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math/0508411 | Lars Kadison | Lars Kadison | Pseudo-Galois Extensions and Hopf Algebroids | 16 pages | null | null | null | math.QA math.RA | null | A pseudo-Galois extension is shown to be a depth two extension. Studying its
left bialgebroid, we construct an enveloping Hopf algebroid for the semi-direct
product of groups, or more generally involutive Hopf algebras, and their module
algebras. It is a type of cofibered sum of two inclusions of the Hopf algebra
into the semi-direct product and its derived right crossed product. Van
Oystaeyen and Panaite observe that this Hopf algebroid is non-trivially
isomorphic to a Connes-Moscovici Hopf algebroid, which raises interesting
comparative questions.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 22 Aug 2005 15:57:27 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 9 Sep 2005 12:14:41 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 29 Dec 2005 10:44:53 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Mon, 21 Aug 2006 14:52:10 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508412 | Luigi Santocanale | Luigi Santocanale | Completions of mu-algebras | 36 pages, extended abstract appears in LICS 2005 proceedings | null | null | null | math.RA math.LO | null | A $\mu$-algebra is a model of a first order theory that is an extension of
the theory of bounded lattices, that comes with pairs of terms $(f,\mu_{x}.f)$
where $\mu_{x}.f$ is axiomatized as the least prefixed point of $f$, whose
axioms are equations or equational implications.
Standard $\mu$-algebras are complete meaning that their lattice reduct is a
complete lattice. We prove that any non trivial quasivariety of $\mu$-algebras
contains a $\mu$-algebra that has no embedding into a complete $\mu$-algebra.
We focus then on modal $\mu$-algebras, i.e. algebraic models of the
propositional modal $\mu$-calculus. We prove that free modal $\mu$-algebras
satisfy a condition -- reminiscent of Whitman's condition for free lattices --
which allows us to prove that (i) modal operators are adjoints on free modal
$\mu$-algebras, (ii) least prefixed points of $\Sigma_{1}$-operations satisfy
the constructive relation $\mu_{x}.f = \bigvee_{n \geq 0} f^{n}(\bot)$. These
properties imply the following statement: {\em the MacNeille-Dedekind
completion of a free modal $\mu$-algebra is a complete modal $\mu$-algebra and
moreover the canonical embedding preserves all the operations in the class
$Comp(\Sigma_{1},\Pi_{1})$ of the fixed point alternation hierarchy.}
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 22 Aug 2005 16:20:23 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508413 | Eugenii Shustin | Eugenii Shustin, Zur Izhakian | A tropical Nullstellensatz | One more version of Nullstellenstaz incorporated | null | null | null | math.AC math.AG | null | We suggest a version of Nullstellensatz over the tropical semiring, the real
numbers equipped with operations of maximum and addition.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 22 Aug 2005 18:09:04 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 12 Sep 2005 07:06:33 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508414 | Boris Tsirelson | Boris Tsirelson | Brownian local minima and other random dense countable sets | 18 pages | null | null | null | math.PR | null | We compare two examples of random dense countable sets, `Brownian local
minima' and `unordered uniform infinite sample'. They appear to be identically
distributed. A framework for such notions is proposed. In addition, random
elements of other singular spaces (especially, reals modulo rationals) are
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 22 Aug 2005 18:10:20 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508415 | Brian Hartwig | Brian Hartwig | Three Mutually Adjacent Leonard Pairs | 19 pages. To be published in Linear Algebra and it Applications | null | null | null | math.AC math.CO math.RT | null | Let (A,B) and (C,D) denote Leonard pairs on V. We say these pairs are
adjacent whenever each basis for V which is standard for (A,B) (resp. (C,D)) is
split for (C,D) (resp. (A,B)). Our main results are as follows:
Theorem 1. There exists at most 3 mutually adjacent Leonard pairs on V
provided the dimension of V is at least 2.
Theorem 2. Let (A,B), (C,D), and (E,F) denote three mutually adjacent Leonard
pairs on V. There for each of these pairs, the eigenvalue sequence and dual
eigenvalue sequence are in arithmetic progression.
Theorem 3. Let (A,B) denote a Leonard pair on V whose eigenvalue sequence and
dual eigenvalue sequence are in arithmetic progression. Then there exist
Leonard pairs (C,D) and (E,F) on V such that (A,B), (C,D), and (E,F) are
mutually adjacent.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 22 Aug 2005 19:19:24 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508416 | Julia Bergner | Julia E. Bergner | Simplicial monoids and Segal categories | 25 pages, minor corrections made, final version to appear in
Streetfest proceedings | null | null | null | math.AT math.CT | null | Much research has been done on structures equivalent to topological or
simplicial groups. In this paper, we consider instead simplicial monoids. In
particular, we show that the usual model category structure on the category of
simplicial monoids is Quillen equivalent to an appropriate model category
structure on the category of simplicial spaces with a single point in degree
zero. In this second model structure, the fibrant objects are reduced Segal
categories. We then generalize the proof to relate simplicial categories with a
fixed object set to Segal categories with the same fixed set in degree zero.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 22 Aug 2005 19:57:26 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 4 Oct 2006 19:35:54 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Julia E.",
] |
math/0508417 | Stephan Baier | Stephan Baier | The large sieve with sparse sets of moduli | null | null | null | null | math.NT | null | Extending a method of D. Wolke, we establish a general result on the large
sieve with sparse sets S of moduli which are in a sense well-distributed in
arithmetic progressions. We then apply our result to the case when S consists
of sqares. In this case we obtain an estimate which improves a recent result by
L. Zhao.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 22 Aug 2005 20:01:24 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508418 | Stephan Baier | Stephan Baier | On the large sieve with square moduli | 18 pages | null | null | null | math.NT | null | We prove an estimate for the large sieve with square moduli which improves a
recent result of L. Zhao. Our method uses an idea of D. Wolke and some results
from Fourier analysis.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 22 Aug 2005 20:31:11 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508421 | Abdelmalek Abdesselam | Abdelmalek Abdesselam | A Computational Solution to a Question by Beauville on the Invariants of
the Binary Quintic | 19 pages, AMS LaTeX | null | null | null | math.AC math.AG math.RT | null | We obtain an alternate proof of an injectivity result by Beauville for a map
from the moduli space of quartic del Pezzo surfaces to the set of conjugacy
classes of certain subgroups of the Cremona group. This amounts to showing that
a projective configuration of five distinct unordered points on the line can be
reconstructed from its five projective four-point subconfigurations. This is
done by reduction to a question in the classical invariant theory of the binary
quintic, which is solved by computer-assisted methods. More precisely, we show
that six specific invariants of degree 24, the construction of which was
explained to us by Beauville, generate all invariants the degrees of which are
divisible by 48.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 22 Aug 2005 22:22:25 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508422 | Victor Guba | Victor Guba | Strict dead end elements in free soluble groups | 11 pages | null | null | null | math.GR | null | Let $G$ be a group generated by a finite set $A$. An element $g\in G$ is a
strict dead end of depth $k$ (with respect to $A$) if
$|g|>|ga_1|>|ga_1a_2|>...>|ga_1a_2... a_k|$ for any $a_1,a_2, ..., a_k\in
A^{\pm1}$ such that the word $a_1a_2... a_k$ is freely irreducible. (Here $|g|$
is the distance from $g$ to the identity in the Cayley graph of $G$.) We show
that in finitely generated free soluble groups of degree $d\ge2$ there exist
strict dead elements of depth $k=k(d)$, which grows exponentially with respect
to $d$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 22 Aug 2005 22:54:27 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508423 | Herbert Koch | Jun Kato and Herbert Koch | Uniqueness of the modified Schroedinger map in H^{3/4+e}(R^2) | 20 pages | null | null | null | math.AP | null | We establish local well-posedness of the modified Schroedinger map in H^s,
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 23 Aug 2005 00:11:50 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508424 | Alexander Tumanov | A. Scalari and A. Tumanov | Extremal discs and analytic continuation of product CR maps | 11 pages | null | null | null | math.CV | null | Let M be a real analytic strictly pseudoconvex manifold of higher codimension
in complex space, and let M' be the cartesian product of two or more compact
real analytic strictly convex hypersurfaces. We prove that a germ of a
biholomorphic map taking an open set in M to M' extends as a biholomorphic map
along any path in M.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 23 Aug 2005 02:38:18 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508426 | S. A. Belbas | S.A. Belbas (University of Alabama); Jong Seo Park (Chinju National
University of Education, Korea) | A hybrid Volterra-type equation with two types of impulses | 16 pages | null | null | null | math.CA math.DS | null | We formulate and analyze a hybrid system model that involves Volterra
integral operators with multiple integrals and two types of impulsive terms. We
give a constructive proof, via an iteration method, of existence and uniqueness
of solutions.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 23 Aug 2005 15:41:33 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"S. A.",
"University of Alabama"
"; Jong Seo",
"Chinju National\n University of Education, Korea"
] |
math/0508429 | Florin Ambro | Florin Ambro | The set of toric minimal log discrepancies | 11 pages, LaTeX. to appear in Central European Journal of Mathematics | null | null | null | math.AG | null | We describe the set of minimal log discrepancies of toric log varities, and
study its accumulation points.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 23 Aug 2005 09:25:11 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 11 Jan 2006 09:34:57 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508432 | Yuuki Tadokoro | Yuuki Tadokoro | The Harmonic Volumes of Hyperelliptic Curves | 20 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Publ. RIMS, Kyoto University | null | null | null | math.GT math.AG | null | We determine the harmonic volumes for all the hyperelliptic curves. This
gives a geometric interpretation of a theorem established by A. Tanaka.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 23 Aug 2005 15:57:10 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508436 | Alvaro Rittatore | Walter Ferrer Santos, Alvaro Rittatore | Generalized Cayley's $\Omega$-processes | 17 pages | null | null | null | math.AG math.RT | null | In this paper we generalize some constructions and results due to Cayley and
