, 1884 (6 innings) – Charlie Getzein, Detroit Wolverines 1 Philadelphia Phillies 0"
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"Charlie Getzein"
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-555333201463676383 | Dance Plus (season 3) | Dance plus ( season 3 ) - Wikipedia Dance plus ( season 3 ) Jump to : navigation , search This article does not cite any sources . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( July 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Dance Plus 3 Also known as Dance + 3 Genre Dance Created by NA Presented by Raghav Juyal Country of origin India Production Producer ( s ) Wilma Botha Varun Trikha Running time 1 hour Production company ( s ) Varun Trikha Productions Urban Brew Studios Release Original network STAR Plus Picture format 480p HDTV 720p Original release 1 July ( 2017 - 07 - 01 ) -- 24 September 2017 Season 3 of Dance Plus started on 1 July 2017 on STAR Plus and produced by Urban Brew Studios . Winner was Bir Radha Sherpa , from team Punit . Other three contestants from Top four were from Dharmesh 's team , a new record for the finalists . Amardeep Singh Natt became the first runner up , Aryan Patra became the second runner up and Shivani and Tarun were the third runner up . All the finalists won the hearts of public with their entertaining and excellent performances . Overall , Team Dharmesh has two winners from season one and two , Team Punit has one and Shakti Mohan has none . Show is acclaimed and very popular due to creative format and uniqueness . Contents ( hide ) 1 Super judge 2 Captains 3 Scoring 4 Top twelve artists 5 International squad challenge 6 Top eight artists 7 Top four artists 8 Special guests 9 See also 10 References Super judge ( edit ) Remo D'Souza is the super judge for this season also . He is a well known and reputed choreographer and film director . He directed movies like F.A.L.T.U. , Any Body Can Dance ( ABCD and ABCD 2 ) and A Flying Jatt . He was also judge on Jhalak Dikhla Ja and Dance India Dance ( seasons 1 , 2 and 3 ) . Captains ( edit ) There are three captains on the show . Dharmesh Yelande Shakti Mohan Punit Pathak Each mentor has their own team consisting of contestants selected in auditions . There will be one final winner at the end of the show . Urban Brew Studios produces the first , second and third seasons of Dance+ on STAR Plus . Scoring ( edit ) Each captain will give a challenge to one artist each from the other two teams . The challenges are : Theme round Prop round Best foot forward The captain who gave the challenge can score out of five and the super judge can score out of ten . the super judge can also give five additional points . The fourth round is the international squad challenge in which one member of each team has to match the level of dancing of the international dancer . This round is also scored out of ten by the super judge and he can give an additional five points . Based on the scores of these rounds , two teams go to the final showdown . The fourth artist from each team performs and the super judge chooses the winner . The winning team 's captain nominates two artists from his or her team to go forward and the super judge chooses the artist who will go to top eight . Top twelve artists ( edit ) Team Dharmesh Sr . Artists Type Style Home town Tarun and Shivani Duo Contemporary Tarun Nihalani from Nasik Shivani Patel from Ahmedabad Amardeep Singh Natt Solo Robotics Mumbai The Tuttix Crew Group Tutting Mumbai Aryan Patra Solo Krumping Ranchi Team Shakti Sr . Artists Type Style Home town Nostalgia Trio ( Gavin , Nicky , Leo ) Rhythmic beat kill Mangalore Sri Rama Nataka Niketan Group Bharatanatyam Hyderabad Chow En Lai Phukan Solo Contemporary Guwahati Jeet Das Solo Bollywood Kolkata Team Punit Sr . Artists Type Style Home town Bir Radha Sherpa Solo B - boying and contemporary Silchar , Assam House of Suraj Group Waacking Los Angeles AVP Crew Trio Hip - hop Pune Ayush & Mukesh Duo Contemporary Kolkata International squad challenge ( edit ) In Dance plus season 3 , D'Souza added a new challenge for dancers . Here he will invite an international dance artist every week . Remo 's international squad Sr . Artist ( s ) Type Style Home town Known for Episode Du - Shaunt ' `` Fik - Shun '' Stegall Solo Hip - hop Las Vegas , United States Winner of So You Think You Can Dance ( U.S. season 10 ) July 23 -- 24 Paul Karmiryan & Brittany Cherry Duo Latin dance Los Angeles , United States So You Think You Can Dance ( U.S. season 10 ) July 29 -- 30 Dytto Solo Tutting , animation , slow motion , robotic dance Los Angeles , United States World of Dance August 5 -- 6 Pandit Birju Maharaj 's Group Cultural Kathak Lucknow , India Kalidas Samman August 12 -- 13 5 Philippine All Stars Group Hip - hop Manila , Philippines Champions of World Hip Hop Dance Championship ( 2006 , 2008 & 2009 seasons ) August 19 -- 20 Top eight artists ( edit ) Top 8 Sr . Artists Type Style Team Episode Aryan Patra Solo Krumping Dharmesh July 24 Ayush & Mukesh Duo Contemporary Punit July 30 AVP Crew Trio Hip - hop Punit August 6 Sri Rama Nataka Niketan Group Bharatanatyam Shakti August 13 5 Amardeep Singh Natt Solo Robotics Dharmesh August 20 6 Bir Radha Sherpa Solo Bir Style ( B - Boying & Contemporary ) Punit August 27 7 Tarun and Shivani Duo Contemporary Dharmesh August 27 8 House of Suraj Group Waacking Punit August 27 Top four artists ( edit ) Top 4 Sr . Artists Type Style Team Episode Bir Radha Sherpa Solo Bir Style ( B - Boying & Contemporary ) Punit September 9 Tarun and Shivani Duo Contemporary Dharmesh September 9 Amardeep Singh Natt Solo Robotics Dharmesh September 16 Aryan Patra Solo Krumping Dharmesh September 16 Special guests ( edit ) Special guest appearances Sr . Guest ( s ) Reason Episode Shah Rukh Khan and Imtiaz Ali Promoting Jab Harry Met Sejal July 29 -- 30 Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar Promoting Toilet : Ek Prem Katha August 12 Ayushmann Khurrana , Kriti Sanon and Rajkummar Rao Promoting Bareilly Ki Barfi August 19 -- 20 Sidharth Malhotra and Jacqueline Fernandez Promoting A Gentleman August 26 5 Mithali Raj and Harmanpreet Kaur Indian women cricketers August 27 6 Govinda Indian 1990s dance icon September 2 7 Sunny Deol , Bobby Deol and Shreyas Talpade Promoting Poster Boys September 9 8 Shraddha Kapoor , Siddhanth Kapoor and Ankur Bhatia Promoting Haseena Parkar September 10 9 Kangana Ranaut Promoting Simran September 16 10 Farah Khan Promoting the show Lip Sing Battle September 16 11 Tiger Shroff September 17 12 Terence Lewis September 17 13 Varun Dhawan , Taapsee and Jacqueline Fenandez Promoting Judwaa 2 September 23 14 Prabhu Deva September 24 See also ( edit ) List of dance style categories Dance Plus Dance Plus ( season 2 ) References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Dance plus Season 3 premiere '' . Retrieved 1 July 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Ek level up '' . Retrieved 2 July 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Dance plus Season 3 Top 8 artists '' . Retrieved 27 August 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Dance plus Season 3 Top 4 artists '' . Retrieved 10 September 2017 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Hindi - language television programs Indian reality television series 2017 Indian television seasons Star Plus television series Hidden categories : Articles lacking sources from July 2017 All articles lacking sources Use dmy dates from October 2016 Use Indian English from October 2016 All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English Pages using infobox television with alias parameters Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 8 November 2017 , at 17 : 16 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | second runner up of dance plus season 3 | [
"Season 3 of Dance Plus started on 1 July 2017[1] on STAR Plus and produced by Urban Brew Studios. Winner was Bir Radha Sherpa, from team Punit. Other three contestants from Top four were from Dharmesh's team, a new record for the finalists. Amardeep Singh Natt became the first runner up, Aryan Patra became the second runner up and Shivani and Tarun were the third runner up. All the finalists won the hearts of public with their entertaining and excellent performances. Overall, Team Dharmesh has two winners from season one and two, Team Punit has one and Shakti Mohan has none. Show is acclaimed and very popular due to creative format and uniqueness."
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"Aryan Patra"
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2225244181423606991 | To the nines | To the nines - wikipedia To the nines Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see To the nines ( disambiguation ) . `` To the nines '' is an English idiom meaning `` to perfection '' or `` to the highest degree '' or to dress `` buoyantly and high class '' . In modern English usage , the phrase most commonly appears as `` dressed to the nines '' or `` dressed up to the nines '' . Origin ( edit ) The phrase is said to be Scots in origin . The earliest written example of the phrase is from the 1719 Epistle to Ramsay by the Scottish poet William Hamilton : The bonny Lines therein thou sent me , How to the nines they did content me . Robert Burns ' `` Poem on Pastoral Poetry '' , published posthumously in 1800 , also uses the phrase : Thou paints auld nature to the nines , In thy sweet Caledonian lines . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Evans , Bergen ; Corneli Evans ( 1957 ) . A Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage . Random House . p. 145 . ^ Jump up to : `` ' Dressed to the nines ' comes from old Scottish phrase '' . Deseret News . April 13 , 1997 . Retrieved 13 November 2011 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : English phrases Talk About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 15 June 2016 , at 17 : 39 . About Wikipedia | where does the saying dressed to the nines come from | [
"The phrase is said to be Scots in origin.[2] The earliest written example of the phrase is from the 1719 Epistle to Ramsay by the Scottish poet William Hamilton:"
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"Scots in origin"
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-5988663555292014935 | Division of Korea | Division of Korea - wikipedia Division of Korea Jump to : navigation , search The Korean Peninsula first divided along the 38th parallel , later along the demarcation line Detail of the DMZ Part of a series on the History of Korea Prehistory Jeulmun Mumun Ancient Gojoseon ? -- 108 BC Jin state Proto -- Three Kingdoms Buyeo Goguryeo Okjeo Dongye Samhan Ma Byeon Jin Four Commanderies of Han Three Kingdoms Goguryeo 37 BC -- 668 AD Baekje 18 BC -- 660 AD Silla 57 BC -- 935 AD Gaya confederacy 42 AD -- 562 AD North -- South States Later Silla ( Unified Silla ) 668 -- 935 Balhae 698 -- 926 Later Three Kingdoms Later Baekje 892 -- 936 Taebong ( Later Goguryeo ) 901 -- 918 Later Silla 668 -- 935 Unitary dynastic period Goryeo 918 -- 1392 Joseon 1392 -- 1897 Korean Empire 1897 -- 1910 Colonial period Japanese rule 1910 -- 1945 Provisional Government 1919 -- 1948 Division of Korea Military Governments 1945 -- 1948 North Korea 1948 -- present South Korea 1948 -- present By topic Art Language Military ( Goguryeo ) Monarchs Naval Science and technology Timeline Korea portal The division of Korea between North and South Korea occurred after World War II , ending the Empire of Japan 's 35 - year rule over Korea in 1945 . The United States and the Soviet Union each occupied a portion of the country , with the boundary between their zones of control along the 38th parallel . With the onset of the Cold War , negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union failed to lead to an independent , unified Korea . In 1948 , UN-supervised elections were held in the US - occupied south only . The anti-communist Syngman Rhee won the election while Kim Il - sung was appointed as the leader of North Korea by Joseph Stalin . This led to the establishment of the Republic of Korea in South Korea , which was promptly followed by the establishment of the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea in North Korea . The United States supported the South , the Soviet Union supported the North , and each government claimed sovereignty over the whole Korean peninsula . The subsequent Korean War , which lasted from 1950 to 1953 , ended with a stalemate and has left the two Koreas separated by the Korean Demilitarized Zone ( DMZ ) up to the present day . Contents ( hide ) 1 Historical background 1.1 Korea under Japanese rule ( 1910 -- 1945 ) 1.2 End of World War II 2 Post -- World War II 2.1 US occupation of South Korea 2.2 Soviet occupation of North Korea 2.3 UN intervention and the formation of separate governments 3 Korean War 4 Geneva Conference and NNSC 5 Post-armistice relations 6 See also 7 Notes 8 References 9 External links Historical background ( edit ) Korea under Japanese rule ( 1910 -- 1945 ) ( edit ) Main article : Korea under Japanese rule When the Russo - Japanese War ended in 1905 Korea became a nominal protectorate of Japan , and was annexed by Japan in 1910 . The Korean Emperor Gojong was removed . In the following decades , nationalist and radical groups emerged , mostly in exile , to struggle for independence . Divergent in their outlooks and approaches , these groups failed to unite in one national movement . The Korean Provisional Government in China failed to obtain widespread recognition . End of World War II ( edit ) Main article : World War II In November 1943 , Franklin Roosevelt , Winston Churchill and Chiang Kai - shek met at the Cairo Conference to discuss what should happen to Japan 's colonies , and agreed that Japan should lose all the territories it had conquered by force . In the declaration after this conference , Korea was mentioned for the first time . The three powers declared that they were , `` mindful of the enslavement of the people of Korea , ... determined that in due course Korea shall become free and independent . '' Roosevelt floated the idea of a trusteeship over Korea , but did not obtain agreement from the other powers . Roosevelt raised the idea with Joseph Stalin at the Tehran Conference in November 1943 and the Yalta Conference in February 1945 . Stalin did not disagree , but advocated that the period of trusteeship be short . At the Tehran Conference and the Yalta Conference , the Soviet Union promised to join its allies in the Pacific War in two to three months after victory in Europe . On August 8 , 1945 , three months to the day after the end of hostilities in Europe , and two days after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima , the Soviet Union declared war on Japan . Soviet troops advanced rapidly , and the US government became anxious that they would occupy the whole of Korea . On August 10 , 1945 two young officers -- Dean Rusk and Charles Bonesteel -- were assigned to define an American occupation zone . Working on extremely short notice and completely unprepared , they used a National Geographic map to decide on the 38th parallel . They chose it because it divided the country approximately in half but would place the capital Seoul under American control . No experts on Korea were consulted . The two men were unaware that forty years before , Japan and pre-revolutionary Russia had discussed sharing Korea along the same parallel . Rusk later said that had he known , he `` almost surely '' would have chosen a different line . The division placed sixteen million Koreans in the American zone and nine million in the Soviet zone . To the surprise of the Americans , the Soviet Union immediately accepted the division . The agreement was incorporated into General Order No. 1 ( approved on 17 August 1945 ) for the surrender of Japan . Soviet forces began amphibious landings in Korea by August 14 and rapidly took over the north - east of the country , and on August 16 they landed at Wonsan . On August 24 , the Red Army reached Pyongyang . General Abe Nobuyuki , the last Japanese Governor - General of Korea , had established contact with a number of influential Koreans since the beginning of August 1945 to prepare the hand - over of power . Throughout August , Koreans organized people 's committee branches for the `` Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence '' ( CPKI , 조선 건국 준비 위원회 ) , headed by Lyuh Woon - hyung , a left - wing politician . On September 6 , 1945 , a congress of representatives was convened in Seoul and founded the short - lived People 's Republic of Korea . Post -- World War II ( edit ) South Korean citizens protest Allied trusteeship in December 1945 In December 1945 , at the Moscow Conference , the Allies agreed that the Soviet Union , the US , the Republic of China , and Britain would take part in a trusteeship over Korea for up to five years in the lead - up to independence . Many Koreans demanded independence immediately ; however , the Korean Communist Party , which was closely aligned with the Soviet Communist party , supported the trusteeship . A Soviet - US Joint Commission met in 1946 and 1947 to work towards a unified administration , but failed to make progress due to increasing Cold War antagonism and to Korean opposition to the trusteeship . Meanwhile , the division between the two zones deepened . The difference in policy between the occupying powers led to a polarization of politics , and a transfer of population between North and South . In May 1946 it was made illegal to cross the 38th parallel without a permit . At the final meeting of the Joint Commission in September 1947 , Soviet delegate Terentii Shtykov proposed that both Soviet and US troops withdraw and give the Korean people the opportunity to form their own government . This was rejected by the US . US occupation of South Korea ( edit ) Main article : United States Army Military Government in Korea Lyuh Woon - hyung giving a speech in the Committee for Preparation of Korean Independence in Seoul on August 16 , 1945 With the American government fearing Soviet expansion , and the Japanese authorities in Korea warning of a power vacuum , the embarkation date of the US occupation force was brought forward three times . On September 7 , 1945 , General Douglas MacArthur announced that Lieutenant General John R. Hodge was to administer Korean affairs , and Hodge landed in Incheon with his troops the next day . The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea , which had operated from China , sent a delegation with three interpreters to Hodge , but he refused to meet with them . Likewise , Hodge refused to recognize the newly formed People 's Republic of Korea and its People 's Committees , and outlawed it on 12 December . In September 1946 , thousands of laborers and peasants rose up against the military government . This uprising was quickly defeated , and failed to prevent scheduled October elections for the South Korean Interim Legislative Assembly . The ardent anti-communist Syngman Rhee , who had been the first president of the Provisional Government and later worked as a pro-Korean lobbyist in the US , became the most prominent politician in the South . Rhee pressured the American government to abandon negotiations for a trusteeship and create an independent Republic of Korea in the south . On July 19 , 1947 , Lyuh Woon - hyung , the last senior politician committed to left - right dialogue , was assassinated by a right - winger . The occupation government conducted a number of military campaigns against left - wing insurgents . Over the course of the next few years , between 30,000 and 100,000 people were killed . Soviet occupation of North Korea ( edit ) Further information : Soviet Civil Administration and Provisional People 's Committee for North Korea Welcome celebration for the Red Army in Pyongyang on 14 October 1945 When Soviet troops entered Pyongyang , they found a local branch of the Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence operating under the leadership of veteran nationalist Cho Man - sik . The Soviet Army allowed these `` People 's Committees '' ( which were friendly to the Soviet Union ) to function . Colonel - General Terentii Shtykov set up the Soviet Civil Administration , taking control of the committees and placing communists in key positions . In February 1946 a provisional government called the Provisional People 's Committee was formed under Kim Il - sung , who had spent the last years of the war training with Soviet troops in Manchuria . Conflicts and power struggles ensued at the top levels of government in Pyongyang as different aspirants maneuvered to gain positions of power in the new government . In March 1946 the provisional government instituted a sweeping land - reform program : land belonging to Japanese and collaborator landowners was divided and redistributed to poor farmers . Organizing the many poor civilians and agricultural laborers under the people 's committees , a nationwide mass campaign broke the control of the old landed classes . Landlords were allowed to keep only the same amount of land as poor civilians who had once rented their land , thereby making for a far more equal distribution of land . The North Korean land reform was achieved in a less violent way than in China or in Vietnam . Official American sources stated : `` From all accounts , the former village leaders were eliminated as a political force without resort to bloodshed , but extreme care was taken to preclude their return to power . '' The farmers responded positively ; many collaborators and former landowners fled to the south , where some of them obtained positions in the new South Korean government . According to the U.S. military government , 400,000 northern Koreans went south as refugees . Key industries were nationalized . The economic situation was nearly as difficult in the north as it was in the south , as the Japanese had concentrated agriculture in the south and heavy industry in the north . Soviet forces departed in 1948 . UN intervention and the formation of separate governments ( edit ) South Korean demonstration in support of the U.S. - Soviet Joint Commission in 1946 South Korean general election on May 10 , 1948 With the failure of the Joint Commission to make progress , the US brought the problem before the United Nations in September 1947 . The Soviet Union opposed UN involvement . At that time , the US had more influence over the UN than the USSR . The UN passed a resolution on November 14 , 1947 , declaring that free elections should be held , foreign troops should be withdrawn , and a UN commission for Korea , the United Nations Temporary Commission on Korea ( UNTCOK ) , should be created . The Soviet Union boycotted the voting and did not consider the resolution to be binding , arguing that the UN could not guarantee fair elections . In the absence of Soviet co-operation , it was decided to hold UN-supervised elections in the south only . This was in defiance of the report of the chairman of the Commission , K.P.S. Menon , who had argued against a separate election . Some UNTCOK delegates felt that the conditions in the south gave unfair advantage to right - wing candidates , but they were overruled . The decision to proceed with separate elections was unpopular among many Koreans , who rightly saw it as a prelude to a permanent division of the country . General strikes in protest against the decision began in February 1948 . In April , Jeju islanders rose up against the looming division of the country . South Korean troops were sent to repress the rebellion . Tens of thousands of islanders were killed and by one estimate , 70 % of the villages were burned by the South Korean troops . The uprising flared up again with the outbreak of the Korean War . In April 1948 , a conference of organizations from the north and the south met in Pyongyang . The southern politicians Kim Koo and Kim Kyu - sik attended the conference and boycotted the elections in the south , as did other politicians and parties . The conference called for a united government and the withdrawal of foreign troops . Syngman Rhee and General Hodge denounced the conference . Kim Koo was assassinated the following year . On May 10 , 1948 the south held a general election . It took place amid widespread violence and intimidation , as well as a boycott by opponents of Syngman Rhee . On August 15 , the `` Republic of Korea '' formally took over power from the U.S. military , with Syngman Rhee as the first president . In the North , the `` Democratic People 's Republic of Korea '' was declared on September 9 , with Kim Il - sung as prime minister . On December 12 , 1948 , the United Nations General Assembly accepted the report of UNTCOK and declared the Republic of Korea to be the `` only lawful government in Korea '' . However , none of the members of UNTCOK considered that the election had established a legitimate national parliament . The Australian government , which had a representative on the commission declared that it was `` far from satisfied '' with the election . Unrest continued in the South . In October 1948 , the Yeosu -- Suncheon Rebellion took place , in which some regiments rejected the suppression of the Jeju uprising and rebelled against the government . In 1949 , the Syngman Rhee government established the Bodo League in order to keep an eye on its political opponents . The majority of the Bodo League 's members were innocent farmers and civilians who were forced into membership . The registered members or their families were executed at the beginning of the Korean War . On December 24 , 1949 , South Korean Army massacred Mungyeong citizens who were suspected communist sympathizers or their family and affixed blame to communists . Korean War ( edit ) Main article : Korean War This division of Korea , after more than a millennium of being unified , was seen as controversial and temporary by both regimes . From 1948 until the start of the civil war on June 25 , 1950 , the armed forces of each side engaged in a series of bloody conflicts along the border . In 1950 , these conflicts escalated dramatically when North Korean forces invaded South Korea , triggering the Korean War . The United Nations intervened to protect the South , sending a US - led force . As it occupied the south , the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea attempted to unify Korea under its regime , initiating the nationalisation of industry , land reform , and the restoration of the People 's Committees . While UN intervention was conceived as restoring the border at the 38th parallel , Syngman Rhee argued that the attack of the North had obliterated the boundary . Similarly UN Commander in Chief , General Douglas MacArthur stated that he intended to unify Korea , not just drive the North Korean forces back behind the border . However , the North overran 90 % of the south until a counter-attack by US - led forces . As the North Korean forces were driven from the south , South Korean forces crossed the 38th parallel on 1 October , and American and other UN forces followed a week later . This was despite warnings from the People 's Republic of China that it would intervene if American troops crossed the parallel . As it occupied the North , the Republic of Korea , in turn , attempted to unify the country under its regime , with the Korean National Police enforcing political indoctrination . As US - led forces pushed into the north , China unleashed a counter-attack which drove them back into the south . In 1951 , the front line stabilized near the 38th parallel , and both sides began to consider an armistice . Rhee , however , demanded the war continue until Korea was unified under his leadership . The Communist side supported an armistice line being based on the 38th parallel , but the United Nations supported a line based on the territory held by each side , which was defensible , and this position prevailed . The Korean Armistice Agreement was signed after three years of war . The two sides agreed to create a four - kilometer - wide buffer zone between the states , known as the Korean Demilitarized Zone ( DMZ ) . This new border , reflecting the territory held by each side at the end of the war , crossed the 38th parallel diagonally . Rhee refused to accept the armistice and continued to urge the reunification of the country by force . Despite attempts by both sides to reunify the country , the war perpetuated the division of Korea and led to a permanent alliance between South Korea and the U.S. , and a permanent U.S. garrison in the South . Geneva Conference and NNSC ( edit ) As dictated by the terms of the Korean Armistice , a Geneva Conference was held in 1954 on the Korean question . Despite efforts by many of the nations involved , the conference ended without a declaration for a unified Korea . The Armistice established a Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission ( NNSC ) which was tasked to monitor the Armistice . Since 1953 , members of the Swiss and Swedish Armed Forces have been members of the NNSC stationed near the DMZ . Post-armistice relations ( edit ) Main articles : Korean conflict and North Korea -- South Korea relations Since the war , Korea has remained divided along the DMZ . North and South have remained in a state of conflict , with the opposing regimes both claiming to be the legitimate government of the whole country . Sporadic negotiations have failed to produce lasting progress towards reunification . See also ( edit ) Korea portal List of border incidents involving North Korea Korean conflict Korean reunification North Korea -- South Korea relations History of North Korea History of South Korea Partition of Vietnam Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Buzo , Adrian ( 2002 ) . The Making of Modern Korea . London : Routledge . pp. 31 -- 37 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 23749 - 1 . Jump up ^ Cumings , Bruce ( 2005 ) . Korea 's Place in the Sun : A Modern History . New York : W.W. Norton & Company . pp. 156 -- 160 . ISBN 0 - 393 - 32702 - 7 . ^ Jump up to : Cumings , Bruce ( 2005 ) . Korea 's Place in the Sun : A Modern History . New York : W.W. Norton & Company . pp. 159 -- 160 . ISBN 0 - 393 - 32702 - 7 . Jump up ^ `` Cairo Communique , December 1 , 1943 '' . Japan National Diet Library . December 1 , 1943 . Jump up ^ Savada , Andrea Matles ; Shaw , William , eds. ( 1990 ) , `` World War II and Korea '' , South Korea : A Country Study , GPO , Washington , DC : Library of Congress Jump up ^ Cumings , Bruce ( 2005 ) . Korea 's Place in the Sun : A Modern History . New York : W.W. Norton & Company . pp. 187 -- 188 . ISBN 0 - 393 - 32702 - 7 . Jump up ^ Stueck , William W. ( 2002 ) , Rethinking the Korean War : A New Diplomatic and Strategic History , Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press , p. 20 , ISBN 0 - 691 - 11847 - 7 Jump up ^ Walker , J Samuel ( 1997 ) . Prompt and Utter Destruction : Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs Against Japan . Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press . p. 82 . ISBN 0 - 8078 - 2361 - 9 . Jump up ^ Oberdorfer , Don ; Carlin , Robert ( 2014 ) . The Two Koreas : A Contemporary History . Basic Books . p. 5 . ISBN 9780465031238 . Jump up ^ Seth , Michael J. ( 2010 ) . A History of Korea : From Antiquity to the Present . Rowman & Littlefield Publishers . p. 306 . ISBN 9780742567177 . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 16 . Jump up ^ Buzo , Adrian ( 2002 ) . The Making of Modern Korea . London : Routledge . p. 53 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 23749 - 1 . ^ Jump up to : Hyung Gu Lynn ( 2007 ) . Bipolar Orders : The Two Koreas since 1989 . Zed Books . p. 18 . Jump up ^ Seth , Michael J. ( 2010 ) . A Concise History of Modern Korea : From the Late Nineteenth Century to the Present . Hawaìi studies on Korea . Rowman & Littlefield . p. 86 . ISBN 9780742567139 . Retrieved 2015 - 11 - 16 . Jump up ^ Buzo , Adrian ( 2002 ) . The Making of Modern Korea . London : Routledge . pp. 53 -- 57 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 23749 - 1 . Jump up ^ Robinson , Michael E ( 2007 ) . Korea 's Twentieth - Century Odyssey . Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press . pp. 105 -- 106 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8248 - 3174 - 5 . Jump up ^ Buzo , Adrian ( 2002 ) . The Making of Modern Korea . London : Routledge . p. 59 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 23749 - 1 . Jump up ^ Bluth , Christoph ( 2008 ) . Korea . Cambridge : Polity Press . p. 12 . ISBN 978 - 07456 - 3357 - 2 . Jump up ^ Buzo , Adrian ( 2002 ) . The Making of Modern Korea . London : Routledge . pp. 59 -- 60 , 65 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 23749 - 1 . Jump up ^ Robinson , Michael E ( 2007 ) . Korea 's Twentieth - Century Odyssey . Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press . pp. 108 -- 109 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8248 - 3174 - 5 . ^ Jump up to : Hyung Gu Lynn ( 2007 ) . Bipolar Orders : The Two Koreas since 1989 . Zed Books . p. 20 . Jump up ^ Pembroke , Michael ( 2018 ) . Korea : Where the American Century Began . Melbourne : Hardie Grant . p. 43 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 74379 - 393 - 0 . Jump up ^ Hart - Landsberg , Martin ( 1998 ) . Korea : Division , Reunification , & U.S. Foreign Policy . Monthly Review Press . pp. 71 -- 77 . Jump up ^ Buzo , Adrian ( 2002 ) . The Making of Modern Korea . London : Routledge . p. 57 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 23749 - 1 . Jump up ^ Stueck , William W. ( 2002 ) . Rethinking the Korean War : A New Diplomatic and Strategic History . Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press . pp. 49 , 55 -- 57 . ISBN 0 - 691 - 11847 - 7 . Jump up ^ Buzo , Adrian ( 2002 ) . The Making of Modern Korea . London : Routledge . p. 65 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 23749 - 1 . Jump up ^ Arthur Millet , The War for Korea , 1945 -- 1950 ( 2005 ) . Jump up ^ Jon Halliday and Bruce Cumings , Korea : The Unknown War , Viking Press , 1988 , ISBN 0 - 670 - 81903 - 4 . Jump up ^ Buzo , Adrian ( 2002 ) . The Making of Modern Korea . London : Routledge . pp. 54 -- 55 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 23749 - 1 . Jump up ^ Robinson , Michael E ( 2007 ) . Korea 's Twentieth - Century Odyssey . Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press . p. 106 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8248 - 3174 - 5 . Jump up ^ Cumings , Bruce . The Origins of the Korean War : Liberation and the Emergence of Separate Regimes , 1945 -- 1947 . Princeton University Press , 1981 , 607 pages , ISBN 0 - 691 - 09383 - 0 . Jump up ^ Allan R. Millet , The War for Korea : 1945 -- 1950 ( 2005 ) p. 59 . Jump up ^ Gbosoe , Gbingba T. ( 2006 ) . Modernization of Japan . iUniverse . p. 212 . ISBN 9780595411900 . Retrieved 2015 - 10 - 06 . Although Soviet occupation forces were withdrawn on December 10 , 1948 , ( ... ) the Soviets had maintained ties with the Democratic Peoples ' Republic of Korea ( ... ) Jump up ^ Lone , Stewart ; McCormack , Gavan ( 1993 ) . Korea since 1850 . Melbourne : Longman Cheshire . pp. 100 -- 101 . Jump up ^ Buzo , Adrian ( 2002 ) . The Making of Modern Korea . London : Routledge . p. 66 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 23749 - 1 . Jump up ^ Jager , Sheila Miyoshi ( 2013 ) . Brothers at War -- The Unending Conflict in Korea . London : Profile Books . p. 47 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84668 - 067 - 0 . Jump up ^ Pembroke , Michael ( 2018 ) . Korea : Where the American Century Began . Melbourne : Hardie Grant . p. 45 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 74379 - 393 - 0 . Jump up ^ Cumings , Bruce ( 2005 ) . Korea 's Place in the Sun : A Modern History . New York : W.W. Norton & Company . pp. 211 -- 212 . ISBN 0 - 393 - 32702 - 7 . Jump up ^ `` Ghosts of Cheju '' . Newsweek. 2000 - 06 - 19 . Retrieved 2012 - 09 - 02 . Jump up ^ Robinson , Michael E ( 2007 ) . Korea 's Twentieth - Century Odyssey . Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press . p. 112 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8248 - 3174 - 5 . Jump up ^ Cumings , Bruce ( 2005 ) . Korea 's Place in the Sun : A Modern History . New York : W.W. Norton & Company . pp. 211 , 507 . ISBN 0 - 393 - 32702 - 7 . Jump up ^ Jager , Sheila Miyoshi ( 2013 ) . Brothers at War -- The Unending Conflict in Korea . London : Profile Books . pp. 47 -- 48 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84668 - 067 - 0 . ^ Jump up to : Pembroke , Michael ( 2018 ) . Korea : Where the American Century Began . Melbourne : Hardie Grant . p. 46 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 74379 - 393 - 0 . Jump up ^ Jager , Sheila Miyoshi ( 2013 ) . Brothers at War -- The Unending Conflict in Korea . London : Profile Books . pp. 48 , 496 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84668 - 067 - 0 . ^ Jump up to : Pembroke , Michael ( 2018 ) . Korea : Where the American Century Began . Melbourne : Hardie Grant . p. 47 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 74379 - 393 - 0 . Jump up ^ Buzo , Adrian ( 2002 ) . The Making of Modern Korea . London : Routledge . p. 67 . ISBN 0 - 415 - 23749 - 1 . Jump up ^ `` 439 civilians confirmed dead in Yeosu - Suncheon Uprising of 1948 New report by the Truth Commission places blame on Syngman Rhee and the Defense Ministry , advises government apology '' . The Hankyoreh. 8 January 2009 . Retrieved 2 September 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Gov 't Killed 3,400 Civilians During War '' . The Korea Times . 2 March 2009 . Archived from the original on 4 October 2012 . Retrieved 19 October 2014 . Jump up ^ 두 민간인 학살 사건 , 상반된 판결 왜 나왔나 ? ' 울산 보도 연맹 ' -- ' 문경 학살 사건 ' 판결문 비교 분석해 봤더니 ... OhmyNews ( in Korean ) . 2009 - 02 - 17 . Archived from the original on 2011 - 05 - 03 . Retrieved 2012 - 09 - 02 . Jump up ^ Lone , Stewart ; McCormack , Gavan ( 1993 ) . Korea since 1850 . Melbourne : Longman Cheshire . p. 112 . Jump up ^ Stueck , William W. ( 2002 ) . Rethinking the Korean War : A New Diplomatic and Strategic History . Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press . pp. 87 -- 88 . ISBN 0 - 691 - 11847 - 7 . Jump up ^ Stueck , William W. ( 2002 ) . Rethinking the Korean War : A New Diplomatic and Strategic History . Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press . p. 89 . ISBN 0 - 691 - 11847 - 7 . Jump up ^ Cumings , Bruce ( 2005 ) . Korea 's Place in the Sun : A Modern History . New York : W.W. Norton & Company . pp. 281 -- 282 . ISBN 0 - 393 - 32702 - 7 . Jump up ^ Stueck , William W. ( 2002 ) . Rethinking the Korean War : A New Diplomatic and Strategic History . Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press . p. 141 . ISBN 0 - 691 - 11847 - 7 . Jump up ^ Stueck , William W. ( 2002 ) . Rethinking the Korean War : A New Diplomatic and Strategic History . Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press . pp. 139,180 . ISBN 0 - 691 - 11847 - 7 . Jump up ^ Stueck , William W. ( 2002 ) . Rethinking the Korean War : A New Diplomatic and Strategic History . Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press . pp. 189 -- 193 . ISBN 0 - 691 - 11847 - 7 . Jump up ^ Stueck , William W. ( 2002 ) . Rethinking the Korean War : A New Diplomatic and Strategic History . Princeton , NJ : Princeton University Press . pp. 188 -- 189 . ISBN 0 - 691 - 11847 - 7 . Jump up ^ `` NNSC in Korea '' ( PDF ) . Swiss Army . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on August 29 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Korea '' . Swedish Armed Forces . Archived from the original on August 25 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Feffer , John ( June 9 , 2005 ) . `` Korea 's slow - motion reunification '' . Boston Globe . Retrieved 2007 - 08 - 13 . References ( edit ) Oberdorfer , Don . The Two Koreas : A Contemporary History . Addison - Wesley , 1997 , 472 pages , ISBN 0 - 201 - 40927 - 5 Cumings , Bruce . The Origins of the Korean War : Liberation and the Emergence of Separate Regimes , 1945 - 1947 . Princeton University Press , 1981 , 607 pages , ISBN 0 - 691 - 09383 - 0 Hoare , James ; Daniels , Gordon ( February 2004 ) . `` The Korean Armistice North and South : The Low - Key Victory ( Hoare ) ; The British Press and the Korean Armistice : Antecedents , Opinions and Prognostications ( Daniels ) '' . The Korean Armistice of 1953 and its Consequences : Part I ( PDF ) ( Discussion Paper No . IS / 04 / 467 ed . ) . London : The Suntory Centre ( London School of Economics ) . External links ( edit ) South Korean Ministry of Unification ( Korean and English ) North Korean News Agency ( Korean and English ) Korea Web Weekly ( English ) NDFSK ( Mostly Korean ; some English ) Koreascope ( Korean and English ) , has list of Post-World War II US and Soviet administrators ( English ) Korean Unification Studies Ongoing armed conflicts Africa ADF insurgency Batwa - Luba clashes Boko Haram insurgency Burundian unrest Central African Republic Civil War Communal conflicts in Nigeria ( Herder -- farmer conflicts in Nigeria ) Conflict in the Niger Delta Eritrean -- Ethiopian border conflict Second Afar insurgency Ethnic violence in South Sudan South Sudanese Civil War Insurgency in Egypt Insurgency in the Maghreb ISIL insurgency in Tunisia Islamist insurgency in Mozambique Ituri conflict Kamwina Nsapu rebellion Katanga insurgency Kivu conflict Libyan Crisis Second Civil War Lord 's Resistance Army insurgency Northern Mali conflict Ogaden insurgency Oromo - Somali clashes RENAMO insurgency Sinai insurgency Somali Civil War War in Somalia Sudanese conflict in South Kordofan and Blue Nile Sudanese nomadic conflicts War in Darfur Americas Colombian conflict EPP insurgency Mexican Drug War Peruvian internal conflict Mapuche conflict East and South Asia Balochistan conflict Sistan and Baluchestan insurgency Insurgency in Laos Insurgency in Northeast India Assam Meghalaya Manipur Nagaland Insurgency in the Philippines CPP -- NPA -- NDF Moro Internal conflict in Bangladesh Internal conflict in Myanmar Kachin Karen Rohingya Kashmir conflict Naxalite -- Maoist insurgency Papua conflict Sectarianism in Pakistan South Thailand insurgency War in Afghanistan 2001 -- present War in North - West Pakistan Xinjiang conflict Europe Insurgency in the North Caucasus War in Donbass Islamic terrorism in Europe West Asia Arab separatism in Khuzestan Iraqi Civil War ( 2014 -- present ) Israeli -- Palestinian conflict Kurdish separatism in Iran West Iran clashes Kurdish -- Turkish conflict 2015 -- present Nagorno - Karabakh conflict Qatif conflict 2017 Qatif unrest Syrian Civil War Yemeni Crisis civil war in World maps Post -- Cold War conflicts in Asia South Asia Nepalese conflicts Civil War ( 1996 -- 2006 ) Royal massacre ( 2001 ) Sri Lankan Civil War ( 1983 -- 2009 ) Kashmir conflict ( 1947 -- present ) 2013 India -- Pakistan border skirmishes India -- Pakistan border skirmishes ( 2014 -- 2015 ) India -- Pakistan military confrontation ( 2016 -- present ) Kargil War ( 1999 ) Jammu and Kashmir insurgency ( 1989 -- present ) Insurgency in Northeast India ( 1964 -- present ) Naxalite -- Maoist insurgency ( 1967 -- present ) Afghanistan -- Pakistan skirmishes Afghan Wars 1989 -- 92 1992 -- 96 1996 -- 2001 2001 -- present War in North - 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Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when did north korea separate from south korea | [
"The division of Korea between North and South Korea occurred after World War II, ending the Empire of Japan's 35-year rule over Korea in 1945. The United States and the Soviet Union each occupied a portion of the country, with the boundary between their zones of control along the 38th parallel."
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-4850551424394359011 | David Janssen | David Janssen - wikipedia David Janssen Jump to : navigation , search David Janssen Janssen in The Fugitive ( 1963 ) David Harold Meyer ( 1931 - 03 - 27 ) March 27 , 1931 Naponee , Nebraska , U.S. February 13 , 1980 ( 1980 - 02 - 13 ) ( aged 48 ) Malibu , California , U.S. Cause of death Heart attack Resting place Hillside Memorial Park Cemetery Occupation Actor Years active 1945 -- 1980 Spouse ( s ) Ellie Graham ( m . 1958 ; div. 1968 ) Dani Crayne ( m . 1975 -- 1980 ) David Janssen ( born David Harold Meyer , March 27 , 1931 -- February 13 , 1980 ) was an American film and television actor who is best known for his starring role as Richard Kimble in the television series The Fugitive ( 1963 -- 1967 ) . Janssen also had the title roles in three other series : Richard Diamond , Private Detective ; Harry O ; and O'Hara , U.S. Treasury . In 1996 TV Guide ranked him number 36 on its 50 Greatest TV Stars of All Time list . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 2 Acting career 3 Personal life 4 Death 5 Selected filmography 5.1 Television movies 5.2 Television 6 Bibliography 7 References 8 External links Early life ( edit ) Janssen was born in 1931 in Naponee , a village in Franklin County in southern Nebraska , to Harold Edward Meyer , a banker ( May 12 , 1906 -- November 4 , 1990 ) and Berniece Graf ( May 11 , 1910 -- November 26 , 1995 ) . Janssen was of Irish and Jewish descent . Following his parents ' divorce in 1935 , his mother moved with five - year - old David to Los Angeles , California , and later married Eugene Janssen ( February 18 , 1918 -- March 30 , 1996 ) in 1940 in Los Angeles . Young David used his stepfather 's name after he entered show business as a child . He attended Fairfax High School in Los Angeles , where he excelled on the basketball court , setting a school - scoring record that lasted over 20 years . His first film part was at the age of thirteen , and by the age of twenty - five he had appeared in twenty films and served two years as an enlisted man in the United States Army . During his Army days , Janssen became friends with fellow enlistees Martin Milner and Clint Eastwood while posted at Fort Ord , California . Acting career ( edit ) in TV series The Fugitive , 1963 -- 1967 ( final episode ) Janssen appeared in many television series before he landed programs of his own . In 1956 , he and Peter Breck appeared in John Bromfield 's syndicated series Sheriff of Cochise in the episode `` The Turkey Farmers '' . Later , he guest - starred on NBC 's medical drama The Eleventh Hour in the role of Hal Kincaid in the 1962 episode `` Make Me a Place '' , with series co-stars Wendell Corey and Jack Ging . He joined friend Martin Milner in a 1962 episode of Route 66 as the character Kamo in the episode `` One Tiger to a Hill . '' Janssen starred in four television series of his own : Richard Diamond , Private Detective ( 1957 -- 1960 ) , a CBS / Four Star hit series that also introduced Mary Tyler Moore , showing only her legs , and Barbara Bain as Diamond 's girlfriend . The Fugitive ( 1963 -- 67 ) , the hit Quinn Martin - produced series , about a Midwest doctor falsely convicted of murdering his wife ; O'Hara , U.S. Treasury ( 1971 -- 1972 ) , one of Jack Webb 's Mark VII Limited productions for both NBC - TV and Universal Studios , as a government agent investigating counterfeiters and other federal crimes ; Harry O ( 1974 -- 1976 ) , as a San Diego - based private eye . At the time , the final episode of The Fugitive held the record for the greatest number of American homes with television sets to watch a series finale , at 72 percent in August 1967 . His films include To Hell and Back , the biography of Audie Murphy , who was the most decorated American soldier of World War II ; John Wayne 's Vietnam war film The Green Berets ; opposite Gregory Peck in the space story Marooned , in which Janssen played an astronaut sent to rescue three stranded men in space , and The Shoes of the Fisherman , as a television journalist in Rome reporting on the election of a new Pope ( Anthony Quinn ) . He starred as a Los Angeles police detective trying to clear himself in the killing of an apparently innocent doctor in the 1967 film Warning Shot . The film was shot during a break in the spring and summer of 1966 between the third and fourth seasons of The Fugitive . Janssen played an alcoholic in the 1977 TV movie A Sensitive , Passionate Man , which co-starred Angie Dickinson , and an engineer who devises an unbeatable system for blackjack in the 1978 made - for - TV movie Nowhere to Run , co-starring Stefanie Powers and Linda Evans . Janssen 's impressively husky voice was used to good effect as the narrator for the TV mini-series Centennial ( 1978 -- 79 ) ; he also appeared in the final episode . He starred in the made for tv mini series `` S.O.S. Titanic '' as John Jacob Astor , playing opposite Beverly Ross as his wife , Madeleine , in 1979 . Though Janssen 's scenes were cut from the final release , he also appeared as a journalist in the film Inchon , which he accepted to work with Laurence Olivier who played General Douglas MacArthur . At the time of his death , Janssen had just begun filming a television movie playing the part of Father Damien , the priest who dedicated himself to the leper colony on the island of Molokai , Hawaii . The part was eventually reassigned to actor Ken Howard of the CBS series The White Shadow . In 1996 TV Guide ranked him number 36 on its 50 Greatest TV Stars of All Time list . Personal life ( edit ) In 1974 Janssen was married twice . His first marriage was to model and interior decorator Ellie Graham , whom he married in Las Vegas on August 25 , 1958 . They divorced in 1968 . In 1975 , he married actress and model Dani Crayne Greco . They remained married until Janssen 's death . Death ( edit ) A heavy drinker and a four - pack - a-day smoker , Janssen died of a heart attack in the early morning of February 13 , 1980 , at his home in Malibu , California at age 48 . At the time of his death , Janssen was filming the television movie Father Damien . Janssen was buried at the Hillside Memorial Park Cemetery in Culver City , California . A non-denominational funeral was held at the Jewish chapel of the cemetery on February 17 . Suzanne Pleshette delivered the eulogy at the request of Janssen 's widow . Milton Berle , Johnny Carson , Tommy Gallagher , Richard Harris , Stan Herman , Rod Stewart and Gregory Peck were among Janssen 's pallbearers . Honorary pallbearers included Jack Lemmon , George Peppard , James Stewart and Danny Thomas . For his contribution to the television industry , David Janssen has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame located on the 7700 block of Hollywood Boulevard . Selected filmography ( edit ) It 's a Pleasure ( 1945 ) as Davey / boy referee ( uncredited ) Swamp Fire ( 1946 ) as Emile 's Eldest Son ( uncredited ) No Room for the Groom ( 1952 ) as Soldier ( scenes deleted ) Francis Goes to West Point ( 1952 ) as Cpl . Thomas Untamed Frontier ( 1952 ) as Lottie 's Dance Partner ( uncredited ) Bonzo Goes to College ( 1952 ) as Jack ( uncredited ) Yankee Buccaneer ( 1952 ) as Beckett Back at the Front ( 1952 ) as Soldier ( uncredited ) Leave It to Harry ( 1954 ) as Quiz Show Host Chief Crazy Horse ( 1955 ) as Lt. Colin Cartwright Cult of the Cobra ( 1955 ) as Rico Nardi Francis in the Navy ( 1955 ) as Lt. Anders The Private War of Major Benson ( 1955 ) as Young Lieutenant To Hell and Back ( 1955 ) as Lieutenant Lee All That Heaven Allows ( 1955 ) as Freddie Norton ( uncredited ) The Square Jungle ( 1955 ) as Jack Lindsay Never Say Goodbye ( 1956 ) as Dave Heller The Toy Tiger ( 1956 ) as Larry Tripps Francis in the Haunted House ( 1956 ) as Police Lieutenant Hopkins Away All Boats ( 1956 ) as Talker ( uncredited ) Mr. Black Magic ( 1956 ) as Master of Ceremonies Showdown at Abilene ( 1956 ) as Verne Ward The Girl He Left Behind ( 1956 ) as Capt . Genaro Lafayette Escadrille ( 1958 ) as Duke Sinclair Hell to Eternity ( 1960 ) as Sgt . Bill Hazen Dondi ( 1961 ) as Dealey King of the Roaring 20 's - The Story of Arnold Rothstein ( 1961 ) as Arnold Rothstein Ring of Fire ( 1961 ) as Sergeant Steve Walsh Twenty Plus Two ( 1961 ) as Tom Alder Man - Trap ( 1961 ) as Vince Biskay My Six Loves ( 1963 ) as Marty Bliss Warning Shot ( 1967 ) as Sgt . Tom Valens The Green Berets ( 1968 ) as George Beckworth The Shoes of the Fisherman ( 1968 ) as George Faber Where It 's At ( 1969 ) as A.C. Marooned ( 1969 ) as Ted Dougherty Generation ( 1969 ) as Jim Bolton Macho Callahan ( 1970 ) as Diego Callahan Once Is Not Enough ( 1975 ) as Tom Colt The Swiss Conspiracy ( 1976 ) as David Christopher Two - Minute Warning ( 1976 ) as Steve Warhead ( 1977 ) as Tony Stevens Golden Rendezvous ( 1977 ) as Charles Conway Covert Action ( 1978 ) as Lester Horton Inchon ( 1981 , Scenes cut from released print ) as David Feld ( final film role ) Television movies ( edit ) Belle Sommers ( 1962 ) as Danny Castle Night Chase ( 1970 ) as Adrian Vico The Longest Night ( 1972 ) as Alan Chambers Moon of the Wolf ( 1972 ) as Sheriff Aaron Whitaker Birds of Prey ( 1973 ) as Harry Walker Hijack ( 1973 ) as Jake Wilkenson Harry O -- Such Dust As Dreams Are Made On ( 1973 ) as Harry Orwell Pioneer Woman ( 1973 ) as Robert Douglas Harry O -- Smile Jenny , You 're Dead ( 1974 ) as Harry Orwell Do n't Call the Police ( 1974 ) as Harry Orwell Fer - de-Lance ( 1974 ) as Russ Bogan Stalk the Wild Child ( 1976 ) as Dr. James Hazard Mayday at 40,000 Feet ! ( 1976 ) as Captain Pete Douglass A Sensitive , Passionate Man ( 1977 ) as Michael Delaney Superdome ( 1978 ) as Mike Shelley Nowhere to Run ( 1978 ) as Harry Adams S.O.S. Titanic ( 1979 ) as John Jacob Astor The Golden Gate Murders ( 1979 ) as Det . Sgt . Paul Silver High Ice ( 1980 ) as Glencoe MacDonald City in Fear ( 1980 ) as Vince Perrino Father Damien : The Leper Priest -- 1980 ( Incomplete -- Replaced by Ken Howard ) Television ( edit ) Boston Blackie ( 1 episode , 1951 ) as Armored Car Driver ( uncredited ) Lux Video Theatre ( 3 episodes , 1955 -- 1956 ) as Johnny Reynolds Jr . / Joe Davies / Ralph Matinee Theatre ( 1 episode , 1956 ) as Paul Merrick Sheriff of Cochise ( 1 episode , 1956 ) as Arnie Hix Conflict ( 1 episode , 1957 ) as Sid Lukes You Are There ( 1 episode , 1957 ) as Great Dalton U.S. Marshal ( 1 episode , ? ? ? ? ) Alcoa Theatre ( 2 episodes , 1957 -- 1958 ) as Jim McCandless / Mike Harper The Millionaire ( 2 episodes , 1957 -- 1958 ) as David Barrett / Peter Miller Zane Grey Theater ( 4 episodes , 1957 -- 1959 ) as Dix Porter / Seth Larker / Tod Owen / Danny Ensign Richard Diamond , Private Detective ( 77 episodes , 1957 -- 1960 ) as Richard Diamond / Chuck Garrett Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse ( 1 episode , 1959 ) as Ross Ingraham Death Valley Days ( 1 episode , 1961 ) as Dr. Bill Breckenridge Adventures in Paradise ( 1 episode , 1961 ) as Scotty Bell Thriller ( 1 episode , 1962 ) Target : The Corruptors ( 1x19 The Middle Man , 1962 ) as Robbie Wilson General Electric Theater ( 1 episode , 1962 ) as Pat Howard Follow the Sun ( 2 episodes , 1962 ) as Johnny Sadowsky Checkmate ( 1 episode , 1962 ) as Len Kobalsky Cain 's Hundred ( 1 episode , 1962 ) as Dan Mullin Kraft Mystery Theatre ( 1 episode , 1962 ) Route 66 ( 1 episode , 1962 ) as Karno Starling The Eleventh Hour ( 1 episode , 1962 ) as Hal Kincaid The Dick Powell Show ( 1 episode , 1963 ) as Kenneth ' Ken ' Morgan Naked City ( 2 episodes , 1961 -- 1963 ) as Carl Ashland / Blair Cameron The Fugitive ( 120 episodes , 1963 -- 1967 ) as Dr. Richard Kimble / James Lincoln The Hollywood Palace ( 1 episode , 1965 ) O'Hara , U.S. Treasury ( 22 episodes , 1971 -- 1972 ) as Jim O'Hara / James O'Hara Cannon ( 1 episode , 1973 ) as Ian Kirk Harry O ( 45 episodes , 1973 -- 1976 ) as Harry Orwell Police Story ( 1 episode , 1977 ) as Sgt . Joe Wilson The Word ( 1978 ) as Steve Randall Centennial ( 1 episode , 1979 , and narrator for all 12 episodes , 1978 -- 79 ) as Paul Garrett / Narrator Biography ( 1979 ) as Host Bibliography ( edit ) Janssen , Ellie ; Phelps , J.D. Michael ( 1994 ) . David Janssen -- My Fugitive . Hollywood , Fla. : Lifetime Books . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8119 - 0797 - 2 . OCLC 31134272 . References ( edit ) Biography portal Los Angeles portal Film portal Television portal Jump up ^ `` TV Guide 's 50 Greatest TV Stars of All Time ( 1996 ) '' . Am I annoying . Jump up ^ Eder , Shirley ( February 20 , 1980 ) . `` ' Angels ' Will Be Back -- Without Shelly Hack '' . The Evening Independent . p. 12 - B . Jump up ^ TV Guide Guide to TV . Barnes and Noble. 2004 . ISBN 0 - 7607 - 5634 - 1 . Jump up ^ `` Private Eye Caught '' . The Miami News . August 25 , 1958 . p. 3A . ^ Jump up to : Arar , Yardena ( February 14 , 1980 ) . `` Actor David Janssen Dies of Heart Attack at Age 38 '' . Sarasota Herald - Tribune . p. 3 - A . Jump up ^ Gliatto , Tom ( September 13 , 1993 ) . `` The First Fugitive '' . . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ David Janssen at Find a Grave Jump up ^ `` Friends turn out to bid farewell to David Janssen '' . The Montreal Gazette . February 19 , 1980 . p. 69 . Jump up ^ Janssen ' Scandal Saga ' in Works , Sarasota Herald - Tribune , 28 April 1986 Jump up ^ `` Hollywood Star Walk : David Janssen '' . Los Angeles Times . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to David Janssen . David Janssen on IMDb The David Janssen Archive VIAF : 14965668 LCCN : n85376638 ISNI : 0000 0001 0872 6090 GND : 119402912 SUDOC : 135422639 BNF : cb139678697 ( data ) BNE : XX1316971 SNAC : w6qh31kp Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1931 births 1980 deaths 20th - century American male actors American male film actors American male television actors American people of Irish descent American people of Jewish descent Burials at Hillside Memorial Park Cemetery Fairfax High School ( Los Angeles ) alumni Male actors from Nebraska People from Franklin County , Nebraska United States Army soldiers Hidden categories : Find a Grave template with ID not in Wikidata Use mdy dates from November 2013 Articles with hCards Pages using div col with deprecated parameters Pages using div col without cols and colwidth parameters Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with SNAC - ID identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia تۆرکجه Deutsch Ελληνικά Español فارسی Français Italiano Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Plattdüütsch Polski Português Română Runa Simi Русский Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Türkçe Edit links This page was last edited on 23 February 2018 , at 18 : 18 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who played the fugitive in the tv series | [
"David Janssen (born David Harold Meyer, March 27, 1931 – February 13, 1980) was an American film and television actor who is best known for his starring role as Richard Kimble in the television series The Fugitive (1963–1967). Janssen also had the title roles in three other series: Richard Diamond, Private Detective; Harry O; and O'Hara, U.S. Treasury."
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"David Janssen"
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-1454374246621703434 | Lionel Messi | Lionel Messi - Wikipedia Lionel Messi Argentine footballer `` Messi '' redirects here . For other uses , see Messi ( disambiguation ) . This name uses Spanish naming customs : the first or paternal family name is Messi and the second or maternal family name is Cuccittini . Lionel Messi Messi with Argentina at the 2018 FIFA World Cup Full name Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini Date of birth ( 1987 - 06 - 24 ) 24 June 1987 ( age 31 ) Place of birth Rosario , Argentina Height 1.70 m ( 5 ft 7 in ) Playing position Forward Club information Current team Barcelona Number 10 Youth career 1994 -- 2000 Newell 's Old Boys 2001 -- 2004 Barcelona Senior career * Years Team Apps ( Gls ) 2003 -- 2004 Barcelona C 10 ( 5 ) 2004 -- 2005 Barcelona B 22 ( 6 ) 2005 -- Barcelona 418 ( 383 ) National team 2004 -- 2005 Argentina U20 18 ( 14 ) 2008 Argentina U23 5 ( 2 ) 2005 -- Argentina 128 ( 65 ) Honours ( show ) Men 's football Representing Argentina FIFA World Cup Runner - up 2014 Brazil Copa América Runner - up 2007 Venezuela Runner - up 2015 Chile Runner - up 2016 United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team FIFA U-20 World Cup Winner 2005 Netherlands South American U-20 Championship 2005 Colombia * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 29 May 2018 ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 30 June 2018 This article is part of a series about Lionel Messi Argentine professional footballer International goals Career achievements Comparisons to Cristiano Ronaldo Films Messi ( 2014 ) Messi ( 2017 ) Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini ( Spanish pronunciation : ( ljoˈnel anˈdɾez ˈmesi ) ( listen ) ; born 24 June 1987 ) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish club Barcelona and the Argentine national team . Often considered the best player in the world and regarded by many as one of the greatest players of all time . Messi has a record - tying five Ballon d'Or awards , four of which he won consecutively , and a record five European Golden Shoes . He has spent his entire professional career with Barcelona , where he has won 32 trophies , including nine La Liga titles , four UEFA Champions League titles , and six Copas del Rey . Both a prolific goalscorer and a creative playmaker , Messi holds the records for most official goals scored in La Liga ( 383 ) , a La Liga season ( 50 ) , a club football season in Europe ( 73 ) , a calendar year ( 91 ) , El Clásico ( 26 ) , as well as those for most assists in La Liga ( 149 ) and the Copa América ( 11 ) . He has scored over 600 senior career goals for club and country . Born and raised in central Argentina , Messi was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency as a child . At age 13 , he relocated to Spain to join Barcelona , who agreed to pay for his medical treatment . After a fast progression through Barcelona 's youth academy , Messi made his competitive debut aged 17 in October 2004 . Despite being injury - prone during his early career , he established himself as an integral player for the club within the next three years , finishing 2007 as a finalist for both the Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year award , a feat he repeated the following year . His first uninterrupted campaign came in the 2008 -- 09 season , during which he helped Barcelona achieve the first treble in Spanish football . At 22 years old , Messi won the Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year award by record voting margins . Three successful seasons followed , with Messi winning three consecutive FIFA Ballons d'Or , including an unprecedented fourth . His best campaign statistically to date was the 2011 -- 12 season , in which he set the La Liga and European records for most goals scored in a single season , while establishing himself as Barcelona 's all - time top scorer in official competitions in March 2012 . The following two seasons , Messi finished twice second for the Ballon d'Or behind Cristiano Ronaldo , his perceived career rival . Messi regained his best form during the 2014 -- 15 campaign , breaking the all - time goalscoring records in both La Liga and the Champions League in November 2014 , and led Barcelona to a historic second treble . An Argentine international , Messi is his country 's all - time leading goalscorer . At youth level , he won the 2005 FIFA World Youth Championship , finishing the tournament with both the Golden Ball and Golden Shoe , and an Olympic gold medal at the 2008 Summer Olympics . His style of play as a diminutive , left - footed dribbler drew comparisons with compatriot Diego Maradona , who declared the teenager his successor . After making his senior debut in August 2005 , Messi became the youngest Argentine to play and score in a FIFA World Cup during the 2006 edition , and reached the final of the 2007 Copa América , where he was named young player of the tournament . As the squad 's captain from August 2011 , he led Argentina to three consecutive finals : the 2014 World Cup , for which he won the Golden Ball , and the 2015 and 2016 Copas América . After announcing his international retirement in 2016 , he reversed his decision and led his country to qualification for the 2018 World Cup . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 2 Club career 2.1 Barcelona 2.1. 1 2003 -- 05 : Rise to the first team 2.1. 2 2005 -- 08 : Making the starting eleven 2.1. 3 2009 -- 11 : Sustained success 2.1. 4 2012 : A record - breaking year 2.1. 5 2013 -- 14 : Messidependencia 2.1. 6 2014 -- 15 : A historic treble 2.1. 7 2015 -- 16 : Domestic success 2.1. 8 2016 -- 17 : Fourth Golden Boot 2.1. 9 2017 -- 18 : Domestic double and a record fifth Golden Boot 3 International career 3.1 2004 -- 05 : Success at youth level 3.2 2005 -- 06 : Senior and World Cup debuts 3.3 2007 -- 08 : Copa América final and Olympic gold 3.4 2008 -- 11 : Collective decline 3.5 2011 -- 13 : Assuming the captaincy 3.6 2014 -- 15 : World Cup and Copa América finals 3.7 2016 : Copa América Centenario , retirement , and return 3.7. 1 `` Do n't go , Leo '' 3.7. 2 Return 3.8 2018 : World Cup 4 Player profile 4.1 Style of play 4.2 Reception 4.3 Comparisons to Cristiano Ronaldo 5 In popular culture 6 Personal life 6.1 Family and relationships 6.2 Philanthropy 6.3 Controversies 7 Career statistics 7.1 Club 7.2 International 8 Honours and achievements 8.1 Club 8.2 International 8.3 Individual 8.3. 1 Awards 8.3. 2 Performances 8.4 Records 8.4. 1 World 8.4. 2 Continental 8.4. 3 Spain 8.4. 4 Argentina 8.4. 5 Barcelona 9 See also 10 Notes 11 References 12 External links Early life 5 - year - old Lionel Messi with Club Abanderado Grandoli of Rosario , where he started to play football Lionel Andrés Messi was born on 24 June 1987 in Rosario , the third of four children of Jorge Messi , a steel factory manager , and his wife Celia Cuccittini , who worked in a magnet manufacturing workshop . On his father 's side , he is of Italian and Spanish descent , the great - grandson of immigrants from the northcentral Adriatic Marche region of Italy and Catalonia , and on his mother 's side , he has primarily Italian ancestry . Growing up in a tight - knit , football - loving family , `` Leo '' developed a passion for the sport from an early age , playing constantly with his older brothers , Rodrigo and Matías , and his cousins , Maximiliano and Emanuel Biancucchi , both of whom became professional footballers . At the age of four he joined local club Grandoli , where he was coached by his father , though his earliest influence as a player came from his maternal grandmother , Celia , who accompanied him to training and matches . He was greatly affected by her death , shortly before his eleventh birthday ; since then , as a devout Catholic , he has celebrated his goals by looking up and pointing to the sky in tribute of his grandmother . `` When you saw him you would think : this kid ca n't play ball . He 's a dwarf , he 's too fragile , too small . But immediately you 'd realise that he was born different , that he was a phenomenon and that he was going to be something impressive . '' -- Newell 's Old Boys youth coach Adrián Coria shares his first impression of the 12 - year - old Messi . A lifelong supporter of Newell 's Old Boys , Messi joined the Rosario club when he was six years old . During the six years he played for Newell 's , he scored almost 500 goals as a member of `` The Machine of ' 87 '' , the near - unbeatable youth side named for the year of their birth , and regularly entertained crowds by performing ball tricks during half - time of the first team 's home games . However , his future as a professional player was threatened when , at age 10 , he was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency . As his father 's health insurance covered only two years of growth hormone treatment , which cost at least $ 1,000 per month , Newell 's agreed to contribute , but later reneged on their promise . He was scouted by Buenos Aires club River Plate , whose playmaker , Pablo Aimar , he idolised , but they were also unable to pay for his treatment due to the country 's economic collapse . Messi enrolled at Barcelona 's youth academy , La Masia , at age 13 As the Messi family had relatives in Catalonia , they sought to arrange a trial with Barcelona in September 2000 . First team director Charly Rexach immediately wanted to sign him , but the board of directors hesitated ; at the time it was highly unusual for European clubs to sign foreign players of such a young age . On 14 December , an ultimatum was issued for Barcelona to prove their commitment , and Rexach , with no other paper at hand , offered a contract on a paper napkin . In February 2001 , the family relocated to Barcelona , where they moved into an apartment near the club 's stadium , Camp Nou . During his first year in Spain , Messi rarely played with the Infantiles due to a transfer conflict with Newell 's ; as a foreigner , he could only be fielded in friendlies and the Catalan league . Without football , he struggled to integrate into the team ; already reserved by nature , he was so quiet that his teammates initially believed he was mute . At home , he suffered from homesickness after his mother moved back to Rosario with his brothers and little sister , María Sol , while he stayed in Barcelona with his father . After a year at Barcelona 's youth academy , La Masia , Messi was finally enrolled in the Royal Spanish Football Federation ( RFEF ) in February 2002 . Now playing in all competitions , he befriended his teammates , among whom were Cesc Fàbregas and Gerard Piqué . After completing his growth hormone treatment aged 14 , Messi became an integral part of the `` Baby Dream Team '' , Barcelona 's greatest - ever youth side . During his first full season ( 2002 -- 03 ) , he was top scorer with 36 goals in 30 games for the Cadetes A , who won an unprecedented treble of the league and both the Spanish and Catalan cups . The Copa Catalunya final , a 4 -- 1 victory over Espanyol , became known in club lore as the partido de la máscara , the final of the mask . A week after suffering a broken cheekbone during a league match , Messi was allowed to start the game on the condition that he wear a plastic protector ; soon hindered by the mask , he took it off and scored two goals in 10 minutes before his substitution . At the close of the season , he received an offer to join Arsenal , his first from a foreign club , but while Fàbregas and Piqué soon left for England , he chose to remain in Barcelona . Club career Barcelona 2003 -- 05 : rise to the first team `` It seemed as if he had been playing with us all his life . '' -- Barcelona 's then assistant coach Henk Ten Cate on Messi 's first - team debut . During the 2003 -- 04 season , his fourth with Barcelona , Messi rapidly progressed through the club 's ranks , debuting for a record five teams in a single campaign . After being named player of the tournament in four international pre-season competitions with the Juveniles B , he played only one official match with the team before being promoted to the Juveniles A , where he scored 18 goals in 11 league games . Messi was then one of several youth players called up to strengthen a depleted first team during the international break . French Winger Ludovic Giuly explained how a teenage Leo caught the eye in a training session with Frank Rijkaard 's first team : `` He destroyed us all ... They were kicking him all over the place to avoid being ridiculed by this kid , he just got up and kept on playing . He would dribble past four players and score a goal . Even the team 's starting centre - backs were nervous . He was an alien . '' At 16 years , four months , and 23 days old , he made his first team debut when he came on in the 75th minute during a friendly against José Mourinho 's Porto on 16 November 2003 . His performance , creating two chances and a shot on goal , impressed the technical staff , and he subsequently began training daily with the club 's reserve side , Barcelona B , as well as weekly with the first team . After his first training session with the senior squad , Barça 's new star player , Ronaldinho , told his teammates that he believed the 16 - year - old would become an even better player than himself . Ronaldinho soon befriended Messi , whom he called `` little brother '' , which greatly eased his transition into the first team . Messi , at age 18 , playing against Málaga in 2005 To gain further match experience , Messi joined Barcelona C in addition to the Juveniles A , playing his first game for the third team on 29 November . He helped save them from the relegation zone of the Tercera División , scoring five goals in ten games , including a hat - trick in eight minutes during a Copa del Rey match while man - marked by Sevilla 's Sergio Ramos . His progress was reflected in his first professional contract , signed on 4 February 2004 , which lasted until 2012 and contained an initial buyout clause of € 30 million . A month later , on 6 March , he made his debut for Barcelona B in the Segunda División B , and his buyout clause automatically increased to € 80 million . He played five games with the B team that season but did not score . Physically he was weaker than his opponents , who were often much older and taller , and in training he worked on increasing his muscle mass and overall strength in order to be able to shake off defenders . Towards the end of the season , he returned to both youth teams , helping the Juveniles B win the league . He finished the campaign having scored for four of his five teams with a total of 36 goals in all official competitions . During the 2004 -- 05 season , Messi was a guaranteed starter for the B team , playing 17 games throughout the campaign and scoring on six occasions . Since his debut the previous November , he had not been called up to the first team again , but in October 2004 , the senior players asked manager Frank Rijkaard to promote him . Since Ronaldinho already played on the left wing , Rijkaard moved Messi from his usual position onto the right flank ( though initially against the player 's wishes ) , allowing him to cut into the centre of the pitch and shoot with his dominant left foot . Messi made his league debut during the next match on 16 October , against Espanyol , coming on in the 82nd minute . At 17 years , three months , and 22 days old , he was at the time the youngest player to represent Barcelona in an official competition . As a substitute player , he played only 77 minutes in nine matches for the first team that season , including his debut in the UEFA Champions League against Shakhtar Donetsk . He scored his first senior goal on 1 May 2005 , against Albacete , from an assist by Ronaldinho , becoming -- at that time -- the youngest - ever scorer for the club . Barcelona , in their second season under Rijkaard , won the league for the first time in six years . 2005 -- 08 : making the starting Eleven `` In my entire life I have never seen a player of such quality and personality at such a young age , particularly wearing the ' heavy ' shirt of one of the world 's great clubs . '' -- Fabio Capello praises the 18 - year - old Messi following the Joan Gamper trophy in August 2005 . On 24 June 2005 , his 18th birthday , Messi signed his first contract as a senior team player . It made him a Barcelona player until 2010 , two years less than his previous contract , but his buyout clause increased to € 150 million . His breakthrough came two months later , on 24 August , during the Joan Gamper Trophy , Barcelona 's pre-season competition . A starter for the first time , he gave a well - received performance against Fabio Capello 's Juventus , receiving an ovation from the Camp Nou . While Capello requested to loan Messi , a bid to buy him came from Inter Milan , who were willing to pay his € 150 million buyout clause and triple his wages . According to then - president Joan Laporta , it was the only time the club faced a real risk of losing Messi , but he ultimately decided to stay . On 16 September , his contract was updated for the second time in three months and extended to 2014 . Messi during a training session with Barça in August 2006 Due to issues regarding his legal status in the Royal Spanish Football Federation , Messi missed the start of La Liga , but on 26 September , he acquired Spanish citizenship and became eligible to play . Wearing the number 19 shirt , he gradually established himself as the first - choice right winger , forming an attacking trio with Ronaldinho and striker Samuel Eto'o . He was in the starting line - up in major matches like his first Clásico against rivals Real Madrid on 19 November , as well as Barcelona 's away victory over Chelsea in the last 16 round of the Champions League , where he played his best match to that point . After he had scored 8 goals in 25 games , including his first in the Champions League , his season ended prematurely during the return leg against Chelsea on 7 March 2006 , when he suffered a torn hamstring . Messi worked to regain fitness in time for the Champions League final , but on 17 May , the day of the final , he was eventually ruled out . He was so disappointed that he did not celebrate his team 's victory over Arsenal in Paris , something he later came to regret . While Barcelona began a gradual decline , the 19 - year - old Messi established himself as one of the best players in the world during the 2006 -- 07 campaign . Already an idol to the culés , the club 's supporters , he scored 17 goals in 36 games across all competitions . However , he continued to be plagued by major injuries ; a metatarsal fracture sustained on 12 November 2006 kept him out of action for three months . He recovered in time for the last 16 round of the Champions League against Liverpool , but was effectively marked out of the game ; Barcelona , the reigning champions , were out of the competition . In the league , his goal contribution increased towards the end of the season ; 11 of his 14 goals came from the last 13 games . On 10 March 2007 , he scored his first hat - trick in a Clásico , the first player to do so in 12 years , equalising after each goal by Real Madrid to end the match in a 3 -- 3 draw in extra time . His growing importance to the club was reflected in a new contract , signed that month , which greatly increased his wages . Messi makes his Maradona-esque run against Getafe in April 2007 . Already frequently compared to compatriot Diego Maradona , Messi proved their similarity when he nearly replicated Maradona 's two most famous goals in the span of three weeks . During a Copa del Rey semi-final against Getafe on 18 April , he scored a goal remarkably similar to Maradona 's goal in the quarter - finals of the 1986 FIFA World Cup , known as the Goal of the Century . Messi collected the ball on the right side near the halfway line , ran 60 metres ( 66 yd ) , and beat five defenders before scoring with an angled finish , just as Maradona had done . A league match against Espanyol on 9 June saw him score by launching himself at the ball and guiding it past the goalkeeper with his hand in similar fashion to Maradona 's Hand of God goal in the same World Cup match . As Messi continued his individual rise , Barcelona faltered ; the team failed to reach the Copa del Rey final after Messi was rested during the second leg against Getafe and lost the league to Real Madrid on head - to - head results . After Ronaldinho lost form , Messi became Barça 's new star player at only 20 years old , receiving the nickname `` Messiah '' from the Spanish media . His efforts in 2007 also earned him award recognition ; journalists voted him the third - best player of the year for the 2007 Ballon d'Or , behind Kaká and runner - up Cristiano Ronaldo , while international managers and national team captains voted him second for the FIFA World Player of the Year award , again behind Kaká . Although he managed to score 16 goals during the 2007 -- 08 campaign , the second half of his season was again marred by injuries after he suffered a torn hamstring on 15 December . He returned to score twice in their away victory against Celtic in the last 16 round of the Champions League , becoming the competition 's top scorer at that point with six goals , but reinjured himself during the return leg on 4 March 2008 . Rijkaard had fielded him despite warning from the medical staff , leading captain Carles Puyol to criticise the Spanish media for pressuring Messi to play every match . Barcelona finished the season without trophies , eliminated in the Champions League semi-finals by the eventual champions , Manchester United , and placed third in the league . After two unsuccessful seasons , Barcelona were in need of an overhaul , leading to the departure of Rijkaard and Ronaldinho . Upon the latter 's departure , Messi was given the number 10 shirt . He signed a new contract in July 2008 on an annual salary of € 7.8 million , becoming the club 's highest - paid player . Ahead of the new season , a major concern remained his frequent muscular injuries , which had left him side - lined for a total of eight months between 2006 and 2008 . To combat the problem , the club implemented new training , nutrition , and lifestyle regimens , and assigned him a personal physiotherapist , who would travel with him during call - ups for the Argentina national team . As a result , Messi remained virtually injury - free during the next four years , allowing him to reach his full potential . Despite his injuries early in the year , his performances in 2008 saw him again voted runner - up for the Ballon d'Or and the FIFA World Player of the Year award , both times behind Cristiano Ronaldo . 2009 -- 11 : sustained success In his first uninterrupted campaign , the 2008 -- 09 season , he scored 38 goals in 51 games , contributing alongside Eto'o and winger Thierry Henry to a total of 100 goals in all competitions , a record at the time for the club . Messi in the Champions League final against Manchester United in May 2009 During his first season under Barcelona 's new manager , former captain Pep Guardiola , Messi played mainly on the right wing , like he had under Rijkaard , though this time as a false winger with the freedom to cut inside and roam the centre . During the Clásico on 2 May 2009 , however , he played for the first time as a false nine , positioned as a centre - forward but dropping deep into midfield to link up with Xavi and Andrés Iniesta . He assisted with a chip his side 's first goal and scored twice to end the match in an emphatic 6 -- 2 victory , the team 's greatest - ever score at Real Madrid 's Santiago Bernabéu Stadium . Returning to the wing , he played his first final since breaking into the first team on 13 May , scoring once and assisting a second goal as Barcelona defeated Athletic Bilbao 4 -- 1 to win the Copa del Rey . With 23 league goals from Messi that season , Barcelona became La Liga champions three days later and achieved its fifth double . As the season 's Champions League top scorer with nine goals , the youngest in the tournament 's history , Messi scored two goals and assisted two more to ensure a 4 -- 0 quarter - final victory over Bayern Munich . He returned as a false nine during the final on 27 May in Rome against Manchester United . Barcelona were crowned champions of Europe by winning the match 2 -- 0 , the second goal coming from a Messi header over goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar . Barcelona thus achieved the first treble in the history of Spanish football . This success was reflected in a new contract , signed on 18 September , which committed Messi to the club through 2016 with a new buyout clause of € 250 million , while his salary increased to € 12 million . His team 's prosperity continued into the second half of 2009 , as Barcelona became the first club to achieve the sextuple , winning six top - tier trophies in a single year . After victories in the Supercopa de España and UEFA Super Cup in August , Barcelona won the FIFA Club World Cup against Estudiantes de La Plata on 19 December , with Messi scoring the winning 2 -- 1 goal with his chest . At 22 years old , Messi won the Ballon d'Or and the FIFA World Player of the Year award , both times by the greatest voting margin in each trophy 's history . `` Messi is the best player in the world by some distance . He 's like a PlayStation . He can take advantage of every mistake we make . '' -- Arsène Wenger commends Messi for his four -- goal display against Arsenal in April 2010 . Unsatisfied with his position on the right wing , Messi resumed playing as a false nine in early 2010 , beginning with a Champions League last 16 - round match against VfB Stuttgart . After a first - leg draw , Barcelona won the second leg 4 -- 0 with two goals and an assist from Messi . At that point , he effectively became the tactical focal point of Guardiola 's team , and his goalscoring rate increased . Messi scored a total of 47 goals in all competitions that season , equaling Ronaldo 's club record from the 1996 -- 97 campaign . He notably scored all of his side 's four goals in the Champions League quarter - final against Arsène Wenger 's Arsenal on 6 April while becoming Barcelona 's all - time top scorer in the competition . Although Barcelona were eliminated in the Champions League semi-finals by the eventual champions , Inter Milan , Messi finished the season as top scorer ( with 8 goals ) for the second consecutive year . As the league 's top scorer with 34 goals ( again tying Ronaldo 's record ) , he helped Barcelona win a second consecutive La Liga trophy with only a single defeat . Messi ( centre ) and his teammates celebrate winning the FIFA Club World Cup in December 2011 . Messi secured Barcelona 's first trophy of the 2010 -- 11 campaign , the Supercopa de España , by scoring a hat - trick in his side 's second - leg 4 -- 0 victory over Sevilla , after a first - leg defeat . Assuming a playmaking role , he was again instrumental in a Clásico on 29 November 2010 , the first with José Mourinho in charge of Real Madrid , as Barcelona defeated their rivals 5 -- 0 . Messi helped the team achieve 16 consecutive league victories , a record in Spanish football , concluding with another hat - trick against Atlético Madrid on 5 February 2011 . His club performances in 2010 earned him the inaugural FIFA Ballon d'Or , an amalgamation of the Ballon d'Or and the FIFA World Player of the Year award , though his win was met with some criticism due to his lack of success with Argentina at the 2010 FIFA World Cup . Under the award 's old format , he would have placed just outside the top three , owing his win to the votes from the international coaches and captains . Towards the end of the season , Barcelona played four Clásicos in the span of 18 days . A league match on 16 April ended in a draw after a penalty from Messi . After Barcelona lost the Copa del Rey final four days later , Messi scored both goals in his side 's 2 -- 0 win in the first leg of the Champions League semi-finals in Madrid , the second of which -- a slaloming dribble past three Real players -- was acclaimed as one of the best ever in the competition . Although he did not score , he was again important in the second - leg draw that sent Barcelona through to the Champions League final , where they faced Manchester United in a repeat of the final two years earlier . As the competition 's top scorer for the third consecutive year , with 12 goals , Messi gave a man - of - the - match performance at Wembley on 28 May , scoring the match - winning goal of Barça 's 3 -- 1 victory . Barcelona won a third consecutive La Liga title . In addition to his 31 goals , Messi was also the league 's top assist provider with 18 . He finished the season with 53 goals and 24 assists in all competitions , becoming Barcelona 's all - time single - season top scorer and the first player in Spanish football to reach the 50 - goal benchmark . As Messi developed into a combination of a number 8 ( a creator ) , a 9 ( scorer ) , and a 10 ( assistant ) , he scored an unprecedented 73 goals and provided 29 assists in all club competitions during the 2011 -- 12 season , producing a hat - trick or more on 10 occasions . He began the campaign by helping Barcelona win both the Spanish and European Super Cups ; in the Supercopa de España , he scored three times to achieve a 5 -- 4 aggregate victory over Real Madrid , overtaking Raúl as the competition 's all - time top scorer with eight goals . At the close of the year , on 18 December , he scored twice in the FIFA Club World Cup final , a 4 -- 0 victory over Santos , earning the Golden Ball as the best player of the tournament , as he had done two years previously . For his efforts in 2011 , he again received the FIFA Ballon d'Or , becoming only the fourth player in history to win the Ballon d'Or three times , after Johan Cruyff , Michel Platini , and Marco van Basten . Additionally , he won the inaugural UEFA Best Player in Europe Award , a revival of the old - style Ballon d'Or . By then , Messi was already widely considered one of the best footballers in history , alongside players like Diego Maradona and Pelé . 2012 : a record - breaking year `` I feel sorry for those who want to compete for Messi 's throne -- it 's impossible , this kid is unique . '' -- Pep Guardiola after Messi became Barcelona 's all - time top scorer at age 24 in March 2012 As Messi maintained his goalscoring form into the second half of the season , the year 2012 saw him break several longstanding records . On 7 March , two weeks after scoring four goals in a league fixture against Valencia , he scored five times in a Champions League last 16 - round match against Bayer Leverkusen , an unprecedented achievement in the history of the competition . In addition to being the joint top assist provider with five assists , this feat made him top scorer with 14 goals , tying José Altafini 's record from the 1962 -- 63 season , as well as becoming only the second player after Gerd Müller to be top scorer in four campaigns . Two weeks later , on 20 March , Messi became the top goalscorer in Barcelona 's history at 24 years old , overtaking the 57 - year record of César Rodríguez 's 232 goals with a hat - trick against Granada . Messi points to the sky during his five - goal display against Bayer Leverkusen in March 2012 . Despite Messi 's individual form , Barcelona 's four - year cycle of success under Guardiola -- one of the greatest eras in the club 's history -- drew to an end . Although Barcelona won the Copa del Rey against Athletic Bilbao on 25 May , its 14th title of that period , the team had lost the league to Real Madrid and was eliminated in the Champions League semi-finals by the eventual champions , Chelsea , with Messi sending a crucial second - leg penalty kick against the crossbar . In Barça 's last home league match on 5 May , against Espanyol , Messi scored all four goals before approaching the bench to embrace Guardiola , who had announced his resignation as manager . He finished the season as league top scorer in Spain and Europe for a second time , with 50 goals , an all - time La Liga record , while his 73 goals in all competitions surpassed Gerd Müller 's 67 goals in the 1972 -- 73 Bundesliga season , making him the single - season top scorer in the history of European club football . Under manager Tito Vilanova , who had first coached him aged 14 at La Masia , Messi helped the club achieve its best - ever start to a La Liga season during the second half of 2012 , amassing 55 points by the competition 's midway point , a record in Spanish football . A double scored on 9 December against Real Betis saw Messi break two longstanding records : he surpassed César Rodríguez 's record of 190 league goals , becoming Barcelona 's all - time top scorer in La Liga , and Gerd Müller 's record of most goals scored in a calendar year , overtaking his 85 goals scored in 1972 for Bayern Munich and Germany . Messi sent Müller a number 10 Barcelona shirt , signed `` with respect and admiration '' , after breaking his 40 - year record . At the close of the year , Messi had scored a record 91 goals in all competitions for Barcelona and Argentina . Although FIFA did not acknowledge the achievement , citing verifiability issues , he received the Guinness World Records title for most goals scored in a calendar year . As the odds - on favourite , Messi again won the FIFA Ballon d'Or , becoming the only player in history to win the Ballon d'Or four times . 2013 -- 14 : Messidependencia Barcelona had virtually secured their La Liga title by the start of 2013 , eventually equalling Real Madrid 's 100 - point record of the previous season . However , their performances deteriorated in the second half of the 2012 -- 13 campaign , concurrently with Vilanova 's absence due to ill health . After losing successive Clásicos , including the Copa del Rey semi-finals , they were nearly eliminated in the first knockout round of the Champions League by Milan , but a revival of form in the second leg led to a 4 -- 0 comeback , with two goals and an assist from Messi . Now in his ninth senior season with Barcelona , Messi signed a new contract on 7 February , committing himself to the club through 2018 , while his fixed wage rose to € 13 million . He wore the captain 's armband for the first time a month later , on 17 March , in a league match against Rayo Vallecano ; by then , he had become the team 's tactical focal point to a degree that was arguably rivalled only by former Barcelona players Josep Samitier , László Kubala and Johan Cruyff . Since his evolution into a false nine three years earlier , his input into the team 's attack had increased exponentially ; from 24 % in their treble - winning campaign , his goal contribution rose to more than 40 % that season . `` In Leo we are talking about the best player in the world and when things are not going well you have to use him . Even if he is half lame , his presence on the pitch is enough to lift us and our play in general . '' -- Defender Gerard Piqué explains Barcelona 's reliance on an unfit Messi against Paris Saint - Germain in April 2013 . After four largely injury - free seasons , the muscular injuries that had previously plagued Messi reoccurred . After he suffered a hamstring strain on 2 April , during the first quarter - final against Paris Saint - Germain , his appearances became sporadic . In the second leg against PSG , with an underperforming Barcelona down a goal , Messi came off the bench in the second half and within nine minutes helped create their game - tying goal , which allowed them to progress to the semi-finals . Still unfit , he proved ineffective during the first leg against Bayern Munich and was unable to play at all during the second , as Barcelona were defeated 7 -- 0 on aggregate by the eventual champions . These matches gave credence to the notion of Messidependencia , Barcelona 's perceived tactical and psychological dependence on their star player . Messi 's Golden Shoe award for the 2012 -- 13 season Messi continued to struggle with injury throughout 2013 , eventually parting ways with his long - time personal physiotherapist . Further damage to his hamstring sustained on 12 May ended his goalscoring streak of 21 consecutive league games , a worldwide record ; he had netted 33 goals during his run , including a four - goal display against Osasuna , while becoming the first player to score consecutively against all 19 opposition teams in La Liga . With 60 goals in all competitions , including 46 goals in La Liga , he finished the campaign as league top scorer in Spain and Europe for the second consecutive year , becoming the first player in history to win the European Golden Shoe three times . Following an irregular start to the new season under manager Gerardo Martino , formerly of his boyhood club Newell 's Old Boys , Messi suffered his fifth injury of 2013 when he tore his hamstring on 10 November , leaving him sidelined for two months . Despite his injuries , he was voted runner - up for the FIFA Ballon d'Or , relinquishing the award after a four - year monopoly to Cristiano Ronaldo . Messi celebrates his second goal against Granada in September 2014 . During the second half of the 2013 -- 14 season , doubts persisted over Messi 's form , leading to a perception among the culés that he was reserving himself for the 2014 FIFA World Cup . Statistically , his contribution of goals , shots , and passes had dropped significantly compared to previous seasons . He still managed to break two longstanding records in a span of seven days : a hat - trick on 16 March against Osasuna saw him overtake Paulino Alcántara 's 369 goals to become Barcelona 's top goalscorer in all competitions including friendlies , while another hat - trick against Real Madrid on 23 March made him the all - time top scorer in El Clásico , ahead of the 18 goals scored by former Real Madrid player Alfredo Di Stéfano . Messi finished the campaign with his worst output in five seasons , though he still managed to score 41 goals in all competitions . For the first time in five years , Barcelona ended the season without a major trophy ; they were defeated in the Copa del Rey final by Real Madrid and lost the league in the last game to Atlético Madrid , causing Messi to be booed by sections of fans at the Camp Nou . After prolonged speculation over his future with the club , Messi signed a new contract on 19 May 2014 , only a year after his last contractual update ; his salary increased to € 20 million , or € 36 million before taxes , the highest wage ever in the sport . 2014 -- 15 : a historic treble `` Messi is an alien that dedicates himself to playing with humans . '' -- Juventus captain Gianluigi Buffon ahead of their meeting in the Champions League final in June 2015 Under new manager and former captain Luis Enrique , Messi experienced a largely injury - free start to the 2014 -- 15 season , allowing him to break three more longstanding records towards the end of the year . A hat - trick scored against Sevilla on 22 November made him the all - time top scorer in La Liga , as he surpassed the 59 - year record of 251 league goals held by Telmo Zarra . Three days later , he scored another hat - trick against APOEL , overtaking Raúl 's 71 goals to become top scorer in the history of the Champions League . A third hat - trick , scored against city rivals Espanyol on 7 December , allowed him to surpass César Rodríguez as the all - time top scorer in the Derbi barceloní with 12 goals . Messi again placed second in the FIFA Ballon d'Or behind Cristiano Ronaldo , largely owing to his second - place achievement with Argentina at the World Cup . At the start of 2015 , Barcelona were perceived to be headed for another disappointing end to the season , with renewed speculation in the media that Messi was leaving the club . A turning point came on 11 January during a 3 -- 1 victory over Atlético Madrid , the first time Barça 's attacking trident of Messi , Luis Suárez and Neymar , dubbed `` MSN '' , each scored in a match , marking the beginning of a highly successful run . After five years of playing in the centre of the pitch , Messi had returned to his old position on the right wing late the previous year , by his own suggestion according to Suárez , their striker . From there , he regained his best -- arguably his best - ever -- form , while Suárez and Neymar ended the team 's attacking dependency on their star player . With 58 goals from Messi , the trio scored a total of 122 goals in all competitions that season , a record in Spanish football . Messi battles Juventus defender Patrice Evra for the ball during the Champions League final in June 2015 . Towards the end of the campaign , Messi scored in a 1 -- 0 away win over Atlético Madrid on 17 May , securing the La Liga title . Among his 43 league goals that season was a hat - trick scored in 11 minutes against Rayo Vallecano on 8 March , the fastest of his senior career ; it was his 32nd hat - trick overall for Barcelona , allowing him to overtake Telmo Zarra as the player with the most hat - tricks ever in Spanish football . Additionally , as the season 's top assist provider with 18 assists , he surpassed Luís Figo as the player with the most assists in La Liga ; he made his record 106th assist in a fixture against Levante on 15 February , in which he also scored a hat - trick . Messi then scored twice as Barcelona defeated Athletic Bilbao 3 -- 1 in the Copa del Rey final on 30 May , achieving the sixth double in their history . His opening goal was hailed as one of the greatest in his career ; he collected the ball near the halfway line and beat four opposing players , before feinting the goalkeeper to score in a tight space by the near post . The goal was later named one of the three final nominees for the 2015 FIFA Puskás Award . In the Champions League , Messi scored twice and assisted on another in their 3 -- 0 semi-final victory over Bayern Munich , now under the stewardship of Guardiola . His second goal , which came only three minutes after his first , saw him chip the ball over goalkeeper Manuel Neuer after his dribble past Jérôme Boateng had made the defender drop to the ground ; it went viral , becoming the year 's most tweeted about sporting moment , and was named the best goal of the season by UEFA . Despite a second - leg loss , Barcelona progressed to the final on 6 June in Berlin , where they defeated Juventus 3 -- 1 to win their second treble , becoming the first team in history to do so . Although Messi did not score , he participated in each of his side 's goals , particularly the second as he forced a parried save from goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon from which Suárez scored the match - winning goal on the rebound . In addition to being the top assist provider with six assists , Messi finished the competition as the joint top scorer with ten goals , which earned him the distinction of being the first player ever to achieve the top scoring mark in five Champions League seasons . For his efforts during the season , he received the UEFA Best Player in Europe award for a second time . 2015 -- 16 : domestic success Messi dribbling past Sevilla 's Éver Banega in the 2015 UEFA Super Cup Messi opened the 2015 -- 16 season by scoring twice from free kicks in Barcelona 's 5 -- 4 victory ( after extra time ) over Sevilla in the UEFA Super Cup . A subsequent 5 -- 1 aggregate defeat against Athletic Bilbao in the Supercopa de España ended their expressed hopes of a second sextuple , with Messi scoring his side 's only goal . On 16 September , he became the youngest player to make 100 appearances in the UEFA Champions League in a 1 -- 1 away draw to Roma . On 26 September , Messi sustained an injury in Barcelona 's match against Las Palmas ; tests later confirmed that he suffered a tear in the medial collateral ligament of his left knee , ruling him out for six to eight weeks . He finally returned to the pitch on 21 November , making a substitute appearance in Barcelona 's 4 -- 0 away win over rivals Real Madrid in El Clásico . Messi capped off the year by winning the 2015 FIFA Club World Cup Final on 20 December , collecting his fifth club trophy of 2015 as Barcelona went on to defeat River Plate 3 -- 0 in Yokohama . Messi also won the tournament 's Silver Ball , despite missing the semi-final . On 30 December , Messi scored on his 500th appearance for Barcelona , in a 4 -- 0 home win over Real Betis . On 6 January 2016 , recording Barcelona 's first goal of the new year , Messi scored two goals and assisted the other two in a 4 -- 1 derby win over Espanyol at the Camp Nou , in the first leg of the round of 16 of the 2015 -- 16 Copa del Rey . Five days later , Messi won the FIFA Ballon d'Or for a record fifth time in his career . On 3 February , he scored a hat - trick in Barcelona 's 7 -- 0 win against Valenciain the first leg of the Copa del Rey semi-final at the Camp Nou , also scoring his 500th career goal in the process , including youth competitions . With teammate Luis Suárez scoring the other four goals in the same match , this was the first time that two players had scored at least three goals each at Camp Nou , and the first time since Luis Suárez Miramontes and Justo Tejada in 1956 . The feat had only occurred three times before in the club 's history , all at Camp de Les Corts . The next league match at Camp Nou , a 6 -- 1 win against Celta de Vigo , Messi assisted Suárez from a penalty kick . Some people saw it as `` a touch of genius '' , while others criticised it as being disrespectful to the opponent . The Celta players , however , never complained and their coach defended the penalty , stating , `` Barca 's forwards are very respectful . '' The penalty routine has been compared to that of Barça icon Johan Cruyff in 1982 , who was battling lung cancer , leading many fans to indicate that the penalty was a tribute to him . Cruyff himself was `` very happy '' with the play , insisting `` it was legal and entertaining '' . On 17 February , Messi reached his 300th league goal in a 1 -- 3 away win against Sporting de Gijón . A few days later , he scored both goals in Barcelona 's 0 -- 2 win against Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium , in the first leg of the 2015 -- 16 UEFA Champions League round of 16 , with the second goal being Barcelona 's 10,000 th in official competitions . On 17 April , Messi ended a five - match scoring drought with his 500th senior career goal for club and country in Barcelona 's 2 -- 1 home loss to Valencia . Messi finished the 2015 -- 16 season by setting up both goals in Barcelona 's 2 -- 0 extra time win over Sevilla in the 2016 Copa del Rey Final , at the Vicente Calderón Stadium , on 22 May 2016 , as the club celebrated winning the domestic double for the second consecutive season . In total , Messi scored 41 goals and provided 23 assists , as Barcelona 's attacking trio managed a Spanish record of 131 goals throughout the season , breaking the record they had set the previous season . 2016 -- 17 : fourth Golden Boot `` ( Messi ) is indispensable , but the rest of us are dispensable . -- No , the club is bigger than any manager , than any player ... except Leo . That 's the reality , and you have to accept it . '' -- In an interview with Barcelona 's official magazine , Messi 's compatriot Javier Mascherano points out that Barcelona has continued to enjoy success despite the departures of its key figures . Messi opened the 2016 -- 17 season by lifting the 2016 Supercopa de España as Barcelona 's captain in the absence of the injured Andrés Iniesta ; he set - up Munir 's goal in a 2 -- 0 away win over Sevilla in the first leg on 14 August , and subsequently scored and assisted in a 3 -- 0 win in the return leg on 17 August . Three days later , he scored two goals and provided an assist to lead Barcelona to a 6 -- 2 victory against Real Betis in the opening game of the 2016 -- 17 La Liga season . On 13 September 2016 , Messi scored his first hat - trick of the season in the opening game of the 2016 -- 17 UEFA Champions League campaign against Celtic in a 7 -- 0 victory ; this was also Messi 's sixth hat - trick in the Champions League , the most by any player . A week later , Messi sustained a groin injury in a 1 -- 1 draw against Atlético Madrid and was ruled out with injury for three weeks . He marked his return with a goal , scoring three minutes after coming off the bench in a 4 -- 0 home win over Deportivo de La Coruña , on 16 October . Three days after this , he netted his thirty - seventh club hat - trick as Barcelona defeated Manchester City 4 -- 0 . On 1 November , Messi scored his 54th Champions League group stage goal in Barcelona 's 3 -- 1 away return fixture loss to Manchester City , surpassing the previous record of 53 goals held by Raúl . On 12 November , Messi placed second in the 2016 Ballon d'Or behind Cristiano Ronaldo , who claimed the award for the fourth time . He finished the year with 51 goals , making him Europe 's top scorer , one ahead of Zlatan Ibrahimović . After placing second in the 2016 Ballon d'Or , on 9 January 2017 Messi also finished in second place -- behind Cristiano Ronaldo once again -- in the 2016 Best FIFA Men 's Player Award . On 11 January , Messi scored from a free - kick in Barcelona 's 3 -- 1 victory against Athletic Bilbao in the second leg of the round of 16 of the Copa del Rey , which enabled Barcelona to advance to the quarter - finals of the competition ; with his 26th goal from a free - kick for Barcelona in all competitions , he equalled the club 's all - time record , which had previously been set by Ronald Koeman . In his next league match , on 14 January , Messi scored in a 5 -- 0 win against Las Palmas ; with this goal , he equalled Raúl 's record for the most number of teams scored against in La Liga ( 35 ) . On 4 February , Messi scored his 27th free - kick for Barcelona in a 3 -- 0 home win over Athletic Bilbao in the league , overtaking Koeman as the club 's all - time top - scorer from free - kicks . On 23 April , Messi scored twice in a 3 -- 2 away win over Real Madrid . His game - winning goal in stoppage time was his 500th for Barcelona . On 27 May , Messi scored a goal and set up another for Paco Alcácer in the 2017 Copa del Rey Final , helping Barcelona to a 3 -- 1 victory over Alavés , and was named Man of the Match . In total , Messi finished the 2016 -- 17 season with 54 goals and 16 assists , while his 37 goals in La Liga saw him claim both the Pichichi and European Golden Boot Awards for the fourth time in his career . 2017 -- 18 : domestic double and a record fifth Golden Boot Messi opened the 2017 -- 18 season by converting a penalty in Barcelona 's 1 -- 3 first leg home defeat to Real Madrid in Supercopa de España . Thereby , Messi also extended his El Clásico goalscoring record with the goal being his 24th official and 25th overall . On 27 August , Messi scored his first two goals of the 2017 -- 18 La Liga season in a 2 -- 0 away win over Alavés . Messi 's first goal marked his 350th in the fixture , becoming the first player ever to achieve this milestone . On 9 September , Messi scored his first hat - trick of the 2017 -- 18 league campaign , against Espanyol in derbi barceloní , thus helping to secure a 5 -- 0 home victory for Blaugrana over local rivals . Messi netted twice against Gianluigi Buffon , on 12 September , as Barça defeated the last season 's Italian champions Juventus 3 -- 0 at home in the UEFA Champions League . On 19 September , Messi found the net four times in a 6 -- 1 trashing of Eibar at the Camp Nou in La Liga . Three weeks later , on 1 October , Messi surpassed his former teammate Carles Puyol to become the third highest appearance maker in the club 's history , as he helped Barça defeat Las Palmas 3 -- 0 by assisting Sergio Busquets ' opener and later adding two himself in his 594th official game for the club ; the league game was played behind closed doors at the Camp Nou due to violence in Catalonia relating to an ongoing independence referendum . On 18 October , in his 122nd European club appearance , Messi scored his 97th UEFA Champions League goal , and his 100th in all UEFA club competitions , in a 3 -- 1 home victory over Olympiakos . Messi became only the second player after Cristiano Ronaldo to reach this century milestone , but accomplished it in 21 fewer appearances than the Portuguese counterpart . On 23 October , Messi finished as the runner - up behind Cristiano Ronaldo in 2017 Best FIFA Men 's Player award for the second consecutive year . On 4 November , he made his 600th appearance for Barcelona in a 2 -- 1 home win over Sevilla in La Liga . Following the reception of his fourth Golden Boot , Messi signed a new deal with Barcelona on 25 November , keeping him with the club through the 2020 -- 21 season . His buyout clause was set at € 700 million . On 7 January 2018 , Messi made his 400th La Liga appearance with Barcelona in a 3 -- 0 home win over Levante , marking the occasion with his 144th league assist and 365th league goal for the club , the latter of which saw him equal Gerd Müller 's record for the most league goals scored for the same club in one of Europe 's top five divisions . A week later , he broke the record , scoring his 366th La Liga goal from a free kick in a 4 -- 2 away win against Real Sociedad . On 4 March , he scored his 600th senior career goal from a free kick in a 1 -- 0 home win over Atlético Madrid , in La Liga . On 14 March , Messi scored his 99th and 100th Champions League goals in a 3 -- 0 home win over Chelsea , becoming only the second player after Cristiano Ronaldo to reach this landmark , and achieving it at a younger age , in fewer appearances , having played fewer minutes , and having taken fewer shots than his Portuguese counterpart ; his opening goal , which came after only two minutes and eight seconds , was also the fastest of his career . During the same match , he also set up Ousmane Dembélé for his first Barcelona goal ; the result saw Barcelona advance to the quarter - finals of the competition for the eleventh consecutive season . On 7 April , he scored a hat - trick in a 3 -- 1 win over Leganés including his sixth goal scored from a free - kick for the season , matching the record set by former teammate Ronaldinho . On 9 May , Messi scored as Barcelona defeated Villarreal 5 -- 1 to set the longest unbeaten streak ( 43 games ) in La Liga history . International career 2004 -- 05 : success at youth level As a dual Argentine - Spanish national , Messi was eligible to play for the national team of both countries . Selectors for Spain 's Under - 17 squad began pursuing him in 2003 after Barcelona 's director of football , Carles Rexach , alerted the Royal Spanish Football Federation to their young player . Messi declined the offer , having aspired to represent La Albiceleste since childhood . To further prevent Spain from taking him , the Argentine Football Association organised two under - 20 friendlies in June 2004 , against Paraguay and Uruguay , with the purpose of finalising his status as an Argentina player in FIFA . Five days after his 17th birthday , on 29 June , he made his debut for his country against Paraguay , scoring once and providing two assists in their 8 -- 0 victory . He was subsequently included in the squad for the South American Youth Championship , held in Colombia in February 2005 . As he lacked the stamina of his teammates , the result of his former growth hormone deficiency , he was used as a substitute in six of the nine games , proving more effective when coming on in the second half . After being named man of the match against Venezuela , he scored the winning 2 -- 1 goal in the crucial last match against Brazil , thereby securing their third - place qualification for the FIFA World Youth Championship . Aware of his physical limitations , Messi employed a personal trainer to increase his muscle mass , returning to the squad in an improved condition in time for the World Youth Championship , hosted by the Netherlands in June 2005 . After he was left out of the starting line - up in their first match against the United States , a 1 -- 0 defeat , the squad 's senior players asked manager Francisco Ferraro to let Messi start , as they considered him their best player . After helping the team defeat Egypt and Germany to progress past the group stage , Messi proved decisive in the knockout phase as he scored their equaliser against Colombia , provided a goal and an assist against title favourites Spain , and scored their opening goal against reigning champions Brazil . Ahead of the final , he was awarded the Golden Ball as the best player of the tournament . He scored two penalties in their 2 -- 1 victory over Nigeria , clinching Argentina 's fifth championship and finishing the tournament as top scorer with 6 goals . His performances drew comparisons with compatriot Diego Maradona , who had led Argentina to the title in 1979 . 2005 -- 06 : senior and World Cup debuts In recognition of his achievements with the under - 20 side , senior manager José Pékerman gave Messi his first call - up for a friendly against Hungary on 17 August 2005 . Aged 18 , Messi made his senior debut for Argentina in the Ferenc Puskás Stadium when he came on in the 63rd minute , only to be sent off after two minutes for a perceived foul against Vilmos Vanczák , who had grabbed his shirt ; Messi had struck the defender with his arm while trying to shake him off , which the referee interpreted as an intentional elbowing , a contentious decision . Messi was reportedly found weeping in the dressing room after his sending - off . He returned to the team on 3 September in their World Cup qualifier defeat to Paraguay , which he had declared his `` re-debut '' ahead of the match . Messi started his first game in the next qualifying match against Peru , in which he was able to win a crucial penalty that secured their victory . After the match , Pékerman described him as `` a jewel '' . He subsequently made regular appearances for the team ahead of Argentina 's participation in the 2006 FIFA World Cup , scoring his first goal in a friendly against Croatia on 1 March 2006 . A hamstring injury sustained a week later jeopardised his presence in the World Cup , but he was nevertheless selected for Pékerman 's squad and regained fitness in time for the start of the tournament . During the World Cup in Germany , Messi witnessed their opening match victory against the Ivory Coast from the substitutes ' bench . In the next match , against Serbia and Montenegro , he became the youngest player to represent Argentina at a FIFA World Cup when he came on as a substitute in the 74th minute . He assisted their fourth strike within minutes and scored the final goal in their 6 -- 0 victory , making him the youngest scorer in the tournament and the sixth - youngest goalscorer in the history of the World Cup . As their progression to the knockout phase was secured , several starters were rested during the last group match . Messi consequently started the game against the Netherlands , a 0 -- 0 draw , as they won their group on goal differential . In the round of 16 match against Mexico , played on his 19th birthday , Messi came on in the 84th minute , with the score tied at 1 -- 1 . He appeared to score a goal , but it was contentiously ruled offside , with the team needing a late goal in extra time to proceed . He did not play in the quarter - final against Germany , during which Argentina were eliminated 4 -- 2 in a penalty shootout . Back home , Pékerman 's decision to leave him on the bench against Germany led to widespread criticism from those who believed Messi could have changed the outcome of the match in Argentina 's favour . 2007 -- 08 : Copa América final and Olympic gold Messi evades Brazil 's Marcelo in the semi-final of the 2008 Summer Olympics . As Messi evolved into one of the best players in the world , he secured a place in Alfio Basile 's starting line - up , as part of a team considered favourites to win the 2007 Copa América , held in Venezuela . He set up the game - winning goal of their 4 -- 1 victory over the United States in the opening match , before winning a penalty that led to the game - tying first strike of their 4 -- 2 win in the next match against Colombia . As they had secured their place in the knockout phase , Messi started the next game on the bench , coming on in the last 25 minutes with the score at 0 -- 0 to help his team defeat Paraguay by assisting their only goal . At the quarter - final stage , where the group winners faced Peru , he scored the second goal of a 4 -- 0 victory that saw them through to the semi-final , during which he chipped the ball over Mexico 's goalkeeper to ensure another 3 -- 0 win . In a surprise defeat , Argentina lost the final 3 -- 0 to a Brazil squad that lacked several of the nation 's best players . Their unexpected loss was followed by much criticism in Argentina , though Messi was mostly exempt due to his young age and secondary status to star player Juan Román Riquelme . He was named the best young player of the tournament by CONMEBOL . Ahead of the 2008 Summer Olympics , Barcelona legally barred Messi from representing Argentina at the tournament as it coincided with their Champions League qualifying matches . After interference from newly appointed Barcelona manager Pep Guardiola , who had won the tournament in 1992 , Messi was permitted to join Sergio Batista 's under - 23 squad in Beijing . During the first match , he scored the opening goal and assisted another in their 2 -- 1 victory over the Ivory Coast . Following a 1 -- 0 win in the next group match against Australia , ensuring their quarter - final qualification , Messi was rested during the game against Serbia , while his side won the match to finish first in their group . Against the Netherlands , he again scored the first goal and assisted a second strike to help his team to a 2 -- 1 win in extra time . After a 3 -- 0 semi-final victory over Brazil , Messi assisted the only goal in the final as Argentina defeated Nigeria to claim Olympic gold medals . Along with Riquelme , Messi was singled out by FIFA as the stand - out player from the tournament 's best team . 2008 -- 11 : collective decline From late 2008 , the national team experienced a three - year period marked by poor performances . Under manager Diego Maradona , who had led Argentina to World Cup victory as a player , the team struggled to qualify for the 2010 World Cup , securing their place in the tournament only after defeating Uruguay 1 -- 0 in their last qualifying match . Maradona was criticised for his strategic decisions as he played Messi out of position , positioned too deep for him to be able to contribute to the attack to his full ability . In eight qualifying matches under Maradona 's stewardship , Messi scored only one goal , netting the opening goal in the first such match , a 4 -- 0 victory over Venezuela . During that game , played on 28 March 2009 , he wore Argentina 's number 10 shirt for the first time , following the international retirement of Riquelme . Overall , Messi scored four goals in 18 appearances during the qualifying process . Ahead of the tournament , Maradona visited Messi in Barcelona to request his tactical input ; Messi then outlined a 4 -- 3 -- 1 -- 2 formation with himself playing behind the two strikers , a playmaking position known as the enganche in Argentine football , which had been his preferred position since childhood . Messi in action during the opening match against Bolivia in the 2011 Copa América Despite their poor qualifying campaign , Argentina were considered title contenders at the World Cup in South Africa . At the start of the tournament , the new formation proved effective ; Messi managed at least four attempts on goal during their opening match but was repeatedly denied by Nigeria 's goalkeeper , resulting in a 1 -- 0 win . During the next match , against South Korea , he excelled in his playmaking role , participating in all four goals of his side 's 4 -- 1 victory . As their place in the knockout phase was guaranteed , most of the starters were rested during the last group match , but Messi reportedly refused to be benched . He wore the captain 's armband for the first time in their 2 -- 0 win against Greece ; as the focal point of their play , he helped create their second goal to see Argentina finish as group winners . In the round of 16 , they defeated Mexico 3 -- 1 , with Messi assisting their first goal , a controversial strike that stood despite being offside . Argentina 's unstructured defence had proved a liability throughout the World Cup and finally led to their elimination in the quarter - final against Germany , at the same stage of the tournament and by the same opponent as four years earlier . Their 4 -- 0 loss was their worst margin of defeat since 1974 . FIFA subsequently identified Messi as one of the tournament 's 10 best players , citing his `` outstanding '' pace and creativity and `` spectacular and efficient '' dribbling , shooting and passing . Back home , however , Messi was the subject of far harsher judgement . As the perceived best player in the world , he had been expected to lead an average team to the title , as Maradona arguably did in 1986 , but he had failed to replicate his performances at Barcelona with the national team , leading to the accusation that he cared less about his country than his club . Maradona was replaced by Sergio Batista , who had orchestrated Argentina 's Olympic victory . Batista publicly stated that he intended to build the team around Messi , employing him as a false nine within a 4 -- 3 -- 3 system , as used to much success by Barcelona . Although Messi scored a record 53 goals during the 2010 -- 11 club season , he had not scored for Argentina in an official match since March 2009 . Despite the tactical change , his goal drought continued during the 2011 Copa América , hosted by Argentina . Their first two matches , against Bolivia and Colombia , ended in draws , with Messi underperforming by his standards . Media and fans noted that he did not combine well with striker Carlos Tevez , who enjoyed far greater popularity among the Argentine public ; Messi was consequently booed by his own team 's supporters for the first time in his career . During the crucial next match , with Tevez on the bench , he gave a well - received performance , assisting two goals in their 3 -- 0 victory over Costa Rica . After the quarter - final against Uruguay ended in a 1 -- 1 draw following extra time , with Messi having assisted their equaliser , Argentina were eliminated 4 -- 5 in the penalty shootout by the eventual champions . 2011 -- 13 : assuming the captaincy Messi scored his first international hat - trick against Switzerland in February 2012 . After Argentina 's unsuccessful performance in the Copa América , Batista was replaced by Alejandro Sabella . Upon his appointment in August 2011 , Sabella awarded the 24 - year - old Messi the captaincy of the squad , in accord with then - captain Javier Mascherano . Reserved by nature , Messi went on to lead his squad by example as their best player , while Mascherano continued to fulfil the role of the team 's on - field leader and motivator . In a further redesign of the team , Sabella dismissed Tevez and brought in players with whom Messi had won the World Youth Championship and Olympic Games . Now playing in a free role in an improving team , Messi finally ended his goal drought by scoring during their first World Cup qualifying match against Chile on 7 October , his first official goal for Argentina in two - and - a-half years . Under Sabella , Messi 's goalscoring rate drastically increased ; where he had scored only 17 goals in 61 matches under his previous managers , he scored 25 times in 32 appearances during the following three years . He netted a total of 12 goals in 9 games for Argentina in 2012 , equalling the record held by Gabriel Batistuta , Argentina 's all - time top scorer , for the most goals scored in a calendar year for their country . His first hat - trick with the Albicelestes came in a friendly against Switzerland on 29 February 2012 , followed by two more hat - tricks over the next year - and - a-half in friendlies against Brazil and Guatemala . Messi then helped the team secure their place in the 2014 World Cup with a 5 -- 2 victory over Paraguay on 10 September 2013 ; in addition to providing an assist , he scored twice from a penalty kick , taking his international tally to 37 goals to become Argentina 's second - highest goalscorer behind only Batistuta . Overall , he had scored a total of 10 goals in 14 matches during the qualifying campaign . Concurrently with his bettered performances , his relationship with his compatriots improved , as he gradually began to be perceived more favourably in Argentina . 2014 -- 15 : World Cup and Copa América finals Messi watches his 25 yard curling strike hit the net against Iran to win the game for Argentina in their second group game at the 2014 FIFA World Cup Ahead of the World Cup in Brazil , doubts persisted over Messi 's form , as he finished an unsuccessful and injury - plagued season with Barcelona . At the start of the tournament , however , he gave strong performances , being elected man of the match in their first four matches . In his first World Cup match as captain , he led them to a 2 -- 1 victory over Bosnia and Herzegovina ; he helped create their early opening goal and scored their second strike after a dribble past three players , his first World Cup goal since his debut in the tournament eight years earlier . During the second match against Iran , he scored an injury - time goal from 25 yards out to end the game in a 1 -- 0 win , securing their qualification for the knockout phase . He scored twice in the last group match , a 3 -- 2 victory over Nigeria , his second goal from a free kick , as they finished first in their group . Messi assisted a late goal in extra time to ensure a 1 -- 0 win against Switzerland in the round of 16 , before starting the play that led to their match - winning 1 -- 0 goal in the quarter - final against Belgium , helping Argentina progress to the semi-final of the World Cup for the first time since 1990 . Following a 0 -- 0 draw in extra time , they eliminated the Netherlands 4 -- 2 in a penalty shootout to reach the final , with Messi scoring his team 's first penalty . Messi battles Germany 's Mats Hummels for the ball during the final of the 2014 FIFA World Cup . Billed as Messi versus Germany , the world 's best player against the best team , the final was a repeat of the 1990 final featuring Diego Maradona . Within the first half - hour , Messi had started the play that led to a goal , but it was ruled offside . He missed several opportunities to open the scoring throughout the match , in particular at the start of the second half when his breakaway effort went wide of the far post . Substitute Mario Götze finally scored in the 113th minute , followed in the last minute of extra time by a free kick that Messi sent over the net , as Germany won the match 1 -- 0 to claim the World Cup . At the conclusion of the final , Messi was awarded the Golden Ball as the best player of the tournament . In addition to being the joint third - highest goalscorer , with four goals and an assist , he created the most chances , completed the most dribbling runs , made the most deliveries into the penalty area and produced the most throughballs in the competition . However , his selection drew criticism due to his lack of goals in the knockout round ; FIFA President Sepp Blatter expressed his surprise , while Maradona suggested that Messi had undeservedly been chosen for marketing purposes . Another final appearance , the third of Messi 's senior international career , followed in the 2015 Copa América , held in Chile . Under the stewardship of former Barcelona manager Gerardo Martino , Argentina entered the tournament as title contenders due to their second - place achievement at the World Cup . During the opening match against Paraguay , they were ahead two goals by half - time but lost their lead to end the match in a 2 -- 2 draw ; Messi had scored from a penalty kick , netting his only goal in the tournament . Following a 1 -- 0 win against defending champions Uruguay , Messi earned his 100th cap for his country in the final group match , a 1 -- 0 win over Jamaica , becoming only the fifth Argentine to achieve this milestone . In his 100 appearances , he had scored a total of 46 goals for Argentina , 22 of which came in official competitive matches . As Messi evolved from the team 's symbolic captain into a genuine leader , he led Argentina to the knockout stage as group winners . In the quarter - final , they created numerous chances , including a rebound header by Messi , but were repeatedly denied by Colombia 's goalkeeper , and ultimately ended the match scoreless , leading to a 5 -- 4 penalty shootout in their favour , with Messi netting his team 's first spot kick . At the semi-final stage , Messi excelled as playmaker as he provided three assists and helped create three more goals in his side 's 6 -- 1 victory over Paraguay , receiving applause from the initially hostile crowd . Argentina started the final as the odds - on title favourites , but were defeated by Chile 4 -- 1 in a penalty shootout after an 0 -- 0 extra-time draw . Faced with aggression from opposing players , including taking a boot to the midriff , Messi played below his standards , though he was the only Argentine to successfully convert his penalty . At the close of the tournament , he was reportedly selected to receive the Most Valuable Player award but rejected the honour . As Argentina continued a trophy drought that began in 1993 , the World Cup and Copa América defeats again brought intense criticism for Messi from Argentine media and fans . 2016 : Copa América Centenario. , retirement , and return Messi 's place in Argentina 's Copa América Centenario squad was initially put in jeopardy when he sustained a back injury in a 1 -- 0 friendly win over Honduras in a pre-Copa América warm - up match on 27 May 2016 . It was later reported that he had suffered a deep bruise in his lumbar region , but that he would remain in Martino 's squad for the tournament , although he was later left on the bench in Argentina 's 2 -- 1 opening win over defending champions Chile on 6 June due to concerns regarding his fitness . Although Messi was declared match - fit for his nation 's second group match against Panama on 10 June , Martino left him on the bench once again ; he replaced Augusto Fernández in the 61st minute and subsequently scored a hat - trick in 19 minutes , also starting the play which led to Sergio Agüero 's goal , as the match ended in a 5 -- 0 victory , sealing Argentina 's place in the quarter - finals of the competition ; he was elected man of the match for his performance . On 18 June 2016 , in the quarter - final of the Copa América against Venezuela , Messi produced another man of the match performance , assisting two goals and scoring another in a 4 -- 1 victory , which enabled him to equal Gabriel Batistuta 's national record of 54 goals in official international matches . This record was broken three days later when Messi scored in a 4 -- 0 win in the semi-final of the Copa América against hosts the United States ; he also assisted two goals during the match as Argentina sealed a place in the final of the competition for a second consecutive year , and was named man of the match once again . `` I tried my hardest . It has been four finals , I want more than anyone to win a title with the national team , but unfortunately , it did not happen ... I think this is best for everyone , firstly for me and for a lot of people that wish this . The team has ended for me , a decision made . '' -- Messi announcing his retirement on 27 June 2016 During a repeat of the previous year 's final on 26 June , Argentina once again lost to Chile on penalties after a 0 -- 0 deadlock , resulting in Messi 's third consecutive defeat in a major tournament final with Argentina , and his fourth overall . After the match , Messi , who had missed his penalty in the shootout , announced his retirement from international football . Sources reported that other Argentine players -- Sergio Agüero , Javier Mascherano , Gonzalo Higuaín , Lucas Biglia , Éver Banega , Ezequiel Lavezzi and Ángel Di María -- could follow their captain in retiring from international football . Chile coach Juan Antonio Pizzi said after the match , `` My generation ca n't compare him to Maradona that 's for my generation , because of what Maradona did for Argentine football . But I think the best player ever played today here in the United States . '' Messi finished the tournament as the second highest scorer , behind Eduardo Vargas , with five goals , and was the highest assist provider with four assists , also winning more Man of the Match awards than any other player in the tournament ( 3 ) ; he was named to the team of the tournament for his performances , but missed out on the Golden Ball Award for best player , which went to Alexis Sánchez . `` Do n't go , Leo '' Following his announcement , a campaign began in Argentina for Messi to change his mind about retiring . He was greeted by fans with signs like `` Do n't go , Leo '' when the team landed in Buenos Aires . President of Argentina Mauricio Macri urged Messi not to quit , stating , `` We are lucky , it is one of life 's pleasures , it is a gift from God to have the best player in the world in a footballing country like ours ... Lionel Messi is the greatest thing we have in Argentina and we must take care of him . '' Mayor of Buenos Aires Horacio Rodríguez Larreta unveiled a statue of Messi in the capital to convince him to reconsider retirement . On social networks , NoTeVayasLeo became a global trending topic , and even a playlist on Spotify . The campaign also continued in the streets and avenues of the Argentine capital , with about 50,000 supporters going to the Obelisco de Buenos Aires on 2 July , using the same slogan . Return `` A lot of things went through my mind on the night of the final and I gave serious thought to quitting , but my love for my country and this shirt is too great . '' -- Messi reversing his decision from retiring on 12 August 2016 Just a week after Messi announced his international retirement , Argentine newspaper La Nación reported that he was reconsidering playing for Argentina at the 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifiers in September . On 12 August , it was confirmed that Messi had reversed his decision to retire from international football , and he was included in the squad for the national team 's upcoming 2018 World Cup qualifiers . On 1 September 2016 , in his first game back , he scored in a 1 -- 0 home win over Uruguay in a 2018 World Cup qualifier . Messi celebrating scoring a hat - trick against Ecuador on 10 October 2017 . His goals sent Argentina through to the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia . On 28 March 2017 , Messi was suspended for four international games for insulting an assistant referee in a game against Chile on 23 March 2017 . He was also fined CHF 10,000 . On 5 May 2017 , Messi 's four match ban as well as his 10,000 CHF fine was lifted by FIFA after Argentina Football Association appealed against his suspension , which meant he could now play Argentina 's remaining World Cup Qualifiers . Argentina 's place in the 2018 World Cup was in jeopardy going into their final qualifying match as they were sixth in their group , outside the five possible CONMEBOL World Cup qualifying spots , meaning they risked failing to qualify for the World Cup for the first time since 1970 . On 10 October 2017 , Messi led his country to World Cup qualification in scoring a hat - trick as Argentina came from behind to defeat Ecuador 3 -- 1 away ; Argentina had not defeated Ecuador in Quito since 2001 . Messi 's three goals saw him become the joint all - time leading scorer in CONMEBOL World Cup qualifiers with 21 goals , alongside Uruguay 's Luis Suárez , overtaking the previous record which was held by compatriot Hernán Crespo . 2018 : World Cup `` The squad is the worst in their history . Even having the best player in the world was not capable of creating a competitive team . All the decline of recent times was hidden by this unrivalled genius ( Messi ) '' -- Former Argentine player Ossie Ardiles on the decline in quality in the Argentina team being masked by Messi . Following on from their poor qualification campaign , salvaged by Messi , expectations were not high going into the 2018 World Cup , with the team , without an injured Messi , losing 6 -- 1 to Spain in March 2018 . Pre tournament Messi admitted , `` Right now we 're not among the contenders to win the World Cup . '' Prior to Argentina 's opener , there was speculation in the media over whether this would be Messi 's final World Cup . In the team 's opening group match against Iceland on 16 June , Messi missed a potential match - winning penalty in an eventual 1 -- 1 draw . In Argentina 's second game of the 2018 World Cup on 21 June , the team lost 3 -- 0 to Croatia . Post match the Argentina coach Jorge Sampaoli spoke of the lack of quality in the team surrounding Messi , `` the reality of the Argentina squad clouds his ( Messi 's ) brilliance '' . Messi had just 49 touches of the ball and only two inside the Croatia penalty area , with the coach being asked , `` Why ca n't you get your players to pass the ball to Lionel Messi ? '' Sampaoli responded by touching on the lack of supply to Messi , `` we quite simply could n't pass to him to help him generate the situations he is used to . We worked to give him the ball but the opponent also worked hard to prevent him from getting the ball . We lost that battle . '' Croatia midfielder Luka Modrić also stated post match , `` Messi is an incredible player but he ca n't do everything alone . '' Messi celebrating a goal against Nigeria at the 2018 FIFA World Cup In Argentina 's final group match against Nigeria at the Krestovsky Stadium , Saint Petersburg on 26 June , Messi scored the opening goal in an eventual 2 -- 1 victory which saw Argentina progress to the second round as group runners - up behind Croatia . Receiving Ever Banega 's long pass upfield over the defence Messi controlled the ball on the run with two touches before striking it across goal into the net with his right foot . With this goal , Messi became only the third Argentine after Diego Maradona and Gabriel Batistuta to score in three World Cups ; he also became the first player to score in the World Cup in his teens , twenties , and his thirties . In the round of 16 match against France on 30 June , Messi set up Gabriel Mercado 's and Sergio Agüero 's goals in a 4 -- 3 defeat , which saw Argentina eliminated from the World Cup . With his two assists in his team 's second round fixture , Messi became the first player to provide an assist in the last four World Cups , and also became the first player to provide two assists in a match for Argentina since Diego Maradona had managed the same feat against South Korea in 1986 . Player Profile Style of play `` I have fun like a child in the street . When the day comes when I 'm not enjoying it , I will leave football . '' -- Messi explains his approach to the game in May 2011 . Due to his short stature , Messi has a lower centre of gravity than taller players , which gives him greater agility , allowing him to change direction more quickly and evade opposing tackles ; this has led the Spanish media to dub him La Pulga Atómica ( `` The Atomic Flea '' ) . Despite being physically unimposing , he possesses significant upper - body strength , which , combined with his low centre of gravity and resulting balance , aids him in withstanding physical challenges from opponents ; he has consequently been noted for his lack of diving in a sport rife with playacting . His short , strong legs allow him to excel in short bursts of acceleration while his quick feet enable him to retain control of the ball when dribbling at speed . His former Barcelona manager Pep Guardiola once stated , `` Messi is the only player that runs faster with the ball than he does without it . '' Although he has improved his ability with his weaker foot since his mid-20s , Messi is predominantly a left - footed player ; with the outside of his left foot , he usually begins dribbling runs , while he uses the inside of his foot to finish and provide passes and assists . Messi prepares to shoot with his dominant left foot during the final of the 2014 FIFA World Cup . A prolific goalscorer , Messi is known for his finishing , positioning , quick reactions , and ability to make attacking runs to beat the defensive line . He also functions in a playmaking role , courtesy of his vision and precise passing , and is an accurate free kick and penalty kick taker , though his ability on penalties has somewhat deteriorated in recent seasons . His pace and technical ability enable him to undertake individual dribbling runs towards goal , in particular during counterattacks , usually starting from the halfway line or the right side of the pitch . Widely considered to be the best dribbler in the world , and one of the greatest of all time , with regard to this ability , his former Argentina manager Diego Maradona has said of him , `` The ball stays glued to his foot ; I 've seen great players in my career , but I 've never seen anyone with Messi 's ball control . '' Beyond his individual qualities , he is also a well - rounded , hard - working team player , known for his creative combinations , in particular with Barcelona midfielders Xavi and Andrés Iniesta . Messi frequently celebrates a goal by pointing a finger on each hand towards the skies in dedication to his late grandmother . It was she who encouraged a young Messi to play , and also took him to games . Tactically , Messi plays in a free attacking role ; a versatile player , he is capable of attacking on either wing or through the centre of the pitch . His favoured position in childhood was the playmaker behind two strikers , known as the enganche in Argentine football , but he began his career in Spain as a left - winger or left - sided forward . Upon his first - team debut , he was moved onto the right wing by manager Frank Rijkaard ; from this position , he could more easily cut through the defence into the middle of the pitch and curl shots on goal with his left foot , rather than predominantly cross balls for teammates . Under Guardiola and subsequent managers , he most often played in a false nine role ; positioned as a centre - forward or lone striker , he would roam the centre , often moving deep into midfield and drawing defenders with him , in order to create and exploit spaces for passes , dribbling runs or combinations with Xavi and Iniesta . Under the stewardship of Luis Enrique , Messi initially returned to playing in the right - sided position that characterised much of his early career in the manager 's 4 -- 3 -- 3 formation , while he was increasingly deployed in a deeper , free playmaking role in later seasons . Under Valverde , Messi played in a variety of roles , including in a more offensive , central role in a 4 -- 2 -- 3 -- 1 , or as a second striker in a 4 -- 4 -- 2 formation , where he was once again given the licence to drop deep , link - up with midfielders , orchestrate his teams attacking plays , and create chances for his attacking partner Suárez . With the Argentina national team , Messi has similarly played anywhere along the frontline ; under various managers , he has been employed on the right wing , as a false nine , as an out - and - out striker , alongside another forward , or in a deeper , free creative role as a classic number 10 playmaker or attacking midfielder behind the strikers . Reception A prodigious talent as a teenager , Messi established himself among the world 's best players before age 20 . Diego Maradona considered the 18 - year - old Messi the best player in the world alongside Ronaldinho , while the Brazilian himself , shortly after winning the Ballon d'Or , commented , `` I 'm not even the best at Barça , '' in reference to his protégé . Four years later , after Messi had won his first Ballon d'Or by a record margin , the public debate regarding his qualities as a player moved beyond his status in contemporary football to the possibility that he was the greatest player in history . An early proponent was his then - manager Pep Guardiola , who , as early as August 2009 , declared Messi to be the best player he had ever seen . In the following years , this opinion gained greater acceptance among pundits , managers , former and current players , and by the end of Barça 's second treble - winning season , Messi 's superiority , ahead of Maradona and Pelé , had become the predominant view among insiders in continental Europe . A frequent dismissal , however , has centred on the fact that Messi has not won the FIFA World Cup with Argentina , leading some in the sport to instead cite him as the best club player in history . `` I 've seen the player who will inherit my place in Argentinian football and his name is Messi . '' -- Diego Maradona hails the 18 - year - old Messi as his successor in February 2006 . Throughout his career , Messi has been compared with his compatriot Diego Maradona , due to their similar playing styles as diminutive , left - footed dribblers . Initially , he was merely one of many young Argentine players , including his boyhood idol Pablo Aimar , to receive the `` New Maradona '' moniker , but as his career progressed , Messi proved his similarity beyond all previous contenders , establishing himself as the greatest player Argentina had produced since Maradona . Jorge Valdano , who won the 1986 World Cup alongside Maradona , said in October 2013 , `` Messi is Maradona every day . For the last five years , Messi has been the Maradona of the World Cup in Mexico . '' César Menotti , who as manager orchestrated their 1978 World Cup victory , echoed this sentiment when he opined that Messi plays `` at the level of the best Maradona '' . Other notable Argentines in the sport , such as Osvaldo Ardiles , Javier Zanetti , and Diego Simeone , have expressed their belief that Messi has overtaken Maradona as the best player in history . Argentina fans with Messi and Maradona banners at the 2018 World Cup in Russia In Argentine society , Messi is generally held in lesser esteem than Maradona , a consequence of not only his uneven performances with the national team , but also of differences in class , personality , and background . Messi is in some ways the antithesis of his predecessor : where Maradona was an extroverted , controversial character who rose to greatness from the slums , Messi is reserved and unassuming , an unremarkable man outside of football . An enduring mark against him is the fact that , although through no fault of his own , he never proved himself in the Argentine Primera División as an upcoming player , achieving stardom overseas from a young age , while his lack of outward passion for the Albiceleste shirt -- he does not sing the national anthem and is disinclined to emotional displays -- have in the past led to the false perception that he felt Catalan rather than truly Argentine . Despite having lived in Spain since age 13 , Messi has said : `` Argentina is my country , my family , my way of expressing myself . I would change all my records to make the people in my country happy . '' In November 2016 , with the Argentine Football Association being run by a FIFA committee for emergency due to an economic crisis , it was reported that three of the national team 's security staff told Messi that they have n't been given their salaries for six months . He stepped in and paid the salaries of the three members . Comparisons to Cristiano Ronaldo Main article : Messi -- Ronaldo rivalry Messi has been compared to Cristiano Ronaldo ( left ) throughout much of their careers . Among his contemporary peers , Messi is most often compared and contrasted with Portuguese forward Cristiano Ronaldo , as part of an ongoing rivalry that has been compared to past sports rivalries like the Muhammad Ali -- Joe Frazier rivalry in boxing , the Björn Borg -- John McEnroe rivalry in tennis , and the Ayrton Senna -- Alain Prost rivalry from Formula One . Although Messi has at times denied any rivalry , they are widely believed to push one another in their aim to be the best player in the world : since 2008 , both players have won five Ballons d'Or and four European Golden Shoes . Pundits and fans regularly argue the individual merits of both players ; beyond their playing styles , the debate also revolves around their differing physiques -- Ronaldo is 1.85 m ( 6 ft 1 in ) with a muscular build -- and contrasting public personalities , with Ronaldo 's self - confidence and theatrics a foil to Messi 's humility . Messi faced Ronaldo at least twice every season in El Clásico , which ranks among the world 's most viewed annual sports events . Off the pitch , Ronaldo is his direct competitor in terms of salary , sponsorships , and social media fanbase . In popular culture `` That is me and Messi . We 're right up there . Absolutely . '' -- US president Barack Obama when given an honorary number 10 jersey at the White House . According to France Football , Messi was the world 's highest - paid footballer for five years out of six between 2009 and 2014 ; he was the first player to exceed the € 40 million benchmark , with earnings of € 41 million in 2013 , and the € 50 -- € 60 million points , with income of € 65 million in 2014 . Messi was second on Forbes list of the world 's highest - paid athletes ( after Cristiano Ronaldo ) with income of $81.4 million from his salary and endorsements in 2015 -- 16 . In 2018 he was the first player to exceed the € 100m benchmark for a calendar year , with earnings of € 126m ( $154 m ) in combined income from salaries , bonuses and endorsements deals . Since 2008 , he has been Barcelona 's highest - paid player , receiving a salary that increased incrementally from € 7.8 million to € 13 million over the next five years . Signing a new Barcelona contract in 2017 , he earns $667,000 per week in wages , and Barcelona also paid him $59.6 million as a signing on bonus . His new buyout clause is set at $835 million ( € 700 million ) . In addition to his salary and multimillion - euro bonuses , much of his income derives from endorsements ; SportsPro has consequently cited him as one of the world 's most marketable athletes every year since their research began in 2010 . His main sponsor since 2006 is the sportswear company Adidas . As Barça 's leading youth prospect , he had been signed with Nike since age 14 , but transferred to Adidas after they successfully challenged their rival 's claim to his image rights in court . Over time , Messi established himself as their leading brand endorser ; from 2008 , he had a long - running signature collection of Adidas F50 boots , and in 2015 , he became the first footballer to receive his own sub-brand of Adidas boots , the Adidas Messi . A mural of Messi 's likeness in the San Siro district of Milan , photographed in 2013 As a commercial entity , Messi 's marketing brand has been based exclusively on his talents and achievements as a player , in contrast to arguably more glamorous players like Cristiano Ronaldo and David Beckham . At the start of his career , he thus mainly held sponsorship contracts with companies that employ sports - oriented marketing , such as Adidas , Pepsi , and Konami . From 2010 onwards , concurrently with his increased achievements as a player , his marketing appeal widened , leading to long - term endorsement deals with luxury brands Dolce & Gabbana and Audemars Piguet . Messi is also a global brand ambassador for Gillette , Turkish Airlines , Ooredoo , and Tata Motors , among other companies . Additionally , Messi was the face of Konami 's video game series Pro Evolution Soccer , appearing on the covers of PES 2009 , PES 2010 and PES 2011 . He subsequently signed with rival company EA Sports to become the face of their series FIFA and has since appeared on four consecutive covers from FIFA 13 to FIFA 16 . Fans of Messi in India decorated this vehicle . Messi 's global popularity and influence are well documented . He was among the Time 100 , an annual list of the world 's most influential people as published by Time , in 2011 and 2012 . His fanbase on the social media website Facebook is among the largest of all public figures : within seven hours of its launch in April 2011 , his Facebook page had nearly seven million followers , and by November 2013 , he had become only the second sportsperson , after Cristiano Ronaldo , to amass over 50 million followers . He has over 96 million Instagram followers , the third highest for a sportsperson , after Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar . According to a 2014 survey by sports research firm Repucom in 15 international markets , Messi was familiar to 87 % of respondents around the world , of whom 78 % perceived him favourably , making him the second-most recognised player globally , behind Ronaldo , and the most likable of all contemporary players . Other events have illustrated Messi 's presence in popular culture . A solid gold replica of his left foot , weighing 25 kg ( 55 lb ) and valued at $5.25 million , went on sale in Japan in March 2013 to raise funds for victims of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami . A 2013 Turkish Airlines advertisement starring Messi , in which he engages in a selfie competition with then - Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant , was the most - watched ad on YouTube in the year of its release , receiving 137 million views , and was subsequently voted the best advertisement of the 2005 -- 15 decade to commemorate YouTube 's founding . World Press Photo selected `` The Final Game '' , a photograph of Messi facing the World Cup trophy after Argentina 's final defeat to Germany , as the best sports image of 2014 . Messi , a documentary about his life by filmmaker Álex de la Iglesia , premiered at the Venice Film Festival in August 2014 . Born in a zoo at Saransk , Mordovia , Russia in late 2015 , Messi , a pet cougar who became popular on social media , was named after the player . Personal life Family and relationships Since 2008 , when he was 20 , Messi has been in a relationship with Antonella Roccuzzo , a fellow native of Rosario . He has known Roccuzzo since he was five years old , as she is the cousin of his best friend since childhood , Lucas Scaglia , who is also a football player . After keeping their relationship private for a year , Messi first confirmed their romance in an interview in January 2009 , before going public a month later during a carnival in Sitges after the Barcelona -- Espanyol derby . `` Leo is not shy . He 's introverted . He 's reserved . '' -- Endocrinologist Dr. Diego Schwarzstein addressed Messi 's growth hormone deficiency from 1997 to 2001 . According to Bleacher Report 's Richard Fitzpatrick , `` Schwarzstein and Messi built up a close relationship during more than four years of treatment . '' Messi and Roccuzzo have three sons : Thiago ( born 2012 ) , Mateo ( born 2015 ) and Ciro ( born 2018 ) . To celebrate his partner 's first pregnancy , Messi placed the ball under his shirt after scoring in Argentina 's 4 -- 0 win against Ecuador on 2 June 2012 , before confirming the pregnancy in an interview two weeks later . Thiago was born in Barcelona on 2 November 2012 , with Messi attending the birth after being given permission by Barcelona to miss training . He announced his son 's arrival on his Facebook page , writing , `` Today I am the happiest man in the world , my son was born and thanks to God for this gift ! '' Thiago 's name and handprints are tattooed on his left calf . In April 2015 , Messi confirmed on Facebook that they were expecting another child . He missed training ahead of a match against Atlético Madrid to attend the birth of his second son , Mateo , on 11 September 2015 in Barcelona . On 30 June 2017 , he married Roccuzzo at a luxury hotel named Hotel City Center in Rosario with about 260 guests attending his wedding . On 15 October 2017 , his wife announced they were expecting their third child in an Instagram post , with the words `` Family of 5 '' . On 10 March 2018 , Messi skipped the match against Málaga after Ciro was born . Messi enjoys a close relationship with his immediate family members , particularly his mother , Celia , whose face he has tattooed on his left shoulder . His professional affairs are largely run as a family business : his father , Jorge , has been his agent since he was 14 , and his oldest brother , Rodrigo , handles his daily schedule and publicity . His mother and other brother , Matías , manage his charitable organisation , the Leo Messi Foundation , and take care of personal and professional matters in Rosario . Since leaving for Spain at age 13 , Messi has maintained close ties to his hometown of Rosario , even preserving his distinct Rosarino accent . He has kept ownership of his family 's old house , although it has long stood empty ; he maintains a penthouse apartment in an exclusive residential building for his mother , as well as a family compound just outside the city . Once when he was in training with the national team in Buenos Aires , he made a three - hour trip by car to Rosario immediately after practice to have dinner with his family , spent the night with them , and returned to Buenos Aires the next day in time for practice . Messi keeps in daily contact via phone and text with a small group of confidants in Rosario , most of whom were fellow members of `` The Machine of ' 87 '' at Newell 's Old Boys . Although considered a one - club man , he has long planned to return to Rosario to end his playing career at Newell 's . He was on bad terms with the club after his transfer to Barcelona , but by 2012 their public feud had ended , with Newell 's embracing their ties with Messi , even issuing a club membership card to his newborn son . Philanthropy Throughout his career , Messi has been involved in charitable efforts aimed at vulnerable children , a commitment that stems in part from the medical difficulties he faced in his own childhood . Since 2004 , he has contributed his time and finances to the United Nations Children 's Fund ( UNICEF ) , an organisation with which Barcelona also have a strong association . Messi has served as a UNICEF goodwill ambassador since his appointment in March 2010 , completing his first field mission for the organisation four months later as he travelled to Haiti to bring public awareness to the plight of the country 's children in the wake of the recent earthquake . He has since participated in UNICEF campaigns targeting HIV prevention , education , and the social inclusion of disabled children . To celebrate his son 's first birthday , in November 2013 , Messi and Thiago were part of a publicity campaign to raise awareness of mortality rates among disadvantaged children . Messi pictured in July 2014 In addition to his work with UNICEF , Messi founded his own charitable organisation , the Leo Messi Foundation , which supports access to health care , education , and sport for children . It was established in 2007 following a visit Messi paid to a hospital for terminally ill children in Boston , an experience that resonated with him to the point that he decided to reinvest part of his earnings into society . Through his foundation , Messi has awarded research grants , financed medical training , and invested in the development of medical centres and projects in Argentina , Spain , and elsewhere in the world . In addition to his own fundraising activities , such as his global `` Messi and Friends '' football matches , his foundation receives financial support from various companies to which he has assigned his name in endorsement agreements , with Adidas as their main sponsor . Messi has also invested in youth football in Argentina : he financially supports Sarmiento , a football club based in the Rosario neighbourhood where he was born , committing in 2013 to the refurbishment of their facilities and the installation of all - weather pitches , and funds the management of several youth players at Newell 's Old Boys and rival club Rosario Central , as well as at River Plate and Boca Juniors in Buenos Aires . At Newell 's Old Boys , his boyhood club , he funded the 2012 construction of a new gymnasium and a dormitory inside the club 's stadium for their youth academy . His former youth coach at Newell 's , Ernesto Vecchio , is employed by the Leo Messi Foundation as a talent scout for young players . On 7 June 2016 , Messi won a libel case against La Razón newspaper and was awarded € 65,000 in damages , which he donated to the charity Doctors without Borders . Controversies Messi 's financial affairs came under investigation in 2013 for suspected tax evasion . Offshore companies in tax havens Uruguay and Belize were allegedly used to evade € 4.1 million in taxes related to sponsorship earnings between 2007 and 2009 . An unrelated shell company in Panama , set up in 2012 , was subsequently identified as belonging to the Messis in the Panama Papers data leak . Messi , who pleaded ignorance of the alleged scheme , voluntarily paid arrears of € 5.1 million in August 2013 . He stood trial alongside his father on three counts of tax evasion in May 2016 . On 6 July 2016 , Messi and his father were both found guilty of tax fraud and were handed suspended 21 - month prison sentences and respectively ordered to pay € 1.7 million and € 1.4 million in fines . While the District Attorney did not consider there to be motives to accuse Messi , the state lawyer 's office became the only party that requested a punishment for him , despite his declarations that he was not aware of any of the deals that were taking place with his money . Facing the judge , he said , `` I just played football . '' Career statistics Club As of 20 May 2018 Appearances and goals by club , season and competition Club Season League Copa del Rey Champions League Other Total Division Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Barcelona C 2003 -- 04 Tercera División 10 5 -- -- -- 10 5 Barcelona B 2003 -- 04 Segunda División B 5 0 -- -- -- 5 0 2004 -- 05 Segunda División B 17 6 -- -- -- 17 6 Total 22 6 -- -- -- 22 6 Barcelona 2004 -- 05 La Liga 7 0 0 -- 9 2005 -- 06 La Liga 17 6 6 0 0 25 8 2006 -- 07 La Liga 26 14 5 0 36 17 2007 -- 08 La Liga 28 10 0 9 6 -- 40 16 2008 -- 09 La Liga 31 23 8 6 12 9 -- 51 38 2009 -- 10 La Liga 35 34 11 8 53 47 2010 -- 11 La Liga 33 31 7 7 13 12 55 53 2011 -- 12 La Liga 37 50 7 11 14 5 6 60 73 2012 -- 13 La Liga 32 46 5 11 8 50 60 2013 -- 14 La Liga 31 28 6 5 7 8 0 46 41 2014 -- 15 La Liga 38 43 6 5 13 10 -- 57 58 2015 -- 16 La Liga 33 26 5 5 7 6 49 41 2016 -- 17 La Liga 34 37 7 5 9 11 52 54 2017 -- 18 La Liga 36 34 6 10 6 54 45 Total 418 383 68 48 125 100 26 21 637 552 Career total 450 394 68 48 125 100 26 21 669 563 Jump up ^ One appearance in UEFA Super Cup , two appearances in Supercopa de España Jump up ^ One appearance in UEFA Super Cup , one appearance and two goals in Supercopa de España , two appearances and two goals in FIFA Club World Cup ^ Jump up to : Appearances in Supercopa de España Jump up ^ One appearance and one goal in UEFA Super Cup , two appearances and three goals in Supercopa de España , two appearances and two goals in FIFA Club World Cup Jump up ^ One appearance and two goals in UEFA Super Cup , two appearances and one goal in Supercopa de España , one appearance and one goal in FIFA Club World Cup International See also : List of international goals scored by Lionel Messi As of 30 June 2018 Appearances and goals by national team , year and competition Team Year Competitive Friendly Total Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Argentina U20 -- 2005 16 11 -- 16 11 Total 16 11 18 14 Argentina U23 2008 5 -- 5 Total 5 -- 5 Argentina 2005 0 0 5 0 2006 7 2007 10 14 6 2008 6 8 2009 8 10 5 0 5 10 2011 8 5 13 2012 5 5 7 9 12 2013 5 7 6 2014 7 7 14 8 2015 6 8 2016 10 8 0 11 8 2017 5 0 7 2018 5 Total 85 35 43 30 128 65 Career total 106 48 45 33 151 81 Jump up ^ Nine appearances and five goals in the 2005 South American U-20 Championship , seven appearances and six goals in the 2005 FIFA World Youth Championship Jump up ^ Appearances in Summer Olympics ^ Jump up to : Appearances in FIFA World Cup qualification ^ Jump up to : Appearances in FIFA World Cup Jump up ^ Six appearances and two goals in Copa América , four appearances and two goals in FIFA World Cup qualification Jump up ^ Four appearances in Copa América , four appearances and two goals in FIFA World Cup qualification Jump up ^ Appearances in Copa América Jump up ^ Five appearances and three goals in FIFA World Cup qualification , five appearances and five goals in Copa América Centenario Honours and achievements For a comprehensive listing of Messi 's achievements , see List of career achievements by Lionel Messi . Messi accepting the Golden Ball award , alongside his future teammate Neymar after the 2011 FIFA Club World Cup Final Club Barcelona La Liga : 2004 -- 05 , 2005 -- 06 , 2008 -- 09 , 2009 -- 10 , 2010 -- 11 , 2012 -- 13 , 2014 -- 15 , 2015 -- 16 , 2017 -- 18 Copa del Rey : 2008 -- 09 , 2011 -- 12 , 2014 -- 15 , 2015 -- 16 , 2016 -- 17 , 2017 -- 18 Supercopa de España : 2005 , 2006 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2013 , 2016 UEFA Champions League : 2005 -- 06 , 2008 -- 09 , 2010 -- 11 , 2014 -- 15 UEFA Super Cup : 2009 , 2011 , 2015 FIFA Club World Cup : 2009 , 2011 , 2015 International Argentina FIFA U-20 World Cup : 2005 Olympic Gold Medal : 2008 FIFA World Cup runner - up : 2014 Copa América runner - up : 2007 , 2015 , 2016 Individual Awards FIFA Ballon d'Or / Ballon d'Or : 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2015 European Golden Shoe : 2010 , 2012 , 2013 , 2017 , 2018 FIFA World Player of the Year : 2009 FIFA World Cup Golden Ball : 2014 Copa América Golden Ball : 2015 UEFA Men 's Player of the Year Award : 2011 , 2015 UEFA Club Footballer of the Year : 2009 UEFA Club Forward of the Year : 2009 Globe Soccer Awards Best Player of the Year : 2015 La Liga Best Player : 2008 -- 09 , 2009 -- 10 , 2010 -- 11 , 2011 -- 12 , 2012 -- 13 , 2014 -- 15 La Liga Best Forward : 2008 -- 09 , 2009 -- 10 , 2010 -- 11 , 2011 -- 12 , 2012 -- 13 , 2014 -- 15 , 2015 -- 16 FIFA Club World Cup Golden Ball : 2009 , 2011 FIFA Club World Cup Silver Ball : 2015 FIFA Club World Cup Final Most Valuable Player : 2009 , 2011 FIFA World Youth Championship Golden Ball : 2005 FIFA World Youth Championship Golden Shoe : 2005 Olimpia de Plata ( Argentine Footballer of the Year ) : 2005 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 Copa América Best Young Player : 2007 FIFPro Young World Player of the Year : 2006 , 2007 , 2008 Golden Boy ( Young European Footballer of the Year ) : 2005 IFFHS World 's Best Playmaker : 2015 , 2016 , 2017 La Liga Player of the Month : January 2016 , April 2017 , April 2018 FIFA FIFPro World XI : 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 UEFA Team of the Year : 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 UEFA Ultimate Team of the Year La Liga Team of the Season : 2014 -- 15 , 2015 -- 16 UEFA La Liga Team of The Season : 2015 -- 16 , 2016 -- 17 FIFA World Cup Dream Team : 2014 Copa América Dream Team : 2007 , 2011 , 2015 , 2016 AFA Team of All Time ( published 2015 ) UEFA Goal of the Season : 2006 -- 07 , 2014 -- 15 , 2015 -- 16 Performances La Liga top goalscorer : 2009 -- 10 , 2011 -- 12 , 2012 -- 13 , 2016 -- 17 , 2017 -- 18 La Liga top assist provider : 2010 -- 11 , 2014 -- 15 , 2015 -- 16 , 2017 -- 18 Copa del Rey top goalscorer : 2008 -- 09 , 2010 -- 11 , 2013 -- 14 , 2015 -- 16 , 2016 -- 17 Copa del Rey top assist provider : 2016 -- 17 , 2017 -- 18 UEFA Champions League top goalscorer : 2008 -- 09 , 2009 -- 10 , 2010 -- 11 , 2011 -- 12 , 2014 -- 15 UEFA Champions League top assist provider : 2011 -- 12 , 2014 -- 15 FIFA Club World Cup top goalscorer : 2011 FIFA World Youth Championship top goalscorer : 2005 Copa América top assist provider : 2011 , 2015 , 2016 FIFA World Cup joint top assist provider : 2018 Records As of May 2018 World Most ( FIFA ) Ballons d'Or : 5 ( 2009 -- 12 , 2015 ) ( shared with Cristiano Ronaldo ) Guinness World Record as top goalscorer for club and country in a calendar year : 91 goals in 2012 Top goalscorer in all club competitions in a calendar year : 79 goals in 2012 Top goalscorer in a club season : 73 goals in 2011 -- 12 Longest goalscoring run in a domestic league : 21 matches , 33 goals in 2012 -- 13 Only player to have won more than one FIFA Club World Cup Golden Ball Most appearances in the FIFPro World XI : 11 times ( 2007 -- 2017 ) ( shared with Cristiano Ronaldo ) Continental Most European Golden Shoes : 5 Most goals scored in a European Cup / Champions League game : 5 goals ( shared with 13 other players ) Most goals scored in the UEFA Champions League group stages : 60 ( shared with Cristiano Ronaldo ) Most hat - tricks scored in the UEFA Champions League : 7 ( shared with Cristiano Ronaldo ) Youngest player to make 100 appearances in the UEFA Champions League : 28 years , 84 days in 2015 Top goalscorer in the UEFA Super Cup : 3 goals ( shared with Arie Haan , Oleg Blokhin , Gerd Müller , Rob Rensenbrink , François Van der Elst , Terry McDermott , and Radamel Falcao ) Top assist provider in Copa América : 11 assists Most goals scored in CONMEBOL World Cup Qualifiers : 21 goals ( shared with Luis Suárez ) Spain Most Best Player in La Liga awards : 6 ( 2009 -- 13 , 2015 ) Most Best Forward in La Liga awards : 7 ( 2009 -- 13 , 2015 , 2016 ) Top goalscorer in La Liga : 383 goals Top assist provider in La Liga : 149 assists Top goalscorer in the Supercopa de España : 13 goals Top goalscorer in a La Liga season : 50 goals in 2011 -- 12 Most hat - tricks scored in a La Liga season : 8 in 2011 -- 12 ( shared with Cristiano Ronaldo ) First player to reach 300 La Liga goals ; only player to reach 350 La Liga goals . Most opposition teams scored against in La Liga history : 36 Argentina Argentina all - time top goalscorer : 61 goals Top goalscorer for Argentina in a calendar year : 12 goals in 2012 ( shared with Gabriel Batistuta ) Only Argentine player to score against every CONMEBOL nation Youngest player to play for Argentina in a FIFA World Cup : 18 years , 357 days in 2006 Youngest player to score for Argentina in a FIFA World Cup : 18 years , 357 days in 2006 Youngest player to reach 100 caps for a country under CONMEBOL 's jurisdiction : 27 years , 361 days in 2015 Most Argentine Footballer of the Year awards : 11 ( 2005 , 2007 -- 13 , 2015 -- 17 ) Barcelona Top goalscorer in the Derbi barceloní : 21 goals Top goalscorer in El Clásico : 26 goals Top goalscorer in the Athletic -- Barcelona clásico : 24 goals Top goalscorer in official competitions : 552 goals Top goalscorer including friendlies : 586 goals Top goalscorer in the UEFA Champions League : 100 goals Top goalscorer in European competitions : 103 goals Top goalscorer in international competitions : 108 goals Most hat - tricks scored in La Liga : 30 Most hat - tricks scored in all competitions : 41 Most official trophies won with the team : 32 ( shared with Andrés Iniesta ) See also Biography portal Association football portal Argentina portal List of one - club men Football records in Spain UEFA club competition records and statistics FIFA World Cup awards L'Équipe Champion of Champions Notes Jump up ^ In isolation , Andrés is pronounced ( anˈdɾes ) . References Jump up ^ See : Notes Jump up ^ According to his club 's official website , , and his authorised biography , Messi by Guillem Balagué , his surname is the single `` Messi '' , in accordance with Argentine customs . Other sources , including a 2014 document by FIFA , give his surname as the double `` Messi Cuccittini '' . After winning a libel case in 2017 , Messi 's own management company stated : `` The football player Lionel Andres Messi Cuccittini has donated a total of € 72,783.20 to the organisation Doctors Without Borders . '' Jump up ^ In addition to four FIFA Ballons d'Or , Messi received France Football 's Ballon d'Or and FIFA 's World Player of the Year award prior to their fusion ; both organisations credit him with five ( FIFA ) Ballons d'Or . Jump up ^ Since surpassed by Cristiano Ronaldo , Messi is the second - highest goalscorer in the European Cup / Champions League as of April 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Assist statistics began in 1990 . 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Jump up ^ `` Lionel Messi 's record - breaking el clásico in numbers '' . The Independent . 23 December 2017 . Retrieved 3 March 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Matches of Messi : Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini vs Athletic Club '' . BDfutbol . Retrieved 16 June 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` FC Barcelona Individual Records '' . FC Barcelona . Retrieved 14 March 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` L. Messi '' . Soccerway . Retrieved 27 August 2017 . Jump up ^ Wallace , Sam ; Bull , J.J. ( 20 February 2018 ) . `` Chelsea 1 Barcelona 1 : Lionel Messi punishes single mistake to take crucial away goal to Nou Camp '' . The Telegraph . ISSN 0307 - 1235 . Retrieved 5 March 2018 . Bibliography Balagué , Guillem ( 2013 ) . Messi . Orion Books . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4091 - 4659 - 9 . Caioli , Luca ( 2012 ) . Messi : The Inside Story of the Boy Who Became a Legend . Corinthian Books . ISBN 978 - 1 - 90685 - 040 - 1 . Caioli , Luca ( 2015 ) . Messi : More than a Superstar . Icon Books . ISBN 978 - 190685 - 091 - 3 . Guinness World Records 2015 . Guinness World Records . 2014 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 908843 - 65 - 4 . Hunter , Graham ( 2012 ) . Barça : The Making of the Greatest Team in the World . BackPage Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 9564971 - 8 - 5 . Lisi , Clemente Angelo ( 2011 ) . A History of the World Cup : 1930 -- 2010 . Scarecrow Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8108 - 7754 - 2 . Tomkins , Paul ( 2007 ) . Above Us Only Sky : Liverpool FC 's Global Revolution . Anchor Print Group . ISBN 978 - 0 - 9556367 - 0 - 7 . External links Find more aboutLionel Messiat Wikipedia 's sister projects Media from Wikimedia Commons News from Wikinews Quotations from Wikiquote Learning resources from Wikiversity Official website ( in Catalan ) ( in Spanish ) Profile for FC Barcelona Profile at La Liga Lionel Messi at ESPN FC Lionel Messi at BDFutbol Lionel Messi at Soccerway Lionel Messi at Soccerbase Lionel Messi at Lionel Messi -- FIFA competition record Lionel Messi -- UEFA competition record Lionel Messi on Facebook FC Barcelona -- current squad 1 Ter Stegen 2 Semedo 3 Piqué 4 Rakitić 5 Busquets 6 D. Suárez 9 L. Suárez 10 Messi ( c ) 11 Dembélé 13 Cillessen 14 Coutinho 16 Arnaiz 17 Alcácer 18 Alba 19 Digne 20 Roberto 21 Gomes 22 Vidal 23 Umtiti 24 Mina 25 Vermaelen -- Aleñá -- Arthur -- Douglas -- Lenglet -- Marlon -- Munir -- Ortolá -- Rafinha -- Samper Coach : Valverde Argentina squads Argentina squad -- 2006 FIFA World Cup 1 Abbondanzieri 2 Ayala 3 Sorín ( c ) 4 Coloccini 5 Cambiasso 6 Heinze 7 Saviola 8 Mascherano 9 Crespo 10 Riquelme 11 Tevez 12 Franco 13 Scaloni 14 Palacio 15 Milito 16 Aimar 17 Cufré 18 Rodríguez 19 Messi 20 Cruz 21 Burdisso 22 González 23 Ustari Coach : Pékerman Argentina squad -- 2007 Copa América runners - up 1 Abbondanzieri 2 Ayala ( c ) 3 Díaz 4 Ibarra 5 Gago 6 Heinze 7 Palacio 8 Zanetti 9 Crespo 10 Riquelme 11 Tevez 12 Carrizo 13 González 14 Mascherano 15 G. Milito 16 Aimar 17 Burdisso 18 Messi 19 Cambiasso 20 Verón 21 D. Milito 22 Orión Coach : Basile Argentina men 's football squad -- 2008 Summer Olympics -- Gold medal 1 Ustari 2 Garay 3 Monzón 4 Zabaleta 5 Gago 6 Fazio 7 Sosa 8 Banega 9 Lavezzi 10 Riquelme ( c ) 11 Di María 12 Pareja 13 Acosta 14 Mascherano 15 Messi 16 Agüero 17 Buonanotte 18 Romero 22 Navarro Coach : Batista Argentina squad -- 2010 FIFA World Cup 1 Pozo 2 Demichelis 3 C. Rodríguez 4 Burdisso 5 Bolatti 6 Heinze 7 Di María 8 Verón 9 Higuaín 10 Messi 11 Tevez 12 Garcé 13 Samuel 14 Mascherano ( c ) 15 Otamendi 16 Agüero 17 Gutiérrez 18 Palermo 19 Milito 20 M. Rodríguez 21 Andújar 22 Romero 23 Pastore Coach : Maradona Argentina squad -- 2011 Copa América 1 Carrizo 2 Garay 3 Zabaleta 4 Burdisso 5 Cambiasso 6 G. Milito 7 Di María 8 Zanetti 9 Higuaín 10 Messi 11 Tevez 12 Andújar 13 Pareja 14 Mascherano ( c ) 15 Biglia 16 Agüero 17 Rojo 18 Pastore 19 Banega 20 Gago 21 Lavezzi 22 D. Milito 23 Romero Coach : Batista Argentina squad -- 2014 FIFA World Cup runners - up 1 Romero 2 Garay 3 Campagnaro 4 Zabaleta 5 Gago 6 Biglia 7 Di María 8 Pérez 9 Higuaín 10 Messi ( c ) 11 M. Rodríguez 12 Orión 13 A. Fernández 14 Mascherano 15 Demichelis 16 Rojo 17 F. Fernández 18 Palacio 19 Álvarez 20 Agüero 21 Andújar 22 Lavezzi 23 Basanta Coach : Sabella Argentina squad -- 2015 Copa América runners - up 1 Romero 2 Garay 3 Roncaglia 4 Zabaleta 5 Gago 6 Biglia 7 Di María 8 Pereyra 9 Higuaín 10 Messi ( c ) 11 Agüero 12 Guzmán 13 Casco 14 Mascherano 15 Demichelis 16 Rojo 17 Otamendi 18 Tevez 19 Banega 20 Lamela 21 Pastore 22 Lavezzi 23 Andújar ( Marchesín ) Coach : Martino Argentina squad -- 2016 Copa América Centenario runners - up 1 Romero 2 Maidana 3 Roncaglia 4 Mercado 5 Kranevitter 6 Biglia 7 Di María 8 Fernández 9 Higuaín 10 Messi ( c ) 11 Agüero 12 Guzmán 13 Funes Mori 14 Mascherano 15 Cuesta 16 Rojo 17 Otamendi 18 Lamela 19 Banega 20 Gaitán 21 Pastore 22 Lavezzi 23 Andújar Coach : Martino Argentina squad -- 2018 FIFA World Cup 1 Guzmán 2 Mercado 3 Tagliafico 4 Ansaldi 5 Biglia 6 Fazio 7 Banega 8 Acuña 9 Higuaín 10 Messi ( c ) 11 Di María 12 Armani 13 Meza 14 Mascherano 15 Pérez 16 Rojo 17 Otamendi 18 Salvio 19 Agüero 20 Lo Celso 21 Dybala 22 Pavón 23 Caballero Coach : Sampaoli Awards Awards and achievements Preceded by Luciana Aymar Olimpia de Oro 2011 Succeeded by Sergio Martínez Preceded by Rafael Nadal L'Équipe Champion of Champions 2011 Succeeded by Serena Williams ( female ) Usain Bolt ( male ) Preceded by José Mourinho Gazzetta dello Sport Sportsman of the Year 2011 Succeeded by Usain Bolt FIFA Player of the Year FIFA World Player of the Year 1991 : Matthäus 1992 : Van Basten 1993 : Baggio 1994 : Romário 1995 : Weah 1996 : Ronaldo 1997 : Ronaldo 1998 : Zidane 1999 : Rivaldo 2000 : Zidane 2001 : Figo 2002 : Ronaldo 2003 : Zidane 2004 : Ronaldinho 2005 : Ronaldinho 2006 : Cannavaro 2007 : Kaká 2008 : C. Ronaldo 2009 : Messi FIFA Ballon d'Or 2010 : Messi 2011 : Messi 2012 : Messi 2013 : C. Ronaldo 2014 : C. Ronaldo 2015 : Messi The Best FIFA Men 's Player 2016 : C. Ronaldo 2017 : C. Ronaldo See also : Ballon d'Or Ballon d'Or France Football magazine award Ballon d'Or ( 1956 -- 2009 ) 1956 : Matthews 1957 : Di Stéfano 1958 : Kopa 1959 : Di Stéfano 1960 : Suárez 1961 : Sívori 1962 : Masopust 1963 : Yashin 1964 : Law 1965 : Eusébio 1966 : Charlton 1967 : Albert 1968 : Best 1969 : Rivera 1970 : Müller 1971 : Cruyff 1972 : Beckenbauer 1973 : Cruyff 1974 : Cruyff 1975 : Blokhin 1976 : Beckenbauer 1977 : Simonsen 1978 : Keegan 1979 : Keegan 1980 : Rummenigge 1981 : Rummenigge 1982 : Rossi 1983 : Platini 1984 : Platini 1985 : Platini 1986 : Belanov 1987 : Gullit 1988 : Van Basten 1989 : Van Basten 1990 : Matthäus 1991 : Papin 1992 : Van Basten 1993 : Baggio 1994 : Stoichkov 1995 : Weah 1996 : Sammer 1997 : Ronaldo 1998 : Zidane 1999 : Rivaldo 2000 : Figo 2001 : Owen 2002 : Ronaldo 2003 : Nedvěd 2004 : Shevchenko 2005 : Ronaldinho 2006 : Cannavaro 2007 : Kaká 2008 : C. Ronaldo 2009 : Messi FIFA Ballon d'Or ( 2010 -- 2015 ) 2010 : Messi 2011 : Messi 2012 : Messi 2013 : C. Ronaldo 2014 : C. Ronaldo 2015 : Messi Ballon d'Or ( 2016 -- present ) 2016 : C. Ronaldo 2017 : C. Ronaldo FIFA World Player of the Year ( 1991 -- 2009 ) FIFA Ballon d'Or ( 2010 -- 2015 ) The Best FIFA Men 's Player ( 2016 -- present ) World Soccer Player of the Year 1982 : Rossi 1983 : Zico 1984 : Platini 1985 : Platini 1986 : Maradona 1987 : Gullit 1988 : Van Basten 1989 : Gullit 1990 : Matthäus 1991 : Papin 1992 : Van Basten 1993 : Baggio 1994 : Maldini 1995 : Vialli 1996 : Ronaldo 1997 : Ronaldo 1998 : Zidane 1999 : Rivaldo 2000 : Figo 2001 : Owen 2002 : Ronaldo 2003 : Nedvěd 2004 : Ronaldinho 2005 : Ronaldinho 2006 : Cannavaro 2007 : Kaká 2008 : C. Ronaldo 2009 : Messi 2010 : Xavi 2011 : Messi 2012 : Messi 2013 : C. Ronaldo 2014 : C. Ronaldo 2015 : Messi 2016 : C. Ronaldo 2017 : C. Ronaldo La Liga Foreign Player of the Year - Don Balón Award 1976 : Neeskens 1977 : Cruyff 1978 : Cruyff 1979 : Stielike 1980 : Stielike 1981 : Stielike 1982 : Stielike 1983 : Barbas 1984 : Barbas 1985 : Schuster 1986 : Valdano 1987 : Sánchez 1988 : Alemão 1989 : Ruggeri 1990 : Sánchez 1991 : Schuster 1992 : Laudrup 1993 : Đukić 1994 : Stoichkov 1995 : Zamorano 1996 : Mijatović 1997 : Ronaldo 1998 : Rivaldo 1999 : Figo 2000 : Figo 2001 : Figo 2002 : Zidane 2003 : Nihat 2004 : Ronaldinho 2005 : Riquelme 2006 : Ronaldinho 2007 : Messi 2008 : Agüero 2009 : Messi 2010 : Messi La Liga Forward of the Year - LFP Awards 2009 : Messi 2010 : Messi 2011 : Messi 2012 : Messi 2013 : Messi 2014 : Ronaldo 2015 : Messi 2016 : Messi La Liga Best Player of the Year - LFP Awards 2009 : Messi 2010 : Messi 2011 : Messi 2012 : Messi 2013 : Messi 2014 : Ronaldo 2015 : Messi 2016 : Griezmann EFE Trophy 1990 -- 91 : Fernández 1991 -- 92 : Zalazar 1992 -- 93 : Zamorano 1993 -- 94 : Romário 1994 -- 95 : Zamorano 1995 -- 96 : Simeone 1996 -- 97 : Ronaldo 1997 -- 98 : Roberto Carlos 1998 -- 99 : Rivaldo 1999 -- 2000 : Herrera 2000 -- 01 : Acuña 2001 -- 02 : Saviola 2002 -- 03 : Ronaldo 2003 -- 04 : Ronaldinho 2004 -- 05 : Forlán 2005 -- 06 : Aimar 2006 -- 07 : Messi 2007 -- 08 : Agüero 2008 -- 09 : Messi 2009 -- 10 : Messi 2010 -- 11 : Messi 2011 -- 12 : Messi 2012 -- 13 : C. Ronaldo 2013 -- 14 : Diego Costa 2014 -- 15 : Suárez 2015 -- 16 : Navas FIFA Club World Cup Golden Ball 2000 : Edílson 2005 : Rogério Ceni 2006 : Deco 2007 : Kaká 2008 : Rooney 2009 : Messi 2010 : Eto'o 2011 : Messi 2012 : Cássio 2013 : Ribéry 2014 : Ramos 2015 : Suárez 2016 : Ronaldo 2017 : Modrić FIFA U-20 World Cup awards Golden Ball 1977 : Bessonov 1979 : Maradona 1981 : Gabor 1983 : Geovani 1985 : Silas 1987 : Prosinečki 1989 : Bismarck 1991 : Peixe 1993 : Adriano 1995 : Caio 1997 : Olivera 1999 : Keita 2001 : Saviola 2003 : Matar 2005 : Messi 2007 : Agüero 2009 : Adiyiah 2011 : Henrique 2013 : Pogba 2015 : Traoré 2017 : Solanke Golden Boot 1977 : Guina 1979 : Díaz 1981 : Koussas 1983 : Geovani 1985 : Losada 1987 : Witeczek 1989 : Salenko 1991 : Scherbakov 1993 : Zambrano 1995 : Etxeberria 1997 : Adaílton 1999 : Couñago 2001 : Saviola 2003 : Johnson 2005 : Messi 2007 : Agüero 2009 : Adiyiah 2011 : Henrique 2013 : Assifuah 2015 : Kovalenko 2017 : Orsolini Golden Gloves 2009 : Alvarado 2011 : Mika 2013 : De Amores 2015 : Rajković 2017 : Woodman Footballer of the Year of Argentina 1970 : Yazalde 1971 : Pastoriza 1972 : Bargas 1973 : Brindisi 1974 : Raimondo 1975 : Scotta 1976 : Passarella 1977 : Fillol 1978 : Kempes 1979 : Maradona 1980 : Maradona 1981 : Maradona 1982 : Gatti 1983 : Bochini 1984 : Márcico 1985 : Francescoli 1986 : Maradona 1987 : Fabbri 1988 : Paz 1989 : Alfaro Moreno 1990 : Goycochea 1991 : Ruggeri 1992 : Islas 1993 : Medina Bello 1994 : Navarro Montoya 1995 : Francescoli 1996 : Chilavert 1997 : Salas 1998 : Batistuta 1999 : Saviola 2000 : Riquelme 2001 : Riquelme 2002 : Milito 2003 : Tevez 2004 : Tevez 2005 : Messi 2006 : Verón 2007 : Messi 2008 : Messi & Riquelme 2009 : Messi & Verón 2010 : Messi & Martínez 2011 : Messi & Riquelme 2012 : Messi & L. López 2013 : Messi & M. Rodríguez 2014 : Di María & Pratto 2015 : Messi & Ruben 2016 : Messi & Belluschi 2017 : Messi & Benedetto UEFA Club Footballer of the Year 1998 : Ronaldo 1999 : Beckham 2000 : Redondo 2001 : Effenberg 2002 : Zidane 2003 : Buffon 2004 : Deco 2005 : Gerrard 2006 : Ronaldinho 2007 : Kaká 2008 : C. Ronaldo 2009 : Messi 2010 : Milito UEFA Club Football Awards Best Goalkeeper 1997 -- 98 : Schmeichel 1998 -- 99 : Kahn 1999 -- 2000 : Kahn 2000 -- 01 : Kahn 2001 -- 02 : Kahn 2002 -- 03 : Buffon 2003 -- 04 : Baía 2004 -- 05 : Čech 2005 -- 06 : Lehmann 2006 -- 07 : Čech 2007 -- 08 : Čech 2008 -- 09 : Van der Sar 2009 -- 10 : Júlio César 2010 -- 16 : Not awarded 2016 -- 17 : Buffon Best Defender 1997 -- 98 : Hierro 1998 -- 99 : Stam 1999 -- 2000 : Stam 2000 -- 01 : Ayala 2001 -- 02 : Roberto Carlos 2002 -- 03 : Roberto Carlos 2003 -- 04 : Carvalho 2004 -- 05 : Terry 2005 -- 06 : Puyol 2006 -- 07 : Maldini 2007 -- 08 : Terry 2008 -- 09 : Terry 2009 -- 10 : Maicon 2010 -- 16 : Not awarded 2016 -- 17 : Ramos Best Midfielder 1997 -- 98 : Zidane 1998 -- 99 : Beckham 1999 -- 2000 : Mendieta 2000 -- 01 : Mendieta 2001 -- 02 : Ballack 2002 -- 03 : Nedvěd 2003 -- 04 : Deco 2004 -- 05 : Kaká 2005 -- 06 : Deco 2006 -- 07 : Seedorf 2007 -- 08 : Lampard 2008 -- 09 : Xavi 2009 -- 10 : Sneijder 2010 -- 16 : Not awarded 2016 -- 17 : Modrić Best Forward 1997 -- 98 : Ronaldo 1998 -- 99 : Shevchenko 1999 -- 2000 : Raúl 2000 -- 01 : Raúl 2001 -- 02 : Raúl 2002 -- 03 : Van Nistelrooy 2003 -- 04 : Morientes 2004 -- 05 : Ronaldinho 2005 -- 06 : Eto'o 2006 -- 07 : Kaká 2007 -- 08 : C. Ronaldo 2008 -- 09 : Messi 2009 -- 10 : Milito 2010 -- 16 : Not awarded 2016 -- 17 : C. Ronaldo UEFA Men 's Player of the Year Award UEFA Best Player in Europe 2010 -- 11 : Messi 2011 -- 12 : Iniesta 2012 -- 13 : Ribéry 2013 -- 14 : Ronaldo 2014 -- 15 : Messi 2015 -- 16 : Ronaldo UEFA Men 's Player of the Year 2016 -- 17 : Ronaldo Trofeo Alfredo Di Stéfano 2007 -- 08 : Raúl 2008 -- 09 : Messi 2009 -- 10 : Messi 2010 -- 11 : Messi 2011 -- 12 : C. Ronaldo 2012 -- 13 : C. Ronaldo 2013 -- 14 : C. Ronaldo 2014 -- 15 : Messi 2015 -- 16 : C. Ronaldo 2016 -- 17 : Messi FIFPro Player of the Year awards World Player of the Year 2005 : Ronaldinho 2006 : Ronaldinho 2007 : Kaká 2008 : C. Ronaldo Young Player of the Year 2005 : Rooney 2006 : Messi 2007 : Messi 2008 : Messi Bravo Award 1978 : Case 1979 : Birtles 1980 : H. Müller 1981 : Wark 1982 : Shaw 1983 : Bonini 1984 : Righetti 1985 : Butragueño 1986 : Butragueño 1987 : van Basten 1988 : Ohana 1989 : Maldini 1990 : Baggio 1991 : Prosinečki 1992 : Guardiola 1993 : Giggs 1994 : Panucci 1995 : Kluivert 1996 : Del Piero 1997 : Ronaldo 1998 : Ronaldo 1999 : Buffon 2000 : Casillas 2001 : Hargreaves 2002 : Metzelder 2003 : Rooney 2004 : C. Ronaldo 2005 : Robben 2006 : Fàbregas 2007 : Messi 2008 : Benzema 2009 : Busquets 2010 : T. Müller 2011 : Hazard 2012 : Verratti 2013 : Isco 2014 : Pogba 2015 : Berardi Golden Boy award winners 2003 : Van der Vaart 2004 : Rooney 2005 : Messi 2006 : Fàbregas 2007 : Agüero 2008 : Anderson 2009 : Pato 2010 : Balotelli 2011 : Götze 2012 : Isco 2013 : Pogba 2014 : Sterling 2015 : Martial 2016 : Sanches 2017 : Mbappé La Liga top scorers 1929 : Bienzobas 1930 : Gorostiza 1931 : Bata 1932 : Bata 1933 : Olivares 1934 : Lángara 1935 : Lángara 1936 : Lángara 1940 : Unamuno 1941 : Pruden 1942 : E. Suárez 1943 : Martín 1944 : E. Suárez 1945 : Zarra 1946 : Zarra 1947 : Zarra 1948 : Pahiño 1949 : César 1950 : Zarra 1951 : Zarra 1952 : Pahiño 1953 : Zarra 1954 : Di Stéfano 1955 : Arza 1956 : Di Stéfano 1957 : Di Stéfano 1958 : Badenes , Di Stéfano & Ricardo 1959 : Di Stéfano 1960 : Puskás 1961 : Puskás 1962 : Seminario 1963 : Puskás 1964 : Puskás 1965 : Ré 1966 : Aragonés 1967 : Waldo 1968 : Uriarte 1969 : Amancio & Gárate 1970 : Amancio , Aragonés & Gárate 1971 : Gárate & Rexach 1972 : Porta 1973 : Marianín 1974 : Quini 1975 : Carlos 1976 : Quini 1977 : Kempes 1978 : Kempes 1979 : Krankl 1980 : Quini 1981 : Quini 1982 : Quini 1983 : Rincón 1984 : Da Silva & Juanito 1985 : Sánchez 1986 : Sánchez 1987 : Sánchez 1988 : Sánchez 1989 : Baltazar 1990 : Sánchez 1991 : Butragueño 1992 : Manolo 1993 : Bebeto 1994 : Romário 1995 : Zamorano 1996 : Pizzi 1997 : Ronaldo 1998 : Vieri 1999 : Raúl 2000 : Salva 2001 : Raúl 2002 : Tristán 2003 : Makaay 2004 : Ronaldo 2005 : Forlán & Eto'o 2006 : Eto'o 2007 : Van Nistelrooy 2008 : Güiza 2009 : Forlán 2010 : Messi 2011 : C. Ronaldo 2012 : Messi 2013 : Messi 2014 : C. Ronaldo 2015 : C. Ronaldo 2016 : L. Suárez 2017 : Messi 2018 : Messi Copa del Rey top scorers 1993 : Urban 1994 : Coca & Gudelj 1995 : Penev 1996 : Pantić 1997 : Klimowicz 1998 : Rivaldo 1999 : C. López 2000 : Arenaza , Barata , Cembranos , Gâlcă , Hasselbaink , Míchel & Yordi 2001 : Salva 2002 : Guti & Raúl 2003 : Portillo 2004 : Raúl 2005 : Huegún , Alejandro & Muñoz 2006 : Ewerthon 2007 : Saviola 2008 : Migue 2009 : Messi & Luis Fabiano 2010 : Maxi 2011 : Messi & C. Ronaldo 2012 : Infante 2013 : Costa 2014 : Messi 2015 : Aspas & Neymar 2016 : Guidetti , Messi , Munir , Negredo & Suárez 2017 : Ben Yedder & Messi 2018 : Curto European Golden Shoe L'Équipe award 1967 -- 68 : Eusébio 1968 -- 69 : Zhekov 1969 -- 70 : Müller 1970 -- 71 : Skoblar 1971 -- 72 : Müller 1972 -- 73 : Eusébio 1973 -- 74 : Yazalde 1974 -- 75 : Georgescu 1975 -- 76 : Kaiafas 1976 -- 77 : Georgescu 1977 -- 78 : Krankl 1978 -- 79 : Kist 1979 -- 80 : Vandenbergh 1980 -- 81 : Slavkov 1981 -- 82 : Kieft 1982 -- 83 : Gomes 1983 -- 84 : Rush 1984 -- 85 : Gomes 1985 -- 86 : Van Basten 1986 -- 87 : Cămătaru / Polster 1987 -- 88 : Çolak 1988 -- 89 : Mateuţ 1989 -- 90 : Sánchez & Stoichkov 1990 -- 91 : Pančev Unofficial 1991 -- 92 : McCoist 1992 -- 93 : McCoist 1993 -- 94 : Taylor 1994 -- 95 : Avetisyan 1995 -- 96 : Endeladze ESM award 1996 -- 97 : Ronaldo 1997 -- 98 : Machlas 1998 -- 99 : Jardel 1999 -- 2000 : Phillips 2000 -- 01 : Larsson 2001 -- 02 : Jardel 2002 -- 03 : Makaay 2003 -- 04 : Henry 2004 -- 05 : Henry & Forlán 2005 -- 06 : Toni 2006 -- 07 : Totti 2007 -- 08 : C. Ronaldo 2008 -- 09 : Forlán 2009 -- 10 : Messi 2010 -- 11 : C. Ronaldo 2011 -- 12 : Messi 2012 -- 13 : Messi 2013 -- 14 : C. Ronaldo & Suárez 2014 -- 15 : C. Ronaldo 2015 -- 16 : Suárez 2016 -- 17 : Messi 2017 -- 18 : Messi European Cup and UEFA Champions League top scorers European Cup 1955 -- 56 : Milutinović 1956 -- 57 : Viollet 1957 -- 58 : Di Stéfano 1958 -- 59 : Fontaine 1959 -- 60 : Puskás 1960 -- 61 : J. Águas 1961 -- 62 : Di Stéfano , Løfqvist , Puskás , Strehl & Tejada 1962 -- 63 : Altafini 1963 -- 64 : Kovačević , Mazzola & Puskás 1964 -- 65 : Eusébio & Torres 1965 -- 66 : Albert & Eusébio 1966 -- 67 : Piepenburg & Van Himst 1967 -- 68 : Eusébio 1968 -- 69 : Law 1969 -- 70 : Jones 1970 -- 71 : Antoniadis 1971 -- 72 : Dunai , Macari & Takač 1972 -- 73 : Müller 1973 -- 74 : Müller 1974 -- 75 : Müller & Markarov 1975 -- 76 : Heynckes 1976 -- 77 : Cucinotta & Müller 1977 -- 78 : Simonsen 1978 -- 79 : Sulser 1979 -- 80 : Lerby 1980 -- 81 : McDermott , Rummenigge & Souness 1981 -- 82 : Hoeneß 1982 -- 83 : Rossi 1983 -- 84 : Sokol 1984 -- 85 : Nilsson & Platini 1985 -- 86 : Nilsson 1986 -- 87 : Cvetković 1987 -- 88 : R. Águas , Ferreri , Hagi , Madjer , McCoist , Míchel & Novák 1988 -- 89 : Van Basten 1989 -- 90 : Papin & Romário 1990 -- 91 : Pacult & Papin 1991 -- 92 : Papin & Yuran UEFA Champions League 1992 -- 93 : Romário 1993 -- 94 : Koeman & Rufer 1994 -- 95 : Weah 1995 -- 96 : Litmanen 1996 -- 97 : Pantić 1997 -- 98 : Del Piero 1998 -- 99 : Shevchenko & Yorke 1999 -- 2000 : Jardel , Raúl & Rivaldo 2000 -- 01 : Raúl 2001 -- 02 : Van Nistelrooy 2002 -- 03 : Van Nistelrooy 2003 -- 04 : Morientes 2004 -- 05 : Van Nistelrooy 2005 -- 06 : Shevchenko 2006 -- 07 : Kaká 2007 -- 08 : C. Ronaldo 2008 -- 09 : Messi 2009 -- 10 : Messi 2010 -- 11 : Messi 2011 -- 12 : Messi 2012 -- 13 : C. Ronaldo 2013 -- 14 : C. Ronaldo 2014 -- 15 : Neymar , C. Ronaldo & Messi 2015 -- 16 : C. Ronaldo 2016 -- 17 : C. Ronaldo 2017 -- 18 : C. Ronaldo FIFA World Cup Golden Ball Best Player 1930 : Nasazzi 1934 : Meazza 1938 : Leônidas 1950 : Zizinho 1954 : Puskás 1958 : Didi 1962 : Garrincha 1966 : Charlton 1970 : Pelé 1974 : Cruijff 1978 : Kempes Golden Ball 1982 : Rossi 1986 : Maradona 1990 : Schillaci 1994 : Romário 1998 : Ronaldo 2002 : Kahn 2006 : Zidane 2010 : Forlán 2014 : Messi 2018 : Modrić Golden Ball was first awarded in 1982 . 2014 FIFA World Cup Team of the Tournament Goalkeeper Manuel Neuer Defenders David Luiz Mats Hummels Thiago Silva Marcelo Midfielders Ángel Di María James Rodríguez Toni Kroos Forwards Lionel Messi Thomas Müller Neymar Coach Joachim Löw CONMEBOL Copa América Player of the Tournament South American Nations Championship Player of the tournament 1916 : Gradín 1917 : Scarone 1919 : Friedenreich 1920 : Piendibene 1921 : Tesoriere 1922 : Fortes 1923 : Nasazzi 1924 : Petrone 1925 : Seoane 1926 : Andrade 1927 : Seoane 1929 : Ferreira 1935 : Nasazzi 1937 : Mata 1939 : Fernández 1941 : Livingstone 1942 : Varela 1945 : da Guia 1946 : Pedernera 1947 : Moreno 1949 : Ademir 1953 : Herrera 1955 : Hormazábal 1956 : Míguez 1957 : Sívori 1959 -- 1 : Pelé 1959 -- 2 : Silveira 1963 : Blacut 1967 : Rocha Copa América Player of the tournament 1975 : Cubillas 1979 : Caszely 1983 : Francescoli 1987 : Valderrama 1989 : Sosa 1991 : Rodríguez 1993 : Goycochea 1995 : Francescoli 1997 : Ronaldo 1999 : Rivaldo 2001 : Guevara 2004 : Adriano 2007 : Robinho 2011 : Suárez 2015 : Messi 2016 : Sánchez 2015 Copa América Team of the Tournament Goalkeeper Claudio Bravo Defenders Jeison Murillo Gary Medel Nicolás Otamendi Midfielders Christian Cueva Marcelo Díaz Javier Mascherano Arturo Vidal Forwards Eduardo Vargas Paolo Guerrero Lionel Messi Coach Jorge Sampaoli Copa América Centenario Team of the Tournament Goalkeeper Claudio Bravo Defenders Mauricio Isla Nicolás Otamendi Gary Medel Jean Beausejour Midfielders Javier Mascherano Arturo Vidal Charles Aránguiz Forwards Eduardo Vargas Alexis Sánchez Lionel Messi 2014 -- 15 La Liga Team of the Year GK : Bravo RB : Dani Alves CB : Piqué CB : Otamendi LB : Alba MF : J. Rodríguez MF : Krychowiak MF : Rakitić FW : Messi FW : Ronaldo FW : Griezmann Manager : Luis Enrique 2015 -- 16 La Liga Team of the Year GK : Oblak RB : Ramos CB : Piqué CB : Godín LB : Marcelo MF : Iniesta MF : Busquets MF : Modrić FW : Messi FW : Ronaldo FW : Suárez 2008 UEFA Team of the Year GK : Iker Casillas RB : Sergio Ramos CB : John Terry CB : Carles Puyol LB : Philipp Lahm MF : Cristiano Ronaldo MF : Xavi MF : Cesc Fàbregas MF : Franck Ribéry FW : Lionel Messi FW : Fernando Torres Coach : Alex Ferguson 2009 UEFA Team of the Year GK : Iker Casillas RB : Dani Alves CB : John Terry CB : Carles Puyol LB : Patrice Evra MF : Cristiano Ronaldo MF : Xavi MF : Kaká MF : Andrés Iniesta FW : Lionel Messi FW : Zlatan Ibrahimović Coach : Pep Guardiola 2010 UEFA Team of the Year GK : Iker Casillas RB : Maicon CB : Gerard Piqué CB : Carles Puyol LB : Ashley Cole MF : Cristiano Ronaldo MF : Xavi MF : Wesley Sneijder MF : Andrés Iniesta FW : Lionel Messi FW : David Villa Coach : José Mourinho 2011 UEFA Team of the Year GK : Iker Casillas RB : Dani Alves CB : Gerard Piqué CB : Thiago Silva LB : Marcelo MF : Arjen Robben MF : Xavi MF : Andrés Iniesta MF : Gareth Bale FW : Lionel Messi FW : Cristiano Ronaldo 2012 UEFA Team of the Year GK : Iker Casillas RB : Sergio Ramos CB : Gerard Piqué CB : Thiago Silva LB : Philipp Lahm MF : Andrés Iniesta MF : Xavi MF : Andrea Pirlo MF : Mesut Özil FW : Lionel Messi FW : Cristiano Ronaldo 2014 UEFA Team of the Year GK : Manuel Neuer RB : Philipp Lahm CB : Sergio Ramos CB : Diego Godín LB : David Alaba MF : Arjen Robben MF : Toni Kroos MF : Ángel Di María FW : Lionel Messi FW : Zlatan Ibrahimović FW : Cristiano Ronaldo 2015 UEFA Team of the Year GK : Manuel Neuer RB : Dani Alves CB : Sergio Ramos CB : Gerard Piqué LB : David Alaba MF : Paul Pogba MF : Andrés Iniesta MF : James Rodríguez FW : Cristiano Ronaldo FW : Lionel Messi FW : Neymar 2016 UEFA Team of the Year GK : Gianluigi Buffon RB : Jérôme Boateng CB : Gerard Piqué CB : Sergio Ramos LB : Leonardo Bonucci MF : Luka Modrić MF : Toni Kroos MF : Andrés Iniesta FW : Lionel Messi FW : Antoine Griezmann FW : Cristiano Ronaldo 2017 UEFA Team of the Year GK : Gianluigi Buffon RB : Dani Alves CB : Sergio Ramos CB : Giorgio Chiellini LB : Marcelo MF : Luka Modrić MF : Toni Kroos MF : Kevin De Bruyne MF : Eden Hazard FW : Lionel Messi FW : Cristiano Ronaldo IFFHS World 's Best Playmaker 2006 : Zidane 2007 : Kaká 2008 : Xavi 2009 : Xavi 2010 : Xavi 2011 : Xavi 2012 : Iniesta 2013 : Iniesta 2014 : Kroos 2015 : Messi 2016 : Messi 2017 : Messi IFFHS World 's Best Top Goal Scorer 1991 : Papin 1992 : Bergkamp 1993 : Al - Owairan 1994 : Stoichkov 1995 : Klinsmann 1996 : Daei 1997 : Ronaldo 1998 : Al - Huwaidi 1999 : Raúl 2000 : Rivaldo 2001 : Al - Dhabit 2002 : van Nistelrooy 2003 : Henry 2004 : Daei 2005 : Adriano 2006 : Suazo 2007 : Mputu 2008 : Rico 2009 : Okazaki 2010 : Al - Mutawa 2011 : Messi 2012 : Messi 2013 : Ronaldo 2014 : Ronaldo 2015 : Lewandowski 2016 : Ronaldo 2017 : Ronaldo Best International Athlete ESPY Award winners 2005 : Pujols 2006 : Pujols 2007 : Federer 2008 : Ochoa 2009 : Bolt 2010 -- 2011 : Award not given 2012 : Messi 2013 : Bolt 2014 : Ronaldo 2015 : Messi 2016 : Ronaldo 2017 : Bolt Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1987 births Living people 2006 FIFA World Cup players 2007 Copa América players 2010 FIFA World Cup players 2011 Copa América players 2014 FIFA World Cup players 2015 Copa América players Copa América Centenario players 2018 FIFA World Cup players Argentina international footballers Argentina youth international footballers Argentine expatriate footballers Argentine expatriate sportspeople in Spain Argentine footballers Argentine fraudsters Argentine people of Catalan descent Argentine people of Italian descent Argentine people of Spanish descent Argentine Roman Catholics Argentina under - 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Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | how many goals has messi got in his career | [
"Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini[note 1] (Spanish pronunciation: [ljoˈnel anˈdɾez ˈmesi] ( listen);[A] born 24 June 1987) is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish club Barcelona and the Argentine national team. Often considered the best player in the world and regarded by many as one of the greatest players of all time.[6][7][8][9][10] Messi has a record-tying five Ballon d'Or awards,[note 2] four of which he won consecutively, and a record five European Golden Shoes. He has spent his entire professional career with Barcelona, where he has won 32 trophies, including nine La Liga titles, four UEFA Champions League titles, and six Copas del Rey. Both a prolific goalscorer and a creative playmaker, Messi holds the records for most official goals scored in La Liga (383), a La Liga season (50), a club football season in Europe (73), a calendar year (91), El Clásico (26), as well as those for most assists in La Liga (149) and the Copa América (11). He has scored over 600 senior career goals for club and country. \n"
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-4808328744725626319 | Identity theft | Identity theft - wikipedia Identity theft This article is about the concept of identity theft . For the 2013 film , see Identity Thief . For the 1953 film , see Stolen Identity ( film ) . The Prisoner of Zenda ( 1894 ) , with a `` theft of identity '' of the king . Identity theft is the deliberate use of someone else 's identity , usually as a method to gain a financial advantage or obtain credit and other benefits in the other person 's name , and perhaps to the other person 's disadvantage or loss . The person whose identity has been assumed may suffer adverse consequences , especially if they are held responsible for the perpetrator 's actions . Identity theft occurs when someone uses another 's personally identifying information , like their name , identifying number , or credit card number , without their permission , to commit fraud or other crimes . The term identity theft was coined in 1964 . Since that time , the definition of identity theft has been statutorily prescribed throughout both the U.K. and the United States as the theft of personally identifying information , generally including a person 's name , date of birth , social security number , driver 's license number , bank account or credit card numbers , PIN numbers , electronic signatures , fingerprints , passwords , or any other information that can be used to access a person 's financial resources . Determining the link between data breaches and identity theft is challenging , primarily because identity theft victims often do not know how their personal information was obtained , and identity theft is not always detectable by the individual victims , according to a report done for the FTC . Identity fraud is often but not necessarily the consequence of identity theft . Someone can steal or misappropriate personal information without then committing identity theft using the information about every person , such as when a major data breach occurs . A US Government Accountability Office study determined that `` most breaches have not resulted in detected incidents of identity theft '' . The report also warned that `` the full extent is unknown '' . A later unpublished study by Carnegie Mellon University noted that `` Most often , the causes of identity theft is not known '' , but reported that someone else concluded that `` the probability of becoming a victim to identity theft as a result of a data breach is ... around only 2 % '' . More recently , an association of consumer data companies noted that one of the largest data breaches ever , accounting for over four million records , resulted in only about 1,800 instances of identity theft , according to the company whose systems were breached . An October 2010 article entitled `` Cyber Crime Made Easy '' explained the level to which hackers are using malicious software . As Gunter Ollmann CTO Security with Microsoft said , `` Interested in credit card theft ? There 's an app for that . '' This statement summed up the ease with which these hackers are accessing all kinds of information online . The new program for infecting users ' computers was called Zeus ; and the program is so hacker - friendly that even an inexperienced hacker can operate it . Although the hacking program is easy to use , that fact does not diminish the devastating effects that Zeus ( or other software like Zeus ) can do to a computer and the user . For example , the article stated that programs like Zeus can steal credit card information , important documents , and even documents necessary for homeland security . If the hacker were to gain this information , it would mean identity theft or even a possible terrorist attack . The ITAC says that about 15 million Americans are having their identity stolen , in 2012 . Contents 1 Types 1.1 Identity cloning and concealment 1.2 Criminal identity theft 1.3 Synthetic identity theft 1.4 Medical identity theft 1.5 Child identity theft 1.6 Financial identity theft 2 Techniques for obtaining and exploiting personal information for identity theft 3 Indicators that you may be a victim of identity theft 4 Individual identity protection 5 Identity protection by organizations 6 Legal responses 6.1 International 6.2 Australia 6.3 Canada 6.4 France 6.5 Hong Kong 6.6 India 6.7 Philippines 6.8 Sweden 6.9 United Kingdom 6.10 United States 6.10. 1 Notification 7 Spread and impact 8 See also 8.1 Types of fraud and theft 8.2 Organizations 8.3 Laws 8.4 Notable identity thieves and cases 9 References 10 External links Types ( edit ) Sources such as the non-profit Identity Theft Resource Center sub-divide identity theft into five categories : Criminal identity theft ( posing as another person when apprehended for a crime ) Financial identity theft ( using another 's identity to obtain credit , goods and services ) Identity cloning ( using another 's information to assume his or her identity in daily life ) Medical identity theft ( using another 's identity to obtain medical care or drugs ) Child identity theft . Identity theft may be used to facilitate or fund other crimes including illegal immigration , terrorism , phishing and espionage . There are cases of identity cloning to attack payment systems , including online credit card processing and medical insurance . Identity cloning and concealment ( edit ) In this situation , the identity thief impersonates someone else in order to conceal their own true identity . Examples might be illegal immigrants , people hiding from creditors or other individuals , or those who simply want to become `` anonymous '' for personal reasons . Another example is posers , a label given to people who use somebody else 's photos and information through social networking sites . Mostly , posers create believable stories involving friends of the real person they are imitating . Unlike identity theft used to obtain credit which usually comes to light when the debts mount , concealment may continue indefinitely without being detected , particularly if the identity thief is able to obtain false credentials in order to pass various authentication tests in everyday life has . Criminal identity theft ( edit ) When a criminal fraudulently identifies himself to police as another individual at the point of arrest , it is sometimes referred to as `` Criminal Identity Theft . '' In some cases criminals have previously obtained state - issued identity documents using credentials stolen from others , or have simply presented a fake ID . Provided the subterfuge works , charges may be placed under the victim 's name , letting the criminal off the hook . Victims might only learn of such incidents by chance , for example by receiving court summons , discovering their drivers licenses are suspended when stopped for minor traffic violations , or through background checks performed for employment purposes . It can be difficult for the victim of a criminal identity theft to clear their record . The steps required to clear the victim 's incorrect criminal record depend in which jurisdiction the crime occurred and whether the true identity of the criminal can be determined . The victim might need to locate the original arresting officers and prove their own identity by some reliable means such as fingerprinting or DNA testing , and may need to go to a court hearing to be cleared of the charges . Obtaining an expungement of court records may also be required . Authorities might permanently maintain the victim 's name as an alias for the criminal 's true identity in their criminal records databases . One problem that victims of criminal identity theft may encounter is that various data aggregators might still have the incorrect criminal records in their databases even after court and police records are corrected . Thus it is possible that a future background check will return the incorrect criminal records . This is just one example of the kinds of impact that may continue to affect the victims of identity theft for some months or even years after the crime , aside from the psychological trauma that being ' cloned ' typically engenders . Synthetic identity theft ( edit ) A variation of identity theft which has recently become more common is synthetic identity theft , in which identities are completely or partially fabricated . The most common technique involves combining a real social security number with a name and birthdate other than the ones associated with the number . Synthetic identity theft is more difficult to track as it does n't show on either person 's credit report directly , but may appear as an entirely new file in the credit bureau or as a subfile on one of the victim 's credit reports . Synthetic identity theft primarily harms the creditors who unwittingly grant the fraudsters credit . Individual victims can be affected if their names become confused with the synthetic identities , or if negative information in their subfiles impacts their credit ratings . Medical identity theft ( edit ) See also : medical privacy Privacy researcher Pam Dixon , founder of the World Privacy Forum , coined the term medical identity theft and released the first major report about this issue in 2006 . In the report , she defined the crime for the first time and made the plight of victims public . The report 's definition of the crime is that medical identity theft occurs when someone seeks medical care under the identity of another person . Insurance theft is also very common , if a thief has your insurance information and or your insurance card , they can seek medical attention posing as yourself . In addition to risks of financial harm common to all forms of identity theft , the thief 's medical history may be added to the victim 's medical records . Inaccurate information in the victim 's records is difficult to correct and may affect future insurability or cause doctors relying on the misinformation to deliver inappropriate medical care . After the publication of the report , which contained a recommendation that consumers receive notifications of medical data breach incidents , California passed a law requiring this , and then finally HIPAA was expanded to also require medical breach notification when breaches affect 500 or more people . Data collected and stored by hospitals and other organisations such as medical aid schemes is up to 10 times more valuable to cybercriminals than credit card information . Child identity theft ( edit ) Child identity theft occurs when a minor 's identity is used by another person for the impostor 's personal gain . The impostor can be a family member , a friend , or even a stranger who targets children . The Social Security numbers of children are valued because they do not have any information associated with them . Thieves can establish lines of credit , obtain driver 's licenses , or even buy a house using a child 's identity . This fraud can go undetected for years , as most children do not discover the problem until years later . Child identity theft is fairly common , and studies have shown that the problem is growing . The largest study on child identity theft , as reported by Richard Power of the Carnegie Mellon Cylab with data supplied by AllClear ID , found that of 40,000 children , 10.2 % were victims of identity theft . Financial identity theft ( edit ) The most common type is financial identity theft , where someone wants to gain economical benefits in someone else 's name . This includes getting credits , loans , goods and services , claiming to be someone else . Techniques for obtaining and exploiting personal information for identity theft ( edit ) Identity thieves typically obtain and exploit personally identifiable information about individuals , or various credentials they use to authenticate themselves , in order to impersonate them . Examples include : Rummaging through rubbish for personal information ( dumpster diving ) Retrieving personal data from redundant IT equipment and storage media including PCs , servers , PDAs , mobile phones , USB memory sticks and hard drives that have been disposed of carelessly at public dump sites , given away or sold on without having been properly sanitized Using public records about individual citizens , published in official registers such as electoral rolls Stealing bank or credit cards , identification cards , passports , authentication tokens ... typically by pickpocketing , housebreaking or mail theft Common - knowledge questioning schemes that offer account verification and compromise : `` What 's your mother 's maiden name ? '' , `` what was your first car model ? '' , or `` What was your first pet 's name ? '' , etc . Skimming information from bank or credit cards using compromised or hand - held card readers , and creating clone cards Using ' contactless ' credit card readers to acquire data wirelessly from RFID - enabled passports Shoulder - Surfing , involves an individual who discreetly watches or hears others providing valuable personal information . This is particularly done in crowded places because it is relatively easy to observe someone as they fill out forms , enter PIN numbers on ATM 's or even type passwords on smartphones . Stealing personal information from computers using breaches in browser security or malware such as Trojan horse keystroke logging programs or other forms of spyware Hacking computer networks , systems and databases to obtain personal data , often in large quantities Exploiting breaches that result in the publication or more limited disclosure of personal information such as names , addresses , Social Security number or credit card numbers Advertising bogus job offers in order to accumulate resumes and applications typically disclosing applicants ' names , home and email addresses , telephone numbers and sometimes their banking details Exploiting insider access and abusing the rights of privileged IT users to access personal data on their employers ' systems Infiltrating organizations that store and process large amounts or particularly valuable personal information Impersonating trusted organizations in emails , SMS text messages , phone calls or other forms of communication in order to dupe victims into disclosing their personal information or login credentials , typically on a fake corporate website or data collection form ( phishing ) Brute - force attacking weak passwords and using inspired guesswork to compromise weak password reset questions Obtaining castings of fingers for falsifying fingerprint identification . Browsing social networking websites for personal details published by users , often using this information to appear more credible in subsequent social engineering activities Diverting victims ' email or post in order to obtain personal information and credentials such as credit cards , billing and bank / credit card statements , or to delay the discovery of new accounts and credit agreements opened by the identity thieves in the victims ' names Using false pretenses to trick individuals , customer service representatives and help desk workers into disclosing personal information and login details or changing user passwords / access rights ( pretexting ) Stealing cheques ( checks ) to acquire banking information , including account numbers and bank codes Guessing Social Security numbers by using information found on Internet social networks such as Facebook and MySpace Low security / privacy protection on photos that are easily clickable and downloaded on social networking sites . Befriending strangers on social networks and taking advantage of their trust until private information is given . Indicators that you may be a victim of identity theft ( edit ) The majority of identity theft victims do not realize that they are a victim until it has negatively impacted their lives . Many people do not find out that their identities have been stolen until they are contacted by financial institutions or discover suspicious activities on their bank accounts . According to an article by Herb Weisbaum , everyone in the US should assume that their personal information has been compromised at one point . It is therefore of great importance to watch out for warning signs that your identity has been compromised . The following are ten indicators that someone else might be using your identity . Credit or debit card charges for goods or services you are not aware of , including unauthorized withdrawals from your account Receiving calls from credit or debit card fraud control department warning of possible suspicious activity on your credit card account Receiving credit cards that you did not apply for Receiving information that a credit scoring investigation was done . They are often done when a loan or phone subscription was applied for . Checks bouncing for lack of enough money in your account to cover the amount . This might be as a result of unauthorized withdrawals from your account Identity theft criminals may commit crimes with your personal information . You may not realize this until you see the police on your door arresting you for crimes that you did not commit Sudden changes to your credit score may indicate that someone else is using your credit cards Bills for services like gas , water , electricity not arriving in time . This can be an indication that your mail was stolen or redirected Being not approved for loans because your credit report indicates that you are not credit worthy Receiving notification from your post office informing you that your mails are being forwarded to another unknown address Your yearly tax returns indicating that you have earned more than you have actually earned . This might indicate that someone is using your national identification number e.g. SSN to report their earnings to the tax authorities Individual identity Protection ( edit ) The acquisition of personal identifiers is made possible through serious breaches of privacy . For consumers , this is usually a result of them naively providing their personal information or login credentials to the identity thieves as a result of being duped but identity - related documents such as credit cards , bank statements , utility bills , checkbooks etc. may also be physically stolen from vehicles , homes , offices , and not the least letter boxes , or directly from victims by pickpockets and bag snatchers . Guardianship of personal identifiers by consumers is the most common intervention strategy recommended by the US Federal Trade Commission , Canadian Phone Busters and most sites that address identity theft . Such organizations offer recommendations on how individuals can prevent their information falling into the wrong hands . Identity theft can be partially mitigated by not identifying oneself unnecessarily ( a form of information security control known as risk avoidance ) . This implies that organizations , IT systems and procedures should not demand excessive amounts of personal information or credentials for identification and authentication . Requiring , storing and processing personal identifiers ( such as Social Security number , national identification number , driver 's license number , credit card number , etc . ) increases the risks of identity theft unless this valuable personal information is adequately secured at all times . Committing personal identifiers to memory is a sound practice that can reduce the risks of a would - be identity thief from obtaining these records . To help in remembering numbers such as social security numbers and credit card numbers , it is helpful to consider using mnemonic techniques or memory aids such as the mnemonic Major System . Identity thieves sometimes impersonate dead people , using personal information obtained from death notices , gravestones and other sources to exploit delays between the death and the closure of the person 's accounts , the inattentiveness of grieving families and weaknesses in the processes for credit - checking . Such crimes may continue for some time until the deceased 's families or the authorities notice and react to anomalies . In recent years , commercial identity theft protection / insurance services have become available in many countries . These services purport to help protect the individual from identity theft or help detect that identity theft has occurred in exchange for a monthly or annual membership fee or premium . The services typically work either by setting fraud alerts on the individual 's credit files with the three major credit bureaus or by setting up credit report monitoring with the credit bureaux . While identity theft protection / insurance services have been heavily marketed , their value has been called into question . Identity Protection by organizations ( edit ) In their May 1998 testimony before the United States Senate , the Federal Trade Commission ( FTC ) discussed the sale of Social Security numbers and other personal identifiers by credit - raters and data miners . The FTC agreed to the industry 's self - regulating principles restricting access to information on credit reports . According to the industry , the restrictions vary according to the category of customer . Credit reporting agencies gather and disclose personal and credit information to a wide business client base . Poor stewardship of personal data by organizations , resulting in unauthorized access to sensitive data , can expose individuals to the risk of identity theft . The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse has documented over 900 individual data breaches by US companies and government agencies since January 2005 , which together have involved over 200 million total records containing sensitive personal information , many containing social security numbers . Poor corporate diligence standards which can result in data breaches include : failure to shred confidential information before throwing it into dumpsters failure to ensure adequate network security credit card numbers stolen by call center agents and people with access to call recordings the theft of laptop computers or portable media being carried off - site containing vast amounts of personal information . The use of strong encryption on these devices can reduce the chance of data being misused should a criminal obtain them . the brokerage of personal information to other businesses without ensuring that the purchaser maintains adequate security controls Failure of governments , when registering sole proprietorships , partnerships , and corporations , to determine if the officers listed in the Articles of Incorporation are who they say they are . This potentially allows criminals access to personal information through credit rating and data mining services . The failure of corporate or government organizations to protect consumer privacy , client confidentiality and political privacy has been criticized for facilitating the acquisition of personal identifiers by criminals . Using various types of biometric information , such as fingerprints , for identification and authentication has been cited as a way to thwart identity thieves , however there are technological limitations and privacy concerns associated with these methods as well . Legal responses ( edit ) International ( edit ) In March 2014 , after it was learned two passengers with stolen passports were on board Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 which went missing on March 8 , 2014 , it came to light that Interpol maintains a database of 40 million lost and stolen travel documents from 157 countries which it makes available to governments and the public , including airlines and hotels . The Stolen and Lost Travel Documents ( SLTD ) database however is little used . Big News Network which is based in the UAE , observed that Interpol Secretary General Ronald K. Noble told a forum in Abu Dhabi the previous month this was the case . `` The bad news is that , despite being incredibly cost effective and deployable to virtually anywhere in the world , only a handful of countries are systematically using SLTD to screen travelers . The result is a major gap in our global security apparatus that is left vulnerable to exploitation by criminals and terrorists , '' Noble is quoted as saying . Australia ( edit ) In Australia , each state has enacted laws that deal with different aspects of identity or fraud issues . Some states have now amended relevant criminal laws to reflect crimes of identity theft , such as the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 ( SA ) , Crimes Amendment ( Fraud , Identity and Forgery Offences ) Act 2009 and also in Queensland under the Criminal Code 1899 ( QLD ) . Other states and territories are in states of development in respect of regulatory frameworks relating to identity theft such as Western Australia in respect of Criminal Code Amendment ( Identity Crime ) Bill 2009 . At the Commonwealth level , under the Criminal Code Amendment ( Theft , Fraud , Bribery & Related Offences ) Act 2000 which amended certain provisions within the Criminal Code Act 1995 , Between 2014 and 2015 , in Australia there were 133,921 fraud and deception offences , an increase of 6 % from previous year . The total cost reported by the Attorney General Department was : Total costs Fraud category Cost per incident Total direct cost Commonwealth fraud $2,111 $353,866,740 Personal fraud $400 $656,550,506 Police recorded fraud $4,412 per unrecorded incident $27,981 per recorded incident $3,260,141,049 There are also high indirect costs associated as a direct result of an incident . For example , the total indirect costs for police recorded fraud is $5,774,081 . 135.1 General dishonesty ( 3 ) A person is guilty of an offence if a ) the person does anything with the intention of dishonestly causing a loss to another person ; and b ) the other person is a Commonwealth entity . Penalty : Imprisonment for 5 years . Likewise , each state has enacted their own privacy laws to prevent misuse of personal information and data . The Commonwealth Privacy Act is applicable only to Commonwealth and territory agencies , and to certain private sector bodies ( where for example they deal with sensitive records , such as medical records , or they have more than $3 million turnover PA ) . Canada ( edit ) Under section 402.2 of the Criminal Code , Everyone commits an offence who knowingly obtains or possesses another person 's identity information in circumstances giving rise to a reasonable inference that the information is intended to be used to commit an indictable offence that includes fraud , deceit or falsehood as an element of the offence . is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years ; or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction . Under section 403 of the Criminal Code , ( 1 ) Everyone commits an offence who fraudulently personates another person , living or dead , ( a ) with intent to gain advantage for themselves or another person ; ( b ) with intent to obtain any property or an interest in any property ; ( c ) with intent to cause disadvantage to the person being personated or another person ; or ( d ) with intent to avoid arrest or prosecution or to obstruct , pervert or defeat the course of justice . is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years ; or guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction . In Canada , Privacy Act ( federal legislation ) covers only federal government , agencies and crown corporations . Each province and territory has its own privacy law and privacy commissioners to limit the storage and use of personal data . For the private sector , the purpose of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ( 2000 , c. 5 ) ( known as PIPEDA ) is to establish rules to govern the collection , use and disclosure of personal information ; except for the provinces of Quebec , Ontario , Alberta and British Columbia where provincial laws have been deemed substantially similar . France ( edit ) In France , a person convicted of identity theft can be sentenced up to five years in prison and fined up to € 75,000 . Hong kong ( edit ) Under HK Laws . Chap 210 Theft Ordinance , sec . 16A Fraud ( 1 ) If any person by any deceit ( whether or not the deceit is the sole or main inducement ) and with intent to defraud induces another person to commit an act or make an omission , which results either - ( a ) in benefit to any person other than the second - mentioned person ; or ( b ) in prejudice or a substantial risk of prejudice to any person other than the first - mentioned person , the first - mentioned person commits the offense of fraud and is liable on conviction upon indictment to imprisonment for 14 years . Under the Personal Data ( Privacy ) Ordinance , it established the post of Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data and mandate how much personal information one can collect , retain and destruction . This legislation also provides citizens the right to request information held by businesses and government to the extent provided by this law . India ( edit ) Under the Information Technology Act 2000 Chapter IX Sec 66C SECTION 66C PUNISHMENT FOR IDENTITY THEFT Whoever , fraudulently or dishonestly makes use of the electronic signature , password or any other unique identification feature of any other person , shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine which may extend to rupees one lakh . Philippines ( edit ) Social networking sites are one of the most famous spreader of posers in the online community , giving the users freedom to place any information they want without any verification that the account is being used by the real person . Philippines , which ranks eighth in the numbers of users of Facebook and other social networking sites such as Twitter , Multiply and Tumblr , has been known as source of various identity theft problems . Identities of those people who carelessly put personal information on their profiles can easily be stolen just by simple browsing . There are people who meet online , get to know each other through the free Facebook chat and exchange of messages that then leads to sharing of private information . Others get romantically involved with their online friends that they tend to give too much information such as their social security number , bank account and even personal basic information such as home address and company address . This phenomenon lead to the creation of Senate Bill 52 : Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2010 . Section 2 of this bill states that it recognizes the importance of communication and multimedia for the development , exploitation and dissemination of information but violators will be punished by the law through imprisonment or a fine upwards of Php200 , 000 , but not exceeding 1 million , or depending on the damage caused , or both ( Section 7 ) . Sweden ( edit ) Sweden has had relatively few problems with identity theft . This is because only Swedish identity documents have been accepted for identity verification . Stolen documents are traceable by banks and some other institutions . The banks have the duty to check the identity of people withdrawing money or getting loans . If a bank gives money to someone using an identity document reported as stolen , the bank must take the loss . Since 2008 , any EU passport is valid in Sweden for identity check , and Swedish passports are valid all over the EU . This makes it harder to detect stolen documents , but still banks in Sweden must ensure that stolen documents are not accepted . Other types of identity theft have become more common in Sweden . One common example is ordering a credit card to someone who has an unlocked letterbox and is not home in the daytime . The thief steals the letter with the credit card and then the letter with the code which typically arrives a few days later . Usage of a stolen credit card is hard in Sweden , since an identity document or a PIN code it is normally demanded . If the shop does not demand that , it must take the loss from stolen credit cards . The method of observing someone using the credit card PIN code , stealing the card or skimming it , and then using the card , has become more common . Legally , Sweden is an open society . The Principle of Public Access says that all information kept by public authorities must be available for anyone except in certain cases . Specifically , anyone 's address , income , taxes etc. are available to anyone . This makes fraud easier ( the address is restricted only for people who needs to hide ) . There was until 2016 no legal ban specifically against using someone 's identity , only on the indirect damage caused . To impersonate someone else for financial gain is a kind of fraud , which is described in the Criminal Code ( Swedish : brottsbalken ) . To impersonate someone else to discredit someone by breaking into social media accounts and provoke , is libel , but that is hard to sentence someone for . A new law was introduced late 2016 which partially banned unpermitted identity usage . United Kingdom ( edit ) In the United Kingdom personal data is protected by the Data Protection Act 1998 . The Act covers all personal data which an organization may hold , including names , birthday and anniversary dates , addresses , telephone numbers , etc . Under English law ( which extends to Wales but not to Northern Ireland or Scotland ) , the deception offences under the Theft Act 1968 increasingly contend with identity theft situations . In R v Seward ( 2005 ) EWCA Crim 1941 the defendant was acting as the `` front man '' in the use of stolen credit cards and other documents to obtain goods . He obtained goods to the value of £ 10,000 for others who are unlikely ever to be identified . The Court of Appeal considered sentencing policy for deception offenses involving `` identity theft '' and concluded that a prison sentence was required . Henriques J. said at para 14 : `` Identity fraud is a particularly pernicious and prevalent form of dishonesty calling for , in our judgment , deterrent sentences . '' Statistics released by CIFAS - The UK 's Fraud Prevention Service show that there were 89,000 victims of identity theft in the UK 2010 . This compared with 2009 where there were 85,000 victims . Men in their 30s and 40s are the most common UK victims and identity fraud now accounts for nearly half of all frauds recorded . United states ( edit ) See also : Identity theft in the United States The increase in crimes of identity theft led to the drafting of the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act . In 1998 , The Federal Trade Commission appeared before the United States Senate . The FTC discussed crimes which exploit consumer credit to commit loan fraud , mortgage fraud , lines - of - credit fraud , credit card fraud , commodities and services frauds . The Identity Theft Deterrence Act ( 2003 ) ( ITADA ) amended U.S. Code Title 18 , § 1028 ( `` Fraud related to activity in connection with identification documents , authentication features , and information '' ) . The statute now makes the possession of any `` means of identification '' to `` knowingly transfer , possess , or use without lawful authority '' a federal crime , alongside unlawful possession of identification documents . However , for federal jurisdiction to prosecute , the crime must include an `` identification document '' that either : ( a ) is purportedly issued by the United States , ( b ) is used or intended to defraud the United States , ( c ) is sent through the mail , or ( d ) is used in a manner that affects interstate or foreign commerce . See 18 U.S.C. § 1028 ( c ) . Punishment can be up to 5 , 15 , 20 , or 30 years in federal prison , plus fines , depending on the underlying crime per 18 U.S.C. § 1028 ( b ) . In addition , punishments for the unlawful use of a `` means of identification '' were strengthened in § 1028A ( `` Aggravated Identity Theft '' ) , allowing for a consecutive sentence under specific enumerated felony violations as defined in § 1028A ( c ) ( 1 ) through ( 11 ) . The Act also provides the Federal Trade Commission with authority to track the number of incidents and the dollar value of losses . Their figures relate mainly to consumer financial crimes and not the broader range of all identification - based crimes . If charges are brought by state or local law enforcement agencies , different penalties apply depending on the state . Six Federal agencies conducted a joint task force to increase the ability to detect identity theft . Their joint recommendation on `` red flag '' guidelines is a set of requirements on financial institutions and other entities which furnish credit data to credit reporting services to develop written plans for detecting identity theft . The FTC has determined that most medical practices are considered creditors and are subject to requirements to develop a plan to prevent and respond to patient identity theft . These plans must be adopted by each organization 's Board of Directors and monitored by senior executives . Identity theft complaints as a percentage of all fraud complaints decreased from 2004 - 2006 . The Federal Trade Commission reported that fraud complaints in general were growing faster than ID theft complaints . The findings were similar in two other FTC studies done in 2003 and 2005 . In 2003 , 4.6 percent of the US population said they were a victim of ID theft . In 2005 , that number had dropped to 3.7 percent of the population . The Commission 's 2003 estimate was that identity theft accounted for some $52.6 billion of losses in the preceding year alone and affected more than 9.91 million Americans ; the figure comprises $47.6 billion lost by businesses and $5 billion lost by consumers . According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics , in 2010 , 7 % of US households experienced identity theft - up from 5.5 % in 2005 when the figures were first assembled , but broadly flat since 2007 . In 2012 , approximately 16.6 million persons , or 7 % of all U.S. residents age 16 or older , reported being victims of one or more incidents of identity theft . At least two states , California and Wisconsin have created an Office of Privacy Protection to assist their citizens in avoiding and recovering from identity theft . In 2009 , Indiana created an Identity Theft Unit within their Office of Attorney General to educate and assist consumers in avoiding and recovering from identity theft as well as assist law enforcement in investigating and prosecuting identity theft crimes . In Massachusetts in 2009 - 2010 , Governor Deval Patrick made a commitment to balance consumer protection with the needs of small business owners . His Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation announced certain adjustments to Massachusetts ' identity theft regulations that maintain protections and also allows flexibility in compliance . These updated regulations went into effect on March 1 , 2010 . The regulations are clear that their approach to data security is a risk - based approach important to small businesses and might not handle a lot of personal information about customers . The IRS has created the IRS Identity Protection Specialized Unit to help taxpayers ' who are victims of federal tax - related identity theft . Generally , the identity thief will use a stolen SSN to file a forged tax return and attempt to get a fraudulent refund early in the filing season . A taxpayer will need to fill out Form 14039 , Identity Theft Affidavit . Notification ( edit ) Many states followed California 's lead and enacted mandatory data breach notification laws . As a result , companies that report a data breach typically report it to all their customers . Spread and impact ( edit ) Surveys in the USA from 2003 to 2006 showed a decrease in the total number of victims and a decrease in the total value of identity fraud from US $47.6 billion in 2003 to $15.6 billion in 2006 . The average fraud per person decreased from $4,789 in 2003 to $1,882 in 2006 . A Microsoft report shows that this drop is due to statistical problems with the methodology , that such survey - based estimates are `` hopelessly flawed '' and exaggerate the true losses by orders of magnitude . The 2003 survey from the Identity Theft Resource Center found that : Only 15 % of victims find out about the theft through proactive action taken by a business The average time spent by victims resolving the problem is about 330 hours 73 % of respondents indicated the crime involved the thief acquiring a credit card In a widely publicized account , Michelle Brown , a victim of identity fraud , testified before a U.S. Senate Committee Hearing on Identity Theft . Ms. Brown testified that : `` over a year and a half from January 1998 through July 1999 , one individual impersonated me to procure over $50,000 in goods and services . Not only did she damage my credit , but she escalated her crimes to a level that I never truly expected : she engaged in drug trafficking . The crime resulted in my erroneous arrest record , a warrant out for my arrest , and eventually , a prison record when she was booked under my name as an inmate in the Chicago Federal Prison . '' In Australia , identity theft was estimated to be worth between A $1 billion and A $4 billion per annum in 2001 . In the United Kingdom , the Home Office reported that identity fraud costs the UK economy £ 1.2 billion annually ( experts believe that the real figure could be much higher ) although privacy groups object to the validity of these numbers , arguing that they are being used by the government to push for introduction of national ID cards . Confusion over exactly what constitutes identity theft has led to claims that statistics may be exaggerated . An extensively reported study from Microsoft Research in 2011 finds that estimates of identity theft losses contain enormous exaggerations , writing that surveys `` are so compromised and biased that no faith whatever can be placed in their findings . '' See also ( edit ) Capgras delusion Hacking Criminal impersonation Identity Based Security Identity score Impostor Internet fraud prevention Internet security Lapsed lurker Pharming Robert Siciliano Spam Types of fraud and theft ( edit ) Bank fraud Carding ( fraud ) Check fraud Check washing Ghosting ( identity theft ) Identity document forgery Organizations ( edit ) Civil Identity Program of the Americas U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation Immigration and Customs Enforcement United States Postal Inspection Service United States Secret Service Laws ( edit ) 201 CMR 17.00 ( Massachusetts personal information protection law ) Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act Fair Credit Billing Act Fair Credit Reporting Act Notable identity thieves and cases ( edit ) 2017 Equifax security breach 2007 UK child benefit data misplacement Frank Abagnale Albert Gonzalez Yuri Kondratyuk , the inventor of spaceflight References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Synthetic ID Theft Cyber Space Times Archived October 9 , 2015 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Hoofnagle , Chris Jay ( 13 March 2007 ) . `` Identity Theft : Making the Known Unknowns Known '' . Social Science Research Network . Jump up ^ Drew Armstrong ( September 13 , 2017 ) . `` My Three Years in Identity Theft Hell '' . Bloomberg . Archived from the original on 2017 - 09 - 19 . Retrieved 2017 - 09 - 20 . Jump up ^ `` Oxford English Dictionary online '' . Oxford University Press . September 2007 . Retrieved 27 September 2010 . Jump up ^ See , e.g. , `` Wisconsin Statutes , Sec . 943.201 . Unauthorized use of an individual 's personal identifying information or documents '' . Wisconsin State Legislature . Retrieved 19 July 2017 . Jump up ^ Federal Trade Commission -- 2006 Identity Theft Survey Report , p. 4 Jump up ^ `` Data Breaches Are Frequent , but Evidence of Resulting Identity Theft Is Limited ; However , the Full Extent Is Unknown '' ( PDF ) . Highlights of GAO - 07 - 737 , a report to congressional requesters . . Retrieved 22 September 2010 . Jump up ^ Sasha Romanosky . `` Do Data Breach Disclosure Laws Reduce Identity Theft ? '' ( PDF ) . Heinz First Research Paper . . Jump up ^ Giles , Jim ( 2010 ) . `` Cyber crime made easy '' . New Scientist . Elsevier BV. 205 ( 2752 ) : 20 -- 21 . doi : 10.1016 / s0262 - 4079 ( 10 ) 60647 - 1 . ISSN 0262 - 4079 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Identity Theft Resource Center website '' . . Jump up ^ `` Medical Identity Theft : What to Do if You are a Victim ( or are concerned about it ) '' . , World Privacy Forum Jump up ^ `` Privacy Rights Clearinghouse '' . Archived from the original on 2012 - 09 - 21 . - `` Fact Sheet 17g : Criminal Identity Theft : What to Do if It Happens to You '' Jump up ^ In re Marie A. COLOKATHIS , Catherine Bauer , M.D. , Plaintiff v. Marie Colokathis , 417 B.R. 150 ( 2009 ) Archived July 19 , 2015 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ McFadden , Leslie ( 2007 - 05 - 16 ) . `` Detecting synthetic identity fraud '' . . pp. 1 -- 2 . Retrieved 2008 - 09 - 21 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Get to Know These Common Types of ID Theft '' . iGrad . Retrieved 2016 - 09 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` The Medical Identity Theft Information Page '' . World Privacy Forum . Archived from the original on 16 April 2013 . Retrieved 26 November 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Correcting Misinformation on Medical Records '' . Identity Theft Resource Center . Jump up ^ `` What is Financial Identity Theft '' . ID Theft Center . Retrieved 3 December 2014 . Jump up ^ Loviglio , Joann ( March 2012 ) . `` If Microsoft co-founder's ID is n't safe , is yours ? '' . . Jump up ^ `` Identity Theft '' . , Douglas County Sheriff 's Office , Washington Jump up ^ Olmos , David ( 2009 - 07 - 06 ) . `` Social Security Numbers Can Be Guessed From Data , Study Finds '' . Bloomberg . Archived from the original on 2013 - 06 - 17 . Retrieved 2011 - 01 - 04 . ^ Jump up to : Weisbaum , Herb ( 2014 - 01 - 18 ) . `` Seven signs you 're a victim of identity theft '' . CNBC . Retrieved 2016 - 11 - 12 . ^ Jump up to : Hoffman , Sandra K ( 2009 ) . Identity Theft : A Reference Handbook . Santa Barbara , US : ABC - CLIO . pp. 42 -- 44 . ISBN 9781598841442 -- via Contemporary World Issues . ^ Jump up to : Arata , Michael J. ( 2010 ) . For Dummies : Identity Theft For Dummies ( 1 ) . Hoboken , US : For Dummies . pp. 43 -- 45 . ISBN 9780470622735 -- via ProQuest ebrary . ^ Jump up to : U.S. News Staff ( July 7 , 2015 ) . `` 10 Signs You Might Be a Victim of Identity Theft '' . . U.S. News . Retrieved November 12 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Archived April 17 , 2016 , at the Wayback Machine. , Identity Theft Resource Center Fact Sheet 117 Identity Theft and the Deceased - Prevention and Victim Tips . Jump up ^ `` Identity Theft Protection Services '' . retrieved on 2008 - 12 - 16 Jump up ^ `` Identity - Theft Protection : What Services Can You Trust ? '' . PC , retrieved on 2008 - 12 - 16 Jump up ^ `` Testimony before the Subcommittee on Technology , Terrorism and Government Information '' . Archived from the original on 2012 - 08 - 01 . , Committee of the Judiciary , United States Senate May 20 , 1998 pp 5 , 6 Jump up ^ A Chronology of Data Breaches Archived June 13 , 2010 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Internet Identity Theft - A Tragedy for Victims Archived April 22 , 2011 , at the Wayback Machine. , Software and Information Industry Association . Retrieved June 30 , 2006 . Jump up ^ `` Airlines and governments not checking stolen passports register '' . The Daily Telegraph . Retrieved September 11 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` Identity crime and misuse in Australia '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 8 February 2018 . Jump up ^ `` '' . Jump up ^ `` The Information Technology Act 2000 '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 20 . Jump up ^ List Of Facebook Users By Country Wise Top Ranking 2016 Archived March 10 , 2016 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Full Text of Senate Bill 52 ( Proposing the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2010 ) Archived August 16 , 2016 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ SFS 2016 : 485 Lag om ändring i brottsbalken Jump up ^ `` R v Seward ( 2005 ) EWCA Crim 1941 '' . Jump up ^ `` CIFAS : your identity '' . , CIFAS Jump up ^ `` UK Fraud Prevention Agency Say ID Theft Increase of 32 % in 2009 '' . , Identity Theft UK Blog , 3 February 2010 Jump up ^ `` The most likely victims of identity fraud : men in their late 30s and early 40s '' . Archived from the original on 2012 - 07 - 08 . , Protect MY ID Blog , 21 January 2011 Jump up ^ `` Fraudscape : report reveals the UK 's fraud landscape in 2010 '' . , CIFAS Jump up ^ `` '' . Archived from the original on 2012 - 08 - 01 . , Public Law 105 - 318 , 112 Stat. 3007 ( Oct. 30 , 1998 ) Jump up ^ `` Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission on `` Identity Theft '' `` . Archived from the original on 2012 - 08 - 01 . , May 20 , 1998 Jump up ^ Doyle , Charles . ( 2013 ) . Mandatory Minimum Sentencing : Federal Aggravated Identity Theft . Archived October 11 , 2016 , at the Wayback Machine . Washington , D.C. : Congressional Research Service . Jump up ^ Federal Trade Commission . Retrieved June 30 , 2006 . Archived January 31 , 2006 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Michael , Sara `` Getting Red Flag Ready '' . , 2009 - 05 - 21 . Retrieved July 2 , 2009 . Jump up ^ 72 Fed . Reg. 70944 Archived February 17 , 2013 , at the Wayback Machine . ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 29 . ^ Jump up to : Law Enforcement Contact1 January 1 December 31 , 2001 Archived September 11 , 2008 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Archived May 16 , 2008 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Federal Trade Commission : 2006 Identity Theft Survey Report : Prepared for the Commission by Synovate ( November 2007 ) Archived September 11 , 2008 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` '' . Archived from the original on 2012 - 07 - 31 . , releases Survey of Identity Theft in U.S. 27.3 Million Victims in past 5 Years , Billions in Losses for Businesses and Consumers Jump up ^ `` Identity Theft Reported by Households , 2005 - 2010 '' ( PDF ) . Bureau of Justice Statistics . 2011 . Retrieved 2013 - 06 - 24 . Jump up ^ Harrell , Erika and Lynn Langton. ( 2013 ) . Victims of Identity Theft , 2012 . Archived September 7 , 2016 , at the Wayback Machine . Washington , D.C. U.S. Department of Justice , Bureau of Justice Statistics . Jump up ^ `` California Office of Identity Protection '' . Jump up ^ `` Wisconsin 's Office of Privacy Protection '' . Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' ( PDF ) . Archived ( PDF ) from the original on 2013 - 10 - 04 . Retrieved 2013 - 10 - 03 . Jump up ^ `` Attorney General : ID Theft Prevention '' . 2013 - 12 - 06 . Retrieved 2014 - 01 - 24 . Jump up ^ `` Consumer Identity Theft '' . Commonwealth of Massachusetts , 2010 Archived November 5 , 2011 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` Frequently Asked Question Regarding 201 CMR 17.00 '' Archived August 11 , 2011 , at the Wayback Machine. , Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation , November 3 , 2009 Jump up ^ `` Taxpayer Guide to Identity Theft '' . . US Internal Revenue Service . Retrieved 2012 - 06 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` Form 14039 '' ( PDF ) . IRS website . US Internal Revenue Service . Retrieved 2012 - 06 - 29 . Jump up ^ `` ALERT : Beware of Phishing Scam Mentioning TAS '' . Taxpayer Advocate . Archived from the original on 18 December 2014 . Retrieved 18 December 2014 . Jump up ^ `` States Offer Data Breach Protection '' . Archived from the original on 2012 - 09 - 13 . Jump up ^ `` Sex , Lies and Cybercrime Surveys '' ( PDF ) . Microsoft . 2011 - 06 - 15 . Retrieved 2015 - 03 - 11 . Jump up ^ `` '' . Jump up ^ `` Verbal Testimony by Michelle Brown '' . Archived from the original on 2012 - 09 - 21 . , July 2000 , U.S. Senate Committee Hearing on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Technology , Terrorism and Government Information -- `` Identity Theft : How to Protect and Restore Your Good Name '' Jump up ^ Identity Crime Research and Coordination Archived December 30 , 2005 , at the Wayback Machine. , Australasian Center for Policing Research . Retrieved June 30 , 2006 . Jump up ^ Home Office ( May 26 , 2004 ) . `` What is Identity theft ? '' . . Retrieved September 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Free help , tips and advice on avoiding and dealing with Identity Theft '' . . Jump up ^ Bruce Schneier . `` Identity Theft Over-Reported '' . Retrieved June 30 , 2006 . Jump up ^ `` Hi - tech crime and sexual partner surveys ' biased ' '' . BBC . June 10 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Measuring the black web '' . The Economist . October 15 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Florencio , D. ; Herley , C. `` Sex , Lies and Cybercrime Surveys '' ( PDF ) . Proc. WEIS . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Identity theft . Identity theft -- United States Federal Trade Commission Identity Theft Recovery Plan FTC steps for identity theft victims . The President 's Task Force on Identity Theft -- a government task force established by US President George W. Bush to fight identity theft . Identity theft at Curlie ( based on DMOZ ) Identity Theft -- Carnegie Mellon University Identity Theft : A Research Review , National Institute of Justice 2007 Identity Theft and Fraud -- United States Department of Justice Dateline NBC investigation ' To Catch an ID Thief ' `` Transcript of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and FTC Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras Announcing the Release of the President 's Identity Theft Task Force '' . US Department of Justice . April 23 , 2007 . Archived from the original on September 11 , 2007 . Retrieved 2007 - 04 - 24 . Roxana , Hegeman ( March 25 , 2013 ) . `` Woman Gets Prison Time in ' Total Identity Theft ' - ABC News '' . ABC News . Retrieved March 27 , 2013 . Scam on the Run - Fugitive Identity Thief Led Global Criminal Enterprise FBI Types of crime Note : Crimes vary by jurisdiction . Not all types are listed here . Classes Infraction Misdemeanor Felony Summary Indictable Hybrid Against the person Assault Battery Extortion Harassment Kidnapping Identity theft Manslaughter corporate Murder Rape Robbery Sexual assault Against property Arson Blackmail Burglary Deception Embezzlement False pretenses Fraud Handling Larceny Theft Vandalism Against public order Drug possession Public order Breach of the peace Against the state Tax evasion Espionage Treason High treason Against justice Bribery Misprision of felony Obstruction Perjury Malfeasance in office Inchoate offenses Accessory Attempt Conspiracy Incitement Encouraging or assisting a crime Solicitation Common purpose WikiSource Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote Wikinews Types of fraud Business - related Billing Cramming Disability Drug / Pharmaceutical Email Employment Fixing Impersonation Intellectual property Internet Job Long firm Odometer Phone Quackery / Health care Racketeering Return Tech support Slamming Telemarketing Family - related Marriage Paternity Financial - related Advance - fee ( Lottery scam ) Bank Bankruptcy Chargeback Cheque Credit card Forex Insurance Mortgage Securities Shill bidding Tax Government - related Benefit Electoral Medicare Visa Welfare Other types Affinity fraud Charity Confidence trick Counterfeiting Faked death Forgery Hoax Impersonation Mail and wire ( honest services ) Romance Bride scam Scientific Spyware White - collar crime Privacy Principles Expectation of privacy Right to privacy Privacy laws Australia Canada Denmark England European Union ( former directive ) Germany Ghana New Zealand Singapore Switzerland USA Data protection authorities Australia Denmark European Union ( working group ) France Germany Ireland Isle of Man Norway Philippines Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Areas Consumer Medical Workplace Information privacy Law Financial Internet Political Personally identifiable information ( Personal identifiers ) Privacy - enhancing technologies Social networking services Privacy engineering Advocacy organizations American Civil Liberties Union Center for Democracy and Technology Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility Future of Privacy Forum Electronic Privacy Information Center Electronic Frontier Foundation European Digital Rights Global Network Initiative Privacy International Privacy Rights Clearinghouse See also Anonymity Cellphone surveillance Cyberstalking Data security Privacy engineering Human rights Identity theft Panopticon Personality rights Search warrant Surveillance en masse state global Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Identity theft Fraud Identity documents Organized crime activity Security breaches Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links All articles lacking reliable references Articles lacking reliable references from December 2015 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September 2016 Articles containing Swedish - language text All articles with vague or ambiguous time Vague or ambiguous time from August 2017 Pages using div col with small parameter Articles with Curlie links Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikimedia Commons Català Dansk Deutsch Eesti Español فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Magyar Македонски Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Simple English Slovenščina Српски / srpski Suomi Svenska தமிழ் Türkçe ייִדיש 中文 23 more Edit links This page was last edited on 24 August 2018 , at 06 : 26 ( UTC ) . 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"Identity theft is the deliberate use of someone else's identity, usually as a method to gain a financial advantage or obtain credit and other benefits in the other person's name,[1][2] and perhaps to the other person's disadvantage or loss. The person whose identity has been assumed may suffer adverse consequences,[3] especially if they are held responsible for the perpetrator's actions. Identity theft occurs when someone uses another's personally identifying information, like their name, identifying number, or credit card number, without their permission, to commit fraud or other crimes. The term identity theft was coined in 1964.[4] Since that time, the definition of identity theft has been statutorily prescribed throughout both the U.K. and the United States as the theft of personally identifying information, generally including a person’s name, date of birth, social security number, driver’s license number, bank account or credit card numbers, PIN numbers, electronic signatures, fingerprints, passwords, or any other information that can be used to access a person’s financial resources.[5]\n"