Hilbert. We define the concept of $\Omega$--process for an arbitrary algebraic
monoid with zero and unit group $G$. Then we show how to produce from the
process and for a linear rational representation of $G$, a number of elements
of the ring of $G$-invariants, that is large enough as to guarantee its finite
generation. Moreover, we give an explicit construction of all
$\Omega$-processes for general reductive monoids and, in the case of the monoid
of all the $n^2$ matrices, compare our construction with Cayley's definition.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 23 Aug 2005 17:36:05 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Walter Ferrer",
] |
math/0508439 | Andrew Kustin | Andrew R. Kustin and Jerzy M. Weyman | On the minimal free resolution of the universal ring for resolutions of
length two | 20 pages | null | null | null | math.AC math.AG | null | Hochster established the existence of a commutative noetherian ring $\tilde
C$ and a universal resolution $U$ of the form $0\to \tilde C^{e}\to \tilde
C^{f}\to \tilde C^{g}\to 0$ such that for any commutative noetherian ring $S$
and any resolution $V$ equal to $0\to S^{e}\to S^{f}\to S^{g}\to 0$, there
exists a unique ring homomorphism $\tilde C\to S$ with $V=U\otimes_{\tilde C}
S$. In the present paper we assume that $f=e+g$ and we find the minimal
resolution of ${\bf K}\otimes \tilde C$ by free $B$-modules, where $\bf K$ is a
field of characteristic zero and $B$ is a polynomial ring over $\bf K$. Our
techniques are geometric. We use the Bott algorithm and the Representation
Theory of the General Linear Group. As a by-product of our work, we resolve a
family of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules defined over a determinantal ring.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 23 Aug 2005 22:02:58 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Andrew R.",
"Jerzy M.",
] |
math/0508440 | Nathan Geer | Nathan Geer | Some remarks on quantized Lie superalgebras of classical type | This version has minor corrections asked for by the referee | null | null | null | math.QA math.RT | null | In this paper we use the Etingof-Kazhdan quantization of Lie bi-superalgebras
to investigate some interesting questions related to Drinfeld-Jimbo type
superalgebra associated to a Lie superalgebra of classical type. It has been
shown that the D-J type superalgebra associated to a Lie superalgebra of type
A-G, with the distinguished Cartan matrix, is isomorphic to the E-K
quantization of the Lie superalgebra. The first main result in the present
paper is to extend this to arbitrary Cartan matrices. This paper also contains
two other main results: 1) a theorem stating that all highest weight modules of
a Lie superalgebra of type A-G can be deformed to modules over the
corresponding D-J type superalgebra and 2) a super version of the
Drinfeld-Kohno Theorem.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 23 Aug 2005 22:05:04 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 26 Apr 2007 14:03:40 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508441 | Aristide Tsemo | Aristide Tsemo | The structure of CR manifolds | null | null | null | null | math.DG | null | In this paper we study the topology of pseudo convex CR manifolds whose Reeb
flow preserves the Levi metric.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 23 Aug 2005 23:56:00 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508442 | Pablo Gustavo Albuquerque Braz e Silva | P. Braz e Silva, M. A. Rojas-Medar | Error bounds for semi-Galerkin approximations of nonhomogeneous
incompressible fluids | 22 pages; Some typos were corrected | null | null | null | math.AP | null | We consider the spectral semi-Galerkin method applied to the nonhomogeneous
Navier-Stokes equations. Under certain conditions it is known that the
approximate solutions constructed through this method converge to a global
strong solution of these equations. Here, we derive an optimal uniform in time
error estimate in the $H^1$ norm for the velocity. We also derive an error
estimate for the density in some spaces $L^r$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 04:00:53 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 20 Sep 2006 20:11:40 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"P. Braz e",
"M. A.",
] |
math/0508445 | Giovanni Panti | Giovanni Panti | Invariant measures in free MV-algebras | 12 pages, 4 figures. Title changed, motivational section rewritten,
mathematics unchanged. To appear in Communications in Algebra | null | null | null | math.LO math.DS | null | MV-algebras can be viewed either as the Lindenbaum algebras of Lukasiewicz
infinite-valued logic, or as unit intervals of lattice-ordered abelian groups
in which a strong order unit has been fixed. The free n-generated MV-algebra
Free_n is representable as an algebra of continuous piecewise-linear functions
with integer coefficients over the unit cube [0,1]^n. The maximal spectrum of
Free_n is canonically homeomorphic to [0,1]^n, and the automorphisms of the
algebra are in 1-1 correspondence with the pwl homeomorphisms with integer
coefficients of the unit cube. In this paper we prove that the only probability
measure on [0,1]^n which is null on underdimensioned 0-sets and is invariant
under the group of all such homeomorphisms is the Lebesgue measure. From the
viewpoint of lattice-ordered abelian groups, this fact means that, in relevant
cases, fixing an automorphism-invariant strong unit implies fixing a
distinguished probability measure on the maximal spectrum. From the viewpoint
of algebraic logic, it means that the only automorphism-invariant truth
averaging process that detects pseudotrue propositions is the integral with
respect to Lebesgue measure.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 13:30:10 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:29:13 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508447 | Javier Parcet | Javier Parcet | Weak type estimates associated to Burkholder's martingale inequality | 20 pages | null | null | null | math.PR math.FA | null | Given a probability space $(\Omega, \mathsf{A}, \mu)$, let $\mathsf{A}_1,
\mathsf{A}_2, ...$ be a filtration of $\sigma$-subalgebras of $\mathsf{A}$ and
let $\mathsf{E}_1, \mathsf{E}_2, ...$ denote the corresponding family of
conditional expectations. Given a martingale $f = (f_1, f_2, ...)$ adapted to
this filtration and bounded in $L_p(\Omega)$ for some $2 \le p < \infty$,
Burkholder's inequality claims that $$\|f\|_{L_p(\Omega)} \sim_{\mathrm{c}_p}
\Big\| \Big(\sum_{k=1}^\infty \mathsf{E}_{k-1}(|df_k|^2) \Big)^{1/2}
\Big\|_{L_{p}(\Omega)} + \Big(\sum_{k=1}^\infty \|df_k\|_p^p \Big)^{1/p}.$$
Motivated by quantum probability, Junge and Xu recently extended this result to
the range $1 < p < 2$. In this paper we study Burkholder's inequality for
$p=1$, for which the techniques (as we shall explain) must be different. Quite
surprisingly, we obtain two non-equivalent estimates which play the role of the
weak type $(1,1)$ analog of Burkholder's inequality. As application, we obtain
new properties of Davis decomposition for martingales.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 08:55:36 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2005 10:53:10 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508449 | Janyska Josef | Josef Jany\v{s}ka | Geometric structures on the tangent bundle of the Einstein spacetime | null | null | null | null | math.DG | null | We describe conditions under which a spacetime connection and a scaled
Lorentzian metric define natural symplectic and Poisson structures on the
tangent bundle of the Einstein spacetime.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 11:43:20 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508450 | Damir Filipovic | Patrick Cheridito, Damir Filipovic and Marc Yor | Equivalent and absolutely continuous measure changes for jump-diffusion
processes | Published at in the
Annals of Applied Probability ( by the Institute
of Mathematical Statistics ( | Annals of Applied Probability 2005, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1713-1732 | 10.1214/105051605000000197 | IMS-AAP-AAP0097 | math.PR | null | We provide explicit sufficient conditions for absolute continuity and
equivalence between the distributions of two jump-diffusion processes that can
explode and be killed by a potential.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 11:52:46 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508451 | Malwina J. Luczak | Malwina J. Luczak and Colin McDiarmid | On the power of two choices: Balls and bins in continuous time | Published at in the
Annals of Applied Probability ( by the Institute
of Mathematical Statistics ( | Annals of Applied Probability 2005, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1733-1764 | 10.1214/105051605000000205 | IMS-AAP-AAP0098 | math.PR | null | Suppose that there are n bins, and balls arrive in a Poisson process at rate
\lambda n, where \lambda >0 is a constant. Upon arrival, each ball chooses a
fixed number d of random bins, and is placed into one with least load. Balls
have independent exponential lifetimes with unit mean. We show that the system
converges rapidly to its equilibrium distribution; and when d\geq 2, there is
an integer-valued function m_d(n)=\ln \ln n/\ln d+O(1) such that, in the
equilibrium distribution, the maximum load of a bin is concentrated on the two
values m_d(n) and m_d(n)-1, with probability tending to 1, as n\to \infty. We
show also that the maximum load usually does not vary by more than a constant
amount from \ln \ln n/\ln d, even over quite long periods of time.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 11:58:39 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Malwina J.",
] |
math/0508452 | Josef Teichmann | Fabrice Baudoin and Josef Teichmann | Hypoellipticity in infinite dimensions and an application in interest
rate theory | Published at in the
Annals of Applied Probability ( by the Institute
of Mathematical Statistics ( | Annals of Applied Probability 2005, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1765-1777 | 10.1214/105051605000000214 | IMS-AAP-AAP0099 | math.PR | null | We apply methods from Malliavin calculus to prove an infinite-dimensional
version of Hormander's theorem for stochastic evolution equations in the spirit
of Da Prato-Zabczyk. This result is used to show that HJM-equations from
interest rate theory, which satisfy the Hormander condition, have the
conceptually undesirable feature that any selection of yields admits a density
as multi-dimensional random variable.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 12:03:35 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508453 | Svante Janson | Svante Janson, Malwina Luczak | A simple solution to the k-core problem | 14 pages | null | null | null | math.CO math.PR | null | We study the k-core of a random (multi)graph on n vertices with a given
degree sequence. We let n tend to infinity. Then, under some regularity
conditions on the degree sequences, we give conditions on the asymptotic shape
of the degree sequence that imply that with high probability the k-core is
empty, and other conditions that imply that with high probability the k-core is
non-empty and the sizes of its vertex and edge sets satisfy a law of large
numbers; under suitable assumptions these are the only two possibilities. In
particular, we recover the result by Pittel, Spencer and Wormald on the
existence and size of a k-core in G(n,p) and G(n,m).
Our method is based on the properties of empirical distributions of
independent random variables, and leads to simple proofs.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 12:08:25 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508454 | Serik Sagitov | Serik Sagitov and Peter Jagers | The coalescent effective size of age-structured populations | Published at in the
Annals of Applied Probability ( by the Institute
of Mathematical Statistics ( | Annals of Applied Probability 2005, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1778-1797 | 10.1214/105051605000000223 | IMS-AAP-AAP0100 | math.PR | null | We establish convergence to the Kingman coalescent for a class of
age-structured population models with time-constant population size. Time is
discrete with unit called a year. Offspring numbers in a year may depend on
mother's age.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 12:12:43 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508456 | Herbert Lange | H. Lange and S. Recillas | Polarizations of Prym Varieties of pairs of coverings | to appear in Archiv der Mathematik | null | null | null | math.AG | null | To any pair of coverings $f_i: X \ra X_i, i = 1,2$ of smooth projective
curves one can associate an abelian subvariety of the Jacobian $J_X$, the Prym
variety $P(f_1,f_2)$ of the pair $(f_1,f_2)$. In some cases we can compute the
type of the restriction of the canonical principal polarization of $JX$. We
obtain 2 families of Prym-Tyurin varieties of exponent 6.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 12:22:08 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508457 | Jianfeng Zhang | Jianfeng Zhang | Representation of solutions to BSDEs associated with a degenerate FSDE | Published at in the
Annals of Applied Probability ( by the Institute
of Mathematical Statistics ( | Annals of Applied Probability 2005, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1798-1831 | 10.1214/105051605000000232 | IMS-AAP-AAP0101 | math.PR | null | In this paper we investigate a class of decoupled forward-backward SDEs,
where the volatility of the FSDE is degenerate and the terminal value of the
BSDE is a discontinuous function of the FSDE. Such an FBSDE is associated with
a degenerate parabolic PDE with discontinuous terminal condition. We first
establish a Feynman-Kac type representation formula for the spatial derivative
of the solution to the PDE. As a consequence, we show that there exists a
stopping time \tau such that the martingale integrand of the BSDE is continuous
before \tau and vanishes after \tau. However, it may blow up at \tau, as
illustrated by an example. Moreover, some estimates for the martingale
integrand before \tau are obtained. These results are potentially useful for
pricing and hedging discontinuous exotic options (e.g., digital options) when
the underlying asset's volatility is small, and they are also useful for
studying the rate of convergence of finite-difference approximations for
degenerate parabolic PDEs.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 12:24:39 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508458 | Herbert Lange | Herbert Lange | Principal polarizations on products of elliptic curves | null | null | null | null | math.AG math.NT | null | An abelian variety admits only a finite number of isomorphism classes of
principal polarizations. The paper gives an interpretation of this number in
terms of class numbers of definite Hermitian forms in the case of a product of
elliptic curves without complex multiplication. In the case of a self-product
of an elliptic curve, as well as in the two-dimensional case, classical class
number computations can be applied to determine this number.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 12:31:20 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508459 | G. J. Morrow | G. J. Morrow and Y. Zhang | The sizes of the pioneering, lowest crossing and pivotal sites in
critical percolation on the triangular lattice | Published at in the
Annals of Applied Probability ( by the Institute
of Mathematical Statistics ( | Annals of Applied Probability 2005, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1832-1886 | 10.1214/105051605000000241 | IMS-AAP-AAP0102 | math.PR | null | Let L_n denote the lowest crossing of a square 2n\times2n box for critical
site percolation on the triangular lattice imbedded in Z^2. Denote also by F_n
the pioneering sites extending below this crossing, and Q_n the pivotal sites
on this crossing. Combining the recent results of Smirnov and Werner [Math.
Res. Lett. 8 (2001) 729-744] on asymptotic probabilities of multiple arm paths
in both the plane and half-plane, Kesten's [Comm. Math. Phys. 109 (1987)
109-156] method for showing that certain restricted multiple arm paths are
probabilistically equivalent to unrestricted ones, and our own second and
higher moment upper bounds, we obtain the following results. For each positive
integer \tau, as n\to\infty: 1. E(|L_n|^{\tau})=n^{4\tau/3+o(1)}. 2.
E(|F_n|^{\tau})=n^{7\tau/4+o(1)}. 3. E(|Q_n|^{\tau})=n^{3\tau/4+o(1)}. These
results extend to higher moments a discrete analogue of the recent results of
Lawler, Schramm and Werner [Math. Res. Lett. 8 (2001) 401-411] that the
frontier, pioneering points and cut points of planar Brownian motion have
Hausdorff dimensions, respectively, 4/3, 7/4 and 3/4.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 13:07:16 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"G. J.",
] |
math/0508460 | Amarjit Budhiraja | Amarjit Budhiraja and Arka Prasanna Ghosh | A large deviations approach to asymptotically optimal control of
crisscross network in heavy traffic | Published at in the
Annals of Applied Probability ( by the Institute
of Mathematical Statistics ( | Annals of Applied Probability 2005, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1887-1935 | 10.1214/105051605000000250 | IMS-AAP-AAP0103 | math.PR | null | In this work we study the problem of asymptotically optimal control of a
well-known multi-class queuing network, referred to as the ``crisscross
network,'' in heavy traffic. We consider exponential inter-arrival and service
times, linear holding cost and an infinite horizon discounted cost criterion.
In a suitable parameter regime, this problem has been studied in detail by
Martins, Shreve and Soner [SIAM J. Control Optim. 34 (1996) 2133-2171] using
viscosity solution methods. In this work, using the pathwise solution of the
Brownian control problem, we present an elementary and transparent treatment of
the problem (with the identical parameter regime as in [SIAM J. Control Optim.
34 (1996) 2133-2171]) using large deviation ideas introduced in [Ann. Appl.
Probab. 10 (2000) 75-103, Ann. Appl. Probab. 11 (2001) 608-649]. We obtain an
asymptotically optimal scheduling policy which is of threshold type. The proof
is of independent interest since it is one of the few results which gives the
asymptotic optimality of a control policy for a network with a more than
one-dimensional workload process.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 13:24:59 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Arka Prasanna",
] |
math/0508462 | Benedicte Haas | Benedicte Haas | Equilibrium for fragmentation with immigration | Published at in the
Annals of Applied Probability ( by the Institute
of Mathematical Statistics ( | Annals of Applied Probability 2005, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1958-1996 | 10.1214/105051605000000340 | IMS-AAP-AAP0105 | math.PR | null | This paper introduces stochastic processes that describe the evolution of
systems of particles in which particles immigrate according to a Poisson
measure and split according to a self-similar fragmentation. Criteria for
existence and absence of stationary distributions are established and
uniqueness is proved. Also, convergence rates to the stationary distribution
are given. Linear equations which are the deterministic counterparts of
fragmentation with immigration processes are next considered. As in the
stochastic case, existence and uniqueness of solutions, as well as existence
and uniqueness of stationary solutions, are investigated.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 13:53:14 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508463 | Kyril Tintarev | Achilles Tertikas, Kyril Tintarev | On existence of minimizers for the Hardy-Sobolev-Maz'ya inequality | 18 pages | null | null | null | math.AP | null | We show existence of minimizers for the Hardy-Sobolev-Maz'ya inequality in
$R^{m+n}\setminus\R^n$ for $m=1$ and $n>2$ or for $m>2$ and $n>0$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 13:56:27 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 1 Nov 2005 11:12:13 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508464 | Mathew D. Penrose | Mathew D. Penrose | Convergence of random measures in geometric probability | 51 pages | null | null | null | math.PR | null | Given $n$ independent random marked $d$-vectors $X_i$ with a common density,
define the measure $\nu_n = \sum_i \xi_i $, where $\xi_i$ is a measure (not
necessarily a point measure) determined by the (suitably rescaled) set of
points near $X_i$. Technically, this means here that $\xi_i$ stabilizes with a
suitable power-law decay of the tail of the radius of stabilization. For
bounded test functions $f$ on $R^d$, we give a law of large numbers and central
limit theorem for $\nu_n(f)$. The latter implies weak convergence of
$\nu_n(\cdot)$, suitably scaled and centred, to a Gaussian field acting on
bounded test functions. The general result is illustrated with applications
including the volume and surface measure of germ-grain models with unbounded
grain sizes.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 14:51:08 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Mathew D.",
] |
math/0508465 | David Lannes | David Lannes | Sharp estimates for pseudodifferential operators with symbols of limited
smoothness and commutators | Accepted for publication in Journal of Functional Analysis | null | null | null | math.AP math.FA | null | We consider here pseudo-differential operators whose symbol $\sigma(x,\xi)$
is not infinitely smooth with respect to $x$. Decomposing such symbols into
four -sometimes five- components and using tools of paradifferential calculus,
we derive sharp estimates on the action of such pseudo-differential operators
on Sobolev spaces and give explicit expressions for their operator norm in
terms of the symbol $\sigma(x,\xi)$. We also study commutator estimates
involving such operators, and generalize or improve the so-called Kato-Ponce
and Calderon-Coifman-Meyer estimates in various ways.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 14:04:20 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508466 | Niko Naumann | Jens Hornbostel, Niko Naumann | Beta-elements and divided congruences | minor changes; final version, to appear in Amer. J. Math | null | null | null | math.AT | null | The f-invariant is an injective homomorphism from the 2-line of the
Adams-Novikov spectral sequence to a group which is closely related to divided
congruences of elliptic modular forms. We compute the f-invariant for two
infinite families of beta-elements and explain the relation of the arithmetic
of divided congruences with the Kervaire invariant one problem.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 14:15:18 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 12 Jul 2006 14:02:41 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508467 | Daniel Ryder | Daniel Ryder | Classification of elliptic and K3 fibrations birational to some Q-Fano
3-folds | 24 pages | null | null | null | math.AG | null | A complete classification is presented of elliptic and K3 fibrations
birational to certain mildly singular complex Fano 3-folds. Detailed proofs are
given for one example case, namely that of a general hypersurface X of degree
30 in weighted P^4 with weights 1,4,5,6,15; but our methods apply more
generally. For constructing birational maps from X to elliptic and K3
fibrations we use Kawamata blowups and Mori theory to compute anticanonical
rings; to exclude other possible fibrations we make a close examination of the
strictly canonical singularities of (X,(1/n)H), where H is the linear system
associated to the putative birational map and n is its anticanonical degree.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 14:26:31 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508470 | Scott Wolpert | Scott A. Wolpert | Cusps and the family hyperbolic metric | null | null | null | null | math.CV math.AG | null | The hyperbolic metric for the punctured unit disc in the Euclidean plane is
singular at the origin. A renormalization of the metric at the origin is
provided by the Euclidean metric. For Riemann surfaces there is a unique germ
for the isometry class of a complete hyperbolic metric at a cusp. The
renormalization for the punctured unit disc provides a renormalization for a
hyperbolic metric at a cusp. For a holomorphic family of punctured Riemann
surfaces the family of (co)tangent spaces along a puncture defines a
tautological holomorphic line bundle over the base of the family. The Hermitian
connection and Chern form for the renormalized metric are determined.