] | [
"Identity theft"
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-5485989846911109558 | List of Good Behavior episodes | List of Good Behavior episodes - wikipedia List of Good Behavior episodes Good Behavior is an American drama television series based on the novella series by Blake Crouch . The series stars Michelle Dockery as Letty Raines , a con artist who becomes involved with a hitman named Javier Pereira , played by Juan Diego Botto . Good Behavior debuted on TNT on November 15 , 2016 . On January 14 , 2017 , the series was renewed for a second season , which premiered on October 15 , 2017 . As of December 17 , 2017 , 20 episodes of Good Behavior have aired , concluding the second season . Contents 1 Series overview 2 Episodes 2.1 Season 1 ( 2016 -- 17 ) 2.2 Season 2 ( 2017 ) 3 Ratings 3.1 Season 1 ( 2016 -- 17 ) 3.2 Season 2 ( 2017 ) 4 References 5 External links Series overview ( edit ) Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 10 November 15 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 15 ) January 10 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 10 ) 10 October 15 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 15 ) December 17 , 2017 ( 2017 - 12 - 17 ) Episodes ( edit ) Season 1 ( 2016 -- 17 ) ( edit ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) `` So You 're Not an English Teacher '' Charlotte Sieling Chad Hodge & Blake Crouch November 13 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 13 ) ( preview ) November 15 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 15 ) ( premiere ) 0.57 ( preview ) 0.81 ( premiere ) Released from prison on good behavior , thief and con - artist Letty Raines overhears a hitman planning a hit and attempts to thwart his plan . `` Only The Best For Mrs. Diaz '' Carl Franklin Chad Hodge November 15 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 15 ) 0.75 Javier forces Letty to accompany him on his next hit , playing the role of his wife at an exclusive hotel . `` From Terrible Me '' Magnus Martens Chad Hodge November 22 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 22 ) 0.64 Letty and Javier deal with the occurrences of the last episode , blaming each other for the way the hit played out and attempting to cover their tracks . `` Your Mama Had a Hard Night '' Mark Piznarski Blake Crouch November 22 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 22 ) ( preview ) November 29 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 29 ) ( premiere ) 0.50 ( preview ) 0.52 ( premiere ) Letty returns to her hometown in an attempt to spend time with her son Jacob , despite the restraining order against her . 5 5 `` Beautiful Things Deserve Beautiful Things '' Mikkel Nørgaard Chad Hodge December 6 , 2016 ( 2016 - 12 - 06 ) 0.71 Letty reunites with Javier on the road . Later , while Javier visits his sister , Letty is surprised by a visit from her parole officer Christian . 6 6 `` We Pretend We 're Stuck '' Jonas Pate Chitra Elizabeth Sampath December 13 , 2016 ( 2016 - 12 - 13 ) 0.68 Letty and Javier return to Letty 's hometown and spend a problem - filled day with Jacob . 7 7 `` The Ballad of Little Santino '' Phil Abraham Brett Johnson December 20 , 2016 ( 2016 - 12 - 20 ) 0.92 Letty and Javier have dinner with his family . Letty learns a shocking and tragic secret from Javier 's youth . 8 8 `` It Still Fits Bitch '' Mark Piznarski Dana Baratta December 27 , 2016 ( 2016 - 12 - 27 ) 0.91 Letty bails her mother out of jail - on the day her mother was supposed to be getting married . Letty is shocked when Jacob 's father Sean returns . 9 9 `` For You I 'd Go with Strawberry '' Mikkel Nørgaard Lenore Zion January 3 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 03 ) 0.83 Letty deals with the possibility of Sean getting custody of Jacob , the stress of which causes problems between her and Javier . 10 10 `` All the Things '' Magnus Martens Blake Crouch & Sarah Berry January 10 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 10 ) 0.90 Letty has to make a difficult choice - one which puts Javier at risk of prison , unless she can get to him before it 's too late . Season 2 ( 2017 ) ( edit ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date U.S. viewers ( millions ) 11 `` The Heart Attack is the Best Way '' Mikkel Nørgaard Chad Hodge October 15 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 15 ) 0.69 12 `` I Want You to Leave a Person Alive for Once '' Magnus Martens Chitra Elizabeth Sampath October 22 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 22 ) 0.56 13 `` Because I 'm Mrs. Javier '' Clare Kilner Chad Hodge October 29 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 29 ) 0.50 14 `` I Think It 's A Sign '' Mikkel Nørgaard Brett Johnson November 5 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 05 ) 0.53 15 5 `` You Could Discover Me '' Jessica Lowrey Chitra Elizabeth Sampath November 12 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 12 ) 0.62 16 6 `` It 's No Fun If It 's Easy '' Coky Giedroyc Dana Baratta November 19 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 19 ) 0.54 17 7 `` Do n't Thank God , Thank Me '' Louise Friedberg Aaron Fullerton November 26 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 26 ) 0.57 18 8 `` Stay Beautiful '' Mikkel Nørgaard Lenore Zion December 3 , 2017 ( 2017 - 12 - 03 ) 0.54 19 9 `` And I Am A Violent Criminal '' Doc Crotzer Lenore Zion & Sarah Berry December 10 , 2017 ( 2017 - 12 - 10 ) 0.68 20 10 `` Letty Raines , In The Mansion , With The Gun '' Magnus Martens Story by : Chad Hodge Teleplay by : Aaron Fullerton & Joshua Karns December 17 , 2017 ( 2017 - 12 - 17 ) 0.72 Ratings ( edit ) Season 1 ( 2016 -- 17 ) ( edit ) No . Title Air date Rating ( 18 -- 49 ) Viewers ( millions ) DVR ( 18 -- 49 ) DVR viewers ( millions ) Total ( 18 -- 49 ) Total viewers ( millions ) `` So You 're Not an English Teacher '' November 15 , 2016 0.2 0.81 N / A N / A N / A N / A `` Only The Best For Mrs. Diaz '' November 15 , 2016 0.2 0.75 N / A N / A N / A N / A `` From Terrible Me '' November 22 , 2016 0.2 0.64 N / A 0.69 N / A 1.33 `` Your Mama Had a Hard Night '' November 29 , 2016 0.2 0.52 0.1 0.40 0.3 0.92 5 `` Beautiful Things Deserve Beautiful Things '' December 6 , 2016 0.2 0.71 N / A 0.88 N / A 1.59 6 `` We Pretend We 're Stuck '' December 13 , 2016 0.2 0.68 0.2 0.91 0.4 1.60 7 `` The Ballad of Little Santino '' December 20 , 2016 0.2 0.92 N / A N / A N / A N / A 8 `` It Still Fits Bitch '' December 27 , 2016 0.2 0.91 N / A N / A N / A N / A 9 `` For You I 'd Go With Strawberry '' January 3 , 2017 0.2 0.83 0.2 0.83 0.4 1.66 10 `` All the Things '' January 10 , 2017 0.2 0.90 0.2 0.85 0.4 1.74 Season 2 ( 2017 ) ( edit ) No . Title Air date Rating ( 18 -- 49 ) Viewers ( millions ) DVR ( 18 -- 49 ) DVR viewers ( millions ) Total ( 18 -- 49 ) Total viewers ( millions ) `` The Heart Attack is the Best Way '' October 15 , 2017 0.2 0.69 0.2 0.73 0.4 1.42 `` I Want You to Leave a Person Alive for Once '' October 22 , 2017 0.2 0.56 N / A 0.68 N / A 1.24 `` Because I 'm Mrs. Claus '' October 29 , 2017 0.1 0.50 0.2 0.70 0.3 1.20 `` I Think It 's A Sign '' November 5 , 2017 0.1 0.53 0.2 0.72 0.3 1.24 5 `` You Could Discover Me '' November 12 , 2017 0.2 0.62 N / A N / A N / A N / A 6 `` It 's No Fun If It 's Easy '' November 19 , 2017 0.1 0.54 N / A N / A N / A N / A 7 `` Do n't Thank God , Thank Me '' November 26 , 2017 0.2 0.57 N / A 0.73 N / A 1.30 8 `` Stay Beautiful '' December 3 , 2017 0.1 0.54 0.2 0.69 0.3 1.23 9 `` And I 'm A Violent Criminal '' December 10 , 2017 0.2 0.68 N / A 0.70 N / A 1.38 10 `` Letty Raines , In The Mansion , With The Gun '' December 17 , 2017 0.2 0.72 N / A N / A N / A N / A References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Good Behavior - Renewed for a 2nd Season '' . January 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Metcalf , Mitch ( November 15 , 2016 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 11.13. 2016 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved November 15 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( November 16 , 2016 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 11.15. 2016 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved November 16 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( November 23 , 2016 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 11.22. 2016 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved November 23 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( December 7 , 2016 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 11.29. 2016 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved November 30 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( December 7 , 2016 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 12.6. 2016 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved December 7 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( December 15 , 2016 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 12.13. 2016 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved December 15 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 12.20. 2016 - Showbuzz Daily '' . . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( December 29 , 2016 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 12.27. 2016 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved December 29 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 1.3. 2017 - Showbuzz Daily '' . . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( January 11 , 2017 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 1.10. 2017 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved January 11 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( October 17 , 2017 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 10.15. 2017 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved October 17 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( October 24 , 2017 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 10.22. 2017 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved October 24 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( October 31 , 2017 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 10.29. 2017 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved October 31 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( November 7 , 2017 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 11.5. 2017 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved November 7 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( November 14 , 2017 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 11.12. 2017 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved November 14 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( November 21 , 2017 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 11.19. 2017 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved November 21 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( November 29 , 2017 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 11.26. 2017 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved November 29 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( December 5 , 2017 ) . `` Updated : ShowBuzzDaily 's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 12.3. 2017 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved December 5 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( December 12 , 2017 ) . `` UPDATED : SHOWBUZZDAILY 's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 12.10. 2017 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved December 16 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Metcalf , Mitch ( December 18 , 2017 ) . `` Updated : ShowbuzzDaily 's Top 150 Sunday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 12.17. 2017 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved February 19 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( December 7 , 2016 ) . `` Down but still on top : ' Walking Dead ' leads cable Live + 7 ratings for Nov. 21 - 27 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved December 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( December 21 , 2016 ) . `` ' The Walking Dead ' dominates cable Live + 7 ratings for Nov. 28 - Dec. 4 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved December 21 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( December 22 , 2016 ) . `` ' Vikings , ' ' Real Housewives of Beverly Hills ' join ' Walking Dead ' atop cable Live + 7 ratings for Dec. 5 - 11 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved December 22 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( January 4 , 2017 ) . `` ' Gold Rush , ' ' Real Housewives of Beverly Hills ' and ' Vikings ' lead the cable Live + 7 ratings for Dec. 12 - 18 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( January 20 , 2017 ) . `` Cable Live + 7 ratings for Jan. 2 - 8 : ' Real Housewives ' on top , plus ' Nashville , ' ' It 's Always Sunny ' '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 20 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( January 26 , 2017 ) . `` ' It 's Always Sunny ' makes a big jump in cable Live + 7 ratings for Jan. 9 - 15 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved January 26 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( October 26 , 2017 ) . `` ' Gold Rush ' still striking it rich for Discovery : Cable Live + 7 ratings for Oct. 9 - 15 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved October 26 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( November 3 , 2017 ) . `` ' Walking Dead ' premiere grows a lot , still trails Season 7 debut by a lot : Cable Live + 7 ratings for Oct. 16 - 22 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 3 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( November 9 , 2017 ) . `` ' Walking Dead , ' ' AHS : Cult ' way above everything else in cable Live + 7 ratings for Oct. 23 - 29 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( November 17 , 2017 ) . `` ' American Horror Story : Cult ' triples in cable Live + 7 ratings for Oct. 30 - Nov. 5 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved November 17 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( December 7 , 2017 ) . `` ' The Walking Dead ' laps the field in cable Live + 7 ratings for Nov. 20 - 26 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved December 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( December 15 , 2017 ) . `` ' The Walking Dead ' outpaces everything else in cable Live + 7 ratings for Nov. 27 - Dec. 3 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved December 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( December 21 , 2017 ) . `` ' Top Chef ' premiere more than doubles in cable Live + 7 ratings for Dec. 4 - 10 '' . TV by the Numbers . Retrieved December 21 , 2017 . External links ( edit ) List of Good Behavior episodes on IMDb Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lists of American crime drama television series episodes Lists of American drama television series episodes Hidden categories : Articles containing potentially dated statements from December 2017 All articles containing potentially dated statements Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Suomi Edit links This page was last edited on 21 August 2018 , at 10 : 53 ( UTC ) . About Wikipedia | how many episodes in good behavior season 1 | [
"SeasonEpisodesOriginally airedFirst airedLast aired110November 15, 2016 (2016-11-15)January 10, 2017 (2017-01-10)210October 15, 2017 (2017-10-15)December 17, 2017 (2017-12-17)"
] | [
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8928560578673282749 | John Williams | John Williams - wikipedia John Williams Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the composer . For other people named John Williams , see John Williams ( disambiguation ) . John Williams Williams at the Avery Fisher Hall in 2007 Background information Birth name John Towner Williams ( 1932 - 02 - 08 ) February 8 , 1932 ( age 86 ) Floral Park , New York , U.S. Genres Film score contemporary classical music post-romanticism jazz Instruments Piano , harpsichord Years active 1952 -- present John Williams ' signature John Towner Williams ( born February 8 , 1932 ) is an American composer , conductor , and pianist . With a career spanning over six decades , he has composed some of the most popular and recognizable film scores in cinematic history , including the Star Wars series , Jaws , Jaws 2 , Close Encounters of the Third Kind , Superman , E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial , the Indiana Jones series , the first two Home Alone films , the first two Jurassic Park films , Schindler 's List , and the first three Harry Potter films . Williams has been associated with director Steven Spielberg since 1974 , composing music for all but three of his feature films . Other notable works by Williams include theme music for the 1984 Summer Olympic Games , NBC Sunday Night Football , `` The Mission '' theme used by NBC News and Seven News in Australia , the television series Lost in Space and Land of the Giants , and the incidental music for the first season of Gilligan 's Island . Williams has also composed numerous classical concertos and other works for orchestral ensembles and solo instruments . From 1980 to 1993 he served as the Boston Pops 's principal conductor , and is currently the orchestra 's laureate conductor . Williams has won 24 Grammy Awards , seven British Academy Film Awards , five Academy Awards , and four Golden Globe Awards . With 51 Academy Award nominations , Williams is the second most - nominated individual , after Walt Disney . In 2005 , the American Film Institute selected Williams 's score to 1977 's Star Wars as the greatest American film score of all time . The soundtrack to Star Wars was additionally preserved by the Library of Congress into the National Recording Registry , for being `` culturally , historically , or aesthetically significant '' . Williams was inducted into the Hollywood Bowl 's Hall of Fame in 2000 , and was a recipient of the Kennedy Center Honors in 2004 and the AFI Life Achievement Award in 2016 . Williams composed the score for eight of the top twenty highest - grossing films at the U.S. box office ( adjusted for inflation ) . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life and family 2 Film and television scoring 3 Conducting and performing 4 Personal life 5 Awards 5.1 AFI 5.2 Academy Awards 5.3 BAFTA Awards 5.4 Emmy Awards 5.5 Golden Globe Awards 5.6 Grammy Awards 6 Charting hits ( U.S. , Billboard ) 7 Concert works 7.1 Concertos 7.2 Other orchestral works 7.3 Chamber works 8 Discography 9 See also 10 References 11 Further reading 12 External links Early Life and family ( edit ) John Towner Williams was born on February 8 , 1932 in Floral Park , New York , to Esther ( née Towner ) and Johnny Williams , a jazz percussionist who played with the Raymond Scott Quintet . Williams has said of his lineage , `` My father was a Maine man -- we were very close . My mother was from Boston . My father 's parents ran a department store in Bangor , Maine , and my mother 's father was a cabinetmaker . ( ... ) People with those roots are not inclined to be lazy . '' In 1948 , the Williams family moved to Los Angeles where John attended North Hollywood High School , graduating in 1950 . He later attended the University of California , Los Angeles , and studied privately with the Italian composer Mario Castelnuovo - Tedesco . Williams had originally briefly attended Los Angeles City College for one semester as the school had a Studio Jazz Band . In 1952 , Williams was drafted into the U.S. Air Force , where he played the piano , brass and conducted and arranged music for The U.S. Air Force Band as part of his assignments . In a 2016 interview with the US airforce band , he recounted having attended basic airforce training at Lackland base ( San Antonio , Texas ) following which he served as a pianist and brass player , with secondary duties of making arrangements for three years . He also attended music courses at the University of Arizona as part of his service . In 1955 , following his Air Force service , Williams moved to New York City and entered Juilliard School where he studied piano with Rosina Lhévinne . During this time Williams worked as a jazz pianist in the city 's many jazz clubs . After moving to Los Angeles , he began working as a session musician , most notably for composer Henry Mancini . He worked with Mancini on the Peter Gunn soundtrack where his fellow musicians in the rhythm section included guitarist Bob Bain , bassist Rolly Bundock , and drummer Jack Sperling , many of whom were also featured on the Mr. Lucky television series . Known as `` Johnny '' during the 1950s and early 1960s , Williams composed the music for many television programmes ( including several episodes of M Squad ) , and served as music arranger and bandleader for a series of popular music albums with the singer Frankie Laine . Williams has two brothers , Donald and Jerry , both of whom work as percussionists in Los Angeles . Film and television scoring ( edit ) Main article : List of compositions by John Williams § Film scores Williams at the Boston Symphony Hall after conducting the Boston Pops , May 2006 While skilled in a variety of 20th - century compositional idioms , Williams 's most familiar style may be described as a form of neoromanticism , inspired by the late 19th century 's large - scale orchestral music -- in the style of Tchaikovsky or Richard Wagner 's compositions and their concept of leitmotif -- that inspired his film music predecessors . After his studies at Juilliard , and the Eastman School of Music , Williams returned to Los Angeles , where he began working as an orchestrator at film studios . Among other composers , Williams worked with Franz Waxman , Bernard Herrmann , and Alfred Newman , and also with his fellow orchestrators Conrad Salinger and Bob Franklyn . Williams was also a studio pianist , performing on film scores by composers such as Jerry Goldsmith , Elmer Bernstein , and Henry Mancini . Williams recorded with Henry Mancini the film scores of 1959 's Peter Gunn , 1962 's Days of Wine and Roses , and 1963 's Charade . ( Williams actually played the well - recognized opening riff to Mancini 's Peter Gunn theme . ) Williams ( sometimes credited as `` Johnny Williams '' , because of the already established actor of the same name ) composed music for various television programs in the 1960s : the pilot episode of Gilligan 's Island , Bachelor Father ( 1959 -- 1960 ) , the Kraft Suspense Theatre , Lost in Space ( 1965 -- 68 ) , The Time Tunnel ( 1966 -- 67 ) , and Land of the Giants ( the last three created by the prolific TV producer , Irwin Allen ) . Williams 's first film composition was for the 1958 B movie Daddy - O , and his first screen credit came two years later in Because They 're Young . He soon gained notice in Hollywood for his versatility in composing jazz , piano , and symphonic music . Williams received his first Academy Award nomination for his film score for 1967 's Valley of the Dolls , and was nominated again for his score for 1969 's Goodbye , Mr. Chips . Williams broke through to win his first Academy Award for his film score in the 1971 film Fiddler on the Roof . In 1972 , he composed the score for the Robert Altman -- directed psychological thriller Images ( recorded in collaboration with noted percussionist Stomu Yamashta ) which earned him another nomination in the category Best Music , Original Dramatic Score at the 1973 Academy Awards . During the early 1970s , Williams 's prominence grew thanks to his work for now -- film producer Irwin Allen 's disaster films , composing the scores for 1972 's The Poseidon Adventure and 1974 's The Towering Inferno . In addition , he scored Universal 's 1974 film Earthquake for director Mark Robson , completing a `` trinity '' of scores for the decade 's highest - grossing `` disaster films '' . He also scored the 1972 film The Cowboys , a western starring John Wayne and directed by Mark Rydell . In 1974 , director Steven Spielberg approached Williams to compose the music for his feature directorial debut , The Sugarland Express . They teamed up again a year later for Spielberg 's second film , Jaws . Widely considered to be a classic suspense film , its film score 's ominous , two - note ostinato has become synonymous with sharks and approaching danger . The score earned Williams his second Academy Award , his first for an original composition . Shortly thereafter , Spielberg and Williams began a long collaboration for their next feature film together , Close Encounters of the Third Kind . During their two - year - long collaboration , they crafted its distinctive five - note figure that functions both in the background music and as the communications signal of the film 's extraterrestrials . Williams also used a system of musical hand signals in the film that were based on hand signs created by John Curwen and refined by Zoltán Kodály . During the same period , Spielberg recommended Williams to his friend and fellow director George Lucas , who needed a composer to score his ambitious 1977 space epic film Star Wars . Williams delivered a grand symphonic score in the fashion of Richard Strauss , Antonín Dvořák , and Golden Age Hollywood composers Max Steiner and Erich Wolfgang Korngold . Its main theme , `` Luke 's Theme '' is among the most widely recognized in film history , and the `` Force Theme '' and `` Princess Leia 's Theme '' are well - known examples of leitmotif . Both the film and its score were immensely successful -- it remains the highest grossing non-popular music recording of all - time -- and Williams won another Academy Award for Best Original Score . In 1980 , Williams returned to score The Empire Strikes Back , where he introduced `` The Imperial March '' as the theme for Darth Vader and the Galactic Empire , `` Yoda 's Theme '' , and `` Han Solo and the Princess '' . The original Star Wars trilogy concluded with the 1983 film Return of the Jedi , for which Williams 's score provided most notably the `` Emperor 's Theme '' , `` Parade of the Ewoks '' , and `` Luke and Leia '' . Both scores earned him Academy Award nominations . John Williams conducting the score to Raiders of the Lost Ark in the Avery Fisher Hall For the 1976 Alfred Hitchcock film , Family Plot , Williams was not in love with this particular film , but did not want to turn down the chance to work for Hitchcock . Hitchcock merely told him that in scoring the film to remember one thing , `` Murder can be fun . '' Hitchcock was very satisfied with the result . Williams worked with director Richard Donner to score the 1978 film Superman . The score 's heroic and romantic themes , particularly the main march , the Superman fanfare and the love theme , known as `` Can You Read My Mind , '' appeared in the four sequel films . For the 1981 film Raiders of the Lost Ark , created by Lucas and directed by Spielberg , Williams wrote a rousing main theme known as `` The Raiders March '' to accompany the film 's hero , Indiana Jones . He composed separate themes to represent the Ark of the Covenant , the character Marion , and the story 's Nazi villains . Additional themes were featured in his scores to the subsequent films in the franchise Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom , a prequel ( 1984 ) , Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade ( 1989 ) , and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ( 2008 ) . Williams composed an emotional and sensitive score to Spielberg 's 1982 fantasy film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial . Williams was awarded a fourth Academy Award for this score . The Spielberg - Williams collaboration resumed with the director 's 1987 film Empire of the Sun , and has continued to the present , spanning genres from science fiction thrillers ( 1993 's Jurassic Park ) , to somber tragedies ( 1993 's Schindler 's List , 2005 's Munich ) , to Eastern - tinged melodramas ( 2005 's Memoirs of a Geisha , directed by Rob Marshall ) , to dramatic war films ( 1998 's Saving Private Ryan ) . Spielberg has said , `` I call it an honorable privilege to regard John Williams as a friend . '' In 1999 , George Lucas launched the first of a series of prequels to the original Star Wars trilogy . Williams was asked to score all three films , starting with The Phantom Menace . Along with themes from the previous films , Williams created new themes to be used as leitmotifs in 2002 's Attack of the Clones and 2005 's Revenge of the Sith . Most notable of these was `` Duel of the Fates '' , an aggressive choral movement in the style of Verdi 's Requiem , utilizing harsh Sanskrit lyrics that broadened the style of music used in the Star Wars films . Also of note was `` Anakin 's Theme '' , which begins as an innocent childlike melody and morphs insidiously into a quote of the sinister `` Imperial March . '' For Episode II , Williams composed `` Across the Stars '' , a love theme for Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker ( mirroring the love theme composed for The Empire Strikes Back ) . The final installment combined many of the themes created for the series ' previous films , including `` The Emperor 's Theme , '' `` The Imperial March '' , `` Across the Stars '' , `` Duel of the Fates '' , `` The Force Theme '' , `` Rebel Fanfare '' , `` Luke 's Theme '' , and `` Princess Leia 's Theme '' , as well as new themes for General Grievous and the film 's climax , entitled `` Battle of the Heroes '' . In the new millennium , Williams was asked to score the film adaptations of J.K. Rowling 's widely successful book series , Harry Potter . He went on to score the film franchise 's first three installments . As with his Superman theme , the most important theme from Williams 's scores for the Harry Potter films , dubbed `` Hedwig 's Theme '' , has been used in the fourth through to the eighth films ( Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince , Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 ) , scored by Patrick Doyle ( Goblet of Fire ) , Nicholas Hooper ( Order of the Phoenix and Half - Blood Prince ) and Alexandre Desplat ( Deathly Hallows ) . Like the main themes from Jaws , Star Wars , Superman , and Indiana Jones , fans have come to identify the Harry Potter films with Williams 's original compositions . Williams was asked to return to score the film franchise 's final installment , Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 , but director David Yates stated that `` their schedules simply did not align '' as he would have had to provide Williams with a rough cut of the film sooner than was possible . In the 20th anniversary edition of E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial in 2002 , Williams composed a reorchestrated score for the Universal Pictures logo with the variant of the movie itself , segueing to the notes from the movie . In 2006 , Superman Returns was completed under Bryan Singer 's direction , best known for directing the first two films in the X-Men series . Although Singer did not request Williams to compose a score for the intentionally Donner-esque film , he employed the skills of X2 composer John Ottman to incorporate Williams 's original Superman theme , as well as those for Lois Lane , Krypton and Smallville . In 2011 , the `` Main Title Theme '' and elements of `` Can You Read My Mind '' were notably used in the final scene of `` Finale , '' the series finale of the WB / CW television series Smallville . Don Davis performed a similar role for Jurassic Park III , recommended by Williams himself to the producers . In 2008 , Williams returned to the Indiana Jones series to score the fourth film -- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull . He received a Grammy nomination for his work on the film . Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was also the only film score from the Indiana Jones film series not to be nominated for an Academy Award . During 2008 , he also composed music for two documentaries , Warner at War , and A Timeless Call , the latter of which was directed by Steven Spielberg . After a three - year absence from film scoring , Williams composed the scores for Spielberg 's The Adventures of Tintin and War Horse in 2011 . Both scores received overwhelmingly positive reviews , with both scores earning Academy Award nominations , and the latter being nominated for a Golden Globe . The Oscar nominations are Williams 's 46th and 47th , making him the most nominated musician in Academy Awards history ( having previously been tied with Alfred Newman 's 45 nominations ) , and the second most nominated overall , following Walt Disney . Williams won an Annie Award for his score for The Adventures of Tintin in 2012 . In 2012 , Williams scored Spielberg 's film Lincoln and subsequently received his 48th Academy Award nomination . In February 2013 , Williams expressed his interest in working in the Star Wars sequel trilogy , stating : `` Now we 're hearing of a new set of movies coming in 2015 , 2016 ... so I need to make sure I 'm still ready to go in a few years for what I hope would be continued work with George . '' He also scored the 2013 film The Book Thief , which marked his first collaboration with a director other than Spielberg since 2005 . The score earned him an Academy Award , Golden Globe and BAFTA nominations and earned him a Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Composition . It was his 44th nomination for Best Original Score ( and 49th overall ) , setting a new record for the most nominations in that category ( he previously tied Alfred Newman 's record of 43 nominations in 2013 ) . In 2015 , he scored Star Wars : The Force Awakens , earning him his 50th Academy Award nomination . Williams was also set to write the score for Bridge of Spies that year , which would have been his 27th collaboration with director Steven Spielberg . However , in March 2015 , it was announced that Thomas Newman would replace Williams for the film , as Williams 's schedule was interrupted by a minor health issue and he became unavailable to score the film . This is the first Spielberg film since The Color Purple ( 1985 ) not scored by Williams . In 2016 , Williams composed the score for Spielberg 's The BFG , which opened in July 2016 . In March 2017 , Williams scored the animated short film Dear Basketball directed by Glen Keane and based on a poem by Kobe Bryant . Williams wrote the music for Star Wars : The Last Jedi , the eighth episode of the saga , released on December 15 , 2017 , and is presumed to be working on Star Wars Episode IX . Also in 2017 , he composed the score for Steven Spielberg 's drama film The Post . Williams contributed `` The Adventures of Han '' for the 2018 standalone Star Wars film Solo : A Star Wars Story while John Powell wrote the film 's original score . Williams is also currently attached to score the fifth Indiana Jones film . A three - disc box set compilation of all of Williams ' musical scores for Steven Spielberg 's films , titled John Williams & Steven Spielberg : The Ultimate Collection , was released on March 17 , 2017 , which includes two previous score compilations from 1991 and 1995 . Williams 's body of work in film composing was featured in the 2017 documentary film SCORE : A Film Music Documentary . In March 2018 Williams announced that following Star Wars : Episode IX , which is due for release on December 20 , 2019 , that he will retire from composing music for the Star Wars franchise . `` We know J.J. Abrams is preparing one Star Wars movie now that I will hopefully do next year for him . I look forward to it . It will round out a series of nine , that will be quite enough for me '' Williams said . Conducting and performing ( edit ) Williams signing an autograph after a concert From 1980 -- 93 , Williams succeeded Arthur Fiedler as the Boston Pops Orchestra 's Principal Conductor . Williams never met Fiedler in person but spoke with him by telephone . His arrival as the Pops ' new leader in the spring of 1980 allowed him to devote part of the Pops ' first PBS broadcast of the season to presenting his new compositions for The Empire Strikes Back . Williams almost ended his tenure with the Pops in 1984 . Considered a customary practice of opinion , some players hissed while sight - reading a new Williams composition in rehearsal ; Williams abruptly left the session and turned in his resignation . He initially cited mounting conflicts with his film composing schedule , but later admitted a perceived lack of discipline in , and respect from , the Pops ' ranks , culminating in this latest instance . After entreaties by the management and personal apologies from the musicians , Williams withdrew his resignation and continued as principal conductor for nine more years . In 1995 , he was succeeded by Keith Lockhart , the former associate conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and Cincinnati Pops Orchestra . Williams is now the Pops ' Laureate Conductor , thus maintaining his affiliation with its parent , the Boston Symphony Orchestra ( BSO ) . Williams leads the Pops on several occasions each year , particularly during their Holiday Pops season and typically for a week of concerts in May . He conducts an annual Film Night at both Boston Symphony Hall and Tanglewood , where he frequently enlists the Tanglewood Festival Chorus , the BSO 's official chorus . Williams has written many concert pieces , including a symphony ; a Concerto for Horn written for Dale Clevenger , the Chicago Symphony Orchestra 's Principal Hornist ; a Concerto for Clarinet written for Michele Zukovsky ( the Los Angeles Philharmonic 's Principal Clarinetist ) in 1991 ; a sinfonietta for wind ensemble ; a cello concerto premiered by Yo - Yo Ma and the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Tanglewood in 1994 ; concertos for the flute and violin recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra ; and a trumpet concerto , which was premiered by The Cleveland Orchestra and their principal trumpet Michael Sachs in September 1996 . His bassoon concerto , `` The Five Sacred Trees '' , which was premiered by the New York Philharmonic and principal bassoon player Judith LeClair in 1995 , was recorded for Sony Classical by Williams with LeClair and the London Symphony Orchestra . Williams was the subject of an hour - long documentary for the BBC in 1980 , and was featured in a report on 20 / 20 in 1983 . Stanley Donen ( left ) and John Williams at Avery Fisher Hall In 1985 , Williams was commissioned by NBC to compose a television news music package for various network news spots . The package , which Williams named `` The Mission , '' consists of four movements , two of which are still used heavily by NBC today for Today , NBC Nightly News , and Meet the Press . He composed the `` Liberty Fanfare '' for the Statue of Liberty 's rededication , `` We 're Lookin ' Good ! '' for the Special Olympics in celebration of the 1987 International Summer Games , and themes for the 1984 , 1988 , 1996 , and 2002 Olympic Games . His most recent concert work , `` Seven for Luck '' , for soprano and orchestra , is a seven - piece song cycle based on the texts of former U.S. Poet Laureate Rita Dove . `` Seven for Luck '' was given its world premiere by the Boston Symphony under Williams with soprano Cynthia Haymon . Williams conducting at Hollywood Bowl Williams makes annual appearances with the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl , and took part as conductor and composer in the orchestra 's opening gala concerts for the Walt Disney Concert Hall in 2003 . In 2004 , Williams both served as the Grand Marshal for the Rose Parade , and directed `` The Star Spangled Banner '' at the Rose Bowl 's beginning . In April 2005 , Williams and the Boston Pops performed the `` Throne Room Finale '' from Star Wars at opening day in Fenway Park as the Boston Red Sox , having won their first World Series championship since 1918 , received their championship rings . For Game 1 of the 2007 World Series , Williams conducted a brass - and - drum ensemble through a new dissonant arrangement of the `` Star Spangled Banner . '' In February 2004 , April 2006 , and September 2007 , he conducted the New York Philharmonic at Avery Fisher Hall in New York City . The initial program was intended to be a one - time special event , and featured Williams 's medley of Oscar - winning film scores first performed at the previous year 's Academy Awards . Its unprecedented popularity led to two concerts in 2006 : fundraising gala events featuring personal recollections by film directors Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg . Continuing demand fueled three more concerts in 2007 , which all sold out . These featured a tribute to the musicals of film director Stanley Donen , and had the distinction of serving as the New York Philharmonic season 's opening event . After a three - season absence , Williams conducted the Philharmonic once again in October 2011 . Maestro Williams also conducted the National Symphony Orchestra , the U.S. Army Herald Trumpets , the Joint Armed Forces Chorus , and the Choral Arts Society of Washington performing his new arrangement of `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' for its 200th anniversary . The performance was held at A Capitol Fourth , an Independence Day celebration concert in Washington , D.C. , on July 4 , 2014 . At Star Wars Celebration Orlando , Williams performed a surprise concert along with the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra , featuring `` Princess Leia 's Theme '' ( a tribute to the recently deceased Carrie Fisher ) , `` The Imperial March '' and `` Main Title '' followed by George Lucas saying , `` The secret sauce of Star Wars , the greatest composer - conductor in the universe , John Williams . '' Personal Life ( edit ) Williams married Barbara Ruick , an American actress and singer , in 1956 . Together they had three children : Jennifer ( b . 1956 ) , Mark Towner Williams ( b . 1958 ) , and Joseph ( b . 1960 ) , who is the lead singer of Toto . The two remained married until her death in 1974 . In 1980 , Williams married Samantha Winslow , a photographer . Awards ( edit ) John Williams has been nominated for 51 Academy Awards , winning 5 ; 6 Emmy Awards , winning 3 ; 25 Golden Globe Awards , winning 4 ; 67 Grammy Awards , winning 23 ; and has received 7 British Academy Film Awards . With 51 Oscar nominations , Williams currently holds the record for the most Oscar nominations for a living person , and is the second most nominated person in Academy Awards history behind Walt Disney 's 59 . Forty - six of Williams 's Oscar nominations are for Best Original Score and five are for Best Original Song . He won four Oscars for Best Original Score and one for Best Scoring : Adaptation and Original Song Score ( Fiddler on the Roof ) . In 1980 , Williams received an Honorary Doctorate of Music from Berklee College of Music . Williams has been inducted into the American Classical Music Hall of Fame and the Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame . Williams was honored with the annual Richard Kirk award at the 1999 BMI Film and TV Awards , recognizing his contribution to film and television music . In 2004 , he received Kennedy Center Honors . He won a Classic Brit Award in 2005 for his soundtrack work of the previous year . Notably , Williams has won the Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Composition for his scores for Star Wars , Close Encounters of the Third Kind , Superman , The Empire Strikes Back , E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial , Angela 's Ashes , Munich , Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull , and The Book Thief . The competition includes not only composers of film scores , but also composers of instrumental music of any genre , including composers of classical fare such as symphonies and chamber music . Williams received an Honorary Doctor of Music degree from Boston College in 1993 and from Harvard University in 2017 . In 2003 , the International Olympic Committee accorded Williams its highest individual honor , the Olympic Order . In 2009 , Williams received the National Medal of Arts in the White House in Washington , D.C. for his achievements in symphonic music for films , and `` as a pre-eminent composer and conductor ( whose ) scores have defined and inspired modern movie - going for decades . '' Williams was made an honorary brother of Kappa Kappa Psi at Boston University in the late 1980s . In 2013 , Williams was presented with the Ken Burns Lifetime Achievement Award . AFI ( edit ) In 2005 , the American Film Institute selected Williams 's richly thematic and highly popular score to 1977 's Star Wars as the greatest American film score of all time . His scores for Jaws and E.T. also appeared on the list , at No. 6 and No. 14 , respectively . He is the only composer to have three scores on the list . Williams received the AFI Life Achievement Award in June 2016 , becoming the first composer to receive the award . Academy Awards ( edit ) Year Project Category Result 1967 Valley of the Dolls Best Score Adaptation Nominated 1969 Goodbye , Mr Chips Best Score Adaptation Nominated The Reivers Best Original Score Nominated 1971 Fiddler on the Roof Best Scoring Adaptation and Original Song Score Won 1972 Images Best Original Dramatic Score Nominated The Poseidon Adventure Best Original Dramatic Score Nominated 1973 Cinderella Liberty Best Original Dramatic Score Nominated `` Nice to Be Around '' ( from Cinderella Liberty ) Best Original Song Nominated Tom Sawyer Best Score Adaptation Nominated The Towering Inferno Original Score Nominated Jaws Best Original Dramatic Score Won 1977 Star Wars Original Score Won Close Encounters of the Third Kind Original Score Nominated 1978 Superman Original Score Nominated 1980 The Empire Strikes Back Original Score Nominated 1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark Original Score Nominated 1982 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Original Score Won `` If We Were in Love '' ( from Yes , Giorgio ) Best Original Song Nominated Return of the Jedi Original Score Nominated 1984 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Original Score Nominated The River Original Score Nominated Empire of the Sun Original Score Nominated The Witches of Eastwick Original Score Nominated 1988 The Accidental Tourist Original Score Nominated 1989 Born on the Fourth of July Original Score Nominated Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Original Score Nominated 1990 Home Alone Original Score Nominated `` Somewhere in My Memory '' ( from Home Alone ) Best Original Song Nominated 1991 JFK Original Score Nominated `` When You 're Alone '' ( from Hook ) Best Original Song Nominated 1993 Schindler 's List Original Score Won 1995 Nixon Best Original Dramatic Score Nominated Sabrina Best Original Musical or Comedy Score Nominated `` Moonlight '' ( from Sabrina ) Best Original Song Nominated Sleepers Best Original Dramatic Score Nominated 1997 Amistad Best Original Dramatic Score Nominated 1998 Saving Private Ryan Best Original Dramatic Score Nominated 1999 Angela 's Ashes Original Score Nominated 2000 The Patriot Original Score Nominated 2001 A.I. Artificial Intelligence Original Score Nominated Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone Original Score Nominated 2002 Catch Me If You Can Original Score Nominated Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Original Score Nominated 2005 Memoirs of a Geisha Original Score Nominated Munich Original Score Nominated 2011 The Adventures of Tintin Original Score Nominated War Horse Original Score Nominated 2012 Lincoln Original Score Nominated 2013 The Book Thief Original Score Nominated 2015 Star Wars : The Force Awakens Original Score Nominated 2017 Star Wars : The Last Jedi Original Score Nominated BAFTA Awards ( edit ) Year Project Category Result Jaws Best Film Music Won 1978 Star Wars Best Film Music Won Close Encounters of the Third Kind Best Film Music Nominated 1980 The Empire Strikes Back Best Film Music Won 1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark Best Film Music Nominated 1982 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Best Film Music Won 1988 Empire of the Sun Best Film Music Won 1993 Schindler 's List Best Film Music Won 1998 Saving Private Ryan Best Film Music Nominated 2002 Catch Me If You Can Best Film Music Nominated 2005 Memoirs of a Geisha Best Film Music Won 2011 War Horse Best Film Music Nominated 2012 Lincoln Best Film Music Nominated 2013 The Book Thief Best Film Music Nominated 2015 Star Wars : The Force Awakens Best Film Music Nominated Emmy Awards ( edit ) Year Project Category Result 1962 Alcoa Premiere Outstanding Achievement in Original Music Composed for Television Nominated 1963 Alcoa Premiere Outstanding Achievement in Composing Original Music Nominated 1968 Heidi Outstanding Achievement in Musical Composition Won 1971 Jane Eyre Outstanding Achievement in Musical Composition Won 2002 74th Academy Awards Outstanding Music Direction Nominated 2009 Great Performances Outstanding Original Main Title Theme Music Won Golden Globe Awards ( edit ) Year Project Category Result Ref . 1972 The Poseidon Adventure Best Original Score Nominated 1973 Cinderella Liberty Best Original Score Nominated Tom Sawyer ( with Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman ) Best Original Score Nominated Earthquake Best Original Score Nominated Jaws Best Original Score Won 1977 Star Wars Best Original Score Won Close Encounters of the Third Kind Best Original Score Nominated 1978 Superman Best Original Score Nominated 1980 The Empire Strikes Back Best Original Score Nominated 1982 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Best Original Score Won `` If We Were In Love '' ( with Alan and Marilyn Bergman ) from Yes , Giorgio Best Original Song Nominated 1984 The River Best Original Score Nominated Empire of the Sun Best Original Score Nominated 1988 The Accidental Tourist Best Original Score Nominated 1989 Born on the Fourth of July Best Original Score Nominated 1993 Schindler 's List Best Original Score Nominated 1995 `` Moonlight '' ( with Alan and Marilyn Bergman ) from Sabrina Best Original Song Nominated 1997 Seven Years in Tibet Best Original Score Nominated 1998 Saving Private Ryan Best Original Score Nominated 1999 Angela 's Ashes Best Original Score Nominated 2001 A.I. Artificial Intelligence Best Original Score Nominated 2005 Memoirs of a Geisha Best Original Score Won 2011 War Horse Best Original Score Nominated 2012 Lincoln Best Original Score Nominated 2013 The Book Thief Best Original Score Nominated 2017 The Post Best Original Score Nominated Grammy Awards ( edit ) Year Project Category Result 1962 Checkmate Best Soundtrack Album or Recording or Score from Motion Picture or Television Nominated Jaws Album of Best Original Score Written for a Motion Picture or a Television Special Won 1978 `` Main Title '' from Star Wars Best Instrumental Composition Won Star Wars Best Pop Instrumental Recording Won Best Original Score Written For A Motion Picture Or A Television Special Won Album of the Year Nominated 1979 `` Theme from Close Encounters of the Third Kind '' Best Instrumental Composition Won Close Encounters of the Third Kind Best Album of Original Score Written for a Motion Picture Won 1980 `` Main Title Theme from Superman '' Best Instrumental Composition Won Best Pop Instrumental Performance Nominated Superman Best Album of Original Score Written for a Motion Picture Won 1981 `` Yoda 's Theme '' Best Pop Instrumental Performance Nominated Best Instrumental Composition Nominated `` The Empire Strikes Back '' Won `` Imperial March '' ( Darth Vader 's Theme ) Nominated Star Wars Episode V : The Empire Strikes Back Best Album of Original Score Written for a Motion Picture Won 1982 Raiders of the Lost Ark Best Album of Original Score Written for a Motion Picture Won `` Adventures on Earth '' Best Instrumental Composition Nominated `` Flying '' ( Theme from E.T. ) Won Best Arrangement on an Instrumental Recording Won E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Best Pop Instrument Performance Nominated Best Album of Original Score Written for a Motion Picture Won 1984 Star Wars Episode VI : Return of the Jedi Best Instrumental Composition Written for a Motion Picture or for Television Nominated 1985 Olympic Fanfare and Theme Best Instrumental Composition Won 1986 Prokofiev : Peter and the Wolf Best Recording for Children Nominated 1988 The Witches of Eastwick Best Instrumental Composition Written for a Motion Picture or for Television Nominated 1989 `` Olympic Spirit '' Best Instrumental Composition Nominated Empire of the Sun Best Instrumental Composition Written for a Motion Picture or for Television Nominated 1990 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Best Instrumental Composition Written for a Motion Picture or for Television Nominated 1991 Born on the Fourth of July Best Arrangement on an Instrumental Recording Nominated The Star Wars Trilogy Best Pop Instrumental Performance Nominated `` Home Alone Main Title '' Best Arrangement on an Instrumental Nominated `` Somewhere in My Memory '' ( with Leslie Bricusse ) from Home Alone Best Song Written Specifically for a Motion Picture or for Television Nominated 1993 Hook Best Pop Instrumental Performance Nominated Best Instrumental Composition Written for a Motion Picture or for Television Nominated 1994 Jurassic Park Best Instrumental Composition Written for a Motion Picture or for Television Nominated 1995 Schindler 's List Instrumental Composition for a Motion Picture or Television Won 1997 `` Moonlight '' ( with Alan and Marilyn Bergman ) from Sabrina Best Song Written Specifically for a Motion Picture or for Television Nominated 1998 Seven Years in Tibet Best Instrumental Composition Written for a Motion Picture or for Television Nominated The Lost World : Jurassic Park Nominated 1999 Saving Private Ryan Best Instrumental Composition Written for a Motion Picture or for Television Won Amistad Nominated Gershwin Fantasy Best Classical Crossover Album Nominated 2000 Star Wars Episode I : The Phantom Menace Best Score Soundtrack Album for Motion Picture , Television or Other Visual Media Nominated `` Stella by Starlight '' ( from The Uninvited ) from : Cinema Serenade 2 : The Golden Age Best Instrumental Arrangement Nominated 2001 `` Theme '' from Angela 's Ashes Best Instrumental Composition Won 2002 Artificial Intelligence : A.I. Best Score Soundtrack Album for Motion Picture , Television or Other Visual Media Nominated 2003 `` Hedwig 's Theme '' Best Instrumental Composition Nominated Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone Best Score Soundtrack Album for Motion Picture , Television or Other Visual Media Nominated Catch Me If You Can Best Score Soundtrack Album for Motion Picture , Television or Other Visual Media Nominated Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Nominated 2005 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Best Score Soundtrack Album for Motion Picture , Television or Other Visual Media Nominated 2006 Star Wars Episode III : Revenge of the Sith Best Score Soundtrack Album for Motion Picture , Television or Other Visual Media Nominated 2007 Memoirs of a Geisha Best Score Soundtrack Album for Motion Picture , Television or Other Visual Media Won Munich Nominated `` A Prayer For Peace '' ( Theme from Munich ) Best Instrumental Composition Won `` Sayuri 's Theme and End Credits '' ( Theme from Memoirs of a Geisha ) Nominated 2009 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Best Score Soundtrack Album for Motion Picture , Television or Other Visual Media Nominated `` The Adventures of Mutt '' from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Best Instrumental Composition Won 2012 The Adventures of Tintin Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media Nominated 2013 Lincoln Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media Nominated 2014 `` The Book Thief '' from The Book Thief Best Instrumental Composition Won 2016 Star Wars : The Force Awakens Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media Won 2017 `` Escapades for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra '' from Catch Me If You Can Best Arrangement , Instrumental or A Cappella Won Charting hits ( U.S. , Billboard ) ( edit ) 1975 -- `` Main Title ( Theme from ' Jaws ' ) , '' No. 32 1977 -- `` Star Wars Theme -- Main Title , '' No. 10 1978 -- `` Theme from `` Close Encounters of the Third Kind '' , '' No. 13 Concert works ( edit ) Concertos ( edit ) 1969 : Concerto for Flute and Orchestra 1976 : Concerto for Violin and Orchestra 1985 : Concerto for Tuba and Orchestra 1991 : Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra 1993 : Concerto for Bassoon and Orchestra , The Five Sacred Trees 1994 : Concerto for Cello and Orchestra 1996 : Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra 2000 : TreeSong for Violin and Orchestra 2002 : Heartwood : Lyric Sketches for Cello and Orchestra 2002 : Escapades for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra ( cut from the Catch Me If You Can film score ) 2003 : Concerto for Horn and Orchestra 2007 : Duo Concertante for Violin and Viola 2009 : Concerto for Viola and Orchestra 2009 : On Willows and Birches , for Harp and Orchestra 2011 : Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra Other orchestral works ( edit ) 1965 : Prelude and Fugue on Stan Kenton Conducts the Los Angeles Neophonic Orchestra ( Capitol , 1965 ) 1965 : Symphony # 1 1968 : Sinfonietta for Wind Ensemble 1975 : Thomas and the King -- Musical 1980 : Jubilee 350 Fanfare 1984 : Olympic Fanfare & Theme 1986 : Liberty Fanfare 1987 : A Hymn to New England 1988 : Fanfare for Michael Dukakis 1988 : For New York 1990 : Celebrate Discovery 1993 : Sound the Bells ! 1994 : Song for World Peace 1995 : Variations on Happy Birthday 1999 : American Journey 2003 : Soundings 2007 : Star Spangled Banner 2008 : A Timeless Call 2012 : Fanfare for Fenway 2012 : Seven for Luck for soprano and orchestra 2013 : For ' The President 's Own ' 2014 : Star Spangled Banner 2014 : Scherzo for Piano and Orchestra Chamber works ( edit ) 1951 : Sonata for Piano 1997 : Elegy for Cello and Piano 2001 : Three Pieces for solo Cello 2009 : Air and Simple Gifts for violin , cello , clarinet and piano 2011 : Quartet La Jolla for violin , cello , clarinet and harp 2012 : Rounds for solo guitar 2013 : Conversations for solo Piano 2014 : Music for Brass for Brass Ensemble and Percussion Discography ( edit ) Main article : John Williams discography See also ( edit ) List of compositions by John Williams Music of Harry Potter Music of Star Wars Music of Superman References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Burlingame , Jon ( June 9 , 2016 ) . `` AFI Honoree John Williams Looks Back on Six Decades of Iconic Themes '' . 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Retrieved March 7 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Holland , Bernard ( June 14 , 1984 ) . `` Boston Pops Conductor Resigns Abruptly '' . New York Times . Retrieved September 17 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Clendinen , Dudley ( May 1 , 1985 ) . `` At 100 , the Boston Still Packs Them In '' . New York Times . Retrieved September 17 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Edwards , David Noel ( 2015 - 08 - 25 ) . `` Tanglewood Film Night Without John Williams ? '' . The Berkshire Edge . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 31 . Jump up ^ `` Concerto for Clarinet '' . 1991 . Archived from the original on September 28 , 2007 . Retrieved September 17 , 2007 . ^ Jump up to : `` Concert Works '' . John Williams Fan Network . 2015 . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 31 . ^ Jump up to : `` John Williams : Videos '' from the John Williams Fan Network , June 2 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Ecks , Johnny ( February 12 , 2004 ) . `` John Williams : the Art of the Score ( review ) '' . . Retrieved 2013 - 05 - 22 . Jump up ^ Kozinn , Allan ( April 26 , 2006 ) . `` Philharmonic and Film : Sound to Bring Pictures to Life '' . New York Times . Retrieved 2013 - 05 - 22 . Jump up ^ Chris Matthew Sciabarra , `` John Williams & the NY Philharmonic '' from Notablog , 16 May 16 , 2006 . Jump up ^ Kozinn , Allan ( September 9 , 2007 ) . `` Classical : Just in Time for Timeless Melodies '' . New York Times . Retrieved 2013 - 05 - 22 . Jump up ^ Anthony Tommasini , `` John Williams : NY Philharmonic ( review ) '' from New York Times , September 17 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Groner , Danny ( October 26 , 2011 ) . `` John Williams Makes Movie Music Come Alive '' . Huffington Post . Retrieved 2013 - 05 - 22 . Jump up ^ `` Legendary Composer John Williams to Pay Tribute to National Anthem on PBS ' A CAPITOL FOURTH '' . Broadway World . 2014 - 06 - 25 . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 31 . Jump up ^ `` John Williams Net Worth '' . TheRichest . Jump up ^ `` Williams , John biography '' . Retrieved May 6 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` John Williams Film Music Box Biography Discography News '' . Archived from the original on September 27 , 2007 . Retrieved May 6 , 2006 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` BMI Film / Awards : 1999 '' . . Retrieved November 4 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Boston College Fact Book , 1998 -- 1999 '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved August 28 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Harvard awards 10 honorary degrees at 366th Commencement '' . May 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` IOC awards the Olympic Order to John Williams '' . IOC . May 1 , 2003 . Archived from the original on December 8 , 2013 . Retrieved December 19 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Remarks by the President at Presentation of the National Humanities Medal and the National Medal of the Arts The White House '' . February 25 , 2010 . Archived from the original on June 13 , 2011 . Retrieved July 4 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Kappa Kappa Psi Theta Beta at Boston University '' . Jump up ^ `` Ken Burns Lifetime Achievement Award '' . Jump up ^ `` AFI 100 Years of Film Scores '' . 2007 - 10 - 22 . Archived from the original on October 22 , 2007 . Retrieved 2011 - 09 - 05 . Jump up ^ Gray , Tim ( October 8 , 2015 ) . `` John Williams Tapped for 44th AFI Life Achievement Award '' . Variety . Retrieved February 28 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Great Performances wins Primetime Emmy ; John Williams interview '' . WNET . September 15 , 2009 . Retrieved January 21 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Aswad , Jem ( January 8 , 2018 ) . `` Golden Globes : Alexandre Desplat Wins Best Original Score for ' The Shape Of Water ' '' . Variety . Retrieved January 8 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Unterberg , Andrew ( January 8 , 2018 ) . `` ' The Shape of Water ' Wins Best Score at the 2018 Golden Globes '' . Billboard . Retrieved January 8 , 2018 . Further reading ( edit ) Audissino , Emilio : John Williams 's Film Music . ' Jaws , ' ' Star Wars , ' ' Raiders of the Lost Ark , ' and the Return of the Classical Hollywood Music Style ( Madison , WI : University of Wisconsin Press , 2014 ) , 346 pp. ISBN 978 - 0 - 299 - 29734 - 3 Audissino , Emilio : `` Golden Age 2.0 : John Williams and the Revival of the Symphonic Film Score '' . In : Stoppe , Sebastian ( 2014 ) . Film in Concert . Film Scores and their Relation to Classical Concert Music . Glücksstadt , Germany : VWH Verlag . pp. 109 -- 124 . ISBN 978 - 3 - 86488060 - 5 . Paulus , Irena : `` Williams versus Wagner -- Or an Attempt at Linking Musical Epics '' . In : Stoppe , Sebastian ( 2014 ) . Film in Concert . Film Scores and their Relation to Classical Concert Music . Glücksstadt , Germany : VWH Verlag . pp. 63 -- 108 . ISBN 978 - 3 - 86488060 - 5 . Moormann , Peter ( 2010 ) . Spielberg - Variationen : die Filmmusik von John Williams ( in German ) . Baden - Baden : Nomos , Edition Reinhard Fischer . p. 797 . ISBN 978 - 3 - 8329 - 5355 - 3 . Aschieri , Roberto ( 1999 ) . Over the Moon : La Mứsica de John Williams Para El Cine ( in Spanish ) . Santigo , Chile : Función Privada , sponsored by Universidad Diego Portales . p. 400 . ISBN 978 - 4 - 89799 - 246 - 4 . External links ( edit ) Find more aboutJohn Williamsat Wikipedia 's sister projects Media from Wikimedia Commons Quotations from Wikiquote Data from Wikidata John Williams discography at Discogs John Williams at Curlie ( based on DMOZ ) John Williams on IMDb John Williams Fan Network John Williams music listings Cultural offices Preceded by Arthur Fiedler Conductor , Boston Pops Orchestra 1980 -- 1993 Succeeded by Keith Lockhart First Laureate Conductor , Boston Pops Orchestra 1993 -- present Incumbent John Williams Discography List of compositions Soundtracks Jaws ( 1975 ) Star Wars ( 1977 ) Close Encounters of the Third Kind ( 1977 ) The Empire Strikes Back ( 1980 ) Raiders of the Lost Ark ( 1981 ) E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial ( 1982 ) Return of the Jedi ( 1983 ) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom ( 1984 ) Empire of the Sun ( 1987 ) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade ( 1989 ) Home Alone ( 1990 ) JFK ( 1991 ) Home Alone 2 : Lost in New York ( 1992 ) Jurassic Park ( 1993 ) Schindler 's List ( 1993 ) The Lost World : Jurassic Park ( 1997 ) Saving Private Ryan ( 1998 ) Star Wars : Episode I -- The Phantom Menace ( 1999 ) Angela 's Ashes ( 1999 ) The Patriot ( 2000 ) A.I. Artificial Intelligence ( 2001 ) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone ( 2001 ) Star Wars : Episode II -- Attack of the Clones ( 2002 ) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ( 2002 ) Catch Me If You Can ( 2002 ) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ( 2004 ) Star Wars : Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith ( 2005 ) Memoirs of a Geisha ( 2005 ) Munich ( 2005 ) Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ( 2008 ) Star Wars : The Force Awakens ( 2015 ) Star Wars : The Last Jedi ( 2017 ) Compilations John Williams Greatest Hits 1969 -- 1999 Category Awards for John Williams Academy Award for Best Original Score 1930s Louis Silvers ( 1934 ) Max Steiner ( 1935 ) Leo F. Forbstein ( 1936 ) Charles Previn ( 1937 ) Erich Wolfgang Korngold / Alfred Newman ( 1938 ) Herbert Stothart / Richard Hageman , W. Franke Harling , John Leipold , Leo Shuken ( 1939 ) 1940s Leigh Harline , Paul J. Smith , Ned Washington / Alfred Newman ( 1940 ) Bernard Herrmann / Frank Churchill and Oliver Wallace ( 1941 ) Max Steiner / Ray Heindorf and Heinz Roemheld ( 1942 ) Alfred Newman / Ray Heindorf ( 1943 ) Max Steiner / Morris Stoloff and Carmen Dragon ( 1944 ) Miklós Rózsa / Georgie Stoll ( 1945 ) Hugo Friedhofer / Morris Stoloff ( 1946 ) Miklós Rózsa / Alfred Newman ( 1947 ) Brian Easdale / Johnny Green and Roger Edens ( 1948 ) Aaron Copland / Roger Edens and Lennie Hayton ( 1949 ) 1950s Franz Waxman / Adolph Deutsch and Roger Edens ( 1950 ) Franz Waxman / Johnny Green and Saul Chaplin ( 1951 ) Dimitri Tiomkin / Alfred Newman ( 1952 ) Bronisław Kaper / Alfred Newman ( 1953 ) Dimitri Tiomkin / Adolph Deutsch and Saul Chaplin ( 1954 ) Alfred Newman / Robert Russell Bennett , Jay Blackton and Adolph Deutsch ( 1955 ) Victor Young / Alfred Newman and Ken Darby ( 1956 ) Malcolm Arnold ( 1957 ) Dimitri Tiomkin / Andre Previn ( 1958 ) Miklós Rózsa / Andre Previn and Ken Darby ( 1959 ) 1960s Ernest Gold / Morris Stoloff and Harry Sukman ( 1960 ) Henry Mancini / Saul Chaplin , Johnny Green , Sid Ramin and Irwin Kostal ( 1961 ) Maurice Jarre / Ray Heindorf ( 1962 ) John Addison / Andre Previn ( 1963 ) Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman / Andre Previn ( 1964 ) Maurice Jarre / Irwin Kostal ( 1965 ) John Barry / Ken Thorne ( 1966 ) Elmer Bernstein / Alfred Newman and Ken Darby ( 1967 ) John Barry / Johnny Green ( 1968 ) Burt Bacharach / Lennie Hayton and Lionel Newman ( 1969 ) 1970s Francis Lai / The Beatles ( John Lennon , Paul McCartney , George Harrison and Ringo Starr ) ( 1970 ) Michel Legrand / John Williams ( 1971 ) Charlie Chaplin , Raymond Rasch and Larry Russell / Ralph Burns ( 1972 ) Marvin Hamlisch / Marvin Hamlisch ( 1973 ) Nino Rota and Carmine Coppola / Nelson Riddle ( 1974 ) John Williams / Leonard Rosenman ( 1975 ) Jerry Goldsmith / Leonard Rosenman ( 1976 ) John Williams / Jonathan Tunick ( 1977 ) Giorgio Moroder / Joe Renzetti ( 1978 ) Georges Delerue / Ralph Burns ( 1979 ) 1980s Michael Gore ( 1980 ) Vangelis ( 1981 ) John Williams / Henry Mancini and Leslie Bricusse ( 1982 ) Bill Conti / Michel Legrand , Alan and Marilyn Bergman ( 1983 ) Maurice Jarre / Prince ( 1984 ) John Barry ( 1985 ) Herbie Hancock ( 1986 ) Ryuichi Sakamoto , David Byrne and Cong Su ( 1987 ) Dave Grusin ( 1988 ) Alan Menken ( 1989 ) 1990s John Barry ( 1990 ) Alan Menken ( 1991 ) Alan Menken ( 1992 ) John Williams ( 1993 ) Hans Zimmer ( 1994 ) Luis Enríquez Bacalov / Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz ( 1995 ) Gabriel Yared / Rachel Portman ( 1996 ) James Horner / Anne Dudley ( 1997 ) Nicola Piovani / Stephen Warbeck ( 1998 ) John Corigliano ( 1999 ) 2000s Tan Dun ( 2000 ) Howard Shore ( 2001 ) Elliot Goldenthal ( 2002 ) Howard Shore ( 2003 ) Jan A.P. Kaczmarek ( 2004 ) Gustavo Santaolalla ( 2005 ) Gustavo Santaolalla ( 2006 ) Dario Marianelli ( 2007 ) A.R. Rahman ( 2008 ) Michael Giacchino ( 2009 ) 2010s Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross ( 2010 ) Ludovic Bource ( 2011 ) Mychael Danna ( 2012 ) Steven Price ( 2013 ) Alexandre Desplat ( 2014 ) Ennio Morricone ( 2015 ) Justin Hurwitz ( 2016 ) Alexandre Desplat ( 2017 ) AFI Life Achievement Award John Ford ( 1973 ) James Cagney ( 1974 ) Orson Welles ( 1975 ) William Wyler ( 1976 ) Bette Davis ( 1977 ) Henry Fonda ( 1978 ) Alfred Hitchcock ( 1979 ) James Stewart ( 1980 ) Fred Astaire ( 1981 ) Frank Capra ( 1982 ) John Huston ( 1983 ) Lillian Gish ( 1984 ) Gene Kelly ( 1985 ) Billy Wilder ( 1986 ) Barbara Stanwyck ( 1987 ) Jack Lemmon ( 1988 ) Gregory Peck ( 1989 ) David Lean ( 1990 ) Kirk Douglas ( 1991 ) Sidney Poitier ( 1992 ) Elizabeth Taylor ( 1993 ) Jack Nicholson ( 1994 ) Steven Spielberg ( 1995 ) Clint Eastwood ( 1996 ) Martin Scorsese ( 1997 ) Robert Wise ( 1998 ) Dustin Hoffman ( 1999 ) Harrison Ford ( 2000 ) Barbra Streisand ( 2001 ) Tom Hanks ( 2002 ) Robert De Niro ( 2003 ) Meryl Streep ( 2004 ) George Lucas ( 2005 ) Sean Connery ( 2006 ) Al Pacino ( 2007 ) Warren Beatty ( 2008 ) Michael Douglas ( 2009 ) Mike Nichols ( 2010 ) Morgan Freeman ( 2011 ) Shirley MacLaine ( 2012 ) Mel Brooks ( 2013 ) Jane Fonda ( 2014 ) Steve Martin ( 2015 ) John Williams ( 2016 ) Diane Keaton ( 2017 ) George Clooney ( 2018 ) BAFTA Award for Best Film Music John Barry ( 1968 ) Mikis Theodorakis ( 1969 ) Burt Bacharach ( 1970 ) Michel Legrand ( 1971 ) Nino Rota ( 1972 ) Alan Price ( 1973 ) Richard Rodney Bennett ( 1974 ) John Williams ( 1975 ) Bernard Herrmann ( 1976 ) John Addison ( 1977 ) John Williams ( 1978 ) Ennio Morricone ( 1979 ) John Williams ( 1980 ) Carl Davis ( 1981 ) John Williams ( 1982 ) Ryuichi Sakamoto ( 1983 ) Ennio Morricone ( 1984 ) Maurice Jarre ( 1985 ) Ennio Morricone ( 1986 ) Ennio Morricone ( 1987 ) John Williams ( 1988 ) Maurice Jarre ( 1989 ) Andrea and Ennio Morricone ( 1990 ) Jean - Claude Petit ( 1991 ) David Hirschfelder ( 1992 ) John Williams ( 1993 ) Don Was ( 1994 ) Luis Bacalov ( 1995 ) Gabriel Yared ( 1996 ) Nellee Hooper ( 1997 ) David Hirschfelder ( 1998 ) Thomas Newman ( 1999 ) Tan Dun ( 2000 ) Craig Armstrong and Marius de Vries ( 2001 ) Philip Glass ( 2002 ) T Bone Burnett and Gabriel Yared ( 2003 ) Gustavo Santaolalla ( 2004 ) John Williams ( 2005 ) Gustavo Santaolalla ( 2006 ) Christopher Gunning ( 2007 ) A.R. Rahman ( 2008 ) Michael Giacchino ( 2009 ) Alexandre Desplat ( 2010 ) Ludovic Bource ( 2011 ) Thomas Newman ( 2012 ) Steven Price ( 2013 ) Alexandre Desplat ( 2014 ) Ennio Morricone ( 2015 ) Justin Hurwitz ( 2016 ) Alexandre Desplat ( 2017 ) Critics ' Choice Movie Award for Best Score John Williams ( 1998 ) Gabriel Yared ( 1999 ) Lisa Gerrard and Hans Zimmer ( 2000 ) Howard Shore ( 2001 ) John Williams ( 2002 ) Howard Shore ( 2003 ) Howard Shore ( 2004 ) John Williams ( 2005 ) Philip Glass ( 2006 ) Jonny Greenwood ( 2007 ) A.R. Rahman ( 2008 ) Michael Giacchino ( 2009 ) Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross ( 2010 ) Ludovic Bource ( 2011 ) John Williams ( 2012 ) Steven Price ( 2013 ) Antonio Sánchez ( 2014 ) Ennio Morricone ( 2015 ) Justin Hurwitz ( 2016 ) Alexandre Desplat ( 2017 ) Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score 1940s Life with Father -- Max Steiner ( 1947 ) The Red Shoes -- Brian Easdale ( 1948 ) The Inspector General -- Johnny Green ( 1949 ) 1950s Sunset Boulevard -- Franz Waxman ( 1950 ) September Affair -- Victor Young ( 1951 ) High Noon -- Dimitri Tiomkin ( 1952 ) On the Beach -- Ernest Gold ( 1959 ) 1960s The Alamo -- Dimitri Tiomkin ( 1960 ) The Guns of Navarone -- Dimitri Tiomkin ( 1961 ) To Kill a Mockingbird -- Elmer Bernstein ( 1962 ) ( 1963 ) The Fall of the Roman Empire -- Dimitri Tiomkin ( 1964 ) Doctor Zhivago -- Maurice Jarre ( 1965 ) Hawaii -- Elmer Bernstein ( 1966 ) Camelot -- Frederick Loewe ( 1967 ) The Shoes of the Fisherman -- Alex North ( 1968 ) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid -- Burt Bacharach ( 1969 ) 1970s Love Story -- Francis Lai ( 1970 ) Shaft -- Isaac Hayes ( 1971 ) The Godfather -- Nino Rota ( 1972 ) Jonathan Livingston Seagull -- Neil Diamond ( 1973 ) The Little Prince -- Alan Jay Lerner , Frederick Loewe ( 1974 ) Jaws -- John Williams ( 1975 ) A Star is Born -- Kenneth Ascher , Paul Williams ( 1976 ) Star Wars -- John Williams ( 1977 ) Midnight Express -- Giorgio Moroder ( 1978 ) Apocalypse Now -- Carmine Coppola , Francis Ford Coppola ( 1979 ) 1980s The Stunt Man -- Dominic Frontiere ( 1980 ) ( 1981 ) E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial -- John Williams ( 1982 ) Flashdance -- Giorgio Moroder ( 1983 ) A Passage to India -- Maurice Jarre ( 1984 ) Out of Africa -- John Barry ( 1985 ) The Mission -- Ennio Morricone ( 1986 ) The Last Emperor -- David Byrne , Ryuichi Sakamoto , Cong Su ( 1987 ) Gorillas in the Mist -- Maurice Jarre ( 1988 ) The Little Mermaid -- Alan Menken ( 1989 ) 1990s The Sheltering Sky -- Richard Horowitz , Ryuichi Sakamoto ( 1990 ) Beauty and the Beast -- Alan Menken ( 1991 ) Aladdin -- Alan Menken ( 1992 ) Heaven & Earth -- Kitarō ( 1993 ) The Lion King -- Hans Zimmer ( 1994 ) A Walk in the Clouds -- Maurice Jarre ( 1995 ) The English Patient -- Gabriel Yared ( 1996 ) Titanic -- James Horner ( 1997 ) The Truman Show -- Burkhard Dallwitz , Philip Glass ( 1998 ) 1900 -- Ennio Morricone ( 1999 ) 2000s Gladiator -- Lisa Gerrard , Hans Zimmer ( 2000 ) Moulin Rouge ! -- Craig Armstrong ( 2001 ) Frida -- Elliot Goldenthal ( 2002 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King -- Howard Shore ( 2003 ) The Aviator -- Howard Shore ( 2004 ) Memoirs of a Geisha -- John Williams ( 2005 ) The Painted Veil -- Alexandre Desplat ( 2006 ) Atonement -- Dario Marianelli ( 2007 ) Slumdog Millionaire -- A.R. Rahman ( 2008 ) Up -- Michael Giacchino ( 2009 ) 2010s The Social Network -- Trent Reznor , Atticus Ross ( 2010 ) The Artist -- Ludovic Bource ( 2011 ) Life of Pi -- Mychael Danna ( 2012 ) All Is Lost -- Alex Ebert ( 2013 ) The Theory of Everything -- Jóhann Jóhannsson ( 2014 ) The Hateful Eight -- Ennio Morricone ( 2015 ) La La Land -- Justin Hurwitz ( 2016 ) The Shape of Water - Alexandre Desplat ( 2017 ) Kennedy Center Honorees ( 2000s ) 2000 Mikhail Baryshnikov Chuck Berry Plácido Domingo Clint Eastwood Angela Lansbury 2001 Julie Andrews Van Cliburn Quincy Jones Jack Nicholson Luciano Pavarotti 2002 James Earl Jones James Levine Chita Rivera Paul Simon Elizabeth Taylor 2003 James Brown Carol Burnett Loretta Lynn Mike Nichols Itzhak Perlman Warren Beatty Ossie Davis & Ruby Dee Elton John Joan Sutherland John Williams 2005 Tony Bennett Suzanne Farrell Julie Harris Robert Redford Tina Turner 2006 Zubin Mehta Dolly Parton Smokey Robinson Steven Spielberg Andrew Lloyd Webber 2007 Leon Fleisher Steve Martin Diana Ross Martin Scorsese Brian Wilson 2008 Morgan Freeman George Jones Barbra Streisand Twyla Tharp Pete Townshend & Roger Daltrey 2009 Mel Brooks Dave Brubeck Grace Bumbry Robert De Niro Bruce Springsteen Complete list 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s Saturn Award for Best Music Bernard Herrmann ( 1973 ) Miklós Rózsa ( 1974 / 75 ) David Raksin ( 1976 ) John Williams / John Williams ( 1977 ) John Williams ( 1978 ) Miklós Rózsa ( 1979 ) John Barry ( 1980 ) John Williams ( 1981 ) John Williams ( 1982 ) James Horner ( 1983 ) Jerry Goldsmith ( 1984 ) Bruce Broughton ( 1985 ) Alan Menken ( 1986 ) Alan Silvestri ( 1987 ) Christopher Young ( 1988 ) Alan Silvestri ( 1989 / 90 ) Loek Dikker ( 1991 ) Angelo Badalamenti ( 1992 ) Danny Elfman ( 1993 ) Howard Shore ( 1994 ) John Ottman ( 1995 ) Danny Elfman ( 1996 ) Danny Elfman ( 1997 ) John Carpenter ( 1998 ) Danny Elfman ( 1999 ) James Horner ( 2000 ) John Williams ( 2001 ) Danny Elfman ( 2002 ) Howard Shore ( 2003 ) Alan Silvestri ( 2004 ) John Williams ( 2005 ) John Ottman ( 2006 ) Alan Menken ( 2007 ) James Newton Howard and Hans Zimmer ( 2008 ) James Horner ( 2009 ) Hans Zimmer ( 2010 ) Michael Giacchino ( 2011 ) Danny Elfman ( 2012 ) Frank Ilfman ( 2013 ) Hans Zimmer ( 2014 ) John Williams ( 2015 ) Justin Hurwitz ( 2016 ) Note : The years are listed as per convention , usually the year of film release ; the ceremonies are usually held the next year . BNE : XX1190804 BNF : cb13901190f ( data ) GND : 129198536 ISNI : 0000 0001 2347 9198 LCCN : n80145169 MusicBrainz : 53b106e7 - 0cc6 - 42cc - ac95 - ed8d30a3a98e NDL : 00840807 NKC : ola2002158074 SELIBR : 207608 SUDOC : 088522598 VIAF : 102340285 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : John Williams 1932 births 20th - century American composers 20th - century American pianists 20th - century classical composers 20th - century classical pianists 20th - century conductors ( music ) 21st - century American composers 21st - century American pianists 21st - century classical composers 21st - century classical pianists 21st - century conductors ( music ) American classical composers American classical pianists American conductors ( music ) American film score composers American male classical composers American music arrangers American people of English descent American people of French - Canadian descent American people of Irish descent American people of Welsh descent Annie Award winners Best Original Music Score Academy Award winners Brit Award winners Edison Classical Music Awards Oeuvreprijs winners Grammy Award winners Guggenheim Fellows Honorary Members of the Royal Academy of Music Juilliard School alumni Kennedy Center honorees Living people Male film score composers People from Floral Park , New York People from Queens , New York Primetime Emmy Award winners Recipients of the Olympic Order Songwriters Hall of Fame inductees UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture alumni United States Air Force airmen United States National Medal of Arts recipients Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Webarchive template webcite links CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from March 2018 Articles with permanently dead external links CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list CS1 maint : Unrecognized language Use mdy dates from August 2011 Articles with hCards CS1 German - language sources ( de ) CS1 Spanish - language sources ( es ) Articles with Curlie links Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Azərbaycanca Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Български Boarisch Bosanski Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Galego 한국어 हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית ქართული Latina Latviešu Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Magyar Македонски Malagasy მარგალური Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Polski Português Română Русский Scots Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt Winaray 中文 52 more Edit links This page was last edited on 30 May 2018 , at 16 : 07 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who wrote the theme music for star wars | [
"John Towner Williams (born February 8, 1932) is an American composer, conductor, and pianist. With a career spanning over six decades, he has composed some of the most popular and recognizable film scores in cinematic history, including the Star Wars series, Jaws, Jaws 2, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Superman, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, the Indiana Jones series, the first two Home Alone films, the first two Jurassic Park films, Schindler's List, and the first three Harry Potter films.[1] Williams has been associated with director Steven Spielberg since 1974, composing music for all but three of his feature films.[2] Other notable works by Williams include theme music for the 1984 Summer Olympic Games, NBC Sunday Night Football, \"The Mission\" theme used by NBC News and Seven News in Australia, the television series Lost in Space and Land of the Giants, and the incidental music for the first season of Gilligan's Island.[3] Williams has also composed numerous classical concertos and other works for orchestral ensembles and solo instruments. From 1980 to 1993 he served as the Boston Pops's principal conductor, and is currently the orchestra's laureate conductor.[4]"
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"John Towner Williams"
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90761318710684932 | Woody Woodpecker (2017 film) | Woody Woodpecker ( 2017 film ) - wikipedia Woody Woodpecker ( 2017 film ) Jump to : navigation , search Woody Woodpecker U.S. DVD cover Directed by Alex Zamm Produced by Mike Elliott Written by William Robertson Alex Zamm Story by William Robertson Alex Zamm Daniel Altiere Steven Altiere Based on Woody Woodpecker by Walter Lantz Starring Eric Bauza Timothy Omundson Thaila Ayala Graham Verchere Jordana Largy Scott McNeil Emily Holmes Music by Chris Hajian Cinematography Barry Donlevy Edited by Heath Ryan Production company Universal Animation Studios Universal 1440 Entertainment Distributed by Universal Pictures Release date October 5 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 05 ) ( Brazil ) February 6 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 06 ) ( United States ) Running time 91 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $10 million Box office $14.4 million Woody Woodpecker is a 2017 American live - action / computer - animated family comedy film produced by Mike Elliott and directed by Alex Zamm , based on the cartoon character of the same name created by Walter Lantz and Ben Hardaway . The film stars the voice of Eric Bauza as Woody Woodpecker , and also stars Timothy Omundson as Lance Walters , a divorced attorney with a son and a new girlfriend who wants to build a dream home in a forest in the mountains of Washington , only to find out he is cutting down a tree in which the eponymous woodpecker lives . The film was first released in theaters in Brazil on October 5 , 2017 . It was released in the United States on DVD on February 6 , 2018 . While it was filmed in the English - language , it was designed for the Brazilian film market . The film received negative reviews from critics . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 4 Reception 4.1 Critical response 4.2 Box office 5 References 6 External links Plot ( edit ) In the Pine Grove forest in Washington state , Woody Woodpecker toys with two taxidermist poachers , brothers Nate and Ottis Grimes , and eventually cause them to tranquilize each other . In Seattle , Lance Walters , a real estate lawyer , gets fired after a video of him claiming wildlife conservation is unprofitable goes viral . He tells his girlfriend Vanessa that he intends to build an investment home on a large piece of property located near the Canadian border , left to him by his grandfather . Meanwhile , Lance 's ex-wife Linda leaves their son Tommy with him and Vanessa , since she needs to visit her hospitalized father in Philadelphia . At the Pine Grove forest , Lance , Tommy , and Vanessa meet park ranger Samantha Bartlett . As Lance and Vanessa unpack , Tommy goes into the forest for a walk . There , he discovers and befriends Woody after he gives him peanut butter crackers . Woody visits the family at lunchtime and eats almost all of the food . Lance tries to shoo Woody away , but he accidentally wrecks the table and hits Vanessa in the face with a brush . The next morning , construction on the investment home begins , prompting an agitated Woody to cause chaos at the site . Later , in a nearby town , Tommy befriends a young musician named Jill , who persuades him to join her band in the annual Firefly Festival . Tommy is then saved from two bullies by Woody . As days pass , Lance grows more agitated because of Woody 's constant interference with his project , and he goes to meet Samantha at the ranger station . She reveals that the woodpecker is an endangered species known as a red - crowned pileated woodpecker , which Native Americans saw as a god of mischief and chaos . Lance continues with his work , but Vanessa leaves him after Woody blows up their RV with her inside as a prank . Samantha eventually advises Lance to get along with Woody . Lance reluctantly attempts to surrender to Woody by giving him crackers , but Woody agrees to let him and the workers continue with their construction , as long as he is given crackers every day . Eventually , the investment home is completed despite excessive payment and extended scheduling . At the town 's Firefly Festival , Tommy and Jill 's drummer Lyle comes down with indigestion , prompting Woody to take over using a homemade drum kit . The performance is a hit , and Lance is surprised to hear that Woody gave Tommy some friendly support . Realizing that having humans around again is n't a bad idea , Woody heads back to the investment home and carves a mural above the fireplace . However , as he signs his name into the carving , he accidentally burns the house down after hitting exposed wiring . Ashamed of his mistake , he flies back to his tree . Infuriated by this , Lance hires Nate and Ottis to hunt Woody down . The brothers find him and tase him unconscious . As they leave , Tommy reprimands his father and runs away . He then forms a plan to rescue Woody and heads to Grimes ' shack with Jill and Lyle , as the brothers try to sell Woody at an online black market auction . Lance finds the mural that Woody had created . Having a change of heart , he enlists Samantha 's help and they set out to find both Tommy and Woody . However , everyone is captured by the brothers . As Nate grabs a tranquilizer , Lance tilts his cage towards Woody 's so he can free him . After beating the brothers , Woody chases them as they attempt to flee to Canada . He carves a hole in the middle of a bridge , and the brothers fall into the river below , where they are later arrested . Later , Lance apologizes to Woody for not knowing that the house fire was an accident , and therefore replaces Woody 's cut - down tree with a birdhouse . Woody accepts both the gift and the group to be called his new family , much to their generosity . That night , as Lance and Tommy fall asleep in a tent , Woody carves the words `` Home Sweet Home '' into the new birdhouse , only to accidentally make it topple onto the tent . Cast ( edit ) Eric Bauza as the voice of Woody Woodpecker , a mischievous rare pileated woodpecker . Timothy Omundson as Lance Walters , a Seattle lawyer , Tommy 's dad and Linda 's ex-husband . Thaila Ayala as Vanessa , Lance 's girlfriend . Graham Verchere as Tommy Walters , Lance 's son . He befriends Woody whenever he visits him . Jordana Largy as Samantha Bartlett , a park ranger at Pine Grove National Park . Scott McNeil as Nate Grimes , an evil poacher who plans to sell Woody on the black market . He serves as the main antagonist of the film . Adrian Glynn McMorran as Ottis Grimes , a dimwitted poacher who is Nate 's partner and younger brother . Chelsea Miller as Jill Ferguson , a musician who becomes Tommy 's friend . Emily Holmes as Linda Walters , Tommy 's mom and Lance 's ex-wife . Jakob Davies as Lyle , a drummer who becomes Tommy 's friend . Production ( edit ) In the early 2010s , Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment planned a Woody Woodpecker feature film . John Altschuler and Dave Krinsky ( King of the Hill ) were in talks to develop a story , but in July 2013 , Illumination canceled the project . In October 2013 , Bill Kopp announced that Universal Pictures had hired him to direct an animated feature film with three interwoven stories . On July 13 , 2016 , Cartoon Brew reported that Universal 1440 Entertainment was filming a live - action / CG hybrid film based on Woody Woodpecker in Canada . Filming began in June 2016 , and ended later in July of that year . In December 2016 , a teaser trailer for the film was leaked by Universal Pictures Brasil with the Brazilian Portuguese dub . A trailer for the original English version premiered in the US on December 13 , 2017 . Reception ( edit ) Critical response ( edit ) The film received an approval rating of 20 % on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes , based on five reviews . Common Sense Media rated the film a 1 out of 5 stars , stating `` Inanely cruel villains , an unoriginal story , ham - handed performances , and reliance on farts and burps are the low lights of this awkward effort to bring back a less - than - engaging cartoon bird . '' Box office ( edit ) As of February 22 , 2018 , Woody Woodpecker has grossed $13.4 million . It debuted at $1.5 million , finishing second at the Brazilian box office behind Blade Runner 2049 . The movie increased by + 45.4 % in its second weekend , moving to first place to $2.1 million . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Woody Woodpecker '' . The Numbers . Retrieved March 30 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : `` Universal is Making A Live - Action / CG Woody Woodpecker Feature -- For Brazilians '' . 2016 - 07 - 14 . Retrieved 2016 - 09 - 12 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ News , Nerd Alert ( 23 February 2017 ) . `` Actress Jordana Largy chats guest role on ' Supernatural ' '' . . Retrieved 27 August 2017 . Jump up ^ Kit , Borys ( November 16 , 2011 ) . `` Woody Woodpecker Movie in Development at Universal , Illumination ( Exclusive ) '' . . Retrieved September 13 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Debruge , Peter ( July 17 , 2013 ) . `` Illumination Chief Chris Meledandri Lines Up Originals for Universal '' . . Retrieved September 19 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Beck , Jerry ( October 12 , 2013 ) . `` Bill Kopp Signed for Universal 's `` Woody Woodpecker '' `` . . Retrieved September 13 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Primeiro vídeo de Pica - Pau mostra a brasileira Thaila Ayala '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 08 - 27 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ External links ( edit ) Woody Woodpecker on IMDb Woody Woodpecker by Walter Lantz Cartoons & TV series Woody Woodpecker filmography The Woody Woodpecker Show ( 1957 -- 1958 ) The New Woody Woodpecker Show ( 1999 -- 2002 ) Characters Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Pooch the Pup Andy Panda Woody Woodpecker Buzz Buzzard Chilly Willy Dapper Denver Dooley Sugarfoot Wally Walrus Gabby Gator Inspector Willoughby Mrs. Meany Maggie and Sam The Beary Family Video games Férias Frustradas do Pica - Pau ( 1996 ) Woody Woodpecker Racing ( 2000 ) Woody Woodpecker : Escape from Buzz Buzzard Park ( 2001 ) Universal Studios Theme Parks Adventure ( 2001 ) Woody Woodpecker in Crazy Castle 5 ( 2003 ) Other film / TV appearances Destination Moon ( 1950 ) Psycho III ( 1986 ) Who Framed Roger Rabbit ( 1988 ) From the Earth to the Moon ( 1998 ) Son of the Mask ( 2005 ) `` Homer Simpson , This Is Your Wife '' ( 2006 ) Related personnel Walter Lantz Productions Universal Cartoon Studios Kent Rogers Ben Hardaway Mel Blanc Grace Stafford Alex Lovy Shamus Culhane Dick Lundy Don Patterson Paul Smith List of Woody Woodpecker merchandise Woody Woodpecker ( 2017 ) Universal Animation Studios Direct - to - video feature films Universal Cartoon Studios The Land Before Time II : The Great Valley Adventure ( 1994 ) The Land Before Time III : The Time of the Great Giving ( 1995 ) The Land Before Time IV : Journey Through the Mists ( 1996 ) The Land Before Time V : The Mysterious Island ( 1997 ) Hercules and Xena -- The Battle for Mount Olympus ( 1998 ) The Land Before Time VI : The Secret of Saurus Rock ( 1998 ) Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein ( 1999 ) An American Tail : The Treasure of Manhattan Island ( 2000 ) An American Tail : The Mystery of the Night Monster ( 2000 ) Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet the Wolfman ( 2000 ) The Land Before Time VII : The Stone of Cold Fire ( 2000 ) The Land Before Time VIII : The Big Freeze ( 2001 ) Balto II : Wolf Quest ( 2002 ) The Land Before Time IX : Journey to Big Water ( 2002 ) Charlotte 's Web 2 : Wilbur 's Great Adventure ( 2003 ) The Land Before Time X : The Great Longneck Migration ( 2003 ) Van Helsing : The London Assignment ( 2004 ) The Land Before Time XI : Invasion of the Tinysauruses ( 2005 ) Balto III : Wings of Change ( 2005 ) The Adventures of Brer Rabbit ( 2006 ) Universal Animation Studios The Land Before Time XII : The Great Day of the Flyers ( 2007 ) The Land Before Time XIII : The Wisdom of Friends ( 2007 ) Curious George 2 : Follow That Monkey ! ( 2010 ) The Little Engine That Could ( 2011 ) Curious George 3 : Back to the Jungle ( 2015 ) The Land Before Time : Journey of the Brave ( 2016 ) Mariah Carey 's All I Want for Christmas Is You ( 2017 ) Theatrical Films Curious George ( 2006 ) The Tale of Despereaux ( 2008 ) Woody Woodpecker ( 2017 ) Short films Fractured Fairy Tales : The Phox , the Box , & the Lox ( 1999 ) TV series Back to the Future ( 1991 -- 92 ) Fievel 's American Tails ( 1992 ) Exosquad ( 1993 -- 94 ) Problem Child ( 1993 -- 94 ) Monster Force ( 1994 ) Beethoven ( 1994 -- 95 ) Earthworm Jim ( 1995 -- 96 ) The Savage Dragon ( 1995 -- 96 ) The Spooktacular New Adventures of Casper ( 1996 -- 98 ) Wing Commander Academy ( 1996 ) Vor - Tech : Undercover Conversion Squad ( 1996 ) The New Woody Woodpecker Show ( 1999 -- 2002 ) The Mummy ( 2001 -- 03 ) Curious George ( 2006 -- 15 ) The Land Before Time ( 2007 -- 08 ) TV specials Opus ' n ' Bill : A Wish for Wings That Work ( 1991 ) Curious George : A Very Monkey Christmas ( 2009 ) How Murray Saved Christmas ( 2014 ) See also Illumination Entertainment Walter Lantz Productions DreamWorks Animation DreamWorks Classics Entertainment Rights Big Idea Entertainment Harvey Films UPA Amblimation Films directed by Alex Zamm Chairman of the Board ( 1998 ) My Date with the President 's Daughter ( 1998 ) Inspector Gadget 2 ( 2003 ) Snow ( 2004 ) The Haunting Hour : Do n't Think About It ( 2007 ) Dr. Dolittle : Million Dollar Mutts ( 2009 ) Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 ( 2011 ) Tooth Fairy 2 ( 2012 ) The Little Rascals Save the Day ( 2014 ) A Royal Christmas ( 2014 ) Jingle All the Way 2 ( 2014 ) A Christmas Prince ( 2017 ) Woody Woodpecker ( 2017 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2017 films English - language films American films 2010s American animated films 2017 3D films 2017 computer - animated films Films shot in British Columbia Films featuring anthropomorphic characters American children 's animated comedy films Films with live action and animation Live - action films based on animated series Animated films about birds Woody Woodpecker IMAX films Universal Animation Studios animated films Universal Pictures animated films Universal Pictures films Films about birds American 3D films Talk Contents About Wikipedia Cebuano Español فارسی Português Edit links This page was last edited on 16 April 2018 , at 01 : 30 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who does the voice of woody woodpecker movie | [
"Woody Woodpecker is a 2017 American live-action/computer-animated family comedy film produced by Mike Elliott and directed by Alex Zamm, based on the cartoon character of the same name created by Walter Lantz and Ben Hardaway. The film stars the voice of Eric Bauza as Woody Woodpecker, and also stars Timothy Omundson as Lance Walters, a divorced attorney with a son and a new girlfriend who wants to build a dream home in a forest in the mountains of Washington, only to find out he is cutting down a tree in which the eponymous woodpecker lives. The film was first released in theaters in Brazil on October 5, 2017.[3] It was released in the United States on DVD on February 6, 2018.[4] While it was filmed in the English-language, it was designed for the Brazilian film market. The film received negative reviews from critics.[3]"
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"Eric Bauza"
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-5907685069830380266 | Haryana | Haryana - Wikipedia Haryana Jump to : navigation , search Haryana State Seal Location of Haryana in India Coordinates ( Chandigarh ) : 30 ° 44 ′ N 76 ° 47 ′ E / 30.73 ° N 76.78 ° E / 30.73 ; 76.78 Coordinates : 30 ° 44 ′ N 76 ° 47 ′ E / 30.73 ° N 76.78 ° E / 30.73 ; 76.78 Country India Statehood 1 November 1966 Capital Chandigarh Largest city Faridabad Districts 22 Government Governor Kaptan Singh Solanki Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar ( BJP ) Legislature Unicameral ( 90 seats ) Parliamentary constituency Rajya Sabha 5 Lok Sabha 10 High Court Punjab and Haryana High Court Area Total 44,212 km ( 17,070 sq mi ) Area rank 21st Population ( 2011 ) Total 25,353,081 Rank 18th Density 573 / km ( 1,480 / sq mi ) Density rank 11 Demonym ( s ) Haryanvi Languages Official Hindi Additional official Punjabi Spoken Haryanvi , Hindi and Punjabi Time zone IST ( UTC + 05 : 30 ) ISO 3166 code IN - HR Vehicle registration HR - xx HDI 0.644 ( medium ) HDI rank 17th ( 2011 ) Sex ratio 877 ♂ / ♀ Website ^ † Joint Capital with Punjab Common for Punjab , Haryana and Chandigarh . Symbols of Haryana Animal Black buck Bird Black francolin Flower Lotus Tree Peepal Haryana ( IPA : ( ɦərɪˈjaːɳaː ) ) , is one of the 29 states in India , situated in North India . It was carved out of the former state of East Punjab on 1 November 1966 on a linguistic basis . It stands 21st in terms of its area , which is spread about 44,212 km ( 17,070 sq mi ) . The city of Chandigarh is its capital while the National Capital Region city of Faridabad is the most populous city of the state and the city of Gurugram is financial hub of NCR with major Fortune 500 companies located in it . Haryana is one of the wealthiest states of India and has the third highest per capita income in the country at ₹ 119,158 ( US $1,900 ) in the year 2012 -- 13 and ₹ 132,089 ( US $2,100 ) in the year 2013 -- 14 , The state is one of the most economically developed regions in South Asia , and its agricultural and manufacturing industries have experienced sustained growth since the 1970s . Since 2000 , the state has emerged as the largest recipient of investment per capita in India . It is bordered by Punjab and Himachal Pradesh to the north , and by Rajasthan to the west and south . The river Yamuna defines its eastern border with Uttar Pradesh . Haryana surrounds the country 's capital Delhi on three sides , forming the northern , western and southern borders of Delhi . Consequently , a large area of south Haryana is included in the National Capital Region for purposes of planning and development . Contents ( hide ) 1 Etymology 2 History 2.1 Pre-history 2.2 Medieval 2.3 Formation 3 Geography 3.1 Rivers 3.2 Climate 3.3 Flora and fauna 4 Administrative divisions 4.1 Districts 5 Governance 5.1 Law and order 6 Economy 6.1 Manufacturing 7 Transport 7.1 Metro 7.2 Roads and Highways 7.3 Sky Way 8 Demographics 9 Education 10 Healthcare 11 Communication and media 12 Utilities 13 Sports 14 See also 15 Notes 16 References 17 External links Etymology ( edit ) The name Haryana is found in the works of the 12th - century AD Apabhramsha writer Vibudh Shridhar ( VS 1189 -- 1230 ) . The name Haryana has been derived from the Sanskrit words Hari ( the Hindu god Vishnu ) and ayana ( home ) , meaning `` the Abode of God '' . However , scholars such as Muni Lal , Murli Chand Sharma , HA Phadke and Sukhdev Singh Chib believe that the name comes from a compound of the words Hari ( Sanskrit Harit , `` green '' ) and Aranya ( forest ) . History ( edit ) Main article : History of Haryana Pre-history ( edit ) Main articles : Indus Valley Civilization and Vedic Civilization Manuscript illustration of the Battle of Kurukshetra The Vedic state of Brahmavarta is claimed to be located in south Haryana , where the initial Vedic scriptures were composed after the great floods some 10,000 years ago . Manusmriti , a flood time document composed by Manu and Bhrigu is now dated at 10,000 years old . Rakhigarhi village in Hisar district is home to the largest and one of the oldest ancient Indus Valley Civilization sites , dated at over 5,000 years old . Evidence of paved roads , a drainage system , a large - scale rainwater collection storage system , terracotta brick and statue production , and skilled metal working ( in both bronze and precious metals ) have been uncovered . According to archaeologists , Rakhigarhi may be the origin of Harappan civilisation , which arose in the Ghaggar basin in Haryana and gradually and slowly moved to the Indus valley . Medieval ( edit ) Ancient bronze and stone idols of Jain Tirthankara were found in archaeological expeditions in Badli , Bhiwani ( Ranila , Charkhi Dadri , Badhara village ) , Dadri , Gurgaon ( Ferozpur Jhirka ) , Hansi , Hisar ( Agroha ) , Kasan , Nahad , Narnaul , Pehowa , Rewari , Rohad , Rohtak ( Asthal - Abohar ) and Sonepat in Haryana . After the sack of Bhatner fort during the Timurid conquests of India in 1398 , Timur attacked and sacked the cities of Sirsa , Fatehabad , Sunam , Kaithal and Panipat . When he reached the town of Sarsuti , the residents , who were mostly non-Muslims , fled and were chased by a detachment of Timur 's troops , with thousands of them being killed and looted by the troops . From there he travelled to Fatehabad , whose residents fled and a large number of those remaining in the town were massacred . The Ahirs resisted him at Ahruni but were defeated , with thousands being killed and many being taken prisoners while the town was burnt to ashes . From there he travelled to Tohana , whose Jat inhabitants were stated to be robbers according to Sharaf ad - Din Ali Yazdi . They tried to resist but were defeated and fled . Timur 's army pursued and killed 200 Jats , while taking many more as prisoners . He then sent a detachment to chase the fleeing Jats and killed 2,000 of them while their wives and children were enslaved and their property plundered . From there he proceeded to Kaithal whose residents were massacred and plundered , destroying all villages along the way . On the next day , he came to Assandh whose residents were `` fire - worshippers '' according to Yazdi , and had fled to Delhi . Next he travelled to and subdued Tughlaqpur fort and Salwan before reaching Panipat whose residents had already fled . He then marched on to Loni fort . Portrait of Hem Chandra Vikramaditya The area that is now Haryana has been ruled by some of the major empires of India . Panipat is known for three seminal battles in the history of India . In the First Battle of Panipat ( 1526 ) , Babur defeated the Lodis . In the Second Battle of Panipat ( 1556 ) , Akbar defeated the local Haryanvi Hindu Emperor of Delhi , who belonged to Rewari . Hem Chandra Vikramaditya had earlier won 22 battles across India from Punjab to Bengal , defeating Mughals and Afghans . Hemu had defeated Akbar 's forces twice at Agra and the Battle of Delhi in 1556 to become the last Hindu Emperor of India with a formal coronation at Purana Quila in Delhi on 7th October 1556 . In the Third Battle of Panipat ( 1761 ) , the Afghan king Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated the Marathas . Formation ( edit ) Haryana state was formed on 1 November 1966 . The Indian government set up the Shah Commission under the chairmanship of Justice JC Shah on 23 April 1966 to divide the existing state of Punjab and determine the boundaries of the new state of Haryana after consideration of the languages spoken by the people . The commission delivered its report on 31 May 1966 whereby the then - districts of Hisar , Mahendragarh , Gurgaon , Rohtak and Karnal were to be a part of the new state of Haryana . Further , the tehsils of Jind and Narwana in the Sangrur district -- along with Naraingarh , Ambala and Jagadhri -- were to be included . The commission recommended that the tehsil of Kharad , which includes Chandigarh , the state capital of Punjab , should be a part of Haryana . However , only a small portion of Kharad was given to Haryana . The city of Chandigarh was made a union territory , serving as the capital of both Punjab and Haryana . Bhagwat Dayal Sharma became the first Chief Minister of Haryana . Geography ( edit ) Haryana is a landlocked state in northern India . It is between 27 ° 39 ' to 30 ° 35 ' N latitude and between 74 ° 28 ' and 77 ° 36 ' E longitude . The total geographical area of the state is 4.42 m ha , which is 1.4 % of the geographical area of the country . The altitude of Haryana varies between 700 and 3600 ft ( 200 metres to 1200 metres ) above sea level . As per India State of Forest Report , FSI , 2013 , the Forest Cover in the state is 1586 km which is 3.59 % of the state 's geographical area and the Tree Cover in the state is 1282 km which is 2.90 % of the geographical area . Thus the Forest and Tree Cover of the Haryana state is 6.49 % of its geographical area . Haryana has four main geographical features . The Yamuna - Ghaggar plain forming the largest part of the state The Shivalik Hills to the northeast Semi-desert sandy plain to the southwest The Aravali Range in the south Rivers ( edit ) Yamuna River near the Haryana Border The Yamuna flows along the state 's eastern boundary while the ancient Sarasvati River is said to have flowed from Yamuna Nagar , but has now disappeared . Haryana 's main seasonal river , the Ghaggar rises in the outer Himalayas , between the Yamuna and the Satluj and enters the state near Pinjore in the Panchkula district . Passing through Ambala and Sirsa , it reaches Bikaner in Rajasthan and runs for 460 km ( 290 mi ) before disappearing into the deserts of Rajasthan . Important tributaries include the Chautang and Tangri . The seasonal Markanda River is a stream , which in ancient times was known as the Aruna . It originates from the lower Shivalik Hills and enters Haryana west of Ambala . During monsoons , this stream swells into a raging torrent notorious for its devastating power . The surplus water is carried on to the Sanisa Lake where the Markanda joins the Saraswati and later the Ghaggar . Three other rivulets in and around the Mewat hills , the Indori , Dohan and Kasavati all flow from East to West and once were tributaries of the Drishadwati / Saraswati rivers . Climate ( edit ) Haryana is extremely hot in summer at around 45 ° C ( 113 ° F ) and mild in winter . The hottest months are May and June and the coldest December and January . The climate is arid to semi-arid with average rainfall of 354.5 mm . Around 29 % of rainfall is received during the months from July to September , and the remaining rainfall is received during the period from December to February . Flora and fauna ( edit ) State symbols of Haryana Formation day 1 November ( Day of separation from Punjab ) State mammal Black buck State bird Black francolin State tree Peepal State flower Lotus Thorny , dry , deciduous forest and thorny shrubs can be found all over the state . During the monsoon , a carpet of grass covers the hills . Mulberry , eucalyptus , pine , kikar , shisham and babul are some of the trees found here . The species of fauna found in the state of Haryana include black buck , nilgai , panther , fox , mongoose , jackal and wild dog . More than 450 species of birds are found here . Protected wildlife areas See also : List of National Parks & Wildlife Sanctuaries of Haryana , India Haryana has two national parks , eight wildlife sanctuaries , two wildlife conservation areas , four animal and bird breeding centers , one deer park and three zoos , all of which are managed by the Haryana Forest Department of the Government of Haryana . Administrative divisions ( edit ) Ten Lok Sabha constituencies in Haryana See also : List of cities in Haryana by population The state is divided into six divisions for administrative purposes : Ambala , Rohtak , Gurugram , Hisar , Karnal , Faridabad Within these there are 22 districts , 72 sub-divisions , 93 tehsils , 50 sub-tehsils and 140 blocks . Haryana has a total of 154 cities and towns and 6,841 villages , villages panchayats 6212 . Districts ( edit ) Main article : List of districts of Haryana Divisions Districts Ambala Ambala , Kurukshetra , Panchkula , Yamuna Nagar Faridabad Faridabad , Palwal , Nuh Gurugram Gurugram , Mahendragarh , Rewari , Hisar Fatehabad , Jind , Hisar , Sirsa , Rohtak Jhajjar , Charkhi Dadri , Rohtak , Sonipat , bhiwani Karnal Karnal , Panipat , Kaithal Governance ( edit ) On 28 December 2015 , the Panchkula district of Haryana was awarded for being the top - performing district in the state under the Digital India campaign . The Common Service Centres ( CSCs ) have been upgraded in all districts and the number of e-services has now reached 105 , which includes application of new water connection , sewer connection , electricity bill collection , ration card member registration , result of HBSE , admit cards for board examinations , online admission form for government colleges , long route booking of buses , admission forms for Kurukshetra University and HUDA plots status inquiry . Haryana has become the first state to implement Aadhaar - enabled birth registration in all the districts . Law and order ( edit ) Haryana Police force is the law enforcement agency of Haryana . It has a cybercrime investigation cell , in Gurgaon 's Sector 51 . High level of initiative is being taken by the government to ensure absolute safety . The judicial authority is the Punjab and Haryana High Court . It has an e-filing facility . Economy ( edit ) Main article : Economy of Haryana The economy of Haryana relies on manufacturing , business process outsourcing , agriculture and retail . Manufacturing ( edit ) The headquarters of DLF Limited , India 's largest real estate company , in Gurgaon , Haryana . Faridabad is one of the biggest industrial city of Haryana as well as North India . Panipat has heavy industry , including a refinery operated by the Indian Oil Corporation , a urea manufacturing plant operated by National Fertilizers Limited and a National Thermal Power Corporation power plant . It is known for its woven modhas or round stools . Hissar is another developing city and the hometown of Navin Jindal and Subhash Chandra of Zee TV fame . Savitri Jindal , Navin Jindal 's mother , has been listed by Forbes as the third richest woman in world . Transport ( edit ) Admin map of Haryana with RTO codes Metro ( edit ) Delhi Metro connects the national capital Delhi with parts of Haryana state within NCR , including Bahadurgarh , Faridabad and with Rapid MetroRail Gurgaon . Faridabad has the longest metro network in the NCR Region consisting of 9 stations and track length being 14 km . Roads and highways ( edit ) Haryana has a total road length of 23,684 kilometres ( 14,717 mi ) . There are 29 national highways with a total length of 1,461 kilometres ( 908 mi ) and many state highways , which have a total length of 2,494 kilometres ( 1,550 mi ) . The most remote parts of the state are linked with metaled roads . Its modern bus fleet of 3,864 buses covers a distance of 1.15 million km per day , and it was the first state in the country to introduce luxury video coaches . The Grand Trunk Road , commonly abbreviated to GT Road , is one of South Asia 's oldest and longest major roads . It passes through the districts of Sonipat , Panipat , Karnal , Kurukshetra and Ambala in north Haryana where it enters Delhi and subsequently the industrial town of Faridabad on its way . The state government proposes to construct Express highways and freeways for speedier vehicular traffic . The 135.6 kilometres ( 84.3 mi ) Kundli - Manesar - Palwal Expressway ( KMP ) will provide a high - speed link to northern Haryana with its southern districts such as Sonepat , Gurgaon , Jhajjar and Faridabad . The work on the project has already started and was scheduled to be completed by July 2013 . The Delhi - Agra Expressway ( NH - 2 ) that passes through Faridabad is being widened to six lanes from current four lanes . It will further boost Faridabad 's connectivity with Delhi . Sky way ( edit ) The Haryana and Delhi governments have constructed the 4.5 - kilometre ( 2.8 mi ) international standard Delhi Faridabad Skyway , the first of its kind in North India , to connect Delhi and Faridabad . Demographics ( edit ) See also : List of people from Haryana Religion in Haryana ( 2011 ) Hinduism ( 87.46 % ) Islam ( 7.03 % ) Sikhism ( 4.91 % ) Jainism ( 0.21 % ) Christianity ( 0.20 % ) Buddhism ( 0.03 % ) Others ( 0.18 % ) Languages of Haryana ( 2001 ) Hindi ( 87.31 % ) Punjabi ( 10.57 % ) Urdu ( 1.23 % ) Others ( 0.89 % ) According to the 2011 census , Hindus ( 87.46 % ) constitute the majority of the state 's population with Sikhs ( 4.91 % ) , Muslims ( 7.03 % ) ( mainly Meos ) being the largest minorities . Muslims are mainly found in the Mewat and Yamuna Nagar districts , while Sikhs live mostly in the districts adjoining Punjab - Hisar , Sirsa , Jind , Fatehabad , Kaithal , Kurukshetra , Ambala , Narnaul and Panchkula karnal . Haryana has the second largest Sikh population in India after the state of Punjab . In May 2014 , the Haryana Government published the Haryana Anand Marriages Registration Rules , 2014 , allowing Sikhs to register their marriages under these rules . Agriculture and related industries have been the backbone of the local economy . Since 2001 , the state has witnessed a massive influx of immigrants from across the nation , primarily from Bihar , Bengal , Uttrakhand , Rajasthan , Uttar Pradesh and from the country , Nepal . Scheduled Castes form 19.3 % of the population . Hindi is the sole official language of Haryana and is spoken by the majority of the population ( 87.31 % ) . Punjabi is given the status of additional official language . Haryana comprises second largest Punjabi speaking population in India . Education ( edit ) See also : List of institutions of higher education in Haryana Pt . B.D. Sharma PGIMS Rohtak Literacy rate in Haryana has seen an upward trend and is 76.64 percent as per 2011 population census . Male literacy stands at 85.38 percent , while female literacy is at 66.67 percent . In 2001 , the literacy rate in Haryana stood at 67.91 percent of which male and female were 78.49 percent and 55.73 percent literate respectively . As of 2013 , Gurgaon city had the highest literacy rate in Haryana at 86.30 % followed by Panchkula at 81.9 per cent and Ambala at 81.7 percent . In terms of districts , as of 2012 Rewari had the highest literacy rate in Haryana at 74 % , higher than the national average of 59.5 % : male literacy was 79 % , and female 67 % . Hisar has three universities : Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University - Asia 's largest agricultural university , Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology , Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences ) ; several national agricultural and veterinary research centres ( National Research Centre on Equines ) , Central Sheep Breeding Farm , National Institute on Pig Breeding and Research , Northern Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute and Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes ( CIRB ) ; and more than 20 colleges including Maharaja Agrasen Medical College , Agroha . In 2001 -- 02 , there were 11,013 primary schools , 1,918 middle schools , 3,023 high schools and 1,301 senior secondary schools in the state . Haryana Board of School Education , established in September 1969 and shifted to Bhiwani in 1981 , conducts public examinations at middle , matriculation , and senior secondary levels twice a year . Over seven lac candidates attend annual examinations in February and March ; 150,000 attend supplementary examinations each November . The Board also conducts examinations for Haryana Open School at senior and senior secondary levels twice a year . The Haryana government provides free education to women up to the bachelor 's degree level . Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad announced on 27 February 2016 that National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology ( NIELIT ) would be set up in Kurukshetra to provide computer training to youth and a Software Technology Park of India ( STPI ) would be set up in Panchkula 's existing HSIIDC IT Park in Sector 23 . Hindi and English are compulsory languages in schools whereas Punjabi , Sanskrit and Urdu are chosen as optional languages . Healthcare ( edit ) The Total Fertility Rate of Haryana is 2.3 . The Infant Mortality Rate is 41 ( SRS 2013 ) and Maternal Mortality Ratio is 146 ( SRS 2010 -- 2012 ) . Haryana Civil Medical Services ( HCMS ) National Rural Health Mission ( NRHM ) Communication and media ( edit ) Haryana has a statewide network of telecommunication facilities . Haryana Government has its own statewide area network by which all government offices of 22 districts and 126 blocks across the state are connected with each other thus making it the first SWAN of the country . Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited and most of the leading private sector players ( such as Reliance Infocom , Tata Teleservices , Bharti Telecom , Idea Vodafone Essar , Aircel , Uninor and Videocon ) have operations in the state . Important areas around Delhi are an integral part of the local Delhi Mobile Telecommunication System . This network system would easily cover major towns like Faridabad and Gurgaon . Electronic media channels include , MTV , 9XM , Star Group , SET Max , News Time , NDTV 24x7 and Zee Group . The radio stations include All India Radio and other FM stations . The major newspapers of Haryana include Dainik Bhaskar , Punjab Kesari , Jag Bani , Dainik Jagran , The Tribune , Amar Ujala , Hindustan Times , Dainik Tribune , The Times of India and Hari - Bhumi . Utilities ( edit ) Haryana State has always given high priority to the expansion of electricity infrastructure , as it is one of the most important inputs for the development of the state . Haryana was the first state in the country to achieve 100 % rural electrification in 1970 as well as the first in the country to link all villages with all - weather roads and provide safe drinking water facilities throughout the state . Power in the state are : Coal - fired power stations Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram Thermal Power Station at Yamuna Nagar Faridabad Thermal Power Station Indira Gandhi Super Thermal Power Project in Jhajjar district Jhajjar Power Station Panipat Thermal Power Station I Panipat Thermal Power Station II Rajiv Gandhi Thermal Power Station at Hisar Nuclear - powered power stations Gorakhpur Nuclear Power Plant in Fatehabad district Solar - powered power Stations Faridabad Solar Power Station : The Haryana Power Generation Corporation Ltd ( HPGCL ) is setting up a solar power plant at the site of a defunct thermal power plant in Faridabad . The power generator plans to set up the plant over 151.78 acres near Bata Chowk in the district that generated coal - based energy in the past . Sports ( edit ) Vijender Singh Beniwal , middleweight boxer from Bhiwani , Haryana Former volleyball player Balwant Sagwal In the 2010 Commonwealth Games at Delhi , 22 out of 38 gold medals that India won came from Haryana . During the 33rd National Games held in Assam in 2007 , Haryana stood first in the nation with a medal tally of 80 , including 30 gold , 22 silver and 28 bronze medals . The 1983 World - Cup - winning captain Kapil Dev is from Haryana . Nahar Singh Stadium was built in Faridabad in the year 1981 for international cricket . This ground has the capacity to hold around 25,000 people as spectators . Tejli Sports Complex is an Ultra-Modern sports complex in Yamuna Nagar . Tau Devi Lal Stadium in Gurgaon is a multi-sport complex . Chief Minister of Haryana Manohar Lal Khattar announced the `` Haryana Sports and Physical Fitness Policy '' , a policy to support 26 Olympic sports , on 12 January 2015 with the words `` We will develop Haryana as the sports hub of the country . '' Haryana is home to Haryana Gold , one of India 's eight professional basketball teams which compete in the country 's UBA Pro Basketball League . See also ( edit ) Book : India List of Monuments of National Importance in Haryana List of State Protected Monuments in Haryana Outline of Haryana Politics of Haryana Tourism in Haryana Haryana portal Geography portal Asia portal South Asia portal India portal Notes ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Haryana at a Glance '' . Government of Haryana . Retrieved 1 March 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Report of the Commissioner for linguistic minorities : 50th report ( July 2012 to June 2013 ) '' ( PDF ) . Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities , Ministry of Minority Affairs , Government of India . 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Cohen , Journal of the American Oriental Society , 1989 , pp. 513 -- 519 हरियाणए देसे असंखगाम , गामियण जणि अणवरथ काम परचक्क विहट्टणु सिरिसंघट्टणु , जो सुरव इणा परिगणियं रिउ रुहिरावट्टणु बिउलु पवट्टणु , ढिल्ली नामेण जि भणियं Translation : there are countless villages in Haryana country . The villagers there work hard . They do n't accept domination of others , and are experts in making the blood of their enemies flow . Indra himself praises this country . The capital of this country is Dhilli . Jump up ^ Haryana Britannica Online Encyclopedia Jump up ^ Bijender K Punia ( 1993 ) . Tourism management : problems and prospects . APH . p. 18 . ISBN 978 - 81 - 7024 - 643 - 5 . Jump up ^ `` The Tribune , Chandigarh , India - Haryana Plus '' . . Retrieved 4 August 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Underworld Review - Graham Hancock Official Website '' . Retrieved 13 August 2016 . 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Jump up ^ Siwach , Sukhbir ( 7 December 2014 ) , `` Haryana to meet Rajasthan over stopping of river waters '' , Times of India Jump up ^ Sudhir Bhargava , `` Location of Brahmavarta and Drishadwati River is important to find earliest alignment of Saraswati River '' , International Conference , 20 -- 22 Nov. 2009 , `` Saraswati - a perspective '' pages 114 -- 117 , Kurukshetra University , Kurukshetra , Organised by : Saraswati Nadi Shodh Sansthan , Haryana . ^ Jump up to : `` State animals , birds , trees and flowers '' ( PDF ) . Wildlife Institute of India . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 15 June 2007 . Retrieved 5 March 2012 . Jump up ^ Flora and Fauna Jump up ^ Conservation of Wildlife Jump up ^ Fauna of Haryana , archived from the original on 2 December 2015 Jump up ^ Parks , Reserves and Other Protected Areas in Haryana Jump up ^ `` Protected Area '' . . Retrieved 4 August 2016 . 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Retrieved 15 May 2013 . Jump up ^ `` About HAU '' . Haryana Agricultural University . Retrieved 27 May 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Vision 2030 '' ( PDF ) . National Research Centre on Equines . Retrieved 7 June 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Central sheep breeding farm '' . Department of Animal Husbandry , Dairying & Fisheries , GoI . Archived from the original on 22 November 2012 . Retrieved 27 May 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Climate of Hisar '' . PPU . Archived from the original on 5 May 2012 . Retrieved 27 May 2012 . Jump up ^ `` About us '' . Northern Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute . Retrieved 27 May 2012 . Jump up ^ `` About CIRB '' . Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes . Retrieved 27 May 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Official website '' . Maharaja Agrasen Medical College . Retrieved 27 May 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Education in Haryana - Universities - Colleges - Schools - Institutions - Engineering - Medical '' . . Archived from the original on 1 February 2016 . Jump up ^ History , Haryana Board of School Education Jump up ^ `` Under the Digital India initiative : Software Technology Park of India '' , The Indian Express , 28 February 2016 Jump up ^ ( National Committee for Linguistic Minorities ) Jump up ^ State Wise Information , National Rural Health Mission Jump up ^ Health Department of Haryana Jump up ^ Archived 30 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Archived 1 January 2008 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` The Tribune India '' . The Tribune . Retrieved 2008 - 02 - 06 . Jump up ^ General Information Jump up ^ `` Haryana aims to install solar plants to replace old thermal plants '' , The Economic Times , 15 March 2016 Jump up ^ Archived 26 November 2010 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Official site for the 33rd National Games 2007 , Guwahati Jump up ^ `` Nahar Singh Stadium - India - Cricket Grounds - ESPN Cricinfo '' . Cricinfo . Jump up ^ `` Tau Devi Lal Cricket Stadium - India - Cricket Grounds - ESPN Cricinfo '' . Cricinfo . Jump up ^ News Details , Office of Chief Minister of Haryana Jump up ^ GoH 2015 , p. 27 . References ( edit ) GoH ( 12 January 2015 ) , Haryana Sports and Physical Fitness Policy ( PDF ) , Government of Haryana Atul Kumar Sinha ; Abhay Kumar Singh , eds. ( 2007 ) , Udayana New Horizons in History , Classics and Inter-Cultural studies , Anamika Publishers , ISBN 81 - 7975 - 168 - 6 NIDM , National Disaster Risk Reduction Portal - Haryana ( PDF ) , National Institute of Disaster Management ( MHA , GOI ) Sharma , Suresh K ( 2006 ) . Haryana : Past and Present . New Delhi : Mittal Publications . p. 763 . ISBN 81 - 8324 - 046 - 1 . Retrieved July 11 , 2012 . Khanna , C.L. ( 2008 ) . Haryana General Knowledge . Agra : Upkar Prakashan . p. 75 . ISBN 81 - 7482 - 383 - 2 . Retrieved July 11 , 2012 . Yadav , Ram B. ( 2008 ) . Folk Tales & Legends of Haryana . Gurgaon : Pinnacle Technology . p. 305 . ISBN 81 - 7871 - 162 - 1 . Retrieved July 11 , 2012 . 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Atlas of the birds of Delhi and Haryana . Rupa & Co. p. 352 . ISBN 81 - 291 - 0954 - 9 . Retrieved July 11 , 2012 . External links ( edit ) Find more aboutHaryanaat Wikipedia 's sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Commons News from Wikinews Travel guide from Wikivoyage Government The Official Site of the Government of Haryana Official Tourism Site of Haryana , India General information Haryana Encyclopædia Britannica entry Haryana at DMOZ Geographic data related to Haryana at OpenStreetMap ( hide ) Articles related to Haryana State of Haryana Capital : Chandigarh Topics Outline History Geography Politics Government Economy Sports Divisions Ambala division Gurugram division Hisar division Rohtak division Districts Ambala Bhiwani Faridabad Fatehabad Gurgaon Hisar Jhajjar Jind Kaithal Karnal Kurukshetra Mahendragarh Nuh Panchkula Palwal Panipat Rewari Rohtak Sirsa Sonipat Yamuna Nagar Major cities Faridabad Gurugram Panipat Yamunanagar Rohtak Hisar Karnal Sonipat Panchkula Bhiwani Sirsa Bahadurgarh Jind Kurukshetra Kaithal Rewari Palwal Culture Dance Music Swang Haryanvi Films Haryanvi language Loarki language Mewati language Economy Power stations and power organisations Places of interest Indus Valley Civilization Balu , Haryana Banawali Bhirrana Farmana Jognakhera Kunal Lohari Ragho Mitathal Rakhigarhi Siswal Sothi Archaeological Agroha Mound Chaneti Stupa Forts Asigarh Fort ( Hansi ) Badhshapur Fort Buria Fort Chhachhrauli Fort Dhosi Hill Fort Fatehabad Fort Farrukhnagar Fort Hisar - e-Firoza Fort Kotla Indor Fort Jind Fort Kaithal Fort Gajpat Singh Fort at Karnal Loharu Fort Madhogarh Fort Mahendragarh Fort Meham Fort Nahar Singh Fort at Ballabhgargh Pinjore Fort Raipur Rani Fort Fort of King Saras of Sirsa Tosham Hill Fort Hills Dhosi Hill near Narnaul Kotla Hill in Mewat Indor Hill in Mewat Madhogarh Hill near Mahendragarh Mahendragarh Hill Morni Hills in Yamuna Nagar Tosham Hill in Bhiwani Caves Chyvan Rishi Cave at Dhosi Hill Tosham Hill Caverns Nar Narayan Cave in Yamuna Nagar Historical Bhima Devi Temple Complex at Pinjore Dhosi Hill Farrukhnagar Mughal Bridge at Kernal Harsh ka Tilla at Kurukshetra Nahar Singh Mahal Narnaul Pataudi Palace Pinjore Gardens Sthaneshwar Mahadev Temple Surajkund Tomb of Saikh Taiyab at Kaithal Tosham rock inscription State Protected Monuments Monuments of National Importance Wildlife Sanctuary Abubshahar Wildlife Sanctuary Bhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary Bir Shikargah Wildlife Sanctuary Chhilchhila Wildlife Sanctuary Kalesar National Park Khaparwas Wildlife Sanctuary Khol Hi - Raitan Wildlife Sanctuary Morni Nahar Wildlife Sanctuary Saraswati Wildlife Sanctuary Sohna Sultanpur Lake Bird Sanctuary Endangered Wildlife Breeding Chinkara Breeding Centre Kairu , Bhiwani Crocodile Breeding Centre , Kurukshetra Vulture Conservation and Breeding Centre , Pinjore Pheasant Breeding Centre Morni Pheasant Breeding Centre , Berwala Peacock & Chinkara Breading Centre , Jhabua in Rewari district Deer Park , Hisar Zoos in Haryana Bhiwani Zoo Hisar Deer Park Rohtak Zoo Pipli Zoo Herbal Parks Shatavar Vatika Herbal Park , Hisar Ch . Surender Singh Memorial Herbal Park , Tosham Ch . Surender Singh Memorial Herbal Park , Kairu Ch . Devi Lal Herbal Nature Park Lakes Badkhal Lake Blue Bird Lake at Hisar Damdama Lake Karna Lake Tilyar Lake at Rohtak Dams Anagpur Dam Hathnikund Barrage Ottu barrage Tajewala Barrage Rivers Chautang Ghaggar - Hakra Markanda River Najafgarh Sahibi River Sarasvati River Yamuna Religious Adi Badri ( Haryana ) Sarsvati udgam sthal Agroha Dham Baba Thakur Banbhori Devi Brahma Sarovar Bhuteshwar Temple Jayanti Devi Temple Jyotisar Kartikeya Temple Markandeshwar Mata Mansa Devi Mandir Nada Sahib Naugaja Peer Pindara Temple Sannihit Sarovar Sita Mai Temple Sthaneshwar Mahadev Temple Sheetla Mata Mandir Gurgaon St. Thomas ' Church at Hisar Offices High Court Legislative Assembly Raj Bhavan Public places Courtyard by Marriott Kingdom of Dreams Mall of India The Oberoi Extreme Corners of Haryana Eastern-most point : Kalesar village Yamuna riverbank in Yamuna Nagar District Western-most point : Chautala - Sangari border road crossing in Sirsa district Southern-most point : Kol Gaon hill in Ferozepur Jhirka tehsil of Gurgaon district Northern-most point : Khokhra village riverbank north of Chandigarh - Baddi river bridge in Panchkula district Highest - lowest of Haryana Highest point : Karoh Peak in Shivalik Hills of Panchkula district Lowest natural Surface elevation point : Deepest Underground Cave : Coldest avg temp : Karoh Peak in Shivalik Hills of Panchkula district Hottest avg temp : Hisar Wettest avg rainfall : Morni hills in Shivalik Hills of Panchkula district Driest avg rainfall : Bhiwani Oldest of Haryana Oldest archaeological site : Rakhigarhi 4700 BC or 6700 years old Indus Valley Civilization in Hisar district Oldest archaeological mine site : Kaliyana hill Indus Valley Civilization stone mine ( 3000 BC or 5000 years old ) west of Charkhi Dadri Government and Politics Elections 1991 1998 1999 2009 2014 Chief Ministers Banarsi Das Gupta Rao Birender Singh Bansi Lal Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Bhajan Lal Devi Lal Om Prakash Chautala Hukam Singh Bhupinder Singh Hooda Manohar Lal Khattar Governors Dharma Vira Birendra Narayan Chakraborty Ranjit Singh Narula Jaisukh Lal Hathi Harcharan Singh Brar Surjit Singh Sandhawalia Ganpatrao Devji Tapase Saiyid Muzaffar Husain Burney Hari Anand Barari Dhanik Lal Mandal Mahaveer Prasad Babu Parmanand Om Prakash Verma Akhlaqur Rahman Kidwai Jagannath Pahadia Kaptan Singh Solanki State agencies Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Debt Conciliation Board Doordarshan Haryana Foreign Investment and NRI Cell Forests Department , Haryana Department of Economic and Statistical Analysis , Haryana Department of Environment , Haryana Department of Excise & Taxation , Haryana Department of Finance , Haryana Department of Industries & Commerce , Haryana Department of Industrial Training & Vocational Education , Haryana Department of Institutional Finance & Credit Control , Haryana Department of Labour & Employment , Haryana Department of Land records & Consolidation , Haryana Department of Revenue and Disaster Management , Haryana Department of Rehabilitation , Haryana Department of Higher Education , Haryana Department of School Education , Haryana Department of Elementary Education , Haryana Haryana Board of School Education Haryana Civil Medical Services Haryana Environment Protection Council Haryana Land Record Information System Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited Haryana Police Haryana Roadways Haryana Seeds Development Corporation Haryana State Directorate of Archaeology & Museums Haryana State Legal Services Authority , Haryana Haryana Tourism Corporation Limited Haryana Urban Development Authority Haryana Waqf Board State Counselling Board , Haryana Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Sports Venues Chaudhary Bansi Lal Cricket Stadium Nahar Singh Stadium Tau Devi Lal Stadium Sector 16 Stadium Mahabir Stadium Associations Haryana Archery Association Haryana Cricket Association Teams Haryana cricket team Haryana football team Bhiwani Boxing Club Portal : Haryana Category : Haryana Wikiproject : Haryana States and union territories of India States Arunachal Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal Union Territories Andaman and Nicobar Islands Chandigarh Dadra and Nagar Haveli National Capital Territory of Delhi Daman and Diu Lakshadweep Puducherry Capitals in India Proposed states and territories Historical Regions British Provinces Hydrography of Haryana North Haryana Rivers Ghaggar - Hakra ( vedic Sarasvati river ) Chautang ( vedic Drishadvati river ) Yamuna ( tributary of Ganges ) Markanda River Sarsuti Dangri Tangri river Kaushalya river Somb river South Haryana Rivers Yamuna ( tributary of Ganges ) Sahibi River ( called Najafgarh drain in Delhi ) Krishnavati river Dohan river Indori river Canals Western Yamuna Canal Sutlej Yamuna link canal ( from Sutlej river tributary of Indus ) Indira Gandhi Canal Seasonal Waterfalls Tikkar Taal twin lakes at Morni hiills ( Sivalik Hills in Yamunanagar district ) Dhosi Hill seasonal waterfall ( Aravalli Range in Mahendragarh district ) Pali village seasonal waterfall ( Aravalli Range on outskirts of Faridabad ) Hot Water Springs Sohna Sulphur Hot Spring ( Sohna in Gurgaon district ) Lakes Badkhal Lake ( Faridabad ) Brahma Sarovar ( Kurukshetra ) Blue Bird Lake ( Hissar ) Damdama Lake ( Sohna , Gurgaon district ) Hathni Kund ( Yamunanagar district ) Karna Lake ( Karnal ) Sannihit Sarovar ( Kurukshetra ) Surajkund ( Faridabad ) Tilyar Lake ( Rohtak ) Dams , Barrages Kaushalya Dam ( Panchkula district ) Hathnikund Barrage ( Yamunanagar district ) Tajewala Barrage ( Yamunanagar district ) Pathrala barrage ( Yamunanagar district ) Anagpur Dam ( Surajkund , Faridabad district ) Ottu barrage ( Sirsa district ) Bridges Karnal Mughal Bridge Hydrography of surrounding areas Himachal Pradesh Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan Punjab Power stations and organizations of Haryana Power stations Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram Thermal Power Station Faridabad Thermal Power Plant Faridabad Thermal Power Station Indira Gandhi Super Thermal Power Project Mahatma Gandhi Super Thermal Power Project Panipat Thermal Power Station I Panipat Thermal Power Station II Rajiv Gandhi Thermal Power Station Organizations Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited National Thermal Power Corporation Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam PowerGrid Corporation of India Power System Operation Corporation Limited Related topics Electricity sector in India States of India by installed power capacity Indian states ranking by households having electricity VIAF : 246175085 GND : 4239291 - 3 BNF : cb11960267x ( data ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Haryana North India States and territories of India States and territories established in 1966 1966 establishments in India Punjabi - speaking countries and territories Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Use dmy dates from July 2015 Use Indian English from July 2015 All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English Coordinates on Wikidata All articles lacking reliable references Articles lacking reliable references from October 2017 Wikipedia articles in need of updating from July 2015 All Wikipedia articles in need of updating Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2013 All articles containing potentially dated statements Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2012 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from December 2012 Articles with DMOZ links Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikinews Wikivoyage Languages Acèh Afrikaans አማርኛ অসমীয়া تۆرکجه বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Беларуская ( тарашкевіца ) भोजपुरी Български བོད ་ ཡིག Brezhoneg Català Чӑвашла Cebuano Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch ދިވެހިބަސް Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Fiji Hindi Français Gaeilge Galego ગુજરાતી गोंयची कोंकणी / Gõychi Konknni 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hornjoserbsce Hrvatski বিষ্ণুপ্রিয়া মণিপুরী Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית ಕನ್ನಡ Kapampangan ქართული कॉशुर / کٲشُر Kiswahili Лезги لۊری شومالی Latina Latviešu Lietuvių Magyar मैथिली Македонски മലയാളം मराठी მარგალური Bahasa Melayu Монгол Nederlands नेपाली नेपाल भाषा 日本 語 Napulitano Нохчийн Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan ଓଡ଼ିଆ Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча ਪੰਜਾਬੀ پنجابی پښتو Polski Português Română Русский संस्कृतम् Scots Simple English Slovenčina کوردی Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska தமிழ் తెలుగు ไทย Тоҷикӣ Türkçe Українська اردو Vèneto Tiếng Việt Winaray ייִדיש Yorùbá 粵語 中文 डोटेली Edit links This page was last edited on 11 October 2017 , at 18 : 53 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when did haryana receive the full state status | [
"Haryana state was formed on 1 November 1966. The Indian government set up the Shah Commission under the chairmanship of Justice JC Shah on 23 April 1966 to divide the existing state of Punjab and determine the boundaries of the new state of Haryana after consideration of the languages spoken by the people. The commission delivered its report on 31 May 1966 whereby the then-districts of Hisar, Mahendragarh, Gurgaon, Rohtak and Karnal were to be a part of the new state of Haryana. Further, the tehsils of Jind and Narwana in the Sangrur district — along with Naraingarh, Ambala and Jagadhri — were to be included.[21]"
] | [
"1 November 1966"
] |
2310127855447113212 | Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) | Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) - wikipedia Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) Jump to : navigation , search `` Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) '' Single by Cher from the album The Sonny Side of Chér B - side `` Needles and Pins '' `` Our Day Will Come '' Released 1966 Format 7 '' Recorded 1966 Genre Folk rock Length 2 : 44 Label Imperial Songwriter ( s ) Sonny Bono Producer ( s ) Sonny Bono Cher singles chronology `` Where Do You Go '' ( 1965 ) `` Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) '' ( 1966 ) `` Alfie '' ( 1966 ) `` Where Do You Go '' ( 1965 ) `` Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) '' ( 1966 ) `` Alfie '' ( 1966 ) `` Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) '' is the second single by American singer - actress Cher from her second album , The Sonny Side of Chér . Written by her then - husband Sonny Bono and released in 1966 , the song reached No. 3 in the UK Singles Chart and No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 for a single week ( behind `` ( You 're My ) Soul and Inspiration '' by The Righteous Brothers ) , eventually becoming one of Cher 's biggest - selling singles of the 1960s . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Charts 2.1 Weekly charts 2.2 Year - end charts 3 Cover versions 3.1 Nancy Sinatra 3.2 Others 4 References 5 External links History ( edit ) The single proved successful , charting high in several countries worldwide . It became Cher 's first million - selling single and her first top 3 hit in the UK ( and her last until `` The Shoop - Shoop Song '' reached No. 1 in 1991 ) . Critic Tim Sendra , in his album review of The Sonny Side of Cher , gave the song a mixed review : `` The only track that has any real zest is the Bono - written novelty ' Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) , ' the kind of dramatic song Cher could knock out in her sleep but also a song with no real heart . '' In 1987 , Cher recorded a rock version of the song for her 1987 Platinum - certified comeback album Cher . Produced by Jon Bon Jovi , Richie Sambora , and Desmond Child , the song featured backing vocals by Jon Bon Jovi and Michael Bolton , among others , and was released as a promotional single in 1988 . Cher performed this version on her Heart of Stone Tour and on Living Proof : The Farewell Tour , and it was played instrumentally on the Dressed to Kill Tour in 2014 . Charts ( edit ) Weekly charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1966 ) Peak position Australia ( Kent Music Report ) 11 Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 40 ) 6 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) 9 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Wallonia ) 12 Canada Top Singles ( RPM ) Germany ( Official German Charts ) 6 Ireland ( IRMA ) Italy ( FIMI ) 8 Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) 16 New Zealand ( Recorded Music NZ ) UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) US Billboard Hot 100 Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1966 ) Position German Singles Chart 114 Italian Singles Chart 35 UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 53 US Billboard Hot 100 60 Cover versions ( edit ) Nancy Sinatra ( edit ) Nancy Sinatra recorded one of the best - known covers of the song , for her 1966 album How Does That Grab You ? Her version features tremolo guitar , played by her arranger , Billy Strange ; and had a resurgence in popularity when it was used in the opening credits of the 2003 Quentin Tarantino film Kill Bill Volume 1 . In the sequence preceding the credits , Tarantino creates a literal , bloody interpretation of the song 's chorus and the third verse , about a wedding day . Her version also was the theme for BBC coverage of the 2005 Wimbledon tennis championships , and has been sampled on several hip - hop recordings , including the Audio Bullys ( featuring Nancy Sinatra ) top 3 UK hit `` Shot You Down '' in 2005 . Besides Sinatra , artists who covered the song in 1966 include Stevie Wonder on his album Down to Earth , The Beau Brummels on Beau Brummels ' 66 ; Petula Clark on her album I Could n't Live Without Your Love ; and Gábor Szabó on his album Spellbinder . Sheila 's version ( with French lyrics ) became a big hit in France in the summer of 1966 ; Claire Lepage 's French - language cover was released in Canada ( as `` Bang ! Bang ! '' ) The song was also very popular in Italy in the ' 60s and was covered in Italian by Dalida , Mina , and the psychedelic bands Equipe 84 and I Corvi . Others ( edit ) Other notable cover versions include the following : Vanilla Fudge in 1967 ; the version from the album Vanilla Fudge was used in David Fincher 's 2007 film Zodiac and season 2 episode 8 of Lilyhammer . Jamaican group Tomorrow 's Children , as `` Bang Bang Rock Steady '' in 1967 . Dalida on her 1967 album `` Piccolo Ragazzo '' . Terry Reid on his 1968 album Bang , Bang You 're Terry Reid . Cliff Richard 's version , recorded in October 1968 , appears on his 1970 album Tracks ' n Grooves . Hong Kong actress Betty Chung , a funk / soul version with Mandarin vocals on her 1968 Mini Mini EP . The Bonzo Dog Band , recorded sometime in 1968 ; it appeared as a bonus track on the 2007 reissue of The Doughnut in Granny 's Greenhouse . Frank Sinatra , Nancy 's father , for his 1981 album She Shot Me Down . Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet , an instrumental version on their 1991 album Dim The Lights , Chill The Ham . Paul Weller , on his 2003 compilation Fly on the Wall : B Sides & Rarities . Isobel Campbell , on her 2004 EP Time Is Just the Same . Carla Bruni , in a Lancia Musa TV advertisement broadcast in Europe in January 2008 . Welsh classical crossover singer Charlotte Church , on her 2010 album Back to Scratch . Alternative rock group Nico Vega for their album Lead To Light . Used for the TV advertisements for the 2013 cable TV miniseries Bonnie & Clyde . 8 - year - old Angelina Jordan Astar ( b . Jan. 10 , 2006 ) , on the semi-finals of Norske Talenter ( Norway 's Got Talent ) on April 12 , 2014 . The talent show 's judges voted her into the finals , which she won the following month . Lady Gaga in July 2014 at Jazz at Lincoln Center , for the TV special `` Cheek to Cheek : LIVE '' . The song appeared as an iTunes bonus track with her jazz album with Tony Bennett , Cheek to Cheek , and debuted at No. 1 on Billboard 's Jazz Digital Songs Chart . Beyoncé , singing to her husband Jay Z in an August 2014 commercial for an HBO tour special . The Monophonics , a funk band from San Francisco on the album In Your Brain The famous Cambodian singer and songwriter Pan Ron , as `` Snaeha '' . The Raconteurs , a rock group consisting of Jack White , Brendan Benson , Jack Lawrence , and Patrick Keeler covered the song during many of their live shows . A French disk jockey Arnold Toutain , a.k.a. Arnold T ( acoustic version ) Pharmakon_ ( noise_project ) , bonus track on 2014 release `` Bestial Burden , '' and on Sacred Bones Record Store Day release 2Cellos on their album In2ition with Sky Ferreira providing vocals References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Cher -- Awards '' . AllMusic . Retrieved August 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Billboard Hot 100 -- Week of April 23 , 1966 '' . Billboard . Retrieved August 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ The Sonny Side of Cher - Cher Songs , Reviews , Credits , Awards AllMusic Jump up ^ David Kent Australian Chart Book 1940 - 1969 Jump up ^ `` -- Cher -- Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) '' ( in German ) . Ö3 Austria Top 40 . Retrieved August 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` -- Cher -- Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) '' ( in Dutch ) . Ultratop 50 . Retrieved August 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` -- Cher -- Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) '' ( in French ) . Ultratop 50 . Retrieved August 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Top RPM Singles : Issue 5727 . '' RPM . Library and Archives Canada . Retrieved August 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` -- Cher -- Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) '' . GfK Entertainment Charts . Retrieved August 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Irish Charts -- Search Results -- Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) '' . Irish Singles Chart . Retrieved August 4 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Top Annuali Single : 1966 '' ( in Italian ) . . Retrieved 2013 - 08 - 31 . Jump up ^ `` -- Cher -- Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) '' ( in Dutch ) . Single Top 100 . Retrieved August 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Scapolo , Dean ( 2007 ) . The Complete New Zealand Music Charts : 1966 -- 2006 . Wellington : Dean Scapolo and Maurienne House . p. 13 . ISBN 978 - 1877443 - 00 - 8 . Jump up ^ `` Cher : Artist Chart History '' Official Charts Company . Retrieved August 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Cher -- Chart history '' Billboard Hot 100 for Cher . Retrieved August 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ German Singles Chart ( 1966 ) . `` German Singles Chart ; End of year charts '' . Archived from the original on 18 July 2010 . Retrieved 2010 - 08 - 27 . Jump up ^ `` UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 1966 - Year End '' . Official Charts Company . Retrieved 19 December 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Billboard Top 100 - 1966 '' . Retrieved 2009 - 09 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` Guitarist Billy Strange Talks About Nancy Sinatra 's ' Bang Bang ' `` Lost & Sound '' . 2008 - 06 - 06 . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 04 . Jump up ^ `` Bang Bang : Pop ! Goes the Murder Ballad '' . Murder Ballad Monday . Sing Out ! . March 2 , 2015 . Retrieved March 23 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` I Corvi - Bang bang ( 1966 ) '' . YouTube . Retrieved 2012 - 01 - 04 . Jump up ^ `` Jazz Digital Songs : Oct 11 , 2014 '' . Billboard . Prometheus Global Media . October 2 , 2014 . Retrieved October 2 , 2014 . ( Subscription required ( help ) ) . Jump up ^ `` Watch Beyoncé Sing `` Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) '' To Jay Z `` . BuzzFeed . Jump up ^ `` Pan Ron - Snaeha '' . YouTube . Retrieved 2017 - 04 - 24 . Jump up ^ uncnick157 ( 2006 - 09 - 27 ) , Raconteurs Bang Bang , retrieved 2017 - 02 - 20 External links ( edit ) Official Cher site Cher on IMDb ( hide ) Cher singles 1960s `` All I Really Want to Do '' `` Where Do You Go '' `` Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down ) '' `` Alfie '' `` I Feel Something in the Air '' `` Sunny '' `` Hey Joe '' `` You Better Sit Down Kids '' `` For What It 's Worth '' 1970s `` Gypsys , Tramps & Thieves '' `` The Way of Love '' `` Living in a House Divided '' `` Do n't Hide Your Love '' `` Am I Blue '' `` Half - Breed '' `` Dark Lady '' `` Train of Thought '' `` Take Me Home '' `` Was n't It Good '' `` Hell on Wheels '' 1980s `` Rudy '' `` I Paralyze '' `` I Found Someone '' `` We All Sleep Alone '' `` Skin Deep '' `` Bang Bang '' `` Main Man '' `` After All '' `` If I Could Turn Back Time '' `` Just Like Jesse James '' 1990s `` Heart of Stone '' `` You Would n't Know Love '' `` Baby I 'm Yours '' `` The Shoop Shoop Song ( It 's in His Kiss ) '' `` Love and Understanding '' `` Save Up All Your Tears '' `` Love Hurts '' `` Could 've Been You '' `` When Lovers Become Strangers '' `` Oh No Not My Baby '' `` Whenever You 're Near '' `` Many Rivers to Cross '' `` Walking in Memphis '' `` One by One '' `` Not Enough Love in the World '' `` The Sun Ai n't Gonna Shine Anymore '' `` Paradise Is Here '' `` Believe '' `` Strong Enough '' `` All or Nothing '' `` Dov'è l'amore '' 2000s `` The Music 's No Good Without You '' `` Song for the Lonely '' `` Alive Again '' `` A Different Kind of Love Song '' `` When the Money 's Gone '' `` Love One Another '' 2010s `` You Have n't Seen the Last of Me '' `` Woman 's World '' `` I Hope You Find It '' `` Take It Like a Man '' `` I Walk Alone '' Guest singles `` A Love Like Yours ( Do n't Come Knocking Everyday ) '' `` Dead Ringer for Love '' `` I Got You Babe '' `` It Ai n't Necessarily So '' `` Love Can Build a Bridge '' `` Più che puoi '' `` Bewitched , Bothered and Bewildered '' Book Portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1966 singles 1966 songs 1988 singles Cher songs Imperial Records singles Nancy Sinatra songs Petula Clark songs Songs written by Sonny Bono Anita Lindblom songs Lady Gaga songs Hidden categories : CS1 Italian - language sources ( it ) Pages containing links to subscription - only content Articles with hAudio microformats Singlechart usages for Austria Singlechart usages for Flanders Singlechart usages for Wallonia Singlechart usages for Canadatopsingles Singlechart called without artist Singlechart called without song Singlechart usages for Germany2 Singlechart usages for Ireland2 Singlechart usages for Dutch100 Singlechart usages for UKsinglesbyname Singlechart usages for Billboardhot100 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Ελληνικά Español فارسی Français Italiano עברית Lietuvių Mirandés 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Svenska Türkçe Tiếng Việt Edit links This page was last edited on 12 September 2017 , at 03 : 06 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who sang the song bang bang in kill bill | [
"Nancy Sinatra recorded one of the best-known covers of the song, for her 1966 album How Does That Grab You? Her version features tremolo guitar, played by her arranger, Billy Strange;[19] and had a resurgence in popularity when it was used in the opening credits of the 2003 Quentin Tarantino film Kill Bill Volume 1. In the sequence preceding the credits, Tarantino creates a literal, bloody interpretation of the song's chorus and the third verse, about a wedding day.[20] Her version also was the theme for BBC coverage of the 2005 Wimbledon tennis championships, and has been sampled on several hip-hop recordings, including the Audio Bullys (featuring Nancy Sinatra) top 3 UK hit \"Shot You Down\" in 2005."
] | [
"Nancy Sinatra"
] |
-4978383278991705289 | Don't Pass Me By | Do n't Pass me by - wikipedia Do n't Pass me by This article is about the 1968 Beatles song . For the 2013 American film , see Do n't Pass Me By ( film ) . `` Do n't Pass Me By '' Song by the Beatles from the album The Beatles Published Startling Music Released 22 November 1968 Recorded 5 June 1968 Genre Country rock Length 3 : 46 ( mono version ) 3 : 51 ( stereo version ) Label Apple Songwriter ( s ) Richard Starkey Producer ( s ) George Martin `` Do n't Pass Me By '' is a song by the Beatles from the double album The Beatles ( also known as the `` White Album '' ) . It was the first solo composition by Ringo Starr . The song debuted at No. 1 in Denmark in April 1969 . It stayed in the Top 10 for a month . Contents ( hide ) 1 Origin 2 Recording 3 Personnel 4 Cover versions 5 Notes 6 External links Origin ( edit ) Starr first played his song for the other Beatles soon after he joined the group in August 1962 . Its earliest public mention seems to have been in a BBC chatter session introducing `` And I Love Her '' on the radio show Top Gear in 1964 . In the conversation , Starr was asked if he had written a song and Paul McCartney mocked him soon afterwards , singing the first line of the refrain , `` Do n't pass me by , do n't make me cry , do n't make me blue , baby . '' Recording ( edit ) The song was recorded in four separate sessions in 1968 : 5 and 6 June , and 5 and 12 July . Despite references to it in 1964 as `` Do n't Pass Me By '' , it was called `` Ringo 's Tune ( Untitled ) '' on 5 June session tape label and `` This Is Some Friendly '' on 6 June label . By 12 July , the title was restored . During a lead vocal track recorded on 6 June , Starr audibly counted out eight beats , and it can be heard in the released song starting at 2 : 30 of the 1987 CD version . The monaural mix is faster than the stereo mix , and features a different arrangement of violin in the fade - out . George Martin arranged an orchestral interlude as an introduction , but this was rejected . It would eventually be used as an incidental cue for the Beatles ' animated film Yellow Submarine . In 1996 , the introduction was released as the track `` A Beginning '' on The Beatles Anthology 3 CD . The line , `` I 'm sorry that I doubted you , I was so unfair , You were in a car crash and you lost your hair '' , is cited by proponents of the `` Paul is Dead '' urban legend as a clue to McCartney 's fate ; the line `` you lost your hair '' is claimed to refer to Paul being badly burned in a fiery car crash , or to the song `` When I 'm Sixty - Four '' ( which was written by McCartney ) . However , the expression `` to lose one 's hair '' was a fairly common English idiom , and simply means `` to become anxious or upset '' ( see , for instance , Elizabeth Bowen 's novel The Death of the Heart , 1938 ) . Personnel ( edit ) Ringo Starr -- vocals , drums , tack piano , sleigh bells , cowbell , maracas , congas Paul McCartney -- grand piano , bass guitar Jack Fallon -- violin The pianos were both recorded into a Leslie 147 speaker . Personnel per Ian MacDonald and supported by Mark Lewisohn Cover versions ( edit ) The song has been covered by alt - country band the Gourds , by the Southern rock band the Georgia Satellites on their 1988 album , Open All Night , and by the Punkles on their 2004 album , Pistol . The Swedish pop group ABBA made an unofficial parody of this song , but it was not released until their medley `` Undeleted '' in 1994 . Phish covered the song live , with most other songs on The Beatles on the album Live Phish Volume 13 . Ringo Starr released a re-recording of the song as a bonus track on his 2017 album Give More Love . Notes ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Lewisohn , Mark ( 1988 ) . The Beatles Recording Sessions . New York : Harmony Books . pp. 137 , 142 , 144 . ISBN 0 - 517 - 57066 - 1 . Jump up ^ `` Top 10 / Tipparaden / 1969 / Uge 14 ( week 14 ) '' . ( in Danish ) . 3 April 1969 . Retrieved 2015 - 03 - 16 . Jump up ^ Lewisohn , Mark ( 2013 ) . The Beatles : All These Years , Volume One -- Tune In . New York : Crown Archetype . p. 691 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4000 - 8305 - 3 . Jump up ^ Complete BBC Sessions , Vol. 8 , track 5 , at the 1 : 10 mark ^ Jump up to : MacDonald , Ian ( 2005 ) . Revolution in the Head : The Beatles ' Records and the Sixties ( Second Revised ed . ) . London : Pimlico ( Rand ) . p. 286 . ISBN 1 - 84413 - 828 - 3 . Jump up ^ Lewisohn , Mark ( 1996 ) . Anthology 3 ( booklet ) . The Beatles . London : Apple Records . p. 4 . 34451 . Jump up ^ `` Open All Night - The Georgia Satelittes '' . AllMusic . Retrieved 7 September 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Pistol - The Punkles '' . AllMusic . Retrieved 7 September 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Live Phish , Vol. 13 : 10 / 31 / 94 , Glens Falls Civic Center , Glens Falls , NY - Phish '' . AllMusic . Retrieved 7 September 2017 . External links ( edit ) Alan W. Pollack 's Notes on `` Do n't Pass Me By '' Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics The Beatles ( White Album ) Songs Side one `` Back in the U.S.S.R. '' `` Dear Prudence '' `` Glass Onion '' `` Ob - La - Di , Ob - La - Da '' `` Wild Honey Pie '' `` The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill '' `` While My Guitar Gently Weeps '' `` Happiness Is a Warm Gun '' Side two `` Martha My Dear '' `` I 'm So Tired '' `` Blackbird '' `` Piggies '' `` Rocky Raccoon '' `` Do n't Pass Me By '' `` Why Do n't We Do It in the Road ? '' `` I Will '' `` Julia '' Side three `` Birthday '' `` Yer Blues '' `` Mother Nature 's Son '' `` Everybody 's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey '' `` Sexy Sadie '' `` Helter Skelter '' `` Long , Long , Long '' Side four `` Revolution 1 '' `` Honey Pie '' `` Savoy Truffle '' `` Cry Baby Cry '' `` Revolution 9 '' `` Good Night '' Non-album single `` Hey Jude Revolution '' Outtakes `` A Beginning '' `` Child of Nature '' `` Circles '' `` Etcetera '' `` Junk '' `` Not Guilty '' `` Sour Milk Sea '' `` What 's the New Mary Jane '' Related articles The Beatles discography The Beatles in India Mother Nature 's Son The Grey Album Please Please Me With the Beatles A Hard Day 's Night Beatles for Sale Help ! Rubber Soul Revolver Sgt . Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band Magical Mystery Tour The Beatles ( White Album ) Yellow Submarine Abbey Road Let It Be Past Masters The Beatles singles discography UK and US ( all labels ) 1963 `` Please Please Me '' / `` Ask Me Why '' `` From Me to You '' / `` Thank You Girl '' `` She Loves You '' / `` I 'll Get You '' 1964 `` Ca n't Buy Me Love '' / `` You Ca n't Do That '' `` I Feel Fine '' / `` She 's a Woman '' 1965 `` Ticket to Ride '' / `` Yes It Is '' `` Help ! '' / `` I 'm Down '' `` We Can Work It Out '' / `` Day Tripper '' 1966 `` Paperback Writer '' / `` Rain '' `` Yellow Submarine '' / `` Eleanor Rigby '' 1967 `` Penny Lane '' / `` Strawberry Fields Forever '' `` All You Need Is Love '' / `` Baby , You 're a Rich Man '' `` Hello , Goodbye '' / `` I Am the Walrus '' 1968 `` Lady Madonna '' / `` The Inner Light '' `` Hey Jude '' / `` Revolution '' 1969 `` Get Back '' / `` Do n't Let Me Down '' `` The Ballad of John and Yoko '' / `` Old Brown Shoe '' `` Something '' / `` Come Together '' 1970 `` Let It Be '' / `` You Know My Name ( Look Up the Number ) '' 1978 `` Sgt . Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band / With a Little Help from My Friends '' / `` A Day in the Life '' 1982 `` The Beatles Movie Medley '' / `` I 'm Happy Just to Dance with You '' 1995 `` Free as a Bird '' / `` Christmas Time ( Is Here Again ) '' `` Real Love '' / `` Baby 's in Black '' UK only ( Parlophone , Apple ) 1962 `` My Bonnie '' / `` The Saints '' `` Love Me Do '' / `` P.S. I Love You '' 1963 `` I Want to Hold Your Hand '' / `` This Boy '' 1964 `` Ai n't She Sweet '' / `` If You Love Me , Baby '' `` A Hard Day 's Night '' / `` Things We Said Today '' 1976 `` Yesterday '' / `` I Should Have Known Better '' `` Back in the U.S.S.R. '' / `` Twist and Shout '' US only ( Vee - Jay , Swan , Tollie , Capitol , Apple ) 1963 `` I Want to Hold Your Hand '' / `` I Saw Her Standing There '' 1964 `` Twist and Shout '' / `` There 's a Place '' `` Do You Want to Know a Secret '' / `` Thank You Girl '' `` Love Me Do '' / `` P.S. I Love You '' `` Sie liebt dich '' / `` I 'll Get You '' `` I 'll Cry Instead '' / `` I 'm Happy Just to Dance with You '' `` And I Love Her '' / `` If I Fell '' `` A Hard Day 's Night '' / `` I Should Have Known Better '' `` Matchbox '' / `` Slow Down '' 1965 `` Eight Days a Week '' / `` I Do n't Want to Spoil the Party '' `` Yesterday '' / `` Act Naturally '' 1966 `` Nowhere Man '' / `` What Goes On '' 1970 `` The Long and Winding Road '' / `` For You Blue '' 1976 `` Got to Get You into My Life '' / `` Helter Skelter '' `` Ob - La - Di , Ob - La - Da '' / `` Julia '' Other countries ( Odeon , Parlophone , Apple ) 1963 `` All My Loving '' / `` This Boy '' ( Canada ) 1964 `` Komm , gib mir deine Hand / Sie liebt dich '' ( Germany ) 1966 `` Norwegian Wood ( This Bird Has Flown ) '' / `` Nowhere Man '' ( Australia ) 1968 `` Ob - La - Di , Ob - La - Da '' / `` While My Guitar Gently Weeps '' ( Europe , Japan , Australia ) `` Ob - La - Di , Ob - La - Da '' / `` I Will '' ( Philippines ) `` Back in the U.S.S.R. '' / `` Do n't Pass Me By '' ( Sweden ) 1969 `` You 're Going to Lose That Girl '' / `` Tell Me What You See '' ( Japan ) 1970 `` Oh ! Darling '' / `` Here Comes the Sun '' ( Japan ) 1972 `` All Together Now '' / `` Hey Bulldog '' ( Europe ) 1978 `` Sgt . Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band / With a Little Help from My Friends '' / `` Within You Without You '' ( Germany ) The Georgia Satellites Rick Richards Bruce Smith Fred McNeal Todd Johnston Dan Baird Joey Huffman Studio albums Georgia Satellites ( 1986 ) In the Land of Salvation and Sin ( 1989 ) Songs `` Keep Your Hands to Yourself '' `` Battleship Chains '' `` Hippy Hippy Shake '' `` Do n't Pass Me By '' Related articles Love Songs for the Hearing Impaired Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1968 songs The Beatles songs Song recordings produced by George Martin Songs written by Ringo Starr The Georgia Satellites songs Music published by Startling Music Torch songs Number - one singles in Denmark 1968 singles Hidden categories : CS1 Danish - language sources ( da ) Use British English from August 2011 Use dmy dates from March 2016 Articles with hAudio microformats All articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases Articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases from December 2013 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Español Français Italiano עברית ქართული 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Svenska 5 more Edit links This page was last edited on 15 February 2018 , at 01 : 39 . About Wikipedia | who played the violin on don't pass me by | [
"\nRingo Starr – vocals, drums, tack piano, sleigh bells, cowbell, maracas, congas\nPaul McCartney – grand piano, bass guitar\nJack Fallon – violin\n"
] | [
"Jack Fallon"
] |
5368179291269267014 | Star Wars: The Last Jedi | Star Wars : the Last Jedi - wikipedia Star Wars : the Last Jedi Jump to : navigation , search Not to be confused with the 2005 young adult book series Star Wars : The Last of the Jedi and the 2013 Star Wars Legends novel Star Wars : Coruscant Nights -- The Last Jedi . `` Episode VIII '' redirects here . For other episodes , see Episode 8 . Star Wars : The Last Jedi Theatrical release poster Directed by Rian Johnson Produced by Kathleen Kennedy Ram Bergman Written by Rian Johnson Based on Characters by George Lucas Starring Mark Hamill Carrie Fisher Adam Driver Daisy Ridley John Boyega Oscar Isaac Andy Serkis Lupita Nyong'o Domhnall Gleeson Anthony Daniels Gwendoline Christie Kelly Marie Tran Laura Dern Benicio del Toro Music by John Williams Cinematography Steve Yedlin Edited by Bob Ducsay Production company Lucasfilm Ltd . Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Release date December 9 , 2017 ( 2017 - 12 - 09 ) ( Shrine Auditorium ) December 15 , 2017 ( 2017 - 12 - 15 ) ( United States ) Running time 152 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $200 million Box office $1.333 billion Star Wars : The Last Jedi ( also known as Star Wars : Episode VIII -- The Last Jedi ) is a 2017 American epic space opera film written and directed by Rian Johnson . It is the second installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy and the eighth main installment of the Star Wars franchise , following Star Wars : The Force Awakens ( 2015 ) . It was produced by Lucasfilm and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures . The ensemble cast includes Mark Hamill , Carrie Fisher , Adam Driver , Daisy Ridley , John Boyega , Oscar Isaac , Andy Serkis , Lupita Nyong'o , Domhnall Gleeson , Anthony Daniels and Gwendoline Christie in returning roles , with Kelly Marie Tran , Laura Dern and Benicio del Toro joining the cast . The film features the final film performance by Fisher , who died in December 2016 , and it is dedicated to her memory . The plot follows Rey as she receives Jedi training from Luke Skywalker , in hopes of turning the tide for the Resistance in the fight against Kylo Ren and the First Order . The Last Jedi was part of a new trilogy of films announced after Disney 's acquisition of Lucasfilm in October 2012 . It was produced by Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy and Ram Bergman , with Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams as an executive producer . John Williams , composer for the previous films , returned to compose the score . Scenes that required shooting at Skellig Michael in Ireland were filmed during pre-production in September 2015 , with principal photography beginning at Pinewood Studios in the United Kingdom in February 2016 and ending in July 2016 . Post-production wrapped in September 2017 . The Last Jedi had its world premiere in Los Angeles on December 9 , 2017 , and was released in the United States on December 15 , 2017 . It has grossed over $1.3 billion worldwide , making it the highest - grossing film of 2017 , the 7th - highest - ever grossing film in North America and the 9th - highest - grossing film of all time . It is also the second - highest - grossing film of the Star Wars franchise , and turned a net profit of over $417 million . It received positive reviews from critics , who praised its ensemble cast , visual effects , musical score , action sequences and emotional weight ; some considered it the best Star Wars film since The Empire Strikes Back . The film received four nominations at the 90th Academy Awards , including Best Original Score and Best Visual Effects , as well two nominations at the 71st British Academy Film Awards . A sequel , provisionally titled Star Wars : Episode IX , is scheduled for release on December 20 , 2019 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Production 3.1 Development 3.2 Casting 3.3 Filming 3.4 Music 4 Release 4.1 Marketing 4.1. 1 Video games 4.1. 2 Home media 4.2 Tie - in literature and merchandise 5 Reception 5.1 Box office 5.1. 1 United States and Canada 5.1. 2 Outside North America 5.2 Critical response 5.3 Audience response 5.4 Accolades 6 Sequel 7 References 8 External links Plot Resistance forces , led by General Leia Organa , flee D'Qar when a First Order fleet arrives . Poe Dameron leads a costly counterattack that destroys a First Order dreadnought , but after the Resistance escapes to hyperspace , the First Order tracks them and attacks the Resistance convoy . Kylo Ren , Leia 's son , hesitates to fire on the lead Resistance ship after sensing his mother 's presence , but his TIE fighter wingmen destroy the bridge , incapacitating Leia . Disapproving of new leader Vice Admiral Holdo 's passive strategy , Poe helps Finn , BB - 8 , and mechanic Rose Tico embark on a secret mission to disable the tracking device on the lead ship . Meanwhile , Rey arrives on Ahch - To with Chewbacca and R2 - D2 aboard the Millennium Falcon to recruit Luke Skywalker to the Resistance . Disillusioned by his failure to train Kylo as a Jedi , and under self - imposed exile from the Force , Luke refuses to help -- even after he learns of Han Solo 's death at Kylo 's hands -- and believes that the Jedi should become extinct . Unbeknownst to Luke , Rey and Kylo can communicate through the Force , puzzling the two enemies . As the rival Force users learn about each other , each has future visions of themselves as partners . R2 - D2 persuades Luke to train Rey . After Kylo tells Rey what happened between him and Luke that caused him to choose the dark side of the Force , Luke confesses that he momentarily contemplated killing Kylo upon sensing that Supreme Leader Snoke was corrupting him , causing Kylo to destroy Luke 's new Jedi Order in retaliation . Convinced that Kylo can be redeemed , Rey leaves Ahch - To to confront Kylo without Luke . Luke prepares to burn the Ahch - To Jedi temple and library , but hesitates . Yoda 's ghost appears and destroys the temple by summoning a thunderstorm , claiming Rey has all she needs to learn , and encourages Luke to learn from his failure . Holdo reveals her plan to discreetly evacuate the remaining Resistance members using small transports . Believing her actions cowardly and risky , Poe leads a mutiny . Finn , Rose , and BB - 8 travel to the Canto Bight casino and acquire the help of the hacker DJ , who says he can help them disable the tracking device . They infiltrate Snoke 's ship , but all but BB - 8 are captured by Captain Phasma . Meanwhile , Rey lands on the ship , and Kylo brings her to Snoke , who claims that he facilitated the mental connection between her and Kylo as part of a plan to destroy Luke . Ordered to kill Rey , Kylo instead kills Snoke and , with Rey , defeats Snoke 's guards . Rey believes that Kylo has returned to the light side of the Force , but he instead invites her to rule the galaxy with him , which she refuses . They use the Force to fight for possession of Anakin Skywalker 's lightsaber , which splits in two . Leia recovers and stuns Poe , allowing the evacuation to begin . Holdo remains on the ship to mislead Snoke 's fleet as the others flee to an abandoned Rebel Alliance base on Crait . DJ reveals the Resistance 's plan to the First Order , and the evacuation transports are slowly destroyed . Holdo sacrifices herself by ramming Snoke 's fleet at lightspeed ; Rey escapes in the chaos , while Kylo declares himself Supreme Leader . BB - 8 frees Finn and Rose , who escape after defeating Phasma , and they join survivors on Crait . When the First Order arrives , Poe , Finn , and Rose attack with old speeders . Rey and Chewbacca draw the TIE fighters away with the Falcon , while Rose stops Finn from completing a suicide run against the enemy siege cannon , which penetrates the Resistance fortress . Luke appears and confronts the First Order to enable surviving Resistance members to escape . Kylo orders the First Order 's forces to fire on Luke to no effect . He then engages Luke in a lightsaber duel ; upon striking Luke , Kylo realizes he has been fighting a Force projection of him . Rey uses the Force to help the Resistance escape on the Falcon . Luke , exhausted , dies peacefully on Ahch - To . His death is sensed by Rey and Leia , but Leia tells surviving rebels that the Resistance has all it needs to rise again . At Canto Bight , one of the children who helped Finn and Rose escape grabs a broom with the Force and gazes into space . Cast Star Wars : The Last Jedi ( from top ) features Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher , and introduces Kelly Marie Tran , Laura Dern , and Benicio del Toro . See also : List of Star Wars cast members Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker , a powerful Jedi Master who has been in self - imposed exile on the planet Ahch - To . Hamill voices Dobbu Scay , named after the film 's editor , Bob Ducsay . During the Canto Bight scene , the character mistakes BB - 8 as a slot machine . Carrie Fisher as General Leia Organa , twin sister to Luke , former princess of Alderaan , and a leading general in the Resistance . This was Fisher 's final film role before her death on December 27 , 2016 . Adam Driver as Kylo Ren , Supreme Leader Snoke 's disciple , who is strong with the dark side of the Force and leader to the Knights of Ren . He is the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa , nephew of Luke Skywalker , and the grandson of Anakin Skywalker . Daisy Ridley as Rey , a highly Force - sensitive scavenger from the desert planet Jakku , who joined the Resistance and goes to find Luke Skywalker . John Boyega as Finn , a former stormtrooper of the First Order who defected to the Resistance . Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron , a high - ranking X-wing fighter pilot in the Resistance . Andy Serkis as Supreme Leader Snoke , the leader of the First Order and Kylo Ren 's master . Lupita Nyong'o as Maz Kanata , a pirate and ally of the Resistance . Domhnall Gleeson as General Hux , the former head of the First Order 's Starkiller Base . Anthony Daniels as C - 3PO , a humanoid protocol droid in the service of Leia Organa . Gwendoline Christie as Captain Phasma , the commander of the First Order 's stormtroopers . Kelly Marie Tran as Rose Tico , a member of the Resistance who works in maintenance . Laura Dern as Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo , an officer in the Resistance . Frank Oz as Yoda , the deceased former Grand Master of the Jedi , and Luke 's wise former mentor , who appears as a Force - ghost . Benicio del Toro as DJ , an underworld codebreaker . Joonas Suotamo appears as Chewbacca , taking over the role from Peter Mayhew after previously serving as his body double for The Force Awakens . Mayhew , who was 73 years old and suffering from chronic knee and back pain , is credited as `` Chewbacca consultant . '' Billie Lourd , Mike Quinn , and Timothy D. Rose reprise their roles as Lieutenant Connix , Nien Nunb , and Admiral Ackbar respectively from previous films . Due to the death of Erik Bauersfeld , Admiral Ackbar is now voiced by Tom Kane . Amanda Lawrence appears as Commander D'Acy , and Mark Lewis Jones and Adrian Edmondson play Captains Canady and Peavey respectively . BB - 8 is controlled by puppeteers Dave Chapman and Brian Herring , with initial voice work by Ben Schwartz and final sound effects voiced by Bill Hader modulated through a synthesizer . Jimmy Vee portrays R2 - D2 , taking over the role from Kenny Baker who died on August 13 , 2016 . Veronica Ngo portrays Rose 's sister Paige Tico , a Resistance gunner who sacrifices her life to destroy a First Order dreadnought . Justin Theroux plays the master codebreaker , while Lily Cole plays his companion . Joseph Gordon - Levitt has a voice cameo as Slowen Lo . Warwick Davis plays Wodibin . Gareth Edwards , director of the Star Wars Anthology film Rogue One , has a cameo appearance as a Resistance Soldier , as does Gary Barlow . Directors Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish also cameo in the film . Hermione Corfield appears as Tallissan `` Tallie '' Lintra , a Resistance A-Wing pilot and squadron leader . Noah Segan and Jamie Christopher appear as Resistance pilots Starck and Tubbs . Hamill 's children , Griffin , Nathan , and Chelsea , cameo as Resistance soldiers . Prince William , Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry filmed cameo appearances as stormtroopers . Tom Hardy also filmed an appearance as a stormtrooper , but his cameo was ultimately dropped from the final cut . Hugh Skinner cameos as a Resistance Officer . Production Writer and director Rian Johnson Development See also : Star Wars sequel trilogy In October 2012 , Star Wars creator George Lucas sold his production company Lucasfilm , and with it the Star Wars franchise , to The Walt Disney Company . Disney announced a new trilogy of Star Wars films . J.J. Abrams was named director of the first episode in the trilogy , The Force Awakens , in January 2013 . In June 2014 , director Rian Johnson was reported to be in talks to write and direct its sequel , dubbed Episode VIII , and to write a treatment for the third film , Episode IX , with Ram Bergman producing both films . Johnson confirmed in August 2014 that he would direct Episode VIII . In September , filmmaker Terry Gilliam asked Johnson about what it felt like to take over something that was made famous by another filmmaker , to which Johnson responded : I 'm just starting into it , but so far , honestly , it 's the most fun I 've ever had writing . It 's just joyous . But also for me personally , I grew up not just watching those movies but playing with those toys , so as a little kid , the first movies I was making in my head were set in this world . A big part of it is that direct connection , almost like an automatic jacking back into childhood in a weird way . But I do n't know , ask me again in a few years and we 'll be able to talk about that . The story begins immediately after the last scene of The Force Awakens . He had his story group watch films such as Twelve O'Clock High , The Bridge on the River Kwai , Gunga Din , Three Outlaw Samurai , Sahara , and Letter Never Sent for inspiration while developing ideas . He felt it was difficult to work on the film while The Force Awakens was being finished . In December 2015 , Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy stated that `` we have n't mapped out every single detail ( of the sequel trilogy ) yet '' . She said that Abrams was collaborating with Johnson and that Johnson would in turn work with ( then ) Episode IX director Colin Trevorrow to ensure a smooth transition . Abrams is an executive producer along with Jason McGatlin and Tom Karnowski . Lucasfilm announced the film 's title , Star Wars : The Last Jedi , on January 23 , 2017 . Casting In September 2015 , Disney shortlisted the female cast members to Gina Rodriguez , Tatiana Maslany , and Olivia Cooke . Later that month , Benicio del Toro confirmed that he would play a villain in the film , and Mark Hamill was also confirmed . In October 2015 , Gugu Mbatha - Raw was rumored to have been cast in the film . In November , Jimmy Vee was cast as R2 - D2 . In November , Kennedy announced at the London premiere for The Force Awakens that the entire cast would return for Episode VIII , along with `` a handful '' of new cast members . In February 2016 , at the start of filming , it was confirmed that Laura Dern and Kelly Marie Tran had been cast in unspecified roles . In April 2017 , at Star Wars Celebration Orlando , Lucasfilm announced that Tran plays Resistance maintenance worker Rose Tico , which Johnson described as the film 's largest new role . To keep Frank Oz 's return as Yoda a secret , producers excluded Oz 's name in the billing for the film 's pre-release marketing and ensured that Oz stayed on set during filming . Filming Skellig Michael ( top ) , Salar de Uyuni ( middle ) , and Dubrovnik ( bottom ) served as filming locations . Second unit photography began during pre-production at Skellig Michael in Ireland on September 14 , 2015 , due to the difficulties of filming at that location during other seasons . It would have lasted four days , but filming was canceled for the first day due to poor weather and rough conditions . In November 2014 , Ivan Dunleavy , chief executive of Pinewood Studios , confirmed that the film would be shot at Pinewood , with additional filming in Mexico . In September 2015 , del Toro revealed that principal photography would begin in March 2016 ; Kennedy later stated that filming would begin in January 2016 . The production began work on the 007 Stage at Pinewood Studios on November 15 , 2015 . Rick Heinrichs served as production designer . In January 2016 , production of Episode VIII was delayed until February 2016 , due to script rewrites . Additionally , filming was potentially in danger of being delayed further due to an upcoming strike between the Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television and the Broadcasting , Entertainment , Cinematograph and Theatre Union . On February 10 , 2016 , Disney CEO Bob Iger confirmed that principal photography had begun , under the working title Space Bear . Additional filming took place in Dubrovnik , Croatia from March 9 to 16 , 2016 , as well as in Ireland in May . Malin Head in County Donegal and a mountain headland , Ceann Sibeal in County Kerry , served as additional filming locations . To increase the scenes ' intimacy Driver and Ridley were both present when filming Kylo and Rey 's Force visions . Location filming for the battle scenes on the planet Crait took place in July 2016 at the Salar de Uyuni salt flats in Bolivia . Principal photography wrapped on July 22 , 2016 , though as of early September 2016 , Nyong'o had not filmed her scenes . In February 2017 , it was announced that sequences from the film were shot in IMAX . Production designer Rick Heinrichs said the original screenplay called for 160 sets , double what might be expected , but that Johnson did some `` trimming and cutting '' . Ultimately 125 sets were created on 14 sound stages at Pinewood Studios . According to creature designer Neal Scanlan , The Last Jedi uses more practical effects than any Star Wars film , with 180 to 200 creatures created with practical effects , some cut from the final edit . For Yoda 's appearance in the film as a Force ghost , the character was created using puppetry , as was done in the original Star Wars trilogy ( as opposed to computer - generated imagery , which was used to create Yoda in most of the prequel trilogy ) . The film 's Canto Bight sequence contains a reference to the 1985 Terry Gilliam film Brazil , in which Finn and Rose are arrested for committing parking violation 27B / 6 . Music Main article : Star Wars : The Last Jedi ( soundtrack ) In July 2013 , Kennedy announced at Star Wars Celebration Europe that John Williams would return to score the Star Wars sequel trilogy . Williams confirmed his assignment for The Last Jedi at a Tanglewood concert in August 2016 , stating he would begin recording the score `` off and on '' in December 2016 until March or April 2017 . On February 21 , 2017 , it was confirmed that recording was underway , with both Williams and William Ross conducting the sessions . In lieu of a traditional spotting session with Johnson , Williams was provided a temp track of music from his previous film scores as a reference for scoring The Last Jedi . The score briefly quotes `` Aquarela do Brasil '' by Ary Barroso in its `` Canto Bight '' track as another reference to the film Brazil . It also contains a brief quote of Williams ' own theme for The Long Goodbye ( co-composed by Johnny Mercer ) during Finn and Rose 's escape , although this quote is not heard in the official soundtrack release . The official soundtrack album was released by Walt Disney Records on December 15 , 2017 in digipak CD , digital formats , and streaming services . Release In January 2015 , Disney CEO Bob Iger stated that Episode VIII would be released in 2017 , and in March , Lucasfilm announced a release date of May 26 , 2017 . In January 2016 , The Last Jedi was rescheduled for December 15 , 2017 in 3D and IMAX 3D . On January 23 , 2017 , the film 's title was announced as Star Wars : The Last Jedi . Similarly to The Empire Strikes Back , Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens , `` Episode VIII '' was included in the film 's opening crawl , although not in its official title . The Last Jedi had its world premiere in Los Angeles on December 9 , 2017 . The European premiere was held at London 's Royal Albert Hall on December 12 , 2017 , with a red carpet event . It was reported that Disney had placed notable conditions on U.S. cinemas screening The Last Jedi , which some operators described as being `` onerous '' . Disney required that the film be screened in a cinema 's largest auditorium for a four - week period ( other Disney releases have had similar clauses , but only for two weeks ) , and was given a 65 % cut of ticket sales ( a percentage higher than the 55 -- 60 % average of other major films , and cited as the highest split ever demanded by a Hollywood film behind the 64 % split of The Force Awakens ) . The agreement , which was required to be kept confidential , also contained regulations on promotions and restrictions on removing any scheduled screening . Violations were to be penalized with an additional 5 % cut of ticket sales . Some cinemas declined to screen the film due to these conditions , particularly smaller or one - screen cinemas that would otherwise be barred from screening any other film during the commitment period . Industry representatives considered this policy to be reasonable , citing the performance of Disney releases and the Star Wars franchise , and that the guaranteed business attracted by the film , and concession sales , would make up for the larger cut of ticket sales . Marketing This section needs expansion . You can help by adding to it . ( December 2017 ) A set of eight promotional postage stamps were released on October 12 , 2017 in the UK by the Royal Mail with artwork by Malcolm Tween . On September 19 , 2017 , Australia Post released a set of stamp packs . Tie - in promotional campaigns were done with Nissan Motors and Bell Media , among others . Two main trailers were released , followed by numerous television spots . Figurines of many of the characters were released in October , and advance tickets for Last Jedi went on sale in October . Several tie - in books were released on the same day of the North American release of the movie , including The Last Jedi : Visual Dictionary , and various children 's reading and activity books . Related novelizations included the prequel book Cobalt Squadron , and the Canto Bight , a collection of novellas about the Canto Bight Casino . Video games As with The Force Awakens , there is no official tie - in game for The Last Jedi , in favor of integrating content from the film into other Star Wars video games , including Star Wars Battlefront II , which introduced various content from the film , during the second week of the game 's first `` season '' . An update to the MOBA mobile game Star Wars : Force Arena added new content from the sequel era , including some characters as they appeared in The Last Jedi . Characters from the film also appeared in the mobile RPG Star Wars : Galaxy of Heroes . Home Media Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released Star Wars : The Last Jedi digitally in HD and 4K via digital download and Movies Anywhere on March 13 , 2018 , with an Ultra HD Blu - ray , Blu - ray , and DVD physical release on March 27 . It was the first Star Wars film to be released on the Ultra HD Blu - ray format . Tie - in literature and merchandise The official novelization is by Jason Fry , with an audiobook version narrated by Marc Thompson . There is a `` junior novel '' by Michael Kogge ( 2018 Lucasfilm Press ) , and an audiobook version narrated by Jessica Almasy . Reception Box Office As of April 8 , 2018 , Star Wars : The Last Jedi has grossed $620.2 million in the United States and Canada , and $712.5 million in other territories , for a worldwide total of $1.333 billion . It had a worldwide opening of $450.8 million , the fifth - biggest of all time , including $40.6 million that was attributed to IMAX screenings , the second biggest for IMAX . It was estimated that the film would need to gross $800 million worldwide to break even ; Deadline Hollywood calculated the net profit of the film to be $417.5 million , when factoring together all expenses and revenues , making it the most profitable release of 2017 . On December 31 , 2017 , its 17th day of release , it passed the $1 billion threshold , becoming the fourth film of 2017 , the fifteenth Disney film , the fourth Star Wars film and the thirty - second film overall to pass the mark . The film was the highest - grossing film of 2017 , the second highest - grossing film in the franchise ( behind The Force Awakens ) , the fourth highest - grossing film released by Walt Disney Studios , the sixth highest - grossing film in North America and the ninth - highest - grossing film of all time . United States and Canada Pre-sale tickets went on sale in the United States on October 9 , 2017 , and as with The Force Awakens and Rogue One , ticket service sites such as Fandango had their servers crash due to heavy traffic and demand . In the United States and Canada , industry tracking had The Last Jedi grossing around $200 million from 4,232 theaters in its opening weekend . The film made $45 million from Thursday night previews , the second - highest amount ever ( behind The Force Awakens ' $57 million ) . It went on to make $104.8 million on its first day ( including previews ) and $220 million over the weekend , both the second - highest amounts of all time . The opening weekend figure included an IMAX opening - weekend of $25 million , the biggest IMAX opening of the year and the second biggest ever behind The Force Awakens . After dropping by 76 % on its second Friday , the worst Friday - to - Friday drop in the series , the film fell by a total of 67.5 % in its second weekend , grossing $71.6 million . It was the largest second - weekend drop of the franchise , although it remained atop the box office . The three day total was the 14th biggest second weekend of all time . It grossed an additional $27.5 million on Christmas Day , the second biggest Christmas Day gross of all time behind The Force Awakens ( $49.3 million ) , for a four - day weekend total of $99 million . It made $52.4 million in its third weekend , again topping the box office . It also brought its domestic total to $517.1 million , overtaking fellow Disney vehicle Beauty and the Beast as the highest of 2017 . It was the 6th biggest third weekend of all time . It had the 7th biggest New Year 's Day gross of all time with $14.3 million , bringing the four day total to $66.8 million . It grossed $23.7 million and was surpassed the following weekend by Jumanji : Welcome to the Jungle ( which was in its third week ) and Insidious : The Last Key . Outside North America In its first two days of release the film made $60.8 million from 48 markets . The top countries were the United Kingdom ( $10.2 million ) , Germany ( $6.1 million ) , France ( $6 million ) , Australia ( $5.6 million ) and Brazil ( $2.5 million ) . By the end of the weekend , the film made $230.8 million outside North America , the ninth - highest of all time . This included $36.7 million in the UK ( third - highest ) , $23.6 million in Germany ( second - highest ) , $18.1 million in France , $15.9 million in Australia ( second - highest ) , $14.4 million in Japan , $8.5 million in Russia , $8.3 million in Spain , $7.2 million in Brazil , $7 million in Italy and Mexico , $6.0 million in Sweden and $5.1 million in South Korea . On its second weekend , it grossed $76.1 million overseas and became the fourth - highest - grossing film of the year in Europe . As of January 21 , the largest markets outside of the United States and Canada are the United Kingdom ( $109.3 million ) , Germany ( $79.8 million ) , France ( $63.5 million ) , Japan ( $60.8 million ) and Australia ( $43.5 million ) . The film had a $28.7 million opening weekend in China , the lowest for a Star Wars film in that country since 2005 . Star Wars : The Force Awakens opened to $52 million two years prior and Rogue One , which featured Chinese stars Donnie Yen and Jiang Wen , opened to $30 million in 2016 . The Last Jedi added only $7 million during the week , to reach a total of $34.2 million in its first seven days . A week after its debut , China 's movie exhibitors dropped the film 's showtimes by 92 percent , from its 34.5 % percent share of the territory 's total screenings . The film grossed $910,000 in its third weekend , dropping to ninth place at the Chinese box office , overshadowed by new releases including Bollywood film Secret Superstar , Hollywood films Ferdinand and Wonder , and Chinese film A Better Tomorrow 2018 . The Last Jedi grossed $41 million in China , as of January 21 , 2018 . Critical response On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes , Star Wars : The Last Jedi has an approval rating of 91 % based on 372 reviews , with an average rating of 8.1 / 10 . The website 's critical consensus reads , `` Star Wars : The Last Jedi honors the saga 's rich legacy while adding some surprising twists -- and delivering all the emotion - rich action fans could hope for . '' On Metacritic , the film has a weighted average score of 85 out of 100 , based on 56 critics , indicating `` universal acclaim '' . Matt Zoller Seitz of gave the film four out of four stars , praising the surprises and risks that it took , writing that `` The movie works equally well as an earnest adventure full of passionate heroes and villains and a meditation on sequels and franchise properties ... ( The film ) is preoccupied with questions of legacy , legitimacy and succession , and includes multiple debates over whether one should replicate or reject the stories and symbols of the past . '' Writing for Rolling Stone , Peter Travers gave the film 3.5 out of 4 stars , praising the cast and the direction : `` You 're in hyper - skilled hands with Johnson who makes sure you leave the multiplex feeling euphoric . The middle part of the current trilogy , The Last Jedi ranks with the very best Star Wars epics ( even the pinnacle that is The Empire Strikes Back ) by pointing the way ahead to a next generation of skywalkers -- and , thrillingly , to a new hope . '' Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun - Times gave the film 3.5 / 4 stars , saying , `` Star Wars : The Last Jedi ... does n't pack quite the same emotional punch ( as The Force Awakens ) and it lags a bit in the second half , ( but ) this is still a worthy chapter in the Star Wars franchise , popping with exciting action sequences , sprinkled with good humor and containing more than a few nifty ' callbacks ' to previous characters and iconic moments . '' For The Hollywood Reporter , Todd McCarthy said , `` Loaded with action and satisfying in the ways its loyal audience wants it to be , writer - director Rian Johnson 's plunge into George Lucas ' universe is generally pleasing even as it sometimes strains to find useful and / or interesting things for some of its characters to do . '' Will Gompertz , arts editor of BBC News , gave the film 4 / 5 stars , writing `` Rian Johnson ... has not ruined your Christmas with a turkey . His gift to you is a cracker , a blockbuster movie packed with invention , wit , and action galore . '' Mark Kermode , British film critic , gave the film 4 / 5 stars saying Johnson `` proves himself the master of the balancing act , keeping the warring forces of this intergalactic franchise in near - perfect harmony . '' The unpredictability of the plot was appreciated by reviewers such as Alex Leadbeater of Screen Rant , who commented specifically that the death of Snoke was `` the best movie twist in years '' . Conversely , Richard Brody of The New Yorker wrote , `` Despite a few stunning decorative touches ( most of which involve the color red ) and that brief central sequence of multiple Reys , the movie comes off as a work that 's ironed out , flattened down , appallingly purified . Above all , it delivers a terrifyingly calculated consensus storytelling , an artificial universality that is achieved , in part , through express religious references . '' Kate Taylor of The Globe and Mail gave the film 2 / 4 stars , saying the film suffered from too many new additions and writing , `` Nifty new animals , a maturing villain , a flagging heroine , muffled humour -- as it seeks to uphold a giant cultural legacy , this unfolding trilogy struggles to maintain a balance that often seems just out of reach . '' Audience response Audience reception measured by scientific polling methods was highly positive . Audiences randomly polled by CinemaScore on opening day gave the film an average grade of `` A '' on an A+ to F scale . Surveys from SurveyMonkey and comScore 's PostTrak found that 89 % of audience members graded the film positively . The user - generated review sections of Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic contained scores that were significantly more negative , achieving ratings of 47 % and 4.6 / 10 , respectively . Several reviewers speculated that the low user scores are the result of manipulation , either by coordinated vote brigading from internet groups or from bots . Quartz noted that some new accounts gave negative ratings to both The Last Jedi and Thor : Ragnarok , while Bleeding Cool stated that reviews for Thor had tapered off up to that point but skyrocketed afterwards . In response to tampering claims , Rotten Tomatoes released a statement that they did not detect any unusual activity aside from a noticeable `` uptick in the number of written user reviews '' on The Last Jedi . Reviewers characterized The Last Jedi as divisive among audiences . Todd VanDerWerff of Vox found that disgruntled fans saw the film as too progressive , disliked its humor , plot , or character arcs , or felt betrayed that it ignored fan theories . Other reviewers made similar observations . Particularly divisive was the reveal that Rey 's parents are insignificant ; many fans had expected her to be Luke 's daughter or to share a lineage with another character from the original trilogy . There was also sentiment that Snoke 's character was underdeveloped and that Luke 's actions contrasted his previous heroic portrayal . Reviewers stated that fan theories were held so strongly among some viewers that it was difficult for them to accept different stories . However , other viewers appreciated the film 's action , tone and deviation from Star Wars tradition . Accolades Award Date of ceremony Category Recipient ( s ) and nominee ( s ) Result Ref . Academy Awards March 4 , 2018 Best Original Score John Williams Nominated Best Sound Editing Matthew Wood and Ren Klyce Nominated Best Sound Mixing David Parker , Michael Semanick , Ren Klyce and Stuart Wilson Nominated Best Visual Effects Ben Morris , Mike Mulholland , Neal Scanlan and Chris Corbould Nominated Art Directors Guild Awards January 27 , 2018 Excellence in Production Design for a Fantasy Film Rick Heinrichs Nominated British Academy Film Awards February 18 , 2018 Best Sound Ren Klyce , David Parker , Michael Semanick , Stuart Wilson , Matthew Wood Nominated Best Special Visual Effects Stephen Alpin , Chris Courbould , Ben Morris , Neal Scanlan Nominated Costume Designers Guild February 20 , 2018 Excellence in Fantasy Film Michael Kaplan Nominated Empire Awards March 18 , 2018 Best Film Star Wars : The Last Jedi Won Best Director Rian Johnson Won Best Actor John Boyega Nominated Best Actress Daisy Ridley Won Best Female Newcomer Kelly Marie Tran Nominated Best Sci - Fi / Fantasy Film Star Wars : The Last Jedi Nominated Best Production Design Nominated Best Visual Effects Won Best Costume Design Michael Kaplan Won Saturn Awards June 2018 Best Science Fiction Film Star Wars : The Last Jedi Pending Best Actor Mark Hamill Pending Best Actress Daisy Ridley Pending Best Supporting Acress Carrie Fisher Pending Best Supporting Actress Kelly Marie Tran Pending Best Director Rian Johnson Pending Best Screenplay Pending Best Production Design Rick Heinrichs Pending Best Editing Bob Ducsay Pending Best Music John Williams Pending Best Costume Design Michael Kaplan Pending Best Makeup Peter Swords King , Neal Scanlan Pending Best Film Special / Visual Effects Ben Morris , Mike Mulholland , Chris Corbould , Neal Scanlan Pending Visual Effects Society Awards February 13 , 2018 Outstanding Visual Effects in a Photoreal Feature Ben Morris , Tim Keene , Eddie Pasquarello , Daniel Seddon , Chris Corbould Nominated Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a Photoreal Project Cameron Nielsen , Albert Cheng , John Levin , Johanes Kurnia for `` Crait Surface Battle '' Nominated Outstanding Effects Simulations in a Photoreal Feature Peter Kyme , Miguel Perez Senet , Ahmed Gharraph , Billy Copley for `` Bombing Run '' Nominated Mihai Cioroba , Ryoji Fujita , Jiyong Shin , Dan Finnegan for `` Mega Destroyer Destruction '' Nominated Sequel Episode IX , the final installment of the sequel trilogy , is scheduled for release on December 20 , 2019 . Principal photography is set to begin in June 2018 . Although Colin Trevorrow had been attached to direct the film , on September 5 , 2017 , Lucasfilm announced that Trevorrow had stepped down . A week later , Lucasfilm announced that J.J. Abrams would return to direct Episode IX and co-write it with Chris Terrio . Abrams and Terrio stated that Episode IX will bring together all three trilogies , with elements from the previous two trilogies . References ^ Jump up to : Hewitt , Chris ( July 27 , 2013 ) . `` John Williams To Score Star Wars Episodes VII - IX '' . Empire . Retrieved March 21 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : `` Star Wars : Episode VIII Now Filming '' . . February 15 , 2016 . Retrieved February 15 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Star Wars : The Last Jedi '' . British Board of Film Classification . Retrieved November 28 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` OK , We Need to Talk About This Controversy with Star Wars : The Last Jedi '' . Wired . December 18 , 2017 . Retrieved December 19 , 2017 . 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Wikiquote has quotations related to : Star Wars : The Last Jedi Official website Star Wars : The Last Jedi on IMDb Star Wars : The Last Jedi at AllMovie Star Wars : The Last Jedi at Box Office Mojo Star Wars : The Last Jedi at Metacritic Star Wars : The Last Jedi at Rotten Tomatoes Star Wars Feature films Saga Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi The Phantom Menace Attack of the Clones Revenge of the Sith The Force Awakens The Last Jedi Anthology Rogue One Solo Other The Clone Wars Television Series Droids Ewoks Clone Wars The Clone Wars cast episodes Rebels characters episodes Forces of Destiny Detours ( unaired ) Films Holiday Special Caravan of Courage : An Ewok Adventure Ewoks : The Battle for Endor Production George Lucas Lucasfilm Cast Characters Changes in film re-releases Han shot first Filming locations Opening crawl Sequel trilogy Sources and analogues Music Soundtracks Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi Ewoks Episode I : The Phantom Menace Episode II : Attack of the Clones Episode III : Revenge of the Sith The Clone Wars The Force Awakens Rogue One The Last Jedi Themes `` Star Wars ( Main Title ) '' `` The Imperial March '' `` Ewok Celebration '' `` Duel of the Fates '' `` Battle of the Heroes '' Outside media Attractions A Galactic Spectacular Jedi Training : Trials of the Temple Star Tours The Adventures Continue Galaxy 's Edge Star Wars Hotel Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain Star Wars Launch Bay Star Wars Weekends Where Science Meets Imagination Lego List of sets Droid Tales The Resistance Rises The Freemaker Adventures Merchandise Action figures Kenner list Hasbro Vintage Collection Star Wars Transformers Games Star Wars Pez Manga Force Trainer Shepperton Design Studios Trading cards Vinylmation Star Wars Rollinz toys Television specials The Making of Star Wars SP FX : The Empire Strikes Back From Star Wars to Jedi : The Making of a Saga Other Radio dramatizations Video games list Shadows of the Empire Knights of the Old Republic The Force Unleashed The Old Republic Art Books non-fiction Comics list Expanded universe characters Cultural impact 501st Legion Comparison to Star Trek Fan films Parodies Force for Change Jedi census Jediism Rebel Legion Star Wars Celebration Star Wars Day Star Wars : In Concert Star Wars Insider Wookieepedia TheForce.Net Yoda conditions Book Category Portal Lucasfilm Productions Films American Graffiti ( 1973 ) Star Wars ( 1977 ) More American Graffiti ( 1979 ) The Empire Strikes Back ( 1980 ) Raiders of the Lost Ark ( 1981 ) Return of the Jedi ( 1983 ) Twice Upon a Time ( 1983 ) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom ( 1984 ) Latino ( 1985 ) Mishima : A Life in Four Chapters ( 1985 ) Labyrinth ( 1986 ) Howard the Duck ( 1986 ) Tucker : The Man and His Dream ( 1988 ) Willow ( 1988 ) The Land Before Time ( 1988 ) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade ( 1989 ) Radioland Murders ( 1994 ) Star Wars : Episode I -- The Phantom Menace ( 1999 ) Star Wars : Episode II -- Attack of the Clones ( 2002 ) Star Wars : Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith ( 2005 ) Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull ( 2008 ) Star Wars : The Clone Wars ( 2008 ) Red Tails ( 2012 ) Strange Magic ( 2015 ) Star Wars : The Force Awakens ( 2015 ) Rogue One ( 2016 ) Star Wars : The Last Jedi ( 2017 ) Solo ( 2018 ) TV series Star Wars : Droids ( 1985 -- 86 ) Star Wars : Ewoks ( 1985 -- 86 ) Maniac Mansion ( 1990 -- 93 ) The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles ( 1992 -- 93 ) Star Wars : Clone Wars ( 2003 -- 05 ) Star Wars : The Clone Wars ( 2008 -- 14 ) Star Wars Rebels ( 2014 -- 18 ) Lego Star Wars : The Freemaker Adventures ( 2016 -- present ) Star Wars Detours ( unaired ) TV films Caravan of Courage : An Ewok Adventure ( 1984 ) Ewoks : The Battle for Endor ( 1985 ) Theme park films Captain EO ( 1986 ) Star Tours ( 1987 ) ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter ( 1995 ) Star Tours -- The Adventures Continue ( 2011 ) Franchises Star Wars Indiana Jones Related productions THX 1138 ( 1971 ) Divisions Industrial Light & Magic Skywalker Sound Lucasfilm Animation LucasArts Former divisions The Droid Works EditDroid SoundDroid Kerner Optical Pixar THX People George Lucas ( Founder ) Kathleen Kennedy ( President ) Howard Roffman ( EVP , Franchise Management ) Parent : Walt Disney Studios ( The Walt Disney Company ) Films directed by Rian Johnson Brick ( 2005 ) The Brothers Bloom ( 2008 ) Looper ( 2012 ) Star Wars : The Last Jedi ( 2017 ) Empire Award for Best Film Braveheart ( 1996 ) Se7en ( 1997 ) Men in Black ( 1998 ) Titanic ( 1999 ) The Matrix ( 2000 ) Gladiator ( 2001 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring ( 2002 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers ( 2003 ) The Lord of the Rings : The Return of the King ( 2004 ) The Bourne Supremacy ( 2005 ) King Kong ( 2006 ) Casino Royale ( 2007 ) The Bourne Ultimatum ( 2008 ) The Dark Knight ( 2009 ) Avatar ( 2010 ) Inception ( 2011 ) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 ( 2012 ) Skyfall ( 2013 ) Gravity ( 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Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | what is the release date of the movie star wars episode viii the last jedi ' | [
"The Last Jedi had its world premiere in Los Angeles on December 9, 2017, and was released in the United States on December 15, 2017. It has grossed over $1.3 billion worldwide, making it the highest-grossing film of 2017, the 7th-highest-ever grossing film in North America and the 9th-highest-grossing film of all time. It is also the second-highest-grossing film of the Star Wars franchise, and turned a net profit of over $417 million. It received positive reviews from critics, who praised its ensemble cast, visual effects, musical score, action sequences and emotional weight; some considered it the best Star Wars film since The Empire Strikes Back.[7][8][9][10] The film received four nominations at the 90th Academy Awards, including Best Original Score and Best Visual Effects, as well two nominations at the 71st British Academy Film Awards. A sequel, provisionally titled Star Wars: Episode IX, is scheduled for release on December 20, 2019.[11]"
] | [
"December 15, 2017"
] |
2550441441989485128 | Roybal | Roybal - wikipedia Roybal Roybal , also spelled Roibal and Ruibal , is a Galician surname , later introduced into the Americas . It has its origin in the hamlet of Ruibal , in the municipality of Moraña -- Galicia ( Spain ) -- where a 3 % of the local inhabitant are surnamed Ruibal . In Galicia this surname is in use at least since the 14th century . Contents 1 History 2 Notable people with the last name Roybal 3 Sources 3.1 Notes and References History ( edit ) In the Americas , the name first appears in documents dating to around 1675 . One of the first recorded instances is that of Ignacio Roybal , a soldier who traveled with Don Diego de Vargas to reconquer the city of Santa Fe , New Mexico from the Indians after the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 . Fray Angélico Chávez , a New Mexico historian , is also a descendent of the New Mexico Roybal lineage and was one of the first to trace it . Many Roybals trace their ancestry to the New Mexico cities of Santa Fe , Pojoaque , El Rancho , Jacona , to the San Ildefonso Pueblo , where it is shared by Native Americans , and to the historical area of Cuyumungue . The name also has history in California , Colorado , Pecos , New Mexico and Las Vegas , New Mexico . Notable People with the last name Roybal ( edit ) Joseph Roybal , Casino Technology Executive Simon Roybal , US Army , Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran . Philanthropist and Youth Advocate . Philip M. Roybal , Early Apple marketing manager and entrepreneur David J. Roybal , Finance J. Roybal , Painter Alfonso Roybal ( also known as Awa Tsireh ) , San Ildefonso Pueblo artist and painter Antonio Roybal , painter and sculptor Edward Roybal , politician Ignacio Roibal ( Roybal ) , Spanish soldier with Diego de Vargas from Spain and the owner of the Historic Sena Plaza in Santa Fe Louis Roybal , Professional Billiard ( Pool ) Player and Teacher J.D. Roybal , Native American painter from San Ildefonso Pueblo James Roybal , sculptor Josefa Roybal , Native American painter Lucille Roybal - Allard , politician Max Roybal , New Mexico santero and painter Ronald Roybal , Native American flautist Don Santiago Roybal , appointed in 1730 by the archbishops of Guadalajara , Mexico to oversee the missions of New Mexico . Lawrence Roybal Jr. , King County Human Rights Commissioner Ken Roybal , renowned financier Los Angeles Sara Roybal . Film and Television Makeup Artist Henry P. Roybal , Santa Fe County Commissioner , Politician Michael Roybal , Fiber Optic Engineer Chad Roybal , lead Engineer GMC Sources ( edit ) Motto , Sytha ( 1973 ) . Old Houses of New Mexico and The People Who Built Them . Albuquerque : Calvin Horn Publisher , Inc . ISBN 0 - 910750 - 24 - 6 . Chávez , Angélico ( 1974 ) . My Penitente Land , Reflections on Spanish New Mexico . Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press . p. 208 . ISBN 0 - 8263 - 0334 - X . `` Roybal , Josefa '' . National Museum of American Art , Smithsonian . The Museum . 1995 . p. 183 . ISBN 0 - 8212 - 2216 - 3 . Notes and references ( edit ) Jump up ^ Cf . Cartografía dos apelidos de Galicia Jump up ^ `` Corpus Xelmírez -- Resultados da consulta '' . . Retrieved 11 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Awa Tsireh , American Art '' . Smithsonian American Art Museum . Retrieved 2016 - 01 - 11 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Surnames Hidden categories : All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from March 2014 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Edit links This page was last edited on 22 June 2018 , at 23 : 44 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | where does the last name roybal come from | [
"Roybal, also spelled Roibal and Ruibal, is a Galician surname, later introduced into the Americas[citation needed] . It has its origin in the hamlet of Ruibal, in the municipality of Moraña —Galicia (Spain)— where a 3% of the local inhabitant are surnamed Ruibal.[1]\n"
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"the municipality of Moraña —Galicia (Spain)"
] |
3595409155477349724 | Main Street Electrical Parade | Main Street Electrical Parade - wikipedia Main Street Electrical Parade Jump to : navigation , search `` MSEP '' redirects here . For the United States Air Force astronaut corps , see Manned Spaceflight Engineer Program . For the series of sports stadiums and venues located in Melbourne , Australia , see Melbourne Sports and Entertainment Precinct . ( hide ) This article has multiple issues . Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page . ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages ) This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2010 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) This article contains embedded lists that may be poorly defined , unverified or indiscriminate . Please help to clean it up to meet Wikipedia 's quality standards . Where appropriate , incorporate items into the main body of the article . ( October 2013 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Main Street Electrical Parade The Minnie ( left ) and Mickey ( right ) drum float , with the parade 's old logo in the middle Disneyland Status Closed Soft opening date January 19 , 2017 ( second run ) Opening date June 17 , 1972 January 20 , 2017 Closing date November 25 , 1996 August 20 , 2017 Replaced Paint the Night ( 2015 - 2016 ) Replaced by Light Magic ( 1997 ) Paint the Night ( 2015 - 2017 ) Magic Kingdom Status Closed Opening date June 11 , 1977 May 21 , 1999 June 5 , 2010 Closing date September 14 , 1991 April 1 , 2001 October 9 , 2016 Replaced SpectroMagic Replaced by SpectroMagic ( 1st & 2nd Tenures ) Tokyo Disneyland Name Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade : DreamLights Status Operating Opening date March 9 , 1985 ( original ) June 17 , 2001 ( DreamLights ) Closing date June 21 , 1995 ( original ) Replaced Disney 's Fantillusion Replaced by Disney 's Fantillusion Disneyland Park ( Paris ) Status Closed Opening date April 12 , 1992 Closing date March 23 , 2003 Replaced by Disney 's Fantillusion Disney California Adventure Name Disney 's Electrical Parade Status Closed Soft opening date July 2 , 2001 Opening date July 3 , 2001 Closing date April 18 , 2010 Replaced by Paint the Night ( 2018 ) General statistics Attraction type Parade The Main Street Electrical Parade is a nighttime parade , created by Bob Jani and project director Ron Miziker , famous for its long run at Disneyland at the Disneyland Resort in California and Magic Kingdom at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida . It features floats and live performers covered in thousands of electronically controlled lights and a synchronized soundtrack triggered by radio control along key areas of the parade route . The parade has also spun off several other versions that ran or continue to run at Disney parks around the world . Currently , an updated version runs at Tokyo Disneyland as the Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade : DreamLights . In 2014 , Hong Kong Disneyland premiered a spiritual successor to the Main Street Electrical Parade , the Paint the Night Parade , which , like its predecessor , features `` Baroque Hoedown '' as its theme song . An extended version of Paint the Night premiered at Disneyland on May 22 , 2015 as part of the park 's 60th anniversary celebration . The original Disneyland copy of the parade ran at Walt Disney World 's Magic Kingdom as `` Disney 's Main Street Electrical Parade '' from June 5 , 2010 to October 9 , 2016 , when it closed in preparation for a limited - time run at Disneyland which started January 20 , 2017 and was planned to run through June 18 , 2017 , marking the 45th anniversary of the parade . However , due to popular demand , Disney extended the parade 's run to August 20 , 2017 . The parade ended its most recent run at Disneyland on August 20 , 2017 . Disney has made no announcements regarding the parade 's future . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Units 2 Versions of this Parade 3 Music 3.1 Remixes , samples and parodies 4 See also 5 References 6 External links History ( edit ) The predecessor to the 1972 Disneyland Main Street Electrical Parade is the Electrical Water Pageant , a show made up of fourteen 25 - foot - tall ( 7.6 m ) screens with electrical lights placed on them . The screens are placed on a string of seven barges that travel around the Seven Seas Lagoon in front of the Magic Kingdom at the Walt Disney World Resort . The Electrical Water Pageant has been showing since October 26 , 1971 , just weeks after the Walt Disney World Resort opened . Not long after the Electrical Water Pageant debuted , Card Walker commissioned the development of what became the Main Street Electrical Parade to provide Disneyland with a similar nighttime visual spectacle . The parade 's design used nickel -- cadmium batteries , which the Disney movie studio had recently started using , and Italian - made miniature bulbs that Disneyland staff had seen in light displays along Michigan Avenue in Chicago , Illinois . Disney arranged for the Parade 's original floats to be constructed by the Chicago - based company responsible for those holiday displays . Two months to deadline , Disney discovered the float contractor was far behind schedule and decided to finish the floats itself in a backstage area at Disneyland . Disney brought on welders , electricians and other temporary workers to assemble the floats and hand - tint and install 500,000 bulbs . The first rehearsal was a disaster ; a float crashed into a building on Main Street , U.S.A. , and some performers ' costumes emitted sparks . Despite these obstacles , the parade successfully debuted on schedule on June 17 , 1972 . The engineers who helped create the parade also created the first automated parade show - control program . This allowed the 2,000 - foot ( 610 m ) long parade route to contain multiple radio - activated `` trigger zones '' . Using radio - activated triggers as each float entered a zone , the audience would hear float - specific music through the park 's audio system . Each zone was between 70 to 100 feet ( 21 to 30 m ) long , and the zoned system meant that every person watching the parade would experience the same show , no matter where they stood along the parade route . The original parade floats featured the Blue Fairy , a large drum pulled by the Casey Jr . Engine , Cinderella , a Chinese dragon , and a circus calliope . Until 1977 , some of the floats , such as the elephant train and the American flag finale , were flat screens on manually - pushed rolling platforms similar to the Electrical Water Pageant . The Main Street Electrical Parade had counterparts of the same name and layout at Magic Kingdom in the Walt Disney World Resort , which ran from 1977 to 1991 . It was replaced by a similar parade called SpectroMagic , which ran from 1991 to 1999 , reopened in 2001 , and ended on June 4 , 2010 . In 1992 , the version from Magic Kingdom went to Disneyland Park at Disneyland Paris and ran there until 2003 . It was then replaced by Fantillusion , a nighttime parade from Tokyo Disneyland that had earlier replaced the Tokyo version of the Main Street Electrical Parade , which ran from 1985 to 1995 . Tokyo Disneyland 's current night parade , Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade : DreamLights , began in 2001 and it was a return to the style of the original with updated new music and floats . On June 14 , 1997 , a presentation of the Electrical Parade called the `` Hercules Electrical Parade '' , ran on Broadway , Manhattan , New York City for the opening of Disney 's New Amsterdam Theater and the film Hercules . Disney arranged for the lights to be all turned off on about eight blocks of Broadway up to the theater . All businesses complied , with the exception of Disney rival Warner Brothers . It was led by a custom Hercules title unit made for this one time only use . It was shown on national television on a one - hour promotional program featuring the music and making of Hercules . On January 2 , 1978 , the other outside presentation of the Electrical Parade was presented during the halftime show of the 1978 Orange Bowl college football game . The Main Street Electrical Parade closed at Disneyland in 1996 after a 24 - year run . Light bulbs certified as having been part of the show were sold to collectors . The replacement show , Light Magic , opened in 1997 and was an immediate failure . Disney quickly cancelled Light Magic but held off in bringing back the popular Main Street Electrical Parade . However , the parade was refurbished and appeared at Magic Kingdom in May 1999 for a limited engagement , just in time for Walt Disney World Millennium Celebration . The parade ended its run at Magic Kingdom on April 1 , 2001 and SpectroMagic was brought back the following day . The Main Street Electrical Parade floats were then sent back to California for the parade 's return to Disneyland . These plans changed after Anaheim management saw the poor attendance figures for the spring break season at Disney California Adventure and feared that the park would fail to attract large crowds during the crucial summer season , unless they had a big draw . So , on April 25 , 2001 , Disney announced that the popular Main Street Electrical Parade would be coming to Disney California Adventure Park on July 2 , 2001 , in honor of the first summer of the park . The name of the show was changed from the Main Street Electrical Parade to Disney 's Electrical Parade . Most of the 1996 parade floats returned , except for the Pinocchio Pleasure Island section and Snow White diamond mine float , which were sent to Disneyland Park at Disneyland Paris in 1997 . The parade had been offered during summer periods and selected weekends . It finished a nine - month hiatus during the 2005 off - season at the Disneyland Resort , which allowed replacement of lights on all of the floats and alteration of wording on the drum to `` Disney 's Electrical Parade , Presented by Sylvania '' . On the 2008 Walt Disney World Christmas Day Parade special , Disney announced that a Tinker Bell float would be added to Disney 's Electrical Parade , which would make it the first new float to be added to the classic parade in 20 years , since the temporary Mickey Mouse 's 60th Birthday float in 1988 . It was announced at a press conference on April 24 , 2009 , that the Snow White and Pinocchio units would be returning as well . Disney started testing updated and new units in late May 2009 . Most of the major floats have had new LED pixie dust effects added to them . This parade , with the new Tinker Bell float replacing the Blue Fairy , made its formal premiere on June 12 , 2009 . California 's caterpillar received a new digital face in December 2009 . One of the original turtle floats from the Main Street Electrical Parade was on display at the `` technology section '' of the D23 Expo . Disney 's Electrical Parade at Disney California Adventure ended its run on April 18 , 2010 , and was sent to Magic Kingdom as part of the Walt Disney World 2010 promotional package `` Summer Nightastic ! '' The parade was not modified from its Disney California Adventure run , with the drum still saying `` Disney 's Electrical Parade '' . While it was initially announced that the parade would stay just through the summer , Disney later announced that the parade was on a `` open - ended '' run . The parade ended its run at Magic Kingdom on October 9 , 2016 , in preparation for its limited - time return to Disneyland park in California , which was scheduled to run from January 20 to June 18 , 2017 , before being extended to August 20 , 2017 . A special ticketed premiere event , costing US $95 , occurred on January 19 , 2017 . The drum float was altered back to its original state with `` Disneyland Presents '' and `` Main Street Electrical Parade '' replacing `` Disney 's Electrical Parade '' . The Tinker Bell float no longer leads the parade and was moved to the Peter Pan unit , making Casey Jr. the lead float instead . Units ( edit ) Over the years and numerous iterations of the parade , the roster of floats has changed . The version of the parade that has appeared in Disneyland , the Magic Kingdom , and Disneyland Paris has maintained a continuous set of units . These include The Casey Jr. train from Dumbo carrying Mickey Mouse , Minnie Mouse , and Goofy , and subsequent floats based on Alice in Wonderland , Cinderella , Peter Pan , Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs , Pinocchio , Pete 's Dragon , and a patriotic American float titled `` To Honor America '' . Previous units included the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio , a circus float connected to Dumbo , an It 's A Small World unit , and a promotional float for Return to Oz in 1985 , but it was destroyed by a fire . Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade : DreamLights features a number of floats featured in the western incarnation , though they are upgraded or alternate models . As of the 2017 renewal , the floats are Blue Fairy , Knights of Light , Mickey 's Dreamlights Train , Alice in Wonderland , Disney Fairies , Pete 's Dragon , Peter Pan , Toy Story 3 , Aladdin , Tangled , Cinderella , Beauty and the Beast , Frozen and It 's A Small World , Versions of this Parade ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( August 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) There were 3 versions of the parade . Version A ( Disneyland version ) was built in 1972 . This version ran at Disneyland Park ( in Anaheim ) from 1972 until 1996 . It then moved to Magic Kingdom ( in Orlando ) , where it lasted from 1999 until 2001 . After that , it moved to the struggling Disney 's California Adventure Park ( in Anaheim ) , where it ran from 2001 until 2010 . When it ended there , it moved back to the Magic Kingdom ( in Orlando ) , where it lasted from 2010 until 2016 . It then left Magic Kingdom ( in Orlando ) to move back to its home park , Disneyland ( in Anaheim ) , where it ran from January 19 , 2017 to August 20 of the same year . Version B ( Walt Disney World version ) was built in 1977 and premiered in Magic Kingdom ( in Orlando ) . It was a clone of the one that was running in Anaheim . It lasted there until 1991 , where it moved across the Atlantic to Disneyland Park ( Paris ) . It lasted from 1992 up until 2003 , where it was sent to Hong Kong Disneyland , but never appeared there . Version C ( Tokyo Disneyland version ) was built in 1985 and has not left Tokyo Disneyland Park . It premiered in 1985 , and closed in 1995 . When it closed , it was refurbished into `` Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade : DreamLights '' . Music ( edit ) The Main Street Electrical Parade 's underlying theme song is entitled `` Baroque Hoedown . '' The original version was created in 1967 by early synthesizer pioneers Jean - Jacques Perrey and Gershon Kingsley and appeared first on the album Kaleidoscopic Vibrations : Electronic Pop Music from Way Out . Originally , the parade 's soundtrack had the same themes as the current recording , but was a different arrangement by Jim Christensen and Paul Beaver . In 1977 , it was updated and arranged by electronic music artist Don Dorsey and Jack Wagner at Jack Wagner Studio , which was used until January 2009 in Disney 's Electrical Parade . When the parade returned to Disney California Adventure in June 2009 , it began using the updated , orchestrated DreamLights soundtrack from Tokyo , but with changes made as certain floats in the California parade are not included in the Tokyo parade . The soundtrack for the current version , the 2009 version of Disney 's Electrical Parade , The Main Street Electrical Parade ( the last run ending 2016 at Magic Kingdom ) , and the recently - concluded 2017 run of the Main Street Electrical Parade at Disneyland , as well as Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade DreamLights version were arranged , programmed and performed by Gregory Smith . Smith also arranged the music for Disneyland 's Remember ... Dreams Come True show ( which also contains a snippet of the original Don Dorsey arrangement , which then concludes in a grand orchestral finale arranged by Smith ) as well as Magical : Disney 's New Nighttime Spectacular of Magical Celebrations fireworks shows . The soundtrack to the parade has been released numerous times : Main Street Electrical Parade ( 1973 soundtrack ) ( Disneyland Park , Disneyland Resort ) Main Street Electrical Parade ( 1977 soundtrack ) ( Disneyland and Magic Kingdom ) The Music of Disney : A Legacy in Song ( 1992 ) ( Disneyland Park , Disneyland Resort ) Fantasmic ! : Good Clashes with Evil in a Nighttime Spectacular ( 1992 ) ( Disneyland Park , Disneyland Resort ) Classic Disney Volume II : 60 Years of Musical Magic ( 1995 ) ( Disneyland Park , Disneyland Resort ) The Main Street Electrical Parade ( 1999 CD ) ( Magic Kingdom , Walt Disney World ) Les Parades En Musique ( 2000 CD ) ( Disneyland Park , Disneyland Resort Paris ) Disney 's Electrical Parade ( 2001 CD ) Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade Dreamlights ( 2001 CD ) Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade Dreamlights - Show Mix Edition ( 2001 ) Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade Dreamlights ~ Christmas ~ Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade Dreamlights ( 2011 Renewal Version ) A Musical History of Disneyland ( Disneyland Park , Disneyland Resort ) Walt Disney Records The Legacy Collection : Disneyland ( 2015 ) Dorsey used 11 synthesizers to create the soundtrack : Moog Model III , Mini-Moog , Steiner - Parker Synthacon , Oberheim 8 - voice , Sequential Circuits Prophet - 5 , Fender Rhodes Piano , New England Digital Synclavier II , Bode 7702 Vocoder , Roland MKS - 80 Super Jupiter , Yamaha DX7 and Yamaha TX7 . Wagner provides the synthesized vocoder voice for the intro and outro to the parade . Bill Rogers provided the synthesized vocoder announcement when the Disneyland version of the parade made its first visit to Magic Kingdom in 1999 . When the parade went to Disney California Adventure Park in 2001 , the original Jack Wagner announcements for the Disneyland version of the parade were used as the basis for the announcements at the new park . Since the park does not have a Main Street U.S.A. , the announcements had to be updated with minor changes . These included the insertion of the words `` Disney '' and `` Disney 's '' to reflect that the show 's name had changed to Disney 's Electrical Parade . These same announcrments were used when the soundtrack was updated , albeit with a pitch change to reflect the change in the key the soundtrack was in . Minor harmonic changes were also implemented via the vocoder for the updated soundtrack 's version of the announcements , but these did not effect their sound quality or the ability to understand them . While the original soundtrack is played solely on synthesizers , the Tokyo Disneyland version uses an orchestra with adult and youth choirs in addition to harmonies and synthesizers . This version also includes Character voices in both English and Japanese . This version was also orchestrated , programmed , conducted and performed by Gregory Smith . During the Christmas season at Tokyo Disneyland , the Electrical Parade gets a new soundtrack ; it is mostly the same soundtrack with added Christmas songs , mixed in with the theme music . For Tokyo Disneyland 's 30th anniversary , a show stop was added to the parade , it includes a 2 - minute Christmas medley ; fireworks from Cinderella Castle are synced during the show stop as well . The showstop is only performed once a year as part of a private event for Disney / JCB Card holders . The 2009 version of Disney 's Electrical Parade at Disney 's California Adventure , 2010 version at Magic Kingdom and current Main Street Electrical Parade at Disneyland utilize much of the soundtrack created for DreamLights , with new loops created for the Cinderella , Pinocchio , and To Honor America units . However , the new soundtrack retains a more electronic sound than that of Tokyo 's in that many of the orchestral parts of the DreamLights soundtrack have been replaced by synthesizers in this version . Whereas the Magic Kingdom used a newly recorded vocoder introduction for its 2010 version of the parade , the original 1977 Jack Wagner introduction was pitch - corrected to match the updated soundtrack and integrated into Disneyland 's 2017 version of the parade . Remixes , samples and parodies ( edit ) A remix of the Electrical Parade ( called the Retro Future Remix ) was released on Dance Dance Revolution Disney Mix , and contains audio resamplings from the Apollo 8 reading of Genesis . In Japan , Walt Disney Records released a CD called DJ Digs Main Street Electrical Parade which featured the theme music remixed by Japanese DJs . The Japan only House ☆ Disney album , also released by Walt Disney Records , contains a remix of the song by famous Japanese DJ Shinichi Osawa . The remix subsequently appeared on the 2014 Disney remix album , Dconstructed . The album Eurobeat Disney 3 , also only released in Japan , was done by the group A-Beat Power and features a remix of the song in Eurobeat style . In 1998 , a Disney Tribute Album entitled We Love Mickey ~ Happy 70th Anniversary ( Walt Disney Records ) , featuring covers of Disney songs by Japanese artists , included a remake by The Eccentric Opera . The track uses samples from Dorsey 's arrangement and Snow White . Lyrics appear to be in German and are from an unknown source . A `` Celtic '' - inspired version was heard in the Main Street Electrical Parade 's replacement Light Magic . Light Magic ran for one summer , never to return again . In The Simpsons episode `` Selma 's Choice '' Lisa could be seen dancing in a dazed state in front of the Duff Gardens Light Parade with a musical take off of Main Street Electrical Parade Theme & Background music . A cover version by They Might Be Giants was released on the Disneymania 2 album . The same version was also featured on the soundtrack of the film Moog . A parody of the parade can be found during the ending credits of Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario . A cover version of Baroque Hoedown by ska band Reel Big Fish was included on the Japanese album Dive into Disney . The vocaloid producer DaniwellP created a remix of the Electrical Parade using Hatsune Miku . The parade is parodied in the 2002 film Scooby Doo as a spooky themed parade called The Electrical Torture Parade . See also ( edit ) Magic Kingdom attraction and entertainment history References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Glover , Erin . `` Main Street Electrical Parade Returns to Disneyland Park January 20 '' . Disney Parks Blog . Archived from the original on December 5 , 2016 . Retrieved December 5 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Glover , Erin . `` Main Street Electrical Parade Extended by Popular Demand at Disneyland Park '' . Disney Parks Blog . Archived from the original on April 1 , 2017 . Retrieved April 1 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Smith , Thomas . `` Main Street Electrical Parade Ends Run at Walt Disney World On October 9 , Heads to Disneyland Resort for a Limited Time '' . Disney Parks Blog . Archived from the original on August 12 , 2016 . Jump up ^ @ DisneylandToday ( 2 August 2016 ) . `` Hello ! Paint the Night parade also will conclude on September 5 , 2016 . '' ( Tweet ) -- via Twitter . ^ Jump up to : MacDonald , Brady ( December 14 , 2016 ) . `` How the returning Disneyland Electrical Parade went from ' absolute disaster ' to beloved attraction '' . Los Angeles Times . Los Angeles : Tronc , Inc . Archived from the original on December 14 , 2016 . Retrieved December 14 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Article describing the creation of MSEP audio technology '' . Archived from the original on 23 June 2006 . Jump up ^ Gest , Emily ( 1997 - 06 - 10 ) . `` Disney 's ready to roll with Herculean labor '' . Daily News . Archived from the original on 2009 - 05 - 10 . Retrieved 2014 - 08 - 02 . Jump up ^ Stayton , Wynton. `` 1978 Orange Bowl Halftime Show - Main Street Electrical Parade '' . . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Lighting Up The Night With New Shows And A New Glow ! Disneyland Resort Celebrates Summer Nightastic ! '' . . Disneyland . Archived from the original on 29 April 2009 . Retrieved 7 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Main Street Electrical Parade Moving Westward '' . U.S. News & World Report . Associated Press . August 11 , 2016 . Archived from the original on August 12 , 2016 . Retrieved August 12 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Pimentel , Joseph . `` Disneyland 's Main Street Electrical Parade returns Thursday with iconic tune '' . The Orange County Register . Archived from the original on January 19 , 2017 . Retrieved January 19 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Disney 's Return to Oz Electrical Parade '' . Walt Disney 's Return to . Archived from the original on October 12 , 2016 . Retrieved April 14 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Summer Nightastic ! at the Disneyland Resort '' . Laughing Place . April 27 , 2009 . Archived from the original on October 7 , 2015 . Retrieved June 28 , 2014 . External links ( edit ) Media related to Main Street Electrical Parade at Wikimedia Commons Tokyo Disneyland Attractions World Bazaar Omnibus The Penny Arcade Fantasyland Alice 's Tea Party Castle Carrousel Cinderella Castle Cinderella 's Fairy Tale Hall Dumbo the Flying Elephant Haunted Mansion It 's a Small World Mickey 's PhilharMagic Peter Pan 's Flight Pinocchio 's Daring Journey Pooh 's Hunny Hunt Snow White Grotto Snow White 's Adventures Sword in the Stone Adventureland The Enchanted Tiki Room : Stitch Presents Aloha e Komo Mai ! Jungle Cruise Lilo 's Luau & Fun Mickey 's Rainbow Luau Minnie Oh ! Minnie Pirates of the Caribbean Super-Duper Jumpin ' Time Swiss Family Treehouse Western River Railroad Tomorrowland Buzz Lightyear 's Astro Blasters Monsters , Inc . Ride & Go Seek One Man 's Dream II : The Magic Lives On Space Mountain Star Jets Star Tours -- The Adventures Continue Stitch Encounter Toontown Chip ' n Dale 's Treehouse Donald 's Boat Gadget 's Go Coaster Goofy 's Paint and Playhouse Mickey 's House and Meet Mickey Minnie 's House Roger Rabbit 's Car Toon Spin Toon Park Westernland Big Thunder Mountain Country Bear Theater The Diamond Horseshoe Horseshoe Roundup Mark Twain Riverboat Tom Sawyer Island Rafts Westernland Shootin ' Gallery Critter Country Beaver Brothers Explorer Canoes Splash Mountain Entertainment Happiness is Here Happiness On High Nightfall Glow Once Upon a Time Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade : Dreamlights Seasonal Attraction Country Bear Theater Jingle bells Jamboree Country Bear Theater Vacation Jamboree Haunted Mansion Holiday Nightmare Future Attraction Beauty and the Beast Ride Big Hero 6 Ride The Sherman Brothers Richard M. Sherman Robert B. Sherman Motion pictures The Parent Trap ( 1961 ) The Absent - Minded Professor ( 1961 ) Greyfriars Bobby ( 1961 ) Bon Voyage ! ( 1962 ) A Symposium on Popular Songs ( 1962 ) In Search of the Castaways ( 1962 ) Big Red ( 1962 ) Moon Pilot ( 1962 ) Summer Magic ( 1963 ) The Sword in the Stone ( 1963 ) The Misadventures of Merlin Jones ( 1964 ) The Moon - Spinners ( 1964 ) Mary Poppins ( 1964 ) Those Calloways ( 1965 ) The Monkey 's Uncle ( 1965 ) That Darn Cat ! ( 1965 ) Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree ( 1966 ) Follow Me Boys ( 1966 ) The Happiest Millionaire ( 1967 ) The Jungle Book ( 1967 ) The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin ( 1967 ) The One and Only , Genuine , Original Family Band ( 1968 ) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang ( 1968 ) Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day ( 1968 ) The Aristocats ( 1970 ) Goldilocks ( 1971 ) Bedknobs and Broomsticks ( 1971 ) Snoopy , Come Home ( 1972 ) Charlotte 's Web ( 1973 ) Tom Sawyer ( 1973 ) Huckleberry Finn ( 1974 ) Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too ( 1974 ) The Slipper and the Rose ( 1976 ) The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ( 1977 ) The Magic of Lassie ( 1978 ) Magic Journeys ( 1982 ) Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore ( 1983 ) Little Nemo : Adventures in Slumberland ( 1992 ) The Mighty Kong ( 1998 ) Seasons of Giving ( 1999 ) The Tigger Movie ( 2000 ) Stage musicals and musical revues Victory Canteen ( 1971 ) Over Here ! ( 1974 ) Dawgs ( 1983 ) The Slipper and the Rose ( 1984 ) Busker Alley ( 1994 ) Chitty Chitty Bang Bang ( 2002 ) On the Record ( 2004 ) Mary Poppins ( 2004 ) Merry - Go - Round workshop ( 2007 ) A Spoonful of Sherman ( 2014 ) Theme park attractions Golden Horseshoe Revue ( 1955 ) King Arthur Carrousel ( 1955 ) Walt Disney 's Enchanted Tiki Room ( 1963 ) It 's a Small World ( 1966 ) Adventure Thru Inner Space ( 1967 ) Main Street Electrical Parade ( 1972 ) America Sings ( 1974 ) Walt Disney 's Carousel of Progress ( 1975 ) America on Parade ( 1975 ) CommuniCore ( 1982 ) Imagination ! ( 1982 ) Magic Journeys ( 1982 ) The World Showcase March ( 1982 ) Japan ( Epcot ) ( 1982 ) Journey into Imagination ( 1983 ) Meet the World ( 1983 ) Innoventions ( 1998 ) Rocket Rods ( 1998 ) The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ( 1999 ) Disneyland Forever ( 2015 ) Books Walt 's Time : from before to beyond ( 1998 ) Moose : Chapters From My Life ( 2013 ) Related The Boys : The Sherman Brothers ' Story ( 2009 ) Saving Mr. Banks ( 2013 ) The Jungle Book ( 2016 ) Disney nighttime shows Disneyland Resort Current Fantasmic ! Remember ... Dreams Come True World of Color Seasonal Believe ... In Holiday Magic Disney 's Celebrate America Halloween Screams Former Believe ... There 's Magic in the Stars Disney 's LuminAria Disneyland Forever Fantasy in the Sky Paint the Night Light Magic Main Street Electrical Parade Disney 's Electrical Parade Magical : Disney 's New Nighttime Spectacular of Magical Celebrations Imagine ... A Fantasy in the Sky The Magic , the Memories and You Disneyland Paris Resort Current Disney Illuminations Former Disney Dreams ! Disney 's Fantillusion Main Street Electrical Parade Wishes : A Magical Gathering of Disney Dreams Hong Kong Disneyland Current Disney in the Stars Paint the Night Shanghai Disneyland Park Current Ignite the Dream , A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and Light Tokyo Disney Resort Current Fantasmic ! Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade : DreamLights Nightfall Glow Once Upon A Time Happiness On High Seasonal Colors of Christmas : Nighttime Wishes Former BraviSEAmo ! Disney Magic in the Sky Dreams Fantasy in the Sky Magic in the Sky Millennium Symphony in the Sky New Century in the Sky Sky High Wishes Starlight Fantasy Starlight Magic Starlight Magic 2000 Walt Disney World Resort Current Electrical Water Pageant Fantasmic ! Happily Ever After IllumiNations : Reflections of Earth Once Upon a Time Rivers of Light Star Wars : A Galactic Spectacular Seasonal Disney 's Celebrate America Fantasy in the Sky : New Years Eve Countdown HalloWishes Mickey 's Boo To You Halloween Parade Holiday Wishes Jingle Bell , Jingle BAM ! Mickey 's Once Upon A Christmastime Parade Starbright Holidays Former Celebrate the Magic Carnival de Lumiere Fantasy in the Sky IllumiNations 25 IllumiNations 98 Laserphonic Fantasy The Jungle Book : Alive with Magic Magic , Music and Mayhem Main Street Electrical Parade A New World Fantasy SpectroMagic Sorcery in the Sky Symphony in the Stars : A Galactic Spectacular The Magic , the Memories and You Wishes : A Magical Gathering of Disney Dreams Seasonal Frozen Fireworks Spectacular The Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Closed amusement attractions Operating amusement attractions Amusement rides introduced in 1992 Amusement rides that closed in 2003 Amusement rides introduced in 2001 Amusement rides that closed in 2010 Amusement rides by name Walt Disney Parks and Resorts parades Magic Kingdom Tokyo Disneyland Main Street , U.S.A. Amusement rides that closed in 2016 Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from January 2010 All articles needing additional references Articles needing cleanup from October 2013 All pages needing cleanup Wikipedia list cleanup from October 2013 Use mdy dates from January 2017 Amusement ride article using undocumented parameters All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from October 2016 Articles with unsourced statements from October 2008 Articles with unsourced statements from June 2014 Articles needing additional references from August 2017 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Français עברית Nederlands 日本 語 Edit links This page was last edited on 20 September 2017 , at 18 : 34 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when does the electric light parade end at disneyland | [
"The original Disneyland copy of the parade ran at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom as \"Disney's Main Street Electrical Parade\" from June 5, 2010 to October 9, 2016, when it closed in preparation for a limited-time run at Disneyland which started January 20, 2017 and was planned to run through June 18, 2017, marking the 45th anniversary of the parade.[1] However, due to popular demand, Disney extended the parade's run to August 20, 2017.[2] The parade ended its most recent run at Disneyland on August 20, 2017. Disney has made no announcements regarding the parade's future."
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"August 20, 2017"
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-3841428638386376518 | List of The Flash episodes | List of the Flash episodes - wikipedia List of the Flash episodes Jump to : navigation , search For the episodes from the 1990 series , see The Flash ( 1990 TV series ) § Episodes . The Flash is an American action television series developed by Greg Berlanti , Andrew Kreisberg , and Geoff Johns , airing on The CW . It is based on the DC Comics character Barry Allen / Flash , a costumed crimefighter with the power to move at superhuman speeds . It is a spin - off from Arrow , existing in the same fictional universe . The series follows Barry Allen , portrayed by Grant Gustin , a crime scene investigator who gains superhuman speed , which he uses to fight criminals , including others who have also gained superhuman abilities . The Flash was renewed in March 2016 for a third season , which premiered on October 4 , 2016 . On January 8 , 2017 , The CW renewed the series for a fourth season , which premiered on October 10 , 2017 . As of March 13 , 2018 , 85 episodes of The Flash have aired . Contents ( hide ) 1 Series overview 2 Episodes 2.1 Season 1 ( 2014 -- 15 ) 2.2 Season 2 ( 2015 -- 16 ) 2.3 Season 3 ( 2016 -- 17 ) 2.4 Season 4 ( 2017 -- 18 ) 3 Ratings 3.1 Season 1 ( 2014 -- 15 ) 3.2 Season 2 ( 2015 -- 16 ) 3.3 Season 3 ( 2016 -- 17 ) 4 Home media 5 References 6 External links Series overview Season Episodes Originally aired Nielsen ratings First aired Last aired Rank Average viewership ( in millions ) 23 October 7 , 2014 ( 2014 - 10 - 07 ) May 19 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 19 ) 118 4.62 23 October 6 , 2015 ( 2015 - 10 - 06 ) May 24 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 24 ) 112 4.25 23 October 4 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 04 ) May 23 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 23 ) 120 3.50 23 October 10 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 10 ) May 22 , 2018 ( 2018 - 05 - 22 ) TBA TBA Episodes Season 1 ( 2014 -- 15 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code U.S. viewers ( millions ) `` Pilot '' David Nutter Story by : Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg & Geoff Johns Teleplay by : Andrew Kreisberg & Geoff Johns October 7 , 2014 ( 2014 - 10 - 07 ) 296648 4.83 Barry Allen , a forensic crime scene assistant for Central City Police Department , is struck by lightning during a storm that is created after a particle accelerator from S.T.A.R. Labs explodes . In a coma for nine months , Barry awakens in S.T.A.R. Labs , having been placed in the care of Dr. Harrison Wells and his assistants Dr. Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon . Barry learns that he can move at extraordinary speeds , and that there were other `` metahumans '' created from the explosion . One of them , Clyde Mardon , is robbing banks with his ability to control the weather . In order to stop Mardon , Barry is outfitted with a suit , designed by Cisco , that can withstand his high speed . He tracks down Mardon and with Detective Joe West , who learns of Barry 's abilities , Barry is able to stop Mardon , who is killed by Joe . With his new powers , Barry vows to exonerate his father , Henry , who is incarcerated for the accusation of murdering his wife , Nora , whom Barry witnessed being killed by another metahuman . He chooses the alias `` Flash '' for his alter ego . Wells , secretly revealed to be neither paraplegic nor needing glasses , reads a newspaper from 2024 stating the missing status of the Flash . `` Fastest Man Alive '' David Nutter Story by : Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg Teleplay by : Andrew Kreisberg & Geoff Johns October 14 , 2014 ( 2014 - 10 - 14 ) 3J5352 4.27 In flashbacks , it is revealed that Joe became Barry 's legal guardian but did not let him visit Henry in prison at the latter 's request . Barry begins using his abilities to stop minor crimes and help citizens across the city while starting to develop debilitating side effects . While guiding Iris West , who seeks his help to do her school assignment , Barry witnesses a robbery by a crew of men , but passes out while trying to stop them . The S.T.A.R. Labs team determines that Barry becomes hypoglycemic from the use of his abilities due to a sped - up metabolism and needs to ingest more calories to maintain his energy level . The team eventually learns that there is actually one robber , Danton Black , who has the ability to create clones of himself . Black intends to kill his former employer Simon Stagg , who stole Black 's cloning research . With encouragement from Joe , Barry goes after Black and successfully stops him . However , Black commits suicide . Afterward , Barry accepts Joe 's help in the investigation of Nora 's murder . Later , Wells visits Stagg , who has already become obsessed with the Flash and plans to exploit them as he did to Black . Wells then kills Stagg . `` Things You Ca n't Outrun '' Jesse Warn Alison Schapker & Grainne Godfree October 21 , 2014 ( 2014 - 10 - 21 ) 3J5353 3.59 As the police investigate the murder of one of the city 's crime families , Barry suspects that the killer may be a metahuman who can control poison gases . As Barry and Joe work to discover the killer 's identity , Wells and his team work to retrofit the particle accelerator into a prison for metahumans where they can begin to find a way of reversing their mutations . This brings up difficult feelings and memories for Snow , whose fiancé , Ronnie Raymond , was killed by the explosion . The team identifies the killer as Kyle Nimbus , discovering that Nimbus does not control gases , but transforms his body into them . The team learns that Joe , the lead detective in the original case , is Nimbus ' next target . Barry races to Iron Heights Prison to save Joe 's life , forcing Nimbus to overexert himself so that he can apprehend him . The team locks Nimbus into a cell they have made . In a flashback to when the accelerator explodes , Wells is seen going into his hidden room and viewing a surveillance video of Barry getting struck by lightning in his lab . `` Going Rogue '' Glen Winter Geoff Johns & Kai Yu Wu October 28 , 2014 ( 2014 - 10 - 28 ) 3J5354 3.53 Wells begins testing Barry 's powers by having him perform multiple tasks at superspeed . In the middle of the tests , a group of men attempt to hijack an armored truck carrying a diamond . Barry races over and stops the crime , as well as identifying Leonard Snart from a set of police mugshots . Felicity Smoak arrives to check on Barry , after learning that he woke from his coma . Barry introduces her to his friends at S.T.A.R. Labs . To combat the Flash , also known as the `` Streak '' , Snart acquires stolen tech from S.T.A.R. Labs , which includes a cryonic gun . Cisco reveals to Barry that he created the gun as a fail - safe against Barry should he become a villain like the other metahumans they have encountered . Felicity helps the team locate Snart , who sets a trap for Barry . Cisco , Caitlin , and Felicity arrive in time to save Barry , and Snart is able to escape . Joe finally accepts Iris 's relationship with Eddie Thawne , his partner . Wells demands Cisco not to build another fail - safe against Barry again . Later , Snart tracks down his former partner , who has an affinity for fire , and offers him a place by Snart 's side taking back Central City from the Flash . 5 5 `` Plastique '' Dermott Downs Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing & Brooke Eikmeier November 11 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 11 ) 3J5355 3.46 Bette Sans Souci , a metahuman with the ability to turn anything she touches into an explosive , appears in Central City . She is being hunted by General Wade Eiling , and is a former military explosives expert . Barry brings her to S.T.A.R. Labs where the team explains to her that she was changed by the particle accelerator , which bonded bomb shrapnel to her body on a cellular level ; and they can not reverse the process . Secretly , Wells convinces Bette to kill Eiling . Barry races to stop her , and Eiling shoots her , who dies after mentioning Wells ' name . Her body turns into a bomb . Barry speeds off with the body and drops it in the river to save the city from the massive explosion . Eiling visits Wells , demanding that they work together once again , this time to collect metahumans . Wells refuses and warns Eiling to never return to S.T.A.R. Labs . Meanwhile , Barry ends his friendship with Iris after she refuses his advice not to write about the `` Streak '' . In a flashback set five years previously , Wells tells Eiling he is ending their experiments . After Eiling leaves , Wells walks to a cage and tells Gorilla Grodd that he has plans for him . 6 6 `` The Flash Is Born '' Millicent Shelton Jaime Paglia & Chris Rafferty November 18 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 18 ) 3J5356 3.73 Barry speeds off to stop a car thief ; but the thief 's skin turns to steel and Barry breaks his hand while punching . He runs back to the lab before he can be hurt further . The thief is identified as Tony Woodward , Barry 's childhood bully . Back at the lab , Cisco determines that if Barry can hit Woodward with a specific velocity at right angle , then he can create enough force to compromise Woodward 's metal structure . Woodward kidnaps Iris and demands that she write about him . Barry arrives and manages to temporarily disable Woodward 's abilities . Afterward , Woodward is locked away at S.T.A.R. Labs and finds out that Barry is the Flash , the name Iris also uses in her blog on the advice of Barry , who reconciles with her . Meanwhile , Joe continues investigating Nora 's murder and gets suspicious of Wells , who opened S.T.A.R. Labs one month after Nora 's murder ; but Wells states that he came to Central City because of his wife 's death . Joe , convinced that Wells is not involved , is visited by the metahuman that killed Nora , stealing the case file and threatening Iris 's life if Joe does not drop his investigation . 7 7 `` Power Outage '' Larry Shaw Alison Schapker & Grainne Godfree November 25 , 2014 ( 2014 - 11 - 25 ) 3J5357 3.47 Wells returns to his secret room , where it is revealed that he has been documenting Barry 's abilities , and using his artificial intelligence , Gideon , to look at events in the future . Barry arrives at a crime scene where the victim was murdered via electrocution , and charred beyond recognition , suggesting a metahuman was involved . While investigating the victim 's identity , the team identifies a power drain in the city . When Barry arrives , he is attacked by Farooq Gibran , a man who has the ability to siphon electrical energy . The attack drains Barry of his speed , and Gideon reveals to Wells that there are currently no references to the Flash in the future . Wells realizes that Barry 's problem is psychological . Gibran attacks S.T.A.R. Labs , kills Woodward and Wells ' life gets in danger , forcing Barry to overcome his fear , connect to his speed and kill Gibran . Meanwhile , Tockman starts a hostage crisis at a police station and critically shoots Eddie ; but Iris manages to stop him and he is rearrested . Later , Wells sees that the timeline is safe , and takes a sample of Gibran 's blood to determine how he was able to drain Barry 's abilities . 8 8 `` Flash vs. Arrow '' Glen Winter Story by : Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg Teleplay by : Ben Sokolowski & Brooke Eikmeier December 2 , 2014 ( 2014 - 12 - 02 ) 3J5358 4.34 Eddie proposes a task force to hunt down the Flash . A new metahuman , Roy Bivolo , shows up with the ability to send people into an uncontrollable rage , and uses his ability to rob a bank . Oliver Queen informs Barry that he and his team are tracking a killer who uses lethal boomerangs . Barry and Oliver agree to team - up and catch each other 's targets . Barry decides to go after Bivolo by himself . Bivolo uses his abilities on Barry ; but because of Barry 's powers it makes the effects last longer . Oliver tries to stop Barry , and the two engage in a fight until Wells and Joe use colored strobe light to reset Barry 's emotional state . Afterward , Barry and Oliver capture Bivolo and place him in the prison at S.T.A.R. Labs . Eddie 's task force is established after he was beaten by an enraged Flash . Barry confirms Oliver 's belief that he has a lot to learn . Oliver advises him to stay away from Iris , whom Barry is in love with . Iris decides to end her support of the Flash . Oliver asks Barry 's team to keep his alter ego a secret . A new metahuman able to manipulate fire appears in Central City . This episode begins a crossover event that concludes on Arrow season 3 episode 8 . 9 9 `` The Man in the Yellow Suit '' Ralph Hemecker Todd Helbing & Aaron Helbing December 9 , 2014 ( 2014 - 12 - 09 ) 3J5359 4.66 The yellow - suited speedster who killed Nora Allen returns , in search of Mercury Lab 's tachyon particle technology . Barry encounters the `` Reverse - Flash '' and engages him but is swiftly defeated , with the villain insinuating that he and Barry have been lifelong enemies . Ronnie is revealed as the flame - controlling metahuman , suffering from memory - loss after having survived the explosion . Per Henry 's advice , Barry confesses his love for Iris before the tachyon particle technology is used as bait to lure the Reverse - Flash into a trap . The villain manages to escape , however , and proceeds to attack Wells and the police , mysteriously sparing Eddie before engaging in Barry again . Ronnie appears and fends off the Reverse - Flash before they both flee the scene . Joe tells Eddie about metahumans and asks him to keep it a secret . Cisco realizes that there were two speedsters in Barry 's house the night Nora died . Later , Wells enters his secret room and reveals the Reverse - Flash suit in a hidden chamber . Wells places the stolen tachyon device on it , and speaks in the villainous speedster 's distorted voice , revealing himself to be the Reverse - Flash . 10 10 `` Revenge of the Rogues '' Nick Copus Kai Yu Wu & Geoff Johns January 20 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 20 ) 3J5360 3.87 As Barry works on improving his speed through various training exercises , Leonard Snart returns to Central City with the cold gun and a new partner , Mick Rory , to set a trap for the Flash . Barry discovers his plan , and agrees with Wells not to engage Snart in the hope that he goes away and no one gets hurt like the last time . Snart and Rory , who now has a gun that can emit absolute hot temperatures , kidnap Caitlin to force Barry out of hiding . Cisco and Barry find a way to defeat Snart and Rory . The Flash faces the duo in the city for a showdown , exposing himself to the public . Barry eventually gets them to cross their streams with Eddie 's help , successfully damaging the weapons and disabling the pair , who are arrested and the guns delivered to S.T.A.R. Labs . While in transport to Iron Heights , Snart and Rory are broken out by Snart 's sister . Meanwhile , Caitlin investigates the cause of Ronnie 's transformation and finds out that the Army is covering up the incident . After Iris moves in with Eddie , Barry decides to move back in with Joe . 11 11 `` The Sound and the Fury '' John F. Showalter Alison Schapker & Brooke Eikmeier January 27 , 2015 ( 2015 - 01 - 27 ) 3J5361 4.08 While home , Wells receives a threatening call from an unidentified person before using his super speed to save his life from an attempt . Wells informs Barry and the team that the caller was Hartley Rathaway , a former protégé . Rathaway begins attacking his family 's business with sonic blasts , and after Barry stops him , Rathaway reveals that he knows a secret of Wells ' , who states that Rathaway warned him that the particle accelerator could explode , but Wells chose to risk it for the rewards . Cisco discovers that Rathaway intentionally got caught so he could steal information from S.T.A.R. Labs that would allow him to identify the frequency of Barry 's molecules so he can kill him . A trap set by Rathaway starts shredding Barry 's organs . Wells manages to disable Rathaway 's weapons . Later , Joe has Eddie start an investigation into Wells . Rathaway , imprisoned back in the particle accelerator , reveals to Cisco that he knows where Ronnie is and how to save him . In his secret room , Wells uses the tachyon technology to temporarily recharge his speed force energy . Meanwhile , Iris starts working as a journalist and realizes that she is hired to write about the Flash . 12 12 `` Crazy for You '' Rob Hardy Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing February 3 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 03 ) 3J5362 3.60 A woman with the ability to teleport to any location she can see breaks into Iron Heights and frees her boyfriend , Clay Parker . The S.T.A.R. Labs team identifies the woman as Shawna Baez . To help Barry , Henry tracks down leads in Iron Heights and finds out that Parker owed money to a local crime boss and is planning a heist to pay it back . Barry learns the location of the heist , finding Baez and Parker and is able to capture her after removing all the lights in a tunnel , effectively making her unable to teleport without being able to see . Parker manages to escape . Meanwhile , Cisco brings Rathaway out of his cell so that the latter can show the truth about Ronnie ; Rathaway reveals that Doctor Martin Stein , who developed research into a F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. project focused on transmuting elements , was at S.T.A.R. Labs the day of the explosion . Rathaway reveals that during the explosion Ronnie and Stein merged , before he escapes Cisco 's custody . Barry starts dating Iris 's colleague , Linda Park . Henry insinuates to Barry that he knows Barry 's alter ego . Elsewhere , two city workers are attacked by Grodd . 13 13 `` The Nuclear Man '' Glen Winter Andrew Kreisberg & Katherine Walczak February 10 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 10 ) 3J5363 3.66 The team attempts to track Stein 's whereabouts after he attacks a scientist . They convince Stein into coming back to S.T.A.R. Labs for testing . Wells discovers that Ronnie and Stein 's atoms are in conflict , and if it continues they will become nuclear . Stein leaves for a secluded location to safely explode without casualties . Barry and Caitlin arrive and use a device Wells made from the tachyon to separate the bodies , but it apparently does not work , and the duo escapes the explosion , which alerts Eiling , who orders a team to recover `` Firestorm '' . Meanwhile , Joe enlists Cisco 's help to identify Nora 's murderer . The duo searches the house and finds blood from two people behind some new wallpaper . Joe asks Cisco to compare the blood to Wells ' . Cisco runs the blood and informs Joe that while neither is from Wells , one is from an adult Barry . In the meantime Linda believes Barry to be still in love with Iris , but he proves to Linda that he now loves her not Iris . 14 14 `` Fallout '' Steve Surjik Keto Shimizu & Ben Sokolowski February 17 , 2015 ( 2015 - 02 - 17 ) 3J5364 4.01 Barry and Caitlin find Ronnie and Stein alive and separated , which Eiling also finds out . Joe reveals his findings to Barry . Ronnie and Stein realize that their minds are partially connected . Wells visits Eiling , who reveals that he knows Barry 's alter ego and demands the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. project . Wells gives up Stein , who is tortured by Eiling until Barry and Ronnie save him . Ronnie and Stein reunite by the tachyon piece to survive the military onslaught . The duo gains enough control to be able to merge and separate on command . They decide to leave Central City to stay ahead of Eiling and learn more about their new powers . As the Reverse - Flash , Wells kidnaps Eiling and brings him to the sewers . He reveals himself to Eiling , and allows Grodd , who is displaying psychic abilities , to drag Eiling deeper into the sewer . Meanwhile , Iris 's colleague , Mason Bridge tells her his belief that Wells deliberately caused the S.T.A.R. Labs explosion . Iris suspects Caitlin 's activities and decides to help Mason with his investigation . Barry tells Joe that he will travel back in time again to save Nora , but intends to succeed by learning the mistakes in his previous attempt . 15 15 `` Out of Time '' Thor Freudenthal Todd Helbing & Aaron Helbing March 17 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 17 ) 3J5365 3.69 Mark Mardon , Clyde 's brother , returns to Central City to avenge Clyde 's death . Eddie and Linda get jealous of the intimacy between Barry and Iris . Mason shares his knowledge that Wells killed Stagg with Iris and Barry , who tells Caitlin and Cisco , who begins to believe Joe was right about Wells , so he rechecks the containment field that failed to hold the Reverse - Flash . Wells arrives and reveals himself to be Eobard Thawne , a relative of Eddie 's and a man from the future who came back in time to kill Barry , and has since been stranded in the present day . Thawne also explains that he is pushing Barry to get stronger so that he can use Barry 's powers to return to his time , and he murders Cisco to protect his secret . Mardon kidnaps Joe and forces him to watch as Mardon creates a tsunami in order to kill Iris . Barry reveals his secret identity to Iris , just after they admit to romantic feelings for each other , in order to save the city . Barry runs back and forth across the coastline to create a barrier against the tsunami , but he runs so fast that he travels back in time to the day before . 16 16 `` Rogue Time '' John Behring Story by : Grainne Godfree Teleplay by : Brooke Eikmeier & Kai Yu Wu March 24 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 24 ) 3J5366 3.33 Thawne warns Barry not to change any event for fear that he will create a bigger problem . Barry does not listen and instead captures Mardon and puts him in the particle accelerator . Snart and Rory return to Central City . Snart sends his sister , Lisa after Cisco , whom they force to rebuild the cold and heat guns , and a third gun shooting gold for Lisa , by threatening to kill Cisco 's brother . Iris rejects Barry 's romantic approach and later Eddie punches him . Barry realizes that Thawne was right about not to manipulate the timeline . Cisco returns and reveals that Snart forced him to reveal the Flash 's true identity . Barry goes after Snart , and the two come to a truce : Snart will not reveal Barry 's identity , will no longer kill innocent people , and stay away from Barry 's loved ones in exchange for Barry not locking him away in the particle accelerator . Caitlin tells Eddie and Iris that Barry is suffering from psychosis as a result of the lightning , making the duo reconcile with him and settling the tension . The Reverse - Flash kills Mason and destroys the evidence linking Thawne to Stagg 's death . Mason 's vanishing causes Barry to accept Joe was right about `` Wells '' . 17 17 `` Tricksters '' Ralph Hemecker Andrew Kreisberg March 31 , 2015 ( 2015 - 03 - 31 ) 3J5367 3.67 Barry and Joe go after terrorist Axel Walker , under the alias Trickster . Walker sets a diversion for the Flash and breaks James Jesse , the original Trickster from 20 years prior , out of prison . Jesse and Walker attempt to extort patrons of fundraiser by poisoning them and ransoming the antidote . When the Flash arrives , Jesse and Walker fit him with a bomb that will detonate if he stops moving . Thawne coaches Barry on how to vibrate his molecules so that he can phase through objects , which removes the bomb . Afterward , Barry provides an antidote to all the patrons before capturing Jasse and Walker . The Flash reveals his identity to Eddie and convinces him to keep Iris from investigating Mason 's disappearance . Barry tells Eddie and Joe that `` Wells '' is the Reverse - Flash . In flashbacks , after failing to kill Barry , the Reverse - Flash escapes only to lose his speed . Gideon informs him that travelling through time has drained his powers . Thawne kills Harrison Wells and steals his appearance and identity so he can develop the particle accelerator sooner and return to his timeline . 18 18 `` All Star Team Up '' Kevin Tancharoen Grainne Godfree & Kai Yu Wu April 14 , 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 14 ) 3J5368 3.67 As Barry works in conjunction with Joe and Eddie to stop crimes across the city , an engineering professor is killed by a swarm of bees at a university . While the team searches for a metahuman that can control bees , Felicity arrives with Ray Palmer , looking for assistance to improve his A.T.O.M. suit . The team tracks another bee attack , but Barry is too late and is attacked by the swarm . The team captures one of the bees , which turns out to be a robot and their suspect just a scientist from Mercury Labs named Brie Larvan , who is targeting other former employees . During the next bee attack , Barry goes after Larvan while Ray attempts to stop the bees from killing Dr. Tina McGee . Felicity disables the robots , and Barry captures Larvan . Tina tells Barry that `` Wells '' personality changed after his wife 's demise . Iris threatens Eddie to break up if he does not share his secret . Barry informs Caitlin and Cisco about `` Wells '' . She does not want believe it , but Cisco does , revealing that he has been having `` dreams '' , which show his final moments with Thawne in the alternate timeline . 19 19 `` Who Is Harrison Wells ? '' Wendey Stanzler Ray Utarnachitt & Cortney Norris April 21 , 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 21 ) 3J5369 3.75 Barry and Eddie track a metahuman named Hannibal Bates , who can shape - shift into anyone he touches . Bates takes Eddie 's shape and frames him for murder . Later , Bates knocks Barry unconscious and assumes his form , but Thawne realizes the truth and prevents Bates from killing Caitlin and Iris . Bates manages to escape . Caitlin develops a serum to suppress Bates ' power , allowing Barry to defeat him and clear Eddie 's name . Iris reconciles with Eddie , who reveals his cooperation with the Flash . Bates is locked in the particle accelerator . Meanwhile , Joe and Cisco decide to investigate the car accident scene in Starling City where Dr. Wells ' wife died . With the help of Captain Quentin Lance , Cisco and Joe locate a buried corpse near the crash site . Cisco also modifies a sonic device for Laurel . Joe advises Quentin to reconcile with her . After a series of tests confirm the corpse is the real Dr. Wells , Barry , Caitlin and Cisco locate Thawne 's secret room at S.T.A.R. Labs . They find both the Reverse - Flash 's costume and the newspaper article from 2024 . 20 20 `` The Trap '' Steve Shill Alison Schapker & Brooke Eikmeier April 28 , 2015 ( 2015 - 04 - 28 ) 3J5370 3.93 Barry talks to Gideon and learns about his battle with the Reverse - Flash in the future , as well as key moments in his life that include marrying Iris , a promotion at the CCPD , and that he created Gideon in the future . With high - tech goggles , the team reawakens Cisco 's memories of his alternate - timeline death and the secrets Wells confessed . The team regroups at Joe 's house , where Barry reveals his recent time travel and explains his plan to lure Thawne to confess to killing Nora . To trap Thawne , Cisco reverses the polarity of his containment field to protect himself from Thawne , while Caitlin films the interaction to capture Thawne 's confession . The trap fails , but Joe shoots Thawne before he can kill Cisco . As Thawne dies , his body transforms , revealing himself to be Bates . Thawne himself calls the team , revealing that he was always aware of their actions because he had them under surveillance . Reverse - Flash goes after Iris and Eddie , but Barry arrives , forcing Thawne to kidnap Eddie instead . Iris finds out about the Flash 's identity . Thawne reveals his relation to Eddie . Flashbacks reveal the aftermath of Barry being struck by lightning , and Thawne convincing Joe to let him save Barry 's life , and promising to a comatose Barry that he will die . 21 21 `` Grodd Lives '' Dermott Downs Grainne Godfree & Kai Yu Wu May 5 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 05 ) 3J5371 3.62 While looking for Eddie and Eobard , Barry heads to stop a robbery at the gold reserve . When Barry confronts the would - be thief , they are both disoriented by an unknown psychological attack . Back at S.T.A.R. Labs , Iris confronts Barry about being the Flash . He is able to stop the thief , who turns out to be Eiling , whose mind is revealed to be controlled by Grodd . With a lead from Iris , Barry , Joe and Cisco head into the sewers to look for Grodd . The trio realize that Grodd is getting smarter and larger , and during an attack , Joe is kidnapped by Grodd . Cisco and Caitlin build Barry a device that will prevent Grodd 's effect . It works , but the device gets damaged in a fight . Barry is able to fight off Grodd 's psychic attack and trick him into jumping in front of an on - coming train . Eiling is freed . Iris reveals her feelings for Barry , but states her choice to be with Eddie . Grodd is revealed to be safe and roaming the streets . Meanwhile , Thawne works on a device that will allow him to return to his own time . He reveals to Eddie , Iris and Barry 's marriage in the future . Later Thawne completes the device and is revealed to be hiding in a secret chamber inside S.T.A.R. Labs . 22 22 `` Rogue Air '' Doug Aarniokoski Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing May 12 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 12 ) 3J5372 3.65 Cisco discovers that Eobard has been supercharging his speed through his wheelchair , which is why he is so much faster than Barry . The particle accelerator is activated by Eobard , who has managed to repair it . The team is able to find and rescue Eddie , who ends his relationship with Iris . Worried that the metahumans imprisoned inside the particle accelerator will be killed when it reaches full power , the team plans to relocate them to Oliver 's prison on Lian Yu . In order to set up a safe transport , Barry requests Leonard 's help . Leonard agrees but only after Barry erases all of Leonard 's criminal record . Leonard and Lisa sabotage the transport and allow the metahumans to escape , killing Simmons however . Eobard arrives back at the lab just as the accelerator fully charges . Barry , Firestorm and Oliver all meet outside to fight Reverse - Flash . They coordinate their efforts ; Oliver stops him with a nanite injection that disables Eobard 's speed and knocks him out . Oliver leaves after informing Barry of an upcoming help request . 23 23 `` Fast Enough '' Dermott Downs Story by : Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg Teleplay by : Gabrielle Stanton & Andrew Kreisberg May 19 , 2015 ( 2015 - 05 - 19 ) 3J5373 3.87 Barry visits Thawne in the particle accelerator prison , where Thawne reveals he killed Nora because of hating the Flash , whose future self saved him . Eobard requests Barry to help create a wormhole where Thawne can return to his time , while also allowing Barry to save Nora . Caitlin and Ronnie get married . Eobard tells Cisco that the latter 's ability to recall events of alternate timelines was acquired from the particle accelerator explosion . Barry decides to go through with Thawne 's offer . The latter states that Barry will have only a short time , or else the wormhole will become a black hole . Barry travels back in time , but his future self signals him not to save Nora . The present Barry returns and stops Thawne from returning to his time . The two fight , while the team shuts down the wormhole . Thawne eventually prevails , but before he can kill Barry , Eddie shoots himself , causing Thawne 's existence to cease . The wormhole reappears , and the team is unable to prevent it from becoming a black hole . As the black hole begins to tear the city apart , pulling Eddie inside , Barry speeds into it in an effort to stop it . Season 2 ( 2015 -- 16 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code U.S. viewers ( millions ) 24 `` The Man Who Saved Central City '' Ralph Hemecker Story by : Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg Teleplay by : Andrew Kreisberg & Gabrielle Stanton October 6 , 2015 ( 2015 - 10 - 06 ) 3J5651 3.58 Ronnie and Stein turn into Firestorm and destroy the singularity , but at the cost of Ronnie 's life . Six months later , while using his speed to repair Central City , Barry operates alone , being the hero and savior of the public and the local government ; Cisco works in the police department alongside Joe , and Caitlin works at Mercury Labs . Barry evaluates a crime scene with a victim named Al Rothstein . At a ceremony , the Flash is attacked by Atom - Smasher , whose strength and size manipulation prove too much for Barry , but manages to force his mask off . Underneath the mask Atom - Smasher is revealed to look exactly like Rothstein . Barry is convinced by Joe and the others that he needs help in taking down certain metahumans and Rothstein is defeated by over absorbing radiation . As he dies , Rothstein tells Barry that he was sent to kill him by a person called Zoom . Barry receives a flash memory from Thawne 's lawyer containing Thawne 's confession to killing Nora . Henry is exonerated and released from prison , and leaves Central City so that Barry can focus on being the Flash . A man arrives at S.T.A.R. Labs and , introducing himself as Jay Garrick , tells the team their world is in danger . 25 `` Flash of Two Worlds '' Jesse Warn Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing October 13 , 2015 ( 2015 - 10 - 13 ) 3J5652 3.49 Jay explains to everyone that he is the Flash on a parallel Earth and that he was in a battle with a demonic speedster named Zoom when the singularity brought him to this Earth without his powers . Stein confirms the claim , describing their world as `` Earth - 1 '' and Jay 's as `` Earth - 2 '' . Zoom brings another metahuman from Earth - 2 called Sand Demon , later identified as Eddie Slick , to kill the Flash . Cisco analyzes the `` sand '' left behind and has a vision of the previous fight , frightening him . After Slick kidnaps Officer Patty Spivot , Jay teaches Barry how to hurl lightning . Cisco uses his power to find Patty 's location . Barry uses the lightning blast to turn Sand Demon 's particles to glass , killing him . Patty reveals to Joe that Mark Mardon killed her father . She joins Joe 's metahuman task force . Cisco divulges his ability to Stein , and convinces him not to tell anyone . Stein and Cisco are able to locate 52 breaches with the Earth - 2 , with the largest one being within S.T.A.R. Labs itself . Joe 's estranged wife , Francine , pays him a visit . Stein collapses while talking . On Earth - 2 it 's revealed that the Harrison Wells of that world is alive and in charge of S.T.A.R. Labs . 26 `` Family of Rogues '' John F. Showalter Julian Meiojas & Katherine Walczak October 20 , 2015 ( 2015 - 10 - 20 ) 3J5653 3.47 Jay creates a device that stabilizes the singularity and will allow him to return home , but he opts to stay to help Barry stop Zoom . Meanwhile , Lisa Snart shows up asking for Flash 's help in rescuing Snart , whom she believes was kidnapped . Barry tracks down Snart , who is revealed not to be kidnapped but is working with his father , Lewis . Lisa states that Snart would never work with Lewis willingly , because the latter was abusive toward her when she was a child . Eventually , the team determines that Lewis placed a bomb inside of Lisa and threatened to kill her if Snart did not help him with his theft . Barry infiltrates Lewis ' crew with assistance from Snart . Cisco successfully removes the bomb from Lisa , so Snart uses his cold gun to kill his father in retaliation . Snart is incarcerated in Iron Heights and Lisa leaves . Joe reveals to Iris that Francine is alive and a former addict . Stein turns into Firestorm , but with blue flames . Earth - 2 's Wells arrives at the lab through the breach . 27 `` The Fury of Firestorm '' Stefan Pleszczynski Kai Yu Wu & Joe Peracchio October 27 , 2015 ( 2015 - 10 - 27 ) 3J5654 3.43 The team is able to temporarily stabilize Stein . Caitlin states that he needs to merge with a new person in order to survive . She identifies two potential candidates : a scientist named Henry Hewitt and a former high school football star named Jefferson Jackson . Hewitt is excited to merge with Stein , but the attempt fails and Hewitt leaves angrily , not knowing that his own metahuman powers have been activated . Jefferson initially refuses , but agrees when Hewitt goes on rampage . After the successful merger , the new Firestorm joins Barry in helping to take down Hewitt , who is incarcerated . Before departing with Jefferson , Stein encourages Cisco to tell the others about his powers . Meanwhile , Francine reveals that she is suffering from a terminal illness and only has months to live . Iris later confronts her for hiding the existence of the former 's brother . In the meantime , Wells breaks into Mercury Labs and steals an unknown device . Later , Barry is attacked by a humanoid shark monster sent by Zoom , but is saved by Wells . 28 5 `` The Darkness and the Light '' Steve Shill Ben Sokolowski & Grainne Godfree November 3 , 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 03 ) 3J5655 3.87 Wells , who Cisco nicknames `` Harry '' to distinguish him from Thawne , reveals that he is responsible for the creation of the metahumans and Zoom on Earth - 2 . He states that he plans to help Barry 's team stop Zoom and other metahumans . At the same time , a metahuman from Earth - 2 called Doctor Light arrives and starts robbing banks . Barry recognizes her as the Earth - 2 version of Linda . Later , Light attempts to kill Linda and take over her identity , but accidentally kills Linda 's boss and is stopped by Barry 's team in the process . Harry reveals Cisco 's powers to the team , which Cisco uses to locate Light . Barry defeats her with the help of Harry . After locking Light up , they plan to use her to lure Zoom out and defeat him for good . Jay , who dislikes Harry and vice versa , thinks it is too dangerous and leaves the team . Meanwhile , Barry starts dating Patty while Cisco starts a date with a barista named Kendra Saunders . Cisco picks the nickname `` Vibe '' for himself . Back on Earth - 2 , it is revealed that Zoom has Harry 's daughter captive . 29 6 `` Enter Zoom '' JJ Makaro Gabrielle Stanton & Brooke Eikmeier November 10 , 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 10 ) 3J5656 3.63 As the team works to find a way to stop Zoom , Doctor Light escapes from her containment cell . Instead , the Earth - 1 Linda agrees to help the team by impersonating Doctor Light . Barry reveals his alter ego to Linda . Harry creates a speed dampening serum and the team stages a fight at one of the breaches in order to trick Zoom through . The attempt fails , as Zoom knew the plan . Instead , he goes after Linda , before fighting Barry . Zoom is much faster and easily overpowers Barry , showing him defeated with his unconscious body to the local news and the police station before ultimately returning to S.T.A.R. Labs . Zoom stabs Barry with his hand , but Cisco shoots him with the serum , which hurts Zoom , but still leaves him with enough speed to escape . Later , Harry reveals that Zoom has his daughter , Jesse , and that he came to Earth - 1 to stop Zoom . Barry wakes from his injuries and discovers that he can no longer feel his legs . 30 7 `` Gorilla Warfare '' Dermott Downs Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing November 17 , 2015 ( 2015 - 11 - 17 ) 3J5657 3.46 Barry manages to recover from the paralysis , but is unable to use his powers due to the psychological trauma of Zoom exposing Barry 's defeat to the city . Iris reaches out to Henry , who returns to help Barry overcome his fears . Wells formulates a plan to close all of the breaches , except one , through which Zoom can enter into the trap set for him . Cisco touches Kendra , but leaves after seeing a winged person in a vibe . Grodd returns , using scientists to steal various chemicals in the hopes of creating more gorillas with his level of intelligence . He later kidnaps Caitlin to help him with his plan . Harry dresses up as the Reverse - Flash in order to trick Grodd into thinking that his `` father '' is still alive . The plan works long enough for Harry to rescue Caitlin before they both escape . After Barry is fully recovered , they lure Grodd to one of the dimensional breaches and send him to a jungle sanctuary for gorillas that have been experimented on in Earth - 2 . Later , Cisco meets Kendra again , this time vibing and seeing her as the winged figure . 31 8 `` Legends of Today '' Ralph Hemecker Story by : Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg Teleplay by : Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing December 1 , 2015 ( 2015 - 12 - 01 ) 3J5658 3.94 Vandal Savage arrives in Central City , seeking to kill Kendra . Barry goes to Star City and enlists the help of Oliver and his team to protect her . The team is visited by Malcolm who informs them that Savage is an immortal . Later , Kendra is kidnapped by Hawkman , but Barry and Oliver rescue her and capture Hawkman , who introducing himself as Carter Hall , tells them he and Kendra are soulmates who have been connected for millennia . The pair are destined to die , be reborn , and find each other in each lifetime . Carter also reveals that Savage has killed the pair several times , each time growing stronger . Savage acquires the Staff of Horus , a deadly weapon . Kendra unlocks her abilities and the team decides to regroup in Central City , where Oliver witnesses Samantha Clayton with her son , who is also his . Meanwhile , Caitlin and Harry create a serum that will temporarily increase Barry 's speed so that he can defeat Zoom . Jay initially refuses to test the serum , but changes his mind to save Harry when the latter is shot by an unaware Patty , whom Joe later informs about the truth . However , Jay advises against using the serum on Barry . This episode begins a crossover event that concludes on Arrow season 4 episode 8 . The two episodes also set up Legends of Tomorrow . 32 9 `` Running to Stand Still '' Kevin Tancharoen Andrew Kreisberg December 8 , 2015 ( 2015 - 12 - 08 ) 3J5659 3.55 Mardon breaks James Jesse and Snart out of Iron Heights in an effort to team up to kill the Flash . Snart declines and alerts Barry . Jesse and Mardon place bombs hidden in Christmas gifts throughout the city , threatening to set them off in family homes if Barry does not sacrifice himself . Wells , Cisco , and Jay find one of the bombs and alter its magnetic polarity ; they send it into one of the dimensional breaches , which causes it to attract the remaining bombs , removing them from the city . With them gone , Barry subdues Mardon and Jesse , dissuading Patty from killing Mardon . Meanwhile , Iris and Barry tell Joe about the latter 's son named Wally , who later shows up at Joe 's . Caitlin and Jay start a romantic relationship . Elsewhere , Zoom is revealed to be sending metahumans in order to help Barry get faster so that Zoom can take the latter 's speed force , which Harry reluctantly agrees to help Zoom with because of his daughter , Jesse . 33 10 `` Potential Energy '' Rob Hardy Bryan Q. Miller January 19 , 2016 ( 2016 - 01 - 19 ) 3J5660 3.41 Cisco presents a new idea to slow Zoom down , telling the team about a metahuman , whom he has dubbed the `` Turtle '' , who has the ability to stop the kinetic energy around him and slow everyone to a halt . After Barry fails to stop the Turtle , identified as Russell Glosson , at a diamond unveiling , the team sets a trap at an art exhibit . Barry invites Patty with the intention of telling her his secret , but Glosson is aware of the trap and almost kills Patty before escaping . Later , Glosson kidnaps Patty . The team tracks him down and Barry is able to generate enough speed to move through the kinetic waves to knock him unconscious and save Patty . Patty tells Barry that she is leaving Central City and Harry kills Glosson by extracting a portion of his brain matter . Meanwhile , Joe struggles to develop a relationship with Wally , who has been street racing in an attempt to earn enough money for Francine 's medical bills . Caitlin discovers that Jay is dying of an illness caused by Zoom stealing his speed . They vow to stop Zoom to get Jay 's speed back in order to cure Jay . 34 11 `` The Reverse - Flash Returns '' Michael A. Allowitz Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing January 26 , 2016 ( 2016 - 01 - 26 ) 3J5661 3.71 The team discovers Turtle 's death and Jay suspects Harry . Cisco asks Harry for help in controlling his vibing abilities . The latter determines they are connected to Cisco 's fear response and triggers a vibe which alerts the team that Eobard Thawne is back . Harry surmises that this version of Thawne is from a point in the future before he went back in time to kill Nora and was protected from being erased . Cisco has a vibe of the future , and the team learns that Thawne is planning to use tachyons to return to his time . Barry arrives and destroys the machine . After a race around the city , Barry stops Thawne and imprisons him at the particle accelerator . However , his capture causes a rupture in the timeline that threatens to kill Cisco , so Barry sends Thawne back to the future to save his friend . Meanwhile , Patty discovers Barry is the Flash but , when he refuses to acknowledge it , she chooses to leave the city . Iris learns that Francine 's death is imminent and reconciles with her . Wally takes her advice to do the same . 35 12 `` Fast Lane '' Rachel Talalay Story by : Brooke Eikmeier Teleplay by : Kai Yu Wu & Joe Peracchio February 2 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 02 ) 3J5662 3.66 Right before the particle accelerator explosion , Joey Monteleone was thrown into a tar pit and left for dead . Sealed away , he is freed two years later with the ability to turn his body into molten tar . He sets out to get revenge on those who attempted to kill him . Harry creates a device to siphon Barry 's speed energy and attaches it to his suit . It steals a portion of Barry 's speed . Wells gives the energy to Zoom , who demands the rest . Meanwhile , Wells and Barry also successfully find a way to close the breaches . While going after Joey , Iris is injured when Barry is too slow to save her . Wells tells the team about the device , asking to be returned to Earth - 2 and have Barry seal the breaches so Zoom can not re-enter . After stopping Joey , Barry informs Wells that the team will help the latter to save Jesse . In the meantime , Wally continues racing even after Francine 's death . 36 13 `` Welcome to Earth - 2 '' Millicent Shelton Story by : Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg Teleplay by : Katherine Walczak February 9 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 09 ) 3J5663 3.96 Before heading to Earth - 2 , Barry closes all but one of the breaches , which is at S.T.A.R. Labs . Using the last breach , Barry , Cisco , and Harry travel to Earth - 2 , but an energy surge destabilizes the breach and the trio get stuck on Earth - 2 . Barry decides to impersonate his doppelgänger to get more information on Zoom . He later meets the Iris and Joe of Earth - 2 and learns that Iris , who is his doppelgänger 's wife , works for the CCPD while Joe is a singer . Barry is attacked by Earth - 2 's Caitlin and Ronnie , known as Killer Frost and Deathstorm respectively . Joe is killed in the attack . Cisco attempts to help the police stop the pair , but is confronted by his own evil doppelgänger , known as `` Reverb '' and revealed to have greater powers , including control over nervous systems and manipulation of vibrations . Barry arrives and is stopped by Reverb and Deathstorm . Zoom arrives , kills Reverb and Deathstorm for harming the Flash , and then imprisons Barry . Meanwhile , a new metahuman named Adam Fells appears in Earth - 1 Central City . Jay tells Caitlin that he invented Velocity - 6 , which is the real reason why he lost his speed . Caitlin develops Velocity - 7 , which Jay uses to engage Fells , who escapes . 37 14 `` Escape from Earth - 2 '' JJ Makaro Story by : Todd Helbing & Aaron Helbing Teleplay by : David Kob February 16 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 16 ) 3J5664 3.90 On Earth - 2 , Zoom issues a demand to Central City to turn in Wells and attacks S.T.A.R. Labs to find Wells and Cisco ; but the two escape with Barry - 2 . The trio updates Iris - 2 on what happened with Barry - 1 . They decide to convince Caitlin - 2 to help . After a fight , Caitlin - 2 agrees to take the team to Zoom . They arrive and rescue Barry - 1 and Jesse , but Zoom shows up too . They are able to escape by the help of Caitlin - 2 , who keeps Zoom frozen and unable to move , but a third unidentified prisoner , who tries to reveal something about Jay , is left behind . Barry - 2 and Iris - 2 leave Central City to hide from Zoom . Meanwhile on Earth - 1 , Caitlin - 1 creates `` Velocity 9 '' , which Jay uses to stop Adam , who gets incarcerated in Iron Heights . Caitlin - 1 discovers that Velocity 9 can cure Jay . The latter , Caitlin , Iris and Joe stabilize the breach and allow Barry - 1 , Cisco , Harry , and Jesse to return , but Zoom stabs his arm through Jay and pulls him back through the closing breach to Earth - 2 . 38 15 `` King Shark '' Hanelle Culpepper Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes February 23 , 2016 ( 2016 - 02 - 23 ) 3J5665 3.80 While everyone tries to move on , the humanoid shark - monster that Harry stopped , known as `` King Shark , '' escapes A.R.G.U.S. custody and heads for Central City to kill the Flash . John Diggle and Lyla Michaels , the new director , arrive to warn Barry . King Shark , later identified as Shay Lamden , shows up at Barry 's home looking for the Flash , tracking Barry 's electrical field . A.R.G.U.S. arrives and forces Shay to retreat . Later , Barry forces King Shark to chase him out on the water , where Barry creates an electrified underwater cyclone that subdues the latter , and allows A.R.G.U.S. to imprison him again , with Lyla planning to find a cure . Barry vows to open a breach back to Earth - 2 to stop Zoom . Meanwhile , Barry and Wally find it hard to develop a relationship . After Caitlin becomes cold due to Jay 's death , Cisco becomes scared that she will become Killer Frost ; but she assures him that she is only dealing with her grief . Back on Earth - 2 , it is revealed that , underneath his mask , Zoom looks exactly like Jay . 39 16 `` Trajectory '' Glen Winter Lauren Certo & Lilah Vandenburgh March 22 , 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 22 ) 3J5666 3.00 Barry starts training to get faster so that he can stop Zoom . While out with friends at a club for downtime , Barry and the other club patrons are robbed by an unknown speedster , who then escapes . The speedster turns out to be Eliza Harmon , a Mercury Labs employee who developed Velocity - 9 from samples Caitlin gave her to help with Jay 's illness . Operating under the alias `` Trajectory '' , Harmon invades S.T.A.R. Labs , imprisons Barry , and demands more V - 9 . After she threatens Jesse 's life , Wells and Caitlin make more of the drug for Harmon , who then speeds off to wreak havoc on the city . Barry manages to stop her before she injects more V - 9 into her system . Barry watches as Harmon 's speed becomes so intense that her lightning turns blue and she disintegrates . Jesse decides to leave the city to experience the world on her own and stop Wells from doing harmful things just to protect her . Based on what Barry saw from the overuse of V - 9 , the similarities between Zoom 's speed and Jay 's sickness , and Cisco 's `` vibe '' , the team concludes that Jay is Zoom . 40 17 `` Flash Back '' Alice Troughton Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing March 29 , 2016 ( 2016 - 03 - 29 ) 3J5667 3.39 Barry travels back in time to when Hartley Rathaway attacked the team , and switches places with his past self , in order to have Thawne help him solve the speed force equation . However , after a Time Wraith follows Barry to the past , Thawne deduces Barry 's deception . Barry is able to convince Eobard to help him become faster . The wraith comes to the lab , where Caitlin and Cisco are forced to accept help from Hartley to deter the wraith . Afterward , the Barry from the current time arrives , forcing an explanation of the time travel event . Thawne provides the future Barry with the information about the tachyon technology , so that he can return to his time . As Barry prepares to make the jump through time , the Wraith arrives , forcing the past timeline 's Barry to intervene , so that his future self can return . Back in his time , Barry is confronted by the Wraith , but a reformed Hartley arrives with his sonic gauntlets and defeats the wraith . Barry gives Iris a footage of Eddie recorded in the alternate timeline , advising her to move on with her life . 41 18 `` Versus Zoom '' Stefan Pleszczynski Joe Peracchio & David Kob April 19 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 19 ) 3J5668 3.03 Years earlier on Earth - 2 , a young Hunter Zolomon watches as his father murders his mother and is subsequently sent to an orphanage . In the present day , Barry tests the tachyon accelerator and is able to enhance his speed four times greater than normal . Barry decides to re-open a breach back to Earth - 2 , and he believes that Cisco 's powers are the key to opening the portals . Meanwhile Caitlin reveals that Jay 's Earth - 1 doppelgänger is Zolomon and Wells , shocked to hear this , reveals that Earth - 2 Zolomon was a convicted serial killer . Zolomon was receiving electroconvulsive therapy during the explosion , and was one of the many affected . With this revelation , the team confirms that `` Jay '' is Hunter . Cisco opens a breach , and Zoom immediately appears , chasing Barry back to S.T.A.R. Labs . There , Barry uses images of Zolomon 's parents as a distraction to trap him , but Hunter escapes , claiming to be `` the darkness '' . Zolomon kidnaps Wally and demands Barry 's speed in exchange for Wally 's life . Barry agrees , so Wells siphons all of his speed force , leaving Barry powerless . Zolomon injects the speed force into himself , and he kidnaps Caitlin with his enhanced speed before escaping . 42 19 `` Back to Normal '' John F. Showalter Brooke Roberts & Katherine Walczak April 26 , 2016 ( 2016 - 04 - 26 ) 3J5669 3.39 As Barry adjusts to life without his powers , Wells decides to leave the lab to look for Jesse . Shortly after speaking with her , Wells is attacked and kidnapped by Griffin Grey , believing him to be Thawne , who demands that Wells find a cure for his metahuman abilities . Grey has superhuman strength , but is also aging rapidly . Barry discovers that , when Grey uses his super strength , he accelerates the aging process . Barry , Joe , Cisco and Jesse manipulate Grey into exerting his powers until he ages and dies as a weak , old man ; his body then reverts back to its 18 - year - old self . To fight Zoom , Wells offers to recreate the circumstances that gave Barry his speed . Meanwhile on Earth - 2 , Zolomon tells Caitlin that he kidnapped her because he is in love with her . Caitlin encounters her doppelgänger , Killer Frost , who was captured by Zolomon as a reminder of Caitlin . Killer Frost convinces Caitlin to help her escape , but then attempts to kill her . Zoom arrives and kills Killer Frost , then warns Caitlin not to free the man in the iron mask . Later , Hunter decides to conquer the other Earths in the multiverse and takes Caitlin with him back to Earth - 1 . 43 20 `` Rupture '' Armen V. Kevorkian Kai Yu Wu & Lauren Certo May 3 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 03 ) 3J5670 3.34 While Barry keeps declining Harrison 's offer , the team rigs a hologram of the Flash to stop crime around the city so that no one will know the truth . Henry returns to Central City and joins the team . He argues with Wells on the safety of another explosion . Hunter and Caitlin arrive back on Earth - 1 with Hunter declaring the city under his control . Iris confesses her feelings to Barry . The Earth - 2 version of Dante Ramon , called `` Rupture '' , arrives on Earth - 1 looking to kill Cisco , believing that Cisco killed his Earth - 2 brother . Zolomon sends Rupture after the police to send the city a message . Barry and the police stop Rupture , but Zolomon arrives and kills the officers himself , as well as Rupture for failing . He then publicly announces the Flash 's disappearance . Cisco and Dante - 1 become closer . Barry finally agrees to Harrison 's plan . During the process , Barry is seemingly vaporized , while Jesse and Wally are caught in the blast . 44 21 `` The Runaway Dinosaur '' Kevin Smith Zack Stentz May 10 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 10 ) 3J5671 3.52 Wally regains consciousness , but Jesse remains in a coma . Cisco has a vibe of Barry and realizes that he is still alive and in the speed force . Barry meets physical manifestations of the speed force in the form of faces familiar to him . The speed force informs Barry that he can not leave unless he catches a mysterious moving figure , thus gaining his speed back . Cisco and Wells create a path into the speed force so Barry can escape , but the latter chooses to remain so he can earn his powers back . The speed force tells Barry that he can not become the Flash again until he finally accepts Nora 's death . Barry shares a moment with the physical manifestation of Nora , which allows him to finally catch the moving figure himself . With his powers restored and help from Cisco and Iris , Barry returns to S.T.A.R. Labs in time to save the team from the reanimated corpse of Tony Woodward . Afterwards , Barry uses a bit of speed force energy to bring Jesse out of her coma . Across town , Zolomon has assembled an army of metahumans from Earth - 2 , planning to unleash them on Central City . 45 22 `` Invincible '' Jesse Warn Story by : Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg Teleplay by : Brooke Roberts & David Kob May 17 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 17 ) 3J5672 3.37 Caitlin returns to the team , but not without emotional trauma from being kidnapped . Zoom 's army wreaks havoc across the city . Barry puts out several fires and takes out some of the metahumans to help the police . Back at S.T.A.R. Labs , Barry displays a level of confidence in stopping Zoom that concerns the team and each of them attempts to convince him to be more cautious . Among the attackers is Laurel Lance 's doppelgänger , `` Black Siren '' , who attacks various buildings around Central City using sonic blasts . Wally begins taking on metahumans trying to repay the Flash for saving him . The team creates a sonic amplifier tuned to the frequency of Earth - 2 . They discharge it and render all Earth - 2 natives unconscious , allowing Barry to apprehend them all at once , although Zoom survives by escaping to Earth - 2 . Meanwhile , Cisco begins having vibes of a future Earth - 2 being destroyed . Barry convinces Joe to let Wally be a hero . Later , Zoom returns and kidnaps Henry in front of the team . Barry races after them , revealing his identity to Wally , and is forced to watch Zoom kill Henry . 46 23 `` The Race of His Life '' Antonio Negret Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing May 24 , 2016 ( 2016 - 05 - 24 ) 3J5673 3.35 Zolomon manages to escape Barry by creating a time remnant . After Henry 's funeral , Hunter challenges Barry to a race to determine who is faster , threatening to kill everyone Barry loves if he refuses . Harrison discovers Hunter is in possession of a magnetar , a device that will destroy every planet in the Multiverse except Earth - 1 which requires both their speeds to power . When an enraged and vengeful Barry refuses to back out , the team locks him in the Pipeline and force Zolomon back to Earth - 2 themselves ; but Hunter abducts Joe in the process . Wally discovers this and frees Barry , who agrees to Zolomon 's race . As Barry races Zolomon around the magnetar , he creates a time remnant of himself who frees Joe and destroys the machine , but at the cost of his life . The `` prime '' Barry defeats Zolomon , who is then taken away by Time Wraiths for his crimes against the timeline . Barry rescues the man in the iron mask , who is revealed to be the real Jay Garrick , Henry 's Earth - 3 doppelgänger . Wells and Jesse return to Earth - 2 with Jay , who plans to return to Earth - 3 from there . Barry , still feeling broken and defeated , travels back in time and stops Thawne from killing Nora . Season 3 ( 2016 -- 17 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code U.S. viewers ( millions ) 47 `` Flashpoint '' Jesse Warn Story by : Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg Teleplay by : Andrew Kreisberg & Brooke Roberts October 4 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 04 ) T27. 13101 3.17 After preventing the murder of Nora Allen , Barry returns with Eobard Thawne to the present and imprisons him in a cage that dampens his speed . In the new timeline , which Thawne dubs `` Flashpoint '' , both of Barry 's parents are alive ; Joe has a poor relationship with Wally and Iris and is chronically in trouble at work ; Cisco is a billionaire tech magnate ; and Caitlin is a pediatric ophthalmologist . There is also a new Flash in Central City called Kid Flash struggling with his own nemesis , Edward Clariss , known as `` The Rival '' . Barry begins losing his memories of the original timeline due to the new timeline becoming permanent . After discovering Kid Flash is Wally , Barry teams up with him and stops Clariss , but Wally is critically injured in the process . Realizing that the new timeline is worse for those closest to him , Barry is forced to let Thawne return to the past and kill Nora , resetting the timeline and restoring Barry 's memories . Back in the present , Barry learns to his horror that the timeline did not reset exactly and Joe and Iris do not talk to each other anymore . Meanwhile , Clariss is confronted by a mysterious voice and finds the message `` Alchemy '' being scratched into his mirror by an invisible force . 48 `` Paradox '' Ralph Hemecker Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing October 11 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 11 ) T27. 13102 2.80 Barry learns of multiple changes to the timeline : Iris has not forgiven Joe for concealing that her mother was alive , Cisco is angry with him for not altering the timeline to save his brother Dante from being killed , and he has a new CSI partner , Julian Albert , who does not like or trust him . Barry decides to travel back to fix the damage , but he is intercepted by Jay Garrick . Jay tells Barry that the timeline never resets exactly and he has to learn to live with his mistakes . Meanwhile , Clariss has visions of `` Flashpoint '' and locates the person responsible , Alchemy , who restores Clariss ' powers and full `` Flashpoint '' memories . Barry tells the team about the timeline 's alterations before confronting Clariss at an abandoned warehouse . Alchemy is there as well , saying that he is preparing for a future event . Cisco arrives and helps Barry defeat Clariss , who is then incarcerated in Iron Heights . The team determines Alchemy is creating other metahumans from `` Flashpoint '' whom they need to track down . Cisco and Barry reconcile , as do Iris and Joe . Caitlin is secretly revealed to have gained cryokinetic powers . Barry and Iris begin dating , while Clariss is confronted by the voice of Alchemy for his failure before being killed inside his cell by an unidentified metallic being . 49 `` Magenta '' Armen V. Kevorkian Judalina Neira & David Kob October 18 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 18 ) T27. 13103 2.67 Wells and Jesse return to Earth - 1 , where she reveals she has gained super speed from the second dark matter blast . Wells hopes everyone will dissuade her from using her powers . Elsewhere , foster child Frankie Kane develops metahuman magnetic powers that manifest as an alternate personality , Magenta , who attacks her abusive foster father . Julian confronts Frankie at the station and is nearly killed by Magenta . Barry learns from Magenta that she got her powers from Alchemy . She escapes and later goes to the Central City Hospital to kill her foster father by dropping an oil tanker on the building . Barry creates a vortex to hold the tanker in place , but is unable to confront Magenta simultaneously . Wells sends Jesse to help . She takes over the vortex while Barry talks Kane into gaining control over Magenta . Wally , grappling with disappointment over having no speed , realizes he is having the same dreams from `` Flashpoint '' that Kane describes . Wells tells Jesse that he will support her decision and presents her with her own speedster costume . Joe later shows Barry and Julian footage of Clariss being killed in his cell by an unseen force , manifesting only as a flying ball of white light . 50 `` The New Rogues '' Stefan Pleszczynski Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes October 25 , 2016 ( 2016 - 10 - 25 ) T27. 13104 2.80 Three years ago , Sam Scudder and Rosalind Dillon , former cohorts of Leonard Snart , were caught in the original particle accelerator explosion . In the present , Barry begins training Jesse on how to use her powers . Wells suggests the team locate a doppelgänger of his from another Earth to replace him on the team once he and Jesse leave . Scudder returns from being trapped in a mirror - like dimension with the ability to transport himself and others through reflective surfaces . He reunites with Dillon , who now has vertigo - inducing powers , and they go on a crime spree . Barry and Jesse ( as `` Jesse Quick '' ) confront them , but are defeated after Barry ends up trapped inside a mirror by Scudder . Caitlin secretly uses her emerging ice powers to help Barry free himself from his predicament . He and Jesse then successfully capture Scudder and Dillon . After evaluating the candidates , the team recruits the friendly and eccentric Wells of Earth - 19 , despite the Earth - 2 Wells ' misgivings . Jesse and her father then return to Earth - 2 , but not before Wells apprises Cisco of Barry 's suspicious escape . That night , Caitlin accidentally freezes the water in her shower and her appearance begins showing signs of her Earth - 2 doppelgänger , Killer Frost . 51 5 `` Monster '' C. Kim Miles Zack Stentz November 1 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 01 ) T27. 13105 2.77 Without informing the others , Caitlin visits her estranged mother , Carla , at her medical research company to have her powers examined , but leaves after viciously attacking another scientist who intended to exploit her condition . Meanwhile , a gigantic creature repeatedly appears and disappears on the streets of Central City . Cisco grows suspicious of the newly - recruited `` H.R. '' Wells when he does not provide much help in battling the monster . The monster is revealed to be simply a hologram operated by a bullied 15 - year - old boy wanting to create fear in others . Barry exposes the deception in time to keep police snipers from harming civilians and prevents Julian from shooting the boy , whom he mistakes for a metahuman . H.R. is revealed to have no technical knowledge at all . He admits that he is only an `` idea man '' for his tech company on Earth - 19 and that he came to Earth - 1 primarily to get material for a novel . The team decides to give him a chance to prove his worth as an assistant . A badly shaken Julian reconciles his differences with Barry . Carla informs Caitlin that her powers are increasing and that she needs to stop using them or her condition will become irreversible . 52 6 `` Shade '' JJ Makaro Emily Silver & David Kob November 15 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 15 ) T27. 13106 3.01 When Wally relates his recent dreams of being Kid Flash , Barry reveals what happened to him during `` Flashpoint . '' A metahuman H.R. nicknames `` Shade '' appears and murders a stockbroker . Caitlin reveals her powers to Cisco and has him `` vibe '' her to learn her future . Cisco sees himself fighting Killer Frost , causing Caitlin to contemplate leaving for good . Alchemy summons Wally to him , so the team locks Wally in the particle accelerator for his own safety . Meanwhile , Barry and the others stop Shade 's next attack and capture him . Cisco tells everyone the truth about Caitlin and Barry privately confesses to her that her powers are a result of `` Flashpoint . '' Wally volunteers to lead the team to Alchemy to capture the villain and stop the memories , which are causing him pain . Barry , Joe , and a S.W.A.T. team locate Alchemy and his followers and surround them . The metallic being that killed Clariss appears and attacks them , revealing himself to be a speedster that only Barry can see . As Barry fights their attacker , Alchemy entices Wally to pick up his fallen energy weapon , which encases Wally in a crystal cocoon . Calling himself `` Savitar '' , the speedster overpowers Barry and prepares to stab him with a blade from his arm . 53 7 `` Killer Frost '' Kevin Smith Story by : Judalina Neira Teleplay by : Andrew Kreisberg & Brooke Roberts November 22 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 22 ) T27. 13107 2.95 Savitar opts to drag Barry across the city , while battering him to demonstrate his superiority . Cisco and Caitlin arrive to rescue Barry and Savitar flees . Caitlin , with her Killer Frost persona having taken over , violently interrogates one of Alchemy 's followers at CCPD headquarters . When Julian catches her , she coerces him to find the other acolytes so they can lead her to Alchemy , who can presumably remove her powers . Barry and Cisco track her down and imprison her , but the team is fractured after she reveals Barry 's role in Dante 's death by creating `` Flashpoint . '' Greatly concerned and disregarding the consequences , Joe breaks Wally out of the cocoon . Wally emerges with unmanageable speed powers and he races away in a confused state . Barry offers his life to Caitlin for her freedom in a successful attempt to restore her sanity and gain her help in treating Wally . Joe and Barry locate Wally , stabilizing his condition with Caitlin 's serum , and Wally soon embraces his new abilities . Julian agrees to protect Caitlin from the police , but forces Barry to resign from the CCPD in exchange , believing him morally unfit for wanting Caitlin shielded . Julian is later revealed to be Alchemy and working for Savitar . 54 8 `` Invasion ! '' Dermott Downs Story by : Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg Teleplay by : Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing November 29 , 2016 ( 2016 - 11 - 29 ) T27. 13108 4.15 Barry investigates a meteor crash outside Central City that turns out to be a spaceship from which aliens emerge . Lyla tells the team that the `` Dominators '' landed previously in the 1950s , but then mysteriously departed . Needing help , Barry assembles the original Team Arrow , Thea , the Legends , and Supergirl of Earth - 38 . The team begins training at a S.T.A.R. Labs facility , sparring against Supergirl to prepare for combat against the aliens . Cisco reveals a message to Rip Hunter from Barry 's future self , which exposes Barry 's manipulation of the timeline and how it affected other team members . Oliver , Supergirl , Felicity , Martin , and Jefferson are left as the only ones who still trust Barry . The Dominators abduct the President . Supergirl leads most of the others in a rescue effort , but the Dominators kill the President and ensnare everyone with a mind control device . The controlled heroes return and attack S.T.A.R. Labs . While Oliver holds them off , Barry lures Supergirl to the device and manipulates her into destroying it , freeing everyone . The team decides to trust Barry again . Suddenly , Sara , Ray , Diggle , Thea , and Oliver are teleported away before Barry can intervene . This episode begins a crossover event that continues on Arrow season 5 episode 8 , and concludes on Legends of Tomorrow season 2 episode 7 . 55 9 `` The Present '' Rachel Talalay Story by : Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing Teleplay by : Lauren Certo December 6 , 2016 ( 2016 - 12 - 06 ) T27. 13109 3.14 Barry asks Jay Garrick for help against Savitar . The two heroes locate and defeat Alchemy and return his weapon to its box , causing Savitar to disappear before he can kill Jay . Discovering Julian to be Alchemy , Barry reveals his own identity to him to get further information . Julian relates how he located the Philosopher 's Stone following a vision of his dead sister and that he has been having blackouts ever since . Savitar manifests through Cisco using visions of Dante and fights Barry and Wally , but Caitlin manages to convince Cisco to close the box again . The team communicates with Savitar through Julian , who claims that Barry , in the future , will imprison him . He also says that one teammate will betray them , one will fall , and a third will suffer a fate worse than death . Trying to end Savitar 's threat , Barry and Jay throw the box into the speed force but , in the process , Barry is thrown five months into the future and witnesses Savitar killing Iris . Jay tells Barry that the future is not fixed . Wally is given his own `` Kid Flash '' costume , Julian gets Barry 's job back for him , and Barry rents a new apartment for himself and Iris . 56 10 `` Borrowing Problems from the Future '' Millicent Shelton Grainne Godfree & David Kob January 24 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 24 ) T27. 13110 2.72 Barry has been having nightmares about Iris 's murder . Jared Morillo attempts a robbery , but is confronted by Barry , who recalls a news report during his visit in the future when Barry captures Plunder . The distraction allows Morillo to overpower Barry and escape . H.R. launches the museum , but no one visits it . In a second confrontation , Wally intervenes and captures Morillo , gaining praise by everyone except Barry . He eventually reveals the future he saw to everyone but Joe . The team decides to change the course of other events in order to prevent Iris 's death . Using Cisco , Barry accesses the future memory , in which the news reveal that the S.T.A.R. Labs museum will close and Caitlin will become Killer Frost . Morillo escapes , and Barry decides to change the first event by letting Wally capture him . Cisco relaunches the museum , starting with an exhibition for elementary school students . Julian is persuaded by Caitlin to join the team . A mysterious woman from another Earth arrives , searching for H.R. 57 11 `` Dead or Alive '' Harry Jierjian Story by : Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes Teleplay by : Zack Stentz January 31 , 2017 ( 2017 - 01 - 31 ) T27. 13111 3.06 An Earth - 19 bounty hunter named Gypsy , possessing powers similar to Cisco 's , arrives on Earth - 1 intending to take H.R. back to Earth - 19 for trial and execution , as inter-dimensional travel is forbidden there . Cisco demands a trial by combat for H.R. 's life , which she accepts . As the duel is to the death , Barry and H.R. try to ambush Gypsy to save Cisco , but she easily defeats them . Meanwhile , determined to leave a legacy , Iris persuades Wally to help her bust an arms dealer . While he is out scouting , she confronts the dealer , seemingly unafraid of death . Wally manages to save her . Julian discovers a flaw in Gypsy 's fighting style . Cisco exploits this weakness during their battle , which allows him to defeat her . Cisco spares Gypsy 's life , but she makes it clear that H.R. can never return to Earth - 19 , since she will state that she killed him . Joe gets angry with Iris and is suspicious of her lack of fear . Barry plots to have Wally increase his speed so that Wally can save Iris from Savitar . 58 12 `` Untouchable '' Rob Hardy Brooke Roberts & Judalina Neira February 7 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 07 ) T27. 13112 2.91 Barry and Wally continue their training in order to save Iris from Savitar . They race against each other , and Barry wins by phasing through a building . Julian finds a decayed corpse that was murdered just eight hours ago . He informs Joe that this is surely the work of a metahuman . The body is taken to S.T.A.R. Labs for investigation , where Caitlin and Julian observe it turning to ash . Iris confesses to Barry that she is afraid of her future . The meta responsible for the disintegrated corpse attacks Joe and is revealed to be targeting the police who arrested him in Flashpoint . The metahuman tries to disintegrate a bridge on the train Joe is on , forcing Barry to phase the train through the wreckage of the bridge . Barry teaches Wally how to phase , which Wally uses to expose the meta to his blood and strip him of his powers . Joe insists that everyone be honest with him from now on after learning of Iris 's future death . While practicing phasing , Wally is shocked to see Jesse coming through a portal . Jesse says her father has been abducted by Grodd and taken to Gorilla City . 59 13 `` Attack on Gorilla City '' Dermott Daniel Downs Story by : Andrew Kreisberg Teleplay by : Aaron Helbing & David Kob February 21 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 21 ) T27. 13113 2.78 Earth - 2 Wells is captured while running through the woods . Jesse explains that he was leading an expedition to Gorilla City that was ambushed and killed while Wells disappeared . Barry recalls that in the future Central City will be attacked by gorillas . He , Julian , Cisco , and Caitlin go to rescue him but are captured by Grodd . Speaking through Wells , Grodd asks Barry to help him usurp his master Solovar . Barry agrees to fight Solovar in the arena for the lives of the others and wins , but refuses to kill him . Grodd seizes control of Gorilla City and prepares an invasion of Earth - 1 . The team asks Caitlin to kill Cisco so Grodd can not open a portal , but she refuses . Barry fakes his death and Grodd removes him from his cage . He resuscitates himself and frees the others , and they return to Earth - 1 . Jesse and her father reunite and Wally and Jesse recommit to their relationship . Julian asks Caitlin out on a date . Grodd assembles his army with a brainwashed Gypsy at his side . 60 14 `` Attack on Central City '' Dermott Daniel Downs Story by : Todd Helbing Teleplay by : Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes February 28 , 2017 ( 2017 - 02 - 28 ) T27. 13114 2.87 Harry and H.R. clash over their different personalities . Jesse informs her father that she intends to stay on Earth - 1 with Wally , which Harry initially tries to prevent . Harry subdues Gypsy when she ambushes Cisco and Barry , and the team realizes that Grodd and his forces have reached Central City . Using his powers , Cisco determines that the gorillas will attack the center of town . This turns out to be a distraction for Grodd to abduct a visiting Army general . Barry contemplates killing Grodd as the only way to permanently stop him and also change the future , but Harry encourages him to find another way . Taking control of the general , Grodd attempts a nuclear missile strike on the city . Barry prevents the attack , so Grodd and his gorilla army invade the city themselves . Cisco travels to Earth - 19 to ask Gypsy for help . The speedsters distract the soldiers while Cisco and Gypsy bring Solovar to Earth - 1 , who defeats Grodd and assumes leadership once again . All the gorillas return to Earth - 2 , with the exception of Grodd , who is turned over to A.R.G.U.S. Gypsy kisses Cisco before telling him he could not handle her , then returns to Earth - 19 . Barry proposes to Iris . While going out to pick up dinner for Jesse , Wally is confronted by Savitar . 61 15 `` The Wrath of Savitar '' Alexandra La Roche Andrew Kreisberg & Andrew Wilder March 7 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 07 ) T27. 13115 2.52 Wally continues having visions of Savitar and , after a physical altercation with him , finally admits this to the team . The team attempts to question Savitar via Julian , who again acts as a conduit . Savitar casts doubt on whether the Philosopher 's Stone is truly lost to the speed force . Caitlin confesses that she kept part of the Philosopher 's Stone , hoping to use it to remove her powers . Barry and the team figure out that Savitar is trapped inside the speed force but Wally is at home with Jesse when they realize this . Wally , after being confronted by Savitar who appears as a vision of his mother , steals the stone fragment from the lab , creates a portal , and launches the fragment into the speed force , believing this will exile Savitar for good . Barry arrives just as the portal draws Wally into it , trapping him in the speed force . Savitar , having successfully manipulated Wally , emerges from the speed force and fights Barry , taunting him by boasting he will not kill him before Barry watches Iris die before his eyes . Barry breaks off Savitar 's arm blade using his vibrating hand , causing Savitar to retreat . 62 16 `` Into the Speed Force '' Gregory Smith Brooke Roberts & Judalina Neira March 14 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 14 ) T27. 13116 2.39 Feeling responsible for everything bad that is happening , and that Wally is suffering inside the speed force , Barry decides to rescue him . Cisco vibes Barry into the speed force , where he encounters manifestations of friends and foes who had previously sacrificed their lives . Less accommodating than before , they push Barry to understand true sacrifice and that he must be the one to save Iris in the future . Barry is also confronted by his former enemy , Hunter Zolomon , and defeats him . Jay Garrick , having been contacted by Cisco , joins Barry inside the speed force and voluntarily takes Wally 's place so Barry and Wally can escape . Meanwhile , Jesse uses the armor shard to locate and face Savitar by herself , managing to wound the villain with it before he escapes . Later , Jesse decides to go to Earth - 3 to protect it until the team can free Jay from the speed force . Barry admits to Iris that even though he does love her , he proposed for the wrong reasons and suggests they take some time apart from one another . 63 17 `` Duet '' Dermott Daniel Downs Story by : Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg Teleplay by : Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing March 21 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 21 ) T27. 13117 2.71 J'onn J'onzz and Mon - El arrive on Earth - 1 with a comatose Kara . The Music Meister attacks and places Barry in a similar coma . He wakes up in a musical world and finds Kara . Meister tells them that if they follow the script , they will return to the real world . Barry and Kara are forced to work as singers in a nightclub run by Malcolm , with Winn working as a piano player , Cisco as a waiter and Stein and Joe as two gangsters opposing Malcolm . Barry and Kara find Malcolm 's son , Mon - El , and Stein 's and Joe 's daughter , Iris , in a forbidden relationship . Kara and Barry convince the pair to reveal their love , also helping Barry and Kara to realize their own mistakes . Malcolm , Stein and Joe subsequently decide to go to war . Barry and Kara are shot in the crossfire , but the real Cisco , Mon - El and Iris vibe into their world to save them , allowing Barry and Kara to admit their loves for Iris and Mon - El . They wake up in S.T.A.R. Labs , and Meister reveals that he just wanted them to realize their love . Kara 's team returns to Earth - 38 , and Barry and Iris move back in together . Barry re-proposes to Iris , who accepts . This episode is a crossover with Supergirl . 64 18 `` Abra Kadabra '' Nina Lopez - Corrado Story by : Andrew Kreisberg Teleplay by : Brooke Roberts & David Kob March 28 , 2017 ( 2017 - 03 - 28 ) T27. 13118 2.39 Abra Kadabra , a criminal from the 64th century , comes to Central City , stealing from numerous tech companies and killing two guards . Gypsy returns , in pursuit of Kadabra , to avenge her partner . Kadabra offers the team the identity of Savitar in exchange for his freedom . Against Gypsy 's wishes , a desperate Joe releases Kadabra , who escapes to Thawne 's time vault after Gypsy fails to stop him and retrieves a power source . Kadabra also triggers an explosion that critically injures Caitlin . Refusing to take off the necklace suppressing her powers , even though doing so could save her life , Caitlin asks Julian to perform surgery with her guidance instead . Kadabra attempts to return to his own time , having used the stolen technology to build his own time machine , but he is foiled by the team with Gypsy 's help . Barry decides that the only way to save Iris ' life is by traveling to the future . Later , a still - recovering Caitlin loses consciousness and begins convulsing , before her vital signs flatline . A distraught Julian rips the necklace from her neck and her vital signs return to normal , as her injuries heal rapidly . She awakens , but in the guise of Killer Frost , and starts attacking the group with her ice powers . 65 19 `` The Once and Future Flash '' Tom Cavanagh Carina Adly MacKenzie April 25 , 2017 ( 2017 - 04 - 25 ) T27. 13119 2.67 Killer Frost destroys the necklace . Barry travels to 2024 , when he learns that Cisco lost his powers after Killer Frost shattered his hands and forced him to use mechanical prosthetics , H.R. has become a successful novelist , Julian works at Iron Heights tending to Killer Frost , Wally is catatonic with a shattered spine , Joe is depressed , and future Barry is a recluse hiding at S.T.A.R. Labs . In his absence , Top and Mirror Master have taken over Central City . Barry fails to learn Savitar 's identity . Cisco secretly uses a device to prevent Barry from returning to the past , hoping he will put things right . Barry rounds up Julian , Joe , and H.R. , reuniting Team Flash . Top and Mirror Master overwhelm Barry with their powers but , after overhearing him , future Barry uses Cisco 's device to negate the villains ' abilities , helping to defeat them . Future Barry gives Barry information and tells him to find a physicist named Tracy Brand , who developed a speed force - based trap years after Iris ' death . In the present , Killer Frost meets with Savitar . She is reluctant to trust him , but changes her mind when Savitar 's armor opens up and he steps out , revealing his identity to her . 66 20 `` I Know Who You Are '' Hanelle Culpepper Bronwen Clark & Joshua V. Gilbert May 2 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 02 ) T27. 13120 2.69 Barry , Cisco , and H.R. visit Tracy to seek her help in making a trap for Savitar ; they are interrupted by Killer Frost , who attempts to kill Tracy , but is defeated before she escapes . Tracy goes to S.T.A.R. Labs with Team Flash and is shown her future . Killer Frost later decides to kidnap Joe 's girlfriend , Cecile , and demand Tracy in exchange . Killer Frost 's plan fails , leading to a battle between her and Cisco . Defeated , she is whisked away by Savitar , but not before Cisco draws some of her blood in order to potentially make a cure for her powers . Meanwhile , Joe admits his love to Cecile and tells her about Barry and Wally 's alter egos . H.R. develops feelings for Tracy . Later , Tracy , inspired by the events , plans to build a trap for Savitar , while Barry has a revelation regarding Savitar 's identity , given how much Savitar knows about everyone , and confronts him outside the city . Savitar confirms Barry 's new assumption and reveals himself to be a future version of Barry Allen . 67 21 `` Cause and Effect '' David McWhirter Judalina Neira & Lauren Certo May 9 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 09 ) T27. 13121 2.71 Future Barry explains to his younger self that he is a time remnant , created by his future self while fighting Savitar . After being shunned by Team Flash , future Barry became depressed and ran back in time to ultimately become Savitar . He explains that he needs to kill Iris so that Barry will be forced to create him in the future . Cisco proposes they stop Savitar from remembering any of their strategies by stopping Barry from creating new memories , but miscalculations cause Barry to lose his memory . Savitar also loses all of his memories , resulting in Wally 's powers disappearing , since Savitar never gave them to him . A pyromaniac named Lucious Coolidge gets released because of Barry 's inability to testify correctly . Killer Frost helps Cisco and Julian develop a way for Barry to regain his memories so that Savitar can , as well . When Coolidge starts a fire , Iris helps Barry regain his memories in time to stop the fire with assistance from Wally . Tracy and H.R. develop a romance . She then shows the team the completed speed force trap , which requires a high amount of energy . The final scene cuts to a room that has an alien power source , as well as King Shark . 68 22 `` Infantino Street '' Michael Allowitz Story by : Andrew Kreisberg Teleplay by : Grainne Godfree May 16 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 16 ) T27. 13122 2.48 With 24 hours left before Iris dies , Team Flash learns that there is only one energy source that can power the `` Speed Force Bazooka '' in the form of a salvaged Dominator technology held at an A.R.G.U.S. facility . Barry and Cisco ask Lyla for it , but she refuses because of her mistrust of Barry due to his creation of Flashpoint . Barry then visits Snart in 1892 , when he was travelling with the Legends , and recruits him to help Barry break into A.R.G.U.S. and steal the device . In the process , A.R.G.U.S. agents eventually capture Barry and Snart , but Lyla , seeing the kindness in Barry 's actions , allows Barry to take the device . Snart advises Barry to use the goodness in him to defeat Savitar . Tracy decides to join the team . Cisco vibes about his battle with Killer Frost and leaves to fight her . Joe tries to hide Iris from Savitar on Earth - 2 with Harry but future Barry tricks H.R. into revealing up her location by pretending to be his younger self , breaks Wally 's leg and kidnaps Iris in front of a horrified Joe . Flash uses the `` Speed Force Bazooka '' on Savitar , but it fails when Savitar counteracts it with the Philosopher 's Stone , which is made out of calcified speed force energy . Savitar then stabs Iris in the back in front of Flash seemingly killing her as he escapes . 69 23 `` Finish Line '' David McWhirter Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing May 23 , 2017 ( 2017 - 05 - 23 ) T27. 13123 3.04 H.R. reveals he swapped places with Iris and dies from his injuries . Realizing Iris is not dead , Savitar kidnaps Cisco and forces him to modify the Bazooka into an `` inter-dimensional quantum splicer '' . This will allow Savitar to disperse himself throughout time and protect him from the paradox that threatens to erase him . Barry meets with Savitar , believing he can be redeemed and they go to S.T.A.R. Labs . Although Barry and Iris try to get through to him , Savitar wrecks the lab and orders Caitlin to kill Cisco , but Gypsy saves him . Savitar and Killer Frost open a portal into the Speed Force . The Black Flash intervenes , but is frozen by Caitlin . Savitar then attempts to execute his plan . However , Cisco modified the Bazooka into a ' skeleton key ' which frees Jay from the Speed Force prison . Barry , Wally and Jay engage Savitar , while Cisco , with Gyspy 's help , convinces Caitlin to abandon Savitar . Barry phases through and destroys Savitar 's armor before Savitar is erased from existence . As Team Flash mourns H.R. , Caitlin decides not to use Julian 's cure , leaving the team so she may find her own purpose . Later on , an energy storm appears over Central City , caused by the Speed Force prison being empty . Barry explains that he needs to atone for creating Flashpoint and enters the prison , entrusting Central City to Iris and the team . Season 4 ( 2017 -- 18 ) Main article : The Flash ( season 4 ) No . overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod . code U.S. viewers ( millions ) 70 `` The Flash Reborn '' Glen Winter Story by : Andrew Kreisberg Teleplay by : Todd Helbing & Eric Wallace October 10 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 10 ) T27. 13401 2.84 71 `` Mixed Signals '' Alexandra La Roche Jonathan Butler & Gabriel Garza October 17 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 17 ) T27. 13402 2.54 72 `` Luck Be a Lady '' Armen V. Kevorkian Sam Chalsen & Judalina Neira October 24 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 24 ) T27. 13403 2.62 73 `` Elongated Journey Into Night '' Tom Cavanagh Sterling Gates & Thomas Pound October 31 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 31 ) T27. 13404 1.99 74 5 `` Girls Night Out '' Laura Belsey Lauren Certo & Kristen Kim November 7 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 07 ) T27. 13405 2.38 75 6 `` When Harry Met Harry ... '' Brent Crowell Jonathan Butler & Gabriel Garza November 14 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 14 ) T27. 13406 2.46 76 7 `` Therefore I Am '' David McWhirter Eric Wallace & Thomas Pound November 21 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 21 ) T27. 13407 2.20 77 8 `` Crisis on Earth - X , Part 3 '' Dermott Downs Story by : Andrew Kreisberg & Marc Guggenheim Teleplay by : Todd Helbing November 28 , 2017 ( 2017 - 11 - 28 ) T27. 13408 2.82 78 9 `` Do n't Run '' Stefan Pleszczynski Sam Chalsen & Judalina Neira December 5 , 2017 ( 2017 - 12 - 05 ) T27. 13409 2.22 79 10 `` The Trial of The Flash '' Philip Chipera Lauren Certo & Kristen Kim January 16 , 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 16 ) T27. 13410 2.51 80 11 `` The Elongated Knight Rises '' Alexandra La Roche Sterling Gates & Thomas Pound January 23 , 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 23 ) T27. 13411 2.12 81 12 `` Honey , I Shrunk Team Flash '' Chris Peppe Sam Chalsen & Judalina Neira January 30 , 2018 ( 2018 - 01 - 30 ) T27. 13412 2.60 82 13 `` True Colors '' Tara Nicole Weyr Jonathan Butler & Gabriel Garza February 6 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 06 ) T27. 13413 2.28 83 14 `` Subject 9 '' Ralph Hemecker Mike Alber & Gabe Snyder February 27 , 2018 ( 2018 - 02 - 27 ) T27. 13414 2.12 84 15 `` Enter Flashtime '' Gregory Smith Todd Helbing & Sterling Gates March 6 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 06 ) T27. 13415 2.04 85 16 `` Run , Iris , Run '' Harry Jierjian Eric Wallace March 13 , 2018 ( 2018 - 03 - 13 ) T27. 13416 2.09 86 17 `` Null and Annoyed '' Kevin Smith Lauren Certo & Kristen Kim April 10 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 10 ) TBA TBD 87 18 TBA Hanelle Culpepper Jonathan Butler & Gabriel Garza April 17 , 2018 ( 2018 - 04 - 17 ) TBA TBD Ratings Season 1 ( 2014 -- 15 ) No . Title Air date Rating / share ( 18 -- 49 ) Viewers ( millions ) DVR ( 18 -- 49 ) DVR viewers ( millions ) Total ( 18 -- 49 ) Total viewers ( millions ) `` Pilot '' October 7 , 2014 1.9 / 6 4.83 0.7 2.00 2.6 6.83 `` Fastest Man Alive '' October 14 , 2014 1.7 / 5 4.27 N / A N / A N / A N / A `` Things You Ca n't Outrun '' October 21 , 2014 1.5 / 4 3.59 N / A N / A N / A N / A `` Going Rogue '' October 28 , 2014 1.4 / 4 3.53 0.9 N / A 2.3 N / A 5 `` Plastique '' November 11 , 2014 1.4 / 4 3.46 1.0 N / A 2.4 N / A 6 `` The Flash Is Born '' November 18 , 2014 1.4 / 4 3.73 0.9 N / A 2.3 N / A 7 `` Power Outage '' November 25 , 2014 1.4 / 4 3.47 0.9 2.41 2.3 5.88 8 `` Flash vs. Arrow '' December 2 , 2014 1.6 / 5 4.34 1.0 2.31 2.6 6.65 9 `` The Man in the Yellow Suit '' December 9 , 2014 1.5 / 5 4.66 0.9 2.06 2.4 6.72 10 `` Revenge of the Rogues '' January 20 , 2015 1.4 / 5 3.87 1.0 2.41 2.4 6.27 11 `` The Sound and the Fury '' January 27 , 2015 1.3 / 4 4.08 1.0 2.20 2.3 6.28 12 `` Crazy for You '' February 3 , 2015 1.3 / 4 3.60 0.9 N / A 2.2 N / A 13 `` The Nuclear Man '' February 10 , 2015 1.5 / 5 3.66 N / A N / A N / A N / A 14 `` Fallout '' February 17 , 2015 1.5 / 4 4.01 0.9 N / A 2.4 N / A 15 `` Out of Time '' March 17 , 2015 1.3 / 5 3.69 1.0 2.34 2.3 6.09 16 `` Rogue Time '' March 24 , 2015 1.2 / 4 3.33 1.0 2.37 2.2 5.69 17 `` Tricksters '' March 31 , 2015 1.3 / 4 3.67 1.0 2.43 2.3 6.10 18 `` All Star Team Up '' April 14 , 2015 1.4 / 5 3.67 0.9 2.05 2.3 5.72 19 `` Who Is Harrison Wells ? '' April 21 , 2015 1.3 / 4 3.75 0.9 N / A 2.2 N / A 20 `` The Trap '' April 28 , 2015 1.5 / 5 3.93 0.9 N / A 2.4 N / A 21 `` Grodd Lives '' May 5 , 2015 1.5 / 5 3.62 0.9 2.27 2.4 5.97 22 `` Rogue Air '' May 12 , 2015 1.5 / 5 3.65 0.9 N / A 2.4 N / A 23 `` Fast Enough '' May 19 , 2015 1.5 / 5 3.87 1.0 2.38 2.5 6.25 Season 2 ( 2015 -- 16 ) No . Title Air date Rating / share ( 18 -- 49 ) Viewers ( millions ) DVR ( 18 -- 49 ) DVR viewers ( millions ) Total ( 18 -- 49 ) Total viewers ( millions ) `` The Man Who Saved Central City '' October 6 , 2015 1.4 / 5 3.58 1.0 2.35 2.4 5.93 `` Flash of Two Worlds '' October 13 , 2015 1.4 / 4 3.49 0.8 2.06 2.2 5.52 `` Family of Rogues '' October 20 , 2015 1.4 / 5 3.47 0.9 2.05 2.3 5.60 `` The Fury of Firestorm '' October 27 , 2015 1.4 / 4 3.43 0.9 2.04 2.3 5.46 5 `` The Darkness and the Light '' November 3 , 2015 1.5 / 5 3.87 0.8 1.68 2.3 5.55 6 `` Enter Zoom '' November 10 , 2015 1.5 / 5 3.63 0.9 2.05 2.4 5.68 7 `` Gorilla Warfare '' November 17 , 2015 1.4 / 4 3.46 0.8 1.92 2.2 5.38 8 `` Legends of Today '' December 1 , 2015 1.4 / 5 3.94 0.9 2.12 2.3 6.07 9 `` Running to Stand Still '' December 8 , 2015 1.3 / 4 3.55 0.9 2.01 2.2 5.56 10 `` Potential Energy '' January 19 , 2016 1.3 / 4 3.41 1.0 2.06 2.3 5.48 11 `` The Reverse - Flash Returns '' January 26 , 2016 1.4 / 5 3.71 1.0 2.02 2.4 5.73 12 `` Fast Lane '' February 2 , 2016 1.4 / 5 3.66 0.8 1.86 2.2 5.53 13 `` Welcome to Earth - 2 '' February 9 , 2016 1.6 / 5 3.96 0.9 2.02 2.5 5.98 14 `` Escape from Earth - 2 '' February 16 , 2016 1.5 / 5 3.90 0.8 1.77 2.3 5.67 15 `` King Shark '' February 23 , 2016 1.4 / 5 3.80 0.9 1.96 2.3 5.77 16 `` Trajectory '' March 22 , 2016 1.1 / 4 3.00 0.9 1.96 2.0 4.96 17 `` Flash Back '' March 29 , 2016 1.3 / 5 3.39 0.9 1.92 2.2 5.31 18 `` Versus Zoom '' April 19 , 2016 1.2 / 4 3.03 0.8 2.03 2.0 5.07 19 `` Back to Normal '' April 26 , 2016 1.3 / 5 3.39 0.8 1.86 2.1 5.26 20 `` Rupture '' May 3 , 2016 1.3 / 5 3.34 0.8 1.92 2.1 5.25 21 `` The Runaway Dinosaur '' May 10 , 2016 1.3 / 5 3.52 0.8 1.82 2.1 5.34 22 `` Invincible '' May 17 , 2016 1.3 / 5 3.37 0.9 2.08 2.2 5.45 23 `` The Race of His Life '' May 24 , 2016 1.3 / 5 3.35 0.6 1.49 1.9 4.85 Season 3 ( 2016 -- 17 ) No . Title Air date Rating / share ( 18 -- 49 ) Viewers ( millions ) DVR ( 18 -- 49 ) DVR viewers ( millions ) Total ( 18 -- 49 ) Total viewers ( millions ) `` Flashpoint '' October 4 , 2016 1.3 / 5 3.17 0.8 1.89 2.1 5.06 `` Paradox '' October 11 , 2016 1.1 / 4 2.80 0.7 1.92 1.8 4.72 `` Magenta '' October 18 , 2016 1.0 / 4 2.67 0.9 2.00 1.9 4.67 `` The New Rogues '' October 25 , 2016 1.0 / 3 2.80 0.9 1.91 1.9 4.71 5 `` Monster '' November 1 , 2016 1.0 / 3 2.77 0.9 2.01 1.9 4.78 6 `` Shade '' November 15 , 2016 1.2 / 4 3.01 0.9 2.06 2.1 5.07 7 `` Killer Frost '' November 22 , 2016 1.1 / 4 2.95 0.8 1.99 1.9 4.93 8 `` Invasion ! '' November 29 , 2016 1.5 / 5 4.15 0.9 2.17 2.4 6.31 9 `` The Present '' December 6 , 2016 1.2 / 4 3.14 0.8 1.80 2.0 4.94 10 `` Borrowing Problems From the Future '' January 24 , 2017 1.0 / 3 2.72 0.8 1.92 1.8 4.64 11 `` Dead or Alive '' January 31 , 2017 1.1 / 4 3.06 0.7 1.64 1.8 4.71 12 `` Untouchable '' February 7 , 2017 1.1 / 4 2.91 0.7 1.68 1.8 4.59 13 `` Attack on Gorilla City '' February 21 , 2017 1.0 / 4 2.78 0.9 1.96 1.9 4.75 14 `` Attack on Central City '' February 28 , 2017 1.1 / 4 2.87 0.8 1.81 1.9 4.68 15 `` The Wrath of Savitar '' March 7 , 2017 0.9 / 3 2.52 0.7 1.71 1.6 4.23 16 `` Into the Speed Force '' March 14 , 2017 0.9 / 3 2.39 0.7 1.70 1.6 4.10 17 `` Duet '' March 21 , 2017 1.0 / 4 2.71 0.8 1.88 1.8 4.59 18 `` Abra Kadabra '' March 28 , 2017 0.9 / 3 2.39 0.7 1.67 1.6 4.06 19 `` The Once and Future Flash '' April 25 , 2017 1.0 / 4 2.67 0.9 1.90 1.9 4.57 20 `` I Know Who You Are '' May 2 , 2017 1.0 / 4 2.69 0.8 1.77 1.8 4.46 21 `` Cause and Effect '' May 9 , 2017 1.0 / 4 2.71 0.9 1.92 1.9 4.63 22 `` Infantino Street '' May 16 , 2017 0.9 / 4 2.48 0.9 1.94 1.8 4.42 23 `` Finish Line '' May 23 , 2017 1.1 / 5 3.04 0.8 1.82 1.9 4.86 Home media Season DVD release dates Blu - ray release dates Region 1 Region 2 Region 4 Region A Region B September 22 , 2015 September 21 , 2015 September 23 , 2015 September 22 , 2015 September 21 , 2015 September 6 , 2016 September 12 , 2016 September 7 , 2016 September 6 , 2016 September 12 , 2016 September 5 , 2017 September 11 , 2017 September 5 , 2017 September 11 , 2017 References Jump up ^ Porter , Rick ( March 11 , 2016 ) . `` ' The Flash ' , ' The 100 ' and even ' Crazy Ex-Girlfriend ' renewed : All 11 CW series picked up for 2016 -- 17 '' . 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'' `` Red Faced '' `` Human for a Day '' `` Hostile Takeover '' `` Blood Bonds '' `` Childish Things '' `` Strange Visitor from Another Planet '' `` Bizarro '' `` For the Girl Who Has Everything '' `` Truth , Justice and the American Way '' `` Solitude '' `` Falling '' `` Manhunter '' `` Worlds Finest '' `` Myriad '' `` Better Angels '' `` The Adventures of Supergirl '' `` Medusa '' `` Nevertheless , She Persisted '' Characters Legends of Tomorrow Episodes Characters Animated series Vixen Freedom Fighters : The Ray Constantine : City of Demons Other Arrowverse cast members Crossovers `` Flash vs. Arrow '' `` Heroes Join Forces '' `` Invasion ! 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"\n\nNo.\noverall\nNo. in\nseason\nTitle\nDirected by\nWritten by\nOriginal air date\nProd.\ncode\nU.S. viewers\n(millions)\n\n\n70\n1\n\"The Flash Reborn\"\nGlen Winter\nStory by : Andrew Kreisberg\nTeleplay by : Todd Helbing & Eric Wallace\nOctober 10, 2017 (2017-10-10)\nT27.13401\n2.84[79]\n\n\n71\n2\n\"Mixed Signals\"\nAlexandra La Roche\nJonathan Butler & Gabriel Garza\nOctober 17, 2017 (2017-10-17)\nT27.13402\n2.54[80]\n\n\n72\n3\n\"Luck Be a Lady\"\nArmen V. Kevorkian\nSam Chalsen & Judalina Neira\nOctober 24, 2017 (2017-10-24)\nT27.13403\n2.62[81]\n\n\n73\n4\n\"Elongated Journey Into Night\"\nTom Cavanagh\nSterling Gates & Thomas Pound\nOctober 31, 2017 (2017-10-31)\nT27.13404\n1.99[82]\n\n\n74\n5\n\"Girls Night Out\"\nLaura Belsey\nLauren Certo & Kristen Kim\nNovember 7, 2017 (2017-11-07)\nT27.13405\n2.38[83]\n\n\n75\n6\n\"When Harry Met Harry...\"\nBrent Crowell\nJonathan Butler & Gabriel Garza\nNovember 14, 2017 (2017-11-14)\nT27.13406\n2.46[84]\n\n\n76\n7\n\"Therefore I Am\"\nDavid McWhirter\nEric Wallace & Thomas Pound\nNovember 21, 2017 (2017-11-21)\nT27.13407\n2.20[85]\n\n\n77\n8\n\"Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3\"\nDermott Downs\nStory by : Andrew Kreisberg & Marc Guggenheim\nTeleplay by : Todd Helbing\nNovember 28, 2017 (2017-11-28)\nT27.13408\n2.82[86]\n\n\n78\n9\n\"Don't Run\"\nStefan Pleszczynski\nSam Chalsen & Judalina Neira\nDecember 5, 2017 (2017-12-05)\nT27.13409\n2.22[87]\n\n\n79\n10\n\"The Trial of The Flash\"\nPhilip Chipera\nLauren Certo & Kristen Kim\nJanuary 16, 2018 (2018-01-16)\nT27.13410\n2.51[88]\n\n\n80\n11\n\"The Elongated Knight Rises\"\nAlexandra La Roche\nSterling Gates & Thomas Pound\nJanuary 23, 2018 (2018-01-23)\nT27.13411\n2.12[89]\n\n\n81\n12\n\"Honey, I Shrunk Team Flash\"\nChris Peppe\nSam Chalsen & Judalina Neira\nJanuary 30, 2018 (2018-01-30)\nT27.13412\n2.60[90]\n\n\n82\n13\n\"True Colors\"\nTara Nicole Weyr\nJonathan Butler & Gabriel Garza\nFebruary 6, 2018 (2018-02-06)\nT27.13413\n2.28[91]\n\n\n83\n14\n\"Subject 9\"\nRalph Hemecker\nMike Alber & Gabe Snyder\nFebruary 27, 2018 (2018-02-27)\nT27.13414\n2.12[92]\n\n\n84\n15\n\"Enter Flashtime\"\nGregory Smith\nTodd Helbing & Sterling Gates\nMarch 6, 2018 (2018-03-06)\nT27.13415\n2.04[93]\n\n\n85\n16\n\"Run, Iris, Run\"\nHarry Jierjian\nEric Wallace\nMarch 13, 2018 (2018-03-13)\nT27.13416\n2.09[94]\n\n\n86\n17\n\"Null and Annoyed\"[95]\nKevin Smith\nLauren Certo & Kristen Kim\nApril 10, 2018 (2018-04-10)\nTBA\nTBD\n\n\n87\n18\nTBA\nHanelle Culpepper[96]\nJonathan Butler & Gabriel Garza[96]\nApril 17, 2018 (2018-04-17)[97]\nTBA\nTBD\n\n"
] | [
"April 10, 2018"
] |
8474244314773471402 | Citizens United v. FEC | Citizens United v. FEC - wikipedia Citizens United v. FEC Jump to : navigation , search `` Citizens United '' redirects here . For the political organization , see Citizens United ( organization ) . For other uses , see Citizens United ( disambiguation ) . Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission Supreme Court of the United States Argued March 24 , 2009 Reargued September 9 , 2009 Decided January 21 , 2010 Full case name Citizens United , Appellant v. Federal Election Commission Docket nos . 08 - 205 Citations 558 U.S. 310 ( more ) Argument Oral argument Reargument Reargument Opinion announcement Opinion announcement Prior history denied appellants motion for a preliminary injunction 530 F. Supp . 2d 274 ( D.D.C. 2008 ) probable jurisdiction noted 128 S. Ct. 1471 ( 2008 ) . Holding The provisions of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act restricting unions , corporations , and non-profit organizations from independent political spending and prohibiting the broadcasting of political media funded by them within 60 days of a general election or 30 days of a primary election violate the First Amendment 's protections of freedom of speech . United States District Court for the District of Columbia reversed . Court membership Chief Justice John Roberts Associate Justices John P. Stevens Antonin Scalia Anthony Kennedy Clarence Thomas Ruth Bader Ginsburg Stephen Breyer Samuel Alito Sonia Sotomayor Case opinions Majority Kennedy , joined by Roberts , Scalia , Alito ; Thomas ( all but Part IV ) ; Stevens , Ginsburg , Breyer , Sotomayor ( only as to Part IV ) Concurrence Roberts , joined by Alito Concurrence Scalia , joined by Alito ; Thomas ( in part ) Concur / dissent Stevens , joined by Ginsburg , Breyer , Sotomayor Concur / dissent Thomas Laws applied U.S. Const . amend . I , Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act This case overturned a previous ruling or rulings Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce , 1990 . McConnell v. FEC , 2003 ( in part ) . Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission , 558 U.S. 310 ( 2010 ) , is a landmark U.S. constitutional law , campaign finance , and corporate law case dealing with regulation of political campaign spending by organizations . The United States Supreme Court held ( 5 -- 4 ) on January 21 , 2010 that the free speech clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution prohibits the government from restricting independent expenditures for communications by nonprofit corporations , for - profit corporations , labor unions , and other associations . In the case , the conservative non-profit organization Citizens United sought to air a film critical of Hillary Clinton and to advertise the film during television broadcasts shortly before the 2008 Democratic primary election in which Clinton was running for U.S. President . Federal law , however , prohibited any corporation ( or labor union ) from making an `` electioneering communication '' ( defined as a broadcast ad reaching over 50,000 people in the electorate within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of an election ) , or making any expenditure advocating the election or defeat of a candidate at any time . The court found that these provisions of the law conflicted with the U.S. Constitution . However , the court upheld requirements for public disclosure by sponsors of advertisements . The case did not affect the federal ban on direct contributions from corporations or unions to candidate campaigns or political parties . The decision was highly controversial when announced and remains a subject of much discussion . Contents ( hide ) 1 Case summary 2 Background 3 In the District Court 4 Before the Supreme Court 5 Opinions of the Court 5.1 Majority opinion 5.2 Concurrences 5.3 Dissent 6 Subsequent developments 6.1 Support 6.1. 1 Politicians 6.1. 2 Advocacy groups 6.1. 3 Academics and attorneys 6.1. 4 Journalists 6.2 Opposition 6.2. 1 Politicians 6.2. 2 International 6.2. 3 Academics and attorneys 6.2. 4 Journalists 6.2. 5 Business leaders 6.3 Media coverage 6.3. 1 Political blogs 6.4 Opinion polls 7 Further court rulings 7.1 SpeechNow v. FEC 7.2 Public electoral financing 7.3 State campaign - spending limits 7.4 McCutcheon v. FEC 8 Legislative responses 8.1 Legislative impact 8.2 Legislative reactions by state and local lawmakers 9 Political impact 9.1 Super PACs 10 See also 11 References 12 Further reading 13 External links Case summary ( edit ) In the case , No. 08 - 205 , 558 U.S. 310 ( 2010 ) , the conservative non-profit organization Citizens United wanted to air a film critical of Hillary Clinton and to advertise the film during television broadcasts , which was a violation of the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act , commonly known as the McCain -- Feingold Act or `` BCRA '' ( pronounced `` bik - ruh '' ) . Section 203 of BCRA defined an `` electioneering communication '' as a broadcast , cable , or satellite communication that mentioned a candidate within 60 days of a general election or 30 days of a primary , and prohibited such expenditures by corporations and unions . The United States District Court for the District of Columbia held that § 203 of BCRA applied and prohibited Citizens United from advertising the film Hillary : The Movie in broadcasts or paying to have it shown on television within 30 days of the 2008 Democratic primaries . The Supreme Court reversed this decision , striking down those provisions of BCRA that prohibited corporations ( including nonprofit corporations ) and unions from making independent expenditures for `` electioneering communications '' . The majority decision overruled Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce ( 1990 ) and partially overruled McConnell v. Federal Election Commission ( 2003 ) . The Court , however , upheld requirements for public disclosure by sponsors of advertisements ( BCRA § 201 and § 311 ) . The case did not involve the federal ban on direct contributions from corporations or unions to candidate campaigns or political parties , which remain illegal in races for federal office . Background ( edit ) Section 203 of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 ( known as BCRA or McCain -- Feingold Act ) modified the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 , 2 U.S.C. § 441b to prohibit corporations and unions from using their general treasury to fund `` electioneering communications '' ( broadcast advertisements mentioning a candidate in any context ) within 30 days before a primary or 60 days before a general election . During the 2004 presidential campaign , a conservative nonprofit 501 ( c ) ( 4 ) organization , Citizens United , filed a complaint before the Federal Election Commission ( FEC ) charging that advertisements for Michael Moore 's film Fahrenheit 9 / 11 , a docudrama critical of the Bush administration 's response to the terrorist attacks on September 11 , 2001 , produced and marketed by a variety of corporate entities , constituted political advertising and thus could not be aired within the 30 days before a primary election or 60 days before a general election . The FEC dismissed the complaint after finding no evidence that broadcast advertisements featuring a candidate within the proscribed time limits had actually been made . The FEC later dismissed a second complaint which argued that the movie itself constituted illegal corporate spending advocating the election or defeat of a candidate , which was illegal under the Taft - Hartley Act of 1947 and the Federal Election Campaign Act Amendments of 1974 . In dismissing that complaint , the FEC found that : The complainant alleged that the release and distribution of FAHRENHEIT 9 / 11 constituted an independent expenditure because the film expressly advocated the defeat of President Bush and that by being fully or partially responsible for the film 's release , Michael Moore and other entities associated with the film made excessive and / or prohibited contributions to unidentified candidates . The Commission found no reason to believe the respondents violated the Act because the film , associated trailers and website represented bona fide commercial activity , not `` contributions '' or `` expenditures '' as defined by the Federal Election Campaign Act . In response , Citizens United produced a documentary , called Celsius 41.11 , highly critical of both FAHRENHEIT 9 / 11 and 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry . The FEC , however , held that showing the movie and advertisements for it would violate the Federal Election Campaign Act , because Citizens United was not a bona fide commercial film maker . In the wake of these decisions , Citizens United sought to establish itself as a bona fide commercial film maker before the 2008 elections , producing several documentary films between 2005 and 2007 . By early 2008 , it sought to run television commercials to promote its political documentary Hillary : The Movie and to air the movie on DirecTV . In the District Court ( edit ) In December 2007 , Citizens United filed a complaint in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging the constitutionality of several statutory provisions governing `` electioneering communications '' . It asked the court to declare that the prohibition corporate and union funding were facially unconstitutional , and also as applied to Hillary : The Movie , and to enjoin the Federal Election Commission from enforcing its regulations . Citizens United also argued that the Commission 's disclosure and disclaimer requirements were unconstitutional as applied to the movie pursuant to the Supreme Court decision in Federal Election Commission v. Wisconsin Right to Life , Inc ... It also sought to enjoin funding , disclosure and disclaimer requirements as applied to Citizens United 's intended ads for the movie . In accordance with special rules in section 403 of the BCRA , a three - judge court was convened to hear the case . On January 15 , 2008 , the court denied Citizens United 's motion for a preliminary injunction , finding that the suit had little chance of success because the movie had no reasonable interpretation other than as an appeal to vote against Senator Clinton , that it was therefore express advocacy , not entitled to exemption from the ban on corporate funding of electioneering communications , and that television advertisements for the movie within 30 days of a primary violated the BCRA restrictions on `` electioneering communications '' . The court held that the Supreme Court in McConnell v. FEC ( 2003 ) had found the disclosure requirements constitutional as to all electioneering communications , and Wisconsin RTL did not disturb this holding because the only issue of that case was whether speech that did not constitute the functional equivalent of express advocacy could be banned during the relevant pre-election period . On July 18 , 2008 , the District Court granted summary judgment to the Federal Election Commission . In accordance with the special rules in the BCRA , Citizens United appealed to the Supreme Court which docketed the case on August 18 , 2008 and granted certiorari on November 14 , 2008 . The Supreme Court heard oral argument on March 24 , 2009 and then asked for further briefs on June 29 ; the re-argument was heard on September 9 , 2009 . Before the Supreme Court ( edit ) During the original oral argument , Deputy Solicitor General Malcolm L. Stewart ( representing the FEC ) argued that under Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce , the government would have the power to ban books if those books contained even one sentence expressly advocating the election or defeat of a candidate and were published or distributed by a corporation or labor union . In response to this line of questioning , Stewart further argued that under Austin the government could ban the digital distribution of political books over the Amazon Kindle or prevent a union from hiring an author to write a political book . According to a 2012 article in The New Yorker by Jeffrey Toobin , the Court expected after oral argument to rule on the narrow question that had originally been presented : could Citizens United show the film ? At the subsequent conference among the justices after oral argument , the vote was 5 -- 4 in favor of Citizens United being allowed to show the film . The justices voted the same as they had in Federal Election Commission v. Wisconsin Right to Life , Inc. , a similar 2007 case , with Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia , Kennedy , Thomas and Alito in the majority . Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the initial opinion of the Court , holding that the BCRA allowed the showing of the film . A draft concurring opinion by Justice Kennedy argued that the court could and should have gone much further . The other justices in the majority agree with Kennedy 's reasoning , and convinced Roberts to reassign the writing and allow Kennedy 's concurrence to become the majority opinion . On the other side , John Paul Stevens , the most senior justice in the minority , assigned the dissent to David Souter , who announced his retirement from the Court while he was working on it . The final draft went beyond critiquing the majority . Toobin described it as `` air ( ing ) some of the Court 's dirty laundry , '' writing that Souter 's dissent accused Roberts of having manipulated Court procedures to reach his desired result -- an expansive decision that , Souter claimed , changed decades of election law and ruled on issues neither party to the litigation had presented . According to Toobin , Roberts agreed to withdraw the opinion and schedule the case for reargument . However , when he did , the `` Questions Presented '' to the parties were more expansive , touching on the issues Kennedy 's opinion had identified . According to Toobin , the eventual result was therefore a foregone conclusion from that point on . Toobin 's account has been criticized for drawing conclusions unsupported by the evidence in his article . On June 29 , 2009 , the last day of the term , the Court issued an order directing the parties to re-argue the case on September 9 after briefing whether it might be necessary to overrule Austin and / or McConnell v. Federal Election Commission to decide the case . Justice Stevens noted in his dissent that in its prior motion for summary judgment Citizens United had abandoned its facial challenge of BCRA § 203 's constitutionality , with the parties agreeing to the dismissal of the claim . Justice Sotomayor sat on the bench for the first time during the second round of oral arguments . This was the first case argued by then - Solicitor General and future Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan . Former Bush Solicitor General Ted Olson and First Amendment lawyer Floyd Abrams argued for Citizens United , and former Clinton Solicitor General Seth Waxman defended the statute on behalf of various supporters . Legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky called it `` one of the most important First Amendment cases in years '' . Opinions of the Court ( edit ) Majority opinion ( edit ) Justice Kennedy , the author of the Court 's opinion . Justice Kennedy 's majority opinion found that the BCRA § 203 prohibition of all independent expenditures by corporations and unions violated the First Amendment 's protection of free speech . The majority wrote , `` If the First Amendment has any force , it prohibits Congress from fining or jailing citizens , or associations of citizens , for simply engaging in political speech . '' Justice Kennedy 's opinion also noted that because the First Amendment does not distinguish between media and other corporations , the BCRA restrictions improperly allowed Congress to suppress political speech in newspapers , books , television , and blogs . The Court overruled Austin , which had held that a state law that prohibited corporations from using treasury money to support or oppose candidates in elections did not violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments . The Court also overruled that portion of McConnell that upheld BCRA 's restriction of corporate spending on `` electioneering communications '' . The Court 's ruling effectively freed corporations and unions to spend money both on `` electioneering communications '' and to directly advocate for the election or defeat of candidates ( although not to contribute directly to candidates or political parties ) . The majority ruled that the Freedom of the Press clause of the First Amendment protects associations of individuals in addition to individual speakers , and further that the First Amendment does not allow prohibitions of speech based on the identity of the speaker . Corporations , as associations of individuals therefore , have free speech rights under the First Amendment . Because spending money is essential to disseminating speech , as established in Buckley v. Valeo , limiting a corporation 's ability to spend money is unconstitutional because it limits the ability of its members to associate effectively and to speak on political issues . The decision overruled Austin because that decision allowed different restrictions on speech - related spending based on corporate identity . Additionally , the decision said that Austin was based on an `` equality '' rationale -- trying to equalize speech between different speakers -- that the Court had previously rejected as illegitimate under the First Amendment in Buckley . The Michigan statute at issue in Austin had distinguished between corporate and union spending , prohibiting the former while allowing the latter . The Austin Court , over the dissent by Justices Scalia , Kennedy , and O'Connor , had held that such distinctions were within the legislature 's prerogative . In Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission , however , the majority argued that the First Amendment purposefully keeps the government from interfering in the `` marketplace of ideas '' and `` rationing '' speech , and it is not up to the legislatures or the courts to create a sense of `` fairness '' by restricting speech . The majority also criticized Austin 's reasoning that the `` distorting effect '' of large corporate expenditures constituted a risk of corruption or the appearance of corruption . Rather , the majority argued that the government had no place in determining whether large expenditures distorted an audience 's perceptions , and that the type of `` corruption '' that might justify government controls on spending for speech had to relate to some form of `` quid pro quo '' transaction : `` There is no such thing as too much speech . '' The public has a right to have access to all information and to determine the reliability and importance of the information . Additionally , the majority did not believe that reliable evidence substantiated the risk of corruption or the appearance of corruption , and so this rationale did not satisfy strict scrutiny . The Court 's opinion relied heavily on the reasoning and principles of the landmark campaign finance case of Buckley and First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti , in which the Court struck down a broad prohibition against independent expenditures by corporations in ballot initiatives and referenda . Specifically , the Court echoed Bellotti 's rejection of categories based on a corporation 's purpose . The majority argued that to grant Freedom of the Press protections to media corporations , but not others , presented a host of problems ; and so all corporations should be equally protected from expenditure restrictions . The Court found that BCRA § § 201 and 311 , provisions requiring disclosure of the funder , were valid as applied to the movie advertisements and to the movie itself . The majority ruled for the disclosure of the sources of campaign contributions , saying that ... prompt disclosure of expenditures can provide shareholders and citizens with the information needed to hold corporations and elected officials accountable for their positions and supporters . Shareholders can determine whether their corporation 's political speech advances the corporation 's interest in making profits , and citizens can see whether elected officials are `` in the pocket '' of so - called moneyed interests ... This transparency enables the electorate to make informed decisions and give proper weight to different speakers and messages . Concurrences ( edit ) This section possibly contains original research . Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations . Statements consisting only of original research should be removed . ( June 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Chief Justice Roberts , with whom Justice Alito joined , wrote separately `` to address the important principles of judicial restraint and stare decisis implicated in this case '' . Roberts wrote to further explain and defend the Court 's statement that `` there is a difference between judicial restraint and judicial abdication . '' Roberts explained why the Court must sometimes overrule prior decisions . Had prior Courts never gone against stare decisis ( that is , against precedent ) , for example , `` segregation would be legal , minimum wage laws would be unconstitutional , and the Government could wiretap ordinary criminal suspects without first obtaining warrants '' . Roberts ' concurrence recited a plethora of case law in which the court had ruled against precedent . Ultimately , Roberts argued that `` stare decisis ... counsels deference to past mistakes , but provides no justification for making new ones '' . Justice Scalia joined the opinion of the Court , and wrote a concurring opinion joined by Justice Alito in full and by Justice Thomas in part . Scalia addressed Justice Stevens ' dissent , specifically with regard to the original understanding of the First Amendment . Scalia said Stevens ' dissent was `` in splendid isolation from the text of the First Amendment ... It never shows why ' the freedom of speech ' that was the right of Englishmen did not include the freedom to speak in association with other individuals , including association in the corporate form . '' He further considered the dissent 's exploration of the Framers ' views about the `` role of corporations in society '' to be misleading , and even if valid , irrelevant to the text . Scalia principally argued that the First Amendment was written in `` terms of speech , not speakers '' and that `` Its text offers no foothold for excluding any category of speaker . '' Scalia argued that the Free Press clause was originally intended to protect the distribution of written materials and did not only apply to the media specifically . This understanding supported the majority 's contention that the Constitution does not allow the Court to separate corporations into media and non-media categories . Justice Thomas wrote a separate opinion concurring in all but the upholding of the disclosure provisions . In order to protect the anonymity of contributors to organizations exercising free speech , Thomas would have struck down the reporting requirements of BCRA § 201 and § 311 as well , rather than allowing them to be challenged only on a case - specific basis . Thomas 's primary argument was that anonymous free speech is protected and that making contributor lists public makes the contributors vulnerable to retaliation , citing instances of retaliation against contributors to both sides of a then recent California voter initiative . Thomas also expressed concern that such retaliation could extend to retaliation by elected officials . Thomas did not consider `` as - applied challenges '' to be sufficient to protect against the threat of retaliation . Dissent ( edit ) This section possibly contains original research . Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations . Statements consisting only of original research should be removed . ( June 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) This section may be too long to read and navigate comfortably . Please consider splitting content into sub-articles , condensing it , or adding or removing subheadings . ( March 2017 ) Justice Stevens , the author of the dissenting opinion . A dissenting opinion by Justice Stevens was joined by Justice Ginsburg , Justice Breyer , and Justice Sotomayor . To emphasize his unhappiness with the majority , Stevens read part of his 90 - page dissent from the bench . Stevens concurred in the Court 's decision to sustain BCRA 's disclosure provisions but dissented from the principal holding of the Court . He argued that the Court 's ruling `` threatens to undermine the integrity of elected institutions across the Nation . The path it has taken to reach its outcome will , I fear , do damage to this institution . '' He added : `` A democracy can not function effectively when its constituent members believe laws are being bought and sold . '' Stevens also argued that the Court addressed a question not raised by the litigants when it found BCRA § 203 to be facially unconstitutional , and that the majority `` changed the case to give themselves an opportunity to change the law '' . He argued that the majority had expanded the scope beyond the questions presented by the appellant and that therefore a sufficient record for judging the case did not exist . Stevens argued that at a minimum the Court should have remanded the case for a fact - finding hearing , and that the majority did not consider other compilations of data , such as the Congressional record for justifying BCRA § 203 . Stevens argued that the Court had long recognized that to deny Congress the power to safeguard against `` the improper use of money to influence the result ( of an election ) is to deny to the nation in a vital particular the power of self protection '' . After recognizing that in Buckley v. Valeo the Court had struck down portions of a broad prohibition of independent expenditures from any sources , Stevens argued that nevertheless Buckley recognized the legitimacy of `` prophylactic '' measures for limiting campaign spending and found the prevention of `` corruption '' to be a reasonable goal for legislation . Consequently , Stevens argued that Buckley left the door open for carefully tailored future regulation . Although the majority echoed many of the arguments in First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti , Stevens argued that the majority opinion contradicted the reasoning of other campaign finance cases -- in particular , Austin v. Michigan State Chamber of Commerce and McConnell v. Federal Election Commission -- and found it telling that the majority , when citing such cases , referenced mainly dissenting opinions . Stevens argued that the majority failed to recognize the possibility for corruption outside strict quid pro quo exchanges . He referenced facts from a previous BCRA challenge to argue that , even if the exchange of votes for expenditures could not be shown , contributors gain favorable political access from such expenditures . The majority , however , had considered access to be insufficient justification for limiting speech rights . Stevens responded that in the past , even when striking down a ban on corporate independent expenditures , the Court `` never suggested that such quid pro quo debts must take the form of outright vote buying or bribes '' ( Bellotti ) . Buckley , he said , also acknowledged that large independent expenditures present the same dangers as quid pro quo arrangements , although Buckley struck down limits on such independent expenditures . Using the record from a previous BCRA § 203 challenge , he argued that independent expenditures were sometimes a factor in gaining political access and concluded that large independent expenditures generate more influence than direct campaign contributions . Furthermore , Stevens argued that corporations could threaten Representatives and Senators with negative advertising to gain unprecedented leverage . Stevens supported his argument by citing Caperton v. A.T. Massey Coal Co. , where the Court held that $3 million in independent expenditures in a judicial race raised sufficient questions about a judge 's impartiality to require the judge to recuse himself in a future case involving the spender . Stevens argued that it was contradictory for the majority to ignore the same risks in legislative and executive elections , and argued that the majority opinion would exacerbate the problem presented in Caperton because of the number of states with judicial elections and increased spending in judicial races . Second , Stevens argued that the majority did not place enough emphasis on the need to prevent the `` appearance of corruption '' in elections . Earlier cases , including Buckley and Bellotti , recognized the importance of public confidence in democracy . Stevens cited recent data indicating that 80 % of the public view corporate independent expenditures as a method used to gain unfair legislative access . Stevens predicted that if the public believes that corporations dominate elections , disaffected voters will stop participating . Third , Stevens argued that the majority 's decision failed to recognize the dangers of the corporate form . Austin held that the prevention of corruption , including the distorting influence of a dominant funding source , was a sufficient reason for regulating corporate independent expenditures . In defending Austin , Stevens argued that the unique qualities of corporations and other artificial legal entities made them dangerous to democratic elections . These legal entities , he argued , have perpetual life , the ability to amass large sums of money , limited liability , no ability to vote , no morality , no purpose outside profit - making , and no loyalty . Therefore , he argued , the courts should permit legislatures to regulate corporate participation in the political process . Legal entities , Stevens wrote , are not `` We the People '' for whom our Constitution was established . Therefore , he argued , they should not be given speech protections under the First Amendment . The First Amendment , he argued , protects individual self - expression , self - realization and the communication of ideas . Corporate spending is the `` furthest from the core of political expression '' protected by the Constitution , he argued , citing Federal Election Commission v. Beaumont , and corporate spending on politics should be viewed as a business transaction designed by the officers or the boards of directors for no purpose other than profit - making . Stevens called corporate spending `` more transactional than ideological '' . Stevens also pointed out that any member of a corporation may spend personal money on promoting a campaign because BCRA only prohibited the use of general treasury money . Fourth , Stevens attacked the majority 's central argument : that the prohibition of spending guards free speech and allows the general public to receive all available information . Relying on Austin , Stevens argued that corporations `` unfairly influence '' the electoral process with vast sums of money that few individuals can match , which distorts the public debate . Because a typical voter can only absorb so much information during a relevant election period , Stevens described `` unfair corporate influence '' as the potential to outspend others , to push others out of prime broadcasting spots and to dominate the `` marketplace of ideas '' . This process , he argued , puts disproportionate focus on this speech and gives the impression of widespread support regardless of actual support . Thus , this process marginalizes the speech of other individuals and groups . Stevens referred to the majority 's argument that `` there is no such thing as too much speech '' as `` facile '' and a `` straw man '' argument . He called it an incorrect statement of First Amendment law because the Court recognizes numerous exceptions to free speech , such as fighting words , obscenity restrictions , time , place and manner restrictions , etc . Throughout his dissent , Stevens said that the majority 's `` slogan '' ignored the possibility that too much speech from one source could `` drown out '' other points of view . Fifth , Stevens criticized the majority 's fear that the government could use BCRA § 203 to censor the media . The focus placed on this hypothetical fear made no sense to him because it did not relate to the facts of this case -- if the government actually attempted to apply BCRA § 203 to the media ( and assuming that Citizens United could not constitute `` media '' ) , the Court could deal with the problem at that time . Stevens described the majority 's supposed protection of the media as nothing more than posturing . According to him , it was the majority 's new rule , announced in this case , that prohibited a law from distinguishing between `` speakers '' or funding sources . This new rule would be the only reason why media corporations could not be exempted from BCRA § 203 . In this , Stevens and the majority conceptualize the First Amendment 's protection of `` the press '' quite differently . Stevens argues that the `` Press '' is an entity , which can be distinguished from other persons and entities which are not `` press '' . The majority opinion viewed `` freedom of the press '' as an activity , applicable to all citizens or groups of citizens seeking to publish views . Sixth , Stevens claimed that the majority failed to give proper deference to the legislature . Stevens predicted that this ruling would restrict the ability of the states to experiment with different methods for decreasing corruption in elections . According to Stevens , this ruling virtually ended those efforts , `` declaring by fiat '' that people will not `` lose faith in our democracy '' . Stevens argued that the majority 's view of a self - serving legislature , passing campaign - spending laws to gain an advantage in retaining a seat , coupled with `` strict scrutiny '' of laws , would make it difficult for any campaign finance regulation to be upheld in future cases . Seventh , Stevens argued that the majority opinion ignored the rights of shareholders . A series of cases protects individuals from legally compelled payment of union dues to support political speech . Because shareholders invest money in corporations , Stevens argued that the law should likewise help to protect shareholders from funding speech that they oppose . The majority , however , argued that ownership of corporate stock was voluntary and that unhappy shareholders could simply sell off their shares if they did not agree with the corporation 's speech . Stevens also argued that Political Action Committees ( PACs ) , which allow individual members of a corporation to invest money in a separate fund , are an adequate substitute for general corporate speech and better protect shareholder rights . The majority , by contrast , had argued that most corporations are too small and lack the resources and raw number of shareholders and management staff necessary to maintain compliance , accounting and administrative costs of a PAC . In this dispute , the opposing views essentially discussed differing types of entities : Stevens focused his argument on large , publicly held corporations while the justices in the majority , particularly Justice Scalia 's concurring opinion , placed an emphasis on small , closely held corporations and non-profits . Stevens called the majority 's faith in `` corporate democracy '' an unrealistic method for a shareholder to oppose political funding . A derivative suit is slow , inefficient , risky and potentially expensive . Likewise , shareholder meetings only happen a few times a year , not prior to every decision or transaction . Rather , the officers and boards control the day - to - day spending , including political spending . According to Stevens , the shareholders have few options , giving them `` virtually nonexistent '' recourse for opposing a corporation 's political spending . Furthermore , most shareholders use investment intermediaries , such as mutual funds or pensions , and by the time a shareholder may find out about a corporation 's political spending and try to object , the damage is done and the shareholder has funded disfavored speech . Stevens concluded his dissent by writing : At bottom , the Court 's opinion is thus a rejection of the common sense of the American people , who have recognized a need to prevent corporations from undermining self government since the founding , and who have fought against the distinctive corrupting potential of corporate electioneering since the days of Theodore Roosevelt . It is a strange time to repudiate that common sense . While American democracy is imperfect , few outside the majority of this Court would have thought its flaws included a dearth of corporate money in politics . Subsequent developments ( edit ) There was a wide range of reactions to the case from politicians , academics , attorneys , advocacy groups and journalists . Support ( edit ) Politicians ( edit ) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell , a plaintiff in the earlier related decision McConnell v. FEC , said : For too long , some in this country have been deprived of full participation in the political process . With today 's monumental decision , the Supreme Court took an important step in the direction of restoring the First Amendment rights of these groups by ruling that the Constitution protects their right to express themselves about political candidates and issues up until Election Day . By previously denying this right , the government was picking winners and losers . Our democracy depends upon free speech , not just for some but for all . Republican campaign consultant Ed Rollins opined that the decision adds transparency to the election process and will make it more competitive . Advocacy groups ( edit ) Citizens United , the group filing the lawsuit , said , `` Today 's U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing Citizens United to air its documentary films and advertisements is a tremendous victory , not only for Citizens United but for every American who desires to participate in the political process . '' During litigation , Citizens United had support from the United States Chamber of Commerce and the National Rifle Association . Campaign finance attorney Cleta Mitchell , who had filed an amicus curiae brief on behalf of two advocacy organizations opposing the ban , wrote that `` The Supreme Court has correctly eliminated a constitutionally flawed system that allowed media corporations ( e.g. , The Washington Post Co . ) to freely disseminate their opinions about candidates using corporate treasury funds , while denying that constitutional privilege to Susie 's Flower Shop Inc ... The real victims of the corporate expenditure ban have been nonprofit advocacy organizations across the political spectrum . '' Heritage Foundation fellow Hans A. von Spakovsky , a former Republican member of the Federal Election Commission , said `` The Supreme Court has restored a part of the First Amendment that had been unfortunately stolen by Congress and a previously wrongly - decided ruling of the court . '' Libertarian Cato Institute analysts John Samples and Ilya Shapiro wrote that restrictions on advertising were based on the idea `` that corporations had so much money that their spending would create vast inequalities in speech that would undermine democracy '' . However , `` to make campaign spending equal or nearly so , the government would have to force some people or groups to spend less than they wished . And equality of speech is inherently contrary to protecting speech from government restraint , which is ultimately the heart of American conceptions of free speech . '' The American Civil Liberties Union filed an amicus brief that supported the decision , saying that `` section 203 should now be struck down as facially unconstitutional '' , though membership was split over the implications of the ruling and its board sent the issue to its special committee on campaign finance for further consideration . On March 27 , 2012 , the ACLU reaffirmed its stance in support of the Supreme Court 's Citizens United ruling . Academics and attorneys ( edit ) Bradley A. Smith , professor of law at Capital University Law School , former chairman of the FEC , founder of the Center for Competitive Politics and a leading proponent of deregulation of campaign finance , wrote that the major opponents of political free speech are `` incumbent politicians '' who `` are keen to maintain a chokehold on such speech '' . Empowering `` small and midsize corporations -- and every incorporated mom - and - pop falafel joint , local firefighters ' union , and environmental group -- to make its voice heard '' frightens them . In response to statements by President Obama and others that the ruling would allow foreign entities to gain political influence through U.S. subsidiaries , Smith pointed out that the decision did not overturn the ban on political donations by foreign corporations and the prohibition on any involvement by foreign nationals in decisions regarding political spending by U.S. subsidiaries , which are covered by other parts of the law . Campaign finance expert Jan Baran , a member of the Commission on Federal Ethics Law Reform , agreed with the decision , writing that `` The history of campaign finance reform is the history of incumbent politicians seeking to muzzle speakers , any speakers , particularly those who might publicly criticize them and their legislation . It is a lot easier to legislate against unions , gun owners , ' fat cat ' bankers , health insurance companies and any other industry or ' special interest ' group when they ca n't talk back . '' Baran further noted that in general conservatives and libertarians praised the ruling 's preservation of the First Amendment and freedom of speech , but that liberals and campaign finance reformers criticized it as greatly expanding the role of corporate money in politics . Attorney Kenneth Gross , former associate general counsel of the FEC , wrote that corporations relied more on the development of long - term relationships , political action committees and personal contributions , which were not affected by the decision . He held that while trade associations might seek to raise funds and support candidates , corporations which have `` signed on to transparency agreements regarding political spending '' may not be eager to give . The New York Times asked seven academics to opine on how corporate money would reshape politics as a result of the court 's decision . Three of the seven wrote that the effects would be minimal or positive : Christopher Cotton , a University of Miami School of Business assistant professor of economics , wrote that `` There may be very little difference between seeing eight ads or seeing nine ads ( compared to seeing one ad or two ) . And , voters recognize that richer candidates are not necessarily the better candidates , and in some cases , the benefit of running more ads is offset by the negative signal that spending a lot of money creates . Eugene Volokh , a professor of law at UCLA , stated that the `` most influential actors in most political campaigns '' are media corporations which `` overtly editorialize for and against candidates , and also influence elections by choosing what to cover and how to cover it '' . Holding that corporations like Exxon would fear alienating voters by supporting candidates , the decision really meant that voters would hear `` more messages from more sources '' . Joel Gora , a professor at Brooklyn Law School who had previously argued the case of Buckley v. Valeo on behalf of the American Civil Liberties Union , said that the decision represented `` a great day for the First Amendment '' writing that the Court had `` dismantled the First Amendment ' caste system ' in election speech '' . Journalists ( edit ) The Editorial Board of the San Antonio Express - News criticized McCain -- Feingold 's exception for media corporations from the ban on corporate electioneering , writing that it `` makes no sense '' that the paper could make endorsements up until the day of the election but advocacy groups could not . `` While the influence of money on the political process is troubling and sometimes corrupting , abridging political speech is the wrong way to counterbalance that influence . '' Anthony Dick in National Review countered a number of arguments against the decision , asking rhetorically , `` is there something uniquely harmful and / or unworthy of protection about political messages that come from corporations and unions , as opposed to , say , rich individuals , persuasive writers , or charismatic demagogues ? '' He noted that `` a recent Gallup poll shows that a majority of the public actually agrees with the Court that corporations and unions should be treated just like individuals in terms of their political - expenditure rights '' . A Gallup poll taken in October 2009 and released soon after the decision showed 57 percent of those surveyed agreed that contributions to political candidates are a form of free speech and 55 percent agreed that the same rules should apply to individuals , corporations and unions . Sixty - four percent of Democrats and Republicans believed campaign donations are a form of free speech . Chicago Tribune editorial board member Steve Chapman wrote `` If corporate advocacy may be forbidden as it was under the law in question , it 's not just Exxon Mobil and Citigroup that are rendered mute . Nonprofit corporations set up merely to advance goals shared by citizens , such as the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Rifle Association , also have to put a sock in it . So much for the First Amendment goal of fostering debate about public policy . '' Opposition ( edit ) Politicians ( edit ) President Barack Obama stated that the decision `` gives the special interests and their lobbyists even more power in Washington -- while undermining the influence of average Americans who make small contributions to support their preferred candidates '' . Obama later elaborated in his weekly radio address saying , `` this ruling strikes at our democracy itself '' and `` I ca n't think of anything more devastating to the public interest '' . On January 27 , 2010 , Obama further condemned the decision during the 2010 State of the Union Address , stating that , `` Last week , the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests -- including foreign corporations -- to spend without limit in our elections . Well , I do n't think American elections should be bankrolled by America 's most powerful interests , or worse , by foreign entities . '' On television , the camera shifted to a shot of the SCOTUS judges in the front row directly in front of the President while he was making this statement , and Justice Samuel Alito was frowning , shaking his head side to side while mouthing the words `` Not true '' . Democratic Senator Russ Feingold , a lead sponsor of the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act , stated `` This decision was a terrible mistake . Presented with a relatively narrow legal issue , the Supreme Court chose to roll back laws that have limited the role of corporate money in federal elections since Teddy Roosevelt was president . '' Representative Alan Grayson , a Democrat , stated that it was `` the worst Supreme Court decision since the Dred Scott case , and that the court had opened the door to political bribery and corruption in elections to come . Democratic congresswoman Donna Edwards , along with constitutional law professor and Maryland Democratic State Senator Jamie Raskin , have advocated petitions to reverse the decision by means of constitutional amendment . Rep. Leonard Boswell introduced legislation to amend the constitution . Senator John Kerry also called for an Amendment to overrule the decision . On December 8 , 2011 , Senator Bernie Sanders proposed the Saving American Democracy Amendment , which would reverse the court 's ruling . Republican Senator John McCain , co-crafter of the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act and the party 's 2008 presidential nominee , said `` there 's going to be , over time , a backlash ... when you see the amounts of union and corporate money that 's going to go into political campaigns '' . McCain was `` disappointed by the decision of the Supreme Court and the lifting of the limits on corporate and union contributions '' but not surprised by the decision , saying that `` It was clear that Justice Roberts , Alito and Scalia , by their very skeptical and even sarcastic comments , were very much opposed to BCRA . '' Republican Senator Olympia Snowe opined that `` Today 's decision was a serious disservice to our country . '' Although federal law after Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission still prohibited corporate contributions to all political parties , Sanda Everette , co-chair of the Green Party , stated that `` The ruling especially hurts the ability of parties that do n't accept corporate contributions , like the Green Party , to compete . '' Another Green Party officer , Rich Whitney , stated `` In a transparently political decision , a majority of the US Supreme Court overturned its own recent precedent and paid tribute to the giant corporate interests that already wield tremendous power over our political process and political speech . '' Ralph Nader condemned the ruling , saying that `` With this decision , corporations can now directly pour vast amounts of corporate money , through independent expenditures , into the electoral swamp already flooded with corporate campaign PAC contribution dollars . '' He called for shareholder resolutions asking company directors to pledge not to use company money to favor or oppose electoral candidates . Pat Choate , former Reform Party candidate for Vice President , stated , `` The court has , in effect , legalized foreign governments and foreign corporations to participate in our electoral politics . '' Senator Bernie Sanders , a contender in the 2016 Democratic Primary , has filed a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court 's Decision . Further , both Sanders and Hillary Clinton said that , if they were elected , they would only have appointed Supreme Court Justices who were committed to the repeal of Citizens United . In September 2015 , Sanders said that `` the foundations of American Democracy are being undermined '' and called for sweeping campaign finance reform . International ( edit ) Ambassador Janez Lenarčič , speaking for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe 's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights ( which has overseen over 150 elections ) said the ruling may adversely affect the organization 's two commitments of `` giving voters a genuine choice and giving candidates a fair chance '' in that `` it threatens to further marginalize candidates without strong financial backing or extensive personal resources , thereby in effect narrowing the political arena '' . Academics and attorneys ( edit ) `` Money is n't speech and corporations are n't people '' -- David Kairys The constitutional law scholar Laurence H. Tribe wrote that the decision `` marks a major upheaval in First Amendment law and signals the end of whatever legitimate claim could otherwise have been made by the Roberts Court to an incremental and minimalist approach to constitutional adjudication , to a modest view of the judicial role vis - à - vis the political branches , or to a genuine concern with adherence to precedent '' and pointed out , `` Talking about a business corporation as merely another way that individuals might choose to organize their association with one another to pursue their common expressive aims is worse than unrealistic ; it obscures the very real injustice and distortion entailed in the phenomenon of some people using other people 's money to support candidates they have made no decision to support , or to oppose candidates they have made no decision to oppose . '' Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor , whose opinions had changed from dissenting in Austin v. Michigan State Chamber of Commerce to co-authoring ( with Stevens ) the majority opinion in McConnell v. Federal Election Commission twelve years later , criticized the decision only obliquely , but warned , `` In invalidating some of the existing checks on campaign spending , the majority in Citizens United has signaled that the problem of campaign contributions in judicial elections might get considerably worse and quite soon . '' Richard L. Hasen , professor of election law at Loyola Law School , argued that the ruling `` is activist , it increases the dangers of corruption in our political system and it ignores the strong tradition of American political equality '' . He also described Justice Kennedy 's `` specter of blog censorship '' as sounding more like `` the rantings of a right - wing talk show host than the rational view of a justice with a sense of political realism '' . Kathleen M. Sullivan , professor at Stanford Law School and Steven J. Andre , adjunct professor at Lincoln Law School , argued that two different visions of freedom of speech exist and clashed in the case . An egalitarian vision skeptical of the power of large agglomerations of wealth to skew the political process conflicted with a libertarian vision skeptical of government being placed in the role of determining what speech people should or should not hear . Wayne Batchis , Professor at the University of Delaware , in contrast , argues that the Citizens United decision represents a misguided interpretation of the non-textual freedom of association . The four other scholars of the seven writing in the aforementioned New York Times article were critical . Richard L. Hasen , Distinguished Professor of election law at Loyola Law School argued differently from his Slate article above , concentrating on the `` inherent risk of corruption that comes when someone spends independently to try to influence the outcome of judicial elections '' , since judges are less publicly accountable than elected officials . Heather K. Gerken , Professor of Law at Yale Law School wrote that `` The court has done real damage to the cause of reform , but that damage mostly came earlier , with decisions that made less of a splash . '' Michael Waldman , director of the Brennan Center for Justice at N.Y.U. School of Law , opined that the decision `` matches or exceeds Bush v. Gore in ideological or partisan overreaching by the court '' , explaining how `` Exxon or any other firm could spend Bloomberg - level sums in any congressional district in the country against , say , any congressman who supports climate change legislation , or health care , etc . '' and Fred Wertheimer , founder and president of Democracy 21 considered that `` Chief Justice Roberts has abandoned the illusory public commitments he made to ' judicial modesty ' and ' respect for precedent ' to cast the deciding vote for a radical decision that profoundly undermines our democracy , '' and that `` Congress and presidents past have recognized this danger and signed numerous laws over the years to prevent this kind of corruption of our government . '' Journalists ( edit ) The New York Times stated in an editorial , `` The Supreme Court has handed lobbyists a new weapon . A lobbyist can now tell any elected official : if you vote wrong , my company , labor union or interest group will spend unlimited sums explicitly advertising against your re-election . '' Jonathan Alter called it the `` most serious threat to American democracy in a generation '' . The Christian Science Monitor wrote that the Court had declared `` outright that corporate expenditures can not corrupt elected officials , that influence over lawmakers is not corruption , and that appearance of influence will not undermine public faith in our democracy '' . Business leaders ( edit ) In 2012 , Ben Cohen , the co-founder of Ben & Jerry 's ice cream , founded Stamp Stampede , a sustained protest to demonstrate widespread support for a proposed constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United . The campaign encourages people to rubber stamp messages such as `` Not To Be Used for Bribing Politicians '' on paper currency . In 2014 , Cohen told Salon , `` As long as the Supreme Court rules money is speech , corporations and the wealthy are using it by giving piles of it to politicians to pass or not pass laws that they want . Now , the rest of the people , ( those ) who do n't have that money , can actually make their voice heard by using money to stamp a message out . '' Media coverage ( edit ) Political blogs ( edit ) Most blogs avoided the theoretical aspects of the decision and focused on more personal and dramatic elements , including the Barack Obama -- Samuel Alito face - off during the President 's State of the Union address . There , President Obama argued that the decision `` reversed a century of law '' ( the federal ban on corporate contributions dates back to the 1907 Tillman Act , and the ban on union and corporate expenditures dates from 1947 ) and that it would allow `` foreign corporations to spend without limits in our elections '' , during which Justice Alito , in the audience , perceptibly mouthed the words `` not true '' . This event received extensive comment from political bloggers , with a substantial amount of the coverage concentrated on whether or not foreign corporations would be able to make substantial political contributions in US elections . In the opinion , the Court had specifically indicated it was not overturning the ban on foreign contributions . Opinion polls ( edit ) ABC - Washington Post poll results . An ABC -- Washington Post poll conducted February 4 -- 8 , 2010 , showed that 80 % of those surveyed opposed ( and 65 % strongly opposed ) the Citizens United ruling , which the poll described as saying `` corporations and unions can spend as much money as they want to help political candidates win elections '' . Additionally , 72 % supported `` an effort by Congress to reinstate limits on corporate and union spending on election campaigns '' . The poll showed large majority support from Democrats , Republicans and independents . A Gallup Poll conducted in October 2009 , after oral argument , but released after the Supreme Court released its opinion , found that 57 percent of those surveyed `` agreed that money given to political candidates is a form of free speech '' and 55 percent agreed that the `` same rules should apply to individuals , corporations and unions '' . However , in the same poll respondents by 52 % to 41 % prioritized limits on campaign contributions over protecting rights to support campaigns and 76 % thought the government should be able to place limits on corporation or union donations . Separate polls by various conservative organizations , including the plaintiff Citizens United and the Center for Competitive Politics , found support for the decision . In particular , the Center for Competitive Politics poll found that 51 % of respondents believed that Citizens United should have a right to air ads promoting Hillary : The Movie . The poll also found that only 22 percent had heard of the case . Further Court rulings ( edit ) Further information : Campaign finance evolution in 2010 SpeechNow v. FEC ( edit ) Main article : SpeechNOW v. FEC SpeechNow is a nonprofit , unincorporated association organized as a section 527 entity under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code . The organization was formed by individuals who seek to pool their resources to make independent expenditures expressly advocating the election or defeat of federal candidates . SpeechNow planned to accept contributions only from individuals , not corporations or other sources prohibited under the Federal Election Campaign Act . On February 14 , 2008 , SpeechNow and several individual plaintiffs filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging the constitutionality of the Federal Election Campaign Act provisions governing political committee registration , contribution limits and disclosure . The plaintiffs contended that the Act unconstitutionally restricts their association guaranteed under the First Amendment . By requiring registration as a political committee and limiting the monetary amount that an individual may contribute to a political committee , SpeechNow and the other plaintiffs asserted that the Act unconstitutionally restricted the individuals ' freedom of speech by limiting the amount that an individual can contribute to SpeechNow and thus the amount the organization may spend . SpeechNow also argued that the reporting required of political committees is unconstitutionally burdensome . On March 26 , 2010 , the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled in . v. FEC that the contribution limits of 2 U.S.C. § 441a were unconstitutional as applied to individuals ' contributions to SpeechNow . The court also ruled that the reporting requirements of 2 U.S.C. § § 432 , 433 and 434 ( a ) and the organizational requirements of 2 U.S.C. § 431 ( 4 ) and § 431 ( 8 ) can be constitutionally applied to SpeechNow . A unanimous nine - judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals struck down the federal limits on contributions to federal political committees that make only independent expenditures and do not contribute to candidates or political parties . This type of `` independent expenditure committee '' is inherently non-corruptive , the Court reasoned , and therefore contributions to such a committee can not be limited based on the government 's interest in preventing political corruption . In light of the Supreme Court 's decision in Citizens United v. FEC , in which the Supreme Court held that the government has no anti-corruption interest in limiting independent expenditures , the appeals court ruled that `` contributions to groups that make only independent expenditures can not corrupt or create the appearance of corruption . '' As a result , the court of appeals held that the government has no anti-corruption interest in limiting contributions to an independent group such as SpeechNow . Contribution limits as applied to SpeechNow `` violate the First Amendment by preventing ( individuals ) from donating to SpeechNow in excess of the limits and by prohibiting SpeechNow from accepting donations in excess of the limits . '' The court noted that its holding does not affect direct contributions to candidates , but rather contributions to a group that makes only independent expenditures . The appeals court held that , while disclosure and reporting requirements do impose a burden on First Amendment interests , they `` ' impose no ceiling on campaign related activities ' '' and `` ' do not prevent anyone from speaking . ' '' Furthermore , the court held that the additional reporting requirements that the Commission would impose on SpeechNow if it were organized as a political committee are minimal , `` given the relative simplicity with which SpeechNow intends to operate . '' Since SpeechNow already had a number of `` planned contributions '' from individuals , the court ruled that SpeechNow could not compare itself to `` ad hoc groups that want to create themselves on the spur of the moment . '' Since the public has an interest in knowing who is speaking about a candidate and who is funding that speech , the court held that requiring such disclosure and organization as a political committee are sufficiently important governmental interests to justify the additional reporting and registration burdens on SpeechNow . Public electoral financing ( edit ) Main article : McComish v. Bennett On June 27 , 2011 , ruling in the consolidated cases of Arizona Free Enterprise Club 's Freedom Club PAC v. Bennett ( No. 10 - 238 ) and McComish v. Bennett ( No. 10 - 239 ) , the Supreme Court deemed unconstitutional an Arizona law that provided extra taxpayer - funded support for office seekers who have been outspent by privately funded opponents or by independent political groups . A conservative 5 -- 4 majority of justices said the law violated free speech , concluding the state was impermissibly trying to `` level the playing field '' through a public finance system . Arizona lawmakers had argued there was a compelling state interest in equalizing resources among competing candidates and interest groups . Opponents said the law violated free - speech rights of the privately financed candidates and their contributors , inhibiting fundraising and spending , discouraging participation in campaigns and limiting what voters hear about politics . Chief Justice John Roberts said in the court 's majority opinion that the law substantially burdened political speech and was not sufficiently justified to survive First Amendment scrutiny . As a consequence of the decision , states and municipalities are blocked from using a method of public financing that is simultaneously likely to attract candidates fearful they will be vastly outspent and sensitive to avoiding needless government expense . `` The government can still use taxpayer funds to subsidize political campaigns , but it can only do that in a manner that provides an alternative to private financing '' said William R. Maurer , a lawyer with Institute for Justice , which represented several challengers of the law . `` It can not create disincentives . '' The ruling meant the end of similar matching - fund programs in Connecticut , Maine and a few other places according to David Primo , a political science professor at University of Rochester who was an expert witness for the law 's challengers . State campaign - spending limits ( edit ) Main article : Western Tradition Partnership , Inc. v. Montana Despite the Citizens United ruling , In December 2011 , the Montana Supreme Court , in Western Tradition Partnership , Inc. v. Attorney General of Montana , upheld that state 's law limiting corporate contributions . Examining the history of corporate interference in Montana government that led to the Corrupt Practices Law , the majority decided that the state still had a compelling reason to maintain the restrictions . It ruled that these restrictions on speech were narrowly tailored and withstood strict scrutiny and thus did not contradict Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission . While granting permission to file a certiorari petition , the US Supreme Court agreed to stay the Montana ruling , although Justices Ginsburg and Breyer wrote a short statement urging the Court `` to consider whether , in light of the huge sums of money currently deployed to buy candidate 's allegiance , Citizens United should continue to hold sway '' . In June 2012 , over the dissent of the same four judges who dissented in Citizens United , the Court simultaneously granted certiorari and summarily reversed the decision in American Tradition Partnership , Inc. v. Bullock , 567 , U.S. __ ( 2012 ) . The Supreme Court majority rejected the Montana Supreme Court arguments in a two paragraph , twenty line per curiam opinion , stating that these arguments `` either were already rejected in Citizens United , or fail to meaningfully distinguish that case . '' The ruling makes clear that states can not bar corporate and union political expenditures in state elections . McCutcheon v. FEC ( edit ) Main article : McCutcheon v. FEC In addition to limiting the size of donations to individual candidates and parties , the Federal Election Campaign Act also includes aggregate caps on the total amount that an individual may give to all candidates and parties . In 2012 , Shaun McCutcheon , a Republican Party activist , sought to donate more than was allowed by the federal aggregate limit on federal candidates . McCutcheon et al filed suit against the Federal Election Commission ( FEC ) . In 2014 , the US Supreme Court reversed a ruling of the DC District Court 's dismissal of McCutcheon v. FEC and struck down the aggregate limits . The plurality opinion invalidated only the aggregate contribution limits , not limits on giving to any one candidate or party . The decisive fifth vote for McCutcheon came from Justice Thomas , who concurred in the judgment on the grounds that all contribution limits are unconstitutional . Legislative responses ( edit ) Legislative impact ( edit ) The New York Times reported that 24 states with laws prohibiting or limiting independent expenditures by unions and corporations would have to change their campaign finance laws because of the ruling . After Citizens United and numerous state legislatures raised their limits on contributions to candidates and parties . At the federal level , lawmakers substantially increased contribution limits to political parties as part of the 2014 budget bill . Such changes are widely perceived as efforts to place candidates and parties on something closer to equal footing with organizations making independent expenditures . While many states and the federal government have raised contribution limits in response to Citizens United , proposals aimed at discouraging political spending , or providing for public financing of campaigns , have been less successful . Senator Dick Durbin ( D - IL ) proposed that candidates who sign up small donors receive $900,000 in public money , but the proposal has not been acted on by Congress . Others proposed that laws on corporate governance be amended to assure that shareholders vote on political expenditures . In February 2010 , Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York , immediate past Chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee , and Representative Chris Van Hollen of Maryland , Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee , outlined legislation aimed at undoing the decision . In April 2010 , they introduced such legislation in the Senate and House , respectively . On June 24 , 2010 , H.R. 5175 ( The DISCLOSE Act ) passed in the House of Representatives but failed in the Senate . It would have required additional disclosure by corporations of their campaign expenditures . The law , if passed , would also have prohibited political spending by U.S. companies with twenty percent or more foreign ownership , and by most government contractors . The DISCLOSE Act included exemptions to its rules given to certain special interests such as the National Rifle Association and the American Association of Retired Persons . These gaps within the proposal attracted criticism from lawmakers on both political parties . `` They are auctioning off pieces of the First Amendment in this bill ... The bigger you are , the stronger you are , the less disclosure you have , '' said Republican Congressman Dan Lungren of California . Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff of California commented , `` I wish there had been no carve - outs '' . The bill was criticized as prohibiting much activity that was legal before Citizens United . The DISCLOSE Act twice failed to pass the U.S. Senate in the 111th Congress , in both instances reaching only 59 of the 60 votes required to overcome a unified Republican filibuster . A scaled down version of the DISCLOSE Act was reintroduced in both the House and Senate in 2012 but did not pass . Some have argued for a constitutional amendment to overturn the decision . Although the decision does not address `` corporate personhood , '' a long - established judicial and constitutional concept , much attention has focused on that issue . Move to Amend , a coalition formed in response to the ruling , seeks to amend the Constitution to abolish corporate personhood , thus stripping corporations of all rights under the Constitution . In an online chat with web community Reddit , President Obama endorsed further consideration of a constitutional amendment and stated `` Over the longer term , I think we need to seriously consider mobilizing a constitutional amendment process to overturn Citizens United ( assuming the Supreme Court does n't revisit it ) '' . He further elaborated that `` Even if the amendment process falls short , it can shine a spotlight on the super-PAC phenomenon and help apply pressure for change . '' Legislative reactions by State and local lawmakers ( edit ) Members of 16 state legislatures have called for a constitutional amendment to reverse the court 's decision : California , Colorado , Connecticut , Delaware , Hawaii , Illinois , Maine , Maryland , Massachusetts , Montana , New Jersey , New Mexico , Oregon , Rhode Island , Vermont , and West Virginia . Most of these are non-binding resolutions . However , three states -- Vermont , California , and Illinois -- called for an Article V Convention to draft and propose a federal constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United . In Minnesota , the Minnesota Senate passed a similar resolution , `` Senate File No. 17 , '' on May 2 , 2013 , but the House of Representatives returned the measure to the General Calendar ( meaning the measure did not pass ) on May 15 , 2013 . Thirty - four states are needed to call an Article V convention . On a local level , Washington D.C. and 400 other municipalities passed resolutions requesting a federal constitutional amendment . Since Citizens United , however , 13 states have actually raised their contribution limits . Political impact ( edit ) The Citizens United ruling `` opened the door '' for unlimited election spending by corporations , but most of this spending has `` ended up being funneled through the groups that have become known as super PACs . '' Critics predicted that the ruling would `` bring about a new era of corporate influence in politics , '' allowing companies and businesspeople to `` buy elections '' to promote their financial interests . Instead large expenditures , usually through `` Super PACS , '' have come from `` a small group of billionaires '' , based largely on ideology . This has shifted power `` away from the political parties and toward the ... donors themselves . In part , this explains the large number and variety of candidates fielded by the Republicans in 2016 . '' The ability of individuals to spend unlimited sums was first affirmed by the Supreme Court , however , not in Citizens United , but in Buckley v. Valeo , decided in 1976 . Super PACs ( edit ) Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission has often been credited for the creation of `` super PACs '' , political action committees which make no financial contributions to candidates or parties , and so can accept unlimited contributions from individuals , corporations and unions . Certainly , the holding in Citizens United helped affirm the legal basis for super PACs by deciding that , for purposes of establishing a `` compelling government interest '' of corruption sufficient to justify government limitations on political speech , `` independent expenditures , including those made by corporations , do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption '' . However , it took another decision , by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit , v. Federal Election Commission , to actually authorize the creation of super PACs . While Citizens United held that corporations and unions could make independent expenditures , a separate provision of the Federal Election Campaign Act , at least as long interpreted by the Federal Election Commission , held that individuals could not contribute to a common fund without it becoming a PAC . PACs , in turn , were not allowed to accept corporate or union contributions of any size or to accept individual contributions in excess of $5,000 . In , the D.C. Circuit , sitting en banc , held 9 -- 0 that in light of Citizens United , such restrictions on the sources and size of contributions could not apply to an organization that made only independent expenditures in support of or opposition to a candidate but not contributions to a candidate 's campaign . Citizens United and SpeechNOW left their imprint on the 2012 United States presidential election , in which single individuals contributed large sums to `` super PACs '' supporting particular candidates . Sheldon Adelson , the gambling entrepreneur , gave approximately fifteen million dollars to support Newt Gingrich . Foster Friess , a Wyoming financier , donated almost two million dollars to Rick Santorum 's super PAC . Karl Rove organized super PACs that spent over $300 million in support of Republicans during the 2012 elections . In addition to indirectly providing support for the creation of super PACs , Citizens United allowed incorporated 501 ( c ) ( 4 ) public advocacy groups ( such as the National Rifle Association , the Sierra Club , and the group Citizens United itself ) and trade associations to make expenditures in political races . Such groups may not , under the tax code , have a primary purpose of engaging in electoral advocacy . These organizations must disclose their expenditures , but unlike super PACs they do not have to include the names of their donors in their FEC filings . A number of partisan organizations such as Karl Rove 's influential conservative Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies and the liberal 21st Century Colorado have since registered as tax - exempt 501 ( c ) ( 4 ) groups ( defined as groups promoting `` social welfare '' ) and engaged in substantial political spending . This has led to claims of large secret donations , and questions about whether such groups should be required to disclose their donors . Historically , such non-profits have not been required to disclose their donors or names of members . See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People v. Alabama . In an August 2015 essay in Der Spiegel , Markus Feldkirchen wrote that the Citizens United decision was `` now becoming visible for the first time '' in federal elections as the super-rich have `` radically '' increased donations to support their candidates and positions via super PACs . Feldkirchen also said in the first six months of 2015 the candidates and their super PACs received close to $400 million : `` far more than in the entire previous campaign . '' He opined that super-rich donating more than ever before to individual campaigns plus the `` enormous '' chasm in wealth has given the super-rich the power to steer the economic and political direction of the United States and undermine its democracy . In October 2015 , the New York Times observed that just 158 super-rich families each contributed $250,000 or more , while an additional 200 families gave more than $100,000 for the 2016 presidential election . Both groups contributed almost half of the `` early money '' for candidates in the 2016 presidential election as of June 30 , 2015 through channels like super PACs legalized by the Supreme Court 's Citizens United decision . See also ( edit ) 1996 United States campaign finance controversy 2009 term opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States Bank of the United States v. Deveaux ( 1809 ) James Bopp David Bossie Issue advocacy ads US corporate law Bowman v United Kingdom ( 1998 ) ECHR 4 , ( 1998 ) 26 EHRR 1 , case under the European Convention on Human Rights allowing restrictions on spending money to promote political equality Harper v. Canada ( Attorney General ) ( 2004 ) SCR 827 , restrictions on spending in Canada Animal Defenders International v United Kingdom ( 2013 ) ECHR 362 , the leading case in Europe held that the UK 's total ban on political advertising was compatible with freedom of expression `` given the danger of unequal access based on wealth and to political advertising '' which goes `` to the heart of the democratic process . '' Electoral reform in the United States , which discusses efforts to overturn Citizens United among other electoral reform initiatives . McConnell v. FEC Buckley v. Valeo McCutcheon v. FEC FEC v. National Conservative PAC FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life , Inc . FEC v. Massachusetts Citizens for Life References ( edit ) Notes ^ Jump up to : `` Summary Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ( Docket No. 08 - 205 ) '' . Cornell University School of Law . Archived from the original on 2017 - 01 - 24 . Retrieved 2017 - 01 - 24 . 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'' Annual Review of Political Science ( 2015 ) Abstract & download Gerken H. `` The real problem with Citizens United : Campaign finance , dark money , and shadow parties '' 97 Marquette Law Review ( 2014 ) 903 . Hansen , Wendy L. , Michael S. Rocca , and Brittany Leigh Ortiz . `` The effects of Citizens United on corporate spending in the 2012 presidential election . '' Journal of Politics 77.2 ( 2015 ) : 535 -- 45 . in JSTOR Kang M. `` The end of campaign finance law '' 98 Virginia Law Review ( 2012 ) 1 . Kuhner T. Capitalism v. Democracy : Money in Politics and the Free Market Constitution ( Stanford University Press , 2014 ) Ewan McGaughey , ' Fascism - Lite in America ( or the social idea of Donald Trump ) ' ( 2016 ) TLI Think ! Paper 26 / 2016 Post , Robert , ed . Citizens Divided : Campaign Finance Reform and the Constitution ( Harvard University Press , 2014 ) External links ( edit ) Text of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission , 558 U.S. 310 ( 2010 ) is available from : Cornell Findlaw Justia `` Did the Citizens United Ruling Shut Out Your Voice ? '' Court documents . Dead link . Court documents Oral Argument Transcript , PDF links to one of the two oral arguments . Text of Supreme Court decision , PDF Text of Supreme Court decision , HTML Seligman , Joel , `` Is The Corporation The Person ? Reflections on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission '' , speech May 6 , 2010 ; with thanks by Seligman to John Field for assistance . Zephyr Teachout , The Anti-Corruption Principle , 94 Cornell L. Rev. 341 ( 2009 ) . Citizens United and the Scope of Professor Teachout 's Anti-Corruption Principle , 107 Nw . U.L. Rev. 399 ; 107 Nw . U.L. Rev. Colloquy 1 ( 2012 ) . `` Money Unlimited : How John Roberts Orchestrated Citizens United '' by Jeffrey Toobin , published in The New Yorker on May 21 , 2012 . An article about the beginnings of campaign finance law i.e. the Tillman Act of 1907 , the Supreme Court case history regarding campaign finance before Citizens United , the court proceedings leading to the Citizens United ruling , and the aftermath of Citizens United . United States First Amendment case law Establishment Clause Public funding Everson v. Board of Education ( 1947 ) McCollum v. Board of Education ( 1948 ) Walz v. Tax Commission of the City of New York ( 1970 ) Lemon v. Kurtzman ( 1971 ) Marsh v. Chambers ( 1983 ) Mueller v. Allen ( 1983 ) Aguilar v. Felton ( 1985 ) Board of Education of Kiryas Joel Village School District v. Grumet ( 1994 ) Agostini v. Felton ( 1997 ) Mitchell v. Helms ( 2000 ) Zelman v. Simmons - Harris ( 2002 ) Locke v. Davey ( 2004 ) Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization v. Winn ( 2011 ) Public displays Stone v. Graham ( 1980 ) Lynch v. Donnelly ( 1984 ) Board of Trustees of Scarsdale v. McCreary ( 1985 ) County of Allegheny v. ACLU ( 1989 ) McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky ( 2005 ) Van Orden v. Perry ( 2005 ) Pleasant Grove City v. Summum ( 2009 ) School prayer Zorach v. Clauson ( 1952 ) Engel v. Vitale ( 1962 ) Abington School District v. Schempp ( 1963 ) Stone v. Graham ( 1980 ) Wallace v. Jaffree ( 1985 ) Lee v. Weisman ( 1992 ) Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe ( 2000 ) Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow ( 2004 ) Creationism Epperson v. Arkansas ( 1968 ) Edwards v. Aguillard ( 1987 ) Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District ( M.D. Pa. 2005 ) Legislature prayer Marsh v. Chambers ( 1983 ) Town of Greece v. Galloway ( 2014 ) Establishment Clause , Other McGowan v. Maryland ( 1961 ) Walz v. Tax Commission of the City of New York ( 1970 ) McDaniel v. Paty ( 1978 ) Estate of Thornton v. Caldor , Inc. ( 1985 ) Texas Monthly , Inc. v. Bullock ( 1989 ) Hosanna - Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & School v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( 2012 ) Free Exercise Clause Reynolds v. United States ( 1879 ) Davis v. Beason ( 1890 ) Schneider v. New Jersey ( 1939 ) Cantwell v. Connecticut ( 1940 ) Minersville School District v. Gobitis ( 1940 ) Murdock v. Pennsylvania ( 1943 ) United States v. Ballard ( 1944 ) Braunfeld v. Brown ( 1961 ) Torcaso v. Watkins ( 1961 ) Sherbert v. Verner ( 1963 ) Presbyterian Church v. Hull Church ( 1969 ) Wisconsin v. Yoder ( 1972 ) Harris v. McRae ( 1980 ) Thomas v. Review Board of the Indiana Employment Security Division ( 1981 ) United States v. Lee ( 1982 ) Bob Jones University v. United States ( 1983 ) Bowen v. Roy ( 1986 ) Goldman v. Weinberger ( 1986 ) Employment Division v. Smith ( 1990 ) Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah ( 1993 ) City of Boerne v. Flores ( 1997 ) Watchtower Society v. Village of Stratton ( 2002 ) Cutter v. Wilkinson ( 2005 ) Gonzales v. UDV ( 2006 ) Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia , Inc. v. Comer ( 2017 ) Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission ( under consideration ) ( hide ) Freedom of speech ( portal ) Sedition and imminent danger Alien and Sedition Acts ( 1798 ) Masses Publishing Co. v. Patten ( S.D.N.Y. 1917 ) Schenck v. United States ( 1919 ) Abrams v. United States ( 1919 ) Gitlow v. New York ( 1925 ) Whitney v. California ( 1927 ) Dennis v. United States ( 1951 ) Communist Party v. Subversive Activities Control Board ( 1955 , 1961 ) Yates v. United States ( 1957 ) Bond v. Floyd ( 1966 ) Brandenburg v. Ohio ( 1969 ) Hess v. Indiana ( 1973 ) False speech Gertz v. Robert Welch , Inc. ( 1974 ) United States v. Alvarez ( 2012 ) Fighting words and the heckler 's veto Cantwell v. Connecticut ( 1940 ) Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire ( 1942 ) Terminiello v. Chicago ( 1949 ) Feiner v. New York ( 1951 ) Gregory v. Chicago ( 1969 ) National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie ( 1977 ) R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul ( 1992 ) Snyder v. Phelps ( 2011 ) Elonis v. United States ( 2015 ) Freedom of assembly and public forums Hague v. CIO ( 1939 ) Schneider v. New Jersey ( 1939 ) Thornhill v. Alabama ( 1940 ) Martin v. City of Struthers ( 1943 ) Marsh v. Alabama ( 1946 ) Niemotko v. Maryland ( 1951 ) Edwards v. South Carolina ( 1963 ) Cox v. Louisiana ( 1965 ) Brown v. Louisiana ( 1966 ) Adderley v. Florida ( 1966 ) Carroll v. Town of Princess Anne ( 1968 ) Coates v. Cincinnati ( 1971 ) Organization for a Better Austin v. Keefe ( 1971 ) Lloyd Corp. v. Tanner ( 1972 ) Pruneyard Shopping Center v. Robins ( 1980 ) Widmar v. Vincent ( 1981 ) Hill v. Colorado ( 2000 ) McCullen v. Coakley ( 2014 ) Packingham v. North Carolina ( 2017 ) Symbolic speech Stromberg v. California ( 1931 ) United States v. O'Brien ( 1968 ) Cohen v. California ( 1971 ) Smith v. Goguen ( 1974 ) Texas v. Johnson ( 1989 ) United States v. Eichman ( 1990 ) Virginia v. Black ( 2003 ) Compelled speech Minersville School District v. Gobitis ( 1940 ) West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette ( 1943 ) Wooley v. Maynard ( 1977 ) Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System v. Southworth ( 2000 ) Davenport v. Washington Education Association ( 2007 ) Knox v. Service Employees International Union , Local 1000 ( 2012 ) Agency for International Development v. Alliance for Open Society International , Inc. ( 2013 ) Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission ( under consideration ) Loyalty oaths American Communications Association v. Douds ( 1950 ) Garner v. Board of Public Works ( 1951 ) Speiser v. Randall ( 1958 ) Keyishian v. Board of Regents ( 1967 ) Communist Party of Indiana v. Whitcomb ( 1974 ) School speech Minersville School District v. Gobitis ( 1940 ) West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette ( 1943 ) Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District ( 1969 ) Island Trees School District v. Pico ( 1982 ) Bethel School District v. Fraser ( 1986 ) Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier ( 1988 ) Rosenberger v. University of Virginia ( 1995 ) Morse v. Frederick ( 2007 ) Obscenity Rosen v. United States ( 1896 ) United States v. One Book Called Ulysses ( S.D.N.Y. 1933 ) Roth v. United States ( 1957 ) One , Inc. v. Olesen ( 1958 ) Marcus v. Search Warrant ( 1961 ) MANual Enterprises v. Day ( 1962 ) Jacobellis v. Ohio ( 1964 ) Quantity of Books v. Kansas ( 1964 ) Freedman v. Maryland ( 1965 ) Ginzburg v. United States ( 1966 ) Memoirs v. Massachusetts ( 1966 ) Redrup v. New York ( 1967 ) Ginsberg v. New York ( 1968 ) Stanley v. Georgia ( 1969 ) Cohen v. California ( 1971 ) United States v. Thirty - seven Photographs ( 1971 ) Kois v. Wisconsin ( 1972 ) Miller v. California ( 1973 ) Paris Adult Theatre I v. Slaton ( 1973 ) United States v. 12 200 - ft . Reels of Film ( 1973 ) Jenkins v. Georgia ( 1974 ) Erznoznik v. City of Jacksonville ( 1975 ) Young v. American Mini Theatres ( 1976 ) New York v. Ferber ( 1982 ) American Booksellers v. Hudnut ( 7th Cir. , 1985 ) Renton v. Playtime Theatres , Inc. ( 1986 ) Osborne v. Ohio ( 1990 ) United States v. X-Citement Video ( 1994 ) Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union ( 1997 ) United States v. Playboy Entertainment Group ( 2000 ) Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition ( 2002 ) Ashcroft v. American Civil Liberties Union ( 2002 ) Nitke v. Gonzales ( S.D.N.Y. , 2005 ) United States v. Williams ( 2008 ) FCC v. Fox Televisions Stations - 2 cases ( 2009 and 2012 ) American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression v. Strickland ( 6th Cir. , 2009 ) United States v. Kilbride ( 9th Cir. , 2009 ) United States v. Stevens ( 2010 ) Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association ( 2011 ) Public employees Pickering v. Board of Education ( 1968 ) Perry v. Sindermann ( 1972 ) Board of Regents of State Colleges v. Roth ( 1972 ) Mt . Healthy City School District Board of Education v. Doyle ( 1977 ) Givhan v. Western Line Consolidated School District ( 1979 ) Connick v. Myers ( 1983 ) Rankin v. McPherson ( 1987 ) Waters v. Churchill ( 1994 ) Garcetti v. Ceballos ( 2006 ) Borough of Duryea v. Guarnieri ( 2011 ) Heffernan v. City of Paterson ( 2016 ) Hatch Act and similar laws Ex parte Curtis ( 1882 ) United Public Workers v. Mitchell ( 1947 ) United States Civil Service Commission v. National Association of Letter Carriers ( 1973 ) Broadrick v. Oklahoma ( 1973 ) Licensing and restriction of speech Mutual Film Corporation v. Industrial Commission of Ohio ( 1915 ) Joseph Burstyn , Inc. v. Wilson ( 1952 ) Freedman v. Maryland ( 1965 ) Virginia State Pharmacy Board v. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council ( 1976 ) Hoffman Estates v . The Flipside , Hoffman Estates , Inc. ( 1982 ) Walker v. Texas Division , Sons of Confederate Veterans ( 2015 ) Matal v. Tam ( 2017 ) Commercial speech Valentine v. Chrestensen ( 1942 ) Rowan v. U.S. Post Office Dept. ( 1970 ) Pittsburgh Press Co. v. Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations ( 1973 ) Bigelow v. Commonwealth of Virginia ( 1974 ) Virginia State Pharmacy Board v. Virginia Citizens Consumer Council ( 1976 ) Bates v. State Bar of Arizona ( 1977 ) Linmark Associates , Inc. v. Willingboro ( 1977 ) Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. v. Public Service Commission ( 1980 ) Consol . Edison Co. v. Public Serv . Comm'n ( 1980 ) Pacific Gas & Electric Co. v. Public Utilities Commission of California ( 1986 ) Posadas de Puerto Rico Associates v. Tourism Company of Puerto Rico ( 1986 ) San Francisco Arts & Athletics , Inc. v. United States Olympic Committee ( 1987 ) 44 Liquormart , Inc. v. Rhode Island ( 1996 ) Sorrell v. IMS Health Inc. ( 2011 ) Campaign finance and political speech Buckley v. Valeo ( 1976 ) First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti ( 1978 ) Citizens Against Rent Control v. City of Berkeley ( 1981 ) Brown v. Socialist Workers ' 74 Campaign Committee ( 1982 ) Regan v. Taxation with Representation of Washington ( 1983 ) FEC v. Massachusetts Citizens for Life ( 1986 ) Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce ( 1990 ) McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission ( 1995 ) Colorado Republican Federal Campaign Committee v. FEC ( 1996 ) Nixon v. Shrink Missouri Government PAC ( 2000 ) Republican Party of Minnesota v. White ( 2002 ) McConnell v. FEC ( 2003 ) Randall v. Sorrell ( 2006 ) FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life , Inc. ( 2007 ) Davis v. FEC ( 2008 ) Citizens United v. FEC ( 2010 ) McComish v. Bennett ( 2011 ) American Tradition Partnership v. Bullock ( 2012 ) McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission ( 2014 ) Williams - Yulee v . The Florida Bar ( 2015 ) Freedom of the press Prior restraints and censorship Near v. Minnesota ( 1931 ) Lovell v. City of Griffin ( 1938 ) Hannegan v. Esquire , Inc. ( 1946 ) New York Times Co. v. United States ( 1971 ) Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo ( 1974 ) Nebraska Press Ass'n v. Stuart ( 1976 ) Landmark Communications , Inc. v. Virginia ( 1978 ) Tory v. Cochran ( 2005 ) Privacy Time , Inc. v. Hill ( 1967 ) Cox Broadcasting Corp. v. Cohn ( 1975 ) Florida Star v. B.J.F. ( 1989 ) Taxation and privileges Grosjean v. American Press Co. ( 1936 ) Branzburg v. Hayes ( 1972 ) Minneapolis Star Tribune Co. v. Commissioner ( 1983 ) Defamation Beauharnais v. Illinois ( 1952 ) New York Times Co. v. Sullivan ( 1964 ) Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts ( 1967 ) Gertz v. Robert Welch , Inc. ( 1974 ) Time , Inc. v. Firestone ( 1976 ) Bose Corp. v. Consumers Union of United States , Inc. ( 1984 ) Dun & Bradstreet , Inc. v. Greenmoss Builders , Inc. ( 1985 ) McDonald v. Smith ( 1985 ) Hustler Magazine v. Falwell ( 1988 ) Harte - Hanks Communications v. Connaughton ( 1989 ) Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Co. ( 1990 ) Obsidian Finance Group , LLC v. Cox ( 9th Cir. , 2014 ) Broadcast media Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC ( 1969 ) FCC v. Pacifica Foundation ( 1978 ) Turner Broadcasting v. 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"free speech clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution prohibits the government from restricting independent expenditures for communications by nonprofit corporations, for-profit corporations, labor unions, and other associations"
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6274068334741177723 | History of the Peloponnesian War | History of the Peloponnesian War - wikipedia History of the Peloponnesian War Jump to : navigation , search 10th - century minuscule manuscript of Thucydides 's History . The History of the Peloponnesian War ( Greek : Ἱστορίαι , `` Histories '' ) is a historical account of the Peloponnesian War ( 431 -- 404 BC ) , which was fought between the Peloponnesian League ( led by Sparta ) and the Delian League ( led by Athens ) . It was written by Thucydides , an Athenian historian who also happened to serve as an Athenian general during the war . His account of the conflict is widely considered to be a classic and regarded as one of the earliest scholarly works of history . The History is divided into eight books . Analyses of the History generally occur in one of two camps . On the one hand , some scholars view the work as an objective and scientific piece of history . The judgment of J.B. Bury reflects his traditional interpretation of the work : `` ( The History is ) severe in its detachment , written from a purely intellectual point of view , unencumbered with platitudes and moral judgments , cold and critical . '' On the other hand , in keeping with more recent interpretations that are associated with reader - response criticism , the History can be read as a piece of literature rather than an objective record of the historical events . This view is embodied in the words of W.R. Connor , who describes Thucydides as `` an artist who responds to , selects and skillfully arranges his material , and develops its symbolic and emotional potential . '' Contents ( hide ) 1 Historical method 1.1 Chronology 1.2 Speeches 1.3 Neutrality 1.4 Role of religion 1.5 Rationalization of myth 2 Subject matter of the History 2.1 Military technology 2.2 Empire 2.3 Earth science 3 Some difficulties of interpretation 3.1 Strata of composition 3.2 Sources 3.3 Critical evaluations 4 Influence 5 Method of citation 6 Manuscripts 7 Outline of the work 8 Some Translations 9 See also 10 References 10.1 Citations 10.2 Bibliography 11 External links Historical method ( edit ) P. Oxy. 16 , fragment of a 1st - century manuscript Thucydides is considered to be one of the great `` fathers '' of Western history , thus making his methodology the subject of much analysis in area of historiography . Chronology ( edit ) Thucydides is one of the first western historians to employ a strict standard of chronology , recording events by year , with each year consisting of the summer campaign season and a less active winter season . This method contrasts sharply with Herodotus ' earlier work The Histories , which jumps around chronologically and makes frequent and roundabout excursions into seemingly unrelated areas and time periods , and has set the standard for historiographical rigor to this day . Speeches ( edit ) Thucydides also makes extensive use of speeches in order to elaborate on the event in question . While the inclusion of long first - person speeches is somewhat alien to modern historical method , in the context of ancient Greek oral culture speeches are expected . These include addresses given to troops by their generals before battles and numerous political speeches , both by Athenian and Spartan leaders , as well as debates between various parties . Of the speeches , the most famous is the funeral oration of Pericles , which is found in Book Two . Thucydides undoubtedly heard some of these speeches himself while for others he relied on eyewitness accounts . These speeches are suspect in the eyes of Classicists , however , inasmuch as it is not sure to what degree Thucydides altered these speeches in order to most clearly elucidate the crux of the argument presented . Some of the speeches are probably fabricated according to his expectations of , as he puts it , `` what was called for in each situation '' ( 1.22. 2 ) . Neutrality ( edit ) Despite being an Athenian and a participant in the conflict , Thucydides is often regarded as having written a generally unbiased account of the conflict with respect to the sides involved in it . In the introduction to the piece he states , `` my work is not a piece of writing designed to meet the taste of an immediate public , but was done to last for ever '' ( 1.22. 4 ) . There are scholars , however , who doubt this . Ernst Badian , for example has argued that Thucydides has a strong pro-Athenian bias . In keeping with this sort of doubt , other scholars claim that Thucydides had an ulterior motive in his Histories , specifically to create an epic comparable to those of the past such as the works of Homer , and that this led him to create a nonobjective dualism favoring the Athenians . The work does display a clear bias against certain people involved in the conflict , such as Cleon . Role of religion ( edit ) The gods play no active role in Thucydides ' work . This is very different from Herodotus , who frequently mentions the role of the gods , as well as a nearly ubiquitous divine presence in the centuries - earlier poems of Homer . Instead , Thucydides regards history as being caused by the choices and actions of human beings . Despite the absence of actions of the gods , religion and piety play critical roles in the actions of the Spartans , and to a lesser degree , the Athenians . Thus natural occurrences such as earthquake and eclipses were viewed as religiously significant ( 1.23. 3 ; 7.50. 4 ) Rationalization of myth ( edit ) Despite the absence of the gods from Thucydides ' work , he still draws heavily from the Greek mythos , especially from Homer , whose works are prominent in Greek mythology . Thucydides references Homer frequently as a source of information , but always adds a distancing clause , such as `` Homer shows this , if that is sufficient evidence , '' and `` assuming we should trust Homer 's poetry in this case too . '' However , despite Thucydides ' lack of trust in information that was not experienced firsthand , such as Homer 's , he does use the poet 's epics to infer facts about the Trojan War . For instance , while Thucydides considered the number of over 1,000 Greek ships sent to Troy to be a poetic exaggeration , he uses Homer 's catalog of ships to determine the approximate number of Greek soldiers who were present . Later , Thucydides claims that since Homer never makes reference to a united Greek state , the pre-Hellenic nations must have been so disjointed that they could not organize properly to launch an effective campaign . In fact , Thucydides claims that Troy could have been conquered in half the time had the Greek leaders allocated resources properly and not sent a large portion of the army on raids for supplies . Thucydides makes sure to inform his reader that he , unlike Homer , is not a poet prone to exaggeration , but instead a historian , whose stories may not give `` momentary pleasure , '' but `` whose intended meaning will be challenged by the truth of the facts . '' By distancing himself from the storytelling practices of Homer , Thucydides makes it clear that while he does consider mythology and epics to be evidence , these works can not be given much credibility , and that it takes an impartial and empirically minded historian , such as himself , to accurately portray the events of the past . Subject matter of the History ( edit ) The first book of the History , after a brief review of early Greek history and some programmatic historiographical commentary , seeks to explain why the Peloponnesian War broke out when it did and what its causes were . Except for a few short excursuses ( notably 6.54 -- 58 on the Tyrant Slayers ) , the remainder of the History ( books 2 through 8 ) rigidly maintains its focus on the Peloponnesian War to the exclusion of other topics . While the History concentrates on the military aspects of the Peloponnesian War , it uses these events as a medium to suggest several other themes closely related to the war . It specifically discusses in several passages the socially and culturally degenerative effects of war on humanity itself . The History is especially concerned with the lawlessness and atrocities committed by Greek citizens to each other in the name of one side or another in the war . Some events depicted in the History , such as the Melian dialogue , describe early instances of realpolitik or power politics . The History is preoccupied with the interplay of justice and power in political and military decision - making . Thucydides ' presentation is decidedly ambivalent on this theme . While the History seems to suggest that considerations of justice are artificial and necessarily capitulate to power , it sometimes also shows a significant degree of empathy with those who suffer from the exigencies of the war . For the most part , the History does not discuss topics such as the art and architecture of Greece . Military technology ( edit ) Illustration of a Greek trireme The History emphasizes the development of military technologies . In several passages ( 1.14. 3 , 2.75 -- 76 , 7.36. 2 -- 3 ) , Thucydides describes in detail various innovations in the conduct of siegeworks or naval warfare . The History places great importance upon naval supremacy , arguing that a modern empire is impossible without a strong navy . He states that this is the result of the development of piracy and coastal settlements in earlier Greece . Important in this regard was the development , at the beginning of the classical period ( c. 500 BC ) , of the trireme , the supreme naval ship for the next several hundred years . In his emphasis on sea power , Thucydides resembles the modern naval theorist Alfred Thayer Mahan , whose influential work The Influence of Sea Power upon History helped set in motion the naval arms race prior to World War I . Empire ( edit ) The History explains that the primary cause of the Peloponnesian War was the `` growth in power of Athens , and the alarm which this inspired in Sparta '' ( 1.23. 6 ) . Thucydides traces the development of Athenian power through the growth of the Athenian empire in the years 479 BC to 432 BC in book one of the History ( 1.89 -- 118 ) . The legitimacy of the empire is explored in several passages , notably in the speech at 1.73 -- 78 , where an anonymous Athenian legation defends the empire on the grounds that it was freely given to the Athenians and not taken by force . The subsequent expansion of the empire is defended by these Athenians , `` ... the nature of the case first compelled us to advance our empire to its present height ; fear being our principal motive , though honor and interest came afterward . '' ( 1.75. 3 ) The Athenians also argue that , `` We have done nothing extraordinary , nothing contrary to human nature in accepting an empire when it was offered to us and then in refusing to give it up . '' ( 1.76 ) They claim that anyone in their position would act in the same fashion . The Spartans represent a more traditional , circumspect , and less expansive power . Indeed , the Athenians are nearly destroyed by their greatest act of imperial overreach , the Sicilian expedition , described in books six and seven of the History . Earth science ( edit ) Thucydides correlates , in his description of the 426 BC Malian Gulf tsunami , for the first time in the recorded history of natural science , quakes and waves in terms of cause and effect . Some difficulties of interpretation ( edit ) Thucydides ' History is extraordinarily dense and complex . His particular ancient Greek prose is also very challenging , grammatically , syntactically , and semantically . This has resulted in much scholarly disagreement on a cluster of issues of interpretation . Strata of composition ( edit ) It is commonly thought that Thucydides died while still working on the History , since it ends in mid-sentence and only goes up to 410 BC , leaving six years of war uncovered . Furthermore , there is a great deal of uncertainty whether he intended to revise the sections he had already written . Since there appear to be some contradictions between certain passages in the History , it has been proposed that the conflicting passages were written at different times and that Thucydides ' opinion on the conflicting matter had changed . Those who argue that the History can be divided into various levels of composition are usually called `` analysts '' and those who argue that the passages must be made to reconcile with one another are called `` unitarians '' . This conflict is called the `` strata of composition '' debate . The lack of progress in this debate over the course of the twentieth century has caused many Thucydidean scholars to declare the debate insoluble and to side - step the issue in their work . Sources ( edit ) The History is notoriously reticent about its sources . Thucydides almost never names his informants and alludes to competing versions of events only a handful of times . This is in marked contrast to Herodotus , who frequently mentions multiple versions of his stories and allows the reader to decide which is true . Instead , Thucydides strives to create the impression of a seamless and irrefutable narrative . Nevertheless , scholars have sought to detect the sources behind the various sections of the History . For example , the narrative after Thucydides ' exile ( 4.108ff . ) seems to focus on Peloponnesian events more than the first four books , leading to the conclusion that he had greater access to Peloponnesian sources at that time . Frequently , Thucydides appears to assert knowledge of the thoughts of individuals at key moments in the narrative . Scholars have asserted that these moments are evidence that he interviewed these individuals after the fact . However , the evidence of the Sicilian Expedition argues against this , since Thucydides discusses the thoughts of the generals who died there and whom he would have had no chance to interview . Instead it seems likely that , as with the speeches , Thucydides is looser than previously thought in inferring the thoughts , feelings , and motives of principal characters in his History from their actions , as well as his own sense of what would be appropriate or likely in such a situation . Critical evaluations ( edit ) The historian J.B. Bury writes that the work of Thucydides ... `` marks the longest and most decisive step that has ever been taken by a single man towards making history what it is today . '' Historian H.D. Kitto feels that Thucydides wrote about the Peloponnesian War not because it was the most significant war in antiquity but because it caused the most suffering . Indeed , several passages of Thucydides ' book are written `` with an intensity of feeling hardly exceeded by Sappho herself . '' In his Open Society and Its Enemies , Karl R. Popper writes that Thucydides was the `` greatest historian , perhaps , who ever lived . '' Thucydides ' work , however , Popper goes on to say , represents `` an interpretation , a point of view ; and in this we need not agree with him . '' In the war between Athenian democracy and the `` arrested oligarchic tribalism of Sparta , '' we must never forget Thucydides ' `` involuntary bias , '' and that `` his heart was not with Athens , his native city : '' `` Although he apparently did not belong to the extreme wing of the Athenian oligarchic clubs who conspired throughout the war with the enemy , he was certainly a member of the oligarchic party , and a friend neither of the Athenian people , the demos , who had exiled him , nor of its imperialist policy . '' Influence ( edit ) Thucydides ' History has been enormously influential in both ancient and modern historiography . It was embraced by many of the author 's contemporaries and immediate successors with enthusiasm ; indeed , many authors sought to complete the unfinished history . For example , Xenophon wrote his Hellenica as a continuation of Thucydides ' work , beginning at the exact moment that Thucydides ' History leaves off . Xenophon 's work , however , is generally considered inferior in style and accuracy compared with Thucydides ' . In later antiquity , Thucydides ' reputation suffered somewhat , with critics such as Dionysius of Halicarnassus rejecting the History as turgid and excessively austere . Lucian also parodies it ( among others ) in his satire The True Histories . Woodrow Wilson read the History on his voyage across the Atlantic to the Versailles Peace Conference . Method of citation ( edit ) Most critics writing about the History , including this article , use a standard format to direct readers to passages in the text : book. chapter. section . For example , the notation that Pericles ' last speech runs from 2.60. 1 to 2.64. 6 , this means that it can be found in the second book , from the sixtieth chapter through the sixty - fourth . Most modern editions and translations of the History include the chapter numbers in the margins . Manuscripts ( edit ) The most important manuscripts include : Codex Parisinus suppl . Gr. 255 , Codex Vaticanus 126 , Codex Laurentianus LXIX. 2 , Codex Palatinus 252 , Codex Monacensis 430 , Codex Monacensis 228 , and Codex Britannicus II , 727 . Grenfell and Hunt discovered in Oxyrhynchus about 20 papyrus fragments copied some time between the 1st and 6th centuries AD . Outline of the work ( edit ) Book 1 The state of Greece from the earliest times to the commencement of the Peloponnesian War , also known as the Archaeology . 1.1 -- 1.19 . Methodological excursus . 1.20 -- 1.23 Causes of the war ( 433 -- 432 BC ) 1.24 -- 1.66 The Affair of Epidamnus . 1.24 -- 1.55 The Affair of Potidaea . 1.56 -- 1.66 Congress of the Peloponnesian League at Lacedaemon . 1.67 -- 1.88 The Speech of the Corinthians . 1.68 -- 1.71 The Speech of the Athenian envoys . 1.73 -- 1.78 The Speech of Archidamus . 1.80 -- 1.85 The Speech of Sthenelaidas . 1.86 From the end of the Persian War to the beginning of the Peloponnesian War , also known as the Pentecontaetia . 1.89 -- 1.117 The progress from supremacy to empire . Second congress at Lacedaemon and the Corinthian Speech . 1.119 -- 1.125 Diplomatic maneuvering . 1.126 -- 1.139 Excursus on Cylon . 1.126 -- 1.127 Excursus on Pausanias and Themistocles . 1.128 -- 1.138 Pericles ' first speech . 1.140 -- 1.145 Book 2 ( 431 -- 428 BC ) War begins with Thebes ' attempt to subvert Plataea . 2.1 -- 2.6 Account of the mobilization of and list of the allies of the two combatants . 2.7 -- 2.9 First invasion of Attica . 2.10 -- 2.23 Archidamus leads the Peloponnesian army into Attica . 2.10 -- 2.12 Athenian preparations and abandonment of the countryside . 2.13 -- 2.14 Excursus on Athenian synoikism . 2.15 -- 2.16 Difficult conditions in Athens for refugees from countryside . 2.17 Archidamus ravages Oenoe and Acharnai . 2.18 -- 2.20 Athenian fury and anger at Pericles . 2.21 -- 2.22 Athenian naval counter -- attacks along coast of Peloponese and islands . 2.23 -- 2.32 Pericles ' Funeral Oration . 2.34 -- 2.46 The plague of Athens . 2.47 -- 2.54 Second invasion of Attica and Athenian naval counter -- attacks . 2.55 -- 2.58 Pericles ' third speech , defending his position and policy . 2.59 -- 2.64 Thucydides ' estimate of Pericles ' qualities and the causes for Athens ' eventual defeat . 2.65 Diplomacy and skirmishes in Thrace , the islands , and the Northeast . 2.66 -- 2.69 Fall of Potidaea . 2.70 Investment of Plataea . 2.71 -- 2.78 Naval victories of Phormio in the Northeast . 2.80 -- 2.92 Threat of raid on the Piraeus . 2.93 -- 2.94 Thracian campaign in Macedonia under Sitalces . 2.95 -- 2.101 Book 3 ( 428 -- 425 BC ) Annual invasion of Attica . 3.1 Revolt of Mytilene . 3.2 -- 3.50 Speech of Mytilenian envoys to Sparta at Olympia , asking for help . 3.9 -- 3.14 Sparta accepts Lesbos as an ally and prepares to counter the Athenians . 3.15 Mytilene surrenders to Athens despite Spartan support . 3.28 Mytilenian Debate . 3.37 -- 3.50 Fall of Plataea. 3.20 -- 3.24 , 3.52 -- 68 Some Plataeans escape . 3.20 -- 3.24 . Plataea surrenders . 3.52 . Trial and execution of the Plataeans . 3.53 -- 3.68 . Speech of Plataeans , 3.53 -- 3.59 Speech of the Thebans . 3.61 -- 3.67 Revolution at Corcyra . 3.70 -- 3.85 Thucydides ' account of the evils of civil strife . 3.82 -- 3.84 Athenian campaigns in Sicily . 3.86 , 3.90 , 3.99 , 3.103 , 3.115 -- 3.116 Tsunami and inquiry into its causes 3.89. 2 -- 5 Campaigns of Demosthenes in western Greece . 3.94 -- 3.98 , 3.100 -- 3.102 , 3.105 -- 3.114 Spartans establish Heraclea in Trachis . 3.92 -- 3.93 Athenians purify Delos . 3.104 Book 4 ( 425 -- 423 BC ) Annual invasion of Attica . 4.2 Athenians en route to Sicily occupy Pylos in the Peloponnese . 4.2 -- 4.6 King Agis of Sparta cuts short the invasion of Attica to return to the Peloponnese . 4.6 Concerted Spartan attack on the Athenian fort at Pylos . 4.8 -- 4.15 The Athenian general Demosthenes coordinates the defense of Pylos and rouses the troops with a speech . 4.9 -- 4.10 The Spartan commander Brasidas distinguishes himself for bravery . 4.11 -- 4.12 The Athenians defeat the Spartan assault on Pylos and cut off a garrison of Spartiates on the adjacent island of Sphacteria . 4.13 -- 4.14 The Spartans , concerned for the men on the island , conclude an immediate armistice and send an embassy to Athens to negotiate peace . 4.13 -- 4.22 The speech of the Spartan ambassadors offers to peace and alliance to Athens in exchange for the return of the men on Sphacteria . 4.17 -- 4.20 The Athenian Cleon , speaking in the Assembly , encourages the Athenians to demand the return of the territories surrendered by Athens at the conclusion of the First Peloponnesian War . 4.21 -- 4.22 Events in Sicily . 4.24 -- 4.25 Siege of the Spartiates on Sphacteria continues without result . 4.26 -- 4.27 Cleon takes command at Pylos . 4.27 -- 4.29 With the siege of Sphacteria yielding no results , the Athenians grow angry at Cleon for encouraging them to reject the Spartan offer of peace . 4.27. 1 -- 4.27. 3 Cleon blames Nicias and the generals for ineptitude. 4.27. 5 Nicias yields command to Cleon . 4.28 Battle of Sphacteria results in the capture of all the Spartiates trapped there . 4.29 -- 4.41 Nicias leads an Athenian attack on Corinth . 4.42 -- 4.45 End of Corcyraean revolution . 4.46 -- 4.48 Athenians capture Cythera , an island off the Peloponnese , and Thyrea , a town in the Peloponnese . Sparta is hemmed in on all sides and desperate . 4.53 -- 4.57 Sicilian cities make peace in conference at Gela , frustrating Athenian designs on the island . 4.58 -- 65 Speech of Hermocrates at Gela . 4.59 -- 4.64 Athenian attack on Megara . 4.66 -- 4.74 Capture of Nisaea . 4.69 Inconclusive engagements at Megara . 4.73 Megara eludes Athenian capture . 4.74 Invasion of Boeotia. 4.76 , 4.89 -- 4.101. 2 Athenians occupy temple at Delium . 4.90 Battle of Delium results in Athenian retreat . 4.91 -- 4.96 Boeotians refuse to return Athenian dead until Athenians relinquish the shrine of Delium . 4.97 -- 4.99 Boeotians assault the Athenian in the temple and burn it down . 4.100 Brasidas marches through Thessaly to Thrace and begins to cause Athenian subject cities to revolt . 4.78 -- 4.88 Speech of Brasidas to the Acanthians . 4.85 -- 4.87 Fall of Amphipolis to Brasidas . 4.102 -- 4.108 Continued successes of Brasidas in Thrace . 4.111 -- 4.135 Brasidas secures the revolt of the garrison of Torone . 4.110 -- 4.116 One -- year armistice between Athenians and Spartans . 4.117 -- 4.118 Scione revolts from Athens to Brasidas . 4.120 -- 4.123 Truce breaks down . 4.122 -- 4.123 . Athenians retake Mende and besiege Scione . 4.129 -- 4.131 . Book 5 ( 422 -- 415 BC ) Death of Cleon and Brasidas . 5.10 Peace of Nicias . 5.13 -- 5.24 Feeling against Sparta in the Peloponnese League of the Mantineans , Eleans , Argives , and Athenians . 5.27 -- 5.48 Battle of Mantinea and breaking up of the League . 5.63 -- 5.81 The Melian Dialogue . 5.84 -- 5.113 Fate of Melos . 5.116 Book 6 ( 415 -- 414 BC ) The Sicilian Expedition . 6.8 -- 6.52 Affair of the Hermae . 6.27 -- 6.29 , 6.53 Departure of the expedition to Sicily . 6.30 -- 6.32 Pro -- Syracusan Party at Catana . 6.50 -- 6.51 , 6.64 Story of Harmodius and Aristogiton . 6.53 -- 6.58 Disgrace of Alcibiades . 6.60 -- 6.61 Inaction of the Athenian army . 6.63 . 6.66 Alcibiades at Sparta . 6.88 -- 6.93 Book 7 ( 414 -- 413 BC ) Arrival of Gylippus at Syracuse . 7.1 -- 7.3 Fortification of Decelea . 7.19 -- 7.30 Successes of the Syracusans . Arrival of Demosthenes Defeat of the Athenians at Epipolae . 7.42 -- 7.59 Folly and obstinacy of Nicias Battles in the Great Harbour Retreat and annihilation of the Athenian army . 7.72 -- 7.87 Book 8 ( 413 -- 411 BC ) Disbelief and despair in Athens . 8.1 Allies revolt . 8.2 -- 4 Persians offer support to Sparta . 8.5 Isthmian Festival . 8.9 Alcamenes . 8.10 Alcibiades encourages Endius to revolt . 8.12 Alcibiades encourages Chios to revolt . 8.14 Athens reverses law on reserve funds . 8.15 Sparta and Persian alliance . 8.18 Chians encourage revolt . 8.19 Samos commons overthrow upper classes . 8.21 Chians and Spartans v Athens and Argos ; Ionians defeat Dorians . 8.25 Hermocrates prepares `` finishing blow '' to Athens , Alcibiades in Teichiussa . 8.26 Phrynichus = a `` man of sense '' retreats . 8.27 Tissaphernes distributes pay to Spartans . 8.29 The Spartan treaty with Persia . 8.37 conflict between Pedaitus and Astyochus . 8.39 Slaves desert Chios . 8.40 Lichas tries to renegotiate treaty with Persia . The Spartans give not liberty but a `` Median master '' to the Greeks . 8.43 Rhodes revolts . 8.44 Astyochus is ordered to kill Alcibiades , who flees from Sparta to Tissaphernes . 8.45 Alcibiades advises Tissaphernes to let Athens and Sparta wear each other out . 8.46 Alcibiades plots his return to Athens . 8.47 -- 8.48 Pissander to pave way for Alcibiades ' return . 8.49 Alcibiades betrays Phrynichus . 8.50 Phrynichus fortifies Samos . 8.51 Alcibiades encourages Tissaphernes to befriend Athens . 8.52 Pisander in Athens proposes deal : alliance with Persia , end of democracy , return of Alcibiades . 8.53 -- 8.54 Athens defeats Chians , Pedaritus . 8.55 Alcibiades ' plans w / Tissaphernes unravel . 8.56 Tissaphernes resolves to keep both sides equal , pays Sparta . 8.57 another treaty bet Persia and Sparta . 8.58 -- 8.59 Pisander est . oligarchy in Athens , confusion in Samos . 8.63 Oligarchy in Athens , popular leaders are killed . `` government of the 5,000 . '' 8.64 Oligarchy triumphant . 8.65 popular party suspicious of each other . 8.66 commissioners to frame a new constitution = tyranny of the four hundred . 8.67 Pisander , Phrynichus , Theramenes = leaders of the oligarchy . 8.68 the 400 with daggers dismiss the council ( Boule ) . 8.69 Oligarchs offer to make peace with Sparta . 8.70 Spartan forces move to Athens ' walls . Oligarchs again offer peace w / Sparta . 8.71 seamen at Samos reject oligarchy . 8.72 turmoil at Samos , the Athenian crews est democracy , kill 30 oligarchs . 8.73 exaggerated report at Samos of horrors at Athens . 8.74 Thrasybullus and Thrasyllus leaders of the democratic faction in Samos . 8.75 the army replaces oligarchy in Samos , Alcibiades promises alliance with Persia . 8.76 debate in Samos . 8.77 Pelop soldiers anxious to fight , Astyochus unwilling to fight at sea . Tissaphernes fleet never arrives . 8.78 Athenians reinforced , Pelop unwilling to fight . 8.79 revolt of Byzantium . 8.80 Alcibiades recalled , promises Persian aid . 8.81 Alcibiades elected general , `` put all their affairs in his hands . 8.82 Tissaphernes fails to pay Spartan soldiers . 8.83 Pelop sailors threaten Astyochus , who is recalled and replaced by Mindarus . 8.84 Hermocrates is banished from Syracuse , he opposes Sparta 's alliance with Persia . 8.85 Alcibiades prevents Samian soldiers ' attack on Athens , calls for end to the 400 . 8.86 Tissaphernes / Persia continues policy of letting Athens and Sparta wear each other out . 8.87 Alcibiades knew Tissaphernes would never send ships to support Sparta . 8.88 Oligarchs in Athens break ranks , Thermenes and Aristocrates fear Alcibiades power in Samos . 8.89 Phrynichus , Aristarchus , Pisander , and Antiphon most opposed to Democracy , again appeal to Sparta . Fortify the Piraeus . 8.90 The oligarchs ' plans . 8.91 The oligarchy collapses . 8.92 Oligarchs and soldiers meet on Acropolis and agree to reforms . 8.93 Pelop ships appear . 8.94 Pelop ships defeat Athenians , Euboea revolts . 8.95 Athens despairs . `` Lacedaemonians proved the most convenient people in the world for the Athenians to be at war with . '' 8.96 the 400 are deposed , the 5000 the `` best government '' in Thuc 's lifetime . A `` hoplite democracy , '' no pay for public service ( i.e. no thetes ) . 8.97 Pisander and Alexicles withdraw to Decelea , Aristarchus takes barbarian archers to Oenoe . The oligarchy is over . 8.98 Thrasybulus and Thrasyllus victory at sea renews Athens ' hope . 8.103 -- 8.106 Alcibiades returns . 8.108 abrupt ending of the history . 8.109 Some translations ( edit ) Title page to a translation by Thomas Hobbes Laurentius Valla , Treviso : J. Rubeus Vercellensis , 1483 Thomas Hobbes , 1628 William Smith , 1753 Johann David Heilmann , 1760 Full text -- Richard Crawley , 1874 Full text -- Benjamin Jowett , 1881 Edgar C. Marchant , 1900 Charles Forster Smith , 1919 Rex Warner , 1954 John H. Finley , Jr. , 1963 Walter Blanco , 1998 Steven Lattimore , 1998 Bryn Mawr review of Lattimore 's translation , which discusses the other major translations as well . See also ( edit ) Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 17 References ( edit ) Citations ( edit ) Jump up ^ K.J. Dover , `` Thucydides ' as History ' and ' as Literature , ' History and Theory ( 1983 ) 22 : 54 -- 63 . Jump up ^ J.B. Bury , History of Greece , 4th ed. , ( New York 1975 ) , p. 252 . Jump up ^ W.R. Connor , Thucydides , ( Princeton 1984 ) , pp. 231 -- 32 . Jump up ^ Donald Kagan , `` The Speeches in Thucydides and the Mytilene Debate '' , Yale Classical Studies ( 1975 ) 24 : 71 -- 94 . Jump up ^ Ernst Badian , `` Thucydides and the Outbreak of the Peloponnesian War . A Historian 's Brief '' in Conflict , Antithesis and the Ancient Historian , ed . June Allison , ( Columbus 1990 ) , pp. 46 -- 91 Jump up ^ Graziosi , Barbara . Inventing Homer : The Early Reception of Epic , 2002 , p. 118 , ISBN 0 - 521 - 80966 - 5 . Jump up ^ Westlake , H.D. ( 2010 ) . Individuals in Thucydides . Cambridge University Press . p. 60 . ISBN 0 - 521 - 14753 - 0 . Jump up ^ Jordan , Borimir ( 1 January 1986 ) . `` Religion in Thucydides '' . Transactions of the American Philological Association ( 1974 -- ) . 116 : 119 -- 47 . doi : 10.2307 / 283914 . JSTOR 283914 . Jump up ^ Leo Strauss `` Preliminary Observations on the gods in Thustaams Work '' `` Interpretation : A Journal of Political Philosophy '' 1974 4 : 1 1 -- 16 Jump up ^ Barbara Graziosi , Inventing Homer : The Early Reception of Epic , p. 121 . Jump up ^ Thucydides , History of the Peloponnesian War . Jump up ^ Thucydides , History of the Peloponnesian War 3.89. 2 -- 5 Jump up ^ Smid , T.C. : `` ' Tsunamis ' in Greek Literature '' , Greece & Rome , 2nd Ser. , Vol. 17 , No. 1 ( April , 1970 ) , pp. 100 -- 04 Jump up ^ Bury , J. B ( 1958 ) . The Ancient Greek Historians . New York : Dover Publications . p. 147 . Jump up ^ Bowker , Stan ( 1966 ) . `` Kitto At BC '' . The Heights . XLVI ( 16 ) . Jump up ^ H.W. Brands , Arthur Schlesinger Woodrow Wilson ( The American President Series ) , Times Books , 2003 ISBN 978 - 0 - 8050 - 6955 - 6 Jump up ^ Histories : book 3 . Edited with notes , for the use of schools ( Oxford Clarendon Press ; 1901 ) Bibliography ( edit ) Connor , W. Robert , Thucydides . Princeton : Princeton University Press ( 1984 ) . ISBN 0 - 691 - 03569 - 5 . Crane , Gregory , Thucydides and the Ancient Simplicity : the Limits of Political Realism . Berkeley : University of California Press ( 1998 ) . Hornblower , Simon , A Commentary on Thucydides. 2 vols . Oxford : Clarendon ( 1991 -- 1996 ) . ISBN 0 - 19 - 815099 - 7 ( vol. 1 ) , ISBN 0 - 19 - 927625 - 0 ( vol. 2 ) . Hornblower , Simon , Thucydides . London : Duckworth ( 1987 ) . ISBN 0 - 7156 - 2156 - 4 . Orwin , Clifford , The Humanity of Thucydides . Princeton : Princeton University Press ( 1994 ) . ISBN 0 - 691 - 03449 - 4 . Pade , Marianne , `` Thucydides '' , Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum , 8 , pp. 104 -- 81 . Last accessed 1 March 2016 Romilly , Jacqueline de , Thucydides and Athenian Imperialism . Oxford : Basil Blackwell ( 1963 ) . ISBN 0 - 88143 - 072 - 2 . Rood , Tim , Thucydides : Narrative and Explanation . Oxford : Oxford University Press ( 1998 ) . ISBN 0 - 19 - 927585 - 8 . Strassler , Robert B , ed . The Landmark Thucydides : A Comprehensive Guide to the Peloponnesian War . New York : Free Press ( 1996 ) . ISBN 0 - 684 - 82815 - 4 . Thucydides , Thucydidis , olori fil , De bello peloponnesiacoa libri VIII , Versione Latina , ( London 1819 ) External links ( edit ) Greek Wikisource has original text related to this article : Ιστορία του Πελοποννησιακού Πολέμου Quotations related to The Peloponnesian War at Wikiquote Works related to History of the Peloponnesian War at Wikisource The History of the Peloponnesian War public domain audiobook at LibriVox BNF : cb123205044 ( data ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : History books about ancient Greece Books about military history 5th - century BC history books Unfinished books Ancient Greek works Peloponnesian War Ancient Greek military books Hidden categories : Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from July 2017 Articles containing Greek - language text Articles with specifically marked weasel - worded phrases from January 2017 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from December 2013 Articles with unsourced statements from November 2008 Articles with LibriVox links Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikisource Alemannisch Български Brezhoneg Català Čeština Ελληνικά Español فارسی Français 한국어 Interlingua Italiano עברית Latina 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Shqip Simple English Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska ไทย 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 14 December 2017 , at 00 : 39 . 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"The History of the Peloponnesian War (Greek: Ἱστορίαι, \"Histories\") is a historical account of the Peloponnesian War (431–404 BC), which was fought between the Peloponnesian League (led by Sparta) and the Delian League (led by Athens). It was written by Thucydides, an Athenian historian who also happened to serve as an Athenian general during the war. His account of the conflict is widely considered to be a classic and regarded as one of the earliest scholarly works of history.[by whom?] The History is divided into eight books."
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1260596964729963406 | Superman logo | Superman logo - wikipedia Superman logo Jump to : navigation , search Superman Shield The standard version of the Superman `` S '' shield , mostly unchanged since 1940 . Publication information Publisher DC Comics First appearance Action Comics # 1 ( June 1938 ) Created by Joe Shuster ( later embellished by other artists ) In story information Type Emblem Element of stories featuring Superman The Superman shield , also known as the Superman logo , is the iconic emblem for the fictional DC Comics superhero Superman . As a representation of one of the first superheroes , it served as a template for character design decades after Superman 's first appearance . The tradition of wearing a representative symbol on the chest was mimicked by many subsequent superheroes , including Batman , Spider - Man , the Fantastic Four , Green Lantern , the Flash , Wonder Woman , Hawkman , and many others . In modern - day Superman stories published by DC , the symbol is typically explained as being Superman 's family crest from his home planet Krypton , known as the insignia of the House of El ; the `` El '' in Kryptonian language translates as `` hope '' , with its resemblance to Latin script letter S being merely a coincidence . Contents ( hide ) 1 Evolution of the symbol 2 Representations 2.1 House of El 2.2 Cape 2.3 Variants 2.4 Wearers of the Shield 3 Diamond and eight shield 4 References 5 External links Evolution of the symbol ( edit ) In its original inception in Action Comics # 1 , Superman 's symbol was a letter S with red and blue on a yellow police badge symbol that resembled a shield . The symbol was first changed a few issues later in Action Comics # 7 . The shield varied over the first few years of the comics , and many times was nothing more than an inverted triangle with an S inside of it . The shield first became a diamond in the Fleischer cartoon serial Superman . It was black with a red S outlined with white ( or occasionally with yellow ) . The S has varied in size and shape and the diamond shape containing it has also changed size and shape . Extreme examples of this would be the very large logo on the Dean Cain costume from the television series Lois & Clark : The New Adventures of Superman and the comparatively small version of the shield as depicted in the 2006 film Superman Returns . It has , in most incarnations , retained its original color , while changing shape here and there . The classic logo is the basis for virtually all other interpretations of the logo . In the mid-1990s , when Superman 's costume and powers changed briefly , during the `` Superman Red / Superman Blue '' comic book storylines , the shield changed colors and slightly changed shape , in accordance with the changes in the costume . In 1997 's Superman Vol 2 # 123 Superman 's new powers forced him to find a suit that was capable of containing his new abilities . The effective material found to create Superman 's suit , along with being blue and silver , was also courtesy of Lex Luthor . Not only did the colors and powers change , the logo also evolved into a re-imagined `` electric '' emblem . In the miniseries Kingdom Come , an aged Superman sported an S - like symbol against a black background in a red pentagon . In the 2000s TV series Smallville , the S symbol originally appeared as a diamond with a vertical infinity symbol ( to be similar to the S ) , in an attempt to make it seem more alien . However , beginning with the Season Six opening episode `` Zod , '' Clark is given a crystal bearing the S logo in the style of the Superman Returns logo and is seen several times throughout the series and specifically in the season finale when a beam shaped like the logo hits a Phantom Zone escapee . The logo also appeared in the first episode of the series , when the students captured Clark by giving him a kryptonite necklace ( which they did n't know was a weakness ) and tied him to a cross-like beam in a cornfield and painted a red ' S ' on Clark 's chest ( standing for Scarecrow , which was what he was meant to be as part of a high school hazing tradition ) as a reference . Representations ( edit ) Initially , the S - shield had one meaning : S for Superman . One of the first alternative meanings was presented in Superman : The Movie , in which it was not an S , but rather the S - shaped Coat of arms of the House of El as it was Brando 's idea to have Jor - El wear the `` S '' as a family crest , folklore spun off from there . After the Superman reboot story The Man of Steel , the symbol 's story was that it was designed by Jonathan Kent and was derived from an ancient Native American symbol . The symbol was featured on a medicine blanket given to an ancestor of the Kent family by a Native American tribe after he helped to cure them of a plague and was supposed to represent a snake , an animal held to possess healing powers by the tribe ( implying that , by wearing this symbol , Superman was a metaphorical healer ) . This was also included in the 1997 Superman encyclopedia . In 2004 , Mark Waid 's Superman : Birthright series says the S - Shield is the Kryptonian symbol for `` hope '' and Superman believes it may have begun as a coat of arms for the House of El . Later , writer Geoff Johns confirmed it was indeed a coat of arms , as well as a symbol for hope . In the 2013 film Man of Steel , when asked by Lois Lane what the `` S '' stands for , Superman states that it is not an `` S '' , but rather the Kryptonian symbol for `` hope '' . In Supergirl ( TV series , 2015 ) Season 1 , episode 2 Kara states that the Kryptonian symbol stands for her family 's motto , `` Stronger together . '' House of El ( edit ) Marv Wolfman 's novelization of the film Superman Returns depicts the symbol as belonging to one of the three primary houses of Krypton that brought peace to the planet after a civil uprising , a serpent coiled inside a shield , a warning not to return to the ways of violence and deception . The shield has since been taken as a coat of arms , resulting in Jor - El 's continued presence in the council despite his `` mad '' findings . The other two are merely described , including Pol - Us ' eye of vigilance and Kol - Ar 's open hand of truth and justice . Cape ( edit ) In almost all versions , Superman 's red cape has an all - yellow version of the logo , with a thin black ( in the comics ) or red ( in movies , matching the red color of the cape ) line separating the areas . A notable exception is in Superman : The Animated Series , where the logo was absent from Superman 's cape . This was due to the difficulty in animating the S on the flowing cape . In the 2006 film Superman Returns , the logo appeared on the belt buckle in reverse colors ( yellow diamond and S with red background pieces ) instead of on Superman 's cape . The logo is also absent from Superman 's cape in the 2013 film Man of Steel . In the 2011 reboot of the comic book series , on his cape is a black pentagon and S with red background pieces . Variants ( edit ) In the 1960s the tiny bottle city of Kandor , the miniaturized capital city of the planet Krypton , resided in Superman 's Fortress of Solitude . Originally , certain inhabitants resembling Kal - El formed the Superman Emergency Squad and would , on occasion , leave the bottle , enter the Earth 's atmosphere and gain super powers in order to aid Superman . As designed by artist Curt Swan , their uniforms were similar to that of Superman save for the ' S ' on their chests which resembled the early version , the ' S ' and border in red on a yellow field , but in an elongated triangle . During the Reign of the Supermen story arc , Each of the four different Supermen was represented by a variant of the symbol , which each wore on their person . The Last Son of Krypton ( The Eradicator ) wore a normal shield when he attempted to continue Superman 's career . Later on , he wore a slightly altered , more curved version with an opening in the border and which was red and black instead of yellow and red . The Man of Tomorrow ( The Cyborg ) 's shield was half - normal on the left side , but the red darkened to an almost black color on the right half . Superboy wore an all - yellow symbol stitched into the back of his leather jacket , in addition to a normal one on his chest . The Man of Steel wore an all - metallic symbol . Black and red The modern Superboy wears a black and red variant of the symbol on his third costume . Lex Luthor hypothesized it is because that version of the symbol was everywhere following the death of Superman and his consequent first appearance . In Kingdom Come , Superman wears a black and red , simplified version following his return . After the Imperiex War , Superman wore the black and red variant to signify his mourning of the losses during the war . The Eradicator , for a time , wore a red and blacked , curvier version of the S - Shield . Bizarro 's symbol is a reversed purple and yellow version . The inverted symbol , first seen in 52 , means `` resurrection '' in Kryptonian . Jor - El sports a white symbol on his black clothing , as well as a black symbol on his white clothing in the 1978 Superman movie . In his modern appearances , Superman of Earth - 2 wears a slightly different version of the symbol . Its most notable difference is an exaggerated serif on the ' S ' . A variation of the symbol , designed as a stubbed red lightning bolt against a black shield has been used in several media , including an Elseworlds where Darkseid raised Kal - El , and was the basis of one of the final season of Superman : The Animated Series , and an episode named Brave New Metropolis from an alternate reality where Superman and Luthor took over Metropolis . A further variation , this time a white symbol against a red background , was used in episodes of Justice League and Justice League Unlimited , including an over the shoulder style cape and black costume . This version was a fascistic Superman and his Justice Lords who assassinated President Lex Luthor and then ruled the world with an iron fist after Luthor arranged the murder of The Flash . The symbol has been adapted to various flags in alternate realities , including the Nazi swastika ( in JL - Axis ) and Soviet Union hammer and sickle ( Superman : Red Son ) . In the movie Justice League : The New Frontier the symbol on his chest has black background pieces , resembling the Golden Age version . Wearers of the shield ( edit ) Main article : Superman dynasty Kryptonian family members of Superman wear the symbol , but sometimes it is worn to honor Superman . After the death of Superman , many DC Comics superheroes wore a black armband with the Superman logo . Superman Kal - El Kal - L ( variant ) Kal Kent ( variant ) Supergirl Kara Zor - El Linda Danvers Matrix Superboy Kal - El ( Superman as a teenager ; pre-1986 ) Conner Kent ( red and black variant ) Superboy - Prime ( carves an S - symbol in blood on his chest ) . Jonathan Samuel Kent ( the new Superboy in DC Rebirth , son of Superman and Lois Lane ) Superwoman Lucy Lane ( white and red variant ) House of El Jor - El ( Superman : Birthright , Superman , Action Comics # 850 , Man of Steel ) Mon - El Zor - El Others Krypto ( shown as tag on his collar ) Bizarro ( reversed ' S ' , sometimes purple and yellow ) The Superman Emergency Squad from Kandor , a red ' S ' in an elongated triangle Hank Henshaw ( red and black variant , like Kon - El . It is sometimes shown as a white and black variant ) Steel ( John Henry Irons ) Natasha Irons Eradicator ( variant ) Strange Visitor ( variant ) Preus Alura ( red and white variant ) Diamond and eight shield ( edit ) In the television series Smallville , an octagonal silver metallic key is used in the Kawatche caves , as well as in a transport device used to travel to the Fortress of Solitude . Along the edges are imprinted Kryptonian characters , one of which is the diamond border of the Superman shield with a figure 8 inside of the diamond instead of the S . The 8 - shield is later described as being from an ancient form of the Kryptonian language , while the modern symbol is the familiar S - shield . The familiar S - shield is seen in season 9 . It is used as Clark Kent 's calling card in his vigilante actions in Metropolis . Clark , known as the Blur , burns the sign using his heat vision in various places throughout the city . In the season 9 episode `` Rabid '' , Clark mentions while talking to Oliver Queen that the mark `` gives people hope . '' References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Emblem History '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 09 - 30 . ^ Jump up to : `` S Photo History '' . . Retrieved 2010 - 09 - 30 . Jump up ^ Teen Titans Annual ( vol. 3 ) # 1 Jump up ^ Loeb , Jeph ( w ) . Superman v2 , 174 ( August 2001 ) , DC Comics Jump up ^ Memorable quotes for `` Smallville '' Rabid ( 2009 ) . Internet Movie Database . Retrieved March 18 , 2011 . External links ( edit ) Superman homepage Superman 's Logo , Shield , Symbol and its History ! Superman Shield Evolution with picture Superman costume for black and white film ( brown , white , light blue ) ( hide ) Superman Jerry Siegel Joe Shuster Other writers and artists Characters List of DC Comics characters named Superman List of Superman supporting characters List of Superman enemies Locations Metropolis Ace o ' Clubs Daily Planet Daily Star Galaxy Communications LexCorp Project Cadmus Suicide Slum List of areas , landmarks , institutions and businesses Krypton Argo City Kandor Kryptonopolis Vathlo Island Apokolips Bizarro World Colu Daxam Fortress of Solitude Phantom Zone S.T.A.R. Labs Smallville Stryker 's Island Warworld Objects and material Kryptonite Supermobile History and themes Character and cast Dynasty Kryptonian Origin Powers and abilities Publication history Action Comics # 1 Action Comics # 1000 Superman and Lois Lane Symbol Ongoing publications Action Comics Batman / Superman Superboy Supergirl Superman Superman / Wonder Woman In other media In film Miscellaneous Alternative versions of Superman Superman ( gene ) Joanne Siegel Retrieved from `` '' Categories : DC Comics objects Superman Logos Symbols introduced in 1938 Hidden categories : Comics infobox image less alt text Prop pop Pages using div col without cols and colwidth parameters Talk Variants Contents About Wikipedia Italiano Português Edit links This page was last edited on 30 May 2018 , at 02 : 09 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | where does the s from superman come from | [
"In modern-day Superman stories published by DC, the symbol is typically explained as being Superman's family crest from his home planet Krypton, known as the insignia of the House of El; the \"El\" in Kryptonian language translates as \"hope\", with its resemblance to Latin script letter S being merely a coincidence.",
"In modern-day Superman stories published by DC, the symbol is typically explained as being Superman's family crest from his home planet Krypton, known as the insignia of the House of El; the \"El\" in Kryptonian language translates as \"hope\", with its resemblance to Latin script letter S being merely a coincidence."
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"Superman's family crest",
"the insignia of the House of El"
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7827642277214072876 | Straw man | Straw man - wikipedia Straw man Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the logical fallacy . For other uses , see Straw man ( disambiguation ) . `` Man of straw '' redirects here . For the novel by Heinrich Mann , see Der Untertan . A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent 's argument , while refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent . One who engages in this fallacy is said to be `` attacking a straw man '' . The typical straw man argument creates the illusion of having completely refuted or defeated an opponent 's proposition through the covert replacement of it with a different proposition ( i.e. , `` stand up a straw man '' ) and the subsequent refutation of that false argument ( `` knock down a straw man '' ) instead of the opponent 's proposition . This technique has been used throughout history in polemical debate , particularly in arguments about highly charged emotional issues where a fiery `` battle '' and the defeat of an `` enemy '' may be more valued than critical thinking or an understanding of both sides of the issue . Allegedly , straw man tactics were once known in some parts of the United Kingdom as an Aunt Sally , after a pub game of the same name where patrons threw sticks or battens at a post to knock off a skittle balanced on top . Contents ( hide ) 1 Origin 2 Structure 3 Examples 4 Contemporary work 5 Steelmanning 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Origin ( edit ) U.S. President William McKinley has shot a cannon ( labeled McKinley 's Letter ) which has involved a `` straw man '' and its constructors ( Carl Schurz , Oswald Garrison Villard , Richard Olney ) in a great explosion . Caption : S M A S H E D ! , Harper 's Weekly , September 22 , 1900 As a fallacy , the identification and name of straw man arguments are of relatively recent date , although Aristotle makes remarks that suggest a similar concern ; Douglas Walton identified `` the first inclusion of it we can find in a textbook as an informal fallacy '' in Stuart Chase 's Guides to Straight Thinking from 1956 ( p. 40 ) . However , Hamblin 's classic text Fallacies ( 1970 ) neither mentions it as a distinct type , nor even as a historical term . The term 's origins are unclear . The usage of the term in rhetoric suggests a human figure made of straw that is easy to knock down or destroy -- such as a military training dummy , scarecrow , or effigy . A common folk etymology is that it refers to men who stood outside courthouses with a straw in their shoe to signal their willingness to be a false witness . Structure ( edit ) The straw man fallacy occurs in the following pattern of argument : Person 1 asserts proposition X . Person 2 argues against a superficially similar proposition Y , falsely , as if an argument against Y were an argument against X . This reasoning is a fallacy of relevance : it fails to address the proposition in question by misrepresenting the opposing position . For example : Quoting an opponent 's words out of context -- i.e. , choosing quotations that misrepresent the opponent 's intentions ( see fallacy of quoting out of context ) . Presenting someone who defends a position poorly as the defender , then denying that person 's arguments -- thus giving the appearance that every upholder of that position ( and thus the position itself ) has been defeated Oversimplifying an opponent 's argument , then attacking this oversimplified version Examples ( edit ) Straw man arguments often arise in public debates such as a ( hypothetical ) prohibition debate : A : We should relax the laws on beer . B : No , any society with unrestricted access to intoxicants loses its work ethic and goes only for immediate gratification . The original proposal was to relax laws on beer . Person B has misconstrued / misrepresented this proposal by responding to it as if it had been something like `` ( we should have ... ) unrestricted access to intoxicants '' . It is a logical fallacy because Person A never advocated allowing said unrestricted access to intoxicants . In a 1977 appeal of a U.S. bank robbery conviction , a prosecuting attorney said in his closing argument : I submit to you that if you ca n't take this evidence and find these defendants guilty on this evidence then we might as well open all the banks and say , `` Come on and get the money , boys , '' because we 'll never be able to convict them . This was a straw man designed to alarm the appeal judges ; the chance that the precedent set by one case would literally make it impossible to convict any bank robbers is remote . An example often given of a straw man is US President Richard Nixon 's 1952 `` Checkers speech '' . When campaigning for vice president in 1952 , Nixon was accused of having illegally appropriated $18,000 in campaign funds for his personal use . In a televised response , he spoke about another gift , a dog he had been given by a supporter : It was a little cocker spaniel dog , in a crate he had sent all the way from Texas , black and white , spotted , and our little girl Tricia , six years old , named it Checkers . And , you know , the kids , like all kids , loved the dog , and I just want to say this right now , that , regardless of what they say about it , we are going to keep it . This was a straw man response ; his critics had never criticized the dog as a gift or suggested he return it . This argument was successful at distracting many people from the funds , and portraying his critics as nitpicking and heartless . Nixon received an outpouring of public support and remained on the ticket . He and Eisenhower were elected by a landslide . Christopher Tindale presents , as an example , the following passage from a draft of a bill ( HCR 74 ) considered by the Louisiana State Legislature in 2001 : Whereas , the writings of Charles Darwin , the father of evolution , promoted the justification of racism , and his books On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man postulate a hierarchy of superior and inferior races ... Therefore , be it resolved that the legislature of Louisiana does hereby deplore all instances and all ideologies of racism , does hereby reject the core concepts of Darwinist ideology that certain races and classes of humans are inherently superior to others , and does hereby condemn the extent to which these philosophies have been used to justify and approve racist practices . Tindale comments that `` the portrait painted of Darwinian ideology is a caricature , one not borne out by any objective survey of the works cited . '' That similar misrepresentations of Darwinian thinking have been used to justify and approve racist practices is beside the point : the position that the legislation is attacking and dismissing is a Straw Man . In subsequent debate this error was recognized , and the eventual bill omitted all mention of Darwin and Darwinist ideology . Darwin himself passionately opposed slavery and worked to intellectually confront the notions of `` scientific racism '' that were used to justify it . Contemporary work ( edit ) In 2006 , Robert Talisse and Scott Aikin expanded the application and use of the straw man fallacy beyond that of previous rhetorical scholars , arguing that the straw man fallacy can take two forms : the original form that misrepresents the opponent 's position , which they call the representative form ; and a new form they call the selection form . The selection form focuses on a partial and weaker ( and easier to refute ) representation of the opponent 's position . Then the easier refutation of this weaker position is claimed to refute the opponent 's complete position . They point out the similarity of the selection form to the fallacy of hasty generalization , in which the refutation of an opposing position that is weaker than the opponent 's is claimed as a refutation of all opposing arguments . Because they have found significantly increased use of the selection form in modern political argumentation , they view its identification as an important new tool for the improvement of public discourse . Aikin and Casey expanded on this model in 2010 , introducing a third form . Referring to the `` representative form '' as the classic straw man , and the `` selection form '' as the weak man , a third form is called the hollow man . A hollow man argument is one that is a complete fabrication , where both the viewpoint and the opponent expressing it do not in fact exist , or at the very least the arguer has never encountered them . Such arguments frequently take the form of vague phrasing such as `` some say , '' `` someone out there thinks '' or similar weasel words , or it might attribute a non-existent argument to a broad movement in general , rather than an individual or organization . A variation on the selection form , or `` weak man '' argument , that combines with an ad hominem is nut picking , a neologism coined by Kevin Drum . A combination of `` nut '' ( i.e. , insane person ) and `` cherry picking '' , nut picking refers to intentionally seeking out extremely fringe , non-representative statements and / or individuals from members of an opposing group and parading these as evidence of that entire group 's incompetence or irrationality . Steelmanning ( edit ) The steel man argument ( or steelmanning ) is the opposite of the straw man argument . The idea is to find the best form of the opponent 's argument to test opposing opinions . You know when someone makes an argument , and you know you can get away with making it seem like they made a much worse one , so you attack the argument for points ? That 's strawmanning . Lots of us have done it , even though we should n't . But what if we went one step beyond just not doing that ? What if we went one better ? Then we would be steelmanning , the art of addressing the best form of the other person 's argument , even if it 's not the one they presented . See also ( edit ) Logic portal Philosophy portal Aunt Sally Ad hominem Devil 's advocate Cherry picking ( fallacy ) Cognitive bias Concern troll Cratylism Fallacy of quoting out of context List of fallacies Media manipulation Per fas et nefas Pooh - pooh Red herring Tilting at windmills References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Downes , Stephen . `` The Logical Fallacies '' . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 25 . ^ Jump up to : Pirie , Madsen ( 2007 ) . How to Win Every Argument : The Use and Abuse of Logic . UK : Continuum International Publishing Group . pp. 155 -- 157 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8264 - 9894 - 6 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Straw Man Fallacy '' . . Retrieved 12 October 2007 . Jump up ^ Dennis V. Lindley ( 2006 ) . Understanding Uncertainty . John Wiley & Sons . p. 80 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 470 - 04383 - 7 . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 25 . Jump up ^ A. W. Sparkes ( 1991 ) . Talking Philosophy : A Wordbook . Routledge . p. 104 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 415 - 04223 - 9 . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 25 . ^ Jump up to : Douglas Walton , `` The straw man fallacy '' . In Logic and Argumentation , ed . Johan van Bentham , Frans H. van Eemeren , Rob Grootendorst and Frank Veltman . Amsterdam , Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences , North - Holland , 1996 . pp. 115 - 128 ^ Jump up to : Christopher W. Tindale ( 2007 ) . Fallacies and Argument Appraisal . Cambridge University Press . pp. 19 -- 28 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 521 - 84208 - 2 . Jump up ^ Damer , T. Edward ( 1995 ) . Attacking Faulty Reasoning : A Practical Guide to Fallacy - Free Arguments . Wadsworth . pp. 157 -- 159 . Jump up ^ Brewer , E. Cobham ( 1898 ) . `` Man of Straw ( A ) . '' . Dictionary of Phrase and Fable . Retrieved 13 May 2009 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ Bosanac , Paul ( 2009 ) . Litigation Logic : A Practical Guide to Effective Argument . American Bar Association . p. 393 . ISBN 1616327103 . ^ Jump up to : Waicukauski , Ronald J. ; Paul Mark Sandler ; JoAnne A. Epps ( 2001 ) . The Winning Argument . American Bar Association . pp. 60 -- 61 . ISBN 1570739382 . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 25 . ^ Jump up to : Rottenberg , Annette T. ; Donna Haisty Winchell ( 2011 ) . The Structure of Argument . MacMillan . pp. 315 -- 316 . ISBN 0312650698 . Retrieved 2016 - 02 - 25 . Jump up ^ Adrian Desmond and James Moore ( 2009 ) ' Darwin 's Sacred Cause : How a Hatred of Slavery Shaped Darwin 's Views on Human Evolution ' Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Jump up ^ Talisse , Robert ; Aikin , Scott ( September 2006 ) . `` Two Forms of the Straw Man '' . Argumentation . Kluwer Academic Publishers . 20 ( 3 ) : 345 -- 352 . ISSN 1572 - 8374 . doi : 10.1007 / s10503 - 006 - 9017 - 8 . ^ Jump up to : Aikin , Scott ; Casey , John ( March 2011 ) . `` Straw Men , Weak Men , and Hollow Men '' . Argumentation . Springer Netherlands . 25 ( 1 ) : 87 -- 105 . ISSN 1572 - 8374 . doi : 10.1007 / s10503 - 010 - 9199 - y . Jump up ^ Douglas Walton ( 26 August 2013 ) . Methods of Argumentation . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 1 - 107 - 43519 - 3 . Jump up ^ Kevin Drum ( August 11 , 2006 ) . `` Nutpicking '' . The Washington Monthly . Jump up ^ Friedersdorf , Conor ( 26 June 2017 ) . `` The Highest Form of Disagreement '' . The Atlantic . Jump up ^ Messinger , Chana ( 7 December 2012 ) . `` Knocking Down a Steel Man : How to Argue Better '' . The Merely Real ( blog ) . External links ( edit ) Straw Man Arguments : How to Recognize , How to Counter , and When to Use Them Yourself : a discussion of straw man arguments and their usage in debates . The Straw Man Fallacy at the Fallacy Files Straw Man , more examples of straw man arguments ( hide ) Fallacies of relevance Ad nauseam Argument from repetition Argumentum ad ignorantiam Argument from ignorance Appeal to the stone / Proof by assertion Ignoratio elenchi Irrelevant conclusion Argument from silence Invincible ignorance Moralistic / Naturalistic Non sequitur Rationalization Red herring Appeal to worse problems Two wrongs make a right Special pleading Straw man Cliché I 'm entitled to my opinion Appeals to emotion Fear Flattery Novelty Pity Ridicule Think of the children In - group favoritism Invented here / Not invented here Island mentality Parade of horribles Wisdom of repugnance Spite Genetic fallacies Ad hominem Abusive Association reductio ad Hitlerum Godwin 's law reductio ad Stalinum Circumstantial Appeal to motive Bulverism Poisoning the well Tone Tu quoque Authority Accomplishment Ipse dixit Poverty / Wealth Etymology Nature Tradition / Novelty Chronological snobbery Appeals to consequences Argumentum ad baculum Appeal to force Wishful thinking Other appeals Argument to moderation Popularity List of fallacies Other types of fallacy Philosophy portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Relevance fallacies Logical fallacies Political metaphors referring to people Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list Talk Contents About Wikipedia Afrikaans Català Deutsch Español Esperanto فارسی Français 한국어 Hrvatski Italiano עברית Lietuvių Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska ไทย Українська 文言 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 25 September 2017 , at 18 : 37 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | what is the definition of a straw man argument | [
"A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.[1] One who engages in this fallacy is said to be \"attacking a straw man\"."
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"an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent"
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-5794588387291639482 | Wernicke's area | Wernicke 's area - wikipedia Wernicke 's area Jump to : navigation , search Wernicke 's area Approximate location of Wernicke 's area highlighted in grey Identifiers MeSH D065813 NeuroNames 1233 NeuroLex ID nlx_144087 FMA 242178 Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy ( edit on Wikidata ) Wernicke 's area ( / ˈvɛərnɪkə / or / ˈvɛərnɪki / ; German : ( ˈvɛʁnɪkə ) ) , also called Wernicke 's speech area , is one of the two parts of the cerebral cortex that are linked to speech ( the other is Broca 's area ) . It is involved in the comprehension or understanding of written and spoken language ( in contrast to Broca 's area that is involved in the production of language ) . It is traditionally thought to be in Brodmann area 22 , which is located in the superior temporal lobe in the dominant cerebral hemisphere ( which is the left hemisphere in about 95 % of right handed individuals and 60 % of left handed individuals ) . Damage caused to Wernicke 's area results in receptive , fluent aphasia . This means that the person with aphasia will be able to fluently connect words , but the phrases will lack meaning . This is unlike non-fluent aphasia , in which the person will use meaningful words , but in a non-fluent , telegraphic manner . Contents ( hide ) 1 Structure 2 Function 2.1 Right homologous area 2.2 Modern views 3 Clinical significance 3.1 Aphasia 4 References Structure ( edit ) Wernicke 's area is classically located in the posterior section of the superior temporal gyrus ( STG ) in the ( most commonly ) left cerebral hemisphere . This area encircles the auditory cortex on the lateral sulcus ( the part of the brain where the temporal lobe and parietal lobe meet ) . This area is neuroanatomically described as the posterior part of Brodmann area 22 . However , there is an absence of consistent definitions as to the location . Some identify it with the unimodal auditory association in the superior temporal gyrus anterior to the primary auditory cortex ( the anterior part of BA 22 ) . This is the site most consistently implicated in auditory word recognition by functional brain imaging experiments . Others include also adjacent parts of the heteromodal cortex in BA 39 and BA40 in the parietal lobe . While previously thought to connect Wernicke 's area and Broca 's area , new research demonstrates that the arcuate fasciculus instead connects to posterior receptive areas with premotor / motor areas , and not to Broca 's area . Consistent with the word recognition site identified in brain imaging , the uncinate fasciculus connects anterior superior temporal regions with Broca 's area . Function ( edit ) Right homologous area ( edit ) Research using Transcranial magnetic stimulation suggests that the area corresponding to the Wernicke 's area in the non-dominant cerebral hemisphere has a role in processing and resolution of subordinate meanings of ambiguous words -- such as ' ' river ' ' when given the ambiguous word `` bank . '' In contrast , the Wernicke 's area in the dominant hemisphere processes dominant word meanings ( ' ' teller ' ' given ' ' bank ' ' ) . Modern views ( edit ) Neuroimaging suggests the functions earlier attributed to Wernicke 's area occur more broadly in the temporal lobe and indeed happen also in Broca 's area . `` There are some suggestions that middle and inferior temporal gyri and basal temporal cortex reflect lexical processing ... there is consensus that the STG from rostral to caudal fields and the STS constitute the neural tissue in which many of the critical computations for speech recognition are executed ... aspects of Broca 's area ( Brodmann areas 44 and 45 ) are also regularly implicated in speech processing . ... the range of areas implicated in speech processing go well beyond the classical language areas typically mentioned for speech ; the vast majority of textbooks still state that this aspect of perception and language processing occurs in Wernicke 's area ( the posterior third of the STG ) . '' Support for a broad range of speech processing areas was furthered by a recent study done at University of Rochester in which American Sign Language native speakers were subject to MRIs while interpreting sentences that identified a relationship using either syntax ( relationship is determined by the word order ) or inflection ( relationship is determined by physical motion of `` moving hands through space or signing on one side of the body '' ) . Distinct areas of the brain were activated with the frontal cortex ( associated with ability to put information into sequences ) being more active in the syntax condition and the temporal lobes ( associated with dividing information into its constituent parts ) being more active in the inflection condition . However , these areas are not mutually exclusive and show a large amount of overlap . These findings imply that while speech processing is a very complex process , the brain may be using fairly basic , preexisting computational methods . Clinical significance ( edit ) Human brain with Wernicke 's area highlighted in red Aphasia ( edit ) Wernicke 's area is named after Carl Wernicke , a German neurologist and psychiatrist who , in 1874 , hypothesized a link between the left posterior section of the superior temporal gyrus and the reflexive mimicking of words and their syllables that associated the sensory and motor images of spoken words . He did this on the basis of the location of brain injuries that caused aphasia . Receptive aphasia in which such abilities are preserved is also known as Wernicke 's aphasia . In this condition there is a major impairment of language comprehension , while speech retains a natural - sounding rhythm and a relatively normal syntax . Language as a result is largely meaningless ( a condition sometimes called fluent or jargon aphasia ) . While neuroimaging and lesion evidence generally support the idea that malfunction of or damage to Wernicke 's area is common in people with receptive aphasia , this is not always so . Some people may use the right hemisphere for language , and isolated damage of Wernicke 's area cortex ( sparing white matter and other areas ) may not cause severe receptive aphasia . Even when patients with Wernicke 's area lesions have comprehension deficits , these are usually not restricted to language processing alone . For example , one study found that patients with posterior lesions also had trouble understanding nonverbal sounds like animal and machine noises . In fact , for Wernicke 's area , the impairments in nonverbal sounds were statistically stronger than for verbal sounds . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Aphasia : Signs & Symptoms '' . American Speech - Language - Hearing Association . Jump up ^ Kennison , Shelia ( 2013 ) . Introduction to language development . Los Angeles : Sage . ^ Jump up to : Bogen JE , Bogen GM ( 1976 ) . `` Wernicke 's region -- Where is it ? '' . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences . 280 : 834 -- 43 . Bibcode : 1976NYASA. 280 ... 834B . doi : 10.1111 / j. 1749 - 6632.1976. tb25546. x . PMID 1070943 . Jump up ^ Nakai , Y ; Jeong , JW ; Brown , EC ; Rothermel , R ; Kojima , K ; Kambara , T ; Shah , A ; Mittal , S ; Sood , S ; Asano , E ( 2017 ) . `` Three - and four - dimensional mapping of speech and language in patients with epilepsy '' . Brain . 140 : 1351 -- 1370 . doi : 10.1093 / brain / awx051 . PMID 28334963 . Jump up ^ Démonet JF , Chollet F , Ramsay S , Cardebat D , Nespoulous JL , Wise R , Rascol A , Frackowiak R ( December 1992 ) . `` The anatomy of phonological and semantic processing in normal subjects '' . Brain . 115 ( Pt 6 ) : 1753 -- 68 . doi : 10.1093 / brain / 115.6. 1753 . PMID 1486459 . Jump up ^ DeWitt I , Rauschecker JP ( 2012 ) . `` Phoneme and word recognition in the auditory ventral stream '' . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . 109 ( 8 ) : E505 -- E514 . Bibcode : 2012PNAS ... 109E. 505D . doi : 10.1073 / pnas. 1113427109 . PMC 3286918 . PMID 22308358 . Jump up ^ DeWitt I , Rauschecker JP ( 2013 ) . `` Wernicke 's area revisited : parallel streams and word processing '' . Brain Lang . 127 ( 2 ) : 181 -- 91 . doi : 10.1016 / j. bandl. 2013.09. 014 . PMC 4098851 . PMID 24404576 . Jump up ^ Mesulam MM ( June 1998 ) . `` From sensation to cognition '' . Brain . 121 ( Pt 6 ) : 1013 -- 52 . doi : 10.1093 / brain / 121.6. 1013 . PMID 9648540 . Jump up ^ Bernal B , Ardila A ( September 2009 ) . `` The role of the arcuate fasciculus in conduction aphasia '' . Brain . 132 ( Pt 9 ) : 2309 -- 16 . doi : 10.1093 / brain / awp206 . PMID 19690094 . Jump up ^ Saur D , Kreher BW , Schnell S , Kümmerer D , Kellmeyer P , Vry MS , Umarova R , Musso M , Glauche V , Abel S , Huber W , Rijntjes M , Hennig J , Weiller C ( November 2008 ) . `` Ventral and dorsal pathways for language '' . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . 105 ( 46 ) : 18035 -- 18040 . Bibcode : 2008PNAS ... 10518035S . doi : 10.1073 / pnas. 0805234105 . PMC 2584675 . PMID 19004769 . Jump up ^ Harpaz Y , Levkovitz Y , Lavidor M ( October 2009 ) . `` Lexical ambiguity resolution in Wernicke 's area and its right homologue '' . Cortex. 45 ( 9 ) : 1097 -- 103 . doi : 10.1016 / j. cortex. 2009.01. 002 . PMID 19251255 . Jump up ^ Poeppel D , Idsardi WJ , van Wassenhove V ( March 2008 ) . `` Speech perception at the interface of neurobiology and linguistics '' . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 363 ( 1493 ) : 1071 -- 86 . doi : 10.1098 / rstb. 2007.2160 . PMC 2606797 . PMID 17890189 . Jump up ^ Newman AJ , Supalla T , Hauser P , Newport EL , Bavelier D ( 2010 ) . `` Dissociating neural subsystems for grammar by contrasting word order and inflection '' . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . 107 ( 16 ) : 7539 -- 44 . Bibcode : 2010PNAS ... 107.7539 N . doi : 10.1073 / pnas. 1003174107 . PMC 2867749 . PMID 20368422 . Jump up ^ Wernicke K. ( 1995 ) . `` The aphasia symptom - complex : A psychological study on an anatomical basis ( 1875 ) '' . In Paul Eling . Reader in the History of Aphasia : From sasi ( Franz Gall to ) . 4 . Amsterdam : John Benjamins Pub Co. pp. 69 -- 89 . ISBN 90 - 272 - 1893 - 5 . Jump up ^ Dronkers NF. ; Redfern B B. ; Knight R T. ( 2000 ) . `` The neural architecture of language disorders '' . In Bizzi , Emilio ; Gazzaniga , Michael S . The New cognitive neurosciences ( 2nd ed . ) . Cambridge , Massachusetts : MIT Press . pp. 949 -- 58 . ISBN 0 - 262 - 07195 - 9 . Jump up ^ Saygin AP , Dick F , Wilson SM , Dronkers NF , Bates E ( 2003 ) . `` Neural resources for processing language and environmental sounds : evidence from aphasia '' . Brain . 126 ( Pt 4 ) : 928 -- 45 . doi : 10.1093 / brain / awg082 . PMID 12615649 . Wikimedia Commons has media related to Wernicke 's area . ( hide ) Anatomy of the cerebral cortex of the human brain Frontal lobe Superolateral Prefrontal Superior frontal gyrus 6 8 Middle frontal gyrus 9 10 46 Inferior frontal gyrus : 11 47 - Pars orbitalis Broca 's area 44 - Pars opercularis 45 - Pars triangularis Superior frontal sulcus Inferior frontal sulcus Precentral Precentral gyrus Precentral sulcus Medial / inferior Prefrontal Superior frontal gyrus 6 Medial frontal gyrus 8 9 Paraterminal gyrus / Paraolfactory area 12 Straight gyrus 11 Orbital gyri / Orbitofrontal cortex 10 11 12 Ventromedial prefrontal cortex 10 Subcallosal area 25 Olfactory sulcus Orbital sulcus Precentral Paracentral lobule Paracentral sulcus Both Primary motor cortex Premotor cortex 6 Supplementary motor area 6 Supplementary eye field 6 Frontal eye fields 8 Parietal lobe Superolateral Superior parietal lobule 5 7 Inferior parietal lobule 40 - Supramarginal gyrus 39 - Angular gyrus Parietal operculum 43 Intraparietal sulcus Medial / inferior Paracentral lobule 5 Precuneus 7 Marginal sulcus Both Postcentral gyrus / Primary somatosensory cortex Secondary somatosensory cortex 5 Posterior parietal cortex 7 Occipital lobe Superolateral Occipital pole of cerebrum Lateral occipital gyrus 18 19 Lunate sulcus Transverse occipital sulcus Medial / inferior Visual cortex 17 Cuneus Lingual gyrus Calcarine sulcus Temporal lobe Superolateral Transverse temporal gyrus / Auditory cortex 41 42 Superior temporal gyrus 38 22 / Wernicke 's area Middle temporal gyrus 21 Superior temporal sulcus Medial / inferior Fusiform gyrus 37 Medial temporal lobe 27 28 34 35 36 Inferior temporal gyrus 20 Inferior temporal sulcus Interlobar sulci / fissures Superolateral Central ( frontal + parietal ) Lateral ( frontal + parietal + temporal ) Parieto - occipital Preoccipital notch Medial / inferior Longitudinal fissure Cingulate ( frontal + cingulate ) Collateral ( temporal + occipital ) Callosal sulcus Limbic lobe Parahippocampal gyrus anterior Entorhinal cortex Perirhinal cortex Postrhinal cortex Posterior parahippocampal gyrus Prepyriform area Cingulate cortex / gyrus Subgenual area 25 Anterior cingulate 24 32 33 Posterior cingulate 23 31 Isthmus of cingulate gyrus : Retrosplenial cortex 26 29 30 Hippocampal formation Hippocampal sulcus Fimbria of hippocampus Dentate gyrus Rhinal sulcus Other Supracallosal gyrus Uncus Amygdala Insular cortex Insular cortex General Operculum Poles of cerebral hemispheres Some categorizations are approximations , and some Brodmann areas span gyri . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Neurolinguistics Temporal lobe Cerebral cortex Hidden categories : Pages with unresolved properties Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά Español فارسی Français 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Lietuvių Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Suomi Svenska ไทย Українська West - Vlams 中文 19 more Edit links This page was last edited on 13 May 2018 , at 07 : 37 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | wernicke’s area in the cerebrum is associated with | [
"Wernicke's area (/ˈvɛərnɪkə/ or /ˈvɛərnɪki/; German: [ˈvɛʁnɪkə]), also called Wernicke's speech area, is one of the two parts of the cerebral cortex that are linked to speech (the other is Broca's area). It is involved in the comprehension or understanding of written and spoken language (in contrast to Broca's area that is involved in the production of language). It is traditionally thought to be in Brodmann area 22, which is located in the superior temporal lobe in the dominant cerebral hemisphere (which is the left hemisphere in about 95% of right handed individuals and 60% of left handed individuals). Damage caused to Wernicke's area results in receptive, fluent aphasia. This means that the person with aphasia will be able to fluently connect words, but the phrases will lack meaning. This is unlike non-fluent aphasia, in which the person will use meaningful words, but in a non-fluent, telegraphic manner.[1]"
] | [
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-9084278496114228732 | NFL regular season | NFL regular season - wikipedia NFL regular season Jump to : navigation , search The National Football League ( NFL ) regular season begins the weekend after Labor Day in early September and ends in December or early January . It consists of 256 games , where each team ( 32 total ) plays 16 games during a 17 - week period . Since 2012 , the NFL schedule generally has games in one of five time slots during the week . A game played on Thursday night , kicking off at 8 : 25 PM ( ET ) . The majority of games are played on Sunday , most kicking off at 1 : 00 PM ( ET ) , some late afternoon games starting at 4 : 05 or 4 : 25 PM ( ET ) . Additionally , one Sunday night game is played every week at 8 : 30 PM ( ET ) . One Monday night game then starts at 8 : 30 PM ( ET ) every week with the exception of the first week of the regular season , in which two Monday night games are played back - to - back ( the second game always occurring on the West coast ) , as well as the last week of the season , in which no Monday night game is held . In addition to these regularly scheduled games , there are occasionally games at other times , such as a Saturday afternoon or evening , or the annual Thanksgiving Day games in which three games are played . During the final week of the regular season , all games are held on Sunday . In place since 2006 , the current broadcasting contract establishes broadcast partners for each game . The Sunday afternoon games are broadcast either on CBS or Fox . CBS has the broadcast rights for teams in the American Football Conference while Fox has the rights for teams in the National Football Conference . In games where teams from both conferences play each other , the network with the broadcast rights for the `` away '' team will broadcast the game . In each local television market , three Sunday afternoon games are played . One of the two networks gets a doubleheader , while the other network has the right to broadcast a single game ; the networks alternate weeks when each has the right to the doubleheader . Doubleheader games are broadcast at 1 : 00 ( ET ) and 4 : 25 PM ( ET ) . The network with the single game will have an official kick - off time at either 1 : 00 PM ( ET ) or 4 : 05 PM ( ET ) . In addition to the regular Sunday afternoon games , there are three prime time games each week . The Thursday night game is broadcast by the NFL Network ( with , starting in 2016 , five of those Thursday games also being simulcast by CBS and another five on NBC ) . The Sunday night game is broadcast by NBC , while the Monday night game is broadcast by ESPN . The NFL uses a strict scheduling algorithm to determine which teams play each other from year to year , based on the current division alignments and the final division standings from the previous season . The current formula has been in place since 2002 , the last year that the NFL expanded its membership . Generally , each team plays the other three teams in its own division twice , all four teams from a single division in the AFC once , all four teams from a single division in the NFC once , and two additional intraconference games based on the standings from the previous season . Contents ( hide ) 1 Game times 2 History 3 Scheduling formula 3.1 Current formula 3.2 Past formulas 3.2. 1 1995 -- 1998 NFL scheduling formula 3.2. 2 1978 -- 1994 NFL scheduling formula 3.2. 3 Regular season expansion proposals 4 Scheduled division matchups 5 Regular season games played outside of the U.S. 6 Disruptions of the schedule 6.1 Conflicts with other sports leagues and organizations 6.2 Labor disputes 6.3 Natural disasters 6.4 Other major news events 7 See also 8 References Game times ( edit ) Main article : NFL on television Since 1990 , the majority of NFL regular - season games are played on Sundays at 1 pm , or around 4 : 00 to 4 : 25pm ET ( see below ) , with the late afternoon ( ET ) games usually reserved either for matches hosted in the Pacific Time Zone or Mountain Time Zone , or for one or more marquee contests . The current NFL television contract awards the American broadcast of these games to Fox or CBS , with Fox showing games where the visiting team is from the NFC and CBS showing games where the visiting team is from the AFC . Each of these Sunday afternoon games is televised on a regional basis to a few or several areas around the country . On each Sunday of the regular season , either CBS or Fox air two games in a doubleheader package , while the other network may show only one game . Late games scheduled to air on the network showing only one game are scheduled to start at 4 : 00pm EST , while the second game of a doubleheader will kick off later at 4 : 25pm ; this is to avoid conflicts with 1 : 00pm games that have run late . The schedule allows for 4 other regular time slots , in which these games are broadcast nationally across the country : One Sunday night game , which has been regularly scheduled since 1987 , and has aired on NBC since 2006 . One Monday Night Football game , which has been regularly scheduled since 1970 , and has been appearing on ESPN since 2006 . Also since 2006 , two games have been on the first Monday of the season . The practice of holding a Monday night game during the last week of the season ended after the 2002 season due to , among other reasons , low ratings , and a competitive imbalance involved for potential playoff teams who would have one less day of rest before the postseason . On Thursday nights since 2006 , one game has been played and aired on the NFL Network on the weeks including and after Thanksgiving Day . In addition , during the day on Thanksgiving , the NFL has played Thanksgiving Day games since 1920 ; by tradition the Dallas Cowboys and the Detroit Lions always host these afternoon games . Beginning with the 2012 season , the NFL has played games on Thursday nights for the whole season . Should there be a need for it , an occasional Saturday afternoon or night game , only in mid to late December , due to the Sports Broadcasting Act of 1961 . December Saturday games have been a part of the schedule every season since 1970 , except for 2013 . Since the 2006 season , the NFL has used a `` flexible scheduling '' system for the last seven weeks of the regular season when there is a Sunday night game . In 2014 , that was expanded to include weeks 5 -- 17 . Flex scheduling ensures quality matchups on Sunday nights and it allows for surprise teams to play in primetime . History ( edit ) Number of regular season games per team 1935 -- 1936 12 games 1937 -- 1942 , 1946 11 games ( 12 weeks ) 1943 -- 1945 10 games ( 12 weeks ) 1947 -- 1960 12 games ( variable weeks ) 1961 -- 1965 , 1967 - 1977 14 games ( 14 weeks ) 1966 14 games ( 15 weeks , odd number of teams ) 1978 -- 1981 , 1983 -- 1986 , 1988 -- 1989 16 games ( 16 weeks ) 1982 9 games ( 17 weeks , strike ) 15 games ( 16 weeks , strike ) 1990 -- 1992 , 1994 -- 2000 , 2002 -- present 16 games ( 17 weeks ) 1993 16 games ( 18 weeks , additional bye week ) 2001 16 games ( 18 weeks , September 11 attacks ) In its early years after 1920 , the NFL did not have a set schedule , and teams played as few as eight and as many as sixteen games , many against independent professional , college , or amateur teams . From 1926 through 1946 , they played from eleven to fourteen games per season , depending on the number of teams in the league . From 1947 through 1960 , each NFL team played 12 games per season . The American Football League began play in 1960 and introduced a balanced schedule of 14 games per team over a fifteen - week season , in which each of the eight teams played each of the other teams twice , with one bye week . Competition from the new league caused the NFL to expand and follow suit with a fourteen - game schedule in 1961 . Also in 1961 , the U.S. Congress passed the Sports Broadcasting Act in response to a court decision which ruled that the NFL 's method of negotiating television broadcasting rights violated antitrust laws . The law allows the league to sell the rights to all regular season and postseason games to the networks , but prohibits the league from directly competing with high school and college football games . Since high school and college teams typically play games on Friday and Saturday , respectively , the NFL can not hold games on those days until those seasons generally end in mid-December . From 1961 through 1977 , the NFL schedule consisted of fourteen regular season games played over fourteen weeks , except in 1966 . Opening weekend typically was the weekend after Labor Day , or rarely two weekends after Labor Day . Teams played six or seven exhibition games . In 1966 ( and 1960 ) , the NFL had an odd number of franchises , so one team was idle each week . In 1978 , the league changed the schedule to include sixteen regular season games and four exhibition games . From 1978 through 1989 , the sixteen games were played over sixteen weeks . In 1990 , the NFL re-introduced a bye week to the schedule , which it had not had since 1966 . Each team played sixteen regular season games over seventeen weeks . During the season , on a rotating basis , each team would have the weekend off . As a result , opening weekend was moved up to Labor Day weekend . The league had an odd number of teams ( 31 ) from 1999 to 2001 . During that period , at least one team had to be given a bye on any given week . For the 1993 season , the league experimented with the schedule by adding a second bye week for each team , resulting in a 18 - week regular season . In 2001 , the September 11th attacks resulted in the league postponing its week 2 games , leading to another 18 - week season . Since the 2002 season , the league has scheduled a nationally televised regular season kickoff game on the Thursday night after Labor Day , prior to the first Sunday of NFL games to kick off the season . The first one , featuring the San Francisco 49ers and the New York Giants , was held on September 5 , 2002 largely to celebrate New York City 's resilience in the wake of the September 11 , 2001 attacks . Since 2004 , the NFL has indicated that the opening game will normally be hosted by the defending Super Bowl champions as the official start of their title defense . Under this scheduling system , the earliest the regular season could begin is September 4 , as it was in the 2008 and 2014 seasons , due to September 1 falling on a Monday , while the latest possible is September 10 , as it was in the 2009 and 2015 seasons , due to September 1 falling on a Tuesday . Scheduling formula ( edit ) Current formula ( edit ) POS AFC East AFC North AFC South AFC West 1st Patriots Steelers Texans Chiefs 2nd Dolphins Ravens Titans Raiders 3rd Bills Bengals Colts Broncos 4th Jets Browns Jaguars Chargers POS NFC East NFC North NFC South NFC West 1st Cowboys Packers Falcons Seahawks 2nd Giants Lions Buccaneers Cardinals 3rd Redskins Vikings Saints Rams 4th Eagles Bears Panthers 49ers This chart of the 2016 season standings displays an application of the NFL scheduling formula . The Patriots in 2016 ( highlighted in green ) finished in first place in the AFC East . Thus , in 2017 , the Patriots will play two games against each of its division rivals ( highlighted in light blue ) , one game against each team in the AFC West and NFC South ( highlighted in yellow ) , and one game each against the first - place finishers in the AFC North and AFC South ( highlighted in orange ) . Currently , the thirteen opponents each team faces over the 16 - game regular season schedule are set using a pre-determined formula : Each team plays twice against each of the other three teams in its division : once at home , and once on the road ( six games ) . Each team plays once against each of the four teams from another division within its own conference , with the assigned division based on a three - year rotation : two at home , and two on the road ( four games ) . Each team plays once against one team from each of the remaining two divisions within its conference , based on the final division standings from the prior season : one at home , one on the road ( two games ) . Each team plays once against each of the four teams from a division in the other conference , with the assigned division based on a four - year rotation : two at home , and two on the road ( four games ) . Under this formula , all teams are guaranteed to play every other team in their own conference at least once every three years , and to play every team in the other conference exactly once every four years . The formula also guarantees a similar schedule for every team in a division each season , as all four teams will play fourteen out of their sixteen games against common opponents or each other . Non-divisional intraconference match - ups can occur over consecutive years if two teams happen to finish in the same place consistently . For example , even though the Colts and Patriots are in different divisions within the same conference , the two teams played each other every season between 2003 and 2012 , largely because both teams often finished in first place in their divisions each previous season . Similarly , the Redskins and the Rams played each other each season from 2008 to 2012 because both teams often landed in fourth place in their divisions . Outside of intradivisional match - ups ( each of which is played twice - yearly ) , the home team for each match - up is also determined by the league according to a set rotation designed to largely alternate home and away designations over successive years . This rotation was slightly adjusted in 2010 for teams playing against the NFC West and AFC West , after several east - coast teams ( such as the New England Patriots and New York Jets in 2008 ) all had to make four cross-country trips to play games in San Diego , San Francisco , Oakland , and Seattle in one season . Although this scheduling formula determines each of the thirty - two teams ' respective opponents , the league usually does not release the final regular schedule with specific dates and times until the spring ; the NFL needs several months to coordinate the entire season schedule so that , among other reasons , games are worked around various scheduling conflicts , and that it helps maximize TV ratings . Since 2010 , the last week of the regular season has consisted solely of divisional match - ups , in an attempt to discourage playoff - bound teams from resting their starters and playing their reserves . Past formulas ( edit ) Prior to 2002 ( when the league expanded to 32 teams ) the league used similar scheduling rubrics , though they were adjusted for the number of teams and divisions . From 1970 to 1994 , and again from 1999 to 2001 , the league did not have equal numbers of teams in every division , so not every team 's opposition could be determined by the same means . While teams playing against their division rivals twice each has been a tradition since at least the AFL -- NFL merger , not all teams would play the same amount of divisional games between the divisions due to the imbalances that had existed . The AFC Central in between 1999 and 2001 , consisting of six teams resulting in part from the Cleveland Browns relocation controversy , forced teams to play ten intradivision games in a 16 - game schedule . The only time since the merger that the league has been completely `` balanced '' has been from 1995 to 1998 ( with six divisions of five teams each ) and since 2002 ( with eight divisions of four teams each ) . From 1978 up to 2002 , most teams always played four of the teams from a division in the other conference on a rotating basis ( with certain exceptions differing between time periods ) , while lacking a rotary schedule within its own conference ; this meant that while a team would be more likely to play every team in the other conference on a regular basis , they could go far longer without playing every team in their own . For example , between 1970 ( when the leagues merged ) and 2002 ( when the current schedule was introduced ) the Denver Broncos and the Miami Dolphins played only 6 times , including a stretch where they met only once between 1976 and 1997 . POS AFC East AFC Central AFC West 1st Bills Bengals Raiders 2nd Dolphins Oilers Chiefs 3rd Colts Steelers Seahawks 4th Jets Browns Chargers 5th Patriots Broncos POS NFC East NFC Central NFC West 1st Giants Bears 49ers 2nd Eagles Buccaneers Saints 3rd Redskins Lions Rams 4th Cowboys Packers Falcons 5th Cardinals Vikings This is an example of the formula used for determining opponents for teams that finished in last place in each of the five - team divisions between 1978 and 1994 , when the league consisted of 28 teams playing 16 games each . The 1990 New England Patriots finished in last place in the AFC East . Therefore , in 1991 , they played all of their division rivals ( marked in red ) twice each , one game against each team in the four - team AFC Central ( marked in yellow ) , two games against the last - place finisher in the AFC West ( marked in orange ) , and one game each against the last - place finishers in the NFC East and NFC Central ( marked in blue ) . POS AFC East AFC Central AFC West 1st Patriots Steelers Broncos 2nd Bills Bengals Chiefs 3rd Colts Jaguars Chargers 4th Dolphins Oilers Raiders 5th Jets Ravens Seahawks POS NFC East NFC Central NFC West 1st Cowboys Packers Panthers 2nd Eagles Vikings 49ers 3rd Redskins Bears Rams 4th Cardinals Buccaneers Falcons 5th Giants Lions Saints This is an example of the formula used for determining a team 's opponents between 1995 and 1998 , when the league consisted of six divisions of five teams each . The 1996 San Francisco 49ers finished in 2nd place in the NFC West . Therefore , in 1997 , the 49ers played all their division rivals ( marked in red ) twice each , one game each against the other second - place finishers in the NFC ( marked in orange ) , one game against one additional team in the NFC East and NFC Central , and one game against each team in the AFC West ( marked in yellow ) except for the 4th - place Raiders . 1995 -- 1998 NFL scheduling formula ( edit ) When the divisions were balanced between 1995 and 1998 , each team would play a home and away series against their divisional rivals ( 8 games ) , two teams from each of the other divisions within the conference ( two having finished the same place , and two others determined by where they placed in the standings ) , and four teams from a division in the other conference by the aforementioned rotary basis ( where the team placed in the standings determines which team in the interconference division they will not play , and that team would have the `` polar opposite '' place ( i.e. : 1st is the polar opposite of 5th ) in their division ) . An example of which can be seen to the right . 1978 -- 1994 NFL scheduling formula ( edit ) The scheduling formula before 1995 was very similar , except in a modified format to fit not having fully balanced divisions . During these years , teams in five - team divisions who did n't finish last would not normally face a 5th place team outside their division , whether or not those teams were intraconference . There was a special so - called `` last place '' or `` fifth - place '' schedule for teams who finished in last place in a five - team division . In addition to their division games , a team who finished in last place in the previous season would also primarily play the other teams who finished in last place in their respective divisions ( the intraconference one would be played twice to fill a void otherwise taken by a third team that finished the same place ) , plus all the clubs in the four team division in their conference . An example of this is also shown to the right . The teams in a four - team division played only six divisional games , as opposed to the eight that teams in five - team divisions had played . This void would be filled by having to play against the 5th place teams in their conference in addition to their regular scheduling , hence tying to the `` fifth - place '' schedule . Regular season expansion proposals ( edit ) There have been proposals to expand the regular season schedule to 17 or 18 games per team . Current Commissioner Roger Goodell has said he favors expanding it to 18 games . However , a longer regular season proposal was defeated in the 2011 labor negotiations between the owners and the players association . One of the proposals for the 17th and 18th games is to have every team play at least one game abroad every year . Another idea being put forth by Houston Texans owner Bob McNair is to move the traditional regional rivalries that are currently played in the preseason ( such as the Governor 's Cups ) into a permanent annual part of each NFL team 's schedule . The NFL Players ' Association opposes extending the season , largely because of injury concerns , and extending the season would require that such an extension be included in the next collective bargaining agreement . The collective bargaining agreement signed in 2011 maintained the sixteen game regular season schedule . Scheduled division matchups ( edit ) This chart displays the current schedule of division match - ups , based on the three - year intra-conference and four - year inter-conference rotations in place since 2002 . In each year , all four teams in each division listed at the top will play one game against all four teams in both of the divisions to which it has been assigned -- one from the AFC , the other from the NFC . Scheduled division matchups Season Conf . AFC East AFC North AFC South AFC West NFC East NFC North NFC South NFC West 2017 AFC West South North East West North East South NFC South North West East West South North East 2018 AFC South West East North South East North West NFC North South East West South West East North 2019 AFC North East West South East West South North NFC East West South North North East West South 2020 AFC West South North East North South West East NFC West East North South West South North East Regular season games played outside of the U.S. ( edit ) Main article : NFL International Series To date , several NFL regular season games have been played outside of the U.S. The first was the 2005 game between the Arizona Cardinals and the San Francisco 49ers , which was played in Mexico City . In October 2006 , NFL club owners approved a plan to stage up to two international regular season games per season beginning in 2007 and continuing through at least 2011 . The New York Giants and the Miami Dolphins played at Wembley Stadium in London on October 28 , 2007 for the first of these games . A second game in London took place on Sunday 26 October 2008 , when the San Diego Chargers took on the nominal ' home team ' New Orleans Saints , also at Wembley . The New England Patriots were the designated visitors when they beat the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 35 - 7 on October 25 , 2009 . The long term plan was originally to have two international games played every year , on a 16 - year rotating schedule that would guarantee that each team would get to play twice over that span : once as the home team and once as the away team . This was abandoned when the St. Louis Rams , who are co-owned with Arsenal , a prominent soccer team in London , signed a three - year agreement to be the home team in the International Series games in London . This plan has since been re-established after the Rams announced that they would not be returning to England in 2013 ; the Rams would return to London as host team in 2016 . Since , the NFL has announced that the Jacksonville Jaguars will play one home game a season at Wembley , up to and including 2016 , later extended to 2020 . Their first game , versus the San Francisco 49ers , saw the 49ers winning comfortably . A second game was played at Wembley for the first time , with the Minnesota Vikings hosting and beating the Pittsburgh Steelers . Meanwhile , a record three fixtures were announced from the 2014 season , with the Jacksonville Jaguars hosting the Dallas Cowboys , the Atlanta Falcons hosting the Detroit Lions and the Oakland Raiders hosting the Miami Dolphins at Wembley . The Buffalo Bills played one regular season game each year from 2008 through 2013 in Toronto as part of the Bills Toronto Series ; two preseason games were also played as part of the same series . Poor ticket sales , fan disgust in Buffalo and the death of Bills owner Ralph Wilson prompted the cancellation of the series in 2014 . Disruptions of the schedule ( edit ) See also : Canceled NFL games and Temporary NFL home stadiums Conflicts with other Sports leagues and organizations ( edit ) From the beginnings of the NFL , most teams shared stadiums with Major League Baseball teams , with the MLB teams holding leases giving them priority . The NFL was required to schedule around September baseball games . In October , this frequently resulted in NFL teams having to reschedule on short notice if the MLB team in their city made the playoffs . On some occasions , the NFL game could be moved to Saturday or Monday . The NFL would often schedule October division games so that teams would be able to swap home game dates if it appeared that the MLB playoff schedule would make a stadium unavailable to the NFL . Perhaps the most extreme case was in 1973 , when the New York Jets played at Shea Stadium and were forced to play their first six games on the road due to the Mets playing in the World Series . As more MLB teams started to move into baseball - only stadiums by the 1990s and 2000s , this became less of a problem . Currently , the only remaining shared NFL - MLB venue is the Oakland -- Alameda County Coliseum , which houses the Oakland Raiders and the Oakland Athletics . Additionally , only two NFL teams currently share a venue with a Major League Soccer team -- the New England Patriots share Gillette Stadium with the New England Revolution , while the Seattle Seahawks share CenturyLink Field with the Seattle Sounders FC , although NFL teams have priority over the MLS tenants . However , there are some NFL and MLB venues that share parking lots -- most notably , the respective teams in Philadelphia , Baltimore and Seattle . In 2013 , the Super Bowl XLVII champion Baltimore Ravens were forced to open on the road due to this fact , as their MLB counterparts , the Baltimore Orioles , were scheduled at home on the same day as the Week 1 NFL Kickoff game and declined to either reschedule or relocate their game . ( MLB typically releases the schedule for an upcoming season during September of the previous season , forcing the NFL to accommodate the scheduling needs of teams who share parking lots or stadiums with MLB teams , while MLS typically releases their season schedule well ahead of the NFL 's schedule release . ) The Super Bowl XLVIII champion Seattle Seahawks averted this conflict for the 2014 season opener , as their MLB counterparts , the Seattle Mariners , played on the road ; their respective venues also share the same parking lot . The Seattle Sounders FC also played on the road during the opening week of the 2014 NFL season , assuring no scheduling conflicts . The Buffalo Bills also hosted one game a year at the Rogers Centre , which is the home of the Toronto Blue Jays , but this was only an issue in the preseason , since all such regular season games were scheduled after the end of the MLB World Series . NFL teams have also shared stadiums with NCAA college football teams and bowl games , either temporarily or permanently , but the Sports Broadcasting Act of 1961 prohibits the NFL from scheduling games on the same days as college football games . Labor disputes ( edit ) The 1982 and 1987 seasons were both shortened by labor disputes . The 1982 strike lasted 57 days . Weeks 3 through 10 were canceled , but an additional week was added to make a 9 - game schedule . The 1982 playoff matchups were determined by conference standings only . The 1987 strike and subsequent lockout lasted 24 days but only one week of the schedule was lost . Weeks 4 through 6 were played with replacement players . The rest of the season was played as originally scheduled , for a total of 15 games per team . In the event that the 2011 NFL season had been disrupted because of a then - ongoing labor dispute , the NFL had arranged its schedule to facilitate easier cancellations and postponements . In addition to an emergency scenario of an eight - game schedule beginning in late November , the NFL also arranged its full - length schedule such that weeks 2 and 4 had no division games , week 17 had all division games , and all week 3 matchups could be moved into each team 's respective bye week . The league also had a contingency plan to postpone Super Bowl XLVI one week , which ( assuming a full playoff schedule ) would allow a 13 - game schedule with five division games for each team to be played beginning as late as October 16 . Natural disasters ( edit ) Several games have been postponed or relocated because of natural disasters . A few days before the start of the 2005 NFL Season , the Louisiana Superdome was severely damaged by Hurricane Katrina , and much of the city of New Orleans was destroyed . The New Orleans Saints ' eight scheduled home games were moved to other locations , including Giants Stadium , the Alamodome in San Antonio , and Louisiana State University . On September 14 , 2008 , the Houston Texans were scheduled to host the Baltimore Ravens . The game was postponed until November 9 because of Hurricane Ike ( which caused some damage to Reliant Stadium ) and several other changes had to be made to the schedule . The roof of the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome collapsed on December 12 , 2010 after a severe heavy snowstorm , resulting in the stadium being unusable for the remainder of the season . The last two of the Minnesota Vikings ' home games had to be moved : one to Ford Field in Detroit ( which also led to the game being postponed the following Monday night ) and another to TCF Bank Stadium , the University of Minnesota 's college football stadium . The Miami Dolphins have been involved in a number of games that were moved to a different time and date . A few of those games would include 1992 against the New England Patriots ( Hurricane Andrew ) , 2004 against the Tennessee Titans ( Hurricane Ivan ) and the Pittsburgh Steelers ( Hurricane Jeanne ) , 2005 against the Kansas City Chiefs ( Hurricane Wilma ) , 2017 against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers ( Hurricane Irma ) , and others . In December 2010 , a Minnesota Vikings -- Philadelphia Eagles game originally scheduled for the afternoon of Sunday , December 26 , a time at which it could have been successfully completed , had two weeks earlier been flexed by NBC to Sunday night and was postponed to Tuesday , December 28 , due to a strong Nor'easter . In 2014 , the Week 12 visit of the Jets to Buffalo was moved to Detroit ( and from Sunday to Monday ) due to severe snow in Western New York the previous week . Other Major news events ( edit ) The American Football League , the precursor to today 's American Football Conference , postponed Week 12 of the 1963 season because of the assassination of President Kennedy , on Friday , November 22 . The AFL 's games were made up by adding a 15th week to a 14 - week schedule . The older and more established National Football League went ahead and played as scheduled on Sunday , November 24 , 1963 . In 2001 , Week 2 of the season was postponed because of the September 11 attacks . At the end of the originally planned 17 - week schedule , Week 2 games were played on Sunday , January 6 and Monday , January 7 , 2002 . The post-season schedule was moved back a week , including Super Bowl XXXVI due to the lack of a bye week before the game . See also ( edit ) List of National Football League seasons National Football League preseason National Football League playoffs References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` CBS & NBC To Share ' Thursday Night Football ' With NFL Network ; League Eyes `` Tri-Cast '' With Digital Partner `` . . Retrieved 1 February 2016 . Jump up ^ NFL pushes late doubleheader games back to 4 : 25 p.m. ET Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : Sensei , Andrew . `` Sports Law '' . Tulane University Law School . Retrieved February 4 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Associated Press ( 2002 - 09 - 05 ) . `` Niners edge Giants on late field goal 16 - 13 '' . . Archived from the original on 2006 - 09 - 13 . Retrieved 2006 - 11 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` 2012 Opponents Determined '' ( PDF ) . NFL . January 2 , 2012 . Retrieved January 23 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Scales , Kristi . `` SCHEDULE RELEASE : SO HOW DOES THE NFL DETERMINE THE COWBOYS ' SCHEDULE ? '' . 5 Points Blue . Retrieved 6 January 2016 . Jump up ^ NFL to make West Coast road format more reasonable Jump up ^ `` NFL schedule navigated World Series , other conflicts '' . Sports Business Journal . April 26 , 2010 . Retrieved November 27 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Battista , Judy ( April 19 , 2012 ) . `` The Art and Science of Scheduling Meet in the N.F.L. Office '' . New York Times . Retrieved April 21 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` NFL 's final week only division games '' . ESPN . April 20 , 2010 . Retrieved April 15 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Denver Broncos Vs. Miami Dolphins '' . The Football Database . Retrieved 2007 - 09 - 22 . Jump up ^ Yahoo ! Sports Jump up ^ N.F.L. Owners Will Vote to Lengthen Season , Goodell Says Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Associated Press . NFL looking closely at expanding to 17 games with international flavor , 10 May 2007 . Jump up ^ If NFL adopts suggestion for annual regional rivalries , what would they be ? . USA Today ( 2010 - 10 - 19 ) . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` Resolution approved for international games '' . 2006 - 10 - 24 . Archived from the original on 2007 - 01 - 06 . Retrieved 2007 - 01 - 11 . External link in publisher = ( help ) Jump up ^ `` London to host 2007 regular - season game '' . 2007 - 01 - 16 . Archived from the original on 2007 - 02 - 04 . Retrieved 2007 - 02 - 10 . External link in publisher = ( help ) Jump up ^ `` Dolphins will host Giants in a game in London '' . 2007 - 02 - 01 . Retrieved 2007 - 02 - 02 . Jump up ^ Game report on BBC website Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ Gasper , Christopher L. ( October 26 , 2009 ) . `` Towers of London '' . The Boston Globe . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Pats Coach Says Hurricane Andrew Has Hurt His Team '' . Sun Sentinel . October 15 , 1992 . Jump up ^ `` Hurricane Jeanne moves back Steelers - Dolphins '' . USA Today . September 26 , 2004 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` To avoid Wilma , NFL moves Chiefs - Dolphins game to Friday '' . USA Today . October 21 , 2005 . 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-4263223632138607662 | Trail of Tears | Trail of Tears - wikipedia Trail of Tears For other uses , see Trail of Tears ( disambiguation ) . Trail of Tears The Trail of Tears memorial monument at the New Echota Historic Site in New Echota , Georgia , which honors the 4,000 Cherokees who died on the Trail of Tears Date 1831 -- 1850 Location Southeastern United States and Indian Territory , present - day Oklahoma Participants U.S. Government , U.S. Army , state militias , Five Civilized Tribes of Cherokee , Muscogee , Seminole , Chickasaw , and Choctaw nations Outcome The forced relocation of most of the Five Civilized Tribes of the Southeastern United States to Indian Territory under the Indian Removal Act of 1830 signed by U.S. president Andrew Jackson clearing former Native American lands for white settlement . Deaths Cherokee ( 4,000 ) Creek Seminole ( 3,000 in Second Seminole War -- 1835 -- 1842 ) Chickasaw ( 3,500 ) Choctaw ( 2,500 -- 6,000 ) The Trail of Tears was a series of forced relocations of Native American peoples from their ancestral homelands in the Southeastern United States , to areas to the west ( usually west of the Mississippi River ) that had been designated as Indian Territory . The forced relocations were carried out by government authorities following the passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830 . The relocated peoples suffered from exposure , disease , and starvation while en route to their new designated reserve , and many died before reaching their destinations . The forced removals included members of the Cherokee , Muscogee ( Creek ) , Seminole , Chickasaw , Choctaw , and Ponca nations . The phrase `` Trail of Tears '' originates from a description of the removal of many Native American tribes , including the infamous Cherokee Nation relocation in 1838 . Between 1830 and 1850 , the Chickasaw , Choctaw , Creek , Seminole , and Cherokee people ( including mixed - race and black slaves who lived among them ) were forcibly removed from their traditional lands in the Southeastern United States , and relocated farther west . Those Native Americans who were relocated were forced to march to their destinations by state and local militias . The Cherokee removal in 1838 ( the last forced removal east of the Mississippi ) was brought on by the discovery of gold near Dahlonega , Georgia in 1828 , resulting in the Georgia Gold Rush . Approximately 2,000 -- 8,000 of the 16,543 relocated Cherokee perished along the way . Contents ( hide ) 1 Historical context 1.1 Jackson 's role 1.2 Terminology 2 Legal background 3 Choctaw removal 4 Seminole resistance 5 Creek dissolution 6 Chickasaw monetary removal 7 Cherokee forced relocation 7.1 Eastern Cherokee Restitution 8 Statistics 9 Landmarks and commerations 9.1 Trail of Tears outdoor historical drama , Unto These Hills 9.2 Commemorative medallion 9.3 In literature and oral history 10 See also 11 References 12 Bibliography 13 Documents 14 Documentary 15 External links Historical context ( edit ) Map of United States Indian Removal , 1830 -- 1838 . Oklahoma is depicted in light yellow - green . In 1830 , a group of Indians collectively referred to as the Five Civilized Tribes ( the Cherokee , Chickasaw , Choctaw , Muscogee , and Seminole tribes ) were living as autonomous nations in what would be later called the American Deep South . The process of cultural transformation , as proposed by George Washington and Henry Knox , was gaining momentum , especially among the Cherokee and Choctaw . American settlers had been pressuring the federal government to remove Indians from the Southeast ; many settlers were encroaching on Indian lands , while others wanted more land made available to European ( ' Caucasian ' / ' white ' ) settlers . Although the effort was vehemently opposed by some , including U.S. Congressman Davy Crockett of Tennessee , President Andrew Jackson was able to gain Congressional passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 , which authorized the government to extinguish Indian title to lands in the Southeast . In 1831 , the Choctaw became the first Nation to be removed , and their removal served as the model for all future relocations . After two wars , many Seminoles were removed in 1832 . The Creek removal followed in 1834 , the Chickasaw in 1837 , and lastly the Cherokee in 1838 . However , some managed to evade the removals and remained in their ancestral homelands ; some Choctaw are living in Mississippi , Creek in Alabama and Florida , Cherokee in North Carolina , and Seminole in Florida ; a small group had escaped into the Everglades and were never defeated by the United States government . A small number of non-Native Americans who lived with the tribes , including some of African descent ( some as slaves , and others as spouses or freedmen ) , also accompanied the Indians on the trek westward . By 1837 , 46,000 Indians from the southeastern states had been removed from their homelands , thereby opening 25 million acres ( 100,000 km ) for predominantly European ( ' Caucasian ' / ' white ' ) settlement . Prior to 1838 , the fixed boundaries of these autonomous tribal nations , comprising large areas of the United States , were subject to continual cession and annexation , in part due to pressure from squatters and the threat of military force in the newly declared U.S. territories -- federally administered regions whose boundaries supervened upon the Native treaty claims . As these territories became U.S. states , state governments sought to dissolve the boundaries of the Indian nations within their borders , which were independent of state jurisdiction , and to expropriate the land therein . These pressures were exacerbated by U.S. population growth and the expansion of slavery in the South , with the rapid development of cotton cultivation in the uplands following the invention of the cotton gin . Jackson 's role ( edit ) Andrew Jackson 's support for removal of Native Americans began at least a decade before his presidency . Indian removal was Jackson 's top legislative priority upon taking office . The removals , conducted under both Presidents Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren , followed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 , which provided the President with powers to exchange land with Native tribes and provide infrastructure improvements on the existing lands . The law also gave the president power to pay for transportation costs to the West , should tribes choose to relocate . The law did not , however , allow the President to force tribes to move West without a mutually agreed - upon treaty . Referring to the Indian Removal Act , Martin Van Buren , Jackson 's vice president and successor is quoted as saying `` There was no measure , in the whole course of ( Jackson 's ) administration , of which he was more exclusively the author than this . '' In the years following the Act , the Cherokee filed several lawsuits regarding conflicts with the state of Georgia . Some of these cases reached the Supreme Court , the most influential being Worcester v. Georgia ( 1832 ) . Samuel Worcester and other non-Indians were convicted by Georgia law for residing in Cherokee territory in the state of Georgia without a license . Worcester was sentenced to prison for four years and appealed the ruling , arguing that this sentence violated treaties made between Indian nations and the United States federal government by imposing state laws on Cherokee lands . The Court ruled in Worcester 's favor , declaring that the Cherokee Nation was subject only to federal law and that the Supremacy Clause barred legislative interference by the state of Georgia . Chief Justice Marshall argued , `` The Cherokee nation , then , is a distinct community occupying its own territory in which the laws of Georgia can have no force . The whole intercourse between the United States and this Nation , is , by our constitution and laws , vested in the government of the United States . '' Andrew Jackson did not listen to the Supreme Court mandate barring Georgia from intruding on Cherokee lands . He feared that enforcement would lead to open warfare between federal troops and the Georgia militia , which would compound the ongoing crisis in South Carolina and lead to a broader civil war . Instead , he vigorously negotiated a land exchange treaty with the Cherokee . Political opponents Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams , who supported the Worcester decision , were outraged by Jackson 's refusal to uphold Cherokee claims against the state of Georgia . Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote an account of Cherokee assimilation into the American culture , declaring his support of the Worcester decision . Jackson chose to continue with Indian removal , and negotiated The Treaty of New Echota , on December 29 , 1835 , which granted Cherokee Indians two years to move to Indian Territory ( modern Oklahoma ) . Only a fraction of the Cherokees left voluntarily . The U.S. government , with assistance from state militias , forced most of the remaining Cherokees west in 1838 . The Cherokees were temporarily remanded in camps in eastern Tennessee . In November , the Cherokee were broken into groups of around 1,000 each and began the journey west . They endured heavy rains , snow , and freezing temperatures . When the Cherokee negotiated the Treaty of New Echota , they exchanged all their land east of the Mississippi for land in modern Oklahoma and a $5 million payment from the federal government . Many Cherokee felt betrayed that their leadership accepted the deal , and over 16,000 Cherokee signed a petition to prevent the passage of the treaty . By the end of the decade in 1840 , tens of thousands of Cherokee and other tribes had been removed from their land east of the Mississippi River . The Creek , Choctaw , Seminole , and Chicksaw were also relocated under the Indian Removal Act of 1830 . One Choctaw leader portrayed the removal as `` A Trail of Tears and Deaths '' , a devastating event that removed most of the Native population of the southeastern United States from their traditional homelands . Terminology ( edit ) The latter forced relocations have sometimes been referred to as `` death marches '' , in particular with reference to the Cherokee march across the Midwest in 1838 , which occurred on a predominantly land route . Indians who had the means initially provided for their own removal . Contingents that were led by conductors from the U.S. Army included those led by Edward Deas , who was claimed to be a sympathizer for the Cherokee plight . The largest death toll from the Cherokee forced relocation comes from the period after the May 23 , 1838 deadline . This was at the point when the remaining Cherokee were rounded into camps and pressed into oversized detachments , often over 700 in size ( larger than the populations of Little Rock or Memphis at that time ) . Communicable diseases spread quickly through these closely quartered groups , killing many . These contingents were among the last to move , but following the same routes the others had taken ; the areas they were going through had been depleted of supplies due to the vast numbers that had gone before them . The marchers were subject to extortion and violence along the route . In addition , these final contingents were forced to set out during the hottest and coldest months of the year , killing many . Exposure to the elements , disease and starvation , harassment by local frontiersmen , and insufficient rations similarly killed up to one - third of the Choctaw and other nations on the march . There exists some debate among historians and the affected tribes as to whether the term `` Trail of Tears '' should be used to refer to the entire history of forced relocations from the United States east of the Mississippi into Indian Territory ( as was the stated U.S. policy ) , or to the Five Tribes described above , to the route of the land march specifically , or to specific marches in which the remaining holdouts from each area were rounded up . Legal background ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) The territorial boundaries claimed as sovereign and controlled by the Indian nations living in what were then known as the Indian Territories -- the portion of the early United States west of the Mississippi River not yet claimed or allotted to become Oklahoma -- were fixed and determined by national treaties with the United States federal government . These recognized the tribal governments as dependent but internally sovereign , or autonomous nations under the sole jurisdiction of the federal government . While retaining their tribal governance , which included a constitution or official council in tribes such as the Iroquois and Cherokee , many portions of the southeastern Indian nations had become partially or completely economically integrated into the economy of the region . This included the plantation economy in states such as Georgia , and the possession of slaves . These slaves were also forcibly relocated during the process of removal . A similar process had occurred earlier in the territories controlled by the Confederacy of the Six Nations in what is now upstate New York prior to the British invasion and subsequent U.S. annexation of the Iroquois nation . Under the history of U.S. treaty law , the territorial boundaries claimed by federally recognized tribes received the same status under which the Southeastern tribal claims were recognized ; until the following establishment of reservations of land , determined by the federal government , which were ceded to the remaining tribes by de jure treaty , in a process that often entailed forced relocation . The establishment of the Indian Territory and the extinguishment of Indian land claims east of the Mississippi anticipated the establishment of the U.S. Indian reservation system . It was imposed on remaining Indian lands later in the 19th century . The statutory argument for Indian sovereignty persisted until the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in Cherokee Nation v. Georgia ( 1831 ) , that ( e.g. ) the Cherokee were not a sovereign and independent nation , and therefore not entitled to a hearing before the court . However , in Worcester v. Georgia ( 1832 ) , the court re-established limited internal sovereignty under the sole jurisdiction of the federal government , in a ruling that both opposed the subsequent forced relocation and set the basis for modern U.S. case law . While the latter ruling was defied by Jackson , the actions of the Jackson administration were not isolated because state and federal officials had violated treaties without consequence , often attributed to military exigency , as the members of individual Indian nations were not automatically United States citizens and were rarely given standing in any U.S. court . Jackson 's involvement in what became known as the Trail of Tears can not be ignored . In a speech regarding Indian removal , Jackson said , `` It will separate the Indians from immediate contact with settlements of whites ; free them from the power of the States ; enable them to pursue happiness in their own way and under their own rude institutions ; will retard the progress of decay , which is lessening their numbers , and perhaps cause them gradually , under the protection of the Government and through the influence of good counsels , to cast off their savage habits and become an interesting , civilized , and Christian community . '' According to Jackson , the move would be nothing but beneficial for all parties . His point of view garnered support from many Americans , many of whom would benefit economically from the removal . This was compounded by the fact that while citizenship tests existed for Indians living in newly annexed areas before and after forced relocation , individual U.S. states did not recognize tribal land claims , only individual title under State law , and distinguished between the rights of white and non-white citizens , who often had limited standing in court ; and Indian removal was carried out under U.S. military jurisdiction , often by state militias . As a result , individual Indians who could prove U.S. citizenship were nevertheless displaced from newly annexed areas . The military actions and subsequent treaties enacted by Jackson 's and Martin Van Buren 's administrations pursuant to the 1830 law , which Tennessee Congressman Davy Crockett had unsuccessfully voted against , are widely considered to have directly caused the expulsion or death of a substantial part of the Indian population then living in the southeastern United States . Choctaw Removal ( edit ) Main article : Choctaw Trail of Tears George W. Harkins , Choctaw chief The Choctaw nation occupied large portions of what are now the U.S. states of Alabama , Mississippi , and Louisiana . After a series of treaties starting in 1801 , the Choctaw nation was reduced to 11,000,000 acres ( 45,000 km ) . The Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek ceded the remaining country to the United States and was ratified in early 1831 . The removals were only agreed to after a provision in the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek allowed some Choctaw to remain . The chief of the Choctaw tribe , George W. Harkins , wrote to the citizens of the United States before the removals were to commence : It is with considerable diffidence that I attempt to address the American people , knowing and feeling sensibly my incompetency ; and believing that your highly and well improved minds would not be well entertained by the address of a Choctaw . But having determined to emigrate west of the Mississippi river this fall , I have thought proper in bidding you farewell to make a few remarks expressive of my views , and the feelings that actuate me on the subject of our removal ... We as Choctaws rather chose to suffer and be free , than live under the degrading influence of laws , which our voice could not be heard in their formation . -- George W. Harkins , George W. Harkins to the American People United States Secretary of War Lewis Cass appointed George Gaines to manage the removals . Gaines decided to remove Choctaws in three phases starting in 1831 and ending in 1833 . The first was to begin on November 1 , 1831 with groups meeting at Memphis and Vicksburg . A harsh winter would batter the emigrants with flash floods , sleet , and snow . Initially the Choctaws were to be transported by wagon but floods halted them . With food running out , the residents of Vicksburg and Memphis were concerned . Five steamboats ( the Walter Scott , the Brandywine , the Reindeer , the Talma , and the Cleopatra ) would ferry Choctaws to their river - based destinations . The Memphis group traveled up the Arkansas for about 60 miles ( 100 km ) to Arkansas Post . There the temperature stayed below freezing for almost a week with the rivers clogged with ice , so there could be no travel for weeks . Food rationing consisted of a handful of boiled corn , one turnip , and two cups of heated water per day . Forty government wagons were sent to Arkansas Post to transport them to Little Rock . When they reached Little Rock , a Choctaw chief referred to their trek as a `` trail of tears and death '' . The Vicksburg group was led by an incompetent guide and was lost in the Lake Providence swamps . Alexis de Tocqueville , French political thinker and historian Alexis de Tocqueville , the French philosopher , witnessed the Choctaw removals while in Memphis , Tennessee in 1831 : In the whole scene there was an air of ruin and destruction , something which betrayed a final and irrevocable adieu ; one could n't watch without feeling one 's heart wrung . The Indians were tranquil , but sombre and taciturn . There was one who could speak English and of whom I asked why the Chactas were leaving their country . `` To be free , '' he answered , could never get any other reason out of him . We ... watch the expulsion ... of one of the most celebrated and ancient American peoples . -- Alexis de Tocqueville , Democracy in America Nearly 17,000 Choctaws made the move to what would be called Indian Territory and then later Oklahoma . About 2,500 -- 6,000 died along the trail of tears . Approximately 5,000 -- 6,000 Choctaws remained in Mississippi in 1831 after the initial removal efforts . The Choctaws who chose to remain in newly formed Mississippi were subject to legal conflict , harassment , and intimidation . The Choctaws `` have had our habitations torn down and burned , our fences destroyed , cattle turned into our fields and we ourselves have been scourged , manacled , fettered and otherwise personally abused , until by such treatment some of our best men have died '' . The Choctaws in Mississippi were later reformed as the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians and the removed Choctaws became the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma . The Choctaws were the first to sign a removal treaty presented by the federal government . President Andrew Jackson wanted strong negotiations with the Choctaws in Mississippi , and the Choctaws seemed much more cooperative than Andrew Jackson had imagined . When commissioners and Choctaws came to negotiation agreements it was said the United States would bear the expense of moving their homes and that they had to be removed within two and a half years of the signed treaty . Seminole resistance ( edit ) Main article : Seminole Wars The U.S. acquired Florida from Spain via the Adams -- Onís Treaty and took possession in 1821 . In 1832 the Seminoles were called to a meeting at Payne 's Landing on the Ocklawaha River . The treaty negotiated called for the Seminoles to move west , if the land were found to be suitable . They were to be settled on the Creek reservation and become part of the Creek tribe , who considered them deserters ; some of the Seminoles had been derived from Creek bands but also from other tribes . Those among the tribe who once were members of Creek bands did not wish to move west to where they were certain that they would meet death for leaving the main band of Creek Indians . The delegation of seven chiefs who were to inspect the new reservation did not leave Florida until October 1832 . After touring the area for several months and conferring with the Creeks who had already settled there , the seven chiefs signed a statement on March 28 , 1833 that the new land was acceptable . Upon their return to Florida , however , most of the chiefs renounced the statement , claiming that they had not signed it , or that they had been forced to sign it , and in any case , that they did not have the power to decide for all the tribes and bands that resided on the reservation . The villages in the area of the Apalachicola River were more easily persuaded , however , and went west in 1834 . On December 28 , 1835 a group of Seminoles and blacks ambushed a U.S. Army company marching from Fort Brooke in Tampa to Fort King in Ocala , killing all but three of the 110 army troops . This came to be known as the Dade Massacre . Seminole warrior Tuko - see - mathla , 1834 As the realization that the Seminoles would resist relocation sank in , Florida began preparing for war . The St. Augustine Militia asked the War Department for the loan of 500 muskets . Five hundred volunteers were mobilized under Brig. Gen. Richard K. Call . Indian war parties raided farms and settlements , and families fled to forts , large towns , or out of the territory altogether . A war party led by Osceola captured a Florida militia supply train , killing eight of its guards and wounding six others . Most of the goods taken were recovered by the militia in another fight a few days later . Sugar plantations along the Atlantic coast south of St. Augustine were destroyed , with many of the slaves on the plantations joining the Seminoles . Other warchiefs such as Halleck Tustenuggee , Jumper , and Black Seminoles Abraham and John Horse continued the Seminole resistance against the army . The war ended , after a full decade of fighting , in 1842 . The U.S. government is estimated to have spent about $20,000,000 on the war , at the time an astronomical sum , and equal to $507,172,414 today . Many Indians were forcibly exiled to Creek lands west of the Mississippi ; others retreated into the Everglades . In the end , the government gave up trying to subjugate the Seminole in their Everglades redoubts and left fewer than 500 Seminoles in peace . However , other scholars state that at least several hundred Seminoles remained in the Everglades after the Seminole Wars . As a result of the Seminole Wars , the surviving Seminole band of the Everglades claims to be the only federally recognized tribe which never relinquished sovereignty or signed a peace treaty with the United States . In general the American people tended to view the Indian resistance as unwarranted . An article published by the Virginia Enquirer on January 26 , 1836 , called the `` Hostilities of the Seminoles '' , assigned all the blame for the violence that came from the Seminole 's resistance to the Seminoles themselves . The article accuses the Indians of not staying true to their word -- the promises they supposedly made in the treaties and negotiations from the Indian Removal Act . Creek dissolution ( edit ) Main article : Muscogee Selocta ( or Shelocta ) was a Muscogee chief who appealed to Andrew Jackson to reduce the demands for Creek lands at the signing of the Treaty of Fort Jackson After the War of 1812 , some Muscogee leaders such as William McIntosh signed treaties that ceded more land to Georgia . The 1814 signing of the Treaty of Fort Jackson signaled the end for the Creek Nation and for all Indians in the South . Friendly Creek leaders , like Selocta and Big Warrior , addressed Sharp Knife ( the Indian nickname for Andrew Jackson ) and reminded him that they keep the peace . Nevertheless , Jackson retorted that they did not `` cut ( Tecumseh 's ) throat '' when they had the chance , so they must now cede Creek lands . Jackson also ignored Article 9 of the Treaty of Ghent that restored sovereignty to Indians and their nations . Jackson opened this first peace session by faintly acknowledging the help of the friendly Creeks . That done , he turned to the Red Sticks and admonished them for listening to evil counsel . For their crime , he said , the entire Creek Nation must pay . He demanded the equivalent of all expenses incurred by the United States in prosecuting the war , which by his calculation came to 23,000,000 acres ( 93,000 km ) of land . -- Robert V. Remini , Andrew Jackson Eventually , the Creek Confederacy enacted a law that made further land cessions a capital offense . Nevertheless , on February 12 , 1825 , McIntosh and other chiefs signed the Treaty of Indian Springs , which gave up most of the remaining Creek lands in Georgia . After the U.S. Senate ratified the treaty , McIntosh was assassinated on May 13 , 1825 , by Creeks led by Menawa . The Creek National Council , led by Opothle Yohola , protested to the United States that the Treaty of Indian Springs was fraudulent . President John Quincy Adams was sympathetic , and eventually the treaty was nullified in a new agreement , the Treaty of Washington ( 1826 ) . The historian R. Douglas Hurt wrote : `` The Creeks had accomplished what no Indian nation had ever done or would do again -- achieve the annulment of a ratified treaty . '' However , Governor Troup of Georgia ignored the new treaty and began to forcibly remove the Indians under the terms of the earlier treaty . At first , President Adams attempted to intervene with federal troops , but Troup called out the militia , and Adams , fearful of a civil war , conceded . As he explained to his intimates , `` The Indians are not worth going to war over . '' Although the Creeks had been forced from Georgia , with many Lower Creeks moving to the Indian Territory , there were still about 20,000 Upper Creeks living in Alabama . However , the state moved to abolish tribal governments and extend state laws over the Creeks . Opothle Yohola appealed to the administration of President Andrew Jackson for protection from Alabama ; when none was forthcoming , the Treaty of Cusseta was signed on March 24 , 1832 , which divided up Creek lands into individual allotments . Creeks could either sell their allotments and receive funds to remove to the west , or stay in Alabama and submit to state laws . The Creeks were never given a fair chance to comply with the terms of the treaty , however . Rampant illegal settlement of their lands by Americans continued unabated with federal and state authorities unable or unwilling to do much to halt it . Further , as recently detailed by historian Billy Winn in his thorough chronicle of the events leading to removal , a variety of fraudulent schemes designed to cheat the Creeks out of their allotments , many of them organized by speculators operating out of Columbus , Georgia and Montgomery , Alabama , were perpetrated after the signing of the Treaty of Cusseta . A portion of the beleaguered Creeks , many desperately poor and feeling abused and oppressed by their American neighbors , struck back by carrying out occasional raids on area farms and committing other isolated acts of violence . Escalating tensions erupted into open war with the United States following the destruction of the village of Roanoke , Georgia , located along the Chattahoochee River on the boundary between Creek and American territory , in May 1836 . During the so - called `` Creek War of 1836 '' Secretary of War Lewis Cass dispatched General Winfield Scott to end the violence by forcibly removing the Creeks to the Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River . With the Indian Removal Act of 1830 it continued into 1835 and after as in 1836 over 15,000 Creeks were driven from their land for the last time . 3,500 of those 15,000 Creeks did not survive the trip to Oklahoma where they eventually settled . Chickasaw monetary Removal ( edit ) See also : Chickasaw Historic Marker in Marion , Arkansas , for the Trail of Tears Play media Fragment of the Trail of Tears still intact at Village Creek State Park , Arkansas ( 2010 ) The Chickasaw received financial compensation from the United States for their lands east of the Mississippi River . In 1836 , the Chickasaws had reached an agreement to purchase land from the previously removed Choctaws after a bitter five - year debate . They paid the Choctaws $530,000 ( equal to $11,810,970 today ) for the westernmost part of the Choctaw land . The first group of Chickasaws moved in 1836 and was led by John M. Millard . The Chickasaws gathered at Memphis on July 4 , 1836 , with all of their assets -- belongings , livestock , and slaves . Once across the Mississippi River , they followed routes previously established by the Choctaws and the Creeks . Once in Indian Territory , the Chickasaws merged with the Choctaw nation . Cherokee forced relocation ( edit ) Main article : Cherokee removal Cherokee Principal Chief John Ross , photographed before his death in 1866 By 1838 , about 2,000 Cherokee had voluntarily relocated from Georgia to Indian Territory ( present day Oklahoma ) . Forcible removals began in May 1838 when General Winfield Scott received a final order from President Martin Van Buren to relocate the remaining Cherokees . Approximately 4,000 Cherokees died in the ensuing trek to Oklahoma . In the Cherokee language , the event is called nu na da ul tsun yi ( `` the place where they cried '' ) or nu na hi du na tlo hi lu i ( the trail where they cried ) . The Cherokee Trail of Tears resulted from the enforcement of the Treaty of New Echota , an agreement signed under the provisions of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 , which exchanged Indian land in the East for lands west of the Mississippi River , but which was never accepted by the elected tribal leadership or a majority of the Cherokee people . The sparsely inhabited Cherokee lands were highly attractive to Georgian farmers experiencing population pressure , and illegal settlements resulted . Long - simmering tensions between Georgia and the Cherokee Nation were brought to a crisis by the discovery of gold near Dahlonega , Georgia , in 1829 , resulting in the Georgia Gold Rush , the second gold rush in U.S. history . Hopeful gold speculators began trespassing on Cherokee lands , and pressure mounted to fulfill the Compact of 1802 in which the US Government promised to extinguish Indian land claims in the state of Georgia . When Georgia moved to extend state laws over Cherokee lands in 1830 , the matter went to the U.S. Supreme Court . In Cherokee Nation v. Georgia ( 1831 ) , the Marshall court ruled that the Cherokee Nation was not a sovereign and independent nation , and therefore refused to hear the case . However , in Worcester v. Georgia ( 1832 ) , the Court ruled that Georgia could not impose laws in Cherokee territory , since only the national government -- not state governments -- had authority in Indian affairs . Worcester v Georgia is associated with Andrew Jackson 's famous , though apocryphal , quote `` John Marshall has made his decision ; now let him enforce it ! '' In reality , this quote did not appear until 30 years after the incident and was first printed in a textbook authored by Jackson critic Horace Greeley . Elizabeth `` Betsy '' Brown Stephens ( 1903 ) , a Cherokee Indian who walked the Trail of Tears in 1838 Fearing open warfare between federal troops and the Georgia militia , Jackson decided not to enforce Cherokee claims against the state of Georgia . He was already embroiled in a constitutional crisis with South Carolina ( i.e. the nullification crisis ) and favored Cherokee relocation over civil war . With the Indian Removal Act of 1830 , the U.S. Congress had given Jackson authority to negotiate removal treaties , exchanging Indian land in the East for land west of the Mississippi River . Jackson used the dispute with Georgia to put pressure on the Cherokees to sign a removal treaty . The final treaty , passed in Congress by a single vote , and signed by President Andrew Jackson , was imposed by his successor President Martin Van Buren. Van Buren allowed Georgia , Tennessee , North Carolina , and Alabama an armed force of 7,000 militiamen , army regulars , and volunteers under General Winfield Scott to relocate about 13,000 Cherokees to Cleveland , Tennessee . After the initial roundup , the U.S. military oversaw the emigration to Oklahoma . Former Cherokee lands were immediately opened to settlement . Most of the deaths during the journey were caused by disease , malnutrition , and exposure during an unusually cold winter . In the winter of 1838 the Cherokee began the 1,000 - mile ( 1,600 km ) march with scant clothing and most on foot without shoes or moccasins . The march began in Red Clay , Tennessee , the location of the last Eastern capital of the Cherokee Nation . Because of the diseases , the Indians were not allowed to go into any towns or villages along the way ; many times this meant traveling much farther to go around them . After crossing Tennessee and Kentucky , they arrived at the Ohio River across from Golconda in southern Illinois about the 3rd of December 1838 . Here the starving Indians were charged a dollar a head ( equal to $22.98 today ) to cross the river on `` Berry 's Ferry '' which typically charged twelve cents , equal to $2.76 today . They were not allowed passage until the ferry had serviced all others wishing to cross and were forced to take shelter under `` Mantle Rock '' , a shelter bluff on the Kentucky side , until `` Berry had nothing better to do '' . Many died huddled together at Mantle Rock waiting to cross . Several Cherokee were murdered by locals . The Cherokee filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Government through the courthouse in Vienna , suing the government for $35 a head ( equal to $804.34 today ) to bury the murdered Cherokee . As they crossed southern Illinois , on December 26 , Martin Davis , Commissary Agent for Moses Daniel 's detachment , wrote : `` There is the coldest weather in Illinois I ever experienced anywhere . The streams are all frozen over something like 8 or 12 inches ( 20 or 30 cm ) thick . We are compelled to cut through the ice to get water for ourselves and animals . It snows here every two or three days at the fartherest . We are now camped in Mississippi ( River ) swamp 4 miles ( 6 km ) from the river , and there is no possible chance of crossing the river for the numerous quantity of ice that comes floating down the river every day . We have only traveled 65 miles ( 105 km ) on the last month , including the time spent at this place , which has been about three weeks . It is unknown when we shall cross the river ... '' A soldier from Georgia said : I fought through the War Between the States and have seen many men shot , but the Cherokee Removal was the cruelest work I ever knew . -- Georgian soldier who participated in the removal A Trail of Tears map of Southern Illinois from the USDA -- U.S. Forest Service It eventually took almost three months to cross the 60 miles ( 97 kilometres ) on land between the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers . The trek through southern Illinois is where the Cherokee suffered most of their deaths . However a few years before forced removal , some Cherokee who opted to leave their homes voluntarily chose a water - based route through the Tennessee , Ohio and Mississippi rivers . It took only 21 days , but the Cherokee who were forcibly relocated were weary of water travel . Removed Cherokees initially settled near Tahlequah , Oklahoma . When signing the Treaty of New Echota in 1835 Major Ridge said `` I have signed my death warrant . '' The resulting political turmoil led to the killings of Major Ridge , John Ridge , and Elias Boudinot ; of the leaders of the Treaty Party , only Stand Watie escaped death . The population of the Cherokee Nation eventually rebounded , and today the Cherokees are the largest American Indian group in the United States . There were some exceptions to removal . Approximately 100 Cherokees evaded the U.S. soldiers and lived off the land in Georgia and other states . Those Cherokees who lived on private , individually owned lands ( rather than communally owned tribal land ) were not subject to removal . In North Carolina , about 400 Cherokees , known as the Oconaluftee Cherokee , lived on land in the Great Smoky Mountains owned by a white man named William Holland Thomas ( who had been adopted by Cherokees as a boy ) , and were thus not subject to removal . Added to this were some 200 Cherokee from the Nantahala area allowed to stay in the Qualla Boundary after assisting the U.S. Army in hunting down and capturing the family of the old prophet , Tsali ( who faced a firing squad after capture ) . These North Carolina Cherokees became the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation . Eastern Cherokee restitution ( edit ) The United States Court of Claims ruled in favor of the Eastern Cherokee Tribe 's claim against the U.S. on May 18 , 1905 . This resulted in the appropriation of $1 million ( equal to $27,438,023.04 today ) to the Tribe 's eligible individuals and families . Interior Department employee Guion Miller created a list using several rolls and applications to verify tribal enrollment for the distribution of funds , known as the Guion Miller Roll . The applications received documented over 125,000 individuals ; the court approved more than 30,000 individuals to share in the funds . Statistics ( edit ) Nation Population east of the Mississippi before removal treaty Removal treaty & year signed Years of major emigration Total number emigrated or forcibly removed Number stayed in Southeast Deaths during removal Deaths from warfare Choctaw 19,554 + white citizens of the Choctaw Nation + 500 black slaves Dancing Rabbit Creek ( 1830 ) 1831 -- 1836 12,500 7,000 2,000 -- 4,000 + ( Cholera ) none Creek 22,700 + 900 black slaves Cusseta ( 1832 ) 1834 -- 1837 19,600 100s 3,500 ( disease after removal ) ? ( Second Creek War ) Chickasaw 4,914 + 1,156 black slaves Pontotoc Creek ( 1832 ) 1837 -- 1847 over 4,000 100s 500 -- 800 none Cherokee 21,500 + 2,000 black slaves New Echota ( 1835 ) 1836 -- 1838 20,000 + 2,000 slaves 1,000 2,000 -- 8,000 Seminole 5,000 + fugitive slaves Payne 's Landing ( 1832 ) 1832 -- 1842 2,833 250 500 700 ( Second Seminole War ) Landmarks and commerations ( edit ) Map of National Historic trails In 1987 , about 2,200 miles ( 3,500 km ) of trails were authorized by federal law to mark the removal of 17 detachments of the Cherokee people . Called the `` Trail of Tears National Historic Trail '' , it traverses portions of nine states and includes land and water routes . Trail of Tears outdoor Historical drama , Unto these Hills ( edit ) A historical drama based on the Trail of Tears , Unto These Hills written by Kermit Hunter , has sold over five million tickets for its performances since its opening on July 1 , 1950 , both touring and at the outdoor Mountainside Theater of the Cherokee Historical Association in Cherokee , North Carolina . Commemorative medallion ( edit ) Cherokee artist Troy Anderson was commissioned to design the Cherokee Trail of Tears Sesquicentennial Commemorative Medallion . The falling - tear medallion shows a seven - pointed star , the symbol of the seven clans of the Cherokees . In literature and oral history ( edit ) Family Stories From the Trail of Tears is a collection edited by Lorrie Montiero and transcribed by Grant Foreman , taken from the Indian - Pioneer History Collection Walking the Trail ( 1991 ) is a book by Jerry Ellis describing his 900 - mile walk retracing of the Trail of Tears in reverse See also ( edit ) Ethnic cleansing and forced migration , modern terms for the forced relocation of a people Expulsion of the Acadians Hopkinsville , Kentucky Long Walk of the Navajo , a later forced removal Native American genocide Population transfer Potawatomi Trail of Death Timeline of Cherokee removal References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Trail of Tears - Native American History - '' . . Archived from the original on October 14 , 2017 . Retrieved October 17 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` A Brief History of the Trail of Tears '' . . Archived from the original on October 18 , 2017 . Retrieved October 17 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` The Trail of Tears '' . PBS . 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University of Georgia Press . p. 85 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8203 - 1482 - 2 . Jump up ^ Thornton , Russell ( 1991 ) . `` The Demography of the Trail of Tears Period : A New Estimate of Cherokee Population Losses '' . In William L. Anderson . Cherokee Removal : Before and After . pp. 75 -- 93 . Jump up ^ Prucha , Francis Paul ( 1995 - 01 - 01 ) . The Great Father : The United States Government and the American Indians . U of Nebraska Press . pp. 241 note 58 . ISBN 0803287348 . Jump up ^ Ehle , John ( 2011 - 06 - 08 ) . Trail of Tears : The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation . Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group . pp. 390 -- 392 . ISBN 9780307793836 . Jump up ^ Carter , Samuel ( 1976 ) . Cherokee sunset : a nation betrayed : a narrative of travail and triumph , persecution and exile . Doubleday . p. 232 . ISBN 9780385067355 . ^ Jump up to : Francis Paul Prucha ( 1 January 1995 ) . The Great Father : The United States Government and the American Indians . U of Nebraska Press . p. 233 . ISBN 0 - 8032 - 8734 - 8 . Jump up ^ Anthony Wallace ; Eric Foner ( July 1993 ) . The Long , Bitter Trail : Andrew Jackson and the Indians . Farrar , Straus and Giroux . pp. 100 -- 101 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8090 - 1552 - 8 . Jump up ^ Francis Paul Prucha ( 1995 ) . The Great Father : The United States Government and the American Indians . University of Nebraska Press . pp. 241 note 58 . ISBN 0 - 8032 - 8734 - 8 . Retrieved 16 February 2016 . John Ehle ( 1989 ) . Trials of Tears : The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation . Anchor Books . pp. 390 -- 392 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 385 - 23954 - 7 . Retrieved 16 February 2016 . William L. Anderson ( 1992 ) . Cherokee Removal : Before and After . University of Georgia Press . pp. 75 -- 93 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8203 - 1482 - 2 . Retrieved 16 February 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Trail of Tears : History & Culture '' . National Park Service . Archived from the original on February 27 , 2015 . Retrieved July 8 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Geographic Resources Division '' . National Park Service . Archived from the original on October 18 , 2017 . Retrieved October 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Unto These Hills Drama - Cherokee Historical Association '' . . Archived from the original on October 18 , 2017 . Retrieved October 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Cherokee Ancestry '' . . Archived from the original on October 18 , 2017 . Retrieved October 18 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Cherokees to Mark Anniversary of `` Trail of Tears '' to Oklahoma `` . News OK . Archived from the original on April 2 , 2015 . Retrieved March 11 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Montiero , Lorrie & Foreman , Grant ( Transcriber ) . Family Stories From the Trail of Tears . American Native Press Archives and Sequoyah Research Center . Archived from the original on July 3 , 2015 . CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter ( link ) Bibliography ( edit ) Anderson , William , ed. ( 1991 ) . Cherokee Removal : Before and After . Athens , Georgia : University of Georgia Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8203 - 1482 - 2 . Bealer , Alex W. ( 1996 ) ( 1972 ) . Only the Names Remain : The Cherokees and The Trail of Tears . Boston , Massachusetts : Little , Brown . ISBN 978 - 0 - 316 - 08519 - 9 . Carter , Samuel ( 1976 ) . Cherokee Sunset : A Nation Betrayed . New York : Doubleday . ISBN 0 - 385 - 06735 - 6 . Ehle , John ( 1989 ) ( 1988 ) . Trail of Tears : The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation . New York : Anchor Books . ISBN 0 - 385 - 23954 - 8 . Fitzgerald , David ; King , Duane ( 2008 ) . The Cherokee Trail of Tears . Portland , Oregon : Graphic Arts Books . ISBN 978 - 0 - 88240 - 752 - 4 . Foreman , Grant ( 1989 ) ( 1932 ) . Indian Removal : The Emigration of the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians ( 11 ed . ) . Norman , Oklahoma : University of Oklahoma Press . ISBN 0 - 8061 - 1172 - 0 . Gregg , Matthew T. and David M. Wishart . `` The price of Cherokee removal '' . Explorations in Economic History Volume 49 , Issue 4 , October 2012 , Pages 423 -- 442 Jahoda , Gloria ( 1995 ) ( 1975 ) . Trail of Tears : The Story of the American Indian Removal 1813 -- 1855 . Henry Holt & Co . ISBN 978 - 0 - 517 - 14677 - 4 . Mooney , James ( 2007 ) ( 1888 ) . King , Duane , ed . Myths of the Cherokee . New York : Barnes & Noble . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7607 - 8340 - 5 . Perdue , Theda ; Green , Michael ( 2008 ) ( 2007 ) . The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears . New York : Penguin Books . ISBN 978 - 0 - 14 - 311367 - 6 . Prucha , Francis ( 1984 ) . The Great Father : The United States Government and the American Indians . Lincoln , Nebraska : Nebraska Press . ISBN 0 - 8032 - 3668 - 9 . Remini , Robert ( 2001 ) . Andrew Jackson and his Indian Wars . New York : Viking . ISBN 0 - 670 - 91025 - 2 . Wallace , Anthony ( 1993 ) . The Long , Bitter Trail : Andrew Jackson and the Indians ( Hardback ed . ) . New York : Hill and Wang . ISBN 0 - 8090 - 6631 - 9 . Wilson , James ( 1998 ) . The Earth Shall Weep : A History of Native America . New York : Grove Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8021 - 3680 - 0 . Winn , William W. ( 2015 ) . The Triumph of the Ecunnau - Nuxulgee : Land Speculators , George M. Troup , State Rights , and the Removal of the Creek Indians from Georgia and Alabama , 1825 - 38 . Macon : Mercer University Press . 9780881465228 . Documents ( edit ) U.S. Senate ( April 15 -- 17 , 1830 ) . Cherokee Indian Removal Debate . Archived from the original on February 6 , 2009 . Scott , Winfield ( May 10 , 1838 ) . Winfield Scott 's Address to the Cherokee Nation . Archived from the original on October 6 , 2008 . Gen. Winfield Scott 's Order to U.S. Troops Assigned to the Cherokee Removal . Cherokee Agency . May 17 , 1838 . Archived from the original on December 27 , 2008 . Documentary ( edit ) The Trail of Tears : Cherokee Legacy ( 2006 ) -- directed by Chip Richie ; narrated by James Earl Jones External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Trail of Tears . Wikisource has original text related to this article : Appeal of the Cherokee Nation Wikivoyage has a travel guide for Trail of Tears . Trail of Tears List - a report to the U.S. Senate Remote Sensing Technology to Understanding the Choctaw Removals Trail of Tears National Historic Trail ( U.S. National Park Service ) Trail of Tears Association The North Little Rock Site : Interpretive Contexts Chickasaw Seminole Tribe of Florida History : Indian Resistance and Removal Muscogee ( Creek ) Removal Cherokee Heritage Documentation Center Cherokee Nation Cultural Resource Center Trail of Tears - The Dream We Dreamed Cherokee Indian Removal , Encyclopedia of Alabama The Trail of Tears and the Forced Relocation of the Cherokee Nation , a National Park Service Teaching with Historic Places ( TwHP ) lesson plan Trail of Tears Roll , Access genealogy Maps of North America and the Trail of Tears ( ) Trail of Tears historical marker Indian Removal Battles and military incidents ( chronologically ) Battle of Burnt Corn ( 1813 ) Fort Mims Massacre ( 1813 ) Battle of Horseshoe Bend ( 1814 ) Battle of Negro Fort ( 1816 ) Battle of Fowltown ( 1817 ) Scott Massacre ( 1817 ) Attack at Fort Hughes ( 1817 ) Battle of Ocheesee ( 1817 -- 1818 ) Seminole Wars Policies and laws Removal Act Georgia Land Lotteries Manifest destiny Worcester v. Georgia Removals ( chronologically ) Indian removals in Indiana Choctaw Trail of Tears ( 1831 -- 1833 ) Trail of Tears ( 1831 -- 1838 ) Cherokee removal ( 1836 -- 1839 ) Potawatomi Trail of Death ( 1838 ) Sandy Lake Tragedy ( 1850 ) Nome Cult Trail ( 1863 ) Long Walk of the Navajo ( 1864 ) Burt Lake burn - out ( 1900 ) American politicians and military officials John C. Calhoun Lewis Cass James Gadsden George Rockingham Gilmer Andrew Jackson Thomas Jefferson James Monroe Winfield Scott John Tipton David Wallace People who helped Indians or documented removals Robert C. Ambrister George Arbuthnot Benjamin Hawkins Edward Nicolls Benjamin Marie Petit George Winter Land cession treaties ( chronologically ) Fort Stanwix ( 1st ) ( 1768 ) Fort Stanwix ( 2nd ) ( 1784 ) Fort McIntosh ( 1785 ) Buffalo Creek ( 1st ) ( 1788 ) New York ( 1st ) ( 1790 ) New York ( 2nd ) ( 1796 ) Forbes Purchase ( 1804 -- 1811 ) Fort Jackson ( 1814 ) Creek Agency ( 1818 ) Doak 's Stand ( 1820 ) Indian Springs ( 1821 ) Prairie du Chien ( 1st ) ( 1825 ) Prairie du Chien ( 2nd ) ( 1829 ) Prairie du Chien ( 3rd ) ( 1829 ) Dancing Rabbit Creek ( 1830 ) Prairie du Chien ( 4th ) ( 1831 ) Cusseta ( 1832 ) Payne 's Landing ( 1832 ) Pontotoc Creek ( 1832 ) New Echota ( 1835 ) Buffalo Creek ( 2nd ) ( 1838 ) La Pointe ( 1st ) ( 1842 ) Buffalo Creek ( 3rd ) ( 1842 ) La Pointe ( 2nd ) ( 1854 ) Buffalo Creek ( 4th ) ( 1857 ) Landbases Former reservations in Oklahoma Indian Territory Indian barrier state ( proposed ) Indian Reserve ( 1763 ) Unassigned Lands Related topics Aboriginal title in the Thirteen Colonies Land claims settlements Reservation politics Reservation diminishment Reservation checkerboarding State of Georgia Atlanta ( capital ) Topics Index Geology History Congressional delegations Government Law People Media Newspapers Radio TV Music Elections Geography State Parks Symbols Transportation Tourist Attractions Seal of Georgia Society Culture Crime Demographics Economy Education Politics Sports Regions Atlantic coastal plain Blue Ridge Central Georgia Cumberland Plateau Golden Isles Historic South Lower Coastal Plain Metro Atlanta North Georgia North Georgia Mountains Northeast Georgia Piedmont Ridge and Valley Sea Islands Southern Rivers Southeast Georgia Southwest Georgia Tennessee Valley Wiregrass Region Largest cities Albany Atlanta Athens Augusta Columbus Johns Creek Macon Marietta Roswell Sandy Springs Savannah Valdosta Warner Robins Counties Appling Atkinson Bacon Baker Baldwin Banks Barrow Bartow Ben Hill Berrien Bibb Bleckley Brantley Brooks Bryan Bulloch Burke Butts Calhoun Camden Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham Chattahoochee Chattooga Cherokee Clarke Clay Clayton Clinch Cobb Coffee Colquitt Columbia Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Dawson Decatur DeKalb Dodge Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early Echols Effingham Elbert Emanuel Evans Fannin Fayette Floyd Forsyth Franklin Fulton Gilmer Glascock Glynn Gordon Grady Greene Gwinnett Habersham Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Heard Henry Houston Irwin Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jenkins Johnson Jones Lamar Lanier Laurens Lee Liberty Lincoln Long Lowndes Lumpkin Macon Madison Marion McDuffie McIntosh Meriwether Miller Mitchell Monroe Montgomery Morgan Murray Muscogee Newton Oconee Oglethorpe Paulding Peach Pickens Pierce Pike Polk Pulaski Putnam Quitman Rabun Randolph Richmond Rockdale Schley Screven Seminole Spalding Stephens Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall Taylor Telfair Terrell Thomas Tift Toombs Towns Treutlen Troup Turner Twiggs Union Upson Walker Walton Ware Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler White Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes Wilkinson Worth ( Campbell ) ( Milton ) History of Oklahoma Prior to 19th century Cooper Bison Kill ( 11th millennium BCE ) Spiro Mounds ( 9th -- 15th century CE ) 19th century Louisiana Purchase Arkansas Territory ( 1819 − 1824 ) Comanche -- Mexico Wars ( 1821 -- 1870s ) Cutthroat Gap Massacre ( 1833 ) Indian Removal Indian Territory ( 1834 -- 1907 ) Antelope Hills Expedition ( 1858 ) Civil War ( 1861 -- 1865 ) Washita Massacre ( 1868 ) Oklahoma Territory ( 1890 -- 1907 ) Land runs ( 1890s ) 20th century State of Sequoyah ( 1905 ) State of Oklahoma ( 1907 ) Crazy Snake Rebellion ( 1909 ) Green Corn Rebellion ( 1917 ) Osage Indian murders ( 1920s ) Tulsa race riot ( 1921 ) Dust Bowl ( 1930s ) Red River Bridge War ( 1931 ) Oklahoma City bombing ( 1995 ) 21st century OU Bombing ( 2005 ) Protected areas of Tennessee Federal National Parks Great Smoky Mountains National Park National Historical Parks & Sites Andrew Johnson National Historic Site Cumberland Gap National Historical Park Manhattan Project National Historical Park National Military Parks Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park Fort Donelson National Battlefield Fort Donelson National Cemetery Shiloh National Cemetery Shiloh National Military Park Stones River National Battlefield Stones River National Cemetery National Recreation Areas Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area National Trails System Appalachian National Scenic Trail Natchez Trace National Scenic Trail Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail Trail of Tears National Historic Trail National Forests Cherokee National Forest National Wildlife Refuges Chickasaw Cross Creeks Hatchie Lake Isom Lower Hatchie Reelfoot Tennessee Wilderness Areas Bald River Gorge Big Frog Big Laurel Branch Citico Creek Cohutta Gee Creek Joyce Kilmer - Slickrock Little Frog Mountain Pond Mountain Sampson Mountain Unaka Mountain Other Protected Areas Foothills Parkway Gatlinburg Bypass Natchez Trace Parkway Obed Wild and Scenic River State East Tennessee State Parks Big Ridge Booker T. Washington Cove Lake Cumberland Mountain David Crockett Birthplace Fall Creek Falls Fort Loudoun Frozen Head Harrison Bay Hiwassee / Ocoee Indian Mountain Justin P. Wilson Cumberland Trail Norris Dam Panther Creek Red Clay Roan Mountain Rocky Fork Seven Islands Sycamore Shoals Warriors ' Path Middle Tennessee State Parks Bicentennial Capitol Mall Bledsoe Creek Burgess Falls Cedars Of Lebanon Cordell Hull Birthplace Cummins Falls David Crockett Dunbar Cave Edgar Evins Fall Creek Falls Harpeth River Henry Horton Johnsonville Long Hunter Montgomery Bell Mousetail Landing Old Stone Fort Pickett Port Royal Rock Island Sgt . Alvin C. York South Cumberland Standing Stone Tims Ford West Tennessee State Parks Big Cypress Tree Big Hill Pond Chickasaw Fort Pillow Meeman - Shelby Forest Nathan Bedford Forrest Natchez Trace Paris Landing Pickwick Landing Pinson Mounds Reelfoot Lake T.O. Fuller State Forests Bledsoe Cedars of Lebanon Chickasaw Chuck Swan Franklin John Tully Lewis Lone Mountain Martha Sundquist Natchez Trace Pickett Prentice Cooper Scott Standing Stone Stewart State Natural Areas Auntney Hollow Barnett 's Woods Bays Mountain Beaman Park Big Bone Cave Campbell Bend Barrens Carroll Cabin Barrens Glade Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee Carter Chimneys Colditz Cove Couchville Cedar Glade Crowder Cemetery Barrens Devils Backbone Dry Branch Duck River Complex Elsie Quarterman Cedar Glade Falling Water Falls Fate Sanders Barrens Flat Rock Cedar Glade & Barrens Gattinger 's Cedar Glade & Barrens Ghost River Grundy Forest Hampton Creek Cove Hawkins Cove Hicks Gap Hill Forest Honey Creek House Mountain Hubbard 's Cave John & Hester Lane Cedar Glades John Noel at Bon Aqua Langford Branch Laurel - Snow Lost Creek Lucius Burch Jr . Forest Manus Road Cedar Glade May Prairie North Chickamauga Creek Gorge Overbridge Old Forest Ozone Falls Piney Falls Pogue Creek Powell River Radnor Lake Riverwoods Roundtop Mountain Rugby Savage Gulf Sequatchie Cave Short Mountain Short Springs Sneed Road Cedar Glade Stillhouse Hollow Falls Stinging Fork Falls Stones River Cedar Glade & Barrens Sunk Lake Sunnybell Cedar Glade Taylor Hollow Twin Arches Vesta Cedar Glade Vine Cedar Glade Virgin Falls Walker Branch Walls of Jericho Walterhill Floodplain Washmorgan Hollow Watauga River Bluffs William B. Clark William R. Davenport Refuge Wilson School Road Window Cliffs Other Catoosa Wildlife Management Area Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation ( web ) - Tennessee Department of Agriculture ( web ) Seminole Federally recognized tribes Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida Seminole Nation of Oklahoma Seminole Tribe of Florida Reservations Big Cypress Brighton Fort Pierce Hollywood Immokalee Miccosukee Tampa Languages Afro - Seminole Creole Mikasuki language Muscogee language Culture Ah - Tah - Thi - Ki Museum Alligator wrestling Black Seminoles Mascogos Chickee Fastachee Four Mothers Society Green Corn Ceremony Seminole music Stomp dance History Indigenous people of the Everglades region Seminole Wars Trail of Tears Green Corn Rebellion Politics and law List of chiefs Oklahoma Tax Commission v. United States Seminole Nation v. United States Chickasaw Culture and religion Language Ababinili Four Mothers Society Green Corn Ceremony Panti ' Pashofa Stomp dance Government Chickasaw Nation Chickasaw Campaign of 1736 Chickasaw Campaign of 1739 Chickasaw Wars Ex parte Joins Treaty of Hopewell Trail of Tears Treaty with Choctaws and Chickasaws Atoka Agreement ( 1897 ) Chickasaw Nation v. United States ( 2001 ) Places Bloomfield Academy Chickasaw Cultural Center Chickasaw Nation Chickasaw Nation Capitols Fort Jefferson Kullihoma Grounds New Savannah , Georgia Old Town Savannah Town , South Carolina Tishomingo City Hall White House of the Chickasaws Media KADA KADA - FM KAZC KCNP KTLS - FM KXFC KYKC Casinos Ada Gaming Center Chisholm Trail Casino Gold Mountain Casino Newcastle Casino Riverwind Casino SaltCreek Casino Treasure Valley Casino WinStar World Casino Related Choctaw Five Civilized Tribes History of the United States Timeline Prehistory Pre-Columbian Colonial 1776 -- 89 1789 -- 1849 1849 -- 65 1865 -- 1918 1918 -- 45 1945 -- 64 1964 -- 80 1980 -- 91 1991 -- 2008 2008 -- present Topics American Century Cities Constitution Demographic Diplomatic Economic Education Immigration Medical Merchant Marine Military Musical Religious Slavery Southern Technological and industrial Territorial acquisitions Territorial evolution Voting rights Women Portal GND : 4388404 - 0 NARA : 10642331 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Cherokee Nation ( 1794 -- 1907 ) Ethnic cleansing in the United States Forced marches Forced migrations in the United States Forced migrations of Native Americans in the United States History of Georgia ( U.S. state ) History of Kentucky History of Missouri History of North Carolina History of the United States ( 1789 -- 1849 ) Military history of the United States National Historic Trails of the United States Native American genocide Native American history of Oklahoma Native American history of Alabama Pre-statehood history of Arkansas Pre-statehood history of Oklahoma Trail of Tears Chickasaw Seminole tribe American Old West Muscogee Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter Use mdy dates from February 2017 Wikipedia articles needing clarification from October 2017 Articles needing more detailed references All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from March 2011 Articles needing additional references from January 2014 All articles needing additional references Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from December 2017 CS1 : Julian -- Gregorian uncertainty Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with NARA identifiers Articles containing video clips Talk Contents About Wikipedia Languages Беларуская Català Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Español Français Galego 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Ирон Italiano Lietuvių Македонски മലയാളം मराठी Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Runa Simi Русский Simple English Српски / srpski Suomi Svenska தமிழ் ไทย ᏣᎳᎩ Türkçe Українська 文言 中文 27 more Edit links This page was last edited on 14 June 2018 , at 19 : 28 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | where did the seminole lived before the trail of tears | [
"In 1831, the Choctaw became the first Nation to be removed, and their removal served as the model for all future relocations. After two wars, many Seminoles were removed in 1832. The Creek removal followed in 1834, the Chickasaw in 1837, and lastly the Cherokee in 1838.[14] However, some managed to evade the removals and remained in their ancestral homelands; some Choctaw are living in Mississippi, Creek in Alabama and Florida, Cherokee in North Carolina, and Seminole in Florida; a small group had escaped into the Everglades and were never defeated by the United States government.[clarification needed] A small number of non-Native Americans who lived with the tribes, including some of African descent (some as slaves, and others as spouses or freedmen), also accompanied the Indians on the trek westward.[14] By 1837, 46,000 Indians from the southeastern states had been removed from their homelands, thereby opening 25 million acres (100,000 km2) for predominantly European ('Caucasian'/'white') settlement.[14]"
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-6092886682650589682 | Celebrity Big Brother 1 (UK) | Celebrity Big Brother 1 ( UK ) - wikipedia Celebrity Big Brother 1 ( UK ) Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the UK television series . For other uses , see Celebrity Big Brother 1 ( disambiguation ) . Celebrity Big Brother Series 1 ( 2001 ) ( show ) Housemates Name Entered Exited Jack Day 1 Day 8 Claire Day 1 Day 8 Keith Day 1 Day 8 Anthea Day 1 Day 6 Vanessa Day 1 Day 4 Chris Day 1 Day 2 Winner Runner - up Evicted Celebrity Big Brother 1 , also referred to as Celebrity Big Brother 2001 , was the first series of the British reality television show Celebrity Big Brother . The show is based on an originally Dutch TV series of the same name created by producer John de Mol in 1997 . In honour of Comic Relief , six celebrities entered the Big Brother house . The series premiered on 9 March 2001 , and lasted for a total of eight days . It concluded on 16 March 2001 when comedian Jack Dee was crowned the winner . The series revolved around a group of celebrities living in a custom built house with no contact with the outside world . Each week , the housemates are required to nominate two people for eviction . The two or more people with the most votes were nominated to leave the House . The viewers then decided which of the nominees should leave , with the selected person leaving during a live show . This process continued until only three housemates remained , at which time the public voted for which of them should win the series . Unlike the original show , Celebrity Big Brother saw the housemates competing for charity . Contents ( hide ) 1 Production 1.1 Broadcasts 1.2 Prizes 2 House 3 Format 4 Housemates 5 Summary 6 Nominations table 6.1 Notes 7 References Production ( edit ) Broadcasts ( edit ) The series premiered on 9 March 2001 , on Channel 4 . The contestants were recorded 24 hours a day with cameras fixed around the house , and had to wear portable microphones . Channel 4 broadcast a daily highlights show , and from the second day on there was a live eviction show hosted by Davina McCall , where the evicted housemate was interviewed . In the nightly highlight episodes , viewers are shown various highlights of a specific day in the house . Due to the length of the series , the psychologists featured in the main series did not return for Celebrity Big Brother 1 , but did continue to appear in the main series . The series ended on 16 March , lasting for a total of 8 days . Initially , Celebrity Big Brother was meant to be a one - time series , but due to the success it was later brought back as an annual event , airing while the main series was completed . Celebrity Big Brother 1 was the first season in the UK edition of Big Brother to feature a live premiere , something that would be used from Big Brother 3 onward . Prizes ( edit ) The six celebrities in the game are competing for charity , rather than a grand prize for themselves . While in the house , the housemates attempted to complete various tasks assigned by Big Brother in exchange for a grocery budget , which they used to buy food and luxuries ; this included buying things such as alcohol and cigarettes . Celebrity Big Brother 1 , much like the main series , did not feature luxury competitions or prizes throughout the season . House ( edit ) For the first season , Celebrity Big Brother used the house that was used in Big Brother 1 , which was located in Bow , London near the 3 Mills Studios . The House remained relatively unchanged from its appearance in the debut season . A living room was featured in the house , with blue walls lining it and the kitchen , which featured a stove and sink , along with the fridge . The house featured two nearly identical bedrooms , one for the men and one for the women . Each room featured five beds , with matching sheets and furniture . There was a shower room and toilet in the house as well . Housemates could communicate with producers in the room known was the `` Diary Room '' . The Diary Room for the first season featured a simple design , being a small chair with a white background . Future seasons of the series would feature more elaborate Diary Rooms . The Diary Room was where nominations took place , and where housemates could reveal their thoughts . As seen in the third week , housemates could be seen by a medical professional in the Diary Room if necessary . The outside of the house featured a chicken coop with various chickens inside , from which the housemates collect eggs . Unlike other editions of the show , Big Brother 1 did not feature a swimming pool or hot tub for the housemates to use . There was also a garden in the backyard , which featured a vegetable patch which the housemates could use . Various two way mirrors are in the house , with a camera crew behind them . There are also various cameras and microphones throughout the house , providing the housemates with no privacy . Format ( edit ) Big Brother is a game show in which a group of contestants , called housemates , live in isolation from the outside world in a custom built `` house '' , which includes everyday facilities such as a fully equipped kitchen , garden , two bedrooms , and a bathroom . The house is also a television studio with cameras and microphones in most of the rooms to record the activities of the housemates . The only place where housemates can escape the company of the other contestants is the Diary Room , where they are encouraged to voice their true feelings . Not all Diary Room footage is broadcast due to the privacy of the contestants . Each week all housemates nominate two of their fellow contestants for potential eviction . Failure to do so may result in a punishment , such as a reduction in the prize fund . The two , or more , housemates with the highest number of nominations face a public vote conducted by phone , with the contestant receiving the most votes being evicted from the house . The last contestant remaining in the house is declared the winner and will earn money for a charity . Big Brother host Davina McCall returned for Celebrity Big Brother to host the live premiere and eviction episodes . The eviction episodes remain largely unchanged from that of the main series . Over the duration of the series , the Housemates are given a series of tasks by Big Brother which test them in many ways . They are also put to the test by their own ideals , prejudices and opinions against other people from different walks of life ; something that has survived from the original `` social experiment '' of Big Brother 1 . They live in the communal House and share cooking and cleaning chores among themselves , which usually provides plenty of tension . Housemates are forbidden to sleep during daylight hours ( unless unwell ) - Big Brother plays the wake - up call persistently in the morning if housemates do not wake up and will play an alarm clock noise into the house if a housemate falls asleep during the day . Housemates must also live by the fundamental rules of Big Brother ; if the rules are broken it can result in formal warnings , various punishments or even a housemate 's removal from the House . They must wash their own clothes by hand , and they have to make their own bread from scratch . Each week Big Brother sets the Housemates a task in order to determine the shopping budget for the following week . They must work together to win the tasks in order to win a luxury shopping budget which changed based on the amount of people remaining in the house . If all food runs out in the House , Big Brother provides emergency rations of chickpeas and rice . Housemates are responsible for their own shopping and decide which items the budget will allow them to have . Only a small percentage of the overall budget can be spent on alcohol . Housemates ( edit ) Main article : List of Celebrity Big Brother 1 housemates ( UK ) Celebrity Age on entry Occupation Anthea Turner 40 TV presenter Chris Eubank 34 Professional boxer Claire Sweeney 29 Actress and singer Jack Dee 39 Comedian Keith Duffy 26 Singer Vanessa Feltz 39 Journalist and broadcaster Summary ( edit ) On Day 1 , Anthea , Chris , Claire , Jack , Keith and Vanessa entered the Big Brother house . In a special twist , each Housemate made their nominations live on the launch episode . Every Housemate except for Vanessa had one vote cast against them . Ultimately , Chris and Anthea were selected as the first nominees of the season , with Anthea receiving three nominations and Chris receiving five , meaning everyone chose to nominate him . The first task , which began on Day 2 , was for the housemates to customize a pair of pants for one of their fellow housemates . Later , the housemates performed a fashion show with their creations . Big Brother decided that they passed this task and , as a reward , Big Brother played Westlife 's Comic Relief song into the house . During the day , Vanessa and Chris had an argument about parenting . This caused Vanessa to start shouting at Chris because of his actions towards her . That night , Chris was evicted from the house , having received 66 % of the public vote to evict him . Following the eviction , the Housemates made their second round of nominations . This time , everyone excluding Claire received a nomination . Jack and Vanessa were announced as the new set of nominees , with Jack being nominated by everyone in the house and Vanessa receiving three nominations . After the nominations were announced , Vanessa took the news quite badly and began writing all over the kitchen table using chalk . The task on Day 3 had housemates memorize 10 facts about each other . Housemates were then each asked 3 questions at random later in the day . The Housemates passed this task , and gained £ 18 worth more shopping . The task on Day 4 was for the celebrity housemates to make a topiary model . Housemates passed this task , and won a film to watch . That night , Vanessa became the second evicted celebrity from the house , receiving 71 % of the public vote . In the third and final set of nominations , every Housemate received at least one nomination against them . The final nominations were announced as a three way tie between Anthea , Jack , and Keith . This made it Anthea and Jack 's second time being nominated , while it was Keith 's first time as a nominee . This also made Claire the only Housemate to make it to the finale this season without being nominated for eviction once . Claire also received the last amount of nominations in the game total , only getting three nominations total . The task on Day 5 was for housemates to write and perform an original song about their time in the house . Housemates passed the task and won a takeaway dinner . On Day 6 , Housemates participated in a task which involved them taking part in an assault course . The Housemates completed the task in 3 minutes and 5 seconds , thus passing the task . That night , Anthea was evicted from the house , having received 52 % of the public vote . While she was leaving the house , Jack ran outside to greet his wife , and was sent back inside . The Housemate 's task on Day 7 was for each of them to take care of baby simulators called `` Juanita '' to test their parenting skills . Housemates passed and won a Wild West themed party . On Day 8 , the final task was for housemates to paint their favorite view of the house , with the Housemates presenting these later in the day . That night , it was announced that Jack was the winner of Celebrity Big Brother 1 , with Claire coming in second and Keith coming in third . Nominations table ( edit ) Day 2 Day 4 Day 6 Day 8 Final Nominations received Jack Anthea , Chris Vanessa , Anthea Anthea , Keith Winner ( Day 8 ) 8 Claire Anthea , Chris Vanessa , Jack Jack , Keith Runner - up ( Day 8 ) Keith Chris , Jack Jack , Vanessa Anthea , Claire Third place ( Day 8 ) 6 Anthea Chris , Keith Keith , Jack Jack , Keith Evicted ( Day 6 ) 6 Vanessa Chris , Jack Keith , Jack Evicted ( Day 4 ) Chris Claire , Anthea Evicted ( Day 2 ) 5 Nomination note none Against public vote Anthea , Chris Jack , Vanessa Anthea , Jack , Keith Claire , Jack , Keith Evicted Chris 66 % to evict Vanessa 71 % to evict Anthea 52 % to evict Keith 16 % ( out of 3 ) Claire 41 % ( out of 2 ) Jack 59 % to win Notes ( edit ) ^ 1 : The public were voting for the Housemate they wanted to win rather than to evict . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Carman , John ( 5 July 2000 ) . `` ' Big Brother ' Watches Their Every Movement '' . San Francisco Chronicle . Retrieved 19 April 2008 . Jump up ^ Anthony , Andrew ( 23 July 2000 ) . `` Let 's bomb them '' . The Guardian . London . Retrieved 26 April 2010 . Jump up ^ 3 Mills Studios Archived 2 December 1998 at the Wayback Machine . Coordinates : 51 ° 31 ′ 39 '' N 0 ° 0 ′ 11 '' W / 51.52750 ° N 0.00306 ° W / 51.52750 ; - 0.00306 Big Brother ( UK ) Big Brother Series 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Housemates 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Winners Craig Phillips Brian Dowling Kate Lawler Cameron Stout Nadia Almada Anthony Hutton Pete Bennett Brian Belo Rachel Rice Sophie Reade Josie Gibson Aaron Allard - Morgan Luke Anderson Sam Evans Helen Wood Chloe Wilburn Jason Burrill Isabelle Warburton Other housemates Anna Nolan Nick Bateman Helen Adams Jade Goody Alison Hammond Jon Tickle Michelle Bass Derek Laud Aisleyne Horgan - Wallace Richard Newman Nikki Grahame Imogen Thomas Sam and Amanda Marchant Ziggy Lichman Chanelle Hayes Thaila Zucchi Sam Pepper JJ Bird Louise Cliffe Jemma Palmer Deana Uppal Zoe Birkett Pauline Bennett Eileen Daly Jayne Connery Laura Carter Lateysha Grace Andrew Tate Sue Evans Rebecca Jane Celebrity Big Brother Series 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Winners Jack Dee Mark Owen Bez Chantelle Houghton Shilpa Shetty Ulrika Jonsson Alex Reid Paddy Doherty Denise Welch Julian Clary Rylan Clark Charlotte Crosby Jim Davidson Gary Busey Katie Price James Hill Scotty T Stephen Bear Coleen Nolan Sarah Harding Other housemates Celebrity Big Brother housemates Special Teen Panto Celebrity Hijack Ultimate Related articles List of shows Elementfour Celebrity Big Brother racism controversy Dead Set `` Bad Wolf '' Comic Relief and Sport Relief Founders Richard Curtis Lenny Henry Telethons Comic Relief 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 Sport Relief 2012 2014 2016 Related programmes Blackadder : The Cavalier Years Celebrity Big Brother 1 Comic Relief Does The Apprentice Comic Relief Does Fame Academy series 1 series 2 Doctor Who : The Curse of Fatal Death Famous , Rich and Hungry `` From Raxacoricofallapatorius with Love '' Glee Club Let 's Sing and Dance Let 's Play Darts Only Fools on Horses Rich , Famous and in the Slums Robbie the Reindeer `` Hooves of Fire '' `` Space '' / `` Time '' Spider - Plant Man Sport Relief Does The Apprentice Sport Relief 's Top Dog Top Gear of the Pops Top Ground Gear Force Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2001 British television seasons Celebrity Big Brother ( UK ) seasons Comic Relief Channel 4 reality television programmes Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Use British English from January 2014 Use dmy dates from June 2014 Coordinates on Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia Suomi Edit links This page was last edited on 22 October 2017 , at 23 : 09 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who won the first ever celebrity big brother | [
"The series premiered on 9 March 2001, and lasted for a total of eight days. It concluded on 16 March 2001 when comedian Jack Dee was crowned the winner. The series revolved around a group of celebrities living in a custom built house with no contact with the outside world. Each week, the housemates are required to nominate two people for eviction. The two or more people with the most votes were nominated to leave the House. The viewers then decided which of the nominees should leave, with the selected person leaving during a live show. This process continued until only three housemates remained, at which time the public voted for which of them should win the series. Unlike the original show, Celebrity Big Brother saw the housemates competing for charity."