Connections to the work of M. Mirzakhani, L. Takhtajan and P. Zograf, and
intersection numbers for the moduli space of punctured Riemann surfaces studied
by E. Witten are presented.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 14:58:53 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 23 Sep 2005 14:44:28 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Tue, 15 Aug 2006 22:44:29 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Tue, 13 Mar 2007 15:57:23 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Scott A.",
] |
math/0508471 | Elem\'er Rosinger | Elemer E Rosinger | Solving Problems in Scalar Algebras of Reduced Powers | null | null | null | null | math.GM physics.gen-ph | null | Following our previous work, we suggest here a large class of algebras of
scalars in which simultaneous and correlated computations can be performed
owing to the existence of surjective algebra homomorphisms. This may replace
the currently used traditional computations in which only real or complex
scalars are used, or occasionally, nonstandard ones. The usual real, complex,
or nonstandard scalars are included in the mentioned large class of algebras.
Such simultaneous and correlated computations offer a depth of insight which
has so far been missed when only using the few traditional kind of scalars.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 15:17:33 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Elemer E",
] |
math/0508472 | Anish Ghosh | Anish Ghosh | Metric Diophantine approximation over a local field of positive
characteristic | 19 pages | null | null | null | math.NT math.DS | null | We estalish the conjectures of Sprindzhuk over a local field of positive
characteristic using the dynamical method of Kleinbock-Margulis.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 15:17:59 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508473 | Anish Ghosh | Anish Ghosh | A Khintchine type theorem for hyperplanes | 14 pages | null | null | null | math.NT math.DS | null | We prove that the convergence Khintchine theorem holds for affine hyperplanes
whose parametrizing matrices satisfy a mild Diophantine condition. We use the
dynamical method of Kleinbock-Margulis.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 15:42:59 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508475 | Siqi Fu | Siqi Fu | Hearing the type of a domain in C^2 with the d-bar-Neumann Laplacian | 27 pages | null | null | null | math.CV math.AP | null | A smooth bounded pseudoconvex domain in two complex variables is of finite
type if and only if the number of eigenvalues of the d-bar-Neumann Laplacian
that are less than or equal to $\lambda$ has at most polynomial growth as
$\lambda$ goes to infinity.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 16:57:08 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508476 | Dragomir Saric | R. C. Penner and Dragomir Saric | Teichmuller theory of the punctured solenoid | 28 pages, 2 pictures | null | null | Stony Brook IMS #2005/06 | math.DS math.GT | null | The punctured solenoid $\S$ is an initial object for the category of
punctured surfaces with morphisms given by finite covers branched only over the
punctures. The (decorated) Teichm\"uller space of $\S$ is introduced, studied,
and found to be parametrized by certain coordinates on a fixed triangulation of
$\S$. Furthermore, a point in the decorated Teichm\"uller space induces a
polygonal decomposition of $\S$ giving a combinatorial description of its
decorated Teichm\"uller space itself. This is used to obtain a non-trivial set
of generators of the modular group of $\S$, which is presumably the main result
of this paper. Moreover, each word in these generators admits a normal form,
and the natural equivalence relation on normal forms is described. There is
furthermore a non-degenerate modular group invariant two form on the
Teichm\"uller space of $\S$. All of this structure is in perfect analogy with
that of the decorated Teichm\"uller space of a punctured surface of finite
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 17:35:56 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"R. C.",
] |
math/0508477 | Mikhail Lyubich | A. de Carvalho, M. Lyubich, M. Martens | Renormalization in the Henon family, I: universality but non-rigidity | 42 pages, 5 pictures | null | null | Stony Brook IMS #2005/7 | math.DS | null | In this paper geometric properties of infinitely renormalizable real
H\'enon-like maps $F$ in $\R^2$ are studied. It is shown that the appropriately
defined renormalizations $R^n F$ converge exponentially to the one-dimensional
renormalization fixed point. The convergence to one-dimensional systems is at a
super-exponential rate controlled by the average Jacobian and a universal
function $a(x)$. It is also shown that the attracting Cantor set of such a map
has Hausdorff dimension less than 1, but contrary to the one-dimensional
intuition, it is not rigid, does not lie on a smooth curve, and generically has
unbounded geometry.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 17:58:55 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"de Carvalho",
] |
math/0508480 | Igor Erovenko | Igor V. Erovenko and Andrei S. Rapinchuk | Bounded generation of S-arithmetic subgroups of isotropic orthogonal
groups over number fields | An extended version of the paper accepted by the Journal of Number
Theory, it includes a self-contained proof of Witt's theorem for local
lattices | null | null | null | math.GR | null | Let f be a nondegenerate quadratic form in at least 5 variables over a number
field K and let S be a finite set of valuations of K containing all Archimedean
ones. We prove that if the Witt index of f is at least 2 or it is 1 and S
contains a non-Archimedean valuation, then the S-arithmetic subgroups of the
special orthogonal group of f have bounded generation. These groups provide a
series of examples of boundedly generated S-arithmetic groups in isotropic, but
not quasi-split, algebraic groups.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 21:05:11 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 2005 18:07:20 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Igor V.",
"Andrei S.",
] |
math/0508482 | William Arveson | William Arveson and Richard V. Kadison | Diagonals of self-adjoint operators | Clarifications, minor corrections. 19 pages | null | null | null | math.OA math.FA | null | The eigenvalues of a self-adjoint nxn matrix A can be put into a decreasing
sequence $\lambda=(\lambda_1,...,\lambda_n)$, with repetitions according to
multiplicity, and the diagonal of A is a point of $R^n$ that bears some
relation to $\lambda$. The Schur-Horn theorem characterizes that relation in
terms of a system of linear inequalities.