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"Jack Dee"
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-6235639078719701647 | Davis Mountains | Davis Mountains - wikipedia Davis Mountains Jump to : navigation , search For the Texas wine region around the Davis Mountains , see Texas Davis Mountains AVA . Davis Mountains Limpia Mountains View from Remington Ridge Highest point Peak Baldy Peak atop Mount Livermore Elevation 8,378 ft ( 2,554 m ) Coordinates 30 ° 38 ′ N 104 ° 10 ′ W / 30.633 ° N 104.167 ° W / 30.633 ; - 104.167 Coordinates : 30 ° 38 ′ N 104 ° 10 ′ W / 30.633 ° N 104.167 ° W / 30.633 ; - 104.167 Geography Country United States State Texas Geology Age of rock Paleogene Type of rock Igneous The Davis Mountains , originally known as Limpia Mountains , are a range of mountains in West Texas , located near Fort Davis , after which they are named in honor to Jefferson Davis . They are a popular site for camping and hiking and the region includes Fort Davis National Historic Site and Davis Mountains State Park . The historical and architectural value of the fort , along with the rugged natural environment of the park are a significant destination for tourism in Texas . Summit of Mount Locke Contents ( hide ) 1 Origin , geology and vegetation 2 Conservation 3 Facilities 4 Texas Separatist Standoff 5 Climate 6 References 7 External links Origin , geology and vegetation ( edit ) The mountains are of volcanic origin composed of strata associated with eruptions of the Trans - Pecos Texas volcanic field 35 million years ago . The highest peak in the Davis Mountains is Mount Livermore at 8,382 feet , and is the fourth highest peak in Texas . Vegetation in the mountain range is similar to some other sky island ranges in west Texas , New Mexico , Arizona , and northern Mexico , and includes montane grasslands , pine - oak woodlands and isolated stands of ponderosa pine forest at higher elevations . Conservation ( edit ) Since 1996 , The Nature Conservancy has acquired 33,000 acres ( 130 km2 ) in the mountain range , along with conservation easements on 70,000 acres ( 280 km2 ) more . This parcel is open to the public at specified times . Facilities ( edit ) McDonald Observatory is accessed by Spur 78 from State Highway 118 . Spur 78 is the highest state maintained road in Texas at 6,791 feet near the summit of Mt . Locke where the older telescopes of the observatory are located . Spur 77 branches off from Spur 78 providing access to the newer research equipment atop Mt . Fowlkes . Rolling hills in the Davis Mountains Texas separatist standoff ( edit ) The Texas separatist organization known as the Republic of Texas has its origins in the Davis Mountains . On April 27 , 1996 , the leader of the group , Rick McLaren , staged an attack on his neighbor 's house and demanded that he cede his property to the Republic of Texas . This led to 300 state troopers surrounding his house with him , his five followers , his wife , and the victims of the attack inside for close to a week . Ultimately , one follower was shot in the standoff and McLaren was arrested and imprisoned for the equivalent of a life sentence . Climate ( edit ) ( hide ) Climate data for Mount Locke weather station , Texas . ( Elevation 6,150 ft ) Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Record high ° F ( ° C ) 80 ( 27 ) 79 ( 26 ) 88 ( 31 ) 94 ( 34 ) 96 ( 36 ) 104 ( 40 ) 100 ( 38 ) 104 ( 40 ) 96 ( 36 ) 94 ( 34 ) 82 ( 28 ) 80 ( 27 ) 104 ( 40 ) Average high ° F ( ° C ) 53.5 ( 11.9 ) 56.9 ( 13.8 ) 63.7 ( 17.6 ) 71.4 ( 21.9 ) 78.6 ( 25.9 ) 84.5 ( 29.2 ) 82.7 ( 28.2 ) 81.3 ( 27.4 ) 76.6 ( 24.8 ) 70.5 ( 21.4 ) 61.2 ( 16.2 ) 54.4 ( 12.4 ) 69.6 ( 20.9 ) Average low ° F ( ° C ) 32.0 ( 0 ) 33.9 ( 1.1 ) 38.2 ( 3.4 ) 45.2 ( 7.3 ) 52.4 ( 11.3 ) 58.2 ( 14.6 ) 58.9 ( 14.9 ) 58.4 ( 14.7 ) 54.4 ( 12.4 ) 48.0 ( 8.9 ) 38.7 ( 3.7 ) 33.6 ( 0.9 ) 46.0 ( 7.8 ) Record low ° F ( ° C ) − 10 ( − 23 ) − 6 ( − 21 ) ( − 16 ) 11 ( − 12 ) 26 ( − 3 ) 36 ( 2 ) 40 ( 4 ) 40 ( 4 ) 29 ( − 2 ) 13 ( − 11 ) 8 ( − 13 ) − 2 ( − 19 ) − 10 ( − 23 ) Average precipitation inches ( mm ) 0.68 ( 17.3 ) 0.49 ( 12.4 ) 0.40 ( 10.2 ) 0.50 ( 12.7 ) 1.63 ( 41.4 ) 2.49 ( 63.2 ) 3.83 ( 97.3 ) 3.69 ( 93.7 ) 2.95 ( 74.9 ) 1.61 ( 40.9 ) 0.61 ( 15.5 ) 0.60 ( 15.2 ) 19.46 ( 494.3 ) Source : The Western Regional Climate Center References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Ar / Ar chronology and volcanology of silicic volcanism in the Davis Mountains , Trans - Pecos Texas '' , doi : 10.1130 / 0016 - 7606 ( 1994 ) 106 < 1359 : AACAVO > 2.3.CO ; 2 Geological Society of America Bulletin November 1994 v. 106 no . 11 p. 1359 - 1376 , accessed September 13 , 2010 ^ Jump up to : `` Davis Mountains Preserve '' . The Nature Conservancy . External link in website = ( help ) ; Missing or empty url = ( help ) Jump up ^ Branson , Hailey . `` Today in Texas History : Long live Republic of Texas ! Separatist group standoff in mountains begins '' . Houston Chronicle . Jump up ^ `` Seasonal Temperature and Precipitation Information '' . Western Regional Climate Center . Retrieved April 1 , 2013 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Davis Mountains . Davis Mountains from the Handbook of Texas Online Davis Mountains and Indian Lodge - December 5 , 2007 - Houston Chronicle Davis Mountains photographs , hosted by the Portal to Texas History Davis Mountains State Park - Texas Parks and Wildlife Davis Mountains Preserve - Nature Conservancy U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System : Davis Mountains Mountains of Texas Chisos Mountains Emory Peak Franklin Mountains North Franklin Mountain Guadalupe Mountains Bush Mountain El Capitan Guadalupe Peak Hueco Mountains Cerro Alto Mountain Llano Uplift Packsaddle Mountain Others Bachelor Peak Bare Butte Beach Mountains Carpenter Mountain Castle Peak Chalk Mountains Chinati Mountains Christmas Mountains Cusseta Mountain Davis Mountains Delaware Mountains Double Mountains Granite Mountain Greenwood Mountain Hairy Knob Las Moras Mountain Needle Peak ( Brewster County ) Needle Peak ( Presidio County ) Palo Pinto Mountains Rattlesnake Point Round Top Mountain Sierra del Carmen Sierra Vieja Slipdown Mountain Tackett Mountain Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Mountain ranges of Texas Landforms of Jeff Davis County , Texas Protected areas of Jeff Davis County , Texas Nature Conservancy preserves West Texas Hidden categories : CS1 errors : external links Pages using web citations with no URL Coordinates on Wikidata All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from May 2017 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Cebuano Čeština Deutsch فارسی Italiano Edit links This page was last edited on 19 September 2017 , at 18 : 06 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | where are the davis mountains located in texas | [
"The Davis Mountains, originally known as Limpia Mountains, are a range of mountains in West Texas, located near Fort Davis, after which they are named in honor to Jefferson Davis. They are a popular site for camping and hiking and the region includes Fort Davis National Historic Site and Davis Mountains State Park. The historical and architectural value of the fort, along with the rugged natural environment of the park are a significant destination for tourism in Texas.[citation needed]"
] | [
"in West Texas, located near Fort Davis"
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-687165051270103225 | List of multiple Olympic medalists | List of multiple Olympic medalists - wikipedia List of multiple Olympic medalists Jump to : navigation , search The page lists various individuals who have won multiple Olympic medals at either the Summer Olympic Games or the Winter Olympic Games . As of August 13 , 2016 , American swimmer Michael Phelps has won the most Olympic medals with 28 medals ( 23 gold , 3 silver , 2 bronze ) . He is also the most decorated Olympian in individual events , with 16 medals ( 13 gold , 2 silver , 1 bronze ) . Norwegian biathlete Ole Einar Bjørndalen is the most decorated Winter Olympian , with 13 medals ( 8 gold , 4 silver , and 1 bronze ) . Contents ( hide ) 1 List of Olympic medals over career 1.1 Timeline 2 List of most career medals in individual events 3 Athletes with medals in different disciplines 3.1 In the Summer and Winter Games 3.2 In the Summer Games 3.2. 1 Swimming and water polo 3.2. 2 Others in Summer Games 3.3 In the Winter Games 3.3. 1 Cross-country skiing and Nordic combined 3.3. 2 Others in Winter Games 4 See also 5 References List of Olympic medals over career ( edit ) This is a list of multiple Olympic medalists , listing people who have won seven or more Olympic medals . Medals won in the 1906 Intercalated Games are not included . It includes top - three placings in 1896 and 1900 , before medals were awarded for top - three placings . When an athlete has won medals for more than one nation , for simplicity only the last nation he or she represented is mentioned here . The Olympics listed for each athlete only include games when they won medals . See the particular article on the athlete for more details on when and for what nation an athlete competed . In those instances where more than one athlete has the same number of total medals , the first tiebreaker is the number of gold medals , then the number of silver medals . Where two or more athletes have exactly the same number of gold , silver and bronze medals , the ranking is shown as a tie and the athletes are shown in order by career years and name . No . Athlete Nation Sport Years Games Gender Gold Silver Bronze Total Phelps , Michael Michael Phelps United States Swimming 2004 -- 2016 Summer 23 28 Latynina , Larisa Larisa Latynina Soviet Union Gymnastics 1956 -- 1964 Summer 9 5 18 Andrianov , Nikolai Nikolai Andrianov Soviet Union Gymnastics 1972 -- 1980 Summer 7 5 15 Bjorndalen , Ole Einar Ole Einar Bjørndalen Norway Biathlon 1998 -- 2014 Winter 8 13 5 Shakhlin , Boris Boris Shakhlin Soviet Union Gymnastics 1956 -- 1964 Summer 7 6 Mangiarotti , Edoardo Edoardo Mangiarotti Italy Fencing 1936 -- 1960 Summer 6 5 7 Ono , Takashi Takashi Ono Japan Gymnastics 1952 -- 1964 Summer 5 8 Nurmi , Paavo Paavo Nurmi Finland Athletics 1920 -- 1928 Summer 9 0 12 9 Fischer , Birgit Birgit Fischer East Germany Germany Canoeing 1980 -- 2004 Summer 8 0 Dahlie , Bjorn Bjørn Dæhlie Norway Cross-country skiing 1992 -- 1998 Winter 8 0 11 Kato , Sawao Sawao Kato Japan Gymnastics 1968 -- 1976 Summer 8 Thompson , Jenny Jenny Thompson United States Swimming 1992 -- 2004 Summer 8 13 Lochte , Ryan Ryan Lochte United States Swimming 2004 -- 2016 Summer 6 14 Torres , Dara Dara Torres United States Swimming 1984 -- 2008 Summer 15 Nemov , Alexei Alexei Nemov Russia Gymnastics 1996 -- 2000 Summer 6 16 Coughlin , Natalie Natalie Coughlin United States Swimming 2004 -- 2012 Summer 5 17 Spitz , Mark Mark Spitz United States Swimming 1968 -- 1972 Summer 9 11 18 Biondi , Matt Matt Biondi United States Swimming 1984 -- 1992 Summer 8 19 Caslavska , Vera Věra Čáslavská Czechoslovakia Gymnastics 1960 -- 1968 Summer 7 0 20 Chukarin , Viktor Viktor Chukarin Soviet Union Gymnastics 1952 -- 1956 Summer 7 21 Osburn , Carl Carl Osburn United States Shooting 1912 -- 1924 Summer 5 22 Lewis , Carl Carl Lewis United States Athletics 1984 -- 1996 Summer 9 0 10 23 Gerevich , Aladar Aladár Gerevich Hungary Fencing 1932 -- 1960 Summer 7 24 Werth , Isabell Isabell Werth Germany Equestrian 1992 -- 2016 Summer 6 0 25 Bjorgen , Marit Marit Bjørgen Norway Cross-country skiing 2002 -- 2014 Winter 6 26 Nakayama , Akinori Akinori Nakayama Japan Gymnastics 1968 -- 1972 Summer 6 27 Scherbo , Vitaly Vitaly Scherbo Unified Team Belarus Gymnastics 1992 -- 1996 Summer 6 0 28 Keleti , Agnes Ágnes Keleti Hungary Gymnastics 1952 -- 1956 Summer 5 Hall Jr. , Gary Gary Hall Jr . United States Swimming 1996 -- 2004 Summer 5 29 Astakhova , Polina Polina Astakhova Soviet Union Gymnastics 1956 -- 1964 Summer 5 30 Smetanina , Raisa Raisa Smetanina Soviet Union Unified Team Cross-country skiing 1976 -- 1992 Winter 5 31 Dityatin , Alexander Alexander Dityatin Soviet Union Gymnastics 1976 -- 1980 Summer 6 32 Belmondo , Stefania Stefania Belmondo Italy Cross-country skiing 1992 -- 2002 Winter 5 33 Almsick , Franziska Franziska van Almsick Germany Swimming 1992 -- 2004 Summer 0 6 34 Van Innis , Hubert Hubert Van Innis Belgium Archery 1900 -- 1920 Summer 6 0 9 Yegorova , Lyubov Lyubov Yegorova Unified Team Russia Cross-country skiing 1992 -- 1994 Winter 6 0 Felix , Allyson Allyson Felix United States Athletics 2004 -- 2016 Summer 6 0 37 Vezzali , Valentina Valentina Vezzali Italy Fencing 1996 -- 2012 Summer 6 38 Comaneci , Nadia Nadia Comăneci Romania Gymnastics 1976 -- 1980 Summer 5 Thorpe , Ian Ian Thorpe Australia Swimming 2000 -- 2004 Summer 5 40 Pechstein , Claudia Claudia Pechstein Germany Speed skating 1992 -- 2006 Winter 5 41 Tsukahara , Mitsuo Mitsuo Tsukahara Japan Gymnastics 1968 -- 1976 Summer 5 42 Popov , Alexander Alexander Popov Unified Team Russia Swimming 1992 -- 2000 Summer 5 0 43 Jernberg , Sixten Sixten Jernberg Sweden Cross-country skiing 1956 -- 1964 Winter Tourischeva , Ludmilla Ludmilla Tourischeva Soviet Union Gymnastics 1968 -- 1976 Summer 45 Grunsven , Anky Anky van Grunsven Netherlands Equestrian 1992 -- 2012 Summer 5 Jones , Leisel Leisel Jones Australia Swimming 2000 -- 2012 Summer 5 47 Gaudini , Giulio Giulio Gaudini Italy Fencing 1928 -- 1936 Summer 48 Swahn , Alfred Alfred Swahn Sweden Shooting 1908 -- 1924 Summer 49 Voronin , Mikhail Mikhail Voronin Soviet Union Gymnastics 1968 -- 1972 Summer 6 50 Savolainen , Heikki Heikki Savolainen Finland Gymnastics 1928 -- 1952 Summer 6 51 Titov , Yuri Yuri Titov Soviet Union Gymnastics 1956 -- 1964 Summer 5 52 Ottey , Merlene Merlene Ottey Jamaica Athletics 1980 -- 2000 Summer 0 6 54 Ewry , Ray Ray Ewry United States Athletics 1900 -- 1908 Summer 8 0 0 8 Bolt , Usain Usain Bolt Jamaica Athletics 2008 -- 2016 Summer 8 0 0 55 Fredriksson , Gert Gert Fredriksson Sweden Canoeing 1948 -- 1960 Summer 6 56 Klimke , Reiner Reiner Klimke United Team of Germany West Germany Equestrian 1964 -- 1988 Summer 6 0 Ahn Hyun - Soo Viktor Ahn South Korea Russia Short track speed skating 2006 - 2014 Winter 6 0 58 Ritola , Ville Ville Ritola Finland Athletics 1924 -- 1928 Summer 5 0 59 Lipa , Elisabeta Elisabeta Lipă Romania Rowing 1984 -- 2000 Summer 5 60 Wiggins , Bradley Bradley Wiggins Great Britain Cycling 2000 -- 2016 Summer 5 Adrian , Nathan Nathan Adrian United States Swimming 2008 -- 2016 Summer 5 62 Carlberg , Vilhelm Vilhelm Carlberg Sweden Shooting 1908 -- 1924 Summer 0 Fraser , Dawn Dawn Fraser Australia Swimming 1956 -- 1964 Summer 0 Ender , Kornelia Kornelia Ender East Germany Swimming 1972 -- 1976 Summer 0 65 Olsen , Otto Otto Olsen Norway Shooting 1920 -- 1924 Summer Miez , Georges Georges Miez Switzerland Gymnastics 1924 -- 1936 Summer Gross , Rico Ricco Groß Germany Biathlon 1992 -- 2006 Winter Wüst , Ireen Ireen Wüst Netherlands Speed skating 2006 - 2014 Winter 69 Matthes , Roland Roland Matthes East Germany Swimming 1968 -- 1976 Summer Schmitt , Allison Allison Schmitt United States Swimming 2008 - 2016 Summer Kulakova , Galina Galina Kulakova Soviet Union Cross-country skiing 1972 -- 1980 Winter Aamodt , Kjetil Andre Kjetil André Aamodt Norway Alpine skiing 1992 -- 2006 Winter Fischer , Sven Sven Fischer Germany Biathlon 1994 -- 2006 Winter Bruijn , Inge Inge de Bruijn Netherlands Swimming 2000 -- 2004 Summer Lezak , Jason Jason Lezak United States Swimming 2000 -- 2012 Summer 76 Trillini , Giovanna Giovanna Trillini Italy Fencing 1992 -- 2008 Summer 77 Kovacs , Katalin Katalin Kovács Hungary Canoeing 2000 -- 2012 Summer 5 0 78 Ducret , Roger Roger Ducret France Fencing 1920 -- 1928 Summer Cattiau , Philippe Philippe Cattiau France Fencing 1920 -- 1936 Summer Enke , Karin Karin Enke East Germany Speed skating 1980 -- 1988 Winter Niemann - Stirnemann , Gunda Gunda Niemann - Stirnemann Germany Speed skating 1992 -- 1998 Winter Thomas , Petria Petria Thomas Australia Swimming 1996 -- 2004 Summer 83 Campbell - Brown , Veronica Veronica Campbell - Brown Jamaica Athletics 2000 - 2016 Summer 84 Babashoff , Shirley Shirley Babashoff United States Swimming 1972 -- 1976 Summer 6 0 85 Oneill , Susie Susie O'Neill Australia Swimming 1992 -- 2000 Summer 86 Korondi , Margit Margit Korondi Hungary Gymnastics 1952 -- 1956 Summer Muratova , Sofia Sofia Muratova Soviet Union Gymnastics 1956 -- 1960 Summer Sautin , Dmitri Dmitri Sautin Unified Team Russia Diving 1992 -- 2008 Summer Ohno , Apolo Apolo Ohno United States Short track speed skating 2002 -- 2010 Winter 90 Hoy , Chris Chris Hoy Great Britain Cycling 2000 -- 2012 Summer 6 0 7 Kenny , Jason Jason Kenny Great Britain Cycling 2008 -- 2016 Summer 6 0 92 Kovacs , Pal Pál Kovács Hungary Fencing 1936 -- 1960 Summer 6 0 93 Endo , Yukio Yukio Endo Japan Gymnastics 1960 -- 1968 Summer 5 0 Peirsol , Aaron Aaron Peirsol United States Swimming 2000 -- 2008 Summer 5 0 95 Lee , Willis Augustus Willis Augustus Lee United States Shooting 1920 Summer 5 Thunberg , Clas Clas Thunberg Finland Speed skating 1924 -- 1928 Winter 5 Winkler , Hans Gunter Hans Günter Winkler United Team of Germany West Germany Equestrian 1956 -- 1976 Summer 5 Jager , Tom Tom Jager United States Swimming 1984 -- 1992 Summer 5 Egerszegi , Krisztina Krisztina Egerszegi Hungary Swimming 1988 -- 1996 Summer 5 Lazutina , Larisa Larisa Lazutina Unified Team Russia Cross-country skiing 1992 -- 1998 Winter 5 Wu , Minxia Minxia Wu China Diving 2004 - 2016 Summer 5 102 Gaudin , Lucien Lucien Gaudin France Fencing 1920 -- 1928 Summer 0 Patzaichin , Ivan Ivan Patzaichin Romania Canoeing 1968 -- 1984 Summer 0 104 Liberg , Einar Einar Liberg Norway Shooting 1908 -- 1924 Summer Ballangrud , Ivar Ivar Ballangrud Norway Speed skating 1928 -- 1936 Winter 106 Daniels , Charles Charles Daniels United States Swimming 1904 -- 1908 Summer Spooner , Lloyd Lloyd Spooner United States Shooting 1920 Summer Kitajima , Kosuke Kosuke Kitajima Japan Swimming 2004 -- 2012 Summer Trickett , Libby Libby Trickett Australia Swimming 2004 -- 2012 Summer 110 Hakulinen , Veikko Veikko Hakulinen Finland Cross-country skiing 1952 -- 1960 Winter 111 Mantyranta , Eero Eero Mäntyranta Finland Cross-country skiing 1960 -- 1968 Winter Szewinska , Irena Irena Szewińska Poland Athletics 1964 -- 1976 Summer Andersson , Agneta Agneta Andersson Sweden Canoeing 1984 -- 1996 Summer Hoogenband , Pieter Pieter van den Hoogenband Netherlands Swimming 2000 -- 2004 Summer Kramer , Sven Sven Kramer Netherlands Speed skating 2006 - 2014 Winter 117 Strickland , Shirley Shirley Strickland Australia Athletics 1948 -- 1956 Summer Amanar , Simona Simona Amânar Romania Gymnastics 1996 - 2000 Summer Gottwald , Felix Felix Gottwald Austria Nordic combined 2002 -- 2010 Winter 119 Kirvesniemi , Marja - Liisa Marja - Liisa Kirvesniemi Finland Cross-country skiing 1984 -- 1994 Winter 0 Valbe , Yelena Yelena Välbe Unified Team Russia Cross-country skiing 1992 -- 1998 Winter 0 121 Marzi , Gustavo Gustavo Marzi Italy Fencing 1928 -- 1936 Summer 5 0 Gorokhovskaya , Maria Maria Gorokhovskaya Soviet Union Gymnastics 1952 Summer 5 0 123 Beard , Amanda Amanda Beard United States Swimming 1996 -- 2004 Summer Khorkina , Svetlana Svetlana Khorkina Russia Gymnastics 1996 -- 2004 Summer Coventry , Kirsty Kirsty Coventry Zimbabwe Swimming 2004 -- 2008 Summer 125 Ujlaki - Rejto , Ildiko Ildikó Újlaky - Rejtő Hungary Fencing 1960 -- 1976 Summer Janz , Karin Karin Janz East Germany Gymnastics 1968 -- 1972 Summer 128 Miller , Shannon Shannon Miller United States Gymnastics 1992 -- 1996 Summer Di Centa , Manuela Manuela Di Centa Italy Cross-country skiing 1992 -- 1998 Winter Mustafina , Aliya Aliya Mustafina Russia Gymnastics 2012 -- 2016 Summer Timeline ( edit ) This is a progressive list of Olympians that have held the record for most medals won . Medals won in the 1906 Intercalated Games are not included . It includes top - three placings in 1896 and 1900 , before medals were awarded for top - three placings . All record - holders have competed at Summer Games rather than Winter Games . Medal count Date Athlete Nation Sport Record medal event Earlier medal events 6 April 1896 James Connolly United States Athletics Triple jump G -- Alexandre Tuffère France Triple jump S Ioannis Persakis Greece Triple jump B Robert Garrett United States Athletics Discus G Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos Greece Discus S Sotirios Versis Greece Discus B 7 April 1896 Robert Garrett United States Athletics Long jump S See above James Connolly United States Long jump B Robert Garrett United States Athletics Shot put G 1896 -- 1 G , 2 S 9 April 1896 Carl Schuhmann Germany Gymnastics Vault G 1896 -- 1 G , 2 G Hermann Weingärtner Germany Vault B 1896 -- 1 G , 2 G Gymnastics Pommel horse S 5 Rings S 6 Horizontal bar G 16 July 1900 Robert Garrett United States Athletics Standing triple jump B 1896 -- 1 G , 2 S , 3 G , 4 S 1900 -- 5 B 3 September 1904 Ray Ewry United States Athletics Standing triple jump G 1900 -- 1 G , 2 G , 3 G 1904 -- 4 G , 5 G 7 20 July 1908 Athletics Standing long jump G 8 23 July 1908 Standing high jump G 29 July 1920 Carl Osburn United States Shooting Team 300 m / 600 m military rifle , prone G 1912 -- 1 B , 2 S , 3 S , 4 G 1920 -- 5 B , 6 S , 7 G 9 30 July 1920 300 m military rifle , standing G 10 31 July 1920 Team free rifle G 11 27 June 1924 Shooting 600 m free rifle S 3 August 1928 Paavo Nurmi Finland Athletics 5000 m S 1920 -- 1 S , 2 G , 3 G , 4 G 1924 -- 5 G , 6 G , 7 G , 8 G , 9 G 1928 -- 10 G 12 4 August 1928 3000 m steeplechase S 2 September 1960 Edoardo Mangiarotti Italy Fencing Team foil S 1936 -- 1 G 1948 -- 2 S , 3 S , 4 B 1952 -- 5 S , 6 S , 7 G , 8 G 1956 -- 9 G , 10 G , 11 B 13 9 September 1960 Team épée G 21 October 1964 Larisa Latynina Soviet Union Gymnastics Team G 1956 -- 1 G , 2 B , 3 G , 4 G , 5 G , 6 S 1960 -- 7 G , 8 G , 9 S , 10 S , 11 B , 12 G 14 All - around S 15 22 October 1964 Vault S 16 Uneven bars B 17 23 October 1964 Balance beam B 18 Floor exercise G 31 July 2012 Michael Phelps United States Swimming 200 m butterfly S 2004 -- 1 G , 2 B , 3 B , 4 G , 5 G , 6 G , 7 G , 8 G 2008 -- 9 G , 10 G , 11 G , 12 G , 13 G , 14 G , 15 G , 16 G 2012 -- 17 S 19 4 × 200 m freestyle G 20 2 August 2012 200 m individual medley G 21 3 August 2012 100 m butterfly G 22 4 August 2012 4 × 100 m medley relay G 23 7 August 2016 4 × 100 m freestyle relay G 24 9 August 2016 200 m butterfly G 25 4 × 200 m freestyle relay G 26 11 August 2016 200 m individual medley G 27 12 August 2016 100 m butterfly S 28 13 August 2016 4 × 100 m medley relay G Legend : G = Gold , S = Silver , B = Bronze . List of most career medals in individual events ( edit ) This list contains only medals won in individual events , no relays or team events count for this section . No . Athlete Nation Sport Years Games Sex Gold Silver Bronze Total Phelps , Michael Michael Phelps United States Swimming 2004 -- 2016 Summer 13 16 Latynina , Larisa Larisa Latynina Soviet Union Gymnastics 1956 -- 1964 Summer 6 5 14 Andrianov , Nikolai Nikolai Andrianov Soviet Union Gymnastics 1972 -- 1980 Summer 6 12 Shakhlin , Boris Boris Shakhlin Soviet Union Gymnastics 1956 -- 1964 Summer 6 10 5 Ono , Takashi Takashi Ono Japan Gymnastics 1952 -- 1964 Summer 6 Nemov , Alexei Alexei Nemov Russia Gymnastics 1996 -- 2000 Summer 5 7 Nurmi , Paavo Paavo Nurmi Finland Athletics 1920 -- 1928 Summer 6 0 9 Dahlie , Bjorn Bjørn Dæhlie Norway Cross-country skiing 1992 -- 1998 Winter 6 0 9 Chukarin , Viktor Viktor Chukarin Soviet Union Gymnastics 1952 -- 1956 Summer 5 Kato , Sawao Sawao Kato Japan Gymnastics 1968 -- 1976 Summer 5 Bjorndalen , Ole Einar Ole Einar Bjørndalen Norway Biathlon 1998 -- 2014 Winter 5 12 Scherbo , Vitaly Vitaly Scherbo Unified Team Belarus Gymnastics 1992 -- 1996 Summer 5 0 13 Ewry , Ray Ray Ewry United States Athletics 1900 -- 1908 Summer 8 0 0 8 14 Caslavska , Vera Věra Čáslavská Czechoslovakia Gymnastics 1960 -- 1968 Summer 7 0 Lewis , Carl Carl Lewis United States Athletics 1984 -- 1996 Summer 7 0 16 Nakayama , Akinori Akinori Nakayama Japan Gymnastics 1968 -- 1972 Summer Pechstein , Claudia Claudia Pechstein Germany Speed skating 1992 -- 2006 Winter 18 Dityatin , Alexander Alexander Dityatin Soviet Union Gymnastics 1976 -- 1980 Summer 5 19 Comaneci , Nadia Nadia Comăneci Romania Gymnastics 1976 -- 1980 Summer 5 7 Egerszegi , Krisztina Krisztina Egerszegi Hungary Swimming 1988 -- 1996 Summer 5 21 Bjørgen , Marit Marit Bjørgen Norway Cross-country skiing 2002 -- 2014 Winter 22 Jernberg , Sixten Sixten Jernberg Sweden Cross-country skiing 1956 -- 1964 Winter Wüst , Ireen Ireen Wüst Netherlands Speed skating 2006 -- 2014 Winter 24 Voronin , Mikhail Mikhail Voronin Soviet Union Gymnastics 1968 -- 1972 Summer Smetanina , Raisa Raisa Smetanina Soviet Union Unified Team Cross-country skiing 1976 -- 1992 Winter Coventry , Kirsty Kirsty Coventry Zimbabwe Swimming 2004 -- 2008 Summer 27 Lochte , Ryan Ryan Lochte United States Swimming 2004 -- 2012 Summer 28 Ottey , Merlene Merlene Ottey Jamaica Athletics 1980 -- 2000 Summer 0 5 Athletes with medals in different disciplines ( edit ) This list is incomplete ; you can help by expanding it . In the Summer and Winter Games ( edit ) Athlete ( Nation ) Summer Games Winter Games Ref Year Medal Event Year Medal Event Eddie Eagan ( USA ) 1920 Antwerp 01 ! Gold Boxing ( light heavyweight ) 1932 Lake Placid 01 ! Gold Bobsleigh ( four - man ) Jacob Tullin Thams ( NOR ) 1936 Berlin 02 ! Silver Sailing ( 8 - metre ) 1924 Chamonix 01 ! Gold Ski jumping ( individual large hill ) Christa Luding - Rothenburger ( GDR ) 1988 Seoul 02 ! Silver Cycling ( sprint ) 1984 Sarajevo 01 ! Gold Speed skating ( 500 m ) 1988 Calgary 01 ! Gold Speed skating ( 1000 m ) 02 ! Silver Speed skating ( 500 m ) 1992 Albertville 03 ! Bronze Speed skating ( 500 m ) Clara Hughes ( CAN ) 1996 Atlanta 03 ! Bronze Cycling ( road race ) 2002 Salt Lake City 03 ! Bronze Speed skating ( 5000 m ) 2006 Turin 02 ! Silver Speed skating ( team pursuit ) 03 ! Bronze Cycling ( time trial ) 01 ! Gold Speed skating ( 5000 m ) 2010 Vancouver 03 ! Bronze Speed skating ( 5000 m ) Lauryn Williams ( USA ) 2004 Athens 02 ! Silver Athletics ( 100 m ) 2014 Sochi 02 ! Silver Bobsleigh ( two - woman ) 2012 London 01 ! Gold Athletics ( 4 × 100 m relay ) Gillis Grafström became the first person to win a medal in the same event in Summer and Winter Olympics , winning figure skating golds at the 1920 Olympics and at the first Winter Olympics in 1924 . Eddie Eagan became the first person to win a medal in the Winter Olympics and in the Summer Olympics in different events . He is the only Summer and Winter medalist to win gold medals in different events . Christa Luding - Rothenburger is the only person to win medals at the Winter and Summer Games in the same year . ( This feat is no longer possible due to the staggering of the Winter and Summer Olympic years ) . She is also the first person to win medals in successive Winter and Summer Games or vice versa . Clara Hughes is the first person to win multiple medals in both Summer and Winter Games and holds the highest number of medals of any Olympian to win medals in both the Summer and Winter Games . In the Summer Games ( edit ) Swimming and water polo ( edit ) Paul Radmilovic ( GBR ) Johnny Weissmuller ( USA ) Gérard Blitz ( BEL ) Tim Shaw ( USA ) Others in Summer Games ( edit ) Morris Kirksey ( USA ) ( athletics and rugby ) Edwin Flack ( AUS ) ( athletics and tennis ) Karch Kiraly ( USA ) ( indoor volleyball and beach volleyball ) Otto Herschmann ( AUT ) ( swimming and fencing ) Carl Schuhmann ( GER ) ( gymnastics and wrestling ) Rebecca Romero ( GBR ) ( cycling and rowing ) Roswitha Krause ( GER ) ( swimming and handball ) Walter W. Winans ( USA ) ( shooting and sculpture ) Alfréd Hajós ( HUN ) ( swimming and architecture ) Conn Findlay ( USA ) ( rowing and sailing ) Daniel Norling ( SWE ) ( gymnastics and equestrian ) Fritz Hofmann ( GER ) ( gymnastics and athletics ) Oswald Holmberg ( SWE ) ( gymnastics and tug of war ) Gustaf Dyrssen ( SWE ) ( modern pentathlon and fencing ) In the Winter Games ( edit ) Cross-country skiing and Nordic combined ( edit ) Thorleif Haug ( NOR ) Johan Grøttumsbråten ( NOR ) Thoralf Strømstad ( NOR ) Oddbjørn Hagen ( NOR ) Others in Winter Games ( edit ) Anfisa Reztsova ( URS ) ( biathlon and cross-country skiing ) Susi Erdmann ( GER ) ( luge and bobsleigh ) Gerda Weissensteiner ( ITA ) ( luge and bobsleigh ) Eric Flaim ( USA ) ( long track speedskating and short track speedskating ) See also ( edit ) List of multiple Olympic medalists at a single Games List of multiple Olympic medalists in one event List of multiple Olympic gold medalists List of multiple Olympic gold medalists at a single Games List of multiple Olympic gold medalists in one event List of multiple Winter Olympic medallists List of athletes with the most appearances at Olympic Games All - time Olympic Games medal table Leonidas of Rhodes References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Coubertin , Pierre de ; Timoleon J. Philimon ; N.G. Politis ; Ch . Anninos ( 1897 ) . `` Second Part : The Olympic Games in 1896 '' ( PDF ) . The Olympic Games , B.C. 776 -- A.D. 1896 ( PDF ) format = requires url = ( help ) . IOC official Olympic reports . translated by A. v. K. London : Grevel . pp. 55 -- 81 ( passim ) . Retrieved 13 August 2008 . ( note : the source gives dates in the Julian calendar ; this table uses the Gregorian calendar ) Jump up ^ `` Eddie Eagan '' . . Retrieved 9 May 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Jacob Tullin Thams '' . . Retrieved 9 May 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Christa Rothenburger - Luding '' . . Retrieved 9 May 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Clara Hughes '' . . Retrieved 9 May 2012 . Jump up ^ Borden , Sam ( 19 February 2014 ) . `` Canada Catches U.S. in Final Bobsled Run '' . New York Times . Retrieved 19 February 2014 . `` Olympic Medal Winners '' . International Olympic Committee . Retrieved 3 April 2007 . `` '' . . Archived from the original on 18 March 2007 . Retrieved 20 March 2007 . See also references in the articles on each athlete . ( hide ) Olympics and Paralympics statistics Medalists and medal tables Lists of Olympic medalists Lists of Paralympic medalists All - time Olympic Games medal table All - time Paralympic Games medal table Multiple medalists Multiple Olympic medalists at a single Games in one event at Winter Olympics Multiple gold medalists Multiple Olympic gold medalists at a single Games in one event Multiple Paralympic gold medalists at a single Games Other statistics Olympic medals in different sports at Summer and Winter Olympics Most appearances at Olympic Games Medal sweeps in Olympic athletics Athletes at both the Summer and Winter Olympics Ties for medals at the Olympics Olympic medalist families Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lists of Olympic medalists Hidden categories : Pages using citations with format and no URL Articles with hCards Incomplete lists from May 2012 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 12 September 2017 , at 15 : 02 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who has won the most medals in the summer olympics | [
"As of August 13, 2016, American swimmer Michael Phelps has won the most Olympic medals with 28 medals (23 gold, 3 silver, 2 bronze). He is also the most decorated Olympian in individual events, with 16 medals (13 gold, 2 silver, 1 bronze). Norwegian biathlete Ole Einar Bjørndalen is the most decorated Winter Olympian, with 13 medals (8 gold, 4 silver, and 1 bronze)."
] | [
"American swimmer Michael Phelps"
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3162655219020663163 | Compromise of 1877 | Compromise of 1877 - wikipedia Compromise of 1877 A political cartoon by Joseph Keppler depicts Roscoe Conkling as a character Mephistopheles ( the Devil ) while Rutherford B. Hayes strolls off with the prize of the `` Solid South '' depicted as a woman . The caption quotes Goethe : `` Unto that Power he doth belong Which only doeth Right while ever willing Wrong . '' The Compromise of 1877 was an informal , unwritten deal that settled the intensely disputed 1876 U.S. presidential election . It resulted in the United States federal government pulling the last troops out of the South , and formally ended the Reconstruction Era . Through the Compromise , Republican Rutherford B. Hayes was awarded the White House over Democrat Samuel J. Tilden on the understanding that Hayes would remove the federal troops whose support was essential for the survival of Republican state governments in South Carolina , Florida and Louisiana . The compromise involved Democrats who controlled the House of Representatives allowing the decision of the Electoral Commission to take effect . The outgoing president , Republican Ulysses S. Grant , removed the soldiers from Florida . As president , Hayes removed the remaining troops from South Carolina and Louisiana . As soon as the troops left , many white Republicans also left , and the `` Redeemer '' Democrats took control . They already dominated other state governments in the South . What was exactly agreed is somewhat contested as the documentation is insufficient . Black Republicans felt betrayed as they lost power and were subject to discrimination and harassment to suppress their voting . By 1905 , most black men were effectively disenfranchised by state legislatures in every southern state . Contents 1 Terms of compromise 2 Results 3 Interpretations 4 References 5 Further reading 6 External links Terms of compromise ( edit ) The compromise essentially stated that Southern Democrats would acknowledge Hayes as president , but only on the understanding that Republicans would meet certain demands . The following elements are generally said to be the points of the compromise : The removal of all U.S. military forces from the former Confederate states . At the time , U.S. troops remained in only Louisiana , South Carolina , and Florida , but the Compromise completed their withdrawal from the region . The appointment of at least one Southern Democrat to Hayes ' cabinet . ( David M. Key of Tennessee was appointed as Postmaster General . ) The construction of another transcontinental railroad using the Texas and Pacific in the South ( this had been part of the `` Scott Plan , '' proposed by Thomas A. Scott of the Pennsylvania Railroad ; he had initiated negotiations resulting in the final compromise ) . Legislation to help industrialize the South and restore its economy following Reconstruction and the Civil War . The right to deal with blacks without northern interference . In exchange , Democrats would accept the Republican Hayes as president by not employing the filibuster during the joint session of Congress needed to confirm the election . Results ( edit ) After the Compromise , a few Democrats complained loudly that Tilden had been cheated . There was talk of forming armed units that would march on Washington , but President Grant was ready for that . He tightened military security , and nobody marched on Washington . Hayes was peacefully inaugurated . Points 1 and 2 of the compromise took effect . Hayes had already announced his support for the restoration of `` home rule , '' which would involve federal troop removal , before the election . It was not unusual , nor unexpected , for a president , especially one so narrowly elected , to select a cabinet member favored by the other party . Points 3 and 4 were never enacted ; it is possible there was no firm agreement about them . Whether by informal deal or simply reassurances already in line with Hayes 's announced plans , talks with Southern Democrats satisfied the worries of many . This prevented a Congressional filibuster that had threatened to extend resolution of the election dispute beyond Inauguration Day 1877 . Interpretations ( edit ) C. Vann Woodward ( 1951 ) argued for an economic interpretation , saying that emerging business and industry interests of the New South found common ground with Republican businessmen , particularly with the railroads . They met secretly at Wormley 's Hotel in Washington to forge a compromise with aid to internal improvements : bridges , canals and railroads wanted by the South . However , Peskin notes that no serious federal effort was made after Hayes took office to fund a railroad or provide other federal aid for improvements . An opposing interest group representing the Southern Pacific actually thwarted Scott 's proposed Texas and Pacific scheme , and ultimately ran its own line to New Orleans . Some historians , such as Allan Peskin , argue that the assurances offered to some Southern Democrats to prevent a filibuster were not a compromise but a foregone conclusion , as Tilden did not command sufficient support . Peskin admits that Woodward 's interpretation had become almost universally accepted in the nearly quarter century since he had published it . As not all terms of the agreement were met , Peskin believes there was really no deal between the North and South in 1877 . He also suggests that Northern Democrats were more significant in quashing the filibuster than those from the South . For instance , Samuel J. Randall ( D - Pennsylvania ) was Speaker of the House and prevented the filibuster . He was more interested in ensuring that the Radical state government in Louisiana was abandoned than in any southern railroad . Vincent DeSantis argues that the Republican Party abandoned Southern blacks to the rule of the racist Democratic Party in order to gain the support of Democrats for Hayes ' presidency . In any case , Reconstruction ended . The dominance of the Democratic Party in the South was cemented with the ascent of the `` Redeemer '' governments that displaced the Republican governments . After 1877 , support for white supremacy generally caused whites to vote for Democrats and the region became known as the `` Solid South . '' Until the end of the 19th century , black Republicans continued to elect numerous candidates to local office , although Democrats controlled most state representative and statewide seats , except for a brief period of fusion governments supported by Republicans and Populists . The majority of white voters supported national Democratic candidates well into the 20th century before shifting to the Republican Party . This later shift to the Republican party followed the 1964 Civil Rights Act , which was introduced by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson and supported by most Republicans and northern Democrats . Democratic groups worked to suppress black voting by intimidation and fraud but , after regaining power again at the turn of the 20th century , passed constitutions and laws to disenfranchise blacks ( as well as many poor whites ) in states such as Alabama and others . As there was no change in congressional apportionment , southern whites accrued great power by controlling all the seats of the region based on states ' total populations . In The Mexicanization of American Politics : The United States ' Transnational Path from Civil War to Stabilization ( 2012 ) , Downs rejects the idea that this was an era of easy reconciliation and political stability . Instead he shows many Americans feared `` Mexicanization '' of politics , whereby force would be used to settle a presidential election , as force had been used to settle certain state elections in the South . Downs explores how Mexicanization was roundly rejected and stability was achieved . Whatever deals may or may not have taken place on the side , in formal legal terms , the election of 1876 was not decided by such acts , but by the official vote of Congress to accept the recommendations of the Electoral Commission they themselves had set up as a way out of the election impasse . The expectation in setting up the committee had been that its decisions would be accepted by Congress . It was only when certain Democrats disagreed with the commission 's decisions in favor of Hayes that this arrangement was jeopardized . This Democratic group threatened a filibuster ( opposed by Republicans and Congressional Democratic leadership as well ) that would prevent the agreed - upon vote from taking place . Discussions of the points in the alleged compromise were related to persuading key Democrats against accepting a filibuster . The very threat of a filibuster -- a measure used by a minority to prevent a vote -- indicates that there were already sufficient votes for accepting the commission 's recommendations . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Michael Les Benedict , `` Southern Democrats in the Crisis of 1876 - 1877 : A Reconsideration of Reunion and Reaction . '' Journal of Southern History ( 1980 ) : 489 - 524 . in JSTOR Jump up ^ Jones , Stephen A. ; Freedman , Eric ( 2011 ) . Presidents and Black America . CQ Press . p. 218 . ISBN 9781608710089 . In an eleventh - hour compromise between party leaders - considered the `` Great Betrayal '' by many blacks and southern Republicans ... Jump up ^ Woodward , C. Vann ( 1966 ) . Reunion and Reaction : The Compromise of 1877 and the End of Reconstruction . Boston : Little , Brown and Company . pp. 169 -- 171 . Jump up ^ Donald Richard Deskins ; Hanes Walton ; Sherman C. Puckett ( 2010 ) . Presidential Elections , 1789 - 2008 : County , State , and National Mapping of Election Data . U of Michigan Press . p. 211 . Jump up ^ C. Vann Woodward ( 1991 ) . Reunion and Reaction : The Compromise of 1877 and the End of Reconstruction . Oxford UP . pp. 200 -- 2 ` . Jump up ^ Downs , 2012 Jump up ^ C. Vann Woodward ( 1991 ) . Reunion and Reaction : The Compromise of 1877 and the End of Reconstruction . Oxford UP . pp. 200 -- 2 ` . ^ Jump up to : Allan Peskin , `` Was There a Compromise of 1877 ? '' , The Journal of American History Vol. 60 , No. 1 ( Jun. , 1973 ) , pp. 63 - 75 , via JSTOR Jump up ^ Vincent P. DeSantis , `` Rutherford B. Hayes and the Removal of the Troops and the End of Reconstruction , '' in J. Morgan Kousser and James M. McPherson , eds. , Region , Race , and Reconstruction : Essays in Honor of C. Van Woodward ( New York , 1982 ) , 417 - 50 Jump up ^ Michael Les Benedict , `` Southern Democrats in the Crisis of 1876 - 1877 : A Reconsideration of Reunion and Reaction . '' Journal of Southern History ( 1980 ) : 489 - 524 . Further reading ( edit ) Benedict , Michael Les . `` Southern Democrats in the Crisis of 1876 - 1877 : A Reconsideration of Reunion and Reaction . '' Journal of Southern History ( 1980 ) : 489 - 524 . in JSTOR Clendenen , Clarence C. ( October 1969 ) . `` President Hayes ' `` Withdrawal '' of the Troops : An Enduring Myth `` . The South Carolina Historical Magazine . 70 ( 4 ) : 240 -- 250 . DeSantis , Vincent P. `` Rutherford B. Hayes and the Removal of the Troops and the End of Reconstruction '' in Region , Race and Reconstruction edited by Morgan Kousser and James McPherson . ( Oxford University Press , 1982 ) pp. 417 -- 50 . Downs , Gregory P. ( 2012 ) . `` The Mexicanization of American Politics : The United States ' Transnational Path from Civil War to Stabilization '' . The American Historical Review . 117 ( 2 ) : 387 -- 409 . doi : 10.1086 / ahr. 117.2. 387 . Frantz , Edward O . The Door of Hope : Republican Presidents and the First Southern Strategy , 1877 -- 1933 ( University Press of Florida . 2011 ) Peskin , Allan ( 1973 ) . `` Was There a Compromise of 1877 '' . The Journal of American History . 60 ( 1 ) : 63 -- 75 . doi : 10.2307 / 2936329 . ISSN 1936 - 0967 . JSTOR 2936329 -- via JSTOR . ( Registration required ( help ) ) . Polakoff , Keith Ian . The Politics of Inertia : The Election of 1876 and the End of Reconstruction ( 1973 ) Riddleberger , Patrick W. ( 1960 ) . `` The Radicals ' Abandonment of the Negro During Reconstruction '' . The Journal of Negro History . 45 ( 2 ) : 88 -- 102 . doi : 10.2307 / 2716572 . JSTOR 2716572 -- via JSTOR . Simpson , Brooks D. `` Ulysses S. Grant and the Electoral Crisis of 1876 - 1877 , '' Hayes Historical Journal ( 1992 ) 11 # 2 pp 5 -- 22 . Woodward , C. Vann ( 1951 ) . Reunion and Reaction : The Compromise of 1877 and the End of Reconstruction . Oxford University Press . External links ( edit ) : History of Samuel J. Tilden website : R.B. Hayes Presidential Library : `` Corporations , Corruption , and the Modern Lobby : A Gilded Age Story of the West and the South in Washington , D.C. '' -- by Richard White in Southern Spaces ( 16 April 2009 ) . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : United States presidential election , 1876 Reconstruction Era Political history of the United States African - American history History of the Southern United States 1877 in the United States Rutherford B. Hayes Hidden categories : All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from November 2016 Articles with unsourced statements from August 2017 Pages with login required references or sources Talk Contents About Wikipedia Español Français 한국어 Lietuvių 日本 語 Português Русский Simple English Svenska Edit links This page was last edited on 29 October 2018 , at 04 : 02 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when did the government withdraw troops from the south | [
"The Compromise of 1877 was an informal, unwritten deal that settled the intensely disputed 1876 U.S. presidential election. It resulted in the United States federal government pulling the last troops out of the South, and formally ended the Reconstruction Era. Through the Compromise, Republican Rutherford B. Hayes was awarded the White House over Democrat Samuel J. Tilden on the understanding that Hayes would remove the federal troops whose support was essential for the survival of Republican state governments in South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana. The compromise involved Democrats who controlled the House of Representatives allowing the decision of the Electoral Commission to take effect. The outgoing president, Republican Ulysses S. Grant, removed the soldiers from Florida. As president, Hayes removed the remaining troops from South Carolina and Louisiana. As soon as the troops left, many white Republicans also left, and the \"Redeemer\" Democrats took control. They already dominated other state governments in the South. What was exactly agreed is somewhat contested as the documentation is insufficient.[1]\n"
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-3608164520410059139 | Unchained Melody | Unchained Melody - wikipedia Unchained Melody Jump to : navigation , search `` Unchained Melody '' is a 1955 song with music by Alex North and lyrics by Hy Zaret . North used the music as a theme for the little - known prison film Unchained ( 1955 ) , hence the song title . Todd Duncan sang the vocals for the film soundtrack . It has since become a standard and one of the most recorded songs of the 20th century , most notably by the Righteous Brothers . According to the song 's publishing administrator , over 1,500 recordings of `` Unchained Melody '' have been made by more than 670 artists , in multiple languages . In 1955 , three versions of the song ( by Les Baxter , Al Hibbler , and Roy Hamilton ) charted in the Billboard Top 10 in the United States , and four versions ( by Al Hibbler , Les Baxter , Jimmy Young , and Liberace ) appeared in the Top 20 in the United Kingdom simultaneously , an unbeaten record for any song . The song and `` Do They Know It 's Christmas '' are the only songs to reach number one in four different recordings in the UK . Of the hundreds of recordings made , it was the July 1965 version by the Righteous Brothers , performed as a solo by Bobby Hatfield , that became a jukebox standard for the late 20th century . This version achieved a second round of great popularity when it was featured in the film Ghost ( 1990 ) . In 2004 , it finished at number 27 on AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Songs survey of top tunes in American cinema . Contents ( hide ) 1 Origin of song 2 Early versions 2.1 Charts 2.2 Les Baxter 2.3 Roy Hamilton 2.4 Jimmy Young 2.5 Al Hibbler 3 The Righteous Brothers version 3.1 Recording 3.2 Re-recording and re-release 3.3 Reception 3.4 Charts 3.5 Certifications 4 Robson & Jerome version 4.1 Charts 4.2 Certifications 5 Gareth Gates version 5.1 Charts 5.2 Certifications 6 Other notable versions 6.1 Country charts 7 Impact 7.1 Popularity 7.2 Accolades 7.3 In popular culture 8 References 9 External links Origin of song ( edit ) In 1954 , North was contracted to compose the score for the prison film Unchained ( released in 1955 ) . North composed and recorded the score , and then was asked to write a song based upon the movie 's theme . North asked Hy Zaret to write the lyrics , but Zaret initially declined , saying he was too busy painting his house . North was able to convince him to take the job , and together they wrote `` Unchained Melody . '' Zaret refused the producer 's request to include the word `` unchained '' in his lyrics . The song eventually became known as the `` Unchained Melody '' even though the song does not actually include the word `` unchained '' . Instead , Zaret chose to focus on someone who pines for a lover he has not seen in a `` long , lonely time '' . The film centered around a man who contemplates either escaping from prison to live life on the run or completing his sentence and returning to his wife and family . The song has an unusual harmonic device as the bridge ends on the tonic chord rather than the more usual dominant chord . With Todd Duncan singing the vocals , the song was nominated for an Oscar in 1955 , but the Best Song award went to the hit song `` Love Is a Many - Splendored Thing '' . Early versions ( edit ) Todd Duncan sang the vocals for the film soundtrack . He performs an abbreviated version in the film , playing one of the prisoners . Lying on a bed , he sings it accompanied by another prisoner on guitar while others listen sadly . Bandleader Les Baxter released a version ( Capitol Records catalog number 3055 ) which reached number 1 on the US charts and number 10 in the UK . The words `` unchain me '' are sung repeatedly at the beginning and the lyrics are sung by a choir . Billboard ranked this version as the No. 5 song of 1955 . Al Hibbler followed close behind with a vocal version ( Decca Records catalog number 29441 ) , and it reached number 3 on the Billboard charts and number 2 in the UK chart listings . He was quickly followed by Jimmy Young , whose version hit number 1 on the British charts . Jimmy Young also later re-recorded another version of his 1955 charttopper in early 1964 and that version charted at number 43 in the UK . Two weeks after Young 's version entered the top 10 of the British charts in June 1955 Liberace would score a number 20 hit ( Philips PB 430 ) . Roy Hamilton 's version ( Epic Records catalog number 9102 ) reached number one on the R&B Best Sellers list and number 6 on the pop chart . June Valli recorded the song on March 15 , 1955 and it was released by RCA Victor Records as catalog number 20 - 6078 , with the flip side `` Tomorrow '' , and took it to number 29 . Harry Belafonte sang it at the 1956 Academy Awards , where it was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Song of 1955 . Belafonte had also made a recording of the song for RCA Victor Records , which was released as catalog number 20 - 6784 in 1955 , with the flip side `` A-Roving '' . Perry Como recorded the song in 1955 as did his RCA Victor labelmate top country crooner Eddy Arnold , and English jazz musician Cliff Townshend of The Squadronaires ( father of The Who guitarist Pete Townshend ) also released a popular version in 1956 as did American rock n roll star Gene Vincent in the same year . In 1963 , an uptempo , doo - wop version by Vito & the Salutations reached Billboard Hot 100 at No. 66 , and this version was used in the soundtrack for Goodfellas in 1990 . Charts ( edit ) Les Baxter ( edit ) Chart ( 1955 ) Peak position UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 10 United Kingdom ( Record Mirror ) 10 United States ( Billboard Hot 100 ) Roy Hamilton ( edit ) Chart ( 1955 ) Peak position United States ( Billboard Hot 100 ) 6 United States ( Billboard R&B Singles Chart ) Jimmy Young ( edit ) Chart ( 1955 ) Peak position UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) United Kingdom ( Record Mirror ) Al Hibbler ( edit ) Chart ( 1955 ) Peak position UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) United Kingdom ( Record Mirror ) United States ( Billboard Hot 100 ) United States ( Billboard R&B Singles Chart ) The Righteous Brothers version ( edit ) `` Unchained Melody '' Single by The Righteous Brothers from the album Just Once in My Life A-side `` Hung on You '' Released July 17 , 1965 Format 7 '' Recorded March 2 , 1965 , Radio Recorders , Hollywood CA Genre Blue - eyed soul Length 3 : 36 Label Philles Songwriter ( s ) Music : Alex North Lyrics : Hy Zaret Producer ( s ) Bill Medley ( uncredited ) The Righteous Brothers singles chronology `` Just Once in My Life '' ( 1964 ) `` Unchained Melody '' ( 1965 ) `` Ebb Tide '' ( 1965 ) `` Just Once in My Life '' ( 1964 ) `` Hung On You / Unchained Melody '' ( 1965 ) `` Ebb Tide '' ( 1965 ) The best - known version of `` Unchained Melody '' was recorded by the duo The Righteous Brothers for Philles Records in 1965 . The lead vocal was performed solo by Bobby Hatfield , who later recorded other versions of the song credited solely to him . According to his singing partner Bill Medley , they had agreed to do one solo piece each per album . Both wanted to do `` Unchained Melody '' for their fourth album , but Hatfield won the coin toss . `` Unchained Melody '' was originally released as the ' B ' side of the single `` Hung On You '' as the follow - up single to `` Just Once in My Life '' . However , `` Hung On You '' failed to interest radio DJs who instead chose to play the ' B ' side `` Unchained Melody '' . According to Medley , producer Phil Spector , who would deliberately place a throwaway song that was n't meant to be played on the ' B ' side , was incensed that the DJs chose to play the ' B ' side and started calling radio stations to stop them playing `` Unchained Melody '' . However , this failed to stop the success of the song , and the song reached number 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and number 14 in the UK in 1965 . Recording ( edit ) `` Unchained Melody '' Bobby Hatfield changed the tune to the line `` I need your love '' for the climax of the song , a change found in many subsequent versions Problems playing this file ? See media help . There is some uncertainty over who produced the song as Spector took the credit as the producer on many tracks and ' B ' sides that were produced by Medley . However , Medley , who had produced the duo before they signed with Spector and Philles , consistently stated that he produced this recording . Spector was primarily interested in producing singles and `` Unchained Melody '' was originally intended to be an album cut . Medley said : `` Phil came to me and asked me to produce the Righteous Brothers albums because he would have taken too long and it would have cost too much money . '' By Medley 's account , Spector only claimed production credit after it supplanted `` Hung On You '' as the hit . Early copies of the single did not credit a producer for `` Unchained Melody '' and only credited Spector as producer of the original single `` Hung On You '' . Later pressings of the single credited Spector as the producer . Hatfield made a change to the song during the recording sessions . Hatfield initially recorded a couple of takes of the song as it was written , but returned later for another session , changing the melody for the `` I need your love '' line in the final verse , and sang it much higher instead . Hatfield then said he could do another take better , to which Medley replied : `` No , you ca n't . '' Medley played the Wurlitzer piano on the song and he noted that `` if I knew that it was gon na be a hit I certainly would have brought in a better piano player . '' Re-recording and re-release ( edit ) `` Unchained Melody '' reappeared on the Billboard charts in 1990 after The Righteous Brothers ' recording was used in the box office blockbuster film Ghost . Two versions charted in the US that year -- the original and a new recording . According to Medley , he was interested in having the original recording released due to the renewed interest in the song , but was told that there were issues with the licensing . Although Hatfield was no longer in the same condition vocally than when he first recorded the song , they decided to re-record the song for Curb Records . The re-recorded version was released as both a cassette single and a vinyl single . It received minimal airplay but recorded excellent sales , peaking at number 19 . The re-recorded version was certified Platinum by the RIAA on January 10 , 1991 , and received a Grammy Award nomination . The 1965 original Righteous Brothers recording was reissued by oldies - reissue label Eric Records , under licensing from Polydor Records ( which had acquired the rights years earlier ) . The original version received a lot of airplay , and topped the U.S. adult contemporary chart for two weeks in 1990 . However , sales were minimal in the US since it was only available as a 45 RPM single and the song peaked at number 13 . For eight weeks , both versions were on the Billboard Hot 100 simultaneously and the Righteous Brothers became the first act to have two versions of the same songs in the Top 20 at the same time . This re-released song reached number 1 in the UK where it stayed for four weeks , becoming the UK 's top selling single of 1990 . As of 2017 , it has sold 1.17 million copies . The 1990 reissue also reached number 1 in Australia , Austria , Ireland , the Netherlands , and New Zealand . Due to the success of their re-recording , The Righteous Brothers also re-recorded other songs and released them as part of a budget - priced CD compilation by Curb Records . For the original recordings , Polydor had licensed the CD rights to Rhino Records for a premium - priced 1989 compilation of Righteous Brothers hits from various labels ; later in 1990 , it issued its own regular - priced Righteous Brothers greatest hits CD that included the recording . Reception ( edit ) The Righteous Brothers ' cover of `` Unchained Melody '' is now widely considered the definitive version of the song . Hatfield 's vocal in particular is highly praised ; it has been described as `` powerful , full of romantic hunger , yet ethereal , '' and a `` vocal tour de force '' , although his re-recording was noted as `` fudging only a bit on the highest notes '' . The production of their original recording has been described as `` epic '' , and that with `` Hatfield 's emotion - packed tenor soaring to stratospheric heights , it 's a record designed to reduce anyone separated from the one they loved to a `` pile of mush '' . '' Charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1965 ) Peak position Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) 10 Canada Top Singles ( RPM ) 9 Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) 8 New Zealand ( Lever Hit Parades ) UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) 14 US Billboard Hot 100 Chart ( 1990 -- 91 ) Peak position Australia ( ARIA ) Austria ( Ö3 Austria Top 40 ) Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) Canada Top Singles ( RPM ) Germany ( Official German Charts ) 6 Ireland ( IRMA ) Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) New Zealand ( Recorded Music NZ ) UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) US Billboard Hot 100 13 Certifications ( edit ) Region Certification Certified units / Sales United Kingdom ( BPI ) Platinum 1,167,000 United States ( RIAA ) Platinum 1,000,000 sales figures based on certification alone shipments figures based on certification alone Robson & Jerome version ( edit ) `` Unchained Melody '' Single by Robson & Jerome from the album Robson & Jerome Released 8 May 1995 Format CD single , cassette single Recorded 1995 Length 3 : 17 Label BMG Records Songwriter ( s ) Alex North , Hy Zaret Producer ( s ) Mike Stock , Matt Aitken Robson & Jerome singles chronology `` Unchained Melody '' / `` White Cliffs of Dover '' ( 1995 ) `` I Believe '' / `` Up on the Roof '' ( 1995 ) `` Unchained Melody '' / `` White Cliffs of Dover '' ( 1995 ) `` I Believe '' / `` Up on the Roof '' ( 1995 ) The version by Robson & Jerome is notable as the best - selling single of 1995 in the UK . It also launched the singing career of Robson & Jerome , and became the biggest hit in the UK for Simon Cowell , marking his beginning as an important figure in the music industry . In November 1994 , in an episode of the UK television drama series Soldier Soldier , actors Robson Green and Jerome Flynn performed `` Unchained Melody '' as an impromptu duo The Unrighteous Brothers after the entertainment failed to appear for a friend 's wedding . Their performance triggered a strong response from the audience who attempted to find a recording of the song that was then unavailable . Simon Cowell was alerted to the interest shown by the public , and pursued the two reluctant actors for the next four months to record the song , to the extent that Robson Green threatened legal action to stop Cowell harassing them . The actors were eventually persuaded to sign a recording contract with Cowell and record a Righteous Brothers - type version of the song as a duo . The recording was produced by Mike Stock and Matt Aitken . It was later revealed by Stock that the vocals were `` assisted '' and with parts sung by other session singers . It was released as a double A-sided single with `` White Cliffs of Dover '' , a popular song during World War II , included in recognition of the 50th anniversary of VE day , the date of the single release . The video released for `` Unchained Melody '' also incorporated clips from the 1945 film Brief Encounter . Their recording immediately reached number 1 in the UK , selling 314,000 copies in its first week , at that time the fastest - selling debut single in UK chart history . It stayed at the top of the chart for seven weeks . It became the best selling single of 1995 , and one of the country 's all - time biggest - selling singles ( No. 9 in November 2012 ) , with 1.87 million copies sold . The self - titled album they released later in the year also became the best - selling album of 1995 , and although they decided to quit the following year , they would eventually sell 7 million copies of albums and 5 million copies of the 3 singles released . Simon Cowell , who before this was known largely as a creator of novelty records with television characters such as the puppets Zig and Zag and action characters Power Rangers , then came to the attention of the media for his ability to create hit records . Charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1995 ) Peak position Ireland ( IRMA ) UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) Certifications ( edit ) Region Certification Certified units / Sales United Kingdom ( BPI ) 2 × Platinum 1,872,000 sales figures based on certification alone shipments figures based on certification alone Gareth Gates version ( edit ) `` Unchained Melody '' Single by Gareth Gates from the album What My Heart Wants to Say Released March 18 , 2002 Format CD single Recorded A-side Studios , Stockholm , Sweden ( 2002 ) Genre Pop Length 3 : 54 Label BMG , S Records Songwriter ( s ) Alex North , Hy Zaret Producer ( s ) Steve Mac Gareth Gates singles chronology `` Unchained Melody '' ( 2002 ) `` Anyone of Us ( Stupid Mistake ) '' ( 2002 ) `` Unchained Melody '' ( 2002 ) `` Anyone of Us ( Stupid Mistake ) '' ( 2002 ) Gareth Gates first performed `` Unchained Melody '' as a contestant in the first series of the UK singing competition television show Pop Idol , which included Simon Cowell as one of the judges . Gates reprised the song in the final as his personal choice , but the competition was won by Will Young . Gates was signed by Cowell , and as the runner - up , Gates released the song as his first single three weeks after the winner had released his single , the double A-sided `` Anything Is Possible '' / `` Evergreen '' . Gates ' cover of `` Unchained Melody '' was released together with his versions of the same two songs as the winner 's single , and became one of the fastest - selling singles in the UK , selling around 328,000 copies in the first day of release . It reached number one on the UK Singles Chart in its first week of release with sales of 850,000 copies , and stayed at the top of the chart for four weeks . It became the second best - selling song in the UK in 2002 , as well as that of the decade of 2000s , after the single by the winner Will Young . It has sold 1.35 million copies in the UK as of 2017 . Charts ( edit ) Chart ( 2002 / 2003 ) Peak position Australia ( ARIA ) 9 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Flanders ) 15 Belgium ( Ultratop 50 Wallonia ) 6 France ( SNEP ) Germany ( Official German Charts ) 17 Ireland ( IRMA ) Netherlands ( Single Top 100 ) 12 Switzerland ( Schweizer Hitparade ) 18 UK Singles ( Official Charts Company ) Certifications ( edit ) Region Certification Certified units / Sales United Kingdom ( BPI ) 2 × Platinum 1,348,000 sales figures based on certification alone shipments figures based on certification alone Other notable versions ( edit ) Spike Milligan and Peter Sellers of The Goons recorded a parody of the song , produced by George Martin , on June 29 , 1955 . It would have been the first single by the Goons , however , EMI refused to release it , fearing a lawsuit from its music publisher . It prompted Spike Milligan to move to Decca Records which released other works from the Goons . The Goons later released an album titled Unchained Melodies with Decca , but without the actual song . The single was later released in 1990 , and the song was then included in other album releases , such as a compilation album also titled unchained Melodies . In 1979 , George Benson recorded a version for the Warner Bros. Records album Livin ' Inside Your Love . The single peaked at number 27 on the Billboard Adult Contemporary ( chart ) . In 1981 , a live version performed by the band Heart peaked at number 83 on the Billboard Hot 100 . This version was later included on the 2006 compilation album Love Songs . In 1986 , Leo Sayer released a version of the song with a contemporary reworking of the `` wall of sound '' production technique that included an unusual electric guitar solo near the climax . The single charted in the UK at No. 54 . U2 covered the song as a B - side to their 1989 single , `` All I Want Is You '' , and included in their compilation album The Best of 1980 -- 1990 . They have performed the song live many times , including one captured on their 1993 concert film Zoo TV : Live from Sydney . Bono and The Edge also performed the song together with `` One '' for the charity 46664 Concert in tribute to Nelson Mandela held in Cape Town in 2003 . Cyndi Lauper was nominated for a 2005 Grammy award for `` Best Instrumental Composition Accompanying a Vocal '' for her interpretation of the song , which appears on her 2003 studio album At Last . In 2006 , singer Barry Manilow covered the song on his album The Greatest Songs of the Fifties and was released as a single . The song reached number 20 on the Adult Contemporary chart . Country Charts ( edit ) Different versions of the song have made the Hot Country Songs charts . Joe Stampley ( number 41 , 1975 ) Elvis Presley ( number 6 , 1978 ) On June 21 , 1977 , Elvis Presley performed the song at a show in Rapid City , South Dakota . The performance , described as `` the last great moment of his career '' , was recorded for his last television special two months before his death in August 1977 . A single , based on this recording , was released in March 1978 . It reached No. 6 in the country charts of both the US and Canada , and was certified Gold by Music Canada on July 10 , 1986 . Another live version recorded earlier in April 1977 in Ann Arbor , Michigan was included in his last album Moody Blue . Ronnie McDowell ( number 26 , 1991 ) LeAnn Rimes ( number 3 , 1997 ) LeAnn Rimes ' cover was originally released in November 1996 as a B - side track on a promotional single `` Put a Little Holiday in Your Heart '' that was only available at Target stores on the purchase of her first album Blue . It was also released as a single to radio and included in the compilation album Unchained Melody : The Early Years . The song reached No. 3 on both the Hot Country Songs and Country Airplay charts in the US , and No. 3 in the RPM Country Tracks chart in Canada . It was ranked No. 64 on the 1997 Year End Country Songs chart in the US , and No. 49 in Canada 's Year End Country Tracks chart . Impact ( edit ) Popularity ( edit ) `` Unchained Melody '' was the only song to have reached No. 1 in the UK in four different recordings on the official chart until it was joined by the charity single `` Do They Know It 's Christmas '' in its fourth re-recording in 2014 . It is the only song to have sold over a million by three separate acts in the UK -- Robson and Jerome ( 1.87 million ) , Gareth Gates ( 1.35 million ) , the Righteous Brothers ( 1.17 million ) . The song has been number 1 on lists of love songs featured on the United Kingdom 's Channel 4 and Five . The song has been covered by many artists ; according to the song 's publishing administrator , over 1,500 recordings of `` Unchained Melody '' have been made by more than 670 artists in multiple languages . Its popularity also meant that the song is one of the highest grossing songs for its copyright holders , estimated in 2012 to be the fifth biggest earners of royalties according to the BBC 's list of The Richest Songs in the World at £ 18 million . Accolades ( edit ) The song was nominated in 1955 for an Oscar for best original song from the film Unchained . The re-recorded version by The Righteous Brothers was nominated for a Grammy Award in 1991 in the best pop performance by a duo or group category , and their original version was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2000 . In 1992 , the song was given an award by the American Society of Composers , Authors and Publishers ( ASCAP ) as the year 's most - performed song . ASCAP also announced it to be one of the 25 most - performed songs and musical works of the 20th century in 1999 , and the most - performed love song of the 1950s in 2003 . In 2001 , the song was ranked at No. 138 in the list of Songs of the Century released by the Recording Industry Association of America and the National Endowment for the Arts . In 2004 , Rolling Stone placed the Righteous Brothers version of the song at number 365 on their list of The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time . It was placed first in Magic 1278 's 500 greatest songs of all time . It was also listed in 2004 at No. 27 in the list of the 100 top movie songs of all time in American Film institute 's centenary AFI 's 100 Years ... 100 Songs survey of songs in American cinema . In 2007 , the Songwriters Hall of Fame honored `` Unchained Melody '' with a Towering Song award that is presented to creators of a song `` that has influenced the culture in a unique way over many years . '' In popular culture ( edit ) The use of the Righteous Brothers ' cover of `` Unchained Melody '' in the film Ghost resurrected the song 's popularity , and the scene where the song was played also became widely recreated or parodied in popular culture , in films such as The Naked Gun 21⁄2 : The Smell of Fear , and numerous television shows including Glee , Family Guy , Community , Saturday Night Live , Two and a Half Men , 30 Rock and Wallace and Gromit 's A Matter of Loaf and Death . The song was also used in the musical adaptation of the film Ghost the Musical . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Robert Rodriguez , The 1950s ' Most Wanted : The Top 10 Book of Rock & Roll Rebels , Brassey 's , p. 90 . Jump up ^ Dowling , Stephen ( November 6 , 2003 ) . `` Entertainment Brothers in good company with hits '' . BBC News . Retrieved March 30 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Unchained Meldoy '' . Unchained Melody Publishing LLC . ^ Jump up to : `` 500 Greatest Songs of All Time '' . Rolling Stone . Jump up ^ Philip Dodd , Paul Du Noyer ( 1999 ) . The encyclopedia of singles . p. 222 . ISBN 0 - 7525 - 3337 - 1 . CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter ( link ) ^ Jump up to : Paul Simpson ( October 2 , 2003 ) . The Rough Guide to Cult Pop . Rough Guides . pp. 246 -- 247 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84353 - 229 - 3 . ^ Jump up to : `` Record Breakers and Trivia : Singles : Individual Hits : Number 1s '' . Every Hits . ^ Jump up to : Paul Sexton ( November 24 , 2014 ) . `` Band Aid 30 's ' Do They Know It 's Christmas ' Opens at No. 1 in U.K. With Huge Sales '' . Billboard . Jump up ^ `` Biography of Hy Zaret '' . Argosy Music Corporation . Jump up ^ `` ' Unchained Melody ' Lyricist Dies at 99 All Things Considered '' . National Public Radio ( U.S. ) . July 3 , 2007 . The audio linked from that page includes snippets of various artists performing the song . ^ Jump up to : Douglas Martin ( July 3 , 2007 ) . `` Hy Zaret , 99 , Tin Pan Alley Lyricist , Is Dead '' . ^ Jump up to : `` '' Lyricist behind Unchained Melody dies `` , CBC Arts '' . CBC . July 3 , 2007 . Archived from the original on July 5 , 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Behind the song , MPL Communications '' . Archived from the original on February 26 , 2006 . Retrieved February 26 , 2006 . Jump up ^ `` Billboard Top 30 -- 1955 '' . Archived from the original on January 25 , 2010 . Retrieved 2011 - 01 - 26 . Jump up ^ Gilliland , John ( 1969 ) . `` Show 17 -- The Soul Reformation : More on the evolution of rhythm and blues . Part 3 ) '' ( audio ) . Pop Chronicles . University of North Texas Libraries . Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . Top R&B / Hip - Hop Singles : 1942 -- 2004 . Record Research . p. 243 . Jump up ^ `` RCA Victor 78rpm numerical listing discography : 20 - 6000 -- 6500 '' . . Retrieved March 30 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 1973 ) . Top Pop Records 1940 -- 1955 . Menomonee Falls , Wisconsin : Record Research . Jump up ^ `` RCA Victor 20 - 6500 -- 7000 ; 78rpm numerical listing discography '' . . July 25 , 2013 . Retrieved March 30 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` The Billboard Hot 100 '' . Billboard . November 30 , 1963 . Jump up ^ `` Doo Wop Unchained Melody '' . The Daily Doo Wop . March 17 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Vito and the Salutations -- '' Unchained Melody `` '' . Joe T 'S Soda Shop . Jump up ^ `` Les Baxter : Artist Chart History '' Official Charts Company . Jump up ^ `` January -- June 1955 '' . Record Mirror . Retrieved May 15 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` Les Baxter Awards '' . AllMusic . Retrieved March 30 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` Roy Hamilton Awards '' . AllMusic . Retrieved March 30 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Jimmy Young : Artist Chart History '' Official Charts Company . Jump up ^ `` July -- November 1955 '' . Record Mirror . Retrieved May 15 , 2010 . 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Jump up ^ Sharp , Ken . `` Soul & Inspiration : A Conversation with Bill Medley of the Righteous Brothers ( page 2 ) '' . Rockcellar Magazine . Retrieved 8 September 2015 . ^ Jump up to : Sharp , Ken . `` Soul & Inspiration : A Conversation with Bill Medley of the Righteous Brothers '' . Rockcellar Magazine . Retrieved 8 September 2015 . Jump up ^ Bill Medley ( April 24 , 2014 ) . The Time of My Life : A Righteous Brother 's Memoir . Da Capo Press . p. 140 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 306 - 82316 - 9 . ^ Jump up to : `` American single certifications -- Righteous Brothers -- Unchained Melody '' . Recording Industry Association of America . If necessary , click Advanced , then click Format , then select Single , then click SEARCH Jump up ^ `` Hatfield dies at 63 '' . Billboard . November 15 , 2003 . Jump up ^ `` The Righteous Brothers -- Unchained Melody ; Eric 4102 '' . . Retrieved 8 September 2015 . Jump up ^ Peter Richmond . `` BOBBY HATFIELD ( 1940 -- 2003 ) Blue - eyed Soul Brother '' . Spectropop . ^ Jump up to : Copsey , Rob ( 19 September 2017 ). `` he UK 's Official Chart ' millionaires ' revealed '' . The Official Charts Company . Jump up ^ `` Righteous Brothers Anthology 1962 -- 1974 ( 2 CDs ) '' . . Retrieved 8 September 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Unchained Melody : Very Best Of The Righteous Brothers '' . . Retrieved 8 September 2015 . Jump up ^ Jim Washburn ( November 21 , 1990 ) . `` POP MUSIC REVIEW : Righteous Brothers Keep Their Melodies Unchained : They still generate the vocal excitement that made them a sensation a quarter - century ago '' . The Los Angeles Times . ^ Jump up to : `` -- The Righteous Brothers -- Unchained Melody '' ( in Dutch ) . Ultratop 50 . Jump up ^ `` Top RPM Singles : Issue 5580 . '' RPM . Library and Archives Canada . ^ Jump up to : `` -- The Righteous Brothers -- Unchained Melody '' ( in Dutch ) . Single Top 100 . Jump up ^ `` Lever hit parades : 28 - Oct - 1965 '' . 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Olly Murs -- The Biography . John Blake . ISBN 978 - 1 - 78219 - 085 - 1 . ^ Jump up to : Jon Kutner ( 26 May 2010 ) . 1000 UK Number One Hits . Omnibus Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 85712 - 360 - 2 . ^ Jump up to : Official Charts Company ( November 4 , 2012 ) . Million Sellers . Omnibus Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 85712 - 882 - 9 . ^ Jump up to : Nigel Hunter ( December 16 , 1995 ) . `` For English Duo , ' So Far So Good ' : Robson & Jerome Hit Gold with Vintage Songs '' . Billboard . Jump up ^ Chas Newkey - Burden . Simon Cowell : The Unauthorized Biography . Michael O ' Mara Books . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84317 - 445 - 5 . Jump up ^ Natalie Wain ( January 24 , 2011 ) . `` I was warned to stop harassing TV stars Robson and Jerome , admits Simon Cowell '' . Daily Mail . Jump up ^ Richard Simpson ( December 20 , 2008 ) . `` The fake factor : Robson and Jerome may have made Cowell 's name ... but they needed help to hold a tune '' . Daily Mail . Jump up ^ Tom Bower ( 2012 ) . 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Jump up ^ `` Spike Milligan & Peter Sellers -- Unchained Melody / Dance With Me Henry '' . Discogs . Jump up ^ `` Unchained Melody : Peter Sellers & Spike Milligan '' . Amazon . Jump up ^ `` The Goons -- Unchained Melodies '' . Discogs . Jump up ^ `` Billboard Adult Contemporary Chart History for Unchained Melody by George Benson '' . Jump up ^ `` Heart Awards '' . AllMusic . Retrieved March 30 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Leo Sayer '' . The Official UK Charts Company . Jump up ^ Scott Calhoun ( 2011 ) . Exploring U2 : Is This Rock ' n ' Roll ? . Scarecrow Press . p. 141 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8108 - 8157 - 0 . Jump up ^ David Kootnikoff ( 2009 ) . U2 : A Musical Biography . Greenwood Press . p. 116 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 313 - 36523 - 2 . Jump up ^ Kenneth Jones ( February 11 , 2005 ) . `` Which Cast Album Will Win the Grammy Feb. 13 ? Avenue Q , Assassins , Boy From Oz , Wicked or Wonderful Town ? '' . Playbill . Jump up ^ `` Oldies Good to Manilow '' . Billboard : 22 . February 18 , 2006 . Jump up ^ `` Barry Manilow : Adult Contemporary '' . Billboard . Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2008 ) . Hot Country Songs 1944 to 2008 . Record Research , Inc. p. 397 . ISBN 0 - 89820 - 177 - 2 . Jump up ^ Whitburn 2008 , p. 330 Jump up ^ Andy Greene ( April 4 , 2013 ) . `` Flashback : Elvis Presley Sings ' Unchained Melody ' Two Months Before His Death '' . Rolling Stone . Jump up ^ Jerry Osborne ( 2007 ) . Presleyana VI -- the Elvis Presley Record , CD , and Memorabilia Price Guide . Osborne Enterprise Publishing . p. 65 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 932117 - 49 - 6 . Jump up ^ `` Country Playlist '' . RPM . May 20 , 1978 . Jump up ^ `` Canadian single certifications -- Elvis Presley -- Unchained Melody '' . Music Canada . Jump up ^ Ernst Jorgensen ( 2014 ) . `` Elvis Presley : A Life In Music '' . St. Martin 's Griffin . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4668 - 6855 - 7 . Jump up ^ Whitburn 2008 , p. 269 Jump up ^ Whitburn 2008 , p. 352 Jump up ^ `` Movie Roles Abound For Country Artists ; Mark Miller to Shoot Hoops '' . Billboard . November 23 , 1996 . Jump up ^ Wade Jesson ( February 8 , 1997 ) . `` Country Corner '' . Billboard : 28 . Jump up ^ `` '' Top RPM Country Tracks : Issue 3151 . '' RPM `` . Library and Archives Canada . March 17 , 1997 . Jump up ^ `` Best of 1997 : Country Songs '' . Billboard . Prometheus Global Media . 1997 . Retrieved July 17 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` RPM Top 100 Country Tracks of 1997 '' . RPM . December 15 , 1997 . Retrieved July 17 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` BBC4 .... The World 's Richest Songs '' . Did You Watch It . December 29 , 2012 . Archived from the original on January 1 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` 25 Greatest Original Song Oscar Nominees that lost '' . HitFix . February 24 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Paul Geitner ( January 11 , 1991 ) . `` Grammy Nominees Announced '' . Associated Press . Jump up ^ Don Tyler ( June 15 , 2007 ) . Hit Songs , 1900 -- 1955 : American Popular Music of the Pre-Rock Era . McFarland & Co Inc. p. 338 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7864 - 2946 - 2 . Jump up ^ `` GRAMMY Hall Of Fame List '' . . Jump up ^ `` Songs of the Century '' . CNN . March 7 , 2001 . Jump up ^ `` AFI 'S 100 Years ... 100 Songs '' . American Film Institute . Jump up ^ `` '' Unchained Melody '' Honored As 2007 Songwriters Hall Of Fame `` Towering Song '' `` . Songwriters hall of Fame . Jump up ^ John Bessman ( June 9 , 2007 ) . `` They Wrote The Song '' . Billboard . Jump up ^ Megan Garber ( July 13 , 2015 ) . `` How ' Unchained Melody ' Broke Free '' . The Atlantic . Jump up ^ Cristina Everett ( July 13 , 2015 ) . `` Ranking the top parodies of Ghost 's pottery wheel scene '' . EW . Jump up ^ Andrew Gans and Adam Hetrick ( September 14 , 2013 ) . `` Unchained Melodies : National Tour of Ghost The Musical Kicks Off Sept. 14 '' . Playbill . CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter ( link ) External links ( edit ) Lyrics of this song at MetroLyrics Publishing administrator for `` Unchained Melody '' Biography of Hy Zaret `` Cashbox charts 1955 Cash Box Top Singles of 1955 '' . Archived from the original on October 30 , 2007 . Music video on official Vevo channel on YouTube Robson & Jerome 's version Music video on official Vevo channel on YouTube Gareth Gates ' version Preceded by `` My Babe '' by Little Walter and His Jukes Billboard R&B Best Sellers in Stores number - one single ( Roy Hamilton version ) May 21 , 1955 -- June 4 , 1955 Succeeded by `` Ai n't That a Shame '' by Fats Domino Preceded by `` The Ballad of Davy Crockett '' by Bill Hayes , Fess Parker , and Ernie Ford Cash Box best selling record chart number 1 record ( Les Baxter & Orchestra / Al Hibbler / Roy Hamilton versions ) May 21 , 1955 ( seven weeks ) Succeeded by ( We 're Gonna ) Rock Around the Clock Preceded by `` Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White '' by Eddie Calvert UK number - one single ( Jimmy Young version ) 1955 Succeeded by `` Dreamboat '' by Alma Cogan Preceded by `` Oh Girl '' by Paul Young Billboard Adult Contemporary number - one single ( The Righteous Brothers version ) October 13 -- 20 , 1990 Succeeded by `` Love Takes Time '' by Mariah Carey Preceded by `` A Little Time '' by The Beautiful South UK number - one single ( The Righteous Brothers version ) October 28 , 1990 ( 4 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Ice Ice Baby '' by Vanilla Ice Preceded by `` Groove Is in the Heart '' by Deee - Lite Australian ARIA Singles Chart number - one single ( The Righteous Brothers version ) November 24 , 1990 -- January 12 , 1991 Preceded by `` Without You '' by Debbie Gibson Japanese Oricon International Singles Chart number - one single ( The Righteous Brothers version ) November 5 , 1990 December 3 , 1990 -- December 17 , 1990 Succeeded by `` Last Christmas '' by Wham ! Preceded by `` Dreamer '' by Livin ' Joy UK number - one single ( Robson & Jerome version ) May 14 , 1995 ( 7 weeks ) Succeeded by `` Boom Boom Boom '' by The Outhere Brothers Preceded by `` Anything Is Possible '' / `` Evergreen '' by Will Young UK number - one single ( Gareth Gates version ) March 24 -- April 20 , 2002 Succeeded by `` The Hindu Times '' by Oasis Links to related articles Perry Como Albums So Smooth ( 1955 ) We Get Letters ( 1956 ) Saturday Night with Mr. C ( 1958 ) When You Come to the End of the Day ( 1958 ) Como Swings ( 1959 ) Season 's Greetings from Perry Como ( 1959 ) For the Young at Heart ( 1960 ) Sing to Me Mr. C ( 1961 ) By Request ( 1962 ) The Best of Irving Berlin 's Songs from Mr. President ( 1962 ) The Songs I Love ( 1963 ) The Scene Changes ( 1965 ) Lightly Latin ( 1966 ) Perry Como in Italy ( 1966 ) The Perry Como Christmas Album ( 1968 ) Look to Your Heart ( 1968 ) Seattle ( 1969 ) Perry Como in Person at the International Hotel , Las Vegas ( 1970 ) It 's Impossible ( 1970 ) I Think of You ( 1971 ) And I Love You So ( 1973 ) Perry ( 1974 ) Just Out of Reach ( 1975 ) 40 Greatest Hits ( 1975 ) The Best of British ( UK and Canada ) ( 1977 ) Where You 're Concerned ( US ) ( 1978 ) Perry Como ( 1980 ) Perry Como Live on Tour ( 1981 ) So It Goes / Goodbye for Now ( 1983 ) Today ( 1987 ) Perry Como 's Christmas Concert ( 1994 ) On the Radio -- The Perry Como Shows 1943 ( 2009 ) At the Supper Club ( 2010 ) At the Supper Club Part II ( 2011 ) At the Supper Club Part III ( 2011 ) Songs `` ' A ' You 're Adorable '' `` Ac - Cent - Tchu - Ate the Positive '' `` And I Love You So '' `` As Time Goes By '' `` Bali Ha'i '' `` Because '' `` Beyond Tomorrow '' `` Bibbidi - Bobbidi - Boo '' `` Blue Room '' `` A Bushel and a Peck '' `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' `` Catch a Falling Star '' `` Chi - Baba , Chi - Baba ( My Bambino Go to Sleep ) '' `` Confessin ' '' `` Days of Wine and Roses '' `` Deep in the Heart of Texas '' `` Delaware '' `` Do n't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes '' `` Dream Along with Me ( I 'm on My Way to a Star ) '' `` A Dreamer 's Holiday '' `` El Cóndor Pasa '' `` Feelings '' `` Fly Me to the Moon '' `` For the Good Times '' `` Forever and Ever '' `` Forget Domani '' `` Give Me Your Hand '' `` Glendora '' `` The Gypsy in My Soul '' `` Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas '' `` He 's Got the Whole World in His Hands '' `` Hello , Young Lovers '' `` Here , There and Everywhere '' `` Home for the Holidays '' `` Hot Diggity ( Dog Ziggity Boom ) '' `` A House Is Not a Home '' `` I Do n't See Me in Your Eyes Anymore '' `` I Dream of You ( More Than You Dream I Do ) '' `` I Think I Love You '' `` I 'll Be Home for Christmas '' `` If ( They Made Me a King ) '' `` It 's Been a Long , Long Time '' `` It 's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas '' `` Kewpie Doll '' `` The Lord 's Prayer '' `` Magic Moments '' `` Mandolins in the Moonlight '' `` Maria '' `` Moon River '' `` More '' `` No Other Love '' `` Papa Loves Mambo '' `` Prisoner of Love '' `` Round and Round '' `` Santa Claus Is Coming to Town '' `` Seattle '' `` The Shadow of Your Smile '' `` Some Enchanted Evening '' `` Somos Novios ( It 's Impossible ) '' `` The Songs I Love '' `` Stop ! 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'' ( UK ) 1958 `` Do n't '' `` Wear My Ring Around Your Neck '' `` Hard Headed Woman '' / `` Do n't Ask Me Why '' `` King Creole '' ( UK ) `` One Night '' 1959 `` I Need Your Love Tonight '' / `` A Fool Such as I '' `` A Big Hunk o ' Love '' 1960s 1960 `` Stuck on You '' / `` Fame and Fortune '' `` It 's Now or Never '' `` Are You Lonesome Tonight ? '' 1961 `` Surrender '' / `` Lonely Man '' `` I Feel So Bad '' / `` Wild in the Country '' `` ( Marie 's the Name ) His Latest Flame '' / `` Little Sister '' `` Ca n't Help Falling in Love '' / `` Rock - A-Hula Baby '' 1962 `` Good Luck Charm '' / `` Anything That 's Part of You '' `` She 's Not You '' `` Return to Sender '' / `` Where Do You Come From '' 1963 `` One Broken Heart for Sale '' `` ( You 're the ) Devil in Disguise '' `` Bossa Nova Baby '' / `` Witchcraft '' 1964 `` Kissin ' Cousins '' / `` It Hurts Me '' `` What 'd I Say '' / `` Viva Las Vegas '' `` Such a Night '' / `` Never Ending '' `` Ask Me '' / `` Ai n't That Loving You Baby '' `` Blue Christmas '' 1965 `` Do the Clam '' / `` You 'll Be Gone '' `` Crying in the Chapel `` ( Such an ) Easy Question '' `` I 'm Yours '' `` Puppet on a String '' / `` Wooden Heart '' 1966 `` Tell Me Why '' / `` Blue River '' `` Frankie and Johnny '' / `` Please Do n't Stop Loving Me '' `` Love Letters '' `` Spinout '' / `` All That I Am '' `` If Every Day Was Like Christmas '' 1967 `` Indescribably Blue '' `` Long Legged Girl ( With the Short Dress On ) '' / `` That 's Someone You Never Forget '' `` There 's Always Me '' / `` Judy '' `` Big Boss Man '' / `` You Do n't Know Me '' 1968 `` Guitar Man '' `` U.S. Male '' / `` Stay Away '' `` You 'll Never Walk Alone '' `` Your Time Has n't Come Yet , Baby '' / `` Let Yourself Go '' `` Almost in Love '' / `` A Little Less Conversation '' `` If I Can Dream '' / `` Edge of Reality '' 1969 `` Memories '' / `` Charro ! '' `` How Great Thou Art '' `` In the Ghetto '' / `` Any Day Now '' `` Clean Up Your Own Backyard '' `` Suspicious Minds '' / `` You 'll Think of Me '' `` Do n't Cry Daddy '' 1970s 1970 `` Kentucky Rain '' `` The Wonder of You '' `` I 've Lost You '' `` You Do n't Have to Say You Love Me '' / `` Patch It Up '' `` I Really Do n't Want to Know '' / `` There Goes My Everything '' 1971 `` Rags to Riches '' `` Life '' / `` Only Believe '' `` I 'm Leavin ' '' `` It 's Only Love '' `` Merry Christmas Baby '' / `` O Come All Ye Faithful '' 1972 `` Until It 's Time for You to Go '' `` He Touched Me '' `` An American Trilogy '' / `` The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face '' `` Burning Love '' / `` It 's a Matter of Time '' `` Separate Ways '' / `` Always on My Mind '' 1973 `` Steamroller Blues '' / `` Fool '' `` Raised on Rock '' / `` For Ol ' Times Sake '' `` I 've Got a Thing About You Baby '' `` If You Talk in Your Sleep '' / `` Help Me '' `` Promised Land '' / `` It 's Midnight '' `` My Boy '' / `` Thinking About You '' `` T-R-O-U-B-L-E '' `` Bringing It Back '' / `` Pieces of My Life '' 1976 `` Hurt '' / `` For the Heart '' `` Moody Blue '' 1977 `` Way Down '' `` My Way '' / `` America the Beautiful '' 1978 `` Unchained Melody '' / `` Softly as I Leave You '' Book Category Portal WikiProject Leo Sayer Studio albums Silverbird Just a Boy Another Year Endless Flight Thunder in My Heart Leo Sayer Here Living in a Fantasy World Radio Have You Ever Been in Love Cool Touch Compilation albums The Very Best of Leo Sayer All the Best Soundtrack albums All This and World War II Lake Freeze -- The Raccoons Songtrack Singles `` The Show Must Go On '' `` One Man Band '' `` Moonlighting '' `` You Make Me Feel Like Dancing '' `` When I Need You '' `` How Much Love '' `` Thunder in My Heart '' `` I Ca n't Stop Loving You ( Though I Try ) '' `` Raining in My Heart '' `` More Than I Can Say '' `` Orchard Road '' `` Till You Come Back to Me '' `` Unchained Melody '' Related topics Le Chaînon manquant The Raccoons on Ice Book Air Supply Russell Hitchcock Graham Russell Frank Esler - Smith Rex Goh Studio albums Air Supply The Whole Thing 's Started Love & Other Bruises Life Support Lost in Love The One That You Love Now and Forever Air Supply Hearts in Motion The Christmas Album The Earth Is ... The Vanishing Race News from Nowhere The Book of Love Yours Truly Across the Concrete Sky Mumbo Jumbo Live & compilations Greatest Hits Making Love ... The Very Best of Air Supply Greatest Hits Live ... Now and Forever Forever Love : 36 Greatest Hits Singles `` Lost in Love '' `` All Out of Love '' `` Every Woman in the World '' `` The One That You Love '' `` Here I Am ( Just When I Thought I Was Over You ) '' `` Sweet Dreams '' `` Even the Nights Are Better '' `` Two Less Lonely People in the World '' `` Making Love Out of Nothing at All '' `` The Power of Love ( You Are My Lady ) '' `` Lonely Is the Night '' `` Without You '' `` Unchained Melody '' Related articles Discography Harry Maslin Book Commons category Gareth Gates Albums What My Heart Wants to Say Go Your Own Way Pictures of the Other Side Singles `` Unchained Melody '' `` Anyone of Us ( Stupid Mistake ) '' `` Suspicious Minds '' `` What My Heart Wants to Say '' `` Spirit in the Sky '' `` Sunshine '' `` Say It Is n't So '' `` Changes '' `` Angel on My Shoulder '' Related articles Discography Pop Idol ( series 1 ) Sony Records 19 Will Young The Kumars 5th Story Ronnie McDowell Notable singles `` Wandering Eyes '' `` Older Women '' `` Watchin ' Girls Go By '' `` I Just Cut Myself '' `` Step Back '' `` Personally '' `` You 're Gonna Ruin My Bad Reputation '' `` You Made a Wanted Man of Me '' `` I Dream of Women Like You '' `` I Got a Million of ' Em '' `` In a New York Minute '' `` Love Talks '' `` All Tied Up '' `` It 's Only Make Believe '' `` Suspicion '' `` Sea of Heartbreak '' `` Unchained Melody '' `` Love Me Tender '' Related articles Discography Epic Records MCA Records Curb Records LeAnn Rimes singles Discography Blue `` Blue '' `` One Way Ticket ( Because I Can ) '' `` Unchained Melody '' `` The Light in Your Eyes '' You Light Up My Life : Inspirational Songs `` How Do I Live '' `` You Light Up My Life '' `` On the Side of Angels '' Sittin ' on Top of the World `` Commitment '' `` Nothin ' New Under the Moon '' LeAnn Rimes `` Big Deal '' `` Crazy '' God Bless America `` God Bless America '' Twisted Angel `` Life Goes On '' `` Suddenly '' Greatest Hits `` This Love '' This Woman `` Nothin ' ' bout Love Makes Sense '' `` Probably Would n't Be This Way '' `` Something 's Gotta Give '' `` Some People '' Whatever We Wanna `` And It Feels Like '' `` Everybody 's Someone '' ( with Brian McFadden ) Family `` Nothin ' Better to Do '' `` Till We Ai n't Strangers Anymore '' ( with Bon Jovi ) `` Good Friend and a Glass of Wine '' `` What I Cannot Change '' Lady & Gentlemen `` Swingin ' '' `` Crazy Women '' `` Give '' Remnants `` The Story '' `` Long Live Love '' `` Love Is Love Is Love '' Guest singles `` Written in the Stars '' ( with Elton John ) `` Cattle Call '' ( with Eddy Arnold ) `` Last Thing on My Mind '' ( with Ronan Keating ) `` Just Stand Up ! '' Soundtracks `` Looking Through Your Eyes '' `` I Need You '' `` Ca n't Fight the Moonlight '' `` But I Do Love You '' `` We Can '' George Benson Discography Studio albums The New Boss Guitar of George Benson It 's Uptown The George Benson Cookbook Giblet Gravy Shape of Things to Come Goodies Tell It Like It Is The Other Side of Abbey Road Beyond the Blue Horizon White Rabbit Body Talk Bad Benson Good King Bad Benson & Farrell Breezin ' In Flight Livin ' Inside Your Love Give Me the Night In Your Eyes Pacific Fire I Got a Woman and Some Blues 20 / 20 While the City Sleeps ... Collaboration Twice the Love Big Boss Band That 's Right Standing Together Absolute Benson Irreplaceable Givin ' It Up Songs and Stories Guitar Man Inspiration : A Tribute to Nat King Cole Live albums In Concert - Carnegie Hall Weekend in L.A. Compilations Space The George Benson Collection Main Singles `` This Masquerade '' ( 1976 ) `` Breezin ' '' ( 1976 ) `` The Greatest Love of All '' ( 1977 ) `` On Broadway '' ( 1978 ) `` Love Ballad '' ( 1979 ) `` Give Me the Night '' ( 1980 ) `` Love X Love '' ( 1980 ) `` Never Give Up on a Good Thing '' ( 1981 ) `` Turn Your Love Around '' ( 1981 ) `` Inside Love ( So Personal ) '' ( 1983 ) `` Lady Love Me ( One More Time ) '' ( 1983 ) `` Feel Like Makin ' Love '' ( 1983 ) `` In Your Eyes '' ( 1983 ) `` Nothing 's Gonna Change My Love for You '' ( 1985 ) `` Shiver '' ( 1986 ) `` Teaser '' ( 1986 ) `` Let 's Do It Again ( 1988 ) Book : George Benson Susan Boyle Discography Studio albums I Dreamed a Dream ( 2009 ) The Gift ( 2010 ) Someone to Watch Over Me ( 2011 ) Standing Ovation : The Greatest Songs from the Stage ( 2012 ) Home For Christmas ( 2013 ) Hope ( 2014 ) A Wonderful World ( 2016 ) Singles `` Wild Horses '' `` I Dreamed a Dream '' `` Perfect Day '' `` I Know Him So Well '' `` Enjoy the Silence '' `` Unchained Melody '' `` The Winner Takes It All '' `` You 'll See '' Featured singles `` Everybody Hurts '' `` A Mother 's Prayer '' Other songs `` Who I Was Born to Be '' Television Britain 's Got Talent I Dreamed a Dream : The Susan Boyle Story ( 2009 ) Susan Boyle : An Unlikely Superstar ( 2011 ) Theatre I Dreamed a Dream ( musical ) Concert tours Susan Boyle in Concert ( 2013 -- 14 ) Related articles Syco Music Columbia Records Willie Nelson singles discography 1950s and 1960s 1957 `` No Place For Me '' / `` Lumberjack '' 1959 `` Man With the Blues '' / `` The Storm Has Just Begun '' 1960 `` What a Way to Live '' / `` Misery Mansion '' `` Nite Life '' / `` Rainy Day Blues '' 1961 `` The Part Where I Cry '' / `` Mr. Record Man '' 1962 `` Willingly '' / `` Chain of Love '' `` Touch Me '' / `` Where My House Lives '' `` Wake Me When It 's Over '' / `` There 's Gonna Be Love In My House '' `` You Dream About Me '' / `` Is This My Destiny '' 1963 `` Half a Man '' / `` The Last Letter '' `` Take My Word '' / `` Feed it a Memory '' 1964 `` How Long is Forever '' / `` You Took My Happy Away '' `` Am I Blue '' / `` There 'll Be No Teardrops Tonight '' `` River Boy '' / `` Opportunity to Cry '' `` I Never Cared For You '' / `` You Left Me ( A Long Time Ago ) '' `` Pretty Paper '' / `` What A Merry Christmas This Could Be '' 1965 `` She 's Not For You '' / `` Permanently Lonely '' `` Healing Hands of Time '' / `` One Day at the Time '' `` I Just Ca n't Let You Say Goodbye '' / `` And So Will You , My Love '' 1966 `` One In A Row '' / `` San Antonio Rose '' `` Colombus Stockade Blues '' / `` He Sits at my Table '' `` I 'm Still Not Over You '' / `` I Love You Because '' 1967 `` The Party 's Over '' / `` Make Way for a Better Man '' `` Blackjack County Chain '' / `` Some Other World '' `` San Antonio '' / `` To Make a Long Story Short '' 1968 `` Little Things '' / `` Sweet Memories '' `` Good Times '' / `` Where Do You Stand '' `` Johnny One Time '' / `` She 's Still Gone '' 1969 `` Bring Me Sunshine '' / `` Do n't Say Love or Nothing '' `` I Hope So '' / `` Right or Wrong '' 1970s 1970 `` Once More With Feeling '' / `` Who Do I Know in Dallas '' `` Laying My Burdens Down '' / `` Truth Number One '' 1971 `` I 'm a Memory '' / `` Fire and Rain '' `` Yesterday 's Wine '' / `` Me and Paul '' 1972 `` Words Do n't Fit the Picture '' / `` A Moment '' 1973 `` Shotgun Willie '' ( mono ) / `` Sad Songs and Waltzes '' `` Stay All Night ( Stay a Little Longer ) '' / `` Devil in a Sleepin ' Bag '' `` I Still Ca n't Believe You 're Gone '' / `` Heaven and Hell '' `` Bloody Mary Morning '' / `` After the Fire is Gone '' ( with Tracy Nelson ) `` Sister 's Comin ' Home '' ( mono ) / `` Pick Up The Tempo '' `` Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain '' / `` Bandera '' 1976 `` Remember Me ( When the Candle Lights Are Gleaming ) '' / `` Time of the Preacher '' `` I 'd Have to Be Crazy '' ( mono ) / `` Amazing Grace '' `` If You 've Got the Money I 've Got the Time '' / `` The Sound in Your Mind '' 1977 `` Uncloudy Day '' / `` Precious Memories '' `` I Love You A Thousand Ways '' / `` Mom and Dad 's Waltz '' 1978 `` Georgia on My Mind '' / `` On The Sunny Side Of The Street '' `` Blue Skies '' / `` Moonlight in Vermont '' `` All of Me '' / `` Unchained Melody '' 1979 `` Whiskey River '' / `` Under the Double Eagle '' `` September Song '' / `` Do n't Get Around Much Anymore '' `` White Christmas '' / `` Blue Christmas '' 1980s 1980 `` Help Me Make It Through the Night '' / `` The Pilgrim , Chapter 33 '' `` My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys '' / `` Rising Stars '' `` Midnight Rider '' / `` So You Think You 're A Cowboy '' `` On the Road Again '' / `` Jumpin ' Cotton Eyed Joe '' ( performed by Johnny Gimble ) 1981 `` Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground '' / `` I Guess I 've Come to Live Here in Your Eyes '' `` Mona Lisa '' / `` Twinkle , Twinkle Little Star '' `` I 'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter '' / `` Over the Rainbow '' `` Heartaches of a Fool '' / `` Uncloudy Day '' 1982 `` Always on My Mind '' / `` The Party 's Over '' `` Let It Be Me '' / `` Permanently Lonely '' `` Last Thing I Needed First Thing This Morning '' / `` Old Fords and a Natural Stone '' `` Little Old Fashioned Karma '' / `` Beer Barrel Polka '' `` Why Do I Have to Choose '' / `` Would You Lay with Me ( In a Field of Stone ) '' `` Take It to the Limit '' / `` Till I Gain Control Again '' `` Without a Song '' 1984 `` City of New Orleans ( Unedited version ) '' / `` Why Are You Pickin ' On Me '' 1985 `` Forgiving You Was Easy '' / `` You Would n't Cross the Street '' `` Me and Paul '' / `` I Let My Mind Wander '' 1986 `` Living in the Promiseland '' / `` Bach Minuet in G '' `` I 'm Not Trying to Forget You '' / `` I 've Got the Craziest Feeling '' `` Partners After All '' / `` Home Away From Home '' `` Heart of Gold '' / `` So Much Like My Dad '' `` Island in the Sea '' / `` There Is No Easy Way '' `` Nobody There But Me '' / `` Wake Me When It 's Over '' `` Spanish Eyes '' ( with Julio Iglesias ) / `` Ole Buttermilk Sky '' `` Twilight Time '' / `` Ac - Cent - Tchu - Ate the Positive '' `` Nothing I Can Do About It Now '' / `` If I Were a Painting '' `` There You Are '' / `` Spirit '' `` Is The Better Part Over '' / `` Mr. Record Man '' 1990s `` The Highway '' / `` Spirit '' `` Ai n't Necessarily So '' / `` I Never Cared For You '' ( `` Ai n't Necessarily So '' also on CD Single ) 1991 `` The Piper Came Today '' / `` ( I Do n't Have a Reason ) To Go To California Anymore '' ( `` The Piper Came Today '' also on CD Single ) `` Ten With a Two '' / `` You Decide '' `` Graceland '' `` Still is Still Moving to Me '' / `` Valentine '' 1995 `` Turn Me Loose and Let Me Swing '' 1998 `` I Never Cared for You '' 2000s and 2010s 2002 `` Mendocino County Line '' ( with Lee Ann Womack ) / `` Maria ( Shut Up and Kiss Me ) '' ( Both single tracks released on CD and 7 '' record ) 2003 `` Wurlitzer Prize '' ( with Norah Jones ) `` Beer for My Horses '' ( with Toby Keith ) 2005 `` I 'm a Worried Man '' ( with Toots Hibbert ) `` The Harder They Come '' 2006 `` You Do n't Know Me '' `` Cowboys Are Frequently , Secretly Fond of Each Other '' 2008 `` Gravedigger '' `` You Do n't Think I 'm Funny Anymore '' 2011 `` The Scientist '' 2012 `` Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die '' `` Just Breathe '' `` Come On Back Jesus '' 2013 `` From Here to the Moon and Back '' ( with Dolly Parton ) `` Grandma 's Hands '' ( with Mavis Staples ) `` It Wo n't Be Long '' ( with The Secret Sisters ) `` Somewhere Between '' ( with Loretta Lynn ) 2014 `` The Wall '' `` Bring It On '' `` Laws of Nature '' `` Who 'll Buy My Memories '' 2015 `` It 's All Going to Pot '' Book : Willie Nelson Category : Willie Nelson Barry Manilow singles 1970s `` Mandy '' ( 1974 ) `` Sandra '' ( 1974 ) `` It 's a Miracle '' ( 1975 ) `` Could It Be Magic '' ( 1975 ) `` I Write the Songs '' ( 1975 ) `` Tryin ' to Get the Feeling Again '' ( 1976 ) `` This One 's for You '' ( 1976 ) `` Weekend in New England '' ( 1976 ) `` Looks Like We Made It '' ( 1977 ) `` Daybreak '' ( 1977 ) `` It 's Just Another New Year 's Eve '' ( 1977 ) `` Ca n't Smile Without You '' ( 1978 ) `` Even Now '' ( 1978 ) `` Copacabana '' ( 1978 ) `` Ready to Take a Chance Again '' ( 1978 ) `` Somewhere in the Night '' ( 1978 ) `` Ships '' ( 1979 ) `` When I Wanted You '' ( 1979 ) 1980s `` I Do n't Want to Walk Without You '' ( 1980 ) `` Bermuda Triangle '' ( 1980 ) `` I Made It Through the Rain '' ( 1980 ) `` Lonely Together '' ( 1981 ) `` The Old Songs '' ( 1981 ) `` Somewhere Down the Road '' ( 1981 ) `` Let 's Hang On ! '' ( 1982 ) `` Oh Julie '' ( 1982 ) `` Memory '' ( 1982 ) `` I 'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter '' ( 1982 ) `` Read ' Em and Weep '' ( 1983 ) `` When October Goes '' ( 1984 ) `` Run to Me '' ( 1985 ) `` I 'm Your Man '' ( 1986 ) `` Keep Each Other Warm '' ( 1989 ) 1990s `` If I Can Dream '' ( 1990 ) `` I 'd Really Love to See You Tonight '' ( 1997 ) 2000s `` River '' ( 2003 ) `` Unchained Melody '' ( 2006 ) `` Love Is a Many - Splendored Thing '' ( 2006 ) 2010s `` Santa Claus Is Coming to Town '' ( 2012 ) Best - selling singles by year in the United Kingdom 1952 -- 1969 1952 : `` Auf Wiederseh'n Sweetheart '' -- Vera Lynn ( UK ) 1953 : `` I Believe '' -- Frankie Laine 1954 : `` Secret Love '' -- Doris Day 1955 : `` Rose Marie '' -- Slim Whitman 1956 : `` I 'll Be Home '' -- Pat Boone 1957 : `` Diana '' -- Paul Anka 1958 : `` Jailhouse Rock '' -- Elvis Presley 1959 : `` Living Doll '' -- Cliff Richard ( UK ) 1960 : `` It 's Now or Never '' -- Elvis Presley 1961 : `` Wooden Heart '' -- Elvis Presley 1962 : `` I Remember You '' -- Frank Ifield ( UK ) 1963 : `` She Loves You '' -- The Beatles ( UK ) 1964 : `` Ca n't Buy Me Love '' -- The Beatles ( UK ) 1965 : `` Tears '' -- Ken Dodd ( UK ) 1966 : `` Green , Green Grass of Home '' -- Tom Jones ( UK ) 1967 : `` Release Me '' -- Engelbert Humperdinck ( UK ) 1968 : `` Hey Jude '' -- The Beatles ( UK ) 1969 : `` Sugar , Sugar '' -- The Archies 1970 -- 1989 1970 : `` The Wonder of You '' -- Elvis Presley 1971 : `` My Sweet Lord '' -- George Harrison ( UK ) 1972 : `` Amazing Grace '' -- The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Band ( UK ) 1973 : `` Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree '' -- Tony Orlando and Dawn 1974 : `` Tiger Feet '' -- Mud ( UK ) 1975 : `` Bye Bye Baby '' -- Bay City Rollers ( UK ) 1976 : `` Save Your Kisses for Me '' -- Brotherhood of Man ( UK ) 1977 : `` Mull of Kintyre '' / `` Girls ' School '' -- Wings ( UK ) 1978 : `` Rivers of Babylon '' / `` Brown Girl in the Ring '' -- Boney M . 1979 : `` Bright Eyes '' -- Art Garfunkel 1980 : `` Do n't Stand So Close to Me '' -- The Police ( UK ) 1981 : `` Do n't You Want Me '' -- The Human League ( UK ) 1982 : `` Come On Eileen '' -- Dexys Midnight Runners ( UK ) 1983 : `` Karma Chameleon '' -- Culture Club ( UK ) 1984 : `` Do They Know It 's Christmas ? '' -- Band Aid ( UK ) 1985 : `` The Power of Love '' -- Jennifer Rush 1986 : `` Do n't Leave Me This Way '' -- The Communards ( UK ) 1987 : `` Never Gonna Give You Up '' -- Rick Astley ( UK ) 1988 : `` Mistletoe and Wine '' -- Cliff Richard ( UK ) 1989 : `` Ride on Time '' -- Black Box 1990 -- 2009 1990 : `` Unchained Melody '' -- The Righteous Brothers 1991 : `` ( Everything I Do ) I Do It for You '' -- Bryan Adams 1992 : `` I Will Always Love You '' -- Whitney Houston 1993 : `` I 'd Do Anything for Love ( But I Wo n't Do That ) '' -- Meat Loaf 1994 : `` Love Is All Around '' -- Wet Wet Wet ( UK ) 1995 : `` Unchained Melody '' -- Robson & Jerome ( UK ) 1996 : `` Killing Me Softly '' -- Fugees 1997 : `` Something About the Way You Look Tonight '' / `` Candle in the Wind 1997 '' -- Elton John ( UK ) 1998 : `` Believe '' -- Cher 1999 : `` ... Baby One More Time '' -- Britney Spears 2000 : `` Can We Fix It ? '' -- Bob the Builder ( UK ) 2001 : `` It Was n't Me '' -- Shaggy featuring Rikrok ( UK ) 2002 : `` Anything Is Possible '' / `` Evergreen '' -- Will Young ( UK ) 2003 : `` Where Is the Love ? '' -- The Black Eyed Peas 2004 : `` Do They Know It 's Christmas ? '' -- Band Aid 20 ( UK ) 2005 : `` Is This the Way to Amarillo '' -- Tony Christie featuring Peter Kay ( UK ) 2006 : `` Crazy '' -- Gnarls Barkley 2007 : `` Bleeding Love '' -- Leona Lewis ( UK ) 2008 : `` Hallelujah '' -- Alexandra Burke ( UK ) 2009 : `` Poker Face '' -- Lady Gaga 2010 -- present 2010 : `` Love the Way You Lie '' -- Eminem featuring Rihanna 2011 : `` Someone Like You '' -- Adele ( UK ) 2012 : `` Somebody That I Used to Know '' -- Gotye featuring Kimbra 2013 : `` Blurred Lines '' -- Robin Thicke featuring T.I. & Pharrell Williams 2014 : `` Happy '' -- Pharrell Williams 2015 : `` Uptown Funk '' -- Mark Ronson ( UK ) featuring Bruno Mars 2016 : `` One Dance '' -- Drake featuring Wizkid and Kyla ( UK ) Roy Hamilton Singles `` You 'll Never Walk Alone '' `` Ebb Tide '' `` Hurt '' `` Unchained Melody '' `` So Long '' `` Do n't Let Go '' `` Pledging My Love '' Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1955 singles 1965 singles 1990 singles 1995 singles 1996 singles 2002 singles Songs with music by Alex North Songs written by Hy Zaret Barry Manilow songs Cyndi Lauper songs Elvis Presley songs Gareth Gates songs Harry Belafonte songs Heart ( band ) songs Joe Stampley songs LeAnn Rimes songs Leo Sayer songs Perry Como songs Ricky Nelson songs The Righteous Brothers songs Buzz Clifford songs Robson & Jerome songs Ronnie McDowell songs U2 songs Song recordings produced by Phil Spector Billboard Hot R&B / Hip - Hop Songs number - one singles Billboard Adult Contemporary number - one singles Irish Singles Chart number - one singles Number - one singles in Austria Number - one singles in Australia Number - one singles in New Zealand Oricon International Singles Chart number - one singles UK Singles Chart number - one singles Pop ballads Songs written for films Curb Records singles Philles Records singles Sony BMG singles 1955 songs Roy Hamilton songs Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Uses authors parameter Use mdy dates from February 2015 Singlechart usages for UKsinglesbyname Articles with hAudio microformats Singlechart usages for Flanders Singlechart usages for Canadatopsingles Singlechart usages for Dutch100 Singlechart usages for Billboardhot100 Singlechart usages for Australia Singlechart usages for Austria Singlechart usages for Germany2 Singlechart usages for Ireland2 Singlechart usages for New Zealand Certification Table Entry usages for United Kingdom Certification Table Entry usages for United States Singlechart usages for Wallonia Singlechart usages for France Singlechart usages for Swiss Talk More Contents About Wikipedia Български Dansk Deutsch Español Français Հայերեն Hrvatski Italiano עברית Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Polski Português Русский Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Svenska ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 25 September 2017 , at 17 : 05 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who sang i need your love in ghost | [
"In 1955, three versions of the song (by Les Baxter, Al Hibbler, and Roy Hamilton) charted in the Billboard Top 10 in the United States,[4] and four versions (by Al Hibbler, Les Baxter, Jimmy Young, and Liberace) appeared in the Top 20 in the United Kingdom simultaneously, an unbeaten record for any song.[5][6] The song and \"Do They Know It's Christmas\" are the only songs to reach number one in four different recordings in the UK.[7][8] Of the hundreds of recordings made, it was the July 1965 version by the Righteous Brothers, performed as a solo by Bobby Hatfield, that became a jukebox standard for the late 20th century. This version achieved a second round of great popularity when it was featured in the film Ghost (1990). In 2004, it finished at number 27 on AFI's 100 Years...100 Songs survey of top tunes in American cinema."
] | [
"Bobby Hatfield"
] |
-3961153514664938323 | Dust Bowl | Dust Bowl - Wikipedia Dust Bowl Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see Dust Bowl ( disambiguation ) . Map of states and counties affected by the Dust Bowl between 1935 and 1938 originally prepared by the Soil Conservation Service . The most severely affected counties are colored . A farmer and his two sons during a dust storm in Cimarron County , Oklahoma , April 1936 . Iconic photo taken by Arthur Rothstein . The Dust Bowl , also known as the Dirty Thirties , was a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American and Canadian prairies during the 1930s ; severe drought and a failure to apply dryland farming methods to prevent wind erosion ( the Aeolian processes ) caused the phenomenon . The drought came in three waves , 1934 , 1936 , and 1939 -- 1940 , but some regions of the high plains experienced drought conditions for as many as eight years . With insufficient understanding of the ecology of the plains , farmers had conducted extensive deep plowing of the virgin topsoil of the Great Plains during the previous decade ; this had displaced the native , deep - rooted grasses that normally trapped soil and moisture even during periods of drought and high winds . The rapid mechanization of farm equipment , especially small gasoline tractors , and widespread use of the combine harvester contributed to farmers ' decisions to convert arid grassland ( much of which received no more than 10 inches ( 250 mm ) of precipitation per year ) to cultivated cropland . During the drought of the 1930s , the unanchored soil turned to dust , which the prevailing winds blew away in huge clouds that sometimes blackened the sky . These choking billows of dust -- named `` black blizzards '' or `` black rollers '' -- traveled cross country , reaching as far as the East Coast and striking such cities as New York City and Washington , D.C. On the Plains , they often reduced visibility to 3.3 feet ( 1.0 m ) or less . Associated Press reporter Robert E. Geiger happened to be in Boise City , Oklahoma , to witness the `` Black Sunday '' black blizzards of April 14 , 1935 ; Edward Stanley , Kansas City news editor of the Associated Press coined the term `` Dust Bowl '' while rewriting Geiger 's news story . While the term `` the Dust Bowl '' was originally a reference to the geographical area affected by the dust , today it is usually used to refer to the event , as in `` It was during the Dust Bowl '' . The drought and erosion of the Dust Bowl affected 100,000,000 acres ( 400,000 km ) that centered on the panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma and touched adjacent sections of New Mexico , Colorado , and Kansas . The Dust Bowl forced tens of thousands of poverty - stricken families to abandon their farms , unable to pay mortgages or grow crops , and losses reached US $ 25 million per day by 1936 ( equivalent to US $440,000,000 in 2017 ) . Many of these families , who were often known as `` Okies '' because so many of them came from Oklahoma , migrated to California and other states to find that the Great Depression had rendered economic conditions there little better than those they had left . The Dust Bowl has been the subject of many cultural works , notably the novel The Grapes of Wrath ( 1939 ) by John Steinbeck , the folk music of Woody Guthrie , and photographs depicting the conditions of migrants by Dorothea Lange . Contents ( hide ) 1 Geographic characteristics and early history 2 Drought and dust storms 3 Human displacement 3.1 United States 3.2 Characteristics of migrants 4 U.S. government response 5 Long - term economic impact 6 Influence on the arts and culture 7 Aggregate changes in agriculture and population on the Plains 8 See also 9 References 10 Bibliography 11 External links Geographic characteristics and early History A dust storm approaches Stratford , Texas , in 1935 . The Dust Bowl area lies principally west of the 100th meridian on the High Plains , characterized by plains which vary from rolling in the north to flat in the Llano Estacado . Elevation ranges from 2,500 feet ( 760 m ) in the east to 6,000 feet ( 1,800 m ) at the base of the Rocky Mountains . The area is semiarid , receiving less than 20 inches ( 510 mm ) of rain annually ; this rainfall supports the shortgrass prairie biome originally present in the area . The region is also prone to extended drought , alternating with unusual wetness of equivalent duration . During wet years , the rich soil provides bountiful agricultural output , but crops fail during dry years . The region is also subject to high winds . During early European and American exploration of the Great Plains , this region was thought unsuitable for European - style agriculture ; explorers called it the Great American Desert . The lack of surface water and timber made the region less attractive than other areas for pioneer settlement and agriculture . The federal government encouraged settlement and development of the Plains for agriculture via the Homestead Act of 1862 , offering settlers 160 - acre ( 65 ha ) plots . With the end of the Civil War in 1865 and the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad in 1869 , waves of new migrants and immigrants reached the Great Plains , and they greatly increased the acreage under cultivation . An unusually wet period in the Great Plains mistakenly led settlers and the federal government to believe that `` rain follows the plow '' ( a popular phrase among real estate promoters ) and that the climate of the region had changed permanently . While initial agricultural endeavors were primarily cattle ranching , the adverse effect of harsh winters on the cattle , beginning in 1886 , a short drought in 1890 , and general overgrazing , led many landowners to increase the amount of land under cultivation . Recognizing the challenge of cultivating marginal arid land , the United States government expanded on the 160 acres ( 65 ha ) offered under the Homestead Act -- granting 640 acres ( 260 ha ) to homesteaders in western Nebraska under the Kinkaid Act ( 1904 ) and 320 acres ( 130 ha ) elsewhere in the Great Plains under the Enlarged Homestead Act ( 1909 ) . Waves of European settlers arrived in the plains at the beginning of the 20th century . A return of unusually wet weather seemingly confirmed a previously held opinion that the `` formerly '' semiarid area could support large - scale agriculture . At the same time , technological improvements such as mechanized plowing and mechanized harvesting made it possible to operate larger properties without increasing labor costs . The combined effects of the disruption of the Russian Revolution , which decreased the supply of wheat and other commodity crops , and World War I increased agricultural prices ; this demand encouraged farmers to dramatically increase cultivation . For example , in the Llano Estacado of eastern New Mexico and northwestern Texas , the area of farmland was doubled between 1900 and 1920 , then tripled again between 1925 and 1930 . The agricultural methods favored by farmers during this period created the conditions for large - scale erosion under certain environmental conditions . The widespread conversion of the land by deep plowing and other soil preparation methods to enable agriculture eliminated the native grasses which held the soil in place and helped retain moisture during dry periods . Furthermore , cotton farmers left fields bare during winter months , when winds in the High Plains are highest , and burned the stubble as a means to control weeds prior to planting , thereby depriving the soil of organic nutrients and surface vegetation . Drought and Dust storms A dust storm ; Spearman , Texas , April 14 , 1935 `` Heavy black clouds of dust rising over the Texas Panhandle , Texas '' , c. 1936 . After fairly favourable climatic conditions in the 1920s with good rainfall and relatively moderate winters , which permitted increased settlement and cultivation in the Great Plains , the region entered an unusually dry era in the summer of 1930 . During the next decade , the northern plains suffered four of their seven driest calendar years since 1895 , Kansas four of its twelve driest , and the entire region south to West Texas lacked any period of above - normal rainfall until record rains hit in 1941 . When severe drought struck the Great Plains region in the 1930s , it resulted in erosion and loss of topsoil because of farming practices at the time . The drought dried the topsoil and over time it became friable , reduced to a powdery consistency in some places . Without the indigenous grasses in place , the high winds that occur on the plains picked up the topsoil and created the massive dust storms that marked the Dust Bowl period . The persistent dry weather caused crops to fail , leaving the plowed fields exposed to wind erosion . The fine soil of the Great Plains was easily eroded and carried east by strong continental winds . On November 11 , 1933 , a very strong dust storm stripped topsoil from desiccated South Dakota farmlands in just one of a series of severe dust storms that year . Beginning on May 9 , 1934 , a strong , two - day dust storm removed massive amounts of Great Plains topsoil in one of the worst such storms of the Dust Bowl . The dust clouds blew all the way to Chicago , where they deposited 12 million pounds of dust . Two days later , the same storm reached cities to the east , such as Cleveland , Buffalo , Boston , New York City , and Washington , D.C. That winter ( 1934 -- 1935 ) , red snow fell on New England . On April 14 , 1935 , known as `` Black Sunday '' , 20 of the worst `` black blizzards '' occurred across the entire sweep of the Great Plains , from Canada south to Texas . The dust storms caused extensive damage and turned the day to night ; witnesses reported that they could not see five feet in front of them at certain points . Denver - based Associated Press reporter Robert E. Geiger happened to be in Boise City , Oklahoma that day . His story about Black Sunday marked the first appearance of the term Dust Bowl ; it was coined by Edward Stanley , Kansas City news editor of the Associated Press , while rewriting Geiger 's news story . Spearman and Hansford County have been literaly ( sic ) in a cloud of dust for the past week . Ever since Friday of last week , there has n't been a day pass but what the county was beseieged ( sic ) with a blast of wind and dirt . On rare occasions when the wind did subside for a period of hours , the air has been so filled with dust that the town appeared to be overhung by a fog cloud . Because of this long seige of dust and every building being filled with it , the air has become stifling to breathe and many people have developed sore throats and dust colds as a result . '' -- Spearman Reporter , 21 March 1935 Much of the farmland was eroded in the aftermath of the Dust Bowl . In 1941 , a Kansas agricultural experiment station released a bulletin that suggested reestablishing native grasses by the `` hay method '' . Developed in 1937 to speed up the process and increase returns from pasture , the `` hay method '' was originally supposed to occur in Kansas naturally over 25 -- 40 years . After much data analysis , the causal mechanism for the droughts can be linked to ocean temperature anomalies . Specifically , Atlantic Ocean sea surface temperatures appear to have had an indirect effect on the general atmospheric circulation , while Pacific sea surface temperatures seem to have had the most direct influence . Human displacement This catastrophe intensified the economic impact of the Great Depression in the region . United States Buried machinery in a barn lot ; Dallas , South Dakota , May 1936 In 1935 , many families were forced to leave their farms and travel to other areas seeking work because of the drought ( which at that time had already lasted four years ) . The abandonment of homesteads and financial ruin resulting from catastrophic topsoil loss led to widespread hunger and poverty . Dust Bowl conditions fomented an exodus of the displaced from Texas , Oklahoma , and the surrounding Great Plains to adjacent regions . More than 500,000 Americans were left homeless . Over 350 houses had to be torn down after one storm alone . The severe drought and dust storms had left many homeless , others had their mortgages foreclosed by banks , and others felt they had no choice but to abandon their farms in search of work . Many Americans migrated west looking for work . Parents packed up `` jalopies '' with their families and a few personal belongings , and headed west in search of work . Some residents of the Plains , especially in Kansas and Oklahoma , fell ill and died of dust pneumonia or malnutrition . `` Broke , baby sick , and car trouble ! '' - Dorothea Lange 's 1937 photo of a Missouri migrant family 's jalopy stuck near Tracy , California . The Dust Bowl exodus was the largest migration in American history within a short period of time . Between 1930 and 1940 , approximately 3.5 million people moved out of the Plains states ; of those , it is unknown how many moved to California . In just over a year , over 86,000 people migrated to California . This number is more than the number of migrants to that area during the 1849 Gold Rush . Migrants abandoned farms in Oklahoma , Arkansas , Missouri , Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas , Texas , Colorado , and New Mexico , but were often generally referred to as `` Okies '' , `` Arkies '' , or `` Texies '' . Terms such as `` Okies '' and `` Arkies '' came to be known in the 1930s as the standard terms for those who had lost everything and were struggling the most during the Great Depression . Not all migrants traveled long distances ; some simply went to the next town or county . So many families left their farms and were on the move that the proportion between migrants and residents was nearly equal in the Great Plains states . Characteristics of migrants A migratory family from Texas living in a trailer in an Arizona cotton field Historian James N. Gregory examined Census Bureau statistics and other records to learn more about the migrants . Based on a 1939 survey of occupation by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics of about 116,000 families who arrived in California in the 1930s , he learned that only 43 percent of southwesterners were doing farm work immediately before they migrated . Nearly one - third of all migrants were professional or white - collar workers . The poor economy displaced more than just farmers as refugees to California ; many teachers , lawyers , and small business owners moved west with their families during this time . After the Great Depression ended , some moved back to their original states . Many others remained where they had resettled . About one - eighth of California 's population is of Okie heritage . Us government response The greatly expanded participation of government in land management and soil conservation was an important outcome from the disaster . Different groups took many different approaches to responding to the disaster . To identify areas that needed attention , groups such as the Soil Conservation Service generated detailed soil maps and took photos of the land from the sky . To create shelterbelts to reduce soil erosion , groups such as the United States Forestry Service 's Prairie States Forestry Project planted trees on private lands . Finally , groups like the Resettlement Administration , which later became the Farm Security Administration , encouraged small farm owners to resettle on other lands , if they lived in dryer parts of the Plains . During President Franklin D. Roosevelt 's first 100 days in office in 1933 , his administration quickly initiated programs to conserve soil and restore the ecological balance of the nation . Interior Secretary Harold L. Ickes established the Soil Erosion Service in August 1933 under Hugh Hammond Bennett . In 1935 , it was transferred and reorganized under the Department of Agriculture and renamed the Soil Conservation Service . It is now known as the Natural Resources Conservation Service ( NRCS ) . As part of New Deal programs , Congress passed the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act in 1936 , requiring landowners to share the allocated government subsidies with the laborers who worked on their farms . Under the law , `` benefit payments were continued as measures for production control and income support , but they were now financed by direct Congressional appropriations and justified as soil conservation measures . The Act shifted the parity goal from price equality of agricultural commodities and the articles that farmers buy to income equality of farm and non-farm population . '' Thus , the parity goal was to re-create the ratio between the purchasing power of the net income per person on farms from agriculture and that of the income of persons not on farms that prevailed during 1909 -- 1914 . To stabilize prices , the government paid farmers and ordered more than six million pigs to be slaughtered . It paid to have the meat packed and distributed to the poor and hungry . The Federal Surplus Relief Corporation ( FSRC ) was established to regulate crop and other surpluses . FDR in an address on the AAA commented , Let me make one other point clear for the benefit of the millions in cities who have to buy meats . Last year the Nation suffered a drought of unparalleled intensity . If there had been no Government program , if the old order had obtained in 1933 and 1934 , that drought on the cattle ranges of America and in the corn belt would have resulted in the marketing of thin cattle , immature hogs and the death of these animals on the range and on the farm , and if the old order had been in effect those years , we would have had a vastly greater shortage than we face today . Our program -- we can prove it -- saved the lives of millions of head of livestock . They are still on the range , and other millions of heads are today canned and ready for this country to eat . '' The FSRC diverted agricultural commodities to relief organizations . Apples , beans , canned beef , flour and pork products were distributed through local relief channels . Cotton goods were later included , to clothe the needy . In 1935 , the federal government formed a Drought Relief Service ( DRS ) to coordinate relief activities . The DRS bought cattle in counties which were designated emergency areas , for $14 to $20 a head . Animals determined unfit for human consumption were killed ; at the beginning of the program , more than 50 percent were so designated in emergency areas . The DRS assigned the remaining cattle to the Federal Surplus Relief Corporation ( FSRC ) to be used in food distribution to families nationwide . Although it was difficult for farmers to give up their herds , the cattle slaughter program helped many of them avoid bankruptcy . `` The government cattle buying program was a blessing to many farmers , as they could not afford to keep their cattle , and the government paid a better price than they could obtain in local markets . '' President Roosevelt ordered the Civilian Conservation Corps to plant a huge belt of more than 200 million trees from Canada to Abilene , Texas to break the wind , hold water in the soil , and hold the soil itself in place . The administration also began to educate farmers on soil conservation and anti-erosion techniques , including crop rotation , strip farming , contour plowing , terracing , and other improved farming practices . In 1937 , the federal government began an aggressive campaign to encourage farmers in the Dust Bowl to adopt planting and plowing methods that conserved the soil . The government paid reluctant farmers a dollar an acre to practice the new methods . By 1938 , the massive conservation effort had reduced the amount of blowing soil by 65 % . The land still failed to yield a decent living . In the fall of 1939 , after nearly a decade of dirt and dust , the drought ended when regular rainfall finally returned to the region . The government still encouraged continuing the use of conservation methods to protect the soil and ecology of the Plains . At the end of the drought , the programs which were implemented during these tough times helped to sustain a positive relationship between America 's farmers and the federal government . The President 's Drought Committee issued a report in 1935 covering the government 's assistance to agriculture during 1934 through mid-1935 : it discussed conditions , measures of relief , organization , finances , operations , and results of the government 's assistance . Numerous exhibits are included in this report . Long - term economic Impact In many regions , more than 75 % of the topsoil was blown away by the end of the 1930s . Land degradation varied widely . Aside from the short - term economic consequences caused by erosion , there were severe long - term economic consequences caused by the Dust Bowl . By 1940 , counties that had experienced the most significant levels of erosion had a greater decline in agricultural land values . The per - acre value of farmland declined by 28 % in high - erosion counties and 17 % in medium - erosion counties , relative to land value changes in low - erosion counties . Even over the long - term , the agricultural value of the land often failed to recover to pre-Dust Bowl levels . In highly eroded areas , less than 25 % of the original agricultural losses were recovered . The economy adjusted predominantly through large relative population declines in more - eroded counties , both during the 1930s and through the 1950s . The economic effects persisted , in part , because of farmers ' failure to switch to more appropriate crops for highly eroded areas . Because the amount of topsoil had been reduced , it would have been more productive to shift from crops and wheat to animals and hay . During the Depression and through at least the 1950s , there was limited relative adjustment of farmland away from activities that became less productive in more - eroded counties . Some of the failure to shift to more productive agricultural products may be related to ignorance about the benefits of changing land use . A second explanation is a lack of availability of credit , caused by the high rate of failure of banks in the Plains states . Because banks failed in the Dust Bowl region at a higher rate than elsewhere , farmers could not get the credit they needed to buy capital to shift crop production . In addition , profit margins in either animals or hay were still minimal , and farmers had little incentive in the beginning to change their crops . Patrick Allitt recounts how fellow historian Donald Worster responded to his return visit to the Dust Bowl in the mid-1970s when he revisited some of the worst afflicted counties : Capital - intensive agribusiness had transformed the scene ; deep wells into the aquifer , intensive irrigation , the use of artificial pesticides and fertilizers , and giant harvesters were creating immense crops year after year whether it rained or not . According to the farmers he interviewed , technology had provided the perfect answer to old troubles , such of the bad days would not return . In Worster 's view , by contrast , the scene demonstrated that America 's capitalist high - tech farmers had learned nothing . They were continuing to work in an unsustainable way , devoting far cheaper subsidized energy to growing food than the energy could give back to its ultimate consumers . In contrast with Worster 's pessimism , historian Mathew Bonnifield argued that the long - term significance of the Dust Bowl was `` the triumph of the human spirit in its capacity to endure and overcome hardships and reverses . '' Influence on the arts and culture Florence Owens Thompson seen in the photo Destitute Pea Pickers in California . Mother of Seven Children . by Dorothea Lange The crisis was documented by photographers , musicians , and authors , many hired during the Great Depression by the federal government . For instance , the Farm Security Administration hired numerous photographers to document the crisis . Artists such as Dorothea Lange were aided by having salaried work during the Depression . She captured what have become classic images of the dust storms and migrant families . Among her most well - known photographs is Destitute Pea Pickers in California . Mother of Seven Children , which depicted a gaunt - looking woman , Florence Owens Thompson , holding three of her children . This picture expressed the struggles of people caught by the Dust Bowl and raised awareness in other parts of the country of its reach and human cost . Decades later , Thompson disliked the boundless circulation of the photo and resented the fact she did not receive any money from its broadcast . Thompson felt it gave her the perception as a Dust Bowl `` Okie . '' The work of independent artists was also influenced by the crises of the Dust Bowl and the Depression . Author John Steinbeck , borrowing closely from field notes taken by Farm Security Administration worker and author Sanora Babb , wrote The Grapes of Wrath ( 1939 ) about migrant workers and farm families displaced by the Dust Bowl . Babb 's own novel about the lives of the migrant workers , Whose Names Are Unknown , was written in 1939 but was eclipsed and shelved in response to the success of the Steinbeck 's work , and was finally published in 2004 . Many of the songs of folk singer Woody Guthrie , such as those on his 1940 album Dust Bowl Ballads , are about his experiences in the Dust Bowl era during the Great Depression when he traveled with displaced farmers from Oklahoma to California and learned their traditional folk and blues songs , earning him the nickname the `` Dust Bowl Troubadour '' . Migrants also influenced musical culture wherever they went . Oklahoma migrants , in particular , were rural Southwesterners who carried their traditional country music to California . Today , the `` Bakersfield Sound '' describes this blend , which developed after the migrants brought country music to the city . Their new music inspired a proliferation of country dance halls as far south as Los Angeles . The 2014 science fiction film Interstellar features a ravaged 21st - century America which is again scoured by dust storms ( caused by a worldwide pathogen affecting all crops ) . Along with inspiration from the 1930s crisis , director Christopher Nolan features interviews from the 2012 documentary The Dust Bowl to draw further parallels . In 2017 , Americana recording artist Grant Maloy Smith released the album Dust Bowl -- American Stories , which was inspired by the history of the Dust Bowl . In a review , the music magazine No Depression wrote that the album 's lyrics and music are `` as potent as Woody Guthrie , as intense as John Trudell and dusted with the trials and tribulations of Tom Joad -- Steinbeck and The Grapes of Wrath . '' Aggregate changes in agriculture and population on the Plains The change in the total value of agricultural land and revenue was quite similar over the twentieth century . Agricultural land and revenue boomed during World War I , but fell during the Great Depression and the 1930s . The land and revenue began increasing again in 1940 , and has been increasing since then . From 1910 to the 1940s , total farmland increased and remained constant until 1970 when it slightly declined . During this time , total population increased steadily , but there was a slight dip in trend from 1930 to 1960 . See also U.S. Route 66 ( notable Dust Bowl migration route to California ) 1936 North American heat wave Great Plains Shelterbelt Ogallala Aquifer Notable documentaries The Dust Bowl ( 2012 documentary by Ken Burns ) The Plow That Broke the Plains ( 1936 documentary ) International Palliser 's Triangle ( semiarid area of Canada ) Goyder 's Line ( semiarid area of Australia ) General Desertification Monoculture Semi-arid climate Global warming References ^ Jump up to : `` Drought : A Paleo Perspective -- 20th Century Drought '' . National Climatic Data Center . 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Retrieved March 31 , 2016 -- via Harvard University , Department of Economics . Jump up ^ Landon - Lane , John ; Rockoff , Hugh ; Steckel , Richard ( 2009 ) . `` Droughts , Floods , and Financial Distress in the United States '' ( PDF ) . National Bureau of Economic Research . p. 6 . Retrieved March 1 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Patrick Allitt , A Climate of Crisis : America in the Age of Environmentalism ( 2014 ) p 203 Jump up ^ Allitt p 211 , paraphrasing William Cronin 's evaluation of Mathew Paul Bonnifield , Dust Bowl : Men , Dirt and Depression ( 1979 ) ^ Jump up to : `` Destitute Pea Pickers in California : Mother of Seven Children , Age Thirty - two , Nipomo , California . Migrant Mother '' . World Digital Library . Retrieved February 10 , 2013 . Jump up ^ DuBois , Ellen Carol ; Dumenil , Lynn ( 2012 ) . Through Women 's Eyes ( Third ed . ) . Bedford / St. Martin 's . p. 583 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 312 - 67603 - 2 . Jump up ^ `` Whose Names Are Unknown : Sanora Babb '' . Harry Ransom Center . Retrieved December 22 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Dayton Duncan , preface by Ken Burns ( 2012 ) . `` Biographies : Sanora Babb '' . The Dust Bowl : An Illustrated History . PBS . Retrieved February 13 , 2016 . Jump up ^ See : Lanzendorfer , Joy , `` The forgotten Dust Bowl novel that rivaled `` The Grapes of Wrath '' , '' , 2016 May 23 . `` Sanora Babb , '' The Dust Bowl : a film by Ken Burns , ( 2012 ) For the role of Tom Collins of the Farm Security Administration in Steinbeck 's novel , see : John Steinbeck with Robert Demott , ed. , Working Days : The Journals of The Grapes of Wrath , 1938 -- 1941 ( New York , New York : Penguin Books , 1990 ) , pp. xxvii -- xxviii , 33 ( journal entry for 1938 June 24 ) . Jump up ^ Alarik , Scott . Robert Burns unplugged . The Boston Globe , August 7 , 2005 . Retrieved on December 5 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Rosenberg , Alyssa ( November 6 , 2014 ) . `` How Ken Burns ' surprise role in ' Interstellar ' explains the movie '' . The Washington Post . Retrieved November 8 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Smith , Hubble ( June 1 , 2017 ) . `` Kingman gets a mention on Dust Bowl album '' . Kingman Daily Miner . Retrieved June 11 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Apice , John ( May 22 , 2017 ) . `` Expressive Original Songs Steeped In the Dirt & Reality of the Dust Bowl - Depression Era '' . No Depression . Retrieved June 11 , 2017 . Bibliography Bonnifield , Mathew Paul . ( 1979 ) Dust Bowl : Men , Dirt and Depression Gregory , James Noble . American exodus : The dust bowl migration and Okie culture in California ( Oxford University Press , 1989 ) Lassieur , Allison. ( 2009 ) The Dust Bowl : An Interactive History Adventure Capstone Press , ISBN 1 - 4296 - 3455 - 3 Reis , Ronald A. ( 2008 ) The Dust Bowl Chelsea House ISBN 978 - 0 - 7910 - 9737 - 3 Sylvester , Kenneth M. , and Eric S.A. Rupley , `` Revising the Dust Bowl : High above the Kansas Grassland '' , Environmental History , 17 ( July 2012 ) , 603 -- 33 . Worster , Donald 2004 ( 1979 ) Dust Bowl : The Southern Plains in the 1930s ( 25 . anniversary ed ) Oxford University Press . ISBN 0 - 19 - 517489 - 5 Woody Guthrie , ( 1963 ) The ( Nearly ) Complete Collection of Woody Guthrie Folk Songs , Ludlow Music , New York . Alan Lomax , Woody Guthrie , Pete Seeger , ( 1967 ) Hard - Hitting Songs for Hard - Hit People , Oak Publications , New York . Timothy Egan ( 2006 ) The Worst Hard Time , Houghton Mifflin Company , New York , hardcover . ISBN 0 - 618 - 34697 - X . Katelan Janke , ( 1935 ) Survival in the Storm : The Dust Bowl Diary of Grace Edwards , Dalhart , Texas , Scholastic ( September 2002 ) . ISBN 0 - 439 - 21599 - 4 . Karen Hesse ( paperback January 1999 ) Out of the Dust , Scholastic Signature . New York First Edition , 1997 , hardcover . ISBN 0 - 590 - 37125 - 8 . Sanora Babb ( 2004 ) Whose Names Are Unknown , University of Oklahoma Press , ISBN 978 - 0 - 8061 - 3579 - 3 . Sweeney , Kevin Z. ( 2016 ) . Prelude to the Dust Bowl : Drought in the Nineteenth - Century Southern Plains Norman , OK : University of Oklahoma Press . External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to Dust Bowl . NASA Explains `` Dust Bowl '' Drought The Dust Bowl photo collection `` The Dust Bowl '' , a PBS television series by filmmaker Ken Burns The Dust Bowl ( EH.Net Encyclopedia ) Black Sunday , April 14 , 1935 , Dodge City , KS The Bibliography of Aeolian Research Surviving the Dust Bowl , Black Sunday ( April 14 , 1935 ) Voices from the Dust Bowl : The Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin Migrant Worker Collection , 1940 -- 1941 Library of Congress , American Folklife Center Online collection of archival sound recordings , photographs , and manuscripts YouTube Video : `` The Great Depression , Displaced Mountaineers in Shenandoah National Park , and the Civilian Conservation Corps ( C.C.C. ) '' Farming in the 1930s ( Wessels Living History Farm ) Out of the Dust ( The Modesto Bee ) Africa Data Dissemination Service , part of the Famine Early Warning Systems Network , U.S. Geological Service Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture -- Dust Bowl Oklahoma Digital Maps : Digital Collections of Oklahoma and Indian Territory Dust Bowl Migration Archive at Sonoma State University Library Dust , Drought , and Dreams Gone Dry : Oklahoma Women in the Dust Bowl Oral History Project , Oklahoma Oral History Research Program Voices of Oklahoma interview with Frosty Troy . First person interview conducted on November 30 , 2011 with Frosty Troy talking about the Oklahoma Dust Bowl . Original audio and transcript archived with Voices of Oklahoma oral history project . Great Depression Topics Causes Wall Street Crash of 1929 Smoot - Hawley Tariff Act Dust Bowl New Deal Recession of 1937 -- 1938 Effects by area Australia Canada Chile Central Europe France Germany India Japan Latin America Netherlands South Africa United Kingdom United States Cities Commons History of Oklahoma Prior to 19th century Cooper Bison Kill ( 11th millennium BCE ) Spiro Mounds ( 9th -- 15th century CE ) 19th century Louisiana Purchase Arkansas Territory ( 1819 − 1824 ) Comanche -- Mexico Wars ( 1821 -- 1870s ) Cutthroat Gap Massacre ( 1833 ) Indian Removal Indian Territory ( 1834 -- 1907 ) Antelope Hills Expedition ( 1858 ) Civil War ( 1861 -- 1865 ) Washita Massacre ( 1868 ) Oklahoma Territory ( 1890 -- 1907 ) Land runs ( 1890s ) 20th century State of Sequoyah ( 1905 ) State of Oklahoma ( 1907 ) Crazy Snake Rebellion ( 1909 ) Green Corn Rebellion ( 1917 ) Osage Indian murders ( 1920s ) Tulsa race riot ( 1921 ) Dust Bowl ( 1930s ) Red River Bridge War ( 1931 ) Oklahoma City bombing ( 1995 ) 21st century OU Bombing ( 2005 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Dust Bowl Great Plains Great Depression in the United States 1930s in the United States 1930 in the United States Internal migrations in the United States History of agriculture in the United States History of the American West Environmental disasters in the United States History of the United States ( 1918 -- 45 ) Soil in the United States Droughts in the United States Agriculture in the United States Agriculture in Oklahoma Agriculture in Texas Agriculture in Canada 20th - century droughts 1930 natural disasters in the United States Natural disasters in Oklahoma 1930s natural disasters 1930s droughts Hidden categories : Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from February 2011 Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages Wikipedia indefinitely move - protected pages Use mdy dates from March 2015 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from May 2015 All Wikipedia articles needing clarification Wikipedia articles needing clarification from March 2016 All pages needing factual verification Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from March 2016 Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Català Чӑвашла Čeština Deutsch Diné bizaad Español فارسی Français Gaeilge ગુજરાતી 한국어 हिन्दी Íslenska Italiano עברית Latina Magyar Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 18 February 2018 , at 22 : 30 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when did the drought began in the great plains | [
"The Dust Bowl, also known as the Dirty Thirties, was a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American and Canadian prairies during the 1930s; severe drought and a failure to apply dryland farming methods to prevent wind erosion (the Aeolian processes) caused the phenomenon. The drought came in three waves, 1934, 1936, and 1939–1940, but some regions of the high plains experienced drought conditions for as many as eight years.[1] With insufficient understanding of the ecology of the plains, farmers had conducted extensive deep plowing of the virgin topsoil of the Great Plains during the previous decade; this had displaced the native, deep-rooted grasses that normally trapped soil and moisture even during periods of drought and high winds. The rapid mechanization of farm equipment, especially small gasoline tractors, and widespread use of the combine harvester contributed to farmers' decisions to convert arid grassland (much of which received no more than 10 inches (250 mm) of precipitation per year) to cultivated cropland.[2]"
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-4230573671388461497 | Judges of the International Court of Justice | Judges of the International Court of Justice - wikipedia Judges of the International Court of Justice Jump to : navigation , search The first and second lists are of all the permanent judges of the International Court of Justice , the main judicial organ of the United Nations , first chronologically and then by seat . The third list is a list of judges appointed ad hoc by a party to a proceeding before the Court pursuant to Article 31 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice . Contents ( hide ) 1 Permanent judges 2 Succession of seats 3 Judges sitting ad hoc 4 See also Permanent judges ( edit ) Judges of the International Court of Justice , as of 22 July 2010 ( sortable ) State Judge Terms start Term end President Vice-President El Salvador El Salvador Guerrero , José Gustavo José Gustavo Guerrero 1946 1958 1946 -- 1949 1949 -- 1955 France France Basdevant , Jules Jules Basdevant 1946 1964 1949 -- 1952 1946 -- 1949 Chile Chile Alvarez Alejandro Álvarez 1946 1955 Mexico Mexico Fabela , Isidro Isidro Fabela 1946 1952 USA United States Hackworth , Green Green Hackworth 1946 1961 1955 -- 1958 Poland Poland Winiarski , Bohdan Bohdan Winiarski 1946 1967 1961 -- 1964 Yugoslavia Yugoslavia Zoricic Milovan Zoričić 1946 1958 Belgium Belgium de Visscher Charles De Visscher 1946 1952 UK United Kingdom McNair , Arnold McNair , 1st Baron Arnold McNair , 1st Baron McNair 1946 1955 1952 -- 1955 Norway Norway Klæstad , Helge Helge Klæstad 1946 1961 1958 -- 1961 Egypt Egypt Badawi Abdul Badawi Pasha 1946 1965 1955 -- 1958 USSR Soviet Union Krylov Sergei Krylov 1946 1952 Canada Canada Read John Read 1946 1958 China Republic of China Hsu Hsu Mo 1946 1956 Brazil Brazil Azevedo , Philadelpho Philadelpho Azevedo 1946 1951 Brazil Brazil Carneiro Levi Carneiro ( pt ) 1951 1955 India India Rau , Sir Benegal Narsing Sir Benegal Narsing Rau 1952 1953 Uruguay Uruguay Armand - Ugon Enrique Armand - Ugón ( nl ) 1952 1961 USSR Soviet Union Golunsky Sergei Golunsky ( ru ) 1952 1953 USSR Soviet Union Kojevnikov Feodor I. Kozhevnikov 1953 1961 Pakistan Pakistan Zafarullah Khan , Sir Muhammad Sir Muhammad Zafarullah Khan 1954 1964 1961 1973 1970 -- 1973 1958 -- 1961 UK United Kingdom Lauterpacht , Hersch Hersch Lauterpacht 1955 1960 Argentina Argentina Moreno Quintana Lucio Moreno Quintana ( nl ) 1955 1964 Mexico Mexico Cordova Roberto Córdova 1955 1964 China Republic of China Koo , Wellington Wellington Koo 1957 1967 1964 -- 1967 Greece Greece Spiropoulos , Jean Jean Spiropoulos 1958 1967 Australia Australia Spender Sir Percy Spender 1958 1967 1964 -- 1967 Panama Panama Alfaro , Ricardo Ricardo Alfaro 1959 1964 1961 -- 1964 UK United Kingdom Fitzmaurice Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice 1960 1973 USSR Soviet Union Koretsky Vladimir Koretsky ( ru ) 1961 1970 1967 -- 1970 Japan Japan Tanaka Kōtarō Tanaka 1961 1970 Peru Peru Bustamante y Rivero , José José Bustamante y Rivero 1961 1970 1967 -- 1970 USA United States Jessup , Philip Philip Jessup 1961 1970 Italy Italy Morelli Gaetano Morelli ( it ) 1961 1970 Mexico Mexico Nervo , Luis Padilla Luis Padilla Nervo 1964 1973 Senegal Senegal Forster Isaac Forster ( nl ) 1964 1982 France France Gros André Gros ( nl ) 1964 1982 Lebanon Lebanon Ammoun Fouad Ammoun ( de ) 1965 1976 1970 -- 1976 Philippines Philippines Bengzon , César César Bengzon 1967 1976 Sweden Sweden Petrén Sture Petrén ( sv ) 1967 1976 Poland Poland Lachs , Manfred Manfred Lachs 1967 1993 1973 -- 1976 Nigeria Nigeria Onyeama Charles Onyeama 1967 1976 USA United States Dillard , Hardy Hardy Dillard 1970 1979 Dahomey Benin Ignacio - Pinto , Louis Louis Ignacio - Pinto 1970 1979 Spain Spain de Castro , Federico Federico de Castro 1970 1979 USSR Soviet Union Morozov Platon Dmitriejevitsj Morozov ( nl ) 1970 1985 Uruguay Uruguay Jiménez de Aréchaga , Eduardo Eduardo Jiménez de Aréchaga 1970 1979 1976 -- 1979 UK United Kingdom Waldock Sir Humphrey Waldock 1973 1981 1979 -- 1981 India India Singh , Nagendra Nagendra Singh 1973 1988 1985 -- 1988 1976 -- 1979 Argentina Argentina Ruda , José José Ruda 1973 1991 1988 -- 1991 West Germany West Germany Mosler Hermann Mosler ( de ) 1976 1985 Nigeria Nigeria Elias , Taslim Taslim Elias 1976 1991 1982 -- 1985 1979 -- 1982 Syria Syria Tarazi Salah Tarazi ( nl ) 1976 1980 Japan Japan Oda , Shigeru Shigeru Oda 1976 2003 1991 -- 1994 Italy Italy Ago , Roberto Roberto Ago 1979 1995 Egypt Egypt El - Erian , Abdullah Abdullah El - Erian 1979 1981 Brazil Brazil Sette - Camara José Sette Câmara Filho ( pt ) 1979 1988 1982 -- 1985 USA United States Baxter Richard Reeve Baxter 1979 1980 Syria Syria El - Khani Abdallah El - Khani ( nl ) 1981 1985 USA United States Schwebel , Stephen Stephen Schwebel 1981 2000 1997 -- 2000 1994 -- 1997 UK United Kingdom Jennings Sir Robert Jennings 1982 1995 1991 -- 1994 France France de Lacharrière Guy Ladreit de Lacharrière ( nl ) 1982 1985 -- 1987 Senegal Senegal Mbaye , Kéba Kéba Mbaye 1982 1991 1987 -- 1991 Algeria Algeria Bedjaoui , Mohammed Mohammed Bedjaoui 1982 2001 1994 -- 1997 China China Ni Ni Zhengyu ( zh ) 1985 1994 Norway Norway Evensen , Jens Jens Evensen 1985 1994 USSR / Russia Soviet Union / Russia Tarassov Nikolaj Konstantinovitsj Tarasov ( ru ) 1985 1994 France France Guillaume Gilbert Guillaume ( fr ) 2005 2000 -- 2003 Guyana Guyana Shahabuddeen Mohamed Shahabuddeen 1988 1997 India India Pathak , Raghunandan Swarup Raghunandan Swarup Pathak 1991 Venezuela Venezuela Aguilar Mawdsley Andrés Aguilar Mawdsley ( nl ) 1991 1995 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Weeramantry , Christopher Christopher Weeramantry 1991 2000 1997 -- 2000 Madagascar Madagascar Ranjeva , Raymond Raymond Ranjeva 1991 2009 2003 -- 2006 Nigeria Nigeria Ajibola , Bola Bola Ajibola 1991 1994 Hungary Hungary Herczegh Géza Herczegh ( hu ) 1993 2003 China China Shi Shi Jiuyong 1994 2003 -- 2006 2000 -- 2003 Germany Germany Fleischhauer , Carl - August Carl - August Fleischhauer 1994 2003 Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Koroma , Abdul G. Abdul G. Koroma 1994 2012 Russia Russia Vereschetin Vladlen Veresjtsjetin ( nl ) 1994 2006 Italy Italy Ferrari Bravo , Luigi Luigi Ferrari Bravo 1995 1997 UK United Kingdom Higgins , Rosalyn Rosalyn Higgins 1995 2009 2006 -- 2009 Venezuela Venezuela Parra Aranguren Gonzalo Parra - Aranguren 2009 Netherlands Netherlands Kooijmans , Pieter Pieter Kooijmans 1997 2006 Brazil Brazil Rezek , Francisco Francisco Rezek 1997 2006 Jordan Jordan Al - Khasawneh Awn Al - Khasawneh 2000 2011 2006 -- 2009 USA United States Buergenthal , Thomas Thomas Buergenthal 2000 Egypt Egypt El Araby , Nabil Nabil El Araby 2001 2006 Japan Japan Owada , Hisashi Hisashi Owada 2003 2009 -- 2012 Germany Germany Simma , Bruno Bruno Simma 2003 2012 Slovakia Slovakia Tomka , Peter Peter Tomka 2003 2012 -- 2015 2009 -- 2012 France France Abraham , Ronny Ronny Abraham 2005 2014 2015 -- New Zealand New Zealand Sir Kenneth Keith 2006 2015 Mexico Mexico Sepúlveda Amor , Bernardo Bernardo Sepúlveda Amor 2006 2015 2012 -- 2015 Morocco Morocco Bennouna , Mohamed Mohamed Bennouna 2006 2024 Russia Russia Skotnikov , Leonid Leonid Skotnikov 2006 2015 Brazil Brazil Trindade , Antônio Augusto Cançado Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade 2009 2018 Somalia Somalia Yusuf , Abdulqawi Ahmed Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf 2009 2018 2015 -- UK United Kingdom Greenwood Sir Christopher Greenwood 2009 2018 China China Xue Xue Hanqin 2012 USA United States Donoghue , Joan E. Joan E. Donoghue Italy Italy Gaja , Giorgio Giorgio Gaja 2012 Uganda Uganda Sebutinde , Julia Julia Sebutinde 2012 India India Bhandari , Dalveer Dalveer Bhandari 2012 Australia Australia Crawford James Crawford 2015 Russia Russia Gevorgian , Kirill Kirill Gevorgian 2015 Jamaica Jamaica Robinson , Patrick Lipton Patrick Lipton Robinson 2015 Succession of seats ( edit ) The Court comprises 15 seats . When the original fifteen judges were elected in 1946 , they drew lots to determine which five would have 3 - year initial terms , which five would have 6 - year initial terms , and which five would have 9 - year initial terms . From then onwards , all terms have been nine years , with five seats being up for election every three years . The seats are numbered according to the length of the initial term and then in order of seniority of the first judge to hold the seat . There are no formal rules for the allocation of seats , other than that no two may be nationals of the same state . In practice , the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have each had a permanent seat on the Court , except between 1967 and 1985 when there was no Chinese judge . The remaining seats have been informally allocated by regional groups in the same way as the fifteen seats on the Security Council . Since 1970 , the conventional allocation is three seats to Asia Pacific , three seats to Africa , two seats to Latin America and the Caribbean , two seats to Eastern Europe and five seats to Western Europe and Others . Seat 1 ( Asia ) Initial term of nine years Guerrero , José Gustavo José Gustavo Guerrero El Salvador El Salvador 1946 -- 1958 Alfaro , Ricardo Ricardo Alfaro Panama Panama 1959 - 1964 Zafarullah Khan , Muhammad Muhammad Zafarullah Khan Pakistan Pakistan 1964 - 1973 Singh , Nagendra Nagendra Singh India India 1973 - 1988 Pathak , Raghunandan Raghunandan Pathak India India 1989 - 1991 Weeramantry , Christopher Christopher Weeramantry Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 1991 - 2000 Al - Khasawneh Awn Al - Khasawneh Jordan Jordan 2000 - 2011 Bhandari , Dalveer Dalveer Bhandari India India 2012 - Seat 2 ( WE&O ) Initial term of nine years Basdevant , Jules Jules Basdevant France France 1946 - 1964 Gros André Gros ( nl ) France France 1964 - 1982 de Lacharrière Guy Ladreit de Lacharrière ( nl ) France France 1982 - 1987 Guillaume Gilbert Guillaume ( fr ) France France 1987 - 2005 Abraham , Ronny Ronny Abraham France France 2005 - Seat 3 ( Africa ) Initial term of nine years Alvarez Alejandro Álvarez Chile Chile 1946 - 1955 Moreno Quintana Lucio Moreno Quintana ( nl ) Argentina Argentina 1955 - 1964 Forster Isaac Forster ( nl ) Senegal Senegal 1964 - 1982 Mbaye , Kéba Kéba Mbaye Senegal Senegal 1982 - 1991 Ranjeva , Raymond Raymond Ranjeva Madagascar Madagascar 1991 - 2009 Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf Somalia Somalia 2009 - Seat 4 ( WE&O ) Initial term of nine years McNair , Arnold McNair , 1st Baron Arnold McNair , 1st Baron McNair UK UK 1946 - 1955 Lauterpacht , Hersch Hersch Lauterpacht UK UK 1955 - 1960 Fitzmaurice Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice UK UK 1960 - 1973 Waldock Sir Humphrey Waldock UK UK 1973 - 1981 Jennings Sir Robert Jennings UK UK 1981 - 1995 Higgins , Rosalyn Rosalyn Higgins UK UK 1995 - 2009 Sir Christopher Greenwood Christopher Greenwood UK UK 2009 - Seat 5 ( LA&C ) Initial term of nine years Azevedo , Philadelpho Philadelpho Azevedo Brazil Brazil 1946 - 1951 Carneiro Levi Carneiro ( pt ) Brazil Brazil 1951 - 1955 Cordova Roberto Córdova Mexico Mexico 1955 - 1964 Nervo , Luis Padilla Luis Padilla Nervo Mexico Mexico 1964 - 1973 Ruda , José José Ruda Argentina Argentina 1973 - 1991 Aguilar Mawdsley Andrés Aguilar Mawdsley ( nl ) Venezuela Venezuela 1991 - 1995 Parra Aranguren Gonzalo Parra - Aranguren Venezuela Venezuela 1996 - 2009 Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade Brazil Brazil 2009 - Seat 6 ( LA&C ) Initial term of six years Fabela , Isidro Isidro Fabela Mexico Mexico 1946 - 1952 Armand - Ugon Enrique Armand - Ugón ( nl ) Uruguay Uruguay 1952 - 1961 Bustamante y Rivero , José José Bustamante y Rivero Peru Peru 1961 - 1970 Jiménez de Aréchaga , Eduardo Eduardo Jiménez de Aréchaga Uruguay Uruguay 1970 - 1979 Sette - Camara José Sette Câmara Filho ( pt ) Brazil Brazil 1979 - 1988 Shahabuddeen Mohamed Shahabuddeen Guyana Guyana 1988 - 1997 Rezek , Francisco Francisco Rezek Brazil Brazil 1997 - 2006 Sepúlveda Amor , Bernardo Bernardo Sepúlveda Amor Mexico Mexico 2006 - 2015 Robinson , Patrick Lipton Patrick Lipton Robinson Jamaica Jamaica 2015 - Seat 7 ( WE&O ) Initial term of six years Hackworth , Green Green Hackworth USA USA 1946 - 1961 Jessup , Philip Philip Jessup USA USA 1961 - 1970 Dillard , Hardy Hardy Dillard USA USA 1970 - 1979 Baxter Richard Reeve Baxter USA USA 1979 - 1980 Schwebel , Stephen Stephen Schwebel USA USA 1981 - 2000 Buergenthal , Thomas Thomas Buergenthal USA USA 2000 - 2010 Joan E. Donoghue Joan E. Donoghue USA USA 2010 - Seat 8 ( Africa ) Initial term of six years de Visscher Charles De Visscher Belgium Belgium 1946 - 1952 Rau , Benegal Narsing Benegal Narsing Rau India India 1952 - 1953 Zafarullah Khan , Muhammad Muhammad Zafarullah Khan Pakistan Pakistan 1954 - 1961 Tanaka Kōtarō Tanaka Japan Japan 1961 - 1970 Ignacio - Pinto , Louis Louis Ignacio - Pinto Dahomey Benin 1970 - 1979 El - Erian , Abdullah Abdullah El - Erian Egypt Egypt 1979 - 1981 Bedjaoui , Mohammed Mohammed Bedjaoui Algeria Algeria 1982 - 2001 El Araby , Nabil Nabil El Araby Egypt Egypt 2001 - 2006 Bennouna , Mohamed Mohamed Bennouna Morocco Morocco 2006 - Seat 9 ( WE&O ) Initial term of six years Klæstad , Helge Helge Klæstad Norway Norway 1946 - 1961 Morelli Gaetano Morelli ( it ) Italy Italy 1961 - 1970 de Castro , Federico Federico de Castro Spain Spain 1970 - 1979 Ago , Roberto Roberto Ago Italy Italy 1979 - 1995 Ferrari Bravo , Luigi Luigi Ferrari Bravo Italy Italy 1995 - 1997 Kooijmans , Pieter Pieter Kooijmans Netherlands Netherlands 1997 - 2006 Keith Sir Kenneth Keith New Zealand New Zealand 2006 - 2015 Crawford James Crawford Australia Australia 2015 - Seat 10 ( Eastern Europe ) Initial term of six years Krylov Sergei Krylov USSR USSR 1946 - 1952 Golunsky Sergei Golunsky ( ru ) USSR USSR 1952 - 1953 Kojevnikov Feodor I. Kozhevnikov USSR USSR 1953 - 1961 Koretsky Vladimir Koretsky ( ru ) USSR USSR 1961 - 1970 Morozov Platon Dmitriejevitsj Morozov ( nl ) USSR USSR 1970 - 1985 Tarassov Nikolaj Konstantinovitsj Tarasov ( ru ) USSR / Russia USSR / Russia 1985 - 1994 Vereschetin Vladlen Veresjtsjetin ( nl ) Russia Russia 1994 - 2006 Skotnikov , Leonid Leonid Skotnikov Russia Russia 2006 - 2015 Gevorgian , Kirill Kirill Gevorgian Russia Russia 2015 - Seat 11 ( Eastern Europe ) Initial term of three years Winiarski , Bohdan Bohdan Winiarski Poland Poland 1946 - 1967 Lachs , Manfred Manfred Lachs Poland Poland 1967 - 1993 Herczegh Géza Herczegh ( hu ) Hungary Hungary 1993 - 2003 Tomka , Peter Peter Tomka Slovakia Slovakia 2003 - Seat 12 ( WE&O ) Initial term of three years Zoricic Milovan Zoričić Yugoslavia Yugoslavia 1946 - 1958 Spiropoulos , Jean Jean Spiropoulos Greece Greece 1958 - 1967 Petrén Sture Petrén ( sv ) Sweden Sweden 1967 - 1976 Mosler Hermann Mosler ( de ) West Germany West Germany 1976 - 1985 Evensen , Jens Jens Evensen Norway Norway 1985 - 1994 Fleischhauer , Carl - August Carl - August Fleischhauer Germany Germany 1994 - 2003 Simma , Bruno Bruno Simma Germany Germany 2003 - 2012 Gaja , Giorgio Giorgio Gaja Italy Italy 2012 - Seat 13 ( Asia ) Initial term of three years Badawi Abdul Badawi Pasha Egypt Egypt 1946 - 1965 Ammoun Fouad Ammoun ( de ) Lebanon Lebanon 1965 - 1976 Tarazi Salah Tarazi ( nl ) Syria Syria 1976 - 1980 El - Khani Abdallah El - Khani ( nl ) Syria Syria 1981 - 1985 Ni Ni Zhengyu ( zh ) China China 1985 - 1994 Shi Shi Jiuyong China China 1994 - 2010 Xue Hanqin Xue Hanqin China China 2010 - Seat 14 ( Africa ) Initial term of three years Read John Read Canada Canada 1946 - 1958 Spender , Percy Percy Spender Australia Australia 1958 - 1967 Onyeama Charles Onyeama Nigeria Nigeria 1967 - 1976 Elias , Taslim Taslim Elias Nigeria Nigeria 1976 - 1991 Ajibola , Bola Bola Ajibola Nigeria Nigeria 1991 - 1994 Koroma , Abdul G. Abdul G. Koroma Sierra Leone Sierra Leone 1994 - 2012 Sebutinde , Julia Julia Sebutinde Uganda Uganda 2012 - Seat 15 ( Asia ) Initial term of three years Hsu Hsu Mo China China 1946 - 1956 Koo , Wellington Wellington Koo China China 1957 - 1967 Bengzon , César César Bengzon Philippines Philippines 1967 - 1976 Oda , Shigeru Shigeru Oda Japan Japan 1976 - 2003 Owada , Hisashi Hisashi Owada Japan Japan 2003 - Judges sitting ad hoc ( edit ) Judges sitting ad hoc on the International Court of Justice , as of 22 July 2010 ( sortable ) Judge Nationality Appointing State Case ( s ) including parties years and of initiation to deposition Georges Abi - Saab Egypt Mali Frontier Dispute ( Burkina Faso / Republic of Mali ) 1983 -- 1986 Adetobunboh Ademola Nigeria Ethiopia South West Africa ( Ethiopia v. South Africa ) 1960 -- 1966 Liberia South West Africa ( Liberia v. South Africa ) 1960 -- 1966 Mohsen Aghahosseini Iran Iran Aerial Incident of 3 July 1988 ( Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America ) 1989 -- 1996 Roberto Ago Italy Honduras Arbitral Award Made by the King of Spain on 23 December 1906 ( Honduras v. Nicaragua ) 1958 -- 1960 Bola Ajibola Nigeria Nigeria Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria ( Cameroon v. Nigeria : Equatorial Guinea intervening ) 1996 -- 2002 Nigeria Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 11 June 1998 in the Case concerning the Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria ( Cameroon v. Nigeria ) , Preliminary Objections ( Nigeria v. Cameroon ) 1998 -- 1999 Luis Alayza y Paz Soldán Peru Peru Asylum ( Colombia / Peru ) 1949 -- 1950 Peru Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 20 November 1950 in the Asylum Case ( Colombia v. Peru ) 1950 Peru Haya de la Torre ( Colombia v. Peru ) 1950 -- 1951 Awn Shawkat Al - Khasawneh Jordan Nicaragua Maritime Delimitation in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean ( Costa Rica v. Nicaragua ) 2014 -- present Louise Arbour Canada Chile Obligation to Negotiate Access to the Pacific Ocean ( Bolivia v. Chile ) 2014 -- present Enrique Armand - Ugón Uruguay Spain Barcelona Traction , Light and Power Company , Limited ( Belgium v. Spain ) ( New Application : 1962 ) 1962 -- 1970 Antonio de Arruda Ferrer - Correia Portugal Portugal East Timor ( Portugal v. Australia ) 1991 -- 1995 Garfield Barwick Australia Australia Nuclear Tests ( Australia v. France ) 1973 -- 1974 New Zealand Nuclear Tests ( New Zealand v. France ) 1973 -- 1974 Suzanne Bastid France Tunisia Application for Revision and Interpretation of the Judgment of 24 February 1982 in the Case concerning the Continental Shelf ( Tunisia / Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ) ( Tunisia v. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ) 1984 -- 1985 Philémon Beb à Don Cameroon Cameroon Northern Cameroons ( Cameroon v. United Kingdom ) 1961 -- 1963 Mohammed Bedjaoui Algeria Guinea Ahmadou Sadio Diallo ( Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo ) 1998 -- 2012 Nicaragua Territorial and Maritime Dispute ( Nicaragua v. Colombia ) 2001 -- 2012 Niger Frontier Dispute ( Benin / Niger ) 2002 -- 2005 Marshall Islands Obligations concerning Negotiations relating to Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race and to Nuclear Disarmament ( Marshall Islands v. India ) 2014 -- present Marshall Islands Obligations concerning Negotiations relating to Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race and to Nuclear Disarmament ( Marshall Islands v. Pakistan ) 2014 -- present Marshall Islands Obligations concerning Negotiations relating to Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race and to Nuclear Disarmament ( Marshall Islands v. United Kingdom ) 2014 -- present Mohamed Bennouna Morocco Benin Frontier Dispute ( Benin / Niger ) 2002 -- 2005 Franklin Berman United Kingdom Liechtenstein Certain Property ( Liechtenstein v. Germany ) 2001 -- 2005 Alphonse Boni Ivory Coast Morocco Western Sahara 1974 -- 1975 Bengt Broms Finland Finland Passage through the Great Belt ( Finland v. Denmark ) 1991 -- 1992 Charles Brower United States Colombia Question of the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between Nicaragua and Colombia beyond 200 nautical miles from the Nicaraguan Coast ( Nicaragua v. Colombia ) 2013 -- present Ian Brownlie United Kingdom Liechtenstein Certain Property ( Liechtenstein v. Germany ) 2001 -- 2005 Andreas Bucher Switzerland Switzerland Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters ( Belgium v. Switzerland ) 2009 -- 2011 Sayeman Bula - Bula Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 ( Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium ) 2000 -- 2002 José Joaquin Caicedo Castilla Colombia Colombia Asylum ( Colombia / Peru ) 1949 -- 1950 Colombia Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 20 November 1950 in the Asylum Case ( Colombia v. Peru ) 1950 Colombia Haya de la Torre ( Colombia v. Peru ) 1950 -- 1951 Ian Callinan Australia Australia Questions relating to the Seizure and Detention of Certain Documents and Data ( Timor - Leste v. Australia ) 2013 -- 2015 Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade Brazil Costa Rica Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights ( Costa Rica v. Nicaragua ) 2005 -- 2009 Jean - Yves de Cara France Republic of the Congo Certain Criminal Proceedings in France ( Republic of the Congo v. France ) 2003 -- 2010 Paul Carry Switzerland Switzerland Interhandel ( Switzerland v. United States of America ) 1957 -- 1959 Jorge Castañeda Mexico Malta Continental Shelf ( Libyan Arab Jamahiriya / Malta ) 1982 -- 1985 Federico de Castro Spain Spain Barcelona Traction , Light and Power Company , Limited ( Belgium v. Spain ) 1958 -- 1961 Mohamed Ali Currim Chagla India India Right of Passage over Indian Territory ( Portugal v. India ) 1955 -- 1960 Hilary Charlesworth Australia Australia Whaling in the Antarctic ( Australia v. Japan : New Zealand intervening ) 2010 -- 2014 Joseph Chesson Liberia Ethiopia South West Africa ( Ethiopia v. South Africa ) 1960 -- 1966 Liberia South West Africa ( Liberia v. South Africa ) 1960 -- 1966 Maxwell Cohen Canada Canada Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area ( Canada / United States of America ) 1981 -- 1984 Claude - Albert Colliard France Nicaragua Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua ( Nicaragua v. United States of America ) 1984 -- 1986 Jean - Pierre Cot France Colombia Territorial and Maritime Dispute ( Nicaragua v. Colombia ) 2001 -- 2012 Romania Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea ( Romania v. Ukraine ) 2004 -- 2009 Colombia Aerial Herbicide Spraying ( Ecuador v. Colombia ) 2008 -- 2013 Thailand Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 15 June 1962 in the Case concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear ( Cambodia v. Thailand ) ( Cambodia v. Thailand ) 2011 -- present Timor - Leste Questions relating to the Seizure and Detention of Certain Documents and Data ( Timor - Leste v. Australia ) 2013 -- 2015 Yves Daudet France Burkina Faso Frontier Dispute ( Burkina Faso / Niger ) 2010 -- 2013 Bolivia Obligation to Negotiate Access to the Pacific Ocean ( Bolivia v. Chile ) 2014 -- present Nicaragua Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea ( Nicaragua v. Colombia ) 2013 -- present Igor Daxner Czechoslovakia Albania Corfu Channel ( United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania ) 1947 -- 1949 Vojin Dimitrijević Yugoslavia Yugoslavia Application for Revision of the Judgment of 11 July 1996 in the Case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide ( Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Yugoslavia ) , Preliminary Objections ( Yugoslavia v. Bosnia and Herzegovina ) 2001 -- 2003 Christopher Dugard South Africa Rwanda Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo ( Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Rwanda ) 1999 -- 2001 Rwanda Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo ( New Application : 2002 ) ( Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Rwanda ) 2002 -- 2006 Malaysia Sovereignty over Pedra Branca / Pulau Batu Puteh , Middle Rocks and South Ledge ( Malaysia / Singapore ) 2003 -- 2008 Nicaragua Certain Activities carried out by Nicaragua in the Border Area ( Costa Rica v. Nicaragua ) 2010 -- present Nicaragua Construction of a Road in Costa Rica along the San Juan River ( Nicaragua v. Costa Rica ) 2011 -- present Patrick Ferdinand Duinslaeger Belgium Belgium Legality of Use of Force ( Serbia and Montenegro v. Belgium ) 1999 -- 2004 Bohuslav Ečer Czechoslovakia Albania Corfu Channel ( United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Albania ) 1947 -- 1949 Ahmed Sadek El - Kosheri Egypt Libya Questions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie ( Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United States of America ) 1992 -- 2003 Jens Evensen Norway Tunisia Continental Shelf ( Tunisia / Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ) 1978 -- 1982 Manuel Fernandes Portugal Portugal Right of Passage over Indian Territory ( Portugal v. India ) 1955 -- 1960 Paul - Henning Fischer Denmark Denmark Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen ( Denmark v. Norway ) 1988 -- 1993 Denmark Passage through the Great Belt ( Finland v. Denmark ) 1991 -- 1992 Carl - August Fleischhauer Germany Germany Certain Property ( Liechtenstein v. Germany ) 2001 -- 2005 Yves Fortier Canada Bahrain Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain ( Qatar v. Bahrain ) 1991 -- 2001 Thomas Franck United States Indonesia Sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan ( Indonesia / Malaysia ) 1998 -- 2002 Giorgio Gaja Italy Italy Legality of Use of Force ( Serbia and Montenegro v. Italy ) 1999 -- 2004 Nicaragua Territorial and Maritime Dispute between Nicaragua and Honduras in the Caribbean Sea ( Nicaragua v. Honduras ) 1997 -- 2007 Italy Jurisdictional Immunities of the State ( Germany v. Italy : Greece intervening ) 2008 -- 2012 Walter Ganshof van der Meersch Belgium Belgium Barcelona Traction , Light and Power Company , Limited ( Belgium v. Spain ) 1958 -- 1961 Belgium Barcelona Traction , Light and Power Company , Limited ( Belgium v. Spain ) ( New Application : 1962 ) 1962 -- 1970 Carlos Garcia Bauer Guatemala Guatemala Nottebohm ( Liechtenstein v. Guatemala ) 1951 -- 1955 David Goitein Israel Israel Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 ( Israel v. Bulgaria ) 1957 -- 1959 Julio Diego Gonzáles Campos Spain Honduras Territorial and Maritime Dispute between Nicaragua and Honduras in the Caribbean Sea ( Nicaragua v. Honduras ) 1999 -- 2007 Paul Guggenheim Switzerland Liechtenstein Nottebohm ( Liechtenstein v. Guatemala ) 1951 -- 1955 Gilbert Guillaume France France Certain Criminal Proceedings in France ( Republic of the Congo v. France ) 2003 -- 2010 Nicaragua Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights ( Costa Rica v. Nicaragua ) 2005 -- 2009 France Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters ( Djibouti v. France ) 2006 -- 2008 Peru Maritime Dispute ( Peru v. Chile ) 2008 -- 2014 Nicaragua Certain Activities carried out by Nicaragua in the Border Area ( Costa Rica v. Nicaragua ) 2010 -- present Cambodia Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 15 June 1962 in the Case concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear ( Cambodia v. Thailand ) ( Cambodia v. Thailand ) 2011 -- present Nicaragua Construction of a Road in Costa Rica along the San Juan River ( Nicaragua v. Costa Rica ) 2011 -- present Sead Hodžić Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Application for Revision of the Judgment of 11 July 1996 in the Case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide ( Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Yugoslavia ) , Preliminary Objections ( Yugoslavia v. Bosnia and Herzegovina ) 2001 -- 2003 Robert Yewdall Jennings United Kingdom United Kingdom Questions of Interpretation and Application of the 1971 Montreal Convention arising from the Aerial Incident at Lockerbie ( Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. United Kingdom ) 1992 -- 2003 Eduardo Jiménez de Aréchaga Uruguay Libya Continental Shelf ( Tunisia / Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ) 1978 -- 1982 Libya Continental Shelf ( Libyan Arab Jamahiriya / Malta ) 1982 -- 1985 Libya Application for Revision and Interpretation of the Judgment of 24 February 1982 in the Case concerning the Continental Shelf ( Tunisia / Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ) ( Tunisia v. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ) 1984 -- 1985 Philippe Kirsch Belgium Belgium Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite ( Belgium v. Senegal ) 2009 -- 2012 Milenko Kreća Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro Legality of Use of Force ( Serbia and Montenegro v. Belgium ) 1999 -- 2004 Serbia and Montenegro Legality of Use of Force ( Serbia and Montenegro v. Canada ) 1999 -- 2004 Serbia and Montenegro Legality of Use of Force ( Serbia and Montenegro v. Italy ) 1999 -- 2004 Serbia and Montenegro Legality of Use of Force ( Serbia and Montenegro v. France ) 1999 -- 2004 Serbia and Montenegro Legality of Use of Force ( Serbia and Montenegro v. Germany ) 1999 -- 2004 Serbia and Montenegro Legality of Use of Force ( Serbia and Montenegro v. Netherlands ) 1999 -- 2004 Serbia and Montenegro Legality of Use of Force ( Serbia and Montenegro v. Portugal ) 1999 -- 2004 FR Yugoslavia Legality of Use of Force ( Yugoslavia v. Spain ) 1999 Serbia and Montenegro Legality of Use of Force ( Serbia and Montenegro v. United Kingdom ) 1999 -- 2004 FR Yugoslavia Legality of Use of Force ( Yugoslavia v. United States of America ) 1999 Serbia Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide ( Croatia v. Serbia ) 1999 -- 2015 Marc Lalonde Canada Canada Fisheries Jurisdiction ( Spain v. Canada ) 1995 -- 1998 Canada Legality of Use of Force ( Serbia and Montenegro v. Canada ) 1999 -- 2004 Elihu Lauterpacht United Kingdom Bosnia and Herzegovina Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide ( Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro ) 1993 -- 2007 François Luchaire France Burkina Faso Frontier Dispute ( Burkina Faso / Republic of Mali ) 1983 -- 1986 Ahmed Mahiou Algeria Bosnia and Herzegovina Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide ( Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro ) 1993 -- 2007 Guinea Ahmadou Sadio Diallo ( Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo ) 1998 -- 2012 Bosnia and Herzegovina Application for Revision of the Judgment of 11 July 1996 in the Case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide ( Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Yugoslavia ) , Preliminary Objections ( Yugoslavia v. Bosnia and Herzegovina ) 2001 -- 2003 Niger Frontier Dispute ( Burkina Faso / Niger ) 2010 -- 2013 Auguste Mampuya Kanunka Tshiabo Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo Ahmadou Sadio Diallo ( Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo ) 1998 -- 2012 Democratic Republic of the Congo Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo ( New Application : 2002 ) ( Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Rwanda ) 2002 -- 2006 Jean - Pierre Mavungu Mvubidi - Ngom Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo ( Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Rwanda ) 1999 -- 2001 Democratic Republic of the Congo Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo ( New Application : 2002 ) ( Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Rwanda ) 2002 -- 2006 Louis Mbanefo Nigeria Ethiopia South West Africa ( Ethiopia v. South Africa ) 1960 -- 1966 Liberia South West Africa ( Liberia v. South Africa ) 1960 -- 1966 Kéba Mbaye Senegal Senegal Arbitral Award of 31 July 1989 ( Guinea - Bissau v. Senegal ) 1989 -- 1991 Cameroon Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria ( Cameroon v. Nigeria : Equatorial Guinea intervening ) 1996 -- 2002 Cameroon Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 11 June 1998 in the Case concerning the Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria ( Cameroon v. Nigeria ) , Preliminary Objections ( Nigeria v. Cameroon ) 1998 -- 1999 Thomas Mensah Ghana Nicaragua Territorial and Maritime Dispute ( Nicaragua v. Colombia ) 2001 -- 2012 Gaetano Morelli Italy Italy Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 ( Italy v. France , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America ) 1953 -- 1954 Hermann Mosler West Germany West Germany North Sea Continental Shelf ( Federal Republic of Germany / Netherlands ) 1967 -- 1969 Nagendra Singh India India Appeal Relating to the Jurisdiction of the ICAO Council ( India v. Pakistan ) 1971 -- 1972 Johannes Offerhaus Netherlands Netherlands Application of the Convention of 1902 Governing the Guardianship of Infants ( Netherlands v. Sweden ) 1957 -- 1958 Francisco Orrego Vicuña Chile Chile Maritime Dispute ( Peru v. Chile ) 2008 -- 2014 Bernard Oxman United States Ukraine Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea ( Romania v. Ukraine ) 2004 -- 2009 Geoffrey Palmer New Zealand New Zealand Request for an Examination of the Situation in Accordance with Paragraph 63 of the Court 's Judgment of 20 December 1974 in the Nuclear Tests ( New Zealand v. France ) Case 1995 Felipe Paolillo Uruguay El Salvador Application for Revision of the Judgment of 11 September 1992 in the Case concerning the Land , Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute ( El Salvador / Honduras : Nicaragua intervening ) ( El Salvador v. Honduras ) 2002 -- 2003 Syed Sharif Uddin Pirzada Pakistan Pakistan Aerial Incident of 10 August 1999 ( Pakistan v. India ) 1999 -- 2000 Fausto Pocar Italy Belgium Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters ( Belgium v. Switzerland ) 2009 -- 2011 Pemmaraju Sreenivasa Rao India Singapore Sovereignty over Pedra Branca / Pulau Batu Puteh , Middle Rocks and South Ledge ( Malaysia / Singapore ) 2003 -- 2008 B.P. Jeevan Reddy India India Aerial Incident of 10 August 1999 ( Pakistan v. India ) 1999 -- 2000 François Rigaux Belgium Iran Oil Platforms ( Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America ) 1992 -- 2003 Willem Riphagen Netherlands Belgium Barcelona Traction , Light and Power Company , Limited ( Belgium v. Spain ) ( New Application : 1962 ) 1962 -- 1970 Emmanuel Roucounas Greece Greece Application of the Interim Accord of 13 September 1995 ( the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia v. Greece ) 2008 -- 2011 José María Ruda Argentina Qatar Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain ( Qatar v. Bahrain ) 1991 -- 2001 Jean Salmon Belgium Burundi Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo ( Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Burundi ) 1999 -- 2001 Karim Sandjabi Iran Iran Anglo - Iranian Oil Co . ( United Kingdom v. Iran ) 1951 -- 1952 Bernardo Sepúlveda Amor Mexico Mexico Avena and Other Mexican Nationals ( Mexico v. United States ) 2003 -- 2004 José Sette - Camara Brazil Libya Territorial Dispute ( Libyan Arab Jamahiriya / Chad ) 1990 -- 1994 Mohamed Shahabuddeen Guyana Bahrain Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain ( Qatar v. Bahrain ) 1991 -- 2001 Indonesia Sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan ( Indonesia / Malaysia ) 1998 -- 2002 Bruno Simma Germany Costa Rica Maritime Delimitation in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean ( Costa Rica v. Nicaragua ) 2014 -- present Leonid Skotnikov Russia Nicaragua Question of the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between Nicaragua and Colombia beyond 200 nautical miles from the Nicaraguan Coast ( Nicaragua v. Colombia ) 2013 -- present Krysztof Skubiszewski Poland Portugal East Timor ( Portugal v. Australia ) 1991 -- 1995 Slovakia Gabčíkovo - Nagymaros Project ( Hungary / Slovakia ) 1997 -- present Max Sørensen Denmark Netherlands North Sea Continental Shelf ( Federal Republic of Germany / Netherlands ) ( 1967 -- 1969 ) Denmark North Sea Continental Shelf ( Federal Republic of Germany / Denmark ) ( 1967 -- 1969 ) Jean Spiropoulos Greece Greece Ambatielos ( Greece v. United Kingdom ) 1951 -- 1953 Michel Stassinopoulos Greece Greece Aegean Sea Continental Shelf ( Greece v. Turkey ) 1976 -- 1978 Ninian Stephen Australia Australia East Timor ( Portugal v. Australia ) 1991 -- 1995 Fredrik Julius Christian Sterzel Sweden Sweden Application of the Convention of 1902 Governing the Guardianship of Infants ( Netherlands v. Sweden ) 1957 -- 1958 Serge Sur France Senegal Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite ( Belgium v. Senegal ) 2009 -- 2012 Hubert Thierry France Guinea - Bissau Arbitral Award of 31 July 1989 ( Guinea - Bissau v. Senegal ) 1989 -- 1991 Santiago Torres Bernárdez Spain Honduras Land , Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute ( El Salvador / Honduras : Nicaragua intervening ) 1986 -- 1992 Qatar Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain ( Qatar v. Bahrain ) 1991 -- 2001 Spain Fisheries Jurisdiction ( Spain v. Canada ) 1995 -- 1998 Spain Legality of Use of Force ( Yugoslavia v. Spain ) 1999 Honduras Territorial and Maritime Dispute between Nicaragua and Honduras in the Caribbean Sea ( Nicaragua v. Honduras ) 1999 -- 2007 Honduras Application for Revision of the Judgment of 11 September 1992 in the Case concerning the Land , Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute ( El Salvador / Honduras : Nicaragua intervening ) ( El Salvador v. Honduras ) 2002 -- 2003 Uruguay Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay ( Argentina v. Uruguay ) 2006 -- 2010 Francisco Urrutia Holguin Colombia Nicaragua Arbitral Award Made by the King of Spain on 23 December 1906 ( Honduras v. Nicaragua ) 1958 -- 1960 Nicolas Valticos Greece Malta Continental Shelf ( Libyan Arab Jamahiriya / Malta ) 1982 -- 1985 El Salvador Land , Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute ( El Salvador / Honduras : Nicaragua intervening ) 1986 -- 1992 Bahrain Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain ( Qatar v. Bahrain ) 1991 -- 2001 Joe Verhoeven Belgium Democratic Republic of the Congo Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo ( Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Burundi ) 1999 -- 2001 Democratic Republic of the Congo Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo ( Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda ) 1999 -- present Democratic Republic of the Congo Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo ( Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Rwanda ) 1999 -- 2001 Raúl Emilio Vinuesa Argentina Argentina Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay ( Argentina v. Uruguay ) 2006 -- 2010 Ecuador Aerial Herbicide Spraying ( Ecuador v. Colombia ) 2008 -- 2013 Michel Virally France Honduras Land , Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute ( El Salvador / Honduras : Nicaragua intervening ) 1986 -- 1992 Budislav Vukas Croatia Croatia Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide ( Croatia v. Serbia ) 1999 -- 2015 Macedonia Application of the Interim Accord of 13 September 1995 ( the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia v. Greece ) 2008 -- 2011 Christopher Gregory Weeramantry Sri Lanka Malaysia Sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan ( Indonesia / Malaysia ) 1998 -- 2002 J.T. van Wyk South Africa South Africa South West Africa ( Ethiopia v. South Africa ) 1960 -- 1966 South Africa South West Africa ( Liberia v. South Africa ) 1960 -- 1966 Chris van den Wyngaert Belgium Belgium Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 ( Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium ) 2000 -- 2002 Mohamed Yaqub Ali Khan Pakistan Ethiopia South West Africa ( Ethiopia v. South Africa ) 1960 -- 1966 Liberia South West Africa ( Liberia v. South Africa ) 1960 -- 1966 Pakistan Trial of Pakistani Prisoners of War ( Pakistan v. India ) 1973 Abdulqawi Yusuf Somalia Djibouti Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters ( Djibouti v. France ) 2006 -- 2008 Sir Muhammad Zafarullah Khan Pakistan Ethiopia South West Africa ( Ethiopia v. South Africa ) 1960 -- 1966 Liberia South West Africa ( Liberia v. South Africa ) 1960 -- 1966 Pakistan Trial of Pakistani Prisoners of War ( Pakistan v. India ) 1973 Jaroslav Žourek Czechoslovakia Bulgaria Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 ( Israel v. Bulgaria ) 1957 -- 1959 Bulgaria Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 ( United States of America v. Bulgaria ) 1957 -- 1960 All Judges ad hoc : See also ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Judges of the International Court of Justice . List of International Court of Justice cases Category : International Court of Justice judges Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lists of legal professionals International Court of Justice Hidden categories : Articles with hCards Interlanguage link template link number Interlanguage link template existing link Talk Read Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Français हिन्दी Nederlands Polski 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 18 August 2017 , at 20 : 22 . About Wikipedia | indian chief justice of international court of justice | [
"\nIndia India\nSingh, NagendraNagendra Singh\n1973\n1988\n1985–1988\n1976–1979\n"
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"Nagendra Singh"
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-6357173402245886124 | President of the Senate | President of the Senate - wikipedia President of the Senate Jump to : navigation , search The President of the Senate is a title often given to the presiding officer of a senate , and is the speaker of other assemblies . The senate president often ranks high in a jurisdiction 's succession for its top executive office : for example , the President of the Senate of Nigeria is second in line for succession to the presidency , after only the Vice President of the Federal Republic , while in France , which has no vice president , the Senate President is first in line to succeed to the Presidential powers and duties . Contents ( hide ) 1 Argentina 2 Australia 3 Barbados 4 Belgium 5 Belize 6 Brazil 7 Burundi 8 Cambodia 9 Canada 10 Chile 11 Colombia 12 Fiji 13 Danzig 14 France 15 Germany 16 Italy 17 Liberia 18 Malaysia 19 Mexico 20 Nigeria 21 Peru 22 Philippines 23 Poland 24 Puerto Rico 25 Romania 26 South Africa 27 Spain 28 Sri Lanka 29 Trinidad and Tobago 30 United States 30.1 U.S. state senates 31 Uruguay 32 See also 33 References Argentina ( edit ) The Argentine Senate is presided over by the Vice-President of the Republic , currently Gabriela Michetti . This was a recent expansion of the Vice-President's powers introduced as part of the 1994 constitutional amendments ( Constitution , Art . 57 ) . The Vice-President may only cast a vote to break a tied Senate vote . Australia ( edit ) Main article : President of the Australian Senate The President of the Australian Senate is a senator , traditionally a member of the governing party or coalition , elected by the Senate at the beginning of each parliament as the first item of business . They are assisted by a Deputy President who is traditionally a member of the largest opposition party . The current president is Scott Ryan , a Liberal senator from Victoria , who has held the office since 13 November 2017 . Barbados ( edit ) Main article : List of Presidents of the Senate of Barbados At the start of every parliamentary session , the Senate of Barbados elects a President and a Vice President , neither of whom may be ministers or parliamentary secretaries . Prior to the January 2008 general election , the positions were held by Sir Fred Gollop and Dame Patricia Symmonds . Belgium ( edit ) Main article : Belgian Senate § Officers See also : List of Presidents of the Belgian Senate The presiding officer of the Belgian Senate is elected by the senators at the beginning of each parliamentary term . The President of the Senate is customarily a member of a majority party with a great deal of political experience . The president presides over the plenary assembly of the Senate , guides and controls debates in the assembly , is responsible for ensuring the democratic functioning of the Senate , maintains order and security in the assembly and for enforcing the Rules of the Senate , and represents the Senate at both the national ( to the other institutions ) and the international level . The President of the Senate , together with the President of the Chamber of Representatives , ranks immediately behind the King in the order of precedence . The elder of the two takes the second place in the order of precedence . The Presidents of the Senate and the Chamber rank above the Prime Minister . Belize ( edit ) The Senate of Belize elects both a president and a vice-president upon first convening after a general election . The person elected president may be a senator ( provided he / she does not concurrently hold a ministerial position ) or a person external to the Senate . The vice-president must be a member of the Senate who does not hold a ministerial portfolio . ( Constitution , section 66 . ) The current President is Andrea Gill , with Juliet Thimbriel as Vice-President . Brazil ( edit ) Main article : President of the Federal Senate ( Brazil ) The current President of Brazil 's Federal Senate is Eunício Oliveira . The President of the Federal Senate is the third in order to succeed the president ( only below the Vice President and the President of the Chamber of Deputies ) . It is also the president of the National Congress , which includes the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies . Burundi ( edit ) The President of the Senate of Burundi , since 17 August 2005 , is Molly Beamer of the CNDD - FDD . The president is assisted in his work by two vice-presidents . Cambodia ( edit ) The Senate of Cambodia is led by a 12 - person permanent commission ( bureau ) , which is in turn chaired by the President of the Senate , currently Say Chhum . He is assisted by a First and a Second Vice-President . The President and Vice-Presidents are elected as the first item of business at the start of every legislative session . Canada ( edit ) While the Speaker of the Canadian Senate , who serves as the presiding officer of the Senate of Canada , is not described as a `` president '' in English , the position is called Président du Sénat in French . He is appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister . Chile ( edit ) Main article : President of the Senate of Chile The President of the Senate of Chile is elected from among the country 's senators . The current holder of the position , since March 2010 , is Jorge Pizarro . Colombia ( edit ) The President of the Senate -- Javier Cáceres Leal for the 2009 -- 10 period -- also serves as the President of the Congress of Colombia . Fiji ( edit ) The members of the former Senate of Fiji ( abolished in 2012 ) used to elect from among their number both a President and Vice-President , whose roles were similar to those of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives , respectively . The last persons to hold those positions were Kinijoji Maivalili ( President ) and Hafiz Khan ( Vice-President ) . The military coup of 5 December 2006 brought their terms to a premature end . Danzig ( edit ) In the Free City of Danzig ( 1920 -- 1939 / 1945 ) , the Senate ( or Senat in German ) was the executive branch , with Senators ( Senatoren ) being the holders of ministerial portfolios . In Danzig the President of the Senate ( Präsident des Senats ) was an office equivalent to that of prime minister in other countries . France ( edit ) The Senate of France elects a president from among its own number . The President of the French Senate stands first in line of succession in case of death or resignation of the President of the Republic , becoming acting president until a presidential election can be held . This most recently occurred with Alain Poher , who was senate president from 1968 to 1992 and who served as interim president on two occasions : following Charles de Gaulle 's resignation in 1969 , and following Georges Pompidou 's death in office in 1974 . Since 2014 , the position has been held by Gérard Larcher of the Union for a Popular Movement ( UMP ) . Germany ( edit ) In the German states of Bremen ( Senate of Bremen ) and Hamburg ( Senate of Hamburg ) , the Senates ( or Senate in German ) are the executive branch , with Senators ( Senatoren ) being the holders of ministerial portfolios . In these Länder , the President of the Senate ( Präsident des Senats ) is an office equivalent to that of minister - president in other German Länder . Italy ( edit ) The Senate of Italy holds its first sitting no later than 20 days after a general election . That session , presided by the oldest senator , proceeds to elect the President of the Senate for the following parliamentary period . On the first two attempts at voting , an absolute majority ( a majority of all senators ) is needed ; if a third round is needed , a candidate can be elected by a majority of the senators present and voting . If this third round fails to produce a winner , a final ballot is held between the two senators with the highest votes in the previous ballot . In the case of a tie , the elder senator is deemed the winner . In addition to overseeing the business of the chamber , chairing and regulating debates , deciding whether motions and bills are admissible , representing the Senate , etc. , the President of the Senate stands in for the President of the Republic when s / he is unable to perform his / her duties . The current President of the Senate is Pietro Grasso . For a historical listing , see : List of Presidents of the Senate of Italy . Liberia ( edit ) While the Vice President of Liberia serves as President of the Senate , the senators also elect from among their number a President pro tempore to lead the chamber 's day - to - day business . Malaysia ( edit ) Main article : President of the Senate of Malaysia The Senate of Malaysia elects a president from its members , who is comparable to the Speaker of the House of Representatives . The position is partisan and has usually been held by a member of the Government party . Mexico ( edit ) The Senate of Mexico , at the beginning of each annual legislative session , elects an Executive Board ( Mesa Directiva ) from among its 128 members . The Executive Board comprises a president , three vice-presidents , and four secretaries , elected by an absolute majority of the Senators . Members of the Executive Board may be re-elected for the following year without restriction . The President of the Executive Board also serves as the President of the Senate . The President of the Senate for the 2015 -- 16 period of sessions is Roberto Gil Zuarth , a National Action Party ( PAN ) senator for Chiapas . Nigeria ( edit ) Main article : President of the Nigerian Senate The President of the Senate is the presiding officer of the Senate of Nigeria , elected by its membership . The current President of the Senate is Dr. Bukola Saraki , who represents Kwara State for the APC . Peru ( edit ) Main article : Congress of the Republic of Peru Peru had a bicameral Congress from 1829 until 1992 . The President of the Senate was elected by the Senate members to preside over the sessions for one year . Philippines ( edit ) See President of the Senate of the Philippines Poland ( edit ) See Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland Puerto Rico ( edit ) See : Senate of Puerto Rico # Presidents of the Puerto Rico Senate Romania ( edit ) Main article : President of the Senate of Romania The first session of the Senate is headed by the eldest senator . In that session the senators elect the Standing Bureau of the Romanian Senate . It consists of the President of the Senate , four vice-presidents , four secretaries , and four quaestors . The President of the Standing Bureau also serves as the President of the Senate . The President is elected , by secret ballot , for the duration of the legislative period . The Senate president succeeds temporarily the President of Romania if the latter resigns , is suspended , incapacitated or dies in office . ( He / she continues to be President of the Senate during the ad - interim presidency of the country . He / she acts as President until a new president is elected ) . South Africa ( edit ) The Senate of South Africa was the upper house of Parliament between 1910 and 1981 , and between 1994 and 1997 . During both periods , the Senate was led by a President . For a listing , see : Senate of South Africa # Presidents of the Senate of South Africa ( 1910 - 1980 ) and ( 1994 - 1997 ) Spain ( edit ) Main article : President of the Spanish Senate Sri lanka ( edit ) Main article : President of the Senate of Ceylon The Senate of Ceylon was the upper house of Parliament between 1947 and 1971 . During this periods , the Senate was led by a President . Trinidad and Tobago ( edit ) Main article : President of the Senate of Trinidad and Tobago The President of the Senate of Trinidad and Tobago , who is generally elected from the government benches , chairs debates in the chamber and stands in for the country 's president during periods of absence or illness ( Constitution , section 27 ) . A Vice-President of the Senate is also elected from among the senators . The current President of the Senate is Christine Kangaloo . United states ( edit ) The Vice President of the United States is assigned the responsibility of presiding over the Senate and designated as its president by the United States Constitution . The vice president , as President of the Senate , has the authority ( ex officio , for he or she is not an elected member of the Senate ) to cast a tie - breaking vote . Other than this , the rules of the Senate grant its president very little power ( in contrast to the powerful office of Speaker of the House of Representatives ) . While vice presidents used to regularly preside over the Senate , modern vice presidents have done so only rarely , usually only when swearing in new senators , during joint sessions , announcing the result of a vote on a significant bill or confirmation , or when casting a tie - breaking vote . The Senate chooses a president pro tempore to preside in the vice president 's absence . Modern presidents pro tempore , too , rarely preside over the Senate . In practice , the junior senators of the majority party typically preside in order to learn Senate procedure . Vice presidents have cast 261 tie - breaking votes since the U.S. federal government was established in 1789 . The vice president with the most tie breaking votes is John Adams ( served 1789 -- 1797 ) with 29 . The current Vice President Mike Pence , in office since January 2017 , has made six tie - breaking votes . U.S. state Senates ( edit ) In state governments of the United States , the presiding officer of the state senate ( the upper house ) is a matter decided by the state 's constitution . Some states designate the lieutenant governor as president of the senate , while in other states , the Senate elects its own president . The Tennessee Senate elects a senator Speaker of the Senate , who is given the title of Lieutenant Governor . Similarly , New Hampshire has no lieutenant governor , but the state senate elects a president who is the de facto lieutenant governor , given that in the event of the governor 's death , resignation , or inability to serve , the president of the senate acts as governor until the vacancy is filled . New Jersey previously used the same system , but with the important proviso that the Senate president continued to serve in that position while also serving as acting governor . After Christine Todd Whitman resigned as governor , Donald DiFrancesco spent nearly a year as acting governor . As a result of his tenure , questions were raised about the propriety of such a system , particularly with regard to separation of powers - related issues . A constitutional amendment was enacted in 2005 to create the office of lieutenant governor effective at the 2009 election . Uruguay ( edit ) The Vice President of Uruguay presides over the country 's 30 - member Senate . See also ( edit ) Speaker of the Senate References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` The President of the Senate '' . Parliament of Australia . October 2009 . Archived from the original on 22 February 2011 . Retrieved 24 February 2011 . Jump up ^ Gartrell , Adam ( 13 November 2017 ) . `` Scott Ryan resigns from Turnbull ministry to replace Stephen Parry as Senate president '' . The Sydney Morning Herald . Fairfax Media . Retrieved 6 December 2017 . Jump up ^ : : - welcome : : Archived 2007 - 10 - 14 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ L'organisation et le fonctionnement du Snat Archived 2008 - 02 - 16 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Rglement Archived 2008 - 02 - 16 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ - Parliament Jump up ^ Pagina oficiala a Senatului României Archived 2008 - 02 - 16 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago - Updated to 2003 Archived 2008 - 04 - 08 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` U.S. Senate : U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 115th Congress - 1st Session '' . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Legislative speakers Presidents Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2007 All articles containing potentially dated statements Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2008 Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2009 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Edit links This page was last edited on 31 March 2018 , at 04 : 42 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who acts as the president of the senate | [
"The Vice President of the United States is assigned the responsibility of presiding over the Senate and designated as its president by the United States Constitution. The vice president, as President of the Senate, has the authority (ex officio, for he or she is not an elected member of the Senate) to cast a tie-breaking vote. Other than this, the rules of the Senate grant its president very little power (in contrast to the powerful office of Speaker of the House of Representatives)."