We give a new proof of the latter result for positive trace-class operators
on infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces, generalizing results of one of us on
the diagonals of projections. We also establish an appropriate counterpart of
the Schur inequalities that relate spectral properties of self-adjoint
operators in $II_1$ factors to their images under a conditional expectation
onto a maximal abelian subalgebra.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 2005 22:03:43 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 18 Oct 2005 20:21:19 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Richard V.",
] |
math/0508484 | Vassily Iskovskikh | Vasily Iskovskikh | Two non-conjugate embeddings of $S_3\times \mathbb Z_2$ into the Cremona
group II | 13 pages | null | null | null | math.AG | null | We prove more precisely the following main result of \cite{Isk1}. There is
two non-conjugate embeddings of $S_3\times \ZZ_2$ into the Cremona group that
is given by the linear action of this group on the plane and the action on the
two-dimensional torus.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 06:28:26 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 6 Sep 2005 12:07:23 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Fri, 28 Oct 2005 10:30:08 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508485 | Benedetti Riccardo | Riccardo Benedetti and Francesco Bonsante | Canonical Wick rotations in 3-dimensional gravity | Monograph, 201 pages, 18 figures. This is a substantially reorganized
version which incorporates the contents of earlier authors preprint
arXiv:math.DG/0412470. To appear in Memoirs of AMS | null | null | null | math.DG gr-qc math.GT | null | We develop a ``canonical Wick rotation-rescaling theory in 3-dimensional
gravity''. This includes: (a) A simultaneous classification that shows how
generic maximal globally hyperbolic spacetimes of constant curvature, which
admit a complete Cauchy surface (in particular a compact one), as well as
complex projective structures on arbitrary surfaces, are all encoded by pairs
(H,L), H being a ``straight convex sets'' in the hyperbolic plane, and L a
``measured geodesic laminations'' suitably defined on H. (b) Canonical
geometric correlations: spacetimes of different curvature, that share a same
encoding pair (H,L), are related to each other by ``canonical rescaling''; they
can be transformed by ``canonical Wick rotations'' in hyperbolic 3-manifolds,
that carry asymptotically the corresponding projective structures. Both Wick
rotations and rescalings act along the "canonical cosmological time" and have
``universal rescaling functions''. These correlations are functorial with
respect to isomorphisms of the respective geometric categories. We analyze the
behaviour along a ray of measured laminations, (broken) T-symmetry by
spacetimes of negative curvature, the relationship with ``earthquake theory'',
beyond the case of compact Cauchy surface. WR-rescaling does apply on the
``ends'' of geometrically finite hyperbolic 3-manifolds, that hence realize
concrete interactions of their globally hyperbolic ``ending spacetimes'' of
constant curvature. It also provides further "classical amplitudes" of these
interactions, beyond the volume of the hyperbolic convex cores.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 07:37:28 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 8 Dec 2005 12:02:07 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 25 Oct 2006 08:25:14 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508486 | Anton Bovier | Anton Bovier and Alessandra Faggionato | Spectral characterization of aging: the rem-like trap model | Published at in the
Annals of Applied Probability ( by the Institute
of Mathematical Statistics ( | Annals of Applied Probability 2005, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1997-2037 | 10.1214/105051605000000359 | IMS-AAP-AAP0106 | math.PR | null | We review the aging phenomenon in the context of the simplest trap model,
Bouchaud's REM-like trap model, from a spectral theoretic point of view. We
show that the generator of the dynamics of this model can be diagonalized
exactly. Using this result, we derive closed expressions for correlation
functions in terms of complex contour integrals that permit an easy
investigation into their large time asymptotics in the thermodynamic limit. We
also give a ``grand canonical'' representation of the model in terms of the
Markov process on a Poisson point process. In this context we analyze the
dynamics on various time scales.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 07:42:01 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508488 | Wolfgang Wagner | Wolfgang Wagner | Explosion phenomena in stochastic coagulation-fragmentation models | Published at in the
Annals of Applied Probability ( by the Institute
of Mathematical Statistics ( | Annals of Applied Probability 2005, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2081-2112 | 10.1214/105051605000000386 | IMS-AAP-AAP0109 | math.PR | null | First we establish explosion criteria for jump processes with an arbitrary
locally compact separable metric state space. Then these results are applied to
two stochastic coagulation-fragmentation models--the direct simulation model
and the mass flow model. In the pure coagulation case, there is almost sure
explosion in the mass flow model for arbitrary homogeneous coagulation kernels
with exponent bigger than 1. In the case of pure multiple fragmentation with a
continuous size space, explosion occurs in both models provided the total
fragmentation rate grows sufficiently fast at zero. However, an example shows
that the explosion properties of both models are not equivalent.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 08:15:45 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508490 | Carlos M. Mora | Carlos M. Mora | Numerical solution of conservative finite-dimensional stochastic
Schrodinger equations | Published at in the
Annals of Applied Probability ( by the Institute
of Mathematical Statistics ( | Annals of Applied Probability 2005, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2144-2171 | 10.1214/105051605000000403 | IMS-AAP-AAP0111 | math.PR | null | The paper deals with the numerical solution of the nonlinear Ito stochastic
differential equations (SDEs) appearing in the unravelling of quantum master
equations. We first develop an exponential scheme of weak order 1 for general
globally Lipschitz SDEs governed by Brownian motions. Then, we proceed to study
the numerical integration of a class of locally Lipschitz SDEs. More precisely,
we adapt the exponential scheme obtained in the first part of the work to the
characteristics of certain finite-dimensional nonlinear stochastic Schrodinger
equations. This yields a numerical method for the simulation of the mean value
of quantum observables. We address the rate of convergence arising in this
computation. Finally, an experiment with a representative quantum master
equation illustrates the good performance of the new scheme.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 08:38:32 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Carlos M.",
] |
math/0508491 | Emmanuel Gobet | Emmanuel Gobet, Jean-Philippe Lemor and Xavier Warin | A regression-based Monte Carlo method to solve backward stochastic
differential equations | Published at in the
Annals of Applied Probability ( by the Institute
of Mathematical Statistics ( | Annals of Applied Probability 2005, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2172-2202 | 10.1214/105051605000000412 | IMS-AAP-AAP0112 | math.PR | null | We are concerned with the numerical resolution of backward stochastic
differential equations. We propose a new numerical scheme based on iterative
regressions on function bases, which coefficients are evaluated using Monte
Carlo simulations. A full convergence analysis is derived. Numerical
experiments about finance are included, in particular, concerning option
pricing with differential interest rates.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 09:01:37 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508492 | Richard S. Ellis | Richard S. Ellis, Peter T. Otto and Hugo Touchette | Analysis of phase transitions in the mean-field Blume-Emery-Griffiths
model | Published at in the
Annals of Applied Probability ( by the Institute
of Mathematical Statistics ( | Annals of Applied Probability 2005, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2203-2254 | 10.1214/105051605000000421 | IMS-AAP-AAP0113 | math.PR | null | In this paper we give a complete analysis of the phase transitions in the
mean-field Blume-Emery-Griffiths lattice-spin model with respect to the
canonical ensemble, showing both a second-order, continuous phase transition
and a first-order, discontinuous phase transition for appropriate values of the
thermodynamic parameters that define the model. These phase transitions are
analyzed both in terms of the empirical measure and the spin per site by
studying bifurcation phenomena of the corresponding sets of canonical
equilibrium macrostates, which are defined via large deviation principles.
Analogous phase transitions with respect to the microcanonical ensemble are
also studied via a combination of rigorous analysis and numerical calculations.
Finally, probabilistic limit theorems for appropriately scaled values of the
total spin are proved with respect to the canonical ensemble. These limit
theorems include both central-limit-type theorems, when the thermodynamic
parameters are not equal to critical values, and noncentral-limit-type
theorems, when these parameters equal critical values.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 09:11:56 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Richard S.",
"Peter T.",
] |
math/0508493 | R David Kumar | R David Kumar | Higher order Hessian structures on manifolds | 18 pages, no figures, no tables | Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), Vol. 115, No. 3, August
2005, pp. 259-277 | null | null | math.DG | null | In this paper we define $n$th order Hessian structures on manifolds and study
them. In particular, when $n = 3$, we make a detailed study and establish a
one-to-one correspondence between {\it third-order Hessian structures} and a
{\it certain class of connections} on the second-order tangent bundle of a
manifold. Further, we show that a connection on the tangent bundle of a
manifold induces a connection on the second-order tangent bundle. Also we
define second-order geodesics of special second-order connection which gives a
geometric characterization of symmetric third-order Hessian structures.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 10:21:58 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"R David",
] |
math/0508494 | Zhang Zonglao | Zhang Zonglao | Estimates and nonexistence of solutions of the scalar curvature equation
on noncompact manifolds | 10 pages, no figures, no tables | Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), Vol. 115, No. 3, August
2005, pp. 309-318 | null | null | math.DG math.AP | null | This paper is to study the conformal scalar curvature equation on complete
noncompact Riemannian manifold of nonpositive curvature. We derive some
estimates and properties of supersolutions of the scalar curvature equation,
and obtain some nonexistence results for complete solutions of scalar curvature
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 10:26:29 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508495 | M Eshaghi Gordji | M Eshaghi Gordji and S A R Hosseiniun | Ideal amenability of Banach algebras on locally compact groups | 7 pages, no figures, no tables | Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), Vol. 115, No. 3, August
2005, pp. 319-325 | null | null | math.FA | null | In this paper we study the ideal amenability of Banach algebras. Let $\cal A$
be a Banach algebra and let $I$ be a closed two-sided ideal in $\cal A$, $\cal
A$ is $I$-weakly amenable if $H^{1}({\cal A},I^*)=\{0\}$. Further, $\cal A$ is
ideally amenable if $\cal A$ is $I$-weakly amenable for every closed two-sided
ideal $I$ in $\cal A$. We know that a continuous homomorphic image of an
amenable Banach algebra is again amenable. We show that for ideal amenability
the homomorphism property for suitable direct summands is true similar to weak
amenability and we apply this result for ideal amenability of Banach algebras
on locally compact groups.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 10:29:46 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"M Eshaghi",
"S A R",
] |
math/0508496 | Ali Ghaffari | Ali Ghaffari and Ali Reza Medghalchi | The Socle and finite dimensionality of some Banach algebras | 4 pages, no figures, no tables | Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), Vol. 115, No. 3, August
2005, pp. 327-330 | null | null | math.FA | null | The purpose of this note is to describe some algebraic conditions on a Banach
algebra which force it to be finite dimensional. One of the main results in
Theorem~2 which states that for a locally compact group $G$, $G$ is compact if
there exists a measure $\mu$ in $\hbox{Soc}(L^{1}(G))$ such that $\mu(G) \neq
0$. We also prove that $G$ is finite if $\hbox{Soc}(M(G))$ is closed and every
nonzero left ideal in $M(G)$ contains a minimal left ideal.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 10:32:39 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Ali Reza",
] |
math/0508506 | Pyatov Pavel | Dimitri Gurevich, Pavel Pyatov and Pavel Saponov | The GL(m|n) type quantum matrix algebras II: the structure of the
characteristic subalgebra and its spectral parameterization | 28 pages; two remarks (at p.6 and pp.15-16) added; several typos
corrected | null | null | Preprint MPIM2005-54 | math.QA | null | In our previous paper math.QA/0412192 the Cayley-Hamilton identity for the
GL(m|n) type quantum matrix algebra was obtained. Here we continue
investigation of that identity. We derive it in three alternative forms and,
most importantly, we obtain it in a factorized form. The factorization leads to
a separation of the spectra of the quantum supermatrix into the "even" and
"odd" parts. The latter, in turn, allows us to parameterize the characteristic
subalgebra (which can also be called the subalgebra of spectral invariants) in
terms of the supersymmetric polynomials in the eigenvalues of the quantum
supermatrix. For our derivation we use two auxiliary results which may be of
independent interest. First, we calculate the multiplication rule for the
linear basis of the Schur functions $s_{\lambda}(M)$ for the characteristic
subalgebra of the Hecke type quantum matrix algebra. The structure constants in
this basis are the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. Second, we derive a
series of bilinear relations in the graded ring $\Lambda$ of Schur symmetric
functions in countably many variables.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 13:16:25 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 7 Sep 2005 07:43:36 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508507 | Jessica Millar Ms. | Julia Knight and Jessica Millar | Computable structures of rank omega_1^{CK} | 13 pages, submitted to the Journal of Mathematical Logic Aug 2004 | null | null | null | math.LO | null | We obtain a computable structure of Scott rank omega_1^{CK} (call this ock),
and give a general coding procedure that transforms any hyperarithmetical
structure A into a computable structure A' such that the rank of A is ock,
ock+1, or < ock iff the same is true of A'.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 13:57:24 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508509 | Yoichi Mieda | Yoichi Mieda | On the action of the Weil group on the l-adic cohomology of rigid spaces
over local fields | 11 pages, minor modifications | null | null | null | math.NT math.AG | null | We investigate the action of the Weil group on the compactly supported l-adic
cohomology groups of rigid spaces over local fields. We prove that every
eigenvalue of the action is a Weil number when either a rigid space is smooth
or the characteristic of the base field is equal to 0. Since a smooth rigid
space is locally isomorphic to the Raynaud generic fiber of an algebraizable
formal scheme, we can use the techniques of alterations and monodromy spectral
sequences in the smooth case. In the general case, we use the continuity
theorem of Huber, which requires the restriction on the characteristic of the
base field.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 15:05:21 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 5 Jan 2006 15:56:56 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508510 | Jacob Rasmussen | Jacob Rasmussen | Khovanov-Rozansky homology of two-bridge knots and links | 24 pages, 10 figures. v2: Incorporates referee's comments. To appear
in Duke Math. J | null | null | null | math.GT math.QA | null | We compute the reduced version of Khovanov and Rozansky's sl(N) homology for
two-bridge knots and links. The answer is expressed in terms of the HOMFLY
polynomial and signature.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 16:13:51 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 15 Aug 2006 14:43:19 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508512 | Leonid Fel | Leonid G. Fel and Yoram Zimmels | On the P\'olya Enumeration Theorem | 3 pages | null | null | null | math.CO | null | Simple formulas for the number of different cyclic and dihedral necklaces
containing $n_j$ beads of the $j$-th color, $j\leq m$ and $\sum_{j=1}^mn_j=N$,
are derived.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 16:13:40 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Leonid G.",
] |
math/0508514 | Anatoly Vershik | A.Vershik | Towards the definition of metric hyperbolicity | 23 pp. Bibl. 14 | null | null | null | math.DS math.PR | null | We introduce measure-theoretic definitions of {\it hyperbolic structure for
measure-preserving automorphisms}. A wide class of $K$-automorphisms possesses
a hyperbolic structure; we prove that all $K$-automorphisms have a slightly
weaker structure of {\it semi-hyperbolicity}. Instead of the notions of stable
and unstable foliations and other notions from smooth theory, we use the tools
of the theory of polymorphisms. The central role is played by {\it
polymorphisms} associated with a special invariant equivalence relation, more
exactly, with a homoclinic equivalence relation. We call an automorphism with
given hyperbolic structure a hyperbolic automorphism and prove that it is
canonically quasi-similar to a so-called prime nonmixing polymorphism.
We present a short but necessary vocabulary of polymorphisms and Markov
operators from \cite{V1,V2}.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 18:27:19 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508515 | Alan Weinstein | Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach and Alan Weinstein | Relative modular classes of Lie algebroids | 8 pages | null | null | null | math.DG math.SG | null | We study the relative modular classes of Lie algebroids, and we determine
their relationship with the modular classes of Lie algebroids with a twisted
Poisson structure.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 17:58:55 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508516 | Krainer Thomas | Thomas Krainer | Elliptic boundary problems on manifolds with polycylindrical ends | 33 pages | null | null | null | math.AP math.FA | null | We investigate general Shapiro-Lopatinsky elliptic boundary value problems on
manifolds with polycylindrical ends. This is accomplished by compactifying such
a manifold to a manifold with corners of in general higher codimension, and we
then deal with boundary value problems for cusp differential operators. We
introduce an adapted Boutet de Monvel's calculus of pseudodifferential boundary
value problems, and construct parametrices for elliptic cusp operators within
this calculus. Fredholm solvability and elliptic regularity up to the boundary
and up to infinity for boundary value problems on manifolds with
polycylindrical ends follows.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Aug 2005 18:12:35 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508518 | Sourav Chatterjee | Sourav Chatterjee | Concentration of Haar measures, with an application to random matrices | 12 pages. To appear in J. Funct. Anal | null | null | null | math.PR math.MG | null | We show that the mixing times of random walks on compact groups can be used
to obtain concentration inequalities for the respective Haar measures. As an
application, we derive a concentration inequality for the empirical
distribution of eigenvalues of sums of random hermitian matrices, with possible
applications in free probability. The advantage over existing techniques is
that the new method can deal with functions that are non-Lipschitz or even
discontinuous with respect to the usual metrics.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2005 00:03:58 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sun, 2 Oct 2005 06:36:51 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Tue, 23 Jan 2007 17:24:04 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508519 | Sourav Chatterjee | Sourav Chatterjee | A generalization of the Lindeberg principle | Published at in the
Annals of Probability ( by the Institute of
Mathematical Statistics ( | Annals of Probability 2006, Vol. 34, No. 6, 2061-2076 | 10.1214/009117906000000575 | IMS-AOP-AOP0183 | math.PR | null | We generalize Lindeberg's proof of the central limit theorem to an invariance
principle for arbitrary smooth functions of independent and weakly dependent
random variables. The result is applied to get a similar theorem for smooth
functions of exchangeable random variables. This theorem allows us to identify,
for the first time, the limiting spectral distributions of Wigner matrices with
exchangeable entries.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2005 00:40:37 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 15 Mar 2006 04:32:45 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Tue, 27 Feb 2007 15:48:11 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508520 | Alison Parker | Anton Cox and Alison Parker | Homomorphisms between Weyl modules for SL_3(k) | 41 pages, 2 colour figures, 25 black and white figures | null | null | null | math.RT | null | We classify all homomorphisms between Weyl modules for SL_3(k) when k is an
algebraically closed field of characteristic at least three, and show that the
Hom-spaces are all at most one-dimensional. As a corollary we obtain all
homomorphisms between Specht modules for the symmetric group when the labelling
partitions have at most three parts and the prime is at least three. We
conclude by showing how a result of Fayers and Lyle on Hom-spaces for Specht
modules is related to earlier work of Donkin for algebraic groups.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2005 01:23:00 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508521 | Alison Parker | Anton Cox and Alison Parker | Homomorphisms and Higher Extensions for Schur algebras and symmetric
groups | 19 pages, 1 figure | null | null | null | math.RT | null | This paper surveys, and in some cases generalises, many of the recent results
on homomorphisms and the higher Ext groups for q-Schur algebras and for the
Hecke algebra of type A. We review various results giving isomorphisms between
Ext groups in the two categories, and discuss those cases where explicit
results have been determined.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2005 02:31:35 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508522 | Nathaniel Emerson | Nathaniel D. Emerson | A family of meta-Fibonacci sequences defined by variable order
recursions | 19 pages, this version includes a correction to Corollary 2.15 | null | null | null | math.CO math.NT | null | We define a family of meta-Fibonacci sequences where the order of the of
recursion at stage n is a variable r(n), and the n^{th} term of a sequence is
the sum of the previous r(n) terms. For the terms of any such sequence, we give
upper and lower bounds which depend only on r(n).