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"The Vice President of the United States"
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-6550640435239249321 | Museum of Modern Art | Museum of Modern Art - Wikipedia Museum of Modern Art Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the museum in New York City . For other museums , see Museum of Modern Art ( disambiguation ) . Museum of Modern Art Location of MoMA in Manhattan Established November 7 , 1929 ; 87 years ago ( 1929 - 11 - 07 ) Location 11 West 53rd Street New York , NY 10019 Coordinates 40 ° 45 ′ 41 '' N 73 ° 58 ′ 40 '' W / 40.761484 ° N 73.977664 ° W / 40.761484 ; - 73.977664 Visitors 3.1 million ( 2013 ) Ranked 13th globally ( 2013 ) Director Glenn D. Lowry Public transit access Subway : Fifth Avenue / 53rd Street ( E M trains ) Bus : M1 , M2 , M3 , M4 , M5 , M7 , M10 , M20 , M50 , M104 Website The Museum of Modern Art ( MoMA / ˈmoʊmə / ) is an art museum located in Midtown Manhattan in New York City , on 53rd Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues . MoMA has been important in developing and collecting modernist art , and is often identified as one of the largest and most influential museums of modern art in the world . MoMA 's collection offers an overview of modern and contemporary art , including works of architecture and design , drawing , painting , sculpture , photography , prints , illustrated books and artist 's books , film , and electronic media . The MoMA Library includes approximately 300,000 books and exhibition catalogs , over 1,000 periodical titles , and over 40,000 files of ephemera about individual artists and groups . The archives holds primary source material related to the history of modern and contemporary art . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 1.1 Heckscher and other buildings ( 1929 -- 39 ) 1.2 53rd Street ( 1939 -- present ) 1.2. 1 1930s and 1940s 1.2. 2 1958 fire 1.2. 3 Recent history 1.2. 4 Expansion from 1983 to present 2 Exhibition houses 3 Artworks 3.1 Selected collection highlights 3.2 Film 3.3 Library 3.4 Architecture and design 4 Management 4.1 Attendance 4.2 Admission 4.3 Finances 5 Key people 5.1 Officers and the board of trustees 5.1. 1 Board of trustees 5.2 Directors 5.3 Chief curators 6 See also 7 References 7.1 Notes 7.2 Further reading 8 External links History ( edit ) Heckscher and other buildings ( 1929 -- 39 ) ( edit ) The idea for The Museum of Modern Art was developed in 1929 primarily by Abby Aldrich Rockefeller ( wife of John D. Rockefeller , Jr . ) and two of her friends , Lillie P. Bliss and Mary Quinn Sullivan . They became known variously as `` the Ladies '' , `` the daring ladies '' and `` the adamantine ladies '' . They rented modest quarters for the new museum in the Heckscher Building at 730 Fifth Avenue ( corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street ) in Manhattan , and it opened to the public on November 7 , 1929 , nine days after the Wall Street Crash . Abby had invited A. Conger Goodyear , the former president of the board of trustees of the Albright Art Gallery in Buffalo , New York , to become president of the new museum . Abby became treasurer . At the time , it was America 's premier museum devoted exclusively to modern art , and the first of its kind in Manhattan to exhibit European modernism . One of Abby 's early recruits for the museum staff was the noted Japanese - American photographer Soichi Sunami ( at that time best known for his portraits of modern dance pioneer Martha Graham ) , who served the museum as its official documentary photographer from 1930 until 1968 . Goodyear enlisted Paul J. Sachs and Frank Crowninshield to join him as founding trustees . Sachs , the associate director and curator of prints and drawings at the Fogg Museum at Harvard University , was referred to in those days as a collector of curators . Goodyear asked him to recommend a director and Sachs suggested Alfred H. Barr , Jr. , a promising young protege . Under Barr 's guidance , the museum 's holdings quickly expanded from an initial gift of eight prints and one drawing . Its first successful loan exhibition was in November 1929 , displaying paintings by Van Gogh , Gauguin , Cézanne , and Seurat . First housed in six rooms of galleries and offices on the twelfth floor of Manhattan 's Heckscher Building , on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street , the museum moved into three more temporary locations within the next ten years . Abby 's husband was adamantly opposed to the museum ( as well as to modern art itself ) and refused to release funds for the venture , which had to be obtained from other sources and resulted in the frequent shifts of location . Nevertheless , he eventually donated the land for the current site of the museum , plus other gifts over time , and thus became in effect one of its greatest benefactors . During that time it initiated many more exhibitions of noted artists , such as the lone Vincent van Gogh exhibition on November 4 , 1935 . Containing an unprecedented sixty - six oils and fifty drawings from the Netherlands , as well as poignant excerpts from the artist 's letters , it was a major public success due to Barr 's arrangement of the exhibit , and became `` a precursor to the hold van Gogh has to this day on the contemporary imagination '' . 53rd Street ( 1939 -- present ) ( edit ) 1930s and 1940s ( edit ) The museum also gained international prominence with the hugely successful and now famous Picasso retrospective of 1939 -- 40 , held in conjunction with the Art Institute of Chicago . In its range of presented works , it represented a significant reinterpretation of Picasso for future art scholars and historians . This was wholly masterminded by Barr , a Picasso enthusiast , and the exhibition lionized Picasso as the greatest artist of the time , setting the model for all the museum 's retrospectives that were to follow . Boy Leading a Horse was briefly contested over ownership with the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum . In 1941 , MoMA hosted the ground - breaking exhibition , Indian Art of the United States ( curated by Frederic Huntington Douglas and Rene d'Harnoncourt ) , that changed the way American Indian arts were viewed by the public and exhibited in art museums . The entrance to The Museum of Modern Art When Abby Rockefeller 's son Nelson was selected by the board of trustees to become its flamboyant president in 1939 , at the age of thirty , he became the prime instigator and funder of its publicity , acquisitions and subsequent expansion into new headquarters on 53rd Street . His brother , David Rockefeller , also joined the museum 's board of trustees in 1948 and took over the presidency when Nelson was elected Governor of New York in 1958 . David subsequently employed the noted architect Philip Johnson to redesign the museum garden and name it in honor of his mother , the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden . He and the Rockefeller family in general have retained a close association with the museum throughout its history , with the Rockefeller Brothers Fund funding the institution since 1947 . Both David Rockefeller , Jr. and Sharon Percy Rockefeller ( wife of Senator Jay Rockefeller ) currently sit on the board of trustees . In 1937 , MoMA had shifted to offices and basement galleries in the Time - Life Building in Rockefeller Center . Its permanent and current home , now renovated , designed in the International Style by the modernist architects Philip L. Goodwin and Edward Durell Stone , opened to the public on May 10 , 1939 , attended by an illustrious company of 6,000 people , and with an opening address via radio from the White House by President Franklin D. Roosevelt . 1958 fire ( edit ) On April 15 , 1958 , a fire on the second floor destroyed an 18 foot long Monet Water Lilies painting ( the current Monet water lilies was acquired shortly after the fire as a replacement ) . The fire started when workmen installing air conditioning were smoking near paint cans , sawdust , and a canvas dropcloth . One worker was killed in the fire and several firefighters were treated for smoke inhalation . Most of the paintings on the floor had been moved for the construction although large paintings including the Monet were left . Art work on the 3rd and 4th floors were evacuated to the Whitney Museum of American Art which abutted it on the 54th Street side . Among the paintings that were moved was A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte which had been on loan by the Art Institute of Chicago . Visitors and employees above the fire were evacuated to the roof and then jumped to the roof of an adjoining townhouse . Recent history ( edit ) In 1969 , the MoMA was at the center of a controversy over its decision to withdraw funding from the iconic anti-war poster And babies . In 1969 , the Art Workers Coalition ( AWC ) , a group of New York City artists who opposed the Vietnam War , in collaboration with Museum of Modern Art members Arthur Drexler and Elizabeth Shaw , created an iconic protest poster called And babies . The poster uses an image by photojournalist Ronald L. Haeberle and references the My Lai Massacre . The Museum of Modern Art ( MoMA ) had promised to fund and circulate the poster , but after seeing the 2 by 3 foot poster MoMA pulled financing for the project at the last minute . MoMA 's Board of Trustees included Nelson Rockefeller and William S. Paley ( head of CBS ) , who reportedly `` hit the ceiling '' on seeing the proofs of the poster . The poster was included shortly thereafter in MoMA 's Information exhibition of July 2 to September 20 , 1970 , curated by Kynaston McShine . Another famous controversary involved Pablo Picasso 's painting Boy Leading a Horse , 1905 -- 06 , gifted to MoMA by William S. Paley in 1964 . Ownership of Boy Leading a Horse was contested between the MoMA and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum . Expansion from 1983 to present ( edit ) Stairs in the Museum of Modern Art Cross-section of the Museum of Modern Art In 1983 the Museum more than doubled its gallery and increased curatorial department by 30 percent , and added an auditorium , two restaurants and a bookstore in conjunction with the construction of the 56 - story Museum Tower adjoining the museum . In 1997 , the Japanese architect Yoshio Taniguchi beat out ten other international architects to win the competition to execute the redesign of the museum . MoMA 's midtown location underwent extensive renovations in the early 2000s , closing on May 21 , 2002 , and reopening to the public in a building redesigned by Taniguchi along with Kohn Pedersen Fox , on November 20 , 2004 . Severud Associates was the structural engineering firm chosen for this project . From June 29 , 2002 , until September 27 , 2004 , a portion of its collection was on display in what was dubbed MoMA QNS , a former Swingline staple factory in Long Island City , Queens . The expansion , including an increase in MoMA 's endowment to cover operating expenses , cost $858 million in total . The project nearly doubled the space for MoMA 's exhibitions and programs and features 630,000 square feet ( 59,000 m ) of new and redesigned space . The Peggy and David Rockefeller Building on the western portion of the site houses the main exhibition galleries , and The Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Education and Research Building , after Lewis B. Cullman and Dorothy Cullman , on the eastern portion provides over five times more space for classrooms , auditoriums , teacher training workshops , and the museum 's expanded Library and Archives . These two buildings frame the enlarged Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden . The architecture of the renovation is controversial . At its opening , some critics thought that Taniguchi 's design was a fine example of contemporary architecture , while many others were extremely displeased with certain aspects of the design , such as the flow of the space . The Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Education and Research Building marked the culmination of the Taniguchi project , providing significantly increased space for MoMA 's wide - ranging educational and research activities . The building also features an entrance for school groups , a 125 - seat auditorium , an orientation center , workshop space for teacher training programs , study centers , and a large lobby with double - height views into the Sculpture Garden . Museum of Modern Art is selling its last vacant parcel of land in Midtown for $125 million to Hines Development , an international real estate developer based in Houston . Hines in turn announced plans to build 53W53 , a skyscraper to be as tall as the Empire State Building . In 2009 , the New York City Department of City Planning said the building could only be built if it was 200 feet shorter than the original plan . As of March 2015 , foundation works are ongoing . In 2011 , the museum acquired the American Folk Art Museum which adjoined its property to the east for $31.2 million . Two years later , it later announced in April that it planned to demolish the folk museum . After much protest , architecture firm Diller Scofidio + Renfro was hired to evaluate whether the folk art building could be incorporated into a renovation . In early 2014 , the museum unveiled Diller Scofidio + Renfro 's plans for a redesign of its building , featuring a retractable glass wall , new gallery space and the opening of its entire first floor , including the sculpture garden , free to the public . In particular , the proposed expansion would give the museum 15,500 square feet of new gallery space in the former site of the American Folk Art Museum and 39,000 in 53W53 . Construction on the project is scheduled to be finished by 2018 or 2019 . Exhibition houses ( edit ) The MoMA occasionally has sponsored and hosted temporary exhibition houses , which have reflected seminal ideas in architectural history . 1949 : exhibition house by Marcel Breuer 1950 : exhibition house by Gregory Ain 1955 : Japanese Exhibition House by Junzo Yoshimura , reinstalled in Philadelphia , PA in 1957 -- 58 and known now as Shofuso Japanese House and Garden 2008 : Prefabricated houses planned by : Kieran Timberlake Architects Lawrence Sass Jeremy Edmiston and Douglas Gauthier Leo Kaufmann Architects Richard Horden Artworks ( edit ) Pablo Picasso , Les Demoiselles d'Avignon , 1907 Claude Monet , Reflections of Clouds on the Water - Lily Pond , c. 1920 See also : List of works in the Museum of Modern Art § Department of Painting and Sculpture Considered by many to have the best collection of modern Western masterpieces in the world , MoMA 's holdings include more than 150,000 individual pieces in addition to approximately 22,000 films and 4 million film stills . ( Access to the collection of film stills ended in 2002 , and the collection is mothballed in a vault in Hamlin , Pennsylvania . ) The collection houses such important and familiar works as the following : Francis Bacon , Painting ( 1946 ) Umberto Boccioni , The City Rises Paul Cézanne , The Bather Marc Chagall , I and the Village Giorgio de Chirico , The Song of Love Salvador Dalí , The Persistence of Memory Max Ernst , Two Children Are Threatened by a Nightingale Paul Gauguin , Te aa no areois ( The Seed of the Areoi ) Albert Gleizes , Portrait of Igor Stravinsky , 1914 Jasper Johns , Flag Frida Kahlo , Self - Portrait With Cropped Hair Roy Lichtenstein , Drowning Girl René Magritte , The Empire of Lights Kazimir Malevich , White on White 1918 Henri Matisse , The Dance Jean Metzinger , Landscape , 1912 -- 14 Piet Mondrian , Broadway Boogie - Woogie Claude Monet , Water Lilies triptych Barnett Newman , Broken Obelisk Barnett Newman , Vir Heroicus Sublimis ( Man , Heroic and Sublime ) Pablo Picasso , Les Demoiselles d'Avignon Jackson Pollock , One : Number 31 , 1950 Henri Rousseau , The Dream , 1910 Henri Rousseau , The Sleeping Gypsy Vincent van Gogh , The Starry Night Andy Warhol , Campbell 's Soup Cans Andrew Wyeth , Christina 's World Selected collection highlights ( edit ) Paul Cézanne , The Bather , 1885 -- 87 Vincent van Gogh , The Starry Night , 1889 Vincent van Gogh , The Olive Trees with the Alpilles in the Background , 1889 Paul Gauguin , Te aa no areois ( The Seed of the Areoi ) , 1892 Henri Rousseau , La Bohémienne endormie ( The Sleeping Gypsy -- Zingara che dorme ) , 1897 Henri Matisse , The Dance I , 1909 Henri Rousseau , The Dream , 1910 Henri Matisse , L'Atelier Rouge , 1911 Georges Braque , 1911 -- 12 , Man with a Guitar ( L'Homme à la guitare , Figure ) , oil on canvas , 116.2 × 80.9 cm Umberto Boccioni , 1913 , Dynamism of a Soccer Player , 1913 , oil on canvas , 193.2 × 201 cm Henri Matisse , View of Notre - Dame , 1914 Giorgio De Chirico , Love Song , 1914 Kazimir Malevich , Suprematist Composition : White on White , 1918 It also holds works by a wide range of influential European and American artists including Georges Braque , Marcel Duchamp , Walker Evans , Helen Frankenthaler , Alberto Giacometti , Arshile Gorky , Hans Hofmann , Edward Hopper , Paul Klee , Franz Kline , Willem de Kooning , Dorothea Lange , Fernand Léger , Roy Lichtenstein , Morris Louis , René Magritte , Aristide Maillol , Joan Miró , Henry Moore , Kenneth Noland , Georgia O'Keeffe , Jackson Pollock , Robert Rauschenberg , Auguste Rodin , Mark Rothko , David Smith , Frank Stella , and hundreds of others . MoMA developed a world - renowned art photography collection first under Edward Steichen and then under Steichen 's hand - picked successor John Szarkowski , which included photos by Todd Webb . The department was founded by Beaumont Newhall in 1940 . Under Szarkowski , it focused on a more traditionally modernist approach to the medium , one that emphasized documentary images and orthodox darkroom techniques . Film ( edit ) In 1932 , museum founder Alfred Barr stressed the importance of introducing `` the only great art form peculiar to the twentieth century '' to `` the American public which should appreciate good films and support them . '' Museum Trustee and film producer John Hay Whitney became the first chairman of the Museum 's Film Library from 1935 to 1951 . The collection Whitney assembled with the help of film curator Iris Barry was so successful that in 1937 the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences commended the Museum with an award `` for its significant work in collecting films ... and for the first time making available to the public the means of studying the historical and aesthetic development of the motion picture as one of the major arts . '' The first curator and founder of the Film Library was Iris Barry , a British film critic and author , whose three decades of pioneering work in collecting films and presenting them in coherent artistic and historical contexts gained recognition for the cinema as the major new art form of our century . Barry and her successors have built a collection comprising some eight thousand titles today , concentrating on assembling an outstanding collection of the important works of international film art , with emphasis being placed on obtaining the highest - quality materials . The exiled film scholar Siegfried Kracauer worked at the MoMA film archive on a psychological history of German film between 1941 and 1943 . The result of his study , From Caligari to Hitler : A Psychological History of the German Film ( 1947 ) , traces the birth of Nazism from the cinema of the Weimar Republic and helped lay the foundation of modern film criticism . Under the Museum of Modern Art Department of Film , the film collection includes more than 25,000 titles and ranks as one of the world 's finest museum archives of international film art . The department owns prints of many familiar feature - length movies , including Citizen Kane and Vertigo , but its holdings also contains many less - traditional pieces , including Andy Warhol 's eight - hour Empire , Fred Halsted 's gay pornographic L.A. Plays Itself ( screened before a capacity audience on April 23 , 1974 ) , various TV commercials , and Chris Cunningham 's music video for Björk 's All Is Full of Love . Library ( edit ) The MoMA library is located in Midtown Manhattan , with offsite storage in Long Island City , Queens . The non-circulating collection documents modern and contemporary art including painting , sculpture , prints , photography , film , performance , and architecture from 1880 -- present . The collection includes 300,000 books , 1,000 periodicals , and 40,000 files about artists and artistic groups . There are over 10,000 artist books in the collection . The libraries are open by appointment to all researchers . The library 's catalogue is called `` Dadabase '' . Dadabase includes records for all of the material in the library , including books , artist books , exhibition catalogue , special collections materials , and electronic resources . The Museum of Modern Art 's collection of artist books includes works by Ed Ruscha , Marcel Broodthaers , Susan Bee , Carl Andre , and David Horvitz . Additionally , the library has subscription electronic resources along with Dadabase . These include journal databases ( such as JSTOR and Art Full Text ) , auction results indexes ( ArtFact and Artnet ) , the ARTstor image database , and WorldCat union catalog . Architecture and design ( edit ) See also : List of works in the Museum of Modern Art § Department of Architecture and Design MoMA 's Department of Architecture and Design was founded in 1932 as the first museum department in the world dedicated to the intersection of architecture and design . The department 's first director was Philip Johnson who served as curator between 1932 -- 34 and 1946 -- 54 . The collection consists of 28,000 works including architectural models , drawings and photographs . One of the highlights of the collection is the Mies van der Rohe Archive . It also includes works from such legendary architects and designers as Frank Lloyd Wright , Paul László , the Eameses , Isamu Noguchi , and George Nelson . The design collection contains many industrial and manufactured pieces , ranging from a self - aligning ball bearing to an entire Bell 47D1 helicopter . In 2012 , the department acquired a selection of 14 video games , the basis of an intended collection of 40 which is to range from Pac - Man ( 1980 ) to Minecraft ( 2011 ) . Management ( edit ) Attendance ( edit ) MoMA has seen its average number of visitors rise to 2.5 million from about 1.5 million a year before its new granite and glass renovation . In 2009 , the museum reported 119,000 members and 2.8 million visitors over the previous fiscal year . MoMA attracted its highest - ever number of visitors , 3.09 million , during its 2010 fiscal year ; however , attendance dropped 11 percent to 2.8 million in 2011 . The museum was open every day since its founding in 1929 , until 1975 , when it closed one day a week ( originally Wednesdays ) to reduce operating expenses . In 2012 , it again opened every day , including Tuesday , the one day it has traditionally been closed . Admission ( edit ) MoMA 's reopening brought controversy as its admission cost increased from US $12 to US $20 , making it one of the most expensive museums in the city ; however , it has free entry on Fridays after 4 : 00 pm . Also , many New York area college students receive free admission to the museum . Finances ( edit ) A private non-profit organization , MoMA is the seventh - largest U.S. museum by budget ; its annual revenue is about $145 million ( none of which is profit ) . In 2011 , the museum reported net assets ( basically , a total of all the resources it has on its books , except the value of the art ) of just over $1 billion . Unlike most museums , the museum eschews government funding , instead subsisting on a fragmented budget with a half - dozen different sources of income , none larger than a fifth . Before the economic crisis of late 2008 , the MoMA 's board of trustees decided to sell its equities in order to move into an all - cash position . An $858 million capital campaign funded the 2002 -- 04 expansion , with David Rockefeller donating $77 million in cash . In 2005 , Rockefeller pledged an additional $100 million toward the museum 's endowment . In 2011 , Moody 's Investors Service , a bond rating agency , rated $57 million worth of new debt in 2010 with a positive outlook and echoed their Aa2 bond credit rating for the underlying institution . The agency noted that MoMA has `` superior financial flexibility with over $332 million of unrestricted financial resources , '' and has had solid attendance and record sales at its retail outlets around the city and online . Some of the challenges that Moody 's noted were the reliance that the museum has on the tourist industry in New York for its operating revenue , and a large amount of debt . The museum at the time had a 2.4 debt - to - operating revenues ratio , but it was also noted that MoMA intended to retire $370 million worth of debt in the next few years . Standard & Poor 's raised its long - term rating for the museum as it benefited from the fundraising of its trustees . After construction expenses for the new galleries are covered , the Modern estimates that some $65 million will go to its $650 million endowment . MoMA spent $32 million to acquire art for the fiscal year ending in June 2012 . MoMA employs about 815 people . The museum 's tax filings from the past few years suggest a shift among the highest paid employees from curatorial staff to management . The museum 's director Glenn D. Lowry earned $1.6 million in 2009 and lives in a rent - free $6 million apartment above the museum . Key people ( edit ) Officers and the board of trustees ( edit ) Currently , the board of trustees includes 46 trustees and 15 life trustees . Even including the board 's 14 `` honorary '' trustees , who do not have voting rights and do not play as direct a role in the museum , this amounts to an average individual contribution of more than $7 million . The Founders Wall was created in 2004 , when MoMA 's expansion was completed , and features the names of actual founders in addition to those who gave significant gifts ; about a half - dozen names have been added since 2004 . For example , Ileana Sonnabend 's name was added in 2012 , even though she was only 15 when the museum was established in 1929 . Honorary chairman -- David Rockefeller Honorary chairman -- Ronald S. Lauder Chairman emeritus -- Robert B. Menschel President emerita -- Agnes Gund President emeritus -- Donald B. Marron Chairman -- Jerry I. Speyer Co-Chairman -- Leon D. Black President -- Marie - Josée Kravis Vice chairmen : Sid R. Bass Mimi Haas Marlene Hess Richard E. Salomon Director -- Glenn D. Lowry Treasurer -- Richard E. Salomon Assistant treasurer -- James Gara Secretary -- Patty Lipshultz Board of trustees ( edit ) Board of trustees : Wallis Annenberg Sid R. Bass Lawrence B. Benenson Leon D. Black Clarissa Alcock Bronfman Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Edith Cooper Paula Crown David Dechman Anne Dias Glenn Dubin John Elkann Laurence D. Fink Kathleen Fuld Howard Gardner Mimi Haas Alexandra A. Herzan Marlene Hess Jill Kraus Marie - Josée Kravis Ronald S. Lauder Thomas H. Lee Michael Lynne Khalil Gibran Muhammad Philip S. Niarchos James G. Niven Peter Norton Maja Oeri Michael S. Ovitz David Rockefeller Jr . Sharon Percy Rockefeller Richard E. Salomon Marcus Samuelsson Anna Marie Shapiro Anna Deavere Smith Jerry I. Speyer Ricardo Steinbruch Daniel Sundheim Alice M. Tisch Edgar Wachenheim III Gary Winnick Life trustees : Eli Broad Douglas S. Cramer Joel S. Ehrenkranz Gianluigi Gabetti Agnes Gund Barbara Jakobson Werner H. Kramarsky June Noble Larkin Donald Marron Robert B. Menschel Peter G. Peterson Emily Rauh Pulitzer David Rockefeller Jeanne C. Thayer Joan Tisch Honorary trustees : Lin Arison Jan Cowles Lewis B. Cullman H.R.H. Duke Franz of Bavaria Maurice R. Greenberg Wynton Marsalis Richard E. Oldenburg Richard Rogers Ted Sann Gilbert Silverman Yoshio Taniguchi Eugene V. Thaw Directors ( edit ) Alfred H. Barr , Jr. ( 1929 -- 43 ) No director ( 1943 -- 9 ; the job was handled by the chairman of the museum 's coordination committee and the director of the Curatorial Department ) Rene d'Harnoncourt ( 1949 -- 68 ) Bates Lowry ( 1968 -- 69 ) John Brantley Hightower ( 1970 -- 2 ) Richard Oldenburg ( 1972 -- 95 ) Glenn D. Lowry ( 1995 -- present ) Chief curators ( edit ) Klaus Biesenbach , director of MoMA PS1 and chief curator at large ( 2009 -- present ) Barry Bergdoll , chief curator of architecture and design ( 2007 -- 13 ) Sabine Breitwieser , chief curator of media and performance art ( 2010 -- 3 ) Christophe Cherix , chief curator of prints and illustrated books ( 2010 -- 3 ) , drawings and prints ( 2013 -- present ) Stuart Comer , chief curator of media and performance art ( 2014 -- present ) Cornelia Butler , chief curator of drawings ( 2006 -- 13 ) Quentin Bajac , chief curator of photography ( 2012 -- present ) Rajendra Roy , chief curator of film ( 2007 -- present ) Martino Stierli , chief curator of architecture and design ( 2015 -- present ) Ann Temkin , chief curator of painting and sculpture ( 2008 -- present ) See also ( edit ) New York City portal Alfred H. Barr , Jr . Rene d'Harnoncourt List of museums and cultural institutions in New York City Dorothy Canning Miller Sam Hunter John D. Rockefeller , Jr . Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Talk to Me ( exhibition ) The Family of Man exhibit ( 1955 ) WikiProject MoMA References ( edit ) Notes ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Top 100 Art Museum Attendance , The Art Newspaper , 2014 . Retrieved July 15 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Kleiner , Fred S. ; Christin J. Mamiya ( 2005 ) . `` The Development of Modernist Art : The Early 20th Century '' . Gardner 's Art through the Ages : The Western Perspective . Thomson Wadsworth . p. 796 . ISBN 0 - 495 - 00478 - 2 . The Museum of Modern Art in New York City is consistently identified as the institution most responsible for developing modernist art ... the most influential museum of modern art in the world . Jump up ^ Museum of Modern Art -- New York Art World Archived February 23 , 2009 , at the Wayback Machine . ^ Jump up to : `` MoMA '' . Jump up ^ `` MoMA '' . Jump up ^ `` The Museum of Modern Art '' . The Art Story . Retrieved May 12 , 2015 . Jump up ^ First modern art museum featuring European works in Manhattan -- Michael FitzGerald , Making Modernism : Picasso and the Creation of the Market for Twentieth - Century Art . New York : Farrar , Straus and Giroux , 1995. p. 120 . Jump up ^ `` Seattle Camera Club from Kathy Muir '' . Retrieved December 31 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Smith , Roberta ( September 11 , 2015 ) . `` Review : Picasso , Completely Himself in 3 Dimensions '' . The New York Times . Retrieved December 3 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Origins of MoMA and first successful loan exhibition -- see John Ensor Harr and Peter J. Johnson , The Rockefeller Century : Three Generations of America 's Greatest Family , New York : Charles Scribner 's Sons , 1988 . pp. 217 -- 18 . Jump up ^ Carter B. Horsley . `` The Crown Building ( formerly the Heckscher Building ) '' . The City Review . ^ Jump up to : Bernice Kert , Abby Aldrich Rockefeller : The Woman in the Family . New York : Random House , 1993 . Jump up ^ MoMA 's international prominence through the Picasso retrospective of 1939 -- 40 -- see FitzGerald , op . cit . ( pp. 243 -- 62 ) Jump up ^ Carol Vogel , Two Museums Go to Court Over the Right to Picassos , The New York Times , 8 December 2007 Jump up ^ `` Art : Beautiful Doings '' . . May 22 , 1939 . Jump up ^ the making of : movies , art , &c. , by greg allen . ( September 2 , 2010 ) . Retrieved September 4 , 2010 . Jump up ^ M. Paul Holsinger , `` And Babies '' in War and American Popular Culture , Greenwood Press , 1999 , pg. 363 ^ Jump up to : Francis Frascina . Art , politics , and dissent : aspects of the art left in sixties America , pgs. 175 - 186 + discuss the creation of the poster . Jump up ^ Peter Howard Selz , Susan Landauer . Art of engagement : visual politics in California and beyond , pg. 46 . Jump up ^ Kenneth R. Allan , `` Understanding Information , '' ed . Michael Corris , Conceptual Art , Theory , Myth , and Practice ( Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2004 ) , 147 -- 148 . Jump up ^ `` Two Museums Go to Court Over the Right to Picassos '' . The New York Times . December 8 , 2007 . Jump up ^ NY Times Artsbeat , Judge Rebukes Museums for Secret Picasso Settlement Jump up ^ Museum of Modern Art Expansion . . Retrieved September 2 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Carol Vogel ( January 3 , 2007 ) , MoMA to Gain Exhibition Space by Selling Adjacent Lot for $125 Million New York Times . Jump up ^ Updike , John ( November 15 , 2004 ) . `` Invisible Cathedral '' . The New Yorker . Archived from the original on September 26 , 2014 . Retrieved December 12 , 2010 . Nothing in the new building is obtrusive , nothing is cheap . It feels breathless with unspared expense . It has the enchantment of a bank after hours , of a honeycomb emptied of honey and flooded with a soft glow . Jump up ^ Smith , Roberta ( November 1 , 2006 ) . `` Tate Modern 's Rightness Versus MoMA 's Wrongs '' . New York Times . Archived from the original on October 14 , 2007 . Retrieved February 27 , 2007 . The museum 's big , bleak , irrevocably formal lobby atrium ... is space that the Modern could ill afford to waste , and such frivolousness continues in its visitor amenities : the hard - to - find escalators and elevators , the too - narrow glass - sided bridges , the two - star restaurant on prime garden real estate where there should be an affordable cafeteria ... Yoshio Taniguchi 's MoMA is a beautiful building that plainly does n't work . Jump up ^ Rybczynski , Witold ( March 30 , 2005 ) . `` Street Cred : Another Way of Looking at the New MOMA '' . . Archived from the original on January 20 , 2012 . Retrieved February 27 , 2007 . Jump up ^ MoMA Builds . MoMA ( November 20 , 2004 ) . Retrieved September 4 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Taylor , Kate ( May 10 , 2011 ) . `` MoMA to Buy Building Used by Museum of Folk Art '' . The New York Times . Archived from the original on May 27 , 2011 . Retrieved September 25 , 2014 . Jump up ^ MoMA 's $31.2 M purchase of American Folk Art Museum closes . ( August 4 , 2011 ) . Retrieved September 4 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Goldberger , Paul ( January 8 , 2014 ) . `` Friendly Fire on the Culture Front ? Why the Museum of Modern Art is Making a Fatal Mistake '' . Vanity Fair . Archived from the original on July 14 , 2014 . Retrieved September 29 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Pogrebin , Robin ( January 8 , 2014 ) . `` A Grand Redesign of MoMA Does Not Spare a Notable Neighbor '' . The New York Times . Archived from the original on September 29 , 2014 . Retrieved September 29 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Denzer , Anthony ( 2008 ) . Gregory Ain : The Modern Home as Social Commentary . Rizzoli Publications . ISBN 0 - 8478 - 3062 - 4 . Jump up ^ MoMA Announces Selection of Five Architects to Display Prefabricated Homes Outside Museum in Summer 2008 Jump up ^ Pogrebin , Robin ( January 8 , 2008 ) . `` Is Prefab Fab ? MoMA Plans a Show '' . The New York Times . Archived from the original on September 26 , 2014 . Retrieved May 24 , 2008 . Jump up ^ William E. Jones , introduction to Cruising the Movies , South Pasadena , California , Semiotext ( e ) , 2015 , ISBN 9781584351719 , p. 31 . Jump up ^ `` Todd Webb , 94 , Peripatetic Photographer '' . The New York Times . April 22 , 2000 . Archived from the original on April 3 , 2012 . Retrieved October 10 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Smith , Roberta ( October 12 , 1991 ) . `` Peter Galassi Is Modern 's Photo Director '' . The New York Times . Archived from the original on November 19 , 2010 . Retrieved September 25 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` History of MoMA Film Collection '' . Retrieved October 13 , 2012 . Jump up ^ The Museum of Modern Art , New York , Harry N. Abrams , Incorporated , New York , 1997 , p. 527 Jump up ^ `` MoMA '' . Jump up ^ `` Arcade -- New York Art Resources Consortium -- Artists ' Books '' . Jump up ^ `` MoMA '' . ^ Jump up to : Broome , Beth : A Landmark Acquisition for MoMA 's Architecture and Design Department in the Architectural Record , November 4 , 2011 ^ Jump up to : MoMA : Architecture and Design , retrieved November 30 , 2011 Jump up ^ MOMA : Philip Johnson Papers in The Museum of Modern Art Archives , 1995 Jump up ^ `` Frank Lloyd Wright Exhibition Set to Open at MoMA '' . Jump up ^ Robert Sullivan . `` -- Vogue '' . Vogue . Jump up ^ `` Frank Lloyd Wright and the City : Density vs. Dispersal '' . The Museum of Modern Art . Jump up ^ `` Frank Lloyd Wright '' . The Museum of Modern Art . Jump up ^ Antonelli , Paola ( November 29 , 2012 ) . `` Video Games : 14 in the Collection , for Starters '' . MoMA . Archived from the original on November 30 , 2012 . Retrieved November 30 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Erica Orden ( June 29 , 2010 ) , MoMA Attendance Hits Record High Wall Street Journal . Jump up ^ Philip Boroff ( January 12 , 2012 ) , MoMA Visitors Fall , Met Museum 's Rise , Led by Blockbusters Bloomberg . Jump up ^ Carol Vogel ( September 25 , 2012 ) , MoMA Plans to Be Open Every Day New York Times . ^ Jump up to : Philip Boroff ( August 10 , 2009 ) , Museum of Modern Art 's Lowry Earned $1.32 Million in 2008 -- 2009 Bloomberg . ^ Jump up to : Arianne Cohen ( June 3 , 2007 ) , A Museum New York Magazine . Jump up ^ Carol Vogel ( April 13 , 2005 ) , MoMA to Receive Its Largest Cash Gift New York Times . Jump up ^ Katya Kazakina ( April 11 , 2012 ) , S&P Raises Museum of Modern Art 's Debt Rating on Management Bloomberg . Jump up ^ Robin Pogrebin ( July 22 , 2013 ) , ( Qatar Uses Its Riches to Buy Art Treasures ) New York Times . ^ Jump up to : Hugh Eakin ( November 7 , 2004 ) , MoMA 's Funding : A Very Modern Art , Indeed New York Times . Jump up ^ Philip Boroff ( August 1 , 2011 ) , MoMA Raises Admission to $25 , Paid Director Lowry $1.6 Million Bloomberg . Jump up ^ `` Plum Benefit to Cultural Post : Tax - Free Housing , '' Kevin Flynn and Stephanie Strom , August 9 , 2010 , New York Times . Jump up ^ Patricia Cohen ( November 28 , 2012 ) , MoMA Gains Treasure That Met Also Coveted New York Times . Jump up ^ `` Promoted to Director Of Modern Art Museum '' . New York Times . Archived from the original on July 19 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` A.H. Barr Jr . Retires at Modern Museum ; Director Since 1929 to Devote His Full Time to Writing on Art '' . New York Times . Archived from the original on July 22 , 2014 . Further reading ( edit ) Allan , Kenneth R. `` Understanding Information , '' in Conceptual Art : Theory , Myth , and Practice . Ed . Michael Corris . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2004 . pp. 144 -- 168 . Barr , Alfred H ; Sandler , Irving ; Newman , Amy ( 1986 - 01 - 01 ) . Defining modern art : selected writings of Alfred H. Barr , Jr . New York : Abrams . ISBN 0810907151 . Bee , Harriet S. and Michelle Elligott . Art in Our Time . A Chronicle of the Museum of Modern Art , New York 2004 , ISBN 0 - 87070 - 001 - 4 . Fitzgerald , Michael C. Making Modernism : Picasso and the Creation of the Market for Twentieth - Century Art . New York : Farrar , Straus and Giroux , 1995 . Geiger , Stephan . The Art of Assemblage . The Museum of Modern Art , 1961 . Die neue Realität der Kunst in den frühen sechziger Jahren , ( Diss . University Bonn 2005 ) , München 2008 , ISBN 978 - 3 - 88960 - 098 - 1 . Harr , John Ensor and Peter J. Johnson . The Rockefeller Century : Three Generations of America 's Greatest Family . New York : Charles Scribner 's Sons , 1988 . Kert , Bernice . Abby Aldrich Rockefeller : The Woman in the Family . New York : Random House , 1993 . Lynes , Russell , Good Old Modern : An Intimate Portrait of the Museum of Modern Art , New York : Athenaeum , 1973 . Reich , Cary . The Life of Nelson A. Rockefeller : Worlds to Conquer 1908 -- 1958 . New York : Doubleday , 1996 . Rockefeller , David . Memoirs . New York : Random House , 2002 . Schulze , Franz . Philip Johnson : Life and Work . Chicago : University Of Chicago Press , 1996 . Staniszewski , Mary Anne . The Power of Display . A History of Exhibition Installations at the Museum of Modern Art , MIT Press 1998 , ISBN 0 - 262 - 19402 - 3 . Wilson , Kristina . The Modern Eye : Stieglitz , MoMA , and the Art of the Exhibition , 1925 -- 1934 . New Haven : Yale University Press , 2009 . Glenn Lowry . The Museum of Modern Art in this Century . 2009 Paperback : 50 pages . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Museum of Modern Art ( New York City ) . Official website Jeffers , Wendy ( November 2004 ) . `` Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Patron of the modern '' . Magazine Antiques. 166 ( 55 ) : 118 . 14873617 . Retrieved January 28 , 2016 -- via EBSCOhost . ( Subscription required ( help ) ) . New York Times , 2007 : Donors Sweetened Director 's Pay At MoMA , Prompting Questions Controversy over the compensation package of MoMA 's Director , Glenn D. Lowry . Taniguchi and the New MOMA Museum Conservation Lab Renovation MoMA Exhibition History List ( 1929 -- Present ) Museums in Manhattan Financial District and Battery Park ( Below Chambers St ) Castle Clinton China Institute Federal Hall Fraunces Tavern George Gustav Heye Center Mmuseumm Museum of American Finance Museum of Jewish Heritage New York City Police Museum Skyscraper Museum South Street Seaport Lower Manhattan ( Chambers - 14th Sts ) Asian American Arts Centre Drawing Center Eldridge Street Synagogue FusionArts Museum International Center of Photography Lower East Side Tenement Museum Merchant 's House Museum Museum of Chinese in America New Museum New York City Fire Museum The Theatre Museum Ukrainian Museum Whitney Museum of American Art Chelsea , Flatiron , Gramercy ( 14th - 34th Sts ) Center for Jewish History International Print Center New York John J. Harvey The Museum at FIT Museum of Mathematics Museum of Sex Rubin Museum of Art Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace Tibet House Midtown ( 34th - 59th Sts ) Girl Scout Museum and Archives Intrepid Sea , Air & Space Museum Japan Society John M. Mossman Lock Museum Madame Tussauds Morgan Library & Museum Museum of Arts and Design Museum of Modern Art New York Public Library Main Branch New York Transit Museum Paley Center for Media Scandinavia House United Nations Art Collection Upper West Side ( 59th - 125th Sts west of 5th Av ) American Folk Art Museum American Museum of Natural History Rose Center for Earth and Space Children 's Museum of Manhattan Museum of Biblical Art New York Public Library for the Performing Arts New - York Historical Society Nicholas Roerich Museum Rose Museum Upper East Side and East Harlem ( 59th - 125th Sts along or east of 5th Av ) Asia Society El Museo del Barrio Frick Collection Gracie Mansion Grolier Club Guggenheim Museum Jewish Museum Met Breuer Metropolitan Museum of Art Mount Vernon Hotel Museum Museum of Motherhood Museum of the City of New York National Academy Museum and School Upper Manhattan ( Above 125th St ) American Academy of Arts and Letters The Cloisters Dyckman House Hamilton Grange National Memorial Hispanic Society of America Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center Morris -- Jumel Mansion National Jazz Museum in Harlem National Track and Field Hall of Fame Neue Galerie New York Yeshiva University Museum Studio Museum in Harlem Islands Ellis Island Statue of Liberty Defunct Chelsea Art Museum Dahesh Museum of Art Forbes Galleries Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art Museum of Primitive Art See also : Museum Mile Popular visitor attractions in New York City Times Square ( 35M ) Central Park ( 20M ) Metropolitan Museum of Art ( 5.2 M ) High Line ( 5M ) Statue of Liberty ( 4.24 M ) American Museum of Natural History ( 4M ) Empire State Building ( 4M ) Museum of Modern Art ( 2.67 M ) See also : Tourism in New York City Academy Honorary Award 1928 -- 1950 Warner Bros. / Charlie Chaplin ( 1928 ) Walt Disney ( 1932 ) Shirley Temple ( 1934 ) D.W. Griffith ( 1935 ) The March of Time / W. Howard Greene and Harold Rosson ( 1936 ) Edgar Bergen / W. Howard Greene / Museum of Modern Art Film Library / Mack Sennett ( 1937 ) J. Arthur Ball / Walt Disney / Deanna Durbin and Mickey Rooney / Gordon Jennings , Jan Domela , Devereaux Jennings , Irmin Roberts , Art Smith , Farciot Edouart , Loyal Griggs , Loren L. Ryder , Harry D. Mills , Louis Mesenkop , Walter Oberst / Oliver T. Marsh and Allen Davey / Harry Warner ( 1938 ) Douglas Fairbanks / Judy Garland / William Cameron Menzies / Motion Picture Relief Fund ( Jean Hersholt , Ralph Morgan , Ralph Block , Conrad Nagel ) / Technicolor Company ( 1939 ) Bob Hope / Nathan Levinson ( 1940 ) Walt Disney , William Garity , John N.A. Hawkins , and the RCA Manufacturing Company / Leopold Stokowski and his associates / Rey Scott / British Ministry of Information ( 1941 ) Charles Boyer / Noël Coward / Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer ( 1942 ) George Pal ( 1943 ) Bob Hope / Margaret O'Brien ( 1944 ) Republic Studio , Daniel J. Bloomberg , and the Republic Studio Sound Department / Walter Wanger / The House I Live In / Peggy Ann Garner ( 1945 ) Harold Russell / Laurence Olivier / Ernst Lubitsch / Claude Jarman Jr. ( 1946 ) James Baskett / Thomas Armat , William Nicholas Selig , Albert E. Smith , and George Kirke Spoor / Bill and Coo / Shoeshine ( 1947 ) Walter Wanger / Monsieur Vincent / Sid Grauman / Adolph Zukor ( 1948 ) Jean Hersholt / Fred Astaire / Cecil B. DeMille / The Bicycle Thief ( 1949 ) Louis B. Mayer / George Murphy / The Walls of Malapaga ( 1950 ) 1951 -- 1975 Gene Kelly / Rashomon ( 1951 ) Merian C. Cooper / Bob Hope / Harold Lloyd / George Mitchell / Joseph M. Schenck / Forbidden Games ( 1952 ) 20th Century - Fox Film Corporation / Bell & Howell Company / Joseph Breen / Pete Smith ( 1953 ) Bausch & Lomb Optical Company / Danny Kaye / Kemp Niver / Greta Garbo / Jon Whiteley / Vincent Winter / Gate of Hell ( 1954 ) Samurai I : Musashi Miyamoto ( 1955 ) Eddie Cantor ( 1956 ) Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers / Gilbert M. `` Broncho Billy '' Anderson / Charles Brackett / B.B. Kahane ( 1957 ) Maurice Chevalier ( 1958 ) Buster Keaton / Lee de Forest ( 1959 ) Gary Cooper / Stan Laurel / Hayley Mills ( 1960 ) William L. Hendricks / Fred L. Metzler / Jerome Robbins ( 1961 ) William J. Tuttle ( 1964 ) Bob Hope ( 1965 ) Yakima Canutt / Y . Frank Freeman ( 1966 ) Arthur Freed ( 1967 ) John Chambers / Onna White ( 1968 ) Cary Grant ( 1969 ) Lillian Gish / Orson Welles ( 1970 ) Charlie Chaplin ( 1971 ) Charles S. Boren / Edward G. Robinson ( 1972 ) Henri Langlois / Groucho Marx ( 1973 ) Howard Hawks / Jean Renoir ( 1974 ) Mary Pickford ( 1975 ) 1976 -- 2000 Margaret Booth ( 1977 ) Walter Lantz / Laurence Olivier / King Vidor / Museum of Modern Art Department of Film ( 1978 ) Hal Elias / Alec Guinness ( 1979 ) Henry Fonda ( 1980 ) Barbara Stanwyck ( 1981 ) Mickey Rooney ( 1982 ) Hal Roach ( 1983 ) James Stewart / National Endowment for the Arts ( 1984 ) Paul Newman / Alex North ( 1985 ) Ralph Bellamy ( 1986 ) Eastman Kodak Company / National Film Board of Canada ( 1988 ) Akira Kurosawa ( 1989 ) Sophia Loren / Myrna Loy ( 1990 ) Satyajit Ray ( 1991 ) Federico Fellini ( 1992 ) Deborah Kerr ( 1993 ) Michelangelo Antonioni ( 1994 ) Kirk Douglas / Chuck Jones ( 1995 ) Michael Kidd ( 1996 ) Stanley Donen ( 1997 ) Elia Kazan ( 1998 ) Andrzej Wajda ( 1999 ) Jack Cardiff / Ernest Lehman ( 2000 ) 2001 -- present Sidney Poitier / Robert Redford ( 2001 ) Peter O'Toole ( 2002 ) Blake Edwards ( 2003 ) Sidney Lumet ( 2004 ) Robert Altman ( 2005 ) Ennio Morricone ( 2006 ) Robert F. 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Coates / Frederick Wiseman ( 2016 ) Charles Burnett / Owen Roizman / Donald Sutherland / Agnès Varda ( 2017 ) Coordinates : 40 ° 45 ′ 41 '' N 73 ° 58 ′ 40 '' W / 40.761484 ° N 73.977664 ° W / 40.761484 ; - 73.977664 VIAF : 128460224 LCCN : n79021281 ISNI : 0000 0001 2308 2510 GND : 1007559 - 8 SUDOC : 026549867 BNF : cb11877649t ( data ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Museum of Modern Art ( New York ) Art museums in New York City Contemporary art galleries in the United States Modern art museums in the United States Museums in Manhattan Museums of American art Institutions founded by the Rockefeller family Art museums established in 1929 1929 establishments in New York ( state ) Buildings and structures completed in 1937 Buildings and structures completed in 2004 Edward Durell Stone buildings Kohn Pedersen Fox buildings Philip Johnson buildings Midtown Manhattan Modernist architecture in New York City Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Use mdy dates from March 2017 Use American English from December 2015 All Wikipedia articles written in American English Pages using deprecated image syntax Pages using New York City Subway service templates Articles containing potentially dated statements from March 2015 All articles containing potentially dated statements Pages containing links to subscription - only content Coordinates on Wikidata Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Alemannisch Azərbaycanca Беларуская Български Bosanski Català Чӑвашла Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Galego 한국어 Հայերեն Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano עברית ქართული Latviešu Magyar مازِرونی Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk پنجابی Polski Português Română Русский Simple English Српски / srpski Suomi Svenska தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 15 October 2017 , at 07 : 06 . 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"The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA /ˈmoʊmə/) is an art museum located in Midtown Manhattan in New York City, on 53rd Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues."
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"Midtown Manhattan in New York City, on 53rd Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues"
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-9054657535155656199 | Brazilian jiu-jitsu ranking system | Brazilian jiu - jitsu ranking system - Wikipedia Brazilian jiu - jitsu ranking system Main article : Brazilian jiu - jitsu See also : Gracie jiu - jitsu ranking system The Brazilian jiu - jitsu ranking system is a means of signifying a practitioner 's increasing levels of technical knowledge and practical skill within the art of Brazilian jiu - jitsu . Colored belts that are worn as part of the uniform are awarded to the practitioner . While the ranking system 's structure shares its origins with the judo ranking system and that of all colored martial arts belts , the Brazilian jiu - jitsu ranking system grew to incorporate unique aspects and themes . The system has minor differences from Judo in areas such as a division between youths and adults and the issuance of stripes and degrees . Some distinct differences have become synonymous with the art , such as a marked informality in promotional criteria , a focus on a competitive demonstration of skill , and a conservative approach to promotion . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Adult belt ranks 2.1 White belt 2.2 Blue belt 2.3 Purple belt 2.4 Brown belt 2.5 Black belt 2.6 Red / Black belt ( Coral belt ) 2.7 Red / White belt ( Coral belt ) 2.8 Red belt 3 Promotion criteria 3.1 Formal testing 3.2 Competitions 4 Stripes / degrees 5 Extra-promotional 6 See also 7 References History ( edit ) In 1907 , Kanō Jigorō , the founder of judo , introduced the use of belts ( obi ) and gi ( judogi ) in the martial arts , replacing the practice of training in formal kimonos . In 1914 , Kanō 's pupil Mitsuyo Maeda arrived in Brazil , a journey which led to the development of Brazilian jiu - jitsu . At the time Kanō used only white and black belts , with white representing the beginner , as a color of purity and simplicity , and black being the opposite , representing one who is filled with knowledge . Some believe that Mikonosuke Kawaishi was the first to introduce additional colors in 1935 when he began teaching Judo in Paris , ten years after Carlos Gracie opened his academy in Brazil . Kawaishi thought that a more structured system of colored belts would provide the student with visible rewards to show progress , increasing motivation and retention . Since then , Brazilian jiu - jitsu , judo , and many other martial arts have adopted the use of colored belts to denote students ' progression in the arts . The first official belt ranking system was created in 1967 by the Jiu - Jitsu Federation of Guanabara . Much of the current criteria and modern belt ranks were implemented by the Sport Jiu Jitsu International Federation ( SJJIF ) and International Brazilian Jiu - Jitsu Federation . Adult belt ranks ( edit ) White belt ( edit ) White belt is the beginning rank for all Brazilian jiu - jitsu students . White belt is the first belt within Brazilian jiu - jitsu . The rank is held by any practitioner new to the art and has no prerequisite . Some instructors and other high - level practitioners think that a white belt 's training should emphasize escapes and defensive positioning since a white belt will often fight from inferior positions , especially when training with more experienced practitioners . Most academies will additionally require that a white belt level practitioner works to obtain a well - rounded skills set , with a knowledge of basic offensive moves , such as common submissions and guard passes . Blue belt ( edit ) The IBJJF requires a practitioner remain a blue belt for a minimum of two years . Blue belt is most often the second adult rank in the Brazilian jiu - jitsu . At the blue belt level , students gain a wide breadth of technical knowledge and undertake hundreds of hours of mat time to learn how to implement these moves efficiently . Blue belt is often the rank at which the student learns a large number of techniques . Not all Brazilian jiu - jitsu schools or regulatory bodies award the blue belt as the second adult belt . Although many Brazilian jiu - jitsu organizations adhere to the IBJJF standard of awarding the yellow , orange , and green belt exclusively as part of a youth belt system ( under 16 years of age ) , some supplement the time between white belt and blue belt with one or more belts of these colors . The IBJJF requires that a practitioner be at least 16 years old to receive a blue belt , thereby officially entering into the adult belt system . Purple belt ( edit ) The IBJJF requires a practitioner remain a purple belt for a minimum of 18 months . Purple belt is the intermediate adult ranking in Brazilian jiu - jitsu . The purple belt level practitioner has gained a large amount of knowledge , and purple belts are generally considered qualified to help instruct lower - ranked students . The IBJJF requires students to be at least 16 years old and recommends they have spent a minimum of two years ranked as a blue belt to be eligible for a purple belt , with slightly different requirements for those graduating directly from the youth belts . Brown belt ( edit ) The IBJJF requires a practitioner remain a brown belt for a minimum of one year . Aside from the exceptional belts awarded at the highest levels , brown belt is the highest ranking color belt in Brazilian jiu - jitsu . Brown belt typically requires at least five years of dedicated training to achieve . It is often thought of as a time for refining techniques . The IBJJF requires that students be at least 18 years old and recommends they have spent a minimum of 18 months as a purple belt to be eligible for a brown belt . Black belt ( edit ) The IBJJF requires a practitioner remain a black belt for a minimum of 5 + years . As with many other martial arts , the black belt is the highest common belt within Brazilian jiu - jitsu , denoting an expert level of technical and practical skills . Brazilian jiu - jitsu black belts are often addressed within the art as professor , although some schools and organizations reserve this honorific for more senior black belts holders . The IBJJF requires that a student be at least 19 years old and recommends they have spent a minimum of 1 year ranked as a brown belt to be eligible for a black belt . The black belt itself has six different degrees of expertise . Red / black belt ( coral belt ) ( edit ) The IBJJF requires a practitioner remain a black & red belt for a minimum of 7 years . When a Brazilian jiu - jitsu black belt reaches the seventh degree , he or she is awarded an alternating red - and - black belt similar to the one earned at the sixth degree in Judo . This belt is commonly known as a coral belt . Coral belts are very experienced practitioners , most of whom have made a large impact on Brazilian jiu - jitsu , and are often addressed within the art by the title master . Red / white belt ( coral belt ) ( edit ) The IBJJF requires a practitioner remain a white & red belt for a minimum of 10 years . The International Brazilian jiu - jitsu Federation in 2013 , amended the graduation guidelines with respect to the transition between seventh degree and eighth degree black belt . In short , a practitioner who has achieved the rank of 8th degree black belt will wear a red and white belt , which is also commonly called a coral belt . Red belt ( edit ) The 9th degree red belt is the highest rank awarded to any currently living practitioner of Brazilian jiu - jitsu . According to Renzo and Royler Gracie , in Brazilian jiu - jitsu the red belt is reserved `` for those whose influence and fame takes them to the pinnacle of the art '' . It is awarded in lieu of a ninth and tenth degree black belt . If a practitioner receives his or her black belt at 19 years old , the earliest they could expect to receive a ninth degree red belt would be at the age of 67 . Brazilian jiu - jitsu red belt holders are often addressed within the art by the title grandmaster . The 10th degree was given only to the pioneers of Brazilian Jiu - Jitsu , the Gracie brothers : Carlos , Oswaldo , George , Gaston and Helio . Promotion criteria ( edit ) Few published guidelines or standards determine when a practitioner is ready for promotion ; the criterion is generally determined by individual instructors and / or academies . The IBJJF maintains an extensive graduation system that takes into account time - in - grade and membership standing , but makes no mention of specific performance or skill requirements . When instructors or academies comment on the criteria for promotion , the most widely accepted measures are the amount of technical and conceptual knowledge a practitioner can demonstrate , and ; performance in grappling ( randori ) within the academy and / or competition . Technical and conceptual knowledge are judged by the number of techniques a student can perform , and the level of skill with which they are performed in live grappling , allowing smaller and older practitioners to be recognized for their knowledge , although they may not be the strongest fighters in the school . Brazilian jiu - jitsu is a distinctly individual sport , and practitioners are encouraged to adapt the techniques to their body type , strategic preferences , and level of athleticism . The ultimate criterion for promotion is the ability to execute the techniques successfully , rather than strict stylistic compliance . Formal testing ( edit ) Brazilian jiu - jitsu has had an informal approach to belt promotions , in which one or more instructors subjectively agree that a given student is ready for the next rank . In recent years some academies have moved toward a more systematic , formal testing approach , especially true for lower ranked students , where the decision to promote is arguably the least contentious . One of the first instructors to publicly publish formal testing criteria was Roy Harris , who has formalized his promotion tests from white belt to black belt . Formal testing is now becoming commonplace in many Gracie Academies and organizations such as Alliance . Some Gracie systems have introduced formal online testing where the student can upload his or her qualification videos to qualify for promotion . Formal tests are generally based around the same elements as a normal promotion , such as the student 's technical and conceptual knowledge and the ability to apply those techniques against a resisting opponent . Some tests take other aspects , such as a student 's personal character or a basic knowledge of the history of the art , into account . Formal testing may require the payment of testing fees and a require a minimum of pre-testing private lessons with the instructor . Competitions ( edit ) Students are generally encouraged to compete , as this can help them gain experience . Competition allows instructors to gauge students ' abilities while grappling with a fully resisting opponent , and it is common for a promotion to follow a good competition performance . In most academies , competing is not essential for promotion , but in a minority of schools , competing is not only endorsed but is required . Stripes / degrees ( edit ) A blue belt with three stripes . In addition to the belt system , many academies award stripes as a form of intra-belt recognition of progress and skill . The cumulative number of stripes earned serves as an indication of the student 's skill level relative to others within the same belt rank . Stripes may consist of small pieces of cloth sewn onto the sleeve of the belt , or simple pieces of tape applied to it . Although the exact application , such as the number of stripes allowed for each belt , varies between institutions , the IBJJF sets out a general system under which four stripes can be added before the student may be considered for promotion to the next bjj belt . Stripes are only used for ranks prior to black belt . After black belt is achieved , the markings are known as degrees and are awarded formally . Time - in - grade and skill level are both important factors . Stripes are not used in every academy and , where they are used , they may not be applied consistently . Extra-promotional ( edit ) A tradition practiced in some Brazilian jiu - jitsu schools immediately after a promotion , is known as `` running the gauntlet '' ( `` passar no corredor '' in Portuguese ) . This generally follows one of two basic patterns . The newly promoted student is hit on their back with belts -- once by each of their fellow practitioners -- as he or she walks or runs past ( `` faixada '' in Portuguese ) , or he or she may be thrown by each instructor and sometimes also by each student in the academy of equal or higher grade . Advocates for the custom argue that `` running the gauntlet '' serves as a method of team building and reinforces camaraderie between classmates . Other initiation customs may involve being hip - tossed by the instructor in a controlled manner . See also ( edit ) List of Brazilian jiu - jitsu practitioners Jiu - Jitsu Federation of Rio de Janeiro Black belt ( martial arts ) Sandbagging ( grappling ) References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Camargo , Bruno . `` IBJJF Graduation system '' . Retrieved August 26 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Gracie , Renzo & Royler ( 2001 ) . Brazilian Jiu - Jitsu : Theory and Technique . Invisible Cities Press Llc . p. 304 . ISBN 1 - 931229 - 08 - 2 . ^ Jump up to : Ohlenkamp , Neil ( January 5 , 2009 ) . `` The Judo Rank System '' . Retrieved October 16 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` A Comprehensive History of Gracie Jiu - Jitsu '' . Retrieved October 16 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Riberiro , Saulo ( 2008 ) . Jiu - Jitsu University . Victory Belt Publishing . p. 368 . ISBN 0 - 9815044 - 3 - 4 . ^ Jump up to : Harris , Roy ( February 7 , 2006 ) . `` Harris International Blue Belt Requirements '' . Retrieved October 16 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` Alliance Belt Requirements '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved July 31 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` IBJJF Graduation System '' ( PDF ) . A poster issued by the IBJJF as a visual summary of belt rank information . p. 8 . Retrieved April 11 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Harris , Roy ( October 12 , 2005 ) . `` Progression in Brazilian jiu - jitsu '' . Retrieved October 26 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Leduc , Josh . `` BJJ Green Belt '' . BJJ Today . Retrieved 4 December 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Sistema de faixas '' . Federacao Mineira De jiu - jitsu . Retrieved 4 December 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Five Rings Brazilian Jiu - Jitsu '' ( PDF ) . A BJJ school 's schedule showing different classes for adult yellow , orange , and green belts . Retrieved 4 December 2014 . Jump up ^ Thornton , Matt ( February 13 , 2007 ) . `` Exploring the map '' . Retrieved July 31 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` General System of Graduation '' ( PDF ) . p. 8 . Retrieved October 8 , 2015 . ^ Jump up to : `` Official Federation Belt Rankings '' . 2000 . Retrieved November 8 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Recommended Standardized Brazilian Jiu - Jitsu Belt Structure '' ( PDF ) . March 2012 . Retrieved November 8 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` BJJ Belt Faq '' . Retrieved November 8 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` A Day With A Brazilian jiu - jitsu Coral Belt '' . May 27 , 2011 . Retrieved October 24 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Joe Moreira BJJ '' . Retrieved October 24 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` IBJJF GENERAL SYSTEM OF GRADUATION '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved April 11 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` RED AND WHITE CORAL BELT ARCHIVES '' . Retrieved May 16 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` IBJJF GENERAL SYSTEM OF GRADUATION '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved April 11 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` Team Tookie belt requirements '' . Retrieved October 27 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : `` History & Ranking '' . Retrieved July 31 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` BJJ Promotions Through Tennessee BJJ Club '' . Retrieved November 2 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Brazilian jiu - jitsu FAQ '' . Retrieved October 16 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Matt Hudson '' . Retrieved November 2 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Harris , Roy ( April 1 , 2009 ) . `` Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Belt Promotions '' . Retrieved November 2 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Training Programs '' . 2011 . Retrieved April 6 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` SBG Belt Testing '' . Retrieved November 2 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` Royce Gracie Jiu - Jitsu Network Official Belt Ranking System '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved November 3 , 2009 . ^ Jump up to : Goldberg , Elyse ( May 11 , 2009 ) . `` Jiu Jitsu , Anthropology , Societies , Rituals '' . Retrieved November 2 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Burosh , Matt ( June 2009 ) . `` Becoming a black belt '' . Archived from the original on July 11 , 2011 . Retrieved November 3 , 2009 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Brazilian jiu - jitsu Martial arts ranking Hidden categories : Use American English from November 2012 All Wikipedia articles written in American English All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from October 2015 All articles with vague or ambiguous time Vague or ambiguous time from November 2012 Articles with unsourced statements from March 2016 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Italiano Português Edit links This page was last edited on 3 April 2018 , at 09 : 12 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | what level is purple belt in jiu jitsu | [
"Purple belt is the intermediate adult ranking in Brazilian jiu-jitsu.[1] The purple belt level practitioner has gained a large amount of knowledge, and purple belts are generally considered qualified to help instruct lower-ranked students."
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"intermediate adult ranking"
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3298581191518111323 | Samsung Galaxy S8 | Samsung Galaxy S8 - wikipedia Samsung Galaxy S8 Jump to : navigation , search Samsung Galaxy S8 Samsung Galaxy S8+ Samsung Galaxy S8 Active Samsung Galaxy S8 and the S8+ Codename Project Dream Cruiser ( Galaxy S8 Active ) Brand Samsung Galaxy Manufacturer Samsung Electronics Slogan Unbox Your Phone Series Galaxy S Model SM - G950x ( S8 ) SM - G955x ( S8+ ) ( Last letter varies by carrier and international models ) Compatible networks 2G 3G 4G 4G LTE First released 21 April 2017 ; 13 months ago ( 2017 - 04 - 21 ) Availability by country 21 April 2017 ( show ) South Korea Canada United States Taiwan 28 April 2017 ( show ) Australia Ireland Russia United Kingdom 29 April 2017 ( show ) Singapore 5 May 2017 ( show ) Malaysia India Pakistan Philippines New Zealand Thailand 12 May 2017 ( show ) Brazil 18 May 2017 ( show ) China 25 May 2017 ( show ) Hong Kong 8 June 2017 ( show ) Japan South Africa Units sold 20 + million Predecessor Samsung Galaxy S7 / S7 Edge Successor Samsung Galaxy S9 / S9+ Related Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Samsung Galaxy A8 ( 2018 ) Type ( S8 ) Smartphone ( S8+ ) Phablet Form factor Slate S8 : 148.9 mm × 68.1 mm × 8.0 mm ( 5.86 in × 2.68 in × 0.31 in ) S8+ : 159.5 mm × 73.4 mm × 8.1 mm ( 6.28 in × 2.89 in × 0.32 in ) Weight S8 : 155 g ( 5.5 oz ) S8+ : 173 g ( 6.1 oz ) Operating system Original : Samsung Experience 8.1 on top of Android 7.0 `` Nougat '' , upgradable to 8.0 `` Oreo '' ( without Treble ) with Samsung Experience 9.0 System on chip Global : Exynos 8895 USA / Canada / China / HK / Japan : Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 CPU Exynos : Octa - core ( 4 × 7009230000000000000 ♠ 2.3 GHz M2 Mongoose & 4 × 7009170000000000000 ♠ 1.7 GHz ) Cortex - A53 ( GTS ) Snapdragon : Octa - core ( 4 × 7009235000000000000 ♠ 2.35 GHz Kryo & 4 × 7009190000000000000 ♠ 1.9 GHz Kryo ) GPU Exynos : Mali - G71 MP20 Snapdragon : Adreno 540 Memory 4 or 7000600000000000000 ♠ 6 GB LPDDR4X RAM Storage 64 or 7012102400000000000 ♠ 128 GB UFS 2.1 / UFS 2.0 in some devices Removable storage microSDXC , expandable up to 7012204800000000000 ♠ 256 GB Battery Non-removable S8 : 7003300000000000000 ♠ 3000 mAh S8+ : 7003350000000000000 ♠ 3500 mAh Data inputs Sensors : Accelerometer Barometer Fingerprint scanner Iris scanner Geomagnetic sensor Gyroscope Hall sensor Proximity sensor Other : Physical sound volume keys Bixby key Display 2960 × 1440 1440p Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen display , S8 : 5.8 in ( 150 mm ) , 7002225000000000000 ♠ 225 ppcm ( 572 ppi ) S8+ : 6.2 in ( 160 mm ) , 7002208000000000000 ♠ 208 ppcm ( 7002529000000000000 ♠ 529 ppi ) Rear camera 7001120000000000000 ♠ 12 MP ( 6994140000000000000 ♠ 1.4 μm ) , f / 1.7 , OIS , 4K at 7001300000000000000 ♠ 30 fps , 1080p at 7001600000000000000 ♠ 60 fps , 720p at 7001300000000000000 ♠ 30 fps , slow motion 720p at 7002240000000000000 ♠ 240 fps Front camera 7000800000000000000 ♠ 8 MP , autofocus Website References The Samsung Galaxy S8 , Samsung Galaxy S8+ ( shortened to S8 and S8+ , respectively ) and Samsung Galaxy S8 Active are Android phablet smartphones ( with the S8+ being the phablet smartphone ) produced by Samsung Electronics as their eighth generation of the Samsung Galaxy S series . The S8 and S8+ were unveiled on 29 March 2017 and directly succeed the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 edge , with a North American release on 21 April 2017 and international rollout throughout April and May . The S8 Active was announced on 8 August 2017 and is exclusive to certain U.S. cellular carriers . The S8 and S8+ contain upgraded hardware and major design changes over the S7 line , including larger screens with a taller aspect ratio and curved sides on both the smaller and larger models , iris and face recognition , a new suite of virtual assistant features known as Bixby ( along with a new dedicated physical button for launching the assistant ) , a shift from MicroUSB to USB - C charging , and Samsung DeX , a docking station accessory that allows the phones to be used with a desktop interface with keyboard and mouse input support . The S8 Active features tougher materials designed for protection against shock , shatter , water and dust , with a metal frame and a tough texture for improved grip that makes the S8 Active have a rugged design . The Active 's screen measures the same size as the standard S8 model but loses the curved edges in favor of a metal frame . The S8 and S8+ received mostly positive reviews . Their design and form factor received praise , while critics also liked the updated software and camera optimizations . They received criticism for duplicate software apps , lackluster Bixby features at launch , for the placement of the fingerprint sensor on the rear next to the camera . A video published after the phones ' release proved that the devices ' facial and iris scanners can be fooled by suitable photographs of the user . The S8 and S8+ were in high demand at release . During the pre-order period , a record one million units were booked in South Korea , and overall sales numbers were 30 % higher than the Galaxy S7 . However , subsequent reports in May announced sales of over five million units , a notably lower first - month sales number than previous Galaxy S series models . On March 11 , 2018 , Samsung unveiled the successor to the S8 flagship , the Samsung Galaxy S9 . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Specifications 2.1 Hardware 2.2 Software 3 Reception 4 Sales 5 Issues 5.1 White balance 5.2 Random restarts 5.3 Insecure facial recognition 5.4 Insecure iris recognition 5.5 SMS message reception failures 6 See also 7 References 8 External links History ( edit ) Prior to its official announcement , media outlets reported on rumors and information from industry insiders . In December 2016 , SamMobile reported that the Galaxy S8 would not feature a 3.5 mm headphone jack , later reported to be a false rumor . In January 2017 , The Guardian reported on bigger screens for both of the two phone sizes , with edge - to - edge `` infinity '' displays and very limited bezels , and an iris scanner . Additionally , The Guardian stated that the phones would come with 64 gigabytes of storage and support microSD cards , use USB - C connectors , and feature a `` Bixby '' intelligent personal assistant . Soon after , VentureBeat revealed photos of the phones and additional details , including the lack of physical navigation and home buttons , in which the fingerprint sensor was moved to the back of the phone . Evan Blass tweeted in mid-March about color options for the phones . The Galaxy S8 and S8+ were officially unveiled on 29 March 2017 , with pre-orders beginning 30 March and official U.S. release on 21 April 2017 . Following Best Buy retail listings in March , Samsung opened pre-orders for unlocked U.S. handsets on 9 May 2017 , with availability starting 31 May . The devices have also been released internationally . On 21 April 2017 , they were made available in South Korea , Canada , and Taiwan . On 28 April , they were made available in the United Kingdom , Australia , Ireland , and Russia . followed by Singapore one day later . On 5 May , they were made available in Malaysia . New Zealand , India , the Philippines , and Thailand . followed by Brazil on 12 May . On 25 May , they were made available in China , and Hong Kong . On 8 June , they were made available in Japan . In July 2017 , pictures of the Galaxy S8 Active were leaked on Reddit , and the following month , AT&T `` accidentally '' confirmed its existence through a document in a promotional campaign . It officially became available for pre-order , exclusively through AT&T , on 8 August 2017 , with in - store purchase available 11 August . VentureBeat reported in late September that the device would also become available through T - Mobile in November , and Samsung subsequently confirmed both T - Mobile and Sprint availability in early November . Specifications ( edit ) Hardware ( edit ) The Galaxy S8 and S8+ both feature 1440p OLED displays , with an 18.5 : 9 ( 37 : 18 ) aspect ratio taller than the 16 : 9 ratio used by the majority of smartphones ; the S8 has a 5.8 - inch panel , while the S8+ uses a larger 6.2 - inch panel . The displays on both devices curve along the side bezels of the device , with minimal bezels that Samsung markets as an `` Infinity Display '' , and the display panel itself has rounded edges . They use DCI - P3 , offering what screen - testing website DisplayMate describes as the largest native color gamut , highest peak brightness , highest contrast rating in ambient light , highest screen resolution , lowest reflectance , and highest contrast ratio . The S8 features an octa - core Exynos 8895 system - on - chip and 4 GB of RAM ; models in North American and East Asian markets utilize the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 instead . Both chips are manufactured by Samsung with a 10 nm process . They contain 64 GB of internal storage , expandable via microSD card . The Galaxy S8 is one of the first smartphones to support Bluetooth 5 , supporting new capabilities such as connecting two wireless headphones to the device at once . It is also bundled with Harman AKG earbuds . Both smartphones have improved satellite navigation over the predecessors by including Galileo receivers . In the United States , the S8 and S8+ are available in Midnight Black , Orchid Gray , and Arctic Silver color options , whereas gold and blue are available internationally . The blue option was made available in the U.S. in July 2017 . Unlike past Galaxy S series models , the S8 line does not feature physical navigation keys , electing to use on - screen keys instead . However , unlike other implementations , the home button can still be activated if it is hidden or the screen is off . The S8 's display features pressure sensitivity limited to the home button . To prevent the home button from burn - in damage , its position moves slightly . While The Verge claims that the S8 uses exactly the same 12 - megapixel rear camera as the S7 , though with software improvements , a report from PhoneArena claims that the phones carry new , custom camera modules . The front - facing camera was upgraded to an 8 - megapixel sensor with autofocus . The S8 features fingerprint and iris scanners ; the fingerprint reader is relocated to the rear of the device , to the left of the camera , due to the removal of the physical home button . In addition to an iris scanner , the S8 also features face - scanning as an option to unlock the phone . Face recognition technology had previously been implemented in earlier models since the Galaxy S III . The S8 and S8+ use non-removable 3000 and 3500 mAh batteries respectively ; Samsung stated that it had engineered the batteries to retain their capacity for a longer period of time than previous models . The S8 supports AirFuel Inductive ( formerly PMA ) and Qi wireless charging standards . Due to the recalls of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 , Samsung said in a press conference it is committed to stricter quality control and safety testing procedures on all of the company 's future products . Samsung also launched a Galaxy S8+ with 128 GB of storage and 6 GB of RAM exclusively in China and South Korea , and a bundle offer in the countries provides both the exclusive model and the Samsung DeX docking station . The unique variant was also released in India in June 2017 . The Galaxy S8 Active features a rugged design and significantly tougher materials to make it shock , shatter , water , and dust resistant . It has a larger battery than either of the regular S8s , at 4000 mAh . Unlike the previous phones in the Active line , the S8 Active does not have tactile buttons , instead using onscreen keys like the regular variants of the S8 . It also no longer has the dedicated action button of previous versions which could be reprogrammed to be a shortcut to favorite apps , with the action button being replaced with the Bixby button . The `` infinity '' edge display of the standard models is removed , replaced with a metal frame and bumpers in the corners to protect from shocks , while the back is fitted with a `` rugged , tough texture for a secure grip '' . Its screen also measures 5.8 inches , the size of the regular S8 , and has quad HD Super AMOLED in 18.5 : 9 aspect ratio . The S8 Active is sold in Meteor Gray , but AT&T also has a Titanium Gold color . The T - Mobile US version of the S8 Active also supports the company 's 600 MHz LTE network that was starting to be rolled out at the time the device was announced . Software ( edit ) The Galaxy S8 launched with the Android 7.0 `` Nougat '' operating system with the proprietary Samsung Experience ( formerly TouchWiz ) user interface and software suite . The software features a suite of assistant functions known as `` Bixby '' , which is designed primarily to interact with Samsung 's bundled applications and other supported services . The feature allows the use of voice commands to perform phone functions , can generate cards shown on a home screen page ( replacing the Flipboard integration formerly featured ) based on a user 's interactions , and perform searches utilizing object recognition via the camera . Bixby supports third - party integration via an SDK . The S8 supports the use of a docking station known as Samsung DeX to access a PC - like desktop environment on an external display , with support for mouse and keyboard input . On 21 April 2017 , coinciding with the phone 's official retail date , reports surfaced that the default music player on the Galaxy S8 would be Google Play Music , continuing a trend that started with the S7 in 2016 . However , for the S8 , Samsung partnered with Google to incorporate additional exclusive features into the app , including the ability to upload up to 100,000 tracks to the service 's cloud storage , an increase from the 50,000 tracks users are normally allowed to upload . Additionally , new users get a three - month free trial to the service , the same as given to users who purchase Google 's own Pixel smartphone . Furthermore , Google stated that more Samsung - exclusive features will be added to the app in the future , and that the Bixby assistant will also be supported by the app . Bixby replaces S Voice , the voice recognition technology previously found in Samsung Galaxy models . In May 2017 , Google announced that the Galaxy S8 and S8+ will support the company 's Daydream virtual reality platform after Samsung rolls out a software update scheduled for mid-2017 . In July 2017 , Verizon began rolling out an update for its devices , with support for Daydream . The Galaxy S8 was one of the first Android phones to support ARCore , Google 's augmented reality engine . In February 2018 , the official Android 8.0 Oreo update began rolling out to the Samsung Galaxy S8 , Samsung Galaxy S8+ , and Samsung Galaxy S8 Active . Reception ( edit ) The S8 Active , released in August 2017 , is a more rugged version of the S8 Besides the phone 's protective case reportedly cracking and peeling away in under 2 months of use , Dan Seifert of The Verge praised the design of the Galaxy S8 , describing it as a `` stunning device to look at and hold '' that was `` refined and polished to a literal shine '' , and adding that it `` truly does n't look like any other phone you might have used before '' . The hardware of the device was described as `` practically flawless '' . Seifert also liked the new software , writing that `` Samsung is known less for polish and more for clumsiness . In a refreshing change of pace , the software on the S8 is , dare I say , good ( sic ) '' . However , he criticized the Bixby assistant , writing that `` in its current state , it does n't do much at all '' , and also criticized the number of duplicate apps . Regarding performance , he wrote that the S8 was `` fast and responsive , but so is virtually every other premium phone you can buy , and the S8 is n't noticeably faster or quicker than a Google Pixel , LG G6 , or iPhone 7 '' . Fellow Verge reporter Vlad Savov felt that the placement of the fingerprint sensor was `` a perplexing decision if we consider it as a deliberate design choice '' , but noted reports from Korea claiming that Samsung had originally intended for the fingerprint reader to be built directly into the screen , but was unable to reach a desirable implementation in time for release . The Verge wrote that `` Samsung 's six - month - old S8 has cutting edge features and design with fewer issues than other Android phones '' like the Google Pixel 2 and LG V30 , and that the `` OLED screen stretches to the edges of the device and curves on its sides in an almost liquid fashion . It makes the S8 look just as fresh today as it did when it debuted '' , and pointing out that the S8 's popularity and carrier support guaranteed plenty of third - party accessories . Chris Velazco of Engadget similarly praised the design , stating that `` from their rounded edges to their precisely formed metal - and - glass bodies , they feel like smaller , sleeker versions of the Galaxy Note 7 '' , and also praised the display as being simply `` awesome '' . Velazco also praised the software , calling Samsung 's added interface `` subtle and thoughtful in its design choices '' . While noting that the Bixby assistant was n't ready yet , he did compliment the promised voice features as being more granular than those offered through Siri or Google Assistant , and wrote that `` With that kind of complexity involved , maybe it 's no surprise this stuff is n't done yet '' . Also praising performance and the camera , though noting that `` The 12 - megapixel sensors on the back have n't changed much since last year . That 's not a bad thing since they were great cameras to start with '' , Velazco summarized his review by writing that the devices `` are n't perfect , but they 're as close as Samsung has ever gotten '' . Brandon Russell of TechnoBuffalo claimed that the camera could not beat Google 's Pixel smartphone . Ron Amadeo of Ars Technica noted that the device 's unusual aspect ratio resulted in pillarboxing when watching 16 : 9 video without zooming or stretching it . He complimented the feel of the S8 , calling it `` perfected '' , but criticized the glass back for being `` more fragile '' and that `` Glossy , slippery glass does n't feel as good in your hand as metal does , either . For the top - tier premium price tag , we 'd prefer Samsung to put in the extra work and use a metal back '' . He criticized the biometric options for unlocking the phones , writing that `` There 's an iris scanner , a fingerprint reader , and face unlock . The problem is none of them are any good '' , and also criticized duplicate apps , writing that `` most of which ca n't be removed and are n't very compelling '' . Additionally , he criticized Bixby , calling it `` an odd addition '' due to the phone 's Google Assistant functionality already present . Prior to the phone 's official announcement , reports suggested that Bixby would support `` 7 - 8 languages '' at launch . Later reports after the phone 's announcement clarified that Bixby would only support Korean and American English languages at its release , though noting that more languages would be coming `` in the following months '' . In mid-April , The Wall Street Journal reported that Bixby would be launched without support for American English . On 19 July 2017 , Samsung announced that Bixby had begun rolling out to Galaxy S8 users in the United States . Sales ( edit ) The Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ broke pre-order records in South Korea , with more than 720,000 units booked in one week , a notable increase from the 100,000 units of the Galaxy S7 and 200,000 units of the Note 7 . By mid-April , the number had increased to one million pre-orders . On 24 April 2017 , Samsung announced that sales of the Galaxy S8 was its `` best ever '' . Although it did not release specific sales numbers , it announced that sales of the S8 were 30 % higher year - over-year than the Galaxy S7 . Subsequent reports in May announced that Samsung had sold over five million units . Jon Fingas of Engadget wrote that , although Samsung advertised its pre-order records , sales comparisons to other models on the market were difficult due to unannounced sales figures . However , a report from AppleInsider took a comparison look at previous Galaxy S models ' first - month sales , writing that the Galaxy S7 saw 7 - 9 million units shipped in its first month , and the Galaxy S4 sold 10 million . The publication further wrote that `` Each year since reaching Peak Galaxy in 2014 , Samsung has floated the idea that its new model has outpaced sales , shipments ( or sometimes `` preorders '' ) of the previous edition , but in reality Galaxy S sales -- and subsequently Samsung Mobile profits -- have actually never recovered since the Galaxy S4 `` . Issues ( edit ) White balance ( edit ) Prior to the official release , it was reported that some Galaxy S8 displays had a bad white balance , causing them to exhibit a reddish tint . Samsung stated that the Galaxy S8 was `` built with an adaptive display that optimizes the colour range , saturation , and sharpness depending on the environment '' , but noted that the device 's operating system provides settings for manually adjusting the display 's appearance and white balance . On 21 April , Samsung stated that the red tinting was purely a software issue , and would be patched in a future update . The Investor reported that Samsung would replace the affected devices if a software update did not fix the issue . Updates in various regions started rolling out in early May , fixing the issue . Random restarts ( edit ) Reports surfaced at the end of April that some Galaxy S8 devices were `` restarting by themselves '' . Samsung has not yet commented on the issue . Facial recognition screen Insecure facial recognition ( edit ) Shortly after the phone 's unveiling , bloggers produced a video showing that the Galaxy S8 's facial recognition scanner could be tricked to unlock the phone by showing it a photo of the user . In a statement to Business Insider , a Samsung spokesperson stated that `` Facial recognition is a convenient action to open your phone -- similar to the ' swipe to unlock ' action . We offer the highest level of biometric authentication -- fingerprint and iris -- to lock your phone and authenticate access to Samsung Pay or Secure Folder '' . Insecure iris recognition ( edit ) In May 2017 , researchers from the Chaos Computer Club posted a video showing that the S8 's iris recognition system can be fooled with a contact lens and a suitable photograph of an eye . Samsung told BBC News that it was `` aware of the issue '' , and stated that `` If there is a potential vulnerability or the advent of a new method that challenges our efforts to ensure security at any time , we will respond as quickly as possible to resolve the issue '' . SMS message reception failures ( edit ) In October 2017 , Galaxy S8 users reported on Reddit that they were unable to receive SMS messages , with no fix available and without any comment from Samsung . See also ( edit ) Comparison of Samsung Galaxy S smartphones Comparison of smartphones Samsung Galaxy S series References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Samsung has shipped over 20 million Galaxy S8 Jump up ^ Galaxy Note 8 & Galaxy S8 Do n't Support Project Treble on Oreo Jump up ^ Smith , Chris ( 24 May 2017 ) . `` The Galaxy S8 may be a huge hit , but Samsung is already working on the next big thing '' . BGR . Penske Media Corporation . Retrieved 18 July 2017 . 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"The Samsung Galaxy S8, Samsung Galaxy S8+ (shortened to S8 and S8+, respectively) and Samsung Galaxy S8 Active are Android phablet smartphones (with the S8+ being the phablet smartphone) produced by Samsung Electronics as their eighth generation of the Samsung Galaxy S series. The S8 and S8+ were unveiled on 29 March 2017 and directly succeed the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 edge, with a North American release on 21 April 2017 and international rollout throughout April and May. The S8 Active was announced on 8 August 2017 and is exclusive to certain U.S. cellular carriers."
] | [
"21 April 2017"
] |
-1791791886993731894 | Second Punic War | Second Punic war - wikipedia Second Punic war Second Punic War Part of the Punic Wars The Mediterranean in 218 BC Date 218 -- 202 BC ( 17 years ) Location Italia , Hispania , North Africa , Sicily , Sardinia , Cisalpine Gaul , Transalpine Gaul , Greece Result Roman victory Territorial changes Roman annexation of Carthaginian Iberia Unification of Numidia Belligerents Roman Republic Aetolian League Pergamon Numidia Iberian tribes Carthage Syracuse Masaesyli Massylii Macedon Other Greek states Iberian tribes Commanders and leaders Scipio Africanus Fabius Cunctator Publius Cornelius Scipio † Tiberius Sempronius Gaius Flaminius † Claudius Marcellus † Terentius Varro Claudius Nero Hannibal Hasdrubal Barca † Mago ( DOW ) Hasdrubal Gisco Syphax ( POW ) Hanno the Elder Philip V Strength 768,500 54,000 Active Roman soldiers 53,500 Roman capital detail 388,000 Socii 273,300 Reserves Casualties and losses 300,000 + killed in action Second Punic War Prelude Saguntum Rhone Crossing of the Alps Italy Ticinus Trebia Lake Trasimene Ager Falernus Geronium Cannae 1st Nola 2nd Nola 3rd Nola 1st Beneventum 1st Tarentum 1st Capua Silarus 1st Herdonia 2nd Beneventum 2nd Capua 2nd Herdonia Numistro Canusium 2nd Tarentum Petelia Grumentum Metaurus Crotona Po Valley Iberia Cissa Dertosa Upper Baetis 1st New Carthage Baecula Carmona Sucro Ilipa Guadalquivir Sicily and Sardinia Cornus Syracuse North Africa 1st Utica 2nd Utica Great Plains Cirta Zama Naval battles Lilybaeum Ebro River Carteia Punic Wars First Mercenary Second Third Roman conquest of the Iberian peninsula Second Punic War Celtiberian Wars ( First , Second ) Lusitanian War Numantine War Cantabrian Wars First Macedonian War 1st Lamia 2nd Lamia Mantinea The Second Punic War ( 218 to 201 BC ) , also referred to as The Hannibalic War and by the Romans the War Against Hannibal , was the second major war between Carthage and the Roman Republic and its allied Italic socii , with the participation of Greek polities and Numidian and Iberian forces on both sides . It was one of the deadliest human conflicts of ancient times . Fought across the entire Western Mediterranean region for 17 years and regarded by ancient historians as the greatest war in history , waged with unparalleled resources , skill and hatred , it saw hundreds of thousands killed , some of the most lethal battles in military history , the destruction of cities , and massacres and enslavements of civilian populations and prisoners of war by both sides . The war began with the Carthaginian general Hannibal 's conquest and destruction of the Roman - allied Iberian city of Saguntum in 219 BC , prompting a Roman declaration of war on Carthage in 218 . Hannibal surprised the Romans by marching his army overland from Iberia to cross the Alps and invade Roman Italy , followed by his reinforcement by Gallic allies and crushing victories over Roman armies at Trebia in 218 and on the shores of Lake Trasimene in 217 . Moving to southern Italy in 216 , Hannibal at Cannae annihilated the largest army the Romans had ever assembled , killing or capturing more than 67,000 Roman soldiers . After the death or imprisonment of 130,000 Roman troops in two years , 40 % of Rome 's Italian allies defected to Carthage , giving her control over most of southern Italy . Macedon and Syracuse joined the Carthaginian side after Cannae and the conflict spread to Greece and Sicily . The Carthaginian navy was built up in the early years of the war , and from 215 -- 210 the Carthaginian army and navy launched amphibious assaults to capture Roman Sicily and Sardinia but were ultimately repulsed . Against Hannibal 's skill on the battlefield , the Romans adopted the Fabian strategy - the avoidance of battle against Hannibal and defeating his allies and the other Carthaginian generals instead . Roman armies recaptured all of the great cities that had joined Carthage and defeated a Carthaginian attempt to reinforce Hannibal at Metaurus in 207 . Southern Italy was devastated by the combatants , with hundreds of thousands of civilians killed or enslaved . In Iberia , which served as a major source of silver and manpower for the Carthaginian army , a Roman expeditionary force under Publius Cornelius Scipio captured Carthago Nova , Carthage 's capital city in Iberia , in 209 , massacring and enslaving the inhabitants . Scipio 's destruction of a Carthaginian army at Ilipa in 206 permanently ended Carthaginian rule in Iberia . He invaded Carthaginian Africa in 204 , inflicting two severe defeats on Carthage and her allies at Utica and the Great Plains that compelled the Carthaginian senate to recall Hannibal 's army from Italy . The final engagement between Scipio and Hannibal took place at Zama in Africa in 202 and resulted in Hannibal 's defeat and the imposition of harsh peace conditions on Carthage ( Carthaginian peace ) , which ceased to be a great power and became a Roman client state until its final destruction by the Romans in 146 BC during the Third Punic War . The Second Punic War overthrew the established balance of power of the ancient world and Rome rose to become the dominant power in the Mediterranean Basin for the next 600 years . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 Hannibal takes the initiative ( 218 -- 213 BC ) 2.1 Western Mediterranean ( 218 -- 213 BC ) 2.1. 1 Hannibal 's Overland Journey 2.1. 2 First Roman expedition to Iberia 2.2 Central Mediterranean ( 218 -- 213 BC ) 2.2. 1 Naval raids and expeditions 2.2. 2 Gallic uprising 2.2. 3 Fabian strategy 2.2. 4 Seeking a decisive engagement 2.2. 5 Establishing a Carthaginian alliance in Italy 2.3 Eastern Mediterranean and Ionian Sea ( 218 -- 213 BC ) 3 The tide turns ( 212 -- 207 BC ) 3.1 Western Mediterranean ( 212 -- 207 BC ) 3.1. 1 Defeat of the first expedition 3.1. 2 Second Roman expedition to Iberia 3.2 Central Mediterranean ( 212 -- 207 BC ) 3.2. 1 The war in Sicily 214 -- 210 BC 3.2. 2 Climax and fall of Hannibal 's alliance 3.2. 3 Hasdrubal 's failed reinforcement 3.2. 4 Naval raids and expeditions 3.3 Eastern Mediterranean and Ionian Sea ( 212 -- 207 BC ) 4 Roman victory ( 206 -- 202 BC ) 4.1 Western Mediterranean ( 206 -- 202 BC ) 4.1. 1 Carthage 's last stand in Iberia 4.1. 2 The Numidian struggle 4.2 Central Mediterranean ( 206 -- 202 BC ) 4.2. 1 Carrying the war to Africa 4.2. 2 Broken armistice and final peace treaty 4.3 Eastern Mediterranean and Ionian Sea ( 206 -- 201 BC ) 5 Aftermath 6 Carthage and Numidia after the war 7 Intelligence 8 Opinions on the war 9 In popular culture 10 See also 11 References 11.1 Notes 11.2 Primary sources 11.3 Secondary sources 12 Further reading 13 External links Background ( edit ) For an analysis of the strength and organisation of Roman forces on the eve of the war , see Socii § Military organisation of the Roman alliance . The Second Punic War was fought between Carthage and Rome . The war was ignited by the dispute over the hegemony of Saguntum , a Hellenized Iberian coastal city with diplomatic contacts with Rome . After great tension within the city government , culminating in the assassination of the supporters of Carthage , Hannibal laid siege to the city of Saguntum in 219 BC . The city called for Roman aid , but the pleas fell on deaf ears . Following a prolonged siege and a bloody struggle , in which Hannibal himself was wounded and the army practically destroyed , the Carthaginians finally took control of the city . Many of the Saguntians chose to commit suicide rather than face subjugation by the Carthaginians . Before the war , Rome and Hasdrubal the Fair had made a treaty . Livy reports that it was agreed that the Iber should be the boundary between the two empires and that the liberty of the Saguntines should be preserved . Hannibal takes the initiative ( 218 -- 213 BC ) ( edit ) Western Mediterranean ( 218 -- 213 BC ) ( edit ) Hannibal 's overland journey ( edit ) Route of Hannibal 's invasion of Italy Hannibal won fame for trekking across the Alps with 37 war elephants . His surprise tactics and brilliant strategies put Rome against the ropes . The Carthaginian army in Iberia , excluding the forces in Africa , according to Polybius , totalled 90,000 infantry , 12,000 cavalry , and 37 war elephants : it was thus one of the largest in the Hellenistic world and equal in numbers to any that the Romans had yet fielded . Hannibal departed with this army from New Carthage ( Cartagena , Spain ) northwards along the coast in late spring of 218 BC . At the Ebro , he split the army into three columns and subdued the tribes from there to the Pyrenees within weeks , but with severe losses . At the Pyrenees , he left a detachment of 11,000 Iberian troops , who showed reluctance to leave their homeland , as a garrison for the newly conquered region . Hannibal reportedly entered Gaul with 50,000 infantry and 9,000 cavalry . He took his army by an inland route , avoiding the Roman allies along the coast . In Gaul , negotiations helped him to move unmolested except for the Battle of Rhone Crossing , where a force of the Allobroges unsuccessfully tried to oppose his 38,000 infantry ( this number may exclude light infantry ) , 8,000 cavalry , and 69 war elephants . In the meantime , a Roman fleet with an invasion force was underway to northern Iberia . Its commanders , the brothers Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus and Publius Cornelius Scipio , knew that Hannibal had crossed the Ebro , but were surprised by the Carthaginian army 's presence at the Rhone upstream of their ally Massalia , where they had landed . A scouting party of 300 cavalry was sent to discover the whereabouts of the enemy . These eventually defeated a Carthaginian scouting troop of 500 mounted Numidians and chased them back to their main camp . Thus , with knowledge of the location of the enemy , the Romans marched upstream , ready for battle . Hannibal evaded this force and by an unknown route reached the Isère or the Durance at the foot of the Alps in autumn . He also received messengers from his Gallic allies in Italy that urged him to come to their aid and offered to guide him over the Alps . Before setting out to cross the Alps , he was re-supplied by a native tribe , some of whose hereditary disputes he had helped solve . First Roman expedition to Iberia ( edit ) Iberian warrior from bas - relief c. 200 BC . The warrior is armed with a falcata and an oval shield. National Archaeological Museum of Spain , Madrid Iberian falcata , 4th / 3rd century BC . This weapon , a scythe - shaped sword , was unique to Iberia . By its inherent weight distribution , it could deliver blows as powerful as an axe . National Archaeological Museum of Spain , Madrid A Carthaginian shekel , dated 237 - 227 BC , depicting the Punic god Melqart ( equivalent of Hercules / Heracles ) , most likely with the features of Hamilcar Barca , father of Hannibal Barca ; on the reverse is a man riding a war elephant The first Roman expedition to Iberia was unable to bring the Carthaginian troops in the hinterland of Massalia to a pitched battle , so it continued on its way to northern Iberia under Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus , a move which proved decisive for the outcome of the war . Their other commander , Publius Cornelius Scipio , returned to Rome , realizing the danger of an invasion of Italy where the tribes of the Boii and Insubres were already in revolt . After 217 BC , he moved to Iberia . In Iberia , Carthaginian rule was not popular , but Roman inaction during the Siege of Saguntum had made the natives cautious about an alliance against their masters . Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus established his headquarters at Cissa , in the midst of Hannibal 's latest acquisition , the area between Ebro and Pyrenees . Despite initial setbacks , he won increasing support among the natives . This convinced the Carthaginian commander Hanno , the nephew of Hannibal , of the necessity to accept pitched battle before his troops had been united with the army under Hasdrubal , the brother of Hannibal , despite being outnumbered 2 to 1 . The result was a Roman victory in the Battle of Cissa in 218 BC . When Hasdrubal finally made it to the scene , he was in no position to fight the Roman army and merely caught their navy personnel off - guard , killing some in the process . The combined Roman and Massalian fleet and army posed a threat to the Carthaginians . Hasdrubal intended to first defeat the fleet . However , his naval forces had a history of failure against the Romans . They had lost all but one major naval engagement in the First Punic War and in 218 BC a naval engagement in the waters of Lilybaeum had been lost despite numerical superiority . For this reason , he moved the army and fleet in unison . The fleet is described as being very disorganized prior to the battle . The army , in the meantime , provided loud moral support and a safe harbour for the ensuing naval Battle of Ebro River . The 40 Carthaginian and Iberian vessels were severely defeated by the 55 Roman and Massalian ships in the second naval engagement of the war , with about three quarters of the Carthaginian fleet captured or sunk and the rest beaching their ships . In the aftermath , the Carthaginian forces retreated , but the Romans were still confined to the area between the Ebro and Pyrenees . This blocking force of Romans prevented the Carthaginians from sending reinforcements from Iberia to Hannibal or to the insurgent Gauls in northern Italy during critical stages of the war . Hasdrubal acted by marching into Roman territory in 215 BC and offered battle at Dertosa . In this battle , he used his cavalry superiority to clear the field and to envelop the enemy on both sides with his infantry , a tactic that had been very successfully employed in Italy . However , the Romans broke through the thinned - out line in the centre and defeated both wings separately , inflicting severe losses , but not without taking heavy losses themselves . While the Romans made little progress in the Iberian theatre , the Scipios were able to negotiate a new front in Africa by allying themselves with Syphax , a powerful Numidian king in North Africa . In 213 BC , he received Roman advisers to train his heavy infantry soldiers that had not yet been able to stand up to their Carthaginian counterparts . With this support , he waged war against the Carthaginian ally Gala . According to Appian , in 213 BC Hasdrubal left Iberia and fought Syphax , though history may have confused him with Hasdrubal Gisco ; however , it did use Carthaginian resources . Hasdrubal Gisco is the son of the Gesco who had served together with Hamilcar Barca , Hannibal 's father , in Sicily during the First Punic War and son - in - law of Hanno the Elder who was one of Hannibal 's lieutenants in Italy . Central Mediterranean ( 218 -- 213 BC ) ( edit ) Naval raids and expeditions ( edit ) In 218 BC , the Carthaginian navy was scouting Sicilian waters and preparing for a surprise attack on their former key stronghold of Lilybaeum on the western tip of the island . Twenty quinqueremes , loaded with 1,000 soldiers , raided the Aegadian Islands west of Sicily and eight ships intended to attack the Aeolian Islands , but were blown off - course in a storm towards the Straits of Messina . The Syracusan navy , then at Messina , captured three of those without resistance . Learning from their crews that a Carthaginian fleet was to attack Lilybaeum , Hiero II warned the Roman praetor Marcus Amellius there . As a result , the Romans prepared 20 quinqueremes , which intercepted and defeated the 35 Carthaginian quinqueremes in the Battle of Lilybaeum . In 218 BC , preparations were made to launch a Roman expedition from Lilybaeum against Africa . Hannibal had anticipated the move and reinforced the defending army in Africa with 13,850 Iberian heavy infantry , 870 Balearic slingers and 1,200 Iberian cavalry . In addition , some 4,000 men `` of good family were called up who were under orders to be conveyed to Carthage to strengthen its defence , and also to serve as hostages for the loyalty of their people '' . In return , 450 Libyphoenician cavalry , 1,800 Numidian cavalry , 11,850 Libyan infantry , 300 Ligurians , and 500 Balearic slingers were sent to Iberia to strengthen the local defence against the other anticipated Roman invasion . The Carthaginian navy had been defeated by the Romans in two major encounters , but neither side was usually able to stop the other from raiding each other 's coasts . An exception was in 217 BC , when a Carthaginian fleet of 70 quinqueremes was intercepted off the coast of Etruria by a Roman fleet of 120 quinqueremes and retreated without giving battle . The first Carthaginian expedition to Sardinia , in 215 BC , was under the command of Hasdrubal The Bald with his Punic - Sardinian subordinate Hampsicora . A previous pro-Carthaginian uprising had been defeated , while a storm had blown the Carthaginian fleet to the Balearic Islands . When they finally arrived at Sardinia , the Romans were aware of their intentions and had reinforced the unpopular garrison under Titus Manlius Torquatus to 20,000 infantry and 1,200 cavalry . These engaged and defeated the Carthaginians ' 12,000 infantry and 1,500 cavalry ( plus an unknown number of elephants ) and the remaining insurgent Sardinians at the Battle of Cornus . In the aftermath , the defeated expedition of 60 quinqueremes and several transports encountered a Roman raiding party from Africa with 100 quinqueremes . The Carthaginian fleet scattered and escaped save for seven ships . As a result , Sardinia , an important grain exporter , remained under Roman occupation . Gallic uprising ( edit ) The Romans simultaneously received news of Hannibal 's crossing of the Ebro and of an uprising in northern Italy by the Gallic Boii and Insubres tribes . These had established diplomatic contact with the Carthaginians and joined them as allies against their common enemy , Rome . The first objective of the insurgents were the Roman colonies of Placentia and Cremona , causing the Romans to flee to Mutina ( modern Modena ) , which the Gauls then besieged . In response , Praetor L. Manlius Vulso marched with two legions and allies , for a total of 1,600 cavalry and 20,000 infantry , to Cisalpine Gaul . This army was ambushed twice on the way from Ariminium , losing 1,200 men ; although the siege of Mutina was raised , the army itself fell under a loose siege a few kilometers from Mutina . This event prompted the Roman Senate to send one of Scipio 's legions and 5,000 allied troops to aid Vulso . Scipio had to raise fresh troops to replace these and thus could not set out for Iberia until September 218 BC , giving Hannibal time to march from the Ebro to the Rhone . After evading a pitched battle at the Rhone , Hannibal came to the aid of his Gallic allies , who were hard pressed by the Roman reinforcements . He crossed the Alps , surmounting the difficulties of climate and terrain , and the guerrilla tactics of the native tribes . His exact route is disputed . Hannibal arrived with at least 20,000 infantry , 6,000 cavalry , and 30 elephants in the territory of the Taurini , in what is now Piedmont , northern Italy . While this crossing was expected by the Romans , they had not anticipated such an early arrival and their forces were still in their winter quarters . Hannibal 's crossing of the Alps is considered one of the greatest achievements in military logistics , as he did so through hostile territory in late autumn with no supply line . His surprise entry into the Italian peninsula led to the termination of Rome 's main intended thrust , an invasion of Africa . The Gauls of the lower Po Valley , Hannibal 's allies , were still far away . Hannibal was first obliged to fight with his currently reduced force to reach them and incite the rest of Gallia Cisalpina to revolt . His first action was to take the chief city of the hostile Taurini ( in the area of modern - day Turin ) . Afterwards , the Carthaginians were intercepted by a newly raised Roman force under Publius Cornelius Scipio , who Hannibal had evaded earlier in the Rhone Valley . In the ensuing Battle of Ticinus , the cavalry forces of Hannibal 's army defeated the cavalry and light infantry of the Romans in a minor engagement . Scipio , severely injured in the battle , retreated across the river Trebbia with his heavy infantry still intact , and encamped at the town of Placentia to await reinforcements . As a result of Rome 's defeat at the Ticinus , all the Gauls except the Cenomani were induced to join the Carthaginian cause . Soon , the entire north of Italy was unofficially insurgent , with both Gallic and Ligurian troops bolstering Hannibal 's army to at least 40,000 men . Battle of the Trebia plan . Carthaginians Romans Even before news of the defeat at the river Ticinus had reached Rome , the Senate had ordered the consul Sempronius Longus to bring his army back from Sicily , where it had been preparing for the invasion of Africa , to join Scipio and face Hannibal . Hannibal was blocking Sempronius ' way to Scipio 's army . However , the Carthaginian capture of the supply depot at Clastidium , through the treachery of the local Latin commander , served as a diversion and allowed Sempronius ' army to slip through to Scipio , who was still too seriously injured to take the field . After some minor successes , the united and numerically equal Roman force under the command of Sempronius Longus was lured into combat by Hannibal at the battle of the Trebia . The Roman troops were drawn into the engagement without breakfast and first had to cross a cold river , preventing many from putting up much of a fight . Furthermore , a hidden detachment led by Hannibal 's younger brother Mago attacked them from the rear . All in all , the Romans suffered heavy losses with only 20,000 men out of 40,000 able to retreat to safety . They left Cisalpine Gaul in the aftermath . Having secured his position in northern Italy by this victory , Hannibal quartered his troops for the winter amongst the Gauls . The latter joined his army in large numbers , bringing it up to 60,000 men ; their enthusiasm was somewhat reduced due to the Carthaginians living on their land . The Roman Senate resolved to raise new armies against Hannibal under the recently elected consuls of 217 BC , Gnaeus Servilius Geminus and Gaius Flaminius . The latter had long distrusted his fellow senators and feared that they would try to sabotage his command by finding excuses to delay his departure . So he quietly left Rome to take over his army at Ariminum without performing the lengthy religious rituals required of an incoming consul . The Senate voted unanimously to recall him , but he ignored its orders . This caused widespread dismay among the Romans , who feared that Flaminius ' disrespect for the gods would bring disaster on Rome . As it was expected that Hannibal would advance into central Italy , Flaminius moved his army from Ariminum to Arretium , to cover the Apennine mountain passes into Etruria . His colleague Servilius , who had performed the proper rituals and was therefore well behind Flaminius , replaced him with his freshly raised army at Ariminum to cover the route along the Adriatic coast . A third force , containing the survivors of previous engagements , was also stationed in Etruria under Scipio . Thus both the eastern and western routes to Rome appeared guarded . Battle of Lake Trasimene plan Carthaginians Romans In early spring 217 BC , Hannibal decided to advance , leaving his wavering Gallic allies in the Po Valley , and crossed the Apennines unopposed . He avoided the Roman positions and took the only unguarded route into Etruria at the mouth of the Arno . This route was through a huge marsh , which happened to be more flooded than usual for spring . Hannibal 's army marched for several days without finding convenient places to rest , suffering terribly from fatigue and lack of sleep . This led to the loss of part of the force , including , it seems , the few remaining elephants . Arriving in Etruria , still in the spring of 217 BC , Hannibal tried without success to draw the main Roman army under Flaminius into a pitched battle by devastating the area the latter had been sent to protect . Hannibal then employed a new stratagem , when he marched around his opponent 's left flank and effectively cut him off from Rome . Advancing through the uplands of Etruria , the Carthaginian now provoked Flaminius into a hasty pursuit without proper reconnaissance . Then , in a defile on the shore of Lake Trasimenus , Hannibal lay in ambush with his army . The ambush was a complete success : in the battle of Lake Trasimene Hannibal destroyed most of the Roman army and killed Flaminius with little loss to his own army . 6,000 Romans had been able to escape , but were caught and forced to surrender by Maharbal 's Numidians . Furthermore , Scipio , aware of the fighting , sent his cavalry in support , but it was also caught and annihilated . As a result of this victory , the heterogeneous force of insurgent Gauls , Africans , Iberians and Numidians had more military equipment than they could use themselves and sold the surplus via Egyptian traders to the Romans . Like after all previous engagements , the captured enemies were sorted according to whether they were Romans , who were held captive , or non-Romans , who were released to spread the propaganda that the Carthaginian army was in Italy to fight for their freedom against the Romans . Strategically , Hannibal had now disposed of the only field force that could check his advance on Rome ; but , despite the urgings of his generals , he did not proceed to attack Rome . Instead , he marched to the south in the hope of winning over allies amongst the Greek and Italic population there . Fabian strategy ( edit ) Main article : Fabian strategy Detail of frieze showing the equipment of a soldier in the manipular Roman legion ( left ) . Note mail armour , oval shield and helmet with plume ( probably horsehair ) . The soldier in the centre is an officer ( bronze cuirass , mantle ) , prob . a tribunus militum . From an altar built by Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus , consul in 122 BC . Musée du Louvre , Paris Roman coin issued during the Second Punic war showing ( obverse ) the god of war Mars and ( reverse ) a very rare image of a Roman cavalryman of the time . Note the plumed helmet , long spear ( hasta ) , small round shield , flowing mantle . Roman cavalry was levied from the equites , or noble knights , until c. 338 BC and thereafter also from the First Class of commoners under the centuriate organisation . Bronze quincunx from Larinum mint The defeat at Lake Trasimene put the Romans in an immense state of panic , fearing for the very existence of their city . The Senate decided to resort to the traditional emergency measure of appointing a dictator , a temporary commander - in - chief who would unite military authority , which was normally divided between the two consuls , for six months . The usual procedure required the presence of a consul to appoint the dictator . Since one consul ( Flaminius ) was dead and the other ( Servilius ) away with the only army left in Italy , the Senate resolved to elect a dictator itself . As this was unconstitutional , the person appointed , Quintus Fabius Maximus , was given the title of prodictator ( acting dictator ) although he held the same powers as a dictator . The Senate also appointed his magister equitum ( `` master of cavalry '' , who acted as his second - in - command ) instead of allowing the dictator to choose one himself as was the normal rule : M. Minucius Rufus . Departing from the Roman military tradition of engaging the enemy in pitched battle as soon as possible , Fabius invented the Fabian strategy : refusing open battle with his opponent , but constantly skirmishing with small detachments of the enemy . This course was not popular among the soldiers , earning Fabius the nickname Cunctator ( `` delayer '' ) , since he seemed to avoid battle while Italy was being ravaged by the enemy . Moreover , it was widely feared that , if Hannibal continued to plunder Italy unopposed , the terrified allies , believing that Rome was incapable of protecting them , might defect and pledge their allegiance to the Carthaginians . As a countermeasure , residents of villages were encouraged to post lookouts , so that they could gather their livestock and possessions in time and take refuge in fortified towns that the enemy could not yet take . Fabius ' policy was to shadow Hannibal by moving on the heights parallel to the Carthaginian movements on the plains , to avoid Hannibal 's cavalry which was supreme on flat terrain . This demanded great care , since the Carthaginian tried with all his skill to ambush the Romans . For this reason , a new marching formation , with three parallel columns of infantry , was developed instead of the single column that had been in use at Lake Trasimene . Fabius ' constant harassment of Hannibal 's force handicapped the latter 's command abilities and gained many prisoners . Both commanders decided that they would exchange prisoners under the same conditions as in the First Punic War . Although the Carthaginians returned to the Romans several hundred more prisoners than they received and were thus expecting monetary compensation , the Senate was reluctant to pay . However , the estates of Fabius had not been touched by the Carthaginian pillage parties in order to incite distrust against him . Fabius now sold these estates to pay the enemy army for the received surplus of prisoners . Having ravaged Apulia without provoking Fabius into a battle , Hannibal decided to march through Samnium to Campania , one of the richest and most fertile provinces of Italy , hoping that the devastation would draw Fabius into battle . The latter was aware that there were excellent opportunities to trap the Carthaginian force on the Campanian plain and to force Hannibal to fight in the surrounding mountains on ground of his own choice . As the year wore on , Hannibal decided that it would be unwise to winter in the already devastated plains of Campania but Fabius had ensured that all the mountain passes offering an exit were blocked . This situation led to the night battle of Ager Falernus in which the Carthaginians made good their escape by tricking the Romans into believing that they were heading to the heights above them . The Romans were thus decoyed and the Carthaginians slipped through the undefended pass with all their baggage train . This was a severe blow to Fabius ' prestige . Minucius , the magister equitum , was one of the leading voices in the army against the adoption of the Fabian Strategy . As soon as he scored a minor success , by winning a skirmish with the Carthaginians , the Senate promoted Minucius to the same imperium ( power of command ) as Fabius , whom he accused of cowardice . In consequence , the two men decided to split the army between them . Minucius ' division was swiftly lured into an ambush by Hannibal in the flat country of Geronium . Fabius rushed to his co-commander's assistance and Hannibal 's forces immediately retreated . Subsequently , Minucius accepted Fabius ' authority and ended their political conflict . Seeking a decisive engagement ( edit ) Main article : Battle of Cannae Fabius became unpopular in Rome , since his tactics did not lead to a quick end to the war . The Roman populace derided the Cunctator , and at the elections of 216 BC elected as consuls Gaius Terentius Varro who advocated pursuing a more aggressive war strategy and Lucius Aemilius Paullus , who advocated a strategy in the middle between the Fabian tactics and the tactics suggested by Varro . In the campaign of 217 BC , Hannibal had failed to obtain a following among the Italics . In the spring of 216 BC , he took the initiative and seized the large supply depot at Cannae in the Apulian plain . Thus , by seizing Cannae , Hannibal had placed himself between the Romans and their crucial source of supply . The Roman Senate authorised the raising of double - sized armies by the consuls Varro and Aemilius Paullus , a force of 86,000 men , the largest in Roman history up to that point . Opening and decisive phase of the Battle of Cannae , 216 BC . The Carthaginian cavalry ( made up of Gauls and Iberians ) routed the much weaker Roman cavalry on the Roman right wing , then raced round the rear of the Roman line to attack from behind the Romans ' allied Latin cavalry on the Roman left , who were already engaged with Hannibal 's Numidian horse . The Latin cavalry was then destroyed . The victorious Carthaginian cavalry was then free to attack the Roman infantry line from the rear . The battle confirmed the superiority of Hannibal 's cavalry , in both numbers and training , over the Roman and Latin citizen levies . From this time , the Romans relied heavily on non-Italian allied cavalry and , around the start of the 1st century BC , legionary cavalry was abolished altogether The consuls Aemilius Paullus and Varro resolved to confront Hannibal and marched southward to Apulia . After a two - day march , they found him on the left bank of the river Aufidus , and encamped 10 km ( 6.2 mi ) away . Hannibal capitalized on Varro 's eagerness and drew him into a trap by using an envelopment tactic that eliminated the Roman numerical advantage by shrinking the surface area where combat could occur . Hannibal drew up his least reliable infantry in the centre of a semicircle , with the wings composed of the Gallic and Numidian horse . The Roman legions forced their way through Hannibal 's weak centre , but the Libyan Mercenaries on the wings swung around their advance , menacing their flanks . The onslaught of Hannibal 's cavalry was irresistible , and the cavalry commander Hasdrubal ( not to be confused with Hannibal 's brother who was campaigning in Iberia ) , routed the Roman cavalry on the Roman right wing and then swept around the rear of the Roman line and attacked Varro 's cavalry on the Roman left , and then the legions , from behind . As a result , the Roman army was surrounded with no means of escape . Due to these brilliant tactics , Hannibal , with much inferior numbers , managed to destroy all but a small remnant of this force . Depending on the source , it is estimated that 50,000 -- 70,000 Romans were killed or captured at Cannae . Livy notes , `` How much more serious was the defeat of Cannae , than those which preceded it can be seen by the behaviour of Rome 's allies ; before that fateful day , their loyalty remained unshaken , now it began to waver for the simple reason that they despaired of Roman power . '' During that same year , the Greek cities in Sicily were induced to revolt against Roman political control , while the Macedonian king , Philip V , pledged his support to Hannibal -- thus initiating the First Macedonian War against Rome . Hannibal also secured an alliance with newly appointed King Hieronymus of Syracuse , and Tarentum also came over to him around that time . Hannibal refused to attack Rome after Cannae . The Romans looked back on Hannibal 's indecision as what saved Rome from certain defeat . Hannibal merely sent a delegation to Rome to negotiate a peace and another one offering to release his Roman prisoners of war for ransom , but Rome rejected all offers . Establishing a Carthaginian alliance in Italy ( edit ) For a detailed analysis of Hannibal 's relations with Roman allies , see : Socii Hannibal 's allies in Italy . Trace of the Via Appia imposed on a satellite picture of southern Italy , showing the location of many of the Greek cities fought over by Hannibal and the Romans . The original Via Appia is in white . The alternative road ( in pink ) was constructed 400 years later under emperor Trajan ( ruled 98 - 117 ) . But the route was already a busy one in Hannibal 's time and repeatedly used by him After Cannae , several south Italian cities allied themselves to Hannibal : the Apulian towns of Salapia , Arpi and Herdonia and many of the Lucanians . Mago marched south with a Carthaginian army detachment and , some weeks later , the Bruttians joined him . Simultaneously , Hannibal marched north with part of his forces and was joined by the Hirpini and the Caudini , two of the three Samnite cantons . The greatest gain was the second largest city of Italy , Capua , when Hannibal 's army marched into Campania in 216 BC . The inhabitants of Capua held limited Roman citizenship and the aristocracy was linked to the Romans via marriage and friendship , but the possibility of becoming the supreme city of Italy after the evident Roman disasters proved too strong a temptation . The treaty between them and Hannibal can be described as an agreement of friendship , since the Capuans had no obligations , but provided the harbour through which Hannibal was reinforced . By 215 BC , Hannibal 's alliance system covered the bulk of southern Italy , save for the Greek cities along the coast ( except Croton , which was conquered by his allies ) , Rhegium , and the Latin colonies of Beneventum , Luceria in Samnium , Venusia in Apulia , Brundisium and Paestum . The independent Gaul he had established in northern Italy was still out of Roman control . The port city of Locri defected to Carthage in the summer of 215 and was immediately used to build up the Carthaginian forces in Italy . A Carthaginian fleet landed in Locri and 4,000 Numidian cavalry , 40 war elephants , money , grain and other provisions , all under the command of Bomilcar , joined Hanno 's army in Bruttium . It was the only time during the war that Carthage succeeded in sending reinforcements to Hannibal in Italy . A second force in 215 , under Mago , consisting of 12,000 infantry , 1,500 cavalry and 20 elephants guarded by 60 warships , was also meant to land in Italy but bolstered Hasdrubal in Spain instead after the Carthaginian defeat there at Dertosa . Hannibal had been able to win over a major allied base by his tremendous military success . He also regarded it as essential to take the city of Nola , a Roman fortress in Campania , a region that linked his various allies geographically and contained his most important harbour for supply . Prior to his first attempt , the pro-Carthage faction in the city had been eliminated by the Romans , so there was no chance of the city being betrayed . Hannibal repeatedly tried to take this city by assault or siege , but was thwarted three times , in 216 , 215 and 214 , by forces led by Marcus Claudius Marcellus . In 215 , Hannibal besieged and starved Casilinum into submission , the other important site for controlling Campania . Syracuse , located on the sea routes Hannibal needed to secure supply , and Lilybaeum both remained in Roman hands . Hannibal was aided by the fact that Hiero II , the old tyrant of Syracuse and a staunch Roman ally , had died and his successor Hieronymus was discontented with his position in the Roman alliance . Hannibal dispatched two of his lieutenants , who were of Syracusian origin , to negotiate with Hieronymus . They succeeded in winning Syracuse over , at the price , however , of making the whole of Sicily a Syracusan possession . The Syracusans ' ambitions were great , but the army they fielded was no match for the arriving Roman force , leading to the Siege of Syracuse from 214 BC onwards . The essence of Hannibal 's campaign in Italy was to fight the Romans by using local resources and raising recruits from among the local population . His subordinate Hanno was able to raise troops in Samnium , but the Romans intercepted these new levies in the Battle of Beneventum ( 214 BC ) and eliminated them before they came under the feared leadership of Hannibal . Hannibal could win allies , but defending them against the Romans was a new and difficult problem , as the Romans could still field multiple armies greatly outnumbering his own forces . Thus Fabius was able to take the Carthaginian ally Arpi in 213 BC . Eastern Mediterranean and Ionian Sea ( 218 -- 213 BC ) ( edit ) Main article : First Macedonian War 217 BC -- letter from Hannibal after Battle of Lake Trasimene leading to war preparations 217 -- 216 BC -- Philip V of Macedon builds a fleet of 100 lembi 216 BC -- ambassadors to Hannibal after Battle of Cannae 214 BC -- First Macedonian War officially starts 214 BC -- naval expeditions from Macedonia 213 BC -- land expedition to Lissus The tide turns ( 212 -- 207 BC ) ( edit ) Western Mediterranean ( 212 -- 207 BC ) ( edit ) Defeat of the first expedition ( edit ) A Carthaginian coin possibly depicting Hannibal as Hercules ( i.e. Heracles ) In Iberia , the Scipio brothers hired 20,000 Celtiberian mercenaries to reinforce their army of 30,000 infantry and 3,000 cavalry . Observing that the Carthaginian armies were deployed apart from each other , with Hasdrubal Barca and 15,000 troops near Amtorgis , and Mago Barca and Hasdrubal Gisco , both with 10,000 troops , further to the west of Hasdrubal , the Scipio brothers planned to split their forces . Publius Scipio moved 20,000 Roman and allied soldiers to attack Mago Barca near Castulo , while Gnaeus Scipio took one double legion ( 10,000 troops ) and the mercenaries to attack Hasdrubal Barca . This stratagem resulted in two battles , the Battle of Castulo and the Battle of Ilorca , which occurred within a few days of each other , usually combined as the Battle of the Upper Baetis ( 211 BC ) . Both battles ended in clear defeats for the Romans as Hasdrubal had bribed the Roman mercenaries to desert and return home without a fight . As a result of the battle , the Romans were forced to retreat to their stronghold of Northern Iberia , from which the Carthaginians could not expel them . It is notable that the Roman soldiers decided to elect a new leader , since both commanders had been killed , a practice hitherto known only in Carthaginian or Hellenistic armies . Second Roman expedition to Iberia ( edit ) In 210 BC , Scipio Africanus arrived in Iberia on with a proconsular imperium and more reinforcements that increased the strength of his army to 28,000 infantry and 3,000 cavalry . In a brilliant assault in 209 BC , Scipio succeeded in capturing Cartago Nova , which was the centre of Carthaginian power in Iberia . He defeated Hasdrubal in the Battle of Baecula ( 208 BC ) , but was not able to prevent him from continuing his march to Italy in order to reinforce his brother Hannibal . In the Battle of Ilipa ( 206 BC ) , Scipio defeated a combined army under the command of Mago Barca , Hasdrubal Gisco and Masinissa , thus bringing Carthaginian dominance in Iberia to an end . Carthage still succeeded in recruiting thousands of mercenaries from Iberia after 206 BC despite Rome 's nominal control . Central Mediterranean ( 212 -- 207 BC ) ( edit ) The war in Sicily 214 -- 210 BC ( edit ) Hiero of Syracuse calls Archimedes to fortify the city . Sebastiano Ricci , 1720 . The Siege of Syracuse , from 214 BC onwards , was marked by Archimedes ' ingenuity in inventing war machines that made it impossible for the Romans to make any gains with traditional methods of siege warfare . A Carthaginian army of 25,000 infantry , 3,000 cavalry and 12 elephants under Himilco was sent to relieve the city in 213 , landing at and capturing Heraclea Minoa and followed up by taking Agrigentum . Himilco linked up with the remaining 500 cavalry of Hippocrates ' once 10,000 - strong Syracusan army that had attempted to join with the Carthaginians but had been defeated by Marcellus ' Romans . Himilco faced up against Marcellus outside Syracuse but the Romans preferred to wait for reinforcements in the form of one legion and allied contingents and Himilco not only failed to force a battle against the outnumbered Romans but poor intelligence sent him the wrong way while attempting to intercept the Roman reinforcements . At the same time , a Carthaginian fleet under Bomilcar sailed into Syracuse 's great harbor with 55 warships . After Himilco 's failure to defeat Marcellus , Bomilcar sailed away with his fleet while Himilco began taking over Roman - garrisoned towns in Sicily . The Roman garrison at Morgantina was betrayed from within and Himilco took over large stores of grain and other supplies . The Roman garrison commander at nearby Enna heard of Morgantina 's treachery and massacred Enna 's civilian population . A general revolt against Roman rule in Sicily erupted , with Roman garrisons either being expelled from towns or exterminated by the rebels with Carthaginian support . Once again , Himilco did not attack Marcellus despite the help from Sicilian rebels and went to winter quarters at Agrigentum instead . In the spring of 212 , Marcellus stormed the walls of Syracuse in a surprise night assault and conquered several districts inside the city . Himilco and Bomilcar now made real efforts to lift the siege , Himilco marching his army up to the Roman camp and Bomilcar arriving with 90 quinqueremes , of which he gave 55 to Epicydes , sailing away and re-appearing several days later with 100 more warships . Himilco 's army was crippled by the plague and when the Syracusans inside the city and Hippocrates ' troops outside the city attacked the Romans , all of their attempts were beaten back . Himilco and Hippocrates died soon thereafter of the disease . While the Romans also suffered , Marcellus saved most of his men by bringing them all inside the city . Bomilcar exited Syracuse 's harbor without being troubled by the Romans and re-appeared with 130 quinqueremes and 700 supply ships to lift the siege for good . Poor weather prevented him from arriving before being intercepted by 100 ships under Marcellus . Before battle could be joined , Bomilcar decided to flee , ordering the supply ships to return home while the Carthaginian battlefleet sailed to Tarentum . Syracuse fell soon after and Archimedes was killed by a Roman soldier . In 211 BC , Hannibal sent a force of Numidian cavalry to Sicily , which was led by the skilled Liby - Phoenician officer Mottones , who inflicted heavy losses on Marcellus ' army through hit - and - run attacks . Agrigentum 's Carthaginian garrison commander , Hanno , grew jealous of Mottones ' success and , when the latter was away dealing with some mutinous Numidians , Hanno decided to attack Marcellus with the main Carthaginian army without waiting for Mottones . The Numidians with Hanno refused to fight without their commander and Hanno 's outnumbered force was promptly crushed by Marcellus at the river Himera . Carthage sent more reinforcements to Sicily , including 8,000 infantry and 3,000 Numidian cavalry . Hanno and Mottones went over to the offensive , capturing Macella and re-capturing Morgantina . Marcellus was succeeded by the praetor Marcus Cornelius , who first dealt with indiscipline in the Roman army , after which he checked the Carthaginian progress by taking Morgantina . The hyper - aggressive Roman consul Marcus Valerius Laevinus took charge in 210 BC and immediately marched on Agrigentum to evict Carthage from Sicily . Hanno demoted Mottones and Hanno 's son was given the command of the cavalry instead . Mottones betrayed the Carthaginian cause and opened the gates of Agrigentum to the Romans . The Romans massacred the population of the city or sold them to slavery . Hanno and Epicydes fled to Carthage in a merchant ship . Laevinus captured 66 other Sicilian towns , of which 40 surrendered and 26 were taken through force or treachery . He put Sicilian farms back into production and the supply of grain to Rome was resumed in 209 BC . Climax and Fall of Hannibal 's alliance ( edit ) Coin issued by the city of Tarentum during the period of Hannibal 's control c. 212 -- 208 BC showing ( obverse ) youth on horseback and ( reverse ) boy riding dolphin , the traditional symbol of Tarentine coins . Note the legend ΤΑΡΑΣ ( TARAS ) the Greek name for the city . Silver didrachm Ancient Greek tomb at Syracuse , Sicily , believed to be that of Archimedes ( with decorative lintel ) The climax of Carthaginian expansion was reached when the largest Greek city in Italy , Tarentum , switched sides in 212 BC . The Battle of Tarentum ( 212 BC ) was a carefully planned coup by Hannibal and members of the city 's democratic faction . There were two separate successful assaults on the gates of the city . This enabled the Carthaginian army , which had approached unobserved behind a screen of marauding Numidian horsemen , to enter the city by surprise and take all but the citadel where the Romans and their supporting faction were able to rally . The Carthaginians failed to take the citadel , but subsequent fortifications around this Roman stronghold put the city under Carthaginian control . However , the harbour was blocked and warships had to be transported overland to be launched at sea . The Battle of Capua ( 212 BC ) was a stalemate . The Romans decided to end the siege of Capua . As a result , the Capuan cavalry was reinforced with half of the available Numidian cavalry of 2,000 . In the Battle of Beneventum ( 212 BC ) , Hanno the Elder was again defeated , this time by Quintus Fulvius Flaccus , who also captured his camp . In the following Battle of the Silarus , in the same year , the Romans under Marcus Centenius were ambushed and lost all but 1,000 of their 16,000 effectives . Also , in 212 BC , the Battle of Herdonia resulted in another Roman defeat , with only 2,000 Romans out of a force of 18,000 surviving a direct attack by Hannibal 's numerically superior forces , combined with an ambush that cut off the Roman line of retreat . This phase of the war was marked by the fall of major and minor cities to the Romans , although Hannibal was still able to prevail on the battlefield and thus lift some sieges . A section of Rome 's Servian Wall at Termini railway station . It was this wall that dissuaded Hannibal from attempting a direct attack on Rome . In a second Battle of Capua ( 211 BC ) , Hannibal again tried to regain use of his main harbour as in the previous year , by luring the Romans into a pitched battle . He was unsuccessful , and was also unable to lift the siege by assaulting the besiegers ' defences . So he tried a strategem of staging a march towards Rome , hoping in this way to compel the enemy to abandon the siege and rush to defend their home city . However , only part of the besieging force left for Rome and , under continued siege , Capua fell to Rome soon afterwards . Hannibal fought another pitched battle near Rome . The second Battle of Herdonia ( 210 BC ) was fought to lift the Roman siege of that allied city . Hannibal caught the proconsul Gnaeus Fulvius Centumalus off guard during his siege of Herdonia and destroyed his army in a pitched battle with up to 13,000 Romans dead of 20,000 . The defection of the allied city of Salapia in Apulia in 210 BC was achieved by treachery : the inhabitants massacred the Numidian garrison and went over to the Romans . In 210 BC , the Battle of Numistro between Marcellus and Hannibal was inconclusive , but the Romans stayed on his heels until the also inconclusive Battle of Canusium in 209 BC . In the meantime , this battle enabled another Roman army under Fabius to approach Tarentum and take it by treachery in the second Battle of Tarentum ( 209 BC ) . Hannibal , at that time , had been able to disengage from Marcellus and was only 8.0 km ( 5 mi ) away when the city , under the command of Carthalo , who was bound to Fabius by an agreement of hospitality , fell . Hasdrubal 's failed reinforcement ( edit ) The Battle of Grumentum was an inconclusive fight in 207 BC between Gaius Claudius Nero and Hannibal . In the aftermath of the battle , Nero was able to trick Hannibal into believing that the whole Roman army was still in camp . In the meantime , Nero marched with a selected corps north and reinforced the Romans there to win the Battle of the Metaurus , killing Hasdrubal and scattering the survivors of his army . The Carthaginian force under Hasdrubal had left Iberia a year before , after the defeat at the Battle of Baecula and had been reinforced by Gallic and Ligurian mercenaries and allies . It is notable that they took the same route as Hannibal 10 years previously , but suffered fewer casualties , being better supported by mercenaries from the mountain tribes . Naval raids and expeditions ( edit ) 210 BC -- second expedition to Sardinia 210 BC -- naval expedition to Tarentum 210 BC -- Roman raids on Africa Eastern Mediterranean and ionian sea ( 212 -- 207 BC ) ( edit ) Main article : First Macedonian War In 211 BC , Rome countered the Macedonian threat with a Greek alliance of the Aetolians , Elis , Sparta , Messenia and Attalus I of Pergamon , as well as two Roman clients , the Illyrians Pleuratus and Scerdilaidas . 209 BC -- Illyrian attack on Macedonia 209 BC -- Carthaginian naval expedition to Corcyra 209 BC -- First Battle of Lamia 209 BC -- Second Battle of Lamia 208 BC -- Roman and Pergamese attack on Lemnos Roman victory ( 206 -- 202 BC ) ( edit ) Western Mediterranean ( 206 -- 202 BC ) ( edit ) Carthage 's last stand in Iberia ( edit ) Bust of Scipio Africanus from the Villa of the Papyri at Herculaneum At the Battle of Ilipa , large numbers of Celtiberian mercenaries in Carthaginian service confronted a mixed army of Romans and Iberians . Scipio Africanus Major employed a clever ruse . Every day for several days , he drew up his army for battle with the Romans stationed in the centre of the line and the Iberians on the wings . But when the enemy offered battle , he would eventually decline it . By this stratagem , he convinced the Carthaginian commanders Mago and Hasdrubal Gisco that they could expect the Romans to hold the centre of their line . On the day of the battle , the Roman force deployed earlier in the day and with the Romans posted on the wings of the line . In the rush to respond , the Carthaginians placed their best forces in the centre as usual , failing to spot the unusual Roman deployment . Thus the inferior Carthaginian mercenaries on the wings were severely beaten by the Romans . The Celtiberians deserted the Carthaginian camp that night . This catastrophic defeat sealed the fate of the Carthaginian presence in Iberia . It was followed by the Roman capture of Gades in 206 BC after the city had already rebelled against Carthaginian rule . The Tribal leaders Indibilis and Mandonius ( of the Ausetani ) thought that , after the expulsion of the Carthaginians , the Romans would leave and they would gain control of Spain again . This did n't happen , however , so they participated with the mutineers at the Sucro camp against the Romans . This mutiny was ultimately squelched by Scipio Africanus . In 205 BC , a last attempt was made by Mago to recapture New Carthage when the Roman occupiers were shaken by a mutiny and an Iberian uprising against their new overlords ; the attack was repulsed . So , in the same year , Mago left Iberia , setting sail from the Balearic islands to Italy with his remaining forces . The Numidian struggle ( edit ) Tomb of the Numidian king Massinissa ( c. 238 -- c. 148 BC ) . Massinissa , leader of the Massyli tribe , was originally an ally of Carthage and fought against the Romans in Iberia . But , after the Battle of Ilipa in 206 BC , he switched sides . His support at the Battle of Zama was critical to the Roman victory . Massinissa remained a staunch Roman ally for the rest of his long life . Site : Shoumaa el - Khroub , near Constantine , Algeria In 206 BC , there was a quick succession of kings in Eastern Numidia that temporarily ended with the division of the land between Carthage and the Western Numidian king Syphax , a former Roman ally . For this bargain , Syphax was to marry Sophonisba , daughter of Hasdrubal Gisco . Massinissa , who had thus lost his fiancee , went over to the Romans with whom he had already established contact during his military service in Iberia . Central Mediterranean ( 206 -- 202 BC ) ( edit ) Carrying the war to Africa ( edit ) Main articles : Battle of Utica ( 203 BC ) and Battle of the Great Plains Publius Cornelius Scipio 's military campaign in Africa ( 204 -- 203 B.C. ) In 205 , Mago landed in Genua by sea the remnants of his Spanish army . This was the third Carthaginian force invading Italy . It soon received Gallic and Ligurian reinforcements . Mago 's arrival in the north of the Italian peninsula was followed by Hannibal 's Battle of Crotona in 204 in the south of the peninsula . Mago marched his reinforced army towards the lands of the Boii and Insubres , Carthage 's main Gallic allies and a place of retreat for Hasdrubal 's defeated remnants . His move was checked by the Romans in the Po Valley Raid in 203 . This hindered the third attempted invasion of Italy early , by preventing Mago from uniting with Hannibal 's army in the south . The split Carthaginian armies were less dangerous , allowing for Roman manpower to be directed to the invasion of Africa , despite the Damocles sword of the enemy troops on and around Roman lands . At the same time , Scipio Africanus Major was given command of the legions in Sicily and was allowed to levy volunteers for his plan to end the war by an invasion of Africa . The legions in Sicily were mainly the survivors of Cannae , who were not allowed home until the war was finished . Scipio was also one of the survivors but , unlike the ordinary soldiers , had been allowed to return to Rome along with the other surviving tribunes , and had run successfully for public office and had been given command of the troops in Iberia . Within a year of his landing in Africa , Scipio twice routed the regular Carthaginian forces , under Hasdrubal Gisco , and his Numidian allies . The main native supporter of the Carthaginians , king Syphax of the Massaesylians ( western Numidians ) , was defeated and taken prisoner . Masinissa , a Numidian rival of Syphax and , at that time , an ally of the Romans , seized a large part of his kingdom with their help . These setbacks persuaded some of the Carthaginians that it was time to sue for peace . Others pleaded for the recall of the sons of Hamilcar Barca , Hannibal and Mago , who were still fighting the Romans in Bruttium and Cisalpine Gaul respectively . In 203 BC , while Scipio was carrying all before him in Africa and the Carthaginian peace party were arranging an armistice , Hannibal was recalled from Italy by the war party at Carthage . After leaving a record of his expedition engraved in Punic and Greek upon bronze tablets in the temple of Juno at Crotone , he sailed back to Africa . These records were later quoted by Polybius . Hannibal 's arrival immediately restored the predominance of the war party , who placed him in command of a combined force of African levies and his mercenaries from Italy . But Hannibal was opposed to this policy and tried to convince them not to send the untrained African levies into battle . In 202 BC , Hannibal met Scipio in a peace conference . Despite the two generals ' mutual admiration , negotiations foundered , according to the Romans due to `` Punic faith '' , meaning bad faith . This Roman expression referred to the alleged breach of protocols which ended the First Punic War by the Carthaginian attack on Saguntum , Hannibal 's perceived breaches of what the Romans perceived as military etiquette ( i.e. , Hannibal 's numerous ambuscades ) , as well as the armistice violated by the Carthaginians in the period before Hannibal 's return . Broken armistice and final peace treaty ( edit ) Main article : Battle of Zama Carthaginian war elephants engage Roman infantry at the Battle of Zama ( 202 BC ) . The decisive battle soon followed . Unlike most battles of the Second Punic War , the Romans had superiority in cavalry and the Carthaginians had superiority in infantry . The Roman army was generally better armed and trained than the Carthaginians . Hannibal had refused to lead this army into battle , because he did not expect them to be able to perform . There had been very bitter arguments between him and the oligarchy . His co-general , Hasdrubal Gisco , was forced to commit suicide by a violent mob after he spoke in support of Hannibal 's view that such troops should not be led into battle . Before the battle , Hannibal gave no speech to his new troops , only to his veterans . Scipio countered an expected Carthaginian elephant charge , which caused some of Hannibal 's elephants to turn back into his own ranks , throwing his cavalry into disarray . The Roman cavalry was able to capitalize on this and drive the Carthaginian cavalry from the field . The battle remained closely fought and , at one point , it seemed that Hannibal was on the verge of victory . However , Scipio was able to rally his men , and his cavalry returned from chasing the Carthaginian cavalry and attacked Hannibal 's rear . This two - pronged attack caused the Carthaginian formation to disintegrate and collapse . After their defeat , Hannibal convinced the Carthaginians to accept peace . Notably , he broke the rules of the assembly by forcibly removing a speaker who supported continued resistance . Afterwards , he was obliged to apologize for his behaviour . Eastern Mediterranean and Ionian Sea ( 206 -- 201 BC ) ( edit ) Main article : First Macedonian War 206 BC -- the Aetolians make peace with Macedonia 205 BC -- Rome lands with 11,000 men and 35 ships in Durrës but achieve no military objective 205 BC -- the First Macedonian war ends with the peace Treaty of Phoenice Aftermath ( edit ) Aerial view ( 1958 ) of Carthage 's cothon - type military harbour . The circular naval base was situated on the central peninsula . The entrance to the harbour has silted up . Scale model of the circular naval base at Carthage . Note the individual docking bays for warships . Carthage lost Hispania forever , and Rome firmly established her power there over large areas . Rome imposed a war indemnity of 10,000 talents ( 300 tonnes / 660,000 pounds ) , limited the Carthaginian navy to 10 ships ( to ward off pirates ) , and forbade Carthage from raising an army without Roman permission . The Numidians took the opportunity to capture and plunder Carthaginian territory . Half a century later , when Carthage raised an army to defend itself from these incursions , Rome destroyed her in the Third Punic War ( 149 -- 146 BC ) . Rome , on the other hand , by her victory , had taken a key step towards what ultimately became her domination of the Mediterranean world . The end of the war did not meet with a universal welcome in Rome . When the Senate decided upon a peace treaty with Carthage , Quintus Caecilius Metellus , a former consul , said he did not look upon the termination of the war as a blessing to Rome , since he feared that the Roman people would now sink back again into its former slumbers , from which it had been roused by the presence of Hannibal . Others , most notably Cato the Elder , feared that if Carthage was not completely destroyed it would soon regain its power and pose new threats to Rome ; he pressed for harsher peace conditions . Even after the peace , Cato insisted on the destruction of Carthage , ending all his speeches with `` Carthage must be destroyed '' , even if they had nothing to do with Carthage . Archaeology has discovered that the famous circular military harbour at Carthage , the Cothon , received a significant buildup during or after this war . Though shielded from external sight , it could house and quickly deploy about 200 triremes . This appears a surprising development as , after the war , one of the terms of surrender restricted the Carthaginian fleet to only ten triremes . One possible explanation : as has been pointed out for other Phoenician cities , privateers with warships played a significant role besides trade , even when the Roman Empire was fully established and officially controlled all coasts . In this case it is not clear whether the treaty included private warships . The only reference to Carthaginian privateers comes from the First Punic War : one such privateer , Hanno the Rhodian , owned a quinquereme ( faster than the serial production models that the Romans had copied ) , manned with about 500 men and then among the heaviest warships in use . Later pirates in Roman waters are all reported with much smaller vessels , which could outrun naval vessels , but operated with lower personnel costs . Thus piracy was probably highly developed in Carthage and the state did not have a monopoly of military forces . Pirates probably played an important role in capturing slaves , one of the most profitable trade - goods , but merchant ships with tradeable goods and a crew were also their targets . No surviving source reports the fate of Carthaginian privateers in the periods between and after the Punic Wars . Hannibal became a businessman for several years and later enjoyed a leadership role in Carthage . However , the Carthaginian nobility , upset by his policy of democratisation and his struggle against corruption , persuaded the Romans to force him into exile in Asia Minor , where he again led armies against the Romans and their allies on the battlefield . He eventually committed suicide ( ca . 182 BC ) to avoid capture . Carthage and Numidia after the war ( edit ) Constant low - level warfare persisted between Carthage and Numidia , but , by the time of the Third Punic War ( 149 -- 146 BC ) , Carthage had lost most of her African territories and the Numidians traded independently with the Greeks . Intelligence ( edit ) In this conflict , intelligence played an important role on both sides . Hannibal mastered an intelligence service that enabled him to achieve outstanding victories . Likewise , Scipio Africanus Major 's victories depended on information . In 217 BC , a Carthaginian resident spy in Rome -- probably a Roman citizen -- was caught and had his hands cut off as a punishment . Opinions on the war ( edit ) Livy portrayed the Punic War as `` the most memorable of all wars that were ever waged : the war which the Carthaginians , under the conduct of Hannibal , maintained with the Roman people . For never did any states and nations more efficient in their resources engage in contest ; nor had they themselves at any other period so great a degree of power and energy . They brought into action too no arts of war unknown to each other , but those which had been tried in the first Punic war ; and so various was the fortune of the conflict , and so doubtful the victory , that they who conquered were more exposed to danger . The hatred with which they fought also was almost greater than their resources . '' In popular culture ( edit ) G.A. Henty 's 1887 historical novel The Young Carthaginian tells the story of Hannibal and the Second Punic War from the perspective of the fictional character Malchus , a cousin of Hannibal . Hannibal 's exploits , as well as Archimedes and the Siege of Syracuse , are dramatically reenacted in the classic early Italian silent film Cabiria ( 1914 ) . In the BBC TV Series On Hannibal 's Trail ( 2009 ) See also ( edit ) Socii Equestrian order Carthaginian peace Hannibal Scipio Africanus Major War elephant Barcid List of battles of the Second Punic War Polybius wrote a detailed history , showing contemporary insight into the political process of this time . Silius Italicus , who dramatised the war in his poem Punica Petrarch , who wrote an epic on the war entitled Africa Plutarch 's Lives for lives of two of the Roman generals , Fabius Maximus and Gaius Flaminius . Plutarch 's life of Scipio Africanus is lost . References ( edit ) Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Bagnell , p. vii . ^ Jump up to : Livy . The History of Rome by Titus Livius : Books Nine to Twenty - Six , trans . D. Spillan and Cyrus Edmonds . London : Henry G. Bohn , 1868 . ^ Jump up to : Mahaney , W.C. , 2008 , Hannibal 's Odyssey : Environmental Background to the Alpine Invasion of Italia . Gorgias Press , Piscataway , N.J. , 221 pp. ISBN 978 - 1 - 59333 - 951 - 7 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 230 . Jump up ^ Polybius . The Histories , 3.35. 1 Jump up ^ Polybius , 3.35. 4 -- 5 Jump up ^ Lazenby 41 ^ Jump up to : Hoyos 2011 , p. 321 . ^ Jump up to : Hoyos 2011 , p. 322 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 139 Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 365 . Jump up ^ Goldsworthy , Adrian . The Fall of Carthage . p. 151 . ISBN 0 - 304 - 36642 - 0 . ^ Jump up to : Hoyos 2011 , p. 283 . ^ Jump up to : Hoyos 2011 , p. 284 . ^ Jump up to : Hoyos 2011 , p. 285 . Jump up ^ Liddell Hart , B.H. , Strategy , New York City , New York , Penguin Group , 1967 Jump up ^ Goldsworthy ( 2000 ) 49 , 52 ^ Jump up to : Hoyos 2011 , p. 286 . Jump up ^ Polybius , 3.114 Jump up ^ Dodge , Theodore Ayrault ( 1891 ) . Hannibal . Cambridge , Massachusetts , Da Capo Press . p. 242 . ISBN 0 - 306 - 81362 - 9 Jump up ^ Polybius , 3.95 Jump up ^ Dodge , Theodore Ayrault ( 1891 ) . Hannibal . Cambridge , Massachusetts , Da Capo Press . p. 403 . ISBN 0 - 306 - 81362 - 9 Jump up ^ Healy , Mark , Cannae : Hannibal Smashes Rome 's Army , Steerling Heights , Missouri , Osprey Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 249 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 122f Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 313 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 132 Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 75 . ^ Jump up to : Hoyos 2011 , p. 301 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 327 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 312 . ^ Jump up to : Hoyos 2011 , p. 323 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 333 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 328 . ^ Jump up to : Hoyos 2011 , p. 329 . ^ Jump up to : Hoyos 2011 , p. 330 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 311 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 316 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 85 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 253 . ^ Jump up to : Hoyos 2011 , p. 300 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 350 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 301 -- 302 . ^ Jump up to : Hoyos 2011 , p. 372 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 290 . Jump up ^ Livy , XXVI. 40 . According to F.W. Walbank , p. 84 , note 2 , `` Livy accidentally omits Messenia and erroneously describes Pleuratus as king of Thrace . '' Jump up ^ Livy . The History of Rome by Titus Livius : Books Twenty - Seven to Thirty - Six , trans . Cyrus Edmonds . London : 1850 . Jump up ^ Hoyos 2011 , p. 362 . Jump up ^ Valerius Maximus vii. 2 . § 3 . Jump up ^ Plutarch , Life of Cato Jump up ^ Zlattner 1997 Jump up ^ Austin&Rankov 1995 , p. 93 Primary sources ( edit ) Livy Polybius Appian Secondary sources ( edit ) Ameling , Walter ( 1993 ) . Karthago : Studien zu Militär , Staat und Gesellschaft ( in German ) . Munich . ISBN 3 - 406 - 37490 - 5 . Barceló , Pedro A. ( 1988 ) . Karthago und die iberische Halbinsel vor den Barkiden : Studien zur karthagischen Präsenz im westlichen Mittelmeerraum von der Gründung von Ebusus bis zum Übergang Hamilkars nach Hispanien ( in German ) . Bonn . ISBN 3 - 7749 - 2354 - X . Bagnall , Nigel ( 1990 ) . The Punic Wars . ISBN 0 - 312 - 34214 - 4 . Dodge , Theodore Ayrault ( 1891 ) . Hannibal . Reprinted by Da Capo Press , Cambridge , Massachusetts ISBN 0 - 306 - 81362 - 9 Hoyos , Dexter ; Ameling , Walter ; Barceló , Pedro ; Beck , Hans ; Bleckmann , Bruno ; Brizzi , Giovanni ( 2011 ) . A Companion to the Punic Wars . Oxford : Wiley - Blackwell . ISBN 978 - 1 - 405 - 17600 - 2 . Lazenby , John Francis ( 1978 ) . Hannibal 's War . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8061 - 3004 - 0 . Goldsworthy , Adrian ( 2006 ) . The Fall of Carthage . ISBN 978 - 03043 - 6642 - 2 . Lancel , Serge ( 1995 ) . Hannibal ( in French ) . Mahaney , W.C , 2008 . `` Hannibal 's Odyssey , Environmental Background to the Alpine Invasion of Italia , '' Gorgias Press , Piscataway , N.J , 221 pp . Palmer , Robert E.A. ( 1997 ) . Rome and Carthage at Peace . Stuttgart . Zlattner , Max ( 1997 ) . Hannibals Geheimdienst im Zweiten Punischen Krieg ( in German ) . Konstanz . ISBN 3 - 87940 - 546 - 8 . Library resources about Second Punic War Online books Resources in your library Resources in other libraries Further reading ( edit ) Austin , N.J.E. , and N.B. Rankov. 1995 . Exploratio : Military and Political Intelligence In the Roman World From the Second Punic War to the Battle of Adrianople . London : Routledge . Bellón , Juan Pedro , Carmen Rueda , Miguel Ángel Lechuga , and María Isabel Moreno. 2016 . `` An Archaeological Analysis of a Battlefield of the Second Punic War : the Camps of the Battle of Baecula . '' Journal of Roman Archaeology 29 : 73 -- 104 . doi : 10.1017 / S1047759400072056 . Daly , Gregory . 2002 . Cannae : The experience of battle in the Second Punic War . New York : Routledge . Dodge , Theodore Ayrault. 2004 . Hannibal : A History of the Art of War Among the Carthaginians and Romans Down to the Battle of Pydna , 168 B.C. , with a Detailed Account of the Second Punic War . New York : Da Capo Press . Fronda , Michael P. 2010 . Between Rome and Carthage : Southern Italy During the Second Punic War . Cambridge , UK : Cambridge University Press . -- -- -- -- . 2011 . `` Hannibal : Tactics , strategy and geostrategy . '' In A companion to the Punic wars . Edited by Dexter Hoyos , 242 -- 59 . Malden , MA : Wiley - Blackwell . Goldsworthy , Adrian. 2000 . The Punic Wars . London : Cassell . Hoyos , Dexter. 1998 . Unplanned wars : The origins of the First and Second Punic Wars . Berlin : de Gruyter . -- -- -- -- . 2003 . Hannibal 's dynasty : Power and politics in the western Mediterranean 247 -- 183 BC . New York : Routledge . -- -- -- -- , ed. 2011 . A companion to the Punic Wars . Malden , MA : Wiley - Blackwell . Lazenby , J.F. 1998 . Hannibal 's war : A military history of the Second Punic War . Norman : Univ. of Oklahoma Press . Rich , John . 1996 . `` The origins of the Second Punic War . '' In The Second Punic War : A reappraisal . Edited by Tim Cornell , Boris Rankov , and Philip Sabin , 27 -- 54 . London : Univ. of London , Institute of Classical Studies . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to : Second Punic War ( category ) Second Punic War -- Ancient History Encyclopedia Polybius History hide Punic Wars First Punic War Messana Agrigentum Lipari Islands Mylae Sulci Tyndaris Cape Ecnomus Aspis Adys Tunis Cape Hermaeum Panormus 1st Drepana 1st Lilybaeum 2nd Drepana Mount Ercte 1st Mt . Eryx 2nd Mt . Eryx Aegates Mercenary War Utica Bagradas River Hamilcar 's victory with Naravas Carthage `` The Saw '' Tunis Second Punic War Saguntum Crossing of the Alps Lilybaeum Rhone Ticinus Trebia Cissa Lake Trasimene Ebro River Ager Falernus Geronium Cannae 1st Nola Dertosa 2nd Nola Decimomannu 3rd Nola 1st Beneventum Syracuse 1st Tarentum 1st Capua 2nd Beneventum Silarus 1st Herdonia Upper Baetis 2nd Capua 2nd Herdonia Numistro Asculum 2nd Tarentum Baecula Grumentum Metaurus New Carthage Ilipa Guadalquivir Carteia Crotona Utica Great Plains Cirta Po Valley Zama Third Punic War Lake Tunis 1st Nepheris Port of Carthage 2nd Nepheris Carthage Military history Ancient Roman wars Wars of the Roman Republic Roman -- Etruscan Wars Roman - Aequian wars Roman -- Latin wars Roman -- Hernician wars Roman - Volscian wars Samnite Wars Pyrrhic War Punic Wars ( First , Second , Third ) Illyrian Wars ( First , Second , Third ) Macedonian Wars ( First , Second , Third , Fourth ) Roman -- Seleucid War Aetolian War Galatian War Roman conquest of Hispania ( First Celtiberian War , Lusitanian War , Numantine War , Sertorian War , Cantabrian Wars ) Achaean War Jugurthine War Cimbrian War Servile Wars ( First , Second , Third ) Social War Sulla 's civil wars ( First , Second ) Mithridatic Wars ( First , Second , Third ) Gallic Wars Caesar 's invasions of Britain Caesar 's Civil War End of the Republic ( Post-Caesarian , Liberators ' , Sicilian , Perusine , Final ) Wars of the Roman Empire Germanic Wars ( Teutoburg , Marcomannic , Alemannic , Gothic , Visigothic ) Wars in Britain Wars of Boudica Armenian War Civil War of 69 Jewish -- Roman wars Domitian 's Dacian War Trajan 's Dacian Wars Parthian Wars Persian Wars Civil Wars of the Third Century Wars of the Fall of the Western Roman Empire Military history of ancient Rome GND : 4124004 - 2 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Second Punic War 200s BC conflicts 210s BC conflicts 3rd century BC in the Roman Republic 3rd century BC Hannibal Punic Wars Wars involving Carthage Wars involving the Roman Republic Third Punic War Malta in the Roman era Hidden categories : All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from June 2015 CS1 German - language sources ( de ) CS1 French - language sources ( fr ) Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Use dmy dates from February 2011 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikimedia Commons Alemannisch Ænglisc Български Bosanski Brezhoneg Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Frysk 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Interlingua Íslenska Italiano עברית ಕನ್ನಡ ქართული Қазақша Latina Magyar Македонски मराठी Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Occitan Polski Português Română Русиньскый Русский Scots Sicilianu Simple English Slovenčina Slovenščina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt ייִדיש 中文 51 more Edit links This page was last edited on 19 June 2018 , at 15 : 40 ( UTC ) . 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"The war began with the Carthaginian general Hannibal's conquest and destruction of the Roman-allied Iberian city of Saguntum in 219 BC, prompting a Roman declaration of war on Carthage in 218. Hannibal surprised the Romans by marching his army overland from Iberia to cross the Alps and invade Roman Italy, followed by his reinforcement by Gallic allies and crushing victories over Roman armies at Trebia in 218 and on the shores of Lake Trasimene in 217. Moving to southern Italy in 216, Hannibal at Cannae annihilated the largest army the Romans had ever assembled, killing or capturing more than 67,000 Roman soldiers. After the death or imprisonment of 130,000 Roman troops in two years, 40% of Rome's Italian allies defected to Carthage, giving her control over most of southern Italy. Macedon and Syracuse joined the Carthaginian side after Cannae and the conflict spread to Greece and Sicily. The Carthaginian navy was built up in the early years of the war, and from 215–210 the Carthaginian army and navy launched amphibious assaults to capture Roman Sicily and Sardinia but were ultimately repulsed."
] | [
"Carthaginian general Hannibal"
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6888880496665030558 | Major League Baseball rosters | Major League Baseball rosters - wikipedia Major League Baseball rosters This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( September 2010 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) A Major League Baseball roster is a roster of players allowed by league agreement to play for their respective Major League Baseball team . There are two types of rosters in general , the `` active roster '' of 25 players and the `` expanded roster '' of 40 players . Contents 1 Active roster 2 Expanded roster 2.1 September call - ups 3 Postseason roster 4 Non-roster players 5 All - Star roster 6 See also 7 References 8 Current Major League rosters Active roster ( edit ) Since 1910 , when teams were first allowed to carry players under contract in excess of those allowed to participate in regular season games , the latter has been called the `` active roster . '' With exceptions through the years for varying economic conditions ( primarily during World War I , the Great Depression , post-World War II , and from 1986 to 1989 when the limit was set at 24 because of rising player salaries ) , the active roster has allowed up to 25 players to participate for a Major League team within specified dates , currently Opening Day to September 1 . In 1968 , the 25 - player maximum for active rosters was made a part of the first collective bargaining agreement between the major leagues and the Major League Baseball Players Association . Since 1977 , teams have been required to carry a minimum of 24 players on their active rosters as well . Active rosters include the starting eight ( National League ) or nine ( American League ) position players , pitchers , and reserve players on the team . Players on the active roster are also on the 40 - man roster . These players are generally the only ones who dress in uniform and are the only ones who may take the field in a game at any time . Typically , in modern - day play , an active roster will consist of five starting pitchers , seven relief pitchers , two catchers , six infielders , and five outfielders . Teams can vary this somewhat according to preference and circumstance , and indeed the `` typical '' roster makeup has changed somewhat over the years . ( Starting rotations used to consist of four pitchers , not five , well into the 1970s ; third - string catchers used to be much more common ; many other minor variations exist . ) In the American League , a full - time designated hitter ( DH ) is usually classified as either an infielder or an outfielder , not a DH , because most DHs do play defensive positions from time to time . Since the 2012 season , teams have been allowed 26 - player active rosters for `` day - night '' doubleheaders -- two games scheduled on the same day , but with the stadium cleared between games , and separate tickets sold for each game -- as long as the doubleheaders have been scheduled with at least 48 hours notice . Expanded roster ( edit ) Also called the `` 40 - man roster '' , the expanded roster is composed of all the players in a Major League club 's organization who are signed to a major - league contract . The 40 - man roster limit has been in effect since 1921 , except for 1945 and 1946 when it was raised to 48 to accommodate veterans returning from military service in World War II , from 1962 to 1965 when it was raised to 41 to add a reserve spot for first - year players acquired before implementation of a player draft was approved prior to the 1965 season , and in 1994 due to a strike that canceled the remainder of the 1994 season . The expanded roster includes all players who are eligible for call - up to the active roster at any given time . Also on the 40 - man are any players on the 10 - day disabled list ( DL ) and minor league players who are signed to a major - league contract but are on an `` optional assignment '' to the minors . ( Each player has three `` option years '' to be sent to the minors once on the expanded roster before they must be placed on waivers to be sent there . ) A player who is on the 40 - man roster but is later placed on the 60 - day disabled list is removed from the 40 - man roster until his time on the DL is over . The same applies to players who are suspended . Because players on the 60 - day DL are taken off the 40 - man roster with no risk of losing the player , MLB teams often transfer injured players from the 10 - day DL to the 60 - day DL so that the team can add another player to the 40 - man roster without having to designate a player for assignment . Designating for assignment ( `` DFA '' ) is the removal of a player from the expanded roster ; the team has seven days to trade the player , release him , or send him to the minors . September call - ups ( edit ) On September 1 , the Major League team 's roster expands from the 25 - man active roster to the entire 40 - man roster . At this point , any player on the expanded roster on August 31 may play for the Major League team . September call - ups are players from the minors who are playing in September to get Major League experience and , especially for teams in contention , to provide reinforcements down the stretch . In practice , once the roster expands , teams will seldom make more than about six of the fifteen available September call - ups . Postseason roster ( edit ) A postseason roster takes effect only if a team clinches a playoff berth . Players who are part of the team 's final roster at the end of the regular season are eligible to participate in the postseason . Any player who has been traded from a different team , spent time in the Minor Leagues , or signed later in the season with the team ( no later than August 31 ) is eligible to participate in the postseason . A postseason roster is allowed up to 25 active players . Other players who are not on the 25 - man active roster will be assigned to the postseason secondary squad . Players who are on the disabled list or any other non-active transaction by the end of the regular season will have their transactions passed on in the postseason . Rosters for a series are set at the beginning of the series and no changes to the 25 - man active roster are allowed except when a player is moved to the disabled list or any other inactive transaction . If a player is moved to the disabled list or another inactive transaction during a series , he then becomes ineligible to be returned to the 25 - man active roster for the remainder of the series as well as the next series if applicable . If any player goes on any inactive transaction , any player from the 40 - man roster can be promoted to the 25 - man active roster for the remainder of the series if applicable . For a player to be eligible for the postseason active roster , he must have either been on his club 's expanded roster or disabled list as of midnight ET on August 31 of that year and not placed on the 60 day disabled list after August 1 . The one exception is for replacing players on the disabled list . Since the 2014 season , an injured player eligible for postseason play may be replaced by any player within his club 's organization , including players assigned to the club 's minor league affiliates who are not on the major league 40 - man roster . Prior to 2014 , only players who were on a club 's 40 - man roster ( including those added to the expanded roster after August 31 , who would not otherwise be eligible for the postseason ) at the conclusion of the regular season were eligible to replace injured players on postseason rosters . The 2015 Kansas City Royals were the first club to exploit this new provision when they added Adalberto Mondesí -- who at the time was assigned to the Royals ' Double - A affiliate and was not on the 40 - man roster -- to their World Series roster . Non-roster players ( edit ) All other professional players affiliated with Major League Baseball are signed to minor - league contracts . They can receive an invitation to spring training with their organization 's Major League team without being on the 40 - man roster . Two types of players generally receive a non-roster invitation : prospect players who are there to gain experience and face tougher competition as well as receive instruction from the Major League team 's coaching staff ; and veteran players who were not offered any major league contract by a club . The veteran player is usually signed to a `` two - way '' salary option -- one for their time in the minors and another if they are placed on the 40 - man during the season . All spring training invitees are under some sort of contract , to avoid liability if an injury were to occur to the player . All - Star roster ( edit ) Since 1933 , an annual Major League Baseball All - Star Game has been played at approximately the mid-point of each season , except for 1945 . The game features an American League team versus a National League team . The number of players on All - Star rosters has varied ; since 2010 , there are 34 players on each league 's roster . See also ( edit ) Bonus rule Phantom ballplayer Major League Baseball transactions List of current Major League Baseball team rosters References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Stark , Jayson ( November 22 , 2011 ) . `` How the new CBA changes baseball '' . . Retrieved November 23 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ `` Major League Rule 40 ( a ) , ( 2 ) '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2 August 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Major League Rule 40 ( a ) , ( 1 ) '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2 August 2013 . Current Major League rosters ( edit ) Major League Baseball current rosters Arizona Diamondbacks current roster Active roster 1 Jarrod Dyson 4 Ketel Marte 5 Alex Avila 6 David Peralta 13 Nick Ahmed 14 Eduardo Escobar 15 Ildemaro Vargas 16 Chris Owings 19 Socrates Brito 21 Zack Greinke 22 Jake Lamb 25 Archie Bradley 26 Shelby Miller 28 Steven Souza Jr . 30 T.J. McFarland 31 Brad Boxberger 33 Jake Barrett 34 Braden Shipley 35 Matt Andriese 36 John Ryan Murphy 38 Robbie Ray 40 Andrew Chafin 44 Paul Goldschmidt 50 Yoan López 52 Zack Godley 53 Christian Walker 54 Jimmie Sherfy 55 Matt Koch 61 Silvino Bracho 63 Jared Miller 65 Joey Krehbiel 66 Yoshihisa Hirano 74 Domingo Leyba 99 Taijuan Walker -- Artie Lewicki Coaching staff Manager 17 Torey Lovullo Hitting -- Vacant Pitching 23 Mike Butcher First base 39 Dave McKay Third base 8 Tony Perezchica Bench coach 12 Jerry Narron Bullpen 43 Mike Fetters Assistant Hitting 59 Tim Laker Quality Control / Catching 7 Robby Hammock Bullpen catcher 83 Mark Reed Bullpen catcher 84 Humberto Quintero Atlanta Braves current roster Active roster 1 Ozzie Albies 5 Freddie Freeman 7 Dansby Swanson 8 Preston Tucker 11 Ender Inciarte 13 Ronald Acuña Jr . 14 Rio Ruiz 15 Sean Newcomb 16 Charlie Culberson 17 Johan Camargo 18 Lane Adams 23 Adam Duvall 25 Tyler Flowers 26 Mike Foltynewicz 33 A.J. Minter 36 Kolby Allard 38 Arodys Vizcaíno 39 Sam Freeman 40 Mike Soroka 45 Kevin Gausman 48 Jonny Venters 49 Julio Teherán 51 Shane Carle 52 José Ramírez 53 Luiz Gohara 54 Max Fried 57 Michael Reed 58 Daniel Winkler 61 Chad Sobotka 62 Touki Toussaint 63 Jesse Biddle 64 Luke Jackson 65 Ricardo Sánchez 67 Wes Parsons 68 Adam McCreery 72 Bryse Wilson 73 Kyle Wright 75 Grant Dayton -- Jacob Lindgren -- Darren O'Day Coaching staff Manager 43 Brian Snitker Hitting 28 Kevin Seitzer Pitching -- Vacant Bench 4 Walt Weiss First base 2 Eric Young Third base 37 Ron Washington Bullpen 34 Marty Reed Assistant hitting 59 José Castro Bullpen catcher 98 José Yepez Catching 60 Sal Fasano Baltimore Orioles current roster Active roster 1 Tim Beckham 2 Jonathan Villar 3 Cedric Mullins 12 Steve Wilkerson 15 Chance Sisco 16 Trey Mancini 17 Alex Cobb 18 Austin Hays 19 Chris Davis 23 Joey Rickard 25 Anthony Santander 27 Andrew Susac 28 Breyvic Valera 29 Jace Peterson 31 Jimmy Yacabonis 32 Yefry Ramírez 34 John Andreoli 36 Caleb Joseph 37 Dylan Bundy 38 Pedro Araújo 39 Renato Núñez 41 David Hess 43 Mike Wright 45 Mark Trumbo 48 Richard Bleier 49 Gabriel Ynoa 49 Cody Carroll 50 Miguel Castro 51 Paul Fry 52 Ryan Meisinger 54 Andrew Cashner 57 Donnie Hart 58 Evan Phillips 59 Luis Ortiz 60 Mychal Givens 61 Austin Wynns 62 DJ Stewart 63 Sean Gilmartin 64 Corban Joseph 65 Josh Rogers 66 Tanner Scott 67 John Means -- Hunter Harvey -- Branden Kline -- Engelb Vielma Coaching staff Manager Vacant Bench 77 John Russell First base 21 Wayne Kirby Third base 11 Bobby Dickerson Hitting 47 Scott Coolbaugh Assistant hitting 88 Howie Clark Pitching 40 Roger McDowell Bullpen 75 Alan Mills Assistant 55 Einar Díaz Bullpen catcher 82 Jett Ruiz Boston Red Sox current roster Active roster 2 Xander Bogaerts 3 Sandy León 7 Christian Vázquez 11 Rafael Devers 12 Brock Holt 15 Dustin Pedroia 16 Andrew Benintendi 18 Mitch Moreland 19 Jackie Bradley Jr . 22 Rick Porcello 23 Blake Swihart 24 David Price 28 J.D. Martinez 30 Tzu - Wei Lin 32 Matt Barnes 35 Steven Wright 36 Eduardo Núñez 37 Heath Hembree 38 Tony Renda 39 Carson Smith 40 Marco Hernández 41 Chris Sale 44 Brandon Workman 47 Tyler Thornburg 50 Mookie Betts 57 Eduardo Rodríguez 59 Sam Travis 61 Brian Johnson 62 Austin Maddox 63 Robby Scott 64 Marcus Walden 65 Justin Haley 66 Bobby Poyner 67 William Cuevas 70 Ryan Brasier 76 Héctor Velázquez -- Chandler Shepherd Coaching staff Manager 20 Alex Cora Bench 10 Ron Roenicke First base 82 Tom Goodwin Third base 52 Carlos Febles Pitching 60 Dana LeVangie Hitting 51 Tim Hyers Asst . hitting 58 Andy Barkett Bullpen 53 Craig Bjornson Asst . pitching 86 Brian Bannister Chicago Cubs current roster Active roster 1 Terrance Gore 2 Tommy La Stella 4 Mike Freeman 5 Albert Almora 6 Carl Edwards Jr . 7 Víctor Caratini 8 Ian Happ 9 Javier Báez 11 Yu Darvish 12 Kyle Schwarber 13 David Bote 15 Brandon Morrow 17 Kris Bryant 18 Ben Zobrist 20 Brandon Kintzler 21 Tyler Chatwood 22 Jason Heyward 24 Alec Mills 27 Addison Russell 28 Kyle Hendricks 32 Brian Duensing 34 Jon Lester 35 Cole Hamels 36 Dillon Maples 38 Mike Montgomery 39 Drew Smyly 40 Willson Contreras 41 Steve Cishek 44 Anthony Rizzo 46 Pedro Strop 47 Randy Rosario 51 Duane Underwood Jr . 52 Jen - Ho Tseng 53 Taylor Davis 54 Justin Hancock 57 James Norwood 61 Allen Webster 62 José Quintana 71 Oscar De La Cruz 73 Adbert Alzolay -- Mark Zagunis Coaching staff Manager 70 Joe Maddon Third base 55 Brian Butterfield Bench 16 Brandon Hyde Hitting Vacant First base 25 Will Venable Pitching 48 Jim Hickey Bullpen 00 Lester Strode Catching 58 Mike Borzello Assistant hitting 19 Andy Haines Bullpen catcher 95 Chad Noble Chicago White Sox current roster Active roster 5 Yolmer Sánchez 7 Tim Anderson 10 Yoan Moncada 15 Adam Engel 18 Daniel Palka 20 José Rondón 21 Welington Castillo 22 Charlie Tilson 24 Matt Davidson 26 Avisail García 27 Lucas Giolito 28 Leury García 30 Nicky Delmonico 34 Michael Kopech 37 Juan Minaya 38 Omar Narváez 39 Aaron Bummer 40 Reynaldo López 49 Ryan Cordell 50 Thyago Vieira 51 Carson Fulmer 55 Carlos Rodón 57 Jace Fry 61 Ryan Burr 63 Ian Hamilton 64 Ian Clarkin 65 Nate Jones 66 José Ruiz 67 Caleb Frare 68 Dylan Covey 73 Luis Alexander Basabe 74 Eloy Jiménez 77 Micker Adolfo 79 José Abreu Coaching staff Manager 17 Rick Renteria First base 8 Daryl Boston Hitting 31 Todd Steverson Asst . hitting 46 Greg Sparks Bench 47 Joe McEwing Bullpen catcher 59 Mark Salas Pitching 99 Don Cooper Bullpen 29 Curt Hasler Third base 12 Nick Capra Cincinnati Reds current roster Active roster 2 Alex Blandino 3 Scooter Gennett 4 Brandon Dixon 6 Billy Hamilton 7 Eugenio Suárez 9 José Peraza 15 Dilson Herrera 16 Tucker Barnhart 19 Joey Votto 21 Michael Lorenzen 23 Cody Reed 26 Raisel Iglesias 27 Phillip Ervin 28 Anthony DeSclafani 29 Brandon Finnegan 30 Tyler Mahle 33 Jesse Winker 34 Homer Bailey 36 Keury Mella 37 David Hernandez 38 Curt Casali 39 Lucas Sims 40 Austin Brice 41 Matt Wisler 43 Scott Schebler 44 Tanner Rainey 46 Mason Williams 47 Sal Romano 48 Jared Hughes 50 Amir Garrett 51 Blake Trahan 53 Wandy Peralta 55 Robert Stephenson 57 Jesús Reyes 58 Luis Castillo 62 Jackson Stephens 63 Aristides Aquino 74 Jose Lopez 75 Shed Long 85 José Siri -- Juan Graterol Coaching staff Manager 25 David Bell Third base 22 Billy Hatcher Bench 60 Pat Kelly First base 45 Freddie Benavides Bullpen 56 Ted Power Pitching 52 Danny Darwin Hitting 59 Don Long Assistant hitting 64 Tony Jaramillo Catcher instructor 72 Mike Stefanski Bullpen catcher 87 Dustin Hughes Cleveland Indians current roster Active roster 0 Brandon Barnes 1 Greg Allen 4 Bradley Zimmer 7 Yan Gomes 9 Erik González 10 Edwin Encarnación 11 José Ramírez 12 Francisco Lindor 17 Yonder Alonso 22 Jason Kipnis 28 Corey Kluber 33 Brad Hand 35 Ben Taylor 36 Yandy Díaz 38 Eric Haase 45 Adam Plutko 46 Jon Edwards 47 Trevor Bauer 49 Tyler Olson 52 Mike Clevinger 55 Roberto Pérez 57 Shane Bieber 58 Neil Ramírez 59 Carlos Carrasco 61 Dan Otero 66 Eric Stamets 75 Yu Chang 90 Adam Cimber -- Oscar Mercado Disabled list 13 Leonys Martín 30 Tyler Naquin 31 Danny Salazar 44 Nick Goody 56 Cody Anderson -- James Hoyt Coaching staff Manager 77 Terry Francona Bench / Outfield 2 Brad Mills First base / Catchers 15 Sandy Alomar Jr . Third base / Infield 16 Mike Sarbaugh Hitting 29 Ty Van Burkleo Pitching 51 Carl Willis Bullpen 48 Scott Atchison Assistant hitting 60 Victor Rodriguez Bullpen catcher 64 Armando Camacaro Bullpen catcher 82 Ricky Pacione Replay coordinator 87 Mike Barnett Coach 86 Mark Budzinski Coach 85 Brian Sweeney Colorado Rockies current roster Active roster 1 Garrett Hampson 3 Mike Tauchman 4 Pat Valaika 8 Gerardo Parra 14 Tony Wolters 15 Raimel Tapia 18 Seung - hwan Oh 19 Charlie Blackmon 20 Ian Desmond 21 Kyle Freeland 22 Chris Iannetta 23 Tom Murphy 24 Ryan McMahon 25 Jordan Patterson 26 David Dahl 27 Trevor Story 28 Nolan Arenado 29 Bryan Shaw 34 Jeff Hoffman 35 Chad Bettis 38 Mike Dunn 44 Tyler Anderson 45 Scott Oberg 48 Germán Márquez 49 Antonio Senzatela 51 Jake McGee 52 Chris Rusin 54 Carlos Estévez 55 Jon Gray 56 Noel Cuevas 59 Harrison Musgrave 61 Sam Howard 62 Yency Almonte 63 D.J. Johnson 64 Rayan González 71 Wade Davis 72 Yonathan Daza 74 Jesús Tinoco Coaching staff Manager 10 Bud Black Bench 11 Mike Redmond First base 43 Tony Diaz Third base 39 Stu Cole Hitting 58 Duane Espy Assistant Hitting 41 Jeff Salazar Pitching 36 Steve Foster Bullpen 40 Darren Holmes Coach 53 Ron Gideon Detroit Tigers current roster Active roster 8 Mikie Mahtook 9 Nicholas Castellanos 13 Mike Gerber 14 Christin Stewart 17 Grayson Greiner 18 Dawel Lugo 21 JaCoby Jones 22 Víctor Reyes 24 Miguel Cabrera 26 Zac Reininger 27 Jordan Zimmermann 28 Niko Goodrum 30 Alex Wilson 31 Ryan Carpenter 32 Michael Fulmer 34 James McCann 36 Blaine Hardy 40 Sergio Alcántara 44 Daniel Norris 45 Buck Farmer 46 Jeimer Candelario 48 Matthew Boyd 54 Drew VerHagen 55 John Hicks 56 Spencer Turnbull 58 Victor Alcántara 60 Ronny Rodríguez 61 Shane Greene 62 Sandy Báez 64 Matt Hall 65 Gregory Soto 66 Eduardo Jiménez 68 Daniel Stumpf 77 Joe Jiménez -- Willi Castro -- Dustin Peterson Coaching staff Manager 15 Ron Gardenhire Bench 43 Steve Liddle First base 39 Ramón Santiago Third base 25 Dave Clark Hitting 20 Lloyd McClendon Pitching 38 Rick Anderson Assistant hitting 59 Phil Clark Bullpen A.J. Sager Defensive 88 Matt Martin Quality control 52 Joe Vavra Bullpen catcher 98 John Murrian Bullpen catcher 99 Sam Palace Houston Astros current roster Active roster 1 Carlos Correa 2 Alex Bregman 3 Kyle Tucker 4 George Springer 6 Jake Marisnick 10 Yuli Gurriel 12 Max Stassi 13 Tyler White 16 Brian McCann 18 Tony Kemp 21 Derek Fisher 22 Josh Reddick 23 A.J. Reed 26 Myles Straw 27 José Altuve 28 J.D. Davis 30 Héctor Rondón 31 Collin McHugh 35 Justin Verlander 36 Will Harris 38 Joe Smith 41 Brad Peacock 43 Lance McCullers 45 Gerrit Cole 47 Chris Devenski 54 Roberto Osuna 55 Ryan Pressly 58 Francis Martes 59 Cionel Pérez 61 Jandel Gustave 62 Brady Rodgers 63 Josh James 64 Reymin Guduan 65 Framber Valdez 67 Dean Deetz Coaching staff Manager 14 A.J. Hinch Bench 20 Joe Espada First base 37 Alex Cintrón Third base 8 Gary Pettis Hitting 39 Dave Hudgens Pitching 56 Brent Strom Bullpen catcher 85 Javier Bracamonte Bullpen catcher 96 Carlos Muñoz Kansas City Royals current roster Active roster 4 Alex Gordon 7 Rosell Herrera 11 Bubba Starling 12 Jorge Soler 13 Salvador Pérez 14 Brett Phillips 15 Whit Merrifield 16 Paulo Orlando 17 Hunter Dozier 19 Cheslor Cuthbert 22 Meibrys Viloria 25 Brian Goodwin 27 Adalberto Mondesí 31 Ian Kennedy 32 Jesse Hahn 33 Brian Flynn 34 Trevor Oaks 36 Cam Gallagher 37 Brandon Maurer 38 Jorge Bonifacio 41 Danny Duffy 43 Wily Peralta 46 Ramón Torres 48 Ben Lively 49 Heath Fillmyer 50 Jason Adam 51 Jerry Vasto 52 Jorge López 53 Eric Skoglund 54 Tim Hill 55 Nate Karns 56 Brad Keller 57 Glenn Sparkman 58 Scott Barlow 59 Andrés Machado 61 Kevin McCarthy 64 Burch Smith 65 Jakob Junis 66 Ryan O'Hearn 67 Samir Duenez 68 Jake Newberry -- Kelvin Gutiérrez Coaching staff Manager 3 Ned Yost Bench 26 Dale Sveum First base 35 Mitch Maier Third base 23 Mike Jirschele Hitting 44 Terry Bradshaw Pitching 22 Cal Eldred Bullpen 18 Vance Wilson Catching / Assistant Hitting 28 Pedro Grifol Bullpen catcher 80 Ryan Eigsti Los Angeles Angels current roster Active roster 2 Andrelton Simmons 3 Taylor Ward 5 Albert Pujols 6 David Fletcher 7 Zack Cozart 8 Justin Upton 10 José Briceño 17 Shohei Ohtani 18 Sherman Johnson 19 Jefry Marté 20 José Fernández 22 Kaleb Cowart 23 Alex Meyer 25 Noé Ramirez 27 Mike Trout 28 Andrew Heaney 31 Ty Buttrey 32 Cam Bedrosian 35 Nick Tropeano 36 Williams Jerez 37 Francisco Arcia 38 Justin Anderson 39 Keynan Middleton 40 Odrisamer Despaigne 45 Tyler Skaggs 46 John Lamb 48 José Álvarez 49 Miguel Almonte 51 Jaime Barría 52 Matt Shoemaker 53 Blake Parker 54 Jabari Blash 56 Kole Calhoun 57 Hansel Robles 59 Michael Hermosillo 60 Eduardo Paredes 62 Parker Bridwell 64 Félix Peña 65 Jake Jewell 66 J.C. Ramírez 67 Taylor Cole 68 Deck McGuire 71 Jesús Castillo -- Luke Farrell -- Kevan Smith Coaching staff Manager 12 Brad Ausmus Bench 88 Josh Paul First base 4 Alfredo Griffin Third base 21 Dino Ebel Hitting 77 Eric Hinske Pitching -- Doug White Bullpen 63 Scott Radinsky Assistant hitting 55 Paul Sorrento Catching / information 61 Steve Soliz Bullpen catcher 92 Anel De Los Santos Bullpen catcher 70 Tom Gregorio Los Angeles Dodgers current roster Active roster 3 Chris Taylor 5 Corey Seager 7 Julio Urías 10 Justin Turner 13 Max Muncy 14 Enrique Hernández 15 Austin Barnes 17 Kyle Farmer 18 Kenta Maeda 21 Walker Buehler 22 Clayton Kershaw 25 David Freese 27 Matt Kemp 31 Joc Pederson 35 Cody Bellinger 43 Pat Venditte 44 Rich Hill 46 Josh Fields 47 J.T. Chargois 48 Brock Stewart 51 Dylan Floro 52 Pedro Báez 54 Tony Cingrani 55 Tom Koehler 57 Alex Wood 58 Rocky Gale 59 Zac Rosscup 60 Andrew Toles 61 Alex Verdugo 62 Erik Goeddel 63 Yimi García 64 Caleb Ferguson 66 Yasiel Puig 68 Ross Stripling 70 Tim Locastro 74 Kenley Jansen 75 Scott Alexander 77 Dennis Santana Coaching staff Manager 30 Dave Roberts Bench 16 Bob Geren First base 29 George Lombard Third base 45 Chris Woodward Hitting 12 Turner Ward Pitching 40 Rick Honeycutt Asst . hitting 37 Brant Brown Asst . hitting 28 Luis Ortiz Bullpen 23 Mark Prior Bullpen catcher 82 Steve Cilladi Bullpen catcher 86 Fumimasa Ishibashi Catching 7 Steve Yeager Game Planning and Communications -- Danny Lehman Miami Marlins current roster Active roster 2 Yadiel Rivera 9 Lewis Brinson 10 J.T. Riddle 11 J.T. Realmuto 12 Braxton Lee 13 Starlin Castro 14 Martín Prado 15 Brian Anderson 17 Chad Wallach 19 Miguel Rojas 22 Sandy Alcántara 30 Garrett Cooper 31 Caleb Smith 32 Derek Dietrich 34 Magneuris Sierra 39 Tyler Kinley 43 Jeff Brigham 44 Austin Dean 45 Peter O'Brien 49 Pablo López 51 Ben Meyer 53 Brett Graves 54 Wei - Yin Chen 56 Tayron Guerrero 57 Elieser Hernández 58 Dan Straily 61 Adam Conley 62 José Ureña 63 Trevor Richards 64 Nick Wittgren 66 Jarlin García 71 Drew Steckenrider 76 Dillon Peters 77 Merandy González 79 Isaac Galloway Coaching staff Manager 8 Don Mattingly Assistant Hitting Vacant Hitting 6 Mike Pagliarulo First base Vacant Catching 23 Brian Schneider Bullpen 24 Dean Treanor Third base 33 Fredi González Pitching Vacant Bench 38 Tim Wallach Administrative 59 Ed Lucas Bullpen coordinator 85 Rob Flippo Milwaukee Brewers current roster Active roster 3 Orlando Arcia 5 Jonathan Schoop 6 Lorenzo Cain 7 Eric Thames 8 Ryan Braun 9 Manny Piña 12 Stephen Vogt 13 Tyler Saladino 14 Hernan Perez 15 Erik Kratz 16 Domingo Santana 21 Travis Shaw 22 Christian Yelich 23 Keon Broxton 24 Jesús Aguilar 25 Jordan Lyles 26 Jacob Nottingham 27 Zach Davies 32 Jeremy Jeffress 33 Xavier Cedeño 35 Brent Suter 37 Adrian Houser 38 Dan Jennings 39 Corbin Burnes 41 Junior Guerra 43 Matt Albers 45 Jhoulys Chacín 46 Corey Knebel 50 Jacob Barnes 51 Freddy Peralta 52 Jimmy Nelson 53 Brandon Woodruff 54 Taylor Williams 56 Aaron Wilkerson 57 Chase Anderson 66 Mauricio Dubón 71 Josh Hader 73 Marcos Diplan -- Tyrone Taylor Coaching staff Manager 30 Craig Counsell Bench 49 Pat Murphy First base 31 Carlos Subero Third base 0 Ed Sedar Hitting 11 Darnell Coles Pitching 36 Derek Johnson Assistant hitting 40 Jason Lane Bullpen 58 Lee Tunnell Bullpen catcher 55 Marcus Hanel Bullpen catcher -- Robinzon Díaz Minnesota Twins current roster Active roster 8 Zack Granite 11 Jorge Polanco 12 Jake Odorizzi 15 Jason Castro 16 Ehire Adrianza 17 José Berríos 20 Eddie Rosario 21 Tyler Duffey 22 Miguel Sanó 23 Mitch Garver 25 Byron Buxton 26 Max Kepler 27 John Curtiss 31 Tyler Austin 32 Oliver Drake 35 Michael Pineda 36 Robbie Grossman 39 Trevor Hildenberger 43 Addison Reed 44 Kyle Gibson 49 Adalberto Mejía 50 Aaron Slegers 51 Johnny Field 52 Zack Littell 53 Kohl Stewart 55 Taylor Rogers 58 Gabriel Moya 59 Stephen Gonsalves 60 Jake Cave 61 Chase De Jong 62 Andrew Vasquez 64 Willians Astudillo 65 Trevor May 67 Alan Busenitz 68 Matt Magill 71 Lewis Thorpe 77 Fernando Romero Coaching staff Manager 5 Rocco Baldelli Bench 9 Derek Shelton First base 37 Jeff Smith Third base 13 Gene Glynn Hitting 33 James Rowson Pitching 41 Garvin Alston Assistant hitting 63 Rudy Hernández Coach 30 Jeff Pickler Bullpen 18 Eddie Guardado Bullpen catcher 75 Nate Dammann New York Mets current roster Active roster 1 Amed Rosario 2 Gavin Cecchini 3 Tomás Nido 4 Wilmer Flores 5 David Wright 9 Brandon Nimmo 12 Juan Lagares 15 Luis Guillorme 18 Travis d'Arnaud 19 Jay Bruce 21 Todd Frazier 22 Dominic Smith 26 Kevin Plawecki 28 Phillip Evans 30 Michael Conforto 32 Steven Matz 34 Noah Syndergaard 35 Jacob Rhame 38 Anthony Swarzak 40 Jason Vargas 43 Jamie Callahan 45 Zack Wheeler 46 Gerson Bautista 47 Drew Gagnon 48 Jacob deGrom 49 Tyler Bashlor 50 Rafael Montero 51 Paul Sewald 52 Yoenis Céspedes 54 T.J. Rivera 55 Corey Oswalt 60 P.J. Conlon 61 Bobby Wahl 62 Drew Smith 63 Tim Peterson 64 Chris Flexen 65 Robert Gsellman 67 Seth Lugo 68 Jeff McNeil 70 Eric Hanhold 72 Jack Reinheimer 73 Daniel Zamora -- Franklyn Kilome Coaching staff Manager 36 Mickey Callaway Bench 10 Gary DiSarcina First base 20 Rubén Amaro Jr . Third base / Catching instructor 53 Glenn Sherlock Hitting 6 Pat Roessler Asst . hitting 56 Tom Slater Pitching 58 Dave Eiland Bullpen 25 Ricky Bones Bullpen catcher 78 Eric Langill Bullpen catcher 58 Dave Racaniello New York Yankees current roster Active roster 11 Brett Gardner 12 Tyler Wade 18 Didi Gregorius 19 Masahiro Tanaka 22 Jacoby Ellsbury 24 Gary Sánchez 25 Gleyber Torres 27 Giancarlo Stanton 28 Austin Romine 31 Aaron Hicks 33 Greg Bird 38 Jonathan Loáisiga 40 Luis Severino 41 Miguel Andújar 43 Chance Adams 45 Luke Voit 47 Jordan Montgomery 48 Tommy Kahnle 54 Aroldis Chapman 55 Sonny Gray 56 Jonathan Holder 57 Chad Green 61 Justus Sheffield 65 Domingo Germán 66 Kyle Higashioka 67 A.J. Cole 68 Dellin Betances 70 Domingo Acevedo 71 Stephen Tarpley 74 Ronald Torreyes 77 Clint Frazier 85 Luis Cessa 87 Albert Abreu 90 Thairo Estrada 99 Aaron Judge -- Ben Heller Coaching staff Manager 17 Aaron Boone Bench 59 Josh Bard First base 50 Reggie Willits Third base 35 Phil Nevin Hitting 62 Marcus Thames Pitching 58 Larry Rothschild Bullpen 60 Mike Harkey Assistant hitting 63 P.J. Pilittere Quality control 64 Carlos Mendoza Catching -- Jason Brown Oakland Athletics current roster Active roster 1 Franklin Barreto 2 Khris Davis 10 Marcus Semien 11 Dustin Fowler 15 Emilio Pagan 16 Liam Hendriks 18 Chad Pinder 19 Josh Phegley 20 Mark Canha 22 Ramón Laureano 25 Stephen Piscotty 26 Matt Chapman 28 Matt Olson 33 Daniel Mengden 35 Aaron Brooks 36 Yusmeiro Petit 38 Nick Martini 39 Blake Treinen 40 Chris Bassitt 45 Jharel Cotton 46 Beau Taylor 47 Frankie Montas 48 Daniel Gossett 49 Kendall Graveman 50 Mike Fiers 52 Ryan Buchter 55 Sean Manaea 56 Fernando Rodney 57 J.B. Wendelken 58 Paul Blackburn 60 Andrew Triggs 61 Cory Gearrin 62 Lou Trivino 66 Ryan Dull -- Jorge Mateo Coaching staff Manager 6 Bob Melvin Bench 29 Ryan Christenson First base 41 Al Pedrique Third base 4 Matt Williams Hitting 51 Darren Bush Pitching 14 Scott Emerson Bullpen 59 Marcus Jensen Assistant hitting 17 Mike Aldrete Quality control 7 Mark Kotsay Bullpen catcher 88 Philip Pohl Bullpen catcher 90 Jeremy Dowdy Philadelphia Phillies current roster Active roster 2 J.P. Crawford 4 Scott Kingery 5 Nick Williams 7 Maikel Franco 15 Andrew Knapp 16 César Hernández 17 Rhys Hoskins 18 Pedro Florimón 23 Aaron Altherr 24 Roman Quinn 25 Dylan Cozens 27 Aaron Nola 28 Vince Velasquez 29 Mitch Walding 33 Justin Bour 37 Odúbel Herrera 38 Jorge Alfaro 41 Carlos Santana 43 Nick Pivetta 46 Adam Morgan 48 Jerad Eickhoff 49 Jake Arrieta 50 Héctor Neris 51 Enyel De Los Santos 53 Yacksel Ríos 54 Austin Davis 55 Ranger Suárez 56 Zach Eflin 57 Luis García 58 Seranthony Domínguez 61 Edubray Ramos 63 Drew Anderson 64 Víctor Arano 70 Luis Avilán 93 Pat Neshek 96 Tommy Hunter Coaching staff Manager 22 Gabe Kapler Bench 59 Rob Thomson First base 3 Jose Flores Third base 62 Dusty Wathan Hitting 8 John Mallee Pitching 39 Rick Kranitz Assistant Hitting 13 Pedro Guerrero Assistant Pitching 45 Chris Young Bullpen 35 Jim Gott Bullpen catcher 81 Jesús Tiamo Bullpen catcher 82 Bob Stumpo Pittsburgh Pirates current roster Active roster 5 Josh Harrison 6 Starling Marte 12 Corey Dickerson 15 Pablo Reyes 16 Jung - ho Kang 19 Colin Moran 24 Chris Archer 25 Gregory Polanco 26 Adam Frazier 27 Kevin Newman 29 Francisco Cervelli 30 Kyle Crick 32 Elías Díaz 34 Trevor Williams 35 Keone Kela 36 José Osuna 37 Edgar Santana 38 Max Moroff 39 Chad Kuhl 43 Steven Brault 44 Kevin Kramer 45 Michael Feliz 46 Iván Nova 47 Jordan Luplow 48 Richard Rodríguez 49 Nick Kingham 50 Jameson Taillon 51 Alex McRae 52 Tanner Anderson 55 Josh Bell 57 Nick Burdi 58 Jacob Stallings 59 Joe Musgrove 63 Ryan Lavarnway 66 Dovydas Neverauskas 68 Clay Holmes 73 Felipe Vázquez 76 Darío Agrazal 77 Luis Escobar -- Jesús Liranzo Coaching staff Manager 13 Clint Hurdle Hitting -- Vacant Bench 14 Tom Prince First base 18 Kimera Bartee Third base 28 Joey Cora Pitching 54 Ray Searage Bullpen 56 Euclides Rojas Assistant hitting -- Vacant Coach 85 Dave Jauss Bullpen catcher 86 Heberto Andrade Assistant pitching 87 Justin Meccage Bullpen catcher 89 Jordan Comadena St. Louis Cardinals current roster Active roster 3 Jedd Gyorko 4 Yadier Molina 7 Luke Weaver 12 Paul DeJong 13 Matt Carpenter 16 Kolten Wong 18 Carlos Martínez 19 Carson Kelly 21 Patrick Wisdom 23 Marcell Ozuna 25 Dexter Fowler 27 Brett Cecil 28 Adolis García 29 Alex Reyes 30 Tyler Webb 32 Jack Flaherty 34 Yairo Muñoz 35 Greg Garcia 38 José Martínez 39 Miles Mikolas 40 Chasen Shreve 41 Tyler O'Neill 43 Dakota Hudson 44 Luke Gregerson 46 Francisco Peña 48 Harrison Bader 49 Jordan Hicks 50 Adam Wainwright 52 Michael Wacha 53 John Gant 55 Dominic Leone 59 Mike Mayers 60 John Brebbia 62 Daniel Poncedeleon 63 Edmundo Sosa 65 Giovanny Gallegos 67 Matt Bowman 68 Austin Gomber 71 Derian González 90 Conner Greene -- Justin Williams Coaching staff Manager 8 Mike Shildt Third base 11 José Oquendo Pitching 31 Mike Maddux Hitting -- Jeff Albert First base 37 Oliver Marmol Coach 51 Willie McGee Batting 58 Mark Budaska Bullpen 72 Bryan Eversgerd Bench 75 Ron Warner Bullpen catcher 76 Kleininger Teran Bullpen catcher 94 Jamie Pogue San Diego Padres current roster Active roster 0 Raffy Lopez 2 José Pirela 3 Clayton Richard 4 Wil Myers 7 Manuel Margot 8 Javy Guerra 9 Luis Urías 10 Hunter Renfroe 15 Cory Spangenberg 16 Travis Jankowski 18 Austin Hedges 20 Carlos Asuaje 21 Luis Torrens 22 Christian Villanueva 24 Alex Dickerson 27 Francisco Mejía 29 Colin Rea 30 Eric Hosmer 32 Franmil Reyes 33 Franchy Cordero 34 Craig Stammen 37 Joey Lucchesi 39 Kirby Yates 40 Rowan Wick 41 Robbie Erlin 43 Miguel Díaz 46 Eric Lauer 50 Bryan Mitchell 53 Kazuhisa Makita 54 Colten Brewer 55 Matt Strahm 57 Brad Wieck 58 Trey Wingenter 60 Brett Kennedy 61 Luis Perdomo 62 Walker Lockett 63 Jacob Nix 64 Dinelson Lamet 65 José Castillo 66 Robert Stock 88 Phil Maton -- Allen Córdoba Coaching staff Manager 14 Andy Green Pitching 36 Darren Balsley Hitting 47 Matt Stairs Bench 25 Mark McGwire First base 5 Skip Schumaker Third base 26 Glenn Hoffman Assistant hitting 28 Johnny Washington Infield 1 Josh Johnson Bullpen 45 Doug Bochtler Bullpen catcher 48 Justin Hatcher Bullpen catcher 81 Griffin Benedict San Francisco Giants current roster Active roster 6 Steven Duggar 7 Gorkys Hernández 9 Brandon Belt 10 Evan Longoria 12 Joe Panik 13 Will Smith 14 Ryder Jones 16 Aramis Garcia 19 Alen Hanson 26 Chris Shaw 28 Buster Posey 29 Jeff Samardzija 32 Steven Okert 34 Chris Stratton 35 Brandon Crawford 38 Tyler Beede 40 Madison Bumgarner 41 Mark Melancon 46 Abiatal Avelino 47 Johnny Cueto 48 Pablo Sandoval 49 Sam Dyson 50 Ty Blach 51 Mac Williamson 53 Austin Slater 54 Reyes Moronta 56 Tony Watson 57 Dereck Rodríguez 58 Pierce Johnson 59 Andrew Suarez 60 Hunter Strickland 61 Josh Osich 62 Ray Black 64 Derek Law 70 Julián Fernández 86 Chase Johnson Coaching Staff Manager 15 Bruce Bochy Bench 31 Hensley Meulens First base 17 José Alguacil Third base 23 Ron Wotus Hitting 33 Alonzo Powell Assistant hitting 39 Rick Schu Pitching 43 Curt Young Bullpen 77 Matt Herges Bullpen catcher 88 Eli Whiteside Bullpen catcher 99 Taira Uematsu Special assistant 91 Chad Chop Special assistant 21 Shawon Dunston Seattle Mariners current roster Active roster 2 Jean Segura 3 Mike Zunino 4 Denard Span 5 Guillermo Heredia 8 Mike Leake 9 Dee Gordon 12 Juan Nicasio 15 Kyle Seager 16 Ben Gamel 17 Mitch Haniger 20 Dan Vogelbach 22 Robinson Canó 26 Chris Herrmann 27 Ryon Healy 31 Erasmo Ramirez 32 Marco Gonzales 34 Félix Hernández 36 David Freitas 37 Shawn Armstrong 39 Edwin Díaz 44 Max Povse 45 Kristopher Negrón 46 Ryan Cook 47 James Pazos 48 Álex Colomé 49 Wade LeBlanc 50 Nick Vincent 52 Nick Rumbelow 53 Dan Altavilla 55 Roenis Elías 57 Justin Grimm 60 Chasen Bradford 61 Casey Lawrence 62 Sam Tuivailala 65 James Paxton 67 Matt Festa Coaching staff Manager 29 Scott Servais Bench 14 Manny Acta First base 13 Chris Prieto Third base 28 Scott Brosius Hitting Vacant Pitching Vacant Bullpen 40 Brian DeLunas Bullpen catcher 66 Fleming Baez Assistant coach 38 Jim Brower Tampa Bay Rays current roster Active roster 0 Mallex Smith 1 Willy Adames 4 Blake Snell 5 Matt Duffy 9 Jake Bauers 11 Andrew Velazquez 17 Austin Meadows 18 Joey Wendle 19 Nick Ciuffo 20 Tyler Glasnow 21 Christian Arroyo 26 Ji - man Choi 28 Daniel Robertson 29 Tommy Pham 31 Adam Moore 34 Jake Faria 35 Brandon Lowe 36 Andrew Kittredge 38 Vidal Nuño 39 Kevin Kiermaier 43 Michael Perez 44 C.J. Cron 45 Jesús Sucre 46 José Alvarado 48 Ryan Yarbrough 50 Austin Pruitt 52 Chaz Roe 53 Anthony Banda 55 Ryne Stanek 56 Adam Kolarek 57 Jaime Schultz 58 Chih - Wei Hu 59 Brent Honeywell 60 Hoby Milner 61 Hunter Wood 62 Wilmer Font 63 Diego Castillo 65 José Mujica 68 Jalen Beeks 72 Yonny Chirinos 87 José De León -- Andrew Moore Coaching staff Manager 16 Kevin Cash Bench Vacant First base 30 Ozzie Timmons Third base 33 Matt Quatraro Major league field coordinator Vacant Hitting 51 Chad Mottola Bullpen 41 Stan Boroski Pitching 23 Kyle Snyder Bullpen catcher 77 Scott Cursi Bullpen catcher 99 Misha Dworken Texas Rangers current roster Active roster 1 Elvis Andrus 2 Hanser Alberto 3 Delino DeShields Jr . 5 Willie Calhoun 9 Isiah Kiner - Falefa 12 Rougned Odor 13 Joey Gallo 15 Carlos Tocci 16 Ryan Rua 17 Shin - Soo Choo 18 Drew Robinson 19 Jurickson Profar 30 Nomar Mazara 31 Chris Martin 32 Eddie Butler 33 Martín Pérez 36 Mike Minor 38 Doug Fister 44 Brandon Mann 45 Nick Gardewine 47 Clayton Blackburn 50 Zac Curtis 51 Matt Bush 52 Adrian Sampson 54 Jeffrey Springs 55 Matt Moore 56 Austin Bibens - Dirkx 57 Ariel Jurado 58 Alex Claudio 59 Connor Sadzeck 60 Carlos Pérez 61 Robinson Chirinos 62 José Leclerc 63 Ronald Herrera 64 C.D. Pelham 65 Yohander Méndez 67 Ronald Guzmán 68 Ricardo Rodríguez 71 Jose Trevino 72 Jonathan Hernández 74 Brett Martin 75 Joe Palumbo Coaching staff Manager -- Vacant First base 22 Steve Buechele Third base 27 Tony Beasley Hitting -- Vacant Assistant hitting Vacant Pitching 46 Doug Brocail Assistant pitching 39 Dan Warthen Bullpen 4 Héctor Ortiz Bullpen catcher 66 Josh Frasier Toronto Blue Jays current roster Active roster 1 Aledmys Díaz 2 Troy Tulowitzki 6 Marcus Stroman 7 Richard Ureña 8 Kendrys Morales 9 Danny Jansen 10 Brandon Drury 11 Kevin Pillar 13 Lourdes Gurriel Jr . 14 Justin Smoak 15 Randal Grichuk 21 Luke Maile 22 David Paulino 23 Dalton Pompey 24 Danny Barnes 26 Yangervis Solarte 27 Dwight Smith Jr . 28 Billy McKinney 29 Devon Travis 30 Anthony Alford 31 Joe Biagini 37 Teoscar Hernández 39 Jake Petricka 41 Aaron Sanchez 43 Sam Gaviglio 45 Thomas Pannone 50 José Fernández 51 Ken Giles 52 Ryan Tepera 54 Sean Reid - Foley 55 Russell Martin 56 Ryan Borucki 58 Tim Mayza 59 Rhiner Cruz 62 Mark Leiter Jr . 65 Taylor Guerrieri 66 Justin Shafer 67 Jonathan Davis 68 Rowdy Tellez 70 Reese McGuire -- Julian Merryweather Coaching staff Manager 25 Charlie Montoyo Hitting 17 Brook Jacoby Pitching 40 Pete Walker First base 34 Tim Leiper Third base 4 Luis Rivera Bench 16 DeMarlo Hale Bullpen 35 Dane Johnson Bullpen catcher 60 Alex Andreopoulos Bullpen catcher 63 Jason Phillips Quality control 53 Mike Mordecai Washington Nationals current roster Active roster 1 Wilmer Difo 2 Adam Eaton 3 Michael A. Taylor 5 Adrián Sánchez 6 Anthony Rendon 7 Trea Turner 11 Ryan Zimmerman 12 Howie Kendrick 16 Víctor Robles 19 Matt Reynolds 22 Juan Soto 23 Erick Fedde 26 Trevor Gott 29 Pedro Severino 30 Koda Glover 31 Max Scherzer 33 Matt Grace 36 Sammy Solís 37 Stephen Strasburg 41 Joe Ross 45 Andrew Stevenson 50 Austin Voth 51 Wander Suero 52 Jimmy Cordero 53 Austen Williams 57 Tanner Roark 60 Justin Miller 61 Kyle McGowin 62 Sean Doolittle 64 Spencer Kieboom 66 Jhonatan Solano 68 Jefry Rodríguez -- Austin L. Adams -- Kyle Barraclough -- Raudy Read Coaching staff Manager 4 Dave Martinez Bench 10 Chip Hale First base 24 Tim Bogar Third base 13 Bob Henley Hitting 54 Kevin Long Assistant Hitting 25 Joe Dillon Pitching 38 Derek Lilliquist Bullpen 35 Henry Blanco Major League Baseball all - time rosters American League East Division Baltimore Orioles Boston Red Sox New York Yankees Tampa Bay Rays Toronto Blue Jays Central Division Chicago White Sox Cleveland Indians Detroit Tigers Kansas City Royals Minnesota Twins West Division Houston Astros Los Angeles Angels Oakland Athletics Seattle Mariners Texas Rangers National League East Division Atlanta Braves Miami Marlins New York Mets Philadelphia Phillies Washington Nationals Central Division Chicago Cubs Cincinnati Reds Milwaukee Brewers Pittsburgh Pirates St. Louis Cardinals West Division Arizona Diamondbacks Colorado Rockies Los Angeles Dodgers San Diego Padres San Francisco Giants Defunct teams National League Baltimore Orioles ( 19th century ) Buffalo Bisons Cincinnati Reds ( 1876 -- 80 ) Cleveland Blues Cleveland Spiders Detroit Wolverines Hartford Dark Blues Indianapolis Blues Indianapolis Hoosiers ( NL ) Kansas City Cowboys ( NL ) Louisville Colonels Louisville Grays Milwaukee Grays New York Mutuals Philadelphia Athletics Providence Grays St. Louis Brown Stockings Syracuse Stars ( NL ) Troy Trojans Washington Nationals ( 1886 -- 89 ) Washington Senators ( 1891 -- 99 ) Worcester Worcesters American Association Boston Reds ( AA ) Cincinnati Kelly 's Killers Columbus Buckeyes Columbus Solons Indianapolis Hoosiers ( AA ) Kansas City Cowboys Milwaukee Brewers ( AA ) New York Metropolitans Philadelphia Athletics ( 1882 -- 1890 ) Philadelphia Athletics ( 1891 ) Richmond Virginians Rochester Broncos Syracuse Stars Toledo Blue Stockings Toledo Maumees Washington Nationals ( AA ) Union Association Altoona Mountain City Baltimore Monumentals Boston Reds ( UA ) Chicago Browns / Pittsburgh Stogies Cincinnati Outlaw Reds Kansas City Cowboys ( UA ) Milwaukee Brewers ( UA ) Philadelphia Keystones St. Louis Maroons St. Paul Saints Washington Nationals Wilmington Quicksteps Players ' League Boston Reds ( PL ) Brooklyn Ward 's Wonders Buffalo Bisons ( PL ) Chicago Pirates Cleveland Infants New York Giants ( PL ) Philadelphia Athletics ( PL ) Pittsburgh Burghers Federal League Baltimore Terrapins Brooklyn Tip - Tops Buffalo Blues Chicago Whales Indianapolis Hoosiers / Newark Pepper Kansas City Packers Pittsburgh Rebels St. Louis Terriers Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Major League Baseball team rosters Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from September 2010 All articles needing additional references Talk Contents About Wikipedia 日本 語 Edit links This page was last edited on 29 October 2018 , at 00 : 38 ( UTC ) . 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"A postseason roster takes effect only if a team clinches a playoff berth. Players who are part of the team's final roster at the end of the regular season are eligible to participate in the postseason. Any player who has been traded from a different team, spent time in the Minor Leagues, or signed later in the season with the team (no later than August 31) is eligible to participate in the postseason. A postseason roster is allowed up to 25 active players. Other players who are not on the 25-man active roster will be assigned to the postseason secondary squad. Players who are on the disabled list or any other non-active transaction by the end of the regular season will have their transactions passed on in the postseason. Rosters for a series are set at the beginning of the series and no changes to the 25-man active roster are allowed except when a player is moved to the disabled list or any other inactive transaction. If a player is moved to the disabled list or another inactive transaction during a series, he then becomes ineligible to be returned to the 25-man active roster for the remainder of the series as well as the next series if applicable. If any player goes on any inactive transaction, any player from the 40-man roster can be promoted to the 25-man active roster for the remainder of the series if applicable.[3]\n"
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"25 active players"
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-2447582160057235178 | Aerial bombing of cities | Aerial bombing of cities - wikipedia Aerial bombing of cities Jump to : navigation , search This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2013 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Only ruins left after the aerial Bombing of Guernica by the Condor Legion of Nazi Germany 's Luftwaffe ( 1937 ) . Frampol before ( left ) and after ( right ) the German Luftwaffe bombing raids in September 1939 during early World War II ( the town was almost completely destroyed ) . The remains of German town of Wesel after intensive Allied area bombing in 1945 near the end of World War II ( a destruction percentage of 97 % of all buildings ) . The aerial bombing of cities in warfare is an optional element of strategic bombing which became widespread during World War I . The bombing of cities grew to a vast scale in World War II , and is still practiced today . The development of aerial bombardment marked an increased capacity of armed forces to deliver ordnance from the air against combatants , military bases , and factories , with a greatly reduced risk to its ground forces . Civilian and non-combatant casualties in bombed cities have variously been a purposeful result of the bombings , or unavoidable collateral damage depending on intent and technology . A number of multilateral efforts have been made to restrict the use of aerial bombardment so as to protect non-combatants . Contents ( hide ) 1 Before World War I 1.1 First Italian War of Independence 1.2 Italian Invasion of Libya 1.3 Balkan War 1.4 Mexican Revolution 2 World War I 3 Interbellum period 3.1 Iraqi revolt against the British 3.2 Somaliland Campaign 3.3 Cristero War 3.4 Second Italo - Abyssinian War 3.5 Spanish Civil War 3.6 Second Sino - Japanese War 4 World War II 4.1 European theatre 4.2 Pacific theatre 5 Since World War II 5.1 Korean War 5.2 Vietnam War 5.3 Arab - Israeli conflict 5.4 Wars in Afghanistan 5.5 Iran -- Iraq War 5.6 Somalia 's campaign against Isaaq 5.7 Gulf War 5.8 Yugoslav wars 5.9 Chechen wars 5.10 Iraq War 5.11 Syria 5.12 Other conflicts 6 International law 7 See also 8 Notes 9 References 10 Further reading Before World War I ( edit ) First Italian War of Independence ( edit ) The first bombs delivered to their targets by air were launched on unmanned balloons , carrying a single bomb , by the Austrians against Venice in 1849 , during the First Italian War of Independence . Italian invasion of Libya ( edit ) The first ever air raid was conducted during the Italo - Turkish War by Italian forces against the Ottoman province of Libya on November 1 , 1911 . Giulio Gavotti dropped 1.5 kg of bombs on Ain Zara , a village 8 km west of the capital Tripoli . Balkan War ( edit ) Adrianople ( presently Edirne ) was bombed by Bulgaria in 1912 in the First Balkan War . Historically , it was the first bombardment of a city from a heavier - than - air aircraft . In the morning of 29 October 1912 at 9 : 30 a.m. the plane Albatros F - 3 took off from an airfield near the village of Mustafa Pasha - present day Svilengrad , Bulgaria . The pilot was captain Radul Mikov with spotter and bombardier Prodan Tarakchiev . The airfield was specially created to carry out the take off and landing . According to the report weather conditions were perfect . The flight lasted for 1 hour and 20 minutes and the altitude was 500m . During the flight the crew flew over the city of Edirne , discovered hidden Ottoman forces in the nearby villages and flew towards to city railroad station , near the village of Karaagach . The plane was equipped with two bombs , which were released at 10 : 00 am over the station . The crew landed successfully at the airfield with 4 holes on the hull . A number of journalists and military attachés attended the site . Mexican revolution ( edit ) In May 1914 , during the revolution of 1910 -- 17 , General Venustiano Carranza , later president , ordered a biplane to bomb Neveria Hill adjacent to the downtown area of Mazatlán in order to take the city . The bomb landed not on target but in a city street and in the process killed two citizens and wounded several others . World War I ( edit ) German airship Schütte Lanz SL2 bombing Warsaw in 1914 . Main article : Strategic bombing during World War I The first civilian target to be bombed from the air was the Belgian city of Antwerp . This city , at that moment the National Redoubt of Belgium , was bombed during the night of 24 -- 25 August 1914 . Instead of targeting the surrounding fortresses , the Zeppelin LZ 25 's intention was to bomb the clearly distinguishable historical centre of the city . After dropping approximately ten bombs , ten people were killed and forty injured . The British Royal Naval Air Service ( RNAS ) undertook the first Entente strategic bombing missions on 22 September 1914 and 8 October , when it bombed the Zeppelin bases in Cologne and Düsseldorf . The aeroplanes carried twenty - pound bombs , and at least one airship was destroyed . On 19 January 1915 two German Zeppelins dropped 24 fifty - kilogram ( 110 lb ) high - explosive bombs and ineffective three - kilogram incendiaries on the English towns of Great Yarmouth , Sheringham , King 's Lynn , and the surrounding villages ; in all , four people were killed , 16 injured , and monetary damage was estimated at £ 7,740 . London was bombed for the first time on 30 May 1915 . In July 1916 , the German government allowed directed raids against urban centers , sparking 23 airship raids in 1916 in which 125 tons of ordnance were dropped , killing 293 people and injuring 691 . Gradually British air defenses improved and the Germans also introduced large bomber aircraft for bombing Britain . In 1917 and 1918 there were only eleven Zeppelin raids against England , and the final raid occurred on 5 August 1918 , which resulted in the death of KK Peter Strasser , commander of the German Naval Airship Department . By the end of the war , 51 raids had been undertaken , in which 5,806 bombs were dropped , killing 557 people and injuring 1,358 . In the course of the Zeppelin raids the Germans lost more than half their airships and 40 % of their crew . It has been argued that the raids were effective far beyond material damage inflicted , in diverting and hampering wartime production , and diverting twelve squadrons and over 10,000 men to air defenses . The British developed an Independent Force of long - range bombers that could bomb Berlin , but the war ended before these raids began . After the war , bombers ' increasing sophistication led to the general belief that aerial bombing would both destroy cities and be impossible to stop ; as Stanley Baldwin stated in a 1932 speech , `` The bomber will always get through '' . Interbellum period ( edit ) Iraqi revolt against the British ( edit ) After World War I , there were protests in Iraq against continued British rule . Many Iraqis across a wide spectrum of opinion opposed the British Mandate for Iraq . The Iraqi revolt against the British began , with peaceful demonstrations in May 1920 . Initial demands were rejected by the British administration , and fighting broke out in June 1920 . This was suppressed , with many deaths , and at very high costs to the Empire . A policy of ' aerial policing ' , an invention of Winston Churchill 's was brought in . This amounted to bombing restive civilians , followed up by pacification by ground troops . This continued up to the mid 1920s . The aerial campaign included Sir Arthur Harris , 1st Baronet , who commanded a Vickers Vernon squadron engaged in the bombing and strafing of recalcitrant civilians . Harris felt that the Arab civilians required this kind of `` heavy hand '' treatment . Somaliland campaign ( edit ) Following the end of World War I , the British stepped up their efforts in their war against the Somali Dervish state , led by the so - called `` Mad Mullah '' , whom they had been fighting for the control the area formerly known as British Somaliland . However , they had been unable to defeat the Dervish state for nearly 25 years . In January 1920 , the British launched a combined aerial and land attack , bombarding Taleeh , the capital of the Dervish State . The Somaliland Campaign has been described as one of the bloodiest and longest - running conflicts in the history of sub-Saharan Africa and the Somali forces are noted for concurrently repelling the invading British , Italian and Abyssinian forces for a period of 25 years . Cristero War ( edit ) Main article : Bombing of Naco During the Cristero War in Mexico in 1929 , Irish pilot and mercenary Patrick Murphy mistakenly dropped several improvised `` suitcase bombs '' on the border town of Naco , Arizona , while bombing government forces in the adjacent town of Naco , Sonora , for the Cristero revolutionaries . The bombing , which caused damage to many buildings and injured several bystanders on the American side of the international border , became the first aerial bombardment of the Continental United States by a foreign power in American history . Second Italo - Abyssinian War ( edit ) The Italians used aircraft against the Ethiopian cities in the Second Italo - Abyssinian War . For example , in February 1936 , the Italian invasion forces in the south prepared for a major thrust towards the city of Harar . On 22 March , the Regia Aeronautica bombed Harar and Jijiga as a prelude . Both cities were reduced to ruins even though Harar had been declared an `` open city '' . Spanish civil War ( edit ) During the Spanish Civil War , the Nationalists under Francisco Franco made extensive use of aerial bombing on civilian targets . Nazi Germany gave aircraft to Franco to support the overthrow of the Spanish Republican government . The first major example of this came in November 1936 , when German and Spanish aircraft bombed Republican - held Madrid ; this bombardment was sustained throughout the Siege of Madrid . Barcelona and Valencia were also targeted in this way . On 26 April 1937 , the German Luftwaffe ( Condor Legion ) bombed the Spanish city of Guernica carrying out the most high - profile aerial attack of the war . This act caused worldwide revulsion and was the subject of a famous painting by Picasso , but by the standards of bombings during World War II , casualties were fairly minor ( estimates ranging from 500 to 1,500 ) . Shortly after , the front - page headlines of the Diario de Almeria , dated June 3 , 1937 , referred to the press in London and Paris carrying the news of the `` criminal bombardment of Almeria by German planes '' . Barcelona was bombarded for three days beginning on 16 March 1938 , at the height of the Spanish Civil War . Under the command of the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini , Italian aircraft stationed on the island of Majorca attacked 13 times dropping 44 tons of bombs , aimed at the civil population . These attacks were at the request of General Franco as retribution against the Catalan population . The medieval Cathedral of Barcelona suffered bomb damage and more than one thousand people died , including many children . The number of people injured is estimated to be in the thousands . Many others Spanish towns and cities were bombed by the German Legion Condor and the Italian Aviazione Legionaria among them Jaen , Durango , Granollers and Alicante . Second Sino - Japanese War ( edit ) Casualties of a mass panic during a Japanese air raid in Chongqing ( Chungking ) . During the Manchurian Incident of 1931 , the Japanese widely used airplanes to indiscriminately bomb key targets and cities , such as Mukden . After the Marco Polo Bridge Incident , the Imperial Japanese Army Air Service , in conjunction with the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service , began relentlessly bombing Shanghai , Beijing ( Peking ) , Tianjin ( Tientsin ) and several cities on the Chinese coast from the beginning of the Second Sino - Japanese War in 1937 . The bombing campaigns on Nanking and Canton which started in September 1937 evoked protests from the Western powers culminating in a resolution by the Far Eastern Advisory Committee of the League of Nations . An example of the many expressions of indignation came from Lord Cranborne , the British Under - Secretary of State For Foreign Affairs : Words can not express the feelings of profound horror with which the news of these raids had been received by the whole civilized world . They are often directed against places far from the actual area of hostilities . The military objective , where it exists , seems to take a completely second place . The main object seems to be to inspire terror by the indiscriminate slaughter of civilians ... World War II ( edit ) European theatre ( edit ) See also : Strategic bombing during World War II A raid by the 8th Air Force on the Focke Wulf factory at Marienburg , Germany ( 1943 ) . Aftermath of V - 2 bombing at Battersea , London , 27 January 1945 . Results of the US - bombing of the Apollo company industrial plant in Bratislava ( Slovakia ) in September 1944 . At the beginning of World War II , bombing of cities prior to invasion was an integral part of Nazi Germany 's strategy . In the first stages of war , the Germans carried out many bombings of towns and cities in Poland ( 1939 ) , including the capital Warsaw ( also bombed in 1944 ) , with Wieluń being the first city destroyed by 75 % . The Soviet Union also attempted strategic bombing against Poland and Finland , bombing Helsinki . The British bombed the German city of Monchengladbach on 11 May 1940 . While Germany had refrained from aerial bombing of British cities after the British declaration of war on Germany in September 1939 , Britain started aerial bombing of Germany , officially focusing on military and industrial targets , on the night of 15 / 16 May with 78 bombers against oil targets , 9 against steelworks and 9 against marshaling yards . Oil remained the main British objective until the summer of 1941 , although German cities and towns were regularly bombed from May 1940 . After the Fall of France , the Luftwaffe turned its attention to the United Kingdom . The scale of the attack increased greatly in July 1940 , with 258 civilians killed , and again in August with 1,075 dead . During the night of 25 August , British bombers raided targets in and around Greater Berlin for the first time , in response to the accidental bombing of Oxford Street and the West End by the Luftwaffe while it was bombing the London docks . On 4 September 1940 Hitler , frustrated by the RAF 's superiority over the Luftwaffe and enraged by its bombing of German cities , decided to retaliate by bombing London and other cities in the UK . On 7 September the Luftwaffe began massed attacks on London . The bombing campaign was known in the UK as `` the Blitz '' , and ran from September 1940 through to May 1941 . The Coventry Blitz and the Belfast Blitz were two of the heaviest of all bombings by the Luftwaffe , killing 568 - 1,000 civilians of Coventry , killing over 1,100 civilians in Belfast , and destroying much of both city centres . British bombing policy evolved during the war . In the beginning , the RAF was forbidden to attack targets in Germany due to the risk of accidental civilian casualties . Following a German attack on military targets in the Orkney Islands on 16 March 1940 that killed a civilian , the RAF mounted its first attack against a German land target , the seaplane base on the island of Sylt . The RAF began attacking transport targets west of the Rhine on the night of 10 May following the German invasion of the Low Countries , and military targets in the rest of Germany after the bombing of Rotterdam . On 9 September 1940 RAF crews were instructed that due to the `` indiscriminate '' nature of German bombing , if they failed to find their assigned targets they were to attack targets of opportunity rather than bring their bombs home . On the 15 / 16 December the RAF carried out its first area bombing attack ( destroying 45 % of the city of Mannheim ) , officially in response to the raid on Coventry . The bombing of Mannheim has often been described as the first deliberate `` terror bombing '' of the war . In 1942 , the goals of the British attacks were defined : the primary goal was the so - called `` morale bombing '' , to weaken the will of the civil population to resist . Following this directive intensive bombing of highly populated city centers and working class quarters started . On 30 May 1942 , the RAF Bomber Command launched the first `` 1,000 bomber raid '' when 1,046 aircraft bombed Cologne in Operation Millennium , dropping over 2,000 tons of high explosive and incendiaries on the medieval town and burning it from end to end . 411 civilians and 85 combatants were killed , more than 130,000 had to leave the city . Two further 1,000 bomber raids were executed over Essen and Bremen , but to less effect than the destruction at Cologne . The effects of the massive raids using a combination of blockbuster bombs and incendiaries created firestorms in some cites . The most extreme examples were caused by the bombing of Hamburg in Operation Gomorrah ( 45,000 dead ) , and the bombings of Kassel ( 10,000 dead ) , Darmstadt ( 12,500 dead ) , Pforzheim ( 21,200 dead ) , Swinemuende ( 23,000 dead ) , and Dresden ( 25,000 dead ) . The Allies also bombed urban areas in the other countries , including occupied France ( Caen ) and the major industrial cities of northern Italy , like Milan and Turin . Some cities were bombed at the different times by the Luftwaffe and the Allies , for example Belgrade in Yugoslavia and Bucharest in Romania . The Luftwaffe also bombed cities in the Soviet Union , destroying Stalingrad in a massive air raid at the start of the Battle of Stalingrad and bombing Leningrad during the siege of the city of 1941 -- 1943 . The Soviet bombing of the German cities was limited in comparison with the RAF bombing ( destruction caused by the Soviet army was mainly due to the land artillery ) . The Soviet Air Force also bombed Budapest in Hungary . Pacific theatre ( edit ) See also : Air raids on Japan Nagasaki before and after bombing . In the Pacific theater , Japan continued to bomb Chinese cities as well as other Asian cities such as Singapore , Rangoon , and Mandalay . In the first few months of the war with the Western Powers , Japan projected its airpower on cities as distant as Colombo and Darwin . The U.S. firebombed Tokyo on the night of March 9 -- 10 , 1945 , and killed more than 100,000 people in the deadliest conventional bombing in history , known to the United States Army Air Forces ( USAAF ) as Operation Meetinghouse . In a few hours , 100,000 people who were in Tokyo including civilians died either by the bombing or the conflagration that followed the bombing by 325 U.S. B - 29 's night attacks . The fleet included 279 bombers . The bombing was meant to burn wooden buildings and indeed the bombing caused fire that created a 50 m / s wind that is comparable to tornadoes . A total of 381,300 bombs amounting to 1783 tons , were used in the bombing . After the successful Operation Meetinghouse raid , the USAAF then went on to attack other Japanese cities with incendiary and high - explosives bombs in effort to pulverize the enemy 's war industry and shatter the enemy 's civilian morale to contribute to the war effort . From March to August 1945 , the U.S. firebombing of 66 other Japanese cities had killed 350,000 civilians . In addition , the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed 120,000 non-combatants , most of them civilians , and combatants . Since World War II ( edit ) Korean War ( edit ) See also : Bombing of North Korea 1950 - 1953 and Bombing of Pyongyang During the Korean War of 1950 -- 1953 , U.S. - led UN air forces heavily bombed the cities in North Korea and the North - occupied South Korea , including their respective capital cities . There were also plans to use nuclear weapons against North Korea and the People 's Republic of China . Vietnam War ( edit ) From 1965 to 1968 , during the Vietnam War , the United States Air Force conducted an aerial campaign known as Operation Rolling Thunder . The campaign began with interdiction of supply lines in rural areas of southern North Vietnam but incrementally spread northward throughout the country . In 1966 , restrictions against bombing the capital city of Hanoi and the country 's largest port , Haiphong , were lifted , and they were bombed by the USAF and Navy . The bombing of the city centers continued to be prohibited . However , the South Vietnamese cities seized by the communists were bombed , including the former capital of Huế during the 1968 Tet Offensive . The Republic of Vietnam Air Force bombed contested cities in South Vietnam in 1968 , 1972 and 1975 , while the Vietnam People 's Air Force attacked Southern cities ( including the capital city of Saigon ) in 1975 . Arab - Israeli conflict ( edit ) The Lebanese capital of Beirut was attacked by the Israeli aircraft during the Siege of Beirut in 1982 , and during the 2006 Lebanon War ( using guided munitions ) . Israeli cities were bombed by Egyptian , Syrian and Jordanian aircraft during the 1948 Arab - Israeli war and the Six day war . The bombing included attacks on some of Israel 's largest cities , such as Tel Aviv , Jerusalem and Haifa . Israel also conducted air strikes targeting Palestinian targets during the Second Intifada , including against Hamas in Gaza . Wars in Afghanistan ( edit ) In March 1979 , in response to an uprising , the Khalq - control army of Democratic Republic of Afghanistan carpet - bombed the Afghan third - largest city of Herat , causing massive destruction and some 5,000 to 25,000 deaths . Herat was also repeatedly bombed during the following Soviet involvement in the Afghan civil war . Following the September 11 , 2001 attacks , the U.S. - led coalition attacked the urban targets in Afghanistan using mainly precision - guided munitions ( or `` smart bombs '' ) . The United States government maintains that it has a policy of striking only significant combatant targets while doing all possible to avoid what it terms `` collateral damage '' to civilians and non-combatants during the U.S. - led war in Afghanistan . Iran -- Iraq War ( edit ) Saddam Hussein 's Iraq attacked civilian targets in Iranian cities in the `` War of the Cities '' during the Iran -- Iraq War in the 1980s , with Iranians retaliating in kind ( both sides soon switched to ballistic missile attacks ) . Iraqi aircraft also bombed the Iraqi Kurdistan city of Halabja with conventional and chemical weapons in 1988 , killing more than 5,000 people in the largest aerial poison gas attack in history . Somalia 's campaign against Isaaq ( edit ) Main article : Isaaq genocide Aftermath of the Somali government 's attack on Hargeisa , 90 per cent of the city was destroyed In 1988 Somali Air Force aircraft conducted intense aerial bombardment of major Isaaq cities targeting civilian Isaaqs during its campaign against Somali National Movement in the north of the country . Civilians were also strafed by Somali Air Force aircraft as they were fleeing the aerial bombardment . The artillery shelling and aerial bombardment caused the deaths of estimated 50,000 - 200,000 Isaaq civilians , as well as the complete destruction of Somalia 's second and third largest cities . It also caused up to 500,000 Somalis ( primarily of the Isaaq clan ) to flee and cross the border into Hartasheikh in Ethiopia as refugees in what was described as `` one of the fastest and largest forced movements of people recorded in Africa '' , and resulted in the creation of the world 's largest refugee camp then ( 1988 ) , with another 400,000 being internally displaced . The scale of destruction led to Hargeisa being known as the ' Dresden of Africa ' . Gulf War ( edit ) The Iraqi Air Force attacked Kuwait City in 1990 and bombed their own cities during the 1991 uprisings in Iraq , targeting civilians with the use of bomb - carrying helicopters ( use of airplanes was banned by the Coalition as part of the ceasefire agreement that ended hostilities of the Gulf War but not the war itself ) . UN-led coalition aircraft attacked targets in Iraqi cities , including in the capital Baghdad and the largest southern city of Basra during Operation Desert Storm in 1991 . Yugoslav Wars ( edit ) At the beginning of the Yugoslav Wars , in Croatia ( 1991 ) , the Yugoslav People 's Army ( JNA ) carried out aerial bombing of Dubrovnik and Vukovar . NATO 's aerial bombing of FR Yugoslavia in 1999 , an answer to the conflict in Kosovo , included aerial bombing throughout Serbia , notably of Belgrade , Novi Sad and Niš . There were civilian casualties . Despite that the NATO campaign indeed being a violation of NATO 's own charter , the UNSC rebutted the case on March 24 and March 26 1999 . NATO hit civilian economic infrastructure , the integrated national power grid ( leaving many cities in the dark ) , schools , hospitals , water purification plants , dams , oil refineries fertilizer factories , a petrochemical plant , national parks and marketplaces , and also nearly hit nuclear reactors and waste facilities . The 78 - day bombing campaign is assessed as having been an ' economic catastrophe ' , cutting the Yugoslav economy in half . Chechen Wars ( edit ) Post-Soviet Russia heavily bombed the Chechen capital of Grozny from the air with mostly unguided munitions ( including fuel - air explosives ) as well as bombarding it with a massive artillery barrages ( 1994 -- 1995 , 1996 and 1999 -- 2000 ) , killing thousands of people ( some estimates say 27,000 civilians were killed during the 1994 - 1995 siege alone ) including civilians during the First and Second Chechen Wars . Although the Russian pilots and soldiers were ordered to attack designated targets only , such as the Presidential Palace , due to their inexperience and lack of training , Russian soldiers and pilots bombed and shelled random targets inside the city . In 2003 , the UN still called Grozny the most destroyed city on earth . Iraq War ( edit ) In 2003 Invasion of Iraq , the U.S. - led coalition aircraft again bombed Iraq , including the Shock and Awe campaign of precision bombing of government targets in the city centers . Since then , coalition aircraft attack Iraqi insurgent targets , including in urban locations like Najaf , Fallujah , Basra and Baghdad . There are frequent reports of civilian casualties , though it is often hard to distinguish guerrillas and civilians . Syria ( edit ) Syrian MiG - 23s bombed the city of Aleppo on 24 July 2012 , the first use of aerial bombing in the Syrian civil war . Other conflicts ( edit ) Budapest was attacked by the Soviet air strikes in 1956 during the Hungarian Revolution . In 2008 , the cities of Tskhinvali and Gori were hit by the Georgian and Russian aircraft during the war in Georgia . International law ( edit ) A memorial for victims of aerial bombing in Karlsruhe , Germany . The cenotaph at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park . Main article : Aerial bombardment and international law Air warfare , theoretically , must comply with laws and customs of war , including international humanitarian law by protecting the victims of the conflict and refraining from attacks on protected persons . These restraints on aerial warfare are covered by the general laws of war , because unlike war on land and at sea -- which are specifically covered by rules such as the 1907 Hague Convention and Protocol I additional to the Geneva Conventions , which contain pertinent restrictions , prohibitions and guidelines -- there are no treaties specific to aerial warfare . To be legal , aerial operations must comply with the principles of humanitarian law : military necessity , distinction , and proportionality : An attack or action must be intended to help in the defeat of the enemy ; it must be an attack on a legitimate military objective , and the harm caused to civilians or civilian property must be proportional and not excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated . See also ( edit ) Area bombardment Civilian casualties of strategic bombing Roerich Pact Strategic bombing survey Terror bombing V - 2 rocket , the world 's first long - range guided ballistic missile to cross the boundary of space , developed in Nazi Germany as a `` vengeance weapon '' Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Daniel Blatman , Rachel Grossbaum - Pasternak , Abraham Kleban , Shmuel Levin , Wila Orbach , Abraham Wein ( 1999 ) . translation Volume VII , Yad Vashem , pp 406 -- 407 . Jump up ^ `` International Law on the Bombing of Civilians '' . Archived from the original on 2013 - 03 - 11 . Jump up ^ Millbrooke , Anne ( 2006 ) . Aviation History . Jeppesen . pp. 1 -- 20 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 88487 - 235 - 1 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Paris , Michael ( 1992 ) . Winged warfare : the literature and theory of aerial warfare in Britain , 1859 -- 1917 . Manchester u.a. : Manchester Univ . Press . pp. 110 -- 111 . ISBN 0 - 7190 - 3694 - 1 . Jump up ^ Larsen , Christopher ; Tremain , Dick ( 1 September 1999 ) . `` Bombs to the Balkans '' . Army Logistician. 31 ( 5 ) : 50 . Retrieved 5 June 2013 . Jump up ^ Madison 2005 , pp. 45 -- 46 . Jump up ^ Tilford Jr. 1996 , pp. 13 -- 15 . Jump up ^ Ward 's Book of Days . Pages of interesting anniversaries . What happened on this day in history . 19 January . On this day in history in 1915 , German zeppelins bombed Britain . Jump up ^ Lord Thomson 1924 - Note from Air Ministry , August 14 , 1924 Jump up ^ Longmate , Norman ( 1983 ) . The Bombers : The RAF offensive against Germany 1939 -- 1945 . London : Hutchinson . p. 139 . ISBN 0 - 09 - 151580 - 7 . Jump up ^ Corum , James S ; Johnson , Wray R. ( 2003 ) . Airpower in Small Wars : Fighting Insurgents and Terrorists ( Modern War Studies ) . University Press of Kansas . p. 65 . ISBN 978 - 0700612406 . Jump up ^ Zewde , Bahru ( 2008 ) . Society , state , and identity in African history , pg. 279 . Jump up ^ Shultz R. , H. and Dew A. , J. ( 2006 ) . Insurgents , Terrorists , and Militias : The Warriors of Contemporary Combat . Jump up ^ Ellis , Dolan ; Lowe , Sam ( 2014 ) . Arizona Lens , Lyrics and Lore . Inkwell Productions . ISBN 9781939625601 . Jump up ^ Price , Ethel Jackson ( 2003 ) . Sierra Vista : Young City with a Past . Arcadia . ISBN 0738524344 . Jump up ^ Barker , A.J. , `` The Rape of Ethiopia 1936 , p. 112 Jump up ^ Abella , Rafael La vida cotidiana durante la guerra civil : la España republicana . p. 254 Editorial Planeta 1975 Jump up ^ 1938 Bombardment of Barcelona Jump up ^ The Illustrated London News , Marching to War 1933 -- 1939 . Doubleday. 1989 . p. 135 . Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Ellis , Major L.F. , `` The War In France And Flanders 1939 -- 1940 '' Jump up ^ Overy , Richard , `` The Battle of Britain : The Myth and the Reality '' , p91 Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Cox , Sebastian , `` The Strategic Air War Against Germany , 1939 -- 1945 '' , p1 , 2 Jump up ^ Terraine , John , `` The Right of the Line '' , p112 Jump up ^ Ellis , p57 Jump up ^ Cox p4 Jump up ^ Terraine p268 Jump up ^ Horst Boog ; Germany . Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt ( 1990 ) . Germany and the Second World War : Volume 6 : The Global War . OUP Oxford . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 822888 - 2 . Jump up ^ Matthias Neutzner ; et al. ( 2010 ) . `` Abschlussbericht der Historikerkommission zu den Luftangriffen auf Dresden zwischen dem 13 . und 15 . Februar 1945 , p. 70 '' ( PDF ) . Landeshauptstadt Dresden . Archived ( PDF ) from the original on 10 June 2011 . Retrieved 7 June 2011 . Jump up ^ `` PBS -- The War , Firebombing ( Germany & Japan ) -- Tokyo , Air Attack on ( 9 - 10 March 1945 ) '' . . PBS . Retrieved January 30 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Media Monitors Network . Lessons from Japan for the US occupation of Iraq by Yusuf Al - Khabbaz ( Thursday , 2 September 2004 ) Jump up ^ Harden , Blaine ; Harden , Blaine ( 2015 - 03 - 20 ) . `` The U.S. war crime North Korea wo n't forget '' . The Washington Post . ISSN 0190 - 8286 . Retrieved 2017 - 08 - 24 . Jump up ^ The bomb : a life Jump up ^ `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 2005 - 09 - 03 . Retrieved 2005 - 08 - 25 . , Jump up ^ Released by the Office of the Historian . Foreign Relations , 1964 -- 1968 , Volume V , Vietnam 1967 , Documents 222 - 239 , Policy Decisions and the McNamara and Clifford - Taylor Missions to South Vietnam June -- August , United States State Department . Accessed 22 May 2008 Jump up ^ ( Urban , Mark ( 1990 ) . War in Afghanistan . London : Palgrave MacMillan . p. 30 . ISBN 0 - 333 - 51477 - 7 . ) Jump up ^ Escaping the past : the widows of Herat Archived April 10 , 2008 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Somaliland : Time for African Union Leadership Jump up ^ Human Rights Watch . Americas Watch . 1987 - 01 - 01 . Jump up ^ Adam , Hussein Mohamed ( 2008 - 01 - 01 ) . From Tyranny to Anarchy : The Somali Experience . Red Sea Press . ISBN 9781569022887 . Jump up ^ Harper , Mary ( 2012 - 02 - 09 ) . Getting Somalia Wrong ? : Faith , War and Hope in a Shattered State . Zed Books Ltd . ISBN 9781780321059 . Jump up ^ Press , Robert M. ( 1999 - 01 - 01 ) . The New Africa : Dispatches from a Changing Continent . University Press of Florida . ISBN 9780813017044 . Jump up ^ P. 10 Jump up ^ Harper , Mary ( 2012 - 02 - 09 ) . Getting Somalia Wrong ? : Faith , War and Hope in a Shattered State . Zed Books Ltd . ISBN 9781780321059 . Jump up ^ Lindley , Anna ( 2013 - 01 - 15 ) . The Early Morning Phonecall : Somali Refugees ' Remittances . Berghahn Books . ISBN 9781782383284 . Jump up ^ Gajraj , Priya ( 2005 ) . Conflict in Somalia : Drivers and Dynamics ( PDF ) . World Bank . p. 10 . Jump up ^ Law , Ian ( 2010 - 01 - 01 ) . Racism and Ethnicity : Global Debates , Dilemmas , Directions . Longman . ISBN 9781405859127 . Jump up ^ `` Africa Watch '' . Volume 5 : 4 . 1993 . Jump up ^ Harper , Mary ( 2012 - 02 - 09 ) . Getting Somalia Wrong ? : Faith , War and Hope in a Shattered State . Zed Books Ltd . ISBN 9781780321059 . Jump up ^ US Department of State Dispatch . Office of Public Communication , Bureau of Public Affairs , U.S. Department of State . 1992 . p. 29 . Jump up ^ Raju G.C. Thomas ( 13 October 2003 ) . Yugoslavia Unraveled : Sovereignty , Self - Determination , Intervention . Lexington Books . pp. 177 -- . ISBN 978 - 0 - 585 - 45499 - 3 . Jump up ^ World Court Digest : Volume 3 : 1996 - 2000 . Springer Science & Business Media . 5 August 2002 . pp. 192 -- . ISBN 978 - 3 - 540 - 43588 - 4 . ^ Jump up to : Beau Grosscup ( 18 July 2013 ) . Strategic Terror : The Politics and Ethics of Aerial Bombardment . Zed Books Ltd . pp. 88 -- . ISBN 978 - 1 - 84813 - 784 - 4 . Jump up ^ The Battle ( s ) of Grozny Archived July 20 , 2011 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Scars remain amid Chechen revival , BBC News , 3 March 2007 Jump up ^ `` Syria crisis : clashes and prison mutiny in Aleppo - Tuesday 24 July 2012 '' . The Guardian . 24 July 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Aleppo : BBC journalist on Syria warplanes bombing city '' . BBC news . 24 July 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Syria 's regime uses fighter jets for first time as it struggles to contain rebellion '' . The Telegraph . 24 July 2012 . Jump up ^ Russia / Georgia : Investigate Civilian Deaths : High Toll from Attacks on Populated Areas , Human Rights Watch , 14 August 2008 ^ Jump up to : Gómez , Javier Guisández ( 20 June 1998 ) . `` The Law of Air Warfare '' . International Review of the Red Cross . no 323 : 347 -- 63 . Jump up ^ ' Long - range ' in the context of the time . See NASA history article . Jump up ^ Neufeld , Michael J ( 1995 ) . The Rocket and the Reich : Peenemünde and the Coming of the Ballistic Missile Era . New York : The Free Press . pp. 158,160 -- 2,190 . References ( edit ) Francisco Javier Guisández Gómez , a colonel in the Spanish Air Force ICRC : `` The Law of Air Warfare '' International Review of the Red Cross no 323 , p. 347 -- 363 Jefferson D. Reynolds . `` Collateral Damage on the 21st century battlefield : Enemy exploitation of the law of armed conflict , and the struggle for a moral high ground '' . Air Force Law Review Volume 56 , 2005 ( PDF ) pp. 4 -- 108 Charles Rousseau , Le droit des conflits armés , Editions Pedone , Paris , 1983 Further reading ( edit ) Grayling , A.C. ( 2006 ) . Among the Dead Cities . New York : Walker Publishing Company Inc . ISBN 0 - 8027 - 1471 - 4 . Joan T. Phillips . List of documents and web links relating to the law of armed conflict in air and space operations , May 2006 . Bibliographer , Muir S. Poochild Research Information Center Maxwell ( United States ) Air Force Base , Alabama . Hansen , Randall . Fire and Fury : the Allied Bombing of Germany ( Doubleday 2008 ) . ISBN 978 - 0 - 385 - 66403 - 5 ( 0 - 385 - 66403 - 6 ) ( hide ) World War II city bombing Area bombardment Aerial bombing of cities Firestorm Strategic bombing V - weapons Acre Akita Aomori Augsburg Baedeker Bahrain Barrow - in - Furness Bath Bangkok Belfast Belgrade Berlin Birmingham Braunschweig Bremen Breslau Brighton Bristol Bucharest Caen Cardiff Chongqing Clydebank Cologne Coventry Darmstadt Darwin Dietzenbach Dresden Dublin Duisburg Essen Foggia Frampol Frankfurt Frascati Freiburg Gibraltar Gorky Greenock Haifa Hamamatsu Hamburg Hanau Heilbronn Helsinki Hildesheim Hiratsuka Hiroshima Hull Innsbruck Jaffa Kassel Kobe Kōfu Königsberg Kure Leeds Leipzig Leningrad Liverpool London Lübeck Malta Manchester Mandalay Mannheim Manila Milan Minsk Nagaoka Nagasaki Nagoya Naha Nanjing Naples Nexø Nijmegen Nottingham Numazu Okazaki Osaka Pearl Harbor Pforzheim Ploiești Plymouth Podgorica Prague Rabaul Allied Rangoon Rome Rønne Rotterdam Schaffhausen Schwäbisch Hall Sendai Shanghai Sheffield Shizuoka Allied Singapore Axis Singapore Sofia Southampton Stalingrad Stuttgart Swansea Taipei Tallinn Tel Aviv Tokyo Toyohashi Toyokawa Treviso Ulm Utsunomiya Vienna Warsaw Wesel Wieluń Wilhelmshaven Wuppertal Würzburg Yawata Zadar Zagreb RAF strategic bombing during the Second World War Overviews Butt Report ( 1941 ) RAF strategic bombing 1942 -- 45 Area Bombing Directive ( 1942 ) Dehousing paper ( 1942 ) Casablanca directive ( 1943 ) Leaders Arthur `` Bomber '' Harris Frederick `` Prof '' Lindemann Sir Charles Portal Sir Archibald Sinclair Arthur W. Tedder Campaigns Oil targets Area bombing of cities ( 1942 -- 43 ) U-boat pens ( 1943 -- 44 ) Battle of the Ruhr ( 1943 ) Combined Bomber Offensive ( 1943 -- 44 ) Battle of Berlin ( 1943 -- 44 ) Hamburg Heilbronn Kassel Pforzheim Dresden Operations Bellicose ( Friedrichshafen ) Chastise ( `` Dambusters '' raid ) Hurricane ( 1944 ) Hydra ( Peenemünde ) Aircraft Blenheim Boston ( Douglas DB - 7 ) Halifax Hampden Lancaster Manchester Mosquito Stirling Ventura Wellington Whitley Technology `` Window '' H2S Gee `` Oboe '' Gee - H `` Monica '' Blockbuster bomb Earthquake bomb Tallboy Grand Slam Bouncing bomb Tactics Area bombardment Bomber stream Firebombing Diversion raids Electronic warfare Intruder operations Master Bomber Pathfinders Shuttle bombing See also Aerial defence of the United Kingdom United States Army Air Forces ( USAAF ) Air operations during the Battle of Europe Defence of the Reich Death by Moonlight : Bomber Command Into the Storm Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Aerial bombing Airstrikes by town or city Disasters by city Aerial operations and battles of World War II by town or city Hidden categories : All pages needing factual verification Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from May 2008 Webarchive template wayback links Articles needing additional references from January 2013 All articles needing additional references All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from May 2008 Articles with unsourced statements from July 2013 Articles with unsourced statements from December 2012 All accuracy disputes Articles with disputed statements from December 2012 Articles with unsourced statements from April 2011 Articles with unsourced statements from January 2014 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia Edit links This page was last edited on 14 February 2018 , at 23 : 20 . 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"The first bombs delivered to their targets by air were launched on unmanned balloons, carrying a single bomb, by the Austrians against Venice in 1849,[3] during the First Italian War of Independence."
] | [
] |
623614490017385844 | List of The Little Mermaid characters | List of the Little Mermaid characters - wikipedia List of the Little Mermaid characters Jump to : navigation , search This article lists information of animated and was made by Hans Christian Anderson original characters from Disney 's The Little Mermaid franchise , covering the 1989 film , its prequel TV series , its direct - to - video sequel and prequel films , and the stage musical adaptation . Contents ( hide ) 1 The Little Mermaid 1.1 Ariel 1.2 Eric 1.3 Sebastian 1.4 Flounder 1.5 Scuttle 1.6 Ursula 1.7 Triton 1.8 Ariel 's sisters 1.9 Flotsam and Jetsam 1.10 Grimsby 1.11 Max 1.12 Louie 1.13 Carlotta 2 Television series 2.1 Urchin 2.2 Gabriella 2.3 Ollie 2.4 Pearl 2.5 Spot 2.6 Simon 2.7 Dudley 2.8 Archimedes 2.9 Hans Christian Andersen 2.10 Manta 3 The Little Mermaid II : Return To The Sea 3.1 Melody 3.2 Morgana 3.3 Tip and Dash 3.4 Undertow 3.5 Cloak and Dagger 4 The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Beginning 4.1 Athena 4.2 Marina Del Rey 4.3 Benjamin 4.4 Catfish Club Band 5 Others 5.1 Gertrude 6 References The Little Mermaid ( edit ) Ariel ( edit ) Main article : Ariel ( The Little Mermaid ) Ariel is the title character of the franchise , save the second film in which she is a secondary character . Ariel is voiced by Jodi Benson and designed by Glen Keane . Ariel is the seventh - born and the youngest daughter of king Triton and queen Athena of the merfolk , and over the course of the original film becomes human and marries Eric , a human prince . She is the only Disney Princess to reach parenthood in Disney 's animated film canon . Eric ( edit ) Eric First appearance The Little Mermaid ( 1989 ) Last appearance The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea ( 2000 ) Created by Hans Christian Andersen ( original story ) Ron Clements and John Musker ( adaptation ) Portrayed by Gil McKinney ( Once Upon a Time ) Voiced by C.D. Barnes ( 1989 film and Kingdom Hearts II ) Jeff Bennett ( TV series ) Rob Paulsen ( The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea ) Information Aliases Prince Eric King Eric Family Princess Ariel ( wife ) Princess Melody ( daughter ) King Triton ( father - in - law ) Queen Athena ( mother - in - law ; deceased ) Princess Ariel 's sisters ( sisters - in - law ) Nationality Danish Eric is based on the `` prince '' character of Hans Christian Andersen 's story `` The Little Mermaid '' but adapted by the writer - directors Ron Clements and John Musker for the film adaptation . According to the film 's official novelization , Eric had just turned 18 in the film , which would make him two years older than Ariel . Eric is voiced by Christopher Daniel Barnes in the original film and Kingdom Hearts II , by Jeff Bennett in the prequel television series , and by Rob Paulsen in the direct - to - video sequel . For the original film , Joshua Finkel acted opposite Sherri Stoner as Ariel in providing live - action references for the animators . Prince Eric is the only prince in the `` Disney Princess '' franchise that does not sing in the original movie . Eric is a human prince who is rescued by Ariel when he almost drowns in a storm at sea . Ariel drags him to shore and sings to him , but before he can fully regain consciousness , Max and his servant Grimsby arrive , forcing Ariel to dive underwater . Eric is haunted by Ariel 's voice , and searches the kingdom for her to no avail . When he crosses paths with Ariel again , she has traded her voice for legs , and though he initially finds her familiar , her lack of a voice makes him think that she can not be the girl who rescued him . However , he brings her back to his palace and they spend time together . Eric develops feelings for Ariel , but before he can approach her about them , Ursula , disguised as a human girl named Vanessa , arrives and magically hypnotizes Eric into forgetting about Ariel and believing that she Vanessa is the one who saved his life . Eric almost marries Vanessa , but Ariel and her friends intervene , breaking Ursula 's spell and restoring Ariel 's voice to her . Eric realizes that Ariel is the girl he has been looking for , but before they can kiss , the sun sets and Ursula claims Ariel . Eric goes after them , diving into the sea to help Ariel . In the battle that follows , Eric climbs on to a ship and charges it towards Ursula , plunging the splintered prow into her belly . Eric manages to reach the shore , and when he wakes , he sees Ariel , transformed back into a human , and the two embrace . The film ends with their wedding . Eric makes cameo appearances in three episodes of the prequel television series : Thingamajigger ( a non-speaking appearance ) Scuttle and Ariel 's Treasures . In the 2000 direct - to - video sequel , Eric is a supporting character . Although he and Ariel are happily married and they become king and queen of his land , they are threatened by the sea witch Morgana , who wishes to avenge her dead sister , Ursula . He and Ariel decide to raise their daughter Melody away from the sea , and keep her merfolk heritage secret . In the 2007 Broadway musical , the role of Eric was originated by Sean Palmer . It is explained through dialogue that Eric 's father has died , and it is Grimsby 's duty to help Eric find a bride so he can return to the throne properly , despite Eric 's affinity for exploring the seas . Eric contributes singing vocals to the opening song `` Fathoms Below '' , and performs two solo songs : `` Her Voice '' , a song about Eric 's obsession with Ariel 's voice that had been written for the original film but discarded , and `` One Step Closer '' , a new song where Eric helps Ariel express herself through dance . Eric also provides vocals in the quartet `` If Only '' , where he expresses confusion over his attraction to Ariel , and his fear that if he finds the girl with the right voice , he might lose Ariel . A new subplot in the stage musical is a singing competition where the eligible princesses in all the land are invited to sing for Eric . The princesses perform in the song `` The Contest '' , which is set to the tune of Ariel 's song `` Part of Your World '' . At the end of the performance , Ariel dances for Eric , and he chooses her . The role was also performed by Drew Seeley . Prince Eric appears in season three of the ABC series Once Upon A Time , where is played by actor Gil McKinney . He first appears in the episode `` Ariel '' in which he was rescued by Ariel from drowning , and Ariel has used her once - in - a-year ability to gain legs to see him at his ball . Eric is enchanted by Ariel at the ball , commenting that she appears familiar to him . Eric invites Ariel to join him on an expedition around the world which is leaving the following morning . He waits for her as long as he is able , but she does n't come to him due to events beyond her control . It is later revealed that Eric was transported to the town of Storybrooke after The Evil Queen / Regina Mills cast a curse over his land . Ariel , who now has the ability to become human whenever she wants , later finds Eric working as a fisherman in Storybrooke and the two of them reunite . Sebastian ( edit ) Main article : Sebastian ( The Little Mermaid ) Sebastian is a red Jamaican crab and a servant of king Triton , and also his main musical composer . His main song is `` Under The Sea '' . He is voiced by Samuel E. Wright . Flounder ( edit ) Flounder First appearance The Little Mermaid ( 1989 ) Last appearance The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea ( 2000 ) The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Beginning ( 2008 ) Created by Ron Clements & John Musker Voiced by Jason Marin ( 1989 film & Sebastian From The Little Mermaid album ) Edan Gross ( TV series ; Season 1 ) Bradley Pierce ( TV series ; Seasons 2 -- 3 ) Cam Clarke ( sequel ) Anthony Skillman ( Disney Princess : Enchanted Journey ) Parker Goris ( prequel film , Kingdom Hearts series ) Flounder is a bright yellow and blue colored tropical fish ( despite the name , he is not a flounder ) and Ariel 's best friend , voiced by Jason Marin in the 1989 film , who also provided vocals in - character for the tie - in music album Sebastian From The Little Mermaid . Flounder scares easily , and is prone to panicking under stressful situations like a single shark breaching the sunken ship , but when Ariel is in trouble , he comes through for her without hesitation . In the film he is the only character to give unconditional support for Ariel 's fascination with human things , and at one point gives Ariel a statue of Eric as a gift . Flounder appears in all the episodes of the prequel television series , sharing constant adventures with Ariel and in the episode `` The Evil Manta '' , shown how he first met Ariel when they were children . According to the television series , Flounder 's real name is `` Guppy Number 35 '' . In the series , he is voiced by Edan Gross and Bradley Pierce . Flounder also appears in Jim Henson 's Little Mermaid 's Island where he has a twin sister named Sandy and is voiced by Veronica Taylor . Flounder has a small role in The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea , where he is reunited with a grown - up Ariel and takes part in the search for Ariel and Eric 's daughter Melody . He grew up and became a father himself , with five children of his own and he first meets Melody in Morgana 's lair . In this film , he is voiced by Cam Clarke . He has a larger role in The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Beginning , which shows an alternate version of how he first meets Ariel and later unknowingly leads her to the Catfish Club . His characterization is notably different in this movie ; he does not scare as easily and is much more carefree and high - spirited . He performs beatboxing that kicks off a reprise of `` Jump In The Line ( Shake , Senora ) '' when he , Ariel , Sebastian and the Catfish Club Band are on the run from Atlantica . In this film , he is voiced by Parker Goris . Flounder appears in the Kingdom Hearts series , where his role as Ariel 's friend remains . His biggest role in the series is in Kingdom Hearts : Chain of Memories , where Ursula kidnapped him to force Ariel to give her the trident . He also sings his part in the song called `` A New Day is Dawning '' . He also appears in Disney Princess : Enchanted Journey as Ariel 's sidekick and is voiced by Anthony Skillman . He is also a remote - controlled playable character in the same game seen holding a big conch shell on his head with your help to catch the voice orbs . At the Disney theme parks , Flounder makes cameo appearances in the Mickey 's Philharmagic 3D show and in the Hong Kong Disneyland version of `` It 's a Small World '' . He has also appeared in the parks as a walk - around character , but mostly in parades , shows and special events such as `` Mickey 's Pirate & Princess Party '' . Flounder appears in the stage adaptation of The Little Mermaid . His supporting role is similar as in the film , but he does not give Ariel the statue of Eric , and does not help Ariel reach Eric 's wedding barge , as the Vanessa subplot has been removed . However , Flounder performs a new song titled `` She 's in Love '' , which he sings with Ariel 's sisters when they notice that Ariel has been acting `` fishy lately '' . The stage role was originated by Cody Hanford and J.J. Singleton , but the two actors had to leave the show when their height overshot that of Sierra Boggess , who originated Ariel . The role was taken over by Trevor Braun and Brian D'Addario . On the Original Broadway Cast Recording , Brian D'Addario performs as Flounder . Scuttle ( edit ) Scuttle First appearance The Little Mermaid ( 1989 ) Last appearance The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Beginning ( 2008 ) Created by Ron Clements and John Musker Voiced by Buddy Hackett ( film , sequel & The Little Mermaid : Songs from the Sea ) Maurice LaMarche ( all other appearances except ride ) Chris Edgerly ( The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Undersea Adventure ) Scuttle ( scully ) is a seagull and friend of Ariel , voiced by Buddy Hackett in the 1989 film and 2000 sequel . He appears as an expert on human objects with whom Ariel consults about items she salvages , though his identifications consist of nonsense . He wrongly names a fork a `` dinglehopper '' and says that it is used as a comb , and a smoking pipe a `` snarfblatt '' while claiming it works like a trumpet . Despite his erroneous information on human things , Scuttle provides support and advice when he learns that Ariel has to win Eric 's heart in three days . On the third day , Scuttle is the one who discovers that Vanessa , the woman Eric has decided to marry instead , is actually Ursula . He immediately tells Ariel this information , and helps stall the wedding with help from other marine creatures so to allow Ariel to arrive and confront Eric ( as well as smashing Ursula 's shell that held Ariel 's voice , thus restoring it and freeing Eric from Ursula 's spell ) . Scuttle appears in a small role in The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea , where he helps Ariel find her daughter Melody , who has run away . Scuttle appears in two episodes of the third season of the prequel television series in which he is voiced by Maurice LaMarche . The episodes he appears in are `` Scuttle '' , where Ariel , Flounder and Sebastian meet him for the first time ( in which he claims his name was originally `` Scuttlebutt '' but he changed it `` for obvious reasons '' ) , and `` The Island of Fear '' . In these episodes , Scuttle 's explanation of human things is a mixture of correct and erroneous . Scuttle also made a cameo appearance in an episode of Quack Pack . In The Little Mermaid : Songs from the Sea , Scuttle performs a song called `` The Scuttle Strut '' on track 3 . Scuttle appears in the stage adaptation of the original film , where he sings two songs : `` Human Stuff '' , where he explains the human things Ariel has brought to him , and `` Positoovity '' , where he encourages a now - human Ariel to be positive in achieving her goal of winning Eric . The role is originated by Eddie Korbich . In the stage musical , Scuttle has a group of seagull friends , and together they perform a tap dance during the `` Positoovity '' number . Scuttle has a non-speaking cameo in The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Beginning , appearing when Marina is on a rock at the surface ( animated the same way with Ariel when she sings a reprise for `` Part of Your World '' ) and is splashed by a wave . Ursula ( edit ) Main article : Ursula ( The Little Mermaid ) Ursula appears in the 1989 film . She is voiced by Pat Carroll , who also provides her vocals for all the canonical animated media . Ursula is based on the `` sea witch / sorceress '' character in Hans Christian Andersen 's story `` The Little Mermaid '' . Triton ( edit ) Triton First appearance The Little Mermaid ( 1989 ) Last appearance The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea ( 2000 ) The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Beginning ( 2008 ) Created by Hans Christian Andersen ( original story ) Ron Clements & John Musker ( adaptation ) Voiced by Kenneth Mars ( 1989 film , TV series , sequel , Kingdom Hearts series ) Jim Cummings ( prequel film ) Aliases King Triton Sea King Red Triton is the king of Atlantica and Ariel 's father . In the Hans Christian Andersen version , the sea king is unnamed and is not prejudiced towards humans . In the first two films , the TV series and the Kingdom Hearts games , he was voiced by Kenneth Mars ; in the prequel film , he is voiced by Jim Cummings . According to the film 's directors Ron Clements and John Musker , the clashes of personality between him and Ariel is because they are both strong - willed and independent , and it is revealed in the television series that Triton and Ariel are stubborn . Triton wields a powerful trident , which is the source of his supposedly unlimited power . The character is inspired by the son of the Greek sea god Poseidon , although the actual Triton is from Greek mythology and has two finned feet . In The Little Mermaid , Triton is prejudiced towards humans , believing them to be nothing but savage fish eaters , and Ariel 's fascination with humans has caused their relationship to become very strained . According to Triton , it is illegal to make contact between humans and merpeople ; and he orders his servant , Sebastian , to look after Ariel . When Triton discovers that Ariel saved the life of and has fallen in love with a human , he loses his temper and destroys most of her grotto filled with her collection of human artifacts despite his daughter 's objections ; this action of his ultimately damages their relationship . Devastated by his recent actions , Triton orders a search for Ariel to apologize , not knowing that she has accepted Ursula 's deal and become a human . Triton is distraught over his daughter 's disappearance , and when Sebastian arrives with news of Ursula 's scheme , Triton goes to Ursula , offering to take his daughter 's place . He is transformed into a polyp , but when Ursula is killed by Eric , he is restored to his original form and regains his crown and trident . Realizing that Ariel truly loves Eric and that all his beliefs about all humans in general being bad ; were completely wrong , Triton willingly transforms his daughter back into a human . Triton is a regular character in the prequel television series , in which he is explicitly called the son of Poseidon . A number of episodes show him getting into conflict with Ariel , but it is always resolved in a positive manner , showing a close relationship between father and daughter ; for example , in the episode Charmed , when Ariel gets a human charm bracelet locked around her wrist , she could not return because Triton would lose his temper again after he destroyed a magnifying glass she discovered earlier . However , after Ariel gets lost , Triton eventually finds her and uses the key to unlock the bracelet and feels apologetic for his actions . In the episode `` Red '' , Triton regresses into a young merboy , reversing the role as Ariel has to worry and take care of him instead . As a young boy , his nickname is `` Red '' , for his red hair . Coincidentally , as a boy , Triton himself is fascinated with humans and human objects ; complete reversal of his prejudice towards humans as an adult . He sometimes agrees with Ariel in some episodes like `` Land of the Dinosaurs '' , in which he understands that the dinosaurs are good after they have been thawed . Triton appears in the sequel The Little Mermaid II : Return To The Sea , in which he has learned to trust humans and interact with them . His weakness is his love for his granddaughter Melody , which is exploited by Morgana . However , when Triton regains his trident , he traps Morgana in a massive ice cube . In the 2008 direct - to - DVD prequel The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Beginning , the prologue shows Triton with his wife Athena . Athena is accidentally crushed to death by a pirate ship , and a distraught Triton bans music from Atlantica and forces everyone to follow a strict daily schedule . Ariel 's free - spirited personality causes a strain on their relationship . He eventually comes to realize his mistakes , pardons Sebastian , lifts the ban on music and appoints Sebastian as his court composer . Jim Cummings replaces Kenneth Mars as the voice of King Triton , due to Mars 's pancreatic cancer diagnosis . In the stage musical , Triton is Ursula 's older brother , and reveals that a reason he is overprotective of Ariel is because she reminds him of her late mother . In this version , Triton and Ursula are equals , and when their father died , they were each given equal share of the sea and one magical item each ; Triton received the trident and Ursula received a magic Nautilus shell . When Ursula began to abuse her power , Triton exiled her , though he did not take away her Nautilus shell . The musical contains new songs that were written for his character ; `` That World Above ( reprise ) '' in which he confronts Ariel in her grotto and destroys it , `` If Only ( quartet ) '' in which he expresses regret over his behavior towards Ariel , and `` If Only ( reprise ) '' in which he lets Ariel go to be with Eric . The stage role is originated by Norm Lewis . In the Kingdom Hearts series of video games , Triton still plays the role of over-protective father and king of Atlantica . In the first game , his relationship with Ariel becomes strained due to his daughter 's desire to see other worlds , and he initially distrusts Sora , Donald and Goofy when they first arrive in Atlantica , having somehow heard of the negative part of the Keyblade legend , but eventually respects Sora when Ursula is defeated and locks the world 's keyhole . In Kingdom Hearts II , Triton 's relationship with Ariel is strained , this time thanks to Ariel 's fascination with the human world . He asks Sora , Donald and Goofy to take part in the music concert with Ariel , but Sora ignores Triton 's request and helps Ariel become human to find and fall in love with Eric . He is also part of the song called `` A New Day is Dawning '' . After Ursula is defeated once again , he respectfully bids a final farewell to Sora . He also appears in The Princess and the Frog as a parade float . Ariel 's sisters ( edit ) Aquata , Andrina , Arista , Attina , Adella and Alana First appearance The Little Mermaid ( 1989 ) Last appearance The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Beginning ( 2008 ) Created by Hans Christian Andersen ( original story ) Ron Clements & John Musker ( adaptation ) Voiced by Attina : Caroline Vasicek ( first film ) Kath Soucie ( TV episodes ) Christie Houser ( Kingdom Hearts II ) Kari Wahlgren ( prequel film ) Alana : Kimmy Robertson ( TV episodes and first film ) Jennifer Hale ( prequel film ) Adella : Kimmy Robertson ( first film ) Sherry Lynn ( TV episodes ) Tara Strong ( prequel film ) Aquata : Caroline Vasicek ( first film ) Mona Marshall ( TV episodes ) Grey DeLisle ( prequel film ) Arista : Kimmy Robertson ( first film ) Mary Kay Bergman ( TV episodes ) Grey DeLisle ( prequel film ) Andrina : Kimmy Robertson ( first film ) Catherine Cavadini ( TV episodes ) Susan Stevens Logan ( Kingdom Hearts II ) Tara Strong ( prequel film ) Aliases Mersisters Ariel has six older sisters named Aquata , Andrina , Arista , Attina , Adella and Alana . They are the maternal aunts of Melody and the sisters - in - law of Eric . In the 1989 film , they are voiced by Kimmy Robertson and Caroline Vasicek , and perform the song `` Daughters of Triton . '' Later on in the film , Andrina , Attina , Adella and Aquata make a brief appearance together with Ariel in what appears to be the palace dressing room intended for all the sisters . In that scene , Ariel emerges from behind a curtain of seaweed swimming dreamily and humming a few lines from `` Part of Your World '' . The sisters notice the change in Ariel 's conduct and conclude in front of their father that Ariel is in love . All six sisters appear again in the end of the film together with King Triton , smiling and waving to Ariel after she gets married to Eric . In the second film , the sisters play a minor role with only Attina , Andrina , Aquata and Adella having dialogue , and Arista appearing in a non-speaking role . The age order of the sisters is debatable . In the original film , they sing `` Daughter of Triton '' and announce themselves in this order : Aquata , Andrina , Arista , Attina , Adella , Alana . This had led many to believe that was the proper birth order . Various official Disney media that was released from 1989 onward alsoseemed to use this as their birth order . The comic `` Serpent Teen '' stated that Aquata is the eldest and the future ruler , but the comic `` Underwater Wedding , '' clearly stated that Attina was the eldest . The 2008 film The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Beginning also made it clear that Attina was the oldest . Also , the DVD 's Vanity Game feature states that the age order is Attina - 21 , Alana - 20 , Adella - 19 , Aquata - 18 , Arista - 17 , Andrina - 16 and Ariel - 15 . However , in the same film , Adella states that she is two years older than Ariel , meaning she would only be 17 . Aquata has a blue tail and a matching seashell bra . She has brown eyes and wears her brown hair in a ponytail with white pearl decorations . In the prequel film she 's the fourth - born sister . She has a little pink seahorse doll named Mr. Fuzzyfinkle ; she argues with Arista because she steals her things and is hysterical and a very bad dancer . She is a minor character in the first and second film and the TV series and is a main character in the prequel . She is voiced by Caroline Vasicek in the first film , Mona Marshall in the TV series , and Grey DeLisle in the prequel . Andrina has a purple tail and a magenta seashell bra . She has hazel eyes and wears her blonde hair in a bun topped with a pink shell decoration . In the prequel film she 's the sixth - born sister and is a humorous genius who likes jokes and sarcasm . She is a minor character in the first and second film and the TV series and is a main character in the prequel . She 's voiced by Kimmy Robertson in the first film , Cathy Cavadini in the TV series , and Tara Strong in the prequel . Arista has a red tail and a matching seashell bra . She has ice blue eyes and wears her pale blonde hair in a ponytail with dark pink decorations . In the television series , it is revealed that Arista and Ariel have a troublesome relationship and Arista admits she 's jealous of Ariel 's free spirit and envies her adventures . She is vain , ironical , selfish yet kind and helps her sisters in need . She 's also athletic . In the prequel film she 's the fifth - born sister and is a ditzy , sweet - natured kleptomaniac who borrows Aquata 's personal belongings without permission and argues with her every time . She also has a love of music ( possibly because she was named after Arista Records ) , and quickly masters the trombone when she and her sisters watch Sabastian and his band perform . She is a minor character in the first film and makes a very brief cameo in the second film and is also a minor character in the TV series and is a main character in the prequel . She 's voiced by Kimmy Robertson in the first film , Mary Kay Bergman in the TV series , and Grey DeLisle in the prequel . Attina has an orange tail and a matching seashell bra . She has green eyes and wears her light brown hair in an up - do with a thorny orange crown . In the prequel film , Attina is the first - born sister . She 's a bookworm and the most clever of her sisters . She 's the voice of the conscience and gives advice to her sisters , especially Ariel . Attina has the motherly role of the family and blames herself for her mother 's death because her tail fins were stuck in a rock when the pirate ship bore down on the kingdom , and her mother swam out into the open to free her , causing Athena to be crushed by the bow of the ship . She is responsible and loves her sisters and cares for them as their mother . Aside from Ariel herself , she appears to be the sister who was closest to Athena ; she even keeps a picture of her mother and father on her vanity and writes in her diary that she wants to be just like her mother when she becomes queen . She is a minor character in the first and second film and the TV series and is a main character in the prequel . She 's voiced by Caroline Vasicek in the first film , Kath Soucie in the TV series , and Kari Wahlgren in the prequel . Adella has a yellow tail and a chartreuse green seashell bra . Apart from Ariel , she 's the only sister whose tail does n't match her shell bra . She has teal eyes and wears her dark brown hair in a ponytail with golden pearl decorations . She is chubby in the TV series , but in the third and original films , she has the same elegant , slim figure as her sisters . In the third film 's extra content , she 's the third - born sister and is 19 ; however , she states in the film that she is two years older than Aril - making her 17 and presumably the fifth - born sister . In this film , she is boy crazy who loves to kiss boys and flirts with them . She is a minor character in the first and second film and the TV series and is a main character in the prequel . She 's voiced by Kimmy Robertson in the first film , Sherry Lynn in the TV series , and Tara Strong in the prequel . Alana has a pink tail and a purple seashell bra . She has violet eyes and wears her black hair with a small pink crown . In the prequel film she 's the second - born sister and is also the glamorous one who makes her own beauty products . She 's a minor character in the first film and TV series ( she makes only a cameo appearance in the second film ) and is a main character in the prequel . She 's voiced by Kimmy Robertson in the first film and TV series , and by Jennifer Hale in the prequel . The sisters appear in the Broadway stage musical version , in which they perform the song `` She 's in Love '' with Flounder to describe Ariel 's new behavior after saving Eric . The sisters also make in - character appearances on the music albums `` Songs from the Sea '' . Flotsam and Jetsam ( edit ) Flotsam and Jetsam First appearance The Little Mermaid ( 1989 ) Created by Hans Christian Andersen ( original story ) Ron Clements & John Musker ( film adaptation ) Voiced by Paddi Edwards ( original ) Corey Burton ( Kingdom Hearts series and Disney parks ) Flotsam and Jetsam are Ursula 's green moray eel minions , voiced by Paddi Edwards in the 1989 film . They do Ursula 's bidding and act as her spies , keeping their eye on the events unfolding in and around Atlantica . They are tasked with following Ariel and reporting her actions back to Ursula . They eventually manipulate Ariel into visiting Ursula in order to gain human legs . They are ultimately killed in the film 's climax when Ursula accidentally destroys them with King Triton 's trident after Ariel sabotages Ursula 's attempt to kill Eric . Out of remorse for killing her minions , Ursula mourns for them before turning her rage towards Ariel and Eric . Flotsam and Jetsam appear in the prequel television series alongside Ursula . They also appear in the Broadway stage musical , where the roles were originated by Tyler Maynard and Derrick Baskin . Grimsby ( edit ) Grimsby First appearance The Little Mermaid ( 1989 ) Last appearance The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea ( 2000 ) Voiced by Ben Wright ( 1989 film Brian Cummings ( TV series ) Kay E. Kuter ( The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea ) Information Aliases Grim Nationality Danish Grimsby is Eric 's manservant and confidant . He is voiced by Ben Wright in the original film . In the opening scene , Grimsby is shown as not having the stomach for the sea , and dismisses the sailors ' stories about merpeople living under the sea . Through dialogue , Grimsby reveals that he worries for Eric , and has been hoping that the prince will settle down with the right girl . For Eric 's birthday , Grimsby presents a statue he had commissioned of Eric in a dramatic pose . Though Eric and Max disapprove of the statue , Grimsby is proud of it . Later , when Ariel has become human , Grimsby grows fond of her and encourages Eric to give up his dream girl for one `` of flesh and blood '' . Grimsby appears briefly in the sequel , in which he is voiced by Kay E. Kuter . In the 2007 stage musical adaptation , Grimsby says that the reason he wants Eric to marry is because he ( Grimsby ) had made a promise to Eric 's late father to ensure it . Though Grimsby is reluctant to believe Eric 's story of being saved from drowning by a girl , he comes up with the idea of holding a contest in which the princesses of the land are to sing for Eric , in the hopes that one of them will be the right girl . In the stage musical , the role is originated by Jonathan Freeman . Max ( edit ) Max is an Old English Sheepdog and Eric 's pet . Unlike all the other animals in the film , Max is minimally anthropomorphic and does not speak in the human language . Max 's barking and growling is provided by Frank Welker throughout his animated incarnations . During Eric 's birthday celebration , Max catches Ariel 's scent and tracks her down , licking her on the cheek in an apparent show of affection . When the ship catches fire , the sailors escape safely , but Max is left behind . Seeing this , Eric dives out of his lifeboat and climbs back on board , grabbing Max and tossing him to safety . Later , when Eric is brought to shore safely by Ariel , Max smells out his master and rushes out to greet him . Max is also able to smell Ariel who is hidden off - shore behind rocks , but Eric does not understand his barking . After Ariel has made her deal with Ursula and is brought to shore as a human , Max leads Eric to her , recognizing her as the same person , though Eric can not . Eventually , Ursula herself appears in the guise of a human girl named Vanessa to distract Eric from kissing Ariel before the third day is up , but Max is the only character in the human world who can fully see Vanessa for who she really is and is seen growling furiously at her , and during her and Eric 's wedding , she kicks him directly in the face . When Scuttle and the sea animals try to stop the wedding , Max assists and gets his revenge by biting her in her rear end , giving Scuttle the leverage to break the conch shell containing Ariel 's voice . At Eric and Ariel 's wedding , Max gives affection licks on their faces . Max makes a few brief appearances in the prequel television series and the direct - to - video sequel , and is the only named character of the original film ( other than Vanessa ) who does not appear in the 2007 stage musical . Louie ( edit ) Louie is the chef in Eric 's castle , voiced by René Auberjonois . His accent implies that he is French , and he performs the song `` Les Poissons '' in which he happily cooks seafood in the castle kitchen . According to dialogue by Carlotta the house maid , Louie 's specialty is stuffed crab . This puts him at odds with Sebastian , who accidentally ends up in his kitchen and frantically tries to get away from him . This rivalry is extended to the wedding in the finale , where the chef again chases Sebastian in an attempt to cut him up . Sebastian defeats him by knocking him out with a wooden plank shattering his teeth . The rivalry is shown again in the sequel The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea , with no change between the two . He also stars in one of the episodes of Disney 's Marsupilami and Raw Toonage as a noise hating hotel guest with his victim , Sebastian as the hotel manager . Louie also makes an appearance in the episode `` Ariel 's Treasures '' where he accidentally steps on a whisk called a `` whirly twirly '' by Ariel and it slips into the water when he is making recipes . In the 2007 stage musical , Louie is head of a group of chefs that work in Eric 's castle . He performs the song `` Les Poissons '' . A reprise is performed by Louie and all the other chefs as they present their fish masterpieces to Ariel , Eric and Grimsby . Carlotta ( edit ) Carlotta works in Eric 's castle in a role suggested to be similar to a housekeeper , though it is not stated outright . She reappears in the sequel , apparently continuing her role after Eric and Ariel are married and have a daughter of their own . She is voiced by Edie McClurg . In the 2007 stage musical , Carlotta develops an affectionate maternal relationship with Ariel , whom she grows fond of . Carlotta sings in the musical number `` Beyond My Wildest Dreams '' , where Carlotta berates the other servants who gossip about Ariel . Near the end of the musical there is a contest where the princesses of the land are to sing for Eric , in the hope that one of them will have the voice of the girl who saved his life . Carlotta is the one who encourages Ariel to step forward and dance for him in order to show her love for him . Television series ( edit ) Urchin ( edit ) Urchin is an orphaned merboy with an olive - green tail and is one of the main characters of the prequel television series , in which he is a close friend of Ariel , Sebastian and Flounder , and often goes on adventures with them . He is voiced by Danny Cooksey . Urchin first appears in the fourth episode of the series , `` Urchin '' . In it , Urchin is seen to be an orphan who lives by himself and wants badly to have friends . He is approached by small - time villains Lobster Mobster and Da Shrimp , who bring him into their gang and use him to steal food for them . Urchin manages to steal food from the palace , but in doing so is confronted by Ariel . Ariel tries to befriend Urchin , who at first rebuffs her . Urchin shows his true colors when he helps Ariel escape after she is kidnapped by Lobster Mobster and Da Shrimp . He even stops Crab Louie from stealing from the royal treasury . This earns him a kiss from Ariel . A friendship is forged when Urchin follows Ariel 's advice and apologises to King Triton for his behavior . In the episode `` Trident True '' , Urchin plays pranks on Ariel 's sisters Arista , Attina and Adella and buys a Father 's Day present for King Triton , implying his closeness with the royal family , and Ariel 's sisters admit that they look on him as their own little brother . Gabriella ( edit ) Gabriella is one of Ariel 's friends . She is a deaf mermaid with a pink tail and matching shells who communicates with sign language . She appears in two episodes : `` Wish Upon A Starfish '' and `` Ariel 's Treasures '' . In her first appearance , before she meets Ariel , she sees her singing the first part of a song called `` Daring To Dance '' and sees her twirling about a music box with a figure of a ballerina on top of it . Ariel stops abruptly upon seeing her , but Gabriella encourages her to continue . She wishes to be able to sing as beautifully as Ariel , and she identifies with Ariel 's desire to dance . She decides to journey with Ariel to visit the Magical Wishing Starfish , passing through many dangers along the way . She is saddened when the Magical Wishing Starfish proves to be a fraud , but Ariel reassures her that she can express her feelings just as well through sign language . She joins Ariel in the second part of `` Daring to Dance '' . In her second appearance , she returns to Atlantica for a visit . She and Ariel gush over Ariel 's new additions to her collection of human objects , as well as the music box that Ariel found when they first met . Unbeknownst to either of them , Ursula has launched another scheme to take over Atlantica , this time casting a spell that causes Ariel 's treasures to come to life and terrorize people . She is confused and shocked when the treasures come alive , but she works with Ariel to break Ursula 's spell . Ollie ( edit ) Ollie is a blue vocal octopus who appears in two episodes : `` Wish Upon A Starfish '' and `` Ariel 's Treasures '' . He is the close friend and interpreter of Gabriella , a mute mermaid . He has spots on the sides of his head and a patch on his left eye . In his first appearance , he is shown with Gabriella , watching Ariel sing . After Ariel notices them , he explains Gabriella 's disability and introduces himself . He is also the one to tell the tale of the Magical Wishing Starfish , and he accompanies them along the way . In his second appearance , he is visiting Atlantica with Gabriella and helps her stop Ursula 's plot to take over the kingdom . He is voiced by Gabriel Damon . Pearl ( edit ) Pearl is a fun - loving mermaid with a blue tail and matching shells who is familiar with Ariel and Alana . She is blonde , with a blue tail and blue , ruffle - edged shells . She makes her first appearance in episode `` Red '' at a party held by Ariel , arriving with a crowd of friends on `` squid - cycles '' . She is apparently very popular and seems friendly , if a bit snobbish . She comments that the party is a bit dull , and Ariel requests that the live band play louder , against her father 's instructions . She leaves with the other guests when Triton puts a halt to the party . In her second appearance in episode `` Eel - ectric City '' , she shows up at the palace to pick up Alana , who has been invited to a party at her house . Ariel is shocked and impressed when Pearl comments that her parents allow her to do as she pleases , and is invited to join them . As they are leaving , Pearl spies Triton 's new chariot and coerces Ariel into driving the three mermaids in it while she gives directions . After a few minutes , Alana notes that they are not heading for Pearl 's house ; they are instead going to Eel - ectric City , a party town reminiscent of Las Vegas , where Pearl is going to meet a few friends . They arrive and are having a fairly good time until a gang known as the `` Orange Roughies '' shows up . Pearl taunts them , then challenges them to a chariot race . Ariel and Alana try to reason with Pearl , but she wants to see the race through to the end . They start the race , but quickly lose control of the chariot in the rush of the current . It is only Ariel 's quick thinking and the timely appearance of Triton that saves them . Pearl is shocked that her parents bothered coming , but happy that they cared about her . Her mother states that she will be keeping a closer eye on her daughter from now on . She is voiced by Cree Summer . Spot ( edit ) Spot is a fun loving orca calf whose name is based on a single white spot which is birthmarked on his tail . In the episode called `` Whale Of A Tale '' , when the human poachers get nearby , he frightenedly swims away from his real family until Ariel encounters him with a little love . She cares for him until she lets him go to be with his real family . He returns in `` Save The Whale '' as a grown - up whale and , as Sebastian announces him , he excitedly begins to perform for the citizens of Atlantica until he gets caught . Simon ( edit ) Simon is a sea dragon . Imprisoned in cave and looking to be rescued . Simon writes a message and puts it in a bottle and with some luck , Ariel , Sebastian , and Flounder find the letter , brave danger in route to the cave , and then they face a giant sea dragon . The dragon turns out to be Simon himself , the writer of the message , who 's looking to have a party with some new friends . Bringing Simon home to King Triton poses another challenge until Simon helps King Triton to save Atlantica and its merpeople from an invasion of evil sea anemones . He is voiced by Brian Cummings . Dudley ( edit ) Dudley is an elderly sea turtle who also serves somewhat of an assistant to King Triton besides Sebastian . Dudley mumbles when he speaks and does not swim like other sea turtles in this show , instead he walks slowly along the sea floor like a land turtle and keeps important documents within his shell when he retracts his head . His conversation is always interrupted by his employer as he understands what the former is about to say . He is voiced by Dave Coulier . Archimedes ( edit ) Archimedes is a merman scholar , explorer and adventurer who is fascinated with humans , particularly human objects , like Ariel , he wants to know as much about the human world as possible , because of his fascination with humans , he is ostracized and disliked by his own people , as his only friend is Ariel . Because Archimedes goes to the surface very often , his knowledge on human culture is far more accurate than Ariel 's ; prior to the latter becoming human herself and her marriage to Eric . Due to Archimedes being ostracized by the merpeople , he lives in an abandoned sunken ship , in the wilderness outside of Atlantica , is also where he keeps his collection of human objects , initially , unlike Ariel , he has directly met humans , he has even interacted with them . He is voiced by Rod McKuen . Hans Christian Andersen ( edit ) A character based on Hans Christian Andersen , the author of the original Little Mermaid fairy tale appears in the episode `` Metal Fish '' . He is voiced by Mark Hamill . Based on rumors he hears from other sailors about the existence of merfolk , he attempts verify these claims by exploring the undersea world with the invention of his primitive submarine . While exploring the undersea world , his sub springs a leak and his steering controls are affected causing his sub to lose control and eventually sink to the bottom . However , to his surprise he encounters Ariel , to which his claims are verified . Later on , Archimedes , Sebastian , Flounder , The Crabscouts , and even King Triton appear to assist Andersen 's damaged vessel back to the surface . At the end of this episode , the character is inspired by the encounter to `` write '' the story of The Little Mermaid . This encounter contradicts the idea that Ariel 's first face to face contact with humans is with Prince Eric , and forces Ariel to confront her father with the fact that she , Triton , and all merfolk are half human when she appeals to Triton for help in saving Andersen 's life . Manta ( edit ) Manta is a recurring villain in the TV series . Although his exact age is unknown , he appears to be potentially ageless as an individual is referenced in a legend as nearly destroying Atlantica who was imprisoned in an undersea volcano many years before the time of the series . As it so happens , the character is discovered imprisoned within and freed from an undersea volcano by a well - meaning Ariel , whom the Manta dupes into releasing him . He then begins spreading hatred and discord amongst the population of Atlantica , nearly causing the kingdom to self - destruct from his actions . During this initial appearance the Manta appeared to have the power of mental hypnosis or else some form of telepathy . Ariel manages , with the help of Flounder and their friends to defeat the Manta . He then became a recurring character , intent on taking control of Atlantica for himself . He later has a son , `` Little Evil '' , who ironically enough , has no true evil or malevolent aspects to his personality and becomes a friend of Ariel 's , which also results in his father 's redemption . He is voiced by Tim Curry . The Little Mermaid II : Return to the sea ( edit ) Melody ( edit ) Melody First appearance The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea Created by Elizabeth Anderson & Temple Mathews ( screenplay ) Voiced by Tara Strong Melody is the daughter of Eric and Ariel . The celebration of her birth opens the film , during which her parents sail out to sea to present her to King Triton and the merfolk . The celebration is interrupted by Morgana , who threatens to hurt Melody if Triton does not hand over the trident . Eric and Ariel manage to save Melody , but because Morgana escapes , Ariel decides that the sea is too dangerous for her daughter . Until Morgana is found , Ariel vows to keep all knowledge of the sea from her , including her mermaid heritage . A magical locket that King Triton had made for Melody for the occasion is reluctantly thrown into the sea . Melody grows up banned from entering the sea and is not told why , but by her 12th birthday has been regularly sneaking out of the palace to swim in secret . On said birthday , Melody finds the locket with her name , and questions Ariel about it . Ariel and Melody argue , and before Ariel can apologize and explain , Melody runs away from the castle in a boat . Melody is discovered by Undertow and convinced to meet Morgana , who uses Melody 's love of the sea against her . Morgana transforms Melody into a mermaid , promising her that the transformation will last forever if Melody retrieves the trident from Triton , claiming that he stole it from Morgana . Wanting to be a mermaid forever , Melody agrees . While searching for the trident , Melody befriends a penguin named Tip and a walrus named Dash , and they join her in her search . Melody succeeds in stealing the trident , and returns to Morgana at the same time that her mother Ariel , who has been turned back into a mermaid in order to find Melody , also arrives . Melody is angered by Ariel 's decision to lie to her , and gives Morgana the trident . Morgana takes Ariel hostage and reveals her true intentions to Melody , and traps her in a cave by sealing the entrance with a thick layer of ice . Soon afterward , Morgana 's spell on Melody wears off , causing her to revert into a human and nearly drowning . Tip and Dash manage to free her and drag her to the shore . Morgana uses the trident to subjugate the merfolk , but Melody , no longer a mermaid , is unaffected and steals the trident back . She gives the trident to Triton , who turns the tables on Morgana and encases her in ice . In the aftermath , Melody apologizes to Eric and Ariel for her actions , and Ariel apologizes for not telling Melody the truth . Triton offers Melody the option of becoming a mermaid permanently but Melody declines . Instead she uses the trident to disintegrate the wall between the palace and the sea , thus reuniting both sides of her family . She is voiced by Tara Strong . Melody performs one song in the film , `` For a Moment '' , in which Ariel , voiced by Jodi Benson , also provides vocals . The character `` Melody '' is also a playable character in the PlayStation game , The Little Mermaid 2 , which is based on the two movies . She becomes playable after Ariel 's story arc has finished and the player is prompted to play as Melody in the chapter called `` A New Beginning '' . Morgana ( edit ) Morgana First appearance The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea Created by Elizabeth Anderson & Temple Mathews ( screenplay ) Voiced by Pat Carroll Morgana is the younger sister of the deceased Ursula . Like Ursula , Morgana is half octopus , having tentacles instead of a tail , but unlike Ursula , Morgana has 8 tentacles instead of 6 , which , in addition to her thin stature , make Morgana 's appearance more squid - like . Also , her skin is greenish - gray , unlike Ursula , who has light lavender skin . Morgana has three minions ; a tiger shark named Undertow , and a pair of manta rays called Cloak and Dagger . Her voice is provided by Pat Carroll . Morgana 's prime motivation is to prove her superiority over Ursula , who was the favored child of their mother . She also wanted to avenge Ursula 's death . However , she is not as powerful as Ursula and lacks her subtlety and deviousness , though she is highly cunning in her own right . She openly attacks Melody 's birthday party and uses her as a hostage to gain Triton 's trident , a ploy that fails due to Ariel 's quick thinking . Morgana escapes , and for twelve years eludes Triton 's efforts to find her . Morgana eventually meets twelve - year - old Melody , who has rebelled against her mother 's overprotective ways . Morgana lures Melody with the promise of becoming a mermaid , using the last of Ursula 's magic potion to transform Melody temporarily into a mermaid . Morgana asks Melody to get the trident for her , claiming herself to be its rightful owner . Morgana succeeds in getting the trident thanks to Melody , and proclaims herself as the new ruler of the seven seas . She is eventually stopped by Melody , who steals the trident back and gives it to King Triton . Triton then encases Morgana in an iceberg , and she is left to sink to the bottom of the ocean . Tip and Dash ( edit ) Tip and Dash First appearance The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea Created by Elizabeth Anderson & Temple Mathews ( screenplay ) Voiced by Max Casella ( Tip ) Stephen Furst ( Dash ) Tip and Dash are supporting characters in The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea and friends of Melody . Tip is an emperor penguin voiced by Max Casella , and Dash is a walrus voiced by Stephen Furst . Their names are derived from the convention of Morse Code which uses dots ( or `` tips '' ) and dashes to communicate messages . In the film , Tip and Dash are established odd couple best friends whom Melody encounters when she has been transformed into a mermaid . She learns that the duo want to be `` heroes '' but find it difficult to do so when Tip is a braggart who exaggerates his accomplishments and Dash is openly a coward . With a big help to save the baby penguin for her mother , Tip and Dash join the other penguins to extend the form of a ladder just before the red - eyed hammerhead shark scares them all into a big pile . Rejected by other penguins , Tip and Dash join Melody on her journey to retrieve the trident for Morgana . In the final battle , both characters find their inner courage and help to save the day . The duo perform the song `` Tip and Dash '' with Melody . Undertow ( edit ) Undertow First appearance The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea Created by Elizabeth Anderson & Temple Mathews ( screenplay ) Voiced by Clancy Brown Undertow , voiced by Clancy Brown , is a minion of Morgana . When the film opens , Undertow is a large purple and black colored tiger shark , but during the opening fight , he is zapped by the magic of King Triton 's trident and transformed into a small , piranha - like fish so he ca n't eat or harm Melody . Undertow spends the next twelve years as a piranha . After Melody rebels against her mother , Undertow convinces Melody to visit Morgana , who manipulates her into fetching the trident . When Melody retrieves the trident , Morgana uses its magic to restore Undertow to his original form . During the final fight , Undertow battles Melody 's friends Tip and Dash , and crashes into a wall of ice and all his teeth fall out . He is not seen again afterwards but was most likely killed upon impact with the ice wall . Cloak and Dagger ( edit ) Cloak and Dagger First appearance The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea Created by Elizabeth Anderson & Temple Mathews ( screenplay ) Cloak and Dagger are dark blue manta rays and Morgana 's henchmen . Unlike most of the animals in the film , they do n't speak , and perform mostly physical duties for Morgana , either by pulling her or someone of interest to her . The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Beginning ( edit ) Athena ( edit ) Athena First appearance The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Beginning Voiced by Lorelei Hill Butters ( Speaking ) Andrea Robinson ( Singing ) Athena was Triton 's wife , queen of Atlantica , and the mother of Ariel , Aquata , Andrina , Arista , Attina , Adella and Alana , Eric 's mother - in - law and Melody 's maternal grandmother . Her speaking voice is provided by Lorelei Hill Butters , and her singing voice is provided by Andrea Robinson . She appears in the opening prologue of the prequel , in which she is at first shown singing her and Triton 's special song ( Athena 's song ) to the girls before bedtime . She is then seen relaxing in a cove on the ocean surface with her husband , children and other merfolk . Triton gives her a music box that plays their song as an anniversary present . The fun ceases when a pirate ship appears and attacks the merpeople , during which Athena is crushed to death by the ship , whilst trying to save the music box . Triton responds to this tragedy by banning music from Atlantica . Prior to this film , Ariel 's mother had been mentioned before in the prequel television series , but had then remained nameless . It is never actually stated , but it is quite likely that it was Athena 's death , at the hands of humans , that caused Triton 's prejudice towards them . Marina Del Rey ( edit ) Marina Del Rey First appearance The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Beginning Voiced by Sally Field as Marina Del Rey Marina Del Rey , voiced by Sally Field , is a mermaid and the governess of King Triton 's seven daughters , in charge of enforcing Triton 's distant and formal parenting style . She feels she has been stuck as the governess for too long , and her primary motivation is to take over Sebastian 's job as the king 's attaché . She temporarily succeeds after getting Sebastian , Flounder , and their secret music band sent to prison ( as music was forbidden from Atlantica at the time ) but upon learning of the gang 's escape with Ariel , Marina resolves to kill them all by sending her electric eels after them . Marina is eventually caught , and Triton sends her to prison for her crimes . Benjamin ( edit ) Benjamin First appearance The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Beginning Voiced by Jeff Bennett as Benjamin Benjamin is a light green manatee and Marina 's sidekick . Unlike Marina , Benjamin is a softy who loves Ariel and her sisters , and wishes Marina would be nice . He is voiced by Jeff Bennett . Catfish Club band ( edit ) Ray - Ray , Cheeks , Ink Spot , and Shelbow First appearance The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Beginning Voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson as Ray - Ray and Cheeks Rob Paulsen as Ink Spot Jim Cummings as Shelbow The Catfish Club Band are a quartet house band in the Catfish Club , the underground music club in Atlantica that exists in opposition to King Triton 's ban on music . Their bandleader and vocalist is Sebastian , who also plays maracas . Other members are Ray - Ray , a sky - blue manta ray who plays the bass , voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson ; Cheeks , a green blowfish who plays the saxophone , voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson ; Ink Spot , a violet octopus who plays the piano , voiced by Rob Paulsen ; Shelbow , a teal sea turtle who plays the drums , voiced by Jim Cummings . Others ( edit ) Gertrude ( edit ) Gertrude is mentioned by one of the maids who are washing clothes . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Singer , A.L. ( 1997 ) . Disney 's The Little Mermaid : Official Novelisation . Disney Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7868 - 4202 - 5 . Jump up ^ Disney 's The Little Mermaid ( 1989 film ) Platinum Edition DVD , commentary by Ron Clements and John Musker Jump up ^ Disney 's The Little Mermaid : Tales from Under the Sea . Disney Press . 1991 . ISBN 1 - 56282 - 014 - 1 . Jump up ^ David , Peter ( 1992 ) . Disney 's The Little Mermaid : Ariel and Sebastian . Walt Disney Magazine Publishing Group . ISBN 1 - 56115 - 266 - 8 . ( hide ) Hans Christian Andersen 's `` The Little Mermaid '' Films The Daydreamer ( 1966 ) The Little Mermaid ( 1968 ) Hans Christian Andersen 's The Little Mermaid ( 1975 ) The Little Mermaid ( 1976 Czech film ) The Little Mermaid ( 1976 Russian film ) Mermaid ( 2007 ) The Little Mermaid ( 2018 ) Television Mahō no Mako - chan ( 1970 ) Adventures of the Little Mermaid ( 1991 ) The Idle Mermaid ( 2014 ) Other The Little Mermaid ( statue ) Mermaids The Lure Disney franchise Films The Little Mermaid ( 1989 ) The Little Mermaid II : Return to the Sea ( 2000 ) The Little Mermaid : Ariel 's Beginning ( 2008 ) Series The Little Mermaid ( 1992 -- 1994 ) episodes Characters Ariel Ursula Sebastian Music Albums The Little Mermaid Sebastian from The Little Mermaid Sebastian : Party Gras ! Songs from the Sea Splash Hits Songs `` Fathoms Below '' `` Part of Your World '' `` Under the Sea '' `` Poor Unfortunate Souls '' `` Les Poissons '' `` Kiss the Girl '' Related The Music Behind the Magic Adaptations Musical Once Upon a Time `` Ariel '' `` Dark Hollow '' `` The Jolly Roger '' `` Poor Unfortunate Soul '' Attractions Ariel 's Grotto Ariel 's Undersea Adventure King Triton 's Carousel of the Sea Mermaid Lagoon Scuttle 's Scooters Voyage of the Little Mermaid Video games The Little Mermaid Ariel the Little Mermaid Ariel 's Story Studio Disney 's The Little Mermaid Print Studio Disney 's The Little Mermaid Activity Center The Little Mermaid II : Pinball Frenzy Retrieved from `` '' Categories : The Little Mermaid ( franchise ) characters Kingdom Hearts characters Lists of Disney animated film characters Lists of characters in American television animation Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Italiano Edit links This page was last edited on 29 May 2018 , at 08 : 47 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | what is the name of the seagull in little mermaid | [
"Scuttle (scully) is a seagull and friend of Ariel, voiced by Buddy Hackett in the 1989 film and 2000 sequel. He appears as an expert on human objects with whom Ariel consults about items she salvages, though his identifications consist of nonsense. He wrongly names a fork a \"dinglehopper\" and says that it is used as a comb, and a smoking pipe a \"snarfblatt\" while claiming it works like a trumpet. Despite his erroneous information on human things, Scuttle provides support and advice when he learns that Ariel has to win Eric's heart in three days. On the third day, Scuttle is the one who discovers that Vanessa, the woman Eric has decided to marry instead, is actually Ursula. He immediately tells Ariel this information, and helps stall the wedding with help from other marine creatures so to allow Ariel to arrive and confront Eric (as well as smashing Ursula's shell that held Ariel's voice, thus restoring it and freeing Eric from Ursula's spell)."