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2005 03:06:39 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 30 Sep 2005 22:39:49 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Nathaniel D.",
] |
math/0508523 | Sho Matsumoto | Sho Matsumoto and Masato Wakayama | Alpha-determinant cyclic modules of $gl_n(C)$ | 14 pages | Journal of Lie Theory, 16 (2006), 393-405 | null | null | math.RT | null | The alpha-determinant unifies and interpolates the notion of the determinant
and permanent. We determine the irreducible decomposition of the cyclic module
of $gl_n(C)$ defined by the alpha-determinant. The degeneracy of the
irreducible decomposition is determined by the content polynomial of a given
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2005 04:56:48 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508524 | Musin Ildar | P. V. Fedotova, I. Kh. Musin | Approximation by polynomials in a weighted space of infinitely
differentiable functions | 10 pages | null | null | null | math.CA math.CV | null | The density of polynomials in a weighted space of infinitely differentiable
functions in a multidimensional real space is proved under minimal conditions
on weight functions and on differences between weight functions. We apply this
result for description of strong dual for weighted spaces of infinitely
differentiable functions on real line and weighted spaces of sequences of
infinitely differentiable functions on real line in terms of the
Fourier-Laplace transform of functionals.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2005 06:23:58 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"P. V.",
"I. Kh.",
] |
math/0508531 | Benno van den Berg | Benno van den Berg and Federico De Marchi | Models of Non-Well-Founded Sets via an Indexed Final Coalgebra Theorem | null | null | null | null | math.LO math.CT | null | The paper uses the formalism of indexed categories to recover the proof of a
standard final coalgebra theorem, thus showing existence of final coalgebras
for a special class of functors on categories with finite limits and colimits.
As an instance of this result, we build the final coalgebra for the powerclass
functor, in the context of a Heyting pretopos with a class of small maps. This
is then proved to provide a model for various non-well-founded set theories,
depending on the chosen axiomatisation for the class of small maps.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2005 10:00:43 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 30 Jan 2006 15:46:56 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Benno van den",
"De Marchi",
] |
math/0508532 | Ursula Hamenstaedt | Ursula Hamenstaedt | Bounded cohomology, cross ratios and cocycles | 18 pages | null | null | null | math.GR math.GT | null | We use cross ratios to describe second real continuous bounded cohomology for
locally compact topological groups. We also derive a rigidity result for
cocycles with values in the isometry group of a proper hyperbolic geodesic
metric space.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2005 10:22:19 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508533 | Anatoli Manita | Anatoli Manita and Francois Simonot | On the cascade rollback synchronization | 24 pages, 4 figures | null | null | null | math.PR cs.DC | null | We consider a cascade model of $N$ different processors performing a
distributed parallel simulation. The main goal of the study is to show that the
long-time dynamics of the system has a cluster behavior. To attack this problem
we combine two methods: stochastic comparison and Foster-Lyapunov functions.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2005 11:19:44 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508536 | Ryszard Rubinsztein L | Ryszard L. Rubinsztein | Topological Quandles and Invariants of Links | 18 pages, 8 figures | null | null | null | math.GT math.AT | null | We introduce a notion of topological quandle. Given a topological quandle $Q$
we associate to every classical link $L$ in $\R ^3$ an invariant $J_Q(L)$ which
is a topological space (defined up to a homeomorphism). The space $J_Q(L)$ can
be interpreted as a space of colourings of a diagram of the link $L$ with
colours from the quandle $Q$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2005 14:55:08 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Ryszard L.",
] |
math/0508539 | Johannes Tausch | Johannes Tausch | A spectral method for integral formulations of medium-frequency
scattering problems | 20 pages, 4 figures | null | null | null | math.NA | null | A fast method for the computation of layer potentials that arise in acoustic
scattering is introduced. The principal idea is to split the singular kernel
into a smooth and a local part. The potential due to the smooth part is
computed efficiently using non-equispaced FFTs, the potential due to the local
part is expanded as a series in the mollification parameter. The complexity of
the approach is shown to be $O(n + \kappa^3 \log \kappa)$, where $n$ is the
number of degrees of freedom in the discretization and $\kappa$ is the wave
number. The constant factor in this asymptotic estimate is small since no
singular surface integrals must be computed. Therefore the method is
particularly efficient for medium-sized scatterers (50-100 wavelengths) that
may have complicated geometry
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2005 20:29:55 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508540 | Alberto Verjovsky | Gabriela Hinojosa, Alberto Verjovsky | Homogeneity of dynamically defined wild knots | Accepted in Revista Matematica Complutense | null | null | null | math.GT | null | In this paper we prove that a wild knot $K$ which is the limit set of a
Kleinian group acting conformally on the unit 3-sphere, with its standard
metric, is homogeneous: given two points $p, q\in{K}$ there exists a
homeomorphism $f$ of the sphere such that $f(K)=K$ and $f(p)=q$. We also show
that if the wild knot is a fibered knot then we can choose an $f$ which
preserves the fibers.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2005 21:04:15 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508541 | Richard Hain | Richard Hain | Finiteness and Torelli Spaces | 14 pages. To appear in a book to be edited by Benson Farb containing
open problems on mapping class groups | null | null | null | math.GT math.AG | null | Torelli space (in genus g) is the moduli space of compact Riemann surfaces of
genus g together with a symplectic basis of their first homology group. It is
the quotient of the genus g Teichmuller space by the Torelli group T_g and is a
model of the classifying space of T_g. It is known that almost all T_g are not
finite complexes. The goal of this note is to present a suite of problems
designed to probe the infinite topology of Torelli spaces. Some background is
given and a few new results are proved.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Aug 2005 21:30:24 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508542 | Matyas Barczy | Matyas Barczy and Gyula Pap | Connection between deriving bridges and radial parts from
multidimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes | 12 pages, To appear in Periodica Mathematica Hungarica | Periodica Mathematica Hungarica Vol. 50 (1-2), 2005, 47-60 | null | null | math.PR | null | First we give a construction of bridges derived from a general Markov process
using only its transition densities. We give sufficient conditions for their
existence and uniqueness (in law). Then we prove that the law of the radial
part of the bridge with endpoints zero derived from a special multidimensional
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process equals the law of the bridge with endpoints zero
derived from the radial part of the same Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. We also
construct bridges derived from general multidimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 27 Aug 2005 08:46:38 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508543 | Detlef Mueller | Detlef M\"uller, Marco M. Peloso and Fulvio Ricci | L^p-spectral multipliers for the Hodge Laplacian acting on 1-forms on
the Heisenberg group | 34 pages | null | null | null | math.CA math.AP | null | We prove that, if \Delta_1 is the Hodge Laplacian acting on differential
1-forms on the (2n+1)-dimensional Heisenberg group, and if m is a
Mihlin-H\"ormander multiplier on the positive half-line, with L^2-order of
smoothness greater than n+1/2, then m(\Delta_1) is L^p-bounded for 1<p<\infty.
Our approach leads to an explicit description of the spectral decomposition of
\Delta_1 on the space of L^2-forms in terms of the spectral analysis of the
sub-Laplacian L and the central derivative T, acting on scalar-valued
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 27 Aug 2005 09:36:47 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Marco M.",
] |
math/0508545 | Mukul Patel | Mukul S. Patel | Noncommmutative Gelfand Duality for not necessarily unital
$C^*$-algebras, Jordan Canonical form, and the existence of invariant
subspaces | Under consideration for publication by Electronic Reasearch
Announcements of the AMS | null | null | null | math.FA math.OA | null | Gelfand-Naimark duality (Commutative $C^*$-algebras $\equiv$ Locally compact
Hausdorff spaces) is extended to $C^*$-algebras $\equiv$ Quotient maps on
locally compact Hausdorff spaces. Using this duality, we give for an
\emph{arbitrary} bounded operator on a complex Hilbert space of several
dimensions, a functional calculus and the existence theorem for nontrivial
invariant subspace.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 27 Aug 2005 11:09:02 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Mukul S.",
] |
math/0508546 | Hao Pan | Hao Pan | Arithmetic properties of q-Fibonacci numbers and q-Pell numbers | 12 pages | null | null | null | math.CO math.NT | null | We investigate some arithmetic properties of the q-Fibonacci numbers and the
q-Pell numbers.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 27 Aug 2005 13:46:31 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 31 Aug 2005 13:42:24 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508547 | Luis Dieulefait | Luis Dieulefait | On the level p weight 2 case of Serre's conjecture | null | null | null | null | math.NT | null | This brief note only contains a modest contribution: we just fix some
inaccuracies in the proof of the prime level weight 2 case of Serre's
conjecture given in Khare's preprint "On Serre's modularity conjecture for
2-dimensional mod p representations of G_Q unramified outside p", for the case
of trivial character. More precisely, the modularity lifting result needed at a
crucial step is the one for the case of a deformation corresponding to a
$p$-adic semistable (in the sense of Fontaine) Galois representation attached
to a semistable abelian variety, but in Khare's preprint it is applied a lemma
only valid for potentially crystalline representations. The completion is easy:
both the modularity lifting result applied in Khare's preprint (the one for the
case of an abelian variety with potentially good reduction) and the one we need
(the one for an abelian variety with bad semistable reduction) can be found in
my paper "Modularity of abelian surfaces with Quaternionic Multiplication"
(2002): they follow easily from a combination of modularity liftings results a
la Wiles and other arguments.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 27 Aug 2005 13:43:11 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 30 Aug 2005 18:57:32 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508548 | Paolo Lipparini | Paolo Lipparini | A congruence identity satisfied by m-permutable varieties | 6 pages | null | null | null | math.GM | null | We present a new and useful congruence identity satisfied by m-permutable
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 27 Aug 2005 22:17:22 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508555 | Yukinobu Toda | Yukinobu Toda | Hilbert schemes of points via McKay correspondences | This paper has been withdrawn | null | null | null | math.AG | null | The results of this paper were already known.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 2005 19:52:38 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 31 Aug 2005 22:13:36 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508557 | Kursat Aker | Kursat Aker | Almost Regular Bundles on del Pezzo Fibrations | null | null | null | null | math.AG | null | This paper is devoted to the study of a certain class of principal bundles on
del Pezzo surfaces, which were introduced and studied by Friedman and Morgan in
\cite{FMdP}: The two authors showed that there exists a unique principal bundle
(up to isomorphism) on a given (Gorenstein) del Pezzo surface satisfying
certain properties. We call these bundles {\em almost regular}. In turn, we
study them in families. In this case, the existence and the moduli of these
bundles are governed by the cohomology groups of an abelian sheaf ${\mathscr
A}$: On a given del Pezzo fibration, the existence of an almost regular bundle
depends on the vanishing of an obstruction class in $H^2({\mathscr A})$. In
which case, the set of isomorphism classes of almost regular bundles become a
homogeneous space under the $H^1({\mathscr A})$ action.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 2005 10:16:08 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508558 | Alberto Elduque | Alberto Elduque and Susumu Okubo | Lie algebras with S4-action and structurable algebras | 24 pages | null | null | null | math.RA | null | The normal symmetric triality algebras (STA's) and the normal Lie related
triple algebras (LRTA's) have been recently introduced by the second author, in
connection with the principle of triality. It turns out that the unital normal
LRTA's are precisely the structurable algebras extensively studied by Allison.
It will be shown that the normal STA's (respectively LRTA's) are the algebras
that coordinatize those Lie algebras whose automorphism group contains a copy
of the alternating (resp. symmetric) group of degree 4.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 2005 10:18:44 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508559 | Jean-Philippe Mandallena | Omar Anza Hafsa and Jean-Philippe Mandallena | Relaxation theorems in nonlinear elasticity | null | null | null | null | math.CA | null | Relaxation theorems which apply to one, two and three-dimensional nonlinear
elasticity are proved. We take into account the fact an infinite amount of
energy is required to compress a finite line, surface or volume into zero line,
surface or volume. However, we do not prevent orientation reversal.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 2005 10:22:43 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 30 Aug 2005 11:50:10 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Fri, 2 Jun 2006 20:01:49 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
"Omar Anza",
] |
math/0508560 | Ulrich Bunke | Ulrich Bunke and Robert Waldmueller | Analysis on Symmetric and Locally Symmetric Spaces (Multiplicities,
Cohomology and Zeta functions) | 11 pages, Notes of a course given at the Summer School "Algebraic
Groups" in Goettingen, June 27 - July 15 | null | null | null | math.RT math.DG | null | The goal of the course was a review of results mainly due to M. Olbrich and
the first author. We consider a discrete cocompact subgroup $\Gamma$ of a
semisimple Lie group $G$. We relate the group cohomology of $\Gamma$ with
coefficients in the maximal globalization of a representation of $G$ with the
multiplicities of unitary representations of $G$ in $L^2(G/\Gamma)$. Explicit
calculations are given in the case $G=SL(2,R)$. In the rank-one case we state a
version of the Selberg trace formula, discuss the singularities of the Selberg
zeta-functions, and state their relation with the cohomology of $\Gamma$ in
principal series representations.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 2005 10:53:31 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508561 | Thomas Eckl | Thomas Eckl | Seshadri constants via Lelong numbers | 12 pages; improved exposition and new results related to Nagata's
Conjecture | null | null | null | math.AG | null | One of Demailly's characterizations of Seshadri constants on ample line
bundles works with Lelong numbers of certain positive singular hermitian
metrics. In this note sections of multiples of the line bundle are used to
produce such metrics and then to deduce another formula for Seshadri constants.
It is applied to compute Seshadri constants on blown up products of curves, to
disprove a conjectured characterization of maximal rationally connected
quotients and to introduce a new approach to Nagata's conjecture.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 2005 10:57:06 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 23 Dec 2005 13:59:53 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508562 | Gabriele Link | Gabriele Link | Geometry and Dynamics of Discrete Isometry Groups of Higher Rank
Symmetric Spaces | 25 pages | null | null | null | math.DG math.GR | null | For real hyperbolic spaces, the dynamics of individual isometries and the
geometry of the limit set of nonelementary discrete isometry groups have been
studied in great detail. Most of the results were generalised to discrete
isometry groups of simply connected Riemannian manifolds of pinched negative
curvature. For symmetric spaces of higher rank, which contain isometrically
embedded Euclidean planes, the situation becomes far more complicated. This
paper is devoted to the study of the geometric limit set of ``nonelementary''
discrete isometry groups of higher rank symmetric spaces. We obtain the natural
generalisations of some well-known results from Kleinian group theory. Our main
tool consists in a detailed description of the dynamics of individual
isometries. As a by-product, we give a new geometric construction of free
isometry groups with parabolic elements in higher rank symmetric spaces.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 2005 11:04:44 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508564 | Anna Karczewska | Piotr Rozmej and Anna Karczewska | Numerical solutions to integrodifferential equations which interpolate
heat and wave equations | 15 pages, 5 figures. Extended version of the talk given by P.R. at
Second International Conference of Applied Mathematics, Plovdiv, Bulgaria,
August 12-18, 2005 | International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications
Vol. 10, No 1 (2005) 15-27. | null | null | math.NA math.PR | null | In the paper we study some numerical solutions to Volterra equations which
interpolate heat and wave equations. We present a scheme for construction of
approximate numerical solutions for one and two spatial dimensions. Some
solutions to the stochastic version of such equations (for one spatial
dimension) are presented as well.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 2005 13:47:43 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508566 | Bojan Magajna | Bojan Magajna | Injective cogenerators among operator bimodules | 21 pages | null | null | null | math.OA math.FA | null | Given C$^*$-algebras $A$ and $B$ acting cyclically on Hilbert spaces $\h$ and
$\k$, respectively, we characterize completely isometric $A,B$-bimodule maps
from $\bkh$ into operator $A,B$-bimodules. We determine cogenerators in some
classes of operator bimodules. For an injective cogenerator $X$ in a suitable
category of operator $A,B$-bimodules we show: if $A$, regarded as a
C$^*$-subalgebra of $\al(X)$ (adjointable left multipliers on $X$), is equal to
its relative double commutant in $\al(X)$, then $A$ must be a W$^*$-algebra.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 2005 14:18:35 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508567 | Evgeny Korotyaev | Andrei Badanin, Jochen Br\"uning, Evgeny Korotyaev | The Lyapunov function for Schr\"odinger operators with a periodic 2x2
matrix potential | null | null | null | null | math.SP math-ph math.MP | null | We consider the Schr\"odinger operator on the real line with a 2x2 matrix
valued 1-periodic potential. The spectrum of this operator is absolutely
continuous and consists of intervals separated by gaps. We define a Lyapunov
function which is analytic on a two sheeted Riemann surface. On each sheet, the
Lyapunov function has the same properties as in the scalar case, but it has
branch points, which we call resonances. We prove the existence of real as well
as non-real resonances for specific potentials. We determine the asymptotics of
the periodic and anti-periodic spectrum and of the resonances at high energy.
We show that there exist two type of gaps: 1) stable gaps, where the endpoints
are periodic and anti-periodic eigenvalues, 2) unstable (resonance) gaps, where
the endpoints are resonances (i.e., real branch points of the Lyapunov
function). We also show that periodic and anti-periodic spectrum together
determine the spectrum of the matrix Hill operator.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 2005 14:22:36 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508569 | Andrew Raich | Andrew Raich | One-Parameter Families of Operators in $\mathbb{C}$ | v2: 18 pages. AMS-LaTeX. Updated references, numerous errors/typos
fixed | J. Geom. Anal., 16(2):353-374, 2006 | null | null | math.CV | null | We develop classes of one-parameter families (OPF) of operators on
$C^\infty_c(\mathbb{C})$ which characterize the behavior of operators
associated to the $\bar\partial$-problem in $L^2(\mathbb{C},e^{-2p})$ where $p$
is a subharmonic, nonharmonic polynomial. We prove that an order 0 OPF operator
extends to a bounded operator from $L^q(\mathbb{C})$ to itself, $1<q<\infty$,
with a bound that depends on $q$ and the degree of $p$ but not on the parameter
$\tau$ or the coefficients of $p$. Last, we show that there is a one-to-one
correspondence given by the partial Fourier transform in $\tau$ between OPF
operators of order $m\leq 2$ and nonisotropic smoothing (NIS) operators of
order $m\leq 2$ on polynomial models in $\mathbb{C}^2$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 2005 14:44:12 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 30 Jun 2006 15:43:54 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508570 | Sergey Kitaev | Sergey Kitaev and Jeffrey Remmel | Classifying Descents According to Parity | 22 pages | null | null | null | math.CO | null | In this paper we refine the well-known permutation statistic "descent" by
fixing parity of (exactly) one of the descent's numbers. We provide explicit
formulas for the distribution of these (four) new statistics. We use certain
differential operators to obtain the formulas. Moreover, we discuss connection
of our new statistics to the Genocchi numbers. We also provide bijective proofs
of some of our results.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 2005 15:18:43 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
math/0508574 | Wilhelm Schlag | Joachim Krieger, Wilhelm Schlag | On the focusing critical semi-linear wave equation | In this new version some typos have been fixed | null | null | null | math.AP math-ph math.MP | null | The focusing critical wave equation in three dimensions exhibits a special
class of static solutions which are linearly unstable. These solutions decay
like an inverse first power. We construct small codimension one stable
manifolds in the class of radial perturbations for these static solutions. We
show that initial data on this manifold lead to global solutions. Moreover, the
long-time behavior of these solutions can be described explicitly. In
particular, the family of static solutions acts as an attractor for these
solutions. On a technical level, we remark that the linearized operator
exhibits a zero energy resonance, and we develop the tools needed for that
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 2005 17:10:19 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 7 Sep 2005 20:44:10 GMT"
] | 2007-05-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
Subsets and Splits