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-7755226340079106293 | American entry into World War I | American entry into World war I - wikipedia American entry into World war I President Woodrow Wilson before Congress , announcing the break in official relations with Germany on 3 February 1917 The American entry into World War I came in April 1917 , after more than two and a half years of efforts by President Woodrow Wilson to keep the United States out of the war . Apart from an Anglophile element urging early support for the British , American public opinion reflected that of the president : the sentiment for neutrality was particularly strong among Irish Americans , German Americans , and Scandinavian Americans , as well as among church leaders and among women in general . On the other hand , even before World War I had broken out , American opinion had been more negative toward Germany than towards any other country in Europe . Over time , especially after reports of atrocities in Belgium in 1914 and following the sinking of the passenger liner RMS Lusitania in 1915 , the American citizens increasingly came to see Germany as the aggressor in Europe . As U.S. president , it was Wilson who made the key policy decisions over foreign affairs : while the country was at peace , the domestic economy ran on a laissez - faire basis , with American banks making huge loans to Britain and France -- funds that were in large part used to buy munitions , raw materials , and food from across the Atlantic . Until 1917 , Wilson made minimal preparations for a land war and kept the United States Army on a small peacetime footing , despite increasing demands for enhanced preparedness . He did however expand the United States Navy . In 1917 , with Russia experiencing political upheaval following widespread disillusionment there over the war , and with Britain and France low on credit , Germany appeared to have the upper hand in Europe , while Germany 's ally , the Ottoman Empire , clung stubbornly to its possessions in the Middle East . In the same year , Germany decided to resume unrestricted submarine warfare against any vessel approaching British waters ; this attempt to starve Britain into surrender was balanced against the knowledge that it would almost certainly bring the United States into the war . Germany also made a secret offer to help Mexico regain territories lost in the Mexican -- American War in an encoded telegram known as the Zimmermann Telegram , which was intercepted by British Intelligence . Publication of that communique outraged Americans just as German U-boats started sinking American merchant ships in the North Atlantic . Wilson then asked Congress for `` a war to end all wars '' that would `` make the world safe for democracy '' , and Congress voted to declare war on Germany on April 6 , 1917 . On December 7 , 1917 , the U.S. declared war on Austria - Hungary . U.S. troops began arriving on the Western Front in large numbers in 1918 . Contents 1 Main issues 1.1 Naval blockade 1.1. 1 The strategy behind the blockade 1.2 Business considerations 1.3 Views of the elites 2 Public opinion 2.1 Parties 2.2 Workers , farmers , and African Americans 2.3 South 2.4 German Americans 2.5 Christian churches and pacifists 2.6 Jewish Americans 2.7 Irish - Americans 2.8 Pro-Allied immigrants 2.9 Popular pacifism 2.10 German agents 3 Preparedness movement 3.1 Size of military 3.2 Navy 4 Decision for war 4.1 Decision making 4.2 Zimmermann Telegram 4.3 Sinking of American merchant ships 5 Public opinion , moralism , and national interest 6 Declaration of war 6.1 Germany 6.2 Austria - Hungary 7 See also 8 Footnotes 9 Bibliography 9.1 Historiography 10 Primary sources 11 External links Main issues ( edit ) Further information : Diplomatic history of World War I § American entry in 1917 , and Presidency of Woodrow Wilson Naval blockade ( edit ) Britain used its large navy to prevent cargo vessels entering German ports , mainly by intercepting them in the North Sea between the coasts of Scotland and Norway . The wider sea approaches to Britain and France , their distance from German harbours and the smaller size of the German surface fleet all made it harder for Germany to reciprocate . Instead , Germany used submarines to lie in wait for , and then sink , merchant ships heading for enemy ports . The United States insisted on maintaining the traditional rights of ships registered in neutral countries and protested strongly against American ships being intercepted or sunk : the British seized American ships for supposed violations , while the Germans sank them -- often without warning , in violation of international law that said sailors must be allowed an opportunity to reach their lifeboats . After several violations , Germany stopped this practice but in early 1917 she decided to resume unrestricted submarine warfare , in the hope that this would starve out the British before the Americans could make any effective military retaliation . The Strategy behind the blockade ( edit ) The British Royal Navy successfully stopped the shipment of most war supplies and food to Germany . Neutral American ships that tried to trade with Germany were seized or turned back by the Royal Navy who viewed such trade as in direct conflict with the Allies ' war efforts . The strangulation came about very slowly , because Germany and its allies controlled extensive farmlands and raw materials . It was eventually successful because Germany and Austria - Hungary had decimated their agricultural production by taking so many farmers into their armies . By 1918 , German cities were on the verge of starvation ; the front - line soldiers were on short rations and were running out of essential supplies . Germany also considered a blockade . `` England wants to starve us '' , said Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz , the man who built the German fleet and who remained a key advisor to the Kaiser Wilhelm II . `` We can play the same game . We can bottle her up and destroy every ship that endeavors to break the blockade '' . Unable to challenge the more powerful Royal Navy on the surface , Tirpitz wanted to scare off merchant and passenger ships en route to Britain . He reasoned that since the island of Britain depended on imports of food , raw materials , and manufactured goods , scaring off a substantial number of the ships would effectively undercut its long - term ability to maintain an army on the Western Front . While Germany had only nine long - range U-boats at the start of the war , it had ample shipyard capacity to build the hundreds needed . However , the United States demanded that Germany respect the international agreements upon `` freedom of the seas '' , which protected neutral American ships on the high seas from seizure or sinking by either belligerent . Furthermore , Americans insisted that the drowning of innocent civilians was barbaric and grounds for a declaration of war . The British frequently violated America 's neutral rights by seizing ships . Wilson 's top advisor , Colonel Edward M. House commented that , `` The British have gone as far as they possibly could in violating neutral rights , though they have done it in the most courteous way '' . When Wilson protested British violations of American neutrality , the British backed down . German submarines torpedoed ships without warning , causing sailors and passengers to drown . Berlin explained that submarines were so vulnerable that they dared not surface near merchant ships that might be carrying guns and which were too small to rescue submarine crews . Britain armed most of its merchant ships with medium calibre guns that could sink a submarine , making above - water attacks too risky . In February 1915 , the United States warned Germany about misuse of submarines . On April 22 , the German Imperial Embassy warned U.S. citizens against boarding vessels to Britain , which would have to face German attack . On May 7 , Germany torpedoed the British passenger liner RMS Lusitania , sinking her . This act of aggression caused the loss of 1,198 civilian lives , including 128 Americans . The sinking of a large , unarmed passenger ship , combined with the previous stories of atrocities in Belgium , shocked Americans and turned public opinion hostile to Germany , although not yet to the point of war . Wilson issued a warning to Germany that it would face `` strict accountability '' if it sank more neutral U.S. passenger ships . Berlin acquiesced , ordering its submarines to avoid passenger ships . By January 1917 , however , Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg and General Erich Ludendorff decided that an unrestricted submarine blockade was the only way to achieve a decisive victory . They demanded that Kaiser Wilhelm order unrestricted submarine warfare be resumed . Germany knew this decision meant war with the United States , but they gambled that they could win before America 's potential strength could be mobilized . However , they overestimated how many ships they could sink and thus the extent Britain would be weakened . Finally , they did not foresee that convoys could and would be used to defeat their efforts . They believed that the United States was so weak militarily that it could not be a factor on the Western Front for more than a year . The civilian government in Berlin objected , but the Kaiser sided with his military . Business considerations ( edit ) The beginning of war in Europe coincided with the end of the Recession of 1913 -- 1914 in America . Exports to belligerent nations rose rapidly over the first four years of the War from $824.8 million in 1913 to $2.25 billion in 1917 . Loans from American financial institutions to the Allied nations in Europe also increased dramatically over the same period . Economic activity towards the end of this period boomed as government resources aided the production of the private sector . Between 1914 and 1917 , industrial production increased 32 % and GNP increased by almost 20 % . The improvements to industrial production in the United States outlasted the war . The capital build - up that had allowed American companies to supply belligerents and the American army resulted in a greater long - run rate of production even after the war had ended in 1918 . In 1913 , J.P. Morgan , Jr. took over the House of Morgan , an American - based investment bank consisting of separate banking operations in New York , London , and Paris , after the death of his father , J. Pierpont Morgan . The House of Morgan offered assistance in the wartime financing of Britain and France from the earliest stages of the war in 1914 through America 's entrance in 1917 . J.P. Morgan & Co. , the House of Morgan 's bank in New York , was designated as the primary financial agent to the British government in 1914 after successful lobbying by the British ambassador , Sir Cecil Spring Rice . The same bank would later take a similar role in France and would offer extensive financial assistance to both warring nations . J.P. Morgan &Co . became the primary issuer of loans to the French government by raising money from American investors . Morgan , Harjes , the House of Morgan 's French affiliated bank , controlled the majority of the wartime financial dealings between the House of Morgan and the French government after primary issuances of debt in American markets . Relations between the House of Morgan and the French government became tense as the war raged on with no end in sight . France 's ability to borrow from other sources diminished , leading to greater lending rates and a depressing of the value of the franc . After the war , in 1918 , J.P. Morgan & Co. continued to aid the French government financially through monetary stabilization and debt relief . Because America was still a declared neutral state , the financial dealings of American banks in Europe caused a great deal of contention between Wall Street and the U.S. government . Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan strictly opposed financial support of warring nations and wanted to ban loans to the belligerents in August 1914 . He told President Wilson that `` refusal to loan to any belligerent would naturally tend to hasten a conclusion of the war . '' Wilson at first agreed , but then reversed himself when France argued that if it was legal to buy American goods then it was legal to take out credits on the purchase . J.P. Morgan issued loans to France including one in March 1915 and , following negotiations with the Anglo - French Financial Commission , another joint loan to Britain and France in October 1915 , the latter amounting to US $500,000,000 . Although the stance of the U.S. government was that stopping such financial assistance could hasten the end of the war and therefore save lives , little was done to insure adherence to the ban on loans , in part due to pressure from Allied governments and American business interests . The American steel industry had faced difficulties and declining profits during the Recession of 1913 -- 1914 . As war began in Europe , however , the increased demand for tools of war began a period of heightened productivity that alleviated many U.S. industrial companies from the low - growth environment of the recession . Bethlehem Steel took particular advantage of the increased demand for armaments abroad . Prior to American entrance into the War , these companies benefitted from unrestricted commerce with sovereign customers abroad . After President Wilson issued his declaration of war , the companies were subjected to price controls created by the U.S. Trade Commission in order to insure that the U.S. military would have access to the necessary armaments . By the end of the war in 1918 , Bethlehem Steel had produced 65,000 pounds of forged military products and 70 million pounds of armor plate , 1.1 billion pounds of steel for shells , and 20.1 million rounds of artillery ammunition for Britain and France . Bethlehem Steel took advantage of the domestic armaments market and produced 60 % of the American weaponry and 40 % of the artillery shells used in the War . Even with price controls and a lower profit margin on manufactured goods , the profits resulting from wartime sales expanded the company into the third largest manufacturing company in the country . Bethlehem Steel became the primary arms supplier for the United States and other allied powers again in 1939 . Views of the elites ( edit ) Historians divide the views of American political and social leaders into four distinct groupings -- the camps were mostly informal : The first of these were the Non-Interventionists , a loosely affiliated and politically diverse anti-war movement which sought to keep the United States out of the war altogether . Members of this group tended to view the war as a clash between British imperialism and German militarism , both of which they regarded as equally corrupt . Others were pacifists , who objected on moral grounds . Prominent leaders included Democrats like former Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan , industrialist Henry Ford and publisher William Randolph Hearst ; Republicans Robert M. La Follette , Senator from Wisconsin and George W. Norris , Senator from Nebraska ; and Progressive Party activist Jane Addams . At the far - left end of the political spectrum the Socialists , led by their perennial candidate for President Eugene V. Debs and movement veterans like Victor L. Berger and Morris Hillquit , were staunch anti-militarists and opposed to any US intervention , branding the conflict as a `` capitalist war '' that American workers should avoid . However , after the US did join the war in April , 1917 a schism developed between the anti-war Party majority and a pro-war faction of Socialist writers , journalists and intellectuals led by John Spargo , William English Walling and E. Haldeman - Julius . This group founded the rival Social Democratic League of America to promote the war effort among their fellow Socialists . Next were the more moderate Liberal - Internationalists . This bipartisan group reluctantly supported a declaration of war against Germany with the postwar goal of establishing collective international security institutions designed to peacefully resolve future conflicts between nations and to promote liberal democratic values more broadly . This groups 's views were advocated by interest groups such as the League to Enforce Peace . Adherents included US President Woodrow Wilson , his influential advisor Edward M. House , former President William Howard Taft , famed inventor Alexander Graham Bell , Wall Street financier Bernard Baruch and Harvard University President Abbott Lawrence Lowell . Finally , there were the so - called Atlanticists . Ardently pro-Entente , they had strongly championed American intervention in the war since 1915 . Their primary political motivation was to both prepare the US for war with Germany and to forge an enduring military alliance with Great Britain . This group actively supported the Preparedness Movement and was strong among the Anglophile political establishment of the northeast , boasting such luminaries as former President Theodore Roosevelt , Major General Leonard Wood , prominent attorney and diplomat Joseph Hodges Choate , former Secretary of War Henry Stimson , journalist Walter Lippman and Senators Henry Cabot Lodge , Sr. of Massachusetts and Elihu Root of New York . Public opinion ( edit ) A cosmopolitan group of upper and upper - middle class businessmen based in the largest cities took the lead in promoting military preparedness and in defining how far America could be pushed around before it would fight back . Many public figures hated war -- Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan was the most prominent , and he resigned when he thought Wilson had become too bellicose . Grassroots opposition to American entry came especially from German and Irish elements . Parties ( edit ) A surprising factor in the development of American public opinion was how little the political parties became involved . Wilson and the Democrats in 1916 campaigned on the slogan `` He kept us out of war ! '' , saying a Republican victory would mean war with both Mexico and Germany . His position probably was critical in winning the Western states . Charles Evans Hughes , the GOP candidate , insisted on downplaying the war issue . The Socialist party talked peace . Socialist rhetoric declared the European conflict to be `` an imperialist war '' . It won 2 % of the 1916 vote for Eugene V. Debs , blamed the war on capitalism and pledged total opposition . `` A bayonet '' , its propaganda said , `` was a weapon with a worker at each end '' . When war began , however , about half the Socialists , typified by Congressman Meyer London , supported the decision and sided with the pro-Allied efforts . The rest , led by Debs , remained ideological and die - hard opponents . Many socialists came under investigation from the Espionage Act of 1917 and many suspected of treason were arrested , including Debs . This would only increase the Socialist 's anti-war groups in resentment toward the American government . Workers , farmers , and African Americans ( edit ) The working class was relatively quiet , and tended to divide along ethnic lines . At the beginning of the war , neither working men nor farmers took a large interest in the debates on war preparation . Samuel Gompers , head of the AFL labor movement , denounced the war in 1914 as `` unnatural , unjustified , and unholy '' , but by 1916 he was supporting Wilson 's limited preparedness program , against the objections of Socialist union activists . In 1916 the labor unions supported Wilson on domestic issues and ignored the war question . The war at first disrupted the cotton market ; Britain blockaded shipments to Germany , and prices fell from 11 cents a pound to only 4 cents . By 1916 , however , the British decided to bolster the price to 10 cents to avoid losing Southern support . The cotton growers seem to have moved from neutrality to intervention at about the same pace as the rest of the nation . Midwestern farmers generally opposed the war , especially those of German and Scandinavian descent . The Midwest became the stronghold of isolationism ; other remote rural areas also saw no need for war . The African - American community did not take a strong position one way or the other . A month after congress declared war , W.E.B. Du Bois called on African - Americans to `` fight shoulder to shoulder with the world to gain a world where war shall be no more '' . Once war began and black men were drafted , they worked to achieve equality . Many had hoped the community 's help in the war efforts abroad would earn civil rights at home . When such civil liberties were still not granted , many African - Americans grew tired of waiting for recognition of their rights as American citizens . South ( edit ) There was a strong antiwar element in the white South and border states . In rural Missouri for example , distrust of powerful Eastern influences focused on the risk that Wall Street would lead America into war . Across the South poor white farmers warned each other that `` a rich man 's war meant a poor man 's fight , '' and they wanted nothing of it . Congressman James Hay , Democrat of Virginia was the powerful chairman of the House Committee on Military Affairs . He repeatedly blocked prewar efforts to modernize and enlarge the army . Preparedness was not needed because Americans were already safe , he insisted in January 1915 : Isolated as we are , safe in our vastness , protected by a great navy , and possessed of an army sufficient for any emergency that may arise , we may disregard the lamentations and predictions of the militarists . German Americans ( edit ) German Americans by this time usually had only weak ties to Germany ; however , they were fearful of negative treatment they might receive if the United States entered the war ( such mistreatment was already happening to German - descent citizens in Canada and Australia ) . Almost none called for intervening on Germany 's side , instead calling for neutrality and speaking of the superiority of German culture . As more nations were drawn into the conflict , however , the English - languages press increasingly supporting Britain , while the German - American media called for neutrality while also defending Germany 's position . Chicago 's Germans worked to secure a complete embargo on all arms shipments to Europe . In 1916 , large crowds in Chicago 's Germania celebrated the Kaiser 's birthday , something they had not done before the war . German Americans in early 1917 still called for neutrality , but proclaimed that if a war came they would be loyal to the United States . By this point , they had been excluded almost entirely from national discourse on the subject . Once war started , they were harassed in so many ways that historian Carl Wittke noted in 1936 , it was `` one of the most difficult and humiliating experiences suffered by an ethnic group in American history . '' German - American Socialists in Milwaukee , Wisconsin actively campaigned against entry into the war . Christian Churches and pacifists ( edit ) Come on in , America , the Blood 's Fine ! ( 1917 ) by M.A. Kempf . Leaders of most religious groups ( except the Episcopalians ) tended to pacifism , as did leaders of the woman 's movement . The Methodists and Quakers among others were vocal opponents of the war . President Wilson , who was a devout Presbyterian , would often frame the war in terms of good and evil in an appeal for religious support of the war . A concerted effort was made by pacifists including Jane Addams , Oswald Garrison Villard , David Starr Jordan , Henry Ford , Lillian Wald , and Carrie Chapman Catt . Their goal was to encourage Wilson 's efforts to mediate an end of the war by bringing the belligerents to the conference table . Finally in 1917 Wilson convinced some of them that to be truly anti-war they needed to support what he promised would be `` a war to end all wars '' . Once war was declared , the more liberal denominations , which had endorsed the Social Gospel , called for a war for righteousness that would help uplift all mankind . The theme -- an aspect of American exceptionalism -- was that God had chosen America as his tool to bring redemption to the world . American Catholic bishops maintained a general silence toward the issue of intervention . Millions of Catholics lived in both warring camps , and Catholic Americans tended to split on ethnic lines in their opinions toward American involvement in the war . At the time , heavily Catholic towns and cities in the East and Midwest often contained multiple parishes , each serving a single ethnic group , such as Irish , German , Italian , Polish , or English . American Catholics of Irish and German descent opposed intervention most strongly . Pope Benedict XV made several attempts to negotiate a peace . All of his efforts were rebuffed by both the Allies and the Germans , and throughout the war the Vatican maintained a policy of strict neutrality . Jewish Americans ( edit ) Jewish American sympathies likewise broke along ethnic lines , with recently arrived Yiddish speaking Jews inclined to Zionism , and the established German - American Jewish community largely opposed to it . In 1914 -- 1916 , there were few Jewish forces in favor of American entry into the war . Many regarded Britain as hostile to Jewish interests . New York City , with its well - organized element numbering 1.5 million Jews , was the center of antiwar activism . The different Jewish communities worked together during the war years to provide relief to Jewish communities in Eastern Europe . Of greatest concern to Jews was the tsarist regime in Russia because it was notorious for tolerating pogroms and following anti-Semitic policies . As historian Joseph Rappaport reported through his study of Yiddish press during the war , `` The pro-Germanism of America 's immigrant Jews was an inevitable consequence of their Russophobia '' . The fall of the tsarist regime in March 1917 removed a major obstacle for many Jews who refused to support tsarism . The draft went smoothly in New York City , and left - wing opposition to the war largely collapsed when Zionists saw the possibility of using the war to demand a state of Israel . Irish - Americans ( edit ) The most effective domestic opponents of the war were Irish - American Catholics . They had little interest in the continent , but were neutral about helping the United Kingdom because it had recently enacted the Government of Ireland Act 1914 , allowing Irish Home Rule . However , the Act was suspended until the war ended . John Redmond and the Irish Parliamentary Party ( IPP ) declared that Irish Volunteers should support America 's pro-Allied war efforts first ; his political opponents argued that it was not the time to support Britain in its attempt to `` strengthen and expand her empire '' . The attacks on the IPP and pro-Allied press showed a firm belief that a German victory would hasten the achievement of Irish independence . Yet rather than proposing intervention on behalf of the Germans , Irish American leaders and organizations focused on demanding American neutrality . But the increased contact between militant Irish nationalists and German agents in the United States only fueled concerns of where the primary loyalties of Irish Americans lay . Nevertheless , close to 1,000 Irish - born Americans died fighting with the U.S. armed forces in WWI . The Easter Rising in Dublin in April 1916 was crushed within a week and its leaders executed by firing squad . The mainstream American press treated the uprising as foolish and misguided , and theorized it was largely inspired by the Germans . Overall public opinion remained faithfully pro-British . Irish - Americans dominated the Democratic party in many large cities so Wilson had to take account of their views . They did not prevent him from being hostile to Germany , but they did force him to keep his distance from Britain . Indeed , Irish - American pressure influenced the United States into not accepting Britain 's war aims as its own and define its own objectives , primarily self - determination . The Irish - American community thought they had Wilson 's promise to promote Irish independence in exchange for their support of his war policies , but after the war they were bitterly disappointed by his refusal to support them in 1919 . Wilson saw the Irish situation purely as an internal UK matter and did not perceive the dispute and the unrest in Ireland as comparable to the plight of the various nationalities in Europe as a fall - out from World War I . The progress of the Irish Race Conventions give a flavour of the differing and changing opinions during the war . Pro-Allied immigrants ( edit ) Some British immigrants worked actively for intervention . London - born Samuel Insull , Chicago 's leading industrialist , for example , enthusiastically provided money , propaganda , and means for volunteers to enter the British or Canadian armies . After the United States ' entry , Insull directed the Illinois State Council of Defense , with responsibility for organizing the state 's mobilization . Immigrants from eastern Europe usually cared more about politics in their homeland than politics in the United States . Spokesmen for Slavic immigrants hoped that an Allied victory would bring independence for their homelands . Large numbers of Hungarian immigrants who were liberal and nationalist in sentiment , and sought an independent Hungary , separate from the Austro - Hungarian Empire lobbied in favor of the war and allied themselves with the Atlanticist or Anglophile portion of the population . This community was largely pro-British and anti-German in sentiment . Albanian - Americans in communities such as Boston also campaigned for entry into the war and were overwhelmingly pro-British and anti-German , as well as hopeful the war would lead to an independent Albania which would be free from the Ottoman Empire . Polish , Slovak , and Czech immigrants were enthusiastically pro-war and generally pro-British . Popular pacifism ( edit ) The song `` I Did n't Raise My Boy To Be A Soldier '' was a hit in 1915 , selling 650,000 copies . Its expression of popular pacifist sentiment `` helped make the pacifist movement a hard , quantifiable political reality to be reckoned with . '' Henry Ford supported the pacifist cause by sponsoring a large - scale private peace mission , with numerous activists and intellectuals aboard the `` Peace Ship ' ( the ocean liner Oscar II ) . Ford chartered the ship in 1915 and invited prominent peace activists to join him to meet with leaders on both sides in Europe . He hoped to create enough publicity to prompt the belligerent nations to convene a peace conference and mediate an end to the war . The mission was widely mocked by the press , which wrote about the `` Ship of Fools . '' Infighting between the activists , mockery by the press contingent aboard , and an outbreak of influenza marred the voyage . Four days after the ship arrived in neutral Norway , a beleaguered and physically ill Ford abandoned the mission and returned to the United States ; he had demonstrated that independent small efforts accomplished nothing . German agents ( edit ) On July 24 , 1915 , the German embassy 's commercial attaché , Heinrich Albert , left his briefcase on a train in New York City , where an alert Secret Service agent , Frank Burke , snatched it up . Wilson let the newspapers publish the contents , which indicated a systematic effort by Berlin to subsidize friendly newspapers and block British purchases of war materials . Berlin 's top espionage agent , debonnaire Franz Rintelen von Kleist was spending millions to finance sabotage in Canada , stir up trouble between the United States and Mexico and to incite labor strikes . The British were engaged in propaganda too , though not illegal espionage , but they did not get caught . Germany took the blame as Americans grew ever more worried about the vulnerability of a free society to subversion . Indeed , one of the main fears Americans of all stations had in 1916 -- 1919 was that spies and saboteurs were everywhere . This sentiment played a major role in arousing fear of Germany , and suspicions regarding everyone of German descent who could not `` prove '' 100 % loyalty . Preparedness movement ( edit ) This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( September 2017 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Main article : Preparedness Movement By 1915 , Americans were paying much more attention to the war . The sinking of the Lusitania had a strong effect on public opinion because of the deaths of American civilians . That year , a strong `` Preparedness '' movement emerged . Proponents argued that the United States needed to immediately build up strong naval and land forces for defensive purposes ; an unspoken assumption was that America would fight sooner or later . General Leonard Wood ( still on active duty after serving a term as Chief of Staff of the Army ) , former president Theodore Roosevelt , and former secretaries of war Elihu Root and Henry Stimson were the driving forces behind Preparedness , along with many of the nation 's most prominent bankers , industrialists , lawyers and scions of prominent families . Indeed , there emerged an `` Atlanticist '' foreign policy establishment , a group of influential Americans drawn primarily from upper - class lawyers , bankers , academics , and politicians of the Northeast , committed to a strand of Anglophile internationalism . Representative was Paul D. Cravath , one of New York 's foremost corporation lawyers . For Cravath , in his mid-fifties when the war began , the conflict served as an epiphany , sparking an interest in international affairs that dominated his remaining career . Fiercely Anglophile , he strongly supported American intervention in the war and hoped that close Anglo - American cooperation would be the guiding principle of postwar international organization . The advertisement of The Battle Cry of Peace film The Preparedness movement had a `` realistic '' philosophy of world affairs -- they believed that economic strength and military muscle were more decisive than idealistic crusades focused on causes like democracy and national self - determination . Emphasizing over and over the weak state of national defenses , they showed that America 's 100,000 - man Army even augmented by the 112,000 National Guardsmen , was outnumbered 20 to one by Germany 's army , which was drawn from a smaller population . Similarly in 1915 , the armed forces of Great Britain and the British empire ( the world 's most powerful military and economic power at the time ) , France , Russia , the Austro - Hungarian empire , Ottoman empire , Italy , Bulgaria , Romania , Serbia , Belgium , Japan and Greece were all larger and more experienced than the United States military , in many cases significantly so . Reform to them meant UMT or `` universal military training '' . They proposed a national service program under which the 600,000 men who turned 18 every year would be required to spend six months in military training , and afterwards be assigned to reserve units . The small regular army would primarily be a training agency . Antimilitarists complained the plan would make America resemble Germany ( which required two years ' active duty ) . Advocates retorted that military `` service '' was an essential duty of citizenship , and that without the commonality provided by such service the nation would splinter into antagonistic ethnic groups . One spokesman promised that UMT would become `` a real melting pot , under which the fire is hot enough to fuse the elements into one common mass of Americanism '' . Furthermore , they promised , the discipline and training would make for a better paid work force . Hostility to military service was strong at the time , and the program failed to win approval . In World War II , when Stimson as Secretary of War proposed a similar program of universal peacetime service , he was defeated . Underscoring its commitment , the Preparedness movement set up and funded its own summer training camps at Plattsburgh , New York , and other sites , where 40,000 college alumni became physically fit , learned to march and shoot , and ultimately provided the cadre of a wartime officer corps . Suggestions by labor unions that talented working - class youth be invited to Plattsburgh were ignored . The Preparedness movement was distant not only from the working classes but also from the middle - class leadership of most of small - town America . It had had little use for the National Guard , which it saw as politicized , localistic , poorly armed , ill trained , too inclined to idealistic crusading ( as against Spain in 1898 ) , and too lacking in understanding of world affairs . The National Guard on the other hand was securely rooted in state and local politics , with representation from a very broad cross section of American society . The Guard was one of the nation 's few institutions that ( in some northern states ) accepted blacks on an equal footing . The Democratic party saw the Preparedness movement as a threat . Roosevelt , Root and Wood were prospective Republican presidential candidates . More subtly , the Democrats were rooted in localism that appreciated the National Guard , and the voters were hostile to the rich and powerful in the first place . Working with the Democrats who controlled Congress , Wilson was able to sidetrack the Preparedness forces . Army and Navy leaders were forced to testify before Congress to the effect that the nation 's military was in excellent shape . In fact , neither the Army nor Navy was in shape for war . The Navy had fine ships but Wilson had been using them to threaten Mexico , and the fleet 's readiness had suffered . The crews of the Texas and the New York , the two newest and largest battleships , had never fired a gun , and the morale of the sailors was low . In addition , it was outnumbered and outgunned by the British , German , French , and Italian navies . The Army and Navy air forces were tiny in size . Despite the flood of new weapons systems unveiled by the British , Germans , French , Austro - Hungarians , Italians , and others in the war in Europe , the Army was paying scant attention . For example , it was making no studies of trench warfare , poison gas , heavy artillery , or tanks and was utterly unfamiliar with the rapid evolution of Aerial warfare . The Democrats in Congress tried to cut the military budget in 1915 . The Preparedness movement effectively exploited the surge of outrage over the Lusitania in May 1915 , forcing the Democrats to promise some improvements to the military and naval forces . Wilson , less fearful of the Navy , embraced a long - term building program designed to make the fleet the equal of the British Royal Navy by the mid-1920s , although this would not be achieved until World War II . `` Realism '' was at work here ; the admirals were Mahanians and they therefore wanted a surface fleet of heavy battleships second to none -- that is , equal to Britain . The facts of submarine warfare ( which necessitated destroyers , not battleships ) and the possibilities of imminent war with Germany ( or with Britain , for that matter ) , were simply ignored . Wilson 's program for the Army touched off a firestorm . Secretary of War Lindley Garrison adopted many of the proposals of the Preparedness leaders , especially their emphasis on a large federal reserve and abandonment of the National Guard . Garrison 's proposals not only outraged the localistic politicians of both parties , they also offended a strongly held belief shared by the liberal wing of the Progressive movement . They felt that warfare always had a hidden economic motivation . Specifically , they warned the chief warmongers were New York bankers ( like J.P. Morgan ) with millions at risk , profiteering munition makers ( like Bethlehem Steel , which made armor , and DuPont , which made powder ) and unspecified industrialists searching for global markets to control . Antiwar critics blasted them . These special interests were too powerful , especially , Senator La Follette noted , in the conservative wing of the Republican Party . The only road to peace was disarmament , reiterated Bryan . Garrison 's plan unleashed the fiercest battle in peacetime history over the relationship of military planning to national goals . In peacetime , War Department arsenals and Navy yards manufactured nearly all munitions that lacked civilian uses , including warships , artillery , naval guns , and shells . Items available on the civilian market , such as food , horses , saddles , wagons , and uniforms were always purchased from civilian contractors . Armor plate ( and after 1918 , airplanes ) was an exception that has caused unremitting controversy for a century . After World War II , the arsenals and Navy yards were much less important than giant civilian aircraft and electronics firms , which became the second half of the `` military - industrial complex '' Peace leaders like Jane Addams of Hull House and David Starr Jordan of Stanford redoubled their efforts , and now turned their voices against the president because he was `` sowing the seeds of militarism , raising up a military and naval caste '' . Many ministers , professors , farm spokesmen , and labor union leaders joined in , with powerful support from a band of four dozen southern Democrats in Congress who took control of the House Military Affairs Committee . Wilson , in deep trouble , took his cause to the people in a major speaking tour in early 1916 , a warmup for his reelection campaign that fall . Wilson seems to have won over the middle classes , but had little impact on the largely ethnic working classes and the deeply isolationist farmers . Congress still refused to budge , so Wilson replaced Garrison as Secretary of War with Newton Baker , the Democratic mayor of Cleveland and an outspoken opponent of preparedness ( Garrison kept quiet , but felt Wilson was `` a man of high ideals but no principles '' ) . The upshot was a compromise passed in May 1916 , as the war raged on and Berlin was debating whether America was so weak it could be ignored . The Army was to double in size to 11,300 officers and 208,000 men , with no reserve , and a National Guard that would be enlarged in five years to 440,000 men . Summer camps on the Plattsburg model were authorized for new officers , and the government was given $20 million to build a nitrate plant of its own . Preparedness supporters were downcast , the antiwar people were jubilant . America would now be too weak to go to war . Colonel Robert L. Bullard privately complained that `` Both sides ( Britain and Germany ) treat us with scorn and contempt ; our fool , smug conceit of superiority has been exploded in our faces and deservedly . '' The House gutted the naval plans as well , defeating a `` big navy '' plan by 189 to 183 , and scuttling the battleships . The battle of Jutland ( May 31 / June 1 , 1916 ) was used by the navalists to argue for the primacy of seapower ; they then took control in the Senate , broke the House coalition , and authorized a rapid three - year buildup of all classes of warships . A new weapons system , naval aviation , received $3.5 million , and the government was authorized to build its own armor plate factory . The very weakness of American military power encouraged Berlin to start its unrestricted submarine attacks in 1917 . It knew this meant war with America , but it could discount the immediate risk because the U.S. Army was negligible and the new warships would not be at sea until 1919 by which time the war would be over , with Germany victorious . The notion that armaments led to war was turned on its head : refusal to arm in 1916 led to war in 1917 . Size of military ( edit ) Americans felt an increasing need for a military that could command respect . As one editor put it , `` The best thing about a large army and a strong navy is that they make it so much easier to say just what we want to say in our diplomatic correspondence . '' Berlin thus far had backed down and apologized when Washington was angry , thus boosting American self - confidence . America 's rights and America 's honor increasingly came into focus . The slogan `` Peace '' gave way to `` Peace with Honor '' . The Army remained unpopular , however . A recruiter in Indianapolis noted that , `` The people here do not take the right attitude towards army life as a career , and if a man joins from here he often tries to go out on the quiet '' . The Preparedness movement used its easy access to the mass media to demonstrate that the War Department had no plans , no equipment , little training , no reserve , a laughable National Guard , and a wholly inadequate organization for war . Motion pictures like The Battle Cry of Peace ( 1915 ) depicted invasions of the American homeland that demanded action . Navy ( edit ) Main article : History of the United States Navy § Preparing for war 1914 -- 1917 The readiness and capability of the U.S. Navy was a matter of controversy . The press at the time reported that the only thing the military was ready for was an enemy fleet attempting to seize New York harbor -- at a time when the German battle fleet was penned up by the Royal Navy . The Navy Secretary Josephus Daniels was a journalist with pacifist leanings . He had built up the educational resources of the Navy and made its Naval War College in Newport , Rhode Island an essential experience for would - be admirals . However , he alienated the officer corps with his moralistic reforms , including no wine in the officers ' mess , no hazing at the Naval Academy , and more chaplains and YMCAs . Daniels , as a newspaperman , knew the value of publicity . In 1915 he set up the Naval Consulting Board headed by Thomas Edison to obtain the advice and expertise of leading scientists , engineers , and industrialists . It popularized technology , naval expansion , and military preparedness , and was well covered in the media . But according to Coletta he ignored the nation 's strategic needs , and disdaining the advice of its experts , Daniels suspended meetings of the Joint Army and Navy Board for two years because it was giving unwelcome advice , chopped in half the General Board 's recommendations for new ships , reduced the authority of officers in the Navy yards where ships were built and repaired , and ignored the administrative chaos in his department . Bradley Fiske , one of the most innovative admirals in American naval history , in 1914 was Daniels ' top aide ; he recommended a reorganization that would prepare for war , but Daniels refused . Instead he replaced Fiske in 1915 and brought in for the new post of Chief of Naval Operations an unknown captain , William Benson . Chosen for his compliance , Benson proved a wily bureaucrat who was more interested in preparing for an eventual showdown with Britain than an immediate one with Germany . Benson told Sims he `` would as soon fight the British as the Germans '' . Proposals to send observers to Europe were blocked , leaving the Navy in the dark about the success of the German submarine campaign . Admiral William Sims charged after the war that in April 1917 , only ten percent of the Navy 's warships were fully manned ; the rest lacked 43 % of their seamen . Light antisubmarine ships were few in number , as if Daniels had been unaware of the German submarine menace that had been the focus of foreign policy for two years . The Navy 's only warfighting plan , the `` Black Plan '' assumed the Royal Navy did not exist and that German battleships were moving freely about the Atlantic and the Caribbean and threatening the Panama Canal . Daniels ' tenure would have been even less successful save for the energetic efforts of Assistant Secretary Franklin D. Roosevelt , who effectively ran the Department . His most recent biographer concludes that , `` it is true that Daniels had not prepared the navy for the war it would have to fight . '' Decision for war ( edit ) `` Hurting Their Feelings '' : Political cartoon from November 9 , 1915 , shows the British lion and John Bull reading a newspaper about American war protests and crying , while American ships and cargo appear in the harbor behind them By 1916 a new factor was emerging -- a sense of national self - interest and American nationalism . The unbelievable casualty figures in Europe were sobering -- two vast battles caused over one million casualties each . Clearly this war would be a decisive episode in the history of the world . Every American effort to find a peaceful solution was frustrated . Decision making ( edit ) Kendrick Clements claims bureaucratic decision - making was one of the main sources pushing the United States to declaring war on Germany and aligning itself with the Allies . He cites the State Department 's demand that Germany 's submarines obey outdated , 18th century sailing laws as one of the first missteps by the United States bureaucracy regarding the war . By doing so , the United States had essentially given Germany the choice of whether or not the U.S. would enter the war . Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan spent most of the fall of 1914 out of contact with the State Department , leaving the more conservative Robert Lansing with the ability to shape American foreign policy at the time . One of these decisions was made in response to British protests that the Germans were using U.S. radio towers to send messages to their warships . Immediately prior to the war starting in 1914 , Britain had cut all cable communications leading out of Germany , including the trans - Atlantic cable . The US Government permitted German embassies to use the US cable lines for `` proper '' diplomatic business . Germany argued that usage of the towers was necessary to allow efficient contact between the U.S. and Germany . Lansing responded by requiring both sides to give the U.S. Navy copies of the messages they sent over the towers . The French and British were still able to use the cables , forcing Germany to be the only belligerent required to provide the U.S. with their messages . This and other seemingly small decisions made by Lansing during this time would eventually stack up , shifting American support towards the Allies . Zimmermann Telegram ( edit ) Main article : Zimmermann Telegram Once Germany had decided on unrestricted submarine warfare in January 1917 , and knowing it would be attacking all American ships in the North Atlantic , it tried to line up new allies , especially Mexico . Arthur Zimmermann , the German foreign minister , sent the Zimmermann Telegram to Mexico on January 16 , 1917 . Zimmermann invited Mexico ( knowing their resentment towards America since the 1848 Mexican Cession ) to join in a war against the United States . Germany promised to pay for Mexico 's costs and to help it recover the territory annexed by the U.S. in 1848 . These territories included the present day states of California , Nevada , Utah , most of Arizona , about half of New Mexico and a quarter of Colorado . British intelligence intercepted and decoded the telegram and passed it to the Wilson administration . The White House would release it to the press on March 1 . Anger grew further as the Germans began sinking American ships , even as isolationists in the Senate launched a filibuster to block legislation for arming American merchant ships to defend themselves . Sinking of American merchant ships ( edit ) In early 1917 Berlin forced the issue . Its declared decision on 31 January 1917 to target neutral shipping in a designated war - zone became the immediate cause of the entry of the United States into the war . Five American merchant ships went down in March . Outraged public opinion now overwhelmingly supported Wilson when he asked Congress for a declaration of war on April 2 , 1917 . Public opinion , moralism , and national interest ( edit ) Historians such as Ernest R. May have approached the process of American entry into the war as a study in how public opinion changed radically in three years ' time . In 1914 most Americans called for neutrality , seeing the war a dreadful mistake and were determined to stay out . By 1917 the same public felt just as strongly that going to war was both necessary and wise . Military leaders had little to say during this debate , and military considerations were seldom raised . The decisive questions dealt with morality and visions of the future . The prevailing attitude was that America possessed a superior moral position as the only great nation devoted to the principles of freedom and democracy . By staying aloof from the squabbles of reactionary empires , it could preserve those ideals -- sooner or later the rest of the world would come to appreciate and adopt them . In 1917 this very long - run program faced the severe danger that in the short run powerful forces adverse to democracy and freedom would triumph . Strong support for moralism came from religious leaders , women ( led by Jane Addams ) , and from public figures like long - time Democratic leader William Jennings Bryan , the Secretary of State from 1913 to 1916 . The most important moralist of all was President Woodrow Wilson -- the man who dominated decision making so totally that the war has been labelled , from an American perspective , `` Wilson 's War '' . In 1917 Wilson won the support of most of the moralists by proclaiming `` a war to make the world safe for democracy . '' If they truly believed in their ideals , he explained , now was the time to fight . The question then became whether Americans would fight for what they deeply believed in , and the answer turned out to be a resounding `` Yes '' . Antiwar activists at the time and in the 1930s , alleged that beneath the veneer of moralism and idealism there must have been ulterior motives . Some suggested a conspiracy on the part of New York City bankers holding $3 billion of war loans to the Allies , or steel and chemical firms selling munitions to the Allies . The interpretation was popular among left - wing Progressives ( led by Senator Robert La Follette of Wisconsin ) and among the `` agrarian '' wing of the Democratic party -- including the chairman of the tax - writing Ways and Means Committee of the House . He strenuously opposed war , and when it came he rewrote the tax laws to make sure the rich paid the most . ( In the 1930s neutrality laws were passed to prevent financial entanglements from dragging the nation into a war . ) In 1915 , Bryan thought that Wilson 's pro-British sentiments had distorted his policies , so he became the first Secretary of State ever to resign in protest . However , historian Harold C. Syrett argues that business supported neutrality . Other historians state that the pro-war element was animated not by profit but by disgust with what Germany actually did , especially in Belgium , and the threat it represented to American ideals . Belgium kept the public 's sympathy as the Germans executed civilians , and English nurse Edith Cavell . American engineer Herbert Hoover led a private relief effort that won wide support . Compounding the Belgium atrocities were new weapons that Americans found repugnant , like poison gas and the aerial bombardment of innocent civilians as Zeppelins dropped bombs on London . Even anti-war spokesmen did not claim that Germany was innocent , and pro-German scripts were poorly received . Randolph Bourne criticized the moralist philosophy claiming it was a justification by American intellectual and power elites , like President Wilson , for going to war unnecessarily . He argues that the push for war started with the Preparedness movement , fueled by big business . While big business would not push much further than Preparedness , benefitting the most from neutrality , the movement would eventually evolve into a war - cry , led by war - hawk intellectuals under the guise of moralism . Bourne believes elites knew full well what going to war would entail and the price in American lives it would cost . If American elites could portray the United States ' role in the war as noble , they could convince the generally isolationist American public war would be acceptable . Above all , American attitudes towards Germany focused on the U-boats ( submarines ) , which sank the Lusitania in 1915 and other passenger ships `` without warning '' . That appeared to Americans as an unacceptable challenge to America 's rights as a neutral country , and as an unforgivable affront to humanity . After repeated diplomatic protests , Germany agreed to stop . But in 1917 the Germany military leadership decided that `` military necessity '' dictated the unrestricted use of their submarines . The Kaiser 's advisors felt America was enormously powerful economically but too weak militarily to make a difference . Declaration of war ( edit ) Germany ( edit ) On April 2 , 1917 , Wilson asked a special joint session of Congress to declare war on the German Empire , stating , `` We have no selfish ends to serve '' . To make the conflict seem like a better idea , he painted the conflict idealistically , stating that the war would `` make the world safe for democracy '' and later that it would be a `` war to end war '' . The United States had a moral responsibility to enter the war , Wilson proclaimed . The future of the world was being determined on the battlefield , and American national interest demanded a voice . Wilson 's definition of the situation won wide acclaim , and , indeed , has shaped America 's role in world and military affairs ever since . Wilson believed that if the Central Powers won , the consequences would be bad for the United States . Germany would have dominated the continent and perhaps would gain control of the seas as well . Latin America could well have fallen under Berlin 's control . The dream of spreading democracy , liberalism , and independence would have been shattered . On the other hand , if the Allies had won without help , there was a danger they would carve up the world without regard to American commercial interests . They were already planning to use government subsidies , tariff walls , and controlled markets to counter the competition posed by American businessmen . The solution was a third route , a `` peace without victory '' , according to Wilson . On April 6 , 1917 , Congress declared war . In the Senate , the resolution passed 82 to 6 , with Senators Harry Lane , William J. Stone , James Vardaman , Asle Gronna , Robert M. La Follette , Sr. , and George W. Norris voting against it . In the House , the declaration passed 373 to 50 , with Claude Kitchin , a senior Democrat , notably opposing it . Another opponent was Jeannette Rankin , who alone voted against entry into both World War I and World War II . Nearly all of the opposition came from the West and the Midwest . Austria - Hungary ( edit ) The United States Senate , in a 74 to 0 vote , declared war on Austria - Hungary on December 7 , 1917 , citing Austria - Hungary 's severing of diplomatic relations with the United States , its use of unrestricted submarine warfare and its alliance with Germany . The declaration passed in the United States House of Representatives by a vote of 365 to 1 . President Wilson also came under pressure from Senator Henry Cabot Lodge , and from former President Theodore Roosevelt , who demanded a declaration of war on Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria , as Germany 's allies . President Wilson drafted a statement to Congress in December 1917 which said `` I ... recommend that Congress immediately declare the United States in a state of war with Austria - Hungary , with Turkey and with Bulgaria '' . But after further consultations decision on war against Germany 's other allies was postponed . See also ( edit ) World War I portal Causes of World War I Diplomatic history of World War I United States in World War I United States home front during World War I Footnotes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jeanette Keith ( 2004 ) . Rich Man 's War , Poor Man 's Fight : Race , Class , and Power in the Rural South during the First World War . U. of North Carolina Press . pp. 1 -- 5 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8078 - 7589 - 6 . Jump up ^ Barnes , Harry Elmer . The Genesis of the World War ( 1925 ) pp. 590 -- 591 Jump up ^ `` World War One '' . BBC History . Jump up ^ Link , Arthur S. ( 1972 ) . Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Era , 1910 -- 1917 . New York : Harper & Row . pp. 252 -- 282 . ^ Jump up to : H.J. Res. 169 : Declaration of War with Austria - Hungary , WWI , United States Senate ^ Jump up to : Jennifer K. Elsea ; Matthew C. 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'' Journal of Southern History ( 1964 ) 30 # 4 pp. 383 -- 404 quote , p. 386 in JSTOR Jump up ^ Leslie V. Tischauser , The Burden of Ethnicity : The German Question in Chicago , 1914 -- 1941 ( Garland , 1990 ) pp. 21 -- 23 Jump up ^ Frederick C. Luebke , Bonds of Loyalty : German - Americans and World War I ( 1974 ) pp. 200 -- 207 Jump up ^ Carl Wittke , German - Americans and the World War ( with Special Emphasis on Ohio 's German - Language Press ) ( Columbus , Ohio , 1936 ) , p. 209 Jump up ^ See Wisconsin Historical Society , `` World War I , at home and in the trenches '' Jump up ^ John F. Piper , The American Churches in World War I ( 1985 ) . Jump up ^ Samuel S. Hill , Charles H. Lippy , and Charles Reagan Wilson , Encyclopedia of Religion in the South ( 2005 ) p. 297 Jump up ^ Patterson , David S. ( 1971 ) . `` Woodrow Wilson and the Mediation Movement 1914 -- 1917 '' . The Historian. 33 ( 4 ) : 535 -- 556 . doi : 10.1111 / j. 1540 - 6563.1971. tb01164. x . Jump up ^ Piper , John F. , Jr. ( 1970 ) . `` The American Churches in World War I '' . Journal of the American Academy of Religion . 38 ( 2 ) : 147 -- 155 . doi : 10.1093 / jaarel / XXXVIII. 2.147 . JSTOR 1461171 . Jump up ^ Gamble , Richard M. ( 2003 ) . The War for Righteousness : Progressive Christianity , the Great War , and the Rise of the Messianic Nation . Wilmington : ISI Books . ISBN 1 - 932236 - 16 - 3 . Jump up ^ Christopher M. Sterba , Good Americans : Italian and Jewish Immigrants During the First World War ( 2003 ) , 61 -- 63 Jump up ^ Mary Ann Irwin , and Ann Marie Wilson ; `` ' The Air is Becoming Full of War ' : Jewish San Francisco and World War I , '' Pacific Historical Review 74 # 3 ( 2005 ) : 331 - 66 Jump up ^ Zosa Szajkowski , `` Private and Organized American Jewish Overseas Relief ( 1914 -- 1938 ) , '' American Jewish Historical Quarterly 57 # 1 ( 1967 ) 52 -- 106 in JSTOR Jump up ^ Zosa Szajkowski , Jews , Wars , and Communism . Vol . I : The Attitude of American Jews to World War I , the Russian Revolutions of 1917 , and Communism ( 1914 -- 1945 ) ( New York : KTAV , 1973 ) includes a great deal of undigested information . Jump up ^ Joseph Rappaport , Jewish Immigrants and World War I : A Study of Yiddish Attitudes ( 1951 ) , p. 78 Jump up ^ Henry L. Feingold ( 2007 ) . `` Silent No More '' : Saving the Jews of Russia , the American Jewish Effort , 1967 -- 1989 . Syracuse UP . p. 13 . Jump up ^ Sterba , Good Americans ( 2003 ) , 68 -- 69 , 76 , 79 , 167 - 69 Jump up ^ Malcolm Campbell , Ireland 's New Worlds , ( 2008 ) , p. 164 Jump up ^ Malcolm Campbell , Ireland 's New Worlds , ( 2008 ) , p. 174 Jump up ^ Smolenyak , Megan . `` How Many Irish - Born Died in Service to the U.S. in WWI ? '' . Irish America . Retrieved April 13 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Malcolm Campbell , Ireland 's New Worlds , ( 2008 ) , p. 170 Jump up ^ Leary , William M. , Jr. ( 1967 ) . `` Woodrow Wilson , Irish Americans , and the Election of 1916 '' . Journal of American History . 54 ( 1 ) : 57 -- 72 . doi : 10.2307 / 1900319 . JSTOR 1900319 . Jump up ^ Kennedy , Billy . `` Woodrow Wilson '' . . `` Archived copy '' . Archived from the original on 2007 - 12 - 12 . Retrieved 2015 - 02 - 08 ... Retrieved November 10 , 2011 . Jump up ^ McDonald , Forrest ( 2004 ) . Insull : The Rise and Fall of a Billionaire Utility Tycoon . Washington : Beard Books . pp. 162 -- 187 . ISBN 1 - 58798 - 243 - 9 . Jump up ^ O'Grady , Joseph ( 1967 ) . The Immigrants ' Influence on Wilson 's Peace Policies . Lexington : University of Kentucky Press . Jump up ^ The Hungarian - Americans by Steven Béla Várdy ; Twayne Publishers , 1985 page 87 -- 99 Jump up ^ Christopher M. Sterba , Good Americans : Italian and Jewish Immigrants During the First World War , ( 2003 ) p. 31 -- 32 Jump up ^ Michael T. Urbanski , `` Money , War , and Recruiting an Army : The Activities of Connecticut Polonia During World War I , '' Connecticut History ( 2007 ) 46 # 1 pp. 45 -- 69 . Jump up ^ The Albanian - American Odyssey : A Pilot Study of the Albanian Community of Boston , Massachusetts Front Cover Dennis L. Nagi AMS Press , Jan 1 , 1989 , pp. 33 -- 35 Jump up ^ Mark W. van Wienen ( 1997 ) . Partisans and Poets : The Political Work of American Poetry in the Great War . Cambridge UP . p. 57 . Jump up ^ Barbara S. Kraft , The Peace Ship : Henry Ford 's Pacifist Adventure in the First World War ( 1978 ) p. 81 Jump up ^ Max Wallace , The American Axis ( New York , New York : St. Martin 's Press , 2003 ) , pp. 224 -- 225 . Jump up ^ H.C. Peterson , Propaganda for war : The campaign against American neutrality , 1914 -- 1917 ( 1968 ) Jump up ^ Link 3 : 556ff Jump up ^ George C. Herring , `` James Hay and the Preparedness Controversy , 1915 -- 1916 . '' Journal of Southern History ( 1964 ) 30 # 4 pp. 383 -- 404 in JSTOR Jump up ^ Roberts , Priscilla ( 2005 ) . `` Paul D. Cravath , the First World War , and the Anglophile Internationalist Tradition '' . Australian Journal of Politics and History . 51 ( 2 ) : 194 -- 215 . doi : 10.1111 / j. 1467 - 8497.2005. 00370. x . Jump up ^ `` World War I facts , information , pictures articles about World War I '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 11 - 06 . Jump up ^ Scott Manning ( 2007 - 01 - 04 ) . `` World War I : Troop Statistics '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 11 - 06 . Jump up ^ Chambers 93 ; Weigley Army 345 Jump up ^ Very few young men from wealthy or prominent families considered a career in the Army or Navy then or at any time in American history . The highest social background of cadets , exemplified by George Patton , West Point 1909 , and Lucius Clay , 1918 , was oldest son of a locally prominent family . Jump up ^ Link , Woodrow Wilson , pp. 179ff Jump up ^ Herring , `` James Hay and the Preparedness Controversy , 1915 -- 1916 , '' p. 383 ^ Jump up to : Paolo Coletta , American Secretaries of the Navy ( 1980 ) 2 : 526 - 41 Jump up ^ Theodore A. Thelander , `` Josephus Daniels and the Publicity Campaign for Naval and Industrial Preparedness before World War I , '' North Carolina Historical Review ( 1966 ) 43 # 3 pp. 316 -- 332 Jump up ^ Lee A. Craig ( 2013 ) . Josephus Daniels : His Life and Times . U. North Carolina Press . pp. 364 -- 65 . Jump up ^ Kendrick A. Clements , `` Woodrow Wilson and World War I . '' Presidential Studies Quarterly ( 2004 ) 34 # 1 pp. 62 -- 82 . Jump up ^ Cooper , Woodrow Wilson ( 2011 ) pp. 378 -- 79 Jump up ^ Thomas Boghardt , The Zimmermann Telegram : Intelligence , Diplomacy , and America 's Entry into World War I ( 2012 ) Excerpt and text search , summarized in Thomas Boghardt 's The Zimmermann Telegram : Diplomacy , Intelligence and The American Entry into World War I ( 2003 ) online Jump up ^ Compare : Doenecke , Justus D. ( 2011 ) . Nothing Less Than War : A New History of America 's Entry Into World War I. Studies in Conflict , Diplomacy and Peace Series . University Press of Kentucky . p. 250 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8131 - 3002 - 6 . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 07 . On January 31 , Ambassador Bernstorff presented ( ... ) Germany 's response to Wilson 's recent ' peace without victory ' plea ( ... ) : his nation was about to launch an unrestricted submarine campaign , thereby declaring total maritime war against all neutrals . After February 1 , the communique noted , German U-boats would sink without warning belligerent and neutral ships found in a designated zone comprising waters around Great Britain , France , and Italy , and in the eastern Mediterranean . The Admiralty made one minor exception : it would permit one American steamer a week to sail between New York and Falmouth ( ... ) . Initially Germany would grant a period of grace , during which its submarines would not harm neutral ships that either were en route to the war zone or had already arrived . Jump up ^ Compare : Doenecke , Justus D. ( 2011 ) . Nothing Less Than War : A New History of America 's Entry Into World War I. Studies in Conflict , Diplomacy and Peace Series . University Press of Kentucky . p. 286 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8131 - 3002 - 6 . Retrieved 2015 - 12 - 07 . Several factors led to Wilson 's choice . Germany 's U-boat warfare was paramount . Had it not been for Berlin 's announcement of January 31 , the president probably would not have issued a call to arms . Jump up ^ Justus D. Doenecke , Nothing Less Than War : A New History of America 's Entry into World War I ( 2011 ) ch 10 ^ Jump up to : May , Ernest R. ( 1966 ) . The World War and American isolation , 1914 -- 1917 . Jump up ^ Knock , Thomas J. ( 1995 ) . To End All Wars : Woodrow Wilson and the Quest for a New World Order . Jump up ^ Syrett , Harold C. ( 1945 ) . `` The Business Press and American Neutrality , 1914 -- 1917 '' . Mississippi Valley Historical Review . 32 ( 2 ) : 215 -- 230 . doi : 10.2307 / 1898209 . JSTOR 1898209 . Jump up ^ Robert W. Cherny , A righteous cause : the life of William Jennings Bryan ( 1994 ) p. 144 Jump up ^ Syrett , `` The Business Press and American Neutrality , 1914 -- 1917 , '' Jump up ^ The German army executed over 6,500 French and Belgian civilians between August and November 1914 , usually in near - random large - scale shootings of civilians ordered by junior German officers . Horne , John ; Kramer , Alan ( 2001 ) . German Atrocities , 1914 : A History of Denial . New Haven : Yale U.P. ISBN 0 - 300 - 08975 - 9 . Jump up ^ Bonadio , Felice A. ( 1959 ) . `` The Failure of German Propaganda in the United States , 1914 -- 1917 '' . Mid America . 41 ( 1 ) : 40 -- 57 . Jump up ^ Bourne , Randolph . `` The War and the Intellectuals . '' N.p. : n.p. , n.d. 133 - 46 . Print . Jump up ^ DISASTER BEARS OUT EMBASSY 'S WARNING ; German Advertisement Practically Foretold Lusitania 's Fate on Day She Sailed . AND IS REPEATED TODAY Passengers Also Said to Have Received Telegrams -- Shipping Men Heard of Threats . Jump up ^ Germany , U-Boats and the Lusitania Jump up ^ The Lusitania Jump up ^ for detailed coverage of the speech see NY Times main headline , April 2 , 1917 , President Calls for War Declaration , Stronger Navy , New Army of 500,000 Men , Full Cooperation With Germany 's Foes Jump up ^ John Milton Cooper , Jr. , Woodrow Wilson : A Biography ( 2011 ) pp. 383 -- 89 Jump up ^ Simon Newton Dexter North ; et al. ( 1918 ) . The American Year Book : A Record of Events and Progress . Thomas Nelson & Sons . pp. 10 -- 11 . Jump up ^ Petkov 1991 , p. 44 . Bibliography ( edit ) After war was declared war bond posters demonized Germany Ambrosius , Lloyd E. `` Woodrow Wilson and George W. Bush : Historical Comparisons of Ends and Means in Their Foreign Policies , '' Diplomatic History , 30 ( June 2006 ) , 509 -- 43 . Arnett , Alex Mathews . Claude Kitchin and the Wilson War Policies. 1937 . OCLC 1278853 Kitchen was an antiwar Democrat in the House Bassett , John Spencer . Our War with Germany : A History ( 1919 ) online edition Brands , H.W. Theodore Roosevelt ( 2001 ) OCLC 50431515 , full biography online edition Clements , Kendrick A. `` Woodrow Wilson and World War I , '' Presidential Studies Quarterly 34 : 1 ( 2004 ) . pp. 62 +. online edition Clifford , J. Garry . Citizen Soldiers : The Plattsburgh Training Camp Movement , 1913 -- 1920 ( 1972 ) Cooper , John Milton . The vanity of power : American isolationism and the First World War , 1914 - 1917 ( 1969 ) . Cooper , John Milton . Woodrow Wilson . A Biography ( 2009 ) , Major scholarly biography . Costrell , Edwin . How Maine viewed the war , 1914 -- 1917 , ( 1940 ) OCLC 475605726 Crighton , John C. Missouri and the World War , 1914 -- 1917 : a study in public opinion ( University of Missouri , 1947 ) OCLC 831309569 Coffman , Edward M. The War to End All Wars : The American Military Experience in World War I ( 1998 ) ISBN 0 - 8131 - 0955 - 8 OCLC 38842092 Cummins , Cedric Clisten . Indiana public opinion and the World War , 1914 -- 1917 , ( 1945 ) Davis , Allen F. American Heroine : The Life and Legend of Jane Addams . ( Oxford University Press , 1973 ) ISBN 0 - 19 - 501694 - 7 OCLC 714527 Doenecke , Justus D. Nothing Less Than War : A New History of America 's Entry into World War I ( 2011 ) 433 pages ; comprehensive history online ISBN 978 - 0 - 8131 - 3002 - 6 OCLC 682895305 Doenecke , Justus D. `` Neutrality Policy and the Decision for War . '' in Ross Kennedy ed. , A Companion to Woodrow Wilson ( 2013 ) pp. 243 -- 69 Online ; covers the historiography Early , Frances H. A World without War : How U.S. Feminists and Pacifists Resisted World War I. ( Syracuse University Press , 1997 ) ISBN 0 - 8156 - 2764 - 5 OCLC 36800616 Esposito , David M. The Legacy of Woodrow Wilson : American War Aims in World War I. ( Praeger , 1996 ) 159pp online edition ISBN 0 - 275 - 95493 - 5 OCLC 33244422 Finnegan , John P. Against the Specter of a Dragon : The Campaign for American Military Preparedness , 1914 -- 1917 . ( 1975 ) . ISBN 0 - 8371 - 7376 - 0 OCLC 983933 Floyd , M. Ryan ( 2013 ) . Abandoning American Neutrality : Woodrow Wilson and the Beginning of the Great War , August 1914 - December 1915 . New York : Palgrave Macmillan . ISBN 978 - 1 - 137 - 33411 - 4 OCLC 836748335 Fordham , Benjamin O. `` Revisionism reconsidered : exports and American intervention in World War I . '' International Organization 61 # 2 ( 2007 ) : 277 - 310 . Gibbs , Christopher C. The Great Silent Majority : Missouri 's Resistance to World War I. 1988 . ISBN 0 - 8262 - 0683 - 2 OCLC 17676727 Grubbs , Frank L. The Struggle for Labor Loyalty : Gompers , the A.F. of L. , and the Pacifists , 1917 -- 1920 . 1968 . OCLC 640024383 Hannigan , Robert E. The Great War and American Foreign Policy , 1914 - 24 ( 2016 ) excerpt ; online at Questia Herman , Sondra . Eleven Against War : Studies in American Internationalist Thought , 1898 -- 1921 . 1969 . OCLC 23333 Higham , Robin and Dennis E. Showalter , eds . Researching World War I : A Handbook . 2003 . ISBN 0 - 313 - 28850 - X OCLC 51922814 , 475pp ; highly detailed historiography , online edition Hodgson , Godfrey . Woodrow Wilson 's Right Hand : The Life of Colonel Edward M. House . 2006 . ISBN 0 - 300 - 09269 - 5 OCLC 61864854 335pp Kazal , Russell A. Becoming Old Stock : The Paradox of German - American Identity. 2004 . 390 , pp. ISBN 0 - 691 - 05015 - 5 OCLC 52509620 German Americans in Philadelphia ponder the war . Kazin , Michael . War Against War : The American Fight for Peace , 1914 - 1918 ( 2017 ) . Keene , Jennifer D. `` Remembering the `` Forgotten War '' : American Historiography on World War I . '' Historian 78 # 3 ( 2016 ) : 439 -- 468 . 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ISBN 0 - 19 - 507501 - 3 OCLC 25317305 Lemnitzer , Jan Martin . `` Woodrow Wilson 's Neutrality , the Freedom of the Seas , and the Myth of the ' Civil War Precedents ' . '' Diplomacy & Statecraft 27.4 ( 2016 ) : 615 - 638 . Link , Arthur S. Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Era , 1910 -- 1917 . 1972 . Link , Arthur S. Wilson : The Struggle for Neutrality : 1914 -- 1915 ( 1960 ) ; Wilson : Confusions and Crises : 1915 -- 1916 ( 1964 ) ; Wilson : Campaigns for Progressivism and Peace : 1916 -- 1917 ( 1965 ) all 3 volumes are online at ACLS e-books Link , Arthur S. Wilson the Diplomatist : A Look at His Major Foreign Policies Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press , 1957 . online edition OCLC 475072 Link , Arthur S. Woodrow Wilson and a Revolutionary World , 1913 -- 1921 . 1982 . online edition Link , Arthur S. Woodrow Wilson : Revolution , War , and Peace . Arlington Heights , IL : AHM Pub . Corp. , 1979 . online edition ISBN 0 - 88295 - 798 - 8 OCLC 5244770 Livermore , Seward W. Politics Is Adjourned : Woodrow Wilson and the War Congress , 1916 -- 1918 . 1966 . Luebke , Frederick C. Bonds of Loyalty : German - Americans and World War I. Dekalb : Northern Illinois University Press , 1974 . ISBN 0 - 87580 - 045 - 9 OCLC 865969 McCallum , Jack . Leonard Wood : Rough Rider , Surgeon , Architect of American Imperialism . New York : New York University Press , 2006 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8147 - 5699 - 7 OCLC 60402000 McDonald , Forrest . Insull : The Rise and Fall of a Billionaire Utility Tycoon ( 2004 ) May , Ernest R . The World War and American Isolation , 1914 -- 1917 ( 1959 ) online at ACLS e-books , highly influential study Nash , George H. Life of Herbert Hoover : The Humanitarian , 1914 -- 1917 ( Life of Herbert Hoover , Vol. 2 ) ( 1988 ) O'Toole , Patricia . When Trumpets Call : Theodore Roosevelt after the White House . New York : Simon & Schuster , 2005 . ISBN 0 - 684 - 86477 - 0 OCLC 56921011 Perkins , Bradford . The Great Rapprochement : England and the United States , 1895 -- 1914 1968 . Peterson , H.C. Propaganda for War : The Campaign Against American Neutrality , 1914 -- 1917 . Norman , OK : University of Oklahoma Press , 1968 . Petkov , Petko M. ( 1991 ) . The United States and Bulgaria in World War I. Boulder : Eastern European Monographs . Rothwell , V.H. British War Aims and Peace Diplomacy , 1914 -- 1918 . 1971 . Safford , Jeffrey J. Wilsonian Maritime Diplomacy , 1913 -- 1921 . 1978 . Smith , Daniel . The Great Departure : The United States and World War I , 1914 -- 1920 . 1965 . Sterba , Christopher M. Good Americans : Italian and Jewish Immigrants during the First World War . 2003 . 288 pp. online edition ISBN 0 - 19 - 514754 - 5 OCLC 49576532 Tuchman , Barbara W. ( 1985 ) . The Zimmermann Telegram . ISBN 0 - 345 - 32425 - 0 . Tucker , Robert W. Woodrow Wilson and the Great War : Reconsidering America 's Neutrality , 1914 -- 1917 . 2007 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8139 - 2629 - 2 Unger , Nancy C. Fighting Bob La Follette : The Righteous Reformer Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press , 2000 . ISBN 0 - 8078 - 2545 - X OCLC 42861557 Venzon , Anne Cipriano , ed . The United States in the First World War : An Encyclopedia New York : Garland Pub. , 1995 . ISBN 0 - 8240 - 7055 - 0 OCLC 32013365 Ward , Robert D . `` The Origin and Activities of the National Security League , 1914 -- 1919 . '' Mississippi Valley Historical Review 47 ( 1960 ) : 51 -- 65 . online at JSTOR Witcover , Jules . Sabotage at Black Tom : Imperial Germany 's Secret War in America . Chapel Hill , NC : Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill , 1989 . ISBN 0 - 912697 - 98 - 9 OCLC 18379558 Historiography ( edit ) Doenecke , Justus D. `` Neutrality Policy and the Decision for War . '' in Ross Kennedy ed. , A Companion to Woodrow Wilson ( 2013 ) pp. 243 -- 69 Online ; covers the historiography Keene , Jennifer D. `` Remembering the `` Forgotten War '' : American Historiography on World War I . '' Historian 78 # 3 ( 2016 ) : 439 -- 468 . Primary sources ( edit ) The Papers of Woodrow Wilson edited by Arthur S. Link complete in 69 vol , at major academic libraries . Annotated edition of all of WW 's letters , speeches and writings plus many letters written to him Wilson , Woodrow . Why We Are at War ( 1917 ) six war messages to Congress , Jan - April 1917 External links ( edit ) Keene , Jennifer D. : United States of America , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Ford , Nancy Gentile : Civilian and Military Power ( USA ) , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Strauss , Lon : Social Conflict and Control , Protest and Repression ( USA ) , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Little , Branden : Making Sense of the War ( USA ) , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Miller , Alisa : Press / Journalism ( USA ) , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Wells , Robert A. : Propaganda at Home ( USA ) , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . NY Times main headline , April 2 , 1917 , President Calls for War Declaration , Stronger Navy , New Army of 500,000 Men , Full Cooperation With Germany 's Foes President Wilson 's War Address Map of Europe at the time of the US declaration of war on Germany at World War I : Declarations of War from Around the Globe - How America Entered the Great War Today in History : U.S. Enters World War I Woodrow Wilson 28th President of the United States ( 1913 -- 1921 ) 34th Governor of New Jersey ( 1911 -- 1913 ) 13th President of Princeton University ( 1902 -- 1910 ) Presidency 1913 inauguration Suffrage Parade 1917 inauguration The New Freedom Clayton Antitrust Act Farm Loan Act Federal Employees ' Compensation Act Federal Reserve System Federal Reserve Act Federal Income Tax amendment Federal Trade Commission Act Federal Trade Commission Revenue Act of 1913 Flag Day National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Occupation of Haiti Bryan -- Chamorro Treaty Philippine Autonomy Act World War I entry campaigns home front Committee on Public Information Espionage Act of 1917 Selective Service Act of 1917 Four Minute Men Sedition Act of 1918 National War Labor Board The Inquiry American Commission to Negotiate Peace Paris Peace Conference , 1919 Treaty of Versailles The Big Four Fourteen Points League of Nations charter 1919 Nobel Peace Prize Wilsonian Armenia Silent Sentinels Women 's Suffrage amendment Roosevelt desk Judicial appointments Supreme Court Cabinet State of the Union Address 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1920 Life Birthplace and Presidential Library papers and manuscripts Boyhood home in Georgia Boyhood home in South Carolina Princeton University president Summer White House ( Harlakenden Shadow Lawn ) Woodrow Wilson House Gravesite Books Congressional Government When a Man Comes to Himself The New Freedom ( 1913 ) Elections New Jersey gubernatorial election , 1910 1912 Democratic National Convention 1912 U.S. presidential election 1916 Democratic National Convention 1916 U.S. presidential election Legacy Wilsonianism Woodrow Wilson Foundation Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs Celestial Sphere Woodrow Wilson Memorial Woodrow Wilson Bridge Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation U.S. Postage stamps U.S. Currency Popular culture Wilson ( 1944 film ) Profiles in Courage ( 1965 series ) Wilson ( 2013 book ) Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of the American Century ( 2002 documentary ) Family Joseph Ruggles Wilson ( father ) Jessie Janet Woodrow ( mother ) Ellen Axson Wilson ( wife , 1885 -- 1914 ; death ) Edith Bolling Wilson ( wife , 1915 -- 1924 ) Margaret Wilson ( daughter ) Jessie Wilson Sayre ( daughter ) Eleanor Wilson McAdoo ( daughter ) William McAdoo ( son - in - law ) Francis Sayre , Jr. ( grandson ) James Woodrow ( maternal uncle ) Related Progressive Era Jefferson Literary and Debating Society ← William Howard Taft Warren G. Harding → Retrieved from `` '' Categories : United States in World War I United States home front during World War I Hidden categories : Articles with inconsistent citation formats All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from July 2018 Articles with permanently dead external links Articles needing additional references from September 2017 All articles needing additional references Talk Contents About Wikipedia Français Bahasa Indonesia Edit links This page was last edited on 27 July 2018 , at 09 : 21 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | which weapon was a primary cause of the u.s. entry into world war i | [
"In 1917, with Russia experiencing political upheaval following widespread disillusionment there over the war, and with Britain and France low on credit, Germany appeared to have the upper hand in Europe,[3] while Germany's ally, the Ottoman Empire, clung stubbornly to its possessions in the Middle East. In the same year, Germany decided to resume unrestricted submarine warfare against any vessel approaching British waters; this attempt to starve Britain into surrender was balanced against the knowledge that it would almost certainly bring the United States into the war. Germany also made a secret offer to help Mexico regain territories lost in the Mexican–American War in an encoded telegram known as the Zimmermann Telegram, which was intercepted by British Intelligence. Publication of that communique outraged Americans just as German U-boats started sinking American merchant ships in the North Atlantic. Wilson then asked Congress for \"a war to end all wars\" that would \"make the world safe for democracy\", and Congress voted to declare war on Germany on April 6, 1917.[4]\n"
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"unrestricted submarine warfare"
] |
-6743257067212129984 | United States presidential election, 1824 | United states presidential election , 1824 - wikipedia United states presidential election , 1824 Jump to : navigation , search United States presidential election , 1824 ← 1820 October 26 -- December 2 , 1824 1828 → All 261 electoral votes of the Electoral College 131 electoral votes needed to win Nominee John Q. Adams Andrew Jackson Party Democratic - Republican Democratic - Republican Home state Massachusetts Tennessee Running mate John C. Calhoun John C. Calhoun Electoral vote 84 99 States carried 7 ( in EC ) 13 ( in HR ) 11 ( in EC ) 7 ( in HR ) Popular vote 113,122 151,271 Percentage 30.9 % 41.4 % Nominee William H. Crawford Henry Clay Party Democratic - Republican Democratic - Republican Home state Georgia Kentucky Running mate Nathaniel Macon ( replacing Albert Gallatin ) Nathan Sanford Electoral vote 41 37 States carried 3 ( in EC ) 4 ( in HR ) 3 ( in EC ) Popular vote 40,856 47,531 Percentage 11.2 % 13.0 % Presidential election results map . Blue denotes states won by Jackson , orange denotes those won by Crawford , green denotes those won by Adams , light yellow denotes those won by Clay . Numbers indicate the number of electoral votes allotted to each state . President before election James Monroe Democratic - Republican Elected President John Quincy Adams Democratic - Republican The United States presidential election of 1824 was the tenth quadrennial presidential election , held from Tuesday , October 26 , to Thursday , December 2 , 1824 . In an election contested by four members of the Democratic - Republican Party , no candidate won a majority of the electoral vote , necessitating a contingent election in the House of Representatives under the provisions of the Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution . On February 9 , 1825 , the House of Representatives elected John Quincy Adams as president . The 1824 presidential election was the first election in which the winner of the election lost the popular vote . Prior to the election , the Democratic - Republican Party had won six consecutive presidential elections , and by 1824 the opposition Federalist Party had collapsed as a national party . Secretary of State Adams , General Andrew Jackson , Secretary of the Treasury William H. Crawford , and Speaker of the House Henry Clay all sought the presidency as members of the Democratic - Republican Party . A fifth candidate , John C. Calhoun , also sought the presidency before dropping out to successfully run for vice president . The 1824 Democratic - Republican congressional nominating caucus nominated Crawford for president , but the other candidates disregarded this nomination and continued to seek the presidency . In the election , Adams won New England , Jackson and Adams split the mid-Atlantic states , Jackson and Clay split the Western states , and Jackson and Crawford split the Southern states . Jackson finished with a plurality of the electoral and popular vote , while the other three candidates each finished with a significant share of the electoral and popular vote . As no one had won a majority of the electoral vote , the 1824 election became the first ( and , so far , only ) election to be decided in the House of Representatives under the terms of the 12th Amendment . The 12th Amendment specified that only the three top finishers in the electoral vote were eligible to be selected by the House , thus eliminating Clay , who was influential within that chamber . In the contingent election , Clay threw his support behind Adams , who shared many of his positions on the major issues . With Clay 's backing , Adams won the contingent election on the first ballot . After Adams took office , he appointed Clay as Secretary of State , and supporters of Jackson accused Clay and Adams of having agreed to a `` corrupt bargain '' in which Clay supported Adams in return for his appointment to the most prestigious Cabinet position . Later , the faction led by Jackson would evolve into the modern Democratic Party , while supporters of Adams and Henry Clay would form the National Republican Party and then the Whig Party . Adams 's 1824 election victory thus represents the last of seven consecutive wins by the Democratic - Republican Party . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 General election 2.1 Campaign 2.2 Candidates 2.3 Candidates who withdrew before election 3 Nomination process 3.1 Results 4 Results by state 4.1 Breakdown by ticket 5 1825 contingent election 5.1 Results by state in House of Representatives 6 Electoral College selection 7 See also 8 Notes 9 References 9.1 Sources 10 Further reading 11 External links Background ( edit ) The Era of Good Feelings , closely associated with the administration of President James Monroe ( 1817 -- 1825 ) , was characterized by the dissolution of national political identities . With the discredited Federalists in decline nationally , the `` amalgamated '' or hybridized Republicans adopted key Federalist economic programs and institutions , further erasing party identities and consolidating their victory . The economic nationalism of the Era of Good Feelings that would authorize the Tariff of 1816 and incorporate the Second Bank of the United States portended an abandonment of the Jeffersonian political formula for strict construction of the constitution , limited central government and commitments to the primacy of Southern agrarian interests . The end of opposition parties also meant the end of party discipline and the means to suppress internecine factional animosities . Rather than produce political harmony , as President James Monroe had hoped , amalgamation had led to intense rivalries among Republicans . Bereft of any party apparatus to contain these outbursts , Monroe attempted to enlist the leading statesmen of his day into his cabinet so as to commit them to advancing his policies . Of the five politicians who would run for president in 1824 , three were in Monroe 's cabinet : Secretary of State John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts , Secretary of the Treasury William H. Crawford of Georgia , and Secretary of War John C. Calhoun of South Carolina . General Andrew Jackson of Tennessee , a commander in the regular US Army , was tapped for high - profile military assignments . Only Speaker of the House of Representatives Henry Clay of Kentucky held political power independent of the Monroe administration . Monroe 's efforts to bring Clay into his cabinet failed , and the Speaker remained a persistent critic of the Monroe administration . Amid these reconfigured political landscapes arose two pivotal events : the Panic of 1819 and the Missouri crisis of 1820 . Both the alarming economic disaster , which fell heavily upon both agrarian and industrial workers , and the distressing sectional disputes over slavery expansion , produced widespread social unrest and calls for increased democratic control over the future of the American republic . From these disaffected social groups would be assembled the popular base on which political parties would be revived , though these were only beginning to take shape at the time of the 1824 presidential election . General election ( edit ) Campaign ( edit ) The previous competition between the Federalist Party and the Democratic - Republican Party collapsed after the War of 1812 due to the disintegration of the Federalists ' popular appeal , and U.S. President James Monroe of the Democratic - Republican Party was able to run without opposition in the election of 1820 . Like previous presidents who had been elected to two terms , James Monroe declined to seek re-nomination for a third term . Monroe 's vice president , Daniel D. Tompkins , was considered unelectable due to his overwhelming unpopularity and major health problems ( Tompkins died in June 1825 , a little over three months after he left office ) . The presidential nomination was thus left wide open within the Democratic - Republican Party , the only major national political entity remaining in the United States . Candidates ( edit ) Secretary of State John Quincy Adams House Speaker Henry Clay from Kentucky Senator Andrew Jackson from Tennessee Secretary of the Treasury William H. Crawford Andrew Jackson was recruited to run for the office of the president by the state legislature of Tennessee . Jackson did not seek the task of running for president . Instead , he wished to retire to his estate on the outskirts of Nashville called the Hermitage . However , Andrew Jackson was not one to decline such request . Candidates who withdrew before election ( edit ) Secretary of War John C. Calhoun Secretary of the Navy Smith Thompson Nomination process ( edit ) Congressional caucus balloting Presidential candidate Ballot Vice Presidential candidate Ballot William H. Crawford 64 Albert Gallatin 57 Henry Clay Erastus Root John Quincy Adams John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson William Eustis William Rufus King William Lowndes Richard Rush Samuel Smith John Tod The traditional Congressional caucus nominated Crawford for president and Albert Gallatin for vice-president , but it was sparsely attended and was widely attacked as undemocratic . With the breakdown of the congressional nominating caucus , legislatures convened state caucuses to nominate candidates . Gallatin later withdrew from the contest for the vice presidency , after quickly becoming disillusioned by repeated attacks on his credibility made by the other candidates . He was replaced by North Carolina senator Nathaniel Macon . A serious impediment to Crawford 's candidacy was created by the effects of a stroke he suffered in 1823 . Among other candidates , John Quincy Adams had more support than Henry Clay because of his huge popularity among the old Federalist voters in New England . By this time , even the traditionally Federalist Adams family had come to terms with the Democratic - Republican Party . The election was as much a contest of favorite sons as it was a conflict over policy , although positions on tariffs and internal improvements did create some significant disagreements . In general , the candidates were favored by different sections of the country : Adams was strong in the Northeast ; Jackson in the South , West and mid-Atlantic ; Clay in parts of the West ; and Crawford in parts of the South . Secretary of War John C. Calhoun of South Carolina , who was a fifth candidate in the early stages of consideration , declined to run for president , but did decide to seek the vice presidency . For president , he backed Jackson , whose political beliefs he considered more compatible with those of most voters in the southern states . Both Adams and Jackson supporters backed Calhoun 's candidacy as vice president ; thus , he easily secured the majority of electoral votes he needed to secure that office . In reality , Calhoun was vehemently opposed to nearly all of Adams 's policies , but he did nothing to dissuade Adams supporters from voting for him for vice president . Results by county explicitly indicating the percentage of the winning candidate in each county . Shades of blue are for Jackson ( Democratic - Republican ) , shades of red are for Adams ( Democratic - Republican ) , shades of yellow are for Clay ( Democratic - Republican ) , and shades of green are for Crawford ( Democratic - Republican ) . The campaigning for presidential election of 1824 took many forms . Contrafacta , or well known songs and tunes whose lyrics have been altered , were used to promote political agendas and presidential candidates . Below can be found a sound clip featuring `` Hunters of Kentucky '' , a tune written by Samuel Woodsworth in 1815 under the title `` The Unfortunate Miss Bailey '' . Contrafacta such as this one , which promoted Andrew Jackson as a national hero , have been a long - standing tradition in presidential elections . Another form of campaigning during this election was through newsprint . Political cartoons and partisan writings were best circulated among the voting public through newspapers . Presidential candidate John C. Calhoun was one of the candidates most directly involved through his participation in the publishing of the newspaper The Patriot as a member of the editorial staff . This was a sure way to promote his own political agendas and campaign . In contrast , most candidates involved in early 19th century elections did not run their own political campaigns . Instead it was left to volunteer citizens and partisans to speak on their behalf . Hunters of Kentucky Jackson supporters used this Battle of New Orleans anthem as their campaign song . Problems playing this file ? See media help . Results ( edit ) The 1824 presidential election marked the final collapse of the Republican - Federalist political framework . Considering the large numbers of candidates and strong regional preferences , it is not surprising that the results of the election of 1824 were inconclusive . The electoral map confirmed the candidates ' sectional support , with Adams winning outright in the New England states , Jackson gleaning success in states throughout the nation , Clay attracting votes from the West , and Crawford attracting votes from the eastern South . Andrew Jackson received more electoral and popular votes than any other candidate , but not the majority of 131 electoral votes needed to win the election . Since no candidate received the required majority of electoral votes , the presidential election was decided by the House of Representatives ( see `` Contingent election '' below ) . Meanwhile , John C. Calhoun easily defeated his rivals in the race for the vice presidency , as the support of both the Adams and Jackson camps quickly gave him an unassailable lead over the other candidates . This means that 1824 marks the only election in U.S. history where only the vice presidential candidate had been successfully elected to an executive office by Electoral College . Despite Clay himself finishing last in the electoral college , his running - mate , Nathan Sanford actually finished second behind Calhoun in the vice presidential vote , mostly because nearly half of the electors pledged to Crawford voted for candidates other than his designated running - mate , Nathaniel Macon , with New York senator Martin Van Buren being the main beneficiary . Presidential candidate Party Home state Popular vote Electoral vote Count Percentage Andrew Jackson Democratic - Republican Tennessee 151,271 41.4 % 99 John Quincy Adams Democratic - Republican Massachusetts 113,122 30.9 % 84 William Harris Crawford Democratic - Republican Georgia 40,856 11.2 % 41 Henry Clay Democratic - Republican Kentucky 47,531 13.0 % 37 ( Massachusetts unpledged electors ) None Massachusetts 6,616 1.8 % 0 Other 6,437 1.8 % 0 Total 365,833 100.0 % 261 Needed to win 131 Vice Presidential candidate Party State Electoral vote John C. Calhoun Democratic - Republican South Carolina 182 Nathan Sanford Democratic - Republican New York 30 Nathaniel Macon Democratic - Republican North Carolina 24 Andrew Jackson Democratic - Republican Tennessee 13 Martin Van Buren Democratic - Republican New York 9 Henry Clay Democratic - Republican Kentucky Total 260 Needed to win 131 Results by state ( edit ) Andrew Jackson Democratic - Republican John Quincy Adams Democratic - Republican Henry Clay Democratic - Republican William Crawford Democratic - Republican State total State electoral votes # % electoral votes # % electoral votes # % electoral votes # % electoral votes # Alabama 5 00013618 9,429 69.32 5 00013618 2,422 17.80 - 00048669 96 0.71 - 00048669 1,656 12.17 - 13,603 AL Connecticut 8 no ballots 7,494 70.39 8 no ballots 1,965 18.46 - 10,647 CT Delaware no popular vote no popular vote no popular vote no popular vote - DE Georgia 9 no popular vote no popular vote no popular vote no popular vote 9 - GA Illinois 1,272 27.23 1,516 32.46 1,036 22.18 - 847 18.13 - 4,671 IL Indiana 5 7,343 46.61 5 3,095 19.65 - 5,315 33.74 - no ballots 15,753 IN Kentucky 14 6,356 27.23 - no ballots 16,982 72.77 14 no ballots 23,338 KY Louisiana 5 no popular vote no popular vote no popular vote no popular vote - LA Maine 9 no ballots 10,289 81.50 9 no ballots 2,336 18.50 - 12,625 ME Maryland 11 14,523 43.73 7 14,632 44.05 695 2.09 - 3,364 10.13 33,214 MD Massachusetts 15 no ballots 30,687 72.97 15 no ballots no ballots 42,056 MA Mississippi 3,121 63.77 1,654 33.80 - no ballots 119 2.43 - 4,894 MS Missouri 1,166 33.97 - 159 4.63 - 2,042 59.50 32 0.93 - 3,432 MO New Hampshire 8 no ballots 9,389 93.59 8 no ballots 643 6.41 - 10,032 NH New Jersey 8 10,332 52.08 8 8,309 41.89 - no ballots 1,196 6.03 - 19,837 NJ New York 36 no popular vote no popular vote 26 no popular vote no popular vote 5 - NY North Carolina 15 20,231 56.03 15 no ballots no ballots 15,622 43.26 - 36,109 NC Ohio 16 18,489 36.96 - 12,280 24.55 - 19,255 38.49 16 no ballots 50,024 OH Pennsylvania 28 35,929 76.04 28 5,436 11.50 - 1,705 3.61 - 4,182 8.85 - 47,252 PA Rhode Island no ballots 2,145 91.47 no ballots 200 8.53 - 2,345 RI South Carolina 11 no popular vote 11 no popular vote no popular vote no popular vote - SC Tennessee 11 20,197 97.45 11 216 1.04 - no ballots 312 1.51 - 20,725 TN Vermont 7 no popular vote no popular vote 7 no popular vote no popular vote 35,031 VT Virginia 24 2,975 19.35 - 3,419 22.24 - 419 2.73 - 8,558 55.68 24 15,371 VA TOTALS : 261 151,363 41.36 99 113,142 30.92 84 47,545 12.99 37 41,032 11.21 41 365,928 US TO WIN : 131 Breakdown by ticket ( edit ) Total Andrew Jackson John Q . Adams William H . Crawford Henry Clay Electoral votes for President : 261 99 84 40 38 For Vice President , John C. Calhoun 182 99 74 7 For Vice President , Nathan Sanford 30 28 For Vice President , Nathaniel Macon 24 24 For Vice President , Andrew Jackson 13 9 For Vice President , Martin Van Buren 9 9 For Vice President , Henry Clay ( No vote for Vice President ) 1825 contingent election ( edit ) The voting by state in the House of Representatives . States in orange voted for Adams , states in green for Crawford , and states in blue for Jackson . Since no candidate received a majority of the electoral votes , the presidential election was thrown into a contingent election in the U.S. House of Representatives . Following the provisions of the Twelfth Amendment , only the top three candidates in the electoral vote were admitted as candidates in the House : Andrew Jackson , John Quincy Adams , and William Harris Crawford . Henry Clay , who happened to be Speaker of the House at the time , was left out . Clay detested Jackson and had said of him , `` I can not believe that killing 2,500 Englishmen at New Orleans qualifies for the various , difficult , and complicated duties of the Chief Magistracy . '' Moreover , Clay 's American System was far closer to Adams ' position on tariffs and internal improvements than Jackson 's or Crawford 's , so Clay threw his support to Adams . Thus Adams was elected President on February 9 , 1825 , on the first ballot , with 13 states , followed by Jackson with 7 , and Crawford with 4 . Adams ' victory shocked Jackson , who , as the winner of a plurality of both the popular and electoral votes , expected to be elected president . Not long before the results of the House election , an anonymous statement appeared in a Philadelphia paper , called the Columbian Observer . The statement , said to be from a member of Congress , essentially accused Clay of selling Adams his support for the office of Secretary of State . No formal investigation was conducted , so the matter was neither confirmed nor denied . When Clay was indeed offered the position after Adams was victorious , he opted to accept and continue to support the administration he voted for , knowing that declining the position would not have helped to dispel the rumors brought against him . By appointing Clay his Secretary of State , President Adams essentially declared him heir to the Presidency , as Adams and his three predecessors had all served as Secretary of State . Jackson and his followers accused Adams and Clay of striking a `` corrupt bargain '' . The Jacksonians would campaign on this claim for the next four years , ultimately attaining Jackson 's victory in the Adams - Jackson rematch in 1828 . Results by state in House of Representatives ( edit ) Delegation winner Adams vote Jackson vote Crawford vote Maine Adams 7 0 0 New Hampshire Adams 6 0 0 Vermont Adams 5 0 0 Massachusetts Adams 12 0 Rhode Island Adams 0 0 Connecticut Adams 6 0 0 New York Adams 18 14 New Jersey Jackson 5 0 Pennsylvania Jackson 25 0 Delaware Crawford 0 0 Maryland Adams 5 Virginia Crawford 19 North Carolina Crawford 10 South Carolina Jackson 0 9 0 Georgia Crawford 0 0 7 Alabama Jackson 0 0 Mississippi Jackson 0 0 Louisiana Adams 0 Kentucky Adams 8 0 Tennessee Jackson 0 9 0 Missouri Adams 0 0 Ohio Adams 10 Indiana Jackson 0 0 Illinois Adams 0 0 Total votes Adams 87 ( 41 % ) 71 ( 33 % ) 54 ( 25 % ) Votes by state Adams 13 ( 54 % ) 7 ( 29 % ) 4 ( 17 % ) Electoral College selection ( edit ) Caucus curs in full yell , by James Akin , 1824 ( critique of `` the press 's treatment of Andrew Jackson , and on the practice of nominating candidates by caucus '' ) . Method of choosing electors State ( s ) Each Elector chosen by voters statewide Alabama Connecticut Indiana Massachusetts Mississippi New Hampshire New Jersey North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island Virginia Each Elector appointed by state legislature Delaware Georgia Louisiana New York South Carolina Vermont State is divided into electoral districts , with one Elector chosen per district by the voters of that district Illinois Kentucky Maryland Missouri Tennessee Two Electors chosen by voters statewide One Elector chosen per Congressional district by the voters of that district Maine See also ( edit ) Corrupt bargain Electoral college History of the United States ( 1789 -- 1849 ) Inauguration of John Quincy Adams Realigning election Second Party System Smoke - filled room United States House elections , 1824 United States Senate elections , 1824 Notes ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : The popular vote figures exclude Delaware , Georgia , Louisiana , New York , South Carolina , and Vermont . In all of these states , the Electors were chosen by the state legislatures rather than by popular vote . Jump up ^ Jackson was nominated by the Tennessee state legislature and by the Democratic Party of Pennsylvania . Jump up ^ Adams was nominated by the Massachusetts state legislature . Jump up ^ Crawford was nominated by a caucus of 66 congressmen that called itself the `` Democratic members of Congress '' . Jump up ^ Clay was nominated by the Kentucky state legislature . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Ammon , 1958 , p. 4 : `` The phrase ' Era of Good Feelings '' , so inextricably associated with the administration of James Monroe ... '' Jump up ^ Ammon , 1958 , p. 5 : `` Most Republicans like former President ( James ) Madison readily acknowledged the shift that had taken place within the Republican party towards Federalist principles and viewed the process without qualms . '' And p. 4 : `` The Republicans had taken over ( as they saw it ) that which was of permanent value in the Federal program . '' And p. 10 : `` Federalists had vanished '' from national politics . Jump up ^ Brown , 1966 , p. 23 : `` a new theory of party amalgamation preached the doctrine that party division was bad and that a one - party system best served the national interest '' and `` After 1815 , stirred by the nationalism of the post-war era , and with the Federalists in decline , the Republicans took up the Federalist positions on a number of the great public issues of the day , sweeping all before them as they did . The Federalists gave up the ghost . '' Jump up ^ Brown , 1966 , p. 23 : The amalgamated Republicans , `` as a party of the whole nation ... ceased to be responsive to any particular elements in its constituency . It ceased to be responsive to the South . '' And `` The insistence that slavery was uniquely a Southern concern , not to be touched by outsiders , had been from the outset a sine qua non for Southern participation in national politics . It underlay the Constitution and its creation of a government of limited powers ... '' Jump up ^ Brown , 1966 , p. 24 : `` Not only did the Missouri crisis make these matters clear ( the need to revive strict constructionist principles and quiet anti-slavery agitation ) , but ' it gave marked impetus to a reaction against nationalism and amalgamation of postwar Republicanism ' '' and the rise of the Old Republicans . Jump up ^ Ammon , 1971 ( James Monroe bio ) p. 463 : `` The problems presented by the ( consequences of promoting Federalist economic nationalism ) gave an opportunity to the older , more conservative ( Old ) Republicans to reassert themselves by attributing the economic dislocation to a departure from the principles of the Jeffersonian era . '' Jump up ^ Parsons , 2009 , p. 56 : `` Animosity between Federalists and Republicans had been replaced by animosity between Republicans themselves , often over the same issues that had once separated them from the Federalists . '' Jump up ^ Wilentz , 2008 , p. 251 -- 252 : `` The panic ... was pivotal ... the hard times of 1819 and early 1820s revive ( d ) ... fundamental questions about the nationalist economic policies of the new - style Republicans under Madison and Monroe , and focused inchoate popular resentments on the banks , especially the Second BUS . '' p. 252 : `` The Missouri controversy ... proved for more important than the ( incidental ) outbursts . '' Jump up ^ Wilentz , 2008 , p. 252 : `` Both the panic and the Missouri debates underscored in different ways the overriding question of democracy as Americans perceived it . In economic matters , the questions arose primarily as a matter of privilege . Should unelected private interests , well connected to government , be permitted to control , to their own benefit , the economic destiny of the entire nation ? '' Jump up ^ Hofstadter , 1947 , p. 51 : The `` general mass of the disaffection to the Government was not sufficiently concentrated to prevent re-election , unopposed , of President Monroe in 1820 in the absence of a national opposition party ; but it soon transformed politics in many states . Debtors rushed into politics to defend themselves , and secured moratoriums and relief laws from the legislatures of several Western states ... A popular demand arose for laws to prevent imprisonment for debt , for a national bankruptcy law , and for a new tariff and public land policies . For the first time Americans thought of politics as having an intimate relation to their welfare . '' Jump up ^ Ratcliffe , Donald ( 2015 ) . The One - Party Presidential Contest : Adams , Jackson , and 1824 's Five - Horse Race . Jump up ^ Bradley , Harold . `` Andrew Jackson '' . Encyclopaedia Britannica . Encyclopaedia Britannica , inc . Retrieved September 15 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Patrick , John J. ; Pious , Richard M. ; Ritchie , Donald A. ( 2001 ) . The Oxford Guide to the United States Government . Oxford University Press . p. 93 . Jump up ^ Hansen , Liane ( October 5 , 2008 ) . `` Songs Along The Campaign Trail '' . Election 2008 : On The Campaign Trail ( Radio series episode ) . National Public Radio . Jump up ^ Hay , Thomas R. ( October 1934 ) . `` John C. Calhoun and the Presidential Campaign of 1824 , Some Unpublished Calhoun Letters '' . The American Historical Review . 40 ( 1 ) . doi : 10.1086 / ahr / 40.1. 82 . JSTOR 1838676 . Jump up ^ McNamara , R. ( September 2007 ) . `` The Election of 1824 Was Decided in the House of Representatives '' . . Retrieved October 27 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Schimler , Stuart ( February 12 , 2002 ) . `` Singing to the Oval Office : A Written History of the Political Campaign Song '' . President Elect Articles . Retrieved October 28 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Leip , David . `` 1824 Presidential Election Results '' . Dave Leip 's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections . Retrieved July 26 , 2005 . Jump up ^ `` Electoral College Box Scores 1789 -- 1996 '' . National Archives and Records Administration . Retrieved July 30 , 2005 . Jump up ^ Henry Clay to Francis Preston Blair , January 29 , 1825 . Jump up ^ Adams , John Quincy ; Adams , Charles Francis ( 1874 ) . Memoirs of John Quincy Adams : Comprising Portions of His Diary from 1795 to 1848 . J.B. Lippincott & Co. pp. 501 -- 505 . ISBN 0 - 8369 - 5021 - 6 . Retrieved August 2 , 2006 -- via Google Books . Jump up ^ United States Congress ( 1825 ) . House Journal . 18th Congress , 2nd Session , February 9 . pp. 219 -- 222 . Retrieved August 2 , 2006 . Jump up ^ Schlesinger , Arthur Meier ; Israel , Fred L. ( 1971 ) . History of American Presidential Elections , 1789 -- 1968 , Volume I , 1789 -- 1844 . New York : Chelsea House . pp. 379 -- 381 . ISBN 0070797862 . Retrieved November 19 , 2008 -- via Google Books . Jump up ^ McMaster , J.B. ( 1900 ) . History of the People of the United States ... vol . V. New York : D. Appleton and Company . p. 81 . Reprinted in Bemis , Samuel Flagg ( 1965 ) . John Quincy Adams and the Union . New York : Alfred A. Knopf . p. 54 . Jump up ^ Akin ( 1824 ) . `` Caucus curs in full yell , or a war whoop , to saddle on the people , a pappoose president / J ( ames ) Akin , Aquafortis '' . Library of Congress , Prints and Photographs Division . Retrieved April 24 , 2012 . Sources ( edit ) Ammons , Harry . 1959 . `` James Monroe and the Era of Good Feelings '' . Virginia Magazine of History and Biography , LXVI , No. 4 ( October 1958 ) , pp. 387 -- 398 , in Essays on Jacksonian America , Ed . Frank Otto Gatell . New York : Holt , Rinehart and Winston , 1970 . Brown , Richard H. 1966 . `` The Missouri Crisis , Slavery , and the Politics of Jacksonianism '' . South Atlantic Quarterly , pp. 55 -- 72 , in Essays on Jacksonian America , Ed . Frank Otto Gatell . New York : Holt , Rinehart and Winston , 1970 . Dangerfield , George . 1965 . The Awakening of American Nationalism : 1815 - 1828 . New York : Harper & Row . Wilentz , Sean . 2008 . The Rise of American Democracy : Jefferson to Lincoln . New York : Horton . Further reading ( edit ) Brown , Everett S. ( 1925 ) . `` The Presidential Election of 1824 -- 1825 '' . Political Science Quarterly : 384 -- 403 . JSTOR 2142211 . Kolodny , Robin ( 1996 ) . `` The Several Elections of 1824 '' . Congress & the Presidency : A Journal of Capital Studies . 23 ( 2 ) . Nagel , Paul C. ( 1960 ) . `` The Election of 1824 : A Reconsideration Based on Newspaper Opinion '' . Journal of Southern History : 315 -- 329 . JSTOR 2204522 . Ratcliffe , Donald J. The One - Party Presidential Contest : Adams , Jackson , and 1824 's Five - Horse Race ( University Press of Kansas , 2015 ) xiv , 354 pp . Murphy , Sharon Ann . `` A Not - So - Corrupt Bargain '' . Review of The One - Party Presidential Contest : Adams , Jackson and 1824 's Five - Horse Race by Donald Ratcliffe . Common - place , Vol. 16 , No. 4 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to United States presidential election , 1824 . United States presidential election of 1824 at Encyclopædia Britannica `` A Historical Analysis of the Electoral College '' . The Green Papers . Retrieved March 20 , 2005 . Presidential Election of 1824 : A Resource Guide from the Library of Congress Election of 1824 in Counting the Votes John Quincy Adams United States House of Representatives , 1831 -- 1848 6th President of the United States , 1825 -- 1829 8th U.S. Secretary of State , 1817 -- 1825 U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom , 1814 -- 1817 1st U.S. Minister to Russia , 1809 -- 1814 Massachusetts State Senate , 1803 -- 1808 U.S. Minister to Prussia , 1797 -- 1801 U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands , 1794 -- 1797 Presidency Inauguration American System Internal improvements Tariff of 1828 First Treaty of Prairie du Chien Treaty of Fond du Lac Treaty of Limits United States Naval Observatory Abdulrahman Ibrahim Ibn Sori State of the Union Address , 1825 1827 1828 Federal judiciary appointments Other events Monroe Doctrine , author Treaty of Ghent Adams -- Onís Treaty Treaty of 1818 Smithsonian Institution United States v . The Amistad Mendi Bible President , American Academy of Arts and Sciences President , Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences Writings Lifelong diary Massachusetts Historical Society holdings Adams Papers Editorial Project Life and homes Early life Abigail Adams Cairn John Quincy Adams and abolitionism Adams National Historical Park Birthplace and family home Peacefield Presidential Library United First Parish Church and gravesite Elections United States presidential election , 1824 Corrupt Bargain United States presidential election , 1828 Legacy Adams Memorial Adams House at Harvard University U.S. Postage stamps Monroe Doctrine Centennial half dollar Popular culture Profiles in Courage ( 1957 book 1965 television series ) The Adams Chronicles ( 1976 miniseries ) Mutiny on the Amistad ( 1987 book ) Amistad ( 1997 film ) John Adams ( 2001 book 2008 miniseries ) Adams family Quincy family Louisa Adams ( wife ) George W. Adams ( son ) Charles Adams Sr. ( son ) John Adams II ( son ) Henry Adams ( grandson ) Brooks Adams ( grandson ) John Quincy Adams II ( grandson ) John Adams father presidency Abigail Adams mother First Lady Quincy family Abigail Adams Smith ( sister ) Charles Adams ( brother ) Thomas Boylston Adams ( brother ) John Adams Sr. ( paternal grandfather ) Susanna Boylston ( paternal grandmother ) Elihu Adams ( paternal uncle ) John Quincy ( great - grandfather ) Related National Republican Party Republicanism Quincy Patriot ← James Monroe Andrew Jackson → United States presidential elections Elections by year 1788 -- 89 1792 1796 1800 1804 1808 1812 1816 1820 1824 1828 1832 1836 1840 1844 1848 1852 1856 1860 1864 1868 1872 1876 1880 1884 1888 1892 1896 1900 1904 1908 1912 1916 1920 1924 1928 1932 1936 1940 1944 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 2000 2008 2012 2016 2020 Elections by state Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Washington , D.C. West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Primaries and caucuses Iowa caucuses New Hampshire primary South Carolina primary Super Tuesday Nominating conventions Brokered convention Convention bounce Superdelegate Electoral College and Popular vote Results Summary Elections in which the winner lost the popular vote Electoral College margins Electoral College results by state Electoral vote changes between elections Electoral vote recipients Popular vote margins Contingent election Faithless elector Unpledged elector Voter turnout Related topics Campaign slogans Historical election polling Election Day Major party tickets Major party losers Presidential debates October surprise Red states and blue states Swing state Election recount House elections Senate elections Gubernatorial elections State Results of the 1824 U.S. presidential election Candidates John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson William H. Crawford Henry Clay General articles Election timeline Local results Alabama Connecticut Delaware Georgia Illinois Indiana Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Mississippi Missouri New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Vermont Virginia Other 1824 elections House Senate Gubernatorial Retrieved from ``,_1824&oldid=829452779 '' Categories : History of the United States ( 1789 -- 1849 ) United States presidential election , 1824 Presidency of John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson Henry Clay Elections not won by the popular vote winner Hidden categories : Articles needing more detailed references Use mdy dates from November 2013 Pages using deprecated image syntax Elections using electoral votes Articles with hAudio microformats Articles with Encyclopædia Britannica links Talk Contents About Wikipedia Dansk Deutsch Eesti Español Français 한국어 Italiano עברית Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Polski Português Русский Simple English Svenska Українська 中文 9 more Edit links This page was last edited on 8 March 2018 , at 18 : 55 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who won the most popular votes but not enough electoral votes in the presidential election of 1824 | [
"The 1824 presidential election marked the final collapse of the Republican-Federalist political framework. Considering the large numbers of candidates and strong regional preferences, it is not surprising that the results of the election of 1824 were inconclusive. The electoral map confirmed the candidates' sectional support, with Adams winning outright in the New England states, Jackson gleaning success in states throughout the nation, Clay attracting votes from the West, and Crawford attracting votes from the eastern South. Andrew Jackson received more electoral and popular votes than any other candidate, but not the majority of 131 electoral votes needed to win the election. Since no candidate received the required majority of electoral votes, the presidential election was decided by the House of Representatives (see \"Contingent election\" below). Meanwhile, John C. Calhoun easily defeated his rivals in the race for the vice presidency, as the support of both the Adams and Jackson camps quickly gave him an unassailable lead over the other candidates. This means that 1824 marks the only election in U.S. history where only the vice presidential candidate had been successfully elected to an executive office by Electoral College. Despite Clay himself finishing last in the electoral college, his running-mate, Nathan Sanford actually finished second behind Calhoun in the vice presidential vote, mostly because nearly half of the electors pledged to Crawford voted for candidates other than his designated running-mate, Nathaniel Macon, with New York senator Martin Van Buren being the main beneficiary."
] | [
"Andrew Jackson"
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-2099299431447243531 | Time in Germany | Time in Germany - wikipedia Time in Germany Jump to : navigation , search Time in Europe : light blue Western European Time / Greenwich Mean Time ( UTC ) blue Western European Time / Greenwich Mean Time ( UTC ) Western European Summer Time / British Summer Time / Irish Standard Time ( UTC + 1 ) red Central European Time ( UTC + 1 ) Central European Summer Time ( UTC + 2 ) yellow Eastern European Time / Kaliningrad Time ( UTC + 2 ) golden Eastern European Time ( UTC + 2 ) Eastern European Summer Time ( UTC + 3 ) light green Further - eastern European Time / Moscow Time / Turkey Time ( UTC + 3 ) Light colours indicate where standard time is observed all year ; dark colours indicate where a summer time is observed . The time zone in Germany is Central European Time ( Mitteleuropäische Zeit , MEZ ; UTC + 01 : 00 ) and Central European Summer Time ( Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit , MESZ ; UTC + 02 : 00 ) . Daylight saving time is observed from the last Sunday in March ( 02 : 00 CET ) to the last Sunday in October ( 03 : 00 CEST ) . The doubled hour during the switch back to standard time is named 2A ( 02 : 00 to 03 : 00 CEST ) and 2B ( 02 : 00 to 03 : 00 CET ) . Contents ( hide ) 1 IANA time zone database 2 History 3 See also 4 References 5 External links IANA time zone database ( edit ) The IANA time zone database contains two zones for Germany , `` Europe / Berlin '' and `` Europe / Busingen '' , although in 1945 , the Trizone did not follow Berlin 's switch to midsummer time . Germany has been politically divided into East Germany and West Germany even after the start of the unix epoch , which is the date from which the tz database wants to record correct information . The database aims to include at least one zone for every ISO 3166 - 1 alpha - 2 country code . This list was first issued in 1997 , after the reunification of Germany in 1990 . Hence only the unified Germany is listed . The zone Europe / Busingen was created in the 2013a release of the tz database , because since the Unix time epoch in 1970 , Busingen has shared clocks with Zurich . Busingen did not observe DST in 1980 like the rest of Germany , but did so in 1981 after Switzerland adopted DST . Data for Germany directly from zone. tab of the IANA time zone database . Columns marked with * are the columns from zone. tab itself . c.c. * Coordinates * TZ * Comments * UTC offset UTC DST offset DE + 5230 + 01322 Europe / Berlin Berlin time + 01 : 00 + 02 : 00 DE + 4742 + 00841 Europe / Busingen Busingen + 01 : 00 + 02 : 00 History ( edit ) Daylight saving time was first introduced during World War I by the German Empire in the years 1916 to 1918 . After the end of the war and the proclamation of the Weimar Republic in November 1918 , daylight saving time ceased to be observed in peace time . It was then introduced and abolished several times . In 1996 , daylight saving time was harmonized throughout the European Union by Directive 2000 / 84 / EC , which moved the end of DST to the last Sunday in October . In 1980 the exclave Büsingen did not use DST in order to keep to the same time as Switzerland . See also ( edit ) List of time zones References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Lennox , Jonathan ( 2008 - 02 - 11 ) . `` Re : FW : FW : Corrections to historic German timezone information '' . . Jump up ^ Eggert , Paul ( 2013 - 03 - 02 ) . `` tzcode2013a and tzdata2013a available '' . tz - announce . External link in publisher = ( help ) Jump up ^ Olson , Arthur David ( 2012 - 03 - 03 ) . `` New zone for DE , split from Europe / Berlin '' . . Jump up ^ `` Schweizer Zeit in Büsingen '' . Schweizer Fernsehen : SF Videoportal . External links ( edit ) Physikalisch - Technische Bundesanstalt - Legal Time ( in German ) Gesetz über die Einheiten im Messwesen und die Zeitbestimmung § 4 ( EinhZeitG , Units and Time Act ) ( in German ) Sommerzeitverordnung ( Summer Time Ordinance ) ( in German ) German Time Act ( in English ) ( hide ) Time in Europe Sovereign states Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom States with limited recognition Abkhazia Artsakh Northern Cyprus South Ossetia Transnistria Dependencies and other entities Åland Faroe Islands Gibraltar Guernsey Isle of Man Jersey Svalbard Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Time in Germany Hidden categories : CS1 errors : external links All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from April 2010 Articles with German - language external links Talk Contents About Wikipedia 日本 語 Simple English Edit links This page was last edited on 22 May 2018 , at 13 : 30 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when does germany move to daylight savings time | [
"The time zone in Germany is Central European Time (Mitteleuropäische Zeit, MEZ; UTC+01:00) and Central European Summer Time (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit, MESZ; UTC+02:00). Daylight saving time is observed from the last Sunday in March (02:00 CET) to the last Sunday in October (03:00 CEST). The doubled hour during the switch back to standard time is named 2A (02:00 to 03:00 CEST) and 2B (02:00 to 03:00 CET)."
] | [
"the last Sunday in March"
] |
2676685573874938651 | Mains electricity | Mains electricity - wikipedia Mains electricity Jump to : navigation , search A table lamp connected to a wall socket ( the mains ) Mains electricity is the general - purpose alternating - current ( AC ) electric power supply . Mains electricity is the form of electrical power that is delivered to homes and businesses , and it is the form of electrical power that consumers use when they plug kitchen appliances , televisions and electric lamps into wall sockets . The two principal properties of the electric power supply , voltage and frequency , differ between regions . A voltage of ( nominally ) 230 V and a frequency of 50 Hz is used in Europe , most of Africa , most of Asia , much of South America and Australia . In North America , the most common combination is 120 V and a frequency of 60 Hz . Other voltages exist , and some countries may have , for example , 230 V but 60 Hz . This is a concern to travelers , since portable appliances designed for one voltage and frequency combination may not operate with , or may even be destroyed by another . The use of different and incompatible plugs and sockets in different regions and countries provides some protection from accidental use of appliances with incompatible voltage and frequency requirements . Contents ( hide ) 1 Terminology 2 Power systems 3 Common uses of electricity 4 Building wiring 5 Voltage levels 5.1 Measuring voltage 5.2 Choice of voltage 5.3 Standardisation 6 History of voltage and frequency 7 Voltage regulation 8 Power quality 9 See also 10 References Terminology ( edit ) In the US , mains electric power is referred to by several names including `` household power '' , `` household electricity '' , `` house current '' , `` powerline '' , `` domestic power '' , `` wall power '' , `` line power '' , `` AC power '' , `` city power '' , `` street power '' , and `` electrical grid '' . In the UK , mains electric power is generally referred to as `` the mains '' . Power systems ( edit ) For a list of voltages , frequencies , and wall plugs by country , see Mains electricity by country Worldwide , many different mains power systems are found for the operation of household and light commercial electrical appliances and lighting . The different systems are primarily characterized by their Voltage Frequency Plugs and sockets ( receptacles or outlets ) Earthing system ( grounding ) Protection against overcurrent damage ( e.g. , due to short circuit ) , electric shock , and fire hazards Parameter tolerances . All these parameters vary among regions . The voltages are generally in the range 100 -- 240 V ( always expressed as root - mean - square voltage ) . The two commonly used frequencies are 50 Hz and 60 Hz . Single - phase or three - phase power is most commonly used today , although two - phase systems were used early in the 20th century . Foreign enclaves , such as large industrial plants or overseas military bases , may have a different standard voltage or frequency from the surrounding areas . Some city areas may use standards different from that of the surrounding countryside ( e.g. in Libya ) . Regions in an effective state of anarchy may have no central electrical authority , with electric power provided by incompatible private sources . Many other combinations of voltage and utility frequency were formerly used , with frequencies between 25 Hz and 133 Hz and voltages from 100 V to 250 V. Direct current ( DC ) has been almost completely displaced by alternating current ( AC ) in public power systems , but DC was used especially in some city areas to the end of the 20th century . The modern combinations of 230 V / 50 Hz and 120 V / 60 Hz , listed in IEC 60038 , did not apply in the first few decades of the 20th century and are still not universal . Industrial plants with three - phase power will have different , higher voltages installed for large equipment ( and different sockets and plugs ) , but the common voltages listed here would still be found for lighting and portable equipment . Common uses of electricity ( edit ) Electricity is used for lighting , heating , cooling , electric motors and electronic equipment . The U.S. Energy Information Administration ( EIA ) has published : Estimated U.S. residential electricity consumption by end use , for the year 2016 End use Billion kilowatthours Share of total Space cooling 247 18 % Water heating 134 9 % Lighting 129 9 % Refrigeration 103 7 % Space heating 96 7 % Televisions and related equipment 83 6 % Clothes dryers 61 4 % Furnace fans and boiler circulation pumps 32 2 % Computers and related equipment 32 2 % Cooking 32 2 % Dishwashers 28 2 % Freezers 22 2 % Clothes washers 8 1 % Other uses 405 29 % Total consumption 1,410 Includes televisions , set - top boxes , home theater systems , DVD players , and video game consoles Includes desktop and laptop computers , monitors , and networking equipment . Does not include water heating . Includes small electric devices , heating elements , exterior lights , outdoor grills , pool and spa heaters , backup electricity generators , and motors not listed above . Does not include electric vehicle charging . Electronic appliances ( such as those included within the televisions , computer and related equipment categories above , representing 9 % of the total ) , typically use an AC to DC converter to power the device , this is often capable of operation over the approximate range of 100 V to 250 V and at 50 Hz to 60 Hz . The other categories are typically AC applications and usually have much more restricted input ranges . A study by the Building Research Establishment in the UK states that `` The existing 230 V system is well suited to the future of electricity whether through design or Darwinian processes . Any current perceived weakness is generally a result of cost reduction and market forces rather than any fundamental technical difficulties . Questions as to whether there are alternatives to the existing 230 V AC system are often overshadowed by legacy issues , the future smart agenda and cost in all but specific situations . Where opportunities do exist they are often for specific parts of the overall load and often small parts in terms of total demand . '' Building wiring ( edit ) See also : Electrical wiring In many countries , household power is single - phase electric power , with two or three wired contacts at each outlet . Neutral and line wires carry current and are defined as live parts . The line wire ( also known as phase , hot or active contact , and commonly , but technically incorrectly , as live ) , carries alternating current between the power grid and the household . The neutral wire completes the electrical circuit -- remaining at a voltage in proximity to 0 V -- by also carrying alternating current between the power grid and the household . The neutral is connected to the ground ( Earth ) , and therefore has nearly the same electrical potential as the earth . This prevents the power circuits from increasing beyond earth voltage , such as when they are struck by lightning or become otherwise charged . The earth wire or ground connects the chassis of equipment to earth ground as a protection against faults ( electric shock ) , such as if the insulation on a `` hot '' wire becomes damaged and the bare wire comes into contact with the metal chassis or case of the equipment . For more details on this topic , see Ground and neutral . Mixed 230 V / 400 V three - phase ( common in northern and central Europe ) or 230 V single - phase based household wiring In northern and central Europe , residential electrical supply is commonly 400 V three - phase electric power , which gives 230 V between any single phase and neutral ; house wiring may be a mix of three - phase and single - phase circuits , but three - phase residential use is rare in the UK . High - power appliances such as kitchen stoves , water heaters and maybe household power heavy tools like log splitters may be supplied from the 400 V three - phase power supply . Various earthing systems are used to ensure that the ground and neutral wires have zero voltage with respect to earth , to prevent shocks when touching grounded electrical equipment . In some installations , there may be two line conductors which carry alternating currents in a single - phase three - wire . Small portable electrical equipment is connected to the power supply through flexible cables ( these exist with either two or three insulated conductors ) terminated in a plug , which is inserted into a fixed receptacle ( socket ) . Larger household electrical equipment and industrial equipment may be permanently wired to the fixed wiring of the building . For example , in North American homes a window - mounted self - contained air conditioner unit would be connected to a wall plug , whereas the central air conditioning for a whole home would be permanently wired . Larger plug and socket combinations are used for industrial equipment carrying larger currents , higher voltages , or three phase electric power . These are often constructed with tougher plastics and possess inherent weather - resistant properties needed in some applications . Circuit breakers and fuses are used to detect short circuits between the line and neutral or ground wires or the drawing of more current than the wires are rated to handle ( overload protection ) to prevent overheating and possible fire . These protective devices are usually mounted in a central panel -- most commonly a distribution board or consumer unit -- in a building , but some wiring systems also provide a protection device at the socket or within the plug . Residual - current devices , also known as ground - fault circuit interrupters and appliance leakage current interrupters , are used to detect ground faults - flow of current in other than the neutral and line wires ( like the ground wire or a person ) . When a ground fault is detected , the device quickly cuts off the circuit . Voltage levels ( edit ) Most of Europe , Africa , Asia , Australia , New Zealand and most of South America use a supply that is within 6 % of 230 V. In the UK and Australia the nominal supply voltage is 230 V + 10 % / − 6 % to accommodate the fact that most supplies are in fact still 240 V. Japan , Taiwan , Saudi Arabia , North America , Central America and some parts of northern South America use a voltage between 100 V and 127 V . The 230 V standard has become widespread so that 230 V equipment can be used in most parts of the world with the aid of an adapter or a change to the equipment 's connection plug for the specific country . Measuring voltage ( edit ) A distinction should be made between the voltage at the point of supply ( nominal system voltage ) and the voltage rating of the equipment ( utilization voltage ) . Typically the utilization voltage is 3 % to 5 % lower than the nominal system voltage ; for example , a nominal 208 V supply system will be connected to motors with `` 200 V '' on their nameplates . This allows for the voltage drop between equipment and supply . Voltages in this article are the nominal supply voltages and equipment used on these systems will carry slightly lower nameplate voltages. Power distribution system voltage is nearly sinusoidal in nature . Voltages are expressed as root mean square ( RMS ) voltage . Voltage tolerances are for steady - state operation . Momentary heavy loads , or switching operations in the power distribution network , may cause short - term deviations out of the tolerance band . In general , power supplies derived from large networks with many sources are more stable than those supplied to an isolated community with perhaps only a single generator . Choice of voltage ( edit ) Main article : Mains electricity by country The choice of supply voltage is due more to historical reasons than optimization of the electric power distribution system -- once a voltage is in use and equipment using this voltage is widespread , changing voltage is a drastic and expensive measure . A 230 V distribution system will use less conductor material than a 120 V system to deliver a given amount of power because the current , and consequently the resistive loss , is lower . While large heating appliances can use smaller conductors at 230 V for the same output rating , few household appliances use anything like the full capacity of the outlet to which they are connected . Minimum wire size for hand - held or portable equipment is usually restricted by the mechanical strength of the conductors . Electrical appliances are used extensively in homes in both 230 V and 120 V system countries . National electrical codes prescribe wiring methods intended to minimize the risk of electric shock and fire . Many areas , such as the USA , which use ( nominally ) 120 V make use of three - wire , split - phase 240 V systems to supply large appliances . In this system a 240 V supply has a centre - tapped neutral to give two 120 V supplies which can also supply 240 V to loads connected between the two line wires . Three - phase systems can be connected to give various combinations of voltage , suitable for use by different classes of equipment . Where both single - phase and three - phase loads are served by an electrical system , the system may be labelled with both voltages such as 120 / 208 or 230 / 400 V , to show the line - to - neutral voltage and the line - to - line voltage . Large loads are connected for the higher voltage . Other three - phase voltages , up to 830 volts , are occasionally used for special - purpose systems such as oil well pumps . Large industrial motors ( say , more than 250 hp or 150 kW ) may operate on medium voltage . On 60 Hz systems a standard for medium voltage equipment is 2400 / 4160 V ( 2300 / 4000 V in USA ) whereas 3300 V is the common standard for 50 Hz systems . Standardisation ( edit ) Following voltage harmonisation , electricity supplies within the European Union are now nominally 230 V ± 10 % at 50 Hz . For a transition period ( 1995 -- 2008 ) , countries that had previously used 220 V changed to a narrower asymmetric tolerance range of 230 V + 6 % / − 10 % and those ( like the UK ) that had previously used 240 V changed to 230 V + 10 % / − 6 % . No change in voltage is required by either system as both 220 V and 240 V fall within the lower 230 V tolerance bands ( 230 V ± 10 % ) . Some areas of the UK still have 250 volts for legacy reasons , but these also fall within the 10 % tolerance band of 230 volts . In practice , this allows countries to continue to supply the same voltage ( 220 or 240 V ) , at least until existing supply transformers are replaced . Equipment ( with the exception of filament bulbs ) used in these countries is designed to accept any voltage within the specified range . In the United States and Canada , national standards specify that the nominal voltage at the source should be 120 V and allow a range of 114 V to 126 V ( RMS ) ( − 5 % to + 5 % ) . Historically 110 V , 115 V and 117 V have been used at different times and places in North America . Mains power is sometimes spoken of as 110 V ; however , 120 V is the nominal voltage . In 2000 , Australia converted to 230 V as the nominal standard with a tolerance of + 10 % / − 6 % , this superseding the old 240 V standard , AS2926 - 1987 . As in the UK , 240 V is within the allowable limits and `` 240 volt '' is a synonym for mains in Australian and British English . In Japan , the electrical power supply to households is at 100 V. Eastern and northern parts of Honshū ( including Tokyo ) and Hokkaidō have a frequency of 50 Hz , whereas western Honshū ( including Nagoya , Osaka , and Hiroshima ) , Shikoku , Kyūshū and Okinawa operate at 60 Hz . The boundary between the two regions contains four back - to - back high - voltage direct - current ( HVDC ) substations which interconnect the power between the two grid systems ; these are Shin Shinano , Sakuma Dam , Minami - Fukumitsu , and the Higashi - Shimizu Frequency Converter . To accommodate the difference , frequency - sensitive appliances marketed in Japan can often be switched between the two frequencies . History of voltage and frequency ( edit ) See also : Utility frequency A 50 Hz ± 5 Hz vibrating - reed mains frequency meter for 220 V The first electric utilities built by Thomas Edison in the early 1880s ran on direct current ( DC ) at 110 V , considered to be a `` safe '' voltage for consumers . Alternating current systems that started appearing mid decade used a high distribution voltage but stepped that down via transformers to the same 110 volt customer utilization voltage that Edison used . In 1883 Edison patented a three wire distribution system to allow DC generation plants to serve a wider radius of customers to save on copper costs . By connecting two groups of 110 volt lamps in series , more load could be served by the same size conductors run with 220 volts between them ; a neutral conductor carried any imbalance of current between the two sub-circuits . AC circuits adopted the same form during the War of Currents , allowing lamps to be run at around 110 volts and major appliances to be connected to 220 volts . Voltages gradually crept upward to 112V and 115V , or even 117V . After WW2 the standard voltage in the U.S. became 117V , but many areas lagged behind even into the 1960 's . In 1967 , the standard voltage rose to 120V , but conversion of appliances was slow . Today , virtually all American homes and businesses have access to 120 and 240 volts at 60 hertz . Both voltages are available on the three wires ( two `` hot '' legs of opposite phase and one `` neutral '' leg ) . In 1899 , the Berliner Elektrizitäts - Werke ( BEW ) , a Berlin electrical utility , decided to greatly increase its distribution capacity by switching to 220 volt nominal distribution , taking advantage of the higher voltage capability of newly developed metal filament lamps . The company was able to offset the cost of converting the customer 's equipment by the resulting saving in distribution conductors cost . This became the model for electrical distribution in Germany and the rest of Europe and the 220 - volt system became common . North American practice remained with voltages near 110 volts for lamps . In the first decade after the introduction of alternating current in the U.S. ( early 1880 's to about 1893 ) , a variety of different frequencies were used , with each electric provider setting their own , so that no single one prevailed . The most common frequency was 133 - 1 / 3hz . The rotation speed of induction generators and motors , the efficiency of transformers , and flickering of carbon arc lamps all played a role in frequency setting . Around 1893 , Westinghouse decided on 60 Hz and AEG in Germany decided on 50 Hz eventually leading to the world being mostly divided into two frequency camps . Interestingly , southern California remained on 50hz mains well into the 20th century ; it was the impetus of building synchronous clocks that finally tipped the balance in favor of 60hz . Most 60 Hz systems are nominally 120 / 240 volts and most 50 Hz nominally 230 V . The significant exception is Brazil , which has a synchronized 60 Hz grid , with both 127 V and 220 V as standard voltages in different regions ; and Japan , which has two frequencies , 50 Hz for East Japan and 60 Hz for West Japan . Voltage regulation ( edit ) To maintain the voltage at the customer 's service within the acceptable range , electrical distribution utilities use regulating equipment at electrical substations or along the distribution line . At a substation , the step - down transformer will have an automatic on - load tap changer , allowing the ratio between transmission voltage and distribution voltage to be adjusted in steps . For long ( several kilometres ) rural distribution circuits , automatic voltage regulators may be mounted on poles of the distribution line . These are autotransformers , again , with on - load tapchangers to adjust the ratio depending on the observed voltage changes . At each customer 's service , the step - down transformer has up to five taps to allow some range of adjustment , usually ± 5 % of the nominal voltage . Since these taps are not automatically controlled , they are used only to adjust the long - term average voltage at the service and not to regulate the voltage seen by the utility customer . Power quality ( edit ) Main article : Power quality The stability of the voltage and frequency supplied to customers varies among countries and regions . `` Power quality '' is a term describing the degree of deviation from the nominal supply voltage and frequency . Short - term surges and drop - outs affect sensitive electronic equipment such as computers and flat panel displays . Longer - term power outages , brown - outs and black outs and low reliability of supply generally increase costs to customers , who may have to invest in uninterruptible power supply or stand - by generator sets to provide power when the utility supply is unavailable or unusable . Erratic power supply may be a severe economic handicap to businesses and public services which rely on electrical machinery , illumination , climate control and computers . Even the best quality power system may have breakdowns or require servicing . As such , companies , governments and other organizations sometimes have backup generators at sensitive facilities , to ensure that power will be available even in the event of a power outage or black out . Power quality can also be affected by distortions of the current or voltage waveform in the form of harmonics of the fundamental ( supply ) frequency , or non-harmonic ( inter ) modulation distortion such as that caused by RFI or EMI interference . In contrast , harmonic distortion is usually caused by conditions of the load or generator . In multi-phase power , phase shift distortions caused by imbalanced loads can occur . See also ( edit ) Energy portal Energy meter Three - phase electric power References ( edit ) Jump up ^ ( 1 ) , How is electricity used in U.S. homes ? , U.S. Energy Information Administration , April 21 , 2015 , ( retrieved 26 July 2015 ) Jump up ^ ( 2 ) , The Future of Electricity in Domestic Buildings -- a review , Andrew Williams , November 28 , 2015 , ( retrieved 26 July 2015 ) Jump up ^ ( 3 ) Electrical Inspection Manual , 2011 Edition ) , Noel Williams & Jeffrey S Sargent , Jones & Bartlett Publishers , 2012 , p. 249 ( retrieved 3 March 2013 from Google Books ) Jump up ^ ( 4 ) 17th Edition IEE Wiring Regulations : Explained and Illustrated ) , Brian Scaddan , Routledge , 2011 , p. 18 ( retrieved 6 March 2013 from Google Books ) Jump up ^ Halliday , Chris ; Urquhart , Dave . `` Voltage and Equipment Standard Misalignment '' ( PDF ) . . Jump up ^ CENELEC Harmonisation Document HD 472 S1 : 1988 Jump up ^ British Standard BS 7697 : Nominal voltages for low voltage public electricity supply systems -- ( Implementation of HD 472 S1 ) Jump up ^ ANSI C84. 1 : American National Standard for Electric Power Systems and Equipment -- Voltage Ratings ( 60 Hertz ) Archived 2007 - 07 - 27 at the Wayback Machine. , NEMA ( costs $95 for access ) Jump up ^ CSA CAN3 - C235 - 83 : Preferred Voltage Levels for AC Systems , 0 to 50 000 V Jump up ^ AS60038 - 2000 Standards Australia - Standard Voltages Jump up ^ `` SAI Global '' . SAI Global . 2000 - 02 - 23 . Retrieved 2013 - 12 - 04 . Jump up ^ Thomas P. Hughes , Networks of Power : Electrification in Western Society 1880 - 1930 , The Johns Hopkins University Press , Baltimore 1983 ISBN 0 - 8018 - 2873 - 2 pg. 193 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Electric power Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Use British English from April 2014 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Dansk Deutsch Español Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Polski Português Русский Suomi Svenska ไทย اردو 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 8 November 2017 , at 01 : 27 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | is electricity in a house ac or dc | [
"Mains electricity is the general-purpose alternating-current (AC) electric power supply. Mains electricity is the form of electrical power that is delivered to homes and businesses, and it is the form of electrical power that consumers use when they plug kitchen appliances, televisions and electric lamps into wall sockets."
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7120250136673619482 | Gal Gadot | Gal Gadot - wikipedia Gal Gadot This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 9 November 2017 . Jump to : navigation , search Gal Gadot Gadot at the 2016 San Diego Comic - Con promoting Wonder Woman ( 1985 - 04 - 30 ) April 30 , 1985 ( age 32 ) Petah Tikva , Israel Citizenship Israeli Alma mater IDC Herzliya Occupation Actress model Years active 2004 -- present Height 178 cm ( 5 ft 10 in ) Spouse ( s ) Yaron Varsano ( m . 2008 ) Children Awards Miss Israel 2004 Website Gal Gadot - Varsano ( Hebrew : גל גדות , pronounced ( ˈɡal ɡaˈdot ) ; born April 30 , 1985 ) is an Israeli actress and model . Gadot is primarily known for her role as Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe . She started with Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice ( 2016 ) , continued again in 2017 as the lead in Wonder Woman , and will reprise the role in Justice League . She previously appeared as Gisele Yashar in three of The Fast and the Furious franchise movies . Gadot was born and raised in Israel . At age 18 she was crowned Miss Israel 2004 . She then served two years as a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces , where she was a combat trainer . She began studying at IDC Herzliya college before pursuing modeling and acting . Contents ( hide ) 1 Early life 1.1 Military service 2 Career 2.1 Modeling and pageant career 2.2 Acting 3 Other work 4 Personal life 5 Filmography 5.1 Film 5.2 Television 5.3 Pageants 6 Awards and nominations 7 See also 8 References 9 External links Early Life ( edit ) Gal Gadot was born in Petah Tikva , Israel , and raised in its neighbouring city of Rosh HaAyin . In Hebrew , her first name means `` wave '' and her surname means `` riverbanks '' . Her parents are Irit ( née Weiss ) , a teacher , and Michael Gadot , an engineer . Both her parents were born in Israel , and they had Hebraized their surname from `` Greenstein '' . Her father is a sixth - generation Israeli . Her maternal grandparents were born in Europe ; her grandfather , who was imprisoned in the Auschwitz concentration camp , survived the Holocaust , and her grandmother left before the Nazi invasion . Gadot has stated that she was brought up in a `` very Jewish , Israeli family environment '' . Her ancestry is Polish - Jewish , Austrian - Jewish , German - Jewish , and Czech - Jewish . She has one younger sister named Dana . Her high school major was biology . She says that in high school she was good at basketball because of her height . As a teenager , her first jobs were babysitting and at Burger King . As an adult , Gadot studied law and international relations at the IDC Herzliya college . Military service ( edit ) Between the ages of 18 - 20 , Gadot served for two years as an enlisted soldier in the Israel Defense Forces , serving as a combat trainer . She said of her time in the army : `` You give two or three years , and it 's not about you . You learn discipline and respect . '' Gadot says that her background helped her to win the role of Gisele in Fast & Furious : `` I think the main reason was that the director Justin Lin really liked that I was in the military , and he wanted to use my knowledge of weapons . '' Career ( edit ) Modeling and pageant career ( edit ) Gadot at the 2016 San Diego Comic - Con panel for Justice League At the age of 18 Gadot won the 2004 Miss Israel beauty pageant , and next competed in the Miss Universe 2004 pageant in Ecuador . She carried out her two - year military service from the age of 20 , then studied law . Gadot has led international campaigns as a model for Miss Sixty , Huawei smartphones , Captain Morgan rum , Gucci fragrances and Vine Vera skincare ranges , and Jaguar Cars . In 2015 , she became the face of Gucci 's Bamboo perfume brand . She has featured as the covergirl on Cosmopolitan , Glamour , Bride Magazine , Entertainment Weekly , UMM , Cleo , Fashion , Lucire , FHM . Gadot has been the main model for fashion brand Castro in 2008 -- 16 . In 2013 , her combined annual modelling and acting salary was estimated at NIS 2.4 million , which was ahead of a number of other famous Israeli models such as Esti Ginzburg and Shlomit Malka , though significantly behind Bar Refaeli . In 2007 , 21 - year - old Gadot was in the Maxim photo shoot , `` Women of the Israeli Army '' , and was then featured on the cover of the New York Post . In April 2012 , Shalom Life ranked her Number 5 on its list of `` the 50 most talented , intelligent , funny , and gorgeous Jewish women in the world '' , behind model Bar Refaeli and actress Eva Green . In 2014 , Gadot was one of two Israeli actresses , along with Odeya Rush , listed as an upcoming leading lady by InStyle magazine . Gadot in 2017 Acting ( edit ) After Gadot had completed her first year of university a casting director contacted her agent to have Gadot audition for the part of Bond girl Camille Montes in the spy film Quantum of Solace . Although the part eluded her , a few months later , Gadot starred in the 2008 Israeli drama Bubot . Three months later , the casting director from her Quantum of Solace audition cast Gadot for the role of Gisele Yashar in the action film Fast & Furious , the fourth film in The Fast & the Furious franchise , having earned the role over six other actresses . Gadot performed her own stuntwork in those films . In 2010 , she had small roles in the action - comedy Date Night and the action - adventure comedy Knight and Day . 2011 brought her back to The Fast & the Furious franchise , reprising her role as Gisele in Fast Five , and in 2013 's Fast & Furious 6 . Ben Affleck , Henry Cavill , and Gadot at the San Diego Comic - Con panel for Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice in 2014 Gadot played Wonder Woman in the superhero movie Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice ( 2016 ) . Gadot received swordsmanship , Kung Fu kickboxing , capoeira and Brazilian jiu - jitsu training in preparation for the role . Gadot 's performance as the superhero , which is the first time for the character on film , was hailed as one of the best parts of the film . Also in 2016 , she had a small role in John Hillcoat 's crime - thriller Triple 9 , where she starred along with Kate Winslet and Aaron Paul . Later that year , she co-starred in the action crime thriller film Criminal , as the wife of Ryan Reynolds ' character , alongside Kevin Costner , Gary Oldman , and Tommy Lee Jones . Her final film of 2016 was the action comedy Keeping Up with the Joneses , in which she played a secret agent , alongside Isla Fisher and Jon Hamm . In 2017 , Gadot starred in a solo film for her character , Wonder Woman . She will reprise the role in the ensemble Justice League film scheduled for release on November 17 , 2017 , which would be her third DC Extended Universe installment . In 2017 Gadot was also invited to become a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . Other work ( edit ) Gadot , fellow Wonder Woman actress Lynda Carter , DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson , Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins and U.N. Under - Secretary General Cristina Gallach appeared at the United Nations on October 21 , 2016 , the 75th anniversary of the first appearance of Wonder Woman , to mark the character 's designation by the United Nations as its `` Honorary Ambassador for the Empowerment of Women and Girls '' . The gesture was intended to raise awareness of UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 5 , which seeks to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls by 2030 . The decision was met with protests from UN staff members who stated in their petition to UN Secretary - General Ban Ki - moon that the character is `` not culturally encompassing or sensitive '' , and served to objectify women . As a result , the character was stripped of the designation , and the project ended December 16 . Personal Life ( edit ) Gadot married Israeli real estate developer Yaron Versano on September 28 , 2008 . They have two daughters , Alma and Maya . Until 2015 , the couple owned a luxury hotel in Tel Aviv , which Gadot says she helped to run , including changing the bedsheets in the rooms herself . They sold their hotel to Roman Abramovich in 2015 for $ 26 million . Filmography ( edit ) Film ( edit ) Year Title Role Director ( s ) Notes 2009 Fast & Furious Gisele Yashar Justin Lin Date Night Natanya Shawn Levy Knight and Day Naomi James Mangold 2011 Fast Five Gisele Yashar Justin Lin 2013 Fast & Furious 6 Gisele Yashar 2014 Kicking Out Shoshana Mirit Ben Harush Shay Kanot Israeli film 2015 Furious 7 Gisele Yashar James Wan Credited and appears in a deleted scene 2016 Triple 9 Elena Vlaslov John Hillcoat Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice Diana Prince / Wonder Woman Zack Snyder Criminal Jill Pope Ariel Vromen Keeping Up with the Joneses Natalie Jones Greg Mottola 2017 Wonder Woman Diana Prince / Wonder Woman Patty Jenkins Justice League Zack Snyder Completed Television ( edit ) Year Title Role Notes 2007 Bubot Miriam `` Merry '' Elkayam Israeli series 2009 Entourage Lisa Episode : `` Amongst Friends '' 2009 The Beautiful Life Olivia 3 episodes 2011 Asfur Kika Israeli series 2012 Kathmandu Yamit Bareli Israeli series 2012 Eretz Nehederet Herself Israeli series 2017 Saturday Night Live Herself ( host ) Episode : `` Gal Gadot / Sam Smith '' Pageants ( edit ) Year Title Status Notes Miss Israel 2004 Herself Winner Miss Universe 2004 Miss Israel Participant Awards and nominations ( edit ) Year Award Nominated work Result Ref . 2016 Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie : Breakout Star Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice Nominated Choice Movie : Scene Stealer Nominated Chinese American Film Festival Most Popular US Actress in China Fast & Furious , Batman v Superman and Wonder Woman Nominated Critics ' Choice Awards Best Actress in an Action Movie Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice Nominated Women Film Critics Circle Awards Best Female Action Hero Nominated 2017 Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie : Action Actress Wonder Woman Won Choice Movie : Comedy Actress Keeping Up with the Joneses Nominated See also ( edit ) Israeli fashion Women in Israel Women in the Israel Defense Forces References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : ^ Jump up to : Sivan Kadmi ( 1 April 2010 ) . `` גל גדות '' ( Gal Gadot ) ( in Hebrew ) . Ynet . Jump up ^ `` גל גדות על פרשת אופק בוכריס : `` איפה הצדק ? '' `` . Jump up ^ IMAX ( May 15 , 2017 ) . `` Wonder Woman : Gal Gadot and Chris Pine '' -- via YouTube . Jump up ^ `` Gal Gadot '' . . Retrieved 20 January 2016 . Jump up ^ Fleming , Mike ( 4 December 2013 ) . `` Emerging Star Gal Gadot Set For Wonder Woman In ' Batman Vs. Superman ' '' . . Retrieved 4 December 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Gal Gadot to Play Wonder Woman in ' Batman vs. Superman ' '' . Variety . 4 December 2013 . Retrieved 4 December 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Chatting With ' Fast Five ' Star Gal Gadot '' . The Forward. 2 May 2011 . Retrieved 7 September 2013 . Jump up ^ Halutz , Avshalom ( 6 December 2013 ) . `` Who is Gal Gadot , Hollywood 's next Wonder Woman ? '' . Haaretz . Retrieved 4 January 2014 . Jump up ^ Scott , Becky ( 30 May 2017 ) . `` Have You Been Pronouncing Gal Gadot Wrong ? '' . The Forward . Jump up ^ `` Instagram post by Gal Gadot May 29 , 2017 at 8 : 37pm UTC '' . Instagram . ^ Jump up to : Jump up ^ `` יום השואה : מפורסמים משתפים בזכרון אישי -- וואלה ! סלבס '' . Jump up ^ `` מס ' 16 : גל גדות '' . Ynet. 9 February 2004 . Jump up ^ `` Entertainment Features And Reviews '' . . Archived from the original on 12 December 2013 . Retrieved 7 September 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Living in Los Angeles , Actress Gal Gadot Says She Misses Israeli ' Chutzpah ' '' . . Jump up ^ Hirschberg , Lynn . `` Gal Gadot Listened to Beyoncé to Prepare for Her Wonder Woman Audition '' . Jump up ^ `` Gal Gadot Is Wonder Woman : ' She Is Not Relying on a Man , and She 's Not There Because of a Love Story '' . Glamour . March 2016 . Jump up ^ `` סופר ־ גירל -- ידיעות אחרונות '' . 22 March 2016 . Retrieved 22 October 2016 . Jump up ^ Chatting With ' Fast Five ' Star Gal Gadot , Curt Schleier , 2 May 2011 Jump up ^ `` Wonder Woman Star Gal Gadot Dazzled as Miss Israel '' . ^ Jump up to : `` Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice - Gal Gadot Official Interview ( 2016 ) '' . Film Is Now . March 25 , 2016 -- via YouTube . Jump up ^ Romeyn , Kathryn ( 9 July 2015 ) . `` Wonder Woman Gal Gadot is the Face of Gucci 's New Fragrance '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Jump up ^ `` Israeli Fashion Retailer Torn Between Daring Spirit and Need to Please the Masses '' . Haaretz . Jump up ^ הדוגמניות המרוויחות ביותר בישראל Forbes Israel , June 2013 Jump up ^ Ashley Baylen ( 12 April 2012 ) . `` Top 50 Hottest Jewish Women ( 10 -- 1 ) -- Page2 '' . Shalom Life . Archived from the original on 27 July 2013 . Retrieved 2 May 2013 . Jump up ^ Berger , Elia ( 8 June 2014 ) , Israel 's Gal Gadot and Odeya Rush get noticed as Hollywood 's newest leading ladies , The Jerusalem Post Jump up ^ `` IGN : New Furious Babe '' . IGN . Newscorp. 4 March 2008 . Retrieved 16 March 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Gal Gadot : Too fast too furious ? '' . . Retrieved 16 March 2011 . Jump up ^ Wilson , Simone ( 4 December 2013 ) . `` Gal Gadot is Wonder Woman : Israeli badass takes on the boys in ' Batman vs. Superman ' '' . The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles . Jump up ^ `` JUF : Teens : Celebrities : Gal Gadot '' . JUF . Retrieved 4 January 2014 . Jump up ^ ( 1 ) Jump up ^ Doran , Michael ( 27 December 2013 ) . `` Gal Gadot Responds To Being ' Too Skinny ' for Wonder Woman '' . Newsarama . Retrieved 24 February 2016 . Jump up ^ Russell , Scarlett ( 27 March 2016 ) . `` Wonder Woman reborn : how she stole limelight from Batman and Superman '' . The Guardian . Retrieved 1 April 2016 . Jump up ^ Flemming Jr. , Mike ( 5 February 2014 ) . `` Open Road Acquires Domestic On ' Triple Nine ; ' Michael B. Jordan , Aaron Paul , Gal Gadot , Michael Pena Join Killer Cast '' . Deadline . Retrieved 20 April 2014 . Jump up ^ Kit , Borys ( 12 August 2014 ) . `` Wonder Woman Actress Gal Gadot Joins Kevin Costner in ' Criminal ' '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved 29 September 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Criminal ( 2016 ) '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Retrieved 30 July 2016 . Jump up ^ `` On the Set for 4 / 20 / 15 : Michael Bay Starts TMNT Sequel , Gal Gadot Begins Keeping Up With the Joneses , Natalie Dormer Wraps Shooting on Patient Zero '' . 20 April 2015 . Retrieved 27 April 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman : Comics world reacts on Twitter '' . Los Angeles Times . 5 December 2013 . Jump up ^ Begley , Chris . `` Gal Gadot signed a 3 movie deal as Wonder Woman ( video ) '' . Batman News . Retrieved 22 January 2014 . Jump up ^ Kroll , Justin . `` ' Wonder Woman ' Gal Gadot Signs Three - Picture Deal with Warner Bros '' . Variety . Retrieved 23 January 2014 . Jump up ^ Rottenberg , Josh ( June 28 , 2017 ) . `` Motion picture academy opens its doors to 774 new members as push for diversity continues '' . Los Angeles Times . ^ Jump up to : Serrao , Nivea ( October 13 , 2016 ) . `` Wonder Woman named UN Honorary Ambassador for empowerment of women and girls '' . Entertainment Weekly . ^ Jump up to : `` Wonder Woman Named the United Nations ' Honorary Ambassador for the Empowerment of Women and Girls '' . Business Wire . October 21 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Roberts , Elizabeth ( December 13 , 2016 ) . `` UN drops Wonder Woman as honorary ambassador '' . CNN . Jump up ^ `` Yaron Varsano - Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot 's Husband '' . December 2013 . Retrieved 15 November 2013 . Jump up ^ ( 2 ) Jump up ^ Editors 2 : 36 pm PDT , 26 July 2016 ( 26 July 2016 ) . `` Gal Gadot daughter Alma Varsano -- Gal Gadot Wonder Woman things to know Gallery '' . . Retrieved 22 October 2016 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ `` Wonder Woman Gal Gadot : My Daughter Made Me Appreciate the Importance of Female Superheroes '' . The Hollywood Reporter. 15 March 2016 . Retrieved 22 October 2016 . Jump up ^ `` And then we were four '' . Twitter . 20 March 2017 . Retrieved 20 March 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Between the sheets with model Israeli '' , Jewish News , June 2 , 2011 , archived from the original on 2016 - 03 - 24 Jump up ^ Shlomit Tsur ( 13 April 2015 ) . `` Roman Abramovich buys Tel Aviv hotel '' Archived 10 July 2015 at the Wayback Machine . Globes Jump up ^ `` Watch a Furious 7 Deleted Scene With Letty and Gisele '' . / Film . Retrieved 3 February 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Teen Choice Awards 2016 -- Captain America : Civil War Leads Second Wave of Nominations '' . E !. 9 June 2016 . Jump up ^ Monetti , Sandro ( 4 November 2016 ) . `` Blunder Woman ? Gal Gadot Gets Wrong Gong -- Entity '' . Entity . Retrieved 3 December 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Best Actress -- ' La La Land , ' ' Arrival , ' ' Moonlight ' Top Critics ' Choice Nominations '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Retrieved 12 December 2016 . Jump up ^ `` The Women Film Critics Circle Nomination Award Picks For 2016 '' . . Retrieved 7 March 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Teen Choice Awards 2017 Winners : The Complete List '' . E ! News . Retrieved 14 August 2017 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Gal Gadot . Official website Gal Gadot on IMDb Preceded by Sivan Klein Miss Israel Succeeded by Elena Ralph ( hide ) Miss Universe 2004 , national titleholders Jennifer Hawkins Raquel Horton Fabiane Niclotti Venessa Fisher Gabriela Barros Zhang Meng Catherine Daza Lucie Váchová Larimar Fiallo Susana Rivadeneira Shermine Shahrivar Menaye Donkor Valia Kakouti Tanushree Dutta Gal Gadot Andrea Fonseka Rosalva Luna Anita Uwagbale Kathrine Sørland Jessica Rodríguez Yanina González Maricar Balagtas Alba Reyes Katarina Wigander Morakot Kittisara Oleksandra Nikolayenko Shandi Finnessey Ana Karina Áñez Hoàng Khánh Ngọc VIAF : 6147121644526391529 LCCN : no2016106183 ISNI : 0000 0004 5982 037X BNF : cb170963697 ( data ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1985 births 21st - century Israeli actresses 21st - century military personnel Israeli female models Israeli film actresses Israeli Jews Israeli people of Austrian - Jewish descent Israeli people of Czech - Jewish descent Israeli people of German - Jewish descent Israeli people of Polish - Jewish descent Israeli television actresses Jewish female models Jewish Israeli actresses Living people Miss Israel winners Miss Universe 2004 contestants People from Rosh HaAyin Women in the Israeli military Hidden categories : CS1 Hebrew - language sources ( he ) CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list Webarchive template wayback links Wikipedia pending changes protected pages ( level 1 ) Use mdy dates from June 2017 Articles with hCards Articles containing Hebrew - language text Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with ISNI identifiers Wikipedia articles with BNF identifiers Talk Contents About Wikipedia Arpetan Asturianu বাংলা Bân - lâm - gú Беларуская Български Brezhoneg Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά Español Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge Galego 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית ಕನ್ನಡ ქართული Magyar მარგალური Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Occitan ਪੰਜਾਬੀ پنجابی Polski Português Română Русский Scots Simple English Slovenčina Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Suomi Svenska Tagalog ไทย Türkçe Українська Vepsän kel ' Tiếng Việt ייִדיש 粵語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 9 November 2017 , at 16 : 58 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who is the actress who played wonder woman | [
"Gal Gadot-Varsano[3] (Hebrew: גל גדות, pronounced [ˈɡal ɡaˈdot];[4] born April 30, 1985)[5] is an Israeli actress and model. Gadot is primarily known for her role as Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe. She started with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), continued again in 2017 as the lead in Wonder Woman, and will reprise the role in Justice League.[6][7]"
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"Gal Gadot-Varsano"
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7775020007854690042 | Chemical weapons in World War I | Chemical weapons in World War I - wikipedia Chemical weapons in World War I British troops blinded by poison gas during the Battle of Estaires , 1918 The use of toxic chemicals as weapons dates back thousands of years , but the first large scale use of chemical weapons was during World War I. They were primarily used to demoralize , injure , and kill entrenched defenders , against whom the indiscriminate and generally very slow - moving or static nature of gas clouds would be most effective . The types of weapons employed ranged from disabling chemicals , such as tear gas , to lethal agents like phosgene , chlorine , and mustard gas . This chemical warfare was a major component of the first global war and first total war of the 20th century . The killing capacity of gas was limited , with about ninety thousand fatalities from a total of 1.3 million casualties caused by gas attacks . Gas was unlike most other weapons of the period because it was possible to develop countermeasures , such as gas masks . In the later stages of the war , as the use of gas increased , its overall effectiveness diminished . The widespread use of these agents of chemical warfare , and wartime advances in the composition of high explosives , gave rise to an occasionally expressed view of World War I as `` the chemist 's war '' and also the era where weapons of mass destruction were created . The use of poison gas by all major belligerents throughout World War I constituted war crimes as its use violated the 1899 Hague Declaration Concerning Asphyxiating Gases and the 1907 Hague Convention on Land Warfare , which prohibited the use of `` poison or poisoned weapons '' in warfare . Widespread horror and public revulsion at the use of gas and its consequences led to a nearly - complete refusal by all combatants to use poison gas in World War II . Contents 1 History of poison gas in World War I 1.1 1914 : Tear gas 1.2 1915 : Large - scale use and lethal gases 1.2. 1 Effectiveness and countermeasures 1.2. 2 British gas attacks 1.3 1915 : More deadly gases 1.4 1916 : Austrian use 1.5 1917 : Mustard gas 1.6 Post-war 1.6. 1 Effect on World War II 2 Casualties 2.1 British casualties 2.2 Civilian casualties 3 Countermeasures 4 Delivery systems 5 Unexploded weapons 6 Gases used 7 Long - term health effects 8 Notes 9 References 10 Further reading 11 External links History of poison gas in World War I ( edit ) See also : Weapons of World War I 1914 : tear gas ( edit ) The most frequently used chemicals during World War I were tear - inducing irritants rather than fatal or disabling poisons . During World War I , the French army was the first to employ gas , using 26 mm grenades filled with tear gas ( ethyl bromoacetate ) in August 1914 . The small quantities of gas delivered , roughly 19 cm3 per cartridge , were not even detected by the Germans . The stocks were rapidly consumed and by November a new order was placed by the French military . As bromine was scarce among the Entente allies , the active ingredient was changed to chloroacetone . In October 1914 , German troops fired fragmentation shells filled with a chemical irritant against British positions at Neuve Chapelle ; the concentration achieved was so small that it too was barely noticed . None of the combatants considered the use of tear gas to be in conflict with the Hague Treaty of 1899 , which prohibited the launching of projectiles containing asphyxiating or poisonous gas . 1915 : large - scale use and lethal gases ( edit ) The first instance of large - scale use of gas as a weapon was on 31 January 1915 , when Germany fired 18,000 artillery shells containing liquid xylyl bromide tear gas on Russian positions on the Rawka River , west of Warsaw during the Battle of Bolimov . Instead of vaporizing , the chemical froze and failed to have the desired effect . The first killing agent used by the German military was chlorine . Chlorine is a powerful irritant that can inflict damage to the eyes , nose , throat and lungs . At high concentrations and prolonged exposure it can cause death by asphyxiation . German chemical companies BASF , Hoechst and Bayer ( which formed the IG Farben conglomerate in 1925 ) had been making chlorine as a by - product of their dye manufacturing . In cooperation with Fritz Haber of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry in Berlin , they began developing methods of discharging chlorine gas against enemy trenches . According to the fieldpost letter of Major Karl von Zingler , the first chlorine gas attack by German forces took place before 2 January 1915 : `` In other war theatres it does not go better and it has been said that our Chlorine is very effective . 140 English officers have been killed . This is a horrible weapon ... '' . By 22 April 1915 , the German Army had 168 tons of chlorine deployed in 5,730 cylinders from Langemark -- Poelkapelle , north of Ypres . At 17 : 30 , in a slight easterly breeze , the liquid chlorine was siphoned from the tanks , producing gas which formed a grey - green cloud that drifted across positions held by French Colonial troops from Martinique , as well as the 1st Tirailleurs and the 2nd Zouaves from Algeria . Faced with an unfamiliar threat these troops broke ranks , abandoning their trenches and creating an 8,000 - yard ( 7 km ) gap in the Allied line . The German infantry were also wary of the gas and , lacking reinforcements , failed to exploit the break before the 1st Canadian Division and assorted French troops reformed the line in scattered , hastily prepared positions 1,000 -- 3,000 yards ( 910 -- 2,740 m ) apart . The Entente governments claimed the attack was a flagrant violation of international law but Germany argued that the Hague treaty had only banned chemical shells , rather than the use of gas projectors . In what became the Second Battle of Ypres , the Germans used gas on three more occasions ; on 24 April against the 1st Canadian Division , on 2 May near Mouse Trap Farm and on 5 May against the British at Hill 60 . The British Official History stated that at Hill 60 , `` 90 men died from gas poisoning in the trenches or before they could be got to a dressing station ; of the 207 brought to the nearest dressing stations , 46 died almost immediately and 12 after long suffering . '' On 6 August , German troops used chlorine gas against Russian troops defending the Fortress of Osowiec . Surviving defenders drove back the attack and retained the fortress . Germany used chemical weapons on the eastern front in an attack at Rawka , south of Warsaw . The Russian army took 9,000 casualties , with more than 1,000 fatalities . In response , the artillery branch of the Russian army organised a commission to study the delivery of poison gas in shells . Effectiveness and countermeasures ( edit ) British emplacement after German gas attack ( probably phosgene ) It quickly became evident that the men who stayed in their places suffered less than those who ran away , as any movement worsened the effects of the gas , and that those who stood up on the fire step suffered less -- indeed they often escaped any serious effects -- than those who lay down or sat at the bottom of a trench . Men who stood on the parapet suffered least , as the gas was denser near the ground . The worst sufferers were the wounded lying on the ground , or on stretchers , and the men who moved back with the cloud . Chlorine was less effective as a weapon than the Germans had hoped , particularly as soon as simple countermeasures were introduced . The gas produced a visible greenish cloud and strong odour , making it easy to detect . It was water - soluble , so the simple expedient of covering the mouth and nose with a damp cloth was effective at reducing the effect of the gas . It was thought to be even more effective to use urine rather than water , as it was known at the time that chlorine reacted with urea ( present in urine ) to form dichloro urea . Chlorine required a concentration of 1,000 parts per million to be fatal , destroying tissue in the lungs , likely through the formation of hydrochloric acid when dissolved in the water in the lungs ( 2Cl + 2H O → 4HCl + O ) . Despite its limitations , chlorine was an effective psychological weapon -- the sight of an oncoming cloud of the gas was a continual source of dread for the infantry . Countermeasures were quickly introduced in response to the use of chlorine . The Germans issued their troops with small gauze pads filled with cotton waste , and bottles of a bicarbonate solution with which to dampen the pads . Immediately following the use of chlorine gas by the Germans , instructions were sent to British and French troops to hold wet handkerchiefs or cloths over their mouths . Simple pad respirators similar to those issued to German troops were soon proposed by Lieutenant - Colonel N.C. Ferguson , the A.D.M.S. of the 28th Division . These pads were intended to be used damp , preferably dipped into a solution of bicarbonate kept in buckets for that purpose ; other liquids were also used . Because such pads could not be expected to arrive at the front for several days , army divisions set about making them for themselves . Locally available muslin , flannel and gauze were used , officers were sent to Paris to buy more and local French women were employed making up rudimentary pads with string ties . Other units used lint bandages manufactured in the convent at Poperinge . Pad respirators were sent up with rations to British troops in the line as early as the evening of 24 April . In Britain the Daily Mail newspaper encouraged women to manufacture cotton pads , and within one month a variety of pad respirators were available to British and French troops , along with motoring goggles to protect the eyes . The response was enormous and a million gas masks were produced in a day . The Mail 's design was useless when dry and caused suffocation when wet -- the respirator was responsible for the deaths of scores of men . By 6 July 1915 , the entire British army was equipped with the more effective `` smoke helmet '' designed by Major Cluny MacPherson , Newfoundland Regiment , which was a flannel bag with a celluloid window , which entirely covered the head . The race was then on between the introduction of new and more effective poison gases and the production of effective countermeasures , which marked gas warfare until the armistice in November 1918 . British gas attacks ( edit ) British infantry advancing through gas at Loos , 25 September 1915 Football team of British soldiers with gas masks , Western front , 1916 A British gas bomb from 1915 The British expressed outrage at Germany 's use of poison gas at Ypres and responded by developing their own gas warfare capability . The commander of II Corps , Lieutenant General Sir Charles Ferguson , said of gas : It is a cowardly form of warfare which does not commend itself to me or other English soldiers ... We can not win this war unless we kill or incapacitate more of our enemies than they do of us , and if this can only be done by our copying the enemy in his choice of weapons , we must not refuse to do so . The first use of gas by the British was at the Battle of Loos , 25 September 1915 , but the attempt was a disaster . Chlorine , codenamed Red Star , was the agent to be used ( 140 tons arrayed in 5,100 cylinders ) , and the attack was dependent on a favourable wind . On this occasion the wind proved fickle , and the gas either lingered in no man 's land or , in places , blew back on the British trenches . This was compounded when the gas could not be released from all the British canisters because the wrong turning keys were sent with them . Subsequent retaliatory German shelling hit some of those unused full cylinders , releasing gas among the British troops . Exacerbating the situation were the primitive flannel gas masks distributed to the British . The masks got hot , and the small eye - pieces misted over , reducing visibility . Some of the troops lifted the masks to get fresh air , causing them to be gassed . 1915 : more deadly gases ( edit ) Plate I , Microscopic section of human lung from phosgene shell poisoning , American Red Cross and Medical Research Committee , An Atlas of Gas Poisoning , 1918 The deficiencies of chlorine were overcome with the introduction of phosgene , which was prepared by a group of French chemists led by Victor Grignard and first used by France in 1915 . Colourless and having an odour likened to `` mouldy hay , '' phosgene was difficult to detect , making it a more effective weapon . Phosgene was sometimes used on its own , but was more often used mixed with an equal volume of chlorine , with the chlorine helping to spread the denser phosgene . The Allies called this combination White Star after the marking painted on shells containing the mixture . Phosgene was a potent killing agent , deadlier than chlorine . It had a potential drawback in that some of the symptoms of exposure took 24 hours or more to manifest . This meant that the victims were initially still capable of putting up a fight ; this could also mean that apparently fit troops would be incapacitated by the effects of the gas on the following day . In the first combined chlorine -- phosgene attack by Germany , against British troops at Wieltje near Ypres , Belgium on 19 December 1915 , 88 tons of the gas were released from cylinders causing 1069 casualties and 69 deaths . The British P gas helmet , issued at the time , was impregnated with sodium phenolate and partially effective against phosgene . The modified PH Gas Helmet , which was impregnated with phenate hexamine and hexamethylene tetramine ( urotropine ) to improve the protection against phosgene , was issued in January 1916 . Around 36,600 tons of phosgene were manufactured during the war , out of a total of 190,000 tons for all chemical weapons , making it second only to chlorine ( 93,800 tons ) in the quantity manufactured : Germany 18,100 tons France 15,700 tons United Kingdom 1,400 tons ( also used French stocks ) United States 1,400 tons ( also used French stocks ) Phosgene was never as notorious in public consciousness as mustard gas , but it killed far more people , about 85 % of the 90,000 deaths caused by chemical weapons during World War I . 1916 : Austrian use ( edit ) Italian dead after the Austrian gas attack on Monte San Michele On 29 June 1916 , Austrian forces attacked the Italian lines on Monte San Michele with a mix of phosgene and chlorine gas . Thousands of Italian soldiers died in this first chemical weapons attack on the Italian Front . 1917 : mustard gas ( edit ) Plate X , Microscopic section of human lung from mustard gas poisoning , American Red Cross and Medical Research Committee , An Atlas of Gas Poisoning , 1918 The most widely reported and , perhaps , the most effective chemical agent of the First World War was sulfur mustard , known as `` mustard gas '' . It is a volatile oily liquid . It was introduced as a vesicant by Germany in July 1917 prior to the Third Battle of Ypres . The Germans marked their shells yellow for mustard gas and green for chlorine and phosgene ; hence they called the new gas Yellow Cross . It was known to the British as HS ( Hun Stuff ) , and the French called it Yperite ( named after Ypres ) . A Canadian soldier with mustard gas burns , 1917 / 1918 Mustard gas is not an effective killing agent ( though in high enough doses it is fatal ) but can be used to harass and disable the enemy and pollute the battlefield . Delivered in artillery shells , mustard gas was heavier than air , and it settled to the ground as an oily liquid . Once in the soil , mustard gas remained active for several days , weeks , or even months , depending on the weather conditions . The skin of victims of mustard gas blistered , their eyes became very sore and they began to vomit . Mustard gas caused internal and external bleeding and attacked the bronchial tubes , stripping off the mucous membrane . This was extremely painful . Fatally injured victims sometimes took four or five weeks to die of mustard gas exposure . One nurse , Vera Brittain , wrote : `` I wish those people who talk about going on with this war whatever it costs could see the soldiers suffering from mustard gas poisoning . Great mustard - coloured blisters , blind eyes , all sticky and stuck together , always fighting for breath , with voices a mere whisper , saying that their throats are closing and they know they will choke . '' The polluting nature of mustard gas meant that it was not always suitable for supporting an attack as the assaulting infantry would be exposed to the gas when they advanced . When Germany launched Operation Michael on 21 March 1918 , they saturated the Flesquières salient with mustard gas instead of attacking it directly , believing that the harassing effect of the gas , coupled with threats to the salient 's flanks , would make the British position untenable . Gas never reproduced the dramatic success of 22 April 1915 ; it became a standard weapon which , combined with conventional artillery , was used to support most attacks in the later stages of the war . Gas was employed primarily on the Western Front -- the static , confined trench system was ideal for achieving an effective concentration . Germany also used gas against Russia on the Eastern Front , where the lack of effective countermeasures resulted in deaths of over 56,000 Russians , while Britain experimented with gas in Palestine during the Second Battle of Gaza . Russia began manufacturing chlorine gas in 1916 , with phosgene being produced later in the year . Most of the manufactured gas was never used . The British Army first used mustard gas in November 1917 at Cambrai , after their armies had captured a stockpile of German mustard gas shells . It took the British more than a year to develop their own mustard gas weapon , with production of the chemicals centred on Avonmouth Docks . ( The only option available to the British was the Despretz -- Niemann -- Guthrie process ) . This was used first in September 1918 during the breaking of the Hindenburg Line with the Hundred Days ' Offensive . The Allies mounted more gas attacks than the Germans in 1917 and 1918 because of a marked increase in production of gas from the Allied nations . Germany was unable to keep up with this pace despite creating various new gases for use in battle , mostly as a result of very costly methods of production . Entry into the war by the United States allowed the Allies to increase mustard gas production far more than Germany . Also the prevailing wind on the Western Front was blowing from west to east , which meant the British more frequently had favourable conditions for a gas release than did the Germans . When the United States entered the war , it was already mobilizing resources from academic , industry and military sectors for research and development into poison gas . A Subcommittee on Noxious Gases was created by the National Research Committee , a major research centre was established at Camp American University , and the 1st Gas Regiment was recruited . The 1st Gas Regiment eventually served in France , where it used phosgene gas in several attacks . The Artillery used mustard gas with significant effect during the Meuse Argonne Offensive on at least three occasions . The United States began large - scale production of an improved vesicant gas known as Lewisite , for use in an offensive planned for early 1919 . By the time of the armistice on 11 November , a plant near Willoughby , Ohio was producing 10 tons per day of the substance , for a total of about 150 tons . It is uncertain what effect this new chemical would have had on the battlefield , as it degrades in moist conditions . Post-war ( edit ) By the end of the war , chemical weapons had lost much of their effectiveness against well trained and equipped troops . At that time , chemical weapon agents inflicted an estimated 1.3 million casualties . Nevertheless , in the following years , chemical weapons were used in several , mainly colonial , wars where one side had an advantage in equipment over the other . The British used poison gas , possibly adamsite , against Russian revolutionary troops beginning on 27 August 1919 and contemplated using chemical weapons against Iraqi insurgents in the 1920s ; Bolshevik troops used poison gas to suppress the Tambov Rebellion in 1920 , Spain used chemical weapons in Morocco against Rif tribesmen throughout the 1920s and Italy used mustard gas in Libya in 1930 and again during its invasion of Ethiopia in 1936 . In 1925 , a Chinese warlord , Zhang Zuolin , contracted a German company to build him a mustard gas plant in Shenyang , which was completed in 1927 . Public opinion had by then turned against the use of such weapons which led to the Geneva Protocol , an updated and extensive prohibition of poison weapons . The Protocol , which was signed by most First World War combatants in 1925 , bans the use ( but not the stockpiling ) of lethal gas and bacteriological weapons . Most countries that signed ratified it within around five years ; a few took much longer -- Brazil , Japan , Uruguay , and the United States did not do so until the 1970s , and Nicaragua ratified it in 1990 . The signatory nations agreed not to use poison gas in the future , stating `` the use in war of asphyxiating , poisonous or other gases , and of all analogous liquids , materials or devices , has been justly condemned by the general opinion of the civilized world . '' Chemical weapons have been used in at least a dozen wars since the end of the First World War ; they were not used in combat on a large scale until Iraq used mustard gas and the more deadly nerve agents in the Halabja chemical attack near the end of the 8 - year Iran -- Iraq War . The full conflict 's use of such weaponry killed around 20,000 Iranian troops ( and injured another 80,000 ) , around a quarter of the number of deaths caused by chemical weapons during the First World War . Effect on World War II ( edit ) All major combatants stockpiled chemical weapons during the Second World War , but the only reports of its use in the conflict were the Japanese use of relatively small amounts of mustard gas and lewisite in China , Italy 's use of gas in Ethiopia ( in what is more often considered to be the Second Italo - Ethiopian War ) , and very rare occurrences in Europe ( for example some mustard gas bombs were dropped on Warsaw on 3 September 1939 , which Germany acknowledged in 1942 but indicated had been accidental ) . Mustard gas was the agent of choice , with the British stockpiling 40,719 tons , the Soviets 77,400 tons , the Americans over 87,000 tons and the Germans 27,597 tons . The destruction of an American cargo ship containing mustard gas led to many casualties in Bari , Italy , in December 1943 . In both Axis and Allied nations , children in school were taught to wear gas masks in case of gas attack . Germany developed the poison gases tabun , sarin , and soman during the war , and used Zyklon B in their extermination camps . Neither Germany nor the Allied nations used any of their war gases in combat , despite maintaining large stockpiles and occasional calls for their use . Poison gas played an important role in the Holocaust . Britain made plans to use mustard gas on the landing beaches in the event of an invasion of the United Kingdom in 1940 . The United States considered using gas to support their planned invasion of Japan . Casualties ( edit ) The contribution of gas weapons to the total casualty figures was relatively minor . British figures , which were accurately maintained from 1916 , recorded that 3 % of gas casualties were fatal , 2 % were permanently invalid and 70 % were fit for duty again within six weeks . It was remarked as a joke that if someone yelled ' Gas ' , everyone in France would put on a mask ... Gas shock was as frequent as shell shock . -- H. Allen , Towards the Flame , 1934 John Singer Sargent 's 1918 painting Gassed Gas ! GAS ! Quick , boys ! -- An ecstasy of fumbling , Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time ; But someone still was yelling out and stumbling , And flound'ring like a man in fire or lime ... Dim , through the misty panes and thick green light , As under a green sea , I saw him drowning . In all my dreams , before my helpless sight , He plunges at me , guttering , choking , drowning . -- Wilfred Owen , `` Dulce et Decorum est '' , 1917 Plate III , Pallid type of asphyxia from phosgene poisoning , with circulatory failure , American Red Cross and Medical Research Committee , An Atlas of Gas Poisoning , 1918 Death by gas was often slow and painful . According to Denis Winter ( Death 's Men , 1978 ) , a fatal dose of phosgene eventually led to `` shallow breathing and retching , pulse up to 120 , an ashen face and the discharge of four pints ( 2 litres ) of yellow liquid from the lungs each hour for the 48 of the drowning spasms . '' A common fate of those exposed to gas was blindness , chlorine gas or mustard gas being the main causes . One of the most famous First World War paintings , Gassed by John Singer Sargent , captures such a scene of mustard gas casualties which he witnessed at a dressing station at Le Bac - du - Sud near Arras in July 1918 . ( The gases used during that battle ( tear gas ) caused temporary blindness and / or a painful stinging in the eyes . These bandages were normally water - soaked to provide a rudimentary form of pain relief to the eyes of casualties before they reached more organized medical help . ) The proportion of mustard gas fatalities to total casualties was low ; 2 % of mustard gas casualties died and many of these succumbed to secondary infections rather than the gas itself . Once it was introduced at the third battle of Ypres , mustard gas produced 90 % of all British gas casualties and 14 % of battle casualties of any type . Estimated gas casualties Nation Fatal Total ( Fatal & non-fatal ) Russia 56,000 419,340 Germany 9,000 200,000 France 8,000 190,000 British Empire ( includes Canada ) 8,109 188,706 Austria - Hungary 3,000 100,000 United States 1,462 72,807 Italy 4,627 60,000 Total 90,198 1,230,853 Mustard gas was a source of extreme dread . In The Anatomy of Courage ( 1945 ) , Lord Moran , who had been a medical officer during the war , wrote : After July 1917 gas partly usurped the role of high explosive in bringing to head a natural unfitness for war . The gassed men were an expression of trench fatigue , a menace when the manhood of the nation had been picked over . Mustard gas did not need to be inhaled to be effective -- any contact with skin was sufficient . Exposure to 0.1 ppm was enough to cause massive blisters . Higher concentrations could burn flesh to the bone . It was particularly effective against the soft skin of the eyes , nose , armpits and groin , since it dissolved in the natural moisture of those areas . Typical exposure would result in swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids , forcing them closed and rendering the victim temporarily blind . Where it contacted the skin , moist red patches would immediately appear which after 24 hours would have formed into blisters . Other symptoms included severe headache , elevated pulse and temperature ( fever ) , and pneumonia ( from blistering in the lungs ) . Many of those who survived a gas attack were scarred for life . Respiratory disease and failing eyesight were common post-war afflictions . Of the Canadians who , without any effective protection , had withstood the first chlorine attacks during Second Ypres , 60 % of the casualties had to be repatriated and half of these were still unfit by the end of the war , over three years later . Many of those who were fairly soon recorded as fit for service were left with scar tissue in their lungs . This tissue was susceptible to tuberculosis attack . It was from this that many of the 1918 casualties died , around the time of the Second World War , shortly before sulfa drugs became widely available for its treatment . British casualties ( edit ) British forces gas casualties on the Western Front Date Agent Casualties ( official ) Fatal Non-fatal April -- May 1915 Chlorine 350 7,000 May 1915 -- June 1916 Lachrymants 0 0 December 1915 -- August 1916 Chlorine 1,013 4,207 July 1916 -- July 1917 Various 532 8,806 July 1917 -- November 1918 Mustard gas 4,086 160,526 April 1915 -- November 1918 Total 5,981 180,539 A British nurse treating mustard gas cases recorded : They can not be bandaged or touched . We cover them with a tent of propped - up sheets . Gas burns must be agonizing because usually the other cases do not complain even with the worst wounds but gas cases are invariably beyond endurance and they can not help crying out . A postmortem account from the British official medical history records one of the British casualties : Case four . Aged 39 years . Gassed 29 July 1917 . Admitted to casualty clearing station the same day . Died about ten days later . Brownish pigmentation present over large surfaces of the body . A white ring of skin where the wrist watch was . Marked superficial burning of the face and scrotum . The larynx much congested . The whole of the trachea was covered by a yellow membrane . The bronchi contained abundant gas . The lungs fairly voluminous . The right lung showing extensive collapse at the base . Liver congested and fatty . Stomach showed numerous submucous haemorrhages . The brain substance was unduly wet and very congested . Civilian casualties ( edit ) The distribution of gas cloud casualties was not limited to the front . Nearby towns were at risk from winds blowing the poison gases through . Civilians rarely had a warning system to alert their neighbours of the danger and often did not have access to effective gas masks . When the gas came to the towns it could easily get into houses through open windows and doors . An estimated 100,000 - 260,000 civilian casualties were caused by chemical weapons during the conflict and tens of thousands ( along with military personnel ) died from scarring of the lungs , skin damage , and cerebral damage in the years after the conflict ended . Many commanders on both sides knew that such weapons would cause major harm to civilians as wind would blow poison gases into nearby civilian towns but nonetheless continued to use them throughout the war . British Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig wrote in his diary : `` My officers and I were aware that such weapon would cause harm to women and children living in nearby towns , as strong winds were common on the battlefront . However , because the weapon was to be directed against the enemy , none of us were overly concerned at all . '' Countermeasures ( edit ) A Smelling Case to allow officers to identify the gas by smell and thus act appropriately for protection and treatment None of the First World War 's combatants were prepared for the introduction of poison gas as a weapon . Once gas was introduced , development of gas protection began and the process continued for much of the war producing a series of increasingly effective gas masks . Even at Second Ypres , Germany , still unsure of the weapon 's effectiveness , only issued breathing masks to the engineers handling the gas . At Ypres a Canadian medical officer , who was also a chemist , quickly identified the gas as chlorine and recommended that the troops urinate on a cloth and hold it over their mouth and nose . The first official equipment issued was similarly crude ; a pad of material , usually impregnated with a chemical , tied over the lower face . To protect the eyes from tear gas , soldiers were issued with gas goggles . British Vickers machine gun crew wearing PH gas helmets with exhaust tubes The next advance was the introduction of the gas helmet -- basically a bag placed over the head . The fabric of the bag was impregnated with a chemical to neutralize the gas -- the chemical would wash out into the soldier 's eyes whenever it rained . Eye - pieces , which were prone to fog up , were initially made from talc . When going into combat , gas helmets were typically worn rolled up on top of the head , to be pulled down and secured about the neck when the gas alarm was given . The first British version was the Hypo helmet , the fabric of which was soaked in sodium hyposulfite ( commonly known as `` hypo '' ) . The British P gas helmet , partially effective against phosgene and with which all infantry were equipped with at Loos , was impregnated with sodium phenolate . A mouthpiece was added through which the wearer would breathe out to prevent carbon dioxide build - up . The adjutant of the 1 / 23rd Battalion , The London Regiment , recalled his experience of the P helmet at Loos : The goggles rapidly dimmed over , and the air came through in such suffocatingly small quantities as to demand a continuous exercise of will - power on the part of the wearers . A modified version of the P Helmet , called the PH Helmet , was issued in January 1916 , and was impregnated with hexamethylenetetramine to improve the protection against phosgene . Australian infantry wearing Small Box Respirators , Ypres , September 1917 Self - contained box respirators represented the culmination of gas mask development during the First World War . Box respirators used a two - piece design ; a mouthpiece connected via a hose to a box filter . The box filter contained granules of chemicals that neutralised the gas , delivering clean air to the wearer . Separating the filter from the mask enabled a bulky but efficient filter to be supplied . Nevertheless , the first version , known as the Large Box Respirator ( LBR ) or `` Harrison 's Tower '' , was deemed too bulky -- the box canister needed to be carried on the back . The LBR had no mask , just a mouthpiece and nose clip ; separate gas goggles had to be worn . It continued to be issued to the artillery gun crews but the infantry were supplied with the `` Small Box Respirator '' ( SBR ) . The Small Box Respirator featured a single - piece , close - fitting rubberized mask with eye - pieces . The box filter was compact and could be worn around the neck . The SBR could be readily upgraded as more effective filter technology was developed . The British - designed SBR was also adopted for use by the American Expeditionary Force . The SBR was the prized possession of the ordinary infantryman ; when the British were forced to retreat during the German Spring Offensive of 1918 , it was found that while some troops had discarded their rifles , hardly any had left behind their respirators . Horses and mules were important methods of transport that could be endangered if they came into close contact with gas . This was not so much of a problem until it became common to launch gas great distances . This caused researchers to develop masks that could be used on animals such as dogs , horses , mules , and even carrier pigeons . For mustard gas , which could cause severe damage by simply making contact with skin , no effective countermeasure was found during the war . The kilt - wearing Scottish regiments were especially vulnerable to mustard gas injuries due to their bare legs . At Nieuwpoort in Flanders some Scottish battalions took to wearing women 's tights beneath the kilt as a form of protection . Gas alert by Arthur Streeton , 1918 Gas alert procedure became a routine for the front - line soldier . To warn of a gas attack , a bell would be rung , often made from a spent artillery shell . At the noisy batteries of the siege guns , a compressed air strombus horn was used , which could be heard nine miles ( 14 km ) away . Notices would be posted on all approaches to an affected area , warning people to take precautions . Other British attempts at countermeasures were not so effective . An early plan was to use 100,000 fans to disperse the gas . Burning coal or carborundum dust was tried . A proposal was made to equip front - line sentries with diving helmets , air being pumped to them through a 100 ft ( 30 m ) hose . The effectiveness of all countermeasures is apparent . In 1915 , when poison gas was relatively new , less than 3 % of British gas casualties died . In 1916 , the proportion of fatalities jumped to 17 % . By 1918 , the figure was back below 3 % , though the total number of British gas casualties was now nine times the 1915 levels . Various gas masks employed on the Western Front during the war Delivery systems ( edit ) This section does not cite any sources . Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( January 2012 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) A British cylinder release at Montauban on the Somme , June 1916 -- part of the preparation for the Battle of the Somme . The first system employed for the mass delivery of gas involved releasing the gas cylinders in a favourable wind such that it was carried over the enemy 's trenches . The Hague Convention of 1899 prohibited the use of poisons gasses delivered by projectiles . The main advantage of this method was that it was relatively simple and , in suitable atmospheric conditions , produced a concentrated cloud capable of overwhelming the gas mask defences . The disadvantages of cylinder releases were numerous . First and foremost , delivery was at the mercy of the wind . If the wind was fickle , as was the case at Loos , the gas could backfire , causing friendly casualties . Gas clouds gave plenty of warning , allowing the enemy time to protect themselves , though many soldiers found the sight of a creeping gas cloud unnerving . Gas clouds had limited penetration , only capable of affecting the front - line trenches before dissipating . Finally , the cylinders had to be emplaced at the very front of the trench system so that the gas was released directly over no man 's land . This meant that the cylinders had to be manhandled through communication trenches , often clogged and sodden , and stored at the front where there was always the risk that cylinders would be prematurely breached during a bombardment . A leaking cylinder could issue a telltale wisp of gas that , if spotted , would be sure to attract shellfire . German gas attack on the eastern front . A British chlorine cylinder , known as an `` oojah '' , weighed 190 lb ( 86 kg ) , of which 60 lb ( 27 kg ) was chlorine gas , and required two men to carry . Phosgene gas was introduced later in a cylinder , known as a `` mouse '' , that weighed 50 lb ( 23 kg ) . Delivering gas via artillery shell overcame many of the risks of dealing with gas in cylinders . The Germans , for example , used 5.9 - inch ( 150 mm ) artillery shells . Gas shells were independent of the wind and increased the effective range of gas , making anywhere within reach of the guns vulnerable . Gas shells could be delivered without warning , especially the clear , nearly odourless phosgene -- there are numerous accounts of gas shells , landing with a `` plop '' rather than exploding , being initially dismissed as dud HE or shrapnel shells , giving the gas time to work before the soldiers were alerted and took precautions . Loading a battery of Livens gas projectors The main flaw associated with delivering gas via artillery was the difficulty of achieving a killing concentration . Each shell had a small gas payload and an area would have to be subjected to a saturation bombardment to produce a cloud to match cylinder delivery . Mustard gas did not need to form a concentrated cloud and hence artillery was the ideal vehicle for delivery of this battlefield pollutant . The solution to achieving a lethal concentration without releasing from cylinders was the `` gas projector '' , essentially a large - bore mortar that fired the entire cylinder as a missile . The British Livens projector ( invented by Captain W.H. Livens in 1917 ) was a simple device ; an 8 - inch ( 200 mm ) diameter tube sunk into the ground at an angle , a propellant was ignited by an electrical signal , firing the cylinder containing 30 or 40 lb ( 14 or 18 kg ) of gas up to 1,900 metres . By arranging a battery of these projectors and firing them simultaneously , a dense concentration of gas could be achieved . The Livens was first used at Arras on 4 April 1917 . On 31 March 1918 the British conducted their largest ever `` gas shoot '' , firing 3,728 cylinders at Lens . Unexploded weapons ( edit ) Phosgene delivery system unearthed at the Somme , 2006 Over 16,000,000 acres ( 65,000 km ) of France had to be cordoned off at the end of the war because of unexploded ordnance . About 20 % of the chemical shells were duds , and approximately 13 million of these munitions were left in place . This has been a serious problem in former battle areas from immediately after the end of the War until the present . Shells may be , for instance , uncovered when farmers plough their fields ( termed the ' iron harvest ' ) , and are also regularly discovered when public works or construction work is done . Another difficulty is the current stringency of environmental legislation . In the past , a common method of getting rid of unexploded chemical ammunition was to detonate or dump it at sea ; this is currently prohibited in most countries . The problems are especially acute in some northern regions of France . The French government no longer disposes of chemical weapons at sea . For this reason , piles of untreated chemical weapons accumulated . In 2001 , it became evident that the pile stored at a depot in Vimy was unsafe ; the inhabitants of the neighbouring town were evacuated , and the pile moved , using refrigerated trucks and under heavy guard , to a military camp in Suippes . The capacity of the plant is meant to be 25 tons per year ( extensible to 80 tons at the beginning ) , for a lifetime of 30 years . Germany has to deal with unexploded ammunition and polluted lands resulting from the explosion of an ammunition train in 1919 . Aside from unexploded shells , there have been claims that poison residues have remained in the local environment for an extended period , though this is unconfirmed ; well known but unverified anecdotes claim that as late as the 1960s trees in the area retained enough mustard gas residue to injure farmers or construction workers who were clearing them . Gases used ( edit ) Name First use Type Used by Xylyl bromide 1914 Lachrymatory , toxic Both Chlorine 1915 Corrosive . Lung irritant Both Phosgene 1915 Irritant - Skin and mucous membranes . Corrosive , toxic Both Benzyl bromide 1915 Lachrymatory Central Powers Chloromethyl chloroformate 1915 Irritant - Eyes , skin , lungs Both Trichloromethyl chloroformate 1916 Severe irritant , causes burns Both Chloropicrin 1916 Irritant , lachrymatory , toxic Both Stannic chloride 1916 Severe irritant , causes asphyxiating Allies Ethyl iodoacetate 1916 Lachrymatory , toxic Allies Bromoacetone 1916 Lachrymatory , irritant Both Monobromomethyl ethyl ketone 1916 Lachrymatory , irritant Central Powers Acrolein 1916 Lachrymatory , toxic Central Powers Hydrogen cyanide ( Prussic acid ) 1916 Toxic , asphyxiant Allies Hydrogen sulfide ( sulphuretted hydrogen ) 1916 Irritant , toxic Allies Diphenylchloroarsine ( Diphenyl chlorasine ) 1917 Irritant / Sternutatory ( causes sneezing ) Central Powers α - chlorotoluene ( Benzyl chloride ) 1917 Irritant , lachrymatory Central Powers Mustard gas ( Bis ( 2 - chloroethyl ) sulfide ) 1917 Vesicant ( blistering agent ) , lung irritant Both Bis ( chloromethyl ) ether ( dichloromethyl ether ) 1918 Irritant , can blur vision Central Powers Ethyldichloroarsine 1918 Vesicant Central Powers N - Ethylcarbazole 679 1918 Irritant Central Powers Long - term Health effects ( edit ) Soldiers who claimed to have been exposed to chemical warfare have often presented with unusual medical conditions which has led to much controversy . The lack of information has left doctors , patients , and their families in the dark in terms of prognosis and treatment . Nerve agents such as sarin , tabun , and soman are believed to have the most significant long - term health effects . Chronic fatigue and memory loss have been reported to last up to three years after exposure . In the years following World War One , there were many conferences held in attempts to abolish the use of chemical weapons all together , such as the Washington Naval Conference ( 1921 -- 22 ) , Geneva Conference ( 1923 -- 25 ) and the World Disarmament Conference ( 1933 ) . The United States was an original signatory of the Geneva Protocol in 1925 , but the US Senate did not ratify it until 1975 . Although the health effects are generally chronic in nature , the exposures were generally acute . A positive correlation has been proven between exposure to mustard agents and skin cancers , other respiratory and skin conditions , leukemia , several eye conditions , bone marrow depression and subsequent immunosuppression , psychological disorders and sexual dysfunction . Chemicals used in the production of chemical weapons have also left residues in the soil where the weapons were used . The chemicals that have been detected can cause cancer and can affect the brain , blood , liver , kidneys and skin . Despite the evidence in support of long - term health effects , there are studies that show just the opposite . Some US veterans who were closely affected by chemical weapons showed no neurological evidence in the following years . These same studies showed that one single contact with chemical weapons would be enough to cause long - term health effects . Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ The US reportedly had about 135,000 tons of chemical warfare agents during WW II ; Germany had 70,000 tons , Britain 40,000 and Japan 7,500 tons . The German nerve gases were deadlier than the old - style suffocants ( chlorine , phosgene ) and blistering agents ( mustard gas ) in Allied stockpiles . Churchill , and several American Generals reportedly called for their use against Germany and Japan , respectively ( Weber , 1985 ) . Jump up ^ See the Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft and the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Adrienne Mayor ( 29 September 2003 ) . Greek Fire , Poison Arrows and Scorpion Bombs : Biological and Chemical Warfare in the Ancient World . Overlook Books . ISBN 1 - 58567 - 348 - X . Jump up ^ Andre Richardt ( 26 December 2012 ) . CBRN Protection : Managing the Threat of Chemical , Biological , Radioactive and Nuclear Weapons . Wiley - VCH . ISBN 978 - 3 - 527 - 32413 - 2 . Jump up ^ Reddy , Chris ( 2 April 2007 ) . `` The Growing Menace of Chemical War '' . Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution . Retrieved 30 July 2007 . Jump up ^ Saffo , Paul ( 2000 ) . `` Paul Saffo presentation '' . Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution . Archived from the original on 27 September 2007 . Retrieved 30 July 2007 . Jump up ^ Telford Taylor ( 1 November 1993 ) . The Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials : A Personal Memoir. Little , Brown and Company . ISBN 0 - 316 - 83400 - 9 . Jump up ^ Thomas Graham ; Damien J. Lavera ( May 2003 ) . Cornerstones of Security : Arms Control Treaties in the Nuclear Era . University of Washington Press . pp. 7 -- 9 . ISBN 0 - 295 - 98296 - 9 . Jump up ^ Haber , Ludwig Fritz ( 1986 ) . The Poisonous Cloud : Chemical Warfare in the First World War . Oxford University press . ISBN 0 - 19 - 858142 - 4 . ^ Jump up to : Heller , Charles E ( September 1984 ) . `` Chemical Warfare in World War I : The American Experience , 1917 -- 1918 '' . US Army Command and General Staff College Jump up ^ Taylor , L.B. ; Taylor , C.L. ( 1992 ) . Chemical and Biological Warfare ( Revised ed . ) . Franklin Watts . ISBN 0 - 531 - 13029 - 0 . Jump up ^ Van der Kloot , W. ( 2004 ) . `` April 1915 : Five Future Nobel Prize - winners inaugurate weapons of mass destruction and the academic - industrial - military complex '' . Notes and Records . 58 ( 2 ) : 149 -- 160 . Jump up ^ Romano , James A. ; Lukey , Brian J. ; Salem , Harry ( 2007 ) . Chemical warfare agents : chemistry , pharmacology , toxicology , and therapeutics ( 2nd ed . ) . CRC Press . p. 5 . ISBN 1 - 4200 - 4661 - 6 . Jump up ^ Legg , J. ; Parker , G. ( 2002 ) . `` The Germans develop a new weapon : the gas cloud '' . The Great War . Retrieved 6 August 2007 . Jump up ^ `` Fritz Haber '' . Science History Institute . Retrieved 20 March 2018 . Jump up ^ Abelshauser , Werner ( 2003 ) . German Industry and Global Enterprise , BASF : The History of a Company . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 0 - 521 - 82726 - 4 . Jump up ^ Aksulu , N. Melek ( May 2006 ) . `` Die Feldpostbriefe Karl v. Zinglers aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg '' ( PDF ) . Nobilitas , Zeitschrift für deutsche Adelsforschung Folge . IX ( 41 ) : 57 . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on 5 March 2009 . Retrieved 28 December 2008 . Rousselare 2 Januar 15 ... Auf anderen Kriegsschauplätzen ist es ja auch nicht besser und die Wirkung von unserem Chlor soll ja sehr gut sein . Es sollen 140 englische Offiziere erledigt worden sein . Es ist doch eine furchtbare Waffe ... Jump up ^ General R. Hure , page 283 , L'Armee d'Afrique 1830 - 1962 , Charles - Lavauzelle 1972 Jump up ^ Tucker , Jonathan B. ( 2006 ) . War of Nerves : Chemical Warfare from World War I to Al - Queda . Pantheon Books . ISBN 0 - 375 - 42229 - 3 . 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ISBN 90 - 411 - 1099 - 2 Jump up ^ J.C. ( 17 April 2001 ) . `` Sécurité . Les 55 tonnes d'obus chimiques sont stockées au camp militaire de Suippes '' ( in French ) . L'Humanité . Archived from the original on 21 September 2006 . Retrieved 30 July 2007 . ^ Jump up to : J.C. ( 17 April 2001 ) . `` Déminage '' ( in French ) . Sénat . Retrieved 30 July 2007 . Jump up ^ Browne , Malcomb W. ( 22 March 1995 ) . `` Terror in Tokyo : The Poison ; Sarin Just One of Many Deadly Gases Terrorists Could Use '' . The New York Times . Retrieved 29 April 2009 . ^ Jump up to : Cowell , E.M. ( October 1939 ) . `` Chemical Warfare and the Doctor '' . The British Medical Journal . 2 ( 4109 ) : 736 -- 738 . doi : 10.1136 / bmj. 2.4109. 736 . ^ Jump up to : Gibson , Adelno ( July 1937 ) . `` Chemical Warfare as Developed During the World War -- Probable Future Development '' . Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine . 13 ( 7 ) : 397 -- 421 . PMC 1966130 . PMID 19312026 . Jump up ^ Glyn Volans , `` Long - term effects of chemical weapons , '' The Lancet , 360 , ( December 2002 ) : 36 . Jump up ^ Mary Fox , Frank Curriero , Kathryn Kulbicki , Beth Resnick , Thomas Burke , `` Evaluating the Community Health Legacy of WWI Chemical Weapons Testing , '' Journal of Community Health , 35 , ( 18 November 2009 ) : 96 . Jump up ^ Mary Fox , Frank Curriero , Kathryn Kulbicki , Beth Resnick , Thomas Burke , `` Evaluating the Community Health Legacy of WWI Chemical Weapons Testing , '' Journal of Community Health , 35 , ( 18 November 2009 ) : 96 - 97 . Jump up ^ James R. Riddle , `` Chemical Warfare and the Gulf War : A Review of the Impact on Gulf Veterans ' Health , '' Military Medicine , 168 , ( August 2003 ) : 607 . Further reading ( edit ) Freemantle , M. ( 2012 ) . Gas ! GAS ! Quick , boys ! How Chemistry Changed the First World War . The History Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7524 - 6601 - 9 . MacPherson , W.G. ; Herringham , W.P. ; Elliott , T.R. ; Balfour , A. ( 1923 ) . Medical Services : Diseases of the War : Including the Medical Aspects of Aviation and Gas Warfare and Gas Poisoning in Tanks and Mines . History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence. II . London : HMSO . OCLC 769752656 . Retrieved 19 October 2014 . External links ( edit ) Faith , Thomas I. : Gas Warfare , in : 1914 - 1918 - online . International Encyclopedia of the First World War . Chemical Weapons in World War I Gas Warfare Gas - Poisoning , by Arthur Hurst , M.A. , MD ( Oxon ) , FRCP 1917 effects of chlorine gas poisoning Understanding Chemical Weapons in the First World War World War I Home fronts Theatres European Balkans Western Front Eastern Front Italian Front Middle Eastern Gallipoli Sinai and Palestine Caucasus Persia Mesopotamia South Arabia African South West East Kamerun Togoland North Asian and Pacific Tsingtao German New Guinea and Samoa At sea North Atlantic U-boat campaign Mediterranean North Sea Baltic Indian , Pacific and South Atlantic Oceans Papeete Madras Penang Cocos Coronel Falkland Islands Más a Tierra Principal participants ( people ) Entente powers Belgium Brazil China France French Empire Greece Italy Japan Montenegro Portuguese Empire Romania Russia Russian Empire Russian Republic Serbia United Kingdom British Empire United States Central Powers Germany Austria - Hungary Ottoman Empire Bulgaria Timeline Pre-War conflicts Scramble for Africa ( 1880 -- 1914 ) Russo - Japanese War ( 1905 ) First Moroccan ( Tangier ) Crisis ( 1905 -- 06 ) Agadir Crisis ( 1911 ) Italo - Turkish War ( 1911 -- 12 ) French conquest of Morocco ( 1911 -- 12 ) First Balkan War ( 1912 -- 13 ) Second Balkan War ( 1913 ) Prelude Origins Sarajevo assassination Anti-Serb riots in Sarajevo July Crisis Autumn 1914 Battle of the Frontiers Battle of Cer First Battle of the Marne Siege of Tsingtao Battle of Tannenberg Battle of Galicia Battle of the Masurian Lakes Battle of Kolubara Battle of Sarikamish Race to the Sea First Battle of Ypres 1915 Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes Second Battle of Ypres Battle of Gallipoli Second Battle of Artois Battles of the Isonzo Gorlice -- Tarnów Offensive Great Retreat Second Battle of Champagne Kosovo Offensive Siege of Kut Battle of Loos 1916 Erzurum Offensive Battle of Verdun Lake Naroch Offensive Battle of Asiago Battle of Jutland Battle of the Somme first day Brusilov Offensive Baranovichi Offensive Battle of Romani Monastir Offensive Battle of Transylvania 1917 Capture of Baghdad First Battle of Gaza Zimmermann Telegram Second Battle of Arras Second Battle of the Aisne Kerensky Offensive Third Battle of Ypres ( Passchendaele ) Battle of Mărășești Battle of Caporetto Southern Palestine Offensive Battle of Cambrai Armistice of Erzincan 1918 Operation Faustschlag Treaty of Brest - Litovsk Spring Offensive Battle of Goychay Battle of Aghsu Battle of Kyurdamir Second Battle of the Marne Battle of Baku Hundred Days Offensive Vardar Offensive Battle of Megiddo Third Transjordan attack Meuse - Argonne Offensive Battle of Vittorio Veneto Battle of Aleppo Armistice of Salonica Armistice of Mudros Armistice of Villa Giusti Armistice with Germany Other conflicts Mexican Revolution ( 1910 -- 20 ) Somaliland Campaign ( 1910 -- 20 ) Libyan resistance movement ( 1911 -- 43 ) Maritz Rebellion ( 1914 -- 15 ) Zaian War ( 1914 -- 21 ) Indo - German Conspiracy ( 1914 -- 19 ) Senussi Campaign ( 1915 -- 16 ) Volta - Bani War ( 1915 -- 17 ) Easter Rising ( 1916 ) Anglo - Egyptian Darfur Expedition ( 1916 ) Kaocen Revolt ( 1916 -- 17 ) Central Asian Revolt ( 1916 - 17 ) Russian Revolution ( 1917 ) Finnish Civil War ( 1918 ) Post-War conflicts Russian Civil War ( 1917 -- 21 ) Ukrainian -- Soviet War ( 1917 -- 21 ) Armenian -- Azerbaijani War ( 1918 -- 20 ) Georgian -- Armenian War ( 1918 ) German Revolution ( 1918 -- 19 ) Revolutions and interventions in Hungary ( 1918 -- 20 ) Hungarian -- Romanian War ( 1918 -- 19 ) Greater Poland Uprising ( 1918 -- 19 ) Estonian War of Independence ( 1918 -- 20 ) Latvian War of Independence ( 1918 -- 20 ) Lithuanian Wars of Independence ( 1918 -- 20 ) Third Anglo - Afghan War ( 1919 ) Egyptian Revolution ( 1919 ) Polish -- Ukrainian War ( 1918 -- 19 ) Polish -- Soviet War ( 1919 -- 21 ) Irish War of Independence ( 1919 -- 21 ) Turkish War of Independence Greco - Turkish War ( 1919 -- 22 ) Turkish -- Armenian War ( 1920 ) Iraqi revolt ( 1920 ) Polish -- Lithuanian War ( 1920 ) Vlora War ( 1920 ) Franco - Syrian War ( 1920 ) Soviet -- Georgian War ( 1921 ) Irish Civil War ( 1922 -- 23 ) Aspects Opposition Pacifism Anti-war movement Deployment Schlieffen Plan ( German ) Plan XVII ( French ) Warfare Military engagements Naval warfare Convoy system Air warfare Cryptography Room 40 Horse use Poison gas Railways Strategic bombing Technology Trench warfare Total war Christmas truce Last surviving veterans Civilian impact Atrocities Prisoners Casualties Economic history 1918 flu pandemic Destruction of Kalisz Rape of Belgium German occupation of Belgium German occupation of Luxembourg German occupation of northeastern France Ober Ost Ottoman people Armenian Genocide Assyrian genocide Pontic Greek genocide Urkun ( Kyrgyzstan ) Blockade of Germany Women Australia Popular culture German prisoners of war in the United States Agreements Partition of the Ottoman Empire Sykes -- Picot Agreement Agreement of Saint - Jean - de-Maurienne French - Armenian Agreement Damascus Protocol Paris Peace Conference Venizelos -- Tittoni agreement Treaties Treaty of Brest - Litovsk Treaty of Lausanne Treaty of London Treaty of Neuilly Treaty of St. Germain Treaty of Sèvres Treaty of Trianon Treaty of Versailles Consequences Aftermath `` Fourteen Points '' League of Nations World War I memorials In popular culture Centenary outbreak Portal Weapons History Modern American Civil War World War I Chemical Germany Infantry World War II Germany France Italy Soviet Union United Kingdom United States Korean War Vietnam War Premodern Medieval European Types Aircraft Ancillary Anti-aircraft Anti-ballistic Anti-personnel Anti-tank Area denial Artillery Biological Chemical Ceremonial Combat vehicle Conventional Crew - served Cyber Deadly Directed - energy Explosive Firearm Hunting Improvised Incendiary Martial arts Mass destruction Melee Non-lethal Offensive Personal Pneumatic Practice Ranged Space Tectonic Torpedo Toy Other Arsenal Industry Mount Criminal possession Science fiction Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Chemical warfare by conflict Environmental impact of war Military equipment of World War I World War I crimes World War I crimes by Imperial Germany World War I crimes by the British Empire and Commonwealth United Kingdom chemical weapons program Hidden categories : Articles with inconsistent citation formats CS1 : Julian -- Gregorian uncertainty CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list CS1 French - language sources ( fr ) Use dmy dates from April 2018 Use British English from April 2018 All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from April 2009 Articles with unsourced statements from April 2011 Articles with unsourced statements from September 2011 Articles needing additional references from January 2012 All articles needing additional references Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά Español Français Bahasa Indonesia עברית Lietuvių Norsk Polski Português Русский Simple English Svenska Türkçe 9 more Edit links This page was last edited on 13 July 2018 , at 03 : 17 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when was tear gas first used in ww1 | [
"The most frequently used chemicals during World War I were tear-inducing irritants rather than fatal or disabling poisons. During World War I, the French army was the first to employ gas, using 26 mm grenades filled with tear gas (ethyl bromoacetate) in August 1914. The small quantities of gas delivered, roughly 19 cm³ per cartridge, were not even detected by the Germans. The stocks were rapidly consumed and by November a new order was placed by the French military. As bromine was scarce among the Entente allies, the active ingredient was changed to chloroacetone.[7]\n"
] | [
"August 1914"
] |
7221132063699431935 | Kantian ethics | Kantian ethics - wikipedia Kantian ethics Jump to : navigation , search Part of a series on Immanuel Kant Major works Critique of Pure Reason Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics Answering the Question : What is Enlightenment ? Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals Critique of Practical Reason Critique of Judgment Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason Perpetual Peace : A Philosophical Sketch The Metaphysics of Morals Kantianism Kantian ethics Transcendental idealism Critical philosophy Sapere aude Thing - in - itself Schema A priori and a posteriori Analytic -- synthetic distinction Noumenon Categories Categorical imperative Hypothetical imperative `` Kingdom of Ends '' Political philosophy People George Berkeley René Descartes J.G. Fichte F.H. Jacobi G.W.F. Hegel David Hume Arthur Schopenhauer Baruch Spinoza African Spir Johannes Tetens Related topics Schopenhauer 's criticism German idealism Neo-Kantianism Kantian ethics refers to a deontological ethical theory ascribed to the German philosopher Immanuel Kant . The theory , developed as a result of Enlightenment rationalism , is based on the view that the only intrinsically good thing is a good will ; an action can only be good if its maxim -- the principle behind it -- is duty to the moral law . Central to Kant 's construction of the moral law is the categorical imperative , which acts on all people , regardless of their interests or desires . Kant formulated the categorical imperative in various ways . His principle of universalizability requires that , for an action to be permissible , it must be possible to apply it to all people without a contradiction occurring . If a contradiction occurs the act violates Aristotle 's `` Non-contradiction '' concept which states that just actions can not lead to contradictions . Kant 's formulation of humanity , the second section of the Categorical Imperative , states that as an end in itself humans are required never to treat others merely as a means to an end , but always , additionally , as ends in themselves . The formulation of autonomy concludes that rational agents are bound to the moral law by their own will , while Kant 's concept of the Kingdom of Ends requires that people act as if the principles of their actions establish a law for a hypothetical kingdom . Kant also distinguished between perfect and imperfect duties . A perfect duty , such as the duty not to lie , always holds true ; an imperfect duty , such as the duty to give to charity , can be made flexible and applied in particular time and place . American philosopher Louis Pojman has cited Pietism , political philosopher Jean - Jacques Rousseau , the modern debate between rationalism and empiricism , and the influence of natural law as influences on the development of Kant 's ethics . Other philosophers have argued that Kant 's parents and his teacher , Martin Knutzen , influenced his ethics . Those influenced by Kantian ethics include philosopher Jürgen Habermas , political philosopher John Rawls , and psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan . German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel criticised Kant for not providing specific enough detail in his moral theory to affect decision - making and for denying human nature . German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer argued that ethics should attempt to describe how people behave and criticised Kant for being prescriptive . Michael Stocker has argued that acting out of duty can diminish other moral motivations such as friendship , while Marcia Baron has defended the theory by arguing that duty does not diminish other motivations . The Catholic Church has criticised Kant 's ethics as contradictory and regards Christian ethics as more compatible with virtue ethics . The claim that all humans are due dignity and respect as autonomous agents means that medical professionals should be happy for their treatments to be performed on anyone and that patients must never be treated merely as useful for society . Kant 's approach to sexual ethics emerged from his view that humans should never be used merely as a means to an end , leading him to regard sexual activity as degrading and to condemn certain specific sexual practices - for example , extramarital sex . Feminist philosophers have used Kantian ethics to condemn practices such as prostitution and pornography because they treat women as ends . Kant also believed that , because animals do not possess rationality , we can not have duties to them except indirect duties not to develop immoral dispositions through cruelty towards them . Kant used the example of lying as an application of his ethics : because there is a perfect duty to tell the truth , we must never lie , even if it seems that lying would bring about better consequences than telling the truth . Contents ( hide ) 1 Outline 1.1 Good will and duty 1.1. 1 Perfect and imperfect duties 1.2 Categorical Imperative 1.2. 1 Universalizability 1.2. 2 Humanity as an end in itself 1.2. 3 Formula of autonomy 1.2. 4 Kingdom of Ends 2 Influences on Kantian ethics 3 Significance of Kantian ethics 3.1 Influenced by Kantian ethics 3.1. 1 Jürgen Habermas 3.1. 2 John Rawls 3.1. 3 Jacques Lacan 3.2 Contemporary Kantian ethicists 3.2. 1 Onora O'Neill 3.2. 2 Marcia Baron 3.3 Critics of Kantian ethics 3.3. 1 G.W. F Hegel 3.3. 2 Arthur Schopenhauer 3.3. 3 Friedrich Nietzsche 3.3. 4 John Stuart Mill 3.3. 5 Virtue ethics 3.3. 6 Autonomy 4 Applications 4.1 Medical ethics 4.2 Sexual ethics 4.3 Animal ethics 4.4 Lying 5 References 6 Bibliography 7 External links Outline ( edit ) Portrait of Immanuel Kant , who developed ethical theory Although all of Kant 's work develops his ethical theory , it is most clearly defined in Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals , Critique of Practical Reason and Metaphysics of Morals . As part of the Enlightenment tradition , Kant based his ethical theory on the belief that reason should be used to determine how people ought to act . He did not attempt to prescribe specific action , but instructed that reason should be used to determine how to behave . Good will and duty ( edit ) In his combined works , Kant constructed the basis for an ethical law from the concept of duty . Kant began his ethical theory by arguing that the only virtue that can be unqualifiedly good is a good will . No other virtue has this status because every other virtue can be used to achieve immoral ends ( the virtue of loyalty is not good if one is loyal to an evil person , for example ) . The good will is unique in that it is always good and maintains its moral value even when it fails to achieve its moral intentions . Kant regarded the good will as a single moral principle which freely chooses to use the other virtues for moral ends . For Kant a good will is a broader conception than a will which acts from duty . A will which acts from duty is distinguishable as a will which overcomes hindrances in order to keep the moral law . A dutiful will is thus a special case of a good will which becomes visible in adverse conditions . Kant argues that only acts performed with regard to duty have moral worth . This is not to say that acts performed merely in accordance with duty are worthless ( these still deserve approval and encouragement ) , but that special esteem is given to acts which are performed out of duty . Kant 's conception of duty does not entail that people perform their duties grudgingly . Although duty often constrains people and prompts them to act against their inclinations , it still comes from an agent 's volition : they desire to keep the moral law . Thus , when an agent performs an action from duty it is because the rational incentives matter to them more than their opposing inclinations . Kant wished to move beyond the conception morality as externally imposed duties and present an ethics of autonomy , when rational agents freely recognise the claims reason makes upon them . Perfect and imperfect duties ( edit ) Applying the categorical imperative , duties arise because failure to fulfil them would either result in a contradiction in conception or in a contradiction in the will . The former are classified as perfect duties , the latter as imperfect . A perfect duty always holds true -- there is a perfect duty to tell the truth , so we must never lie . An imperfect duty allows flexibility -- beneficence is an imperfect duty because we are not obliged to be completely beneficent at all times , but may choose the times and places in which we are . Kant believed that perfect duties are more important than imperfect duties : if a conflict between duties arises , the perfect duty must be followed . Categorical imperative ( edit ) Main Article : Categorical Imperative The primary formulation of Kant 's ethics is the categorical imperative , from which he derived four further formulations . Kant made a distinction between categorical and hypothetical imperatives . A hypothetical imperative is one we must obey if we want to satisfy our desires : ' go to the doctor ' is a hypothetical imperative because we are only obliged to obey it if we want to get well . A categorical imperative binds us regardless of our desires : everyone has a duty to not lie , regardless of circumstances and even if it is in our interest to do so . These imperatives are morally binding because they are based on reason , rather than contingent facts about an agent . Unlike hypothetical imperatives , which bind us insofar as we are part of a group or society which we owe duties to , we can not opt out of the categorical imperative because we can not opt out of being rational agents . We owe a duty to rationality by virtue of being rational agents ; therefore , rational moral principles apply to all rational agents at all times . Universalizability ( edit ) Kant 's first formulation of the Categorical Imperative is that of universalizability : Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law . -- Immanuel Kant , Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals ( 1785 ) When someone acts , it is according to a rule , or maxim . For Kant , an act is only permissible if one is willing for the maxim that allows the action to be a universal law by which everyone acts . Maxims fail this test if they produce either a contradiction in conception or a contradiction in the will when universalized . A contradiction in conception happens when , if a maxim were to be universalized , it ceases to make sense because the `` ... maxim would necessarily destroy itself as soon as it was made a universal law . '' For example , if the maxim ' It is permissible to break promises ' was universalized , no one would trust any promises made , so the idea of a promise would become meaningless ; the maxim would be self - contradictory because , when universalized , promises cease to be meaningful . The maxim is not moral because it is logically impossible to universalize -- we could not conceive of a world where this maxim was universalized . A maxim can also be immoral if it creates a contradiction in the will when universalized . This does not mean a logical contradiction , but that universalizing the maxim leads to a state of affairs that no rational being would desire . For example , Driver argues that the maxim ' I will not give to charity ' produces a contradiction in the will when universalized because a world where no one gives to charity would be undesirable for the person who acts by that maxim . Kant believed that morality is the objective law of reason : just as objective physical laws necessitate physical actions ( apples fall down because of gravity , for example ) , objective rational laws necessitate rational actions . He thus believed that a perfectly rational being must also be perfectly moral because a perfectly rational being subjectively finds it necessary to do what is rationally necessary . Because humans are not perfectly rational ( they partly act by instinct ) , Kant believed that humans must conform their subjective will with objective rational laws , which he called conformity obligation . Kant argued that the objective law of reason is a priori , existing externally from rational being . Just as physical laws exist prior to physical beings , rational laws ( morality ) exist prior to rational beings . Therefore , according to Kant , rational morality is universal and can not change depending on circumstance . Humanity as an end in itself ( edit ) Kant 's second formulation of the Categorical Imperative is to treat humanity as an end in itself : Act in such a way that you treat humanity , whether in your own person or in the person of another , always at the same time as an end and never simply as a means . -- Immanuel Kant , Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals ( 1785 ) Kant argued that rational beings can never be treated merely as means to ends ; they must always also be treated as ends themselves , requiring that their own reasoned motives must be equally respected . This derives from Kant 's claim that reason motivates morality : it demands that we respect reason as a motive in all beings , including other people . A rational being can not rationally consent to being used merely as a means to an end , so they must always be treated as an end . Kant justified this by arguing that moral obligation is a rational necessity : that which is rationally willed is morally right . Because all rational agents rationally will themselves to be an end and never merely a means , it is morally obligatory that they are treated as such . This does not mean that we can never treat a human as a means to an end , but that when we do , we also treat him as an end in himself . Formula of autonomy ( edit ) Kant 's Formula of Autonomy expresses the idea that an agent is obliged to follow the Categorical Imperative because of their rational will , rather than any outside influence . Kant believed that any moral law motivated by the desire to fulfill some other interest would deny the Categorical Imperative , leading him to argue that the moral law must only arise from a rational will . This principle requires people to recognize the right of others to act autonomously and means that , as moral laws must be universalisable , what is required of one person is required of all . Kingdom of ends ( edit ) Main article : Kingdom of Ends Another formulation of Kant 's Categorical Imperative is the Kingdom of Ends : A rational being must always regard himself as giving laws either as member or as sovereign in a kingdom of ends which is rendered possible by the freedom of will . -- Immanuel Kant , Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals ( 1785 ) This formulation requires that actions be considered as if their maxim is to provide a law for a hypothetical Kingdom of Ends . Accordingly , people have an obligation to act upon principles that a community of rational agents would accept as laws . In such a community , each individual would only accept maxims that can govern every member of the community without treating any member merely as a means to an end . Although the Kingdom of Ends is an ideal -- the actions of other people and events of nature ensure that actions with good intentions sometimes result in harm -- we are still required to act categorically , as legislators of this ideal kingdom . Influences on Kantian ethics ( edit ) Louis Pojman has suggested four strong influences on Kant 's ethics . The first is the Lutheran sect Pietism , to which Kant 's parents subscribed . Pietism emphasised honesty and moral living over doctrinal belief , more concerned with feeling than rationality . Kant believed that rationality is required , but that it should be concerned with morality and good will . Second is the political philosopher Jean - Jacques Rousseau , whose work , The Social Contract , influenced Kant 's view on the fundamental worth of human beings . Pojman also cites contemporary ethical debates as influential to the development of Kant 's ethics . Kant favoured rationalism over empiricism , which meant he viewed morality as a form of knowledge , rather than something based on human desire . Natural law ( the belief that the moral law is determined by nature ) and intuitionism ( the belief that humans have intuitive awareness of objective moral truths ) were , according to Pojman , also influential for Kant . Biographer of Kant , Manfred Kuhn , suggested that the values Kant 's parents held , of `` hard work , honesty , cleanliness , and independence '' , set him an example and influenced him more than their Pietism did . In the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy , Michael Rohlf suggests that Kant was influenced by his teacher , Martin Knutzen , himself influenced by the work of Christian Wolff and John Locke , and who introduced Kant to the work of English physicist Isaac Newton . Significance of Kantian ethics ( edit ) Influenced by Kantian ethics ( edit ) Jürgen Habermas ( edit ) Photograph of Jurgen Habermas , whose theory of discourse ethics was influenced by Kantian ethics German philosopher Jürgen Habermas has proposed a theory of discourse ethics that he claims is a descendant of Kantian ethics . He proposes that action should be based on communication between those involved , in which their interests and intentions are discussed so they can be understood by all . Rejecting any form of coercion or manipulation , Habermas believes that agreement between the parties is crucial for a moral decision to be reached . Like Kantian ethics , discourse ethics is a cognitive ethical theory , in that it supposes that truth and falsity can be attributed to ethical propositions . It also formulates a rule by which ethical actions can be determined and proposes that ethical actions should be universalisable , in a similar way to Kant 's ethics . Habermas argues that his ethical theory is an improvement on Kant 's ethics . He rejects the dualistic framework of Kant 's ethics . Kant distinguished between the phenomena world , which can be sensed and experienced by humans , and the noumena , or spiritual world , which is inaccessible to humans . This dichotomy was necessary for Kant because it could explain the autonomy of a human agent : although a human is bound in the phenomenal world , their actions are free in the intelligible world . For Habermas , morality arises from discourse , which is made necessary by their rationality and needs , rather than their freedom . John Rawls ( edit ) The social contract theory of political philosopher John Rawls , developed in his work A Theory of Justice , was influenced by Kant 's ethics . Rawls argued that a just society would be fair . To achieve this fairness , he proposed a hypothetical moment prior to the existence of a society , at which the society is ordered : this is the original position . This should take place from behind a veil of ignorance , where no one knows what their own position in society will be , preventing people from being biased by their own interests and ensuring a fair result . Rawls ' theory of justice rests on the belief that individuals are free , equal , and moral ; he regarded all human beings as possessing some degree of reasonableness and rationality , which he saw as the constituents of morality and entitling their possessors to equal justice . Rawls dismissed much of Kant 's dualism , arguing that the structure of Kantian ethics , once reformulated , is clearer without it -- he described this as one of the goals of A Theory of Justice . Jacques Lacan ( edit ) French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan linked psychoanalysis with Kantian ethics in his works The Ethics of Psychoanalysis and Kant avec Sade and compared Kant with the Marquis de Sade . Lacan argued that Sade 's maxim of jouissance -- the pursuit of sexual pleasure or enjoyment -- is morally acceptable by Kant 's criteria because it can be universalised . He proposed that , while Kant presented human freedom as critical to the moral law , Sade further argued that human freedom is only fully realised through the maxim of jouissance . Contemporary Kantian ethicists ( edit ) Onora O'Neill ( edit ) Philosopher Onora O'Neill , who studied under John Rawls at  Harvard University , is a contemporary Kantian ethicist who supports a Kantian approach to issues of social justice . O'Neill argues that a successful Kantian account of social justice must not rely on any unwarranted idealizations or assumption . She notes that philosophers have previously charged Kant with idealizing humans as autonomous beings , without any social context or life goals , though maintains that Kant 's ethics can be read without such an idealization . O'Neill prefers Kant 's conception of reason as practical and available to be used by humans , rather than as principles attached to every human being . Conceiving of reason as a tool to make decisions with means that the only thing able to restrain the principles we adopt is that they could be adopted by all . If we can not will that everyone adopts a certain principle , then we can not give them reasons to adopt it . To use reason , and to reason with other people , we must reject those principles that can not be universally adopted . In this way , O'Neill reached Kant 's formulation of universalisability without adopting an idealistic view of human autonomy . This model of universalisability does not require that we adopt all universalisable principles , but merely prohibits us from adopting those that are not . From this model of Kantian ethics , O'Neill begins to develop a theory of justice . She argues that the rejection of certain principles , such as deception and coercion , provides a starting point for basic conceptions of justice , which she argues are more determinate for human beings that the more abstract principles of equality or liberty . Nevertheless , she concedes that these principles may seem to be excessively demanding : there are many actions and institutions that do rely on non-universalisable principles , such as injury . Marcia Baron ( edit ) In his paper The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories , philosopher Michael Stocker challenges Kantian ethics ( and all modern ethical theories ) by arguing that actions from duty lack certain moral value . He gives the example of Smith , who visits his friend in hospital out of duty , rather than because of the friendship ; he argues that this visit seems morally lacking because it is motivated by the wrong thing . Marcia Baron has attempted to defend Kantian ethics on this point . After presenting a number of reasons that we might find acting out of duty objectionable , she argues that these problems only arise when people misconstrue what their duty is . Acting out of duty is not intrinsically wrong , but immoral consequences can occur when people misunderstand what they are duty - bound to do . Duty need not be seen as cold and impersonal : one may have a duty to cultivate their character or improve their personal relationships . Baron further argues that duty should be construed as a secondary motive -- that is , a motive that regulates and sets conditions on what may be done , rather than prompt specific actions . She argues that , seen this way , duty neither reveals a deficiency in one 's natural inclinations to act , nor undermines the motives and feelings that are essential to friendship . For Baron , being governed by duty does not mean that duty is always the primary motivation to act ; rather , it entails that considerations of duty are always action - guiding . A responsible moral agent should take an interest in moral questions , such as questions of character . These should guide moral agents to act from duty . Critics of Kantian ethics ( edit ) G.W. F Hegel ( edit ) Portrait of G.W.F. Hegel German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel presented two main criticisms of Kantian ethics . He first argued that Kantian ethics provides no specific information about what people should do because Kant 's moral law is solely a principle of non-contradiction . He argued that Kant 's ethics lack any content and so can not constitute a supreme principle of morality . To illustrate this point , Hegel and his followers have presented a number of cases in which the Formula of Universal Law either provides no meaningful answer or gives an obviously wrong answer . Hegel used Kant 's example of being trusted with another man 's money to argue that Kant 's Formula of Universal Law can not determine whether a social system of property is a morally good thing , because either answer can entail contradictions . He also used the example of helping the poor : if everyone helped the poor , there would be no poor left to help , so beneficence would be impossible if universalised , making it immoral according to Kant 's model . Hegel 's second criticism was that Kant 's ethics forces humans into an internal conflict between reason and desire . For Hegel , it is unnatural for humans to suppress their desire and subordinate it to reason . This means that , by not addressing the tension between self - interest and morality , Kant 's ethics can not give humans any reason to be moral . Arthur Schopenhauer ( edit ) German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer criticised Kant 's belief that ethics should concern what ought to be done , insisting that the scope of ethics should be to attempt to explain and interpret what actually happens . Whereas Kant presented an idealized version of what ought to be done in a perfect world , Schopenhauer argued that ethics should instead be practical and arrive at conclusions that could work in the real world , capable of being presented as a solution to the world 's problems . Schopenhauer drew a parallel with aesthetics , arguing that in both cases prescriptive rules are not the most important part of the discipline . Because he believed that virtue can not be taught -- a person is either virtuous or is not -- he cast the proper place of morality as restraining and guiding people 's behavior , rather than presenting unattainable universal laws . Friedrich Nietzsche ( edit ) Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche criticised all contemporary moral systems , with a special focus on Christian and Kantian ethics . He argued that all modern ethical systems share two problematic characteristics : first , they make a metaphysical claim about the nature of humanity , which must be accepted for the system to have any normative force ; and second , the system benefits the interests of certain people , often over those of others . Although Nietzsche 's primary objection is not that metaphysical claims about humanity are untenable ( he also objected to ethical theories that do not make such claims ) , his two main targets -- Kantianism and Christianity -- do make metaphysical claims , which therefore feature prominently in Nietzsche 's criticism . Nietzsche rejected fundamental components of Kant 's ethics , particularly his argument that morality , God , and immorality , can be shown through reason . Nietzsche cast suspicion on the use of moral intuition , which Kant used as the foundation of his morality , arguing that it has no normative force in ethics . He further attempted to undermine key concepts in Kant 's moral psychology , such as the will and pure reason . Like Kant , Nietzsche developed a concept of autonomy ; however , he rejected Kant 's idea that valuing our own autonomy requires us to respect the autonomy of others . A naturalist reading of Nietzsche 's moral psychology stands contrary to Kant 's conception of reason and desire . Under the Kantian model , reason is a fundamentally different motive to desire because it has the capacity to stand back from a situation and make an independent decision . Nietzsche conceives of the self as a social structure of all our different drives and motivations ; thus , when it seems that our intellect has made a decision against our drives , it is actually just an alternative drive taking dominance over another . This is in direct contrast with Kant 's view of the intellect as opposed to instinct ; instead , it is just another instinct . There is thus no self - capable of standing back and making a decision ; the decision the self - makes is simply determined by the strongest drive . Kantian commentators have argued that Nietzsche 's practical philosophy requires the existence of a self - capable of standing back in the Kantian sense . For an individual to create values of their own , which is a key idea in Nietzsche 's philosophy , they must be able to conceive of themselves as a unified agent . Even if the agent is influenced by their drives , he must regard them as his own , which undermines Nietzsche 's conception of autonomy . John Stuart Mill ( edit ) Utilitarian philosopher John Stuart Mill criticised Kant for not realizing that moral laws are justified by a moral intuition based on utilitarian principles ( that the greatest good for the greatest number ought to be sought ) . Mill argued that Kant 's ethics could not explain why certain actions are wrong without appealing to utilitarianism . As basis for morality , Mill believed that his principle of utility has a stronger intuitive grounding than Kant 's reliance on reason , and can better explain why certain actions are right or wrong . Virtue ethics ( edit ) Virtue ethics is a form of ethical theory which emphasizes the character of an agent , rather than specific acts ; many of its proponents have criticised Kant 's deontological approach to ethics . Elizabeth Anscombe criticised modern ethical theories , including Kantian ethics , for their obsession with law and obligation . As well as arguing that theories which rely on a universal moral law are too rigid , Anscombe suggested that , because a moral law implies a moral lawgiver , they are irrelevant in modern secular society . In his work After Virtue , Alasdair MacIntyre criticises Kant 's formulation of universalisability , arguing that various trivial and immoral maxims can pass the test , such as `` Keep all your promises throughout your entire life except one '' . He further challenges Kant 's formulation of humanity as an end in itself by arguing that Kant provided no reason to treat others as means : the maxim `` Let everyone except me be treated as a means '' , though seemingly immoral , can be universalized . Bernard Williams argues that , by abstracting persons from character , Kant misrepresents persons and morality and Philippa Foot identified Kant as one of a select group of philosophers responsible for the neglect of virtue by analytic philosophy . Roman Catholic priest Servais Pinckaers regarded Christian ethics as closer to the virtue ethics of Aristotle than Kant 's ethics . He presented virtue ethics as freedom for excellence , which regards freedom as acting in accordance with nature to develop one 's virtues . Initially , this requires following rules -- but the intention is that the agent develop virtuously , and regard acting morally as a joy . This is in contrast with freedom of indifference , which Pinckaers attributes to William Ockham and likens to Kant . On this view , freedom is set against nature : free actions are those not determined by passions or emotions . There is no development or progress in an agent 's virtue , merely the forming of habit . This is closer to Kant 's view of ethics , because Kant 's conception of autonomy requires that an agent is not merely guided by their emotions , and is set in contrast with Pinckaer 's conception of Christian ethics . Autonomy ( edit ) A number of philosophers , including Elizabeth Anscombe , Jean Bethke Elshtain , Servais Pinckaers , Iris Murdoch , and the Catholic Encyclopedia , have all suggested that the Kantian conception of ethics rooted in autonomy is contradictory in its dual contention that humans are co-legislators of morality and that morality is a priori . They argue that if something is universally a priori ( i.e. , existing unchangingly prior to experience ) , then it can not also be in part dependent upon humans , who have not always existed . On the other hand , if humans truly do legislate morality , then they are not bound by it objectively , because they are always free to change it . This objection seems to rest on a misunderstanding of Kant 's views since Kant argued that morality is dependent upon the concept of a rational will ( and the related concept of a categorical imperative : an imperative which any rational being must necessarily will for itself ) . It is not based on contingent features of any being 's will , nor upon human wills in particular , so there is no sense in which Kant makes ethics `` dependent '' upon anything which has not always existed . Furthermore , the sense in which our wills are subject to the law is precisely that if our wills are rational , we must will in a lawlike fashion ; that is , we must will according to moral judgments we apply to all rational beings , including ourselves . This is more easily understood by parsing the term `` autonomy '' into its Greek roots : auto ( self ) + nomos ( rule or law ) . That is , an autonomous will , according to Kant , is not merely one which follows its own will , but whose will is lawful - that is , conforming to the principle of universalizability , which Kant also identifies with reason . Ironically , in another passage , willing according to immutable reason is precisely the kind of capacity Elshtain ascribes to God as the basis of his moral authority , and she commands this over an inferior voluntarist version of divine command theory , which would make both morality and God 's will contingent . Kant 's theory is a version of the first rather than the second view of autonomy , so neither God nor any human authority , including contingent human institutions , play any unique authoritative role in his moral theory . Kant and Elshtain , that is , both agree God has no choice but to conform his will to the immutable facts of reason , including moral truths ; humans do have such a choice , but otherwise their relationship to morality is the same as that of God 's : they can recognize moral facts , but do not determine their content through contingent acts of will . Applications ( edit ) Medical ethics ( edit ) Kant believed that the shared ability of humans to reason should be the basis of morality , and that it is the ability to reason that makes humans morally significant . He , therefore , believed that all humans should have the right to common dignity and respect . Margaret Eaton argues that , according to Kant 's ethics , a medical professional must be happy for their own practices to be used by and on anyone , even if they were the patient themselves . For example , a researcher who wished to perform tests on patients without their knowledge must be happy for all researchers to do so . She also argues that Kant 's requirement of autonomy would mean that a patient must be able to make a fully informed decision about treatment , making it immoral to perform tests on unknowing patients . Medical research should be motivated out of respect for the patient , so they must be informed of all facts , even if this would be likely to dissuade the patient . Jeremy Sugarman has argued that Kant 's formulation of autonomy requires that patients are never used merely for the benefit of society , but are always treated as rational people with their own goals . Aaron Hinkley notes that a Kantian account of autonomy requires respect for choices that are arrived at rationally , not for choices which are arrived at by idiosyncratic or non-rational means . He argues that there may be some difference between what a purely rational agent would choose and what a patient actually chooses , the difference being the result of non-rational idiosyncrasies . Although a Kantian physician ought not to lie to or coerce a patient , Hinkley suggests that some form of paternalism - such as through withholding information which may prompt a non-rational response - could be acceptable . In her work How Kantian Ethics Should Treat Pregnancy and Abortion , Susan Feldman argues that abortion should be defended according to Kantian ethics . She proposed that a woman should be treated as a dignified autonomous person , with control over their body , as Kant suggested . She believes that the free choice of women would be paramount in Kantian ethics , requiring abortion to be the mother 's decision . Dean Harris has noted that , if Kantian ethics is to be used in the discussion of abortion , it must be decided whether a fetus is an autonomous person . Kantian ethicist Carl Cohen argues that the potential to be rational or participation in a generally rational species is the relevant distinction between humans and inanimate objects or irrational animals . Cohen believes that even when humans are not rational because of age ( such as babies or fetuses ) or mental disability , agents are still morally obligated to treat them as an ends in themselves , equivalent to a rational adult such as a mother seeking an abortion . Sexual ethics ( edit ) Kant viewed humans as being subject to the animalistic desires of self - preservation , species - preservation , and the preservation of enjoyment . He argued that humans have a duty to avoid maxims that harm or degrade themselves , including suicide , sexual degradation , and drunkenness . This led Kant to regard sexual intercourse as degrading because it reduces humans to an object of pleasure . He admitted sex only within marriage , which he regarded as `` a merely animal union '' . He believed that masturbation is worse than suicide , reducing a person 's status to below that of an animal ; he argued that rape should be punished with castration and that bestiality requires expulsion from society . Feminist philosopher Catharine MacKinnon has argued that many contemporary practices would be deemed immoral by Kant 's standards because they dehumanize women . Sexual harassment , prostitution and pornography , she argues , objectify women and do not meet Kant 's standard of human autonomy . Commercial sex has been criticised for turning both parties into objects ( and thus using them as a means to an end ) ; mutual consent is problematic because in consenting , people choose to objectify themselves . Alan Soble has noted that more liberal Kantian ethicists believe that , depending on other contextual factors , the consent of women can vindicate their participation in pornography and prostitution . Animal ethics ( edit ) Because Kant viewed rationality as the basis for being a moral patient -- one due moral consideration -- he believed that animals have no moral rights . Animals , according to Kant , are not rational , thus one can not behave immorally towards them . Although he did not believe we have any duties towards animals , Kant did believe being cruel to them was wrong because our behaviour might influence our attitudes toward human beings : if we become accustomed to harming animals , then we are more likely to see harming humans as acceptable . Ethicist Tom Regan rejected Kant 's assessment of the moral worth of animals on three main points : First , he rejected Kant 's claim that animals are not self - conscious . He then challenged Kant 's claim that animals have no intrinsic moral worth because they can not make a moral judgment . Regan argued that , if a being 's moral worth is determined by its ability to make a moral judgment , then we must regard humans who are incapable of moral thought as being equally undue moral consideration . Regan finally argued that Kant 's assertion that animals exist merely as a means to an end is unsupported ; the fact that animals have a life that can go well or badly suggests that , like humans , they have their own ends . Lying ( edit ) Kant believed that the Categorical Imperative provides us with the maxim that we ought not to lie in any circumstances , even if we are trying to bring about good consequences , such as lying to a murderer to prevent them from finding their intended victim . Kant argued that , because we can not fully know what the consequences of any action will be , the result might be unexpectedly harmful . Therefore , we ought to act to avoid the known wrong -- lying -- rather than to avoid a potential wrong . If there are harmful consequences , we are blameless because we acted according to our duty . Driver argues that this might not be a problem if we choose to formulate our maxims differently : the maxim ' I will lie to save an innocent life ' can be universalized . However , this new maxim may still treat the murderer as a means to an end , which we have a duty to avoid doing . Thus we may still be required to tell the truth to the murderer in Kant 's example . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Jump up ^ Brinton 1967 , p. 519 ^ Jump up to : Singer 1983 , pp. 42 Jump up ^ Blackburn 2008 , p. 240 Jump up ^ Benn 1998 , pp. 101 -- 102 Jump up ^ Guyer 2011 , p. 194 Jump up ^ Wood 1999 , p. 26 - 27 Jump up ^ Wood 1999 , p. 37 Jump up ^ Driver 2007 , p. 92 Jump up ^ Driver 2007 , p. 93 Jump up ^ Hill 2009 , p. 3 Jump up ^ Wood 2008 , p. 67 Jump up ^ Driver 2007 , p. 83 Jump up ^ Johnson , Robert ( 2008 ) . `` Kant 's Moral Philosophy '' . Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Retrieved 11 September 2013 . Jump up ^ Driver 2007 , p. 87 ^ Jump up to : Rachels 1999 , p. 124 Jump up ^ Kant , Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals , trans Abbott , 1879 , 55 Jump up ^ Driver 2007 , p. 88 Jump up ^ Driver 2007 , pp. 89 -- 90 Jump up ^ Kant , Immanuel ( 1785 ) . Thomas Kingsmill Abbott , ed . Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals ( 10 ed . ) . Project Gutenberg . p. 39 . Jump up ^ Kant , Immanuel ( 1785 ) . Thomas Kingsmill Abbott , ed . Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals ( 10 ed . ) . Project Gutenberg . p. 35 . Jump up ^ Driver 2007 , p. 90 ^ Jump up to : Benn 1998 , p. 95 Jump up ^ Kant , Immanuel ( 1785 ) . Thomas Kingsmill Abbott , ed . Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals ( 10 ed . ) . Project Gutenberg . p. 62 . Jump up ^ Kant , Immanuel ( 1785 ) . Thomas Kingsmill Abbott , ed . Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals ( 10 ed . ) . Project Gutenberg . p. 60 . Jump up ^ Kant , Immanuel ( 1785 ) . Thomas Kingsmill Abbott , ed . Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals ( 10 ed . ) . Project Gutenberg . p. 61 . Jump up ^ Kant & Paton 1991 , p. 34 Jump up ^ Kant 1788 , Book 1 , Ch. 1 , § 1 Jump up ^ Kant 1785 , Section 1 , § 17 Jump up ^ Sullivan 1989 , p. 165 Jump up ^ Kant 1785 , § 2 Jump up ^ Johnson , Robert ( 6 April 2008 ) ( 23 February 2004 ) . `` Kant 's Moral Philosophy '' . Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Retrieved 1 April 2012 . Jump up ^ Atwell 1986 , p. 152 Jump up ^ Korsgaard 1996 , p. 24 Jump up ^ Pojman 2008 , p. 122 Jump up ^ Rohlf , Michael ( 20 May 2010 ) . `` Immanuel Kant '' . Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Retrieved 2 April 2012 . Jump up ^ Payrow Shabani 2003 , p. 53 Jump up ^ Collin 2007 , p. 78 ^ Jump up to : Payrow Shabani 2003 , p. 54 Jump up ^ Payrow Shabani 2003 , pp. 55 -- 6 Jump up ^ Richardson , Henry ( 18 November 2005 ) . `` John Rawls ( 1921 -- 2002 ) '' . Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Retrieved 29 March 2012 . Jump up ^ Freeman , Samuel ( 20 December 2008 ) ( 27 February 1996 ) . `` Original Position '' . Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Retrieved 29 March 2012 . Jump up ^ Brooks & Freyenhagen 2005 , pp. 155 -- 156 Jump up ^ Martyn 2003 , p. 171 Jump up ^ Scott Lee 1991 , p. 167 Jump up ^ O'Neill 2000 , p. 75 Jump up ^ O'Neill 2000 , pp. 76 - 77 Jump up ^ O'Neill 2000 , p. 77 Jump up ^ O'Neill 2000 , pp. 78 - 79 Jump up ^ Stocker 1976 , p. 462 Jump up ^ Baron 1999 , pp. 120 -- 123 Jump up ^ Baron 1999 , pp. 131 -- 132 Jump up ^ Brooks 2012 , p. 75 Jump up ^ Singer 1983 , pp. 44 -- 45 Jump up ^ Manninon 2003 , pp. 101 -- 102 Jump up ^ Janaway 2002 , p. 88 Jump up ^ Leiter , Briain ( 26 August 2004 ) . `` Nietzsche 's Moral and Political Philosophy '' . Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Retrieved 9 July 2013 . Jump up ^ Janaway & Robertson 2012 , pp. 202 - 204 Jump up ^ Janaway & Robertson 2012 , p. 205 Jump up ^ Janaway & Robertson 2012 , p. 206 Jump up ^ Ellis 1998 , p. 76 Jump up ^ Miller 2013 p. 110 Jump up ^ Athanassoulis , Nafsika ( 7 July 2010 ) . `` Virtue Ethics '' . Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy . Retrieved 11 September 2013 . Jump up ^ MacIntyre 2013 , pp. 54 - 55 Jump up ^ Louden 2011 , p. 4 Jump up ^ Pinckaers 2003 , pp. 67 -- 75 Jump up ^ Anscombe , 1958 , p. 2 Jump up ^ Elshtain , 2008 , p258 note 22 Jump up ^ Pinckaers 2003 , p. 48 Jump up ^ Murdoch , 1970 , p. 80 Jump up ^ Knight , Kevin ( 2009 ) . `` Catholic Encyclopedia : Categorical Imperative '' . Catholic Encyclopedia . Retrieved 21 June 2012 . Jump up ^ Immanuel Kant , 1786 , p. 35 Jump up ^ O'Neill , 2000 , 43 Jump up ^ Elshtain , 2008 , 260 note 75 Jump up ^ Eaton 2004 , p. 39 Jump up ^ Eaton 2004 , p. 40 Jump up ^ Eaton 2004 , pp. 40 -- 1 Jump up ^ Sugarman 2010 , p. 44 Jump up ^ Engelhardt 2011 , pp. 12 - 13 Jump up ^ Kneller & Axinn 1998 , pp. 265 -- 266 Jump up ^ Harris 2011 , p. 15 Jump up ^ Carl Cohen 1986 , p. 865 - 69 Jump up ^ Denis 1999 , p. 225 Jump up ^ Wood 1999 , p. 2 Jump up ^ Soble 2006 , 549 Jump up ^ Driver 2007 , p. 97 Jump up ^ Driver 2007 , p. 98 Jump up ^ Regan 2004 , p. 178 Jump up ^ Rachels 1999 , p. 128 Jump up ^ Driver 2007 , p. 96 Bibliography ( edit ) Atwell , John ( 1986 ) . Ends and principles in Kant 's moral thought . Springer . ISBN 9789024731671 . Axinn , Sidney ; Kneller , Jane ( 1998 ) . Autonomy and Community : Readings in Contemporary Kantian Social Philosophy . SUNY Press . ISBN 9780791437438 . Baron , Marcia ( 1999 ) . Kantian Ethics Almost Without Apology . Cornell University Press . ISBN 9780801486043 . Bergande , Wolfram ( 2017 ) . Kant 's apathology of compassion . Duesseldorf University Press . ISBN 978 - 3957580320 . Retrieved 13 May 2017 . Benn , Piers ( 1998 ) . Ethics . UCL Press . ISBN 1 - 85728 - 453 - 4 . Blackburn , Simon ( 2008 ) . `` Morality '' . Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy ( Second edition revised ed . ) . Brinton , Crane ( 1967 ) . `` Enlightenment '' . Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2 . Macmillan . Brooks , Thom ( 2012 ) . Hegel 's Philosophy of Right . John Wiley & Sons . ISBN 9781405188135 . Brooks , Thom ; Freyenhagen , Fabian ( 2005 ) . The Legacy of John Rawls . Continuum International Publishing Group . ISBN 9780826478436 . Cohen , Carl ( 1986 ) . `` The Case For the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research '' . New England Journal of Medicine . 315 ( 14 ) : 865 -- 69 . doi : 10.1056 / NEJM198610023151405 . Collin , Finn ( 2007 ) . `` Danish yearbook of philosophy '' . 42 . Museum Tusculanum Press . ISSN 0070 - 2749 . Denis , Lara ( April 1999 ) . `` Kant on the Wrongness of `` Unnatural '' Sex `` . History of Philosophy Quarterly . University of Illinois Press . 16 ( 2 ) : 225 -- 248 . Driver , Julia ( 2007 ) . Ethics : The Fundamentals . Blackwell . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4051 - 1154 - 6 . Eaton , Margaret ( 2004 ) . Ethics and the Business of Bioscience . Stanford University Press . ISBN 9780804742504 . Ellis , Ralph D. ( 1998 ) . Just Results : Ethical Foundations for Policy Analysis . Georgetown University Press . ISBN 9780878406678 . Elshtain , Jean Bethke ( 2008 ) . Sovereignty : God , State , and Self . Basic Books . ISBN 978 - 0465037599 . Engelhardt , Hugo Tristram ( 2011 ) . Bioethics Critically Reconsidered : Having Second Thoughts . Springer . ISBN 9789400722446 . Guyer , Paul ( 2011 ) . `` Chapter 8 : Kantian Perfectionism '' . In Jost , Lawrence ; Wuerth , Julian . Perfecting Virtue : New Essays on Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 9781139494359 . Hare , John ( 1997 ) . The Moral Gap : Kantian Ethics , Human Limits , and God 's Assistance . Oxford University Press . ISBN 9780198269571 . Harris , Dean ( 2011 ) . Ethics in Health Services and Policy : A Global Approach . John Wiley & Sons . ISBN 9780470531068 . Hill , Thomas ( 2009 ) . The Blackwell Guide to Kant 's Ethics . John Wiley & Sons . ISBN 9781405125819 . Janaway , Christopher ( 2002 ) . Schopenhaur : A Very Short Introduction . Oxford University Press . ISBN 0 - 19 - 280259 - 3 . Janaway , Christopher ; Robertson , Simon ( 2013 ) . Nietzsche , Naturalism , and Normativity . Oxford University Press . ISBN 9780199583676 . Johnson , Robert N. ( 2009 ) . `` 1 : Good Will and the Moral Worth of Acting from Duty '' . In Hill Jr , Thomas E. The Blackwell Guide to Kant 's Ethics . Wiley - Blackwell . ISBN 9781405125826 . Kant , Immanuel ( 1785 ) . Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals . Wikisource . Kant , Immanuel ( 1788 ) . Critique of Practical Reason . Wikisource . Korsgaard , Christine ( 1996 ) . Creating the Kingdom of Ends . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 52149 - 962 - 0 . Loewy , Erich ( 1989 ) . Textbook of Medical Ethics . Springer . ISBN 9780306432804 . Louden , Robert B. ( 2011 ) . Kant 's Human Being : Essays on His Theory of Human Nature . Oxford University Press . ISBN 9780199911103 . MacIntyre , Alasdair ( 2013 ) . After Virtue . A&C Black . ISBN 9781623565251 . Manninon , Gerard ( 2003 ) . Schopenhauer , religion and morality : the humble path to ethics . Ashgate Publishing . ISBN 9780754608233 . Miller , Dale ( 2013 ) . John Stuart Mill . John Wiley & Sons . ISBN 9780745673592 . Murdoch , Iris ( 1970 ) . The Sovereignty of the Good . Routledge & Kegan Paul . ISBN 978 - 0415253994 . O'Neill , Onora ( 2000 ) . Bounds of Justice . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 9780521447447 . Payrow Shabani , Omid ( 2003 ) . Democracy , power and legitimacy : the critical theory of Jürgen Habermas . University of Toronto Press . ISBN 9780802087614 . Picnkaers , Servais ( 2003 ) . Morality : The Catholic View . St. Augustine Press . ISBN 978 - 1587315152 . Pojman , Louis ( 2008 ) . Ethics : Discovering Right and Wrong . Cengage Learning . ISBN 9780495502357 . Rachels , James ( 1999 ) . The Elements of Moral Philosophy ( Third ed . ) . McGraw - Hill . ISBN 0 - 07 - 116754 - 4 . Regan , Tom ( 2004 ) . The case for animal rights . University of California Press . ISBN 978 - 0 - 52024 - 386 - 6 . Riedel , Manfred ( 1984 ) . Between Tradition and Revolution : The Hegelian Transformation of Political Philosophy . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 9780521174886 . Singer , Peter ( 1983 ) . Hegel : A Very Short Introduction . Oxford University Press . ISBN 9780191604416 . Soble , Alan ( 2006 ) . Sex from Plato to Paglia : A Philosophical Encyclopedia . 1 . Greenwood Publishing Group . ISBN 9780313334245 . Stocker , Michael ( 12 August 1976 ) . `` The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories '' . The Journal of Philosophy . Journal of Philosophy. 73 ( 14 ) : 453 -- 466 . doi : 10.2307 / 2025782 . JSTOR 2025782 . Sugarman , Jeremy ( 2010 ) . Methods in Medical Ethics . Georgetown University Press . ISBN 9781589017016 . Sullivan , Roger ( 1994 ) . An Introduction to Kant 's Ethics . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 9780521467698 . Sullivan , Roger ( 1989 ) . Immanuel Kant 's Moral Theory . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 9780521369084 . Taylor , Robert ( 2011 ) . Reconstructing Rawls : the Kantian foundations of justice as fairness . Penn State Press . ISBN 9780271037714 . Wood , Allen ( 2008 ) . Kantian Ethics . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 9780521671149 . Wood , Allen ( 1999 ) . Kant 's Ethical Thought . Cambridge University Press . ISBN 9780521648363 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : Kantian ethics ( hide ) Ethics Theories Casuistry Consequentialism Deontology Kantian ethics Ethics of care Existentialist ethics Meta - ethics Particularism Pragmatic ethics Role ethics Virtue ethics Concepts Autonomy Axiology Belief Conscience Consent Equality Care Free will Good and evil Happiness Ideal Justice Morality Norm Freedom Principles Suffering or Pain Stewardship Sympathy Trust Value Virtue Wrong full index ... Philosophers Laozi Plato Aristotle Diogenes Valluvar Cicero Confucius Augustine of Hippo Mencius Mozi Xunzi Thomas Aquinas Baruch Spinoza David Hume Immanuel Kant Georg W.F. Hegel Arthur Schopenhauer Jeremy Bentham John Stuart Mill Søren Kierkegaard Henry Sidgwick Friedrich Nietzsche G.E. Moore Karl Barth Paul Tillich Dietrich Bonhoeffer Philippa Foot John Rawls John Dewey Bernard Williams J.L. Mackie G.E.M. Anscombe William Frankena Alasdair MacIntyre R.M. Hare Peter Singer Derek Parfit Thomas Nagel Robert Merrihew Adams Charles Taylor Joxe Azurmendi Christine Korsgaard Martha Nussbaum more ... Applied ethics Bioethics Business ethics Discourse ethics Environmental ethics Legal ethics Media ethics Medical ethics Nursing ethics Professional ethics Sexual ethics Ethics of eating meat Ethics of technology Related articles Christian ethics Descriptive ethics Ethics in religion Evolutionary ethics Feminist ethics History of ethics Ideology Islamic ethics Jewish ethics Normative ethics Philosophy of law Political philosophy Social philosophy Portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Ethical theories Kantianism Deontological ethics Hidden categories : Good articles Use dmy dates from May 2017 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Español فارسی हिन्दी Edit links This page was last edited on 7 December 2017 , at 23 : 54 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | where does morality come from according to kant | [
"Kant believed that the shared ability of humans to reason should be the basis of morality, and that it is the ability to reason that makes humans morally significant. He, therefore, believed that all humans should have the right to common dignity and respect.[76] Margaret Eaton argues that, according to Kant's ethics, a medical professional must be happy for their own practices to be used by and on anyone, even if they were the patient themselves. For example, a researcher who wished to perform tests on patients without their knowledge must be happy for all researchers to do so.[77] She also argues that Kant's requirement of autonomy would mean that a patient must be able to make a fully informed decision about treatment, making it immoral to perform tests on unknowing patients. Medical research should be motivated out of respect for the patient, so they must be informed of all facts, even if this would be likely to dissuade the patient.[78] Jeremy Sugarman has argued that Kant's formulation of autonomy requires that patients are never used merely for the benefit of society, but are always treated as rational people with their own goals.[79] Aaron Hinkley notes that a Kantian account of autonomy requires respect for choices that are arrived at rationally, not for choices which are arrived at by idiosyncratic or non-rational means. He argues that there may be some difference between what a purely rational agent would choose and what a patient actually chooses, the difference being the result of non-rational idiosyncrasies. Although a Kantian physician ought not to lie to or coerce a patient, Hinkley suggests that some form of paternalism - such as through withholding information which may prompt a non-rational response - could be acceptable.[80]"
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"the shared ability of humans to reason"
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-6678530281773225031 | Cheek (surname) | Cheek ( surname ) - wikipedia Cheek ( surname ) Jump to : navigation , search Cheek is an old family surname from Anglo - Saxon England that predates the Norman invasion . The Cheek family was among the first to immigrate to the American colonies in the early 17th century . The family crest is a white shield with three red crescents . People with the surname include : Alison Cheek ( born 1927 ) , Australian priest , one of the first women ordained in the Episcopal Church Bob Cheek ( born 1944 ) , Australian politician Chris Cheek ( born 1968 ) , American jazz saxophonist Cordie Cheek ( 1916 -- 1933 ) , falsely accused African - American lynching victim Curtis Cheek ( born 1958 ) , American bridge player and aerospace engineer James E. Cheek ( 1932 -- 2010 ) , President of Howard University James Richard Cheek ( 1936 -- 2011 ) , American diplomat Jan Cheek ( born 1948 ) , Falkland Islands politician Joel Owsley Cheek ( 1852 -- 1935 ) , creator of Maxwell House coffee Joey Cheek ( born 1979 ) , American former speed skater , world and Olympic champion John Cheek ( 1855 -- 1942 ) , Australian politician John Cheke or Cheek ( 1514 -- 1557 ) , English Greek scholar and politician , tutor to the future King Edward VI King Virgil Cheek ( born 1937 ) , former President of Shaw University and Morgan State University Louis Cheek ( born 1964 ) , American former National Football League player Marion Case Cheek ( 1888 -- 1969 ) , US Navy rear admiral Martin Cheek ( born 1960 ) , English botanist and taxonomist Rick Cheek ( born 1977 ) , American kickboxer and mixed martial artist Thomas Cheek ( died 1659 ) , English politician Thomas Cheek ( Australian politician ) ( 1894 -- 1994 ) Tom Cheek ( 1939 -- 2005 ) , American sportscaster See also ( edit ) List of Old English ( Anglo - Saxon ) surnames References ( edit ) This page lists people with the surname Cheek . If an internal link intending to refer to a specific person led you to this page , you may wish to change that link by adding the person 's given name ( s ) to the link . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Surnames Hidden categories : All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from March 2009 All set index articles Talk About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 30 August 2017 , at 10 : 33 . About Wikipedia | where does the last name cheek come from | [
"Cheek is an old family surname from Anglo-Saxon England that predates the Norman invasion[citation needed]. The Cheek family was among the first to immigrate to the American colonies in the early 17th century. The family crest is a white shield with three red crescents."
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"Anglo-Saxon England that predates the Norman invasion"
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909399852398044371 | Dutch auction | Dutch auction - wikipedia Dutch auction hide This article has multiple issues . Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page . ( Learn how and when to remove these template messages ) This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( July 2009 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) This article 's factual accuracy is disputed . Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page . Please help to ensure that disputed statements are reliably sourced . ( October 2012 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) A 1957 Dutch auction in Germany to sell fruit . A Dutch auction is one of several similar kinds of auctions . Most commonly , it means an auction in which the auctioneer begins with a high asking price , and lowers it until some participant accepts the price , or it reaches a predetermined reserve price . This has also been called a clock auction or open - outcry descending - price auction . This type of auction is good for auctioning goods quickly , since a sale never requires more than one bid . Strategically , it 's similar to a first - price sealed - bid auction . Contents 1 History 2 Auction process 3 Second price auction 4 Public offerings 5 Dutch auction share repurchases 6 See also 7 Notes 8 References History ( edit ) See also : Economic history of the Dutch Republic and Tulip Mania Dutch auction has its roots in the 17th - century Dutch flower market . Auction process ( edit ) A Dutch auction initially offers an item at a price in excess of the amount the seller expects to receive . The price lowers in steps until a bidder accepts the current price . That bidder wins the auction and pays that price for the item . For example , a business might auction a used company car at a starting bid of $15,000 . If nobody accepts the initial bid , the sellers successively reduce the price in $1,000 increments . When the price reaches $10,000 , a particular bidder -- who feels that price is acceptable and that someone else will agree , or might bid first if the price goes to $9,000 -- quickly accepts the bid , and pays $10,000 for the car . Dutch auctions are a competitive alternative to a traditional auction , in which customers make bids of increasing value until nobody is willing to bid higher . Second price auction ( edit ) Some financial commentators and some third - party auction sites use Dutch auction to refer to second - price auctions , which work differently from Dutch auctions . Public offerings ( edit ) The United States Department of the Treasury , through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York ( FRBNY ) , raises funds for the U.S. Government using a Dutch auction . The FRBNY interacts with primary dealers , including large banks and broker - dealers who submit bids on behalf of themselves and their clients using the Trading Room Automated Processing System ( TRAPS ) , and are generally told of winning bids within fifteen minutes . For example , suppose the sponsor of the issuance seeks to raise $10 billion in ten - year notes with a 5.125 % coupon and in aggregate the bids are as follows : $1.00 billion at 5.115 % ( highest bid ) $2.50 billion at 5.120 % $3.50 billion at 5.125 % $4.50 billion at 5.130 % $3.75 billion at 5.135 % $2.75 billion at 5.140 % $1.50 billion at 5.145 % ( lowest bid ) In this example the % at high is 66.66 % , meaning only $3 billion of the $4.5 billion at 5.130 % get bonds . Bids are filled from the lowest yield ( highest price ) until the process raises the entire $10 billion . This auction clears at a yield of 5.130 % , and all bidders pay the same amount . In theory , this feature of the Dutch auction leads to more aggressive bidding , as those who ( in this example ) bid 5.115 % receive the bonds at the higher yield ( lower price ) of 5.130 % . A variation on the Dutch auction , OpenIPO , was developed by WR Hambrecht and has been used for 19 IPOs in the US . Auctions have been used for hundreds of IPOs in more than two dozen countries , but have not been popular with issuers and thus were replaced by other methods . One of the largest uniform price or `` Dutch '' auction IPOs was for Singapore Telecom in 1994 . The 1994 auction IPO of Japan Tobacco was substantially larger ( with proceeds more than double those of Singapore Telecom and triple those of Google ) , but this auction was discriminatory or pay - what - you - bid , not uniform price or `` Dutch '' . uses a two - sided Dutch auction to trade Solar Renewable Energy Credits ( SRECs ) . Dutch auction share repurchases ( edit ) The introduction of the Dutch auction share repurchase in 1981 gives firms an alternative to the fixed price tender offer when executing a tender offer share repurchase . The first firm to use the Dutch auction was Todd Shipyards . A Dutch auction offer specifies a price range within which the shares are purchased . Shareholders can choose to tender their stock at any price within the stated range . The firm compiles these responses , creating a supply curve for the stock . The purchase price is the lowest price that allows the firm to buy the number of shares sought in the offer , and the firm pays that price to all investors who tendered at or below that price . If the number of shares tendered exceeds the number sought , the company purchases less than all shares tendered at or below the purchase price pro rata to all who tendered at or below the purchase price . If too few shares are tendered , then the firm either cancels the offer ( provided it had been made conditional on a minimum acceptance ) , or it buys back all tendered shares at the maximum price . See also ( edit ) Chinese auction Auction rate security Bid - to - cover ratio Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Dutch Auction Software with Epiq Tech '' . . Jump up ^ To understand the Dutch auction bidding and outcome from actual shareholder tendering responses , see Bagwell , Laurie Simon ( 1992 ) . `` Dutch auction repurchases : An analysis of shareholder heterogeneity '' . Journal of Finance . 47 ( 1 ) : 71 -- 105 . JSTOR 2329091 . References ( edit ) Carare , O. ; Rothkopf , M.H. ( 2005 ) . `` Slow Dutch auctions '' . Management Science . 51 ( 3 ) : 365 -- 373 . doi : 10.1287 / mnsc. 1040.0328 . Katok , E. ; Kwasnica , A.M. ( 2008 ) . `` Time is money : The effect of clock speed on seller 's revenue in Dutch auctions '' . Experimental Economics . 11 ( 4 ) : 344 -- 357 . doi : 10.1007 / s10683 - 007 - 9169 - x . Adam , M.T.P. ; Krämer , J. ; Weinhardt , C. ( 2012 ) . `` Excitement up ! Price down ! Measuring emotions in Dutch auctions '' . International Journal of Electronic Commerce . 11 ( 4 ) : 7 -- 39 . doi : 10.2753 / JEC1086 - 4415170201 . hide Economic , financial and business history of the Netherlands General Economy of the Netherlands from 1500 -- 1700 Economic history of the Netherlands ( 1500 -- 1815 ) Economic history of the Dutch Republic Financial history of the Dutch Republic Dutch Financial Revolution ( 1580s -- 1700s ) Dutch economic miracle ( 1580s -- ca. 1700 ) Early modern industrialization in the Dutch Republic ( 1580s -- 1700s ) Dutch guilder Amsterdam Entrepôt Tulip mania Whaling in the Netherlands Diamond industry in the Dutch Republic Sugar industry in the Dutch Republic Shipbuilding industry in the Dutch Republic Pulp and paper industry in the Dutch Republic Hollander beater History of the chocolate industry Dutch process chocolate Polder model Key institutions Pre-1815 Amsterdam Stock Exchange ( Beurs van Hendrick de Keyser ) Bank of Amsterdam ( Amsterdamsche Wisselbank ) Brabantsche Compagnie Compagnie van Verre Dutch East India Company ( VOC ) Dutch West India Company ( WIC / GWIC ) New Netherland Company Noordsche Compagnie Post-1815 De Nederlandsche Bank Philips Fokker KLM Stichting Max Havelaar Notable business and financial innovators Louis De Geer Gerard Adriaan Heineken Isaac Le Maire Johan Palmstruch Anton Philips Gerard Philips Nico Roozen Coenraad Johannes van Houten Anthony Fokker Frans van der Hoff Pioneering innovations Multinational corporation Transnational corporation Public company ( publicly traded company , publicly listed company ) Megacorporation Corporate finance Central bank Initial public offering ( IPO ) Stock market Stock exchange Securitization Common stock Corporate bond Perpetual bond Collective investment schemes ( investment funds ) Dividend ( dividend policy ) Dutch auction Fairtrade certification Government debt Financial regulation Investment banking Mutual fund Bear raid Short selling ( naked short selling ) Shareholder activism ( activist shareholder ) Shareholder revolt ( shareholder rebellion ) Technical analysis Tontine Others Dutch disease Economic bubble ( speculative bubble ) Stock market crash History of capitalism Economic miracle Economic boom Economic growth Global economy International trade International business International financial centre Economic globalization ( corporate globalization ) Finance capitalism Financial system Financial revolution Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Auctions Auction theory Economic history of the Netherlands 17th - century introductions Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from July 2009 All articles needing additional references Accuracy disputes from October 2012 All accuracy disputes Articles with multiple maintenance issues All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from March 2018 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Čeština Dansk Deutsch Español فارسی Français עברית ಕನ್ನಡ Bahasa Melayu Nederlands Polski Русский Svenska Українська Tiếng Việt 粵語 9 more Edit links This page was last edited on 3 August 2018 , at 20 : 37 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who determines the offer price in a dutch auction | [
"A Dutch auction is one of several similar kinds of auctions. Most commonly, it means an auction in which the auctioneer begins with a high asking price, and lowers it until some participant accepts the price, or it reaches a predetermined reserve price. This has also been called a clock auction or open-outcry descending-price auction. This type of auction is good for auctioning goods quickly, since a sale never requires more than one bid. Strategically, it's similar to a first-price sealed-bid auction.\n"
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"the auctioneer"
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8743206384059879192 | One Day at a Time | One Day at a Time - wikipedia One Day at a Time Jump to : navigation , search For other uses , see One Day at a Time ( disambiguation ) . This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . ( July 2015 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) One Day at a Time Genre Sitcom Created by Whitney Blake Allan Manings Developed by Norman Lear Directed by Norman Campbell Herbert Kenwith Sandy Kenyon Howard Morris Noam Pitlik Alan Rafkin Don Richardson Tony Singletary Starring Bonnie Franklin Mackenzie Phillips Richard Masur Valerie Bertinelli Pat Harrington Mary Louise Wilson Michael Lembeck Ron Rifkin Glenn Scarpelli Shelley Fabares Nanette Fabray Howard Hesseman Theme music composer Jeff Barry Nancy Barry Opening theme `` This is It '' performed by Polly Cutter Ending theme `` This is It '' ( instrumental ) Composer ( s ) Jeff Barry Country of origin United States Original language ( s ) English No. of seasons 9 No. of episodes 209 ( list of episodes ) Production Executive producer ( s ) Dick Bensfield Jack Elinson Perry Grant Mort Lachman Norman Lear Alan Rafkin Producer ( s ) Dick Bensfield Patricia Fass Palmer Perry Grant Katherine Green Allan Manings Bud Wiser Camera setup Multi-camera setup , videotape Running time 24 minutes Production company ( s ) T.A.T. Communications Company ( 1975 -- 82 ) Embassy Television ( 1982 -- 84 ) Distributor T.A.T. Communications Co. ( 1980 -- 82 ) Embassy Telecommunications ( 1982 -- 86 ) Embassy Communications ( 1986 -- 88 ) Columbia Pictures Television ( 1988 -- 95 ) Columbia TriStar Television ( 1995 - 2002 , present ) Sony Pictures Television ( 2002 - present ) Release Original network CBS Audio format Monaural Original release December 16 , 1975 ( 1975 - 12 - 16 ) -- May 28 , 1984 ( 1984 - 05 - 28 ) One Day at a Time is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from December 16 , 1975 , until May 28 , 1984 . It starred Bonnie Franklin as a divorced mother raising two teenage daughters , played by Mackenzie Phillips and Valerie Bertinelli , in Indianapolis . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 Plot 3 Production 3.1 Theme song and opening credits 3.2 Casting 3.2. 1 Main cast 4 Episodes 5 Reception 5.1 Ratings 5.2 Awards and honors 6 Syndication 7 Cast reunions 8 DVD release 9 Remake 10 References 11 External links Background ( edit ) The series was created by Whitney Blake and Allan Manings , a husband - and - wife writing duo who were both actors in the 1950s and 1960s . The series was based on Whitney Blake 's own life as a single mother , raising her three children ( Including future actress Meredith Baxter ) after her divorce from her first husband . Plot ( edit ) Ann Romano , a divorced mother , moves from their home in Logansport , Indiana to Indianapolis with her daughters , the rebellious Julie and the wisecracking Barbara . Ann frequently struggles with maintaining her role as mother while affording her daughters the freedom she never had as a young woman . David Kane , Ann 's divorce lawyer and neighbor , takes a romantic interest in her , but she is n't ready to remarry . Dwayne Schneider , the building 's quirky superintendent ( most often referred to only by his last name ) , provides usually unwanted advice to the tenants . After David takes a job in Los Angeles , the focus squarely rests on Ann 's dilemmas as a single mother and career woman as well as the girls ' growing pains , with Schneider becoming a more welcomed part of the family . Ann 's strained relationship with her ex-husband Ed slowly mends , as does the girls ' relationship with his new wife , Vickie . Julie and Barbara advance through high school and into the working world , and Julie eventually marries flight attendant Max Horvath . Alex , the orphaned son of Ann 's deceased boyfriend , moves in , changing the dynamics in the female - dominated apartment . Later in the series run , Julie gives birth to a daughter , `` Little Annie '' Horvath , Barbara marries dental student Mark Royer , and Ann 's mother Katherine moves nearby . In the penultimate episode , Ann decides to take a job in London , leaving her daughters in Indianapolis to raise families of their own . In the series finale , Schneider also leaves town , moving to Florida to take care of his niece and nephew . Production ( edit ) For its entire run , the series was taped in Hollywood before a studio audience . Originally , it was taped at CBS Television City . Shortly after its premiere , the series began taping at Metromedia Square , where it remained until 1982 . From 1982 to 1984 , the series was taped at Universal Studios Hollywood . Like many sitcoms developed by Norman Lear , One Day at a Time often tackled serious issues in life and relationships , particularly those related to second wave feminism . Stories depicting such events as weddings , births , and other important milestones frequently stretched over two - , three - , and four - part episodes . Theme song and opening credits ( edit ) The theme song for One Day at a Time , `` This is It '' , was composed by Brill Building songwriter Jeff Barry and his wife Nancy Barry , and performed by recording artist Polly Cutter . The opening credits were originally seen over a filmed sequence showing Ann , Julie , and Barbara excitedly moving into their new home . Later , the opening credits sequence mostly consisted of clips of each cast member taken from previous episodes . Casting ( edit ) Actors Bonnie Franklin , Pat Harrington , Jr. , and Valerie Bertinelli were the only cast members to remain with the series throughout its entire run . Lead actress Mackenzie Phillips was fired after the fifth season due to growing problems with substance abuse . She later returned in a frequent recurring role . Original cast member Richard Masur was written out early in the second season but returned as a guest star in the sixth - season finale . After Masur 's departure , the producers tried going in a different direction . Instead of Ann Romano being romantically involved with a man , it was decided to give Ann a comedic foil . For that role , producer Norman Lear chose actress and comedienne Mary Louise Wilson , who had just completed a successful run on Broadway as `` Tessie Tura '' in a revival of Gypsy starring Angela Lansbury . Wilson was signed to play Ginny Wroblicki , a cocktail waitress who moves into Schneider 's apartment building , and immediately becomes Ann 's best friend and confidante . According to her memoir , My First Hundred Years in Show Business , prior to being cast as Ginny , Wilson had never seen One Day at a Time and immediately sat down and watched an episode one night in her apartment . She did not find the sitcom funny at all and was not given a script until the first read - through of her first episode . Wilson also did not take to Franklin `` who took her role as arbiter over moral issues very seriously '' and who considered herself `` our foremost authority on Broadway '' . She also thought that Harrington 's character of Schneider was not funny at all , although she admitted Harrington , himself , was hilarious offscreen . Wilson wrote that `` aside from Lear , nobody thought I was funny ... To make matters worse each character , according to the show 's formula , had to have a ' serious ' moral dilemma at some point , and I was given some problem about an illegitimate child to work out in these increasingly sentimental scenes that made my bowels shrink . '' At the end of the second season of One Day at a Time , Wilson begged her agent to ask Lear to release her from her contract . Wilson later admitted , `` I felt terribly wrong to be so miserable . I knew this was the kind of break actors longed for . '' Wilson was also unaccustomed to working on a sitcom with four cameras in front of a live audience where `` you said your line when the red light on the camera went on ... and there follows a pause longer than the river Styx before the light on camera four goes on '' at which the character you 're speaking to says the next line . After the meeting with her agent , Wilson impulsively changed her mind and agreed to stay with the series but it was too late . Her agent had already informed Norman Lear of Wilson 's unhappiness . As a result , Lear released Wilson from the show after she had completed 14 episodes , and Ginny Wroblicki was never seen , referred to , or heard from again except in a fifth - season episode ( `` Retrospective '' ) made up mainly of clips from earlier in the series ... For the next two seasons , the central cast of Ann , Julie , Barbara , and Schneider was supplemented by recurring characters , including William Kirby Cullen as Julie 's boyfriend Chuck Butterfield ; Howard Morton and K Callan as Chuck 's parents ; John Putch as Barbara 's awkward friend Bob Morton ; Scott Colomby as Barbara 's boyfriend Cliff Randall ; and John Hillerman and Charles Siebert as Ann 's bosses , Mr. Connors and Mr. Davenport , respectively . Dick O'Neill and Nedra Volz made three appearances together as Orville and Emily , residents of the retirement home where the main characters put on a semi-regular variety show . Joseph Campanella also made several appearances as Ann 's ex-husband and the girls ' father , Ed Cooper . Michael Lembeck joined the series as Julie 's husband , Max , in the fifth season , but he was written out as a consequence of Phillips ' firing . ( But later returned in Season 7 along with Philips ) A steady stream of regulars was added in the ensuing seasons , including Ron Rifkin as Ann 's boyfriend , Nick ; Glenn Scarpelli as Nick 's son , Alex ; and Boyd Gaines as Barbara 's boyfriend , later husband , Mark . Shelley Fabares , who 'd previously guest starred as Ann 's rival co-worker Francine Webster , appeared more frequently , eventually becoming a regular . Nanette Fabray , who played Ann 's mother , also made more frequent appearances before becoming a regular cast member in the final season . Howard Hesseman joined the series for a short time as Mark 's father , Sam , who would become Ann 's second husband . Notable guest stars throughout the series run include Norman Alden , Robby Benson , Carla Borelli , Charlie Brill , Dennis Burkley , Jack Dodson , Elinor Donahue , David Dukes , Greg Evigan , Conchata Ferrell , Corey Feldman , Alice Ghostley , Lee Grant , Mark Hamill , Terry Kiser , Richard Kline , Christopher Knight , Jay Leno , Robert Mandan , Robert Morse , Denise Nicholas , J. Pat O'Malley , Jo Ann Pflug , Eve Plumb , Susan Richardson , William Schallert , Suzanne Somers , Ellen Travolta , Dick Van Patten , and Keenan Wynn . Main cast ( edit ) Actor Character Seasons 5 6 7 8 9 Bonnie Franklin Ann Romano Main Mackenzie Phillips Julie Cooper Horvath Main Recurring Richard Masur David Kane Main Guest Valerie Bertinelli Barbara Cooper Royer Main Pat Harrington , Jr . Dwayne Schneider Main Mary Louise Wilson Ginny Wroblicki Main Michael Lembeck Max Horvath Main Recurring Main Ron Rifkin Nick Handris Main Glenn Scarpelli Alex Handris Main Boyd Gaines Mark Royer Recurring Main Shelley Fabares Francine Webster Guest Guest Recurring Main Recurring Nanette Fabray Katherine Romano Guest Recurring Main Howard Hesseman Sam Royer Recurring Main Episodes ( edit ) Main article : List of One Day at a Time episodes Season Episodes Originally aired First aired Last aired 15 December 16 , 1975 March 30 , 1976 24 September 28 , 1976 March 22 , 1977 24 September 27 , 1977 April 3 , 1978 26 September 18 , 1978 April 14 , 1979 5 26 September 30 , 1979 April 13 , 1980 6 21 November 9 , 1980 May 10 , 1981 7 25 October 11 , 1981 May 16 , 1982 8 26 September 26 , 1982 May 23 , 1983 9 22 October 2 , 1983 May 28 , 1984 Reception ( edit ) Ratings ( edit ) One Day at a Time was best known in the 1980s as a staple of the CBS Sunday - night lineup , one of the most successful in TV history , along with Archie Bunker 's Place , Alice , and The Jeffersons . The series consistently ranked among the top twenty ( if not the top ten ) programs in the ratings . However , the network moved the show around on the prime time schedule eleven times . By the end of the 1982 -- 83 season , viewership was beginning to slip and the series ended season eight ranking at No. 16 . At this time , Bonnie Franklin and Valerie Bertinelli were anxious to move on , but agreed to do a ninth ( and final ) season . ( Although both were offered contracts for two seasons : a Ninth and a Tenth according to Bertinelli in her autobiography , `` Losing It : And Gaining My Life Back One Pound at a Time '' . ) TV Season Time slot ( ET ) Nielsen ratings Rank Rating 1975 -- 76 Tuesday at 9 : 30 pm 12 23.1 1976 -- 77 8 23.4 ( Tied with The ABC Sunday Night Movie and Baretta ) 1977 -- 78 Tuesday at 9 : 30 pm ( Episodes 1 - 15 ) Monday at 9 : 30 pm ( Episodes 16 - 24 ) 10 23.0 1978 -- 79 Monday at 9 : 30 pm ( Episodes 1 - 13 ) Wednesday at 9 : 00 pm ( Episodes 14 , 16 - 23 ) Wednesday at 9 : 30 pm ( Episode 15 ) Sunday at 8 : 30 pm ( Episodes 24 - 26 ) 18 21.6 1979 -- 80 Sunday at 8 : 30 pm ( Episodes 1 - 17 , 19 - 26 ) Sunday at 8 : 00 pm ( Episode 18 ) 10 23.0 1980 -- 81 Sunday at 8 : 30 pm ( Episodes 1 - 9 , 11 - 16 , 19 - 21 ) Sunday at 8 : 00 pm ( Episode 10 ) Sunday at 9 : 00 pm ( Episode 17 ) Sunday at 9 : 30 pm ( Episode 18 ) 11 22.0 1981 -- 82 Sunday at 8 : 30 pm 10 22.0 1982 -- 83 Sunday at 9 : 30 pm ( Episodes 1 - 18 ) Monday at 9 : 30 pm ( Episodes 19 - 26 ) 16 19.1 1983 -- 84 Sunday at 8 : 30 pm ( Episodes 1 - 6 , 8 - 13 ) Sunday at 9 : 00 pm ( Episode 7 ) Wednesday at 8 : 00 pm ( Episodes 14 - 19 ) Monday at 9 : 00 pm ( Episodes 20 - 22 ) N / A N / A Awards and honors ( edit ) 1981 , 1982 : Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress -- Series , Miniseries or Television Film to Valerie Bertinelli 1982 : Outstanding Directing in a Comedy Series to Alan Rafkin 1984 : Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor -- Comedy Series to Pat Harrington Syndication ( edit ) CBS aired daytime reruns of the show for three years . From September 17 , 1979 , to February 1 , 1980 , it aired on the daytime schedule at 3 : 30 pm Eastern time ; with the cancellation of Love of Life to accommodate the expansion of The Young and the Restless to one hour , it was moved on February 4 , 1980 , to 4 pm Eastern due to Guiding Light moving to 3 pm . On September 28 , 1981 , it moved to 10 am Eastern time , and on September 20 , 1982 , it was replaced by The $25,000 Pyramid . Soon after , the show entered off - network syndication , airing on local stations around the country , and nationally on WGN , TBS , and the E ! Network . As of July 23 , 2017 , the series airs Sunday nights on the digital broadcast network Antenna TV . It also can be seen on Logo TV , as well as the satellite service FeTV . Cast reunions ( edit ) The One Day at a Time Reunion was a 60 - minute CBS retrospective special which aired on Tuesday February 22 , 2005 , at 9 : 00 pm ET , reuniting Bonnie Franklin , Mackenzie Phillips , Valerie Bertinelli , and Pat Harrington to reminisce about the series and their characters . Regular cast members Richard Masur , Shelley Fabares , Nanette Fabray , Michael Lembeck , and Glenn Scarpelli shared their feelings about their time on the show in separate interviews . The special was included as a bonus on One Day at a Time : The Complete First Season DVD set . On February 26 , 2008 , Franklin , Phillips , Bertinelli , and Harrington reunited once again to talk about life on the set , Phillips ' drug problems , and the show 's theme song on NBC 's Today Show as part of a week - long segment titled `` Together Again : TV 's Greatest Casts Reunited '' . Bertinelli , Harrington , and ( on tape ) Franklin appeared on the September 10 , 2008 , episode of Rachael Ray to celebrate Ray 's 40th birthday . In 2011 , Franklin reunited again with Bertinelli on an episode of Hot in Cleveland which marked one of Franklin 's last acting roles before her death in 2013 . Mackenzie Phillips and Pat Harrington Jr. also made individual cameos on the series . One Day at a Time was awarded the Innovation Award on the 2012 TV Land Award show on April 29 . Accepting the award were Valerie Bertinelli , Bonnie Franklin , Pat Harrington Jr. , Richard Masur , Mackenzie Phillips , and Glenn Scarpelli . DVD release ( edit ) On April 24 , 2007 , Sony Pictures Home Entertainment released the first season of One Day at a Time on DVD in Region 1 . On September 7 , 2017 , it was announced that Shout ! Factory had acquired the rights to the series and will release One Day at a Time - The Complete Series on DVD in Region 1 on December 5 , 2017 . DVD Name Ep # Release Date The Complete First Season 15 April 24 , 2007 The Complete Series 209 December 5 , 2017 Remake ( edit ) Main article : One Day at a Time ( 2017 TV series ) Gloria Calderon Kellett and Mike Royce developed a new version of the series , with a Latino cast , for Netflix , beginning in 2017 . The ensemble is led by Justina Machado , with Rita Moreno , Stephen Tobolowsky , Isabella Gomez , Marcel Ruiz , and Todd Grinnell in supporting roles . Pam Fryman directed the pilot episode . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Mike Celizic ( February 26 , 2008 ) . `` Cast of ' One Day at a Time ' reunites on TODAY '' . . Retrieved 2008 - 02 - 27 . Jump up ^ Wilson , Mary Louise . My First Hundred Years , pp. 133 - 139 . Overlook Press . c. 2015 , 2016 Jump up ^ Brooks , Tim ; Marsh , Earle ( 2007 ) . The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows 1946 - Present ( Ninth Edition ) . Ballantine Books . pp. 1687 -- 1690 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 345 - 49773 - 4 . Jump up ^ `` Barbara 's Crisis '' . . Retrieved 15 November 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Awards for `` One Day at a Time '' `` . IMDb . Retrieved 15 November 2012 . Jump up ^ Schedule - Antenna TV Jump up ^ One Day at a Time - CONFIRMED ! ' The Complete Series ' DVDs in 2017 from Shout ! 27 - disc package with all nine seasons will be at stores in early December Jump up ^ `` Netflix Orders ' One Day At A Time ' Latino Remake Series Co-Starring Rita Moreno '' . Deadline . January 1 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Andreeva , Nellie ( February 22 , 2016 ) . `` ' One Day At A Time ' : Justina Machado To Play The Lead In Netflix Series Remake '' . Deadline . Jump up ^ Andreeva , Nellie ( March 2 , 2016 ) . `` ' One Day At a Time ' : Stephen Tobolowsky Cast In Netflix Latino Family Remake '' . Deadline . Jump up ^ Andreeva , Nellie ( April 19 , 2016 ) . `` ' One Day At a Time ' : Todd Grinnell Cast As Schneider In Netflix Series Remake '' . Deadline . Jump up ^ Andreeva , Nellie ( February 5 , 2016 ) . `` Pam Fryman Sets 3 Pilot Directing Gigs '' . Deadline . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to One Day at a Time . One Day at a Time on IMDb One Day at a Time at One Day at a Time at Museum of Broadcast Communications page on One Day at a Time ( hide ) Shows produced or created by Norman Lear The Deputy ( 1959 -- 61 ) All in the Family ( 1971 -- 79 ) Sanford and Son ( 1972 -- 78 ) Maude ( 1972 -- 78 ) Good Times ( 1974 -- 79 ) The Jeffersons ( 1975 -- 85 ) Hot l Baltimore ( 1975 ) One Day at a Time ( 1975 -- 84 ) Mary Hartman , Mary Hartman ( 1976 -- 78 ) The Dumplings ( 1976 ) All 's Fair ( 1976 -- 77 ) The Nancy Walker Show ( 1976 ) All That Glitters ( 1977 ) Fernwood 2 Night ( 1977 ) A Year at the Top ( 1977 ) Sanford Arms ( 1977 ) America 2 - Night ( 1978 ) In the Beginning ( 1978 ) Apple Pie ( 1978 ) Hanging In ( 1979 ) The Baxters ( 1979 -- 81 ) Palmerstown , U.S.A. ( 1980 -- 81 ) a.k.a. Pablo ( 1984 ) E / R ( 1984 -- 85 ) Sunday Dinner ( 1991 ) The Powers That Be ( 1992 -- 93 ) 704 Hauser ( 1994 ) Channel Umptee - 3 ( 1997 -- 98 ) One Day at a Time ( 2017 -- present ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1975 American television series debuts 1984 American television series endings 1970s American comedy television series 1980s American comedy television series 1970s American television series 1980s American television series American television sitcoms CBS network shows English - language television programs Television series by Sony Pictures Television Television shows set in Indiana Television shows set in Indianapolis Television series about families Hidden categories : Articles needing additional references from July 2015 All articles needing additional references Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Français Italiano Nederlands Русский Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Edit links This page was last edited on 12 September 2017 , at 00 : 50 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who wrote one day at a time theme song | [
"The theme song for One Day at a Time, \"This is It\", was composed by Brill Building songwriter Jeff Barry and his wife Nancy Barry, and performed by recording artist Polly Cutter. The opening credits were originally seen over a filmed sequence showing Ann, Julie, and Barbara excitedly moving into their new home. Later, the opening credits sequence mostly consisted of clips of each cast member taken from previous episodes.",
"The theme song for One Day at a Time, \"This is It\", was composed by Brill Building songwriter Jeff Barry and his wife Nancy Barry, and performed by recording artist Polly Cutter. The opening credits were originally seen over a filmed sequence showing Ann, Julie, and Barbara excitedly moving into their new home. Later, the opening credits sequence mostly consisted of clips of each cast member taken from previous episodes."
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"Brill Building songwriter Jeff Barry",
"his wife Nancy Barry"
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-7758902098468800129 | The Man Nobody Knows | The Man Nobody Knows - wikipedia The Man Nobody Knows Jump to : navigation , search The Man Nobody Knows Author Bruce Fairchild Barton Country USA Language English Subject Christianity Publisher Bobbs - Merrill Company Publication date 1925 ISBN 0 - 9652894 - 1 - 9 OCLC 41517505 The Man Nobody Knows ( 1925 ) is the second book by the American author and advertising executive Bruce Fairchild Barton . In it , Barton presents Jesus as `` ( t ) he Founder of Modern Business , '' in an effort to make the Christian story accessible to businessmen of the time . When published in 1925 , The Man Nobody Knows topped the nonfiction bestseller list , and was one of the best - selling non-fiction books of the 20th century . Synopsis ( edit ) In this book , Barton paints a picture of a strong Jesus , who worked with his hands , slept outdoors , and travelled on foot . This is very different from what he saw as the `` Sunday School Jesus '' -- a physically weak , moralistic man , and the `` lamb of God '' . Barton describes Jesus as `` the world 's greatest business executive '' , and according to one of the chapter headings , `` The Founder of Modern Business '' , who created a world - conquering organization with a group of twelve men hand - picked from the bottom ranks of business . Controversy ( edit ) Having completed the book in 1924 , Barton initially experienced difficulty getting his work published , as the material was considered to be controversial . It was simply seen by some as wrong to compare Jesus to ordinary men . Since its publication , The Man Nobody Knows has divided readers . Some welcome the portrayal of Jesus as a strong character , whom no one dared oppose , and praise the use of familiar stereotypes to stimulate interest in religion , whilst others ridicule the suggestion that Jesus was a salesman . Critics have suggested that The Man Nobody Knows is a prime example of the materialism and `` glorified Rotarianism '' of the Protestant churches in the 1920s . It was suggested that the book was written as `` an apology for big business '' ; however , in his 2005 biography of Barton , The Man Everybody Knew : Bruce Barton and the Making of Modern America , Richard M. Fried maintains that Barton was no apologist -- his primary motive for writing was religion . Regardless of his motives for publication , Barton found himself the object of humour by some , and his book was lampooned by radio , magazines and in movies . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` The Man Nobody Knows '' . Material History of American Religion Project . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` The Man Nobody Knows '' . . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` The Man Nobody Knows '' . . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 08 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Man Nobody Knows '' . Powell 's Books . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 08 . ^ Jump up to : `` Jesus the Salesman '' . Journal of the American Academy of Religion . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 08 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Man Nobody Knows '' . The Restoration Website . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 08 . ^ Jump up to : `` Book Review : The Man Everybody Knew : Bruce Barton and the Making of Modern America '' ( PDF ) . Business History Review . Archived from the original ( PDF ) on November 23 , 2009 . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 12 . Jump up ^ `` Jesus , the Adman '' . Bruce Barton biography . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` The Man Nobody Knows '' . Newsweek : On Faith . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 08 . Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1925 American novels Christian literature Novelistic portrayals of Jesus Hidden categories : Books with missing cover Talk About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 16 September 2017 , at 04 : 07 . About Wikipedia | who was the main subject in bruce barton's the man nobody knows | [
"The Man Nobody Knows (1925) is the second book by the American author and advertising executive Bruce Fairchild Barton. In it, Barton presents Jesus as \"[t]he Founder of Modern Business,\" in an effort to make the Christian story accessible to businessmen of the time.[1]"
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724002441475976397 | 2017 World Series | 2017 World Series - wikipedia 2017 World Series For other uses , see 2017 World Series ( disambiguation ) . 2017 World Series Team ( Wins ) Manager ( s ) Season Houston Astros ( 4 ) A.J. Hinch 101 -- 61 (. 623 ) Los Angeles Dodgers ( 3 ) Dave Roberts 104 -- 58 (. 642 ) Dates October 24 -- November 1 MVP George Springer ( Houston ) Umpires Phil Cuzzi ( Games 1 -- 2 ) , Gerry Davis ( crew chief ) , Laz Díaz , Dan Iassogna , Bill Miller , Paul Nauert , Mark Wegner ( Games 3 -- 7 ) ALCS Houston Astros defeated New York Yankees , 4 -- 3 NLCS Los Angeles Dodgers defeated Chicago Cubs , 4 -- 1 Broadcast Television Fox Fox Deportes MLB International TV announcers Joe Buck , John Smoltz , Ken Rosenthal , and Tom Verducci ( Fox ) Rolando Nichols , Carlos Álvarez , Edgar Gonzalez , and Jaime Motta ( Fox Deportes ) Matt Vasgersian and Buck Martinez ( MLB International ) Radio ESPN Radio ESPN Deportes Radio Sportstalk 790 ( HOU -- English ) FM 94.1 HD3 ( HOU -- Spanish ) AM 570 LA Sports ( LAD -- English ) Univision America 1020 ( LAD -- Spanish ) Radio Korea 1540 ( LAD -- Korean ) Radio announcers Dan Shulman and Aaron Boone ( ESPN ) Eduardo Ortega , Renato Bermúdez , José Francisco Rivera , and Orlando Hernández ( ESPN Deportes ) Robert Ford and Steve Sparks ( HOU -- English ) Alex Treviño and Francisco Romero ( HOU -- Spanish ) Charley Steiner and Rick Monday ( LAD -- English ) Jaime Jarrín and Jorge Jarrín ( LAD -- Spanish ) Richard Choi and Chong Ho Yim ( LAD -- Korean ) World Series Program ← 2016 World Series 2018 → The 2017 World Series was the championship series of Major League Baseball 's ( MLB ) 2017 season . The 113th edition of the World Series , it was played between October 24 and November 1 . The series was a best - of - seven playoff between the National League ( NL ) champion Los Angeles Dodgers and the American League ( AL ) champion Houston Astros . It was sponsored by the Internet television service YouTube TV and officially known as the World Series presented by YouTube TV . The Astros defeated the Dodgers , four games to three , to win their first World Series in franchise history , also becoming the first team from Texas to do so . It was the first time since 2002 when two consecutive World Series went to seven games . Both teams set a World Series record with a combined total of 25 home runs throughout the entire series , including a team record 15 home runs by the Astros , and hit a combined total of eight home runs in Game 2 to set the single game World Series mark . Houston outfielder George Springer was named as the World Series Most Valuable Player ( MVP ) after hitting five home runs in the series to tie a World Series record with Reggie Jackson in 1977 and Chase Utley in 2009 . This was the first World Series in which home - field advantage was decided by the regular season record of the two pennant winners . From 1903 to 2002 , home - field advantage had been determined by coin flips and by alternating between the AL and NL . From 2003 to 2016 , it was determined by results from that season 's All - Star Game , when it was awarded to the team from the winning league . The Dodgers earned home - field advantage over the Astros . The series was played in a 2 -- 3 -- 2 format , with the Dodgers hosting Games 1 , 2 , 6 , and 7 ; and the Astros hosting Games 3 , 4 , and 5 . Contents 1 Background 1.1 Los Angeles Dodgers 1.2 Houston Astros 2 Summary 3 Pre-game ceremonies 4 Game summaries 4.1 Game 1 4.2 Game 2 4.3 Game 3 4.4 Game 4 4.5 Game 5 4.6 Game 6 4.7 Game 7 4.8 Composite line score 5 Broadcasting 5.1 Television 5.1. 1 Ratings 5.2 Radio 6 Sponsorship 7 Impact and aftermath 8 See also 9 Notes 10 References 11 External links Background ( edit ) This was the first World Series matchup , and second postseason meeting overall , between the Astros and Dodgers . Los Angeles defeated Houston in the 1981 National League Division Series in five games en route to its World Series championship that year . The teams also met in the 1980 National League West tie - breaker game . This was the first Fall Classic since 1970 , and the eighth overall , in which both participants had 100 or more wins during the regular season . The two teams did not meet in interleague play during the regular season . Los Angeles Dodgers ( edit ) Main article : 2017 Los Angeles Dodgers season The Dodgers held a 91 -- 36 record through August 25 . They won their fifth consecutive National League West title and home field advantage throughout the playoffs . In the postseason , the Dodgers swept the Arizona Diamondbacks in the National League Division Series and defeated the defending World Series champion Chicago Cubs in the previous year 's rematch of the National League Championship Series in five games . This was the first appearance in the Fall Classic for the Dodgers since 1988 , the tenth since the franchise moved from Brooklyn to Los Angeles in 1958 , and the 19th overall . Entering the 2017 World Series , the Dodgers bullpen had thrown 23 consecutive scoreless innings , a postseason record for a bullpen . Additionally , by outscoring the Arizona Diamondbacks and Chicago Cubs by a combined 48 -- 19 margin , the Dodgers entered the World Series with the third - best run differential of any pennant winner since the playoff structure was expanded in 1995 . All - Star shortstop Corey Seager , who was out for the entire National League Championship Series with a back injury , was included on the Dodgers ' World Series roster . Manager Dave Roberts became first manager of Asian heritage ever in the World Series , as well as the fourth African - American manager . Houston Astros ( edit ) Main article : 2017 Houston Astros season The Astros wore a patch during the 2017 World Series in support of Hurricane Harvey victims in Houston With a 101 -- 61 regular season record , the team won its first American League West title , and their first division title since 2001 . In the American League Division Series , they defeated the Boston Red Sox in four games and then defeated the New York Yankees in the American League Championship Series ( ALCS ) in seven games . This was their second World Series appearance and first since 2005 , when they were swept in four games by the Chicago White Sox . They became the first team in history to make it to the World Series as members of both the National League and the American League . The city of Houston in August 2017 suffered record flooding from Hurricane Harvey . The team began to wear patches which had the logo of the team with the word `` Strong '' on the bottom of the patch , as well as promoting the hashtag Houston Strong . Manager A.J. Hinch has stated in an interview that the team was n't just playing for a title , but to help boost moral support for the city . On August 31 , just seconds before the midnight deadline , the Astros traded for Detroit Tigers pitcher Justin Verlander . Following the trade , including the regular season and postseason to this point , Verlander had posted a 9 -- 0 win - loss record with a 1.23 earned run average . He was named the ALCS MVP . Summary ( edit ) Houston won the series , 4 -- 3 . Game Date Score Location Time Attendance October 24 Houston Astros -- 1 , Los Angeles Dodgers -- 3 Dodger Stadium 2 : 28 54,253 October 25 Houston Astros -- 7 , Los Angeles Dodgers -- 6 ( 11 ) Dodger Stadium 4 : 19 54,293 October 27 Los Angeles Dodgers -- 3 , Houston Astros -- 5 Minute Maid Park 3 : 46 43,282 October 28 Los Angeles Dodgers -- 6 , Houston Astros -- 2 Minute Maid Park 3 : 06 43,322 5 October 29 Los Angeles Dodgers -- 12 , Houston Astros -- 13 ( 10 ) Minute Maid Park 5 : 17 43,300 6 October 31 Houston Astros -- 1 , Los Angeles Dodgers -- 3 Dodger Stadium 3 : 22 54,128 7 November 1 Houston Astros -- 5 , Los Angeles Dodgers -- 1 Dodger Stadium 3 : 37 54,124 Pre-game ceremonies ( edit ) A F - 16 Fighting Falcon flies past Dodger Stadium during the pre-game ceremonial flyover before Game 2 . Game 1 : The ceremonial first pitch was thrown out by members of former Dodger Jackie Robinson 's family , including his widow Rachel . The game marked the 45th anniversary of Robinson 's death , and the 2017 season was the 70th anniversary of his breaking of the baseball color line . Keith Williams Jr. , a gospel singer , performed `` The Star - Spangled Banner '' , the national anthem . Game 2 : Fernando Valenzuela threw out the ceremonial first pitch to Steve Yeager ; both were introduced by retired Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully . Country music 's Brad Paisley performed the national anthem . Game 3 : Houston Texans defensive end J.J. Watt , who had raised $37 million for Hurricane Harvey victims , threw out the first pitch . The ball was given to him by Astros ' Hall of Famer Craig Biggio . The national anthem was performed by Texas Air National Guard Master Sergeant Promise Harris . Game 4 : Hailey Dawson , a seven - year - old girl from Nevada , threw out the ceremonial first pitch using a 3D printed hand . The national anthem was performed by the Houston Police Department Quartet . Game 5 : Former President of the United States George W. Bush threw out the ceremonial first pitch . His father , former President George H.W. Bush handed him the ball . Justin Verlander caught the pitch . Country singer Clay Walker performed the national anthem . Game 6 : Orel Hershiser and Tommy Lasorda , celebrating the Dodgers ' 1988 World Series title , each threw out the ceremonial first pitch . Los Angeles Police Department ( LAPD ) officer Rosalind Curry performed the national anthem . Game 7 : The LAPD Quartet sang the National Anthem . The first pitch was thrown out by Sandy Koufax . Rick Monday , Steve Garvey and Don Newcombe participated as well . Game summaries ( edit ) Game 1 ( edit ) Clayton Kershaw pitched seven innings with 11 strikeouts in winning Game 1 . October 24 , 2017 , 5 : 11 pm ( PDT ) at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles , California , 103 ° F ( 39 ° C ) , clear Team 5 6 7 8 9 Houston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Los Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 6 0 WP : Clayton Kershaw ( 1 -- 0 ) LP : Dallas Keuchel ( 0 -- 1 ) Sv : Kenley Jansen ( 1 ) Home runs : HOU : Alex Bregman ( 1 ) LAD : Chris Taylor ( 1 ) , Justin Turner ( 1 ) Attendance : 54,253 The temperature at the start of the game was 103 ° F ( 39 ° C ) , which made this the hottest World Series game ever recorded . Clayton Kershaw started Game 1 for the Dodgers , while Dallas Keuchel started for the Astros . Chris Taylor hit a home run for the Dodgers on Keuchel 's first pitch of the game . It was the third home run to leadoff a game in Dodgers postseason history ( following Davey Lopes in 1978 World Series and Carl Crawford in 2013 NLDS ) . Alex Bregman hit a tying home run for the Astros in the fourth inning . In the sixth inning , Justin Turner hit a go - ahead two - run home run for the Dodgers . Turner tied Duke Snider for most career runs batted in ( RBIs ) in Dodgers postseason history with 26 . Kershaw struck out 11 in seven innings pitched with no walks and only three hits allowed while Keuchel allowed three runs on six hits in 6 ⁄ innings . Brandon Morrow pitched a scoreless eighth and Kenley Jansen earned the save . The two - hour , 28 - minute game was the shortest World Series contest since Game 4 in 1992 . Game 2 ( edit ) George Springer drove in the game - winning run in Game 2 . October 25 , 2017 , 5 : 17 pm ( PDT ) at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles , California , 93 ° F ( 34 ° C ) , clear Team 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Houston 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 14 Los Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 0 WP : Chris Devenski ( 1 -- 0 ) LP : Brandon McCarthy ( 0 -- 1 ) Home runs : HOU : Marwin González ( 1 ) , José Altuve ( 1 ) , Carlos Correa ( 1 ) , George Springer ( 1 ) LAD : Joc Pederson ( 1 ) , Corey Seager ( 1 ) , Yasiel Puig ( 1 ) , Charlie Culberson ( 1 ) Attendance : 54,293 The starting pitchers for Game 2 were Rich Hill for the Dodgers and Justin Verlander for the Astros . The Astros scored first when Bregman drove in Josh Reddick with a hit in the third inning . Hill struck out seven in four innings but was replaced by Kenta Maeda in the fifth . Joc Pederson tied the game with a home run in the bottom of the fifth inning , and the Dodgers took the lead when Corey Seager hit a two - run home run in the bottom of the sixth inning . Verlander allowed two hits , both home runs , in his six innings pitched . Carlos Correa drove in the Astros ' second run of the game on a single in the eighth , ending the Dodgers bullpen 's streak of 28 consecutive scoreless innings in the postseason . Marwin González hit a home run off Jansen in the ninth to tie the game . This was only Jansen 's second blown save all season and snapped his streak of converting his first 12 postseason save opportunities , a major league record . The game went into extra innings . José Altuve and Correa hit home runs off Josh Fields in the tenth inning to put the Astros in the lead . In the bottom of the inning , Yasiel Puig hit a home run off of Ken Giles and Enrique Hernández drove in Logan Forsythe to tie the game , with the latter being the Dodgers ' first run that was not driven in by a home run . In the next inning , George Springer hit a two - run home run for the Astros off of Brandon McCarthy to retake the lead . In the bottom of the 11th inning , Charlie Culberson homered off of Chris Devenski , who later struck out Puig to end the game . This was the first ever World Series game in which a team hit home runs in the ninth , tenth and eleventh inning . The teams set a new record for combined home runs in a single World Series game with eight and this was the first time in MLB history , regular season or postseason , that five home runs were hit in extra innings . The Astros won their first World Series game in franchise history as they had been swept in their previous appearance in 2005 . Game 3 ( edit ) Lance McCullers Jr. earned the win in Game 3 . October 27 , 2017 , 7 : 21 pm ( CDT ) at Minute Maid Park in Houston , Texas , 65 ° F ( 18 ° C ) , roof closed Team 5 6 7 8 9 Los Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Houston 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 5 12 0 WP : Lance McCullers Jr. ( 1 -- 0 ) LP : Yu Darvish ( 0 -- 1 ) Sv : Brad Peacock ( 1 ) Home runs : LAD : None HOU : Yuli Gurriel ( 1 ) Attendance : 43,282 The starting pitchers for Game 3 were Yu Darvish for the Dodgers and Lance McCullers Jr. for the Astros . The Astros scored four runs in the bottom of the second inning on a home run by Yuli Gurriel and RBIs by González , Brian McCann , and Bregman . Darvish left the game after 1 ⁄ innings , which was the shortest outing of his career . The Dodgers scored one run in the top of the third inning as Seager grounded into a double play after McCullers loaded the bases with three consecutive walks . The Astros added another run in the fifth on an RBI single by Evan Gattis and the Dodgers added two in the sixth on an RBI groundout by Puig and a wild pitch . McCullers wound up pitching 5 ⁄ innings and allowed three runs on four hits . Brad Peacock replaced McCullers , completing the final 3 ⁄ innings with no hits allowed and four strikeouts to earn his first major league save . It was the longest hitless World Series relief outing since Ron Taylor 's four innings in Game 4 of the 1964 Series , and tied Ken Clay for the longest hitless postseason save , first accomplished in the 1978 ALCS . Gurriel made a racially insensitive gesture in the dugout after his home run . He stretched the sides of his eyes and mouthing the Spanish word chinito , which translates to `` little Chinese Boy '' ; Darvish is from Japan . Gurriel apologized , and said that anyone from Asia is called a chino in Cuba , although he acknowledged knowing that the term was offensive in Japan from having played there . As a result , Rob Manfred , the Commissioner of Baseball , suspended Gurriel for the first five games of the 2018 MLB season without pay , but allowed him to continue playing in the World Series . Game 4 ( edit ) Joc Pederson hit a three - run home run in Game 4 . October 28 , 2017 , 7 : 20 pm ( CDT ) at Minute Maid Park in Houston , Texas , 67 ° F ( 19 ° C ) , roof closed Team 5 6 7 8 9 Los Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 7 0 Houston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WP : Tony Watson ( 1 -- 0 ) LP : Ken Giles ( 0 -- 1 ) Home runs : LAD : Joc Pederson ( 2 ) HOU : George Springer ( 2 ) , Alex Bregman ( 2 ) Attendance : 43,322 The starting pitchers for Game 4 were Alex Wood for the Dodgers and Charlie Morton for the Astros . Springer homered off Wood in the bottom of the sixth for the first run of the ballgame . It was the only hit Wood allowed in 5 ⁄ innings pitched in the game . Forsythe drove in Cody Bellinger to tie the game in the top of the seventh . Morton struck out seven and only allowed three hits and one run in 6 ⁄ innings . Bellinger then drove in the go - ahead run with a double in the top of the ninth off of Giles and the Dodgers added four more runs on a sacrifice fly by Austin Barnes and a three - run homer by Pederson . Bregman hit a home run off of Jansen in the bottom of the ninth inning , but the Dodgers won the game to even up the series . The Astros had two hits in the game ; both were home runs . This was the first game in World Series history where both starting pitchers allowed four or fewer baserunners . After Game 4 , both teams ' pitching coaches , Rick Honeycutt for the Dodgers and Brent Strom for the Astros , commented on how the baseball being used for the World Series is slicker than the baseball used during the regular season . Pitchers on both teams noted that this difference has made it more difficult for them to throw their sliders . Game 5 ( edit ) Alex Bregman drove in the game - winning run in Game 5 . October 29 , 2017 , 7 : 21 pm ( CDT ) at Minute Maid Park in Houston , Texas , 69 ° F ( 21 ° C ) , roof closed Team 5 6 7 8 9 10 Los Angeles 0 0 0 0 12 14 Houston 0 0 0 0 0 13 14 WP : Joe Musgrove ( 1 -- 0 ) LP : Kenley Jansen ( 0 -- 1 ) Home runs : LAD : Cody Bellinger ( 1 ) , Yasiel Puig ( 2 ) HOU : Yuli Gurriel ( 2 ) , José Altuve ( 2 ) , George Springer ( 3 ) , Carlos Correa ( 2 ) , Brian McCann ( 1 ) Attendance : 43,300 Kershaw and Keuchel started Game 5 , in a rematch of the opening game of the series . Forsythe singled in two runs off of Keuchel in the first inning to put the Dodgers up early . A third run scored on a throwing error by Gurriel . Barnes singled in the fourth to score Forsythe . Keuchel pitched 3 ⁄ innings for the Astros , allowing five hits and four runs ( three earned ) . The Astros scored their first run with an RBI double by Correa in the bottom of the fourth inning , followed by a three - run home run by Gurriel to tie the game . Bellinger hit a three - run home run off of Collin McHugh in the top of the fifth to put the Dodgers back on top only for Altuve to hit his own three - run home run in the bottom of the inning off Maeda to tie it back up . Kershaw pitched 4 ⁄ innings and allowed six runs on four hits and three walks . A triple by Bellinger on a line drive that Springer missed on a dive in the seventh inning off of Peacock scored Hernández from first base . In the bottom of the seventh inning , Springer hit a home run off the first pitch he saw off of Morrow , who was pitching for the third consecutive day , to tie the game . Bregman scored on a double by Altuve to put the Astros ahead for the first time in the game , and then Correa hit a two - run home run to extend the lead . Seager doubled in a run in the top of the eighth inning , but McCann hit a home run in the bottom of the inning . That was the 21st home run of the series , tying the record set in the 2002 World Series . Puig broke the record with a two - run home run in the top of the ninth inning . Down to their last strike , Chris Taylor drove in Barnes to tie the game with a single . In the tenth inning , McCann was hit by a pitch to put him on base with two outs . Subsequently , Springer walked on five pitches to move McCann to second base . McCann was then replaced by pinch runner Derek Fisher . On the next pitch , Bregman singled in Fisher for the winning run . The Astros became only the second team to come back twice from three runs down in a World Series game , the other was the Toronto Blue Jays in the 15 -- 14 win during Game 4 of the 1993 World Series . The six game tying home runs in the series to this point is the most for any World Series on record . This World Series set a new record for most players to hit a home run ( 14 to date in the World Series ) . With the teams combining to score 25 runs throughout the game , this was the highest scoring World Series game since the Florida Marlins defeated the Cleveland Indians 14 -- 11 in Game 3 of the 1997 World Series . Game 5 lasted five hours and seventeen minutes , making it the second longest World Series game in history by time . Game 6 ( edit ) Kenley Jansen recorded a two - inning save in Game 6 . October 31 , 2017 , 5 : 21 pm ( PDT ) at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles , California , 67 ° F ( 19 ° C ) , overcast Team 5 6 7 8 9 Houston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 Los Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 5 0 WP : Tony Watson ( 2 -- 0 ) LP : Justin Verlander ( 0 -- 1 ) Sv : Kenley Jansen ( 2 ) Home runs : HOU : George Springer ( 4 ) LAD : Joc Pederson ( 3 ) Attendance : 54,128 Game 6 featured the same starting pitchers as the second game : Verlander and Hill . Springer hit a home run off of Hill in the top of the third for the first run of the night . It was Springer 's fourth homer of the series , tied for third all - time in a single series and joining Gene Tenace , in 1972 , as the only players with four game - tying or go - ahead home runs in a World Series . Springer also joined Hank Bauer in the 1958 World Series and Barry Bonds in the 2002 World Series with four home runs in a series . The Astros loaded the bases in the fifth inning , but did not score . Hill pitched 4 ⁄ innings , struck out five and allowed four hits and one run . In the sixth inning , Taylor tied the game with an RBI double and Seager hit a sacrifice fly to give the Dodgers the lead . Verlander pitched six innings with nine strikeouts and only three hits allowed . Pederson hit a home run in the bottom of the seventh inning and Jansen pitched two scoreless innings for the save . Pederson tied a World Series record with his fifth consecutive game with an extra base hit . Andre Ethier , who appeared in the game as a pinch hitter , set a new Dodgers franchise record with his 50th career postseason game . George Springer hit his fifth home run in Game 7 , tying the World Series record . Game 7 ( edit ) November 1 , 2017 , 5 : 21 pm ( PDT ) at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles , California , 69 ° F ( 21 ° C ) , partly cloudy Team 5 6 7 8 9 Houston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 Los Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 WP : Charlie Morton ( 1 -- 0 ) LP : Yu Darvish ( 0 -- 2 ) Home runs : HOU : George Springer ( 5 ) LAD : None Attendance : 54,124 This was the first World Series Game 7 to be played at Dodger Stadium ( and the first postseason Game 7 at the stadium since the 1988 NLCS , and the Dodgers ' first World Series Game 7 since 1965 ) . It was also the first time since the 1931 World Series that a Game 7 occurred in a Series with both teams having won at least 100 games during the season . This was the first time since the 2001 World Series and 2002 World Series that back - to - back Fall Classics had a Game 7 . The starting pitchers for this game were the same as in the third game : McCullers and Darvish . Springer doubled to open the game and scored the first run on an error by Bellinger , which allowed Bregman to reach second base . Bregman stole third base and scored on an Altuve groundout . McCann scored the next inning on a groundout hit by the pitcher McCullers . Springer hit a two - run home run , his fifth of the series , tying Reggie Jackson and Chase Utley for most home runs in a single World Series and setting a new record with 29 total bases in any postseason series . As in Game 3 , Darvish lasted only 1 ⁄ innings ( tying the shortest outing of his career ) and became the third pitcher with two starts of less than two innings in a World Series , and the first since Art Ditmar in the 1960 World Series . Morrow relieved Darvish and in the process became only the second pitcher to pitch in all seven games of a single World Series , joining Darold Knowles in the 1973 World Series . McCullers lasted only 2 ⁄ innings himself ; he allowed three hits and hit a World Series record four batters . This was the first Game 7 in World Series history where neither starting pitcher got past the third inning . The Dodgers failed to score a run and left eight men on base through five innings . Ethier , pinch hitting , scored Pederson on a single in the sixth inning for the Dodgers ' only run . They only had one hit in 13 chances with runners in scoring position in the game . Kershaw pitched four scoreless innings of relief in the game , and in the process , he broke Orel Hershiser 's Dodgers postseason record with his 33rd strikeout . Morton pitched four innings of relief to earn the win , as Corey Seager grounded out to José Altuve , who threw to Yuli Gurriel to end the game , with the Astros winning their first championship in franchise history , and ending their 56 - year drought . Springer won the World Series MVP Award . After Game 7 , Correa proposed to his girlfriend , 2016 Miss Texas USA winner Daniella Rodríguez , on live television during a postgame interview conducted by Rosenthal . She accepted . Composite line score ( edit ) 2017 World Series ( 4 -- 3 ) : Houston Astros beat Los Angeles Dodgers . Team 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Houston Astros 7 5 34 56 Los Angeles Dodgers 0 9 8 34 47 Home runs : HOU : George Springer ( 5 ) , José Altuve ( 2 ) , Alex Bregman ( 2 ) , Carlos Correa ( 2 ) , Yuli Gurriel ( 2 ) , Marwin González ( 1 ) , Brian McCann ( 1 ) LAD : Joc Pederson ( 3 ) , Yasiel Puig ( 2 ) , Cody Bellinger ( 1 ) , Charlie Culberson ( 1 ) , Corey Seager ( 1 ) , Chris Taylor ( 1 ) , Justin Turner ( 1 ) Total attendance : 346,702 Average attendance : 49,529 Winning player 's share : $438,901.57 . Losing player 's share : $259,722.14 . Broadcasting ( edit ) Television ( edit ) Fox broadcast the series in the United States , with Joe Buck serving as the play - by - play announcer , along with John Smoltz as color commentator and Ken Rosenthal and Tom Verducci as field reporters . For Fox Deportes , Rolando Nichols provided play - by - play while Carlos Álvarez and Edgar Gonzalez provided color commentary . Kevin Burkhardt hosted the pregame shows , joined by analysts Keith Hernandez , David Ortiz , Alex Rodriguez , and Frank Thomas . Outside the United States , MLB International televised the series , with Matt Vasgersian on play - by - play and Buck Martinez doing color commentary . Ratings ( edit ) Downtown Houston skyline during the 2017 World Series Further information : World Series television ratings According to Nielsen ratings , this series was the third highest rated since 2005 , trailing only the 2009 World Series and the 2016 World Series . For the second straight year , a World Series game , Game 5 , beat out NBC Sunday Night Football in ratings . Game Ratings ( households ) Share ( households ) U.S. audience ( in millions ) Ref 8.7 15 14.97 9.2 18 15.48 8.8 17 15.68 8.7 17 15.40 5 10.5 21 18.94 6 12.6 23 22.23 7 15.8 28 28.24 Radio ( edit ) ESPN Radio broadcast the series nationally in English , with Dan Shulman providing the play - by - play and Aaron Boone serving as color analyst . Tim Kurkjian and Buster Olney served as reporters for the network , while Marc Kestecher hosted the pre-game and post-game coverage along with analyst Chris Singleton . The ESPN Radio coverage was carried on affiliated stations throughout the United States and Canada , as well as online at and via the ESPN mobile app . Spanish - language coverage was provided by ESPN Deportes Radio , with Eduardo Ortega , Renato Bermúdez , José Francisco Rivera , and Orlando Hernández announcing . Locally , both teams ' flagship radio stations broadcast the series with their regular announcers . Sportstalk 790 aired the English - language broadcast for the Houston area , with Robert Ford and Steve Sparks calling the games . In Los Angeles , AM 570 LA Sports aired the English - language broadcast , with Charley Steiner and Rick Monday announcing . In Spanish , Univision America 1020 carried the broadcast , with Jaime Jarrín and Jorge Jarrín on the call . In Korean , Radio Korea 1540 aired the series , with Richard Choi and Chong Ho Yim in the booth . Sponsorship ( edit ) For the first time , MLB sold presenting sponsorships to all of its postseason series ; the internet television service YouTube TV is the first - ever presenting sponsor of the World Series . The series is officially known as the 2017 World Series Presented by YouTube TV . This sponsorship includes logo branding in - stadium and on official digital properties , as well as commercial inventory during Fox 's telecasts of the games . Impact and aftermath ( edit ) The Astros earned $30,420,155.57 from postseason pool money to split among team personnel ; each share was worth $438,901.57 . The Dodgers received $20,280,103.72 , with shares of $259,722.14 The sportsbooks in Nevada lost $11.4 million in November 2017 , a record for baseball - related betting . The city of Houston held a parade for the Astros on November 3 , 2017 , which Mayor Sylvester Turner proclaimed was `` Houston Astros ' Day '' . An estimated 750,000 to one million attended the parade . Springer and Altuve appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated 's November 13 , 2017 , issue , with Altuve holding the Commissioner 's Trophy and Springer holding a copy of a Sports Illustrated from 2014 that predicted the Astros would win the 2017 World Series . See also ( edit ) Baseball portal Los Angeles portal Houston portal 2017 Korean Series 2017 Japan Series Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Except 1904 and 1994 , when the World Series was not held Jump up ^ The Astros moved to the American League West from the National League Central before the 2013 season . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Macklin , Oliver ( October 24 , 2017 ) . `` Davis named chief of World Series ump crew '' . Major League Baseball . Retrieved October 24 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Spangler , Todd ( October 4 , 2017 ) . `` YouTube TV Swings for 2017 World Series Hits in MLB Pact '' . Variety . Retrieved November 2 , 2017 . We are just a week away from the World Series presented by YouTube TV ^ Jump up to : Kramer , Daniel ( October 13 , 2017 ) . `` Overview of World Series home - field advantage '' . Major League Baseball . Retrieved November 2 , 2017 . 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Jump up ^ Paulsen ( November 1 , 2017 ) . `` Astros - Dodgers Game 6 Among Top World Series Games Since 2004 '' . Sports Media Watch . Retrieved November 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Metcalf , Mitch ( November 1 , 2017 ) . `` Top 150 Tuesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 10.31. 2017 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved November 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Paulsen ( November 2 , 2017 ) . `` Over 28 Million For World Series Game 7 '' . Sports Media Watch . Retrieved November 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Mitch Metcalf ( November 2 , 2017 ) . `` Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals : 11.1. 2017 '' . Showbuzz Daily . Retrieved November 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Skarka , Michael ( October 23 , 2017 ) . `` ESPN Radio to Provide Comprehensive Coverage of the 113th World Series '' . ESPN MediaZone . Retrieved October 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Dodgers vs. Astros : Your ' 17 World Series TV Schedule '' . LATF . October 24 , 2017 . Retrieved October 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Lefton , Terry . `` MLB close to selling first World Series presenting sponsorship '' . Sports Business Journal . Retrieved October 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Lefton , Terry ; Ourand , John . `` YouTube TV Digital Pay Service Signs On To Be First World Series Presenting Sponsor '' . Sports Business Journal . Retrieved October 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Axisa , Mike ( November 27 , 2017 ) . `` 2017 MLB postseason shares : Astros to split record $30.42 million '' . . Retrieved February 10 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Houston Astros ' title results in $11.4 million baseball loss for Las Vegas sportsbooks in November '' . . December 28 , 2017 . Retrieved February 10 , 2018 . Jump up ^ McTaggart , Brian . `` Houston pays tribute to Astros with parade '' . . Retrieved February 10 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Young , Matt ( November 7 , 2017 ) . `` Astros ' Jose Altuve , George Springer make Sports Illustrated cover '' . Houston Chronicle . Retrieved February 10 , 2018 . External links ( edit ) 2017 World Series at Baseball Reference 2017 Major League Baseball postseason Part of the 2017 Major League Baseball season World Series American League Championship Series National League Championship Series American League Division Series National League Division Series American League Wild Card Game National League Wild Card Game American League teams Boston Red Sox Cleveland Indians Houston Astros Minnesota Twins New York Yankees National League teams Arizona Diamondbacks Chicago Cubs Colorado Rockies Los Angeles Dodgers Washington Nationals World Series Series not held in 1904 because the NL champions refused to participate , or in 1994 due to a players ' strike . 1900s -- 1910s 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920s -- 1930s 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940s -- 1950s 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960s -- 1970s 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980s -- 1990s 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000s -- 2010s 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Related Pre-World Series champions Dauvray Cup Temple Cup Chronicle - Telegraph Cup World Series champions Most Valuable Players Starting pitchers Babe Ruth Award Commissioner 's Trophy World Series ring Appearances Streaks Droughts Series ( by franchise ) Broadcasters TV ratings ALCS NLCS ALDS NLDS ALWC NLWC Game 7 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake Book : World Series Category : World Series Fox Major League Baseball Related programs The Cheap Seats ( 2010 -- 2011 ) MLB Whiparound Major League Baseball Game of the Week Thursday Night Baseball ( 1997 -- 2001 ) This Week in Baseball ( 2000 -- 2011 ) Related articles DirecTV N3D FoxBox FoxTrax Scooter Television contracts ( cable ) MLB Network World Series television ratings National coverage Fox ( 1996 -- present ) FS1 ( 2014 -- present ) FS2 ( 2014 -- present ) Fox Deportes ( 2012 -- present ) Fox Family Channel ( 2001 ) Fox Sports Net ( 1997 -- 1999 ) FX ( 1997 ) FSN affiliates Arizona ( Arizona Diamondbacks ) Detroit ( Detroit Tigers ) Florida ( Miami Marlins & Tampa Bay Rays ) Kansas City ( Kansas City Royals ) Midwest ( St. Louis Cardinals ) North ( Minnesota Twins ) Ohio ( Cincinnati Reds ) San Diego ( San Diego Padres ) South ( Atlanta Braves ) Southeast ( Atlanta Braves ) Southwest ( Texas Rangers ) West ( Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim ) Wisconsin ( Milwaukee Brewers ) Sun ( Miami Marlins & Tampa Bay Rays ) SportsTime Ohio ( Cleveland Indians ) YES Network ( New York Yankees ) Former FSN affiliates Bay Area ( Oakland Athletics & San Francisco Giants ; 1998 -- 2007 ) Chicago ( Chicago Cubs & Chicago White Sox , 1998 -- 2006 ) Houston ( Houston Astros , 2009 - 2012 ) New York ( New York Mets , 1998 -- 2005 ) Rocky Mountain ( Colorado Rockies , 1997 - 2010 ) Fox / MyTV O&O Stations New York City : WNYW 5 ( Yankees , 1999 -- 2001 ) , WWOR 9 ( N.Y. Giants , 1951 -- 1957 ; Brooklyn Dodgers , 1950 -- 1957 ; Mets , 1962 -- 1998 ; Yankees , 2005 -- 2014 ) Los Angeles : KTTV 11 ( Dodgers , 1958 -- 1992 ) , KCOP 13 ( Dodgers , 2002 -- 2005 ; Angels , 2006 -- 2012 ) Chicago : WFLD 32 ( White Sox , 1968 -- 1972 , 1982 -- 1989 ) Philadelphia : WTXF 29 ( Phillies , 1983 -- 1989 ) Dallas -- Fort Worth : KDFW 4 & KDFI 27 ( Texas Rangers , 2001 -- 2009 ) San Francisco -- Oakland : KTVU 2 ( Giants , 1961 -- 2007 ; Athletics , 1973 -- 1974 ) , KICU 36 ( Athletics , 1999 -- 2008 ) Boston : WFXT 25 ( Red Sox , 2000 -- 2002 ) Washington , D.C. : WTTG 5 ( Senators , 1948 -- 1958 ) , WDCA 20 ( Nationals , 2005 -- 2008 ) Houston : KRIV 26 ( Astros , 1979 -- 1982 ) , KTXH 20 ( Astros , 1983 -- 1997 , 2008 -- 2012 ) Detroit : WJBK 2 ( Tigers , 1953 -- 1974 ; 2007 ) Minneapolis -- Saint Paul : KMSP 9 ( Twins , 1979 -- 1988 , 1998 -- 2002 ) , WFTC 29 ( Twins , 1990 -- 1992 , 2005 -- 2010 ) Commentators All - Star Game ALCS ALDS NLCS NLDS World Series Key figures Kenny Albert Dick Bremer Thom Brennaman Joe Buck Joe Davis Aaron Goldsmith Mike Joy Justin Kutcher Josh Lewin Tom McCarthy Mel Proctor John Rooney Dave Sims Dick Stockton Daron Sutton Matt Vasgersian Rich Waltz Color commentators Rod Allen Bob Brenly Joe Girardi Mark Grace Mark Gubicza Rex Hudler Eric Karros Steve Lyons Rick Manning Tim McCarver José Mota A.J. Pierzynski Harold Reynolds Frank Robinson Ken Singleton John Smoltz Jeff Torborg Tom Verducci Guest commentators Bret Boone David Cone Terry Francona Luis Gonzalez Ozzie Guillén Al Leiter David Ortiz A.J. Pierzynski Lou Piniella Jimmy Rollins Nick Swisher Field reporters Erin Andrews Curt Menefee Chris Myers Ken Rosenthal Studio hosts Greg Amsinger Kevin Burkhardt Chip Caray Brian Kenny Keith Olbermann Patrick O'Neal Chris Rose Rob Stone Jeanne Zelasko Studio analysts Eric Byrnes Keith Hernandez Raúl Ibañez Gabe Kapler Kevin Kennedy Kevin Millar C.J. Nitkowski Dan Plesac Billy Ripken Pete Rose Mark Sweeney Frank Thomas Mitch Williams Dontrelle Willis Dave Winfield Lore The Flip Play ( 2001 ) Steve Bartman ( 2003 ) Yankees -- Red Sox rivalry The 53 - Minute 7th Inning ( 2015 ) Regular season 1998 Major League Baseball home run record chase Philip Humber 's perfect game ( 2012 ) World Series games The Last Night of the Yankee Dynasty ( 2001 ) Game 6 of the 2011 World Series Walk - off Obstruction ( 2013 ) The End of The Curse ( 2016 ) The Wedding Proposal ( 2017 ) Baseball - related curses Curse of the Bambino Curse of the Billy Goat Curse of Rocky Colavito World Series 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 AL Championship Series 1997 1999 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 NL Championship Series 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2008 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 AL Division Series 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2015 2017 2019 2021 NL Division Series 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2014 2016 2018 2020 All - Star Game 1997 1999 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Music `` At Last '' `` Con te partirò '' `` Golden Autumn Day '' `` The Golden Age '' `` Here Comes the Sun '' `` Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye '' `` On Top '' `` The Rising '' Scott Schreer `` The Scientist '' `` Stuck in a Moment You Ca n't Get Out Of '' `` Time of Your Life '' `` Walk On '' Major League Baseball on ESPN Radio Play - by - play Charley Steiner ( 1998 -- 2001 ) Jon Miller ( 1998 -- 2010 ) Dan Shulman ( 2002 -- present ) Gary Thorne ( 2008 -- 2009 ) Jon Sciambi ( 2010 -- present ) Analysts Kevin Kennedy ( 1998 ) Dave Campbell ( 1999 -- 2010 ) Chris Singleton ( 2011 -- present ) Studio hosts Joe D'Ambrosio ( 1998 -- 2007 ) Marc Kestecher ( 2008 -- present ) AL Championship Series 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 NL Championship Series 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 AL Division Series 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 NL Division Series 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 AL Wild Card Game 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 NL Wild Card Game 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 All - Star Game 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 World Series 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Related programs ESPN Major League Baseball Major League Baseball Game of the Week Sunday Night Baseball Commentators All - Star Game ALCS ALDS NLCS NLDS World Series Lore 1998 Major League Baseball home run record chase Death of Osama bin Laden Grand Slam Single Tie - breaker games 1998 NL Wild Card Playoff 1999 NL Wild Card Playoff 2007 NL Wild Card Playoff 2008 AL Central Playoff 2009 AL Central Playoff 2013 AL Wild Card tie - breaker Divisional Series games The Flip Play `` The Bug Game '' Roy Halladay 's postseason no - hitter `` The Illegal Slide Game '' `` The 53 - Minute 7th Inning '' World Series games The Last Night of the Yankee Dynasty Game 6 of the 2011 World Series Walk - off Obstruction End of the Curse of the Billy Goat Chicago Cubs Steve Bartman ( 2003 ) Curse of the Billy Goat New York Yankees Yankees -- Red Sox rivalry Curse of the Bambino Final game at Yankee Stadium ( 2008 ) Related articles Major League Baseball on the radio Home Run Derby 2017 MLB season by team AL East Baltimore Boston NY Yankees Tampa Bay Toronto AL Central Chi White Sox Cleveland Detroit Kansas City Minnesota AL West Houston LA Angels Oakland Seattle Texas NL East Atlanta Miami NY Mets Philadelphia Washington NL Central Chi Cubs Cincinnati Milwaukee Pittsburgh St. Louis NL West Arizona Colorado LA Dodgers San Diego San Francisco 2017 MLB draft 2017 All - Star Game 2017 MLB Little League Classic Players Weekend 2017 World Series Houston Astros 2017 World Series champions 1 Carlos Correa 2 Alex Bregman 3 Cameron Maybin 4 George Springer ( World Series MVP ) 9 Marwin González 10 Yuli Gurriel 11 Evan Gattis 15 Carlos Beltrán 16 Brian McCann 21 Derek Fisher 22 Josh Reddick 27 José Altuve 30 Juan Centeno 31 Collin McHugh 35 Justin Verlander ( ALCS MVP ) 36 Will Harris 41 Brad Peacock 43 Lance McCullers Jr . 44 Luke Gregerson 46 Francisco Liriano 47 Chris Devenski 50 Charlie Morton 53 Ken Giles 59 Joe Musgrove 60 Dallas Keuchel Manager 14 A.J. Hinch Bench Coach 26 Alex Cora First Base Coach 48 Rich Dauer Third Base Coach 8 Gary Pettis Pitching Coach 56 Brent Strom Hitting Coach 39 Dave Hudgens Assistant Hitting Coach 55 Alonzo Powell Bullpen Coach 52 Craig Bjornson Bullpen Catcher 85 Javier Bracamonte Bullpen Catcher 96 Carlos Muñoz Regular season American League Division Series American League Championship Series Houston Astros Established in 1962 Formerly the Houston Colt . 45s Based in Houston , Texas Franchise Expansion Draft History Seasons Records No - hitters Awards Players Managers Owners and executives First - round draft picks Opening Day starting pitchers All articles Ballparks Colt Stadium Houston Astrodome Minute Maid Park Spring training : Geronimo Park Cocoa Expo Stadium Osceola County Stadium FITTEAM Ballpark of the Palm Beaches Culture AstroTurf Orbit Crawford Boxes Tal 's Hill Continental League Houston Buffs Houston College Classic Ball Four ( Jim Bouton book ) The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training Murder at the World Series Night Game `` The Hot Tub '' ( Seinfeld episode ) Boyhood `` Holy Toledo ! '' Sunshine Kids Darryl Kile Award Lore 1980 NL West tie - breaker game Killer B 's 2015 AL Wild Card Game Houston Strong Key personnel Owner : Jim Crane President : Jeff Luhnow General Manager : Jeff Luhnow Manager : A.J. Hinch World Series Championships ( 1 ) 2017 League pennants ( 2 ) National League : 2005 American League : 2017 Division titles ( 8 ) NL West : 1980 1981 1986 NL Central : 1997 1998 1999 2001 AL West : 2017 Wild card titles ( 3 ) NL : 2004 2005 AL : 2015 Minors AAA : Fresno Grizzlies AA : Corpus Christi Hooks A Adv. : Buies Creek Astros A : Quad Cities River Bandits Short A : Tri-City ValleyCats Rookie : GCL Astros DSL Astros Rivalries Texas Rangers St. Louis Cardinals ( former divison rival ) Atlanta Braves ( former playoff rival ) Media TV AT&T SportsNet Southwest Radio Houston Astros Radio Network Announcers Todd Kalas Geoff Blum Seasons ( 57 ) 1960s 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970s 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980s 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990s 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000s 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010s 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Established in 1884 Formerly the Brooklyn Robins and the Brooklyn Dodgers Based in Los Angeles , California Franchise History in Brooklyn History in Los Angeles Seasons Award winners Records No - hitters Players First - round draft picks Managers Owners and executives Coaches Broadcasters Los Angeles Dodgers Radio Network SportsNet LA Hall of Famers Opening Day starting pitchers Ballparks Washington Park Eastern Park Ridgewood Park Washington Park Ebbets Field Roosevelt Stadium Proposed domed stadium Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Dodger Stadium Spring training : Whittington Park Majestic Park Barrs Field Tinker Field Clearwater Athletic Field City Island Ball Park Gran Stadium de La Habana Holman Stadium Camelback Ranch Culture Dodger Dog The First Rick Monday saves the American flag Chavez Ravine Dodger blue `` I Love L.A. '' Roy Campanella Award Historic Dodgertown Vin Scully Tommy Lasorda Nancy Bea Hilda Chester 2011 bankruptcy 42 Lore Chronicle - Telegraph Cup 1955 World Series Fernandomania Kirk Gibson 's 1988 World Series home run Orel Hershiser 's scoreless innings streak Sandy Koufax 's perfect game `` Shot Heard ' Round the World '' NL tie - breaker games / series 1946 NL tie - breaker series 1951 NL tie - breaker series 1959 NL tie - breaker series 1962 NL tie - breaker series 1980 NL West tie - breaker game Rivalries San Francisco Giants Los Angeles Angels New York Yankees Subway Series Hall of Fame members Walter Alston Roy Campanella Don Drysdale Leo Durocher Burleigh Grimes Willie Keeler Sandy Koufax Vin Scully Tommy Lasorda Walter O'Malley Pee Wee Reese Branch Rickey Jackie Robinson Wilbert Robinson Duke Snider Don Sutton Dazzy Vance Zack Wheat Key personnel Owner : Guggenheim Baseball Management President : Stan Kasten President of Baseball Operations : Andrew Friedman General Manager : Farhan Zaidi Manager : Dave Roberts World Series Championships ( 6 ) 1955 1959 1963 1965 1981 1988 League pennants ( 23 ) American Association : 1889 National League : 1890 1899 1900 1916 1920 1941 1947 1949 1952 1953 1955 1956 1959 1963 1965 1966 1977 1978 1981 1988 2017 Division titles ( 16 ) 1977 1978 1981 ( first half ) 1985 1988 1995 2008 2009 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Wild card berths ( 2 ) 2006 Minor league affiliates AAA : Oklahoma City Dodgers AA : Tulsa Drillers A Adv. : Rancho Cucamonga Quakes A : Great Lakes Loons Rookie Adv. : Ogden Raptors Rookie : AZL Dodgers DSL Dodgers Guerrero DSL Dodgers Robinson Minor League Rosters Seasons ( 136 ) 1880s 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890s 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900s 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910s 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920s 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930s 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940s 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950s 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960s 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970s 1970 1971 1972 1973 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980s 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990s 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000s 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010s 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2017 Major League Baseball season World Series 2017 in sports in California 2017 in sports in Texas 2010s in Houston 2017 in Los Angeles October 2017 sports events in the United States November 2017 sports events in the United States Houston Astros postseason Los Angeles Dodgers postseason Hidden categories : Good articles Use mdy dates from February 2018 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Español Français 한국어 Italiano 日本 語 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 7 August 2018 , at 04 : 24 ( UTC ) . 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"The 2017 World Series was the championship series of Major League Baseball's (MLB) 2017 season. The 113th edition of the World Series, it was played between October 24 and November 1. The series was a best-of-seven playoff between the National League (NL) champion Los Angeles Dodgers and the American League (AL) champion Houston Astros. It was sponsored by the Internet television service YouTube TV and officially known as the World Series presented by YouTube TV.[2][3]\n"
] | [
"Los Angeles Dodgers"
] |
-365144391843852451 | Apostolic Faith Church | Apostolic Faith Church - wikipedia Apostolic Faith Church Jump to : navigation , search Apostolic Faith Church Classification Pentecostal Founder Florence L. Crawford Origin 1906 Portland , Oregon The Apostolic Faith Church , formerly the Apostolic Faith Mission , is a Pentecostal Christian denomination , with headquarters in Portland , Oregon , United States . The Apostolic Faith Mission of Portland was founded in 1906 by Florence L. Crawford , who was affiliated at that time with William J. Seymour and the Azusa Street Revival of Los Angeles , California . By 1908 Crawford had founded what would become the Apostolic Faith Church . Since July 2000 , the President and Superintendent General of the Apostolic Faith Church has been Darrel D. Lee , who also pastors the headquarters church . The Apostolic Faith Church has a presence in the United States , Canada , Africa , Asia , Europe , Central and South America , and Australia . In 1997 , the AFC had 2,013 members in 115 local churches served by 188 clergy in the United States . There are ten churches in Canada , several hundred in Africa ( six - hundred in Nigeria alone ) , twenty throughout the Philippines and Korea , nine in Europe ( centrally Romania and Norway ) , and over sixty in West Indies . Church - affiliated groups also regularly assemble in other parts of the world and recently include India . In some locations , member churches carry instead the name Trinity Apostolic Faith Church in order to differentiate themselves from non-affiliated churches in the same area . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Doctrine 3 References 4 External links History ( edit ) The founder of the Apostolic Faith Church was Florence L. Crawford . Crawford was a participant in the Azusa Street Revival . This revival began in 1906 at the Apostolic Faith Mission in Los Angeles . The Azusa Street Mission , as it was called , quickly became the center of the Apostolic Faith movement mainly through the publication of The Apostolic Faith newspaper . Seymour appointed Crawford as the state director of the Pacific Coast Apostolic Faith movement where she would help other missions and churches join the movement . Crawford 's break with Seymour was complete by 1911 . She began an independent work in Portland , Oregon , with the same name as Seymour 's mission and most of the churches under her supervision followed her . This considerably weakened Seymour 's undisputed leadership of the Apostolic Faith movement as most of the churches which had fed the movement chose alignment with Crawford . According to Crawford , the separation was necessitated by rumors that Seymour had abandoned the Wesleyan position that entire sanctification was a second work of grace after conversion . Crawford 's mission gained further influence when Clara Lum , editor of The Apostolic Faith , transferred the paper , under controversial circumstances , to the Portland mission in mid-1908 . The Apostolic Faith would become the Higher Way at a later date and is still published . Doctrine ( edit ) Through the years , the Apostolic Faith Church 's leaders have maintained the doctrines outlined in Seymour 's editions of the Apostolic Faith papers printed in 1906 through 1908 . As a Trinitarian and fundamental church , their doctrinal position centers on a born - again experience , supports the Wesleyan teaching of holiness ( Christian perfection ) , and stresses the need of sanctified believers to receive the Pentecostal experience of the baptism of the Holy Spirit . Their teachings are in direct conflict with Calvinistic beliefs regarding sin , predestination , and eternal security . The doctrinal statement of the Apostolic Faith Church can be found on the headquarters ' website . The text of the page is reprinted below : The Divine Trinity consists of three Persons : God the Father , Jesus Christ the Son , and the Holy Ghost , perfectly united as one . Matthew 3 : 16 - 17 ; 1 John 5 : 7 . Repentance is a godly sorrow for sin with a renunciation of sin . Isaiah 55 : 7 ; Matthew 4 : 17 . Salvation is the act of God 's grace whereby we receive forgiveness for sins and stand before God as though we had never sinned . Romans 5 : 1 ; 2 Corinthians 5 : 17 . Sanctification or Holiness , the act of God 's grace whereby we are made holy , is the second definite work and is subsequent to justification . John 17 : 15 - 21 ; Hebrews 13 : 12 . The Baptism of the Holy Ghost is the enduement of power from on high upon the clean , sanctified life , and is evidenced by speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance . Luke 24 : 49 ; Acts 1 : 5 - 8 ; 2 : 1 - 4 . Divine Healing of sickness is provided through the atonement . James 5 : 14 - 16 ; 1 Peter 2 : 24 . The Second Coming of Jesus will be just as literal and visible as His going away . Acts 1 : 9 - 11 . There will be two appearances under one coming : First , to catch away His waiting Bride . Matthew 24 : 40 - 44 ; 1 Thessalonians 4 : 15 - 17 ; second , to execute judgment upon the ungodly. 2 Thessalonians 1 : 7 - 10 ; Jude 14 - 15 . The Great Tribulation will occur between Christ 's coming for His Bride and His return in judgment . Isaiah 26 : 20 - 21 ; Revelation 9 and 16 . Christ 's Millennial Reign is the literal 1000 years of peaceful reign by Jesus on earth . Isaiah 11 and 35 . The Great White Throne Judgment is the final judgment when all the wicked dead will stand before God . Revelation 20 : 11 - 15 . The New Heaven and The New Earth will replace the present heaven and earth , which will be destroyed after the Great White Throne Judgment. 2 Peter 3 : 12 - 13 ; Revelation 21 : 1 - 3 . Eternal Heaven and Eternal Hell are literal places of final destiny , each as eternal as the other . Matthew 25 : 41 - 46 ; Luke 16 : 22 - 28 . Marriage is for Life , a holy institution that is binding before God , giving neither partner liberty to marry again as long as the first companion lives . Mark 10 : 6 - 12 ; Romans 7 : 1 - 3 . Restitution is subsequent to salvation , wherein wrongs against our fellowmen are made right in order to have a clear conscience before God and man . Ezekiel 33 : 15 ; Matthew 5 : 23 - 24 . Water Baptism is by one immersion `` in the name of the Father , and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghost , '' as Jesus commanded . Matthew 3 : 16 ; 28 : 19 . The Lord 's Supper is an institution ordained by Jesus so that we might remember His death until He returns . Matthew 26 : 26 - 29 ; 1 Corinthians 11 : 23 , 26 . Washing the Disciples ' Feet is practiced according to the example and commandment Jesus gave . John 13 : 14 - 15 . The denomination differentiates itself from other Pentecostals by teaching that Speaking in Tongues is only acceptable in known languages and there must be someone there who can interpret . Membership is not by formally joining the church but when you are Saved you are considered a member . While they are pacifist members can do things that are not non-violent they served in hospitals and other such services . They are one of the early groups that had bus ministries , ministries to ships , nursing homes , street meetings and jail meetings . Literature is printed in many languages and is free . All literature is prayed over and can be used for healing and answers to prayers . Services are composed of the music and they have an orchestra and choir . At the end was an altar call , with the altar being a bench on either side of the front of the church . Ministers are not formally trained but were chosen by elders who laid hands on the person after it was believed they were called . Camp meetings in Portland are two weeks , but used to be longer . Members are expected to pay ten per cent of their income which is put in a box instead of passing a plate or bag . Expenses for the local church are paid out of this and ten per cent is sent to Portland which also used that to run the headquarters . There were never any sales of cakes , dinners or other fund raisers . Among the missionary trips was a trip by boat every year to Alaska . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Blumhofer , Edith L. ( 2002 ) . `` Apostolic Faith Mission ( Portland , OR ) '' . In Stanley M. Burgess . The new international dictionary of Pentecostal and charismatic movements . ( Rev. and expanded ed . ) . Grand Rapids , Mich. : Zondervan Pub . House . p. 327 . ISBN 0310224810 . ^ Jump up to : , Retrieved April 23 , 2012 . Jump up ^ The Association of Religious Data Archives profile on the Apostolic Faith Mission ^ Jump up to : Robeck , Cecil M. ( 2006 ) . The Azusa Street Mission and Revival : The Birth of the Global Pentecostal Movement . Nashville , Tennessee : Thomas Nelson Inc . pp. 297 -- 310 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4185 - 0624 - 7 . Jump up ^ , Retrieved August 10 , 2008 . Jump up ^ , Retrieved April 23 , 2012 . External links ( edit ) Apostolic Faith 's Headquarters Website Apostolic Faith 's Africa Headquarters Website ( hide ) US black church denominations and leaders General Religion in Black America Historically African - American Christian denominations Clergy Methodist African Methodist Episcopal Church ( John Adams Sr . Richard Allen Sarah Allen Benjamin W. Arnett George Lincoln Blackwell Morris Brown Jamal Harrison Bryant John Richard Bryant Richard H. Cain Archibald Carey Jr . Daniel Coker James H. Cone James Levert Davis Jordan Winston Early Orishatukeh Faduma Floyd H. Flake Carolyn Tyler Guidry Sarah E. Gorham William H. Heard Reginald Jackson Henrietta Phelps Jeffries Absalom Jones Ben Kinchlow Vashti Murphy McKenzie Biddy Mason Lena Doolin Mason Robert Meacham Lyman S. Parks Daniel Payne Charles H. Pearce Clementa C. Pinckney William Paul Quinn Reverdy Cassius Ransom Richard Henry Singleton Charles Spencer Smith Theophilus Gould Steward Henry McNeal Turner William Tecumseh Vernon D. Ormonde Walker Lewis Woodson ) African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church ( Julia A.J. Foote James Walker Hood Thomas James John Kinard Jermain Wesley Loguen William Henry Singleton John Bryan Small Jeffery Tribble James Varick Alexander Walters ) A.U.M.P. Church ( Peter Spencer ) Christian Methodist Episcopal Church ( William Yancy Bell William H. Miles ) Baptist Dexter Avenue Baptist Church ( Vernon Johns ) First African Baptist Church ( Richmond , Virginia ) ( Lucy Goode Brooks ) First African Baptist Church ( Savannah , Georgia ) ( David George ) First Baptist Church ( Petersburg , Virginia ) Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship ( Paul S. Morton ) Fundamental Baptist Fellowship Association Joint National Baptist Convention Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention ( Clinton Caldwell Boone * Lott Cary ) National Baptist Convention , USA , Inc . ( Stewart Cleveland Cureton Joseph H. Jackson T.J. Jemison Henry Lyons Benjamin Mays W.J. Simmons ) National Baptist Convention of America , Inc . ( R.H. Boyd ) National Missionary Baptist Convention of America ( S.M. Lockridge ) National Primitive Baptist Convention of the U.S.A. Progressive National Baptist Convention ( Ralph Abernathy William Augustus Jones Jr . Martin Luther King Jr . Gardner C. Taylor ) Silver Bluff Baptist Church United American Free Will Baptist Church ( Benjamin Randall ) United American Free Will Baptist Conference Pentecostal Apostolic Assemblies of Christ Apostolic Faith Church ( William J. Seymour ) Church of God in Christ ( Charles Edward Blake , Sr . Andraé Crouch Sandra Crouch J. Delano Ellis Robert Michael Franklin Jr . Samuel Green Jr . Edwin Hawkins O.T. Jones Sr . John P. Kee Charles Harrison Mason Chandler David Owens Sr Gilbert E. Patterson J.O. Patterson Jr . Wayne Perryman Ted Thomas Sr . F.D. Washington Dickerson Wells Timothy Wright Lennox Yearwood ) Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith ( Robert C. Lawson ) Church of Universal Triumph , Dominion of God ( James F. Jones ) Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas Mount Sinai Holy Church of America ( Ida B. Robinson ) Pentecostal Assemblies of the World ( Charles H. Ellis III ) Reformed Zion Union Apostolic Church United Pentecostal Council of the Assemblies of God , Incorporated United Holy Church of America United Sabbath - Day Adventist Church Other African Orthodox Church ( George Alexander McGuire ) Church of Christ ( Holiness ) U.S.A. ( Charles Price Jones ) Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America City of Refuge UCC ( Yvette Flunder ) Imani Temple African - American Catholic Congregation ( George Augustus Stallings Jr . ) Interdenominational Theological Center Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge Love Center Church ( Walter Hawkins ) Original Church of God or Sanctified Church Spencer Churches ( Peter Spencer ) Trinity United Church of Christ ( Otis Moss III ) United House of Prayer for All People ( Marcelino Manuel da Graca ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1906 establishments in Oregon Christian missions Organizations based in Portland , Oregon Pentecostal denominations established in the 20th century Pentecostalism in Oregon Religious organizations established in 1906 Holiness denominations Pentecostal denominations Fundamentalist denominations Talk Contents About Wikipedia Norsk Svenska 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 16 June 2017 , at 15 : 01 . About Wikipedia | who is the founder of the apostolic faith | [
"The founder of the Apostolic Faith Church was Florence L. Crawford. Crawford was a participant in the Azusa Street Revival. This revival began in 1906 at the Apostolic Faith Mission in Los Angeles. The Azusa Street Mission, as it was called, quickly became the center of the Apostolic Faith movement mainly through the publication of The Apostolic Faith newspaper. Seymour appointed Crawford as the state director of the Pacific Coast Apostolic Faith movement where she would help other missions and churches join the movement. Crawford's break with Seymour was complete by 1911. She began an independent work in Portland, Oregon, with the same name as Seymour's mission and most of the churches under her supervision followed her.[4]"
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"Florence L. Crawford"
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4244248006649072654 | Roxboro, North Carolina | Roxboro , North Carolina - wikipedia Roxboro , North Carolina Jump to : navigation , search Roxboro , North Carolina City Main Street Uptown Motto : Progress Is Our Business ! Location of Roxboro , North Carolina Coordinates : 36 ° 23 ′ 30 '' N 78 ° 58 ′ 55 '' W / 36.39167 ° N 78.98194 ° W / 36.39167 ; - 78.98194 Coordinates : 36 ° 23 ′ 30 '' N 78 ° 58 ′ 55 '' W / 36.39167 ° N 78.98194 ° W / 36.39167 ; - 78.98194 Country United States State North Carolina County Person Government Mayor Merilyn P. Newell ( D ) Area Total 6.3 sq mi ( 16.3 km ) Land 6.3 sq mi ( 16.2 km ) Elevation 715 ft ( 218 m ) Population ( 2010 ) Total 8,362 Estimate ( 2016 ) 8,348 Density 1,300 / sq mi ( 510 / km ) Time zone Eastern ( EST ) ( UTC - 5 ) Summer ( DST ) EDT ( UTC - 4 ) ZIP codes 27573 , 27574 Area code ( s ) 336 / 743 FIPS code 37 - 58160 GNIS feature ID 1024281 Website Roxboro ( / ˈrɒksbʌroʊ / ROKS - burr - oh ) is a city in and the county seat of Person County , North Carolina , United States . The population was 8,362 at the 2010 census . The city is 30 miles ( 48 km ) north of Durham and is a part of the four - county Durham - Chapel Hill Metropolitan Statistical Area , which has a population of 504,357 as of the 2010 Census . The Durham -- Chapel Hill MSA is a part of the larger Raleigh - Durham - Cary Combined Statistical Area , which has a population of 1,749,525 as of the 2010 Census . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Geography 2.1 Climate 3 Law and government 3.1 City Council 3.2 Crime 3.2. 1 Current statistics 4 Businesses 5 Demographics 6 Education 7 Culture 7.1 Museum 7.2 Entertainment 7.3 Farmers market 7.4 Festivals 7.5 Events 7.6 Performing arts 7.7 Public library 7.8 Parks and recreation 7.9 Shopping 8 Infrastructure 8.1 Transportation 8.1. 1 Air 8.1. 2 Major highways 8.1. 3 Future East Roxboro Bypass 8.1. 4 Railroad 8.1. 5 Public transit 8.2 Utilities 9 Media 9.1 Print media 9.2 Radio 9.2. 1 Other nearby stations 9.3 Television 10 Notable people 11 See also 12 References 13 External links History ( edit ) Old pumps at Stuart 's Family Grill - `` Dog House '' Roxboro is named after a town in Scotland , Roxburgh . Although spelled differently , they are pronounced the same . Prior to the official adoption of the name Roxboro , the community was known as `` Mocassin Gap '' . The city of Roxboro was incorporated on January 9 , 1855 and remains the only municipality in Person County . The Holloway - Jones - Day House , House on Wagstaff Farm , James A. and Laura Thompson Long House , Merritt - Winstead House , Person County Courthouse , Roxboro Commercial Historic District , Roxboro Cotton Mill , and Roxboro Male Academy and Methodist Parsonage are listed on the National Register of Historic Places . Geography ( edit ) Roxboro is located at 36 ° 23 ′ 30 '' N 78 ° 58 ′ 55 '' W / 36.39167 ° N 78.98194 ° W / 36.39167 ; - 78.98194 ( 36.391690 , - 78.981877 ) . According to the United States Census Bureau , the city has a total area of 6.3 square miles ( 16 km ) , of which 6.3 square miles ( 16 km ) is land and 0.16 % is water . Climate ( edit ) Roxboro has a moderate subtropical climate , with mild weather in the spring , fall , and winter . However , summers can be hot and humid . Winter temperatures generally range from highs in the low 50s ° F ( 10 - 13 ° C ) to lows in the upper 20s - mid 30s ° F ( - 2 to 2 ° C ) , though 60 ° F ( 16 ° C ) degree weather is not uncommon . The record low was - 9 ° F in January 1985 . Spring and fall days are usually in the low to mid 70s ° F ( low 20s ° C ) , with nights in the 50s ° F ( 10 - 14 ° C ) . Summer days are often in the upper 80s and low 90s ° F ( 30 - 35 ° C , ) with very high humidity . The record high was 104 ° F in July 1966 . The rainiest months are July and September . Roxboro receives an average of 7.2 in ( 183 mm ) of snow per winter . Freezing rain and sleet occur most winters , and occasionally the area experiences a major , damaging ice storm . Roxboro is often dubbed the `` Snow Capital of the Triangle '' because it often receives the most or close to the most snow during snowstorms in central North Carolina ( hide ) Climate data for Roxboro Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Average high ° F ( ° C ) 48.1 ( 8.9 ) 52.2 ( 11.2 ) 60.1 ( 15.6 ) 70.3 ( 21.3 ) 77.2 ( 25.1 ) 84.4 ( 29.1 ) 88.5 ( 31.4 ) 86.4 ( 30.2 ) 80.3 ( 26.8 ) 70.6 ( 21.4 ) 61.7 ( 16.5 ) 51.2 ( 10.7 ) 69.3 ( 20.7 ) Average low ° F ( ° C ) 26.2 ( − 3.2 ) 28.3 ( − 2.1 ) 35.4 ( 1.9 ) 43.6 ( 6.4 ) 52.3 ( 11.3 ) 61.2 ( 16.2 ) 65.5 ( 18.6 ) 63.1 ( 17.3 ) 56.0 ( 13.3 ) 44.2 ( 6.8 ) 36.5 ( 2.5 ) 28.6 ( − 1.9 ) 45.0 ( 7.2 ) Average precipitation inches ( mm ) 4.29 ( 109 ) 3.40 ( 86.4 ) 4.38 ( 111.3 ) 3.32 ( 84.3 ) 3.68 ( 93.5 ) 3.69 ( 93.7 ) 4.81 ( 122.2 ) 3.96 ( 100.6 ) 4.40 ( 111.8 ) 3.90 ( 99.1 ) 3.40 ( 86.4 ) 3.40 ( 86.4 ) 46.63 ( 1,184.4 ) Average snowfall inches ( cm ) 2.4 ( 6.1 ) 1.7 ( 4.3 ) 0.5 ( 1.3 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0 ( 0 ) 0.1 ( 0.3 ) 0.5 ( 1.3 ) 7.2 ( 18.3 ) Average precipitation days ( ≥ 0.01 in ) 10.5 9.4 10.2 9.1 10.1 9.8 11.2 9.6 8.2 6.8 8.4 9.7 113 Average snowy days ( ≥ 0.1 in ) 0.9 1.5 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.5 3.5 Mean monthly sunshine hours 164.3 175.2 229.4 252.0 257.3 267.0 260.4 238.7 219.0 213.9 174.0 158.1 2,609.3 Source : Law and government ( edit ) City Council ( edit ) Merilyn P. Newell , Mayor Will Davis , Mayor Pro-Tem Mark Phillips , Councilman Sandy Stigall , Councilman Byrd Blackwell , Councilman Henry Daniel , Councilman Mayor and City Council members are elected to four - year terms on a non-partisan , at - large basis . Crime ( edit ) Current statistics ( edit ) In 2009 , 0 murders or non-negligent manslaughters were reported on the Federal Bureau of Investigation 's Uniform Crime Reports . Businesses ( edit ) Roxboro businesses include LED lighting , law firms , electrical , textile , manufacturing , aerodynamics , administrative , winery , brokering , food processing , automotive , tobacco agriculture , aluminum and paper products . Roxboro is also adjacent to North Carolina 's Research Triangle region , home to numerous high - tech companies and enterprises . Largest employers : Duke Energy Eaton Corporation Georgia - Pacific Corporation Boise Cascade GKN Driveline Person County Schools Person Memorial Hospital Other businesses : Capital Power Corporation CenterEdge Software CertainTeed Dialight U.S. Flue - Cured Mark Line Industries North American Aerodynamics , Inc P&A Industrial Fabrications Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation Premier Displays & Services LLC Spuntech Industries Inc Strutmasters , LLC Wesbell Technologies Demographics ( edit ) Historical population Census Pop . % ± 1880 483 -- 1890 421 − 12.8 % 1900 1,021 142.5 % 1910 1,425 39.6 % 1920 1,651 15.9 % 1930 3,657 121.5 % 1940 4,599 25.8 % 1950 4,321 − 6.0 % 1960 5,147 19.1 % 1970 5,370 4.3 % 1980 7,532 40.3 % 7,332 − 2.7 % 2000 8,696 18.6 % 8,362 − 3.8 % Est. 2016 8,348 − 0.2 % U.S. Decennial Census As of the census of 2010 there were 8,362 people , 3,479 households , and 1,979 families residing in the city . The population density was 1,296.2 people per square mile ( 535.5 / km2 ) . There were 4,044 housing units at an average density of 630.8 per square mile ( 243.5 / km2 ) . The racial makeup of the city was 44.9 % White , 46.8 % African American , 0.6 % Native American , 0.4 % Asian , 0.01 % Pacific Islander , 2.59 % from other races , and 2.1 % from two or more races . Hispanic or Latino people of any race were 8.7 % of the population . ( This reporting does not take into account the massive annual influx of Hispanic migrant labor . ) There were 3,479 households out of which 28.1 % had children under the age of 18 living with them , 35.2 % were married couples living together , 22.0 % had a female householder with no husband present , and 38.8 % were non-families. 33.8 % of all households were made up of individuals and 15.2 % had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older . The average household size was 2.21 and the average family size was 2.76 . In the city the population was spread out with 23.7 % under the age of 18 , 8.4 % from 18 to 24 , 29.0 % from 25 to 44 , 20.8 % from 45 to 64 , and 18.1 % who were 65 years of age or older . The median age was 44.1 years . For every 100 females there were 81.3 males . For every 100 females age 18 and over , there were 77.8 males . The median income for a household in the city was $36,918 and the median income for a family was $42,559 . Males had a median income of $27,741 versus $23,245 for females . The per capita income for the city was $17,824 . About 13.4 % of families and 16.8 % of the population were below the poverty line , including 21.6 % of those under age 18 and 14.5 % of those age 65 or over . Education ( edit ) See Person County , North Carolina . Piedmont Community College Culture ( edit ) Museum ( edit ) Person County Museum - The museum complex includes the Kitchen House , the Male Academy / Parsonage , Woodsdale General Store , Dr. John H. Merritt 's office , a tobacco barn , and the Van Hook Subscription School , which is believed to be the oldest in the state . An exhibit features athletic exploits of Roxboro 's own Enos Slaughter to Person County 's connection with the RMS Titanic in uptown Roxboro . Entertainment ( edit ) Palace Pointe - A multi-entertainment complex featuring eight movie screens with stadium seating , 20 bowling lanes with cosmic bowling , a roller skating rink , arcade room , diner , billiards room , and private rooms for parties and meeting functions . Roxboro Motorsports Dragway - An IHRA sanctioned , 1 / 8 mile concrete dragstrip opened in 1960 . Car , truck and bike events are the norm during the spring , summer and fall . Rock Sportsplex - Features five baseball fields and a batting cage . Farmers Market ( edit ) Person County Farmers Market - Locally grown produce and goods . Located in the business district . Festivals ( edit ) Personality - A two - day festival is held in August and brings thousands to uptown . It includes street dancing , games , music , booths , food and rides . Lake Mayo Canoe / Kayak Festival - This one - day event is for paddlers and spectators alike . It is celebrated each spring on Lake Mayo . Willow Oak Blue Grass Festival - Held in June and September of each year , this park setting is the home of national , regional , and local blue grass bands . The site includes camping , food , and concessions . Curam Fest - Indulge in the delicious knowledge of Curam Development . Curam Experts from all over the world gather here to discuss the framework . 2017 's Theme will be Rules . Events ( edit ) Clash of the Carts - The competition invites teams of amateur engineers , mechanics , performing artists , general goofballs , and others to create outrageous human powered soapbox carts to race against the clock in a two block downhill sprint to the finish line in uptown . Mayo Lake Cyclysm - Join over 100 cyclists on a scenic journey through rural North Carolina and Virginia . Choose between route distances of 25 km ( 15.5 miles ) , 50 km ( 31 miles ) and a more challenging ride of 75 km ( 46.5 miles ) for experienced cyclists . Cyclysm Bicycle Tour is usually held the third weekend of October . Friday Night Football - Rocket football is big in this town , a good way to end the work week with a little fun . Rocket football brings out thousands of family / friends from the community to watch the game . Also home of Douglas Weaver , Willie Pettiford , Lamarte McGhee , Jacob Newton and other outstanding former Rocket football players Relay For Life - Cancer fight fund - raising event from all walks of life , including patients , medical support staff , local businesses , friends , families , corporations , civic organizations , churches and community volunteers . This yearly event is held at Person High School Stadium in late September or early October . Flat River Antique Engine and Tractor Show - This two - day event attracts many exhibitors and visitors with demonstrations and displays based on the rich agricultural heritage of Person County . Event held in mid September at Optimist Park . July 4 parade and fireworks - Main Street is paraded with antique cars , hot rods , tractors and horse back riders . Followed by celebration of American spirit and pride . Set at the Person High School Stadium , the colorful sights and sounds are preceded by a live concert . Alive After 5 - Hundreds of musical fans gather to listen to the smooth sounds of local bands . This summer event usually held twice a year in June and July at Merritt Commons in uptown . Performing arts ( edit ) Kirby Civic Auditorium - Entertainment in this restored historic movie theater in uptown Roxboro features live theater , dance , and concerts . Headliners have included Branford Marsalis , Doc Watson , the Embers , Mike Cross , and year - round local productions . Total seating capacity - 1028 . Roxboro Little Theater - Producing stage entertainment for over 30 years , through the efforts of both local and regional thespians . RLT has featured such productions as The Wizard of Oz , Steel Magnolias , The Sound of Music , and Oliver . Merritt Commons Pavilion - Hosts local music acts and stage plays in uptown Roxboro . Public library ( edit ) Person County Public Library Person County Public Library reading room Person County Public Library is located in Roxboro . The library hosts over fifty programs a year for children , and an average of two programs a month for adults . There are over 26,000 library card holders . Parks and Recreation ( edit ) Person County Parks and Recreation Department offers a wide variety of leisure services throughout the county providing a variety of recreational opportunities including playgrounds , walking tracks , picnic shelters , basketball courts , golf course , putt - putt , bicycling , fishing , swimming , tennis courts , ball fields , volleyball courts , hiking trails , horseshoe pits and restroom facilities at more than 14 sites , more than 6,735 acres ( 27 km ) of park land , including : Allensville Park Bushy Fork Park Huck Sansbury Recreation Complex Hurdle Mills Park Longhurst Park Mayo Park Mt . Tirzah Park Olive Hill Park Optimist Park Other attractions include : Hyco Lake Mayo Lake Piedmont Community College Nature Trail - A system of seven trails with an observatory . Total distance is 12,741 feet ( 2.4 miles ) . Rock Sportsplex - five baseball fields and a batting cage Roxboro City Lake Roxboro Country Club - 18 - hole golf course Shopping ( edit ) Madison Corners Madison Square Person Plaza Piedmont Square Roxboro Commons Roxboro Market Place Roxboro Square Infrastructure ( edit ) Transportation ( edit ) Air ( edit ) Person County Airport located 8 miles ( 13 km ) south of Roxboro on U.S. Route 501 Raleigh - Durham International Airport located 42 miles ( 68 km ) south of Roxboro Piedmont Triad International Airport located 72 miles ( 116 km ) southwest of Roxboro Major Highways ( edit ) United States Highways : U.S. Route 158 U.S. Route 501 North Carolina Highways : N.C. 49 N.C. 57 N.C. 157 Future east Roxboro Bypass ( edit ) NCDOT approved the Eastern Roxboro Bypass , a four - lane highway from US Hwy 501 south intersection of Old Durham Road to NC Hwy. 49 north . This project has yet to get underway due to funding . Railroad ( edit ) Norfolk Southern - freight rail service Public Transit ( edit ) Person Area Transit System ( PATS ) operates bus routes within Roxboro . Utilities ( edit ) The city 's electric system is maintained by Duke Energy and Piedmont Electric Membership Cooperative . Telephone networks include CenturyLink , wireless networks - AT&T Mobility , U.S. Cellular and Verizon Wireless . Broadband internet is provided by CenturyLink , Electronic Solutions and Charter Communications . Cable television service is available from Charter Communications and CenturyLink . Media ( edit ) Print media ( edit ) Newspapers and periodicals that serve the Roxboro and surrounding area include : Courier Times The Herald - Sun Radio ( edit ) Roxboro is the city of license for two radio stations : 96.7 FM WKRX Country ( `` Kickin Country '' ) 1430 AM WRXO Country ( `` Oldies 1430 '' ) Other nearby stations ( edit ) W281AE 104.1 FM (. 01 kW translator of Liberty University 's WRVL , Lynchburg , Virginia ) Television ( edit ) Roxboro is part of the Raleigh - Durham - Fayetteville Designated Market Area , the 24th largest broadcast television market in the United States . WFMY - TV from Greensboro is carried on DirecTV . WSET - TV from Lynchburg , Virginia is carried on Charter Cable and DirecTV . Notable people ( edit ) Jamie Barnette , former professional American and Canadian football quarterback Robert L. Blackwell , soldier in World War I , Medal of Honor recipient Margie Bowes , country music singer Carl Long , NASCAR driver Tom Long , CEO of MillerCoors Brewing Company Wendy Palmer , professional basketball player ( WNBA ) and current head women 's basketball coach at UNCG James Ramsey , Carolina General Assembly ; Speaker of the House ; awarded the Order of the Long Leaf Pine in 2012 Enos Slaughter , aka `` Country '' , St. Louis Cardinals baseball player Henry Slaughter , Southern Gospel musician ( cousin of Enos Slaughter ) Jim Thorpe , Champions Tour professional golfer Luke Torian , politician , Virginia House of Delegates 52nd District Representative Oscar Scott Woody , sea post clerk aboard the RMS Titanic ; the city 's post office is dedicated in his honor George Yarborough , World War I soldier , Battle of Belleau Wood Corey Lea , Meteorologist at KSWO - TV in Lawton , Oklahoma Rick Watson , Adult Film Star , source Adult Film Directory See also ( edit ) Research Triangle Metropolitan Region ( `` The Triangle '' ) Virginia International Raceway , a nearby multi-purpose road course offering auto and motorcycle racing References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Population and Housing Unit Estimates '' . . Retrieved June 9 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` American FactFinder '' . United States Census Bureau . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 31 . Jump up ^ `` US Board on Geographic Names '' . United States Geological Survey . 2007 - 10 - 25 . Retrieved 2008 - 01 - 31 . Jump up ^ National Park Service ( 2010 - 07 - 09 ) . `` National Register Information System '' . National Register of Historic Places . National Park Service . Jump up ^ `` US Gazetteer files : 2010 , 2000 , and 1990 '' . United States Census Bureau . 2011 - 02 - 12 . Retrieved 2011 - 04 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` '' . 2011 . Retrieved 2011 - 06 - 04 . Jump up ^ `` Census of Population and Housing '' . . Retrieved June 4 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Library a Treasure Trove : Materials , Programs Presented at ' Bargain Price ' . Roxboro , NC : The Courier Times . June 22 , 2011 Jump up ^ `` Electronic Solutions , Inc '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 17 . Jump up ^ `` Special Day For Oscar Scott Woody '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 07 - 17 . External links ( edit ) City of Roxboro Roxboro Area Chamber of Commerce Person County Economic Development Person County Schools The Courier - Times Person Memorial Hospital Piedmont Community College Business Development Center Municipalities and communities of Person County , North Carolina , United States County seat : Roxboro City Roxboro CDP Rougemont ‡ Unincorporated communities Ai Hesters Store Hurdle Mills Leasburg Moriah Olive Hill Semora Somerset Surl Timberlake Footnotes ‡ This populated place also has portions in an adjacent county or counties Greater Durham - Chapel Hill Metropolitan Region ( Durham MSA , part of the Research Triangle ) Principal cities Durham Chapel Hill Raleigh Cary Other significant cities Carrboro Hillsborough Pittsboro Roxboro Siler City Counties Chatham Durham Wake Orange Person Major universities Duke University North Carolina Central University University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Transportation Raleigh - Durham International Airport I - 40 I - 85 I - 540 US 15 - 501 US 64 US 70 NC 147 NC 54 GoTriangle Newspapers The Herald - Sun The Daily Tar Heel Indy Week The News & Observer Carrboro Citizen The Courier Times Miscellaneous Research Triangle Park Triangle J Council of Governments State of North Carolina Raleigh ( capital ) Topics Climate Geography Government History Law Media Newspapers Radio TV Music North Carolinians State Parks Tourist attractions Wildlife Seal of North Carolina Society Culture Crime Demographics Economy Education Elections Gambling Politics Sports Regions Cape Fear Coastal Plain Crystal Coast Eastern Foothills High Country Inner Banks Metrolina ( Charlotte ) Outer Banks Piedmont Piedmont Triad Sandhills Triangle Western Largest cities Asheville Cary Chapel Hill Charlotte Concord Durham Fayetteville Gastonia Greensboro Greenville High Point Jacksonville Raleigh Wilmington Winston ‐ Salem Smaller cities Albemarle Apex Asheboro Burlington Conover Eden Elizabeth City Garner Goldsboro Graham Havelock Henderson Hendersonville Hickory Kannapolis Kings Mountain Kinston Laurinburg Lenoir Lexington Lumberton Monroe Morganton New Bern Newton Reidsville Roanoke Rapids Rocky Mount Salisbury Sanford Shelby Statesville Thomasville Wake Forest Wilson Major towns Beaufort Boone Brevard Carrboro Clayton Cornelius Dunn Fuquay - Varina Harrisburg Holly Springs Hope Mills Huntersville Indian Trail Kernersville Knightdale Leland Matthews Midland Mint Hill Mooresville Morehead City Morrisville Mount Pleasant Oxford Shallotte Smithfield Southern Pines Tarboro Waynesville Winterville Counties Alamance Alexander Alleghany Anson Ashe Avery Beaufort Bertie Bladen Brunswick Buncombe Burke Cabarrus Caldwell Camden Carteret Caswell Catawba Chatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus Craven Cumberland Currituck Dare Davidson Davie Duplin Durham Edgecombe Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Graham Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell Jackson Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir Lincoln Macon Madison Martin McDowell Mecklenburg Mitchell Montgomery Moore Nash New Hanover Northampton Onslow Orange Pamlico Pasquotank Pender Perquimans Person Pitt Polk Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockingham Rowan Rutherford Sampson Scotland Stanly Stokes Surry Swain Transylvania Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren Washington Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey Retrieved from ``,_North_Carolina&oldid=808915274 '' Categories : Cities in Person County , North Carolina County seats in North Carolina Populated places established in 1855 Talk Contents About Wikipedia تۆرکجه Bân - lâm - gú Català Cebuano Español Euskara فارسی Français Italiano Malagasy Nederlands Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча Polski Português Српски / srpski Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски Svenska Türkçe Volapük Edit links This page was last edited on 6 November 2017 , at 00 : 29 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | how far is roxboro nc from durham nc | [
"Roxboro (/ˈrɒksbʌroʊ/ ROKS-burr-oh) is a city in and the county seat of Person County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 8,362 at the 2010 census. The city is 30 miles (48 km) north of Durham and is a part of the four-county Durham-Chapel Hill Metropolitan Statistical Area, which has a population of 504,357 as of the 2010 Census. The Durham–Chapel Hill MSA is a part of the larger Raleigh-Durham-Cary Combined Statistical Area, which has a population of 1,749,525 as of the 2010 Census."
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"30 miles (48 km) north of Durham"
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8924335918958841739 | Texas Flood (song) | Texas Flood ( song ) - wikipedia Texas Flood ( song ) Jump to : navigation , search `` Texas Flood '' Single by Larry Davis B - side `` I Tried '' Released 1958 ( 1958 ) Format 10 - inch 78 rpm , 7 - inch 45 rpm Recorded Houston , Texas , 1958 Genre Blues Length 2 : 35 Label Duke ( no . 192 ) Songwriter ( s ) Larry Davis , Joseph Scott Larry Davis singles chronology `` Texas Flood '' ( 1958 ) `` Angels in Houston '' ( 1959 ) `` Texas Flood '' ( sometimes called `` Stormin ' in Texas '' or `` Flood Down in Texas '' ) is a blues song recorded by Larry Davis in 1958 . It is considered a blues standard and has been recorded by several artists , including Stevie Ray Vaughan , who made it part of his repertoire . Contents ( hide ) 1 Original song 2 Stevie Ray Vaughan version 3 Other renditions 4 References Original song ( edit ) `` Texas Flood '' is a slow - tempo twelve - bar blues notated in 12 / 8 time in the key of A flat . It was written by Davis in California in 1955 and is credited to Davis and Duke Records arranger / trumpeter Joseph Scott . Nominally about a flood in Texas , Davis used it as a metaphor for his relationship problems : Well I 'm leavin ' you baby , Lord I 'm goin ' back home to stay ( 2 × ) Well where there 's no floods or tornadoes , baby the sun shines every day Although Davis later became a guitar player , for `` Texas Flood '' Fenton Robinson provided the distinctive guitar parts , with Davis on vocals and bass , James Booker on piano , David Dean on tenor saxophone , and an unknown drummer . The song was Davis ' first single as a leader and became a regional hit . Stevie Ray Vaughan version ( edit ) `` Texas Flood '' Song by Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble from the album Texas Flood Released June 13 , 1983 ( 1983 - 06 - 13 ) Format LP record Recorded November 22 , 1982 Studio Down Town Studio , Los Angeles Genre Texas blues , blues rock Length 5 : 21 Label Epic Songwriter ( s ) Larry Davis , Joe Scott Producer ( s ) Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble , Richard Mullen `` Texas Flood '' Stevie Ray Vaughan 's version . Problems playing this file ? See media help . According to Clifford Antone , Stevie Ray Vaughan was introduced to `` Texas Flood '' by Angela Strehli at Antone 's Austin , Texas club , where the three of them worked out the song . Vaughan drummer Chris Layton recalled that Albert King brought Larry Davis to the club several times , where Vaughan was attracted to the `` intriguing guitar parts '' . In 1983 , Vaughan recorded `` Texas Flood '' for his debut album , also titled Texas Flood . He followed Davis ' song , although he added several twelve - bar sections of improvised guitar soloing , which nearly doubled the length of the song and provided a showcase for his electric guitar style . Although Vaughan performed it in the fingered key of G , he tuned his guitar one - half step lower resulting in a pitch of G flat . Vaughan recorded several live versions of `` Texas Flood '' during his career , which appeared on such albums as Live Alive ( 1986 ) , Live at Montreux 1982 & 1985 ( released 2001 ) , Live in Tokyo ( 1985 , released 2006 ) , and the videos Live at the El Mocambo ( 1983 , released 1991 ) and Live from Austin , Texas ( 1983 , released 1995 ) . Vaughan 's version is listed at number 66 by Rolling Stone magazine in its `` 100 Greatest Guitar Songs of All Time '' Other renditions ( edit ) Numerous blues and other artists have recorded `` Texas Flood '' , including original guitarist Fenton Robinson on his album Somebody Loan Me a Dime ( 1974 ) , Buddy Guy from Breaking Out ( 1980 , released 1988 ) , and Willie Nelson from Milk Cow Blues ( 2000 ) . Albert King reworked the song as `` Floodin ' in California '' for his album San Francisco ' 83 , which was re-released as Crosscut Saw : Albert King in San Francisco ( both 1983 ) . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ Herzhaft , Gerard ( 1992 ) . Encyclopedia of the Blues . Fayetteville , Arkansas : University of Arkansas Press . p. 472 . ISBN 1 - 55728 - 252 - 8 . Jump up ^ Morthland , John ( 1992 ) . The Best of Duke - Peacock Blues ( Album notes ) . Various artists . MCA Records . p. 11 . MCAD - 10667 . ^ Jump up to : Gregory , Hugh ( 2003 ) . Roadhouse Blues : Stevie Ray Vaughan and Texas R&B . Backbeat Books . p. 79 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 87930 - 747 - 9 . Jump up ^ For a while , Larry Davis played bass for Albert King . Jump up ^ Rolling Stone ( 2003 ) . `` 100 Greatest Guitar Songs of All Time '' . Rolling Stone . Archived from the original on 2008 . Retrieved September 26 , 2016 . ( hide ) Stevie Ray Vaughan Original 1983 -- 1989 releases are marked in bold . Studio albums Texas Flood Could n't Stand the Weather Soul to Soul In Step Family Style The Sky Is Crying Live albums Live Alive In the Beginning Live at Carnegie Hall In Session Live at Montreux 1982 & 1985 Compilations Greatest Hits The Real Deal : Greatest Hits Volume 2 Blues at Sunrise The Essential Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble Official bootlegs Live in Tokyo Singles `` Pride and Joy '' / `` Rude Mood '' `` Love Struck Baby '' `` The Sky Is Crying '' / `` Chitlins con Carne '' `` Taxman '' Songs `` All Your Love ( I Miss Loving ) '' `` Come On ( Part III ) '' `` Crossfire '' `` Hide Away '' `` Lenny '' `` Little Wing '' `` Pipeline '' `` Say What ! '' `` Superstition '' `` Testify '' `` Texas Flood '' `` The Things That I Used to Do '' `` Voodoo Child ( Slight Return ) '' Concert tours Texas Flood Tour ( 1983 -- 84 ) Could n't Stand the Weather Tour ( 1984 - 85 ) Soul to Soul Tour ( 1985 - 86 ) Live Alive Tour ( 1986 - 88 ) In Step Tour ( 1989 - 90 ) Performance videos Pride and Joy Live at the El Mocambo Related articles Original discography Posthumous discography Double Trouble David Bowie Doyle Bramhall Tommy Shannon Chris Layton Jimmie Vaughan Reese Wynans Lou Ann Barton W.C. Clark Death of Stevie Ray Vaughan Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1958 songs Blues songs 1958 singles Stevie Ray Vaughan songs Songs about Texas Duke Records singles Hidden categories : Articles with hAudio microformats Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 15 September 2017 , at 17 : 07 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who wrote it's flooding down in texas | [
"\n\n\"Texas Flood\"\n\n\n\n\n\nSingle by Larry Davis\n\n\nB-side\n\"I Tried\"\n\n\nReleased\n1958 (1958)\n\n\nFormat\n10-inch 78 rpm, 7-inch 45 rpm\n\n\nRecorded\nHouston, Texas, 1958\n\n\nGenre\nBlues\n\n\nLength\n2:35\n\n\nLabel\nDuke (no. 192)\n\n\nSongwriter(s)\nLarry Davis, Joseph Scott\n\n\nLarry Davis singles chronology\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Texas Flood\"\n(1958)\n\"Angels in Houston\"\n(1959)\n\n\n\n\n",
"\n\n\"Texas Flood\"\n\n\n\n\n\nSingle by Larry Davis\n\n\nB-side\n\"I Tried\"\n\n\nReleased\n1958 (1958)\n\n\nFormat\n10-inch 78 rpm, 7-inch 45 rpm\n\n\nRecorded\nHouston, Texas, 1958\n\n\nGenre\nBlues\n\n\nLength\n2:35\n\n\nLabel\nDuke (no. 192)\n\n\nSongwriter(s)\nLarry Davis, Joseph Scott\n\n\nLarry Davis singles chronology\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\"Texas Flood\"\n(1958)\n\"Angels in Houston\"\n(1959)\n\n\n\n\n"
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"Larry Davis",
"Joseph Scott"
] |
8657970742096423116 | The Perks of Being a Wallflower | The Perks of Being a Wallflower - wikipedia The Perks of Being a Wallflower Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the book . For the film adaptation , see The Perks of Being a Wallflower ( film ) . The Perks of Being a Wallflower Author Stephen Chbosky Country United States Language English Genre Young adult / Epistolary Publisher Pocket Books ( original cover ) MTV Books ( movie cover version ) Publication date February 1 , 1999 Media type Print ( Paperback ) and Audiobook Pages 256 ( first edition paperback ) 224 ( regular edition paperback ) ISBN 0 - 671 - 02734 - 4 OCLC 40813072 Dewey Decimal 813 /. 54 21 + + + + + LC Class PS3553. H3469 P47 1999 The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a coming - of - age epistolary novel by American writer Stephen Chbosky , which was first published on February 1 , 1999 , by Pocket Books . Set in the early 1990s , the novel follows Charlie , an introverted teenager , through his freshman year of high school in a Pittsburgh suburb . The novel details Charlie 's unconventional style of thinking as he navigates between the worlds of adolescence and adulthood , and attempts to deal with poignant questions spurred by his interactions with both his friends and family . Chbosky took five years to develop and publish The Perks of Being a Wallflower , creating the characters and other aspects of the story from his own memories . The novel addresses themes permeating adolescence , including introversion , sexuality , drug use , and mental health , while also making several references to other literary works , films , and pop culture in general . Because of the mentioned themes , it was banned in some American schools for its content . In 2012 , Chbosky himself adapted and directed a film version starring Logan Lerman , Ezra Miller and Emma Watson . The film boosted the novel 's sales , and the book reached The New York Times Best Seller list . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Background and writing 3 Style and themes 4 Publication and reception 5 Film adaptation 6 References 7 External links Plot ( edit ) Charlie , the 15 - year - old protagonist , begins writing letters about his own life to an unknown recipient . In these letters he discusses his first year at high school and his struggles with two traumatic experiences : the suicide of his only middle - school friend , Michael Dobson , and the death of his favorite aunt , Helen . His English teacher , who encourages Charlie to call him Bill , notices Charlie 's passion for reading and writing , and acts as a mentor by assigning him extracurricular books and reports . Although he is a wallflower , Charlie is befriended by two seniors : Patrick and Sam . Patrick is secretly dating Brad , a closeted football player , and Sam is Patrick 's stepsister . Charlie quickly develops a crush on Sam and subsequently admits his feelings to her . It is revealed that Sam was sexually abused as a child , and she kisses Charlie to ensure that his first kiss is from someone who truly loves him . In parallel , Charlie witnesses his sister 's boyfriend hit her across the face , but she forbids him from telling their parents . He eventually mentions the occurrence to Bill , who tells Charlie 's parents about it . Charlie 's relationship with his sister rapidly deteriorates and she continues to see her boyfriend against her parents ' wishes . Eventually , he discovers that his sister is pregnant and agrees to bring her to an abortion clinic without telling anyone . His sister breaks up with her boyfriend , after which her and Charlie 's relationship begins to improve significantly . Charlie is accepted by Sam and Patrick 's group of friends and begins experimenting with tobacco , alcohol and other drugs . At a party Charlie trips on LSD . He can not control his flashbacks of Aunt Helen , who died in a car crash on her way to buy him a birthday gift . He ends up in the hospital after falling asleep in the snow . At a Rocky Horror Picture Show performance , Charlie is asked to fill in as Rocky for Sam 's boyfriend Craig , who is unavailable . Their friend Mary Elizabeth is impressed and asks Charlie to the Sadie Hawkins dance and they enter into a desultory relationship . The relationship ends , however , during a game of truth or dare when Charlie is dared to kiss the prettiest girl in the room . He kisses Sam , and Mary Elizabeth storms out of the room in response . Following this , Patrick suggests that Charlie stay away from Sam for a while , and the rest of the friend group shuns him . His flashbacks of Aunt Helen return . Patrick and Brad 's relationship is discovered by Brad 's abusive father , and Brad disappears from school for a few days . Upon returning , Brad is cold and mean toward Patrick , while Patrick attempts to reconnect with him . However , when Brad derogatorily attacks Patrick 's sexuality in public , Patrick physically attacks Brad until other football players join in and gang up on Patrick . Charlie joins in the fight to help Patrick , and breaks it up , regaining the respect of Sam and her friends . Patrick begins spending much of his time with Charlie and Patrick kisses Charlie impulsively and then apologizes , but Charlie understands that he is recovering from his romance with Brad . Soon Patrick sees Brad engaging with a stranger in the park and Patrick is able to move on from the relationship . As the school year ends , Charlie is anxious about losing his older friends -- especially Sam , who is leaving for a summer college - preparatory program and has learned that her boyfriend cheated on her . When Charlie helps her pack , they talk about his feelings for her ; she is angry that he never acted on them . They begin to engage sexually , but Charlie suddenly grows inexplicably uncomfortable and stops Sam . Charlie begins to realize that his sexual contact with Sam has stirred up repressed memories of him being molested by his Aunt Helen as a little boy . Charlie shows signs of PTSD from the incident and the revelation of his abuse helps the reader understand his view of relationships and love . In an epilogue , Charlie is discovered by his parents in a catatonic state and does not show any movement despite being hit reluctantly by his father . After being admitted to a mental hospital , it is revealed that Helen actually sexually abused him when he was young , and his love for her ( and empathy for her troubled youth ) caused him to repress his traumatic memories . This psychological damage explains his flashbacks and derealization phases throughout the book . In two months Charlie is released , and Sam and Patrick visit him . In the epilogue , Sam , Patrick and Charlie go through the tunnel again and Charlie stands up and exclaims that he feels infinite . Charlie eventually comes to terms with his past : `` Even if we do n't have the power to choose where we come from , we can still choose where we go from there '' . Charlie decides to `` participate '' in life , and his letter - writing ends . Background and writing ( edit ) Author Stephen Chbosky at the San Diego Comic - Con in 2006 Chbosky incorporated both fictional ideas and personal experiences to the novel . After five years with these elements in mind , he had the idea of writing the novel during a difficult period in his life . He was experiencing an unpleasant breakup of his own , which led him to ask , `` Why good people let themselves get treated so badly ? '' The author tried to answer the question with the sentence `` we accept the love we think we deserve '' . This quoted references the struggle of finding self love , encompassing one 's life and hope for the future , and not just romantic love . The story began when Chbosky was in school , evolving from another book on which he was working . In that book he wrote the sentence , `` I guess that 's just one of the perks of being a wallflower '' , which led him to realize `` that somewhere in that ... was the kid I was really trying to find . '' Chbosky began writing the novel in the summer of 1996 while he was in college , and within ten weeks he completed the story . He rewrote it into two more drafts , concluding the published version in the summer of 1998 . Charlie was loosely based on Chbosky himself . In the novel , Chbosky included much of his own memories from the time he lived in Pittsburgh . The other characters were manifestations of people Chbosky had known throughout his life ; Chbosky focused on people 's struggles and what they are passionate about , attempting to pin down the very nature of each of the characters . The characters of Sam and Patrick were an `` amalgamate and celebration '' of several people Chbosky has met ; Sam was based on girls who confided in him , and Patrick was `` all the kids I knew who were gay and finding their way to their own identity . '' Style and themes ( edit ) The idea of anonymous letters came from a real experience ; during his senior year in high school , Chbosky wrote an anonymous letter to Stewart Stern about how Rebel Without a Cause had influenced him . A year and a half later , Stern found Chbosky and became his mentor . By using a series of letters from Charlie to an anonymous character , Chbosky found `` the most intimate way '' to talk directly to the reader . He thought the letters would help him keep the story cohesive , `` to convey the highs and lows of being young -- one day , you 're on top of the world and you 've had the greatest of times '' . Critics have identified primary themes of teenage reality and nostalgia . According to David Edelstein of the New York Magazine , Chbosky captures the `` feeling you belong when among friends , yet you 'd soon be alone '' and notes that `` the pain of loss ... ( is ) almost as intense as the bliss ... it 's nostalgia with an emphasis on nostos , pain ( sic ) . '' Marty Beckerman of Word Riot said that The Perks of Being a Wallflower connects with young people because its scenes are `` so universal and happen to so many teenagers . '' Chbosky wanted to convey respect for teenagers , to `` validate and respect and celebrate what ( teenagers ) are going through every day '' , and said the novel is for `` anyone who 's felt like an outcast . '' Read by all ages , The Perks of Being a Wallflower is targeted at a teenage audience . The book addresses a range of themes dispassionately . These themes include drugs , friendship , body image , first love , suicide , eating disorders and sexuality . Chbosky appreciates the importance of entertainment in adolescence : `` Books , songs , and movies are more than entertainment when we 're young . They help all of us discover who we are , what we believe , and what we hope our life can be . '' As such , the book contains several cultural references across all mediums : musically the book references The Smiths and Fleetwood Mac , literarily the book references This Side of Paradise , On the Road , To Kill a Mockingbird and theatrically the book references The Rocky Horror Picture Show . Publication and reception ( edit ) The Perks of Being a Wallflower was first published on February 1 , 1999 by Pocket Books through its MTV Books imprint . It became the subsidiary 's best - selling book with 100,000 copies in print as of 2000 , and was included on school reading lists and gathered a cult following . By 2012 , the novel had been published in 16 countries in 13 languages , and that same year it placed at number 16 on NPR 's list of the `` 100 Best - Ever Teen Novels '' . Critical response was mixed ; Publishers Weekly called the novel `` trite '' , dealing with `` standard teenage issues '' in which `` Chbosky infuses a droning insistence on Charlie 's supersensitive disposition . '' Although Kirkus Review said it had `` the right combination of realism and uplift '' , the reviewer criticized Chbosky 's `` rip - off '' of J.D. Salinger 's The Catcher in the Rye . Although other reviewers made similar comparisons , Chbosky said he `` was not trying to mimic ( Salinger 's ) style as a writer '' ; he saw `` how readers could compare Charlie to Salinger 's Holden Caulfield , but `` they are very different people with unique problems and perspectives '' . More positive was Francisca Goldsmith of the School Library Journal , who said the novel `` cleverly '' makes the readers the recipients of Charlie 's letters , and it `` will engage teen readers for years to come . '' Common Sense Media 's Kate Pavao praised its relevant themes for teenagers : `` Readers will find themselves quickly feeling sorry for the protagonist and worrying about him throughout his transformative journey . '' For The A.V. Club , Marah Eakin wrote that although for an adult `` Perks suffers from an overabundance of pure , raw angst ... unlike some more arrested development - friendly young adult fare like Harry Potter , Perks speaks to a more specific age range and does it well . '' The Perks of Being a Wallflower has appeared six times on the American Library Association 's list of 10 most - frequently - challenged books for its content . A Wisconsin school board refused to ban the book , angering local parents . The Glen Ellyn District 41 school board in suburban Chicago unanimously voted to reinstate the novel after it was removed from eighth - grade classrooms at Hadley Junior High School because of a parent 's objection to its sexual content . Further objections to the book include the use of `` profanity '' , `` drug abuse '' , `` sexually explicit '' scenes , and `` torture '' . Groups like PABBIS ( Parents Against Bad Books in School ) work to restrict literature considered `` controversial '' from being accessed by younger children . The group believes these `` bad books '' should be moved to the adult section . In 2009 , Perks was repeatedly challenged for descriptions of masturbation , sexually explicit conduct , drug use , and talk of suicide and there have been multiple pushes across the United States to move this literary work from the children and young adults section to the adult section . Parents have raised issues with the novel for its `` pornographic '' content and `` vulgarity '' , but others have argued that the book deals with real and common teen issues concerned with growing up , so it presents a truthful viewpoint . Issues are also raised surrounding the books themes of homosexuality , as well as a `` glorification '' of the use of drugs and alcohol . In an interview , Chbosky said that he knew of two school boards which have banned the book ( in Massachusetts and on Long Island ) . Since he `` did n't write it to be a controversial book , '' he was `` surprised '' by the bans . Film adaptation ( edit ) Lerman , Watson , and Miller , the main actors in the film adaptation , played Charlie , Sam , and Patrick respectively Main article : The Perks of Being a Wallflower ( film ) Since he wrote The Perks of Being a Wallflower , Chbosky aspired to adapt it into a film , calling this `` a lifelong dream of mine '' . After the publication of the novel , the author said he received film offers , refusing them because he `` owed the fans a movie that was worthy of their love for the book '' . In 2010 Mr. Mudd began developing a film version , and the author was signed to write and direct the film by producers John Malkovich , Lianne Halfon and Russell Smith . The film , shot in the Pittsburgh area from May 9 to June 29 , 2011 , starred Logan Lerman as Charlie , Emma Watson as Sam , Ezra Miller as Patrick , and Nina Dobrev as Charlie 's sister , Candace . With the announcement of a film adaptation , the novel received more attention ; its sales increased from 88,847 copies in 2011 to 425,933 in 2012 , and it reached the New York Times bestseller lists . It entered the Children 's Paperback Books category on the June 23 , 2012 list , and had 1.5 million copies in print in November 2012 . As of May 11 , 2014 it appeared on The New York Times top 10 list for the 71st non-consecutive week , and was in the top 15 on the November 23 list . It premiered on September 8 , 2012 at the Toronto International Film Festival , and was released theatrically in the United States by Summit Entertainment on September 21 . According to Metacritic it has received `` generally favorable reviews '' , with an average of 67 out of 100 based on 36 reviews . Rotten Tomatoes reported an 86 % approval rate , based on 153 reviews . The film grossed over $33 million worldwide from a $13 million production budget . Even though the movie was directed and scripted by the author himself , some scenes were omitted from the film adaptation . In the book , Charlie 's parents are notified by Bill that Candace is being abused by her boyfriend , to which his parents take direct intervention in the abusive relationship in the book . In addition , Candace gets pregnant by her abusive boyfriend and is accompanied by Charlie to the abortion clinic , a scene that is also omitted from the movie . In addition , one of the more important pieces of the book , the poem , was also one of the many deleted scenes . In the DVD , there is a special features section to watch scenes that were originally deleted from the movie . References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : Beisch , Ann ( December 2001 ) . `` Interview with Stephen Chbosky , author of The Perks of Being a Wallflower '' . LA Youth . Archived from the original on February 15 , 2011 . Retrieved May 15 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Stewart , Sierra ( September 18 , 2012 ) . `` Interview With Perks of Being a Wallflower 's Stephen Chbosky '' . Blueprint Magazine Online . Retrieved December 22 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Aquino , Tara ( September 22 , 2012 ) . `` Interview : `` The Perks of Being A Wallflower '' Director Stephen Chbosky Talks Finding The Perfect Cast And Changing Teens ' Lives `` . Complex . Retrieved September 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Durling , Roger ( September 26 , 2012 ) . `` The Perks of Being a Wallflower Q&A '' . Santa Barbara International Film Festival . Archived from the original on December 10 , 2014 . Retrieved December 10 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Douglas , Edward ( September 20 , 2012 ) . `` Interview : Perks of Being a Wallflower Author / Director Stephen Chbosky '' . . CraveOnline . Retrieved September 6 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` Screenwriter and Novelist Stephen Chbosky : Rebel with a Cause '' . Script Magazine . September 21 , 2012 . Retrieved September 7 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Ratcliff , Ashley ( February 18 , 2013 ) . `` ' The perks of being ' a filmmaker '' . Home Media Magazine . Retrieved September 6 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Thebigfanboy . `` The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Interview with Stephen Chbosky ( Writer / Director ) '' . Youtube . Retrieved May 19 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Wertheimer , Linda ( September 23 , 2012 ) . `` ' Wallflower ' Film Puts Adolescence On Screen '' . . National Public Radio . Retrieved September 6 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Edelstein , David ( September 24 , 2012 ) . `` Freshman Disorientation '' . New York Magazine . Retrieved September 6 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Beckerman , Marty ( 2011 ) . `` An Interview with Stephen Chbosky '' . Word Riot . Archived from the original on October 29 , 2013 . Retrieved May 16 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Buntin , Julie ( December 31 , 2013 ) . `` The Best Books for Your ' 90s Birth Year '' . Cosmopolitan . Retrieved December 10 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Finn , Robin ( July 8 , 2007 ) . `` Summer Reading Title Prompts Resistance From Parents , Not Students '' . The New York Times . Retrieved December 10 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Rooney , Chandra ( September 10 , 2012 ) . `` AQ And A With Stephen Chbosky '' . Indigo Books and Music . Archived from the original on April 22 , 2013 . Retrieved September 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Anguiano , Rosemary ( September 25 , 2012 ) . `` Stephen Chbosky Interview : Author Sees His Characters Come To Life In ' Perks Of Being A Wallflower ' Movie '' . The Huffington Post . Retrieved September 7 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Perks of being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky - review '' . The Guardian . July 22 , 2013 . Retrieved September 7 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Perks of Being a Wallflower Review '' . Common Sense Media . Retrieved September 7 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Bing , Jonathan ( October 4 , 2000 ) . `` ' Perks ' guy in pics ; Nerve racking up deals '' . Variety . Penske Media Corporation . Retrieved September 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Ryzik , Melena ( October 9 , 2011 ) . `` From Wizards to Wallflowers in the Suburbs '' . The New York Times . Retrieved September 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Brevet , Brad ( September 11 , 2012 ) . `` ' The Perks of Being a Wallflower ' ( 2012 ) Movie Review '' . . Retrieved September 6 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Your Favorites : 100 Best - Ever Teen Novels '' . . National Public Radio . August 7 , 2012 . Retrieved December 5 , 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Fiction Book Review : The Perks of Being a Wallflower '' . Publishers Weekly . February 1 , 1999 . Retrieved September 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky '' . Kirkus Review . January 15 , 1999 . Archived from the original on October 6 , 2014 . Retrieved September 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Fleishhacker , Joy ( August 31 , 2012 ) . `` The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Other Tales of Teen Angst and Alienation '' . School Library Journal . Retrieved December 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Eakin , Marah ( September 21 , 2012 ) . `` How does the The Perks Of Being A Wallflower hold up to adult eyes ? '' . The A.V. Club . Retrieved September 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Frequently challenged books of the 21st century '' . American Library Association . Retrieved September 6 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` ' Perks Of Being A Wallflower ' Glen Ellyn Book Ban Busted By Judy Blume 's Intervention '' . The Huffington Post . November 6 , 2013 . Retrieved September 6 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Controversial and challenged books in schools -- PABBIS '' . . Retrieved October 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Spotlight on Censorship - The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Intellectual Freedom Blog '' . Intellectual Freedom Blog . October 1 , 2010 . Retrieved October 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` ' The Perks Of Being A Wallflower ' Should Be Banned : Kamloops Dad '' . The Huffington Post . March 27 , 2014 . Retrieved October 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Titus , Ron . `` Marshall University Libraries - Banned Book - Stephen Chbosky 's The Perks of Being a Wallflower '' . . Retrieved 2017 - 10 - 05 . Jump up ^ CalPoly . `` Stephen Chbosky on the Perks of Being a Wallflower '' . Youtube . Retrieved May 19 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : McNary , Dave ( May 19 , 2010 ) . `` Watson , Lerman in talks for ' Perks ' '' . Variety . Retrieved September 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Movie Filming In Pittsburgh Wants To Make Your Car A Star '' . WPXI. April 27 , 2011 . Archived from the original on August 5 , 2012 . Retrieved May 13 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Wilkinson , Amy ( August 17 , 2012 ) . `` Emma Watson , Logan Lerman Take Us Inside ' Perks Of Being A Wallflower ' '' . MTV . Retrieved September 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Lodge , Sally ( December 4 , 2014 ) . `` New Data on the Impact of YA Franchises to Be Unveiled at Nielsen Summit '' . Publishers Weekly . Retrieved December 10 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Olsen , Mark ( November 1 , 2012 ) . `` ' The Perks of Being a Wallflower ' steadily blossoms '' . Los Angeles Times . Retrieved September 6 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Children 's Paperpack Books Best Sellers - June 23 , 2012 '' . The New York Times . Retrieved September 6 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Young Adult Best Sellers - May 11 , 2014 '' . The New York Times . Retrieved September 6 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Young Adult Best Sellers - November 23 , 2014 '' . The New York Times . Retrieved December 10 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Nina Dobrev on the red carpet at The Perks of Being a Wallflower premiere '' . Tribute . September 3 , 2012 . Retrieved September 9 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Perks of Being a Wallflower ( 2012 ) '' . Box Office Mojo . Retrieved September 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` The Perks of Being a Wallflower Reviews '' . Metacritic . CBS Interactive . Retrieved September 7 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` The Perks of Being a Wallflower ( 2012 ) '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Flixster . Retrieved April 30 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Gleason , Matthew ( 2014 - 12 - 21 ) . `` Sick Sentience : A Review of the Deleted Scenes from The Perks of Being a Wallflower '' . Sick Sentience . Retrieved 2018 - 02 - 08 . External links ( edit ) Find more aboutThe Perks of Being a Wallflowerat Wikipedia 's sister projects Quotations from Wikiquote Data from Wikidata The Perks of Being a Wallflower official website Free download at Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1991 in fiction 1992 in fiction 1999 American novels American LGBT novels American novels adapted into films American young adult novels Coming - of - age fiction Debut novels Epistolary novels Novels with gay themes Novels set in Pittsburgh Novels set in the 1990s American bildungsromans Child sexual abuse in literature Mental illness in fiction Pocket Books books Novels by Stephen Chbosky Hidden categories : Good articles Pages to import images to Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote বাংলা Català Čeština Deutsch Español فارسی Français Հայերեն Italiano עברית Кыргызча 日本 語 Norsk Português Suomi 7 more Edit links This page was last edited on 16 May 2018 , at 08 : 29 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | where does the perks of being a wallflower take place | [
"The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a coming-of-age epistolary novel by American writer Stephen Chbosky, which was first published on February 1, 1999, by Pocket Books. Set in the early 1990s, the novel follows Charlie, an introverted teenager, through his freshman year of high school in a Pittsburgh suburb. The novel details Charlie’s unconventional style of thinking as he navigates between the worlds of adolescence and adulthood, and attempts to deal with poignant questions spurred by his interactions with both his friends and family."
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-6636310510296640633 | Jumping the broom | Jumping the broom - wikipedia Jumping the broom Jump to : navigation , search This article is about the custom and phrase . For the 2008 film , see Noah 's Arc : Jumping the Broom . For the 2011 film , see Jumping the Broom . `` Marrying over the Broomstick '' , 1822 illustration of a `` broomstick - wedding '' by James Catnach . Jumping the broom is a phrase and custom relating to a wedding ceremony where the couple jumps over a broom . It has been suggested that the custom is based on an 18th - century idiomatic expression for `` sham marriage '' , `` marriage of doubtful validity '' ; it was popularized in the context of the introduction of civil marriage in Britain with the Marriage Act 1836 . There have also been suggestions that the expression may derive from an actual custom of jumping over a `` broomstick '' ( where `` broom '' refers to the plant common broom rather than the household implement ) associated with the gypsies ( Romani ) of the United Kingdom . especially those in Wales . The custom of a marrying couple literally jumping over a broom is now most widespread among African Americans , popularized in the 1970s by the novel and miniseries Roots but originating in the mid 19th century as a practice in antebellum slavery in the United States . Contents ( hide ) 1 As an expression for `` irregular marriage '' 2 British Romani customs 3 African American custom 4 In popular culture 5 References 6 Further reading 7 External links As an expression for `` Irregular marriage '' ( edit ) References to `` broomstick marriages '' emerged in England in the mid-to - late 18th century , always to describe a wedding ceremony of doubtful validity . The earliest use of the phrase is in the 1764 English edition of a French work : the French text , describing an elopement , refers to the runaway couple hastily making un mariage sur la croix de l'épée ( literally ' marriage on the cross of the sword ' ) , an expression the English translator freely renders as ' performed the marriage ceremony by leaping over a broomstick ' . A 1774 usage in the Westminster Magazine also describes an elopement . A man who had taken his under - age bride off to France discovered it was as hard to arrange a legal marriage there as in England , but declined a suggestion that a French sexton might simply read the marriage service through before the couple as `` He had no inclination for a Broomstick - marriage '' . In 1789 the rumoured clandestine marriage between the Prince Regent and Maria Fitzherbert is similarly referred to in a satirical song in The Times : `` Their way to consummation was by hopping o'er a broom , sir '' . Despite these allusions , research by the legal historian Professor R. Probert of Warwick University has failed to find any proof of an actual contemporary practice of jumping over a broomstick as a sign of informal union . Probert also points out that the word broomstick was used in the mid-18th century in several contexts to mean ' something ersatz , or lacking the authority its true equivalent might possess . ' She therefore argues that because the expression broomstick marriage , meaning ' sham marriage ' , was in circulation , folk etymology led to a belief that people must actually have once signified irregular marriage by jumping over a broom . There are later examples of the term broomstick marriage being used in Britain , always with a similar implication that the ceremony so performed did not create a legally binding union . This meaning survived into the early nineteenth century : during a case heard in London in 1824 regarding the legal validity of a marriage ceremony consisting of nothing more than the groom placing a ring on the bride 's finger before witnesses , a court official commented that the ceremony `` amounted to nothing more than a broomstick marriage , which the parties had it in their power to dissolve at will . '' A decade later , the Marriage Act 1836 , which introduced civil marriage , was contemptuously referred to as the ' Broomstick Marriage Act ' by those who felt that a marriage outside the Anglican church did not deserve legal recognition . Some also began to use the phrase to refer to non-marital unions : a man interviewed in Mayhew 's London Labour and the London Poor admitted : `` I never had a wife , but I have had two or three broomstick matches , though they never turned out happy . '' Tinkers were said to have a similar custom of marriage called `` jumping the budget '' , with the bride and groom jumping over a string or other symbolic obstacle . Charles Dickens ' novel , Great Expectations ( first published in serial form in the publication All the Year Round from 1 December 1860 to August 1861 ) , contains a reference in chapter 48 to a couple having been married `` over the broomstick . '' The ceremony is not portrayed , but the reference indicates that the readers would have recognized this as referring to an informal , not a legally valid , agreement . It has often been assumed that , in England , jumping over the broom ( or sometimes walking over a broom ) , always indicated an irregular or non-church union ( as in the expressions `` Married over the besom '' , `` living over the brush '' ) , but there are examples of the phrase being used in the context of legal weddings , both religious and civil . Other sources have stepping over a broom as a test of chastity , while putting out a broom was also said to be a sign `` that the housewife 's place is vacant '' and a way , therefore , of advertising for a wife . In America the phrase could be used as slang describing the act of getting married legally , rather than as specifying an informal union not recognised by church or state . British Romani customs ( edit ) In Wales , Romani couples would get married by eloping , when they would `` jump the broom , '' or over a branch of flowering common broom or a besom made of broom . Welsh Kale and English Romanichal Gypsies and Romanichal populations in Scotland practised the ritual into the 1900s . According to Alan Dundes ( 1996 ) , the custom originated among Romani people in Wales ( Welsh Kale ) and England ( Romanichal ) . C.W. Sullivan III ( 1997 ) in a reply to Dundes argued that the custom originated among the Welsh people themselves , known as priodas coes ysgub ( `` besom wedding '' ) , Sullivan 's source is the Welsh folklorist Gwenith Gwynn ( a.k.a. W. Rhys Jones ) , who assumed that the custom had once existed on the basis of conversations with elderly Welsh people during the 1920s , none of whom had ever seen such a practice . One had claimed that : `` It must have disappeared before I was born , and I am seventy - three '' . Gwynn 's dating of the custom to the 18th century rested on the assumption that it must have disappeared before these elderly interviewees were born , and on his misreading of the baptism register of the parish of Llansantffraid Glyn Ceiriog . Local variations of the custom were developed in different parts of England and Wales . Instead of placing the broom on the ground , and jumping together , the broom was placed in an angle by the doorway . The groom jumped first , followed by the bride . In southwest England , in Wales , and in the border areas between Scotland and England , `` ( while some ) couples ... agreed to marry verbally , without exchanging legal contracts ( , ) ... ( o ) thers jumped over broomsticks placed across their thresholds to officialize their union and create new households '' , indicating that contractless weddings and jumping the broomstick were different kinds of marriage . African American custom ( edit ) A couple jumping the broom ( photograph of a 2011 wedding in California ) In some African - American communities , marrying couples will end their ceremony by jumping over a broomstick , either together or separately . This practice is well attested for as a marriage ceremony for slaves in the Southern United States in the 1840s and 1850s who were often not permitted to wed legally . Its revival in 20th century African American culture is due to the novel and miniseries Roots ( 1976 , 1977 ) . Dundes ( 1996 ) notes the unusual development of how `` a custom which slaves were forced to observe by their white masters has been revived a century later by African Americans as a treasured tradition '' . There have been occasional speculations to the effect that the custom may have origins in West Africa , but there is no direct evidence for this , although Dundes points to a custom of Ghana where brooms were waved above the heads of newlyweds and their parents . Among southern Africans , who were largely not a part of the Atlantic slave trade , it represented the wife 's commitment or willingness to clean the courtyard of the new home she had joined . Slave - owners were faced with a dilemma regarding committed relationships between slaves . While some family stability might be desirable as helping to keep slaves tractable and pacified , anything approaching a legal marriage was not . Marriage gave a couple rights over each other which conflicted with the slave - owners ' claims . Most marriages between enslaved blacks were not legally recognized during American slavery , as in law marriage was held to be a civil contract , and civil contracts required the consent of free persons . In the absence of any legal recognition , the slave community developed its own methods of distinguishing between committed and casual unions . The ceremonial jumping of the broom served as an open declaration of settling down in a marriage relationship . Jumping the broom was always done before witnesses as a public ceremonial announcement that a couple chose to become as close to married as was then allowed . Jumping the broom fell out of practice when blacks were free to marry legally . The practice did survive in some communities , however , and made a resurgence after the publication of Alex Haley 's Roots Danita Rountree Green describes the African American custom as it stood in the early 1990s in her book Broom Jumping : A Celebration of Love ( 1992 ) . In Popular Culture ( edit ) American singer - songwriter , Brenda Lee , released the rockabilly song `` Let 's Jump the Broomstick '' on Decca Records in 1959 . Via its association with Wales and the popular association of the broom with witches , the custom has also been adopted by some Wiccans . A film titled Jumping the Broom , directed by Salim Akil , and starring Paula Patton & Laz Alonso was released on 6 May 2011 . In a 2013 episode of Grey 's Anatomy , Miranda Bailey and Ben Warren jump over a broom at the conclusion of their wedding ceremony . In the classic 1977 TV mini-series `` Roots '' , Kunta Kinte / `` Toby '' ( played by John Amos as adult Kunta Kinte - Levar Burton played the teenager Kunta Kinte ) had a marriage ceremony where he and Belle ( played by Madge Sinclair ) jumped the broom . In the 2016 film The Birth of a Nation , a couple getting betrothed is seen jumping a broom . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Cathnach 's illustrated twopenny - sheets of the 1820s carried charming drawings of broomstick weddings '' R.B. Outhwaite , Clandestine Marriage in England , 1500 - 1850 , A&C Black , 1995 , p. 140 . Jump up ^ Dundes , Alan : `` Jumping the Broom : On the Origin and Meaning of an African American Wedding Custom '' page 327 . The Journal of American Folklore , 1996 `` evidence showing the wedding custom was practised by gypsies in England , Scotland '' Donald F. Joyce `` Rooted in the chants of slaves , Blacks in the humanities , 1985 - 1997 : a selected annotated bibliography '' Greenwood Publishing Group , 1999 p56 ^ Jump up to : Thompson , T.W. `` British Gipsy Marriage and Divorce Rites '' , quoted in The Times , Issue 54004 , 21 September 1928 ; p. 11 . A paper read at the 1928 jubilee congress of the Folk Lore Society in London refers to this : `` In Wales there was preserved until recently a marriage ritual of which the central feature was the jumping of the bride and bridegroom over a branch of flowering broom or over a besom made of broom . '' Jump up ^ Norman Kolpas , Katie Kolpas `` Practically Useless Information on Weddings '' Thomas Nelson Inc , 2005 p30 ^ Jump up to : Probert , R. Marriage Law and Practice in the Long Eighteenth Century : A Reassessment ( Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2009 ) Jump up ^ ( 1774 ) 2 Westminster Magazine , p. 16 Jump up ^ The Times , Tuesday , 8 September 1789 ; pg. 4 ; Issue 1251 ; col A Jump up ^ The Times , 13 August 1824 , p. 3 Jump up ^ Jackson 's Oxford Journal 12 September 1840 , p. 1 ; Saint Valentine : or , Thoughts on the evil of Love in Mercantile Community : The Galanti Show ( 1843 ) 13 Bentley 's Miscellany 151 Jump up ^ Volume I , Pg. 389 - 91 . Quoted in Thomas , Donald , The Victorian Underworld John Murray , 1998 . Pg. 62 Jump up ^ Chesney , Kellow . The Victorian Underworld Penguin , 1970 . Pg. 92 Jump up ^ `` They both led tramping lives , and this woman in Gerrard - street here , had been married very young , over the broomstick ( as we say ) , to a tramping man , ... '' DICKENS , C. Great Expectations ( 1860 - 1861 ) , Chap. 48 Jump up ^ Dundes , Alan : `` '' Jumping the Broom `` : On the Origin and Meaning of an African American Wedding Custom '' page 327 . The Journal of American Folklore , 1996 Jump up ^ See Dudley Heath , ' In Coster - Land ' ( 1894 ) 125 English Illustrated Magazine 517 , referring to ' a newly - made and happy couple on their way from Bethnal Green , where , at the Red Church , they have for the sum of seven - pence halfpenny gone through the ceremony of `` jumping the broomstick '' ' Jump up ^ J.G. Whitehead , M. Terry , B. Aitken , ' Scraps of English Folklore , XII ' ( 1926 ) 37 Folklore 76 ; Sheila Stewart , Lifting the Latch : A Life on the Land ( Charlbury : Day Books , 2003 ) Jump up ^ In a short story published in 1896 a character remarks of two lovers who are keen to wed , `` Young ' n ' old has be'n lookin ' constant fer these two ter jump the broomstick ' n ' give ' em weddin ' cake , ' n ' chicken pie . '' New York Times . 29 March 1896 . Missing or empty title = ( help ) Jump up ^ Dundes , Alan . `` ' Jumping the Broom ' : On the Origin and Meaning of an African American Wedding Custom '' , The Journal of American Folklore , 1996 , p. 327 . Jump up ^ Sullivan , C.W. ( 1 January 1997 ) . `` '' Jumping the Broom `` : A Further Consideration of the Origins of an African American Wedding Custom '' . The Journal of American Folklore. 110 ( 436 ) : 203 -- 204 . JSTOR 541813 . doi : 10.2307 / 541813 -- via JSTOR . ^ Jump up to : Gwynn , Gwenith ( W. Rhys Jones ) . `` ' Besom Wedding ' in the Ceiriog Valley '' , Folklore , Vol. 39 , No. 2 , 30 June 1928 , pp. 149 - 166 . Jump up ^ Probert , R. ( 2005 ) Chinese Whispers and Welsh Weddings , 20 Continuity and Change 211 - 228 Jump up ^ Jones , T. Gwynn . Welsh Folklore , 1930 . Jump up ^ Evans , Tanya , Women , Marriage and the Family , in Barker , Hannah , & Elaine Chalus , eds. , Women 's History : Britain , 1700 -- 1850 : An Introduction ( Oxon / London : Routledge , 2005 ( ISBN 0 - 415 - 29177 - 1 ) ) , p. 60 & n . 19 ( n . omitted ) ( author Evans postdoctoral research fellow , Ctr . for Contemp . Brit . Hist. , Institute for Historical Research , London , editor Barker sr . lecturer history , Univ. of Manchester , & editor Chalus sr . lecturer history , Bath Spa Univ . Coll . ) , citing , at p. 60 n . 19 , Gillis , J. , Married But Not Churched : Plebeian Sexual Relations and Marital Nonconformity in Eighteenth - Century Britain , in Eighteenth - Century Life , vol. 9 ( 1985 ) , pp. 32 -- 34 , & Leneman , Leah , Promises , Promises Marriage Litigation in Scotland , 1698 -- 1830 ( Edinburgh : no publisher , 2003 ) , pp. x -- xi . ^ Jump up to : Parry , Tyler ( 2011 ) . `` An Irregular Union : Exploring the Welsh Connection to a Popular African American Wedding Ritual '' in Welsh Mythology and Folklore in Popular Culture : Essays on Adaptations in Literature , Film , Television and Digital Media edited by Audrey L. Becker and Kristin Noone . Jefferson , NC : McFarland and Company , Inc . pp. 109 -- 110 , 123 -- 124 . Jump up ^ Dundes ( 1996 : 324 - 328 ) . ^ Jump up to : Dundes , Alan . `` ' Jumping the Broom ' : On the Origin and Meaning of an African American Wedding Custom '' , The Journal of American Folklore , 1996 , p. 326 Jump up ^ The Times : 3 . 3 February 1824 . Missing or empty title = ( help ) The sort of difficulties which might arise were raised by an anti-slavery correspondent in 1824 in The Times discussing Jamaican slaves . He asked what changes a recent increase in church marriages among them had actually achieved : `` Do they legally prevent a master from separating husband and wife , at his pleasure , by sale or transfer ? Do they legally bind the husband to the wife , and the wife to the husband ? Do they give to the husband the right and the means of redress against the violator of his conjugal peace ? '' Jump up ^ Taylor , Orville W. ( 1958 ) . `` Jumping the Broomstick : Slave Marriage and Morality in Arkansas '' . The Arkansas Historical Quarterly . Taylor quotes from an 1882 ruling by Justice James Eakin of the Arkansas Supreme Court : ' There were no valid marriages amongst that class ( the slaves ) , in the slave states of America before their general emancipation ... ' Jump up ^ `` A Slave 's Marriage Valid : Its Legality Defined '' . New York Times . 20 July 1876 . A New York court upheld the retrospective validity of a marriage between Anthony Jones and Patsy Minor , even though at the time and place it had been contracted such marriages between slaves were not legally recognized . Both Jones and Minor had been slaves in Virginia when , with consent of their respective masters , they declared an intention to live together as man and wife . Jones later died intestate in New York , leaving an estate valued at $15,000 ; a court ruled in favour of the claims of his widow and surviving son . Jump up ^ `` A Slave 's Marriage Valid : Its Legality Defined '' . New York Times . 20 July 1876 . ' It appears by the evidence that Anthony Jones and Patsy Minor were named according to the custom among slaves , and that the distinction was recognized among slaves , and by their masters , between such lawful and illicit intercourse , and those who cohabited without such marriage were regarded as disreputable . ' Jump up ^ In ' The Story of My Life ' ( 1897 ) a white author , Mary Ashton Rice Livermore , described a broomstick wedding she attended at a Virginia plantation c. 1842 . The preacher ( a fellow slave ) encouraged the marrying couple to see the broomstick - jumping as a serious expression of their mutual commitment , although he was well aware of the legal limitations of the ceremony . ( 1 ) Jump up ^ Parry , Tyler ( 2011 ) . `` An Irregular Union : Exploring the Welsh Connection to a Popular African - American Wedding Ritual '' in Welsh Mythology and Folklore in Popular Culture : Essays on Adaptations in Literature , Film , Television , and Digital Media edited by Audrey L. Becker and Kristin Noone . Jefferson , NC : McFarland and Company , Inc. p. 123 . Jump up ^ Jumping the Broom : Besom Weddings Parry , Tyler ( 2011 ) . `` An Irregular Union : Exploring the Welsh Connection to a Popular African American Wedding Ritual '' in Welsh Mythology and Folklore in Popular Culture : Essays on Adaptations in Literature , Film , Television and Digital Media edited by Audrey L. Becker and Kristin Noone . Jefferson , NC : McFarland and Company , Inc . pp. 124 -- 125 . Martin Heath , Jumping the broomstick ( , 2004 ) . Further reading ( edit ) Anyiam , Thony C. ( 2007 ) . Jumping the Broom in Style . Authorhouse . ISBN 1 - 4259 - 8638 - 2 . Taylor , Orville W. ( 1958 ) . `` ' Jumping the Broomstick ' : Slave Marriage and Morality in Arkansas '' . Arkansas Historical Quarterly . 17 ( 3 ) : 217 -- 231 . JSTOR 40018908 . External links ( edit ) Happy is the Bride the Sun Shines on at Googlebooks ( hide ) Weddings Pre-wedding Engagement Wedding planner Bridal registry Bridal shower Engagement party Wedding invitation Chinese pre-wedding customs Bachelor party Bachelorette party Stag and doe party Marriage licence Rehearsal dinner Locations Wedding chapel Gretna Green Las Vegas Clothing Black tie Boutonnière Contemporary Western wedding dress Garter Hwarot Morning dress Optional Tuxedo Wedding dress White tie Objects Chuppah Las arras Lebes Gamikos Wedding cord Wedding favors Wedding mandap Wedding ring cushion Wishing well Participants Bride child bride Bridegroom child bridegroom Bridesmaid Bridesman Flower girl Groomsman Page boy Officiant Traditions Ahesta Bero Banns of marriage Bedding ceremony Bridal Chorus First dance Hesitation step `` Indian '' Wedding Blessing Jumping the broom Lych Gate Money dance Music Polterabend Pounded rice ritual Pyebaek Trash the dress Unity candle Walima Wedding March Wedding photography Wedding reception Wedding videography Food and drink Wedding breakfast Wedding cake Wedding cake topper Cookie table Groom 's cake Hochzeitssuppe Icingtons Jordan almonds Korovai Loving cup Place card Religion and culture Anand Karaj ( Sikh ) Arab Ayie Ayyavazhi Bengali Bengali Hindu Brunei Malay Chinese Hajong Hindu Islamic Iyer Jewish Mormon Oriya Persian Poruwa ceremony Punjabi Quaker Rajput Saint Thomas Christian Shinto Vőfély ( Hungary ) Zoroastrian By country Vőfély ( Hungary ) Iceland Pakistan Philippines Russia South Asia Sri Lanka Ukraine United States United Kingdom : England and Wales , Scotland , history Vietnam Honeymoon Honeymoon registry Consummation Other Elopement Equal marriage Marriage Marriage vows Posthumous marriage Royal intermarriage Royal weddings Shotgun wedding Knobstick wedding Wedding anniversary Wedding crashing Wedding customs by country Wedding vow renewal ceremony Wife selling Womanless wedding World Marriage Day Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Wedding traditions Types of marriage Marriage , unions and partnerships in Scotland Romani in the United Kingdom Hidden categories : Pages with citations lacking titles Use dmy dates from June 2011 Talk Contents About Wikipedia 日本 語 Edit links This page was last edited on 15 August 2017 , at 02 : 21 . 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"Jumping the broom is a phrase and custom relating to a wedding ceremony where the couple jumps over a broom. It has been suggested that the custom is based on an 18th-century idiomatic expression for \"sham marriage\", \"marriage of doubtful validity\"; it was popularized in the context of the introduction of civil marriage in Britain with the Marriage Act 1836."
] | [
"relating to a wedding ceremony where the couple jumps over a broom"
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8670629647680933047 | Winter Is Coming | Winter is Coming - wikipedia Winter is Coming For other uses , see Winter Is Coming ( disambiguation ) . `` Winter Is Coming '' Game of Thrones episode Lord Eddard Stark ( right , played by Sean Bean ) before executing Will for deserting the Night 's Watch . Episode no . Season 1 Episode 1 Directed by Tim Van Patten Written by David Benioff D.B. Weiss Featured music Ramin Djawadi Cinematography by Alik Sakharov Editing by Oral Norrie Ottey Original air date April 17 , 2011 ( 2011 - 04 - 17 ) Running time 62 minutes Guest appearance ( s ) Donald Sumpter as Maester Luwin Jamie Sives as Jory Cassel Ron Donachie as Rodrik Cassel Joseph Mawle as Benjen Stark Roger Allam as Magister Illyrio Dar Salim as Qotho Esmé Bianco as Ros Susan Brown as Septa Mordane Bronson Webb as Will John Standing as Jon Arryn Rob Ostlere as Waymar Royce Dermot Keaney as Gared Art Parkinson as Rickon Stark Callum Wharry as Tommen Baratheon Aimee Richardson as Myrcella Baratheon Kristian Nairn as Hodor Episode chronology ← Previous -- Next → `` The Kingsroad '' Game of Thrones ( season 1 ) List of Game of Thrones episodes `` Winter Is Coming '' is the first episode of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones . It was written by the show creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss , in a faithful adaptation of the first chapters of George R.R. Martin 's book A Game of Thrones . The episode was directed by Tim Van Patten , redoing the work done by director Tom McCarthy in an unaired pilot . As the first episode of the series , it introduces the setting and the main characters of the show . The episode centers on the Stark family , and how its lord , Eddard Stark , gets involved in the court politics after the king chooses Eddard to replace his recently deceased chief administrator ( `` Hand of the King '' ) . The episode received largely positive reviews , and was seen initially by 2.2 million viewers . A week before the episode first aired , HBO made the first 15 minutes available as an Internet preview . The title of the episode is the motto ( referred to as `` House Words '' in - universe ) of House Stark , which is spoken several times in the episode and in the series . Contents 1 Plot 1.1 Beyond the Wall 1.2 In King 's Landing 1.3 In the North 1.4 In Pentos 2 Production 2.1 Conception and development 2.2 Writing 2.3 Filming 2.4 Original pilot 2.5 Aired episode 3 Reception 3.1 Preview 3.2 Ratings 3.3 International 3.4 Critical response 3.5 Awards and nominations 4 References 5 External links Plot ( edit ) The episode begins the process of interweaving action happening in multiple separate locations within and around the fictional continent of Westeros . Beyond the Wall ( edit ) Three rangers of the Night 's Watch scout beyond the Wall , a massive barrier of ice at the north end of the kingdom . After finding the mutilated corpses of some wildlings ( tribal humans who live north of the Wall ) , the rangers are confronted by White Walkers ( demonic creatures ) and undead wildlings . Two of the rangers are killed by the White Walkers , while the third , Will , is left alive . Fearing for his life , Will deserts the Night 's Watch , going South . In King 's landing ( edit ) Queen Cersei , and her twin brother , Jaime Lannister , are watching as the dead body of Jon Arryn , The Hand of The King , is tended to by the Silent Sisters . They discuss whether he revealed any dangerous information regarding the two of them to anyone before his death . Jaime assures his sister that if Arryn had spoken to anyone , they would already have been executed . In the north ( edit ) The Starks of Winterfell are introduced , including Lord Eddard `` Ned '' Stark , his wife , Lady Catelyn `` Cat '' Stark and his five children : heir Robb , elder daughter Sansa , younger daughter Arya , ten - year - old son Bran and youngest son , Rickon . Also introduced are Ned 's illegitimate son Jon Snow and ward Theon Greyjoy . Ned is informed that a deserter of the Night 's Watch has been captured . He takes his sons to witness Will 's execution . Will reports that he saw White Walkers , but nobody believes him and Ned beheads him . When Bran asks his father about the White Walkers , Ned dismisses it as a madman 's ravings , insisting that the Walkers have been extinct for thousands of years . Upon their return , the Starks find a dead stag , sigil ( seal ) of House Baratheon . A bit farther they find a dead dire wolf and her surviving pups . Noting that the dire wolf is the sigil of the Stark family and there are as many pups as the Stark children , they take the pups in as companions . Back at Winterfell , a letter arrives announcing the death of Lord Arryn , Eddard 's old friend and Catelyn 's brother - in - law . An additional message reports that the king himself is coming to Winterfell . Winterfell receives the royal court , including King Robert Baratheon ; his wife Queen Cersei ; their three children : the heir Prince Joffrey , Princess Myrcella and the youngest Prince Tommen ; as well as Cersei 's twin brother , Jaime Lannister , a member of the Kingsguard ; and their younger brother , Tyrion Lannister , a dwarf known as `` The Imp '' . As Robert pays his respects to Lyanna Stark , his late fiancée and Ned 's sister , Robert confides to his old friend that he does n't trust anyone around him . He decides to name Ned as the new Hand of the King , and to solidify the alliance between the two families , he suggests that Sansa be betrothed to Joffrey . At night , Catelyn receives a troubling message from her sister , Lord Arryn 's widow . She suspects her husband Jon was murdered by the king 's in - laws , the powerful Lannisters . Ned , who at first was reluctant to accept the position of Hand of the King , does so in order to protect his old friend . Bran , who enjoys climbing the walls of Winterfell , climbs an abandoned tower where he stumbles on Queen Cersei and Jaime having sex . To keep the incestuous relationship a secret , Jaime shoves Bran out of the high window . In Pentos ( edit ) Exiled prince Viserys Targaryen plots to overthrow King Robert and reclaim his father 's throne . To this end , he brokers a marriage between his sister Daenerys and a powerful warlord Khal Drogo , leader of a nomadic horde of Dothraki . During the wedding ceremony , Daenerys is given two wedding gifts . The first is a collection of books from the Seven Kingdoms , given by Ser Jorah Mormont , an exiled knight loyal to the Targaryens . The second gift is a chest containing three petrified dragon eggs , given by Magister Illyrio Mopatis , the man who helped arrange the marriage . Production ( edit ) Conception and development ( edit ) A number of Hollywood studios had contacted George R. R. Martin about possible adaptation of his book series A Song of Ice and Fire into a film , however Martin expressed the opinion the books could not be made into a film as too much would have to be cut from the books , but thought it could be made into a television series . In January 2006 , David Benioff spoke to Martin 's literary agent about the books he represented for possible adaption , and the agent sent the first four books of A Song of Ice and Fire to David Benioff . Benioff read a few hundred pages of the first book in the series , A Game of Thrones , called D.B. Weiss and said : `` Maybe I 'm crazy , but I have n't had this much fun reading anything in about 20 years . So take a look because I think it might make a great HBO series . '' Weiss , who then read the first book in two days , was very enthusiastic about a possible television project based on the books . They arranged a meeting with Martin , who asked them if they knew who Jon Snow 's real mother might be , and was satisfied with their answer . In March 2006 , a few weeks after meeting Martin , Benioff and Weiss pitched the show to Showtime and Carolyn Strauss of HBO , who accepted their proposal . HBO acquired the rights to the novels to turn them into a television series , with Benioff and Weiss as writers and executive producers of the series . The series went into development in January 2007 . The series would begin with the 1996 first book of A Song of Ice and Fire , `` A Game of Thrones '' , with the intention that each novel in the series would form the basis for a season 's worth of episodes . However , Benioff and Weiss had to resubmit a proposal after Carolyn Strauss stepped down as president of HBO in 2008 . The first and second drafts of the pilot script , written by Benioff and Weiss , were submitted in August 2007 and June 2008 respectively . While HBO found both drafts to their liking , a pilot was not ordered until November 2008 . Writing ( edit ) Series co-creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss wrote the episode . Scripted by the show creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss , the first episode includes the plot of the book 's chapters 1 -- 9 and 12 ( Prologue , Bran I , Catelyn I , Daenerys I , Eddard I , Jon I , Catelyn II , partial Arya I , Bran II , Daenerys II ) . Changes in the adaptation include the sequence of events in the prologue ( in the books it is Gared and not Will who survives and is beheaded by Eddard afterwards , and Arya 's material is set before the arrival of the royal family ) , new scenes showing the Lannister twins ' perspective , and Daenerys 's wedding night showing Drogo not waiting for her to consent to sex . Filming ( edit ) Sean Bean portrays Ned Stark in the series . Tom McCarthy was chosen to direct the pilot episode , shot between October 24 and November 19 , 2009 on location in Northern Ireland , Scotland and Morocco . However , the pilot was deemed unsatisfactory and had to be reshot . The new pilot episode was filmed in 2010 by new director Tim Van Patten , and several actors appearing in the original pilot did not return for the series . Tamzin Merchant was replaced as Daenerys Targaryen by Emilia Clarke , and Jennifer Ehle was replaced as Catelyn Stark by Michelle Fairley . Additionally , Ian McNeice was replaced as Magister Illyrio by Roger Allam , Richard Ridings as Gared by Dermot Keaney , and Jamie Campbell Bower as Ser Waymar Royce by Rob Ostlere . Another difference is that the original pilot featured scenes shot in Scotland and scenes in Pentos were shot in Morocco , but in the aired series , Winterfell was filmed in a combination of locations in Northern Ireland , while scenes from Pentos were from Malta . The Doune Castle in Scotland was originally used to recreate Winterfell , and its great hall was used for some interior shots . Some scenes survived , but as it was not practical to return to Scotland for the reshoot , an exact replica of Doune 's Great Hall was recreated in the soundstage in Belfast for the series . Castle Ward in Northern Ireland was used in the reshoot to film King Robert 's entourage entry into Winterfell castle . A car park stood in for the Winterfell castle 's courtyard and a wine cellar for the Stark family crypt . The Tollymore Forest Park was used for the opening scene of the encounter with the White Walkers . All the scenes shot in Morocco were reshot in Malta . The original pilot reused the sets of Kingdom of Heaven in Morocco to stand in for Pentos and the site of Drogo and Daenerys 's wedding . In Malta , the Verdala Palace , the 16th century summer palace of the president of Malta , was used for the exterior scenes at Illyrio 's mansion . The Azure Window was used as the backdrop for the wedding . Filming at the Azure Window , however , caused some controversy when a protected ecosystem was damaged by a subcontractor . In the sex scene , the then - pregnant Lena Headey was substituted by a body double ; the production hid her pregnancy for the rest of the season . In the scene in which the Starks encounter a stag killed by a dire wolf as they return from the execution , an actual animal was used rather than a prop . As the stag had been dead for two days , it stank so much that the actors had to take much care not to let it show on their faces . Some scenes filmed were never aired , for example a flashback to the death of Eddard Stark 's brother , and the death of Jon Arryn . Original pilot ( edit ) The original pilot from 2009 was poorly received in a private viewing with friends , one of whom , Craig Mazin , said to Benioff and Weiss , `` You guys have a massive problem '' , and said `` change everything '' when asked for ideas . It was so disliked that Kit Harington joked that when he annoys Benioff and Weiss , they threaten to release the episode on YouTube . Weiss said of the viewing : `` Watching them watch the pilot was a deeply humiliating , painful experience , because these are very smart individuals , and it just clearly was n't working for any of them on a very basic level . '' For example , it was never established that the two major characters , Jaime and Cersei Lannister were in fact brother and sister , a major plot point . HBO did not make a decision for four months after the pilot was delivered . In March 2010 , HBO 's decision to greenlight the series including the pilot was announced , with the production of the series scheduled to start June 2010 . HBO however demanded extensive reshoot of the pilot , and wanted all the scenes from Morocco scrapped . A cameo appearance by George RR Martin as a Pentoshi nobleman at Daenerys 's wedding filmed in Morocco was therefore also cut . In all 90 percent of the pilot was re-shot in 2010 , with some cast changes and a different director . Aired episode ( edit ) The original pilot remained unaired , although some footage from the original pilot was used in the first aired episode . This includes Sansa 's scenes with Catelyn ( Michelle Fairley 's footage as Catelyn was inserted over Jennifer Ehle 's performance ) , Will 's ride through the woods ( retained though also portrayed by a different actor ) , most of the feast at Winterfell , and Ned and Robert 's scene in the crypt . That scene is one of a few to be filmed on 35 mm film , and consequently slight film grain can be seen in the HD version of the episode . Reception ( edit ) Preview ( edit ) On April 3 , 2011 , two weeks before the series premiere aired , the first 15 minutes of `` Winter Is Coming '' were released as a preview on HBO 's website . Wired 's Dave Banks called the preview `` much better than anticipated . ( How 's that even possible ? ) '' Scott Stinson of Toronto 's National Post noted that `` you know you are n't watching a network drama when there have been two beheadings in the first 15 minutes . '' Ratings ( edit ) The first episode of Game of Thrones obtained 2.2 million viewers in its premiere airing , with an additional 2 million viewers in the reruns aired during the same night . The day after the premiere HBO aired the episode six additional times , adding another 1.2 million to the viewer 's figures . Reruns aired during the following week upped the total viewership to 6.8 million . International ( edit ) The show premiered on HBO Canada at the same time as its U.S. premiere . On April 18 , 2011 , the show premiered in United Kingdom and Ireland through Sky Atlantic , gathering 750,000 viewers , a ratings record for the network . The series was broadcast throughout Latin America beginning on May 8 , 2011 . New Zealand 's Dominion Post noted in an article on copyright laws that the popular series was downloaded via file sharing service regularly before its release to that market . In Australia , the July 17 premiere of the series was largely overshadowed by the release of A Dance with Dragons , but according to The Sydney Morning Herald was successful `` especially with women , who are n't seen as a target market for sword - fighting sagas '' . Critical response ( edit ) The critical response to the first episode of the series was positive . Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes surveyed 10 reviews of the episode and judged 100 % of them to be positive with an average score of 8.5 out of 10 . The website 's critical consensus reads , `` ' Winter is Coming ' is an introduction to a wonderfully bleak journey that honors its source material with stellar execution and an impressive cast . '' James Poniewozik from Time considered it an `` epic win '' , and Jace Lacob from The Daily Beast deemed it `` unforgettable '' . HitFix 's Alan Sepinwall wrote that while it was too early to say if Game of Thrones belonged to the HBO pantheon with shows like The Sopranos or The Wire , it had many things in common with those shows . IGN 's Matt Fowler wrote that the pilot `` effortlessly takes us along , faithfully , through the book , but it also manages to capture the majestically morbid spirit of Martin 's pages and turn them into thrilling television '' . Much praise was given to the production values and the acting : Scott Meslow from The Atlantic states that `` the show 's immense cast is almost universally strong , and the fantasy land of Westeros feels lived - in , and looks terrific '' . Alan Sepinwall also qualifies the casting as `` really exceptional '' , and states that the show is `` feast for the eyes '' , with all the different locations having their own memorable looks . The opening sequence , with an aerial view of the world where the series takes place with the different settings emerging from it , was also acclaimed . On April 19 , less than two days after the initial airing , HBO announced that the series had been renewed for a second season . In a press teleconference , HBO executives announced their satisfaction with initial ratings , which they compared favorably to True Blood . Awards and nominations ( edit ) Year Award Nominee ( s ) Result Ref . 2011 Portal Award Best Episode Won Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Tim Van Patten Nominated Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Make - up for a Single - Camera Series ( Non-Prosthetic ) Paul Engelen and Melissa Lackersteen Nominated 2012 Golden Reel Awards Best Sound Editing -- Short Form Sound Effects and Foley in Television Won Directors Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Tim Van Patten Nominated Visual Effects Society Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Broadcast Program Lucy Ainsworth - Taylor , Angela Barson , Ed Bruce and Adam McInnes Won References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Game of Thrones 01 '' . HBO . Archived from the original on August 22 , 2017 . Retrieved August 22 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Davis , Cindy ( March 12 , 2012 ) . `` Mindhole Blowers : 20 Facts About `` Game of Thrones '' That Might Leave You Crippled , a Bastard or a Broken Thing `` . Pajiba . Archived from the original on June 19 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Cogman , Bryan ( November 6 , 2014 ) . Inside HBO 's Game of Thrones . Gollancz . ASIN B00P187U0Y . ^ Jump up to : Mitchell , Elvis ( May 8 , 2013 ) . UpClose : Game of Thrones with David Benioff and D.B. Weiss ( FULL LENGTH ) . KCRW . Archived from the original on October 19 , 2013 . Retrieved May 15 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Windolf , Jim ( April 2014 ) . `` The Gathering Storm '' . Vanity Fair . Archived from the original on June 15 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Radish , Christina ( March 20 , 2013 ) . `` Producers David Benioff , Dan Weiss & George R.R. Martin Talk GAME OF THRONES Season 3 and 4 , Martin 's Cameo , the End of the Series , and More '' . Collider . Archived from the original on December 18 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Martin , George R.R. ( April 9 , 2010 ) . `` Winter Is Coming ... Around the Globe '' . Not A Blog . Archived from the original on July 10 , 2012 . Retrieved January 8 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Fleming , Michael ( January 16 , 2007 ) . `` HBO turns Fire into fantasy series '' . Variety . Archived from the original on May 16 , 2012 . Retrieved May 26 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` The Surprising Connection Between Game of Thrones and Monty Python '' . Vanity Fair . March 24 , 2014 . Archived from the original on January 25 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Martin , George R.R. `` Ice & Fire on HBO '' . Not a Blog . Archived from the original on April 29 , 2015 . Retrieved May 26 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Hibberd , James ( November 11 , 2008 ) . `` HBO orders fantasy pilot ' Thrones ' '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Archived from the original on January 11 , 2012 . Retrieved May 26 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Garcia , Elio . `` EP101 : Winter is Coming '' . . Archived from the original on April 21 , 2011 . Retrieved May 26 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Lacob , Jace ( April 4 , 2011 ) . `` Game of Thrones : 10 Secrets About HBO 's Adaptation '' . The Daily Beast . Archived from the original on August 17 , 2016 . Retrieved January 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Ryan , Maureen ( May 21 , 2010 ) . `` Exclusive : ' Game of Thrones ' recasts noble role '' . Chicago Tribune . Archived from the original on August 21 , 2016 . Retrieved January 8 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Tonnel , Merwin ( September 17 , 2010 ) . `` Changement d'acteur pour Illyrio Mopatis '' . Archived from the original on December 14 , 2010 . Retrieved January 8 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Martin , George R.R. ( October 20 , 2009 ) . `` Three for the Prologue '' . Not A Blog . Archived from the original on December 28 , 2009 . Retrieved January 8 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Winter Is Coming on IMDb ^ Jump up to : Itzkoff , Dave ( April 8 , 2010 ) . `` A Heroic Fantasy for Skeptics '' . New York Times . Archived from the original on April 14 , 2011 . Retrieved January 7 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Martin , George R.R. `` Magic in Morocco '' . Not a Blog . Archived from the original on July 21 , 2011 . Retrieved May 26 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` Interview with Harry Lloyd '' . . May 24 , 2011 . Archived from the original on November 6 , 2011 . Retrieved January 7 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Cogman , Bryan ( November 6 , 2014 ) . `` Chapter II : Winterfell '' . Inside HBO 's Game of Thrones . Gollancz . ASIN B00P187U0Y . Jump up ^ Jennings , Mike ( February 2012 ) . `` 46 things we learned from the Game Of Thrones Blu - rays '' . Den of Geeks . Archived from the original on March 7 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Cogman , Bryan ( November 6 , 2014 ) . `` Chapter I : The Wall '' . Inside HBO 's Game of Thrones . Gollancz . ASIN B00P187U0Y . Jump up ^ `` George R.R. Martin Talks Santa Fe , Interactive Art , and ' Game of Thrones ' '' . National Geographic . April 21 , 2016 . Archived from the original on June 18 , 2016 . Jump up ^ McGloin , Catherine ( April 18 , 2016 ) . `` 44 incredible Game of Thrones locations '' . Skyscanner . Archived from the original on November 13 , 2015 . Jump up ^ Peregin , Christian ( November 17 , 2010 ) . `` ' Total elimination of ecosystem ' at Dwejra '' . The Times ( Malta ) . Archived from the original on March 20 , 2016 . Retrieved August 21 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Vineyard , Jennifer ( June 7 , 2013 ) . `` Lena Headey on The Purge , Game of Thrones Nudity , and Finding Peace in Horror Movies '' . Vulture . Archived from the original on June 10 , 2013 . Retrieved June 8 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Jennings , Mike ( February 29 , 2012 ) . `` 46 things we learned from the Game Of Thrones Blu - rays '' . Den of Geek . Archived from the original on March 4 , 2012 . Retrieved March 1 , 2012 . Citing the extra material of the season 1 Blu - ray box set . Jump up ^ Vincent , Alice ( January 27 , 2016 ) . `` Game of Thrones cut a ' lunatic ' Jon Arryn death scene from pilot '' . Archived from the original on September 1 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Scriptnotes , Ep 235 : The one with Jason Bateman and the Game of Thrones guys -- Transcript '' . . Archived from the original on March 2 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Nicholson , Rebecca ( October 21 , 2017 ) . `` ' I 'm not always going to play swords and horses ' : Kit Harington on life after Game Of Thrones '' . The Guardian . ISSN 0261 - 3077 . Archived from the original on December 9 , 2017 . Retrieved October 22 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Robinson , Joanna ( February 3 , 2016 ) . `` Game of Thrones Show - Runners Get Extremely Candid About Their Original `` Piece of Sh -- t '' Pilot `` . Vanity Fair . Archived from the original on June 15 , 2016 . ^ Jump up to : Birnbaum , Debra ( April 15 , 2015 ) . `` ' Game of Thrones ' Creators : We Know How It 's Going to End '' . Variety . Archived from the original on August 25 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Hibberd , James ( March 2 , 2010 ) . `` HBO greenlights ' Game of Thrones ' '' . The Hollywood Reporter . Archived from the original on June 16 , 2011 . Retrieved May 26 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Poniewozik , James ( March 3 , 2010 ) . `` HBO Picks Up Thrones , Places Bet on Dustin Hoffman '' . Time . Archived from the original on June 25 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Jackson , Matthew ( December 17 , 2012 ) . `` Why you 'll never see the Thrones cameo George R.R. Martin filmed '' . Blastr . Archived from the original on June 28 , 2016 . Jump up ^ O'Neill , Phelim ( April 19 , 2011 ) . `` Game Of Thrones : do n't believe the gripes '' . The Guardian . London . Archived from the original on February 2 , 2015 . Retrieved May 24 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Hatzigiannis , Marielena ( April 4 , 2011 ) . `` '' Game of Thrones '' preview wows ( VIDEO ) `` . CBS News . Archived from the original on July 21 , 2012 . Retrieved January 9 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Banks , Dave ( April 4 , 2011 ) . `` 10 Reasons Why You Should Watch Game Of Thrones '' . Wired . Archived from the original on January 5 , 2013 . Retrieved January 9 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Stinson , Scott ( April 14 , 2011 ) . `` Game of Thrones is behead of the class '' . National Post . Archived from the original on January 4 , 2013 . Retrieved January 9 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Hibberd , James . `` ' Game of Thrones ' premiere ratings are in '' . Inside TV . Archived from the original on October 15 , 2014 . Retrieved May 24 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Hibberd , James . `` ' Game of Thrones ' ratings steady for second episode '' . Inside TV . Archived from the original on September 19 , 2012 . Retrieved May 26 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` HBO renueva Game of Thrones para una segunda temporada '' . La Tercera. April 19 , 2011 . Archived from the original on July 14 , 2015 . Retrieved January 10 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Gutiérrez Segura , Eduardo ( May 8 , 2011 ) . `` Game of thrones , una guerra sensual y sangrienta '' . La Crónica de Hoy . Archived from the original on March 23 , 2013 . Retrieved January 10 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Torrie , Bronwyn ( September 3 , 2011 ) . `` Where you stand under new copyright law '' . Dominion Post . Retrieved January 10 , 2012 . `` Shows such as the much - talked about American epic fantasy Game of Thrones become overnight sensations but , with the prospect of waiting years for it to hit our TV screens , Kiwis download them in droves . '' Jump up ^ Birmingham , John ( July 30 , 2011 ) . `` Hit and Myth '' . The Sydney Morning Herald . Archived from the original on August 22 , 2011 . Retrieved January 10 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Winter Is Coming '' . Rotten Tomatoes . Archived from the original on June 13 , 2016 . Retrieved May 24 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Poniewozik , James ( April 25 , 2011 ) . `` Epic Win ! HBO 's Bloody , Bold Game of Thrones '' . TIME . Archived from the original on May 24 , 2011 . Retrieved May 24 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Lacob , Jace . `` Where Wolves Prey : An Advance Review of HBO 's Unforgettable Game of Thrones '' . Televisionary . Archived from the original on April 7 , 2011 . Retrieved May 24 , 2011 . ^ Jump up to : Sepinwall , Alan . `` HBO 's ' Game of Thrones ' an epic , mature , well - crafted fantasy series '' . HitFix . Archived from the original on June 4 , 2011 . Retrieved May 24 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Fowler , Matt . `` Game of Thrones : `` Winter is Coming '' Review `` . IGN . Archived from the original on August 17 , 2012 . Retrieved April 8 , 2011 . ^ Jump up to : Meslow , Scott . `` ' Game of Thrones ' Premiere : ' Winter Is Coming ' '' . The Atlantic . Archived from the original on August 26 , 2011 . Retrieved May 24 , 2011 . Jump up ^ Martin , George R.R. ( April 19 , 2011 ) . `` Second Season ! ! ! '' . Not A Blog . Archived from the original on October 17 , 2011 . Retrieved January 8 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Itzkoff , Dave ( April 19 , 2011 ) . `` HBO Orders a Second Season of ' Game of Thrones ' '' . New York Times . Archived from the original on April 22 , 2011 . Retrieved January 10 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Game of Thrones '' . . Archived from the original on April 13 , 2017 . Retrieved March 5 , 2013 . External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : Winter is Coming `` Winter Is Coming '' at HBO `` Winter Is Coming '' on IMDb `` Winter Is Coming '' at Game of Thrones episodes Seasons : 1 5 6 7 8 Season 1 `` Winter Is Coming '' `` The Kingsroad '' `` Lord Snow '' `` Cripples , Bastards , and Broken Things '' `` The Wolf and the Lion '' `` A Golden Crown '' `` You Win or You Die '' `` The Pointy End '' `` Baelor '' `` Fire and Blood '' Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2011 American television episodes Game of Thrones episodes American television pilots Screenplays by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from April 2018 Good articles Talk Contents About Wikipedia Čeština Dansk Ελληνικά Español فارسی Français Magyar 日本 語 Português Română Русский Türkçe Tiếng Việt 中文 6 more Edit links This page was last edited on 8 August 2018 , at 21 : 37 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who did ned stark kill in the first episode | [
"Ned is informed that a deserter of the Night's Watch has been captured. He takes his sons to witness Will's execution. Will reports that he saw White Walkers, but nobody believes him and Ned beheads him. When Bran asks his father about the White Walkers, Ned dismisses it as a madman's ravings, insisting that the Walkers have been extinct for thousands of years. Upon their return, the Starks find a dead stag, sigil (seal) of House Baratheon. A bit farther they find a dead dire wolf and her surviving pups. Noting that the dire wolf is the sigil of the Stark family and there are as many pups as the Stark children, they take the pups in as companions.\n"
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-8135962238641957509 | World Blood Donor Day | World blood Donor Day - wikipedia World blood Donor Day World Blood Donor Day Observed by All member states of the World Health Organization Date 14 June Next time 14 June 2019 ( 2019 - 06 - 14 ) Frequency annual Every year on 14 June , countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day ( WBDD ) . The event , established in 2004 , serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products , and to thank blood donors for their voluntary , life - saving gifts of blood . World Blood Donor Day is one of eight official global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) , along with World Health Day , World Tuberculosis Day , World Immunization Week , World Malaria Day , World No Tobacco Day , World Hepatitis Day , and World AIDS Day . Contents 1 Background 2 History 2.1 2018 : Be there for someone else . Give blood . Share life 2.2 2017 : Give Blood . Give Now . Give Often 2.3 2016 : Blood connects us all 2.4 2015 : Thank you for saving my life 2.5 2014 : Safe blood for saving mothers 2.6 2013 : Give the gift of life : donate blood 2.7 2012 : Every blood donor is a hero 3 See also 4 References 5 External links Background ( edit ) A donor 's arm at various stages of donation . The two photographs on the left show a blood pressure cuff being used as a tourniquet . Transfusion of blood and blood products helps and save millions of lives every year . It can help patients suffering from life - threatening conditions live longer and with higher quality of life , and supports complex medical and surgical procedures . It also has an essential , life - saving role in maternal and perinatal care . Access to safe and sufficient blood and blood products can help reduce rates of death and disability due to severe bleeding during delivery and after childbirth . In many countries , there is not an adequate supply of safe blood , and blood services face the challenge of making sufficient blood available , while also ensuring its quality and safety . An adequate supply can only be assured through regular donations by voluntary unpaid blood donors . The WHO 's goal is for all countries to obtain all their blood supplies from voluntary unpaid donors by 2020 . In 2014 , 60 countries have their national blood supplies based on 99 - 100 % voluntary unpaid blood donations , with 73 countries still largely dependent on family and paid donors . History ( edit ) World Blood Donor Day is celebrated every year by the people in many countries around the world on 14 June . World Blood Donor Day is celebrated every year on the day of birthday anniversary of Karl Landsteiner on 14 June 1868 . World Blood Donor Day celebration brings a precious opportunity to all donors for celebrating it on national and global level as well as to commemorate the birthday anniversary of the Karl Landsteiner ( a great scientist who won the Nobel Prize for his great discovery of the ABO blood group system ) . 2018 : Be there for someone else . Give blood . Share life ( edit ) the theme for Blood Donation Day in 2018 is ' Be there for someone else . Give blood . Share life ' 2017 : Give blood . Give Now . Give often ( edit ) The theme for Blood Donation Day in 2017 focus on blood donation in emergency situations . The first response when an emergency happens is `` What Can You Do ? '' and the answer is `` Give Blood . Give Now . Give Often '' which is taken by World health Organization . 2016 : blood connects us all ( edit ) The theme of the World Blood Donor Day , blood connects us all , highlights the notions of `` sharing '' and `` connection '' amongst blood donors and patients . The WBDD 2016 focus on thanking Blood donors while emphasizing the role of the voluntary donation . The 2016 campaign brought to light the stories of the different people saved through blood donation to promote awareness and inspire people to donate . The host country of the World blood donor day 2016 is The Netherlands . Williem - Alexander - the king of the Netherlands - opened the ceremony by thanking donors . 2015 : thank you for saving my life ( edit ) It emphasizes thanking of blood donors who save lives every day through their blood donations and inspires more people all over the world to donate blood voluntarily and regularly with the slogan `` Give freely , give often . Blood donation matters . '' This year campaign pays attention to stories from people whose lives have been saved through blood donation . Activities include memorable events , meetings , publication of relevant stories on media , scientific conferences , publication of articles on national , regional and international scientific journals , and other activities that would help in encouraging the title of this year 's World Blood Donor Day . The host country for World Blood Donor Day 2015 is China through its blood center in Shanghai , Shanghai Blood Centre , also the WHO Collaborating Center for Blood Transfusion Services . 2014 : safe blood for saving mothers ( edit ) The focus of the WBDD 2014 campaign was `` Safe blood for saving mothers '' . The goal of the campaign was to increase awareness about why timely access to safe blood and blood products is essential for all countries , as part of a comprehensive approach to prevent maternal deaths . According to the World Health Organization , 800 women die every day from pregnancy and childbirth - related complications . Severe bleeding is the cause of 34 % of maternal deaths in Africa , 31 % in Asia and 21 % in Latin America and the Caribbean . The global host for the WBDD 2014 event was Sri Lanka . Through its national blood transfusion service , Sri Lanka promotes voluntary unpaid donation to increase access to safe and sufficient blood and blood products . 2013 : Give the gift of life : donate blood ( edit ) The focus for the WBDD 2013 campaign -- which marked the 10th anniversary of World Blood Donor Day -- was blood donation as a gift that saves lives . The WHO encouraged all countries to highlight stories from people whose lives have been saved through blood donation , as a way of motivating regular blood donors to continue giving blood and people in good health who have never given blood , particularly young people , to begin doing so . The host country for World Blood Donor Day 2013 was France . Through its national blood service , the Etablissement Français du Sang ( EFS ) , France has been promoting voluntary non-remunerated blood donation since the 1950s . 2012 : every blood Donor is a hero ( edit ) The 2012 campaign focused on the idea that any person can become a hero by giving blood . Blood can not yet be manufactured artificially , so voluntary blood donation remains vital for healthcare worldwide . Many anonymous blood donors save lives every day through their blood donations . See also ( edit ) List of blood donation agencies Transfusion medicine References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Campaigns . '' World Health Organization ( WHO ) . Retrieved 31 October 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Safe blood for saving mothers . '' WHO. 2014 . Retrieved 31 October 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Blood safety and availability . '' WHO Fact sheet N ° 279 . June 2013 . Accessed 8 April 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Karl Landsteiner - Biographical '' . . Retrieved 7 November 2015 . Jump up ^ `` World Blood Donor Day '' . . Retrieved 20 October 2015 . Jump up ^ World Blood Donor Day , 14 June 2018 Jump up ^ World Blood Donor Day , 14 June 2017 Jump up ^ `` World Blood Donor Day 2016 : Blood connects us all '' . World Health Organization . Retrieved 2017 - 12 - 16 . Jump up ^ `` World Blood Donor Day 2016 '' ( pdf ) . 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Your blood saved my life '' . World Health Organization . Retrieved 2017 - 12 - 16 . Jump up ^ `` 2015 World Blood Donor Day '' . World Health Organization . Retrieved 9 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` World Blood Donor Day 2015 : Thank you for saving my life '' . Shanghai Blood Center . Retrieved 4 November 2015 . Jump up ^ `` 2015 World Blood Donor Day '' . World Health Organization . Retrieved 9 October 2015 . Jump up ^ `` World Blood Donor Day , 14 June 2014 '' . World Health Organization . Retrieved 2017 - 12 - 16 . Jump up ^ `` Today is World Blood Donor Day '' . Retrieved 2017 - 12 - 16 . Jump up ^ `` World Blood Donor Day , 14 June 2013 '' . World Health Organization . Retrieved 2017 - 12 - 16 . External links ( edit ) World Blood Donor Day 2017 ( USA ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Blood donation Health awareness days June observances United Nations days Hidden categories : Infobox holiday with missing field Infobox holiday fixed day ( 2 ) Talk Contents About Wikipedia Asturianu বাংলা Беларуская Deutsch Español فارسی Français Galego ગુજરાતી 한국어 हिन्दी Italiano മലയാളം مصرى 日本 語 ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Polski Română Русиньскый Русский Shqip Српски / srpski தமிழ் తెలుగు Українська اردو Tiếng Việt 粵語 中文 21 more Edit links This page was last edited on 20 June 2018 , at 15 : 39 ( UTC ) . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when is blood donation celebrated in the world | [
"Every year on 14 June, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day (WBDD). The event, established in 2004, serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products, and to thank blood donors for their voluntary, life-saving gifts of blood.\n"
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"14 June"
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5772481544156291901 | Great Sphinx of Giza | Great Sphinx of Giza - wikipedia Great Sphinx of Giza For the magic periodical , see The Sphinx ( magazine ) . Great Sphinx of Giza Great Sphinx of Giza Shown within Egypt Location Giza , Egypt Region Egypt Coordinates 29 ° 58 ′ 31 '' N 31 ° 08 ′ 16 '' E / 29.97528 ° N 31.13778 ° E / 29.97528 ; 31.13778 Coordinates : 29 ° 58 ′ 31 '' N 31 ° 08 ′ 16 '' E / 29.97528 ° N 31.13778 ° E / 29.97528 ; 31.13778 History Material limestone Views , Objects : Egypt . Gizeh ( selected images ) . View 06 : Sphinx and Pyramid. , n.d. Brooklyn Museum Archives The Great Sphinx of Giza ( Arabic : أبو الهول , translit . ʼabu alhōl / ʼabu alhawl , IPA : ( ʔabu alhoːl ) , English : The Terrifying One ; literally : Father of Dread ) , commonly referred to as the Sphinx of Giza or just the Sphinx , is a limestone statue of a reclining sphinx , a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human . Facing directly from West to East , it stands on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile in Giza , Egypt . The face of the Sphinx is generally believed to represent the Pharaoh Khafre . Cut from the bedrock , the original shape of the Sphinx has been restored with layers of blocks . It measures 73 metres ( 240 ft ) long from paw to tail , 20.21 m ( 66.31 ft ) high from the base to the top of the head and 19 metres ( 62 ft ) wide at its rear haunches . It is the oldest known monumental sculpture in Egypt and is commonly believed to have been built by ancient Egyptians of the Old Kingdom during the reign of the Pharaoh Khafre ( c. 2558 -- 2532 BC ) . Contents 1 Construction 2 Origin and identity 2.1 Names of the Sphinx 2.2 Builder and timeframe 2.3 Dissenting hypotheses 2.3. 1 Early Egyptologists 2.3. 2 Modern dissenting hypotheses 2.4 Fringe hypotheses 2.4. 1 Orion correlation theory 2.4. 2 Water erosion hypothesis 2.4. 3 The Great Sphinx as Anubis 2.4. 4 Racial characteristics 3 Restoration 4 Missing nose and beard 5 Mythology 6 Reception 6.1 Legacy 7 Gallery 8 See also 9 Notes 10 References 11 External links Construction The Sphinx is a monolith carved into the bedrock of the plateau , which also served as the quarry for the pyramids and other monuments in the area . The nummulitic limestone of the area consists of layers which offer differing resistance to erosion ( mostly caused by wind and windblown sand ) , leading to the uneven degradation apparent in the Sphinx 's body . The lowest part of the body , including the legs , is solid rock . The body of the lion up to its neck is fashioned from softer layers that have suffered considerable disintegration . The layer in which the head was sculpted is much harder . Origin and identity The Great Sphinx partly under the sand , ca . 1870s French archaeologist Auguste Mariette ( seated , far left ) and Emperor Pedro II of Brazil ( seated , far right ) with others in front of the Sphinx , 1871 The Great Sphinx partially excavated , ca . 1878 . The Spinx circa 1880s , by Beniamino Facchinelli . The Sphinx against the Pyramid of Khafre , 2005 . The Great Sphinx is one of the world 's largest and oldest statues , but basic facts about it are still subject to debate , such as when it was built , by whom and for what purpose . Names of the Sphinx It is impossible to identify what name the creators called their statue , as the Great Sphinx does not appear in any known inscription of the Old Kingdom and there are no inscriptions anywhere describing its construction or its original purpose . In the New Kingdom , the Sphinx was called Hor - em - akhet ( English : Horus of the Horizon ; Coptic : ϩⲁⲣⲙⲁϣⲓ ; Hellenized : Harmachis ) , and the pharaoh Thutmose IV ( 1401 -- 1391 or 1397 -- 1388 BC ) specifically referred to it as such in his `` Dream Stele . '' The commonly used name `` Sphinx '' was given to it in classical antiquity , about 2000 years after the commonly accepted date of its construction by reference to a Greek mythological beast with a lion 's body , a woman 's head and the wings of an eagle ( although , like most Egyptian sphinxes , the Great Sphinx has a man 's head and no wings ) . The English word sphinx comes from the ancient Greek Σφίγξ ( transliterated : sphinx ) apparently from the verb σφίγγω ( transliterated : sphingo / English : to squeeze ) , after the Greek sphinx who strangled anyone who failed to answer her riddle . The name may alternatively be a linguistic corruption of the phonetically different ancient Egyptian word Ssp - anx ( in Manuel de Codage ) . This name is given to royal statues of the Fourth dynasty of ancient Egypt ( 2575 -- 2467 BC ) and later in the New Kingdom ( c. 1570 -- 1070 BC ) to the Great Sphinx more specifically . Medieval Arab writers , including al - Maqrīzī , call the Sphinx balhib and bilhaw , which suggest a Coptic influence . The modern Egyptian Arabic name is أبو الهول ( Abū al Hūl , English : The Terrifying One ) . Builder and timeframe Though there have been conflicting evidence and viewpoints over the years , the view held by modern Egyptology at large remains that the Great Sphinx was built in approximately 2500 BC for the pharaoh Khafra , the builder of the Second Pyramid at Giza . Selim Hassan , writing in 1949 on recent excavations of the Sphinx enclosure , summed up the problem : Taking all things into consideration , it seems that we must give the credit of erecting this , the world 's most wonderful statue , to Khafre , but always with this reservation : that there is not one single contemporary inscription which connects the Sphinx with Khafre ; so , sound as it may appear , we must treat the evidence as circumstantial , until such time as a lucky turn of the spade of the excavator will reveal to the world a definite reference to the erection of the Sphinx . The `` circumstantial '' evidence mentioned by Hassan includes the Sphinx 's location in the context of the funerary complex surrounding the Second Pyramid , which is traditionally connected with Khafra . Apart from the Causeway , the Pyramid and the Sphinx , the complex also includes the Sphinx Temple and Valley Temple , both of which display similar design of their inner courts . The Sphinx Temple was built using blocks cut from the Sphinx enclosure , while those of the Valley Temple were quarried from the plateau , some of the largest weighing upwards of 100 tons . A diorite statue of Khafre , which was discovered buried upside down along with other debris in the Valley Temple , is claimed as support for the Khafra theory . The Dream Stele , erected much later by the pharaoh Thutmose IV ( 1401 -- 1391 or 1397 -- 1388 BC ) , associates the Sphinx with Khafra . When the stele was discovered , its lines of text were already damaged and incomplete , and only referred to Khaf , not Khafra . An extract was translated : which we bring for him : oxen ... and all the young vegetables ; and we shall give praise to Wenofer ... Khaf ... the statue made for Atum - Hor - em - Akhet . The Egyptologist Thomas Young , finding the Khaf hieroglyphs in a damaged cartouche used to surround a royal name , inserted the glyph ra to complete Khafra 's name . When the Stele was re-excavated in 1925 , the lines of text referring to Khaf flaked off and were destroyed . Dissenting hypotheses Theories held by academic Egyptologists regarding the builder of the Sphinx and the date of its construction are not universally accepted , and various persons have proposed alternative hypotheses about both the builder and dating . Early Egyptologists Some early Egyptologists and excavators of the Giza pyramid complex believed the Great Sphinx and associated temples to predate the fourth dynasty rule of Khufu , Khafre , and Menkaure . Petrie wrote in 1883 regarding the state of opinion regarding the age of the nearby temples , and by extension the Sphinx : `` The date of the Granite Temple ( Valley Temple ) has been so positively asserted to be earlier than the fourth dynasty , that it may seem rash to dispute the point '' . In 1857 , Auguste Mariette , founder of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo , unearthed the much later Inventory Stela ( estimated Dynasty XXVI , c. 678 -- 525 BC ) , which tells how Khufu came upon the Sphinx , already buried in sand . Although certain tracts on the Stela are considered good evidence , this passage is widely dismissed as Late Period historical revisionism , a purposeful fake , created by the local priests with the attempt to certify the contemporary Isis temple an ancient history it never had . Such an act became common when religious institutions such as temples , shrines and priest 's domains were fighting for political attention and for financial and economic donations . Gaston Maspero , the French Egyptologist and second director of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo , conducted a survey of the Sphinx in 1886 . He concluded that because the Dream stela showed the cartouche of Khafre in line thirteen , it was he who was responsible for the excavation and therefore the Sphinx must predate Khafre and his predecessors -- possibly Dynasty IV , c. 2575 -- 2467 BC . English Egyptologist E.A. Wallis Budge agreed that the Sphinx predated Khafre 's reign , writing in The Gods of the Egyptians ( 1914 ) : `` This marvelous object ( the Great Sphinx ) was in existence in the days of Khafre , or Khephren , and it is probable that it is a very great deal older than his reign and that it dates from the end of the archaic period ( c. 2686 BC ) . '' Maspero believed the Sphinx to be `` the most ancient monument in Egypt '' . Modern dissenting hypotheses Rainer Stadelmann , former director of the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo , examined the distinct iconography of the nemes ( headdress ) and the now - detached beard of the Sphinx and concluded the style is more indicative of the Pharaoh Khufu ( 2589 -- 2566 BC ) , builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza and Khafra 's father . He supports this by suggesting Khafra 's Causeway was built to conform to a pre-existing structure , which , he concludes , given its location , could only have been the Sphinx . Colin Reader , an English geologist who independently conducted a more recent survey of the enclosure , agrees the various quarries on the site have been excavated around the Causeway . Because these quarries are known to have been used by Khufu , Reader concludes that the Causeway ( and the temples on either end thereof ) must predate Khufu , thereby casting doubt on the conventional Egyptian chronology . Frank Domingo , a forensic scientist in the New York City Police Department and an expert forensic anthropologist , used detailed measurements of the Sphinx , forensic drawings and computer imaging to conclude the face depicted on the Sphinx is not the same face as is depicted on a statue attributed to Khafra . In 2004 , Vassil Dobrev of the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale in Cairo announced he had uncovered new evidence the Great Sphinx may have been the work of the little - known Pharaoh Djedefre ( 2528 -- 2520 BC ) , Khafra 's half brother and a son of Khufu . Dobrev suggests Djedefre built the Sphinx in the image of his father Khufu , identifying him with the sun god Ra in order to restore respect for their dynasty . Dobrev also notes , like Stadelmann and others , the causeway connecting Khafre 's pyramid to the temples was built around the Sphinx suggesting it was already in existence at the time . Fringe hypotheses Orion correlation theory Main article : Orion correlation theory The Orion correlation theory , as expounded by popular authors Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval , is based on the proposed exact correlation of the three pyramids at Giza with the three stars ζ Ori , ε Ori and δ Ori , the stars forming Orion 's Belt , in the relative positions occupied by these stars in 10500 BC . The authors argue that the geographic relationship of the Sphinx , the Giza pyramids and the Nile directly corresponds with Leo , Orion and the Milky Way respectively . Sometimes cited as an example of pseudoarchaeology , the theory is at variance with mainstream scholarship . Water erosion hypothesis Main article : Sphinx water erosion hypothesis The Sphinx water erosion hypothesis contends that the main type of weathering evident on the enclosure walls of the Great Sphinx could only have been caused by prolonged and extensive rainfall , and must therefore predate the time of the pharaoh Khafra . The hypothesis is championed by René Schwaller de Lubicz ( 1887 - 1961 ) , who lived and studied Egyptology for 12 years in Egypt , and by Robert M. Schoch , a geologist and associate professor of natural science at the College of General Studies at Boston University , as well as by John Anthony West , an author and alternative Egyptologist . Colin Reader , a British geologist , studied the erosion patterns and noticed that they are found predominantly on the western enclosure wall and not on the Sphinx itself . He proposed the rainfall water runoff hypothesis , which also recognizes climate change transitions in the area . The Great Sphinx as Anubis Author Robert K.G. Temple proposes that the Sphinx was originally a statue of the Jackal - Dog Anubis , the God of the Necropolis , and that its face was recarved in the likeness of a Middle Kingdom pharaoh , Amenemhet II . Temple bases his identification on the style of the eye make - up and style of the pleats on the headdress . Racial characteristics Over the years several authors have commented on what they perceive as `` Negroid '' characteristics in the face of the Sphinx . This issue has become part of the Ancient Egyptian race controversy , with respect to the ancient population as a whole . The face of the Sphinx has been damaged over the millennia . Restoration At some unknown time the Giza Necropolis was abandoned , and the Sphinx was eventually buried up to its shoulders in sand . The first documented attempt at an excavation dates to c. 1400 BC , when the young Thutmose IV ( 1401 -- 1391 or 1397 -- 1388 BC ) gathered a team and , after much effort , managed to dig out the front paws , between which he placed a granite slab , known as the Dream Stele , inscribed with the following excerpt : ... the royal son , Thothmos , being arrived , while walking at midday and seating himself under the shadow of this mighty god , was overcome by slumber and slept at the very moment when Ra is at the summit ( of heaven ) . He found that the Majesty of this august god spoke to him with his own mouth , as a father speaks to his son , saying : Look upon me , contemplate me , O my son Thothmos ; I am thy father , Harmakhis - Khopri - Ra - Tum ; I bestow upon thee the sovereignty over my domain , the supremacy over the living ... Behold my actual condition that thou mayest protect all my perfect limbs . The sand of the desert whereon I am laid has covered me . Save me , causing all that is in my heart to be executed . Later , Ramesses II the Great ( 1279 -- 1213 BC ) may have undertaken a second excavation . Mark Lehner , an Egyptologist who has excavated and mapped the Giza plateau , originally asserted that there had been a far earlier renovation during the Old Kingdom ( c. 2686 -- 2184 BC ) , although he has subsequently recanted this `` heretical '' viewpoint . In AD 1817 the first modern archaeological dig , supervised by the Italian Giovanni Battista Caviglia , uncovered the Sphinx 's chest completely . One of the people working on clearing the sands from around the Great Sphinx was Eugène Grébaut , a French Director of the Antiquities Service In the beginning of the year 1887 , the chest , the paws , the altar , and plateau were all made visible . Flights of steps were unearthed , and finally accurate measurements were taken of the great figures . The height from the lowest of the steps was found to be one hundred feet , and the space between the paws was found to be thirty - five feet long and ten feet wide . Here there was formerly an altar ; and a stele of Thûtmosis IV was discovered , recording a dream in which he was ordered to clear away the sand that even then was gathering round the site of the Sphinx . The entire Sphinx was finally excavated in 1925 to 1936 , in digs led by Émile Baraize . In 1931 engineers of the Egyptian government repaired the head of the Sphinx . Part of its headdress had fallen off in 1926 due to erosion , which had also cut deeply into its neck . This questionable repair was by the addition of a concrete collar between the headdress and the neck , creating an altered profile . Many renovations to the stone base and raw rock body were done in the 1980s , and then redone in the 1990s . Panoramic view of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza , 2010 Missing nose and beard The Sphinx profile in 2010 Limestone fragments of the Sphinx 's beard in the British Museum , 14th Century BC . The one - metre - wide nose on the face is missing . Examination of the Sphinx 's face shows that long rods or chisels were hammered into the nose , one down from the bridge and one beneath the nostril , then used to pry the nose off towards the south . The Arab historian al - Maqrīzī , writing in the 15th century , attributes the loss of the nose to iconoclasm by Muhammad Sa'im al - Dahr -- a Sufi Muslim from the khanqah of Sa'id al - Su'ada -- in AD 1378 , upon finding the local peasants making offerings to the Sphinx in the hope of increasing their harvest . Enraged , he destroyed the nose , and was later hanged for vandalism . Al - Maqrīzī describes the Sphinx as the `` talisman of the Nile '' on which the locals believed the flood cycle depended . There is a story that the nose was broken off by a cannonball fired by Napoleon 's soldiers . Other variants indict British troops , the Mamluks , and others . Sketches of the Sphinx by the Dane Frederic Louis Norden , made in 1738 and published in 1757 , show the Sphinx missing its nose . This predates Napoleon 's birth in 1769 . In addition to the lost nose , a ceremonial pharaonic beard is thought to have been attached , although this may have been added in later periods after the original construction . Egyptologist Vassil Dobrev has suggested that had the beard been an original part of the Sphinx , it would have damaged the chin of the statue upon falling . The lack of visible damage supports his theory that the beard was a later addition . Residues of red pigment are visible on areas of the Sphinx 's face . Traces of yellow and blue pigment have been found elsewhere on the Sphinx , leading Mark Lehner to suggest that the monument `` was once decked out in gaudy comic book colors '' . Mythology Colin Reader has proposed that the Sphinx was probably the focus of solar worship in the Early Dynastic Period , before the Giza Plateau became a necropolis in the Old Kingdom ( c. 2686 -- 2134 BC ) . He ties this in with his conclusions that the Sphinx , the Sphinx temple , the Causeway and the Khafra mortuary temple are all part of a complex which predates Dynasty IV ( c. 2613 -- 2494 BC ) . The lion has long been a symbol associated with the sun in ancient Near Eastern civilizations . Images depicting the Egyptian king in the form of a lion smiting his enemies date as far back as the Early Dynastic Period . In the New Kingdom , the Sphinx became more specifically associated with the god Hor - em - akhet ( Hellenized : Harmachis ) or `` Horus - at - the - Horizon '' , which represented the pharaoh in his role as the Shesep - ankh ( English : Living Image ) of the god Atum . Pharaoh Amenhotep II ( 1427 -- 1401 or 1397 BC ) built a temple to the north east of the Sphinx nearly 1000 years after its construction , and dedicated it to the cult of Hor - em - akhet . Reception In the last 700 years , there has been a proliferation of travellers and reports from Lower Egypt , unlike Upper Egypt , which was seldom reported from prior to the mid-18th century . Alexandria , Rosetta , Damietta , Cairo and the Giza Pyramids are described repeatedly , but not necessarily comprehensively . Many accounts were published and widely read . These include those of George Sandys , André Thévet , Athanasius Kircher , Balthasar de Monconys , Jean de Thévenot , John Greaves , Johann Michael Vansleb , Benoît de Maillet , Cornelis de Bruijn , Paul Lucas , Richard Pococke , Frederic Louis Norden and others . But there is an even larger set of more anonymous people who wrote obscure and little - read works , sometimes only unpublished manuscripts in libraries or private collections , including Henry Castela , Hans Ludwig von Lichtenstein , Michael Heberer von Bretten , Wilhelm von Boldensele , Pierre Belon du Mans , Vincent Stochove , Christophe Harant , Gilles Fermanel , Robert Fauvel , Jean Palerne Foresien , Willian Lithgow , Joos van Ghistele , etc . Over the centuries , writers and scholars have recorded their impressions and reactions upon seeing the Sphinx . The vast majority were concerned with a general description , often including a mixture of science , romance and mystique . A typical description of the Sphinx by tourists and leisure travelers throughout the 19th and 20th century was made by John Lawson Stoddard : It is the antiquity of the Sphinx which thrills us as we look upon it , for in itself it has no charms . The desert 's waves have risen to its breast , as if to wrap the monster in a winding - sheet of gold . The face and head have been mutilated by Moslem fanatics . The mouth , the beauty of whose lips was once admired , is now expressionless . Yet grand in its loneliness , -- veiled in the mystery of unnamed ages , -- the relic of Egyptian antiquity stands solemn and silent in the presence of the awful desert -- symbol of eternity . Here it disputes with Time the empire of the past ; forever gazing on and on into a future which will still be distant when we , like all who have preceded us and looked upon its face , have lived our little lives and disappeared . From the 16th century far into the 19th century , observers repeatedly noted that the Sphinx has the face , neck and breast of a woman . Examples included Johannes Helferich ( 1579 ) , George Sandys ( 1615 ) , Johann Michael Vansleb ( 1677 ) , Benoît de Maillet ( 1735 ) and Elliot Warburton ( 1844 ) . Most early Western images were book illustrations in print form , elaborated by a professional engraver from either previous images available or some original drawing or sketch supplied by an author , and usually now lost . Seven years after visiting Giza , André Thévet ( Cosmographie de Levant , 1556 ) described the Sphinx as `` the head of a colossus , caused to be made by Isis , daughter of Inachus , then so beloved of Jupiter '' . He , or his artist and engraver , pictured it as a curly - haired monster with a grassy dog collar . Athanasius Kircher ( who never visited Egypt ) depicted the Sphinx as a Roman statue , reflecting his ability to conceptualize ( Turris Babel , 1679 ) . Johannes Helferich 's ( 1579 ) Sphinx is a pinched - face , round - breasted woman with a straight haired wig ; the only edge over Thevet is that the hair suggests the flaring lappets of the headdress . George Sandys stated that the Sphinx was a harlot ; Balthasar de Monconys interpreted the headdress as a kind of hairnet , while François de La Boullaye - Le Gouz 's Sphinx had a rounded hairdo with bulky collar . Richard Pococke 's Sphinx was an adoption of Cornelis de Bruijn 's drawing of 1698 , featuring only minor changes , but is closer to the actual appearance of the Sphinx than anything previous . The print versions of Norden 's careful drawings for his Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie , 1755 are the first to clearly show that the nose was missing . However , from the time of the Napoleonic invasion of Egypt onwards , a number of accurate images were widely available in Europe , and copied by others . Legacy Mystery of the Sphinx , narrated by Charlton Heston , a documentary presenting the theories of John Anthony West , was shown as an NBC Special on 10 November 1993 ( winning an Emmy award for Best Research ) A 95 - minute DVD , Mystery of the Sphinx : Expanded Edition , was released in 2007 . Age of the Sphinx , a BBC Two Timewatch documentary presenting the theories of John Anthony West and critical to both sides of the argument , was shown on 27 November 1994 . In 2008 , the film 10,000 BC showed a supposed original Sphinx with a lion 's head . Before this film , this lion head theory had been published in documentary films about the origin of the Sphinx . Gallery André Thévet , Cosmographie de Levant ( 1556 ) Hogenberg and Braun ( map ) , Cairus , quae olim Babylon ( 1572 ) , exists in various editions , from various authors , with the Sphinx looking different . Jan Sommer , ( unpublished ) Voyages en Egypte des annees 1589 , 1590 & 1591 , Institut de France , 1971 ( Voyageurs occidentaux en Égypte 3 ) George Sandys , A relation of a journey begun an dom. 1610 ( 1615 ) François de La Boullaye - Le Gouz , Les Voyages et Observations ( 1653 ) Balthasar de Monconys , Journal des voyages ( 1665 ) Olfert Dapper , Description de l'Afrique ( 1665 ) , note the two different displays of the Sphinx . Cornelis de Bruijn , Reizen van Cornelis de Bruyn door de vermaardste Deelen van Klein Asia ( 1698 ) The Sphinx as seen by Frederic Louis Norden ( sketches made 1737 , published 1755 ) Frederic Louis Norden , Voyage d'Égypte et de Nubie ( 1755 ) Description de l'Egypte ( Panckoucke edition ) , Planches , Antiquités , volume V ( 1823 ) , also published in the Imperial edition of 1822 . Description de l'Egypte ( Panckoucke edition ) , Planches , Antiquités , volume V ( 1823 ) , also published in the Imperial edition of 1822 . Members of the Second Japanese Embassy to Europe ( 1863 ) in front of the Sphinx , 1864 . Jean - Léon Gérôme 's Bonaparte Before the Sphinx , 1867 -- 1868 . Johanne Baptista Homann ( map ) , Aegyptus hodierna ( 1724 ) Lantern Slide Collection : Views , Objects : Egypt . Gizeh ( selected images ) . View 04 : Pyramids and Sphinx. , n.d. , Kay C. Lenskold . Floral Park , N.Y. Brooklyn Museum Archives See also Cultural significance of the lion in Northeast Africa Giza Lion ( heraldry ) List of colossal sculpture in situ List of statues by height Notes Jump up ^ Early Egyptologists were inconsistent in their transliteration of pharaonic names : Khafre and Khephren are both references to Khafra . References ^ Jump up to : `` The Great Sphinx of Giza '' . Ancient History Encyclopedia . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 07 . Jump up ^ `` Saving the Sphinx -- NOVA PBS '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 07 . Jump up ^ Rigano , Charles ( 2014 ) . Pyramids of the Giza Plateau . p. 148 . Jump up ^ Dunford , Jane ; Fletcher , Joann ; French , Carole ( ed. , 2007 ) . Egypt : Eyewitness Travel Guide Archived 2009 - 02 - 18 at the Wayback Machine ... London : Dorling Kindersley , 2007 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 7566 - 2875 - 8 . ^ Jump up to : Zuberbühler , Franz Löhner , Teresa . `` Stone quarries in ancient Egypt . Details about the Giza quarries , the granite quarries in Assuan and the Tura limestone quarries '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` How old is the Sphinx ? '' . 1999 - 02 - 11 . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 07 . ^ Jump up to : `` The Great Sphinx Geology of a Statue Dating the Sphinx Ancient Egypt Research Associates '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 08 . Jump up ^ Zivie - Coche , Christiane ( 2002 ) . Sphinx : History of a Monument . Cornell University Press . pp. 99 -- 100 . ISBN 0 - 8014 - 3962 - 0 . Jump up ^ See Thutmose IV # Dates and length of reign Jump up ^ `` sphinx mythology '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved 2016 - 12 - 07 . 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Temple , The Sphinx Mystery : The Forgotten Origins of The Sanctuary of Anubis ( Rochester , Vermont : Inner Traditions , 2009 ) . ISBN 978 - 1 - 59477 - 271 - 9 Jump up ^ Regier , Willis G. ( ed . ) ( 2004 ) . Book of the Sphinx . U of Nebraska Press . p. 157 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 8032 - 3956 - 2 . CS1 maint : Extra text : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ Irwin , Graham W. ( 1977 ) . Africans abroad , Columbia University Press , p. 11 Jump up ^ Mallet , Dominique , The Stele of Thothmes IV : A Translation , at . Retrieved 3 January 2009 . Jump up ^ `` The ARCE Sphinx Project -- A Preliminary Report '' . Hall of Maat . Retrieved May 26 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` ' Khufu Knew the Sphinx ' by Colin Reader '' . . Archived from the original on August 2 , 2009 . Retrieved May 26 , 2009 . Jump up ^ `` A Brief History of the Supreme Council of Antiquities ( SCA ) : 1858 to present '' . SCA - Egypt . Archived from the original on 2016 - 10 - 17 . Retrieved 2017 - 03 - 21 . Jump up ^ Rappoport , S . The Project Gutenberg EBook of History Of Egypt From 330 B.C. To The Present Time , Volume 12 ( of 12 ) , by S. Rappoport . The Grolier Society Publishers , London . Archived from the original on 4 March 2016 . Retrieved 31 October 2016 . Jump up ^ Popular Science Monthly , July 1931 , page 56 . Jump up ^ `` Filmed in 1897 , THIS is the OLDEST footage of the Great Sphinx of Giza - Ancient Code '' . . Retrieved 23 October 2017 . Jump up ^ Hawass , Zahi . `` HISTORY OF THE CONSERVATION OF THE SPHINX '' . Retrieved 23 October 2017 . Jump up ^ `` British Museum - Fragment of the beard of the Great Sphinx '' . . Archived from the original on 2015 - 10 - 27 . Jump up ^ Lehner , Mark ( 1997 ) . The Complete Pyramids . Thames & Hudson . p. 41 . ISBN 0 - 500 - 05084 - 8 . Jump up ^ `` Faq # 11 : Who shot off the nose of the Sphinx ? '' . . Retrieved November 30 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Joseph E Lowry ; Shawkat M Toorawa ; Everett K Rowson ( 2017 ) . Arabic Humanities , Islamic Thought : Essays in Honor of Everett K. Rowson . Boston Brill . p. 263 . ISBN 9789004343245 . OCLC 992515269 . Retrieved October 11 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` F.L. Norden . Travels in Egypt and Nubia , 1757 . Plate 47 , Profil de la tête colossale du Sphinx '' . Brooklyn Museum . Retrieved January 24 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Evan Hadingham ( February 2010 ) . `` Uncovering Secrets of the Sphinx '' . Smithsonian Magazine . Jump up ^ Reader , Colin ( 2000 - 03 - 17 ) . Further considerations on the Age of the Sphinx Archived 2015 - 06 - 02 at the Wayback Machine . at Rational Spirituality . Retrieved 6 January 2009 . Jump up ^ `` John L. Stoddard 's Lectures '' . 2 . 1898 : 111 . External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to Great Sphinx of Giza . Riddle of the Sphinx Egyptian and Greek Sphinxes Egypt -- The Lost Civilization Theory The Sphinx 's Nose What happened to the Sphinx 's nose ? 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"Though there have been conflicting evidence and viewpoints over the years, the view held by modern Egyptology at large remains that the Great Sphinx was built in approximately 2500 BC for the pharaoh Khafra, the builder of the Second Pyramid at Giza.[11]\n"
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-585453994702622333 | Wall Street Crash of 1929 | Wall Street crash of 1929 - wikipedia Wall Street crash of 1929 Jump to : navigation , search `` Wall Street Crash '' and `` Black Tuesday '' redirect here . For another event of the same name , see Wall Street Crash of 2008 . For the British vocal group , see Wall Street Crash ( group ) . For other uses , see Black Tuesday ( disambiguation ) . Crowd gathering on Wall Street after the 1929 crash The Wall Street Crash of 1929 , also known as Black Tuesday ( October 29 ) , the Great Crash , or the Stock Market Crash of 1929 , began on October 24 , 1929 ( `` Black Thursday '' ) , and was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States ( acting as the most significant predicting indicator of the great depression ) , when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its after effects . The crash , which followed the London Stock Exchange 's crash of September , signalled the beginning of the 12 - year Great Depression that affected all Western industrialized countries . Contents ( hide ) 1 Timeline 2 Analysis 2.1 Economic fundamentals 2.2 Subsequent actions 2.3 World War II 3 Effects 3.1 Effect on Europe 4 Academic debate 5 See also 6 Notes 7 Further reading 8 References 9 External links Timeline ( edit ) The Dow Jones Industrial Average , 1928 -- 1930 The Roaring Twenties , the decade that followed World War I and led to the crash , was a time of wealth and excess . Building on post-war optimism , rural Americans migrated to the cities in vast numbers throughout the decade with the hopes of finding a more prosperous life in the ever - growing expansion of America 's industrial sector . While the American cities prospered , the overproduction of agricultural produce created widespread financial despair among American farmers throughout the decade . This would later be blamed as one of the key factors that led to the 1929 stock market crash . Despite the dangers of speculation , many believed that the stock market would continue to rise forever . On March 25 , 1929 , after the Federal Reserve warned of excessive speculation , a mini crash occurred as investors started to sell stocks at a rapid pace , exposing the market 's shaky foundation . Two days later , banker Charles E. Mitchell announced his company the National City Bank would provide $25 million in credit to stop the market 's slide . Mitchell 's move brought a temporary halt to the financial crisis and call money declined from 20 to 8 percent . However , the American economy showed ominous signs of trouble : steel production declined , construction was sluggish , automobile sales went down , and consumers were building up high debts because of easy credit . Despite all these economic trouble signs and the market breaks in March and May 1929 , stocks resumed their advance in June and the gains continued almost unabated until early September 1929 ( the Dow Jones average gained more than 20 % between June and September ) . The market had been on a nine - year run that saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average increase in value tenfold , peaking at 381.17 on September 3 , 1929 . Shortly before the crash , economist Irving Fisher famously proclaimed , `` Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau . '' The optimism and financial gains of the great bull market were shaken after a well publicized early September prediction from financial expert Roger Babson that `` a crash was coming '' . The initial September decline was thus called the `` Babson Break '' in the press . This was the start of the Great Crash , although until the severe phase of the crash in October , many investors regarded the September `` Babson Break '' as a `` healthy correction '' and buying opportunity . On September 20 , the London Stock Exchange crashed when top British investor Clarence Hatry and many of his associates were jailed for fraud and forgery . The London crash greatly weakened the optimism of American investment in markets overseas . In the days leading up to the crash , the market was severely unstable . Periods of selling and high volumes were interspersed with brief periods of rising prices and recovery . Selling intensified in mid-October . On October 24 ( `` Black Thursday '' ) , the market lost 11 percent of its value at the opening bell on very heavy trading . The huge volume meant that the report of prices on the ticker tape in brokerage offices around the nation was hours late , so investors had no idea what most stocks were actually trading for at that moment , increasing panic . Several leading Wall Street bankers met to find a solution to the panic and chaos on the trading floor . The meeting included Thomas W. Lamont , acting head of Morgan Bank ; Albert Wiggin , head of the Chase National Bank ; and Charles E. Mitchell , president of the National City Bank of New York . They chose Richard Whitney , vice president of the Exchange , to act on their behalf . With the bankers ' financial resources behind him , Whitney placed a bid to purchase a large block of shares in U.S. Steel at a price well above the current market . As traders watched , Whitney then placed similar bids on other `` blue chip '' stocks . This tactic was similar to one that ended the Panic of 1907 . It succeeded in halting the slide . The Dow Jones Industrial Average recovered , closing with it down only 6.38 points for the day . The rally continued on Friday , October 25 , and the half day session on Saturday the 26th but , unlike 1907 , the respite was only temporary . The trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange in 1930 , six months after the crash of 1929 Over the weekend , the events were covered by the newspapers across the United States . On October 28 , `` Black Monday '' , more investors facing margin calls decided to get out of the market , and the slide continued with a record loss in the Dow for the day of 38.33 points , or 13 % . The next day , `` Black Tuesday '' , October 29 , 1929 , about 16 million shares traded as the panic selling reached its peak . Some stocks actually had no buyers at any price that day ( `` air pockets '' ) . The Dow lost an additional 30 points , or 12 percent . The volume of stocks traded on October 29 , 1929 , was a record that was not broken for nearly 40 years . On October 29 , William C. Durant joined with members of the Rockefeller family and other financial giants to buy large quantities of stocks to demonstrate to the public their confidence in the market , but their efforts failed to stop the large decline in prices . Due to the massive volume of stocks traded that day , the ticker did not stop running until about 7 : 45 p.m. . The market had lost over $30 billion in the space of two days which included $14 billion on October 29 alone . Dow Jones Industrial Average on Black Monday and Black Tuesday Date Change % Change Close October 28 , 1929 − 38.33 − 12.82 260.64 October 29 , 1929 − 30.57 − 11.73 230.07 After a one - day recovery on October 30 , where the Dow regained an additional 28.40 points , or 12 percent , to close at 258.47 , the market continued to fall , arriving at an interim bottom on November 13 , 1929 , with the Dow closing at 198.60 . The market then recovered for several months , starting on November 14 , with the Dow gaining 18.59 points to close at 217.28 , and reaching a secondary closing peak ( i.e. , bear market rally ) of 294.07 on April 17 , 1930 . The following year , the Dow embarked on another , much longer , steady slide from April 1931 to July 8 , 1932 , when it closed at 41.22 -- its lowest level of the 20th century , concluding an 89 percent loss rate for all of the market 's stocks . For most of the 1930s , the Dow began slowly to regain the ground it lost during the 1929 crash and the three years following it , beginning on March 15 , 1933 , with the largest percentage increase of 15.34 percent , with the Dow Jones closing at 62.10 , with an 8.26 point increase . The largest percentage increases of the Dow Jones occurred during the early and mid-1930s . In late 1937 , there was a sharp dip in the stock market , but prices held well above the 1932 lows . The market would not return to the peak closing of September 3 , 1929 , until November 23 , 1954 . Analysis ( edit ) Economic fundamentals ( edit ) The crash followed a speculative boom that had taken hold in the late 1920s . During the later half of the 1920s , steel production , building construction , retail turnover , automobiles registered , even railway receipts advanced from record to record . The combined net profits of 536 manufacturing and trading companies showed an increase , in fact for the first six months of 1929 , of 36.6 % over 1928 , itself a record half - year . Iron and steel led the way with doubled gains . Such figures set up a crescendo of stock - exchange speculation which had led hundreds of thousands of Americans to invest heavily in the stock market . A significant number of them were borrowing money to buy more stocks . By August 1929 , brokers were routinely lending small investors more than two - thirds of the face value of the stocks they were buying . Over $8.5 billion was out on loan , more than the entire amount of currency circulating in the U.S. at the time . The rising share prices encouraged more people to invest ; people hoped the share prices would rise further . Speculation thus fueled further rises and created an economic bubble . Because of margin buying , investors stood to lose large sums of money if the market turned down -- or even failed to advance quickly enough . The average P / E ( price to earnings ) ratio of S&P Composite stocks was 32.6 in September 1929 , clearly above historical norms . Sir George Paish Good harvests had built up a mass of 250 million bushels of wheat to be `` carried over '' when 1929 opened . By May there was also a winter - wheat crop of 560 million bushels ready for harvest in the Mississippi Valley . This oversupply caused a drop in wheat prices so heavy that the net incomes of the farming population from wheat were threatened with extinction . Stock markets are always sensitive to the future state of commodity markets , and the slump in Wall Street predicted for May by Sir George Paish arrived on time . In June 1929 , the position was saved by a severe drought in the Dakotas and the Canadian West , plus unfavorable seed times in Argentina and eastern Australia . The oversupply would now be wanted to fill the big gaps in the 1929 world wheat production . From 97 ¢ per bushel in May , the price of wheat rose to $1.49 in July . When it was seen that at this figure the American farmers would get rather more for their smaller crop than for that of 1928 , up went stocks again and from far and wide orders came to buy shares for the profits to come . In August , the wheat price fell when France and Italy were bragging of a magnificent harvest , and the situation in Australia improved . This sent a shiver through Wall Street and stock prices quickly dropped , but word of cheap stocks brought a fresh rush of `` stags '' , amateur speculators and investors . Congress had also voted for a 100 million dollar relief package for the farmers , hoping to stabilize wheat prices . By October though , the price had fallen to $1.31 per bushel . Other important economic barometers were also slowing or even falling by mid-1929 , including car sales , house sales , and steel production . The falling commodity and industrial production may have dented even American self - confidence , and the stock market peaked on September 3 at 381.17 just after Labor Day , then started to falter after Roger Babson issued his prescient `` market crash '' forecast . By the end of September , the market was down 10 % from the peak ( the `` Babson Break '' ) . Selling intensified in early and mid October , with sharp down days punctuated by a few up days . Panic selling on huge volume started the week of October 21 and intensified and culminated on October 24 , the 28th and especially the 29th ( `` Black Tuesday '' ) . The president of the Chase National Bank said at the time : `` We are reaping the natural fruit of the orgy of speculation in which millions of people have indulged . It was inevitable , because of the tremendous increase in the number of stockholders in recent years , that the number of sellers would be greater than ever when the boom ended and selling took the place of buying . '' Subsequent actions ( edit ) In 1932 , the Pecora Commission was established by the U.S. Senate to study the causes of the crash . The following year , the U.S. Congress passed the Glass -- Steagall Act mandating a separation between commercial banks , which take deposits and extend loans , and investment banks , which underwrite , issue , and distribute stocks , bonds , and other securities . After the experience of the 1929 crash , stock markets around the world instituted measures to suspend trading in the event of rapid declines , claiming that the measures would prevent such panic sales . However , the one - day crash of Black Monday , October 19 , 1987 , when the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 22.6 % , was worse in percentage terms than any single day of the 1929 crash ( although the combined 25 % decline of October 28 -- 29 , 1929 was larger than October 19 , 1987 , and remains the worst two - day decline ever ) . World War II ( edit ) The American mobilization for World War II at the end of 1941 moved approximately ten million people out of the civilian labor force and into the war . World War II had a dramatic effect on many parts of the economy , and may have hastened the end of the Great Depression in the United States . Government - financed capital spending accounted for only 5 percent of the annual U.S. investment in industrial capital in 1940 ; by 1943 , the government accounted for 67 percent of U.S. capital investment . Effects ( edit ) Further information : Causes of the Great Depression Crowd at New York 's American Union Bank during a bank run early in the Great Depression Together , the 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression formed the largest financial crisis of the 20th century . The panic of October 1929 has come to serve as a symbol of the economic contraction that gripped the world during the next decade . The falls in share prices on October 24 and 29 , 1929 were practically instantaneous in all financial markets , except Japan . The Wall Street Crash had a major impact on the U.S. and world economy , and it has been the source of intense academic debate -- historical , economic , and political -- from its aftermath until the present day . Some people believed that abuses by utility holding companies contributed to the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the Depression that followed . Many people blamed the crash on commercial banks that were too eager to put deposits at risk on the stock market . In 1930 , 1,352 banks held more than $853 million in deposits ; in 1931 , one year later , 2,294 banks went down with nearly $1.7 billion in deposits . Many businesses failed ( 28,285 failures and a daily rate of 133 in 1931 ) . The 1929 crash brought the Roaring Twenties to a shuddering halt . As tentatively expressed by economic historian Charles P. Kindleberger , in 1929 , there was no lender of last resort effectively present , which , if it had existed and were properly exercised , would have been key in shortening the business slowdown ( s ) that normally follows financial crises . The crash marked the beginning of widespread and long - lasting consequences for the United States . Historians still debate the question : did the 1929 Crash spark The Great Depression , or did it merely coincide with the bursting of a loose credit - inspired economic bubble ? Only 16 % of American households were invested in the stock market within the United States during the period leading up to the depression , suggesting that the crash carried somewhat less of a weight in causing the depression . Unemployed men march in Toronto However , the psychological effects of the crash reverberated across the nation as businesses became aware of the difficulties in securing capital market investments for new projects and expansions . Business uncertainty naturally affects job security for employees , and as the American worker ( the consumer ) faced uncertainty with regards to income , naturally the propensity to consume declined . The decline in stock prices caused bankruptcies and severe macroeconomic difficulties including contraction of credit , business closures , firing of workers , bank failures , decline of the money supply , and other economically depressing events . The resultant rise of mass unemployment is seen as a result of the crash , although the crash is by no means the sole event that contributed to the depression . The Wall Street Crash is usually seen as having the greatest impact on the events that followed and therefore is widely regarded as signaling the downward economic slide that initiated the Great Depression . True or not , the consequences were dire for almost everybody . Most academic experts agree on one aspect of the crash : It wiped out billions of dollars of wealth in one day , and this immediately depressed consumer buying . The failure set off a worldwide run on US gold deposits ( i.e. the dollar ) , and forced the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates into the slump . Some 4,000 banks and other lenders ultimately failed . Also , the uptick rule , which allowed short selling only when the last tick in a stock 's price was positive , was implemented after the 1929 market crash to prevent short sellers from driving the price of a stock down in a bear raid . Effect on Europe ( edit ) The stock market crash of October 1929 led directly to the Great Depression in Europe . When stocks plummeted on the New York Stock Exchange , the world noticed immediately . Although financial leaders in the United Kingdom , as in the United States , vastly underestimated the extent of the crisis that would ensue , it soon became clear that the world 's economies were more interconnected than ever . The effects of the disruption to the global system of financing , trade , and production and the subsequent meltdown of the American economy were soon felt throughout Europe . During 1930 and 1931 , in particular , unemployed workers went on strike , demonstrated in public , and otherwise took direct action to call public attention to their plight . Protests often focused on the so - called Means Test , which the government had instituted in 1931 as a way to limit the amount of unemployment payments made to individuals and families . For working people , the Means Test seemed an intrusive and insensitive way to deal with the chronic and relentless deprivation caused by the economic crisis . The strikes were met forcefully , with police breaking up protests , arresting demonstrators , and charging them with crimes related to the violation of public order . Academic debate ( edit ) Economists and historians disagree as to what role the crash played in subsequent economic , social , and political events . The Economist argued in a 1998 article that the Depression did not start with the stock market crash , nor was it clear at the time of the crash that a depression was starting . They asked , `` Can a very serious Stock Exchange collapse produce a serious setback to industry when industrial production is for the most part in a healthy and balanced condition ? '' They argued that there must be some setback , but there was not yet sufficient evidence to prove that it will be long or that it need go to the length of producing a general industrial depression . But The Economist also cautioned that some bank failures are also to be expected and some banks may not have any reserves left for financing commercial and industrial enterprises . They concluded that the position of the banks is the key to the situation , but what was going to happen could not have been foreseen . Academics see the Wall Street Crash of 1929 as part of a historical process that was a part of the new theories of boom and bust . According to economists such as Joseph Schumpeter , Nikolai Kondratiev and Charles E. Mitchell , the crash was merely a historical event in the continuing process known as economic cycles . The impact of the crash was merely to increase the speed at which the cycle proceeded to its next level . Milton Friedman 's A Monetary History of the United States , co-written with Anna Schwartz , advances the argument that what made the `` great contraction '' so severe was not the downturn in the business cycle , protectionism , or the 1929 stock market crash in themselves -- but instead , according to Friedman and Schwartz , what plunged the country into a deep depression was the collapse of the banking system during three waves of panics over the 1930 -- 33 period . See also ( edit ) United States portal 1920s portal List of largest daily changes in the Dow Jones Industrial Average Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Depression & WWII ( 1929 -- 1945 ) '' . . Retrieved August 12 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Bone , James . `` The beginner 's guide to stock markets '' . The Times . London . Archived from the original on May 25 , 2010 . Retrieved January 29 , 2012 . The most savage bear market of all time was the Wall Street Crash of 1929 -- 1932 , in which share prices fell by 89 per cent . Jump up ^ `` Stock Market Crash of 1929 '' . Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved January 29 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` America gets depressed by thoughts of 1929 revisited '' The Sunday Times ^ Jump up to : Dan Bryan . `` The Great ( Farm ) Depression of the 1920s '' . American History USA . Retrieved November 10 , 2013 . Jump up ^ ^ Jump up to : `` Timeline : A selected Wall Street chronology '' . PBS . Retrieved September 30 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Teach , Edward ( May 1 , 2007 ) . `` The Bright Side of Bubbles '' . CFO . Retrieved October 1 , 2008 . ^ Jump up to : Harold Bierman , Jr. ( April 1998 ) . The Causes of the 1929 Stock Market Crash : A Speculative Orgy or a New Era ? . Greenwood Publishing Group . pp. 19 -- 29 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 313 - 30629 - 7 . Jump up ^ The Great Depression , by Robert Goldston , pages 39 -- 40 Jump up ^ `` The Panic of 2008 ? What Do We Name the Crisis ? '' The Wall Street Journal Jump up ^ `` Timeline '' . NYSE Euronext . NYSE . Retrieved October 1 , 2008 . ^ Jump up to : Weeks , Linton . `` History 's Advice During A Panic ? Do n't Panic '' . NPR . Retrieved October 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ `` The Crash of 1929 '' . PBS . Retrieved October 1 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Salsman , Richard M. `` The Cause and Consequences of the Great Depression , Part 1 : What Made the Roaring ' 20s Roar '' , The Intellectual Activist , ISSN 0730 - 2355 , June 2004 , p. 16 . ^ Jump up to : New York : A Documentary Film PBS Jump up ^ `` Dow Jones Industrial Average All - Time Largest One Day Gains and Losses '' . The Wall Street Journal . Retrieved May 11 , 2011 . Jump up ^ `` DJIA 1929 to Present '' , Yahoo ! Finance Jump up ^ `` U.S. Industrial Stocks Pass 1929 Peak '' , The Times , November 24 , 1954 , p. 12 . Jump up ^ `` Broad Facts of , Ilsa Crisis '' . The Daily News . Perth , Western Australia : National Library of Australia . November 1 , 1929 . p. 6 ( Edition : Home Final Edition ) . Retrieved November 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Lambert , Richard ( July 19 , 2008 ) . `` Crashes , Bangs & Wallops '' . Financial Times . Retrieved September 30 , 2008 . At the turn of the 20th century stock market speculation was restricted to professionals , but the 1920s saw millions of ' ordinary Americans ' investing in the New York Stock Exchange . By August 1929 , brokers had lent small investors more than two - thirds of the face value of the stocks they were buying on margin -- more than $8.5 bn was out on loan . Jump up ^ Facing the facts : an economic diagnosis . Retrieved September 30 , 2008 . Jump up ^ Shiller , Robert ( March 17 , 2005 ) . `` Irrational Exuberance , Second Edition '' . Princeton University Press . Retrieved February 3 , 2007 . Jump up ^ Doug Short ( April 3 , 2013 ) . `` The Stock Market 's Valuation Rarely Gets This High '' . Business Insider . Jump up ^ `` Grain Plunges '' . The Courier - Mail . Brisbane , Qld : National Library of Australia . October 26 , 1929 . p. 19 . Retrieved November 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Wild Selling . New York Panic . '' . The Sydney Morning Herald . Sydney , NSW : National Library of Australia . October 26 , 1929 . p. 17 . Retrieved November 22 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Second Crash '' . The Sydney Morning Herald . Sydney , NSW : National Library of Australia . October 30 , 1929 . p. 17 . Retrieved November 20 , 2012 . Jump up ^ Selective Service System . ( May 27 , 2003 ) . Induction Statistics . In Inductions ( by year ) from World War I Through the End of the Draft ( 1973 ) . Retrieved September 8 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Hyman , Louis ( December 16 , 2011 ) . `` How Did World War II End the Great Depression ? : Echoes '' . Bloomberg . Retrieved August 25 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` Paulson affirms Bush assessment '' , The Washington Times Jump up ^ Scardino , Albert ( October 21 , 1987 ) . `` The Market Turmoil : Past lessons , present advice ; Did ' 29 Crash Spark The Depression ? '' . The New York Times . ^ Jump up to : `` Crashes , Bangs & Wallops '' Financial Times Jump up ^ Jameson , Angela ( August 10 , 2005 ) , `` Pyramid structures brought down by Wall Street Crash '' The Times , Retrieved March 17 , 2010 Jump up ^ `` Death of the Brokerage : The Future of Wall Street '' National Public Radio Jump up ^ `` Kaboom ! ... and bust . The crash of 2008 '' The Times ^ Jump up to : `` The Market Turmoil : Past lessons , present advice ; Did ' 29 Crash Spark The Depression ? '' The New York Times Jump up ^ `` Practice has plenty of historical precedents '' Financial Times Jump up ^ `` Funds want ' uptick ' rule back '' Financial Times ^ Jump up to : `` Context : : European History '' . . Retrieved 2016 - 11 - 04 . Jump up ^ `` Economics focus : The Great Depression '' , The Economist ( September 17 , 1998 ) ^ Jump up to : `` Reactions of the Wall Street slump '' , The Economist ( November 23 , 1929 ) Jump up ^ `` Panic control '' The Washington Times Further reading ( edit ) Axon , Gordon V . The Stock Market Crash of 1929 . London , England : Mason & Lipscomb Publishers Inc. , 1974 . Bierman , Harold ( March 26 , 2008 ) . Whaples , Robert , ed . `` The 1929 Stock Market Crash '' . EH.Net Encyclopedia . Santa Clara , California : Economic History Association . Retrieved February 2 , 2017 . Brooks , John . ( 1969 ) . Once in Golconda : A True Drama of Wall Street 1920 -- 1938 . New York : Harper & Row . ISBN 0 - 393 - 01375 - 8 . Galbraith , John Kenneth . `` 1929 : New York City . '' Lapham 's Quarterly , no . 2 ( Spring 2015 ) : 145 -- 146 Galbraith , John Kenneth . ( 1954 ) . The Great Crash , 1929 . Boston : Houghton Mifflin . ISBN 0 - 395 - 85999 - 9 . Klein , Maury. ( 2001 ) . Rainbow 's End : The Crash of 1929 . New York : Oxford University Press . ISBN 0 - 19 - 513516 - 4 . Klingaman , William K. ( 1989 ) . 1929 : The Year of the Great Crash . New York : Harper & Row . ISBN 0 - 06 - 016081 - 0 . Leone , Bruno . The Great Depression : Opposing Viewpoints , 14 -- 25 . San Diego , CA : Bender , David L. , 1994 . Pendergast , Tom . American Decades : 1920 -- 1929 . Farmington Hills , MI : UXL American Decades Publishing , 2003 . Reed , Lawrence W. ( 1981 & 2008 ) . Great Myths of the Great Depression . Midland , Michigan : Mackinac Center . Rothbard , Murray N. ( 2000 ) . America 's Great Depression ( PDF ) ( 5th ed . ) . Auburn , Alabama : Ludwig von Mises Institute . ISBN 978 - 0 - 945466 - 05 - 5 . Retrieved May 13 , 2010 . Salsman , Richard M. `` The Cause and Consequences of the Great Depression '' in The Intellectual Activist , ISSN 0730 - 2355 : `` Part 1 : What Made the Roaring ' 20s Roar '' , June 2004 , pp. 16 -- 24 . `` Part 2 : Hoover 's Progressive Assault on Business '' , July 2004 , pp. 10 -- 20 . `` Part 3 : Roosevelt 's Raw Deal '' , August 2004 , pp. 9 -- 20 . `` Part 4 : Freedom and Prosperity '' , January 2005 , pp. 14 -- 23 . Shachtman , Tom . ( 1979 ) . The Day America Crashed : A Narrative Account of the Great Stock Market Crash of October 24 , 1929 . New York : G.P. Putnam . ISBN 0 - 399 - 11613 - 3 . Thomas , Gordon and Morgan - Witts , Max . ( 1979 ) . The Day the Bubble Burst : A Social History of the Wall Street Crash of 1929 . Garden City , New York : Doubleday . ISBN 0 - 385 - 14370 - 2 . Watkins , Tom H. The Great Depression : America in the 1930s , 22 -- 55 . New York , NY : Little , Brown & Company , 1993 . References ( edit ) External links ( edit ) Media related to Wall Street Crash of 1929 at Wikimedia Commons The Crash of 1929 , American Experience documentary Great Depression Topics Causes Wall Street Crash of 1929 Smoot - Hawley Tariff Act Dust Bowl New Deal Recession of 1937 -- 1938 Effects by area Australia Canada Chile Central Europe France Germany India Japan Latin America Netherlands South Africa United Kingdom United States Cities Commons Stock market crashes 17th century Early stock market crashes in the Dutch Republic 18th century The Mississippi Bubble South Sea Bubble of 1720 Panic of 1792 Panic of 1796 -- 97 19th century Panic of 1819 Panic of 1825 Panic of 1837 Panic of 1847 Panic of 1857 Black Friday ( 1869 ) Panic of 1873 Paris Bourse crash of 1882 Panic of 1884 Encilhamento Panic of 1893 Panic of 1896 20th century Panic of 1901 Panic of 1907 Depression of 1920 -- 21 Wall Street Crash of 1929 Recession of 1937 -- 38 1971 Brazilian markets crash 1973 -- 74 stock market crash Souk Al - Manakh stock market crash ( 1982 ) Japanese asset price bubble ( 1986 -- 1991 ) Black Monday ( 1987 ) Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange collapse Friday the 13th mini-crash ( 1989 ) 1990s Japanese stock market crash Dot - com bubble ( 1995 -- 2000 ) 1997 Asian financial crisis October 27 , 1997 , mini-crash 1998 Russian financial crisis 21st century Economic effects arising from the September 11 attacks ( 2001 ) Stock market downturn of 2002 Chinese stock bubble of 2007 United States bear market of 2007 -- 09 Financial crisis of 2007 -- 08 Dubai debt standstill European debt crisis 2010 Flash Crash 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami ( Aftermath ) August 2011 stock markets fall 2011 Bangladesh share market scam 2015 -- 16 Chinese stock market turbulence 2015 -- 16 stock market crash 2016 United Kingdom EU referendum ( Aftermath ) See also : List of stock market crashes and bear markets Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1929 in economics 1929 in international relations 1929 in New York City Economic bubbles Great Depression in the United States Roaring Twenties Stock market crashes October 1929 events Hidden categories : Use mdy dates from September 2015 Talk Contents About Wikipedia Башҡортса Български Bosanski Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Ελληνικά Español Euskara فارسی Føroyskt Français Frysk 한국어 Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Lëtzebuergesch Lietuvių Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Polski Português Română Русский Scots Simple English Slovenščina Suomi Svenska தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 18 September 2017 , at 18 : 24 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | when did the stock market crash in the great depression | [
"The Wall Street Crash of 1929, also known as Black Tuesday (October 29),[1] the Great Crash, or the Stock Market Crash of 1929, began on October 24, 1929 (\"Black Thursday\"), and was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States (acting as the most significant predicting indicator of the great depression), when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its after effects.[2] The crash, which followed the London Stock Exchange's crash of September, signalled the beginning of the 12-year Great Depression that affected all Western industrialized countries.[3]"
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"October 24, 1929"
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-903662978238257655 | Made in Dagenham | Made in Dagenham - Wikipedia Made in Dagenham Jump to : navigation , search This article includes a list of references , related reading or external links , but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations . Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations . ( May 2014 ) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ) Made in Dagenham Directed by Nigel Cole Produced by Elizabeth Karlsen Stephen Woolley Written by William Ivory Starring Sally Hawkins Bob Hoskins Miranda Richardson Geraldine James Rosamund Pike Andrea Riseborough Jaime Winstone Daniel Mays Richard Schiff Music by David Arnold Cinematography John de Borman Edited by Michael Parker Production company Audley Films BBC Films BMS Finance HanWay Films Lipsync Productions Number 9 Films UK Film Council Universal Pictures ( Canada ) Sony Pictures Classics ( USA ) Distributed by Paramount Pictures Release date 11 September 2010 ( 2010 - 09 - 11 ) ( TIFF ) 1 October 2010 ( 2010 - 10 - 01 ) ( United Kingdom ) Running time 113 minutes Country United Kingdom Language English Budget £ 5 million Box office $12.3 million Made in Dagenham is a 2010 British film directed by Nigel Cole . The film stars Sally Hawkins , Bob Hoskins , Miranda Richardson , Geraldine James , Rosamund Pike , Andrea Riseborough , Jaime Winstone , Daniel Mays and Richard Schiff . It dramatises the Ford sewing machinists strike of 1968 that aimed for equal pay for women . The film 's theme song , with lyrics by Billy Bragg , is performed by Sandie Shaw , herself a native of the area and a former Ford Dagenham clerk . A stage musical version of the film opened at London 's Adelphi theatre in 2014 . Contents ( hide ) 1 Plot 2 Locations 3 Cast 4 Reception 5 Soundtrack 6 Musical 7 References 8 External links Plot ( edit ) This article needs an improved plot summary . ( October 2015 ) Based on a true story , Made in Dagenham explores the movement that caused a significant law reform . Rita O'Grady ( a fictional character ) leads the 1968 Ford sewing machinists strike at the Ford Dagenham plant , where female workers walk out in protest against sexual discrimination , demanding equal pay . This strike causes a lot of public attention around the world and was seen as out of the ordinary to many because it was not in a woman 's nature to do anything else other than the traditional family roles . The strike is successful and leads to the Equal Pay Act 1970 . Locations ( edit ) Mardyke estate Dagenham Civic Centre Cast ( edit ) Sally Hawkins as Rita O'Grady Bob Hoskins as Albert Miranda Richardson as Employment Secretary Barbara Castle Geraldine James as Connie Rosamund Pike as Lisa Hopkins Andrea Riseborough as Brenda Jaime Winstone as Sandra Daniel Mays as Eddie O'Grady Richard Schiff as Robert Tooley Lorraine Stanley as Monica Nicola Duffett as Eileen Andrew Lincoln as Mr. Clarke Rupert Graves as Peter Hopkins Joseph Mawle as Gordon Robbie Kay as Graham O'Grady Kenneth Cranham as Monty Taylor John Sessions as Prime Minister Harold Wilson Marcus Hutton as Grant Roger Lloyd - Pack as George Phil Cornwell as Dave Matthew Aubrey as Brian Karen Seacombe as Marge Thomas Arnold as Martin Sian Scott as Sharon O'Grady Philip Perry as Arthur Horovitz Peter - Hugo Daly as Bartholomew Simon Armstrong as Rogers Matilda Cole as Emily Romy Taylor as Rosie Danny Huston as American Boss ( voice only ) Mitchell Mullen as Kronnfeld Matt King as Trevor Innes Gina Bramhill as Hopkins ' Secretary Reception ( edit ) Of 122 Rotten Tomatoes reviews , 80 % rated the film `` fresh '' . Maclean 's , in a review for the film 's 2010 Toronto International Film Festival premiere , called it a `` ... combination of Milk and Mad Men ... It 's a film that blatantly condemns sexism and shows , despite its mostly light tone , the real cost of fighting for civil rights . The bee - hived and bobbed characters are fully fleshed and well - rounded even though they fit into ' 60s archetypes , and the period piece balances optimism and realism in a way that 's both compelling and fun to watch . '' Xan Brooks of The Guardian gave it three stars out of five , calling it `` ... uncomplicated fare , overly spiced with 60s cliches ... But the film is also robust , amiable and so warm - hearted you 'd be a churl to take against it . '' Roger Ebert gave the film three and a half stars out of four. , while David Cox , also of The Guardian , gave a less glowing review , suggesting that , despite initial potential , `` ... a promising opportunity has been squandered . '' Mark Kermode praised the film highly on his weekly show on BBC Radio 5 Live . He ranked it as his fourth favourite film of 2010 , beating such films as The Social Network and Another Year . Made in Dagenham was nominated for four awards at the 2010 British Academy Film Awards ; Outstanding British Film , Costume Design , Make Up & Hair Design and Supporting Actress ( Miranda Richardson ) . Soundtrack ( edit ) A soundtrack for the film was released , with the following tracks : ( There 's ) Always Something There to Remind Me - Sandie Shaw Get Ready - The Temptations Israelites - Desmond Dekker & The Aces It 's a Man 's Man 's Man 's World - James Brown Days - The Kinks Can I Get a Witness - Dusty Springfield All or Nothing - Small Faces The Boat That I Row - Lulu It 's Getting Better - Mama Cass A Groovy Kind of Love - The Mindbenders Wooly Bully - Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs Sunday Will Never Be The Same - Spanky and Our Gang Green Tambourine - Lemon Pipers Paper Sun - Traffic Friday on My Mind - The Easybeats With a Girl Like You - The Troggs You Can Get It If You Really Want - Desmond Dekker Made In Dagenham - Sandie Shaw The title song was written by David Arnold and Billy Bragg just for the film . Musical ( edit ) Main article : Made in Dagenham ( musical ) A musical adaption of the film opened on 5 November 2014 , at the Adelphi Theatre in London . Scripted by Richard Bean , and directed by Rupert Goold , it starred Gemma Arterton in the lead role . References ( edit ) General references BBC Films - Made in Dagenham Observer article Mark Kermode Uncut - Feeling Good in Dagenham Long synopsis at Woolton Picture House Information on the Visteon Pension Action Group The story of the strike , in an article published by the socialist group Workers ' Liberty to mark the 40th anniversary in 2008 Specific references Jump up ^ `` Made in Dagenham : interview with producers Stephen Woolley and Elizabeth Karlsen '' . The Daily Telegraph . 16 September 2010 . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 05 . Jump up ^ Made in Dagenham at Box Office Mojo Jump up ^ Allott , Serena ( 9 September 2010 ) . `` Made in Dagenham : set report '' . . Retrieved 7 February 2017 . Jump up ^ Made in Dagenham at Rotten Tomatoes Jump up ^ `` ' Made in Dagenham ' : Sweet 1960s sensibility and labour unions '' . Maclean 's . 9 September 2010 . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` Made in Dagenham '' . The Guardian . 21 September 2010 . Retrieved 2010 - 10 - 05 . Jump up ^ `` Made in Dagenham : a squandered opportunity '' . The Guardian . 13 September 2010 . Retrieved 2011 - 01 - 04 . Jump up ^ `` My Top Five Films of the Year '' . BBC . 24 December 2010 . Retrieved 2011 - 01 - 23 . ^ Jump up to : Made in Dagenham : Original Soundtrack at AllMusic . Retrieved 2011 - 05 - 15 . Jump up ^ `` Gemma Arterton to star in Made in Dagenham musical '' . BBC . 3 March 2014 . Retrieved 2014 - 03 - 03 . External links ( edit ) Official website Made in Dagenham at BFI Made in Dagenham at British Council -- Film Made in Dagenham at LUMIERE Made in Dagenham on IMDb Made in Dagenham at British Comedy Guide BBC Film Network - Made in Dagenham interview Made in Dagenham The Musical ( hide ) Films directed by Nigel Cole Saving Grace ( 2000 ) Calendar Girls ( 2003 ) A Lot like Love ( 2005 ) Five Dollars a Day ( 2008 ) Made in Dagenham ( 2010 ) The Wedding Video ( 2012 ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2010 films English - language films 2010s drama films British films British drama films Dagenham Feminist films Films about the labor movement Films set in 1968 Films set in London Ford of Europe Film scores by David Arnold Films produced by Elizabeth Karlsen Number 9 Films films Paramount Pictures films Sony Pictures Classics films Hidden categories : Use dmy dates from June 2016 Use British English from June 2016 Articles lacking in - text citations from May 2014 All articles lacking in - text citations Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention from October 2015 All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention Articles using small message boxes Talk Contents About Wikipedia Deutsch Euskara Français Italiano עברית Norsk Português Русский Svenska Edit links This page was last edited on 29 October 2017 , at 11 : 26 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who played barbara castle in made in dagenham | [
"Miranda Richardson as Employment Secretary Barbara Castle"
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"Miranda Richardson"
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-6213136522244280668 | General Sherman (tree) | General Sherman ( tree ) - wikipedia General Sherman ( tree ) Jump to : navigation , search A view of the General Sherman , the largest single stem tree in the world Panorama of General Sherman Tree , July 2013 A child standing under the tree . General Sherman is a giant sequoia ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ) tree located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in Tulare County , in the U.S. state of California . By volume , it is the largest known living single stem tree on Earth . While the General Sherman is the largest currently living tree , it is not the largest historically - recorded tree . The Crannell Creek Giant , a coast redwood ( Sequoia sempervirens ) near Trinidad , California , is estimated to have been 15 to 25 % larger than the General Sherman tree by volume . That tree was cut down in the mid-1940s . Another larger coast redwood , near 90,000 cubic feet , the Lindsey Creek tree , was reported in a 1905 Humboldt Times Standard article . Contents ( hide ) 1 History 2 Dimensions 3 See also 4 References 5 External links History ( edit ) The General Sherman was named after the American Civil War general William Tecumseh Sherman , in 1879 by naturalist James Wolverton , who had served as a lieutenant in the 9th Indiana Cavalry under Sherman . In 1931 , following comparisons with the nearby General Grant tree , General Sherman was identified as the largest tree in the world . One result of this process was that wood volume became widely accepted as the standard for establishing and comparing the size of different trees . In January 2006 the largest branch on the tree ( seen most commonly , in older photos , as an `` L '' or golf - club shape , protruding from about a quarter of the way down the trunk ) broke off . There were no witnesses to the incident , and the branch -- larger than most tree trunks ; diameter over 2 m ( 6.6 ft ) and length over 30 m ( 98 ft ) -- smashed part of the perimeter fence and cratered the pavement of the surrounding walkway . The breakage is not believed to be indicative of any abnormalities in the tree 's health , and may even be a natural defense mechanism against adverse weather conditions . Dimensions ( edit ) Looking upward from the base of the General Sherman located in California 's Sequoia National Park While it is the largest tree known , the General Sherman Tree is neither the tallest known living tree on Earth ( that distinction belongs to the Hyperion tree , a Coast redwood ) , nor is it the widest ( both the largest cypress and largest baobab have a greater diameter ) , nor is it the oldest known living tree on Earth ( that distinction belongs to a Great Basin bristlecone pine ) . With a height of 83.8 meters ( 275 ft ) , a diameter of 7.7 m ( 25 ft ) , an estimated bole volume of 1,487 m ( 52,513 cu ft ) , and an estimated age of 2,300 -- 2,700 years , it is nevertheless among the tallest , widest , and longest - lived of all trees on the planet . Height above base 274.9 ft 83.8 m Circumference at ground 102.6 ft 31.3 m Maximum diameter at base 36.5 ft 11.1 m Diameter 4.5 ft ( 1.4 m ) above height point on ground 25.1 ft 7.7 m Girth Diameter 60 ft ( 18 m ) above base 17.5 ft 5.3 m Diameter 180 ft ( 55 m ) above base 14.0 ft 4.3 m Diameter of largest branch 6.8 ft 2.1 m Height of first large branch above the base 130.0 ft 39.6 m Average crown spread 106.5 ft 32.5 m Estimated bole volume 52,508 cu ft 1,487 m Estimated mass ( wet ) ( 1938 ) 2,105 short tons 1,910 t Estimated bole mass ( 1938 ) 2,472,000 lb 1,121 t See also ( edit ) List of largest giant sequoias List of superlative trees List of trees National Register of Big Trees References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` The General Sherman Tree '' . Sequoia National Park . U.S. National Park Service . 1997 - 03 - 27 . Retrieved 2011 - 08 - 12 . Jump up ^ Vaden , Mario D. `` Crannell Creek Giant '' . Jump up ^ Landmark Trees . `` Crannell Creek Giant '' . Jump up ^ Van Pelt , Robert . `` The Trees '' . Forest Giants . Archived from the original on 2011 - 07 - 11 . Jump up ^ Tweed , William ( 2006 - 02 - 07 ) . `` Sequoias designed to last a couple of thousand years '' . Visalia Times Delta . Jump up ^ Earle , CJ ( 2011 ) . `` Sequoia sempervirens '' . The Gymnosperm Database . Retrieved 2011 - 08 - 12 . Jump up ^ Earle , CJ ( 2011 ) . `` Pinus longaeva '' . The Gymnosperm Database . Retrieved 2011 - 08 - 13 . Jump up ^ Stephenson , N.L. ( January 2002 ) . `` Estimated Ages of Some Large Giant Sequoias : General Sherman Keeps Getting Younger '' . Nature Notes . Yosemite Association . 2 . Jump up ^ Martin , Glen ( 2006 - 09 - 07 ) . `` World 's tallest trees '' . The San Francisco Chronicle . Retrieved January 2009 . Check date values in : access - date = ( help ) Jump up ^ Records , Guinness World ( 2007 - 08 - 07 ) . Guinness World Record 2008 , World 's Tallest Tree . ISBN 978 - 1 - 904994 - 19 - 0 . Retrieved January 2009 . Check date values in : access - date = ( help ) ^ Jump up to : Flint , Wendell D. ( 1987 ) . To Find the Biggest Tree . Sequoia National History Association . p. 94 . ^ Jump up to : Fry , Walter ; White , John Roberts ( 1942 ) . Big Trees . Palo Alto , California : Stanford University Press . `` General Sherman Tree '' . Geographic Names Information System . United States Geological Survey . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to General Sherman Tree . `` What is the largest tree in the world ? '' Video of a park ranger at Sequoia National Park explaining details about the General Sherman Tree Norton , Marc . `` The Karl Marx Tree : How Southern Pacific Railroad killed a socialist colony in the name of creating Yosemite National Park , '' Red Hills , August 27 , 2014 . Coordinates : 36 ° 34 ′ 54 '' N 118 ° 45 ′ 05.5 '' W / 36.58167 ° N 118.751528 ° W / 36.58167 ; - 118.751528 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Individual giant sequoia trees Individual trees in California Sequoia National Park Natural history of Tulare County , California Hidden categories : CS1 errors : dates Coordinates on Wikidata Talk Contents About Wikipedia Català Čeština Dansk Deutsch Eesti Español Euskara فارسی Français Galego Հայերեն Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Magyar Македонски മലയാളം Nederlands 日本 語 پنجابی Polski Português Ripoarisch Русский Slovenčina Suomi Svenska తెలుగు اردو Tiếng Việt 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 31 August 2017 , at 23 : 41 . About Wikipedia | where are the largest trees in the world located | [
"General Sherman is a giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) tree located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in Tulare County, in the U.S. state of California. By volume, it is the largest known living single stem tree on Earth.[1]"
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"Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park"
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5404241316310930968 | European colonization of the Americas | European colonization of the Americas - wikipedia European colonization of the Americas Jump to : navigation , search `` American settlers '' redirects here . For prehistoric settlers of the Americas , see Settlement of the Americas . `` Conquest of America '' redirects here . For other uses , see Conquest of America ( disambiguation ) . Part of a series on European colonization of the Americas First wave of European colonization British Couronian Danish Dutch French German Hospitaller ( Maltese ) Norse Portuguese Russian Scottish Spanish Swedish Colonization of Canada Colonization of the United States Decolonization Colonialism portal The European colonization of the Americas describes the history of the settlement and establishment of control of the continents of the Americas by various European powers . Starting in either the 10th or 11th century , when West Norse sailors explored and briefly settled on the shores of present - day Canada , according to Icelandic Sagas , violent conflicts with the indigenous population ultimately led to the Norse abandoning those settlements . Political map of the Americas in 1794 European colonization began in 1492 , when a Spanish expedition headed by the Genoese explorer Christopher Columbus sailed west to find a new trade route to the Far East but inadvertently landed in what came to be known to Europeans as the `` New World '' . Running aground on the northern part of Hispaniola on 5 December 1492 , which the Taino people had inhabited since the 7th century , the site became the first European settlement in the Americas . European conquest , large - scale exploration and colonization soon followed . Columbus 's first two voyages ( 1492 -- 93 ) reached the Bahamas and various Caribbean islands , including Hispaniola , Puerto Rico and Cuba . In 1498 , sailing from Bristol on behalf of England , John Cabot landed on the North American coast , and a year later , Columbus 's third voyage reached the South American coast . As the sponsor of Christopher Columbus 's voyages , Spain was the first European power to settle and colonize the largest areas , from North America and the Caribbean to the southern tip of South America . Other powers such as France also founded colonies in the Americas : in eastern North America , a number of Caribbean islands and small coastal parts of South America . Portugal colonized Brazil , tried colonizing the eastern coasts of present - day Canada and settled for extended periods northwest ( on the east bank ) of the River Plate . The Age of Exploration was the beginning of territorial expansion for several European countries . Europe had been preoccupied with internal wars and was slowly recovering from the loss of population caused by the Black Death ; thus the rapid rate at which it grew in wealth and power was unforeseeable in the early 15th century . Eventually , most of the Western Hemisphere came under the control of European governments , leading to changes to its landscape , population , and plant and animal life . In the 19th century over 50 million people left Europe for the Americas . The post-1492 era is known as the period of the Columbian Exchange , a dramatically widespread exchange of animals , plants , culture , human populations ( including slaves ) , ideas and communicable disease between the American and Afro - Eurasian hemispheres following Columbus 's voyages to the Americas . Contents ( hide ) 1 Norse trans - oceanic contact 2 Early conquests , claims and colonies 3 Early state - sponsored colonists 4 The search for riches 5 Religious immigration 6 Forced immigration and enslavement 6.1 Slavery 7 Disease and indigenous population loss 8 Impact of colonial land ownership on long - term development 9 List of European colonies in the Americas 10 Exhibitions and collections 11 See also 12 Notes 13 Bibliography 14 External links Norse trans - oceanic contact ( edit ) Main article : Norse colonization of the Americas Voyages of the Vikings to America . Norse journeys to Greenland and Canada are supported by historical and archaeological evidence . A Norse colony in Greenland was established in the late 10th century , and lasted until the mid 15th century , with court and parliament assemblies ( þing ) taking place at Brattahlíð and a bishop located at Garðar . The remains of a Norse settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland , Canada , were discovered in 1960 and were dated to around the year 1000 ( carbon dating estimate 990 -- 1050 CE ) . L'Anse aux Meadows is the only site widely accepted as evidence of pre-Columbian trans - oceanic contact . It was named a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1978 . It is also notable for its possible connection with the attempted colony of Vinland , established by Leif Erikson around the same period or , more broadly , with the West Norse colonization of the Americas . Early conquests , claims and colonies ( edit ) Territorial evolution of North America of non-native nation states from 1750 to 2008 Central America & Caribbean sovereignty 1700 -- present Early explorations and conquests were made by the Spanish and the Portuguese immediately following their own final reconquest of Iberia in 1492 . In the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas , ratified by the Pope , these two kingdoms divided the entire non-European world into two areas of exploration and colonization , with a north to south boundary that cut through the Atlantic Ocean and the eastern part of present - day Brazil . Based on this treaty and on early claims by Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa , discoverer of the Pacific Ocean in 1513 , the Spanish conquered large territories in North , Central and South America . Amerigo Vespucci awakens `` America '' in a Stradanus 's engraving ( circa 1638 ) Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés took over the Aztec Kingdom and Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire . As a result , by the mid-16th century , the Spanish Crown had gained control of much of western South America , Central America and southern North America , in addition to its earlier Caribbean territories . Over this same timeframe , Portugal claimed lands in North America ( Canada ) and colonized much of eastern South America , naming it Santa Cruz and Brazil . Other European nations soon disputed the terms of the Treaty of Tordesillas . England and France attempted to plant colonies in the Americas in the 16th century , but these failed . England and France succeeded in establishing permanent colonies in the following century , along with the Dutch Republic . Some of these were on Caribbean islands , which had often already been conquered by the Spanish or depopulated by disease , while others were in eastern North America , which had not been colonized by Spain north of Florida . Early European possessions in North America included Spanish Florida , Spanish New Mexico , the English colonies of Virginia ( with its North Atlantic offshoot , Bermuda ) and New England , the French colonies of Acadia and Canada , the Swedish colony of New Sweden , and the Dutch New Netherland . In the 18th century , Denmark -- Norway revived its former colonies in Greenland , while the Russian Empire gained a foothold in Alaska . Denmark - Norway would later make several claims in the Caribbean , starting in the 1600s . As more nations gained an interest in the colonization of the Americas , competition for territory became increasingly fierce . Colonists often faced the threat of attacks from neighboring colonies , as well as from indigenous tribes and pirates . Early state - sponsored colonists ( edit ) Juan Ponce de León ( Santervás de Campos , Valladolid , Spain ) Further information : Portugal in the Age of Discovery , Spanish colonization of the Americas , and First European colonization wave ( 15th century -- 19th century ) The first phase of well - financed European activity in the Americas began with the Atlantic Ocean crossings of Christopher Columbus ( 1492 -- 1504 ) , sponsored by Spain , whose original attempt was to find a new route to India and China , known as `` the Indies '' . He was followed by other explorers such as John Cabot , who was sponsored by England and reached Newfoundland . Pedro Álvares Cabral reached Brazil and claimed it for Portugal . Amerigo Vespucci , working for Portugal in voyages from 1497 to 1513 , established that Columbus had reached a new set of continents . Cartographers still use a Latinized version of his first name , America , for the two continents . Other explorers included Giovanni da Verrazzano , sponsored by France in 1524 ; the Portuguese João Vaz Corte - Real in Newfoundland ; João Fernandes Lavrador , Gaspar and Miguel Corte - Real and João Álvares Fagundes , in Newfoundland , Greenland , Labrador , and Nova Scotia ( from 1498 to 1502 , and in 1520 ) ; Jacques Cartier ( 1491 -- 1557 ) , Henry Hudson ( 1560s -- 1611 ) , and Samuel de Champlain ( 1567 -- 1635 ) , who explored the region of Canada he reestablished as New France . In 1513 , Vasco Núñez de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama and led the first European expedition to see the Pacific Ocean from the west coast of the New World . In an action with enduring historical import , Balboa claimed the Pacific Ocean and all the lands adjoining it for the Spanish Crown . It was 1517 before another expedition , from Cuba , visited Central America , landing on the coast of Yucatán in search of slaves . Spanish Empire ( 1598 ) These explorations were followed , notably in the case of Spain , by a phase of conquest : The Spaniards , having just finished the Reconquista of Spain from Muslim rule , were the first to colonize the Americas , applying the same model of governing their European holdings to their territories of the New World . Ten years after Columbus 's discovery , the administration of Hispaniola was given to Nicolás de Ovando of the Order of Alcántara , founded during the Reconquista . As in the Iberian Peninsula , the inhabitants of Hispaniola were given new landmasters , while religious orders handled the local administration . Progressively the encomienda system , which granted tribute ( access to indigenous labor and taxation ) to European settlers , was set in place . A relatively common misconception is that a small number of conquistadores conquered vast territories , aided only by disease epidemics and their powerful caballeros . In fact , recent archaeological excavations have suggested a vast Spanish - Indian alliance numbering in the hundreds of thousands . Hernán Cortés eventually conquered Mexico with the help of Tlaxcala in 1519 -- 1521 , while the conquest of the Incas was carried out by some 40,000 Incan renegades led by Francisco Pizarro in between 1532 and 1535 . Over the 1st century and a half after Columbus 's voyages , the native population of the Americas plummeted by an estimated 80 % ( from around 50 million in 1492 to eight million in 1650 ) , mostly by outbreaks of Old World diseases . In 1532 , Charles V , Holy Roman Emperor sent a vice-king to Mexico , Antonio de Mendoza , in order to prevent Cortes ' independentist drives , who definitively returned to Spain in 1540 . Two years later , Charles V signed the New Laws ( which replaced the Laws of Burgos of 1512 ) prohibiting slavery and the repartimientos , but also claiming as his own all the American lands and all of the indigenous people as his own subjects . Painting depicting a Castas with his mixed - race daughter and his Mulatta wife by Miguel Cabrera , 1763 When in May 1493 , the Pope Alexander VI issued the Inter caetera bull granting the new lands to the Kingdom of Spain , he requested in exchange an evangelization of the people . Thus , during Columbus 's second voyage , Benedictine friars accompanied him , along with twelve other priests . As slavery was prohibited between Christians , and could only be imposed in non-Christian prisoners of war or on men already sold as slaves , the debate on Christianization was particularly acute during the 16th century . In 1537 , the papal bull Sublimis Deus definitively recognized that Native Americans possessed souls , thus prohibiting their enslavement , without putting an end to the debate . Some claimed that a native who had rebelled and then been captured could be enslaved nonetheless . Later , the Valladolid debate between the Dominican priest Bartolomé de Las Casas and another Dominican philosopher Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda was held , with the former arguing that Native Americans were beings doted with souls , as all other human beings , while the latter argued to the contrary and justified their enslavement . The process of Christianization was at first violent : when the first Franciscans arrived in Mexico in 1524 , they burned the places dedicated to pagan cult , alienating much of the local population . In the 1530s , they began to adapt Christian practices to local customs , including the building of new churches on the sites of ancient places of worship , leading to a mix of Old World Christianity with local religions . The Spanish Roman Catholic Church , needing the natives ' labor and cooperation , evangelized in Quechua , Nahuatl , Guaraní and other Native American languages , contributing to the expansion of these indigenous languages and equipping some of them with writing systems . One of the first primitive schools for Native Americans was founded by Fray Pedro de Gante in 1523 . To reward their troops , the Conquistadores often allotted Indian towns to their troops and officers . Black African slaves were introduced to substitute for Native American labor in some locations -- including the West Indies , where the indigenous population was nearing extinction on many islands . During this time , the Portuguese gradually switched from an initial plan of establishing trading posts to extensive colonization of what is now Brazil . They imported millions of slaves to run their plantations . The Portuguese and Spanish royal governments expected to rule these settlements and collect at least 20 % of all treasure found ( the quinto real collected by the Casa de Contratación ) , in addition to collecting all the taxes they could . By the late 16th century American silver accounted for one - fifth of Spain 's total budget . In the 16th century perhaps 240,000 Europeans entered American ports . The search for riches ( edit ) Fur traders in Canada , trading with Indians , 1777 Inspired by the Spanish riches from colonies founded upon the conquest of the Aztecs , Incas , and other large Native American populations in the 16th century , the first Englishmen to settle permanently in America hoped for some of the same rich discoveries when they established their first permanent settlement in Jamestown , Virginia in 1607 . They were sponsored by common stock companies such as the chartered Virginia Company financed by wealthy Englishmen who exaggerated the economic potential of this new land . The main purpose of this colony was the hope of finding gold . It took strong leaders , like John Smith , to convince the colonists of Jamestown that searching for gold was not taking care of their immediate needs for food and shelter and the biblical principle that `` he who will not work shall not eat '' ( see 2 Thessalonians 3 ) . The lack of food security leading to extremely high mortality rate was quite distressing and cause for despair among the colonists . To support the Colony , numerous supply missions were organized . Tobacco later became a cash crop , with the work of John Rolfe and others , for export and the sustaining economic driver of Virginia and the neighboring colony of Maryland . From the beginning of Virginia 's settlements in 1587 until the 1680s , the main source of labor and a large portion of the immigrants were indentured servants looking for new life in the overseas colonies . During the 17th century , indentured servants constituted three - quarters of all European immigrants to the Chesapeake region . Most of the indentured servants were teenagers from England with poor economic prospects at home . Their fathers signed the papers that gave them free passage to America and an unpaid job until they became of age . They were given food , clothing , housing and taught farming or household skills . American landowners were in need of laborers and were willing to pay for a laborer 's passage to America if they served them for several years . By selling passage for five to seven years worth of work they could then start out on their own in America . Many of the migrants from England died in the first few years . Economic advantage also prompted the Darien Scheme , an ill - fated venture by the Kingdom of Scotland to settle the Isthmus of Panama in the late 1690s . The Darien Scheme aimed to control trade through that part of the world and thereby promote Scotland into a world trading power . However , it was doomed by poor planning , short provisions , weak leadership , lack of demand for trade goods , and devastating disease . The failure of the Darien Scheme was one of the factors that led the Kingdom of Scotland into the Act of Union 1707 with the Kingdom of England creating the united Kingdom of Great Britain and giving Scotland commercial access to English , now British , colonies . In the French colonial regions , the focus of economy was on sugar plantations in Caribbean . In Canada the fur trade with the natives was important . About 16,000 French men and women became colonizers . The great majority became subsistence farmers along the St. Lawrence River . With a favorable disease environment and plenty of land and food , their numbers grew exponentially to 65,000 by 1760 . Their colony was taken over by Britain in 1760 , but social , religious , legal , cultural and economic changes were few in a society that clung tightly to its recently formed traditions . Religious immigration ( edit ) Penn 's Treaty with the Indians Roman Catholics were the first major religious group to immigrate to the New World , as settlers in the colonies of Portugal and Spain ( and later , France ) belonged to that faith . English and Dutch colonies , on the other hand , tended to be more religiously diverse . Settlers to these colonies included Anglicans , Dutch Calvinists , English Puritans and other nonconformists , English Catholics , Scottish Presbyterians , French Huguenots , German and Swedish Lutherans , as well as Quakers , Mennonites , Amish , Moravians and Jews of various nationalities . Many groups of colonists went to the Americas searching for the right to practice their religion without persecution . The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century broke the unity of Western Christendom and led to the formation of numerous new religious sects , which often faced persecution by governmental authorities . In England , many people came to question the organization of the Church of England by the end of the 16th century . One of the primary manifestations of this was the Puritan movement , which sought to `` purify '' the existing Church of England of its many residual Catholic rites that they believed had no mention in the Bible . A strong believer in the notion of rule by divine right , Charles I , King of England and Scotland , persecuted religious dissenters . Waves of repression led to the migration of about 20,000 Puritans to New England between 1629 and 1642 , where they founded multiple colonies . Later in the century , the new Pennsylvania colony was given to William Penn in settlement of a debt the king owed his father . Its government was set up by William Penn in about 1682 to become primarily a refuge for persecuted English Quakers ; but others were welcomed . Baptists , Quakers , German and Swiss Protestants and Anabaptists flocked to Pennsylvania . The lure of cheap land , religious freedom and the right to improve themselves with their own hand was very attractive . Forced immigration and enslavement ( edit ) Main article : Atlantic slave trade African slaves 17th - century Virginia , 1670 . Slavery was a common practice in the Americas prior to the arrival of Europeans , as different American Indian groups captured and held other tribes ' members as slaves . Many of these captives were forced to undergo human sacrifice in Amerindian civilizations such as the Aztecs . In response to some enslavement of natives in the Caribbean during the early years , the Spanish Crown passed a series of laws prohibiting slavery as early as 1512 . A new stricter set of laws was passed in 1542 , called the New Laws of the Indies for the Good Treatment and Preservation of Indians , or simply New Laws . These were created to prevent the exploitation of the indigenous peoples by the encomenderos or landowners , by strictly limiting their power and dominion . This helped curb Indian slavery considerably , though not completely . Later , with the arrival of other European colonial powers in the New World , the enslavement of native populations increased , as these empires lacked legislation against slavery until decades later . The population of indigenous peoples declined ( mostly from European diseases , but also from forced exploitation and atrocities ) . Later , native workers were replaced by Africans imported through a large commercial slave trade . By the 18th century , the overwhelming number of black slaves was such that Amerindian slavery was less commonly used . Africans , who were taken aboard slave ships to the Americas , were primarily obtained from their African homelands by coastal tribes who captured and sold them . Europeans traded for slaves with the slave capturers of the local native African tribes in exchange for rum , guns , gunpowder , and other manufactures . Slavery ( edit ) The total slave trade to islands in the Caribbean , Brazil , Mexico and to the United States is estimated to have involved 12 million Africans . The vast majority of these slaves went to sugar colonies in the Caribbean and to Brazil , where life expectancy was short and the numbers had to be continually replenished . At most about 600,000 African slaves were imported into the U.S. , or 5 % of the 12 million slaves brought across from Africa . Life expectancy was much higher in the U.S. ( because of better food , less disease , lighter work loads , and better medical care ) so the numbers grew rapidly by excesses of births over deaths , reaching 4 million by the 1860 Census . From 1770 until 1860 , the rate of natural growth of North American slaves was much greater than for the population of any nation in Europe , and was nearly twice as rapid as that of England . Slaves imported to the Thirteen colonies / United States by time period : 1619 -- 1700 -- 21,000 1701 -- 1760 -- 189,000 1761 -- 1770 -- 63,000 1771 -- 1790 -- 56,000 1791 -- 1800 -- 79,000 1801 -- 1810 -- 124,000 1810 -- 1865 -- 51,000 Total -- 597,000 Disease and indigenous population loss ( edit ) See also : Disease in colonial America and Native American disease and epidemics Drawing accompanying text in Book XII of the 16th - century Florentine Codex ( compiled 1540 -- 1585 ) Nahua suffering from smallpox The European lifestyle included a long history of sharing close quarters with domesticated animals such as cows , pigs , sheep , goats , horses , dogs and various domesticated fowl , from which many diseases originally stemmed . Thus , in contrast to the indigenous people , Europeans had developed a richer endowment of antibodies . The large - scale contact with Europeans after 1492 introduced novel germs to the indigenous people of the Americas . Epidemics of smallpox ( 1518 , 1521 , 1525 , 1558 , 1589 ) , typhus ( 1546 ) , influenza ( 1558 ) , diphtheria ( 1614 ) and measles ( 1618 ) swept the Americas subsequent to European contact , killing between 10 million and 100 million people , up to 95 % of the indigenous population of the Americas . The cultural and political instability attending these losses appears to have been of substantial aid in the efforts of various colonists in New England and Massachusetts to acquire control over the great wealth in land and resources of which indigenous societies had customarily made use . Such diseases yielded human mortality of an unquestionably enormous gravity and scale -- and this has profoundly confused efforts to determine its full extent with any true precision . Estimates of the pre-Columbian population of the Americas vary tremendously . Others have argued that significant variations in population size over pre-Columbian history are reason to view higher - end estimates with caution . Such estimates may reflect historical population maxima , while indigenous populations may have been at a level somewhat below these maxima or in a moment of decline in the period just prior to contact with Europeans . Indigenous populations hit their ultimate lows in most areas of the Americas in the early 20th century ; in a number of cases , growth has returned . Impact of colonial land ownership on long - term Development ( edit ) Geographic differences between the colonies played a large determinant in the types of political and economic systems that later developed . In their paper on institutions and long - run growth , economists Daron Acemoglu , Simon Johnson , and James A. Robinson argue that certain natural endowments gave rise to distinct colonial policies promoting either smallholder or coerced labor production . Densely settled populations , for example , were more easily exploitable and profitable as slave labor . In these regions , landowning elites were economically incentivized to develop forced labor arrangements such as the Peru mit'a system or Argentinian latifundias without regard for democratic norms . French and British colonial leaders , conversely , were incentivized to develop capitalist markets , property rights , and democratic institutions in response to natural environments that supported smallholder production over forced labor . James Mahoney , a professor at Northwestern University , proposes that colonial policy choices made at critical junctures regarding land ownership in coffee - rich Central America fostered enduring path dependent institutions . Coffee economies in Guatemala and El Salvador , for example , were centralized around large plantations that operated under coercive labor systems . By the 19th century , their political structures were largely authoritarian and militarized . In Colombia and Costa Rica , conversely , liberal reforms were enacted at critical junctures to expand commercial agriculture , and they ultimately raised the bargaining power of the middle class . Both nations eventually developed more democratic and egalitarian institutions than their highly concentrated landowning counterparts . List of European colonies in the Americas ( edit ) Spanish Cuba ( until 1898 ) New Granada ( 1717 -- 1819 ) Captaincy General of Venezuela New Spain ( 1535 -- 1821 ) Nueva Extremadura Nueva Galicia Nuevo Reino de León Nuevo Santander Nueva Vizcaya Las Californias Santa Fe de Nuevo México Viceroyalty of Peru ( 1542 -- 1824 ) Captaincy General of Chile Puerto Rico ( 1493 -- 1898 ) Rio de la Plata ( 1776 -- 1814 ) Hispaniola ( 1493 -- 1865 ) ; the island currently comprising Haiti and the Dominican Republic , under Spanish rule in whole or in part from 1492 -- 1865 . English and ( after 1707 ) British Further information : List of Hudson 's Bay Company trading posts British America ( 1607 -- 1783 ) Thirteen Colonies ( 1607 -- 1783 ) Rupert 's Land ( 1670 -- 1870 ) British Columbia ( 1793 -- 1871 ) British North America ( 1783 -- 1907 ) British West Indies Belize Courland New Courland ( Tobago ) ( 1654 -- 1689 ) Danish Danish West Indies ( 1754 -- 1917 ) Greenland ( 1814 -- present ) Dutch New Netherland ( 1609 -- 1667 ) Essequibo ( 1616 -- 1815 ) Dutch Virgin Islands ( 1625 -- 1680 ) Berbice ( 1627 -- 1815 ) New Walcheren ( 1628 -- 1677 ) Dutch Brazil ( 1630 -- 1654 ) Pomeroon ( 1650 -- 1689 ) Cayenne ( 1658 -- 1664 ) Demerara ( 1745 -- 1815 ) Suriname ( 1667 -- 1954 ) ( After independence still within the Kingdom Of The Netherlands until 1975 ) Curaçao and Dependencies ( 1634 -- 1954 ) ( Aruba and Curaçao are still in the Kingdom Of The Netherlands , Bonaire ; 1634 -- present ) Sint Eustatius and Dependencies ( 1636 -- 1954 ) ( Sint Maarten is still in the Kingdom Of The Netherlands , Sint Eustatius and Saba ; 1636 -- present ) French Further information : List of French forts in North America New France ( 1604 -- 1763 ) Acadia ( 1604 -- 1713 ) Canada ( 1608 -- 1763 ) Louisiana ( 1699 -- 1763 , 1800 -- 1803 ) Newfoundland ( 1662 -- 1713 ) Île Royale ( 1713 -- 1763 ) French Guiana ( 1763 -- present ) French West Indies Saint - Domingue ( 1659 -- 1804 , now Haiti ) Tobago Virgin Islands France Antarctique ( 1555 -- 1567 ) Equinoctial France ( 1612 -- 1615 ) Knights of Malta Saint Barthélemy ( 1651 -- 1665 ) Saint Christopher ( 1651 -- 1665 ) Saint Croix ( 1651 -- 1665 ) Saint Martin ( 1651 -- 1665 ) Norwegian See also : List of possessions of Norway Greenland ( 986 -- 1814 ) Vinland , known as Newfoundland ( Partly in the 11th century ) Dano - Norwegian West Indies ( 1754 -- 1814 ) Sverdrup Islands ( 1898 -- 1930 ) Erik the Red 's Land ( 1931 -- 1933 ) Portuguese Colonial Brazil ( 1500 -- 1815 ) became a Kingdom , United Kingdom of Portugal , Brazil and the Algarves . Terra do Labrador ( 1499 / 1500 -- ? ) Claimed region ( sporadically settled ) . Land of the Corte - Real , also known as Terra Nova dos Bacalhaus ( Land of Codfish ) -- Terra Nova ( Newfoundland ) ( 1501 -- ? ) Claimed region ( sporadically settled ) . Portugal Cove - St. Philip 's ( 1501 -- 1696 ) Nova Scotia ( 1519 ? -- 1520s ? ) Claimed region ( sporadically settled ) . Barbados ( 1536 -- 1620 ) Colonia do Sacramento ( 1680 -- 1705 / 1714 -- 1762 / 1763 -- 1777 ( 1811 -- 1817 ) ) Cisplatina ( 1811 -- 1822 , now Uruguay ) French Guiana ( 1809 -- 1817 ) Russian Russian America ( Alaska ) ( 1799 -- 1867 ) Scottish Nova Scotia ( 1622 -- 1632 ) Darien Scheme on the Isthmus of Panama ( 1698 -- 1700 ) Stuarts Town , Carolina ( 1684 -- 1686 ) Swedish New Sweden ( 1638 -- 1655 ) Saint Barthélemy ( 1784 -- 1878 ) Guadeloupe ( 1813 -- 1814 ) Exhibitions and collections ( edit ) In 2007 , the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History and the Virginia Historical Society ( VHS ) co-organized a traveling exhibition to recount the strategic alliances and violent conflict between European empires ( English , Spanish , French ) and the Native people living in North America . The exhibition was presented in three languages and with multiple perspectives . Artifacts on display included rare surviving Native and European artifacts , maps , documents , and ceremonial objects from museums and royal collections on both sides of the Atlantic . The exhibition opened in Richmond , Virginia on March 17 , 2007 , and closed at the Smithsonian International Gallery on October 31 , 2009 . The related online exhibition explores the international origins of the societies of Canada and the United States and commemorates the 400th anniversary of three lasting settlements in Jamestown ( 1607 ) , Québec ( 1608 ) , and Santa Fe ( 1609 ) . The site is accessible in three languages . See also ( edit ) Martín de Argüelles Atlantic world Bandeirantes Chronology of the colonization of North America Colonial history of the United States Colonialism Columbian Exchange Conquistador Hernán Cortés European colonization of the Southern United States Former colonies and territories in Canada History of the west coast of North America Indigenous peoples of the Americas Influx of disease in the Caribbean Imperialism List of North American cities founded in chronological order Norse colonization of the Americas Francisco Pizarro Population history of American indigenous peoples Portuguese Empire Romanus Pontifex and Inter caetera Settler colonialism Spanish conquest of Yucatán Spanish Empire Thirteen Colonies , which became the United States in 1776 Timeline of the European colonization of North America Timeline of imperialism # Colonization of North America Treaty of Alcáçovas Treaty of Tordesillas Francisco Vásquez de Coronado Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ Pálsson , Hermann ( 1965 ) . The Vinland sagas : the Norse discovery f America . Penguin Classics . p. 28 . ISBN 0 - 14 - 044154 - 9 . Retrieved 2010 - 04 - 15 . ^ Jump up to : Taylor , Alan ( 2001 ) . American Colonies . New York : Penguin Books . ISBN 9780142002100 . Jump up ^ David Eltis Economic Growth and the Ending of the Transatlantic slave trade Jump up ^ T. Douglas Price ( 2015 ) . Ancient Scandinavia : An Archaeological History from the First Humans to the Vikings . Oxford University Press . p. 321 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 19 - 023198 - 9 . Jump up ^ S.A. Wurm ; Peter Mühlhäusler ; Darrell T. Tyron ( 1996 ) . Atlas of Languages of Intercultural Communication in the Pacific , Asia , and the Americas . Walter de Gruyter . p. 1048 . ISBN 978 - 3 - 11 - 013417 - 9 . Jump up ^ Linda S. Cordell ; Kent Lightfoot ; Francis McManamon ; George Milner ( 30 December 2008 ) . Archaeology in America : An Encyclopedia : An Encyclopedia . ABC - CLIO . pp. 82 -- . ISBN 978 - 0 - 313 - 02189 - 3 . Jump up ^ John Logan Allen ( 2007 ) . North American Exploration . U of Nebraska Press . p. 27 . ISBN 0 - 8032 - 1015 - 9 . Jump up ^ Axel Kristinsson ( 2010 ) . Expansions : Competition and Conquest in Europe Since the Bronze Age . ReykjavíkurAkademían . p. 216 . ISBN 978 - 9979 - 9922 - 1 - 9 . Jump up ^ `` 1536 Inca Rebellion unearthed Peruvian Travel Trends '' . 2009 - 09 - 22 . Retrieved 2010 - 06 - 30 . Jump up ^ `` La catastrophe démographique '' ( The Demographic Catastrophe ) in L'Histoire n ° 322 , July -- August 2007 , p. 17 ^ Jump up to : `` Espagnols - Indiens : le choc des civilisations '' , in L'Histoire n ° 322 , July -- August 2007 , pp. 14 -- 21 ( interview with Christian Duverger , teacher at the EHESS ) Jump up ^ Conquest in the Americas . Archived from the original on 2009 - 10 - 31 . Jump up ^ `` The Columbian Mosaic in Colonial America '' by James Axtell Archived March 17 , 2008 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` The Spanish Colonial System , 1550 -- 1800 . Population Development '' . Archived from the original on February 4 , 2009 . Retrieved 4 October 2014 . Jump up ^ Barker , Deanna ( 10 March 2004 ) . `` Indentured Servitude in Colonial America '' . National Association for Interpretation , Cultural Interpretation and Living History Section . Archived from the original on October 24 , 2009 . Retrieved 5 February 2013 . Jump up ^ John Prebble , Darien : the Scottish Dream of Empire ( 2000 ) Jump up ^ Brocklehurst , `` The Banker who Led Scotland to Disaster '' . Jump up ^ W.J. Eccles , The Canadian Frontier , 1534 -- 1760 ( 1969 ) Jump up ^ Leslie Choquette , Frenchmen into peasants : modernity and tradition in the peopling of French Canada ( 1997 ) Jump up ^ John Chester Miller ( 1966 ) . The First Frontier : Life in Colonial America . University Press of America . p. 80 . ISBN 9780819149770 . Jump up ^ `` Encyclopædia Britannica 's Guide to Black History '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ García Icazbalceta , Joaquín `` Colección de documentos para la historia de México '' `` Leyes y ordenanzas '' ( Dada en la ciudad de Barcelona , a veinte días del mes de Noviembre , año del nacimiento de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo de mill e quinientos e cuarenta y dos años ) y addenda 4 de junio de 1543 ; 26 de junio de 1543 ; 26 de mayo de 1544 text on Internet Cervantes Virtual Jump up ^ Ronald Segal ( 1995 ) . The Black Diaspora : Five Centuries of the Black Experience Outside Africa . New York : Farrar , Straus and Giroux . p. 4 . ISBN 0 - 374 - 11396 - 3 . It is now estimated that 11,863,000 slaves were shipped across the Atlantic . ( Note in original : Paul E. Lovejoy , `` The Impact of the Atlantic Slave Trade on Africa : A Review of the Literature , '' in Journal of African History 30 ( 1989 ) , p. 368 . ) ... It is widely conceded that further revisions are more likely to be upward than downward . Jump up ^ `` Quick guide : The slave trade '' . . March 15 , 2007 . Retrieved 2007 - 11 - 23 . Jump up ^ Stephen D. Behrendt , David Richardson , and David Eltis , W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African - American Research , Harvard University . Based on `` records for 27,233 voyages that set out to obtain slaves for the Americas '' . Stephen Behrendt ( 1999 ) . `` Transatlantic Slave Trade '' . Africana : The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience . New York : Basic Civitas Books . ISBN 0 - 465 - 00071 - 1 . Jump up ^ Michael Tadman , `` The Demographic Cost of Sugar : Debates on Slave Societies and Natural Increase in the Americas , '' The American Historical Review Dec. 2000 105 : 5 online Archived November 23 , 2011 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Source : Miller and Smith , eds . Dictionary of American Slavery ( 1988 ) p. 678 Jump up ^ Includes 10,000 to Spanish Louisiana before 1803 . Jump up ^ Baten , Jörg ( 2016 ) . A History of the Global Economy . From 1500 to the Present . Cambridge University Press . p. 163 . ISBN 9781107507180 . Jump up ^ American Indian Epidemics Archived February 14 , 2015 , at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ `` Smallpox : Eradicating the Scourge '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ Mann , Charles C. ( 2005 ) . 1491 : New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus . Knopf . pp. 106 -- 09 . ISBN 1 - 4000 - 3205 - 9 . Jump up ^ `` The Story Of ... Smallpox '' . . Retrieved 2014 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ 1491 : New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus ( ISBN 1 - 4000 - 4006 - X ) , Charles C. Mann , Knopf , 2005 . Jump up ^ Thornton , pp. xvii , 36 . Jump up ^ Daron Acemoglu , Simon Johnson , and James A. Robinson , `` Institutions as a Fundamental Cause of Long - Run Growth , '' Handbook of Economic Growth 1 : 385 - 472 . 2005 . Jump up ^ James Mahoney , `` Path - Dependent Explanations of Regime Change : Central America in Comparative Perspective . '' Studies in Comparative International Development , 2001 . Jump up ^ `` Jamestown , Québec , Santa Fe : Three North American Beginnings '' . National Museum of American History , Smithsonian Institution . Retrieved 4 April 2012 . Bibliography ( edit ) Bailyn , Bernard , ed . Atlantic History : Concept and Contours ( Harvard UP , 2005 ) Bannon , John Francis . History of the Americas ( 2 vols. 1952 ) , older textbook Bolton , Herbert E. `` The Epic of Greater America , '' American Historical Review 38 , no . 3 ( April 1933 ) : 448 -- 74 in JSTOR Davis , Harold E. The Americas in History ( 1953 ) , older textbook Egerton , Douglas R. et al . The Atlantic World : A History , 1400 -- 1888 ( 2007 ) Eltis , David . The Rise of African Slavery in the Americas ( 2000 ) . Hinderaker , Eric ; Horn , Rebecca . `` Territorial Crossings : Histories and Historiographies of the Early Americas , '' William and Mary Quarterly , ( 2010 ) 67 # 3 pp. 395 -- 432 in JSTOR Lockhart , James , and Stuart B. Schwartz . Early Latin America : A History of Colonial Spanish America and Brazil ( 1983 ) . Merriman , Roger Bigelow . The Rise of The Spanish Empire in the Old World and in the New ( 4 vol. 1934 ) Morison , Samuel Eliot . The European Discovery of America : The northern voyages , A.D. 500 -- 1600 ( 1971 ) Morison , Samuel Eliot . The European Discovery of America : The southern voyages , 1492 -- 1616 ( 1971 ) Parry , J.H. The Age of Reconnaissance : Discovery , Exploration , and Settlement , 1450 -- 1650 ( 1982 ) Sarson , Steven , and Jack P. Greene , eds . The American Colonies and the British Empire , 1607 -- 1783 ( 8 vol , 2010 ) ; primary sources Sobecki , Sebastian . `` New World Discovery '' . Oxford Handbooks Online ( 2015 ) . doi : 10.1093 / oxfordhb / 9780199935338.013. 141 Starkey , Armstrong ( 1998 ) . European - Native American Warfare , 1675 -- 1815 . University of Oklahoma Press ISBN 978 - 0 - 8061 - 3075 - 0 Vickers , Daniel , ed . A Companion to Colonial America ( 2003 ) External links ( edit ) Wikiquote has quotations related to : European colonization of the Americas `` The Political Force of Images , '' Vistas : Visual Culture in Spanish America , 1520 - 1820 . History of the Americas History North America Mesoamerica Central America Caribbean Latin America South America Andean South America Genetics Settlement Indigenous peoples Indigenous population Pre-Columbian trans - oceanic contact theories Discovery Exploration European colonization Spanish colonization French colonization Portuguese colonization British colonization Columbian Exchange Decolonization Societies Paleo - Indians Pre-Columbian era Aztec Maya Muisca Inca Related Maps Culture Geography Indigenous languages Epidemics Slavery Lists Pre-Columbian cultures Indigenous peoples Population Conflicts North America South America Chronology Archaeology of the Americas North America by period North American timelines Mesoamerica by period Mesoamerica timeline Era : By period By region Three - age system Ancient history Pre-Columbian era Classical Antiquity Middle Ages Modern history Future Colonization and decolonization Earth Exploration Europe Americas Africa Asia Oceania Antarctica -- World oceans Colonization Americas Africa Asia Southeast Asia Oceania Antarctica World oceans Subterranea Decolonization Americas Africa Asia Oceania General topics Exploration Maritime history ( European ) Age of Discovery Solar System discovery Colonization Antiquity -- Imperialism Chartered companies Interventionism Colonialism chronology history empires wars Current : Non-Self - Governing Dependent Space Station -- Space Militarization Commercial use of space Empires in Modernity Overseas , major : British Dutch French German Italian Portuguese Spanish Overseas , minor : American Australian Austro - Hungarian Belgian Danish New Zealand Norwegian Polish - Lithuanian Swedish Mostly contiguous : American Chinese Japanese Ottoman Russian South African Decolonization Wars of national liberation -- Predecessors of sovereign states in Europe in South America Sovereign states formation dates Postcolonialism Independence Internal colonialism Nation - building Postcolonialism ( international relations ) Terra nullius Indigenous peoples Uncontacted peoples Outer space Exploration Mercury Venus Moon Lagrangian points Mars Phobos Ceres Asteroids Outer Solar System : Jupiter Europa Callisto Saturn Titan Uranus Neptune trans - Neptunian objects Pluto Colonization Mercury Venus Moon Lagrangian points Mars Phobos Asteroids Outer Solar System : Jupiter Europa Callisto Saturn Titan Uranus Neptune trans - Neptunian objects Pluto Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Colonization of the Americas History of the Americas History of European colonialism History of indigenous peoples of the Americas History of North America History of Central America History of South America History of the Caribbean Age of Discovery Christianization Colonization history of the United States Genocide of indigenous peoples of the Americas Hidden categories : Webarchive template wayback links Talk Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Aragonés Asturianu Azərbaycanca Bân - lâm - gú Bosanski Català Dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά Español Esperanto Euskara فارسی Français Furlan Galego 한국어 Հայերեն Hrvatski Bahasa Indonesia Íslenska Italiano Latina Lietuvių Magyar Mirandés Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Norsk nynorsk Patois Polski Português Русский Sicilianu Simple English Slovenščina کوردی Српски / srpski Suomi Svenska Tagalog தமிழ் ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt Võro Winaray 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 27 November 2017 , at 00 : 56 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | who were the first european to reach the americas and when did they arrive | [
"Norse journeys to Greenland and Canada are supported by historical and archaeological evidence.[4] A Norse colony in Greenland was established in the late 10th century, and lasted until the mid 15th century, with court and parliament assemblies (þing) taking place at Brattahlíð and a bishop located at Garðar.[5] The remains of a Norse settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, Canada, were discovered in 1960 and were dated to around the year 1000 (carbon dating estimate 990–1050 CE).[6] L'Anse aux Meadows is the only site widely accepted as evidence of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact. It was named a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1978.[7] It is also notable for its possible connection with the attempted colony of Vinland, established by Leif Erikson around the same period or, more broadly, with the West Norse colonization of the Americas.[8]",
"Norse journeys to Greenland and Canada are supported by historical and archaeological evidence.[4] A Norse colony in Greenland was established in the late 10th century, and lasted until the mid 15th century, with court and parliament assemblies (þing) taking place at Brattahlíð and a bishop located at Garðar.[5] The remains of a Norse settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, Canada, were discovered in 1960 and were dated to around the year 1000 (carbon dating estimate 990–1050 CE).[6] L'Anse aux Meadows is the only site widely accepted as evidence of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact. It was named a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1978.[7] It is also notable for its possible connection with the attempted colony of Vinland, established by Leif Erikson around the same period or, more broadly, with the West Norse colonization of the Americas.[8]"
] | [
"year 1000"
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-4114731318561794226 | Second Amendment to the United States Constitution | Second Amendment to the United States Constitution - wikipedia Second Amendment to the United States Constitution Jump to : navigation , search This article is part of a series on the Constitution of the United States of America Preamble and Articles of the Constitution Preamble II III IV V VI VII Amendments to the Constitution Bill of Rights II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII Unratified Amendments Congressional Apportionment Titles of Nobility Corwin Child Labor Equal Rights D.C. Voting Rights History Drafting and ratification timeline Convention Signing Federalism Republicanism Full text of the Constitution and Amendments Preamble and Articles I -- VII Amendments I -- X Amendments XI -- XXVII Unratified Amendments United States portal U.S. Government portal Law portal Wikipedia book The Bill of Rights in the National Archives . Close up image of the Second Amendment Firearm legal topics of the United States of America Amendment II Assault weapon Assault weapons legislation Bump stocks Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives ( ATF ) Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act Campus carry in the U.S. Concealed carry in the U.S. Connecticut Children 's Safety Act Constitutional carry Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban Federal Assault Weapons Ban Federal Firearms Act of 1938 Federal Firearms License Firearm case law Firearm Owners Protection Act Gun Control Act of 1968 Gun - Free School Zones Act ( GFSZA ) Gun law in the U.S. Gun laws in the U.S. by state Gun politics in the U.S. High - capacity magazine ban International treaties for arms control National Instant Criminal Background Check System ( NICS ) National Firearms Act ( NFA ) NY SAFE Act Open carry in the U.S. Right to keep and bear arms in the U.S. Sullivan Act ( New York ) Suppressor Tiahrt Amendment Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act United States portal The Second Amendment ( Amendment II ) to the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms and was adopted on December 15 , 1791 , as part of the first ten amendments contained in the Bill of Rights . The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the right belongs to individuals , while also ruling that the right is not unlimited and does not prohibit all regulation of either firearms or similar devices . State and local governments are limited to the same extent as the federal government from infringing this right , per the incorporation of the Bill of Rights . The Second Amendment was based partially on the right to keep and bear arms in English common law and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689 . Sir William Blackstone described this right as an auxiliary right , supporting the natural rights of self - defense and resistance to oppression , and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state . In United States v. Cruikshank ( 1876 ) , the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that , `` The right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution ; neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence '' and limited the scope of the Second Amendment 's protections to the federal government . In United States v. Miller ( 1939 ) , the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment did not protect weapon types not having a `` reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia '' . In the twenty - first century , the amendment has been subjected to renewed academic inquiry and judicial interest . In District of Columbia v. Heller ( 2008 ) , the Supreme Court handed down a landmark decision that held the amendment protects an individual right to possess and carry firearms . In McDonald v. Chicago ( 2010 ) , the Court clarified its earlier decisions that limited the amendment 's impact to a restriction on the federal government , expressly holding that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment incorporates the Second Amendment against state and local governments . In Caetano v. Massachusetts ( 2016 ) , the Supreme Court reiterated its earlier rulings that `` the Second Amendment extends , prima facie , to all instruments that constitute bearable arms , even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding '' and that its protection is not limited to `` only those weapons useful in warfare '' . Despite these decisions , the debate between various organizations regarding gun control and gun rights continues . Contents ( hide ) 1 Text 2 Pre-Constitution background 2.1 Influence of the English Bill of Rights of 1689 2.2 Experience in America prior to the U.S. Constitution 3 Drafting and adoption of the Constitution 4 Ratification debates 5 Conflict and compromise in Congress produce the Bill of Rights 6 Militia in the decades following ratification 7 Scholarly commentary 7.1 Early commentary 7.1. 1 Richard Henry Lee 7.1. 2 George Mason 7.1. 3 Tench Coxe 7.1. 4 Tucker / Blackstone 7.1. 5 William Rawle 7.1. 6 Joseph Story 7.1. 7 Lysander Spooner 7.1. 8 Timothy Farrar 7.1. 9 Judge Thomas Cooley 7.2 Late 20th century commentary 7.3 Meaning of `` well regulated militia '' 7.4 Meaning of `` the right of the People '' 7.5 Meaning of `` keep and bear arms '' 8 Supreme Court cases 8.1 United States v. Cruikshank 8.2 Presser v. Illinois 8.3 Miller v. Texas 8.4 Robertson v. Baldwin 8.5 United States v. Miller 8.6 District of Columbia v. Heller 8.6. 1 Judgment 8.6. 2 Notes and analysis 8.7 McDonald v. City of Chicago 8.8 Caetano v. Massachusetts 9 United States Courts of Appeals decisions before and after Heller 9.1 Before Heller 9.2 After Heller 10 See also 11 Notes and citations 12 References 12.1 Books 12.2 Periodicals 12.3 Other publications 13 Further reading 14 External links Text There are several versions of the text of the Second Amendment , each with capitalization or punctuation differences . Differences exist between the drafted and ratified copies , the signed copies on display , and various published transcriptions . The importance ( or lack thereof ) of these differences has been the source of debate regarding the meaning and interpretation of the amendment , particularly regarding the importance of the prefatory clause . One version was passed by the Congress , and a slightly different version was ratified . As passed by the Congress and preserved in the National Archives , with the rest of the original handwritten copy of the Bill of Rights prepared by scribe William Lambert , the amendment says : A well regulated Militia , being necessary to the security of a free State , the right of the people to keep and bear Arms , shall not be infringed . The hand - written copy of the proposed Bill of Rights , 1789 , cropped to show only the text that would later be edited and ratified as the Second Amendment Here is the amendment as ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jefferson , the Secretary of State : A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state , the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed . Pre-constitution background Influence of the English Bill of rights of 1689 The right to bear arms in English history is believed to have been regarded in English law as an auxiliary to the long - established natural right of self - defense , auxiliary to the natural and legally defensible rights to life . The English Bill of Rights of 1689 emerged from a tempestuous period in English politics during which two issues were major sources of conflict : the authority of the King to govern without the consent of Parliament , and the role of Catholics in a country that was becoming ever more Protestant . Ultimately , the Catholic James II was overthrown in the Glorious Revolution , and his successors , the Protestants William III and Mary II , accepted the conditions that were codified in the Bill . One of the issues the Bill resolved was the authority of the King to disarm its subjects , after James II had attempted to disarm many Protestants , and had argued with Parliament over his desire to maintain a standing ( or permanent ) army . The bill states that it is acting to restore `` ancient rights '' trampled upon by James II , though some have argued that the English Bill of Rights created a new right to have arms , which developed out of a duty to have arms . In District of Columbia v. Heller ( 2008 ) , the Supreme Court did not accept this view , remarking that the English right at the time of the passing of the English Bill of Rights was `` clearly an individual right , having nothing whatsoever to do with service in the militia '' and that it was a right not to be disarmed by the Crown and was not the granting of a new right to have arms . The text of the English Bill of Rights of 1689 includes language protecting the right of Protestants against disarmament by the Crown . This document states : `` That the Subjects which are Protestants may have Arms for their Defence suitable to their Conditions and as allowed by Law . '' It also contained text that aspired to bind future Parliaments , though under English constitutional law no Parliament can bind any later Parliament . Nevertheless , the English Bill of Rights remains an important constitutional document , more for enumerating the rights of Parliament over the monarchy than for its clause concerning a right to have arms . The statement in the English Bill of Rights concerning the right to bear arms is often quoted only in the passage where it is written as above and not in its full context . In its full context it is clear that the bill was asserting the right of Protestant citizens not to be disarmed by the King without the consent of Parliament and was merely restoring rights to Protestants that the previous King briefly and unlawfully had removed . In its full context it reads : Whereas the late King James the Second by the Assistance of diverse evill Councellors Judges and Ministers imployed by him did endeavour to subvert and extirpate the Protestant Religion and the Lawes and Liberties of this Kingdome ( list of grievances including ) ... by causing severall good Subjects being Protestants to be disarmed at the same time when Papists were both Armed and Imployed contrary to Law , ( Recital regarding the change of monarch ) ... thereupon the said Lords Spirituall and Temporall and Commons pursuant to their respective Letters and Elections being now assembled in a full and free Representative of this Nation takeing into their most serious Consideration the best meanes for attaining the Ends aforesaid Doe in the first place ( as their Auncestors in like Case have usually done ) for the Vindicating and Asserting their ancient Rights and Liberties , Declare ( list of rights including ) ... That the Subjects which are Protestants may have Arms for their Defence suitable to their Conditions and as allowed by Law . The historical link between the English Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment , which both codify an existing right and do not create a new one , has been acknowledged by the U.S. Supreme Court . The English Bill of Rights includes the proviso that arms must be as `` allowed by law . '' This has been the case before and after the passage of the Bill . While it did not override earlier restrictions on the ownership of guns for hunting , it was written to preserve the hunting rights of the landed aristocracy and is subject to the parliamentary right to implicitly or explicitly repeal earlier enactments . There is some difference of opinion as to how revolutionary the events of 1688 -- 89 actually were , and several commentators make the point that the provisions of the English Bill of Rights did not represent new laws , but rather stated existing rights . Mark Thompson wrote that , apart from determining the succession , the English Bill of Rights did `` little more than set forth certain points of existing laws and simply secured to Englishmen the rights of which they were already posessed ( sic ) . '' Before and after the English Bill of Rights , the government could always disarm any individual or class of individuals it considered dangerous to the peace of the realm . In 1765 , William Blackstone wrote the Commentaries on the Laws of England describing the right to have arms in England during the 18th century as a natural right of the subject that was `` also declared '' in the English Bill of Rights . The fifth and last auxiliary right of the subject , that I shall at present mention , is that of having arms for their defence , suitable to their condition and degree , and such as are allowed by law . Which is also declared by the same statute 1 W. & M. st. 2 . c. 2 . and is indeed a public allowance , under due restrictions , of the natural right of resistance and self - preservation , when the sanctions of society and laws are found insufficient to restrain the violence of oppression . Although there is little doubt that the writers of the Second Amendment were heavily influenced by the English Bill of Rights , it is a matter of interpretation as to whether they were intent on preserving the power to regulate arms to the states over the federal government ( as the English Parliament had reserved for itself against the monarch ) or whether it was intent on creating a new right akin to the right of others written into the Constitution ( as the Supreme Court decided in Heller ) . Some in the United States have preferred the `` rights '' argument arguing that the English Bill of Rights had granted a right . The need to have arms for self - defence was not really in question . Peoples all around the world since time immemorial had armed themselves for the protection of themselves and others , and as organized nations began to appear these arrangements had been extended to the protection of the state . Without a regular army and police force ( which in England was not established until 1829 ) , it had been the duty of certain men to keep watch and ward at night and to confront and capture suspicious persons . Every subject had an obligation to protect the king 's peace and assist in the suppression of riots . Experience in America prior to the U.S. Constitution Ideals that helped to inspire the Second Amendment in part are symbolized by the minutemen . Early English settlers in America viewed the right to arms and / or the right to bear arms and / or state militias as important for one or more of these purposes ( in no particular order ) : enabling the people to organize a militia system . participating in law enforcement ; deterring tyrannical government ; repelling invasion ; suppressing insurrection , allegedly including slave revolts ; facilitating a natural right of self - defense . Which of these considerations were thought of as most important and ultimately found expression in the Second Amendment is disputed . Some of these purposes were explicitly mentioned in early state constitutions ; for example , the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776 asserted that , `` the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the state '' . During the 1760s pre-revolutionary period , the established colonial militia was composed of colonists , including many who were loyal to British imperial rule . As defiance and opposition to British rule developed , a distrust of these Loyalists in the militia became widespread among the colonists , known as Patriots , who favored independence from British rule . As a result , some Patriots created their own militias that excluded the Loyalists and then sought to stock independent armories for their militias . In response to this arms build up , the British Parliament established an embargo on firearms , parts and ammunition on the American colonies . British and Loyalist efforts to disarm the colonial Patriot militia armories in the early phases of the American Revolution resulted in the Patriot colonists protesting by citing the Declaration of Rights , Blackstone 's summary of the Declaration of Rights , their own militia laws and common law rights to self - defense . While British policy in the early phases of the Revolution clearly aimed to prevent coordinated action by the Patriot militia , some have argued that there is no evidence that the British sought to restrict the traditional common law right of self - defense . Patrick J. Charles disputes these claims citing similar disarming by the patriots and challenging those scholars ' interpretation of Blackstone . The right of the colonists to arms and rebellion against oppression was asserted , for example , in a pre-revolutionary newspaper editorial in 1769 Boston objecting to the British army suppression of colonial opposition to the Townshend Acts : Instances of the licentious and outrageous behavior of the military conservators of the peace still multiply upon us , some of which are of such nature , and have been carried to such lengths , as must serve fully to evince that a late vote of this town , calling upon its inhabitants to provide themselves with arms for their defense , was a measure as prudent as it was legal : such violences are always to be apprehended from military troops , when quartered in the body of a populous city ; but more especially so , when they are led to believe that they are become necessary to awe a spirit of rebellion , injuriously said to be existing therein . It is a natural right which the people have reserved to themselves , confirmed by the Bill of Rights , to keep arms for their own defence ; and as Mr. Blackstone observes , it is to be made use of when the sanctions of society and law are found insufficient to restrain the violence of oppression . The armed forces that won the American Revolution consisted of the standing Continental Army created by the Continental Congress , together with regular French army and naval forces and various state and regional militia units . In opposition , the British forces consisted of a mixture of the standing British Army , Loyalist militia and Hessian mercenaries . Following the Revolution , the United States was governed by the Articles of Confederation . Federalists argued that this government had an unworkable division of power between Congress and the states , which caused military weakness , as the standing army was reduced to as few as 80 men . They considered it to be bad that there was no effective federal military crackdown on an armed tax rebellion in western Massachusetts known as Shays ' Rebellion . Anti-federalists on the other hand took the side of limited government and sympathized with the rebels , many of whom were former Revolutionary War soldiers . Subsequently , the Constitutional Convention proposed in 1787 to grant Congress exclusive power to raise and support a standing army and navy of unlimited size . Anti-federalists objected to the shift of power from the states to the federal government , but as adoption of the Constitution became more and more likely , they shifted their strategy to establishing a bill of rights that would put some limits on federal power . Modern scholars Thomas B. McAffee and Michael J. Quinlan have stated that James Madison `` did not invent the right to keep and bear arms when he drafted the Second Amendment ; the right was pre-existing at both common law and in the early state constitutions . '' In contrast , historian Jack Rakove suggests that Madison 's intention in framing the Second Amendment was to provide assurances to moderate Anti-Federalists that the militias would not be disarmed . One aspect of the gun control debate is the conflict between gun control laws and the right to rebel against unjust governments . Blackstone in his Commentaries alluded to this right to rebel as the natural right of resistance and self preservation , to be used only as a last resort , exercisable when `` the sanctions of society and laws are found insufficient to restrain the violence of oppression '' . Some believe that the framers of the Bill of Rights sought to balance not just political power , but also military power , between the people , the states and the nation , as Alexander Hamilton explained in 1788 : ( I ) f circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude ( , ) that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens , little , if at all , inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms , who stand ready to defend their own rights and those of their fellow - citizens . Some scholars have said that it is wrong to read a right of armed insurrection in the Second Amendment because clearly the founding fathers sought to place trust in the power of the ordered liberty of democratic government versus the anarchy of insurrectionists . Other scholars , such as Glenn Reynolds , contend that the framers did believe in an individual right to armed insurrection . The latter scholars cite examples , such as the Declaration of Independence ( describing in 1776 `` the Right of the People to ... institute new Government '' ) and the Constitution of New Hampshire ( stating in 1784 that `` nonresistance against arbitrary power , and oppression , is absurd , slavish , and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind '' ) . There was an ongoing debate beginning in 1789 about `` the people '' fighting governmental tyranny ( as described by Anti-Federalists ) ; or the risk of mob rule of `` the people '' ( as described by the Federalists ) related to the increasingly violent French Revolution . A widespread fear , during the debates on ratifying the Constitution , was the possibility of a military takeover of the states by the federal government , which could happen if the Congress passed laws prohibiting states from arming citizens , or prohibiting citizens from arming themselves . Though it has been argued that the states lost the power to arm their citizens when the power to arm the militia was transferred from the states to the federal government by Article I , Section 8 of the Constitution , the individual right to arm was retained and strengthened by the Militia Acts of 1792 and the similar act of 1795 . Drafting and adoption of the Constitution Further information : Constitutional Convention James Madison ( left ) is known as the `` Father of the Constitution '' and `` Father of the Bill of Rights '' while George Mason ( right ) with Madison is also known as the `` Father of the Bill of Rights '' Patrick Henry ( left ) believed that a citizenry trained in arms was the only sure guarantor of liberty while Alexander Hamilton ( right ) wrote in Federalist No. 29 that `` little more can be reasonably aimed at , with respect to the people at large , than to have them properly armed ... '' In March 1785 , delegates from Virginia and Maryland assembled at the Mount Vernon Conference to fashion a remedy to the inefficiencies of the Articles of Confederation . The following year , at a meeting in Annapolis , Maryland , 12 delegates from five states ( New Jersey , New York , Pennsylvania , Delaware , and Virginia ) met and drew up a list of problems with the current government model . At its conclusion , the delegates scheduled a follow - up meeting in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania for May 1787 to present solutions to these problems , such as the absence of : interstate arbitration processes to handle quarrels between states ; sufficiently trained and armed intrastate security forces to suppress insurrection ; a national militia to repel foreign invaders . It quickly became apparent that the solution to all three of these problems required shifting control of the states ' militias to the federal congress and giving that congress the power to raise a standing army . Article 1 , Section 8 of the Constitution codified these changes by allowing the Congress to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States by doing the following : raise and support armies , but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years ; provide and maintain a navy ; make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union , suppress insurrections and repel invasions ; provide for organizing , arming , and disciplining the militia , and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States , reserving to the states respectively , the appointment of the officers , and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress . Some representatives mistrusted proposals to enlarge federal powers , because they were concerned about the inherent risks of centralizing power . Federalists , including James Madison , initially argued that a bill of rights was unnecessary , sufficiently confident that the federal government could never raise a standing army powerful enough to overcome a militia . Federalist Noah Webster argued that an armed populace would have no trouble resisting the potential threat to liberty of a standing army . Anti-federalists , on the other hand , advocated amending the Constitution with clearly defined and enumerated rights providing more explicit constraints on the new government . Many Anti-federalists feared the new federal government would choose to disarm state militias . Federalists countered that in listing only certain rights , unlisted rights might lose protection . The Federalists realized there was insufficient support to ratify the Constitution without a bill of rights and so they promised to support amending the Constitution to add a bill of rights following the Constitution 's adoption . This compromise persuaded enough Anti-federalists to vote for the Constitution , allowing for ratification . The Constitution was declared ratified on June 21 , 1788 , when nine of the original thirteen states had ratified it . The remaining four states later followed suit , although the last two states , North Carolina and Rhode Island , ratified only after Congress had passed the Bill of Rights and sent it to the states for ratification . James Madison drafted what ultimately became the Bill of Rights , which was proposed by the first Congress on June 8 , 1789 , and was adopted on December 15 , 1791 . Ratification debates The debate surrounding the Constitution 's ratification is of practical importance , particularly to adherents of originalist and strict constructionist legal theories . In the context of such legal theories and elsewhere , it is important to understand the language of the Constitution in terms of what that language meant to the people who wrote and ratified the Constitution . The Second Amendment was relatively uncontroversial at the time of its ratification . Robert Whitehill , a delegate from Pennsylvania , sought to clarify the draft Constitution with a bill of rights explicitly granting individuals the right to hunt on their own land in season , though Whitehill 's language was never debated . There was substantial opposition to the new Constitution , because it moved the power to arm the state militias from the states to the federal government . This created a fear that the federal government , by neglecting the upkeep of the militia , could have overwhelming military force at its disposal through its power to maintain a standing army and navy , leading to a confrontation with the states , encroaching on the states ' reserved powers and even engaging in a military takeover . Article VI of the Articles of Confederation states : No vessel of war shall be kept up in time of peace by any State , except such number only , as shall be deemed necessary by the united States in congress assembled , for the defense of such State , or its trade ; nor shall any body of forces be kept up by any State in time of peace , except such number only , as in the judgement of the united States , in congress assembled , shall be deemed requisite to garrison the forts necessary for the defense of such State ; but every State shall always keep up a well - regulated and disciplined militia , sufficiently armed and accoutered , and shall provide and constantly have ready for use , in public stores , a due number of field pieces and tents , and a proper quantity of arms , ammunition and camp equipage . In contrast , Article I , Section 8 , Clause 16 of the U.S. Constitution states : To provide for organizing , arming , and disciplining , the Militia , and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States , reserving to the States respectively , the Appointment of the Officers , and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress . A foundation of American political thought during the Revolutionary period was concern about political corruption and governmental tyranny . Even the federalists , fending off their opponents who accused them of creating an oppressive regime , were careful to acknowledge the risks of tyranny . Against that backdrop , the framers saw the personal right to bear arms as a potential check against tyranny . Theodore Sedgwick of Massachusetts expressed this sentiment by declaring that it is `` a chimerical idea to suppose that a country like this could ever be enslaved ... Is it possible ... that an army could be raised for the purpose of enslaving themselves or their brethren ? or , if raised whether they could subdue a nation of freemen , who know how to prize liberty and who have arms in their hands ? '' Noah Webster similarly argued : Before a standing army can rule the people must be disarmed ; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe . The supreme power in America can not enforce unjust laws by the sword ; because the whole body of the people are armed , and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be , on any pretence , raised in the United States . George Mason argued the importance of the militia and right to bear arms by reminding his compatriots of England 's efforts `` to disarm the people ; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them ... by totally disusing and neglecting the militia . '' He also clarified that under prevailing practice the militia included all people , rich and poor . `` Who are the militia ? They consist now of the whole people , except a few public officers . '' Because all were members of the militia , all enjoyed the right to individually bear arms to serve therein . Writing after the ratification of the Constitution , but before the election of the first Congress , James Monroe included `` the right to keep and bear arms '' in a list of basic `` human rights '' , which he proposed to be added to the Constitution . Patrick Henry argued in the Virginia ratification convention on June 5 , 1788 , for the dual rights to arms and resistance to oppression : Guard with jealous attention the public liberty . Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel . Unfortunately , nothing will preserve it but downright force . Whenever you give up that force , you are inevitably ruined . While both Monroe and John Adams supported the Constitution being ratified , its most influential framer was James Madison . In Federalist No. 46 , he confidently contrasted the federal government of the United States to the European kingdoms , which he contemptuously described as `` afraid to trust the people with arms . '' He assured his fellow citizens that they need never fear their government because of `` the advantage of being armed ... '' By January 1788 , Delaware , Pennsylvania , New Jersey , Georgia and Connecticut ratified the Constitution without insisting upon amendments . Several specific amendments were proposed , but were not adopted at the time the Constitution was ratified . For example , the Pennsylvania convention debated fifteen amendments , one of which concerned the right of the people to be armed , another with the militia . The Massachusetts convention also ratified the Constitution with an attached list of proposed amendments . In the end , the ratification convention was so evenly divided between those for and against the Constitution that the federalists agreed to amendments to assure ratification . Samuel Adams proposed that the Constitution : Be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press , or the rights of conscience ; or to prevent the people of the United States , who are peaceable citizens , from keeping their own arms ; or to raise standing armies , unless when necessary for the defence of the United States , or of some one or more of them ; or to prevent the people from petitioning , in a peaceable and orderly manner , the federal legislature , for a redress of their grievances : or to subject the people to unreasonable searches and seizures . Conflict and compromise in Congress produce the Bill of rights James Madison 's initial proposal for a bill of rights was brought to the floor of the House of Representatives on June 8 , 1789 , during the first session of Congress . The initial proposed passage relating to arms was : The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed ; a well armed and well regulated militia being the best security of a free country but no person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms shall be compelled to render military service in person . On July 21 , Madison again raised the issue of his bill and proposed a select committee be created to report on it . The House voted in favor of Madison 's motion , and the Bill of Rights entered committee for review . The committee returned to the House a reworded version of the Second Amendment on July 28 . On August 17 , that version was read into the Journal : A well regulated militia , composed of the body of the people , being the best security of a free State , the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed ; but no person religiously scrupulous shall be compelled to bear arms . In late August 1789 , the House debated and modified the Second Amendment . These debates revolved primarily around risk of `` mal - administration of the government '' using the `` religiously scrupulous '' clause to destroy the militia as Great Britain had attempted to destroy the militia at the commencement of the American Revolution . These concerns were addressed by modifying the final clause , and on August 24 , the House sent the following version to the Senate : A well regulated militia , composed of the body of the people , being the best security of a free state , the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed ; but no one religiously scrupulous of bearing arms shall be compelled to render military service in person . The next day , August 25 , the Senate received the amendment from the House and entered it into the Senate Journal . However , the Senate scribe added a comma before `` shall not be infringed '' and changed the semicolon separating that phrase from the religious exemption portion to a comma : A well regulated militia , composed of the body of the people , being the best security of a free state , the right of the people to keep and bear arms , shall not be infringed , but no one religiously scrupulous of bearing arms shall be compelled to render military service in person . By this time , the proposed right to keep and bear arms was in a separate amendment , instead of being in a single amendment together with other proposed rights such as the due process right . As a Representative explained , this change allowed each amendment to `` be passed upon distinctly by the States . '' On September 4 , the Senate voted to change the language of the Second Amendment by removing the definition of militia , and striking the conscientious objector clause : A well regulated militia , being the best security of a free state , the right of the people to keep and bear arms , shall not be infringed . The Senate returned to this amendment for a final time on September 9 . A proposal to insert the words `` for the common defence '' next to the words `` bear arms '' was defeated . An extraneous comma added on August 25 was also removed . The Senate then slightly modified the language and voted to return the Bill of Rights to the House . The final version passed by the Senate was : A well regulated militia being the security of a free state , the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed . The House voted on September 21 , 1789 to accept the changes made by the Senate , but the amendment as finally entered into the House journal contained the additional words `` necessary to '' : A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State , the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed . On December 15 , 1791 , the Bill of Rights ( the first ten amendments to the Constitution ) was adopted , having been ratified by three - fourths of the states . Militia in the decades following ratification Ketland brass barrel smooth bore pistol common in Colonial America During the first two decades following the ratification of the Second Amendment , public opposition to standing armies , among Anti-Federalists and Federalists alike , persisted and manifested itself locally as a general reluctance to create a professional armed police force , instead relying on county sheriffs , constables and night watchmen to enforce local ordinances . Though sometimes compensated , often these positions were unpaid -- held as a matter of civic duty . In these early decades , law enforcement officers were rarely armed with firearms , using billy clubs as their sole defensive weapons . In serious emergencies , a posse comitatus , militia company , or group of vigilantes assumed law enforcement duties ; these individuals were more likely than the local sheriff to be armed with firearms . On May 8 , 1792 , Congress passed `` ( a ) n act more effectually to provide for the National Defence , by establishing an Uniform Militia throughout the United States '' requiring : ( E ) ach and every free able - bodied white male citizen of the respective States , resident therein , who is or shall be of age of eighteen years , and under the age of forty - five years ( except as is herein after excepted ) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia ... ( and ) every citizen so enrolled and notified , shall , within six months thereafter , provide himself with a good musket or firelock , a sufficient bayonet and belt , two spare flints , and a knapsack , a pouch with a box therein to contain not less than twenty - four cartridges , suited to the bore of his musket or firelock , each cartridge to contain a proper quantity of powder and ball : or with a good rifle , knapsack , shot - pouch and powder - horn , twenty balls suited to the bore of his rifle , and a quarter of a pound of powder ; and shall appear , so armed , accoutred and provided , when called out to exercise , or into service , except , that when called out on company days to exercise only , he may appear without a knapsack . The act also gave specific instructions to domestic weapon manufacturers `` that from and after five years from the passing of this act , muskets for arming the militia as herein required , shall be of bores sufficient for balls of the eighteenth part of a pound . '' In practice , private acquisition and maintenance of rifles and muskets meeting specifications and readily available for militia duty proved problematic ; estimates of compliance ranged from 10 to 65 percent . Compliance with the enrollment provisions was also poor . In addition to the exemptions granted by the law for custom - house officers and their clerks , post-officers and stage drivers employed in the care and conveyance of U.S. mail , ferrymen , export inspectors , pilots , merchant mariners and those deployed at sea in active service ; state legislatures granted numerous exemptions under Section 2 of the Act , including exemptions for : clergy , conscientious objectors , teachers , students , and jurors . And though a number of able - bodied white men remained available for service , many simply did not show up for militia duty . Penalties for failure to appear were enforced sporadically and selectively . None is mentioned in the legislation . The Model 1795 Musket was made in the U.S. and used in the War of 1812 The first test of the militia system occurred in July 1794 , when a group of disaffected Pennsylvania farmers rebelled against federal tax collectors whom they viewed as illegitimate tools of tyrannical power . Attempts by the four adjoining states to raise a militia for nationalization to suppress the insurrection proved inadequate . When officials resorted to drafting men , they faced bitter resistance . Forthcoming soldiers consisted primarily of draftees or paid substitutes as well as poor enlistees lured by enlistment bonuses . The officers , however , were of a higher quality , responding out of a sense of civic duty and patriotism , and generally critical of the rank and file . Most of the 13,000 soldiers lacked the required weaponry ; the war department provided nearly two - thirds of them with guns . In October , President George Washington and General Harry Lee marched on the 7,000 rebels who conceded without fighting . The episode provoked criticism of the citizen militia and inspired calls for a universal militia . Secretary of War Henry Knox and Vice-President John Adams had lobbied Congress to establish federal armories to stock imported weapons and encourage domestic production . Congress did subsequently pass `` ( a ) n act for the erecting and repairing of Arsenals and Magazines '' on April 2 , 1794 , two months prior to the insurrection . Nevertheless , the militia continued to deteriorate and twenty years later , the militia 's poor condition contributed to several losses in the War of 1812 , including the sacking of Washington , D.C. , and the burning of the White House in 1814 . Scholarly commentary Early commentary William Rawle of Pennsylvania ( left ) was a lawyer and district attorney ; Thomas M. Cooley of Michigan ( right ) was an educator and judge . Joseph Story of Massachusetts ( left ) became a U.S. Supreme Court justice ; Tench Coxe of Pennsylvania ( right ) was a political economist and delegate to the Continental Congress . Richard Henry Lee In May of 1788 , Richard Henry Lee wrote ( Wikiquote link ) in Additional Letters From The Federal Farmer # 169 or Letter XVIII regarding the definition of a `` militia . '' George Mason In June of 1788 , George Mason addressed ( Wikiquote link ) the Virginia Ratifying Convention regarding a `` militia . '' Tench Coxe In 1792 , Tench Coxe made the following point in a commentary on the Second Amendment : As civil rulers , not having their duty to the people duly before them , may attempt to tyrannize , and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country , might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens , the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms . Tucker / Blackstone The earliest published commentary on the Second Amendment by a major constitutional theorist was by St. George Tucker . He annotated a five - volume edition of Sir William Blackstone 's Commentaries on the Laws of England , a critical legal reference for early American attorneys published in 1803 . Tucker wrote : A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state , the right of the people to keep , and bear arms , shall not be infringed . Amendments to C.U.S. Art . 4 . This may be considered as the true palladium of liberty ... The right of self defence is the first law of nature : in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible . Wherever standing armies are kept up , and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is , under any colour or pretext whatsoever , prohibited , liberty , if not already annihilated , is on the brink of destruction . In England , the people have been disarmed , generally , under the specious pretext of preserving the game : a never failing lure to bring over the landed aristocracy to support any measure , under that mask , though calculated for very different purposes . True it is , their bill of rights seems at first view to counteract this policy : but the right of bearing arms is confined to protestants , and the words suitable to their condition and degree , have been interpreted to authorise the prohibition of keeping a gun or other engine for the destruction of game , to any farmer , or inferior tradesman , or other person not qualified to kill game . So that not one man in five hundred can keep a gun in his house without being subject to a penalty . In footnotes 40 and 41 of the Commentaries , Tucker stated that the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment was not subject to the restrictions that were part of English law : `` The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed . Amendments to C.U.S. Art . 4 , and this without any qualification as to their condition or degree , as is the case in the British government '' and `` whoever examines the forest , and game laws in the British code , will readily perceive that the right of keeping arms is effectually taken away from the people of England . '' Blackstone himself also commented on English game laws , Vol. II , p. 412 , `` that the prevention of popular insurrections and resistance to government by disarming the bulk of the people , is a reason oftener meant than avowed by the makers of the forest and game laws . '' Blackstone discussed the right of self - defense in a separate section of his treatise on the common law of crimes . Tucker 's annotations for that latter section did not mention the Second Amendment but cited the standard works of English jurists such as Hawkins . Further , Tucker criticized the English Bill of Rights for limiting gun ownership to the very wealthy , leaving the populace effectively disarmed , and expressed the hope that Americans `` never cease to regard the right of keeping and bearing arms as the surest pledge of their liberty . '' William Rawle Tucker 's commentary was soon followed , in 1825 , by that of William Rawle in his landmark text , A View of the Constitution of the United States of America . Like Tucker , Rawle condemned England 's `` arbitrary code for the preservation of game , '' portraying that country as one that `` boasts so much of its freedom , '' yet provides a right to `` protestant subjects only '' that it `` cautiously describ ( es ) to be that of bearing arms for their defence '' and reserves for `` ( a ) very small proportion of the people ( . ) '' In contrast , Rawle characterizes the second clause of the Second Amendment , which he calls the corollary clause , as a general prohibition against such capricious abuse of government power , declaring bluntly : No clause could by any rule of construction be conceived to give to congress a power to disarm the people . Such a flagitious attempt could only be made under some general pretence by a state legislature . But if in any blind pursuit of inordinate power , either should attempt it , this amendment may be appealed to as a restraint on both . Speaking of the Second Amendment generally , Rawle said : The prohibition is general . No clause in the Constitution could by any rule of construction be conceived to give to congress a power to disarm the people . Such a flagitious attempt could only be made under some general pretence by a state legislature . But if in any blind pursuit of inordinate power , either should attempt it , this amendment may be appealed to as a restraint on both . Rawle , long before the concept of incorporation was formally recognized by the courts , or Congress drafted the Fourteenth Amendment , contended that citizens could appeal to the Second Amendment should either the state or federal government attempt to disarm them . He did warn , however , that `` this right ( to bear arms ) ought not ... be abused to the disturbance of the public peace '' and , paraphrasing Coke , observed : `` An assemblage of persons with arms , for unlawful purpose , is an indictable offence , and even the carrying of arms abroad by a single individual , attended with circumstances giving just reason to fear that he purposes to make an unlawful use of them , would be sufficient cause to require him to give surety of the peace . '' Joseph Story Joseph Story articulated in his influential Commentaries on the Constitution the orthodox view of the Second Amendment , which he viewed as the amendment 's clear meaning : The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered , as the palladium of the liberties of a republic ; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpations and arbitrary power of rulers ; and it will generally , even if these are successful in the first instance , enable the people to resist and triumph over them . And yet , though this truth would seem so clear , and the importance of a well - regulated militia would seem so undeniable , it can not be disguised , that among the American people there is a growing indifference to any system of militia discipline , and a strong disposition , from a sense of its burdens , to be rid of all regulations . How it is practicable to keep the people duly armed without some organization , it is difficult to see . There is certainly no small danger , that indifference may lead to disgust , and disgust to contempt ; and thus gradually undermine all the protection intended by this clause of our National Bill of Rights . Story describes a militia as the `` natural defence of a free country , '' both against foreign foes , domestic revolts and usurpation by rulers . The book regards the militia as a `` moral check '' against both usurpation and the arbitrary use of power , while expressing distress at the growing indifference of the American people to maintaining such an organized militia , which could lead to the undermining of the protection of the Second Amendment . Lysander Spooner Abolitionist Lysander Spooner , commenting on bills of rights , stated that the object of all bills of rights is to assert the rights of individuals against the government and that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms was in support of the right to resist government oppression , as the only security against the tyranny of government lies in forcible resistance to injustice , for injustice will certainly be executed , unless forcibly resisted . Spooner 's theory provided the intellectual foundation for John Brown and other radical abolitionists who believed that arming slaves was not only morally justified , but entirely consistent with the Second Amendment . An express connection between this right and the Second Amendment was drawn by Lysander Spooner who commented that a `` right of resistance '' is protected by both the right to trial by jury and the Second Amendment . The congressional debate on the proposed Fourteenth Amendment concentrated on what the Southern States were doing to harm the newly freed slaves , including disarming the former slaves . Timothy Farrar In 1867 , Judge Timothy Farrar published his Manual of the Constitution of the United States of America , which was written when the Fourteenth Amendment was `` in the process of adoption by the State legislatures . '' : The States are recognized as governments , and , when their own constitutions permit , may do as they please ; provided they do not interfere with the Constitution and laws of the United States , or with the civil or natural rights of the people recognized thereby , and held in conformity to them . The right of every person to `` life , liberty , and property , '' to `` keep and bear arms , '' to the `` writ of habeas corpus '' to `` trial by jury , '' and divers others , are recognized by , and held under , the Constitution of the United States , and can not be infringed by individuals or even by the government itself . Judge Thomas Cooley Judge Thomas Cooley , perhaps the most widely read constitutional scholar of the nineteenth century , wrote extensively about this amendment , and he explained in 1880 how the Second Amendment protected the `` right of the people '' : It might be supposed from the phraseology of this provision that the right to keep and bear arms was only guaranteed to the militia ; but this would be an interpretation not warranted by the intent . The militia , as has been elsewhere explained , consists of those persons who , under the law , are liable to the performance of military duty , and are officered and enrolled for service when called upon . But the law may make provision for the enrolment of all who are fit to perform military duty , or of a small number only , or it may wholly omit to make any provision at all ; and if the right were limited to those enrolled , the purpose of this guaranty might be defeated altogether by the action or neglect to act of the government it was meant to hold in check . The meaning of the provision undoubtedly is , that the people , from whom the militia must be taken , shall have the right to keep and bear arms ; and they need no permission or regulation of law for the purpose . Late 20th century commentary Assortment of 20th century handguns In the latter half of the 20th century , there was considerable debate over whether the Second Amendment protected an individual right or a collective right . The debate centered on whether the prefatory clause ( `` A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State '' ) declared the amendment 's only purpose or merely announced a purpose to introduce the operative clause ( `` the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed '' ) . Scholars advanced three competing theoretical models for how the prefatory clause should be interpreted . The first , known as the `` states ' rights '' or `` collective right '' model , held that the Second Amendment does not apply to individuals ; rather , it recognizes the right of each state to arm its militia . Under this approach , citizens `` have no right to keep or bear arms , but the states have a collective right to have the National Guard '' . Advocates of collective rights models argued that the Second Amendment was written to prevent the federal government from disarming state militias , rather than to secure an individual right to possess firearms . Prior to 2001 , every circuit court decision that interpreted the Second Amendment endorsed the `` collective right '' model . However , beginning with the Fifth Circuit 's opinion United States v. Emerson in 2001 , some circuit courts recognized that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to bear arms . The second , known as the `` sophisticated collective right model '' , held that the Second Amendment recognizes some limited individual right . However , this individual right could only be exercised by actively participating members of a functioning , organized state militia . Some scholars have argued that the `` sophisticated collective rights model '' is , in fact , the functional equivalent of the `` collective rights model . '' Other commentators have observed that prior to Emerson , five circuit courts specifically endorsed the `` sophisticated collective right model '' . The third , known as the `` standard model '' , held that the Second Amendment recognized the personal right of individuals to keep and bear arms . Supporters of this model argued that `` although the first clause may describe a general purpose for the amendment , the second clause is controlling and therefore the amendment confers an individual right ' of the people ' to keep and bear arms '' . Additionally , scholars who favored this model argued the `` absence of founding - era militias mentioned in the Amendment 's preamble does not render it a ' dead letter ' because the preamble is a ' philosophical declaration ' safeguarding militias and is but one of multiple ' civic purposes ' for which the Amendment was enacted '' . Under both of the collective right models , the opening phrase was considered essential as a pre-condition for the main clause . These interpretations held that this was a grammar structure that was common during that era and that this grammar dictated that the Second Amendment protected a collective right to firearms to the extent necessary for militia duty . However , under the standard model , the opening phrase was believed to be prefatory or amplifying to the operative clause . The opening phrase was meant as a non-exclusive example -- one of many reasons for the amendment . This interpretation is consistent with the position that the Second Amendment protects a modified individual right . The question of a collective right versus an individual right was progressively resolved in favor of the individual rights model , beginning with the Fifth Circuit ruling in United States v. Emerson ( 2001 ) , along with the Supreme Court 's rulings in District of Columbia v. Heller ( 2008 ) , and McDonald v. Chicago ( 2010 ) . In Heller , the Supreme Court resolved any remaining circuit splits by ruling that the Second Amendment protects an individual right . Although the Second Amendment is the only Constitutional amendment with a prefatory clause , such linguistic constructions were widely used elsewhere in the late eighteenth century . Meaning of `` well regulated militia '' The term `` regulated '' means `` disciplined '' or `` trained '' . In Heller , the U.S. Supreme Court stated that `` ( t ) he adjective ' well - regulated ' implies nothing more than the imposition of proper discipline and training . '' In the year prior to the drafting of the Second Amendment , in Federalist No. 29 Alexander Hamilton wrote the following about `` organizing '' , `` disciplining '' , `` arming '' , and `` training '' of the militia as specified in the enumerated powers : If a well regulated militia be the most natural defence of a free country , it ought certainly to be under the regulation and at the disposal of that body which is constituted the guardian of the national security ... confiding the regulation of the militia to the direction of the national authority ... ( but ) reserving to the states ... the authority of training the militia ... A tolerable expertness in military movements is a business that requires time and practice . It is not a day , or even a week , that will suffice for the attainment of it . To oblige the great body of the yeomanry , and of the other classes of the citizens , to be under arms for the purpose of going through military exercises and evolutions , as often as might be necessary to acquire the degree of perfection which would entitle them to the character of a well - regulated militia , would be a real grievance to the people , and a serious public inconvenience and loss ... Little more can reasonably be aimed at , with respect to the People at large , than to have them properly armed and equipped ; and in order to see that this be not neglected , it will be necessary to assemble them once or twice in the course of a year . Justice Scalia , writing for the Court in Heller : `` In Nunn v. State , 1 Ga . 243 , 251 ( 1846 ) , the Georgia Supreme Court construed the Second Amendment as protecting the ' natural right of self - defence ' and therefore struck down a ban on carrying pistols openly . Its opinion perfectly captured the way in which the operative clause of the Second Amendment furthers the purpose announced in the prefatory clause , in continuity with the English right '' : Nor is the right involved in this discussion less comprehensive or valuable : `` The right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed . '' The right of the whole people , old and young , men , women and boys , and not militia only , to keep and bear arms of every description , not such merely as are used by the militia , shall not be infringed , curtailed , or broken in upon , in the smallest degree ; and all this for the important end to be attained : the rearing up and qualifying a well - regulated militia , so vitally necessary to the security of a free State . Our opinion is , that any law , State or Federal , is repugnant to the Constitution , and void , which contravenes this right , originally belonging to our forefathers , trampled under foot by Charles I. and his two wicked sons and successors , reestablished by the revolution of 1688 , conveyed to this land of liberty by the colonists , and finally incorporated conspicuously in our own Magna Charta ! And Lexington , Concord , Camden , River Raisin , Sandusky , and the laurel - crowned field of New Orleans , plead eloquently for this interpretation ! And the acquisition of Texas may be considered the full fruits of this great constitutional right . Justice Stevens in dissent : When each word in the text is given full effect , the Amendment is most naturally read to secure to the people a right to use and possess arms in conjunction with service in a well - regulated militia . So far as appears , no more than that was contemplated by its drafters or is encompassed within its terms . Even if the meaning of the text were genuinely susceptible to more than one interpretation , the burden would remain on those advocating a departure from the purpose identified in the preamble and from settled law to come forward with persuasive new arguments or evidence . The textual analysis offered by respondent and embraced by the Court falls far short of sustaining that heavy burden . And the Court 's emphatic reliance on the claim `` that the Second Amendment ... codified a pre-existing right , '' ante , at 19 ( refers to p. 19 of the opinion ) , is of course beside the point because the right to keep and bear arms for service in a state militia was also a pre-existing right . Meaning of `` the right of the people '' Justice Antonin Scalia , writing for the majority in Heller , stated : Nowhere else in the Constitution does a `` right '' attributed to `` the people '' refer to anything other than an individual right . What is more , in all six other provisions of the Constitution that mention `` the people , '' the term unambiguously refers to all members of the political community , not an unspecified subset . This contrasts markedly with the phrase `` the militia '' in the prefatory clause . As we will describe below , the `` militia '' in colonial America consisted of a subset of `` the people '' -- those who were male , able bodied , and within a certain age range . Reading the Second Amendment as protecting only the right to `` keep and bear Arms '' in an organized militia therefore fits poorly with the operative clause 's description of the holder of that right as `` the people '' . An earlier case , United States v. Verdugo - Urquidez ( 1990 ) , dealt with nonresident aliens and the Fourth Amendment , but led to a discussion of who are `` the People '' when referred to elsewhere in the Constitution : The Second Amendment protects `` the right of the people to keep and bear Arms , '' and the Ninth and Tenth Amendments provide that certain rights and powers are retained by and reserved to `` the people '' ... While this textual exegesis is by no means conclusive , it suggests that `` the people '' protected by the Fourth Amendment , and by the First and Second Amendments , and to whom rights and powers are reserved in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments , refers to a class of persons who are part of a national community or who have otherwise developed sufficient connection with this country to be considered part of that community . There were several different reasons for this amendment , and protecting militias was only one of them ; if protecting militias had been the only reason then the amendment could have instead referred to `` the right of the militia to keep and bear arms '' instead of `` the right of the people to keep and bear arms '' . Meaning of `` keep and bear arms '' In Heller the majority rejected the view that the term `` to bear arms '' implies only the military use of arms : Before addressing the verbs `` keep '' and `` bear , '' we interpret their object : `` Arms . '' The term was applied , then as now , to weapons that were not specifically designed for military use and were not employed in a military capacity . Thus , the most natural reading of `` keep Arms '' in the Second Amendment is to `` have weapons . '' At the time of the founding , as now , to `` bear '' meant to `` carry . '' In numerous instances , `` bear arms '' was unambiguously used to refer to the carrying of weapons outside of an organized militia . Nine state constitutional provisions written in the 18th century or the first two decades of the 19th , which enshrined a right of citizens `` bear arms in defense of themselves and the state '' again , in the most analogous linguistic context -- that `` bear arms '' was not limited to the carrying of arms in a militia . The phrase `` bear Arms '' also had at the time of the founding an idiomatic meaning that was significantly different from its natural meaning : `` to serve as a soldier , do military service , fight '' or `` to wage war . '' But it unequivocally bore that idiomatic meaning only when followed by the preposition `` against , '' . Every example given by petitioners ' amici for the idiomatic meaning of `` bear arms '' from the founding period either includes the preposition `` against '' or is not clearly idiomatic . In any event , the meaning of `` bear arms '' that petitioners and Justice Stevens propose is not even the ( sometimes ) idiomatic meaning . Rather , they manufacture a hybrid definition , whereby `` bear arms '' connotes the actual carrying of arms ( and therefore is not really an idiom ) but only in the service of an organized militia . No dictionary has ever adopted that definition , and we have been apprised of no source that indicates that it carried that meaning at the time of the founding . Worse still , the phrase `` keep and bear Arms '' would be incoherent . The word `` Arms '' would have two different meanings at once : `` weapons '' ( as the object of `` keep '' ) and ( as the object of `` bear '' ) one - half of an idiom . It would be rather like saying `` He filled and kicked the bucket '' to mean `` He filled the bucket and died . '' In a dissent , joined by Justices Souter , Ginsburg , and Breyer , Justice Stevens said : The Amendment 's text does justify a different limitation : the `` right to keep and bear arms '' protects only a right to possess and use firearms in connection with service in a state - organized militia . Had the Framers wished to expand the meaning of the phrase `` bear arms '' to encompass civilian possession and use , they could have done so by the addition of phrases such as `` for the defense of themselves '' . Supreme Court Cases U.S. Supreme Court See also : Firearm case law in the United States In the century following the ratification of the Bill of Rights , the intended meaning and application of the Second Amendment drew less interest than it does in modern times . The vast majority of regulation was done by states , and the first case law on weapons regulation dealt with state interpretations of the Second Amendment . A notable exception to this general rule was Houston v. Moore , 18 U.S. 1 ( 1820 ) , where the U.S. Supreme Court mentioned the Second Amendment in an aside . In the Dred Scott decision , the opinion of the court stated that if African Americans were considered U.S. citizens , `` It would give to persons of the negro race , who were recognised as citizens in any one State of the Union , the right ... to keep and carry arms wherever they went . '' State and federal courts historically have used two models to interpret the Second Amendment : the `` individual rights '' model , which holds that individuals hold the right to bear arms , and the `` collective rights '' model , which holds that the right is dependent on militia membership . The `` collective rights '' model has been rejected by the Supreme Court , in favor of the individual rights model . The Supreme Court 's primary Second Amendment cases include United States v. Miller , ( 1939 ) ; District of Columbia v. Heller ( 2008 ) ; and McDonald v. Chicago ( 2010 ) . Heller and McDonald supported the individual rights model , under which the Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms much as the First Amendment protects the right to free speech . Under this model , the militia is composed of members who supply their own arms and ammunition . This is generally recognized as the method by which militias have historically been armed , as the Supreme Court in Miller said : The signification attributed to the term Militia appears from the debates in the Convention , the history and legislation of Colonies and States , and the writings of approved commentators . These show plainly enough that the Militia comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense . ' A body of citizens enrolled for military discipline . ' And further , that ordinarily when called for service these men were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time . Of the collective rights model that holds that the right to arms is based on militia membership , the Supreme Court in Heller said : A purposive qualifying phrase that contradicts the word or phrase it modifies is unknown this side of the looking glass ( except , apparently , in some courses on Linguistics ) . If `` bear arms '' means , as we think , simply the carrying of arms , a modifier can limit the purpose of the carriage ( `` for the purpose of self - defense '' or `` to make war against the King '' ) . But if `` bear arms '' means , as the petitioners and the dissent think , the carrying of arms only for military purposes , one simply can not add `` for the purpose of killing game . '' The right `` to carry arms in the militia for the purpose of killing game '' is worthy of the mad hatter . United States v. Cruikshank Main article : United States v. Cruikshank In the Reconstruction Era case of United States v. Cruikshank , 92 U.S. 542 ( 1875 ) , the defendants were white men who had killed more than sixty black people in what was known as the Colfax massacre and had been charged with conspiring to prevent blacks from exercising their right to bear arms . The Court dismissed the charges , holding that the Bill of Rights restricted Congress but not private individuals . The Court concluded , `` ( f ) or their protection in its enjoyment , the people must look to the States . '' The Court stated that `` ( t ) he Second Amendment ... has no other effect than to restrict the powers of the national government ... '' Likewise , the Court held that there was no state action in this case , and therefore the Fourteenth Amendment was not applicable : The fourteenth amendment prohibits a State from depriving any person of life , liberty , or property , without due process of law ; but this adds nothing to the rights of one citizen as against another . Thus , the Court held a federal anti-Ku - Klux - Klan statute to be unconstitutional as applied in that case . Presser v. Illinois Main article : Presser v. Illinois In Presser v. Illinois , 116 U.S. 252 ( 1886 ) , Herman Presser headed a German - American paramilitary shooting organization and was arrested for leading a parade group of 400 men , training and drilling with military weapons with the declared intention to fight , through the streets of Chicago as a violation of Illinois law that prohibited public drilling and parading in military style without a permit from the governor . At his trial , Presser argued that the State of Illinois had violated his Second Amendment rights . The Supreme Court reaffirmed Cruikshank , and also held that the Second Amendment prevented neither the States nor Congress from barring private militias that parade with arms ; such a right `` can not be claimed as a right independent of law . '' This decision upheld the States ' authority to regulate the militia and that citizens had no right to create their own militias or to own weapons for semi-military purposes . However the court said : `` A state can not prohibit the people therein from keeping and bearing arms to an extent that would deprive the United States of the protection afforded by them as a reserve military force . '' Miller v. Texas In Miller v. Texas , 153 U.S. 535 ( 1894 ) , Franklin Miller was convicted and sentenced to be executed for shooting a police officer to death with an illegally carried handgun in violation of Texas law . Miller sought to have his conviction overturned , claiming his Second Amendment rights were violated and that the Bill of Rights should be applied to state law . The Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment did not apply to state laws such as the Texas law : `` As the proceedings were conducted under the ordinary forms of criminal prosecutions there certainly was no denial of due process of law . '' Robertson v. Baldwin In Robertson v. Baldwin , 165 U.S. 275 ( 1897 ) , the Court stated in dicta that laws regulating concealed arms did not infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms and thus were not a violation of the Second Amendment : The law is perfectly well settled that the first ten amendments to the Constitution , commonly known as the `` Bill of Rights , '' were not intended to lay down any novel principles of government , but simply to embody certain guaranties and immunities which we had inherited from our English ancestors , and which had , from time immemorial , been subject to certain well recognized exceptions arising from the necessities of the case . In incorporating these principles into the fundamental law , there was no intention of disregarding the exceptions , which continued to be recognized as if they had been formally expressed . Thus , the freedom of speech and of the press ( Art . I ) does not permit the publication of libels , blasphemous or indecent articles , or other publications injurious to public morals or private reputation ; the right of the people to keep and bear arms ( Art . II ) is not infringed by laws prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons . United States v. Miller Main article : United States v. Miller In United States v. Miller , 307 U.S. 174 ( 1939 ) , the Supreme Court rejected a Second Amendment challenge to the National Firearms Act prohibiting the interstate transportation of unregistered Title II weapons : Jack Miller and Frank Layton `` did unlawfully ... transport in interstate commerce from ... Claremore ... Oklahoma to ... Siloam Springs ... Arkansas a certain firearm ... a double barrel ... shotgun having a barrel less than 18 inches in length ... at the time of so transporting said firearm in interstate commerce ... not having registered said firearm as required by Section 1132d of Title 26 , United States Code ... and not having in their possession a stamp - affixed written order ... as provided by Section 1132C ... '' In a unanimous opinion authored by Justice McReynolds , the Supreme Court stated `` the objection that the Act usurps police power reserved to the States is plainly untenable . '' As the Court explained : In the absence of any evidence tending to show that possession or use of a ' shotgun having a barrel of less than eighteen inches in length ' at this time has some reasonable relationship to any preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia , we can not say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument . Certainly it is not within judicial notice that this weapon is any part of the ordinary military equipment or that its use could contribute to the common defense . Gun rights advocates claim that the Court in Miller ruled that the Second Amendment protected the right to keep arms that are part of `` ordinary military equipment . '' They also claim that the Court did not consider the question of whether the sawed - off shotgun in the case would be an applicable weapon for personal defense , instead looking solely at the weapon 's suitability for the `` common defense . '' Law professor Andrew McClurg states , `` The only certainty about Miller is that it failed to give either side a clear - cut victory . Most modern scholars recognize this fact . '' District of Columbia v. Heller Main article : District of Columbia v. Heller Judgment The Justices who decided Heller According to the syllabus prepared by the U.S. Supreme Court Reporter of Decisions , in District of Columbia v. Heller , 554 U.S. 570 ( 2008 ) , the Supreme Court held : 1 . The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia , and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes , such as self - defense within the home . pp. 2 -- 53 . ( a ) The Amendment 's prefatory clause announces a purpose , but does not limit or expand the scope of the second part , the operative clause . The operative clause 's text and history demonstrate that it connotes an individual right to keep and bear arms . pp. 2 -- 22 . ( b ) The prefatory clause comports with the Court 's interpretation of the operative clause . The `` militia '' comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense . The Antifederalists feared that the Federal Government would disarm the people in order to disable this citizens ' militia , enabling a politicized standing army or a select militia to rule . The response was to deny Congress power to abridge the ancient right of individuals to keep and bear arms , so that the ideal of a citizens ' militia would be preserved . pp. 22 -- 28 . ( c ) The Court 's interpretation is confirmed by analogous arms - bearing rights in state constitutions that preceded and immediately followed the Second Amendment . pp. 28 -- 30 . ( d ) The Second Amendment 's drafting history , while of dubious interpretive worth , reveals three state Second Amendment proposals that unequivocally referred to an individual right to bear arms . pp. 30 -- 32 . ( e ) Interpretation of the Second Amendment by scholars , courts and legislators , from immediately after its ratification through the late 19th century also supports the Court 's conclusion . pp. 32 -- 47 . ( f ) None of the Court 's precedents forecloses the Court 's interpretation . Neither United States v. Cruikshank , 92 U.S. 542 , nor Presser v. Illinois , 116 U.S. 252 , refutes the individual - rights interpretation . United States v. Miller , 307 U.S. 174 , does not limit the right to keep and bear arms to militia purposes , but rather limits the type of weapon to which the right applies to those used by the militia , i.e. , those in common use for lawful purposes . pp. 47 -- 54 . 2 . Like most rights , the Second Amendment right is not unlimited . It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose : For example , concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues . The Court 's opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill , or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings , or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms . Miller 's holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those `` in common use at the time '' finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons . pp. 54 -- 56 . 3 . The handgun ban and the trigger - lock requirement ( as applied to self - defense ) violate the Second Amendment . The District 's total ban on handgun possession in the home amounts to a prohibition on an entire class of `` arms '' that Americans overwhelmingly choose for the lawful purpose of self - defense . Under any of the standards of scrutiny the Court has applied to enumerated constitutional rights , this prohibition -- in the place where the importance of the lawful defense of self , family , and property is most acute -- would fail constitutional muster . Similarly , the requirement that any lawful firearm in the home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock makes it impossible for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self - defense and is hence unconstitutional . Because Heller conceded at oral argument that the D.C. licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously , the Court assumes that a license will satisfy his prayer for relief and does not address the licensing requirement . Assuming he is not disqualified from exercising Second Amendment rights , the District must permit Heller to register his handgun and must issue him a license to carry it in the home . pp. 56 -- 64 . There are similar legal summaries of the Supreme Court 's findings in Heller . For example , the Illinois Supreme Court in People v. Aguilar ( 2013 ) , summed up Heller 's findings and reasoning : In District of Columbia v. Heller , 554 U.S. 570 ( 2008 ) , the Supreme Court undertook its first - ever `` in - depth examination '' of the second amendment 's meaning Id . at 635 . After a lengthy historical discussion , the Court ultimately concluded that the second amendment `` guarantee ( s ) the individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation '' ( id . at 592 ) ; that `` central to '' this right is `` the inherent right of self - defense '' ( id . at 628 ) ; that `` the home '' is `` where the need for defense of self , family , and property is most acute '' ( id . at 628 ) ; and that , `` above all other interests , '' the second amendment elevates `` the right of law - abiding , responsible citizens to use arms in defense of hearth and home '' ( id . at 635 ) . Based on this understanding , the Court held that a District of Columbia law banning handgun possession in the home violated the second amendment . Id . at 635 . Notes and analysis Heller has been widely described as a landmark decision . To clarify that its ruling does not invalidate a broad range of existing firearm laws , the majority opinion , written by Justice Antonin Scalia , said : Like most rights , the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited ... Although we do not undertake an exhaustive historical analysis today of the full scope of the Second Amendment , nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill , or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings , or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms . The Court 's statement that the right is limited has been widely discussed by lower courts and the media . The majority opinion also said that the amendment 's prefatory clause ( referencing the `` militia '' ) serves to clarify the operative clause ( referencing `` the people '' ) , but does not limit the scope of the operative clause , because `` the ' militia ' in colonial America consisted of a subset of ' the people ' ... '' Justice Stevens ' dissenting opinion , which was joined by the three other dissenters , said : The question presented by this case is not whether the Second Amendment protects a `` collective right '' or an `` individual right . '' Surely it protects a right that can be enforced by individuals . But a conclusion that the Second Amendment protects an individual right does not tell us anything about the scope of that right . Stevens went on to say the following : The Second Amendment was adopted to protect the right of the people of each of the several States to maintain a well - regulated militia . It was a response to concerns raised during the ratification of the Constitution that the power of Congress to disarm the state militias and create a national standing army posed an intolerable threat to the sovereignty of the several States . Neither the text of the Amendment nor the arguments advanced by its proponents evidenced the slightest interest in limiting any legislature 's authority to regulate private civilian uses of firearms . Specifically , there is no indication that the Framers of the Amendment intended to enshrine the common - law right of self - defense in the Constitution . This dissent called the majority opinion `` strained and unpersuasive '' and said that the right to possess a firearm exists only in relation to the militia and that the D.C. laws constitute permissible regulation . In the majority opinion , Justice Stevens ' interpretation of the phrase `` to keep and bear arms '' was referred to as a `` hybrid '' definition that Stevens purportedly chose in order to avoid an `` incoherent '' and `` ( g ) rotesque '' idiomatic meeting . Justice Breyer , in his own dissent joined by Stevens , Souter , and Ginsburg , stated that the entire Court subscribes to the proposition that `` the amendment protects an ' individual ' right -- i.e. , one that is separately possessed , and may be separately enforced , by each person on whom it is conferred '' . Regarding the term `` well regulated '' , the majority opinion said , `` The adjective ' well - regulated ' implies nothing more than the imposition of proper discipline and training . '' The majority opinion quoted Spooner from The Unconstitutionality of Slavery as saying that the right to bear arms was necessary for those who wanted to take a stand against slavery . The majority opinion also stated that : A purposive qualifying phrase that contradicts the word or phrase it modifies is unknown this side of the looking glass ( except , apparently , in some courses on Linguistics ) . If `` bear arms '' means , as we think , simply the carrying of arms , a modifier can limit the purpose of the carriage ( `` for the purpose of self - defense '' or `` to make war against the King '' ) . But if `` bear arms '' means , as the petitioners and the dissent think , the carrying of arms only for military purposes , one simply can not add `` for the purpose of killing game . '' The right `` to carry arms in the militia for the purpose of killing game '' is worthy of the mad hatter . The dissenting justices were not persuaded by this argument . Reaction to Heller has varied , with many sources giving focus to the ruling referring to itself as being the first in Supreme Court history to read the Second Amendment as protecting an individual right . The majority opinion , authored by Justice Scalia , gives explanation of the majority legal reasoning behind this decision . The majority opinion made clear that the recent ruling did not foreclose the Court 's prior interpretations given in United States v. Cruikshank , Presser v. Illinois , and United States v. Miller though these earlier rulings did not limit the right to keep and bear arms solely to militia purposes , but rather limits the type of weapon to which the right applies to those used by the militia ( i.e. , those in common use for lawful purposes ) . Heller pertained to three District of Columbia ordinances involving restrictions on firearms amounting to a total ban . These three ordinances were a ban on handgun registration , a requirement that all firearms in a home be either disassembled or have a trigger lock , and licensing requirement that prohibits carrying an unlicensed firearm in the home , such as from one room to another . Under any of the standards of scrutiny the Court has applied to enumerated constitutional rights , this prohibition -- in the place where the importance of the lawful defense of self , family , and property is most acute -- would fail constitutional muster ... Because Heller conceded at oral argument that the District 's licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously , the Court assumed that a license will satisfy his prayer for relief and did not address the licensing requirement . Assuming he is not disqualified from exercising Second Amendment rights , the District must permit Heller to register his handgun and must issue him a license to carry it in the home . '' Justice Ginsburg has been a vocal critic of Heller . Speaking in an interview on public radio station WNYC , she called the Second Amendment `` outdated , '' saying : When we no longer need people to keep muskets in their home , then the Second Amendment has no function ... If the Court had properly interpreted the Second Amendment , the Court would have said that amendment was very important when the nation was new ; it gave a qualified right to keep and bear arms , but it was for one purpose only -- and that was the purpose of having militiamen who were able to fight to preserve the nation . McDonald v. City of Chicago Main article : McDonald v. City of Chicago On June 28 , 2010 , the Court in McDonald v. City of Chicago , 561 U.S. 3025 ( 2010 ) , held that the Second Amendment was incorporated , saying that `` ( i ) t is clear that the Framers and ratifiers of the Fourteenth Amendment counted the right to keep and bear arms among those fundamental rights necessary to our system of ordered liberty . '' This means that the Court ruled that the Second Amendment limits state and local governments to the same extent that it limits the federal government . It also remanded a case regarding a Chicago handgun prohibition . Four of the five Justices in the majority voted to do so by way of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment , while the fifth Justice , Clarence Thomas , voted to do so through the amendment 's Privileges or Immunities Clause . Justice Thomas noted that the Privileges or Immunities Clause refers to `` citizens '' whereas the Due Process Clause refers more broadly to any `` person '' , and therefore Thomas reserved the issue of non-citizens for later decision . After McDonald , many questions about the Second Amendment remain unsettled , such as whether non-citizens are protected through the Equal Protection Clause . In People v. Aguilar ( 2013 ) , the Illinois Supreme Court summed up the central Second Amendment findings in McDonald : Two years later , in McDonald v. City of Chicago , 561 U.S. ___ , ___ , 130 S. Ct. 3020 , 3050 ( 2010 ) , the Supreme Court held that the second amendment right recognized in Heller is applicable to the states through the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment . In so holding , the Court reiterated that `` the Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms for the purpose of self - defense '' ( id . at ___ , 130 S. Ct . at 3026 ) ; that `` individual self - defense is ' the central component ' of the Second Amendment right '' ( emphasis in original ) ( id . at ___ , 130 S. Ct . at 3036 ( quoting Heller , 554 U.S. at 599 ) ) ; and that `` ( s ) elf - defense is a basic right , recognized by many legal systems from ancient times to the present day '' ( id . at ___ , 130 S. Ct . at 3036 ) . Caetano v. Massachusetts Main article : Caetano v. Massachusetts On March 21 , 2016 , in a per curiam decision the Court vacated a Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court decision upholding the conviction of a woman who carried a stun gun for self defense . The Court reiterated that the Heller and McDonald decisions saying that `` the Second Amendment extends , prima facie , to all instruments that constitute bearable arms , even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding '' , that `` the Second Amendment right is fully applicable to the States '' , and that the protection is not restricted to `` only those weapons useful in warfare '' . United States courts of Appeals decisions before and after Heller Before Heller Until District of Columbia v. Heller ( 2008 ) , United States v. Miller ( 1939 ) had been the only Supreme Court decision that `` tested a congressional enactment against ( the Second Amendment ) . '' Miller did not directly mention either a collective or individual right , but for the 62 - year period from Miller until the Fifth Circuit 's decision in United States v. Emerson ( 2001 ) , federal courts recognized only the collective right , with `` courts increasingly referring to one another 's holdings ... without engaging in any appreciably substantive legal analysis of the issue '' . Emerson changed this by addressing the question in depth , with the Fifth Circuit determining that the Second Amendment protects an individual right . Subsequently , the Ninth Circuit conflicted with Emerson in Silveira v. Lockyer , and the D.C. Circuit supported Emerson in Parker v. District of Columbia . Parker evolved into District of Columbia v. Heller , in which the U.S. Supreme Court determined that the Second Amendment protects an individual right . After Heller Since Heller , the United States courts of appeals have ruled on many Second Amendment challenges to convictions and gun control laws . The following are post-Heller cases , divided by Circuit , along with summary notes : D.C. Circuit Heller v. District of Columbia , Civil Action No. 08 - 1289 ( RMU ) , No. 23. , 25 -- On March 26 , 2010 , the D.C. Circuit denied the follow up appeal of Dick Heller who requested the court to overturn the new District of Columbia gun control ordinances newly enacted after the 2008 Heller ruling . The court refused to do so , stating that the firearms registration procedures , the prohibition on assault weapons , and the prohibition on large capacity ammunition feeding devices were found to not violate the Second Amendment . On September 18 , 2015 , the D.C. Circuit ruled that requiring gun owners to re-register a gun every three years , make a gun available for inspection or pass a test about firearms laws violated the Second Amendment , although the court upheld requirements that gun owners be fingerprinted , photographed , and complete a safety training course . Wrenn v. District of Columbia , No. 16 - 7025 -- On July 25 , 2017 , the D.C. Circuit ruled that a District of Columbia regulation that limited conceal - carry licenses only to those individuals who could demonstrate , to the satisfaction of the chief of police , that they have a `` good reason '' to carry a handgun in public was essentially designed to prevent the exercise of the right to bear arms by most District residents and so violated the Second Amendment by amounting to a complete prohibition on firearms possession . First Circuit United States v. Rene E. , 583 F. 3d 8 ( 1st Cir. 2009 ) -- On August 31 , 2009 , the First Circuit affirmed the conviction of a juvenile for the illegal possession of a handgun as a juvenile , under 18 U.S.C. § 922 ( x ) ( 2 ) ( A ) and 18 U.S.C. § 5032 , rejecting the defendant 's argument that the federal law violated his Second Amendment rights under Heller . The court cited `` the existence of a longstanding tradition of prohibiting juveniles from both receiving and possessing handguns '' and observed `` the federal ban on juvenile possession of handguns is part of a longstanding practice of prohibiting certain classes of individuals from possessing firearms -- those whose possession poses a particular danger to the public . '' Second Circuit Kachalsky v. County of Westchester , 11 - 3942 -- On November 28 , 2012 , the Second Circuit upheld New York 's may - issue concealed carry permit law , ruling that `` the proper cause requirement is substantially related to New York 's compelling interests in public safety and crime prevention . '' Fourth Circuit United States v. Hall , 551 F. 3d 257 ( 4th Cir. 2009 ) -- On August 4 , 2008 , the Fourth Circuit upheld as constitutional the prohibition of possession of a concealed weapon without a permit . United States v. Chester , 628 F. 3d 673 ( 4th Cir. 2010 ) -- On December 30 , 2010 , the Fourth Circuit vacated William Chester 's conviction for possession of a firearm after having been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence , in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922 ( g ) ( 9 ) . The court found that the district court erred in perfunctorily relying on Heller 's exception for `` presumptively lawful '' gun regulations made in accordance with `` longstanding prohibitions '' . Kolbe v. Hogan , No. 14 - 1945 ( 4th Cir. 2016 ) -- On February 4 , 2016 , the Fourth Circuit vacated a U.S. District Court decision upholding a Maryland law banning high - capacity magazines and semi-automatic rifles , ruling that the District Court was wrong to have applied intermediate scrutiny . The Fourth Circuit ruled that the higher strict scrutiny standard is to be applied on remand . On March 4 , 2016 , the court agreed to rehear the case en banc on May 11 , 2016 . Fifth Circuit United States v. Dorosan , 350 Fed . Appx. 874 ( 5th Cir. 2009 ) -- On June 30 , 2008 , the Fifth Circuit upheld 39 C.F.R. 232.1 ( l ) , which bans weapons on postal property , sustaining restrictions on guns outside the home , specifically in private vehicles parked in employee parking lots of government facilities , despite Second Amendment claims that were dismissed . The employee 's Second Amendment rights were not infringed since the employee could have instead parked across the street in a public parking lot , instead of on government property . United States v. Bledsoe , 334 Fed . Appx. 771 ( 5th Cir. 2009 ) -- The Fifth Circuit affirmed the decision of a U.S. District Court decision in Texas , upholding 18 U.S.C. § 922 ( a ) ( 6 ) , which prohibits `` straw purchases . '' A `` straw purchase '' occurs when someone eligible to purchase a firearm buys one for an ineligible person . Additionally , the court rejected the request for a strict scrutiny standard of review . United States v. Scroggins , 551 F. 3d 257 ( 5th Cir. 2010 ) -- On March 4 , 2010 , the Fifth Circuit affirmed the conviction of Ernie Scroggins for possession of a firearm as a convicted felon , in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922 ( g ) ( 1 ) . The court noted that it had , prior to Heller , identified the Second Amendment as providing an individual right to bear arms , and had already , likewise , determined that restrictions on felon ownership of firearms did not violate this right . Moreover , it observed that Heller did not affect the longstanding prohibition of firearm possession by felons . Sixth Circuit Tyler v. Hillsdale Co . Sheriff 's Dept. , 775 F. 3d 308 ( 6th Cir. 2014 ) -- On December 18 , 2014 , the Sixth Circuit ruled that strict scrutiny should be applied to firearms regulations when regulations burden `` conduct that falls within the scope of the Second Amendment right , as historically understood . '' At issue in this case was whether the Second Amendment is violated by a provision of the Gun Control Act of 1968 that prohibits possession of a firearm by a person who has been involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital . The court did not rule on the provision 's constitutionality , instead remanding the case to the United States district court that has earlier heard this case . On April 21 , 2015 , the Sixth Circuit voted to rehear the case en banc , thereby vacating the December 18 opinion . Seventh Circuit United States v. Skoien , 587 F. 3d 803 ( 7th Cir. 2009 ) -- Steven Skoien , a Wisconsin man convicted of two misdemeanor domestic violence convictions , appealed his conviction based on the argument that the prohibition violated the individual rights to bear arms , as described in Heller . After initial favorable rulings in lower court based on a standard of intermediate scrutiny , on July 13 , 2010 , the Seventh Circuit , sitting en banc , ruled 10 -- 1 against Skoien and reinstated his conviction for a gun violation , citing the strong relation between the law in question and the government objective . Skoien was convicted and sentenced to two years in prison for the gun violation , and will thus likely be subject to a lifetime ban on gun ownership . Editorials favoring gun rights sharply criticized this ruling as going too far with the enactment of a lifetime gun ban , while editorials favoring gun regulations praised the ruling as `` a bucket of cold water thrown on the ' gun rights ' celebration '' . Moore v. Madigan ( Circuit docket 12 - 1269 ) -- On December 11 , 2012 , the Seventh Circuit ruled that the Second Amendment protected a right to keep and bear arms in public for self - defense . This was an expansion of the Supreme Court 's decisions in Heller and McDonald , each of which referred only to such a right in the home . Based on this ruling , the court declared Illinois 's ban on the concealed carrying of firearms to be unconstitutional . The court stayed this ruling for 180 days , so Illinois could enact replacement legislation . On February 22 , 2013 , a petition for rehearing en banc was denied by a vote of 5 - 4 . On July 9 , 2013 , the Illinois General Assembly , overriding Governor Quinn 's veto , passed a law permitting the concealed carrying of firearms . Ninth Circuit Nordyke v. King , 2012 WL 1959239 ( 9th Cir. 2012 ) -- On July 29 , 2009 , the Ninth Circuit vacated an April 20 panel decision and reheard the case en banc on September 24 , 2009 . The April 20 decision had held that the Second Amendment applies to state and local governments , while upholding an Alameda County , California ordinance that makes it a crime to bring a gun or ammunition on to , or possess either while on , county property . The en banc panel remanded the case to the three - judge panel . On May 2 , 2011 , that panel ruled that intermediate scrutiny was the correct standard by which to judge the ordinance 's constitutionality and remanded the case to the United States District Court for the Northern District of California . On November 28 , 2011 , the Ninth Circuit vacated the panel 's May 2 decision and agreed to rehear the case en banc . On April 4 , 2012 , the panel sent the case to mediation . The panel dismissed the case on June 1 , 2012 , but only after Alameda County officials changed their interpretation of the challenged ordinance . Under the new interpretation , gun shows may take place on county property under the ordinance 's exception for `` events '' , subject to restrictions regarding the display and handling of firearms . Teixeira v. County of Alameda , ( Circuit docket 13 - 17132 ) -- On May 16 , 2016 , the Ninth Circuit ruled that the right to keep and bear arms included being able to buy and sell firearms . The court ruled that a county law prohibiting a gun store being within 500 feet of a `` ( r ) esidentially zoned district ; elementary , middle or high school ; pre-school or day care center ; other firearms sales business ; or liquor stores or establishments in which liquor is served '' violated the Second Amendment . See also Right to keep and bear arms -- international views on the concept by country Gun law in the United States List of amendments to the United States Constitution Uniform Firearms Act -- a set of statutes in Pennsylvania that define and amplify the right to bear arms in that state 's Constitution . Second Amendment Caucus -- a Congressional caucus dedicated to supporting the right to bear arms 2nd Amendment Day Notes and citations Jump up ^ Constitutional Law . Casenotes . Jump up ^ Jilson , Cal . American Government : Political Development and Institutional Change . Jump up ^ Shaman , Jeffrey . `` After Heller : What Now for the Second Amendment '' . Santa Clara Law Review . Retrieved January 30 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` US Senate Annotated Constitution '' . Retrieved January 30 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Case 1 : 11 - cv - 10644 - DPW Document 31 # 124 ; Memorandum and Order '' ( PDF ) . 30 March 2012 . Retrieved September 23 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` Permanent resident aliens have second amendment rights too Monachus Lex '' . . Retrieved September 23 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Epstein , Lee ; Walk , Thomas G. ( September 18 , 2012 ) . Constitutional Law for a Changing America : Rights , Liberties and Justice ( 8 ed . ) . CQ Press . pp. 395 -- 96 . ISBN 978 - 1 - 4522 - 2674 - 3 . Jump up ^ `` Blackstone 's Commentaries on the Laws of England -- Book the First -- Chapter the First : Of the Absolute Rights of Individuals , p. 139 '' . . Retrieved August 1 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` United States v. Cruikshank 92 U.S. 542 ( 1875 ) '' . Retrieved September 5 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` United States v. Miller , 307 U.S. 174 ( 1939 ) '' . Cornell University Law School . Retrieved September 5 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : CRS Report for Congress District of Columbia v. Heller : The Supreme Court and the Second Amendment April 11 , 2008 Congressional Research Service T.J. Halsted , Legislative Attorney , American Law Division . Order Code RL34446 . Jump up ^ Pollock , Earl ( 2008 ) . The Supreme Court and American Democracy : Case Studies on Judicial Review and Public Policy . Greenwood . pp. 375 , 423 . ISBN 978 - 0 - 313 - 36525 - 6 . Jump up ^ editor , Gregg Lee Carter , . Guns in American society : an encyclopedia of history , politics , culture , and the law ( 2nd ed . ) . Santa Barbara , Calif. : ABC - CLIO . ISBN 978 - 0 - 313 - 38670 - 1 . ^ Jump up to : Liptak , Adam ( June 28 , 2010 ) . `` Justices Extend Firearm Rights in 5 - to - 4 Ruling '' . The New York Times . Retrieved December 17 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : Liptak , Adam ( March 21 , 2016 ) . `` Supreme Court Declines to Hear Challenge to Colorado 's Marijuana Laws '' . The New York Times . Retrieved March 21 , 2016 . Jump up ^ editor , Gregg Lee Carter , . Guns in American society : an encyclopedia of history , politics , culture , and the law ( 2nd ed . ) . Santa Barbara , Calif. : ABC - CLIO . p . Introduction . ISBN 978 - 0 - 313 - 38670 - 1 . Jump up ^ Davies , pp. 209 -- 16 . Jump up ^ The second amendment 's capitalization and punctuation are not uniformly reported ; another version has four commas , after `` militia , '' `` state , '' and `` arms . '' Since documents were at that time copied by hand , variations in punctuation and capitalization are common , and the copy retained by the first Congress , the copies transmitted by it to the state legislatures , and the ratifications returned by them show wide variations in such details . Letter from Marlene McGuirl , Chief , British - American Law Division , Library of Congress ( Oct. 29 , 1976 ) . Jump up ^ Freedman , Adam ( December 16 , 2007 ) . `` Clause and Effect '' . The New York Times . Jump up ^ `` Errors in the Constitution '' . . Retrieved September 23 , 2014 . Jump up ^ `` The Second Amendment Controversy Explained -- Theodore L. Johnson -- Google Books '' . . Retrieved July 5 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Writing Instruction for Generation 2.0 -- Gloria E. Jacobs -- Google Books '' . . Retrieved July 5 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Constitutional Mythologies : New Perspectives on Controlling the State -- Google Books '' . . Retrieved July 5 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Separation of Powers in Practice -- Thomas Campbell -- Google Books '' . . Retrieved July 5 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` How A Comma Gave Americans The Right To Own Guns '' . Business Insider . Retrieved on 1 July 2016 . Jump up ^ `` Clause and Effect '' . The New York Times . 16 December 2007 . Retrieved on 1 July 2016 . Jump up ^ In Part II - A of the Opinion of the Court in District of Columbia v. Heller , the Supreme Court cited this version of the amendment , but another version is found in the copies distributed and then ratified by them . Jump up ^ `` The Constitution of the United States of America : Analysis , and Interpretation -- 1992 Edition -- Second Amendment -- Bearing Arms '' . . Retrieved July 5 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Second Amendment Foundation Online '' . 1995 - 08 - 09 . Retrieved July 5 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Michael Arnheim ( 2009 - 04 - 29 ) . `` U.S. Constitution For Dummies '' . . Retrieved July 5 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Reading the Second Amendment : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education '' . . Retrieved July 5 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` National Archives -- Bill of Rights '' . Retrieved May 28 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation : U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates , 1774 -- 1875 '' . . Retrieved September 23 , 2014 . Jump up ^ Blackstone 's Commentaries Book 1 Ch 1 -- `` The fifth and last auxiliary right of the subject ... is that of having arms for their defence '' . Jump up ^ From the English Civil War until the Glorious Revolution militias occasionally disarmed Catholics , and the King , without Parliament 's consent , likewise occasionally disarmed Protestants . Malcolm , `` The Role of the Militia , '' pp. 139 -- 51 . Jump up ^ Joyce Lee Malcolm , To Keep and Bear Arms . Jump up ^ `` They accordingly obtained an assurance from William and Mary , in the ... ( Bill of Rights ) , that Protestants would never be disarmed : ... This right has long been understood to be the predecessor to our Second Amendment ... It was clearly an individual right , having nothing whatever to do with service in a militia . To be sure , it was an individual right not available to the whole population , given that it was restricted to Protestants , and like all written English rights it was held only against the Crown , not Parliament . '' Opinion of the Court in Heller ^ Jump up to : `` 1688 c. 2 1 Will. and Mar . Sess. 2 '' . . Retrieved August 30 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Barnett , Law , p. 172 . Jump up ^ `` This meaning is strongly confirmed by the historical background of the Second Amendment . We look to this because it has always been widely understood that the Second Amendment , like the First and Fourth Amendments , codified a pre-existing right . The very text of the Second Amendment implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and declares only that it `` shall not be infringed . '' As we ( the United States Supreme Court ) said in United States v. Cruikshank , 92 U.S. 542 , 553 ( 1876 ) , `` ( t ) his is not a right granted by the Constitution . Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence . The Second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed ... '' . Between the Restoration and the Glorious Revolution , the Stuart Kings Charles II and James II succeeded in using select militias loyal to them to suppress political dissidents , in part by disarming their opponents . See J. Malcolm , To Keep and Bear Arms 31 -- 53 ( 1994 ) ( hereinafter Malcolm ) ; L. Schwoerer , The Declaration of Rights , 1689 , p. 76 ( 1981 ) . Under the auspices of the 1671 Game Act , for example , the Catholic James II had ordered general disarmaments of regions home to his Protestant enemies . See Malcolm 103 -- 106 . These experiences caused Englishmen to be extremely wary of concentrated military forces run by the state and to be jealous of their arms . They accordingly obtained an assurance from William and Mary , in the Declaration of Right ( which was codified as the English Bill of Rights ) , that Protestants would never be disarmed : `` That the subjects which are Protestants may have arms for their defense suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law . '' 1 W. & M. , c. 2 , § 7 , in 3 Eng . Stat . at Large 441 ( 1689 ) . This right has long been understood to be the predecessor to our Second Amendment . See E. Dumbauld , The Bill of Rights and What It Means Today 51 ( 1957 ) ; W. Rawle , A View of the Constitution of the United States of America 122 ( 1825 ) ( hereinafter Rawle ) . '' From the Opinion of the Court in District of Coöimbia versus Heller Jump up ^ Justice Antonin Scalia , wrote that `` the right of the people to keep and bear Arms , shall not be infringed '' was a just a controlling one and referred to it as a pre-existing right of individuals to possess and carry personal weapons for self - defense and intrinsically for defense against tyranny . As with the English law `` like most rights , the Second Amendment is not unlimited . It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose . '' District of Columbia v Heller Jump up ^ `` Where a later enactment does not expressly repeal an earlier enactment which it has power to override , but the provisions of the later enactment are contrary to those of the earlier , the latter by implication repeals the earlier . '' R v. Burke , ( 1998 ) EWHC Admin 913 ; `` ( T ) he Bill of Rights ... was declaratory of the common law . It contained in it its own words of limitation , namely that the right to have arms for self - defence is limited by the words ' and as allowed by Law ' . The law is a changing thing . Parliament by statute can repeal the common law ... Where the Bill of Rights says that ' the Subjects may have arms for their defence suitable for their condition and as allowed by law ' , ' and as allowed by law ' means ' and as allowed by law for the time being ' ( . ) '' R v. Burke , ( 1999 ) EWCA Civ 923 . Jump up ^ Thompson , Mark ( 1938 ) . Constitutional History of England . qtd. in Maer and Gay , p. 4 . Jump up ^ Malcolm , To Keep and Bear Arms , p. 51 . ^ Jump up to : Ely and Bodenhamer , pp. 89 -- 91 . Jump up ^ Heyman , pp. 253 -- 59 . `` Finally , we should note that ( contrary to Kates 's assertion ) , Blackstone nowhere suggests that the right to arms derives from `` the common law . '' Instead , this is a right that is secured by `` the constitution , '' and in particular by the Bill of Rights . '' Jump up ^ `` English Bill of Rights , 1689 , `` An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown '' `` . The Avalon Project . Yale Law School . 2008 . Retrieved December 26 , 2012 . Jump up ^ e.g. , King Henry II 's Assize of Arms and the Statute of Winchester of 1285 . See `` The history of policing in the West , Collective responsibility in early Anglo - Saxon times '' , Encyclopædia Britannica online . Jump up ^ Levy , pp. 136 -- 37 . Jump up ^ Cornell , Gun Control , p. 2 . Jump up ^ Hardy , p. 1237 . `` Early Americans wrote of the right in light of three considerations : ( 1 ) as auxiliary to a natural right of self - defense ; ( 2 ) as enabling an armed people to deter undemocratic government ; and ( 3 ) as enabling the people to organize a militia system . '' Jump up ^ Malcolm , `` That Every Man Be Armed , '' pp. 452 , 466 . `` The Second Amendment reflects traditional English attitudes toward these three distinct , but intertwined , issues : the right of the individual to protect his life , the challenge to government of an armed citizenry , and the preference for a militia over a standing army . The framers ' attempt to address all three in a single declarative sentence has contributed mightily to the subsequent confusion over the proper interpretation of the Second Amendment . '' Jump up ^ Levy , p. 136 . Jump up ^ Merkel and Uviller , pp. 62 , 179 ff , 183 , 188 ff , 306 . `` ( T ) he right to bear arms was articulated as a civic right inextricably linked to the civic obligation to bear arms for the public defense . '' Jump up ^ Spitzer , pp. 155 -- 59 . Jump up ^ Dulaney , p. 2 . Jump up ^ Bogus , Carl T. ( editor ) ; Bellesiles , Michael A. ( contributor ) ( 2001 ) . The Second Amendment in Law and History : Historians and Constitutional Scholars on the Right to Bear Arms . New Press , The . pp. 67 -- 69 , 239 -- 40 . ISBN 1565846990 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ Merkel and Uviller , pp. 62 , 179 ff , 183 , 188 ff , 306 . Jump up ^ Elder , Larry ( July 3 , 2008 ) . `` Why Do We ' Keep and Bear Arms ? ' Part 1 '' . Human Events . Retrieved May 14 , 2016 . Jump up ^ Bogus , Carl T. ; Professor , Roger Williams University School of Law ( Winter 1998 ) . `` The Hidden History of the Second Amendment '' . U.C. Davis Law Review . 31 : 309 -- 408 . SSRN 1465114 . CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list ( link ) Jump up ^ Hartmann , Thom ( 2013 - 01 - 15 ) . `` The Second Amendment was Ratified to Preserve Slavery '' . . Retrieved February 4 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Whitewashing the Second Amendment '' . 2008 . Retrieved January 16 , 2013 . the `` well - regulated militias '' cited in the Constitution almost certainly referred to state militias that were used to suppress slave insurrections . Jump up ^ `` Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776 '' . The Avalon Project . Yale Law School . 2008 . Retrieved December 26 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : DeConde , Alexander ( 2001 ) . Gun Violence in America : The Struggle for Control . Northeastern University Press . ISBN 9781555534868 . Retrieved 29 December 2014 . ^ Jump up to : `` Boston , March 17 '' . N.Y.J. , Supplement : 1 , Col. 3 . April 13 , 1769 . qtd. in Halbrook , A Right to Bear Arms , p. 7 . Jump up ^ Charles , `` Arms for Their Defence ? '' , p. 4 . Jump up ^ Anderson and Horwitz , pp. 91 -- 92 . Jump up ^ Vest , Rose . `` Shay 's Rebellion '' , Home of Heroes . Jump up ^ Pole and Greene , p. 386 . Jump up ^ Vile , p. 30 . Jump up ^ Merkel and Uviller , p. 79 . Jump up ^ McAffee and Quinlan , p. 781 . Jump up ^ Rakove , p. ? Jump up ^ William Blackstone , Commentaries on the Laws of England , Book 1 , Chapter 1 `` the fifth and last auxiliary right ... when the sanctions of society and laws are found insufficient to restrain the violence of oppression '' . ^ Jump up to : Millis , p. 49 . `` The founders sought to balance military , as they did political , power , between people , states , and nation ( . ) '' ^ Jump up to : The Federalist Papers No. 29 ( Alexander Hamilton ) ( concerning the militia ) . Jump up ^ Bogus , Carl T. `` Do We Place our Faith in Law or Guns ? '' . Retrieved July 29 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Henigan , p. ? . `` ( A ) generalized constitutional right of all citizens to engage in armed insurrection against their government ... would threaten the rule of law itself . '' Jump up ^ Reynolds , p. ? Jump up ^ `` Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams , 22 December 1793 '' . . Retrieved August 30 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Cooke , p. 100 . `` This is another protection against a possible abuse by Congress . The right protected is really the right of a state to maintain an armed militia , or national guard , as we call it now . In the eighteenth century people feared that Congress might , by passing a law , prohibit the states from arming their citizens . Then having all the armed strength at its command , the national government could overwhelm the states . Such a circumstance has never happened , but this amendment would prevent it . The Second Amendment does not give anybody or everybody the right to possess and use firearms . The states may very properly prescribe regulations and permits governing the use of guns within their borders . '' Jump up ^ US Constitution Article 1 Section 8 To provide for organizing , arming , and disciplining , the Militia , and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States , reserving to the States respectively , the Appointment of the Officers , and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress . Jump up ^ `` Elliots Debates Vol 3 , Virginia Convention , Saturday June 14 , 1788 '' . . January 1 , 1980 . Retrieved August 30 , 2010 . The national government has an exclusive right to provide for arming , organizing , and disciplining the militia , and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States . The state governments have the power of appointing the officers , and of training the militia , according to the discipline prescribed by Congress , if they should think proper to prescribe any . Should the national government wish to render the militia useless , they may neglect them , and let them perish , in order to have a pretence of establishing a standing army . Jump up ^ Mulloy , p. 43 . Jump up ^ Smith , pp. 591 , 600 . Jump up ^ Cress , Lawrence . An Armed Community : The Origins and Meaning of the Right to Bear Arms . p. 31 . qtd. in Cottrol , p. 283 . Jump up ^ Vile , p. 19 . Jump up ^ Schmidt et al. , p. 39 . Jump up ^ Williams , pp. 41 -- 44 . Jump up ^ Story , Joseph . `` Commentaries on the Constitution 2 : § § 904 -- 25 , 927 -- 30 , 946 -- 52 , 954 -- 70 , 972 -- 76 , 988 '' . The Founders Constitution . The University of Chicago Press . Retrieved April 10 , 2013 . Jump up ^ The Federalist Papers No. 46 ( James Madison ) ( concerning the influence of state and federal governments ) . Jump up ^ Webster , Noah . `` An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution '' ( October 10 , 1787 ) . Jump up ^ Young , pp. 38 -- 41 . `` A Citizen of America ( Noah Webster ) October 10 , 1787 Pamphlet : An Examination into the leading principles of the Federal Constitution . '' Jump up ^ Foner and Garraty , p. 914 . `` The Massachusetts compromise determined the fate of the Constitution , as it permitted delegates with doubts to vote for it in the hope that it would be amended . '' Jump up ^ Adamson , p. 63 . Jump up ^ See Theories of Constitutional Interpretation , maintained by Doug Linder , University of Missouri - Kansas City Law School . Retrieved 2011 - 12 - 11 . ( Author cites Robert Bork : `` If the Constitution is law , then presumably its meaning , like that of all other law , is the meaning the lawmakers were understood to have intended . '' ) Jump up ^ Garry Wills , A Necessary Evil : A History of American Distrust of Government , Simon and Schuster , 1999 , p. 252 . ( `` Until recently , the Second Amendment was a little - visited area of the Constitution . A two thousand - page commentary on the Constitution put out by the Library of Congress in 1973 has copious annotation for most clauses , but less than a page and a half for the Second Amendment . '' ) Jump up ^ Garry Wills , A Necessary Evil : A History of American Distrust of Government , Simon and Schuster , 1999 , pp. 253 -- 54 . ( `` Whitehill deals with guns in three of his fifteen headings . Article 8 begins : ' The inhabitants of the several states shall have liberty to fowl and hunt in seasonable times ... ' article 7 : ' That the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and their own state , or the United States , or for the purposes of killing game ... ' '' ) Jump up ^ Garry Wills , A Necessary Evil : A History of American Distrust of Government , Simon and Schuster , 1999 , p. 253 . ( `` The items on the ( Whitehill 's ) list were never discussed in the convention , which when on to approve the Constitution . '' ) Jump up ^ `` Articles of Confederation '' . . May 19 , 2010 . Retrieved August 30 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` US Library of Congress , repro of original text '' . . Retrieved August 30 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` US Constitution '' . US Constitution . Retrieved August 30 , 2010 . Jump up ^ 2 Jonathan Elliot , The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution 97 ( 2d ed. 1863 ) ^ Jump up to : `` United States of America v. Timothy Joe Emerson -- The Ratification Debates '' . . Retrieved August 30 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Noah Webster , An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution ( 1787 ) , Reprinted in Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States , Published During Its Discussion by the People , 1787 -- 1788 , at 56 ( Paul L. Ford , ed. 1971 ) ( 1888 ) Jump up ^ 3 Jonathan Elliot , The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution 425 ( 3d Ed . 1937 ) Jump up ^ James Monroe Papers , New York Public Library ( Miscellaneous Papers of James Monroe ) Jump up ^ Speech on the Federal Constitution , Virginia Ratifying Convention , 1788 Jump up ^ The Federalist No. 46 , at 371 ( James Madison ) ( John . C. Hamilton Ed. , 1864 ) Jump up ^ Annals of Congress , House of Representatives , 1st Congress , 1st Session : p. 451 . Jump up ^ Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States , Vol. 1 : p. 64 . Jump up ^ Annals of Congress , House of Representatives , 1st Congress , 1st Session : p. 669 . Jump up ^ Annals of Congress , House of Representatives , 1st Congress , 1st Session : p. 778 . Jump up ^ Journal of the Senate of the United States of America , Vol. 1 : pp. 63 -- 64 . Jump up ^ Letter from Roger Sherman to Simeon Baldwin ( Aug. 22 , 1789 ) qtd. in Bickford , et al. , p. 16 See also letter from James Madison to Alexander White ( Aug. 24 , 1789 ) qtd. in Madison , Writings , pp. 418 -- 19 . Jump up ^ Journal of the Senate of the United States of America , Vol. 1 : p. 71 . Jump up ^ Journal of the Senate of the United States of America , Vol. 1 : p. 77 . Jump up ^ Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States , Vol. 1 : p. 305 . ^ Jump up to : 1 Stat. 272 . Jump up ^ Merkel and Uviller , pp. 293 -- 94 . ^ Jump up to : Merkel and Uviller , p. 12 . Jump up ^ Szatmary , p. 107 . Jump up ^ 1 Stat. 351 . Jump up ^ `` Remarks on the First Part of the Amendments to the Federal Constitution , '' Federal Gazette , June 18 , 1792 , at 2 , col. 1 Jump up ^ Glenn Harlan Reynolds . `` A Critical Guide to the Second Amendment '' . . Retrieved September 23 , 2014 . ^ Jump up to : Halbrook , Stephen P. ( 1998 ) . Freedmen , the 14th Amendment , and the Right to Bear Arms , 1866 -- 1876 . Greenwood Publishing Group . ISBN 9780275963316 . Retrieved March 19 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : Tucker , p. 490 and Kopel , David B . `` The Second Amendment in the Nineteenth Century '' . Second Amendment Project . Jump up ^ Blackstone , Sir William ; Tucker , St. George ; Christian , Edward ( 1803 ) . Blackstone 's Commentaries : With Notes of Reference , to the Constitution and Laws , of the Federal Government of the United States ; and of the Commonwealth of Virginia . In Five Volumes . With an Appendix to Each Volume , Containing Short Tracts Upon Such Subjects as Appeared Necessary to Form a Connected View of the Laws of Virginia , as a Member of the Federal Union . William Young Birch , and Abraham Small , no . 17 , South Second - street , Robert Carr , printer . Retrieved July 5 , 2013 . Jump up ^ For two radically different views of Blackstone on the Second Amendment , see Heyman , Chicago - Kent , and Volokh , Senate Testimony . ^ Jump up to : Rawle , p. 126 . Jump up ^ Rawle , pp. 125 -- 26 . ^ Jump up to : Rawle , William ( 1825 ) . A View of the Constitution of the United States of America . H.C. Carey & I. Lea . Retrieved July 5 , 2013 . In the second article , it is declared , that a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state ; a proposition from which few will dissent . Although in actual war , the services of regular troops are confessedly more valuable ; yet , while peace prevails , and in the commencement of a war before a regular force can be raised , the militia form the palladium of the country . They are ready to repel invasion , to suppress insurrection , and preserve the good order and peace of government . That they should be well regulated , is judiciously added . A disorderly militia is disgraceful to itself , and dangerous not to the enemy , but to its own country . The duty of the state government is , to adopt such regulations as will tend to make good soldiers with the least interruptions of the ordinary and useful occupations of civil life . In this all the Union has a strong and visible interest . The corollary , from the first position , is , that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed . Jump up ^ Rawle , William ( 2011 ) . `` A View to the Constitution of the United States of America '' ( PDF ) . Portage Publications . Jump up ^ A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States : Containing a Brief Commentary on Every Clause , Explaining the True Nature , Reasons , and Objects Thereof : Designed for the Use of School Libraries and General Readers : with an Appendix , Containing Important Public Documents , Illustrative of the Constitution . 1833 Jump up ^ Story , Joseph ( 1865 ) . A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States : Containing a Brief Commentary on Every Clause , Explaining the True Nature , Reasons , and Objects Thereof : Designed for the Use of School Libraries and General Readers : with an Appendix , Containing Important Public Documents , Illustrative of the Constitution . The Lawbook Exchange , Ltd . ISBN 9781886363717 . Retrieved July 5 , 2013 . The next amendment is , ' A well - regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state , the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed . ' One of the ordinary modes , by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance , is , by disarming the people , and making it an offence to keep arms , and by substituting a regular army in the stead of a resort to the militia . The friends of a free government can not be too watchful , to overcome the dangerous tendency of the public mind to sacrifice , for the sake of mere private convenience , this powerful check upon the designs of ambitious men . § 451 . The importance of this article will scarcely be doubted by any persons , who have duly reflected upon the subject . The militia is the natural defence of a free country against sudden foreign invasions , domestic insurrections , and domestic usurpations of power by rulers . It is against sound policy for a free people to keep up large military establishments and standing armies in time of peace , both from the enormous expenses , with which they are attended , and the facile means , which they afford to ambitious and unprincipled rulers , to subvert the government , or trample upon the rights of the people . The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered , as the palladium of the liberties of a republic ; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpations and arbitrary power of rulers ; and it will generally , even if these are successful in the first instance , enable the people to resist and triumph over them . And yet , though this truth would seem so clear , and the importance of a well - regulated militia would seem so undeniable , it can not be disguised , that among the American people there is a growing indifference to any system of militia discipline , and a strong disposition , from a sense of its burdens , to be rid of all regulations . How it is practicable to keep the people duly armed without some organization , it is difficult to see . There is certainly no small danger , that indifference may lead to disgust , and disgust to contempt ; and thus gradually undermine all the protection intended by this clause of our National Bill of Rights . ^ Jump up to : Story , Joseph ( 1833 ) . Commentaries on the U.S. Constitution . Harper & Brothers . pp. § 1890 . Jump up ^ Spooner , pp. 17 -- 18 . Jump up ^ Renehan , pp. 172 -- 74 . Jump up ^ Spooner , p. 17 . Jump up ^ Cramer , p. ? Jump up ^ Farrar , Timothy ( 1872 ) . Manual of the Constitution of the United States of America . Little , Brown . Retrieved July 6 , 2013 . § 34 . The people of the United States , in making their Constitution , do not create or confer on themselves any new rights , but they expressly reserve all the rights they then held , except what were delegated for their own benefit ; and they particularly and expressly recognize and perpetuate many natural and civil common - law rights , which , of course , are placed beyond the reach of any subordinate government , and even of their own . Among these are the following : 1 . The right to be , what they call themselves , ' the people of the United States , ' citizens , and component members of the body politic , -- the nation ; and to participate in all the privileges , immunities , and benefits the Constitution was designed to obtain or secure for all the American people , especially the right to be protected and governed according to the provisions of the Constitution . 2 . A right to the privileges and immunities of citizens in any of the several States . Among these is the fundamental and elementary right of suffrage . The Representatives to the national and State legislatures must be chosen by the people , the citizens ( Section 2 ) . Consequently , the citizens must choose them , and have a right to choose them . Am. 14 , § 2 . 3 . A right to the common - law writ of habeas corpus , to protect the other common - law right , as well as natural and constitutional right , of personal liberty . 4 . A right to trial by jury in any criminal case . 5 . A right to keep and bear arms . 6 . A right to life , liberty , and property , unless deprived by due process of law . 7 . A right to just compensation for private property legally taken for public use . 8 . A right to participate in all rights retained by , or reserved to , the people . Most of these rights , with many others , belong by the Constitution not only to the citizens , -- the people of the United States , strictly so called , by reason of the franchise of natural birth or otherwise , -- but also to all persons who may be allowed to be and remain under the jurisdiction and protection of our government . These are a part only of the rights held by every member of the nation , under and by virtue of the Constitution of the United States , independent of any other earthly power , and which , of course , ' can not be destroyed or abridged by the laws of any particular State . ' Who , then , in the United States is destitute of rights ? ... The States are recognized as governments , and , when their own constitutions permit , may do as they please ; provided they do not interfere with the Constitution and laws of the United States , or with the civil or natural rights of the people recognized thereby , and held in conformity to them . The right of every person to ' life , liberty , and property , ' to ' keep and bear arms , ' to the ' writ of habeas corpus ' to ' trial by jury , ' and divers others , are recognized by , and held under , the Constitution of the United States , and can not be infringed by individuals or even by the government itself . Jump up ^ Cooley , Thomas M. ( November 1883 ) . `` The Abnegation of Self - Government '' . Princeton Review : 213 -- 14 -- via University of Michigan Law School . Jump up ^ Cooley , Thomas McIntyre ( 1871 ) . A treatise on the constitutional limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the states of the American union . Little , Brown and company . p. 381 . Jump up ^ Cooley , Thomas McIntyre ( 1880 ) . The General Principles of Constitutional Law in the United States of America . F.B. Rothman . p. 271 . Jump up ^ Right to Keep and Bear Arms , U.S. Senate . 2001 Paladin Press . ISBN 1 - 58160 - 254 - 5 . Jump up ^ United States v. Emerson , 270 F. 3d 203 , 218 -- 19 ( 5th Cir. 2001 ) . Jump up ^ Kenneth A. Klukowski , Armed by Right : The Emerging Jurisprudence Of The Second Amendment , 18 Geo . Mason U. Civ . Rts . L.J. 167 , 176 ( 2008 ) ( `` Advocates of the collective theories posit that the Second Amendment was written out of fear that the new central government would disarm state militias needed for local defense . Under any sort of collective theory , the government could completely ban all firearm ownership whatsoever . '' ) Jump up ^ George A. Mocsary , Explaining Away the Obvious : The Infusibility of Characterizing the Second Amendment as a Nonindividual Right , 76 Fordham L. Rev. 2113 , 2133 ( 2008 ) ( `` Up until 2001 , every federal circuit court of appeals that ruled on the issue had adopted the collective right approach . '' ) . Jump up ^ Kenneth A. Klukowski , Citizen Gun Rights : Incorporating the Second Amendment Through the Privileges or Immunities Clause , 39 N.M.L. Rev. 195 , 199 -- 200 ( 2009 ) . Jump up ^ George A. Mocsary , Explaining Away the Obvious : The Infusibility of Characterizing the Second Amendment as a Nonindividual Right , 76 Fordham L. Rev. 2113 , 2133 -- 34 ( 2008 ) ; cf . Silveira v. Lockyer , 312 F. 3d 1052 , 1087 ( 9th Cir. 2002 ) ( endorsing collective rights model ) . Jump up ^ Barnett , Randy E. ( 2004 ) . Was the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Conditioned on Service in an Organized Militia ? . Retrieved March 21 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Kenneth A. Klukowski , Armed by Right : The Emerging Jurisprudence Of The Second Amendment , 18 Geo . Mason U. Civ . Rts . L.J. 167 , 176 ( 2008 ) . Jump up ^ George A. Mocsary , Explaining Away the Obvious : The Infusibility of Characterizing the Second Amendment as a Nonindividual Right , 76 Fordham L. Rev. 2113 , 2133 ( 2008 ) . Jump up ^ Kenneth A. Klukowski , Citizen Gun Rights : Incorporating the Second Amendment Through the Privileges or Immunities Clause , 39 N.M.L. Rev. 195 , 200 ( 2009 ) ( citing United States v. Wright , 117 F. 3d 1265 , 1273 -- 74 ( 11th Cir. 1997 ) ; United States v. Rybar , 103 F. 3d 273 , 286 ( 3d Cir. 1996 ) ; United States v. Hale , 978 F. 2d 1016 , 1020 ( 8th Cir. 1992 ) ; United States v. Oakes , 564 F. 2d 384 , 387 ( 10th Cir. 1977 ) ; Cases v. United States , 131 F. 2d 916 , 923 ( 1st Cir. 1942 ) ) . Jump up ^ Dorothy J. Hernaez , `` Parker v. District of Columbia : Understanding the Broader Implications for the Future of Gun Control '' , 6 Geo . J.L. & Pub . Pol'y 693 , 696 ( 2008 ) . Jump up ^ George A. Mocsary , `` Explaining Away the Obvious : The Infusibility of Characterizing the Second Amendment as a Nonindividual Right '' , 76 Fordham L. Rev. 2113 , 2134 ( 2008 ) . Jump up ^ Merkel and Uviller , p. 150 . `` The linguistically correct reading of this unique construction is as though it said : ' Congress shall not limit the right of the people ( that is , the potential members of the state militia ) to acquire and keep the sort of arms appropriate to their military duty , so long as the following statement remains true : `` an armed , trained , and controlled militia is the best -- if not the only -- way to protect the state government and the liberties of its people against uprisings from within and incursions or oppression from without . ' '' Jump up ^ Winterer , pp. 1 -- 21 Jump up ^ `` Amicus Brief , ACRU , Case No. 03 - CV - 0213 - EGS , Shelly Parker , et al. vs. District of Columbia '' ( PDF ) . p. 14 . Retrieved August 30 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Frey and Wellman , p. 194 . Jump up ^ Shapiro , p. 148 . Jump up ^ Volokh , `` Commonplace , '' p. 793 . `` The Second Amendment is widely seen as quite unusual , because it has a justification clause as well as an operative clause . Professor Volokh points out that this structure was actually quite commonplace in American constitutions of the Framing era : State Bills of Rights contained justification clauses for many of the rights they secured . '' Jump up ^ Merkel , p. 361 . `` Well - regulated meant well trained , rather than subject to rules and regulations . '' ^ Jump up to : Heller , Opinion of the Court , Part II - A-2 . Jump up ^ `` Scalia in Heller '' . Retrieved March 25 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Stevens ' dissent '' . Retrieved March 25 , 2013 . ^ Jump up to : `` District of Columbia v Heller '' . . Retrieved August 30 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Kopel , David B. ( 1999 ) . The Supreme Court 's Thirty - five Other Gun Cases : What the Supreme Court Has Said about the Second Amendment . Independence Institute . Retrieved March 17 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Crooker , Constance . Gun Control and Gun Rights , p. 55 ( Greenwood Publishing Group , 2003 ) . Jump up ^ Lund , Nelson . `` The Past and Future of the Individual 's Right to Arms '' , Georgia Law Review , Volume 31 , p. 26 ( 1996 ) . Jump up ^ `` District of Columbia v Heller '' . Cornell University Law School . Retrieved August 30 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Cornell , Gun Control , p. 6 . Neither of the two modern theories that have defined public debate over the right to bear arms is faithful to the original understanding of this provision of the Bill of Rights . Jump up ^ Justice Story `` misidentified '' it as the `` 5th Amendment . Several public officials , including James Madison and Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story , retained the confusing practice of referring to each of the ten amendments in the Bill of Rights by the enumeration found in the first draft ; the fifth article is the Second Amendment . Jump up ^ `` FindLaw Cases and Codes '' . . Retrieved July 5 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` United States v. Miller '' . . Retrieved August 30 , 2010 . Jump up ^ `` District of Columbia v. Heller '' . . Retrieved August 30 , 2010 . Jump up ^ Cruikshank , at 552 . Jump up ^ Cruikshank , at 553 . Jump up ^ Cruikshank , at 554 . Jump up ^ Doherty , p. 14 . Jump up ^ `` The Lehr und Wehr Verein '' . The New York Times . July 20 , 1886 . p. 5 . Jump up ^ Cramer , Clayton E. ( 1994 ) . For the defense of themselves and the state : the original intent and judicial interpretation of the right to keep and bear arms . Praeger . ISBN 9780275949136 . Retrieved March 11 , 2013 . Jump up ^ Miller , at 539 . Jump up ^ Robertson , at 281 . Jump up ^ Miller , at 175 . Jump up ^ Miller , at 177 -- 78 . Jump up ^ Miller , at 178 . Jump up ^ Fezell , Howard J. `` The misconstruction of United States v. Miller '' . Retrieved January 5 , 2009 . Jump up ^ Paul Helmke ( March 28 , 2008 ) . `` One Court 's Second Amendment Fantasy '' . Huffington Post . Retrieved April 29 , 2011 . Jump up ^ McClurg , p. 139 . `` But when all is said and done , the only certainty about Miller is that it failed to give either side a clear - cut victory . Most modern scholars recognize this fact . For example , Professor Eugene Volokh describes Miller as ' deliciously and usefully ambiguous ' in an article about using the Second Amendment as a teaching tool in constitutional law . That is probably the most accurate statement that can be made about the case . '' ^ Jump up to : `` District of Columbia v. Heller ( No. 07 - 290 ) '' . Legal Information Institute . Cornell University Law School . Retrieved December 26 , 2012 . ^ Jump up to : `` Cornell School of Law Summary of the Heller Decision '' . . Retrieved September 1 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Witkin Legal Institute Summary of the Heller Decision '' . . June 30 , 2009 . Retrieved December 26 , 2012 . Jump up ^ `` Nathan Moore Summary of the Heller Decision '' . . June 30 , 2008 . Retrieved December 26 , 2012 . 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Schmidt , Christopher ( February 2007 ) . `` An International Human Right to Keep and Bear Arms '' . Wm . & Mary Bill of Rts. J. 15 ( 3 ) : 983 . Smith , Douglas ( 2008 ) . `` The Second Amendment and the Supreme Court '' . Geo . J.L. & Pub . Pol'y. 6 . SSRN 1093751 . Volokh , Eugene ( 1998 ) . `` The Commonplace Second Amendment '' . NYU L. Rev. 73 ( 793 ) . Volokh , Eugene ( November -- December 1998 ) . `` Testimony of Eugene Volokh on the Second Amendment , Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution , September 23 , 1998 '' . Cal . Pol. Rev . Weisselberg , Charles D. ( 2009 ) . `` Selected Criminal Law Cases in the Supreme Court 's 2007 -- 2008 Term , and a Look Ahead '' ( PDF ) . Court Review . 44 . Wills , Garry ( 1995 ) . `` To Keep and Bear Arms '' . N.Y. Rev. Books . 42 ( 14 ) . ISSN 0028 - 7504 . Winkler , Adam ( February 2007 ) . `` Scrutinizing the Second Amendment '' . Mich . L. Rev. 105 . Winkler , Adam ( June 2009 ) . `` Heller 's Catch 22 '' . UCLA L. Rev. 56 . SSRN 1359225 . Other publications Maer , Lucinda ; Gay , Oonagh ( 2009 ) . `` The Bill of Rights 1689 '' . Parliament and Constitution Centre . Further reading Tahmassebi , S.B. ( 1991 ) . `` Gun Control and Racism '' . George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal . 2 ( 1 ) : 67 -- 100 . Archived from the original on August 16 , 2000 . External links Wikiquote has quotations related to : Second Amendment to the United States Constitution Works related to United States Bill of Rights at Wikisource District of Columbia v. Heller National Archives Scanned Image of the Bill of Rights , including the Second Amendment The short film Big Picture : To Keep and Bear Arms is available for free download at the Internet Archive State Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms Provisions as provided by Prof. Eugene Volokh , UCLA Law School ( hide ) United States Constitution Articles Preamble II III IV V VI VII Amendments Ratified Bill of Rights 5 6 7 8 9 10 Others 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Pending Congressional Apportionment Titles of Nobility Corwin Amendment Child Labor Repealed Eighteenth Amendment Unsuccessful Equal Rights District of Columbia Voting Rights List of Amendments Bill of Rights ( Amendments 1 -- 10 ) Reconstruction Amendments ( Amendments 13 -- 15 ) Amendment proposals in Congress Convention to propose amendments State ratifying conventions Formation History Articles of Confederation Mount Vernon Conference Annapolis Convention Philadelphia Convention Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan Connecticut Compromise Three - Fifths Compromise Committee of Detail Signing Independence Hall Syng inkstand The Federalist Papers Anti-Federalist Papers Massachusetts Compromise Virginia Ratifying Convention Hillsborough Convention Rhode Island ratification Drafting and ratification timeline Clauses Appointments Appropriations Assistance of Counsel Bills of credit Case or Controversy Citizenship Commerce Compact Compulsory Process Confrontation Contract Copyright and Patent Double Jeopardy Due Process Equal Protection Establishment Exceptions Excessive Bail Ex post facto Extradition Free Exercise Free Speech Fugitive Slave Full Faith and Credit General Welfare Guarantee Impeachment Import - Export Ineligibility Militia Natural - born citizen Necessary and Proper New States No Religious Test Oath or Affirmation Origination Petition Postal Presentment Privileges and Immunities Privileges or Immunities Recess appointment Recommendation Self - Incrimination Speech or Debate Speedy Trial State of the Union Supremacy Suspension Take Care Takings Taxing and Spending Territorial Title of Nobility Treaty Trial by Jury Vesting Vicinage War Powers List of clauses Interpretation Concurrent powers Congressional enforcement Constitutional law Criminal procedure Criminal sentencing Dormant Commerce Clause Enumerated powers Equal footing Executive privilege Incorporation of the Bill of Rights Judicial review Nondelegation doctrine Preemption Saxbe fix Separation of church and state Separation of powers Taxation power Unitary executive theory Display and legacy National Archives Charters of Freedom Rotunda Independence Mall Constitution Day Constitution Gardens National Constitution Center Scene at the Signing of the Constitution ( painting ) A More Perfect Union ( film ) Worldwide influence US Government Portal Law Portal Wikipedia book VIAF : 175899205 LCCN : n97009276 GND : 4489472 - 7 Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 1791 in American politics 1791 in American law Amendments to the United States Constitution Militia in the United States United States federal firearms legislation Gun politics in the United States Firearms - related organizations Hidden categories : CS1 maint : Multiple names : authors list CS1 : Julian -- Gregorian uncertainty Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from February 2011 Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages Wikipedia articles with VIAF identifiers Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers Wikipedia articles with GND identifiers Talk View source Contents About Wikipedia Wikiquote Ænglisc Беларуская Català Čeština Deutsch Español فارسی Français 한국어 Íslenska Italiano עברית മലയാളം Nederlands Polski Português Русский Simple English Suomi Українська 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 16 February 2018 , at 12 : 27 . Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike License ; additional terms may apply . By using this site , you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation , Inc. , a non-profit organization . About Wikipedia | which amendment is central to understanding the debate concerning the right to bear arms | [
"The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms and was adopted on December 15, 1791, as part of the first ten amendments contained in the Bill of Rights.[1][2][3][4] The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the right belongs to individuals,[5][6] while also ruling that the right is not unlimited and does not prohibit all regulation of either firearms or similar devices.[7] State and local governments are limited to the same extent as the federal government from infringing this right, per the incorporation of the Bill of Rights."
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"The Second Amendment"
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-5734519564937982000 | Timber, I'm Falling in Love | Timber , I 'm Falling in Love - wikipedia Timber , I 'm Falling in Love Jump to : navigation , search `` Timber , I 'm Falling in Love '' Single by Patty Loveless from the album Honky Tonk Angel B - side `` Go On '' Released May 27 , 1989 Format 7 '' Recorded Genre Country Length 2 : 30 Label MCA Songwriter ( s ) Kostas Producer ( s ) Tony Brown Patty Loveless singles chronology `` Do n't Toss Us Away '' ( 1989 ) `` Timber , I 'm Falling in Love '' ( 1989 ) `` The Lonely Side of Love '' ( 1989 ) `` Do n't Toss Us Away '' ( 1989 ) `` Timber , I 'm Falling In Love '' ( 1989 ) `` The Lonely Side of Love '' ( 1989 ) `` Timber , I 'm Falling in Love '' is a song written by Kostas , and recorded by American country music artist Patty Loveless . It was released in May 1989 as the third single from her album Honky Tonk Angel . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 2 Charts 2.1 Weekly charts 2.2 Year - end charts 3 Sources Background ( edit ) `` Timber , I 'm Falling in Love '' was Loveless ' first No. 1 record on Billboard 's Hot Country Singles chart . The song charted for 18 weeks on the Billboard Hot Country Singles and Tracks chart , reaching the top of the chart during the week of August 12 , 1989 . This song was covered on the fourth season of The Voice by winner Danielle Bradbery in a duet with her coach , Blake Shelton . Charts ( edit ) Weekly charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1989 ) Peak position Canada Country Tracks ( RPM ) US Hot Country Songs ( Billboard ) Year - end charts ( edit ) Chart ( 1989 ) Position Canada Country Tracks ( RPM ) 42 US Country Songs ( Billboard ) 35 Sources ( edit ) Jump up ^ Whitburn , Joel ( 2004 ) . The Billboard Book Of Top 40 Country Hits : 1944 - 2006 , Second edition . Record Research . p. 206 . Jump up ^ `` Top RPM Country Tracks : Issue 6456 . '' RPM . Library and Archives Canada . August 28 , 1989 . Retrieved August 28 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Patty Loveless -- Chart history '' Billboard Hot Country Songs for Patty Loveless . Jump up ^ `` RPM Top 100 Country Tracks of 1989 '' . RPM . December 23 , 1989 . Retrieved August 28 , 2013 . Jump up ^ `` Best of 1989 : Country Songs '' . Billboard . Prometheus Global Media . 1989 . Retrieved August 28 , 2013 . Preceded by `` Why 'd You Come in Here Lookin ' Like That '' by Dolly Parton Billboard Hot Country Singles number - one single August 12 , 1989 Succeeded by `` Sunday in the South '' by Shenandoah RPM Country Tracks number - one single August 28 , 1989 Succeeded by `` I 'm Still Crazy '' by Vern Gosdin ( hide ) Patty Loveless Discography Patty Loveless `` Lonely Days , Lonely Nights '' `` Wicked Ways '' `` I Did '' `` After All '' If My Heart Had Windows `` You Saved Me '' `` If My Heart Had Windows '' `` A Little Bit in Love '' Honky Tonk Angel `` Blue Side of Town '' `` Do n't Toss Us Away '' `` Timber , I 'm Falling in Love '' `` The Lonely Side of Love '' `` Chains '' On Down the Line `` On Down the Line '' `` The Night 's Too Long '' `` I 'm That Kind of Girl '' `` Blue Memories '' Up Against My Heart `` Hurt Me Bad ( In a Real Good Way ) '' `` Jealous Bone '' `` Ca n't Stop Myself from Loving You '' Only What I Feel `` Blame It on Your Heart '' `` Nothin ' but the Wheel '' `` You Will '' `` How Can I Help You Say Goodbye '' When Fallen Angels Fly `` I Try to Think About Elvis '' `` Here I Am '' `` You Do n't Even Know Who I Am '' `` Halfway Down '' The Trouble with the Truth `` You Can Feel Bad '' `` A Thousand Times a Day '' `` Lonely Too Long '' `` She Drew a Broken Heart '' `` The Trouble with the Truth '' Long Stretch of Lonesome `` You Do n't Seem to Miss Me '' `` To Have You Back Again '' `` High on Love '' `` Like Water into Wine '' Classics `` Ca n't Get Enough '' `` My Kind of Woman / My Kind of Man '' Strong Heart `` That 's the Kind of Mood I 'm In '' `` The Last Thing on My Mind '' `` Strong Heart '' Mountain Soul `` The Boys Are Back in Town '' `` Out of Control Raging Fire '' On Your Way Home `` Lovin ' All Night '' `` On Your Way Home '' `` I Wanna Believe '' Dreamin ' My Dreams `` Keep Your Distance '' Sleepless Nights `` Why Baby Why '' Mountain Soul II `` Busted '' Other albums Greatest Hits Bluegrass & White Snow : A Mountain Christmas Retrieved from ``,_I%27m_Falling_in_Love&oldid=765762800 '' Categories : 1989 singles Patty Loveless songs Billboard Hot Country Songs number - one singles Songs written by Kostas ( songwriter ) RPM Country Tracks number - one singles Song recordings produced by Tony Brown ( record producer ) MCA Records singles 1988 songs Hidden categories : Articles with hAudio microformats Singlechart usages for Canadacountry Singlechart called without artist Singlechart called without song Singlechart usages for Billboardcountrysongs Talk Contents About Wikipedia Add links This page was last edited on 16 February 2017 , at 08 : 48 . About Wikipedia | who sings timber i'm falling in love | [
"\"Timber, I'm Falling in Love\" is a song written by Kostas, and recorded by American country music artist Patty Loveless. It was released in May 1989 as the third single from her album Honky Tonk Angel."
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"Patty Loveless"
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-8903232767469031858 | 2017 Las Vegas shooting | 2017 Las Vegas shooting - Wikipedia 2017 Las Vegas shooting Jump to : navigation , search `` Las Vegas shooting '' redirects here . For other uses , see Las Vegas shooting ( disambiguation ) . 2017 Las Vegas shooting Mandalay Bay Hotel Route 91 Harvest country music festival grounds ( Full screen ) Location Las Vegas Strip , Paradise , Nevada , U.S. Coordinates 36 ° 5 ′ 42 '' N 115 ° 10 ′ 18 '' W / 36.09500 ° N 115.17167 ° W / 36.09500 ; - 115.17167 Coordinates : 36 ° 5 ′ 42 '' N 115 ° 10 ′ 18 '' W / 36.09500 ° N 115.17167 ° W / 36.09500 ; - 115.17167 Date October 1 , 2017 ( 2017 - 10 - 01 ) c. 10 : 05 -- 10 : 15 p.m. ( PDT ; UTC − 07 : 00 ) Target Audience of the Route 91 Harvest music festival Attack type Mass shooting , murder -- suicide Weapons 24 guns in total , including : 14 . 223 - caliber AR - 15 - type rifles Eight . 308 - caliber AR - 10 - type rifles . 308 - caliber Ruger American bolt - action rifle . 38 - caliber Smith & Wesson Model 342 AirLite TI revolver Deaths 59 ( including the perpetrator ) Non-fatal injuries 851 ( 422 by gunfire ) Perpetrator Stephen Paddock On the night of October 1 , 2017 , a gunman opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada , leaving 58 people dead and 851 injured . Between 10 : 05 and 10 : 15 p.m. PDT , 64 - year - old Stephen Paddock of Mesquite , Nevada , fired more than 1,100 rounds from his suite on the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay hotel . About an hour after he fired his last shot into the crowd , he was found dead in his room from a self - inflicted gunshot wound . His motive remains unknown . The incident is the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in the United States . It reignited the debate about gun laws in the U.S. , with attention focused on bump fire stocks , which Paddock used to allow his semi-automatic rifles to fire at a rate similar to that of a fully automatic weapon . Contents ( hide ) 1 Background 1.1 Location 1.2 Perpetrator 1.3 Preparation 2 Shooting 3 Casualties 4 Aftermath 4.1 Immediate responses 4.2 Hoaxes 4.3 Political reactions 4.4 Gun control discussion 4.5 Later effects 5 Investigation 5.1 Early reports 5.2 Preliminary investigation 5.3 Weaponry 6 See also 7 Notes 8 References 9 External links Background ( edit ) Location ( edit ) The Las Vegas Strip is a stretch of Las Vegas Boulevard immediately south of the city of Las Vegas in Clark County , Nevada . The Strip is known for its concentration of casinos and resort hotels , including the 43 - story Mandalay Bay southwest of its intersection with Mandalay Bay Road , in the unincorporated town of Paradise . Las Vegas Village , a 15 - acre ( 6.1 - hectare ) lot used for outdoor performances , is located diagonally across the intersection to the northeast . From 2014 onward , the venue hosted the annual Route 91 Harvest country music festival . The 2017 festival ran from September 29 to October 1 , with over 22,000 attendees on the final day . Perpetrator ( edit ) Main article : Stephen Paddock Stephen Paddock was a 64 - year - old former auditor and real estate businessman , who had been living 80 miles ( 130 km ) northeast of Las Vegas in a retirement community in Mesquite , Nevada . Paddock was twice divorced , had a long - term girlfriend , and had no known children . His father was Benjamin Paddock , a bank robber who was on the FBI 's most - wanted list between 1969 and 1977 . Paddock 's only recorded interaction with law enforcement , however , were traffic citations . Paddock was a high - stakes gambler who placed bets at a high enough level to earn valuable comps -- free benefits such as rooms and meals . He was a familiar figure to casino hosts in Las Vegas , but was not well known among other high - stakes gamblers because he mostly played video poker . He reportedly kept to himself and was a heavy drinker . Paddock had lost a significant amount of his wealth over the previous two years , but had paid off all gambling debts before the shooting . Preparation ( edit ) Paddock may have considered attacking other events . He had researched large - scale venues in cities such as Boston since at least May 2017 , and had reserved a room overlooking the August 2017 Lollapalooza festival in Chicago , but did not use it . According to his girlfriend , during an earlier stay at the Mandalay Bay in early September 2017 , he repeatedly examined Las Vegas Village from different windows in their room . From September 17 , Paddock stayed at The Ogden in Downtown Las Vegas , which overlooked the open - air Life Is Beautiful festival that ran from September 22 to September 24 . His internet search terms from mid-September included `` swat weapons '' , `` ballistics chart 308 '' , `` SWAT Las Vegas '' , and `` do police use explosives '' . Paddock arrived at the Mandalay Bay on September 25 , 2017 . He was booked into Room 32135 , a complimentary room on the 32nd floor . Four days later , he checked into the neighboring suite of Room 32134 , which was connected to Room 32135 via connecting doors . Both suites overlook Las Vegas Village . Between September 25 and October 1 , the day of the shooting , he stockpiled an arsenal of weapons in his rooms -- including ten AR - 15 rifles with 100 - round magazines , -- having transported five suitcases to his room on September 25 , seven on the 26th , two on the 28th , six on the 30th , and two on October 1 . On September 30 , he had placed `` Do not disturb '' signs on both rooms ' doors . Paddock interacted with Mandalay Bay employees more than ten times during his stay , including twice on the day of the shooting ; an MGM Resorts International spokesperson said they were all `` normal in nature '' . Shooting ( edit ) Schematic of the shooting scene . Paddock indiscriminately fired rifle rounds from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel toward the concertgoers at Las Vegas Village . The mass shooting occurred between 10 : 05 and 10 : 15 p.m. PDT on October 1 , 2017 ( the third and final night of the festival ) . When the shooting began , country music singer Jason Aldean was giving the closing performance . Shortly before 10 : 00 p.m. , hotel security guard Jesus Campos was sent to the 32nd floor to investigate an open - door alert . He attempted to open a door that immediately accessed the floor , but found that it would not open . After Campos entered the floor , he discovered an L - shaped bracket screwed into the door and door frame , which was responsible for barring the door from opening . After reporting the discovery to his dispatch center , he heard a rapid drilling sound coming from Room 32135 and he went to investigate the matter . At approximately 10 : 05 , he was hit in the right thigh by one of about 200 bullets that Paddock fired through the door of his suite . After Campos was hit , he took cover in the alcove between Rooms 32122 and 32124 and immediately informed the hotel by radio and cellphone that he had been shot , though he believed he had been shot with a BB or pellet gun . At the same time , maintenance worker Stephen Schuck was on the same floor to fix the barricaded door reported by Campos . Campos , who was already injured , encountered Schuck and told him to take cover . Schuck contacted hotel dispatchers over his radio , informed them of the ongoing shooting , and told them to call the police . Neither Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department nor MGM Resorts International , the Mandalay Bay 's owner , have confirmed when information about the initial shooting was relayed to the police . Mandalay Bay hotel Main stage of Route 91 Harvest festival Jet fuel tanks at McCarran International Airport Paddock had used a hammer to break two of the windows in both of his suites and at 10 : 05 p.m. began shooting through them . He ultimately fired more than 1,100 rifle rounds approximately 490 yards ( 450 m ) into the festival audience . He initially started out with a few single gunshots before firing in prolonged bursts . Many people in the crowd initially mistook the gunfire for fireworks . During the shooting , a security fence hindered concertgoers from fleeing the 15 - acre concrete lot . The gunfire continued , with some momentary pauses , over the span of ten minutes and ended by 10 : 15 p.m. Paddock fired eight bullets at a large jet fuel tank at McCarran International Airport 2,000 feet ( 600 m ) away . Only two of the bullets struck its exterior , and one of them penetrated the tank , but the fuel did not explode because jet fuel is mostly made of kerosene and is unlikely to be ignited by a bullet . During the shooting , police officers were initially confused whether the shots were coming from the Mandalay Bay , the nearby Luxor hotel , or the festival grounds . There were also multiple false reports of additional shooters at other hotels on the Strip . Officers eventually spotted multiple flashes of gunfire in the middle of the northern side of Mandalay Bay and responded to the hotel . At 10 : 12 p.m. , two officers on the 31st floor reported the sounds of gunfire on the floor above them . When officers arrived on the 32nd floor at 10 : 17 p.m. and encountered Campos a minute later , he directed them to Paddock 's room and helped others evacuate . Campos was then directed to seek medical attention for himself . Between 10 : 26 and 10 : 30 p.m. , an additional eight officers arrived at the 32nd floor , with some of them manually breaching through the door Paddock had screwed shut with the bracket . The gunfire had ceased , and the police moved systematically down the hallway , searching and clearing each room , using a master key that was provided by Campos . At 10 : 55 p.m. , the officers finished evacuating guests . At 11 : 20 p.m. , police breached Room 32135 with explosives . Paddock was found dead on the floor from a self - inflicted gunshot wound to the head . Police then breached Room 32134 ; while entering the hotel suite , an officer accidentally fired a three - round burst from his weapon , but the bullets did not hit anyone . At 11 : 27 p.m. , officers announced over the police radio that one suspect was down . Early on October 2 , Sheriff Lombardo identified the suspect as Stephen Paddock . Casualties ( edit ) A total of 58 people ( excluding Paddock ) lost their lives as a result of the shooting . The fatalities included 36 women and 22 men . The oldest was 67 , the youngest 20 . Six were from Nevada , 35 from California , 13 from other states , and four from Canada . The Clark County Coroner 's Office determined that all 58 victims died as a result of gunshot wounds . 31 of the victims were pronounced dead at the scene , while the rest were pronounced dead at hospitals . An additional 851 people were injured , 422 of them with gunshot wounds . In the aftermath , many victims were transported to area hospitals , which included University Medical Center of Southern Nevada , Sunrise Hospital & Medical Center , and at least one of the six hospitals of Valley Health System . Sunrise Hospital treated the largest portion of the wounded : 199 patients , 150 of whom arrived within a timespan of about 40 minutes . For reasons that are unclear , most patients were transported to Sunrise , a Level II trauma center . University Medical Center , a nearby Level I trauma center , treated 104 patients . 8 victims sought medical treatment in Southern California ; St. Joseph Hospital of Orange treated two , UC Irvine Medical Center treated four and Loma Linda University Medical Center treated two . The incident is the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in the United States , surpassing the death toll of the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting , where 49 people were shot and killed . Aftermath ( edit ) The Las Vegas sign adorned with flowers on October 9 , 2017 , a week after the shooting Immediate responses ( edit ) Much of Las Vegas Boulevard was closed while police SWAT teams combed the venue and neighboring businesses . McCarran International Airport , adjacent to the shooting site , was shut down for several hours . Approximately 300 people entered the airport property as they fled to safety from the shooting . This prompted officials to shut down all four runways . More than 25 flights were rerouted to ensure that no aircraft would be hit by gunfire , while other flights were canceled before airfield operations resumed at 12 : 40 a.m. on October 2 . At approximately 2 : 45 p.m. PDT on October 2 , a state of emergency was declared in Clark County . On the morning after the shooting , lines to donate blood in Las Vegas stretched for blocks . Wait times were as much as six hours or more . Millions of dollars have also been raised to help victims and their families . Hoaxes ( edit ) In the hours and days after the shooting , false information and fake news about the shooter 's identity and motive went viral on social media : A 4chan / pol / thread , which misidentified the shooter and described him as a registered Democrat , briefly featured in the `` Top Stories '' section of a Google search for the man 's name . The misinformation was circulated by a number of websites including The Gateway Pundit . The fake news website YourNewsWire spread false information about a second gunman who was shooting from the fourth floor of the hotel . Two of Facebook 's top trending pages were items from Sputnik , a Russian government news agency . These included one story that falsely claimed the FBI had linked the shooter to a terrorist group . The stories were later removed from Sputnik with an apology . Stories linking the shooter to Antifa have also been discredited . The terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ( ISIS ) claimed that Paddock was their `` soldier '' and that he had answered Abu Bakr al - Baghdadi 's call to attack coalition countries . ISIS provided no evidence for its claim , and had previously released multiple false claims of responsibility for incidents with which they had no connection . On October 9 , 2017 , the FBI declared that Paddock 's attack was not linked to international terrorism . Google and Facebook were criticized for displaying such false news stories in some of their search results . The two technology companies were said to have failed in their responsibility of keeping false stories from reaching the public . Facebook later said its algorithms were designed to detect and remove false stories , but failed to work adequately in this instance . In the aftermath of the shooting , some media outlets reported that YouTube search results for information about the shooting returned links to conspiracy videos . YouTube stated that it had tweaked its search algorithm to promote news sources which it considered more authoritative . Political reactions ( edit ) President Trump meets a Las Vegas shooting victim as his wife Melania looks on . Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval called the shooting `` a tragic and heinous act of violence that has shaken the Nevada family '' . Jason Aldean , who was singing when the shooting started , posted his condolences on Instagram and noted all of those working with him at the show had survived the attack . At a press conference , President Donald Trump described Paddock as `` a very very sick individual '' , and `` a demented man , ( with ) a lot of problems '' . He added , `` the police department has done such an incredible job , and we 'll be talking about gun laws as time goes by '' . A White House official talking points memo , distributed to Trump allies , opposed tightening gun control since `` new laws wo n't stop a mad man '' , but `` will curtail the freedoms of law abiding citizens '' . On October 2 , Trump issued a proclamation to honor the victims and their families . On October 4 , Trump visited the shooting victims and first responders . On October 7 , Vice President Mike Pence participated in a unity prayer walk and ceremony in Las Vegas in honor of the dead . Gun control discussion ( edit ) The shooting prompted support in the U.S. Congress for assault weapons legislation that would ban bump fire stocks . The National Rifle Association ( NRA ) came out in favor of administrative bump fire stock regulations . Many Congressional Democrats and some Republicans expressed their support of a prohibition of bump fire stocks . Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced a Senate bill that gained 39 Democratic co-sponsors . Two bipartisan bills have been introduced in the House of Representatives . As of November , no Congressional action has been taken . House leaders said the issue of bump fire stock regulation should be decided by the Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco , and Firearms , which originally approved gun - stocks . On November 6 , Massachusetts became the first state to ban the sale , possession , or use of the devices . Nine days after the shooting , eighteen Democratic U.S. Senators introduced a bill , the Keep Americans Safe Act , which , if signed into law , would ban gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds of ammunition . Stock prices of firearms manufacturers rose the day after the shooting , as has happened after similar incidents . Investors expect gun sales will increase over concerns that such an event could lead to more stringent gun - control legislation and a rush of customers wishing to defend themselves against future attacks . Later effects ( edit ) Survivors of the shooting have received death threats on social media ; they have also been accused of being paid actors . The annual Rock ' n ' Roll Las Vegas Marathon took place on November 12 and was the largest event to be held in the city since the shooting . The event received a massive amount of security , which included 350 officers , counter-sniper surveillance posts , and a number of barriers composed of dump trucks , buses , and other large vehicles . The future of the Las Vegas Village site remains undetermined . Investigation ( edit ) According to authorities with the Clark County Commissioner , the name `` 1 October '' was declared the official title for investigations into the mass shooting . Early reports ( edit ) Investigators found hidden surveillance cameras that were placed inside and outside the hotel room , presumably so Paddock could monitor the arrival of others . The cameras were not in record mode . Police said a handwritten note found in the room indicated Paddock had been calculating the distance , wind , and trajectory from his 32nd floor hotel suite to the concertgoers he was targeting on the festival lot . At a press conference on October 4 , Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo stated there was evidence -- which he declined to discuss -- that Paddock intended to escape the scene , and that he may have had assistance from an accomplice . Investigators searched Paddock 's room and found a `` bulletproof vest '' and breathing apparatus , which were survival gear that Paddock never used . There have been several changes in the official account and timeline of Paddock 's shooting of hotel security guard Campos . Police officials described these adjustments as `` minute changes '' that are common in complex investigations . In their first statement about the incident , police officials inaccurately reported that Campos arrived on the scene after Paddock began firing into the crowd . In a second statement , police officials reported , again inaccurately , that Campos was shot six minutes before Paddock began firing into the crowd . That report had been based on a 9 : 59 p.m. notation in a hotel security log , which in a third statement was determined to have been the time when Campos encountered the barricaded door . Sheriff Lombardo dismissed allegations that the changing timeline was the result of some kind of conspiracy between the police department , the FBI , and MGM Resorts International saying , `` Nobody is attempting to hide anything in reference to this investigation . The dynamics and the size of this investigation requires us to go through voluminous amounts of information in order to draw an accurate picture . '' Preliminary investigation ( edit ) Although the investigation remains ongoing , the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department released a preliminary report on the event on January 18 , 2018 . Police believe Paddock acted alone and have not determined his motive . No links have been identified to any hate groups , terrorist groups or ideologies , and nor did he record a reason for his actions . On February 2 , 2018 , Douglas Haig , an Arizonan ammunition dealer , was charged in a Nevada federal court with `` conspiracy to manufacture and sell armor - piercing ammunition without a license '' after his fingerprints were discovered on unfired armor - piercing ammunition inside Paddock 's suite . Weaponry ( edit ) Twenty - four firearms , a large quantity of ammunition , and numerous high - capacity magazines capable of holding up to 100 rounds apiece were found in the suite . Fourteen of the firearms were . 223 - caliber AR - 15 - type semi-automatic rifles : three manufactured by Colt , two by Daniel Defense , two by FN Herstal , two by LWRC International , two by POF - USA , one with a . 223 Wylde chamber by Christensen Arms , one made - to - order by LMT , and one by Noveske . The others were seven . 308 - caliber AR - 10 - type rifles , one . 308 - caliber Ruger American bolt - action rifle , and one . 38 - caliber Smith & Wesson Model 342 revolver . The AR - 15 rifles were fitted with vertical forward grips and bump fire stocks , the latter of which allowed for recoil to actuate their triggers at a rate of 90 rounds in 10 seconds . The AR - 10 rifles were equipped with various telescopic sights and mounted on bipods . The Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives determined that the firearms found in his hotel room , along with more guns found in his homes , had been legally purchased in Nevada , California , Texas , and Utah . In the month preceding the shooting , he had attempted to purchase tracer ammunition , but the gun dealer he approached did not have the item in stock . He bought tracer ammunition from a private seller at a Phoenix , Arizona gun show . During subsequent investigations , ammonium nitrate ( often used in improvised explosive devices ) was found in the trunk of his Hyundai Tucson SUV , along with 1,600 rounds of ammunition and 50 pounds ( 23 kg ) of Tannerite , a binary explosive used to make explosive targets for gun ranges . Undersheriff Kevin McMahill said that while Paddock had `` nefarious intent '' with the material , he did not appear to have assembled an explosive device . See also ( edit ) Gun violence in the United States Gun law in the United States Gun politics in the United States Gun laws in Nevada Mass shootings in the United States List of disasters in the United States by death toll List of rampage killers List of rampage killers ( Americas ) Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ For the layout of the festival , see `` Vegas hospitals swamped with victims after high - rise attack '' . MSN . Associated Press . October 3 , 2017 . Retrieved October 24 , 2017 . Jump up ^ For a diagram of Paddock 's hotel suite and connecting room , see : `` Why did it take police so long to breach Las Vegas gunman 's room ? Here 's a new timeline '' . Los Angeles Times . October 4 , 2017 . Retrieved October 24 , 2017 ... Jump up ^ For an infographic of what occurred at the venue during the shooting , see the fourth image of : `` Las Vegas Shooting : Chaos at a Concert and a Frantic Search at Mandalay Bay '' . The New York Times . October 2 , 2017 . Retrieved October 3 , 2017 ... References ( edit ) ^ Jump up to : `` Las Vegas shooting : This is what investigators found in Stephen Paddock 's hotel room '' . KTNV - TV . January 19 , 2018 . Retrieved January 31 , 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Google . `` 2017 Las Vegas shooting '' ( Map ) . Google Maps . Google . ^ Jump up to : Kennedy , Gerrick D. ( October 3 , 2017 ) . `` Festival attacked by Las Vegas shooter had been success story in creating outdoor music destination '' . Los Angeles Times . Retrieved October 27 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` LVMPD Preliminary Investigative Report 1 October / Mass Casualty Shooting Event : 171001 - 3519 '' ( PDF ) . Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department . January 18 , 2018 . Retrieved January 31 , 2018 . Jump up ^ Vives , Ruben ; Ryan , Harriet ; Serna , Joseph ( October 2 , 2017 ) . `` The mystery of Stephen Paddock -- gambler , real estate investor , mass killer '' . Los Angeles Times . Retrieved October 5 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Grinberg , Emanuella ( October 2 , 2017 ) . `` Something went ' incredibly wrong ' with Las Vegas gunman , brother says '' . CNN . Retrieved October 3 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Torres - Cortez , Ricardo ( 19 January 2018 ) . `` Report : Strip shooter Paddock was ' germaphobic ' and had strong reactions to smells '' . . Retrieved 25 February 2018 . ^ Jump up to : Branch , John ; Kovaleski , Serge F. ; Tavernise , Sabrina ( October 4 , 2017 ) . `` Stephen Paddock Chased Gambling 's Payouts and Perks '' . The New York Times . Retrieved October 8 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Velotta , Richard N. ; Prince , Todd ( October 5 , 2017 ) . `` Paddock 's game of choice , video poker , allowed him to blend in '' . Las Vegas Review - Journal . Retrieved October 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Bailey , Holly ( November 3 , 2017 ) . `` Portrait of Las Vegas gunman : A narcissist on a losing streak '' . Yahoo News . Retrieved November 4 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Andone , Dakin ; Sidner , Sara ( January 19 , 2018 ) . `` What we learned from the Las Vegas shooting report '' . CNN . Retrieved January 30 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Vegas shooter ' forceful ' with Chicago hotel manager : TMZ '' . Chicago Sun - Times . October 6 , 2017 . Retrieved October 26 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Medina , Jennifer ( January 19 , 2018 ) . `` A New Report on the Las Vegas Gunman Was Released . Here Are Some Takeaways '' . The New York Times . Retrieved 25 February 2018 . Jump up ^ McLaughlin , Eliott C. ( October 20 , 2017 ) . `` Las Vegas shooting : Lawsuit filed as new questions raised over timeline '' . CNN . Retrieved October 26 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Buchanan , Larry ; Chivers , C.J. ; Gibbons - Neff , Thomas ; Griggs , Troy ; Gröndahl , Mika ; Huang , Jon ; Lai , K.K. Rebecca ; Medina , Jennifer ; Singhvi , Anjali ; Watkins , Derek ( October 4 , 2017 ) . `` Inside the Las Vegas Gunman 's Mandalay Bay Hotel Suite '' . The New York Times . Retrieved October 7 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Pearce , Matt ( January 19 , 2018 ) . `` The most comprehensive look yet at how the Las Vegas concert massacre unfolded '' . . Retrieved 25 February 2018 . Jump up ^ Prince , Todd ( January 8 , 2018 ) . `` Mandalay Bay staff interacted with Las Vegas shooter more than 10 times in days before Oct. 1 '' . Las Vegas Review - Journal . Retrieved January 31 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` How police zeroed in on the Las Vegas gunman '' . USA Today . October 7 , 2017 . Retrieved October 28 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Turkewitz , Julie ; Goldman , Adam ( October 13 , 2017 ) . `` Another Shift in Las Vegas Timeline Caps Days of Confusion '' . The New York Times . Retrieved October 14 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Smith , Mitch ; Turkewitz , Julie ( October 10 , 2017 ) . `` Shift in Las Vegas Timeline Raises Questions About Police Response '' . New York Times . Retrieved October 11 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Las Vegas police now say there was no six - minute gap between first shots and concert massacre '' . Washington Post . October 13 , 2017 . Retrieved October 14 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : `` Worker warned hotel before Las Vegas shooter opened fire on crowd '' . CBS News . October 11 , 2017 . Retrieved October 11 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Balsamo , Michael ( October 12 , 2017 ) . `` Pressure Mounts for Vegas Police to Explain Response Time '' . U.S. News & World Report . Retrieved October 12 , 2017 . Vegas authorities did not respond to questions about whether hotel security or anyone else in the hotel called 911 to report the gunfire Jump up ^ Smith , Mitch ; Medina , Jennifer ( October 10 , 2017 ) . `` Pressure Shift in Las Vegas Timeline Raises Questions About Police Response '' . The New York Times . Retrieved October 12 , 2017 . It is not known when and how the hotel security officials informed the police that Mr. Campos had been shot ^ Jump up to : `` Las Vegas police now say no 6 - minute gap between 1st shots and concert attack '' . Canadian Broadcasting Corporation . October 13 , 2017 . Retrieved October 13 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Berman , Mark ( October 11 , 2017 ) . `` Las Vegas police defend shifting timeline of shooting , warn it could change again '' . Chicago Tribune . Retrieved October 12 , 2017 . The revelation from Joseph Lombardo , the Las Vegas sheriff , gave way to a new round of questions , including when information about this shooting was relayed to hotel security and when -- or if -- that detail was then given to the local police . So far , neither the police or the hotel have offered any answers Jump up ^ Levenson , Eric ( October 24 , 2017 ) . `` The cold , calculating timeline of the Las Vegas gunman '' . CNN . Retrieved November 24 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Las Vegas massacre gunman fired more than 1,100 rounds , sheriff says '' . Fox News . Associated Press . November 23 , 2017 . Retrieved November 24 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Yablonski , Steven ( October 4 , 2017 ) . `` Only on Boston 25 : Exclusive photos of Las Vegas shooter 's guns '' . WFXT . Retrieved October 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Wagner , Meg ; Rocha , Veronica ; Wills , Amanda ; Grinberg , Emanuella ( October 2 , 2017 ) . `` Las Vegas shooting : Live updates '' . CNN . Retrieved October 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Newman , Melinda ( October 2 , 2017 ) . `` Jason Aldean Responds To Route 91 Festival Shooting : ' Tonight Has Been Beyond Horrific ' '' . Billboard . Retrieved October 2 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Schick , Camilla ; Horn , Dave ; Cirillo , Chris ( October 2 , 2017 ) . `` Las Vegas Shooting Live Updates : Multiple Weapons Found in Las Vegas Gunman 's Hotel Room '' . The New York Times . ISSN 0362 - 4331 . 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Jump up ^ `` Las Vegas shooting : Trump dubs killer ' sick and demented ' '' . BBC News . October 3 , 2017 . Retrieved October 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Tong , Judy ; Levin , Sam ; Yuhas , Alan ( October 3 , 2017 ) . `` Las Vegas shooting suspect 's girlfriend is a ' person of interest ' -- as it happened '' . The Guardian . Retrieved October 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Office of the Press Secretary ( September 30 , 2017 ) . `` Presidential Proclamation Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy in Las Vegas , Nevada '' . . Washington , D.C. : White House . Retrieved October 11 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy in Las Vegas , Nevada '' ( PDF ) . Federal Register . Washington , D.C. : National Archives and Records Administration . October 2 , 2017 . Archived from the original on October 5 , 2017 . Retrieved October 11 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Horsley , Scott ( October 4 , 2017 ) . `` Trump Visits Shooting Victims , First Responders in Las Vegas '' . NPR . Retrieved October 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Lee , Kurtis ; Montero , David ( October 7 , 2017 ) . `` Vice President Mike Pence in Las Vegas : ' We are united in our grief ' '' . Los Angeles Times . Retrieved October 27 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Egelko , Bob ( October 8 , 2017 ) . `` Las Vegas shooting highlights wide gaps in gun laws '' . San Francisco Chronicle . Retrieved October 8 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Shabad , Rebecca ( November 6 , 2017 ) . `` Proposed bans on bump stocks have stalled in Congress '' . CBS News . Retrieved November 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ del Valle , Lauren ( November 6 , 2017 ) . `` Massachusetts becomes first state to ban bump stocks since Vegas massacre '' . CNN . Retrieved November 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Murtha , Alex ( October 10 , 2017 ) . `` Bill to ban high - capacity gun magazines introduced in Senate '' . Homeland Preparedness News . Retrieved November 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Kilgore , Tomi ( October 2 , 2017 ) . `` Gun - maker stocks rally after mass shooting in Las Vegas '' . MarketWatch . Retrieved October 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Mosendz , Polly ; Stock , Kyle ( October 2 , 2017 ) . `` Las Vegas Horror Drives All - Too - Predictable Gun Stock Rally '' . Bloomberg . Retrieved October 2 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Levin , Sam ( October 26 , 2017 ) . `` ' I hope someone truly shoots you ' : online conspiracy theorists harass Vegas victims '' . The Guardian . Retrieved October 26 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Rehbein , Matt ( November 12 , 2017 ) . `` Heavy security blankets Las Vegas Marathon in wake of shooting '' . CNN . Retrieved November 12 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Segall , Eli ( October 20 , 2017 ) . `` Site of Las Vegas shooting faces a cloudy future '' . Las Vegas Review - Journal . Retrieved October 21 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` 5 days after Las Vegas massacre many questions remain , few answers '' . ABC News . October 7 , 2017 . Retrieved October 12 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Craig , Tim ; Berman , Mark ; Barrett , Devlin ; Zapotosky , Matt ( October 3 , 2017 ) . `` Police say Las Vegas gunman planned ' extensively , ' used cameras to monitor police as they approached '' . The Washington Post . Retrieved October 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Slattery , Denis ; Cullen , Terence ; McShane , Larry ( October 4 , 2017 ) . `` Las Vegas killer Stephen Paddock was planning to escape after the mass shooting '' . New York Daily News . Retrieved October 8 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Las Vegas gunman 's nightstand note contained figures for wind , trajectory and distance : Officials '' . ABC News . October 8 , 2017 . Retrieved October 9 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Note in Las Vegas gunman 's hotel room included details of bullet trajectory '' . CBS News . October 7 , 2017 . Retrieved October 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Las Vegas shooting : Paddock may have planned to escape '' . BBC News . October 5 , 2017 . Retrieved October 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ `` Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock fired ' incendiary ' rounds at fuel tank '' . News Channel 5 Network . October 11 , 2017 . Retrieved October 13 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Wang , Amy B. ; Berman , Mark ( 10 February 2018 ) . `` Las Vegas shooter was sober , autopsy finds , leaving his motives a mystery '' . Washington Post . Retrieved 11 February 2018 . Jump up ^ Crosby , Rachel ; Thevenot , Carri Geer ( 2 February 2018 ) . `` Prosecutors charge Arizona man who sold ammo to Las Vegas shooter '' . Las Vegas Review - Journal . Retrieved 4 February 2018 . Jump up ^ Dugan , Kevin ( October 4 , 2017 ) . `` High - capacity magazine used by Vegas shooter in high demand '' . The New York Post . Retrieved October 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Leefeldt , Ed ( October 4 , 2017 ) . `` Stephen Paddock used a ' bump stock ' to make his guns even deadlier '' . CBS News . Retrieved October 5 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Becket , Stefan ( October 4 , 2017 ) . `` More details revealed about Las Vegas shooter 's arsenal of weapons '' . CBS News . Retrieved October 4 , 2017 . At least one of the weapons was a made - to - order firearm made by Lewis Machine & Tool Company ( LMT ) . Jump up ^ Fonrouge , Gabrielle ; Celona , Larry ; Fears , Danika ( October 3 , 2017 ) . `` The ' tricked out ' guns Las Vegas shooter used in massacre '' . The New York Post . Retrieved October 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Horton , Alex ( October 2 , 2017 ) . `` The Las Vegas shooter had 23 guns . Here 's what we know about them '' . The Washington Post . ISSN 0190 - 8286 . Archived from the original on October 2 , 2017 . Retrieved October 3 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Buchanan , Larry ; Grothjan , Evan ; Huang , Jon ; Parshina - Kottas , Yuliya ; Pearce , Adam ; Yourish , Karen ( October 4 , 2017 ) . `` What Is a Bump Stock and How Does It Work ? '' . The New York Times . Retrieved October 4 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Palazzolo , Joe ; Elinson , Zusha ( October 2 , 2017 ) . `` Las Vegas Gunman Had Arsenal in Hotel Room '' . The Wall Street Journal . Retrieved October 2 , 2017 . ( Subscription required ( help ) ) . Jump up ^ Delreal , Jose A. ; Bromwich , Jonah Engel ( October 2 , 2017 ) . `` Stephen Paddock , Las Vegas Suspect , Was a Gambler Who Drew Little Attention '' . The New York Times . Retrieved October 3 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Smith , David ( October 3 , 2017 ) . `` Las Vegas shooter 's girlfriend returns to US as police reveal details of his planning '' . The Guardian . Retrieved October 4 , 2017 . ^ Jump up to : Almaguer , Miguel ; Winter , Tom ; Hunt , Kasie ; Helsel , Phil ( October 7 , 2017 ) . `` Answer to Question in Las Vegas Massacre , ' Why ? ' , Elusive So Far '' . NBC News . Retrieved October 7 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Ritter , Ken ; Snow , Anita ( January 31 , 2018 ) . `` Man Says He Sold Ammunition to Las Vegas Shooter for a ' Light Show ' '' . Time . Retrieved January 31 , 2018 . Jump up ^ `` Vegas shooter ' disturbed , dangerous ' , stockpiled weapons for decades : police '' . Australian Broadcasting Corporation . October 5 , 2017 . Retrieved October 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Chia , Jessica ( October 4 , 2017 ) . `` Las Vegas mass shooter fired at aviation fuel tanks '' . Daily News . New York . Retrieved October 5 , 2017 . Jump up ^ Branch , John ; Medina , Jennifer ; Smith , Mitch ; Paddock , Richard C. ; Stolberg , Sheryl Gay ; Pérez - Peña , Richard ; Mele , Christopher ; Bromwich , Jonah Engel ( October 6 , 2017 ) . `` Las Vegas Shooting : At a Loss on Motive , F.B.I. Turns to Billboards for Leads '' . The New York Times . Retrieved October 7 , 2017 . External links ( edit ) Wikimedia Commons has media related to Las Vegas Strip shooting . LVMPD Preliminary Investigative Report 1 October / Mass Casualty Shooting Event : 171001 - 3519 - Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Recording of police radio communications for the incident - from Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department : Press Releases , dated : October 2 , 2017 List of victims fatally shot Short tribute to each victim Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Facilities Clark County Detention Center Incidents 2014 Las Vegas shootings 2017 Las Vegas shooting Davis v. City of Las Vegas Misconduct in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Las Vegas Strip South end Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign West side casinos Aria Bellagio Caesars Palace Circus Circus Cosmopolitan Excalibur Lucky Dragon Luxor Mandalay Bay The Mirage Monte Carlo New York - New York Resorts World ( proposed ) Slots - A-Fun Stratosphere Treasure Island East side casinos Bally 's Casino Royale Cromwell Encore Flamingo The Drew ( under construction ) Harrah 's The Linq MGM Grand O'Sheas Palazzo Paris Planet Hollywood SLS Tropicana Venetian Wynn Former casinos Boardwalk Castaways Desert Inn Dunes El Rancho El Rancho Vegas Hacienda Klondike Marina New Frontier Riviera Sahara Sands Silver City Silver Slipper Stardust Thunderbird Westward Ho Shopping Crystals Fashion Show Mall The Forum Shops Grand Canal Shoppes Harmon Corner Miracle Mile Shops Showcase Mall Attractions Adventuredome High Roller Mandalay Bay Events Center MGM Grand Garden Arena The Roller Coaster Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay Skyvue T - Mobile Arena Transportation Aria Express The Deuce Las Vegas Monorail Mandalay Bay Tram RTC Transit McCarran Airport Related List of Las Vegas Strip hotels Paradise , Nevada Winchester , Nevada 2017 Las Vegas shooting Strip Gaming Area 2010s portal Criminal justice portal Death portal Las Vegas portal Retrieved from `` '' Categories : 2017 in American music 2017 in Nevada 2017 Las Vegas shooting 2017 mass shootings in the United States 2017 murders in the United States 21st century in Las Vegas Attacks in the United States in 2017 Attacks on music venues Deaths by firearm in Nevada Filmed killings Las Vegas Strip Mandalay Bay Massacres in the United States Massacres in 2017 Mass murder in 2017 Mass murder in the United States Mass shootings in Nevada Murder in Nevada Murder -- suicides in Nevada October 2017 crimes in the United States Suicides by firearm in Nevada Hidden categories : Pages containing links to subscription - only content Use mdy dates from October 2017 Use American English from October 2017 All Wikipedia articles written in American English Coordinates on Wikidata Pages with graphs Pages with maps Talk Contents About Wikipedia Azərbaycanca Bân - lâm - gú Brezhoneg Català Čeština Cymraeg Dansk Deutsch Eesti Español Euskara فارسی Français Gaeilge 한국어 Հայերեն हिन्दी Bahasa Indonesia Italiano עברית Latina Lumbaart Magyar Bahasa Melayu Nederlands 日本 語 Norsk Oʻzbekcha / ўзбекча Polski Português Română Русский Scots Simple English سنڌي Suomi Svenska தமிழ் తెలుగు ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt 中文 36 more Edit links This page was last edited on 1 March 2018 , at 22 : 24 . 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"On the night of October 1, 2017, a gunman opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada, leaving 58 people dead and 851 injured. Between 10:05 and 10:15 p.m. PDT, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock of Mesquite, Nevada, fired more than 1,100 rounds from his suite on the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay hotel. About an hour after he fired his last shot into the crowd, he was found dead in his room from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. His motive remains unknown."
] | [
"October 1, 2017"
] |
3235254655602178678 | List of United States university campuses by enrollment | List of United States University campuses by Enrollment - wikipedia List of United States University campuses by Enrollment Jump to : navigation , search ASU UCF OSU FIU TAMU UT MSU UF UMN IU The ten largest university campuses in the United States This list of largest United States public university campuses by enrollment includes only individual four - year campuses , not four - year universities . Universities can have multiple campuses with a single administration . What this list includes : A single Individual campus with a single physical location of a four - year public university within the United States Enrollment is the sum of the headcount of undergraduate and graduate students Enrollment is counted by the 21st - day headcount , as provided to the United States Department of Education under the Common Data Set program . Campuses that have small secondary physical locations that are not reported separately ( for extended education , outreach , etc . ) are indicated with a footnote . What this list does not include : University systems , or universities that have multiple physical campuses . Not all enrollment counts are directly comparable . See notes . For other lists that measure university enrollment , see the see also section below . Contents ( hide ) 1 2017 -- 18 enrollment 2 2016 -- 17 enrollment 3 2015 -- 16 enrollment 4 2013 -- 14 enrollment 5 2012 -- 13 enrollment 6 2011 -- 12 enrollment 7 2010 -- 11 enrollment 8 2009 -- 10 enrollment 9 See also 10 Notes 11 References 12 External links 2017 -- 18 enrollment ( edit ) Ten largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2017 -- 18 academic year Ranking University Location Enrollment Reference ( s ) Texas A&M University College Station , Texas 68,603 University of Central Florida Orlando , Florida 66,180 Ohio State University Columbus , Ohio 59,837 Florida International University Miami , Florida 56,851 5 University of Florida Gainesville , Florida 52,367 6 University of Minnesota Minneapolis / Saint Paul , Minnesota 51,848 7 University of Texas at Austin Austin , Texas 51,525 8 Arizona State University Tempe , Arizona 51,164 9 Georgia State University Atlanta , Georgia 51,000 10 Michigan State University East Lansing , Michigan 50,019 2016 -- 17 enrollment ( edit ) Ten largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2016 -- 17 academic year Ranking University Location Enrollment Reference ( s ) University of Central Florida Orlando , Florida 64,335 Texas A&M University College Station , Texas 60,435 Ohio State University Columbus , Ohio 59,482 Florida International University Miami , Florida 55,111 5 University of Florida Gainesville , Florida 52,367 6 Arizona State University Tempe , Arizona 51,869 7 University of Minnesota Minneapolis / Saint Paul , Minnesota 51,580 8 University of Texas at Austin Austin , Texas 51,331 9 Michigan State University East Lansing , Michigan 50,344 10 Indiana University Bloomington , Indiana 49,695 2015 -- 16 enrollment ( edit ) Ten largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2015 -- 16 academic year Ranking University Location Enrollment Reference ( s ) University of Central Florida Orlando , Florida 63,016 Ohio State University Columbus , Ohio 58,663 Texas A&M University College Station , Texas 58,515 Florida International University Miami , Florida 54,058 5 University of Florida Gainesville , Florida 52,518 6 Arizona State University Tempe , Arizona 51,984 7 University of Texas at Austin Austin , Texas 50,950 8 University of Minnesota Minneapolis / Saint Paul , Minnesota 50,678 9 Michigan State University East Lansing , Michigan 50,543 10 Indiana University Bloomington , Indiana 48,514 2013 -- 14 enrollment ( edit ) Ten largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2013 -- 14 academic year Ranking University Location Enrollment Reference ( s ) Arizona State University Tempe , Arizona 62,599 University of Central Florida Orlando , Florida 59,770 Ohio State University Columbus , Ohio 58,322 Florida International University Miami , Florida 52,986 5 Texas A&M University College Station , Texas 52,449 6 University of Minnesota Minneapolis / Saint Paul , Minnesota 51,147 7 University of Texas at Austin Austin , Texas 51,145 8 Michigan State University East Lansing , Michigan 50,085 9 University of Florida Gainesville , Florida 49,042 10 Indiana University Bloomington , Indiana 46,817 2012 -- 13 enrollment ( edit ) Ten largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2012 -- 13 academic year Ranking University Location Enrollment Reference ( s ) Arizona State University Tempe , Arizona 60,169 University of Central Florida Orlando , Florida 60,048 Ohio State University Columbus , Ohio 57,466 University of Texas at Austin Austin , Texas 52,186 5 University of Minnesota Minneapolis / Saint Paul , Minnesota 51,853 6 Florida International University Miami , Florida 50,396 7 Texas A&M University College Station , Texas 50,227 8 University of Florida Gainesville , Florida 49,913 9 Michigan State University East Lansing , Michigan 48,906 10 Pennsylvania State University University Park , Pennsylvania 45,351 2011 -- 12 enrollment ( edit ) Ten largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2011 -- 12 academic year Ranking University Location Enrollment Reference ( s ) Arizona State University Tempe , Arizona 59,794 University of Central Florida Orlando , Florida 58,587 Ohio State University Columbus , Ohio 56,867 University of Minnesota Minneapolis / Saint Paul , Minnesota 52,557 5 University of Texas at Austin Austin , Texas 51,112 6 Texas A&M University College Station , TX 49,861 7 University of Florida Gainesville , Florida 49,589 8 Florida International University Miami , Florida 47,966 9 Michigan State University East Lansing , Michigan 47,800 10 Pennsylvania State University University Park , Pennsylvania 44,485 2010 -- 11 enrollment ( edit ) Ten largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2010 -- 11 academic year Ranking University Location Enrollment Reference ( s ) Arizona State University Tempe , Arizona 58,000 University of Central Florida Orlando , Florida 56,235 Ohio State University Columbus , Ohio 56,064 University of Minnesota Minneapolis / Saint Paul , Minnesota 51,721 5 University of Texas at Austin Austin , Texas 51,195 6 University of Florida Gainesville , Florida 49,827 7 Texas A&M University College Station , Texas 49,129 8 Michigan State University East Lansing , Michigan 47,131 9 Pennsylvania State University University Park , Pennsylvania 44,034 10 Florida International University Miami , Florida 44,010 2009 -- 10 enrollment ( edit ) Ten largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2009 -- 10 academic year Ranking University Location Enrollment Reference ( s ) Arizona State University Tempe , Arizona 55,552 Ohio State University Columbus , Ohio 55,014 University of Central Florida Orlando , Florida 53,537 University of Minnesota Minneapolis / Saint Paul , Minnesota 51,659 5 University of Texas at Austin Austin , Texas 51,032 6 University of Florida Gainesville , Florida 50,691 7 Texas A&M University College Station , Texas 48,885 8 Michigan State University East Lansing , Michigan 47,100 9 Pennsylvania State University University Park , Pennsylvania 44,832 10 Indiana University Bloomington Bloomington , Indiana 42,347 See also ( edit ) University portal United States portal World 's largest universities List of largest United States universities by enrollment List of largest United States universities by undergraduate enrollment Notes ( edit ) Jump up ^ ASU consists of four campuses located in the same metro area ; this count is for the Tempe , Arizona campus only . ^ Jump up to : ASU consists of four campuses located in the same metro area ; this count is for the Tempe , Arizona campus only . Jump up ^ OSU - Columbus campus lists their undergraduate , graduate , and professional enrollments at 45,289 and 10,219 , and 3,155 , respectively , for a total enrollment of 58,663 students . Jump up ^ OSU consists of six campuses spread across the state of Ohio ; this count is for the Columbus , Ohio campus only . ^ Jump up to : Official main campus enrollment count includes students enrolled in relatively small regional campuses . References ( edit ) Jump up ^ `` Texas A&M University Enrollment Profile - Fall 2017 '' . Texas A&M University . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Institutional Knowledge Management - 2017 - 2018 Enrollment '' . University of Central Florida . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` The Ohio State University 2017 Enrollment Report '' ( PDF ) . The Ohio State University . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Common Data Set 2017 - 2018 '' ( PDF ) . Florida International University . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Common Data Set 2016 - 2017 - UF Main Campus '' ( PDF ) . University of Florida . Retrieved 2017 - 06 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Campus and Unit Enrollment by Academic Level for Fall 2017 '' . University of Minnesota . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Office of Institutional Reporting , Research , and Information Systems '' . The University of Texas at Austin . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Enrollment Trends '' . Arizona State University . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 14 . Jump up ^ Template : Https:// Jump up ^ `` Michigan State University Fall 2017 Enrollment Report '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2018 - 05 - 14 . Jump up ^ `` Institutional Knowledge Management - 2016 - 2017 Enrollment '' . University of Central Florida . Retrieved 2017 - 12 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` Texas A&M University Enrollment Profile - Fall 2016 '' . Texas A&M University . Retrieved 2017 - 06 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` The Ohio State University Autumn Term Enrollment By Level Columbus Campus 1957 - Present '' ( PDF ) . The Ohio State University . Retrieved 2017 - 06 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Common Data Set 2016 - 2017 '' ( PDF ) . Florida International University . Retrieved 2017 - 06 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Common Data Set 2016 - 2017 - UF Main Campus '' ( PDF ) . University of Florida . Retrieved 2017 - 06 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Enrollment Trends '' . Arizona State University . Retrieved 2017 - 12 - 01 . Jump up ^ `` Campus and Unit Enrollment by Academic Level for Fall 2016 '' . University of Minnesota . Retrieved 2017 - 06 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Office of Institutional Reporting , Research , and Information Systems '' . The University of Texas at Austin . Retrieved 2017 - 06 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Michigan State University Fall 2016 Enrollment Report '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2017 - 06 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` University Institutional Research and Reporting - Bloomington Fast Facts - Fall 2016 '' . Indiana University . Retrieved 2017 - 06 - 08 . Jump up ^ `` Institutional Knowledge Management - 2015 - 2016 Enrollment '' . University of Central Florida . Retrieved 2016 - 07 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` The Ohio State University Autumn Term Enrollment By Level Columbus Campus 1957 - Present '' ( PDF ) . The Ohio State University . Retrieved 2017 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ `` Texas A&M University Enrollment Profile - Fall 2015 '' . Texas A&M University . Retrieved 2016 - 07 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` Analysis and Information Management - Quick Facts '' . Florida International University . Archived from the original on 2011 - 08 - 16 . Retrieved 2016 - 07 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` Enrollment - Office of Institutional Planning '' . University of Florida . Retrieved 2016 - 07 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` Arizona State University at the Tempe campus Common Data Set 2015 - 2016 '' ( PDF ) . Arizona State University . Retrieved 2016 - 07 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` The University of Texas System Quick Facts for Fall 2016 '' ( PDF ) . University of Texas System . Retrieved 2016 - 07 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` All Enrollment Data for Fall 2015 '' . University of Minnesota . Archived from the original on 2016 - 02 - 09 . Retrieved 2016 - 07 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` Michigan State University Office of the Registrar Comparison of Student Enrollments '' ( PDF ) . Retrieved 2016 - 07 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` University Institutional Research and Reporting - Bloomington Fast Facts - Fall 2015 '' . Indiana University . Retrieved 2016 - 07 - 23 . Jump up ^ `` Arizona State University Quick Facts Fall 2013 '' ( PDF ) . Arizona State University . Retrieved 2016 - 07 - 19 . Jump up ^ `` UCF Current Enrollment Facts ( Archived June 30 , 2014 ) '' . University of Central Florida . Archived from the original on June 30 , 2014 . Retrieved 2016 - 07 - 26 . CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown ( link ) Jump up ^ `` The Ohio State University Autumn Term Enrollment By Level Columbus Campus 1957 - Present '' ( PDF ) . The Ohio State University . Retrieved 2017 - 02 - 28 . Jump up ^ `` FIU Historical Fall Headcount '' ( PDF ) . Florida International University . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 26 . Jump up ^ `` Texas A&M University Enrollment Profile - Fall 2013 '' ( PDF ) . Texas A&M University . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 26 . Jump up ^ `` All Enrollment Data for Fall 2014 '' . University of Minnesota . Retrieved 2015 - 08 - 24 . Jump up ^ `` The University of Texas System Quick Facts for Fall 2013 '' ( PDF ) . University of Texas System . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 26 . Jump up ^ `` MSU Facts '' . Retrieved July 1 , 2015 . Jump up ^ `` University of Florida Fact Book - First Day Enrollment '' . University of Florida . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 26 . Jump up ^ `` University Institutional Research and Reporting - Bloomington Fast Facts - Fall 2013 '' . Indiana University . Retrieved 2014 - 06 - 26 . Jump up ^ Arizona State University Quick Facts Fall 2012 ( PDF ) Jump up ^ Freshman Class Sets New Records , Fall Enrollment May Top 60,000 Jump up ^ The Ohio State University - Statistical Summary Autumn 2012 Jump up ^ The University of Texas at Austin Office of Information Management and Analysis -- Summary Enrollment Data Fall 2012 ( PDF ) Jump up ^ University of Minnesota OIR : Enrollment Headcount Data for Fall 2012 Jump up ^ Florida International University Quick Facts - University Headcount Fall 2012 Archived 2011 - 08 - 16 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Texas A&M University Common Data Set 2012 - 2013 Jump up ^ University of Florida Fall Enrollment 2012 ^ Jump up to : Michigan State University Facts Jump up ^ Undergraduate and Graduate / First PSU Professional Fall Enrollment 2012 and 2011 Jump up ^ Arizona State University Quick Facts Fall 2011 ( PDF ) Archived 2012 - 02 - 15 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ Big East : A Monumental Week for UCF Jump up ^ The Ohio State University - Statistical Summary Autumn 2011 Jump up ^ University of Minnesota OIR : Enrollment Headcount Data for Fall 2011 Jump up ^ The University of Texas at Austin Office of Information Management and Analysis -- Summary Enrollment Data Fall 2011 ( PDF ) Jump up ^ Texas A&M University Common Data Set 2011 - 2012 ( PDF ) Jump up ^ University of Florida Fall Enrollment 2011 ( PDF ) Jump up ^ Florida International University . . Retrieved on 2013 - 07 - 17 . Jump up ^ PSU Fall to Fall Enrollment Comparison 2012 and 2011 Jump up ^ Fall 2010 enrollment shows record high retention , quality , diversity Jump up ^ Growth With Quality : UCF is Nation 's Second - Largest University Jump up ^ Ohio State sets new enrollment records Jump up ^ University of Minnesota OIR : Campus and Unit Enrollment by Academic Level for Fall 2010 Jump up ^ The University of Texas at Austin Office of Information Management and Analysis -- Summary Enrollment Data Fall 2010 Jump up ^ University of Florida Fall Enrollment 2010 Jump up ^ Texas A&M University -- Enrollment Profile Fall 2010 Jump up ^ MSU Facts ^ Jump up to : PSU 10 Year Historical Enrollment Jump up ^ Florida International University Quick Facts - University Headcount Fall 2010 Archived 2011 - 08 - 16 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ ASU fall 2009 enrollment sets record Archived 2009 - 11 - 23 at the Wayback Machine . Jump up ^ ASU 's Tempe campus now nation 's largest Jump up ^ UCF Moves Up , Now Nation 's 3rd Largest Jump up ^ University of Minnesota releases enrollment numbers for current school year : UMNews : University of Minnesota Jump up ^ The University of Texas at Austin Preliminary Enrollment Analysis for Fall 2009 Jump up ^ University of Florida Fall Enrollment 2009 Jump up ^ A&M Fall Enrollment Record High Jump up ^ MSU enrollment up slightly from a year ago Jump up ^ Indiana University Fact Book Bloomington Enrollment by Level Fall 2009 External links ( edit ) National Center for Educational Statistics Enrollment Graph 2002 National Center for Educational Statistics Enrollment Graph 2004 National Center for Education Statistics Enrollment Graph 2005 ( hide ) Largest United States university campuses by enrollment Arizona State University University of Central Florida The Ohio State University Florida International University Texas A&M University University of Texas at Austin Michigan State University University of Florida University of Minnesota Indiana University ( 2013 -- 14 Academic Year ) Retrieved from `` '' Categories : Lists of universities and colleges in the United States United States - related lists of superlatives Statistics of education Hidden categories : CS1 maint : BOT : original - url status unknown Webarchive template wayback links Talk Contents About Wikipedia فارسی 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 17 May 2018 , at 16 : 35 . About Wikipedia | what are the largest colleges in the us | [
"\n\nTen largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2017–18 academic year\n\nRanking\nUniversity\nLocation\nEnrollment\nReference(s)\n\n\n\n1\nTexas A&M University\nCollege Station, Texas\n68,603\n[1]\n\n\n2\nUniversity of Central Florida\nOrlando, Florida\n66,180\n[2]\n\n\n3\nOhio State University\nColumbus, Ohio\n59,837\n[3]\n\n\n4\nFlorida International University\nMiami, Florida\n56,851\n[4]\n\n\n5\nUniversity of Florida\nGainesville, Florida\n52,367\n[5]\n\n\n6\nUniversity of Minnesota\nMinneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota\n51,848\n\n\n7\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas\n51,525\n[7]\n\n\n8\nArizona State University [note 1]\nTempe, Arizona\n51,164\n[8]\n\n\n9\nGeorgia State University\nAtlanta, Georgia\n51,000\n[9]\n\n\n10\nMichigan State University\nEast Lansing, Michigan\n50,019\n[10]\n\n",
"\n\nTen largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2017–18 academic year\n\nRanking\nUniversity\nLocation\nEnrollment\nReference(s)\n\n\n\n1\nTexas A&M University\nCollege Station, Texas\n68,603\n[1]\n\n\n2\nUniversity of Central Florida\nOrlando, Florida\n66,180\n[2]\n\n\n3\nOhio State University\nColumbus, Ohio\n59,837\n[3]\n\n\n4\nFlorida International University\nMiami, Florida\n56,851\n[4]\n\n\n5\nUniversity of Florida\nGainesville, Florida\n52,367\n[5]\n\n\n6\nUniversity of Minnesota\nMinneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota\n51,848\n\n\n7\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas\n51,525\n[7]\n\n\n8\nArizona State University [note 1]\nTempe, Arizona\n51,164\n[8]\n\n\n9\nGeorgia State University\nAtlanta, Georgia\n51,000\n[9]\n\n\n10\nMichigan State University\nEast Lansing, Michigan\n50,019\n[10]\n\n",
"\n\nTen largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2017–18 academic year\n\nRanking\nUniversity\nLocation\nEnrollment\nReference(s)\n\n\n\n1\nTexas A&M University\nCollege Station, Texas\n68,603\n[1]\n\n\n2\nUniversity of Central Florida\nOrlando, Florida\n66,180\n[2]\n\n\n3\nOhio State University\nColumbus, Ohio\n59,837\n[3]\n\n\n4\nFlorida International University\nMiami, Florida\n56,851\n[4]\n\n\n5\nUniversity of Florida\nGainesville, Florida\n52,367\n[5]\n\n\n6\nUniversity of Minnesota\nMinneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota\n51,848\n\n\n7\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas\n51,525\n[7]\n\n\n8\nArizona State University [note 1]\nTempe, Arizona\n51,164\n[8]\n\n\n9\nGeorgia State University\nAtlanta, Georgia\n51,000\n[9]\n\n\n10\nMichigan State University\nEast Lansing, Michigan\n50,019\n[10]\n\n",
"\n\nTen largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2017–18 academic year\n\nRanking\nUniversity\nLocation\nEnrollment\nReference(s)\n\n\n\n1\nTexas A&M University\nCollege Station, Texas\n68,603\n[1]\n\n\n2\nUniversity of Central Florida\nOrlando, Florida\n66,180\n[2]\n\n\n3\nOhio State University\nColumbus, Ohio\n59,837\n[3]\n\n\n4\nFlorida International University\nMiami, Florida\n56,851\n[4]\n\n\n5\nUniversity of Florida\nGainesville, Florida\n52,367\n[5]\n\n\n6\nUniversity of Minnesota\nMinneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota\n51,848\n\n\n7\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas\n51,525\n[7]\n\n\n8\nArizona State University [note 1]\nTempe, Arizona\n51,164\n[8]\n\n\n9\nGeorgia State University\nAtlanta, Georgia\n51,000\n[9]\n\n\n10\nMichigan State University\nEast Lansing, Michigan\n50,019\n[10]\n\n",
"\n\nTen largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2017–18 academic year\n\nRanking\nUniversity\nLocation\nEnrollment\nReference(s)\n\n\n\n1\nTexas A&M University\nCollege Station, Texas\n68,603\n[1]\n\n\n2\nUniversity of Central Florida\nOrlando, Florida\n66,180\n[2]\n\n\n3\nOhio State University\nColumbus, Ohio\n59,837\n[3]\n\n\n4\nFlorida International University\nMiami, Florida\n56,851\n[4]\n\n\n5\nUniversity of Florida\nGainesville, Florida\n52,367\n[5]\n\n\n6\nUniversity of Minnesota\nMinneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota\n51,848\n\n\n7\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas\n51,525\n[7]\n\n\n8\nArizona State University [note 1]\nTempe, Arizona\n51,164\n[8]\n\n\n9\nGeorgia State University\nAtlanta, Georgia\n51,000\n[9]\n\n\n10\nMichigan State University\nEast Lansing, Michigan\n50,019\n[10]\n\n",
"\n\nTen largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2017–18 academic year\n\nRanking\nUniversity\nLocation\nEnrollment\nReference(s)\n\n\n\n1\nTexas A&M University\nCollege Station, Texas\n68,603\n[1]\n\n\n2\nUniversity of Central Florida\nOrlando, Florida\n66,180\n[2]\n\n\n3\nOhio State University\nColumbus, Ohio\n59,837\n[3]\n\n\n4\nFlorida International University\nMiami, Florida\n56,851\n[4]\n\n\n5\nUniversity of Florida\nGainesville, Florida\n52,367\n[5]\n\n\n6\nUniversity of Minnesota\nMinneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota\n51,848\n\n\n7\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas\n51,525\n[7]\n\n\n8\nArizona State University [note 1]\nTempe, Arizona\n51,164\n[8]\n\n\n9\nGeorgia State University\nAtlanta, Georgia\n51,000\n[9]\n\n\n10\nMichigan State University\nEast Lansing, Michigan\n50,019\n[10]\n\n",
"\n\nTen largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2017–18 academic year\n\nRanking\nUniversity\nLocation\nEnrollment\nReference(s)\n\n\n\n1\nTexas A&M University\nCollege Station, Texas\n68,603\n[1]\n\n\n2\nUniversity of Central Florida\nOrlando, Florida\n66,180\n[2]\n\n\n3\nOhio State University\nColumbus, Ohio\n59,837\n[3]\n\n\n4\nFlorida International University\nMiami, Florida\n56,851\n[4]\n\n\n5\nUniversity of Florida\nGainesville, Florida\n52,367\n[5]\n\n\n6\nUniversity of Minnesota\nMinneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota\n51,848\n\n\n7\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas\n51,525\n[7]\n\n\n8\nArizona State University [note 1]\nTempe, Arizona\n51,164\n[8]\n\n\n9\nGeorgia State University\nAtlanta, Georgia\n51,000\n[9]\n\n\n10\nMichigan State University\nEast Lansing, Michigan\n50,019\n[10]\n\n",
"\n\nTen largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2017–18 academic year\n\nRanking\nUniversity\nLocation\nEnrollment\nReference(s)\n\n\n\n1\nTexas A&M University\nCollege Station, Texas\n68,603\n[1]\n\n\n2\nUniversity of Central Florida\nOrlando, Florida\n66,180\n[2]\n\n\n3\nOhio State University\nColumbus, Ohio\n59,837\n[3]\n\n\n4\nFlorida International University\nMiami, Florida\n56,851\n[4]\n\n\n5\nUniversity of Florida\nGainesville, Florida\n52,367\n[5]\n\n\n6\nUniversity of Minnesota\nMinneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota\n51,848\n\n\n7\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas\n51,525\n[7]\n\n\n8\nArizona State University [note 1]\nTempe, Arizona\n51,164\n[8]\n\n\n9\nGeorgia State University\nAtlanta, Georgia\n51,000\n[9]\n\n\n10\nMichigan State University\nEast Lansing, Michigan\n50,019\n[10]\n\n",
"\n\nTen largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2017–18 academic year\n\nRanking\nUniversity\nLocation\nEnrollment\nReference(s)\n\n\n\n1\nTexas A&M University\nCollege Station, Texas\n68,603\n[1]\n\n\n2\nUniversity of Central Florida\nOrlando, Florida\n66,180\n[2]\n\n\n3\nOhio State University\nColumbus, Ohio\n59,837\n[3]\n\n\n4\nFlorida International University\nMiami, Florida\n56,851\n[4]\n\n\n5\nUniversity of Florida\nGainesville, Florida\n52,367\n[5]\n\n\n6\nUniversity of Minnesota\nMinneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota\n51,848\n\n\n7\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas\n51,525\n[7]\n\n\n8\nArizona State University [note 1]\nTempe, Arizona\n51,164\n[8]\n\n\n9\nGeorgia State University\nAtlanta, Georgia\n51,000\n[9]\n\n\n10\nMichigan State University\nEast Lansing, Michigan\n50,019\n[10]\n\n",
"\n\nTen largest public university campuses by enrollment during the 2017–18 academic year\n\nRanking\nUniversity\nLocation\nEnrollment\nReference(s)\n\n\n\n1\nTexas A&M University\nCollege Station, Texas\n68,603\n[1]\n\n\n2\nUniversity of Central Florida\nOrlando, Florida\n66,180\n[2]\n\n\n3\nOhio State University\nColumbus, Ohio\n59,837\n[3]\n\n\n4\nFlorida International University\nMiami, Florida\n56,851\n[4]\n\n\n5\nUniversity of Florida\nGainesville, Florida\n52,367\n[5]\n\n\n6\nUniversity of Minnesota\nMinneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota\n51,848\n\n\n7\nUniversity of Texas at Austin\nAustin, Texas\n51,525\n[7]\n\n\n8\nArizona State University [note 1]\nTempe, Arizona\n51,164\n[8]\n\n\n9\nGeorgia State University\nAtlanta, Georgia\n51,000\n[9]\n\n\n10\nMichigan State University\nEast Lansing, Michigan\n50,019\n[10]\n\n"
] | [
"Texas A&M University",
"University of Central Florida",
"Ohio State University",
"Florida International University",
"University of Florida",
"University of Minnesota",
"University of Texas at Austin",
"Arizona State University",
"Georgia State University",
"Michigan State University"
] |
Subsets and Splits